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These have just the right amount of flavor & aroma .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'right amount']]
However , I noticed it is no longer in stock and hope that it is a temporary situation .####[['NULL', 'amazon availability', 'negative', 'no longer in stock']]
Highly reommed this ; I like it so much I have it on scheduled delivery .####[['NULL', 'food recommendation', 'positive', 'Highly reommed'], ['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'like it so much']]
I am really glad to have found these products .####[['products', 'food general', 'positive', 'really glad']]
Tastes great and no crash later iam telling you this is the way to go .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'great'], ['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'no crash']]
Even with small containers , they don ' t fill them up .####[['NULL', 'food style_options', 'negative', 'NULL']]
It has a great flavor and actually did give me extra energy .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'great'], ['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'give me extra energy']]
Love the Espresso as well as most of the other flavors .####[['Espresso', 'food general', 'positive', 'Love']]
Alone , I find this a little too flowery , but mixed . . . perfect .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'neutral', 'little too flowery'], ['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'perfect']]
They are definitely very heavy on ' calories from fat ' but keep me full much longer than a regular cereal bar .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'definitely very heavy'], ['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'keep me full much longer']]
Finally , a lollipop without corn syrup , chemicals , artificial colors and flavors !####[['lollipop', 'food style_options', 'positive', 'without corn syrup , chemicals , artificial colors and flavors']]
I ' m not saying its a bad product , just that my 8 year old does not like it .####[['product', 'food general', 'neutral', 'bad'], ['product', 'food general', 'negative', 'does not like']]
These are one of my favorite raw cheddar kale chips .####[['chips', 'food general', 'positive', 'favorite']]
Grab and open and dump .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL']]
Our Boston Terrier loves these bones - we give them to her as a treat or to keep her busy when we have company .####[['bones', 'food general', 'positive', 'loves']]
WOOOW ! ! !####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'WOOOW']]
He eats it on a daily basis - which is great as he was a rescue who previously had human food and I battled the food issue for years before finding this .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'great']]
I still like these Quaker Oatmeal Squares and they ' re still great for just about any time of day .####[['Quaker Oatmeal Squares', 'food general', 'positive', 'still like'], ['Quaker Oatmeal Squares', 'food general', 'positive', 'still great']]
It ' s something different and everyone loves the taste .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'loves'], ['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'something different']]
I don ' t even like tea ( or didn ' t ) I am completely hooked on this .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'completely hooked']]
So beware tender mouths .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'neutral', 'beware']]
I am here today to say this drink is awesome !####[['drink', 'food general', 'positive', 'awesome']]
I order four of Natural Calm and I receive one only I have been calling regarding this order and I have no sollution to this situation .####[['Natural Calm', 'food general', 'negative', 'NULL']]
Just wish they weren ' t so stinkin expensive !####[['NULL', 'food prices', 'negative', 'stinkin expensive']]
We use them sprinkled on top of salads or cooked veggies or sometimes I put them in my VitaMix machine along with extra firm tofu to blend them into a smooth paste as the base for a huge mixed fruit breakfast milkshake / smoothie .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL']]
Mixes well and tastes good to me !####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'good']]
This is a terrific product .####[['product', 'food general', 'positive', 'terrific']]
You provide the chicken and it is easy and quick to make .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'easy'], ['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'quick']]
So far it has worked fine for me .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'worked fine']]
The unpleasant flavor is still there full force . doubt I will be able to save them at this point but will keep trying .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'negative', 'unpleasant']]
I have bought this particular xylitol gum but never questioned as to where it was made .####[['xylitol gum', 'food general', 'neutral', 'NULL']]
If you ' re a chocolate - loving coffee drinker that enjoys a hot mug of joe in the morning , this might just be the perfect coffee for you - chocolatey flavor that wakes you up , AND gives you your jump start !####[['coffee', 'food general', 'positive', 'perfect'], ['coffee', 'food quality', 'neutral', 'chocolatey'], ['coffee', 'food general', 'positive', 'gives you your jump start']]
It has MSG , sodium nitrite and a lot of sodium ) .####[['NULL', 'food style_options', 'negative', 'a lot']]
It ' s just right for my taste - rich , but not bitter - and I will definitely order again .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'just right'], ['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'definitely order again']]
I can ' t find it in the stores anymore and ordered from Amazon . com without a problem .####[['Amazon . com', 'amazon availability', 'positive', 'without a problem']]
We find the supply always fresh when we order .####[['supply', 'food general', 'positive', 'always fresh']]
And , without the guilt . swoon####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'without the guilt'], ['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'swoon']]
Cannot get better testing Irish products anywhere else in the States .####[['Irish products', 'food general', 'positive', 'Cannot get better']]
Ugg !####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'negative', 'NULL']]
I love spicy and bold foods , but the spice here is overwhelming and has such an unpleasant flavor !####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'negative', 'overwhelming'], ['NULL', 'food quality', 'negative', 'unpleasant']]
I ' ve used the rice in various recipes - from pilafs to soups to quickly boiled or steamed .####[['rice', 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL']]
That said , this is good stuff , mellow with none of the bitter edge common with a lot of the cheaper stuff sold at the local grocery store .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'good stuff'], ['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'mellow'], ['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'none of the bitter edge']]
The rest are squirreled away for safe keeping , for those days when personal therapy of the dark chocolate kind is called for .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'personal therapy']]
Great brand !####[['brand', 'food general', 'positive', 'Great']]
I was very excited to find a cheaper cider .####[['cider', 'food general', 'positive', 'very excited'], ['cider', 'food prices', 'positive', 'cheaper']]
This is quite possibly the best peppermint tea we have found .####[['peppermint tea', 'food general', 'positive', 'quite possibly the best']]
It made the tuna delicious , so much so that I ate the whole can .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'delicious']]
I ' m generally not picky when it comes to sugar substitutes - I get that nothing is going to match sugar exactly in taste .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'negative', 'nothing is going to match']]
Not much of a description on the box and no instructions , but it ' s pretty much a tea bag that says this side down .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'negative', 'Not much'], ['NULL', 'food general', 'negative', 'no'], ['NULL', 'food general', 'neutral', 'pretty much']]
And the size is right as well as the price .####[['NULL', 'food style_options', 'positive', 'size is right'], ['NULL', 'food prices', 'positive', 'NULL']]
However , don ' t even think about getting them if you ' ve got dentures as they are also eXXXtra firm without any fillers .####[['NULL', 'food style_options', 'negative', 'eXXXtra firm']]
I ' ve not received my product , not heard from the manufacturers , not able to find a number or anything for me to contact them and want this product for my brother for christmas .####[['NULL', 'shipment delivery', 'negative', 'not received']]
This is my new favorite sweetener for drinks , cooking and baking - even cookies .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'new favorite']]
Now I can enjoy the same flavor minus half the fat .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'can enjoy']]
I ofter buy similar products from Trader Joes and those , in my opinion , are much better and cost far less .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'negative', 'NULL'], ['NULL', 'food prices', 'negative', 'NULL']]
I love the flavor and the kick !####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'love']]
She ' ll eat the generic walmart stuff but for some reason she doesn ' t like this .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'negative', "doesn ' t like"]]
This is typical of the other Kraft Skillet dinners .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'neutral', 'typical']]
The worst tasting coconut water compared One , Naked , and VitaCoco .####[['coconut water', 'food quality', 'negative', 'worst tasting']]
The flavor is wonderful ; not too strong or too hot .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'wonderful'], ['NULL', 'food quality', 'neutral', 'not too strong'], ['NULL', 'food general', 'neutral', 'too hot']]
If you need a product to keep your dog occupied than the Lickity Stik would work but it does not seem to do anything but encourage your dog to lick .####[['Lickity Stik', 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL']]
It ' s chewy and tangy .####[['NULL', 'food style_options', 'neutral', 'chewy and tangy']]
Sour apple tastes toxic .####[['Sour apple', 'food quality', 'negative', 'tastes toxic']]
Great little bar .####[['bar', 'food general', 'positive', 'Great']]
These cookies are really great .####[['cookies', 'food general', 'positive', 'really great']]
The tea does not have a bad taste , doable for its purpose .####[['tea', 'food quality', 'positive', 'does not have a bad'], ['tea', 'food general', 'neutral', 'doable']]
I love the convenience and the little bits that make it hearty and satisfying .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'love'], ['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'hearty'], ['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'satisfying'], ['NULL', 'food general', 'neutral', 'little bits']]
I was so impressed with the robust flavors and aromas that I searched out their product line and bought several larger boxes ( 100 bags per box0 .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'robust flavors and aromas'], ['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'impressed']]
There are so many ways to use them .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'so many ways']]
Since having to be gluten free , I ' ve tried other brands , but truly prefer these .####[['NULL', 'food style_options', 'neutral', 'gluten free'], ['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'prefer']]
It has an enjoyable coffee taste and does not taste like it came from a can .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'enjoyable'], ['NULL', 'food quality', 'neutral', 'does not taste']]
Sad that it is so hard to find these days but I love my Senseo machine .####[['NULL', 'amazon availability', 'negative', 'hard to find'], ['Senseo machine', 'food general', 'positive', 'love']]
Can ' t comment on product itself beyond saying that it really is helping the dog .####[['product', 'food general', 'positive', 'really is helping the dog']]
It tastes like plastic and nothing like coconut water .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'negative', 'tastes like plastic and nothing like coconut water']]
Why did I get such a stong memory of hospital smells in the ' 50s ?####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'negative', 'stong memory of hospital smells']]
The flavor left something to be desired , as it had a smokey chemical taste to them which to me was not enjoyable .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'negative', 'not enjoyable']]
Nope , this is definitively not ' candy I ate as a kid . '####[['candy', 'food general', 'negative', 'definitively not']]
Our whole family loves these crackers .####[['crackers', 'food general', 'positive', 'loves']]
My yorky absolutely loves Greenies Chews .####[['Greenies Chews', 'food general', 'positive', 'absolutely loves']]
Love this coffee !####[['coffee', 'food general', 'positive', 'Love']]
They are nicely packaged and arrived on time .####[['packaged', 'shipment quality', 'positive', 'nicely'], ['packaged', 'shipment delivery', 'neutral', 'arrived on time']]
I like the combination of ingredients .####[['combination of ingredients', 'food style_options', 'positive', 'like']]
The cube itself can be very noisy but that doesn ' t bother me and the dog loves it .####[['cube', 'food general', 'neutral', 'very noisy'], ['cube', 'food general', 'positive', 'loves']]
Arrives promptly .####[['NULL', 'shipment delivery', 'positive', 'promptly']]
My husband and I love this coffee .####[['coffee', 'food general', 'positive', 'love']]
I like Popchips .####[['Popchips', 'food general', 'positive', 'like']]
well , i still do not have the bag in my house , due to some country policies for importtation of animal food anyway i always buy this brand for my cat and she likes it very much combined with teh feline greenies it is all that she needs .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'likes it very much']]
My salads are always the talk of the party - - everyone wants to know what type of dressing I used !####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'everyone wants to know'], ['salads', 'food general', 'positive', 'always the talk of the party']]
Very convenient to toss into a diaper bag .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'Very convenient']]
Still , I ' ll never buy them again ; I ' ll stick to gummy bears and wine gums for my rare candy indulgences .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'negative', 'never buy']]
This item is a food item and if the expiration date has expired , it should NOT be sent to the customers .####[['food item', 'food general', 'negative', 'should NOT be sent']]
This packaging option lessens that guilt a tiny bit .####[['packaging', 'shipment quality', 'positive', 'lessens that guilt']]
We had a problem with delivery and when contacted , the company was courteous and quickly sent us out another box .####[['delivery', 'shipment quality', 'negative', 'had a problem']]
Then I urge you to try this .####[['NULL', 'food recommendation', 'positive', 'urge']]
I mean , they ' re healthy , convenient and edible but if you like to chew and really enjoy your food , it ' s disappointing .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'negative', 'disappointing'], ['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'healthy'], ['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'convenien'], ['NULL', 'food general', 'neutral', 'edible']]
I received my order that its expiration date has expired .####[['order', 'food general', 'negative', 'expired']]
I have ordered from Tommy Moloneys on a number of occasions and the QUALITY AND SERVICE IS ABSOLUTELY EXCELLENT .####[['Tommy Moloneys', 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL'], ['Tommy Moloneys', 'food general', 'positive', 'ABSOLUTELY EXCELLENT']]
My niece got me hooked on the Via .####[['Via', 'food general', 'positive', 'got me hooked']]
I do not believe there is a better product out there and at Amazon , they are a great price .####[['product', 'food general', 'positive', 'do not believe there is a better'], ['price', 'food prices', 'positive', 'great']]
I have been vegan now for a year and these cookies are wonderful ! ! ! ! especially with soy milk at your leisure .####[['cookies', 'food general', 'positive', 'wonderful']]
Tastes exactly like the caffeinated version , but you can drink cup after cup because there is no caffeine !####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'exactly like the caffeinated version']]
My daughters friends always ask her to bring some to school .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL']]
Anyway the cookies taste great as a gluten free cheesecake crust and everyone gives compliments ; - )####[['cookies', 'food quality', 'positive', 'taste great']]
I ' m a weight watchers member and I can enjoy 23 chips for only 3 points , and it ' s very satisfying .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'very satisfying'], ['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'can enjoy']]
I got this stuff for her because of the raw organic benefits .####[['stuff', 'food general', 'neutral', 'raw organic benefits']]
But they taste pretty artificial , and the texture has no chew to it .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'negative', 'pretty artificial'], ['NULL', 'food style_options', 'negative', 'has no chew']]
Its flavor is exactly as you might expect with hints of lime and mint .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'exactly as you might expect']]
but unfortunately , it was , to me , really unpalatable .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'negative', 'unpalatable']]
Bought the four pack . and will be buying these for a long time ! ~####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL']]
For the larger bags , I can find myself finishing in one sitting !####[['bags', 'food general', 'positive', 'find myself finishing']]
This is a great gift idea too .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'great']]
We just finished our final box and my kids want to know what flavor we ' re going to order next .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL'], ['final box', 'food general', 'positive', 'just finished']]
I get my " chip fix " without the quilt of all those calories .####[['chip fix', 'food general', 'positive', 'without the quilt']]
My ten pound chihuahua suffers from skin allergies so I have tried food products that are grain and chicken free and he loves this product .####[['product', 'food general', 'positive', 'loves']]
But they ' re accurate .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'neutral', "they ' re accurate"]]
glad I got this , searched the web for the best food for a dog with stomach problems , loose stools , what I got at the vets didn ' t help , after reading many reviews I got this and I love it becaseu####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'glad'], ['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'love']]
No wonder my kids wont eat it .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'negative', 'wont eat']]
The product expiration date is March 2013 , a good date from April 2012 .####[['product', 'food general', 'positive', 'good']]
Came before you said !####[['NULL', 'shipment delivery', 'positive', 'before']]
This is a wonderful alternative .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'wonderful']]
I simply love this dressing .####[['dressing', 'food general', 'positive', 'simply love']]
I agree with a previous reviewer . grains , beans , and lentils seem like an unusual combo to me , but this soup mix is really good !####[['soup mix', 'food general', 'neutral', 'seem like an unusual combo'], ['soup mix', 'food general', 'positive', 'really good']]
This product was great in the TetraPak .####[['product', 'food general', 'positive', 'great']]
All ginger teas will have that bit of harshness that defines ginger , but this ginger tea smacked of unnatural harshness & bitterness that seems to only be capable of having been produced from the use of some mutant low quality ginger ( if real ginger at all ) .####[['ginger tea', 'food quality', 'negative', 'unnatural harshness'], ['ginger tea', 'food quality', 'negative', 'bitterness'], ['ginger tea', 'food general', 'negative', 'mutant low quality'], ['ginger tea', 'food general', 'negative', 'if real']]
Many chai spice teas ( which I drink plain without milk or additional sweetener ) nauseate me , but this one did not - - - I loved it !####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'did not'], ['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'loved']]
The only problem was that some were broken when they arrived .####[['NULL', 'food style_options', 'negative', 'some were broken']]
And of course , green tea is full of antioxidants .####[['green tea', 'food general', 'positive', 'full']]
We really liked this oatmeal .####[['oatmeal', 'food general', 'positive', 'really liked']]
I made one cup and threw it out , VERY DISAPPOINTING .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'negative', 'threw it out'], ['NULL', 'food general', 'negative', 'VERY DISAPPOINTING']]
This particular Earl Grey is flavorful and warming .####[['Earl Grey', 'food quality', 'positive', 'flavorful'], ['Earl Grey', 'food general', 'positive', 'warming']]
It was a great selection and it made my White Chocolate Mocha perfect .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'great'], ['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'perfect']]
We highly recommend it !####[['NULL', 'food recommendation', 'positive', 'highly recommend']]
Service was great , and now I know I can have it whenever I get the craving for She Crab soup !####[['She Crab soup', 'food general', 'positive', 'have it whenever I get the craving']]
My cats love greenies too , the feline variety .####[['greenies', 'food general', 'positive', 'love']]
Great .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'Great']]
I enjoy eating mariani berries and cherries .####[['mariani berries and cherries', 'food general', 'positive', 'enjoy']]
The only dry food my queen cat will eat .####[['dry food', 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL']]
Ordered three packages .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL']]
I only had the cube for a few weeks before it fell out and she chewed it .####[['cube', 'food general', 'positive', 'chewed']]
They actually came in a holiday box ( I didn ' t know this until I opened my amazon box ) , which would ' ve been great had I been giving them as a gift .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'came in a holiday box'], ['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'great']]
Even with the shipping cost , this 24 pack is the best bargain I ' ve seen .####[['24 pack', 'shipment prices', 'positive', 'best bargain']]
In fact , the best of all the European brands we ' ve tried in our five years of dating .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'best']]
I love the citrus and the raspberry flavors of the Ricochet Sours .####[['Ricochet Sours', 'food quality', 'positive', 'love']]
If you think ' organic ' means ' tastes like dirt ' , then these mints are for you .####[['mints', 'food quality', 'neutral', 'NULL']]
Great flavor , strong but not bitter , good bodied cup o joe . coffee people seem to have the best k cups out there .####[['k cups', 'food quality', 'positive', 'Great'], ['k cups', 'food quality', 'neutral', 'strong but not bitter'], ['k cups', 'food general', 'positive', 'good'], ['k cups', 'food general', 'positive', 'best']]
They were in pieces and seemed stale .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'negative', 'seemed stale']]
Tastes great with rice milk or just plain water !####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'great']]
I love this tea , but only when I mix it with other " regular " teas .####[['tea', 'food general', 'positive', 'love']]
I did not have great expectations for this product , but when it arrived , I was surprised to see how small the gumballs were , that when chewed became pretty small in the mouth .####[['product', 'food general', 'negative', 'not have great expectations'], ['gumballs', 'food style_options', 'negative', 'pretty small'], ['gumballs', 'food style_options', 'negative', 'surprised to see how small']]
Delicious flavor , soothing to the mind , spirit and tummy .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'Delicious'], ['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'soothing']]
Ordering by the case really saves money compared to grocery store .####[['NULL', 'food prices', 'positive', 'really saves money']]
But , to others , I recommend you try luo han first before ordering .####[['luo han', 'food recommendation', 'positive', 'NULL']]
The packaging is beautiful and you are sure you are in for a treat .####[['packaging', 'food general', 'positive', 'beautiful']]
LOVE THESE .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'LOVE']]
I can ' t see any reason to put it in a coffee maker . total waste of electricity .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'negative', 'total waste']]
We will definitely order from them again .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'definitely']]
However it is a low - fat , high - protein food , and very tasty .####[['NULL', 'food style_options', 'positive', 'low'], ['NULL', 'food style_options', 'positive', 'high'], ['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'very tasty']]
There is only a small amount of dark chocolate ( which is what I like , less calories more caffeine ) and the espresso bean has a great taste basically the bean melts in your mouth .####[['espresso bean', 'food quality', 'positive', 'great'], ['NULL', 'food general', 'neutral', 'small amount'], ['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'like']]
I really love the Vanilla Hemp Protein powder .####[['Vanilla Hemp Protein powder', 'food general', 'positive', 'really love']]
Black Tiger actually tastes like coffee should .####[['Black Tiger', 'food quality', 'neutral', 'tastes like coffee']]
This is still # 1 on my list .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'still # 1']]
It has a very nice minty taste .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'very nice minty']]
Water feels " thick " yet silky to swallow .####[['Water', 'food style_options', 'neutral', 'thick'], ['Water', 'food quality', 'positive', 'silky']]
The cinnamon variety tastes almost exactly the same as the hint of brown sugar kind of oatmeal squares to me .####[['oatmeal squares', 'food quality', 'neutral', 'almost exactly the same']]
I received my first shipment of three pouches of Pamela ' s Products Amazing Wheat Free & Gluten - free Bread Mix , 4 - Pound Bags ( Pack of 3 ) today .####[['shipment', 'shipment delivery', 'neutral', 'NULL']]
And to think I found this little gem while searching for my favorite Christmas music .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'little gem']]
I recommend buying it this way .####[['NULL', 'food recommendation', 'positive', 'buying it this way']]
Great product !####[['product', 'food general', 'positive', 'Great']]
My is not to reason why , but to not buy another .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'negative', 'not buy']]
Good packaging .####[['packaging', 'shipment quality', 'positive', 'Good']]
They are good for him so I am very glad that he likes them so well .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'good for him'], ['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'likes them so well']]
I love the apple cinnamon & pecan .####[['apple cinnamon & pecan', 'food general', 'positive', 'love']]
I really like this instant miso .####[['instant miso', 'food general', 'positive', 'really like']]
The size ranged from extra large ( maybe 15 % ) to small ( most of these unopened ) .####[['NULL', 'food style_options', 'negative', 'NULL']]
Nice texture , wonderful taste !####[['NULL', 'food style_options', 'positive', 'Nice'], ['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'wonderful']]
I ' ve never given a poor review before but these olives are so awful####[['olives', 'food general', 'negative', 'so awful']]
I bought them to help stop my out of control afternoon sweets cravings .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'help stop']]
Definitely recommend !####[['NULL', 'food recommendation', 'positive', 'Definitely recommend']]
One step at a time if we each do one thing like even falling for this easy to use organic coffee that will softly delight your tastebuds without overpowering them .####[['coffee', 'food general', 'neutral', 'organic'], ['coffee', 'food quality', 'positive', 'softly delight']]
You will not regret it .####[['NULL', 'food recommendation', 'positive', 'not regret']]
It is nice to know the corn is organic , but I am a little mad at myself for purchasing a 10 year supply ! ; )####[['corn', 'food general', 'positive', 'nice']]
Everything tasted wonderful until I added the crushed tomatoes .####[['crushed tomatoes', 'food quality', 'negative', 'NULL']]
The can of illy issimo Caffe Coffee drink is a small can and at first I thought this is too small , I was wrong ! !####[['illy issimo Caffe Coffee drink', 'food style_options', 'neutral', 'small'], ['illy issimo Caffe Coffee drink', 'food style_options', 'positive', 'thought this is too small , I was wrong']]
I would recommend this product to everyone who loves the flavor of a good latte !####[['product', 'food recommendation', 'positive', 'would recommend'], ['latte', 'food quality', 'positive', 'loves'], ['latte', 'food general', 'positive', 'good']]
Organic ingredients , fruit flavors , and natural colors are what I ' m looking for .####[['NULL', 'food style_options', 'positive', 'Organic'], ['NULL', 'food quality', 'neutral', 'fruit'], ['NULL', 'food style_options', 'positive', 'natural']]
My non GF family prefer Glutino Pretzels to regular ( poison ) pretzels .####[['Glutino Pretzels', 'food general', 'positive', 'prefer']]
I recommend KIND bars to everybody because they are so delicious .####[['KIND bars', 'food quality', 'positive', 'so delicious'], ['KIND bars', 'food recommendation', 'positive', 'NULL']]
Increased alertness for about 5 hours .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'Increased alertness']]
I suspect this may be garbage made in China because the price is awfully low , which is a tell - tale sign it was made in China .####[['NULL', 'food prices', 'neutral', 'awfully low']]
They go great with soups , cheese and hummus .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'great']]
I tried the Nutiva hemp seeds once and like them enough that I see no reason to try another brand and Amazon has the best price of the places I compared .####[['Nutiva hemp', 'food general', 'positive', 'enough that I see no reason to try another brand'], ['Amazon', 'amazon prices', 'positive', 'best']]
Try it and you ' ll be hooked .####[['NULL', 'food recommendation', 'positive', "you ' ll be hooked"]]
If you like strong , bold coffee , this is for you .####[['coffee', 'food quality', 'neutral', 'strong'], ['coffee', 'food quality', 'neutral', 'bold'], ['coffee', 'food recommendation', 'positive', 'this is for you']]
Awesome quick pre measured packs .####[['packs', 'food general', 'positive', 'Awesome']]
What a disappointment !####[['NULL', 'food general', 'negative', 'disappointment']]
Not like the ones from Lundberg that I get at WF Market .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'negative', 'Not like']]
The best thing is these taste great too !####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'great']]
Recommended .####[['NULL', 'food recommendation', 'positive', 'NULL']]
I was pleasantly surprised to find out I was wrong .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'pleasantly surprised']]
Then I found out that gluten - free bread has a much different dough than wheat flour bread .####[['NULL', 'food style_options', 'neutral', 'much different']]
I have one pack everyday .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL']]
I though it was going to be one of those too good to be true things but I was wrong .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'too good to be true things but I was wrong']]
I came here to see if I bought in quantity , the price would be better than my local grocery store .####[['NULL', 'amazon prices', 'positive', 'better']]
It ' s very sour , so don ' t eat it out of the container .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'neutral', 'very']]
They are thick and crispy .####[['NULL', 'food style_options', 'positive', 'thick'], ['NULL', 'food style_options', 'positive', 'crispy']]
Give it try , it might work for you .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'it might work for you'], ['NULL', 'food recommendation', 'positive', 'try']]
We ' ll buy more of these !####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'buy more']]
But oh boy , the luo han just doesn ' t do it for me .####[['luo han', 'food general', 'positive', "doesn ' t do"]]
My husband and I have been drinking this delicious tea for the past couple of years and even take it with us when we go on vacation .####[['tea', 'food quality', 'positive', 'delicious'], ['tea', 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL']]
Highly recommend .####[['NULL', 'food recommendation', 'positive', 'Highly recommend']]
Given that these have almost exactly the same ingredients as my favorite candy Wine Gums , I was hoping they would be nice .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'neutral', 'almost exactly the same ingredients']]
These chips are gluten free .####[['chips', 'food general', 'positive', 'gluten free']]
Yay xylitol !####[['xylitol', 'food general', 'positive', 'Yay']]
I can ' t even find it in any of my local theaters any more .####[['NULL', 'amazon availability', 'positive', 'NULL']]
I will order again .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'order again']]
Lindt ' s 99 % cocoa may appear to be Baker ' s Chocolate with a very bitter taste but it ' s not .####[['Lindt', 'food quality', 'neutral', "very bitter taste but it ' s not"], ['Lindt', 'food general', 'positive', "appear to be Baker ' s Chocolate"]]
There ' s no need to add anything to this flavored coffee , if you ' re looking for a taste that enhances the flavor of the coffee without overpowering it and making it taste like something else .####[['flavored coffee', 'food general', 'positive', 'no need to add anything'], ['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'NULL']]
THe center lock easily falls out and makes it ' s easy for the dog to chew it up .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'easily falls out'], ['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'easy']]
This is a great company because when you go to the grocery store spices are so expensive and this company is much cheaper and fresher .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'great'], ['NULL', 'food prices', 'positive', 'much cheaper'], ['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'fresher']]
Sadly the drops came out pretty fast and the toy turned a strange brown .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'negative', 'NULL']]
While I have found limited selections in one supermarket , the online choices were far wider .####[['NULL', 'amazon availability', 'positive', 'far wider']]
Also , I agree with the person who said it tasted like gas station coffee , but we must have different gas stations because everybody ( myself include ) loves the cappucinos at my gas station !####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'neutral', 'tasted like gas station coffee']]
The bread baked perfectly and tasted great . it had a different texture than regular bread , but was still very tasty .####[['bread', 'food general', 'positive', 'perfectly'], ['bread', 'food quality', 'positive', 'great'], ['bread', 'food style_options', 'neutral', 'different texture'], ['bread', 'food quality', 'positive', 'still very tasty']]
Just to be clear , this isn ' t a PACK of bars like in the picture .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'negative', 'NULL']]
Better than theater popcorn and I can make it fresh any time I want .####[['NULL', 'food recommendation', 'positive', 'Better'], ['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'fresh any time']]
Now imagine me speaking with an Indian accent " Kikkoman , you make very bad curry , very bad indeed . "####[['Kikkoman', 'food general', 'negative', 'very bad curry , very bad indeed']]
So aside from the weasel words in the label the product is fine####[['product', 'food general', 'negative', 'weasel'], ['product', 'food general', 'neutral', 'fine']]
If you love coconut , you MUST try these .####[['NULL', 'food recommendation', 'positive', 'you MUST try']]
I rarely drink black tea , but for those who like it , this product will serve them well .####[['product', 'food general', 'positive', 'well']]
I ' m sending him a label to return it .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'negative', 'return']]
Happy to have found it again .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'Happy']]
I find this a " ripped off " .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'negative', 'ripped off']]
I recommend this product considering the health benefit of brown rice and the taste .####[['product', 'food recommendation', 'positive', 'recommend'], ['product', 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL'], ['product', 'food quality', 'positive', 'NULL']]
Best delivery of fiber and nutrients I have ever had .####[['delivery', 'shipment quality', 'positive', 'Best']]
That one was the absolute best but this one is a close runner up .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'close runner up']]
However my dog went to town and licked the toy for a good 10 minutes .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL']]
In conclusion this product was far worse than even the most commmon grocery brands .####[['product', 'food general', 'negative', 'far worse']]
For a 16 lbs . dog she ' s a mighty chewer and these last her a couple of hours , with breaks to investigate if she ' s missing anything !####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'last her a couple of hours']]
My dog absolutely loves pill pockets .####[['pill pockets', 'food general', 'positive', 'absolutely loves']]
In the morning that I have to be on time and out of the house in a hurry , I use the Via and it tastes just like brewed coffee .####[['Via', 'food quality', 'positive', 'like brewed coffee']]
The Kikkoman sauce would have killed any hope of her trying curry again .####[['Kikkoman sauce', 'food general', 'negative', 'would have killed any hope']]
I am never without it .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'never']]
They are addictive , and it ' s hard to imagine eating popcorn without them .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'addictive'], ['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'hard to imagine eating popcorn without them']]
This product appears to be 3 .####[['product', 'food general', 'neutral', 'appears to be 3']]
If its summer or hot in your area dont order them ! !####[['NULL', 'food recommendation', 'negative', 'dont order']]
It may be an aquired taste , but I feel it ' s superior to baked and healthier than fried .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'neutral', 'aquired'], ['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'superior'], ['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'healthier']]
It is a little stiffer than some gums so I like to combine it with Wrigley ' s Doublemint .####[['NULL', 'food style_options', 'neutral', 'little stiffer'], ['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'like']]
Somehow , there ' s enough sweetness to make this a surprisingly delicious bar and maybe he best for pure health benefits of dark chocolate .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'enough sweetness'], ['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'surprisingly delicious'], ['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'best']]
This is hands down the best k cup out there .####[['k cup', 'food general', 'positive', 'hands down the best']]
Apparently it is infused by electrolytes and has Ph factor of 9 . 5 .####[['NULL', 'food style_options', 'positive', 'NULL']]
We are a family that loves pepper on our food and this mix meets our needs for meat , vegetables and salads .####[['mix', 'food general', 'positive', 'meets our needs']]
Chocolate Cookie is better than any vegan cookie or dairy i have ever tasted .####[['Chocolate Cookie', 'food quality', 'positive', 'better']]
As the others have said , if you ' re looking for a sauce that adds great flavor with just a touch of the heat that comes from a conventional hot sauce , this is worth a try .####[['sauce', 'food quality', 'positive', 'great']]
Sydney , our Aussie mix usually struggles when we change her food , however that was not the case when we switched to Vitality , she loves this stuff .####[['Vitality', 'food general', 'positive', 'loves']]
I was very wrong .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'negative', 'very wrong']]
I also love that it ' s not a glass package .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'love']]
I am not under some sort of illusion that they are super healthy or anything but I do feel better about the fact that they are organic and don ' t contain a bunch of ingredients that I ' ve never heard of .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'feel better']]
Everyone should try it - you ' ll be hooked .####[['NULL', 'food recommendation', 'positive', "you ' ll be hooked"]]
Love this protein !####[['protein', 'food general', 'positive', 'Love']]
Still crispy inside even if the outside ' s a little soggy and still good for you too , just not my favorite .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'neutral', 'not my favorite'], ['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'still good'], ['NULL', 'food style_options', 'positive', 'Still crispy']]
That made the noodles soft enough , but still not mushy .####[['noodles', 'food style_options', 'positive', 'soft enough'], ['noodles', 'food style_options', 'positive', 'still not mushy']]
Great !####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'Great']]
Great way to start the morning .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'Great']]
Try both to see which is your favorite ; I don ' t think you can go wrong with either of these delicious seasonings !####[['seasonings', 'food quality', 'positive', 'delicious']]
If you want a decent quality loose leaf tea do not buy this .####[['loose leaf tea', 'food recommendation', 'negative', 'do not buy'], ['loose leaf tea', 'food general', 'negative', 'decent']]
they were stale i love brazil nuts this was a complete waste of money . i usually enjoy all my purchases from amazon but i was completely disappointed in this purchase####[['brazil nuts', 'food general', 'negative', 'stale'], ['brazil nuts', 'food prices', 'negative', 'complete waste of money'], ['brazil nuts', 'food general', 'negative', 'completely disappointed']]
I can ' t find one good thing to say about them .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'negative', "can ' t find one good thing"]]
Be aware of this ! ! ! !####[['NULL', 'food general', 'negative', 'Be aware']]
Looking for a balanced , smooth , nicely flavored ginger tea ?####[['ginger tea', 'food general', 'negative', 'balanced'], ['ginger tea', 'food style_options', 'negative', 'smooth'], ['ginger tea', 'food quality', 'negative', 'nicely flavored']]
This is a stone - ground mustard that is just wonderful on a sandwich or in recipes that call for mustard where it is not completely blended into the other ingredients but is still visible on its own .####[['stone - ground mustard', 'food general', 'positive', 'wonderful']]
So far my absolute favorite chips .####[['chips', 'food general', 'positive', 'absolute favorite']]
My husband and I also like to eat these cookies with pudding by Kozy Shack , which is also gluten free .####[['cookies', 'food general', 'positive', 'like']]
I recommend these cookies and this company very highly .####[['cookies', 'food recommendation', 'positive', 'very highly']]
Tamicon brand tamarind paste is concentrated and keeps for up to 6 months in the fridge after openingm making it a good bargain here on Amazon .####[['Tamicon brand tamarind paste', 'food general', 'positive', 'good bargain']]
Helps prevent hair balls .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL']]
Seems to be a healthy snack .####[['snack', 'food general', 'positive', 'Seems to be a healthy']]
Brought up on pasta all my life , I was looking for a pasta product that was low in carbs and didn ' t taste like carboard .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'low in carbs'], ['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', "didn ' t taste like carboard"]]
I am ordering this on a 6 month basis , but may soon change that to 3 months .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL']]
To my very great delight , only 1 of the 36 cans had a even a small dent so looks like the problem has been solved , at least as far as my shipment goes .####[['shipment', 'shipment quality', 'positive', 'great delight']]
I had , up until I tasted this , thought that the keurig was unable of brewing a decent cup of coffee but thanks to Black Tiger now I have something to look forward to when I want a cup of coffee at work .####[['Black Tiger', 'food general', 'positive', 'something to look forward']]
Will order again !####[['NULL', 'food recommendation', 'positive', 'order again']]
It ' s OK , but not as good as the regular Twinings Earl Grey .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'neutral', "It ' s OK"], ['NULL', 'food general', 'negative', 'not as good']]
In fact , the package arrived sticky with the liquid honey dripping out of each plastic - wrapped candy , which made each piece icky to open .####[['package', 'shipment quality', 'negative', 'sticky'], ['plastic - wrapped candy', 'food general', 'negative', 'icky to open']]
Other thanthe cost of shipping a very good deal .####[['deal', 'food prices', 'positive', 'very good'], ['cost of shipping', 'shipment prices', 'neutral', 'NULL']]
All in all , it ' s good breakfast food .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'good']]
The peppercorns have great flavor , grind well , and are attractive on the table .####[['peppercorns', 'food quality', 'positive', 'great'], ['peppercorns', 'food style_options', 'positive', 'well'], ['peppercorns', 'food style_options', 'positive', 'attractive']]
Popcorn pops up with minimal " un - popped " corn .####[['Popcorn', 'food general', 'neutral', 'minimal']]
If you ' re looking for a delicious , smooth , medium roast coffee blended with a good dose of chocolate flavor , this Gevalia coffee might be right up your alley !####[['Gevalia coffee', 'food quality', 'positive', 'delicious'], ['Gevalia coffee', 'food style_options', 'positive', 'smooth'], ['Gevalia coffee', 'food quality', 'positive', 'good dose']]
I ordered this Beef Jerky for my dad as a Father ' s Day gift .####[['Beef Jerky', 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL']]
Good packaging .####[['packaging', 'shipment quality', 'positive', 'Good']]
However at least a quarter of the nuts were not open and so tough to try to open that it was easier to just throw them away .####[['NULL', 'food style_options', 'negative', 'tough to try to open']]
I was very disappointed .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'negative', 'very disappointed']]
Much cheaper and a better product than those big companies .####[['product', 'food prices', 'positive', 'Much cheaper'], ['product', 'food general', 'positive', 'better']]
We were elated when we tried these !####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'elated']]
They were fresh , clean and tasted great .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'fresh'], ['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'clean'], ['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'great']]
ZiwiPeak is an excellent product .####[['ZiwiPeak', 'food general', 'positive', 'excellent']]
I carry it and my mug with me and just add hot or cold water , depending upon my mood .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL']]
The dough was much wetter than regular bread ( more like a thick batter ) , and at first I thought I must have made a mistake when I measured the other ingredients .####[['dough', 'food style_options', 'neutral', 'much wetter']]
What could be better ?####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'What could be better']]
Yes it is derived from wheat or corn but this highly processed food flavoring is hardly what most would consider when we hear " all natural no fake flavors " - of course they are technically telling the truth it is just a natural sourced - highly processed , sweetner from starch and a source of carbs .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'negative', 'highly processed']]
I ' ll be taking out of the deposit the bag and i ' m sure that she will love it as well####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'love']]
No mess and no measuring .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL']]
This coconut milk is delicious and a real bargain for organic ! ! !####[['coconut milk', 'food quality', 'positive', 'delicious'], ['coconut milk', 'food general', 'positive', 'real bargain']]
This is great food , quality ingredients and apparently delicious .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'great food'], ['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'apparently delicious'], ['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'quality ingredients']]
It is indeed a weird combination , but it works extremely well .####[['NULL', 'food style_options', 'neutral', 'weird'], ['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'extremely well']]
Total waste of money .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'negative', 'Total waste']]
Healthy , whole food that satisfies my hunger for a good long time .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'Healthy'], ['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'satisfies my hunger for a good long time']]
They are slightly redeemable if you let them sit open for a couple weeks , so I gave two stars .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'neutral', 'slightly redeemable'], ['NULL', 'food general', 'negative', 'two stars']]
It has a great Maple syrup flavor , cooks quickly .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'great'], ['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'cooks quickly']]
I couldn ' t really taste the bergamot in this tea .####[['tea', 'food quality', 'negative', "couldn ' t really taste"]]
I would not buy any other pasta other than this .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'would not buy any other pasta other than this']]
The best flavor of all the ones tried . and I tried them all .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'best']]
I bought this size to go with the West Bend 2 . 5 oz popper .####[['NULL', 'food style_options', 'positive', 'to go with']]
Thanks for making it so easy to purchase !####[['purchase', 'amazon availability', 'positive', 'easy']]
Also glad to see the variety of pasta they make .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'glad']]
The best part I like about these bars is that they are not extra sugary and have the right amount of sugar to just remove the blandness of the nuts .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'not extra sugary'], ['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'right amount']]
I only use a little less than a cup of this to make three loaves of sourdough bread about twice a week , so it lasts me a while , but I ' ll have it gone and ordered another pack by the time the sixth month comes , so it will remain reasonably fresh .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL']]
They have the same nice corn taste as corn nuts but they are much lighter and easier on the teeth .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'nice'], ['NULL', 'food style_options', 'positive', 'lighter'], ['NULL', 'food style_options', 'positive', 'easier']]
It ' s very simple to squeeze out the entire package .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'simple']]
A real bummer . . .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'negative', 'real bummer']]
This water bottle comes in plastic container which can be recycled .####[['water bottle', 'food general', 'positive', 'can be recycled']]
Paragon Dental Chews are a fantastic product .####[['Paragon Dental Chews', 'food general', 'positive', 'fantastic']]
This coffee is strong - so if you like a mellow coffee try a different Coffee People blend .####[['coffee', 'food quality', 'neutral', 'strong'], ['NULL', 'food recommendation', 'neutral', 'NULL']]
The product is good and I recommend it with one caveat .####[['product', 'food general', 'positive', 'good'], ['product', 'food recommendation', 'positive', 'recommend it with one caveat']]
By the way I love bacon , but this was not bacon .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'negative', 'not']]
Sure , the drink tastes fine without it , but this achieves new heights once you agree to spice it up .####[['drink', 'food quality', 'neutral', 'fine']]
This is by far the best pasta you can get .####[['pasta', 'food general', 'positive', 'best']]
This particular flavor is my favorite , because it is not think , like most protein shakes , and I love anything coffee flavor .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'favorite'], ['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'not think , like most protein shakes'], ['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'love']]
Noodle strands were separate ( not mushy ) and taste wasn ' t any different from regular rice vermicelli .####[['Noodle', 'food style_options', 'positive', 'not mushy'], ['Noodle', 'food quality', 'positive', "wasn ' t any different"]]
This is probably the best mass - produced beef jerky on the market .####[['beef jerky', 'food general', 'positive', 'best']]
They are the perfect size for my dog , and she devours them !####[['size', 'food style_options', 'positive', 'perfect'], ['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'devours']]
The colors are not as bright as they used to be .####[['NULL', 'food style_options', 'negative', 'not as bright']]
They also arrived the next day with Prime and in perfect , unbroken condition .####[['NULL', 'shipment quality', 'positive', 'perfect'], ['NULL', 'shipment quality', 'positive', 'unbroken'], ['NULL', 'shipment delivery', 'positive', 'arrived the next day']]
I will definitely be buying more .####[['NULL', 'food recommendation', 'positive', 'definitely']]
Totally hooked on this delicious drink .####[['drink', 'food general', 'positive', 'Totally hooked'], ['drink', 'food quality', 'positive', 'delicious']]
Recommended by a friend who sells pet food .####[['pet food', 'food recommendation', 'positive', 'NULL']]
The only thing I dont like is that it also lowers your good cholesterol - hdl and if you stop for a little while the ldl goes up . what can you recommed for this effect .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'negative', 'NULL']]
Luckily one of my roommates enjoyed it so was not a total lose .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'enjoyed'], ['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'not a total lose']]
I ' m not sure if this was a bad box or bad batch of the product , but we continue to use our brewer on all other brands with no problems .####[['product', 'food general', 'negative', 'bad box'], ['product', 'food general', 'negative', 'bad batch']]
Wow . . . this type of product seems to rely solely on aroma and minimally on taste .####[['product', 'food quality', 'neutral', 'rely solely on aroma'], ['product', 'food quality', 'negative', 'minimally']]
I use applesauce instead of shortening so I have healthy treats .####[['applesauce', 'food general', 'positive', 'healthy']]
Recommended .####[['NULL', 'food recommendation', 'positive', 'Recommended']]
I actually had to regulate their portions because the dogs wouldn ' t stop eating it .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', "wouldn ' t stop eating"]]
For a siberian husky , this food can ' t be beat !####[['food', 'food general', 'positive', "can ' t be beat"]]
Came very quickly also !####[['NULL', 'shipment delivery', 'positive', 'very quickly']]
I was expecting a larger granual suger and am dissapointed in this product .####[['product', 'food style_options', 'negative', 'dissapointed'], ['suger', 'food style_options', 'neutral', 'larger']]
I use 2 or 3 cans a week of organic coconut milk because I use it in smoothies and like to drink it plain also or pour it over cereal .####[['organic coconut milk', 'food quality', 'positive', 'like']]
Each of my 4 kids love them and ask for them daily , although I try to reserve them for special treats .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'love']]
Sage tea has been recommended by many as a means of cutting down hot flashes , vs taking meds that can be linked to cancer .####[['Sage tea', 'food recommendation', 'positive', 'recommended']]
It ' s the kind of chocolate that you not only would buy for gifts but would also want to buy and keep for your snack .####[['chocolate', 'food general', 'positive', 'would buy for gifts'], ['chocolate', 'food general', 'positive', 'want to buy and keep for your snack']]
She ' s a Cocker Spaniel and made quick work of it .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'quick work']]
No matter how hard I tried , I could not get it to adequately mix with milk .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'negative', 'could not get it to adequately mix']]
This is a great spice if you like your food tasty and on the hottie side .####[['spice', 'food quality', 'positive', 'great']]
I ' ve already told 3 friends who were very happy with their purchases too .####[['NULL', 'food recommendation', 'positive', 'NULL'], ['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'very happy']]
Very nice packaging with descriptions of each " flavor .####[['packaging', 'shipment quality', 'positive', 'Very nice']]
I am not sure if the tea builds up in your system and stops working or if it is just me .####[['tea', 'food general', 'neutral', 'not sure']]
These sweet potatoe chips were tasty with my only real objection being Maltodextrin which is hardly the " all natural nothing fake of phony " as advertized .####[['sweet potatoe chips', 'food quality', 'positive', 'tasty'], ['sweet potatoe chips', 'food general', 'negative', 'objection']]
And I ' m really glad there ' s a trial pack - they are each a good size and helps to change it up when making rice with dinner .####[['trial pack', 'food general', 'positive', 'really glad'], ['size', 'food style_options', 'positive', 'good'], ['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'helps to change']]
Now it is absolutely horrible .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'negative', 'absolutely horrible']]
It has good sweet taste , good quality and good price .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'good sweet'], ['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'good'], ['NULL', 'food prices', 'positive', 'good']]
No coffee jitters .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'No coffee jitters']]
If you want that strong coffee smell and taste , you won ' t go wrong here .####[['coffee', 'food quality', 'positive', 'strong']]
These are great teas .####[['teas', 'food general', 'positive', 'great']]
I bought the loose leaf tea thinking that the Twinings brand would be good quality .####[['loose leaf tea', 'food general', 'negative', 'good']]
Is there some exotic ingredient as costly as gold contained in those tiny squares ?####[['NULL', 'food prices', 'negative', 'costly as gold'], ['NULL', 'food style_options', 'negative', 'tiny']]
What a stroke of luck ; their seasonings are as good as their music !####[['seasonings', 'food quality', 'positive', 'good']]
ordered this for a gift , mostly . ordered four bags . ate one and sent the other three as a gift . this candy is very tasty and good sized pieces . does stick to your teeth a bit , but overall i would give it a thumbs up .####[['candy', 'food quality', 'positive', 'very tasty'], ['candy', 'food style_options', 'positive', 'good sized'], ['candy', 'food general', 'positive', 'thumbs up'], ['candy', 'food style_options', 'neutral', 'stick to your teeth a bit']]
I like and will continue to buy it .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'like'], ['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'will continue']]
Now I can continue on my healthy eating journey with the help of this tasty sauce .####[['sauce', 'food quality', 'positive', 'tasty']]
It had more of a slight orange peel taste .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'neutral', 'more of a slight orange peel']]
This tea has the look and consistency of instant coffee NOT loose leaf tea .####[['tea', 'food style_options', 'negative', 'look'], ['tea', 'food quality', 'negative', 'consistency of instant coffee'], ['tea', 'food general', 'negative', 'NOT']]
Nacho Cheddar and White Cheddar are our favorite flavors .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'favorite']]
This will be on my seasonal rotation as it is a satisfying cup of spicy pumpkin flavored coffee that doesn ' t overwhelm the palate and doesn ' t taste artificial like I feared it would .####[['spicy pumpkin flavored coffee', 'food general', 'positive', 'satisfying'], ['spicy pumpkin flavored coffee', 'food quality', 'positive', "doesn ' t overwhelm"], ['spicy pumpkin flavored coffee', 'food quality', 'positive', "doesn ' t taste artificial"]]
They are shaped like Smarties candies , but are a bit more crumbly .####[['NULL', 'food style_options', 'neutral', 'shaped like'], ['NULL', 'food style_options', 'neutral', 'a bit more crumbly']]
Some people say it ' s gross because it is instant coffee and uses hydrogenated oil but it ' s super great - - plus you ' re saving money on cream and sugar !####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'super great'], ['NULL', 'food prices', 'positive', 'saving money']]
When the order arrived the shipping and all packaging was perfect with no damage to any part of the order .####[['order', 'food general', 'positive', 'no damage'], ['shipping', 'shipment quality', 'positive', 'perfect'], ['packaging', 'shipment quality', 'positive', 'perfect']]
They have the right amount of crunch and have 10gm of protein .####[['NULL', 'food style_options', 'positive', 'right amount']]
My other half isn ' t a garlic lover and he wasn ' t offended by the amount of garlic in the product .####[['product', 'food style_options', 'positive', "wasn ' t offended"]]
My wife made a traditional dish using these brown rice vermicelli , and it turned out quite good .####[['brown rice vermicelli', 'food general', 'positive', 'quite good']]
I use these exclusively on my pizza ' s as well as for almost all of my sauce recipes .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL']]
The pieces have gotten larger , perhaps to make up for their lack of taste ( ? ) .####[['pieces', 'food style_options', 'positive', 'larger'], ['NULL', 'food quality', 'negative', 'lack of taste']]
Maybe I ' m expecting an Altoids level of flavor . even half that would be acceptable ) Noticed that they have the same number of calories as Altoids .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'negative', 'NULL']]
When it gets cold , it is nice and thick again !####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'nice'], ['NULL', 'food style_options', 'positive', 'thick']]
A couple of people in my family have strange reactions to MSG , and I wish I could get the soup without it .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'negative', 'strange reactions'], ['soup', 'food general', 'neutral', 'I wish']]
My dog does not nor will she chew on this .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'negative', 'not nor']]
There is no heavy protein flavor and it doesn ' t make me feel sick after drinking it .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'no heavy'], ['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', "doesn ' t make me feel sick"]]
This is by far the best protein drink I have ever tasted .####[['protein drink', 'food quality', 'positive', 'best']]
She has gained half her weight back in 2 weeks and her coat is improving , as is her energy levels .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'gained'], ['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'improving']]
Packaging not the same .####[['Packaging', 'shipment quality', 'negative', 'not the same']]
I LOVE these tomatoes ! !####[['tomatoes', 'food general', 'positive', 'LOVE']]
No chip compares .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'No chip compares']]
The chestnut from Hua Rou is famous in China .####[['chestnut from Hua Rou', 'food general', 'positive', 'famous']]
My grocery store stopped carrying it but Amazon will ship it to me .####[['Amazon', 'shipment quality', 'positive', 'ship it']]
Black Tiger is by far the best coffee I have ever tasted ( for Keurig machines ) .####[['Black Tiger', 'food quality', 'positive', 'best']]
. will be buying again : )####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL']]
The Amazon price was a great incentive - and we will purchase again when we run short !####[['Amazon', 'amazon prices', 'positive', 'great incentive'], ['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'will purchase again']]
Throw in a banana or some fruit and ta da !####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'ta da']]
They have a pleasant smell even to me .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'pleasant smell']]
I recently received the Maine Lobster Salad , complete with authentic split - top rolls ( just like the kind I had as a kid growing up in New England ) .####[['Maine Lobster Salad', 'food general', 'positive', 'complete'], ['split - top rolls', 'food general', 'positive', 'authentic']]
I even like having a case for back up .####[['a case', 'food general', 'positive', 'like']]
My only complaints are the MSG and large amount of sodium .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'negative', 'large amount'], ['NULL', 'food general', 'negative', 'complaints']]
Even after cooking a few hours , still tasted and smelled like the inside of the can .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'negative', 'tasted'], ['NULL', 'food quality', 'negative', 'smelled like']]
When you are low carbing , these are a good crunchy option .####[['NULL', 'food style_options', 'positive', 'good crunchy'], ['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL']]
I say this as I have tried some where the bean is like eating bark or some have so much chocolate covering them you can barely find the bean so you feel sick before you get the desired pick me up from the caffeine , so this is a refreshing change as the bean to choco ratio is perfect . .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'refreshing'], ['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'perfect']]
It ' s a little hard to 1st get used to the taste but now I love it .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'neutral', 'little hard'], ['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'love']]
We have a keurig machine at work and Black Tiger is the only flavor I will drink now that we ordered it by chance when an older flavor was no longer being made .####[['Black Tiger', 'food quality', 'positive', 'only flavor I will drink']]
Not only was it as good as what I had there for the most part it was even better .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'better']]
These chips are the best chips ever .####[['chips', 'food general', 'positive', 'best']]
I ' ll never go back to supermarket honey .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'never go back']]
i just happened accross this oil in a market one day and decided to try it . it is one of the best i ' ve had . i later saw that Batali uses it on his show . thats kinda cool . it is a great oil though and has a great fresh flavor that is good with anything , and even by its self .####[['oil', 'food general', 'positive', 'best'], ['oil', 'food quality', 'positive', 'great fresh'], ['oil', 'food general', 'positive', 'good'], ['oil', 'food general', 'positive', 'great']]
Not too spicy , just the flavor of good quality lean beef and smoke .####[['lean beef and smoke', 'food quality', 'neutral', 'Not too'], ['lean beef and smoke', 'food quality', 'positive', 'good']]
I feed less they poop less , more money up front but less cost in the longer , also I get it delivered what could be better , couldnt say anough good stuff , love you canidae####[['NULL', 'food prices', 'positive', 'less cost'], ['NULL', 'shipment delivery', 'positive', 'get it delivered'], ['canidae', 'food general', 'positive', 'love']]
This was the best thing for me during my pregnancy and also while nursing .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'best thing']]
Always a grainy , chunky bottom layer persisted towards the last ounce and it surely did not enhance the flavor .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'negative', 'did not enhance']]
Amazon was a good place to buy this .####[['Amazon', 'amazon prices', 'positive', 'good']]
Let it brew in really hot water for 5 minutes and squeeze it out real good and presto you have easy to make single serve coffee .####[['coffee', 'food general', 'positive', 'easy']]
I like these nut milk bags .####[['nut milk bags', 'food general', 'positive', 'like']]
The packaging is very attractive and when I finish the teas I use the empty tins to house my daughter ' s growing art supplies .####[['packaging', 'shipment quality', 'positive', 'very attractive']]
I recommend them highly !####[['NULL', 'food recommendation', 'positive', 'recommend them highly']]
I eat it on toast , waffles , and use for sweetening coffee and tea .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL']]
I LOVE the all - natural , high - protein profile of this bar - it has 16g protein in 160 calories .####[['bar', 'food general', 'positive', 'LOVE']]
I love these cereal bars . the mixed nuts with protein bars are my favorite .####[['cereal bars', 'food general', 'positive', 'love'], ['bars', 'food general', 'positive', 'favorite']]
I found out you must rinse them very well first to get rid of the weird smell .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'neutral', 'weird']]
Having such a surplus amount allows us to be liberal with the amount used per cup and the taste is wonderful .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'wonderful']]
I think he inhaled them so apparently they ' re excellent .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'excellent']]
These are SO good .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'SO good']]
I love cooking with Agave !####[['Agave', 'food general', 'positive', 'love']]
Try one box and you will be hooked .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'you will be hooked']]
These little tins are less than half filled and at the price charged it seems a rip - off .####[['NULL', 'food style_options', 'negative', 'little'], ['NULL', 'food style_options', 'negative', 'half filled'], ['NULL', 'food prices', 'negative', 'seems a rip - off']]
I like to use it to season my flour for frying or sauting chicken , fish and veggies , like summer squash .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'like']]
I ordered several cases and they always got to me fast .####[['NULL', 'shipment delivery', 'positive', 'got to me fast']]
It ' s cheaper than in my local grocery store and I don ' t have to carry it home .####[['NULL', 'amazon prices', 'positive', 'cheaper'], ['NULL', 'shipment delivery', 'positive', "don ' t have to carry"]]
One bag was split open with a few cups of flour all over the inside of the shipping box .####[['One bag', 'shipment quality', 'negative', 'split open'], ['flour', 'shipment quality', 'negative', 'all over the inside of the shipping box']]
With the natural antioxidants , enzymes , vitamins , and energizers provided by bees through [ [ B003SO9QZA : RAW ] ] honey , it is questionable why this processed food was heated with contains added stuff .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'negative', 'NULL']]
I decided to try Jet Fuel instead , and I was not disappointed - - smells rich , tastes great .####[['Jet Fuel', 'food general', 'positive', 'not disappointed'], ['Jet Fuel', 'food quality', 'positive', 'rich'], ['Jet Fuel', 'food quality', 'positive', 'great']]
Jet fuel is very similar , but not as good as this one >####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'not as good']]
I recommend it very highly .####[['NULL', 'food recommendation', 'positive', 'recommend it very highly']]
They also come in unique flavors not usually found in lollipops or hard candy , such as mango , watermelon , pomegranate and blueberry .####[['lollipops or hard candy', 'food quality', 'positive', 'unique']]
I don ' t know if it ' s different ingredients or my faulty memory , but the stuff is terribly disappointing , and borderline disgusting .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'negative', 'terribly disappointing'], ['NULL', 'food general', 'negative', 'borderline disgusting']]
Or how about the cereal ploy , they were filled at the factory but settled in transport .####[['NULL', 'food style_options', 'negative', 'NULL']]
They tend to poke and scrape because they are tough & hard and when you bite do not break evenly or crumble .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'neutral', 'tend to poke and scrape'], ['NULL', 'food style_options', 'negative', 'tough & hard'], ['NULL', 'food style_options', 'negative', 'do not break evenly or crumble']]
It works well with everything from fish to chicken .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'works well']]
This isn ' t a Dijon - style mustard and there is no hint of horseradish .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'neutral', 'no hint'], ['NULL', 'food general', 'neutral', "isn ' t a Dijon - style mustard"]]
It certainly doesn ' t fit my description of " sanding " sugar .####[['description', 'food style_options', 'negative', "doesn ' t fit"]]
If you like your coffee dark and strong enough to stand a horse shoe in it straight up this may be too boring for you .####[['coffee', 'food quality', 'neutral', 'too boring']]
There ' s no " all - sort " in these Allsorts .####[['Allsorts', 'food general', 'negative', 'no " all - sort "']]
However , we have shared with many friends and would not hesitate to order it again .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'would not hesitate']]
Wish I ordered more the first time because these went so fast !####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'went so fast']]
Didn ' t have to do alot of trying with these as the base .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', "Didn ' t have to do alot"]]
My entire family LOVES these tomatoes ! !####[['tomatoes', 'food general', 'positive', 'LOVES']]
This coffee smells and tastes great and we will never change coffee .####[['coffee', 'food quality', 'positive', 'great'], ['coffee', 'food general', 'positive', 'never change']]
I was so happy to be able to order a case through Amazon .####[['Amazon', 'amazon availability', 'positive', 'so happy']]
. . And the first bite tastes great . . . until you chew a little , and all you taste is that chalky , soy - protein powder flavor .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'great'], ['NULL', 'food quality', 'neutral', 'chalky']]
Great coffee and awesome price !####[['coffee', 'food general', 'positive', 'Great'], ['coffee', 'food prices', 'positive', 'awesome']]
He said it was rock hard . like shoe leather .####[['NULL', 'food style_options', 'negative', 'rock hard . like shoe leather']]
Somtimes I do hit a square that is more cinnamony than the rest , but I have to say I was a little underwhelmed with these considering how much I enjoy the blue box kind .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'neutral', 'little underwhelmed']]
These macaroons are amazing .####[['macaroons', 'food general', 'positive', 'amazing']]
These are so yummy .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'yummy']]
Not worth returning and I would not buy again .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'negative', 'Not worth'], ['NULL', 'food general', 'negative', 'would not buy']]
Thanks for the great product .####[['product', 'food general', 'positive', 'great']]
Doesn ' t taste bad .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'neutral', "Doesn ' t taste bad"]]
You ' d better be ready to moan with pleasure when you taste these eXXXtra smokie beef sticks .####[['beef sticks', 'food quality', 'positive', 'eXXXtra smokie'], ['beef sticks', 'food quality', 'positive', 'moan with pleasure']]
I drink Crystal Light products as an alternative to sugar - induced drinks , and while this Mojito flavor has a bunch of artificial sweeteners , it tastes pretty good !####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'pretty good']]
I have bought three cases so far and just love them !####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'love']]
It even prduces a light froth .####[['NULL', 'food style_options', 'neutral', 'light']]
They are completely animal free , which I love , since it is hard to find chew bones with dental benefits that are veg - friendly .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'love']]
I love being able to make coffee on the run - and am very happy with the K - Cups .####[['K - Cups', 'food general', 'positive', 'very happy']]
I hope they will continue to be available .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'neutral', 'NULL']]
They are a little pricey but definately worth it ! !####[['NULL', 'food prices', 'neutral', 'little pricey'], ['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'definately worth it']]
These Almond and Apricot are akin to an Almond Joy , but without the chocolate .####[['Almond and Apricot', 'food general', 'neutral', 'akin']]
Taste is great , but it ' s pricy .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'great'], ['NULL', 'food prices', 'negative', 'pricy']]
It brews up delicious , smelling strongly of chocolate , and tasting satisfyingly of it , too .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'delicious'], ['NULL', 'food quality', 'neutral', 'smelling strongly'], ['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'satisfyingly']]
Two pounds of tea is an amazingly large amount .####[['tea', 'food style_options', 'neutral', 'amazingly large']]
I like Wrigley ' s Spearment gum .####[["Wrigley ' s Spearment gum", 'food general', 'positive', 'like']]
Unfortunately I did not realize that the product was artifically sweetened .####[['product', 'food style_options', 'neutral', 'artifically sweetened']]
I love that they are good for my teeth .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'love']]
This candy is almost exclusively sold in movie theaters - I have no idea why .####[['candy', 'amazon availability', 'positive', 'NULL']]
Our young dog really enjoys these as a treat .####[['treat', 'food general', 'positive', 'really enjoys']]
I find that it gives me just the right kind of energy and it can even hold my hunger between meals .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'right kind of energy'], ['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'hold my hunger']]
It has a nice fruit punch flavor , and very little after taste .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'nice fruit punch'], ['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'very little']]
It helps strengthen the uterus .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'helps strengthen']]
I use a tablespoons or two of tamarind paste in Indian and Thai dishes - it adds a distinctive sour flavor to Asian dishes .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'adds a distinctive']]
They are a very good way to add not only Omega 3 ' s but extra protein to a meal and although the taste is very mild , they are quite good .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'very good way'], ['NULL', 'food quality', 'neutral', 'very mild'], ['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'quite good']]
It isn ' t too tough or dry like cheaper brands , isn ' t too sweet or spicy either .####[['NULL', 'food style_options', 'neutral', "isn ' t too tough"], ['NULL', 'food style_options', 'negative', 'dry like'], ['NULL', 'food quality', 'neutral', "isn ' t too sweet"], ['NULL', 'food quality', 'neutral', 'spicy']]
Highly recommended !####[['NULL', 'food recommendation', 'positive', 'Highly']]
We ordered the product . our dog loves them . but no one cares if its 100 degrees outside . recieved in one big melted ball . thought they would ship in dry ice .####[['product', 'food general', 'positive', 'loves'], ['product', 'shipment quality', 'negative', 'one big melted']]
After reading the reviews I chose Torani syrup .####[['Torani syrup', 'food general', 'positive', 'chose']]
I have another pumpkin eating dog ( it really has helped her IBD ) and couldn ' t find canned locally .####[['NULL', 'amazon availability', 'positive', 'NULL']]
Yuck .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'negative', 'Yuck']]
It doesn ' t have a very strong vanilla taste , but it helps mask the super nutty flavor otherwise .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'neutral', "doesn ' t have a very strong vanilla taste"], ['NULL', 'food quality', 'neutral', 'helps mask the super nutty flavor']]
Can manufacturers be honest in their dealings ?####[['NULL', 'food general', 'negative', 'be honest']]
I made this in my bread machine and it came out perfect .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'came out perfect']]
Vitamin Squeeze was a good eye opener for the morning , and it made me feel good to know I was getting all of those vitamins !####[['Vitamin Squeeze', 'food general', 'positive', 'feel good']]
This is great on eggs , vegetables and any other type of meat .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'great']]
I was thrilled to find them on Amazon after all these years .####[['Amazon', 'amazon availability', 'positive', 'thrilled']]
I think they are plenty sweet and delicious .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'neutral', 'plenty'], ['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'delicious']]
This dog food was so well liked by the dogs that they wouldn ' t stop eating .####[['dog food', 'food general', 'positive', 'so well liked'], ['dog food', 'food general', 'positive', "wouldn ' t stop eating"]]
Nonetheless , after reading the ingredients - with honey being the third after sugar and corn syrup , we decided to recycle this treat with our friendly outdoor insects in the yard .####[['treat', 'food general', 'negative', 'NULL']]
This drink is delicious .####[['drink', 'food quality', 'positive', 'delicious']]
I have used this tea for 2 of my 3 pregnancies .####[['tea', 'food general', 'positive', 'used']]
Coffee is mild and mellow , I would call it Medium roast .####[['Coffee', 'food quality', 'neutral', 'mild'], ['Coffee', 'food quality', 'neutral', 'mellow']]
A big thumbs up for a smarter packaging choice !####[['packaging', 'shipment quality', 'positive', 'smarter']]
It flows so easily and the taste is wonderful .####[['NULL', 'food style_options', 'positive', 'easily'], ['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'wonderful']]
5 lbs of packaging and a half lb of product : 2 small bags of dried beans , one of quinona , and two Bragg ' s items .####[['NULL', 'shipment quality', 'positive', 'NULL']]
I have been using Shirataki noodles for about a month now , and I love them .####[['Shirataki noodles', 'food general', 'positive', 'love']]
These hideous little mints have have an overwhelming taste of stale sugar , with barely a hint of mint .####[['mints', 'food quality', 'negative', 'hideous'], ['mints', 'food style_options', 'negative', 'little'], ['mints', 'food quality', 'negative', 'overwhelming taste of stale sugar'], ['mints', 'food quality', 'negative', 'barely a hint of mint']]
When I checked on Amazon and found the same brand I was thrilled .####[['Amazon', 'amazon availability', 'positive', 'thrilled']]
Buy them now !####[['NULL', 'food recommendation', 'positive', 'Buy them now']]
Just enough .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'neutral', 'Just enough']]
I ' d encourage them to buy again because my expiration date was March 12 , 2012 and it tasted just like I remember from growing up .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'it tasted'], ['NULL', 'food recommendation', 'positive', 'buy again']]
I subtracted one star from the review because of the ridiculously pretentious ad copy on the box .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'negative', 'ridiculously pretentious'], ['NULL', 'food general', 'negative', 'subtracted one star']]
Everything arrived cold and wonderful .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'cold'], ['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'wonderful']]
Colorado honey is mild and not too sweet .####[['Colorado honey', 'food quality', 'neutral', 'mild'], ['Colorado honey', 'food quality', 'neutral', 'not too']]
I leave where she can see it , I ' ve washed it in case she didn ' t like the smell , but she ' ll have none of it .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'negative', "she ' ll have none"]]
Loyal customer , CGF####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'Loyal']]
Love it ! ! !####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'Love']]
Love this coffee especially because I don ' t have to do anything to it !####[['coffee', 'food general', 'positive', 'Love'], ['coffee', 'food general', 'positive', "don ' t have to do anything"]]
They are great for my dogs ' dental care , and they love chewing on them as an activity treat .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'great'], ['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'love']]
You could do worse .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL']]
I liked this drink - it was refreshing and if you like coffee , this is a nice summer drink .####[['drink', 'food general', 'positive', 'liked'], ['drink', 'food quality', 'positive', 'refreshing'], ['drink', 'food general', 'positive', 'nice']]
Good product , good service .####[['product', 'food general', 'positive', 'Good']]
Received it quickly .####[['NULL', 'shipment delivery', 'positive', 'quickly']]