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I would say that these bags are pretty small and you " might " get 3 coffee maker uses per bag if you ' re lucky , probably more like 2 uses per bag as they are much smaller than expected .####[['bags', 'food style_options', 'negative', 'pretty small'], ['bag', 'food style_options', 'negative', 'much smaller']]
Dark .####[['NULL', 'food style_options', 'neutral', 'Dark']]
My favorite blend of coffee for my Keurig .####[['coffee', 'food general', 'positive', 'favorite blend']]
The taste is pure citrus bliss .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'pure citrus bliss']]
I make the matcha by boiling hot water and adding honey .####[]
We usually add a little chicken to the mix and maybe some extra peas and onions to taste .####[]
Well worth the money ! !####[['NULL', 'food prices', 'positive', 'Well worth the money']]
I managed to drink a little of this but it needed much doctoring .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'negative', 'needed much doctoring']]
This is definitely worth a try .####[['NULL', 'food recommendation', 'positive', 'definitely worth a try']]
The package is cheap and not resealable .####[['package', 'food general', 'negative', 'cheap'], ['package', 'food general', 'neutral', 'not resealable']]
Also very rich in nutrients like iron and magnesium , which is why I switched .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'very rich']]
It also has a mint flavor .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'neutral', 'has a mint flavor']]
I feel like I totally wasted the gift certificate that was presented to me .####[['NULL', 'food prices', 'negative', 'feel like I totally wasted']]
Maybe write to your congressperson and ask for slave - labor - derived ingredients to be labeled ?####[['NULL', 'food general', 'negative', 'NULL']]
I made mine in a french press , 3 : 30 to 4 minutes brew time for best results .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL']]
I sprinkle it on top of my salads and when I make my meatballs , I use the flaxseeds instead of breadcrumbs .####[]
Even when i forced a moth inside one , it wasn ' t interested in the pheromone patch and just flew away .####[]
We tried the Lamb and Rice , and Kodiac , loves it and has since stopped chewing on his paws .####[['Lamb and Rice , and Kodiac', 'food general', 'positive', 'loves'], ['Lamb and Rice , and Kodiac', 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL']]
Good flavor and nice texture .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'Good'], ['NULL', 'food style_options', 'positive', 'nice']]
Thanks to amazon . com for making this good tea available at a fair price .####[['tea', 'food general', 'positive', 'good'], ['amazon . com', 'amazon availability', 'positive', 'available'], ['amazon . com', 'amazon prices', 'positive', 'fair pric']]
There had to be a reason why they are so dang good .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'so dang good']]
It was very disappointing .####[]
Both were wonderful .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'wonderful']]
This product is not good and varies in consistency .####[['product', 'food general', 'negative', 'not good'], ['product', 'food general', 'negative', 'varies in consistency']]
The only thing I worry is the amount of sugar but it ' s not too bad of an indulgence .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'negative', 'worry is the amount of sugar'], ['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'not too bad of an indulgence']]
I ' m not sure how fussy cats do with it .####[]
It is delicious and simple to make .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'delicious'], ['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'simple to make']]
Likely the best of teas that I have tried so far .####[['teas', 'food general', 'positive', 'Likely the best']]
It is one of the least expensive brews on the market that don ' t disappoint the drinker .####[['brews', 'food prices', 'positive', 'least expensive'], ['brews', 'food general', 'positive', "don ' t disappoint"]]
Worth the $ $ .####[['NULL', 'food prices', 'positive', 'Worth the $ $']]
It really is bright green so expect many people to pester you with questions !####[['NULL', 'food style_options', 'positive', 'really is bright green']]
This was overwhelmingly sweet .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'negative', 'overwhelmingly sweet']]
Gummi Candy , Strawberry Wheels , 5 - Ounce Bags####[]
They have a great balance of sweetness and spice .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'great balance of sweetness and spice']]
well now i no longer have to wait for friends to send me arabic coffee from palestine i can make it myself here in the US of A . i typically roast a handfull of cardamon and then mix it with the Arabic Yemini coffee - also from amazon - and grind it realy fine . this makes a perfect cup of coffee . cardamon is also great on ground meat , i usualy add it to my burgers and they taste fabulous .####[['arabic coffee', 'food general', 'positive', 'no longer have to wait'], ['coffee', 'food general', 'positive', 'perfect'], ['cardamon', 'food general', 'positive', 'great'], ['cardamon', 'food quality', 'positive', 'fabulous']]
Very smooth and totally delicious .####[['NULL', 'food style_options', 'positive', 'Very smooth'], ['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'totally delicious']]
Actually , not only was the taste sub - par , but I did NOT like the consistency either when compared to the more firm clif builder bars .####[['NULL', 'food style_options', 'negative', 'did NOT like the consistency']]
I give her the 2 treats as recommended , every night .####[]
This coffee is bold and rel , y gets you going !####[['coffee', 'food general', 'neutral', 'bold'], ['coffee', 'food general', 'positive', 'rel , y gets you going']]
Or just anytime .####[]
I used to work in a coffeehouse and this is what we used for our Chai mix ( as well as the Spiced version )####[]
They are great for training rewards too since they aren ' t calorie laden .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'great'], ['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', "aren ' t calorie laden"]]
Delicious .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'Delicious']]
But I will definately be ordering more !####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL']]
This is our favorite oatmeal at my house .####[['oatmeal', 'food general', 'positive', 'favorite']]
I bought this HUGE bag of it , and basically lived off of it until it was gone .####[['NULL', 'food style_options', 'positive', 'HUGE']]
If you liked the McDonaldland Cookies as a kid , go for the Elfin Crackers , they are very similar in flavor .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'neutral', 'NULL']]
After being on the Atkins Diet for awhile , I decided to purchase Bob ' s Red Mill Organic Flaxseed Meal as a food supplement .####[["Bob ' s Red Mill Organic Flaxseed Meal", 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL']]
Yum !####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'Yum']]
Im sure the chocolate is good but not appetizing with gel all over .####[['chocolate', 'food general', 'positive', 'good'], ['chocolate', 'food general', 'negative', 'not appetizing with gel all over']]
The five ounce can gives you five full ounces of tuna , completely usable .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'completely usable']]
I would highly recommend to anyone who cannot eat Gulten to try this product as in my case it is a life saver !####[['product', 'food recommendation', 'positive', 'highly recommend'], ['product', 'food general', 'positive', 'life saver']]
The product is superior , although not perhaps the tastiest .####[['product', 'food general', 'positive', 'superior'], ['product', 'food quality', 'negative', 'not perhaps the tastiest']]
I have non - coffee drinkers enjoying this particular brew .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'enjoying']]
Coffee tasted very stale .####[['Coffee', 'food quality', 'negative', 'very stale']]
I have always been at a loss to understand why it is not more popular .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'neutral', 'not more popular']]
We drink it every day !####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL']]
3 ounces of chocolate covered cherries .####[]
95 a box of 24 .####[]
I guess I wanted something I could just pop into my mouth rather than have to bite in half first ! lol )####[]
I was hoping for better quality .####[]
I think SweetGourmet has the best price to weight ratio for this item , too .####[['SweetGourmet', 'food prices', 'positive', 'best price']]
Price for pack on here saves money over buying from local health food store .####[['NULL', 'food prices', 'positive', 'saves money']]
Tried the Crema e Gusto based on high reviews and are happy we did !####[['Crema e Gusto', 'food general', 'positive', 'happy']]
Ateco was easily mixed with boiling water and used for spot dyeing and caserole dyeing .####[]
I love KIND walnut & date bars !####[['KIND walnut & date bars', 'food general', 'positive', 'love']]
Smooth , well - rounded with no bitter taste .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'Smooth'], ['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'well - rounded'], ['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'no bitter']]
The food is made of healthy ingredients and is especially good for one dog of ours who has skin allergies , and there are many ingredients he can ' t tolerate .####[['food', 'food general', 'positive', 'healthy'], ['food', 'food general', 'positive', 'especially good']]
With or without additions , it is a tasty wholesome soup .####[['soup', 'food quality', 'positive', 'tasty wholesome']]
Normally I like a strong coffee , and this was milder than my usual , but the flavor was terrific !####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'terrific'], ['NULL', 'food general', 'neutral', 'milder than my usual']]
Amazon has come through for us .####[['Amazon', 'amazon availability', 'positive', 'NULL']]
We used to purchase it at our local stores but they only carried it seasonally and then this last year they quite carrying it altogether .####[]
I don ' t want to have to work that hard for my deliciousness .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', "don ' t want to have to work that hard"]]
And ordering it from Amazon . com was easy and convienient .####[['Amazon . com', 'shipment quality', 'positive', 'easy'], ['Amazon . com', 'shipment quality', 'positive', 'convienient']]
Every evening all I have to say is " Want your Greenie " ?####[]
Am going to buy k - cups on Amazon every time we need them now !####[['k - cups', 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL']]
I will be ordering from them again .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL']]
Can ' t wait to bake with it again .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL']]
I was worried when I opened the package that they would just not taste the same but fear not , they are just as I remember .####[['package', 'food general', 'neutral', 'worried'], ['package', 'food quality', 'positive', 'they are just as I remember']]
The Vanilla is versatile and can be used for cooking , coffee , tea etc .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'versatile']]
This has healthy whole grain , healthy nuts ( whole , not tiny bits ) and healthy fruits .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'healthy fruits'], ['NULL', 'food style_options', 'positive', 'whole , not tiny bits'], ['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'healthy nuts'], ['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'healthy whole grain']]
This illy issimo Cappucino Coffee Drink is very nice served over ice !####[['illy issimo Cappucino Coffee Drink', 'food general', 'positive', 'very nice']]
I was extremely surprised to find that Amazon actually sold the soup and even had it as a subscribe and save item .####[['Amazon', 'amazon availability', 'positive', 'extremely surprised']]
I bought this wasabi because I can never get enough of the stuff that comes with the sushi . but beware . . . this stuff is hot !####[['stuff', 'food quality', 'neutral', 'hot']]
This drink was pretty good , a little like coffee , but with more of a " sesame " type flavor .####[['drink', 'food general', 'positive', 'pretty good'], ['drink', 'food quality', 'positive', 'little like coffee , but with more of a " sesame " type']]
They do have a nice flavor , they are just not what I was expecting .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'nice flavor'], ['NULL', 'food general', 'negative', 'not']]
I am thrilled to find a treat Snows is excited about eating .####[['treat', 'food general', 'positive', 'thrilled']]
Excellent crema and taste .####[]
The family said they were the best that I had made .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'best']]
This is a great product * and * if you do a cost analysis of the 10 pack combo to this 21oz one , then you will see that you are getting hundreds of percents back in profit by , buying this over the individual packs .####[['product', 'food general', 'positive', 'great'], ['product', 'food prices', 'positive', 'getting hundreds of percents back in profit']]
I love my Keurig .####[['Keurig', 'food general', 'positive', 'love']]
And it ' s still the same old reliable and healthful product it ' s been for ages past .####[['product', 'food general', 'positive', 'still the same old reliable'], ['product', 'food general', 'positive', 'healthful']]
I like strong coffee and Dark Magic is pretty close to what I like .####[['Dark Magic', 'food general', 'positive', 'pretty close to what I like']]
Bold and fun !####[['NULL', 'food general', 'neutral', 'Bold'], ['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'fun']]
This is the best black tea ever .####[['black tea', 'food general', 'positive', 'best']]
Was buying at Walmart but they stopped stocking it .####[]
It ' s mello and smooth but still strong enough so that you know you ' re drinking coffee .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'mello'], ['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'smooth'], ['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'still strong enough']]
I have tried other brands to no avail .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL']]
I just love this gum . . . first purchased at the health food store . yes , the gum Is a little sticky at first but after chewing for a while . . .####[['gum', 'food general', 'positive', 'love'], ['gum', 'food style_options', 'negative', 'little sticky']]
This wasabi is pretty good , but not nearly as good as the stuff that comes with the sushi typically .####[['wasabi', 'food general', 'positive', 'pretty good'], ['wasabi', 'food general', 'negative', 'not nearly as good']]
It should have been about $ 2 . 50 , but they nailed her for dang near the same price as the product .####[['NULL', 'shipment prices', 'negative', 'NULL']]
Needed this for fall pumpkin cupcakes !####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL']]
This is the one I chose over all the others .####[]
Individually wrapped .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL']]
This blueberry - lover would just love one choc - full of dried blueberries , adding the appropriate blueberry flavor to these crunchy snack bars .####[['snack bars', 'food style_options', 'neutral', 'crunchy'], ['snack bars', 'food general', 'neutral', 'would just love']]
Rich and creamy , but not too sweet !####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'Rich'], ['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'creamy'], ['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'not too sweet']]
You ' ll need each of the three for the perfect bloody mary !####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL']]
The meat is solid , no little chunks floating around in water , and very little natural oil .####[['NULL', 'food style_options', 'positive', 'solid'], ['NULL', 'food style_options', 'positive', 'no little chunks floating'], ['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'natural'], ['NULL', 'food style_options', 'positive', 'very little']]
It is so hard to find plain Ponzu !####[]
My daughter loves these yogurt melts .####[['yogurt melts', 'food general', 'positive', 'loves']]
No response yet from Amazon about replacing the missing package .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'negative', 'NULL']]
I am satisfied with the product .####[['product', 'food general', 'positive', 'satisfied']]
My wife and I first tried the Alessi Chicken Soup two years ago .####[]
Yes , it is spicey .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'neutral', 'spicey']]
I do not know why they stopped selling it there , but ever since , It has been hard to find , and ever harder to find it fresh .####[]
The ONLY problem I have with the drops is it can be very hard to figure out exactly how much you need for something .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'negative', 'NULL']]
She ' s not interested in playing with it at all .####[]
But was delivered promptly .####[['NULL', 'shipment delivery', 'positive', 'delivered promptly']]
While perhaps mildly chocolate in flavor , not a hint of coconut .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'mildly chocolate'], ['NULL', 'food quality', 'negative', 'not a hint of coconut']]
Now they feel GREAT !####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'GREAT']]
I added chicken and mixed veggies and a partial packet of condensed chicken stock but the taste of the quinoa was too strong .####[['quinoa', 'food quality', 'negative', 'too strong']]
Probably because I ' ve mostly tasted coconut milk and not water I ' d say this was nothing like what I expected .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'neutral', 'nothing like what I expected'], ['NULL', 'food quality', 'neutral', 'mostly tasted coconut milk and not water']]
My favorite Italian roast is still Tully ' s Coffee Italian , K - cups for Keurig Brewers , 24 - count , Boxes ( Pack of 2 ) although this cup is a good every morning or anytime coffee with that crisp Italian finish .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'good'], ['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'crisp Italian finish']]
Great bargain compared to what you pay in retail stores .####[['NULL', 'food prices', 'positive', 'Great bargain']]
This is the only tea I have found that has a sharp orange flavor .####[['tea', 'food quality', 'positive', 'sharp orange flavor']]
The B grade has more minerals than A grade .####[]
. . = ) Yum . . .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'Yum']]
I agree with Catriona about these bars tasting like a peanut bar and nothing like the advertised description .####[['bars', 'food quality', 'negative', 'like a peanut bar and nothing like the advertised description']]
My wife found these at local specialty store and they have quickly become a favorite when we sit down for coffee or tea .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'quickly become a favorite']]
The Atkins Diet people also recommend flaxseeds as a way to keep regular when you are consuming so much protein on their diet .####[]
Stonewall Kitchen Farmhouse Pancake and Waffle Mix , 33 - Ounce Cans ( Pack of 2 )####[]
Get the carrot & apple or pear & mango flavor from Plum Organics instead .####[]
You ' ll love your pie .####[['pie', 'food general', 'positive', 'love']]
The variety of colours was perfect , and I will buy them again .####[]
They weren ' t horrible####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', "weren ' t horrible"]]
I decided to give these a try after being practically addicted to the peanut butter clif builder bars - I wanted to see if I like something else more . and it turns out####[]
I made a salad dressing with this and liked it .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'liked']]
Not as expensive as the Nationally advertised fiber cereals .####[['NULL', 'food prices', 'positive', 'Not as expensive']]
We ' ve ordered it 2x and have the microwaving down to a science . it ' s also interesting that the kernels are so white and compared to the rest it pops or at least half pops about 95 % of the kernels in the bag .####[['kernels', 'food general', 'positive', 'interesting'], ['kernels', 'food style_options', 'positive', 'so white'], ['kernels in the bag', 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL']]
Can ' t wait til they become avaiable again .####[['NULL', 'amazon availability', 'neutral', 'NULL']]
This Green Mountain Dark Magic coffee is very good .####[['Green Mountain Dark Magic coffee', 'food general', 'positive', 'very good']]
The fact they are good for you is a bonus .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'good for you']]
Two ounces each of pretzels , pistachios , coohies and 2 .####[]
Was hooked after the 1st bite .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'hooked']]
They are a littletight to fit in the porto filter area but they can be squashed in .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'negative', 'littletight'], ['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'can be squashed in']]
I love drinking it when eating a chocolate desert .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'love']]
these chips are so damn good . they have a great light crispy texture .####[['chips', 'food general', 'positive', 'so damn good'], ['chips', 'food style_options', 'positive', 'great light crispy texture']]
It ' s not one of the most expensive teas on the market , yet manages to be steps above the crushed leaf standard teas that most people are used to .####[['teas', 'food prices', 'positive', 'not one of the most expensive'], ['teas', 'food general', 'positive', 'steps above']]
But this one is very refreshing .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'very refreshing']]
I was definitely expecting a darker roast .####[['NULL', 'food style_options', 'neutral', 'definitely expecting a darker roast']]
I would highly recommend Blue Buffalo pet food for all those who wish to feed thier pets the very best !####[['Blue Buffalo pet food', 'food recommendation', 'positive', 'would highly recommend'], ['Blue Buffalo pet food', 'food general', 'positive', 'very best']]
It ' s well - liked by my entire household .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'well - liked']]
Not too flowery , I usually get two cups from one tea bag .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'Not too flowery'], ['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL']]
Just be careful when buying during summer .####[]
I just gave some away .####[]
I hesitate to rate this product because taste is an individual thing .####[]
So glad to see Amazon has picked up this product as it is hard to find in my area and it can be delivered right to my door for the same pet store cost without driving across town to get it ( after I special order it ) .####[['Amazon', 'amazon availability', 'positive', 'picked up this product as it is hard to find in my area'], ['NULL', 'shipment prices', 'positive', 'NULL']]
Found it at Amazon for the same price .####[['Amazon', 'amazon availability', 'positive', 'NULL'], ['Amazon', 'amazon prices', 'neutral', 'same price']]
It ' s very light and just use a little splenda .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'very light']]
I found these at our local base commissary and literally squealed with delight when I saw them !####[]
Just how I like it .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'Just how I like']]
We use a Brita countertop filter for water and this .####[]
Couldn ' t believe that I was able to find it and the price is similar to that of the store .####[['NULL', 'amazon availability', 'positive', "Couldn ' t believe"], ['NULL', 'amazon prices', 'neutral', 'price is similar']]
We have it every time we go to New Orleans .####[]
I love them all !####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'love them all']]
It ' s the only dog treat he eats now .####[['dog treat', 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL']]
My other cat and my dog absolutely love them too ( but they aren ' t as hard to please ) .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'absolutely love']]
It became tolerable if I added sugar , ginger and milk .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'became tolerable']]
If your dog likes treats , try these . he ' ll drop other treats if he sees these coming out .####[['NULL', 'food recommendation', 'positive', 'try these'], ['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL']]
I WILL KEEP SOME ON HAND####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL']]
Sent my daughter a box .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL']]
But . . .####[]
These are 3 to 4 times the size of a typical gummy bear and have the consistency of a gum drop without the sugar .####[['NULL', 'food style_options', 'neutral', '3 to 4 times the size'], ['NULL', 'food style_options', 'positive', 'have the consistency']]
Its also a great deal ! ! ! they are usually 1 . 25 at 7 / 11 .####[['NULL', 'food prices', 'positive', 'great deal']]
IT ' s been a week feeding this food and her triglycerides are back to normal !####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL']]
They arrived sooner than expected and arrived as described .####[['NULL', 'shipment delivery', 'positive', 'arrived sooner than expected'], ['NULL', 'shipment quality', 'positive', 'arrived as described']]
I recently bought a Keurig Coffee maker because my husband and I love our coffee and tea , but sometimes want different drinks on certain days and this coffee maker fit the bill .####[]
I think a HUGE improvement to the product would be to have measuring lines on the dropper .####[]
Judging on nutrition and taste alone , I felt like they should have tasted better for the number of calories they had .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'neutral', 'should have tasted better']]
To reduce the calories , I sometimes leave out the olive oil . even then it ' s still super tasty ! ! !####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'still super tasty']]
Excellent product to keep handy in the kitchen !####[['product', 'food general', 'positive', 'Excellent'], ['product', 'food general', 'positive', 'handy']]
Still looking for a solution .####[]
I recommend them to dark chocolate lovers and ordered three more boxes , straight - away .####[['NULL', 'food recommendation', 'positive', 'recommend']]
I add diced tomatoes and parsley and a little lemon juice and it is just perfect !####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'perfect']]
Or buy the SPICED version , it is really good too , I just prefer Vanilla )####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'really good']]
I ' ve tried several different brands of Chai Teas at the various coffee shops I ' ve been to .####[]
I ' m sure no one knew any better after all frosting fixes all .####[]
The almond flavor is perfect and the individual wrapped " cookies " keeps them fresh even after the box is opened .####[['cookies', 'food quality', 'positive', 'perfect'], ['cookies', 'food general', 'positive', 'keeps them fresh']]
I bought this for my Shepherd that loves to chew .####[]
Didn ' t realize I was ordering 4 large containers of flaxseed . prob better for business orders I guess .####[['flaxseed', 'food general', 'negative', 'large containers']]
Their trees are very healthy & priced well .####[]
If you haven ' t ordered this yet go and do so right NOW !####[['NULL', 'food recommendation', 'positive', 'NULL']]
It is a far better product than the Swiss Miss Diet Hot Chocolate .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'far better']]
Pop the can and get sensory caress from the orange scent .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'get sensory caress']]
I really thought I would like them more .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'negative', 'NULL']]
99 but when you get to the Netrition website , it is not true .####[]
Other " pros " are that is a great value for the price , and being " instant " it was fasy & easy to prepare .####[['NULL', 'food prices', 'positive', 'great value'], ['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'instant'], ['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'easy'], ['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'fasy']]
It made a great , satisfying supper .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'great'], ['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'satisfying']]
Compared to rooibos teas , this variant honeybush with vanilla takes the edge off the aftertaste .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'takes the edge off the aftertaste']]
We love it !####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'love']]
Apparently I can ' t return the box of crackers .####[['box of crackers', 'food general', 'negative', 'NULL']]
Last time I ordered their medallions and they were terrible .####[]
Glad to see that they are back in business .####[]
If you like Starbucks Blonde or Pikes Place these are not the coffees for you .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'negative', 'not the coffees']]
Just mix with water and enjoy .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL']]
I have this item for regular delivery .####[]
It is not salty , like most seasoning blends .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'not salty']]
We eat it as a snack and are really satisfied with the taste and fiber content .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'really satisfied'], ['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'really satisfied']]
This one did not match up for me .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'negative', 'did not match up']]
Highly recommended to all####[['NULL', 'food recommendation', 'positive', 'Highly recommended']]
Several of the drops arrived in chocolate with no bean in the center .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'negative', 'NULL']]
I bought another brand at the same time to compare : Sweet Gourmet .####[]
It has almost twice the protein of any other kind of oatmeal .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'almost twice']]
It is the best !####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'best']]
I love the smokey spice that this adds to dishes .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'love'], ['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'smokey spice']]
This is the BEST tomato soup ! !####[['tomato soup', 'food general', 'positive', 'BEST']]
And he comes running .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL']]
Given that it claims to have a " splash of pineapple " , I was expecting a light pina - colada flavour .####[]
The polar pak was ruptured and leaked gel all over the chocolate .####[['NULL', 'shipment quality', 'negative', 'NULL']]
I love it black !####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'love it black']]
I highly recommend this product ; it is a healthy snack and it ' s great for people on the go .####[['product', 'food recommendation', 'positive', 'highly recommend'], ['product', 'food general', 'positive', 'healthy'], ['product', 'food general', 'positive', 'great']]
Amazon should only sell FRESH coffee !####[['NULL', 'food general', 'negative', 'NULL']]
I am so thankful I have found it for sale on this web site .####[['NULL', 'amazon availability', 'positive', 'found it']]
I slowly switched our puppy over from what the breeder was feeding and she is on straight GO !####[]
Gift for my son .####[]
I can ' t get enough of them , they ' re sweet and tangy , and with a good texture .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', "can ' t get enough"], ['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'sweet'], ['NULL', 'food style_options', 'positive', 'tangy'], ['NULL', 'food style_options', 'positive', 'good texture']]
This is by far the best deal for quinoa .####[['quinoa', 'food prices', 'positive', 'best deal']]
Happy with the service and the product .####[['product', 'food general', 'positive', 'Happy']]
I has helped me recover from training sessions .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'helped me recover']]
I could of course compare it to my grandmother ' s pie and be critical , but instead just say that if you have not had rhubarb pie in a while , or never had it , this is one of the best and easiestways to re - introduce or introduce you to this wonderful pie .####[['pie', 'food general', 'positive', 'wonderful'], ['pie', 'food general', 'positive', 'best and easiestways']]
I do not recommend eating these Jelly Bellies unless your body needs the electrolytes , they taste too sweet and salty .####[['Jelly Bellies', 'food quality', 'negative', 'too sweet and salty'], ['Jelly Bellies', 'food recommendation', 'neutral', 'do not recommend']]
I ordered these pods to fit in my Starbucks espresso maker .####[]
On the other hand , the blueberry bars are a loser , in my opinion .####[['blueberry bars', 'food general', 'negative', 'loser']]
I wasn ' t sure how I would like the smoked hot paprika , and was pleasantly suprised .####[['smoked hot paprika', 'food general', 'positive', 'pleasantly suprised']]
However , it really does kind of taste like a margarita !####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'neutral', 'NULL']]
On our walks and at the dog park , people regularly comment on how pretty and shiny her coat is .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL']]
The Skinny Crisp crackers are excellent even for those who don ' t have to be on a diet , but Amazon is stating that you get a three pack of 5oz bags for $ 5 .####[['Skinny Crisp crackers', 'food general', 'positive', 'excellent']]
The larger bars are great too - especially when paired with a salad for lunch .####[['larger bars', 'food general', 'positive', 'great too']]
It may be a bit more expensive ( though at $ 28 .####[['NULL', 'food prices', 'negative', 'bit more expensive']]
However , I tried to give this product away to anybody who would take it at work . and no one would take it !####[['product', 'food general', 'negative', 'tried to give'], ['product', 'food general', 'negative', 'no one would take']]
I will look for this in the store and have been told that there are other forms such as shredded and cheerio type shapes .####[]
Perfection !####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'Perfection']]
I was leery of purchasing cereal on line , but took a chance because it has so much fiber and the calorie content was low in relation to the serving size .####[['cereal', 'food general', 'positive', 'so much fiber'], ['cereal', 'food general', 'positive', 'calorie content was low']]
It contains a lot of dirt / powder that goes through the tea ball and makes the cup look like a suspension rather than an infusion .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'negative', 'contains a lot of dirt / powde'], ['NULL', 'food general', 'negative', 'look like a suspension rather than an infusion']]
Thanks for a great product !####[['product', 'food general', 'positive', 'great']]
Definitely in my top 3 of all K - Cup blends .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'Definitely in my top 3']]
A very mild , but pleasant blend .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'very mild'], ['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'pleasant blend']]
We don ' t have a pod brewer so we put a couple of these in the coffeepot and brewed water thru it .####[]
We love the wonderful products that Blue Buffalo uses for thier pet food , it very nutritus !####[['products', 'food general', 'positive', 'love'], ['products', 'food general', 'positive', 'wonderful'], ['products', 'food general', 'positive', 'very nutritus']]
Coffee came fast .####[['Coffee', 'shipment delivery', 'positive', 'fast']]
I use this cacao powder in my coffee in the mornings .####[['cacao powder', 'food general', 'neutral', 'NULL']]
The only thing I ' ll say for it is that my cat does seem to prefer the sliced vs the flaked variety of this food ( eats it faster ) , but appears to love both .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'love']]
Mannheim Mary Mix .####[]
I would definitely recommend this , just not if you ' re looking for something incredibly bold .####[['NULL', 'food recommendation', 'positive', 'definitely recommend'], ['NULL', 'food recommendation', 'negative', 'just not']]
It ' s made to be a educational for dogs , I guess she just got bored with it .####[]
The licorice flavor is very different , if one could really call it licorice .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'negative', 'very different'], ['NULL', 'food general', 'negative', 'NULL']]
It is strong , and flavourful .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'strong'], ['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'flavourful']]
I don ' t think it had the right " depth " for expresso strength .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'negative', 'don \' t think it had the right " depth " for expresso strength']]
The coffee flavor is not very strong but it is nicely sweet and packs a good caffeine ( 81 mg ) kick , making this a refreshing " pick me up " on a hot afternoon .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'neutral', 'not very strong'], ['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'nicely sweet'], ['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'good'], ['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'refreshing']]
I think the packaging was mislabled ? ? ?####[['packaging', 'shipment quality', 'negative', 'mislabled']]
And usually the container is filled mostly with liquid but this one wasn ' t and it was wonderful .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'wonderful'], ['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL']]
We love it and make sure we always have some on hand .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'love']]
I use the cold brew method for iced tea and this tea is perfect .####[['tea', 'food general', 'positive', 'perfect']]
These chocolate covered coffee beans are way over priced and have a very poor taste .####[['chocolate covered coffee beans', 'food prices', 'negative', 'way over priced'], ['chocolate covered coffee beans', 'food quality', 'negative', 'very poor taste']]
Not only is it flavorful , but you get a mixture of soft and chewy in the bags .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'flavorful'], ['NULL', 'food style_options', 'positive', 'soft'], ['NULL', 'food style_options', 'positive', 'chewy']]
It was good to see the little ones clean up their plates .####[]
I was extremely disappointed with the taste of these bars .####[['bars', 'food quality', 'negative', 'extremely disappointed']]
It sure beats paying those extremely high prices for a soft drink or tea .####[['NULL', 'food prices', 'positive', 'beats paying those extremely high prices']]
I had my reservations about this product when I first saw this product .####[['product', 'food general', 'neutral', 'reservations']]
I am not the coffee drinker in the house ; however , I buy Jet Fuel , Wake Up Call and Black Tiger ( All Extra Bold Coffees ) for my husband and he loves them all .####[['Jet Fuel , Wake Up Call and Black Tiger ( All Extra Bold Coffees )', 'food general', 'positive', 'loves them all']]
This is not my personal favorite , and it ' s not even the best sauce that Tabasco produces , IMO , but on the right food it ' s great !####[['NULL', 'food general', 'negative', 'not my personal favorite'], ['NULL', 'food general', 'negative', 'not even the best sauce'], ['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'great']]
) I have to change my subscription so that they deliver more frequently .####[]
I ' ve even used some kibbles as treats and she does all her tricks for just a bite of it .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL']]
It is not a terribly hot spice , but it has a very complex flavor somewhat similar to paprika .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'neutral', 'not a terribly hot spice'], ['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'very complex flavor']]
Charlee Bears are great and if we ever ran out , things would not go well around our house !####[['Charlee Bears', 'food general', 'positive', 'great'], ['Charlee Bears', 'food general', 'neutral', 'things would not go well']]
Order several so you ' re not without .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'several']]
I can ' t review these cookies completely honestly my family ate them all before I even got home on the day they arrived .####[['cookies', 'food general', 'neutral', 'NULL']]
My only addition to the recipe was a ham bone and about a cup of rice .####[]
Strongly recommended , and the price is really competitive .####[['NULL', 'food recommendation', 'positive', 'Strongly recommended'], ['NULL', 'food prices', 'positive', 'price is really competitive']]
Maybe we didn ' t have the right moths ! ?####[]
Not only was it easy to use , but it was food safe and made an unending variety of brilliant colours .####[]
I have also used it in place of regular cocoa for baking brownies and they turned out very rich and chocolatey .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL'], ['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'very rich'], ['NULL', 'food quality', 'positive', 'chocolatey']]
Looks like I will be making another order shortly .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL']]
You can buy from Green Mountain for $ 13 .####[['NULL', 'amazon prices', 'negative', 'NULL']]
I am hoping with the chicken and rice they are healthy for him .####[]
I baked a paprika - parmesan chicken and the smell was mouth watering .####[['paprika - parmesan chicken', 'food quality', 'positive', 'mouth watering']]
I am someone who likes very light coffee which ends up making the coffee cold very fast and with these you don ' t need to add anything so it ' s great ! !####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL'], ['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'great']]
The Mannheim Mary mix is awesome !####[['Mannheim Mary mix', 'food general', 'positive', 'awesome']]
It is great that we can buy it at Amazon . com .####[['Amazon . com', 'amazon availability', 'positive', 'great']]
I am so addicted to the ginger crystals .####[['ginger crystals', 'food general', 'positive', 'so addicted']]
The reviews said there were big chunks .####[]
Based on all the five star reviews , I had high hopes for this snack .####[]
But I don ' t think I ' ll ever have cookies sent by mail to an insecure location again .####[]
The product was delivered well boxed and on time .####[['NULL', 'shipment quality', 'positive', 'well boxed'], ['NULL', 'shipment delivery', 'positive', 'on time']]
19 per pound####[]
My husband grew up on it and eats it almost before the next delivery , but not quite !####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL']]
Would probably never buy again for that reason .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'negative', 'Would probably never buy again']]
We spent 15 days on the road and our four dogs enjoyed every meal the entire trip .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'enjoyed']]
Bought several bottles after not being able to find it any whether but florida , and bring in ny it ' s not just a run to the store .####[['NULL', 'food general', 'positive', 'NULL']]
This 16 ounce order from SweetGourmet surprisingly came in a transparent , thin plastic bag , like it was packaged from bulk or something .####[['order from SweetGourmet', 'shipment quality', 'negative', 'surprisingly'], ['order from SweetGourmet', 'shipment quality', 'negative', 'NULL']]
If you don ' t want a bold rich flavor####[]
This is the best tuna I ' ve ever eaten .####[['tuna', 'food general', 'positive', 'best']]
There is only a faint blueberry flavor .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'negative', 'faint blueberry flavor']]
We love good coffee , but are not experts by any means .####[]
This does not tast anything like haribo from germany ! ! ! it is not eatable . . . do not buy if you know the real stuff .####[['NULL', 'food quality', 'negative', 'does not tast anything like haribo'], ['NULL', 'food quality', 'negative', 'not eatable'], ['NULL', 'food recommendation', 'negative', 'do not buy']]
Be adventurous . enjoy , Carole####[]
Especially since it ' s a green tea with caffeine ; most are decaffeinated .####[]
It was fabulous .####[]
This is by far the best jerky I have ever had .####[['jerky', 'food general', 'positive', 'by far the best']]