{"source_code": "// codeforces 224A\nobject Parallelipiped extends App {\n val ss = (Console.readLine.split(\" \")) map (_.toInt)\n val sxy = ss(0)\n val syz = ss(1)\n val sxz = ss(2)\n \n def lxyz():Int = {\n val vars = for {\n x <- 1 to 10000\n if sxy % x == 0\n val y = sxy / x\n if syz % y == 0\n val z = syz / y\n if x*z == sxz \n } yield (x + y + z)\n vars(0) * 4\n }\n \n println(lxyz())\n}", "positive_code": [{"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\nimport java.io.PrintWriter\nimport scala.annotation.tailrec\nimport scala.collection.mutable\nimport scala.util.Random\n\nobject P224A extends App {\n val sc = new Scanner(System.in)\n val out = new PrintWriter(System.out)\n\n val X, Y, Z = sc.nextLong\n\n val xyz = math.sqrt(X * Y * Z).round\n\n val a = xyz / X\n val b = xyz / Y\n val c = xyz / Z\n\n val answer = 4 * (a + b + c)\n\n out.println(answer)\n out.close\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import java.io._\nimport java.util.Locale\nimport scala.annotation.tailrec\n\nobject Easy {\n val reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in))\n def readInt = reader.readLine().toInt\n def readInts = reader.readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n def readLongs = reader.readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toLong)\n\n val Array(ab, bc, ac) = readInts\n def intStream(i: Int): Stream[Int] = i #:: intStream(i + 1)\n def a = intStream(1).filter(ab % _ == 0).filter(ac % _ == 0)\n def ans = a.filter(a => ab / a * ac / a == bc).head\n\n def main(a: Array[String]) {\n println(4 * (ans + ab / ans + ac / ans))\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object test5 extends App {\n val Array(x,y,z)=readLine.split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n for(a<-1 to x if x%a==0)\n {\n\t\tval b=x/a\n\t\tif(y%a==0)\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tval c=y/a\n\t\t\tif(b*c==z)\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tprintln((a+b+c)*4)\n\t\t\t\texit\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n }\n} \n\n/*\na*b=x\n\na*c=y && b*c=z ||\nb*c=y && a*c=z\n*/"}, {"source_code": "object Main {\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val ss = readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt).sorted\n val s1 = ss(0)\n val s2 = ss(1)\n val s3 = ss(2)\n \n val ls0 = for {\n i <- 1 to s1\n j = (s1 / i).toInt\n if i * j == s1\n } yield(i, j)\n val ls = for {\n (i, j) <- ls0\n k = (ss(1) / i).toInt\n if i * k == s2\n if j * k == s3\n } yield(i, j, k)\n println((ls(0)._1 + ls(0)._2 + ls(0)._3) * 4)\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "import collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer\nimport java.io.InputStreamReader\nimport java.io.BufferedReader\nimport scala.collection.JavaConversions._\n\n\nobject CodeForces138_1 {\n\n val in = System.in\n val out = System.out\n\n def grabData {\n val reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in))\n //val array = new ArrayBuffer[]()\n var line = reader.readLine()\n while(line != null) {\n\n line = reader.readLine()\n }\n //array\n }\n\n def grabData2 = {\n val reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in))\n val line = reader.readLine()\n line.split(' ').toSeq.map(_.toInt)\n }\n\n\n\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val sses = grabData2\n val s1:Double = sses(0)\n val s2:Double = sses(1)\n val s3:Double = sses(2)\n val c = Math.sqrt(s2*s3/s1)\n val a = s3/c\n val b = s2/c\n out.print(((c+a+b)*4).toInt)\n }\n\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object A {\n def main(args : Array[String]) : Unit = {\n val Array(x, y, z) = readLine.split(\" \").map(s => s toInt);\n\n def side(x : Int, y : Int, z : Int) : Double = {\n scala.math.sqrt(x * y / z)\n }\n\n val sm = side(x, y, z) + side(y, z, x) + side(z, x, y)\n\n println((4 * sm) toInt)\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import java.util.StringTokenizer\n\nobject _224A extends App {\n var token = new StringTokenizer(\"\")\n\n def next = {\n while (!token.hasMoreTokens()) token = new StringTokenizer(readLine)\n token.nextToken()\n }\n\n val a = next.toInt\n val b = next.toInt\n val c = next.toInt\n val cb = a.toLong * b * c\n val wb = Math.sqrt(cb).round\n val zb = (for {\n i <- (wb - 10) to (wb + 10)\n if (i > 0)\n if (i * i == cb)\n } yield i).head\n\n val t = zb / a\n val tt = zb / b\n val ttt = zb / c\n println(4 * (t + tt + ttt))\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object Solution extends App {\n val in = scala.io.Source.stdin.getLines()\n val Array(x1, x2, x3) = in.next().split(' ').map(_.toInt)\n\n def findSolution(x1: Int, x2: Int, x3: Int) = {\n (1 to x1).collectFirst {\n case a if x3 == x2 / a * x1 / a =>\n (a, x2 / a, x1 / a)\n case a if x2 == x3 / a * x1 / a =>\n (a, x3 / a, x1 / a)\n }\n }\n\n println(findSolution(x1, x2, x3).map(i => 4 * (i._1 + i._2 + i._3)).get)\n\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object A224 {\n\n import IO._\n import collection.{mutable => cu}\n def gcd(a: Long, b: Long): Long = {\n if(b == 0) a else gcd(b, a%b)\n }\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val in = readLongs(3).sorted\n var break = false\n for(i <- 1 to in.min.toInt if !break) {\n val a = i\n val b = in(0)/a\n val c = in(2)/a\n if(b*c == in(1)) {\n println(4 * (a + b + c))\n break = true\n }\n }\n }\n\n object IO {\n @inline def read: String = scala.io.StdIn.readLine\n\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(read)\n\n def readInts(n: Int): Array[Int] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine;\n Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt)\n }\n\n def readLongs(n: Int): Array[Long] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine;\n Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong)\n }\n\n def readBigs(n: Int): Array[BigInt] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine;\n Array.fill(n)(BigInt(tl.nextToken))\n }\n }\n\n}\n"}], "negative_code": [{"source_code": "object A224 {\n\n import IO._\n import collection.{mutable => cu}\n def gcd(a: Long, b: Long): Long = {\n if(b == 0) a else gcd(b, a%b)\n }\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val in = readLongs(3)\n var break = false\n for(i <- 1 to in.min.toInt if !break) {\n val a = i\n val b = in(0)/a\n val c = in(2)/a\n if(b*c == in(1)) {\n println(4 * (a + b + c))\n break = true\n }\n }\n }\n\n object IO {\n @inline def read: String = scala.io.StdIn.readLine\n\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(read)\n\n def readInts(n: Int): Array[Int] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine;\n Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt)\n }\n\n def readLongs(n: Int): Array[Long] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine;\n Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong)\n }\n\n def readBigs(n: Int): Array[BigInt] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine;\n Array.fill(n)(BigInt(tl.nextToken))\n }\n }\n\n}\n"}], "src_uid": "c0a3290be3b87f3a232ec19d4639fefc"} {"source_code": "import scala.collection.mutable._\nimport scala.math._\nimport scala.util.control.Breaks.break\nimport scala.util.control.Breaks.breakable\nimport java.util._\nobject Main extends App {\n val sc = new Scanner(System.in)\n def gcd(a: Int, b: Int): Int = if(b == 0) a else gcd(b, a%b)\n var t = Array[Int](sc.nextInt,sc.nextInt)\n var n = sc.nextInt\n def sim(s: Int): Int = {\n val g = gcd(n,t(s))\n val ns = (s+1)%2\n if(n < g) ns\n else { n-=g; sim(ns) }\n }\n println(sim(0))\n}\n", "positive_code": [{"source_code": "import scala.util.Sorting\nimport scala.io.StdIn\n\nobject App {\n\n\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n\n val Array(a, b, n) = StdIn.readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n\n val A:Array[Int] = Array(a,b)\n var cur = 0\n var curn = n\n while(gcd(curn,A(cur)) <= curn) {\n curn-=gcd(curn,A(cur));\n if(cur == 0) {\n cur = 1\n } else {\n cur = 0\n }\n }\n if(cur == 0) {\n cur = 1\n } else {\n cur = 0\n }\n print(cur)\n\n\n def gcd(x:Int, y:Int):Int = {\n if(x % y == 0)\n y\n else\n gcd( y % x, x)\n }\n\n }\n\n\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\n\nobject TEST extends App {\n val a : Array[Int] = readLine.split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n\n def gcd(x: Int, y: Int): Int = if(y==0) x else gcd(y,x%y)\n\n def play(state :Int,n: Int):Int =if(n==0) state^1 else play(state^1,n-gcd(n,a(state)))\n\n print(play(0,a(2)))\n}"}, {"source_code": "import scala.annotation.tailrec\nobject Main {\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n @tailrec\n def gcd(x:Int,y:Int):Int= y match{\n case 0 => return x;\n case _ => return gcd(y,x%y);\n }\n var fix = readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n @tailrec\n def rec(t:Int,n:Int):Int= n match{\n case _ if gcd(fix(t),n)>n => return 1-t;\n case _ => return rec(1-t,n-gcd(fix(t),n))\n }\n println(rec(0,fix(2)))\n }\n\n}"}, {"source_code": "import scala.annotation.tailrec\nobject Main {\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n @tailrec\n def gcd(x:Int,y:Int):Int={\n if(y==0)return x;\n return gcd(y,x%y);\n }\n var fix = readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n @tailrec\n def rec(t:Int,n:Int):Int={\n val req = gcd(fix(t),n)\n if(req>n)return 1-t;\n return rec(1-t,n-req)\n }\n println(rec(0,fix(2)))\n }\n\n}"}, {"source_code": "import scala.collection.immutable.Nil\n\nobject A00119 extends App {\n def parseInt(str: String, count: Int): Seq[Int] = {\n val scanner = new java.util.Scanner(str)\n val res = (1 to count) map (_ => scanner.nextInt())\n scanner.close()\n res\n }\n def scanInts(count: Int): Seq[Int] = parseInt(Console.readLine, count)\n def readMatrix(row: Int, col: Int) = (1 to row) map (x => scanInts(col))\n\n def oneIntLine = {\n val Seq(count) = parseInt(Console.readLine(), 1);\n count\n }\n \n def gcd(a: Int, b: Int): Int = if (b == 0) a else gcd(b, a % b)\n \n def nextVals(x: (Int, Int, Int)): (Int, Int, Int) =\n if (x._3 == 0) null\n else (x._2, x._1, x._3 - gcd(x._1, x._3))\n \n def valStream(x: (Int, Int, Int)): Stream[(Int, Int, Int)] = {\n val n = nextVals(x)\n if (n == null) Stream.Empty\n else x #:: valStream(n)\n }\n\n val Seq(a, b, n) = readMatrix(1, 3).head\n\n println((valStream((a, b, n)).length - 1) % 2)\n \n \n \n}"}, {"source_code": "object Main {\n\n def gcd(x: Int, y: Int): Int = {\n var a = x; var b = y\n while (b > 0) {\n a %= b\n val k = a\n a = b\n b = k\n }\n return a\n } \n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n var Array(a, b, n) = readLine split \" \" map(_.toInt)\n var cur = 1\n while (n > 0) {\n val k = if (cur == 1) a else b\n n -= gcd(k, n)\n cur += 1;\n cur %= 2 \n }\n\n println (cur)\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "\nobject One19A extends App {\n\n\tval Array(a, b, n) = readLine.split(' ').map(_.toInt)\n\n\tdef recursive(tog: Boolean, left: Int): Boolean = if (tog) {\n\t\tval cal = left - gcd(a, left)\n\t\tif (cal >= 0) recursive(!tog, cal) else tog\n\t} else {\n\t\tval cal = left - gcd(b, left)\n\t\tif (cal >= 0) recursive(!tog, cal) else tog\n\t}\n\n\tdef gcd(a: Int, b: Int): Int = if (a == 0) b else gcd(b % a, a)\n\n\tif (recursive(true, n)) {\n\t\tprintln(1)\n\t} else {\n\t\tprintln(0)\n\t}\n}"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn\n\nobject Main extends App {\n val str = StdIn.readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n val a = str(0)\n val b = str(1)\n var n = str(2)\n var moveCount = 0\n\n def gcd(a: Int, b: Int): Int =\n if (b == 0) a else gcd(b, a % b)\n\n while(n >= 0) {\n if (moveCount == 0) {\n val move = gcd(a, n)\n n = n - move\n moveCount = 1\n } else {\n val move = gcd(b, n)\n n = n - move\n moveCount = 0\n }\n }\n\n if (moveCount == 1) println(1)\n else println(0)\n}"}, {"source_code": "object Solutuin119A extends App {\n\n\n def norm(a: Int, b: Int): (Int, Int) = (scala.math.min(a,b), scala.math.max(a, b))\n\n def gcd(a: Int, b: Int): Int = {\n val n = norm(a, b)\n n._2 % n._1 match {\n case 0 => n._1\n case m => gcd(m, n._1)\n }\n }\n\n def solution() {\n val a = _int\n val b = _int\n val n = _int\n val qqq = Map(0 -> a, 1 -> b)\n\n def wins(n: Int, turn: Int): Int = n match {\n case 0 => (turn + 1) % 2\n case _ => wins(n - gcd(n, qqq(turn)), (turn + 1) % 2)\n }\n\n println(wins(n, 0))\n }\n\n //////////////////////////////////////////////////\n import java.util.Scanner\n val SC: Scanner = new Scanner(System.in)\n def _line: String = SC.nextLine\n def _int: Int = SC.nextInt\n def _long: Long = SC.nextLong\n def _string: String = SC.next\n solution()\n}"}, {"source_code": "object Solution extends App{\n def gcd(a: Int, b: Int): Int = {\n if(b == 0) a else gcd(b, a % b)\n }\n\n val in = scala.io.Source.stdin.getLines()\n var Array(a, b, n) = in.next().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n var count = 0\n var take = gcd(a, n)\n while (n > take) {\n n -= take\n count += 1\n if (count % 2 == 1)\n take = gcd(b, n)\n else\n take = gcd(a, n)\n }\n println(count % 2)\n}"}, {"source_code": "import scala.collection.JavaConversions._\nimport scala.collection.mutable.ArraySeq\n\nobject Codeforces119A {\n def gcd(a: Int,b: Int): Int = {\n if(b ==0) a else gcd(b, a%b)\n }\n\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val arr: ArraySeq[Int] = scala.io.StdIn.readLine().split(\" \").map(Integer.parseInt)\n var currentPlayer = 0 // Simon\n var g: Int = 0\n while (arr(2) >= 0) {\n g = gcd(arr(currentPlayer), arr(2))\n if (arr(2) < g) {\n println(1-currentPlayer)\n return\n }\n else {\n arr(2) -= g\n currentPlayer = 1 - currentPlayer\n }\n }\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "object A119 {\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(scala.io.StdIn.readLine)\n\n def readInts(n: Int) = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt)\n }\n\n def readLongs(n: Int) = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong)\n }\n\n def readBigs(n: Int) = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(BigInt(tl.nextToken))\n }\n\n def gcd(a: Int, b: Int): Int = if(b==0) a else gcd(b, a%b)\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n var Array(a, b, n) = readInts(3)\n val arr = Array(a, b)\n var player = 0\n while(n > 0) {\n val gc = gcd(arr(player), n)\n n -= gc\n player = 1-player\n }\n println(1-player)\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\nimport java.io.PrintWriter\nimport scala.annotation.tailrec\nimport scala.collection.mutable\nimport scala.util.Random\n\nobject P119A extends App {\n val sc = new Scanner(System.in)\n val out = new PrintWriter(System.out)\n\n val A, B, N = sc.nextInt\n\n @tailrec\n def euclid(a: Int, b: Int): Int =\n if (b == 0) a\n else euclid(b, a % b)\n\n def gcd(a: Int, b: Int): Int =\n if (a > b) euclid(a, b)\n else euclid(b, a)\n\n def antisimon(x: Int): Int = {\n val r = gcd(x, B)\n if (x < r) 0\n else simon(x - r)\n }\n\n def simon(x: Int): Int = {\n val r = gcd(x, A)\n if (x < r) 1\n else antisimon(x - r)\n }\n\n val solve: Int = simon(N)\n\n out.println(solve)\n out.close\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "\n\nobject EpicGame {\n\tdef main (args: Array[String]) {\n\t\tval scanner = new java.util.Scanner(System.in);\n\t\tval a = scanner.nextInt();\n\t\tval b = scanner.nextInt();\n\t\tvar n = scanner.nextInt();\n\t\tvar turn = 0 // 0 for Simon's turn\n\t\twhile (n > 0) {\n\t\t n -= gcd(n, if (turn == 0) a else b)\n\t\t turn = 1 - turn\n\t\t}\n\t\tprint(1 - turn)\n\t}\n\t\n\tdef gcd (x: Int, y: Int) : Int = {\n\t if (x > y) {\n\t gcd(x - y, y)\n\t }\n\t else {\n\t if (x == y) {\n\t x\n\t }\n\t else {\n\t gcd (x, y - x)\n\t }\n\t }\n\t \n\t}\n}"}, {"source_code": "object Codeforces119A extends App{\n\n def GCDFind(first:Int,second:Int):Int={\n var a:Int=first\n var b:Int=second\n var temp:Int=0\n if (b>a){\n temp=a\n a=b\n b=temp\n }\n temp=b\n while((a%temp!=0)||(b%temp!=0)){\n temp=a-(a/b)*b\n a=b\n b=temp\n }\n return temp\n }\n\n def EpicGame(simon:Int,antisimon:Int,totalstone:Int):Int={\n var currentstone:Int=totalstone\n var temp:Int=0\n while(currentstone!=0){\n temp=GCDFind(simon,currentstone)\n currentstone = currentstone-temp\n if (currentstone==0){\n return 0\n }\n temp=GCDFind(antisimon,currentstone)\n currentstone = currentstone-temp\n if (currentstone==0){\n return 1\n }\n }\n return 1\n }\n val oldgroup=scala.io.StdIn.readLine.split(\" \")\n var ingroup=oldgroup.map(_.toInt)\n println(EpicGame(ingroup(0),ingroup(1),ingroup(2)))\n\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import java.io._\nimport scala.annotation.tailrec\n\nobject Easy {\n val reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in))\n def readInt = reader.readLine().toInt\n def readInts = reader.readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n\n @tailrec\n def gcd(a: Int, b: Int): Int = if(b == 0) a else gcd(b, a % b)\n\n @tailrec\n def ans(a: Array[Int], i: Int, n: Int): Int = if(n == 0) 1 - i else ans(a, (i + 1) % 2, n - gcd(n, a(i)))\n\n def main(a: Array[String]) {\n val a = readInts\n println(ans(a, 0, a(2)))\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object Main {\n def gcd(a: Int, b: Int): Int = \n if (a % b == 0) b\n else gcd(b, a % b)\n\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val arr = readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n val a = arr(0)\n val b = arr(1)\n var n = arr(2)\n var turn = 1\n while (n != 0) { \n if (turn == 1) {\n n -= gcd(n, a)\n turn = 0\n } else {\n n -= gcd(n, b)\n turn = 1\n }\n }\n println(turn)\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\n\nobject CF119A {\n def gcd(a:Int,b:Int):Int = b match{\n case 0=> a\n case b=> gcd(b,a%b)\n }\n \n def main(args: Array[String]){\n val sc:Scanner = new Scanner(System.in)\n val a = sc.nextInt; val b = sc.nextInt; var s = sc.nextInt\n var turn = 0\n while(gcd(if (turn==0) a else b,s) <= s){\n s -= gcd(if (turn==0) a else b,s)\n turn = (turn+1)%2\n }\n turn = (turn+1)%2\n println(turn);\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn.readLine\n\n/**\n * @author slie742\n */\nobject EpicGame {\n \n def gcd(a: Int,b:Int) : Int = {\n b match {\n case 0 => a\n case _ => gcd(b,a%b)\n }\n }\n \n def solve(a: Int, b: Int, n:Int) : Int = {\n def go(rem: Int, turn: Int) : Int = turn match {\n case 0 => if (rem < gcd(a,rem)) 1\n else go(rem - gcd(a,rem),1)\n case _ => if (rem < gcd(b,rem)) 0\n else go(rem - gcd(b,rem),0) \n } \n go(n,0)\n }\n \n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val line = readLine.split(' ').map(_.toInt)\n println(solve(line(0),line(1),line(2)))\n }\n \n}"}], "negative_code": [{"source_code": "import scala.collection.mutable._\nimport scala.math._\nimport scala.util.control.Breaks.break\nimport scala.util.control.Breaks.breakable\nimport java.util._\nobject Main extends App {\n val sc = new Scanner(System.in)\n def gcd(a: Int, b: Int): Int = if(b == 0) a else gcd(b, a%b)\n var t = Array[Int](sc.nextInt,sc.nextInt)\n var n = sc.nextInt\n def sim(s: Int): Int = {\n val g = gcd(n,t(s))\n if(n > g) return (s+1)%2\n else { n-=g; sim((s+1)%2) }\n }\n println(sim(0))\n}\n"}], "src_uid": "0bd6fbb6b0a2e7e5f080a70553149ac2"} {"source_code": "object A extends App {\n\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(readLine)\n def readInts(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt) }\n val as = readInts(3)\n val bs = readInts(3)\n \n val have = (0 to 2).map(i => ((as(i) - bs(i)) / 2) max 0).sum\n val need = (0 to 2).map(i => (bs(i) - as(i)) max 0).sum\n\n println(if (have >= need) \"Yes\" else \"No\")\n}", "positive_code": [{"source_code": "object A{\n //import scala.collection.mutable.PriorityQueue\n //import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer\n import util.control.Breaks._\n import java.io.{PrintWriter,InputStream,BufferedReader,InputStreamReader}\n import java.util.{Locale, Scanner,StringTokenizer}\n class InputReader(val stream:InputStream ) {\n var st:StringTokenizer=new StringTokenizer(\"\")\n val reader=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(stream), 32768);\n\n def next():String = {\n while (!st.hasMoreTokens()){\n val currentLine = reader.readLine\n st=new StringTokenizer(currentLine)\n }\n return st.nextToken\n }\n\n def nextInt():Int = {\n return next.toInt\n }\n\n def nextLong():Long = {\n \treturn next.toLong\n }\n def nextDouble:Double = {\n return next.toDouble\n }\n }\n\n def main(args: Array[String]){\n\n\n val in = new InputReader(System.in)\n val out = new PrintWriter(System.out)\n\n def nextInt = in.nextInt\n def nextLong = in.nextLong\n def nextDouble = in.nextDouble\n def nextString = in.next\n //code starts here\n val has=for(i<-0 until 3) yield nextInt\n val want=for(i<-0 until 3) yield nextInt\n var sum=0\n for(i<-0 until 3){\n if(has(i)>want(i)){\n sum+=(has(i)-want(i))/2\n }else{\n sum+=has(i)-want(i)\n }\n\n }\n if(sum>=0){\n out.print(\"Yes\")\n }else{\n out.print(\"No\")\n }\n\n //code ends here\n out.flush\n out.close\n }\n}\n\n"}, {"source_code": "import io.StdIn._\n\nobject Main{\n def main (args: Array[String]){\n val yes = \"Yes\"\n val no = \"No\"\n\n val Array(a, b, c) = readLine.split(' ').map(_.toInt)\n val Array(x, y, z) = readLine.split(' ').map(_.toInt)\n\n var dif = new Array[Int](3)\n dif(0) = a - x\n dif(1) = b - y\n dif(2) = c - z\n\n var over = 0\n var husoku = 0\n for(i <- 0 to 2){\n if (dif(i) >= 0) over += dif(i) / 2\n else husoku += Math.abs(dif(i))\n }\n\n if(over >= husoku) println(yes)\n else println(no)\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object Solution extends App {\n val in = scala.io.Source.stdin.getLines()\n val r = in.next().split(' ').map(_.toInt).zip(in.next().split(' ').map(_.toInt)).foldLeft(0, 0) {\n case((minus, plus), (have, need)) if need <= have => (minus, plus + (have - need) / 2)\n case((minus, plus), (have, need)) => (minus + need - have, plus)\n }\n if (r._1 > r._2)\n println(\"No\")\n else\n println(\"Yes\")\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object A606 {\n\n import IO._\n import collection.{mutable => cu}\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val Array(a,b,c) = readInts(3)\n val Array(x,y,z) = readInts(3)\n if(solve(a,b,c,x,y,z)) {\n println(\"Yes\")\n } else {\n println(\"No\")\n }\n }\n\n def solve(a: Int, b: Int, c: Int, x: Int, y: Int, z: Int): Boolean = {\n if(x == 0 && y == 0 && z == 0)\n true\n else {\n if (a >= x) {\n solve(b, c, a - x, y, z, 0)\n } else {\n val short = x-a\n if((c-z)/2 > 0) {\n val extra = math.min(short, (c-z)/2)\n solve(a+extra, b, c - extra*2, x, y, z)\n } else if((b-y)/2 > 0) {\n val extra = math.min(short, (b-y)/2)\n solve(a+extra, b - extra*2, c, x, y, z)\n } else {\n false\n }\n }\n }\n }\n\n object IO {\n @inline def read: String = scala.io.StdIn.readLine\n\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(read)\n\n def readInts(n: Int): Array[Int] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine;\n Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt)\n }\n\n def readLongs(n: Int): Array[Long] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine;\n Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong)\n }\n\n def readBigs(n: Int): Array[BigInt] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine;\n Array.fill(n)(BigInt(tl.nextToken))\n }\n }\n\n}\n"}], "negative_code": [{"source_code": "object A606 {\n\n import IO._\n import collection.{mutable => cu}\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val Array(a,b,c) = readInts(3)\n val Array(x,y,z) = readInts(3)\n if(solve(a,b,c,x,y,z)) {\n println(\"Yes\")\n } else {\n println(\"No\")\n }\n }\n\n def solve(a: Int, b: Int, c: Int, x: Int, y: Int, z: Int): Boolean = {\n if(x == 0 && y == 0 && z == 0)\n true\n else {\n if (a >= x) {\n solve(b, c, a - x, y, z, 0)\n } else {\n val short = x-a\n if((b-y)/2 > 0) {\n val extra = (b-y)/2\n solve(a+extra, b - extra*2, c, x, y, z)\n } else if((c-z)/2 > 0) {\n val extra = (c-z)/2\n solve(a+extra, b, c - extra*2, x, y, z)\n } else {\n false\n }\n }\n }\n }\n\n object IO {\n @inline def read: String = scala.io.StdIn.readLine\n\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(read)\n\n def readInts(n: Int): Array[Int] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine;\n Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt)\n }\n\n def readLongs(n: Int): Array[Long] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine;\n Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong)\n }\n\n def readBigs(n: Int): Array[BigInt] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine;\n Array.fill(n)(BigInt(tl.nextToken))\n }\n }\n\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import scala.collection._\n\nobject A extends App {\n\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(readLine)\n def readInts(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt) }\n def readLongs(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong) }\n def readBigs(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(BigInt(tl.nextToken)) }\n\n \n case class X(a: Int, b: Int, c: Int)\n\n val Array(a, b, c) = readInts(3)\n val start = X(a, b, c)\n\n val Array(x, y, z) = readInts(3)\n val goal = X(x, y, z)\n\n val end = System.currentTimeMillis() + 1500\n val visited = mutable.Set.empty[X]\n\n def check(q: X): Unit = {\n //println(q)\n if (!visited(q) && System.currentTimeMillis < end) {\n visited += q\n if (q == goal) {\n println(\"Yes\")\n System.exit(0)\n } else {\n if (q.a > goal.a) {\n check(X(q.a - 2, q.b + 1, q.c))\n check(X(q.a - 2, q.b, q.c + 1))\n }\n if (q.b > goal.b) {\n check(X(q.a + 1, q.b - 2, q.c))\n check(X(q.a, q.b - 2, q.c + 1))\n }\n if (q.c > goal.c) {\n check(X(q.a + 1, q.b, q.c - 2))\n check(X(q.a, q.b + 1, q.c - 2))\n }\n }\n }\n }\n\n check(start)\n \n println(\"No\")\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import scala.collection._\n\nobject A extends App {\n\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(readLine)\n def readInts(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt) }\n def readLongs(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong) }\n def readBigs(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(BigInt(tl.nextToken)) }\n\n \n case class X(a: Int, b: Int, c: Int)\n\n val Array(a, b, c) = readInts(3)\n val start = X(a, b, c)\n\n val Array(x, y, z) = readInts(3)\n val goal = X(x, y, z)\n\n val end = System.currentTimeMillis() + 1500\n val visited = mutable.Set.empty[X]\n\n def check(q: X): Unit = {\n //println(q)\n if (!visited(q) && System.currentTimeMillis < end) {\n visited += q\n if (q.a >= goal.a && q.b >= goal.b && q.c >= goal.c) {\n println(\"Yes\")\n System.exit(0)\n } else {\n if (q.a > goal.a + 2000) {\n check(X(q.a - 1000, q.b + 500, q.c))\n check(X(q.a - 1000, q.b, q.c + 500))\n }\n if (q.b > goal.b + 2000) {\n check(X(q.a + 500, q.b - 1000, q.c))\n check(X(q.a, q.b - 1000, q.c + 500))\n }\n if (q.c > goal.c + 2000) {\n check(X(q.a + 500, q.b, q.c - 1000))\n check(X(q.a, q.b + 500, q.c - 1000))\n }\n if (q.a > goal.a) {\n check(X(q.a - 2, q.b + 1, q.c))\n check(X(q.a - 2, q.b, q.c + 1))\n }\n if (q.b > goal.b) {\n check(X(q.a + 1, q.b - 2, q.c))\n check(X(q.a, q.b - 2, q.c + 1))\n }\n if (q.c > goal.c) {\n check(X(q.a + 1, q.b, q.c - 2))\n check(X(q.a, q.b + 1, q.c - 2))\n }\n }\n }\n }\n\n check(start)\n \n println(\"No\")\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import scala.collection._\n\nobject A extends App {\n\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(readLine)\n def readInts(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt) }\n def readLongs(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong) }\n def readBigs(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(BigInt(tl.nextToken)) }\n\n \n case class X(a: Int, b: Int, c: Int)\n\n val Array(a, b, c) = readInts(3)\n val start = X(a, b, c)\n\n val Array(x, y, z) = readInts(3)\n val goal = X(x, y, z)\n\n val end = System.currentTimeMillis() + 1500\n val visited = mutable.Set.empty[X]\n\n def check(q: X): Unit = {\n //println(q)\n if (!visited(q) && System.currentTimeMillis < end) {\n visited += q\n if (q.a >= goal.a && q.b >= goal.b && q.c >= goal.c) {\n println(\"Yes\")\n System.exit(0)\n } else {\n if (q.a > goal.a + 4000) {\n check(X(q.a - 1000, q.b + 500, q.c))\n check(X(q.a - 1000, q.b, q.c + 500))\n }\n if (q.b > goal.b + 4000) {\n check(X(q.a + 500, q.b - 1000, q.c))\n check(X(q.a, q.b - 1000, q.c + 500))\n }\n if (q.c > goal.c + 4000) {\n check(X(q.a + 500, q.b, q.c - 1000))\n check(X(q.a, q.b + 500, q.c - 1000))\n }\n if (q.a > goal.a) {\n check(X(q.a - 2, q.b + 1, q.c))\n check(X(q.a - 2, q.b, q.c + 1))\n }\n if (q.b > goal.b) {\n check(X(q.a + 1, q.b - 2, q.c))\n check(X(q.a, q.b - 2, q.c + 1))\n }\n if (q.c > goal.c) {\n check(X(q.a + 1, q.b, q.c - 2))\n check(X(q.a, q.b + 1, q.c - 2))\n }\n }\n }\n }\n\n check(start)\n \n println(\"No\")\n}\n"}], "src_uid": "1db4ba9dc1000e26532bb73336cf12c3"} {"source_code": "object E extends App {\n\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(readLine)\n def readInts(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt) }\n\n val Array(n, k) = readInts(2)\n val MOD = 998244353L\n val MODB = BigInt(MOD)\n val TWO = BigInt(2)\n\n val counts = Array.fill(n + 1)(0L)\n var prev = 0L\n for (kh <- 1 to (k min n)) {\n val dp = Array.fill(n + 1, 2)(0L)\n for (i <- 1 to n) {\n if (i <= kh) {\n val pp = TWO.modPow((i min kh) - 1, MODB).toLong\n dp(i)(0) = pp\n dp(i)(1) = pp\n } else {\n var p = 1L\n for (j <- 1 to (i min kh)) {\n dp(i)(0) = (dp(i)(0) + dp(i - j)(1)) % MOD\n dp(i)(1) = (dp(i)(1) + dp(i - j)(0)) % MOD\n p = 2 * p % MOD\n }\n }\n }\n val total = (dp(n)(0) + dp(n)(1)) % MOD\n counts(kh) = (total - prev + MOD) % MOD\n prev = total\n }\n\n var res = 0L\n for (kh <- 1 to n) {\n for (kv <- 1 to n) {\n if (kh * kv < k) res = (res + counts(kh) * counts(kv)) % MOD\n }\n }\n\n println(res * TWO.modInverse(MODB) % MOD)\n}\n", "positive_code": [{"source_code": "object Main {\n import java.io._\n import java.util.StringTokenizer\n\n import scala.collection.mutable\n import scala.util.Sorting\n import math.{abs, max, min}\n import mutable.{ArrayBuffer, ListBuffer}\n import scala.reflect.ClassTag\n\n val MOD = 998244353\n val out = new PrintWriter(System.out)\n\n def solve(): Unit = {\n val sc = new InputReader(System.in)\n val N, K = sc.nextInt()\n val s = System.nanoTime()\n var dp, ndp = Array.ofDim[Int](N + 2, N + 2)\n dp(0)(0) = 1\n rep(N) { i =>\n import java.util\n rep(ndp.length)(i => util.Arrays.fill(ndp(i), 0))\n rep(i + 1) { j =>\n rep(i + 1) { k =>\n ndp(j + 1)(max(k, j + 1)) = (ndp(j + 1)(max(k, j + 1)) + dp(j)(k)) % MOD\n ndp(1)(max(k, 1)) = (ndp(1)(max(k, 1)) + dp(j)(k)) % MOD\n }\n }\n val tmp = dp\n dp = ndp\n ndp = tmp\n }\n\n val cnt = Array.ofDim[Long](N + 1)\n rep(N + 1) { j =>\n rep(N + 1) { k =>\n cnt(k) = (cnt(k) + dp(j)(k)) % MOD\n }\n }\n val cum = Array.ofDim[Long](N + 1)\n cum(0) = cnt(0)\n rep(N){ k =>\n cum(k + 1) = (cum(k + 1) + cum(k) + cnt(k + 1)) % MOD\n }\n\n var ans = 0L\n rep(N, 1) { i =>\n val j = min(N, (K - 1) / i)\n ans = (ans + cnt(i) * cum(j)) % MOD\n }\n\n ans = ans * (MOD + 1) / 2 % MOD\n\n out.println(ans)\n\n val e = System.nanoTime()\n System.err.println(s\"${(e-s)/1000000}\")\n }\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n solve()\n out.flush()\n }\n\n\n class InputReader(val stream: InputStream) {\n private val reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(stream), 32768)\n private var tokenizer: StringTokenizer = _\n\n def next(): String = {\n while (tokenizer == null || !tokenizer.hasMoreTokens)\n tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(reader.readLine)\n tokenizer.nextToken\n }\n\n def nextInt(): Int = next().toInt\n def nextLong(): Long = next().toLong\n def nextChar(): Char = next().charAt(0)\n }\n def rep(n: Int, offset: Int = 0)(f: Int => Unit): Unit = {\n var i = offset\n val N = n + offset\n while(i < N) { f(i); i += 1 }\n }\n def rep_r(n: Int, offset: Int = 0)(f: Int => Unit): Unit = {\n var i = n - 1 + offset\n while(i >= offset) { f(i); i -= 1 }\n }\n\n def map[@specialized A: ClassTag](n: Int)(f: Int => A): Array[A] = {\n val res = Array.ofDim[A](n)\n rep(n)(i => res(i) = f(i))\n res\n }\n\n implicit class ArrayOpts[A](val as: Array[A]) extends AnyVal {\n // todo Orderingだとboxing発生するので自作Orderを用意したい\n def maxByOpt[B: Ordering](f: A => B): Option[A] = {\n if (as.nonEmpty) Some(as.maxBy(f)) else None\n }\n\n def grpBy[K](f: A => K): mutable.Map[K, ArrayBuffer[A]] = {\n val map = mutable.Map.empty[K, ArrayBuffer[A]]\n rep(as.length)(i => map.getOrElseUpdate(f(as(i)), ArrayBuffer()) += as(i))\n map\n }\n\n def sumBy[B](f: A => B)(implicit num: Numeric[B]): B = {\n var sum = num.zero\n rep(as.length)(i => sum = num.plus(sum, f(as(i))))\n sum\n }\n\n def minByEx[B](f: A => B, ixRange: Range = as.indices)(implicit cmp: Ordering[B]): (A, B) = {\n limit(f, ixRange)(cmp.lt)\n }\n\n def maxByEx[B](f: A => B, ixRange: Range = as.indices)(implicit cmp: Ordering[B]): (A, B) = {\n limit(f, ixRange)(cmp.gt)\n }\n\n private def limit[B](f: A => B, ixRange: Range)(cmp: (B, B) => Boolean): (A, B) = {\n var limA = as(ixRange.head)\n var limB = f(limA)\n\n for (i <- ixRange.tail) {\n val a = as(i)\n val b = f(a)\n if (cmp(b, limB)) {\n limA = a\n limB = b\n }\n }\n (limA, limB)\n }\n }\n\n implicit class IterableOpts[A](val as: Iterable[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def sumBy[B](f: A => B)(implicit num: Numeric[B]): B = {\n as.foldLeft(num.zero)((acc, a) => num.plus(acc, f(a)))\n }\n }\n}"}], "negative_code": [{"source_code": "object E extends App {\n\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(readLine)\n def readInts(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt) }\n def readLongs(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong) }\n def readBigs(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(BigInt(tl.nextToken)) }\n\n val Array(n, k) = readInts(2)\n val MOD = 998244353L\n val MODB = BigInt(MOD)\n val TWO = BigInt(2)\n\n val counts = Array.fill(n + 1)(0L)\n for (kh <- 1 to (k min n)) {\n val dp = Array.fill(n + 1, 2)(0L)\n for (i <- 1 to n) {\n if (i <= kh) {\n val pp = TWO.modPow((i min kh) - 1, MODB).toLong\n dp(i)(0) = pp\n dp(i)(1) = pp\n } else {\n var p = 1L\n for (j <- 1 to (i min kh)) {\n dp(i)(0) = (dp(i)(0) + dp(i - j)(1)) % MOD\n dp(i)(1) = (dp(i)(1) + dp(i - j)(0)) % MOD\n p = 2 * p % MOD\n }\n }\n// val p = TWO.modPow((i min kh) - 1, MODB).toLong\n// if (i <= kh) {\n// dp(i)(0) = p\n// dp(i)(1) = p\n// } else {\n// dp(i)(0) = p * dp(i - kh)(1) % MOD\n// dp(i)(1) = p * dp(i - kh)(0) % MOD\n// }\n }\n //println(kh, dp.map(_.sum).mkString(\" \"))\n counts(kh) = (dp(n)(0) + dp(n)(1) + MOD - counts(kh - 1)) % MOD\n }\n//println(counts.mkString(\" \"))\n var res = 0L\n for (kh <- 1 to n) {\n for (kv <- 1 to n) {\n //println(res, counts(kh), counts(kv))\n if (kh * kv < k) res = (res + counts(kh) * counts(kv)) % MOD\n }\n }\n\n println(res * TWO.modInverse(MODB) % MOD)\n}\n"}], "src_uid": "77177b1a2faf0ba4ca1f4d77632b635b"} {"source_code": "object Solution extends App {\n val in = scala.io.Source.stdin.getLines()\n val Array(az, kz) = in.next().split(' ')\n val k = kz.toInt\n val a = az.toCharArray\n\n def solve(data: Array[Char], index: Int, k: Int, ch: Char): Array[Char] =\n if (k == 0 || index == data.length - 1)\n a\n else if (ch <= data(index))\n solve(data, index + 1, k, '9')\n else {\n ((index + 1) to Math.min(data.length - 1, index + k)).find(i => data(i) == ch) match {\n case None => solve(data, index, k, (ch - 1).toChar)\n case Some(i) =>\n val tmp = data(i)\n (i until index by - 1).foreach {\n j => data(j) = data(j - 1)\n }\n data(index) = tmp\n solve(data, index + 1, k + index - i, '9')\n }\n }\n\n def sol(data: Array[Char], k: Int) = {\n solve(data, 0, k, '9')\n }\n\n println(sol(a, k).mkString)\n\n}", "positive_code": [{"source_code": "import scala.collection.JavaConversions._\nimport scala.collection.mutable.ArraySeq\n\nobject Codeforces435B {\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n var Array(num, swaps) = scala.io.StdIn.readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toLong)\n val numSeq = ArraySeq(num.toString.toList: _*)\n var i = 0\n while (i < numSeq.length-1 && swaps > 0) {\n var temp = 1\n var maxIndex = 0\n while (temp <= swaps && (i+temp) <= (numSeq.length-1)) {\n if (Integer.parseInt(numSeq(i+maxIndex).toString) < Integer.parseInt(numSeq(i+temp).toString))\n maxIndex = temp\n temp += 1\n }\n swaps -= maxIndex\n while (maxIndex > 0) {\n val t = numSeq(i+maxIndex)\n numSeq(i+maxIndex) = numSeq(i+maxIndex-1)\n numSeq(i+maxIndex-1) = t\n maxIndex -= 1\n }\n i += 1\n }\n println(numSeq.mkString(\"\"))\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "/**\n * Created by ashione on 14-6-19.\n */\nimport java.util.Scanner\nobject swapNum {\n def main(Arg:Array[String]): Unit= {\n val s = new Scanner(System.in)\n val sl:String = s.next\n val dist = s.nextInt\n val (ans,_,_)=findNum(sl.toList,1,dist)\n ans foreach print\n }\n def findNum(sl:List[Char],start:Int,dist:Int):(List[Char],Int,Int) = {\n if(dist<=0 || start>=sl.length) return (sl,0,0)\n var localtion = start-1\n for(i <- start to start + dist-1 if i<sl.length)\n if(sl(i)>sl(localtion)) localtion = i\n if(localtion!=start-1) {\n val (sl1, sl2) = sl.splitAt(localtion)\n val (d, e) = sl2.splitAt(1)\n val (a, sl1t) = sl1.splitAt(start - 1)\n val (b, c) = sl1t.splitAt(1)\n findNum(a ::: d ::: b ::: c ::: e, start + 1, dist-(localtion - start+1))\n }\n else findNum(sl,start+1,dist)\n\n }\n\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\n\nobject Main {\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val in = new Scanner(System.in)\n val s = in.next\n var k = in.nextInt\n\n val arr = s.toCharArray()\n\n for (i <- 0 to arr.length - 2) {\n var maxPos = -1\n for (j <- i to Math.min(i + k, arr.length - 1))\n if (maxPos == -1 || arr(j) > arr(maxPos))\n maxPos = j\n if (maxPos != 0) {\n while (maxPos > i) {\n var t = arr(maxPos)\n arr(maxPos) = arr(maxPos - 1)\n arr(maxPos - 1) = t\n k = k - 1\n maxPos = maxPos - 1\n }\n }\n }\n\n println(arr.mkString)\n }\n}"}], "negative_code": [{"source_code": "object Solution extends App {\n val in = scala.io.Source.stdin.getLines()\n val Array(as, ks) = in.next().split(' ')\n val k = ks.toInt\n val a = as.toCharArray\n val r = (1 to k).foreach { _ =>\n val i = (1 until a.length).find(i => a(i) > a(i - 1))\n if (i.nonEmpty) {\n val tmp = a(i.get)\n a(i.get) = a(i.get - 1)\n a(i.get - 1) = tmp\n }\n\n }\n println(a.mkString)\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "/**\n * Created by ashione on 14-6-19.\n */\nimport java.util.Scanner\nobject swapNum {\n def main(Arg:Array[String]): Unit= {\n val s = new Scanner(System.in)\n val sl:String = s.next\n val dist = s.nextInt\n val (ans,_,_)=findNum(sl.toList,1,dist)\n ans foreach print\n }\n def findNum(sl:List[Char],start:Int,dist:Int):(List[Char],Int,Int) = {\n if(dist<=0 || start>=sl.length) return (sl,0,0)\n var localtion = start-1\n for(i <- start to start + dist-1 if i<sl.length)\n if(sl(i)>sl(localtion)) localtion = i\n if(localtion!=start-1) {\n val (sl1, sl2) = sl.splitAt(localtion)\n val (d, e) = sl2.splitAt(1)\n val (a, sl1t) = sl1.splitAt(start - 1)\n val (b, c) = sl1t.splitAt(1)\n findNum(a ::: d ::: c ::: b ::: e, start + 1, localtion - start)\n }\n else findNum(sl,start+1,dist)\n\n }\n\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\n\nobject Main {\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val in = new Scanner(System.in)\n val s = in.next\n var k = in.nextInt\n\n val arr = s.toCharArray()\n\n while (k > 0) {\n k = k - 1\n def loop(i: Int): Unit =\n if (i < arr.length - 1) {\n if (arr(i) < arr(i + 1)) {\n val t = arr(i)\n arr(i) = arr(i + 1)\n arr(i + 1) = t\n } else loop(i + 1)\n }\n loop(0)\n }\n\n println(arr.mkString)\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\n\nobject Main {\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val in = new Scanner(System.in)\n val s = in.next\n var k = in.nextInt\n\n val arr = s.toCharArray()\n\n for (i <- 0 to arr.length - 2) {\n var maxPos = 0\n for (j <- i to Math.min(i + k, arr.length - 1))\n if (arr(j) > arr(maxPos) || maxPos == 0)\n maxPos = j\n if (maxPos != 0) {\n while (maxPos > i) {\n var t = arr(maxPos)\n arr(maxPos) = arr(maxPos - 1)\n arr(maxPos - 1) = t\n k = k - 1\n maxPos = maxPos - 1\n }\n }\n }\n\n println(arr.mkString)\n }\n}"}], "src_uid": "e56f6c343167745821f0b18dcf0d0cde"} {"source_code": "object TwoButtons {\n case class Pair(e:Int,stp:Int)\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val in =scala.io.StdIn\n var line=in.readLine()\n var n=line.split(\" \")(0).toInt\n var m=line.split(\" \")(1).toInt\n //val n=4 ; val m=6\n //val n=10 ; val m=1\n //Applying BSF and in level order search the first occurrence of m is the minimum step\n var click=0\n\twhile (m!=n){\n\t click+=1\n\t if(m>n) {\n\t\tif (m % 2 == 0) {\n\t\t m /= 2\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t m = (m + 1) / 2\n\t\t click+=1\n\t\t}\n\t }else{\n\t\tm+=1\n\t }\n\t}\n\tprintln(click)\n }\n}", "positive_code": [{"source_code": "import java.io._\nimport java.util.StringTokenizer\n\nobject TwoButtons {\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val in = new InputReader(System.in)\n val out = new PrintWriter(new BufferedOutputStream(System.out))\n val solver = new Task()\n solver.solve(in, out)\n out.close()\n }\n\n class Task {\n private val INF = 1e6.asInstanceOf[Int]\n\n def solve(in: InputReader, out: PrintWriter): Unit = {\n val n = in.nextInt()\n val m = in.nextInt()\n val ans = dfs(n, m, Array.ofDim[Int](math.max(n, m) + 1))\n out.println(ans)\n }\n\n private def dfs(n: Int, m: Int, memo: Array[Int]): Int = {\n if (n >= m) n - m\n else if (n <= 0) INF\n else if (memo(n) > 0) memo(n)\n else {\n memo(n) = INF\n memo(n) = math.min(dfs(n * 2, m, memo), dfs(n - 1, m, memo)) + 1\n memo(n)\n }\n }\n }\n\n class InputReader(val stream: InputStream) {\n private val reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(stream))\n private var tokenizer: StringTokenizer = _\n\n def next(): String = {\n while (tokenizer == null || !tokenizer.hasMoreTokens) {\n try {\n tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(reader.readLine())\n } catch {\n case _: IOException => throw new RuntimeException\n }\n }\n tokenizer.nextToken()\n }\n\n def nextInt(): Int = {\n Integer.parseInt(next())\n }\n }\n\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import java.io._\nimport java.util.StringTokenizer\n\nobject TwoButtons {\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val inputStream = System.in\n val outputStream = System.out\n val in = new InputReader(inputStream)\n val out = new PrintWriter(outputStream)\n val solver = new Task()\n solver.solve(in, out)\n out.close()\n }\n\n class Task {\n private val INF = 1e6.asInstanceOf[Int]\n\n def solve(in: InputReader, out: PrintWriter): Unit = {\n val n = in.nextInt()\n val m = in.nextInt()\n val ans = dfs(n, m, Array.ofDim[Int](math.max(n, m) + 1))\n out.println(ans)\n }\n\n private def dfs(n: Int, m: Int, memo: Array[Int]): Int = {\n if (n >= m) n - m\n else if (n <= 0) INF\n else if (memo(n) > 0) memo(n)\n else {\n memo(n) = INF\n memo(n) = math.min(dfs(n * 2, m, memo), dfs(n - 1, m, memo)) + 1\n memo(n)\n }\n }\n }\n\n class InputReader(val stream: InputStream) {\n private val reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(stream))\n private var tokenizer: StringTokenizer = _\n\n def next(): String = {\n while (tokenizer == null || !tokenizer.hasMoreTokens) {\n try {\n tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(reader.readLine())\n } catch {\n case _: IOException => throw new RuntimeException\n }\n }\n tokenizer.nextToken()\n }\n\n def nextInt(): Int = {\n Integer.parseInt(next())\n }\n }\n\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import scala.collection.mutable\n\nobject B520 {\n @inline def read = scala.io.StdIn.readLine\n\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(read)\n\n def readInts(n: Int) = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt)\n }\n\n def readLongs(n: Int) = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong)\n }\n\n def readBigs(n: Int) = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(BigInt(tl.nextToken))\n }\n\n val MAX = 2*10000\n val graph = Array.fill(MAX+1)(List.empty[Int])\n graph(1) = List(2)\n for(i <- 2 to MAX) {\n graph(i) = List(2*i, i-1)\n }\n def bfs(src: Int, des: Int): Int = {\n val vis = Array.fill(MAX+1)(false)\n val q = mutable.Queue.empty[(Int, Int)]\n q.enqueue((0, src))\n vis(src) = true\n while(q.nonEmpty) {\n val (dist, ele) = q.dequeue()\n if(des == ele) {\n return dist\n }\n if(ele <= MAX) {\n for (i <- graph(ele) if i <= MAX && !vis(i)) {\n q.enqueue((dist + 1, i))\n vis(i) = true\n }\n }\n }\n -1\n }\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n var Array(n, m) = readInts(2)\n println(bfs(n, m))\n }\n\n}"}, {"source_code": "\n/**\n * Created by yangchaozhong on 3/16/15.\n */\nobject CF520B extends App {\n import scala.collection.mutable.HashSet\n import java.util.{Scanner}\n import java.io.{PrintWriter}\n\n val in = new Scanner(System.in)\n val out = new PrintWriter(System.out)\n\n def nextInt = in.nextInt\n def nextLong = in.nextLong\n def nextDouble = in.nextDouble\n def nextString = in.next\n def nextLine = in.nextLine\n\n def solve = {\n val n = nextInt\n val m = nextInt\n\n if (n >= m) {\n out.println(n - m)\n } else {\n\n def dfs(x: Int): Int = {\n if (x == n) 0\n else if (x < n) {\n n - x\n } else {\n if (x % 2 == 0) {\n dfs(x / 2) + 1\n } else {\n dfs(x + 1) + 1\n }\n }\n }\n\n out.println(dfs(m))\n }\n }\n\n try {\n solve\n } catch {\n case _: Exception => sys.exit(9999)\n } finally {\n out.flush\n out.close\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import java.io._\nimport java.util.StringTokenizer\n\nimport scala.collection.mutable\n\nobject B {\n\n var out: PrintWriter = null\n var br: BufferedReader = null\n var st: StringTokenizer = null\n\n def next: String = {\n while (st == null || !st.hasMoreTokens) {\n st = new StringTokenizer(br.readLine)\n }\n return st.nextToken\n }\n\n def nextInt: Int = {\n return Integer.parseInt(next)\n }\n\n def nextLong: Long = {\n return java.lang.Long.parseLong(next)\n }\n\n def f(n: Int, m: Int, dp: Array[Int]): Int = {\n if (n >= m) {\n return n - m\n }\n if (n <= 0) {\n return 1e6.toInt\n }\n if (dp(n) > 0) {\n return dp(n)\n }\n dp(n) = 1e6.toInt\n dp(n) = Math.min(f(2 * n, m, dp), f(n - 1, m, dp)) + 1\n return dp(n)\n }\n\n def solve: Int = {\n val n = nextInt\n val m = nextInt\n val sz = Math.max(n, m)\n val dp = new Array[Int](sz + 1)\n out.println(f(n, m, dp))\n return 1\n }\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in))\n out = new PrintWriter(new BufferedOutputStream(System.out))\n solve\n out.close\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "import scala.collection.mutable\nimport scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer\nimport scala.io.StdIn._\n\nobject Main2 extends App {\n val Array(initialNumber, desiredNumber) = readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n val queue = mutable.Queue((initialNumber, 0))\n var answers = ArrayBuffer.fill(20001)(-1)\n while (queue.nonEmpty) {\n val (value, actionCount) = queue.dequeue()\n if (value - 1 > 0 && answers(value - 1) == -1) {\n answers(value - 1) = actionCount + 1\n queue.enqueue((value - 1, actionCount + 1))\n }\n if (value * 2 < 20001 && answers(value * 2) == -1) {\n answers(value * 2) = actionCount + 1\n queue.enqueue((value * 2, actionCount + 1))\n }\n }\n println(answers(desiredNumber))\n}\n"}], "negative_code": [{"source_code": "object TwoButtons {\n case class Pair(e:Int,stp:Int)\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val in =scala.io.StdIn\n var line=in.readLine()\n var n=line.split(\" \")(0).toInt\n var m=line.split(\" \")(1).toInt\n //val n=4 ; val m=6\n //val n=10 ; val m=1\n //Applying BSF and in level order search the first occurrence of m is the minimum step\n var click=0\n\twhile (m!=n){\n\t click+=1\n\t if(m>n) {\n\t\tif (m % 2 == 0) {\n\t\t m /= 2\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t m = (m + 1) / 2\n\t\t}\n\t }else{\n\t\tm+=1\n\t }\n\t}\n\tprintln(click)\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "object B520 {\n @inline def read = scala.io.StdIn.readLine\n\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(read)\n\n def readInts(n: Int) = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt)\n }\n\n def readLongs(n: Int) = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong)\n }\n\n def readBigs(n: Int) = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(BigInt(tl.nextToken))\n }\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n var Array(n, m) = readInts(2)\n if(n > m) {\n println(n-m)\n } else {\n if (m % 2 == 0) {\n var res = 0\n while(m % 2 == 0 && n < m) {\n m /= 2\n res += 1\n }\n println(res + (n-m))\n } else {\n var res = 0\n while(n < m) {\n n *= 2\n res += 1\n }\n println(res + n-m)\n }\n }\n }\n\n}"}, {"source_code": "/**\n * Created by yangchaozhong on 3/16/15.\n */\nobject CF520B extends App {\n import java.util.{Scanner}\n import java.io.{PrintWriter}\n\n val in = new Scanner(System.in)\n val out = new PrintWriter(System.out)\n\n def nextInt = in.nextInt\n def nextLong = in.nextLong\n def nextDouble = in.nextDouble\n def nextString = in.next\n def nextLine = in.nextLine\n\n def solve = {\n val n = nextInt\n val m = nextInt\n\n if (n >= m) {\n out.println(n - m)\n } else {\n def dfs(x: Int): Int = {\n if (x == m) 0\n else if (x > m) {\n x - m\n } else {\n if (x > m / 2 && x > 2)\n Math.min(dfs(x * 2) + 1, dfs(x - 1) + 1)\n else\n dfs(x * 2) + 1\n }\n }\n\n out.println(dfs(n))\n }\n }\n\n try {\n solve\n } catch {\n case _: Exception => sys.exit(9999)\n } finally {\n out.flush\n out.close\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import java.io._\nimport java.util\nimport java.util._\n\nobject B {\n\n var out: PrintWriter = null\n var br: BufferedReader = null\n var st: StringTokenizer = null\n\n def next: String = {\n while (st == null || !st.hasMoreTokens) {\n st = new StringTokenizer(br.readLine)\n }\n return st.nextToken\n }\n\n def nextInt: Int = {\n return Integer.parseInt(next)\n }\n\n def nextLong: Long = {\n return java.lang.Long.parseLong(next)\n }\n\n def solve: Int = {\n val n = nextInt\n val m = nextInt\n if (m < n) {\n out.println(n - m)\n return 1\n }\n if (m == n) {\n out.println(0)\n return 1\n }\n var y = m\n var ans = 0\n while (y % 2 == 0) {\n y /= 2\n ans += 1\n }\n val sz = Math.max(n, y)\n val dp = new Array[Array[Int]](sz + 1)\n for (i <- 0 until sz + 1) {\n dp(i) = new Array[Int](sz + 1)\n }\n\n for (i <- 0 to sz) {\n for (j <- i + 1 until sz) {\n dp(i)(j) = j - i\n }\n }\n for (i <- 1 to sz) {\n for (j <- 1 to sz) {\n if (i * 2 <= sz) {\n dp(i)(j) = Math.min(dp(i - 1)(j), dp(i * 2)(j)) + 1\n }\n else {\n dp(i)(j) = dp(i - 1)(j) + 1\n }\n }\n }\n out.println(dp(y - 1)(y - 1) + ans)\n return 1\n }\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in))\n out = new PrintWriter(new BufferedOutputStream(System.out))\n solve\n out.close\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import java.io._\nimport java.util\nimport java.util._\n\nobject B {\n\n var out: PrintWriter = null\n var br: BufferedReader = null\n var st: StringTokenizer = null\n\n def next: String = {\n while (st == null || !st.hasMoreTokens) {\n st = new StringTokenizer(br.readLine)\n }\n return st.nextToken\n }\n\n def nextInt: Int = {\n return Integer.parseInt(next)\n }\n\n def nextLong: Long = {\n return java.lang.Long.parseLong(next)\n }\n\n def solve: Int = {\n val n = nextInt\n val m = nextInt\n if (m < n) {\n out.println(n - m)\n return 1\n }\n if (m == n) {\n out.println(0)\n return 1\n }\n var x = n\n var y = m\n var ans = 0\n while (y > n && y % 2 == 0) {\n y /= 2\n ans += 1\n }\n while (x < y) {\n x *= 2\n ans += 1\n }\n if (y < x) {\n out.println(ans + x - y)\n return 1\n }\n if (y == x) {\n out.println(ans)\n return 1\n }\n return 1\n }\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in))\n out = new PrintWriter(new BufferedOutputStream(System.out))\n solve\n out.close\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import java.io._\nimport java.util\nimport java.util._\n\nobject B {\n\n var out: PrintWriter = null\n var br: BufferedReader = null\n var st: StringTokenizer = null\n\n def next: String = {\n while (st == null || !st.hasMoreTokens) {\n st = new StringTokenizer(br.readLine)\n }\n return st.nextToken\n }\n\n def nextInt: Int = {\n return Integer.parseInt(next)\n }\n\n def nextLong: Long = {\n return java.lang.Long.parseLong(next)\n }\n\n def solve: Int = {\n val n = nextInt\n val m = nextInt\n if (m < n) {\n out.println(n - m)\n return 1\n }\n if (m == n) {\n out.println(0)\n return 1\n }\n var x = n\n var ans = 0\n while (x < m) {\n x *= 2\n ans += 1\n }\n if (m % 2 == 0 && n > m / 2) {\n out.println(Math.min(n - m / 2 + 1, ans + x - m))\n } else {\n out.println(ans + x - m)\n }\n return 1\n }\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in))\n out = new PrintWriter(new BufferedOutputStream(System.out))\n solve\n out.close\n }\n}\n"}], "src_uid": "861f8edd2813d6d3a5ff7193a804486f"} {"source_code": "object _964A extends CodeForcesApp {\n import annotation._, collection.{mutable, Searching}, util._, control._, math.Ordering.Implicits._, Searching._, Math._\n\n override def apply(io: IO): io.type = {\n val n = io.read[Long]\n io.write(n/2 + 1)\n }\n}\n/****************************[Ignore Template Below]****************************************/\ntrait CodeForcesApp {\n lazy val isOnlineJudge: Boolean = sys.props.get(\"ONLINE_JUDGE\").exists(_.toBoolean)\n def debug(x: => Any): Unit = if (!isOnlineJudge) println(x)\n def apply(io: IO): io.type\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = this(new IO(System.in, System.out)).close()\n}\n/***********************************[Scala I/O]*********************************************/\nimport java.io._, java.util.StringTokenizer\n\nclass IO(in: BufferedReader, out: BufferedWriter) extends Iterator[String] with AutoCloseable with Flushable {\n import IO._\n def this(reader: Reader, writer: Writer) = this(new BufferedReader(reader), new BufferedWriter(writer))\n def this(in: InputStream, out: OutputStream) = this(new InputStreamReader(in), new OutputStreamWriter(out))\n\n private[this] val tokenizers = Iterator.continually(in.readLine()).takeWhile(_ != null).map(new StringTokenizer(_)).buffered\n val printer = new PrintWriter(out, true)\n\n @inline private[this] def tokenizer() = {\n while(tokenizers.nonEmpty && !tokenizers.head.hasMoreTokens) tokenizers.next()\n tokenizers.headOption\n }\n\n def read[A](implicit read: IO.Read[A]): A = read.apply(this)\n def read[C[_], A: IO.Read](n: Int)(implicit b: C of A): C[A] = Iterator.fill(n)(read).to[C]\n\n def readTill(delim: String): String = tokenizer().get.nextToken(delim)\n def readTillEndOfLine(): String = readTill(\"\\n\\r\")\n\n def readAll[A: IO.Read]: (Int, Vector[A]) = {\n val data = read[Vector[A]]\n (data.length, data)\n }\n\n override def next() = tokenizer().get.nextToken()\n override def hasNext = tokenizer().nonEmpty\n\n def write(obj: Any): this.type = {\n printer.print(obj)\n this\n }\n def writeLine(): this.type = {\n printer.println()\n this\n }\n def writeLine(obj: Any): this.type = {\n printer.println(obj)\n this\n }\n def writeAll(obj: Traversable[Any], separator: String = \" \"): this.type = write(obj mkString separator)\n def query[A: IO.Read](question: Any): A = writeLine(question).read\n\n override def flush() = printer.flush()\n def close() = {\n flush()\n in.close()\n printer.close()\n }\n}\nobject IO {\n private[IO] type of[C[_], A] = scala.collection.generic.CanBuild[A, C[A]]\n\n class Read[A](val apply: IO => A) {\n def map[B](f: A => B): Read[B] = new Read(apply andThen f)\n }\n object Read {\n implicit def collection[C[_], A: Read](implicit b: C of A): Read[C[A]] = new Read(r => r.read[C, A](r.read[Int]))\n implicit val string : Read[String] = new Read(_.next())\n implicit val char : Read[Char] = string.map(_.toTraversable.head)\n implicit val int : Read[Int] = string.map(_.toInt)\n implicit val long : Read[Long] = string.map(_.toLong)\n implicit val bigInt : Read[BigInt] = string.map(BigInt(_))\n implicit val double : Read[Double] = string.map(_.toDouble)\n implicit val bigDecimal : Read[BigDecimal] = string.map(BigDecimal(_))\n implicit def tuple2[A: Read, B: Read] : Read[(A, B)] = new Read(r => (r.read[A], r.read[B]))\n implicit def tuple3[A: Read, B: Read, C: Read] : Read[(A, B, C)] = new Read(r => (r.read[A], r.read[B], r.read[C]))\n implicit def tuple4[A: Read, B: Read, C: Read, D: Read] : Read[(A, B, C, D)] = new Read(r => (r.read[A], r.read[B], r.read[C], r.read[D]))\n implicit val boolean : Read[Boolean] = string map {s =>\n s.toLowerCase match {\n case \"yes\" | \"true\" | \"1\" => true\n case \"no\" | \"false\" | \"0\" => false\n case _ => s.toBoolean\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\n", "positive_code": [{"source_code": "\n\nobject CF964A extends App {\n import scala.io.Source\n\n //val src = Source.fromFile(\"data.txt\")\n val src = Source.stdin\n val lines = src.getLines\n \n def readInts(): Array[Int] = {\n val line = if (lines.hasNext) lines.next else null\n if (line == null) throw new RuntimeException(\"Premature end of source encountered\")\n line.split(\" \").map(x => x.toInt)\n }\n val ints = readInts()\n println(ints(0)/2 + 1)\n \n}"}], "negative_code": [], "src_uid": "5551742f6ab39fdac3930d866f439e3e"} {"source_code": "import scala.collection.mutable\n\nobject A extends App {\n def readLongs = scala.io.StdIn.readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toLong)\n\n val Array(n) = readLongs\n\n case class E(prev: Long, cur: Long, games : Int) {\n def next = E(cur, prev+cur, games+1)\n }\n\n var e = E(1, 1, 0)\n while (e.cur <= n) {\n e = e.next\n // println(e)\n }\n\n println(e.games-1)\n}\n", "positive_code": [{"source_code": "object A extends App {\n\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(readLine)\n def readInts(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt) }\n def readLongs(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong) }\n def readBigs(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(BigInt(tl.nextToken)) }\n\n val Array(n) = readLongs(1)\n\n var res = 1\n val memo = Array.fill(100000){ -1L }\n\n memo(1) = 2\n memo(2) = 3\n\n def minPlayers(moves: Int): Long = {\n if (memo(moves) < 0) memo(moves) = minPlayers(moves - 1) + minPlayers(moves - 2)\n memo(moves)\n }\n\n while (minPlayers(res) <= n) res += 1\n\n println(res - 1)\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object Solution extends App {\n val in = io.Source.stdin.getLines()\n val n = in.next().toLong\n var i = 0\n var a = 1l\n var b = 1l\n while (b <= n) {\n val tmp = a + b\n a = b\n b = tmp\n i += 1\n }\n println(i - 1)\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import java.io._\nimport scala.io.Source\n\nimport scala.annotation.tailrec\n\nobject ProblemCFib {\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = processStdInOut()\n\n def processStdInOut(): Unit = {\n val src = Source.fromInputStream(System.in)\n processFromSource(src)\n }\n\n def processFromSource(src: Source): Unit = {\n try {\n val bw = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(System.out));\n try {\n val lines = src.getLines()\n processLines(lines, bw)\n } finally {\n bw.flush()\n }\n } finally {\n src.close();\n }\n }\n\n // Standard code above, custom code below\n def processLines(lines: Iterator[String], bw: BufferedWriter): Unit = {\n val n = lines.next().toLong\n val soln = solve(n)\n bw.write(soln.toString)\n bw.newLine()\n }\n\n // Cache the Fibonacci lookup for good performance:\n var minPlayersByChampionsWinsLookup = Map[Long, Long](\n 0L -> 1L, // A single player is champion without playing a single match\n 1L -> 2L // With 2 players the champion wins after a single match\n )\n\n // The following function is equivalent to fib(wins + 2) where fib is the Fibonacci sequence\n def minPlayersForChampionWithWins(wins: Long): Long = {\n if (minPlayersByChampionsWinsLookup.contains(wins)) {\n minPlayersByChampionsWinsLookup(wins)\n } else {\n val result = minPlayersForChampionWithWins(wins - 1) + minPlayersForChampionWithWins(wins - 2)\n minPlayersByChampionsWinsLookup += wins -> result\n result\n }\n }\n\n def solve(n: Long): Long = {\n @tailrec\n def search(candidateWins: Long): Long = {\n val minTournamentSize = minPlayersForChampionWithWins(candidateWins)\n\n if (minTournamentSize == n) candidateWins\n else if (minTournamentSize > n) (candidateWins - 1) // overshot the target, so use previous value\n else search(candidateWins + 1)\n }\n\n search(0)\n }\n}\n"}], "negative_code": [{"source_code": "object Solution extends App {\n val in = io.Source.stdin.getLines()\n val n = in.next().toLong\n var i = 0\n var a = 1l\n var b = 1l\n while (b < n) {\n val tmp = a + b\n a = b\n b = tmp\n i += 1\n }\n println(i - 1)\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import java.io._\nimport scala.io.Source\n\nimport scala.annotation.tailrec\n\nobject ProblemC {\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = processStdInOut()\n\n def processStdInOut(): Unit = {\n val src = Source.fromInputStream(System.in)\n processFromSource(src)\n }\n\n def processFromSource(src: Source): Unit = {\n try {\n val bw = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(System.out));\n try {\n val lines = src.getLines()\n processLines(lines, bw)\n } finally {\n bw.flush()\n }\n } finally {\n src.close();\n }\n }\n\n // Standard code above, custom code below\n def processLines(lines: Iterator[String], bw: BufferedWriter): Unit = {\n val n = lines.next().toLong\n val log2 = math.log(2)\n val rounds = math.ceil(math.log(n) / log2) + 0.1\n // note: bump it slightly in case of round errors like a ?.999999 \"integer\"\n bw.write(rounds.toLong.toString)\n bw.newLine()\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import java.io._\nimport scala.io.Source\n\nimport scala.annotation.tailrec\n\nobject ProblemC {\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = processStdInOut()\n\n def processStdInOut(): Unit = {\n val src = Source.fromInputStream(System.in)\n processFromSource(src)\n }\n\n def processFromSource(src: Source): Unit = {\n try {\n val bw = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(System.out));\n try {\n val lines = src.getLines()\n processLines(lines, bw)\n } finally {\n bw.flush()\n }\n } finally {\n src.close();\n }\n }\n\n // Standard code above, custom code below\n def processLines(lines: Iterator[String], bw: BufferedWriter): Unit = {\n val n = lines.next().toLong\n val soln = solve(n)\n bw.write(soln.toString)\n bw.newLine()\n }\n\n def solve(n: Long): Long = {\n @tailrec\n def loop(minGames: Long, counts: List[Long]): Long = counts match {\n case 0 :: tl => loop(minGames + 1, tl)\n case 1 :: Nil => minGames\n case a :: Nil => loop(minGames, List(a - 2, 1))\n case 1 :: 1 :: Nil => minGames + 2\n case 1 :: 1 :: c :: tl => loop(minGames + 2, (c + 1) :: tl)\n case 2 :: 1 :: tl => loop(minGames + 1, 2 :: tl) // Don't leave an \"orphaned\" player\n case a :: 0 :: tl => loop(minGames, (a - 2) :: 1l :: tl)\n case a :: b :: Nil => loop(minGames, List(a - 1, b - 1, 1))\n case a :: b :: c :: tl => loop(minGames, (a - 1) :: (b - 1) :: (c + 1) :: tl)\n case Nil => 0\n }\n\n val maxGamesPlayed = loop(0, List(n))\n maxGamesPlayed\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import java.io._\nimport scala.io.Source\n\nimport scala.annotation.tailrec\n\nobject ProblemC {\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = processStdInOut()\n\n def processStdInOut(): Unit = {\n val src = Source.fromInputStream(System.in)\n processFromSource(src)\n }\n\n def processFromSource(src: Source): Unit = {\n try {\n val bw = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(System.out));\n try {\n val lines = src.getLines()\n processLines(lines, bw)\n } finally {\n bw.flush()\n }\n } finally {\n src.close();\n }\n }\n\n // Standard code above, custom code below\n def processLines(lines: Iterator[String], bw: BufferedWriter): Unit = {\n val n = lines.next().toDouble\n val log2 = math.log(2)\n val rounds = math.ceil(math.log(n) / log2).toLong\n val adjRounds = if (math.pow(2, rounds) < n) rounds + 1\n else if (math.pow(2, rounds - 1) >= n) rounds - 1\n else rounds\n bw.write(adjRounds.toString)\n bw.newLine()\n }\n}\n"}], "src_uid": "3d3432b4f7c6a3b901161fa24b415b14"} {"source_code": "object Hitagi extends App {\n\n def replaceZeros(seq: List[Int], replacement: List[Int]): List[Int] = seq match {\n case Nil => List[Int]()\n case 0 :: xs => replacement.head :: replaceZeros(xs, replacement.tail)\n case x :: xs => x :: replaceZeros(xs, replacement)\n }\n\n val Array(n: Int, k: Int) = readLine.split(' ').map(_.toInt)\n val a: List[Int] = readLine.split(' ').map(_.toInt).toList\n val b: List[Int] = readLine.split(' ').map(_.toInt).toList\n\n val initialSequence = replaceZeros(a, b.sortBy(x => -x))\n val result: Boolean = initialSequence.zip(initialSequence.tail).map {\n case (a, b) => b <= a\n }.exists(x => x)\n\n if (result) println(\"Yes\") else println(\"No\")\n\n}\n", "positive_code": [{"source_code": "import scala.io.Source\n\n/** A. An abandoned sentiment from past\n * time limit per test1 second\n * memory limit per test256 megabytes\n *\n * A few years ago, Hitagi encountered a giant crab, who stole the whole of her body weight.\n * Ever since, she tried to avoid contact with others, for fear that this secret might be noticed.\n *\n * To get rid of the oddity and recover her weight, a special integer sequence is needed.\n * Hitagi's sequence has been broken for a long time, but now Kaiki provides an opportunity.\n *\n * Hitagi's sequence a has a length of n. Lost elements in it are denoted by zeros. Kaiki provides another sequence b,\n * whose length k equals the number of lost elements in a (i.e. the number of zeros).\n *\n * Hitagi is to replace each zero in a with an element from b so that each element in b should be used exactly once.\n * Hitagi knows, however, that, apart from 0, no integer occurs in a and b more than once in total.\n * If the resulting sequence is not an increasing sequence, then it has the power to recover Hitagi from the oddity.\n * You are to determine whether this is possible, or Kaiki's sequence is just another fake. In other words,\n * you should detect whether it is possible to replace each zero in a with an integer from b so that each integer\n * from b is used exactly once, and the resulting sequence is not increasing.\n */\nobject P814A {\n /** get integer seqence `a`. the length of sequence is n\n *\n * @param args\n */\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val lines = Source.stdin.getLines()\n\n val Array(n, k) = lines.next().split(\" \")\n\n /** n-length arr with k zero values */\n val a = lines.next().split(\" \").map(_.toInt).toList\n\n /** k-length arr */\n val b = lines.next().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n\n /** Input guarantees that apart from 0, no integer occurs in a and b more than once in total.\n *\n * Detect whether it is possible to replace each zero in a with an integer from b so that each integer\n * from b is used exactly once, and the resulting sequence is not increasing */\n\n def test(a: List[Int], b: Int): Boolean = {\n a match {\n case a0 :: a1 :: tail =>\n if (a1 == 0) test(a0 :: b :: tail, b)\n else {\n if (a0 > a1) true\n else test(a1 :: tail, b)\n }\n case _ => false\n }\n }\n\n val result =\n if (b.length > 1) true\n else if (a.head == 0) test(b.head :: a.tail, b.head)\n else test(a, b.head)\n\n if (result) println(\"Yes\")\n else println(\"No\")\n }\n}\n\n"}, {"source_code": "\nimport java.io._\nimport java.util._\n\nimport scala.collection.mutable\n\nobject A {\n\n var out: PrintWriter = null\n var br: BufferedReader = null\n var st: StringTokenizer = null\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in))\n out = new PrintWriter(new BufferedOutputStream(System.out))\n solve\n out.close\n }\n\n def next: String = {\n while (st == null || !st.hasMoreTokens) {\n st = new StringTokenizer(br.readLine)\n }\n return st.nextToken\n }\n\n def nextInt: Int = return Integer.parseInt(next)\n\n def nextBoolean: Boolean = next.equalsIgnoreCase(\"1\")\n\n def nextLong: Long = return java.lang.Long.parseLong(next)\n\n def nextDouble: Double = return java.lang.Double.parseDouble(next)\n\n class MultiHashSet[T <% Comparable[T]] {\n val map = new mutable.HashMap[T, Int]()\n\n def count(x: T): Int = {\n return map.getOrElse(x, 0)\n }\n\n def add(x: T): Unit = map.put(x, count(x) + 1)\n\n def remove(x: T): Boolean = {\n val prev = count(x)\n if (prev == 0)\n return false\n if (prev == 1) {\n map.remove(x)\n } else {\n map.put(x, prev - 1)\n }\n return true\n }\n\n override def toString = s\"MultiHashSet($map)\"\n }\n\n class MultiTreeSet[T <% Comparable[T]] {\n val map = new TreeMap[T, Int]()\n\n def count(x: T): Int = {\n val res = map.get(x)\n if (res == null)\n return 0\n return res\n }\n\n def add(x: T): Unit = map.put(x, count(x) + 1)\n\n def first(): T = return map.firstKey()\n\n def last(): T = return map.lastKey()\n\n def remove(x: T): Boolean = {\n val prev = count(x)\n if (prev == 0)\n return false\n if (prev == 1) {\n map.remove(x)\n } else {\n map.put(x, prev - 1)\n }\n return true\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Segment tree for any commutative function\n *\n * @param values Array of Int\n * @param commutative function like min, max, sum\n * @param zero zero value - e.g. 0 for sum, Inf for min, max\n */\n class SegmentTree(values: Array[Int])(commutative: (Int, Int) => Int)(zero: Int) {\n private val SIZE = 1e5.toInt\n private val n = values.length\n val t = new Array[Int](2 * n)\n Array.copy(values, 0, t, n, n)\n\n // build segment tree\n def build = {\n for (i <- n - 1 until 0 by -1) {\n t(i) = commutative(t(2 * i), t(2 * i + 1))\n }\n }\n\n // change value at position p to x\n // TODO beatify\n def modify(p: Int, x: Int) = {\n var pos = p + n\n t(pos) = x\n while (pos > 1) {\n t(pos / 2) = commutative(t(pos), t(pos ^ 1))\n pos /= 2\n }\n }\n\n // TODO implement me!\n def modify(p: Int, left: Int, right: Int) = ???\n\n def query(p: Int) = ???\n\n // sum [l, r)\n // min l = 0\n // max r = n\n // TODO beatify\n def query(left: Int, right: Int): Int = {\n var res = zero\n var r = right + n\n var l = left + n\n while (l < r) {\n if (l % 2 == 1) {\n res = commutative(res, t(l))\n l += 1\n }\n if (r % 2 == 1) {\n r -= 1\n res = commutative(res, t(r))\n }\n l /= 2\n r /= 2\n }\n res\n }\n }\n\n def sorted(a: Array[Int]): Boolean = {\n for (i <- 1 until a.length) {\n if (a(i) < a(i - 1)) {\n return false\n }\n }\n true\n }\n\n def solve: Int = {\n val n = nextInt\n val k = nextInt\n val a = new Array[Int](n)\n val b = new Array[Int](k)\n for (i <- 0 until n) {\n a(i) = nextInt\n }\n for (i <- 0 until k) {\n b(i) = nextInt\n }\n if (k > 1) {\n out.println(\"Yes\")\n return 0\n }\n val pos = a.indexOf(0)\n a(pos) = b(0)\n if (sorted(a)) {\n out.println(\"No\")\n } else {\n out.println(\"Yes\")\n }\n return 0\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object EightOneFourA {\n def checkIfSeqAsc(seq: Seq[Int]): Boolean = {\n val startValue = Int.MinValue\n seq.foldLeft((true, startValue)) {\n case ((isSorted, previousValue), currentValue) => {\n (isSorted && (currentValue >= previousValue), currentValue)\n }\n }._1\n }\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val input = readLine().toString.split(\" \")\n val stringA = readLine().toString.split(\" \")\n val stringB = readLine().toString.split(\" \")\n\n if (input(1).toInt > 1) {\n println(\"YES\")\n } else {\n val finalArray = stringA.map(_.toInt).map(p => {\n if (p == 0) {\n stringB(0).toInt\n } else {\n p\n }\n })\n\n if (checkIfSeqAsc(finalArray)) {\n println(\"NO\")\n } else {\n println(\"YES\")\n }\n }\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "/**\n * Created by Hyper on 22.06.2017.\n */\nimport scala.io.StdIn\nobject cf extends App{\n def checkNonAscending(l: List[Int]):String ={\n l match {\n case head::tail::Nil => if(head > tail) \"Yes\" else \"No\"\n case head::tail => if(head > tail.head) \"Yes\" else checkNonAscending(tail)\n }\n }\n def replace(a: List[Int], b: Int): List[Int] ={\n a match{\n case Nil => Nil\n case 0 :: tail => b :: tail\n case u :: tail => u :: replace(tail,b)\n }\n }\n val v = StdIn.readLine().split(\" \").toList\n val n = v.head.toInt\n val k = v.tail.head.toInt\n val A = StdIn.readLine().split(\" \").toList.map(s => s.toInt)\n val B = StdIn.readLine().split(\" \").toList.map(s => s.toInt)\n if (k > 2) println(\"Yes\")\n else println(checkNonAscending(replace(A,B.head)))\n}\n\n"}], "negative_code": [{"source_code": "import scala.io.Source\n\n/** A. An abandoned sentiment from past\n * time limit per test1 second\n * memory limit per test256 megabytes\n *\n * A few years ago, Hitagi encountered a giant crab, who stole the whole of her body weight.\n * Ever since, she tried to avoid contact with others, for fear that this secret might be noticed.\n *\n * To get rid of the oddity and recover her weight, a special integer sequence is needed.\n * Hitagi's sequence has been broken for a long time, but now Kaiki provides an opportunity.\n *\n * Hitagi's sequence a has a length of n. Lost elements in it are denoted by zeros. Kaiki provides another sequence b,\n * whose length k equals the number of lost elements in a (i.e. the number of zeros).\n *\n * Hitagi is to replace each zero in a with an element from b so that each element in b should be used exactly once.\n * Hitagi knows, however, that, apart from 0, no integer occurs in a and b more than once in total.\n * If the resulting sequence is not an increasing sequence, then it has the power to recover Hitagi from the oddity.\n * You are to determine whether this is possible, or Kaiki's sequence is just another fake. In other words,\n * you should detect whether it is possible to replace each zero in a with an integer from b so that each integer\n * from b is used exactly once, and the resulting sequence is not increasing.\n */\nobject P814A {\n /** get integer seqence `a`. the length of sequence is n\n *\n * @param args\n */\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val lines = Source.stdin.getLines()\n\n val Array(n, k) = lines.next().split(\" \")\n\n /** n-length arr with k zero values */\n val a = lines.next().split(\" \").map(_.toInt).toList\n\n /** k-length arr */\n val b = lines.next().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n\n /** Input guarantees that apart from 0, no integer occurs in a and b more than once in total.\n *\n * Detect whether it is possible to replace each zero in a with an integer from b so that each integer\n * from b is used exactly once, and the resulting sequence is not increasing */\n\n def test(a: List[Int], b: Int): Boolean = {\n a match {\n case a0 :: a1 :: tail =>\n if (a1 == 0) test(a0 :: b :: tail, b)\n else {\n if (a0 > a1) true\n else test(a1 :: tail, b)\n }\n case _ => false\n }\n }\n\n val result =\n if (b.length > 1) true\n else test(a, b.head)\n\n if (result) println(\"Yes\")\n else println(\"No\")\n }\n}\n\n"}, {"source_code": "\nimport java.io._\nimport java.util._\n\nimport scala.collection.mutable\n\nobject A {\n\n var out: PrintWriter = null\n var br: BufferedReader = null\n var st: StringTokenizer = null\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in))\n out = new PrintWriter(new BufferedOutputStream(System.out))\n solve\n out.close\n }\n\n def next: String = {\n while (st == null || !st.hasMoreTokens) {\n st = new StringTokenizer(br.readLine)\n }\n return st.nextToken\n }\n\n def nextInt: Int = return Integer.parseInt(next)\n\n def nextBoolean: Boolean = next.equalsIgnoreCase(\"1\")\n\n def nextLong: Long = return java.lang.Long.parseLong(next)\n\n def nextDouble: Double = return java.lang.Double.parseDouble(next)\n\n class MultiHashSet[T <% Comparable[T]] {\n val map = new mutable.HashMap[T, Int]()\n\n def count(x: T): Int = {\n return map.getOrElse(x, 0)\n }\n\n def add(x: T): Unit = map.put(x, count(x) + 1)\n\n def remove(x: T): Boolean = {\n val prev = count(x)\n if (prev == 0)\n return false\n if (prev == 1) {\n map.remove(x)\n } else {\n map.put(x, prev - 1)\n }\n return true\n }\n\n override def toString = s\"MultiHashSet($map)\"\n }\n\n class MultiTreeSet[T <% Comparable[T]] {\n val map = new TreeMap[T, Int]()\n\n def count(x: T): Int = {\n val res = map.get(x)\n if (res == null)\n return 0\n return res\n }\n\n def add(x: T): Unit = map.put(x, count(x) + 1)\n\n def first(): T = return map.firstKey()\n\n def last(): T = return map.lastKey()\n\n def remove(x: T): Boolean = {\n val prev = count(x)\n if (prev == 0)\n return false\n if (prev == 1) {\n map.remove(x)\n } else {\n map.put(x, prev - 1)\n }\n return true\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Segment tree for any commutative function\n *\n * @param values Array of Int\n * @param commutative function like min, max, sum\n * @param zero zero value - e.g. 0 for sum, Inf for min, max\n */\n class SegmentTree(values: Array[Int])(commutative: (Int, Int) => Int)(zero: Int) {\n private val SIZE = 1e5.toInt\n private val n = values.length\n val t = new Array[Int](2 * n)\n Array.copy(values, 0, t, n, n)\n\n // build segment tree\n def build = {\n for (i <- n - 1 until 0 by -1) {\n t(i) = commutative(t(2 * i), t(2 * i + 1))\n }\n }\n\n // change value at position p to x\n // TODO beatify\n def modify(p: Int, x: Int) = {\n var pos = p + n\n t(pos) = x\n while (pos > 1) {\n t(pos / 2) = commutative(t(pos), t(pos ^ 1))\n pos /= 2\n }\n }\n\n // TODO implement me!\n def modify(p: Int, left: Int, right: Int) = ???\n\n def query(p: Int) = ???\n\n // sum [l, r)\n // min l = 0\n // max r = n\n // TODO beatify\n def query(left: Int, right: Int): Int = {\n var res = zero\n var r = right + n\n var l = left + n\n while (l < r) {\n if (l % 2 == 1) {\n res = commutative(res, t(l))\n l += 1\n }\n if (r % 2 == 1) {\n r -= 1\n res = commutative(res, t(r))\n }\n l /= 2\n r /= 2\n }\n res\n }\n }\n\n def sorted(l: Array[Int]): Boolean = l == l.sorted\n\n def solve: Int = {\n val n = nextInt\n val k = nextInt\n val a = new Array[Int](n)\n val b = new Array[Int](k)\n for (i <- 0 until n) {\n a(i) = nextInt\n }\n for (i <- 0 until k) {\n b(i) = nextInt\n }\n if (k > 1) {\n out.println(\"Yes\")\n return 0\n }\n val pos = a.indexOf(0)\n a(pos) = b(0)\n if (sorted(a)) {\n out.println(\"No\")\n } else {\n out.println(\"Yes\")\n }\n return 0\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "\nimport java.io._\nimport java.util._\n\nimport scala.collection.mutable\n\nobject A {\n\n var out: PrintWriter = null\n var br: BufferedReader = null\n var st: StringTokenizer = null\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in))\n out = new PrintWriter(new BufferedOutputStream(System.out))\n solve\n out.close\n }\n\n def next: String = {\n while (st == null || !st.hasMoreTokens) {\n st = new StringTokenizer(br.readLine)\n }\n return st.nextToken\n }\n\n def nextInt: Int = return Integer.parseInt(next)\n\n def nextBoolean: Boolean = next.equalsIgnoreCase(\"1\")\n\n def nextLong: Long = return java.lang.Long.parseLong(next)\n\n def nextDouble: Double = return java.lang.Double.parseDouble(next)\n\n class MultiHashSet[T <% Comparable[T]] {\n val map = new mutable.HashMap[T, Int]()\n\n def count(x: T): Int = {\n return map.getOrElse(x, 0)\n }\n\n def add(x: T): Unit = map.put(x, count(x) + 1)\n\n def remove(x: T): Boolean = {\n val prev = count(x)\n if (prev == 0)\n return false\n if (prev == 1) {\n map.remove(x)\n } else {\n map.put(x, prev - 1)\n }\n return true\n }\n\n override def toString = s\"MultiHashSet($map)\"\n }\n\n class MultiTreeSet[T <% Comparable[T]] {\n val map = new TreeMap[T, Int]()\n\n def count(x: T): Int = {\n val res = map.get(x)\n if (res == null)\n return 0\n return res\n }\n\n def add(x: T): Unit = map.put(x, count(x) + 1)\n\n def first(): T = return map.firstKey()\n\n def last(): T = return map.lastKey()\n\n def remove(x: T): Boolean = {\n val prev = count(x)\n if (prev == 0)\n return false\n if (prev == 1) {\n map.remove(x)\n } else {\n map.put(x, prev - 1)\n }\n return true\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Segment tree for any commutative function\n *\n * @param values Array of Int\n * @param commutative function like min, max, sum\n * @param zero zero value - e.g. 0 for sum, Inf for min, max\n */\n class SegmentTree(values: Array[Int])(commutative: (Int, Int) => Int)(zero: Int) {\n private val SIZE = 1e5.toInt\n private val n = values.length\n val t = new Array[Int](2 * n)\n Array.copy(values, 0, t, n, n)\n\n // build segment tree\n def build = {\n for (i <- n - 1 until 0 by -1) {\n t(i) = commutative(t(2 * i), t(2 * i + 1))\n }\n }\n\n // change value at position p to x\n // TODO beatify\n def modify(p: Int, x: Int) = {\n var pos = p + n\n t(pos) = x\n while (pos > 1) {\n t(pos / 2) = commutative(t(pos), t(pos ^ 1))\n pos /= 2\n }\n }\n\n // TODO implement me!\n def modify(p: Int, left: Int, right: Int) = ???\n\n def query(p: Int) = ???\n\n // sum [l, r)\n // min l = 0\n // max r = n\n // TODO beatify\n def query(left: Int, right: Int): Int = {\n var res = zero\n var r = right + n\n var l = left + n\n while (l < r) {\n if (l % 2 == 1) {\n res = commutative(res, t(l))\n l += 1\n }\n if (r % 2 == 1) {\n r -= 1\n res = commutative(res, t(r))\n }\n l /= 2\n r /= 2\n }\n res\n }\n }\n\n def solve: Int = {\n val n = nextInt\n val k = nextInt\n val a = new Array[Int](n)\n val b = new Array[Int](k)\n for (i <- 0 until n) {\n a(i) = nextInt\n }\n for (i <- 0 until k) {\n b(i) = nextInt\n }\n if (n == k) {\n out.println(\"Yes\")\n return 0\n }\n for (i <- 1 until n) {\n if (a(i) == 0 && a(i - 1) == 0) {\n out.println(\"Yes\")\n return 0\n }\n }\n for (i <- 0 until n) {\n if (a(i) == 0) {\n if (i - 1 >= 0 && a(i - 1) != 0) {\n for (j <- 0 until k) {\n if (b(j) < a(i - 1)) {\n out.println(\"Yes\")\n return 0\n }\n }\n } else if (i + 1 < n && a(i + 1) != 0) {\n for (j <- 0 until k) {\n if (a(i + 1) != 0 && b(j) > a(i + 1)) {\n out.println(\"Yes\")\n return 0\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n out.println(\"No\")\n return 0\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "\nimport java.io._\nimport java.util._\n\nimport scala.collection.mutable\n\nobject A {\n\n var out: PrintWriter = null\n var br: BufferedReader = null\n var st: StringTokenizer = null\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in))\n out = new PrintWriter(new BufferedOutputStream(System.out))\n solve\n out.close\n }\n\n def next: String = {\n while (st == null || !st.hasMoreTokens) {\n st = new StringTokenizer(br.readLine)\n }\n return st.nextToken\n }\n\n def nextInt: Int = return Integer.parseInt(next)\n\n def nextBoolean: Boolean = next.equalsIgnoreCase(\"1\")\n\n def nextLong: Long = return java.lang.Long.parseLong(next)\n\n def nextDouble: Double = return java.lang.Double.parseDouble(next)\n\n class MultiHashSet[T <% Comparable[T]] {\n val map = new mutable.HashMap[T, Int]()\n\n def count(x: T): Int = {\n return map.getOrElse(x, 0)\n }\n\n def add(x: T): Unit = map.put(x, count(x) + 1)\n\n def remove(x: T): Boolean = {\n val prev = count(x)\n if (prev == 0)\n return false\n if (prev == 1) {\n map.remove(x)\n } else {\n map.put(x, prev - 1)\n }\n return true\n }\n\n override def toString = s\"MultiHashSet($map)\"\n }\n\n class MultiTreeSet[T <% Comparable[T]] {\n val map = new TreeMap[T, Int]()\n\n def count(x: T): Int = {\n val res = map.get(x)\n if (res == null)\n return 0\n return res\n }\n\n def add(x: T): Unit = map.put(x, count(x) + 1)\n\n def first(): T = return map.firstKey()\n\n def last(): T = return map.lastKey()\n\n def remove(x: T): Boolean = {\n val prev = count(x)\n if (prev == 0)\n return false\n if (prev == 1) {\n map.remove(x)\n } else {\n map.put(x, prev - 1)\n }\n return true\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Segment tree for any commutative function\n *\n * @param values Array of Int\n * @param commutative function like min, max, sum\n * @param zero zero value - e.g. 0 for sum, Inf for min, max\n */\n class SegmentTree(values: Array[Int])(commutative: (Int, Int) => Int)(zero: Int) {\n private val SIZE = 1e5.toInt\n private val n = values.length\n val t = new Array[Int](2 * n)\n Array.copy(values, 0, t, n, n)\n\n // build segment tree\n def build = {\n for (i <- n - 1 until 0 by -1) {\n t(i) = commutative(t(2 * i), t(2 * i + 1))\n }\n }\n\n // change value at position p to x\n // TODO beatify\n def modify(p: Int, x: Int) = {\n var pos = p + n\n t(pos) = x\n while (pos > 1) {\n t(pos / 2) = commutative(t(pos), t(pos ^ 1))\n pos /= 2\n }\n }\n\n // TODO implement me!\n def modify(p: Int, left: Int, right: Int) = ???\n\n def query(p: Int) = ???\n\n // sum [l, r)\n // min l = 0\n // max r = n\n // TODO beatify\n def query(left: Int, right: Int): Int = {\n var res = zero\n var r = right + n\n var l = left + n\n while (l < r) {\n if (l % 2 == 1) {\n res = commutative(res, t(l))\n l += 1\n }\n if (r % 2 == 1) {\n r -= 1\n res = commutative(res, t(r))\n }\n l /= 2\n r /= 2\n }\n res\n }\n }\n\n def solve: Int = {\n val n = nextInt\n val k = nextInt\n val a = new Array[Int](n)\n val b = new Array[Int](k)\n for (i <- 0 until n) {\n a(i) = nextInt\n }\n for (i <- 0 until k) {\n b(i) = nextInt\n }\n for (i <- 1 until n) {\n if (a(i) == 0 && a(i - 1) == 0) {\n out.println(\"Yes\")\n return 0\n }\n }\n for (i <- 0 until n) {\n if (a(i) == 0) {\n if (i - 1 >= 0 && a(i - 1) != 0) {\n for (j <- 0 until k) {\n if (b(j) < a(i - 1)) {\n out.println(\"Yes\")\n return 0\n }\n }\n }\n if (i + 1 < n && a(i + 1) != 0) {\n for (j <- 0 until k) {\n if (a(i + 1) != 0 && b(j) > a(i + 1)) {\n out.println(\"Yes\")\n return 0\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n out.println(\"No\")\n return 0\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import java.io._\nimport java.util._\n\nimport scala.collection.mutable\n\nobject A {\n\n var out: PrintWriter = null\n var br: BufferedReader = null\n var st: StringTokenizer = null\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in))\n out = new PrintWriter(new BufferedOutputStream(System.out))\n solve\n out.close\n }\n\n def next: String = {\n while (st == null || !st.hasMoreTokens) {\n st = new StringTokenizer(br.readLine)\n }\n return st.nextToken\n }\n\n def nextInt: Int = return Integer.parseInt(next)\n\n def nextBoolean: Boolean = next.equalsIgnoreCase(\"1\")\n\n def nextLong: Long = return java.lang.Long.parseLong(next)\n\n def nextDouble: Double = return java.lang.Double.parseDouble(next)\n\n class MultiHashSet[T <% Comparable[T]] {\n val map = new mutable.HashMap[T, Int]()\n\n def count(x: T): Int = {\n return map.getOrElse(x, 0)\n }\n\n def add(x: T): Unit = map.put(x, count(x) + 1)\n\n def remove(x: T): Boolean = {\n val prev = count(x)\n if (prev == 0)\n return false\n if (prev == 1) {\n map.remove(x)\n } else {\n map.put(x, prev - 1)\n }\n return true\n }\n\n override def toString = s\"MultiHashSet($map)\"\n }\n\n class MultiTreeSet[T <% Comparable[T]] {\n val map = new TreeMap[T, Int]()\n\n def count(x: T): Int = {\n val res = map.get(x)\n if (res == null)\n return 0\n return res\n }\n\n def add(x: T): Unit = map.put(x, count(x) + 1)\n\n def first(): T = return map.firstKey()\n\n def last(): T = return map.lastKey()\n\n def remove(x: T): Boolean = {\n val prev = count(x)\n if (prev == 0)\n return false\n if (prev == 1) {\n map.remove(x)\n } else {\n map.put(x, prev - 1)\n }\n return true\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Segment tree for any commutative function\n *\n * @param values Array of Int\n * @param commutative function like min, max, sum\n * @param zero zero value - e.g. 0 for sum, Inf for min, max\n */\n class SegmentTree(values: Array[Int])(commutative: (Int, Int) => Int)(zero: Int) {\n private val SIZE = 1e5.toInt\n private val n = values.length\n val t = new Array[Int](2 * n)\n Array.copy(values, 0, t, n, n)\n\n // build segment tree\n def build = {\n for (i <- n - 1 until 0 by -1) {\n t(i) = commutative(t(2 * i), t(2 * i + 1))\n }\n }\n\n // change value at position p to x\n // TODO beatify\n def modify(p: Int, x: Int) = {\n var pos = p + n\n t(pos) = x\n while (pos > 1) {\n t(pos / 2) = commutative(t(pos), t(pos ^ 1))\n pos /= 2\n }\n }\n\n // TODO implement me!\n def modify(p: Int, left: Int, right: Int) = ???\n\n def query(p: Int) = ???\n\n // sum [l, r)\n // min l = 0\n // max r = n\n // TODO beatify\n def query(left: Int, right: Int): Int = {\n var res = zero\n var r = right + n\n var l = left + n\n while (l < r) {\n if (l % 2 == 1) {\n res = commutative(res, t(l))\n l += 1\n }\n if (r % 2 == 1) {\n r -= 1\n res = commutative(res, t(r))\n }\n l /= 2\n r /= 2\n }\n res\n }\n }\n\n def solve: Int = {\n val n = nextInt\n val k = nextInt\n val a = new Array[Int](n)\n val b = new Array[Int](k)\n for (i <- 0 until n) {\n a(i) = nextInt\n }\n for (i <- 0 until k) {\n b(i) = nextInt\n }\n if (n == k) {\n out.println(\"Yes\")\n return 0\n }\n for (i <- 0 until n) {\n if (a(i) == 0) {\n if (i > 0) {\n for (j <- 0 until k) {\n if (a(i - 1) != 0 && b(j) < a(i - 1)) {\n out.println(\"Yes\")\n return 0\n }\n }\n } else {\n for (j <- 0 until k) {\n if (a(i + 1) != 0 && b(j) > a(i + 1)) {\n out.println(\"Yes\")\n return 0\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n out.println(\"No\")\n return 0\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "\nimport java.io._\nimport java.util._\n\nimport scala.collection.mutable\n\nobject A {\n\n var out: PrintWriter = null\n var br: BufferedReader = null\n var st: StringTokenizer = null\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in))\n out = new PrintWriter(new BufferedOutputStream(System.out))\n solve\n out.close\n }\n\n def next: String = {\n while (st == null || !st.hasMoreTokens) {\n st = new StringTokenizer(br.readLine)\n }\n return st.nextToken\n }\n\n def nextInt: Int = return Integer.parseInt(next)\n\n def nextBoolean: Boolean = next.equalsIgnoreCase(\"1\")\n\n def nextLong: Long = return java.lang.Long.parseLong(next)\n\n def nextDouble: Double = return java.lang.Double.parseDouble(next)\n\n class MultiHashSet[T <% Comparable[T]] {\n val map = new mutable.HashMap[T, Int]()\n\n def count(x: T): Int = {\n return map.getOrElse(x, 0)\n }\n\n def add(x: T): Unit = map.put(x, count(x) + 1)\n\n def remove(x: T): Boolean = {\n val prev = count(x)\n if (prev == 0)\n return false\n if (prev == 1) {\n map.remove(x)\n } else {\n map.put(x, prev - 1)\n }\n return true\n }\n\n override def toString = s\"MultiHashSet($map)\"\n }\n\n class MultiTreeSet[T <% Comparable[T]] {\n val map = new TreeMap[T, Int]()\n\n def count(x: T): Int = {\n val res = map.get(x)\n if (res == null)\n return 0\n return res\n }\n\n def add(x: T): Unit = map.put(x, count(x) + 1)\n\n def first(): T = return map.firstKey()\n\n def last(): T = return map.lastKey()\n\n def remove(x: T): Boolean = {\n val prev = count(x)\n if (prev == 0)\n return false\n if (prev == 1) {\n map.remove(x)\n } else {\n map.put(x, prev - 1)\n }\n return true\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Segment tree for any commutative function\n *\n * @param values Array of Int\n * @param commutative function like min, max, sum\n * @param zero zero value - e.g. 0 for sum, Inf for min, max\n */\n class SegmentTree(values: Array[Int])(commutative: (Int, Int) => Int)(zero: Int) {\n private val SIZE = 1e5.toInt\n private val n = values.length\n val t = new Array[Int](2 * n)\n Array.copy(values, 0, t, n, n)\n\n // build segment tree\n def build = {\n for (i <- n - 1 until 0 by -1) {\n t(i) = commutative(t(2 * i), t(2 * i + 1))\n }\n }\n\n // change value at position p to x\n // TODO beatify\n def modify(p: Int, x: Int) = {\n var pos = p + n\n t(pos) = x\n while (pos > 1) {\n t(pos / 2) = commutative(t(pos), t(pos ^ 1))\n pos /= 2\n }\n }\n\n // TODO implement me!\n def modify(p: Int, left: Int, right: Int) = ???\n\n def query(p: Int) = ???\n\n // sum [l, r)\n // min l = 0\n // max r = n\n // TODO beatify\n def query(left: Int, right: Int): Int = {\n var res = zero\n var r = right + n\n var l = left + n\n while (l < r) {\n if (l % 2 == 1) {\n res = commutative(res, t(l))\n l += 1\n }\n if (r % 2 == 1) {\n r -= 1\n res = commutative(res, t(r))\n }\n l /= 2\n r /= 2\n }\n res\n }\n }\n\n def sorted(l: Array[Int]): Boolean = l == l.sorted\n\n def solve: Int = {\n val n = nextInt\n val k = nextInt\n val a = new Array[Int](n)\n val b = new Array[Int](k)\n for (i <- 0 until n) {\n a(i) = nextInt\n }\n for (i <- 0 until k) {\n b(i) = nextInt\n }\n if (k > 1) {\n out.println(\"Yes\")\n return 0\n }\n val pos = a.indexOf(0)\n a(pos) = b(0)\n if (!sorted(a)) {\n out.println(\"Yes\")\n } else {\n out.println(\"No\")\n }\n return 0\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "\nimport java.io._\nimport java.util._\n\nimport scala.collection.mutable\n\nobject A {\n\n var out: PrintWriter = null\n var br: BufferedReader = null\n var st: StringTokenizer = null\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in))\n out = new PrintWriter(new BufferedOutputStream(System.out))\n solve\n out.close\n }\n\n def next: String = {\n while (st == null || !st.hasMoreTokens) {\n st = new StringTokenizer(br.readLine)\n }\n return st.nextToken\n }\n\n def nextInt: Int = return Integer.parseInt(next)\n\n def nextBoolean: Boolean = next.equalsIgnoreCase(\"1\")\n\n def nextLong: Long = return java.lang.Long.parseLong(next)\n\n def nextDouble: Double = return java.lang.Double.parseDouble(next)\n\n class MultiHashSet[T <% Comparable[T]] {\n val map = new mutable.HashMap[T, Int]()\n\n def count(x: T): Int = {\n return map.getOrElse(x, 0)\n }\n\n def add(x: T): Unit = map.put(x, count(x) + 1)\n\n def remove(x: T): Boolean = {\n val prev = count(x)\n if (prev == 0)\n return false\n if (prev == 1) {\n map.remove(x)\n } else {\n map.put(x, prev - 1)\n }\n return true\n }\n\n override def toString = s\"MultiHashSet($map)\"\n }\n\n class MultiTreeSet[T <% Comparable[T]] {\n val map = new TreeMap[T, Int]()\n\n def count(x: T): Int = {\n val res = map.get(x)\n if (res == null)\n return 0\n return res\n }\n\n def add(x: T): Unit = map.put(x, count(x) + 1)\n\n def first(): T = return map.firstKey()\n\n def last(): T = return map.lastKey()\n\n def remove(x: T): Boolean = {\n val prev = count(x)\n if (prev == 0)\n return false\n if (prev == 1) {\n map.remove(x)\n } else {\n map.put(x, prev - 1)\n }\n return true\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Segment tree for any commutative function\n *\n * @param values Array of Int\n * @param commutative function like min, max, sum\n * @param zero zero value - e.g. 0 for sum, Inf for min, max\n */\n class SegmentTree(values: Array[Int])(commutative: (Int, Int) => Int)(zero: Int) {\n private val SIZE = 1e5.toInt\n private val n = values.length\n val t = new Array[Int](2 * n)\n Array.copy(values, 0, t, n, n)\n\n // build segment tree\n def build = {\n for (i <- n - 1 until 0 by -1) {\n t(i) = commutative(t(2 * i), t(2 * i + 1))\n }\n }\n\n // change value at position p to x\n // TODO beatify\n def modify(p: Int, x: Int) = {\n var pos = p + n\n t(pos) = x\n while (pos > 1) {\n t(pos / 2) = commutative(t(pos), t(pos ^ 1))\n pos /= 2\n }\n }\n\n // TODO implement me!\n def modify(p: Int, left: Int, right: Int) = ???\n\n def query(p: Int) = ???\n\n // sum [l, r)\n // min l = 0\n // max r = n\n // TODO beatify\n def query(left: Int, right: Int): Int = {\n var res = zero\n var r = right + n\n var l = left + n\n while (l < r) {\n if (l % 2 == 1) {\n res = commutative(res, t(l))\n l += 1\n }\n if (r % 2 == 1) {\n r -= 1\n res = commutative(res, t(r))\n }\n l /= 2\n r /= 2\n }\n res\n }\n }\n\n def solve: Int = {\n val n = nextInt\n val k = nextInt\n val a = new Array[Int](n)\n val b = new Array[Int](k)\n for (i <- 0 until n) {\n a(i) = nextInt\n }\n val set = new mutable.HashSet[Int]()\n for (i <- 0 until k) {\n b(i) = nextInt\n set += b(i)\n }\n for (i <- 1 until n) {\n if (a(i) == 0 && a(i - 1) == 0) {\n out.println(\"Yes\")\n return 0\n }\n }\n for (i <- 0 until n) {\n if (a(i) == 0) {\n if (i - 1 >= 0 && i + 1 < n) {\n for (j <- 0 until k) {\n if (b(j) < a(i - 1) && b(j) > a(i + 1)) {\n out.println(\"Yes\")\n return 0\n }\n }\n } else if (i - 1 >= 0) {\n for (j <- 0 until k) {\n if (b(j) < a(i - 1)) {\n out.println(\"Yes\")\n return 0\n }\n }\n } else if (i + 1 < n) {\n for (j <- 0 until k) {\n if (b(j) > a(i + 1)) {\n out.println(\"Yes\")\n return 0\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n out.println(\"No\")\n return 0\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "\nimport java.io._\nimport java.util._\n\nimport scala.collection.mutable\n\nobject A {\n\n var out: PrintWriter = null\n var br: BufferedReader = null\n var st: StringTokenizer = null\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in))\n out = new PrintWriter(new BufferedOutputStream(System.out))\n solve\n out.close\n }\n\n def next: String = {\n while (st == null || !st.hasMoreTokens) {\n st = new StringTokenizer(br.readLine)\n }\n return st.nextToken\n }\n\n def nextInt: Int = return Integer.parseInt(next)\n\n def nextBoolean: Boolean = next.equalsIgnoreCase(\"1\")\n\n def nextLong: Long = return java.lang.Long.parseLong(next)\n\n def nextDouble: Double = return java.lang.Double.parseDouble(next)\n\n class MultiHashSet[T <% Comparable[T]] {\n val map = new mutable.HashMap[T, Int]()\n\n def count(x: T): Int = {\n return map.getOrElse(x, 0)\n }\n\n def add(x: T): Unit = map.put(x, count(x) + 1)\n\n def remove(x: T): Boolean = {\n val prev = count(x)\n if (prev == 0)\n return false\n if (prev == 1) {\n map.remove(x)\n } else {\n map.put(x, prev - 1)\n }\n return true\n }\n\n override def toString = s\"MultiHashSet($map)\"\n }\n\n class MultiTreeSet[T <% Comparable[T]] {\n val map = new TreeMap[T, Int]()\n\n def count(x: T): Int = {\n val res = map.get(x)\n if (res == null)\n return 0\n return res\n }\n\n def add(x: T): Unit = map.put(x, count(x) + 1)\n\n def first(): T = return map.firstKey()\n\n def last(): T = return map.lastKey()\n\n def remove(x: T): Boolean = {\n val prev = count(x)\n if (prev == 0)\n return false\n if (prev == 1) {\n map.remove(x)\n } else {\n map.put(x, prev - 1)\n }\n return true\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Segment tree for any commutative function\n *\n * @param values Array of Int\n * @param commutative function like min, max, sum\n * @param zero zero value - e.g. 0 for sum, Inf for min, max\n */\n class SegmentTree(values: Array[Int])(commutative: (Int, Int) => Int)(zero: Int) {\n private val SIZE = 1e5.toInt\n private val n = values.length\n val t = new Array[Int](2 * n)\n Array.copy(values, 0, t, n, n)\n\n // build segment tree\n def build = {\n for (i <- n - 1 until 0 by -1) {\n t(i) = commutative(t(2 * i), t(2 * i + 1))\n }\n }\n\n // change value at position p to x\n // TODO beatify\n def modify(p: Int, x: Int) = {\n var pos = p + n\n t(pos) = x\n while (pos > 1) {\n t(pos / 2) = commutative(t(pos), t(pos ^ 1))\n pos /= 2\n }\n }\n\n // TODO implement me!\n def modify(p: Int, left: Int, right: Int) = ???\n\n def query(p: Int) = ???\n\n // sum [l, r)\n // min l = 0\n // max r = n\n // TODO beatify\n def query(left: Int, right: Int): Int = {\n var res = zero\n var r = right + n\n var l = left + n\n while (l < r) {\n if (l % 2 == 1) {\n res = commutative(res, t(l))\n l += 1\n }\n if (r % 2 == 1) {\n r -= 1\n res = commutative(res, t(r))\n }\n l /= 2\n r /= 2\n }\n res\n }\n }\n\n def solve: Int = {\n val n = nextInt\n val k = nextInt\n val a = new Array[Int](n)\n val b = new Array[Int](k)\n for (i <- 0 until n) {\n a(i) = nextInt\n }\n for (i <- 0 until k) {\n b(i) = nextInt\n }\n for (i <- 1 until n) {\n if (a(i) == 0 && a(i - 1) == 0) {\n out.println(\"Yes\")\n return 0\n }\n }\n for (i <- 0 until n) {\n if (a(i) == 0) {\n if (i - 1 >= 0) {\n for (j <- 0 until k) {\n if (b(j) < a(i - 1)) {\n out.println(\"Yes\")\n return 0\n }\n }\n }\n if (i + 1 < n) {\n for (j <- 0 until k) {\n if (b(j) > a(i + 1)) {\n out.println(\"Yes\")\n return 0\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n out.println(\"No\")\n return 0\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "\nimport java.io._\nimport java.util._\n\nimport scala.collection.mutable\n\nobject A {\n\n var out: PrintWriter = null\n var br: BufferedReader = null\n var st: StringTokenizer = null\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in))\n out = new PrintWriter(new BufferedOutputStream(System.out))\n solve\n out.close\n }\n\n def next: String = {\n while (st == null || !st.hasMoreTokens) {\n st = new StringTokenizer(br.readLine)\n }\n return st.nextToken\n }\n\n def nextInt: Int = return Integer.parseInt(next)\n\n def nextBoolean: Boolean = next.equalsIgnoreCase(\"1\")\n\n def nextLong: Long = return java.lang.Long.parseLong(next)\n\n def nextDouble: Double = return java.lang.Double.parseDouble(next)\n\n class MultiHashSet[T <% Comparable[T]] {\n val map = new mutable.HashMap[T, Int]()\n\n def count(x: T): Int = {\n return map.getOrElse(x, 0)\n }\n\n def add(x: T): Unit = map.put(x, count(x) + 1)\n\n def remove(x: T): Boolean = {\n val prev = count(x)\n if (prev == 0)\n return false\n if (prev == 1) {\n map.remove(x)\n } else {\n map.put(x, prev - 1)\n }\n return true\n }\n\n override def toString = s\"MultiHashSet($map)\"\n }\n\n class MultiTreeSet[T <% Comparable[T]] {\n val map = new TreeMap[T, Int]()\n\n def count(x: T): Int = {\n val res = map.get(x)\n if (res == null)\n return 0\n return res\n }\n\n def add(x: T): Unit = map.put(x, count(x) + 1)\n\n def first(): T = return map.firstKey()\n\n def last(): T = return map.lastKey()\n\n def remove(x: T): Boolean = {\n val prev = count(x)\n if (prev == 0)\n return false\n if (prev == 1) {\n map.remove(x)\n } else {\n map.put(x, prev - 1)\n }\n return true\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Segment tree for any commutative function\n *\n * @param values Array of Int\n * @param commutative function like min, max, sum\n * @param zero zero value - e.g. 0 for sum, Inf for min, max\n */\n class SegmentTree(values: Array[Int])(commutative: (Int, Int) => Int)(zero: Int) {\n private val SIZE = 1e5.toInt\n private val n = values.length\n val t = new Array[Int](2 * n)\n Array.copy(values, 0, t, n, n)\n\n // build segment tree\n def build = {\n for (i <- n - 1 until 0 by -1) {\n t(i) = commutative(t(2 * i), t(2 * i + 1))\n }\n }\n\n // change value at position p to x\n // TODO beatify\n def modify(p: Int, x: Int) = {\n var pos = p + n\n t(pos) = x\n while (pos > 1) {\n t(pos / 2) = commutative(t(pos), t(pos ^ 1))\n pos /= 2\n }\n }\n\n // TODO implement me!\n def modify(p: Int, left: Int, right: Int) = ???\n\n def query(p: Int) = ???\n\n // sum [l, r)\n // min l = 0\n // max r = n\n // TODO beatify\n def query(left: Int, right: Int): Int = {\n var res = zero\n var r = right + n\n var l = left + n\n while (l < r) {\n if (l % 2 == 1) {\n res = commutative(res, t(l))\n l += 1\n }\n if (r % 2 == 1) {\n r -= 1\n res = commutative(res, t(r))\n }\n l /= 2\n r /= 2\n }\n res\n }\n }\n\n def solve: Int = {\n val n = nextInt\n val k = nextInt\n val a = new Array[Int](n)\n val b = new Array[Int](k)\n for (i <- 0 until n) {\n a(i) = nextInt\n }\n val set = new mutable.HashSet[Int]()\n for (i <- 0 until k) {\n b(i) = nextInt\n set += b(i)\n }\n for (i <- 1 until n) {\n if (a(i) == 0 && a(i - 1) == 0) {\n out.println(\"Yes\")\n return 0\n }\n }\n for (i <- 0 until n) {\n if (a(i) == 0) {\n if (i - 1 >= 0 && i + 1 < n) {\n for (j <- 0 until k) {\n if (b(j) < a(i - 1) && b(j) > a(i + 1)) {\n out.println(\"Yes\")\n return 0\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n out.println(\"No\")\n return 0\n }\n}\n"}], "src_uid": "40264e84c041fcfb4f8c0af784df102a"} {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\n\nobject BarkUnlock {\n\tdef main(args: Array[String]) = {\n\t\tval sc: Scanner = new Scanner(System.in)\n\t\tval password: String = sc.next()\n\t\tval n: Int = sc.nextInt()\n\t\tval words: List[String] = (1 to n).map(_ => sc.next()).toList\n\n\t\tif(words.exists(_.equals(password))) println(\"YES\")\n\t\telse if(words.exists(_.charAt(1) == password.charAt(0)) && \n\t\t\twords.exists(_.charAt(0) == password.charAt(1))) println(\"YES\")\n\t\telse println(\"NO\")\n\t}\n}", "positive_code": [{"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn\n\nobject Atdroch {\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val actualPwd = StdIn.readLine()\n\n val numSubstrings = StdIn.readInt()\n val substrings = (0 until numSubstrings).map(i => StdIn.readLine())\n\n println(if (bruteforcePossible(actualPwd, substrings)) \"YES\" else \"NO\")\n }\n\n def bruteforcePossible(actualPwd: String, substrings: Seq[String]): Boolean = {\n if(substrings.contains(actualPwd)) {\n true\n }\n else {\n (for (x <- substrings; y <- substrings) yield (x, y)).foldLeft(false)((possible, xy) => {\n if(possible) true\n else {\n val (x, y) = xy\n\n x(1) == actualPwd(0) && y(0) == actualPwd(1)\n }\n })\n }\n }\n\n}\n"}], "negative_code": [], "src_uid": "cad8283914da16bc41680857bd20fe9f"} {"source_code": "object Solution extends App {\n val in = io.Source.stdin.getLines()\n val Array(n, t) = in.next().split(' ').map(_.toInt)\n val data = (1 to n).map(i => Array.fill[(Int, Int)](i){(0, 1)}).toArray\n\n def norm(a: (Int, Int)): (Int, Int) = {\n (2 to Math.min(a._1, a._2)).find(j => a._1 % j == 0 && a._2 % j == 0) match {\n case None => a\n case Some(i) => norm((a._1 / i, a._2 / i))\n }\n }\n\n def sum(a: (Int, Int), b: (Int, Int)): (Int, Int) = {\n if (a._2 == b._2)\n norm((a._1 + b._1, b._2))\n else\n norm((a._1 * b._2 + b._1 * a._2, a._2 * b._2))\n }\n\n data(0)(0) = sum(data(0)(0), (t, 1))\n data.indices.foreach(i =>\n data(i).indices.foreach { j =>\n val el = data(i)(j)\n if (el._1 >= el._2 && el != (1, 1)) {\n val temp = (data(i)(j)._1 - data(i)(j)._2, data(i)(j)._2)\n data(i)(j) = (1, 1)\n if (i != data.length - 1) {\n data(i + 1)(j) = sum(data(i + 1)(j), (temp._1, temp._2 * 2))\n data(i + 1)(j + 1) = sum(data(i + 1)(j + 1), (temp._1, temp._2 * 2))\n }\n }\n })\n println(data.map(_.count(_ == (1, 1))).sum)\n}\n", "positive_code": [{"source_code": "import Utils._, annotation.tailrec, collection.mutable, util._, control._, math.Ordering.Implicits._\n\nobject _676B extends CodeForcesApp {\n override def apply(io: IO) = {\n val n, t = io[Int]\n val tower = Array.ofDim[Double]((n * (n + 1))/2)\n\n def pour(glass: Int, amount: Double): Unit = if (glass < tower.length) {\n val capacity = 1 - tower(glass)\n val fill = amount min capacity\n tower(glass) += fill\n val next = amount - fill\n if(next >~ 0) {\n val level = ((Math.sqrt(1 + 8.0*glass) - 1)/2).toInt\n pour(glass + level + 1, next/2)\n pour(glass + level + 2, next/2)\n } else {\n //debug(glass, amount, fill, tower.toList)\n }\n }\n\n repeat(t) {\n pour(glass = 0, amount = 1)\n }\n\n val ans = tower.count(_ ~= 1)\n io += ans\n }\n}\n\n// ((sqrt(1+8*n)-1)/2)\n/****************************[Ignore Template Below]****************************************/\ntrait CodeForcesApp {\n lazy val isOnlineJudge: Boolean = sys.props.get(\"ONLINE_JUDGE\").exists(_.toBoolean)\n def debug(x: Any): Unit = if (!isOnlineJudge) println(x)\n def apply(io: IO): io.type\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = this(new IO(System.in, System.out)).close()\n}\nobject Utils {\n import scala.collection.mutable, mutable.{Map => Dict}\n implicit class GenericExtensions[A](val a: A) extends AnyVal {\n def partialMatch[B](f: PartialFunction[A, B]): Option[B] = f lift a\n }\n implicit class TraversableExtensions[A, C[X] <: Traversable[X]](val t: C[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def onlyElement: A = t.head.ensuring(t.size == 1)\n def groupByIdentifier[K](f: A => K): Map[K, A] = t.groupBy(f).mapValues(_.onlyElement)\n def duplicates(implicit b: C of A): C[A] = {\n val elems = mutable.Set.empty[A]\n (t collect {case i if !elems.add(i) => i}).to[C]\n }\n def sumWith[B](f: A => B)(implicit n: Numeric[B]): B = t.foldLeft(n.zero) {case (p, i) => n.plus(p, f(i))}\n def zipWith[B](f: A => B)(implicit b: C of (A, B)): C[(A, B)] = (t map {i => i -> f(i)}).to[C]\n def mapTo[B](f: A => B)(implicit b: C of (A, B)): Map[A, B] = zipWith(f).toUniqueMap\n def whenNonEmpty[B](f: t.type => B): Option[B] = when(t.nonEmpty)(f(t)) // e.g. grades.whenNonEmpty(_.max)\n def collectFirst[B](f: PartialFunction[A, Option[B]]): Option[B] = t.view collect f collectFirst {case Some(x) => x}\n def toMutableMultiSet: Dict[A, Int] = {\n val c = map[A] to 0\n t.foreach(i => c(i) += 1)\n c\n }\n def toMultiSet: Map[A, Int] = toMutableMultiSet.toMap withDefaultValue 0\n def prefixSum(implicit n: Numeric[A]) = t.scanLeft(n.zero) {case (acc, i) => n.plus(acc, i)}\n def suffixSum(implicit n: Numeric[A]) = t.scanRight(n.zero) {case (i, acc) => n.plus(acc, i)}\n }\n implicit class ArrayExtensions[A <: AnyRef](val a: Array[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def sort(from: Int, until: Int)(implicit cmp: Ordering[A]): Unit = java.util.Arrays.sort(a, from, until, cmp) //sort [from, until)\n }\n implicit class ArrayExtensions2[A](val a: Array[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def sort(from: Int, until: Int)(implicit cmp: Ordering[A]): Unit = a.view(from, until).sorted.copyToArray(a, from)\n }\n implicit class SeqExtensions[A, C[X] <: Seq[X]](val s: C[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def isRotationOf(t: Seq[A]): Boolean = s ++ s containsSlice t\n }\n implicit class PairsExtensions[A, B, C[X] <: Traversable[X]](t: C[(A, B)]) {\n def toUniqueMap: Map[A, B] = t.groupByIdentifier(_._1).mapValues(_._2)\n def toMultiMap(implicit b: C of B): Map[A, C[B]] = t.groupBy(_._1).mapValues(_.map(_._2).to[C])\n def swap(implicit b: C of (B, A)): C[(B, A)] = t.map(_.swap).to[C]\n }\n implicit class MapExtensions[K, V, C[X, Y] <: Map[X, Y]](val m: C[K, V]) extends AnyVal {\n def invert: Map[V, Set[K]] = m.toSet[(K, V)].swap.toMultiMap\n def mapKeys[K2](f: K => K2): Map[K2, V] = m map {case (k, v) => f(k) -> v}\n def toMutable: Dict[K, V] = Dict.empty[K, V] ++ m\n }\n implicit class SetExtensions[A, C[A] <: Set[A]](val s: C[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def notContains(x: A): Boolean = !(s contains x)\n def toMutable = mutable.Set.empty[A] ++ s\n }\n implicit class SortedExtensions[A, C[A] <: collection.SortedSet[A]](val s: C[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def greaterThanOrEqualTo(a: A): Option[A] = s.from(a).headOption\n def lessThan(a: A): Option[A] = s.until(a).lastOption\n }\n implicit class IterableExtensions[A, C[A] <: Seq[A]](val s: C[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def findWithIndex(f: A => Boolean): Option[(A, Int)] = s.zipWithIndex find {case (a, _) => f(a)}\n def foldUntil[B](z: B)(f: (B, A) => B)(c: B => Boolean): Option[(B, Int)] = s.view.scanLeft(z)(f) findWithIndex c\n }\n implicit class BooleanExtensions(val x: Boolean) extends AnyVal {\n def to[A](implicit n: Numeric[A]) = if(x) n.one else n.zero\n }\n implicit class LongExtensions(val x: Long) extends AnyVal {\n def bitCount: Int = java.lang.Long.bitCount(x)\n }\n implicit class NumericExtensions[A](val x: A)(implicit n: Numeric[A]) {\n import Numeric.Implicits._\n def **(i: Int): A = if (i == 0) n.one else {\n val h = x ** (i/2)\n if (i%2 == 0) h * h else h * h * x\n }\n def nonNegative: Option[A] = when(n.gteq(x, n.zero))(x)\n def whenNegative(f: => A): A = nonNegative getOrElse f //e.g. students indexOf \"Greg\" whenNegative Int.MaxValue\n }\n implicit class IntegralExtensions[A](val x: A)(implicit n: Integral[A]) {\n import scala.collection.immutable.NumericRange, Integral.Implicits._\n def mod(y: A): A = x - ((x / y) * y) //(x/y)*y + (x mod y) == x\n def -->(y: A): NumericRange.Inclusive[A] = NumericRange.inclusive(n.min(x, y), n.max(x, y), n.one)\n }\n implicit def toPoint[A](p: (A, A))(implicit n: Numeric[A]) = new java.awt.geom.Point2D.Double(n.toDouble(p._1), n.toDouble(p._2))\n def desc[A: Ordering]: Ordering[A] = asc[A].reverse //e.g. students.sortBy(_.height)(desc)\n def asc[A](implicit order: Ordering[A]): Ordering[A] = order\n def map[K] = new {\n def to[V](default: V): Dict[K, V] = Dict.empty[K, V] withDefaultValue default // also to(Dict.empty[K2, V])\n }\n def memoize[A, B](f: A => B): collection.Map[A, B] = new mutable.HashMap[A, B]() {\n override def apply(key: A) = getOrElseUpdate(key, f(key))\n }\n implicit class FuzzyDouble(x: Double)(implicit eps: Double = 1e-9) {\n def >~(y: Double) = x > y+eps\n def >=~(y: Double) = x >= y-eps\n def ~<(y: Double) = x < y-eps\n def ~=<(y: Double) = x <= y+eps\n def ~=(y: Double) = ~=<(y) && >=~(y)\n }\n @inline def when[A](check: Boolean)(f: => A): Option[A] = if (check) Some(f) else None\n def repeat[U](n: Int)(f: => U): Unit = (1 to n).foreach(_ => f)\n type of[C[_], A] = scala.collection.generic.CanBuild[A, C[A]]\n val mod: Int = (1e9 + 7).toInt\n}\n/***********************************[Scala I/O]*********************************************/\nimport Utils._, java.io._, java.util.StringTokenizer\n\nclass IO(in: BufferedReader, out: BufferedWriter) extends PrintWriter(out, true) with Iterator[String] {\n def this(reader: Reader, writer: Writer) = this(new BufferedReader(reader), new BufferedWriter(writer))\n def this(in: InputStream, out: OutputStream) = this(new InputStreamReader(in), new OutputStreamWriter(out))\n\n private[this] val tokenizers = Iterator.continually(in.readLine()).takeWhile(_ != null).map(new StringTokenizer(_)).buffered\n\n @inline private[this] def tokenizer() = {\n while(tokenizers.nonEmpty && !tokenizers.head.hasMoreTokens) tokenizers.next()\n if (tokenizers.nonEmpty) Some(tokenizers.head) else None\n }\n\n def apply[A](implicit read: IO.Read[A]): A = read.apply(this)\n def apply[C[_], A: IO.Read](n: Int)(implicit b: C of A): C[A] = Iterator.fill(n)(apply).to[C]\n\n def till(delim: String): String = tokenizer().get.nextToken(delim)\n def tillEndOfLine(): String = till(\"\\n\\r\")\n\n override def next() = tokenizer().get.nextToken()\n override def hasNext = tokenizer().nonEmpty\n\n var separator = \" \"\n private[this] var isNewLine = true\n\n def +=[A](x: A)(implicit write: IO.Write[A]): this.type = {\n write(this)(x)\n this\n }\n def ++=[A: IO.Write](xs: Traversable[A]): this.type = (this += xs.size) appendNewLine xs\n\n def appendNewLine[A: IO.Write](x: A): this.type = {\n println()\n this += x\n }\n\n override def print(obj: String) = {\n if (isNewLine) isNewLine = false else super.print(separator)\n super.print(obj)\n }\n override def println() = if (!isNewLine) {\n super.println()\n isNewLine = true\n }\n override def close() = {\n flush()\n in.close()\n super.close()\n }\n}\nobject IO {\n class Read[A](val apply: IO => A) {\n def map[B](f: A => B): Read[B] = new Read(apply andThen f)\n }\n object Read {\n implicit def collection[C[_], A: Read](implicit b: C of A): Read[C[A]] = new Read(r => r[C, A](r[Int]))\n implicit val string : Read[String] = new Read(_.next())\n implicit val char : Read[Char] = string.map(_.toTraversable.onlyElement)\n implicit val boolean : Read[Boolean] = string.map(_.toBoolean)\n implicit val int : Read[Int] = string.map(_.toInt)\n implicit val long : Read[Long] = string.map(_.toLong)\n implicit val bigInt : Read[BigInt] = string.map(BigInt(_))\n implicit val double : Read[Double] = string.map(_.toDouble)\n implicit val bigDecimal : Read[BigDecimal] = string.map(BigDecimal(_))\n implicit def tuple2[A: Read, B: Read] : Read[(A, B)] = new Read(r => (r[A], r[B]))\n implicit def tuple3[A: Read, B: Read, C: Read] : Read[(A, B, C)] = new Read(r => (r[A], r[B], r[C]))\n implicit def tuple4[A: Read, B: Read, C: Read, D: Read] : Read[(A, B, C, D)] = new Read(r => (r[A], r[B], r[C], r[D]))\n }\n trait Write[-A] {\n def apply(out: PrintWriter)(x: A): Unit\n }\n trait DefaultWrite {\n implicit def any[A]: Write[A] = Write(_.toString)\n }\n object Write extends DefaultWrite {\n def apply[A](f: A => String) = new Write[A] {\n override def apply(out: PrintWriter)(x: A) = out.print(f(x))\n }\n implicit val boolean: Write[Boolean] = Write(b => if (b) \"YES\" else \"NO\")\n implicit def tuple2[A, B]: Write[(A, B)] = Write {case (a, b) => s\"$a $b\"}\n implicit def array[A]: Write[Array[A]] = Write(_ mkString \" \")\n implicit def iterable[A](implicit write: Write[A]): Write[Traversable[A]] = new Write[Traversable[A]] {\n override def apply(out: PrintWriter)(xs: Traversable[A]) = {\n xs foreach write(out)\n out.println()\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\n"}], "negative_code": [{"source_code": "object Solution extends App {\n val in = io.Source.stdin.getLines()\n val Array(n, t) = in.next().split(' ').map(_.toInt)\n val data = (1 to n).map(i => Array.fill[(Int, Int)](i){(0, 1)}).toArray\n\n def norm(a: (Int, Int)): (Int, Int) = {\n (2 to Math.min(a._1, a._2)).find(j => a._1 % j == 0 && a._2 % j == 0) match {\n case None => a\n case Some(i) => norm((a._1 / i, a._2 / i))\n }\n }\n\n def sum(a: (Int, Int), b: (Int, Int)): (Int, Int) = {\n if (a._2 == b._2)\n norm((a._1 + b._1, b._2))\n else\n norm((a._1 * b._2 + b._1 * a._2, a._2 * b._2))\n }\n\n data.indices.foreach(i =>\n data(i).indices.foreach { j =>\n val el = data(i)(j)\n if (el._1 >= el._2 && el != (1, 1)) {\n val temp = (data(i)(j)._1 - data(i)(j)._2, data(i)(j)._2)\n data(i)(j) = (1, 1)\n if (i != data.length - 1) {\n data(i + 1)(j) = sum(data(i + 1)(j), (temp._1, temp._2 * 2))\n data(i + 1)(j + 1) = sum(data(i + 1)(j + 1), (temp._1, temp._2 * 2))\n }\n }\n })\n println(data.map(_.count(_ == (1, 1))).sum)\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object Solution extends App {\n val in = io.Source.stdin.getLines()\n val Array(n, t) = in.next().split(' ').map(_.toInt)\n val data = (1 to n).map(i => Array.fill[(Int, Int)](i){(0, 1)}).toArray\n\n def norm(a: (Int, Int)): (Int, Int) = {\n (2 to Math.min(a._1, a._2)).find(j => a._1 % j == 0 && a._2 % j == 0) match {\n case None => a\n case Some(i) => norm((a._1 / i, a._2 / i))\n }\n }\n\n def sum(a: (Int, Int), b: (Int, Int)): (Int, Int) = {\n if (a._2 == b._2)\n norm((a._1 + b._1, b._2))\n else\n norm((a._1 * b._2 + b._1 * a._2, a._2 * b._2))\n }\n\n (1 to t).foreach { _ =>\n data(0)(0) = sum(data(0)(0), (1, 1))\n data.indices.foreach(i =>\n data(i).indices.foreach { j =>\n val el = data(i)(j)\n if (el._1 >= el._2 && el != (1, 1)) {\n val temp = (data(i)(j)._1 - data(i)(j)._2, data(i)(j)._2)\n data(i)(j) = (1, 1)\n if (i != data.length - 1) {\n data(i + 1)(j) = sum(data(i + 1)(j), (temp._1, temp._2 * 2))\n data(i + 1)(j + 1) = sum(data(i + 1)(j + 1), (temp._1, temp._2 * 2))\n }\n }\n })\n println(data.map(_.toList).toList)\n\n }\n println(data.map(_.toList).toList)\n println(data.map(_.count(_ == (1, 1))).sum)\n}\n"}], "src_uid": "b2b49b7f6e3279d435766085958fb69d"} {"source_code": "object _977B extends CodeForcesApp {\n import annotation._, collection.{mutable, Searching}, util._, control._, math.Ordering.Implicits._, Searching._, Math._\n\n override def apply(io: IO): io.type = {\n val _, s = io.read[String]\n val (ans, _) = s.sliding(2).toSeq.groupBy(identity).mapValues(_.size).maxBy(_._2)\n io.write(ans)\n }\n}\n/****************************[Ignore Template Below]****************************************/\ntrait CodeForcesApp {\n lazy val isOnlineJudge: Boolean = sys.props.get(\"ONLINE_JUDGE\").exists(_.toBoolean)\n def debug(x: => Any): Unit = if (!isOnlineJudge) println(x)\n def apply(io: IO): io.type\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = this(new IO(System.in, System.out)).close()\n}\n/***********************************[Scala I/O]*********************************************/\nimport java.io._, java.util.StringTokenizer\nimport scala.collection.generic.CanBuild\n\nclass IO(in: BufferedReader, out: BufferedWriter) extends Iterator[String] with AutoCloseable with Flushable {\n def this(reader: Reader, writer: Writer) = this(new BufferedReader(reader), new BufferedWriter(writer))\n def this(in: InputStream, out: OutputStream) = this(new InputStreamReader(in), new OutputStreamWriter(out))\n\n private[this] val tokenizers = Iterator.continually(in.readLine()).takeWhile(_ != null).map(new StringTokenizer(_)).buffered\n val printer = new PrintWriter(out, true)\n\n @inline private[this] def tokenizer() = {\n while(tokenizers.nonEmpty && !tokenizers.head.hasMoreTokens) tokenizers.next()\n tokenizers.headOption\n }\n\n def read[A](implicit read: IO.Read[A]): A = read.apply(this)\n def read[C[_], A: IO.Read](n: Int)(implicit b: CanBuild[A, C[A]]): C[A] = Iterator.fill(n)(read).to[C]\n\n def readTill(delim: String): String = tokenizer().get.nextToken(delim)\n def readTillEndOfLine(): String = readTill(\"\\n\\r\")\n\n def readAll[A: IO.Read]: (Int, Vector[A]) = {\n val data = read[Vector[A]]\n (data.length, data)\n }\n\n override def next() = tokenizer().get.nextToken()\n override def hasNext = tokenizer().nonEmpty\n\n def write(obj: Any): this.type = {\n printer.print(obj)\n this\n }\n def writeLine(): this.type = {\n printer.println()\n this\n }\n def writeLine(obj: Any): this.type = {\n printer.println(obj)\n this\n }\n def writeAll(obj: Traversable[Any], separator: String = \" \"): this.type = write(obj mkString separator)\n def query[A: IO.Read](question: Any): A = writeLine(question).read\n\n override def flush() = printer.flush()\n def close() = {\n flush()\n in.close()\n printer.close()\n }\n}\nobject IO {\n class Read[A](val apply: IO => A) {\n def map[B](f: A => B): Read[B] = new Read(apply andThen f)\n }\n\n object Read {\n implicit def collection[C[_], A: Read](implicit b: CanBuild[A, C[A]]) : Read[C[A]] = new Read(r => r.read[C, A](r.read[Int]))\n implicit val string : Read[String] = new Read(_.next())\n implicit val int : Read[Int] = string.map(_.toInt)\n implicit val long : Read[Long] = string.map(_.toLong)\n implicit val bigInt : Read[BigInt] = string.map(BigInt(_))\n implicit val double : Read[Double] = string.map(_.toDouble)\n implicit val bigDecimal : Read[BigDecimal] = string.map(BigDecimal(_))\n implicit def tuple2[A: Read, B: Read] : Read[(A, B)] = new Read(r => (r.read[A], r.read[B]))\n implicit def tuple3[A: Read, B: Read, C: Read] : Read[(A, B, C)] = new Read(r => (r.read[A], r.read[B], r.read[C]))\n implicit def tuple4[A: Read, B: Read, C: Read, D: Read] : Read[(A, B, C, D)] = new Read(r => (r.read[A], r.read[B], r.read[C], r.read[D]))\n implicit val boolean : Read[Boolean] = string map {s =>\n s.toLowerCase match {\n case \"yes\" | \"true\" | \"1\" => true\n case \"no\" | \"false\" | \"0\" => false\n case _ => s.toBoolean\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\n", "positive_code": [{"source_code": "object Main {\n import java.io._\n import java.util.StringTokenizer\n\n import scala.collection.mutable\n import scala.util.Sorting\n import math.{abs, max, min}\n import mutable.{ArrayBuffer, ListBuffer}\n import scala.reflect.ClassTag\n\n val MOD = 1000000007\n val out = new PrintWriter(System.out)\n\n def solve(): Unit = {\n val N = ni()\n val s = ns(N)\n val cnt = Array.ofDim[Int](26, 26)\n rep(N - 1) { i =>\n val a = s(i) - 'A'\n val b = s(i + 1) - 'A'\n cnt(a)(b) += 1\n }\n\n val ms = cnt.map(_.max).max\n var a, b = 0\n rep(26) { i =>\n rep(26) { j =>\n if (cnt(i)(j) == ms) {\n a = i\n b = j\n }\n }\n }\n\n out.println(s\"${('A'+a).toChar}${('A'+b).toChar}\")\n }\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n solve()\n out.flush()\n }\n\n\n class InputReader(val stream: InputStream) {\n private val reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(stream), 32768)\n private var tokenizer: StringTokenizer = _\n\n def next(): String = {\n while (tokenizer == null || !tokenizer.hasMoreTokens)\n tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(reader.readLine)\n tokenizer.nextToken\n }\n\n def nextInt(): Int = next().toInt\n def nextLong(): Long = next().toLong\n def nextChar(): Char = next().charAt(0)\n }\n val sc = new InputReader(System.in)\n def ni(): Int = sc.nextInt()\n def nl(): Long = sc.nextLong()\n def nc(): Char = sc.nextChar()\n def ns(): String = sc.next()\n def ns(n: Int): Array[Char] = ns().toCharArray\n def na(n: Int): Array[Int] = map(n)(_ => ni())\n def nm(n: Int, m: Int): Array[Array[Char]] = map(n) (_ => ns(m))\n def rep(n: Int, offset: Int = 0)(f: Int => Unit): Unit = {\n var i = offset\n val N = n + offset\n while(i < N) { f(i); i += 1 }\n }\n def rep_r(n: Int, offset: Int = 0)(f: Int => Unit): Unit = {\n var i = n - 1 + offset\n while(i >= offset) { f(i); i -= 1 }\n }\n\n def map[@specialized A: ClassTag](n: Int)(f: Int => A): Array[A] = {\n val res = Array.ofDim[A](n)\n rep(n)(i => res(i) = f(i))\n res\n }\n\n implicit class ArrayOpts[A](val as: Array[A]) extends AnyVal {\n // todo Orderingだとboxing発生するので自作Orderを用意したい\n def maxByOpt[B: Ordering](f: A => B): Option[A] = {\n if (as.nonEmpty) Some(as.maxBy(f)) else None\n }\n\n def grpBy[K](f: A => K): mutable.Map[K, ArrayBuffer[A]] = {\n val map = mutable.Map.empty[K, ArrayBuffer[A]]\n rep(as.length)(i => map.getOrElseUpdate(f(as(i)), ArrayBuffer()) += as(i))\n map\n }\n\n def sumBy[B](f: A => B)(implicit num: Numeric[B]): B = {\n var sum = num.zero\n rep(as.length)(i => sum = num.plus(sum, f(as(i))))\n sum\n }\n\n def minByEx[B](f: A => B, ixRange: Range = as.indices)(implicit cmp: Ordering[B]): (A, B) = {\n limit(f, ixRange)(cmp.lt)\n }\n\n def maxByEx[B](f: A => B, ixRange: Range = as.indices)(implicit cmp: Ordering[B]): (A, B) = {\n limit(f, ixRange)(cmp.gt)\n }\n\n private def limit[B](f: A => B, ixRange: Range)(cmp: (B, B) => Boolean): (A, B) = {\n var limA = as(ixRange.head)\n var limB = f(limA)\n\n for (i <- ixRange.tail) {\n val a = as(i)\n val b = f(a)\n if (cmp(b, limB)) {\n limA = a\n limB = b\n }\n }\n (limA, limB)\n }\n }\n\n implicit class IterableOpts[A](val as: Iterable[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def sumBy[B](f: A => B)(implicit num: Numeric[B]): B = {\n as.foldLeft(num.zero)((acc, a) => num.plus(acc, f(a)))\n }\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "import scala.collection.mutable\n\nobject CE976B extends App {\n readInt();\n val string = readLine();\n val charArray = string.toCharArray();\n val map = mutable.Map[String, Int]()\n for (i <- 0 to string.length - 2) {\n val subString = string.substring(i, i + 2);\n if (map.contains(subString)) {\n val currentTime = map(subString) + 1\n map += (subString -> currentTime)\n }\n else\n map += (subString -> 1)\n }\n val maxTime = map.reduceLeft((a, b) => if (a._2 > b._2) a else b)\n println(maxTime._1)\n\n def sub(n: Int) = if (n % 10 == 0) n / 10 else n - 1;\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "\nimport scala.io.StdIn\n\nobject TwoGram extends App {\n\n val l1 = StdIn.readLine()\n val l2 = StdIn.readLine()\n print(impl(l2))\n\n def impl(st: String): String = {\n val m = collection.mutable.Map[String, Int]().withDefaultValue(0)\n\n for (i <- Range(0, st.length - 1)) {\n m(st.charAt(i).toString + st.charAt(i + 1)) += 1\n }\n\n m.maxBy(_._2)._1\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "object B977 extends App {\n type Base = String\n type Pair = (Char, Char)\n type Splitted = List[Pair]\n\n val s: String = { readLine(); readLine() }\n\n def answer0 = (s head, (s tail) head)\n def splitted: Splitted = ((s tail) tail).foldLeft(List[(Char, Char)](answer0)) { (answer: List[(Char, Char)], i: Char) => \n val (_, previous) = (answer).head\n (previous, i) :: (answer)\n }\n\n def iterate(result: Map[Pair, Int], over: Splitted): Pair = {\n over match {\n case Nil =>\n result\n .toList\n .maxBy{ p => p._2 }\n ._1\n \n case h :: t =>\n if (result.contains(h)) iterate(result + (h -> (result(h) + 1)), over tail)\n else iterate(result + (h -> 1), over tail)\n }\n }\n\n val r = iterate(Map.empty, splitted)\n print(r._1 + \"\" + r._2)\n}"}, {"source_code": "object CF_379_Two_Gram extends App {\n\n def createListGroup[T](\n list: List[T],\n accumList: List[(T, T)] = List[(T, T)]()): List[(T, T)] = {\n list match {\n case head :: tail if tail != Nil =>\n createListGroup(tail, accumList :+ (head, tail.head))\n case _ :: tail if tail == Nil => accumList\n case Nil => accumList\n }\n }\n\n val numOfChar = scala.io.StdIn.readLine\n val string = createListGroup(scala.io.StdIn.readLine.toList)\n println(\n string\n .map(x => x._1.toString + x._2.toString)\n .groupBy(identity)\n .mapValues(_.size)\n .toSeq\n .sortWith(_._2 > _._2)\n .head\n ._1)\n}"}, {"source_code": "object B extends App {\n val n = scala.io.StdIn.readInt()\n val s = scala.io.StdIn.readLine()\n\n val a = Array.fill(65535)(0)\n var m = -1\n var j = -1\n\n var p = s.head\n for (c <- s.tail) {\n val i = ((p.toByte - 65) << 8) + c.toByte - 65\n a(i) += 1\n if (a(i) > m) {\n j = i\n m = a(i)\n }\n p = c\n }\n\n println(s\"${((j >> 8) + 65).toChar}${((j & 0xFF) + 65).toChar}\")\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "\nobject problemA {\n import java.io.{BufferedReader, FileInputStream, InputStreamReader}\n import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer\n import scala.collection.mutable\n import scala.util.control.Breaks._\n import scala.collection.JavaConverters._\n\n val source = System.in\n implicit val reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(source))\n\n def read()(implicit reader: BufferedReader): String = reader.readLine().split(\" \")(0)\n def readArray()(implicit reader: BufferedReader): Array[String] = reader.readLine().split(\" \")\n def readString()(implicit reader: BufferedReader): String = reader.readLine()\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val n = read().toInt\n val s = readString()\n\n val f = new mutable.HashMap[String, Int]()\n\n for (i <- 0 until s.length - 1) {\n val key = s.substring(i, i + 2)\n val value = f.getOrElse(key, 0)\n f.put(key, value + 1)\n }\n\n var rs = \"\"\n var max = 0\n f.foreach{case (k, v) => {\n if (max < v) {\n max = v\n rs = k\n }\n }}\n println(rs)\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "\nobject CF977A extends App {\n\n import java.io.{PrintWriter}\n import java.util.{Locale, Scanner}\n\n val in = new Scanner(System.in)\n val out = new PrintWriter(System.out)\n\n def nextInt = in.nextInt\n def nextDouble = in.nextDouble\n def nextString = in.next\n\n def substract(n: Int, k: Int): Int = {\n if (k == 0) n\n else {\n val updatedN = if (n % 10 == 0) n / 10 else n - 1\n substract(updatedN, k - 1)\n }\n }\n\n def sub(text: String, s: Int): Unit = {\n text.substring(s, s + 1)\n }\n\n def solve: Unit = {\n val n = nextInt\n val input = nextString\n\n val res = for (i <- (0 until n - 1)) yield input.substring(i, i + 2)\n val m = res.groupBy(x => x).mapValues(_.size).maxBy(_._2)._1\n out.println(m)\n }\n\n try {\n solve\n } catch {\n case _: Exception => sys.exit(9999)\n } finally {\n out.flush\n out.close\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object Problem_977B {\n // Two-gram\n\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val scan = scala.io.StdIn\n val len: Int = scan.readLine.toInt\n val targetStr: String = scan.readLine()\n\n val occurenceMap = targetStr.foldLeft(Map.empty[String, Int], ' ') {\n case ((map: Map[String, Int], prevChar: Char), elem: Char) =>\n if (prevChar != ' ') {\n (map + (f\"$prevChar$elem\" -> (map.getOrElse(s\"$prevChar$elem\", 0) + 1)), elem)\n }\n else {\n (map, elem)\n }\n }._1\n\n println(occurenceMap.maxBy(_._2)._1)\n }\n\n}\n"}], "negative_code": [], "src_uid": "e78005d4be93dbaa518f3b40cca84ab1"} {"source_code": "object Main extends App {\n\tdef findMinMonth(array: Array[Int], poitner: Int, neededLength: Int, currentLength: Int): Int = {\n\t\tif (neededLength == 0) 0\n\t\telse if (poitner == array.size) -1\n\t\telse if (currentLength + array(poitner) >= neededLength) poitner + 1\n\t\telse findMinMonth(array, poitner + 1, neededLength, currentLength + array(poitner))\n\t}\n\n\tval neededLength = readLine.toInt\n\tval growPerMonthList = readLine.split(\" \").map(_.toInt).sortWith((a: Int, b: Int) => a > b)\n\tprintln(findMinMonth(growPerMonthList, 0, neededLength, 0))\n}", "positive_code": [{"source_code": "/*input\n45\n0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 3 0\n*/\n\nimport java.util.Scanner\nimport scala.io.StdIn\n\nobject Solution {\n\tdef main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n\n\t\tval k = StdIn.readInt();\n\t\tval arr = StdIn.readLine().split(\" \").map( _.toInt ).sortWith( _ > _);\n\t\tif(arr.sum < k) println(-1)\n\t\telse{\n\t\t\tval out = arr.foldLeft(List(0,0)){(x: List[Int], y: Int) => {\n\n\t\t\t\t\tif(x(0) >= k) x else List(x(0)+y, x(1)+1)\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}(1);\n\t\t\tprintln(out);\n\t\t}\n\n\t}\n\n}"}, {"source_code": "import java.io.BufferedReader\nimport java.io.IOException\nimport java.io.InputStreamReader\nimport java.io.PrintWriter\nimport java.util.StringTokenizer;\nimport java.util.Arrays\n\nobject Solver {\n\n var st : StringTokenizer = null;\n var in : BufferedReader = null;\n var out : PrintWriter = null;\n\n def main(args: Array[String]){\n open();\n solve();\n close();\n }\n\n def open() {\n in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));\n out = new PrintWriter(System.out);\n }\n\n def nextToken() : String = {\n while (st == null || !st.hasMoreTokens()) {\n st = new StringTokenizer(in.readLine());\n }\n st.nextToken();\n }\n\n def nextInt() : Int = {\n Integer.parseInt(nextToken());\n }\n\n// def nextLong() {\n// return Long.parseLong(nextToken());\n// }\n//\n// def nextDouble() : Double = {\n// Double.parseDouble(nextToken());\n// }\n\n def solve(){\n var k:Int = nextInt;\n var ar: Array[Int] = new Array[Int](12);\n var sum: Int = 0;\n for (i <- 0 to 11){\n ar(i) = nextInt;\n sum += ar(i);\n }\n \n if (sum<k){\n out.println(-1);\n return;\n }\n \n Arrays.sort(ar); \n var i:Int = 12;\n while (k>0){\n i-=1;\n k -= ar(i);\n }\n \n out.println(12-i);\n return\n }\n\n def close() {\n out.flush();\n out.close();\n }\n\n}"}, {"source_code": "object P149A extends App {\n var k = readLine.toInt\n val months = readLine.split(\" \").map(_.toInt).toList.sortWith(_ > _)\n print(if (months.sum < k) -1\n else months.takeWhile({(e) => if (k>0) {k -= e; true} else false }).length)\n}"}, {"source_code": "object Solution extends App {\n val in = scala.io.Source.stdin.getLines()\n val k = in.next().toInt\n val data = in.next().split(\" \").map(_.toInt).sorted.reverse\n var i = 0\n var soFar = 0\n if (data.sum < k)\n println(-1)\n else {\n while (soFar < k) {\n soFar += data(i)\n i += 1\n }\n println(i)\n }\n\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object A149 {\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(scala.io.StdIn.readLine)\n\n def readInts(n: Int) = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt)\n }\n\n def readLongs(n: Int) = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong)\n }\n\n def readBigs(n: Int) = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(BigInt(tl.nextToken))\n }\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val Array(k) = readInts(1)\n val months = readInts(12).sortBy(x => -x)\n var size = 0\n var i = 0\n while(size < k && i < 12) {\n size += months(i)\n i += 1\n }\n if(size < k) {\n println(\"-1\")\n } else {\n println(i)\n }\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "\nobject tmp extends App {\n\n import java.io._\n import java.util.StringTokenizer\n\n class MyScanner(br: BufferedReader) {\n var st = new StringTokenizer(\"\")\n\n def this(is: InputStream) = this(new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is)))\n\n private def next() = {\n\n while (!st.hasMoreElements) {\n st = new StringTokenizer(br.readLine())\n }\n st.nextToken()\n }\n\n def nextInt() = java.lang.Integer.parseInt(next())\n\n def nextLong() = java.lang.Long.parseLong(next())\n\n def nextLine() = br.readLine()\n }\n\n val sc = new MyScanner(System.in)\n val n = sc.nextInt()\n val a = (for (_ <- 0 until 12) yield sc.nextInt()).sorted.reverse\n if (n == 0) {\n println(0)\n System.exit(0)\n }\n if (a.sum < n) {\n println(-1)\n System.exit(0)\n }\n var count = 0\n val part = a.takeWhile(v => {val cond = count < n; count += v; cond})\n println(part.length)\n\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\nimport java.io.PrintWriter\nimport scala.annotation.tailrec\nimport scala.collection.mutable\nimport scala.util.Random\n\nobject P149A extends App {\n val sc = new Scanner(System.in)\n val out = new PrintWriter(System.out)\n\n val K = sc.nextInt\n val g = List.fill(12)(sc.nextInt).sorted.reverse\n\n def solve: Int = {\n @tailrec\n def loop(acc: Int, m: Int, gs: List[Int]): Int =\n if (acc >= K) m\n else gs match {\n case Nil => -1\n case x :: xs => loop(acc + x, m + 1, xs)\n }\n loop(0, 0, g)\n }\n\n out.println(solve)\n out.close\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import annotation.tailrec\nimport java.io._\n\nobject Easy {\n val reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in))\n def readInts = reader.readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n def readInt = reader.readLine().toInt\n\n val k = readInt\n def ans = readInts.sortWith(_ > _).foldLeft(List(0)) {\n case (l @ head :: _, x) => head + x :: l\n }.filter(_ < k).size\n\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n println((ans + 1) % 14 - 1)\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object Main {\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val k = readInt()\n val a = readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n val r = a.sortWith(_ > _).foldLeft((0, 0)) { (t, a) => \n if (t._1 >= k) t\n else (t._1 + a, t._2 + 1)\n }\n if (r._1 < k) println(\"-1\")\n else println(r._2)\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\n\nobject Amain {\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val sc = new Scanner(System.in)\n val N = sc.nextInt\n val cal = (for(i <- 1 to 12) yield sc.nextInt).sortWith(_ > _)\n \n // println(cal)\n \n val ret = for(i <- 0 to 12) yield {\n (cal.take(i).sum, i)\n }\n \n if(cal.sum < N) println(-1)\n else println(ret.filter(_._1 >= N).head._2)\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn\n\nobject Main {\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val k = StdIn.readInt()\n val a = StdIn.readLine().split(\" \").toList.map(_.toInt).sorted.reverse\n println(a.inits.toList.reverse.find(_.sum >= k).map(_.length).getOrElse(-1))\n }\n}\n"}], "negative_code": [{"source_code": "object Main extends App {\n\tdef findMinMonth(array: Array[Int], poitner: Int, neededLength: Int, currentLength: Int): Int = {\n\t\tval newLength = currentLength + array(poitner)\n\t\tif (newLength >= neededLength) poitner + 1\n\t\telse if (poitner == array.size) 0\n\t\telse findMinMonth(array, poitner + 1, neededLength, newLength)\n\t}\n\n\tval neededLength = readLine.toInt\n\tval growPerMonthList = readLine.split(\" \").map(_.toInt).sortWith((a: Int, b: Int) => a > b)\n\tprintln(findMinMonth(growPerMonthList, 0, neededLength, 0))\n}"}, {"source_code": "object Main extends App {\n\tdef findMinMonth(array: Array[Int], poitner: Int, neededLength: Int, currentLength: Int): Int = {\n\t\tif (neededLength == 0) 0\n\t\telse if (poitner == array.size) currentLength\n\t\telse if (currentLength + array(poitner) >= neededLength) poitner + 1\n\t\telse findMinMonth(array, poitner + 1, neededLength, currentLength + array(poitner))\n\t}\n\n\tval neededLength = readLine.toInt\n\tval growPerMonthList = readLine.split(\" \").map(_.toInt).sortWith((a: Int, b: Int) => a > b)\n\tprintln(findMinMonth(growPerMonthList, 0, neededLength, 0))\n}"}, {"source_code": "object P149A extends App {\n var k = readLine.toInt\n val months = readLine.split(\" \").map(_.toInt).toList.sortWith(_ > _)\n print(months.takeWhile({(e) => if (k>=0) {k -= e; true} else false }).length)\n}"}, {"source_code": "object P149A extends App {\n var k = readLine.toInt\n val months = readLine.split(\" \").map(_.toInt).toList.sortWith(_ > _)\n print(months.takeWhile({(e) => if (k>0) {k -= e; true} else false }).length)\n}"}, {"source_code": "object P149A extends App {\n var k = readLine.toInt\n val months = readLine.split(\" \").map(_.toInt).toList.sortWith(_ > _)\n print(if (months.sum > k) -1\n else months.takeWhile({(e) => if (k>0) {k -= e; true} else false }).length)\n}"}, {"source_code": "\nobject tmp extends App {\n\n import java.io._\n import java.util.StringTokenizer\n\n class MyScanner(br: BufferedReader) {\n var st = new StringTokenizer(\"\")\n\n def this(is: InputStream) = this(new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is)))\n\n private def next() = {\n\n while (!st.hasMoreElements) {\n st = new StringTokenizer(br.readLine())\n }\n st.nextToken()\n }\n\n def nextInt() = java.lang.Integer.parseInt(next())\n\n def nextLong() = java.lang.Long.parseLong(next())\n\n def nextLine() = br.readLine()\n }\n\n val sc = new MyScanner(System.in)\n val n = sc.nextInt()\n val a = (for (_ <- 0 until 12) yield sc.nextInt()).sorted.reverse\n if (n == 0) {\n println(0)\n System.exit(0)\n }\n if (a.sum < n) {\n println(-1)\n System.exit(0)\n }\n var count = 0\n val part = a.takeWhile(v => {val cond = count < n; count += v; cond})\n println(part)\n println(part.length)\n\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object Main {\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val k = readInt()\n val a = readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n val r = a.sortWith(_ > _).foldLeft((0, 0)) { (t, a) => \n if (t._1 >= k) t\n else (t._1 + a, t._2 + 1)\n }\n println(r._2)\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn\n\nobject Main {\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val k = StdIn.readInt()\n val a = StdIn.readLine().split(\" \").toList.map(_.toInt).sorted.reverse\n println(a.inits.toList.reverse.find(_.sum >= k).getOrElse(List.empty).length)\n }\n}\n"}], "src_uid": "59dfa7a4988375febc5dccc27aca90a8"} {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn._\n\nobject F extends App {\n val n = readInt()\n val xs = readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n if (n % 7 == 0) {\n var mi = -1\n xs.zipWithIndex.foreach({ case (x, i) =>\n if ((i + 1) % 7 != 0 && (mi == -1 || xs(mi) > x)) mi = i else ()\n })\n println(mi + 1)\n } else {\n val mx = (xs.min - 1) / 6 * 6\n var ys = xs.map(_ - mx)\n var (i, d) = (0, 1)\n while (d != 8) {\n if (d == 7) d = 0 else {\n ys(i) = ys(i) - 1\n if (ys(i) == 0) d = 7 else ()\n }\n d += 1\n i = (i + 1) % n\n }\n println(if (i == 0) n else i)\n }\n}\n", "positive_code": [{"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn._\n\nobject F extends App {\n val n = readInt()\n val xs = readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n if (n % 7 == 0) {\n var mi = -1\n xs.zipWithIndex.foreach({ case (x, i) =>\n if ((i + 1) % 7 != 0 && (mi == -1 || xs(mi) > x)) mi = i else ()\n })\n println(mi + 1)\n } else {\n val mx = (xs.min - 1) / 6 * 6\n var ys = xs.map(_ - mx)\n var (i, d) = (0, 1)\n while (d != 8) {\n if (d == 7) d = 0 else {\n ys(i) = ys(i) - 1\n if (ys(i) == 0) d = 7 else ()\n }\n d += 1\n i = (i + 1) % n\n }\n println(if (i == 0) n else i)\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn._\n\nobject F extends App {\n val n = readInt()\n val xs = readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n if (n % 7 == 0) {\n var mi = -1\n xs.zipWithIndex.foreach({ case (x, i) =>\n if ((i + 1) % 7 != 0 && (mi == -1 || xs(mi) > x)) mi = i else ()\n })\n println(mi + 1)\n } else {\n val mx = (xs.min - 1) / 6 * 6\n var ys = xs.map(_ - mx)\n var (i, d) = (0, 1)\n while (d != 8) {\n if (d == 7) d = 0 else {\n ys(i) = ys(i) - 1\n if (ys(i) == 0) d = 7 else ()\n }\n d += 1\n i = (i + 1) % n\n }\n println(if (i == 0) n else i)\n }\n}"}], "negative_code": [{"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn._\n\nobject F extends App {\n val n = readInt()\n val a = readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\nvar mn = 0;\n var i = 0;\n\t\twhile(i<n) {\n\t\t\tif (a(i) < a(mn)) {\n if (n%7!=0 || i%7!=6) {\n\t\t\t\t mn = i;\n }\n\t\t\t}\n i+=1;\n\t\t}\n\n\t var del = (a(mn) - 1) / 7 * 7;\n i = 0;\n\t while(i<n) {\n\t\t\ta(i) -= del;\n\n i+=1;\n\t\t}\n\t var day = 0;\n\t\twhile (i<=n) {\n i = 0;\n\t\t\twhile(i<n) {\n\t\t\t day+=1;\n\t\t\t\tif (day % 7 != 0) {\n\t\t\t\t\ta(i)-=1;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\tif (a(i) == 0) {\n \n if (n%7!=0 || i%7!=6) {\n\t\t\t\t\tprintln(i + 1);\n\t\t\t\t\ti = n+5;\n }\n\t\t\t\t}\n i += 1;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n}"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn._\n\nobject F extends App {\n val n = readInt()\n val a = readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\nvar mn = 0;\n var i = 0;\n\t\twhile(i<n) {\n\t\t\tif (a(i) < a(mn) && (n%7!=0 || i%7!=6)) {\n\t\t\t\tmn = i;\n\t\t\t}\n i+=1;\n\t\t}\n\n\t var del = (a(mn) - 1) / 7 * 7;\n i = 0;\n\t while(i<n) {\n\t\t\ta(i) -= del;\n\n i+=1;\n\t\t}\n\t var day = 0;\n\t\twhile (i<=n) {\n i = 0;\n\t\t\twhile(i<n) {\n\t\t\t day+=1;\n\t\t\t\tif (day % 7 != 0) {\n\t\t\t\t\ta(i)-=1;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\tif (a(i) == 0 && (i%7!=6 || n%7!=0)) {\n\t\t\t\t\tprintln(i + 1);\n\t\t\t\t\ti = n+5;\n\t\t\t\t}\n i += 1;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n}"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn._\n\nobject F extends App {\n val n = readInt()\n val a = readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n \tif (n % 7 == 0) {\n\t\tvar mn = 0;\n var i = 0;\n\t\twhile(i<n) {\n\t\t\tif (i % 7 != 6 && a(i) < a(mn)) {\n\t\t\t\tmn = i;\n }\n i+=1;\n\t\t}\n\t\tprintln(mn+1);\n\t}\n\telse {\n\t\tvar mn = 0;\n var i = 0;\n\t\twhile(i<n) {\n\t\t\tif (a(i) < a(mn)) {\n\t\t\t\tmn = i;\n\t\t\t}\n i+=1;\n\t\t}\n\t var del = (a(mn) - 1) / 7 * 7;\n i = 0;\n\t while(i<n) {\n\t\t\ta(i) -= del;\n i+=1;\n\t\t}\n\t var day = 0;\n\t\twhile (i<=n) {\n i = 0;\n\t\t\twhile(i<n) {\n\t\t\t day+=1;\n\t\t\t\tif (day % 7 != 0) {\n\t\t\t\t\ta(i)-=1;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\tif (a(i) == 0) {\n\t\t\t\t\tprintln(i + 1);\n\t\t\t\t\ti = n+5;\n\t\t\t\t}\n i += 1;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t}\n}"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn._\n\nobject F extends App {\n val n = readInt()\n val a = readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n var mx = 2e9;\n var d = 1;\n var i = 0;\n while(i<n) {\n var x = a(i);\n\tvar l = 1.toLong;\n var r = 2e9.toLong;\n\tvar pv = 0;\n var nxt = 0;\n\tvar j = 1;\n while (j<=21) {\n\t if ((i + 1 + n*(j-1)) % 7 == 0) {\n\t\tif (pv > 0) {\n \t\tnxt = j;\n j = 25;\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t pv = j;\n }\n\t }\n j += 1;\n\t}\n\twhile (l != r) {\n\t var m = ((l + r) / 2).toInt;\n\t var emptyC = 0;\n\t if (m >= pv && pv > 0) {\n\t\temptyC = (m - pv) / (nxt - pv);\n\t\temptyC += 1;\n \t }\n\t if (m - emptyC > x) {\n\t\tr = m.toLong;\n \t }\n else {\n\t\tl = (m + 1).toLong;\n\t }\n\t}\n\tif (l - 1 < mx) {\n \t mx = (l - 1).toInt;\n\t d = i + 1;\n\t}\n i+=1;\n }\n println(d)\n}"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn._\n\nobject F extends App {\n val n = readInt()\n val a = readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n var mx = 4e9.toLong;\n var d = 1;\n var i = 0;\n while(i<n) {\n var x = a(i);\n\tvar l = 1.toLong;\n var r = 4e9.toLong;\n\tvar pv = 0;\n var nxt = 0;\n\tvar j = 1;\n while (j<=21) {\n\t if ((i + 1 + n*(j-1)) % 7 == 0) {\n\t\tif (pv > 0) {\n \t\tnxt = j;\n j = 25;\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t pv = j;\n }\n\t }\n j += 1;\n\t}\n\twhile (l != r) {\n\t var m = ((l + r) / 2+1e-5).toLong;\n\t var emptyC = 0.toLong;\n\t if (m >= pv && pv > 0) {\n\t\temptyC = ((m - pv) / (nxt - pv) + 1e-5).toLong;\n\t\temptyC += 1;\n \t }\n\t if (m - emptyC > x) {\n\t\tr = m.toLong;\n \t }\n else {\n\t\tl = (m + 1).toLong;\n\t }\n\t}\n\tif (l - 1 < mx) {\n \t mx = (l - 1).toInt;\n\t d = i + 1;\n\t}\n i+=1;\n }\n println(d)\n}"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn._\n\nobject F extends App {\n val n = readInt()\n val a = readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n var mx = 4e9.toLong;\n var d = 1;\n var i = 0;\n while(i<n) {\n var x = a(i);\n\tvar l = 1.toLong;\n var r = 4e9.toLong;\n\tvar pv = 0;\n var nxt = 0;\n\tvar j = 1;\n while (j<=21) {\n\t if ((i + 1 + n*(j-1)) % 7 == 0) {\n\t\tif (pv > 0) {\n \t\tnxt = j;\n j = 25;\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t pv = j;\n }\n\t }\n j += 1;\n\t}\n\twhile (l != r) {\n\t var m = ((l + r) / 2).toLong;\n\t var emptyC = 0.toLong;\n\t if (m >= pv && pv > 0) {\n\t\temptyC = (m - pv) / (nxt - pv);\n\t\temptyC += 1;\n \t }\n\t if (m - emptyC > x) {\n\t\tr = m.toLong;\n \t }\n else {\n\t\tl = (m + 1).toLong;\n\t }\n\t}\n\tif (l - 1 < mx) {\n \t mx = (l - 1).toInt;\n\t d = i + 1;\n\t}\n i+=1;\n }\n println(d)\n}"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn._\n\nobject F extends App {\n val n = readInt()\n val a = readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n var mx = 2e9;\n var d = 1;\n var i = 0;\n while(i<n) {\n var x = a(i);\n\tvar l = 1;\n var r = (x*1.5).toInt;\n\tvar pv = 0;\n var nxt = 0;\n\tvar j = 1;\n while (j<=21) {\n\t if ((i + 1 + n*(j-1)) % 7 == 0) {\n\t\tif (pv > 0) {\n \t\tnxt = j;\n j = 25;\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t pv = j;\n }\n\t }\n j += 1;\n\t}\n\twhile (l != r) {\n\t var m = ((l + r) / 2).toInt;\n\t var emptyC = 0;\n\t if (m >= pv && pv > 0) {\n\t\temptyC = (m - pv) / (nxt - pv);\n\t\temptyC += 1;\n \t }\n\t if (m - emptyC > x) {\n\t\tr = m;\n \t }\n else {\n\t\tl = m + 1;\n\t }\n\t}\n\tif (l - 1 < mx) {\n \t mx = l - 1;\n\t d = i + 1;\n\t}\n i+=1;\n }\n println(d)\n}"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn._\n\nobject F extends App {\n val n = readInt()\n val a = readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n \tif (n % 7 == 0) {\n\t\tvar mn = 0;\n var i = 0;\n\t\twhile(i<n) {\n\t\t\tif (i % 7 == 6 && a(i) < a(mn)) {\n\t\t\t\tmn = i;\n }\n i+=1;\n\t\t}\n\t\tprintln(mn+1);\n\t}\n\telse {\n\t\tvar mn = 0;\n var i = 0;\n\t\twhile(i<n) {\n\t\t\tif (a(i) < a(mn)) {\n\t\t\t\tmn = i;\n\t\t\t}\n i+=1;\n\t\t}\n\t var del = (a(mn) - 1) / 7 * 7;\n i = 0;\n\t while(i<n) {\n\t\t\ta(i) -= del;\n i+=1;\n\t\t}\n\t var day = 0;\n\t\twhile (i<=n) {\n i = 0;\n\t\t\twhile(i<n) {\n\t\t\t day+=1;\n\t\t\t\tif (day % 7 != 0) {\n\t\t\t\t\ta(i)-=1;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\tif (a(i) == 0) {\n\t\t\t\t\tprintln(i + 1);\n\t\t\t\t\ti = n+5;\n\t\t\t\t}\n i += 1;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t}\n}"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn._\n\nobject F extends App {\n val n = readInt()\n val a = readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n var mx = 1e9;\n var d = 1;\n var i = 0;\n while(i<n) {\n var x = a(i);\n\tvar l = 1;\n var r = 1e9;\n\tvar pv = 0;\n var nxt = 0;\n\tvar j = 1;\n while (j<=21) {\n\t if ((i + 1 + n*(j-1)) % 7 == 0) {\n\t\tif (pv > 0) {\n \t\tnxt = j;\n j = 25;\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t pv = j;\n }\n\t }\n j += 1;\n\t}\n\twhile (l != r) {\n\t var m = ((l + r) / 2).toInt;\n\t var emptyC = 0;\n\t if (m >= pv && pv > 0) {\n\t\temptyC = (m - pv) / (nxt - pv);\n\t\temptyC += 1;\n \t }\n\t if (m - emptyC > x) {\n\t\tr = m;\n \t }\n else {\n\t\tl = m + 1;\n\t }\n\t}\n\tif (l - 1 < mx) {\n \t mx = l - 1;\n\t d = i + 1;\n\t}\n i+=1;\n }\n println(d)\n}"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn._\n\nobject F extends App {\n val n = readInt()\n val a = readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n var mx = 4e9.toLong;\n var d = 1;\n var i = 0;\n while(i<n) {\n var x = a(i);\n\tvar l = 1.toLong;\n var r = 4e9.toLong;\n\tvar pv = 0;\n var nxt = 0;\n\tvar j = 1;\n while (j<=21) {\n\t if ((i + 1 + n*(j-1)) % 7 == 0) {\n\t\tif (pv > 0) {\n \t\tnxt = j;\n j = 25;\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t pv = j;\n }\n\t }\n j += 1;\n\t}\n\twhile (l != r) {\n\t var m = ((l + r) / 2).toLong;\n\t var emptyC = 0.toLong;\n\t if (m >= pv && pv > 0) {\n\t\temptyC = ((m - pv) / (nxt - pv)).toLong;\n\t\temptyC += 1;\n \t }\n\t if (m - emptyC > x) {\n\t\tr = m.toLong;\n \t }\n else {\n\t\tl = (m + 1).toLong;\n\t }\n\t}\n\tif (l - 1 < mx) {\n \t mx = (l - 1).toInt;\n\t d = i + 1;\n\t}\n i+=1;\n }\n println(d)\n}"}], "src_uid": "8054dc5dd09d600d7fb8d9f5db4dcaca"} {"source_code": "import java.util.StringTokenizer\n\nimport scala.collection.mutable.Queue\n\nobject _450A extends App {\n var token = new StringTokenizer(\"\")\n def next = {\n while (!token.hasMoreTokens()) token = new StringTokenizer(readLine)\n token.nextToken()\n }\n val n = next.toInt\n val m = next.toInt\n val a = (1 to n).map(i => next.toInt).toArray\n\n def f(q: Queue[Int]): Int = {\n if (q.tail == Nil) q.head + 1\n else {\n val i = q.head\n if (a(i) <= m) f(q.tail)\n else {\n a(i) = a(i) - m\n f(q.tail :+ i)\n }\n }\n }\n println(f(Queue[Int]() ++ (0 until n)))\n}\n", "positive_code": [{"source_code": "import scala.annotation.tailrec\n\nobject Main extends App {\n val sc = new java.util.Scanner(System.in)\n val n,m = sc.nextInt\n val input = List.fill(n)(sc.nextInt)\n\n def solve( m: Int, input: List[Int] ): Int = {\n\n @tailrec\n def dist(children: List[(Int, Int)]): Int = {\n children match {\n\n case List(x) => // size == 1\n x._2 + 1\n\n case x :: xs =>\n val diff = x._1 - m\n if (diff <= 0)\n dist(xs)\n else\n dist( ( (diff, x._2) :: xs.reverse ).reverse )\n }\n }\n\n dist( input.zipWithIndex )\n }\n\n println( solve( m, input ) )\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import scala.annotation.tailrec\nimport scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer\n\nobject Main extends App {\n val sc = new java.util.Scanner(System.in)\n val n,m = sc.nextInt\n val children = List.fill(n)(sc.nextInt).zipWithIndex\n\n @tailrec\n def dist(children: List[(Int,Int)]): Unit = {\n children match {\n case Nil =>\n case List(x) => println(x._2 + 1)\n case x::xs =>\n val diff = x._1 - m\n if( diff <= 0 )\n dist(xs)\n else\n dist( xs :+ (diff, x._2) )\n }\n }\n\n dist(children)\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object HelloWorld{\n def giveCandies(xs: List[(Int, Int)], m:Int, lastSatisfied:Int):Int = xs match {\n case Nil => lastSatisfied\n case x::xs => if (x._1<=m) giveCandies(xs, m, x._2) else giveCandies(xs++List((x._1-m, x._2)), m, lastSatisfied)\n }\n def main(args: Array[String]){\n val in = new java.util.Scanner(System.in)\n val n = in.nextInt\n val m = in.nextInt\n in.nextLine\n val q = in.nextLine.split(\" \").map(_.toInt).zipWithIndex.toList\n print(giveCandies(q, m, -1)+1)\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "\n\nimport java.io.PrintWriter\nimport java.util.Scanner\n\n/**\n * Created by arseny on 19.07.14.\n */\nobject A extends App {\n val home = true\n val in = new Scanner(System.in)\n val out = new PrintWriter(System.out)\n\n def nextInt = in.nextInt\n def nextLong = in.nextLong\n def nextDouble = in.nextDouble\n def nextString = in.next\n\n def solve() = {\n val n = nextInt\n val m = nextInt\n val a = new Array[Int](n)\n for (i <- 0 until n) {\n val t = nextInt\n a(i) = t / m\n if (t % m != 0) {\n a(i) = a(i) + 1\n }\n }\n //println(a.toList)\n var max = 0\n for (i <- 0 until n) {\n if (a(i) >= a(max)) {\n max = i\n }\n }\n out.println(max + 1)\n }\n\n try {\n solve()\n } catch {\n case _: Exception => sys.exit(9999)\n } finally {\n out.flush()\n out.close()\n }\n}\n\n"}, {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\n\n/**\n * Created by kshim on 25/07/2014.\n */\nobject CF257A extends App {\n def Process(m:Int, a:Seq[Int]):Int = {\n val dvd = a.map(v => math.ceil(v / m.toDouble).toInt)\n var maxi = -1\n var max = -1\n for(i <- 0 until dvd.length){\n if(dvd(i) >= max){\n max = dvd(i)\n maxi = i\n }\n }\n maxi + 1\n }\n val in = new Scanner(System.in)\n val n = in.nextInt()\n val m = in.nextInt()\n val ai = (1 to n).map(_=>in.nextInt())\n println(Process(m,ai.toArray))\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object A450 {\n\n import IO._\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val Array(n, m) = readInts(2)\n val in = readInts(n).zipWithIndex\n val q = collection.mutable.Queue[(Int, Int)]()\n in.foreach(q.enqueue(_))\n while(q.size > 1) {\n var (cand, pos) = q.dequeue()\n cand -= m\n if(cand > 0)\n q.enqueue((cand, pos))\n }\n println(q.dequeue._2 + 1)\n }\n\n object IO {\n @inline def read: String = scala.io.StdIn.readLine\n\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(read)\n\n def readInts(n: Int): Array[Int] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine;\n Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt)\n }\n\n def readLongs(n: Int): Array[Long] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine;\n Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong)\n }\n\n def readBigs(n: Int): Array[BigInt] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine;\n Array.fill(n)(BigInt(tl.nextToken))\n }\n }\n\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object Children {\n\n def splitter(as: String) = as.split(\"\\\\s+\") match {\n case Array(n, m) => List(n.toInt, m.toInt)\n case arr: Array[String] => arr.map(_.toInt).toList\n }\n\n def solve(l: List[(Int, Int)], m: Int): Int = l match {\n case h :: Nil => h._2\n case h :: t if (h._1 <= m) => solve(t, m)\n case h :: t => solve(t :+ (h._1 - m, h._2), m)\n }\n\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val List(nmStr, asStr) = io.Source.stdin.getLines.take(2).toList\n val List(n, m) = splitter(nmStr)\n val as = splitter(asStr).zipWithIndex\n println(solve(as, m) + 1)\n }\n}\n\n"}, {"source_code": "/**\n * @author Oleg Arshinsky\n */\nobject A extends App {{\n\n val Array(_, m) = readLine()\n .split(\" \")\n .map(_.toInt)\n\n val as: Array[Int] = readLine()\n .split(\" \")\n .map(_.toInt)\n\n val max: Int = as.max\n\n val res: Int =\n if (max > m) {val bs = as.map(a => (a.toDouble / m).ceil.toInt); bs.lastIndexOf(bs.max)+1}\n\n else\n as.length\n\n println(res)\n\n}}\n\n"}, {"source_code": "object Main {\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val nm = io.StdIn.readLine().split(\" \").map(x => Integer.parseInt(x))\n val nums = io.StdIn.readLine().split(\" \").map { x=>\n val i = Integer.parseInt(x)\n if (i % nm(1) != 0) i/nm(1) + 1 else i/nm(1)\n }\n \n def indexOfMax( maxIndex: Int, index: Int): Int = {\n if (index < 0) maxIndex\n else indexOfMax(if (nums(index) > nums(maxIndex)) index else maxIndex, index - 1)\n }\n \n println(indexOfMax(nm(0)-1, nm(0)-1) + 1)\n }\n}"}], "negative_code": [{"source_code": "\n\nimport java.io.PrintWriter\nimport java.util.Scanner\n\n/**\n * Created by arseny on 19.07.14.\n */\nobject A extends App {\n val home = true\n val in = new Scanner(System.in)\n val out = new PrintWriter(System.out)\n\n def nextInt = in.nextInt\n def nextLong = in.nextLong\n def nextDouble = in.nextDouble\n def nextString = in.next\n\n def solve() = {\n val n = nextInt\n val m = nextInt\n val a = new Array[Int](n)\n for (i <- 0 until n) {\n a(i) = Math.max(nextInt / m, 1)\n }\n var max = 0\n for (i <- 0 until n) {\n if (a(i) >= a(max)) {\n max = i\n }\n }\n out.println(max + 1)\n }\n\n try {\n solve()\n } catch {\n case _: Exception => sys.exit(9999)\n } finally {\n out.flush()\n out.close()\n }\n}\n\n"}, {"source_code": "\n\nimport java.io.PrintWriter\nimport java.util.Scanner\n\n/**\n * Created by arseny on 19.07.14.\n */\nobject A extends App {\n val home = true\n val in = new Scanner(System.in)\n val out = new PrintWriter(System.out)\n\n def nextInt = in.nextInt\n def nextLong = in.nextLong\n def nextDouble = in.nextDouble\n def nextString = in.next\n\n def solve() = {\n val n = nextInt\n val m = nextInt\n val a = new Array[Int](n)\n for (i <- 0 until n) {\n a(i) = (nextInt) / m\n }\n var max = 0\n for (i <- 0 until n) {\n if (a(i) >= a(max)) {\n max = i\n }\n }\n out.println(max + 1)\n }\n\n try {\n solve()\n } catch {\n case _: Exception => sys.exit(9999)\n } finally {\n out.flush()\n out.close()\n }\n}\n\n"}, {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\n\n/**\n * Created by kshim on 25/07/2014.\n */\nobject CF257A extends App {\n def Process(m:Int, a:Seq[Int]):Int = {\n val dvd = a.map(_ / m)\n var maxi = -1\n var max = -1\n for(i <- 0 until dvd.length){\n if(dvd(i) >= max){\n max = dvd(i)\n maxi = i\n }\n }\n maxi + 1\n }\n val in = new Scanner(System.in)\n val n = in.nextInt()\n val m = in.nextInt()\n val ai = (1 to n).map(_=>in.nextInt())\n println(Process(m,ai))\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "/**\n * @author Oleg Arshinsky\n */\nobject A extends App {{\n\n val Array(_, m) = readLine()\n .split(\" \")\n .map(_.toInt)\n\n val as: Array[Int] = readLine()\n .split(\" \")\n .map(_.toInt)\n\n val max: Int = as.max\n\n val res: Int =\n if (max > m) {val bs = as.map(_ / m); bs.lastIndexOf(bs.max)+1}\n\n else\n as.length\n\n println(res)\n\n}}\n\n"}, {"source_code": "/**\n * @author Oleg Arshinsky\n */\nobject A extends App {{\n\n val line: String = readLine()\n\n val asString: String = readLine()\n val as: Array[Int] = asString.split(\" \")\n .map(_.toInt)\n\n val of: Int = as.lastIndexOf(as.max)\n\n println(of+1)\n\n}}\n\n"}, {"source_code": "/**\n * @author Oleg Arshinsky\n */\nobject A extends App {{\n\n val line: String = readLine()\n\n val asString: String = readLine()\n val as: Array[Int] = asString.split(\" \")\n .map(_.toInt)\n\n val of: Int = as.lastIndexOf(as.max)\n\n println(of)\n\n}}\n\n"}, {"source_code": "/**\n * @author Oleg Arshinsky\n */\nobject A extends App {{\n\n val line: String = readLine()\n val Array(n, m) = line.split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n\n val asString: String = readLine()\n val as: Array[Int] = asString.split(\" \")\n .map(_.toInt)\n\n val max: Int = as.max\n val of: Int =\n if (max > m)\n as.lastIndexOf(max)\n else\n as.length-1\n\n println(of+1)\n\n}}\n\n"}, {"source_code": "object Main {\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val nm = io.StdIn.readLine().split(\" \").map(x => Integer.parseInt(x))\n val nums = io.StdIn.readLine().split(\" \")\n def indexOfMax( maxIndex: Int, index: Int): Int = {\n if (index < 0) maxIndex\n else indexOfMax(if (nums(index) > nums(maxIndex)) index else maxIndex, index - 1)\n }\n println(indexOfMax(nm(0)-1, nm(0)-1) + 1)\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "import scala.annotation.tailrec\n\nobject Main extends App {\n val sc = new java.util.Scanner(System.in)\n val n,m = sc.nextInt\n val children = List.fill(n)(sc.nextInt).zipWithIndex\n\n @tailrec\n def dist(children: List[(Int,Int)]): Unit = {\n children match {\n case Nil =>\n case List(x) => println(x._2 + 1)\n case x::xs =>\n val diff = x._1 - m\n if( diff < 0 )\n dist(xs)\n else\n dist( ( (diff, x._2) :: xs).reverse )\n }\n }\n\n dist(children)\n}\n"}], "src_uid": "c0ef1e4d7df360c5c1e52bc6f16ca87c"} {"source_code": "object P131C extends App {\n \n val Array(n,m,t) = readLine.split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n \n def fac(a:BigInt,n:Int):BigInt = if (n<=2) a*math.max(n,1) else fac(a*n,n-1)\n def mofn(m:Int,n:Int) = fac(1,n) / fac(1,n-m) / fac(1,m)\n \n val combs = (for(boys <- 4 to n; girls <- 1 to m) yield((boys,girls))) filter ((x) => x._1 + x._2 == t)\n \n println(combs.map((x) => mofn(x._1,n) * mofn(x._2,m)).sum)\n \n\n}", "positive_code": [{"source_code": "object P131C extends App {\n val Array(n,m,t) = readLine.split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n def f(a:BigInt, n:Int):BigInt = if (n<=2) a*math.max(n,1) else f(a*n, n-1)\n def m(m:Int, n:Int) = f(1,n)/f(1,n-m)/f(1,m)\n val c = (for(b <- 4 to n; g <- 1 to m) yield((b,g))) filter ((x)=>x._1+x._2==t)\n println(c.map((x) => m(x._1,n) * m(x._2,m)).sum)\n}"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.Source\n\nobject Solution extends App {\n val in = Source.stdin.getLines()\n val arr@Array(n, m, t) = in.next().split(' ').map(_.toInt)\n val max = arr.max\n val binom = Array.ofDim[Long](max + 1, max + 1)\n (0 to max).foreach { i =>\n binom(i)(0) = 1\n (1 to i).foreach {j =>\n binom(i)(j) = binom(i - 1)(j) + binom(i - 1)(j - 1)\n }\n }\n// println(binom.map(_.mkString(\" \")).mkString(\"\\n\"))\n\n println((1 to t - 4).foldLeft(0l) {\n case(sum, i) =>\n sum + binom(m)(i) * binom(n)(t - i)\n })\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "\nobject Main {\n\n def mkComb(n:Int) = {\n val a = Array.ofDim[Long](n, n)\n for (i <- 0 until n) {\n a(i)(0) = 1L\n a(i)(i) = 1L\n for (j <- 1 until i)\n a(i)(j) = a(i-1)(j) + a(i-1)(j-1)\n }\n a\n }\n\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val comb = mkComb(31)\n val n = nextInt()\n val m = nextInt()\n val actors = nextInt()\n val ans = for ( boys <- 0 to actors;\n girls = actors - boys\n if boys >= 4 && boys <= n\n if girls >= 1 && girls <= m\n ) yield (comb(n)(boys) * comb(m)(girls))\n println(ans.sum)\n }\n\n val in = new java.io.BufferedReader(new java.io.InputStreamReader(System.in));\n var st = new java.util.StringTokenizer(\"\");\n\n def next() = {\n while (!st.hasMoreTokens())\n st = new java.util.StringTokenizer(in.readLine());\n st.nextToken();\n }\n\n def nextInt() = java.lang.Integer.parseInt(next());\n def nextDouble() = java.lang.Double.parseDouble(next());\n def nextLong() = java.lang.Long.parseLong(next());\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object C131 {\n\tdef fact(t: Int): BigInt = if (t <= 1) BigInt(1) else t * fact(t - 1)\n\timplicit def implfact(t: Int) = new { def ! = fact(t)}\n\n\tdef c(n: Int, k: Int): BigInt = (n!)/((k!) * ((n - k)!))\n\n\tdef main(args: Array[String]) {\n\t\tval s = readLine.split(\" \")\n\t\tval n = Integer.parseInt(s(0))\n\t\tval m = Integer.parseInt(s(1))\n\t\tval t = Integer.parseInt(s(2))\n\t\tvar res = BigInt(0)\n\t\tfor (i <- 4 to n)\n\t\t\tfor (j <- 1 to m)\n\t\t\t\tif (i + j == t)\n\t\t\t\t\tres += c(n, i) * c(m, j)\n\t\tprintln(res)\n\t}\n}"}, {"source_code": "object Main {\n val cache: Array[Array[Long]] = (1 to 61).map(_ => (1L to 61L).toArray).toArray\n for{\n i <- 0 to 60\n j <- 0 to 60\n } {\n (i, j) match {\n case (n, 0) => cache(n)(0) = 1\n case (0, k) => cache(0)(k) = 0\n case (n, k) => cache(n)(k) = cache(n - 1)(k - 1) + cache(n - 1)(k)\n }\n }\n\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val Array(n, m, k) = readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n val sum = (4 to n.min(k - 1)).map(i => cache(n)(i) * cache(m)(k - i)).sum\n println(sum)\n }\n}"}], "negative_code": [{"source_code": "import scala.io.Source\n\nobject Solution extends App {\n\n def factorial(n: Int) = (1 to n).foldLeft(1l) { case(acc, i) => acc * i }\n\n def combinations(k: Int, n: Int) = factorial(n) / (factorial(k) * factorial(n - k))\n\n\n val in = Source.stdin.getLines()\n val Array(n, m, t) = in.next().split(' ').map(_.toInt)\n println((1 to t - 4).foldLeft(0l) {\n case(sum, i) => sum + combinations(i, m) * combinations(t - i, n)\n })\n}\n"}], "src_uid": "489e69c7a2fba5fac34e89d7388ed4b8"} {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn._\n\nobject B extends App {\n val Array(n) = readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n\n val M = 1000000007\n\n def countMod(base: Int, power: Int): Long = {\n var curr: Long = base\n for (i <- 2 to power) {\n curr *= base\n if (curr > M) curr %= M\n }\n curr\n }\n\n// def countMod2(base: Int, power: Int): Long = {\n// BigInt(base).modPow(power, M).toLong\n// }\n\n val answer = countMod(27, n) - countMod(7, n)\n println(if (answer < 0) M + answer else answer)\n\n}\n", "positive_code": [{"source_code": "/**\n * @author netman\n */\n\n\nimport java.io._\nimport scala._\nimport scala.Array._\nimport java.util.ArrayList\nimport scala.collection.mutable._\nimport java.util.StringTokenizer\n\n\nobject HelloWorld {\n\n class InputReader(reader: BufferedReader) {\n \n var tokenizer: StringTokenizer = null;\n \n def this(stream: InputStream) = {\n this(new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(stream), (1 << 20)));\n }\n \n def this(f: File) = {\n this(new BufferedReader(new FileReader(f), (1 << 20)));\n }\n \n def next(): String = {\n while (tokenizer == null || !tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {\n tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(reader.readLine());\n }\n return tokenizer.nextToken();\n }\n \n def nextInt(): Int = next().toInt\n \n def nextDouble(): Double = next().toDouble\n \n def close() = reader.close();\n }\n \n class OutputWriter(writer: PrintWriter) {\n def this(stream: OutputStream) {\n this(new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(stream))));\n }\n \n def this(f: File) = {\n this(new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(f))));\n }\n \n def print(x: Any) = writer.print(x);\n \n def println(x: Any) = writer.println(x);\n \n def close() = writer.close();\n }\n \n \n val in = new InputReader(System.in)\n val out = new OutputWriter(System.out)\n \n val P = 1000 * 1000 * 1000L + 7\n \n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { \n val n = in.nextInt\n \n var f = new Array[Long](2)\n var fn = new Array[Long](2)\n \n f(0) = 1\n \n val coef = 7L\n val all = 3 * 3 * 3L\n \n for (i <- 0 until n) {\n fn(0) = f(0) * coef\n fn(1) = f(1) * all + f(0) * (all - coef)\n fn(0) %= P\n fn(1) %= P\n var tmp = f\n f = fn\n fn = tmp\n }\n \n out.println(f(1))\n \n out.close\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "object Solution extends App {\n val in = scala.io.Source.stdin.getLines()\n\n val n = in.next().toInt\n var ans = (BigInt(3).pow(3 * n) - BigInt(7).pow(n)) % 1000000007\n println(ans.toLong)\n}\n"}], "negative_code": [{"source_code": "object Solution extends App {\n val in = scala.io.Source.stdin.getLines()\n\n val n = in.next().toLong\n println((Math.pow(3, 3 * n) - Math.pow(7, n)).toLong % 1000000007)\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn._\n\nobject B extends App {\n val Array(n) = readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n\n val M = 1000000007\n\n def countMod(base: Int, power: Int): Long = {\n var curr: Long = base\n for (i <- 2 to power) {\n curr *= base\n if (curr > M) curr %= M\n }\n curr\n }\n\n println(countMod(27, n) - countMod(7, n))\n\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn._\n\nobject B extends App {\n val Array(n) = readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n\n val M = 1000000007\n\n def countMod(base: Int, power: Int): Long = {\n var curr: Long = base\n for (i <- 2 to power) {\n curr *= base\n if (curr > M) curr %= M\n }\n curr\n }\n\n val answer = countMod(27, n) - countMod(7, n)\n println(if (answer < 0) M - answer else answer)\n\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn._\n\nobject B extends App {\n val Array(n) = readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n\n val M = 1000000007\n\n def countMod(base: Int, power: Int): Long = {\n var curr: Long = base\n for (i <- 2 to power) {\n curr *= base\n if (curr > M) curr %= M\n }\n curr\n }\n\n def countMod2(base: Int, power: Int): Long = {\n BigInt(base).modPow(power, M).toLong\n }\n\n\n val answer = countMod2(27, n) - countMod2(7, n)\n println(if (answer < 0) M - answer else answer)\n\n}\n"}], "src_uid": "eae87ec16c284f324d86b7e65fda093c"} {"source_code": "import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer\nimport scala.io.StdIn._\n\nobject Main extends App {\n readLine()\n val a = readLine().split(\"0\", -1)\n var res = \"\"\n a.foreach(x => res += x.length)\n println(res)\n}\n", "positive_code": [{"source_code": "object Main extends App {\n val n = io.StdIn.readInt()\n var s: String = io.StdIn.readLine()\n\n var result = \"\"\n while(!s.isEmpty){\n if (s.head == '0') s = s.tail\n val (head, tail) = s.span(_ == '1')\n result += head.length.toString\n s = tail\n }\n println(result)\n}"}, {"source_code": "object Main extends App {\n scala.io.StdIn.readLine()\n print(scala.io.StdIn.readLine().split(\"0\", -1).map(_.length).mkString(\"\"))\n}"}], "negative_code": [{"source_code": "import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer\nimport scala.io.StdIn._\n\nobject Main extends App {\n readLine()\n val a = readLine().split('0')\n var res = \"\"\n a.foreach(x => res += x.length)\n println(res)\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object Main extends App {\n scala.io.StdIn.readLine()\n print(scala.io.StdIn.readLine().split(\"0\").map(_.length).mkString(\"\"))\n}"}], "src_uid": "a4b3da4cb9b6a7ed0a33a862e940cafa"} {"source_code": "object A586 {\n\n import IO._\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val Array(n) = readInts(1)\n val in = readInts(n).dropWhile(_ == 0).reverse.dropWhile(_ == 0).reverse\n var res = 0\n var curr = 0\n for(i <- in.indices) {\n if(in(i) == 0) {\n curr += 1\n res += 1\n } else {\n res += 1\n if(curr > 1)\n res -= curr\n curr = 0\n }\n }\n println(res)\n }\n\n object IO {\n @inline def read: String = scala.io.StdIn.readLine\n\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(read)\n\n def readInts(n: Int): Array[Int] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine;\n Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt)\n }\n\n def readLongs(n: Int): Array[Long] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine;\n Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong)\n }\n\n def readBigs(n: Int): Array[BigInt] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine;\n Array.fill(n)(BigInt(tl.nextToken))\n }\n }\n\n}\n", "positive_code": [{"source_code": "\nimport java.io._\n\n//32A, 586A\nobject A_AlenaSchedule {\n \n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val bis = new BufferedInputStream(System.in);\n val br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(bis));\n\n val number = br.readLine().trim().toInt\n val pairsSrc = br.readLine().trim().split(\" \")\n \n// val number = 5\n// val pairsSrc = \"0 1 0 1 1\".split(\" \")\n \n// val number = 7\n// val pairsSrc = \"1 0 1 0 0 1 0\".split(\" \")\n \n \n var pairs = List[Int]()\n var break = true\n var breakCandidate = false;\n \n for (i <- 0 until number) {\n val value = pairsSrc(i).toInt \n if (breakCandidate && value == 0) {\n break = true\n breakCandidate = false\n } else if (break && value == 0) {\n //skip\n } else if (value == 1) {\n break = false\n if (breakCandidate) {\n pairs = 0 :: pairs\n breakCandidate = false\n }\n pairs = value :: pairs\n } else if (!break && value == 0) {\n if(!breakCandidate) {\n breakCandidate = true\n } \n } \n }\n \n println(pairs.size)\n\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object Solution extends App {\n val in = scala.io.Source.stdin.getLines()\n val n = in.next().toInt\n val data = in.next().split(\" \").map(_.toInt).dropWhile(_ == 0).reverse.dropWhile(_ == 0).reverse\n val res = data.foldLeft((0, 0)){\n case((soFar, zeros), 1) if zeros < 2 => (soFar + zeros + 1, 0)\n case((soFar, zeros), 1) => (soFar + 1, 0)\n case((soFar, zeros), 0) => (soFar, zeros + 1)\n }\n\n println(res._1)\n\n}"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn._\n\nobject A extends App {\n readInt()\n\n val pairs = readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt).dropWhile(_ == 0).reverse.dropWhile(_ == 0)\n\n var lastlast = 1\n var last = 1\n var zeros = 0\n for (p <- pairs) {\n if (p == 0) {\n if (last == 0 && lastlast == 0) zeros += 1\n else if (last == 0) zeros += 2\n }\n\n lastlast = last\n last = p\n }\n\n println(pairs.length - zeros)\n}\n"}], "negative_code": [], "src_uid": "2896aadda9e7a317d33315f91d1ca64d"} {"source_code": "import scala.collection._\n\nobject B extends App {\n\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(readLine)\n def readInts(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt) }\n def readLongs(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong) }\n def readBigs(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(BigInt(tl.nextToken)) }\n\n val Array(n, k) = readInts(2)\n\n var res = 0L\n\n val lim = math.min(k, n / 2)\n for (i <- 1 to lim) {\n val x = n - 2 * i\n res += 2 * x + 1\n }\n\n println(res)\n}\n", "positive_code": [{"source_code": "import Utils._, annotation.tailrec, collection.mutable, util._, control._, math.Ordering.Implicits._\n\nobject _645B extends CodeForcesApp {\n override def apply(io: IO) = {\n val n, k = io[Long]\n io += solve(n, k, 0)\n }\n\n @tailrec\n def solve(n: Long, k: Long, acc: Long): Long = {\n //debug(n, k)\n (n, k) match {\n case (_, 0) => acc\n case (1, _) | (0, _) => acc\n case _ => solve(n - 2, k - 1, acc + (n - 2) + (n - 1))\n }\n }\n}\n/****************************[Ignore Template Below]****************************************/\ntrait CodeForcesApp {\n lazy val isOnlineJudge: Boolean = sys.props.get(\"ONLINE_JUDGE\").exists(_.toBoolean)\n def debug(x: Any): Unit = if (!isOnlineJudge) println(x)\n def apply(io: IO): io.type\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = this(new IO(System.in, System.out)).close()\n}\nobject Utils {\n import scala.collection.mutable, mutable.{Map => Dict}\n implicit class GenericExtensions[A](val a: A) extends AnyVal {\n def partialMatch[B](f: PartialFunction[A, B]): Option[B] = f lift a\n }\n implicit class TraversableExtensions[A](val t: Traversable[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def onlyElement: A = t.head.ensuring(t.size == 1)\n def groupByIdentifier[K](f: A => K): Map[K, A] = t.groupBy(f).mapValues(_.onlyElement)\n def duplicates: Traversable[A] = {\n val elems = mutable.Set.empty[A]\n t collect {case i if !elems.add(i) => i}\n }\n def zipWith[B](f: A => B): Traversable[(A, B)] = t map {i => i -> f(i)}\n def mapTo[B](f: A => B): Map[A, B] = zipWith(f).toUniqueMap\n def whenNonEmpty[B](f: t.type => B): Option[B] = when(t.nonEmpty)(f(t)) // e.g. grades.whenNonEmpty(_.max)\n def collectFirst[B](f: PartialFunction[A, Option[B]]): Option[B] = t.view collect f collectFirst {case Some(x) => x}\n def toMutableMultiSet: Dict[A, Int] = {\n val c = map[A] to 0\n t.foreach(i => c(i) += 1)\n c\n }\n def toMultiSet: Map[A, Int] = toMutableMultiSet.toMap\n }\n implicit class ArrayExtensions[A <: AnyRef](val a: Array[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def sort(from: Int, until: Int)(implicit cmp: Ordering[A]): Unit = java.util.Arrays.sort(a, from, until, cmp) //sort [from, until)\n }\n implicit class ArrayExtensions2[A](val a: Array[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def sort(from: Int, until: Int)(implicit cmp: Ordering[A]): Unit = a.view(from, until).sorted.copyToArray(a, from)\n }\n implicit class IndexedSeqExtensions[A](val s: IndexedSeq[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def withOffset(offset: Int): IndexedSeq[A] = Iterator.fill(offset)(null.asInstanceOf[A]) ++: s\n }\n implicit class PairsExtensions[A, B](val t: Traversable[(A, B)]) extends AnyVal {\n def toUniqueMap: Map[A, B] = t.groupByIdentifier(_._1).mapValues(_._2)\n def toMultiMap: Map[A, Traversable[B]] = t.groupBy(_._1).mapValues(_.map(_._2))\n def swap: Traversable[(B, A)] = t.map(_.swap)\n }\n implicit class MapExtensions[K, V](val m: Map[K, V]) extends AnyVal {\n def invert: Map[V, Set[K]] = m.swap.toMultiMap.mapValues(_.toSet)\n def mapKeys[K2](f: K => K2): Map[K2, V] = m map {case (k, v) => f(k) -> v}\n }\n implicit class LongExtensions(val x: Long) extends AnyVal {\n def bitCount: Int = java.lang.Long.bitCount(x)\n }\n implicit class NumericExtensions[A](val x: A)(implicit n: Numeric[A]) {\n import Numeric.Implicits._\n def ^^(i: Int): A = if (i == 0) n.one else {\n val h = x ^^ (i/2)\n if (i%2 == 0) h * h else h * h * x\n }\n def nonNegative: Option[A] = when(n.gteq(x, n.zero))(x)\n def whenNegative(f: => A): A = nonNegative getOrElse f //e.g. students.indexOf(\"Greg\").whenNegative Int.MaxValue\n }\n implicit class IntegralExtensions[A](val x: A)(implicit n: Integral[A]) {\n import scala.collection.immutable.NumericRange, Integral.Implicits._\n def mod(y: A): A = x - ((x / y) * y) //(x/y)*y + (x mod y) == x\n def -->(y: A): NumericRange.Inclusive[A] = NumericRange.inclusive(n.min(x, y), n.max(x, y), n.one)\n }\n def desc[A: Ordering]: Ordering[A] = asc[A].reverse //e.g. students.sortBy(_.height)(desc)\n def asc[A](implicit order: Ordering[A]): Ordering[A] = order\n def map[K] = new {\n def to[V](default: V): Dict[K, V] = Dict.empty[K, V] withDefaultValue default\n }\n def memoize[I] = new {\n def apply[O](f: I => O): I => O = new mutable.HashMap[I, O]() {\n override def apply(key: I) = getOrElseUpdate(key, f(key))\n }\n }\n @inline def when[A](check: Boolean)(f: => A): Option[A] = if (check) Some(f) else None\n def repeat(n: Int)(f: => Unit): Unit = (1 to n).foreach(_ => f)\n val mod: Int = (1e9 + 7).toInt\n}\n/***********************************[Scala I/O]*********************************************/\nimport Utils._, java.io._, java.util.StringTokenizer, scala.collection.generic.CanBuild\n\nclass IO(in: BufferedReader, out: BufferedWriter) extends PrintWriter(out, true) with Iterator[String] {\n def this(reader: Reader, writer: Writer) = this(new BufferedReader(reader), new BufferedWriter(writer))\n def this(in: InputStream, out: OutputStream) = this(new InputStreamReader(in), new OutputStreamWriter(out))\n\n private[this] val tokenizers = Iterator.continually(in.readLine()).takeWhile(_ != null).map(new StringTokenizer(_)).buffered\n\n @inline private[this] def tokenizer() = {\n while(tokenizers.nonEmpty && !tokenizers.head.hasMoreTokens) tokenizers.next()\n if (tokenizers.nonEmpty) Some(tokenizers.head) else None\n }\n\n def apply[A](implicit read: IO.Read[A]): A = read.apply(this)\n def apply[C[_], A: IO.Read](n: Int)(implicit builder: CanBuild[A, C[A]]): C[A] = (builder() ++= Iterator.fill(n)(apply)).result()\n\n def till(delim: String): String = tokenizer().get.nextToken(delim)\n def tillEndOfLine(): String = till(\"\\n\\r\")\n\n override def next() = tokenizer().get.nextToken()\n override def hasNext = tokenizer().nonEmpty\n\n var separator = \" \"\n private[this] var isNewLine = true\n\n def +=[A](x: A)(implicit write: IO.Write[A]): this.type = {\n write(this)(x)\n this\n }\n def appendNewLine(): this.type = {\n println()\n this\n }\n\n override def print(obj: Any) = {\n if (isNewLine) isNewLine = false else super.print(separator)\n super.print(obj)\n }\n override def println() = if (!isNewLine) {\n super.println()\n isNewLine = true\n }\n override def close() = {\n flush()\n in.close()\n super.close()\n }\n}\nobject IO {\n class Read[A](val apply: IO => A) {\n def map[B](f: A => B): Read[B] = new Read(apply andThen f)\n }\n object Read {\n implicit def collection[C[_], A: Read](implicit b: CanBuild[A, C[A]]): Read[C[A]] = new Read(r => r[C, A](r[Int]))\n implicit val string : Read[String] = new Read(_.next())\n implicit val char : Read[Char] = string.map(_.toTraversable.onlyElement)\n implicit val boolean : Read[Boolean] = string.map(_.toBoolean)\n implicit val int : Read[Int] = string.map(_.toInt)\n implicit val long : Read[Long] = string.map(_.toLong)\n implicit val bigInt : Read[BigInt] = string.map(BigInt(_))\n implicit val double : Read[Double] = string.map(_.toDouble)\n implicit val bigDecimal : Read[BigDecimal] = string.map(BigDecimal(_))\n implicit def tuple2[A: Read, B: Read] : Read[(A, B)] = new Read(r => (r[A], r[B]))\n implicit def tuple3[A: Read, B: Read, C: Read] : Read[(A, B, C)] = new Read(r => (r[A], r[B], r[C]))\n implicit def tuple4[A: Read, B: Read, C: Read, D: Read] : Read[(A, B, C, D)] = new Read(r => (r[A], r[B], r[C], r[D]))\n implicit def tuple5[A: Read, B: Read, C: Read, D: Read, E: Read] : Read[(A, B, C, D, E)] = new Read(r => (r[A], r[B], r[C], r[D], r[E]))\n }\n class Write[-A] {\n def apply(out: PrintWriter)(x: A): Unit = out.print(x)\n }\n trait DefaultWrite {\n implicit def any[A]: Write[A] = new Write[A]\n }\n object Write extends DefaultWrite {\n def apply[A](f: A => String) = new Write[A] {\n override def apply(out: PrintWriter)(x: A) = out.print(f(x))\n }\n implicit def iterable[A](implicit write: Write[A]): Write[Traversable[A]] = new Write[Traversable[A]] {\n override def apply(out: PrintWriter)(xs: Traversable[A]) = {\n xs foreach write(out)\n out.println()\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\n"}], "negative_code": [], "src_uid": "ea36ca0a3c336424d5b7e1b4c56947b0"} {"source_code": "object Main extends App{\n val in= readLine\n val n =in.toInt\n if(List(4,7,44,47,74,77,444,447,474,477,744,747,774,777).exists(t => n % t ==0)) \n println(\"YES\")else println(\"NO\")\n}", "positive_code": [{"source_code": "object Divider{\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val n = readInt()\n\n val list = List(4,7,47,74,444,447,474,477,744,774,747,777)\n\n if(list.contains(n) || list.exists(x => n % x == 0) ) println(\"YES\") else print(\"NO\")\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "object One22A extends App {\n\n\timport java.io.PrintWriter\n\timport java.util.Scanner\n\n\tval in = new Scanner(System.in)\n\tval out = new PrintWriter(System.out)\n\n\tval n = in.nextInt\n\n\tlucky(n) match {\n\t\tcase true => yes\n\t\tcase false =>\n\t\t\t(4 to n - 1).exists(lucky) match {\n\t\t\t\tcase true => yes\n\t\t\t\tcase false => no\n\t\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\tin.close()\n\tout.close()\n\n\tdef yes = out.println(\"YES\")\n\tdef no = out.println(\"NO\")\n\tdef lucky(str: Int) = n % str == 0 && str.toString.forall(x => x == '4' || x == '7')\n\n}"}, {"source_code": "object CF0122A extends App {\n\n val l = List(4, 7, 47, 74, 444, 447, 474, 744, 774, 747, 777)\n\n def del(v: Int): Boolean = {\n\n var t = false\n\n l.foreach(n => {\n if (v%n == 0) {\n t = true\n }\n })\n\n t\n }\n\n val str = readLine()\n val value = str.toInt\n if (value % 4 == 0 || value % 7 == 0 || del(value)) {\n println(\"YES\")\n } else {\n val status = str.getBytes.forall(b => {\n b == '4' || b == '7'\n })\n\n if (status) {\n println(\"YES\")\n } else {\n println(\"NO\")\n }\n }\n\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn\n\nobject Task {\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n\n val x: Int = StdIn.readInt()\n if (solve(x)) {\n println(\"YES\")\n }\n else {\n println(\"NO\")\n }\n\n }\n\n private def solve(x: Int): Boolean = {\n\n val lucky: Array[Int] = Array(4, 7, 44, 47, 74, 77, 444, 447, 474, 477, 744, 747, 774, 777)\n for (l <- lucky) {\n if (x % l == 0) {\n return true\n }\n }\n return false\n\n }\n\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import scala.collection.immutable\n\nobject Hello extends App {\n\n import scala.io.StdIn._\n\n val k = readInt()\n\n def countNums(n: Int): Int = n.toString.length\n\n def permutationsWithRepetitions[T](input : List[T], n : Int) : List[List[T]] = {\n require(input.nonEmpty && n > 0)\n n match {\n case 1 => for (el <- input) yield List(el)\n case _ => for (el <- input; perm <- permutationsWithRepetitions(input, n - 1)) yield el :: perm\n }\n }\n\n def allPermutationsWithRepetitions[T](input : List[T], n : Int, result: List[List[List[T]]]): List[List[List[T]]] =\n if (n == 0) result\n else allPermutationsWithRepetitions(input, n - 1, result :+ permutationsWithRepetitions(input, n))\n\n val nums: immutable.Seq[Int] = allPermutationsWithRepetitions(List(4, 7), countNums(k), List()).flatten.map(_.mkString(\"\")).map(Integer.parseInt)\n\n if (nums.exists(k % _ == 0) || nums.contains(k)) println(\"YES\") else println(\"NO\")\n}"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn._\n\nobject HappyNum extends App {\n val num = readInt\n var ok = false\n\n val list = List(4, 7, 44, 47, 74, 77, 444, 447, 477, 474, 744, 747, 774, 777)\n\n if (list.contains(num)) {\n ok = true\n }else {\n for(i <- list){\n if (num % i == 0) ok = true\n }\n }\n\n if (ok) print(\"YES\")\n else print(\"NO\")\n\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object a {\n\tdef main(args: Array[String]) {\n\t val a = scala.io.StdIn.readInt()\n var ans = List(4, 7, 44, 47, 74, 77, 444, 447, 474, 477, 744, 747, 774, 777).\n map(arg => a%arg).\n\t exists(arg => arg == 0)\n\n print(if (ans) \"YES\" else \"NO\")\n\t}\n}"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn\nimport scala.util.control.Breaks\n\n/**\n * @author traff\n */\n\nobject Main extends App {\n val n = StdIn.readLine().toInt\n\n Breaks.breakable {\n for (i <- 2 to n) {\n if (n % i == 0 && !i.toString.exists(!\"47\".contains(_))) {\n println(\"YES\")\n Breaks.break()\n }\n }\n println(\"NO\")\n }\n}\n\n"}, {"source_code": "object Solution extends App{\n val in = scala.io.Source.stdin.getLines()\n val n = in.next().toInt\n if (List(4, 7, 44, 47, 74, 77, 444, 447, 474, 477, 744, 747, 774, 777).exists(t => n % t == 0)) \n println(\"YES\") else println(\"NO\")\n}"}, {"source_code": "import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer\n\nobject Main {\n\n\n def generateLuckyMumbers(buf: ArrayBuffer[Int], maxValue: Int, currentValue: Int): Unit = {\n if (currentValue <= maxValue) {\n buf.append(currentValue)\n generateLuckyMumbers(buf, maxValue, currentValue * 10 + 4)\n generateLuckyMumbers(buf, maxValue, currentValue * 10 + 7)\n }\n }\n\n\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val std = scala.io.StdIn\n val number = std.readLine().toInt\n\n val luckyNumbers = ArrayBuffer.empty[Int]\n generateLuckyMumbers(luckyNumbers, number, 4)\n generateLuckyMumbers(luckyNumbers, number, 7)\n val result = luckyNumbers.exists(x => number % x == 0)\n if (result) {\n println(\"YES\")\n }\n else {\n println(\"NO\")\n }\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn\n\n/**\n * Created by richard on 2015/6/10.\n */\nobject cf112a {\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val num = Array(4,7,47,74,447,474,477,744,747,774,777)\n val n = StdIn.readInt()\n println(if (num.exists(n%_==0)) \"YES\" else \"NO\")\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object A122 {\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(scala.io.StdIn.readLine)\n\n def readInts(n: Int) = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt)\n }\n\n def readLongs(n: Int) = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong)\n }\n\n def readBigs(n: Int) = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(BigInt(tl.nextToken))\n }\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val Array(num) = readBigs(1)\n val lucky = Array(\"4\", \"7\", \"44\", \"47\", \"74\", \"77\", \"444\", \"447\", \"474\", \"477\", \"744\", \"747\", \"774\", \"777\").map(BigInt.apply)\n if(lucky.exists{n => (num % n) == 0}) {\n println(\"YES\")\n } else {\n println(\"NO\")\n }\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\nimport java.io.PrintWriter\nimport scala.annotation.tailrec\nimport scala.collection.mutable\nimport scala.util.Random\n\nobject P122A extends App {\n val sc = new Scanner(System.in)\n val out = new PrintWriter(System.out)\n\n val luckyNumbers = (1 to 1000).filter { n =>\n n.toString.forall(c => c == '4' || c == '7')\n }\n\n def isAlmostLucky(i: Int): Boolean =\n luckyNumbers.find(i % _ == 0) match {\n case None => false\n case Some(_) => true\n }\n\n def solve: String =\n if (isAlmostLucky(sc.nextInt)) \"YES\"\n else \"NO\"\n\n out.println(solve)\n out.close\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "\n\nobject LuckyDivision {\n\tdef main (args: Array[String]) {\n\t\tval scanner = new java.util.Scanner(System.in);\n\t\tval input = scanner.nextInt();\n\t\tif (isLucky(input)) {\n\t\t\tprintln(\"YES\")\n\t\t\tSystem.exit(0)\n\t\t}\n\t\tfor (i <- 1 to input / 2) {\n\t\t\tif (input % i == 0 && isLucky(i)) {\n\t\t\t\tprintln(\"YES\")\n\t\t\t\tSystem.exit(0)\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t\tprintln(\"NO\")\n\t}\n\n\tdef isLucky(in: Int) : Boolean = {\n\t\t\tvar lucky = true;\n\t\t\tvar tmp = in;\n\t\t\twhile (lucky && tmp > 0) {\n\t\t\t\tval rem = tmp % 10;\n\t\t\t\tif (rem != 4 && rem != 7) {\n\t\t\t\t\tlucky = false\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\ttmp /= 10\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tlucky\n\t}\n}"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn._\n\nobject LuckyDivision extends App {\n\n def isLucky(i: Int): Boolean = i match {\n case 0 => true\n case _ => (i%10 == 4 || i%10 == 7) && isLucky(i / 10)\n }\n\n def isAlmostLucky(i: Int, d: Int): Boolean = d match {\n case 0 => false\n case _ => (i%d == 0 && isLucky(d)) || isAlmostLucky(i, d-1)\n }\n\n val s = readInt\n println(if(isAlmostLucky(s, s)) \"YES\" else \"NO\")\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object Codeforces122A extends App{\n\n def CreateLuckyNumberSet:List[Int] = {\n var luckyset:List[Int] = List()\n luckyset = List(4,7,44,47,74,77,444,447,474,477,744,747,774,777)\n return luckyset\n }\n def TestAlmostLuckyNumber(query:Int):Boolean={\n val luckyset:List[Int] = CreateLuckyNumberSet\n for (i <- luckyset){\n if (query%i == 0){\n return true\n }\n }\n return false\n }\n var query:Int=scala.io.StdIn.readInt\n var ans:Boolean = TestAlmostLuckyNumber(query)\n if (ans == true){\n println(\"YES\")\n }\n else {\n println(\"NO\")\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import java.io._\nimport scala.annotation.tailrec\n\nobject Easy {\n val reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in))\n def readInt = reader.readLine().toInt\n def readInts = reader.readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n\n def limitedStream(cur: Int, sqr: Int): Stream[Int] = if(cur * cur > sqr) Stream.Empty else cur #:: limitedStream(cur + 1, sqr)\n def dividersStream(n: Int) = limitedStream(1, n).filter(n % _ == 0)\n def allDividersStream(n: Int) = dividersStream(n).flatMap { x =>\n Stream(x, n / x)\n }\n def beautifulInt(x: Int) = x.toString.forall(\"47\".contains(_))\n def beautifulDividersStream(n: Int) = allDividersStream(n).filter(beautifulInt)\n\n def main(a: Array[String]) {\n println(if(beautifulDividersStream(readInt).isEmpty) \"NO\" else \"YES\")\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object Main {\n val happy: Stream[Int] = {\n def nextGen(ls: List[Int], gen: Int): Stream[Int] = {\n val nextLs = List(4, 7).flatMap(e => ls.map(e * gen +))\n nextLs.toStream #::: nextGen(nextLs, gen * 10) \n }\n nextGen(List(0), 1)\n }\n\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val num = readInt()\n var isHappy = false\n for(h <- happy.takeWhile(_ <= num)) {\n if (num % h == 0) isHappy |= true\n }\n if (isHappy) println(\"YES\")\n else println(\"NO\")\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "// Codeforces 122A\n\nobject _122A extends App {\n val scanner = new java.util.Scanner(System.in)\n val lucky_numbers = List(4, 7, 47, 74, 447, 474, 477, 747)\n val n = scanner.nextInt\n println(\n if (lucky_numbers.exists(n%_ == 0)) \"YES\" else \"NO\"\n )\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn._\n\nobject A_122 extends App {\n val n = readInt()\n\n def isLucky(x: Int) = x.toString.toCharArray.toSet.forall(x => x == '4' || x == '7')\n\n val L = 1 to 1000 filter isLucky\n\n if (L.contains(n) || L.exists(l => n % l == 0)) println(\"YES\")\n else println(\"NO\")\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn.readLine\nobject problem {\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val s = readLine.toInt\n println(if(List(4,7,47,74,447,477,744,747).exists(s%_ == 0)) \"YES\" else \"NO\")\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "object JuanDavidRobles122A {\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n\n import scala.io.StdIn\n \n var number: Int = Integer.parseInt(StdIn.readLine())\n var string: String = \"\"\n var out: String = \"NO\"\n \n string = String.valueOf(number)\n string = string.replace(\"4\",\"\")\n string = string.replace(\"7\",\"\")\n if (string.equals(\"\")){\n out = \"YES\"\n }\n \n for (i <- 4 to number){\n \n string = String.valueOf(i)\n string = string.replace(\"4\",\"\")\n string = string.replace(\"7\",\"\")\n if (string.equals(\"\") && number%i == 0){\n out = \"YES\"\n }\n }\n \n println(out)\n\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn._\n\nobject HelloWorldMain {\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n\n\n val luckOrNot = readInt()\n\n val allLuckies = for( i <- 1 to 1000 if i.toString.matches(\"(4|7)*\") ) yield i\n\n var result = \"NO\"\n allLuckies.foreach(i => if(luckOrNot % i == 0 ) result = \"YES\" )\n\n\n println(result)\n\n\n\n }\n}\n\n\n"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn.readInt\n\n\nobject LuckyNumbers {\n \n def main(args: Array[String]) { \n val n = readInt\n if (Range(1,n).inclusive.\n filter { p => p.toString().toSet subsetOf Set('4','7') }.\n exists(n%_ == 0))\n println(\"YES\")\n else\n println(\"NO\")\n }\n \n}"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn._\n\nobject cf extends App\n{\n val v = readInt\n print(if(List(4,7,44,47,74,77,444,447,474,477,744,747,774,777).exists(kuy => v%kuy==0)) \"YES\" else \"NO\")\n}"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn._\n\nobject Task extends App{\n\tval N = readLine.split(\" \").map{_.toInt}.head\n\t\n\tdef isLucky(n:Int):Boolean = {\n def aux(n:Int, div:String):Boolean = {\n val d = div.toInt\n \n if(n < d)\n false\n else if(n % d == 0)\n true\n else {\n aux(n, div + \"4\") || aux(n, div + \"7\")\n }\n }\n \n aux(n, \"4\") || aux(n, \"7\")\n\t}\n\t\n\tif(isLucky(N))\n\t println(\"YES\")\n\telse\n\t println(\"NO\")\n}"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn._\n\nobject Solution {\n\n\tvar n = readInt\n\n\tdef isLucky(n:Int):Boolean = {\n\t\tvar nst = n.toString\n\t\tvar ret = true\n\t\tfor(i <- 0 until nst.size) {\n\t\t\tif(nst(i) != '4' && nst(i) != '7') ret = false\n\t\t}\n\t\tret\n\t}\n\n\tdef main(args:Array[String]):Unit = {\n\t\tvar almostLucky = false\n\t\tfor(i <- 1 to n) {\n\t\t\tif(isLucky(i) && !almostLucky && n%i == 0) {\n\t\t\t\tprintln(\"YES\")\n\t\t\t\talmostLucky = true\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t\tif(!almostLucky) println(\"NO\")\n\t}\n\n}\n"}], "negative_code": [{"source_code": "object HappyNum extends App {\n val num = readLine()\n val numnum = num.toInt\n val listNum = num.toList\n var ok = true\n\n for(i <- listNum){\n if (i != '4' && i != '7'){\n ok = false\n }\n }\n if (!ok && numnum % 7 == 0 || numnum % 4 == 0){\n ok = true\n }\n if (ok) print(\"YES\")\n else print(\"NO\")\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn._\n\nobject HappyNum extends App {\n val num = readInt\n var ok = false\n\n val list = List(4, 7, 44, 47, 74, 77, 444, 447, 474, 744, 747, 774, 777)\n\n if (list.contains(num)) {\n ok = true\n }else {\n for(i <- list){\n if (num % i == 0) ok = true\n }\n }\n\n if (ok) print(\"YES\")\n else print(\"NO\")\n\n}"}, {"source_code": "\n\nobject LuckyDivision {\n\tdef main (args: Array[String]) {\n\t\tval scanner = new java.util.Scanner(System.in);\n\t\tval input = scanner.nextInt();\n\t\tif (isLucky(input)) {\n\t\t\tprintln(\"YES\")\n\t\t\tSystem.exit(0)\n\t\t}\n\t\tval sqrtInput = Math.round (Math.sqrt(input))\n\t\t\t\tfor (i <- 1 to sqrtInput.toInt) {\n\t\t\t\t\tif (isLucky(i) && input % i == 0) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tprintln(\"YES\")\n\t\t\t\t\t\tSystem.exit(0)\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\tprintln(\"NO\")\n\t}\n\n\tdef isLucky(in: Int) : Boolean = {\n\t\t\tvar lucky = true\n\t\t\t\t\tvar tmp = in\n\t\t\t\t\twhile (lucky && tmp > 0) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tval rem = tmp % 10\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tif (rem != 4 && rem != 7) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tlucky = false\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t\ttmp = tmp / 10\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tlucky\n\t}\n}"}, {"source_code": "\n\nobject LuckyDivision {\n\tdef main (args: Array[String]) {\n\t\tval scanner = new java.util.Scanner(System.in);\n\t\tval input = scanner.nextInt();\n\t\tif (isLucky(input)) {\n\t\t\tprintln(\"YES\")\n\t\t\tSystem.exit(0)\n\t\t}\n\t\tval sqrtInput = Math.round (Math.sqrt(input))\n\t\t\t\tfor (i <- 1 to sqrtInput.toInt + 1) {\n\t\t\t\t\tif (isLucky(i) && input % i == 0) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tprintln(\"YES\")\n\t\t\t\t\t\tSystem.exit(0)\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\tprintln(\"NO\")\n\t}\n\n\tdef isLucky(in: Int) : Boolean = {\n\t\t\tvar lucky = true\n\t\t\t\t\tvar tmp = in\n\t\t\t\t\twhile (lucky && tmp > 0) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tval rem = tmp % 10\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tif (rem != 4 && rem != 7) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tlucky = false\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t\ttmp = tmp / 10\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tlucky\n\t}\n}"}, {"source_code": "object CF0122A extends App {\n\n val str = readLine()\n val value = str.toInt\n if (value % 4 == 0 || value % 7 == 0) {\n println(\"YES\")\n } else {\n val status = str.getBytes.forall(b => {\n b == '4' || b == '7'\n })\n\n if (status) {\n println(\"YES\")\n } else {\n println(\"NO\")\n }\n }\n\n}\n"}], "src_uid": "78cf8bc7660dbd0602bf6e499bc6bb0d"} {"source_code": "object A extends App {\n\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(readLine)\n def readInts(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt) }\n def readLongs(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong) }\n def readBigs(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(BigInt(tl.nextToken)) }\n\n val Array(n) = readInts(1)\n val s = readLine\n\n val ok = (!(s.contains(\"CC\") || s.contains(\"YY\") || s.contains(\"MM\"))) &&\n (s.startsWith(\"?\") || s.endsWith(\"?\") || s.contains(\"??\") ||\n s.contains(\"C?C\") || s.contains(\"Y?Y\") || s.contains(\"M?M\"))\n\n println(if (ok) \"Yes\" else \"No\")\n}\n", "positive_code": [{"source_code": "object objecta {\n import java.io.{BufferedReader, FileInputStream, InputStreamReader}\n import scala.collection.mutable\n import scala.util.control.Breaks._\n\n val source = System.in\n //new FileInputStream(\"D://in.txt\")\n implicit val reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(source))\n\n def read()(implicit reader: BufferedReader): String = reader.readLine().split(\" \")(0)\n def readArray()(implicit reader: BufferedReader): Array[String] = reader.readLine().split(\" \")\n def readString()(implicit reader: BufferedReader): String = reader.readLine()\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val n = read.toInt\n val s = readString\n\n for (i <- 0 until n - 1)\n if (s(i) != '?' && s(i) == s(i + 1)){\n print(\"NO\")\n return\n }\n\n if (s(0) == '?' || s(n - 1) == '?') {\n print(\"YES\")\n return\n }\n\n for (i <- 1 until n - 2)\n if (s(i) == '?') {\n if (s(i + 1) == '?') {\n print(\"YES\")\n return\n } else if (s(i - 1) == s(i + 1)) {\n print(\"YES\")\n return\n }\n }\n print(\"NO\")\n }\n}\n"}], "negative_code": [{"source_code": "object objecta {\n import java.io.{BufferedReader, FileInputStream, InputStreamReader}\n import scala.collection.mutable\n import scala.util.control.Breaks._\n\n val source = System.in\n //new FileInputStream(\"D://in.txt\")\n implicit val reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(source))\n\n def read()(implicit reader: BufferedReader): String = reader.readLine().split(\" \")(0)\n def readArray()(implicit reader: BufferedReader): Array[String] = reader.readLine().split(\" \")\n def readString()(implicit reader: BufferedReader): String = reader.readLine()\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val n = read.toInt\n val s = readString\n\n for (i <- 0 until n - 1)\n if (s(i) == '?') {\n if (s(i + 1) == '?') {\n print(\"YES\")\n return\n } else if (i > 0 && s(i - 1) == s(i + 1)) {\n print(\"YES\")\n return\n }\n } else if (s(i) == s(i + 1)){\n print(\"NO\")\n return\n }\n print(\"NO\")\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object objecta {\n import java.io.{BufferedReader, FileInputStream, InputStreamReader}\n import scala.collection.mutable\n import scala.util.control.Breaks._\n\n val source = System.in\n //new FileInputStream(\"D://in.txt\")\n implicit val reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(source))\n\n def read()(implicit reader: BufferedReader): String = reader.readLine().split(\" \")(0)\n def readArray()(implicit reader: BufferedReader): Array[String] = reader.readLine().split(\" \")\n def readString()(implicit reader: BufferedReader): String = reader.readLine()\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val n = read.toInt\n val s = readString\n\n for (i <- 0 until n - 1)\n if (s(i) != '?' && s(i) == s(i + 1)){\n print(\"NO\")\n return\n }\n for (i <- 0 until n - 1)\n if (s(i) == '?') {\n if (s(i + 1) == '?') {\n print(\"YES\")\n return\n } else if (i ==0) {\n print(\"YES\")\n return\n } else if (s(i - 1) == s(i + 1)) {\n print(\"YES\")\n return\n }\n }\n print(\"NO\")\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object objecta {\n import java.io.{BufferedReader, FileInputStream, InputStreamReader}\n import scala.collection.mutable\n import scala.util.control.Breaks._\n\n val source = System.in\n //new FileInputStream(\"D://in.txt\")\n implicit val reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(source))\n\n def read()(implicit reader: BufferedReader): String = reader.readLine().split(\" \")(0)\n def readArray()(implicit reader: BufferedReader): Array[String] = reader.readLine().split(\" \")\n def readString()(implicit reader: BufferedReader): String = reader.readLine()\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val n = read.toInt\n val s = readString\n\n if (n == 1)\n if (s(0) == '?') {\n print(\"YES\")\n return\n } else {\n print(\"NO\")\n return\n }\n\n for (i <- 0 until n - 1)\n if (s(i) != '?' && s(i) == s(i + 1)){\n print(\"NO\")\n return\n }\n for (i <- 0 until n - 1)\n if (s(i) == '?') {\n if (s(i + 1) == '?') {\n print(\"YES\")\n return\n } else if (i ==0) {\n print(\"YES\")\n return\n } else if (s(i - 1) == s(i + 1)) {\n print(\"YES\")\n return\n }\n }\n print(\"NO\")\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object objecta {\n import java.io.{BufferedReader, FileInputStream, InputStreamReader}\n import scala.collection.mutable\n import scala.util.control.Breaks._\n\n val source = System.in\n //new FileInputStream(\"D://in.txt\")\n implicit val reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(source))\n\n def read()(implicit reader: BufferedReader): String = reader.readLine().split(\" \")(0)\n def readArray()(implicit reader: BufferedReader): Array[String] = reader.readLine().split(\" \")\n def readString()(implicit reader: BufferedReader): String = reader.readLine()\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val n = read.toInt\n val s = readString\n\n for (i <- 0 until n - 1)\n if (s(i) == s(i + 1)){\n print(\"NO\")\n return\n }\n for (i <- 0 until n - 1)\n if (s(i) == '?') {\n if (s(i + 1) == '?') {\n print(\"YES\")\n return\n } else if (i ==0) {\n print(\"YES\")\n return\n } else if (s(i - 1) == s(i + 1)) {\n print(\"YES\")\n return\n }\n }\n print(\"NO\")\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object objecta {\n import java.io.{BufferedReader, FileInputStream, InputStreamReader}\n import scala.collection.mutable\n import scala.util.control.Breaks._\n\n val source = System.in\n //new FileInputStream(\"D://in.txt\")\n implicit val reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(source))\n\n def read()(implicit reader: BufferedReader): String = reader.readLine().split(\" \")(0)\n def readArray()(implicit reader: BufferedReader): Array[String] = reader.readLine().split(\" \")\n def readString()(implicit reader: BufferedReader): String = reader.readLine()\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val n = read.toInt\n val s = readString\n\n for (i <- 0 until n - 1)\n if (s(i + 1) != '?' && s(i) == s(i + 1)) {\n print(\"NO\")\n return\n }\n print(\"YES\")\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object objecta {\n import java.io.{BufferedReader, FileInputStream, InputStreamReader}\n import scala.collection.mutable\n import scala.util.control.Breaks._\n\n val source = System.in\n //new FileInputStream(\"D://in.txt\")\n implicit val reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(source))\n\n def read()(implicit reader: BufferedReader): String = reader.readLine().split(\" \")(0)\n def readArray()(implicit reader: BufferedReader): Array[String] = reader.readLine().split(\" \")\n def readString()(implicit reader: BufferedReader): String = reader.readLine()\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val n = read.toInt\n val s = readString\n\n for (i <- 0 until n - 1)\n if (s(i) == '?') {\n if (s(i + 1) == '?') {\n print(\"YES\")\n return\n } else if (i ==0) {\n print(\"YES\")\n return\n } else if (s(i - 1) == s(i + 1)) {\n print(\"YES\")\n return\n }\n } else if (s(i) == s(i + 1)){\n print(\"NO\")\n return\n }\n print(\"NO\")\n }\n}\n"}], "src_uid": "f8adfa0dde7ac1363f269dbdf00212c3"} {"source_code": "import annotation.tailrec, collection.mutable, util.control.Breaks._, math.Ordering.Implicits._\nimport CodeForcesApp._\nobject _560B extends CodeForcesApp[Boolean]({scanner => import scanner._\n val List(a1, b1, a2, b2, a3, b3) = List.fill(6)(nextInt)\n def fit(r: R) = {\n val (x, y) = r\n //debug(x, y, a1, b1)\n (x <= a1 && y <= b1) || (x <= b1 && y <= a1)\n }\n type R = (Int, Int)\n def join(r1: R, r2: R): R = (r1._1 + r2._1, r1._2 max r2._2)\n def allSwapJoin(r1: R, r2: R): List[R] = join(r1, r2) :: join(r1, r2.swap) :: join(r1.swap, r2) :: join(r1.swap, r2.swap) :: Nil\n def allJoin(r1: R, r2: R): List[R] = allSwapJoin(r1, r2) ::: allSwapJoin(r2, r1)\n allJoin((a2, b2), (a3, b3)) exists fit\n}) {\n override def format(result: Boolean) = if (result) \"YES\" else \"NO\"\n}\nimport java.util.Scanner\nabstract class CodeForcesApp[A](solver: Scanner => A) {\n final def apply(problem: String): String = apply(new Scanner(problem))\n final def apply(scanner: Scanner): String = format(solver(scanner))\n def format(result: A): String = result.toString\n final def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = println(apply(new Scanner(System.in)))\n}\nobject CodeForcesApp {\n final def isOnlineJudge: Boolean = sys.props.get(\"ONLINE_JUDGE\").exists(_.toBoolean)\n final def debug(x: Any): Unit = if (!isOnlineJudge) println(x)\n final val modulus: Int = 1000000007\n final val eps: Double = 1e-9\n final def when[B](x: Boolean)(f: => B): Option[B] = if (x) Some(f) else None\n final def counter[A] = collection.mutable.Map.empty[A, Int] withDefaultValue 0\n}", "positive_code": [{"source_code": "import io.StdIn._\n\nobject Solution {\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val p = readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt).sortBy(-_)\n val a = readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt).sortBy(-_)\n val b = readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt).sortBy(-_)\n\n var found = false\n if (p(0)-a(0)>=0 && p(1)-a(1)>=0) {\n val r1 = Array(p(0)-a(0), p(1)).sortBy(-_)\n if (r1(0)>=b(0) && r1(1)>=b(1)) found = true\n else {\n val r2 = Array(p(0), p(1)-a(1)).sortBy(-_)\n if (r2(0)>=b(0) && r2(1)>=b(1)) found = true\n }\n }\n if (p(0)-a(1)>=0 && p(1)-a(0)>=0) {\n val r1 = Array(p(0)-a(1), p(1)).sortBy(-_)\n if (r1(0)>=b(0) && r1(1)>=b(1)) found = true\n else {\n val r2 = Array(p(0), p(1)-a(0)).sortBy(-_)\n if (r2(0)>=b(0) && r2(1)>=b(1)) found = true\n }\n }\n\n if (found) println(\"YES\") else println(\"NO\")\n }\n}\n"}], "negative_code": [{"source_code": "import annotation.tailrec, collection.mutable, util.control.Breaks._, math.Ordering.Implicits._\nimport CodeForcesApp._\nobject _560B extends CodeForcesApp[Boolean]({scanner => import scanner._\n val List(a1, b1, a2, b2, a3, b3) = List.fill(6)(nextInt)\n def fit(r: R) = {\n val (x, y) = r\n //debug(x, y, a1, b1)\n (x <= a1 && y <= b1) || (x <= b1 && y <= a1)\n }\n type R = (Int, Int)\n def join(r1: R, r2: R): R = (r1._1 + r2._1, r1._2 min r2._2)\n def allSwapJoin(r1: R, r2: R): List[R] = join(r1, r2) :: join(r1, r2.swap) :: join(r1.swap, r2) :: join(r1.swap, r2.swap) :: Nil\n def allJoin(r1: R, r2: R): List[R] = allSwapJoin(r1, r2) ::: allSwapJoin(r2, r1)\n allJoin((a2, b2), (a3, b3)) exists fit\n}) {\n override def format(result: Boolean) = if (result) \"YES\" else \"NO\"\n}\nimport java.util.Scanner\nabstract class CodeForcesApp[A](solver: Scanner => A) {\n final def apply(problem: String): String = apply(new Scanner(problem))\n final def apply(scanner: Scanner): String = format(solver(scanner))\n def format(result: A): String = result.toString\n final def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = println(apply(new Scanner(System.in)))\n}\nobject CodeForcesApp {\n final def isOnlineJudge: Boolean = sys.props.get(\"ONLINE_JUDGE\").exists(_.toBoolean)\n final def debug(x: Any): Unit = if (!isOnlineJudge) println(x)\n final val modulus: Int = 1000000007\n final val eps: Double = 1e-9\n final def when[B](x: Boolean)(f: => B): Option[B] = if (x) Some(f) else None\n final def counter[A] = collection.mutable.Map.empty[A, Int] withDefaultValue 0\n}\n"}], "src_uid": "2ff30d9c4288390fd7b5b37715638ad9"} {"source_code": "import scala.io.Source\n\nobject Solution extends App {\n\n def ceil(a: Long): String = {\n val str = a.toBinaryString\n val zeroCount = str.count(_ == '0')\n if (zeroCount == 1) str\n else if (zeroCount == 0) \"10\" + \"1\" * (str.length - 1)\n else {\n val ones = str.takeWhile(_ == '1').length\n \"1\" * ones + \"0\" + \"1\" * (str.length - ones - 1)\n }\n }\n\n def floor(a: Long): String = {\n val str = a.toBinaryString\n val zeroCount = str.count(_ == '0')\n if (zeroCount == 1) str\n else if (zeroCount == 0) str.dropRight(1) + '0'\n else {\n val ones = str.takeWhile(_ == '1').length\n if (ones == 1)\n \"1\" * (str.length - 2) + \"0\"\n else\n \"1\" * (ones - 1) + \"0\" + \"1\" * (str.length - ones)\n }\n }\n\n def count(aSize: Int, aZeroPosition: Int, bSize: Int, bZeroPosition: Int): Int = {\n if (aSize > bSize || (aZeroPosition > bZeroPosition && aSize == bSize)) 0\n else if (aSize == bSize && aZeroPosition == bZeroPosition) 1\n else if (aZeroPosition == aSize) count(aSize + 1, 1, bSize, bZeroPosition)\n else 1 + count(aSize, aZeroPosition + 1, bSize, bZeroPosition)\n }\n\n val in = Source.stdin.getLines()\n val Array(a, b) = in.next().split(' ').map(_.toLong)\n val c = ceil(a)\n val f = floor(b)\n// println(a.toBinaryString)\n// println(c)\n// println(b.toBinaryString)\n// println(f)\n println(count(c.length, c.indexOf('0'), f.length, f.indexOf('0')))\n}", "positive_code": [{"source_code": "import scala.collection._\n\nobject B extends App {\n\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(readLine)\n def readInts(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt) }\n def readLongs(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong) }\n def readBigs(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(BigInt(tl.nextToken)) }\n\n val Array(a, b) = readLongs(2)\n var res = 0L\n\n for (l <- 1 to 62) {\n val x = (1L << l) - 1\n for (j <- 0 until l - 1) {\n val y = x ^ (1L << j)\n if (a <= y && y <= b) {\n res += 1\n }\n }\n }\n println(res)\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import io.StdIn._\nimport scala.collection.mutable._\n\nobject Solution {\n\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val Array(n, m) = readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toLong)\n\n var num = 0\n\n for (i <- 2 to 63) {\n for (j <- 0 to i-2) {\n val y = ((1.toLong<<i) - 1) ^ (1.toLong<<j)\n\n if (y >= n && y <= m) {\n num += 1\n// println(i+\"..\"+j+\"..\"+y)\n }\n }\n }\n\n println(num)\n\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\nimport java.lang.Long.parseLong\n\nobject Main{\n def main (args: Array[String]){\n val sc = new Scanner(System.in)\n val a = sc.nextLong()\n val b = sc.nextLong()\n\n //\n val a_2 = a.toBinaryString\n val b_2 = b.toBinaryString\n\n val a_2l = a_2.length\n var shaku = \"10\"\n var flag = true\n var ans = 0L\n var digi_cnt = 1\n while(flag){\n val tn = parseLong(shaku, 2)\n\n if(a <= tn){\n if(b >= tn)\n ans += 1\n else\n flag = false\n }\n\n digi_cnt += 1\n val sl = shaku.length\n if(sl == digi_cnt){\n shaku = shaku.updated(digi_cnt - 1, '1')\n shaku = shaku ++ \"1\"\n shaku = shaku.updated(1, '0')\n digi_cnt = 1\n }\n else{\n shaku = shaku.updated(digi_cnt - 1, '1')\n shaku = shaku.updated(digi_cnt, '0')\n }\n }\n\n println(ans)\n }\n}\n\n \n"}], "negative_code": [{"source_code": "import scala.io.Source\n\nobject Solution extends App {\n\n def ceil(a: Long): String = {\n val str = a.toBinaryString\n val zeroCount = str.count(_ == '0')\n if (zeroCount == 1) str\n else if (zeroCount == 0) str + '0'\n else {\n val ones = str.takeWhile(_ == '1').length\n \"1\" * ones + \"0\" + \"1\" * (str.length - ones - 1)\n }\n }\n\n def floor(a: Long): String = {\n val str = a.toBinaryString\n val zeroCount = str.count(_ == '0')\n if (zeroCount == 1) str\n else if (zeroCount == 0) str.dropRight(1) + '0'\n else {\n val ones = str.takeWhile(_ == '1').length\n if (ones == 1)\n \"1\" * (str.length - 2) + \"0\"\n else\n \"1\" * (ones - 1) + \"0\" + \"1\" * (str.length - ones)\n }\n }\n\n def count(aSize: Int, aZeroPosition: Int, bSize: Int, bZeroPosition: Int): Int = {\n if (aSize > bSize || (aZeroPosition > bZeroPosition && aSize == bSize)) 0\n else if (aSize == bSize && aZeroPosition == bZeroPosition) 1\n else if (aZeroPosition == aSize) count(aSize + 1, 0, bSize, bZeroPosition)\n else 1 + count(aSize, aZeroPosition + 1, bSize, bZeroPosition)\n }\n\n val in = Source.stdin.getLines()\n val Array(a, b) = in.next().split(' ').map(_.toLong)\n val c = ceil(a)\n val f = floor(b)\n println(count(c.length, c.indexOf('0'), f.length, f.indexOf('0')))\n}"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.Source\n\nobject Solution extends App {\n\n def ceil(a: Long): String = {\n val str = a.toBinaryString\n val zeroCount = str.count(_ == '0')\n if (zeroCount == 1) str\n else if (zeroCount == 0) str + '0'\n else {\n val ones = str.takeWhile(_ == '1').length\n \"1\" * ones + \"0\" + \"1\" * (str.length - ones - 1)\n }\n }\n\n def floor(a: Long): String = {\n val str = a.toBinaryString\n val zeroCount = str.count(_ == '0')\n if (zeroCount == 1) str\n else if (zeroCount == 0) str.dropRight(1) + '0'\n else {\n val ones = str.takeWhile(_ == '1').length\n if (ones == 1)\n \"1\" * (str.length - 2) + \"0\"\n else\n \"1\" * (ones - 1) + \"0\" + \"1\" * (str.length - ones)\n }\n }\n\n def count(aSize: Int, aZeroPosition: Int, bSize: Int, bZeroPosition: Int): Int = {\n if (aSize > bSize) 0\n else if (aSize == bSize && aZeroPosition == bZeroPosition) 1\n else if (aZeroPosition == aSize) count(aSize + 1, 1, bSize, bZeroPosition)\n else 1 + count(aSize, aZeroPosition + 1, bSize, bZeroPosition)\n }\n\n val in = Source.stdin.getLines()\n val Array(a, b) = in.next().split(' ').map(_.toLong)\n val c = ceil(a)\n val f = floor(b)\n println(count(c.length, c.indexOf('0'), f.length, f.indexOf('0')))\n}"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.Source\n\nobject Solution extends App {\n\n def ceil(a: Long): String = {\n val str = a.toBinaryString\n val zeroCount = str.count(_ == '0')\n if (zeroCount == 1) str\n else if (zeroCount == 0) str + '0'\n else {\n val ones = str.takeWhile(_ == '1').length\n \"1\" * ones + \"0\" + \"1\" * (str.length - ones - 1)\n }\n }\n\n def floor(a: Long): String = {\n val str = a.toBinaryString\n val zeroCount = str.count(_ == '0')\n if (zeroCount == 1) str\n else if (zeroCount == 0) str.dropRight(1) + '0'\n else {\n val ones = str.takeWhile(_ == '1').length\n if (ones == 1)\n \"1\" * (str.length - 2) + \"0\"\n else\n \"1\" * (ones - 1) + \"0\" + \"1\" * (str.length - ones)\n }\n }\n\n def count(aSize: Int, aZeroPosition: Int, bSize: Int, bZeroPosition: Int): Int = {\n if (aSize > bSize || (aZeroPosition > bZeroPosition && aSize == bSize)) 0\n else if (aSize == bSize && aZeroPosition == bZeroPosition) 1\n else if (aZeroPosition == aSize) count(aSize + 1, 1, bSize, bZeroPosition)\n else 1 + count(aSize, aZeroPosition + 1, bSize, bZeroPosition)\n }\n\n val in = Source.stdin.getLines()\n val Array(a, b) = in.next().split(' ').map(_.toLong)\n val c = ceil(a)\n val f = floor(b)\n println(count(c.length, c.indexOf('0'), f.length, f.indexOf('0')))\n}"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.Source\n\nobject Solution extends App {\n\n def ceil(a: Long): String = {\n val str = a.toBinaryString\n val zeroCount = str.count(_ == '0')\n if (zeroCount == 1) str\n else if (zeroCount == 0) str + '0'\n else {\n val ones = str.takeWhile(_ == '1').length\n \"1\" * ones + \"0\" + \"1\" * (str.length - ones - 1)\n }\n }\n\n def floor(a: Long): String = {\n val str = a.toBinaryString\n val zeroCount = str.count(_ == '0')\n if (zeroCount == 1) str\n else if (zeroCount == 0) str.dropRight(1) + '0'\n else {\n val ones = str.takeWhile(_ == '1').length\n if (ones == 1)\n \"1\" * (str.length - 2) + \"0\"\n else\n \"1\" * (ones - 1) + \"0\" + \"1\" * (str.length - ones)\n }\n }\n\n def count(aSize: Int, aZeroPosition: Int, bSize: Int, bZeroPosition: Int): Int = {\n if (aSize > bSize || (aZeroPosition < bZeroPosition && aSize == bSize)) 0\n else if (aSize == bSize && aZeroPosition == bZeroPosition) 1\n else if (aZeroPosition == aSize) count(aSize + 1, 1, bSize, bZeroPosition)\n else 1 + count(aSize, aZeroPosition + 1, bSize, bZeroPosition)\n }\n\n val in = Source.stdin.getLines()\n val Array(a, b) = in.next().split(' ').map(_.toLong)\n val c = ceil(a)\n val f = floor(b)\n println(count(c.length, c.indexOf('0'), f.length, f.indexOf('0')))\n}"}], "src_uid": "581f61b1f50313bf4c75833cefd4d022"} {"source_code": "import java.io._\nimport java.util.Scanner\nimport scala.language.implicitConversions\n\nobject AcmICPC {\n\n class Lazy[A](x: => A) {\n lazy val value = x\n override def toString(): String = value.toString()\n }\n\n object Lazy {\n def apply[A](x: => A) = new Lazy(x)\n implicit def fromLazy[A](z: Lazy[A]): A = z.value\n implicit def toLazy[A](x: => A): Lazy[A] = Lazy(x)\n }\n\n import Lazy._\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val sc = new Scanner(System.in)\n\n val A = sc.nextLine().split(\" \").map(str => str.toInt)\n val sum = A.sum\n val answer = A.combinations(3).exists(combination => combination.sum * 2 == sum)\n\n println(if(answer) \"YES\" else \"NO\")\n\n }\n}", "positive_code": [{"source_code": "object A extends App {\n\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(readLine)\n def readInts(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt) }\n def readLongs(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong) }\n def readBigs(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(BigInt(tl.nextToken)) }\n\n val as = readInts(6)\n\n var can = false\n for (bs <- as.permutations) {\n if (bs.take(3).sum == bs.drop(3).sum) can = true\n }\n\n println(if (can) \"YES\" else \"NO\")\n\n Console.flush\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "/**\n * @see http://codeforces.com/contest/890/problem/A\n */\n\nobject AACM extends App {\n val a = scala.io.StdIn.readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n val s = a sum\n val n = 6\n\n val vs = for {\n i <- 0 to 5\n j <- i to 5\n k <- j to 5\n if i != j && j != k && i != k && s - a(i) - a(j) - a(k) == a(i) + a(j) + a(k)\n } yield (i, j, k)\n\n if (vs.isEmpty) println(\"NO\")\n else println(\"YES\")\n}\n"}], "negative_code": [{"source_code": "import scala.annotation.tailrec\n\nobject A extends App {\n val a = scala.io.StdIn.readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n val n = 6\n val s = a.sum\n\n @tailrec\n def check(i: Int = 0, j: Int = 0, k: Int = 0): Boolean =\n if (i == n || j == n || k == n) false\n else if (s - a(i) - a(j) - a(k) == a(i) + a(j) + a(k)) true\n else check(i + (j + (k + 1) / n) / n, (j + (k + 1) / n) % n, (k + 1) % n)\n\n if (check()) println(\"YES\")\n else println(\"NO\")\n}\n"}], "src_uid": "2acf686862a34c337d1d2cbc0ac3fd11"} {"source_code": "object CF915B extends App{\n val sc = new java.util.Scanner(System.in)\n val n, pos, l, r = sc.nextInt\n val move = if (l == 1) {\n if (r == n) 0 else (r-pos abs) + 1\n } else {\n if (r == n) (pos-l abs) + 1 else ((pos-l min r-pos) abs) + (r - l) + 2\n }\n println(move)\n}", "positive_code": [{"source_code": "object CF915B extends App{\n val sc = new java.util.Scanner(System.in)\n val n, pos, l, r = sc.nextInt\n val move = if (l == 1) {\n if (r == n) 0 else (r-pos abs) + 1\n } else {\n if (r == n) (pos-l abs) + 1 else ((pos-l min r-pos) abs) + (r - l) + 2\n }\n println(move)\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "\nobject B extends App {\n val Array(n, pos, l, r) = scala.io.StdIn.readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n\n def seconds(i: Int, a: Int, b: Int, t: Int = 0): Int =\n if (a == l && b == r) t\n else if (a == l) seconds(r, a, r, t + (r - i).abs + 1)\n else if (b == r) seconds(l, l, b, t + (i - l).abs + 1)\n else {\n if (i <= l) seconds(l, l, b, t + l - i + 1)\n else if (i >= r) seconds(r, a, r, t + i - r + 1)\n else {\n if (r - i < i - l) seconds(r, a, b, t + r - i)\n else seconds(l, a, b, t + i - l)\n }\n }\n\n println(seconds(pos, 1, n))\n}\n"}], "negative_code": [{"source_code": "\nobject B extends App {\n val Array(n, pos, l, r) = scala.io.StdIn.readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n\n def seconds(i: Int, a: Int, b: Int, t: Int = 0): Int =\n if (a == l && b == r) t\n else if (a == l) seconds(r, a, r, t + r - i + 1)\n else if (b == r) seconds(l, l, b, t + i - l + 1)\n else {\n if (i <= l) seconds(l, l, b, t + l - i + 1)\n else if (i >= r) seconds(r, a, r, t + i - r + 1)\n else {\n if (r - i < i - l) seconds(r, a, b, t + r - i)\n else seconds(l, a, b, t + i - l)\n }\n }\n\n println(seconds(pos, 1, n))\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object CF915B extends App{\n val sc = new java.util.Scanner(System.in)\n val n, pos, l, r = sc.nextInt\n val move = if (l == 1) {\n if (r == n) 0 else r-pos + 1\n } else {\n if (r == n) pos-l + 1 else (pos-l min r-pos) + (r - l) + 2\n }\n println(move)\n}"}], "src_uid": "5deaac7bd3afedee9b10e61997940f78"} {"source_code": "\n/**\n * Created by octavian on 18/02/2016.\n */\nobject Game {\n\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n // System.setIn(new FileInputStream(\"src/game.in\"))\n //System.setOut(new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(\"src/game.out\")))\n\n var n = readLong()\n if(n % 2 == 0) {\n println(2)\n }\n else {\n println(1)\n }\n\n }\n\n}\n", "positive_code": [{"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn\n\nobject Game {\n\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val n = StdIn.readLong()\n print(2 - (n % 2))\n }\n \n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\n\nimport scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer\n\nobject Main {\n\n def sqr(x: Long) = x * x\n\n def powmod(x: Long, n: Long, p: Long): Long = {\n if (n == 1) x\n else if (n % 2 == 1) (powmod(x, n - 1, p) * x) % p\n else sqr(powmod(x, n / 2, p)) % p\n }\n\n def C(n: Int, k: Int) = {\n var res = BigInt(1)\n for (i <- n - k + 1 to n) {\n res = res * i\n }\n for (i <- 1 to k.toInt) {\n res = res / i\n }\n res\n }\n\n def fact(n: Int) = {\n var res = BigInt(1)\n for (i <- 1 to n) {\n res = res * i\n }\n res\n }\n\n def gcd(a: Long, b: Long): Long = if (b == 0) a else gcd(b, a % b)\n\n def lcm(a: Long, b: Long) = a / gcd(a, b) * b\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val in = new Scanner(System.in)\n\n val n = in.nextLong()\n\n println((n + 1) % 2 + 1)\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "object Solution extends App {\n val in = scala.io.Source.stdin.getLines()\n println(2 - in.next().last.asDigit % 2)\n}"}], "negative_code": [], "src_uid": "816ec4cd9736f3113333ef05405b8e81"} {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn.readLine\nobject problem {\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val s = readLine\n println(if(s.distinct.size%2 ==0) \"CHAT WITH HER!\" else \"IGNORE HIM!\")\n }\n}", "positive_code": [{"source_code": "object Main {\n\n def distinct(x: List[Char]): List[Char] = {\n x.foldLeft(List.empty[Char])((acc, c) => if (acc.contains(c)) acc else c :: acc)\n }\n \n def gender(nick: String): String = {\n val chars = distinct(nick.toList)\n if (chars.size % 2 == 0) \"CHAT WITH HER!\"\n else \"IGNORE HIM!\"\n }\n \n def main(args: Array[String]) = {\n print (gender(readLine))\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "object a{def main(args:Array[String]){if(readLine.distinct.size%2==0)print(\"CHAT WITH HER!\")else print(\"IGNORE HIM!\")}}"}, {"source_code": "//2.12 | CodeForces.Com\nobject Solution {\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n if(readLine.distinct.size % 2 == 0)\n print(\"CHAT WITH HER!\")\n else\n print(\"IGNORE HIM!\")\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "//rextester.com:2.11.7--codeforces.com:2.11.8\nobject a extends App{\n if(readLine.distinct.size%2==0)print(\"CHAT WITH HER!\")else print(\"IGNORE HIM!\")\n}"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn._\n\nobject Task extends App{\n\tval name = readLine.toSet\n\t\n\tif(name.size % 2 == 0)\n\t println(\"CHAT WITH HER!\")\n\telse\n\t println(\"IGNORE HIM!\")\n}"}, {"source_code": "object A00236 extends App {\n val str = Console.readLine()\n val message = if (str.distinct.length % 2 == 1) \"IGNORE HIM!\" else \"CHAT WITH HER!\"\n println(message)\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object JuanDavidRobles236A {\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n\n import scala.io.StdIn\n import java.util\n\n var string: String = StdIn.readLine()\n var words: Array[Char] = new Array[Char](30)\n var count: Int = 0\n\n for (i <- 0 until string.length){\n if (!arrayContains(words, string.charAt(i))){\n words(count) = string.charAt(i)\n count += 1\n }\n }\n\n if (count%2 == 0){\n println(\"CHAT WITH HER!\")\n } else {\n println(\"IGNORE HIM!\")\n }\n\n }\n\n def arrayContains(myString: Array[Char], char: Char): Boolean ={\n var boolean: Boolean = false\n for (i <- 0 until myString.length){\n\n if (myString.charAt(i) == char){\n boolean = true\n }\n }\n\n boolean\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "\nimport scala.io.StdIn.readLine\n\nobject BoyOrGirl {\n def main(args: Array[String]) { \n if (readLine.toSet.size % 2 == 0)\n println(\"CHAT WITH HER!\")\n else \n println(\"IGNORE HIM!\")\n }\n \n}"}, {"source_code": "object Main extends App{\n if(readLine.distinct.size %2==0)\n println(\"CHAT WITH HER!\")else\n println(\"IGNORE HIM!\")\n}"}, {"source_code": "import scala.collection.immutable.Set\nobject TEST extends App{\n var al = Set[Char]()\n readLine.foreach(i => al += i)\n print (if(al.size%2==0) \"CHAT WITH HER!\" else \"IGNORE HIM!\")\n}"}, {"source_code": "object test5 extends App {\n val name=readLine\n if(name.distinct.size%2==0)\n \tprintln(\"CHAT WITH HER!\")\n else\n \tprintln(\"IGNORE HIM!\")\n \n} \n\n"}, {"source_code": "/**\n * Created by richard on 2015/6/10.\n */\nimport scala.io.StdIn\nobject cf236a {\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val name = StdIn.readLine()\n println(if (name.distinct.size%2==1) \"IGNORE HIM!\" else \"CHAT WITH HER!\")\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object I {\n \n def main(args : Array[String]): Unit = {\n var s = readLine\n var used=false\n var cnt = 1\n for (i <- 1 to s.length()-1; j <- i-1 to 0 by -1){\n \tif (s.charAt(i)==s.charAt(j))used = true\n \tif (j==0){\n \t if (!used)cnt += 1\n \t used = false \t \n \t}\n }\n// println(cnt)\n if (cnt % 2 == 0)\n println(\"CHAT WITH HER!\")\n else println(\"IGNORE HIM!\")\n }\n\n}"}, {"source_code": "object A236 extends App {\n var name: String = readLine\n var count = 0;\n while (!name.isEmpty()) {\n name = name.filterNot((a: Char) => a == name.charAt(0))\n count += 1;\n }\n if (count % 2 == 0)\n println(\"CHAT WITH HER!\")\n else println(\"IGNORE HIM!\")\n}"}, {"source_code": "object Main {\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val s = readLine\n if (s.toList.distinct.length % 2 == 0) {\n println(\"CHAT WITH HER!\")\n } else {\n println(\"IGNORE HIM!\")\n }\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "\nobject Main extends App {\n val sc = new java.util.Scanner(System.in)\n val name = sc.next()\n\n println(if (name.toSet.size % 2 == 0) \"CHAT WITH HER!\" else \"IGNORE HIM!\")\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\nimport java.io.PrintWriter\nimport scala.annotation.tailrec\nimport scala.collection.mutable\nimport scala.util.Random\n\nobject P236A extends App {\n val sc = new Scanner(System.in)\n val out = new PrintWriter(System.out)\n\n val name = sc.nextLine\n\n def solve: String =\n if (name.groupBy(identity[Char]).size % 2 == 0) \"CHAT WITH HER!\"\n else \"IGNORE HIM!\"\n\n out.println(solve)\n out.close\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "\n\nobject BoyOrGirl {\n\tdef main (args: Array[String]) {\n\t\tval scanner = new java.util.Scanner(System.in);\n\t\tval input = scanner.nextLine;\n\t\tvar theList: List[Char] = Nil\n\t\tfor (c <- input) {\n\t\t if (!theList.contains(c)) {\n\t\t theList = c::theList;\n\t\t }\n\t\t}\n\t\tif (theList.size % 2 == 0) {\n\t\t println(\"CHAT WITH HER!\")\n\t\t}\n\t\telse {\n\t\t println(\"IGNORE HIM!\")\n\t\t}\n\t}\n}"}, {"source_code": "object A {\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val input = readLine()\n val chars = input.iterator.toSet\n print(\n if ((chars.iterator.length % 2) == 0)\n \"CHAT WITH HER!\"\n else\n \"IGNORE HIM!\")\n }\n\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "// codeforces 236A\n\nobject DevYun extends App {\n val nm = Console.readLine()\n val sch: Set[Char] = nm toSet\n val devush = (sch.size % 2) == 0\n val answer = if (devush) \"CHAT WITH HER!\" else \"IGNORE HIM!\"\n println(answer)\n}"}, {"source_code": "object Main {\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val str = readLine()\n if (str.distinct.length % 2 == 0) println(\"CHAT WITH HER!\") else println(\"IGNORE HIM!\")\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "object Two36A extends App {\n\tval str = readLine\n\tval a = 'a'\n\tval arr = new Array[Int](26)\n\tstr.foreach { x =>\n\t\tarr(x - a) += 1\n\t}\n\tval size = arr.filter(_ > 0).size\n\tif (size % 2 != 0) {\n\t\tprintln(\"IGNORE HIM!\")\n\t} else {\n\t\tprintln(\"CHAT WITH HER!\")\n\t}\n}"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn._\n\nobject BoyorGirl {\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val name = readLine().toSet\n val ans = if (name.size % 2 == 0) \"CHAT WITH HER!\" else \"IGNORE HIM!\"\n println(ans)\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "object Main extends App{\n if(readLine.distinct.size %2==0)\n println(\"CHAT WITH HER!\")else\n println(\"IGNORE HIM!\")\n}"}, {"source_code": "object BoyGirl extends App {\n\n\tval uniqueCharacters = \n\t\tscala.io.StdIn.readLine()\n\t\t.toSet.size\n\n\tif (uniqueCharacters % 2 != 0) println(\"IGNORE HIM!\")\n\t\telse println(\"CHAT WITH HER!\")\n\n}"}, {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\n\nobject Try1 {\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val in = new Scanner(System.in)\n var a,b,len,x, m, k, n, j, i: Int = 0\n\n// val lb = \"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\"\n// val lc = \"ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ\"\n var v = new Array[Int](26)\n i=0\n while (i<26){\n v(i)=0\n i+=1\n }\n// n = in.nextInt()\n// k = in.nextInt()\n// x=0\n val la = in.nextLine()\n a=0\n b=0\n m = la.length()\n i=0\n while (i<m) {\n v(la(i)-'a')=1\n i+=1\n }\n i=0\n while (i<26){\n a+=v(i)\n i+=1\n }\n a=a%2\n if (a==0) println(\"CHAT WITH HER!\")\n else println(\"IGNORE HIM!\")\n// if (a>=b)\n// {\n// i=0\n// while (i<m)\n// {\n// if (la(i)>='a' && la(i)<='z') print(la(i))\n// else print(lb(la(i)-'A'))\n// i+=1\n// }\n// }\n// else\n// {\n// i=0\n// while (i<m)\n// {\n// if (la(i)>='a' && la(i)<='z') print(lc(la(i)-'a'))\n// else print(la(i))\n// i+=1\n// }\n// }\n// m = la.compareToIgnoreCase(lb) //不区分大小写判断字符串是否相等\n\n\n// i=0\n// n=line.length()\n// while (i<n-2 && line(i)=='W' && line(i+1)=='U' && line(i+2)=='B') i+=3\n// while (n>2 && line(n-3)=='W' && line(n-2)=='U' && line(n-1)=='B') n-=3\n// while (i<n) {\n// if (line(i)=='W') {\n// if (i<n-2) {\n// if (line(i+1)=='U' && line(i+2)=='B') {\n// print(' ')\n// i+=2\n// }\n// else print(line(i))\n// }\n// else print(line(i))\n// }\n// else print(line(i))\n// i+=1\n// }\n\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "object Main extends App{\n if(readLine.distinct.size %2==0)\n println(\"CHAT WITH HER!\")else\n println(\"IGNORE HIM!\")\n}"}, {"source_code": "object Codeforces236A extends App{\n\n def Check(quer:String):String={\n var ans:Int=1\n val nquer:String=quer.toArray.sorted.mkString\n for (i <- 0 until nquer.length-1){\n if (nquer(i) != nquer(i+1)) ans+=1\n }\n if (ans % 2 == 1) return \"IGNORE HIM!\"\n else return \"CHAT WITH HER!\"\n }\n\n val username:String=scala.io.StdIn.readLine\n println(Check(username))\n\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object Main extends App {\n val str = readLine()\n\n val r = str.toLowerCase().groupBy(_.toChar).map { case (k, v) => (k, v.size) }\n\n if (r.size % 2 == 0) println(\"CHAT WITH HER!\")\n else println(\"IGNORE HIM!\")\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import java.io._\nimport scala.annotation.tailrec\n\nobject Easy {\n val reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in))\n def readInt = reader.readLine().toInt\n def readInts = reader.readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n\n def ans = Array(\"CHAT WITH HER!\", \"IGNORE HIM!\").apply(reader.readLine().groupBy(x => x).size % 2)\n\n def main(a: Array[String]) {\n println(ans)\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object Task236A {\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n println(if (scala.io.StdIn.readLine().foldLeft(Set[Char]())((x, y) => x + y).size % 2 == 0) \"CHAT WITH HER!\" else \"IGNORE HIM!\")\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "object CF0236A extends App {\n\n var str = readLine().toList\n\n val size = str.toSet.size\n\n if(size % 2 == 0) {\n println(\"CHAT WITH HER!\")\n } else {\n println(\"IGNORE HIM!\")\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object Solution236A extends App {\n\n val ans = Map(0 -> \"CHAT WITH HER!\", 1 -> \"IGNORE HIM!\")\n\n def solution() {\n println(ans(_string.groupBy(c => c).size % 2))\n }\n\n //////////////////////////////////////////////////\n import java.util.Scanner\n val SC: Scanner = new Scanner(System.in)\n def _line: String = SC.nextLine\n def _int: Int = SC.nextInt\n def _long: Long = SC.nextLong\n def _string: String = SC.next\n solution()\n}"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn\n\nobject BoyAndGirlMain {\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val userName = StdIn.readLine().toArray\n val lol = userName.groupBy(_.charValue())\n\n if (lol.size % 2 == 0 )\n print (\"CHAT WITH HER!\")\n else print(\"IGNORE HIM!\")\n }\n\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object Main {\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val s = readLine().toSet\n if (s.size % 2 == 0) println(\"CHAT WITH HER!\")\n else println(\"IGNORE HIM!\")\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "// Codeforces 236A\n\nobject _236A extends App {\n val scanner = new java.util.Scanner(System.in)\n val user_name = scanner.next\n println(\n if (user_name.distinct.size % 2 == 0) \"CHAT WITH HER!\"\n else \"IGNORE HIM!\"\n )\n}\n\n"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn._\n\nobject Main {\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val s = readLine\n if (s.toSeq.distinct.size % 2 == 0) println(\"CHAT WITH HER!\") else println(\"IGNORE HIM!\")\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object Solution extends App {\n if (readLine().distinct.size % 2 == 0)\n println(\"CHAT WITH HER!\")\n else\n println(\"IGNORE HIM!\")\n}"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn._\n\nobject A_236 extends App {\n println(if (readLine().toCharArray.toSet.size % 2 == 1) \"IGNORE HIM!\" else \"CHAT WITH HER!\")\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object Main {\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val std = scala.io.StdIn\n val userName = std.readLine()\n val result = if (userName.distinct.length % 2 == 0) {\n \"CHAT WITH HER!\"\n }\n else {\n \"IGNORE HIM!\"\n }\n println(result)\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn\n\nobject BoyOrGirl extends App {\n\n val name = StdIn.readLine()\n\n if (impl(name))\n print(\"CHAT WITH HER!\")\n else\n print(\"IGNORE HIM!\")\n\n def impl(name: String): Boolean = {\n name.distinct.length % 2 == 0\n }\n\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn.readLine\nobject BoyOrGirl extends App\n{\n val input = readLine()\n val sort = input.distinct.length\n if(sort % 2 == 0)\n {\n println(\"CHAT WITH HER!\")\n } else println(\"IGNORE HIM!\")\n}"}], "negative_code": [{"source_code": "object Main {\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val str = readLine()\n println(str.distinct.length)\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "object BoyGirl extends App {\n\n\tval uniqueCharacters = \n\t\tscala.io.StdIn.readLine()\n\t\t.toSet.size\n\n\tif (uniqueCharacters % 2 == 0) println(\"IGNORE HIM!\")\n\t\telse println(\"CHAT WITH HER!\")\n\n}"}, {"source_code": "object Main extends App {\n val str = readLine()\n\n val r = str.toLowerCase().groupBy(_.toChar).map { case (k, v) => (k, v.size) }.\n filter { case (k, v) => v == 1 }.filterNot { case (k, v) => k == ' ' }.size\n\n if (r % 2 == 0) println(\"IGNORE HIM!\")\n else println(\"CHAT WITH HER!\")\n}"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn\n\nobject BoyAndGirlMain {\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val userName = StdIn.readLine().toArray\n val lol = userName.groupBy(_.charValue())\n\n println(lol .size)\n if (lol.size % 2 == 0 )\n print (\"CHAT WITH HER!\")\n else print(\"IGNORE HIM!\")\n }\n\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "/**\n * Created by richard on 2015/6/10.\n */\nimport scala.io.StdIn\nobject cf236a {\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val name = StdIn.readLine()\n println(if (name.size%2==1) \"IGNORE HIM!\" else \"CHAT WITH HER!\")\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object Main {\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val s = readLine().toSet\n println(s)\n if (s.size % 2 == 0) println(\"CHAT WITH HER!\")\n else println(\"IGNORE HIM!\")\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "// Codeforces 236A\n\nobject _236A extends App {\n val scanner = new java.util.Scanner(System.in)\n val user_name = scanner.next\n println(\n if (user_name.distinct.size % 2 == 0) \"CHAT WITH HER\"\n else \"IGNORE HIM\"\n )\n}\n\n"}, {"source_code": "object JuanDavidRobles236A {\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n\n import scala.io.StdIn\n\n var string: String = StdIn.readLine()\n var words: Array[Char] = new Array[Char](30)\n\n var count: Int = 0\n\n for (i <- 0 until string.length; j <- 0 until words.length()){\n\n if (words(j).equals(string.charAt(i))){\n words(count) = string.charAt(i)\n count = count + 1\n }\n }\n\n if (count%2 == 0){\n println(\"CHAT WITH HER!\")\n } else {\n println(\"IGNORE HIM!\")\n }\n\n }\n}"}], "src_uid": "a8c14667b94b40da087501fd4bdd7818"} {"source_code": "object A extends App {\n val n = scala.io.StdIn.readInt()\n val a = scala.io.StdIn.readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n val t = a.foldLeft((0, 0))((t, i) => {\n if (i < 0 ) (t._1, t._2 + i)\n else if (i > 0) (t._1 + i, t._2)\n else t\n })\n\n println(t._1 - t._2)\n}\n", "positive_code": [{"source_code": "object _946A extends CodeForcesApp {\n import Utils._, annotation._, collection.{mutable, Searching}, util._, control._, math.Ordering.Implicits._, Searching._, Math._\n\n override def apply(io: IO): io.type = {\n val a = io.read[Seq[Int]]\n val (b, c) = a.partition(_ > 0)\n io.write(b.sum - c.sum)\n }\n}\n/****************************[Ignore Template Below]****************************************/\ntrait CodeForcesApp {\n lazy val isOnlineJudge: Boolean = sys.props.get(\"ONLINE_JUDGE\").exists(_.toBoolean)\n def debug(x: => Any): Unit = if (!isOnlineJudge) println(x)\n def apply(io: IO): io.type\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = this(new IO(System.in, System.out)).close()\n}\nobject Utils {\n import scala.collection.mutable, mutable.{Map => Dict}\n type Point = java.awt.geom.Point2D.Double\n implicit class GenericExtensions[A](val a: A) extends AnyVal {\n def in(set: collection.Set[A]): Boolean = set(a)\n def some: Option[A] = Some(a)\n def partialMatch[B](f: PartialFunction[A, B]): Option[B] = f lift a\n }\n implicit class TraversableExtensions[A, C[X] <: Traversable[X]](val t: C[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def onlyElement: A = assuming(t.size == 1)(t.head)\n def groupByIdentifier[K](f: A => K): Map[K, A] = t.groupBy(f).mapValues(_.onlyElement)\n def duplicates(implicit b: C of A): C[A] = {\n val elems = mutable.Set.empty[A]\n (t collect {case i if !elems.add(i) => i}).to[C]\n }\n def sumWith[B](f: A => B)(implicit n: Numeric[B]): B = t.foldLeft(n.zero) {case (p, i) => n.plus(p, f(i))}\n def maxWith[B](f: A => B)(implicit ord: Ordering[B]): Option[B] = t.view.map(f).reduceOption(ord.max)\n def minWith[B](f: A => B)(implicit ord: Ordering[B]): Option[B] = t.view.map(f).reduceOption(ord.min)\n def zipWith[B](f: A => B)(implicit b: C of (A, B)): C[(A, B)] = (t map {i => i -> f(i)}).to[C]\n def mapTo[B](f: A => B)(implicit b: C of (A, B)): Map[A, B] = zipWith(f).toUniqueMap\n def whenNonEmpty[B](f: t.type => B): Option[B] = when(t.nonEmpty)(f(t)) // e.g. grades.whenNonEmpty(_.max)\n def collectFirst[B](f: PartialFunction[A, Option[B]]): Option[B] = t.view collect f collectFirst {case Some(x) => x}\n def toMutableMultiSet: Dict[A, Int] = {\n val c = map[A] to 0\n t.foreach(i => c(i) += 1)\n c\n }\n def toMultiSet: Map[A, Int] = toMutableMultiSet.toMap withDefaultValue 0\n def X[B](s: Traversable[B]): Iterator[(A, B)] = for {a <- t.toIterator; b <- s} yield (a, b)\n }\n implicit class ArrayExtensions[A <: AnyRef](val a: Array[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def sort(from: Int = 0, until: Int = a.length)(implicit cmp: Ordering[A]): Unit = java.util.Arrays.sort(a, from, until, cmp) //sort [from, until)\n }\n implicit class ArrayExtensions2[A](val a: Array[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def sort(from: Int = 0, until: Int = a.length)(implicit cmp: Ordering[A]): Unit = a.view(from, until).sorted.copyToArray(a, from)\n }\n implicit class SeqExtensions[A, C[X] <: Seq[X]](val s: C[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def isRotationOf(t: Seq[A]): Boolean = s ++ s containsSlice t\n }\n implicit class PairExtensions[A, B](val p: (A, B)) extends AnyVal {\n def key = p._1\n def value = p._2\n def toSeq(implicit ev: B =:= A): Seq[A] = Seq(p._1, ev(p._2))\n }\n implicit class PairsExtensions[A, B, C[X] <: Traversable[X]](t: C[(A, B)]) {\n def toUniqueMap: Map[A, B] = t.groupByIdentifier(_.key).mapValues(_.value)\n def toMultiMap(implicit b: C of B): Map[A, C[B]] = t.groupBy(_.key).mapValues(_.map(_.value).to[C]).withDefaultValue(b().result())\n def swap(implicit b: C of (B, A)): C[(B, A)] = t.map(_.swap).to[C]\n }\n implicit class MapExtensions[K, V, C[X, Y] <: Map[X, Y]](val m: C[K, V]) extends AnyVal {\n def lastKeyOption: Option[K] = m.lastOption.map(_.key)\n def firstKeyOption: Option[K] = m.headOption.map(_.key)\n def invert: Map[V, Set[K]] = m.toSet[(K, V)].swap.toMultiMap\n def mapKeys[K2](f: K => K2): Map[K2, V] = m map {case (k, v) => f(k) -> v}\n def toMutable: Dict[K, V] = Dict.empty[K, V] ++ m\n def mapValuesSafely[V2](f: V => V2): Map[K, V2] = m.mapValues(f).view.force //Hack to get around https://issues.scala-lang.org/browse/SI-4776\n }\n implicit class MutableMapExtensions[K, V](val m: mutable.Map[K, V]) extends AnyVal {\n def removeLast(): Option[(K, V)] = m.lastOption.map(removeNode)\n def removeFirst(): Option[(K, V)] = m.headOption.map(removeNode)\n private def removeNode(kv: (K, V)): (K, V) = {\n m -= kv.key\n kv\n }\n }\n implicit class SetExtensions[A, C[A] <: Set[A]](val s: C[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def notContains(x: A): Boolean = !(s contains x)\n def toMutable = mutable.Set.empty[A] ++ s\n }\n implicit class IterableExtensions[A, C[A] <: Seq[A]](val s: C[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def indicesWhere(f: A => Boolean): Seq[Int] = s.zipWithIndex.collect {case (a, i) if f(a) => i}\n def deleteAtIndex(i: Int, howMany: Int = 1) = s.patch(i, Nil, howMany)\n def insertAtIndex(i: Int, items: Seq[A]) = s.patch(i, items, 0)\n def findWithIndex(f: A => Boolean): Option[(A, Int)] = s.zipWithIndex find {case (a, _) => f(a)}\n //def foldUntil[B](z: B)(f: (B, A) => B)(c: B => Boolean): Option[(B, Int)] = s.view.scanLeft(z)(f).findWithIndex(c)\n }\n implicit class BooleanExtensions(val x: Boolean) extends AnyVal {\n def to[A](implicit n: Numeric[A]) = if(x) n.one else n.zero\n def toEnglish = if(x) \"Yes\" else \"No\"\n }\n implicit class IntExtensions(val x: Int) extends AnyVal {\n import java.lang.{Integer => JInt}\n def withHighestOneBit: Int = JInt.highestOneBit(x)\n def withLowestOneBit: Int = JInt.lowestOneBit(x)\n def numberOfLeadingZeroes: Int = JInt.numberOfLeadingZeros(x)\n def numberOfTrailingZeroes: Int = JInt.numberOfTrailingZeros(x)\n def bitCount: Int = JInt.bitCount(x)\n def setLowestBits(n: Int): Int = x | (left(n) - 1)\n def clearLowestBits(n: Int): Int = x & left(n, ~0)\n def setBit(i: Int, set: Boolean): Int = if (set) setBit(i) else clearBit(i)\n def setBit(i: Int): Int = x | left(i)\n def clearBit(i: Int): Int = x & ~left(i)\n def toggleBit(i: Int): Int = x ^ left(i)\n def getBit(i: Int): Int = (x >> i) & 1\n private def left(bits: Int, num: Int = 1) = assuming(bits >= 0 && bits < JInt.SIZE)(num << bits)\n def X(y: Int): Iterator[(Int, Int)] = until(x) X until(y)\n }\n implicit class LongExtensions(val x: Long) extends AnyVal {\n import java.lang.{Long => JLong}\n def withHighestOneBitSet: Long = JLong.highestOneBit(x)\n def withLowestOneBitSet: Long = JLong.lowestOneBit(x)\n def numberOfLeadingZeroes: Int = JLong.numberOfLeadingZeros(x)\n def numberOfTrailingZeroes: Int = JLong.numberOfTrailingZeros(x)\n def bitCount: Int = JLong.bitCount(x)\n def setLowestBits(n: Int): Long = x | (left(n) - 1)\n def clearLowestBits(n: Int): Long = x & left(n, ~0L)\n def setBit(i: Int, set: Boolean): Long = if (set) setBit(i) else clearBit(i)\n def setBit(i: Int): Long = x | left(i)\n def clearBit(i: Int): Long = x & ~left(i)\n def toggleBit(i: Int): Long = x ^ left(i)\n def getBit(i: Int): Long = (x >> i) & 1\n private def left(bits: Int, num: Long = 1L) = assuming(bits >= 0 && bits < JLong.SIZE)(num << bits)\n }\n implicit class NumericExtensions[A](val x: A)(implicit n: Numeric[A]) {\n import Numeric.Implicits._\n def **(i: Int): A = if (i == 0) n.one else {\n val h = x ** (i/2)\n if (i%2 == 0) h * h else h * h * x\n }\n def distance(y: A) = (x - y).abs()\n def nonNegative: Option[A] = when(n.gteq(x, n.zero))(x)\n def whenNegative(f: => A): A = nonNegative.getOrElse(f) //e.g. students.indexOf(\"Greg\").whenNegative(Int.MaxValue)\n }\n implicit class IntegralExtensions[A](val x: A)(implicit n: Integral[A]) {\n import scala.collection.immutable.NumericRange, Integral.Implicits._\n def mod(y: A): A = x - ((x / y) * y) //(x/y)*y + (x mod y) == x\n def -->(y: A): NumericRange.Inclusive[A] = NumericRange.inclusive(x, y, if (n.lteq(x, y)) n.one else -n.one)\n def ceilDiv(y: A): A = if (mod(y) == n.zero) x/y else n.one + (x/y)\n }\n implicit def toPoint[A](p: (A, A))(implicit n: Numeric[A]) = new Point(n.toDouble(p._1), n.toDouble(p._2))\n def desc[A: Ordering]: Ordering[A] = asc[A].reverse //e.g. students.sortBy(_.height)(desc)\n def asc[A](implicit order: Ordering[A]): Ordering[A] = order\n def map[K] = new {\n def to[V](default: => V): Dict[K, V] = using(_ => default)\n def using[V](f: K => V): Dict[K, V] = new mutable.HashMap[K, V]() {\n override def apply(key: K) = getOrElseUpdate(key, f(key))\n }\n }\n def newMultiMap[K, V] = map[K] to mutable.Set.empty[V]\n def memoize[A, B](f: A => B): A ==> B = map[A] using f\n implicit class FuzzyDouble(val x: Double) extends AnyVal {\n def >~(y: Double) = x > y + eps\n def >=~(y: Double) = x >= y + eps\n def ~<(y: Double) = y >=~ x\n def ~=<(y: Double) = y >~ x\n def ~=(y: Double) = (x distance y) <= eps\n }\n def toPolygon(points: Traversable[(Int, Int)]): java.awt.Polygon = {\n val (xs, ys) = points.unzip\n new java.awt.Polygon(xs.toArray, ys.toArray, points.size)\n }\n def toShape(points: Traversable[(Double, Double)]): java.awt.geom.GeneralPath = {\n val shape = new java.awt.geom.GeneralPath()\n points.headOption foreach {case (x, y) => shape.moveTo(x, y)}\n points.tail foreach {case (x, y) => shape.lineTo(x, y)}\n shape.closePath()\n shape\n }\n def isPrime(n: Int): Boolean = BigInt(n).isProbablePrime(31)\n def until(until: Int): Range = 0 until until\n def not[A](f: A => Boolean): A => Boolean = {x: A => !f(x)}\n def assuming[A](cond: => Boolean)(f: => A): A = {require(cond); f}\n @inline def when[A](check: Boolean)(f: => A): Option[A] = if (check) f.some else None\n def repeat[U](n: Int)(f: => U): Unit = (1 to n).foreach(_ => f)\n type of[C[_], A] = scala.collection.generic.CanBuild[A, C[A]]\n type ==>[A, B] = collection.Map[A, B]\n val mod: Int = (1e9 + 7).toInt\n val eps: Double = 1e-9\n}\n/***********************************[Scala I/O]*********************************************/\nimport Utils._, java.io._, java.util.StringTokenizer\n\nclass IO(in: BufferedReader, out: BufferedWriter) extends Iterator[String] with AutoCloseable with Flushable {\n def this(reader: Reader, writer: Writer) = this(new BufferedReader(reader), new BufferedWriter(writer))\n def this(in: InputStream, out: OutputStream) = this(new InputStreamReader(in), new OutputStreamWriter(out))\n\n private[this] val tokenizers = Iterator.continually(in.readLine()).takeWhile(_ != null).map(new StringTokenizer(_)).buffered\n val printer = new PrintWriter(out, true)\n\n @inline private[this] def tokenizer() = {\n while(tokenizers.nonEmpty && !tokenizers.head.hasMoreTokens) tokenizers.next()\n when(tokenizers.nonEmpty)(tokenizers.head)\n }\n\n def read[A](implicit read: IO.Read[A]): A = read.apply(this)\n def read[C[_], A: IO.Read](n: Int)(implicit b: C of A): C[A] = Iterator.fill(n)(read).to[C]\n\n def readTill(delim: String): String = tokenizer().get.nextToken(delim)\n def readTillEndOfLine(): String = readTill(\"\\n\\r\")\n\n def readAll[A: IO.Read]: (Int, Vector[A]) = {\n val data = read[Vector[A]]\n (data.length, data)\n }\n\n override def next() = tokenizer().get.nextToken()\n override def hasNext = tokenizer().nonEmpty\n\n def write(obj: Any): this.type = {\n printer.print(obj)\n this\n }\n def writeLine(): this.type = {\n printer.println()\n this\n }\n def writeLine(obj: Any): this.type = {\n printer.println(obj)\n this\n }\n def writeAll(obj: Traversable[Any], separator: String = \" \"): this.type = write(obj mkString separator)\n def query[A: IO.Read](question: Any): A = writeLine(question).read\n\n override def flush() = printer.flush()\n def close() = {\n flush()\n in.close()\n printer.close()\n }\n}\nobject IO {\n class Read[A](val apply: IO => A) {\n def map[B](f: A => B): Read[B] = new Read(apply andThen f)\n }\n object Read {\n implicit def collection[C[_], A: Read](implicit b: C of A): Read[C[A]] = new Read(r => r.read[C, A](r.read[Int]))\n implicit val string : Read[String] = new Read(_.next())\n implicit val char : Read[Char] = string.map(_.toTraversable.onlyElement)\n implicit val int : Read[Int] = string.map(_.toInt)\n implicit val long : Read[Long] = string.map(_.toLong)\n implicit val bigInt : Read[BigInt] = string.map(BigInt(_))\n implicit val double : Read[Double] = string.map(_.toDouble)\n implicit val bigDecimal : Read[BigDecimal] = string.map(BigDecimal(_))\n implicit def tuple2[A: Read, B: Read] : Read[(A, B)] = new Read(r => (r.read[A], r.read[B]))\n implicit def tuple3[A: Read, B: Read, C: Read] : Read[(A, B, C)] = new Read(r => (r.read[A], r.read[B], r.read[C]))\n implicit def tuple4[A: Read, B: Read, C: Read, D: Read] : Read[(A, B, C, D)] = new Read(r => (r.read[A], r.read[B], r.read[C], r.read[D]))\n implicit val boolean : Read[Boolean] = string map {s =>\n s.toLowerCase match {\n case \"yes\" | \"true\" | \"1\" => true\n case \"no\" | \"false\" | \"0\" => false\n case _ => s.toBoolean\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\n"}, {"source_code": "object CF946A extends App {\n import scala.io.StdIn._\n readLine()\n\n val nums: List[Int] = readLine().split(\" \").map(Integer.parseInt(_)).toList\n\n val (pos, neg) = nums.partition(_ > 0)\n\n val res = pos.sum - neg.sum\n\n println(res)\n\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object A extends App {\n\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(readLine)\n def readInts(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt) }\n def readLongs(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong) }\n def readBigs(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(BigInt(tl.nextToken)) }\n\n val Array(n) = readInts(1)\n val xs = readInts(n)\n val sum = xs.sum\n var max = Int.MinValue\n\n for (d <- -101 to 101) {\n max = Math.max(max, Math.abs(xs.filter(_ <= d).sum - xs.filter(_ > d).sum))\n }\n\n println(max)\n\n Console.flush\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object APartition extends App {\n val n = scala.io.StdIn.readInt()\n val a = scala.io.StdIn.readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n\n val t = a.foldLeft(0)(_ + _.abs)\n\n println(t)\n}\n"}], "negative_code": [{"source_code": "object A extends App {\n val n = scala.io.StdIn.readInt()\n val a = scala.io.StdIn.readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n\n val t = a.reduce(_.abs + _.abs)\n\n println(t)\n}\n"}], "src_uid": "4b5d14833f9b51bfd336cc0e661243a5"} {"source_code": "object A80 {\n\n import IO._\n import collection.{mutable => cu}\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val Array(n, m) = readInts(2)\n val primes = genPrimes(100)\n if(primes.contains(n) && primes.contains(m)) {\n val nPos = primes.indexOf(n)\n val mPos = primes.indexOf(m)\n if(mPos == nPos+1) {\n out.println(\"YES\")\n } else {\n out.println(\"NO\")\n }\n } else {\n out.println(\"NO\")\n }\n out.close()\n }\n\n def genPrimes(till: Int): Array[Int] = {\n val isPrime = Array.fill[Boolean](till+1)(true)\n isPrime(0) = false\n isPrime(1) = true // not composite\n for(i <- 4 to till by 2) {\n isPrime(i) = false\n }\n for(i <- 3 to till by 2 if isPrime(i)) {\n for(j <- i+i to till by i) isPrime(j) = false\n }\n isPrime.zipWithIndex.filter(_._1).map(_._2)\n }\n\n object IO {\n private val input = new java.io.BufferedReader(new java.io.InputStreamReader(System.in))\n // private val input = new java.io.BufferedReader(new java.io.InputStreamReader(new java.io.FileInputStream(\"src/input\")))\n val out = new java.io.PrintWriter(System.out)\n\n @inline def read: String = input.readLine()\n\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(read)\n\n def readInt: Int = tokenizeLine.nextToken.toInt\n\n def readInts(n: Int): Array[Int] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine\n Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt)\n }\n\n def readLongs(n: Int): Array[Long] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine\n Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong)\n }\n\n def readBigs(n: Int): Array[BigInt] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine\n Array.fill(n)(BigInt(tl.nextToken))\n }\n }\n\n}\n", "positive_code": [{"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\nimport java.io.PrintWriter\nimport scala.annotation.tailrec\nimport scala.collection.mutable\nimport scala.util.Random\n\nobject P80A extends App {\n val sc = new Scanner(System.in)\n val out = new PrintWriter(System.out)\n\n def nextPrime(n: Int): Int = {\n def isPrime(x: Int): Boolean = (2 until x).forall(x % _ > 0)\n\n @tailrec\n def loop(i: Int): Int =\n if (isPrime(i)) i\n else loop(i + 1)\n\n loop(n + 1)\n }\n\n val N, M = sc.nextInt\n val answer = if (M == nextPrime(N)) \"YES\" else \"NO\"\n\n out.println(answer)\n out.close\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object APanoramixsPrediction extends App {\n import scala.io.StdIn._\n\n lazy val primes: Stream[Int] =\n 2 #:: Stream.iterate(3)(_ + 2).filter(isPrime)\n\n def isPrime(number: Int): Boolean =\n primes.takeWhile(prime => prime * prime <= number).forall(number % _ != 0)\n\n val Array(n, m) = readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n\n val ans = isPrime(m) && primes.indexOf(n) + 1 == primes.indexOf(m) match {\n case true => \"YES\"\n case _ => \"NO\"\n }\n\n println(ans)\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import java.io._\nimport java.util.Locale\nimport scala.annotation.tailrec\n\nobject Easy {\n val reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in))\n def readInt = reader.readLine().toInt\n def readInts = reader.readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n def readLongs = reader.readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toLong)\n\n def sqStream(current: Int, ceil: Int): Stream[Int] = if(current * current > ceil) Stream.Empty else current #:: sqStream(current + 1, ceil)\n def isPrime(x: Int) = sqStream(2, x).filter(x % _ == 0).isEmpty\n @tailrec\n def nextPrime(n: Int): Int = if(isPrime(n)) n else nextPrime(n + 1)\n val Array(m, n) = readInts\n def ans = nextPrime(m + 1) == n\n val yesNoAns = Map(true -> \"YES\", false -> \"NO\")\n\n def main(a: Array[String]) {\n println(yesNoAns(ans))\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object Main {\n def sieve(n: Int) = {\n val primes = scala.collection.mutable.BitSet.empty ++ (2 to n)\n for {\n candidate <- 2 until Math.sqrt(n).ceil.toInt\n if primes contains candidate\n } primes --= candidate * candidate to n by candidate\n primes \n } \n \n val primes = sieve(51).zipWithIndex\n\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val nm = readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n val n = nm(0)\n val m = nm(1)\n val i = primes.find(_._1 == n).get._2\n val j = primes.find(_._1 == m).map(_._2)\n if (j.map(_ - i).getOrElse(0) == 1) println(\"YES\")\n else println(\"NO\")\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "object Panoramix extends App {\n\n val Array(n, m) = readLine.split(' ').map(_.toInt)\n\n val primes: Array[Int] = Array(\n 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13,\n 17, 19, 23, 29, 31,\n 37, 41, 43, 47\n )\n\n val result: Boolean = \n primes.contains(n) && primes.contains(m) &&\n primes.indexOf(m) - primes.indexOf(n) == 1\n println(if (result) \"YES\" else \"NO\")\n\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object Flask {\n \n def isPrime(n: Int): Boolean = List.range(2, n / 2 + 1).forall(n % _ != 0)\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n var input = Console.readLine.split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n var n = input(0); var m = input(1)\n var result = isPrime(m) && List.range(n + 1, m).forall(x => !isPrime(x))\n println(if (result) \"YES\" else \"NO\")\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.Source\n\nobject a11 {\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val a = Seq.iterate((List[Int](),(2 to 50).toArray),5)(a=>(((a._2.head)::a._1), a._2.filter(b => b % (a._2.head) != 0))).last\n val primes = a._1.reverse.toArray ++ a._2\n val line = Source.stdin.getLines().take(1).map(_.split(' ').map(_.toInt)).toArray.head\n val (b,c) = (line(0), line(1))\n println(if (!primes.contains(c) || primes(primes.indexOf(b)+1) != c)\n \"NO\"\n else\n \"YES\")\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "object Solution extends App {\n def simple(a: Int) =\n a % 2 != 0 && (3 to Math.sqrt(a).toInt by 2).forall(a % _ != 0) || a == 2\n\n val in = scala.io.Source.stdin.getLines()\n val Array(n, m) = in.next().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n if (simple(m) && (n + 1 until m).forall(t => !simple(t)))\n println(\"YES\")\n else\n println(\"NO\")\n}"}], "negative_code": [{"source_code": "object Solution extends App {\n def simple(a: Int) = {\n a % 2 == 0 && (a == 2 || (3 to Math.sqrt(a).toInt).forall(a % _ != 0))\n }\n\n val in = scala.io.Source.stdin.getLines()\n val Array(n, m) = in.next().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n if (simple(m) && (n + 1 until m).forall(t => !simple(t)))\n println(\"YES\")\n else\n println(\"NO\")\n}"}, {"source_code": "object Main {\n def sieve(n: Int) = {\n val primes = scala.collection.mutable.BitSet.empty ++ (2 to n)\n for {\n candidate <- 2 until Math.sqrt(n).toInt\n if primes contains candidate\n } primes --= candidate * candidate to n by candidate\n primes \n } \n \n val primes = sieve(50).zipWithIndex\n\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val nm = readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n val n = nm(0)\n val m = nm(1)\n val i = primes.find(_._1 == n).get._2\n val j = primes.find(_._1 == m).map(_._2)\n if (j.map(_ - i).getOrElse(0) == 1) println(\"YES\")\n else println(\"NO\")\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "object Main {\n def sieve(n: Int) = {\n val primes = scala.collection.mutable.BitSet.empty ++ (2 to n)\n for {\n candidate <- 2 until Math.sqrt(n).ceil.toInt\n if primes contains candidate\n } primes --= candidate * candidate to n by candidate\n primes \n } \n \n val primes = sieve(51).zipWithIndex\n\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val nm = readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n val n = nm(0)\n val m = nm(1)\n val i = primes.find(_._1 == n).get._2\n val j = primes.find(_._1 == m).map(_._2)\n println(\"i = \" + i)\n println(\"j = \" + j)\n if (j.map(_ - i).getOrElse(0) == 1) println(\"YES\")\n else println(\"NO\")\n }\n}"}], "src_uid": "9d52ff51d747bb59aa463b6358258865"} {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\n\nobject R273_RandomTeams {\n def main(args: Array[String]) = {\n val in = new Scanner(System.in).nextLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n val (n, m) = (in(0), in(1))\n val (p, q) = (n / m, n % m)\n\n val min = combination2(p) * (m - q) + combination2(p + 1) * q\n val max = combination2(n - m + 1)\n println(min + \" \" + max)\n }\n\n def combination2(n: Long): Long = {\n (n * (n - 1)) / 2\n }\n}\n", "positive_code": [{"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\n\nobject Solution {\n def countPairs(n: Long): Long = n * (n - 1) / 2\n \n def main(args: Array[String]) = {\n\tval in = new Scanner(System.in)\n\tval people = in.nextLong()\n\tval teams = in.nextLong()\n\tval max = countPairs(people - teams + 1)\n\tval size = people / teams\n\tval bigCount = people - size * teams \n\tval smallCount = teams - bigCount\n\tval min = countPairs(size + 1) * bigCount + countPairs(size) * smallCount\n\tprintln(min + \" \" + max)\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\n\nobject Main extends App {\n val in = (new Scanner(System.in)).nextLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n val n = in(0)\n val m = in(1)\n\n def nC2(n: Int): Long = {\n if(n == 1) 0\n else\n n.toLong * (n-1) / 2\n }\n\n val mi = n/m\n val mi2_count = if( mi*m != n ) n - mi*m else 0\n val mi_count = m - mi2_count\n val ans1 = (nC2(mi)*mi_count + nC2(mi+1)*mi2_count)\n\n val mx = n - (m-1)\n val ans2 = nC2(mx)\n\n println(ans1.toString + \" \" + ans2.toString)\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import java.util.StringTokenizer\n\nobject _478B extends App {\n var token = new StringTokenizer(\"\")\n def next = {\n while (!token.hasMoreTokens()) token = new StringTokenizer(readLine)\n token.nextToken()\n }\n val n = next.toLong\n val m = next.toLong\n def choose(a: Long) = a * (a - 1) / 2\n val max = choose(n - (m - 1))\n val min = (m - n % m) * choose(n / m) + (n % m) * choose(n / m + 1)\n println(min + \" \" + max)\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object Solution extends App {\n def f(n: Long) = n * (n - 1) / 2\n\n\n val in = scala.io.Source.stdin.getLines()\n val Array(n, m) = in.next().split(\" \").map(_.toLong)\n val c = n / m\n val min = (n % m) * f(c + 1) + (m - n % m) * f(c)\n val max = f(n - m + 1)\n println(min + \" \" + max)\n}"}, {"source_code": "object B478 {\n @inline def read = scala.io.StdIn.readLine\n\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(read)\n\n def readInts(n: Int) = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt)\n }\n\n def readLongs(n: Int) = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong)\n }\n\n def readBigs(n: Int) = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(BigInt(tl.nextToken))\n }\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val Array(n, m) = readLongs(2)\n val min = {\n val mod = n%m\n mod * ((n/m + 1) *(n/m)) /2 + (m-mod) * ((n/m) * (n/m -1 )) / 2\n }\n val max = ((n-m+1) * (n-m))/2\n println(s\"$min $max\")\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "object P478B {\n\tdef edges(n: Int) : BigInt = ((BigInt(n) * n) - n) / 2\n\n\tdef main(args: Array[String]) {\n\t\tval Array(n, m) = scala.io.StdIn.readLine.split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n\t\tval min = (n % m) * edges((n / m) + 1) + (m - (n % m)) * edges(n / m)\n\t\tval max = edges(n - m + 1)\n\t\tprintln(List(min, max).mkString(\" \"))\n\t}\n}\n"}], "negative_code": [{"source_code": "import java.util.StringTokenizer\n\nobject _478B extends App {\n var token = new StringTokenizer(\"\")\n def next = {\n while (!token.hasMoreTokens()) token = new StringTokenizer(readLine)\n token.nextToken()\n }\n val n = next.toLong\n val m = next.toLong\n def choose(a: Long) = a * (a - 1) / 2\n val max = choose(n - (m - 1))\n val min = {\n if (n % m == 0) m * choose(n / m)\n else (m - 1) * choose(n / m) + choose(n - n / m * (m - 1))\n }\n println(min + \" \" + max)\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object Solution extends App {\n def f(n: Int) = n * (n - 1) / 2\n\n\n val in = scala.io.Source.stdin.getLines()\n val Array(n, m) = in.next().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n val c = n / m\n val min = (n % m) * f(c + 1) + (m - n % m) * f(c)\n val max = f(n - m + 1)\n println(max + \" \" + min)\n}"}, {"source_code": "object Solution extends App {\n def f(n: Int) = n * (n - 1) / 2\n\n val in = scala.io.Source.stdin.getLines()\n val Array(n, m) = in.next().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n val c = n / m\n val min = (n % m) * f(c + 1) + (m - n % m) * f(c)\n val max = f(n - m + 1)\n println(min + \" \" + max)\n}"}, {"source_code": "object Solution extends App {\n def f(n: Int) = n * (n + 1) / 2\n \n\n val in = scala.io.Source.stdin.getLines()\n val Array(n, m) = in.next().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n val c = n / m\n val min = (n % m) * f(c + 1) + (m - n % m) * f(c)\n val max = f(n - m)\n println(max + \" \" + min)\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\n\nobject R273_RandomTeams {\n def main(args: Array[String]) = {\n val in = new Scanner(System.in).nextLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n val (n, m) = (in(0), in(1))\n val (p, q) = (n / m, n % m)\n\n val min = combination2(p) * (m - q) + (combination2(p) + 1) * q\n val max = combination2(n - m + 1)\n println(min + \" \" + max)\n }\n\n def combination2(n: Long): Long = {\n (n * (n - 1)) / 2\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\n\nobject R273_RandomTeams {\n def main(args: Array[String]) = {\n val in = new Scanner(System.in).nextLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n val n = in(0)\n val m = in(1)\n val p = n / m\n val q = n % m\n\n val min = combination2(p) * (m - q) + (combination2(p) + 1) * q\n val max = combination2(n - m + 1)\n println(min + \" \" + max)\n }\n\n def combination2(n: Int): Int = {\n (n / 2) * (n - 1)\n }\n\n def fact(n: Int): Int = {\n Range(1, n + 1).toList.product\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\n\nobject R273_RandomTeams {\n def main(args: Array[String]) = {\n val in = new Scanner(System.in).nextLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n val n = in(0)\n val m = in(1)\n val p = n / m\n val q = n % m\n\n val min = combination2(p) * (m - q) + (combination2(p) + 1) * q\n val max = combination2(n - m + 1)\n println(min + \" \" + max)\n }\n\n def combination2(n: Int): Int = {\n (n * (n - 1)) / 2\n }\n\n def fact(n: Int): Int = {\n Range(1, n + 1).toList.product\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object P478B {\n\tdef edges(n: Int) : BigInt = ((BigInt(n) * n) - n) / 2\n\n\tdef main(args: Array[String]) {\n\t\tval Array(n, m) = scala.io.StdIn.readLine.split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n\t\tval min = (n % m) * edges((n / m) + 1) + (m - (n % m)) * edges(n / m)\n\t\tval max = edges(n - m + 1)\n\t\tprintln(min, max)\n\t}\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\n\nobject Solution {\n def countPairs(n: Long): Long = n * (n - 1) / 2\n \n def main(args: Array[String]) = {\n\tval in = new Scanner(System.in)\n\tval people = in.nextLong()\n\tval teams = in.nextLong()\n\tval max = countPairs(people - teams + 1) + teams - 1\n\tval size = people / teams\n\tval bigCount = people - size * teams \n\tval smallCount = teams - bigCount\n\tval min = countPairs(size + 1) * bigCount + countPairs(size) * smallCount\n\tprintln(min + \" \" + max)\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\n\nobject Main extends App {\n val in = (new Scanner(System.in)).nextLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n val n = in(0)\n val m = in(1)\n\n def nCm(n: Int, m: Int): Long = {\n if(n == 1) 0\n else {\n val nt = (1 to n).reverse.take(m).product\n val mt = (1 to m).reverse.product\n (nt / mt).toLong\n }\n }\n\n val mi = n/m\n val mi2_count = if( mi*m != n ) n - mi*m else 0\n val mi_count = m - mi2_count\n val ans1 = (nCm(mi,2)*mi_count + nCm(mi+1,2)*mi2_count)\n\n val mx = n - (m-1)\n val ans2 = nCm(mx,2)\n\n print(Math.min(ans1, ans2))\n print(\" \")\n println(Math.max(ans1, ans2))\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\n\nobject Main extends App {\n val in = (new Scanner(System.in)).nextLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n val n = in(0)\n val m = in(1)\n\n def nCm(n: Int, m: Int): Long = {\n if(n == 1) 1\n else {\n val nt = (1 to n).reverse.take(m).product\n val mt = (1 to m).reverse.product\n (nt / mt).toLong\n }\n }\n\n val mi = n/m\n val mi2_count = if( mi*m != n ) n - mi*m else 0\n val mi_count = m - mi2_count\n val ans1 = (nCm(mi,2)*mi_count + nCm(mi+1,2)*mi2_count)\n\n val mx = n - (m-1)\n val ans2 = nCm(mx,2)\n\n print(Math.min(ans1, ans2))\n print(\" \")\n println(Math.max(ans1, ans2))\n}\n"}], "src_uid": "a081d400a5ce22899b91df38ba98eecc"} {"source_code": "object Solution extends App {\n val in = io.Source.stdin.getLines()\n val first = in.next() match {\n case \"monday\" => 0\n case \"tuesday\" => 1\n case \"wednesday\" => 2\n case \"thursday\" => 3\n case \"friday\" => 4\n case \"saturday\" => 5\n case \"sunday\" => 6\n }\n val second = in.next() match {\n case \"monday\" => 0\n case \"tuesday\" => 1\n case \"wednesday\" => 2\n case \"thursday\" => 3\n case \"friday\" => 4\n case \"saturday\" => 5\n case \"sunday\" => 6\n }\n val candidates = List(first + 28, first + 30, first + 31).map(_ % 7)\n if (candidates.contains(second))\n println(\"YES\")\n else\n println(\"NO\")\n}\n", "positive_code": [{"source_code": "import java.io._\n\nobject ProblemA {\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = processStdInOut()\n\n def processStdInOut(): Unit = {\n val src = io.Source.fromInputStream(System.in)\n try {\n val bw = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(System.out));\n try {\n val lines = src.getLines()\n processLines(lines, bw)\n } finally {\n bw.flush()\n bw.close()\n }\n } finally {\n src.close();\n }\n }\n\n // Standard code above, custom code below\n\n def processLines(lines: Iterator[String], bw: BufferedWriter): Unit = {\n val day1 = lines.next()\n val day2 = lines.next()\n val hasSolution = solve(day1, day2)\n if (hasSolution) { bw.write(\"YES\") } else {bw.write(\"NO\") };\n bw.newLine()\n }\n\n def solve(day1: String, day2: String): Boolean = {\n val dayNames = List(\"monday\", \"tuesday\", \"wednesday\", \"thursday\", \"friday\", \"saturday\", \"sunday\")\n def getDayIndex(dayName: String): Int = dayNames.indexOf(dayName)\n val day1Index = getDayIndex(day1)\n val day2Index = getDayIndex(day2)\n val dayOffset = (7 + day2Index - day1Index) % 7 // Add 7 to prevent negative remainders\n val monthLengths = List(28, 30, 31)\n monthLengths.exists(dayOffset == _ % 7)\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object A extends App {\n\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(readLine)\n def readInts(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt) }\n def readLongs(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong) }\n\n val dows = Array(\"monday\", \"tuesday\", \"wednesday\", \"thursday\", \"friday\", \"saturday\", \"sunday\")\n val ms = Array(28, 30, 31)\n\n val s1, s2 = readLine\n\n val d1 = dows.indexWhere(_ == s1)\n val d2 = dows.indexWhere(_ == s2)\n\n val can = ms.exists(d => (d1 + d) % 7 == d2)\n\n println(if (can) \"YES\" else \"NO\")\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import Utils._, annotation.tailrec, collection.mutable, util._, control._, math.Ordering.Implicits._, collection.Searching._\n\nobject _724A extends CodeForcesApp {\n override def apply(io: IO) = {import io.{read, write, writeAll, writeLine}\n val d1, d2 = read[String]\n\n val months = Seq(31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31)\n val firstDayOfMonth = months.init.scanLeft(0)(_ + _)\n\n val days = IndexedSeq(\"monday\", \"tuesday\", \"wednesday\", \"thursday\", \"friday\", \"saturday\", \"sunday\")\n\n val ans = days.zipWithIndex exists {case (start, k) =>\n val calendar = Seq.tabulate(365)(i => days((i + k)%days.length))\n firstDayOfMonth.sliding(2) exists {\n case Seq(m1, m2) => calendar(m1) == d1 && calendar(m2) == d2\n }\n }\n\n write(ans.toEnglish)\n }\n}\n/****************************[Ignore Template Below]****************************************/\ntrait CodeForcesApp {\n lazy val isOnlineJudge: Boolean = sys.props.get(\"ONLINE_JUDGE\").exists(_.toBoolean)\n def debug(x: => Any): Unit = if (!isOnlineJudge) println(x)\n def apply(io: IO): io.type\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = this(new IO(System.in, System.out)).close()\n}\nobject Utils {\n import scala.collection.mutable, mutable.{Map => Dict}\n implicit class GenericExtensions[A](val a: A) extends AnyVal {\n def in(set: collection.Set[A]): Boolean = set(a)\n def some: Option[A] = Some(a)\n def partialMatch[B](f: PartialFunction[A, B]): Option[B] = f lift a\n }\n implicit class TraversableExtensions[A, C[X] <: Traversable[X]](val t: C[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def onlyElement: A = assuming(t.size == 1)(t.head)\n def groupByIdentifier[K](f: A => K): Map[K, A] = t.groupBy(f).mapValues(_.onlyElement)\n def duplicates(implicit b: C of A): C[A] = {\n val elems = mutable.Set.empty[A]\n (t collect {case i if !elems.add(i) => i}).to[C]\n }\n def sumWith[B](f: A => B)(implicit n: Numeric[B]): B = t.foldLeft(n.zero) {case (p, i) => n.plus(p, f(i))}\n def maxWith[B](f: A => B)(implicit ord: Ordering[B]): Option[B] = t.view.map(f).reduceOption(ord.max)\n def minWith[B](f: A => B)(implicit ord: Ordering[B]): Option[B] = t.view.map(f).reduceOption(ord.min)\n def zipWith[B](f: A => B)(implicit b: C of (A, B)): C[(A, B)] = (t map {i => i -> f(i)}).to[C]\n def mapTo[B](f: A => B)(implicit b: C of (A, B)): Map[A, B] = zipWith(f).toUniqueMap\n def whenNonEmpty[B](f: t.type => B): Option[B] = when(t.nonEmpty)(f(t)) // e.g. grades.whenNonEmpty(_.max)\n def collectFirst[B](f: PartialFunction[A, Option[B]]): Option[B] = t.view collect f collectFirst {case Some(x) => x}\n def toMutableMultiSet: Dict[A, Int] = {\n val c = map[A] to 0\n t.foreach(i => c(i) += 1)\n c\n }\n def toMultiSet: Map[A, Int] = toMutableMultiSet.toMap withDefaultValue 0\n def X[B](s: Traversable[B]): Iterator[(A, B)] = for {a <- t.toIterator; b <- s} yield (a, b)\n }\n implicit class ArrayExtensions[A <: AnyRef](val a: Array[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def sort(from: Int, until: Int)(implicit cmp: Ordering[A]): Unit = java.util.Arrays.sort(a, from, until, cmp) //sort [from, until)\n }\n implicit class ArrayExtensions2[A](val a: Array[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def sort(from: Int, until: Int)(implicit cmp: Ordering[A]): Unit = a.view(from, until).sorted.copyToArray(a, from)\n }\n implicit class SeqExtensions[A, C[X] <: Seq[X]](val s: C[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def isRotationOf(t: Seq[A]): Boolean = s ++ s containsSlice t\n }\n implicit class PairExtensions[A, B](val p: (A, B)) extends AnyVal {\n def key = p._1\n def value = p._2\n }\n implicit class PairsExtensions[A, B, C[X] <: Traversable[X]](t: C[(A, B)]) {\n def toUniqueMap: Map[A, B] = t.groupByIdentifier(_.key).mapValues(_.value)\n def toMultiMap(implicit b: C of B): Map[A, C[B]] = t.groupBy(_.key).mapValues(_.map(_.value).to[C])\n def swap(implicit b: C of (B, A)): C[(B, A)] = t.map(_.swap).to[C]\n }\n implicit class MapExtensions[K, V, C[X, Y] <: Map[X, Y]](val m: C[K, V]) extends AnyVal {\n def lastKeyOption: Option[K] = m.lastOption.map(_.key)\n def firstKeyOption: Option[K] = m.headOption.map(_.key)\n def invert: Map[V, Set[K]] = m.toSet[(K, V)].swap.toMultiMap\n def mapKeys[K2](f: K => K2): Map[K2, V] = m map {case (k, v) => f(k) -> v}\n def toMutable: Dict[K, V] = Dict.empty[K, V] ++ m\n }\n implicit class MutableMapExtensions[K, V](val m: mutable.Map[K, V]) extends AnyVal {\n def removeLast(): Option[(K, V)] = m.lastOption.map(removeNode)\n def removeFirst(): Option[(K, V)] = m.headOption.map(removeNode)\n private def removeNode(kv: (K, V)): (K, V) = {\n m -= kv.key\n kv\n }\n }\n implicit class SetExtensions[A, C[A] <: Set[A]](val s: C[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def notContains(x: A): Boolean = !(s contains x)\n def toMutable = mutable.Set.empty[A] ++ s\n }\n implicit class IterableExtensions[A, C[A] <: Seq[A]](val s: C[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def deleteAtIndex(i: Int, howMany: Int = 1) = s.patch(i, Nil, howMany)\n def insertAtIndex(i: Int, items: Seq[A]) = s.patch(i, items, 0)\n def findWithIndex(f: A => Boolean): Option[(A, Int)] = s.zipWithIndex find {case (a, _) => f(a)}\n def foldUntil[B](z: B)(f: (B, A) => B)(c: B => Boolean): Option[(B, Int)] = s.view.scanLeft(z)(f).findWithIndex(c)\n }\n implicit class BooleanExtensions(val x: Boolean) extends AnyVal {\n def to[A](implicit n: Numeric[A]) = if(x) n.one else n.zero\n def toEnglish = if(x) \"YES\" else \"NO\"\n }\n implicit class IntExtensions(val x: Int) extends AnyVal {\n import java.lang.{Integer => JInt}\n def withHighestOneBit: Int = JInt.highestOneBit(x)\n def withLowestOneBit: Int = JInt.lowestOneBit(x)\n def numberOfLeadingZeroes: Int = JInt.numberOfLeadingZeros(x)\n def numberOfTrailingZeroes: Int = JInt.numberOfTrailingZeros(x)\n def bitCount: Int = JInt.bitCount(x)\n def setLowestBits(n: Int): Int = x | (left(n) - 1)\n def clearLowestBits(n: Int): Int = x & left(n, ~0)\n def setBit(i: Int, set: Boolean): Int = if (set) setBit(i) else clearBit(i)\n def setBit(i: Int): Int = x | left(i)\n def clearBit(i: Int): Int = x & ~left(i)\n def toggleBit(i: Int): Int = x ^ left(i)\n def testBit(i: Int): Boolean = ((x >> i) & 1) == 1\n private def left(bits: Int, num: Int = 1) = assuming(bits >= 0 && bits < JInt.SIZE)(num << bits)\n def X(y: Int): Iterator[(Int, Int)] = until(x) X until(y)\n }\n implicit class LongExtensions(val x: Long) extends AnyVal {\n import java.lang.{Long => JLong}\n def withHighestOneBitSet: Long = JLong.highestOneBit(x)\n def withLowestOneBitSet: Long = JLong.lowestOneBit(x)\n def numberOfLeadingZeroes: Int = JLong.numberOfLeadingZeros(x)\n def numberOfTrailingZeroes: Int = JLong.numberOfTrailingZeros(x)\n def bitCount: Int = JLong.bitCount(x)\n def setLowestBits(n: Int): Long = x | (left(n) - 1)\n def clearLowestBits(n: Int): Long = x & left(n, ~0L)\n def setBit(i: Int, set: Boolean): Long = if (set) setBit(i) else clearBit(i)\n def setBit(i: Int): Long = x | left(i)\n def clearBit(i: Int): Long = x & ~left(i)\n def toggleBit(i: Int): Long = x ^ left(i)\n def testBit(i: Int): Boolean = ((x >> i) & 1) == 1\n private def left(bits: Int, num: Long = 1L) = assuming(bits >= 0 && bits < JLong.SIZE)(num << bits)\n }\n implicit class NumericExtensions[A](val x: A)(implicit n: Numeric[A]) {\n import Numeric.Implicits._\n def **(i: Int): A = if (i == 0) n.one else {\n val h = x ** (i/2)\n if (i%2 == 0) h * h else h * h * x\n }\n def distance(y: A) = (x - y).abs()\n def nonNegative: Option[A] = when(n.gteq(x, n.zero))(x)\n def whenNegative(f: => A): A = nonNegative getOrElse f //e.g. students indexOf \"Greg\" whenNegative Int.MaxValue\n }\n implicit class IntegralExtensions[A](val x: A)(implicit n: Integral[A]) {\n import scala.collection.immutable.NumericRange, Integral.Implicits._\n def mod(y: A): A = x - ((x / y) * y) //(x/y)*y + (x mod y) == x\n def -->(y: A): NumericRange.Inclusive[A] = NumericRange.inclusive(x, y, if (n.lteq(x, y)) n.one else -n.one)\n def ceilDiv(y: A): A = if (mod(y) == n.zero) x/y else n.one + (x/y)\n }\n def desc[A: Ordering]: Ordering[A] = asc[A].reverse //e.g. students.sortBy(_.height)(desc)\n def asc[A](implicit order: Ordering[A]): Ordering[A] = order\n def map[K] = new {\n def to[V](default: => V): Dict[K, V] = using(_ => default)\n def using[V](f: K => V): Dict[K, V] = new mutable.HashMap[K, V]() {\n override def apply(key: K) = getOrElseUpdate(key, f(key))\n }\n }\n def newMultiMap[K, V] = map[K] to mutable.Set.empty[V]\n def memoize[A, B](f: A => B): A ==> B = map[A] using f\n implicit class FuzzyDouble(val x: Double) extends AnyVal {\n def >~(y: Double) = x > y + eps\n def >=~(y: Double) = x >= y + eps\n def ~<(y: Double) = y >=~ x\n def ~=<(y: Double) = y >~ x\n def ~=(y: Double) = (x distance y) <= eps\n }\n implicit def toPoint[A](p: (A, A))(implicit n: Numeric[A]) = new java.awt.geom.Point2D.Double(n.toDouble(p._1), n.toDouble(p._2))\n def toPolygon(points: Traversable[(Int, Int)]): java.awt.Polygon = {\n val (xs, ys) = points.unzip\n new java.awt.Polygon(xs.toArray, ys.toArray, points.size)\n }\n def toShape(points: Traversable[(Double, Double)]): java.awt.geom.GeneralPath = {\n val shape = new java.awt.geom.GeneralPath()\n points.headOption foreach {case (x, y) => shape.moveTo(x, y)}\n points.tail foreach {case (x, y) => shape.lineTo(x, y)}\n shape.closePath()\n shape\n }\n def until(until: Int): Range = 0 until until\n def not[A](f: A => Boolean): A => Boolean = {x: A => !f(x)}\n def assuming[A](cond: => Boolean)(f: => A): A = {require(cond); f}\n @inline def when[A](check: Boolean)(f: => A): Option[A] = if (check) f.some else None\n def repeat[U](n: Int)(f: => U): Unit = (1 to n).foreach(_ => f)\n type of[C[_], A] = scala.collection.generic.CanBuild[A, C[A]]\n type ==>[A, B] = collection.Map[A, B]\n val mod: Int = (1e9 + 7).toInt\n val eps: Double = 1e-9\n}\n/***********************************[Scala I/O]*********************************************/\nimport Utils._, java.io._, java.util.StringTokenizer\n\nclass IO(in: BufferedReader, out: BufferedWriter) extends Iterator[String] with AutoCloseable with Flushable {\n def this(reader: Reader, writer: Writer) = this(new BufferedReader(reader), new BufferedWriter(writer))\n def this(in: InputStream, out: OutputStream) = this(new InputStreamReader(in), new OutputStreamWriter(out))\n\n private[this] val tokenizers = Iterator.continually(in.readLine()).takeWhile(_ != null).map(new StringTokenizer(_)).buffered\n val printer = new PrintWriter(out, true)\n\n @inline private[this] def tokenizer() = {\n while(tokenizers.nonEmpty && !tokenizers.head.hasMoreTokens) tokenizers.next()\n when(tokenizers.nonEmpty)(tokenizers.head)\n }\n\n def read[A](implicit read: IO.Read[A]): A = read.apply(this)\n def read[C[_], A: IO.Read](n: Int)(implicit b: C of A): C[A] = Iterator.fill(n)(read).to[C]\n\n def readTill(delim: String): String = tokenizer().get.nextToken(delim)\n def readTillEndOfLine(): String = readTill(\"\\n\\r\")\n\n override def next() = tokenizer().get.nextToken()\n override def hasNext = tokenizer().nonEmpty\n\n def write(obj: Any): this.type = {\n printer.print(obj)\n this\n }\n def writeLine(): this.type = {\n printer.println()\n this\n }\n def writeLine(obj: Any): this.type = {\n printer.println(obj)\n this\n }\n def writeAll(obj: Traversable[Any], separator: String = \"\\n\"): this.type = write(obj mkString separator)\n def query[A: IO.Read](question: Any): A = writeLine(question).read\n\n override def flush() = printer.flush()\n def close() = {\n flush()\n in.close()\n printer.close()\n }\n}\nobject IO {\n class Read[A](val apply: IO => A) {\n def map[B](f: A => B): Read[B] = new Read(apply andThen f)\n }\n object Read {\n implicit def collection[C[_], A: Read](implicit b: C of A): Read[C[A]] = new Read(r => r.read[C, A](r.read[Int]))\n implicit val string : Read[String] = new Read(_.next())\n implicit val char : Read[Char] = string.map(_.toTraversable.onlyElement)\n implicit val int : Read[Int] = string.map(_.toInt)\n implicit val long : Read[Long] = string.map(_.toLong)\n implicit val bigInt : Read[BigInt] = string.map(BigInt(_))\n implicit val double : Read[Double] = string.map(_.toDouble)\n implicit val bigDecimal : Read[BigDecimal] = string.map(BigDecimal(_))\n implicit def tuple2[A: Read, B: Read] : Read[(A, B)] = new Read(r => (r.read[A], r.read[B]))\n implicit def tuple3[A: Read, B: Read, C: Read] : Read[(A, B, C)] = new Read(r => (r.read[A], r.read[B], r.read[C]))\n implicit def tuple4[A: Read, B: Read, C: Read, D: Read] : Read[(A, B, C, D)] = new Read(r => (r.read[A], r.read[B], r.read[C], r.read[D]))\n implicit val boolean : Read[Boolean] = string map {s =>\n s.toLowerCase match {\n case \"yes\" | \"true\" | \"1\" => true\n case \"no\" | \"false\" | \"0\" => false\n case _ => s.toBoolean\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\n"}, {"source_code": "//package me.code4fun\n\nimport scala.io.StdIn\n\nobject A {\n\n def dayOfWeek(dayStr: String): Int =\n dayStr match {\n case \"monday\" => 0\n case \"tuesday\" => 1\n case \"wednesday\" => 2\n case \"thursday\" => 3\n case \"friday\" => 4\n case \"saturday\" => 5\n case \"sunday\" => 6\n case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s\"$dayStr is not a day of week\")\n }\n\n val nbDaysInWeek = 7\n\n val possibleOffsets = Seq(28, 30, 31).map(_ % nbDaysInWeek)\n\n def posMod(a: Int, b: Int): Int = {\n val mod = a % b\n if (mod >= 0) mod else (mod + b)\n }\n\n def areConsecutiveDays(firstDay: String, secondDay: String): Boolean = {\n val fst = dayOfWeek(firstDay)\n val snd = dayOfWeek(secondDay)\n val diff = posMod(snd - fst, nbDaysInWeek)\n possibleOffsets.contains(diff)\n }\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val fst = StdIn.readLine()\n val snd = StdIn.readLine()\n if (areConsecutiveDays(fst, snd))\n Console.out.println(\"YES\")\n else\n Console.out.println(\"NO\")\n }\n}\n"}], "negative_code": [], "src_uid": "2a75f68a7374b90b80bb362c6ead9a35"} {"source_code": "//package me.jetblack.cf\n\nimport java.util.Scanner\n\nobject TreesCount extends App {\n\n val s = new Scanner(System.in)\n\n val maxn = s.nextInt()\n val maxh = s.nextInt()\n\n val dp = Array.ofDim[Long](maxn + 1, maxn + 1)\n dp(0)(0) = 1\n for {\n h <- (1 until maxn + 1)\n i <- (1 until maxn + 1)\n j <- (1 to i)\n } yield {\n val left1 = dp(h - 1)(j - 1)\n val right1 = (0 until h).map(h1 => dp(h1)(i - j)).sum\n val left2 = (0 until h - 1).map(h1 => dp(h1)(j - 1)).sum\n val right2 = dp(h - 1)(i - j)\n dp(h)(i) += (left1 * right1) + left2 * right2\n }\n\n val result = (maxh to maxn).map(dp(_)(maxn)).sum\n println(result)\n\n}\n", "positive_code": [{"source_code": "import java.util._\nimport java.io._\n\nobject D {\n\n var out: PrintWriter = null\n var br: BufferedReader = null\n var st: StringTokenizer = null\n\n def next: String = {\n while (st == null || !st.hasMoreTokens) {\n st = new StringTokenizer(br.readLine)\n }\n return st.nextToken\n }\n\n def nextInt: Int = {\n return Integer.parseInt(next)\n }\n\n def sumOfTrees(dp: Array[Array[Long]], h: Int, n: Int): Long = {\n var temp: Long = 0\n for (i <- 0 to h) {\n temp += dp(i)(n)\n }\n temp\n }\n\n def solve = {\n val n = nextInt\n val h = nextInt\n val dp = new Array[Array[scala.Long]](36)\n for (i <- 0 to 35) {\n dp(i) = new Array[scala.Long](36)\n Arrays.fill(dp(i), 0)\n }\n dp(0)(0) = 1L\n for (i <- 1 to h) {\n dp(i)(0) = 0L\n }\n for (i <- 1 to n) {\n dp(0)(i) = 0L\n }\n for (i <- 1 to 35) {\n for (j <- 1 to 35) {\n var temp: Long = 0\n for (m <- 1 to j) {\n temp += dp(i - 1)(m - 1) * sumOfTrees(dp, i - 1, j - m) + dp(i - 1)(j - m) * sumOfTrees(dp, i - 2, m - 1)\n }\n dp(i)(j) = temp\n }\n }\n var ans: Long = 0\n for (i <- h to n) {\n ans += dp(i)(n)\n }\n out.println(ans)\n }\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in))\n out = new PrintWriter(new BufferedOutputStream(System.out))\n solve\n out.close\n }\n}\n"}], "negative_code": [{"source_code": "//package me.jetblack.cf\n\nimport java.util.Scanner\n\nobject TreesCount extends App {\n\n val s = new Scanner(System.in)\n\n val maxn = s.nextInt()\n val maxh = s.nextInt()\n\n val dp = Array.ofDim[Int](maxn + 1, maxn + 1)\n dp(0)(0) = 1\n for {\n h <- (1 until maxn + 1)\n i <- (1 until maxn + 1)\n j <- (1 to i)\n } yield {\n val left1 = dp(h - 1)(j - 1)\n val right1 = (0 until h).map(h1 => dp(h1)(i - j)).sum\n val left2 = (0 until h - 1).map(h1 => dp(h1)(j - 1)).sum\n val right2 = dp(h - 1)(i - j)\n dp(h)(i) += (left1 * right1) + left2 * right2\n }\n\n val result = (maxh to maxn).map(dp(_)(maxn)).sum\n println(result)\n\n}\n"}], "src_uid": "faf12a603d0c27f8be6bf6b02531a931"} {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn._\n\nobject Main extends App {\n val a =\n (for (_ <- 0 until 10)\n yield readLine()).toArray\n\n if (check((0, 1)) || check((1, 0)) || check((1, 1)) || check((1, -1)))\n println(\"YES\")\n else\n println(\"NO\")\n\n def good(x: Int): Boolean = x >= 0 && x < 10\n\n def check(diff: (Int, Int)): Boolean = {\n for (i <- 0 until 10; j <- 0 until 10) {\n var (x, y, cnt, free) = (j, i, 0, 0)\n for (z <- 0 until 5) {\n if (good(x) && good(y))\n if (a(y)(x) == 'X')\n cnt += 1\n else if (a(y)(x) == '.')\n free += 1\n y += diff._1\n x += diff._2\n }\n if (cnt == 4 && free == 1)\n return true\n }\n false\n }\n}\n", "positive_code": [{"source_code": "import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer\nimport scala.io.StdIn._\n\nobject Main extends App {\n val a = ArrayBuffer[ArrayBuffer[Char]]()\n for (i <- 0 until 10) {\n a.append(readLine().toCharArray.to[ArrayBuffer])\n }\n\n if (check(a, (0, 1)) || check(a, (1, 0)) || check(a, (1, 1)) || check(a, (1, -1)))\n println(\"YES\")\n else\n println(\"NO\")\n\n def good(x: Int): Boolean = x >= 0 && x < 10\n\n def check(a: ArrayBuffer[ArrayBuffer[Char]], diff: (Int, Int)): Boolean = {\n for (i <- 0 until 10) {\n for (j <- 0 until 10) {\n var x = j\n var y = i\n var cnt = 0\n var free = 0\n for (z <- 0 until 5) {\n if (good(x) && good(y))\n if (a(y)(x) == 'X')\n cnt += 1\n else if (a(y)(x) == '.')\n free += 1\n y += diff._1\n x += diff._2\n }\n if (cnt == 4 && free == 1)\n return true\n }\n }\n false\n }\n}\n"}], "negative_code": [{"source_code": "import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer\nimport scala.io.StdIn._\n\nobject Main extends App {\n val a = ArrayBuffer[ArrayBuffer[Char]]()\n for (i <- 0 until 10) {\n a.append(readLine().toCharArray.to[ArrayBuffer])\n }\n\n if (check(a) || check(a.transpose) || check2(a, (1, 1)) || check2(a, (1, -1)))\n println(\"YES\")\n else\n println(\"NO\")\n\n\n def check(a: ArrayBuffer[ArrayBuffer[Char]]): Boolean = {\n for (i <- 0 until 10) {\n for (j <- 0 to 5) {\n var cnt = 0\n for (z <- j until j + 5) {\n if (a(i)(z) == 'X')\n cnt += 1\n else if (a(i)(z) == 'O')\n cnt = -5\n }\n if (cnt == 4)\n return true\n }\n }\n false\n }\n\n def good(x: Int): Boolean = x >= 0 && x < 10\n\n def check2(a: ArrayBuffer[ArrayBuffer[Char]], diff: (Int, Int)): Boolean = {\n for (i <- 0 until 10) {\n for (j <- 0 until 10) {\n var x = j\n var y = i\n var cnt = 0\n for (z <- 0 until 5) {\n y += diff._1\n x += diff._2\n if (good(x) && good(y))\n if (a(y)(x) == 'X')\n cnt += 1\n else if (a(y)(x) == 'O')\n cnt = -5\n }\n if (cnt == 4)\n return true\n }\n }\n false\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer\nimport scala.io.StdIn._\n\nobject Main extends App {\n val a = ArrayBuffer[ArrayBuffer[Char]]()\n for (i <- 0 until 10) {\n a.append(readLine().toCharArray.to[ArrayBuffer])\n }\n\n if (check(a, (0, 1)) || check(a, (1, 0)) || check(a, (1, 1)) || check(a, (1, -1)))\n println(\"YES\")\n else\n println(\"NO\")\n\n def good(x: Int): Boolean = x >= 0 && x < 10\n\n def check(a: ArrayBuffer[ArrayBuffer[Char]], diff: (Int, Int)): Boolean = {\n for (i <- 0 until 10) {\n for (j <- 0 until 10) {\n var x = j\n var y = i\n var cnt = 0\n var free = 0\n for (z <- 0 until 5) {\n y += diff._1\n x += diff._2\n if (good(x) && good(y))\n if (a(y)(x) == 'X')\n cnt += 1\n else if (a(y)(x) == '.')\n free += 1\n }\n if (cnt == 4 && free == 1)\n return true\n }\n }\n false\n }\n}\n"}], "src_uid": "d5541028a2753c758322c440bdbf9ec6"} {"source_code": "import Array._\nimport scala.io.StdIn.readLine\nobject problem {\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val n = readLine.toInt\n var A = ofDim[Int](n + 1, n + 1)\n for(i <- 1 to n) A(1)(i) = 1\n for(i <- 2 to n){\n for(j <- 1 to n) A(i)(j) = A(i - 1)(j) + A(i)(j - 1)\n }\n// for(i <- 1 to n){\n// for(j <- 1 to n) print(A(i)(j) + \" \"); println()\n// }\n for(i <- n to n){\n for(j <- n to n) print(A(i)(j) + \" \"); println()\n }\n }\n}", "positive_code": [{"source_code": "object S509A {\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n var i: Int = 0\n var j: Int = 0\n var n = readInt()\n val a = Array.ofDim[Int](n, n)\n for (i <- 0 until n) {\n a(i)(0) = 1\n a(0)(i) = 1\n }\n for (i <- 1 until n) {\n for (j <- 1 until n)\n a(i)(j) = a(i - 1)(j) + a(i)(j - 1)\n }\n println(a(n - 1)(n - 1))\n }\n}\n\n"}, {"source_code": "object A509 {\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(scala.io.StdIn.readLine)\n\n def readInts(n: Int) = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt)\n }\n\n def readLongs(n: Int) = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong)\n }\n\n def readBigs(n: Int) = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(BigInt(tl.nextToken))\n }\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val Array(n) = readInts(1)\n val res = Array.ofDim[Int](n, n)\n for(i <- 0 until n; j <- 0 until n) {\n if(i == 0 || j == 0) {\n res(i)(j) = 1\n } else {\n res(i)(j) = res(i-1)(j) + res(i)(j-1)\n }\n }\n println(res(n-1)(n-1))\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "\nimport scala.io.StdIn.readLine\nimport scala.io.StdIn.readInt\n\n\nobject MaximumInTable {\n \n def readInts() : Array[Int] =\n readLine.split(' ').map(_.toInt)\n \n def readLongs() : Array[Long] = \n readLine.split(' ').map(_.toLong)\n \n def readTuple() : (Int,Int) = {\n val line = readInts\n (line(0),line(1))\n }\n def readTupleLong() : (Long,Long) = {\n val line = readLongs\n (line(0),line(1))\n }\n \n def readTriple() : (Int,Int,Int) = {\n val line = readInts\n (line(0),line(1),line(2))\n }\n def readQuad() : (Int,Int,Int,Int) = {\n val line = readInts\n (line(0),line(1),line(2),line(3))\n }\n \n def solve(n : Int) : Int = {\n def go(r: Int, c: Int) : Int = {\n if (r == 1 || c == 1) 1 \n else go(r-1,c)+go(r,c-1)\n }\n go(n,n)\n }\n \n \n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val n = readInt\n println(solve(n))\n }\n \n}"}, {"source_code": "object main extends App with fastIO {\n \n def C(n: Int, m: Int): Int = {\n (n, m) match {\n case (1, m) => 1\n case (n, 1) => 1\n case (n, m) => C(n - 1, m) + C(n, m - 1)\n }\n }\n \n val n = nextInt \n \n println(C(n, n))\n flush \n}\n\ntrait fastIO {\n import java.io._\n \n val isFile = false\n val input = \"io.in\"\n val output = \"io.out\"\n \n val bf = new BufferedReader(if(isFile) new FileReader(input) else new InputStreamReader(System.in))\n val in = new StreamTokenizer(bf)\n val out = new PrintWriter(if(isFile)new FileWriter(output) else new OutputStreamWriter(System.out))\n\n def next: String = {\n in.ordinaryChars('0', '9')\n in.wordChars('0', '9')\n in.nextToken()\n in.sval\n }\n \n def nextInt: Int = {\n in.nextToken()\n in.nval.toInt\n }\n \n def nextLong:Long ={\n in.nextToken()\n in.nval.toLong\n }\n \n def nextDouble: Double = {\n in.nextToken()\n in.nval\n }\n \n def readLine: String = bf.readLine()\n def println(o:Any) = out.println(o)\n def print(o:Any) = out.print(o)\n def printf(s:String,o:Any*) = out.printf(s,o)\n def flush() = out.flush() \n}"}, {"source_code": "import scala.util.Sorting\nimport scala.io.StdIn\n\nobject App {\n\n\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n\n\n val n = StdIn.readInt()\n val A = Array.ofDim[Array[Int]](n)\n for (i <- 0 to n - 1) {\n A(i) = new Array[Int](n)\n A(i)(0) = 1\n A(0)(i) = 1\n }\n\n for (i <- 1 to n - 1) {\n for (j <- 1 to n - 1) {\n A(i)(j) = A(i-1)(j) + A(i)(j-1)\n }\n }\n\n println(A(n-1)(n-1))\n }\n\n\n\n\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object Solution extends App {\n val in = scala.io.Source.stdin.getLines()\n var n = in.next().toInt\n var previous = Array.fill(n){1}\n Range(0, n - 1).foreach { i =>\n val current = Array.ofDim[Int](n)\n current(0) = 1\n Range(1, n).foreach {\n i => current(i) = current(i - 1) + previous(i)\n }\n previous = current\n }\n print(previous.max)\n}\n"}], "negative_code": [], "src_uid": "2f650aae9dfeb02533149ced402b60dc"} {"source_code": "object Solution extends App {\n val in = io.Source.stdin.getLines()\n val n = in.next().toLong\n\n def findK(n: Long): Long = {\n var k = 3l\n while (n % k == 0) {\n k *= 3\n }\n k\n }\n\n val k = findK(n)\n println( n / k + (if (n % k != 0) 1 else 0))\n\n\n}\n", "positive_code": [{"source_code": "object CF333A {\n def main(argv: Array[String]) {\n def calc(n: Long): Long = {\n if (n % 3 == 0) calc(n / 3)\n else (n + 2) / 3\n }\n println(calc(readLine.toLong))\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "/**\n * User: Oleg Nizhnik\n * Date: 29.07.13\n * Time: 1:49\n */\nobject C_Secrets extends App {\n def find(n: Long, k: Long = 1): Long = if (n % k == 0) find(n, k * 3) else (n + k - 1) / k\n println(find(readLine().toLong))\n\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "/**\n * User: Oleg Nizhnik\n * Date: 29.07.13\n * Time: 1:49\n */\nobject C_Secrets {\n def find(n: Long, k: Long = 1): Long = if (n % k == 0) find(n, k * 3) else (n + k - 1) / k\n def main(args: Array[String]) = println(find(readLine().toLong))\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import scala.collection.mutable._\nimport scala.math._\nimport scala.util._\nimport scala.util.control.Breaks.break\nimport scala.util.control.Breaks.breakable\nimport java.util._\nimport java.math.BigInteger\nobject Main extends App {\n val sc = new Scanner(System.in)\n def count3(n: BigInt): BigInt = {\n if(n % 3 != 0) return 0\n return 1 + count3(n / 3)\n }\n def pow(a: BigInt, b: BigInt): BigInt = {\n if(b == 0) return 1\n else return a * pow(a, b-1)\n }\n val n = new BigInt(sc.nextBigInteger)\n val m = pow(3, count3(n)+1)\n println(n / m + (if((n % m) == 0) 0 else 1))\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "/**\n * Created by Notebook on 14.02.2015.\n */\nobject AplusB extends App{\n var a =readLong()\n while(a%3==0) a /= 3\n println(a/3+1)\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object A extends App {\n\n def readString = Console.readLine\n\n val n = BigInt(readString)\n\n var i = BigInt(3)\n \n while (i <= n && n % i == 0) i *= 3\n \n println(n / i + 1)\n}"}, {"source_code": "object Main extends App {\n\n def calc(n: Long): Long = {\n if (n % 3 == 0) calc(n / 3)\n else (n + 2) / 3\n }\n println(calc(readLine.toLong))\n }\n\n"}], "negative_code": [{"source_code": "import scala.collection.mutable._\nimport scala.math._\nimport scala.util._\nimport scala.util.control.Breaks.break\nimport scala.util.control.Breaks.breakable\nimport java.util._\nimport java.math.BigInteger\nobject Main extends App {\n val sc = new Scanner(System.in)\n val v = new BigInt(sc.nextBigInteger)\n println(v / 3 + (if((v % 3) == 0) 0 else 1))\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import scala.collection.mutable._\nimport scala.math._\nimport scala.util._\nimport scala.util.control.Breaks.break\nimport scala.util.control.Breaks.breakable\nimport java.util._\nobject Main extends App {\n val sc = new Scanner(System.in)\n println(ceil(readLong/3.0).toLong)\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import scala.collection.mutable._\nimport scala.math._\nimport scala.util._\nimport scala.util.control.Breaks.break\nimport scala.util.control.Breaks.breakable\nimport java.util._\nimport java.math.BigInteger\nobject Main extends App {\n val sc = new Scanner(System.in)\n val v = new BigInt(sc.nextBigInteger)\n println(v / 3 + ceil((v % 3).toInt * 0.1).toInt)\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "/**\n * Author: Odomontois\n * Date: 29.07.13\n * Time: 9:53\n * To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates.\n */\nobject C_Secrets extends App {\n val in = java.lang.Long.toString(readLine().toLong, 3).reverse\n println((in(0) match {\n case '1' => in.drop(1).dropWhile(_ == '2')\n case '0' | '2' => in.dropWhile(_ == '0').dropWhile(_ == '2')\n }).map(Map('0' -> 0, '1' -> 1, '2' -> 2)).sum + 1)\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "/**\n * Author: Odomontois\n * Date: 29.07.13\n * Time: 9:53\n * To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates.\n */\nobject C_Secrets extends App {\n val in = java.lang.Long.toString(readLine().toLong, 3).reverse.dropWhile(_ == '0')\n println((in(0) match {\n case '1' => in.drop(1)\n case '2' => in\n }).dropWhile(_ == '2').map(Map('0' -> 0, '1' -> 1, '2' -> 2)).sum + 1)\n}\n"}], "src_uid": "7e7b59f2112fd200ee03255c0c230ebd"} {"source_code": "\nimport scala.io.StdIn\n\nobject BearAndRaspberryMain {\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit ={\n val nc = StdIn.readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n val n = nc(0)\n val c = nc(1)\n val elements = StdIn.readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n var LOL = 0\n for(i <- 0 to n-2){\n val d = elements(i) - c - elements(i+1)\n if( LOL < d)\n LOL = d\n }\n print(LOL)\n }\n}", "positive_code": [{"source_code": "import java.util.StringTokenizer\n\nobject _385A extends App {\n var token = new StringTokenizer(\"\")\n def next = {\n while (!token.hasMoreTokens()) token = new StringTokenizer(readLine)\n token.nextToken()\n }\n val n = next.toInt\n val c = next.toInt\n val a = (1 to n).map(i => next.toInt)\n val b = (1 until n).map(i => a(i - 1) - a(i)).max\n val ans = (b - c) max 0\n println(ans)\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object Solution extends App {\n val in = scala.io.Source.stdin.getLines()\n val Array(n, c) = in.next().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n val ans = Math.max(0, in.next().split(\" \").map(_.toInt).sliding(2).map(t => t.head - t.last - c).max)\n println(ans)\n}"}, {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\n\nobject P385A {\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val scanner = new Scanner(System.in)\n val n = scanner.nextInt()\n val c = scanner.nextInt()\n val prices = for (i <- 1 to n) yield scanner.nextInt()\n val gains = for ((prev, next) <- prices.init zip prices.tail) yield prev - next - c\n val ans = if (gains.max > 0) gains.max else 0\n println(ans)\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object A385 {\n\n import IO._\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val Array(n, c) = readInts(2)\n val in = readInts(n)\n var res = 0\n for(i <- 0 until n-1) {\n val cal = in(i) - in(i+1) - c\n res = math.max(res, cal)\n }\n println(res)\n }\n\n object IO {\n @inline def read: String = scala.io.StdIn.readLine\n\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(read)\n\n def readInts(n: Int): Array[Int] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine;\n Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt)\n }\n\n def readLongs(n: Int): Array[Long] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine;\n Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong)\n }\n\n def readBigs(n: Int): Array[BigInt] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine;\n Array.fill(n)(BigInt(tl.nextToken))\n }\n }\n\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\nimport java.io.PrintWriter\nimport scala.annotation.tailrec\nimport scala.collection.mutable\nimport scala.util.Random\n\nobject P385A extends App {\n val sc = new Scanner(System.in)\n val out = new PrintWriter(System.out)\n val N, C = sc.nextInt\n val X = List.fill(N)(sc.nextInt)\n \n val gain = (X, X.tail).zipped.map(_ - _).max - C\n val answer = if (gain > 0) gain\n else 0\n \n out.println(answer)\n out.close\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "//package codeforces\n\n/**\n * TODO: describe\n *\n * @author keks\n */\nobject T385A {\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val rent = readArray.last\n print(getRasp(readArray, rent))\n }\n\n def getRasp(a: Array[Int], rent: Int) = {\n val total = ((0, a.head) /: a.tail)(\n (acc, prev) => (if (acc._1 < acc._2 - prev) acc._2 - prev else acc._1, prev)\n )._1\n if (total > rent) total - rent else 0\n }\n\n def readArray = readLine().split(' ').map(_.toInt)\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object A extends App {\n val sc = new java.util.Scanner(System.in)\n val n, c = sc.nextInt()\n val x = Array.fill(n)(sc.nextInt())\n var ans = 0\n for (i <- 0 until n-1) {\n ans = ans.max(x(i)-x(i+1)-c)\n }\n println(ans)\n}\n"}], "negative_code": [], "src_uid": "411539a86f2e94eb6386bb65c9eb9557"} {"source_code": "object Solver {\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val (first, second) = (Console.readLine, Console.readLine)\n val success = first.length == second.length && List.range(0, first.length).forall(i => first(i) == second(first.length - i - 1))\n\n println(if (success) \"YES\" else \"NO\")\n }\n}\n", "positive_code": [{"source_code": "object Main extends App {\n val str1 = readLine()\n val str2 = readLine()\n\n if (str1 == str2.reverse) println(\"YES\")\n else println(\"NO\")\n}"}, {"source_code": "object CF0041A extends App {\n\n val f = readLine()\n val s = readLine()\n\n if( f == s.reverse) {\n println(\"YES\")\n } else {\n println(\"NO\")\n }\n\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\n\nobject TEST extends App{\n val sc = new Scanner(System.in)\n print (if(readLine.reverse == readLine)\"YES\" else \"NO\")\n}"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn._\n\nobject Task extends App{\n val w1 = readLine\n val w2 = readLine\n \n if(w1.reverse == w2)\n println(\"YES\")\n else\n println(\"NO\")\n}"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn\n\nobject Main {\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n if (StdIn.readLine() == StdIn.readLine().reverse) println(\"YES\") else println(\"NO\")\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\n\n\nobject HelloWorldMain {\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val sc = new Scanner(System.in)\n\n val str = sc.next()\n\n val strShouldBeReverse = sc.next()\n\n if(str.reverse equalsIgnoreCase strShouldBeReverse )println(\"YES\")\n else println(\"NO\")\n\n\n }\n}\n\n\n\n"}, {"source_code": "object Solution extends App {\n val in = scala.io.Source.stdin.getLines()\n var str = in.next()\n var str2 = in.next()\n if (str.length != str2.length || str.zip(str2.reverse).exists(t => t._1 != t._2))\n println(\"NO\")\n else\n println(\"YES\")\n}"}, {"source_code": "object Main {\n\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val std = scala.io.StdIn\n\n val areTheSame = std.readLine().equals(std.readLine().reverse)\n if (areTheSame) {\n println(\"YES\")\n }\n else {\n println(\"NO\")\n }\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "object A41 {\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(scala.io.StdIn.readLine)\n\n def readInts(n: Int) = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt)\n }\n\n def readLongs(n: Int) = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong)\n }\n\n def readBigs(n: Int) = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(BigInt(tl.nextToken))\n }\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val input1 = scala.io.StdIn.readLine\n val input2 = scala.io.StdIn.readLine\n if(input1.reverse.compareTo(input2) == 0) {\n println(\"YES\")\n } else {\n println(\"NO\")\n }\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\nimport java.io.PrintWriter\nimport scala.annotation.tailrec\nimport scala.collection.mutable\nimport scala.util.Random\n\nobject P41A extends App {\n val sc = new Scanner(System.in)\n val out = new PrintWriter(System.out)\n\n val S, T = sc.nextLine\n val answer = if (S == T.reverse) \"YES\" else \"NO\"\n\n out.println(answer)\n out.close\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "\n\nobject Translation {\n\tdef main (args: Array[String]) {\n\t\tval scanner = new java.util.Scanner(System.in);\n\t\tval word1 = scanner.nextLine;\n\t\tval word2 = scanner.nextLine;\n\t\tvar leftIndex = 0;\n\t\tvar rightIndex = word2.length - 1;\n\t\tvar equal = true;\n\t\twhile (equal && leftIndex < word1.length() && rightIndex >= 0) {\n\t\t\tequal = word1(leftIndex) == word2(rightIndex)\n\t\t\tleftIndex += 1; rightIndex-=1\n\t\t}\n\t\tif (equal) {\n\t\t\tprintln(\"YES\")\n\t\t}\n\t\telse\n\t\t\tprintln(\"NO\")\n\t}\n}"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io._\nimport scala.collection.mutable._\nimport java.io.FileWriter\nimport java.io.PrintWriter\n\nobject HelloWorld {\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n var t = readLine;\n var s = readLine;\n if (t == s.reverse) {\n println(\"YES\");\n } else {\n println(\"NO\");\n }\n } \n}"}, {"source_code": "import annotation.tailrec\nimport java.io._\n\nobject Easy {\n val reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in))\n def readInts = reader.readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n def readInt = reader.readLine().toInt\n\n def ans = if(reader.readLine() == reader.readLine().reverse) \"YES\" else \"NO\"\n\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n println(ans)\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object Main {\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val s1 = readLine()\n val s2 = readLine()\n if (s1.reverse == s2) println(\"YES\")\n else println(\"NO\")\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn._\n\nobject A_41 extends App {\n val a = readLine()\n val b = readLine()\n\n println(\n if (a == b.reverse) \"YES\" else \"NO\"\n )\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn.readLine\nobject problem {\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val s = readLine\n val t = readLine\n if(t == s.reverse) println(\"YES\") else println(\"NO\")\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn.readLine\nimport scala.io.StdIn.readInt\n\n\nobject Translation {\n \n def readInts() : Array[Int] =\n readLine.split(' ').map(_.toInt)\n \n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val s = readLine\n val t = readLine\n if (s == t.reverse) println(\"YES\") else println(\"NO\")\n }\n \n}"}, {"source_code": "object P041A extends App {\n val t = readLine()\n val s = readLine()\n println(if (t.reverse == s) \"YES\" else \"NO\")\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object Translation extends App{\n val berlandish = scala.io.StdIn.readLine()\n val birlandish = scala.io.StdIn.readLine()\n\n if (birlandish.reverse == berlandish) println(\"YES\")\n else println(\"NO\")\n \n}\n"}], "negative_code": [{"source_code": "object P041A extends App {\n val t = readLine()\n val s = readLine()\n println(if (t.reverse == s) \"YES\" else \"No\")\n}\n"}], "src_uid": "35a4be326690b58bf9add547fb63a5a5"} {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn\n\nobject Main {\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val string = StdIn.readLine()\n val valuesOtherThanOneOrFour = string.exists(char => char != '1' && char != '4')\n val startsWithValueOtherThanOne = !string.startsWith(\"1\")\n val containsThreeConsecutiveFours = string.indexOf(\"444\") != -1\n if (valuesOtherThanOneOrFour || startsWithValueOtherThanOne || containsThreeConsecutiveFours) println(\"NO\") else println(\"YES\")\n }\n}\n", "positive_code": [{"source_code": "object Solution extends App {\n val in = scala.io.Source.stdin.getLines()\n val str = in.next()\n if (str.forall(ch => ch == '1' || ch == '4') &&\n str.head != '4' && !str.contains(\"444\"))\n println(\"YES\")\n else\n println(\"NO\")\n}"}, {"source_code": "object A320 {\n\n import IO._\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val num = read\n val dummy = Array.fill[Char](num.length)('x').mkString(\"\")\n val res = num.replaceAll(\"144\", \"xxx\").replaceAll(\"14\", \"xx\").replaceAll(\"1\", \"x\")\n if(res.equals(dummy)) {\n println(\"YES\")\n } else {\n println(\"NO\")\n }\n }\n\n object IO {\n @inline def read: String = scala.io.StdIn.readLine\n\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(read)\n\n def readInts(n: Int): Array[Int] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine;\n Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt)\n }\n\n def readLongs(n: Int): Array[Long] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine;\n Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong)\n }\n\n def readBigs(n: Int): Array[BigInt] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine;\n Array.fill(n)(BigInt(tl.nextToken))\n }\n }\n\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\nimport java.io.PrintWriter\nimport scala.annotation.tailrec\nimport scala.collection.mutable\nimport scala.util.Random\n\nobject P320A extends App {\n val sc = new Scanner(System.in)\n val out = new PrintWriter(System.out)\n \n\n def solve(): String = {\n\n @tailrec\n def loop(cs: List[Char]): String = cs match {\n case Nil => \"YES\"\n case '1' :: '4' :: '4' :: rest => loop(rest)\n case '1' :: '4' :: rest => loop(rest)\n case '1' :: rest => loop(rest)\n case _ => \"NO\"\n }\n\n loop(sc.nextLine.toList)\n }\n\n out.println(solve)\n out.close\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import java.io._\nimport java.util.Locale\nimport scala.annotation.tailrec\n\nobject Easy {\n val reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in))\n def readInt = reader.readLine().toInt\n def readInts = reader.readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n def readLongs = reader.readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toLong)\n\n val ans = reader.readLine().matches(\"(14{0,2})+\")\n val yesNoAns = Map(true -> \"YES\", false -> \"NO\")\n\n def main(a: Array[String]) {\n println(yesNoAns(ans))\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object Main {\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val s = readLine()\n val r = s.replaceAll(\"144\", \"a\").replaceAll(\"14\", \"a\").replaceAll(\"1\", \"a\")\n if (r.matches(\"a*\")) println(\"YES\")\n else println(\"NO\")\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "object CF320A extends App {\n override def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val s:String = readLine()\n var i = 0\n while (i < s.length()) {\n if (i+3 <= s.length() && s.substring(i, i+3) == \"144\")\n i += 3 \n else if (i + 2 <= s.length() && s.substring(i, i+2) == \"14\") i += 2\n else if (s.charAt(i) == '1') i += 1\n else {\n println(\"NO\")\n return\n } \n }\n println(\"YES\")\n } \n}"}, {"source_code": "object MagicNumbers {\n def main(args:Array[String]):Unit={\n val str=readLine\n println(solve(str))\n }\n def solve(str:String):String={\n// str.toCharArray.toList match {\n// case(\"144\"::string)=> solve(string)\n// case (\"14\"::string)=>solve(string)\n// case(\"1\"::string)=>solve(string)\n// case(str.length==0)=>\"YES\"\n// case(_)=>\"NO\"\n// }\n if(str.startsWith(\"144\")) solve(str.substring(3))\n else if(str.startsWith(\"14\")) solve(str.substring(2))\n else if(str.startsWith(\"1\")) solve(str.substring(1))\n else if(str.length==0) \"YES\"\n else \"NO\"\n }\n}"}], "negative_code": [{"source_code": "object A320 {\n\n import IO._\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val num = read\n if(num.replaceAll(\"144\", \"\").replaceAll(\"14\", \"\").replaceAll(\"1\", \"\").isEmpty) {\n println(\"YES\")\n } else {\n println(\"NO\")\n }\n }\n\n object IO {\n @inline def read: String = scala.io.StdIn.readLine\n\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(read)\n\n def readInts(n: Int): Array[Int] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine;\n Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt)\n }\n\n def readLongs(n: Int): Array[Long] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine;\n Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong)\n }\n\n def readBigs(n: Int): Array[BigInt] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine;\n Array.fill(n)(BigInt(tl.nextToken))\n }\n }\n\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object Main {\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val s = readLine()\n val r = s.replaceAll(\"144\", \"\").replaceAll(\"14\", \"\").replaceAll(\"1\", \"\")\n if (r.size == 0) println(\"YES\")\n else println(\"NO\")\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn\n\nobject Main {\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n if (StdIn.readLine.forall(char => char == '4' || char == '1')) print(\"YES\") else print(\"NO\")\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn\n\nobject Main {\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n var string = StdIn.readLine()\n while (string.contains(\"144\")) {\n string = string.replace(\"144\", \"\")\n }\n while (string.contains(\"14\")) {\n string = string.replace(\"14\", \"\")\n }\n if (string.forall(_ == '1')) println(\"YES\") else println(\"NO\")\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn\n\nobject Main {\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val string = StdIn.readLine()\n if (string.exists(char => char != '4' && char != '1') || !string.startsWith(\"1\")) print(\"NO\") else print(\"YES\")\n }\n}\n"}], "src_uid": "3153cfddae27fbd817caaf2cb7a6a4b5"} {"source_code": "object Main {\n import java.io.{BufferedReader, InputStream, InputStreamReader}\n import java.util.StringTokenizer\n import scala.reflect.ClassTag\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val out = new java.io.PrintWriter(System.out)\n new Main(out, new InputReader(System.in)).solve()\n out.flush()\n }\n\n private val oj = System.getenv(\"ATCODER_DEBUG\") == null\n def DEBUG(f: => Unit): Unit = {\n if (!oj){ f }\n }\n def debug(as: Array[Boolean]): Unit = if (!oj){ debug(as.map(x => if(x) \"1\" else \"0\").mkString) }\n def debug(as: Array[Int]): Unit = if (!oj){ debug(as.mkString(\" \")) }\n def debug(as: Array[Long]): Unit =if (!oj){ debug(as.mkString(\" \")) }\n def debugDim(m: Array[Array[Long]]): Unit = if (!oj){\n REP(m.length) { i =>\n debug(m(i))\n }\n }\n def debugDimFlip(m: Array[Array[Long]]): Unit = if (!oj){\n REP(m(0).length) { j =>\n REP(m.length) { i =>\n System.err.print(m(i)(j))\n System.err.print(\" \")\n }\n System.err.println()\n }\n }\n def debug(s: => String): Unit = DEBUG {\n System.err.println(s)\n }\n def debugL(num: => Long): Unit = DEBUG {\n System.err.println(num)\n }\n\n class InputReader(val stream: InputStream) {\n private val reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(stream), 32768)\n private var tokenizer: StringTokenizer = _\n\n def next(): String = {\n while (tokenizer == null || !tokenizer.hasMoreTokens)\n tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(reader.readLine)\n tokenizer.nextToken\n }\n\n def nextInt(): Int = Integer.parseInt(next())\n def nextLong(): Long = java.lang.Long.parseLong(next())\n def nextChar(): Char = next().charAt(0)\n\n def ni(): Int = nextInt()\n def nl(): Long = nextLong()\n def nc(): Char = nextChar()\n def ns(): String = next()\n def ns(n: Int): Array[Char] = ns().toCharArray\n def na(n: Int, offset: Int = 0): Array[Int] = map(n)(_ => ni() + offset)\n def na2(n: Int, offset: Int = 0): (Array[Int], Array[Int]) = {\n val A1, A2 = Array.ofDim[Int](n)\n REP(n) { i =>\n A1(i) = ni() + offset\n A2(i) = ni() + offset\n }\n (A1, A2)\n }\n def nm(n: Int, m: Int): Array[Array[Int]] = {\n val A = Array.ofDim[Int](n, m)\n REP(n) { i =>\n REP(m) { j =>\n A(i)(j) = ni()\n }\n }\n A\n }\n def nal(n: Int): Array[Long] = map(n)(_ => nl())\n def nm_c(n: Int, m: Int): Array[Array[Char]] = map(n) (_ => ns(m))\n }\n\n def REP(n: Int, offset: Int = 0)(f: Int => Unit): Unit = {\n var i = offset\n val N = n + offset\n while(i < N) { f(i); i += 1 }\n }\n def REP_r(n: Int, offset: Int = 0)(f: Int => Unit): Unit = {\n var i = n - 1 + offset\n while(i >= offset) { f(i); i -= 1 }\n }\n def TO(from: Int, to: Int)(f: Int => Unit): Unit = {\n REP(to - from + 1, from) { i =>\n f(i)\n }\n }\n def map[@specialized A: ClassTag](n: Int, offset: Int = 0)(f: Int => A): Array[A] = {\n val res = Array.ofDim[A](n)\n REP(n)(i => res(i) = f(i + offset))\n res\n }\n\n def sumL(as: Array[Int]): Long = {\n var s = 0L\n REP(as.length)(i => s += as(i))\n s\n }\n def cumSum(as: Array[Int]): Array[Long] = {\n val cum = Array.ofDim[Long](as.length + 1)\n REP(as.length) { i =>\n cum(i + 1) = cum(i) + as(i)\n }\n cum\n }\n}\n\nclass Main(out: java.io.PrintWriter, sc: Main.InputReader) {\n import sc._\n import Main._\n import java.util.Arrays.sort\n\n import scala.collection.mutable\n import math.{abs, max, min}\n import mutable.ArrayBuffer\n\n // toIntとか+7とかするならvalにしろ\n @inline private def MOD = 1000000007\n\n def solve(): Unit = {\n val N = ni()\n val A = na(N)\n\n val Inf = 1e9.toInt\n var ans = sumL(map(N - 1) { i =>\n (A(i), A(i + 1)) match {\n case (1, 2) => 3\n case (1, 3) => 4\n case (2, 1) => 3\n case (2, 3) => Inf\n case (3, 1) => 4\n case (3, 2) => Inf\n }\n })\n\n ans += sumL(map(N - 2) { i =>\n (A(i), A(i + 1), A(i + 2)) match {\n case (3, 1, 2) => -1\n case _ => 0\n }\n })\n\n if (ans >= Inf) out.println(\"Infinite\")\n else {\n out.println(\"Finite\")\n out.println(ans)\n }\n }\n}", "positive_code": [{"source_code": "object Main extends App {\n val n = readInt \n val a = readLine.split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n val result = a.foldLeft((0, 0, 0))((acc, next) => {\n if (acc._3 == -1) (0, 0, -1)\n else {\n (acc._1, acc._2, next) match {\n case (3, 1, 2) => (acc._2, next, acc._3 + 2)\n case (_, 1, 2) => (acc._2, next, acc._3 + 3)\n case (_, 1, 3) => (acc._2, next, acc._3 + 4)\n case (_, 2, 1) => (acc._2, next, acc._3 + 3)\n case (_, 3, 1) => (acc._2, next, acc._3 + 4)\n case (_, 0, _) => (acc._2, next, 0)\n case _ => (0, 0, -1)\n }\n }\n })\n\n if (result._3 < 0) {\n println(\"Infinite\")\n } else {\n println(\"Finite\")\n println(result._3)\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\n\nimport scala.io.StdIn\n\nobject Figures extends App {\n val line = new Scanner(StdIn.readLine())\n val n = line.nextInt()\n val a = StdIn.readLine().split(' ').map(_.toInt)\n var points = 0\n for(i <- 0 until n-1) {\n if (a(i) == 1) {\n if (a(i+1) == 2) {\n points += 3\n }\n if (a(i+1) == 3) {\n points += 4\n }\n }\n if (a(i) == 2) {\n if (a(i+1) == 1) {\n points += 3\n }\n if (a(i+1) == 3) {\n println(\"Infinite\")\n System.exit(0)\n }\n }\n if (a(i) == 3) {\n if (a(i+1) == 1) {\n points += 4\n if (i+2 < n && a(i+2) == 2) {\n points -= 1\n }\n }\n if (a(i+1) == 2) {\n println(\"Infinite\")\n System.exit(0)\n }\n }\n }\n println(\"Finite\")\n println(points)\n\n}\n"}], "negative_code": [{"source_code": "object Main {\n import java.io.{BufferedReader, InputStream, InputStreamReader}\n import java.util.StringTokenizer\n import scala.reflect.ClassTag\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val out = new java.io.PrintWriter(System.out)\n new Main(out, new InputReader(System.in)).solve()\n out.flush()\n }\n\n private val oj = System.getenv(\"ATCODER_DEBUG\") == null\n def DEBUG(f: => Unit): Unit = {\n if (!oj){ f }\n }\n def debug(as: Array[Boolean]): Unit = if (!oj){ debug(as.map(x => if(x) \"1\" else \"0\").mkString) }\n def debug(as: Array[Int]): Unit = if (!oj){ debug(as.mkString(\" \")) }\n def debug(as: Array[Long]): Unit =if (!oj){ debug(as.mkString(\" \")) }\n def debugDim(m: Array[Array[Long]]): Unit = if (!oj){\n REP(m.length) { i =>\n debug(m(i))\n }\n }\n def debugDimFlip(m: Array[Array[Long]]): Unit = if (!oj){\n REP(m(0).length) { j =>\n REP(m.length) { i =>\n System.err.print(m(i)(j))\n System.err.print(\" \")\n }\n System.err.println()\n }\n }\n def debug(s: => String): Unit = DEBUG {\n System.err.println(s)\n }\n def debugL(num: => Long): Unit = DEBUG {\n System.err.println(num)\n }\n\n class InputReader(val stream: InputStream) {\n private val reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(stream), 32768)\n private var tokenizer: StringTokenizer = _\n\n def next(): String = {\n while (tokenizer == null || !tokenizer.hasMoreTokens)\n tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(reader.readLine)\n tokenizer.nextToken\n }\n\n def nextInt(): Int = Integer.parseInt(next())\n def nextLong(): Long = java.lang.Long.parseLong(next())\n def nextChar(): Char = next().charAt(0)\n\n def ni(): Int = nextInt()\n def nl(): Long = nextLong()\n def nc(): Char = nextChar()\n def ns(): String = next()\n def ns(n: Int): Array[Char] = ns().toCharArray\n def na(n: Int, offset: Int = 0): Array[Int] = map(n)(_ => ni() + offset)\n def na2(n: Int, offset: Int = 0): (Array[Int], Array[Int]) = {\n val A1, A2 = Array.ofDim[Int](n)\n REP(n) { i =>\n A1(i) = ni() + offset\n A2(i) = ni() + offset\n }\n (A1, A2)\n }\n def nm(n: Int, m: Int): Array[Array[Int]] = {\n val A = Array.ofDim[Int](n, m)\n REP(n) { i =>\n REP(m) { j =>\n A(i)(j) = ni()\n }\n }\n A\n }\n def nal(n: Int): Array[Long] = map(n)(_ => nl())\n def nm_c(n: Int, m: Int): Array[Array[Char]] = map(n) (_ => ns(m))\n }\n\n def REP(n: Int, offset: Int = 0)(f: Int => Unit): Unit = {\n var i = offset\n val N = n + offset\n while(i < N) { f(i); i += 1 }\n }\n def REP_r(n: Int, offset: Int = 0)(f: Int => Unit): Unit = {\n var i = n - 1 + offset\n while(i >= offset) { f(i); i -= 1 }\n }\n def TO(from: Int, to: Int)(f: Int => Unit): Unit = {\n REP(to - from + 1, from) { i =>\n f(i)\n }\n }\n def map[@specialized A: ClassTag](n: Int, offset: Int = 0)(f: Int => A): Array[A] = {\n val res = Array.ofDim[A](n)\n REP(n)(i => res(i) = f(i + offset))\n res\n }\n\n def sumL(as: Array[Int]): Long = {\n var s = 0L\n REP(as.length)(i => s += as(i))\n s\n }\n def cumSum(as: Array[Int]): Array[Long] = {\n val cum = Array.ofDim[Long](as.length + 1)\n REP(as.length) { i =>\n cum(i + 1) = cum(i) + as(i)\n }\n cum\n }\n}\n\nclass Main(out: java.io.PrintWriter, sc: Main.InputReader) {\n import sc._\n import Main._\n import java.util.Arrays.sort\n\n import scala.collection.mutable\n import math.{abs, max, min}\n import mutable.ArrayBuffer\n\n // toIntとか+7とかするならvalにしろ\n @inline private def MOD = 1000000007\n\n def solve(): Unit = {\n val N = ni()\n val A = na(N)\n\n val Inf = 1e9.toInt\n val ans = sumL(map(N - 1) { i =>\n (A(i), A(i + 1)) match {\n case (1, 2) => 3\n case (1, 3) => 4\n case (2, 1) => 3\n case (2, 3) => Inf\n case (3, 1) => 4\n case (3, 2) => Inf\n }\n })\n\n if (ans >= Inf) out.println(\"Infinite\")\n else {\n out.println(\"Finite\")\n out.println(ans)\n }\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "object Main extends App {\n val n = readInt \n val a = readLine.split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n val result = a.foldLeft((0, 0, 0))((acc, next) => {\n if (acc._3 == -1) (0, 0, -1)\n else {\n (acc._1, acc._2, next) match {\n case (2, 1, 3) => (acc._2, next, acc._3 + 3)\n case (_, 1, 2) => (acc._2, next, acc._3 + 3)\n case (_, 1, 3) => (acc._2, next, acc._3 + 4)\n case (_, 2, 1) => (acc._2, next, acc._3 + 3)\n case (_, 3, 1) => (acc._2, next, acc._3 + 4)\n case (_, 0, _) => (acc._2, next, 0)\n case _ => (0, 0, -1)\n }\n }\n })\n\n if (result._3 < 0) {\n println(\"Infinite\")\n } else {\n println(\"Finite\")\n println(result._3)\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "object Main extends App {\n val n = readInt \n val a = readLine.split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n val result = a.foldLeft((0, 0))((acc, next) => {\n if (acc._2 == -1) (0, -1)\n else {\n (acc._1, next) match {\n case (1, 2) => (next, acc._2 + 3)\n case (2, 1) => (next, acc._2 + 3)\n case (1, 3) => (next, acc._2 + 4)\n case (3, 1) => (next, acc._2 + 4)\n case (0, _) => (next, 0)\n case (_, _) => (0, -1)\n }\n }\n })\n\n if (result._2 < 0) {\n println(\"Infinite\")\n } else {\n println(\"Finite\")\n println(result._2)\n }\n}"}], "src_uid": "6c8f028f655cc77b05ed89a668273702"} {"source_code": "object Main {\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val s = new Main()\n s.solve()\n s.out.flush()\n }\n}\n\nclass Main {\n import java.io._\n import java.util.StringTokenizer\n\n import scala.collection.mutable\n import scala.util.Sorting\n import math.{abs, max, min}\n import mutable.{ArrayBuffer, ListBuffer}\n import scala.reflect.ClassTag\n\n val MOD = 1000000007\n val out = new PrintWriter(System.out)\n\n def solve(): Unit = {\n val N = ni()\n if (N == 1) {\n out.println(s\"1 0\")\n } else {\n val f = factorize(N)\n val mul = f.keys.product\n val maxPow = f.values.max\n val minPow = f.values.min\n val lg = if (maxPow == 1 ) 0 else log2(maxPow - 1) + 1\n val cnt = lg + (if (minPow == maxPow && isPow2(maxPow)) 0 else 1)\n out.println(s\"$mul $cnt\")\n }\n }\n\n def isPow2(n: Int): Boolean = {\n Integer.highestOneBit(n) == n\n }\n\n /**\n * *注意* IntをLongにして使わないこと\n */\n def factorize(n: Int): mutable.Map[Int, Int] = {\n import scala.collection.mutable\n val res = mutable.Map[Int, Int]() withDefaultValue 0\n\n def minFactor(n0: Int, rt: Int, i: Int): Int = {\n if (i > rt) n0 // √n まで見つからなかったら n0は素数か1\n else if (n0 % i == 0) i\n else minFactor(n0, rt, i + 1)\n }\n\n def step(n0: Int): Unit = {\n minFactor(n0, math.sqrt(n0).toInt, 2) match {\n case 1 =>\n case f =>\n res(f) = res(f) + 1\n step(n0 / f)\n }\n }\n\n step(n)\n res\n }\n\n /**\n * log2して小数点切り捨てたもの\n */\n def log2(x: Int): Int = {\n var a = Integer.highestOneBit(x)\n var i = 0\n while(a > 1) {\n i += 1\n a >>>= 1\n }\n i\n }\n\n class InputReader(val stream: InputStream) {\n private val reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(stream), 32768)\n private var tokenizer: StringTokenizer = _\n\n def next(): String = {\n while (tokenizer == null || !tokenizer.hasMoreTokens)\n tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(reader.readLine)\n tokenizer.nextToken\n }\n\n def nextInt(): Int = next().toInt\n def nextLong(): Long = next().toLong\n def nextChar(): Char = next().charAt(0)\n }\n val sc = new InputReader(System.in)\n def ni(): Int = sc.nextInt()\n def nl(): Long = sc.nextLong()\n def nc(): Char = sc.nextChar()\n def ns(): String = sc.next()\n def ns(n: Int): Array[Char] = ns().toCharArray\n def na(n: Int, offset: Int = 0): Array[Int] = map(n)(_ => ni() + offset)\n def na2(n: Int, offset: Int = 0): (Array[Int], Array[Int]) = {\n val A1, A2 = Array.ofDim[Int](n)\n rep(n) { i =>\n A1(i) = ni() + offset\n A2(i) = ni() + offset\n }\n (A1, A2)\n }\n def nm(n: Int, m: Int): Array[Array[Int]] = {\n val A = Array.ofDim[Int](n, m)\n rep(n) { i =>\n rep(m) { j =>\n A(i)(j) = ni()\n }\n }\n A\n }\n def nal(n: Int): Array[Long] = map(n)(_ => nl())\n def nm_c(n: Int, m: Int): Array[Array[Char]] = map(n) (_ => ns(m))\n def rep(n: Int, offset: Int = 0)(f: Int => Unit): Unit = {\n var i = offset\n val N = n + offset\n while(i < N) { f(i); i += 1 }\n }\n def rep_r(n: Int, offset: Int = 0)(f: Int => Unit): Unit = {\n var i = n - 1 + offset\n while(i >= offset) { f(i); i -= 1 }\n }\n\n def map[@specialized A: ClassTag](n: Int, offset: Int = 0)(f: Int => A): Array[A] = {\n val res = Array.ofDim[A](n)\n rep(n)(i => res(i) = f(i + offset))\n res\n }\n\n\n def sumL(as: Array[Int]): Long = {\n var s = 0L\n rep(as.length)(i => s += as(i))\n s\n }\n\n def cumSum(as: Array[Int]) = {\n val cum = Array.ofDim[Int](as.length + 1)\n rep(as.length) { i =>\n cum(i + 1) = cum(i) + as(i)\n }\n cum\n }\n}", "positive_code": [{"source_code": "//package codeforce520\n\nimport scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer\n\nobject B {\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val reader = scala.io.StdIn\n\n val n = reader.readInt()\n\n val sieve = ArrayBuffer.fill(n + 1)(1)\n sieve(0) = 0\n sieve(1) = 0\n\n (2 until sieve.size) foreach {i =>\n if (sieve(i) == 1) {\n val j = i\n var c = 2\n while (j * c < sieve.size) {\n sieve(j * c) = 0\n c += 1\n }\n }\n }\n\n val prime = sieve.zipWithIndex.filter(_._1 == 1).map(_._2)\n\n val factor = prime.map{p =>\n var c = 0\n var t = n\n\n while (t % p == 0 && t > 0) {\n c += 1\n t = t / p\n }\n\n (p , c)\n }.filter(_._2 > 0)\n //println(factor.mkString(\" \"))\n\n val minValue = factor.map(_._1).foldLeft(1)(_ * _)\n val need1Operation = factor.map(_._2).toSet.size == 1\n var mult = true\n\n var maxP = if (factor.size > 0) factor.map(_._2).max else 0\n var minO = 0\n var pick = 1\n while(pick < maxP) {\n minO += 1\n pick *= 2\n }\n\n if (pick > maxP) {\n minO += 1\n mult = false\n }\n\n if (!need1Operation && mult == true) minO += 1\n\n if (n <= 3) {\n println(s\"$n 0\")\n }\n else {\n println(s\"$minValue $minO\")\n }\n\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import scala.collection.mutable\nimport scala.io.StdIn\n\nobject Codeforces1062B {\n\n def getMinimumOperation(n: Int): (Int, Int) = {\n val primeFactors = getPrimeFactorization(n)\n\n if (isUniquePrimeFactors(primeFactors))\n return (multiply(primeFactors.keys), 0)\n\n var totalSteps = 0\n\n val maxPower = primeFactors.values.max\n if (!isPowerOfTwo(maxPower) || !primeFactors.values.forall(_ == maxPower)) {\n totalSteps += 1\n }\n val powerOfTwo = getNextPowerOfTwo(maxPower)\n totalSteps += powerOfTwo\n\n (multiply(primeFactors.keys), totalSteps)\n }\n\n def isPowerOfTwo(n: Int): Boolean = (n & (n - 1)) == 0\n\n def getNextPowerOfTwo(n: Int): Int = {\n var poweredNumber = 2L\n var power = 1\n while (poweredNumber < n) {\n poweredNumber *= 2\n power += 1\n }\n power\n }\n\n def multiply(numbers: Iterable[Int]): Int = {\n var result = 1\n for (number <- numbers) result *= number\n result\n }\n\n\n def isUniquePrimeFactors(primeFactors: mutable.Map[Int, Int]): Boolean =\n primeFactors.values.forall(_ == 1)\n\n def getPrimeFactorization(n: Int): mutable.Map[Int, Int] = {\n val primeFactors = new mutable.HashMap[Int, Int]()\n var remainingNumber = n\n val sqrtN = math.sqrt(n).toInt\n for (primeCandidate <- 2 to sqrtN) {\n if (remainingNumber % primeCandidate == 0) {\n primeFactors(primeCandidate) = 0\n while (remainingNumber % primeCandidate == 0) {\n primeFactors(primeCandidate) += 1\n remainingNumber /= primeCandidate\n }\n }\n }\n\n if (remainingNumber != 1) {\n primeFactors(remainingNumber) = 1\n }\n\n primeFactors\n }\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val n = StdIn.readLine.trim.toInt\n\n val result = getMinimumOperation(n)\n\n println(s\"${result._1} ${result._2}\")\n }\n}\n"}], "negative_code": [{"source_code": "object Main {\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val s = new Main()\n s.solve()\n s.out.flush()\n }\n}\n\nclass Main {\n import java.io._\n import java.util.StringTokenizer\n\n import scala.collection.mutable\n import scala.util.Sorting\n import math.{abs, max, min}\n import mutable.{ArrayBuffer, ListBuffer}\n import scala.reflect.ClassTag\n\n val MOD = 1000000007\n val out = new PrintWriter(System.out)\n\n def solve(): Unit = {\n val N = ni()\n if (N == 1) {\n out.println(s\"1 0\")\n } else {\n val f = factorize(N)\n val mul = f.keys.product\n val maxPow = f.values.max\n val minPow = f.values.min\n val lg = if (maxPow == 1 ) 0 else log2(maxPow - 1) + 1\n val cnt = lg + (if (minPow == maxPow) 0 else 1)\n out.println(s\"$mul $cnt\")\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * *注意* IntをLongにして使わないこと\n */\n def factorize(n: Int): mutable.Map[Int, Int] = {\n import scala.collection.mutable\n val res = mutable.Map[Int, Int]() withDefaultValue 0\n\n def minFactor(n0: Int, rt: Int, i: Int): Int = {\n if (i > rt) n0 // √n まで見つからなかったら n0は素数か1\n else if (n0 % i == 0) i\n else minFactor(n0, rt, i + 1)\n }\n\n def step(n0: Int): Unit = {\n minFactor(n0, math.sqrt(n0).toInt, 2) match {\n case 1 =>\n case f =>\n res(f) = res(f) + 1\n step(n0 / f)\n }\n }\n\n step(n)\n res\n }\n\n /**\n * log2して小数点切り捨てたもの\n */\n def log2(x: Int): Int = {\n var a = Integer.highestOneBit(x)\n var i = 0\n while(a > 1) {\n i += 1\n a >>>= 1\n }\n i\n }\n\n class InputReader(val stream: InputStream) {\n private val reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(stream), 32768)\n private var tokenizer: StringTokenizer = _\n\n def next(): String = {\n while (tokenizer == null || !tokenizer.hasMoreTokens)\n tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(reader.readLine)\n tokenizer.nextToken\n }\n\n def nextInt(): Int = next().toInt\n def nextLong(): Long = next().toLong\n def nextChar(): Char = next().charAt(0)\n }\n val sc = new InputReader(System.in)\n def ni(): Int = sc.nextInt()\n def nl(): Long = sc.nextLong()\n def nc(): Char = sc.nextChar()\n def ns(): String = sc.next()\n def ns(n: Int): Array[Char] = ns().toCharArray\n def na(n: Int, offset: Int = 0): Array[Int] = map(n)(_ => ni() + offset)\n def na2(n: Int, offset: Int = 0): (Array[Int], Array[Int]) = {\n val A1, A2 = Array.ofDim[Int](n)\n rep(n) { i =>\n A1(i) = ni() + offset\n A2(i) = ni() + offset\n }\n (A1, A2)\n }\n def nm(n: Int, m: Int): Array[Array[Int]] = {\n val A = Array.ofDim[Int](n, m)\n rep(n) { i =>\n rep(m) { j =>\n A(i)(j) = ni()\n }\n }\n A\n }\n def nal(n: Int): Array[Long] = map(n)(_ => nl())\n def nm_c(n: Int, m: Int): Array[Array[Char]] = map(n) (_ => ns(m))\n def rep(n: Int, offset: Int = 0)(f: Int => Unit): Unit = {\n var i = offset\n val N = n + offset\n while(i < N) { f(i); i += 1 }\n }\n def rep_r(n: Int, offset: Int = 0)(f: Int => Unit): Unit = {\n var i = n - 1 + offset\n while(i >= offset) { f(i); i -= 1 }\n }\n\n def map[@specialized A: ClassTag](n: Int, offset: Int = 0)(f: Int => A): Array[A] = {\n val res = Array.ofDim[A](n)\n rep(n)(i => res(i) = f(i + offset))\n res\n }\n\n\n def sumL(as: Array[Int]): Long = {\n var s = 0L\n rep(as.length)(i => s += as(i))\n s\n }\n\n def cumSum(as: Array[Int]) = {\n val cum = Array.ofDim[Int](as.length + 1)\n rep(as.length) { i =>\n cum(i + 1) = cum(i) + as(i)\n }\n cum\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "object Main {\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val s = new Main()\n s.solve()\n s.out.flush()\n }\n}\n\nclass Main {\n import java.io._\n import java.util.StringTokenizer\n\n import scala.collection.mutable\n import scala.util.Sorting\n import math.{abs, max, min}\n import mutable.{ArrayBuffer, ListBuffer}\n import scala.reflect.ClassTag\n\n val MOD = 1000000007\n val out = new PrintWriter(System.out)\n\n def solve(): Unit = {\n val N = ni()\n if (N == 1) {\n out.println(s\"1 0\")\n } else {\n val f = factorize(N)\n val mul = f.keys.product\n val maxPow = f.values.max\n val minPow = f.values.min\n val cnt = log2(maxPow - 1) + 1 + (if (minPow == maxPow) 0 else 1)\n out.println(s\"$mul $cnt\")\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * *注意* IntをLongにして使わないこと\n */\n def factorize(n: Int): mutable.Map[Int, Int] = {\n import scala.collection.mutable\n val res = mutable.Map[Int, Int]() withDefaultValue 0\n\n def minFactor(n0: Int, rt: Int, i: Int): Int = {\n if (i > rt) n0 // √n まで見つからなかったら n0は素数か1\n else if (n0 % i == 0) i\n else minFactor(n0, rt, i + 1)\n }\n\n def step(n0: Int): Unit = {\n minFactor(n0, math.sqrt(n0).toInt, 2) match {\n case 1 =>\n case f =>\n res(f) = res(f) + 1\n step(n0 / f)\n }\n }\n\n step(n)\n res\n }\n\n /**\n * log2して小数点切り捨てたもの\n */\n def log2(x: Int): Int = {\n var a = Integer.highestOneBit(x)\n var i = 0\n while(a > 1) {\n i += 1\n a >>>= 1\n }\n i\n }\n\n class InputReader(val stream: InputStream) {\n private val reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(stream), 32768)\n private var tokenizer: StringTokenizer = _\n\n def next(): String = {\n while (tokenizer == null || !tokenizer.hasMoreTokens)\n tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(reader.readLine)\n tokenizer.nextToken\n }\n\n def nextInt(): Int = next().toInt\n def nextLong(): Long = next().toLong\n def nextChar(): Char = next().charAt(0)\n }\n val sc = new InputReader(System.in)\n def ni(): Int = sc.nextInt()\n def nl(): Long = sc.nextLong()\n def nc(): Char = sc.nextChar()\n def ns(): String = sc.next()\n def ns(n: Int): Array[Char] = ns().toCharArray\n def na(n: Int, offset: Int = 0): Array[Int] = map(n)(_ => ni() + offset)\n def na2(n: Int, offset: Int = 0): (Array[Int], Array[Int]) = {\n val A1, A2 = Array.ofDim[Int](n)\n rep(n) { i =>\n A1(i) = ni() + offset\n A2(i) = ni() + offset\n }\n (A1, A2)\n }\n def nm(n: Int, m: Int): Array[Array[Int]] = {\n val A = Array.ofDim[Int](n, m)\n rep(n) { i =>\n rep(m) { j =>\n A(i)(j) = ni()\n }\n }\n A\n }\n def nal(n: Int): Array[Long] = map(n)(_ => nl())\n def nm_c(n: Int, m: Int): Array[Array[Char]] = map(n) (_ => ns(m))\n def rep(n: Int, offset: Int = 0)(f: Int => Unit): Unit = {\n var i = offset\n val N = n + offset\n while(i < N) { f(i); i += 1 }\n }\n def rep_r(n: Int, offset: Int = 0)(f: Int => Unit): Unit = {\n var i = n - 1 + offset\n while(i >= offset) { f(i); i -= 1 }\n }\n\n def map[@specialized A: ClassTag](n: Int, offset: Int = 0)(f: Int => A): Array[A] = {\n val res = Array.ofDim[A](n)\n rep(n)(i => res(i) = f(i + offset))\n res\n }\n\n\n def sumL(as: Array[Int]): Long = {\n var s = 0L\n rep(as.length)(i => s += as(i))\n s\n }\n\n def cumSum(as: Array[Int]) = {\n val cum = Array.ofDim[Int](as.length + 1)\n rep(as.length) { i =>\n cum(i + 1) = cum(i) + as(i)\n }\n cum\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "//package codeforce520\n\nimport scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer\n\nobject B {\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val reader = scala.io.StdIn\n\n val n = reader.readInt()\n\n val sieve = ArrayBuffer.fill(n + 1)(1)\n sieve(0) = 0\n sieve(1) = 0\n\n (2 until sieve.size) foreach {i =>\n if (sieve(i) == 1) {\n val j = i\n var c = 2\n while (j * c < sieve.size) {\n sieve(j * c) = 0\n c += 1\n }\n }\n }\n\n val prime = sieve.zipWithIndex.filter(_._1 == 1).map(_._2)\n\n val factor = prime.map{p =>\n var c = 0\n var t = n\n\n while (t % p == 0 && t > 0) {\n c += 1\n t = t / p\n }\n\n (p , c)\n }.filter(_._2 > 0)\n //println(factor.mkString(\" \"))\n\n val minValue = factor.map(_._1).foldLeft(1)(_ * _)\n val need1Operation = factor.map(_._2).toSet.size == 1\n var mult = false\n\n var maxP = if (factor.size > 0) factor.map(_._2).max else 0\n var minO = 0\n var pick = 1\n while(pick < maxP) {\n minO += 1\n pick *= 2\n }\n\n if (pick > maxP) minO += 1\n\n if (!need1Operation || mult == true) minO += 1\n\n if (n <= 3) {\n println(s\"$n 0\")\n }\n else {\n println(s\"$minValue $minO\")\n }\n\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "//package codeforce520\n\nimport scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer\n\nobject B {\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val reader = scala.io.StdIn\n\n val n = reader.readInt()\n val length = (n + 1) / 2\n\n val sieve = ArrayBuffer.fill(length + 1)(1)\n sieve(0) = 0\n sieve(1) = 0\n\n (2 until sieve.size) foreach {i =>\n if (sieve(i) == 1) {\n val j = i\n var c = 2\n while (j * c < sieve.size) {\n sieve(j * c) = 0\n c += 1\n }\n }\n }\n\n val prime = sieve.zipWithIndex.filter(_._1 == 1).map(_._2)\n\n val factor = prime.map{p =>\n var c = 0\n var t = n\n while (t % p == 0 && t > 0) {\n c += 1\n t = t / p\n }\n\n (p , c)\n }.filter(_._2 > 0)\n\n val minValue = factor.map(_._1).foldLeft(1)(_ * _)\n val need1Operation = factor.map(_._2).toSet.size == 1\n var minOperation = (factor.map(_._2).max / 2)\n if (!need1Operation) minOperation += 1\n println(s\"$minValue $minOperation\")\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "//package codeforce520\n\nimport scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer\n\nobject B {\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val reader = scala.io.StdIn\n\n val n = reader.readInt()\n\n val sieve = ArrayBuffer.fill(n + 1)(1)\n sieve(0) = 0\n sieve(1) = 0\n\n (2 until sieve.size) foreach {i =>\n if (sieve(i) == 1) {\n val j = i\n var c = 2\n while (j * c < sieve.size) {\n sieve(j * c) = 0\n c += 1\n }\n }\n }\n\n val prime = sieve.zipWithIndex.filter(_._1 == 1).map(_._2)\n\n val factor = prime.map{p =>\n var c = 0\n var t = n\n\n while (t % p == 0 && t > 0) {\n c += 1\n t = t / p\n }\n\n (p , c)\n }.filter(_._2 > 0)\n //println(factor.mkString(\" \"))\n\n val minValue = factor.map(_._1).foldLeft(1)(_ * _)\n val need1Operation = factor.map(_._2).toSet.size == 1\n var mult = false\n\n var maxP = if (factor.size > 0) factor.map(_._2).max else 0\n var minO = 0\n while(maxP > 1) {\n if (maxP % 2 == 0) {\n maxP = maxP / 2\n }\n else {\n maxP = maxP - 1\n mult = true\n }\n minO += 1\n }\n\n if (!need1Operation || mult == true) minO += 1\n\n if (n <= 3) {\n println(s\"$n 0\")\n }\n else {\n println(s\"$minValue $minO\")\n }\n\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "//package codeforce520\n\nimport scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer\n\nobject B {\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val reader = scala.io.StdIn\n\n val n = reader.readInt()\n\n val sieve = ArrayBuffer.fill(n + 1)(1)\n sieve(0) = 0\n sieve(1) = 0\n\n (2 until sieve.size) foreach {i =>\n if (sieve(i) == 1) {\n val j = i\n var c = 2\n while (j * c < sieve.size) {\n sieve(j * c) = 0\n c += 1\n }\n }\n }\n\n val prime = sieve.zipWithIndex.filter(_._1 == 1).map(_._2)\n\n val factor = prime.map{p =>\n var c = 0\n var t = n\n\n while (t % p == 0 && t > 0) {\n c += 1\n t = t / p\n }\n\n (p , c)\n }.filter(_._2 > 0)\n //println(factor.mkString(\" \"))\n\n val minValue = factor.map(_._1).foldLeft(1)(_ * _)\n val need1Operation = factor.map(_._2).toSet.size == 1\n var mult = false\n\n var maxP = if (factor.size > 0) factor.map(_._2).max else 0\n var minO = 0\n while(maxP > 1) {\n if (maxP % 2 == 0) {\n maxP = maxP / 2\n }\n else {\n maxP = maxP - 1\n mult = true\n }\n minO += 1\n }\n\n if (!need1Operation || mult == true) minO += 1\n\n println(s\"$minValue $minO\")\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import scala.collection.mutable\nimport scala.io.StdIn\n\nobject Codeforces1062B {\n\n def getMinimumOperation(n: Int): (Int, Int) = {\n val primeFactors = getPrimeFactorization(n)\n\n var totalSteps = 0\n\n val maxPower = primeFactors.values.max\n if (!isPowerOfTwo(maxPower) || !primeFactors.values.forall(_ == maxPower)) {\n totalSteps += 1\n }\n val powerOfTwo = getNextPowerOfTwo(maxPower)\n totalSteps += powerOfTwo\n\n (multiply(primeFactors.keys), totalSteps)\n }\n\n def isPowerOfTwo(n: Int): Boolean = (n & (n - 1)) == 0\n\n def getNextPowerOfTwo(n: Int): Int = {\n var poweredNumber = 2L\n var power = 1\n while (poweredNumber < n) {\n poweredNumber *= 2\n power += 1\n }\n power\n }\n\n def multiply(numbers: Iterable[Int]): Int = {\n var result = 1\n for (number <- numbers) result *= number\n result\n }\n\n\n def isUniquePrimeFactors(primeFactors: mutable.Map[Int, Int]): Boolean =\n primeFactors.values.forall(_ == 1)\n\n def getPrimeFactorization(n: Int): mutable.Map[Int, Int] = {\n val primeFactors = new mutable.HashMap[Int, Int]()\n var remainingNumber = n\n val sqrtN = math.sqrt(n).toInt\n for (primeCandidate <- 2 to sqrtN) {\n if (remainingNumber % primeCandidate == 0) {\n primeFactors(primeCandidate) = 0\n while (remainingNumber % primeCandidate == 0) {\n primeFactors(primeCandidate) += 1\n remainingNumber /= primeCandidate\n }\n }\n }\n\n if (remainingNumber != 1) {\n primeFactors(remainingNumber) = 1\n }\n\n primeFactors\n }\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val n = StdIn.readLine.trim.toInt\n\n val result = getMinimumOperation(n)\n\n println(s\"${result._1} ${result._2}\")\n }\n}\n"}], "src_uid": "212cda3d9d611cd45332bb10b80f0b56"} {"source_code": "object Solution extends App {\n val in = scala.io.Source.stdin.getLines()\n val Array(n, k) = in.next().split(' ').map(_.toInt)\n val count = n - Math.min(n, k - 2 * n)\n println(count)\n}\n", "positive_code": [{"source_code": "object A194 {\n\n import IO._\n import collection.{mutable => cu}\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n var Array(n, k) = readInts(2)\n k -= 2*n\n if(k <= n) {\n println(n-k)\n } else {\n println(\"0\")\n }\n }\n\n object IO {\n private val input = new java.io.BufferedReader(new java.io.InputStreamReader(System.in))\n\n @inline def read: String = input.readLine()\n\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(read)\n\n def readInt: Int = tokenizeLine.nextToken.toInt\n\n def readInts(n: Int): Array[Int] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine\n Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt)\n }\n\n def readLongs(n: Int): Array[Long] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine\n Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong)\n }\n\n def readBigs(n: Int): Array[BigInt] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine\n Array.fill(n)(BigInt(tl.nextToken))\n }\n }\n\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object Main {\n\tdef main(args: Array[String]) {\n\t\tval result = {\n\t\t\tval (n, k) = {\n\t\t\t\tval line = readLine()\n\t\t\t\tval sp = line.split(' ')\n\t\t\t\tval p = sp.map(Integer.parseInt(_))\n\t\t\t\t(p(0), p(1))\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tval lowest = k / n\n\t\t\tif (lowest > 2) 0\n\t\t\telse n*3 - k\n\t\t}\n\t\tprint(result)\n\t}\n}"}, {"source_code": "import java.util._\n\nobject Main {\n\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val in = new Scanner(System.in)\n val n = in.nextInt\n val s = in.nextInt - 2 * n\n if (s >= n) {\n println(0)\n } else {\n println(n - s)\n }\n }\n\n}"}, {"source_code": "object Main {\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val Array(n, k) = readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n if (k / 3 >= n) println(\"0\")\n else println(n - (k - (k / n) * n))\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "object Main extends App{\n val in = readLine\n val Array(n, k)=in.split(' ').map(_.toInt)\n val count = n -Math.min(n, k -2* n)\n println(count)\n}"}, {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\nimport math.min\nimport math.max\n\nobject Main {\n\n def main(args:Array[String]) {\n val scanner = new Scanner(System.in)\n val n, k = scanner.nextInt()\n val ans = max (0, min (n, 3 * n - k))\n println (ans)\n }\n\n}\n\n// vim: set ts=4 sw=4 et:\n"}], "negative_code": [{"source_code": "object Main {\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val Array(n, k) = readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n if (k / 3 >= n) println(\"0\")\n else println(n - (k - (k / 2) * 2))\n }\n}"}], "src_uid": "5a5e46042c3f18529a03cb5c868df7e8"} {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn\n\nobject Codeforces1030A extends App {\n val n = StdIn.readLine().toInt\n val hard = StdIn.readLine().split(\"\\\\s\").map(n => n == \"1\")\n\n val allEasy = !hard.contains(true)\n\n printf(if (allEasy) \"EASY\" else \"HARD\")\n}\n", "positive_code": [{"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn\nobject EasyProblem extends App\n{\n val numOfPersons = StdIn.readInt()\n val input = StdIn.readLine().split(' ').map(_.toInt)\n var hard = 0\n for(i <- input.indices)\n {\n if(input(i) == 1)\n {\n hard += 1\n }\n }\n if(hard > 0)\n {\n println(\"HARD\")\n } else println(\"EASY\")\n}"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn\n\nobject cf1030a {\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val _ = StdIn.readInt()\n val in = StdIn.readLine().split(' ').map(_.toInt)\n\n if (in.sum > 0) {\n println(\"HARD\")\n } else {\n println(\"EASY\")\n }\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn.readLine\n\nobject A1030 {\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val _ = readLine\n val answer = if (Helper.readToListInts.contains(1)) \"HARD\" else \"EASY\"\n println(answer)\n }\n}\n\nobject Helper {\n def readInt: Int = readLine.toInt\n def readToListInts: List[Int] = readLine.split(\" \").map(_.toInt).toList\n def readToVectorInts: Vector[Int] = readLine.split(\" \").map(_.toInt).toVector\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn\n\nobject Main {\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val n = StdIn.readLine()\n val s = StdIn.readLine()\n if(solve(s)) println(\"HARD\")\n else println(\"EASY\")\n }\n\n def solve(s: String): Boolean = {\n s.contains('1')\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "import io.StdIn._\nobject InSearchOfEasyproblem {\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n var number = readInt()\n var inputs: Array[Int] = readLine().split(\" \").map(t => s\"$t\".toInt)\n val answer = inputs.sum match {\n case 0 => \"EASY\"\n case _ => \"HARD\"\n }\n println(answer)\n }\n\n}"}, {"source_code": "object InSearchofanEasyProblem1030A extends App{\n import java.io.{InputStream, PrintStream}\n import java.util.Scanner\n solve(System.in,System.out)\n def solve(in: InputStream, out: PrintStream): Unit = {\n val scanner = new Scanner(in)\n val n = scanner.nextInt()\n val isHard = (1 to n).foldLeft(0){case (current,_) => current + scanner.nextInt()} > 0\n out.println(s\"${if(isHard) \"HARD\" else \"EASY\"}\")\n\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn\n\nobject Main2 extends App {\n val personNumber = StdIn.readInt()\n val difficulties = StdIn.readLine()\n println(if (difficulties.contains(\"1\")) \"hard\" else \"easy\")\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn._\n\nobject TaskA extends App {\n readInt\n println(if (readLine.split(\" \").contains(\"1\")) \"HARD\" else \"EASY\")\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object Main {\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val s = new Main()\n s.solve()\n s.out.flush()\n }\n}\n\nclass Main {\n import java.io._\n import java.util.StringTokenizer\n\n import scala.collection.mutable\n import scala.util.Sorting\n import math.{abs, max, min}\n import mutable.{ArrayBuffer, ListBuffer}\n import scala.reflect.ClassTag\n\n val MOD = 1000000007\n val out = new PrintWriter(System.out)\n\n def solve(): Unit = {\n val N = ni()\n val A = na(N)\n val ok = A.forall(_ == 0)\n val ans = if(ok) \"EASY\" else \"HARD\"\n out.println(ans)\n }\n\n\n class InputReader(val stream: InputStream) {\n private val reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(stream), 32768)\n private var tokenizer: StringTokenizer = _\n\n def next(): String = {\n while (tokenizer == null || !tokenizer.hasMoreTokens)\n tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(reader.readLine)\n tokenizer.nextToken\n }\n\n def nextInt(): Int = next().toInt\n def nextLong(): Long = next().toLong\n def nextChar(): Char = next().charAt(0)\n }\n val sc = new InputReader(System.in)\n def ni(): Int = sc.nextInt()\n def nl(): Long = sc.nextLong()\n def nc(): Char = sc.nextChar()\n def ns(): String = sc.next()\n def ns(n: Int): Array[Char] = ns().toCharArray\n def na(n: Int): Array[Int] = map(n)(_ => ni())\n def nal(n: Int): Array[Long] = map(n)(_ => nl())\n def nm(n: Int, m: Int): Array[Array[Char]] = map(n) (_ => ns(m))\n def rep(n: Int, offset: Int = 0)(f: Int => Unit): Unit = {\n var i = offset\n val N = n + offset\n while(i < N) { f(i); i += 1 }\n }\n def rep_r(n: Int, offset: Int = 0)(f: Int => Unit): Unit = {\n var i = n - 1 + offset\n while(i >= offset) { f(i); i -= 1 }\n }\n\n def map[@specialized A: ClassTag](n: Int)(f: Int => A): Array[A] = {\n val res = Array.ofDim[A](n)\n rep(n)(i => res(i) = f(i))\n res\n }\n\n def sumL(as: Array[Int]): Long = {\n var s = 0L\n rep(as.length)(i => s += as(i))\n s\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object A {\n def main(args: Array[String]) = {\n val n = scala.io.StdIn.readInt()\n if (scala.io.StdIn.readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt).sum > 0) {\n System.out.println(\"HARD\")\n } else {\n System.out.println(\"EASY\")\n }\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\nimport scala.io.StdIn\nobject Toto extends App {\n val n = StdIn.readInt()\n val data = new Scanner (StdIn.readLine())\n val hard =\n (1 to n).foldLeft(false) {\n (acc, _) =>\n val x = data.nextInt()\n acc || (x == 1)\n }\n if (hard){println(\"HARD\")} else {println(\"EASY\")}\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn._\n\nobject Solution {\n\tval n = readLine.toInt\n\tvar r = readLine.split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n\n\tdef main(args:Array[String]):Unit = {\n\t\tvar response = \"EASY\"\n\t\tfor(i <- 0 until n) {\n\t\t\tif(r(i) == 1) response = \"HARD\"\n\t\t}\n\t\tprintln(response)\n\t}\n}\n"}], "negative_code": [{"source_code": "object Toto extends App {\n println(\"HARD\")\n}\n"}], "src_uid": "060406cd57739d929f54b4518a7ba83e"} {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\n\n/**\n * Created by Orhan on 3/7/2017.\n */\nobject StringTask extends App{\n val line = new Scanner(System.in)\n var word = line.next().toLowerCase()\n val vowels = Array(\"a\", \"o\", \"y\", \"e\", \"u\", \"i\")\n print(word.split(\"\").filter( w => !vowels.contains(w)).map(w => \".\" + w).mkString(\"\"))\n}\n", "positive_code": [{"source_code": "object Main {\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val isVowel = Set('a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u', 'y')\n\n val line = readLine.toLowerCase\n\n val out1 = line.filterNot(isVowel)\n val out = out1 map {x => \".\"+x}\n println(out.mkString)\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object A {\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n println(readLine().toLowerCase().replaceAll(\"[aoyeui]\", \"\").map(s => \".\" + s).mkString(\"\"))\n }\n\n}"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn\n\nobject Test {\n val vovels = \"AOUYIE\".toLowerCase.toCharArray\n def main(args1: Array[String]) {\n// val args = Console.readLine().split(\" \")\n// val (v: Long, y: Long, z: Long) = (args(0).toLong, args(1).toLong, args(2).toLong)\n\n\n val line = StdIn.readLine\n val chars = line.toCharArray\n val res = chars.map(s => s.toLower).filter(s => !isVovel(s)).map(s => s\".$s\")\n\n\n// val res = balls.size\n res.foreach(print)\n }\n\n def isVovel(char: Char): Boolean = {\n return vovels.contains(char)\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "object OneOneEightA {\n\n\tdef main(args : Array[String]) : Unit = {\n\t\tvar vovels=Array('a', 'o', 'y', 'e', 'u', 'i','A', 'O', 'Y', 'E', 'U', 'I')\n\t\tvar input=readLine.toCharArray\n\t\tvar strBuff=new StringBuilder\n\t\tfor(i<-input){\n\t\t\tif(!vovels.contains(i)){\n\t\t\t\tstrBuff.append(\".\"+i.toLower)\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t\tprintln(strBuff.toString)\n\t}\n}"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn._\n\nobject StringTask {\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val vowels = Set('a', 'o', 'y', 'e', 'u', 'i')\n val s = readLine().toLowerCase().filter(x => !vowels.contains(x))\n val ans = s.map(x => \".\" + x).foldLeft(\"\")((acc, x) => acc + x)\n println(ans)\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "/*input\nxnhcigytnqcmy\n*/\n\nimport java.util.Scanner\nimport scala.io.StdIn\n\nobject Solution {\n\tdef main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n\n\t\tval str = StdIn.readLine().map(_.toLower);\n\t\tstr.foreach((x: Char) => {\n\t\t\tif(!(\"aeiouy\".contains(x))) {\n\t\t\t\tprint('.');\n\t\t\t\tprint(x);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t})\n\n\t}\n\n}"}, {"source_code": "object main extends App {\n var s = readLine().toLowerCase().replaceAll(\"([aoyeui])\", \"\")\n s.foreach((c) => print(\".\" + c))\n}"}, {"source_code": "object CF118A extends App {\n import scala.io.StdIn.readLine\n import scala.collection.immutable.HashSet\n val s = readLine.toLowerCase.toCharArray\n val vowels:HashSet[Char] = HashSet('a','e','i','o','u','y')\n s.filter(!vowels(_)).foreach(x => print(\".\"+x.toString))\n}"}, {"source_code": "object StringTask extends App {\n\n\t\n\tval input = scala.io.StdIn.readLine().toLowerCase()\n\n val noVowel = input.replaceAll(\"([aeiouy])+\", \"\")\n val output = noVowel.map(x => s\".$x\").mkString\n \n\tprintln(output)\n\n}"}, {"source_code": "object Main extends App {\n val inputString = readLine.toList\n\n def replaceLiterals(list: List[Char]): List[Char] = list match {\n case List() => List()\n case e :: rest => \n e match {\n case 'a' | 'e' | 'i' | 'o' | 'u' |'y' | 'A' | 'E' | 'I' | 'O' | 'U' | 'Y' => replaceLiterals(rest)\n case _ => '.' :: e.toLower :: replaceLiterals(rest)\n } \n }\n\n println(replaceLiterals(inputString).mkString)\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object Main extends App {\n val str = readLine().toList\n val vovels = \"AOYEUIaoyeui\"\n\n def helper(xs: List[Char]): List[Char] = xs match {\n case (x :: ys) if vovels.contains(x) => helper(ys)\n case (x :: ys) => '.' :: x.toLower :: helper(ys)\n case _ => Nil\n }\n\n println(helper(str).mkString)\n}"}, {"source_code": "object CF0118A extends App {\n\n val gl = List(\"a\", \"o\", \"y\", \"e\", \"u\", \"i\")\n\n val str = readLine()\n\n var result = new StringBuilder\n\n for (ch <- str) {\n if (!(gl contains(ch.toString.toLowerCase))) {\n result ++= \".\" + ch.toString.toLowerCase\n }\n }\n\n println(result)\n\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn\n\n/** A. String Task\n *\n * @author Yuichiroh Matsubayashi\n * Created on 15/01/19.\n */\nobject P118A extends App {\n val vowels = Seq('a', 'o', 'y', 'e', 'u', 'i')\n val word = StdIn.readLine().toLowerCase\n\n def solution = word.filterNot(vowels.contains(_)).map(c => \".\" + c).mkString\n\n println(solution)\n}"}, {"source_code": "import java.io._\n\nobject Main {\n\n val in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in))\n val out = new PrintWriter(System.out)\n sys.addShutdownHook(out.close())\n\n @inline def nextInt = in.readLine().toInt\n @inline def nextInts = in.readLine().split(\" +\").map(_.toInt)\n @inline def println[T](x: T) = out.println(x)\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val s = in.readLine()\n val ans = s.\n toLowerCase.\n replace(\"a\",\"\").\n replace(\"e\",\"\").\n replace(\"i\",\"\").\n replace(\"o\",\"\").\n replace(\"u\",\"\").\n replace(\"y\",\"\").\n mkString(\".\", \".\", \"\")\n\n println(ans)\n\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "object HelloWorld {\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n \tvar s = readLine()\n \ts = s.map(c => c.toLower)\n \ts = s.replaceAll( \"[eyuioa]\", \"\") \n \tvar str = \"\"\n \tfor(i <-0 until s.length())\n \t\tstr = str + \".\" + s(i)\n \tprintln(str)\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn._\n\nobject task1 {\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val input = readLine()\n val letters = List('A', 'O', 'Y', 'E', 'U', 'I').map(_.toLower)\n val result = input.filterNot(el2 => letters.contains(el2.toLower)).map{ el =>\n s\".$el\"\n }.mkString(\"\").toLowerCase\n println(result)\n }\n\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object task158A {\n def stripChars(s:String, ch:String)= s filterNot (ch contains _)\n def main(args:Array[String]) {\n for (c<-stripChars(io.Source.stdin.getLines.toList(0).toLowerCase,\"aoyeui\")) {\n print(\".\"+c)\n }\n println\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "object pratise {\n def main(args : Array[String]) {\n val str = readLine().toLowerCase().replaceAll(\"([aoyeui])\",\"\")\n str.foreach(c => print(\".\"+c))\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object cf extends App{\n val vowels = Set('a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u', 'y')\n var s = readLine().toLowerCase()\n var res = \"\"\n for (i <- 0 to s.length()-1) {\n if (!vowels(s(i))) {\n res += \".\" + s(i)\n }\n }\n println(res)\n}"}, {"source_code": "object StringTask extends App {\n val str = readLine().toLowerCase\n val vowels = List('a', 'e', 'o', 'u', 'y', 'i')\n val consonants = List('b', 'c', 'd', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'z')\n\n def filterVowels(c: Char) = if (!vowels.contains(c)) true else false\n\n def mapConsonants(c: Char) = if (consonants.contains(c)) \".\" + c else c\n\n println(str.toList.filter(c => filterVowels(c)).map(c => mapConsonants(c)).mkString(\"\"))\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object Solution {\n val vowels = Array(\"A\", \"O\", \"Y\", \"E\", \"U\", \"I\")\n def split(line: String) = line.grouped(1).toList\n def consonants(chars: List[String]) = chars filter (c => ! (vowels contains (c toUpperCase)))\n def withDots(chars: List[String]) = chars flatMap (c => Array(\".\", c))\n def solve(line: String) = withDots (consonants (split(line toLowerCase))) mkString\n def main(args: Array[String]) = println(solve(readLine))\n}"}, {"source_code": "object Solution {\n val vowels = Array(\"A\", \"O\", \"Y\", \"E\", \"U\", \"I\")\n def split(line: String) = line grouped 1\n def consonants(chars: Iterator[String]) = chars filter (c => ! (vowels contains (c toUpperCase)))\n def withDots(chars: Iterator[String]) = chars flatMap (c => List(\".\", c))\n def solve(line: String) = withDots (consonants (split(line toLowerCase))) mkString\n def main(args: Array[String]) = println(solve(readLine))\n}"}, {"source_code": "object Solution {\n val vowels = Array(\"A\", \"O\", \"Y\", \"E\", \"U\", \"I\") map (_ charAt 0)\n def isVowel(c: Char) = ! (vowels contains (Character.toUpperCase(c)))\n def consonants(chars: Seq[Char]) = chars filter isVowel\n def withDots(chars: Seq[Char]) = chars flatMap (c => List('.', c))\n def solve(line: String) = withDots(consonants(line.toLowerCase)).mkString\n def main(args: Array[String]) = println(solve(readLine))\n}"}, {"source_code": "object Solution {\n val vowels = Array(\"A\", \"O\", \"Y\", \"E\", \"U\", \"I\") map (_ charAt 0)\n def isVowel(c: Char) = ! (vowels contains (Character.toUpperCase(c)))\n def consonants(chars: Seq[Char]) = chars filter isVowel\n def withDots(chars: Seq[Char]) = chars flatMap (c => List('.', c))\n def solve(line: String) = withDots (consonants (line toLowerCase)) mkString\n def main(args: Array[String]) = println(solve(readLine))\n}"}, {"source_code": "object Solution118A extends Application {\n\n def solution() {\n println(_string.toLowerCase.replaceAll(\"[aoyeui]\", \"\").map(c => \".\" + c).mkString)\n }\n\n //////////////////////////////////////////////////\n import java.util.Scanner\n val SC: Scanner = new Scanner(System.in)\n def _line: String = SC.nextLine\n def _int: Int = SC.nextInt\n def _long: Long = SC.nextLong\n def _string: String = SC.next\n solution()\n}"}, {"source_code": "object Cf118A extends App {\n val s = readLine()\n println(s.toLowerCase.replaceAll(\"[ayeoiu]\", \"\").map(\".\" + _).mkString)\n}"}, {"source_code": "\nobject Main {\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n print(readLine().split(\"\")\n .map(el => if (!\"AOYEUI\".contains(el.toUpperCase())) \".\" + el.toLowerCase() else \"\")\n .mkString(\"\"))\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "import scala.collection.mutable._\nimport scala.math._\nimport scala.util.control.Breaks.break\nimport scala.util.control.Breaks.breakable\nimport java.util._\nobject Main extends App {\n for(i <- readLine.replaceAll(\"[AOYEUIaoyeui]\", \"\").toLowerCase) print(\".\"+i)\n println\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "// http://codeforces.com/problemset/problem/118/A\n\nimport scala.io.StdIn.readLine\n\nobject StringTask {\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val vowels: Set[Char] = \"aeiouy\".toSet\n\n var line: String = readLine().toLowerCase()\n line = line.filterNot(vowels.contains(_))\n val dotted: String = line.mkString(\".\")\n println(f\".${dotted}%s\")\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "object Solution extends App {\n val vowel = List('a', 'e', 'o', 'u', 'i', 'y')\n println(readLine().toLowerCase.filterNot(vowel.contains).mkString(\".\", \".\", \"\"))\n}"}, {"source_code": "import scala.collection.immutable.IndexedSeq\n\nobject Problem118A {\n def main(a: Array[String]) = {\n val vowels = Set('A', 'O', 'Y', 'E', 'U', 'I', 'a', 'o', 'y', 'e', 'u', 'i')\n\n val vowelsDeleted: String = readLine().filter(c => ! vowels.contains(c))\n val pointsToLowerCase: IndexedSeq[String] = vowelsDeleted.map(c => \".\" + c.toLower.toString())\n val result: String = pointsToLowerCase.foldLeft(\"\")((s: String, t: String) => s + t)\n\n println(result)\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object Cf118a extends App {\n val vowels = List('a', 'o', 'y', 'e', 'u', 'i')\n val word = readLine\n val result = word.toLowerCase.filterNot(vowels.contains).mkString(\".\", \".\", \"\")\n println(result)\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object Main {\n\timport java.{util=>ju}\n\timport scala.annotation._\n\timport scala.collection._\n\timport scala.collection.{mutable => mu}\n\timport scala.collection.JavaConverters._\n\timport scala.math._\n\n\tdef main(args:Array[String])\n\t{\n\t\tval sc = new ju.Scanner(System.in)\n\t\tval input = sc.next();\n\n\t\tinput.map{\n\t\t\tcase n if n == 'A' => \"\"\n\t\t\tcase n if n == 'O' => \"\"\n\t\t\tcase n if n == 'Y' => \"\"\n\t\t\tcase n if n == 'E' => \"\"\n\t\t\tcase n if n == 'U' => \"\"\n\t\t\tcase n if n == 'I' => \"\"\n\t\t\tcase n if n == 'a' => \"\"\n\t\t\tcase n if n == 'o' => \"\"\n\t\t\tcase n if n == 'y' => \"\"\n\t\t\tcase n if n == 'e' => \"\"\n\t\t\tcase n if n == 'u' => \"\"\n\t\t\tcase n if n == 'i' => \"\"\n\t\t\tcase n if n.isLowerCase => \".\"+n\n\t\t\tcase n if n.isUpperCase => \".\"+n.toLowerCase\n\t\t\tcase n => n\n\t\t}.foreach{\n\t\t\tprint(_)\n\t\t}\n\n\n\t}\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "/**\n * Created by mikhailvarnavskikh on 04.04.15.\n */\nobject Main {\n\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val std = scala.io.StdIn\n val n = std.readLine()\n val vowels = \"aoiuey\"\n val res = n.toLowerCase.filter( x => !vowels.contains( x ) ).foldLeft( \"\" )( (r, c) => r + \".\" + c )\n println( res )\n }\n\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "\nimport scala.io.StdIn\n\nobject StringTask extends App {\n\n val input = StdIn.readLine()\n print(impl(input))\n\n def impl(word: String) = {\n val wordReform = new StringBuilder\n for (char <- word) {\n val lower = char.toLower\n if (isConsonant(lower)) {\n wordReform.append(\".\").append(lower)\n }\n }\n wordReform.toString()\n }\n\n private\n def isConsonant(char: Char): Boolean = {\n char match {\n case 'a' | 'e' | 'i' | 'o' | 'u' | 'y' => false\n case _ => true\n }\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn\nobject solution extends App{\n \n val text = StdIn.readLine\n val vowels = \"aeiouy\"\n \n \n val output = text.foldLeft(\"\")((a,b) => {\n val lower = b.toString.toLowerCase\n if(vowels.contains(lower)) a+\"\"\n else a +\".\"+ lower\n } )\n println(output)\n}"}, {"source_code": "\n\nobject CF118A extends App {\n import scala.io.Source\n //val src = Source.fromFile(\"data.txt\")\n val src = Source.stdin\n val lines = src.getLines\n \n def readString(): String = {\n val line = if (lines.hasNext) lines.next else null\n if (line == null) throw new RuntimeException(\"Premature end of source encountered\")\n line\n }\n \n val st = readString().toLowerCase().\n filterNot(x => x == 'a' || x == 'e' || x == 'i' || x == 'o' || x == 'u' || x == 'y').\n toList.map(x => s\".$x\").mkString\n \n println(st)\n \n}"}, {"source_code": "object A118 {\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(scala.io.StdIn.readLine)\n\n def readInts(n: Int) = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt)\n }\n\n def readLongs(n: Int) = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong)\n }\n\n def readBigs(n: Int) = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(BigInt(tl.nextToken))\n }\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val input = scala.io.StdIn.readLine\n def isVowel(char: Char) = {\n Array('A', 'E', 'I', 'O', 'U', 'Y').contains(char) || Array('A', 'E', 'I', 'O', 'U', 'Y').map(_.toLower).contains(char)\n }\n println(input\n .filter(!isVowel(_))\n .toCharArray\n .map(x => if (x.isUpper) x.toLower else x)\n .flatMap{x => Array('.', x)}.mkString(\"\"))\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\nimport java.io.PrintWriter\nimport scala.annotation.tailrec\nimport scala.collection.mutable\nimport scala.util.Random\n\nobject P118A extends App {\n val sc = new Scanner(System.in)\n val out = new PrintWriter(System.out)\n\n val Vowels = List('a', 'o', 'y', 'e', 'u', 'i')\n def solve: String = \".\" + sc.nextLine.toLowerCase.filterNot(Vowels.contains(_)).mkString(\".\")\n\n out.println(solve)\n out.close\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\nimport scala.collection.mutable.StringBuilder\n\nobject R118_A extends App {\n val sc = new Scanner(System.in)\n\n val w = sc.nextLine()\n println(process(w))\n def process(w:String):String = {\n val nw = w.toLowerCase().replaceAll(\"[aiueoy]\", \"\")\n val b = new StringBuilder\n nw.foreach(c=>{\n b.append('.')\n b.append(c)\n })\n b.result\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "object StringTask {\n \tdef main (args: Array[String]) {\n\t\tval scanner = new java.util.Scanner(System.in)\n\t\t\t\tval word = scanner.nextLine().toLowerCase()\n\t\t\t\tword.toCharArray()\n\t\t\t\tvar output : String = \"\"\n\t\t\t\tfor (i <- 0 to word.length()-1) {\n\t\t\t\t val current =\n\t\t\t\t word(i) match {\n\t\t\t\t case 'a' | 'e' | 'y' | 'u' | 'i' | 'o' => \"\"\n\t\t\t\t case whatever => \".\"+whatever\n\t\t\t\t }\n\t\t\t\t output = output + current\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\tprintln(output)\n\t}\n}"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn._\n\nobject ScalaTest{\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n\n val list = List('a','e','i','o','u','y')\n val input = readLine().toLowerCase.filterNot{ch =>\n list.contains(ch)\n }.mkString(\".\")\n println(\".\" + input)\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "object A118 {\n\tdef main(args: Array[String]) = {\n\t\tval vow = List('a', 'e', 'i', 'u', 'y', 'o')\n\t\tfor (c <- readLine.toLowerCase.toCharArray)\n\t\t\tif (!vow.exists(c == _))\n\t\t\t\tprint(\".\" + c)\n\t}\n}"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn._\n\nobject test {\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val input = readLine()\n\n println(codeForees(input))\n\n }\n\n def codeForees(text: String) = {\n text.toLowerCase.filterNot (a => a == 'a' || a == 'i' || a == 'u' || a == 'e' || a == 'o' ||a == 'y').map(a => s\".$a\" ).mkString\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\n\nobject Try1 {\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val in = new Scanner(System.in)\n var len,x, m, k, n, j, i: Int = 0\n// var a = new Array[Int](51)\n// n = in.nextInt()\n// k = in.nextInt()\n// x=0\n var line = in.nextLine()\n val al = \"AOYEUIaeiouy\"\n val b = \"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\"\n n=line.length()\n for (i <- 0 until n) {\n j=0\n while (j<12 && al(j)!=line(i)) j+=1\n if (j==12) {\n print('.')\n if (line(i)>='A' && line(i)<='Z') print(b(line(i)-'A'))\n else print(line(i))\n }\n }\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "import java.io._\n\nobject Main {\n val in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in))\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n println(in.readLine().toLowerCase().filterNot(c => \"aeiuyo\".contains(c)).map(\".\" + _).mkString)\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "object StringTask {\n val vowels = Set('A', 'O', 'Y', 'E', 'U', 'I')\n def isVowel(c:Char) = vowels.contains(c.toUpper)\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val s = io.StdIn.readLine()\n var rs = \"\"\n\n for {c <- s} {\n c match {\n case _ if isVowel(c) =>\n case _ => rs += \".\" + c.toLower\n }\n }\n Console.println(rs)\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object Codeforces118A extends App{\n\n def WordConvert(word:String):String={\n val restrictedlist:String=\"aAeEiIoOuUyY\"\n var ans:Array[Char]=new Array[Char](0)\n for (i<-word){\n if (!restrictedlist.contains(i)){\n ans=ans:+'.'\n ans=ans:+i.toLower\n }\n }\n return String.valueOf(ans)\n }\n\n val s:String=scala.io.StdIn.readLine\n println(WordConvert(s))\n\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn\n\nobject H {\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n// var Array(n) = StdIn.readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n\n val pp = (s: Char) => {\n if (s == 'a' || s == 'e' || s == 'i' || s == 'o' || s == 'u' || s == 'y') {\n\n }\n else {\n print('.')\n print(s)\n }\n }\n\n var s = StdIn.readLine()\n for (c <- s.toLowerCase().toCharArray)\n pp(c)\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import java.io._\n\nobject Easy {\n val reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in))\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n println(reader.readLine().toLowerCase().filterNot(c => \"aeiuyo\".contains(c)).map(\".\" + _).mkString)\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "/**\n * Created by vol on 9/16/14.\n */\nobject A118 extends App{\n val vowels = List('A', 'O', 'Y', 'E', 'U', 'I')\n val str:String = readLine()\n val noVowels = str.filter((e:Char) => !vowels.contains(e.toUpper))\n\n\n println(noVowels.map((e:Char) => \".\" + e.toLower).mkString)\n\n\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object Main {\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val str = readLine()\n val replaced = str.toLowerCase.replaceAll(\"[aoyeui]\", \"\").replaceAll(\"([^aoyeiu])\", \".$1\")\n println(replaced)\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "object _118A extends App {\n def is_vowel(c: Char): Boolean =\n c == 'a' || c == 'o' || c == 'y' || c == 'e' || c == 'u' || c == 'i'\n\n val string = readLine()\n println(\n string.map(c => c.toLower).\n filterNot(c => is_vowel(c)).\n foldLeft(\"\")((accm, c) => accm + '.' + c))\n}\n\n\n\n"}, {"source_code": "object _118A_StringTask extends App {\n import scala.io.StdIn._\n\n val s = readLine()\n\n def solve = {\n s filterNot { c =>\n Array('a', 'o', 'y', 'e', 'u', 'i').contains(c.toLower)\n } flatMap { c =>\n \".\" + c.toLower.toString\n }\n }\n\n println(solve)\n\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object Main extends App{\n var t = readLine().toLowerCase().replaceAll(\"[aeyuio]\",\"\")\n t.foreach( (c) => print(\".\" + c ) )\n} "}, {"source_code": "object Main extends App{\n \n var t = readLine().toLowerCase().replaceAll(\"[aeyuio]\",\"\")\n t.foreach( (c) => print(\".\" + c ) )\n \n} "}, {"source_code": "object JuanDavidRobles {\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n\n import scala.io.StdIn\n\n var line : String = StdIn.readLine()\n\n var string : String = \"\"\n\n var char : Char = 'a'\n\n for (i <- 0 until line.length){\n char = line.charAt(i)\n if (!char.equals('a') && !char.equals('e') &&\n !char.equals('i') && !char.equals('o') &&\n !char.equals('u') && !char.equals('y') &&\n !char.equals('A') && !char.equals('E') &&\n !char.equals('I') && !char.equals('O') &&\n !char.equals('U') && !char.equals('Y')){\n\n if (char.toInt >= 65 && char <= 90){\n char = (char.toInt+32).toChar\n }\n string = string + \".\" + char.toString\n }\n }\n println(string)\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn\n\nobject Main {\n\n val vowels = Array('A', 'I', 'U', 'E', 'O', 'Y')\n\n def isVowel(char: Char) : Boolean = {\n vowels contains char\n }\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val s = StdIn.readLine()\n\n println(s.map(_.toUpper).filter(!isVowel(_)).map(\".\"+ _.toLower).mkString)\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn.readLine\n\n\nobject StringTask {\n \n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val line = readLine\n println(line.toLowerCase()\n .filterNot { List('a','o','y','e','u','i').contains(_) }\n .flatMap { x => \".\" + x }\n )\n \n }\n \n}"}, {"source_code": "object Main extends App {\nval vovels = List('a', 'i', 'u', 'e', 'o', 'y')\nval s = readLine()\nval res = s.toLowerCase.filter(!vovels.contains(_)).flatMap(x=>\".\" + x)\nprintln(res)\n}"}, {"source_code": "object Main extends App {\n val help =List('a','e','o','u','i','y')\n println(readLine().toLowerCase.filterNot(help.contains).mkString(\".\",\".\",\"\"))\n}"}, {"source_code": "object Main extends App {\n val vowels = List('A', 'O', 'Y', 'E', 'U', 'I') ++ List('a', 'o', 'y', 'e', 'u', 'i')\n def isVowel(c: Char): Boolean = vowels exists { _ == c }\n def isConsonant(c: Char): Boolean = !isVowel(c)\n def insertDot(c: Char): String = \".\"+ c\n def solve(s: String): String = s filterNot isVowel flatMap insertDot toLowerCase\n\n println(solve(readLine()))\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object StringTask {\n val vowels = Array('a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u', 'y')\n\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val sb = new StringBuilder\n\n Console.readLine.foreach { ch =>\n val lower = ch.toLower\n if (!vowels.contains(lower)) {\n sb.append(\".\").append(lower)\n }\n }\n\n println(sb.toString)\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object test\n{\n def main(args : Array[String])\n {\n print(readLine.toLowerCase.replaceAll(\"[aeiouy]\",\"\").map(\".\"+_).mkString)\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object Main {\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n println(readLine().map(_.toUpperCase).filter(!\"AOYEUI\".contains(_)).map(\".\"+_.toLowerCase).reduce(_+_))\n }\n\n}"}, {"source_code": "object test {\n\tdef main(args: Array[String]){\n\t\tprint(readLine.toLowerCase.replaceAll(\"[aeiouy]\",\"\").map(\".\"+_).mkString)\n\t}\n}"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn._\n\nobject StringTask_118A extends App{\n\tval str = readLine\n\tval vowels = Set('a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u', 'y')\n\t\n\tprintln(str.map(_.toLower).filter(!vowels.contains(_)).flatMap(\".\" + _))\n}"}, {"source_code": "object StringTask {\n import io.StdIn.{readLine => rl}\n def rnum() = rl().split(\" \").map(_.toLong)\n def main(args : Array[String]) {\n val iscons = (c:Char) => !\"aoyeui\".contains(c)\n println (rl.toLowerCase.filter(iscons).fold(\"\")((h,t) => h + \".\" + t))\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object main extends App{\n var s = readLine.toLowerCase().replaceAll(\"[aeyuio]\",\"\")\n s.foreach((c) => print(\".\" + c))\n}"}, {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\n\nobject A00118 extends App {\n println(Console.readLine().filterNot(\"aeiouyAEIOUY\".contains(_)).map(x => \".\" + x).map(x => x.toLowerCase()).mkString)\n}\n"}], "negative_code": [{"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn\n\nobject Main {\n\n val vowels = Array('A', 'I', 'U', 'E', 'O', 'I')\n\n def isVowel(char: Char) : Boolean = {\n vowels contains char\n }\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val s = StdIn.readLine()\n\n println(s.map(_.toUpper).filter(!isVowel(_)).map(\".\"+ _.toLower).mkString)\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object Main extends App {\n val vowels = List('A', 'O', 'Y', 'E', 'U', 'I') ++ List('a', 'o', 'y', 'e', 'u', 'i')\n def isVowel(c: Char): Boolean = vowels exists { _ == c }\n def isConsonant(c: Char): Boolean = !isVowel(c)\n def insertDot(c: Char): String = \".\"+ c\n def solve(s: String): String = s filterNot isVowel flatMap insertDot toLowerCase\n\n assert(solve(\"tour\") == \".t.r\")\n assert(solve(\"Codeforces\") == \".c.d.f.r.c.s\")\n assert(solve(\"aBAcAba\") == \".b.c.b\")\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object StringTask {\n val vowels = Array('a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u')\n\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val sb = new StringBuilder\n\n Console.readLine.foreach { ch =>\n val lower = ch.toLower\n if (!vowels.contains(lower)) {\n sb.append(\".\").append(lower)\n }\n }\n\n println(sb.toString)\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object test\n{\n def main(args : Array[String])\n {\n print(readLine.toLowerCase.replaceAll(\"[aeiou]\",\"\").map(\".\"+_).mkString)\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object A00118 extends App {\n println(Console.readLine().filterNot(\"aeiouAEIOU\".contains(_)).map(x => \".\" + x).map(x => x.toLowerCase()).mkString)\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "/*input\nTata\n*/\n\nimport java.util.Scanner\nimport scala.io.StdIn\n\nobject Solution {\n\tdef main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n\n\t\tval str = StdIn.readLine().map(_.toLower);\n\t\tstr.foreach((x: Char) => {\n\t\t\tif(!(\"aeiou\".contains(x))) {\n\t\t\t\tprint('.');\n\t\t\t\tprint(x);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t})\n\n\t}\n\n}"}, {"source_code": "object CF118A extends App {\n import scala.io.StdIn.readLine\n import scala.collection.immutable.HashSet\n val s = readLine.toLowerCase.toCharArray\n val vowels:HashSet[Char] = HashSet('a','e','i','o','u')\n s.filter(!vowels(_)).foreach(x => print(\".\"+x.toString))\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object StringTask extends App {\n\n\tval vowels = List(\"a\", \"o\", \"y\", \"e\", \"u\", \"i\")\n\tval input = scala.io.StdIn.readLine().toLowerCase()\n\n\tval output = input.foreach(x =>\n\t\tif (vowels.contains(x)) input.replaceAll(x.toString(), \"\")\n\t\telse input.replaceAll(x.toString(), s\"\\\\.$x\")\n\t)\n\n\tprintln(output)\n\n}"}, {"source_code": "object StringTask extends App {\n\n\t\n\tval input = scala.io.StdIn.readLine().toLowerCase()\n\n val noVowel = input.replaceAll(\"([aeiou])+\", \"\")\n val output = noVowel.map(x => s\".$x\").mkString\n \n\tprintln(output)\n\n}"}, {"source_code": "object Main extends App {\n val inputString = readLine.toList\n\n def replaceLiterals(list: List[Char]): List[Char] = list match {\n case List() => List()\n case e :: rest => \n e match {\n case 'a' | 'e' | 'i' | 'o' | 'u' | 'A' | 'E' | 'I' | 'O' | 'U' => replaceLiterals(rest)\n case _ => '.' :: e.toLower :: replaceLiterals(rest)\n } \n }\n\n println(replaceLiterals(inputString).mkString)\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object Main extends App {\n val inputString = readLine.toList\n\n def replaceLiterals(list: List[Char]): List[Char] = list match {\n case List() => List()\n case e :: rest => \n e match {\n case 'a' | 'e' | 'i' | 'o' | 'u' | 'A' | 'E' | 'I' | 'O' | 'U' => '.' :: replaceLiterals(rest)\n case _ => e.toLower :: replaceLiterals(rest)\n } \n }\n\n println(replaceLiterals(inputString).mkString)\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object CF0118A extends App {\n\n val gl = List(\"a\", \"o\", \"y\", \"e\", \"u\", \"i\")\n\n val str = readLine()\n\n var result = new StringBuilder\n\n for (ch <- str) {\n if (!(gl contains(ch.toString))) {\n result ++= \".\" + ch.toString.toLowerCase\n }\n }\n\n println(result)\n\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object HelloWorld {\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n \tvar s = readLine()\n \ts = s.replaceAll( \"[eyuioa]\", \"\") \n \tvar str = \"\"\n \tfor(i <-0 until s.length())\n \t\tstr = str + \".\" + s(i)\n \tstr = str.map(c => c.toLower)\n \tprintln(str)\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn._\n\nobject task1 {\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val input = readLine()\n val letters = List('A', 'O', 'Y', 'E', 'U', 'I').map(_.toLower)\n val result = input.filterNot(el2 => letters.contains(el2)).map{ el =>\n s\".$el\"\n }.mkString(\"\").toLowerCase\n println(result)\n }\n\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object cf extends App{\n val vowels = Set('a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u', 'y')\n var s = readLine().toLowerCase()\n var res = \"\"\n for (i <- 0 to s.length()-1) {\n if (!vowels(s(i))) {\n res += \".\" + s(i)\n }\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "object Solution {\n val vowels = Array(\"A\", \"O\", \"Y\", \"E\", \"U\", \"I\") map (_ charAt 0)\n def isVowel(c: Char) = vowels contains (Character.toUpperCase(c))\n def consonants(chars: Seq[Char]) = chars filter isVowel\n def withDots(chars: Seq[Char]) = chars flatMap (c => List('.', c))\n def solve(line: String) = withDots (consonants (line toLowerCase)) mkString\n def main(args: Array[String]) = println(solve(readLine))\n}"}, {"source_code": "object Solution extends App {\n val vowel = List('a', 'e', 'o', 'u', 'i')\n println(readLine().toLowerCase.filterNot(vowel.contains).mkString(\".\"))\n}"}, {"source_code": "object Solution extends App {\n val vowel = List('a', 'e', 'o', 'u', 'i')\n println(readLine().toLowerCase.filterNot(vowel.contains).mkString(\".\", \".\", \"\"))\n}"}, {"source_code": "object Main {\n\timport java.{util=>ju}\n\timport scala.annotation._\n\timport scala.collection._\n\timport scala.collection.{mutable => mu}\n\timport scala.collection.JavaConverters._\n\timport scala.math._\n\n\tdef main(args:Array[String])\n\t{\n\t\tval sc = new ju.Scanner(System.in)\n\t\tval input = sc.next();\n\n\t\tinput.map{\n\t\t\tcase n if n == 'A' => \"\"\n\t\t\tcase n if n == 'O' => \"\"\n\t\t\tcase n if n == 'Y' => \"\"\n\t\t\tcase n if n == 'E' => \"\"\n\t\t\tcase n if n == 'I' => \"\"\n\t\t\tcase n if n == 'a' => \"\"\n\t\t\tcase n if n == 'o' => \"\"\n\t\t\tcase n if n == 'y' => \"\"\n\t\t\tcase n if n == 'e' => \"\"\n\t\t\tcase n if n == 'u' => \"\"\n\t\t\tcase n if n == 'i' => \"\"\n\t\t\tcase n if n.isLowerCase => \".\"+n\n\t\t\tcase n if n.isUpperCase => \".\"+n.toLowerCase\n\t\t\tcase n => n\n\t\t}.foreach{\n\t\t\tprint(_)\n\t\t}\n\n\n\t}\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn\nobject solution extends App{\n \n val text = StdIn.readLine\n val vowels = \"aeiouy\"\n \n \n text.foldLeft(\"\")((a,b) => {\n val lower = b.toString.toLowerCase\n if(vowels.contains(lower)) a\n else a +\".\"+ b\n } )\n \n}"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn\nobject solution extends App{\n \n val text = StdIn.readLine\n val vowels = \"aeiouy\"\n \n \n text.foldLeft(\"\")((a,b) => {\n val lower = b.toString.toLowerCase\n if(vowels.contains(lower)) a+\"\"\n else a +\".\"+ b\n } )\n \n}"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn\nobject solution extends App{\n \n val text = StdIn.readLine\n val vowels = \"aeiou\"\n \n \n text.foldLeft(\"\")((a,b) => {\n val lower = b.toString.toLowerCase\n if(vowels.contains(lower)) a+\"\"\n else a +\".\"+ b\n } )\n \n}"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn\nobject solution extends App{\n \n val text = StdIn.readLine\n val vowels = \"aeiouy\"\n \n \n val output = text.foldLeft(\"\")((a,b) => {\n val lower = b.toString.toLowerCase\n if(vowels.contains(lower)) a+\"\"\n else a +\".\"+ b\n } )\n \n println(output)\n \n}"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn\nobject solution extends App{\n \n val text = StdIn.readLine\n val vowels = \"aeiouy\"\n \n \n text.foldLeft(\"\")((a,b) => {\n val lower = b.toString.toLowerCase\n if(vowels.contains(lower)) a+\"\"\n else a +\".\"+ lower\n } )\n \n}"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn._\n\nobject ScalaTest{\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n\n val list = List('a','e','i','o','u')\n val input = readLine().toLowerCase.filterNot{ch =>\n list.contains(ch)\n }.mkString(\".\")\n println(\".\" + input)\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn._\n\nobject ScalaTest{\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n\n val list = List('A','a','E','e','I','i','O','o','U','u')\n val input = readLine().filterNot{ch =>\n list.contains(ch)\n }.mkString(\".\")\n println(\".\" + input)\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn\n\nobject H {\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n// var Array(n) = StdIn.readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n\n val pp = (s: Char) => {\n if (s == 'a' || s == 'e' || s == 'i' || s == 'o' || s == 'u') {\n\n }\n else {\n print('.')\n print(s)\n }\n }\n\n var s = StdIn.readLine()\n for (c <- s.toLowerCase().toCharArray)\n pp(c)\n }\n}\n"}], "src_uid": "db9520e85b3e9186dd3a09ff8d1e8c1b"} {"source_code": "import io.StdIn._\nimport scala.collection.mutable._\n\nobject Solution extends App {\n val nks = readLine().split(\" \")\n val nk = nks.map(_.toInt)\n val TempArr = Array( 6 , 2 , 5 , 5 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 3 , 7 , 6 ) \n \n val a = nk(0)\n val b = nk(1)\n var ans = 0\n \n for ( i <- a to b ) {\n \n var temp = i\n \n while ( temp != 0 ) {\n ans = ans + TempArr( temp % 10 ) \n temp = temp / 10\n }\n \n }\n \n \n \n println ( ans ) \n \n \n}", "positive_code": [{"source_code": "import scala.io.Source\n\nobject Solution extends App {\n val map = Map('0' -> 6, '1' -> 2, '2' -> 5, '3' -> 5, '4' -> 4, '5' -> 5, '6' -> 6, '7' -> 3, '8' -> 7, '9' -> 6)\n\n val in = Source.stdin.getLines()\n val Array(a, b) = in.next().split(' ').map(_.toInt)\n println((a to b).foldLeft(0l) {\n case (acc, i) => acc + i.toString.map(map).sum\n })\n}"}, {"source_code": "import io.StdIn._\nimport scala.collection.mutable._\n\nobject Solution {\n\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(readLine)\n def readInts(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt) }\n def readLongs(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong) }\n def readBigs(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(BigInt(tl.nextToken)) }\n\n @inline def segments(a: Int): Int = {\n val s = Array(6, 2, 5, 5, 4, 5, 6, 3, 7, 6)\n var n = a\n var res = 0\n while (n > 0) {\n res += s(n%10)\n n /= 10\n }\n res\n }\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val Array(a, b) = readInts(2)\n\n println((a to b).foldLeft(0)( _ + segments(_)))\n\n\n// Console.withOut(new java.io.BufferedOutputStream(Console.out))\n// println(res.mkString(\"\\n\"))\n// Console.flush\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "import scala.math._\nimport scala.Console\nobject Object {\n \n def main(args : Array[String]){\n \n val Array(a, b) = readLine.split(\" \").map{_.toInt }\n var tl = 0\n \n for(i <- a to b){\n val li = i.toString.map(_.asDigit)\n li.map { i => i match{\n case 1 => tl += 2\n case 2|3|5 => tl += 5\n case 6|9|0 => tl += 6\n case 4 => tl += 4\n case 7 => tl += 3\n case 8 => tl += 7\n }\n }\n }\n println(tl)\n }\n}"}], "negative_code": [{"source_code": "import scala.io.Source\n\nobject Solution extends App {\n val map = Map('0' -> 6, '1' -> 2, '2' -> 5, '3' -> 5, '4' -> 4, '5' -> 5, '6' -> 6, '7' -> 3, '8' -> 7, '9' -> 6)\n\n val in = Source.stdin.getLines()\n val Array(a, b) = in.next().split(' ').map(_.toInt)\n (a to b).foldLeft(0l) {\n case (acc, i) => acc + i.toString.map(map).sum\n }\n}"}], "src_uid": "1193de6f80a9feee8522a404d16425b9"} {"source_code": "object B450 {\n\n import IO._\n import collection.{mutable => cu}\n val MOD = 1000000007L\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val Array(x, y) = readLongs(2)\n val a = Array(x, y, y-x,-x,-y,x-y).map(x => (x + 2*MOD)% MOD)\n val Array(n) = readInts(1)\n println(a((n-1)%6))\n }\n\n object IO {\n @inline def read: String = scala.io.StdIn.readLine\n\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(read)\n\n def readInts(n: Int): Array[Int] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine;\n Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt)\n }\n\n def readLongs(n: Int): Array[Long] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine;\n Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong)\n }\n\n def readBigs(n: Int): Array[BigInt] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine;\n Array.fill(n)(BigInt(tl.nextToken))\n }\n }\n\n}\n", "positive_code": [{"source_code": "object Solution extends App {\n val in = scala.io.Source.stdin.getLines()\n val Array(x, y) = in.next().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n val mod = 1000000007\n val n = (in.next().toInt - 1) % 6\n val k = n % 3\n val res = k match {\n case 0 => x\n case 1 => y\n case 2 => y - x\n }\n\n if (n < 3) println((res % mod + mod) % mod) else {\n println((-res % mod + mod) % mod)\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\n\n/**\n * Created by kshim on 25/07/2014.\n */\nobject CF257B extends App {\n def Process(x:Long, y:Long, n:Long):Long = {\n val fn:Long = (n-1) % 6 match {\n case 0 => x\n case 1 => y\n case 2 => y - x\n case 3 => -x\n case 4 => -y\n case 5 => -y + x\n }\n val r = fn % (1000000000L + 7L)\n if(r < 0) {\n r + (1000000000L + 7L)\n } else {\n r\n }\n }\n val in = new Scanner(System.in)\n val x = in.nextInt()\n val y = in.nextInt()\n val n = in.nextInt()\n println(Process(x, y, n))\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object Sequences {\n\n def splitter(as: String) = as.split(\"\\\\s+\") match {\n case Array(n, m) => List(n.toLong, m.toLong)\n }\n\n def solve(x: Long, y: Long, n: Long): Long = (n % 6) match {\n case 1 => x\n case 2 => y\n case 3 => y-x\n case 4 => -x\n case 5 => -y\n case 0 => x-y\n }\n\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val N = 1e9.toLong + 7\n val List(xyStr, nStr) = io.Source.stdin.getLines.take(2).toList\n val List(x, y) = splitter(xyStr)\n val n = nStr.toLong\n val f = solve(x, y, n)\n val fModN = f % N\n val res: Long = if (fModN>=0) fModN else fModN + N\n println(res)\n }\n}\n\n"}, {"source_code": "/**\n * @author Oleg Arshinsky\n */\nobject B extends App {{\n\n val Array(x, y) = readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n val n = readLine().toInt\n\n def _1 = x\n def _2 = y\n def _3 = y-x\n def _4 = -x\n def _5 = -y\n def _6 = x-y\n\n val functions = Array(_1, _2, _3, _4, _5, _6)\n\n val intermediate = n % 6\n\n val function_n = if (intermediate == 0) 6-1 else intermediate-1\n\n val f_n = functions(function_n)\n\n val a = f_n\n val b = 1000000007\n\n println((a - (a.toDouble/b).floor * b).toInt)\n\n\n\n}}\n"}, {"source_code": "object Main {\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val N = 1000000007\n val halfN = 500000003\n val xy = io.StdIn.readLine().split(\" \").map { s =>\n val i = Integer.parseInt(s)\n if (i < 0 ) i + N else i\n }\n val n = (io.StdIn.readInt() -1) % 6\n def compute(k: Int): Long = {\n if (k > 2) -1 * compute(k - 3)\n else if (k ==2) xy(1) - xy(0)\n else xy(k)\n }\n val fn = compute(n) % N\n println(if (fn < 0) fn + N else fn)\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "import scala.math.BigInt\n\nobject Main extends App {\n val sc = new java.util.Scanner(System.in)\n val x, y, n = sc.nextInt\n\n def solve( x: Int, y: Int, n: Int ): Int = {\n val M: Int = 1e9.toInt + 7\n\n val newN = (n-1) % 6\n\n def tail(a: BigInt, b: BigInt): Stream[BigInt] = a #:: tail(b, b - a)\n val res = tail(x, y)(newN)\n ( ( ( res % M ) + M ) mod M ).toInt\n }\n\n println( solve( x, y, n ) )\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import scala.math.BigInt\n\nobject Main extends App {\n val sc = new java.util.Scanner(System.in)\n val x, y, n = sc.nextInt\n\n def solve2( x: Int, y: Int, n: Int ): Int = {\n val M: Int = 1e9.toInt + 7\n\n val newN = (n-1) % 6\n\n def tail(a: BigInt, b: BigInt): Stream[BigInt] = a #:: tail(b, b - a)\n val res = tail(x, y)(newN)\n ( ( ( res % M ) + M ) mod M ).toInt\n }\n\n def solve( x: Int, y: Int, n: Int ): Int = {\n val M: Int = 1e9.toInt + 7\n\n val newN = (n-1) % 6\n\n var memo = new Array[Int](6)\n memo(0) = x\n memo(1) = y\n for( i <- (2 until 6) ) {\n memo(i) = ( memo(i-1) - memo(i-2) ) % M\n }\n\n ( ( memo(newN) % M ) + M ) % M\n }\n\n println( solve( x, y, n ) )\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object HelloWorld{\n def computeSeq(x: Int, y:Int, l:Int):List[Int] = l match {\n case 0 => List()\n case _ => (y-x)::computeSeq(y, y-x, l-1)\n }\n def main(args: Array[String]){\n val in = new java.util.Scanner(System.in)\n val x = in.nextInt\n val y = in.nextInt\n val n = in.nextInt-1\n val seq = x::y::computeSeq(x, y, 4)\n println(floorMod(1000*1000*1000+7)(seq(n%6)))\n }\n def floorMod(m: Int)(n: Int) = (((n % m) + m) % m)\n}"}, {"source_code": "\n\nimport java.io.PrintWriter\nimport java.util.Scanner\n\n/**\n * Created by arseny on 19.07.14.\n */\nobject B extends App {\n val home = true\n val in = new Scanner(System.in)\n val out = new PrintWriter(System.out)\n\n def nextInt = in.nextInt\n def nextLong = in.nextLong\n def nextDouble = in.nextDouble\n def nextString = in.next\n\n def solve() = {\n val x = nextLong\n val y = nextLong\n val p: Long = 1000 * 1000 * 1000 + 7\n val n = nextLong % 6\n val ans: Long = n match {\n case 0 => x - y\n case 1 => x\n case 2 => y\n case 3 => y - x\n case 4 => -x\n case 5 => - y\n }\n out.println((ans + 3 * p) % p)\n }\n\n try {\n solve()\n } catch {\n case _: Exception => sys.exit(9999)\n } finally {\n out.flush()\n out.close()\n }\n}\n"}], "negative_code": [{"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\n\n/**\n * Created by kshim on 25/07/2014.\n */\nobject CF257B extends App {\n def Process(x:Long, y:Long, n:Long):Long = {\n val fn:Long = (n-1) % 6 match {\n case 0 => x\n case 1 => y\n case 2 => y - x\n case 3 => -x\n case 4 => -y\n case 5 => -y + x\n }\n if(fn < 0) {\n (fn % (1000000000L + 7L)) + (1000000000L + 7L)\n } else {\n fn % (1000000000L + 7L)\n }\n }\n val in = new Scanner(System.in)\n val x = in.nextInt()\n val y = in.nextInt()\n val n = in.nextInt()\n println(Process(x, y, n))\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object B450 {\n\n import IO._\n import collection.{mutable => cu}\n val MOD = 100000007L\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val Array(x, y) = readLongs(2)\n val a = Array(x, y, y-x,-x,-y,x-y).map(x => (x + 2*MOD)% MOD)\n val Array(n) = readInts(1)\n println(a((n-1)%6))\n }\n\n object IO {\n @inline def read: String = scala.io.StdIn.readLine\n\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(read)\n\n def readInts(n: Int): Array[Int] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine;\n Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt)\n }\n\n def readLongs(n: Int): Array[Long] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine;\n Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong)\n }\n\n def readBigs(n: Int): Array[BigInt] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine;\n Array.fill(n)(BigInt(tl.nextToken))\n }\n }\n\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object Sequences {\n\n def splitter(as: String) = as.split(\"\\\\s+\") match {\n case Array(n, m) => List(n.toLong, m.toLong)\n }\n\n def solve(x: Long, y: Long, n: Long): Long = (n % 6) match {\n case 1 => x\n case 2 => y\n case 3 => y-x\n case 4 => -x\n case 5 => -y\n case 0 => x-y\n }\n\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val N = 1e9.toLong + 7\n val List(xyStr, nStr) = io.Source.stdin.getLines.take(2).toList\n val List(x, y) = splitter(xyStr)\n val n = nStr.toLong\n val f = solve(x, y, n)\n val res: Long = if (f>=0) f % N else (f + N) % N\n println(res)\n }\n}\n\n"}, {"source_code": "object Sequences {\n\n def splitter(as: String) = as.split(\"\\\\s+\") match {\n case Array(n, m) => List(n.toLong, m.toLong)\n }\n\n def solve(x: Long, y: Long, n: Long): Long = (n % 6) match {\n case 1 => x\n case 2 => y\n case 3 => y-x\n case 4 => -x\n case 5 => -y\n case 0 => x-y\n }\n\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val N = 1e9.toLong + 7\n val List(xyStr, nStr) = io.Source.stdin.getLines.take(2).toList\n val List(x, y) = splitter(xyStr)\n val n = nStr.toLong\n val f = solve(x, y, n)\n val res: Long = if (f>=0) f % N else (f % N) + N\n println(res)\n }\n}\n\n"}, {"source_code": "object Main {\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val N = 1000000007\n val halfN = 500000003\n val xy = io.StdIn.readLine().split(\" \").map { s =>\n val i = Integer.parseInt(s)\n if (i > halfN) i - N else i\n }\n val n = (io.StdIn.readInt() -1) % 6\n def compute(k: Int): Long = {\n if (k > 2) -1 * compute(5 - k)\n else if (k == 0) xy(0)\n else if (k == 1) xy(1)\n else xy(1) - xy(0)\n }\n val fn = compute(n) % N\n println(if (fn < 0) fn + N else fn)\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "object Main {\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val N = 1000000007\n val halfN = 500000003\n val xy = io.StdIn.readLine().split(\" \").map { s =>\n val i = Integer.parseInt(s)\n if (i > halfN) i - N else i\n }\n val n = io.StdIn.readLong()\n val fn = (xy(1) - ((n - 2) % N) * xy(0)) % N\n println(if (fn < 0) fn + N else fn)\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "import scala.math.BigInt\n\nobject Main extends App {\n val sc = new java.util.Scanner(System.in)\n val x, y, n = sc.nextInt\n\n def solve( x: Int, y: Int, n: Int ): Int = {\n val M: Int = 1e9.toInt + 7\n\n val newN = (n-1) % 6\n\n def tail(a: BigInt, b: BigInt): Stream[BigInt] = a #:: tail(b, b - a)\n val res = tail(x, y)(newN-1)\n ( ( ( res % M ) + M ) mod M ).toInt\n }\n\n println( solve( x, y, n ) )\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import scala.math.BigInt\n\nobject Main extends App {\n val sc = new java.util.Scanner(System.in)\n val x, y, n = sc.nextInt\n\n def solve( x: Int, y: Int, n: Int ): Int = {\n val M: Int = 1e9.toInt + 7\n\n val newN = (n-1) % 6\n\n def tail(a: BigInt, b: BigInt): Stream[BigInt] = a #:: tail(b, b - a)\n val res = tail(x, y)(newN)\n ( ( ( res % M ) + M ) mod M ).toInt\n }\n\n def solve2( x: Int, y: Int, n: Int ): Int = {\n val M: Int = 1e9.toInt + 7\n\n val newN = (n-1) % 6\n\n var memo = new Array[Int](6)\n memo(0) = x\n memo(1) = y\n for( i <- (2 until 6) ) {\n memo(i) = ( ( ( memo(i-1) + memo(i-2) ) % M ) + M ) % M\n }\n\n memo(newN)\n }\n\n println( solve2( x, y, n ) )\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import scala.math.BigInt\n\nobject Main extends App {\n val sc = new java.util.Scanner(System.in)\n val x, y, n = sc.nextInt\n\n def solve( x: Int, y: Int, n: Int ): Int = {\n val M: Int = 1e9.toInt + 7\n\n val newN = (n-1) % 6\n\n def tail(a: BigInt, b: BigInt): Stream[BigInt] = a #:: tail(b, b - a)\n val res = tail(x, y)(newN)\n ( ( ( res % M ) + M ) mod M ).toInt\n }\n\n def solve2( x: Int, y: Int, n: Int ): Int = {\n val M: Int = 1e9.toInt + 7\n\n val newN = (n-1) % 6\n\n var memo = new Array[Int](6)\n memo(0) = x\n memo(1) = y\n for( i <- (2 until 6) ) {\n memo(i) = ( ( ( memo(i-1) - memo(i-2) ) % M ) + M ) % M\n }\n\n memo(newN)\n }\n\n println( solve2( x, y, n ) )\n}\n"}], "src_uid": "2ff85140e3f19c90e587ce459d64338b"} {"source_code": "import java.util._\nimport java.lang._\nimport java.io._\n\nobject A {\n\n var out: PrintWriter = null\n var br: BufferedReader = null\n var st: StringTokenizer = null\n\n def next: String = {\n while (st == null || !st.hasMoreTokens) {\n st = new StringTokenizer(br.readLine)\n }\n return st.nextToken\n }\n\n def nextInt: Int = {\n return Integer.parseInt(next)\n }\n\n def nextLong: Long = {\n return Long.parseLong(next)\n }\n\n def solve = {\n val y = nextInt\n val w = nextInt\n val x = 6 - Math.max(y, w) + 1\n if (x % 6 == 0) {\n out.println(x / 6 + \"/\" + 1)\n } else if (x % 3 == 0) {\n out.println(x / 3 + \"/\" + 2)\n } else if (x % 2 == 0) {\n out.println(x / 2 + \"/\" + 3)\n } else {\n out.println(x + \"/\" + 6)\n }\n }\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in))\n out = new PrintWriter(new BufferedOutputStream(System.out))\n solve\n out.close\n }\n}", "positive_code": [{"source_code": "//package me.jetblack.cf\n\nimport java.util.Scanner\n\nobject DiceRoll extends App {\n\n val s = new Scanner(System.in)\n\n val y = s.nextInt()\n val w = s.nextInt()\n\n val t = 6 - (math.max(y, w) - 1)\n if (t == 4) {\n println(\"2/3\")\n } else if (t == 3) {\n println(\"1/2\")\n } else if (t == 2) {\n println(\"1/3\")\n } else if (t == 6) {\n println(\"1/1\")\n } else {\n println(s\"$t/6\")\n }\n\n}"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io._\nimport scala.collection.mutable._\nimport java.util.StringTokenizer\n\nobject HelloWorld {\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n var Array(y, w) = readLine.split(\" \").map(_.toInt);\n var max = math.max(y, w);\n if (max == 1) {\n println(\"1/1\");\n } else if (max == 2) {\n println(\"5/6\");\n } else if (max == 3) {\n println(\"2/3\");\n } else if (max == 4) {\n println(\"1/2\");\n } else if (max == 5) {\n println(\"1/3\");\n } else {\n println(\"1/6\");\n }\n }\n\n}"}, {"source_code": "object Main {\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val max = readLine.split(\" \").map(_.toInt).max\n max match {\n case 1 => println(\"1/1\")\n case 2 => println(\"5/6\")\n case 3 => println(\"2/3\")\n case 4 => println(\"1/2\")\n case 5 => println(\"1/3\")\n case 6 => println(\"1/6\")\n case _ => // to make scalac happy\n }\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "object P9A {\n import io.StdIn._\n\n def main(args:Array[String]) {\n println(readLine.split(' ').map{_.toInt}.max match {\n case 1 => \"1/1\"\n case 2 => \"5/6\"\n case 3 => \"2/3\"\n case 4 => \"1/2\"\n case 5 => \"1/3\"\n case 6 => \"1/6\"\n })\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "//package me.jetblack.cf\n\nimport java.util.Scanner\n\nobject DiceRoll extends App {\n\n val s = new Scanner(System.in)\n\n val y = s.nextInt()\n val w = s.nextInt()\n\n val t = 6 - (math.max(y, w) - 1)\n if (t == 4) {\n println(\"2/3\")\n } else if (t == 3) {\n println(\"1/2\")\n } else if (t == 2) {\n println(\"1/3\")\n } else if (t == 6) {\n println(\"1/1\")\n } else {\n println(s\"$t/6\")\n }\n\n}"}, {"source_code": "object dieroll extends App {\n val Array(a, b) = readLine split ' ' map (_.toInt)\n\n @scala.annotation.tailrec def gcd(a: Int, b: Int): Int = b match {\n case 0 => a\n case _ => gcd(b, a % b)\n }\n\n val total = 7 - math.max(a, b)\n val g = gcd(total, 6)\n\n println(s\"${total/g}/${6/g}\")\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import java.util.StringTokenizer\n\nobject _9A extends App {\n var token = new StringTokenizer(\"\")\n def next = {\n while (!token.hasMoreTokens()) token = new StringTokenizer(readLine)\n token.nextToken()\n }\n val cb = 7 - (next.toInt max next.toInt)\n if (cb == 0) println(\"0/1\")\n else if (cb == 1) println(\"1/6\")\n else if (cb == 2) println(\"1/3\")\n else if (cb == 3) println(\"1/2\")\n else if (cb == 4) println(\"2/3\")\n else if (cb == 5) println(\"5/6\")\n else println(\"1/1\")\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "//package me.jetblack.cf\n\nimport java.util.Scanner\n\nobject DiceRoll extends App {\n\n val s = new Scanner(System.in)\n\n val y = s.nextInt()\n val w = s.nextInt()\n\n val t = 6 - (math.max(y, w) - 1)\n if (t == 4) {\n println(\"2/3\")\n } else if (t == 3) {\n println(\"1/2\")\n } else if (t == 2) {\n println(\"1/3\")\n } else if (t == 6) {\n println(\"1/1\")\n } else {\n println(s\"$t/6\")\n }\n\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object A9 {\n\n import IO._\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val score = readInts(2)\n val max = score.max\n val ans = Array(\"0/1\", \"1/1\", \"5/6\", \"2/3\", \"1/2\", \"1/3\", \"1/6\")\n println(ans(max))\n }\n\n object IO {\n @inline def read: String = scala.io.StdIn.readLine\n\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(read)\n\n def readInts(n: Int): Array[Int] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine;\n Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt)\n }\n\n def readLongs(n: Int): Array[Long] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine;\n Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong)\n }\n\n def readBigs(n: Int): Array[BigInt] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine;\n Array.fill(n)(BigInt(tl.nextToken))\n }\n }\n\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\nimport java.io.PrintWriter\nimport scala.annotation.tailrec\nimport scala.collection.mutable\nimport scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer\nimport scala.util.Random\n\nobject P009A extends App {\n val sc = new Scanner(System.in)\n val out = new PrintWriter(System.out)\n\n def solve(): String = {\n val target: Int = List.fill(2)(sc.nextInt).max\n List(\"dummy\", \"1/1\", \"5/6\", \"2/3\", \"1/2\", \"1/3\", \"1/6\")(target)\n }\n \n out.println(solve)\n out.close\n}\n"}], "negative_code": [{"source_code": "import java.util.StringTokenizer\n\nobject _9A extends App {\n var token = new StringTokenizer(\"\")\n def next = {\n while (!token.hasMoreTokens()) token = new StringTokenizer(readLine)\n token.nextToken()\n }\n val cb = 6 - next.toInt max next.toInt + 1\n if (cb == 0) println(\"0/1\")\n else if (cb == 1) println(\"1/6\")\n else if (cb == 2) println(\"1/3\")\n else if (cb == 3) println(\"1/2\")\n else if (cb == 4) println(\"2/3\")\n else if (cb == 5) println(\"5/6\")\n else println(\"1/1\")\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import java.util._\nimport java.lang._\nimport java.io._\n\nobject A {\n\n var out: PrintWriter = null\n var br: BufferedReader = null\n var st: StringTokenizer = null\n\n def next: String = {\n while (st == null || !st.hasMoreTokens) {\n st = new StringTokenizer(br.readLine)\n }\n return st.nextToken\n }\n\n def nextInt: Int = {\n return Integer.parseInt(next)\n }\n\n def nextLong: Long = {\n return Long.parseLong(next)\n }\n\n def solve = {\n val y = nextInt\n val w = nextInt\n val x = 6 - Math.max(y, w) + 1\n if (x % 2 == 0) {\n out.println(x / 2 + \"/\" + 3)\n } else if (x % 3 == 0) {\n out.println(x / 3 + \"/\" + 2)\n } else if (x % 6 == 0) {\n out.println(x / 6 + \"/\" + 1)\n } else {\n out.println(x / 6)\n }\n }\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in))\n out = new PrintWriter(new BufferedOutputStream(System.out))\n solve\n out.close\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import java.util._\nimport java.lang._\nimport java.io._\n\nobject A {\n\n var out: PrintWriter = null\n var br: BufferedReader = null\n var st: StringTokenizer = null\n\n def next: String = {\n while (st == null || !st.hasMoreTokens) {\n st = new StringTokenizer(br.readLine)\n }\n return st.nextToken\n }\n\n def nextInt: Int = {\n return Integer.parseInt(next)\n }\n\n def nextLong: Long = {\n return Long.parseLong(next)\n }\n\n def solve = {\n val y = nextInt\n val w = nextInt\n val x = 6 - Math.max(y, w) + 1\n if (x % 2 == 0) {\n out.println(x / 2 + \"/\" + 3)\n } else if (x % 3 == 0) {\n out.println(x / 3 + \"/\" + 2)\n } else if (x % 6 == 0) {\n out.println(x / 6 + \"/\" + 1)\n } else {\n out.println(x + \"/\" + 6)\n }\n }\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in))\n out = new PrintWriter(new BufferedOutputStream(System.out))\n solve\n out.close\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object P9A {\n import io.StdIn._\n\n def main(args:Array[String]) {\n println(readLine.split(' ').map{_.toInt}.max match {\n case 1 => \"1/0\"\n case 2 => \"5/6\"\n case 3 => \"2/3\"\n case 4 => \"1/2\"\n case 5 => \"1/3\"\n case 6 => \"1/6\"\n })\n }\n}\n"}], "src_uid": "f97eb4ecffb6cbc8679f0c621fd59414"} {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\nimport java.io.PrintWriter\nimport scala.annotation.tailrec\nimport scala.collection.mutable\nimport scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer\nimport scala.util.Random\nimport scala.util.control.Breaks._\n\nobject P006A extends App {\n val sc = new Scanner(System.in)\n val out = new PrintWriter(System.out)\n\n val f: PartialFunction[List[Int], String] = {\n case List(p, q, r, s) if p + q > r || q + r > s => \"TRIANGLE\"\n case List(p, q, r, s) if p + q == r || q + r == s => \"SEGMENT\"\n case _ => \"IMPOSSIBLE\"\n }\n val res: String = f(List.fill(4)(sc.nextInt).sorted)\n \n out.println(res)\n out.close\n}\n\n\n\n\n\n", "positive_code": [{"source_code": "object Solution6A extends Application {\n\n def isTriangle(a: Int, b: Int, c: Int): Boolean = a + b > c && a + c > b && b + c > a\n\n def isSegment(a: Int, b: Int, c: Int): Boolean = a + b == c || a + c == b || b + c == a\n\n def solution() {\n val a1 = _int\n val a2 = _int\n val a3 = _int\n val a4 = _int\n\n if (isTriangle(a1, a2, a3)) {\n println(\"TRIANGLE\")\n return\n }\n if (isTriangle(a1, a2, a4)) {\n println(\"TRIANGLE\")\n return\n }\n if (isTriangle(a1, a4, a3)) {\n println(\"TRIANGLE\")\n return\n }\n if (isTriangle(a4, a2, a3)) {\n println(\"TRIANGLE\")\n return\n }\n\n\n if (isSegment(a1, a2, a3)) {\n println(\"SEGMENT\")\n return\n }\n if (isSegment(a1, a2, a4)) {\n println(\"SEGMENT\")\n return\n }\n if (isSegment(a1, a4, a3)) {\n println(\"SEGMENT\")\n return\n }\n if (isSegment(a4, a2, a3)) {\n println(\"SEGMENT\")\n return\n }\n\n println(\"IMPOSSIBLE\")\n }\n\n //////////////////////////////////////////////////\n import java.util.Scanner\n val SC: Scanner = new Scanner(System.in)\n def _line: String = SC.nextLine\n def _int: Int = SC.nextInt\n def _long: Long = SC.nextLong\n def _string: String = SC.next\n solution()\n}"}, {"source_code": "object Solution extends App {\n val in = scala.io.Source.stdin.getLines()\n var data = in.next().split(\" \").map(_.toInt).toList.sorted\n\n def triangle(list: Seq[Int]): Int = {\n val sorted = list.sorted\n if (sorted(0) + sorted(1) == sorted(2)) 1\n else if (sorted(0) + sorted(1) > sorted(2)) 2\n else 0\n }\n\n val max = data.combinations(3).map(triangle).max\n if (max == 2)\n println(\"TRIANGLE\")\n else if (max == 1)\n println(\"SEGMENT\")\n else\n println(\"IMPOSSIBLE\")\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\n\nobject ATriangle extends App {\n\n val scanner = new Scanner(System.in)\n\n val in = (0 until 4).map(i => scanner.nextInt().toDouble)\n\n val res = (0 until 4).foldLeft(\"IMPOSSIBLE\")((r: String, c: Int) =>\n r match {\n case \"TRIANGLE\" => \"TRIANGLE\"\n case t if t ==\"IMPOSSIBLE\" || t == \"SEGMENT\" =>\n val s = co(in.remove(c).toList)\n if (math.abs(s) == 1.0) \"SEGMENT\"\n else if (t == \"SEGMENT\" && math.abs(s) > 1.0) \"SEGMENT\"\n else if (math.abs(s) < 1.0) \"TRIANGLE\"\n else \"IMPOSSIBLE\"\n\n }\n )\n\n println(res)\n\n implicit class ListExt[T](src: Seq[T]) {\n def remove(idx: Int): Seq[T] = src.take(idx) ++ src.drop(idx + 1)\n }\n\n\n def co(a:List[Double]): Double = (math.pow(a(0), 2) + math.pow(a(1), 2) - math.pow(a(2), 2)) / (2 * a(0) * a(1))\n\n\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object A6 {\n\n import IO._\n import collection.{mutable => cu}\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val in = readInts(4)\n val tri = in.permutations.exists{ arr =>\n val t = arr.take(3)\n arr(0)+arr(1) > arr(2) && arr(1)+arr(2) > arr(0) && arr(0)+arr(2) > arr(1)\n }\n if(tri) {\n println(\"TRIANGLE\")\n } else {\n val deg = in.permutations.exists{ arr =>\n val t = arr.take(3)\n arr(0)+arr(1) >= arr(2) && arr(1)+arr(2) >= arr(0) && arr(0)+arr(2) >= arr(1)\n }\n if(deg) {\n println(\"SEGMENT\")\n } else {\n println(\"IMPOSSIBLE\")\n }\n }\n }\n\n object IO {\n private val input = new java.io.BufferedReader(new java.io.InputStreamReader(System.in))\n\n @inline def read: String = input.readLine()\n\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(read)\n\n def readInt: Int = tokenizeLine.nextToken.toInt\n\n def readInts(n: Int): Array[Int] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine\n Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt)\n }\n\n def readLongs(n: Int): Array[Long] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine\n Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong)\n }\n\n def readBigs(n: Int): Array[BigInt] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine\n Array.fill(n)(BigInt(tl.nextToken))\n }\n }\n\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\nimport scala.util.Sorting.quickSort\nimport scala.math.max;\n\nobject Main {\n\n val TRIANGLE = 2\n val SEGMENT = 1\n val IMPOSSIBLE = 0\n val map = Array(\"IMPOSSIBLE\", \"SEGMENT\", \"TRIANGLE\")\n\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val in = new Scanner(System.in)\n def next = in.next.toInt\n\n println(map(canMakeTriangle(Array(next, next, next, next))))\n }\n\n def canMakeTriangle(sides: Array[Int]): Int = {\n quickSort(sides)\n max(classifyTriangle(sides(0), sides(1), sides(2)), classifyTriangle(sides(1), sides(2), sides(3)))\n }\n\n def classifyTriangle(s0: Int, s1: Int, s2: Int) = {\n val s = s0 + s1;\n if (s < s2) IMPOSSIBLE\n else if (s == s2) SEGMENT\n else TRIANGLE\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "\n/**\n * Created by yangchaozhong on 3/10/15.\n */\nobject CF6A extends App {\n import java.util.{Scanner}\n import java.io.{PrintWriter}\n\n val in = new Scanner(System.in)\n val out = new PrintWriter(System.out)\n\n def nextInt = in.nextInt\n def nextLong = in.nextLong\n def nextDouble = in.nextDouble\n def nextString = in.next\n def nextLine = in.nextLine\n\n def solve = {\n val lines = Array.ofDim[Int](4)\n\n (0 until 4).foreach { i =>\n lines(i) = nextInt\n }\n\n val combinations = lines.combinations(3)\n var c1 = 0\n var c2 = 0\n combinations.foreach { arr =>\n val sortedArr = arr.sortWith(_ > _)\n if (sortedArr(1) + sortedArr(2) > sortedArr(0)) {\n c1 += 1\n } else if (sortedArr(1) + sortedArr(2) == sortedArr(0)) {\n c2 += 1\n }\n }\n\n if (c1 > 0) {\n out.println(\"TRIANGLE\")\n } else if (c2 > 0) {\n out.println(\"SEGMENT\")\n } else {\n out.println(\"IMPOSSIBLE\")\n }\n }\n\n try {\n solve\n } catch {\n case _: Exception => sys.exit(9999)\n } finally {\n out.flush\n out.close\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import java.util._\nimport java.lang._\nimport java.io._\n\nobject A {\n\n var out: PrintWriter = null\n var br: BufferedReader = null\n var st: StringTokenizer = null\n\n def next: String = {\n while (st == null || !st.hasMoreTokens) {\n st = new StringTokenizer(br.readLine)\n }\n return st.nextToken\n }\n\n def nextInt: Int = {\n return Integer.parseInt(next)\n }\n\n def nextLong: Long = {\n return Long.parseLong(next)\n }\n\n def solve = {\n val len = new Array[Int](4)\n for (i <- 0 until 4) {\n len(i) = nextInt\n }\n var flag = false\n for (i <- 0 until 4) {\n for (j <- 0 until 4) {\n for (k <- 0 until 4) {\n if (i != j && j != k && i != k) {\n if (len(i) < len(j) + len(k) &&\n len(j) < len(i) + len(k) &&\n len(k) < len(j) + len(i) && !flag) {\n out.println(\"TRIANGLE\")\n flag = true\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n if (!flag) {\n for (i <- 0 until 4) {\n for (j <- 0 until 4) {\n for (k <- 0 until 4) {\n if (i != j && j != k && i != k) {\n if ((len(i) <= len(j) + len(k) &&\n len(j) <= len(i) + len(k) &&\n len(k) <= len(j) + len(i)) && !flag) {\n out.println(\"SEGMENT\")\n flag = true\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n if (!flag) {\n out.println(\"IMPOSSIBLE\")\n }\n }\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in))\n out = new PrintWriter(new BufferedOutputStream(System.out))\n solve\n out.close\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object P6A {\n def main(args : Array[String]) {\n val a = readLine split ' ' map {_.toInt}\n val answer = () match {\n case _ if (a combinations 3) exists {\n case Array(u, v, w) => u + v > w && v + w > u && w + u > v\n } => \"TRIANGLE\"\n case _ if (a combinations 3) exists {\n case Array(u, v, w) => u + v >= w && v + w >= u && w + u >= v\n } => \"SEGMENT\"\n case _ => \"IMPOSSIBLE\"\n }\n println(answer)\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io._\nimport scala.collection.mutable._\n\nobject HelloWorld {\n def main(args: Array[String]) = {\n var arr = readLine.split(\" \").map(_.toInt);\n var result = 0;\n val buffer = ArrayBuffer[Int](arr(0), arr(1), arr(2), arr(3)).sorted;\n for (i <- 0 until buffer.length) {\n val temp = buffer.clone;\n temp.remove(i);\n if (temp(0) + temp(1) > temp(2)) {\n result = math.max(result, 2);\n } else if (temp(0) + temp(1) == temp(2)) {\n result = math.max(result, 1);\n } else {\n result = math.max(result, 0);\n }\n }\n if (result == 0) {\n println(\"IMPOSSIBLE\");\n } else if (result ==1) {\n println(\"SEGMENT\");\n } else {\n println(\"TRIANGLE\");\n }\n }\n\n}"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io._\nimport scala.collection.mutable._\n\nobject HelloWorld {\n def main(args: Array[String]) = {\n var arr = readLine.split(\" \").map(_.toInt);\n val list = List(arr(0), arr(1), arr(2), arr(3)).sorted;\n var result = 0;\n val buffer = ArrayBuffer[Int](arr(0), arr(1), arr(2), arr(3)).sorted;\n for (i <- 0 until buffer.length) {\n val temp = buffer.clone;\n temp.remove(i);\n// println(\"LIST_LENGTH = \" + buffer.length);\n// println(\"TEMP = \" + temp.toString);\n// println(\"LIST = \" + buffer.toString);\n if (temp(0) + temp(1) > temp(2)) {\n result = math.max(result, 2);\n } else if (temp(0) + temp(1) == temp(2)) {\n \tresult = math.max(result, 1);\n } else {\n result = math.max(result, 0);\n }\n }\n if (result == 0) {\n println(\"IMPOSSIBLE\");\n } else if (result ==1) {\n println(\"SEGMENT\");\n } else {\n println(\"TRIANGLE\");\n }\n }\n\n}"}, {"source_code": "object Main { \n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val a = readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt).sorted\n \n var traingle = false\n var segment = false\n for{\n i <- 0 to 3\n j <- i + 1 to 3\n k <- j + 1 to 3 \n } {\n if (a(i) + a(j) > a(k)) traingle = true\n else if (a(i) + a(j) == a(k)) segment = true\n }\n if (traingle ) println(\"TRIANGLE\")\n else if (segment) println(\"SEGMENT\")\n else println(\"IMPOSSIBLE\")\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "object Main{\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n def solve(list: List[Int]): String ={\n\n (list(0), list(1), list(2), list(3)) match {\n case _ if list(0) + list(1) > list(2) => \"TRIANGLE\"\n case _ if list(0) + list(1) > list(3) => \"TRIANGLE\"\n case _ if list(0) + list(2) > list(3) => \"TRIANGLE\"\n case _ if list(1) + list(2) > list(3) => \"TRIANGLE\"\n\n case _ if list(0) + list(1) == list(2) => \"SEGMENT\"\n case _ if list(0) + list(1) == list(3) => \"SEGMENT\"\n case _ if list(0) + list(2) == list(3) => \"SEGMENT\"\n case _ if list(1) + list(2) == list(3) => \"SEGMENT\"\n\n case _ => \"IMPOSSIBLE\"\n }\n }\n\n val line = scala.io.StdIn.readLine()\n val nums = line.split(\" \").map(x => x.toInt).toList.sorted\n\n println(solve(nums))\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "object P6A {\n def main(args : Array[String]) {\n val a = readLine split ' ' map {_.toInt}\n val answer = () match {\n case _ if (a combinations 3) exists {\n case Array(u, v, w) => u + v > w && v + w > u && w + u > v\n } => \"TRIANGLE\"\n case _ if (a combinations 3) exists {\n case Array(u, v, w) => u + v >= w && v + w >= u && w + u >= v\n } => \"SEGMENT\"\n case _ => \"IMPOSSIBLE\"\n }\n println(answer)\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object P6A {\n def main(args : Array[String]) {\n val a = readLine split ' ' map {_.toInt}\n val answer = () match {\n case _ if (a combinations 3) exists {\n case Array(u, v, w) => u + v > w && v + w > u && w + u > v\n } => \"TRIANGLE\"\n case _ if (a combinations 3) exists {\n case Array(u, v, w) => u + v >= w && v + w >= u && w + u >= v\n } => \"SEGMENT\"\n case _ => \"IMPOSSIBLE\"\n }\n println(answer)\n }\n}"}], "negative_code": [{"source_code": "object Solution6A extends Application {\n\n def isTriangle(a: Int, b: Int, c: Int): Boolean = a + b > c && a + c > b && b + c > a\n\n def isSegment(a: Int, b: Int, c: Int): Boolean = !isTriangle(a, b, c) && a + b == c && a + c == b && b + c == a\n\n def solution() {\n val a1 = _int\n val a2 = _int\n val a3 = _int\n val a4 = _int\n\n if (isTriangle(a1, a2, a3)) {\n println(\"TRIANGLE\")\n return\n }\n if (isTriangle(a1, a2, a4)) {\n println(\"TRIANGLE\")\n return\n }\n if (isTriangle(a1, a4, a3)) {\n println(\"TRIANGLE\")\n return\n }\n if (isTriangle(a4, a2, a3)) {\n println(\"TRIANGLE\")\n return\n }\n\n\n if (isSegment(a1, a2, a3)) {\n println(\"SEGMENT\")\n return\n }\n if (isSegment(a1, a2, a4)) {\n println(\"SEGMENT\")\n return\n }\n if (isSegment(a1, a4, a3)) {\n println(\"SEGMENT\")\n return\n }\n if (isSegment(a4, a2, a3)) {\n println(\"SEGMENT\")\n return\n }\n\n println(\"IMPOSSIBLE\")\n }\n\n //////////////////////////////////////////////////\n import java.util.Scanner\n val SC: Scanner = new Scanner(System.in)\n def _line: String = SC.nextLine\n def _int: Int = SC.nextInt\n def _long: Long = SC.nextLong\n def _string: String = SC.next\n solution()\n}"}, {"source_code": "\n/**\n * Created by yangchaozhong on 3/10/15.\n */\nobject CF6A extends App {\n import java.util.{Scanner}\n import java.io.{PrintWriter}\n\n val in = new Scanner(System.in)\n val out = new PrintWriter(System.out)\n\n def nextInt = in.nextInt\n def nextLong = in.nextLong\n def nextDouble = in.nextDouble\n def nextString = in.next\n def nextLine = in.nextLine\n\n def solve = {\n val lines = Array.ofDim[Int](4)\n\n (0 until 4).foreach { i =>\n lines(i) = nextInt\n }\n\n val combinations = lines.combinations(3)\n var c1 = 0\n var c2 = 0\n combinations.foreach { x =>\n x.permutations.foreach { y =>\n if (y(0) + y(1) > y(2) && y(0) + y(1) < y(2)) {\n c1 += 1\n } else if (y(0) + y(1) == y(2)) {\n c2 += 1\n }\n }\n }\n\n if (c1 > 0) {\n out.println(\"TRIANGLE\")\n } else if (c2 > 0) {\n out.println(\"SEGMENT\")\n } else {\n out.println(\"IMPOSSIBLE\")\n }\n }\n\n try {\n solve\n } catch {\n case _: Exception => sys.exit(9999)\n } finally {\n out.flush\n out.close\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\nimport java.io.PrintWriter\nimport scala.annotation.tailrec\nimport scala.collection.mutable\nimport scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer\nimport scala.util.Random\nimport scala.util.control.Breaks._\n\nobject P006A extends App {\n val sc = new Scanner(System.in)\n val out = new PrintWriter(System.out)\n\n val isTriangle: PartialFunction[List[Int], Boolean] = {\n case List(x, y, z) => x + y > z\n }\n\n val res = List.fill(4)(sc.nextInt).sorted.sliding(3).find(isTriangle) match {\n case Some(x) => \"TRIANGLE\"\n case None => \"SEGMENT\"\n }\n\n out.println(res)\n out.close\n}\n\n\n\n\n\n"}, {"source_code": "import java.util._\nimport java.lang._\nimport java.io._\n\nobject A {\n\n var out: PrintWriter = null\n var br: BufferedReader = null\n var st: StringTokenizer = null\n\n def next: String = {\n while (st == null || !st.hasMoreTokens) {\n st = new StringTokenizer(br.readLine)\n }\n return st.nextToken\n }\n\n def nextInt: Int = {\n return Integer.parseInt(next)\n }\n\n def nextLong: Long = {\n return Long.parseLong(next)\n }\n\n def solve = {\n val len = new Array[Int](4)\n for (i <- 0 until 4) {\n len(i) = nextInt\n }\n var flag = false\n for (i <- 0 until 4) {\n for (j <- 0 until 4) {\n for (k <- 0 until 4) {\n if (i != j && j != k && i != k) {\n if (len(i) < len(j) + len(k) &&\n len(j) < len(i) + len(k) &&\n len(k) < len(j) + len(i) && !flag) {\n out.println(\"TRIANGLE\")\n flag = true\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n if (!flag) {\n for (i <- 0 until 4) {\n for (j <- 0 until 4) {\n for (k <- 0 until 4) {\n if (i != j && j != k && i != k) {\n if ((len(i) <= len(j) + len(k) &&\n len(j) <= len(i) + len(k) ||\n len(k) <= len(j) + len(i)) && !flag) {\n out.println(\"SEGMENT\")\n flag = true\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n if (!flag) {\n out.println(\"IMPOSSIBLE\")\n }\n }\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in))\n out = new PrintWriter(new BufferedOutputStream(System.out))\n solve\n out.close\n }\n}\n"}], "src_uid": "8f5df9a41e6e100aa65b9fc1d26e447a"} {"source_code": "object C3 {\n\n import IO._\n import collection.{mutable => cu}\n\n def wins(b: Array[Array[Char]], char: Char): Boolean = {\n b.exists(_.forall(_==char)) || {\n (0 until 3).exists(j => Array(b(0)(j), b(1)(j), b(2)(j)).forall(_==char))\n } || {\n Array(b(0)(0), b(1)(1), b(2)(2)).forall(_==char)\n } || {\n Array(b(0)(2), b(1)(1), b(2)(0)).forall(_==char)\n }\n }\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val b = Array.fill(3)(read.toCharArray)\n val x = b.flatten.count(_ == 'X')\n val zero = b.flatten.count(_ == '0')\n if(x != zero && x != zero+1) {\n println(\"illegal\") //also both can't win\n } else {\n if (wins(b, 'X') && wins(b, '0')) {\n println(\"illegal\")\n } else if (wins(b, 'X')){\n if(x == zero+1)\n println(\"the first player won\")\n else\n println(\"illegal\")\n } else if (wins(b, '0')){\n if(x == zero)\n println(\"the second player won\")\n else\n println(\"illegal\")\n } else {\n if(b.flatten.contains('.')) {\n if(x == zero) {\n println(\"first\")\n } else {\n println(\"second\")\n }\n } else {\n println(\"draw\")\n }\n }\n }\n\n }\n\n object IO {\n private val input = new java.io.BufferedReader(new java.io.InputStreamReader(System.in))\n\n @inline def read: String = input.readLine()\n\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(read)\n\n def readInt: Int = tokenizeLine.nextToken.toInt\n\n def readInts(n: Int): Array[Int] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine\n Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt)\n }\n\n def readLongs(n: Int): Array[Long] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine\n Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong)\n }\n\n def readBigs(n: Int): Array[BigInt] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine\n Array.fill(n)(BigInt(tl.nextToken))\n }\n }\n\n}\n", "positive_code": [{"source_code": "object cf3C extends App {\n val s = readLine + readLine + readLine\n val numX = s count {_ == 'X'}\n val num0 = s count {_ == '0'}\n val toX = numX== num0\n val to0 = numX== num0+1\n val filled = s forall {_!='.'}\n val lines = Array(\n Array(0, 1, 2), Array(3, 4, 5), Array(6, 7, 8),\n Array(0, 3, 6), Array(1, 4, 7), Array(2, 5, 8),\n Array(0, 4, 8), Array(2, 4, 6))\n val winX = lines exists {_ forall {s(_) == 'X'}}\n val win0 = lines exists {_ forall {s(_) == '0'}}\n val answer = () match {\n case _ if !toX && !to0 || toX && winX || to0 && win0 => \"illegal\"\n case _ if winX => \"the first player won\"\n case _ if win0 => \"the second player won\"\n case _ if filled => \"draw\"\n case _ if toX => \"first\"\n case _ if to0 => \"second\"\n }\n println(answer)\n}"}, {"source_code": "object P3C {\n def main(args : Array[String]) {\n val s = readLine + readLine + readLine\n val numX = s count {_ == 'X'}\n val num0 = s count {_ == '0'}\n val toX = numX == num0\n val to0 = numX == num0 + 1\n val filled = s forall {_ != '.'}\n val lines = Array(\n Array(0, 1, 2), Array(3, 4, 5), Array(6, 7, 8),\n Array(0, 3, 6), Array(1, 4, 7), Array(2, 5, 8),\n Array(0, 4, 8), Array(2, 4, 6))\n val winX = lines exists {_ forall {s(_) == 'X'}}\n val win0 = lines exists {_ forall {s(_) == '0'}}\n val answer = () match {\n case _ if !toX && !to0 || toX && winX || to0 && win0 => \"illegal\"\n case _ if winX => \"the first player won\"\n case _ if win0 => \"the second player won\"\n case _ if filled => \"draw\"\n case _ if toX => \"first\"\n case _ if to0 => \"second\"\n }\n println(answer)\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\n\nobject ZeroCross extends App {\n\n /*val a = b.map(a => a.zipWithIndex).flatten.groupBy(_._2).values.map(_.map(_._1)).map(_.mkString)\n println(a.mkString(\" \"))\n*/\n\n\n val b = Array.ofDim[Int](3, 3)\n\n val scanner = new Scanner(System.in)\n (0 until 3).foreach {\n i =>\n b(i) = scanner.next.toCharArray.map(convert)\n }\n\n def convert(ch: Char): Int = {\n if (ch == '.') 0\n else if (ch == '0') 1\n else 2\n }\n\n\n val board = Board(b)\n\n if (board.xWon && board.zeroWon) {\n println(\"illegal\")\n } else if (board.count(2) < board.count(1)) {\n println(\"illegal\")\n } else if (board.count(2) - board.count(1) > 1) {\n println(\"illegal\")\n } else if (board.zeroWon && board.count(2) > board.count(1)) {\n println(\"illegal\")\n } else if (board.xWon && board.count(2) == board.count(1)) {\n println(\"illegal\")\n } else if (board.xWon) {\n println(\"the first player won\")\n } else if (board.zeroWon) {\n println(\"the second player won\")\n } else if (board.draw) {\n println(\"draw\")\n } else if (board.count(1) == board.count(2)) {\n println(\"first\")\n } else if (board.count(2) - board.count(1) == 1) {\n println(\"second\")\n } else {\n println(\"illegal\")\n }\n\n\n case class Board(arr: Array[Array[Int]]) {\n\n def xWon: Boolean = won(2)\n\n def zeroWon: Boolean = won(1)\n\n def won(item: Int): Boolean = {\n wonHorizontal(item) || wonVertical(item) || wonDiagonal(item)\n }\n\n def count(item: Int): Int = arr.flatten.count(_ == item)\n\n def draw: Boolean = count(1) == 4 && count(2) == 5\n\n def wonDiagonal(item: Int) = {\n val diag = for {x <- 0 until 3\n st = arr(x)(x)\n rev = arr(x)(2 - x)} yield (st, rev)\n val res = diag.foldLeft((\"\", \"\"))((acc, t) => (acc._1 + t._1, acc._2 + t._2))\n List(res._1, res._2).contains(item.toString * 3)\n }\n\n def wonHorizontal(item: Int): Boolean = arr.map(a => a.mkString).contains(item.toString * 3)\n\n def wonVertical(item: Int): Boolean = b.map(a => a.zipWithIndex).flatten.groupBy(_._2).values.map(_.map(_._1)).map(_.mkString).toList.contains(item.toString * 3)\n\n }\n\n\n}\n"}], "negative_code": [{"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\n\nobject ZeroCross extends App {\n\n /*val a = b.map(a => a.zipWithIndex).flatten.groupBy(_._2).values.map(_.map(_._1)).map(_.mkString)\n println(a.mkString(\" \"))\n*/\n\n\n val b = Array.ofDim[Int](3, 3)\n\n val scanner = new Scanner(System.in)\n (0 until 3).foreach {\n i =>\n b(i) = scanner.next.toCharArray.map(convert)\n }\n\n def convert(ch: Char): Int = {\n if (ch == '.') 0\n else if (ch == '0') 1\n else 2\n }\n\n\n val board = Board(b)\n\n if (board.xWon && board.zeroWon) {\n println(\"illegal\")\n } else if (board.count(2) < board.count(1)) {\n println(\"illegal\")\n } else if (board.count(2) - board.count(1) > 1) {\n println(\"illegal\")\n } else if (board.zeroWon && board.count(2) > board.count(1)) {\n println(\"illegal\")\n } else if (board.xWon && board.count(2) == board.count(1)) {\n println(\"illegal\")\n } else if (board.xWon) {\n println(\"the first player won\")\n } else if (board.zeroWon) {\n println(\"the second player won\")\n } else if (board.draw) {\n println(\"draw\")\n } else if (board.count(1) == board.count(2)) {\n println(\"first\")\n } else if (board.count(2) - board.count(1) == 1) {\n println(\"second\")\n } else {\n println(\"illegal\")\n }\n\n\n case class Board(arr: Array[Array[Int]]) {\n\n def xWon: Boolean = won(2)\n\n def zeroWon: Boolean = won(1)\n\n def won(item: Int): Boolean = {\n wonHorizontal(item) || wonVertical(item) || wonDiagonal(item)\n }\n\n def count(item: Int): Int = arr.flatten.count(_ == item)\n\n def draw: Boolean = count(1) == 4 && count(2) == 5\n\n def wonDiagonal(item: Int) = {\n val diag = for {x <- 0 until 3\n st = arr(x)(x)\n rev = arr(2 - x)(2 - x)} yield (st, rev)\n val res = diag.foldLeft((\"\", \"\"))((acc, t) => (acc._1 + t._1, acc._2 + t._1))\n List(res._1, res._2).contains(item.toString * 3)\n }\n\n def wonHorizontal(item: Int): Boolean = arr.map(a => a.mkString).contains(item.toString * 3)\n\n def wonVertical(item: Int): Boolean = b.map(a => a.zipWithIndex).flatten.groupBy(_._2).values.map(_.map(_._1)).map(_.mkString).toList.contains(item.toString * 3)\n\n }\n\n\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\n\nobject ZeroCross extends App {\n\n /*val a = b.map(a => a.zipWithIndex).flatten.groupBy(_._2).values.map(_.map(_._1)).map(_.mkString)\n println(a.mkString(\" \"))\n*/\n\n\n val b = Array.ofDim[Int](3, 3)\n\n val scanner = new Scanner(System.in)\n (0 until 3).foreach {\n i =>\n b(i) = scanner.next.toCharArray.map(convert)\n }\n\n def convert(ch: Char): Int = {\n if (ch == '.') 0\n else if (ch == '0') 1\n else 2\n }\n\n\n val board = Board(b)\n\n if (board.xWon && board.zeroWon) {\n println(\"illegal\")\n } else if (board.count(2) < board.count(1)) {\n println(\"illegal\")\n } else if (board.count(2) - board.count(1) > 1) {\n println(\"illegal\")\n } else if (board.zeroWon && board.count(2) > board.count(1)) {\n println(\"illegal\")\n } else if (board.xWon && board.count(2) == board.count(1)) {\n println(\"illegal\")\n } else if (board.xWon) {\n println(\"the first player won\")\n } else if (board.zeroWon) {\n println(\"the second player won\")\n } else if (board.draw) {\n println(\"draw\")\n } else if (board.count(1) == board.count(2)) {\n println(\"first\")\n } else if (board.count(2) - board.count(1) == 1) {\n println(\"second\")\n } else {\n println(\"illegal\")\n }\n\n\n case class Board(arr: Array[Array[Int]]) {\n\n def xWon: Boolean = won(2)\n\n def zeroWon: Boolean = won(1)\n\n def won(item: Int): Boolean = {\n wonHorizontal(item) || wonVertical(item) || wonDiagonal(item)\n }\n\n def count(item: Int): Int = arr.flatten.count(_ == item)\n\n def draw: Boolean = count(1) == 4 && count(2) == 5\n\n def wonDiagonal(item: Int) = {\n val diag = for {x <- 0 until 3\n st = arr(x)(2 - x)\n rev = arr(2 - x)(2)} yield (st, rev)\n val res = diag.foldLeft((\"\", \"\"))((acc, t) => (acc._1 + t._1, acc._2 + t._1))\n List(res._1, res._2).contains(item.toString * 3)\n }\n\n def wonHorizontal(item: Int): Boolean = arr.map(a => a.mkString).contains(item.toString * 3)\n\n def wonVertical(item: Int): Boolean = b.map(a => a.zipWithIndex).flatten.groupBy(_._2).values.map(_.map(_._1)).map(_.mkString).toList.contains(item.toString * 3)\n\n }\n\n\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\n\nobject ZeroCross extends App {\n\n /*val a = b.map(a => a.zipWithIndex).flatten.groupBy(_._2).values.map(_.map(_._1)).map(_.mkString)\n println(a.mkString(\" \"))\n*/\n\n\n val b = Array.ofDim[Int](3, 3)\n\n val scanner = new Scanner(System.in)\n (0 until 3).foreach {\n i =>\n b(i) = scanner.next.toCharArray.map(convert)\n }\n\n def convert(ch: Char): Int = {\n if (ch == '.') 0\n else if (ch == '0') 1\n else 2\n }\n\n\n val board = Board(b)\n\n if (board.xWon && board.zeroWon) {\n println(\"illegal\")\n } else if (board.count(2) < board.count(1)) {\n println(\"illegal\")\n } else if (board.count(2) - board.count(1) > 1) {\n println(\"illegal\")\n } else if (board.zeroWon && board.count(2) > board.count(1)) {\n println(\"illegal\")\n } else if (board.xWon) {\n println(\"the first player won\")\n } else if (board.zeroWon) {\n println(\"the second player won\")\n } else if (board.draw) {\n println(\"draw\")\n } else if (board.count(1) == board.count(2)) {\n println(\"first\")\n } else if (board.count(2) - board.count(1) == 1) {\n println(\"second\")\n } else {\n println(\"illegal\")\n }\n\n\n case class Board(arr: Array[Array[Int]]) {\n\n def xWon: Boolean = won(2)\n\n def zeroWon: Boolean = won(1)\n\n def won(item: Int): Boolean = {\n wonHorizontal(item) || wonVertical(item) || wonDiagonal(item)\n }\n\n def count(item: Int): Int = arr.flatten.count(_ == item)\n\n def draw: Boolean = count(1) == 4 && count(2) == 5\n\n def wonDiagonal(item: Int) = {\n val diag = for {x <- 0 until 3\n st = arr(x)(x)\n rev = arr(2 - x)(2 - x)} yield (st, rev)\n val res = diag.foldLeft((\"\", \"\"))((acc, t) => (acc._1 + t._1, acc._2 + t._1))\n List(res._1, res._2).contains(item.toString * 3)\n }\n\n def wonHorizontal(item: Int): Boolean = arr.map(a => a.mkString).contains(item.toString * 3)\n\n def wonVertical(item: Int): Boolean = b.map(a => a.zipWithIndex).flatten.groupBy(_._2).values.map(_.map(_._1)).map(_.mkString).toList.contains(item.toString * 3)\n\n }\n\n\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\n\nobject ZeroCross extends App {\n\n /*val a = b.map(a => a.zipWithIndex).flatten.groupBy(_._2).values.map(_.map(_._1)).map(_.mkString)\n println(a.mkString(\" \"))\n*/\n\n\n val b = Array.ofDim[Int](3, 3)\n\n val scanner = new Scanner(System.in)\n (0 until 3).foreach { i =>\n b(i) = scanner.next.toCharArray.map(convert)\n }\n\n def convert(ch: Char):Int = {\n if (ch == '.') 0\n else if (ch == '0') 1\n else 2\n }\n\n\n val board = Board(b)\n\n if (board.xWon && board.zeroWon) {\n println(\"illegal\")\n } else if (board.count(2) < board.count(1)) {\n println(\"illegal\")\n } else if (board.count(2) - board.count(1) > 1) {\n println(\"illegal\")\n } else if (board.xWon) {\n println(\"the first player won\")\n } else if (board.zeroWon) {\n println(\"the second player won\")\n } else if (board.draw) {\n println(\"draw\")\n } else if (board.count(1) == board.count(2)) {\n println(\"first\")\n } else if (board.count(2) - board.count(1) == 1) {\n println(\"second\")\n } else {\n println(\"illegal\")\n }\n\n\n\n case class Board(arr: Array[Array[Int]]) {\n\n def xWon: Boolean = won(2)\n\n def zeroWon: Boolean = won(1)\n\n def won(item: Int): Boolean = {\n wonHorizontal(item) || wonVertical(item) || wonDiagonal(item)\n }\n\n def count(item: Int):Int = arr.flatten.count(_ == item)\n\n def draw:Boolean = count(1) == 4 && count(2) == 5\n\n def wonDiagonal(item: Int) = {\n val diag = for {x <- 0 until 3\n st = arr(x)(x)\n rev = arr(2 - x)(2 - x)} yield (st, rev)\n val res = diag.foldLeft((\"\",\"\"))((acc, t) => (acc._1 + t._1, acc._2 + t._1))\n List(res._1, res._2).contains(item.toString * 3)\n }\n\n def wonHorizontal(item: Int): Boolean = arr.map(a => a.mkString).contains(item.toString * 3)\n\n def wonVertical(item: Int): Boolean = b.map(a => a.zipWithIndex).flatten.groupBy(_._2).values.map(_.map(_._1)).map(_.mkString).toList.contains(item.toString * 3)\n\n }\n\n\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object C3 {\n\n import IO._\n import collection.{mutable => cu}\n\n def wins(b: Array[Array[Char]], char: Char): Boolean = {\n b.exists(_.forall(_==char)) || {\n (0 until 3).exists(j => Array(b(0)(j), b(1)(j), b(2)(j)).forall(_==char))\n } || {\n Array(b(0)(0), b(1)(1), b(2)(2)).forall(_==char)\n } || {\n Array(b(0)(2), b(1)(1), b(2)(0)).forall(_==char)\n }\n }\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val b = Array.fill(3)(read.toCharArray)\n val x = b.flatten.count(_ == 'X')\n val zero = b.flatten.count(_ == '0')\n if(x != zero || x != zero+1) {\n println(\"illegal\") //also both can't win\n } else {\n if (wins(b, 'X') && wins(b, '0')) {\n println(\"illegal\")\n } else if (wins(b, 'X')){\n if(x == zero+1)\n println(\"the first player won\")\n else\n println(\"illegal\")\n } else if (wins(b, '0')){\n if(x == zero)\n println(\"the second player won\")\n else\n println(\"illegal\")\n } else {\n if(b.flatten.contains('.')) {\n if(x == zero) {\n println(\"first\")\n } else {\n println(\"second\")\n }\n } else {\n println(\"draw\")\n }\n }\n }\n\n }\n\n object IO {\n private val input = new java.io.BufferedReader(new java.io.InputStreamReader(System.in))\n\n @inline def read: String = input.readLine()\n\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(read)\n\n def readInt: Int = tokenizeLine.nextToken.toInt\n\n def readInts(n: Int): Array[Int] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine\n Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt)\n }\n\n def readLongs(n: Int): Array[Long] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine\n Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong)\n }\n\n def readBigs(n: Int): Array[BigInt] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine\n Array.fill(n)(BigInt(tl.nextToken))\n }\n }\n\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object C3 {\n\n import IO._\n import collection.{mutable => cu}\n\n def wins(b: Array[Array[Char]], char: Char): Boolean = {\n b.exists(_.forall(_==char)) || {\n (0 until 3).exists(j => Array(b(0)(j), b(1)(j), b(2)(j)).forall(_==char))\n } || {\n Array(b(0)(0), b(1)(1), b(2)(2)).forall(_==char)\n } || {\n Array(b(0)(2), b(1)(1), b(2)(0)).forall(_==char)\n }\n }\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val b = Array.fill(3)(read.toCharArray)\n val x = b.flatten.count(_ == 'X')\n val zero = b.flatten.count(_ == '0')\n if(x < zero) {\n println(\"illegal\") //also both can't win\n } else {\n if (wins(b, 'X') && wins(b, '0')) {\n println(\"illegal\")\n } else if (wins(b, 'X')){\n if(x == zero+1)\n println(\"the first player won\")\n else\n println(\"illegal\")\n } else if (wins(b, '0')){\n if(x == zero)\n println(\"the second player won\")\n else\n println(\"illegal\")\n } else {\n if(b.flatten.contains('.')) {\n if(x == zero) {\n println(\"first\")\n } else {\n println(\"second\")\n }\n } else {\n println(\"draw\")\n }\n }\n }\n\n }\n\n object IO {\n private val input = new java.io.BufferedReader(new java.io.InputStreamReader(System.in))\n\n @inline def read: String = input.readLine()\n\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(read)\n\n def readInt: Int = tokenizeLine.nextToken.toInt\n\n def readInts(n: Int): Array[Int] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine\n Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt)\n }\n\n def readLongs(n: Int): Array[Long] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine\n Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong)\n }\n\n def readBigs(n: Int): Array[BigInt] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine\n Array.fill(n)(BigInt(tl.nextToken))\n }\n }\n\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object C3 {\n\n import IO._\n import collection.{mutable => cu}\n\n def wins(b: Array[Array[Char]], char: Char): Boolean = {\n b.exists(_.forall(_==char)) || {\n (0 until 3).exists(j => Array(b(0)(j), b(1)(j), b(2)(j)).forall(_==char))\n } || {\n Array(b(0)(0), b(1)(1), b(2)(2)).forall(_==char)\n } || {\n Array(b(0)(2), b(1)(1), b(2)(0)).forall(_==char)\n }\n }\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val b = Array.fill(3)(read.toCharArray)\n if(b.flatten.count(_ == 'X') < b.flatten.count(_ == '0') || (wins(b, 'X') && wins(b, '0')) ) {\n println(\"illegal\") //also both can't win\n } else if (wins(b, 'X')){\n println(\"the first player won\")\n } else if (wins(b, 'X')){\n println(\"the second player won\")\n } else {\n if(b.flatten.contains('.')) {\n if(b.flatten.count(_ == 'X') == b.flatten.count(_ == '0')) {\n println(\"first\")\n } else {\n println(\"second\")\n }\n } else {\n println(\"draw\")\n }\n }\n }\n\n object IO {\n private val input = new java.io.BufferedReader(new java.io.InputStreamReader(System.in))\n\n @inline def read: String = input.readLine()\n\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(read)\n\n def readInt: Int = tokenizeLine.nextToken.toInt\n\n def readInts(n: Int): Array[Int] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine\n Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt)\n }\n\n def readLongs(n: Int): Array[Long] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine\n Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong)\n }\n\n def readBigs(n: Int): Array[BigInt] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine\n Array.fill(n)(BigInt(tl.nextToken))\n }\n }\n\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object P3C {\n def main(args : Array[String]) {\n val s = readLine + readLine + readLine\n val numX = s count {_ == 'X'}\n val num0 = s count {_ == '0'}\n val filled = s forall {_ != '.'}\n val lines = Array(\n Array(0, 1, 2), Array(3, 4, 5), Array(6, 7, 8),\n Array(0, 3, 6), Array(1, 4, 7), Array(2, 5, 8),\n Array(0, 4, 8), Array(2, 4, 6))\n val winX = lines exists {_ forall {s(_) == 'X'}}\n val win0 = lines exists {_ forall {s(_) == '0'}}\n val answer = () match {\n case _ if numX < num0 || num0 + 1 < numX => \"Illegal\"\n case _ if winX && win0 => \"Illegal\"\n case _ if winX => \"the first player won\"\n case _ if win0 => \"the second player won\"\n case _ if filled => \"draw\"\n case _ if numX == num0 => \"first\"\n case _ => \"second\"\n }\n println(answer)\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object P3C {\n def main(args : Array[String]) {\n val s = readLine + readLine + readLine\n val numX = s count {_ == 'X'}\n val num0 = s count {_ == '0'}\n val filled = s forall {_ != '.'}\n val lines = Array(\n Array(0, 1, 2), Array(3, 4, 5), Array(6, 7, 8),\n Array(0, 3, 6), Array(1, 4, 7), Array(2, 5, 8),\n Array(0, 4, 8), Array(2, 4, 6))\n val winX = lines exists {_ forall {s(_) == 'X'}}\n val win0 = lines exists {_ forall {s(_) == '0'}}\n val answer = () match {\n case _ if numX < num0 || num0 + 1 < numX => \"illegal\"\n case _ if winX && win0 => \"illegal\"\n case _ if winX => \"the first player won\"\n case _ if win0 => \"the second player won\"\n case _ if filled => \"draw\"\n case _ if numX == num0 => \"first\"\n case _ => \"second\"\n }\n println(answer)\n }\n}\n"}], "src_uid": "892680e26369325fb00d15543a96192c"} {"source_code": "import java.util._\nimport java.io._\nimport java.util\n\nobject A {\n\n var out: PrintWriter = null\n var br: BufferedReader = null\n var st: StringTokenizer = null\n\n def next: String = {\n while (st == null || !st.hasMoreTokens) {\n st = new StringTokenizer(br.readLine)\n }\n return st.nextToken\n }\n\n def nextInt: Int = {\n return Integer.parseInt(next)\n }\n\n def nextLong: Long = {\n return java.lang.Long.parseLong(next)\n }\n\n def solve: Int = {\n var k = nextInt\n out.println(\"+------------------------+\")\n val ans = new Array[util.ArrayList[Char]](4)\n for (i <- 0 until 4) {\n ans(i) = new util.ArrayList[Char]()\n ans(i).add('|')\n }\n for (j <- 0 until 11) {\n for (i <- 0 until 4) {\n if (k > 0) {\n if (i == 2) {\n if (j == 0) {\n ans(i).add('O')\n ans(i).add('.')\n k -= 1\n } else {\n ans(i).add('.')\n ans(i).add('.')\n }\n }\n else {\n ans(i).add('O')\n ans(i).add('.')\n k -= 1\n }\n }\n else {\n if (i == 2 && j > 0) {\n ans(i).add('.')\n ans(i).add('.')\n } else {\n ans(i).add('#')\n ans(i).add('.')\n }\n }\n }\n }\n ans(0).add('|')\n ans(0).add('D')\n ans(0).add('|')\n ans(0).add(')')\n ans(1).add('|')\n ans(1).add('.')\n ans(1).add('|')\n ans(2).add('.')\n ans(2).add('.')\n ans(2).add('|')\n ans(3).add('|')\n ans(3).add('.')\n ans(3).add('|')\n ans(3).add(')')\n for (i <- 0 until 4) {\n for (j <- 0 until ans(i).size()) {\n out.print(ans(i).get(j))\n }\n out.println\n }\n out.println(\"+------------------------+\")\n return 1\n }\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in))\n out = new PrintWriter(new BufferedOutputStream(System.out))\n solve\n out.close\n }\n}\n", "positive_code": [{"source_code": "object Solution extends App {\n val in = scala.io.Source.stdin.getLines()\n var n = in.next().toInt\n val left = if (n == 0) 0\n else if (n < 5) 1\n else 1 + ((n - 5) / 3 + 1)\n val middleleft = if (n < 2) 0\n else if (n < 6) 1\n else 1 + ((n - 6) / 3 + 1)\n val middleright = if (n < 3) 0 else 1\n val right = if (n < 4) 0\n else if (n < 7) 1\n else 1 + ((n - 7) / 3 + 1)\n println(\"+------------------------+\")\n println(\"|\" + (\"O.\" * left) + (\"#.\" * (11 - left)) + \"|D|)\")\n println(\"|\" + (\"O.\" * middleleft) + (\"#.\" * (11 - middleleft)) + \"|.|\")\n println(\"|\" + (if (middleright == 0) \"#.\" else \"O.\") + (\"..\" * 10) + \"..|\")\n println(\"|\" + (\"O.\" * right) + (\"#.\" * (11 - right)) + \"|.|)\")\n println(\"+------------------------+\")\n\n}"}, {"source_code": "object BY2015_1 extends App {\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(readLine)\n def readInts(n: Int) = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt)\n }\n\n val Array(n) = readInts(1)\n val arr = Array.ofDim[String](34)\n for(i <- 0 until n) {\n arr(i) = \"O\"\n }\n for(i <- n until 34){\n arr(i) = \"#\"\n }\n println(\"+------------------------+\\n\" +\n s\"|${arr(0)}.${arr(4)}.${arr(7)}.${arr(10)}.${arr(13)}.${arr(16)}.${arr(19)}.${arr(22)}.${arr(25)}.${arr(28)}.${arr(31)}.|D|)\\n\" +\n s\"|${arr(1)}.${arr(5)}.${arr(8)}.${arr(11)}.${arr(14)}.${arr(17)}.${arr(20)}.${arr(23)}.${arr(26)}.${arr(29)}.${arr(32)}.|.|\\n\" +\n s\"|${arr(2)}.......................|\\n\" +\n s\"|${arr(3)}.${arr(6)}.${arr(9)}.${arr(12)}.${arr(15)}.${arr(18)}.${arr(21)}.${arr(24)}.${arr(27)}.${arr(30)}.${arr(33)}.|.|)\\n+------------------------+\")\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import scala.collection._\n\nobject A extends App {\n \n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(readLine)\n def readInts(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt) }\n def readLongs(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong) }\n def readBigs(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(BigInt(tl.nextToken)) }\n\n val Array(n) = readInts(1)\n\n val seats = Array.fill(4, 11)(false)\n var used = 0\n \n for (r <- 0 until 11) {\n for (c <- 0 until 4 if r == 0 || c != 2) {\n if (used < n) {\n seats(c)(r) = true\n used += 1\n }\n }\n }\n \n \n println(\"+------------------------+\")\n \n print(\"|\")\n for (s <- seats(0)) print(if (s) \"O.\" else \"#.\")\n println(\"|D|)\")\n\n print(\"|\")\n for (s <- seats(1)) print(if (s) \"O.\" else \"#.\")\n println(\"|.|\")\n \n print(\"|\")\n if (seats(2)(0)) print(\"O\") else print(\"#\")\n println(\".......................|\")\n \n print(\"|\")\n for (s <- seats(3)) print(if (s) \"O.\" else \"#.\")\n println(\"|.|)\")\n\n println(\"+------------------------+\")\n \n//|O.O.O.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.|D|)\n//|O.O.O.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.|.|\n//|O.......................|\n//|O.O.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.|.|)\n//+------------------------+\n}"}, {"source_code": "object main{\n\n\n def work(n:Int): Unit ={\n var s = \"+------------------------+\\n|#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.|D|)\\n|#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.|.|\\n|#.......................|\\n|#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.|.|)\\n+------------------------+\"\n var x = n\n\n var arr = s.split('\\n').map( _.toList.toIndexedSeq)\n for {\n column <- 0 until arr(0).length\n row <- 0 until 6\n } {\n val ch = arr(row)(column)\n if ('#' == ch && x >0){\n arr = arr.updated(row, arr(row).updated(column,'O'))\n x -= 1\n }\n }\n val s2 = (arr map (_.mkString)).mkString(\"\\n\")\n\n println(s2)\n }\n\n def main(args:Array[String]) = {\n val n = readInt()\n work(n)\n }\n\n\n\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import java.io.PrintWriter\nimport java.util.Scanner\n\n/**\n * Created by arseny on 05.10.14.\n */\nobject A extends App {\n val in = new Scanner(System.in)\n val out = new PrintWriter(System.out)\n\n def nextInt = in.nextInt\n def nextLong = in.nextLong\n def nextDouble = in.nextDouble\n def nextString = in.next\n\n def solve() = {\n val k = nextInt\n var r1 = \"+------------------------+\"\n var r2 = \"|#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.|D|)\"\n var r3 = \"|#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.|.|\"\n var r4 = \"|#.......................|\"\n var r5 = \"|#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.#.|.|)\"\n var r6 = \"+------------------------+\"\n\n if (k >= 1) {\n r2 = r2.updated(1, 'O')\n }\n if (k >= 2) {\n r3 = r3.updated(1, 'O')\n }\n if (k >= 3) {\n r4 = r4.updated(1, 'O')\n }\n if (k >= 4) {\n r5 = r5.updated(1, 'O')\n }\n if (k >= 5) {\n val m = (k - 4) / 3\n for (i <- 0 until m) {\n r2 = r2.updated((i + 1) * 2 + 1, 'O')\n r3 = r3.updated((i + 1) * 2 + 1, 'O')\n r5 = r5.updated((i + 1) * 2 + 1, 'O')\n }\n val t = (k - 4) % 3\n if (t >= 1) {\n r2 = r2.updated(2 * m + 3, 'O')\n }\n if (t >= 2) {\n r3 = r3.updated(2 * m + 3, 'O')\n }\n }\n\n out.println(r1)\n out.println(r2)\n out.println(r3)\n out.println(r4)\n out.println(r5)\n out.println(r6)\n\n }\n\n try {\n solve()\n } catch {\n case _: Exception => sys.exit(9999)\n } finally {\n out.flush()\n out.close()\n }\n}"}], "negative_code": [{"source_code": "object Solution extends App {\n val in = scala.io.Source.stdin.getLines()\n var n = in.next().toInt\n val left = if (n == 0) 0\n else if (n < 5) 1\n else 1 + ((n - 5) / 3 + 1)\n val middleleft = if (n < 2) 0\n else if (n < 6) 1\n else 1 + ((n - 6) / 3 + 1)\n val middleright = if (n < 3) 0 else 1\n val right = if (n < 4) 0\n else if (n < 7) 1\n else 1 + ((n - 7) / 3 + 1)\n println(\"|+------------------------+\")\n println(\"||\" + (\"0.\" * left) + (\"#.\" * (11 - left)) + \"|D|)\")\n println(\"||\" + (\"0.\" * middleleft) + (\"#.\" * (11 - middleleft)) + \"|.|)\")\n println(\"||\" + (\"0.\" * middleright) + (\"..\" * (11 - middleright)) + \"..|\")\n println(\"||\" + (\"0.\" * right) + (\"#.\" * (11 - right)) + \"|.|)\")\n println(\"|+------------------------+\")\n\n}"}, {"source_code": "object Solution extends App {\n val in = scala.io.Source.stdin.getLines()\n var n = in.next().toInt\n val left = if (n == 0) 0\n else if (n < 5) 1\n else 1 + ((n - 5) / 3 + 1)\n val middleleft = if (n < 2) 0\n else if (n < 6) 1\n else 1 + ((n - 6) / 3 + 1)\n val middleright = if (n < 3) 0 else 1\n val right = if (n < 4) 0\n else if (n < 7) 1\n else 1 + ((n - 7) / 3 + 1)\n println(\"|+------------------------+\")\n println(\"||\" + (\"O.\" * left) + (\"#.\" * (11 - left)) + \"|D|)\")\n println(\"||\" + (\"O.\" * middleleft) + (\"#.\" * (11 - middleleft)) + \"|.|)\")\n println(\"||\" + (\"O.\" * middleright) + (\"..\" * (11 - middleright)) + \"..|\")\n println(\"||\" + (\"O.\" * right) + (\"#.\" * (11 - right)) + \"|.|)\")\n println(\"|+------------------------+\")\n\n}"}, {"source_code": "object Solution extends App {\n val in = scala.io.Source.stdin.getLines()\n var n = in.next().toInt\n val left = if (n == 0) 0\n else if (n < 5) 1\n else 1 + ((n - 5) / 3 + 1)\n val middleleft = if (n < 2) 0\n else if (n < 6) 1\n else 1 + ((n - 6) / 3 + 1)\n val middleright = if (n < 3) 0 else 1\n val right = if (n < 4) 0\n else if (n < 7) 1\n else 1 + ((n - 7) / 3 + 1)\n println(\"|+------------------------+\")\n println(\"||\" + (\"O.\" * left) + (\"#.\" * (11 - left)) + \"|D|)\")\n println(\"||\" + (\"O.\" * middleleft) + (\"#.\" * (11 - middleleft)) + \"|.|\")\n println(\"||\" + (\"O.\" * middleright) + (\"..\" * (11 - middleright)) + \"..|\")\n println(\"||\" + (\"O.\" * right) + (\"#.\" * (11 - right)) + \"|.|)\")\n println(\"|+------------------------+\")\n\n}"}, {"source_code": "object Solution extends App {\n val in = scala.io.Source.stdin.getLines()\n var n = in.next().toInt\n val left = if (n == 0) 0\n else if (n < 5) 1\n else 1 + ((n - 5) / 3 + 1)\n val middleleft = if (n < 2) 0\n else if (n < 6) 1\n else 1 + ((n - 6) / 3 + 1)\n val middleright = if (n < 3) 0 else 1\n val right = if (n < 4) 0\n else if (n < 7) 1\n else 1 + ((n - 7) / 3 + 1)\n println(\"+------------------------+\")\n println(\"|\" + (\"O.\" * left) + (\"#.\" * (11 - left)) + \"|D|)\")\n println(\"|\" + (\"O.\" * middleleft) + (\"#.\" * (11 - middleleft)) + \"|.|\")\n println(\"|\" + (if (middleright == 0) \"#.\" else \"O.\") + (\"..\" * (11 - middleright)) + \"..|\")\n println(\"|\" + (\"O.\" * right) + (\"#.\" * (11 - right)) + \"|.|)\")\n println(\"+------------------------+\")\n\n}"}, {"source_code": "object Solution extends App {\n val in = scala.io.Source.stdin.getLines()\n var n = in.next().toInt\n val left = if (n == 0) 0\n else if (n < 5) 1\n else 1 + ((n - 5) / 3 + 1)\n val middleleft = if (n < 2) 0\n else if (n < 6) 1\n else 1 + ((n - 6) / 3 + 1)\n val middleright = if (n < 3) 0 else 1\n val right = if (n < 4) 0\n else if (n < 7) 1\n else 1 + ((n - 7) / 3 + 1)\n println(\"+------------------------+\")\n println(\"|\" + (\"O.\" * left) + (\"#.\" * (11 - left)) + \"|D|)\")\n println(\"|\" + (\"O.\" * middleleft) + (\"#.\" * (11 - middleleft)) + \"|.|\")\n println(\"|\" + (if (middleright == 0) \"#.\" else \"O.\") + (\"..\" * (10 - middleright)) + \"..|\")\n println(\"|\" + (\"O.\" * right) + (\"#.\" * (11 - right)) + \"|.|)\")\n println(\"+------------------------+\")\n\n}"}, {"source_code": "object Solution extends App {\n val in = scala.io.Source.stdin.getLines()\n var n = in.next().toInt\n val left = if (n == 0) 0\n else if (n < 5) 1\n else 1 + ((n - 5) / 3 + 1)\n val middleleft = if (n < 2) 0\n else if (n < 6) 1\n else 1 + ((n - 6) / 3 + 1)\n val middleright = if (n < 3) 0 else 1\n val right = if (n < 4) 0\n else if (n < 7) 1\n else 1 + ((n - 7) / 3 + 1)\n println(\"+------------------------+\")\n println(\"|\" + (\"O.\" * left) + (\"#.\" * (11 - left)) + \"|D|)\")\n println(\"|\" + (\"O.\" * middleleft) + (\"#.\" * (11 - middleleft)) + \"|.|\")\n println(\"|\" + (\"O.\" * middleright) + (\"..\" * (11 - middleright)) + \"..|\")\n println(\"|\" + (\"O.\" * right) + (\"#.\" * (11 - right)) + \"|.|)\")\n println(\"+------------------------+\")\n\n}"}], "src_uid": "075f83248f6d4d012e0ca1547fc67993"} {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn\n\nobject DW extends App {\n\n val required = StdIn.readLine().toCharArray.map {\n case '+' => 1\n case '-' => -1\n }.sum\n val (actual, uncertain) = StdIn.readLine().toCharArray.map {\n case '+' => (1, 0)\n case '-' => (-1, 0)\n case '?' => (0, 1)\n }.fold(0,0) {\n case ((a1, b1), (a2, b2)) => (a1 + a2, b1 + b2)\n }\n val miss = math.abs(required - actual)\n if (\n required > (actual + uncertain) ||\n required < (actual - uncertain) ||\n miss == 0 && uncertain % 2 != 0\n ) println(0.0d)\n else {\n\n val pluses = miss + (uncertain - miss) / 2\n println(\n math.pow(0.5f, uncertain) * factorial(uncertain) / (factorial(pluses) * factorial(math.abs(uncertain - pluses)))\n )\n }\n\n def factorial(n: Int): Int = {\n var res = 1\n for (i <- 1 to n) {\n res *= i\n }\n res\n }\n}", "positive_code": [{"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn._\n\nobject Wifi\n{\n\tvar original, total, correct: Int = 0\n\t\n\tdef main(args: Array[String])\n\t{\n\t\tval a, b = readLine\n\t\t\n\t\tfor (c <- a) c match\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tcase '+' => original += 1\n\t\t\tcase '-' => original -= 1\n\t\t}\n\t\t\n\t\tparse(b, 0)\n\t\tprintf(\"%1$.12f\", correct.toDouble / total)\n\t}\n\t\n\tdef parse(str: String, _pos: Int)\n\t{\n\t\tif (str isEmpty)\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tif (_pos == original) correct += 1\n\t\t\ttotal += 1\n\t\t\treturn\n\t\t}\n\t\tvar pos = _pos\n\t\t\n\t\tfor (i <- 0 until str.size) str(i) match\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tcase '+' => pos += 1\n\t\t\tcase '-' => pos -= 1\n\t\t\tcase '?' => {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tparse(str.substring(i + 1), pos + 1)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tparse(str.substring(i + 1), pos - 1)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\treturn\n\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t\t\n\t\tif (pos == original) correct += 1\n\t\ttotal += 1\n\t}\n}"}, {"source_code": "object B476 {\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(scala.io.StdIn.readLine)\n\n def readInts(n: Int) = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt)\n }\n\n def readLongs(n: Int) = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong)\n }\n\n def readBigs(n: Int) = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(BigInt(tl.nextToken))\n }\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val s1 = scala.io.StdIn.readLine\n val s2 = scala.io.StdIn.readLine\n val total = math.pow(2.0, s2.count(_ == '?'))\n val count = gen(0, s2.toCharArray, calc(s1.toCharArray))\n println(count.toDouble/total)\n }\n\n def calc(str: Array[Char]): Int = {\n val ret = str.foldLeft(0) { case (sum, ch) =>\n if(ch == '+') {\n sum + 1\n } else {\n sum - 1\n }\n }\n ret\n }\n\n def gen(ind: Int, str: Array[Char], finalPos: Int): Int = {\n if(ind == str.length) {\n if(calc(str) == finalPos) 1 else 0\n } else if (str(ind) != '?'){\n gen(ind + 1, str, finalPos)\n } else {\n var score = 0\n\n str(ind) = '+'\n score = gen(ind + 1, str, finalPos)\n\n str(ind) = '-'\n score += gen(ind + 1, str, finalPos)\n\n str(ind) = '?'\n\n score\n }\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "object Main extends App {\n def step(acc: Array[Int], op: Char): Array[Int] = \n if (op == '+') acc.map(_ + 1)\n else if (op == '-') acc.map(_ - 1)\n else acc.flatMap(x => Array(x - 1, x + 1))\n \n val orig = readLine\n val endPos = orig.foldLeft(Array(0))(step)(0)\n \n val recieved = readLine\n val sampleSpace = recieved.foldLeft(Array(0))(step)\n \n println(sampleSpace.count(_ == endPos) / sampleSpace.size.toDouble)\n}"}], "negative_code": [{"source_code": "object B476 {\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(scala.io.StdIn.readLine)\n\n def readInts(n: Int) = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt)\n }\n\n def readLongs(n: Int) = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong)\n }\n\n def readBigs(n: Int) = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(BigInt(tl.nextToken))\n }\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val s1 = scala.io.StdIn.readLine\n val s2 = scala.io.StdIn.readLine\n val total = s2.count(_ == '?').toDouble\n if(total == 0) {\n println(1.0d)\n } else {\n val count = gen(0, s2.toCharArray, calc(s1.toCharArray))\n println(count.toDouble/total)\n }\n }\n\n def calc(str: Array[Char]): Int = {\n str.foldLeft(0) { case (sum, ch) =>\n if(ch == '+') {\n sum + 1\n } else {\n sum - 1\n }\n }\n }\n\n def gen(ind: Int, str: Array[Char], finalPos: Int): Int = {\n if(ind == str.length) {\n if(calc(str) == finalPos) 1 else 0\n } else if (str(ind) != '?'){\n gen(ind + 1, str, finalPos)\n } else {\n var score = 0\n\n str(ind) = '+'\n score = gen(ind + 1, str, finalPos)\n\n str(ind) = '-'\n score += gen(ind + 1, str, finalPos)\n\n score\n }\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "object B476 {\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(scala.io.StdIn.readLine)\n\n def readInts(n: Int) = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt)\n }\n\n def readLongs(n: Int) = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong)\n }\n\n def readBigs(n: Int) = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(BigInt(tl.nextToken))\n }\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val s1 = scala.io.StdIn.readLine\n val s2 = scala.io.StdIn.readLine\n val total = math.pow(2.0, s2.count(_ == '?'))\n val count = gen(0, s2.toCharArray, calc(s1.toCharArray))\n println(count.toDouble/total)\n }\n\n def calc(str: Array[Char]): Int = {\n str.foldLeft(0) { case (sum, ch) =>\n if(ch == '+') {\n sum + 1\n } else {\n sum - 1\n }\n }\n }\n\n def gen(ind: Int, str: Array[Char], finalPos: Int): Int = {\n if(ind == str.length) {\n if(calc(str) == finalPos) 1 else 0\n } else if (str(ind) != '?'){\n gen(ind + 1, str, finalPos)\n } else {\n var score = 0\n\n str(ind) = '+'\n score = gen(ind + 1, str, finalPos)\n\n str(ind) = '-'\n score += gen(ind + 1, str, finalPos)\n\n score\n }\n }\n}"}], "src_uid": "f7f68a15cfd33f641132fac265bc5299"} {"source_code": "import scala.io.Source\n\nobject Solution extends App {\n val in = Source.stdin.getLines()\n val Array(day, of, period) = in.next().split(' ')\n val d = day.toInt\n if (period == \"week\") {\n d match {\n case 6 => println(53)\n case 5 => println(53)\n case _ => println(52)\n }\n } else {\n d match {\n case 31 => println(7)\n case 30 => println(11)\n case _ => println(12)\n }\n }\n}", "positive_code": [{"source_code": "import scala.math._\nimport scala.collection.immutable.Range\nimport scala.io.Source\n\nobject a8 {\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val a = Array.iterate(4,366)(a=>(a + 1)%7).map(_+1)\n val b = Array(31,29,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31).map(a=>(1 to a ).toArray)\n val line = Source.stdin.getLines().toArray.head.split(' ')\n val x = line(0).toInt\n println(line(2) match {\n case \"week\" => a.count(_ == x)\n case \"month\" => b.map(_.count(_ == x)).sum\n })\n //a.foreach(println)\n }\n\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object A611 {\n @inline def read = scala.io.StdIn.readLine\n\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(read)\n\n def readInts(n: Int) = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt)\n }\n\n def readLongs(n: Int) = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong)\n }\n\n def readBigs(n: Int) = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(BigInt(tl.nextToken))\n }\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val t1 = tokenizeLine\n val input = Array.fill(3)(t1.nextToken)\n if(input.contains(\"week\")) {\n val day = input(0).toInt\n if(Array(1,2,3,4,7).contains(day))\n println(\"52\")\n else\n println(\"53\")\n } else {\n val day = input(0).toInt\n if(day <= 29) {\n println(\"12\")\n } else if (day == 30) {\n println(\"11\")\n } else {\n println(\"7\")\n }\n }\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "import scala.collection._\n\nobject A extends App {\n\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(readLine)\n def readInts(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt) }\n def readLongs(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong) }\n def readBigs(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(BigInt(tl.nextToken)) }\n\n val ss = readLine.split(\" \")\n\n val n = ss(0).toInt\n if (ss(2) == \"week\") {\n val w = Seq(0, 52, 52, 52, 52, 53, 53, 52)\n println(w(n))\n } else {\n val x = if (n <= 29) 12 \n else if (n <= 30) 11\n else 7\n println(x)\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "\n/**\n * @author pvasilyev\n * @since 05 May 2016\n */\nobject A611 extends App {\n\n val Array(x, y, z) = scala.io.StdIn.readLine().split(\" \")\n val n = x.toInt\n var answer = 0\n if (\"month\".equals(z)) {\n if (n < 30) {\n answer = 12\n } else if (n == 30) {\n answer = 11\n } else {\n answer = 7\n }\n } else {\n if (n == 5 || n == 6) {\n answer = 53\n } else {\n answer = 52\n }\n }\n\n println(answer)\n\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\n\nobject Main{\n def main (args: Array[String]){\n val sc = new Scanner(System.in)\n val n = sc.nextInt()\n val of = sc.next()\n val span = sc.next()\n\n if(span == \"week\"){\n if(n == 7)\n println(52)\n else if(n >= 5)\n println(53)\n else\n println(52)\n }\n else if(span == \"month\"){\n if(n <= 29)\n println(12)\n else if(n == 30)\n println(11)\n else // n == 31\n println(7)\n }\n }\n}\n"}], "negative_code": [{"source_code": "import scala.math._\nimport scala.collection.immutable.Range\nimport scala.io.Source\n\nobject a8 {\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val a = Array.iterate(4,365)(a=>(a + 1)%7).map(_+1)\n val b = Array(31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31).map(a=>(1 to a ).toArray)\n val line = Source.stdin.getLines().toArray.head.split(' ')\n val x = line(0).toInt\n println(line(2) match {\n case \"week\" => a.count(_ == x)\n case \"month\" => b.map(_.count(_ == x)).sum\n })\n //b.foreach(println)\n }\n\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.Source\n\nobject Solution extends App {\n val in = Source.stdin.getLines()\n val Array(day, of, period) = in.next().split(' ')\n val d = day.toInt\n if (period == \"week\") {\n d match {\n case 6 => println(53)\n case 5 => println(53)\n case _ => println(52)\n }\n } else {\n d match {\n case 31 => println(7)\n case 30 => println(11)\n case 29 => println(11)\n case _ => println(12)\n }\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.Source\n\nobject Solution extends App {\n val in = Source.stdin.getLines()\n val Array(day, of, period) = in.next().split(' ')\n val d = day.toInt\n if (period == \"week\") {\n d match {\n case 7 => println(53)\n case 6 => println(53)\n case _ => println(52)\n }\n } else {\n d match {\n case 31 => println(7)\n case 30 => println(11)\n case 29 => println(11)\n case _ => println(12)\n }\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\n\nobject Main{\n def main (args: Array[String]){\n val sc = new Scanner(System.in)\n val n = sc.nextInt()\n val of = sc.next()\n val span = sc.next()\n\n if(span == \"week\"){\n if(n >= 5)\n println(53)\n else\n println(52)\n }\n else if(span == \"month\"){\n if(n <= 29)\n println(12)\n else if(n == 30)\n println(11)\n else // n == 31\n println(7)\n }\n }\n}\n"}], "src_uid": "9b8543c1ae3666e6c163d268fdbeef6b"} {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn._\nobject B extends App{\n val Array(n,m) = readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toLong)\n if (2*m-1 >= n){\n println(Math.max(m-1,1))\n }else{\n println(Math.min(n,m+1))\n }\n}\n", "positive_code": [{"source_code": "\nimport scala.io.StdIn.readLine\nimport scala.io.StdIn.readInt\n\n\nobject SimpleGame {\n \n def readInts() : Array[Int] =\n readLine.split(' ').map(_.toInt)\n \n def readTuple() : (Int,Int) = {\n val line = readInts\n (line(0),line(1))\n }\n def readTriple() : (Int,Int,Int) = {\n val line = readInts\n (line(0),line(1),line(2))\n }\n \n \n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val (n,m) = readTuple()\n if (m <= n/2) println(Math.min(m+1,n)) else println(Math.max(m-1,1))\n }\n \n}"}, {"source_code": "object B570 {\n\n import IO._\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val Array(n, m) = readInts(2)\n var maxAndrew = 0\n var res = n-m+1\n Array(m+1, m-1).foreach{\n case a if a > 0 && a <= n =>\n var andrew = 0\n if(a == m+1) {\n andrew = n - m - 1\n } else {\n andrew = m-1\n }\n if(andrew > maxAndrew) {\n maxAndrew = andrew\n res = a\n }\n case _ =>\n }\n println(res)\n }\n\n object IO {\n @inline def read: String = scala.io.StdIn.readLine\n\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(read)\n\n def readInts(n: Int): Array[Int] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine;\n Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt)\n }\n\n def readLongs(n: Int): Array[Long] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine;\n Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong)\n }\n\n def readBigs(n: Int): Array[BigInt] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine;\n Array.fill(n)(BigInt(tl.nextToken))\n }\n }\n\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import java.io._\nimport java.util._\n\nimport scala.collection.mutable\n\nobject B {\n\n var out: PrintWriter = null\n var br: BufferedReader = null\n var st: StringTokenizer = null\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in))\n out = new PrintWriter(new BufferedOutputStream(System.out))\n solve\n out.close\n }\n\n def next: String = {\n while (st == null || !st.hasMoreTokens) {\n st = new StringTokenizer(br.readLine)\n }\n return st.nextToken\n }\n\n def nextInt: Int = return Integer.parseInt(next)\n\n def nextLong: Long = return java.lang.Long.parseLong(next)\n\n def nextDouble: Double = return java.lang.Double.parseDouble(next)\n\n class MultiHashSet[T <% Comparable[T]] {\n val map = new mutable.HashMap[T, Int]()\n\n def count(x: T): Int = {\n return map.getOrElse(x, 0)\n }\n\n def add(x: T): Unit = map.put(x, count(x) + 1)\n\n def remove(x: T): Boolean = {\n val prev = count(x)\n if (prev == 0)\n return false\n if (prev == 1) {\n map.remove(x)\n } else {\n map.put(x, prev - 1)\n }\n return true\n }\n }\n\n class MultiTreeSet[T <% Comparable[T]] {\n val map = new TreeMap[T, Int]()\n\n def count(x: T): Int = {\n val res = map.get(x)\n if (res == null)\n return 0\n return res\n }\n\n def add(x: T): Unit = map.put(x, count(x) + 1)\n\n def first(): T = return map.firstKey()\n\n def last(): T = return map.lastKey()\n\n def remove(x: T): Boolean = {\n val prev = count(x)\n if (prev == 0)\n return false\n if (prev == 1) {\n map.remove(x)\n } else {\n map.put(x, prev - 1)\n }\n return true\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Segment tree for any commutative function\n * @param values Array of Int\n * @param commutative function like min, max, sum\n * @param zero zero value - e.g. 0 for sum, Inf for min, max\n */\n class SegmentTree(values: Array[Int])(commutative: (Int, Int) => Int)(zero: Int) {\n private val SIZE = 1e5.toInt\n private val n = values.length\n val t = new Array[Int](2 * n)\n Array.copy(values, 0, t, n, n)\n\n // build segment tree\n def build = {\n for (i <- n - 1 until 0 by -1) {\n t(i) = commutative(t(2 * i), t(2 * i + 1))\n }\n }\n\n // change value at position p to x\n // TODO beatify\n def modify(p: Int, x: Int) = {\n var pos = p + n\n t(pos) = x\n while (pos > 1) {\n t(pos / 2) = commutative(t(pos), t(pos ^ 1))\n pos /= 2\n }\n }\n\n // TODO implement me!\n def modify(p: Int, left: Int, right: Int) = ???\n\n def query(p: Int) = ???\n\n // sum [l, r)\n // min l = 0\n // max r = n\n // TODO beatify\n def query(left: Int, right: Int): Int = {\n var res = zero\n var r = right + n\n var l = left + n\n while (l < r) {\n if (l % 2 == 1) {\n res = commutative(res, t(l))\n l += 1\n }\n if (r % 2 == 1) {\n r -= 1\n res = commutative(res, t(r))\n }\n l /= 2\n r /= 2\n }\n res\n }\n }\n\n def solve: Int = {\n val n = nextInt\n val m = nextInt\n if (n == 1) {\n out.println(1)\n return 0\n }\n val abs = n - m\n if (abs > m) {\n out.println(m + 1)\n } else if (abs < m){\n out.println(m - 1)\n } else {\n out.println(m + 1)\n }\n return 0\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import io.StdIn._\nimport scala.collection.mutable\nimport scala.collection.mutable._\n\nobject Solution {\n\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val Array(n, m) = readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n\n println (if (m <= n/2) Math.min(n,m+1) else Math.max(1,m-1))\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import annotation.tailrec, collection.mutable, util._, control.Breaks._, math.Ordering.Implicits._\nimport CodeForcesApp._\nobject _570B extends CodeForcesApp[Int]({scanner => import scanner._\n val (n, m) = (nextInt, nextInt)\n (n, m) match {\n case (1, _) => 1\n case (_, 1) => 2\n case (_, `n`) => n-1\n case _ => m + (if (m <= n / 2) 1 else -1)\n }\n})\nimport java.util.Scanner\nabstract class CodeForcesApp[A](solver: Scanner => A) {\n final def apply(problem: String): String = apply(new Scanner(problem))\n final def apply(scanner: Scanner): String = format(solver(scanner))\n def format(result: A): String = result.toString\n final def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = println(apply(new Scanner(System.in)))\n}\nobject CodeForcesApp {\n import scala.collection.mutable.{Map => Dict}\n final val isOnlineJudge: Boolean = sys.props.get(\"ONLINE_JUDGE\").exists(_.toBoolean)\n final def debug(x: Any): Unit = if (!isOnlineJudge) println(x)\n final val modulus: Int = 1000000007\n final val eps: Double = 1e-9\n final def when[A](check: Boolean)(f: => A): Option[A] = if (check) Some(f) else None\n final def repeat[A](n: Int)(f: => A): Seq[A] = 1 to n map {_ => f}\n final def newCounter[A]: Dict[A, Int] = Dict.empty[A, Int] withDefaultValue 0\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn._\n\nobject SomeTest extends App {\n val Array(n, m) = readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toLong)\n\n if (n == 1) println(1)\n else if (n - m > m - 1) {\n println(m + 1)\n } else {\n println(m - 1)\n }\n}"}], "negative_code": [{"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn._\nobject B extends App{\n val Array(n,m) = readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n if (2*m-1 >= n){\n println(m-1)\n }else{\n println(m+1)\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn._\nobject B extends App{\n val Array(n,m) = readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toLong)\n if (2*m-1 >= n){\n println(m-1)\n }else{\n println(m+1)\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn._\nobject B extends App{\n val Array(n,m) = readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toLong)\n if (2*m-1 >= n){\n println(Math.max(m-1,0))\n }else{\n println(Math.min(n,m+1))\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn._\nobject B extends App{\n val Array(n,m) = readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n if (2*m-1 <= n){\n println(m+1)\n }else{\n println(m-1)\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object B570 {\n\n import IO._\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val Array(n, m) = readInts(2)\n var maxAndrew = 0\n var res = 0\n Array(m+1, m-1).foreach{\n case a if a > 1 && a <= n =>\n var andrew = 0\n if(a == m+1) {\n andrew = n - (m+1)\n } else {\n andrew = m-1\n }\n if(andrew > maxAndrew) {\n maxAndrew = andrew\n res = a\n }\n case _ =>\n }\n println(res)\n }\n\n object IO {\n @inline def read: String = scala.io.StdIn.readLine\n\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(read)\n\n def readInts(n: Int): Array[Int] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine;\n Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt)\n }\n\n def readLongs(n: Int): Array[Long] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine;\n Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong)\n }\n\n def readBigs(n: Int): Array[BigInt] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine;\n Array.fill(n)(BigInt(tl.nextToken))\n }\n }\n\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object B570 {\n\n import IO._\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val Array(n, m) = readInts(2)\n var maxAndrew = 0\n var res = 1\n Array(m+1, m-1).foreach{\n case a if a > 0 && a <= n =>\n var andrew = 0\n if(a == m+1) {\n andrew = n - m\n } else {\n andrew = a\n }\n if(andrew > maxAndrew) {\n maxAndrew = andrew\n res = a\n }\n case _ =>\n }\n println(res)\n }\n\n object IO {\n @inline def read: String = scala.io.StdIn.readLine\n\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(read)\n\n def readInts(n: Int): Array[Int] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine;\n Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt)\n }\n\n def readLongs(n: Int): Array[Long] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine;\n Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong)\n }\n\n def readBigs(n: Int): Array[BigInt] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine;\n Array.fill(n)(BigInt(tl.nextToken))\n }\n }\n\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object B570 {\n\n import IO._\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val Array(n, m) = readInts(2)\n var maxAndrew = 0\n var res = 1\n Array(m+1, m-1).foreach{\n case a if a > 1 && a <= n =>\n var andrew = 0\n if(a == m+1) {\n andrew = n - (m+1)\n } else {\n andrew = m-1\n }\n if(andrew > maxAndrew) {\n maxAndrew = andrew\n res = a\n }\n case _ =>\n }\n println(res)\n }\n\n object IO {\n @inline def read: String = scala.io.StdIn.readLine\n\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(read)\n\n def readInts(n: Int): Array[Int] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine;\n Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt)\n }\n\n def readLongs(n: Int): Array[Long] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine;\n Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong)\n }\n\n def readBigs(n: Int): Array[BigInt] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine;\n Array.fill(n)(BigInt(tl.nextToken))\n }\n }\n\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import java.io._\nimport java.util._\n\nimport scala.collection.mutable\n\nobject B {\n\n var out: PrintWriter = null\n var br: BufferedReader = null\n var st: StringTokenizer = null\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in))\n out = new PrintWriter(new BufferedOutputStream(System.out))\n solve\n out.close\n }\n\n def next: String = {\n while (st == null || !st.hasMoreTokens) {\n st = new StringTokenizer(br.readLine)\n }\n return st.nextToken\n }\n\n def nextInt: Int = return Integer.parseInt(next)\n\n def nextLong: Long = return java.lang.Long.parseLong(next)\n\n def nextDouble: Double = return java.lang.Double.parseDouble(next)\n\n class MultiHashSet[T <% Comparable[T]] {\n val map = new mutable.HashMap[T, Int]()\n\n def count(x: T): Int = {\n return map.getOrElse(x, 0)\n }\n\n def add(x: T): Unit = map.put(x, count(x) + 1)\n\n def remove(x: T): Boolean = {\n val prev = count(x)\n if (prev == 0)\n return false\n if (prev == 1) {\n map.remove(x)\n } else {\n map.put(x, prev - 1)\n }\n return true\n }\n }\n\n class MultiTreeSet[T <% Comparable[T]] {\n val map = new TreeMap[T, Int]()\n\n def count(x: T): Int = {\n val res = map.get(x)\n if (res == null)\n return 0\n return res\n }\n\n def add(x: T): Unit = map.put(x, count(x) + 1)\n\n def first(): T = return map.firstKey()\n\n def last(): T = return map.lastKey()\n\n def remove(x: T): Boolean = {\n val prev = count(x)\n if (prev == 0)\n return false\n if (prev == 1) {\n map.remove(x)\n } else {\n map.put(x, prev - 1)\n }\n return true\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Segment tree for any commutative function\n * @param values Array of Int\n * @param commutative function like min, max, sum\n * @param zero zero value - e.g. 0 for sum, Inf for min, max\n */\n class SegmentTree(values: Array[Int])(commutative: (Int, Int) => Int)(zero: Int) {\n private val SIZE = 1e5.toInt\n private val n = values.length\n val t = new Array[Int](2 * n)\n Array.copy(values, 0, t, n, n)\n\n // build segment tree\n def build = {\n for (i <- n - 1 until 0 by -1) {\n t(i) = commutative(t(2 * i), t(2 * i + 1))\n }\n }\n\n // change value at position p to x\n // TODO beatify\n def modify(p: Int, x: Int) = {\n var pos = p + n\n t(pos) = x\n while (pos > 1) {\n t(pos / 2) = commutative(t(pos), t(pos ^ 1))\n pos /= 2\n }\n }\n\n // TODO implement me!\n def modify(p: Int, left: Int, right: Int) = ???\n\n def query(p: Int) = ???\n\n // sum [l, r)\n // min l = 0\n // max r = n\n // TODO beatify\n def query(left: Int, right: Int): Int = {\n var res = zero\n var r = right + n\n var l = left + n\n while (l < r) {\n if (l % 2 == 1) {\n res = commutative(res, t(l))\n l += 1\n }\n if (r % 2 == 1) {\n r -= 1\n res = commutative(res, t(r))\n }\n l /= 2\n r /= 2\n }\n res\n }\n }\n\n def solve: Int = {\n val n = nextInt\n val m = nextInt\n if (n == 1) {\n out.println(1)\n return 0\n }\n val abs: Int = Math.abs(n - m)\n if (abs > m) {\n out.println(m + 1)\n } else if (abs < m){\n out.println(m - 1)\n } else {\n out.println(m - 1)\n }\n return 0\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import java.io._\nimport java.util._\n\nimport scala.collection.mutable\n\nobject B {\n\n var out: PrintWriter = null\n var br: BufferedReader = null\n var st: StringTokenizer = null\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in))\n out = new PrintWriter(new BufferedOutputStream(System.out))\n solve\n out.close\n }\n\n def next: String = {\n while (st == null || !st.hasMoreTokens) {\n st = new StringTokenizer(br.readLine)\n }\n return st.nextToken\n }\n\n def nextInt: Int = return Integer.parseInt(next)\n\n def nextLong: Long = return java.lang.Long.parseLong(next)\n\n def nextDouble: Double = return java.lang.Double.parseDouble(next)\n\n class MultiHashSet[T <% Comparable[T]] {\n val map = new mutable.HashMap[T, Int]()\n\n def count(x: T): Int = {\n return map.getOrElse(x, 0)\n }\n\n def add(x: T): Unit = map.put(x, count(x) + 1)\n\n def remove(x: T): Boolean = {\n val prev = count(x)\n if (prev == 0)\n return false\n if (prev == 1) {\n map.remove(x)\n } else {\n map.put(x, prev - 1)\n }\n return true\n }\n }\n\n class MultiTreeSet[T <% Comparable[T]] {\n val map = new TreeMap[T, Int]()\n\n def count(x: T): Int = {\n val res = map.get(x)\n if (res == null)\n return 0\n return res\n }\n\n def add(x: T): Unit = map.put(x, count(x) + 1)\n\n def first(): T = return map.firstKey()\n\n def last(): T = return map.lastKey()\n\n def remove(x: T): Boolean = {\n val prev = count(x)\n if (prev == 0)\n return false\n if (prev == 1) {\n map.remove(x)\n } else {\n map.put(x, prev - 1)\n }\n return true\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Segment tree for any commutative function\n * @param values Array of Int\n * @param commutative function like min, max, sum\n * @param zero zero value - e.g. 0 for sum, Inf for min, max\n */\n class SegmentTree(values: Array[Int])(commutative: (Int, Int) => Int)(zero: Int) {\n private val SIZE = 1e5.toInt\n private val n = values.length\n val t = new Array[Int](2 * n)\n Array.copy(values, 0, t, n, n)\n\n // build segment tree\n def build = {\n for (i <- n - 1 until 0 by -1) {\n t(i) = commutative(t(2 * i), t(2 * i + 1))\n }\n }\n\n // change value at position p to x\n // TODO beatify\n def modify(p: Int, x: Int) = {\n var pos = p + n\n t(pos) = x\n while (pos > 1) {\n t(pos / 2) = commutative(t(pos), t(pos ^ 1))\n pos /= 2\n }\n }\n\n // TODO implement me!\n def modify(p: Int, left: Int, right: Int) = ???\n\n def query(p: Int) = ???\n\n // sum [l, r)\n // min l = 0\n // max r = n\n // TODO beatify\n def query(left: Int, right: Int): Int = {\n var res = zero\n var r = right + n\n var l = left + n\n while (l < r) {\n if (l % 2 == 1) {\n res = commutative(res, t(l))\n l += 1\n }\n if (r % 2 == 1) {\n r -= 1\n res = commutative(res, t(r))\n }\n l /= 2\n r /= 2\n }\n res\n }\n }\n\n def solve: Int = {\n val n = nextInt\n val m = nextInt\n if (n == 1) {\n out.println(1)\n return 0\n }\n val mid = n / 2 + n % 2\n if (m > mid) {\n out.println(mid)\n } else if (m < mid) {\n out.println(m + 1)\n } else {\n out.println(m - 1)\n }\n return 0\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import io.StdIn._\nimport scala.collection.mutable\nimport scala.collection.mutable._\n\nobject Solution {\n\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val Array(n, m) = readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n\n println (if (m < (n+1)/2) m+1 else m-1)\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import io.StdIn._\nimport scala.collection.mutable\nimport scala.collection.mutable._\n\nobject Solution {\n\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val Array(n, m) = readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n\n println (if (m <= n/2) m+1 else m-1)\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import annotation.tailrec, collection.mutable, util._, control.Breaks._, math.Ordering.Implicits._\nimport CodeForcesApp._\nobject _570B extends CodeForcesApp[Int]({scanner => import scanner._\n val (n, m) = (nextInt, nextInt)\n if (m < n/2) {\n m+1\n } else if (m > n/2) {\n m-1\n } else {\n if (n%2 == 1) m+1 else m-1\n }\n})\nimport java.util.Scanner\nabstract class CodeForcesApp[A](solver: Scanner => A) {\n final def apply(problem: String): String = apply(new Scanner(problem))\n final def apply(scanner: Scanner): String = format(solver(scanner))\n def format(result: A): String = result.toString\n final def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = println(apply(new Scanner(System.in)))\n}\nobject CodeForcesApp {\n import scala.collection.mutable.{Map => Dict}\n final val isOnlineJudge: Boolean = sys.props.get(\"ONLINE_JUDGE\").exists(_.toBoolean)\n final def debug(x: Any): Unit = if (!isOnlineJudge) println(x)\n final val modulus: Int = 1000000007\n final val eps: Double = 1e-9\n final def when[A](check: Boolean)(f: => A): Option[A] = if (check) Some(f) else None\n final def repeat[A](n: Int)(f: => A): Seq[A] = 1 to n map {_ => f}\n final def newCounter[A]: Dict[A, Int] = Dict.empty[A, Int] withDefaultValue 0\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import annotation.tailrec, collection.mutable, util._, control.Breaks._, math.Ordering.Implicits._\nimport CodeForcesApp._\nobject _570B extends CodeForcesApp[Int]({scanner => import scanner._\n val (n, m) = (nextInt, nextInt)\n (n, m) match {\n case (1, _) => 1\n case (2, 1) => 2\n case (2, 2) => 1\n case (3, 1) => 2\n case (3, 2) => 1\n case (3, 3) => 1\n case _ if m <= n/2 => m+1\n case _ if m > n/2 => m-1\n }\n})\nimport java.util.Scanner\nabstract class CodeForcesApp[A](solver: Scanner => A) {\n final def apply(problem: String): String = apply(new Scanner(problem))\n final def apply(scanner: Scanner): String = format(solver(scanner))\n def format(result: A): String = result.toString\n final def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = println(apply(new Scanner(System.in)))\n}\nobject CodeForcesApp {\n import scala.collection.mutable.{Map => Dict}\n final val isOnlineJudge: Boolean = sys.props.get(\"ONLINE_JUDGE\").exists(_.toBoolean)\n final def debug(x: Any): Unit = if (!isOnlineJudge) println(x)\n final val modulus: Int = 1000000007\n final val eps: Double = 1e-9\n final def when[A](check: Boolean)(f: => A): Option[A] = if (check) Some(f) else None\n final def repeat[A](n: Int)(f: => A): Seq[A] = 1 to n map {_ => f}\n final def newCounter[A]: Dict[A, Int] = Dict.empty[A, Int] withDefaultValue 0\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn._\n\nobject B extends App {\n val Array(n, m) = readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toLong)\n val Half = Math.ceil(n / 2.0).toLong\n\n if (m >= Half) {\n println(m - 1)\n } else {\n println(m + 1)\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn._\n\nobject B extends App {\n val Array(n, m) = readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toLong)\n val Half = Math.ceil(n / 2.0)\n\n if (m >= Half) {\n println(m - 1)\n } else if (m < Half) {\n println(m + 1)\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn._\n\nobject B extends App {\n val Array(n, m) = readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toLong)\n val Half = Math.ceil(n / 2.0)\n\n if (n == 1) println(1)\n else if (m >= Half) {\n println(m - 1)\n } else if (m < Half) {\n println(m + 1)\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn._\n\nobject B extends App {\n val Array(n, m) = readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toLong)\n val Half = Math.ceil(n / 2.0).toInt\n\n if (m >= Half) {\n println(m - 1)\n } else {\n println(m + 1)\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "\nimport scala.io.StdIn.readLine\nimport scala.io.StdIn.readInt\n\n\nobject SimpleGame {\n \n def readInts() : Array[Int] =\n readLine.split(' ').map(_.toInt)\n \n def readTuple() : (Int,Int) = {\n val line = readInts\n (line(0),line(1))\n }\n def readTriple() : (Int,Int,Int) = {\n val line = readInts\n (line(0),line(1),line(2))\n }\n \n \n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val (n,m) = readTuple()\n if (m <= n/2) println(m+1) else println(m-1)\n }\n \n}"}], "src_uid": "f6a80c0f474cae1e201032e1df10e9f7"} {"source_code": "\nimport java.util._\nimport java.io._\nimport java.util\nimport scala.annotation.tailrec\n\nobject A {\n\n var out: PrintWriter = null\n var br: BufferedReader = null\n var st: StringTokenizer = null\n var ans = 0\n\n def next: String = {\n while (st == null || !st.hasMoreTokens) {\n st = new StringTokenizer(br.readLine)\n }\n return st.nextToken\n }\n\n def nextInt: Int = {\n return Integer.parseInt(next)\n }\n\n def nextLong: Long = {\n return java.lang.Long.parseLong(next)\n }\n\n def solve: Int = {\n val n = nextInt\n val m = nextInt\n val a = nextInt\n val b = nextInt\n var min = Int.MaxValue\n for (i <- 0 to n / m + 1) {\n var temp = i * b\n val x: Int = n - (i * m)\n if ( x > 0) {\n temp += x * a\n }\n min = Math.min(min, temp)\n }\n out.println(min)\n return 1\n }\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in))\n out = new PrintWriter(new BufferedOutputStream(System.out))\n solve\n out.close\n }\n}\n", "positive_code": [{"source_code": "\n\nobject CheapTravel {\n\tdef main (args: Array[String]) {\n\t\t//Parsing the input\n\t\tval scanner = new java.util.Scanner(System.in);\n\t\tval n = scanner.nextInt();\n\t\tval m = scanner.nextInt();\n\t\tval a = scanner.nextInt();\n\t\tval b = scanner.nextInt();\n\t\t// Check whether it is cheaper to buy m-rides tickets\n\t\tif (a*m >= b) {\n\t\t val lastTicket = if ((n%m * a) < b) n%m*a else b\n\t\t\tprintln(n / m * b + lastTicket)\n\t\t}\n\t\telse\n\t\t\tprintln(n * a)\n\t}\n}"}, {"source_code": "object Main {\n def main(args: Array[String]) = {\n val cin = new java.util.Scanner(System.in)\n val n = cin.nextInt()\n val m = cin.nextInt()\n val a = cin.nextInt()\n val b = cin.nextInt()\n println(Math.min(Math.min(n * a, (n / m) * b + (n % m) * a), ((n + m - 1) / m) * b))\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "//package xubiker.archive\n \nimport java.util.Scanner\n\nobject Task_466A extends App {\n\n val sc = new Scanner(System.in)\n\n val n = sc.nextInt()\n val m = sc.nextInt()\n val a = sc.nextInt()\n val b = sc.nextInt()\n\n sc.close()\n\n val price1 = (Math.ceil(n.toDouble / m) * b).toInt\n val price2 = a * n\n val price3 = (n / m) * b + (n % m) * a\n\n val price = price1.min(price2.min(price3))\n println(price)\n\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "\nimport scala.io.StdIn.readLine\nimport scala.io.StdIn.readInt\n\n\nobject CheapTravel {\n \n def readInts() : Array[Int] =\n readLine.split(' ').map(_.toInt)\n \n def readLongs() : Array[Long] = \n readLine.split(' ').map(_.toLong)\n \n def readTuple() : (Int,Int) = {\n val line = readInts\n (line(0),line(1))\n }\n def readTupleLong() : (Long,Long) = {\n val line = readLongs\n (line(0),line(1))\n }\n \n def readTriple() : (Int,Int,Int) = {\n val line = readInts\n (line(0),line(1),line(2))\n }\n def readQuad() : (Int,Int,Int,Int) = {\n val line = readInts\n (line(0),line(1),line(2),line(3))\n }\n \n \n \n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val (n,m,a,b) = readQuad()\n val pricePerRide = b.toDouble/m\n if (pricePerRide >= a) println(a*n) // always by single tickets\n else { \n val priceRem = if ( (n%m)*a <= b) (n%m)*a else b\n println( (n/m)*b + priceRem)\n }\n }\n \n}"}, {"source_code": "object Main extends App {\n val in = readLine\n val Array(n, m, a, b) = in.split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n if (m * a <= b)\n println(a * n)\n else \n println((n / m) * b + (if (n % m > 0) Math.min(b, n % m * a) else 0))\n}"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn._\n\nobject Main2 extends App {\n val Array(ridesNumber, subscriptionRidesNumber, ridePrice, subscriptionPrice) = readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n val ans = if (subscriptionRidesNumber * ridePrice > subscriptionPrice) {\n val priceWithGreedySubscriptions = (ridesNumber/subscriptionRidesNumber) * subscriptionPrice\n val remainingRides = ridesNumber%subscriptionRidesNumber\n if (remainingRides * ridePrice < subscriptionPrice) {\n priceWithGreedySubscriptions + remainingRides * ridePrice\n } else {\n priceWithGreedySubscriptions + subscriptionPrice\n }\n } else {\n ridesNumber * ridePrice\n }\n println(ans)\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import scala.util.Sorting\nimport scala.io.StdIn\n\nobject App {\n\n\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n\n val Array(n,m,a,b) = StdIn.readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n\n\n\n var ans = 10000000;\n for(i <- 0 to 1000) {\n ans = math.min(ans, b * i + math.max(n - m * i,0) * a)\n }\n\n println(ans)\n\n\n }\n\n\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object Main extends App {\n val in = readLine\n val Array(n, m, a, b) = in.split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n if (m * a <= b)\n println(a * n)\n else \n println((n / m) * b + (if (n % m > 0) Math.min(b, n % m * a) else 0))\n}"}, {"source_code": "object Main {\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\nval Array(n,m,a,b) = scala.io.StdIn.readLine().split(' ').map(_.toInt)\nprintln(scala.math.min(n/m*b+scala.math.min(n%m*a, b), n*a))\n }\n }"}, {"source_code": "object Solution extends App {\n val in = scala.io.Source.stdin.getLines()\n val Array(n, m, a, b) = in.next().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n if (m * a <= b)\n println(a * n)\n else {\n println((n / m) * b + (if (n % m > 0) Math.min(b, n % m * a) else 0))\n }\n\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import scala.collection.JavaConversions._\n\n\nobject Codeforces466A {\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val Array(n, m, a, b) = scala.io.StdIn.readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n if (b.toFloat/m > a) {\n println(n*a)\n }\n else {\n val x = n / m\n val y = n % m\n if (y > 0) {\n if (y*a < b)\n println(x*b + y*a)\n else\n println(x*b + b)\n }\n else\n println(x*b)\n }\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer\nimport scala.io.StdIn._\nimport scala.util.Sorting._\nimport scala.math._\nimport scala.collection._\nimport java.util._\n\nobject HelloWorld {\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val Array(n, m, a, b) = readLine.split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n\n var ans = Int.MaxValue\n for(i <- 0 to n){\n var by_one = i\n var by_one_price = by_one * a\n\n var remained_tickets = n - i\n if(remained_tickets >= 0){\n var by_m = (remained_tickets + (m - 1)) / m\n var by_m_price = by_m * b\n\n ans = Array(ans, by_one_price + by_m_price).min\n }\n }\n\n println(ans)\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "object A466 {\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(scala.io.StdIn.readLine)\n\n def readInts(n: Int) = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt)\n }\n\n def readLongs(n: Int) = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong)\n }\n\n def readBigs(n: Int) = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(BigInt(tl.nextToken))\n }\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val Array(n, m, a, b) = readInts(4)\n\n var res = n * a\n res = math.min(res, b*(if(n%m == 0) n/m else n/m + 1) )\n res = math.min(res, if(n%m == 0) b*(n/m) else b*(n/m) + a*(n%m))\n println(res)\n }\n}"}], "negative_code": [{"source_code": "object Main {\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\nval Array(n,m,a,b) = scala.io.StdIn.readLine().split(' ').map(_.toInt)\nprintln(n/m*b+n%m*a)\n }\n }\n"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn\n\nobject Task466A {\n\tdef main(args: Array[String]) {\n\t\tval nmab = StdIn.readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n\t\tif (nmab(3).toDouble / nmab(1) < nmab(2))\n\t\t\tprintln(nmab(0) / nmab(1) * nmab(3) + Math.min(nmab(2), nmab(3)))\n\t\telse println(nmab(0) * nmab(2))\n\t}\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn\n\nobject Task466A {\n\tdef main(args: Array[String]) {\n\t\tval nmab = StdIn.readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n\t\tif (nmab(3).toDouble / nmab(1) < nmab(2))\n\t\t\tprintln(nmab(0) / nmab(1) * nmab(3) + nmab(0) % nmab(1) * Math.min(nmab(2), nmab(3)))\n\t\telse println(nmab(0) * nmab(2))\n\t}\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn\n\nobject Task466A {\n\tdef main(args: Array[String]) {\n\t\tval nmab = StdIn.readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n\t\tprintln(if (nmab(3).toDouble / nmab(1) < nmab(2))\n\t\t\tif (nmab(0).toDouble / nmab(1) < 1) nmab(3)\n\t\t\telse nmab(0) / nmab(1) * nmab(3) + nmab(0) % nmab(1) * Math.min(nmab(2), nmab(3))\n\t\telse nmab(0) * nmab(2))\n\t}\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import scala.collection.JavaConversions._\n\n\nobject Codeforces468A {\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val Array(n, m, a, b) = scala.io.StdIn.readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n if (m.toFloat/b > a) {\n println(n*a)\n }\n else {\n println((n/m)*b + (n%m)*a)\n }\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "import scala.collection.JavaConversions._\n\n\nobject Codeforces466A {\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val Array(n, m, a, b) = scala.io.StdIn.readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n if (m.toFloat/b > a) {\n println(n*a)\n }\n else {\n val x = n / m\n val y = n % m\n if (y*a < b)\n println((n/m)*b + (n%m)*a)\n else\n println((n/m)*b + b)\n }\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer\nimport scala.io.StdIn._\nimport scala.util.Sorting._\nimport scala.math._\nimport scala.collection._\nimport java.util._\n\nobject HelloWorld {\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val Array(n, m, a, b) = readLine.split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n\n var ans = Int.MaxValue\n for(i <- 0 to n){\n var by_one = i\n var by_one_price = by_one * a\n\n var remained_tickets = n - i\n if(remained_tickets > 0){\n var by_m = (remained_tickets + (m - 1)) / m\n var by_m_price = by_m * b\n\n ans = Array(ans, by_one_price + by_m_price).min\n }\n }\n\n println(ans)\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "import java.util._\nimport java.io._\nimport java.util\nimport scala.annotation.tailrec\n\nobject A {\n\n var out: PrintWriter = null\n var br: BufferedReader = null\n var st: StringTokenizer = null\n var ans = 0\n\n def next: String = {\n while (st == null || !st.hasMoreTokens) {\n st = new StringTokenizer(br.readLine)\n }\n return st.nextToken\n }\n\n def nextInt: Int = {\n return Integer.parseInt(next)\n }\n\n def nextLong: Long = {\n return java.lang.Long.parseLong(next)\n }\n\n def solve: Int = {\n val n = nextInt\n val m = nextInt\n val a = nextInt\n val b = nextInt\n var min = Int.MaxValue\n for (i <- 0 to n / m) {\n min = Math.min(min, i * b + (n - (i * m)) * a)\n }\n out.println(min)\n return 1\n }\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in))\n out = new PrintWriter(new BufferedOutputStream(System.out))\n solve\n out.close\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "\nimport java.util._\nimport java.io._\nimport java.util\nimport scala.annotation.tailrec\n\nobject A {\n\n var out: PrintWriter = null\n var br: BufferedReader = null\n var st: StringTokenizer = null\n var ans = 0\n\n def next: String = {\n while (st == null || !st.hasMoreTokens) {\n st = new StringTokenizer(br.readLine)\n }\n return st.nextToken\n }\n\n def nextInt: Int = {\n return Integer.parseInt(next)\n }\n\n def nextLong: Long = {\n return java.lang.Long.parseLong(next)\n }\n\n def solve: Int = {\n val n = nextInt\n val m = nextInt\n val a = nextInt\n val b = nextInt\n out.println(Math.min(n * a, (n / m) * b + (n % m) * a))\n return 1\n }\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in))\n out = new PrintWriter(new BufferedOutputStream(System.out))\n solve\n out.close\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "\n\nobject CheapTravel {\n\tdef main (args: Array[String]) {\n\t\t//Parsing the input\n\t\tval scanner = new java.util.Scanner(System.in);\n\t\tval n = scanner.nextInt();\n\t\tval m = scanner.nextInt();\n\t\tval a = scanner.nextInt();\n\t\tval b = scanner.nextInt();\n\t\t// Check whether it is cheaper to buy m-rides tickets\n\t\tif (a*m >= b) \n\t\t\tprintln(n / m * b + n%m * a)\n\t\t\telse\n\t\t\t\tprintln(n * a)\n\t}\n}"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn._\n\nobject Main2 extends App {\n val Array(ridesNumber, subscriptionRidesNumber, ridePrice, subscriptionPrice) = readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n val ans = if (subscriptionRidesNumber * ridePrice > subscriptionPrice) {\n val subscriptionsPrice = (ridesNumber/subscriptionRidesNumber) * subscriptionPrice\n val remainingRides = (ridesNumber%subscriptionRidesNumber)\n if (remainingRides * ridePrice < subscriptionsPrice) {\n subscriptionsPrice + remainingRides * ridePrice\n } else {\n subscriptionsPrice + subscriptionPrice\n }\n } else {\n ridesNumber * ridePrice\n }\n println(ans)\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn._\n\nobject Main2 extends App {\n val Array(ridesNumber, subscriptionRidesNumber, ridePrice, subscriptionPrice) = readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n val ans = if (subscriptionRidesNumber * ridePrice > subscriptionPrice) {\n (ridesNumber/subscriptionRidesNumber) * subscriptionPrice + (ridesNumber%subscriptionRidesNumber) * ridePrice\n } else {\n ridesNumber * ridePrice\n }\n println(ans)\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import scala.util.Sorting\nimport scala.io.StdIn\n\nobject App {\n\n\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n\n val Array(n,m,a,b) = StdIn.readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n\n\n\n var ans = 10000;\n for(i <- 0 to 1000) {\n ans = math.min(ans, b * i + math.max(n - m * i,0) * a)\n }\n\n println(ans)\n\n\n }\n\n\n}\n"}], "src_uid": "faa343ad6028c5a069857a38fa19bb24"} {"source_code": "import scala.io.Source\n\nobject Solution extends App {\n val in = Source.stdin.getLines()\n val data = in.next().split(' ').map(_.toLong)\n var (a, b) = if (data.head % data.last == 0) (data.head /data.last, 1l) else (data.head, data.last)\n var r = 0l\n while (b > 0) {\n r += a / b\n val newB = a % b\n a = b\n b = newB\n }\n println(r)\n}", "positive_code": [{"source_code": "object C extends App {\n\n def readString = Console.readLine\n def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(readString)\n def readLongs(n: Int) = { val t = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(t.nextToken.toLong) }\n \n def cnt(a: Long, b: Long): Long = {\n if (a == 1L) b\n else if (a > b) a / b + cnt(a % b, b)\n else cnt(b, a)\n }\n\n val Array(a, b) = readLongs(2)\n\n println(cnt(a, b))\n}"}, {"source_code": "import scala.collection._\n\nobject C extends App {\n\n def readString = Console.readLine\n def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(readString)\n def readInts(n: Int) = { val t = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(t.nextToken.toInt) }\n def readLongs(n: Int) = { val t = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(t.nextToken.toLong) }\n def readBigs(n: Int) = { val t = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(BigInt(t.nextToken)) }\n \n def cnt(a: Long, b: Long): Long = {\n //println(a, b)\n if (a == 0L || b == 0L) 0L\n else if (a == 1L) b\n else if (b == a) 1L\n else if (b == 1L) a\n else if (a > b) a / b + cnt(a % b, b)\n else b / a + cnt(b % a, a)\n }\n\n val Array(a, b) = readLongs(2)\n\n println(cnt(a, b))\n}"}, {"source_code": "object C344 {\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(scala.io.StdIn.readLine)\n\n def readInts(n: Int) = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt)\n }\n\n def readLongs(n: Int) = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong)\n }\n\n def readBigs(n: Int) = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(BigInt(tl.nextToken))\n }\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val Array(a, b) = readLongs(2)\n println(rec(a, b))\n }\n def rec(a: Long, b: Long): Long = {\n if(a == 1 || b == 1) {\n a+b-1\n } else {\n if (a > b) {\n (a / b) + rec(b, a%b)\n } else {\n rec(b, a)\n }\n }\n }\n}"}], "negative_code": [{"source_code": "import scala.collection._\n\nobject C extends App {\n\n def readString = Console.readLine\n def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(readString)\n def readInts(n: Int) = { val t = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(t.nextToken.toInt) }\n def readLongs(n: Int) = { val t = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(t.nextToken.toLong) }\n def readBigs(n: Int) = { val t = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(BigInt(t.nextToken)) }\n \n def cnt(a: Long, b: Long): Long = {\n //println(a, b)\n if (a == 0L || b == 0L) 0L\n //else if (a == 1L) b\n else if (b == a) 1L\n else if (b == 1L) a\n else if (a > b) (a - b) + cnt(a % b, b)\n else (b - a) + cnt(b % a, a)\n }\n\n val Array(a, b) = readLongs(2)\n\n println(cnt(a, b))\n}"}, {"source_code": "import scala.collection._\n\nobject C extends App {\n\n def readString = Console.readLine\n def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(readString)\n def readInts(n: Int) = { val t = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(t.nextToken.toInt) }\n def readLongs(n: Int) = { val t = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(t.nextToken.toLong) }\n def readBigs(n: Int) = { val t = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(BigInt(t.nextToken)) }\n \n def cnt(a: Long, b: Long): Long = {\n //println(a, b)\n if (a == 0L || b == 0L) 0L\n else if (a == 1L) b\n else if (b == a) 1L\n else if (b == 1L) a\n else if (a > b) (a - b) + cnt(a % b, b)\n else (b - a) + cnt(b % a, a)\n }\n\n val Array(a, b) = readLongs(2)\n\n println(cnt(a, b))\n}"}, {"source_code": "import scala.collection._\n\nobject C extends App {\n\n def readString = Console.readLine\n def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(readString)\n def readInts(n: Int) = { val t = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(t.nextToken.toInt) }\n def readLongs(n: Int) = { val t = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(t.nextToken.toLong) }\n def readBigs(n: Int) = { val t = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(BigInt(t.nextToken)) }\n \n def cnt(a: Long, b: Long): Long = {\n //println(a, b)\n if (a == 0L || b == 0L) 0L\n else if (a == 1L) b\n else if (b == a) 1L\n else if (a > b) (a - b) + cnt(a % b, b)\n else (b - a) + cnt(b % a, a)\n }\n\n val Array(a, b) = readLongs(2)\n\n println(cnt(a, b))\n}"}, {"source_code": "import scala.collection._\n\nobject C extends App {\n\n def readString = Console.readLine\n def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(readString)\n def readInts(n: Int) = { val t = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(t.nextToken.toInt) }\n def readLongs(n: Int) = { val t = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(t.nextToken.toLong) }\n def readBigs(n: Int) = { val t = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(BigInt(t.nextToken)) }\n \n def cnt(a: Long, b: Long): Long = {\n //println(a, b)\n /*if (a == 1L) b\n else*/ if (b == 1L) 1L\n else if (a > b) (a - b) + cnt(a % b, b)\n else (b - a) + cnt(b % a, a)\n }\n\n val Array(a, b) = readLongs(2)\n\n println(cnt(a, b))\n}"}, {"source_code": "import scala.collection._\n\nobject C extends App {\n\n def readString = Console.readLine\n def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(readString)\n def readInts(n: Int) = { val t = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(t.nextToken.toInt) }\n def readLongs(n: Int) = { val t = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(t.nextToken.toLong) }\n def readBigs(n: Int) = { val t = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(BigInt(t.nextToken)) }\n \n def cnt(a: Long, b: Long): Long = {\n //println(a, b)\n if (a == 1L) b\n else if (b == 1L) 1L\n else if (a > b) (a - b) + cnt(a % b, b)\n else cnt(b, a)\n }\n\n val Array(a, b) = readLongs(2)\n\n println(cnt(a, b))\n}"}], "src_uid": "792efb147f3668a84c866048361970f8"} {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\n\nobject A extends App {\n val sc = new java.util.Scanner(System.in)\n val n, x, y = sc.nextInt()\n println(math.max(0, (n*y+99)/100-x))\n}\n\n", "positive_code": [{"source_code": "import annotation.tailrec\nimport java.io._\n\nobject Easy {\n val reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in))\n def readInts = reader.readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n def readInt = reader.readLine().toInt\n\n val Array(n, x, y) = readInts\n def ceil(a: Int, b: Int) = a / b + (if(a % b == 0) 0 else 1)\n// def ans = ceil(n * y - 100 * x, 100) max 0\n def ans = (0.01 * n * y - 0.000001 - x).ceil.toInt max 0\n\n\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n println(ans)\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object Main {\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val nxy = readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n val n = nxy(0)\n val x = nxy(1)\n val y = nxy(2)\n println((((n * y + 99) / 100) - x).max(0))\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "object Solver {\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n var input = Console.readLine.split(\" \").map(x => x.toInt)\n var n = input(0); var x = input(1); var y = input(2);\n\n var required = Math.ceil(n * y / 100.0).toInt\n var clones = if (required > x) required - x else 0\n println(clones)\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object Solution extends App {\n val in = scala.io.Source.stdin.getLines()\n val Array(n, x, y) = in.next().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n println(Range(0, 1000 * 1000 + 1).find(i => (i + x) * 100 / n >= y).get)\n}"}, {"source_code": "import scala.math\nobject Main\n{\n\tdef up(a:Double):Int = \n\t{\n\t\tif(a.floor == a)\n\t\t\treturn a.floor.toInt\n\t\treturn (a.floor.toInt + 1)\n\t}\n\n\tdef main(args:Array[String])\n\t{\n\t\tval rd = readLine.split(\" \").map(i => i.toInt);\n\t\tval n = rd(0)\n\t\tval x = rd(1)\n\t\tval y = rd(2)\n\t\t\n\t\tval cl = up((n / 100.0) * y - x)\n\t\tif (cl < 0)\n\t\t\tprintln(0)\n\t\telse \n\t\t\tprintln(cl)\n\t}\n}"}, {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\n\nobject A {\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val sc = new java.util.Scanner(System.in)\n val n, x, y = sc.nextInt()\n println(math.max(0, (n*y+99)/100-x))\n }\n}\n\n"}, {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\nobject A {\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val sc = new java.util.Scanner(System.in)\n val n, x, y = sc.nextInt()\n val s = n * y - x * 100\n if (s <= 0) println(0)\n else if(s % 100 == 0) println(s / 100)\n else println((s + 100) / 100)\n }\n}\n\n"}, {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\nimport java.io.PrintWriter\nimport scala.annotation.tailrec\nimport scala.collection.mutable\nimport scala.util.Random\n\nobject P168A extends App {\n val sc = new Scanner(System.in)\n val out = new PrintWriter(System.out)\n\n val N, X, Y = sc.nextInt\n\n val p = math.ceil(N * Y / 100.0).toInt - X\n\n out.println(if (p < 0) 0 else p)\n out.close\n}\n"}], "negative_code": [{"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\nobject A {\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val sc = new java.util.Scanner(System.in)\n val n, x, y = sc.nextInt()\n if ((n * y - x * 100) <= 0) println(0)\n else println(((n * y - x * 100) / 100).ceil)\n }\n}\n\n"}, {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\nimport java.io.PrintWriter\nimport scala.annotation.tailrec\nimport scala.collection.mutable\nimport scala.util.Random\n\nobject P168A extends App {\n val sc = new Scanner(System.in)\n val out = new PrintWriter(System.out)\n\n val N, X, Y = sc.nextInt\n\n val answer = math.ceil(N * Y / 100.0).toInt - X\n\n out.println(answer)\n out.close\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import annotation.tailrec\nimport java.io._\n\nobject Easy {\n val reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in))\n def readInts = reader.readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n def readInt = reader.readLine().toInt\n\n val Array(n, x, y) = readInts\n def ceil(a: Int, b: Int) = a / b + (if(a % b == 0) 0 else 1)\n// def ans = ceil(n * y - 100 * x, 100) max 0\n def ans = (0.01 * n * y - 0.1 - x).ceil.toInt max 0\n\n\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n println(ans)\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import annotation.tailrec\nimport java.io._\n\nobject Easy {\n val reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in))\n def readInts = reader.readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n def readInt = reader.readLine().toInt\n\n val Array(n, x, y) = readInts\n def ceil(a: Int, b: Int) = a / b + (if(a % b == 0) 0 else 1)\n// def ans = ceil(n * y - 100 * x, 100) max 0\n def ans = (0.01 * n * y - x).ceil.toInt max 0\n\n\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n println(ans)\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import annotation.tailrec\nimport java.io._\n\nobject Easy {\n val reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in))\n def readInts = reader.readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n def readInt = reader.readLine().toInt\n\n val Array(n, x, y) = readInts\n def ceil(a: Int, b: Int) = a / b + (if(a % b == 0) 0 else 1)\n// def ans = ceil(n * y - 100 * x, 100) max 0\n def ans = (1.0 * n * y - x).ceil.toInt max 0\n\n\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n println(ans)\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import annotation.tailrec\nimport java.io._\n\nobject Easy {\n val reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in))\n def readInts = reader.readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n def readInt = reader.readLine().toInt\n\n val Array(n, x, y) = readInts\n def ceil(a: Int, b: Int) = a / b + (if(a % b == 0) 0 else 1)\n def ans = ceil(n * y - 100 * x, 100) max 0\n\n\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n println(ans)\n }\n}\n"}], "src_uid": "7038d7b31e1900588da8b61b325e4299"} {"source_code": "/**\n * Created by moiseev on 21.04.2017.\n */\nobject Task2 extends App {\n\n import java.util.{Scanner}\n\n val in = new Scanner(System.in)\n\n val X = in.next\n val Y = in.next\n\n def middleChar( charLeft: Char, charRes: Char ): (Boolean,Char) = {\n if ( charLeft < charRes ) (false,' ')\n else {\n // a - 92 z - 122\n // charLeft - between 92 and 122\n // result should be between charLeft and 122 inclusive\n (\n true,if ( charLeft == charRes ) {\n val randRandge: Int = 122 - charLeft\n (charLeft.toInt + (if (randRandge > 0)scala.util.Random.nextInt(randRandge) else 0) ).toChar\n }\n else charRes\n )\n }\n }\n\n def findSecondString( strLeft:String, strRes: String ): (Boolean, String) = {\n if ( strLeft.size == 0 ) (true,\"\") // Finishing the recursion\n else if (strLeft.size != strRes.size )\n (false,\"\") // Strings are of different size - false definetly\n else {\n val (res, ch) = middleChar(strLeft.head, strRes.head)\n\n if (!res)\n (false, \"\") // Some i chars says they are not from our F()\n else {\n val (recRes, strRec) = findSecondString(strLeft.tail, strRes.tail)\n\n if (!recRes)\n (false, \"\") // Just to recursevly inform about failure\n else (true, ch + strRec)\n }\n }\n }\n\n val (resBool,resStr) = findSecondString(X,Y)\n if (resBool) {\n println(resStr)\n } else {\n println(-1)\n }\n}\n", "positive_code": [{"source_code": "object _801B extends CodeForcesApp {\n import Utils._, annotation._, collection.{mutable, Searching}, util._, control._, math.Ordering.Implicits._, Searching._\n\n override def apply(io: IO) = {import io.{read, readAll, write, writeAll, writeLine}\n val x, z = read[String]\n\n val ans = Try{x.zip(z).map({case (a, b) => b.ensuring(b <= a)})}\n\n write(ans.map(_.mkString).getOrElse(\"-1\"))\n }\n}\n/****************************[Ignore Template Below]****************************************/\ntrait CodeForcesApp {\n lazy val isOnlineJudge: Boolean = sys.props.get(\"ONLINE_JUDGE\").exists(_.toBoolean)\n def debug(x: => Any): Unit = if (!isOnlineJudge) println(x)\n def apply(io: IO): io.type\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = this(new IO(System.in, System.out)).close()\n}\nobject Utils {\n import scala.collection.mutable, mutable.{Map => Dict}\n implicit class GenericExtensions[A](val a: A) extends AnyVal {\n def in(set: collection.Set[A]): Boolean = set(a)\n def some: Option[A] = Some(a)\n def partialMatch[B](f: PartialFunction[A, B]): Option[B] = f lift a\n }\n implicit class TraversableExtensions[A, C[X] <: Traversable[X]](val t: C[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def onlyElement: A = assuming(t.size == 1)(t.head)\n def groupByIdentifier[K](f: A => K): Map[K, A] = t.groupBy(f).mapValues(_.onlyElement)\n def duplicates(implicit b: C of A): C[A] = {\n val elems = mutable.Set.empty[A]\n (t collect {case i if !elems.add(i) => i}).to[C]\n }\n def sumWith[B](f: A => B)(implicit n: Numeric[B]): B = t.foldLeft(n.zero) {case (p, i) => n.plus(p, f(i))}\n def maxWith[B](f: A => B)(implicit ord: Ordering[B]): Option[B] = t.view.map(f).reduceOption(ord.max)\n def minWith[B](f: A => B)(implicit ord: Ordering[B]): Option[B] = t.view.map(f).reduceOption(ord.min)\n def zipWith[B](f: A => B)(implicit b: C of (A, B)): C[(A, B)] = (t map {i => i -> f(i)}).to[C]\n def mapTo[B](f: A => B)(implicit b: C of (A, B)): Map[A, B] = zipWith(f).toUniqueMap\n def whenNonEmpty[B](f: t.type => B): Option[B] = when(t.nonEmpty)(f(t)) // e.g. grades.whenNonEmpty(_.max)\n def collectFirst[B](f: PartialFunction[A, Option[B]]): Option[B] = t.view collect f collectFirst {case Some(x) => x}\n def toMutableMultiSet: Dict[A, Int] = {\n val c = map[A] to 0\n t.foreach(i => c(i) += 1)\n c\n }\n def toMultiSet: Map[A, Int] = toMutableMultiSet.toMap withDefaultValue 0\n def X[B](s: Traversable[B]): Iterator[(A, B)] = for {a <- t.toIterator; b <- s} yield (a, b)\n }\n implicit class ArrayExtensions[A <: AnyRef](val a: Array[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def sort(from: Int, until: Int)(implicit cmp: Ordering[A]): Unit = java.util.Arrays.sort(a, from, until, cmp) //sort [from, until)\n }\n implicit class ArrayExtensions2[A](val a: Array[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def sort(from: Int, until: Int)(implicit cmp: Ordering[A]): Unit = a.view(from, until).sorted.copyToArray(a, from)\n }\n implicit class SeqExtensions[A, C[X] <: Seq[X]](val s: C[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def isRotationOf(t: Seq[A]): Boolean = s ++ s containsSlice t\n }\n implicit class PairExtensions[A, B](val p: (A, B)) extends AnyVal {\n def key = p._1\n def value = p._2\n }\n implicit class PairsExtensions[A, B, C[X] <: Traversable[X]](t: C[(A, B)]) {\n def toUniqueMap: Map[A, B] = t.groupByIdentifier(_.key).mapValues(_.value)\n def toMultiMap(implicit b: C of B): Map[A, C[B]] = t.groupBy(_.key).mapValues(_.map(_.value).to[C])\n def swap(implicit b: C of (B, A)): C[(B, A)] = t.map(_.swap).to[C]\n }\n implicit class MapExtensions[K, V, C[X, Y] <: Map[X, Y]](val m: C[K, V]) extends AnyVal {\n def lastKeyOption: Option[K] = m.lastOption.map(_.key)\n def firstKeyOption: Option[K] = m.headOption.map(_.key)\n def invert: Map[V, Set[K]] = m.toSet[(K, V)].swap.toMultiMap\n def mapKeys[K2](f: K => K2): Map[K2, V] = m map {case (k, v) => f(k) -> v}\n def toMutable: Dict[K, V] = Dict.empty[K, V] ++ m\n def mapValuesSafely[V2](f: V => V2): Map[K, V2] = m.mapValues(f).view.force //Hack to get around https://issues.scala-lang.org/browse/SI-4776\n }\n implicit class MutableMapExtensions[K, V](val m: mutable.Map[K, V]) extends AnyVal {\n def removeLast(): Option[(K, V)] = m.lastOption.map(removeNode)\n def removeFirst(): Option[(K, V)] = m.headOption.map(removeNode)\n private def removeNode(kv: (K, V)): (K, V) = {\n m -= kv.key\n kv\n }\n }\n implicit class SetExtensions[A, C[A] <: Set[A]](val s: C[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def notContains(x: A): Boolean = !(s contains x)\n def toMutable = mutable.Set.empty[A] ++ s\n }\n implicit class IterableExtensions[A, C[A] <: Seq[A]](val s: C[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def indicesWhere(f: A => Boolean): Seq[Int] = s.zipWithIndex.collect {case (a, i) if f(a) => i}\n def deleteAtIndex(i: Int, howMany: Int = 1) = s.patch(i, Nil, howMany)\n def insertAtIndex(i: Int, items: Seq[A]) = s.patch(i, items, 0)\n def findWithIndex(f: A => Boolean): Option[(A, Int)] = s.zipWithIndex find {case (a, _) => f(a)}\n def foldUntil[B](z: B)(f: (B, A) => B)(c: B => Boolean): Option[(B, Int)] = s.view.scanLeft(z)(f).findWithIndex(c)\n }\n implicit class BooleanExtensions(val x: Boolean) extends AnyVal {\n def to[A](implicit n: Numeric[A]) = if(x) n.one else n.zero\n def toEnglish = if(x) \"YES\" else \"NO\"\n }\n implicit class IntExtensions(val x: Int) extends AnyVal {\n import java.lang.{Integer => JInt}\n def withHighestOneBit: Int = JInt.highestOneBit(x)\n def withLowestOneBit: Int = JInt.lowestOneBit(x)\n def numberOfLeadingZeroes: Int = JInt.numberOfLeadingZeros(x)\n def numberOfTrailingZeroes: Int = JInt.numberOfTrailingZeros(x)\n def bitCount: Int = JInt.bitCount(x)\n def setLowestBits(n: Int): Int = x | (left(n) - 1)\n def clearLowestBits(n: Int): Int = x & left(n, ~0)\n def setBit(i: Int, set: Boolean): Int = if (set) setBit(i) else clearBit(i)\n def setBit(i: Int): Int = x | left(i)\n def clearBit(i: Int): Int = x & ~left(i)\n def toggleBit(i: Int): Int = x ^ left(i)\n def testBit(i: Int): Boolean = ((x >> i) & 1) == 1\n private def left(bits: Int, num: Int = 1) = assuming(bits >= 0 && bits < JInt.SIZE)(num << bits)\n def X(y: Int): Iterator[(Int, Int)] = until(x) X until(y)\n }\n implicit class LongExtensions(val x: Long) extends AnyVal {\n import java.lang.{Long => JLong}\n def withHighestOneBitSet: Long = JLong.highestOneBit(x)\n def withLowestOneBitSet: Long = JLong.lowestOneBit(x)\n def numberOfLeadingZeroes: Int = JLong.numberOfLeadingZeros(x)\n def numberOfTrailingZeroes: Int = JLong.numberOfTrailingZeros(x)\n def bitCount: Int = JLong.bitCount(x)\n def setLowestBits(n: Int): Long = x | (left(n) - 1)\n def clearLowestBits(n: Int): Long = x & left(n, ~0L)\n def setBit(i: Int, set: Boolean): Long = if (set) setBit(i) else clearBit(i)\n def setBit(i: Int): Long = x | left(i)\n def clearBit(i: Int): Long = x & ~left(i)\n def toggleBit(i: Int): Long = x ^ left(i)\n def testBit(i: Int): Boolean = ((x >> i) & 1) == 1\n private def left(bits: Int, num: Long = 1L) = assuming(bits >= 0 && bits < JLong.SIZE)(num << bits)\n }\n implicit class NumericExtensions[A](val x: A)(implicit n: Numeric[A]) {\n import Numeric.Implicits._\n def **(i: Int): A = if (i == 0) n.one else {\n val h = x ** (i/2)\n if (i%2 == 0) h * h else h * h * x\n }\n def distance(y: A) = (x - y).abs()\n def nonNegative: Option[A] = when(n.gteq(x, n.zero))(x)\n def whenNegative(f: => A): A = nonNegative getOrElse f //e.g. students indexOf \"Greg\" whenNegative Int.MaxValue\n }\n implicit class IntegralExtensions[A](val x: A)(implicit n: Integral[A]) {\n import scala.collection.immutable.NumericRange, Integral.Implicits._\n def mod(y: A): A = x - ((x / y) * y) //(x/y)*y + (x mod y) == x\n def -->(y: A): NumericRange.Inclusive[A] = NumericRange.inclusive(x, y, if (n.lteq(x, y)) n.one else -n.one)\n def ceilDiv(y: A): A = if (mod(y) == n.zero) x/y else n.one + (x/y)\n }\n implicit def toPoint[A](p: (A, A))(implicit n: Numeric[A]) = new java.awt.geom.Point2D.Double(n.toDouble(p._1), n.toDouble(p._2))\n def desc[A: Ordering]: Ordering[A] = asc[A].reverse //e.g. students.sortBy(_.height)(desc)\n def asc[A](implicit order: Ordering[A]): Ordering[A] = order\n def map[K] = new {\n def to[V](default: => V): Dict[K, V] = using(_ => default)\n def using[V](f: K => V): Dict[K, V] = new mutable.HashMap[K, V]() {\n override def apply(key: K) = getOrElseUpdate(key, f(key))\n }\n }\n def newMultiMap[K, V] = map[K] to mutable.Set.empty[V]\n def memoize[A, B](f: A => B): A ==> B = map[A] using f\n implicit class FuzzyDouble(val x: Double) extends AnyVal {\n def >~(y: Double) = x > y + eps\n def >=~(y: Double) = x >= y + eps\n def ~<(y: Double) = y >=~ x\n def ~=<(y: Double) = y >~ x\n def ~=(y: Double) = (x distance y) <= eps\n }\n def toPolygon(points: Traversable[(Int, Int)]): java.awt.Polygon = {\n val (xs, ys) = points.unzip\n new java.awt.Polygon(xs.toArray, ys.toArray, points.size)\n }\n def toShape(points: Traversable[(Double, Double)]): java.awt.geom.GeneralPath = {\n val shape = new java.awt.geom.GeneralPath()\n points.headOption foreach {case (x, y) => shape.moveTo(x, y)}\n points.tail foreach {case (x, y) => shape.lineTo(x, y)}\n shape.closePath()\n shape\n }\n def until(until: Int): Range = 0 until until\n def not[A](f: A => Boolean): A => Boolean = {x: A => !f(x)}\n def assuming[A](cond: => Boolean)(f: => A): A = {require(cond); f}\n @inline def when[A](check: Boolean)(f: => A): Option[A] = if (check) f.some else None\n def repeat[U](n: Int)(f: => U): Unit = (1 to n).foreach(_ => f)\n type of[C[_], A] = scala.collection.generic.CanBuild[A, C[A]]\n type ==>[A, B] = collection.Map[A, B]\n val mod: Int = (1e9 + 7).toInt\n val eps: Double = 1e-9\n}\n/***********************************[Scala I/O]*********************************************/\nimport Utils._, java.io._, java.util.StringTokenizer\n\nclass IO(in: BufferedReader, out: BufferedWriter) extends Iterator[String] with AutoCloseable with Flushable {\n def this(reader: Reader, writer: Writer) = this(new BufferedReader(reader), new BufferedWriter(writer))\n def this(in: InputStream, out: OutputStream) = this(new InputStreamReader(in), new OutputStreamWriter(out))\n\n private[this] val tokenizers = Iterator.continually(in.readLine()).takeWhile(_ != null).map(new StringTokenizer(_)).buffered\n val printer = new PrintWriter(out, true)\n\n @inline private[this] def tokenizer() = {\n while(tokenizers.nonEmpty && !tokenizers.head.hasMoreTokens) tokenizers.next()\n when(tokenizers.nonEmpty)(tokenizers.head)\n }\n\n def read[A](implicit read: IO.Read[A]): A = read.apply(this)\n def read[C[_], A: IO.Read](n: Int)(implicit b: C of A): C[A] = Iterator.fill(n)(read).to[C]\n\n def readTill(delim: String): String = tokenizer().get.nextToken(delim)\n def readTillEndOfLine(): String = readTill(\"\\n\\r\")\n\n def readAll[A: IO.Read]: (Int, Vector[A]) = {\n val data = read[Vector[A]]\n (data.length, data)\n }\n\n override def next() = tokenizer().get.nextToken()\n override def hasNext = tokenizer().nonEmpty\n\n def write(obj: Any): this.type = {\n printer.print(obj)\n this\n }\n def writeLine(): this.type = {\n printer.println()\n this\n }\n def writeLine(obj: Any): this.type = {\n printer.println(obj)\n this\n }\n def writeAll(obj: Traversable[Any], separator: String = \" \"): this.type = write(obj mkString separator)\n def query[A: IO.Read](question: Any): A = writeLine(question).read\n\n override def flush() = printer.flush()\n def close() = {\n flush()\n in.close()\n printer.close()\n }\n}\nobject IO {\n class Read[A](val apply: IO => A) {\n def map[B](f: A => B): Read[B] = new Read(apply andThen f)\n }\n object Read {\n implicit def collection[C[_], A: Read](implicit b: C of A): Read[C[A]] = new Read(r => r.read[C, A](r.read[Int]))\n implicit val string : Read[String] = new Read(_.next())\n implicit val char : Read[Char] = string.map(_.toTraversable.onlyElement)\n implicit val int : Read[Int] = string.map(_.toInt)\n implicit val long : Read[Long] = string.map(_.toLong)\n implicit val bigInt : Read[BigInt] = string.map(BigInt(_))\n implicit val double : Read[Double] = string.map(_.toDouble)\n implicit val bigDecimal : Read[BigDecimal] = string.map(BigDecimal(_))\n implicit def tuple2[A: Read, B: Read] : Read[(A, B)] = new Read(r => (r.read[A], r.read[B]))\n implicit def tuple3[A: Read, B: Read, C: Read] : Read[(A, B, C)] = new Read(r => (r.read[A], r.read[B], r.read[C]))\n implicit def tuple4[A: Read, B: Read, C: Read, D: Read] : Read[(A, B, C, D)] = new Read(r => (r.read[A], r.read[B], r.read[C], r.read[D]))\n implicit val boolean : Read[Boolean] = string map {s =>\n s.toLowerCase match {\n case \"yes\" | \"true\" | \"1\" => true\n case \"no\" | \"false\" | \"0\" => false\n case _ => s.toBoolean\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\n"}], "negative_code": [], "src_uid": "ce0cb995e18501f73e34c76713aec182"} {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn\n\nobject Main {\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n StdIn.readLine()\n val a = StdIn.readLine().split(\" \")\n val b = StdIn.readLine().split(\" \")\n val c = a.filter(item => b.contains(item))\n c.foreach(item => print(item + \" \"))\n }\n}", "positive_code": [{"source_code": "import scala.collection.mutable._\nimport scala.io.StdIn\n\nobject Main {\n def main(arg: Array[String]) {\n var z = readLine().split(\" \")\n var n = z(0).toInt\n var m = z(1).toInt\n\n \n\n var x = readLine.split(\" \").map(_.toInt).toArray\n var y = readLine.split(\" \").map(_.toInt).toArray\n \n\n for(ele <- x){\n if(y contains ele) {\n print(ele + \" \")\n }\n }\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "/**\n * @author ShankarShastri\n * Algorithm: ProblemA (http://codeforces.com/contest/994/problem/A)\n */\n\nimport scala.io.StdIn._\nimport scala.annotation.tailrec\n\nobject ProblemA {\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n readLine\n val list = readLine.split(\" \").map(_.toInt).toList\n val keys = readLine.split(\" \").map(_.toInt).toList\n val res = keys.map(x => (x, list.indexOf(x))).filter(_._2 != -1).sortBy(_._2).map(_._1)\n println(res.mkString(\" \"))\n }\n}\n"}], "negative_code": [], "src_uid": "f9044a4b4c3a0c2751217d9b31cd0c72"} {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn\n\n/** A. Mr. Kitayuta's Gift\n * http://codeforces.com/contest/505/problem/A\n * @author Yuichiroh Matsubayashi\n * Created on 15/01/19.\n */\nobject P505A extends App {\n val letters = StdIn.readLine().toList\n val size = letters.size\n\n def solution = {\n def valid(size: Int, short: List[Char], long: List[Char], skipped: Int = -1, char: String = \"\"): (Int, String) = {\n if (long == Nil) (skipped, char)\n else if (short == Nil) (size - 1, long.mkString)\n else if (short.head == long.head) valid(size, short.tail, long.tail, skipped, char)\n else if (skipped < 0) valid(size, short, long.tail, size - long.size, long.head.toString)\n else (-1, \"\")\n }\n\n if (size % 2 == 0) {\n val (pre, post) = letters.splitAt(size / 2)\n if (pre == post) pre.mkString + post.head.toString + post.mkString\n else {\n val (skippedPre, cPre) = valid(pre.size, pre.reverse.tail, post)\n if (skippedPre >= 0) {\n val (ppre, ppost) = pre.splitAt(pre.size - skippedPre-1)\n ppre.mkString + cPre + ppost.mkString + post.mkString\n }\n else {\n val (skippedPost, cPost) = valid(post.size, post.tail, pre.reverse)\n if (skippedPost >= 0) {\n val (ppre, ppost) = post.splitAt(skippedPost+1)\n pre.mkString + ppre.mkString + cPost + ppost.mkString\n }\n else \"NA\"\n }\n }\n }\n else {\n val (pre, b) = letters.splitAt(size / 2)\n val (mid, post) = (b.head, b.tail)\n\n if (pre == post.reverse) pre.mkString + mid + mid + post.mkString\n else {\n val (skippedPre, cPre) = valid(pre.size + 1, pre.reverse, mid :: post)\n if (skippedPre >= 0) {\n val (ppre, ppost) = pre.splitAt(pre.size - skippedPre)\n ppre.mkString + cPre + ppost.mkString + mid + post.mkString\n }\n else {\n val (skippedPost, cPost) = valid(post.size + 1, post, mid :: pre.reverse)\n if (skippedPost >= 0) {\n val (ppre, ppost) = post.splitAt(skippedPost)\n pre.mkString + mid + ppre.mkString + cPost + ppost.mkString\n }\n else \"NA\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n\n println(solution)\n}", "positive_code": [{"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn\n\n/** A. Mr. Kitayuta's Gift\n * http://codeforces.com/contest/505/problem/A\n * @author Yuichiroh Matsubayashi\n * Created on 15/01/19.\n */\nobject P505A extends App {\n val letters = StdIn.readLine().toList\n val size = letters.size\n\n def solution = {\n def valid(size: Int, short: List[Char], long: List[Char], skipped: Int = -1, char: String = \"\"): (Int, String) = {\n if (long == Nil) (skipped, char)\n else if (short == Nil) {\n if (skipped < 0) (size - 1, long.mkString)\n else {\n new NoSuchElementException\n (size, \"\")\n }\n }\n else if (short.head == long.head) valid(size, short.tail, long.tail, skipped, char)\n else if (skipped < 0) valid(size, short, long.tail, size - long.size, long.head.toString)\n else (-1, \"\")\n }\n\n if (size % 2 == 0) {\n val (pre, post) = letters.splitAt(size / 2)\n if (pre == post) pre.mkString + post.head.toString + post.mkString\n else {\n val (skippedPre, cPre) = valid(pre.size, pre.reverse.tail, post)\n if (skippedPre >= 0) {\n val (ppre, ppost) = pre.splitAt(pre.size - skippedPre-1)\n ppre.mkString + cPre + ppost.mkString + post.mkString\n }\n else {\n val (skippedPost, cPost) = valid(post.size, post.tail, pre.reverse)\n if (skippedPost >= 0) {\n val (ppre, ppost) = post.splitAt(skippedPost+1)\n pre.mkString + ppre.mkString + cPost + ppost.mkString\n }\n else \"NA\"\n }\n }\n }\n else {\n val (a, b) = letters.splitAt(size / 2)\n val (pre, mid, post) = (a.toList, b.head, b.tail)\n\n if (pre == post.reverse) pre.mkString + mid + mid + post.mkString\n else {\n\n val (skippedPre, cPre) = valid(pre.size + 1, pre.reverse, mid :: post)\n if (skippedPre >= 0) {\n val (ppre, ppost) = pre.splitAt(pre.size - skippedPre)\n ppre.mkString + cPre + ppost.mkString + mid + post.mkString\n }\n else {\n val (skippedPost, cPost) = valid(post.size + 1, post, mid :: pre.reverse)\n if (skippedPost >= 0) {\n val (ppre, ppost) = post.splitAt(skippedPost)\n pre.mkString + mid + ppre.mkString + cPost + ppost.mkString\n }\n else \"NA\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n\n println(solution)\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object A505 {\n\n import IO._\n import collection.{mutable => cu}\n def isPalin(str: String): Boolean = {\n (0 until str.length/2).forall(i => str(i) == str(str.length-i-1))\n }\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n var str = read\n val n = str.length\n var break = false\n for(i <- 0 to n if !break) {\n for(j <- 'a' to 'z' if !break) {\n val (f, s) = str.splitAt(i)\n if(isPalin(f+j+s)) {\n str = f + j + s\n break = true\n }\n }\n }\n if(!break) {\n out.println(\"NA\")\n } else {\n out.println(str)\n }\n out.close()\n }\n\n object IO {\n private val input = new java.io.BufferedReader(new java.io.InputStreamReader(System.in))\n // private val input = new java.io.BufferedReader(new java.io.InputStreamReader(new java.io.FileInputStream(\"src/input\")))\n val out = new java.io.PrintWriter(System.out)\n\n @inline def read: String = input.readLine()\n\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(read)\n\n def readInt: Int = tokenizeLine.nextToken.toInt\n\n def readInts(n: Int): Array[Int] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine\n Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt)\n }\n\n def readLongs(n: Int): Array[Long] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine\n Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong)\n }\n\n def readBigs(n: Int): Array[BigInt] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine\n Array.fill(n)(BigInt(tl.nextToken))\n }\n }\n\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "\n/**\n * @author pvasilyev\n * @since 01 Aug 2016\n */\nobject A505 extends App {\n\n def palindrome(stringToCheck: String): Boolean = {\n for (i <- 0 until stringToCheck.length / 2 + 1) {\n if (stringToCheck.charAt(i) != stringToCheck.charAt(stringToCheck.length() - 1 - i)) {\n return false\n }\n }\n true\n }\n\n def solve() = {\n var pal: String = null\n val s: String = scala.io.StdIn.readLine()\n for (c <- 0 until 26 ) {\n val ch: Char = ('a'.toInt + c).toChar\n for (i <- 0 until s.length) {\n val stringToCheck = s.substring(0, i) + ch + s.substring(i)\n if (palindrome(stringToCheck)) {\n pal = stringToCheck\n }\n }\n if (palindrome(s + ch)) {\n pal = s + ch\n }\n }\n if (pal != null) {\n println(pal)\n } else {\n println(\"NA\")\n }\n }\n\n solve()\n\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "\nobject Main {\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val s:String=io.StdIn.readLine()\n println(solve(s))\n }\n def solve(s:String):String = {\n if (s.length==1)\n return s+s\n if (isPal(s))\n if (s.length%2==0) insert(s,'a',s.length/2) else insert(s,s(s.length/2),s.length/2)\n else {\n var i=0\n while (i<s.length/2){\n if (s(i)==s(s.length-i-1))\n i+=1\n else {\n var r=insert(s,s(s.length-i-1),i)\n if (isPal(r))\n return r\n r = insert(s,s(i),s.length-i)\n if (isPal(r))\n return r\n i+=1\n }\n }\n \"NA\"\n }\n }\n def insert(s:String, c:Char, p:Int) = {\n s.take(p)+c+s.takeRight(s.length-p)\n }\n def isPal(s:String) = {\n s==s.reverse\n }\n\n}"}, {"source_code": "\n\nimport java.io.InputStream\nimport java.io.PrintStream\nimport java.util.Scanner\n\nobject A_Mr_Kitayutas_Gift {\n\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n parseSolveAndPrint(System.in, System.out)\n }\n\n def parseSolveAndPrint(in: InputStream, out: PrintStream): Unit = {\n val scanner = new Scanner(in)\n val str = scanner.next()\n\n def findInsertionPoints(str : String, l : Int, h: Int, acc : Seq[(Int, Char)] = Nil) : Seq[(Int, Char)] = {\n (l, h) match {\n case (l, h) if l > h => acc\n case (l, h) => {\n if (str.charAt(l) == str.charAt(h))\n findInsertionPoints(str, l + 1, h - 1, acc)\n else {\n val loResult = findInsertionPoints(str, l, h - 1, acc :+ (l, str.charAt(h)))\n val hiResult = findInsertionPoints(str, l + 1, h, acc :+ (h + 1, str.charAt(l)))\n\n if (loResult.size < hiResult.size)\n loResult\n else\n hiResult\n }\n }\n }\n }\n\n val insertionPoints = findInsertionPoints(str, 0, str.length - 1)\n\n if (insertionPoints.size == 1) {\n val point = insertionPoints.head\n val newStr = str.substring(0, point._1) + point._2 + str.substring(point._1)\n out.println(newStr)\n } else if (insertionPoints.size == 0) {\n if (str.size % 2 == 0) {\n val newStr = str.substring(0, str.size / 2) + 'a' + str.substring(str.size / 2)\n out.println(newStr)\n } else {\n val newStr = str.substring(0, str.size / 2) + str.charAt(str.size / 2) + str.charAt(str.size / 2) + str.substring(str.size / 2 + 1)\n out.println(newStr)\n }\n } else {\n out.println(\"NA\")\n }\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn\n\nobject Main {\n\n val chars = 'a' to 'z'\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val s = StdIn.readLine()\n for (c <- chars) {\n for (pos <- Range(0, s.length + 1)) {\n val splitted = s.splitAt(pos)\n val newS = splitted._1 + c + splitted._2\n if(newS == newS.reverse) {\n println(newS)\n return\n }\n }\n }\n println(\"NA\")\n return\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "object Main extends App {\n val word = readLine\n def morph(s: String): Option[Char] = {\n val d = s.size / 2\n val dir = s take d\n val back = s.reverse take d\n (dir zip back).foldLeft[Option[Char]](Some('*'))({\n case (None, _) => None\n case (_, ('*', c2)) => Some(c2)\n case (_, (c1, '*')) => Some(c1)\n case (acc, (c1, c2)) if c1==c2 => acc\n case _ => None\n })\n }\n\n (word.inits.toList.zip(word.tails.toList.reverse)).map({\n case (start, end) => {\n val v = List(start, \"*\", end).mkString\n (v, morph(v))\n }\n }).filter({ case (_, None) => false; case _ => true }).headOption match {\n case None => println(\"NA\")\n case Some((v, Some(r))) => println(v.replace(\"*\", if(r == '*') \"a\" else r.toString))\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn._\n\nobject Main extends App {\n val s = readLine\n val n = s.length\n\n def ans: String = {\n var mp = 0\n while (mp < n && s(mp) == s(n - 1 - mp)) {\n mp += 1\n }\n\n val anyChar = \"a\"\n val noAns = \"NA\"\n\n def getForEven: String = {\n def getLeft: Option[Int] = {\n var mid = n / 2 - 1\n var i = 1\n while (mid - i >= 0 && s(mid - i) == s(mid + i)) {\n i += 1\n }\n mid -= i - 1\n\n (0 to n / 2 - 1).find(i => i <= mp && i >= mid)\n }\n\n def getRight: Option[Int] = {\n var mid = n / 2\n var i = 1\n while (mid + i < n && s(mid - i) == s(mid + i)) {\n i += 1\n }\n mid += i - 1\n\n (n / 2 + 1 to n).find(i => n - i <= mp && i - 1 <= mid)\n }\n\n val fromLeft = getLeft\n if (fromLeft.isDefined) {\n val pos = fromLeft.get\n return s.substring(0, pos) + s(n - 1 - pos) + s.substring(pos)\n }\n\n val fromRight = getRight\n if (fromRight.isDefined) {\n val pos = fromRight.get\n return s.substring(0, pos) + s(n - pos) + s.substring(pos)\n }\n\n if (mp >= n / 2)\n s.substring(0, n / 2) + anyChar + s.substring(n / 2)\n else\n noAns\n }\n\n def getForOdd: String = {\n def getLeft: Option[Int] = {\n var mid = n / 2 - 1\n if (s(mid) != s(mid + 1)) {\n return Option.empty\n }\n\n var i = 1\n while (mid - i >= 0 && s(mid - i) == s(mid + 1 + i)) {\n i += 1\n }\n mid -= i - 1\n\n (0 to n / 2 - 1).find(i => i <= mp && i >= mid)\n }\n\n def getRight: Option[Int] = {\n var mid = n / 2 + 1\n if (s(mid - 1) != s(mid)) {\n return Option.empty\n }\n\n var i = 1\n while (mid + i < n && s(mid - 1 - i) == s(mid + i)) {\n i += 1\n }\n mid += i - 1\n\n (n / 2 + 2 to n).find(i => n - i <= mp && i - 1 <= mid)\n }\n\n val fromLeft = getLeft\n if (fromLeft.isDefined) {\n val pos = fromLeft.get\n return s.substring(0, pos) + s(n - 1 - pos) + s.substring(pos)\n }\n\n val fromRight = getRight\n if (fromRight.isDefined) {\n val pos = fromRight.get\n return s.substring(0, pos) + s(n - pos) + s.substring(pos)\n }\n\n if (mp >= n / 2)\n s.substring(0, n / 2) + s(n / 2) + s.substring(n / 2)\n else\n noAns\n }\n\n if (n == 1)\n s * 2\n else if (n % 2 == 0)\n getForEven\n else\n getForOdd\n }\n\n println(ans)\n}\n"}], "negative_code": [{"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn\n\n/** A. Mr. Kitayuta's Gift\n * http://codeforces.com/contest/505/problem/A\n * @author Yuichiroh Matsubayashi\n * Created on 15/01/19.\n */\nobject P505A extends App {\n val letters = StdIn.readLine().toList\n val size = letters.size\n\n// println(letters, size)\n\n def valid(s1: List[Char], s2: List[Char], skippedA: Int = -1, skippedB: Int = -1, skippedLetter: Char = ' '): String = {\n// println(s1, s2, skippedLetter)\n if (s1 == Nil || s2 == Nil) {\n// println(skippedA, skippedB)\n if (skippedA >= 0) {\n val (pre, post) = letters.splitAt(size - skippedA)\n pre.mkString + skippedLetter + post.mkString\n }\n else if (skippedB >= 0) {\n val (pre, post) = letters.splitAt(skippedB)\n pre.mkString + skippedLetter + post.mkString\n }\n else if (size % 2 == 0) {\n val (pre, post) = letters.splitAt(size / 2)\n pre.mkString + \"a\" + post.mkString\n }\n else {\n val (pre, post) = letters.splitAt(size / 2)\n pre.mkString + post.head + post.mkString\n }\n }\n else if (s1.head == s2.head) valid(s1.tail, s2.tail, skippedA, skippedB, skippedLetter)\n else {\n val a = if (skippedA < 0) valid(s1.tail, s2, skippedA = size / 2 - s1.size, skippedB, s1.head) else \"NA\"\n if (a != \"NA\") a\n else if (skippedB < 0) valid(s1, s2.tail, skippedA, skippedB = size / 2 - s2.size, s2.head)\n else \"NA\"\n }\n }\n\n def solution = valid(letters.slice(0, size / 2), letters.reverse.slice(0, size / 2))\n\n println(solution)\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "\n\nimport scala.io.StdIn\n\n/** A. Mr. Kitayuta's Gift\n * http://codeforces.com/contest/505/problem/A\n * @author Yuichiroh Matsubayashi\n * Created on 15/01/19.\n */\nobject P505A extends App {\n val letters = StdIn.readLine().toList\n val size = letters.size\n\n def solution = {\n if (size % 2 == 0) {\n val (pre, post) = letters.splitAt(size / 2)\n if (pre.toList == post.reverse) pre.mkString + post.head.toString + post.mkString\n else {\n if (pre.toList == pre.head :: post.tail.reverse) (letters.head :: letters.reverse).reverse.mkString\n else if ((post.last :: pre).reverse.tail == post.toList) (post.last :: letters).mkString\n else \"NA\"\n }\n }\n else {\n val (a, b) = letters.splitAt(size / 2)\n val (pre, mid, post) = (a.toList, b.head, b.tail)\n\n if (pre == post.reverse) pre.mkString + mid + mid + post.mkString\n else {\n def valid(size: Int, short: List[Char], long: List[Char], skipped: Int = -1, char: String = \"\"): (Int, String) = {\n if (long == Nil) (skipped, char)\n else if (short == Nil) {\n if (skipped < 0) (size - 1, long.mkString)\n else {\n new NoSuchElementException\n (size, \"\")\n }\n }\n else if (short.head == long.head) valid(size, short.tail, long.tail, skipped, char)\n else if (skipped < 0) valid(size, short, long.tail, size - long.size, long.head.toString)\n else (-1, \"\")\n }\n\n val (skippedPre, cPre) = valid(pre.size + 1, pre.reverse, mid :: post)\n if (skippedPre >= 0) {\n val (ppre, ppost) = pre.splitAt(pre.size - skippedPre)\n ppre.mkString + cPre + ppost.mkString + mid + post.mkString\n }\n else {\n val (skippedPost, cPost) = valid(post.size + 1, post, mid :: pre.reverse)\n if (skippedPost >= 0) {\n val (ppre, ppost) = post.splitAt(skippedPost)\n pre.mkString + mid + ppre.mkString + cPost + ppost.mkString\n }\n else \"NA\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n\n println(solution)\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "\nimport scala.io.StdIn\n\n/** A. Mr. Kitayuta's Gift\n * http://codeforces.com/contest/505/problem/A\n * @author Yuichiroh Matsubayashi\n * Created on 15/01/19.\n */\nobject P505A extends App {\n val letters = StdIn.readLine().toList\n val size = letters.size\n\n println(letters, size)\n\n def valid(s1: List[Char], s2: List[Char], size: Int, skippedA: Int = -1, skippedB: Int = -1, skippedLetter: Char = ' '): String = {\n println(s1, s2, size, skippedA, skippedB, skippedLetter)\n if (s1 == Nil || s2 == Nil) {\n println(skippedA, skippedB)\n if (skippedA >= 0) {\n val (pre, post) = letters.splitAt(size - skippedA)\n pre.mkString + skippedLetter + post.mkString\n }\n else if (skippedB >= 0) {\n val (pre, post) = letters.splitAt(skippedB)\n pre.mkString + skippedLetter + post.mkString\n }\n else if (size % 2 == 0) {\n val (pre, post) = letters.splitAt(size / 2)\n pre.mkString + \"a\" + post.mkString\n }\n else {\n val (pre, post) = letters.splitAt(size / 2)\n pre.mkString + post.head + post.mkString\n }\n }\n else if (s1.head == s2.head) valid(s1.tail, s2.tail, size, skippedA, skippedB, skippedLetter)\n else {\n val a = if (skippedA < 0) valid(s1.tail, s2, size, size - s1.size, skippedB, s1.head) else \"NA\"\n if (a != \"NA\") a\n else if (skippedA < 0 && skippedB < 0) valid(s1, s2.tail, size, skippedA, size - s2.size, s2.head)\n else \"NA\"\n }\n }\n\n def solution = valid(letters.slice(0, (size / 2.0).ceil.toInt), letters.reverse.slice(0, (size / 2.0).ceil.toInt), (size / 2.0).ceil.toInt)\n\n println(solution)\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "\n\nimport scala.io.StdIn\n\n/** A. Mr. Kitayuta's Gift\n * http://codeforces.com/contest/505/problem/A\n * @author Yuichiroh Matsubayashi\n * Created on 15/01/19.\n */\nobject P505A extends App {\n val letters = StdIn.readLine().toList\n val size = letters.size\n\n def solution = {\n if (size % 2 == 0) {\n val (pre, post) = letters.splitAt(size / 2)\n if (pre.toList == post.reverse) pre + post.head.toString + post\n else {\n if (pre.toList == pre.head :: post.tail.reverse) (letters.head :: letters.reverse).reverse.mkString\n else if ((post.last :: pre).reverse.tail == post.toList) (post.last :: letters).mkString\n else \"NA\"\n }\n }\n else {\n val (a, b) = letters.splitAt(size / 2)\n val (pre, mid, post) = (a.toList, b.head, b.tail)\n\n if (pre == post.reverse) pre.mkString + mid + mid + post.mkString\n else {\n def valid(size: Int, short: List[Char], long: List[Char], skipped: Int = -1, char: String = \"\"): (Int, String) = {\n if (long == Nil) (skipped, char)\n else if (short == Nil) {\n if (skipped < 0) (size - 1, long.mkString)\n else {\n new NoSuchElementException\n (size, \"\")\n }\n }\n else if (short.head == long.head) valid(size, short.tail, long.tail, skipped, char)\n else if (skipped < 0) valid(size, short, long.tail, size - long.size, long.head.toString)\n else (-1, \"\")\n }\n\n val (skippedPre, cPre) = valid(pre.size + 1, pre.reverse, mid :: post)\n if (skippedPre >= 0) {\n val (ppre, ppost) = pre.splitAt(pre.size - skippedPre)\n ppre.mkString + cPre + ppost.mkString + mid + post.mkString\n }\n else {\n val (skippedPost, cPost) = valid(post.size + 1, post, mid :: pre.reverse)\n if (skippedPost >= 0) {\n val (ppre, ppost) = post.splitAt(skippedPost)\n pre.mkString + mid + ppre.mkString + cPost + ppost.mkString\n }\n else \"NA\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n\n println(solution)\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "\nobject Main {\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val s:String=io.StdIn.readLine()\n println(solve(s))\n }\n def solve(s:String):String = {\n if (isPal(s))\n if (s.length%2==0) insert(s,'a',s.length/2) else \"NA\"\n else {\n var i=0\n while (i<s.length/2){\n if (s(i)==s(s.length-i-1))\n i+=1\n else {\n var r=insert(s,s(s.length-i-1),i)\n if (isPal(r))\n return r\n r = insert(s,s(i),s.length-i)\n if (isPal(r))\n return r\n i+=1\n }\n }\n \"NA\"\n }\n }\n def insert(s:String, c:Char, p:Int) = {\n s.take(p)+c+s.takeRight(s.length-p)\n }\n def isPal(s:String) = {\n s==s.reverse\n }\n\n}"}, {"source_code": "\nobject Main {\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val s:String=io.StdIn.readLine()\n println(solve(s))\n }\n def solve(s:String):String = {\n if (s.length==1)\n return s+s\n if (isPal(s))\n if (s.length%2==0) insert(s,'a',s.length/2) else \"NA\"\n else {\n var i=0\n while (i<s.length/2){\n if (s(i)==s(s.length-i-1))\n i+=1\n else {\n var r=insert(s,s(s.length-i-1),i)\n if (isPal(r))\n return r\n r = insert(s,s(i),s.length-i)\n if (isPal(r))\n return r\n i+=1\n }\n }\n \"NA\"\n }\n }\n def insert(s:String, c:Char, p:Int) = {\n s.take(p)+c+s.takeRight(s.length-p)\n }\n def isPal(s:String) = {\n s==s.reverse\n }\n\n}"}, {"source_code": "\n\nimport java.io.InputStream\nimport java.io.PrintStream\nimport java.util.Scanner\n\nobject A_Mr_Kitayutas_Gift {\n\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n parseSolveAndPrint(System.in, System.out)\n }\n\n def parseSolveAndPrint(in: InputStream, out: PrintStream): Unit = {\n val scanner = new Scanner(in)\n val str = scanner.next()\n\n def findInsertionPoints(str : String, l : Int, h: Int, acc : Seq[(Int, Char)] = Nil) : Seq[(Int, Char)] = {\n (l, h) match {\n case (l, h) if l > h => acc\n case (l, h) => {\n if (str.charAt(l) == str.charAt(h))\n findInsertionPoints(str, l + 1, h - 1, acc)\n else {\n val loResult = findInsertionPoints(str, l, h - 1, acc :+ (l, str.charAt(h)))\n val hiResult = findInsertionPoints(str, l + 1, h, acc :+ (h + 1, str.charAt(l)))\n\n if (loResult.size < hiResult.size)\n loResult\n else\n hiResult\n }\n }\n }\n }\n\n val insertionPoints = findInsertionPoints(str, 0, str.length - 1)\n\n if (insertionPoints.size == 1) {\n val point = insertionPoints.head\n val newStr = str.substring(0, point._1) + point._2 + str.substring(point._1)\n out.println(newStr)\n } else if (insertionPoints.size == 0) {\n if (str.size % 2 == 0) {\n val newStr = str.substring(0, str.size / 2) + 'a' + str.substring(str.size / 2)\n out.println(newStr)\n } else if (str.size == 1) {\n out.println(str + str)\n } else {\n out.println(\"NA\")\n }\n } else {\n out.println(\"NA\")\n }\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "\n\nimport java.io.InputStream\nimport java.io.PrintStream\nimport java.util.Scanner\n\nobject A_Mr_Kitayutas_Gift {\n\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n parseSolveAndPrint(System.in, System.out)\n }\n\n def parseSolveAndPrint(in: InputStream, out: PrintStream): Unit = {\n val scanner = new Scanner(in)\n val str = scanner.next()\n\n def findInsertionPoints(str : String, l : Int, h: Int, acc : Seq[(Int, Char)] = Nil) : Seq[(Int, Char)] = {\n (l, h) match {\n case (l, h) if l > h => acc\n case (l, h) => {\n if (str.charAt(l) == str.charAt(h))\n findInsertionPoints(str, l + 1, h - 1, acc)\n else {\n val loResult = findInsertionPoints(str, l, h - 1, acc :+ (l, str.charAt(h)))\n val hiResult = findInsertionPoints(str, l + 1, h, acc :+ (h + 1, str.charAt(l)))\n\n if (loResult.size < hiResult.size)\n loResult\n else\n hiResult\n }\n }\n }\n }\n\n val insertionPoints = findInsertionPoints(str, 0, str.length - 1)\n\n if (insertionPoints.size == 1) {\n val point = insertionPoints.head\n val newStr = str.substring(0, point._1) + point._2 + str.substring(point._1)\n out.println(newStr)\n } else if (insertionPoints.size == 0) {\n if (str.size % 2 == 0) {\n val newStr = str.substring(0, str.size / 2) + 'a' + str.substring(str.size / 2)\n out.println(newStr)\n } else {\n out.println(\"NA\")\n }\n } else {\n out.println(\"NA\")\n }\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "\n\nimport java.io.InputStream\nimport java.io.PrintStream\nimport java.util.Scanner\n\nobject A_Mr_Kitayutas_Gift {\n\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n parseSolveAndPrint(System.in, System.out)\n }\n\n def parseSolveAndPrint(in: InputStream, out: PrintStream): Unit = {\n val scanner = new Scanner(in)\n val str = scanner.next()\n\n def findInsertionPoints(str : String, l : Int, h: Int, acc : Seq[(Int, Char)] = Nil) : Seq[(Int, Char)] = {\n (l, h) match {\n case (l, h) if l > h => acc\n case (l, h) => {\n if (str.charAt(l) == str.charAt(h))\n findInsertionPoints(str, l + 1, h - 1, acc)\n else {\n val loResult = findInsertionPoints(str, l, h - 1, acc :+ (l, str.charAt(h)))\n val hiResult = findInsertionPoints(str, l + 1, h, acc :+ (h + 1, str.charAt(l)))\n\n if (loResult.size < hiResult.size)\n loResult\n else\n hiResult\n }\n }\n }\n }\n\n val insertionPoints = findInsertionPoints(str, 0, str.length - 1)\n\n if (insertionPoints.size == 1) {\n val point = insertionPoints.head\n val newStr = str.substring(0, point._1) + point._2 + str.substring(point._1)\n out.println(newStr)\n } else if (insertionPoints.size == 0) {\n if (str.size % 2 == 0) {\n val newStr = str.substring(0, str.size / 2) + 'a' + str.substring(str.size / 2)\n out.println(newStr)\n } else {\n out.println(\"NA\")\n }\n } else {\n out.println(\"NA\")\n }\n\n println(insertionPoints.toString())\n }\n}\n"}], "src_uid": "24e8aaa7e3e1776adf342ffa1baad06b"} {"source_code": "object A {\n val mod = 1000000009L\n\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val (n, m) = {\n val sp = readLine.split(\" \")\n (sp(0).toInt, sp(1).toInt)\n }\n\n if (m < 60 && (1L << m) - n < 0) {\n println(0)\n return\n }\n\n val m2 = (1 to m).foldLeft(1L) { (v: Long, i) =>\n v * 2 % mod\n }\n\n val ans = (1 to n).foldLeft(1L) { (v: Long, i) =>\n v * (m2 - i + mod) % mod\n }\n println(ans)\n }\n}", "positive_code": [{"source_code": "import java.util._\n\nobject Main extends App {\n val sc = new Scanner(System.in)\n val mod = 1000000009L\n\n val n, m = sc.nextInt()\n\n def power(x: Long, p: Long, res: Long = 1L): Long =\n if (p == 0) res else power(x, p - 1, res * x % mod)\n\n def solve(p: Long, n: Long, res: Long = 1L): Long =\n if (n == 0) res else solve(p - 1, n - 1, res * p % mod)\n\n println(solve(power(2, m) - 1, n))\n}\n"}], "negative_code": [], "src_uid": "fef4d9c94a93fcf6d536f33503b1d4b8"} {"source_code": "/**\n * Created by mettu.r on 20/08/17.\n */\nobject Demo extends App {\n override def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n var a = readLine().split(\" \").map(x => x.toInt);\n var n = a(0);\n var k = a(1);\n var s = readLine();\n var map = scala.collection.mutable.Map[Char,Int]();\n s.foreach(x => {\n map.put(x , map.getOrElse(x,0) + 1 );\n });\n var ans = true;\n map.foreach( x => if( x._2 > k ) ans = false );\n if( ans )\n printf(\"Yes\\n\");\n else\n printf(\"No\\n\");\n }\n}", "positive_code": [{"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\n\nobject Try1 {\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val in = new Scanner(System.in)\n var len, m, k, n, j, i: Int = 0\n var a = new Array[Int](26)\n n = in.nextInt()\n m = in.nextInt()\n k=0\n var line = in.nextLine()\n line = in.nextLine()\n for (i <- 0 to 25) a(i)=0\n for (i <- 0 until n)\n a(line(i)-'a')+=1\n// len = line.length()\n for (i <- 0 to 25)\n if (a(i)>m) k=1\n if (k==0) println(\"YES\")\n else println(\"NO\")\n }\n}"}], "negative_code": [{"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\n\nobject Try1 {\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val in = new Scanner(System.in)\n var len, w, ans, m, x, c, k, n, j, i: Int = 0\n var a = new Array[Int](26)\n n = in.nextInt()\n m = in.nextInt()\n k=0\n var line = in.nextLine()\n line = in.nextLine()\n for (i <- 0 to 25) a(i)=0\n for (i <- 0 until n)\n a(line(i)-'a')+=1\n// len = line.length()\n if (n<m+m) x = n/2\n else x=m\n i=0\n while (i<m)\n {\n j=0\n while (j<26 && a(j)==0) j+=1\n if (j<26) {\n a(j)-=1\n j+=1\n while (j<26 && a(j)==0) j+=1\n if (j<26) {\n a(j)-=1\n k+=1\n }\n }\n i+=1\n }\n if (k==m) println(\"YES\")\n else println(\"NO\")\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\n\nobject Try1 {\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val in = new Scanner(System.in)\n var len, w, ans, m, x, c, k, n, j, i: Int = 0\n var a = new Array[Int](26)\n n = in.nextInt()\n m = in.nextInt()\n k=1\n var line = in.nextLine()\n line = in.nextLine()\n for (i <- 0 to 25) a(i)=0\n for (i <- 0 until n)\n a(line(i)-'a')+=1\n// len = line.length()\n for (i <- 0 to 25)\n if (a(i)>m) k=1\n if (k==0) println(\"YES\")\n else println(\"NO\")\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\n\nobject Try1 {\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val in = new Scanner(System.in)\n var len, w, ans, m, x, c, k, n, j, i: Int = 0\n var a = new Array[Int](26)\n n = in.nextInt()\n m = in.nextInt()\n k=0\n var line = in.nextLine()\n line = in.nextLine()\n for (i <- 0 to 25) a(i)=0\n for (i <- 0 until n)\n a(line(i)-'a')+=1\n// len = line.length()\n if (n<m+m) x = n/2\n else x=m\n i=0\n while (i<x)\n {\n j=0\n while (j<26 && a(j)==0) j+=1\n if (j<26) {\n a(j)-=1\n j+=1\n while (j<26 && a(j)==0) j+=1\n if (j<26) {\n a(j)-=1\n k+=1\n }\n }\n i+=1\n }\n if (k==x) println(\"YES\")\n else println(\"NO\")\n }\n}"}], "src_uid": "ceb3807aaffef60bcdbcc9a17a1391be"} {"source_code": "object _1178C extends CodeForcesApp {\n import annotation._, collection.{mutable, Searching}, util._, control._, math.Ordering.Implicits._, Searching._, Math._\n\n override def apply(io: IO): io.type = {\n val w, h = io.read[Int]\n val ans = BigInt(2).modPow(w+h, 998244353)\n io.write(ans)\n }\n}\n/****************************[Ignore Template Below]****************************************/\ntrait CodeForcesApp {\n lazy val isOnlineJudge: Boolean = sys.props.get(\"ONLINE_JUDGE\").exists(_.toBoolean)\n def debug(x: => Any): Unit = if (!isOnlineJudge) println(x)\n def apply(io: IO): io.type\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = this(new IO(System.in, System.out)).close()\n}\n/***********************************[Scala I/O]*********************************************/\nimport java.io._, java.util.StringTokenizer\nimport scala.collection.generic.CanBuild\n\nclass IO(in: BufferedReader, out: BufferedWriter) extends Iterator[String] with AutoCloseable with Flushable {\n def this(reader: Reader, writer: Writer) = this(new BufferedReader(reader), new BufferedWriter(writer))\n def this(in: InputStream, out: OutputStream) = this(new InputStreamReader(in), new OutputStreamWriter(out))\n\n private[this] val tokenizers = Iterator.continually(in.readLine()).takeWhile(_ != null).map(new StringTokenizer(_)).buffered\n val printer = new PrintWriter(out, true)\n\n @inline private[this] def tokenizer() = {\n while(tokenizers.nonEmpty && !tokenizers.head.hasMoreTokens) tokenizers.next()\n tokenizers.headOption\n }\n\n def read[A](implicit read: IO.Read[A]): A = read.apply(this)\n def read[C[_], A: IO.Read](n: Int)(implicit b: CanBuild[A, C[A]]): C[A] = Iterator.fill(n)(read).to[C]\n\n def readTill(delim: String): String = tokenizer().get.nextToken(delim)\n def readTillEndOfLine(): String = readTill(\"\\n\\r\")\n\n def readAll[A: IO.Read]: (Int, Vector[A]) = {\n val data = read[Vector[A]]\n (data.length, data)\n }\n\n override def next() = tokenizer().get.nextToken()\n override def hasNext = tokenizer().nonEmpty\n\n def write(obj: Any): this.type = {\n printer.print(obj)\n this\n }\n def writeLine(): this.type = {\n printer.println()\n this\n }\n def writeLine(obj: Any): this.type = {\n printer.println(obj)\n this\n }\n def writeLines(obj: Traversable[Any]): this.type = writeAll(obj, separator = \"\\n\")\n def writeAll(obj: Traversable[Any], separator: String = \" \"): this.type = write(obj mkString separator)\n def query[A: IO.Read](question: Any): A = writeLine(question).read\n\n override def flush() = printer.flush()\n def close() = {\n flush()\n in.close()\n printer.close()\n }\n}\nobject IO {\n class Read[A](val apply: IO => A) {\n def map[B](f: A => B): Read[B] = new Read(apply andThen f)\n }\n\n object Read {\n implicit def collection[C[_], A: Read](implicit b: CanBuild[A, C[A]]) : Read[C[A]] = new Read(r => r.read[C, A](r.read[Int]))\n implicit val string : Read[String] = new Read(_.next())\n implicit val int : Read[Int] = string.map(_.toInt)\n implicit val long : Read[Long] = string.map(_.toLong)\n implicit val bigInt : Read[BigInt] = string.map(BigInt(_))\n implicit val double : Read[Double] = string.map(_.toDouble)\n implicit val bigDecimal : Read[BigDecimal] = string.map(BigDecimal(_))\n implicit def tuple2[A: Read, B: Read] : Read[(A, B)] = new Read(r => (r.read[A], r.read[B]))\n implicit def tuple3[A: Read, B: Read, C: Read] : Read[(A, B, C)] = new Read(r => (r.read[A], r.read[B], r.read[C]))\n implicit def tuple4[A: Read, B: Read, C: Read, D: Read] : Read[(A, B, C, D)] = new Read(r => (r.read[A], r.read[B], r.read[C], r.read[D]))\n implicit val boolean : Read[Boolean] = string map {s =>\n s.toLowerCase match {\n case \"yes\" | \"true\" | \"1\" => true\n case \"no\" | \"false\" | \"0\" => false\n case _ => s.toBoolean\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\n", "positive_code": [{"source_code": "object C extends App {\n\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(scala.io.StdIn.readLine)\n def readInts(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt) }\n def readLongs(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong) }\n def readBigs(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(BigInt(tl.nextToken)) }\n\n val Array(w, h) = readInts(2)\n val MOD = BigInt(998244353L)\n\n val res = BigInt(2).modPow(w + h, MOD)\n\n println(res)\n}\n"}], "negative_code": [], "src_uid": "8b2a9ae21740c89079a6011a30cd6aee"} {"source_code": "import java.util.ArrayList\nimport java.util.StringTokenizer\n//import scala.reflect.io.File\nimport java.io.BufferedReader\nimport java.io.BufferedInputStream\nimport java.io.InputStreamReader\nimport java.io.ByteArrayInputStream\nimport java.io.InputStream\n\nobject C_441 { var br = createBufferedReader(); var debugV = false \n \n //COMMENT ME !\n// runTest(Test.sa1)\n// debugV = true\n// file = File(\"C:\\\\temp\\\\google cj\\\\2014q\\\\c-small.res\")\n \n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n //---------------------------- parameters reading\n val n = readLine.int\n \n //---------------------------- parameters reading :end\n \n var continue = true\n var variants = List[Int]()\n var x = n\n val maxDif = n.toString().length() * 9\n while (continue) {\n val sum = sumDig(x) + x\n continue = x > 0 && x + maxDif >= n\n if (sum == n) variants ::= x\n x -= 1\n }\n \n def sumDig(x: Int) = {\n x.toString.map(c => (c+\"\").toInt).sum\n }\n \n val res = if (variants.size > 0) {\n variants.size + \"\\n\" + variants.sorted.mkString(\" \")\n } else {\n \"0\"\n }\n \n outLn(res)\n finish\n }\n \n \n //============================ service code ======================\n\n// var file:File = null\n val resultStr = new StringBuilder\n def outLn(str:String) = resultStr.append(str).append(\"\\n\")\n def outLn(number:Integer) = resultStr.append(number+\"\").append(\"\\n\")\n def finish() {\n// if (file == null || !devEnv) {\n println(resultStr.toString())\n// } else {\n// file.writeAll(resultStr.toString())\n// }\n }\n \n def readLine() = new Line \n class Line {\n val fullLine = br.readLine()\n val tok = new StringTokenizer(fullLine, \" \")\n def int = tok.nextToken().toInt\n def long = tok.nextToken().toLong\n def double = tok.nextToken().toDouble\n def string = tok.nextToken()\n }\n \n def createBufferedReader(inst:InputStream = System.in): BufferedReader = {\n val bis = if (inst == null) new BufferedInputStream(System.in) else new BufferedInputStream(inst);\n new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(bis));\n }\n \n def runTest(str:String) = if (devEnv) { \n br = createBufferedReader(new ByteArrayInputStream(str.trim.getBytes(\"ISO-8859-1\")))\n }\n \n def debug(x: => String) = if (debugV && devEnv) println(x) // nullary function\n \n lazy val devEnv = this.getClass.getCanonicalName.contains(\".\")\n \n//============================================================================================\nobject Test {\n \nval sa1 = \"\"\"\n21\n\"\"\"\n\nval sa2 = \"\"\"\n20\n\"\"\"\n\nval sa3 = \"\"\"\n100 \n\"\"\"\n}\n\n}\n\n", "positive_code": [{"source_code": "import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer\n\nobject test {\n def digits(a: Int): Int =\n if (a == 0) 0\n else 1 + digits(a/10)\n def sumDigits(a: Int): Int =\n if (a == 0) 0\n else (a % 10) + sumDigits(a/10)\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val a = scala.io.StdIn.readInt\n var l = ListBuffer[Int]()\n for(x <- math.max(a-9*digits(a)-5, 0) to a) {\n if(sumDigits(x)+x == a) l += x\n }\n println(l.length)\n for(x <- l) {\n println(x)\n }\n }\n}"}], "negative_code": [{"source_code": "import java.util.ArrayList\nimport java.util.StringTokenizer\n//import scala.reflect.io.File\nimport java.io.BufferedReader\nimport java.io.BufferedInputStream\nimport java.io.InputStreamReader\nimport java.io.ByteArrayInputStream\nimport java.io.InputStream\n\nobject C_441 { var br = createBufferedReader(); var debugV = false \n \n //COMMENT ME !\n// runTest(Test.sa1)\n// debugV = true\n// file = File(\"C:\\\\temp\\\\google cj\\\\2014q\\\\c-small.res\")\n \n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n //---------------------------- parameters reading\n val n = readLine.int\n \n var continue = true\n var variants = List[Int]()\n var x = n\n while (continue) {\n val sum = sumDig(x) + x\n continue = sum > n\n if (sum == n) variants ::= x\n x -= 1\n }\n \n def sumDig(x: Int) = {\n x.toString.map(c => (c+\"\").toInt).sum\n }\n \n// val max = groups.values.reduce((a,b) => if (a.size > b.size) a else b) \n// debug(\"max = \" + max.mkString(\" \"))\n \n //---------------------------- parameters reading :end\n \n val res = if (variants.size > 0) {\n variants.size + \"\\n\" + variants.sorted.mkString(\" \")\n } else {\n \"0\"\n }\n \n outLn(res)\n finish\n }\n \n \n //============================ service code ======================\n\n// var file:File = null\n val resultStr = new StringBuilder\n def outLn(str:String) = resultStr.append(str).append(\"\\n\")\n def outLn(number:Integer) = resultStr.append(number+\"\").append(\"\\n\")\n def finish() {\n// if (file == null || !devEnv) {\n println(resultStr.toString())\n// } else {\n// file.writeAll(resultStr.toString())\n// }\n }\n \n def readLine() = new Line \n class Line {\n val fullLine = br.readLine()\n val tok = new StringTokenizer(fullLine, \" \")\n def int = tok.nextToken().toInt\n def long = tok.nextToken().toLong\n def double = tok.nextToken().toDouble\n def string = tok.nextToken()\n }\n \n def createBufferedReader(inst:InputStream = System.in): BufferedReader = {\n val bis = if (inst == null) new BufferedInputStream(System.in) else new BufferedInputStream(inst);\n new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(bis));\n }\n \n def runTest(str:String) = if (devEnv) { \n br = createBufferedReader(new ByteArrayInputStream(str.trim.getBytes(\"ISO-8859-1\")))\n }\n \n def debug(x: => String) = if (debugV && devEnv) println(x) // nullary function\n \n lazy val devEnv = this.getClass.getCanonicalName.contains(\".\")\n \n//============================================================================================\nobject Test {\n \nval sa1 = \"\"\"\n21\n\"\"\"\n\nval sa2 = \"\"\"\n20\n\"\"\"\n\nval sa3 = \"\"\"\n100 \n\"\"\"\n}\n\n}\n\n"}], "src_uid": "ae20ae2a16273a0d379932d6e973f878"} {"source_code": "object Main {\n val primes: Stream[Int] = 2 #:: 3 #:: \n Stream.from(5, 2).filter(i => primes.takeWhile(_ < Math.sqrt(i)).forall(i % _ != 0))\n\n def split(n: Int): List[Int] = {\n primes.takeWhile(_ <= Math.sqrt(n)).find(n % _ == 0) match {\n case Some(div) => div :: split(n / div)\n case None => List(n)\n }\n }\n\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val n = readInt()\n val divs = split(n)\n if (n == 1) println(\"1\")\n else println(divs.scanLeft(1)(_ * _).reverse.mkString(\" \"))\n }\n}", "positive_code": [{"source_code": "import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer\nobject P58B extends App {\n\n val n = readLine.toInt\n val cache = new Array[List[Int]](n)\n cache(0) = List(1)\n\n def f(n: Int): List[Int] = {\n if (cache(n - 1) != null) cache(n - 1)\n else {\n var factors = ListBuffer[Int](1)\n for (e <- 2 to math.sqrt(n).toInt) if (n % e == 0) factors ++= Set(e, n / e)\n cache(n - 1) = List(n) ++ factors.map(f(_)).maxBy(_.size)\n cache(n - 1)\n }\n }\n\n for (e <- f(n)) print(e+\" \")\n}"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.Source\n\nobject Solution extends App {\n val in = Source.stdin.getLines()\n val n = in.next().toInt\n val res = (2 to n).foldLeft(List(1)) {\n case(list, el) if n % el == 0 && el % list.head == 0 => el :: list\n case(list, el) => list\n }\n\n println(res.mkString(\" \"))\n}"}], "negative_code": [{"source_code": "import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer\nobject P58B extends App {\n\n val n = readLine.toInt\n var factors = ListBuffer[Int]()\n for (e <- 2 to math.sqrt(n).toInt) if (n % e == 0) factors ++= Set(e, n / e)\n\n val evens = factors.filter(_ % 2 == 0)\n val odds = factors.filter(_ % 2 == 1)\n factors = List(evens, odds).maxBy(_.size) + n + 1\n\n for (e <- factors.toSet.toList.sortWith(_ > _)) print(e+\" \")\n\n}"}, {"source_code": "import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer\nobject P58B extends App {\n\n val n = readLine.toInt\n var factors = ListBuffer[Int]()\n for (e <- 2 to math.sqrt(n).toInt) if (n % e == 0) factors ++= Set(e, n / e)\n\n val evens = factors.filter(_ % 2 == 0)\n val odds = factors.filter(_ % 2 == 1)\n factors = List(evens, odds).maxBy(_.size) + n + 1\n\n for (e <- factors.toList.sortWith(_ > _)) print(e+\" \")\n\n}"}, {"source_code": "object Main {\n val primes: Stream[Int] = 2 #:: 3 #:: \n Stream.from(5, 2).filter(i => primes.takeWhile(_ < Math.sqrt(i)).forall(i % _ != 0))\n\n def split(n: Int): List[Int] = {\n primes.takeWhile(_ <= Math.sqrt(n)).find(n % _ == 0) match {\n case Some(div) => div :: split(n / div)\n case None => List(n)\n }\n }\n\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val n = readInt()\n val divs = split(n)\n println(divs.scanLeft(1)(_ * _).reverse.mkString(\" \"))\n }\n}"}], "src_uid": "2fc946bb72f56b6d86eabfaf60f9fa63"} {"source_code": "object main {\nimport scala.io.StdIn._\nimport scala.collection.mutable.{HashMap,HashSet}\n\ndef gcd(a: Long, b: Long): Long = {\n\tif (a == 0) b else gcd(b % a, a)\n}\n\n\ndef main(args: Array[String]) {\n\n\nval input = readLine.trim.split(\" +\")\nval left = input(0).toLong\nval right = input(1).toLong\nval coprimes = HashMap[Long, HashSet[Long]]()\nfor (x <- left to right) {\n\tval temp = HashSet[Long]()\n\tfor (y <- left to right) {\n\t\tif (x != y && gcd(x,y) == 1) temp += y\n\t}\n\tcoprimes += x -> temp\n}\ndef findIt: (Long, Long, Long) = {\n\tfor (a <- coprimes.keys) {\n\t\tfor (b <- coprimes(a)) {\n\t\t\tif (b > a) {\n\t\t\t\tfor (c <- coprimes(b)) {\n\t\t\t\t\tif (c > a && c > b && !coprimes(a).contains(c)) return (a,b,c)\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\treturn null\n}\nval res = findIt\nprintln(if (res != null) { res._1 + \" \" + res._2 + \" \" + res._3 } else -1)\n\n\n\n\n}\n\n}", "positive_code": [{"source_code": "object Solution extends App {\n def simple(a: Long, b: Long): Boolean = {\n if (b == 0) a == 1\n else simple(b, a % b)\n }\n\n val in = scala.io.Source.stdin.getLines()\n val Array(a, b) = in.next().split(\" \").map(_.toLong)\n val options = (a to b - 2).flatMap(a1 => (a1 + 1 to b - 1).flatMap(b1 => (b1 + 1 to b).map(c1 => (a1, b1, c1))))\n println(options.find{\n case(a, b, c) => simple(a, b) && simple(b, c) && !simple(a, c)\n }.map(t => s\"${t._1} ${t._2} ${t._3}\").getOrElse(\"-1\"))\n\n\n}"}, {"source_code": "object A483 {\n\n import IO._\n def gcd(a: Long, b: Long): Long = {\n if(b == 0) a else gcd(b, a%b)\n }\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val Array(l, r) = readLongs(2)\n var break = false\n for(a <- l to r-2; b <- a+1 to r-1; c <- b+1 to r if !break) {\n if(gcd(a, b) == 1 && gcd(b, c) == 1 && gcd(a, c) != 1) {\n println(s\"$a $b $c\")\n break = true\n }\n }\n if(!break) {\n println(\"-1\")\n }\n }\n\n object IO {\n @inline def read: String = scala.io.StdIn.readLine\n\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(read)\n\n def readInts(n: Int): Array[Int] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine;\n Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt)\n }\n\n def readLongs(n: Int): Array[Long] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine;\n Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong)\n }\n\n def readBigs(n: Int): Array[BigInt] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine;\n Array.fill(n)(BigInt(tl.nextToken))\n }\n }\n\n}\n"}, {"source_code": " /**\n * Created by SchmAn4 on 26.10.2014.\n */\n object Counterexample {\n def main(s: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val start = System.currentTimeMillis\n val scanner = new java.util.Scanner(System.in)\n val x = scanner.nextLong()\n val y = scanner.nextLong()\n val list = (x to y)\n\n/*\n val triples = for(x <- list; y <- list; z <- list) yield (x,y,z)\n println(triples.filter {\n case (x, y, z) => x < y && y < z && x != y && y != z && x != z && ggT(x, y) == 1 && ggT(y, z) == 1 && ggT(x, z) != 1\n })\n */\n // 380ms\n\n\n /*\n val seven = (for (\n x <- list; y <- list; z <- list\n if x < y && y < z && x != y && y != z && x != z && ggT(x, y) == 1 && ggT(y, z) == 1 && ggT(x, z) != 1\n ) yield (x,y,z)).headOption\n // 340ms\n*/\n val iter = (for {\n x <- list.toIterator; y <- list.toIterator; z <- list.toIterator\n if x < y && y < z && x != y && y != z && x != z && ggT(x, y) == 1 && ggT(y, z) == 1 && ggT(x, z) != 1\n } yield (x,y,z))\n\n if (iter.hasNext) {\n val triple = iter.next\n println(triple._1+\" \"+triple._2+\" \"+triple._3)\n } else\n println(-1)\n // 300ms\n\n// println((System.currentTimeMillis-start)+\"ms\")\n }\n\n /*\n def perform(a: Long, b: Long): String = (a,b) match {\n //case (p,q) if ggT(p,q) == 1 => \"-1\"\n case (p,q) => perform2(p,q,p+1,p+1)\n }\n\n def perform2(a: Long, b: Long, c: Long, d: Long): String = (a,b,c,d) match {\n case (a,b,c,d) if b >= c && ggT(a,c) == 1 => perform3(a,b,c,d+1) //a+\" \"+c+\" \"+b\n case (_,b,c,d) if b <= c => \"-1\"\n case (a,b,c,d) => perform2(a,b,c+1,d+1)\n }\n\n def perform3(a: Long, b: Long, c: Long, d: Long): String = (a,b,c,d) match {\n case (a,b,c,d) if b >= d && ggT(c,d) == 1 && ggT(a,d) != 1 => a+\" \"+c+\" \"+d\n case (_,b,c,d) if b <= d => \"-1\"\n case (a,b,c,d) => perform2(a,b,c,d+1)\n }\n */\n\n def ggT(a: Long, b: Long): Long = (a,b) match {\n case (_,0) => a\n case (p,q) if p == q => a\n case (p,q) => ggT(b,a%b)\n }\n\n /*\n Input\n 900000000000000009 900000000000000029\n Output\n 900000000000000009 900000000000000010 900000000000000029\n Answer\n 900000000000000009 900000000000000010 900000000000000021\n */\n\n\n }\n"}, {"source_code": "import java.util.StringTokenizer\n\nobject _483A extends App {\n var token = new StringTokenizer(\"\")\n\n def next = {\n while (!token.hasMoreTokens()) token = new StringTokenizer(readLine)\n token.nextToken()\n }\n\n val l = next.toLong\n val r = next.toLong\n\n def gcd(a: Long, b: Long): Long = if (b == 0) a else gcd(b, a % b)\n val ans = for {\n a <- l to r\n b <- a + 1 to r\n c <- b +1 to r\n if (gcd(a, b) == 1 && gcd(b, c) == 1 && gcd(a, c) > 1)\n } yield (a, b, c)\n\n if (ans.size == 0) println(-1)\n else println(ans.head._1 + \" \" + ans.head._2 + \" \" + ans.head._3)\n}\n"}], "negative_code": [{"source_code": " /**\n * Created by SchmAn4 on 26.10.2014.\n */\n object Counterexample {\n def main(s: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val scanner = new java.util.Scanner(System.in)\n val x = scanner.nextLong()\n val y = scanner.nextLong()\n println(perform(x,y))\n }\n\n def perform(a: Long, b: Long): String = (a,b) match {\n //case (p,q) if ggT(p,q) == 1 => \"-1\"\n case (p,q) => perform2(p,q,p+1)\n }\n\n def perform2(a: Long, b: Long, c: Long): String = (a,b,c) match {\n case (_,b,c) if b == c => \"-1\"\n case (a,b,c) if ggT(a,c) == 1 && ggT(b,c) == 1 => a+\" \"+c+\" \"+b\n case (a,b,c) => perform2(a,b,c+1)\n }\n\n def ggT(a: Long, b: Long): Long = (a,b) match {\n case (_,0) => a\n case (p,q) if p == q => a\n case (p,q) => ggT(b,a%b)\n }\n\n\n }\n"}, {"source_code": " /**\n * Created by SchmAn4 on 26.10.2014.\n */\n object Counterexample {\n def main(s: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val scanner = new java.util.Scanner(System.in)\n val x = scanner.nextLong()\n val y = scanner.nextLong()\n println(perform(x,y))\n }\n\n def perform(a: Long, b: Long): String = (a,b) match {\n case (p,q) if ggT(p,q) == 1 => \"-1\"\n case (p,q) => perform2(p,q,p+1)\n }\n\n def perform2(a: Long, b: Long, c: Long): String = (a,b,c) match {\n case (_,b,c) if b == c => \"-1\"\n case (a,b,c) if ggT(a,c) == 1 && ggT(b,c) == 1 => a+\" \"+c+\" \"+b\n case (a,b,c) => perform2(a,b,c+1)\n }\n\n def ggT(a: Long, b: Long): Long = (a,b) match {\n case (_,0) => a\n case (p,q) if p == q => a\n case (p,q) => ggT(b,a%b)\n }\n\n\n }\n"}, {"source_code": " /**\n * Created by SchmAn4 on 26.10.2014.\n */\n object Counterexample {\n def main(s: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val scanner = new java.util.Scanner(System.in)\n val x = scanner.nextLong()\n val y = scanner.nextLong()\n println(perform(x,y))\n }\n\n def perform(a: Long, b: Long): String = (a,b) match {\n //case (p,q) if ggT(p,q) == 1 => \"-1\"\n case (p,q) => perform2(p,q,p+1,p+1)\n }\n\n def perform2(a: Long, b: Long, c: Long, d: Long): String = (a,b,c,d) match {\n case (a,b,c,d) if ggT(a,c) == 1 => perform3(a,b,c,d+1) //a+\" \"+c+\" \"+b\n case (_,b,c,d) if b <= c => \"-1\"\n case (a,b,c,d) => perform2(a,b,c+1,d+1)\n }\n\n def perform3(a: Long, b: Long, c: Long, d: Long): String = (a,b,c,d) match {\n case (a,b,c,d) if ggT(c,d) == 1 && ggT(a,d) != 1 => a+\" \"+c+\" \"+d\n case (_,b,c,d) if b <= d => \"-1\"\n case (a,b,c,d) => perform2(a,b,c,d+1)\n }\n\n def ggT(a: Long, b: Long): Long = (a,b) match {\n case (_,0) => a\n case (p,q) if p == q => a\n case (p,q) => ggT(b,a%b)\n }\n\n /*\n Input\n 900000000000000009 900000000000000029\n Output\n 900000000000000009 900000000000000010 900000000000000029\n Answer\n 900000000000000009 900000000000000010 900000000000000021\n */\n\n\n }\n"}, {"source_code": " /**\n * Created by SchmAn4 on 26.10.2014.\n */\n object Counterexample {\n def main(s: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val scanner = new java.util.Scanner(System.in)\n val x = scanner.nextLong()\n val y = scanner.nextLong()\n println(perform(x,y))\n }\n\n def perform(a: Long, b: Long): String = (a,b) match {\n //case (p,q) if ggT(p,q) == 1 => \"-1\"\n case (p,q) => perform2(p,q,p+1,p+1)\n }\n\n def perform2(a: Long, b: Long, c: Long, d: Long): String = (a,b,c,d) match {\n case (a,b,c,d) if b >= c && ggT(a,c) == 1 => perform3(a,b,c,d+1) //a+\" \"+c+\" \"+b\n case (_,b,c,d) if b <= c => \"-1\"\n case (a,b,c,d) => perform2(a,b,c+1,d+1)\n }\n\n def perform3(a: Long, b: Long, c: Long, d: Long): String = (a,b,c,d) match {\n case (a,b,c,d) if b >= d && ggT(c,d) == 1 && ggT(a,d) != 1 => a+\" \"+c+\" \"+d\n case (_,b,c,d) if b <= d => \"-1\"\n case (a,b,c,d) => perform2(a,b,c,d+1)\n }\n\n def ggT(a: Long, b: Long): Long = (a,b) match {\n case (_,0) => a\n case (p,q) if p == q => a\n case (p,q) => ggT(b,a%b)\n }\n\n /*\n Input\n 900000000000000009 900000000000000029\n Output\n 900000000000000009 900000000000000010 900000000000000029\n Answer\n 900000000000000009 900000000000000010 900000000000000021\n */\n\n\n }\n"}, {"source_code": " /**\n * Created by SchmAn4 on 26.10.2014.\n */\n object Counterexample {\n def main(s: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val scanner = new java.util.Scanner(System.in)\n val x = scanner.nextLong()\n val y = scanner.nextLong()\n println(perform(x,y))\n }\n\n def perform(a: Long, b: Long): String = (a,b) match {\n //case (p,q) if ggT(p,q) == 1 => \"-1\"\n case (p,q) => perform2(p,q,p+1,p+1)\n }\n\n def perform2(a: Long, b: Long, c: Long, d: Long): String = (a,b,c,d) match {\n case (a,b,c,d) if ggT(a,c) == 1 => perform3(a,b,c,d+1) //a+\" \"+c+\" \"+b\n case (_,b,c,d) if b == c => \"-1\"\n case (a,b,c,d) => perform2(a,b,c+1,d+1)\n }\n\n def perform3(a: Long, b: Long, c: Long, d: Long): String = (a,b,c,d) match {\n case (a,b,c,d) if ggT(c,d) == 1 && ggT(a,d) != 1 => a+\" \"+c+\" \"+d\n case (_,b,c,d) if b == d => \"-1\"\n case (a,b,c,d) => perform2(a,b,c,d+1)\n }\n\n def ggT(a: Long, b: Long): Long = (a,b) match {\n case (_,0) => a\n case (p,q) if p == q => a\n case (p,q) => ggT(b,a%b)\n }\n\n /*\n Input\n 900000000000000009 900000000000000029\n Output\n 900000000000000009 900000000000000010 900000000000000029\n Answer\n 900000000000000009 900000000000000010 900000000000000021\n */\n\n\n }\n"}], "src_uid": "6c1ad1cc1fbecff69be37b1709a5236d"} {"source_code": "object Solution extends App {\n val in = scala.io.Source.stdin.getLines()\n val Array(hpy, atky, defy) = in.next().split(\" \").map(_.toLong)\n val Array(hpm, atkm, defm) = in.next().split(\" \").map(_.toLong)\n val Array(hpcost, atkcost, defcost) = in.next().split(\" \").map(_.toLong)\n var atkmin = if (atky > defm) atky else defm + 1\n var cost = -1l\n (atkmin to (hpm + defm)).foreach { atk =>\n if (cost == -1l || (atk - atky) * atkcost < cost)\n if (atkm > defy)\n (defy to atkm).foreach { defend =>\n if (cost == -1l || ((atk - atky) * atkcost + (defend - defy) * defcost < cost)) {\n val win = hpm / (atk - defm) + (if (hpm % (atk - defm) > 0) 1 else 0)\n val damage = win * (atkm - defend)\n val hp = if (damage >= hpy) damage - hpy + 1 else 0\n if (cost == -1l || ((atk - atky) * atkcost + (defend - defy) * defcost + hp * hpcost < cost))\n cost = (atk - atky) * atkcost + (defend - defy) * defcost + hp * hpcost\n }\n }\n else {\n cost = (atk - atky) * atkcost\n }\n }\n if (cost == -1l)\n println(0)\n else\n println(cost)\n\n\n}", "positive_code": [{"source_code": "import scala.collection._\n\nobject A extends App {\n\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(readLine)\n def readInts(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt) }\n def readLongs(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong) }\n def readBigs(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(BigInt(tl.nextToken)) }\n\n val Array(hy, ay, dy) = readLongs(3)\n val Array(hm, am, dm) = readLongs(3)\n val Array(ch, ca, cd) = readLongs(3)\n\n var min = Long.MaxValue\n\n for (a <- 0 to 1000) {\n for (d <- 0 to 100) {\n\n def can(h: Long) = {\n //(hy + h) * (ay + a - dm) > hm * (am - dy - d)\n val x = (ay + a - dm)\n if (am - dy - d <= 0 && x > 0) true\n else {\n if (x <= 0) false\n else {\n val steps = (hm + x - 1) / x\n if ((am - dy - d) * steps < hy + h) true\n else false\n }\n }\n }\n\n @annotation.tailrec\n def binSearch(low: Long, hi: Long): Long = {\n if (hi < low) low\n else {\n val mid = (low + hi) >>> 1\n if (can(mid)) binSearch(low, mid - 1)\n else binSearch(mid + 1, hi)\n }\n }\n\n val h = binSearch(0, 100000000L)\n \n //if (d == 0 && a == 0) println(h)\n \n val cost = a * ca + d * cd + h * ch \n \n min = Math.min(min, cost)\n }\n }\n\n println(min)\n}"}], "negative_code": [{"source_code": "object Solution extends App {\n val in = scala.io.Source.stdin.getLines()\n val Array(hpy, atky, defy) = in.next().split(\" \").map(_.toLong)\n val Array(hpm, atkm, defm) = in.next().split(\" \").map(_.toLong)\n val Array(hpcost, atkcost, defcost) = in.next().split(\" \").map(_.toLong)\n var atkmin = if (atky > defm) atky else defm + 1\n var cost = -1l\n (atkmin to (hpm + defm)).foreach { atk =>\n if (cost == -1l || (atk - atky) * atkcost < cost)\n if (atkm > defm)\n (defy to atkm).foreach { defend =>\n println(\"andhere\")\n if (cost == -1l || ((atk - atky) * atkcost + (defend - defy) * defcost < cost)) {\n val win = hpm / (atk - defm) + (if (hpm % (atk - defm) > 0) 1 else 0)\n val damage = win * (atkm - defend)\n val hp = if (damage >= hpy) damage - hpy + 1 else 0\n if (cost == -1l || ((atk - atky) * atkcost + (defend - defy) * defcost + hp * hpcost < cost))\n cost = (atk - atky) * atkcost + (defend - defy) * defcost + hp * hpcost\n }\n }\n else cost = (atk - atky) * atkcost\n }\n if (cost == -1l)\n println(0)\n else\n println(cost)\n\n\n}"}, {"source_code": "object Solution extends App {\n val in = scala.io.Source.stdin.getLines()\n val Array(hpy, atky, defy) = in.next().split(\" \").map(_.toLong)\n val Array(hpm, atkm, defm) = in.next().split(\" \").map(_.toLong)\n val Array(hpcost, atkcost, defcost) = in.next().split(\" \").map(_.toLong)\n var atkmin = if (atky > defm) atky else defm + 1\n var cost = -1l\n (atkmin to (hpm + defm)).foreach { atk =>\n if (cost == -1l || (atk - atky) * atkcost < cost)\n if (atkm > defm)\n (defy to atkm).foreach { defend =>\n if (cost == -1l || ((atk - atky) * atkcost + (defend - defy) * defcost < cost)) {\n val win = hpm / (atk - defm) + (if (hpm % (atk - defm) > 0) 1 else 0)\n val damage = win * (atkm - defend)\n val hp = if (damage >= hpy) damage - hpy + 1 else 0\n if (cost == -1l || ((atk - atky) * atkcost + (defend - defy) * defcost + hp * hpcost < cost))\n cost = (atk - atky) * atkcost + (defend - defy) * defcost + hp * hpcost\n }\n }\n else cost = (atk - atky) * atkcost\n }\n if (cost == -1l)\n println(0)\n else\n println(cost)\n\n\n}"}, {"source_code": "object Solution extends App {\n val in = scala.io.Source.stdin.getLines()\n val Array(hpy, atky, defy) = in.next().split(\" \").map(_.toLong)\n val Array(hpm, atkm, defm) = in.next().split(\" \").map(_.toLong)\n val Array(hpcost, atkcost, defcost) = in.next().split(\" \").map(_.toLong)\n var atkmin = if (atky > defm) atky else defm + 1\n var cost = -1l\n (atkmin to (hpm + defm)).foreach { atk =>\n if (cost == -1l || (atk - atky) * atkcost < cost)\n (defy to atkm).foreach { defend =>\n if (cost == -1l || ((atk - atky) * atkcost + (defend - defy) * defcost < cost)) {\n val win = hpm / (atk - defm) + (if (hpm % (atk - defm) > 0) 1 else 0)\n val damage = win * (atkm - defend)\n val hp = if (damage >= hpy) damage - hpy + 1 else 0\n if (cost == -1l || ((atk - atky) * atkcost + (defend - defy) * defcost + hp * hpcost < cost))\n cost = (atk - atky) * atkcost + (defend - defy) * defcost + hp * hpcost\n }\n }\n }\n if (cost == -1l)\n println(0)\n else\n println(cost)\n\n\n}"}, {"source_code": "import scala.collection._\n\nobject A extends App {\n\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(readLine)\n def readInts(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt) }\n def readLongs(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong) }\n def readBigs(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(BigInt(tl.nextToken)) }\n\n val Array(hy, ay, dy) = readLongs(3)\n val Array(hm, am, dm) = readLongs(3)\n val Array(ch, ca, cd) = readLongs(3)\n\n var min = Long.MaxValue\n\n for (a <- 0 to 100) {\n for (d <- 0 to 100) {\n\n def can(h: Long) = {\n (hy + h) * (ay + a - dm) > hm * (am - dy - d)\n }\n\n @annotation.tailrec\n def binSearch(low: Long, hi: Long): Long = {\n if (hi < low) low\n else {\n val mid = (low + hi) >>> 1\n if (can(mid)) binSearch(low, mid - 1)\n else binSearch(mid + 1, hi)\n }\n }\n\n val h = binSearch(0, 100000000L)\n \n val cost = a * ca + d * cd + h * ch \n \n min = Math.min(min, cost)\n }\n }\n\n println(min)\n}"}, {"source_code": "import scala.collection._\n\nobject A extends App {\n\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(readLine)\n def readInts(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt) }\n def readLongs(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong) }\n def readBigs(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(BigInt(tl.nextToken)) }\n\n val Array(hy, ay, dy) = readLongs(3)\n val Array(hm, am, dm) = readLongs(3)\n val Array(ch, ca, cd) = readLongs(3)\n\n var min = Long.MaxValue\n\n for (a <- 0 to 1000) {\n for (d <- 0 to 100) {\n\n def can(h: Long) = {\n //(hy + h) * (ay + a - dm) > hm * (am - dy - d)\n if (am - dy - d <= 0) true\n else {\n val x = (ay + a - dm)\n if (x <= 0) false\n else {\n val steps = (hm + x - 1) / x\n if ((am - dy - d) * steps < hy + h) true\n else false\n }\n }\n }\n\n @annotation.tailrec\n def binSearch(low: Long, hi: Long): Long = {\n if (hi < low) low\n else {\n val mid = (low + hi) >>> 1\n if (can(mid)) binSearch(low, mid - 1)\n else binSearch(mid + 1, hi)\n }\n }\n\n val h = binSearch(0, 100000000L)\n \n //if (d == 0 && a == 0) println(h)\n \n val cost = a * ca + d * cd + h * ch \n \n min = Math.min(min, cost)\n }\n }\n\n println(min)\n}"}, {"source_code": "import scala.collection._\n\nobject A extends App {\n\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(readLine)\n def readInts(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt) }\n def readLongs(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong) }\n def readBigs(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(BigInt(tl.nextToken)) }\n\n val Array(hy, ay, dy) = readLongs(3)\n val Array(hm, am, dm) = readLongs(3)\n val Array(ch, ca, cd) = readLongs(3)\n\n var min = Long.MaxValue\n\n for (a <- 0 to 100) {\n for (d <- 0 to 100) {\n\n def can(h: Long) = {\n //(hy + h) * (ay + a - dm) > hm * (am - dy - d)\n if (am - dy - d <= 0) true\n else {\n val x = (ay + a - dm)\n if (x <= 0) false\n else {\n val steps = (hm + x - 1) / x\n if ((am - dy - d) * steps < hy + h) true\n else false\n }\n }\n }\n\n @annotation.tailrec\n def binSearch(low: Long, hi: Long): Long = {\n if (hi < low) low\n else {\n val mid = (low + hi) >>> 1\n if (can(mid)) binSearch(low, mid - 1)\n else binSearch(mid + 1, hi)\n }\n }\n\n val h = binSearch(0, 100000000L)\n \n //if (d == 0 && a == 0) println(h)\n \n val cost = a * ca + d * cd + h * ch \n \n min = Math.min(min, cost)\n }\n }\n\n println(min)\n}"}, {"source_code": "import scala.collection._\n\nobject A extends App {\n\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(readLine)\n def readInts(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt) }\n def readLongs(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong) }\n def readBigs(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(BigInt(tl.nextToken)) }\n\n val Array(hy, ay, dy) = readLongs(3)\n val Array(hm, am, dm) = readLongs(3)\n val Array(ch, ca, cd) = readLongs(3)\n\n var min = Long.MaxValue\n\n for (a <- 0 to 1000) {\n for (d <- 0 to 100) {\n\n def can(h: Long) = {\n //(hy + h) * (ay + a - dm) > hm * (am - dy - d)\n if (am - dy - d <= 0) true\n else {\n val x = (ay + a - dm)\n if (x <= 0) false\n else {\n (hy + h) * (ay + a - dm) > hm * (am - dy - d)\n /*val steps = (hm + x) * 1f / x\n if ((am - dy - d) * steps < hy + h) true\n else false*/\n }\n }\n }\n\n @annotation.tailrec\n def binSearch(low: Long, hi: Long): Long = {\n if (hi < low) low\n else {\n val mid = (low + hi) >>> 1\n if (can(mid)) binSearch(low, mid - 1)\n else binSearch(mid + 1, hi)\n }\n }\n\n val h = binSearch(0, 100000000L)\n \n //if (d == 0 && a == 0) println(h)\n \n val cost = a * ca + d * cd + h * ch \n \n min = Math.min(min, cost)\n }\n }\n\n println(min)\n}"}, {"source_code": "import scala.collection._\n\nobject A extends App {\n\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(readLine)\n def readInts(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt) }\n def readLongs(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong) }\n def readBigs(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(BigInt(tl.nextToken)) }\n\n val Array(hy, ay, dy) = readLongs(3)\n val Array(hm, am, dm) = readLongs(3)\n val Array(ch, ca, cd) = readLongs(3)\n\n var min = Long.MaxValue\n\n for (a <- 0 to 1000) {\n for (d <- 0 to 100) {\n\n def can(h: Long) = {\n //(hy + h) * (ay + a - dm) > hm * (am - dy - d)\n if (am - dy - d <= 0) true\n else {\n val x = (ay + a - dm)\n if (x <= 0) false\n else {\n val steps = 1d * hm / x\n if ((am - dy - d) * steps < hy + h) true\n else false\n }\n }\n }\n\n @annotation.tailrec\n def binSearch(low: Long, hi: Long): Long = {\n if (hi < low) low\n else {\n val mid = (low + hi) >>> 1\n if (can(mid)) binSearch(low, mid - 1)\n else binSearch(mid + 1, hi)\n }\n }\n\n val h = binSearch(0, 100000000L)\n \n //if (d == 0 && a == 0) println(h)\n \n val cost = a * ca + d * cd + h * ch \n \n min = Math.min(min, cost)\n }\n }\n\n println(min)\n}"}], "src_uid": "bf8a133154745e64a547de6f31ddc884"} {"source_code": "\nimport java.io._\nimport java.util.StringTokenizer\n\nobject D {\n\n var out: PrintWriter = null\n var br: BufferedReader = null\n var st: StringTokenizer = null\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in))\n out = new PrintWriter(new BufferedOutputStream(System.out))\n solve\n out.close\n }\n\n def next: String = {\n while (st == null || !st.hasMoreTokens) {\n st = new StringTokenizer(br.readLine)\n }\n return st.nextToken\n }\n\n def nextInt: Int = return Integer.parseInt(next)\n\n def nextLong: Long = return java.lang.Long.parseLong(next)\n\n def nextDouble: Double = return java.lang.Double.parseDouble(next)\n\n def checkPrime(n: Int): Boolean = {\n if (n == 1)\n return false\n var ind = 2\n var flag = false\n while (!flag && ind <= Math.sqrt(n).toInt) {\n if (n % ind == 0) {\n flag = true\n }\n ind += 1\n }\n !flag\n }\n\n def solve: Int = {\n val n = nextInt\n var ind = 2\n var flag = false\n if (n == 4) {\n out.println(2)\n out.println(\"2 2\")\n return 0\n }\n while (!flag && ind <= Math.sqrt(n).toInt) {\n if (n % ind == 0) {\n flag = true\n }\n ind += 1\n }\n if (flag) {\n if (checkPrime(n - 3)) {\n out.println(2)\n out.println(\"3 \" + (n - 3))\n return 0\n }\n out.println(3)\n out.print(\"3 \")\n for (i <- 2 to 1e6.toInt) {\n if (checkPrime(i) && checkPrime(n - i - 3) && n - i - 3 > 0) {\n out.println(i + \" \" + (n - i - 3))\n return 0\n }\n }\n } else {\n out.println(1)\n out.println(n)\n }\n return 0\n }\n}\n", "positive_code": [{"source_code": "object Solution extends App {\n val in = scala.io.Source.stdin.getLines()\n val n1 = in.next().toInt\n val first = 3\n val n = n1 - first\n\n def isPrime(n: Int) =\n if (n == 1) false\n else if (n == 2) true\n else if (n % 2 == 0) false\n else !(3 to Math.sqrt(n).toInt + 1 by 2).exists(i => n % i == 0)\n\n\n if (n == 0) {\n println(1)\n println(3)\n } else if (isPrime(n)) {\n println(2)\n println(\"3 \" + n)\n } else {\n val second = (2 until n).find(i => isPrime(i) && isPrime(n - i)).get\n println(3)\n println(s\"3 $second ${n - second}\")\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "/**\n * @author netman\n */\n\n\nimport java.io._\nimport scala._\nimport scala.Array._\nimport java.util.ArrayList\nimport scala.collection.mutable._\nimport java.util.StringTokenizer\n\n\nobject HelloWorld {\n\n class InputReader(reader: BufferedReader) {\n \n var tokenizer: StringTokenizer = null;\n \n def this(stream: InputStream) = {\n this(new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(stream), (1 << 20)));\n }\n \n def this(f: File) = {\n this(new BufferedReader(new FileReader(f), (1 << 20)));\n }\n \n def next(): String = {\n while (tokenizer == null || !tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {\n tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(reader.readLine());\n }\n return tokenizer.nextToken();\n }\n \n def nextInt(): Int = next().toInt\n \n def nextDouble(): Double = next().toDouble\n \n def close() = reader.close();\n }\n \n class OutputWriter(writer: PrintWriter) {\n def this(stream: OutputStream) {\n this(new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(stream))));\n }\n \n def this(f: File) = {\n this(new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(f))));\n }\n \n def print(x: Any) = writer.print(x);\n \n def println(x: Any) = writer.println(x);\n \n def close() = writer.close();\n }\n \n \n val in = new InputReader(System.in)\n val out = new OutputWriter(System.out)\n \n def sieve = {\n val MAX_P = 2000\n var _isPrime = Array.fill[Boolean](MAX_P)(true)\n _isPrime(1) = false\n for (i <- 2 until MAX_P) {\n if (_isPrime(i)) {\n for (j <- i + i until MAX_P by i) {\n _isPrime(j) = false\n }\n }\n }\n \n var primes = ArrayBuffer.empty[Int]\n \n primes += 0\n \n for (i <- 1 until MAX_P) {\n if (_isPrime(i)) primes += i\n }\n \n primes\n }\n \n def isPrime(x: Int): Boolean = {\n if (x == 0) return true\n if (x == 1) return false\n val sqrtX = math.ceil(math.sqrt(x)).toInt\n for (i <- 2 to sqrtX) {\n if (x % i == 0) return false\n }\n return true\n }\n \n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { \n val primes = sieve\n \n val x = in.nextInt\n \n var i = 0\n while (primes(i) <= 1000 && primes(i) <= x) {\n var j = 0\n while (primes(j) <= 1000 && primes(i) + primes(j) <= x) {\n if (isPrime(x - primes(i) - primes(j))) {\n var res = ArrayBuffer.empty[Int]\n res += primes(i)\n res += primes(j)\n res += x - primes(i) - primes(j)\n \n while (res.indexOf(0) != -1) res.remove(res.indexOf(0))\n \n out.println(res.length)\n for (x <- res) {\n out.print(x + \" \")\n }\n out.println(\"\")\n \n out.close\n \n return\n }\n j += 1\n }\n i += 1\n }\n \n out.close\n }\n}"}], "negative_code": [{"source_code": "import scala.collection.mutable\n\nobject Solution extends App {\n val in = scala.io.Source.stdin.getLines()\n val n1 = in.next().toInt\n val first = 3\n val n = n1 - first\n\n def isPrime(n: Int) =\n if (n == 1) false\n else if (n == 2) true\n else !(3 to Math.sqrt(n).toInt + 1 by 2).exists(i => n % i == 0)\n\n\n if (n == 0) {\n println(1)\n println(3)\n } else {\n val set = mutable.Set(2)\n val notPrime = Array.ofDim[Boolean](n + 1)\n notPrime(1) = true\n notPrime(0) = true\n\n (4 to n by 2).foreach { i => notPrime(i) = true }\n (3 to n by 2).foreach { i =>\n if (!notPrime(i)) {\n set += i\n (2 * i to n by i).foreach { j => notPrime(j) = true }\n }\n }\n\n if (set.contains(n)) {\n println(2)\n println(\"3 \" + n)\n } else {\n val second = set.find(i => isPrime(i) && isPrime(n - i)).get\n println(3)\n println(s\"3 $second ${n - second}\")\n }\n }\n}"}], "src_uid": "f2aaa149ce81bf332d0b5d80b2a13bc3"} {"source_code": "object _946B extends CodeForcesApp {\n import Utils._, annotation._, collection.{mutable, Searching}, util._, control._, math.Ordering.Implicits._, Searching._, Math._\n\n override def apply(io: IO): io.type = {\n var a, b = io.read[Long]\n\n while(a > 0 && b > 0 && (a >= 2*b || b >= 2*a)) {\n if (a >= 2*b) {\n val ka = (a - 2*b)/(2*b) max 1L\n a -= ka*(2*b)\n } else {\n val kb = (b - 2*a)/(2*a) max 1L\n b -= kb*(2*a)\n }\n }\n\n io.writeAll(Seq(a, b))\n }\n}\n/****************************[Ignore Template Below]****************************************/\ntrait CodeForcesApp {\n lazy val isOnlineJudge: Boolean = sys.props.get(\"ONLINE_JUDGE\").exists(_.toBoolean)\n def debug(x: => Any): Unit = if (!isOnlineJudge) println(x)\n def apply(io: IO): io.type\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = this(new IO(System.in, System.out)).close()\n}\nobject Utils {\n import scala.collection.mutable, mutable.{Map => Dict}\n type Point = java.awt.geom.Point2D.Double\n implicit class GenericExtensions[A](val a: A) extends AnyVal {\n def in(set: collection.Set[A]): Boolean = set(a)\n def some: Option[A] = Some(a)\n def partialMatch[B](f: PartialFunction[A, B]): Option[B] = f lift a\n }\n implicit class TraversableExtensions[A, C[X] <: Traversable[X]](val t: C[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def onlyElement: A = assuming(t.size == 1)(t.head)\n def groupByIdentifier[K](f: A => K): Map[K, A] = t.groupBy(f).mapValues(_.onlyElement)\n def duplicates(implicit b: C of A): C[A] = {\n val elems = mutable.Set.empty[A]\n (t collect {case i if !elems.add(i) => i}).to[C]\n }\n def sumWith[B](f: A => B)(implicit n: Numeric[B]): B = t.foldLeft(n.zero) {case (p, i) => n.plus(p, f(i))}\n def maxWith[B](f: A => B)(implicit ord: Ordering[B]): Option[B] = t.view.map(f).reduceOption(ord.max)\n def minWith[B](f: A => B)(implicit ord: Ordering[B]): Option[B] = t.view.map(f).reduceOption(ord.min)\n def zipWith[B](f: A => B)(implicit b: C of (A, B)): C[(A, B)] = (t map {i => i -> f(i)}).to[C]\n def mapTo[B](f: A => B)(implicit b: C of (A, B)): Map[A, B] = zipWith(f).toUniqueMap\n def whenNonEmpty[B](f: t.type => B): Option[B] = when(t.nonEmpty)(f(t)) // e.g. grades.whenNonEmpty(_.max)\n def collectFirst[B](f: PartialFunction[A, Option[B]]): Option[B] = t.view collect f collectFirst {case Some(x) => x}\n def toMutableMultiSet: Dict[A, Int] = {\n val c = map[A] to 0\n t.foreach(i => c(i) += 1)\n c\n }\n def toMultiSet: Map[A, Int] = toMutableMultiSet.toMap withDefaultValue 0\n def X[B](s: Traversable[B]): Iterator[(A, B)] = for {a <- t.toIterator; b <- s} yield (a, b)\n }\n implicit class ArrayExtensions[A <: AnyRef](val a: Array[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def sort(from: Int = 0, until: Int = a.length)(implicit cmp: Ordering[A]): Unit = java.util.Arrays.sort(a, from, until, cmp) //sort [from, until)\n }\n implicit class ArrayExtensions2[A](val a: Array[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def sort(from: Int = 0, until: Int = a.length)(implicit cmp: Ordering[A]): Unit = a.view(from, until).sorted.copyToArray(a, from)\n }\n implicit class SeqExtensions[A, C[X] <: Seq[X]](val s: C[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def isRotationOf(t: Seq[A]): Boolean = s ++ s containsSlice t\n }\n implicit class PairExtensions[A, B](val p: (A, B)) extends AnyVal {\n def key = p._1\n def value = p._2\n def toSeq(implicit ev: B =:= A): Seq[A] = Seq(p._1, ev(p._2))\n }\n implicit class PairsExtensions[A, B, C[X] <: Traversable[X]](t: C[(A, B)]) {\n def toUniqueMap: Map[A, B] = t.groupByIdentifier(_.key).mapValues(_.value)\n def toMultiMap(implicit b: C of B): Map[A, C[B]] = t.groupBy(_.key).mapValues(_.map(_.value).to[C]).withDefaultValue(b().result())\n def swap(implicit b: C of (B, A)): C[(B, A)] = t.map(_.swap).to[C]\n }\n implicit class MapExtensions[K, V, C[X, Y] <: Map[X, Y]](val m: C[K, V]) extends AnyVal {\n def lastKeyOption: Option[K] = m.lastOption.map(_.key)\n def firstKeyOption: Option[K] = m.headOption.map(_.key)\n def invert: Map[V, Set[K]] = m.toSet[(K, V)].swap.toMultiMap\n def mapKeys[K2](f: K => K2): Map[K2, V] = m map {case (k, v) => f(k) -> v}\n def toMutable: Dict[K, V] = Dict.empty[K, V] ++ m\n def mapValuesSafely[V2](f: V => V2): Map[K, V2] = m.mapValues(f).view.force //Hack to get around https://issues.scala-lang.org/browse/SI-4776\n }\n implicit class MutableMapExtensions[K, V](val m: mutable.Map[K, V]) extends AnyVal {\n def removeLast(): Option[(K, V)] = m.lastOption.map(removeNode)\n def removeFirst(): Option[(K, V)] = m.headOption.map(removeNode)\n private def removeNode(kv: (K, V)): (K, V) = {\n m -= kv.key\n kv\n }\n }\n implicit class SetExtensions[A, C[A] <: Set[A]](val s: C[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def notContains(x: A): Boolean = !(s contains x)\n def toMutable = mutable.Set.empty[A] ++ s\n }\n implicit class IterableExtensions[A, C[A] <: Seq[A]](val s: C[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def indicesWhere(f: A => Boolean): Seq[Int] = s.zipWithIndex.collect {case (a, i) if f(a) => i}\n def deleteAtIndex(i: Int, howMany: Int = 1) = s.patch(i, Nil, howMany)\n def insertAtIndex(i: Int, items: Seq[A]) = s.patch(i, items, 0)\n def findWithIndex(f: A => Boolean): Option[(A, Int)] = s.zipWithIndex find {case (a, _) => f(a)}\n //def foldUntil[B](z: B)(f: (B, A) => B)(c: B => Boolean): Option[(B, Int)] = s.view.scanLeft(z)(f).findWithIndex(c)\n }\n implicit class BooleanExtensions(val x: Boolean) extends AnyVal {\n def to[A](implicit n: Numeric[A]) = if(x) n.one else n.zero\n def toEnglish = if(x) \"Yes\" else \"No\"\n }\n implicit class IntExtensions(val x: Int) extends AnyVal {\n import java.lang.{Integer => JInt}\n def withHighestOneBit: Int = JInt.highestOneBit(x)\n def withLowestOneBit: Int = JInt.lowestOneBit(x)\n def numberOfLeadingZeroes: Int = JInt.numberOfLeadingZeros(x)\n def numberOfTrailingZeroes: Int = JInt.numberOfTrailingZeros(x)\n def bitCount: Int = JInt.bitCount(x)\n def setLowestBits(n: Int): Int = x | (left(n) - 1)\n def clearLowestBits(n: Int): Int = x & left(n, ~0)\n def setBit(i: Int, set: Boolean): Int = if (set) setBit(i) else clearBit(i)\n def setBit(i: Int): Int = x | left(i)\n def clearBit(i: Int): Int = x & ~left(i)\n def toggleBit(i: Int): Int = x ^ left(i)\n def getBit(i: Int): Int = (x >> i) & 1\n private def left(bits: Int, num: Int = 1) = assuming(bits >= 0 && bits < JInt.SIZE)(num << bits)\n def X(y: Int): Iterator[(Int, Int)] = until(x) X until(y)\n }\n implicit class LongExtensions(val x: Long) extends AnyVal {\n import java.lang.{Long => JLong}\n def withHighestOneBitSet: Long = JLong.highestOneBit(x)\n def withLowestOneBitSet: Long = JLong.lowestOneBit(x)\n def numberOfLeadingZeroes: Int = JLong.numberOfLeadingZeros(x)\n def numberOfTrailingZeroes: Int = JLong.numberOfTrailingZeros(x)\n def bitCount: Int = JLong.bitCount(x)\n def setLowestBits(n: Int): Long = x | (left(n) - 1)\n def clearLowestBits(n: Int): Long = x & left(n, ~0L)\n def setBit(i: Int, set: Boolean): Long = if (set) setBit(i) else clearBit(i)\n def setBit(i: Int): Long = x | left(i)\n def clearBit(i: Int): Long = x & ~left(i)\n def toggleBit(i: Int): Long = x ^ left(i)\n def getBit(i: Int): Long = (x >> i) & 1\n private def left(bits: Int, num: Long = 1L) = assuming(bits >= 0 && bits < JLong.SIZE)(num << bits)\n }\n implicit class NumericExtensions[A](val x: A)(implicit n: Numeric[A]) {\n import Numeric.Implicits._\n def **(i: Int): A = if (i == 0) n.one else {\n val h = x ** (i/2)\n if (i%2 == 0) h * h else h * h * x\n }\n def distance(y: A) = (x - y).abs()\n def nonNegative: Option[A] = when(n.gteq(x, n.zero))(x)\n def whenNegative(f: => A): A = nonNegative.getOrElse(f) //e.g. students.indexOf(\"Greg\").whenNegative(Int.MaxValue)\n }\n implicit class IntegralExtensions[A](val x: A)(implicit n: Integral[A]) {\n import scala.collection.immutable.NumericRange, Integral.Implicits._\n def mod(y: A): A = x - ((x / y) * y) //(x/y)*y + (x mod y) == x\n def -->(y: A): NumericRange.Inclusive[A] = NumericRange.inclusive(x, y, if (n.lteq(x, y)) n.one else -n.one)\n def ceilDiv(y: A): A = if (mod(y) == n.zero) x/y else n.one + (x/y)\n }\n implicit def toPoint[A](p: (A, A))(implicit n: Numeric[A]) = new Point(n.toDouble(p._1), n.toDouble(p._2))\n def desc[A: Ordering]: Ordering[A] = asc[A].reverse //e.g. students.sortBy(_.height)(desc)\n def asc[A](implicit order: Ordering[A]): Ordering[A] = order\n def map[K] = new {\n def to[V](default: => V): Dict[K, V] = using(_ => default)\n def using[V](f: K => V): Dict[K, V] = new mutable.HashMap[K, V]() {\n override def apply(key: K) = getOrElseUpdate(key, f(key))\n }\n }\n def newMultiMap[K, V] = map[K] to mutable.Set.empty[V]\n def memoize[A, B](f: A => B): A ==> B = map[A] using f\n implicit class FuzzyDouble(val x: Double) extends AnyVal {\n def >~(y: Double) = x > y + eps\n def >=~(y: Double) = x >= y + eps\n def ~<(y: Double) = y >=~ x\n def ~=<(y: Double) = y >~ x\n def ~=(y: Double) = (x distance y) <= eps\n }\n def toPolygon(points: Traversable[(Int, Int)]): java.awt.Polygon = {\n val (xs, ys) = points.unzip\n new java.awt.Polygon(xs.toArray, ys.toArray, points.size)\n }\n def toShape(points: Traversable[(Double, Double)]): java.awt.geom.GeneralPath = {\n val shape = new java.awt.geom.GeneralPath()\n points.headOption foreach {case (x, y) => shape.moveTo(x, y)}\n points.tail foreach {case (x, y) => shape.lineTo(x, y)}\n shape.closePath()\n shape\n }\n def isPrime(n: Int): Boolean = BigInt(n).isProbablePrime(31)\n def until(until: Int): Range = 0 until until\n def not[A](f: A => Boolean): A => Boolean = {x: A => !f(x)}\n def assuming[A](cond: => Boolean)(f: => A): A = {require(cond); f}\n @inline def when[A](check: Boolean)(f: => A): Option[A] = if (check) f.some else None\n def repeat[U](n: Int)(f: => U): Unit = (1 to n).foreach(_ => f)\n type of[C[_], A] = scala.collection.generic.CanBuild[A, C[A]]\n type ==>[A, B] = collection.Map[A, B]\n val mod: Int = (1e9 + 7).toInt\n val eps: Double = 1e-9\n}\n/***********************************[Scala I/O]*********************************************/\nimport Utils._, java.io._, java.util.StringTokenizer\n\nclass IO(in: BufferedReader, out: BufferedWriter) extends Iterator[String] with AutoCloseable with Flushable {\n def this(reader: Reader, writer: Writer) = this(new BufferedReader(reader), new BufferedWriter(writer))\n def this(in: InputStream, out: OutputStream) = this(new InputStreamReader(in), new OutputStreamWriter(out))\n\n private[this] val tokenizers = Iterator.continually(in.readLine()).takeWhile(_ != null).map(new StringTokenizer(_)).buffered\n val printer = new PrintWriter(out, true)\n\n @inline private[this] def tokenizer() = {\n while(tokenizers.nonEmpty && !tokenizers.head.hasMoreTokens) tokenizers.next()\n when(tokenizers.nonEmpty)(tokenizers.head)\n }\n\n def read[A](implicit read: IO.Read[A]): A = read.apply(this)\n def read[C[_], A: IO.Read](n: Int)(implicit b: C of A): C[A] = Iterator.fill(n)(read).to[C]\n\n def readTill(delim: String): String = tokenizer().get.nextToken(delim)\n def readTillEndOfLine(): String = readTill(\"\\n\\r\")\n\n def readAll[A: IO.Read]: (Int, Vector[A]) = {\n val data = read[Vector[A]]\n (data.length, data)\n }\n\n override def next() = tokenizer().get.nextToken()\n override def hasNext = tokenizer().nonEmpty\n\n def write(obj: Any): this.type = {\n printer.print(obj)\n this\n }\n def writeLine(): this.type = {\n printer.println()\n this\n }\n def writeLine(obj: Any): this.type = {\n printer.println(obj)\n this\n }\n def writeAll(obj: Traversable[Any], separator: String = \" \"): this.type = write(obj mkString separator)\n def query[A: IO.Read](question: Any): A = writeLine(question).read\n\n override def flush() = printer.flush()\n def close() = {\n flush()\n in.close()\n printer.close()\n }\n}\nobject IO {\n class Read[A](val apply: IO => A) {\n def map[B](f: A => B): Read[B] = new Read(apply andThen f)\n }\n object Read {\n implicit def collection[C[_], A: Read](implicit b: C of A): Read[C[A]] = new Read(r => r.read[C, A](r.read[Int]))\n implicit val string : Read[String] = new Read(_.next())\n implicit val char : Read[Char] = string.map(_.toTraversable.onlyElement)\n implicit val int : Read[Int] = string.map(_.toInt)\n implicit val long : Read[Long] = string.map(_.toLong)\n implicit val bigInt : Read[BigInt] = string.map(BigInt(_))\n implicit val double : Read[Double] = string.map(_.toDouble)\n implicit val bigDecimal : Read[BigDecimal] = string.map(BigDecimal(_))\n implicit def tuple2[A: Read, B: Read] : Read[(A, B)] = new Read(r => (r.read[A], r.read[B]))\n implicit def tuple3[A: Read, B: Read, C: Read] : Read[(A, B, C)] = new Read(r => (r.read[A], r.read[B], r.read[C]))\n implicit def tuple4[A: Read, B: Read, C: Read, D: Read] : Read[(A, B, C, D)] = new Read(r => (r.read[A], r.read[B], r.read[C], r.read[D]))\n implicit val boolean : Read[Boolean] = string map {s =>\n s.toLowerCase match {\n case \"yes\" | \"true\" | \"1\" => true\n case \"no\" | \"false\" | \"0\" => false\n case _ => s.toBoolean\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\n", "positive_code": [{"source_code": "object B extends App {\n\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(readLine)\n def readLongs(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong) }\n\n var Array(a, b) = readLongs(2)\n\n var changed = true\n while (a != 0 && b != 0 && changed) {\n if (a >= 2 * b) {\n var bb = b\n while (2 * bb <= a) bb *= 2\n a -= bb\n } else if (b >= 2 * a) {\n var aa = a\n while (2 * aa <= b) aa *= 2\n b -= aa\n } else changed = false\n }\n\n println(s\"$a $b\")\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object B extends App {\n val Array(n, m) = scala.io.StdIn.readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toLong)\n\n def weird(a: Long, b: Long): (Long, Long) =\n if (a == 0 || b == 0) (a, b)\n else {\n val ra = a % (2 * b)\n if (ra != a) weird(ra, b)\n else {\n val rb = b % (2 * a)\n if (rb != b) weird(a, rb)\n else (a, b)\n }\n }\n\n val (a, b) = weird(n, m)\n println(a + \" \" + b)\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object BWeirdSubtractionProcess extends App {\n val Array(n, m) = scala.io.StdIn.readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toLong)\n\n def weird(a: Long, b: Long): (Long, Long) =\n if (a == 0 || b == 0) (a, b)\n else {\n val _b = 2 * b\n if (a >= _b) weird(a % _b, b)\n else {\n val _a = 2 * a\n if (b >= _a) weird(a, b % _a)\n else (a, b)\n }\n }\n\n val (a, b) = weird(n, m)\n println(a + \" \" + b)\n}\n"}], "negative_code": [{"source_code": "object B extends App {\n\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(readLine)\n def readInts(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt) }\n def readLongs(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong) }\n def readBigs(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(BigInt(tl.nextToken)) }\n\n var Array(a, b) = readLongs(2)\n\n var changed = true\n while (a * b != 0 && changed) {\n if (a >= 2 * b) {\n changed = true\n var bb = b\n while (2 * bb <= a) bb *= 2\n a -= bb\n } else if (b >= 2 * a) {\n changed = true\n var aa = a\n while (2 * aa <= b) aa *= 2\n b -= aa\n } else changed = false\n }\n\n println(s\"$a $b\")\n}\n"}], "src_uid": "1f505e430eb930ea2b495ab531274114"} {"source_code": "object Solution extends App {\n val in = scala.io.Source.stdin.getLines()\n val n = in.next().toInt\n val sum = in.next().split(\" \").map(_.toInt).sum\n println((1 to 5).count(i => (i + sum - 1) % (n + 1) != 0))\n}", "positive_code": [{"source_code": "object CF272A {\n def main(argv: Array[String]) {\n val n = readInt\n val str = readLine.split(\" \")\n def readSum(i: Int, acc: Int): Int = {\n if (i == n) acc\n else readSum(i + 1, acc + str(i).toInt)\n }\n val sum = readSum(0, 0)\n def findAns(i: Int, acc: Int): Int = {\n if (i == 6) acc\n else {\n if ((sum + i) % (n + 1) != 1) findAns(i + 1, acc + 1)\n else findAns(i + 1, acc)\n }\n }\n println(findAns(1, 0))\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "import java.util.StringTokenizer\n\nobject _272A extends App {\n var token = new StringTokenizer(\"\")\n def next = {\n while (!token.hasMoreTokens()) token = new StringTokenizer(readLine)\n token.nextToken()\n }\n val n = next.toInt\n val sum = (1 to n).map(i => next.toInt).sum\n val cb = (1 to 5).filter(i => (i + sum) % (n + 1) != 1)\n println(cb.size)\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object A272 {\n\n import IO._\n import collection.{mutable => cu}\n\n def solve(arr: Array[Int], fing: Int): Boolean = {\n (arr.sum + fing)%(arr.length+1) != 1\n }\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val Array(n) = readInts(1)\n val in = readInts(n)\n out.println((1 to 5).count(fing => solve(in, fing)))\n out.close()\n }\n\n object IO {\n private val input = new java.io.BufferedReader(new java.io.InputStreamReader(System.in))\n // private val input = new java.io.BufferedReader(new java.io.InputStreamReader(new java.io.FileInputStream(\"src/input\")))\n val out = new java.io.PrintWriter(System.out)\n\n @inline def read: String = input.readLine()\n\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(read)\n\n def readInt: Int = tokenizeLine.nextToken.toInt\n\n def readInts(n: Int): Array[Int] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine\n Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt)\n }\n\n def readLongs(n: Int): Array[Long] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine\n Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong)\n }\n\n def readBigs(n: Int): Array[BigInt] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine\n Array.fill(n)(BigInt(tl.nextToken))\n }\n }\n\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\nimport java.io.PrintWriter\nimport scala.annotation.tailrec\nimport scala.collection.mutable\nimport scala.util.Random\n\nobject P272A extends App {\n val sc = new Scanner(System.in)\n val out = new PrintWriter(System.out)\n\n val N = sc.nextInt\n val fs = List.fill(N)(sc.nextInt).sum\n\n val answer: Int = {\n for {\n i <- 1 to 5\n if ((fs + i - 1) % (N + 1) > 0)\n }\n yield 1\n }.sum\n\n out.println(answer)\n out.close\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import java.util._\n\nobject Main {\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val in = new Scanner(System.in)\n val n = in.nextInt\n var s = 0\n for (i <- 0 to n - 1) {\n s += in.nextInt\n }\n \n var cnt = 0\n for (i <- 1 to 5) {\n if ((s + i) % (n + 1) != 1) {\n cnt += 1\n }\n }\n println(cnt)\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "object Fuck {\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n var n = readInt()+1\n var a = readLine().split(\" \").toList map (_.toInt) sum;\n println(Range(1,6) count (x => (x+a) % n != 1))\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import annotation.tailrec\nimport java.io._\n\nobject Easy {\n val reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in))\n def readInts = reader.readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n def readInt = reader.readLine().toInt\n\n val n = readInt\n val fingers = readInts.sum\n def ans = (1 to 5).count(x => (x + fingers) % (n + 1) != 1)\n\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n println(ans)\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object A\n{\n def main(args: Array[String])\n {\n val n = readLine.toInt\n val fingers= readLine.split(\" \").map(_.toInt).sum\n println((1 to 5) map(_+fingers) filter(_%(n+1)!=1) length)\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "object A\n{\n def main(args: Array[String])\n {\n val n = readLine.toInt\n val fingers= readLine.split(\" \").map(_.toInt).sum\n println((1 to 5) filter{x=>(x+fingers)%(n+1)!=1} length)\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import java.util._\n\nobject Main {\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val in = new Scanner(System.in)\n val n = in.nextInt\n var s = 0\n for (i <- 0 to n - 1) {\n s += in.nextInt\n }\n \n var cnt = 0\n for (i <- 1 to 5) {\n if ((s + i) % (n + 1) != 1) {\n cnt += 1\n }\n }\n println(cnt)\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "import collection.mutable.Map\nimport collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer\n\nobject test6 extends App {\n val n=readInt\n val total=readLine.split(\" \").map(_.toInt).sum\n \n val ans=(for(i<-1 to 5) yield {\n if((total+i)%(n+1)==1) 0 else 1 \n }) sum\n \n println(ans)\n} \n\n\n"}, {"source_code": "object Main {\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val n = readInt\n val sum = readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt).sum\n val r = (1 to 5).foldLeft(0) { (acc, i) => \n if ((sum + i) % (n + 1) == 1) acc\n else acc + 1\n }\n println(r)\n }\n}"}], "negative_code": [{"source_code": "object A272 {\n\n import IO._\n import collection.{mutable => cu}\n\n def solve(arr: Array[Int], fing: Int): Boolean = {\n (arr.sum + fing)%(arr.length+1) != 1\n }\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val Array(n) = readInts(1)\n val in = readInts(n)\n var break = false\n for(fing <- 2 to 5 if !break) {\n if(solve(in, fing)) {\n out.println(fing)\n break = true\n }\n }\n out.close()\n }\n\n object IO {\n private val input = new java.io.BufferedReader(new java.io.InputStreamReader(System.in))\n // private val input = new java.io.BufferedReader(new java.io.InputStreamReader(new java.io.FileInputStream(\"src/input\")))\n val out = new java.io.PrintWriter(System.out)\n\n @inline def read: String = input.readLine()\n\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(read)\n\n def readInt: Int = tokenizeLine.nextToken.toInt\n\n def readInts(n: Int): Array[Int] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine\n Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt)\n }\n\n def readLongs(n: Int): Array[Long] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine\n Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong)\n }\n\n def readBigs(n: Int): Array[BigInt] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine\n Array.fill(n)(BigInt(tl.nextToken))\n }\n }\n\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object A272 {\n\n import IO._\n import collection.{mutable => cu}\n\n def solve(arr: Array[Int], fing: Int): Boolean = {\n (arr.sum + fing)%(arr.length+1) == 0\n }\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val Array(n) = readInts(1)\n val in = readInts(n)\n var break = false\n for(fing <- 1 to 5 if !break) {\n if(solve(in, fing)) {\n out.println(fing)\n break = true\n }\n }\n out.close()\n }\n\n object IO {\n private val input = new java.io.BufferedReader(new java.io.InputStreamReader(System.in))\n // private val input = new java.io.BufferedReader(new java.io.InputStreamReader(new java.io.FileInputStream(\"src/input\")))\n val out = new java.io.PrintWriter(System.out)\n\n @inline def read: String = input.readLine()\n\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(read)\n\n def readInt: Int = tokenizeLine.nextToken.toInt\n\n def readInts(n: Int): Array[Int] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine\n Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt)\n }\n\n def readLongs(n: Int): Array[Long] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine\n Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong)\n }\n\n def readBigs(n: Int): Array[BigInt] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine\n Array.fill(n)(BigInt(tl.nextToken))\n }\n }\n\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object A272 {\n\n import IO._\n import collection.{mutable => cu}\n\n def solve(arr: Array[Int], fing: Int): Boolean = {\n (arr.sum + fing)%(arr.length+1) == 0\n }\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val Array(n) = readInts(1)\n val in = readInts(n)\n var break = false\n for(fing <- 2 to 5 if !break) {\n if(solve(in, fing)) {\n out.println(fing)\n break = true\n }\n }\n out.close()\n }\n\n object IO {\n private val input = new java.io.BufferedReader(new java.io.InputStreamReader(System.in))\n // private val input = new java.io.BufferedReader(new java.io.InputStreamReader(new java.io.FileInputStream(\"src/input\")))\n val out = new java.io.PrintWriter(System.out)\n\n @inline def read: String = input.readLine()\n\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(read)\n\n def readInt: Int = tokenizeLine.nextToken.toInt\n\n def readInts(n: Int): Array[Int] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine\n Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt)\n }\n\n def readLongs(n: Int): Array[Long] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine\n Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong)\n }\n\n def readBigs(n: Int): Array[BigInt] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine\n Array.fill(n)(BigInt(tl.nextToken))\n }\n }\n\n}\n"}], "src_uid": "ff6b3fd358c758324c19a26283ab96a4"} {"source_code": "object Solution extends App {\n val Array(n, m) = readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n println(Range(0, 1000).flatMap(i => Range(0, 1000).map(t => (i, t))).count{\n case(a, b) => a * a + b == n && a + b * b == m\n })\n\n}", "positive_code": [{"source_code": "object Round131A2 {\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val Array(n, m) = readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n var res = 0\n for (a <- 0 to 1000)\n for (b <- 0 to 1000)\n if (a * a + b == n && a + b * b == m)\n res = res + 1\n println(res)\n }\n\n}"}, {"source_code": "import java.util.StringTokenizer\n\nobject _214A extends App {\n var token = new StringTokenizer(\"\")\n def next = {\n while (!token.hasMoreTokens()) token = new StringTokenizer(readLine)\n token.nextToken()\n }\n val n = next.toInt\n val m = next.toInt\n val ans = for {\n a <- 0 to m\n val b = n - a * a\n if (b >= 0 && a + b * b == m)\n } yield 1\n println(ans.sum)\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\nimport java.io.PrintWriter\nimport scala.annotation.tailrec\nimport scala.collection.mutable\nimport scala.util.Random\n\nobject P214A extends App {\n val sc = new Scanner(System.in)\n val out = new PrintWriter(System.out)\n val N, M = sc.nextInt\n\n val answer = {\n for {\n i <- 0 until 32\n j <- 0 until 32\n if i * i + j == N && i + j * j == M\n } yield 1\n }.sum\n\n out.println(answer)\n out.close\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import java.io._\nimport scala.annotation.tailrec\n\nobject Easy {\n val reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in))\n def readInt = reader.readLine().toInt\n def readInts = reader.readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n\n val Array(n, m) = readInts\n def sqr(x: Int) = x * x\n def ans = (0 to n).filter(n - sqr(_) >= 0).count(a => a + sqr(n - sqr(a)) == m)\n\n def main(a: Array[String]) {\n println(ans)\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object Main {\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val mn = readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n val m = mn(0)\n val n = mn(1)\n var count = 0\n val s = for {\n a <- 0 to (Math.sqrt(m).toInt + 1)\n b <- 0 to (Math.sqrt(n).toInt + 1) \n if a * a + b == m && a + b * b == n\n } yield (1)\n println(s.size)\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "object A{\n def main(args: Array[String]){\n\n val (n,m)={\n val sp=readLine.split(\" \")\n (sp(0).toInt, sp(1).toInt)\n }\n \n println(\n 0 to 1000 count{a=>\n val b= n-a*a\n b>=0 && a+b*b==m\n }\n )\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn\n\nobject Main {\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val Array(n, m) = StdIn.readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n println(f(n, m))\n }\n\n def f(n: Int, m: Int): Int = {\n var r = 0\n for {\n a <- 0 to 100\n b <- 0 to 100\n if a * a + b == n && a + b * b == m\n } yield {\n r += 1\n }\n r\n }\n}\n"}], "negative_code": [{"source_code": "object Round131A2 {\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val Array(n, m) = readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n var res = 0\n for (a <- 1 to 1000)\n for (b <- 1 to 1000)\n if (a * a + b == n && a + b * b == m)\n res = res + 1\n println(res)\n }\n\n}"}, {"source_code": "object Solution extends App {\n val Array(n, m) = readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n println(Range(0, 1000).flatMap(i => Range(0, i).map(t => (i, t))).count{\n case(a, b) => a * a + b == n && a + b * b == m\n })\n\n}"}, {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\nimport java.io.PrintWriter\nimport scala.annotation.tailrec\nimport scala.collection.mutable\nimport scala.util.Random\n\nobject P214A extends App {\n val sc = new Scanner(System.in)\n val out = new PrintWriter(System.out)\n\n val N, M = sc.nextInt\n\n out.println(List(N, M).mkString(\" \"))\n\n val answer = {\n for {\n a <- 0 to math.sqrt(N).floor.toInt\n b = math.sqrt(M - a).floor.toInt\n if a + b * b == M && a * a + b == N\n } yield 1\n }.size\n\n out.println(answer)\n out.close\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object A{\n def main(args: Array[String]){\n\n val (n,m)={\n val sp=readLine.split(\" \")\n (sp(0).toInt, sp(1).toInt)\n }\n \n println(\n 0 to 1000 count{a=>\n val b= n-a*a\n a+b*b==m\n }\n )\n }\n}\n"}], "src_uid": "03caf4ddf07c1783e42e9f9085cc6efd"} {"source_code": "import scala.util.matching.Regex\n\nobject A extends App {\n def ms2s(ms: (Int, Int)) = { ms._1*60 + ms._2 }\n def s2ms(s: Int) = { (s/60, s%60) }\n def str2ms(s: String): (Int, Int) = {\n val p: Regex = \"\"\"([0-9][0-9]):([0-9][0-9])\"\"\".r\n val m: Regex.Match = p.findFirstMatchIn(s).get\n return (m.group(1).toInt, m.group(2).toInt)\n }\n \n var ta, tb = ms2s(str2ms(readLine()))\n val ans = s2ms(ta+(if (ta < tb) 24*60 else 0) - tb)\n println(\"%02d:%02d\".format(ans._1, ans._2))\n}\n", "positive_code": [{"source_code": "\nobject ThreeEightSevenA {\n\n\tdef main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n\t\tvar to=readLine.split(':').map(_.toInt)\n\t\tvar from=readLine.split(':').map(_.toInt)\n\t\t\n\t\tif(to(0)==from(0) && to(1)==from(1)){\n\t\t\tprintln(\"00:00\")\n\t\t\treturn\n\t\t}\n\t\t\n\t\tif(to(0)==0 && to(1)==0){\n\t\t\tto(0)=24\n\t\t}\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\tvar h=to(0)-from(0)\n\t\tvar min=to(1)-from(1)\n\t\t\n\t\tif(min<0)\n\t\t{\n\t\t\th=h-1\n\t\t\tmin+=60\n\t\t}\n\t\tif(h<0){\n\t\t\th+=24\n\t\t}\n\t\tif(h<10)\n\t\t\tprint(\"0\"+h)\n\t\telse\n\t\t\tprint(h)\n\t\t\n\t\tprint(\":\")\n\t\t\n\t\tif(min<10)\n\t\t\tprintln(\"0\"+min)\n\t\telse\n\t\t\tprintln(min)\n\t\t\n\t}\n}"}, {"source_code": "import java.util.StringTokenizer\n\nobject _387A extends App {\n var token = new StringTokenizer(\"\")\n\n def next = {\n while (!token.hasMoreTokens()) token = new StringTokenizer(readLine)\n token.nextToken()\n }\n\n val cb = next.split(\":\").map(s => s.toInt)\n val wb = next.split(\":\").map(s => s.toInt)\n\n var h = cb(0)\n var m = cb(1)\n val h1 = wb(0)\n val m1 = wb(1)\n\n if (h < h1 || h == h1 && m < m1) h += 24\n\n if (m < m1) {\n m += 60\n h -= 1\n }\n\n println(\"%02d:%02d\".format(h - h1, m - m1))\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object Solution extends App {\n\n val in = scala.io.Source.stdin.getLines()\n val k = in.next()\n val t = in.next()\n var hourNow = k.take(2).toInt\n var minutesNow = k.drop(3).toInt\n val hours = t.take(2).toInt\n val minutes = t.drop(3).toInt\n if (minutesNow < minutes) {\n minutesNow += 60\n hourNow -= 1\n }\n if (hourNow < hours)\n hourNow += 24\n hourNow -= hours\n minutesNow -= minutes\n println(f\"$hourNow%02d:$minutesNow%02d\")\n\n\n}"}, {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\n\nobject P387A {\n class Time(timeString: String) {\n val splitTime = timeString.split(\":\")\n val hour = splitTime(0).toInt\n val minute = splitTime(1).toInt\n val totalMinute = hour * 60 + minute\n def -(that: Time): Time = {\n val t = (this.totalMinute - that.totalMinute + 60 * 24) % (60 * 24)\n new Time(t / 60 + \":\" + t % 60)\n }\n override def toString =\n \"0\" * (2 - hour.toString.length) + hour + \":\" + \"0\" * (2 - minute.toString.length) + minute\n }\n\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val scanner = new Scanner(System.in)\n val wakeUpTime = new Time(scanner.next())\n val sleepTime = new Time(scanner.next())\n val bedInTime = wakeUpTime - sleepTime\n println(bedInTime)\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object A387 {\n\n import IO._\n import collection.{mutable => cu}\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val curr = read.split(\":\").map(_.toInt)\n val time = read.split(\":\").map(_.toInt)\n\n val start = Array(((if(curr(1)-time(1) < 0) -1 else 0) + 24+curr(0)-time(0))%24, (60+curr(1)-time(1))%60)\n\n out.println(s\"${\"%02d\".format(start(0))}:${\"%02d\".format(start(1))}\")\n out.close()\n }\n\n object IO {\n private val input = new java.io.BufferedReader(new java.io.InputStreamReader(System.in))\n // private val input = new java.io.BufferedReader(new java.io.InputStreamReader(new java.io.FileInputStream(\"src/input\")))\n val out = new java.io.PrintWriter(System.out)\n\n @inline def read: String = input.readLine()\n\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(read)\n\n def readInt: Int = tokenizeLine.nextToken.toInt\n\n def readInts(n: Int): Array[Int] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine\n Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt)\n }\n\n def readLongs(n: Int): Array[Long] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine\n Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong)\n }\n\n def readBigs(n: Int): Array[BigInt] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine\n Array.fill(n)(BigInt(tl.nextToken))\n }\n }\n\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\nimport java.io.PrintWriter\nimport scala.annotation.tailrec\nimport scala.collection.mutable\nimport scala.util.Random\n\nobject P387A extends App {\n val sc = new Scanner(System.in)\n val out = new PrintWriter(System.out)\n \n object Clock {\n def apply(m: Int): String = {\n val hour = m / 60\n val min = m % 60\n f\"$hour%02d:$min%02d\"\n }\n\n def unapply(s: String): Option[Int] = {\n val parts = s split \":\"\n if (parts.length == 2) Some(parts(0).toInt * 60 + parts(1).toInt)\n else None\n }\n }\n\n def solve(): String = {\n val Clock(t0) = sc.nextLine\n val Clock(t1) = sc.nextLine\n if (t0 >= t1) Clock(t0 - t1)\n else Clock(t0 - t1 + 1440)\n }\n\n out.println(solve)\n out.close\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\n\n/**\n * Created by Kuang.Ru on 14-10-10.\n */\nobject A387 {\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val sc = new Scanner(System.in)\n val s, t = sc.next()\n var st = s.split(\":\").map(_.toInt)\n val tt = t.split(\":\").map(_.toInt)\n var goBedMin = st(1) - tt(1)\n\n if (goBedMin < 0) {\n st(0) -= 1\n goBedMin = 60 + goBedMin\n }\n\n var goBedHour = st(0) - tt(0)\n\n if (goBedHour < 0) {\n goBedHour = 24 + goBedHour\n }\n\n printf(\"%02d:%02d\", goBedHour, goBedMin)\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import scala.util.matching.Regex\n\nobject A extends App {\n def ms2s(ms: (Int, Int)) = { ms._1*60 + ms._2 }\n def s2ms(s: Int) = { (s/60, s%60) }\n def str2ms(s: String): (Int, Int) = {\n val p: Regex = \"\"\"([0-9][0-9]):([0-9][0-9])\"\"\".r\n val m: Regex.Match = p.findFirstMatchIn(s).get\n return (m.group(1).toInt, m.group(2).toInt)\n }\n \n val a = readLine()\n val b = readLine()\n \n var ta = ms2s(str2ms(a))\n val tb = ms2s(str2ms(b))\n \n if (ta < tb) ta += 24*60\n val ans = s2ms(ta - tb)\n println(\"%02d:%02d\".format(ans._1, ans._2))\n}\n"}], "negative_code": [{"source_code": "\nobject ThreeEightSevenA {\n\n\tdef main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n\t\tvar to=readLine.split(':').map(_.toInt)\n\t\tvar from=readLine.split(':').map(_.toInt)\n\t\tif(to(0)==from(0) && to(1)==from(1)){\n\t\t\tprintln(\"00:00\")\n\t\t\treturn\n\t\t}\n\t\tif(to(0)==0 && to(1)==0){\n\t\t\tto(0)=24\n\t\t}\n\t\tvar h=to(0)-from(0)\n\t\tvar min=to(1)-from(1)\n\t\t\n\t\tif(min<0)\n\t\t{\n\t\t\th=h-1\n\t\t\tmin=min+60\n\t\t}\n\t\t\n\t\tif(h<10)\n\t\t\tprint(\"0\"+h)\n\t\telse\n\t\t\tprint(h)\n\t\tprint(\":\")\n\t\tif(min<10)\n\t\t\tprintln(\"0\"+min)\n\t\telse\n\t\t\tprintln(min)\n\t\t\n\t}\n}"}, {"source_code": "\nobject ThreeEightSevenA {\n\n\tdef main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n\t\tvar to=readLine.split(':').map(_.toInt)\n\t\tvar from=readLine.split(':').map(_.toInt)\n\t\tif(to(0)==0 && to(1)==0){\n\t\t\tto(0)=24\n\t\t}\n\t\tvar h=to(0)-from(0)\n\t\tvar min=to(1)-from(1)\n\t\tif(min<0)\n\t\t{\n\t\t\th=h-1\n\t\t\tmin=min+60\n\t\t}\n\t\tif(h<10)\n\t\t\tprint(\"0\"+h)\n\t\telse\n\t\t\tprint(h)\n\t\tprint(\":\")\n\t\tif(min<10)\n\t\t\tprintln(\"0\"+min)\n\t\telse\n\t\t\tprintln(min)\n\t}\n\n}"}, {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\nimport java.io.PrintWriter\nimport scala.annotation.tailrec\nimport scala.collection.mutable\nimport scala.util.Random\n\nobject P387A extends App {\n val sc = new Scanner(System.in)\n val out = new PrintWriter(System.out)\n \n object Clock {\n def apply(m: Int): String = {\n val hour = m / 60\n val min = m % 60\n f\"$hour%02d:$min%02d\"\n }\n\n def unapply(s: String): Option[Int] = {\n val parts = s split \":\"\n if (parts.length == 2) Some(parts(0).toInt * 60 + parts(1).toInt)\n else None\n }\n }\n\n def solve(): String = {\n val Clock(t0) = sc.nextLine\n val Clock(t1) = sc.nextLine\n if (t0 > t1) Clock(t0 - t1)\n else Clock(t0 - t1 + 1440)\n }\n\n out.println(solve)\n out.close\n}\n"}], "src_uid": "595c4a628c261104c8eedad767e85775"} {"source_code": "import scala.io._\nimport scala.collection.mutable._\nimport java.util.StringTokenizer\n\nobject HelloWorld {\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n var s = readLine;\n var result = \"\";\n var ind = 0;\n while (ind < s.length) {\n if (s.startsWith(\".\", ind)) {\n result += \"0\";\n ind += 1;\n } else if (s.startsWith(\"-.\", ind)) {\n result += \"1\";\n ind += 2;\n } else if (s.startsWith(\"--\", ind)) {\n result += \"2\";\n ind += 2;\n }\n }\n println(result);\n }\n\n}", "positive_code": [{"source_code": "object P032B extends App {\n def f(a: List[Char]):Unit = a match {\n case '.'::tail => print(0); f(tail)\n case '-'::'.'::tail => print(1); f(tail)\n case '-'::'-'::tail => print(2); f(tail)\n case Nil =>\n }\n f(readLine.toList)\n}\n\n"}, {"source_code": "object Solution extends App {\n val in = io.Source.stdin.getLines()\n val text = in.next().foldLeft(None: Option[Char], List.empty[Int]) {\n case((None, list), '.') => (None, 0 :: list)\n case((None, list), '-') => (Some('-'), list)\n case((Some('-'), list), '-') => (None, 2 :: list)\n case((Some('-'), list), '.') => (None, 1 :: list)\n }\n\n println(text._2.reverse.mkString)\n\n}\n\n\n"}, {"source_code": "object BBorze extends App {\n import scala.io.StdIn._\n\n val ans = readLine()\n .foldLeft((List.empty[Int], \"\")) {\n case ((codes, code), part) =>\n code + part match {\n case \".\" => (0 :: codes, \"\")\n case \"-.\" => (1 :: codes, \"\")\n case \"--\" => (2 :: codes, \"\")\n case _ => (codes, part.toString)\n }\n }\n ._1\n .reverse\n\n println(ans.mkString(\"\"))\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object BBorze extends App {\n import scala.io.StdIn._\n\n val ans = readLine().replace(\"--\", \"2\").replace(\"-.\", \"1\").replace(\".\", \"0\")\n\n println(ans.mkString(\"\"))\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io._\nimport scala.collection.mutable._\nimport java.util.StringTokenizer\n\nobject HelloWorld {\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n var s = readLine;\n var result = \"\";\n while (s.length > 0) {\n if (s.startsWith(\".\")) {\n result += \"0\";\n s = s.replaceFirst(\".\", \"\");\n } else if (s.startsWith(\"-.\")) {\n result += \"1\";\n s = s.replaceFirst(\"-.\", \"\");\n } else if (s.startsWith(\"--\")) {\n result += \"2\";\n s = s.replaceFirst(\"--\", \"\");\n }\n }\n println(result);\n }\n\n}"}], "negative_code": [], "src_uid": "46b5a1cd1bd2985f2752662b7dbb1869"} {"source_code": "object Solution extends App {\n val in = scala.io.Source.stdin.getLines()\n val data = (1 to 4).map(_ => in.next().map{t => if (t == '#') 1 else 0}).toArray\n val r = (1 to 3).map(i =>\n (1 to 3).map{\n j =>\n val sum = data(i)(j) + data(i - 1)(j) + data(i)(j - 1) + data(i - 1)(j - 1)\n Math.max(sum, 4 - sum)\n }.max\n ).max\n if (r < 3)\n println(\"NO\")\n else\n println(\"YES\")\n}", "positive_code": [{"source_code": "object IQ {\n \n def main (args : Array[String]){\n var a = new Array[String](4)\n for (i <- 0 to 3)\n a(i) = readLine\n for (i <- 1 to 3; j <- 1 to 3){\n var ans = 0\n if (a(i).charAt(j)=='.')ans +=1\n if (a(i-1).charAt(j-1)=='.')ans +=1\n if (a(i).charAt(j-1)=='.')ans +=1\n if (a(i-1).charAt(j)=='.')ans +=1\n if (ans!=2){\n \t println(\"YES\");return\n \t }\n }\n println(\"NO\") \n }\n\n}"}, {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\nimport java.io.PrintWriter\nimport scala.annotation.tailrec\nimport scala.collection.mutable\nimport scala.util.Random\n\nobject P287A extends App {\n val sc = new Scanner(System.in)\n val out = new PrintWriter(System.out)\n\n type Grid = Array[Array[Char]]\n val grid: Grid = Array.fill(4)(sc.nextLine.toArray)\n \n def solve(): String = {\n def test(i: Int, j: Int): Boolean = {\n val cells = List(List(i, j), List(i + 1, j), List(i, j + 1), List(i + 1, j + 1))\n cells.count {\n case List(x, y) => grid(x)(y) == '#'\n } != 2\n }\n\n if ((for (i <- 0 until 3; j <- 0 until 3) yield test(i, j)).exists(_ == true)) \"YES\"\n else \"NO\"\n }\n\n out.println(solve)\n out.close\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "\nobject A {\n def R = readLine().split(\" \") map(_.toInt)\n\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n var a = Array.ofDim[Boolean](4,4)\n def check(b:Boolean):Boolean = {\n for (x <- 0 until 3; y <- 0 until 3 if (a(x)(y) == b &&a(x+1)(y) ==b &&a(x)(y+1) == b &&a(x+1)(y+1) == b)) return true;\n return false;\n }\n for (i <- 0 until 4)\n a(i) = readLine().toCharArray() map(x => if (x == '#') true else false)\n\n if (check(true) || check(false)) {\n println(\"YES\")\n return;\n }\n for (b <- List(false, true); i <- 0 until 4; j <- 0 until 4 if (a(i)(j) != b)) {\n a(i)(j) = b;\n if (check(b)) {\n println(\"YES\")\n return;\n }\n a(i)(j) = !b;\n }\n println(\"NO\")\n \n }\n\n}"}, {"source_code": "import annotation.tailrec\nimport java.io._\n\nobject Easy {\n val reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in))\n def readInts = reader.readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n def readInt = reader.readLine().toInt\n\n val board = for(_ <- 1 to 4) yield reader.readLine().map {\n case '.' => 0\n case _ => 1\n }\n def ans = (for(i <- 0 to 2) yield (for(j <- 0 to 2) yield {\n val sum = board(i)(j) + board(i + 1)(j) + board(i)(j + 1) + board(i + 1)(j + 1)\n sum != 2\n }).contains(true)).contains(true)\n def yesNoAns = Map(true -> \"YES\", false -> \"NO\")\n\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n println(yesNoAns(ans))\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object A\n{\n\tdef main(args: Array[String]) {\n\t\tval sz = 4\n\t\tval maze = Array.ofDim[Int](sz, sz)\n\t\tfor (i <- 0 until sz) {\n\t\t\tmaze(i) = readLine.split(\"\").tail.map( x => if(x == \"#\") 1 else 0 )\n\t\t}\n\t\tval result = (for (i <- 0 until sz - 1; j <- 0 until sz - 1) yield(i, j)).map( pos => {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tval (x, y) = pos\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tval ss = maze(x)(y) + maze(x+1)(y) + maze(x)(y+1) + maze(x+1)(y+1)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tif(ss >= 3 || ss<=1) true else false\n\t\t\t\t\t\t}) reduceLeft(_ || _)\n\t\tprintln(if(result) \"YES\" else \"NO\")\n\t}\n}\n\n"}, {"source_code": "object Main {\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val al = new Array[String](4)\n al(0) = readLine()\n al(1) = readLine()\n al(2) = readLine()\n al(3) = readLine()\n \n val sqs = for {\n i <- 0 to 2\n j <- 0 to 2\n } yield(Seq(al(i)(j), al(i)(j + 1), al(i + 1)(j), al(i + 1)(j + 1)))\n if (sqs.count{ s => \n val bl = s.count(_ == '#')\n bl <= 1 || bl >= 3\n } >= 1) println(\"YES\")\n else println(\"NO\")\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "object CFContest176Div2A {\n def main(args: Array[String]){\n var inp = new Array[Array[Char]](4);\n inp = inp.map(_ => readLine().toCharArray())\n var result = false;\n var i =0; var j = 0;\n for(i <- 0 to 2; j <- 0 to 2){\n var b=0;\n for(k<- 0 to 1; l<- 0 to 1){\n if(inp(i+k)(j+l) == '#') b+=1;\n \n }\n result = result || (b<=1 || b>=3)\n }\n if(result) println(\"YES\") else println(\"NO\")\n \n }\n}"}], "negative_code": [{"source_code": "object CFContest176Div2A {\n def main(args: Array[String]){\n var inp = new Array[Array[Char]](4);\n inp = inp.map(_ => readLine().toCharArray())\n var result = false;\n var i =0; var j = 0;\n for(i <- 0 to 2; j <- 0 to 2){\n var b=0;\n for(k<- 0 to 1; l<- 0 to 1){\n if(inp(i+k)(j+l) == '#') b+=1;\n \n }\n result = result || (b==1 || b==3)\n }\n if(result) println(\"YES\") else println(\"NO\")\n \n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "object IQ {\n \n def main (args : Array[String]){\n var a = new Array[String](4)\n for (i <- 0 until 4)\n a(i) = readLine\n var ans = 0\n for (i <- 1 to 3; j <- 1 to 3){\n if (a(i).charAt(j)=='.')ans +=1\n if (a(i-1).charAt(j-1)=='.')ans +=1\n if (a(i-1).charAt(j+1)=='.')ans +=1\n if (a(i+1).charAt(j-1)=='.')ans +=1\n if (ans!=2){\n \t println(\"YES\");return}\n }\n println(\"No\") \n }\n\n}"}, {"source_code": "object IQ {\n \n def main (args : Array[String]){\n var a = new Array[String](4)\n for (i <- 0 until 4)\n a(i) = readLine\n var ans = 0\n for (i <- 0 to 1)\n for (j <- 0 to 1)\n if (a(i).charAt(j)=='.')ans +=1\n if (ans==3 || ans==1){\n println(\"YES\");return}\n ans = 0\n for (i <- 2 to 3)\n for (j <- 0 to 1)\n if (a(i).charAt(j)=='.')ans +=1\n if (ans==3 || ans==1){\n println(\"YES\");return}\n ans = 0\n for (i <- 2 to 3)\n for (j <- 2 to 3)\n if (a(i).charAt(j)=='.')ans +=1\n if (ans==3 || ans==1){\n println(\"YES\");return}\n ans = 0\n for (i <- 0 to 1)\n for (j <- 2 to 3)\n if (a(i).charAt(j)=='.')ans +=1\n if (ans==3 || ans==1){\n println(\"YES\");return}\n println(\"NO\") \n \n }\n\n}"}, {"source_code": "\nobject A {\n def R = readLine().split(\" \") map(_.toInt)\n\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n var a = Array.ofDim[Boolean](4,4)\n def check:Boolean = {\n for (x <- 0 until 3; y <- 0 until 3 if (a(x)(y)&&a(x+1)(y)&&a(x)(y+1)&&a(x+1)(y+1))) return true;\n return false;\n }\n for (i <- 0 until 4)\n a(i) = readLine().toCharArray() map(x => if (x == '#') true else false)\n\n for (i <- 0 until 4; j <- 0 until 4 if (!a(i)(j))) {\n a(i)(j) = true;\n if (check) {\n println(\"YES\")\n return;\n }\n a(i)(j) = false;\n }\n println(\"NO\")\n \n }\n\n}"}, {"source_code": "\nobject A {\n def R = readLine().split(\" \") map(_.toInt)\n\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n var a = Array.ofDim[Boolean](4,4)\n def check(b:Boolean):Boolean = {\n for (x <- 0 until 3; y <- 0 until 3 if (a(x)(y) == b &&a(x+1)(y) ==b &&a(x)(y+1) == b &&a(x+1)(y+1) == b)) return true;\n return false;\n }\n for (i <- 0 until 4)\n a(i) = readLine().toCharArray() map(x => if (x == '#') true else false)\n\n \n for (b <- List(false, true); i <- 0 until 4; j <- 0 until 4 if (a(i)(j) != b)) {\n a(i)(j) = b;\n if (check(b)) {\n println(\"YES\")\n return;\n }\n a(i)(j) = !b;\n }\n println(\"NO\")\n \n }\n\n}"}, {"source_code": "object CFContest176Div2A {\n def main(args: Array[String]){\n var inp = new Array[Array[Char]](4);\n inp = inp.map(_ => readLine().toCharArray())\n var result = false;\n var i =0; var j = 0;\n for(i <- 0 to 2; j <- 0 to 2){\n var b=0;\n for(k<- 0 to 1; l<- 0 to 1){\n if(inp(i+k)(j+l) == '#') b+=1;\n \n }\n result = result || (b<1 || b>3)\n }\n if(result) println(\"YES\") else println(\"NO\")\n \n }\n}"}], "src_uid": "01b145e798bbdf0ca2ecc383676d79f3"} {"source_code": "//package codeforces.contest1091\n\nobject NewYearAndTheChristmasOrnament {\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val Array(y, b, r) = io.StdIn.readLine.split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n println(sumOfMaxPossibleIncrementalSequence(y, b, r))\n }\n\n def sumOfMaxPossibleIncrementalSequence(y: Int, b: Int, r: Int): Int = {\n if (!requiresFix(y, b) && !requiresFix(b, r)) y + b + r\n else {\n if (requiresFix(b, r)) {\n val f = fix(b, r)\n sumOfMaxPossibleIncrementalSequence(y, f._1, f._2)\n } else {\n val f = fix(y, b)\n sumOfMaxPossibleIncrementalSequence(f._1, f._2, r)\n }\n }\n }\n\n def requiresFix(x: Int, y: Int): Boolean = x + 1 != y\n\n def fix(x: Int, y: Int): (Int, Int) = {\n if (x < y) (x, x + 1)\n else (y - 1, y)\n }\n}\n", "positive_code": [{"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn\n\nobject A1091 {\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val Array (y_, b_, r_) = StdIn.readLine().split(' ').map{_.toInt}\n println(\n (for { y <- y_ to 1 by -1\n b <- b_ to 2 by -1\n r <- r_ to 3 by -1\n if r == b+1 && b == y+1 }\n yield y+b+r).take(1).head\n )\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn\n\nobject NewYearAndTheChristmasOrnament extends App {\n\n val line = StdIn.readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n\n val (y, b, r) = (line(0), line(1), line(2))\n\n val resY = Iterator\n .iterate(y)(_ - 1)\n .takeWhile(_ >= 1)\n .find(y1 => {\n val b1 = y1 + 1\n val r1 = b1 + 1\n\n b1 <= b && r1 <= r\n })\n .get\n\n println(resY + resY + 1 + resY + 2)\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object A extends App {\n\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(scala.io.StdIn.readLine)\n def readInts(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt) }\n def readLongs(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong) }\n def readBigs(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(BigInt(tl.nextToken)) }\n\n val Array(y, b, r) = readInts(3)\n\n val y2 = y min (b - 1) min (r - 2)\n val b2 = y2 + 1\n val r2 = b2 + 1\n\n println(y2 + b2 + r2)\n\n Console.flush\n}\n"}], "negative_code": [], "src_uid": "03ac8efe10de17590e1ae151a7bae1a5"} {"source_code": "import scala.annotation.tailrec\nimport scala.io.StdIn.readLine\nimport scala.math.ceil\n\nobject Main extends App {\n def read(): List[Int] = readLine().split(' ').map(_.toInt).toList\n @tailrec def f(marks: List[Int], need: Int, ans: Int = 0): Int = {\n if (need > 0) marks match {\n case _ :: Nil => ans + 1\n case x :: xs => f(xs, need - 5 + x, ans + 1)\n } else ans\n }\n val List(n) = read()\n val marks = read().sorted\n val need = ceil(n * 4.5).toInt - marks.sum\n println(f(marks, need))\n}\n", "positive_code": [{"source_code": "import math._\nobject Main extends App {\n val n = readInt\n val m = ceil(4.5 * n).toInt\n val array = readLine.split(\" \").map(_.toInt).sorted\n val dif = m - array.sum\n if (dif <= 0) println(0)\n else {\n val a_2 = array.count(_ == 2)\n if (dif <= a_2 * 3) {\n println(ceil(dif / 3.0).toInt)\n } else {\n val r = dif - 3 * a_2\n val a_3 = array.count(_ == 3)\n if (r <= a_3 * 2) {\n println(ceil(r / 2.0).toInt + a_2)\n } else {\n println(dif - 2 * a_2 - a_3)\n }\n }\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "import scala.annotation.tailrec\nimport scala.io.StdIn.readLine\n\nobject Task2 extends App {\n val n = readLine().split(' ').map(_.toInt).head\n\n val marks = readLine().split(' ').map(_.toInt).toList.sorted\n\n @tailrec\n def sol(n: Int, marks: List[Int], index: Int = 0, res: Int = 0): Int =\n if (marks.sum.toDouble / n >= 4.5) res else sol(n, marks.updated(index, 5), index + 1, res + 1)\n\n println(sol(n, marks))\n\n}"}, {"source_code": "object Main{\n def main(arr: Array[String]): Unit ={\n val n = readInt()\n val a = readLine.split(\" \").map(_.toInt).map(_ * 10)\n\n val totReq = n * 45\n\n val as = a.sorted\n var ctot = as.sum\n var changes = 0\n var i = 0\n while(totReq > ctot && i < n){\n ctot += (50 - as(i))\n changes += 1\n i += 1\n }\n\n println(changes)\n }\n}"}], "negative_code": [{"source_code": "import math._\nobject Main extends App {\n val n = readInt\n val m = 5 * n - n / 2\n val array = readLine.split(\" \").map(_.toInt).sorted\n val dif = m - array.sum\n if (dif <= 0) println(0)\n else {\n val a_3 = array.count(_ == 3)\n if (dif <= a_3 * 2){\n println(ceil(dif / 2))\n } else {\n println(dif - a_3)\n }\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "import math._\nobject Main extends App {\n val n = readInt\n val m = 5 * n - n / 2\n val array = readLine.split(\" \").map(_.toInt).sorted\n val dif = m - array.sum\n if (dif <= 0) println(0)\n else {\n val a_3 = array.count(_ == 3)\n if (dif <= a_3 * 2){\n println(ceil(dif / 2).toInt)\n } else {\n println(dif - a_3)\n }\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "import math._\nobject Main extends App {\n val n = readInt\n val m = ceil(4.5 * n).toInt\n val array = readLine.split(\" \").map(_.toInt).sorted\n val dif = m - array.sum\n if (dif <= 0) println(0)\n else {\n val a_3 = array.count(_ == 3)\n if (dif <= a_3 * 2){\n println(ceil(dif / 2).toInt)\n } else {\n println(dif - a_3)\n }\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "import math._\nobject Main extends App {\n val n = readInt\n val m = ceil(4.5 * n).toInt\n val array = readLine.split(\" \").map(_.toInt).sorted\n val dif = m - array.sum\n if (dif <= 0) println(0)\n else {\n val a_3 = array.count(_ == 3)\n if (dif <= a_3 * 2){\n println(ceil(dif / 2.0).toInt)\n } else {\n println(dif - a_3)\n }\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "import math._\nobject Main extends App {\n val n = readInt\n val m = 5 * n - n / 2\n val array = readLine.split(\" \").map(_.toInt).sorted\n val dif = m - array.sum\n if (dif <= 0) println(0)\n else {\n val a_3 = array.count(_ == 3)\n if (dif <= a_3 * 2){\n println(dif / 2)\n } else {\n println(dif - a_3)\n }\n }\n}"}], "src_uid": "715608282b27a0a25b66f08574a6d5bd"} {"source_code": "import scala.collection._\n\nobject C extends App {\n\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(readLine)\n def readInts(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt) }\n def readLongs(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong) }\n def readBigs(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(BigInt(tl.nextToken)) }\n\n val Array(n) = readInts(1)\n var ls, rs = Array.ofDim[Int](n)\n\n for (i <- 0 until n) {\n val Array(l, r) = readInts(2)\n ls(i) = l\n rs(i) = r\n }\n\n var ev1, ev2 = 0d\n\n def probWin(x: Int, l: Int, r: Int): Double = {\n if (x < l) 0d\n else if (x > r) 1d\n else (x - l + 0d) / (r - l + 1d)\n }\n\n def probLose(x: Int, l: Int, r: Int): Double = {\n if (x < l) 1d\n else if (x > r) 0d\n else (r - x + 0d) / (r - l + 1d)\n }\n\n def probEq(x: Int, l: Int, r: Int): Double = {\n if (x < l) 0d\n else if (x > r) 0d\n else 1d / (r - l + 1d)\n }\n\n val maxMask = (1 << (n - 2)) - 1\n\n for (p1 <- 0 until n) {\n for (p2 <- 0 until n) if (p2 != p1) {\n var sumProb1 = 0d\n var sumProb2 = 0d\n for (x2 <- ls(p2) to rs(p2)) {\n for (mask <- 0 to maxMask) {\n var prob = 1d\n var i = 1\n var eqCnt = 2\n for (px <- 0 until n) if (px != p2 && px != p1) {\n if ((mask & i) == 0) prob *= probWin(x2, ls(px), rs(px))\n else {\n prob *= probEq(x2, ls(px), rs(px))\n eqCnt += 1\n }\n i *= 2\n }\n // println(p1, p2, x2, mask, prob, probLose(x2, ls(p1), rs(p1)), probEq(x2, ls(p1), rs(p1)))\n sumProb1 += x2 * prob * probLose(x2, ls(p1), rs(p1)) / (eqCnt - 1d)\n sumProb2 += x2 * prob * probEq(x2, ls(p1), rs(p1)) / (eqCnt - 1d) / eqCnt\n //sumProb2 += x2 * 0.5d * prob * probEq(x2, ls(p1), rs(p1))\n }\n }\n ev1 += sumProb1 / (rs(p2) - ls(p2) + 1d)\n ev2 += sumProb2 / (rs(p2) - ls(p2) + 1d)\n }\n }\n //println(ev1, ev2)\n println(ev1 + ev2)\n}\n", "positive_code": [{"source_code": "import java.util.StringTokenizer\n\nobject _513C extends App {\n var token = new StringTokenizer(\"\")\n def next = {\n while (!token.hasMoreTokens()) token = new StringTokenizer(readLine)\n token.nextToken()\n }\n\n val n = next.toInt\n val l = Array.fill(n)(0)\n val r = Array.fill(n)(0)\n for (i <- 0 until n) {\n l(i) = next.toInt\n r(i) = next.toInt\n }\n val mask = (1 to n).toArray\n val denominator = (l zip r).map(p => 1.0 * (p._2 - p._1 + 1)).reduce(_ * _)\n\n def calc(l: Int, r: Int, ll: Int, rr: Int): Double = {\n val lll = l max ll\n val rrr = r min rr\n if (lll <= rrr) rrr - lll + 1 else 0\n }\n\n var second = 1\n var numerator = 0.0\n def dfs(t: Int) {\n if (t >= n) {\n val sorted = mask.sorted\n if (sorted(n - 2) == 0) {\n var tmp = 1.0\n for (i <- 0 until n) {\n if (mask(i) == 1) tmp *= calc(l(i), r(i), second + 1, Int.MaxValue)\n else if (mask(i) == 0) tmp *= calc(l(i), r(i), second, second)\n else tmp *= calc(l(i), r(i), 0, second - 1)\n }\n numerator += second * tmp\n }\n } else {\n for (i <- -1 to 1) {\n mask(t) = i; dfs(t + 1)\n }\n }\n }\n while (second <= 10000) {\n dfs(0)\n second += 1\n }\n println(\"%.10f\".format(numerator / denominator))\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import java.io.FileInputStream\nimport java.util.Scanner\nimport scala.collection.mutable\n\nobject Solution {\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val sc = new Scanner(if (args.length > 0) new FileInputStream(args(0)) else System.in)\n val n = sc.nextInt\n\n val arr = Array.tabulate(n)(_ => (sc.nextInt(), sc.nextInt()))\n //val start = System.nanoTime()\n println(new Auction(n, arr).expectationOfSecond())\n //val end = System.nanoTime()\n //println(\"Time = \" + (end - start) / 1000000L)\n }\n}\n\nclass Auction(n: Int, r: Array[(Int, Int)]) {\n def low(i: Int): Int = r(i)._1\n def hi(i: Int): Int = r(i)._2\n def length(i: Int): Int = r(i)._2 - r(i)._1 + 1\n\n val ZERO = BigInt(0)\n val ONE = BigInt(0)\n def gcd(a: BigInt, b: BigInt): BigInt = if (b == ZERO) a else gcd(b, a % b)\n\n def simplify(a: BigInt, b: BigInt): (BigInt, BigInt) = {\n val g = gcd(a, b)\n if (g == ONE) (a, b) else (a / g, b / g)\n }\n\n def expectationOfSecond(): Double = {\n val secondFrom = (0 until n).map(low).sortWith(_ > _)(1)\n val secondTo = (0 until n).map(hi).sortWith(_ > _)(1)\n val map = new mutable.OpenHashMap[BigInt, BigInt](200000)\n //val summands =\n for {\n second <- secondFrom to secondTo\n si <- 0 until n if low(si) <= second && second <= hi(si)\n fi <- 0 until n if fi != si && (if (fi < si) second + 1 else second) <= hi(fi)\n if (0 until n).filter(i => i != si && i != fi).forall(i => low(i) <= (if (i < si) second + 1 else second))\n } {\n val a0: BigInt = second * (hi(fi) - math.max(if (fi < si) second + 1 else second, low(fi)) + 1)\n val b0: BigInt = length(si) * length(fi)\n val is = (0 until n).filter(i => i != si && i != fi && hi(i) > (if (i < si) second else second - 1))\n val a = is.map(i => (if (i < si) second else second - 1) - low(i) + 1).foldLeft(a0)(_ * _)\n val b = is.map(i => length(i)).foldLeft(b0)(_ * _)\n val x = simplify(a, b)\n map += (x._2 -> (map.getOrElse(x._2, ZERO) + x._1))\n }\n val grouped = map.toIterator.map(p => simplify(p._2, p._1))\n// val grouped = summands.foldLeft(Map[BigInt, BigInt]())((m, x) => m + (x._2 -> (m.getOrElse(x._2, ZERO) + x._1))).\n// toList.map(p => simplify(p._2, p._1))\n\n //println( summands.foldLeft(Map[BigInt, BigInt]()) ( (m, x) => m + (x._2 -> (m.getOrElse(x._2, ZERO) + x._1)) ) )\n\n //val grouped = summands.groupBy(_._2).mapValues(_.map(_._1).sum).toList.map(p=>simplify(p._2,p._1))\n //val grouped = summands.agroupBy(_._2).map(p => (p._1,p._2.map(_._1).sum)).map(p=>simplify(p._2,p._1))\n grouped.map(p => BigDecimal(p._1) / BigDecimal(p._2)).sum.toDouble\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\nimport java.io.FileInputStream\n\nobject DoubleSolution {\n\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val sc = new Scanner(if (args.length > 0) new FileInputStream(args(0)) else System.in)\n val n = sc.nextInt\n val arr = Array.tabulate(n)(_ => (sc.nextInt(), sc.nextInt()))\n //val start = System.nanoTime()\n println(new DoubleAuction(n, arr).expectationOfSecond())\n //val end = System.nanoTime()\n //println(\"Time = \" + (end - start) / 1000000L)\n }\n}\n\nclass DoubleAuction(n: Int, r: Array[(Int, Int)]) {\n def low(i: Int): Int = r(i)._1\n def hi(i: Int): Int = r(i)._2\n def length(i: Int): Int = r(i)._2 - r(i)._1 + 1\n\n val ZERO = BigInt(0)\n val ONE = BigInt(0)\n def gcd(a: BigInt, b: BigInt): BigInt = if (b == ZERO) a else gcd(b, a % b)\n\n def simplify(a: BigInt, b: BigInt): (BigInt, BigInt) = {\n val g = gcd(a, b)\n if (g == ONE) (a, b) else (a / g, b / g)\n }\n\n def expectationOfSecond(): Double = {\n val secondFrom = (0 until n).map(low).sortWith(_ > _)(1)\n val secondTo = (0 until n).map(hi).sortWith(_ > _)(1)\n var value = 0.0\n var second = secondFrom\n while (second<=secondTo) {\n var si = 0\n while (si < n) {\n if (low(si) <= second && second <= hi(si)) {\n var fi = 0\n while (fi<n) {\n if (fi != si && (if (fi < si) second + 1 else second) <= hi(fi)) {\n var exists = true\n var k = 0\n while (exists && k < n) {\n if (k != si && k != fi) {\n if (!(low(k) <= (if (k < si) second + 1 else second))) exists = false\n }\n k += 1\n }\n if (exists) {\n var a0 = second * (hi(fi) - math.max(if (fi < si) second + 1 else second, low(fi)) + 1) / length(si).toDouble / length(fi)\n var i = 0\n while (i < n) {\n if (i != si && i != fi && hi(i) > (if (i < si) second else second - 1)) {\n a0 *= ((if (i < si) second else second - 1) - low(i) + 1)\n a0 /= length(i)\n }\n i += 1\n }\n value = value + a0\n }\n }\n fi += 1\n }\n }\n si += 1\n }\n second += 1\n }\n value\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\nimport java.io.FileInputStream\n\nobject DoubleSolution {\n\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val sc = new Scanner(if (args.length > 0) new FileInputStream(args(0)) else System.in)\n val n = sc.nextInt\n val arr = Array.tabulate(n)(_ => (sc.nextInt(), sc.nextInt()))\n println(new DoubleAuction(n, arr).expectationOfSecond())\n }\n}\n\nclass DoubleAuction(n: Int, r: Array[(Int, Int)]) {\n def low(i: Int): Int = r(i)._1\n def hi(i: Int): Int = r(i)._2\n def length(i: Int): Int = r(i)._2 - r(i)._1 + 1\n\n val ZERO = BigInt(0)\n val ONE = BigInt(0)\n def gcd(a: BigInt, b: BigInt): BigInt = if (b == ZERO) a else gcd(b, a % b)\n\n def simplify(a: BigInt, b: BigInt): (BigInt, BigInt) = {\n val g = gcd(a, b)\n if (g == ONE) (a, b) else (a / g, b / g)\n }\n\n def expectationOfSecond(): Double = {\n val secondFrom = (0 until n).map(low).sortWith(_ > _)(1)\n val secondTo = (0 until n).map(hi).sortWith(_ > _)(1)\n //val summands =\n (for {\n second <- secondFrom to secondTo\n si <- 0 until n if low(si) <= second && second <= hi(si)\n fi <- 0 until n if fi != si && (if (fi < si) second + 1 else second) <= hi(fi)\n if (0 until n).filter(i => i != si && i != fi).forall(i => low(i) <= (if (i < si) second + 1 else second))\n\n } yield {\n val a0: Double = second * (hi(fi) - math.max(if (fi < si) second + 1 else second, low(fi)) + 1) / length(si).toDouble / length(fi)\n (0 until n).filter(i => i != si && i != fi && hi(i) > (if (i < si) second else second - 1)).\n foldLeft(a0) ((p, i) => p * ((if (i < si) second else second - 1) - low(i) + 1) / length(i))\n }).sum\n }\n}"}], "negative_code": [{"source_code": "import java.util.StringTokenizer\n\nobject _513C extends App {\n var token = new StringTokenizer(\"\")\n def next = {\n while (!token.hasMoreTokens()) token = new StringTokenizer(readLine)\n token.nextToken()\n }\n\n val n = next.toInt\n val l = Array.fill(n)(0)\n val r = Array.fill(n)(0)\n for (i <- 0 until n) {\n l(i) = next.toInt\n r(i) = next.toInt\n }\n val mask = (1 to n).toArray\n val denominator = (l zip r).map(p => 1.0 * (p._2 - p._1 + 1)).reduce(_ * _)\n\n def calc(l: Int, r: Int, ll: Int, rr: Int): Double = {\n val lll = l max ll\n val rrr = r min rr\n if (lll <= rrr) rrr - lll + 1 else 0\n }\n\n val numerators = for (second <- 1 to 50) yield {\n def dfs(t: Int): Double =\n if (t >= n) {\n val sorted = mask.sorted\n if (sorted(n - 2) == 0) {\n val cand = for (i <- 0 until n) yield {\n if (mask(i) == 1) calc(l(i), r(i), second + 1, Int.MaxValue)\n else if (mask(i) == 0) calc(l(i), r(i), second, second)\n else calc(l(i), r(i), 0, second - 1)\n }\n cand.reduce(_ * _) * second\n } else 0\n } else {\n val hehe = for (i <- -1 to 1) yield { mask(t) = i; dfs(t + 1) }\n hehe.sum\n }\n dfs(0)\n }\n val numerator = numerators.sum\n println(\"%.10f\".format(numerator / denominator))\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import scala.collection._\n\nobject C extends App {\n\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(readLine)\n def readInts(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt) }\n def readLongs(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong) }\n def readBigs(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(BigInt(tl.nextToken)) }\n\n val Array(n) = readInts(1)\n var ls, rs = Array.ofDim[Int](n)\n\n for (i <- 0 until n) {\n val Array(l, r) = readInts(2)\n ls(i) = l\n rs(i) = r\n }\n\n var ev1, ev2 = 0d\n\n def probWin(x: Int, l: Int, r: Int): Double = {\n if (x < l) 0d\n else if (x > r) 1d\n else (x - l + 0d) / (r - l + 1d)\n }\n\n def probLose(x: Int, l: Int, r: Int): Double = {\n if (x < l) 1d\n else if (x > r) 0d\n else (r - x + 0d) / (r - l + 1d)\n }\n\n def probEq(x: Int, l: Int, r: Int): Double = {\n if (x < l) 0d\n else if (x > r) 0d\n else 1d / (r - l + 1d)\n }\n\n val maxMask = (1 << (n - 2)) - 1\n\n for (p1 <- 0 until n) {\n for (p2 <- 0 until n) if (p2 != p1) {\n var sumProb1 = 0d\n var sumProb2 = 0d\n for (x2 <- ls(p2) to rs(p2)) {\n for (mask <- 0 to maxMask) {\n var prob = 1d\n var i = 1\n var eqCnt = 2\n for (px <- 0 until n) if (px != p2 && px != p1) {\n if ((mask & i) == 0) prob *= probWin(x2, ls(px), rs(px))\n else {\n prob *= probEq(x2, ls(px), rs(px))\n eqCnt += 1\n }\n i *= 2\n }\n // println(p1, p2, x2, mask, prob, probLose(x2, ls(p1), rs(p1)), probEq(x2, ls(p1), rs(p1)))\n sumProb1 += x2 * prob * probLose(x2, ls(p1), rs(p1)) / (eqCnt - 1d)\n sumProb2 += x2 * prob * probEq(x2, ls(p1), rs(p1)) / (eqCnt - 1d) / eqCnt\n //sumProb2 += x2 * 0.5d * prob * probEq(x2, ls(p1), rs(p1))\n }\n }\n ev1 += sumProb1 / (rs(p2) - ls(p2) + 1d)\n ev2 += sumProb2 / (rs(p2) - ls(p2) + 1d)\n }\n }\n println(ev1, ev2)\n println(ev1 + ev2)\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\nimport java.io.FileInputStream\n\nobject DoubleSolution {\n\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val sc = new Scanner(if (args.length > 0) new FileInputStream(args(0)) else System.in)\n val n = sc.nextInt\n val arr = Array.tabulate(n)(_ => (sc.nextInt(), sc.nextInt()))\n println(new DoubleAuction(n, arr).expectationOfSecond())\n }\n}\n\nclass DoubleAuction(n: Int, r: Array[(Int, Int)]) {\n def low(i: Int): Int = r(i)._1\n def hi(i: Int): Int = r(i)._2\n def length(i: Int): Int = r(i)._2 - r(i)._1 + 1\n\n val ZERO = BigInt(0)\n val ONE = BigInt(0)\n def gcd(a: BigInt, b: BigInt): BigInt = if (b == ZERO) a else gcd(b, a % b)\n\n def simplify(a: BigInt, b: BigInt): (BigInt, BigInt) = {\n val g = gcd(a, b)\n if (g == ONE) (a, b) else (a / g, b / g)\n }\n\n def expectationOfSecond(): Double = {\n val secondFrom = (0 until n).map(low).sortWith(_ > _)(1)\n val secondTo = (0 until n).map(hi).sortWith(_ > _)(1)\n var value = 0.0\n var second = secondFrom\n while (second<=secondTo) {\n var si = 0\n while (si < n) {\n if (low(si) <= second && second <= hi(si)) {\n var fi = 0\n while (fi < n) {\n if (fi != si && (if (fi < si) second + 1 else second) <= hi(fi)) {\n var v = second * (hi(fi) - math.max(if (fi < si) second + 1 else second, low(fi)) + 1) / length(si).toDouble / length(fi)\n var i = 0\n while (i < n) {\n if (i != si && i != fi && hi(i) > (if (i < si) second else second - 1)) {\n v *= ((if (i < si) second else second - 1) - low(i) + 1) / length(i).toDouble\n }\n i += 1\n }\n value += v\n }\n fi += 1\n }\n }\n si += 1\n }\n second += 1\n }\n value\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import Fraction._\nimport java.io.FileInputStream\nimport java.util.Scanner\n\nobject Solution {\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n // assert(new Auction(3, Array((4, 7), (8, 10), (5, 5))).expectationOfSecond().toDouble == 5.75)\n // assert(new Auction(3, Array((2,5), (3,4), (1,6))).expectationOfSecond().toDouble == 3.5)\n val sc = new Scanner(if (args.length > 0) new FileInputStream(args(0)) else System.in)\n val n = sc.nextInt\n val arr = Array.tabulate(n)(_ => (sc.nextInt(), sc.nextInt()))\n val expectation = new Auction(3, arr).expectationOfSecond().toDouble\n println(expectation)\n }\n}\n\nclass Fraction(val a:Long, val b:Long) {\n def toDouble: Double = if (a == 0) 0.0 else a.toDouble / b\n\n def *(that: Fraction): Fraction = mul(this, that)\n\n override def toString: String =\n if (a == 0) \"0\"\n else if (b == 1) a.toString\n else a + \"/\" + b\n}\n\nobject Fraction {\n val ZERO = new Fraction(0L, 1L)\n val ONE = new Fraction(1L, 1L)\n def gcd(a: Long, b: Long): Long = if (b == 0L) a else gcd(b, a % b)\n def fract(a: Long, b: Long): Fraction =\n if (a == 0L) ZERO\n else if (a == b) ONE\n else {\n val d = gcd(a, b)\n new Fraction(a / d, b / d)\n }\n\n def mul(x: Fraction, y: Fraction): Fraction =\n if (x == ZERO || y == ZERO) ZERO\n else if (x == ONE) y\n else if (y == ONE) x\n else fract(x.a * y.a, x.b * y.b)\n\n def mul(x: Long, y: Fraction): Fraction =\n if (x == 0 || y == ZERO) ZERO\n else if (x == 1) y\n else if (y == ONE) new Fraction(x, 1L)\n else fract(x * y.a, y.b)\n\n def sum(x: Fraction, y: Fraction): Fraction =\n if (x == ZERO) y\n else if (y == ZERO) x\n else if (x.b == y.b) fract(x.a + y.a, x.b)\n else fract(x.a * y.b + y.a * x.b, x.b * y.b)\n}\n\nclass Auction(n: Int, r: Array[(Int, Int)]) {\n @inline def low(i: Int): Int = r(i)._1\n @inline def hi(i: Int): Int = r(i)._2\n @inline def length(i: Int): Int = r(i)._2 - r(i)._1 + 1\n\n def pFirst(firstFrom: Int, excluded: Int): Fraction = {\n @inline def from(i: Int) = if (i < excluded) firstFrom + 1 else firstFrom\n @inline def till(i: Int) = if (i < excluded) firstFrom else firstFrom - 1\n val fs = (0 until n).filter(i => i != excluded && from(i) <= hi(i))\n if (fs.isEmpty) ZERO\n else\n fs.map(f =>\n (0 until n).filter(i => i != excluded && i != f).\n map(i => if (hi(i) <= till(i)) ONE\n else if (till(i) < low(i)) ZERO\n else fract(till(i) - low(i) + 1, length(i))).\n foldLeft(fract(hi(f) - math.max(from(f), low(f)) + 1, length(f)))(mul)\n ).reduce(sum)\n }\n\n def expectationOfSecond(): Fraction = {\n val secondFrom = (0 until n).map(low).sortWith(_ > _)(1)\n val secondTo = (0 until n).map(hi).sortWith(_ > _)(1)\n (for {\n second <- secondFrom to secondTo\n i <- 0 until n if low(i) <= second && second <= hi(i)\n } yield fract(second, length(i)) * pFirst(second, i)) reduce sum\n }\n\n}\n\n"}, {"source_code": "import java.io.FileInputStream\nimport java.util.Scanner\n\nobject Solution {\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val sc = new Scanner(if (args.length > 0) new FileInputStream(args(0)) else System.in)\n val n = sc.nextInt\n val arr = Array.tabulate(n)(_ => (sc.nextInt(), sc.nextInt()))\n println(new Auction(n, arr).expectationOfSecond())\n }\n}\nclass Auction(n: Int, r: Array[(Int, Int)]) {\n def low(i: Int): Int = r(i)._1\n def hi(i: Int): Int = r(i)._2\n def length(i: Int): Int = r(i)._2 - r(i)._1 + 1\n\n val ZERO = BigInt(0)\n val ONE = BigInt(0)\n def gcd(a: BigInt, b: BigInt): BigInt = if (b == ZERO) a else gcd(b, a % b)\n\n def simplify(a: BigInt, b: BigInt): (BigInt, BigInt) = {\n val g = gcd(a, b)\n if (g == ONE) (a, b) else (a / g, b / g)\n }\n\n def expectationOfSecond(): Double = {\n val secondFrom = (0 until n).map(low).sortWith(_ > _)(1)\n val secondTo = (0 until n).map(hi).sortWith(_ > _)(1)\n val summands =\n for {\n second <- secondFrom to secondTo\n si <- 0 until n if low(si) <= second && second <= hi(si)\n fi <- 0 until n if fi != si && (if (fi < si) second + 1 else second) <= hi(fi)\n if (0 until n).filter(i => i != si && i != fi).forall(i => low(i) <= (if (i < si) second + 1 else second))\n } yield {\n val a0: BigInt = second * (hi(fi) - math.max(if (fi < si) second + 1 else second, low(fi)) + 1)\n val b0: BigInt = length(si) * length(fi)\n val is = (0 until n).filter(i => i != si && i != fi && hi(i) > (if (i < si) second else second - 1))\n val a = is.map(i => (if (i < si) second else second - 1) - low(i) + 1).foldLeft(a0)(_ * _)\n val b = is.map(i => length(i)).foldLeft(b0)(_ * _)\n simplify(a, b)\n }\n //val optimized = summands\n val grouped = summands.groupBy(_._2).mapValues(_.map(_._1).sum).map(p => simplify(p._2, p._1))\n grouped.map(p => BigDecimal(p._1) / BigDecimal(p._2)).sum.toDouble\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import Fraction._\nimport java.io.FileInputStream\nimport java.util.Scanner\n\nobject Solution {\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val sc = new Scanner(if (args.length > 0) new FileInputStream(args(0)) else System.in)\n val n = sc.nextInt\n val arr = Array.tabulate(n)(_ => (sc.nextInt(), sc.nextInt()))\n val expectation = new Auction(n, arr).expectationOfSecond().toDouble\n println(expectation)\n }\n}\n\nclass Fraction(val a:Long, val b:Long) {\n def toDouble: Double = if (a == 0) 0.0 else a.toDouble / b\n\n def *(that: Fraction): Fraction = mul(this, that)\n\n override def toString: String =\n if (a == 0) \"0\"\n else if (b == 1) a.toString\n else a + \"/\" + b\n}\n\nobject Fraction {\n val ZERO = new Fraction(0L, 1L)\n val ONE = new Fraction(1L, 1L)\n def gcd(a: Long, b: Long): Long = if (b == 0L) a else gcd(b, a % b)\n def fract(a: Long, b: Long): Fraction =\n if (a == 0L) ZERO\n else if (a == b) ONE\n else {\n val d = gcd(a, b)\n new Fraction(a / d, b / d)\n }\n\n def mul(x: Fraction, y: Fraction): Fraction =\n if (x == ZERO || y == ZERO) ZERO\n else if (x == ONE) y\n else if (y == ONE) x\n else fract(x.a * y.a, x.b * y.b)\n\n def mul(x: Long, y: Fraction): Fraction =\n if (x == 0 || y == ZERO) ZERO\n else if (x == 1) y\n else if (y == ONE) new Fraction(x, 1L)\n else fract(x * y.a, y.b)\n\n def sum(x: Fraction, y: Fraction): Fraction =\n if (x == ZERO) y\n else if (y == ZERO) x\n else if (x.b == y.b) fract(x.a + y.a, x.b)\n else fract(x.a * y.b + y.a * x.b, x.b * y.b)\n}\n\nclass Auction(n: Int, r: Array[(Int, Int)]) {\n @inline def low(i: Int): Int = r(i)._1\n @inline def hi(i: Int): Int = r(i)._2\n @inline def length(i: Int): Int = r(i)._2 - r(i)._1 + 1\n\n def pFirst(firstFrom: Int, excluded: Int): Fraction = {\n @inline def from(i: Int) = if (i < excluded) firstFrom + 1 else firstFrom\n @inline def till(i: Int) = if (i < excluded) firstFrom else firstFrom - 1\n val fs = (0 until n).filter(i => i != excluded && from(i) <= hi(i))\n if (fs.isEmpty) ZERO\n else\n fs.map(f =>\n (0 until n).filter(i => i != excluded && i != f).\n map(i => if (hi(i) <= till(i)) ONE\n else if (till(i) < low(i)) ZERO\n else fract(till(i) - low(i) + 1, length(i))).\n foldLeft(fract(hi(f) - math.max(from(f), low(f)) + 1, length(f)))(mul)\n ).reduce(sum)\n }\n\n def expectationOfSecond(): Fraction = {\n val secondFrom = (0 until n).map(low).sortWith(_ > _)(1)\n val secondTo = (0 until n).map(hi).sortWith(_ > _)(1)\n (for {\n second <- secondFrom to secondTo\n i <- 0 until n if low(i) <= second && second <= hi(i)\n } yield fract(second, length(i)) * pFirst(second, i)) reduce sum\n }\n\n}\n\n"}, {"source_code": "import Fraction._\nimport java.io.FileInputStream\nimport java.util.Scanner\n\nobject Solution {\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n // assert(new Auction(3, Array((4, 7), (8, 10), (5, 5))).expectationOfSecond().toDouble == 5.75)\n // assert(new Auction(3, Array((2,5), (3,4), (1,6))).expectationOfSecond().toDouble == 3.5)\n val sc = new Scanner(if (args.length > 0) new FileInputStream(args(0)) else System.in)\n val n = sc.nextInt\n val arr = Array.tabulate(n)(_ => (sc.nextInt(), sc.nextInt()))\n val start = System.nanoTime()\n val expectation = new Auction(n, arr).expectationOfSecond().toDouble\n val end = System.nanoTime()\n println(expectation)\n println(\"Time = \" + (end - start) / 1000000L)\n }\n}\n\nclass Fraction(val a:Long, val b:Long) {\n def toDouble: Double = if (a == 0) 0.0 else a.toDouble / b\n\n def *(that: Fraction): Fraction = mul(this, that)\n\n override def toString: String =\n if (a == 0) \"0\"\n else if (b == 1) a.toString\n else a + \"/\" + b\n}\n\nobject Fraction {\n val ZERO = new Fraction(0L, 1L)\n val ONE = new Fraction(1L, 1L)\n def gcd(a: Long, b: Long): Long = if (b == 0L) a else gcd(b, a % b)\n def fract(a: Long, b: Long): Fraction =\n if (a == 0L) ZERO\n else if (a == b) ONE\n else {\n val d = gcd(a, b)\n new Fraction(a / d, b / d)\n }\n\n// def mul(x: Fraction, y: Fraction): Fraction =\n// if (x == ZERO || y == ZERO) ZERO\n// else if (x == ONE) y\n// else if (y == ONE) x\n// else {\n// val gcd1 = gcd(x.a, y.b)\n// val gcd2 = gcd(x.b, y.a)\n// fract((x.a / gcd1) * (y.a / gcd2), (x.b / gcd2) * (y.b / gcd1))\n// if (x.a * y.a < x.a || x.a * y.a < y.a) println(x.a, y.a, x.a * y.a)\n// fract( x.a * y.a, x.b * y.b)\n// }\n\n def mul(x: Fraction, y: Fraction): Fraction = mulUnsafe(reduce(x), reduce(y))\n def mulUnsafe(x: Fraction, y: Fraction): Fraction =\n if (x == ZERO || y == ZERO) ZERO\n else if (x == ONE) y\n else if (y == ONE) x\n else {\n val gcd1 = gcd(x.a, y.b)\n val gcd2 = gcd(x.b, y.a)\n fract((x.a / gcd1) * (y.a / gcd2), (x.b / gcd2) * (y.b / gcd1))\n if (x.a * y.a < x.a || x.a * y.a < y.a) println(x.a, y.a, x.a * y.a)\n fract( x.a * y.a, x.b * y.b)\n }\n\n\n def mul(x: Long, y: Fraction): Fraction =\n if (x == 0 || y == ZERO) ZERO\n else if (x == 1) y\n else if (y == ONE) new Fraction(x, 1L)\n else fract(x * y.a, y.b)\n\n// def sum(x: Fraction, y: Fraction): Fraction =\n// if (x == ZERO) y\n// else if (y == ZERO) x\n// else if (x.b == y.b) fract(x.a + y.a, x.b)\n// else {\n// val g = gcd(x.b, y.b)\n// if (g == 1) fract(x.a * y.b + y.a * x.b, x.b * y.b)\n// else fract(x.a * (y.b / g) + y.a * (x.b / g), x.b / g * y.b)\n// }\n\n def sumUnsafe(x: Fraction, y: Fraction): Fraction =\n if (x == ZERO) y\n else if (y == ZERO) x\n else if (x.b == y.b) fract(x.a + y.a, x.b)\n else {\n val g = gcd(x.b, y.b)\n if (g == 1) fract(x.a * y.b + y.a * x.b, x.b * y.b)\n else fract(x.a * (y.b / g) + y.a * (x.b / g), x.b / g * y.b)\n }\n\n def sum(x: Fraction, y: Fraction): Fraction = sumUnsafe(reduce(x),reduce(y))\n\n val MAX: Long = Integer.MAX_VALUE\n def reduce(x: Fraction): Fraction =\n if (x.a < MAX && x.b < MAX) x\n else {\n var a = x.a\n var b = x.b\n while (a > MAX || b > MAX) {\n a >>= 1\n b >>= 1\n }\n fract(a, b)\n }\n}\n\n//class BigFraction(val a:BigInt, val b:BigInt) {\n//\n//}\n//\n//object BigFraction {\n// def sum(x: BigFraction, y: Fraction): BigFraction = {\n//\n// }\n//}\n\nclass Auction(n: Int, r: Array[(Int, Int)]) {\n @inline def low(i: Int): Int = r(i)._1\n @inline def hi(i: Int): Int = r(i)._2\n @inline def length(i: Int): Int = r(i)._2 - r(i)._1 + 1\n\n def pFirst(firstFrom: Int, excluded: Int): Fraction = {\n @inline def from(i: Int) = if (i < excluded) firstFrom + 1 else firstFrom\n @inline def till(i: Int) = if (i < excluded) firstFrom else firstFrom - 1\n val fs = (0 until n).filter(i => i != excluded && from(i) <= hi(i))\n if (fs.isEmpty) ZERO\n else\n fs.map(f =>\n (0 until n).filter(i => i != excluded && i != f).\n map(i => if (hi(i) <= till(i)) ONE\n else if (till(i) < low(i)) ZERO\n else fract(till(i) - low(i) + 1, length(i))).\n foldLeft(fract(hi(f) - math.max(from(f), low(f)) + 1, length(f)))(mul)\n ).reduce(sum)\n }\n\n def expectationOfSecond(): Fraction = {\n val secondFrom = (0 until n).map(low).sortWith(_ > _)(1)\n val secondTo = (0 until n).map(hi).sortWith(_ > _)(1)\n val summands =\n for {\n second <- secondFrom to secondTo\n i <- 0 until n if low(i) <= second && second <= hi(i)\n } yield fract(second, length(i)) * pFirst(second, i)\n val optimized = summands.groupBy(_.b).mapValues(_.map(_.a).sum).map(p => fract(p._2, p._1))\n optimized.reduce(sum)\n }\n\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import Fraction._\nimport java.io.FileInputStream\nimport java.util.Scanner\n\nobject Solution {\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n // assert(new Auction(3, Array((4, 7), (8, 10), (5, 5))).expectationOfSecond().toDouble == 5.75)\n // assert(new Auction(3, Array((2,5), (3,4), (1,6))).expectationOfSecond().toDouble == 3.5)\n val sc = new Scanner(if (args.length > 0) new FileInputStream(args(0)) else System.in)\n val n = sc.nextInt\n val arr = Array.tabulate(n)(_ => (sc.nextInt(), sc.nextInt()))\n// val start = System.nanoTime()\n val expectation = new Auction(n, arr).expectationOfSecond().toDouble\n// val end = System.nanoTime()\n println(expectation)\n// println(\"Time = \" + (end - start) / 1000000L)\n }\n}\n\nclass Fraction(val a:Long, val b:Long) {\n def toDouble: Double = if (a == 0) 0.0 else a.toDouble / b\n\n def *(that: Fraction): Fraction = mul(this, that)\n\n override def toString: String =\n if (a == 0) \"0\"\n else if (b == 1) a.toString\n else a + \"/\" + b\n}\n\nobject Fraction {\n val ZERO = new Fraction(0L, 1L)\n val ONE = new Fraction(1L, 1L)\n def gcd(a: Long, b: Long): Long = if (b == 0L) a else gcd(b, a % b)\n def fract(a: Long, b: Long): Fraction =\n if (a == 0L) ZERO\n else if (a == b) ONE\n else {\n val d = gcd(a, b)\n new Fraction(a / d, b / d)\n }\n\n// def mul(x: Fraction, y: Fraction): Fraction =\n// if (x == ZERO || y == ZERO) ZERO\n// else if (x == ONE) y\n// else if (y == ONE) x\n// else {\n// val gcd1 = gcd(x.a, y.b)\n// val gcd2 = gcd(x.b, y.a)\n// fract((x.a / gcd1) * (y.a / gcd2), (x.b / gcd2) * (y.b / gcd1))\n// if (x.a * y.a < x.a || x.a * y.a < y.a) println(x.a, y.a, x.a * y.a)\n// fract( x.a * y.a, x.b * y.b)\n// }\n\n def mul(x: Fraction, y: Fraction): Fraction = mulUnsafe(reduce(x), reduce(y))\n def mulUnsafe(x: Fraction, y: Fraction): Fraction =\n if (x == ZERO || y == ZERO) ZERO\n else if (x == ONE) y\n else if (y == ONE) x\n else {\n //val gcd1 = gcd(x.a, y.b)\n //val gcd2 = gcd(x.b, y.a)\n // fract((x.a / gcd1) * (y.a / gcd2), (x.b / gcd2) * (y.b / gcd1))\n // if (x.a * y.a < x.a || x.a * y.a < y.a) println(x.a, y.a, x.a * y.a)\n fract( x.a * y.a, x.b * y.b)\n }\n\n\n def mul(x: Long, y: Fraction): Fraction =\n if (x == 0 || y == ZERO) ZERO\n else if (x == 1) y\n else if (y == ONE) new Fraction(x, 1L)\n else fract(x * y.a, y.b)\n\n// def sum(x: Fraction, y: Fraction): Fraction =\n// if (x == ZERO) y\n// else if (y == ZERO) x\n// else if (x.b == y.b) fract(x.a + y.a, x.b)\n// else {\n// val g = gcd(x.b, y.b)\n// if (g == 1) fract(x.a * y.b + y.a * x.b, x.b * y.b)\n// else fract(x.a * (y.b / g) + y.a * (x.b / g), x.b / g * y.b)\n// }\n\n def sumUnsafe(x: Fraction, y: Fraction): Fraction =\n if (x == ZERO) y\n else if (y == ZERO) x\n else if (x.b == y.b) fract(x.a + y.a, x.b)\n else {\n val g = gcd(x.b, y.b)\n if (g == 1) fract(x.a * y.b + y.a * x.b, x.b * y.b)\n else fract(x.a * (y.b / g) + y.a * (x.b / g), x.b / g * y.b)\n }\n\n def sum(x: Fraction, y: Fraction): Fraction = sumUnsafe(reduce(x),reduce(y))\n\n val MAX: Long = Integer.MAX_VALUE\n def reduce(x: Fraction): Fraction =\n if (x.a < MAX && x.b < MAX) x\n else {\n var a = x.a\n var b = x.b\n while (a > MAX || b > MAX) {\n a >>= 1\n b >>= 1\n }\n fract(a, b)\n }\n}\n\n//class BigFraction(val a:BigInt, val b:BigInt) {\n//\n//}\n//\n//object BigFraction {\n// def sum(x: BigFraction, y: Fraction): BigFraction = {\n//\n// }\n//}\n\nclass Auction(n: Int, r: Array[(Int, Int)]) {\n @inline def low(i: Int): Int = r(i)._1\n @inline def hi(i: Int): Int = r(i)._2\n @inline def length(i: Int): Int = r(i)._2 - r(i)._1 + 1\n\n def pFirst(firstFrom: Int, excluded: Int): Fraction = {\n @inline def from(i: Int) = if (i < excluded) firstFrom + 1 else firstFrom\n @inline def till(i: Int) = if (i < excluded) firstFrom else firstFrom - 1\n val fs = (0 until n).filter(i => i != excluded && from(i) <= hi(i))\n if (fs.isEmpty) ZERO\n else\n fs.map(f =>\n (0 until n).filter(i => i != excluded && i != f).\n map(i => if (hi(i) <= till(i)) ONE\n else if (till(i) < low(i)) ZERO\n else fract(till(i) - low(i) + 1, length(i))).\n foldLeft(fract(hi(f) - math.max(from(f), low(f)) + 1, length(f)))(mul)\n ).reduce(sum)\n }\n\n def expectationOfSecond(): Fraction = {\n val secondFrom = (0 until n).map(low).sortWith(_ > _)(1)\n val secondTo = (0 until n).map(hi).sortWith(_ > _)(1)\n val summands =\n for {\n second <- secondFrom to secondTo\n i <- 0 until n if low(i) <= second && second <= hi(i)\n } yield fract(second, length(i)) * pFirst(second, i)\n val optimized = summands.groupBy(_.b).mapValues(_.map(_.a).sum).map(p => fract(p._2, p._1))\n optimized.reduce(sum)\n }\n\n}\n\n"}], "src_uid": "5258ce738eb268b9750cfef309d265ef"} {"source_code": "object Solution extends App {\n val in = scala.io.Source.stdin.getLines()\n val d = (1 to 8).map(_ => in.next())\n if (d.forall(t => t == \"WBWBWBWB\" || t == \"BWBWBWBW\"))\n println(\"YES\")\n else\n println(\"NO\")\n}", "positive_code": [{"source_code": "object Main{\n\n def different(a: String, b: String, pos: Int = 0): Boolean = {\n if (pos >= a.length) true else{\n if (a(pos) == b(pos)) false else different(a, b, pos+1)\n }\n } //> different: (a: String, b: String, pos: Int)Boolean\n \n def validPair(a: String, b: String, remainTry: Int = 0): Boolean = {\n if (remainTry == a.length) false else{\n if (different(a, b)) true else{\n val nextA = a.substring(1) + a(0)\n validPair(nextA, b, remainTry+1)\n }\n }\n } //> validPair: (a: String, b: String, remainTry: Int)Boolean\n \n def alterChar(s: String, pos: Int = 1): Boolean = {\n if (pos == s.length) true else{\n if (s(pos) == s(pos-1)) false else alterChar(s, pos+1)\n }\n } //> alterChar: (s: String, pos: Int)Boolean\n \n def validRow(s: String, remainTry: Int = 0): Boolean = {\n if (remainTry == s.length) false else{\n if (alterChar(s)) true else{\n val nextS = s.substring(1) + s(0)\n validRow(nextS, remainTry + 1)\n }\n }\n } //> validRow: (s: String, remainTry: Int)Boolean\n \n def validBoard(board: Array[String])={\n var ret = true\n if (!validRow(board(0))) ret = false\n for (i <- 1 until board.length){\n if (!validPair(board(i-1), board(i))) ret = false\n }\n ret\n } //> validBoard: (board: Array[String])Boolean\n\n def main(args: Array[String]) = {\n val board = new Array[String](8)\n for (i <- 0 until 8){\n board(i) = readLine()\n }\n if (validBoard(board)) println(\"YES\") else println(\"NO\")\n \n } //> main: (args: Array[String])Unit\n}"}, {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\nimport java.io.PrintWriter\nimport scala.annotation.tailrec\nimport scala.collection.mutable\nimport scala.util.Random\n\nobject P259A extends App {\n val sc = new Scanner(System.in)\n val out = new PrintWriter(System.out)\n\n val B = List.fill(8)(sc.nextLine)\n \n def solve(): String = if (B forall (s => s == \"WBWBWBWB\" || s == \"BWBWBWBW\")) \"YES\"\n else \"NO\"\n\n out.println(solve)\n out.close\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import java.io._\nimport java.util.Locale\nimport scala.annotation.tailrec\n\nobject Easy {\n val reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in))\n def readInt = reader.readLine().toInt\n def readInts = reader.readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n def readLongs = reader.readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toLong)\n\n val bw = \"(BW)*\"\n val wb = \"(WB)*\"\n val ans = (for(_ <- 1 to 8) yield reader.readLine()).forall(s => s.matches(bw) || s.matches(wb))\n val yesNoAns = Map(true -> \"YES\", false -> \"NO\")\n\n def main(a: Array[String]) {\n println(yesNoAns(ans))\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object Main {\n def correct(row: String): Boolean = {\n val sum = row.zipWithIndex.map{ t => \n if (t._1 == 'W') 1 << t._2\n else 0\n }.sum\n if (sum == 0x55 || sum == 0xAA) true\n else false\n }\n\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val cor = (1 to 8).map(_ => readLine()).map(correct(_)).foldLeft(true)(_ & _)\n if (cor) println(\"YES\")\n else println(\"NO\")\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "object B{\n def main(args: Array[String]){\n\n val s1=\"WBWBWBWB\"\n val s2=\"BWBWBWBW\"\n (1 to 8).foreach{i=>\n val str=readLine\n if(str!=s1 && str!=s2){\n println(\"NO\")\n return\n }\n }\n println(\"YES\")\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "object Ches {\n def main(args:Array[String]):Unit={\n var list=List[String]()\n for(i<-0 until 8){\n list=list:+readLine()\n }\n if(solve(list)) println(\"YES\")\n else println(\"NO\")\n }\n def solve(list:List[String]):Boolean={\n def isNormal(str:String):Boolean={\n def strIter(str:String, c:Char):Boolean={\n if(str.length==0) true\n else if(c==str.head) false\n else strIter(str.tail, str.head)\n }\n strIter(str, str.last)\n }\n if(list.length==0) true\n else if(!isNormal(list.head)) false\n else solve(list.tail)\n }\n}\n"}], "negative_code": [{"source_code": "object Main{\n\n def different(a: String, b: String, pos: Int = 0): Boolean = {\n if (pos >= a.length) true else{\n if (a(pos) == b(pos)) false else different(a, b, pos+1)\n }\n } //> different: (a: String, b: String, pos: Int)Boolean\n \n def validPair(a: String, b: String, remainTry: Int = 0): Boolean = {\n if (remainTry == a.length) false else{\n if (different(a, b)) true else{\n val nextA = a.substring(1) + a(0)\n validPair(nextA, b, remainTry+1)\n }\n }\n } //> validPair: (a: String, b: String, remainTry: Int)Boolean\n \n def validBoard(board: Array[String])={\n var ret = true\n for (i <- 1 until board.length){\n if (!validPair(board(i-1), board(i))) ret = false\n }\n ret\n } //> validBoard: (board: Array[String])Boolean\n\n def main(args: Array[String]) = {\n val board = new Array[String](8)\n for (i <- 0 until 8){\n board(i) = readLine()\n }\n if (validBoard(board)) println(\"YES\") else println(\"NO\")\n \n } //> main: (args: Array[String])Unit\n}"}], "src_uid": "ca65e023be092b2ce25599f52acc1a67"} {"source_code": "\n\nobject Main {\n\n import java.io.{PrintWriter, _}\n import java.util._\n\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val inputStream = System.in\n val outputStream = System.out\n val in = new InputReader(inputStream)\n val out = new PrintWriter(outputStream)\n val solver = new Task\n solver.solve(1, in, out)\n out.close()\n }\n\n def ?(item: Boolean, first: Any, second: Any): Any = if (item) first else second\n\n class Task {\n def solve(testNumber: Int, in: InputReader, out: PrintWriter): Unit = {\n var arr = new Array[Int](3)\n arr(0) = in.nextInt\n arr(1) = in.nextInt\n arr(2) = in.nextInt\n arr = arr.sorted\n val d = in.nextInt\n val a = math.max(arr(1) + d - arr(2), 0)\n val b = math.min(arr(1) - d - arr(0), 0)\n out.println(a - b)\n }\n\n }\n\n\n class InputReader(val stream: InputStream) extends AutoCloseable {\n //reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(stream), 32768);\n private val reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(stream), 32768)\n private var tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(\"\")\n\n\n def next: String = {\n while ( {\n tokenizer == null || !tokenizer.hasMoreTokens\n }) try\n tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(reader.readLine)\n catch {\n case e: IOException =>\n throw new RuntimeException(e)\n }\n tokenizer.nextToken\n }\n\n def nextLine: String = {\n try\n return reader.readLine\n catch {\n case e: IOException =>\n e.printStackTrace()\n }\n \"\"\n }\n\n def nextInt: Int = next.toInt\n\n def nextLong: Long = next.toLong\n\n override def close(): Unit = {\n }\n }\n\n}\n", "positive_code": [{"source_code": "object Main {\n import java.io.{BufferedReader, InputStream, InputStreamReader}\n import java.util.StringTokenizer\n import scala.reflect.ClassTag\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val out = new java.io.PrintWriter(System.out)\n new Main(out, new InputReader(System.in)).solve()\n out.flush()\n }\n\n private val oj = System.getenv(\"ATCODER_DEBUG\") == null\n def DEBUG(f: => Unit): Unit = {\n if (!oj){ f }\n }\n def debug(as: Array[Boolean]): Unit = if (!oj){ debug(as.map(x => if(x) \"1\" else \"0\").mkString) }\n def debug(as: Array[Int]): Unit = if (!oj){ debug(as.mkString(\" \")) }\n def debug(as: Array[Long]): Unit =if (!oj){ debug(as.mkString(\" \")) }\n def debugDim(m: Array[Array[Int]]): Unit = if (!oj){\n REP(m.length) { i =>\n debug(m(i))\n }\n }\n def debugDimFlip(m: Array[Array[Long]]): Unit = if (!oj){\n REP(m(0).length) { j =>\n REP(m.length) { i =>\n System.err.print(m(i)(j))\n System.err.print(\" \")\n }\n System.err.println()\n }\n }\n def debug(s: => String): Unit = DEBUG {\n System.err.println(s)\n }\n def debugL(num: => Long): Unit = DEBUG {\n System.err.println(num)\n }\n\n class InputReader(val stream: InputStream) {\n private val reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(stream), 32768)\n private var tokenizer: StringTokenizer = _\n\n def next(): String = {\n while (tokenizer == null || !tokenizer.hasMoreTokens)\n tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(reader.readLine)\n tokenizer.nextToken\n }\n\n def nextInt(): Int = Integer.parseInt(next())\n def nextLong(): Long = java.lang.Long.parseLong(next())\n def nextChar(): Char = next().charAt(0)\n\n def ni(): Int = nextInt()\n def nl(): Long = nextLong()\n def nc(): Char = nextChar()\n def ns(): String = next()\n def ns(n: Int): Array[Char] = ns().toCharArray\n def na(n: Int, offset: Int = 0): Array[Int] = map(n)(_ => ni() + offset)\n def na2(n: Int, offset: Int = 0): (Array[Int], Array[Int]) = {\n val A1, A2 = Array.ofDim[Int](n)\n REP(n) { i =>\n A1(i) = ni() + offset\n A2(i) = ni() + offset\n }\n (A1, A2)\n }\n def nm(n: Int, m: Int): Array[Array[Int]] = {\n val A = Array.ofDim[Int](n, m)\n REP(n) { i =>\n REP(m) { j =>\n A(i)(j) = ni()\n }\n }\n A\n }\n def nal(n: Int): Array[Long] = map(n)(_ => nl())\n def nm_c(n: Int, m: Int): Array[Array[Char]] = map(n) (_ => ns(m))\n }\n\n def REP(n: Int, offset: Int = 0)(f: Int => Unit): Unit = {\n var i = offset\n val N = n + offset\n while(i < N) { f(i); i += 1 }\n }\n def REP_r(n: Int, offset: Int = 0)(f: Int => Unit): Unit = {\n var i = n - 1 + offset\n while(i >= offset) { f(i); i -= 1 }\n }\n def TO(from: Int, to: Int)(f: Int => Unit): Unit = {\n REP(to - from + 1, from) { i =>\n f(i)\n }\n }\n def map[@specialized A: ClassTag](n: Int, offset: Int = 0)(f: Int => A): Array[A] = {\n val res = Array.ofDim[A](n)\n REP(n)(i => res(i) = f(i + offset))\n res\n }\n\n def sumL(as: Array[Int]): Long = {\n var s = 0L\n REP(as.length)(i => s += as(i))\n s\n }\n def cumSum(as: Array[Int]): Array[Long] = {\n val cum = Array.ofDim[Long](as.length + 1)\n REP(as.length) { i =>\n cum(i + 1) = cum(i) + as(i)\n }\n cum\n }\n}\n\nclass Main(out: java.io.PrintWriter, sc: Main.InputReader) {\n import sc._\n import Main._\n import java.util.Arrays.sort\n\n import scala.collection.mutable\n import math.{abs, max, min}\n import mutable.ArrayBuffer\n\n // toIntとか+7とかするならvalにしろ\n @inline private def MOD = 1000000007\n\n def solve(): Unit = {\n val A, B, C, D = ni()\n val V = Array(A, B, C)\n sort(V)\n val ans = max(0, D - (V(1) - V(0))) + max(0, D - (V(2) - V(1)))\n out.println(ans)\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "object _1185A extends CodeForcesApp {\n import annotation._, collection.{mutable, Searching}, util._, control._, math.Ordering.Implicits._, Searching._, Math._\n\n override def apply(io: IO): io.type = {\n val Seq(a, b, c) = io.read[Seq, Int](3).sorted\n val d = io.read[Int]\n val ans = ((d - b + a) max 0) + ((d - c + b) max 0)\n io.write(ans)\n }\n}\n/****************************[Ignore Template Below]****************************************/\ntrait CodeForcesApp {\n lazy val isOnlineJudge: Boolean = sys.props.get(\"ONLINE_JUDGE\").exists(_.toBoolean)\n def debug(x: => Any): Unit = if (!isOnlineJudge) println(x)\n def apply(io: IO): io.type\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = this(new IO(System.in, System.out)).close()\n}\n/***********************************[Scala I/O]*********************************************/\nimport java.io._, java.util.StringTokenizer\nimport scala.collection.generic.CanBuild\n\nclass IO(in: BufferedReader, out: BufferedWriter) extends Iterator[String] with AutoCloseable with Flushable {\n def this(reader: Reader, writer: Writer) = this(new BufferedReader(reader), new BufferedWriter(writer))\n def this(in: InputStream, out: OutputStream) = this(new InputStreamReader(in), new OutputStreamWriter(out))\n\n private[this] val tokenizers = Iterator.continually(in.readLine()).takeWhile(_ != null).map(new StringTokenizer(_)).buffered\n val printer = new PrintWriter(out, true)\n\n @inline private[this] def tokenizer() = {\n while(tokenizers.nonEmpty && !tokenizers.head.hasMoreTokens) tokenizers.next()\n tokenizers.headOption\n }\n\n def read[A](implicit read: IO.Read[A]): A = read.apply(this)\n def read[C[_], A: IO.Read](n: Int)(implicit b: CanBuild[A, C[A]]): C[A] = Iterator.fill(n)(read).to[C]\n\n def readTill(delim: String): String = tokenizer().get.nextToken(delim)\n def readTillEndOfLine(): String = readTill(\"\\n\\r\")\n\n def readAll[A: IO.Read]: (Int, Vector[A]) = {\n val data = read[Vector[A]]\n (data.length, data)\n }\n\n override def next() = tokenizer().get.nextToken()\n override def hasNext = tokenizer().nonEmpty\n\n def write(obj: Any): this.type = {\n printer.print(obj)\n this\n }\n def writeLine(): this.type = {\n printer.println()\n this\n }\n def writeLine(obj: Any): this.type = {\n printer.println(obj)\n this\n }\n def writeLines(obj: Traversable[Any]): this.type = writeAll(obj, separator = \"\\n\")\n def writeAll(obj: Traversable[Any], separator: String = \" \"): this.type = write(obj mkString separator)\n def query[A: IO.Read](question: Any): A = writeLine(question).read\n\n override def flush() = printer.flush()\n def close() = {\n flush()\n in.close()\n printer.close()\n }\n}\nobject IO {\n class Read[A](val apply: IO => A) {\n def map[B](f: A => B): Read[B] = new Read(apply andThen f)\n }\n\n object Read {\n implicit def collection[C[_], A: Read](implicit b: CanBuild[A, C[A]]) : Read[C[A]] = new Read(r => r.read[C, A](r.read[Int]))\n implicit val string : Read[String] = new Read(_.next())\n implicit val int : Read[Int] = string.map(_.toInt)\n implicit val long : Read[Long] = string.map(_.toLong)\n implicit val bigInt : Read[BigInt] = string.map(BigInt(_))\n implicit val double : Read[Double] = string.map(_.toDouble)\n implicit val bigDecimal : Read[BigDecimal] = string.map(BigDecimal(_))\n implicit def tuple2[A: Read, B: Read] : Read[(A, B)] = new Read(r => (r.read[A], r.read[B]))\n implicit def tuple3[A: Read, B: Read, C: Read] : Read[(A, B, C)] = new Read(r => (r.read[A], r.read[B], r.read[C]))\n implicit def tuple4[A: Read, B: Read, C: Read, D: Read] : Read[(A, B, C, D)] = new Read(r => (r.read[A], r.read[B], r.read[C], r.read[D]))\n implicit val boolean : Read[Boolean] = string map {s =>\n s.toLowerCase match {\n case \"yes\" | \"true\" | \"1\" => true\n case \"no\" | \"false\" | \"0\" => false\n case _ => s.toBoolean\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\n"}], "negative_code": [{"source_code": "\n\nobject Main {\n\n import java.io.{PrintWriter, _}\n import java.util._\n\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val inputStream = System.in\n val outputStream = System.out\n val in = new InputReader(inputStream)\n val out = new PrintWriter(outputStream)\n val solver = new Task\n solver.solve(1, in, out)\n out.close()\n }\n\n def ?(item: Boolean, first: Any, second: Any): Any = if (item) first else second\n\n class Task {\n def solve(testNumber: Int, in: InputReader, out: PrintWriter): Unit = {\n var arr = new Array[Int](3)\n arr(0) = in.nextInt\n arr(1) = in.nextInt\n arr(2) = in.nextInt\n arr = arr.sorted\n val d = in.nextInt\n val a = math.max(arr(1) + d - arr(2), 0)\n val b = math.max(math.abs(arr(1) - d - arr(0)), 0)\n out.println(a + b)\n }\n\n }\n\n\n class InputReader(val stream: InputStream) extends AutoCloseable {\n //reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(stream), 32768);\n private val reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(stream), 32768)\n private var tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(\"\")\n\n\n def next: String = {\n while ( {\n tokenizer == null || !tokenizer.hasMoreTokens\n }) try\n tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(reader.readLine)\n catch {\n case e: IOException =>\n throw new RuntimeException(e)\n }\n tokenizer.nextToken\n }\n\n def nextLine: String = {\n try\n return reader.readLine\n catch {\n case e: IOException =>\n e.printStackTrace()\n }\n \"\"\n }\n\n def nextInt: Int = next.toInt\n\n def nextLong: Long = next.toLong\n\n override def close(): Unit = {\n }\n }\n\n}\n"}], "src_uid": "47c07e46517dbc937e2e779ec0d74eb3"} {"source_code": "import scala.io.Source\n\nobject Cf177a1 extends App {\n val a = Source.stdin.getLines.drop(1).map(_.split(\" \").map(_.toInt)).toArray\n var rez = 0\n val n = a.length\n for (i <- 0 until n) {\n for (j <- 0 until n) {\n if (i == j || i == n - j - 1 || i == n / 2 || j == n / 2) rez = rez + a(i)(j)\n }\n }\n println(rez)\n}", "positive_code": [{"source_code": "import scala.io.Source\n\nobject Cf177a1 extends App {\n val a = Source.stdin.getLines.drop(1).map(_.split(\" \").map(_.toInt)).toArray\n var rez = 0\n val n = a.length\n for (i <- 0 until n) {\n for (j <- 0 until n) {\n if (i == j || i == n - j - 1 || i == n / 2 || j == n / 2) rez = rez + a(i)(j)\n }\n }\n println(rez)\n}"}], "negative_code": [], "src_uid": "5ebfad36e56d30c58945c5800139b880"} {"source_code": "object _1178A extends CodeForcesApp {\n import annotation._, collection.{mutable, Searching}, util._, control._, math.Ordering.Implicits._, Searching._, Math._\n\n override def apply(io: IO): io.type = {\n val votes = io.read[Vector[Int]]\n val majority = 0 +: votes.indicesWhere(v => 2*v <= votes.head)\n val ans = if (2*majority.map(votes).sum > votes.sum) {\n majority\n } else {\n Nil\n }\n io.writeLine(ans.length).writeAll(ans.map(_ + 1))\n }\n\n implicit class IterableExtensions[A, C[A] <: Seq[A]](s: C[A]) {\n def indicesWhere(f: A => Boolean): Seq[Int] = s.zipWithIndex.collect {case (a, i) if f(a) => i}\n }\n}\n/****************************[Ignore Template Below]****************************************/\ntrait CodeForcesApp {\n lazy val isOnlineJudge: Boolean = sys.props.get(\"ONLINE_JUDGE\").exists(_.toBoolean)\n def debug(x: => Any): Unit = if (!isOnlineJudge) println(x)\n def apply(io: IO): io.type\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = this(new IO(System.in, System.out)).close()\n}\n/***********************************[Scala I/O]*********************************************/\nimport java.io._, java.util.StringTokenizer\nimport scala.collection.generic.CanBuild\n\nclass IO(in: BufferedReader, out: BufferedWriter) extends Iterator[String] with AutoCloseable with Flushable {\n def this(reader: Reader, writer: Writer) = this(new BufferedReader(reader), new BufferedWriter(writer))\n def this(in: InputStream, out: OutputStream) = this(new InputStreamReader(in), new OutputStreamWriter(out))\n\n private[this] val tokenizers = Iterator.continually(in.readLine()).takeWhile(_ != null).map(new StringTokenizer(_)).buffered\n val printer = new PrintWriter(out, true)\n\n @inline private[this] def tokenizer() = {\n while(tokenizers.nonEmpty && !tokenizers.head.hasMoreTokens) tokenizers.next()\n tokenizers.headOption\n }\n\n def read[A](implicit read: IO.Read[A]): A = read.apply(this)\n def read[C[_], A: IO.Read](n: Int)(implicit b: CanBuild[A, C[A]]): C[A] = Iterator.fill(n)(read).to[C]\n\n def readTill(delim: String): String = tokenizer().get.nextToken(delim)\n def readTillEndOfLine(): String = readTill(\"\\n\\r\")\n\n def readAll[A: IO.Read]: (Int, Vector[A]) = {\n val data = read[Vector[A]]\n (data.length, data)\n }\n\n override def next() = tokenizer().get.nextToken()\n override def hasNext = tokenizer().nonEmpty\n\n def write(obj: Any): this.type = {\n printer.print(obj)\n this\n }\n def writeLine(): this.type = {\n printer.println()\n this\n }\n def writeLine(obj: Any): this.type = {\n printer.println(obj)\n this\n }\n def writeLines(obj: Traversable[Any]): this.type = writeAll(obj, separator = \"\\n\")\n def writeAll(obj: Traversable[Any], separator: String = \" \"): this.type = write(obj mkString separator)\n def query[A: IO.Read](question: Any): A = writeLine(question).read\n\n override def flush() = printer.flush()\n def close() = {\n flush()\n in.close()\n printer.close()\n }\n}\nobject IO {\n class Read[A](val apply: IO => A) {\n def map[B](f: A => B): Read[B] = new Read(apply andThen f)\n }\n\n object Read {\n implicit def collection[C[_], A: Read](implicit b: CanBuild[A, C[A]]) : Read[C[A]] = new Read(r => r.read[C, A](r.read[Int]))\n implicit val string : Read[String] = new Read(_.next())\n implicit val int : Read[Int] = string.map(_.toInt)\n implicit val long : Read[Long] = string.map(_.toLong)\n implicit val bigInt : Read[BigInt] = string.map(BigInt(_))\n implicit val double : Read[Double] = string.map(_.toDouble)\n implicit val bigDecimal : Read[BigDecimal] = string.map(BigDecimal(_))\n implicit def tuple2[A: Read, B: Read] : Read[(A, B)] = new Read(r => (r.read[A], r.read[B]))\n implicit def tuple3[A: Read, B: Read, C: Read] : Read[(A, B, C)] = new Read(r => (r.read[A], r.read[B], r.read[C]))\n implicit def tuple4[A: Read, B: Read, C: Read, D: Read] : Read[(A, B, C, D)] = new Read(r => (r.read[A], r.read[B], r.read[C], r.read[D]))\n implicit val boolean : Read[Boolean] = string map {s =>\n s.toLowerCase match {\n case \"yes\" | \"true\" | \"1\" => true\n case \"no\" | \"false\" | \"0\" => false\n case _ => s.toBoolean\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\n", "positive_code": [{"source_code": "object A extends App {\n\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(scala.io.StdIn.readLine)\n def readInts(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt) }\n def readLongs(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong) }\n def readBigs(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(BigInt(tl.nextToken)) }\n\n val Array(n) = readInts(1)\n val as = readInts(n).zipWithIndex\n val a0 = as(0)._1\n\n val cs = as.filter(_._1 * 2 <= a0)\n\n val sum = a0 + cs.map(_._1).sum\n\n if (sum * 2 > as.map(_._1).sum) {\n println(cs.size + 1)\n println((1 +: cs.map(_._2 + 1)).mkString(\" \"))\n } else {\n println(0)\n }\n\n Console.flush\n}\n"}], "negative_code": [{"source_code": "object _1178A extends CodeForcesApp {\n import annotation._, collection.{mutable, Searching}, util._, control._, math.Ordering.Implicits._, Searching._, Math._\n\n override def apply(io: IO): io.type = {\n val votes = io.read[Vector[Int]]\n val majority = 0 +: votes.indicesWhere(v => 2*v <= votes.head)\n val ans = if (2*majority.map(votes).sum >= votes.sum) {\n majority\n } else {\n Nil\n }\n io.writeLine(ans.length).writeAll(ans.map(_ + 1))\n }\n\n implicit class IterableExtensions[A, C[A] <: Seq[A]](s: C[A]) {\n def indicesWhere(f: A => Boolean): Seq[Int] = s.zipWithIndex.collect {case (a, i) if f(a) => i}\n }\n}\n/****************************[Ignore Template Below]****************************************/\ntrait CodeForcesApp {\n lazy val isOnlineJudge: Boolean = sys.props.get(\"ONLINE_JUDGE\").exists(_.toBoolean)\n def debug(x: => Any): Unit = if (!isOnlineJudge) println(x)\n def apply(io: IO): io.type\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = this(new IO(System.in, System.out)).close()\n}\n/***********************************[Scala I/O]*********************************************/\nimport java.io._, java.util.StringTokenizer\nimport scala.collection.generic.CanBuild\n\nclass IO(in: BufferedReader, out: BufferedWriter) extends Iterator[String] with AutoCloseable with Flushable {\n def this(reader: Reader, writer: Writer) = this(new BufferedReader(reader), new BufferedWriter(writer))\n def this(in: InputStream, out: OutputStream) = this(new InputStreamReader(in), new OutputStreamWriter(out))\n\n private[this] val tokenizers = Iterator.continually(in.readLine()).takeWhile(_ != null).map(new StringTokenizer(_)).buffered\n val printer = new PrintWriter(out, true)\n\n @inline private[this] def tokenizer() = {\n while(tokenizers.nonEmpty && !tokenizers.head.hasMoreTokens) tokenizers.next()\n tokenizers.headOption\n }\n\n def read[A](implicit read: IO.Read[A]): A = read.apply(this)\n def read[C[_], A: IO.Read](n: Int)(implicit b: CanBuild[A, C[A]]): C[A] = Iterator.fill(n)(read).to[C]\n\n def readTill(delim: String): String = tokenizer().get.nextToken(delim)\n def readTillEndOfLine(): String = readTill(\"\\n\\r\")\n\n def readAll[A: IO.Read]: (Int, Vector[A]) = {\n val data = read[Vector[A]]\n (data.length, data)\n }\n\n override def next() = tokenizer().get.nextToken()\n override def hasNext = tokenizer().nonEmpty\n\n def write(obj: Any): this.type = {\n printer.print(obj)\n this\n }\n def writeLine(): this.type = {\n printer.println()\n this\n }\n def writeLine(obj: Any): this.type = {\n printer.println(obj)\n this\n }\n def writeLines(obj: Traversable[Any]): this.type = writeAll(obj, separator = \"\\n\")\n def writeAll(obj: Traversable[Any], separator: String = \" \"): this.type = write(obj mkString separator)\n def query[A: IO.Read](question: Any): A = writeLine(question).read\n\n override def flush() = printer.flush()\n def close() = {\n flush()\n in.close()\n printer.close()\n }\n}\nobject IO {\n class Read[A](val apply: IO => A) {\n def map[B](f: A => B): Read[B] = new Read(apply andThen f)\n }\n\n object Read {\n implicit def collection[C[_], A: Read](implicit b: CanBuild[A, C[A]]) : Read[C[A]] = new Read(r => r.read[C, A](r.read[Int]))\n implicit val string : Read[String] = new Read(_.next())\n implicit val int : Read[Int] = string.map(_.toInt)\n implicit val long : Read[Long] = string.map(_.toLong)\n implicit val bigInt : Read[BigInt] = string.map(BigInt(_))\n implicit val double : Read[Double] = string.map(_.toDouble)\n implicit val bigDecimal : Read[BigDecimal] = string.map(BigDecimal(_))\n implicit def tuple2[A: Read, B: Read] : Read[(A, B)] = new Read(r => (r.read[A], r.read[B]))\n implicit def tuple3[A: Read, B: Read, C: Read] : Read[(A, B, C)] = new Read(r => (r.read[A], r.read[B], r.read[C]))\n implicit def tuple4[A: Read, B: Read, C: Read, D: Read] : Read[(A, B, C, D)] = new Read(r => (r.read[A], r.read[B], r.read[C], r.read[D]))\n implicit val boolean : Read[Boolean] = string map {s =>\n s.toLowerCase match {\n case \"yes\" | \"true\" | \"1\" => true\n case \"no\" | \"false\" | \"0\" => false\n case _ => s.toBoolean\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\n"}], "src_uid": "0a71fdaaf08c18396324ad762b7379d7"} {"source_code": "object Main {\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val n = readInt()\n println(3 * n / 2)\n }\n}", "positive_code": [{"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\nobject GAGA {\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val scanner = new Scanner(System.in)\n val n = scanner.nextInt()\n println(n/2*3);\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "import java.util.StringTokenizer\n\nobject _84A extends App {\n var token = new StringTokenizer(\"\")\n def next = {\n while (!token.hasMoreTokens()) token = new StringTokenizer(readLine)\n token.nextToken()\n }\n val n = next.toInt\n println(n / 2 * 3)\n}"}, {"source_code": "object Solution extends App {\n val in = scala.io.Source.stdin.getLines()\n println(3 * in.next().toInt / 2)\n}"}, {"source_code": "import scala.math\nobject Main\n{\n\tdef main(args:Array[String])\n\t{\n\t\tprintln(readInt / 2 * 3)\n\t}\n}"}, {"source_code": "object A84 {\n\n import IO._\n import collection.{mutable => cu}\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val Array(n) = readInts(1)\n println(3*(n/2))\n }\n\n object IO {\n @inline def read: String = scala.io.StdIn.readLine\n\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(read)\n\n def readInts(n: Int): Array[Int] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine;\n Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt)\n }\n\n def readLongs(n: Int): Array[Long] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine;\n Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong)\n }\n\n def readBigs(n: Int): Array[BigInt] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine;\n Array.fill(n)(BigInt(tl.nextToken))\n }\n }\n\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\nimport java.io.PrintWriter\nimport scala.annotation.tailrec\nimport scala.collection.mutable\nimport scala.util.Random\n\nobject P84A extends App {\n val sc = new Scanner(System.in)\n val out = new PrintWriter(System.out)\n\n val N = sc.nextInt\n\n val answer = 2 * N - (N / 2)\n\n out.println(answer)\n out.close\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import java.io._\nimport java.util.Locale\nimport scala.annotation.tailrec\n\nobject Easy {\n val reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in))\n def readInt = reader.readLine().toInt\n def readInts = reader.readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n def readLongs = reader.readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toLong)\n\n def ans = readInt / 2 * 3\n\n def main(a: Array[String]) {\n println(ans)\n }\n}\n"}], "negative_code": [], "src_uid": "031e53952e76cff8fdc0988bb0d3239c"} {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn._\n\nobject _361A extends App {\n readInt\n val s = readLine.toCharArray.map(_.asDigit).toSet\n val unique =\n List(\n Set(1, 4, 7, 0),\n Set(1, 2, 3),\n Set(3, 6, 9, 0),\n Set(7, 0, 9))\n val ans = unique.forall(x => x.intersect(s).nonEmpty)\n println(if (ans) \"YES\" else \"NO\")\n}", "positive_code": [{"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn._ \nimport scala.util.control._\n\nobject cf689A {\n def main (args: Array[String]) {\n val n = readInt();\n val s = readLine();\n\n if (judge(s, up) || judge(s, down) || judge(s, left) || judge(s, right)) {\n println(\"NO\");\n } else {\n println(\"YES\");\n }\n }\n\n def judge (s:String, f: Char => Boolean) : Boolean = {\n var res:Boolean = true;\n for (i <- 0 until s.length()) {\n if (f(s(i)) == false) {\n res = false\n }\n }\n return res;\n }\n\n def up (c:Char) : Boolean = {\n if (c == '0' || c > '3') return true;\n else return false;\n }\n\n\n def down (c:Char) : Boolean = {\n if (c == '8' || (c < '7' && c > '0')) return true;\n else return false;\n }\n\n def left (c:Char) : Boolean = {\n if ((c - '0') % 3 == 1 || c == '0') return false;\n else return true;\n }\n\n def right (c:Char) : Boolean = {\n if ((c - '0') % 3 == 0 || c == '0') return false;\n else return true;\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "object Solution extends App {\n val in = io.Source.stdin.getLines()\n val n = in.next().toInt\n val line = in.next()\n val up = Set('1', '2', '3')\n val down = Set('7', '0', '9')\n val right = Set('3', '6', '9', '0')\n val left = Set('1', '4', '7', '0')\n List(left, right, down, up).exists(set => line.forall(i => !set.contains(i))) match {\n case false => println(\"YES\")\n case true => println(\"NO\")\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import Utils._, annotation.tailrec, collection.mutable, util._, control._, math.Ordering.Implicits._\n\nobject _689A extends CodeForcesApp {\n\n val moves = Map(\n 1 -> \"DR\",\n 2 -> \"DLR\",\n 3 -> \"DL\",\n 4 -> \"UDR\",\n 5 -> \"UDLR\",\n 6 -> \"UDL\",\n 7 -> \"UR\",\n 8 -> \"UDLR\",\n 9 -> \"UL\",\n 0 -> \"U\"\n ).mapValues(_.toSet)\n\n override def apply(io: IO) = {import io.{read, write}\n val (_, d) = read[(Int, String)]\n val ans = \"UDLR\" find {c => d.forall(i => moves(i - '0').contains(c))}\n write(ans.isEmpty.toYesNo)\n }\n}\n/****************************[Ignore Template Below]****************************************/\ntrait CodeForcesApp {\n lazy val isOnlineJudge: Boolean = sys.props.get(\"ONLINE_JUDGE\").exists(_.toBoolean)\n def debug(x: Any): Unit = if (!isOnlineJudge) println(x)\n def apply(io: IO): io.type\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = this(new IO(System.in, System.out)).close()\n}\nobject Utils {\n import scala.collection.mutable, mutable.{Map => Dict}\n implicit class GenericExtensions[A](val a: A) extends AnyVal {\n def partialMatch[B](f: PartialFunction[A, B]): Option[B] = f lift a\n }\n implicit class TraversableExtensions[A, C[X] <: Traversable[X]](val t: C[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def onlyElement: A = t.head.ensuring(t.size == 1)\n def groupByIdentifier[K](f: A => K): Map[K, A] = t.groupBy(f).mapValues(_.onlyElement)\n def duplicates(implicit b: C of A): C[A] = {\n val elems = mutable.Set.empty[A]\n (t collect {case i if !elems.add(i) => i}).to[C]\n }\n def sumWith[B](f: A => B)(implicit n: Numeric[B]): B = t.foldLeft(n.zero) {case (p, i) => n.plus(p, f(i))}\n def zipWith[B](f: A => B)(implicit b: C of (A, B)): C[(A, B)] = (t map {i => i -> f(i)}).to[C]\n def mapTo[B](f: A => B)(implicit b: C of (A, B)): Map[A, B] = zipWith(f).toUniqueMap\n def whenNonEmpty[B](f: t.type => B): Option[B] = when(t.nonEmpty)(f(t)) // e.g. grades.whenNonEmpty(_.max)\n def collectFirst[B](f: PartialFunction[A, Option[B]]): Option[B] = t.view collect f collectFirst {case Some(x) => x}\n def toMutableMultiSet: Dict[A, Int] = {\n val c = map[A] to 0\n t.foreach(i => c(i) += 1)\n c\n }\n def toMultiSet: Map[A, Int] = toMutableMultiSet.toMap withDefaultValue 0\n }\n implicit class ArrayExtensions[A <: AnyRef](val a: Array[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def sort(from: Int, until: Int)(implicit cmp: Ordering[A]): Unit = java.util.Arrays.sort(a, from, until, cmp) //sort [from, until)\n }\n implicit class ArrayExtensions2[A](val a: Array[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def sort(from: Int, until: Int)(implicit cmp: Ordering[A]): Unit = a.view(from, until).sorted.copyToArray(a, from)\n }\n implicit class SeqExtensions[A, C[X] <: Seq[X]](val s: C[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def isRotationOf(t: Seq[A]): Boolean = s ++ s containsSlice t\n }\n implicit class PairExtensions[A, B](val p: (A, B)) extends AnyVal {\n def key = p._1\n def value = p._2\n }\n implicit class PairsExtensions[A, B, C[X] <: Traversable[X]](t: C[(A, B)]) {\n def toUniqueMap: Map[A, B] = t.groupByIdentifier(_.key).mapValues(_.value)\n def toMultiMap(implicit b: C of B): Map[A, C[B]] = t.groupBy(_.key).mapValues(_.map(_.value).to[C])\n def swap(implicit b: C of (B, A)): C[(B, A)] = t.map(_.swap).to[C]\n }\n implicit class MapExtensions[K, V, C[X, Y] <: Map[X, Y]](val m: C[K, V]) extends AnyVal {\n def lastKeyOption: Option[K] = m.lastOption.map(_.key)\n def firstKeyOption: Option[K] = m.headOption.map(_.key)\n def invert: Map[V, Set[K]] = m.toSet[(K, V)].swap.toMultiMap\n def mapKeys[K2](f: K => K2): Map[K2, V] = m map {case (k, v) => f(k) -> v}\n def toMutable: Dict[K, V] = Dict.empty[K, V] ++ m\n }\n implicit class MutableMapExtensions[K, V](val m: mutable.Map[K, V]) extends AnyVal {\n def removeLast(): Option[(K, V)] = m.lastOption.map(removeNode)\n def removeFirst(): Option[(K, V)] = m.headOption.map(removeNode)\n private def removeNode(kv: (K, V)): (K, V) = {\n m -= kv.key\n kv\n }\n }\n implicit class SetExtensions[A, C[A] <: Set[A]](val s: C[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def notContains(x: A): Boolean = !(s contains x)\n def toMutable = mutable.Set.empty[A] ++ s\n }\n implicit class IterableExtensions[A, C[A] <: Seq[A]](val s: C[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def deleteAtIndex(i: Int, howMany: Int = 1) = s.patch(i, Nil, howMany)\n def insertAtIndex(i: Int, items: Seq[A]) = s.patch(i, items, 0)\n def findWithIndex(f: A => Boolean): Option[(A, Int)] = s.zipWithIndex find {case (a, _) => f(a)}\n def foldUntil[B](z: B)(f: (B, A) => B)(c: B => Boolean): Option[(B, Int)] = s.view.scanLeft(z)(f) findWithIndex c\n }\n implicit class BooleanExtensions(val x: Boolean) extends AnyVal {\n def to[A](implicit n: Numeric[A]) = if(x) n.one else n.zero\n def toYesNo = if(x) \"YES\" else \"NO\"\n }\n implicit class IntExtensions(val x: Int) extends AnyVal {\n def bitCount: Int = java.lang.Integer.bitCount(x)\n }\n implicit class LongExtensions(val x: Long) extends AnyVal {\n def bitCount: Int = java.lang.Long.bitCount(x)\n }\n implicit class NumericExtensions[A](val x: A)(implicit n: Numeric[A]) {\n import Numeric.Implicits._\n def **(i: Int): A = if (i == 0) n.one else {\n val h = x ** (i/2)\n if (i%2 == 0) h * h else h * h * x\n }\n def distance(y: A) = (x - y).abs()\n def nonNegative: Option[A] = when(n.gteq(x, n.zero))(x)\n def whenNegative(f: => A): A = nonNegative getOrElse f //e.g. students indexOf \"Greg\" whenNegative Int.MaxValue\n }\n implicit class IntegralExtensions[A](val x: A)(implicit n: Integral[A]) {\n import scala.collection.immutable.NumericRange, Integral.Implicits._\n def mod(y: A): A = x - ((x / y) * y) //(x/y)*y + (x mod y) == x\n def -->(y: A): NumericRange.Inclusive[A] = NumericRange.inclusive(n.min(x, y), n.max(x, y), n.one)\n def ceilDiv(y: A): A = if (mod(y) == n.zero) x/y else n.one + (x/y)\n }\n implicit def toPoint[A](p: (A, A))(implicit n: Numeric[A]) = new java.awt.geom.Point2D.Double(n.toDouble(p._1), n.toDouble(p._2))\n def desc[A: Ordering]: Ordering[A] = asc[A].reverse //e.g. students.sortBy(_.height)(desc)\n def asc[A](implicit order: Ordering[A]): Ordering[A] = order\n def map[K] = new {\n def to[V](default: => V): Dict[K, V] = using(_ => default)\n def using[V](f: K => V): Dict[K, V] = new mutable.HashMap[K, V]() {\n override def apply(key: K) = getOrElseUpdate(key, f(key))\n }\n }\n def newMultiMap[K, V] = map[K] to mutable.Set.empty[V]\n def memoize[A, B](f: A => B): A ==> B = map[A] using f\n implicit class FuzzyDouble(val x: Double) extends AnyVal {\n def >~(y: Double) = x > y + eps\n def >=~(y: Double) = x >= y + eps\n def ~<(y: Double) = y >=~ x\n def ~=<(y: Double) = y >~ x\n def ~=(y: Double) = (x distance y) <= eps\n }\n @inline def when[A](check: Boolean)(f: => A): Option[A] = if (check) Some(f) else None\n def repeat[U](n: Int)(f: => U): Unit = (1 to n).foreach(_ => f)\n type of[C[_], A] = scala.collection.generic.CanBuild[A, C[A]]\n type ==>[A, B] = collection.Map[A, B]\n val mod: Int = (1e9 + 7).toInt\n val eps: Double = 1e-9\n}\n/***********************************[Scala I/O]*********************************************/\nimport Utils._, java.io._, java.util.StringTokenizer\n\nclass IO(in: BufferedReader, out: BufferedWriter) extends Iterator[String] with AutoCloseable with Flushable {\n def this(reader: Reader, writer: Writer) = this(new BufferedReader(reader), new BufferedWriter(writer))\n def this(in: InputStream, out: OutputStream) = this(new InputStreamReader(in), new OutputStreamWriter(out))\n\n private[this] val tokenizers = Iterator.continually(in.readLine()).takeWhile(_ != null).map(new StringTokenizer(_)).buffered\n val printer = new PrintWriter(out, true)\n\n @inline private[this] def tokenizer() = {\n while(tokenizers.nonEmpty && !tokenizers.head.hasMoreTokens) tokenizers.next()\n when(tokenizers.nonEmpty)(tokenizers.head)\n }\n\n def read[A](implicit read: IO.Read[A]): A = read.apply(this)\n def read[C[_], A: IO.Read](n: Int)(implicit b: C of A): C[A] = Iterator.fill(n)(read).to[C]\n\n def readTill(delim: String): String = tokenizer().get.nextToken(delim)\n def readTillEndOfLine(): String = readTill(\"\\n\\r\")\n\n override def next() = tokenizer().get.nextToken()\n override def hasNext = tokenizer().nonEmpty\n\n def write(obj: Any, more: Any*): this.type = {\n printer.print(obj)\n more foreach {i =>\n printer.print(' ')\n printer.print(i)\n }\n this\n }\n def writeLine(obj: Any*): this.type = {\n if (obj.isEmpty) printer.println() else obj foreach printer.println\n this\n }\n def writeAll(obj: Traversable[Any], separator: String = \" \"): this.type = write(obj mkString separator)\n\n override def flush() = printer.flush()\n def close() = {\n flush()\n in.close()\n printer.close()\n }\n}\nobject IO {\n class Read[A](val apply: IO => A) {\n def map[B](f: A => B): Read[B] = new Read(apply andThen f)\n }\n object Read {\n implicit def collection[C[_], A: Read](implicit b: C of A): Read[C[A]] = new Read(r => r.read[C, A](r.read[Int]))\n implicit val string : Read[String] = new Read(_.next())\n implicit val char : Read[Char] = string.map(_.toTraversable.onlyElement)\n implicit val int : Read[Int] = string.map(_.toInt)\n implicit val long : Read[Long] = string.map(_.toLong)\n implicit val bigInt : Read[BigInt] = string.map(BigInt(_))\n implicit val double : Read[Double] = string.map(_.toDouble)\n implicit val bigDecimal : Read[BigDecimal] = string.map(BigDecimal(_))\n implicit def tuple2[A: Read, B: Read] : Read[(A, B)] = new Read(r => (r.read[A], r.read[B]))\n implicit def tuple3[A: Read, B: Read, C: Read] : Read[(A, B, C)] = new Read(r => (r.read[A], r.read[B], r.read[C]))\n implicit def tuple4[A: Read, B: Read, C: Read, D: Read] : Read[(A, B, C, D)] = new Read(r => (r.read[A], r.read[B], r.read[C], r.read[D]))\n implicit val boolean : Read[Boolean] = string map {s =>\n s.toLowerCase match {\n case \"yes\" | \"true\" | \"1\" => true\n case \"no\" | \"false\" | \"0\" => false\n case _ => s.toBoolean\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\n"}, {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\n\nobject Main{\n def ctoi(c: Char) = c.toInt - '0'.toInt\n\n def main (args: Array[String]){\n val sc = new Scanner(System.in)\n val n = sc.nextInt()\n sc.nextLine()\n val s = sc.nextLine()\n\n val dp = new Array[Boolean](10)\n\n val key = Array((1, 3),\n (0,0), (1,0), (2,0),\n (0,1), (1,1), (2,1),\n (0,2), (1,2), (2,2)\n )\n\n var xl = 9\n var xr = -1\n var yl = 9\n var yr = -1\n\n for(i <- 0 until n){\n val now = ctoi(s(i))\n dp(now) = true\n val (nx, ny) = key(now)\n\n xl = Math.min(xl, nx)\n xr = Math.max(xr, nx)\n yl = Math.min(yl, ny)\n yr = Math.max(yr, ny)\n }\n\n val xz = xr - xl + 1\n val yz = yr - yl + 1\n\n val yes = \"YES\"\n val no = \"NO\"\n\n if(yz == 4)\n println(yes)\n else if(xz == 3 && yz == 3){\n if(dp(0) || (dp(8) && !dp(7) && !dp(9)))\n println(no)\n else\n println(yes)\n }\n else\n println(no)\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn._\n\nobject A extends App {\n readInt()\n val M = readLine().toCharArray.map(_.asDigit)\n\n def delta(a: Int, b: Int): (Int, Int) = {\n val (y1, x1) = pos(a)\n val (y2, x2) = pos(b)\n (y2 - y1, x2 - x1)\n }\n\n def pos(a: Int) = {\n if (List(1, 2, 3).contains(a)) (0, a - 1)\n else if (List(4, 5, 6).contains(a)) (1, a % 4)\n else if (List(7, 8, 9).contains(a)) (2, a % 7)\n else (3, 1)\n }\n\n var prev = M.head\n val Deltas = M.tail.map { curr =>\n val d = delta(prev, curr)\n prev = curr\n d\n }\n\n def canMoveFromThisPoint(startY: Int, startX: Int): Boolean = {\n var y = startY\n var x = startX\n\n Deltas.foreach { case (dy, dx) =>\n y += dy\n x += dx\n\n if (y < 0 || x < 0 || y > 3 || x >= 3) return false\n else if (y == 3 && x != 1) return false\n }\n\n true\n }\n\n def existDifferentPath: Boolean = {\n val (startY, startX) = pos(M.head)\n for {\n y <- 0 to 3\n x <- 0 to 2\n } {\n val isIllegal = (y == 3 && x != 1) || (y == startY && x == startX)\n if (!isIllegal && canMoveFromThisPoint(y, x)) return true\n }\n\n false\n }\n\n val unique = !existDifferentPath\n println(if (unique) \"YES\" else \"NO\")\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object main\n{\n\tdef main(args : Array[String] )\n\t{\n\t\tvar n = Console.readLine.toInt;\n\t\tvar str = Console.readLine;\n\n\t\tvar pos = Array(Array(4,2),Array(1,1),Array(1,2),Array(1,3),Array(2,1),Array(2,2),Array(2,3),Array(3,1),Array(3,2),Array(3,3));\n\n\t\tvar cnt = 0;\n\t\tvar a = 0;\n\t\tfor (a <- 0 to 9 )\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tvar nowx = pos(a)(0);\n\t\t\tvar nowy = pos(a)(1);\n\t\t\tvar able = true;\n\t\t\tvar b = 0;\n\t\t\tfor (b <- 0 to n-2)\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tvar dx = pos(str.charAt(b+1)-'0')(0)-pos(str.charAt(b)-'0')(0);\n\t\t\t\tvar dy = pos(str.charAt(b+1)-'0')(1)-pos(str.charAt(b)-'0')(1);\n\t\t\t\tnowx += dx;\n\t\t\t\tnowy += dy;\n\t\t\t\tif (nowx < 1 || nowy < 1 || nowy>3) able=false;\n\t\t\t\tif (nowx>3 && (nowx!=4 || nowy!=2)) able=false;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tif (able) cnt+=1;\n\t\t}\n\t\tif (cnt==1) println(\"YES\");\n\t\telse println(\"NO\");\n}\n}"}], "negative_code": [{"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn._ \nimport scala.util.control._\n\nobject cf689A {\n def main (args: Array[String]) {\n val n = readInt();\n val s = readLine();\n\n if (judge(s, up) || judge(s, down) || judge(s, left) || judge(s, right)) {\n println(\"NO\");\n } else {\n println(\"YES\");\n }\n }\n\n def judge (s:String, f: Char => Boolean) : Boolean = {\n var res:Boolean = true;\n for (i <- 0 until s.length()) {\n if (f(s(i)) == false) {\n res = false\n }\n }\n return res;\n }\n\n def up (c:Char) : Boolean = {\n if (c == '0' || c > '3') return true;\n else return false;\n }\n\n\n def down (c:Char) : Boolean = {\n if (c == '8' || c < '7') return true;\n else return false;\n }\n\n def left (c:Char) : Boolean = {\n if ((c - '0') % 3 == 1 || c == '0') return false;\n else return true;\n }\n\n def right (c:Char) : Boolean = {\n if ((c - '0') % 3 == 0 || c == '0') return false;\n else return true;\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn._ \nimport scala.util.control._\n\nobject cf689A {\n def main (args: Array[String]) {\n val n = readInt();\n val s = readLine();\n\n if (judge(s, up) || judge(s, down) || judge(s, left) || judge(s, right)) {\n println(\"NO\");\n } else {\n println(\"YES\");\n }\n }\n\n def judge (s:String, f: Char => Boolean) : Boolean = {\n var res:Boolean = true;\n for (i <- 0 until s.length()) {\n if (f(s(i)) == false) {\n res = false\n }\n }\n return res;\n }\n\n def up (c:Char) : Boolean = {\n if (c == '0' || c > '3') return true;\n else return false;\n }\n\n\n def down (c:Char) : Boolean = {\n if (c == '8' || c < '7') return true;\n else return false;\n }\n\n def left (c:Char) : Boolean = {\n if ((c - '0') % 3 == 1) return true;\n else return false;\n }\n\n def right (c:Char) : Boolean = {\n if ((c - '0') % 3 == 0 && c != '0') return true;\n else return false;\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "object Solution extends App {\n val in = io.Source.stdin.getLines()\n val n = in.next().toInt\n val line = in.next()\n val up = Set('1', '2', '3')\n val down = Set('7', '0', '9')\n val right = Set('3', '6', '9', '0')\n val left = Set('1', '4', '7', '0')\n List(left, up, down, up).exists(set => line.forall(i => !set.contains(i))) match {\n case false => println(\"YES\")\n case true => println(\"NO\")\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\n\nobject Main{\n def ctoi(c: Char) = c.toInt - '0'.toInt\n\n def main (args: Array[String]){\n val sc = new Scanner(System.in)\n val n = sc.nextInt()\n sc.nextLine()\n val s = sc.nextLine()\n\n val key = Array((1, 3),\n (0,0), (1,0), (2,0),\n (0,1), (1,1), (2,1),\n (0,2), (1,2), (2,2)\n )\n\n var xl = 9\n var xr = -1\n var yl = 9\n var yr = -1\n\n for(i <- 0 until n){\n val (nx, ny) = key(ctoi(s(i)))\n xl = Math.min(xl, nx)\n xr = Math.max(xr, nx)\n yl = Math.min(yl, ny)\n yr = Math.max(yr, ny)\n }\n\n val xz = xr - xl + 1\n val yz = yr - yl + 1\n\n val yes = \"YES\"\n val no = \"NO\"\n\n if(yz == 4)\n println(yes)\n else if(xz == 3 && yz == 3)\n println(yes)\n else\n println(no)\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn._\n\nobject A extends App {\n readInt()\n val M = readLine().toCharArray.map(_.asDigit)\n\n def delta(a: Int, b: Int): (Int, Int) = {\n val (y1, x1) = pos(a)\n val (y2, x2) = pos(b)\n (y2 - y1, x2 - x1)\n }\n\n def pos(a: Int) = {\n if (List(1, 2, 3).contains(a)) (0, a - 1)\n else if (List(4, 5, 6).contains(a)) (1, a % 4)\n else if (List(7, 8, 9).contains(a)) (2, a % 7)\n else (3, 1)\n }\n\n var prev = M.head\n val Deltas = M.tail.map { curr =>\n val d = delta(prev, curr)\n prev = curr\n d\n }\n\n def canMoveFromThisPoint(startY: Int, startX: Int): Boolean = {\n var y = startY\n var x = startX\n\n Deltas.foreach { case (dy, dx) =>\n y += dy\n x += dx\n\n if (y < 0 || x < 0 || y > 3 || x >= 3) return false\n else if (y == 3 && x != 1) return false\n }\n\n true\n }\n\n def existDifferentPath: Boolean = {\n val (startY, startX) = pos(M.head)\n for {\n y <- 0 to 3\n x <- 0 to 2\n if y != startY && x != startX\n } {\n if (canMoveFromThisPoint(y, x)) return true\n }\n\n false\n }\n\n val unique = !existDifferentPath\n println(if (unique) \"YES\" else \"NO\")\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn._\n\nobject A extends App {\n readInt()\n val M = readLine().toCharArray.map(_.asDigit)\n\n def delta(a: Int, b: Int): (Int, Int) = {\n val (y1, x1) = pos(a)\n val (y2, x2) = pos(b)\n (y2 - y1, x2 - x1)\n }\n\n def pos(a: Int) = {\n if (List(1, 2, 3).contains(a)) (0, a - 1)\n else if (List(4, 5, 6).contains(a)) (1, a % 4)\n else if (List(7, 8, 9).contains(a)) (2, a % 7)\n else (3, 1)\n }\n\n var prev = M.head\n val Deltas = M.tail.map { curr =>\n val d = delta(prev, curr)\n prev = curr\n d\n }\n\n def canMoveFromThisPoint(startY: Int, startX: Int): Boolean = {\n var y = startY\n var x = startX\n\n Deltas.foreach { case (dy, dx) =>\n y += dy\n x += dx\n\n if (y < 0 || x < 0 || y > 3 || x >= 3) return false\n else if (y == 3 && x != 1) return false\n }\n\n true\n }\n\n def existDifferentPath: Boolean = {\n val (startY, startX) = pos(M.head)\n for {\n y <- 0 to 3\n x <- 0 to 2\n if y != startY && x != startX\n } {\n val isIllegal = y == 3 && x != 1\n if (!isIllegal && canMoveFromThisPoint(y, x)) return true\n }\n\n false\n }\n\n val unique = !existDifferentPath\n println(if (unique) \"YES\" else \"NO\")\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object main\n{\n\tdef main(args : Array[String] )\n\t{\n\t\tvar n = Console.readLine.toInt;\n\t\tvar str = Console.readLine;\n\n\t\tvar a = 0;\n\n\t\tvar minx = 3;\n\t\tvar miny = 3;\n\t\tvar maxx = 1;\n\t\tvar maxy = 1;\n\n\t\tfor ( a <- 0 to n-1 )\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tif (str.charAt(a)<='3') \n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tminx=1;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tif (str.charAt(a)<='6' && minx==3)\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tminx=2;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tif (str.charAt(a)>='7')\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tmaxx=3;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tif (str.charAt(a)>='4' && maxx==1)\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tmaxx=2;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tif (str.charAt(a)=='1' || str.charAt(a)=='4' || str.charAt(a)=='7')\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tminy=1;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tif ((str.charAt(a)=='2' || str.charAt(a)=='5' || str.charAt(a)=='8'))\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tif (miny==3) \n\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t\tminy=2;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\tif (maxy==1)\n\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t\tmaxy=2;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tif (str.charAt(a)=='3' || str.charAt(a)=='6' || str.charAt(a)=='9')\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tmaxy=3;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t\tif (minx==1 && maxx==3 && miny==1 && maxy==3)\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tprintln(\"YES\");\n\t\t}\n\t\telse\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tprintln(\"NO\");\n\t\t}\n\t}\n}"}, {"source_code": "object main\n{\n\tdef main(args : Array[String] )\n\t{\n\t\tvar n = Console.readLine.toInt;\n\t\tvar str = Console.readLine;\n\n\t\tvar a = 0;\n\n\t\tvar minx = 3;\n\t\tvar miny = 3;\n\t\tvar maxx = 1;\n\t\tvar maxy = 1;\n\n\t\tfor ( a <- 0 to n-1 )\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tif (str.charAt(a)<='3') \n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tminx=1;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tif (str.charAt(a)<='6' && minx==3)\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tminx=2;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tif (str.charAt(a)>='7')\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tmaxx=3;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tif (str.charAt(a)>='4' && maxx==1)\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tmaxx=2;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tif (str.charAt(a)=='1' || str.charAt(a)=='4' || str.charAt(a)=='7')\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tminy=1;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tif ((str.charAt(a)=='2' || str.charAt(a)=='5' || str.charAt(a)=='8'))\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tif (miny==3) \n\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t\tminy=2;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\tif (maxy==1)\n\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t\tmaxy=2;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tif (str.charAt(a)=='3' || str.charAt(a)=='6' || str.charAt(a)=='9')\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tmaxx=3;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t\tif (minx==1 && maxx==3 && miny==1 && maxy==3)\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tprintln(\"YES\");\n\t\t}\n\t\telse\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tprintln(\"NO\");\n\t\t}\n\t}\n}"}], "src_uid": "d0f5174bb0bcca5a486db327b492bf33"} {"source_code": "//package codeforces.contest1213\n\nobject EqualizingByDivision {\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val Array(_, k) = io.StdIn.readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n val elements = io.StdIn.readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n\n val maxElement = elements.max\n\n val frequency = Array.ofDim[Int](maxElement + 1, 20) // frequency with steps\n\n for (e <- elements) {\n var temp = e\n var i = 0\n while (temp > 0) {\n frequency(temp)(i) += 1\n\n i += 1\n temp = temp / 2\n }\n }\n\n println {\n (1 to maxElement).foldLeft(Int.MaxValue) {\n case (acc, e) =>\n val (steps, count) = frequency(e).indices\n .foldLeft((0, 0)) {\n case ((steps, count), i) =>\n val c = frequency(e)(i)\n if (c != 0 && count < k)\n if (count + c <= k) (steps + i * c, count + c)\n else (steps + i * (k - count), k)\n else\n (steps, count)\n }\n\n if (count == k) acc min steps else acc\n }\n }\n }\n}\n", "positive_code": [{"source_code": "//package codeforces.contest1213\n\nobject EqualizingByDivision {\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val Array(_, k) = io.StdIn.readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n val elements = io.StdIn.readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n\n val maxElement = elements.max\n\n val frequency = Array.ofDim[Int](maxElement + 1, 20) // frequency with steps\n\n for (e <- elements) {\n var temp = e\n var i = 0\n while (temp > 0) {\n frequency(temp)(i) += 1\n\n i += 1\n temp = temp / 2\n }\n }\n\n println {\n (1 to maxElement).foldLeft(Int.MaxValue) {\n case (acc, e) =>\n val (steps, count) = frequency(e).indices\n .foldLeft((0, 0)) {\n case ((steps, count), i) =>\n val c = frequency(e)(i)\n if (c != 0 && count < k)\n if (count + c <= k) (steps + i * c, count + c)\n else (steps + i * (k - count), k)\n else\n (steps, count)\n }\n\n if (count == k) acc min steps else acc\n }\n }\n }\n}\n"}], "negative_code": [{"source_code": "//package codeforces.contest1213\n\nobject EqualizingByDivision {\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val Array(_, k) = io.StdIn.readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n val elements = io.StdIn.readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n\n val maxElement = elements.max\n\n val frequency = Array.ofDim[Int](maxElement + 1, 20) // frequency with steps\n\n for (e <- elements) {\n var temp = e\n var i = 0\n while (temp > 0) {\n frequency(temp)(i) += 1\n\n i += 1\n temp = temp / 2\n }\n }\n\n println {\n (1 to maxElement).foldLeft(Int.MaxValue) {\n case (acc, e) =>\n val (steps, count) = frequency(e).indices\n .foldLeft((0, 0)) {\n case ((steps, count), i) =>\n val c = frequency(e)(i)\n if (c != 0 && count < k)\n if (count + c <= k) (steps + i * c, count + c)\n else (steps + i * (count + c - k), k)\n else\n (steps, count)\n }\n\n if (count == k) acc min steps else acc\n }\n }\n }\n}\n"}], "src_uid": "ed1a2ae733121af6486568e528fe2d84"} {"source_code": "object A extends App {\n def l(n: Int): Int = n * (n + 1) / 2\n\n val a = scala.io.StdIn.readInt()\n val b = scala.io.StdIn.readInt()\n val n = (a - b).abs\n val m = n / 2\n\n val t = if (n == 1) 1\n else if (n % 2 == 0) 2 * l(m)\n else 2 * l(m) + (m + 1)\n\n println(t)\n}\n", "positive_code": [{"source_code": "import scala.io._\nimport scala.math._\n\nobject a7 {\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n def apsum(n:Int) = n*(n+1)/2\n val pos = Source.stdin.getLines().toArray.map(_.toInt)\n val (a,b)=(pos(0), pos(1))\n val diff = abs(a-b)\n println(apsum(diff/2)+apsum(diff-diff/2))\n }\n}\n"}], "negative_code": [], "src_uid": "d3f2c6886ed104d7baba8dd7b70058da"} {"source_code": "//2.12.5 | JDoodle.Com & 2.12 | CodeForces.Com\nimport scala.io.Source\n\nobject Solution {\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val input = Source.stdin.getLines()\n \n val Array(grown_ups, children) = input.next().split(' ').map(_.toInt)\n \n if (grown_ups < 1 & children > 0)\n print(\"Impossible\")\n else\n print(math.max(grown_ups, children) + \" \" + {if (children > 0) grown_ups + children - 1 else grown_ups})\n }\n}", "positive_code": [{"source_code": "object Solution {\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val tokens = readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n val grownups = tokens(0)\n val kids = tokens(1)\n if (grownups == 0 && kids > 0) {\n println(\"Impossible\")\n } else {\n printf(\"%d %d\\n\",\n grownups + (0 max (kids-grownups)),\n grownups + (0 max (kids-1)))\n }\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.Source\n\nobject Solution extends App {\n val in = Source.stdin.getLines()\n val Array(n, m) = in.next().split(' ').map(_.toInt)\n println((n, m) match {\n case(x, 0) => s\"$x $x\"\n case(0, x) => \"Impossible\"\n case(y, x) if y >= x => s\"$y ${y + x - 1}\"\n case(y, x) => s\"$x ${y + x - 1}\"\n })\n\n}"}, {"source_code": "//http://rextester.com scala 2.11.7\nimport scala.io.Source\nobject Rextester extends App{\n val a=Source.stdin.getLines();val Array(b,c)=a.next().split(' ').map(_.toInt)\n if(b<1&c>0)print(\"Impossible\")\n else{\n var d=b+c-1\n if(c==0)d=b\n print(math.max(b,c)+\" \"+d)\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.Source;object a{def main(args:Array[String]){val z=Source.stdin.getLines();val Array(a,b)=z.next().split(' ').map(_.toInt);if(a<1&b>0)print(\"Impossible\")else print(math.max(a,b)+\" \"+{if(b>0)a+b-1 else a})}}"}, {"source_code": "//rextester.com:2.11.7--codeforces.com:2.11.8\nimport scala.io.Source\nobject Rextester extends App{\n val z=Source.stdin.getLines();val Array(a,b)=z.next().split(' ').map(_.toInt)\n if(a<1&b>0)print(\"Impossible\")\n else print(math.max(a,b)+\" \"+{if(b>0)a+b-1 else a})\n}"}, {"source_code": "//rextester.com:2.11.7--codeforces.com:2.11.8\nimport scala.io.Source\nobject a extends App{\n val z=Source.stdin.getLines();val Array(a,b)=z.next().split(' ').map(_.toInt)\n if(a<1&b>0)print(\"Impossible\")\n else print(math.max(a,b)+\" \"+{if(b>0)a+b-1 else a})\n}"}, {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\nimport java.io.PrintWriter\nimport java.util.Arrays.binarySearch\nimport scala.annotation.tailrec\nimport scala.collection.mutable\nimport scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer\nimport scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer\nimport scala.util.Random\nimport scala.util.control.Breaks._\n\n\nobject P190A extends App {\n val sc = new Scanner(System.in)\n val out = new PrintWriter(System.out)\n\n val N, M = sc.nextInt\n\n val res = (N, M) match {\n case (0, 0) => \"0 0\"\n case (0, _) => \"Impossible\"\n case (x, 0) => List(x, x).mkString(\" \")\n case (x, y) => List(x max y, x + y - 1).mkString(\" \")\n }\n\n out.println(res)\n out.close\n}\n\n\n\n\n\n"}, {"source_code": "object Main {\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val Array(n, m) = readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n val min = n + (m - n).max(0)\n val max = n + (m - 1).max(0)\n if (n == 0 && m == 0) println(\"0 0\")\n else if (n == 0) println(\"Impossible\")\n else println(min + \" \" + max)\n }\n}"}], "negative_code": [{"source_code": "import scala.io.Source\n\nobject Solution extends App {\n val in = Source.stdin.getLines()\n val Array(n, m) = in.next().split(' ').map(_.toInt)\n println((n, m) match {\n case(0, x) => \"Impossible\"\n case(x, 0) => s\"$x $x\"\n case(y, x) if y >= x => s\"$y ${y + x - 1}\"\n case(y, x) => s\"$x ${y + x - 1}\"\n })\n\n}"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.Source\n\nobject Solution extends App {\n val in = Source.stdin.getLines()\n val Array(n, m) = in.next().split(' ').map(_.toInt)\n println((n, m) match {\n case(0, x) => \"Impossible\"\n case(y, x) if y >= x => s\"$y ${y + x - 1}\"\n case(y, x) => s\"$x ${y + x - 1}\"\n })\n\n}"}, {"source_code": "//http://rextester.com scala 2.11.7\nimport scala.io.Source\nobject Rextester extends App{\n val in=Source.stdin.getLines();val Array(a,b)=in.next().split(' ').map(_.toInt)\n if(a>0&b>=0){\n var c=a+b-1\n if(b==0)c=a\n print(math.max(a,b)+\" \"+c)\n }\n else print(\"Impossible\")\n}"}, {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\nimport java.io.PrintWriter\nimport java.util.Arrays.binarySearch\nimport scala.annotation.tailrec\nimport scala.collection.mutable\nimport scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer\nimport scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer\nimport scala.util.Random\nimport scala.util.control.Breaks._\n\n\nobject P190A extends App {\n val sc = new Scanner(System.in)\n val out = new PrintWriter(System.out)\n\n val N, M = sc.nextInt\n\n val res = (N, M) match {\n case (0, _) => \"Impossible\"\n case (x, 0) => List(x, x).mkString(\" \")\n case (x, y) => List(x max y, x + y - 1).mkString(\" \")\n }\n\n out.println(res)\n out.close\n}\n\n\n\n\n\n"}, {"source_code": "object Main {\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val Array(n, m) = readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n val min = n + (m - n).max(0)\n val max = n + (m - 1).max(0)\n if (n == 0) println(\"Impossible\")\n else println(min + \" \" + max)\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "object Main {\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val Array(n, m) = readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n val min = n + (m - n).max(0)\n val max = n + m - 1\n if (n == 0) println(\"Impossible\")\n else println(min + \" \" + max)\n }\n}"}], "src_uid": "1e865eda33afe09302bda9077d613763"} {"source_code": "import scala.io.Source\n\nobject Solution extends App {\n val in = Source.stdin.getLines()\n val data = (1 to 8).map(_ => in.next())\n val lines = data.count(_.forall(_ == 'B'))\n val rows = data.find(_.exists(_ == 'W')).map(_.count(_ == 'B')).getOrElse(0)\n println(lines + rows)\n}\n", "positive_code": [{"source_code": "object P7A {\n def main(args : Array[String]) {\n val a = Array.fill(8){readLine}\n val af = a filter {_ != \"BBBBBBBB\"}\n val c = 0 until 8 count {n => af exists {_(n) == 'B'}}\n println(8 - af.size + c)\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\n\nobject A7Chess extends App {\n\n val scanner = new Scanner(System.in)\n\n val in = Array.ofDim[Cell](8, 8)\n\n var result = 0\n\n for (x <- 0 until 8) yield {\n val str = scanner.next()\n in(x) = str.map({\n case 'W' => Cell(color = false)\n case 'B' => Cell(color = true)\n }).toArray\n }\n\n (0 until 8) foreach(i => solve(in(_)(i)))\n (0 until 8) foreach(i => solve(in(i)(_)))\n\n println(result)\n\n def solve(function: (Int) => Cell): Unit = {\n if (paintedWithBlack(function)) {\n visit(function)\n result += 1\n }\n }\n\n def visit(function: (Int) => Cell): Unit = {\n (0 until 8).foreach(function(_).visited = true)\n }\n\n def paintedWithBlack(function: (Int) => Cell): Boolean = {\n (0 until 8).forall(function(_).color) && (0 until 8).exists(!function(_).visited)\n }\n\n case class Cell(color: Boolean, var visited: Boolean = false)\n\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object A7 {\n\n import IO._\n import collection.{mutable => cu}\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val in = Array.fill(8)(read.toCharArray)\n val res = {\n (0 until 8).map{j => (0 until 8).map(i=>in(i)(j))}.count(_.forall(_ == 'B')) +\n in.count(_.forall(_ == 'B'))\n }\n if(res == 16)\n println(\"8\")\n else\n println(res)\n }\n\n object IO {\n private val input = new java.io.BufferedReader(new java.io.InputStreamReader(System.in))\n\n @inline def read: String = input.readLine()\n\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(read)\n\n def readInt: Int = tokenizeLine.nextToken.toInt\n\n def readInts(n: Int): Array[Int] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine\n Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt)\n }\n\n def readLongs(n: Int): Array[Long] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine\n Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong)\n }\n\n def readBigs(n: Int): Array[BigInt] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine\n Array.fill(n)(BigInt(tl.nextToken))\n }\n }\n\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object P7A {\n def main(args : Array[String]) {\n val a = Array.fill(8){readLine}\n val af = a filter {_ != \"BBBBBBBB\"}\n val c = 0 until 8 count {n => af exists {_(n) == 'B'}}\n println(8 - af.size + c)\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "object P7A {\n def main(args : Array[String]) {\n val a = Array.fill(8){readLine}\n val af = a filter {_ != \"BBBBBBBB\"}\n val c = 0 until 8 count {n => af exists {_(n) == 'B'}}\n println(8 - af.size + c)\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object P7A {\n def main(args : Array[String]) {\n val a = Array.fill(8){readLine} filter {_ != \"BBBBBBBB\"}\n val c = 0 until 8 count {n => a exists {_(n) == 'B'}}\n println(8 - a.size + c)\n }\n}\n"}], "negative_code": [{"source_code": "object P7A {\n def main(args : Array[String]) {\n val a = Array.fill(8){readLine}\n val af = a filter {_ != \"BBBBBBBB\"}\n val c = 0 until 8 count {n => af exists {_(n) == 'W'}}\n println(8 - af.size + c)\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "object P7A {\n def main(args : Array[String]) {\n val a = Array.fill(8){readLine}\n val af = a filter {_ != \"BBBBBBBB\"}\n val c = 0 until 8 count {\n n : Int => af forall {_(n) == 'B'}\n }\n println(8 - af.size + c)\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object P7A {\n def main(args : Array[String]) {\n val a = Array.fill(8){readLine}\n val af = a filter {_ != \"BBBBBBBB\"}\n val c = 0 until 8 count {n => af exists {_(n) == 'W'}}\n println(8 - af.size + c)\n }\n}\n"}], "src_uid": "8b6ae2190413b23f47e2958a7d4e7bc0"} {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\n\nobject UnusualSequencesJudgeSolution {\n val MOD: Long = 1000000007\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val sc = new Scanner(System.in)\n val (x, y) = (sc.nextInt, sc.nextInt)\n\n def count(L: Int): Long = {\n if (L <= 2) 1\n else {\n def pow(b: Long, p: Long): Long = {\n if (p == 0) 1L\n else if (p % 2 == 0) {\n val result = pow(b, p / 2);\n (result * result) % MOD\n }\n else (b * pow(b, p - 1)) % MOD\n }\n def divisors(x: Int): List[Int] = {\n def divisorsRec(d: Int): List[Int] = {\n if (1L * d * d > x) List.empty\n else if (x % d == 0) {\n if (d * d == x) d :: divisorsRec(d + 1)\n else d :: x / d :: divisorsRec(d + 1)\n }\n else divisorsRec(d + 1)\n }\n divisorsRec(1)\n }\n\n val DP = collection.mutable.Map[Int, Long]()\n def D(l: Int): Long = {\n if (DP.contains(l)) DP(l)\n else {\n val result = (pow(2, l - 1) - divisors(l).filter(_ != l).map(d => D(d)).foldLeft(0L)((x, sum) => (x + sum) % MOD) + MOD) % MOD\n DP.update(l, result)\n result\n }\n }\n\n D(L)\n }\n }\n def solve(): Long = {\n if (y % x != 0) 0\n else {\n count(y / x)\n }\n }\n println(solve())\n }\n}\n", "positive_code": [{"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\n\nobject UnusualSequencesJudgeSolution {\n class Lazy[A](x: => A) {\n lazy val value = x\n override def toString(): String = value.toString()\n }\n\n object Lazy {\n def apply[A](x: => A) = new Lazy(x)\n implicit def fromLazy[A](z: Lazy[A]): A = z.value\n implicit def toLazy[A](x: => A): Lazy[A] = Lazy(x)\n }\n def memoize[I, O](f: I => O): I => O = new collection.mutable.HashMap[I, O]() {\n override def apply(key: I) = getOrElseUpdate(key, f(key))\n }\n\n val MOD: Long = 1000000007\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val sc = new Scanner(System.in)\n val (x, y) = (sc.nextInt, sc.nextInt)\n\n def count(L: Int): Long = {\n if (L <= 2) 1\n else {\n def pow(b: Long, p: Long): Long = {\n if (p == 0) 1L\n else if (p % 2 == 0) {\n val result = pow(b, p / 2);\n (result * result) % MOD\n }\n else (b * pow(b, p - 1)) % MOD\n }\n def divisors(x: Int): List[Int] = {\n def divisorsRec(d: Int): List[Int] = {\n if (1L * d * d > x) List.empty\n else if (x % d == 0) {\n if (d * d == x) d :: divisorsRec(d + 1)\n else d :: x / d :: divisorsRec(d + 1)\n }\n else divisorsRec(d + 1)\n }\n divisorsRec(1)\n }\n\n lazy val D: Int => Long = memoize (l => (pow(2, l - 1) - divisors(l).filter(_ != l).map(d => D(d)).foldLeft(0L)((x, sum) => (x + sum) % MOD) + MOD) % MOD)\n\n D(L)\n }\n }\n def solve(): Long = {\n if (y % x != 0) 0\n else {\n count(y / x)\n }\n }\n println(solve())\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object Main extends App {\n\n import scala.io.StdIn\n val MOD: Integer = 1000000007\n\n val Array(x, y) = StdIn.readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n var mem = collection.mutable.Map[Integer, Integer]()\n\n if (y % x > 0) {\n println(0)\n }\n else {\n println(f(y/x))\n }\n\n\n\n def f(n: Integer): Integer = {\n\n if (n == 1) return 1\n\n if (mem contains(n))\n return mem(n)\n\n var res = pow2(n-1)\n\n for (d <- 2 to Math.round(Math.sqrt(1*n)).toInt)\n if (n % d == 0) {\n res = ((res - f(n / d))%MOD+MOD)%MOD\n if (d != n / d) res = ((res - f(d))%MOD+MOD)%MOD\n }\n res -= 1\n mem += n -> (res%MOD+MOD)%MOD\n mem(n)\n }\n\n def pow2(x: Integer): Integer = {\n x%2 match {\n case 0 if x > 0 => {\n val res = pow2(x/2)%MOD\n ((1l*res*res)%MOD).toInt\n }\n case 0 if x == 0 => 1\n case _ => {\n (2 * pow2(x-1) % MOD) % MOD\n }\n }\n }\n\n}\n"}], "negative_code": [{"source_code": "object Main extends App {\n\n import scala.io.StdIn\n val MOD: Integer = 1000000007\n\n val Array(x, y) = StdIn.readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n var mem = collection.mutable.Map[Integer, Integer]()\n\n if (y % x > 0) {\n println(0)\n }\n else {\n println(f(y/x))\n }\n\n\n\n def f(n: Integer): Integer = {\n\n if (mem contains(n))\n return mem(n)\n\n var res = pow2(n-1)\n\n for (d <- 2 to Math.round(Math.sqrt(1*n)).toInt)\n if (n % d == 0) {\n res = ((res - f(n / d))%MOD+MOD)%MOD\n if (d != n / d) res = ((res - f(d))%MOD+MOD)%MOD\n }\n res -= 1\n mem += n -> (res%MOD+MOD)%MOD\n mem(n)\n }\n\n def pow2(x: Integer): Integer = {\n x%2 match {\n case 0 if x > 0 => {\n val res = pow2(x/2)%MOD\n ((1l*res*res)%MOD).toInt\n }\n case 0 if x == 0 => 1\n case _ => {\n (2 * pow2(x-1) % MOD) % MOD\n }\n }\n }\n\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "\nimport java.util.Scanner\n\n\nobject UnusualSequences {\n val MOD: Long = 1000000007\n\n class Matrix (val M: Array[Array[Long]]) {\n val R = M.size\n val C = M(0).size\n def *(other: Matrix): Matrix = {\n val result = Array.tabulate(R, other.C)((r, c) => 0.until(C).map(x => M(r)(x) * other.M(x)(c)).sum)\n new Matrix(result)\n }\n def power(pow: Long): Matrix = {\n if (pow == 0) Matrix.getIdentity(R, C)\n else if (pow % 2 != 0) this * power(pow - 1)\n else {\n val result = power(pow / 2)\n result * result\n }\n }\n }\n object Matrix {\n def apply(M: Array[Array[Long]]) = new Matrix(M)\n def getIdentity(r: Int, c: Int) = {\n new Matrix(Array.tabulate(r, c)((i, j) => if (i == j) 1 else 0))\n }\n }\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val sc = new Scanner(System.in)\n val (x, y) = (sc.nextInt, sc.nextInt)\n\n def count(L: Int): Long = {\n if (L <= 2) 1\n else {\n val base = Matrix(Array(Array(1), Array(0), Array(1)))\n val matrix = Matrix(Array(Array(0, 1, 1), Array(1, 1, 0), Array(0, 0, 2)))\n\n val result = matrix.power(L - 1) * base\n result.M(0)(0)\n }\n }\n def solve(): Long = {\n if (y % x != 0) 0\n else {\n count(y / x)\n }\n }\n println(solve())\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\n\nobject UnusualSequencesJudgeSolution {\n val MOD: Long = 1000000007\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val sc = new Scanner(System.in)\n val (x, y) = (sc.nextInt, sc.nextInt)\n\n def count(L: Int): Long = {\n if (L <= 2) 1\n else {\n def pow(b: Long, p: Long): Long = {\n if (p == 0) 1\n else if (p % 2 == 0) {\n val result = pow(b, p / 2);\n (result * result) % MOD\n }\n else (b * pow(b, p - 1)) % MOD\n }\n def divisors(x: Int): List[Int] = {\n def divisorsRec(d: Int): List[Int] = {\n if (1L * d * d > x) List.empty\n else if (x % d == 0) {\n if (d * d == x) d :: divisorsRec(d + 1)\n else d :: x / d :: divisorsRec(d + 1)\n }\n else divisorsRec(d + 1)\n }\n divisorsRec(1)\n }\n\n val DP = collection.mutable.Map[Int, Long]()\n def D(l: Int): Long = {\n if (DP.contains(l)) DP(l)\n else {\n val result = pow(2, l - 1) - divisors(l).filter(_ != l).map(d => D(d)).foldLeft(0L)((x, sum) => (x + sum) % MOD)\n DP.update(l, result)\n result\n }\n }\n\n D(L)\n }\n }\n def solve(): Long = {\n if (y % x != 0) 0\n else {\n count(y / x)\n }\n }\n println(solve())\n }\n}\n"}], "src_uid": "de7731ce03735b962ee033613192f7bc"} {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn._\r\nimport scala.util.control.Breaks._\r\n\r\nobject Main {\r\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\r\n val t: Int = readInt()\r\n for (_ <- 1 to t) {\r\n var curr_door: Int = readInt()\r\n val A: Array[Int] = readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\r\n var a: Boolean = true\r\n breakable {for (_ <- 1 to 3) {\r\n if (curr_door == 0) {\r\n a = false\r\n break\r\n }\r\n curr_door = A(curr_door-1)\r\n }}\r\n if (a) println(\"YES\") else println(\"NO\")\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}", "positive_code": [{"source_code": "\r\n\r\nobject prob2 {\r\n def main(args: Array[String]) = {\r\n new Resolver3(Console.in, Console.out).run()\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\nclass Resolver3(input: java.io.BufferedReader, output: java.io.PrintStream) {\r\n\r\n import java.util.StringTokenizer\r\n import scala.collection.mutable\r\n import scala.collection.mutable._\r\n import scala.math.{abs,pow,min,max}\r\n import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer\r\n\r\n def run() {\r\n var tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(input.readLine())\r\n val q = tokenizer.nextToken().toInt\r\n for (sss <- 0 until q) {\r\n tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(input.readLine())\r\n val n = tokenizer.nextToken().toInt\r\n val A = new Array[Int](3)\r\n tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(input.readLine())\r\n A(0) = tokenizer.nextToken().toInt\r\n A(1) = tokenizer.nextToken().toInt\r\n A(2) = tokenizer.nextToken().toInt\r\n var t = false\r\n val a = A(n-1)\r\n if (a != 0) {\r\n val b = A(a-1)\r\n if (b!=0) {\r\n t = true\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (t) {\r\n println(\"YES\")\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n println(\"NO\")\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}"}], "negative_code": [], "src_uid": "5cd113a30bbbb93d8620a483d4da0349"} {"source_code": "import java.io._\nimport java.util\nimport java.util.StringTokenizer\n\n\nobject Solution {\n // VM options: -Xmx1024m -Xss1024m\n private val inputFilename = \"input.txt\"\n private val outputFilename = \"output.txt\"\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n new Solution(args.contains(\"DEBUG_MODE\")).run(args)\n }\n}\n\ncase class Solution(isDebug: Boolean) {\n def solve(): Unit = {\n var l = nextInt\n var r = nextInt\n var a = nextInt\n val addL = Math.max(0, Math.min(r - l, a))\n l += addL\n a -= addL\n val addR = Math.max(0, Math.min(l - r, a))\n r += addR\n a -= addR\n l += a / 2\n r += a / 2\n println(s\"${Math.min(l, r) * 2}\")\n }\n\n def run(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n if (isDebug) {\n in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(Solution.inputFilename)))\n // in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in))\n } else {\n in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in))\n }\n out = new PrintWriter(System.out)\n // out = new PrintWriter(outputFilename)\n\n // val t = nextInt\n val t = 1\n (0 until t).foreach { i =>\n // out.print(s\"Case #${i + 1}: \")\n solve()\n }\n in.close()\n out.flush()\n out.close()\n }\n\n private var in: BufferedReader = _\n private var line: StringTokenizer = _\n private var out: PrintWriter = _\n\n private[this] def println(s: String = \"\"): Unit = out.println(s)\n\n private[this] def nextIntArray(n: Int) = (0 until n).map(_ => nextInt).toArray\n\n private[this] def nextLongArray(n: Int) = (0 until n).map(_ => nextLong).toArray\n\n private[this] def nextInt = nextToken.toInt\n\n private[this] def nextLong = nextToken.toLong\n\n private[this] def nextDouble = nextToken.toDouble\n\n private[this] def nextToken = {\n while (line == null || !line.hasMoreTokens) {\n line = new StringTokenizer(in.readLine)\n }\n line.nextToken\n }\n}", "positive_code": [{"source_code": "object aTask1 {\n import scala.io.StdIn.{readLine, readInt}\n def main(args: Array[String]):Unit = {\n val l::r::a::Nil = readLine.split(\" \").map(_.toInt).toList\n val p1 = math.min(l,r)\n val p2 = math.min(math.abs(l - r), a)\n val p3 = if (a - p2 >0) (a-p2)/2 else 0\n println((p1+p2+p3) * 2)\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "object Solution {\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val sc = new java.util.Scanner(System.in)\n val l, r, a = sc.nextInt\n val u = a.min((r - l).abs)\n \n println(2 * (l.min(r) + u + (a - u)/2))\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "object A extends App {\n val Array(l, r, a) = scala.io.StdIn.readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n val d = (l max r) - (l min r)\n val t = a min d\n val s = (l min r) + t + (0 max (a - t)) / 2\n\n println(2 * s)\n}\n"}], "negative_code": [], "src_uid": "e8148140e61baffd0878376ac5f3857c"} {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\n\nobject Main {\n\n def sqr(x: Long) = x * x\n\n def powmod(x: Long, n: Long, p: Long): Long = {\n if (n == 1) x\n else if (n % 2 == 1) (powmod(x, n - 1, p) * x) % p\n else sqr(powmod(x, n / 2, p)) % p\n }\n\n def C(n: Int, k: Int) = {\n var res = BigInt(1)\n for (i <- n - k + 1 to n) {\n res = res * i\n }\n for (i <- 1 to k.toInt) {\n res = res / i\n }\n res\n }\n\n def fact(n: Int) = {\n var res = BigInt(1)\n for (i <- 1 to n) {\n res = res * i\n }\n res\n }\n\n def gcd(a: Long, b: Long): Long = if (b == 0) a else gcd(b, a % b)\n\n def lcm(a: Long, b: Long) = a / gcd(a, b) * b\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val in = new Scanner(System.in)\n\n val s = in.nextLine()\n\n val t = \"\" + s(0) + s(2) + s(4) + s(3) + s(1)\n\n val x = BigInt(t)\n val y = (x * x * x * x * x).toString()\n\n println(y.substring(y.length() - 5))\n }\n}\n", "positive_code": [{"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn\n\nobject CrackingTheCode {\n\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val MOD = 100000\n val n = StdIn.readLong()\n val res = Array(n / 10000, (n / 100) % 10, n % 10, (n / 10) % 10, (n / 1000) % 10)\n val k = res(0) * 10000 + res(1) * 1000 + res(2) * 100 + res(3) * 10 + res(4)\n def pow(n : Int) : Long = {\n if (n == 0) 1\n else (k * pow(n - 1)) % MOD\n }\n println(\"%05d\".format(pow(5)))\n }\n\n}\n"}], "negative_code": [{"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn\n\nobject CrackingTheCode {\n\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val MOD = 100000\n val n = StdIn.readLong()\n val res = Array(n / 10000, (n / 100) % 10, n % 10, (n / 10) % 10, (n / 1000) % 10)\n val k = res(0) * 10000 + res(1) * 1000 + res(2) * 100 + res(3) * 10 + res(4)\n def pow(n : Int) : Long = {\n if (n == 0) 1\n else (k * pow(n - 1)) % MOD\n }\n println(pow(5))\n }\n\n}\n"}], "src_uid": "51b1c216948663fff721c28d131bf18f"} {"source_code": "import java.io._\nimport java.util.Locale\nimport scala.annotation.tailrec\n\nobject Easy {\n val reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in))\n def readInt = reader.readLine().toInt\n def readInts = reader.readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n def readLongs = reader.readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toLong)\n def readLine = reader.readLine\n\n def calc(str: String): Double = {\n if(str.length == 0) 0\n else {\n val ch = str.head\n Math.ceil(0.2 * str.takeWhile(_ == ch).length) + calc(str.dropWhile(_ == ch))\n }\n }\n def ans = calc(readLine)\n\n def main(a: Array[String]) {\n println(ans.round)\n }\n}\n", "positive_code": [{"source_code": "import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer\n\nobject Flask {\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n var s = readLine\n var total = 0\n var symbol = s(0); var count = 1\n \n (1 until s.size).foreach(i => {\n if (s(i) == symbol && count < 5) count += 1\n else { count = 1; symbol = s(i); total += 1 }\n })\n println(total + 1)\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object main {\n def main(args: Array[String]) = {\n val str = readLine()\n \n var last:Char = str apply 0\n var n = 0\n var res = 0\n \n \n str foreach ((x:Char) => {\n if (last == x) {\n if (n == 5) {\n n = 1\n res += 1\n } else {\n n += 1\n }\n } else {\n if (n != 0) {\n res += 1\n } \n n = 1\n last = x\n \n }\n })\n \n println(res + 1)\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "object P137A extends App {\n \n println(readLine.foldLeft((0,0,'x'))((t,c) => if (t._3 != c) (t._1+1,1,c) else (if(t._2 == 5) (t._1+1,1,c) else (t._1,t._2+1,c))) _1)\n\n}"}, {"source_code": "object Solution extends App {\n val in = scala.io.Source.stdin.getLines()\n val str = in.next()\n val res = str.tail.foldLeft((0, 1, str.head)) {\n case ((count, soFar, prev), el) if soFar == 5 => (count + 1, 1, el)\n case ((count, soFar, prev), el) if el == prev => (count, soFar + 1, el)\n case ((count, soFar, prev), el) => (count + 1, 1, el)\n }\n println(res._1 + (if (res._2 != 0) 1 else 0))\n}"}, {"source_code": "object A137 {\n\n import IO._\n import collection.{mutable => cu}\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val str = read\n var res = 0\n var curr = 1\n for(i <- 1 to str.length) {\n if(i == str.length || str(i) != str(i-1)) {\n res += (curr+4)/5\n curr = 1\n } else {\n curr += 1\n }\n }\n out.println(res)\n out.close()\n }\n\n object IO {\n private val input = new java.io.BufferedReader(new java.io.InputStreamReader(System.in))\n // private val input = new java.io.BufferedReader(new java.io.InputStreamReader(new java.io.FileInputStream(\"src/input\")))\n val out = new java.io.PrintWriter(System.out)\n\n @inline def read: String = input.readLine()\n\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(read)\n\n def readInt: Int = tokenizeLine.nextToken.toInt\n\n def readInts(n: Int): Array[Int] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine\n Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt)\n }\n\n def readLongs(n: Int): Array[Long] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine\n Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong)\n }\n\n def readBigs(n: Int): Array[BigInt] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine\n Array.fill(n)(BigInt(tl.nextToken))\n }\n }\n\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\nimport java.io.PrintWriter\nimport scala.annotation.tailrec\nimport scala.collection.mutable\nimport scala.util.Random\n\nobject P137A extends App {\n val sc = new Scanner(System.in)\n val out = new PrintWriter(System.out)\n val CP = sc.nextLine.toList\n\n def solve(): Int = {\n\n @tailrec\n def loop(n: Int, carry: List[Char], wall: List[Char]): Int = (carry, wall) match {\n case (_, Nil) => n\n case (Nil, y :: ys) => loop(n, y :: Nil, ys)\n case (xs, ys) if xs.size == 5 => loop(n + 1, Nil, ys)\n case (x :: xs, y :: ys) if x == y => loop(n, y :: x :: xs, ys)\n case (x :: xs, y :: ys) if x != y => loop(n + 1, y :: Nil, ys)\n }\n\n loop(0, Nil, CP) + 1\n }\n\n out.println(solve)\n out.close\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object A137 {\n\tdef main(args: Array[String]) {\n\t\tval s: String = readLine\n\t\tvar res: Int = 0\n\t\tvar curc: Char = '?'\n\t\tvar curval: Int = 5\n\t\tfor (c <- s)\n\t\t\tif (c == curc && curval < 5)\n\t\t\t\tcurval += 1\n\t\t\telse {\n\t\t\t\tres += 1\n\t\t\t\tcurval = 1\n\t\t\t\tcurc = c\n\t\t\t}\n\t\tprintln(res)\n\t}\n}"}, {"source_code": "object Main {\n def main(args: Array[String]) = {\n val s = readLine()\n \n var cur = ' '\n var inHands = 0\n var count = 0\n s.foreach{ c => \n if (c != cur) {\n inHands = 0\n count += 1\n cur = c\n } else if (inHands == 5) {\n count += 1\n inHands = 0\n }\n inHands += 1\n }\n println(count)\n }\n}"}], "negative_code": [{"source_code": "object main {\n\tdef main(args: Array[String]) = {\n\t\tval str = readLine()\n\t\t\n\t\tvar last:Char = str apply 0\n\t\tvar n = 0\n\t\tvar res = 1\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\tstr foreach ((x:Char) => {\n\t\t\tif (last == x) {\n\t\t\t\tif (n == 5) {\n\t\t\t\t\tn = 0\n\t\t\t\t\tres += 1\n\t\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\t\tn += 1\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\tif (n != 0) {\n\t\t\t\t\tres += 1\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\tn += 1\n\t\t\t\tlast = x\n\t\t\t \n\t\t\t}\n\t\t})\n\t\t\n\t\tprintln(res)\n\t}\n}"}, {"source_code": "object main {\n def main(args: Array[String]) = {\n val str = readLine()\n \n var last:Char = str apply 0\n var n = 0\n var res = 0\n \n \n str foreach ((x:Char) => {\n if (last == x) {\n if (n == 5) {\n n = 1\n res += 1\n } else {\n n += 1\n }\n } else {\n if (n != 0) {\n res += 1\n }\n n += 1\n last = x\n \n }\n })\n \n println(res + 1)\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "object Solution extends App {\n val in = scala.io.Source.stdin.getLines()\n val str = in.next()\n val res = str.tail.foldLeft((0, 0, str.head)) {\n case ((count, soFar, prev), el) if soFar == 5 => (count + 1, 1, el)\n case ((count, soFar, prev), el) if el == prev => (count, 1, el)\n case ((count, soFar, prev), el) => (count + 1, 1, el)\n }\n println(res._1 + (if (res._2 != 0) 1 else 0))\n}"}], "src_uid": "5257f6b50f5a610a17c35a47b3a0da11"} {"source_code": "import java.io.FileReader\nimport java.util.Comparator\n\nimport collection.Searching._\nimport scala.collection.mutable\n\nobject Solution {\n //Console.setIn(new FileReader(new java.io.File(\"input\")))\n //Console.setOut(new PrintStream(new java.io.File(\"output\")))\n var caseNo = 1\n val magicMod = 1000000007\n\n def doCase() : Unit = {\n val Array(n) = readIntLine()\n val widths = readIntLine()\n\n val sum = Array.ofDim[Int](widths.length, widths.length + 1)\n\n for (i <- widths.indices) {\n for (j <- i + 1 to widths.length) {\n sum(i)(j) = sum(i)(j - 1) + widths(j - 1)\n }\n }\n\n val minDiff = widths.indices.map{\n i =>\n (i + 1 to widths.length).map{\n j =>\n Math.abs(180 - sum(i)(j)) * 2\n }.min\n }.min\n\n println(minDiff)\n }\n\n\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n var tests = 1\n for (test <- 0 until tests) {\n doCase()\n caseNo += 1\n }\n }\n\n def readIntLine(): Array[Int] = {\n readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n }\n\n def readLongLine(): Array[Long] = {\n readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toLong)\n }\n\n def readBigIntLine(): Array[BigInt] = {\n readLine().split(\" \").map(BigInt.apply)\n }\n}", "positive_code": [{"source_code": "object A extends App {\n\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(readLine)\n def readInts(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt) }\n def readLongs(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong) }\n def readBigs(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(BigInt(tl.nextToken)) }\n\n val Array(n) = readInts(1)\n val as = readInts(n)\n\n var min = 360\n\n for {\n i <- 0 until n\n j <- i to n\n } {\n val s1 = as.view(i, j).sum\n val s2 = 360 - s1\n val d = Math.abs(s1 - s2)\n if (d < min) min = d\n }\n\n println(min)\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object A extends App {\n\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(readLine)\n def readInts(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt) }\n\n val Array(n) = readInts(1)\n val as = readInts(n)\n\n var min = 360\n var s1 = 0\n var l, r = 0\n\n def check(s1: Int) = {\n val s2 = 360 - s1\n val d = Math.abs(s1 - s2)\n if (d < min) min = d\n }\n\n while (r < n) {\n while (s1 < 180 && r < n) {\n s1 += as(r)\n r += 1\n check(s1)\n }\n while (s1 >= 180) {\n s1 -= as(l)\n l += 1\n check(s1)\n }\n }\n\n println(min)\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "\nimport java.util.Scanner\nimport scala.language.implicitConversions\n\nobject PizzaSeparation {\n\n class Lazy[A](x: => A) {\n lazy val value = x\n override def toString(): String = value.toString()\n }\n\n object Lazy {\n def apply[A](x: => A) = new Lazy(x)\n implicit def fromLazy[A](z: Lazy[A]): A = z.value\n implicit def toLazy[A](x: => A): Lazy[A] = Lazy(x)\n }\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val sc = new Scanner(System.in)\n\n val N = sc.nextInt()\n val A = for (i <- 0.until(N)) yield sc.nextInt()\n\n def bestPrefix(xs: List[Int], s: Int): Int = xs match {\n case Nil => 360\n case x :: rest => val ns = s + x; Math.min(Math.abs(360 - 2 * ns), bestPrefix(rest, ns))\n }\n\n def solve(xs: List[Int]): Int = xs match {\n case Nil => 360\n case x :: rest => Math.min(bestPrefix(xs, 0), solve(rest))\n }\n\n println(solve(A.toList))\n }\n}"}], "negative_code": [{"source_code": "object A extends App {\n\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(readLine)\n def readInts(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt) }\n\n val Array(n) = readInts(1)\n val as = readInts(n)\n\n var min = 360\n var s1 = 0\n var l, r = 0\n\n def check(s1: Int) = {\n val s2 = 360 - s1\n val d = Math.abs(s1 - s2)\n if (d < min) min = d\n }\n\n while (r < n) {\n while (s1 < 180 && r < n) {\n s1 += as(r)\n r += 1\n }\n check(s1)\n while (s1 >= 180) {\n s1 -= as(l)\n l += 1\n }\n check(s1)\n }\n\n println(min)\n}\n"}], "src_uid": "1b6a6aff81911865356ec7cbf6883e82"} {"source_code": "object Solution extends App {\n val in = io.Source.stdin.getLines()\n val line = in.next()\n\n def isGood(str: String) = {\n str.length >= 1 && str.length <= 16 && str.forall(ch => (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z') || (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z') || (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') || ch == '_')\n }\n\n if (line.split(\"@\", -1) match {\n case Array(first, second) if isGood(first) =>\n second.split(\"/\", -1) match {\n case Array(hostname, resource) =>\n hostname.split(\"\\\\.\", -1).forall(isGood) && isGood(resource) && hostname.length <= 32\n case Array(hostname) =>\n hostname.split(\"\\\\.\", -1).forall(isGood)\n case _ => false\n }\n case _ => false\n })\n println(\"YES\")\n else\n println(\"NO\")\n}\n", "positive_code": [{"source_code": "import java.util._\nimport java.io._\n\nobject A {\n\n var out: PrintWriter = null\n var br: BufferedReader = null\n var st: StringTokenizer = null\n\n def next: String = {\n while (st == null || !st.hasMoreTokens) {\n st = new StringTokenizer(br.readLine)\n }\n return st.nextToken\n }\n\n def nextInt: Int = {\n return Integer.parseInt(next)\n }\n\n def nextLong: Long = {\n return java.lang.Long.parseLong(next)\n }\n\n def solve: Int = {\n val user = next\n if (user.split(\"@\").length != 2 || user.endsWith(\"@\")) {\n out.println(\"NO\")\n return 1\n }\n val name = user.split(\"@\")(0)\n if (name.length <= 0 || name.length > 16) {\n out.println(\"NO\")\n return 1\n }\n val part2 = user.split(\"@\")(1)\n val allow = \"QWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNMabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890_\".toCharArray\n if (name.filter(x => !allow.contains(x)).length > 0) {\n out.println(\"NO\")\n return 1\n }\n if (part2.split(\"/\")(0).length <= 0 || part2.split(\"/\")(0).length > 32) {\n out.println(\"NO\")\n return 1\n }\n\n val hosts = part2.split(\"/\")(0).split(\"\\\\.\")\n if (part2.split(\"/\")(0).startsWith(\".\") || part2.split(\"/\")(0).endsWith(\".\")) {\n out.println(\"NO\")\n return 1\n }\n if (part2.split(\"/\")(0).contains(\".\") && hosts.length == 0) {\n out.println(\"NO\")\n return 1\n }\n for (i <- 0 until hosts.length) {\n if (hosts(i).filter(x => !allow.contains(x)).length > 0) {\n out.println(\"NO\")\n return 1\n }\n if (hosts(i).length <= 0 || hosts(i).length > 16) {\n out.println(\"NO\")\n return 1\n }\n }\n\n if (part2.split(\"/\").length > 1) {\n val res = part2.split(\"/\")(1)\n if (res.filter(x => !allow.contains(x)).length > 0) {\n out.println(\"NO\")\n return 1\n }\n }\n if (user.endsWith(\"/\")) {\n out.println(\"NO\")\n return 1\n }\n out.println(\"YES\")\n return 1\n }\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in))\n out = new PrintWriter(new BufferedOutputStream(System.out))\n solve\n out.close\n }\n}"}], "negative_code": [{"source_code": "object Solution extends App {\n val in = io.Source.stdin.getLines()\n val line = in.next()\n\n def isGood(str: String) = {\n str.length >= 1 && str.length <= 16 && str.forall(ch => (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z') || (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z') || (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') || ch == '_')\n }\n\n if (line.split('@') match {\n case Array(first, second) if isGood(first) =>\n second.split(\"/\", -1) match {\n case Array(hostname, resource) =>\n hostname.split(\"\\\\.\", -1).forall(isGood) && isGood(resource) && hostname.length <= 32\n case Array(hostname) =>\n hostname.split(\"\\\\.\", -1).forall(isGood)\n case _ => false\n }\n case _ => false\n })\n println(\"YES\")\n else\n println(\"NO\")\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object Solution extends App {\n val in = io.Source.stdin.getLines()\n val line = in.next()\n\n def isGood(str: String) = {\n str.length >= 1 && str.length <= 16 && str.forall(ch => (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z') || (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z') || (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') || ch == '_')\n }\n\n if (line.split('@') match {\n case Array(first, second) if isGood(first) =>\n second.split('/') match {\n case Array(hostname, resource) =>\n hostname.split('.').forall(isGood) && isGood(resource) && hostname.length <= 32\n case Array(hostname) =>\n hostname.split('.').forall(isGood)\n case _ => false\n }\n case _ => false\n })\n println(\"YES\")\n else\n println(\"NO\")\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object Solution extends App {\n val in = io.Source.stdin.getLines()\n val line = in.next()\n\n def isGood(str: String) = {\n str.length >= 1 && str.length <= 16 && str.forall(ch => (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z') || (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z') || (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') || ch == '_')\n }\n\n if (line.split('@') match {\n case Array(first, second) if isGood(first) =>\n second.split('/') match {\n case Array(hostname, resource) =>\n hostname.split(\"\\\\.\", -1).forall(isGood) && isGood(resource) && hostname.length <= 32\n case Array(hostname) =>\n hostname.split(\"\\\\.\", -1).forall(isGood)\n case _ => false\n }\n case _ => false\n })\n println(\"YES\")\n else\n println(\"NO\")\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object Solution extends App {\n val in = io.Source.stdin.getLines()\n val line = in.next()\n\n def isGood(str: String) = {\n str.length >= 1 && str.length <= 16 && str.forall(ch => (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z') || (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z') || (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') || ch == '_')\n }\n\n if (line.split('@') match {\n case Array(first, second) =>\n second.split('/') match {\n case Array(hostname, resource) =>\n hostname.split('.').forall(isGood) && isGood(resource) && hostname.length <= 32\n case Array(hostname) =>\n hostname.split('.').forall(isGood)\n case _ => false\n }\n case _ => false\n })\n println(\"YES\")\n else\n println(\"NO\")\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object Solution extends App {\n val in = io.Source.stdin.getLines()\n val line = in.next()\n\n def isGood(str: String) = {\n str.length >= 1 && str.length <= 16 && str.forall(ch => (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z') || (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z') || (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') || ch == '_')\n }\n\n if (line.split('@') match {\n case Array(first, second) =>\n second.split('/') match {\n case Array(hostname, resource) =>\n hostname.split('.').forall(isGood) && isGood(resource) && hostname.length <= 32\n case Array(hostname) =>\n println(\"HERE\")\n hostname.split('.').forall(isGood)\n case _ => false\n }\n case _ => false\n })\n println(\"YES\")\n else\n println(\"NO\")\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import java.util._\nimport java.io._\n\nobject A {\n\n var out: PrintWriter = null\n var br: BufferedReader = null\n var st: StringTokenizer = null\n\n def next: String = {\n while (st == null || !st.hasMoreTokens) {\n st = new StringTokenizer(br.readLine)\n }\n return st.nextToken\n }\n\n def nextInt: Int = {\n return Integer.parseInt(next)\n }\n\n def nextLong: Long = {\n return java.lang.Long.parseLong(next)\n }\n\n def solve: Int = {\n val user = next\n if (user.split(\"@\").length != 2) {\n out.println(\"NO\")\n return 1\n }\n\n val name = user.split(\"@\")(0)\n if (name.length <= 0 || name.length > 16) {\n out.println(\"NO\")\n return 1\n }\n val part2 = user.split(\"@\")(1)\n val allow = \"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890_\".toCharArray\n if (name.filter(x => !allow.contains(x)).length > 0) {\n out.println(\"NO\")\n return 1\n }\n if (part2.split(\"\\\\\\\\\")(0).length <= 0 || part2.split(\"\\\\\\\\\")(0).length > 32) {\n out.println(\"NO\")\n return 1\n }\n\n val hosts = part2.split(\"\\\\\\\\\")(0).split(\".\")\n for (i <- 0 until hosts.length) {\n if (hosts(i).filter(x => !allow.contains(x)).length > 0) {\n out.println(\"NO\")\n return 1\n }\n if (hosts(i).length <= 0 || hosts(i).length > 16) {\n out.println(\"NO\")\n return 1\n }\n }\n\n if (part2.split(\"\\\\\\\\\").length > 1) {\n val res = part2.split(\"\\\\\\\\\")(1)\n if (res.filter(x => !allow.contains(x)).length > 0) {\n out.println(\"NO\")\n return 1\n }\n }\n out.println(\"YES\")\n return 1\n }\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in))\n out = new PrintWriter(new BufferedOutputStream(System.out))\n solve\n out.close\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import java.util._\nimport java.io._\n\nobject A {\n\n var out: PrintWriter = null\n var br: BufferedReader = null\n var st: StringTokenizer = null\n\n def next: String = {\n while (st == null || !st.hasMoreTokens) {\n st = new StringTokenizer(br.readLine)\n }\n return st.nextToken\n }\n\n def nextInt: Int = {\n return Integer.parseInt(next)\n }\n\n def nextLong: Long = {\n return java.lang.Long.parseLong(next)\n }\n\n def solve: Int = {\n val user = next\n if (user.split(\"@\").length != 2) {\n out.println(\"NO\")\n return 1\n }\n val name = user.split(\"@\")(0)\n if (name.length <= 0 || name.length > 16) {\n out.println(\"NO\")\n return 1\n }\n val part2 = user.split(\"@\")(1)\n val allow = \"QWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNMabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890_\".toCharArray\n if (name.filter(x => !allow.contains(x)).length > 0) {\n out.println(\"NO\")\n return 1\n }\n if (part2.split(\"/\")(0).length <= 0 || part2.split(\"/\")(0).length > 32) {\n out.println(\"NO\")\n return 1\n }\n\n val hosts = part2.split(\"/\")(0).split(\"\\\\.\")\n if (part2.startsWith(\".\") || (part2.endsWith(\".\"))) {\n out.println(\"NO\")\n return 1\n }\n if (part2.split(\"/\")(0).contains(\".\") && hosts.length == 0) {\n out.println(\"NO\")\n return 1\n }\n for (i <- 0 until hosts.length) {\n if (hosts(i).filter(x => !allow.contains(x)).length > 0) {\n out.println(\"NO\")\n return 1\n }\n if (hosts(i).length <= 0 || hosts(i).length > 16) {\n out.println(\"NO\")\n return 1\n }\n }\n\n if (part2.split(\"/\").length > 1) {\n val res = part2.split(\"/\")(1)\n if (res.filter(x => !allow.contains(x)).length > 0) {\n out.println(\"NO\")\n return 1\n }\n }\n if (user.endsWith(\"/\")) {\n out.println(\"NO\")\n return 1\n }\n out.println(\"YES\")\n return 1\n }\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in))\n out = new PrintWriter(new BufferedOutputStream(System.out))\n solve\n out.close\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "import java.util._\nimport java.io._\n\nobject A {\n\n var out: PrintWriter = null\n var br: BufferedReader = null\n var st: StringTokenizer = null\n\n def next: String = {\n while (st == null || !st.hasMoreTokens) {\n st = new StringTokenizer(br.readLine)\n }\n return st.nextToken\n }\n\n def nextInt: Int = {\n return Integer.parseInt(next)\n }\n\n def nextLong: Long = {\n return java.lang.Long.parseLong(next)\n }\n\n def solve: Int = {\n val user = next\n if (user.split(\"@\").length != 2) {\n out.println(\"NO\")\n return 1\n }\n val name = user.split(\"@\")(0)\n if (name.length <= 0 || name.length > 16) {\n out.println(\"NO\")\n return 1\n }\n val part2 = user.split(\"@\")(1)\n val allow = \"QWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNMabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890_\".toCharArray\n if (name.filter(x => !allow.contains(x)).length > 0) {\n out.println(\"NO\")\n return 1\n }\n if (part2.split(\"/\")(0).length <= 0 || part2.split(\"/\")(0).length > 32) {\n out.println(\"NO\")\n return 1\n }\n\n val hosts = part2.split(\"/\")(0).split(\"\\\\.\")\n if (part2.split(\"/\")(0).startsWith(\".\") || part2.split(\"/\")(0).endsWith(\".\")) {\n out.println(\"NO\")\n return 1\n }\n if (part2.split(\"/\")(0).contains(\".\") && hosts.length == 0) {\n out.println(\"NO\")\n return 1\n }\n for (i <- 0 until hosts.length) {\n if (hosts(i).filter(x => !allow.contains(x)).length > 0) {\n out.println(\"NO\")\n return 1\n }\n if (hosts(i).length <= 0 || hosts(i).length > 16) {\n out.println(\"NO\")\n return 1\n }\n }\n\n if (part2.split(\"/\").length > 1) {\n val res = part2.split(\"/\")(1)\n if (res.filter(x => !allow.contains(x)).length > 0) {\n out.println(\"NO\")\n return 1\n }\n }\n if (user.endsWith(\"/\")) {\n out.println(\"NO\")\n return 1\n }\n out.println(\"YES\")\n return 1\n }\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in))\n out = new PrintWriter(new BufferedOutputStream(System.out))\n solve\n out.close\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "import java.util._\nimport java.io._\n\nobject A {\n\n var out: PrintWriter = null\n var br: BufferedReader = null\n var st: StringTokenizer = null\n\n def next: String = {\n while (st == null || !st.hasMoreTokens) {\n st = new StringTokenizer(br.readLine)\n }\n return st.nextToken\n }\n\n def nextInt: Int = {\n return Integer.parseInt(next)\n }\n\n def nextLong: Long = {\n return java.lang.Long.parseLong(next)\n }\n\n def solve: Int = {\n val user = next\n if (user.split(\"@\").length != 2) {\n out.println(\"NO\")\n return 1\n }\n val name = user.split(\"@\")(0)\n if (name.length <= 0 || name.length > 16) {\n out.println(\"NO\")\n return 1\n }\n val part2 = user.split(\"@\")(1)\n val allow = \"QWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNMabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890_\".toCharArray\n if (name.filter(x => !allow.contains(x)).length > 0) {\n out.println(\"NO\")\n return 1\n }\n if (part2.split(\"/\")(0).length <= 0 || part2.split(\"/\")(0).length > 32) {\n out.println(\"NO\")\n return 1\n }\n\n val hosts = part2.split(\"/\")(0).split(\".\")\n for (i <- 0 until hosts.length) {\n if (hosts(i).filter(x => !allow.contains(x)).length > 0) {\n out.println(\"NO\")\n return 1\n }\n if (hosts(i).length <= 0 || hosts(i).length > 16) {\n out.println(\"NO\")\n return 1\n }\n }\n\n if (part2.split(\"/\").length > 1) {\n val res = part2.split(\"/\")(1)\n if (res.filter(x => !allow.contains(x)).length > 0) {\n out.println(\"NO\")\n return 1\n }\n }\n if (user.endsWith(\"/\")) {\n out.println(\"NO\")\n return 1\n }\n out.println(\"YES\")\n return 1\n }\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in))\n out = new PrintWriter(new BufferedOutputStream(System.out))\n solve\n out.close\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "import java.util._\nimport java.io._\n\nobject A {\n\n var out: PrintWriter = null\n var br: BufferedReader = null\n var st: StringTokenizer = null\n\n def next: String = {\n while (st == null || !st.hasMoreTokens) {\n st = new StringTokenizer(br.readLine)\n }\n return st.nextToken\n }\n\n def nextInt: Int = {\n return Integer.parseInt(next)\n }\n\n def nextLong: Long = {\n return java.lang.Long.parseLong(next)\n }\n\n def solve: Int = {\n val user = next\n if (user.split(\"@\").length != 2) {\n out.println(\"NO\")\n return 1\n }\n val name = user.split(\"@\")(0)\n if (name.length <= 0 || name.length > 16) {\n out.println(\"NO\")\n return 1\n }\n val part2 = user.split(\"@\")(1)\n val allow = \"QWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNMabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890_\".toCharArray\n if (name.filter(x => !allow.contains(x)).length > 0) {\n out.println(\"NO\")\n return 1\n }\n if (part2.split(\"/\")(0).length <= 0 || part2.split(\"/\")(0).length > 32) {\n out.println(\"NO\")\n return 1\n }\n\n val hosts = part2.split(\"/\")(0).split(\".\")\n if (part2.startsWith(\".\") || (part2.endsWith(\".\"))) {\n out.println(\"NO\")\n return 1\n }\n if (part2.split(\"/\")(0).contains(\".\") && hosts.length == 0) {\n out.println(\"NO\")\n return 1\n }\n for (i <- 0 until hosts.length) {\n if (hosts(i).filter(x => !allow.contains(x)).length > 0) {\n out.println(\"NO\")\n return 1\n }\n if (hosts(i).length <= 0 || hosts(i).length > 16) {\n out.println(\"NO\")\n return 1\n }\n }\n\n if (part2.split(\"/\").length > 1) {\n val res = part2.split(\"/\")(1)\n if (res.filter(x => !allow.contains(x)).length > 0) {\n out.println(\"NO\")\n return 1\n }\n }\n if (user.endsWith(\"/\")) {\n out.println(\"NO\")\n return 1\n }\n out.println(\"YES\")\n return 1\n }\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in))\n out = new PrintWriter(new BufferedOutputStream(System.out))\n solve\n out.close\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "import java.util._\nimport java.io._\n\nobject A {\n\n var out: PrintWriter = null\n var br: BufferedReader = null\n var st: StringTokenizer = null\n\n def next: String = {\n while (st == null || !st.hasMoreTokens) {\n st = new StringTokenizer(br.readLine)\n }\n return st.nextToken\n }\n\n def nextInt: Int = {\n return Integer.parseInt(next)\n }\n\n def nextLong: Long = {\n return java.lang.Long.parseLong(next)\n }\n\n def solve: Int = {\n val user = next\n if (user.split(\"@\").length != 2) {\n out.println(\"NO\")\n return 1\n }\n val name = user.split(\"@\")(0)\n if (name.length <= 0 || name.length > 16) {\n out.println(\"NO\")\n return 1\n }\n val part2 = user.split(\"@\")(1)\n val allow = \"QWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNMabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890_\".toCharArray\n if (name.filter(x => !allow.contains(x)).length > 0) {\n out.println(\"NO\")\n return 1\n }\n if (part2.split(\"/\")(0).length <= 0 || part2.split(\"/\")(0).length > 32) {\n out.println(\"NO\")\n return 1\n }\n\n val hosts = part2.split(\"/\")(0).split(\".\")\n if (part2.startsWith(\".\") || (part2.endsWith(\".\"))) {\n out.println(\"NO\")\n return 1\n }\n for (i <- 0 until hosts.length) {\n if (hosts(i).filter(x => !allow.contains(x)).length > 0) {\n out.println(\"NO\")\n return 1\n }\n if (hosts(i).length <= 0 || hosts(i).length > 16) {\n out.println(\"NO\")\n return 1\n }\n }\n\n if (part2.split(\"/\").length > 1) {\n val res = part2.split(\"/\")(1)\n if (res.filter(x => !allow.contains(x)).length > 0) {\n out.println(\"NO\")\n return 1\n }\n }\n if (user.endsWith(\"/\")) {\n out.println(\"NO\")\n return 1\n }\n out.println(\"YES\")\n return 1\n }\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in))\n out = new PrintWriter(new BufferedOutputStream(System.out))\n solve\n out.close\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "import java.util._\nimport java.io._\n\nobject A {\n\n var out: PrintWriter = null\n var br: BufferedReader = null\n var st: StringTokenizer = null\n\n def next: String = {\n while (st == null || !st.hasMoreTokens) {\n st = new StringTokenizer(br.readLine)\n }\n return st.nextToken\n }\n\n def nextInt: Int = {\n return Integer.parseInt(next)\n }\n\n def nextLong: Long = {\n return java.lang.Long.parseLong(next)\n }\n\n def solve: Int = {\n val user = next\n if (user.split(\"@\").length != 2) {\n out.println(\"NO\")\n return 1\n }\n val name = user.split(\"@\")(0)\n if (name.length <= 0 || name.length > 16) {\n out.println(\"NO\")\n return 1\n }\n val part2 = user.split(\"@\")(1)\n val allow = \"QWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNMabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890_\".toCharArray\n if (name.filter(x => !allow.contains(x)).length > 0) {\n out.println(\"NO\")\n return 1\n }\n if (part2.split(\"/\")(0).length <= 0 || part2.split(\"/\")(0).length > 32) {\n out.println(\"NO\")\n return 1\n }\n\n val hosts = part2.split(\"/\")(0).split(\".\")\n if (part2.startsWith(\".\")) {\n out.println(\"NO\")\n return 1\n }\n for (i <- 0 until hosts.length) {\n if (hosts(i).filter(x => !allow.contains(x)).length > 0) {\n out.println(\"NO\")\n return 1\n }\n if (hosts(i).length <= 0 || hosts(i).length > 16) {\n out.println(\"NO\")\n return 1\n }\n }\n\n if (part2.split(\"/\").length > 1) {\n val res = part2.split(\"/\")(1)\n if (res.filter(x => !allow.contains(x)).length > 0) {\n out.println(\"NO\")\n return 1\n }\n }\n if (user.endsWith(\"/\")) {\n out.println(\"NO\")\n return 1\n }\n out.println(\"YES\")\n return 1\n }\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in))\n out = new PrintWriter(new BufferedOutputStream(System.out))\n solve\n out.close\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "import java.util._\nimport java.io._\n\nobject A {\n\n var out: PrintWriter = null\n var br: BufferedReader = null\n var st: StringTokenizer = null\n\n def next: String = {\n while (st == null || !st.hasMoreTokens) {\n st = new StringTokenizer(br.readLine)\n }\n return st.nextToken\n }\n\n def nextInt: Int = {\n return Integer.parseInt(next)\n }\n\n def nextLong: Long = {\n return java.lang.Long.parseLong(next)\n }\n\n def solve: Int = {\n val user = next\n if (user.split(\"@\").length != 2) {\n out.println(\"NO\")\n return 1\n }\n val name = user.split(\"@\")(0)\n if (name.length <= 0 || name.length > 16) {\n out.println(\"NO\")\n return 1\n }\n val part2 = user.split(\"@\")(1)\n val allow = \"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890_\".toCharArray\n if (name.filter(x => !allow.contains(x)).length > 0) {\n out.println(\"NO\")\n return 1\n }\n if (part2.split(\"/\")(0).length <= 0 || part2.split(\"/\")(0).length > 32) {\n out.println(\"NO\")\n return 1\n }\n\n val hosts = part2.split(\"/\")(0).split(\".\")\n for (i <- 0 until hosts.length) {\n if (hosts(i).filter(x => !allow.contains(x)).length > 0) {\n out.println(\"NO\")\n return 1\n }\n if (hosts(i).length <= 0 || hosts(i).length > 16) {\n out.println(\"NO\")\n return 1\n }\n }\n\n if (part2.split(\"/\").length > 1) {\n val res = part2.split(\"/\")(1)\n if (res.filter(x => !allow.contains(x)).length > 0) {\n out.println(\"NO\")\n return 1\n }\n }\n if (user.endsWith(\"/\")) {\n out.println(\"NO\")\n return 1\n }\n out.println(\"YES\")\n return 1\n }\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in))\n out = new PrintWriter(new BufferedOutputStream(System.out))\n solve\n out.close\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "import java.util._\nimport java.io._\n\nobject A {\n\n var out: PrintWriter = null\n var br: BufferedReader = null\n var st: StringTokenizer = null\n\n def next: String = {\n while (st == null || !st.hasMoreTokens) {\n st = new StringTokenizer(br.readLine)\n }\n return st.nextToken\n }\n\n def nextInt: Int = {\n return Integer.parseInt(next)\n }\n\n def nextLong: Long = {\n return java.lang.Long.parseLong(next)\n }\n\n def solve: Int = {\n val user = next\n if (user.split(\"@\").length != 2) {\n out.println(\"NO\")\n return 1\n }\n\n val name = user.split(\"@\")(0)\n if (name.length <= 0 || name.length > 16) {\n out.println(\"NO\")\n return 1\n }\n val part2 = user.split(\"@\")(1)\n val allow = \"QWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNMabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890_\".toCharArray\n val filter: String = name.filter(x => allow.contains(x))\n if (filter.length != name.length) {\n out.println(\"NO\")\n return 1\n }\n if (part2.split(\"\\\\\\\\\")(0).length <= 0 || part2.split(\"\\\\\\\\\")(0).length > 32) {\n out.println(\"NO\")\n return 1\n }\n\n val hosts = part2.split(\"\\\\\\\\\")(0).split(\".\")\n for (i <- 0 until hosts.length) {\n val filter1: String = hosts(i).filter(x => allow.contains(x))\n if (filter1.length != hosts(i).length) {\n out.println(\"NO\")\n return 1\n }\n if (hosts(i).length <= 0 || hosts(i).length > 16) {\n out.println(\"NO\")\n return 1\n }\n }\n\n if (part2.split(\"\\\\\\\\\").length > 1) {\n val res = part2.split(\"\\\\\\\\\")(1)\n val filter1: String = res.filter(x => allow.contains(x))\n if (filter1.length != res.length) {\n out.println(\"NO\")\n return 1\n }\n }\n out.println(\"YES\")\n return 1\n }\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in))\n out = new PrintWriter(new BufferedOutputStream(System.out))\n solve\n out.close\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import java.util._\nimport java.io._\n\nobject A {\n\n var out: PrintWriter = null\n var br: BufferedReader = null\n var st: StringTokenizer = null\n\n def next: String = {\n while (st == null || !st.hasMoreTokens) {\n st = new StringTokenizer(br.readLine)\n }\n return st.nextToken\n }\n\n def nextInt: Int = {\n return Integer.parseInt(next)\n }\n\n def nextLong: Long = {\n return java.lang.Long.parseLong(next)\n }\n\n def solve: Int = {\n val user = next\n if (user.split(\"@\").length != 2) {\n out.println(\"NO\")\n return 1\n }\n\n val name = user.split(\"@\")(0)\n if (name.length <= 0 || name.length > 16) {\n out.println(\"NO\")\n return 1\n }\n val part2 = user.split(\"@\")(1)\n val allow = \"QWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNMabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890_\".toCharArray\n if (name.filter(x => !allow.contains(x)).length > 0) {\n out.println(\"NO\")\n return 1\n }\n if (part2.split(\"\\\\\\\\\")(0).length <= 0 || part2.split(\"\\\\\\\\\")(0).length > 32) {\n out.println(\"NO\")\n return 1\n }\n\n val hosts = part2.split(\"\\\\\\\\\")(0).split(\".\")\n for (i <- 0 until hosts.length) {\n if (hosts(i).filter(x => !allow.contains(x)).length > 0) {\n out.println(\"NO\")\n return 1\n }\n if (hosts(i).length <= 0 || hosts(i).length > 16) {\n out.println(\"NO\")\n return 1\n }\n }\n\n if (part2.split(\"\\\\\\\\\").length > 1) {\n val res = part2.split(\"\\\\\\\\\")(1)\n if (res.filter(x => !allow.contains(x)).length > 0) {\n out.println(\"NO\")\n return 1\n }\n }\n out.println(\"YES\")\n return 1\n }\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in))\n out = new PrintWriter(new BufferedOutputStream(System.out))\n solve\n out.close\n }\n}\n"}], "src_uid": "2a68157e327f92415067f127feb31e24"} {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\n\n/**\n * Created by pinguinson on 6/17/2017.\n */\nobject A extends App {\n val sc = new Scanner(System.in)\n val palindromes = Seq(\n ( 0, 0),\n ( 1,10),\n ( 2,20),\n ( 3,30),\n ( 4,40),\n ( 5,50),\n //6\n //7\n //8\n //9\n (10, 1),\n (11,11),\n (12,21),\n (13,31),\n (14,41),\n (15,51),\n //16\n //17\n //18\n //19\n (20, 2),\n (21,12),\n (22,22),\n (23,32))\n val s = sc.next()\n val h = s.substring(0, 2).toInt\n val m = s.substring(3, 5).toInt\n val togo = palindromes.find {\n case (hour, minute) =>\n (hour > h) ||\n ((hour == h) && (minute >= m))\n } match {\n case Some((hr, min)) => (hr - h) * 60 + (min - m)\n case None => (23 - h) + (60 - m)\n }\n println(togo)\n}\n", "positive_code": [{"source_code": "object _816A extends CodeForcesApp {\n import Utils._, annotation._, collection.{mutable, Searching}, util._, control._, math.Ordering.Implicits._, Searching._\n\n override def apply(io: IO) = {import io.{read, readAll, write, writeAll, writeLine}\n var Array(hh, mm) = read[String].split(':').map(_.toInt)\n var ans = 0\n while(!isPalindrome(hh, mm)) {\n val (nh, nm) = next(hh, mm)\n hh = nh\n mm = nm\n ans += 1\n }\n write(ans)\n }\n\n def pad(x: Int) = if (x < 10) s\"0$x\" else x.toString\n\n def isPalindrome(hh: Int, mm: Int) = {\n val t = s\"${pad(hh)}:${pad(mm)}\"\n t == t.reverse\n }\n\n def next(hh: Int, mm: Int) = {\n if (mm == 59) {\n ((hh + 1)%24, 0)\n } else {\n (hh, mm + 1)\n }\n }\n}\n/****************************[Ignore Template Below]****************************************/\ntrait CodeForcesApp {\n lazy val isOnlineJudge: Boolean = sys.props.get(\"ONLINE_JUDGE\").exists(_.toBoolean)\n def debug(x: => Any): Unit = if (!isOnlineJudge) println(x)\n def apply(io: IO): io.type\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = this(new IO(System.in, System.out)).close()\n}\nobject Utils {\n import scala.collection.mutable, mutable.{Map => Dict}\n implicit class GenericExtensions[A](val a: A) extends AnyVal {\n def in(set: collection.Set[A]): Boolean = set(a)\n def some: Option[A] = Some(a)\n def partialMatch[B](f: PartialFunction[A, B]): Option[B] = f lift a\n }\n implicit class TraversableExtensions[A, C[X] <: Traversable[X]](val t: C[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def onlyElement: A = assuming(t.size == 1)(t.head)\n def groupByIdentifier[K](f: A => K): Map[K, A] = t.groupBy(f).mapValues(_.onlyElement)\n def duplicates(implicit b: C of A): C[A] = {\n val elems = mutable.Set.empty[A]\n (t collect {case i if !elems.add(i) => i}).to[C]\n }\n def sumWith[B](f: A => B)(implicit n: Numeric[B]): B = t.foldLeft(n.zero) {case (p, i) => n.plus(p, f(i))}\n def maxWith[B](f: A => B)(implicit ord: Ordering[B]): Option[B] = t.view.map(f).reduceOption(ord.max)\n def minWith[B](f: A => B)(implicit ord: Ordering[B]): Option[B] = t.view.map(f).reduceOption(ord.min)\n def zipWith[B](f: A => B)(implicit b: C of (A, B)): C[(A, B)] = (t map {i => i -> f(i)}).to[C]\n def mapTo[B](f: A => B)(implicit b: C of (A, B)): Map[A, B] = zipWith(f).toUniqueMap\n def whenNonEmpty[B](f: t.type => B): Option[B] = when(t.nonEmpty)(f(t)) // e.g. grades.whenNonEmpty(_.max)\n def collectFirst[B](f: PartialFunction[A, Option[B]]): Option[B] = t.view collect f collectFirst {case Some(x) => x}\n def toMutableMultiSet: Dict[A, Int] = {\n val c = map[A] to 0\n t.foreach(i => c(i) += 1)\n c\n }\n def toMultiSet: Map[A, Int] = toMutableMultiSet.toMap withDefaultValue 0\n def X[B](s: Traversable[B]): Iterator[(A, B)] = for {a <- t.toIterator; b <- s} yield (a, b)\n }\n implicit class ArrayExtensions[A <: AnyRef](val a: Array[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def sort(from: Int, until: Int)(implicit cmp: Ordering[A]): Unit = java.util.Arrays.sort(a, from, until, cmp) //sort [from, until)\n }\n implicit class ArrayExtensions2[A](val a: Array[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def sort(from: Int, until: Int)(implicit cmp: Ordering[A]): Unit = a.view(from, until).sorted.copyToArray(a, from)\n }\n implicit class SeqExtensions[A, C[X] <: Seq[X]](val s: C[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def isRotationOf(t: Seq[A]): Boolean = s ++ s containsSlice t\n }\n implicit class PairExtensions[A, B](val p: (A, B)) extends AnyVal {\n def key = p._1\n def value = p._2\n }\n implicit class PairsExtensions[A, B, C[X] <: Traversable[X]](t: C[(A, B)]) {\n def toUniqueMap: Map[A, B] = t.groupByIdentifier(_.key).mapValues(_.value)\n def toMultiMap(implicit b: C of B): Map[A, C[B]] = t.groupBy(_.key).mapValues(_.map(_.value).to[C])\n def swap(implicit b: C of (B, A)): C[(B, A)] = t.map(_.swap).to[C]\n }\n implicit class MapExtensions[K, V, C[X, Y] <: Map[X, Y]](val m: C[K, V]) extends AnyVal {\n def lastKeyOption: Option[K] = m.lastOption.map(_.key)\n def firstKeyOption: Option[K] = m.headOption.map(_.key)\n def invert: Map[V, Set[K]] = m.toSet[(K, V)].swap.toMultiMap\n def mapKeys[K2](f: K => K2): Map[K2, V] = m map {case (k, v) => f(k) -> v}\n def toMutable: Dict[K, V] = Dict.empty[K, V] ++ m\n def mapValuesSafely[V2](f: V => V2): Map[K, V2] = m.mapValues(f).view.force //Hack to get around https://issues.scala-lang.org/browse/SI-4776\n }\n implicit class MutableMapExtensions[K, V](val m: mutable.Map[K, V]) extends AnyVal {\n def removeLast(): Option[(K, V)] = m.lastOption.map(removeNode)\n def removeFirst(): Option[(K, V)] = m.headOption.map(removeNode)\n private def removeNode(kv: (K, V)): (K, V) = {\n m -= kv.key\n kv\n }\n }\n implicit class SetExtensions[A, C[A] <: Set[A]](val s: C[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def notContains(x: A): Boolean = !(s contains x)\n def toMutable = mutable.Set.empty[A] ++ s\n }\n implicit class IterableExtensions[A, C[A] <: Seq[A]](val s: C[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def indicesWhere(f: A => Boolean): Seq[Int] = s.zipWithIndex.collect {case (a, i) if f(a) => i}\n def deleteAtIndex(i: Int, howMany: Int = 1) = s.patch(i, Nil, howMany)\n def insertAtIndex(i: Int, items: Seq[A]) = s.patch(i, items, 0)\n def findWithIndex(f: A => Boolean): Option[(A, Int)] = s.zipWithIndex find {case (a, _) => f(a)}\n def foldUntil[B](z: B)(f: (B, A) => B)(c: B => Boolean): Option[(B, Int)] = s.view.scanLeft(z)(f).findWithIndex(c)\n }\n implicit class BooleanExtensions(val x: Boolean) extends AnyVal {\n def to[A](implicit n: Numeric[A]) = if(x) n.one else n.zero\n def toEnglish = if(x) \"YES\" else \"NO\"\n }\n implicit class IntExtensions(val x: Int) extends AnyVal {\n import java.lang.{Integer => JInt}\n def withHighestOneBit: Int = JInt.highestOneBit(x)\n def withLowestOneBit: Int = JInt.lowestOneBit(x)\n def numberOfLeadingZeroes: Int = JInt.numberOfLeadingZeros(x)\n def numberOfTrailingZeroes: Int = JInt.numberOfTrailingZeros(x)\n def bitCount: Int = JInt.bitCount(x)\n def setLowestBits(n: Int): Int = x | (left(n) - 1)\n def clearLowestBits(n: Int): Int = x & left(n, ~0)\n def setBit(i: Int, set: Boolean): Int = if (set) setBit(i) else clearBit(i)\n def setBit(i: Int): Int = x | left(i)\n def clearBit(i: Int): Int = x & ~left(i)\n def toggleBit(i: Int): Int = x ^ left(i)\n def testBit(i: Int): Boolean = ((x >> i) & 1) == 1\n private def left(bits: Int, num: Int = 1) = assuming(bits >= 0 && bits < JInt.SIZE)(num << bits)\n def X(y: Int): Iterator[(Int, Int)] = until(x) X until(y)\n }\n implicit class LongExtensions(val x: Long) extends AnyVal {\n import java.lang.{Long => JLong}\n def withHighestOneBitSet: Long = JLong.highestOneBit(x)\n def withLowestOneBitSet: Long = JLong.lowestOneBit(x)\n def numberOfLeadingZeroes: Int = JLong.numberOfLeadingZeros(x)\n def numberOfTrailingZeroes: Int = JLong.numberOfTrailingZeros(x)\n def bitCount: Int = JLong.bitCount(x)\n def setLowestBits(n: Int): Long = x | (left(n) - 1)\n def clearLowestBits(n: Int): Long = x & left(n, ~0L)\n def setBit(i: Int, set: Boolean): Long = if (set) setBit(i) else clearBit(i)\n def setBit(i: Int): Long = x | left(i)\n def clearBit(i: Int): Long = x & ~left(i)\n def toggleBit(i: Int): Long = x ^ left(i)\n def testBit(i: Int): Boolean = ((x >> i) & 1) == 1\n private def left(bits: Int, num: Long = 1L) = assuming(bits >= 0 && bits < JLong.SIZE)(num << bits)\n }\n implicit class NumericExtensions[A](val x: A)(implicit n: Numeric[A]) {\n import Numeric.Implicits._\n def **(i: Int): A = if (i == 0) n.one else {\n val h = x ** (i/2)\n if (i%2 == 0) h * h else h * h * x\n }\n def distance(y: A) = (x - y).abs()\n def nonNegative: Option[A] = when(n.gteq(x, n.zero))(x)\n def whenNegative(f: => A): A = nonNegative getOrElse f //e.g. students indexOf \"Greg\" whenNegative Int.MaxValue\n }\n implicit class IntegralExtensions[A](val x: A)(implicit n: Integral[A]) {\n import scala.collection.immutable.NumericRange, Integral.Implicits._\n def mod(y: A): A = x - ((x / y) * y) //(x/y)*y + (x mod y) == x\n def -->(y: A): NumericRange.Inclusive[A] = NumericRange.inclusive(x, y, if (n.lteq(x, y)) n.one else -n.one)\n def ceilDiv(y: A): A = if (mod(y) == n.zero) x/y else n.one + (x/y)\n }\n implicit def toPoint[A](p: (A, A))(implicit n: Numeric[A]) = new java.awt.geom.Point2D.Double(n.toDouble(p._1), n.toDouble(p._2))\n def desc[A: Ordering]: Ordering[A] = asc[A].reverse //e.g. students.sortBy(_.height)(desc)\n def asc[A](implicit order: Ordering[A]): Ordering[A] = order\n def map[K] = new {\n def to[V](default: => V): Dict[K, V] = using(_ => default)\n def using[V](f: K => V): Dict[K, V] = new mutable.HashMap[K, V]() {\n override def apply(key: K) = getOrElseUpdate(key, f(key))\n }\n }\n def newMultiMap[K, V] = map[K] to mutable.Set.empty[V]\n def memoize[A, B](f: A => B): A ==> B = map[A] using f\n implicit class FuzzyDouble(val x: Double) extends AnyVal {\n def >~(y: Double) = x > y + eps\n def >=~(y: Double) = x >= y + eps\n def ~<(y: Double) = y >=~ x\n def ~=<(y: Double) = y >~ x\n def ~=(y: Double) = (x distance y) <= eps\n }\n def toPolygon(points: Traversable[(Int, Int)]): java.awt.Polygon = {\n val (xs, ys) = points.unzip\n new java.awt.Polygon(xs.toArray, ys.toArray, points.size)\n }\n def toShape(points: Traversable[(Double, Double)]): java.awt.geom.GeneralPath = {\n val shape = new java.awt.geom.GeneralPath()\n points.headOption foreach {case (x, y) => shape.moveTo(x, y)}\n points.tail foreach {case (x, y) => shape.lineTo(x, y)}\n shape.closePath()\n shape\n }\n def until(until: Int): Range = 0 until until\n def not[A](f: A => Boolean): A => Boolean = {x: A => !f(x)}\n def assuming[A](cond: => Boolean)(f: => A): A = {require(cond); f}\n @inline def when[A](check: Boolean)(f: => A): Option[A] = if (check) f.some else None\n def repeat[U](n: Int)(f: => U): Unit = (1 to n).foreach(_ => f)\n type of[C[_], A] = scala.collection.generic.CanBuild[A, C[A]]\n type ==>[A, B] = collection.Map[A, B]\n val mod: Int = (1e9 + 7).toInt\n val eps: Double = 1e-9\n}\n/***********************************[Scala I/O]*********************************************/\nimport Utils._, java.io._, java.util.StringTokenizer\n\nclass IO(in: BufferedReader, out: BufferedWriter) extends Iterator[String] with AutoCloseable with Flushable {\n def this(reader: Reader, writer: Writer) = this(new BufferedReader(reader), new BufferedWriter(writer))\n def this(in: InputStream, out: OutputStream) = this(new InputStreamReader(in), new OutputStreamWriter(out))\n\n private[this] val tokenizers = Iterator.continually(in.readLine()).takeWhile(_ != null).map(new StringTokenizer(_)).buffered\n val printer = new PrintWriter(out, true)\n\n @inline private[this] def tokenizer() = {\n while(tokenizers.nonEmpty && !tokenizers.head.hasMoreTokens) tokenizers.next()\n when(tokenizers.nonEmpty)(tokenizers.head)\n }\n\n def read[A](implicit read: IO.Read[A]): A = read.apply(this)\n def read[C[_], A: IO.Read](n: Int)(implicit b: C of A): C[A] = Iterator.fill(n)(read).to[C]\n\n def readTill(delim: String): String = tokenizer().get.nextToken(delim)\n def readTillEndOfLine(): String = readTill(\"\\n\\r\")\n\n def readAll[A: IO.Read]: (Int, Vector[A]) = {\n val data = read[Vector[A]]\n (data.length, data)\n }\n\n override def next() = tokenizer().get.nextToken()\n override def hasNext = tokenizer().nonEmpty\n\n def write(obj: Any): this.type = {\n printer.print(obj)\n this\n }\n def writeLine(): this.type = {\n printer.println()\n this\n }\n def writeLine(obj: Any): this.type = {\n printer.println(obj)\n this\n }\n def writeAll(obj: Traversable[Any], separator: String = \" \"): this.type = write(obj mkString separator)\n def query[A: IO.Read](question: Any): A = writeLine(question).read\n\n override def flush() = printer.flush()\n def close() = {\n flush()\n in.close()\n printer.close()\n }\n}\nobject IO {\n class Read[A](val apply: IO => A) {\n def map[B](f: A => B): Read[B] = new Read(apply andThen f)\n }\n object Read {\n implicit def collection[C[_], A: Read](implicit b: C of A): Read[C[A]] = new Read(r => r.read[C, A](r.read[Int]))\n implicit val string : Read[String] = new Read(_.next())\n implicit val char : Read[Char] = string.map(_.toTraversable.onlyElement)\n implicit val int : Read[Int] = string.map(_.toInt)\n implicit val long : Read[Long] = string.map(_.toLong)\n implicit val bigInt : Read[BigInt] = string.map(BigInt(_))\n implicit val double : Read[Double] = string.map(_.toDouble)\n implicit val bigDecimal : Read[BigDecimal] = string.map(BigDecimal(_))\n implicit def tuple2[A: Read, B: Read] : Read[(A, B)] = new Read(r => (r.read[A], r.read[B]))\n implicit def tuple3[A: Read, B: Read, C: Read] : Read[(A, B, C)] = new Read(r => (r.read[A], r.read[B], r.read[C]))\n implicit def tuple4[A: Read, B: Read, C: Read, D: Read] : Read[(A, B, C, D)] = new Read(r => (r.read[A], r.read[B], r.read[C], r.read[D]))\n implicit val boolean : Read[Boolean] = string map {s =>\n s.toLowerCase match {\n case \"yes\" | \"true\" | \"1\" => true\n case \"no\" | \"false\" | \"0\" => false\n case _ => s.toBoolean\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\n"}], "negative_code": [{"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\n\n/**\n * Created by pinguinson on 6/17/2017.\n */\nobject A extends App {\n val sc = new Scanner(System.in)\n val palindromes = Seq((0,0),(1, 10), (2, 20), (3, 30), (4, 40), (5, 50), (10, 1), (11, 11), (12,21),(13,31), (14,41),(15,51),(20,2), (21,12), (22,22),(23,32))\n val s = sc.next()\n val h = s.substring(0, 2).toInt\n val m = s.substring(3, 5).toInt\n val togo = palindromes.find {\n case (hour, minute) => hour >= h && minute >= m\n } match {\n case Some((hr, min)) => (hr - h) * 60 + (min - m)\n case None => (23 - h) + (60 - m)\n }\n println(togo)\n}\n"}], "src_uid": "3ad3b8b700f6f34b3a53fdb63af351a5"} {"source_code": "object Main2 extends App {\n\n import java.io._\n import java.util.{StringTokenizer}\n\n val in = new Reader()\n val out: PrintWriter = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(System.out)))\n\n val n = in.nextInt\n var s = in.next\n (2 to n) filter(n % _ == 0) foreach { d =>\n s = s.substring(0, d).reverse + s.substring(d, n)\n }\n out.print(s)\n out.flush()\n out.close()\n\n class Reader @throws[IOException]\n () {\n var br: BufferedReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in))\n var tok: StringTokenizer = null\n\n def this(file: String) {\n this()\n br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file))\n }\n\n def next: String = {\n while (tok == null || !tok.hasMoreElements) tok = new StringTokenizer(br.readLine)\n tok.nextToken\n }\n\n def nextInt: Int = next.toInt\n\n def nextLong: Long = next.toLong\n\n def nextDouble: Double = next.toDouble\n\n def nextLine: String = br.readLine\n }\n\n}", "positive_code": [{"source_code": "object CF_490_3_B {\n\n type In = (Int, String)\n type Out = String\n \n def solve(in: In): Out = {\n val (n, s) = in\n\n var ms = s\n for {\n i <- 1 to n\n if n % i == 0\n } {\n val (a, b) = ms.splitAt(i)\n ms = a.reverse + b\n }\n\n ms\n }\n\n// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n// Specify Input and Output formats on RHS here:\n\n def formatIn(i: Input): In = (i.int, {i.nextLine; i.nextLine})\n def formatOut(out: Out): String = out.toString\n\n// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n// Boilerplate & utility methods that don't change (so ignore): \n\n import java.util.Scanner\n import java.io.InputStream\n import language.implicitConversions\n \n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val out = new java.io.PrintWriter(System.out)\n val resultStr = new Input(System.in).solveStr\n out.println(resultStr)\n out.close()\n }\n \n class Input(val sc: Scanner) {\n // This class is useful for convenience, and for mock stdin in test scripts\n // Remember to call nextLine to advance past the newline character (if required) before taking a whole line\n def this(i: InputStream) = this(new Scanner(i))\n def this(s: String) = this(new Scanner(s.stripMargin))\n def int = sc.nextInt()\n def long = sc.nextLong()\n def double = sc.nextDouble()\n def nextLine = sc.nextLine()\n def collect[T](f: String => T) = sc.nextLine().split(\" \").toVector.map(f)\n def intSeq = collect(_.toInt)\n def doubleSeq = collect(_.toDouble)\n def getLines: Vector[String] = if (!sc.hasNextLine) Vector.empty \n else sc.nextLine +: getLines\n def getLines(lineCount: Int) = {nextLine; (1 to lineCount).map(_ => sc.nextLine)}\n def solveVal: Out = (solve _).tupled(formatIn(this))\n def solveStr: String = formatOut(solveVal)\n }\n\n // Ceiling division for Int & Long\n // `a` MUST be > 0. Incorrect otherwise.\n def divideCeil(a: Int, b: Int) = (a - 1)/b + 1\n def divideCeil(a: Long, b: Long) = (a - 1)/b + 1\n \n // A frequently used number in these comps\n val modulo = 1000000007\n\n // For convenience in test scripts, treat a String as an Input \n implicit def stringToInput(s: String): Input = new Input(s)\n // Required to make `solveVal` work when input has just 1 value (i.e. not a Tuple)\n implicit class makeTupledWorkOnFunction1[-T,+R](f: T => R) { \n def tupled: T => R = x => f(x) \n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object B999 {\n\n import IO._\n import collection.{mutable => cu}\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val Array(n) = readInts(1)\n var str = read\n for(fact <- 1 to n) {\n if(n % fact == 0) {\n str = (str.take(fact).reverse) ++ str.drop(fact)\n }\n }\n out.println(str)\n\n out.close()\n }\n\n object IO {\n private val input = new java.io.BufferedReader(new java.io.InputStreamReader(System.in))\n // private val input = new java.io.BufferedReader(new java.io.InputStreamReader(new java.io.FileInputStream(\"src/input\")))\n val out = new java.io.PrintWriter(System.out)\n\n @inline def read: String = input.readLine()\n\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(read)\n\n def readInt: Int = tokenizeLine.nextToken.toInt\n\n def readInts(n: Int): Array[Int] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine\n Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt)\n }\n\n def readLongs(n: Int): Array[Long] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine\n Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong)\n }\n\n def readBigs(n: Int): Array[BigInt] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine\n Array.fill(n)(BigInt(tl.nextToken))\n }\n }\n\n}"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn\n\nobject ReversingEncryption {\n def decrypt(length: Int, line: String): String = {\n var newString = line\n for (i <- 1 to length) {\n if (length % i == 0) {\n newString = newString.replaceFirst(newString.substring(0, i), newString.substring(0, i).reverse)\n }\n }\n newString\n }\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val length = StdIn.readInt()\n var line = StdIn.readLine()\n println(decrypt(length, line))\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn._\nimport scala.annotation.tailrec\n\nobject ProblemB {\n def readLineToList = readLine.split(\" \").map(_.toInt).toList\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val max = readLine.toInt\n val encryptedStr = readLine\n val divisors = (1 to max).filter(max % _ == 0)\n\n val result = divisors.foldLeft(encryptedStr)((a,b) => {\n a.substring(0, b).reverse + a.splitAt(b)._2\n })\n println(result)\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn\n\nobject ReverseEncryption {\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n StdIn.readLine()\n val string = StdIn.readLine()\n println(solve(string))\n }\n\n def solve(input: String) = {\n var result = input\n divisor(input.length).foreach(n => result = flip(result, n))\n result\n }\n\n private def divisor(n: Int): Seq[Int] = {\n for {\n i <- 2 to n\n if n % i == 0\n }\n yield i\n }\n\n private def flip(input: String, n: Int): String = {\n input.substring(0, n).reverse + input.substring(n)\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "import math._\nobject Main extends App {\n val n = readInt\n val s = readLine\n val d = (1 to sqrt(n).toInt).filter(n % _ == 0)\n val all_d = (d ++ d.map(n / _).reverse).distinct\n val b = StringBuilder.newBuilder\n b.append(s)\n all_d.foreach(i => b.replace(0, i, b.substring(0, i).reverse))\n println(b)\n}"}], "negative_code": [{"source_code": "import math._\nobject Main extends App {\n val n = readInt\n val s = readLine\n val d = (1 to sqrt(n).toInt).filter(n % _ == 0)\n val all_d = d ++ d.map(n / _).reverse\n val b = StringBuilder.newBuilder\n b.append(s)\n all_d.foreach(i => b.replace(0, i, b.substring(0, i).reverse))\n println(b)\n}"}], "src_uid": "1b0b2ee44c63cb0634cb63f2ad65cdd3"} {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\nimport java.io.PrintWriter\nimport java.util.Arrays.binarySearch\nimport scala.annotation.tailrec\nimport scala.collection.mutable\nimport scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer\nimport scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer\nimport scala.util.Random\nimport scala.util.control.Breaks._\n\n\nobject P108A extends App {\n val sc = new Scanner(System.in)\n val out = new PrintWriter(System.out)\n\n val List(hh, mm): List[String] = sc.nextLine.split(\":\").toList\n\n def nextPalindromicTime(n: Int): String = {\n val h = (n + 1) % 24\n val m = f\"$h%02d\".reverse.toInt\n if (m < 60) f\"$h%02d:$m%02d\"\n else nextPalindromicTime(h)\n }\n\n val res = {\n val rh = hh.reverse.toInt\n if (rh < 60 && rh > mm.toInt) hh + \":\" + hh.reverse\n else nextPalindromicTime(hh.toInt)\n }\n\n out.println(res)\n out.close\n}\n\n\n\n\n\n", "positive_code": [{"source_code": "object P108A extends App {\n \n val Array(hh,mm) = readLine.split(\":\").map(_.toInt)\n \n def inc(t:(Int,Int)) = ((t._1 + (if (t._2==59) 1 else 0)) % 24,(t._2+1) % 60)\n def f(s:Int) = \"%02d\".format(s)\n def isPal(t:Int,s:Int) = (f(t) == f(s).reverse)\n \n var time = (hh,mm)\n do time = inc(time) while(!isPal(time._1,time._2))\n print(f(time._1) + \":\" + f(time._2))\n\n}"}, {"source_code": "object P108A extends App {\n val Array(h,m)=readLine.split(\":\").map(_.toInt)\n def i(t:(Int,Int))=((t._1+(if(t._2==59)1 else 0))%24,(t._2+1)%60)\n def f(s:Int)=\"%02d\".format(s)\n var t = (h,m)\n do t = i(t) while(f(t._1) != f(t._2).reverse)\n print(f(t._1) + \":\" + f(t._2))\n}"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.Source\n\nobject Solution extends App {\n def pol(time: Int) = {\n val minutes = time % 60\n val hours = time / 60 % 24\n minutes % 10 == hours / 10 && minutes / 10 == hours % 10\n }\n\n val in = Source.stdin.getLines()\n val Array(hh, mm) = in.next().split(\":\").map(_.toInt)\n var time = hh * 60 + mm + 1\n while (!pol(time)) time += 1\n val minutes = time % 60\n val hours = time / 60 % 24\n println(f\"$hours%02d:$minutes%02d\")\n}"}, {"source_code": "object A108 {\n\n import IO._\n import collection.{mutable => cu}\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val in = {\n val str = read\n Array(str.take(2).toInt, str.takeRight(2).toInt)\n }\n var break = false\n while(!break) {\n if(in(0) == 23 && in(1) == 59) {\n in(0) = 0\n in(1) = 0\n } else if(in(1) == 59){\n in(0) += 1\n in(1) = 0\n } else {\n in(1) += 1\n }\n val str = \"%02d\".format(in(0)) + \":\" + \"%02d\".format(in(1))\n if(str == str.reverse) {\n println(str)\n break = true\n }\n }\n }\n\n object IO {\n private val input = new java.io.BufferedReader(new java.io.InputStreamReader(System.in))\n\n @inline def read: String = input.readLine()\n\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(read)\n\n def readInt: Int = tokenizeLine.nextToken.toInt\n\n def readInts(n: Int): Array[Int] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine\n Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt)\n }\n\n def readLongs(n: Int): Array[Long] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine\n Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong)\n }\n\n def readBigs(n: Int): Array[BigInt] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine\n Array.fill(n)(BigInt(tl.nextToken))\n }\n }\n\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object Main {\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val Array(hh, mm) = readLine().split(\":\")\n val h1 = \n if (hh.reverse.toInt <= mm.toInt) hh.toInt + 1\n else hh.toInt\n val h2 = h1 match {\n case 24 => \"00\"\n case i if i < 6 => \"0\" + i\n case i if i >= 6 && i <= 9 => \"10\"\n case i if i >= 16 && i <= 19 => \"20\"\n case i => i.toString\n }\n println(h2 + \":\" + h2.reverse)\n }\n}"}], "negative_code": [{"source_code": "object P108A extends App {\n \n val Array(hh,mm) = readLine.split(\":\").map(_.toInt)\n \n def inc(t:(Int,Int)) = ((t._1 + (if (t._2==59) 1 else 0)) % 24,(t._2+1) % 60)\n def isPal(t:(Int,Int)) = (t._1 == t._2.toString.reverse.toInt)\n \n var time = (hh,mm)\n do time = inc(time) while(!isPal(time))\n printf(\"%02d:%02d\", time._1, time._2)\n\n}"}, {"source_code": "object P108A extends App {\n val Array(h,m)=readLine.split(\":\").map(_.toInt)\n def i(t:(Int,Int))=((t._1+(if(t._2==59)1 else 0))%24,(t._2+1)%60)\n def f(s:Int)=\"%02d\".format(s)\n var t = (h,m)\n do t = i(t) while(f(t._1) != f(t._2))\n print(f(t._1) + \":\" + f(t._2))\n}"}, {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\nimport java.io.PrintWriter\nimport java.util.Arrays.binarySearch\nimport scala.annotation.tailrec\nimport scala.collection.mutable\nimport scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer\nimport scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer\nimport scala.util.Random\nimport scala.util.control.Breaks._\n\n\nobject P108A extends App {\n val sc = new Scanner(System.in)\n val out = new PrintWriter(System.out)\n\n val List(h, m) = sc.nextLine.split(\":\").toList\n\n val res = if (h.reverse.toInt > m.toInt) out.println(h + \":\" + h.reverse)\n else nextPalindromicTIme(h.toInt)\n\n def nextPalindromicTIme(x: Int): String = {\n val y = (x + 1) % 24\n val z = f\"$y%02d\".reverse.toInt\n if (z < 60) f\"$y%02d:$z%02d\"\n else (nextPalindromicTIme(x + 1))\n }\n\n out.println(res)\n out.close\n}\n\n\n\n\n\n"}, {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\nimport java.io.PrintWriter\nimport java.util.Arrays.binarySearch\nimport scala.annotation.tailrec\nimport scala.collection.mutable\nimport scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer\nimport scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer\nimport scala.util.Random\nimport scala.util.control.Breaks._\n\n\nobject P108A extends App {\n val sc = new Scanner(System.in)\n val out = new PrintWriter(System.out)\n\n val List(h, m) = sc.nextLine.split(\":\").toList\n\n if (h.reverse.toInt >= m.toInt) out.println(h + \":\" + h.reverse)\n else nextPalindromicTIme(h.toInt)\n\n def nextPalindromicTIme(x: Int): String = {\n val y = (x + 1) % 24\n val z = f\"$y%02d\".reverse.toInt\n if (z < 60) f\"$y%02d:$z%02d\"\n else (nextPalindromicTIme(x + 1))\n }\n\n out.close\n}\n\n\n\n\n\n"}, {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\nimport java.io.PrintWriter\nimport java.util.Arrays.binarySearch\nimport scala.annotation.tailrec\nimport scala.collection.mutable\nimport scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer\nimport scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer\nimport scala.util.Random\nimport scala.util.control.Breaks._\n\n\nobject P108A extends App {\n val sc = new Scanner(System.in)\n val out = new PrintWriter(System.out)\n\n val List(h, m) = sc.nextLine.split(\":\").toList\n\n if (h.reverse.toInt > m.toInt) out.println(h + \":\" + h.reverse)\n else nextPalindromicTIme(h.toInt)\n\n def nextPalindromicTIme(x: Int): String = {\n val y = (x + 1) % 24\n val z = f\"$y%02d\".reverse.toInt\n if (z < 60) f\"$y%02d:$z%02d\"\n else (nextPalindromicTIme(x + 1))\n }\n\n out.close\n}\n\n\n\n\n\n"}, {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\nimport java.io.PrintWriter\nimport java.util.Arrays.binarySearch\nimport scala.annotation.tailrec\nimport scala.collection.mutable\nimport scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer\nimport scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer\nimport scala.util.Random\nimport scala.util.control.Breaks._\n\n\nobject P108A extends App {\n val sc = new Scanner(System.in)\n val out = new PrintWriter(System.out)\n\n val List(h, m) = sc.nextLine.split(\":\").toList\n\n val res = if (h.reverse.toInt > m.toInt) h + \":\" + h.reverse\n else nextPalindromicTIme(h.toInt)\n\n def nextPalindromicTIme(x: Int): String = {\n val y = (x + 1) % 24\n val z = f\"$y%02d\".reverse.toInt\n if (z < 60) f\"$y%02d:$z%02d\"\n else nextPalindromicTIme(x + 1)\n }\n\n out.println(res)\n out.close\n}\n\n\n\n\n\n"}, {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\nimport java.io.PrintWriter\nimport java.util.Arrays.binarySearch\nimport scala.annotation.tailrec\nimport scala.collection.mutable\nimport scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer\nimport scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer\nimport scala.util.Random\nimport scala.util.control.Breaks._\n\n\nobject P108A extends App {\n val sc = new Scanner(System.in)\n val out = new PrintWriter(System.out)\n\n val n = sc.nextLine.split(\":\")(0).toInt\n\n def nextPalindromicTIme(x: Int): String = {\n val y = (x + 1) % 24\n val z = f\"$y%02d\".reverse.toInt\n if (z < 60) f\"$y%02d:$z%02d\"\n else (nextPalindromicTIme(x + 1))\n }\n\n out.println(nextPalindromicTIme(n))\n out.close\n}\n\n\n\n\n\n"}], "src_uid": "158eae916daa3e0162d4eac0426fa87f"} {"source_code": "object Solution extends App {\n val in = scala.io.Source.stdin.getLines()\n val n = in.next().toInt\n println(s\"$n 0 0\")\n}\n", "positive_code": [{"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\n\nobject Main {\n\n\tdef main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n\t\tval scanner = new Scanner (System.in)\n\t\tval n = scanner nextInt ()\n\t\tprint (\"0 0 \")\n\t\tprintln (n)\n\t}\n\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object A199 {\n\n import IO._\n import collection.{mutable => cu}\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val Array(n) = readLongs(1)\n println(s\"0 0 $n\")\n }\n\n object IO {\n @inline def read: String = scala.io.StdIn.readLine\n\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(read)\n\n def readInts(n: Int): Array[Int] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine;\n Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt)\n }\n\n def readLongs(n: Int): Array[Long] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine;\n Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong)\n }\n\n def readBigs(n: Int): Array[BigInt] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine;\n Array.fill(n)(BigInt(tl.nextToken))\n }\n }\n\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\nimport java.io.PrintWriter\nimport scala.annotation.tailrec\nimport scala.collection.mutable\nimport scala.util.Random\n\nobject P199A extends App {\n val sc = new Scanner(System.in)\n val out = new PrintWriter(System.out)\n\n val N = sc.nextInt\n\n def solve(): List[Int] = {\n\n @tailrec\n def loop(a: Int, b: Int, c: Int, d: Int, x: Int): List[Int] = {\n if (x == N) List(a, b, d)\n else loop(b, c, d, x, d + x)\n }\n\n N match {\n case 0 => List(0, 0, 0)\n case 1 => List(0, 0, 1)\n case 2 => List(0, 1, 1)\n case _ => loop(0, 1, 1, 2, 3)\n }\n }\n\n out.println(solve.mkString(\" \"))\n out.close\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "\nimport java.util\n\nimport scala.annotation.tailrec\n\n/**\n * @author pvasilyev\n * @since 16 Jun 2016\n */\nobject A199 extends App {\n\n @tailrec\n // fibs[from] <= f\n def binarySearch(fibs: util.ArrayList[Int], f: Int, from: Int, to: Int): Int = {\n if (to - from < 2) {\n from\n } else {\n val mid: Int = (from + to) / 2\n if (fibs.get(mid) <= f) {\n binarySearch(fibs, f, mid, to)\n } else {\n binarySearch(fibs, f, from, mid)\n }\n }\n }\n\n def solve() = {\n val f: Int = scala.io.StdIn.readInt()\n if (f == 0) {\n println(\"0 0 0\")\n } else if (f == 1) {\n println(\"0 0 1\")\n } else {\n val fibs = new util.ArrayList[Int]()\n fibs.add(0)\n fibs.add(1)\n var k = 2\n while (fibs.get(k - 1) + fibs.get(k - 2) < 1000000000) {\n fibs.add(fibs.get(k - 1) + fibs.get(k - 2))\n k += 1\n }\n val i: Int = binarySearch(fibs, f, 0, fibs.size())\n println(\"0 \" + fibs.get(i-2) + \" \" + fibs.get(i-1))\n }\n }\n\n solve()\n\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import java.io._\nimport java.util.Locale\nimport scala.annotation.tailrec\n\nobject Easy {\n val reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in))\n def readInt = reader.readLine().toInt\n def readInts = reader.readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n def readLongs = reader.readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toLong)\n def readLine = reader.readLine\n\n def ans = Array(0, 0, readInt).mkString(\" \")\n\n def main(a: Array[String]) {\n println(ans)\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object Main {\n val fib: Stream[Int] = {\n def fibf(a: Int, b: Int): Stream[Int] = {\n a #:: fibf(b, a + b)\n }\n fibf(0, 1)\n }\n\n def main(args: Array[String]) = {\n val n = readLine()\n val i = fib.takeWhile(_ < 1000000000).indexOf(n)\n if (i <= 3) println(\"0 0 \" + n) \n else println(fib(i - 4) + \" \" + fib(i - 3) + \" \" + fib(i - 1))\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "object Solution extends App{\n \n val in = scala.io.Source.stdin.getLines()\n val n = in.next().toInt\n println(s\"$n 0 0\")\n}"}], "negative_code": [{"source_code": "object A199 {\n\n import IO._\n import collection.{mutable => cu}\n def generateFib(till: Long): Array[Long] = {\n var num1 = 1L\n var num2 = 2L\n var res = Array(1L, 2L)\n while(num2 <= till) {\n val temp = num1 + num2\n num1 = num2\n num2 = temp\n res ++= Array(num2)\n }\n res\n }\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val Array(n) = readLongs(1)\n val fibs = generateFib(1000000000L)\n var break = false\n for(i <- fibs; j <- fibs; k <- fibs if !break) {\n if(i+j+k == n) {\n println(s\"$i $j $k\")\n break = true\n }\n }\n if(!break)\n println(\"I'm too stupid to solve this problem\")\n }\n\n object IO {\n @inline def read: String = scala.io.StdIn.readLine\n\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(read)\n\n def readInts(n: Int): Array[Int] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine;\n Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt)\n }\n\n def readLongs(n: Int): Array[Long] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine;\n Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong)\n }\n\n def readBigs(n: Int): Array[BigInt] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine;\n Array.fill(n)(BigInt(tl.nextToken))\n }\n }\n\n}\n"}], "src_uid": "db46a6b0380df047aa34ea6a8f0f93c1"} {"source_code": "object Main extends App with fastIO{\n val s = readLine\n val st = \"CODEFORCES\"\n var bo = false\n //if(s.contains(st)) bo = true\n for(a <- 0 until s.length; b <- a to s.length){\n if(s.substring(0,a)++s.substring(b,s.length)==st) bo = true\n }\n println(if(bo)\"YES\" else \"NO\")\n flush\n}\n\ntrait fastIO {\n import java.io._\n val isFile = false\n val input = \"file.in\"\n val output = \"file.out\"\n val bf = new BufferedReader(if(isFile) new FileReader(input) else new InputStreamReader(System.in))\n val in = new StreamTokenizer(bf)\n val out = new PrintWriter(if(isFile)new FileWriter(output) else new OutputStreamWriter(System.out))\n\n def next: String = {\n in.ordinaryChars('0', '9')\n in.wordChars('0', '9')\n in.nextToken()\n in.sval\n }\n def nextInt: Int = {\n in.nextToken()\n in.nval.toInt\n }\n def nextLong:Long ={\n in.nextToken()\n in.nval.toLong\n }\n def nextDouble: Double = {\n in.nextToken()\n in.nval\n }\n def readLine: String = bf.readLine()\n def println(o:Any) = out.println(o)\n def print(o:Any) = out.print(o)\n def printf(s:String,o:Any*) = out.printf(s,o)\n def flush() = out.flush()\n}", "positive_code": [{"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn._\n\nobject A_CuttingBanner extends App {\n val banner = readLine()\n val Code = \"CODEFORCES\"\n\n private def isPossible: Boolean = {\n if (banner.length > Code.length) {\n val sizeToCut = banner.length - Code.length\n for {\n left <- 0 to banner.length\n } {\n val L = banner.take(left)\n val R = banner.drop(left + sizeToCut)\n// println(L + \"|\" + R)\n if (L + R == Code) return true\n }\n }\n\n false\n }\n\n println(if (isPossible) \"YES\" else \"NO\")\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import java.io._\nimport java.util._\n\nimport scala.collection.mutable\n\nobject A {\n\n var out: PrintWriter = null\n var br: BufferedReader = null\n var st: StringTokenizer = null\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in))\n out = new PrintWriter(new BufferedOutputStream(System.out))\n solve\n out.close\n }\n\n def next: String = {\n while (st == null || !st.hasMoreTokens) {\n st = new StringTokenizer(br.readLine)\n }\n return st.nextToken\n }\n\n def nextInt: Int = return Integer.parseInt(next)\n\n def nextLong: Long = return java.lang.Long.parseLong(next)\n\n def nextDouble: Double = return java.lang.Double.parseDouble(next)\n\n class MultiHashSet[T <% Comparable[T]] {\n val map = new mutable.HashMap[T, Int]()\n\n def count(x: T): Int = {\n return map.getOrElse(x, 0)\n }\n\n def add(x: T): Unit = map.put(x, count(x) + 1)\n\n def remove(x: T): Boolean = {\n val prev = count(x)\n if (prev == 0)\n return false\n if (prev == 1) {\n map.remove(x)\n } else {\n map.put(x, prev - 1)\n }\n return true\n }\n }\n\n class MultiTreeSet[T <% Comparable[T]] {\n val map = new TreeMap[T, Int]()\n\n def count(x: T): Int = {\n val res = map.get(x)\n if (res == null)\n return 0\n return res\n }\n\n def add(x: T): Unit = map.put(x, count(x) + 1)\n\n def first(): T = return map.firstKey()\n\n def last(): T = return map.lastKey()\n\n def remove(x: T): Boolean = {\n val prev = count(x)\n if (prev == 0)\n return false\n if (prev == 1) {\n map.remove(x)\n } else {\n map.put(x, prev - 1)\n }\n return true\n }\n }\n\n def solve: Int = {\n val banner = next\n val n = banner.length\n for (i <- 0 until n) {\n for (j <- i - 1 until n) {\n if ((banner.substring(0, i) + banner.substring(j + 1)).equalsIgnoreCase(\"codeforces\")) {\n out.println(\"YES\")\n return 0\n }\n }\n }\n out.println(\"NO\")\n return 0\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.Source\n\nobject A extends App {\n val str = Source.stdin.getLines().next()\n val a = (0 until str.length).exists(s => (s to str.length).exists(e => str.substring(0, s) + str.substring(e) == \"CODEFORCES\"))\n println(if (a) \"YES\" else \"NO\")\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import scala.collection._\n\nobject A extends App {\n \n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(readLine)\n def readInts(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt) }\n def readLongs(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong) }\n def readBigs(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(BigInt(tl.nextToken)) }\n\n val a = readLine\n val b = \"CODEFORCES\"\n var canCut = true\n var hasCut = false\n var ok = true\n \n var i = 0\n while (i < a.length && i < b.length && a(i) == b(i)) {\n i += 1\n }\n \n var j = 0\n while (j < a.length && j < b.length && a(a.length - j - 1) == b(b.length - j - 1)) {\n j += 1\n }\n//println(i, j)\n println(if (i == b.length || j == b.length || i + j >= b.length) \"YES\" else \"NO\")\n}\n"}], "negative_code": [{"source_code": "object Main extends App with fastIO{\n val s = readLine\n val st = \"CODEFORCES\"\n var bo = false\n if(s.contains(st)) bo = true\n else for(a <- 0 until s.length; b <- a until s.length){\n if(s.substring(0,a)++s.substring(b,s.length)==st) bo = true\n }\n println(if(bo)\"YES\" else \"NO\")\n flush\n}\n\ntrait fastIO {\n import java.io._\n val isFile = false\n val input = \"file.in\"\n val output = \"file.out\"\n val bf = new BufferedReader(if(isFile) new FileReader(input) else new InputStreamReader(System.in))\n val in = new StreamTokenizer(bf)\n val out = new PrintWriter(if(isFile)new FileWriter(output) else new OutputStreamWriter(System.out))\n\n def next: String = {\n in.ordinaryChars('0', '9')\n in.wordChars('0', '9')\n in.nextToken()\n in.sval\n }\n def nextInt: Int = {\n in.nextToken()\n in.nval.toInt\n }\n def nextLong:Long ={\n in.nextToken()\n in.nval.toLong\n }\n def nextDouble: Double = {\n in.nextToken()\n in.nval\n }\n def readLine: String = bf.readLine()\n def println(o:Any) = out.println(o)\n def print(o:Any) = out.print(o)\n def printf(s:String,o:Any*) = out.printf(s,o)\n def flush() = out.flush()\n}"}, {"source_code": "\nobject Main extends App with fastIO{\n val s = readLine\n val st = \"CODEFORCES\"\n var bo = false\n //if(s.contains(st)) bo = true\n for(a <- 0 until s.length; b <- a until s.length){\n if(s.substring(0,a)++s.substring(b,s.length)==st) bo = true\n }\n println(if(bo)\"YES\" else \"NO\")\n flush\n}\n\ntrait fastIO {\n import java.io._\n val isFile = false\n val input = \"file.in\"\n val output = \"file.out\"\n val bf = new BufferedReader(if(isFile) new FileReader(input) else new InputStreamReader(System.in))\n val in = new StreamTokenizer(bf)\n val out = new PrintWriter(if(isFile)new FileWriter(output) else new OutputStreamWriter(System.out))\n\n def next: String = {\n in.ordinaryChars('0', '9')\n in.wordChars('0', '9')\n in.nextToken()\n in.sval\n }\n def nextInt: Int = {\n in.nextToken()\n in.nval.toInt\n }\n def nextLong:Long ={\n in.nextToken()\n in.nval.toLong\n }\n def nextDouble: Double = {\n in.nextToken()\n in.nval\n }\n def readLine: String = bf.readLine()\n def println(o:Any) = out.println(o)\n def print(o:Any) = out.print(o)\n def printf(s:String,o:Any*) = out.printf(s,o)\n def flush() = out.flush()\n}"}, {"source_code": "import scala.collection._\n\nobject A extends App {\n \n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(readLine)\n def readInts(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt) }\n def readLongs(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong) }\n def readBigs(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(BigInt(tl.nextToken)) }\n\n val a = readLine\n val b = \"CODEFORCES\"\n var canCut = true\n var hasCut = false\n var ok = true\n \n var i = 0\n while (i < a.length && i < b.length && a(i) == b(i)) {\n i += 1\n }\n \n var j = 0\n while (j < a.length && j < b.length && a(a.length - j - 1) == b(b.length - j - 1)) {\n j += 1\n }\n//println(i, j)\n println(if (i == b.length || j == b.length || i + j == b.length) \"YES\" else \"NO\")\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import scala.collection._\n\nobject A extends App {\n \n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(readLine)\n def readInts(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt) }\n def readLongs(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong) }\n def readBigs(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(BigInt(tl.nextToken)) }\n\n val a = readLine\n val b = \"CODEFORCES\"\n var canCut = true\n var hasCut = false\n var ok = true\n \n var i = 0\n while (i < a.length && i < b.length && a(i) == b(i)) {\n i += 1\n }\n \n var j = 0\n while (j < a.length && j < b.length && a(a.length - j - 1) == b(b.length - j - 1)) {\n j += 1\n }\n//println(i, j)\n println(if (a == b || (i + j == b.length && (i > 0 || j > 0))) \"YES\" else \"NO\")\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import java.io._\nimport java.util._\n\nimport scala.collection.mutable\n\nobject A {\n\n var out: PrintWriter = null\n var br: BufferedReader = null\n var st: StringTokenizer = null\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in))\n out = new PrintWriter(new BufferedOutputStream(System.out))\n solve\n out.close\n }\n\n def next: String = {\n while (st == null || !st.hasMoreTokens) {\n st = new StringTokenizer(br.readLine)\n }\n return st.nextToken\n }\n\n def nextInt: Int = return Integer.parseInt(next)\n\n def nextLong: Long = return java.lang.Long.parseLong(next)\n\n def nextDouble: Double = return java.lang.Double.parseDouble(next)\n\n class MultiHashSet[T <% Comparable[T]] {\n val map = new mutable.HashMap[T, Int]()\n\n def count(x: T): Int = {\n return map.getOrElse(x, 0)\n }\n\n def add(x: T): Unit = map.put(x, count(x) + 1)\n\n def remove(x: T): Boolean = {\n val prev = count(x)\n if (prev == 0)\n return false\n if (prev == 1) {\n map.remove(x)\n } else {\n map.put(x, prev - 1)\n }\n return true\n }\n }\n\n class MultiTreeSet[T <% Comparable[T]] {\n val map = new TreeMap[T, Int]()\n\n def count(x: T): Int = {\n val res = map.get(x)\n if (res == null)\n return 0\n return res\n }\n\n def add(x: T): Unit = map.put(x, count(x) + 1)\n\n def first(): T = return map.firstKey()\n\n def last(): T = return map.lastKey()\n\n def remove(x: T): Boolean = {\n val prev = count(x)\n if (prev == 0)\n return false\n if (prev == 1) {\n map.remove(x)\n } else {\n map.put(x, prev - 1)\n }\n return true\n }\n }\n\n def solve: Int = {\n val banner = next\n val n = banner.length\n for (i <- 0 until n) {\n for (j <- i + 1 until n) {\n if ((banner.substring(0, i) + banner.substring(j)).equalsIgnoreCase(\"codeforces\")) {\n out.println(\"YES\")\n return 0\n }\n }\n }\n out.println(\"NO\")\n return 0\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn._\n\nobject A_CuttingBanner extends App {\n val banner = readLine()\n val Code = \"CODEFORCES\"\n\n private def isPossible: Boolean = {\n if (banner.length > Code.length) {\n val sizeToCut = banner.length - Code.length\n for {\n left <- 0 to (banner.length - Code.length)\n } {\n val L = banner.take(left)\n val R = banner.drop(left + banner.length - Code.length)\n if (L + R == Code) return true\n }\n }\n\n false\n }\n\n println(if (isPossible) \"YES\" else \"NO\")\n}\n"}], "src_uid": "bda4b15827c94b526643dfefc4bc36e7"} {"source_code": "object A676 {\n\n import IO._\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val Array(n) = readInts(1)\n val in = readInts(n)\n val idx1 = in.indexOf(1)\n val idxN = in.indexOf(n)\n var max = math.abs(idxN - idx1)\n for(i <- 0 until n if i != idxN) {\n max = math.max(max, math.abs(idxN - i))\n }\n for(i <- 0 until n if i != idx1) {\n max = math.max(max, math.abs(idx1 - i))\n }\n println(max)\n }\n\n object IO {\n @inline def read: String = scala.io.StdIn.readLine\n\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(read)\n\n def readInts(n: Int): Array[Int] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine;\n Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt)\n }\n\n def readLongs(n: Int): Array[Long] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine;\n Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong)\n }\n\n def readBigs(n: Int): Array[BigInt] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine;\n Array.fill(n)(BigInt(tl.nextToken))\n }\n }\n\n}\n", "positive_code": [{"source_code": "object Solution extends App {\n val lines = io.Source.stdin.getLines()\n lines.next()\n val data = lines.next().split(' ').map(_.toInt)\n if (data.head == 1 || data.last == 1 || data.last == data.length || data.last == data.length) {\n println(data.length - 1)\n } else {\n val indexOne = data.indexOf(1) + 1\n val indexN = data.indexOf(data.length) + 1\n var first = Math.max(indexOne - 1, indexN - 1)\n var last = Math.max(data.length - indexOne, data.length - indexN)\n println(Math.max(first, last))\n }\n\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import io.StdIn._\nimport scala.math._\n\nobject Permutation extends App {\n val n = readInt()\n val arr = readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n\n val pos1 = arr.indexOf(1)\n val posMax = arr.indexOf(n)\n val diff = abs(pos1-posMax)\n\n if(diff == n){\n println(n-1)\n }else{\n if(pos1>posMax){\n if((n-1)-pos1>= posMax){\n println((n-1)-posMax)\n }else{\n println(pos1)\n }\n }else{\n if((n-1)-posMax>= pos1){\n println((n-1)-pos1)\n }else{\n println(posMax)\n }\n }\n\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "import Utils._, annotation.tailrec, collection.mutable, util._, control._, math.Ordering.Implicits._\n\nobject _676A extends CodeForcesApp {\n override def apply(io: IO) = {\n val a = io[Vector[Int]]\n val n = a.length\n val (p, q) = (a.indexOf(1) + 1, a.indexOf(n) + 1)\n //debug(n, p, q)\n val ans = (p - 1).abs max (n - p) max (q - 1).abs max (n - q)\n io += ans\n }\n}\n/****************************[Ignore Template Below]****************************************/\ntrait CodeForcesApp {\n lazy val isOnlineJudge: Boolean = sys.props.get(\"ONLINE_JUDGE\").exists(_.toBoolean)\n def debug(x: Any): Unit = if (!isOnlineJudge) println(x)\n def apply(io: IO): io.type\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = this(new IO(System.in, System.out)).close()\n}\nobject Utils {\n import scala.collection.mutable, mutable.{Map => Dict}\n implicit class GenericExtensions[A](val a: A) extends AnyVal {\n def partialMatch[B](f: PartialFunction[A, B]): Option[B] = f lift a\n }\n implicit class TraversableExtensions[A, C[X] <: Traversable[X]](val t: C[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def onlyElement: A = t.head.ensuring(t.size == 1)\n def groupByIdentifier[K](f: A => K): Map[K, A] = t.groupBy(f).mapValues(_.onlyElement)\n def duplicates(implicit b: C of A): C[A] = {\n val elems = mutable.Set.empty[A]\n (t collect {case i if !elems.add(i) => i}).to[C]\n }\n def sumWith[B](f: A => B)(implicit n: Numeric[B]): B = t.foldLeft(n.zero) {case (p, i) => n.plus(p, f(i))}\n def zipWith[B](f: A => B)(implicit b: C of (A, B)): C[(A, B)] = (t map {i => i -> f(i)}).to[C]\n def mapTo[B](f: A => B)(implicit b: C of (A, B)): Map[A, B] = zipWith(f).toUniqueMap\n def whenNonEmpty[B](f: t.type => B): Option[B] = when(t.nonEmpty)(f(t)) // e.g. grades.whenNonEmpty(_.max)\n def collectFirst[B](f: PartialFunction[A, Option[B]]): Option[B] = t.view collect f collectFirst {case Some(x) => x}\n def toMutableMultiSet: Dict[A, Int] = {\n val c = map[A] to 0\n t.foreach(i => c(i) += 1)\n c\n }\n def toMultiSet: Map[A, Int] = toMutableMultiSet.toMap withDefaultValue 0\n def prefixSum(implicit n: Numeric[A]) = t.scanLeft(n.zero) {case (acc, i) => n.plus(acc, i)}\n def suffixSum(implicit n: Numeric[A]) = t.scanRight(n.zero) {case (i, acc) => n.plus(acc, i)}\n }\n implicit class ArrayExtensions[A <: AnyRef](val a: Array[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def sort(from: Int, until: Int)(implicit cmp: Ordering[A]): Unit = java.util.Arrays.sort(a, from, until, cmp) //sort [from, until)\n }\n implicit class ArrayExtensions2[A](val a: Array[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def sort(from: Int, until: Int)(implicit cmp: Ordering[A]): Unit = a.view(from, until).sorted.copyToArray(a, from)\n }\n implicit class SeqExtensions[A, C[X] <: Seq[X]](val s: C[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def isRotationOf(t: Seq[A]): Boolean = s ++ s containsSlice t\n }\n implicit class PairsExtensions[A, B, C[X] <: Traversable[X]](t: C[(A, B)]) {\n def toUniqueMap: Map[A, B] = t.groupByIdentifier(_._1).mapValues(_._2)\n def toMultiMap(implicit b: C of B): Map[A, C[B]] = t.groupBy(_._1).mapValues(_.map(_._2).to[C])\n def swap(implicit b: C of (B, A)): C[(B, A)] = t.map(_.swap).to[C]\n }\n implicit class MapExtensions[K, V, C[X, Y] <: Map[X, Y]](val m: C[K, V]) extends AnyVal {\n def invert: Map[V, Set[K]] = m.toSet[(K, V)].swap.toMultiMap\n def mapKeys[K2](f: K => K2): Map[K2, V] = m map {case (k, v) => f(k) -> v}\n def toMutable: Dict[K, V] = Dict.empty[K, V] ++ m\n }\n implicit class SetExtensions[A, C[A] <: Set[A]](val s: C[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def notContains(x: A): Boolean = !(s contains x)\n def toMutable = mutable.Set.empty[A] ++ s\n }\n implicit class SortedExtensions[A, C[A] <: collection.SortedSet[A]](val s: C[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def greaterThanOrEqualTo(a: A): Option[A] = s.from(a).headOption\n def lessThan(a: A): Option[A] = s.until(a).lastOption\n }\n implicit class IterableExtensions[A, C[A] <: Seq[A]](val s: C[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def findWithIndex(f: A => Boolean): Option[(A, Int)] = s.zipWithIndex find {case (a, _) => f(a)}\n def foldUntil[B](z: B)(f: (B, A) => B)(c: B => Boolean): Option[(B, Int)] = s.view.scanLeft(z)(f) findWithIndex c\n }\n implicit class BooleanExtensions(val x: Boolean) extends AnyVal {\n def to[A](implicit n: Numeric[A]) = if(x) n.one else n.zero\n }\n implicit class LongExtensions(val x: Long) extends AnyVal {\n def bitCount: Int = java.lang.Long.bitCount(x)\n }\n implicit class NumericExtensions[A](val x: A)(implicit n: Numeric[A]) {\n import Numeric.Implicits._\n def **(i: Int): A = if (i == 0) n.one else {\n val h = x ** (i/2)\n if (i%2 == 0) h * h else h * h * x\n }\n def nonNegative: Option[A] = when(n.gteq(x, n.zero))(x)\n def whenNegative(f: => A): A = nonNegative getOrElse f //e.g. students indexOf \"Greg\" whenNegative Int.MaxValue\n }\n implicit class IntegralExtensions[A](val x: A)(implicit n: Integral[A]) {\n import scala.collection.immutable.NumericRange, Integral.Implicits._\n def mod(y: A): A = x - ((x / y) * y) //(x/y)*y + (x mod y) == x\n def -->(y: A): NumericRange.Inclusive[A] = NumericRange.inclusive(n.min(x, y), n.max(x, y), n.one)\n }\n implicit def toPoint[A](p: (A, A))(implicit n: Numeric[A]) = new java.awt.geom.Point2D.Double(n.toDouble(p._1), n.toDouble(p._2))\n def desc[A: Ordering]: Ordering[A] = asc[A].reverse //e.g. students.sortBy(_.height)(desc)\n def asc[A](implicit order: Ordering[A]): Ordering[A] = order\n def map[K] = new {\n def to[V](default: V): Dict[K, V] = Dict.empty[K, V] withDefaultValue default // also to(Dict.empty[K2, V])\n }\n def memoize[A, B](f: A => B): collection.Map[A, B] = new mutable.HashMap[A, B]() {\n override def apply(key: A) = getOrElseUpdate(key, f(key))\n }\n implicit class FuzzyDouble(x: Double)(implicit eps: Double = 1e-9) {\n def >~(y: Double) = x > y+eps\n def >=~(y: Double) = x >= y-eps\n def ~<(y: Double) = x < y-eps\n def ~=<(y: Double) = x <= y+eps\n def ~=(y: Double) = ~=<(y) && >=~(y)\n }\n @inline def when[A](check: Boolean)(f: => A): Option[A] = if (check) Some(f) else None\n def repeat[U](n: Int)(f: => U): Unit = (1 to n).foreach(_ => f)\n type of[C[_], A] = scala.collection.generic.CanBuild[A, C[A]]\n val mod: Int = (1e9 + 7).toInt\n}\n/***********************************[Scala I/O]*********************************************/\nimport Utils._, java.io._, java.util.StringTokenizer\n\nclass IO(in: BufferedReader, out: BufferedWriter) extends PrintWriter(out, true) with Iterator[String] {\n def this(reader: Reader, writer: Writer) = this(new BufferedReader(reader), new BufferedWriter(writer))\n def this(in: InputStream, out: OutputStream) = this(new InputStreamReader(in), new OutputStreamWriter(out))\n\n private[this] val tokenizers = Iterator.continually(in.readLine()).takeWhile(_ != null).map(new StringTokenizer(_)).buffered\n\n @inline private[this] def tokenizer() = {\n while(tokenizers.nonEmpty && !tokenizers.head.hasMoreTokens) tokenizers.next()\n if (tokenizers.nonEmpty) Some(tokenizers.head) else None\n }\n\n def apply[A](implicit read: IO.Read[A]): A = read.apply(this)\n def apply[C[_], A: IO.Read](n: Int)(implicit b: C of A): C[A] = Iterator.fill(n)(apply).to[C]\n\n def till(delim: String): String = tokenizer().get.nextToken(delim)\n def tillEndOfLine(): String = till(\"\\n\\r\")\n\n override def next() = tokenizer().get.nextToken()\n override def hasNext = tokenizer().nonEmpty\n\n var separator = \" \"\n private[this] var isNewLine = true\n\n def +=[A](x: A)(implicit write: IO.Write[A]): this.type = {\n write(this)(x)\n this\n }\n def ++=[A: IO.Write](xs: Traversable[A]): this.type = (this += xs.size) appendNewLine xs\n\n def appendNewLine[A: IO.Write](x: A): this.type = {\n println()\n this += x\n }\n\n override def print(obj: String) = {\n if (isNewLine) isNewLine = false else super.print(separator)\n super.print(obj)\n }\n override def println() = if (!isNewLine) {\n super.println()\n isNewLine = true\n }\n override def close() = {\n flush()\n in.close()\n super.close()\n }\n}\nobject IO {\n class Read[A](val apply: IO => A) {\n def map[B](f: A => B): Read[B] = new Read(apply andThen f)\n }\n object Read {\n implicit def collection[C[_], A: Read](implicit b: C of A): Read[C[A]] = new Read(r => r[C, A](r[Int]))\n implicit val string : Read[String] = new Read(_.next())\n implicit val char : Read[Char] = string.map(_.toTraversable.onlyElement)\n implicit val boolean : Read[Boolean] = string.map(_.toBoolean)\n implicit val int : Read[Int] = string.map(_.toInt)\n implicit val long : Read[Long] = string.map(_.toLong)\n implicit val bigInt : Read[BigInt] = string.map(BigInt(_))\n implicit val double : Read[Double] = string.map(_.toDouble)\n implicit val bigDecimal : Read[BigDecimal] = string.map(BigDecimal(_))\n implicit def tuple2[A: Read, B: Read] : Read[(A, B)] = new Read(r => (r[A], r[B]))\n implicit def tuple3[A: Read, B: Read, C: Read] : Read[(A, B, C)] = new Read(r => (r[A], r[B], r[C]))\n implicit def tuple4[A: Read, B: Read, C: Read, D: Read] : Read[(A, B, C, D)] = new Read(r => (r[A], r[B], r[C], r[D]))\n }\n trait Write[-A] {\n def apply(out: PrintWriter)(x: A): Unit\n }\n trait DefaultWrite {\n implicit def any[A]: Write[A] = Write(_.toString)\n }\n object Write extends DefaultWrite {\n def apply[A](f: A => String) = new Write[A] {\n override def apply(out: PrintWriter)(x: A) = out.print(f(x))\n }\n implicit val boolean: Write[Boolean] = Write(b => if (b) \"YES\" else \"NO\")\n implicit def tuple2[A, B]: Write[(A, B)] = Write {case (a, b) => s\"$a $b\"}\n implicit def array[A]: Write[Array[A]] = Write(_ mkString \" \")\n implicit def iterable[A](implicit write: Write[A]): Write[Traversable[A]] = new Write[Traversable[A]] {\n override def apply(out: PrintWriter)(xs: Traversable[A]) = {\n xs foreach write(out)\n out.println()\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\n"}], "negative_code": [{"source_code": "import Utils._, annotation.tailrec, collection.mutable, util._, control._, math.Ordering.Implicits._\n\nobject _676A extends CodeForcesApp {\n override def apply(io: IO) = {\n val a = io[Vector[Int]]\n val n = a.length\n val (p, q) = (a.indexOf(1), a.indexOf(n))\n val ans = p max (n - p) max q max (n - q)\n io += (ans - 1)\n }\n}\n/****************************[Ignore Template Below]****************************************/\ntrait CodeForcesApp {\n lazy val isOnlineJudge: Boolean = sys.props.get(\"ONLINE_JUDGE\").exists(_.toBoolean)\n def debug(x: Any): Unit = if (!isOnlineJudge) println(x)\n def apply(io: IO): io.type\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = this(new IO(System.in, System.out)).close()\n}\nobject Utils {\n import scala.collection.mutable, mutable.{Map => Dict}\n implicit class GenericExtensions[A](val a: A) extends AnyVal {\n def partialMatch[B](f: PartialFunction[A, B]): Option[B] = f lift a\n }\n implicit class TraversableExtensions[A, C[X] <: Traversable[X]](val t: C[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def onlyElement: A = t.head.ensuring(t.size == 1)\n def groupByIdentifier[K](f: A => K): Map[K, A] = t.groupBy(f).mapValues(_.onlyElement)\n def duplicates(implicit b: C of A): C[A] = {\n val elems = mutable.Set.empty[A]\n (t collect {case i if !elems.add(i) => i}).to[C]\n }\n def sumWith[B](f: A => B)(implicit n: Numeric[B]): B = t.foldLeft(n.zero) {case (p, i) => n.plus(p, f(i))}\n def zipWith[B](f: A => B)(implicit b: C of (A, B)): C[(A, B)] = (t map {i => i -> f(i)}).to[C]\n def mapTo[B](f: A => B)(implicit b: C of (A, B)): Map[A, B] = zipWith(f).toUniqueMap\n def whenNonEmpty[B](f: t.type => B): Option[B] = when(t.nonEmpty)(f(t)) // e.g. grades.whenNonEmpty(_.max)\n def collectFirst[B](f: PartialFunction[A, Option[B]]): Option[B] = t.view collect f collectFirst {case Some(x) => x}\n def toMutableMultiSet: Dict[A, Int] = {\n val c = map[A] to 0\n t.foreach(i => c(i) += 1)\n c\n }\n def toMultiSet: Map[A, Int] = toMutableMultiSet.toMap withDefaultValue 0\n def prefixSum(implicit n: Numeric[A]) = t.scanLeft(n.zero) {case (acc, i) => n.plus(acc, i)}\n def suffixSum(implicit n: Numeric[A]) = t.scanRight(n.zero) {case (i, acc) => n.plus(acc, i)}\n }\n implicit class ArrayExtensions[A <: AnyRef](val a: Array[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def sort(from: Int, until: Int)(implicit cmp: Ordering[A]): Unit = java.util.Arrays.sort(a, from, until, cmp) //sort [from, until)\n }\n implicit class ArrayExtensions2[A](val a: Array[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def sort(from: Int, until: Int)(implicit cmp: Ordering[A]): Unit = a.view(from, until).sorted.copyToArray(a, from)\n }\n implicit class SeqExtensions[A, C[X] <: Seq[X]](val s: C[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def isRotationOf(t: Seq[A]): Boolean = s ++ s containsSlice t\n }\n implicit class PairsExtensions[A, B, C[X] <: Traversable[X]](t: C[(A, B)]) {\n def toUniqueMap: Map[A, B] = t.groupByIdentifier(_._1).mapValues(_._2)\n def toMultiMap(implicit b: C of B): Map[A, C[B]] = t.groupBy(_._1).mapValues(_.map(_._2).to[C])\n def swap(implicit b: C of (B, A)): C[(B, A)] = t.map(_.swap).to[C]\n }\n implicit class MapExtensions[K, V, C[X, Y] <: Map[X, Y]](val m: C[K, V]) extends AnyVal {\n def invert: Map[V, Set[K]] = m.toSet[(K, V)].swap.toMultiMap\n def mapKeys[K2](f: K => K2): Map[K2, V] = m map {case (k, v) => f(k) -> v}\n def toMutable: Dict[K, V] = Dict.empty[K, V] ++ m\n }\n implicit class SetExtensions[A, C[A] <: Set[A]](val s: C[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def notContains(x: A): Boolean = !(s contains x)\n def toMutable = mutable.Set.empty[A] ++ s\n }\n implicit class SortedExtensions[A, C[A] <: collection.SortedSet[A]](val s: C[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def greaterThanOrEqualTo(a: A): Option[A] = s.from(a).headOption\n def lessThan(a: A): Option[A] = s.until(a).lastOption\n }\n implicit class IterableExtensions[A, C[A] <: Seq[A]](val s: C[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def findWithIndex(f: A => Boolean): Option[(A, Int)] = s.zipWithIndex find {case (a, _) => f(a)}\n def foldUntil[B](z: B)(f: (B, A) => B)(c: B => Boolean): Option[(B, Int)] = s.view.scanLeft(z)(f) findWithIndex c\n }\n implicit class BooleanExtensions(val x: Boolean) extends AnyVal {\n def to[A](implicit n: Numeric[A]) = if(x) n.one else n.zero\n }\n implicit class LongExtensions(val x: Long) extends AnyVal {\n def bitCount: Int = java.lang.Long.bitCount(x)\n }\n implicit class NumericExtensions[A](val x: A)(implicit n: Numeric[A]) {\n import Numeric.Implicits._\n def **(i: Int): A = if (i == 0) n.one else {\n val h = x ** (i/2)\n if (i%2 == 0) h * h else h * h * x\n }\n def nonNegative: Option[A] = when(n.gteq(x, n.zero))(x)\n def whenNegative(f: => A): A = nonNegative getOrElse f //e.g. students indexOf \"Greg\" whenNegative Int.MaxValue\n }\n implicit class IntegralExtensions[A](val x: A)(implicit n: Integral[A]) {\n import scala.collection.immutable.NumericRange, Integral.Implicits._\n def mod(y: A): A = x - ((x / y) * y) //(x/y)*y + (x mod y) == x\n def -->(y: A): NumericRange.Inclusive[A] = NumericRange.inclusive(n.min(x, y), n.max(x, y), n.one)\n }\n implicit def toPoint[A](p: (A, A))(implicit n: Numeric[A]) = new java.awt.geom.Point2D.Double(n.toDouble(p._1), n.toDouble(p._2))\n def desc[A: Ordering]: Ordering[A] = asc[A].reverse //e.g. students.sortBy(_.height)(desc)\n def asc[A](implicit order: Ordering[A]): Ordering[A] = order\n def map[K] = new {\n def to[V](default: V): Dict[K, V] = Dict.empty[K, V] withDefaultValue default // also to(Dict.empty[K2, V])\n }\n def memoize[A, B](f: A => B): collection.Map[A, B] = new mutable.HashMap[A, B]() {\n override def apply(key: A) = getOrElseUpdate(key, f(key))\n }\n implicit class FuzzyDouble(x: Double)(implicit eps: Double = 1e-9) {\n def >~(y: Double) = x > y+eps\n def >=~(y: Double) = x >= y-eps\n def ~<(y: Double) = x < y-eps\n def ~=<(y: Double) = x <= y+eps\n def ~=(y: Double) = ~=<(y) && >=~(y)\n }\n @inline def when[A](check: Boolean)(f: => A): Option[A] = if (check) Some(f) else None\n def repeat[U](n: Int)(f: => U): Unit = (1 to n).foreach(_ => f)\n type of[C[_], A] = scala.collection.generic.CanBuild[A, C[A]]\n val mod: Int = (1e9 + 7).toInt\n}\n/***********************************[Scala I/O]*********************************************/\nimport Utils._, java.io._, java.util.StringTokenizer\n\nclass IO(in: BufferedReader, out: BufferedWriter) extends PrintWriter(out, true) with Iterator[String] {\n def this(reader: Reader, writer: Writer) = this(new BufferedReader(reader), new BufferedWriter(writer))\n def this(in: InputStream, out: OutputStream) = this(new InputStreamReader(in), new OutputStreamWriter(out))\n\n private[this] val tokenizers = Iterator.continually(in.readLine()).takeWhile(_ != null).map(new StringTokenizer(_)).buffered\n\n @inline private[this] def tokenizer() = {\n while(tokenizers.nonEmpty && !tokenizers.head.hasMoreTokens) tokenizers.next()\n if (tokenizers.nonEmpty) Some(tokenizers.head) else None\n }\n\n def apply[A](implicit read: IO.Read[A]): A = read.apply(this)\n def apply[C[_], A: IO.Read](n: Int)(implicit b: C of A): C[A] = Iterator.fill(n)(apply).to[C]\n\n def till(delim: String): String = tokenizer().get.nextToken(delim)\n def tillEndOfLine(): String = till(\"\\n\\r\")\n\n override def next() = tokenizer().get.nextToken()\n override def hasNext = tokenizer().nonEmpty\n\n var separator = \" \"\n private[this] var isNewLine = true\n\n def +=[A](x: A)(implicit write: IO.Write[A]): this.type = {\n write(this)(x)\n this\n }\n def ++=[A: IO.Write](xs: Traversable[A]): this.type = (this += xs.size) appendNewLine xs\n\n def appendNewLine[A: IO.Write](x: A): this.type = {\n println()\n this += x\n }\n\n override def print(obj: String) = {\n if (isNewLine) isNewLine = false else super.print(separator)\n super.print(obj)\n }\n override def println() = if (!isNewLine) {\n super.println()\n isNewLine = true\n }\n override def close() = {\n flush()\n in.close()\n super.close()\n }\n}\nobject IO {\n class Read[A](val apply: IO => A) {\n def map[B](f: A => B): Read[B] = new Read(apply andThen f)\n }\n object Read {\n implicit def collection[C[_], A: Read](implicit b: C of A): Read[C[A]] = new Read(r => r[C, A](r[Int]))\n implicit val string : Read[String] = new Read(_.next())\n implicit val char : Read[Char] = string.map(_.toTraversable.onlyElement)\n implicit val boolean : Read[Boolean] = string.map(_.toBoolean)\n implicit val int : Read[Int] = string.map(_.toInt)\n implicit val long : Read[Long] = string.map(_.toLong)\n implicit val bigInt : Read[BigInt] = string.map(BigInt(_))\n implicit val double : Read[Double] = string.map(_.toDouble)\n implicit val bigDecimal : Read[BigDecimal] = string.map(BigDecimal(_))\n implicit def tuple2[A: Read, B: Read] : Read[(A, B)] = new Read(r => (r[A], r[B]))\n implicit def tuple3[A: Read, B: Read, C: Read] : Read[(A, B, C)] = new Read(r => (r[A], r[B], r[C]))\n implicit def tuple4[A: Read, B: Read, C: Read, D: Read] : Read[(A, B, C, D)] = new Read(r => (r[A], r[B], r[C], r[D]))\n }\n trait Write[-A] {\n def apply(out: PrintWriter)(x: A): Unit\n }\n trait DefaultWrite {\n implicit def any[A]: Write[A] = Write(_.toString)\n }\n object Write extends DefaultWrite {\n def apply[A](f: A => String) = new Write[A] {\n override def apply(out: PrintWriter)(x: A) = out.print(f(x))\n }\n implicit val boolean: Write[Boolean] = Write(b => if (b) \"YES\" else \"NO\")\n implicit def tuple2[A, B]: Write[(A, B)] = Write {case (a, b) => s\"$a $b\"}\n implicit def array[A]: Write[Array[A]] = Write(_ mkString \" \")\n implicit def iterable[A](implicit write: Write[A]): Write[Traversable[A]] = new Write[Traversable[A]] {\n override def apply(out: PrintWriter)(xs: Traversable[A]) = {\n xs foreach write(out)\n out.println()\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\n"}], "src_uid": "1d2b81ce842f8c97656d96bddff4e8b4"} {"source_code": " object Main\n {\n def min(a:Int, b:Int, c:Int):Int = \n {\n var aorb = 0;\n if (a < b)\n {\n aorb = a\n }\n else\n {\n aorb = b\n }\n \n if (c < aorb)\n return c;\n return aorb;\n }\n def main(args:Array[String])\n {\n val a = readLine().split(\" \").map(i => i.toInt);\n val n = a(0);\n val k = a(1);\n val l = a(2);\n val c = a(3);\n val d = a(4);\n val p = a(5);\n val nl = a(6);\n val np = a(7);\n \n println(min(k * l / nl, c * d, p / np) / n);\n }\n }", "positive_code": [{"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\nobject Cola {\n\n def main(args: Array[String] ) {\n val scanner = new Scanner(System.in)\n val n, k, l, c, d, p, nl, np = scanner.nextInt();\n val limes = c*d/n\n val cola = k*l/(n*nl)\n val salt = p/(n*np)\n \n println(Math.min(Math.min(limes,cola),salt))\n \n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "/**\n * Created by IntelliJ IDEA.\n * User: cm\n * Date: 17.02.12\n * Time: 23:06\n * To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates.\n */\n\nobject P151A extends App {\n val Array(n, k, l, c, d, p, nl, np) = readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n print(List(k*l/nl,c*d,p/np).min / n)\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import java.util.StringTokenizer\n\nobject _151A extends App {\n var token = new StringTokenizer(\"\")\n def next = {\n while (!token.hasMoreTokens()) token = new StringTokenizer(readLine)\n token.nextToken()\n }\n val Array(n, k, l, c, d, p, nl, np) = (1 to 8).map(i => next.toInt).toArray\n val ans = (k * l / nl) min (c * d) min (p / np)\n println(ans / n)\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object Solution extends App {\n val in = scala.io.Source.stdin.getLines()\n val Array(n, k, l, c, d, p, nl, np) = in.next().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n println(Math.min(c * d, Math.min((k * l) / nl, p / np)) / n)\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\nimport java.io.PrintWriter\nimport scala.annotation.tailrec\nimport scala.collection.mutable\nimport scala.util.Random\n\nobject P151A extends App {\n val sc = new Scanner(System.in)\n val out = new PrintWriter(System.out)\n\n val n, k, l, c, d, p, nl, np = sc.nextInt\n\n val drink = (k * l) / nl\n val lime = c * d\n val salt = p / np\n\n val answer = List(drink, lime, salt).min / n\n\n out.println(answer)\n out.close\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import java.io._\nimport scala.annotation.tailrec\n\nobject Easy {\n val reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in))\n def readInt = reader.readLine().toInt\n def readInts = reader.readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n\n val Array(n, k, l, c, d, p, nl, np) = readInts\n def ans = ((k * l) / nl min c * d min p / np) / n\n\n def main(a: Array[String]) {\n println(ans)\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object Main {\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val nklcdpnlnp = readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n val n = nklcdpnlnp(0)\n val k = nklcdpnlnp(1)\n val l = nklcdpnlnp(2)\n val c = nklcdpnlnp(3)\n val d = nklcdpnlnp(4)\n val p = nklcdpnlnp(5)\n val nl = nklcdpnlnp(6)\n val np = nklcdpnlnp(7)\n \n val tests = Seq(k * l / nl) ++ Seq(c * d) ++ Seq(p / np)\n println(tests.min / n)\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\n\nobject SoftDrinking { \n def main(args: Array[String]) { \n val sc = new Scanner(System.in)\n val n = sc.nextInt\n val k = sc.nextInt\n val l = sc.nextInt\n val c = sc.nextInt\n val d = sc.nextInt\n val p = sc.nextInt\n val nl = sc.nextInt\n val np = sc.nextInt\n println(List(k * l / nl, c * d, p / np).min / n)\n }\n}\n"}], "negative_code": [{"source_code": "import java.util.StringTokenizer\n\nobject _151A extends App {\n var token = new StringTokenizer(\"\")\n def next = {\n while (!token.hasMoreTokens()) token = new StringTokenizer(readLine)\n token.nextToken()\n }\n val Array(n, k, l, c, d, p, nl, np) = (1 to 8).map(i => next.toInt).toArray\n val ans = (n * k / nl) min (c * d) min (p / np)\n println(ans / n)\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object Solution extends App {\n val in = scala.io.Source.stdin.getLines()\n val Array(n, k, l, c, d, p, nl, np) = in.next().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n println(Math.min(c * d, Math.min(n / nl, p / np)) / n)\n}\n"}], "src_uid": "67410b7d36b9d2e6a97ca5c7cff317c1"} {"source_code": "import scala.io.Source\n\nobject Solution extends App {\n val in = Source.stdin.getLines()\n val Array(n, p) = in.next().split(' ').map(_.toInt)\n println((1 to n).map(_ => in.next()).reverse.tail.foldLeft((1l, p.toLong / 2)) {\n case ((mayBuy, money), \"halfplus\") => (mayBuy * 2 + 1, money + p * mayBuy + p / 2)\n case ((mayBuy, money), _) => (mayBuy * 2, money + p * mayBuy)\n }._2)\n}", "positive_code": [{"source_code": "/**\n * Created by aborisenko on 21.02.16.\n */\n\nimport io.StdIn._\n\nobject Main extends App {\n def a632 (){\n\n val Array(n, p) = readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n\n var result: Long = 0\n var nn: Long = 0\n\n val a: Array[Int] = Array.fill[Int](n)(0)\n for( i <- 0 to n-1)\n if( readLine() == \"half\" )\n a(i) = 1\n\n for( i <- 1 to n) {\n if (a(n-i) == 1) {\n result += nn * p\n nn *= 2\n } else {\n result += nn * p + p / 2\n nn = nn * 2 + 1\n }\n }\n\n println(result)\n }\n\n a632()\n}\n"}], "negative_code": [{"source_code": "import scala.io.Source\n\nobject Solution extends App {\n val in = Source.stdin.getLines()\n val Array(n, p) = in.next().split(' ').map(_.toInt)\n println((1 to n).map(_ => in.next()).reverse.tail.foldLeft((1, p / 2)) {\n case ((mayBuy, money), \"halfplus\") => (mayBuy * 2 + 1, money + p * mayBuy + p / 2)\n case ((mayBuy, money), _) => (mayBuy * 2, money + p * mayBuy)\n }._2)\n}"}, {"source_code": "/**\n * Created by aborisenko on 21.02.16.\n */\n\nimport io.StdIn._\n\nobject Main extends App {\n def a632 (){\n\n val Array(n, p) = readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n\n var result: Long = 0\n var nn: Long = 0\n\n val a: Array[Int] = Array.fill[Int](n)(0)\n for( i <- 0 to n-1)\n if( readLine() == \"half\" )\n a(i) = 1\n\n for( i <- 0 to n-1) {\n if (a(i) == 1) {\n result += nn * p\n nn *= 2\n } else {\n result += nn * p + p / 2\n nn = nn * 2 + 1\n }\n }\n\n println(result)\n }\n\n a632()\n}\n"}], "src_uid": "6330891dd05bb70241e2a052f5bf5a58"} {"source_code": "import scala.io.Source\n\nobject Solution extends App {\n val in = Source.stdin.getLines()\n val Array(a, b, c) = in.next().split(' ').map(_.toInt)\n val r = (0 to a).find{ i =>\n val ab = i\n val ac = a - i\n b - ab >= 0 && (b - ab) == (c - ac)\n }\n println(r.map{\n i => s\"$i ${b - i} ${a - i}\"\n }.getOrElse(\"Impossible\"))\n}", "positive_code": [{"source_code": "object B344 {\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(scala.io.StdIn.readLine)\n\n def readInts(n: Int) = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt)\n }\n\n def readLongs(n: Int) = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong)\n }\n\n def readBigs(n: Int) = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(BigInt(tl.nextToken))\n }\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val Array(a, b, c) = readInts(3)\n var i = 0\n var break = false\n while(!break && i <= a) {\n if(c-(a-i) >= 0 && c-a+2*i == b) {\n println(s\"$i ${c-a+i} ${a-i}\")\n break = true\n }\n i += 1\n }\n\n if(!break) {\n println(\"Impossible\")\n }\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "import scala.collection._\n\nobject B extends App {\n\n def readString = Console.readLine\n def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(readString)\n def readInts(n: Int) = { val t = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(t.nextToken.toInt) }\n def readLongs(n: Int) = { val t = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(t.nextToken.toLong) }\n def readBigs(n: Int) = { val t = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(BigInt(t.nextToken)) }\n\n val as = readInts(3)\n val sort = as.zipWithIndex.sortBy(_._1)\n \n val d = math.abs(sort(1)._1 - sort(2)._1)\n \n def idx(a: Int, b: Int) = (a, b) match {\n case (0, 1) | (1, 0) => 0\n case (1, 2) | (2, 1) => 1\n case (0, 2) | (2, 0) => 2\n }\n \n if ((sort(0)._1 - d) % 2 == 1 || sort(0)._1 < d) {\n println(\"Impossible\")\n } else {\n val dd = (sort(0)._1 - d) / 2\n val bs = Array(dd, dd + d, sort(1)._1 - dd)\n val cs = Array.ofDim[Int](3)\n \n cs(idx(sort(0)._2, sort(1)._2)) = bs(0)\n cs(idx(sort(1)._2, sort(2)._2)) = bs(2)\n cs(idx(sort(0)._2, sort(2)._2)) = bs(1)\n\n println(cs.mkString(\" \"))\n }\n\n}"}, {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\nimport java.io.PrintWriter\nimport java.util.Arrays.binarySearch\nimport scala.annotation.tailrec\nimport scala.collection.mutable\nimport scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer\nimport scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer\nimport scala.collection.immutable.TreeSet\nimport scala.util.Random\nimport scala.util.control.Breaks._\n\n\nobject P344B extends App {\n val sc = new Scanner(System.in)\n val out = new PrintWriter(System.out)\n\n def solve(): String = {\n val A, B, C = sc.nextInt\n\n val xyz2 = List(A + B - C, - A + B + C, A - B + C)\n\n if (xyz2.forall { x => x >= 0 && x % 2 == 0 } ) {\n xyz2.map(_ / 2).mkString(\" \")\n }\n else {\n \"Impossible\"\n }\n }\n \n out.println(solve)\n out.close\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object Main {\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val a = readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n val s = a.map(_ => 0)\n \n s(0) = (a(0) + a(1) - a(2)) / 2\n s(1) = (a(1) + a(2) - a(0)) / 2\n s(2) = (a(2) + a(0) - a(1)) / 2\n \n if (s.min < 0 || a.sum % 2 != 0) println(\"Impossible\")\n else println(s.mkString(\" \"))\n }\n}"}], "negative_code": [{"source_code": "object B344 {\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(scala.io.StdIn.readLine)\n\n def readInts(n: Int) = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt)\n }\n\n def readLongs(n: Int) = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong)\n }\n\n def readBigs(n: Int) = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(BigInt(tl.nextToken))\n }\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val Array(a, b, c) = readInts(3)\n var i = 0\n var break = true\n while(break && i <= a) {\n if(c-(a-i) > 0 && c-a+2*i > 0 && c-a+2*i == b) {\n println(s\"$i ${c-(a-i)} ${a-i}\")\n break = false\n }\n i += 1\n }\n\n if(break) {\n println(\"Impossible\")\n }\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "object Main {\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val a = readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n val s = a.map(_ => 0)\n s(0) = (a(0) + a(1) - a(2)) / 2\n s(1) = (a(1) + a(2) - a(0)) / 2\n s(2) = (a(2) + a(0) - a(1)) / 2\n \n if (s.min < 0) println(\"Impossible\")\n else println(s.mkString(\" \"))\n }\n}"}], "src_uid": "b3b986fddc3770fed64b878fa42ab1bc"} {"source_code": "\n/**\n * Created by ruslan on 3/29/17.\n */\nobject ProblemA extends App {\n import java.io.{BufferedReader, IOException, InputStreamReader, PrintWriter}\nimport java.util.StringTokenizer\n\n val in = new FastScanner(new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in)))\n val out = new PrintWriter(System.out)\n\n class FastScanner(val in: BufferedReader) {\n var st: StringTokenizer = _;\n\n def nextToken(): String = {\n while (st == null || !st.hasMoreTokens()) {\n st = new StringTokenizer(in.readLine);\n }\n return st.nextToken();\n }\n\n def nextInt(): Integer = {\n Integer.parseInt(nextToken());\n }\n\n def nextLong(): Long = {\n nextToken().toLong;\n }\n\n def nextDouble(): Double = {\n nextToken().toDouble;\n }\n }\n\n val n = in.nextInt()\n val m = in.nextInt()\n\n val k = in.nextInt()\n\n var res = n + 1\n\n for (i <- 1 to n) {\n val emount = in.nextInt()\n if (emount != 0 && emount <= k && Math.abs(i - m) < res) {\n res = Math.abs(i - m)\n }\n }\n\n println(res * 10)\n\n}\n", "positive_code": [{"source_code": "import scala.io.Source\nimport scala.math._\n\nobject a12 {\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val lines = Source.stdin.getLines().take(2).map(_.split(' ').map(_.toInt)).toArray\n val Array(n,kk,l) = lines(0)\n val k = kk-1\n val (bb,cc) = lines(1).zipWithIndex.splitAt(k)\n val (b,c) = (bb.filter(_._1!=0).reverse.dropWhile(_._1 > l).headOption,\n cc.tail.filter( _._1!=0).dropWhile(_._1 > l).headOption)\n println(\n (b,c) match {\n case (Some(a), Some(b)) => min(k-a._2, b._2-k)*10\n case (Some(d),None) => (k - d._2)*10\n case (None, Some(d)) => (d._2 - k)*10\n case (None,None) => -1\n }\n )\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "//package com.obarros.hackerrank.codechallenges.daysofcode.codeforces.Round_408\n\n\nobject ProblemA {\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val input = scala.io.StdIn.readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n val n = input(0)\n val m = input(1)\n val k = input(2)\n val houses = scala.io.StdIn.readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n System.out.println(solution(n, m, k, houses))\n }\n\n def solution(n: Int, m: Int, k: Int, houses: Array[Int]): Int = {\n\n var result = Int.MaxValue\n for (i <- houses.indices) {\n if (houses(i) != 0 && houses(i) <= k)\n result = math.min(result, 10*math.abs(m -1 - i))\n }\n result\n }\n}\n\n"}], "negative_code": [{"source_code": "import scala.io.Source\nimport scala.math._\n\nobject a12 {\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val lines = Source.stdin.getLines().take(2).map(_.split(' ').map(_.toInt)).toArray\n val Array(n,k,l) = lines(0)\n val (bb,cc) = lines(1).zipWithIndex.splitAt(k-1)\n val (b,c) = (bb.filter(_._1!=0).reverse.dropWhile(_._1 > l).headOption,\n cc.tail.filter( _._1!=0).dropWhile(_._1 > l).headOption)\n println(\n (b,c) match {\n case (Some(a), Some(b)) => min(k-a._2, b._2-k)*10\n case (Some(d),None) => (k-1 - d._2)*10\n case (None, Some(d)) => (d._2 - k+1)*10\n case (None,None) => -1\n }\n )\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "//package com.obarros.hackerrank.codechallenges.daysofcode.codeforces.Round_408\n\n\nobject ProblemA {\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val input = scala.io.StdIn.readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n val m = input(0)\n val n = input(1)\n val k = input(2)\n val houses = scala.io.StdIn.readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n var cond: Array[Int] = Array[Int]()\n var res: Array[Int] = Array[Int]()\n\n for (i <- houses.indices) {\n if (houses(i) <= k && i != n && i != 0)\n cond :+= 1\n else\n cond :+= 0\n }\n\n for (j <- houses.indices) {\n res :+= cond(j) * (j + 1) * 10\n }\n\n val reset = n * 10\n val result = {\n res.filter(x => x != 0).map(x => math.abs(x - reset)).min\n }\n\n\n System.out.println(result)\n }\n\n}"}, {"source_code": "//package com.obarros.hackerrank.codechallenges.daysofcode.codeforces.Round_408\n\n\nobject ProblemA {\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val input = scala.io.StdIn.readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n val m = input(0)\n val n = input(1)\n val k = input(2)\n val houses = scala.io.StdIn.readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n var cond: Array[Int] = Array[Int]()\n var res: Array[Int] = Array[Int]()\n\n for (i <- houses.indices) {\n if (houses(i) <= k && i != n && i != 0)\n cond :+= 1\n else\n cond :+= 0\n }\n\n for (j <- houses.indices) {\n res :+= cond(j) * (j + 1) * 10\n }\n\n val reset = n * 10\n val result = {\n res.map(x => x - reset).filter(x => x != 0).map(x => math.abs(x)).min\n }\n\n\n System.out.println(result)\n }\n\n}"}, {"source_code": "//package com.obarros.hackerrank.codechallenges.daysofcode.codeforces.Round_408\n\n\nobject ProblemA {\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val input = scala.io.StdIn.readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n val m = input(0)\n val n = input(1)\n val k = input(2)\n val houses = scala.io.StdIn.readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n var cond: Array[Int] = Array[Int]()\n var res: Array[Int] = Array[Int]()\n\n for (i <- houses.indices) {\n if (houses(i) <= k && i != n && houses(i) != 0)\n cond :+= 1\n else\n cond :+= 0\n }\n\n for (j <- houses.indices) {\n res :+= cond(j) * (j + 1) * 10\n }\n\n// System.out.println(\"cond: \")\n// cond.foreach(x => print(x + \" \"))\n// System.out.println()\n// System.out.println(\"res: \")\n// res.foreach(x => print(x + \" \"))\n// System.out.println()\n\n val reset = n * 10\n val result = {\n res.filter(x => x != 0 ).map(x => math.abs(x - reset)).filter(x => x != 0 ).min\n }\n\n\n System.out.println(result)\n }\n\n}"}, {"source_code": "//package Round_408\n\n/**\n * Created by OMVB on 10/04/2017.\n */\nobject Problem_A {\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val input = scala.io.StdIn.readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n val m = input(0)\n val n = input(1)\n val k = input(2)\n val houses = scala.io.StdIn.readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n var cond: Array[Int] = Array[Int]()\n var res: Array[Int] = Array[Int]()\n\n for (i <- houses.indices) {\n if (houses(i) <= k && i != n && i != 0)\n cond :+= 1\n else\n cond :+= 0\n }\n\n for (j <- houses.indices) {\n res :+= cond(j) * (j + 1) * 10\n }\n\n val reset = n * 10\n val result = {\n res.map(x => x - reset).filter(x => x > 0 && x != 0 && x != m).min\n }\n\n System.out.println(result)\n }\n\n}\n"}], "src_uid": "57860e9a5342a29257ce506063d37624"} {"source_code": "object _1141A extends CodeForcesApp {\n import annotation._, collection.{mutable, Searching}, util._, control._, math.Ordering.Implicits._, Searching._, Math._\n\n override def apply(io: IO): io.type = {\n val n, m = io.read[Int]\n val ans = if (m%n == 0) {\n var r = m/n\n var c = 0\n while(r%3 == 0) {\n r /= 3\n c += 1\n }\n while(r%2 == 0) {\n r /= 2\n c += 1\n }\n if (r == 1) Some(c) else None\n } else {\n None\n }\n \n io.write(ans.getOrElse(-1))\n }\n}\n/****************************[Ignore Template Below]****************************************/\ntrait CodeForcesApp {\n lazy val isOnlineJudge: Boolean = sys.props.get(\"ONLINE_JUDGE\").exists(_.toBoolean)\n def debug(x: => Any): Unit = if (!isOnlineJudge) println(x)\n def apply(io: IO): io.type\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = this(new IO(System.in, System.out)).close()\n}\n/***********************************[Scala I/O]*********************************************/\nimport java.io._, java.util.StringTokenizer\nimport scala.collection.generic.CanBuild\n\nclass IO(in: BufferedReader, out: BufferedWriter) extends Iterator[String] with AutoCloseable with Flushable {\n def this(reader: Reader, writer: Writer) = this(new BufferedReader(reader), new BufferedWriter(writer))\n def this(in: InputStream, out: OutputStream) = this(new InputStreamReader(in), new OutputStreamWriter(out))\n\n private[this] val tokenizers = Iterator.continually(in.readLine()).takeWhile(_ != null).map(new StringTokenizer(_)).buffered\n val printer = new PrintWriter(out, true)\n\n @inline private[this] def tokenizer() = {\n while(tokenizers.nonEmpty && !tokenizers.head.hasMoreTokens) tokenizers.next()\n tokenizers.headOption\n }\n\n def read[A](implicit read: IO.Read[A]): A = read.apply(this)\n def read[C[_], A: IO.Read](n: Int)(implicit b: CanBuild[A, C[A]]): C[A] = Iterator.fill(n)(read).to[C]\n\n def readTill(delim: String): String = tokenizer().get.nextToken(delim)\n def readTillEndOfLine(): String = readTill(\"\\n\\r\")\n\n def readAll[A: IO.Read]: (Int, Vector[A]) = {\n val data = read[Vector[A]]\n (data.length, data)\n }\n\n override def next() = tokenizer().get.nextToken()\n override def hasNext = tokenizer().nonEmpty\n\n def write(obj: Any): this.type = {\n printer.print(obj)\n this\n }\n def writeLine(): this.type = {\n printer.println()\n this\n }\n def writeLine(obj: Any): this.type = {\n printer.println(obj)\n this\n }\n def writeLines(obj: Traversable[Any]): this.type = writeAll(obj, separator = \"\\n\")\n def writeAll(obj: Traversable[Any], separator: String = \" \"): this.type = write(obj mkString separator)\n def query[A: IO.Read](question: Any): A = writeLine(question).read\n\n override def flush() = printer.flush()\n def close() = {\n flush()\n in.close()\n printer.close()\n }\n}\nobject IO {\n class Read[A](val apply: IO => A) {\n def map[B](f: A => B): Read[B] = new Read(apply andThen f)\n }\n\n object Read {\n implicit def collection[C[_], A: Read](implicit b: CanBuild[A, C[A]]) : Read[C[A]] = new Read(r => r.read[C, A](r.read[Int]))\n implicit val string : Read[String] = new Read(_.next())\n implicit val int : Read[Int] = string.map(_.toInt)\n implicit val long : Read[Long] = string.map(_.toLong)\n implicit val bigInt : Read[BigInt] = string.map(BigInt(_))\n implicit val double : Read[Double] = string.map(_.toDouble)\n implicit val bigDecimal : Read[BigDecimal] = string.map(BigDecimal(_))\n implicit def tuple2[A: Read, B: Read] : Read[(A, B)] = new Read(r => (r.read[A], r.read[B]))\n implicit def tuple3[A: Read, B: Read, C: Read] : Read[(A, B, C)] = new Read(r => (r.read[A], r.read[B], r.read[C]))\n implicit def tuple4[A: Read, B: Read, C: Read, D: Read] : Read[(A, B, C, D)] = new Read(r => (r.read[A], r.read[B], r.read[C], r.read[D]))\n implicit val boolean : Read[Boolean] = string map {s =>\n s.toLowerCase match {\n case \"yes\" | \"true\" | \"1\" => true\n case \"no\" | \"false\" | \"0\" => false\n case _ => s.toBoolean\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\n", "positive_code": [{"source_code": "object Main {\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val s = new Main()\n s.solve()\n s.out.flush()\n }\n}\n\nclass Main {\n import java.io._\n import java.util.StringTokenizer\n\n import scala.collection.mutable\n import scala.util.Sorting\n import math.{abs, max, min}\n import mutable.{ArrayBuffer, ListBuffer}\n import scala.reflect.ClassTag\n\n val MOD = 1000000007\n val out = new PrintWriter(System.out)\n\n def solve(): Unit = {\n val N, M = ni()\n REP(30) { two =>\n REP(18) { three =>\n val a = math.round(math.pow(2, two))\n val b = math.round(math.pow(3, three))\n debug(s\"$a $b\")\n if (M % a == 0 && M % b == 0 && M / a / b == N) {\n out.println(s\"${two + three}\")\n return\n }\n }\n }\n\n out.println(-1)\n }\n\n private val oj = System.getenv(\"ATCODER_DEBUG\") == null\n\n def DEBUG(f: => Unit): Unit = {\n if (!oj){ f }\n }\n\n def debug(as: Array[Boolean]): Unit = DEBUG {\n debug(as.map(x => if(x) \"1\" else \"0\").mkString)\n }\n\n def debug(as: Array[Int]): Unit = DEBUG {\n debug(as.mkString(\" \"))\n }\n\n def debug(as: Array[Long]): Unit = DEBUG {\n debug(as.mkString(\" \"))\n }\n\n def debug(s: => String): Unit = DEBUG {\n System.err.println(s)\n }\n\n def debugL(num: => Long): Unit = DEBUG {\n System.err.println(num)\n }\n\n class InputReader(val stream: InputStream) {\n private val reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(stream), 32768)\n private var tokenizer: StringTokenizer = _\n\n def next(): String = {\n while (tokenizer == null || !tokenizer.hasMoreTokens)\n tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(reader.readLine)\n tokenizer.nextToken\n }\n\n def nextInt(): Int = next().toInt\n def nextLong(): Long = next().toLong\n def nextChar(): Char = next().charAt(0)\n }\n val sc = new InputReader(System.in)\n def ni(): Int = sc.nextInt()\n def nl(): Long = sc.nextLong()\n def nc(): Char = sc.nextChar()\n def ns(): String = sc.next()\n def ns(n: Int): Array[Char] = ns().toCharArray\n def na(n: Int, offset: Int = 0): Array[Int] = map(n)(_ => ni() + offset)\n def na2(n: Int, offset: Int = 0): (Array[Int], Array[Int]) = {\n val A1, A2 = Array.ofDim[Int](n)\n REP(n) { i =>\n A1(i) = ni() + offset\n A2(i) = ni() + offset\n }\n (A1, A2)\n }\n def nm(n: Int, m: Int): Array[Array[Int]] = {\n val A = Array.ofDim[Int](n, m)\n REP(n) { i =>\n REP(m) { j =>\n A(i)(j) = ni()\n }\n }\n A\n }\n def nal(n: Int): Array[Long] = map(n)(_ => nl())\n def nm_c(n: Int, m: Int): Array[Array[Char]] = map(n) (_ => ns(m))\n def REP(n: Int, offset: Int = 0)(f: Int => Unit): Unit = {\n var i = offset\n val N = n + offset\n while(i < N) { f(i); i += 1 }\n }\n def REP_r(n: Int, offset: Int = 0)(f: Int => Unit): Unit = {\n var i = n - 1 + offset\n while(i >= offset) { f(i); i -= 1 }\n }\n def TO(from: Int, to: Int)(f: Int => Unit): Unit = {\n REP(to - from + 1, from) { i =>\n f(i)\n }\n }\n\n def map[@specialized A: ClassTag](n: Int, offset: Int = 0)(f: Int => A): Array[A] = {\n val res = Array.ofDim[A](n)\n REP(n)(i => res(i) = f(i + offset))\n res\n }\n\n\n def sumL(as: Array[Int]): Long = {\n var s = 0L\n REP(as.length)(i => s += as(i))\n s\n }\n\n def cumSum(as: Array[Int]) = {\n val cum = Array.ofDim[Long](as.length + 1)\n REP(as.length) { i =>\n cum(i + 1) = cum(i) + as(i)\n }\n cum\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\n\nobject Main {\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val sc = new Scanner(System.in)\n val n = sc.nextInt()\n val m = sc.nextInt()\n if(n == m)\n println(0)\n\n else if(n % 2 == 0 && m % 2 == 1)\n println(-1)\n\n else if(m % n == 0){\n var division = m / n\n var res = 0;\n while(division % 3 == 0){\n division = division / 3\n res += 1\n }\n while (division % 2 == 0){\n division = division / 2\n res += 1\n }\n if(division == 1)\n println(res)\n else\n println(-1)\n }\n else\n println(-1)\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object Competitive extends App {\n val Array(x,y) = readLine.split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n if(x==y) println(0)\n else if(y%x!=0) println(-1)\n else {\n var z = y / x\n var count = 0\n var stat = 1\n while(z>1) {\n if(z%2!=0 && z%3!=0) {\n stat = 0\n z = 1\n }\n else {\n if(z%2==0) z/=2\n else if(z%3==0) z/=3\n count+=1\n }\n }\n if(stat==0) println(-1)\n else println(count)\n }\n\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "\nimport scala.annotation.tailrec\n\nobject Main extends App {\n\n val inputs = io.StdIn.readLine().split(\" \").map(x => x.toInt)\n\n def solve(i: Int, i1: Int): Int = {\n @tailrec\n def solve(a: Int, acc: Int = 0): Int = {\n if (a == 1) acc\n else if (a == -1) -1\n else solve(if (a % 3 == 0) a / 3 else if (a % 2 == 0) a / 2 else -1, acc + 1)\n\n }\n\n if (i1 % i != 0) -1\n else solve(i1 / i)\n }\n\n println(solve(inputs(0), inputs(1)))\n\n\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "\nobject Main extends App {\n\n val inputs = io.StdIn.readLine().split(\" \").map(x => x.toInt)\n\n def solve(i: Int, i1: Int): Int = {\n def solve(a: Int, acc: Int = 0): Int = {\n if (a == 1) acc\n else if (a == -1) -1\n else solve(if (a % 3 == 0) a / 3 else if (a % 2 == 0) a / 2 else -1, acc + 1)\n\n }\n\n if (i1 % i != 0) -1\n else solve(i1 / i)\n }\n\n println(solve(inputs(0), inputs(1)))\n\n\n}"}], "negative_code": [{"source_code": "object Main extends App {\n\n val inputs = io.StdIn.readLine().split(\" \").map(x => x.toInt)\n\n def solve(i: Int, i1: Int) : Int = {\n def solve(a: Int, acc: Int = 0): Int = {\n if (a == 1) acc\n else solve(if (a % 3 == 0) a / 3 else a / 2, acc + 1)\n\n }\n if (i1 % i != 0) -1\n else solve(i1 / i)\n }\n\n println(solve(inputs(0),inputs(1)))\n\n\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object Main extends App {\n\n val inputs = io.StdIn.readLine().split(\" \").map(x => x.toInt)\n\n def solve(i: Int, i1: Int): Int = {\n def solve(a: Int, acc: Int = 0): Int = {\n if (a == 1) acc\n else solve(if (a % 3 == 0) a / 3 else a / 2, acc + 1)\n\n }\n\n if (i1 % i != 0) -1\n else if (i == i1) 0\n else if (i1 % 2 != 0 && i1 % 3 != 0) -1\n else solve(i1 / i)\n }\n\n println(solve(inputs(0), inputs(1)))\n\n\n}"}], "src_uid": "3f9980ad292185f63a80bce10705e806"} {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn._ \nimport scala.util.control._\n\nobject cf697B {\n def main (args: Array[String]) {\n val line = readLine()\n\n var b:Int = 0;\n var ex_e = false\n\n for (i <- 0 until line.length()) {\n if (ex_e == true) {\n b = b * 10 + line(i) - '0'\n }\n if (line(i) == 'e') ex_e = true\n }\n\n // println(b) \n var ex_point = false\n var buf = new StringBuilder()\n\n var loop = new Breaks\n loop.breakable {\n for (i <- 0 until line.length()) {\n if (line(i) == 'e') {\n if (b > 0) {\n while (b > 0) {\n buf += '0'\n b = b - 1\n }\n buf += '.' \n }\n loop.break\n }\n\n if (ex_point == true) {\n if (b == 0) {\n buf += '.'\n }\n buf += line(i)\n b = b - 1\n } else {\n if (line(i) == '.') {\n ex_point = true\n } else {\n buf += line(i)\n }\n }\n }\n }\n \n var pos: Int = 0\n // println(buf)\n loop.breakable {\n for (i <- 0 until buf.length()) {\n var j = buf.length() - i - 1;\n if (buf(j) == '.') {\n pos = j\n loop.break\n }\n if (buf(j) != '0') {\n pos = j + 1\n loop.break\n }\n }\n }\n // println(\"pos \" + pos) \n var flag = false\n\n for (i <- 0 until pos) {\n if (flag == true) {\n if (buf(i) == '.' && i == buf.length()-1) {\n } else {\n print(buf(i))\n }\n } else {\n if (buf(i) != '0') {\n print(buf(i))\n flag = true\n } else if (buf(i + 1) == '.' ) {\n print(buf(i));\n flag = true\n } \n }\n }\n println() \n }\n}", "positive_code": [{"source_code": "object Solution extends App {\n val in = io.Source.stdin.getLines()\n val line = in.next()\n val Array(ns, es) = line.split('e')\n val (ne, ee) = ns.split('.') match {\n case Array(before, after) =>\n val afterDrop = after.reverse.dropWhile(_ == '0').reverse\n (before + afterDrop, -afterDrop.length)\n case Array(before) => (before, 0)\n }\n val e = ee + es.toInt\n\n if (e == 0)\n println(ne)\n else if (e < 0)\n println(ne.take(ne.length + e) + '.' + ne.drop(ne.length + e))\n else\n println(ne + \"0\" * e)\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object Solution {\n def main(args : Array[String]) {\n val line = readLine()\n val r = \"^(.*)\\\\.(.*)e(.*)$\"r;\n val r(a, d, e) = line\n var n = a + d\n val i = e.toInt\n if (n.size < 1 + i) n = n + (\"0\" * (i + 1 - n.size))\n n = n.substring(0, i + 1) + \".\" + n.substring(i + 1);\n println(post(n));\n }\n def post(s:String) :String = {\n if (s.startsWith(\"0\") && !s.startsWith(\"0.\"))\n post(s.substring(1))\n else if (s.matches(\".*\\\\.0*\")) s.substring(0,s.indexOf('.'))\n else s\n }\n}"}], "negative_code": [{"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn._ \nimport scala.util.control._\n\nobject cf697B {\n def main (args: Array[String]) {\n val line = readLine()\n\n var b:Int = 0;\n var ex_e = false\n\n for (i <- 0 until line.length()) {\n if (ex_e == true) {\n b = b * 10 + line(i) - '0'\n }\n if (line(i) == 'e') ex_e = true\n }\n\n // println(b) \n var ex_point = false\n var buf = new StringBuilder()\n\n var loop = new Breaks\n loop.breakable {\n for (i <- 0 until line.length()) {\n if (line(i) == 'e') {\n while (b > 0) {\n buf += '0'\n b = b - 1\n }\n buf += '.'\n loop.break\n }\n\n if (ex_point == true) {\n if (b == 0) {\n buf += '.'\n }\n buf += line(i)\n b = b - 1\n } else {\n if (line(i) == '.') {\n ex_point = true\n } else {\n buf += line(i)\n }\n }\n }\n }\n \n var pos: Int = 0\n // println(buf)\n loop.breakable {\n for (i <- 0 until buf.length()) {\n var j = buf.length() - i - 1;\n if (buf(j) == '.') {\n pos = j\n loop.break\n }\n if (buf(j) != '0') {\n pos = j + 1\n loop.break\n }\n }\n }\n // println(\"pos \" + pos) \n var flag = false\n\n for (i <- 0 until pos) {\n if (flag == true) {\n if (buf(i) == '.' && i == buf.length()-1) {\n } else {\n print(buf(i))\n }\n } else {\n if (buf(i) != '0') {\n print(buf(i))\n flag = true\n } else if (buf(i + 1) == '.' ) {\n print(buf(i));\n flag = true\n } \n }\n }\n println() \n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn._ \nimport scala.util.control._\n\nobject cf697B {\n def main (args: Array[String]) {\n val line = readLine()\n\n var b:Int = 0;\n var ex_e = false\n\n for (i <- 0 until line.length()) {\n if (ex_e == true) {\n b = b * 10 + line(i) - '0'\n }\n if (line(i) == 'e') ex_e = true\n }\n\n // println(b) \n var ex_point = false\n var buf = new StringBuilder()\n\n var loop = new Breaks\n loop.breakable {\n for (i <- 0 until line.length()) {\n if (line(i) == 'e') {\n while (b > 0) {\n buf += '0'\n b = b - 1\n }\n loop.break\n }\n\n if (ex_point == true) {\n if (b == 0) {\n buf += '.'\n }\n buf += line(i)\n b = b - 1\n } else {\n if (line(i) == '.') {\n ex_point = true\n } else {\n buf += line(i)\n }\n }\n }\n }\n \n var pos: Int = 0\n // println(buf)\n loop.breakable {\n for (i <- 0 until buf.length()) {\n var j = buf.length() - i - 1;\n if (buf(j) != '0') {\n pos = j\n loop.break;\n }\n }\n }\n // println(\"pos \" + pos) \n var flag = false\n\n for (i <- 0 until pos) {\n if (flag == true) {\n if (buf(i) == '.' && i == buf.length()-1) {\n } else {\n print(buf(i))\n }\n } else {\n if (buf(i) != '0') {\n print(buf(i))\n flag = true\n } else if (buf(i + 1) == '.' ) {\n print(buf(i));\n flag = true\n } \n }\n }\n println()\n/*\n val loop = new Breaks;\n loop.breakable {\n for (i <- 0 until buf.length()) {\n if (buf(i) == 'e') loop.break\n print(buf(i))\n }\n println()\n }\n*/\n \n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn._ \nimport scala.util.control._\n\nobject cf697B {\n def main (args: Array[String]) {\n val line = readLine()\n\n var b:Int = 0;\n var ex_e = false\n\n for (i <- 0 until line.length()) {\n if (ex_e == true) {\n b = b * 10 + line(i) - '0'\n }\n if (line(i) == 'e') ex_e = true\n }\n\n // println(b) \n var ex_point = false\n var buf = new StringBuilder()\n\n var loop = new Breaks\n loop.breakable {\n for (i <- 0 until line.length()) {\n if (line(i) == 'e') {\n while (b > 0) {\n buf += '0'\n b = b - 1\n }\n loop.break\n }\n\n if (ex_point == true) {\n if (b == 0) {\n buf += '.'\n }\n buf += line(i)\n b = b - 1\n } else {\n if (line(i) == '.') {\n ex_point = true\n } else {\n buf += line(i)\n }\n }\n }\n }\n \n // println(buf)\n\n var flag = false\n\n for (i <- 0 until buf.length()) {\n if (flag == true) {\n if (buf(i) == '.' && i == buf.length()-1) {\n } else {\n print(buf(i))\n }\n } else {\n if (buf(i) != '0') {\n print(buf(i))\n flag = true\n } else if (buf(i + 1) == '.' ) {\n print(buf(i));\n flag = true\n } \n }\n }\n println()\n/*\n val loop = new Breaks;\n loop.breakable {\n for (i <- 0 until buf.length()) {\n if (buf(i) == 'e') loop.break\n print(buf(i))\n }\n println()\n }\n*/\n \n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn._ \nimport scala.util.control._\n\nobject cf697B {\n def main (args: Array[String]) {\n val line = readLine()\n\n var b:Int = 0;\n var ex_e = false\n\n for (i <- 0 until line.length()) {\n if (ex_e == true) {\n b = b * 10 + line(i) - '0'\n }\n if (line(i) == 'e') ex_e = true\n }\n\n // println(b) \n var ex_point = false\n var buf = new StringBuilder()\n\n var loop = new Breaks\n loop.breakable {\n for (i <- 0 until line.length()) {\n if (line(i) == 'e') {\n while (b > 0) {\n buf += '0'\n b = b - 1\n }\n loop.break\n }\n\n if (ex_point == true) {\n if (b == 0) {\n buf += '.'\n }\n buf += line(i)\n b = b - 1\n } else {\n if (line(i) == '.') {\n ex_point = true\n } else {\n buf += line(i)\n }\n }\n }\n }\n \n var pos: Int = 0\n // println(buf)\n loop.breakable {\n for (i <- 0 until buf.length()) {\n var j = buf.length() - i - 1;\n if (buf(j) == '.') {\n pos = j\n loop.break\n }\n if (buf(j) != '0') {\n pos = j + 1\n loop.break\n }\n }\n }\n // println(\"pos \" + pos) \n var flag = false\n\n for (i <- 0 until pos) {\n if (flag == true) {\n if (buf(i) == '.' && i == buf.length()-1) {\n } else {\n print(buf(i))\n }\n } else {\n if (buf(i) != '0') {\n print(buf(i))\n flag = true\n } else if (buf(i + 1) == '.' ) {\n print(buf(i));\n flag = true\n } \n }\n }\n println() \n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "object Solution extends App {\n val in = io.Source.stdin.getLines()\n val line = in.next()\n val Array(ns, es) = line.split('e')\n val n = ns.toDouble\n val e = es.toInt\n val ans = n * Math.pow(10, e)\n if (ans == ans.toInt)\n println(ans.toInt)\n else\n println(ans)\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object Solution extends App {\n val in = io.Source.stdin.getLines()\n val line = in.next()\n val Array(ns, es) = line.split('e')\n val n = ns.toDouble\n val e = es.toInt\n println(n * Math.pow(10, e))\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object Solution extends App {\n val in = io.Source.stdin.getLines()\n val line = in.next()\n val Array(ns, es) = line.split('e')\n val n = ns.filter(_ != '.')\n val eee = ns.indexOf('.')\n val ee = if (eee == -1) 0 else eee\n val e = es.toInt + ee + n.reverse.takeWhile(_ == '0').length\n val ne = n.reverse.dropWhile(_ == '0').reverse\n\n\n if (e == ne.length)\n println(ne)\n else if (e < ne.length)\n println(ne.take(e) + '.' + n.drop(e))\n else\n println(ne + \"0\" * (e - ne.length))\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object Solution extends App {\n val in = io.Source.stdin.getLines()\n val line = in.next()\n val Array(ns, es) = line.split('e')\n val (ne, ee) = ns.split('.') match {\n case Array(before, after) =>\n val afterDrop = after.reverse.dropWhile(_ == 0).reverse\n (before + afterDrop, -afterDrop.length)\n case Array(before) => (before, 0)\n }\n val e = ee + es.toInt\n\n if (e == 0)\n println(ne)\n else if (e < ne.length)\n println(ne.take(ne.length + e) + '.' + ne.drop(ne.length + e))\n else\n println(ne + \"0\" * (e - ne.length))\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object Solution extends App {\n val in = io.Source.stdin.getLines()\n val line = in.next()\n val Array(ns, es) = line.split('e')\n val (ne, ee) = ns.split('.') match {\n case Array(before, after) =>\n val afterDrop = after.reverse.dropWhile(_ == 0).reverse\n (before + afterDrop, -afterDrop.length)\n case Array(before) => (before, 0)\n }\n val e = ee + es.toInt\n\n println(e)\n\n if (e == 0)\n println(ne)\n else if (e < 0)\n println(ne.take(ne.length + e) + '.' + ne.drop(ne.length + e))\n else\n println(ne + \"0\" * e)\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object Solution extends App {\n val in = io.Source.stdin.getLines()\n val line = in.next()\n val Array(ns, es) = line.split('e')\n val (ne, ee) = ns.split('.') match {\n case Array(before, after) =>\n val afterDrop = after.reverse.dropWhile(_ == 0).reverse\n (before + afterDrop, -afterDrop.length)\n case Array(before) => (before, 0)\n }\n val e = ee + es.toInt\n if (e == ne.length)\n println(ne)\n else if (e < ne.length)\n println(ne.take(ne.length + e) + '.' + ne.drop(ne.length + e))\n else\n println(ne + \"0\" * (e - ne.length))\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object Solution extends App {\n val in = io.Source.stdin.getLines()\n val line = in.next()\n val Array(ns, es) = line.split('e')\n val (ne, ee) = ns.split('.') match {\n case Array(before, after) =>\n val afterDrop = after.reverse.dropWhile(_ == 0).reverse\n (before + afterDrop, -afterDrop.length)\n case Array(before) => (before, 0)\n }\n val e = ee + es.toInt\n\n println(e)\n\n if (e == ne.length)\n println(ne)\n else if (e < ne.length)\n println(ne.take(ne.length + e) + '.' + ne.drop(ne.length + e))\n else\n println(ne + \"0\" * (e - ne.length))\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object Solution extends App {\n val in = io.Source.stdin.getLines()\n val line = in.next()\n val Array(ns, es) = line.split('e')\n val n = ns.filter(_ != '.')\n val eee = ns.indexOf('.')\n val ee = if (eee == -1) 0 else eee\n val e = es.toInt + ee\n println(n.take(e) + '.' + n.drop(e))\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object Solution extends App {\n val in = io.Source.stdin.getLines()\n val line = in.next()\n val Array(ns, es) = line.split('e')\n val n = ns.filter(_ != '.')\n val eee = ns.indexOf('.')\n val ee = if (eee == -1) 0 else eee\n val e = es.toInt - ee + n.reverse.takeWhile(_ == '0').length\n val ne = n.reverse.dropWhile(_ == '0').reverse\n\n\n if (e == ne.length)\n println(ne)\n else if (e < ne.length)\n println(ne.take(e) + '.' + n.drop(e))\n else\n println(ne + \"0\" * (e - ne.length))\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object Solution extends App {\n val in = io.Source.stdin.getLines()\n val line = in.next()\n val Array(ns, es) = line.split('e')\n val (ne, ee) = ns.split('.') match {\n case Array(before, after) =>\n val afterDrop = after.reverse.dropWhile(_ == 0).reverse\n (before + afterDrop, -afterDrop.length)\n case Array(before) => (before, 0)\n }\n val e = ee + es.toInt\n\n if (e == 0)\n println(ne)\n else if (e < 0)\n println(ne.take(ne.length + e) + '.' + ne.drop(ne.length + e))\n else\n println(ne + \"0\" * e)\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object Solution extends App {\n val in = io.Source.stdin.getLines()\n val line = in.next()\n val Array(ns, es) = line.split('e')\n val (ne, ee) = ns.split('.') match {\n case Array(before, after) =>\n val afterDrop = after.reverse.dropWhile(_ == 0).reverse\n (before + afterDrop, -afterDrop.length)\n case Array(before) => (before, 0)\n }\n val e = ee + es.toInt\n\n println(e)\n\n if (e == 0)\n println(ne)\n else if (e < ne.length)\n println(ne.take(ne.length + e) + '.' + ne.drop(ne.length + e))\n else\n println(ne + \"0\" * (e - ne.length))\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object Solution extends App {\n val in = io.Source.stdin.getLines()\n val line = in.next()\n val Array(ns, es) = line.split('e')\n val n = ns.filter(_ != '.')\n val eee = ns.indexOf('.')\n val ee = if (eee == -1) 0 else eee\n val e = es.toInt + ee + n.reverse.takeWhile(_ == '0').length\n val ne = n.reverse.dropWhile(_ == '0').reverse\n\n\n if (e == ne.length)\n println(ne)\n else if (e < ne.length)\n println(ne.take(e) + '.' + n.drop(e))\n else\n println(ne + \"0\" * (e - ne.length + 1))\n}\n"}], "src_uid": "a79358099f08f3ec50c013d47d910eef"} {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\n\nobject Main{\n def main (args: Array[String]){\n val sc = new Scanner(System.in)\n val n = sc.nextInt()\n\n val dp = new Array[(Int, Int)](n)\n for(i <- 0 until n){\n val tmp = sc.nextInt()\n dp(i) = (tmp, i+1)\n }\n\n val ans = dp.sorted\n\n for(i <- 0 until n / 2){\n println(ans(i)._2 + \" \" + ans(n-1-i)._2)\n }\n }\n}\n", "positive_code": [{"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn._\n\nobject Main extends App {\n val n = readInt()\n val a = readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt).zipWithIndex.sorted\n val (f, s) = a.splitAt(n / 2)\n val ans = f.zip(s.reverse)\n for (((_, a), (_, b)) <- ans) println((a + 1) + \" \" + (b + 1))\n}"}, {"source_code": "object Solution extends App {\n val lines = io.Source.stdin.getLines()\n val n = lines.next().toInt\n val data = lines.next().split(' ').map(_.toInt).zipWithIndex.sorted\n println(data.take(n / 2).zip(data.drop(n / 2).reverse).map(a => s\"${a._1._2 + 1} ${a._2._2 + 1}\").mkString(\"\\n\"))\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object A701 {\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(scala.io.StdIn.readLine)\n\n def readInts(n: Int) = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt)\n }\n\n def readLongs(n: Int) = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong)\n }\n\n def readBigs(n: Int) = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(BigInt(tl.nextToken))\n }\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val Array(n) = readInts(1)\n val input = readInts(n).zipWithIndex.sortBy(_._1)\n for(i <- 1 to n/2) {\n println(s\"${input(i-1)._2 + 1} ${input(n-i)._2 + 1}\")\n }\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "object main {\n def main (args: Array[String]) {\n val n = scala.io.StdIn.readInt()\n val input = (scala.io.StdIn.readLine().split(\" \") map (x => x.toInt)).toVector\n val inputWithIndex = input zip (1 to n)\n val sortedInputWithIndex = inputWithIndex.sortBy(pair => pair._1)\n (0 until n/2) map (\n i => println(sortedInputWithIndex(i)._2.toString + \" \" + sortedInputWithIndex(n - i - 1)._2).toString)\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "object A extends App {\n\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(readLine)\n def readInts(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt) }\n def readLongs(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong) }\n def readBigs(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(BigInt(tl.nextToken)) }\n\n val Array(n) = readInts(1)\n val xs = readInts(n).zipWithIndex.sortBy(_._1).map(_._2 + 1)\n\n for (i <- 0 until n / 2) println(s\"${xs(i)} ${xs(n - i - 1)}\")\n}"}, {"source_code": "import Utils._, annotation.tailrec, collection.mutable, util._, control._, math.Ordering.Implicits._\n\nobject _701A extends CodeForcesApp {\n override def apply(io: IO) = {import io.{read, write, writeAll}\n val cards = read[Vector[Int]]\n val n = cards.length\n val used = mutable.Set.empty[Int]\n val sum = 2*cards.sum/n\n\n val cz = cards.zipWithIndex\n\n val ans = Vector.fill(n/2) {\n val Some((c1, i1)) = cz find {case (c, i) => !used(i)}\n used += i1\n val Some((c2, i2)) = cz find {case (c, i) => !used(i) && c + c1 == sum}\n used += i2\n //debug(i1, i2, c1, c2, sum)\n s\"${i1 + 1} ${i2 + 1}\"\n }\n\n writeAll(ans, \"\\n\")\n }\n}\n/****************************[Ignore Template Below]****************************************/\ntrait CodeForcesApp {\n lazy val isOnlineJudge: Boolean = sys.props.get(\"ONLINE_JUDGE\").exists(_.toBoolean)\n def debug(x: Any): Unit = if (!isOnlineJudge) println(x)\n def apply(io: IO): io.type\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = this(new IO(System.in, System.out)).close()\n}\nobject Utils {\n import scala.collection.mutable, mutable.{Map => Dict}\n implicit class GenericExtensions[A](val a: A) extends AnyVal {\n def in(set: collection.Set[A]): Boolean = set(a)\n def some: Option[A] = Some(a)\n def partialMatch[B](f: PartialFunction[A, B]): Option[B] = f lift a\n }\n implicit class TraversableExtensions[A, C[X] <: Traversable[X]](val t: C[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def onlyElement: A = assuming(t.size == 1)(t.head)\n def groupByIdentifier[K](f: A => K): Map[K, A] = t.groupBy(f).mapValues(_.onlyElement)\n def duplicates(implicit b: C of A): C[A] = {\n val elems = mutable.Set.empty[A]\n (t collect {case i if !elems.add(i) => i}).to[C]\n }\n def sumWith[B](f: A => B)(implicit n: Numeric[B]): B = t.foldLeft(n.zero) {case (p, i) => n.plus(p, f(i))}\n def zipWith[B](f: A => B)(implicit b: C of (A, B)): C[(A, B)] = (t map {i => i -> f(i)}).to[C]\n def mapTo[B](f: A => B)(implicit b: C of (A, B)): Map[A, B] = zipWith(f).toUniqueMap\n def whenNonEmpty[B](f: t.type => B): Option[B] = when(t.nonEmpty)(f(t)) // e.g. grades.whenNonEmpty(_.max)\n def collectFirst[B](f: PartialFunction[A, Option[B]]): Option[B] = t.view collect f collectFirst {case Some(x) => x}\n def toMutableMultiSet: Dict[A, Int] = {\n val c = map[A] to 0\n t.foreach(i => c(i) += 1)\n c\n }\n def toMultiSet: Map[A, Int] = toMutableMultiSet.toMap withDefaultValue 0\n def X[B](s: Traversable[B]): Iterator[(A, B)] = for {a <- t.toIterator; b <- s} yield (a, b)\n }\n implicit class ArrayExtensions[A <: AnyRef](val a: Array[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def sort(from: Int, until: Int)(implicit cmp: Ordering[A]): Unit = java.util.Arrays.sort(a, from, until, cmp) //sort [from, until)\n }\n implicit class ArrayExtensions2[A](val a: Array[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def sort(from: Int, until: Int)(implicit cmp: Ordering[A]): Unit = a.view(from, until).sorted.copyToArray(a, from)\n }\n implicit class SeqExtensions[A, C[X] <: Seq[X]](val s: C[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def isRotationOf(t: Seq[A]): Boolean = s ++ s containsSlice t\n }\n implicit class PairExtensions[A, B](val p: (A, B)) extends AnyVal {\n def key = p._1\n def value = p._2\n }\n implicit class PairsExtensions[A, B, C[X] <: Traversable[X]](t: C[(A, B)]) {\n def toUniqueMap: Map[A, B] = t.groupByIdentifier(_.key).mapValues(_.value)\n def toMultiMap(implicit b: C of B): Map[A, C[B]] = t.groupBy(_.key).mapValues(_.map(_.value).to[C])\n def swap(implicit b: C of (B, A)): C[(B, A)] = t.map(_.swap).to[C]\n }\n implicit class MapExtensions[K, V, C[X, Y] <: Map[X, Y]](val m: C[K, V]) extends AnyVal {\n def lastKeyOption: Option[K] = m.lastOption.map(_.key)\n def firstKeyOption: Option[K] = m.headOption.map(_.key)\n def invert: Map[V, Set[K]] = m.toSet[(K, V)].swap.toMultiMap\n def mapKeys[K2](f: K => K2): Map[K2, V] = m map {case (k, v) => f(k) -> v}\n def toMutable: Dict[K, V] = Dict.empty[K, V] ++ m\n }\n implicit class MutableMapExtensions[K, V](val m: mutable.Map[K, V]) extends AnyVal {\n def removeLast(): Option[(K, V)] = m.lastOption.map(removeNode)\n def removeFirst(): Option[(K, V)] = m.headOption.map(removeNode)\n private def removeNode(kv: (K, V)): (K, V) = {\n m -= kv.key\n kv\n }\n }\n implicit class SetExtensions[A, C[A] <: Set[A]](val s: C[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def notContains(x: A): Boolean = !(s contains x)\n def toMutable = mutable.Set.empty[A] ++ s\n }\n implicit class IterableExtensions[A, C[A] <: Seq[A]](val s: C[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def deleteAtIndex(i: Int, howMany: Int = 1) = s.patch(i, Nil, howMany)\n def insertAtIndex(i: Int, items: Seq[A]) = s.patch(i, items, 0)\n def findWithIndex(f: A => Boolean): Option[(A, Int)] = s.zipWithIndex find {case (a, _) => f(a)}\n def foldUntil[B](z: B)(f: (B, A) => B)(c: B => Boolean): Option[(B, Int)] = s.view.scanLeft(z)(f).findWithIndex(c)\n }\n implicit class BooleanExtensions(val x: Boolean) extends AnyVal {\n def to[A](implicit n: Numeric[A]) = if(x) n.one else n.zero\n def toEnglish = if(x) \"YES\" else \"NO\"\n }\n implicit class IntExtensions(val x: Int) extends AnyVal {\n import java.lang.{Integer => JInt}\n def withHighestOneBit: Int = JInt.highestOneBit(x)\n def withLowestOneBit: Int = JInt.lowestOneBit(x)\n def numberOfLeadingZeroes: Int = JInt.numberOfLeadingZeros(x)\n def numberOfTrailingZeroes: Int = JInt.numberOfTrailingZeros(x)\n def bitCount: Int = JInt.bitCount(x)\n def setLowestBits(n: Int): Int = x | (left(n) - 1)\n def clearLowestBits(n: Int): Int = x & left(n, ~0)\n def setBit(i: Int, set: Boolean): Int = if (set) setBit(i) else clearBit(i)\n def setBit(i: Int): Int = x | left(i)\n def clearBit(i: Int): Int = x & ~left(i)\n def toggleBit(i: Int): Int = x ^ left(i)\n def testBit(i: Int): Boolean = ((x >> i) & 1) == 1\n private def left(bits: Int, num: Int = 1) = assuming(bits >= 0 && bits < JInt.SIZE)(num << bits)\n def X(y: Int): Iterator[(Int, Int)] = until(x) X until(y)\n }\n implicit class LongExtensions(val x: Long) extends AnyVal {\n import java.lang.{Long => JLong}\n def withHighestOneBitSet: Long = JLong.highestOneBit(x)\n def withLowestOneBitSet: Long = JLong.lowestOneBit(x)\n def numberOfLeadingZeroes: Int = JLong.numberOfLeadingZeros(x)\n def numberOfTrailingZeroes: Int = JLong.numberOfTrailingZeros(x)\n def bitCount: Int = JLong.bitCount(x)\n def setLowestBits(n: Int): Long = x | (left(n) - 1)\n def clearLowestBits(n: Int): Long = x & left(n, ~0L)\n def setBit(i: Int, set: Boolean): Long = if (set) setBit(i) else clearBit(i)\n def setBit(i: Int): Long = x | left(i)\n def clearBit(i: Int): Long = x & ~left(i)\n def toggleBit(i: Int): Long = x ^ left(i)\n def testBit(i: Int): Boolean = ((x >> i) & 1) == 1\n private def left(bits: Int, num: Long = 1L) = assuming(bits >= 0 && bits < JLong.SIZE)(num << bits)\n }\n implicit class NumericExtensions[A](val x: A)(implicit n: Numeric[A]) {\n import Numeric.Implicits._\n def **(i: Int): A = if (i == 0) n.one else {\n val h = x ** (i/2)\n if (i%2 == 0) h * h else h * h * x\n }\n def distance(y: A) = (x - y).abs()\n def nonNegative: Option[A] = when(n.gteq(x, n.zero))(x)\n def whenNegative(f: => A): A = nonNegative getOrElse f //e.g. students indexOf \"Greg\" whenNegative Int.MaxValue\n }\n implicit class IntegralExtensions[A](val x: A)(implicit n: Integral[A]) {\n import scala.collection.immutable.NumericRange, Integral.Implicits._\n def mod(y: A): A = x - ((x / y) * y) //(x/y)*y + (x mod y) == x\n def -->(y: A): NumericRange.Inclusive[A] = NumericRange.inclusive(x, y, if (n.lteq(x, y)) n.one else -n.one)\n def ceilDiv(y: A): A = if (mod(y) == n.zero) x/y else n.one + (x/y)\n }\n implicit def toPoint[A](p: (A, A))(implicit n: Numeric[A]) = new java.awt.geom.Point2D.Double(n.toDouble(p._1), n.toDouble(p._2))\n def desc[A: Ordering]: Ordering[A] = asc[A].reverse //e.g. students.sortBy(_.height)(desc)\n def asc[A](implicit order: Ordering[A]): Ordering[A] = order\n def map[K] = new {\n def to[V](default: => V): Dict[K, V] = using(_ => default)\n def using[V](f: K => V): Dict[K, V] = new mutable.HashMap[K, V]() {\n override def apply(key: K) = getOrElseUpdate(key, f(key))\n }\n }\n def newMultiMap[K, V] = map[K] to mutable.Set.empty[V]\n def memoize[A, B](f: A => B): A ==> B = map[A] using f\n implicit class FuzzyDouble(val x: Double) extends AnyVal {\n def >~(y: Double) = x > y + eps\n def >=~(y: Double) = x >= y + eps\n def ~<(y: Double) = y >=~ x\n def ~=<(y: Double) = y >~ x\n def ~=(y: Double) = (x distance y) <= eps\n }\n def until(until: Int): Range = 0 until until\n def not[A](f: A => Boolean): A => Boolean = {x: A => !f(x)}\n def assuming[A](cond: => Boolean)(f: => A): A = {require(cond); f}\n @inline def when[A](check: Boolean)(f: => A): Option[A] = if (check) f.some else None\n def repeat[U](n: Int)(f: => U): Unit = (1 to n).foreach(_ => f)\n type of[C[_], A] = scala.collection.generic.CanBuild[A, C[A]]\n type ==>[A, B] = collection.Map[A, B]\n val mod: Int = (1e9 + 7).toInt\n val eps: Double = 1e-9\n}\n/***********************************[Scala I/O]*********************************************/\nimport Utils._, java.io._, java.util.StringTokenizer\n\nclass IO(in: BufferedReader, out: BufferedWriter) extends Iterator[String] with AutoCloseable with Flushable {\n def this(reader: Reader, writer: Writer) = this(new BufferedReader(reader), new BufferedWriter(writer))\n def this(in: InputStream, out: OutputStream) = this(new InputStreamReader(in), new OutputStreamWriter(out))\n\n private[this] val tokenizers = Iterator.continually(in.readLine()).takeWhile(_ != null).map(new StringTokenizer(_)).buffered\n val printer = new PrintWriter(out, true)\n\n @inline private[this] def tokenizer() = {\n while(tokenizers.nonEmpty && !tokenizers.head.hasMoreTokens) tokenizers.next()\n when(tokenizers.nonEmpty)(tokenizers.head)\n }\n\n def read[A](implicit read: IO.Read[A]): A = read.apply(this)\n def read[C[_], A: IO.Read](n: Int)(implicit b: C of A): C[A] = Iterator.fill(n)(read).to[C]\n\n def readTill(delim: String): String = tokenizer().get.nextToken(delim)\n def readTillEndOfLine(): String = readTill(\"\\n\\r\")\n\n override def next() = tokenizer().get.nextToken()\n override def hasNext = tokenizer().nonEmpty\n\n def write(obj: Any, more: Any*): this.type = {\n printer.print(obj)\n more foreach {i =>\n printer.print(' ')\n printer.print(i)\n }\n this\n }\n def writeOnNextLine(obj: Any, more: Any*): this.type = {\n printer.println()\n write(obj, more: _*)\n this\n }\n def writeAll(obj: Traversable[Any], separator: String = \" \"): this.type = write(obj mkString separator)\n\n override def flush() = printer.flush()\n def close() = {\n flush()\n in.close()\n printer.close()\n }\n}\nobject IO {\n class Read[A](val apply: IO => A) {\n def map[B](f: A => B): Read[B] = new Read(apply andThen f)\n }\n object Read {\n implicit def collection[C[_], A: Read](implicit b: C of A): Read[C[A]] = new Read(r => r.read[C, A](r.read[Int]))\n implicit val string : Read[String] = new Read(_.next())\n implicit val char : Read[Char] = string.map(_.toTraversable.onlyElement)\n implicit val int : Read[Int] = string.map(_.toInt)\n implicit val long : Read[Long] = string.map(_.toLong)\n implicit val bigInt : Read[BigInt] = string.map(BigInt(_))\n implicit val double : Read[Double] = string.map(_.toDouble)\n implicit val bigDecimal : Read[BigDecimal] = string.map(BigDecimal(_))\n implicit def tuple2[A: Read, B: Read] : Read[(A, B)] = new Read(r => (r.read[A], r.read[B]))\n implicit def tuple3[A: Read, B: Read, C: Read] : Read[(A, B, C)] = new Read(r => (r.read[A], r.read[B], r.read[C]))\n implicit def tuple4[A: Read, B: Read, C: Read, D: Read] : Read[(A, B, C, D)] = new Read(r => (r.read[A], r.read[B], r.read[C], r.read[D]))\n implicit val boolean : Read[Boolean] = string map {s =>\n s.toLowerCase match {\n case \"yes\" | \"true\" | \"1\" => true\n case \"no\" | \"false\" | \"0\" => false\n case _ => s.toBoolean\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\n"}, {"source_code": "object main extends App {\n import java.io.{InputStream, PrintStream}\n import java.util.Scanner\n// override\n def solve(input: InputStream, output: PrintStream): Unit = {\n val sc = new Scanner(input)\n val n = sc.nextInt()\n val cardsSorted = (1 to n).map(_ => sc.nextInt()).zipWithIndex.sortBy{case (v,_) => v}.toArray\n (1 to n/2).foreach{\n i => {\n val (_,firstIndex) = cardsSorted(i-1)\n val (_,secondIndex) = cardsSorted(n-i)\n output.println((firstIndex+1)+\" \"+(secondIndex+1))\n }\n }\n }\n solve(System.in,System.out)\n}"}], "negative_code": [{"source_code": "object Solution extends App {\n val lines = io.Source.stdin.getLines()\n val n = lines.next().toInt\n val data = lines.next().split(' ').map(_.toInt).zipWithIndex.sorted\n println(data.take(n / 2).zip(data.drop(n / 2)).map(a => s\"${a._1._2 + 1} ${a._2._2 + 1}\").mkString(\"\\n\"))\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object Solution extends App {\n val lines = io.Source.stdin.getLines()\n val n = lines.next().toInt\n val data = lines.next().split(' ').map(_.toInt).sorted\n println(data.take(n / 2).zip(data.drop(n / 2)).map(a => s\"${a._1} ${a._2}\").mkString(\"\\n\"))\n}\n"}], "src_uid": "6e5011801ceff9d76e33e0908b695132"} {"source_code": "import scala.io.Source\n\nobject Solution extends App {\n val in = Source.stdin.getLines()\n val n = in.next().toInt\n val str = in.next()\n val lU = Array.ofDim[Int](str.length)\n val lD = Array.ofDim[Int](str.length)\n val lR = Array.ofDim[Int](str.length)\n val lL = Array.ofDim[Int](str.length)\n str.indices.foreach { i =>\n if (i != 0) {\n lU(i) = lU(i - 1)\n lD(i) = lD(i - 1)\n lR(i) = lR(i - 1)\n lL(i) = lL(i - 1)\n }\n if (str(i) == 'L') lL(i) += 1\n else if (str(i) == 'U') lU(i) += 1\n else if (str(i) == 'D') lD(i) += 1\n else lR(i) += 1\n }\n println(str.indices.foldLeft(0) { case (acc, start) =>\n (start + 1 until str.length by 2).foldLeft(acc) {\n case (a, end) =>\n val lCount = if (start == 0) lL(end) else lL(end) - lL(start - 1)\n val rCount = if (start == 0) lR(end) else lR(end) - lR(start - 1)\n val dCount = if (start == 0) lD(end) else lD(end) - lD(start - 1)\n val uCount = if (start == 0) lU(end) else lU(end) - lU(start - 1)\n\n if (lCount == rCount && dCount == uCount) a + 1 else a\n }\n })\n\n}", "positive_code": [{"source_code": "import scala.collection._\n\nobject A extends App {\n\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(readLine)\n def readInts(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt) }\n def readLongs(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong) }\n def readBigs(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(BigInt(tl.nextToken)) }\n\n var res = 0\n val Array(n) = readInts(1)\n val s = readLine\n\n for (i <- 0 until n) {\n for (j <- i + 1 to n) {\n val ss = s.substring(i, j)\n if (ss.count(_ == 'L') == ss.count(_ == 'R') && ss.count(_ == 'U') == ss.count(_ == 'D')) res += 1\n }\n }\n\n //FIXME Console.setOut(new java.io.BufferedOutputStream(Console.out))\n\n println(res)\n\n Console.flush\n}"}, {"source_code": "import io.StdIn._\n\nimport scala.collection.mutable._\n\nobject Solution {\n\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(readLine)\n def readInts(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt) }\n def readLongs(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong) }\n def readBigs(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(BigInt(tl.nextToken)) }\n\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val n = readLine().toInt\n val s = readLine()\n\n var res = 0\n\n for (i <- 0 to n-1) {\n var h = 0\n var v = 0\n for (j <- i to n-1) {\n if (s(j) == 'R') v += 1\n if (s(j) == 'L') v -= 1\n if (s(j) == 'U') h += 1\n if (s(j) == 'D') h -= 1\n\n if (v == 0 && h == 0) res += 1\n }\n }\n\n println(res)\n\n\n\n// Console.withOut(new java.io.BufferedOutputStream(Console.out))\n// println(res.mkString(\"\\n\"))\n// Console.flush\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "import scala.annotation.tailrec\nimport scala.collection.mutable\nimport scala.util._, control._\nimport scala.math.Ordering.Implicits._\n\nobject _626A extends CodeForcesApp {\n override type Result = Int\n\n override def solve(read: InputReader) = {\n val n = read[Int]\n val instr = read[String].toList\n var ans = 0\n for {\n i <- 0 until n\n j <- i+1 to n\n s = instr.slice(i, j)\n if isOkay(s)\n } ans += 1\n ans\n }\n\n @tailrec\n def isOkay(instr: List[Char], x: Int = 0, y: Int = 0): Boolean = instr match {\n case 'U' :: rest => isOkay(rest, x, y + 1)\n case 'D' :: rest => isOkay(rest, x, y - 1)\n case 'L' :: rest => isOkay(rest, x - 1, y)\n case 'R' :: rest => isOkay(rest, x + 1, y)\n case _ => x == 0 && y == 0\n }\n\n override def format(result: Result) = result.toString\n}\n/****************************[Ignore Template Below]****************************************/\nabstract class CodeForcesApp {\n val isOnlineJudge: Boolean = sys.props.get(\"ONLINE_JUDGE\").exists(_.toBoolean)\n def debug(x: Any): Unit = if (!isOnlineJudge) println(x)\n type Result\n def solve(scanner: InputReader): Result\n def format(result: Result): String\n def apply(scanner: InputReader): String = format(solve(scanner))\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = println(apply(new InputReader(System.in)))\n}\n/*********************************[Scala Scanner]*******************************************/\nimport java.io.{BufferedReader, Reader, InputStreamReader, StringReader, InputStream}\nimport java.util.StringTokenizer\n\nclass InputReader(reader: BufferedReader) extends Iterator[String] with AutoCloseable {\n def this(reader: Reader) = this(new BufferedReader(reader))\n def this(inputStream: InputStream) = this(new InputStreamReader(inputStream))\n def this(str: String) = this(new StringReader(str))\n\n private[this] val tokenizers = Iterator.continually(reader.readLine()).takeWhile(_ != null).map(new StringTokenizer(_)).buffered\n\n @inline private[this] def tokenizer(): Option[StringTokenizer] = {\n while(tokenizers.nonEmpty && !tokenizers.head.hasMoreTokens) tokenizers.next()\n if (tokenizers.nonEmpty) Some(tokenizers.head) else None\n }\n\n def apply[A: Parser]: A = implicitly[Parser[A]].apply(this)\n\n def apply[C[_], A: Parser](n: Int)(implicit cbf: Parser.Collection[C, A]): C[A] = {\n val builder = cbf()\n for {i <- 1 to n} builder += apply[A]\n builder.result()\n }\n\n def till(delim: String): String = tokenizer().get.nextToken(delim)\n def tillEndOfLine() = till(\"\\n\\r\")\n\n override def next() = tokenizer().get.nextToken()\n override def hasNext = tokenizer().nonEmpty\n override def close() = reader.close()\n}\n\nclass Parser[A](val apply: InputReader => A) {\n def map[B](f: A => B): Parser[B] = new Parser(apply andThen f)\n}\nobject Parser {\n type Collection[C[_], A] = scala.collection.generic.CanBuildFrom[C[A], A, C[A]]\n implicit def collection[C[_], A: Parser](implicit cbf: Collection[C, A]) : Parser[C[A]] = new Parser(r => r[C, A](r[Int]))\n implicit val string : Parser[String] = new Parser(_.next())\n implicit val char : Parser[Char] = string.map(s => s.ensuring(_.length == 1, s\"Expected Char; found $s\").head)\n implicit val boolean : Parser[Boolean] = string.map(_.toBoolean)\n implicit val int : Parser[Int] = string.map(_.toInt)\n implicit val long : Parser[Long] = string.map(_.toLong)\n implicit val bigInt : Parser[BigInt] = string.map(BigInt(_))\n implicit val double : Parser[Double] = string.map(_.toDouble)\n implicit val bigDecimal : Parser[BigDecimal] = string.map(BigDecimal(_))\n implicit def tuple2[T1: Parser, T2: Parser] : Parser[(T1, T2)] = new Parser(r => (r[T1], r[T2]))\n implicit def tuple3[T1: Parser, T2: Parser, T3: Parser] : Parser[(T1, T2, T3)] = new Parser(r => (r[T1], r[T2], r[T3]))\n implicit def tuple4[T1: Parser, T2: Parser, T3: Parser, T4: Parser] : Parser[(T1, T2, T3, T4)] = new Parser(r => (r[T1], r[T2], r[T3], r[T4]))\n implicit def tuple5[T1: Parser, T2: Parser, T3: Parser, T4: Parser, T5: Parser] : Parser[(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5)] = new Parser(r => (r[T1], r[T2], r[T3], r[T4], r[T5]))\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "\n/**\n * Created by octavian on 13/02/2016.\n */\nobject Calvin {\n\n def main(args: Array[String]) = {\n\n //System.setIn(new FileInputStream(\"./src/calvin.in\"))\n //System.setOut(new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(\"./src/calvin.out\")))\n\n val n = readInt()\n val a: Array[Char] = readLine().toCharArray\n var res = 0\n for(i <- 0 until n - 1) {\n var x = 0\n var y = 0\n for(j <- i until n) {\n a(j) match {\n case 'R' => x = x + 1\n case 'L' => x = x - 1\n case 'D' => y = y + 1\n case 'U' => y = y - 1\n }\n if(x == 0 && y == 0) {\n res += 1\n }\n }\n }\n\n println(res)\n\n }\n\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.Source\n\nobject Main {\n def isOk(s: Seq[(Int, Int)]): Boolean = {\n var x = 0\n var y = 0\n s.foreach{t =>\n x += t._1\n y += t._2\n }\n x == 0 && y == 0\n }\n\n def run(in: Source): String = {\n val tuples = in.getLines().toSeq(1).map{\n case 'U' => (0, 1)\n case 'R' => (1, 0)\n case 'D' => (0, -1)\n case 'L' => (-1, 0)\n }\n val result = (1 to tuples.size).map{ size =>\n tuples.sliding(size).map(isOk).map {\n case false => 0\n case true => 1\n }.sum\n }.sum\n\n result.toString\n }\n\n //\n\n def readAll: String = {\n Source.fromInputStream(System.in).mkString\n }\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val in: Source = Source.fromString(readAll)\n print(run(in))\n }\n\n def test(string: String): String = {\n val in: Source = Source.fromString(string)\n run(in)\n }\n}"}], "negative_code": [], "src_uid": "7bd5521531950e2de9a7b0904353184d"} {"source_code": "import scala.collection.mutable._\nimport scala.math._\nimport scala.util._\nimport scala.util.control.Breaks.break\nimport scala.util.control.Breaks.breakable\nimport java.util._\nobject Main extends App {\n val sc = new Scanner(System.in)\n val t = (for(i <- 1 to 4) yield sc.nextInt).toSet\n println(4 - t.size)\n}\n", "positive_code": [{"source_code": "object Two28A extends App {\n\tval Array(s1, s2, s3, s4) = readLine.split(' ').map(_.toInt)\n\tval set = Set(s1, s2, s3, s4)\n\tprintln(4 - set.size)\n}"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn\n\nobject Main extends App {\n val colors = StdIn.readLine().split(\" \").toList\n println(colors.size - colors.distinct.size)\n}"}, {"source_code": "object A {\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n println(4 - readLine.split(\" \").distinct.size)\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object Solution228A extends App {\n\n def solution() {\n println(4 - 1.to(4).map(_ => _int).groupBy(i => i).size)\n }\n\n //////////////////////////////////////////////////\n import java.util.Scanner\n val SC: Scanner = new Scanner(System.in)\n def _line: String = SC.nextLine\n def _int: Int = SC.nextInt\n def _long: Long = SC.nextLong\n def _string: String = SC.next\n solution()\n}"}, {"source_code": "object Solution extends App {\n val in = scala.io.Source.stdin.getLines()\n val data = in.next().split(\" \")\n println(data.length - data.distinct.length)\n}"}, {"source_code": "//package cf228\n\nobject A {\n\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val cs = readLine.split(' ').map(_.toInt)\n println((cs.map((_,1)).groupBy(_._1).toSeq.map(_._2.size) /:\\ 0){_+_-1})\n }\n\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object A228 {\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(scala.io.StdIn.readLine)\n\n def readInts(n: Int) = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt)\n }\n\n def readLongs(n: Int) = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong)\n }\n\n def readBigs(n: Int) = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(BigInt(tl.nextToken))\n }\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val input = readInts(4).toSet\n println(4 - input.size)\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\nimport java.io.PrintWriter\nimport scala.annotation.tailrec\nimport scala.collection.mutable\nimport scala.util.Random\n\nobject P228A extends App {\n val sc = new Scanner(System.in)\n val out = new PrintWriter(System.out)\n\n val shoes = Array.fill(4)(sc.nextInt)\n\n val answer: Int = 4 - shoes.groupBy(identity[Int]).size\n\n out.println(answer)\n out.close\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "\n\nobject Horseshoe {\n\tdef main (args: Array[String]) {\n\t\tval scanner = new java.util.Scanner(System.in);\n\t\tval set = Set(scanner.nextInt(),scanner.nextInt(),scanner.nextInt(),scanner.nextInt())\n\t\tprintln(4-set.size)\n\t}\n}"}, {"source_code": "import java.io._\nimport scala.annotation.tailrec\n\nobject Easy {\n val reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in))\n def readInt = reader.readLine().toInt\n def readInts = reader.readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n\n def ans = 4 - readInts.groupBy(x => x).size\n\n def main(a: Array[String]) {\n println(ans)\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object test5 extends App {\n val s=readLine.split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n println(4-s.groupBy(v=>v).size)\n} \n"}, {"source_code": "object Main {\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val s = readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt).toSet\n println(4 - s.size)\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "// Codeforces 228A\n\nobject _228A extends App {\n val scanner = new java.util.Scanner(System.in)\n val horseshoes = Array.fill(4)(scanner.nextInt)\n println(4-horseshoes.distinct.size)\n}\n\n"}, {"source_code": "\nimport scala.io.StdIn.readLine\nimport scala.io.StdIn.readInt\n\n\nobject HorseShoe {\n \n def readInts() : Array[Int] =\n readLine.split(' ').map(_.toInt)\n \n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n println(4 - readInts.toSet.size)\n }\n \n}"}, {"source_code": "\nobject Solution extends App {\n val hh = readLine.split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n \n println(4 - hh.distinct.size)\n}"}, {"source_code": "\nobject A00228 extends App {\n def frequency[T](seq: Seq[T]) = seq.groupBy(identity).mapValues(_.size).withDefaultValue(0)\n def parseInt(str: String, count: Int): Seq[Long] = {\n val scanner = new java.util.Scanner(str)\n val res = (1 to count) map (_ => scanner.nextLong())\n scanner.close()\n res\n }\n def scanInts(count: Int): Seq[Long] = parseInt(Console.readLine, count)\n def readMatrix(row: Int, col: Int) = (1 to row) map (x => scanInts(col))\n\n val hooves = readMatrix(1, 4).head.toList\n println(4 - frequency(hooves).size)\n}"}], "negative_code": [{"source_code": "object A00228 extends App {\n def frequencyList[T](lst: List[T]) = {\n def iter(remLst: List[T], acc: List[(T, Int)]): List[(T, Int)] = (remLst, acc) match {\n case (Nil, l) => l.reverse\n case (x :: xs, Nil) => iter(xs, (x, 1) :: Nil)\n case (x :: xs, (last, count) :: ys) if x == last => iter(xs, (last, count + 1) :: ys)\n case (x :: xs, ys) => iter(xs, (x, 1) :: ys)\n }\n iter(lst, Nil)\n }\n\n def parseInt(str: String, count: Int): Seq[Long] = {\n val scanner = new java.util.Scanner(str)\n val res = (1 to count) map (_ => scanner.nextLong())\n scanner.close()\n res\n }\n def scanInts(count: Int): Seq[Long] = parseInt(Console.readLine, count)\n def readMatrix(row: Int, col: Int) = (1 to row) map (x => scanInts(col))\n\n println(4 - frequencyList(readMatrix(1, 4).head.toList).size)\n}\n"}], "src_uid": "38c4864937e57b35d3cce272f655e20f"} {"source_code": "object Main extends App {\n\n val n = readInt\n val a = readLine.split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n val pairs = (a zip a.tail) map { case (a1,a2) => a2 - a1 }\n val cur = pairs.max\n val dropped = (pairs zip pairs.tail) map { case (a1, a2) => List(a1+a2, cur).max }\n println(dropped.min)\n\n}", "positive_code": [{"source_code": "import java.util.StringTokenizer\n\nobject _496A extends App {\n var token = new StringTokenizer(\"\")\n def next = {\n while (!token.hasMoreTokens()) token = new StringTokenizer(readLine)\n token.nextToken()\n }\n val n = next.toInt\n val a = (1 to n).map(i => next.toInt)\n val d = (1 until n).map(i => a(i) - a(i - 1))\n var ans = d.max\n val dd = (1 until d.length).map(i => d(i) + d(i - 1))\n ans = ans max dd.min\n println(ans)\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object Solution extends App {\n val in = scala.io.Source.stdin.getLines()\n val n = in.next().toInt\n val data = in.next().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n var min = data.sliding(2).map{t => t.last - t.head}.max\n println(Math.max(data.sliding(3).map{t => t.last - t.head}.min, min))\n}"}, {"source_code": "object A496 {\n\n import IO._\n def drop(a: Int, arr: Array[Int]) = arr.take(a) ++ arr.drop(a+1)\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val Array(n) = readInts(1)\n val in = readInts(n)\n var res = Int.MaxValue\n for(i <- 1 to n-2) {\n val arr = drop(i, in.clone())\n var inter = 0\n for(j <- 1 until n-1) {\n //i+1 is removed\n inter = math.max(inter, arr(j)-arr(j-1))\n }\n res = math.min(res, inter)\n }\n\n println(res)\n }\n\n object IO {\n @inline def read: String = scala.io.StdIn.readLine\n\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(read)\n\n def readInts(n: Int): Array[Int] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine;\n Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt)\n }\n\n def readLongs(n: Int): Array[Long] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine;\n Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong)\n }\n\n def readBigs(n: Int): Array[BigInt] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine;\n Array.fill(n)(BigInt(tl.nextToken))\n }\n }\n\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object P496A {\n\tdef zipSub(a: List[Int], b: List[Int]) : List[Int] = {\n\t\treturn (a, b).zipped.map(_ - _)\n\t}\n\n\tdef main(args: Array[String]) {\n\t\tval n = scala.io.StdIn.readInt()\n\t\tval a = scala.io.StdIn.readLine.split(\" \").map(_.toInt).toList\n\t\tprintln(math.max(zipSub(a.drop(1), a).max, zipSub(a.drop(2), a).min))\n\t}\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object Main extends App {\n\n val n = readInt\n \n val a = readLine.split(\" \").map(_.toInt).toList\n \n def trackDiff(a: List[Int], maxDiff: Int): Int = \n if (a.tail.isEmpty) maxDiff else trackDiff(a.tail, maxDiff.max(a.tail.head - a.head))\n \n def trackDiffWithout(i: Int) = trackDiff(a.take(i) ::: a.drop(i + 1), -1)\n \n println((1 to n - 2).map(trackDiffWithout(_)).min)\n}"}], "negative_code": [], "src_uid": "8a8013f960814040ac4bf229a0bd5437"} {"source_code": "import scala.collection._\nimport scala.collection.mutable.ArrayStack\n\nobject A extends App {\n \n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(readLine)\n def readInts(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt) }\n def readLongs(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong) }\n def readBigs(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(BigInt(tl.nextToken)) }\n\n val Array(n) = readInts(1)\n val s = ArrayStack.empty[Int]\n \n for (_ <- 1 to n) {\n var x = 1\n while (s.nonEmpty && s.head == x) {\n x += 1\n s.pop()\n }\n s.push(x)\n }\n\n Console.setOut(new java.io.BufferedOutputStream(Console.out))\n\n println(s.toArray.reverse.mkString(\" \"))\n\n Console.flush\n}\n", "positive_code": [{"source_code": "import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer\n\n/**\n * Created by octavian on 30/01/2016.\n */\nobject Slime {\n\n def main(args: Array[String]) = {\n\n //System.setIn(new FileInputStream(\"./src/slime.in\"))\n //System.setOut(new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(\"./src/slime.out\")))\n\n val n = readInt()\n var slimes = ArrayBuffer.empty[Int]\n for(i <- 1 to n) {\n slimes :+= 1\n while(slimes.size > 1 && slimes(slimes.length - 1) == slimes(slimes.length - 2)) {\n //println(\"condition holds\")\n slimes(slimes.length - 2) += 1\n slimes = slimes.dropRight(1)\n }\n //println(\"slimes is \" + slimes)\n }\n println(slimes.mkString(\" \"))\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer\n\nobject A341{\n def main(args: Array[String]){\n def log2(x: Double) = scala.math.log(x)/scala.math.log(2)\n var x=scala.io.StdIn.readDouble\n val res = scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer.empty[Int]\n while (x > 1){\n val p = log2(x)\n x -= math.pow(2, p.toInt)\n res+=(p.toInt+1)\n }\n if (x == 1){\n res+=1\n }\n println(res.mkString(\" \"))\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.Source\n\nobject Solution extends App {\n val in = Source.stdin.getLines()\n val string = in.next().toInt.toBinaryString.reverse\n println(string.zipWithIndex.map{\n case ('1', n) => n + 1\n case _ => 0\n }.filter(_ != 0).reverse.mkString(\" \"))\n}"}, {"source_code": "object A618 {\n\n import IO._\n import collection.{mutable => cu}\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val Array(n) = readInts(1)\n var res = Array.empty[Int]\n for(i <- 0 to 30) {\n if ((n & (1 << i)) != 0)\n res ++= Array(i+1)\n }\n println(res.sorted.reverse.mkString(\" \"))\n }\n\n object IO {\n @inline def read: String = scala.io.StdIn.readLine\n\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(read)\n\n def readInts(n: Int): Array[Int] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine;\n Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt)\n }\n\n def readLongs(n: Int): Array[Long] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine;\n Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong)\n }\n\n def readBigs(n: Int): Array[BigInt] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine;\n Array.fill(n)(BigInt(tl.nextToken))\n }\n }\n\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "\nimport scala.collection.mutable\n\n/**\n * <a href=\"http://codeforces.com/problemset/problem/618/A\"/>\n *\n * @author pvasilyev\n * @since 25 Apr 2016\n */\nobject Problem156 extends App {\n\n val n = scala.io.StdIn.readInt()\n\n def solve(n: Int, binaryRepresentation: mutable.MutableList[Int], factor: Int): Unit = {\n if (n > 0) {\n if (n % factor == 0) {\n binaryRepresentation += 0\n } else {\n binaryRepresentation += 1\n }\n\n solve(n / factor, binaryRepresentation, factor)\n }\n }\n\n val binaryRepresentation: mutable.MutableList[Int] = mutable.MutableList.empty\n solve(n, binaryRepresentation, 2)\n val answer: mutable.MutableList[Int] = mutable.MutableList.empty\n for (i <- binaryRepresentation.indices) {\n if (binaryRepresentation.get(i).get == 1) {\n answer += (i+1)\n }\n }\n println(answer.reverse.mkString(\" \"))\n\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "\nimport scala.collection.mutable\n\n/**\n * <a href=\"http://codeforces.com/problemset/problem/618/A\"/>\n *\n * @author pvasilyev\n * @since 25 Apr 2016\n */\nobject Problem156 extends App {\n\n val n = scala.io.StdIn.readInt()\n\n def solve(n: Int, bits: mutable.MutableList[Int]): Unit = {\n if (n > 0) {\n bits += (n % 2)\n solve(n / 2, bits)\n }\n }\n\n val bits: mutable.MutableList[Int] = mutable.MutableList.empty\n solve(n, bits)\n val answer = bits.zipWithIndex.collect({case (1, i) => i + 1})\n println(answer.reverse.mkString(\" \"))\n\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.Source\n\nobject Main {\n val count = Source.stdin.getLines().mkString.toInt\n val stack = scala.collection.mutable.Stack[Int]()\n\n def foldStack(): Unit = {\n while (stack.length > 1 && stack.elems.head == stack.elems.tail.head) {\n val a = stack.pop()\n val b = stack.pop()\n stack.push(a + 1)\n }\n }\n\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n for (i <- 0 until count) {\n foldStack()\n stack.push(1)\n }\n foldStack()\n println(stack.reverse.mkString(\" \"))\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import scala.annotation.tailrec\nimport scala.collection.mutable\nimport scala.util._, control._\nimport scala.math.Ordering.Implicits._\n\nobject _618A extends CodeForcesApp {\n override type Result = Seq[Int]\n\n override def solve(scanner: Scanner) = {\n import scanner._\n val n = nextInt()\n val bits = java.lang.Integer.toBinaryString(n).reverse.zipWithIndex\n bits collect { case ('1', i) => i + 1}\n }\n\n override def format(result: Seq[Int]) = result.reverse mkString \" \"\n}\n/****************************[Ignore Template Below]****************************************/\nabstract class CodeForcesApp {\n val isOnlineJudge: Boolean = sys.props.get(\"ONLINE_JUDGE\").exists(_.toBoolean)\n def debug(x: Any): Unit = if (!isOnlineJudge) println(x)\n val mod: Int = 1000000007\n type Result\n def solve(scanner: Scanner): Result\n def format(result: Result): String = result.toString\n def apply(scanner: Scanner): String = format(solve(scanner))\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = println(apply(new Scanner(System.in)))\n}\n/*********************************[Scala Scanner]*******************************************/\nimport java.io._\nimport java.nio.file.{Files, Path}\nimport java.util.StringTokenizer\n\nimport scala.io.Codec\n\n/**\n * Scala implementation of a faster java.util.Scanner\n * See: http://codeforces.com/blog/entry/21125\n * All next methods throw NoSuchElementException when !hasNext\n */\nclass Scanner(reader: LineNumberReader) extends Iterator[String] with AutoCloseable {\n def this(reader: BufferedReader) = this(new LineNumberReader(reader))\n def this(reader: Reader) = this(new BufferedReader(reader))\n def this(inputStream: InputStream)(implicit codec: Codec) = this(new InputStreamReader(inputStream, codec.charSet))\n def this(path: Path)(implicit codec: Codec) = this(Files.newBufferedReader(path, codec.charSet))\n def this(file: File)(implicit codec: Codec) = this(file.toPath)(codec)\n def this(str: String) = this(new StringReader(str))\n\n val lines = Iterator.continually(reader.readLine()).takeWhile(_ != null)\n\n private[this] val tokenizers = lines.map(new StringTokenizer(_)).filter(_.hasMoreTokens)\n private[this] var current: Option[StringTokenizer] = None\n\n @inline private[this] def tokenizer(): Option[StringTokenizer] = current.find(_.hasMoreTokens) orElse {\n current = if (tokenizers.hasNext) Some(tokenizers.next()) else None\n current\n }\n\n /**\n * Unlike Java's scanner which returns till end of current line, this actually returns the next line\n * @see line() if you want the Java behaviour\n */\n def nextLine(): String = {\n current = None // reset\n lines.next()\n }\n def lineNumber: Int = reader.getLineNumber\n def line(): String = tokenizer().get.nextToken(\"\\n\\r\")\n def nextString(): String = next()\n def nextChar(): Char = next().ensuring(_.length == 1).head\n def nextBoolean(): Boolean = next().toBoolean\n def nextByte(radix: Int = 10): Byte = java.lang.Byte.parseByte(next(), radix)\n def nextShort(radix: Int = 10): Short = java.lang.Short.parseShort(next(), radix)\n def nextInt(radix: Int = 10): Int = java.lang.Integer.parseInt(next(), radix)\n def nextLong(radix: Int = 10): Long = java.lang.Long.parseLong(next(), radix)\n def nextBigInt(radix: Int = 10): BigInt = BigInt(next(), radix)\n def nextFloat(): Float = next().toFloat\n def nextDouble(): Double = next().toDouble\n def nextBigDecimal(): BigDecimal = BigDecimal(next())\n override def next() = tokenizer().get.nextToken()\n override def hasNext = tokenizer().nonEmpty\n override def close() = reader.close()\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\n\nobject Main{\n def main (args: Array[String]){\n val sc = new Scanner(System.in)\n var n = sc.nextInt()\n\n // var ans = new List[Int]()\n\n if(n == 1){\n println(1)\n }\n else{\n val a = (Math.log(n)/Math.log(2)).toInt\n print(a + 1)\n n -= Math.pow(2, a).toInt\n\n def check(n: Int): Unit = {\n n match{\n case 0 =>\n println()\n case 1 =>\n println(\" 1\")\n case x =>\n val b = (Math.log(n)/Math.log(2)).toInt\n print(' ')\n print(b + 1)\n val c = x - Math.pow(2, b).toInt\n check(c)\n }\n }\n\n check(n)\n }\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object Runner {\n\n def main(args: Array[String]) = {\n val n = readInt()\n\n val binaryStr = Integer.toBinaryString(n)\n var res = List[Int]()\n for (i <- 0 until binaryStr.length()) {\n if (binaryStr.charAt(i).equals('1')) {\n res = res :+ (binaryStr.length() - i)\n }\n }\n var str = \"\"\n for (i <- 0 until res.size) {\n str += res(i)\n if (i != res.size - 1) {\n str += \" \"\n }\n }\n println(str)\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "\nimport java.io._\nimport java.util.ArrayList\nimport java.util.StringTokenizer\nimport javax.print.attribute.standard.Sides\n\nobject CF2016_A { \n \n \n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n\n //COMMENT ME !\n// is = new ByteArrayInputStream(Test.sa1.trim.getBytes(\"ISO-8859-1\"))\n// debugV = true\n\n\n //---------------------------- parameters reading --------------------------\n br = setupInputOutput(); \n val line1 = readLine\n val n = line1.int\n \n val arr = new ArrayList[Int]\n for (i<- 1 to n) {\n arr.add(1)\n while (arr.size() > 1 && arr.get(arr.size()-1) == arr.get(arr.size()-2)) {\n val vv = arr.remove(arr.size()-1) + 1 \n arr.remove(arr.size()-1)\n arr.add(vv)\n }\n }\n for (i <- 0 until arr.size()) print(arr.get(i)+\" \")\n \n //---------------------------- parameters reading end ----------------------\n\n }\n\n \n //---------------------------- service code ----------------------------------\n\n \n def readLine() = new Line \n class Line {\n val tok = new StringTokenizer(br.readLine(), \" \")\n def int = tok.nextToken().toInt\n def long = tok.nextToken().toLong\n def double = tok.nextToken().toDouble\n def string = tok.nextToken()\n }\n \n var debugV = false\n var is = System.in\n var br = setupInputOutput(); \n def db(x: => String) = if (debugV) println(x) // nullary function\n def setupInputOutput(): BufferedReader = {\n val devEnv = this.getClass.getCanonicalName.contains(\".\")\n if (!devEnv) {\n is = System.in\n debugV = false\n }\n val bis = new BufferedInputStream(is);\n new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(bis));\n }\n \n//============================================================================================\nobject Test {\n \nval sa1 = \"\"\"\n\n\"\"\"\n\n}\n\n}\n\n"}], "negative_code": [{"source_code": "\n\nimport scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer\n\n/**\n * Created by octavian on 30/01/2016.\n */\nobject Slime {\n\n def main(args: Array[String]) = {\n\n //System.setIn(new FileInputStream(\"./src/slime.in\"))\n //System.setOut(new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(\"./src/slime.out\")))\n\n val n = readInt()\n var slimes = ArrayBuffer.empty[Int]\n for(i <- 1 to n) {\n slimes :+= 1;\n //println(\"slimes is \" + slimes)\n while(slimes.size > 1 && slimes(slimes.length - 1) == slimes(slimes.length - 2)) {\n //println(\"condition holds\")\n slimes(slimes.length - 2) += 1\n slimes = slimes.dropRight(1)\n }\n }\n println(slimes.mkString)\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.Source\n\nobject Solution extends App {\n val in = Source.stdin.getLines()\n val string = in.next().toInt.toBinaryString\n println(string.zip(string.indices.map(i => 1 << i)).map{\n case ('1', n) => n\n case _ => 0\n }.filter(_ != 0).mkString(\" \"))\n}"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.Source\n\nobject Solution extends App {\n val in = Source.stdin.getLines()\n val string = in.next().toInt.toBinaryString.reverse\n println(string.zip(string.indices.map(i => 1 << i)).map{\n case ('1', n) => n\n case _ => 0\n }.filter(_ != 0).reverse.mkString(\" \"))\n}"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.Source\n\nobject Solution extends App {\n val in = Source.stdin.getLines()\n val string = in.next().toInt.toBinaryString.reverse\n println(string.zip(string.indices.map(i => 1 << i)).map{\n case ('1', n) => n\n case _ => 0\n }.filter(_ != 0).mkString(\" \"))\n}"}, {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\n\nobject Main{\n def main (args: Array[String]){\n val sc = new Scanner(System.in)\n var n = sc.nextInt()\n\n // var ans = new List[Int]()\n\n if(n == 1){\n println(1)\n }\n else{\n val a = (Math.log(n)/Math.log(2)).toInt\n print(a + 1)\n n -= Math.pow(2, a).toInt\n\n def check(n: Int): Unit = {\n n match{\n case 0 =>\n println()\n case 1 =>\n println(\" 1\")\n case x =>\n val b = (Math.log(n)/Math.log(2)).toInt\n print(b + 1)\n val c = x - Math.pow(2, b).toInt\n check(c)\n }\n }\n\n check(n)\n }\n }\n}\n"}], "src_uid": "757cd804aba01dc4bc108cb0722f68dc"} {"source_code": "/**\n * Created by IntelliJ IDEA.\n * User: ymatsux\n * Date: 12/05/06\n * Time: 2:02\n * To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates.\n */\n\nobject CF115A {\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val input = readLine()\n var ans = -1\n for (i <- 0 until input.length) {\n for (j <- i + 1 until input.length) {\n val s1 = input.substring(0, i)\n val s2 = input.substring(i, j)\n val s3 = input.substring(j)\n if (isValid(s1) && isValid(s2) && isValid(s3)) {\n ans = math.max(s1.toInt + s2.toInt + s3.toInt, ans)\n }\n }\n }\n println(ans)\n }\n\n def isValid(string: String): Boolean = {\n if (string.length == 0) false\n else if (string.length >= 2 && string.charAt(0) == '0') false\n else {\n val value = BigInt(string)\n value <= 1000000\n }\n }\n}\n", "positive_code": [{"source_code": "import scala.math.max\n\nobject CF105A {\n\n def parseScore(string: String): Option[Int] = {\n if (string.length == 0) None\n else if (string.length >= 2 && string.charAt(0) == '0') None\n else if (string.length >= 8) None\n else if (string.toInt > 1000000) None\n else Some(string.toInt)\n }\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val input = readLine()\n var maxSum = -1\n for (i <- 0 until input.length) {\n for (j <- i until input.length) {\n val string1 = input.substring(0, i)\n val string2 = input.substring(i, j)\n val string3 = input.substring(j)\n (parseScore(string1), parseScore(string2), parseScore(string3)) match {\n case (Some(value1), Some(value2), Some(value3)) => {\n maxSum = max(value1 + value2 + value3, maxSum)\n }\n case _ => Unit\n }\n }\n }\n println(maxSum)\n }\n}\n"}], "negative_code": [], "src_uid": "bf4e72636bd1998ad3d034ad72e63097"} {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\n\nobject Try1 {\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val in = new Scanner(System.in)\n var a,b,len,x, m, k, n, j, i: Int = 0\n// val lb = \"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\"\n// val lc = \"ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ\"\n// var a = new Array[Int](51)\n// n = in.nextInt()\n// k = in.nextInt()\n// x=0\n val la = in.nextLine()\n a=0\n b=0\n m = la.length()\n i=0\n while (i<m)\n {\n if (la(i)=='D' || la(i)=='O' ||la(i)=='S' ||la(i)=='A' ||la(i)=='N') {\n if (i+4<m && la(i)=='D') {\n if (la(i+1)=='a' && la(i+2)=='n' &&la(i+3)=='i' && la(i+4)=='l')\n a+=1\n }\n if (i+3<m && la(i)=='O') {\n if (la(i+1)=='l' && la(i+2)=='y' &&la(i+3)=='a')\n a+=1\n }\n if (i+4<m && la(i)=='S') {\n if (la(i+1)=='l' && la(i+2)=='a' &&la(i+3)=='v' && la(i+4)=='a')\n a+=1\n }\n if (i+2<m && la(i)=='A') {\n if (la(i+1)=='n' && la(i+2)=='n')\n a+=1\n }\n if (i+5<m && la(i)=='N') {\n if (la(i+1)=='i' && la(i+2)=='k' &&la(i+3)=='i' && la(i+4)=='t' && la(i+5)=='a')\n a+=1\n }\n }\n// if (la(i)>='a' && la(i)<='z') a+=1\n// else b+=1\n i+=1\n }\n if (a==1) println(\"YES\")\n else println(\"NO\")\n// if (a>=b)\n// {\n// i=0\n// while (i<m)\n// {\n// if (la(i)>='a' && la(i)<='z') print(la(i))\n// else print(lb(la(i)-'A'))\n// i+=1\n// }\n// }\n// else\n// {\n// i=0\n// while (i<m)\n// {\n// if (la(i)>='a' && la(i)<='z') print(lc(la(i)-'a'))\n// else print(la(i))\n// i+=1\n// }\n// }\n// m = la.compareToIgnoreCase(lb) //不区分大小写判断字符串是否相等\n\n\n// i=0\n// n=line.length()\n// while (i<n-2 && line(i)=='W' && line(i+1)=='U' && line(i+2)=='B') i+=3\n// while (n>2 && line(n-3)=='W' && line(n-2)=='U' && line(n-1)=='B') n-=3\n// while (i<n) {\n// if (line(i)=='W') {\n// if (i<n-2) {\n// if (line(i+1)=='U' && line(i+2)=='B') {\n// print(' ')\n// i+=2\n// }\n// else print(line(i))\n// }\n// else print(line(i))\n// }\n// else print(line(i))\n// i+=1\n// }\n\n }\n}", "positive_code": [{"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn._\n\nobject Codeforces extends App {\n val contest = readLine()\n val friends = List(\"Danil\", \"Olya\", \"Slava\", \"Ann\", \"Nikita\")\n var count: Int = 0\n friends.foreach(count += _.r.findAllIn(contest).length)\n println(if (count == 1) \"YES\" else \"NO\")\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object A extends App {\n def countSubstring(str1: String, str2: String): Int = {\n def count(pos: Int, c: Int): Int = {\n val idx = str1 indexOf(str2, pos)\n if (idx == -1) c else count(idx + str2.length, c+1)\n }\n count(0, 0)\n }\n\n val friends = List(\"Danil\", \"Olya\", \"Slava\", \"Ann\", \"Nikita\")\n val str1 = scala.io.StdIn.readLine()\n\n if (friends.foldLeft(0)((acc, str2) => acc + countSubstring(str1, str2)) == 1) println(\"YES\")\n else println(\"NO\")\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object _877A extends CodeForcesApp {\n import Utils._, annotation._, collection.{mutable, Searching}, util._, control._, math.Ordering.Implicits._, Searching._\n\n override def apply(io: IO): io.type = {\n val friends = List(\"Danil\", \"Olya\", \"Slava\", \"Ann\", \"Nikita\")\n val input = io.read[String]\n val result = friends.sumWith {f =>\n if (input.contains(f)) {\n if (input.indexOf(f) == input.lastIndexOf(f)) {\n 1\n } else {\n 2\n }\n } else {\n 0\n }\n }\n\n\n io.write((result == 1).toEnglish.toUpperCase())\n }\n}\n/****************************[Ignore Template Below]****************************************/\ntrait CodeForcesApp {\n lazy val isOnlineJudge: Boolean = sys.props.get(\"ONLINE_JUDGE\").exists(_.toBoolean)\n def debug(x: => Any): Unit = if (!isOnlineJudge) println(x)\n def apply(io: IO): io.type\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = this(new IO(System.in, System.out)).close()\n}\nobject Utils {\n import scala.collection.mutable, mutable.{Map => Dict}\n implicit class GenericExtensions[A](val a: A) extends AnyVal {\n def in(set: collection.Set[A]): Boolean = set(a)\n def some: Option[A] = Some(a)\n def partialMatch[B](f: PartialFunction[A, B]): Option[B] = f lift a\n }\n implicit class TraversableExtensions[A, C[X] <: Traversable[X]](val t: C[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def onlyElement: A = assuming(t.size == 1)(t.head)\n def groupByIdentifier[K](f: A => K): Map[K, A] = t.groupBy(f).mapValues(_.onlyElement)\n def duplicates(implicit b: C of A): C[A] = {\n val elems = mutable.Set.empty[A]\n (t collect {case i if !elems.add(i) => i}).to[C]\n }\n def sumWith[B](f: A => B)(implicit n: Numeric[B]): B = t.foldLeft(n.zero) {case (p, i) => n.plus(p, f(i))}\n def maxWith[B](f: A => B)(implicit ord: Ordering[B]): Option[B] = t.view.map(f).reduceOption(ord.max)\n def minWith[B](f: A => B)(implicit ord: Ordering[B]): Option[B] = t.view.map(f).reduceOption(ord.min)\n def zipWith[B](f: A => B)(implicit b: C of (A, B)): C[(A, B)] = (t map {i => i -> f(i)}).to[C]\n def mapTo[B](f: A => B)(implicit b: C of (A, B)): Map[A, B] = zipWith(f).toUniqueMap\n def whenNonEmpty[B](f: t.type => B): Option[B] = when(t.nonEmpty)(f(t)) // e.g. grades.whenNonEmpty(_.max)\n def collectFirst[B](f: PartialFunction[A, Option[B]]): Option[B] = t.view collect f collectFirst {case Some(x) => x}\n def toMutableMultiSet: Dict[A, Int] = {\n val c = map[A] to 0\n t.foreach(i => c(i) += 1)\n c\n }\n def toMultiSet: Map[A, Int] = toMutableMultiSet.toMap withDefaultValue 0\n def X[B](s: Traversable[B]): Iterator[(A, B)] = for {a <- t.toIterator; b <- s} yield (a, b)\n }\n implicit class ArrayExtensions[A <: AnyRef](val a: Array[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def sort(from: Int, until: Int)(implicit cmp: Ordering[A]): Unit = java.util.Arrays.sort(a, from, until, cmp) //sort [from, until)\n }\n implicit class ArrayExtensions2[A](val a: Array[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def sort(from: Int, until: Int)(implicit cmp: Ordering[A]): Unit = a.view(from, until).sorted.copyToArray(a, from)\n }\n implicit class SeqExtensions[A, C[X] <: Seq[X]](val s: C[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def isRotationOf(t: Seq[A]): Boolean = s ++ s containsSlice t\n }\n implicit class PairExtensions[A, B](val p: (A, B)) extends AnyVal {\n def key = p._1\n def value = p._2\n def toSeq(implicit ev: A =:= B): Seq[A] = Seq(p._1, p._2.asInstanceOf[A])\n }\n implicit class PairsExtensions[A, B, C[X] <: Traversable[X]](t: C[(A, B)]) {\n def toUniqueMap: Map[A, B] = t.groupByIdentifier(_.key).mapValues(_.value)\n def toMultiMap(implicit b: C of B): Map[A, C[B]] = t.groupBy(_.key).mapValues(_.map(_.value).to[C])\n def swap(implicit b: C of (B, A)): C[(B, A)] = t.map(_.swap).to[C]\n }\n implicit class MapExtensions[K, V, C[X, Y] <: Map[X, Y]](val m: C[K, V]) extends AnyVal {\n def lastKeyOption: Option[K] = m.lastOption.map(_.key)\n def firstKeyOption: Option[K] = m.headOption.map(_.key)\n def invert: Map[V, Set[K]] = m.toSet[(K, V)].swap.toMultiMap\n def mapKeys[K2](f: K => K2): Map[K2, V] = m map {case (k, v) => f(k) -> v}\n def toMutable: Dict[K, V] = Dict.empty[K, V] ++ m\n def mapValuesSafely[V2](f: V => V2): Map[K, V2] = m.mapValues(f).view.force //Hack to get around https://issues.scala-lang.org/browse/SI-4776\n }\n implicit class MutableMapExtensions[K, V](val m: mutable.Map[K, V]) extends AnyVal {\n def removeLast(): Option[(K, V)] = m.lastOption.map(removeNode)\n def removeFirst(): Option[(K, V)] = m.headOption.map(removeNode)\n private def removeNode(kv: (K, V)): (K, V) = {\n m -= kv.key\n kv\n }\n }\n implicit class SetExtensions[A, C[A] <: Set[A]](val s: C[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def notContains(x: A): Boolean = !(s contains x)\n def toMutable = mutable.Set.empty[A] ++ s\n }\n implicit class IterableExtensions[A, C[A] <: Seq[A]](val s: C[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def indicesWhere(f: A => Boolean): Seq[Int] = s.zipWithIndex.collect {case (a, i) if f(a) => i}\n def deleteAtIndex(i: Int, howMany: Int = 1) = s.patch(i, Nil, howMany)\n def insertAtIndex(i: Int, items: Seq[A]) = s.patch(i, items, 0)\n def findWithIndex(f: A => Boolean): Option[(A, Int)] = s.zipWithIndex find {case (a, _) => f(a)}\n def foldUntil[B](z: B)(f: (B, A) => B)(c: B => Boolean): Option[(B, Int)] = s.view.scanLeft(z)(f).findWithIndex(c)\n }\n implicit class BooleanExtensions(val x: Boolean) extends AnyVal {\n def to[A](implicit n: Numeric[A]) = if(x) n.one else n.zero\n def toEnglish = if(x) \"Yes\" else \"No\"\n }\n implicit class IntExtensions(val x: Int) extends AnyVal {\n import java.lang.{Integer => JInt}\n def withHighestOneBit: Int = JInt.highestOneBit(x)\n def withLowestOneBit: Int = JInt.lowestOneBit(x)\n def numberOfLeadingZeroes: Int = JInt.numberOfLeadingZeros(x)\n def numberOfTrailingZeroes: Int = JInt.numberOfTrailingZeros(x)\n def bitCount: Int = JInt.bitCount(x)\n def setLowestBits(n: Int): Int = x | (left(n) - 1)\n def clearLowestBits(n: Int): Int = x & left(n, ~0)\n def setBit(i: Int, set: Boolean): Int = if (set) setBit(i) else clearBit(i)\n def setBit(i: Int): Int = x | left(i)\n def clearBit(i: Int): Int = x & ~left(i)\n def toggleBit(i: Int): Int = x ^ left(i)\n def testBit(i: Int): Boolean = ((x >> i) & 1) == 1\n private def left(bits: Int, num: Int = 1) = assuming(bits >= 0 && bits < JInt.SIZE)(num << bits)\n def X(y: Int): Iterator[(Int, Int)] = until(x) X until(y)\n }\n implicit class LongExtensions(val x: Long) extends AnyVal {\n import java.lang.{Long => JLong}\n def withHighestOneBitSet: Long = JLong.highestOneBit(x)\n def withLowestOneBitSet: Long = JLong.lowestOneBit(x)\n def numberOfLeadingZeroes: Int = JLong.numberOfLeadingZeros(x)\n def numberOfTrailingZeroes: Int = JLong.numberOfTrailingZeros(x)\n def bitCount: Int = JLong.bitCount(x)\n def setLowestBits(n: Int): Long = x | (left(n) - 1)\n def clearLowestBits(n: Int): Long = x & left(n, ~0L)\n def setBit(i: Int, set: Boolean): Long = if (set) setBit(i) else clearBit(i)\n def setBit(i: Int): Long = x | left(i)\n def clearBit(i: Int): Long = x & ~left(i)\n def toggleBit(i: Int): Long = x ^ left(i)\n def testBit(i: Int): Boolean = ((x >> i) & 1) == 1\n private def left(bits: Int, num: Long = 1L) = assuming(bits >= 0 && bits < JLong.SIZE)(num << bits)\n }\n implicit class NumericExtensions[A](val x: A)(implicit n: Numeric[A]) {\n import Numeric.Implicits._\n def **(i: Int): A = if (i == 0) n.one else {\n val h = x ** (i/2)\n if (i%2 == 0) h * h else h * h * x\n }\n def distance(y: A) = (x - y).abs()\n def nonNegative: Option[A] = when(n.gteq(x, n.zero))(x)\n def whenNegative(f: => A): A = nonNegative getOrElse f //e.g. students indexOf \"Greg\" whenNegative Int.MaxValue\n }\n implicit class IntegralExtensions[A](val x: A)(implicit n: Integral[A]) {\n import scala.collection.immutable.NumericRange, Integral.Implicits._\n def mod(y: A): A = x - ((x / y) * y) //(x/y)*y + (x mod y) == x\n def -->(y: A): NumericRange.Inclusive[A] = NumericRange.inclusive(x, y, if (n.lteq(x, y)) n.one else -n.one)\n def ceilDiv(y: A): A = if (mod(y) == n.zero) x/y else n.one + (x/y)\n }\n implicit def toPoint[A](p: (A, A))(implicit n: Numeric[A]) = new java.awt.geom.Point2D.Double(n.toDouble(p._1), n.toDouble(p._2))\n def desc[A: Ordering]: Ordering[A] = asc[A].reverse //e.g. students.sortBy(_.height)(desc)\n def asc[A](implicit order: Ordering[A]): Ordering[A] = order\n def map[K] = new {\n def to[V](default: => V): Dict[K, V] = using(_ => default)\n def using[V](f: K => V): Dict[K, V] = new mutable.HashMap[K, V]() {\n override def apply(key: K) = getOrElseUpdate(key, f(key))\n }\n }\n def newMultiMap[K, V] = map[K] to mutable.Set.empty[V]\n def memoize[A, B](f: A => B): A ==> B = map[A] using f\n implicit class FuzzyDouble(val x: Double) extends AnyVal {\n def >~(y: Double) = x > y + eps\n def >=~(y: Double) = x >= y + eps\n def ~<(y: Double) = y >=~ x\n def ~=<(y: Double) = y >~ x\n def ~=(y: Double) = (x distance y) <= eps\n }\n def toPolygon(points: Traversable[(Int, Int)]): java.awt.Polygon = {\n val (xs, ys) = points.unzip\n new java.awt.Polygon(xs.toArray, ys.toArray, points.size)\n }\n def toShape(points: Traversable[(Double, Double)]): java.awt.geom.GeneralPath = {\n val shape = new java.awt.geom.GeneralPath()\n points.headOption foreach {case (x, y) => shape.moveTo(x, y)}\n points.tail foreach {case (x, y) => shape.lineTo(x, y)}\n shape.closePath()\n shape\n }\n def until(until: Int): Range = 0 until until\n def not[A](f: A => Boolean): A => Boolean = {x: A => !f(x)}\n def assuming[A](cond: => Boolean)(f: => A): A = {require(cond); f}\n @inline def when[A](check: Boolean)(f: => A): Option[A] = if (check) f.some else None\n def repeat[U](n: Int)(f: => U): Unit = (1 to n).foreach(_ => f)\n type of[C[_], A] = scala.collection.generic.CanBuild[A, C[A]]\n type ==>[A, B] = collection.Map[A, B]\n val mod: Int = (1e9 + 7).toInt\n val eps: Double = 1e-9\n}\n/***********************************[Scala I/O]*********************************************/\nimport Utils._, java.io._, java.util.StringTokenizer\n\nclass IO(in: BufferedReader, out: BufferedWriter) extends Iterator[String] with AutoCloseable with Flushable {\n def this(reader: Reader, writer: Writer) = this(new BufferedReader(reader), new BufferedWriter(writer))\n def this(in: InputStream, out: OutputStream) = this(new InputStreamReader(in), new OutputStreamWriter(out))\n\n private[this] val tokenizers = Iterator.continually(in.readLine()).takeWhile(_ != null).map(new StringTokenizer(_)).buffered\n val printer = new PrintWriter(out, true)\n\n @inline private[this] def tokenizer() = {\n while(tokenizers.nonEmpty && !tokenizers.head.hasMoreTokens) tokenizers.next()\n when(tokenizers.nonEmpty)(tokenizers.head)\n }\n\n def read[A](implicit read: IO.Read[A]): A = read.apply(this)\n def read[C[_], A: IO.Read](n: Int)(implicit b: C of A): C[A] = Iterator.fill(n)(read).to[C]\n\n def readTill(delim: String): String = tokenizer().get.nextToken(delim)\n def readTillEndOfLine(): String = readTill(\"\\n\\r\")\n\n def readAll[A: IO.Read]: (Int, Vector[A]) = {\n val data = read[Vector[A]]\n (data.length, data)\n }\n\n override def next() = tokenizer().get.nextToken()\n override def hasNext = tokenizer().nonEmpty\n\n def write(obj: Any): this.type = {\n printer.print(obj)\n this\n }\n def writeLine(): this.type = {\n printer.println()\n this\n }\n def writeLine(obj: Any): this.type = {\n printer.println(obj)\n this\n }\n def writeAll(obj: Traversable[Any], separator: String = \" \"): this.type = write(obj mkString separator)\n def query[A: IO.Read](question: Any): A = writeLine(question).read\n\n override def flush() = printer.flush()\n def close() = {\n flush()\n in.close()\n printer.close()\n }\n}\nobject IO {\n class Read[A](val apply: IO => A) {\n def map[B](f: A => B): Read[B] = new Read(apply andThen f)\n }\n object Read {\n implicit def collection[C[_], A: Read](implicit b: C of A): Read[C[A]] = new Read(r => r.read[C, A](r.read[Int]))\n implicit val string : Read[String] = new Read(_.next())\n implicit val char : Read[Char] = string.map(_.toTraversable.onlyElement)\n implicit val int : Read[Int] = string.map(_.toInt)\n implicit val long : Read[Long] = string.map(_.toLong)\n implicit val bigInt : Read[BigInt] = string.map(BigInt(_))\n implicit val double : Read[Double] = string.map(_.toDouble)\n implicit val bigDecimal : Read[BigDecimal] = string.map(BigDecimal(_))\n implicit def tuple2[A: Read, B: Read] : Read[(A, B)] = new Read(r => (r.read[A], r.read[B]))\n implicit def tuple3[A: Read, B: Read, C: Read] : Read[(A, B, C)] = new Read(r => (r.read[A], r.read[B], r.read[C]))\n implicit def tuple4[A: Read, B: Read, C: Read, D: Read] : Read[(A, B, C, D)] = new Read(r => (r.read[A], r.read[B], r.read[C], r.read[D]))\n implicit val boolean : Read[Boolean] = string map {s =>\n s.toLowerCase match {\n case \"yes\" | \"true\" | \"1\" => true\n case \"no\" | \"false\" | \"0\" => false\n case _ => s.toBoolean\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\n"}], "negative_code": [], "src_uid": "db2dc7500ff4d84dcc1a37aebd2b3710"} {"source_code": "object Solution extends App {\n val in = scala.io.Source.stdin.getLines()\n val n = in.next().toInt\n val str = in.next()\n val small = str.count(_ == 'x')\n var change = Math.abs(n / 2 - small)\n println(change)\n if (small > n / 2) {\n println(str.map{\n case ('x') if change > 0 =>\n change -= 1\n 'X'\n case t => t\n })\n } else {\n println(str.map{\n case ('X') if change > 0 =>\n change -= 1\n 'x'\n case t => t\n })\n }\n}", "positive_code": [{"source_code": "\nobject A {\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val n = Console.readInt\n val s = new StringBuilder(Console readLine)\n var c = 0\n for (x <- s) c += (if (x == 'X') 1 else 0)\n if (c < n/2) {\n var q = n/2-c\n for (x <- 0 until n) {\n if (s(x) == 'x' && q > 0) {\n s(x) = 'X'\n q -= 1;\n }\n }\n } else {\n var q = c-n/2\n for (x <- 0 until n) {\n if (s(x) == 'X' && q > 0) {\n s(x) = 'x'\n q -= 1;\n }\n }\n }\n println(Math.abs(c-n/2))\n println(s)\n }\n}\n"}], "negative_code": [], "src_uid": "fa6311c72d90d8363d97854b903f849d"} {"source_code": "object A extends App {\n\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(readLine)\n def readInts(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt) }\n def readLongs(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong) }\n def readBigs(n: Int) = { val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(BigInt(tl.nextToken)) }\n\n val Array(s, v1, v2, t1, t2) = readInts(5)\n\n val x1 = s * v1 + 2 * t1\n val x2 = s * v2 + 2 * t2\n\n val r = if (x1 < x2) \"First\"\n else if (x2 < x1) \"Second\"\n else \"Friendship\"\n\n println(r)\n}\n", "positive_code": [{"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn\n\nobject Main extends App {\n\n val Array(s, v1, v2, t1, t2) = StdIn.readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n\n val first = 2*t1 + v1*s\n val second = 2*t2 + v2*s\n if(first < second) println(\"First\")\n else if(first > second) println(\"Second\")\n else if(first == second) println(\"Friendship\")\n\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object AKeyRaces extends App {\n def result: (Int, Int, Int, Int, Int) => Int = (s: Int, v1: Int, v2: Int, t1: Int, t2: Int) => {\n val r1 = 2 * t1 + s * v1\n val r2 = 2 * t2 + s * v2\n if (r1 == r2) 0\n else if (r1 < r2) 1\n else -1\n }\n\n val Array(s, v1, v2, t1, t2) = scala.io.StdIn.readLine.split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n val r = result(s, v1, v2, t1, t2)\n if (r == 0) print(\"Friendship\")\n else if (r == 1) print(\"First\")\n else print(\"Second\")\n}\n"}], "negative_code": [], "src_uid": "10226b8efe9e3c473239d747b911a1ef"} {"source_code": "//package solutions\n\nimport java.io.PrintWriter\nimport java.util.Scanner\n\nimport scala.math\n\n/**\n * @author traff\n */\n\n\nobject SolTaskA extends App {\n override def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val out = new PrintWriter(System.out)\n\n run(new Scanner(System.in), out)\n\n out.close()\n }\n\n def run(s: Scanner, out: PrintWriter): Unit = {\n val a = s.nextInt()\n val b = s.nextInt()\n\n val n = (math.log(b) - math.log(a)) / (math.log(3) - math.log(2))\n var res = math.ceil(n).toInt\n if (res < n + 0.0000001) {\n res += 1\n }\n out.print(res)\n }\n}\n", "positive_code": [{"source_code": "object Problem extends App{\n val ln = readLine\n val vals = ln.split(\" \")\n var a = vals(0).toInt\n var b = vals(1).toInt\n var counter = 0\n do{\n a *= 3\n b *= 2\n counter += 1\n } while (a <= b)\n println(counter)\n}"}, {"source_code": "object BearAndBigBrother extends App {\n\n val inputs = scala.io.StdIn.readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n val liak = inputs(0)\n val bob = inputs(1)\n\n def solution(x: Int, y: Int): Int = {\n def helper(a: Int, b:Int, c: Int):Int = {\n \n if (a > b) c\n else {\n helper(a*3, b*2, c+1)\n }\n \n }\n helper(x,y,0)\n}\n\n println(solution(liak,bob))\n}"}, {"source_code": "object tanya extends App{\nvar twoNum = readLine().split(\" \")\nvar a = twoNum(0).toInt\nvar b = twoNum(1).toInt\nvar c = 0\n\nwhile(a <= b){\n c += 1\n a = a * 3\n b = b * 2\n}\nprintln(c)\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn\n\nobject BearAndBigBrother extends App {\n\n val l1 = StdIn.readLine().split(\" \")\n val a = l1(0).toInt\n val b = l1(1).toInt\n print(impl(a, b))\n\n def impl(a: Int, b: Int): Int = {\n var years = 0\n var currA = a\n var currB = b\n while (currA <= currB) {\n currA = 3 * currA\n currB = 2 * currB\n years += 1\n }\n years\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn.readLine\nobject BearBrother extends App\n{\n val input = readLine().split(' ').map(_.toInt)\n var sum = 0\n var a: Int = input(0)\n var b: Int = input(1)\n while(!(a > b))\n {\n a *= 3\n b *= 2\n sum += 1\n }\n println(sum)\n}"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn.readLine\n\nobject A791 {\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val List(limak, bob) = readToListInts\n println(solve(limak, bob))\n }\n\n def solve(limak: Int, bob: Int): Int = {\n def aux(a: Int, b: Int, count: Int): Int = {\n if (a > b) {\n count\n } else {\n aux(a*3, b*2, count + 1)\n }\n }\n aux(limak, bob, 0)\n }\n\n def readToListInts: List[Int] = readLine.split(\" \").map(_.toInt).toList\n}\n\n"}, {"source_code": "import io.StdIn._\nobject BearAndBigBrother {\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n var inputs:Array[Int] = readLine().split(\" \").map(t=> s\"$t\".toInt)\n var i = 0\n while(inputs(0) <= inputs(1)){\n inputs(0) *= 3\n inputs(1) *= 2\n i += 1\n }\n println(i)\n }\n\n}"}, {"source_code": "object _791A extends CodeForcesApp {\n import Utils._, annotation._, collection.{mutable, Searching}, util._, control._, math.Ordering.Implicits._, Searching._\n\n override def apply(io: IO) = {import io.{read, readAll, write, writeAll, writeLine}\n val a, b = read[Long]\n write(solve(a, b))\n }\n\n def solve(a: Long, b: Long): Int = if (a > b) 0 else 1 + solve(3*a, 2*b)\n}\n/****************************[Ignore Template Below]****************************************/\ntrait CodeForcesApp {\n lazy val isOnlineJudge: Boolean = sys.props.get(\"ONLINE_JUDGE\").exists(_.toBoolean)\n def debug(x: => Any): Unit = if (!isOnlineJudge) println(x)\n def apply(io: IO): io.type\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = this(new IO(System.in, System.out)).close()\n}\nobject Utils {\n import scala.collection.mutable, mutable.{Map => Dict}\n implicit class GenericExtensions[A](val a: A) extends AnyVal {\n def in(set: collection.Set[A]): Boolean = set(a)\n def some: Option[A] = Some(a)\n def partialMatch[B](f: PartialFunction[A, B]): Option[B] = f lift a\n }\n implicit class TraversableExtensions[A, C[X] <: Traversable[X]](val t: C[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def onlyElement: A = assuming(t.size == 1)(t.head)\n def groupByIdentifier[K](f: A => K): Map[K, A] = t.groupBy(f).mapValues(_.onlyElement)\n def duplicates(implicit b: C of A): C[A] = {\n val elems = mutable.Set.empty[A]\n (t collect {case i if !elems.add(i) => i}).to[C]\n }\n def sumWith[B](f: A => B)(implicit n: Numeric[B]): B = t.foldLeft(n.zero) {case (p, i) => n.plus(p, f(i))}\n def maxWith[B](f: A => B)(implicit ord: Ordering[B]): Option[B] = t.view.map(f).reduceOption(ord.max)\n def minWith[B](f: A => B)(implicit ord: Ordering[B]): Option[B] = t.view.map(f).reduceOption(ord.min)\n def zipWith[B](f: A => B)(implicit b: C of (A, B)): C[(A, B)] = (t map {i => i -> f(i)}).to[C]\n def mapTo[B](f: A => B)(implicit b: C of (A, B)): Map[A, B] = zipWith(f).toUniqueMap\n def whenNonEmpty[B](f: t.type => B): Option[B] = when(t.nonEmpty)(f(t)) // e.g. grades.whenNonEmpty(_.max)\n def collectFirst[B](f: PartialFunction[A, Option[B]]): Option[B] = t.view collect f collectFirst {case Some(x) => x}\n def toMutableMultiSet: Dict[A, Int] = {\n val c = map[A] to 0\n t.foreach(i => c(i) += 1)\n c\n }\n def toMultiSet: Map[A, Int] = toMutableMultiSet.toMap withDefaultValue 0\n def X[B](s: Traversable[B]): Iterator[(A, B)] = for {a <- t.toIterator; b <- s} yield (a, b)\n }\n implicit class ArrayExtensions[A <: AnyRef](val a: Array[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def sort(from: Int, until: Int)(implicit cmp: Ordering[A]): Unit = java.util.Arrays.sort(a, from, until, cmp) //sort [from, until)\n }\n implicit class ArrayExtensions2[A](val a: Array[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def sort(from: Int, until: Int)(implicit cmp: Ordering[A]): Unit = a.view(from, until).sorted.copyToArray(a, from)\n }\n implicit class SeqExtensions[A, C[X] <: Seq[X]](val s: C[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def isRotationOf(t: Seq[A]): Boolean = s ++ s containsSlice t\n }\n implicit class PairExtensions[A, B](val p: (A, B)) extends AnyVal {\n def key = p._1\n def value = p._2\n }\n implicit class PairsExtensions[A, B, C[X] <: Traversable[X]](t: C[(A, B)]) {\n def toUniqueMap: Map[A, B] = t.groupByIdentifier(_.key).mapValues(_.value)\n def toMultiMap(implicit b: C of B): Map[A, C[B]] = t.groupBy(_.key).mapValues(_.map(_.value).to[C])\n def swap(implicit b: C of (B, A)): C[(B, A)] = t.map(_.swap).to[C]\n }\n implicit class MapExtensions[K, V, C[X, Y] <: Map[X, Y]](val m: C[K, V]) extends AnyVal {\n def lastKeyOption: Option[K] = m.lastOption.map(_.key)\n def firstKeyOption: Option[K] = m.headOption.map(_.key)\n def invert: Map[V, Set[K]] = m.toSet[(K, V)].swap.toMultiMap\n def mapKeys[K2](f: K => K2): Map[K2, V] = m map {case (k, v) => f(k) -> v}\n def toMutable: Dict[K, V] = Dict.empty[K, V] ++ m\n def mapValuesSafely[V2](f: V => V2): Map[K, V2] = m.mapValues(f).view.force //Hack to get around https://issues.scala-lang.org/browse/SI-4776\n }\n implicit class MutableMapExtensions[K, V](val m: mutable.Map[K, V]) extends AnyVal {\n def removeLast(): Option[(K, V)] = m.lastOption.map(removeNode)\n def removeFirst(): Option[(K, V)] = m.headOption.map(removeNode)\n private def removeNode(kv: (K, V)): (K, V) = {\n m -= kv.key\n kv\n }\n }\n implicit class SetExtensions[A, C[A] <: Set[A]](val s: C[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def notContains(x: A): Boolean = !(s contains x)\n def toMutable = mutable.Set.empty[A] ++ s\n }\n implicit class IterableExtensions[A, C[A] <: Seq[A]](val s: C[A]) extends AnyVal {\n def indicesWhere(f: A => Boolean): Seq[Int] = s.zipWithIndex.collect {case (a, i) if f(a) => i}\n def deleteAtIndex(i: Int, howMany: Int = 1) = s.patch(i, Nil, howMany)\n def insertAtIndex(i: Int, items: Seq[A]) = s.patch(i, items, 0)\n def findWithIndex(f: A => Boolean): Option[(A, Int)] = s.zipWithIndex find {case (a, _) => f(a)}\n def foldUntil[B](z: B)(f: (B, A) => B)(c: B => Boolean): Option[(B, Int)] = s.view.scanLeft(z)(f).findWithIndex(c)\n }\n implicit class BooleanExtensions(val x: Boolean) extends AnyVal {\n def to[A](implicit n: Numeric[A]) = if(x) n.one else n.zero\n def toEnglish = if(x) \"YES\" else \"NO\"\n }\n implicit class IntExtensions(val x: Int) extends AnyVal {\n import java.lang.{Integer => JInt}\n def withHighestOneBit: Int = JInt.highestOneBit(x)\n def withLowestOneBit: Int = JInt.lowestOneBit(x)\n def numberOfLeadingZeroes: Int = JInt.numberOfLeadingZeros(x)\n def numberOfTrailingZeroes: Int = JInt.numberOfTrailingZeros(x)\n def bitCount: Int = JInt.bitCount(x)\n def setLowestBits(n: Int): Int = x | (left(n) - 1)\n def clearLowestBits(n: Int): Int = x & left(n, ~0)\n def setBit(i: Int, set: Boolean): Int = if (set) setBit(i) else clearBit(i)\n def setBit(i: Int): Int = x | left(i)\n def clearBit(i: Int): Int = x & ~left(i)\n def toggleBit(i: Int): Int = x ^ left(i)\n def testBit(i: Int): Boolean = ((x >> i) & 1) == 1\n private def left(bits: Int, num: Int = 1) = assuming(bits >= 0 && bits < JInt.SIZE)(num << bits)\n def X(y: Int): Iterator[(Int, Int)] = until(x) X until(y)\n }\n implicit class LongExtensions(val x: Long) extends AnyVal {\n import java.lang.{Long => JLong}\n def withHighestOneBitSet: Long = JLong.highestOneBit(x)\n def withLowestOneBitSet: Long = JLong.lowestOneBit(x)\n def numberOfLeadingZeroes: Int = JLong.numberOfLeadingZeros(x)\n def numberOfTrailingZeroes: Int = JLong.numberOfTrailingZeros(x)\n def bitCount: Int = JLong.bitCount(x)\n def setLowestBits(n: Int): Long = x | (left(n) - 1)\n def clearLowestBits(n: Int): Long = x & left(n, ~0L)\n def setBit(i: Int, set: Boolean): Long = if (set) setBit(i) else clearBit(i)\n def setBit(i: Int): Long = x | left(i)\n def clearBit(i: Int): Long = x & ~left(i)\n def toggleBit(i: Int): Long = x ^ left(i)\n def testBit(i: Int): Boolean = ((x >> i) & 1) == 1\n private def left(bits: Int, num: Long = 1L) = assuming(bits >= 0 && bits < JLong.SIZE)(num << bits)\n }\n implicit class NumericExtensions[A](val x: A)(implicit n: Numeric[A]) {\n import Numeric.Implicits._\n def **(i: Int): A = if (i == 0) n.one else {\n val h = x ** (i/2)\n if (i%2 == 0) h * h else h * h * x\n }\n def distance(y: A) = (x - y).abs()\n def nonNegative: Option[A] = when(n.gteq(x, n.zero))(x)\n def whenNegative(f: => A): A = nonNegative getOrElse f //e.g. students indexOf \"Greg\" whenNegative Int.MaxValue\n }\n implicit class IntegralExtensions[A](val x: A)(implicit n: Integral[A]) {\n import scala.collection.immutable.NumericRange, Integral.Implicits._\n def mod(y: A): A = x - ((x / y) * y) //(x/y)*y + (x mod y) == x\n def -->(y: A): NumericRange.Inclusive[A] = NumericRange.inclusive(x, y, if (n.lteq(x, y)) n.one else -n.one)\n def ceilDiv(y: A): A = if (mod(y) == n.zero) x/y else n.one + (x/y)\n }\n implicit def toPoint[A](p: (A, A))(implicit n: Numeric[A]) = new java.awt.geom.Point2D.Double(n.toDouble(p._1), n.toDouble(p._2))\n def desc[A: Ordering]: Ordering[A] = asc[A].reverse //e.g. students.sortBy(_.height)(desc)\n def asc[A](implicit order: Ordering[A]): Ordering[A] = order\n def map[K] = new {\n def to[V](default: => V): Dict[K, V] = using(_ => default)\n def using[V](f: K => V): Dict[K, V] = new mutable.HashMap[K, V]() {\n override def apply(key: K) = getOrElseUpdate(key, f(key))\n }\n }\n def newMultiMap[K, V] = map[K] to mutable.Set.empty[V]\n def memoize[A, B](f: A => B): A ==> B = map[A] using f\n implicit class FuzzyDouble(val x: Double) extends AnyVal {\n def >~(y: Double) = x > y + eps\n def >=~(y: Double) = x >= y + eps\n def ~<(y: Double) = y >=~ x\n def ~=<(y: Double) = y >~ x\n def ~=(y: Double) = (x distance y) <= eps\n }\n def toPolygon(points: Traversable[(Int, Int)]): java.awt.Polygon = {\n val (xs, ys) = points.unzip\n new java.awt.Polygon(xs.toArray, ys.toArray, points.size)\n }\n def toShape(points: Traversable[(Double, Double)]): java.awt.geom.GeneralPath = {\n val shape = new java.awt.geom.GeneralPath()\n points.headOption foreach {case (x, y) => shape.moveTo(x, y)}\n points.tail foreach {case (x, y) => shape.lineTo(x, y)}\n shape.closePath()\n shape\n }\n def until(until: Int): Range = 0 until until\n def not[A](f: A => Boolean): A => Boolean = {x: A => !f(x)}\n def assuming[A](cond: => Boolean)(f: => A): A = {require(cond); f}\n @inline def when[A](check: Boolean)(f: => A): Option[A] = if (check) f.some else None\n def repeat[U](n: Int)(f: => U): Unit = (1 to n).foreach(_ => f)\n type of[C[_], A] = scala.collection.generic.CanBuild[A, C[A]]\n type ==>[A, B] = collection.Map[A, B]\n val mod: Int = (1e9 + 7).toInt\n val eps: Double = 1e-9\n}\n/***********************************[Scala I/O]*********************************************/\nimport Utils._, java.io._, java.util.StringTokenizer\n\nclass IO(in: BufferedReader, out: BufferedWriter) extends Iterator[String] with AutoCloseable with Flushable {\n def this(reader: Reader, writer: Writer) = this(new BufferedReader(reader), new BufferedWriter(writer))\n def this(in: InputStream, out: OutputStream) = this(new InputStreamReader(in), new OutputStreamWriter(out))\n\n private[this] val tokenizers = Iterator.continually(in.readLine()).takeWhile(_ != null).map(new StringTokenizer(_)).buffered\n val printer = new PrintWriter(out, true)\n\n @inline private[this] def tokenizer() = {\n while(tokenizers.nonEmpty && !tokenizers.head.hasMoreTokens) tokenizers.next()\n when(tokenizers.nonEmpty)(tokenizers.head)\n }\n\n def read[A](implicit read: IO.Read[A]): A = read.apply(this)\n def read[C[_], A: IO.Read](n: Int)(implicit b: C of A): C[A] = Iterator.fill(n)(read).to[C]\n\n def readTill(delim: String): String = tokenizer().get.nextToken(delim)\n def readTillEndOfLine(): String = readTill(\"\\n\\r\")\n\n def readAll[A: IO.Read]: (Int, Vector[A]) = {\n val data = read[Vector[A]]\n (data.length, data)\n }\n\n override def next() = tokenizer().get.nextToken()\n override def hasNext = tokenizer().nonEmpty\n\n def write(obj: Any): this.type = {\n printer.print(obj)\n this\n }\n def writeLine(): this.type = {\n printer.println()\n this\n }\n def writeLine(obj: Any): this.type = {\n printer.println(obj)\n this\n }\n def writeAll(obj: Traversable[Any], separator: String = \" \"): this.type = write(obj mkString separator)\n def query[A: IO.Read](question: Any): A = writeLine(question).read\n\n override def flush() = printer.flush()\n def close() = {\n flush()\n in.close()\n printer.close()\n }\n}\nobject IO {\n class Read[A](val apply: IO => A) {\n def map[B](f: A => B): Read[B] = new Read(apply andThen f)\n }\n object Read {\n implicit def collection[C[_], A: Read](implicit b: C of A): Read[C[A]] = new Read(r => r.read[C, A](r.read[Int]))\n implicit val string : Read[String] = new Read(_.next())\n implicit val char : Read[Char] = string.map(_.toTraversable.onlyElement)\n implicit val int : Read[Int] = string.map(_.toInt)\n implicit val long : Read[Long] = string.map(_.toLong)\n implicit val bigInt : Read[BigInt] = string.map(BigInt(_))\n implicit val double : Read[Double] = string.map(_.toDouble)\n implicit val bigDecimal : Read[BigDecimal] = string.map(BigDecimal(_))\n implicit def tuple2[A: Read, B: Read] : Read[(A, B)] = new Read(r => (r.read[A], r.read[B]))\n implicit def tuple3[A: Read, B: Read, C: Read] : Read[(A, B, C)] = new Read(r => (r.read[A], r.read[B], r.read[C]))\n implicit def tuple4[A: Read, B: Read, C: Read, D: Read] : Read[(A, B, C, D)] = new Read(r => (r.read[A], r.read[B], r.read[C], r.read[D]))\n implicit val boolean : Read[Boolean] = string map {s =>\n s.toLowerCase match {\n case \"yes\" | \"true\" | \"1\" => true\n case \"no\" | \"false\" | \"0\" => false\n case _ => s.toBoolean\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\n"}, {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\n\nobject Main{\n def main (args: Array[String]){\n val sc = new Scanner(System.in)\n\n var a = sc.nextInt()\n var b = sc.nextInt()\n\n var flag = true\n\n var ans = 0\n while(flag){\n ans += 1\n a = a*3\n b = b*2\n\n if(a > b)\n flag = false\n }\n\n println(ans)\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object BearandBigBrother791A // extends TSolver {\n extends App {\n import java.io.{InputStream, PrintStream}\n import java.util.Scanner\n solve(System.in,System.out)\n def solve(in: InputStream, out: PrintStream): Unit = {\n val scanner = new Scanner(in)\n val a = scanner.nextInt()\n val b = scanner.nextInt()\n\n val numYears = (1 to 10).\n scanLeft((a,b,0: Int)){case ((ap,bp,_),year) => (ap*3,bp*2,year)}.\n filter{case (at,bt,_) => at>bt}.\n head._3\n\n out.println(numYears)\n\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn\n\nobject Codeforces791a extends App {\n var Array(a, b) = StdIn.readLine().split(\"\\\\s\").map(s => s.toInt)\n var years = 0\n while (a <= b) {\n a *= 3\n b *= 2\n years += 1\n }\n println(years)\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\n\nobject Main2 {\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val scanner = new Scanner(System.in)\n val limakWeight = scanner.nextInt()\n val bobWeight = scanner.nextInt()\n println(Math.ceil(Math.log(bobWeight.toDouble / limakWeight + 0.00001)/Math.log(1.5)).toInt)\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "/**\n * Created by ruslan on 3/18/17.\n */\nobject ProblemA extends App {\n\n import java.io.{BufferedReader, InputStreamReader, PrintWriter}\n import java.util.StringTokenizer\n\n\n override def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n\n val br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in))\n var st: StringTokenizer = null\n val out = new PrintWriter(System.out)\n\n def next: String = {\n while (st == null || !st.hasMoreTokens) st =\n new StringTokenizer(br.readLine)\n st.nextToken\n }\n\n def nextInt: Int = next.toInt\n\n var massLimak: Long = nextInt\n var massBoba: Long = nextInt\n var res = 0\n\n while (massLimak <= massBoba) {\n res += 1\n massLimak *= 3\n massBoba *= 2\n }\n\n println(res)\n\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn._\nimport scala.math.pow\n\nobject TaskA extends App {\n var a :: b :: Nil = readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt).toList\n var year = 1\n while (a * pow(3, year) <= b * pow(2, year)) year += 1\n print(year)\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn._\n\nobject Solution {\n\tvar Array(a, b) = readLine.split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n\n\tdef main(args:Array[String]):Unit = {\n\n\t\tvar n = 0\n\t\twhile(a <= b) {\n\t\t\ta *= 3\n\t\t\tb *= 2\n\t\t\tn += 1\n\t\t}\n\t\tprintln(n)\n\t\n\t}\n}\n"}], "negative_code": [{"source_code": "object BearAndBigBrother extends App {\n\n val inputs = scala.io.StdIn.readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n val liak = inputs(0)\n val bob = inputs(1)\n\n def solution(x: Int, y: Int): Int = {\n def helper(a: Int, b:Int, c: Int):Int = {\n if (a == b) 1\n else if (a > b) c\n else {\n helper(a*3, b*2, c+1)\n }\n \n }\n helper(x,y,2)\n}\n\n println(solution(liak,bob))\n}"}, {"source_code": "object BearAndBigBrother extends App {\n\n /*val weights = scala.io.StdIn.readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n var iLiak = weights(0)\n var iBob = weights(1)\n var years = 1\n while(iLiak <= iBob){\n iLiak*=3\n iBob*=2\n years +=1\n }\n println(years)\n\n */\n val inputs = scala.io.StdIn.readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n val liak = inputs(0)\n val bob = inputs(1)\n\n def solution(x: Int, y: Int): Int = {\n def helper(a: Int, b:Int, c: Int):Int = {\n if (a == b) 1\n else if (a > b) c\n else {\n helper(a*3, b*2, c+1)\n }\n \n }\n helper(x,y,0)\n}\n\n println(solution(liak,bob))\n}"}, {"source_code": "object BearAndBigBrother extends App {\n def solution(x: Int, y: Int): Int = {\n def helper(a: Int, b:Int, c: Int):Int = {\n if (a == b) 1\n else if (a > b) c\n else {\n helper(a*3, b*2, c+1)\n }\n }\n helper(x,y,1)\n }\n println(solution(4,7))\n}"}, {"source_code": "object BearAndBigBrother extends App {\n\n val inputs = scala.io.StdIn.readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n val liak = inputs(0)\n val bob = inputs(1)\n\n def solution(x: Int, y: Int): Int = {\n def helper(a: Int, b:Int, c: Int):Int = {\n if (a == b) 1\n else if (a > b) c\n else {\n helper(a*3, b*2, c+1)\n }\n \n }\n helper(x,y,1)\n}\n\n println(solution(liak,bob))\n}"}, {"source_code": "object tanya extends App{\nvar twoNum = readLine().split(\" \")\nvar a = twoNum(0).toInt\nvar b = twoNum(1).toInt\n\n\nfor (n <- 1 to b){\nif(a % 10 == 0){\n a = a/10\n}else{\n a = a - 1\n}\n}\nprintln(a)\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object tanya extends App{\nvar twoNum = readLine().split(\" \")\nvar a = twoNum(0).toInt\nvar b = twoNum(1).toInt\nvar c = 0\n\nwhile(a < b){\n c += 1\n a = a * 3\n b = b * 2\n}\nprintln(c)\n}"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn.readLine\n\nobject A791 {\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val List(limak, bob) = readToListInts\n println(solve(limak, bob))\n }\n\n def solve(limak: Int, bob: Int): Int = {\n def aux(a: Int, b: Int, count: Int): Int = {\n if (a >= b) {\n count\n } else {\n aux(a*3, b*2, count + 1)\n }\n }\n aux(limak, bob, 0)\n }\n\n def readToListInts: List[Int] = readLine.split(\" \").map(_.toInt).toList\n}\n\n"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn\n\nobject Codeforces971A extends App {\n val Array(a, b) = StdIn.readLine().split(\"\\\\s\").map(a => a.toDouble)\n\n if (a == b) {\n println(\"1\")\n } else {\n val r = Math.log(b/a) / (Math.log(3) - Math.log(2))\n println(Math.ceil(r).toInt.toString)\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\n\nobject Main2 {\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val scanner = new Scanner(System.in)\n val limakWeight = scanner.nextInt()\n val bobWeight = scanner.nextInt()\n println(Math.ceil(Math.log(((bobWeight + 0000.1) / limakWeight))/Math.log(1.5)).toInt)\n }\n}\n"}], "src_uid": "a1583b07a9d093e887f73cc5c29e444a"} {"source_code": "import java.util._\n\nobject CF268A {\n\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n var list1 = Array[Int]()\n var list2 = Array[Int]()\n val in = new Scanner(System.in)\n \n val n = in.nextInt\n \n for (i <- 0 to n - 1) {\n list1 = list1 :+ in.nextInt\n list2 = list2 :+ in.nextInt\n }\n \n var count = 0\n for (i <- 0 to n - 1) {\n for (j <- 0 to n - 1) {\n if (i != j && list2(j) == list1(i)) {\n count += 1\n }\n }\n }\n \n println(count)\n }\n \n}", "positive_code": [{"source_code": "object Two68A extends App {\n\n\timport java.io.PrintWriter\n\timport java.util.Scanner\n\tval in = new Scanner(System.in)\n\tval out = new PrintWriter(System.out)\n\timport in._\n\timport out._\n\n\tval n = nextInt\n\tval arr = new Array[(Int, Int)](n)\n\tfor (i <- 0 until n) {\n\t\tarr(i) = (nextInt, nextInt)\n\t}\n\tvar sum = 0\n\tfor (i <- 0 until n; j <- i + 1 until n) {\n\t\tval x1 = arr(i)\n\t\tval x2 = arr(j)\n\t\tif (x1._1 == x2._2) sum += 1\n\t\tif (x2._1 == x1._2) sum += 1\n\t}\n\tprintln(sum)\n\tin.close\n\tout.close\n}"}, {"source_code": "import scala.annotation.tailrec\nimport scala.io.StdIn.readInt\nimport scala.io.StdIn.readLine\n\nobject Main extends App {\n case class Team(homeColor: Int, guestColor: Int)\n\n val n = readInt()\n val teams = (for {\n _ <- 0 until n\n Array(hColor, gColor) = readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n } yield Team(hColor, gColor)).toList\n\n val ans = teams.foldLeft(0)((sum, host) => sum + count(host, teams, 0))\n println(ans)\n\n @tailrec\n def count(host: Team, others: List[Team], acc: Int): Int = others match {\n case Nil => acc\n case x :: xs =>\n if (x.guestColor == host.homeColor) count(host, xs, acc + 1)\n else count(host, xs, acc)\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn\nimport scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer\n\nobject Main extends App {\n val n = StdIn.readInt()\n val array = ArrayBuffer[(Int, Int)]()\n\n for (_ <- 1 to n) {\n val str = StdIn.readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n array += ((str(0), str(1)))\n }\n\n var count = 0\n\n for (i <- 1 to n) {\n for (j <- (i + 1) to n) {\n if (array(i - 1)._1 == array(j - 1)._2) count += 1\n if (array(i - 1)._2 == array(j - 1)._1) count += 1\n }\n }\n\n println(count)\n}"}, {"source_code": "import scala.collection.mutable._\nimport scala.math._\nimport scala.util._\nimport scala.util.control.Breaks.break\nimport scala.util.control.Breaks.breakable\nimport java.util._\nobject Main extends App {\n val sc = new Scanner(System.in)\n val n = sc.nextInt\n val t = for(i <- 1 to n) yield (sc.nextInt, sc.nextInt)\n var cnt = 0\n for(i <- t) for(j <- t) if(i._1 == j._2) cnt += 1\n println(cnt)\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object Solution extends App {\n val in = scala.io.Source.stdin.getLines()\n val n = in.next().toInt\n val data = Range(0, n).map{ i => in.next().split(\" \")}\n println(data.map(el => data.count{t => t.last == el.head}).sum)\n}"}, {"source_code": "object Main {\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val n = readLine().toInt\n val h = new Array[Int](n)\n val a = new Array[Int](n)\n for (i <- 0 to n-1) {\n val Array(vh, va) = readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n h(i) = vh\n a(i) = va\n }\n \n println((for (x <- h.iterator; y <- a.iterator) yield (x, y)).filter(x => x._1 == x._2).length)\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "object A268 {\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(scala.io.StdIn.readLine)\n\n def readInts(n: Int) = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt)\n }\n\n def readLongs(n: Int) = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong)\n }\n\n def readBigs(n: Int) = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(BigInt(tl.nextToken))\n }\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val Array(n) = readInts(1)\n val input = Array.fill(n)(readInts(2))\n\n var res = 0\n for(i <- 0 until n) {\n for(j <- 0 until n if i != j) {\n if(input(i)(0) == input(j)(1)) res += 1\n }\n }\n\n println(res)\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\nimport java.io.PrintWriter\nimport scala.annotation.tailrec\nimport scala.collection.mutable\nimport scala.util.Random\n\nobject P268A extends App {\n val sc = new Scanner(System.in)\n val out = new PrintWriter(System.out)\n\n val N = sc.nextInt\n val hs = new Array[Int](N)\n val as = new Array[Int](N)\n for (i <- 0 until N) {\n hs(i) = sc.nextInt\n as(i) = sc.nextInt\n }\n\n val answer: Int = {\n for {\n h <- hs\n a <- as\n if h == a\n } yield 1\n } sum\n\n out.println(answer)\n out.close\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "\n\nobject Games {\n\tdef main (args: Array[String]) {\n\t\tval scanner = new java.util.Scanner(System.in);\n\t\tval n = scanner.nextInt();\n\t\t// Parsing input\n\t\tvar teams = new Array[(Int,Int)](n);\n\t\tfor (i <- 0 to n-1) {\n\t\t teams(i) = (scanner.nextInt(), scanner.nextInt());\n\t\t}\n\t\t// Computation\n\t\tvar output = 0\n\t\tfor (i <- 0 to n-1) {\n\t\t for (j <- 0 to n-1) {\n\t\t if (i!=j) {\n\t\t val (home,_) = teams(i)\n\t\t val (_, guest) = teams(j)\n\t\t if (home == guest)\n\t\t output += 1\n\t\t }\n\t\t }\n\t\t}\n\t\tprintln(output)\n\t}\n}"}, {"source_code": "object Matchi extends App {\n var ss = (Console.readLine.split(\" \")) map (_.toInt)\n val n = ss(0)\n \n def readMatches(nn:Int):List[(Int,Int)] = \n if (nn == 0) List()\n else {\n val sss = (Console.readLine.split(\" \")) map (_.toInt)\n (sss(0), sss(1)) :: readMatches(nn-1)\n }\n \n \n def cntMatch(pl:List[(Int,Int)], ac:Int, bc:Int):Int =\n \tpl match {\n \tcase Nil => 0\n \tcase (a,b) :: tl => ((if (b==ac) 1 else 0) +\n \t\t(if (a==bc) 1 else 0) +\n \t\tcntMatch(tl, ac,bc))\n \t} //> cntMatch: (pl: List[(Int, Int)], ac: Int, bc: Int)Int\n \t\n def cntSame(pl:List[(Int,Int)]):Int =\n \tpl match {\n \tcase Nil => 0\n \tcase (a,b) :: tl => cntMatch(tl, a,b) + cntSame(tl)\n \t} \n \n val pl = readMatches(n)\n println(cntSame(pl))\n}"}, {"source_code": "object A\n{\n def main(args: Array[String])\n {\n val n = readLine().toInt\n val colors=Array.ofDim[Int](n,2)\n for (i <- 0 until n)\n {\n colors(i)=readLine.split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n }\n println((for(x<- colors.iterator; y<-colors.iterator) yield(x,y)).filter(x => x._1(0) == x._2(1)).length)\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import java.io.PrintWriter\nimport java.io.File\nimport java.util.Scanner\n\nobject test5 extends App {\n val n=readLine.toInt\n val colors=Array.ofDim[Int](n,2)\n for(i<-0 until n){\n colors(i)=readLine.split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n }\n \n val list=for(i<-0 until n; j<-0 until n if i!=j) yield\n if(colors(i)(0)==colors(j)(1)) 1 else 0\n \n println(list.sum)\n} \n\n"}, {"source_code": "object Main {\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val num = readInt()\n var s = List[(Int, Int)]()\n for (i <- 0 until num) {\n val a = readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n s = (a(0), a(1)) :: s\n }\n val r = s.foldLeft(0) { (acc, t) => \n acc + s.foldLeft(0) { (acc, tt) => if (t._1 == tt._2) acc + 1 else acc }\n }\n println(r)\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "import scala.collection.mutable._\nimport scala.math._\nimport scala.util._\nimport scala.util.control.Breaks.break\nimport scala.util.control.Breaks.breakable\nimport java.util._\nobject problem extends App {\n val cin = new Scanner(System.in)\n val n = cin.nextInt()\n var cnt = 0\n val t = for(i <- 1 to n) yield (cin.nextInt(), cin.nextInt())\n for(i <- t) for(j <- t) if(i._1 == j._2) cnt += 1\n println(cnt)\n}"}, {"source_code": "\nimport scala.io.StdIn.readLine\nimport scala.io.StdIn.readInt\n\n\nobject Games {\n \n def readInts() : Array[Int] =\n readLine.split(' ').map(_.toInt)\n \n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val n = readInt\n val colors = for {\n i <- 1 to n \n line = readInts\n } yield(line(0),line(1))\n val games = \n for {\n i <- 0 to n-1\n j <- 0 to n-1\n if (i != j)\n } yield (i,j)\n println(games.count(p => colors(p._1)._1 == colors(p._2)._2))\n }\n \n}"}, {"source_code": "import scala.Math.pow;\nimport scala.collection.mutable.LinkedList\n\nobject App {\n\tdef readInts:Array[Int] = (readLine split \" \") map (_.toInt)\n //> readInts: => Array[Int] //> solve: (n: Int, m: Int, prev: Int, a: Int, b: Int)(Int, Int)\n\t\n\tdef f1_io() = {\n\t\tval Array(n) = readInts\n\t\tval homeColor = new Array[Int](n)\n\t\tval outColor = new Array[Int](n)\n\t\tfor (i <- 1 to n) {\n\t\t val a = readInts\n\t\t homeColor(i - 1) = a(0)\n\t\t outColor(i - 1) = a(1)\n\t\t}\n\t\t\n\t\tprint ((homeColor map (x => (outColor filter (y => x == y)).length)).sum)\n\t} \n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n\tf1_io\n }\n\n}"}, {"source_code": " object Games extends App {\n \tdef resolve(): Int = {\n \t\tvar hs = Map[Int, Int]()\n \t\tvar as = Map[Int, Int]()\n \t\t\n \t\tval lines = io.Source.stdin.getLines.toList.tail\n \t\t\n \t\tfor (elem <- lines) {\n \t\t\tval (homekit: Int, awaykit: Int) = {\n \t\t\t\tval tokens = elem.split(\" \")\n \t\t\t\t(tokens(0).toInt, tokens(1).toInt)\n \t\t\t}\n \t\t\t\n \t\t\ths = hs + (homekit -> (hs.getOrElse(homekit, 0) + 1))\n \t\t\tas = as + (awaykit -> (as.getOrElse(awaykit, 0) + 1))\n \t\t}\n \t\t\n \t\tvar sum = 0\n \t\tfor ((k, v) <- hs) {\n \t\t\tsum += v * as.getOrElse(k, 0)\n \t\t}\n \t\t\n \t\tsum\n \t}\n\t\n\tprint(resolve())\n }"}, {"source_code": "object A00268 extends App {\n def parseInt(str: String, count: Int): Seq[Int] = {\n val scanner = new java.util.Scanner(str)\n val res = (1 to count) map (_ => scanner.nextInt())\n scanner.close()\n res\n }\n def scanInts(count: Int): Seq[Int] = parseInt(Console.readLine, count)\n def readMatrix(row: Int, col: Int) = (1 to row) map (x => scanInts(col))\n\n def oneIntLine = {\n val Seq(count) = parseInt(Console.readLine(), 1);\n count\n }\n\n def frequency[T](seq: Seq[T]) = seq.groupBy(identity).mapValues(_.size).withDefaultValue(0)\n \n val nTeams = oneIntLine\n val colors = readMatrix(nTeams, 2)\n val guestColorFreq = frequency(colors.map(_(1)))\n val result = colors.map(x => guestColorFreq(x(0))).sum\n println(result)\n}\n"}], "negative_code": [{"source_code": "object Solution extends App {\n val in = scala.io.Source.stdin.getLines()\n val n = in.next().toInt\n println(in.next().split(\"WUB\").filter(_.nonEmpty).mkString(\" \"))\n}"}, {"source_code": " object Games extends App {\n \tdef resolve(): Int = {\n \t\tvar hs = Map[Int, Int]()\n \t\tvar as = Map[Int, Int]()\n \t\t\n \t\tval lines = io.Source.stdin.getLines.toList.tail\n \t\t\n \t\tfor (elem <- lines) {\n \t\t\tval (homekit: Int, awaykit: Int) = {\n \t\t\t\tval tokens = elem.split(\" \")\n \t\t\t\t(tokens(0).toInt, tokens(1).toInt)\n \t\t\t}\n \t\t\t\n \t\t\ths = hs + (homekit -> (hs.getOrElse(homekit, 0) + 1))\n \t\t\tas = as + (awaykit -> (as.getOrElse(awaykit, 0) + 1))\n \t\t}\n \t\t\n \t\tvar sum = 0\n \t\tfor ((k, v) <- hs) {\n \t\t\tsum += v * as.getOrElse(k, 0)\n \t\t}\n \t\t\n \t\tsum\n \t}\n }"}], "src_uid": "745f81dcb4f23254bf6602f9f389771b"} {"source_code": "import scala.util.Sorting\nimport scala.io.StdIn\nobject App {\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n\n\n\n val n = scala.io.StdIn.readInt()\n val A:Array[Long] = StdIn.readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toLong).sortWith( _ > _)\n\n\n print(A.zipWithIndex.foldLeft((0L,0L))({\n case(b,(a,i)) =>\n if(i == 0) {\n (a,a)\n } else {\n val k = math.max(0, math.min(b._2 - 1, a))\n (b._1 + k, k)\n }\n })._1)\n }\n\n\n}\n", "positive_code": [{"source_code": "\n/**\n * Created by octavian on 06/02/2016.\n */\nobject MakeClass {\n\n val INF = 1000000005\n\n def main(args: Array[String]) = {\n\n //System.setIn(new FileInputStream(\"./src/makeClass.in\"))\n //System.setOut(new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(\"./src/makeClass.out\")))\n\n val N = readInt()\n val vals = readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt).sorted\n\n var res: BigInt = 0\n var last = INF\n for(i <- vals.length - 1 to 0 by -1) {\n val toAdd = Math.min(vals(i), last - 1)\n last = toAdd\n if(toAdd > 0) {\n res += toAdd\n }\n }\n\n println(res)\n\n }\n\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.Source\n\nobject Solution extends App {\n val in = Source.stdin.getLines()\n val n = in.next().toInt\n var used = Set.empty[Int]\n println(in.next().split(' ').map(_.toInt).zipWithIndex.foldLeft(0l) {\n case (acc, (count, index)) =>\n var nc = count\n while (nc > 0 && used.contains(nc)) nc -= 1\n if (nc != 0) {\n used += nc\n }\n acc + nc\n })\n}"}, {"source_code": "\n\nimport java.io._\nimport java.util\nimport java.util.StringTokenizer\n\nimport scala.annotation.implicitNotFound\nimport scala.collection.mutable\nimport scala.reflect.ClassTag\n\n/**\n * Created by nimas on 2/4/16.\n */\nobject MakingAString extends App{\n\n class Template(val delim: String = \" \") {\n\n val in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in))\n val out = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(System.out)))\n val it = Iterator.iterate(new StringTokenizer(\"\"))(tok => if (tok.hasMoreTokens) tok else new StringTokenizer(in.readLine(), delim))\n\n\n def nextTs[T: ParseAble](n: Int)(delim: String = \" \")(implicit ev: ClassTag[T]) = (Array fill n) {\n nextT[T](delim)\n }\n\n def nextT[T: ParseAble](delim: String = \" \") = {\n val x = it.find(_.hasMoreTokens)\n implicitly[ParseAble[T]].parse(x get)\n }\n\n def close(): Unit = {\n in.close()\n out.close()\n }\n\n @implicitNotFound(\"No member of type class ParseAble in scope for ${T}\")\n trait ParseAble[T] {\n def parse(strTok: StringTokenizer): T\n }\n\n object ParseAble {\n\n implicit object ParseAbleInt extends ParseAble[Int] {\n override def parse(strTok: StringTokenizer): Int = strTok nextToken() toInt\n }\n\n implicit object ParseAbleLong extends ParseAble[Long] {\n override def parse(strTok: StringTokenizer): Long = strTok nextToken() toLong\n }\n\n implicit object ParseAbleDouble extends ParseAble[Double] {\n override def parse(strTok: StringTokenizer): Double = strTok nextToken() toDouble\n }\n\n implicit object ParseAbleBigInt extends ParseAble[BigInt] {\n override def parse(strTok: StringTokenizer): BigInt = BigInt(strTok nextToken())\n }\n\n }\n\n }\n\n val io = new Template()\n\n import io._\n\n val n = nextT[Int]()\n val a = nextTs[Long](n)() sorted Ordering.Long\n\n val map = new mutable.HashMap[Long, Boolean]()\n\n out.println((a.iterator map {\n x => {\n if (map getOrElse(x, true)) {\n map put(x, false)\n x\n } else {\n val find = x - 1 to(1, -1) find {\n !map.contains(_)\n } getOrElse 0l\n if (find != 0) map put(find, false)\n find\n }\n }\n }).sum)\n\n close()\n\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import scala.annotation.tailrec\nimport scala.collection.mutable\nimport scala.util._, control._\nimport scala.math.Ordering.Implicits._\n\nobject _624B extends CodeForcesApp {\n override type Result = Long\n\n override def solve(read: Scanner) = {\n val n = read[Int]\n val seen = mutable.Set.empty[Long]\n @tailrec def add(i: Long): Unit = if (seen(i)) add(i-1) else if (i > 0) {val _ = seen += i}\n repeat(n)(add(read[Long]))\n seen.sum\n }\n\n def repeat(n: Int)(f: => Unit): Unit = (1 to n).foreach(_ => f)\n\n override def format(result: Result) = result.toString\n}\n/****************************[Ignore Template Below]****************************************/\nabstract class CodeForcesApp {\n val isOnlineJudge: Boolean = sys.props.get(\"ONLINE_JUDGE\").exists(_.toBoolean)\n def debug(x: Any): Unit = if (!isOnlineJudge) println(x)\n type Result\n def solve(scanner: Scanner): Result\n def format(result: Result): String\n def apply(scanner: Scanner): String = format(solve(scanner))\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = println(apply(new Scanner(System.in)))\n}\n/*********************************[Scala Scanner]*******************************************/\nimport java.io.{BufferedReader, Reader, InputStreamReader, StringReader, InputStream}\nimport java.util.StringTokenizer\n\nclass Scanner(reader: BufferedReader) extends Iterator[String] with AutoCloseable {\n def this(reader: Reader) = this(new BufferedReader(reader))\n def this(inputStream: InputStream) = this(new InputStreamReader(inputStream))\n def this(str: String) = this(new StringReader(str))\n\n private[this] val tokenizers = Iterator.continually(reader.readLine()).takeWhile(_ != null)\n .map(new StringTokenizer(_)).filter(_.hasMoreTokens)\n private[this] var current: Option[StringTokenizer] = None\n\n @inline private[this] def tokenizer(): Option[StringTokenizer] = current.find(_.hasMoreTokens) orElse {\n current = if (tokenizers.hasNext) Some(tokenizers.next()) else None\n current\n }\n\n def apply[A: Parser]: A = implicitly[Parser[A]].apply(next())\n\n def nextLine(): String = tokenizer().get.nextToken(\"\\n\\r\")\n override def next() = tokenizer().get.nextToken()\n override def hasNext = tokenizer().nonEmpty\n override def close() = reader.close()\n}\n\ntrait Parser[A] {\n def apply(s: String): A\n}\nobject Parser {\n def apply[A](f: String => A) = new Parser[A] {\n override def apply(s: String) = f(s)\n }\n implicit val tokenString: Parser[String] = Parser(identity)\n implicit val tokenChar: Parser[Char] = Parser(s => s.ensuring(_.length == 1, s\"Expected Char; found $s\").head)\n implicit val tokenBool: Parser[Boolean] = Parser(_.toBoolean)\n implicit val tokenInt: Parser[Int] = Parser(_.toInt)\n implicit val tokenLong: Parser[Long] = Parser(_.toLong)\n implicit val tokenBigInt: Parser[BigInt] = Parser(BigInt(_))\n implicit val tokenDouble: Parser[Double] = Parser(_.toDouble)\n implicit val tokenBigDecimal: Parser[BigDecimal] = Parser(BigDecimal(_))\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import scala.annotation.tailrec\nimport scala.collection.mutable\nimport scala.util._, control._\nimport scala.math.Ordering.Implicits._\n\nobject _624B extends CodeForcesApp {\n override type Result = Long\n\n override def solve(read: InputReader) = {\n val n = read[Int]\n val seen = mutable.Set.empty[Long]\n @tailrec def add(i: Long): Unit = if (seen(i)) add(i-1) else if (i > 0) {val _ = seen += i}\n repeat(n)(add(read[Long]))\n seen.sum\n }\n\n def repeat(n: Int)(f: => Unit): Unit = (1 to n).foreach(_ => f)\n\n override def format(result: Result) = result.toString\n}\n/****************************[Ignore Template Below]****************************************/\nabstract class CodeForcesApp {\n val isOnlineJudge: Boolean = sys.props.get(\"ONLINE_JUDGE\").exists(_.toBoolean)\n def debug(x: Any): Unit = if (!isOnlineJudge) println(x)\n type Result\n def solve(scanner: InputReader): Result\n def format(result: Result): String\n def apply(scanner: InputReader): String = format(solve(scanner))\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = println(apply(new InputReader(System.in)))\n}\n/*********************************[Scala Scanner]*******************************************/\nimport java.io.{BufferedReader, Reader, InputStreamReader, StringReader, InputStream}\nimport java.util.StringTokenizer\n\nclass InputReader(reader: BufferedReader) extends Iterator[String] with AutoCloseable {\n def this(reader: Reader) = this(new BufferedReader(reader))\n def this(inputStream: InputStream) = this(new InputStreamReader(inputStream))\n def this(str: String) = this(new StringReader(str))\n\n private[this] val tokenizers = Iterator.continually(reader.readLine()).takeWhile(_ != null).map(new StringTokenizer(_)).buffered\n\n @inline private[this] def tokenizer(): Option[StringTokenizer] = {\n while(tokenizers.nonEmpty && !tokenizers.head.hasMoreTokens) tokenizers.next()\n if (tokenizers.nonEmpty) Some(tokenizers.head) else None\n }\n\n def apply[A: Parser]: A = implicitly[Parser[A]].apply(this)\n\n def apply[C[_], A: Parser](n: Int)(implicit cbf: Parser.Collection[C, A]): C[A] = {\n val builder = cbf()\n for {i <- 1 to n} builder += apply[A]\n builder.result()\n }\n\n def tillEndOfLine(): String = tokenizer().get.nextToken(\"\\n\\r\")\n\n override def next() = tokenizer().get.nextToken()\n override def hasNext = tokenizer().nonEmpty\n override def close() = reader.close()\n}\n\ntrait Parser[A] {\n def apply(reader: InputReader): A\n}\nobject Parser {\n def apply[A](f: String => A) = new Parser[A] {\n override def apply(reader: InputReader) = f(reader.next())\n }\n type Collection[C[_], A] = scala.collection.generic.CanBuildFrom[C[A], A, C[A]]\n implicit def collectionParser[C[_], A: Parser](implicit cbf: Collection[C, A]): Parser[C[A]] = new Parser[C[A]] {\n override def apply(reader: InputReader) = reader[C, A](reader[Int])\n }\n implicit val stringParser: Parser[String] = Parser(identity)\n implicit val charParser: Parser[Char] = Parser(s => s.ensuring(_.length == 1, s\"Expected Char; found $s\").head)\n implicit val booleanParser: Parser[Boolean] = Parser(_.toBoolean)\n implicit val intParser: Parser[Int] = Parser(_.toInt)\n implicit val longParser: Parser[Long] = Parser(_.toLong)\n implicit val bigIntParser: Parser[BigInt] = Parser(BigInt(_))\n implicit val doubleParser: Parser[Double] = Parser(_.toDouble)\n implicit val bigDecimalParser: Parser[BigDecimal] = Parser(BigDecimal(_))\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import scala.annotation.tailrec\nimport scala.collection.mutable\nimport scala.util._, control._\nimport scala.math.Ordering.Implicits._\n\nobject _624B extends CodeForcesApp {\n override type Result = Long\n\n override def solve(read: InputReader) = {\n val n = read[Int]\n val seen = mutable.Set.empty[Long]\n @tailrec def add(i: Long): Unit = if (seen(i)) add(i-1) else if (i > 0) {val _ = seen += i}\n repeat(n)(add(read[Long]))\n seen.sum\n }\n\n def repeat(n: Int)(f: => Unit): Unit = (1 to n).foreach(_ => f)\n\n override def format(result: Result) = result.toString\n}\n/****************************[Ignore Template Below]****************************************/\nabstract class CodeForcesApp {\n val isOnlineJudge: Boolean = sys.props.get(\"ONLINE_JUDGE\").exists(_.toBoolean)\n def debug(x: Any): Unit = if (!isOnlineJudge) println(x)\n type Result\n def solve(scanner: InputReader): Result\n def format(result: Result): String\n def apply(scanner: InputReader): String = format(solve(scanner))\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = println(apply(new InputReader(System.in)))\n}\n/*********************************[Scala Scanner]*******************************************/\nimport java.io.{BufferedReader, Reader, InputStreamReader, StringReader, InputStream}\nimport java.util.StringTokenizer\n\nclass InputReader(reader: BufferedReader) extends Iterator[String] with AutoCloseable {\n def this(reader: Reader) = this(new BufferedReader(reader))\n def this(inputStream: InputStream) = this(new InputStreamReader(inputStream))\n def this(str: String) = this(new StringReader(str))\n\n private[this] val tokenizers = Iterator.continually(reader.readLine()).takeWhile(_ != null).map(new StringTokenizer(_)).buffered\n\n @inline private[this] def tokenizer(): Option[StringTokenizer] = {\n while(tokenizers.nonEmpty && !tokenizers.head.hasMoreTokens) tokenizers.next()\n if (tokenizers.nonEmpty) Some(tokenizers.head) else None\n }\n\n def apply[A: Parser]: A = implicitly[Parser[A]].apply(next())\n\n def tillEndOfLine(): String = tokenizer().get.nextToken(\"\\n\\r\")\n override def next() = tokenizer().get.nextToken()\n override def hasNext = tokenizer().nonEmpty\n override def close() = reader.close()\n}\n\ntrait Parser[A] {\n def apply(s: String): A\n}\nobject Parser {\n def apply[A](f: String => A) = new Parser[A] {\n override def apply(s: String) = f(s)\n }\n implicit val stringParser: Parser[String] = Parser(identity)\n implicit val charParser: Parser[Char] = Parser(s => s.ensuring(_.length == 1, s\"Expected Char; found $s\").head)\n implicit val booleanParser: Parser[Boolean] = Parser(_.toBoolean)\n implicit val intParser: Parser[Int] = Parser(_.toInt)\n implicit val longParser: Parser[Long] = Parser(_.toLong)\n implicit val bigIntParser: Parser[BigInt] = Parser(BigInt(_))\n implicit val doubleParser: Parser[Double] = Parser(_.toDouble)\n implicit val bigDecimalParser: Parser[BigDecimal] = Parser(BigDecimal(_))\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import scala.annotation.tailrec\nimport scala.collection.mutable\nimport scala.util._, control._\nimport scala.math.Ordering.Implicits._\n\nobject _624B extends CodeForcesApp {\n override type Result = Long\n\n override def solve(scanner: Scanner) = {\n import scanner._\n val seen = mutable.Set.empty[Long]\n @tailrec def add(i: Long): Unit = if (seen(i)) add(i-1) else if (i > 0) seen += i\n repeat(nextInt())(add(nextLong()))\n seen.sum\n }\n\n def repeat(n: Int)(f: => Unit): Unit = (1 to n).foreach(_ => f)\n\n override def format(result: Result) = result.toString\n}\n/****************************[Ignore Template Below]****************************************/\nabstract class CodeForcesApp {\n val isOnlineJudge: Boolean = sys.props.get(\"ONLINE_JUDGE\").exists(_.toBoolean)\n def debug(x: Any): Unit = if (!isOnlineJudge) println(x)\n val mod: Int = 1000000007\n type Result\n def solve(scanner: Scanner): Result\n def format(result: Result): String\n def apply(scanner: Scanner): String = format(solve(scanner))\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = println(apply(new Scanner(System.in)))\n}\n/*********************************[Scala Scanner]*******************************************/\nimport java.io._\nimport java.nio.file.{Files, Path}\nimport java.util.StringTokenizer\n\nimport scala.io.Codec\n\n/**\n * Scala implementation of a faster java.util.Scanner\n * See: http://codeforces.com/blog/entry/21125\n * All next methods throw NoSuchElementException when !hasNext\n */\nclass Scanner(reader: LineNumberReader) extends Iterator[String] with AutoCloseable {\n def this(reader: BufferedReader) = this(new LineNumberReader(reader))\n def this(reader: Reader) = this(new BufferedReader(reader))\n def this(inputStream: InputStream)(implicit codec: Codec) = this(new InputStreamReader(inputStream, codec.charSet))\n def this(path: Path)(implicit codec: Codec) = this(Files.newBufferedReader(path, codec.charSet))\n def this(file: File)(implicit codec: Codec) = this(file.toPath)(codec)\n def this(str: String) = this(new StringReader(str))\n\n val lines = Iterator.continually(reader.readLine()).takeWhile(_ != null)\n\n private[this] val tokenizers = lines.map(new StringTokenizer(_)).filter(_.hasMoreTokens)\n private[this] var current: Option[StringTokenizer] = None\n\n @inline private[this] def tokenizer(): Option[StringTokenizer] = current.find(_.hasMoreTokens) orElse {\n current = if (tokenizers.hasNext) Some(tokenizers.next()) else None\n current\n }\n\n /**\n * Unlike Java's scanner which returns till end of current line, this actually returns the next line\n * @see line() if you want the Java behaviour\n */\n def nextLine(): String = {\n current = None // reset\n lines.next()\n }\n def lineNumber: Int = reader.getLineNumber\n def line(): String = tokenizer().get.nextToken(\"\\n\\r\")\n def nextString(): String = next()\n def nextChar(): Char = next().ensuring(_.length == 1).head\n def nextBoolean(): Boolean = next().toBoolean\n def nextByte(radix: Int = 10): Byte = java.lang.Byte.parseByte(next(), radix)\n def nextShort(radix: Int = 10): Short = java.lang.Short.parseShort(next(), radix)\n def nextInt(radix: Int = 10): Int = java.lang.Integer.parseInt(next(), radix)\n def nextLong(radix: Int = 10): Long = java.lang.Long.parseLong(next(), radix)\n def nextBigInt(radix: Int = 10): BigInt = BigInt(next(), radix)\n def nextFloat(): Float = next().toFloat\n def nextDouble(): Double = next().toDouble\n def nextBigDecimal(): BigDecimal = BigDecimal(next())\n override def next() = tokenizer().get.nextToken()\n override def hasNext = tokenizer().nonEmpty\n override def close() = reader.close()\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "/**\n * Created by Andrew Tsibin https://github.com/Evilnef.\n */\nobject Problemset624 {\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val problem = new ProblemB\n problem.solve()\n }\n\n private abstract class Problem {\n def solve()\n }\n\n private class ProblemA extends Problem {\n override def solve(): Unit = {\n val Array(d, l, v1, v2) = scala.io.StdIn.readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toDouble)\n val result = (l - d) / (v1 + v2)\n println(result)\n }\n }\n\n private class ProblemB extends Problem {\n override def solve(): Unit = {\n var maxStringLengths: BigInt = 0\n val n = scala.io.StdIn.readInt()\n val a = scala.io.StdIn.readLine().split(\" \").map(BigInt(_)).sortWith(_ > _)\n for (i <- a.indices) {\n if (i == 0) maxStringLengths += a(i)\n else maxStringLengths += {\n if (a(i) >= a(i - 1))\n a(i) = a(i - 1) - 1\n if (a(i) < 0) 0 else a(i)\n }\n }\n println(maxStringLengths)\n }\n }\n\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import scala.util.Sorting\nimport scala.io.StdIn\nobject App {\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n\n\n\n val n = scala.io.StdIn.readInt()\n val A:Array[Long] = StdIn.readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toLong)\n Sorting.quickSort(A)\n\n\n print(A.reverse.zipWithIndex.foldLeft((0L,0L))({\n case(b,(a,i)) =>\n if(i == 0) {\n (a,a)\n } else {\n val k = math.max(0, math.min(b._2 - 1, a))\n (b._1 + k, k)\n }\n })._1)\n }\n\n\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import scala.util.Sorting\nimport scala.io.StdIn\nobject App {\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n\n\n\n val n = scala.io.StdIn.readInt()\n val A:Array[Long] = StdIn.readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toLong)\n Sorting.quickSort(A)\n\n\n var acc:Long = 0\n A.reverse.zipWithIndex.foldLeft(0L)({\n case(b,(a,i)) =>\n if(i == 0) {\n acc+=a\n a\n } else {\n acc += math.max(math.min(b - 1, a),0)\n math.max(math.min(b - 1, a),0)\n }\n })\n\n print(acc)\n\n }\n\n\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import scala.util.Sorting\nimport scala.io.StdIn\nobject App {\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n\n\n\n val n = scala.io.StdIn.readInt()\n val A:Array[Long] = StdIn.readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toLong).sorted.reverse\n\n\n print(A.zipWithIndex.foldLeft((0L,0L))({\n case(b,(a,i)) =>\n if(i == 0) {\n (a,a)\n } else {\n val k = math.max(0, math.min(b._2 - 1, a))\n (b._1 + k, k)\n }\n })._1)\n }\n\n\n}\n"}], "negative_code": [{"source_code": "\n/**\n * Created by octavian on 06/02/2016.\n */\nobject MakeClass {\n\n val INF = 1000000005\n\n def main(args: Array[String]) = {\n\n //System.setIn(new FileInputStream(\"./src/makeClass.in\"))\n //System.setOut(new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(\"./src/makeClass.out\")))\n\n val N = readInt()\n var vals = readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n\n var res = 0\n var last = INF\n for(i <- vals.length - 1 to 0 by -1) {\n val toAdd = Math.min(vals(i), last - 1)\n last = toAdd\n if(toAdd > 0) {\n res += toAdd\n }\n }\n\n println(res)\n\n }\n\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "\n/**\n * Created by octavian on 06/02/2016.\n */\nobject MakeClass {\n\n val INF = 1000000005\n\n def main(args: Array[String]) = {\n\n //System.setIn(new FileInputStream(\"./src/makeClass.in\"))\n //System.setOut(new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(\"./src/makeClass.out\")))\n\n val N = readInt()\n val vals = readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt).sorted\n\n var res = 0\n var last = INF\n for(i <- vals.length - 1 to 0 by -1) {\n val toAdd = Math.min(vals(i), last - 1)\n last = toAdd\n if(toAdd > 0) {\n res += toAdd\n }\n }\n\n println(res)\n\n }\n\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.Source\n\nobject Solution extends App {\n val in = Source.stdin.getLines()\n val n = in.next().toInt\n val arr = Array.ofDim[Int](26)\n var used = Set.empty[Int]\n in.next().split(' ').map(_.toInt).zipWithIndex.foreach {\n case (count, index) =>\n var nc = count\n while (nc > 0 && used.contains(nc)) nc -= 1\n if (nc != 0) {\n arr(index) = nc\n used += nc\n }\n }\n println(arr.sum)\n\n\n}"}, {"source_code": "\nimport java.io._\nimport java.util\nimport java.util.StringTokenizer\n\nimport scala.annotation.implicitNotFound\nimport scala.collection.mutable\nimport scala.reflect.ClassTag\n\n/**\n * Created by nimas on 2/4/16.\n */\nobject MakingAString extends App{\n\n class Template(val delim: String = \" \") {\n\n val in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in))\n val out = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(System.out)))\n val it = Iterator.iterate(new StringTokenizer(\"\"))(tok => if (tok.hasMoreTokens) tok else new StringTokenizer(in.readLine(), delim))\n\n\n def nextTs[T: ParseAble](n: Int)(delim: String = \" \")(implicit ev: ClassTag[T]) = (Array fill n) {\n nextT[T](delim)\n }\n\n def nextT[T: ParseAble](delim: String = \" \") = {\n val x = it.find(_.hasMoreTokens)\n implicitly[ParseAble[T]].parse(x get)\n }\n\n def close(): Unit = {\n in.close()\n out.close()\n }\n\n @implicitNotFound(\"No member of type class ParseAble in scope for ${T}\")\n trait ParseAble[T] {\n def parse(strTok: StringTokenizer): T\n }\n\n object ParseAble {\n\n implicit object ParseAbleInt extends ParseAble[Int] {\n override def parse(strTok: StringTokenizer): Int = strTok nextToken() toInt\n }\n\n implicit object ParseAbleLong extends ParseAble[Long] {\n override def parse(strTok: StringTokenizer): Long = strTok nextToken() toLong\n }\n\n implicit object ParseAbleDouble extends ParseAble[Double] {\n override def parse(strTok: StringTokenizer): Double = strTok nextToken() toDouble\n }\n\n implicit object ParseAbleBigInt extends ParseAble[BigInt] {\n override def parse(strTok: StringTokenizer): BigInt = BigInt(strTok nextToken())\n }\n\n }\n\n }\n\n val io = new Template()\n\n import io._\n\n val n = nextT[Int]()\n val a = nextTs[Int](n)() sorted Ordering.Int\n\n val map = new mutable.HashMap[Int, Boolean]()\n\n\n out.println((a.iterator map {\n x => {\n if (map getOrElse(x, true)) {\n map put(x, false)\n x\n } else {\n x - 1 to(1, -1) find {\n !map.contains(_)\n } getOrElse 0\n }\n }\n }).sum)\n\n close()\n\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "\n\nimport java.io._\nimport java.util\nimport java.util.StringTokenizer\n\nimport scala.annotation.implicitNotFound\nimport scala.collection.mutable\nimport scala.reflect.ClassTag\n\n/**\n * Created by nimas on 2/4/16.\n */\nobject MakingAString extends App{\n\n class Template(val delim: String = \" \") {\n\n val in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in))\n val out = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(System.out)))\n val it = Iterator.iterate(new StringTokenizer(\"\"))(tok => if (tok.hasMoreTokens) tok else new StringTokenizer(in.readLine(), delim))\n\n\n def nextTs[T: ParseAble](n: Int)(delim: String = \" \")(implicit ev: ClassTag[T]) = (Array fill n) {\n nextT[T](delim)\n }\n\n def nextT[T: ParseAble](delim: String = \" \") = {\n val x = it.find(_.hasMoreTokens)\n implicitly[ParseAble[T]].parse(x get)\n }\n\n def close(): Unit = {\n in.close()\n out.close()\n }\n\n @implicitNotFound(\"No member of type class ParseAble in scope for ${T}\")\n trait ParseAble[T] {\n def parse(strTok: StringTokenizer): T\n }\n\n object ParseAble {\n\n implicit object ParseAbleInt extends ParseAble[Int] {\n override def parse(strTok: StringTokenizer): Int = strTok nextToken() toInt\n }\n\n implicit object ParseAbleLong extends ParseAble[Long] {\n override def parse(strTok: StringTokenizer): Long = strTok nextToken() toLong\n }\n\n implicit object ParseAbleDouble extends ParseAble[Double] {\n override def parse(strTok: StringTokenizer): Double = strTok nextToken() toDouble\n }\n\n implicit object ParseAbleBigInt extends ParseAble[BigInt] {\n override def parse(strTok: StringTokenizer): BigInt = BigInt(strTok nextToken())\n }\n\n }\n\n }\n\n val io = new Template()\n\n import io._\n\n val n = nextT[Int]()\n val a = nextTs[Int](n)() sorted Ordering.Int\n\n val map = new mutable.HashMap[Int, Boolean]()\n\n\n out.println((a.iterator map {\n x => {\n if (map getOrElse(x, true)) {\n map put(x, false)\n x\n } else {\n val find = x - 1 to(1, -1) find {\n !map.contains(_)\n } getOrElse 0\n if (find != 0) map put(find, false)\n find\n }\n }\n }).sum)\n\n close()\n\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import scala.annotation.tailrec\nimport scala.collection.mutable\nimport scala.util._, control._\nimport scala.math.Ordering.Implicits._\n\nobject _624B extends CodeForcesApp {\n override type Result = Int\n\n override def solve(scanner: Scanner) = {\n import scanner._\n val n = nextInt()\n val seen = mutable.Set.empty[Int]\n @tailrec def add(i: Int): Unit = if (seen(i)) add(i-1) else if (i > 0) seen += i\n repeat(n)(add(nextInt()))\n seen.sum\n }\n\n def repeat(n: Int)(f: => Unit): Unit = (1 to n).foreach(_ => f)\n\n override def format(result: Result) = result.toString\n}\n/****************************[Ignore Template Below]****************************************/\nabstract class CodeForcesApp {\n val isOnlineJudge: Boolean = sys.props.get(\"ONLINE_JUDGE\").exists(_.toBoolean)\n def debug(x: Any): Unit = if (!isOnlineJudge) println(x)\n val mod: Int = 1000000007\n type Result\n def solve(scanner: Scanner): Result\n def format(result: Result): String\n def apply(scanner: Scanner): String = format(solve(scanner))\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = println(apply(new Scanner(System.in)))\n}\n/*********************************[Scala Scanner]*******************************************/\nimport java.io._\nimport java.nio.file.{Files, Path}\nimport java.util.StringTokenizer\n\nimport scala.io.Codec\n\n/**\n * Scala implementation of a faster java.util.Scanner\n * See: http://codeforces.com/blog/entry/21125\n * All next methods throw NoSuchElementException when !hasNext\n */\nclass Scanner(reader: LineNumberReader) extends Iterator[String] with AutoCloseable {\n def this(reader: BufferedReader) = this(new LineNumberReader(reader))\n def this(reader: Reader) = this(new BufferedReader(reader))\n def this(inputStream: InputStream)(implicit codec: Codec) = this(new InputStreamReader(inputStream, codec.charSet))\n def this(path: Path)(implicit codec: Codec) = this(Files.newBufferedReader(path, codec.charSet))\n def this(file: File)(implicit codec: Codec) = this(file.toPath)(codec)\n def this(str: String) = this(new StringReader(str))\n\n val lines = Iterator.continually(reader.readLine()).takeWhile(_ != null)\n\n private[this] val tokenizers = lines.map(new StringTokenizer(_)).filter(_.hasMoreTokens)\n private[this] var current: Option[StringTokenizer] = None\n\n @inline private[this] def tokenizer(): Option[StringTokenizer] = current.find(_.hasMoreTokens) orElse {\n current = if (tokenizers.hasNext) Some(tokenizers.next()) else None\n current\n }\n\n /**\n * Unlike Java's scanner which returns till end of current line, this actually returns the next line\n * @see line() if you want the Java behaviour\n */\n def nextLine(): String = {\n current = None // reset\n lines.next()\n }\n def lineNumber: Int = reader.getLineNumber\n def line(): String = tokenizer().get.nextToken(\"\\n\\r\")\n def nextString(): String = next()\n def nextChar(): Char = next().ensuring(_.length == 1).head\n def nextBoolean(): Boolean = next().toBoolean\n def nextByte(radix: Int = 10): Byte = java.lang.Byte.parseByte(next(), radix)\n def nextShort(radix: Int = 10): Short = java.lang.Short.parseShort(next(), radix)\n def nextInt(radix: Int = 10): Int = java.lang.Integer.parseInt(next(), radix)\n def nextLong(radix: Int = 10): Long = java.lang.Long.parseLong(next(), radix)\n def nextBigInt(radix: Int = 10): BigInt = BigInt(next(), radix)\n def nextFloat(): Float = next().toFloat\n def nextDouble(): Double = next().toDouble\n def nextBigDecimal(): BigDecimal = BigDecimal(next())\n override def next() = tokenizer().get.nextToken()\n override def hasNext = tokenizer().nonEmpty\n override def close() = reader.close()\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "/**\n * Created by Andrew Tsibin https://github.com/Evilnef.\n */\nobject Problemset624 {\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val problem = new ProblemB\n problem.solve()\n }\n\n private abstract class Problem {\n def solve()\n }\n\n private class ProblemA extends Problem {\n override def solve(): Unit = {\n val Array(d, l, v1, v2) = scala.io.StdIn.readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toDouble)\n val result = (l - d) / (v1 + v2)\n println(result)\n }\n }\n\n private class ProblemB extends Problem {\n override def solve(): Unit = {\n var maxStringLengths = 0\n val n = scala.io.StdIn.readInt()\n val a = scala.io.StdIn.readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt).sortWith(_ > _)\n for (i <- a.indices) {\n if (i == 0) maxStringLengths += a(i)\n else maxStringLengths += {\n if (a(i) >= a(i - 1))\n a(i) = a(i - 1) - 1\n if (a(i) < 0) 0 else a(i)\n }\n }\n println(maxStringLengths)\n }\n }\n\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import scala.util.Sorting\nimport scala.io.StdIn\nobject App {\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n\n\n\n val n = scala.io.StdIn.readInt()\n val A:Array[Int] = StdIn.readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n Sorting.quickSort(A)\n\n\n var acc = 0\n A.reverse.zipWithIndex.foldLeft(0)({\n case(b,(a,i)) =>\n if(i == 0) {\n acc+=a\n a\n } else {\n acc += math.max(math.min(b - 1, a),0)\n math.max(math.min(b - 1, a),0)\n }\n })\n\n print(acc)\n\n }\n\n\n}\n"}], "src_uid": "3c4b2d1c9440515bc3002eddd2b89f6f"} {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\nimport java.io.PrintWriter\nimport java.util.Arrays.binarySearch\nimport scala.annotation.tailrec\nimport scala.annotation.switch\nimport scala.annotation.unchecked\nimport scala.collection.mutable\nimport scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer\nimport scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer\nimport scala.collection.immutable.TreeSet\nimport scala.util.Random\nimport scala.util.control.Breaks._\n\n\nobject P133B extends App {\n val sc = new Scanner(System.in)\n val out = new PrintWriter(System.out)\n\n // \">\" → 1000,\n // \"<\" → 1001,\n // \"+\" → 1010,\n // \"-\" → 1011,\n // \".\" → 1100,\n // \",\" → 1101,\n // \"[\" → 1110,\n // \"]\" → 1111. \n\n \n val M = Map('>' -> 8,\n '<' -> 9,\n '+' -> 10,\n '-' -> 11,\n '.' -> 12,\n ',' -> 13,\n '[' -> 14,\n ']' -> 15)\n\n val P = 1000003\n\n def solve(): Int = {\n val BF = sc.nextLine\n\n BF.foldLeft(0) { (b, a) =>\n ((b << 4) | M(a)) % P\n }\n }\n\n out.println(solve)\n out.close\n}\n", "positive_code": [{"source_code": "object Main {\n def main(args : Array[String]) =\n println (readLine.foldLeft (0) (\n (ans, x) => ((ans << 4) | ((\"><+-.,[]\" indexOf x) + 8)) % 1000003\n ))\n}"}, {"source_code": "object Main {\n def main(args : Array[String]) =\n println (readLine.foldLeft (0) (\n (ans, x) => ((ans << 4) | ((\"><+-.,[]\" indexOf x) + 8)) % 1000003\n ))\n}"}, {"source_code": "object Main {\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val s = readLine()\n val tr = s.map{\n case '>' => 8\n case '<' => 9\n case '+' => 10\n case '-' => 11\n case '.' => 12\n case ',' => 13\n case '[' => 14\n case ']' => 15\n }\n println(tr.foldLeft(0){ (acc, i) => (acc * 16 + i) % 1000003} )\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "object Main {\n def main(args : Array[String]) =\n println (readLine.foldLeft (0) (\n (ans, x) => ((ans << 4) | ((\"><+-.,[]\" indexOf x) + 8)) % 1000003\n ))\n}"}, {"source_code": "object Main {\n def main(args : Array[String]) =\n println (readLine.foldLeft (0) (\n (ans, x) => ((ans << 4) | ((\"><+-.,[]\" indexOf x) + 8)) % 1000003\n ))\n}"}, {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\nobject P133B extends App {\n \n val map = Map('>' -> \"1000\", '<' -> \"1001\", '+' -> \"1010\", '-' -> \"1011\", \n '.' -> \"1100\", ',' -> \"1101\", '[' -> \"1110\", ']' -> \"1111\")\n val s = new Scanner(System.in).next()\n\n var res = \"\"\n for(c <- s) res += map(c) \n\n println(BigInt(res,2) % 1000003)\n \n}"}, {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\nobject P133B extends App {\n val m = Map('>'->\"1000\",'<'->\"1001\",'+'->\"1010\",'-'->\"1011\",'.'->\"1100\",','->\"1101\",'['->\"1110\",']'->\"1111\")\n val s = new Scanner(System.in).next()\n println(BigInt(s.map(m).mkString,2) % 1000003)\n}"}, {"source_code": "object Solution extends App {\n val in = scala.io.Source.stdin.getLines()\n val str = in.next()\n\n val map = Map(\n '>' -> 8,\n '<' -> 9,\n '+' -> 10,\n '-' -> 11,\n '.' -> 12,\n ',' -> 13,\n '[' -> 14,\n ']' -> 15)\n\n println(str.foldLeft(0l) {\n case (acc, ch) => ((acc << 4) | map(ch)) % 1000003\n } % 1000003)\n\n}"}, {"source_code": "\nobject Main {\n def main(args : Array[String]) =\n println (readLine.foldLeft (0) (\n (ans, x) => ((ans << 4) | ((\"><+-.,[]\" indexOf x) + 8)) % 1000003\n ))\n}\n"}], "negative_code": [{"source_code": "object Solution extends App {\n val in = scala.io.Source.stdin.getLines()\n val str = in.next()\n\n val map = Map(\n '>' -> 8,\n '<' -> 9,\n '+' -> 10,\n '-' -> 11,\n '.' -> 12,\n ',' -> 13,\n '[' -> 14,\n ']' -> 15)\n\n println(str.foldLeft(0l) {\n case (acc, ch) => Math.abs(acc << 4) + map(ch)\n } % 1000003)\n\n}"}], "src_uid": "04fc8dfb856056f35d296402ad1b2da1"} {"source_code": "object Solution extends App{\n val in = scala.io.Source.stdin.getLines()\n var Array(t, s, q) = in.next().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n var count = 0\n while (s < t) {\n s *= q\n count += 1\n }\n println(count)\n\n}\n", "positive_code": [{"source_code": "object A569 {\n\n import IO._\n import collection.{mutable => cu}\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n var Array(t, s, q) = readInts(3)\n var res = 0\n while(s < t) {\n s *= q\n res += 1\n }\n out.println(res)\n out.close()\n }\n\n object IO {\n private val input = new java.io.BufferedReader(new java.io.InputStreamReader(System.in))\n // private val input = new java.io.BufferedReader(new java.io.InputStreamReader(new java.io.FileInputStream(\"src/input\")))\n val out = new java.io.PrintWriter(System.out)\n\n @inline def read: String = input.readLine()\n\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(read)\n\n def readInt: Int = tokenizeLine.nextToken.toInt\n\n def readInts(n: Int): Array[Int] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine\n Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt)\n }\n\n def readLongs(n: Int): Array[Long] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine\n Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong)\n }\n\n def readBigs(n: Int): Array[BigInt] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine\n Array.fill(n)(BigInt(tl.nextToken))\n }\n }\n\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn._\n\nobject A extends App {\n val Array(t, s, q) = readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n\n var played = 0\n var started = 1\n var current = 0\n\n while (s + (current * ((q - 1.0) / q)) < t) {\n if (played + 1 <= s + ((current + 1) * ((q - 1.0) / q))) {\n played += 1\n } else {\n played = 1\n started += 1\n }\n\n current += 1\n }\n\n println(started)\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "\nimport java.util.Scanner\n\nobject PA extends App {\n var in = new Scanner(System.in)\n val Vector(t, s, q) = (1 to 3).map(_ => in.nextInt())\n def sol(ns:Int):Int = if(ns >= t) 0 else sol(ns*q) + 1\n println(sol(s).toString)\n}\n\n\n"}, {"source_code": "import java.io._\nimport java.util._\n\nimport scala.collection.mutable\n\nobject A {\n\n var out: PrintWriter = null\n var br: BufferedReader = null\n var st: StringTokenizer = null\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in))\n out = new PrintWriter(new BufferedOutputStream(System.out))\n solve\n out.close\n }\n\n def next: String = {\n while (st == null || !st.hasMoreTokens) {\n st = new StringTokenizer(br.readLine)\n }\n return st.nextToken\n }\n\n def nextInt: Int = return Integer.parseInt(next)\n\n def nextLong: Long = return java.lang.Long.parseLong(next)\n\n def nextDouble: Double = return java.lang.Double.parseDouble(next)\n\n class MultiHashSet[T <% Comparable[T]] {\n val map = new mutable.HashMap[T, Int]()\n\n def count(x: T): Int = {\n return map.getOrElse(x, 0)\n }\n\n def add(x: T): Unit = map.put(x, count(x) + 1)\n\n def remove(x: T): Boolean = {\n val prev = count(x)\n if (prev == 0)\n return false\n if (prev == 1) {\n map.remove(x)\n } else {\n map.put(x, prev - 1)\n }\n return true\n }\n }\n\n class MultiTreeSet[T <% Comparable[T]] {\n val map = new TreeMap[T, Int]()\n\n def count(x: T): Int = {\n val res = map.get(x)\n if (res == null)\n return 0\n return res\n }\n\n def add(x: T): Unit = map.put(x, count(x) + 1)\n\n def first(): T = return map.firstKey()\n\n def last(): T = return map.lastKey()\n\n def remove(x: T): Boolean = {\n val prev = count(x)\n if (prev == 0)\n return false\n if (prev == 1) {\n map.remove(x)\n } else {\n map.put(x, prev - 1)\n }\n return true\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Segment tree for any commutative function\n * @param values Array of Int\n * @param commutative function like min, max, sum\n * @param zero zero value - e.g. 0 for sum, Inf for min, max\n */\n class SegmentTree(values: Array[Int])(commutative: (Int, Int) => Int)(zero: Int) {\n private val SIZE = 1e5.toInt\n private val n = values.length\n val t = new Array[Int](2 * n)\n Array.copy(values, 0, t, n, n)\n\n // build segment tree\n def build = {\n for (i <- n - 1 until 0 by -1) {\n t(i) = commutative(t(2 * i), t(2 * i + 1))\n }\n }\n\n // change value at position p to x\n // TODO beatify\n def modify(p: Int, x: Int) = {\n var pos = p + n\n t(pos) = x\n while (pos > 1) {\n t(pos / 2) = commutative(t(pos), t(pos ^ 1))\n pos /= 2\n }\n }\n\n // TODO implement me!\n def modify(p: Int, left: Int, right: Int) = ???\n\n def query(p: Int) = ???\n\n // sum [l, r)\n // min l = 0\n // max r = n\n // TODO beatify\n def query(left: Int, right: Int): Int = {\n var res = zero\n var r = right + n\n var l = left + n\n while (l < r) {\n if (l % 2 == 1) {\n res = commutative(res, t(l))\n l += 1\n }\n if (r % 2 == 1) {\n r -= 1\n res = commutative(res, t(r))\n }\n l /= 2\n r /= 2\n }\n res\n }\n }\n\n def solve: Int = {\n val t = nextInt\n var s = nextInt\n val q = nextInt\n var count = 0\n while (s < t) {\n s *= q\n count += 1\n }\n out.println(count)\n return 0\n }\n}\n"}], "negative_code": [{"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn._\n\nobject A extends App {\n val Array(t, s, q) = readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n\n var downloaded = s.toDouble\n var played = 0\n var started = 1\n\n var speed = (q - 1.0) / q\n\n while (downloaded < t) {\n downloaded += speed\n\n if (played + 1 <= downloaded) {\n played += 1\n } else {\n played = 0\n started += 1\n }\n }\n\n println(started)\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn._\n\nobject A extends App {\n val Array(t, s, q) = readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n\n var downloaded = s.toDouble\n var played = 0\n var started = 1\n\n var speed = (q - 1.0) / q\n\n while (downloaded < t) {\n downloaded += speed\n\n if (played + 1 <= downloaded) {\n played += 1\n } else {\n played = 1\n started += 1\n }\n }\n\n println(started)\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn._\n\nobject A extends App {\n val Array(t, s, q) = readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n\n var downloaded = s.toDouble\n var played = 0\n var started = 1\n\n var speed = (q - 1.0) / q\n\n downloaded += speed\n\n while (downloaded < t) {\n\n if (played + 1 <= downloaded) {\n played += 1\n } else {\n played = 1\n started += 1\n }\n\n downloaded += speed\n }\n\n println(started)\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn._\n\nobject A extends App {\n val Array(t, s, q) = readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n\n var downloaded = s.toDouble\n var played = 0\n var started = 1\n\n var speed = (q - 1.0) / q\n\n downloaded += speed\n\n while (downloaded < t) {\n\n if (played + 1 <= downloaded) {\n played += 1\n } else {\n played = 0\n started += 1\n }\n\n downloaded += speed\n }\n\n println(started)\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.StdIn._\n\nobject A extends App {\n val Array(t, s, q) = readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n\n var downloaded = s.toDouble\n var played = 0\n var started = 1\n\n var speed = (q - 1.0) / q\n\n while (downloaded < t) {\n downloaded += speed\n\n if (downloaded < t && played + 1 <= downloaded) {\n played += 1\n } else if (downloaded < t) {\n played = 0\n started += 1\n }\n }\n\n println(started)\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object Solution extends App{\n val in = scala.io.Source.stdin.getLines()\n val Array(t, s, q) = in.next().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n var downloaded = 2 * s * (q - 1)\n var count = 1\n while (downloaded < t) {\n downloaded += downloaded * (q - 1)\n count += 1\n }\n println(count)\n\n}\n"}], "src_uid": "0d01bf286fb2c7950ce5d5fa59a17dd9"} {"source_code": "object Main {\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val Array(n, r1, r0) = readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n if (n == 1 && r1 >= r0) println(\"YES\")\n else if (r1 > r0) {\n val angle = math.Pi / n\n if (r0.toDouble / (r1 - r0).toDouble - math.sin(angle) <= 0.000000001) println(\"YES\")\n else (println(\"NO\"))\n } else println(\"NO\")\n }\n}", "positive_code": [{"source_code": "object P140A extends App {\n\n val Array(n, bigR, r) = readLine.split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n\n def findSide(angle: Double, a: Double) = a / math.sin(math.toRadians(angle))\n\n val condition = if (n < 3) bigR >= n * r else math.abs(findSide(180.0 / n, r)) + r <= bigR\n\n print(if (condition) \"YES\" else \"NO\")\n\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object main {\n \n \n \n def main(args: Array[String]) = {\n \n val tokens = (readLine()) split \" \" map Integer.parseInt\n val n = tokens apply 0\n val R = tokens apply 1\n val r = tokens apply 2\n if (n == 1) {if (R >= r) println (\"YES\") else println(\"NO\")}\n else if ((R-r)*math.sin(math.Pi/n)>=r-0.00000001) println (\"YES\") else println(\"NO\")\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.Source\nobject A {\n\n def main(arg: Array[String]) = {\n val in = Source.stdin.getLine(0).split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n val n = in(0)\n val R = in(1).toDouble\n val r = in(2).toDouble\n\n if (n == 1) {\n if (r <= R)\n println(\"YES\")\n else\n println(\"NO\")\n } else if (r*2.0 > R)\n println(\"NO\")\n else {\n val a = Math.asin(r / (R - r))\n val fit = Math.floor(2 * Math.Pi / a + 1E-7).toInt / 2\n\n if (n <= fit)\n println(\"YES\")\n else\n println(\"NO\")\n }\n }\n}"}], "negative_code": [{"source_code": "import scala.io.Source\nobject A {\n\n def main(arg: Array[String]) = {\n val in = Source.stdin.getLine(0).split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n val n = in(0)\n val R = in(1).toDouble\n val r = in(2).toDouble\n\n if (n == 1) {\n if (r <= R)\n println(\"YES\")\n else\n println(\"NO\")\n } else if (r*2.0 > R)\n println(\"NO\")\n else {\n val a = Math.asin(r / (R - r))\n val fit = Math.floor(2 * Math.Pi / (a-(1E-7))).toInt / 2\n\n if (n <= fit)\n println(\"YES\")\n else\n println(\"NO\")\n }\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.Source\nobject A {\n\n def main(arg: Array[String]) = {\n val in = Source.stdin.getLine(0).split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n val n = in(0)\n val R = in(1).toDouble\n val r = in(2).toDouble\n\n if (n == 1) {\n if (r <= R)\n println(\"YES\")\n else\n println(\"NO\")\n } else if (r*2.0 > R)\n println(\"NO\")\n else {\n val a = Math.asin(r / (R - r))\n val fit = Math.floor(2 * Math.Pi / (a-0.001)).toInt / 2\n\n if (n <= fit)\n println(\"YES\")\n else\n println(\"NO\")\n }\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.Source\nobject A {\n\n def main(arg: Array[String]) = {\n val in = Source.stdin.getLine(0).split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n val n = in(0)\n val R = in(1).toDouble\n val r = in(2).toDouble\n\n if (n == 1) {\n if (r <= R)\n println(\"YES\")\n else\n println(\"NO\")\n } else if (r*2.0 > R)\n println(\"NO\")\n else {\n val a = Math.asin(r / (R - r))\n val fit = Math.floor(2 * Math.Pi / a).toInt / 2\n\n if (n <= fit)\n println(\"YES\")\n else\n println(\"NO\")\n }\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.Source\nobject A {\n\n def main(arg: Array[String]) = {\n val in = Source.stdin.getLine(0).split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n val n = in(0)\n val R = in(1).toDouble\n val r = in(2).toDouble\n\n if (n == 1) {\n if (r <= R)\n println(\"YES\")\n else\n println(\"NO\")\n } else if (r*2.0 > R)\n println(\"NO\")\n else {\n val a = Math.asin(r / (R - r))\n val fit = Math.floor(2 * Math.Pi / a + Math.EPS_DOUBLE).toInt / 2\n\n if (n <= fit)\n println(\"YES\")\n else\n println(\"NO\")\n }\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.Source\nobject A {\n\n def main(arg: Array[String]) = {\n val in = Source.stdin.getLine(0).split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n val n = in(0)\n val R = in(1).toDouble\n val r = in(2).toDouble\n\n if (n == 1) {\n if (r <= R)\n println(\"YES\")\n else\n println(\"NO\")\n } else if (r*2.0 > R)\n println(\"NO\")\n else {\n val a = Math.asin(r / (R - r))\n val fit = Math.floor(2 * Math.Pi / (a-(Math.EPS_DOUBLE))).toInt / 2\n\n if (n <= fit)\n println(\"YES\")\n else\n println(\"NO\")\n }\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.Source\nobject A {\n\n def main(arg: Array[String]) = {\n val in = Source.stdin.getLine(0).split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n val n = in(0)\n val R = in(1).toDouble\n val r = in(2).toDouble\n\n if (n == 1) {\n if (r <= R)\n println(\"YES\")\n else\n println(\"NO\")\n } else if (r*2.0 > R)\n println(\"NO\")\n else {\n val a = Math.asin(r / (R - r))\n val fit = Math.floor(2 * Math.Pi / (a+(Math.EPS_DOUBLE))).toInt / 2\n\n if (n <= fit)\n println(\"YES\")\n else\n println(\"NO\")\n }\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.Source\nobject A {\n\n def main(arg: Array[String]) = {\n val in = Source.stdin.getLine(0).split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n val n = in(0)\n val R = in(1).toDouble\n val r = in(2).toDouble\n\n if (n == 1) {\n if (r <= R)\n println(\"YES\")\n else\n println(\"NO\")\n } else if (r*2.0 > R)\n println(\"NO\")\n else {\n val a = Math.asin(r / (R - r))\n \n println (a)\n val fit = Math.floor(2 * Math.Pi / a + Math.EPS_DOUBLE).toInt / 2\n\n \n println (fit)\n if (n <= fit)\n println(\"YES\")\n else\n println(\"NO\")\n }\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "object Main {\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val Array(n, r1, r0) = readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n if (n == 1 && r1 >= r0) println(\"YES\")\n else if (r1 > r0) {\n val angle = math.Pi / n\n if (r0.toDouble / (r1 - r0).toDouble <= math.sin(angle)) println(\"YES\")\n else (println(\"NO\"))\n } else println(\"NO\")\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "object Main {\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val Array(n, r1, r0) = readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n if (n == 1 && r1 >= r0) println(\"YES\")\n else if (r1 > r0) {\n val angle = math.Pi / n\n if (r0.toDouble / (r1 - r0).toDouble - math.sin(angle) <= 0.0000001) println(\"YES\")\n else (println(\"NO\"))\n } else println(\"NO\")\n }\n}"}, {"source_code": "object Main {\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val Array(n, r1, r0) = readLine().split(\" \").map(_.toInt)\n if (n == 1 && r1 >= r0) println(\"YES\")\n else if (r1 > r0) {\n val angle = math.Pi / n\n if (r0.toDouble / (r1 - r0).toDouble - math.sin(angle) <= 0.001) println(\"YES\")\n else (println(\"NO\"))\n } else println(\"NO\")\n }\n}"}], "src_uid": "2fedbfccd893cde8f2fab2b5bf6fb6f6"} {"source_code": "import scala.collection._\n\nobject A extends App {\n \n def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(readLine)\n def readInts(n: Int) = { val t = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(t.nextToken.toInt) }\n def readLongs(n: Int) = { val t = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(t.nextToken.toLong) }\n def readBigs(n: Int) = { val t = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(BigInt(t.nextToken)) }\n\n val n = readInt\n val xs = readInts(n)\n \n for (i <- 1 until n) {\n val l1 = math.min(xs(i - 1), xs(i))\n val r1 = math.max(xs(i - 1), xs(i)) \n for (j <- 1 until n) {\n val l2 = math.min(xs(j - 1), xs(j))\n val r2 = math.max(xs(j - 1), xs(j))\n if ((l1 < l2 && r1 > l2 && r1 < r2) || (r1 > r2 && l1 > l2 && l1 < r2) ||\n (l2 < l1 && r2 > l1 && r2 < r1) || (r2 > r1 && l2 > l1 && l2 < r1)) {\n println(\"yes\")\n //println(i, j)\n exit\n }\n } \n }\n\n println(\"no\")\n}", "positive_code": [{"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\nimport java.io.PrintWriter\nimport scala.annotation.tailrec\nimport scala.collection.mutable\nimport scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer\nimport scala.util.Random\nimport scala.util.control.Breaks._\n\nobject P358A extends App {\n val sc = new Scanner(System.in)\n val out = new PrintWriter(System.out)\n\n val N = sc.nextInt\n val P = Array.fill(N)(sc.nextInt)\n\n var flag = false\n breakable {\n for (i <- 0 until N - 2; j <- (i + 2) until N - 1) {\n val a = P(i)\n val b = P(i + 1)\n val c = P(j)\n val d = P(j + 1)\n if ((c - a).signum * (c - b).signum * (d - a).signum * (d - b).signum < 0) {\n flag = true\n break\n }\n }\n }\n\n val res = if (flag) \"yes\" else \"no\"\n\n out.println(res)\n out.close\n}\n\n\n\n\n\n"}, {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\nimport scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer\n\nobject Solver extends App {\n val cin = new Scanner(System.in)\n \n val n = cin.nextInt\n cin.nextLine\n val points = cin.nextLine.split(\" \").map(_.toInt).toSeq\n\n val connections = for (i <- 0 until n - 1) yield (points(i), points(i + 1))\n \n var intersection = \"no\"\n connections.foreach { case (a, d) =>\n val p1 = Seq(a, d)\n val A = p1.min\n val D = p1.max\n \n connections.foreach { case (b, c) =>\n val p2 = Seq(b, c)\n val B = p2.min\n val C = p2.max\n \n if (B < D && D < C && A < B)\n intersection = \"yes\"\n }\n }\n \n println(intersection)\n}"}, {"source_code": "object Main {\n def main(args: Array[String]) {\n val n=readLine().toInt\n val a=readLine().split(\" \").map(_ toInt)\n val b=(0 until n-1).map(i=>(math.min(a(i),a(i+1)),math.max(a(i),a(i+1))))\n println( if (b.exists(e1=>b.exists(e2=>(e1._1<e2._1 && e2._1<e1._2 && e1._2<e2._2)\n || (e2._1<e1._1 && e1._1<e2._2 && e2._2<e1._2))))\n \"yes\"\n else \"no\")\n }\n}\n"}, {"source_code": "object Solution358A extends App {\n\n def solution() {\n val n = _int\n val coords = 1.to(n).map(_ => _int)\n val intervals = coords.zip(coords.tail)\n\n def norm(a: (Int, Int)): (Int, Int) = (scala.math.min(a._1, a._2), scala.math.max(a._1, a._2))\n\n def inside(a: (Int, Int), x: Int): Boolean = a._1 < x && x < a._2\n def oneInside(a: (Int, Int), b: (Int, Int)): Boolean = inside(a, b._1) ^ inside(a, b._2)\n\n def intersects(a: (Int,Int), b: (Int, Int)): Boolean = {\n val x = norm(a)\n val y = norm(b)\n val res = oneInside(x, y) && oneInside(y, x)\n if (res) {\n //println(a)\n //println(b)\n }\n res\n }\n\n val hasInt = intervals.find(a => {\n intervals.find(b => intersects(a, b)).isDefined\n }).isDefined\n\n if (hasInt) {\n println(\"yes\")\n } else {\n println(\"no\")\n }\n }\n\n //////////////////////////////////////////////////\n import java.util.Scanner\n val SC: Scanner = new Scanner(System.in)\n def _line: String = SC.nextLine\n def _int: Int = SC.nextInt\n def _long: Long = SC.nextLong\n def _string: String = SC.next\n solution()\n}"}, {"source_code": "import scala.io.Source\n\nobject Solution extends App {\n val in = Source.stdin.getLines()\n val n = in.next().toInt\n val data = in.next().split(' ').map(_.toInt).sliding(2).toList\n val r = data.forall{i => data.forall { j =>\n val minFirst = Math.min(i.head, i.last)\n val maxFirst = Math.max(i.head, i.last)\n val minSecond = Math.min(j.head, j.last)\n val maxSecond = Math.max(j.head, j.last)\n if (i == j)\n true\n else {\n val r = maxFirst <= minSecond || minFirst >= maxSecond || (maxFirst <= maxSecond && minFirst >= minSecond) ||\n (maxSecond <= maxFirst && minSecond >= minFirst)\n r\n }}}\n if (!r)\n println(\"yes\")\n else\n println(\"no\")\n}"}, {"source_code": "object A358 {\n\n import IO._\n import collection.{mutable => cu}\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val Array(n) = readInts(1)\n val in = readInts(n)\n val x = cu.ArrayBuffer.empty[(Int, Int)]\n for(i <- 1 until n)\n x.append((math.min(in(i-1), in(i)), math.max(in(i-1), in(i))))\n val res = x.sorted\n var break = false\n for(i <- res.indices; j <- res.indices if i!=j && !break) {\n if(res(i)._1 < res(j)._1 && res(i)._2 > res(j)._1 && res(j)._2 > res(i)._2) {\n println(\"yes\")\n break = true\n }\n }\n if(!break){\n println(\"no\")\n }\n }\n\n object IO {\n private val input = new java.io.BufferedReader(new java.io.InputStreamReader(System.in))\n\n @inline def read: String = input.readLine()\n\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(read)\n\n def readInt: Int = tokenizeLine.nextToken.toInt\n\n def readInts(n: Int): Array[Int] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine\n Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt)\n }\n\n def readLongs(n: Int): Array[Long] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine\n Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong)\n }\n\n def readBigs(n: Int): Array[BigInt] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine\n Array.fill(n)(BigInt(tl.nextToken))\n }\n }\n\n}\n"}], "negative_code": [{"source_code": "import scala.io.Source\n\nobject Solution extends App {\n val in = Source.stdin.getLines()\n val n = in.next().toInt\n val data = in.next().split(' ').map(_.toInt).sliding(2)\n val r = data.forall{i => data.forall { j =>\n val minFirst = Math.min(i.head, i.last)\n val maxFirst = Math.max(i.head, i.last)\n val minSecond = Math.min(j.head, j.last)\n val maxSecond = Math.max(j.head, j.last)\n if (i == j)\n true\n else {\n maxFirst <= minSecond || minFirst >= maxSecond || (maxFirst <= maxSecond && minFirst >= minSecond) ||\n (maxSecond <= maxFirst && minSecond >= minFirst)\n }}}\n if (!r)\n println(\"yes\")\n else\n println(\"no\")\n}"}, {"source_code": "import scala.collection._\n\nobject A extends App {\n \n def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(readLine)\n def readInts(n: Int) = { val t = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(t.nextToken.toInt) }\n def readLongs(n: Int) = { val t = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(t.nextToken.toLong) }\n def readBigs(n: Int) = { val t = tokenizeLine; Array.fill(n)(BigInt(t.nextToken)) }\n\n val n = readInt\n val xs = readInts(n)\n \n for (i <- 1 until n) {\n val l1 = xs(i - 1)\n val r1 = xs(i) \n for (j <- 1 until n) {\n val l2 = xs(j - 1)\n val r2 = xs(j)\n if ((l1 < l2 && r1 > l2 && r1 < r2) || (r1 > r2 && l1 > l2 && l1 < r2) ||\n (l2 < l1 && r2 > l1 && r2 < r1) || (r2 > r1 && l2 > l1 && l2 < r1)) {\n println(\"yes\")\n //println(i, j)\n exit\n }\n } \n }\n\n println(\"no\")\n}"}, {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\nimport java.io.PrintWriter\nimport scala.annotation.tailrec\nimport scala.collection.mutable\nimport scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer\nimport scala.util.Random\n\nobject P358A extends App {\n val sc = new Scanner(System.in)\n val out = new PrintWriter(System.out)\n\n val N = sc.nextInt\n val ps = List.fill(N / 2, 2)(sc.nextInt)\n val res = if (ps(0) == ps(0).sorted && ps(1) == ps(1).sorted.reverse) \"no\"\n else \"yes\"\n\n out.println(res)\n out.close\n}\n\n\n\n"}, {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\nimport java.io.PrintWriter\nimport scala.annotation.tailrec\nimport scala.collection.mutable\nimport scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer\nimport scala.util.Random\nimport scala.util.control.Breaks._\n\nobject P358A extends App {\n val sc = new Scanner(System.in)\n val out = new PrintWriter(System.out)\n\n val N = sc.nextInt\n val P = Array.fill(N)(sc.nextLong)\n\n var flag = false\n breakable {\n for (i <- 0 until N - 2; j <- (i + 1) until N - 1) {\n val a = P(i)\n val b = P(i + 1)\n val c = P(j)\n val d = P(j + 1)\n if ((c - a) * (c - b) * (d - a) * (d - b) < 0) {\n flag = true\n break\n }\n }\n }\n\n val res = if (flag) \"YES\" else \"NO\"\n\n out.println(res)\n out.close\n}\n\n\n\n\n\n"}, {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\nimport java.io.PrintWriter\nimport scala.annotation.tailrec\nimport scala.collection.mutable\nimport scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer\nimport scala.util.Random\nimport scala.util.control.Breaks._\n\nobject P358A extends App {\n val sc = new Scanner(System.in)\n val out = new PrintWriter(System.out)\n\n val N = sc.nextInt\n val P = Array.fill(N)(sc.nextLong)\n\n var flag = false\n breakable {\n for (i <- 0 until N - 2; j <- (i + 1) until N - 1) {\n val a = P(i)\n val b = P(i + 1)\n val c = P(j)\n val d = P(j + 1)\n if ((c - a) * (c - b) * (d - a) * (d - b) < 0) {\n flag = true\n break\n }\n }\n }\n\n val res = if (flag) \"yes\" else \"no\"\n\n out.println(res)\n out.close\n}\n\n\n\n\n\n"}, {"source_code": "import java.util.Scanner\nimport java.io.PrintWriter\nimport scala.annotation.tailrec\nimport scala.collection.mutable\nimport scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer\nimport scala.util.Random\n\nobject P358A extends App {\n val sc = new Scanner(System.in)\n val out = new PrintWriter(System.out)\n\n val N = sc.nextInt\n val ps = List.fill(N / 2, 2)(sc.nextInt).transpose\n val res = if (ps(0) == ps(0).sorted && ps(1) == ps(1).sorted.reverse) \"no\"\n else \"yes\"\n\n out.println(res)\n out.close\n}\n\n\n\n"}], "src_uid": "f1b6b81ebd49f31428fe57913dfc604d"} {"source_code": "object A672 {\n\n import IO._\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val Array(n) = readInts(1)\n val ret = (1 to 500).flatMap(x => x.toString.toCharArray)\n println(ret(n-1))\n }\n\n object IO {\n @inline def read: String = scala.io.StdIn.readLine\n\n @inline def tokenizeLine = new java.util.StringTokenizer(read)\n\n def readInts(n: Int): Array[Int] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine;\n Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toInt)\n }\n\n def readLongs(n: Int): Array[Long] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine;\n Array.fill(n)(tl.nextToken.toLong)\n }\n\n def readBigs(n: Int): Array[BigInt] = {\n val tl = tokenizeLine;\n Array.fill(n)(BigInt(tl.nextToken))\n }\n }\n\n}\n", "positive_code": [{"source_code": "import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer\nimport scala.io.StdIn\n\n/**\n * Created by whimsy on 16/7/11.\n */\n\n\n\nobject P672A extends App {\n def work() : Int = {\n// val n : Int = StdIn.readInt()\n val n = 3\n var cnt: Int = 0\n\n\n for (i <- 1 to n) {\n var t = i\n var ab = ArrayBuffer[Int]()\n while (t > 0) {\n ab += t % 10\n t = t / 10\n// println(t)\n }\n\n for (j <- 0 to ab.length) {\n println(cnt)\n cnt = cnt + 1\n if (cnt == n) {\n println(ab(j))\n return 1\n }\n }\n }\n return 0\n }\n\n def work2() : Int = {\n val n = StdIn.readInt()\n\n var content = \"\"\n var cnt = 0\n while (true) {\n cnt = cnt + 1\n content += cnt\n\n if (content.length >= n) {\n println(content.charAt(n - 1))\n return 1\n }\n }\n return 0\n }\n\n work2()\n}"}, {"source_code": "object Solution extends App {\n val lines = io.Source.stdin.getLines()\n val n = lines.next().toInt\n val str = (0 to 1000).mkString\n println(str(n))\n}\n"}], "negative_code": [], "src_uid": "2d46e34839261eda822f0c23c6e19121"} {"source_code": "import scala.io._\n\nobject Main {\n\n\tdef main(args: Array[String]) = {\n\t\t\n\t\tvar P = nextInt\n\t\t\n\t\tdef isPrimitiveRoot(x: Int, P: Int): Boolean = {\n\n\t\t\tdef rec(n: Int, powX: Int): Boolean =\n\t\t\t\tif (n == P - 1)\n\t\t\t\t\tpowX == 1\n\t\t\t\telse\n\t\t\t\t\tpowX != 1 && rec(n + 1, powX * x % P)\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\trec(1, x)\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tval roots = (1 until P) filter (isPrimitiveRoot(_, P))\n\t\t\n\t\tprintln(roots.size)\n\t}\n\n\tval in = new java.io.BufferedReader(new java.io.InputStreamReader(System.in));\n\tvar st = new java.util.StringTokenizer(\"\");\n\n\tdef next() = {\n\t\twhile (!st.hasMoreTokens())\n\t\t\tst = new java.util.StringTokenizer(in.readLine());\n\t\tst.nextToken();\n\t}\n\n\tdef nextInt() = java.lang.Integer.parseInt(next());\n\tdef nextDouble() = java.lang.Double.parseDouble(next());\n\tdef nextLong() = java.lang.Long.parseLong(next());\n}", "positive_code": [{"source_code": "import scala.io._\nimport java.util.StringTokenizer\nimport java.io.BufferedReader\n\nobject Main {\n \n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val P = nextInt\n \n def isPrimitiveRoot(x: Int, p: Int, acc: Int): Boolean =\n if (p == P - 1)\n acc == 1\n else\n acc != 1 &&\n isPrimitiveRoot(x, p + 1, acc * x % P)\n \n val answer = 1 until P count (x => isPrimitiveRoot(x, 1, x)) \n \n println (answer)\n }\n \n class Tokenizer(in: BufferedReader, splitOn: String = \" \\n\\t\\r\\f\")\n {\n private var tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(\"\")\n def readLine() = in.readLine() \n def nextToken(): String = {\n while (!tokenizer.hasMoreTokens) {\n val line = readLine\n if (line == null) return null\n tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(line, splitOn)\n }\n tokenizer.nextToken\n } \n def next[A](f: String => A) = f(nextToken)\n def nextSeq[A](f: () => A, count: Int) = (for (i <- 0 until count) yield f())\n }\n \n implicit val tokenizer = new Tokenizer(Console.in)\n \n def nextInt()(implicit t: Tokenizer) = t.next(_.toInt)\n def nextLong()(implicit t: Tokenizer) = t.next(_.toLong)\n def nextDouble()(implicit t: Tokenizer) = t.next(_.toDouble)\n def nextBigInt()(implicit t: Tokenizer) = t.next(BigInt(_))\n def nextSeq[A](f: () => A, count: Int = nextInt())(implicit t: Tokenizer) =\n (for (i <- 0 until count) yield f())\n}\n"}], "negative_code": [], "src_uid": "3bed682b6813f1ddb54410218c233cff"}