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We have tried other powders and this is certainly the best for us .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'certainly the best']]
It still seems freshly cooked 3 days later .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL']]
This brand and flavor was by far the best .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'flavor was by far the best']]
During strenuous activity I like the way it settles in my stomach before games and the energy it gave me .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL']]
I do this sometimes to see how long I can last , but moving it around solves any ' burn ' or anything immediately and is quite pleasurable spreading through the mouth .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', "solves any ' burn ' or anything immediately"], ['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'quite pleasurable']]
Sticking a handful into your mouth will keep you busy for a while and fill you up .####[]
New product for our house .####[['product', 'food general', 'positive', 'New']]
This is one of my favorite foods ever , and the lingering memory I have of Brazil .####[['foods', 'food general', 'positive', 'my favorite']]
We love this tea iced , nice licorice flavor .####[['tea', 'food general', 'positive', 'love'], ['tea', 'food quality', 'positive', 'nice licorice flavor']]
This is simply superb , absolutely heavenly in whatever recipe that requires a strong almond flavor .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'simply superb'], ['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'absolutely heavenly'], ['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'strong almond flavor']]
Just absolutely heavenly .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'Just absolutely heavenly']]
I was very impressed .####[]
Where these are always fresh !####[]
This coffee brews up a nice medium roast with exotic floral and berry notes .####[['coffee', 'food quality', 'positive', 'nice']]
When turning PB2 into peanut butter , don ' t add too much water , or the consistency will be funny and the taste gets a little diluted .####[]
Very good !####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'Very good']]
It is deliciously salty and crunchy .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'deliciously salty and crunchy']]
Highly Recommended !####[['NULL', 'food recommendation', 'positive', 'Highly Recommended']]
My dog is crazy for these sticks !####[['sticks', 'food quality', 'positive', 'crazy']]
I love Silk Very Vanilla Soymilk in the large cartons , and I was so happy when I was browsing through Amazon and came across these individual 8 - ounce containers####[['Silk Very Vanilla Soymilk', 'food general', 'positive', 'love'], ['Amazon', 'amazon availability', 'positive', 'NULL']]
I wrote amazon and they did give me a prompt refund , so their customer service is excellent . we have since opened some more bags and they do not seem as stale , but I still do not believe they taste as fresh as the ones from grocery .####[['amazon', 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL'], ['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'fresh']]
Maybe even a little better than regular pretzels .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'little better than regular pretzels']]
It is only $ . 54 per can at Walmart .####[]
By far , my favorite trail mix .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'favorite']]
Problem solved !####[]
Great product .####[['product', 'food general', 'positive', 'Great']]
I start each day with a cup of hot chocolate .####[['hot chocolate', 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL']]
I am not even sure what meat group they are selling .####[]
They all three love this food , and it is pretty nutritious for them , and no animal by - products .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'love'], ['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'pretty nutritious']]
The time needed in each has been quite different - from needing less ( to avoid boiling over ) to needing more .####[]
Absolutely horrible .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'negative', 'Absolutely horrible']]
The coffee was good , it just did not have the flavor I was expecting .####[['coffee', 'food general', 'positive', 'good'], ['NULL', 'food quality', 'neutral', 'just did not have the flavor I was expecting']]
Love the water packed instead of the gooeyness of oil .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'Love']]
They ' re the best of both worlds and last a long time with lots of flavor !####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'lots of flavor']]
I never even get close to that many though as I usually get my fix in around 20 .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL']]
The other flavors are equally good , too ! )####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'equally good , too']]
I am not allowed to have too much caffeine as it sets my heart arrythmias off .####[]
It ' s pleasantly , not overwhelmingly , sweet .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'not overwhelmingly , sweet']]
I have had less breakage and my hair is fuller looking and soft .####[]
I thought this would be different , but it ' s not .####[]
It is a great finishing salt for meats too !####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'great finishing salt for meats']]
I made my coffee the usual way but it was not strong enough .####[['coffee', 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL']]
I got them while they were on sale this month from Ama zon , and at the same price as the the other place , but I won ' t purchase them from Amazon for $ 25 per case####[['Amazon', 'amazon prices', 'negative', 'NULL']]
I ' ve not been a fan of the Keurig coffee , due to the weak nature of the brew . "####[['Keurig coffee', 'food quality', 'negative', 'weak nature of the brew']]
The usual assumption is that grade A is better than grade B but unlike eggs or meat , the grade refers to when the syrup is harvested , grade B being the more intensely flavored .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'more intensely flavored']]
They arrived quickly in perfect condition , and I truly enjoyed every bite of them !####[['NULL', 'shipment quality', 'positive', 'perfect'], ['NULL', 'shipment delivery', 'positive', 'quickly'], ['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'truly enjoyed']]
I ' m sure this is more like 75 % pear with a dash of veggies but it ' s better than nothing .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'better than nothing']]
I love that the bar was soft and chewy .####[['bar', 'food general', 'positive', 'love'], ['bar', 'food style_options', 'positive', 'soft'], ['bar', 'food style_options', 'positive', 'chewy']]
Not as tough like a fruit leather .####[]
I use to eat these as a kid and still do on occasion .####[]
This particular product isn ' t even available in our town ; probably not in our part of the world !####[]
I have no idea how to compare this to other brands price - wise because it is not sold in my state .####[['NULL', 'food prices', 'neutral', 'NULL']]
Good coffee and its a fair trade product so you can feel extra great inhaling the scent and complex yet simple flavors yet knowing you ' ve helped the earth and the people on it a bit in your small way .####[['coffee', 'food quality', 'positive', 'NULL'], ['coffee', 'food general', 'positive', 'Good']]
This tea is delightfully spiced !####[['tea', 'food quality', 'positive', 'delightfully spiced']]
I didn ' t like this coffee at all .####[['coffee', 'food general', 'negative', "didn ' t like"]]
Not really able to discern from the Natural Balance website . thanks .####[]
I was disappointed in the flavor and I have made better tea myself by adding a drop of Anise candy flavoring to green tea .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'negative', 'disappointed in the flavor']]
I first tasted this coffee in Lafayette , LA . . .####[]
I ' m not convinced that will culture without the lactose present , but supposedly it will .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'supposedly it will']]
She even gave me some for Christmas because she knew I couldn ' t have any of the other goodies people were bringing by .####[]
It makes a hearty cup with no bitter aftertaste .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'no bitter aftertaste']]
I do like to reuse and not waste and in this regard the My - Kap product is a good one for a low price .####[['My - Kap', 'food general', 'positive', 'good'], ['My - Kap', 'food prices', 'positive', 'low price']]
Avoid if possible , but not a total waste .####[['NULL', 'food recommendation', 'negative', 'Avoid'], ['NULL', 'food general', 'neutral', 'not a total waste']]
It works perfectly .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'perfectly']]
My cat loves Fancy Feast catfood .####[['Fancy Feast catfood', 'food general', 'positive', 'loves']]
I have to strain it 3 times .####[]
Now i hope u guys get those Oreo O ' s####[]
Of course , that would be my problem if the description was accurate , but it ' s not .####[]
Looking for it cheaper on line , but Lordy , 6 .####[]
The bag was smaller than I expected , but that ' s probably just me being bad at estimating things .####[['NULL', 'food style_options', 'negative', 'bag was smaller than I expected']]
Of all the other hot cereals by Bob ' s Red Mill this one is my favorite .####[["Bob ' s Red Mill", 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL']]
We ' re both a big fan of hazelnut coffee to begin with so this was perfect .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'perfect']]
So try these yummy cheese bites today ! : )####[['cheese bites', 'food quality', 'positive', 'yummy']]
Great deal for the quality of this Himalayan Salt !####[['Himalayan Salt', 'food quality', 'positive', 'NULL'], ['Himalayan Salt', 'food prices', 'positive', 'Great deal']]
Needs no sugar .####[]
I thought that one was ok , but when I tried this one , I realized there was a huge difference in terms of quality between the two .####[]
I disagree with the positive reviews .####[]
The item shown on the page is not the item I received .####[['NULL', 'shipment quality', 'negative', 'not the item I received']]
IF you get bored drinking water try Hint####[]
We got 35 cups and one 1 repeat .####[]
I have found this is also the best way to obtain them .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'best']]
The fact that they are organic and are sweetened with natural cane juice rather than added sugar like the name brand grocery store type makes them even better .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'sweetened with natural cane juice']]
The raw rooibos taste , without these " improvements " such as vanilla , is full - bodied and has its own unique taste .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'NULL'], ['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'NULL']]
The product is just ok , but being hounded to leave reviews / feedback prevents even a three star review .####[['product', 'food general', 'neutral', 'ok']]
This is 325mg Magnesium citrate only , and it is Really tart ! !####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'negative', 'NULL']]
I do feel there are others , though , who would appreciate a coffee lite .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'neutral', 'appreciate']]
It ' s great for cupcakes or standard cakes ; and it ' s fun to add fruit on top such as strawberries .####[['NULL', 'food style_options', 'positive', 'fun']]
These are not very hot .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'negative', 'not very hot']]
This purchase was bland and had no flavor .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'negative', 'bland and had no flavor']]
And their products are fantastic .####[['products', 'food general', 'positive', 'fantastic']]
An excellent good quality product that works as advertised - thank you for creating it ! !####[['product', 'food quality', 'positive', 'excellent good quality']]
This tea was very good .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'very good']]
I thought this was an exceptionally tasty cup of coffee - on par with coffee that has been brewed in a coffee maker .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'exceptionally tasty']]
A box shows up really fast UPS if you have Prime Shipping .####[['NULL', 'shipment delivery', 'positive', 'box shows up really fast']]
You know how it goes with dog snacks - sometimes your dog will eat them right away and wag his tail - other times he ' ll be really stubborn about it so you have to leave the treats on his plate by his water bowl .####[]
I like the flavor so much####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'like']]
We love these cherries , I have been buying them for a couple of years .####[['cherries', 'food general', 'positive', 'love']]
The third just hasn ' t decided yet .####[]
Not much of a coffee drinker but this Wolfgang Vienna brand is good .####[['Wolfgang Vienna', 'food general', 'positive', 'good']]
I guess it just depends on your taste .####[]
The fact that they ' re organic and made with spelt is a big plus also .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'organic']]
I get the assorted flavors , and there is not one that doesn ' t get inhaled .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'NULL']]
People keep comparing the price of different boxes without accounting for the cup - count .####[]
It ' s ideal they come in a 12 pack .####[['NULL', 'food style_options', 'positive', 'ideal they come in a 12 pack']]
I also give her Newman ' s dry dog food twice a day .####[]
A winner !####[]
They are still good for me , however , so I will continue to eat them until the bag is finished .####[]
It is just a top quality product .####[['product', 'food quality', 'positive', 'just a top quality']]
Delicious bbq sauce .####[['bbq sauce', 'food quality', 'positive', 'Delicious']]
If you enjoy having mouthgasm after mouthgasm , you ' ll fall in love with Hello Pandas .####[['Hello Pandas', 'food general', 'positive', 'love']]
Chocolate chips and coconut oil melted together and then frozen in ice cube trays .####[['coconut oil', 'food style_options', 'positive', 'NULL']]
The matcha underneath definitely takes on an earthy flavor , and I can ' t help but wonder if the spiciness isn ' t at least in part from the matcha that the pistachio flavoring is just bringing to the foreground .####[['matcha', 'food quality', 'positive', 'NULL'], ['matcha', 'food quality', 'positive', 'NULL']]
The amount that I ate in another can was way too salty for my taste and amounts to more than half of my personal limit of 1500 mg Sodium per day .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'negative', 'too salty'], ['NULL', 'food quality', 'negative', 'NULL']]
Not honest to their costumer .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'negative', 'Not honest']]
The combo of raisons and dark choc is wonderful !####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'wonderful']]
My dogs just love these treats !####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'just love']]
I believe it does have a diuretic and possibly laxative effect , and it is supposedly good for the liver .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'good']]
I ' ll tell you how I love Claxton fruitcake .####[['Claxton fruitcake', 'food general', 'positive', 'love']]
Move over disgusting chemical / dye laden lollipops !####[]
I ' m happy .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'happy']]
That ' s the reason for 4 stars####[]
I just ate the last can .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'just ate the last can']]
The cashews were big & very few broken .####[['cashews', 'food style_options', 'positive', 'big & very few broken']]
Absolutely gross !####[['NULL', 'food general', 'negative', 'Absolutely gross']]
Granted sometimes he eats around the carrots , peas and green beans , but he does eat them .####[]
BUT . . . . . . at the current ( 9 April 2010 ) tarriff of $ 7 .####[['NULL', 'food prices', 'neutral', 'current']]
Glad I found it here !####[['NULL', 'amazon availability', 'positive', 'Glad']]
Everyone who tried this was impressed with the flavor .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'impressed with the flavor']]
Very tasty .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'Very tasty']]
The seller however was a very slow service I thought it would never get here .####[['NULL', 'shipment delivery', 'negative', 'very slow service']]
They are nicely seasoned with ample black pepper .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'nicely seasoned with ample black pepper']]
I also like that they seem to melt in his mouth pretty quickly .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL']]
He told me that they used coconut water to replace blood plasma in World War II .####[]
Crunchy nuts , chewy fruits , luscious yogurt !####[]
The two best coffees in the world ( in my humble opinion ) Are Kona and jamaican Blue mountain .####[['Kona and jamaican Blue mountain', 'food quality', 'positive', 'best']]
I used this product in a toffee bar that I baked .####[['product', 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL']]
It has a fresh mild taste , but does not have that grassy taste like you ' re drinking something that was part of your lawn .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'fresh mild taste']]
I will be looking elsewhere - - no longer wanting to pay premium price for mediocre products .####[['products', 'food general', 'negative', 'mediocre']]
Fortunately , the person I bought it for doesn ' t mind , but beware that it is not the actual item they show on the buying page .####[]
It ' s yummy , comes in smaller boxes ( portion control anyone ? ! ) and you can ' t beat this price on Amazon .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'yummy'], ['Amazon', 'amazon prices', 'positive', "can ' t beat this price"]]
A friend of mine gave me one pack for my kitty .####[]
The best benefit is that the " tummy problems " are so much better .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'much better']]
My fiance and I love making the drinks , it makes us feel special : )####[]
Instead , there ' s just artificial strawberry and a bit of tang .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'negative', 'just artificial strawberry and a bit of tang']]
Love these resealable bags , since Pandas do tend to dry out . this is the problem i find with the boxes , even after you close them properly .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'Love']]
I bought it for the purpose of transporting after using it , but it ' s not possible .####[]
These bones last him forever , at least 3 - 4 months at a time .####[['bones', 'food general', 'positive', 'last him forever']]
It ' s good , really good !####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'good , really good']]
However for me , the Keurig can make a cup of coffee , a cup of decaf and a cup of tea in under three minutes .####[]
Good flavor and texture neither the pepper or the maple overpowers this jerky .####[['jerky', 'food quality', 'positive', 'Good flavor'], ['jerky', 'food style_options', 'positive', 'NULL']]
Despite the initial oohing and ahing over the pretty blue flowers , this is a regrettable purchase .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'negative', 'regrettable purchase'], ['NULL', 'food style_options', 'positive', 'pretty blue flowers']]
You make them as sweet as you want or add no sugar at all .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL']]
The BEST mashed potatoes I ' ve ever had . . .####[['mashed potatoes', 'food general', 'positive', 'BEST']]
I am looking for rawhide bones such as these made in the USA .####[]
It tastes fine and is good for hydration and electrolytes , though you could take regular purified water and add some minerals and lemon or vegetable juice for similar benefits .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'tastes fine'], ['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'good for hydration and electrolytes']]
I like to use vinegar instead of water with it because I think it tastes better that way####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'tastes better']]
They are soft and fresh - tasting , and also come with lots of liquid .####[['NULL', 'food style_options', 'positive', 'soft'], ['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'fresh - tasting'], ['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'lots of liquid']]
Arrived in a timely manner .####[['NULL', 'shipment delivery', 'positive', 'Arrived in a timely manner']]
Cons - They are easily chewed through ; thus , your dog will likely finish them quickly .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'negative', 'easily chewed']]
They are delicious though and you save a dollar per bag through amazon vs .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'delicious'], ['amazon', 'amazon prices', 'positive', 'save a dollar per bag']]
All of them were basted or really more like stained in duck flavor - - my dog , who was usually so excited to get one of these treats , left it on the floor untouched .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'negative', 'NULL']]
I bit into my first gluten - free pretzel with trepidation , but they are good !####[['gluten - free pretzel', 'food general', 'positive', 'good']]
I think it may have caused upset stomach .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'negative', 'caused upset stomach']]
I gave my bottles away .####[]
This is now the only coffee I order for my Keurig .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'the only coffee I order for my Keurig']]
That is extra profit for them####[]
No aftertaste as well .####[]
I ' ve tried fancy bars , local bars , hand - poured bars , organic bars , and almost everything else , and THIS is my favorite .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'favorite']]
Very good , will make this again .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'Very good']]
I will buy these again in this quantity .####[['NULL', 'food recommendation', 'positive', 'will buy these again in this quantity']]
I just wonder did I get a bad batch of figs .####[]
They have one with cooked chicken and kalamatas that will knock your socks off .####[['NULL', 'food style_options', 'positive', 'NULL']]
The flavors were minimally pleasant and reminded me of the chips on airlines flights when the choice is chips or pretzels .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'minimally pleasant']]
I ' ll keep purchasing this delicious drink wherever I can find it .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL']]
He loves them !####[]
What I received had a totally different ingredients list , including certain things which I don ' t eat ( like sucralose / splenda ) .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'negative', 'totally different ingredients']]
However , it really is overpowering and although it has a decent smoky flavor the salt is just way too much .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'negative', 'salt is just way too much']]
Was told I would get a refund but the e - mail from Amazon indicates a replacement is being sent .####[['Amazon', 'shipment delivery', 'positive', 'NULL']]
I did not get to taste the worms , because when they got to me , the package was OPEN and worms were all out in the cardboard box !####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'negative', 'NULL'], ['NULL', 'shipment quality', 'negative', 'NULL']]
Even my kids all like it .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'like']]
The best sauce I have ever bought .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'best sauce']]
We have tried many different blue cheeses on our grilled NY steaks .####[]
I do enjoy this product but will not be purchasing again because of the wheat .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'enjoy']]
I love Pamela ' s Baking Mix for nearly everything else , but Bob ' s is my favorite pancake mix for sure .####[["Pamela ' s Baking Mix", 'food general', 'positive', 'love'], ['Bob', 'food general', 'positive', 'my favorite']]
It was great , until it rained .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'great']]
I was quite surprised by their taste , which is very good .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'very good']]
Actually I haven ' t used this version , I use Rose Pride Aerosol and the organic RX 3 in 1 , which don ' t need to be mixed and can be sprayed directly from the can .####[]
He is very picky and I have to admit that they taste better than regular pretzels .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'taste better']]
Purchase this item for all at KFORDHEALTH CARE STAFFING , needless to say they love it .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'love']]
Coffee Masters Creme Brulee is a true delight !####[['Coffee Masters Creme Brulee', 'food quality', 'positive', 'delight']]
Way to much salt .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'negative', 'Way to much salt']]
Love this product .####[['product', 'food general', 'positive', 'Love']]
Now I find out that this product is not eligible for return .####[['product', 'food general', 'negative', 'not eligible for return']]
They ' re perfect for medium sized dogs who are powerful chewers .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'perfect']]
Thank you .####[]
I LOVE funnel cakes but was afraid this would not taste like the real thing at carnivals . friends and family LOVED it !####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'LOVED']]
It ' s not something I would crave because of the taste , but for a protein shake it ' s really very good !####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'really very good']]
I ' m sure I ' ll be buying this product in the future .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'buying this product in the future']]
I order some on Amazon and have it delivered to her house .####[['Amazon', 'shipment delivery', 'positive', 'NULL']]
Entertain quite a bit .####[]
Good choice as a coffee nobody will dislike yet not a flavor for those who like a really strong wake - up .####[['coffee', 'food general', 'positive', 'Good choice']]
One of my favorites .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'One of my favorites']]
So now they keep coming and I ' m enjoying my Trio bars every evening as part of my bedtime snack .####[['Trio bars', 'food general', 'positive', 'enjoying']]
It had a mild but bold enough flavor for me that I could drink it in the am and have an afternoon cup when feeling sluggish .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'mild but bold enough flavor']]
In researching dandelion root , I came across a lot of different , sometimes contradictory claims , none of which seem to be backed up by any serious research .####[['dandelion root', 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL']]
It is not available in supermarkets .####[]
My cat completely ignores this flavor .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'negative', 'completely ignores']]
They were so moist , and delicious .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'so moist , and delicious']]
So I purchased them through Amazon and let me tell you this is the ONLY way I ' ll ever buy these again .####[['Amazon', 'amazon availability', 'positive', "the ONLY way I ' ll ever buy these again"]]
Well , yes , I agree , although , I would have given this excellent cat food the highest rating .####[['cat food', 'food general', 'positive', 'excellent']]
One doesn ' t criticize an apple because it doesn ' t taste like an orange .####[]
No milk is needed !####[['NULL', 'food style_options', 'positive', 'NULL']]
So I am stuck with 3 bags of hot chocolate .####[]
Just what I needed .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'Just what I needed']]
The flavor does resemble that of a blueberry muffin more than of an actual blueberry .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'NULL']]
Is a " soupy " cheese & noodles .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'negative', '" soupy " cheese & noodles']]
This is very tasty drink with the right amount of flavors .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'very tasty'], ['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'right amount of flavors']]
It ' s almost gone and so far , all the black ones are not the licorice ( and that is the good flavor compared to the other one , ick ! ) same goes to the white ones and the there was only one pair of the blue to be played : (####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'good flavor']]
You only use about 1 / 3 the quantity to get the same strength .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'NULL']]
Don ' t purchase unless you can be assured that you are getting the unadulterated product .####[]
I do not like all of the ingredients but guess I have to live with it . i work hard to keep my dogs teeth clean .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'negative', 'do not like all of the ingredients']]
Drain cleaner ?####[]
They ' re also great for administering pills , which fit snugly in the center and are immediately wolfed down , without a second thought .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'great']]
I have used this product for many years , I am happy that Amazon has it !####[['Amazon', 'amazon availability', 'positive', 'happy']]
After reading the other review for this wonderful cat food , I wondered why the previous reviwer had decided to give it less than 5 stars ?####[]
I would definitely recommend this product ! ! !####[['product', 'food recommendation', 'positive', 'definitely recommend']]
Highly recommended .####[['NULL', 'food recommendation', 'positive', 'Highly recommended']]
My sister received this as a birthday present .####[]
This is the perfect medium roast K - cup .####[['K - cup', 'food general', 'positive', 'perfect']]
Since no cat eats a whole can at one sitting , those poor things that had to " settle " for Trout or some such later wander over and get their fair share of the stew .####[]
This is my favorite GF pancake mix so far .####[['GF pancake mix', 'food general', 'positive', 'my favorite']]
I was wrong .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'negative', 'wrong']]
These are the best tasting cookies ever !####[['cookies', 'food quality', 'positive', 'best tasting']]
I would dig tender roots or " bark " a few trees for a delightful tea .####[]
I drink 3 - 4 cups a day simply because nothing else tastes this good .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'nothing else tastes this good']]
I thought the two together made a " warm comfort " gift for some cold , winter evening .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', '" warm comfort " gift']]
Decent , strong cup with overtones of Italian or French roasts .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'Decent']]
As noted by other reviewers , I don ' t know the Eco friendliness of the packaging , since you are trading out a small plastic cup for a small plastic pouch .####[['NULL', 'shipment quality', 'negative', "don ' t know the Eco friendliness of the packaging"]]
These really do work !####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'really do work']]
But I found these bars that meet it and also taste great .####[['bars', 'food quality', 'positive', 'great']]
It was nice to have a larger size bag .####[['NULL', 'food style_options', 'positive', 'nice to have a larger size bag']]
I ' ve read elsewhere the regular caffeine users do not benefit from this kind of energy drink - -####[['NULL', 'food general', 'negative', 'NULL']]
Those hot days are coming soon .####[]
I enjoyed the popcorn and so did most of my roomates ( 8 ) .####[['popcorn', 'food general', 'positive', 'enjoyed']]
I don ' t understand why my local stores don ' t carry this item .####[]
I guess for people who like sugar added to peanut butter will like it , but I do not like it .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'negative', 'not like']]
A bigger problem is trying not to eat them all immediately .####[]
I will probably get them again for him since his teeth are really sparkling .####[]
This is the best drink to have over ice on a hot day . .####[['drink', 'food general', 'positive', 'best']]
She said that they are absolutely beautiful !####[]
My golden retriever absolutely love these .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'absolutely love']]
The resealable bag keeps the product fresh .####[['product', 'food quality', 'positive', 'fresh']]
If only they sold it in more places !####[]
They are small and easy to carry in your pocket .####[['NULL', 'food style_options', 'neutral', 'small'], ['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'easy to carry']]
3 cans equal one large container and it ' s cheaper than you can buy it in the grocery stores .####[['NULL', 'food prices', 'positive', 'cheaper']]
However , the fact that there is somewhat less of a mess with the Keurig pod , consumers are more apt to go with this convenience than with the recycling aspect .####[]
The flavor of ginger is strong and it packs a punch .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'flavor of ginger is strong']]
There is so much wrong information about protein , Hemp is a excellent source that is easily digestible and is a highly bioavailable protein .####[['Hemp', 'food quality', 'positive', 'easily digestible and is a highly bioavailable protein']]
Or , serve with coffee , juice , eggs and crumpets ( or English muffins ) foran old - time British - style Breakfast , like I had on a trip to England many years ago .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'serve with coffee , juice , eggs and crumpets']]
. . it IS a delicious cereal otherwise .####[['cereal', 'food quality', 'positive', 'delicious']]
It ' s amazing what a little Mg can do !####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'amazing']]
I was glad to find it on Amazon .####[['Amazon', 'amazon availability', 'positive', 'glad']]
It doesn ' t necessarily have a bad taste , just an unexpected one .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'negative', "doesn ' t necessarily have a bad taste , just an unexpected one"]]
I LOVE PB , but try not to eat too much because it is so calorie dense .####[['PB', 'food general', 'neutral', 'calorie dense']]
The Lime n Chili flavor is my favorite with the Habanero BBQ being a close second .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'favorite']]
Be warned , it does say pumpkin spice Latte , so when the cup produces a foam , it was designed to do that .####[['pumpkin spice Latte', 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL']]
I have long been searching for a wonderful , not - too - bitter green tea , and this one by Numi has it all !####[['green tea', 'food general', 'positive', 'wonderful'], ['green tea', 'food quality', 'positive', 'not - too - bitter']]
This is chock full of trace minerals that your body needs .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'NULL']]
I will definetly be ordering this again ! !####[]
A great buy for those who want natural peanut butter flavor without all the calories and fat .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'great buy']]
Goya ' s Tembleque ( Puerto Rican Style Coconut Pudding ) is absolutely DELICIOUS !####[["Goya ' s Tembleque", 'food quality', 'positive', 'absolutely DELICIOUS']]
I use this as a hair detangler out of the shower , as make - up remover , face and body moisturizer , and lip balm .####[]
As for the taste , it is very light and a bit nutty .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'very light'], ['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'bit nutty']]
Hope this helps .####[]
I don ' t like tomato soup but my wife made me try Amy ' s tomato soup .####[]
When I run out ( probably sometime next year ! ) , I will likey purchase Miss Vicky brand of jalapeno chips , and I plan to try the other flavors of Kettle - brand chips .####[]
We received this in a dinner variety pack and tried it for the first time today .####[]
What a relief . we are happily using it again and our food has perked up !####[['food', 'food general', 'positive', 'happily']]
It has the perfect texture and taste to complement the meat and it melts perfectly .####[['NULL', 'food style_options', 'positive', 'perfect texture'], ['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'taste'], ['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'melts perfectly']]
Temptations and turkey is her favorite .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'favorite']]
It was just not for us####[]
I also thought it worked fairly quickly .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'fairly quickly']]
This is the best lemon cookie that I have ever tasted .####[['cookie', 'food general', 'positive', 'best'], ['cookie', 'food quality', 'positive', 'best']]
It goes on very smooth and stays on for awhile .####[]
I am a huge fan of Genisoy Soy Crisps ( Deep Sea Salted flavor ) .####[['Genisoy Soy Crisps', 'food general', 'positive', 'huge fan']]
Pretty similar to the stuff I drank at Joyful in Japan .####[]
When I need flowers again , I know where I will be ordering from .####[]
Flamin ' Buffalo Chick + A1 are my all time favorites .####[["Flamin ' Buffalo Chick + A1", 'food general', 'positive', 'all time favorites']]
The texture is OK , but not what I would expect from a " jerky " . .####[['NULL', 'food style_options', 'neutral', 'OK'], ['NULL', 'food style_options', 'negative', 'not']]
They look a bit like raisins but are plumper and sweeter .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'bit like raisins']]
Since they are a soft treat , you can easily break them into smaller pieces if you want .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'soft']]
Just a 1 tsp in a half glass of water and it ' s gone .####[]
Highly recommend them to all .####[['NULL', 'food recommendation', 'positive', 'Highly recommend']]
This gum tastes really great . but the flavor doesn ' t last long .####[['gum', 'food quality', 'positive', 'really great'], ['gum', 'food quality', 'neutral', "doesn ' t last long"]]
Emeril ' s brew is excellent .####[["Emeril ' s brew", 'food general', 'positive', 'excellent']]
It seems the almond & apricot bars were changed when they switched from the 8 pack to the 12 pack so that they added more apricot or sweetness in some way .####[['almond & apricot bars', 'food general', 'negative', 'changed']]
Very disappointed in this product !####[['product', 'food general', 'negative', 'Very disappointed']]
If you are used to eating regular peanut butter ( like JIF or Peter Pan ) , this will probably not be palatable to you .####[]
item was a good deal .####[['NULL', 'amazon prices', 'positive', 'good']]
Great cookie .####[['cookie', 'food general', 'positive', 'Great']]
Can ' t buy it anywhere near where I live but it makes the best caramel corn ever .####[['caramel corn', 'food quality', 'positive', 'best']]
It ' s really good and family enjoy it too .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'really good'], ['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'enjoy it too']]
I ' m confused though as to the benefits of it being Organic .####[]
I have this on subscribe and save and an glad they offered this as we won ' t run out ! !####[['NULL', 'food prices', 'positive', 'glad they offered']]
The best description I can come up with is " Sawdust surrounded by wax .####[]
I love the peanut taste and the crispness .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'love the peanut taste']]
Good thing there was plenty of shell in these or I wouldn ' t have a house anymore .####[['shell', 'food style_options', 'positive', 'plenty']]
i was introduced to these chips by a friend . i couldnt find them local , so i got them here . they are the BEST chips super addicting . even my sister who gags at the taste of onions LOVES these chips . the delivery was speedy and it is well worth ordering a box . super tasty !####[['chips', 'food general', 'positive', 'BEST'], ['chips', 'food general', 'positive', 'super addicting'], ['NULL', 'amazon availability', 'positive', 'couldnt find them local , so i got them here'], ['delivery', 'shipment delivery', 'positive', 'speedy']]
My son drinks gallons of green tea .####[]
Nuts arrived in good time .####[['NULL', 'shipment delivery', 'positive', 'arrived in good time']]
Its hard to describe the taste of one these hot out of the oven , and they ' re just as fabulous cold .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'fabulous']]
The light carbonation adds to the refreshment .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL']]
As other reviewers have said , this popcorn does not work in the air popper .####[['popcorn', 'food general', 'neutral', 'does not work in the air popper']]
Shipping is fast .####[['Shipping', 'shipment delivery', 'positive', 'fast']]
But thats why you are buying t after all . . .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL']]
But it ' s great both hot or cold , I really enjoy it everytime####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'great'], ['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'really enjoy']]
- how about the cups as well as the cans ?####[]
These are delicious !####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'delicious']]
I agree with Cavalier , having bought 2 - 3 orders in Dec . 2009 , all of which were burnt .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'negative', 'burnt']]
Thanks Orgain .####[]
I would have the dogs chew them outside####[]
They didn ' t mass produce Sweet Baby Rays until the mid 90 ' s so your product review is based on a completely different product or you clicked on the wrong link / product to review .####[['Sweet Baby Rays', 'food general', 'neutral', 'NULL']]
I know , dried fruit has a " high glycemic index .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'high glycemic index']]
These bars are so good .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'so good']]
80 per cup .####[]
You don ' t have to use a lot so the container will last ! !####[['NULL', 'food style_options', 'positive', 'container will last']]
Yum .####[]
The cheddar flavor is THE BEST .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'cheddar flavor is THE BEST']]
Much better than their tea bags .####[['tea bags', 'food general', 'positive', 'better']]
My grains revived in less time than the instructions suggested , in 2 - 3 days .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'negative', 'NULL']]
Absolutely perfect .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'Absolutely perfect']]
The lemon flavor is not overpowering and doesn ' t have a " fake " taste that other diet products seem to have .####[['products', 'food quality', 'positive', 'lemon flavor is not overpowering'], ['products', 'food quality', 'positive', 'doesn \' t have a " fake " taste']]
I don ' t have to use as much as the conventional table salt and####[['NULL', 'food style_options', 'positive', 'conventional']]
I wasn ' t able to find them .####[]
Nice flavor , and it mixed very well .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'Nice'], ['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'mixed very well']]
This is fast and convenient .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'fast and convenient']]
Throw a dozen eggs into a blender and compare them to this product , they taste the same and you don ' t need to deal with the shell !####[]
A friend had this product , and after i tried it , was hooked .####[['product', 'food general', 'positive', 'hooked']]
I have used it for cooking and for baked goods .####[]
This replaced my former favorite , Lurpak from Denmark .####[]
As truffle lovers , we took a truffle hunting trip with Truffle Hunters , the makers of this oil .####[]
The crispness of all of Reed ' s####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'crispness']]
The Italian roast is the best we have ever had .####[['Italian roast', 'food general', 'positive', 'best']]
This is the only food that she scarfs down like a real dog .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'only food that she scarfs']]
Buying them on Amazon saved me a considerable amount of money as well !####[['Amazon', 'amazon prices', 'positive', 'saved me a considerable amount of money']]
I would highly recommend this tea who wants to enjoy the finest cup of tea .####[['tea', 'food recommendation', 'positive', 'highly recommend']]
It makes the most amazing iced - tea in the summer .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'most amazing']]
I really enjoy this coffee . the flavor is very good ! !####[['coffee', 'food general', 'positive', 'really enjoy'], ['coffee', 'food quality', 'positive', 'very good']]
Note in the picture that the blue raspberry bear is GREEN !####[]
But my lab destroyed the rope and ate the plastic stopper very quickly .####[]
This is my favorite coffee out of all coffees , other than German coffee .####[['coffee', 'food general', 'positive', 'my favorite']]
Would recommend these bones to any large dog owner .####[['bones', 'food recommendation', 'positive', 'NULL']]
Did someone buy this , decide they didn ' t like it and pawn it back off on someone else ?####[]
You probably could break these up and put them in milk and eat them for breakfast just like frosted flakes .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'like']]
Some people think that they are a little stinky , but the smell doesn ' t bother me , and the dogs love ' em .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'love']]
They taste great !####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'taste great']]
It is sweet so no sugar needs to be added and has a nice spice to it as well !####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'sweet'], ['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'nice spice']]
Every bite is pure heaven .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'pure heaven']]
If you are trying to get a preventative dose of glucosamine in a treat look elsewhere .####[]
I love them because of the organic ingredients , no artificial coloring or flavors , and it ' s low cal , which means I can offer her an extra treat now and then .####[['NULL', 'food style_options', 'positive', 'love'], ['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'NULL']]
Luckily , it looks very nice sitting out on the counter .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'very nice']]
The cheese bites are shaped like cute little squares or triangles .####[['cheese bites', 'food style_options', 'positive', 'cute little squares or triangles']]
The flavor of the salt is very nice !####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'very nice']]
These cookies give the chocolate lover a satisfying chocolate experience .####[['cookies', 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL']]
I expected a little more flavor .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'negative', 'expected a little more flavor']]
Talk about making a killing ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !####[]
Tastes great !####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'Tastes great']]
They ' re a great no - fat treat that have only sweet potatoes as an ingredient .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'great'], ['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'sweet potatoes as an ingredient']]
100 % grade B has a stronger maple taste and is not always found in stores .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'stronger maple taste'], ['NULL', 'amazon availability', 'positive', 'not always found in stores']]
I gave 4 stars and not 5 only because it ' s a little too sugary sometimes####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'negative', 'too sugary']]
The packets don ' t have enough in them to make a great cup of hot chocolate , so this canister is perfect as you can put in the amount you want to make the taste perfect !####[['canister', 'food general', 'positive', 'perfect'], ['canister', 'food quality', 'positive', 'perfect']]
I think this tea is a fair alternative to taking another pill .####[]
My dog even likes the toy by itself and will gnaw on it for awhile .####[]
I loved these crackers .####[['crackers', 'food general', 'positive', 'loved']]
But be awarethat this is one of the harder plants to grow .####[]
It was not too sweet and that was perfect because the pie filling was .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'perfect']]
I bought them to put in welcome guest bags for our destination wedding .####[]
I buy these on the subscription plan to save even more money .####[['NULL', 'amazon prices', 'positive', 'NULL']]
I drink it without sweeteners , and also cold .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL']]
These bars are no exception , purely healthy ingredients , so I feel good about eating them .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'purely healthy ingredients']]
WELL WORTH THE Price .####[['NULL', 'food prices', 'positive', 'WELL WORTH']]
It can make some real good comfort pastas .####[]
Consider my 2 stars as " generous . "####[]
This is a somewhat better price than I can get in my little local grocery store , and fresher from Amazon .####[['Amazon', 'amazon prices', 'positive', 'better price']]
If you like an everyday good cup of coffee , I think you will like this .####[['coffee', 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL']]
I was alittle reluctant to buy this . instant rice in the microwave is so easy i couldnt see spending the $ on this .####[]
She just chews and bites and chews - - keeps her busy for quite some time .####[]
While it was ok , it just didnt hit the spot .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'neutral', 'NULL']]
Kix cereal is absolutely delicious .####[['Kix cereal', 'food quality', 'positive', 'absolutely delicious']]
I have the extras at work .####[]
My daughter was in Seattle visiting us this year and asked me if I wanted anything from the market .####[]
I found I need a few to do trial and error to get the right level of water for me .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL']]
It says just add beef , but you will also need to supply the rice or potatoes for it to go over , there is quite a bit of sauce .####[]
The only thing that I ' d change is , I ' d like a lightly salted version ; I don ' t always want that much salt .####[]
And on top of all I like the fact that the company donates a percentage of their profits .####[]
It was dinner for us .####[]
They were really fresh and tasted absolutely delicious !####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'really fresh'], ['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'absolutely delicious']]
The flavored coffees are getting on my nerves and this is just a good everyday coffee flavor .####[['coffee', 'food quality', 'positive', 'good']]
What kind I say about this product ?####[]
There ' s a distinct but not bad taste at all , and it cuts the " just fruit " taste of the smoothie .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'neutral', 'distinct but not bad taste at all'], ['NULL', 'food quality', 'neutral', 'cuts the " just fruit " taste of the smoothie']]
Not bitter but full bodied , so goood !####[['NULL', 'food style_options', 'positive', 'goood']]
The added texture , of the ground pecan , made it even better !####[['NULL', 'food style_options', 'positive', 'even better']]
When I came across these Hot Cocoa K - cups , I took a chance .####[]
Tastes like my favorite steak place ! !####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'Tastes like my favorite steak place']]
Holds plenty of K - cups and looks neat and tidy .####[['NULL', 'food style_options', 'positive', 'looks neat and tidy']]
These bars are really fruity and chewy even with all the nuts in it .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'really fruity'], ['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'chewy'], ['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'NULL']]
It made a very large amount too !####[['NULL', 'food style_options', 'positive', 'very large']]
They are acceptable with milk or yogurt , but I could just as easily buy regular granola and not have to break it up ( they don ' t break easily ) .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'acceptable']]
LOVE IT ! ! !####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'LOVE']]
My husband said it could be better so I ' m not sure if I like it because I can ' t remember what good pizza crust tastes like or if my husband is just being picky ?####[['NULL', 'food general', 'negative', "could be better so I ' m not sure if I like it because"]]
Thanks Amazon .####[['Amazon', 'amazon prices', 'positive', 'Thanks']]
I got a lot of crumbs .####[['NULL', 'shipment quality', 'negative', 'got a lot of crumbs']]
We buy a lot of Beef Jerky and usually Jack Links .####[]
A bit of a bitter aftertaste if you ask me .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'negative', 'bit of a bitter aftertaste']]
I nearly broke my front tooth ( at least it felt that way ) biting into them .####[]
The tart cherry juice helps not only with arthritis but other things too .####[['The tart cherry juice', 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL']]
These are the best pretzels I ' ve eaten .####[['pretzels', 'food quality', 'positive', 'best']]
I ' m returning for all my future Carob Powder needs .####[['Carob Powder', 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL']]
Add leftover chicken or beef , and some vegetables , and you have a quick easy meal for less carbs .####[]
Choc Rasp is the best flavor but Chocolate Hazelnut , Chocolate Mint , and Milk Chocolate are also excellent .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'best'], ['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'excellent']]
They taste so good .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'taste so good']]
I have a 3 . 4 lb peekapoo who doesn ' t eat .####[]
I loved it !####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'loved']]
So I thought why not shop for Flakes on the Internet .####[]
They are low in sodium and a lot the fat they containis the good kind ( from nuts ) .####[['NULL', 'food style_options', 'positive', 'low in sodium and a lot the fat']]
I had two people from work taste it and both of them loved it - one immediately went on line and ordered it from Amazon . com .####[['Amazon', 'amazon availability', 'positive', 'NULL'], ['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'loved']]
99 only .####[]
Great price .####[['NULL', 'food prices', 'positive', 'Great price']]
J .####[]
Each sachet containing 4 tea bags .####[['tea', 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL']]
Does not say anywhere as CAFFEINE FREE .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'negative', 'NULL']]
Or try an Asian brand called " G7 " , which is a 3 - in - 1 instant coffee mix with creamer and sweetener in a single pouch .####[]
I am so thankful !####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'thankful']]
What more can you ask ?####[]
It has an excellent body and flavor . as good as just about any other ground coffee I have had .####[['NULL', 'food style_options', 'positive', 'excellent body'], ['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'good']]
That ' s right , not lemon , but lemongrass .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'negative', 'not lemon , but lemongrass']]
Hope this helps others .####[]
It has wonderful grains and textures .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'wonderful']]
Also holds up fantastic with dips ! : )####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'holds up fantastic']]
I should know better than to expect that seasonal delight Starbucks usually puts out ; but I hoped it would be close enough to satisfy that yen .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'negative', 'NULL']]
I had no idea exactly how much a pound of flowers would be .####[]
We enjoy this tea with Splenda and sometimes with lemon for extra flavor .####[]
Will purchase again when needed .####[['NULL', 'amazon availability', 'positive', 'purchase again']]
I spent the first five years of my life in Brazil and my American parents both spoke Portuguese fluently and introduced me to Brazilian food and culture .####[]
5oz case .####[]
I love the product and the vanilla tastes great !####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'love'], ['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'great']]
This is my new favorite K - Cup .####[['K - Cup', 'food general', 'positive', 'favorite']]
I am a mocha flavor person and I mix it w / a banana and fat free milk .####[]
They are good plain and would be awesome in salads .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'good plain'], ['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'would be awesome in salads']]
Our houseplants were loaded with gnats , and so was every room in our house .####[]
If you like chocolate intense , you ' ll love this stuff .####[['NULL', 'food recommendation', 'positive', 'love']]
My baby made a horrible face when I gave this to him .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'negative', 'horrible face']]
Amazon , this is a major deal breaker .####[['Amazon', 'amazon prices', 'positive', 'major deal breaker']]
I purchased this as a calcium - magnesium supplement for my kids .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL']]
I recommend this product to anyone who is looking for a good alternative to wheat flour .####[['product', 'food recommendation', 'positive', 'recommend'], ['product', 'food general', 'positive', 'good alternative']]
Kamut and quinoa combo was very interesting .####[['Kamut and quinoa combo', 'food general', 'positive', 'very interesting']]
I made the purchase online as Macadamia nut oil is not the easiest to find in the local grocery store .####[['Macadamia nut oil', 'amazon availability', 'positive', 'NULL']]
Calories are still pretty steep ( 100 calories for the 8 .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'negative', 'still pretty steep']]
Just a warning for those of you who also have issues with wheat / gluten .####[]
Only positive to say ) ) )####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL']]
Love them .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'Love']]
I have to admit before I bought this kit i didn ' t realize you also need to purchase all of the necessary wine making equipment .####[['wine', 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL']]
I grew up in Southern California , so I ' ve had my share of sweet corn cakes at local restaurants .####[]
I bought it knowing that it was a " diet " food , but didn ' t expect it to be that bad .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'negative', "didn ' t expect it to be that bad"]]
When I saw the product on Amazon , I did ' nt know the size of the package .####[['Amazon', 'amazon availability', 'positive', 'NULL']]
GG Scandinavian Bran Crispbread , 3 .####[['GG Scandinavian Bran Crispbread', 'amazon availability', 'positive', 'NULL']]
I wonder why Quaker which is noted for Oatmeal has to be somewhat deceptive and not disclose upfront that this is not completely an Oat Cereal and then go on to make claims about Cholesterol Lowering when it is not ALL Oat Flour .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'negative', 'NULL']]
But after unwrapping the packaging , I was disappointed .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'negative', 'disappointed']]
It tasted bitter to me with a little bit of a bite to it .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'negative', 'tasted bitter']]
My kitties love all the flavors and will always come back for more .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'love all the flavors']]
It really is a completely different type of food .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'really is a completely different']]
Ordered it on March 14th , got it on march 16th .####[['NULL', 'shipment delivery', 'positive', 'NULL']]
This product is so sturdy and great .####[['product', 'food general', 'positive', 'great'], ['product', 'food quality', 'positive', 'sturdy']]
He loves the taste and they are much healthier than candy .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'loves'], ['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'much healthier']]
It didn ' t taste anything like BBQ sauce .####[['BBQ sauce', 'food quality', 'negative', "didn ' t taste"]]
Wow !####[]
Very easy to prepare and there are many ways you can jazz it up if you want - ham , bacon bits , clams - more veggies .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'Very easy to prepare']]
Unfortunately , its not well mixed .####[['NULL', 'food style_options', 'negative', 'not well mixed']]
Dry food is full of carbs , and he suggested wet food since it ' s mostly protein and fat - what they would be eating in the wild .####[]
Starbucks Caffe Verona , Dark , K - Cup Portion Pack for Keurig K - Cup Brewers 54 - Count####[]
I mean , they are pink , just not so bright pink as it shows .####[]
The main drawback is that there ' s nowhere for the honey to come out of the bottle unless you unscrew the whole cap and pour the honey out of the bottle .####[]
I thought it was just ok .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'neutral', 'just ok']]
My dog was pretty finicky , but we haven ' t found any Merrick food he doesn ' t like .####[['Merrick food', 'amazon availability', 'negative', 'NULL']]
I am extremely disappointed and can not believe this product is still on the shelves .####[]
And , I hate to admit it , but the pleasant smell and lack of by - products tickled my curious side as well .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'pleasant smell']]
I would also reccomend trying it with vanilla creamer .####[['NULL', 'food recommendation', 'positive', 'also reccomend']]
They are digestible helps clean teeth .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'digestible']]
The flavor is wonderful and the natural energy burst from the theobromine keeps my husband alert while working nights , without the shaky caffeine withdrawals common with coffee drinks .####[['coffee', 'food quality', 'positive', 'wonderful']]
All I know is it sticks to the roof of your mouth like no other peanut butter !####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL']]
So far the Orange Mango is my favorite flavor but I haven ' t tried them all yet .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'Orange Mango is my favorite']]
I do not recommend this product - go with the " Wholesome Sweetness " brand of Erythritol since there is no other ingredient listed in their product .####[['product', 'food recommendation', 'negative', 'do not recommend']]
Keep up the good work ! ! ! ! ! !####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'Keep up the good work']]
As an evening snack . . .####[]
I bought this syrup , because it was a good buy .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'good buy']]
But they were good and a bit cheaper than some other gluten free crackers that I buy .####[['NULL', 'food prices', 'positive', 'bit cheaper'], ['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'good'], ['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'gluten free crackers']]
The flavor is so good that you really don ' t miss the salt .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'good']]
Joan from Maryland####[]
Some people have talked about different aftertastes or flavors but to me it tastes the same as other bottled waters , even when drunk back to back .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'neutral', 'NULL']]
Buh bye !####[]
This stuff tastes great and is actually a healthy addition to the diet , in moderation .####[['stuff', 'food quality', 'positive', 'great'], ['stuff', 'food general', 'positive', 'healthy']]
I do love the original Cheetos Cheese Puffs , but not the fact my fingers end up covered with the orange - colored coating on the puffs .####[['original Cheetos Cheese Puffs', 'food general', 'positive', 'love']]
And the ingredients look good , except for the mineral oil perhaps .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'ingredients look good']]
I am on my second replacement in two years .####[]
So far there is no tear , it holds a great amount of food waste .####[]
You can taste the quality ingredients .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'taste the quality ingredients']]
00for the 24 / 11 .####[]
The package says to use 4 tablespoons of tea per cup and strain - so I bought this 4 - pack ( figuring that 4T per cup would use up the stuff pretty fast ) .####[['tea', 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL']]
It was great to find all the 100 calorie products available at Amazon .####[['Amazon', 'amazon availability', 'positive', 'great']]
Solution : dried tomatoes .####[]
Quite possibly the best tea####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'best']]
Now , it is listed as " not available " for the regular delivery , but in fact Amazon sells the SAME product for $ 38 ( also a 12 - pack , same brand , same size per can ) .####[['Amazon', 'amazon availability', 'negative', 'not available'], ['Amazon', 'amazon prices', 'negative', 'SAME product for $ 38']]
It was rather bland so the flavor does not live up to the full - bodied flavor one would expect from a dark roast coffee .####[['coffee', 'food quality', 'positive', 'NULL']]
Wonderful flavor on its own or in mixed tonic water cocktails .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'Wonderful flavor']]
A tea that is so good for you and will help many things in your body .####[['tea', 'food general', 'positive', 'so good']]
I first purchased these at Costco but since I don ' t always see them there , I jumped at the chance to order them when I saw them on Amazon .####[['Amazon', 'amazon availability', 'positive', 'NULL']]
This is the best Blueberry tea that I have ever had .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'best']]
Shelf stable , so I make what I need , and you can just make half of the box if you measure it out .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL']]
My child LOVES these ! !####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL']]
Their coats looked better on Canidae than on any other food we ' ve had them on .####[]
I bought two boxes to get me thru the winter .####[]
I had to order it on amazon , since it was only available in UT where I used to live .####[['amazon', 'amazon availability', 'positive', 'NULL']]
That ' s a lot of food .####[]
They have a nice nostalgic smell that reminded me of my old grandpa ' s butt when he walked by .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'nice']]
I was about to return them , when I read the reviews , so I just popped one in , and####[]
They enjoy the shredded meat and chunks of potatoes and vegetables .####[['NULL', 'food style_options', 'positive', 'enjoy']]
If you are avid coffee espresso drinker look no further .####[['NULL', 'food recommendation', 'positive', 'look no further']]
It takes two K - cups to make a normal strength cup of decaf .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'negative', 'NULL']]
I have had 2 crowns after eating this .####[]
I will most likely be eating these in the morning in order to start my day .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL']]
I actually lose weight when I stick to this for breakfast .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL']]
I can have a warm cup of fantastic - quality coffee in about a minute , start to finish .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'fantastic - quality coffee']]
We use it for chili dogs , in heated corn tortillas with cheese , or in a bowl with diced onions on top .####[]
The flavour is packed !####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'NULL']]
I dinged this review one star because these jars are made of plastic rather than glass .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'negative', 'NULL']]
We will continue to order these oven roasted almond delights so that we always have some available .####[['NULL', 'food recommendation', 'positive', 'will continue to order these']]
Our class dissected grass frogs .####[]
It is a must try , you won ' t be disappointed ! ! !####[['NULL', 'food recommendation', 'positive', "won ' t be disappointed"]]
What kind were they eating ?####[]
Amazon is ridiculous .####[['Amazon', 'amazon availability', 'negative', 'ridiculous']]
I was surprised when the company notified me that I overpaid the shipping and they were refunding the shipping price .####[]
I was initially worried because she has an insanely sensitive digestive system , but I ' ve seen no problem thus far , and I ' ve been using them for over a week .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL']]
Took me a short while to figure out the little silver button on the side wasn ' t a button , but instead a rotational knob for setting the gain .####[]
It is creamy and the wonderful taste of Butterfingers .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'creamy and the wonderful taste']]
Back to Twizzlers !####[]
That makes great quality tea .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'great quality']]
It ' s perfect hot or iced - just the way it is .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'perfect']]
Plan to buy more when I eat this batch up !####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL']]
The drawbacks are that the bag contains a pretty small amount and the pieces are brittle and break .####[['NULL', 'food style_options', 'negative', 'pretty small amount'], ['NULL', 'food style_options', 'negative', 'brittle and break']]
When this arrived she was one happy gal . arrived on time in tip top condition .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'happy'], ['NULL', 'shipment delivery', 'positive', 'on time'], ['NULL', 'shipment quality', 'positive', 'tip top condition']]
It is really wonderful and my go - to jar so it sits on the counter with at least one in reserve ( sometimes several as I give them away ) .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'really wonderful']]
I mix a spoonful of the Wellness food topper / mixer with Wellness Core dry food for both of my dogs and they LOVE it !####[['Wellness food', 'food general', 'positive', 'LOVE']]
Afterwards the coffee tastes ok .####[['coffee', 'food quality', 'neutral', 'ok']]
I was so disappointed in this coffee .####[['coffee', 'food general', 'negative', 'so disappointed']]
I adjusted my burr grinder setting and backed off the quantity ( 3 heaping tbs for 18oz filtered fresh water thru a # 4 cone ) , friggin best flavored coffee bean####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'best']]
It brought back memories for my husband , whom ate it while he was a little kid .####[]
I will keep this short .####[]
The retail price clearly marked on each package is $ 2 .####[]
The texture is like jell - o pudding and the flavor might be a poor semblance of a butterscotch - scented magic marker .####[['NULL', 'food style_options', 'negative', 'texture is like jell - o'], ['NULL', 'food quality', 'negative', 'poor semblance']]
Better than regular salt and vinegar chips .####[['chips', 'food quality', 'positive', 'Better']]
I ' m so glad I ordered it !####[['NULL', 'amazon availability', 'positive', 'so glad']]
I have not lost weight or exercised it - except for chewing !####[]
Unfortunately she chases them so manically that they ' disappear ' eventually ( ie get stuck in out of the way places so I can ' t find them anymore ) and I seem to always be buying her a new set of these to pounce on .####[]
I love pink himalayan salt !####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'love']]
Hope so , one of the two gobblers has had a slight problem in that area .####[]
We ' ve also tried other flavors of this food , but this is their fave !####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'other flavors']]
They are most refreshing orange tasted soda that I ever tried .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'refreshing']]
Bubble wrap inside the product box failed to prevent rupture .####[['NULL', 'shipment quality', 'negative', 'Bubble wrap inside the product box failed to prevent rupture']]
Once she figured it out I ' ve had to use larger treats to keep her busier longer .####[]
Granted , this the first and only Keurig coffee maker I have had , it does everything it should .####[['Keurig coffee maker', 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL']]
I have never truly like any other granola bar , but have eaten literally hundreds of these .####[['granola bar', 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL']]
Any reason ?####[]
I enjoy other Nature ' s Path cereals , too .####[["Nature ' s Path cereals", 'food general', 'positive', 'enjoy']]
I never want to eat any those large - brand toffee candy bars again !####[['toffee', 'food general', 'positive', 'never want']]
I love them .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'love']]
[ 8 yr old machine ] to the Whole wheat RAPID - Crust med - Pictures show the baking results and waistline will soon show the ' enjoyment of ' this great bread .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'great']]
Great buy for a great price !####[]
They are the absolute best quality and make a nice treat .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'absolute best quality'], ['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'nice treat']]
1 gallon of oil will last a long time for me !####[]
This taste more like Hubba - Bubba or an off - brand , kid friendly , gum that shouldn ' t really be called a desert flavor .####[]
It ' s just bad .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'negative', 'bad']]
They look amazing and taste great .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'taste great'], ['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'look amazing']]
It definitely tastes and feels better than some " healthy " pastas available , but I ' m just not sold on this .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'better']]
I thought he would put his nose up at it .####[]
As far as the seller , everything was great there also .####[['NULL', 'amazon availability', 'positive', 'great']]
My cocker spaniel has had severe ear problems ( as many cockers do ) and the vet recommended a prescription dog food , after doing research , I decided on holistic select instead , and his ears are so much better !####[['holistic select', 'food general', 'positive', 'his ears are so much better']]
So a great medium roast if that is what you like .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'great']]
Maria Irene Reyes####[]
They were hooked .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'hooked']]
It appears I need to give my dog an entire bag to get him 500 mg of glucosamine .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'negative', 'NULL']]
Love that it ' s organic and in a glass jar .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'Love']]
. if you can buy it cheaper at your gas station then do it . .####[]
Hey Amazon when are you going to sell these in the 80 pack ?####[]
That should do it .####[]
I love pimenton and I love Amazon .####[['pimenton', 'food general', 'positive', 'love']]
I also really like the raspberry - apricot preserves .####[['raspberry - apricot preserves', 'food general', 'positive', 'really like']]
I 1st tried these nuts through Sams this past Christmas & I found your nuts fresher .####[]
I was originally purchasing this at Petfood Express in San Francisco .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL']]
It made a great mothers day gift , as no place around here sells anything remotely close to it .####[['NULL', 'amazon availability', 'positive', 'no place around here sells']]
I am in NO WAY a " tea snob " so I cannot pick this product apart in great detail like others may .####[['tea', 'food general', 'negative', 'NULL']]
A lot less mushy than the american vegetarian version .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'lot less mushy']]
Wholesome Sweeteners is an ORGANIC / FAIR TRADE , quality product which I have on subscription .####[['product', 'food quality', 'positive', 'NULL']]
You can give it to him as a training reward or just for a snack .####[]
I don ' t do clam dip####[]
I had this recommended to me by mutliple people as the best gluten - free bread since I had given up on find a decent gluten - free bread .####[['bread', 'food recommendation', 'positive', 'recommended']]
I have taken both Maxwell House and Folgers " brew in the cup " coffee bags , and found them acceptable ( in lieu of a fresh cup of coffee from an actual coffee pot ) , so my expectations were that this coffee would be similar in taste and quality .####[['Maxwell House and Folgers', 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL'], ['Maxwell House and Folgers', 'food quality', 'positive', 'NULL'], ['Maxwell House and Folgers', 'food quality', 'positive', 'NULL']]
I will definitely re - order these !####[['NULL', 'food recommendation', 'positive', 'definitely re - order']]
Definitely a great find .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'Definitely a great find']]
I ' ve tried them all and this is by far the smoothest , tastiest and most mellow of anything####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'smoothest'], ['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'tastiest'], ['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'most mellow of anything']]
I ' m not sure why the stores only stock IAMS with Chicken .####[]
Petite Cuisine Gourmet Cat Food was a real hit with my impossible cat .####[['Petite Cuisine Gourmet Cat Food', 'food general', 'positive', 'real']]
I will buy it all the time now . fast delivery and a good price as well .####[['NULL', 'food recommendation', 'positive', 'will buy it all the time now'], ['NULL', 'shipment quality', 'positive', 'fast delivery'], ['NULL', 'food prices', 'positive', 'good price']]
No grit .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'No grit']]
Our problem has been determmining where we can purchase this product .####[['product', 'amazon availability', 'negative', 'NULL']]
Actually most of the Boulder Chips are truly gourmet and tasty .####[['Boulder Chips', 'food quality', 'positive', 'truly gourmet and tasty']]
I am very happy I can order it through Amazon .####[['Amazon', 'amazon availability', 'positive', 'happy']]
Living in the middle of no were we dont have local places to purchas high quality foods for are terrier .####[]
We usually find it takes a bit more water and a bit more time than the instructions call for or you ' ll have some under done rice or beans .####[]
Thought the nylabone products would last but I guess it ' s time to start looking for other products that he won ' t destroy in one sitting . . .####[]
What ' s not to like ?####[]
Not for the faint of heart .####[]
This Icicle performs flawlessly with very good audio quality for my audio - technica cardiod condensor mic .####[]
I don ' t know if it is the flavor or the texture ( nice with some small bits in it ) , but she gobbles it down .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'nice with some small bits'], ['NULL', 'food style_options', 'positive', 'nice with some small bits']]
I grow garlic , but####[]
Love this flavor .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'Love this flavor']]
My husband and I both tried it and it has a very unpleasant and strong after taste .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'negative', 'very unpleasant and strong after taste']]
I use this gum because it is good for the health of your teeth , does not effect blood sugar , love cinnamon taste , fruit flavor also good .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'good'], ['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'love'], ['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'good'], ['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'NULL']]
These are great snacks .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'great']]
I liked the fact that the plastic did NOT have writing on it ( I hate that ) .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'plastic did NOT have writing on it']]
Enjoy Lipton Tea ?####[]
BUT it is cheeper at Trader joe ' s if there one near you . it ' s just $ 2 . 00 bottle####[]
It was as if someone dumped a half cup of sugar in there .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'negative', 'dumped a half cup of sugar']]
Don ' t refrigerate it .####[]
Thank you Amazon for your good work .####[]
Comparable to Poppycock but a bit more flavor and lighter on the nuts , a very good change of pace .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'bit more flavor and lighter on the nuts']]
A little pricey , but as always you must pay higher for effective items .####[['NULL', 'food prices', 'negative', 'little pricey']]
It tastes ok .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'neutral', 'ok']]
Delicious and very effective .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'Delicious'], ['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'very effective']]
Now if my dog even sees the bag he starts drooling .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL']]
I highly recommend the Chef Michael ' s Filet Mignon dog food !####[['Filet Mignon', 'food recommendation', 'positive', 'highly recommend']]
I have them out in a dish , we eat them as snacks , as well as in baked goods , on cereals , salad ' s etc .####[]
A couple grams of fiber , a couple grams of protein , a couple grams of fat = the PERFECT snack for health blood sugar levels for me .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'PERFECT']]
Something that can convince soda drinkers to switch over to something which is just as terrible for you .####[]
I would say that it is a bittersweet chocolate and very finely made .####[['chocolate', 'food quality', 'positive', 'very finely made']]
This flavor is hard to find .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'negative', 'hard to find']]
They are also from domestically caught fish , and even though canned in Asia , the cans are BPA - free which is not common in the industry .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL'], ['NULL', 'shipment quality', 'positive', 'BPA - free']]
I didn ' t see a difference after drinking this for a good 3 + weeks .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'neutral', "didn ' t see a difference"]]
Just a word of caution .####[]
Great with toast and soft boiled eggs .####[['NULL', 'food style_options', 'positive', 'Great']]
But I refuse to pay $ 4 + per box at the regular supermarket ! !####[['NULL', 'food prices', 'negative', 'refuse to pay $ 4 + per box']]
There is no finer chocolate in all the world , in my opinion .####[]
So a great medium roast if that is what you like .####[]
This particular bottle does NOT have calcium as the picture of the nutrition label states .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'negative', 'NULL']]
THE PRODUCT IS PERFECT FOR MY NEEDS .####[['PRODUCT', 'food general', 'positive', 'PERFECT FOR MY NEEDS']]
This pepperoni is chewy and a bit oily - - good if you ' re into that .####[['pepperoni', 'food general', 'positive', 'chewy'], ['pepperoni', 'food quality', 'positive', 'oily']]
My pups LOVE this food !####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'LOVE']]
It ' s light , vegetal and very smooth .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'light , vegetal and very smooth']]
My dogs loved the Loving Pet Sticks but when I read they were made in China , I threw them away and refuse to buy Loving Pet ' s many other products until they are made in the US .####[['Loving Pet Sticks', 'food general', 'positive', 'loved']]
Well , except that when it comes to my tastes and health , I ' d rather make the decisions myself , rather than having them dictated by the overzealous , bureaucratic , idiots in the government !####[]
However , this product is pure protein and therefore not great for their kidneys if they eat too many .####[['product', 'food quality', 'positive', 'NULL'], ['product', 'food general', 'negative', 'not great']]
I shoulda got chopped####[]
My family LOVES these crackers .####[['crackers', 'food general', 'positive', 'LOVES']]
Just thought I would throw that out there for anyone thinking about buying this product and trying to figure out how many sticks they need to use in their tea or coffee , LOL !####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'negative', 'NULL']]
Please don ' t ever take it away .####[]
I happened on them while traveling to Australia - now when I get a chance to get to Oz , one of my first stops is at the grocery store .####[]
Imagine this : juice molasses diluted with equal parts water and carbonation .####[]
I ' ve tried several flavors , and they like them all .####[['NULL', 'food style_options', 'positive', 'tried several flavors'], ['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'like']]
But it has been a lifesaver .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'lifesaver']]
Enjoy ! - Charlie####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'Enjoy']]
I would definitely order this again .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'definitely order this again']]
If you notice , that ' s how many boxes of pods are packaged .####[]
Well worth the price !####[['NULL', 'food prices', 'positive', 'Well worth the price']]
Because its filled with dead flies .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'negative', 'filled with dead flies']]
Worth every penny !####[['NULL', 'food prices', 'positive', 'Worth every penny']]
Yes , you are supposed to take it in moderation , so when you do salt your food , it should be done with this salt .####[['salt', 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL']]
Delicious !####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'Delicious']]
We ordered Ezekiel 4 : 9 and it was shipped to us in perfect condition and in a speedy manner .####[['shipped', 'shipment quality', 'positive', 'perfect'], ['shipped', 'shipment delivery', 'positive', 'speedy manner']]
This exact product is $ 3 .####[]
BUT now it costs more than double what I paid when I bought it in the market last year .####[['NULL', 'food prices', 'positive', 'double']]
The best part of these k - cups is they ' re not made entirely out of plastic like all the rest .####[]
I put some sundried tomatoes in my food processor first , then add the hummus , water and olive oil .####[]
What I liked most was that the walnuts lived up to what was advertised !####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'lived up to what was advertised']]
I ' ve always used the tablet size before , but on a whim bought the capsule version ( same price ) .####[['capsule', 'food prices', 'positive', 'same price']]
I kept it in the original bag with a clip .####[['NULL', 'shipment quality', 'positive', 'original bag with a clip']]
Baconnaise is out of this world .####[['Baconnaise', 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL']]
I take a bag to the movies to avoid the calories and salt in the movie theatre popcorn . : )####[]
Only the 6lb can was a " prime " item .####[['NULL', 'amazon availability', 'conflict', 'NULL']]
I dropped a star since these are not my dog ' s favorite treats .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'negative', "not my dog ' s favorite treats"]]
It ' s extra tasty with fresh cut strawberries on top .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'extra tasty']]
Perfectly balanced spices with a hint of heat from black pepper .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'Perfectly balanced']]
I highly recommend it for those who want a good cup of coffee without committing to a whole pot - or to lugging a K - cup type brewer along to work or on the road .####[['NULL', 'food recommendation', 'positive', 'highly recommend']]
It ' s got a hint of sweetness that ( unlike other popular brands ) won ' t give you a sugar rush .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'got a hint of sweetness'], ['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', "won ' t give you a sugar rush"]]
Personally , I wouldn ' t purchase these oatmeal squares and would opt for a nutritious cereal with more taste .####[['oatmeal squares', 'food recommendation', 'negative', "Personally , I wouldn ' t purchase"]]
I was there the first week of May , 2010They want double the price here .####[['NULL', 'amazon prices', 'negative', 'double the price here']]
I did contact seller - with no response####[]
For 210 or 250 calories , I think it should have more flavor , but for those who don ' t like any sugar in cereal , this works out well , especially if they prefer a high - fiber one .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'negative', 'should have more flavor']]
I use to burn most of my grill meat .####[]
While the package states " masala " , it actually has its own distinctive , tasty flavor .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'tasty flavor']]
This product was attractive to me as it is somewhat lower in fat ( that is , relative to most of the Asian or Sub - continent " meals ready to eat " ) .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'lower in fat'], ['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'attractive']]
I was thrilled with these shells .####[['shells', 'food general', 'positive', 'thrilled']]
Don ' t want to be without !####[]
They did give a voluntary recall on the puppy formula even when it tested out with no contamination .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL']]
Finding some with no gluten as well is even more difficult .####[]
It ' s the perfect amount of hot if your not looking to burn your mouth but looking to compliment your food .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'perfect']]
Greasy and tasteless / bland but edible .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'negative', 'Greasy'], ['NULL', 'food quality', 'negative', 'tasteless'], ['NULL', 'food quality', 'negative', 'bland']]
I ' ve never seen it in stores .####[]
This will help prevent the jar from breaking , and the yogurt turns out okay , but after that , when you transfer a quarter cup for the next batch and add milk , you ' d better not heat the milk up too hot , keep an eye on it .####[['yogurt', 'food general', 'positive', 'okay']]
Although my dad felt obligated to use this coffee up as quickly as possible because he was worried the holes would effect how long it stayed fresh which is not how I would want him to feel about his present .####[]
My only complaint is that he is able to bite off small ( pea - sized ) chunks from the white plastic bone .####[]
Since that time he has been experimenting with various " flavors " of the K - Cups .####[]
I crumble some and sprinkle them over his regular can food and he eats his food a lot quicker because of these treats .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'quicker']]
So i decided to buy him this from amazon .####[['amazon', 'amazon availability', 'positive', 'NULL']]
I ' m still searching for that best cup again .####[]
I only made it a couple of bites into my blue raspberry one .####[]
I would of given 5 stars but my dog has ahard time chewing on these , kinda hard .####[['NULL', 'food style_options', 'negative', 'hard']]
Last month I decided to order some again and this product no longer says " gluten - free " on the packaging and contains wheat .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'negative', 'no longer says " gluten - free "']]
My girls take it at night and it helps them shut down for bedtime .####[]
Tastes good .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'Tastes good']]
He has to take it every day for it to work .####[]
There are 150 cloves in every bottle .####[]
I think they need better quality control .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'negative', 'need better quality control']]
I assume it ' s the soy based product coming out in it since it ' s vegan and doesn ' t use any other source of protein .####[]
I loved every single one of them .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'loved every single one of them']]
We have tried MANY of the different flavors of coffee but the ITALIAN ROAST is my Husband ' s favorite .####[['ITALIAN ROAST', 'food quality', 'positive', 'favorite']]
These snacks are great for kids .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'great for kids']]
It ' s good and filling for my child but when given to him by itself he doesn ' t like the flavor .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'good'], ['NULL', 'food quality', 'negative', "doesn ' t like the flavor"]]
Maybe I got a bad batch , but whatever the case I certainly would not buy this brand again , and I learned not to buy items I ' ve never tried in such a large quantity .####[['brand', 'food general', 'negative', 'NULL'], ['NULL', 'food general', 'negative', 'NULL']]
Scottyboy and I eat these by the dozens , and I requested them so much that ol Scottyboy , who ' s in charge of snack purchases , bought these in bulk , which makes up for the week he bought ten boxes of edible strawberry underwear for the office .####[]
Highly Recommended !####[['NULL', 'food recommendation', 'positive', 'Highly Recommended']]
Well I have been through most of the flavors and so far , they have walked away from all of them .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'negative', 'NULL']]
These chips are awesome .####[['chips', 'food general', 'positive', 'awesome']]
If microwaving your water , make sure it gets good and hot to get the most out of your teabag ; if the water isn ' t hot enough , the flavor is a little weak .####[]
What do I do with it now ? ? ?####[]
This stuff is amazing , I don ' t even know what else to say .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'amazing']]
It ' s very good either hot or iced .####[['NULL', 'food style_options', 'positive', 'very good']]
What happened ?####[]
I just had to order them .####[]
I would highly recommend all of Kong ' s " tasty pastes " - it ' s easy to use , doesn ' t seem to make any mess , and is a great extra treat for dogs .####[['Kong \' s " tasty pastes', 'food recommendation', 'positive', 'highly recommend'], ['Kong \' s " tasty pastes', 'food general', 'positive', 'easy to use'], ['Kong \' s " tasty pastes', 'food general', 'positive', "doesn ' t seem to make any mess"], ['Kong \' s " tasty pastes', 'food general', 'positive', 'great extra treat']]
It ' s not bad , but there are other powders I like better - the main advantage this one has over those is that it is pretty low in calories .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'neutral', 'NULL'], ['NULL', 'food general', 'neutral', 'not bad'], ['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'pretty low in calories']]
I lost mine about 1 month after I got it .####[]
This item has good taste , enough strong but no bitter .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'good taste'], ['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'enough strong but no bitter']]
My cats love this stuff .####[['stuff', 'food general', 'positive', 'love']]
The Appletini tastes really similar , but I think an Apple Martini tastes the same .####[['Appletini', 'food quality', 'positive', 'tastes really similar']]
We enjoy this salt mixture on roasted vegetables , grilled meats , and whatever I think to put it on .####[['salt mixture', 'food general', 'positive', 'enjoy']]
But for those of us that love a GREAT cup of joe this ain ' t the brand to buy .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'negative', "ain ' t the brand to buy"]]
I have to try it once !####[]
Perfect sweet / tart / crunchy balance .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'Perfect']]
I have not had cheese of this quality outside France , and this is the first time I have found " perfect " cheese in the US .####[['cheese', 'food quality', 'positive', 'perfect']]
This is the only soap that I will wash my face with .####[]
I am unsure if that is accurate , but I do consume caffeine daily .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'negative', 'NULL']]
Great tasting organic product !####[['product', 'food quality', 'positive', 'Great tasting organic']]
I can ' t speak to the authenticity of the spice mix as I don ' t have any prior experience with it , but I used this in an Ethiopian chicken lentil stew recipe I got on Eating Well and it was delicious and pleasantly warming .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'delicious'], ['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'pleasantly warming'], ['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'Well']]
Don ' t know about them yet but I guess they can ' t be returned .####[]
This is that tea !####[['tea', 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL']]
Shame on you Wallenford for the deception ! !####[['NULL', 'food general', 'negative', 'Shame']]
It is by far one of the best foods out there .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'one of the best foods']]
There are barely any pecans , but tons of cashews .####[['NULL', 'food style_options', 'positive', 'NULL']]
This is not artisinal product that will vary with every batch ; this is the exact same vanilla extract bottle after bottle .####[['product', 'food general', 'neutral', 'exact same vanilla extract bottle after bottle']]
Disappointed .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'negative', 'Disappointed']]
I like to mix it with regular mustard to give the regular mustard more kick . the container is very large so it will last a long time####[]
I really like the fact that the kit includes all the ingredients for the wine in addition to the corks , labels , and sleeves for the bottle necks so that the finished product looks very professional and can be given as gifts , some of the more expensive wine kits from other manufacturers do not include those extra items .####[['kit', 'food general', 'positive', 'like'], ['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'very professional']]
Eliminate those wasteful parts and they ' re a five star for sure .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL']]
I can ' t understand why they are so hard to find in stores !####[]
I ' ve not tasted the original version but the hazelnut blend is delicious .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'delicious']]
They are their favorites .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'favorites']]
Best of all it comes right to my door .####[['NULL', 'shipment delivery', 'positive', 'comes right to my door']]
If I could find a 1800 number I would have called and went beserker , but there is not one .####[]
4 different colors . green , orange , red , yellow .####[]
I purchased 5 boxes of these .####[['NULL', 'amazon availability', 'positive', 'NULL']]
Made for a very nice looking container of candy .####[]
Its not terrible but not great .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'neutral', 'not great']]
There is nothing wrong with the syrup but the bottle looks a lot like sugar free hazelnut syrup and I purchased this by mistake .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'neutral', 'nothing wrong'], ['NULL', 'food general', 'negative', 'bottle looks a lot like sugar free hazelnut syrup']]
I was very disappointed by the product .####[['product', 'food general', 'negative', 'very disappointed']]
This was a big turn - off , but I have had good experiences with wheat gluten in the past , so I gave it a shot .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'negative', 'big turn - off']]
Odor seems to stay in too .####[]
Basically just water with hidden health benefits .####[['water', 'food quality', 'positive', 'with hidden health benefits']]
It may take a minute to get used to the flavors , only because they are so authentically fruity , they don ' t taste like the overly sweet gummis you are probably used to , but they are definitely worth a try .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'authentically fruity']]
The last time I bought a box of Spanish rice , I tossed the seasoning pack and added a couple of tablespoons of this instead .####[]
My most popular dish has artichokes . .####[['artichokes', 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL']]
Since the packages are bigger it doesn ' t provide any portion control but that ' s easily fixed with snack size ziploc bags .####[]
I don ' t know why because all the other creamers I ' ve tried worked fine .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'negative', 'fine']]
They have a fresh roasted taste .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'fresh roasted taste']]
This cereal is actually healthy for you .####[['cereal', 'food quality', 'positive', 'actually healthy']]
A hit with my 14 - year old son and my college - age niece , who took several cups back to school with her .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL']]
Green Mountain has many blends & flavors of coffee to choose from .####[['Green Mountain', 'food quality', 'positive', 'NULL']]
They taste horrible and I have tried all 3 size settings on my brewer .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'negative', 'taste horrible']]
Doug in Calif . . .####[]
It says on the box that you can even use it to store your vegetable in the fridge because it helps the vege to stay fresh .####[]
Earl Grey tea is one of my favorite teas .####[['Earl Grey tea', 'food general', 'positive', 'one of my favorite teas']]
This is my new favorite flavor .####[]
The second and third ingredients are sugar and brown sugar .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'negative', 'NULL']]
We love it .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'love']]
I bought this chutney to make a recipe from a magazine I was reading .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL']]
We ' re buying a pack of 12 about once a month .####[]
I crave this flavor on chicken , but in the future will have to make my own jerk .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'crave this flavor on chicken']]
The boldness and dark roast is tempered by the lighter roast .####[['roast', 'food quality', 'positive', 'lighter']]
Food is great and the cats like it .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'great'], ['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'like']]
It ' s rare to do business with a company with such stellar customer service .####[]
Just make sure to follow the directions about smell transfer .####[]
This is a great hair oil .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'great hair oil']]
The different flavored bacon salts are excellent and work well with breakfast , lunch and dinner selections .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'excellent']]
I purchased this to go on my daughter ' s candy buffet at her wedding reception .####[['candy', 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL']]
She also loves the spinach , mango , and pear happy baby pouches which are bigger .####[]
I think it tastes as strong as a regular cup of Maxwell House brewed coffee , and it is 100 times more convenient .####[['Maxwell House', 'food quality', 'positive', 'strong'], ['Maxwell House', 'food general', 'positive', 'more convenient']]
I find them too sweet .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'conflict', 'sweet']]
These pretzels are my main snack food and even my family loves them .####[['pretzels', 'food general', 'positive', 'loves']]
Was so excited to see Cappuccino Cups offered by Amazon . . . . after one sip of this stuff I knew that something was wrong .####[['Cappuccino Cups', 'amazon availability', 'positive', 'excited'], ['NULL', 'food general', 'negative', 'wrong']]
Great coffee .####[['Great', 'food general', 'positive', 'coffee']]
They also works great for my mother - in - law when her blood sugar runs low .####[]
I grew up in Ohio and lived in the woods where sassafrass trees were plentiful .####[]
I bought this as a Christmas gift for my sister - in - law and brother and they love it !####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'love']]
S .####[]
It made my 28 - year caffeine habit withdrawl SO much easier .####[]
One of the reasons I bought this yogurt maker was that it was less of a hassle and used less energy , but the workaround to avoid the plastic container is a bit annoying .####[['yogurt maker', 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL']]
Imported from good old Canada .####[]
It was a great price at just about $ . 46 per ounce .####[['NULL', 'food prices', 'positive', 'great']]
Doug in Calif . . .####[]
Nice and al dente .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'Nice']]
I ' m sure no one knew any better after all frosting fixes all .####[]
9 Fluid Ounce , and I am very happy with it , so I bought this for my husband .####[]
you know how when you bite into a nice piece of tasty fruit licorice ? that exquisite moment when the citrus hits the taste buds and you know that the soft chew soon to follow will release more flavor ? that ' s what you ' ll get with this pomegranate licorice ! thank heavens that Amazon only sent a small bag , ' cause there is no way a big stash would last very long in the casa ! this is some good stuff !####[['licorice', 'food general', 'positive', 'nice'], ['licorice', 'food quality', 'positive', 'NULL'], ['licorice', 'food quality', 'positive', 'NULL'], ['Amazon', 'amazon availability', 'positive', 'heavens'], ['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'good']]
I love the taste . but the cereal really does go CRUNCH in fact on 2 separate occasions it cracked my teeth !####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'love the taste'], ['cereal', 'food style_options', 'negative', 'cracked my teeth']]
My daughter loves this , and gets it three times a day .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'loves']]
It seemed a reasonable price for higher quality food . it was , and it is trouble is my guys won ' t touch it , prefer the cheapo kitten chow !####[['NULL', 'food prices', 'positive', 'reasonable price'], ['NULL', 'food quality', 'negative', 'NULL']]
The Styrofoam packaging was the perfect vessel for delivery ; the cheese arrived " alive " from not being over chilled .####[['NULL', 'shipment quality', 'positive', 'perfect'], ['cheese', 'food quality', 'positive', 'arrived " alive " from not being over chilled']]
One even made me gag .####[]
Suggest ice cold Diet Coke to wash all that stuff down your gullet .####[]
Thinks about it Amazon . com####[['Amazon', 'amazon availability', 'positive', 'NULL']]
But finding something really satisfying and tasty , and for under $ 3 , is amazing !####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'really satisfying and tasty'], ['NULL', 'food prices', 'positive', 'under $ 3 , is amazing']]
I have always enjoyed See ' s Candy in the past .####[["See ' s Candy", 'food general', 'positive', 'enjoyed']]
We just put the capsule inside , push the treat together at the top , and she gobbles it up .####[]
I ' ve tried many green teas in the same price range , but I always come back to Stash Organic Green .####[['Stash Organic Green', 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL']]
Either way it gets the job done , kills mites and other annoying insects fast , and has the added benefit that if you ' re using it on edible plants you can eat them right away !####[]
Nothing compares to its unique taste .####[]
Came home and looked up Cholula Hot Sauce in Amazon and ordered some .####[['Amazon', 'amazon availability', 'positive', 'NULL']]
I have finally found one which is up to my standards and which makes a truly fine loaf of sourdough bread .####[]
Our standard poodle has a problem with keeping weight on even though he is a ravinous eater .####[]
The different flavours add more variety , and its also easy to toss with some butter , parmesan , and seasonings .####[['NULL', 'food style_options', 'positive', 'different flavours add more variety']]
This has got to be nothing less than a company screwing it ' s potential customers .####[]
These peanuts have a crispness and flavor it is remarkable .####[['peanuts', 'food quality', 'positive', 'crispness'], ['peanuts', 'food quality', 'positive', 'flavor it is remarkable']]
I think it is just short of 5 - start rating .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'NULL']]
They aren ' t fortified with vitamins and minerals but you could always take a multi - vitamin if you wanted to .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL']]
Peppercorns price was less than other sites I visited .####[['Peppercorns', 'amazon prices', 'positive', 'less than other sites I visited']]
The Best ! !####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'Best']]
If you happen to know where , please let me know .####[]
Will definitely buy again !####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'definitely buy again']]
What I opened this morning was not what I had expected .####[]
I have been able to make ANY recipe using this product as a 1 : 1 replacement and it works , and more importantly , tastes , GREAT ! !####[['product', 'food general', 'positive', 'able to make ANY recipe'], ['product', 'food quality', 'positive', 'GREAT']]
I wish .####[]
It ' s really delicious . .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'really delicious']]
I don ' t think anyone would buy molasses online if they just wanted a tasty food , so I guess it ' s a winner .####[['NULL', 'food recommendation', 'neutral', "don ' t think"]]
I wish I could buy it in 5 lb bags .####[]
I guess this is normal for a combo product such as this since this also has a miticide and fungicide , but if you buy standalone insecticidal soaps you don ' t typically see this .####[]
These sweet potatoe chips were tasty with my only real objection being Maltodextrin which is hardly the " all natural nothing fake of phony " as advertized .####[['sweet potatoe chips', 'food quality', 'positive', 'tasty']]
The package came with easy - to - follow preparation instructions and she cooked the product accordingly .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'easy']]
My daughter eats one of these bars almost every day .####[]
Get the subscription and they are even cheaper .####[['NULL', 'amazon prices', 'positive', 'cheaper']]
For a regular cup of coffee , I like the smooth taste of Donut House Extra Bold or Green Mountain Breakfast blend .####[]
And , I ' m sure it is better for her .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'better']]
Her colors were pink , silver , and white .####[['NULL', 'food style_options', 'positive', 'colors were pink , silver , and white']]
These cookies are absolutely delicious !####[['cookies', 'food quality', 'positive', 'absolutely delicious']]
Hm , now I think I need a new teapot .####[]
Kept the wrapper so I could try to purchased them online .####[]
My cat loves these things .####[]
I buy it by the case , often giving bottles away to friends who also enjoy the taste .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'enjoy']]
Makes it easier to fit more in the fridge or ice chest .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'easier to fit more']]
The pet store owner gave me this tip .####[]
My husband is an avid coffee drinker .####[]
I ' m not exactly a snob or anything , I often drink folgers or store brand but wanted to try this because of all the rave reviews and I don ' t get it .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'negative', 'NULL']]
Decided to try since my daughter is hooked on the non - flavor Donunt House Coffee brand .####[['Donunt House Coffee', 'food quality', 'positive', 'NULL']]
99 for 12 ounces .####[]
Well , yes , of course we would only use them with supervision , but I shouldn ' t have to expect to scoop them out of my son ' s mouth to prevent him from choking .####[]
I ' m glad he was honest with me because I don ' t want to waste money on something that he isn ' t going to enjoy .####[['NULL', 'food recommendation', 'negative', "don ' t want to waste money"]]
Part of the salty flavor probably comes from the cheese , but it ' s just too much .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'negative', 'just too much']]
The price is not bad either .####[['NULL', 'food prices', 'positive', 'price is not bad either']]
I also use this to make an all - natural facial and body scrub !####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL']]
The sediment is everywhere .####[]
I won ' t be buying this again .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'negative', "won ' t be buying this again"]]
No off flavor aftertaste .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'NULL']]
I heard about this product , as others , on Dr .####[]
I gave it three stars because it is what it says it is but the taste is not there .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'neutral', 'NULL']]
There are 6 boxes each containing 10 sachets .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL']]
The delivery was on time and I immediately put them in the fridge .####[['delivery', 'shipment delivery', 'positive', 'on time']]
I had this lovely tea at a local restaurant , and immediately came home to order some for home .####[['tea', 'food general', 'positive', 'lovely'], ['NULL', 'amazon availability', 'positive', 'NULL']]
Bought from them and then purchased at Amazon ( cheaper ) .####[['Amazon', 'amazon prices', 'positive', 'cheaper']]
I love my Keurig .####[['Keurig', 'food general', 'positive', 'love']]
6 . 00 on Nespresso . com####[]
Have them always on hand .####[]
With speculation on them keeping the same recipe , we orderd a jar and were not disappointed ! !####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'not disappointed']]
Even better to have them delivered to my door FAST & FREE !####[['NULL', 'shipment delivery', 'positive', 'FREE']]
The food that came from Amazon was lighter in color and had more dusty / small particles of food throughout .####[['Amazon', 'food quality', 'negative', 'NULL']]
my friends and i really enjoy this .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'really enjoy']]
We both love it .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'love']]
At 120 calories and 6g of fat , this treat is pretty good for the calorie - conscious too ( ? )####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'good']]
I personally mix this with 50 % filtered water .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL']]
A reasonably priced treat ! !####[['treat', 'food prices', 'positive', 'reasonably priced']]
But happily it became available again and I ordered enough to last a while .####[['NULL', 'amazon availability', 'positive', 'happily']]
EnjoyJohn S .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'Enjoy']]
Thanks Dexter .####[]
I grew up in Massachusetts and loved these chips .####[['chips', 'food general', 'positive', 'loved']]
It smells just like roses & gave my punch a nice sweet flavor .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'smells just like roses'], ['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'nice sweet flavor']]
My personal preference is a strong tea with a lot of character .####[]
Possibly divide the large portion into three or four smaller ones .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL']]
They are very sweet and chocolaty .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'very sweet and chocolaty']]
The Senseo pods are much easier to composite given there is no plastic in the container , just paper .####[['Senseo pods', 'food general', 'positive', 'easier to composite']]
The texture is between that of oatmeal and oat bran , which is smooth and creamy .####[['NULL', 'food style_options', 'positive', 'smooth and creamy']]
I usually let it sit aside w / milk for a few minutes so it gets a bit soft ; but I also enjoy it w / o soaking it in milk , either way####[['NULL', 'food style_options', 'positive', 'enjoy']]
Nile Spice Lentil Curry Couscous soup is a light blend of curry , turmeric , and other East / West Indian spices .####[['Nile Spice Lentil Curry Couscous soup', 'food quality', 'positive', 'NULL']]
My husband doesn ' t like coffee with any bite to it and he loves this .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'loves']]
The cruet is great it has lines for water , vinegar and oil or low oil with more water .####[['cruet', 'food general', 'positive', 'great']]
I call it my secret ingredient .####[]
It arrived very fast .####[['NULL', 'shipment delivery', 'positive', 'arrived very fast']]
50 for 10 Caps , when you can buy them on the Nespresso website for less then 1 / 2 of that ?####[]
David Rio Flamingo Sugar Free Chai Tea Latte is so delicious and creamy , all you need to do is add water .####[['David Rio Flamingo', 'food quality', 'positive', 'delicious']]
I was happy with the less - sweet version , but the taste is still divine .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'taste is still divine']]
They come out crispy and just right in my Belgian waffle iron .####[['NULL', 'food style_options', 'positive', 'crispy']]
The bars aren ' t " honey golden " in color as many supposedly honey products tend to be nowadays , but I see that as a good thing , because that color usually comes from caramel and burned sugar , not honey .####[['bars', 'food style_options', 'positive', 'I see that as a good thing , because that color']]
But after trying this , she doesn ' t ask for treats any more .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL']]
I ' m so glad that I was able to purchase it from Amazon and hope that they will continue to be able to stock it - - as it is the only place for me to buy this soup now .####[['Amazon', 'amazon availability', 'positive', 'glad']]
I have found a decaf that is swp , robust and taste normal .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'neutral', 'normal']]
My 3 1 / 2 year old loved this cookie !####[['cookie', 'food general', 'positive', 'loved']]
My fussy 9 month old LOVED it instantly .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'LOVED it instantly']]
Just overall delicious .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'delicious']]
They ' re low fat and offer the benefits of Omega 3 .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'low fat'], ['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'benefits of Omega 3']]
They are very hard !####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'negative', 'very hard']]
It ' s expensive but I just feel I ' m doing the right thing for them with food I think is probably good really meaty food .####[['NULL', 'food prices', 'negative', 'expensive'], ['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'probably good really meaty']]
The glass is sturdy and the apparatus that holds it is sturdy .####[]
Both dogs eat every bit of their food at their scheduled feedings which has been super beneficial for potty training my new rescue dog .####[['food', 'food general', 'positive', 'super beneficial']]
We use a deep sided chicken fryer .####[]
Strong it makes a very nice espresso and we especially like it for after dinner coffee due to the sweetness .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'Strong it makes a very nice espresso']]
I also like that I can really indulge on these and not feel the regret of eating too many calories .####[]
I have always purchased Kirkland Extra Fancy Mixed Nuts because of their high quality and taste .####[['Kirkland Extra Fancy Mixed Nuts', 'food quality', 'positive', 'high quality and taste']]
I ' m so hooked on them that I ' m trying all the flavors .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'so hooked']]
This review is some research about whether or not this product is actually rapadura .####[]
I ' ll definitely be buying more in the future though , because these are delicious .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'definitely be buying more'], ['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'delicious']]
That ' s a bit too many calories in a snack for a young child , I think .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'neutral', 'NULL']]
It also smells and is completely disgusting .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'negative', 'completely disgusting']]
Purchased it upon reading about it ' s many health benefits .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'NULL']]
Despite the reviews , I was skeptical these could be the same thing , but they really and truly are .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'really and truly are']]
Only down side is that you have to remember to reorder it####[]
It ' s a refreshing water with very subtle flavors of coconut and mango .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'subtle']]
They taste like####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'negative', 'NULL']]
Has a spice to it .####[]
More than perhaps a single ice cube if you don ' t have stones would be a travesty - this is some really , really good bourbon .####[['bourbon', 'food general', 'positive', 'really , really good']]
These are a must for me .####[]
I was quite pleased with e flavor of this product .####[['product', 'food style_options', 'positive', 'quite pleased']]
Even though I opted out of recieving " email reminders " to leave feedback / reviews I just received one from this company , so here ' s my review : I ' ve already left a review for the SodaStream machine , and it is not complimentary due to the monopoly on the CO2 .####[]
The flavor selection is excellent - there is truly something for everyone and not an " off " flavor in the bunch .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'excellent'], ['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'NULL']]
Yes Larabars come in a package , but they do not have any preservatives , chemicals , or ingredients whose names I cannot pronounce .####[['Larabars', 'food general', 'positive', 'do not have any preservatives , chemicals , or ingredients whose names I cannot pronounce']]
I sent it to three people as gifts .####[]
Chocolate is my favorite , followed by peanut butter .####[['Chocolate', 'food general', 'positive', 'my favorite']]
No artificial stuff .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'No artificial stuff']]
I still couldn ' t have used it very often because it ' s very loud .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'negative', 'very loud']]
I have to strain it 3 times .####[]
These bars are great !####[['bars', 'food general', 'positive', 'great']]
I have sampled many bulk Chai teas and I have to say this is the BEST one ever .####[['Chai teas', 'food quality', 'positive', 'BEST']]
He loves it and he loves the dried freeze liver treats too .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'loves'], ['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'loves']]
We found a couple of suppliers on the web and used them , until we finally found Coffeebean Direct and have been ordering exclusively from them since 2005 !####[]
Best part is that it is made in the U S A .####[]
These are ok snacks but I like other granola bars better .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'ok']]
She was my granddaughters cat####[]
I refer my friends here all the time , because many of them are not aware of the fact that you sell much more than books , electronic games and movies .####[['NULL', 'food recommendation', 'positive', 'NULL']]
I sought the ingredient information and I am thrilled to find this to be a sugar - free product ! !####[['product', 'food general', 'positive', 'sugar - free']]
I have tried so many peach teas that were either bitter , pale , or off tasting .####[]
We live out of the country and if you can believe it . . . there are NO STARBUCKS anywhere near us .####[]
They are a lot better than greasy chips !####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'better']]
This coconut water would fall under the superior category .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'superior']]
We really liked this licorice when it was sold in the store .####[]
I received a Banana Soft Baked Bar through Influenster .####[]
I am diabetic and absolutely loved these jellies .####[['jellies', 'food general', 'positive', 'loved']]
I won ' t eat it ( and neither will my grandkids ) .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'negative', "won ' t eat it"]]
I asked my Dad to honestly tell me what he thought about the steaks I sent him for x - mas .####[]
You can get this same bag at the store for $ 8 . 00 and it is very fresh there , not anymore on Amazon .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'negative', 'very fresh']]
Their flavor is clean and sharp .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'clean'], ['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'sharp']]
LOL I immediately went back and bought like 5 more to snack on while at work !####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL']]
My favorite packaged coconut water in order of best tasting was Zico , One , then Vita Coco .####[['Zico', 'food quality', 'positive', 'My favorite'], ['Vita Coco', 'food quality', 'positive', 'My favorite']]
Awesome flavor .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'Awesome']]
Wish they made a metal jar , if that ' s possible . . .####[]
I ' m stocked with these bones to occupy my dog for at least 30 - 60 minutes at a time .####[['bones', 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL']]
The cranberries , on the other hand , juicy , plump , delicious , mildly sweet , much , much better than Craisins .####[['cranberries', 'food quality', 'positive', 'juicy'], ['cranberries', 'food quality', 'positive', 'plump'], ['cranberries', 'food quality', 'positive', 'delicious'], ['cranberries', 'food quality', 'positive', 'mildly sweet'], ['cranberries', 'food quality', 'positive', 'much better than Craisins']]
However , when ordering on line , it is sometimes a long wait for your shipment due to this product ' s popularity .####[['NULL', 'amazon availability', 'positive', 'NULL'], ['shipment', 'shipment delivery', 'negative', 'NULL']]
Barnum ' s , which were the gold standard of animal crackers , have changed their recipe to this as well and suck just as bad .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'negative', 'suck just as bad']]
If only the jar inside were not plastic , which makes me nervous , especially with boiling water potentially leaching toxic compounds .####[]
She was unable to and on many occasions lamented about how much she liked the Pomi and why can ' t she find it in CA .####[]
This tasty , healthy , eco - friendly snack is everything an applesauce should be .####[['snack', 'food quality', 'positive', 'tasty , healthy , eco - friendly']]
I was very pleased with overall value .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'very pleased with overall value']]
I have a history of HypoMag including severe muscle spasms and prolonged charlie horses .####[]
A gooey , crunchy , chocolately mix of a mess .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'gooey , crunchy , chocolately mix of a mess']]
Gluten - free not on the box , but company says no gluten ingredients added with only a minute chance of cross - contamination .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'NULL']]
This is the best gluten free pizza crust that I have had .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'best gluten free pizza crust that I have had']]
This peanut butter is very slightly crunchy .####[['peanut butter', 'food quality', 'positive', 'very slightly crunchy']]
Gonna try it as an icing for my moms homemade turtle cookies soon .####[]
I ' m definitely not getting this again .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'negative', 'definitely not getting this again']]
I won ' t bore you with stats about salt , the good bad or ugly .####[]
I am surprised that Amazon is pricing so much higher than Walmart .####[['Amazon', 'amazon prices', 'negative', 'T_NULL']]
Clearly it was not 6 lb given that the bottle is under 1 lb .####[['NULL', 'food style_options', 'negative', 'bottle is under 1 lb']]
This is the best tasting coconut water out there .####[['coconut water', 'food quality', 'positive', 'best']]
They cook up great whether we put them on the grill , in the microwave , oven or on the stove .####[]
The lemon juice helps a great deal with keeping your breath fresh ( usually an issue with sardines ) and the lemon slice found in each can is an added and very enjoyable bonus .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'keeping your breath fresh'], ['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'very enjoyable bonus']]
I think this product has an excellent message ; however , it seems to be dressing up New - age soda into something it is not : healthy .####[]
I mainly bought this because my son has fairly bad ADHD and I wanted to try more natural routes before things like medication .####[]
I don ' t have to be purchasing real often .####[]
I ' ve been having these for lunch with a few carrot sticks and find that I don ' t get hungry in the afternoon .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', "don ' t get hungry"]]
i have enjoyed this product for quite some time . however , i am disgusted by the fact that the price keeps increasing ! at $ 35 per case , customers are paying more than $ 4 per box for 5 small cookie bars - ridiculous ! i will find a healthier , more reasonably priced snack to munch on . shame on nana and amazon . . .####[['product', 'food quality', 'positive', 'NULL'], ['NULL', 'amazon prices', 'negative', 'disgusted'], ['cookie bars', 'food prices', 'negative', 'ridiculous']]
They arrived bruised from the shipping and looked like they were ten years ago dried out and marked ) .####[['NULL', 'shipment quality', 'negative', 'NULL']]
Eco - Farmed Brown Rice Cake , Salt Free , 8 . 5 - Ounce Units ( Pack of 12 ) next I want to try Lundberg Eco - Farmed Buttery Caramel Rice Cake , 9 . 5 - Ounce Units ( Pack of 12 ) I guess if people see I like it it will be even harder to get : - }####[]
Best granola on the market !####[['granola', 'food general', 'positive', 'Best']]
We don ' t have a pod brewer so we put a couple of these in the coffeepot and brewed water thru it .####[]
However , the cereal is really awesome .####[['cereal', 'food general', 'positive', 'really awesome']]
Google " propylene glycol " to find out why .####[]
The folks who gave it one star and had such negative things to say about it ?####[]
Try the other flavors , they are good but think twice about this one .####[['NULL', 'food recommendation', 'neutral', 'good but think twice']]
I just had boiling water from the kettle and I am good to go .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'good']]
It was moist and fluffy .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'NULL']]
It ' s like eating non salted peanuts , the flavor is pure peanut butter and blends easily with other flavors .####[['peanut butter', 'food quality', 'positive', 'pure'], ['peanut butter', 'food quality', 'positive', 'NULL']]
I appreciate the larger size as this makes using this product regularly , to be more affordable .####[['product', 'food style_options', 'positive', 'appreciate the larger size'], ['product', 'food prices', 'positive', 'more affordable']]
If you like brown bread , try it .####[]
There may have been one in the past - but not now .####[]
This is a product your dog will love .####[['product', 'food general', 'positive', 'love']]
No bitterness to it and the smell in the house when it was brewing was as if you were in a Caribou coffee estanlishment .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'No bitterness']]
We should only " feed " our skin what we would put in our mouths !####[]
Just about addictive .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'Just about addictive']]
This is the only product she has found to have NO SWEETNER in it so it has flavor but 0 calories and no FAKE sweetner either .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'NO SWEETNER'], ['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', '0 calories and no FAKE sweetner either']]
I ' m a big fan of the Blue Diamond brand almonds and I especially like the " bold " flavors .####[['Blue Diamond', 'food general', 'positive', 'big'], ['Blue Diamond', 'food quality', 'positive', 'bold']]
I had planned to try these crackers with several different toppings , but I had eaten most of the bag before I stopped long enough to try some with Mozzarella cheese .####[]
They are a great size for training , however they are a little more chewy than I thought they would be .####[['NULL', 'food style_options', 'positive', 'great size'], ['NULL', 'food style_options', 'neutral', 'little more chewy']]
Another reviewer commented that there were slits in the inner paper packaging and threw out the product - the slits are to facilitate the freeze drying process as mentioned on the wrapper .####[]
This is absolutely the best product to wake up to every morning .####[['product', 'food general', 'positive', 'absolutely the best']]
This came to $ 1 .####[['NULL', 'food prices', 'positive', 'NULL']]
This is quality dog food and my 9 year old cocker spaniel loves it .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'quality dog food'], ['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'loves']]
These lollipops are great !####[['lollipops', 'food general', 'positive', 'great']]
But , I have to say that Amazon charges a LOT more than grocery stores .####[['Amazon', 'amazon prices', 'negative', 'NULL']]
Amazon offers this at a great price too .####[['Amazon', 'amazon prices', 'positive', 'great price too']]
I ' m disappointed .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'negative', 'disappointed']]
This trap however does not compare to the easy one I had already .####[]
Sure enough careful reading revealed that the weight is reflective of the entire box .####[]
This is a wonderful alternative .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'wonderful alternative']]
YUMMY !####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'YUMMY']]
Would not recommend this 3 oz size !####[['NULL', 'food recommendation', 'negative', 'Would not recommend this 3 oz size']]
I was very impressed with how smooth this is - it makes Rare Breed seem cheap .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'very impressed'], ['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'smooth'], ['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'makes Rare Breed seem cheap']]
The taste is sweeter and I needed to use less of the packets .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'sweeter'], ['NULL', 'food style_options', 'positive', 'needed to use less of the packets']]
After one of my cats experienced some tummy problems , I decided to look for some grain free options .####[]
Most pieces , however , are too salty .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'negative', 'too salty']]
Thank you Amazon for offering this product .####[['Amazon', 'amazon availability', 'positive', 'Thank you']]
It offers a little more distinction that your Kosher Sea Salt , which is a bland NaCL .####[['Kosher Sea Salt', 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL']]
I ordered this near the end of January when advertised for $ 19 .####[['NULL', 'amazon prices', 'positive', 'NULL']]
It ' s also got a surprise in the form of a strong paprika aftertaste that kicks in about 10 seconds after you ' ve eaten a piece ( or two , or however many you ' re going to munch on at that instance ) .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL']]
Makes a great gift for anyone who loves jellybeans / popcorn .####[]
I use only 1 bag a week to keep all my food waste .####[]
I will be ordering more !####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'ordering more']]
Delicious flavor , a little on the strong side for those who like it strong .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'Delicious']]
Their coats have amazing pigment and texture .####[]
Was particularly happy they are not high sodium and have no six syllable ingredients .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'particularly happy']]
I love hot tea , but I have found that there are some brands and styles that I enjoy much more than others .####[]
It is very authentic and hits a lot of flavor notes .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'very authentic']]
I happen to love the scent and it makes my hair shiny , and thicker and very soft .####[]
I love the initial orange flavor then the ginger heat kick at the end .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'love']]
I look everywhere I go ) and they only charge $ 2 .####[]
I will be buying more again soon .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'will be buying more again soon']]
Nice sweet & salty combo .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'Nice sweet & salty combo']]
But the package and presentation is low budget .####[['package and presentation', 'shipment quality', 'negative', 'low budget']]
I like fresh coffee , not almost expired .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'negative', 'NULL']]
I saw these Petrodex chews were pretty inexpensive and had good reviews , so I decided to try them out .####[['Petrodex chews', 'food prices', 'positive', 'pretty inexpensive'], ['Petrodex chews', 'food general', 'positive', 'good reviews']]
Last year I drank this yummy organic tea while on a detox plan and it was very satisfying and felt decadent .####[['tea', 'food general', 'positive', 'very satisfying'], ['tea', 'food quality', 'positive', 'yummy organic'], ['tea', 'food general', 'positive', 'felt decadent']]
It turned out wonderful .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'wonderful']]
I have celiacs disease and all but one of the snacks are gluten and wheat free .####[]
I like to try a lot of different coffee and have even roasted my own occasionally and this is by far one of the best if not THE best coffee I have had .####[['coffee', 'food general', 'positive', 'best']]
The caribou blend coffee is a nice blend , not too strong .####[['The caribou blend coffee', 'food quality', 'positive', 'nice'], ['The caribou blend coffee', 'food quality', 'positive', 'not too strong']]
I would highly recommend them : )####[['NULL', 'food recommendation', 'positive', 'highly recommend']]
Pamela ' s Classic Vanilla Cake Mix is a must for your pantry .####[["Pamela ' s Classic Vanilla Cake", 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL']]
If you ' ve been eating commercial peanut butter , it may seem bland at first .####[['peanut butter', 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL']]
Most of the jerky was good , but I ran into 1 too many pieces that was fatty or felt like a salty chunk of fat .####[['jerky', 'food general', 'positive', 'good'], ['NULL', 'food quality', 'negative', 'like a salty chunk of fat']]
. . . you ' ll feel the same way !####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL']]
I wouldn ' t consume more then one bag a day , but it ' s your choice and body .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL']]
I bought Halo chicken and I crumbled some over the canned food and my cats started gobbling it up .####[['Halo chicken', 'food general', 'positive', 'gobbling']]
So they are a terrific mix of easy but not over - preocessed .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'easy but not over - preocessed']]
I even have my non - vegan friends eating a handfull everyday . they " say that if you have a diet that includes nuts and seeds you will live years longer and much healthier .####[]
The Canidae dog treats has been well received by my 1 year old Presa Canarios .####[['Canidae dog treats', 'food general', 'positive', 'well received']]
I will definitely do business with them again !####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL']]
I also like the fact that it is cold - brew - saves some time in the brewing process !####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL']]
I have used the sweetleaf Stevia for years and I ' ve tried others but the Sweetlead is my very favorite .####[['sweetleaf Stevia', 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL'], ['Sweetlead', 'food general', 'positive', 'favorite']]
Since this is a product review , I ' ll focus on the product itself .####[]
Um my mother described these as chips that went terribly wrong .####[['chips', 'food general', 'negative', 'terribly wrong']]
Pat Greenough , Boise , Id .####[]
They are great snacks for those who are on the go , or even a part of a breakfast while rushing out the door .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'great snacks']]
Really fast delivery ! !####[['NULL', 'shipment delivery', 'positive', 'Really fast']]
Cashew Cookie is pretty good also .####[['Cashew Cookie', 'food general', 'positive', 'pretty good']]
Also no poster as described .####[]
I love chocolate filled with liquor and the Mon Cheri itself does not disappoint .####[['chocolate', 'food general', 'positive', 'love'], ['chocolate', 'food general', 'positive', 'does not disappoint']]
It isn ' t the best tasting , but it is very comforting .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'negative', "isn ' t the best tasting"], ['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'very comforting']]
We take this as a daily supplement in our home .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL']]
It has an amazing flavor without the guilt .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'amazing flavor']]
Cannot find in stores where I live , so was thrilled to find it online .####[['NULL', 'amazon availability', 'positive', 'thrilled to find it online']]
Try them !####[['NULL', 'food recommendation', 'positive', 'Try them']]
These are hands - down the best brownies I ' ve ever had .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', "hands - down the best brownies I ' ve ever had"]]
I ' ll be buying it over and over , it tastes delicious and doesn ' t have that weird protein taste some powders have .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL'], ['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'delicious']]
The orange and lemon peels make this tea very hippy .####[]
Try it alone or with Stash Ginger peach green tea , or anything .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL']]
My cats do enjoy this food but the can is SO hard to open .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'enjoy']]
I bought this on a whim - trying other granola ' s that were sweet yet tasty .####[["granola ' s", 'food quality', 'positive', 'sweet yet tasty']]
I received my first order today , and it is so good that I have just reordered .####[['NULL', 'shipment delivery', 'positive', 'NULL']]
I ordered this tea because a reviewer stated there was ' garcinia ' in this tea but I don ' t see it in the ingredient list .####[]
If you like generic american coffee with no punch , no hint of a darker roast this may be for you .####[]
Can ' t wait to try the other flavors ! !####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', "Can ' t wait to try the other flavors"]]
I have tried almost all of the Kind bars .####[]
And on top of that it is sugar free and good for your teeth .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'sugar free'], ['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'good for your teeth']]
One of several canned goods my pantry is seldom without .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'seldom without']]
I purchased two flavors to try the brand and####[['brand', 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL']]
I bought a couple of boxes of regular chex and mixed it with the cinnamon chex and presto delicious .####[['chex', 'food quality', 'positive', 'delicious']]
A year or so ago , I use to buy these quite often because they were gluten - free .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'gluten - free']]
We are stuck with a case of this garbage .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'negative', 'garbage']]
I love the Popchips and they do taste like potato chips unlike other products I have tried .####[['Popchips', 'food general', 'positive', 'love']]
As it ' s said , live and learn .####[]
It ' s a hearty soup and leaves you satisfied .####[['soup', 'food general', 'positive', 'hearty']]
So while I love this organic version , I will probably opt in the future for a cheaper natural alternative , unless someone gives me a good reason for sticking to the organic kind .####[['NULL', 'food recommendation', 'neutral', 'NULL']]
If I ' m going to spend money on bottled water , it might as well have a bit of something extra .####[]
You pay a little more but it is worth it in my opinion####[['NULL', 'food prices', 'positive', 'worth it in my opinion']]
I feel that all the Jack Links sticks I have tried are much better than the Slim Jims .####[['Jack Links sticks', 'food general', 'positive', 'much better']]
Ok , so control yourself , but still you can get your fruit easily this way .####[]
This isn ' t the perfect food , but a definite food for their rotation####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'definite']]
HA !####[]
I was also very impressed with the prompt delivery , I had my coffee 2 days after ordering it .####[['NULL', 'shipment delivery', 'positive', 'very impressed'], ['coffee', 'amazon availability', 'positive', 'NULL']]
It ' s perfect as a breakfast or dessert coffee as it pairs well with food .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'perfect']]
The best chip currently available is the Lant Chips on your Amazon . com site .####[['Amazon', 'amazon availability', 'positive', 'currently available']]
It also makes a great base for vegetable patties or loaf .####[['NULL', 'food style_options', 'positive', 'great']]
My friend Tina comes up to me with this herb tea , to which she ' s added , of all things , SUGAR and CREAM .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL'], ['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'NULL']]
I was pleasantly surprised when this product showed up packaged in two # 10 cans ( think BIG coffee can ) .####[['product', 'food general', 'positive', 'pleasantly surprised']]
This reminds me of what I ate in England .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'NULL']]
Good job .####[]
The bbq and cheese ones are my fav , but recently ordered the sweet potatoes and found them to be lacking in taste .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'negative', 'NULL']]
It ' s light and RICH at the same time !####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'RICH']]
Enjoy !####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'Enjoy']]
The best .####[]
The Amazon price for the food was friendly , and UPS delivered the heavy sack right to my door .####[['Amazon', 'amazon prices', 'positive', 'friendly'], ['NULL', 'shipment delivery', 'positive', 'right to my door']]
Shocking " the pasta with cold water makes all the difference in the world !####[]
The planks are chewy enough that they taste kind of stale just as a granola bar or snack by themselves .####[['The planks', 'food quality', 'neutral', 'chewy'], ['The planks', 'food quality', 'neutral', 'NULL']]
I just lift the top up a little when I poor to bypass this problem .####[]
I recommend the product but I suppose it depends on whether you like brown bread or not .####[['product', 'food recommendation', 'positive', 'recommend']]
It is not always available so I buy several tubs when it is on the shelves .####[['NULL', 'amazon availability', 'negative', 'not always available']]
Still pretty yummy , even though they ' ve reduced the fat content , making it not quite as yummy as it used to be ( thanks nanny state [ big razzzzzberry ] . what more can I say ?####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'pretty yummy'], ['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'reduced the fat content']]
I like buying these larger bulk orders from you .####[['NULL', 'amazon availability', 'positive', 'NULL']]
I will recommend it to everyone .####[['NULL', 'food recommendation', 'positive', 'recommend']]
Imho , Kettle - brand chips are excellent and I recommend them to all potato chip ' affection - ados ' .####[['Kettle', 'food quality', 'positive', 'excellent'], ['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL'], ['Kettle', 'food recommendation', 'positive', 'recommend']]
I ' ve already made some vanilla extract , vanilla sugar and some desserts , these beans are amazing .####[['beans', 'food general', 'positive', 'amazing']]
Just don ' t take too much !####[]
I went to my local farmer ' s market recently and they had an amazing peach creme brulee .####[['peach creme brulee', 'food general', 'positive', 'amazing']]
I ate one before I noticed the mold , and it tasted good , but####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'tasted good']]
I would like it to be 50 % less heat , but the same wonderful flavor .####[]
They are so amazingly good that you ' ll find yourself with an empty package before you realize you ' ve eaten that many .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'amazingly good']]
They are good food and treats for our dogs .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'good']]
Thirteen bucks delivered when my local store doesn ' t carry this item is a plus .####[['NULL', 'shipment prices', 'positive', 'NULL']]
When you pull off the pop top , you can ' t help but get splashed by it .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'neutral', 'NULL']]
Cafe Verona is our favorite coffee .####[['Cafe Verona', 'food general', 'positive', 'favorite']]
We buy a lot of Beef Jerky and usually Jack Links .####[]
After one of my cats experienced some tummy problems , I decided to look for some grain free options .####[]
I was thrilled to find this organic pumpkin for such a great price !####[['organic pumpkin', 'amazon prices', 'positive', 'great']]
WE WERE####[]
Oz .####[]
He does enjoy them though .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'enjoy']]
It does not taste overly sweet , nor does it leave you with a chemical after taste .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'NULL']]
I m October , I signed up for delivery every two months and received shipments only in October and December ( it ' s now March 18 , but I canceled all of my subscriptions yesterday ) .####[['shipments', 'shipment delivery', 'negative', 'NULL']]
Perfect amount of chocolate chips .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'Perfect']]
Now it basically tastes like coffee to me ( note that I ' m more of a tea drinker , however ) .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'NULL']]
I brew this on the second to largest cup size for a great bold coffee that stands up to all the cream .####[['coffee', 'food general', 'positive', 'great'], ['coffee', 'food quality', 'positive', 'bold']]
Overall , the coffee has a powdery taste as compared to the pre - packaged K - cups .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'negative', 'powdery taste']]
Drinking anything that causes headaches should be avoided and prevented .####[]
Now if only I could find an equally tasty pizza substitute !####[]
There has been a slight change in the quality recently .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'neutral', 'NULL']]
It is hot enough to be hot , yet not so hot that you have to be careful .####[['NULL', 'food style_options', 'positive', 'hot']]
My pet store does not keep much in stock , so I was thrilled to find it on amazon !####[['amazon', 'amazon availability', 'positive', 'thrilled to find']]
Ginger Ales is incredibly refreshing on a hot summer day .####[['Ginger Ales', 'food general', 'positive', 'incredibly refreshing']]
I just wish they wouldn ' t try and pretend to be something they are not - they are snack food - we expect some downside####[]
My breathing felt better after the first cup .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'breathing felt better']]
Purchasing it here at Amazon is much cheaper than the health food stores , too .####[['Amazon', 'amazon prices', 'positive', 'much cheaper']]
The 7 oz . tube is fairly small and I wish they made a larger size , but the multipack is a nice option for this reason .####[['NULL', 'food prices', 'negative', 'fairly small']]
Besides the flavor , this brand goes the proverbial extra mile in being earth friendly .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'NULL']]
I bought these at Whole Foods the other day because they were out of the regular chocolate chip ones .####[]
The bits that are shaped and formed to look like roast beef are slightly soft and chewy and the hard bits of kibble are dyed , which seems unnecessary .####[['bits', 'food style_options', 'negative', 'unnecessary']]
Instead of drinking pop that makes you more thirsty , take a Lipton to go packet that will quench thisrt , and leave you fully satisfied .####[['Lipton to go packet', 'food general', 'positive', 'leave you fully satisfied']]
Great price and shipping .####[['NULL', 'food prices', 'positive', 'Great'], ['shipping', 'shipment quality', 'positive', 'Great']]
I recommended this to a friend who replied " with Double Black Diamond who needs Geritol " .####[['NULL', 'food recommendation', 'positive', 'recommended']]
This is like a little bag of AWESOME !####[['NULL', 'food style_options', 'neutral', 'little'], ['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'AWESOME']]
Love it .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'Love']]
Great price ( even cheaper than what we ' ve been able to find at the grocery store ) .####[['NULL', 'amazon prices', 'positive', 'Great price']]
I was worried about ordering this because it comes with three buckets , and I ' m a bit picky about my margaritas - -####[]
I will purchase again .####[['NULL', 'food recommendation', 'positive', 'purchase again']]
At 13 , she ' s getting pretty finicky , and these will gather her full attention .####[]
At only 100 calories per serving it is a great , healthy snack .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'great'], ['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'healthy']]
This coffee isn ' t that cheap to have to throw away that many cups and still make it worth it .####[['coffee', 'food prices', 'negative', "isn ' t that cheap"]]
If you want to be able to squirt honey out of the bottle ' s nozzle , you need to make a hole in it yourself .####[]
Chick Chick has a nice subtle flavour and nice texture .####[['Chick Chick', 'food quality', 'positive', 'nice subtle flavour'], ['Chick Chick', 'food style_options', 'positive', 'nice texture']]
My family loves this cocoa !####[['cocoa', 'food general', 'positive', 'loves']]
I wish I could tell you why this coffee tasters so delicious , but####[['coffee', 'food quality', 'positive', 'so delicious']]
7 .####[]
Marmite even better !####[['Marmite', 'food quality', 'positive', 'better']]
This is the only product on amazon that we have a subscription to get this every 2 months .####[['amazon', 'amazon availability', 'positive', 'NULL']]
I heard about this on Americas test kitchen .####[]
I will just get them at WF , unless of course they go on same again !####[['NULL', 'food recommendation', 'positive', 'NULL']]
I think another reviewer who described it as a " burnt " flavor may have gotten it right .####[]
After tasting this cereal I was hooked .####[['cereal', 'food quality', 'positive', 'hooked']]
They say the toy isn ' t edible but if it ' s that easily eaten , maybe they should either consider making it edible or make it more durable .####[]
Husband here : Coffee was delivered in two days and seemed very fresh .####[['Coffee', 'shipment delivery', 'positive', 'delivered in two days'], ['Coffee', 'food general', 'positive', 'very fresh']]
I ' m definitely not getting this again .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'negative', 'definitely not getting this again']]
I can tell that more now that I ran out and had to supplement my Amazon purchase with running to the store .####[['Amazon', 'amazon availability', 'positive', 'NULL']]
I highly recommend keepings these around .####[['NULL', 'food recommendation', 'positive', 'highly recommend']]
I usually end up pouring this honey into a different bottle in order to be able to use it more easily .####[]
They were fresh , crunchy and had a nice flavor .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'fresh'], ['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'crunchy'], ['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'nice flavor']]
. . but the product photo threw me off a little .####[['product', 'food general', 'neutral', 'threw me off a little']]
I just stocked up and bought 12 boxes .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL']]
I added sweet potatoes and a dash of cinnamon .####[]
My husband will eat the rest as a snack and we will never purchase them again .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'negative', 'NULL']]
Definitely good to switch up and have midday as a sweet treat .####[]
When i got mine i shared with some of my family members , most of whome didn ' t ask for seconds .####[]
My only " complaint " is that I bought a pack of 12 for about $ 22 - 23 on Amazon a few months ago , signing up for the regular delivery .####[]
But over the last 3 purchases , 1 / 3 of the bag ends up as powder , which sticks in my pets ' throats .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'negative', 'powder , which sticks']]
Every time I go to replenish the pantry with them , they ' re either sold out or there are only two boxes left , which I buy .####[['NULL', 'amazon availability', 'negative', 'sold out']]
Fortunately they won ' t license Flakes for production in the United States ( because Flakes just wouldn ' t taste the same ) .####[]
I care less and less for other coffees the more I drink this .####[['coffees', 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL']]
Eating asparagus for breakfast is not the greatest , but I am giving it a go .####[]
These are very colorful but not the best tasting .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'very colorful'], ['NULL', 'food quality', 'negative', 'not the best tasting']]
I could go on and on .####[]
She mentioned that her cat didn ' t care for the salmon in it , however , the concept of the food is excellent .####[['food', 'food general', 'positive', 'excellent']]
It was good to find them in 100 calorie packs .####[['NULL', 'food style_options', 'positive', 'good']]
Try the Nile Spice Lentil Curry Couscous soup today and be whisked away into a unique aroma from half way around the world .####[['Nile Spice Lentil Curry Couscous soup', 'food recommendation', 'positive', 'Try']]
The Grade A Medium Amber from Hidden Springs Maple Vermont is simply fabulous .####[['Grade A Medium Amber', 'food quality', 'positive', 'simply fabulous']]
Still I can ' t figure it out , something was missing it ' s okay , not great .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'negative', "something was missing it ' s okay , not great"]]
My two papillons get one of these each evening after their walk , and they love them !####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'love them']]
I ordered this bouquet to be delivered on my daughter ' s birthday , August 17 .####[]
The babycok is easy to use and does a great job even with carrots and other tougher foods .####[['babycok', 'food quality', 'positive', 'easy'], ['babycok', 'food quality', 'positive', 'grea']]
It ' s got a good balance of flavors yet still bold at the same time .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'good balance of flavors']]
I drink it daily .####[]
I have tried many and this one is # 1 followed by Jeremiah ' s pick then Green bean ? and Merlitta .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'NULL']]
My cats have been on Hill ' s Science Diet since they came home as kittens .####[]
I came across this little hint in an Alternative Healing Book .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL']]
Just a heads up .####[]
Afterwards , I ' treated ' them to fried frog legs !####[]
- ) Absolutely love this product !####[['product', 'food general', 'positive', 'Absolutely love']]
I feel very good giving him this high quality food and am glad that my picky eater wants something that is so good for him .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'high quality'], ['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'so good']]
I would prefer it to be a bit stronger , but over all this is a great product for traveling and camping .####[['product', 'food general', 'positive', 'great']]
We made a pot for a dinner party and everyone gave it the thumbs up !####[]
It was wonderful to be able to have a real cup of coffee in my room !####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'wonderful']]
I like this product a lot , but $ 6 .####[['product', 'food general', 'positive', 'like']]
To my surprise , it was there and easy to order through Amazon .####[['Amazon', 'amazon availability', 'positive', 'easy']]
This coffee comes perfectly pre - ground for espresso drinks .####[['coffee', 'food quality', 'positive', 'perfectly pre - ground']]
Because this flour does contain some of the whole grain , the products I bake with it are a little darker in color and slightly coarser in texture than something that is made with all - purpose white wheat flour , but we haven ' t found the differences to be objectionable .####[['products', 'food style_options', 'positive', 'little darker in color'], ['products', 'food style_options', 'positive', 'slightly coarser in texture']]
This would have been a - 1 if possible .####[]
I am by no means a food critic or expert , but these Toffee - ettes are the most addictive yummy candy I ' ve had in years !####[['Toffee - ettes', 'food quality', 'positive', 'most addictive yummy']]
I will be ordering more !####[]
I confess I am addicted to most of the Kind Bars .####[['Kind Bars', 'food general', 'positive', 'addicted']]
Anyway , when you first put the mint in your mouth there is no taste .####[['mint', 'food quality', 'negative', 'no taste']]
Never had a bag that didn ' t perform well .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'neutral', "didn ' t perform well"]]
These chips are amazing .####[['chips', 'food general', 'positive', 'amazing']]
NB .####[]
My Mom picked up this Newman ' s food because it was available at the grocery store .####[["Newman ' s food", 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL']]
They are stale , bruised and over - cooked .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'negative', 'stale'], ['NULL', 'food general', 'negative', 'bruised'], ['NULL', 'food general', 'negative', 'over - cooked']]
I added noodles and vegetables into the soup without adding extra salt .####[]
I like this better than the regular Newman ' s , because it has less ingredients .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', "like this better than the regular Newman ' s"]]
As a bona fide coco - ' nut ' , I can tell you this product is delicious . crispy and lightly sweet wide flakes .####[['product', 'food quality', 'positive', 'delicious'], ['product', 'food quality', 'positive', 'crispy'], ['product', 'food quality', 'positive', 'lightly sweet'], ['product', 'food style_options', 'positive', 'wide']]
It has a great flavor - clean , natural , fruity and not synthetic .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'great flavor'], ['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'clean'], ['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'natural'], ['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'fruity'], ['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'not synthetic']]
Chews on everything else in the house , anyway .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'neutral', 'NULL']]
But after that , the dog loves it !####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL']]
I have also found that this tea is particularly tolerant to over - brewing .####[['tea', 'food quality', 'positive', 'particularly tolerant']]
I want to believe that it being organic makes it better quality , but it tastes the same as natural maple syrup .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'tastes the same as natural maple syrup']]
We purchased a varity pack online for him and let him choose which product he liked best and this was it .####[]
It keeps peace in our home and it smells terrific !####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'smells terrific']]
I often mix this tea with cascade mint , jasmine green or other Stash loose leaf herbal teas because although it ' s very good by itself , plain green tea can get boring day - after - day .####[['tea', 'food style_options', 'positive', 'NULL'], ['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'good']]
Your body & the environment will thank you !####[]
Great price , great deal , great cereal .####[['NULL', 'food prices', 'positive', 'Great price'], ['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'great cereal'], ['NULL', 'amazon prices', 'positive', 'great deal']]
I picked this up at a food store when I was in either St .####[]
They are conveniently packed in little pouches so they are easy to grab and take along when we ride .####[['NULL', 'shipment quality', 'positive', 'conveniently packed in little pouches']]
It has a one way ' valve ' on the bag to push air out .####[['NULL', 'shipment quality', 'positive', "one way ' valve ' on the bag to push air out"]]