but i always felt like i was missing theoretic information .####[] |
And finally , a little intro into the art of using case law as an event or test , for example ; in " Miranda " , " Keller " , " Brown " , or the " McDonnell Douglas test " .####[] |
Will definitely revisit some parts of this course in the future .####[] |
It provided great " lay advice " with little to no research base .####[['NULL', 'presentation quality', 'negative', 'NULL']] |
Thanks to all the authors for such a wonderful material .####[['material', 'material quality', 'positive', 'such a wonderful']] |
I recommend anyone who is interested in this field .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
Intro session was very repetitive .####[['NULL', 'presentation quality', 'negative', 'Intro session was very repetitive']] |
It opened a different perspective altogether of learning and teaching English . . .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
I also thought that the final assignment instructions were a bit confusing .####[['assignment', 'assignments comprehensiveness', 'negative', 'confusing']] |
I have been looking for a stats course to unlock further learning .####[] |
This was a superb course .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'superb']] |
More importantly , this course now gave me the confidence that I can learn anything with an attitude of learning even though I have no talent / interest towards it .####[['course', 'course relatability', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
I reported all of these and never got even one response , perhaps because I ' m not a paying customer .####[['NULL', 'faculty response', 'negative', 'NULL']] |
Looking forward to CSS course .####[] |
Everybody will get benefits for life who will have complete this course .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'Everybody will get benefits for life']] |
This is a great introduction to a more formal approach to algorithms and I look forward to the rest of the courses in the specialization .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'great'], ['NULL', 'course quality', 'positive', 'more formal']] |
Looking forward to the next installment of this course .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
After completing one gets all the fundamentals he or she need for further learning and even can program some stuff .####[] |
I will definitely recommend this course to my friends and family .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'definitely recommend']] |
Big applause to Meloni !####[] |
This is merely a starter course that gets you acquainted with the basics of ML using Python .####[['course', 'course quality', 'negative', 'merely a starter']] |
My only criticism was the way the feedback and critique is set up .####[['NULL', 'faculty response', 'negative', 'NULL']] |
The results will be very usefull .####[['NULL', 'grades general', 'positive', 'very usefull']] |
I ' m very happy with the course and I would like to have a Learn to Speak Korean 2 !####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'very happy']] |
It is a very well structured and effective course .####[['course', 'course quality', 'positive', 'very well structured and effective']] |
If that ' s what I was looking for , I could search the web for blogs .####[] |
Other than that , great course , great teacher , and great content !####[['content', 'material quality', 'positive', 'great'], ['teacher', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'great'], ['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'great']] |
Now I can ' t get Beatles songs out of my head on a daily basis and I have some extra insight that only enhances my appreciation of their incredible music even more .####[] |
Ha sido un curso muy interesante y útil .####[] |
It was a very interesting course , however it was biased toward Spanish history with the inclusions .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'very interesting']] |
Im continuing to the 2nd level of the specialisation .####[] |
You can ' t introduce yourself to someone if you don ' t know who you are .####[] |
I typically like courses to be heavy on the science side , but this class was well presented for mid - level people or people who don ' t have a science background .####[['NULL', 'presentation comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'well presented for mid - level people']] |
Great class .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'Great']] |
It ' s a good course and the contents are very helpful .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'good'], ['contents', 'material quality', 'positive', 'very helpful']] |
Having said that , if you want to go deeper into the psychology of memory this course is probably not for you .####[] |
Princeton and Stanford offer much higher quality and presentation on the same topics .####[] |
Thank you !####[] |
The only area of improvement , I felt , was the case study .####[] |
Thank you !####[] |
It was challenging in some way and VERY interesting .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'VERY interesting'], ['NULL', 'course quality', 'positive', 'challenging']] |
I learned here in my daily life , but I definitely have tools to provide better arguments , and debate other people ' s arguments .####[] |
Thanks a lot####[] |
Excellent lectures , let down by the difficulty of the assignments .####[['lectures', 'presentation quality', 'positive', 'Excellent'], ['assignments', 'assignments quality', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
This course inspire me a lot .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'inspire me']] |
The way the topic is approached is quite clear and direct , and it is easy to understand .####[['NULL', 'course comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'easy to understand']] |
Generally , the course is very informative , rich , instructions based and have very good exercises covering all the course content with a good - as - a - start hands on experience .####[['course', 'course quality', 'positive', 'informative'], ['NULL', 'assignments quality', 'positive', 'good'], ['course', 'presentation quality', 'positive', 'good'], ['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
I have already done this course before .####[] |
I would recommend this course , but I do hope that the course administrators pick up on this feedback and make the assignments clearer in the future .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'would recommend']] |
If you interpret literature from the psychological or medical fields , this is a great resource .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'great']] |
I had a lot of fun and learned a lot of info .####[['NULL', 'course quality', 'positive', 'learned a lot of info'], ['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'lot of fun']] |
This is an ideal course for a person who is considering using Google Cloud Platform but isn ' t sure what the advantages and capabilities are .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'ideal']] |
I highly recommend the linear algebra review as well .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'highly recommend']] |
Helped me get from zero technical knowledge of machine learning all the way to the point where I feel comfortable implementing and can think through those implementations .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
Sorry by the terrible English , i ' m a Portuguese speaker = )####[] |
Excellent .####[] |
I would have give 6 starts if I could .####[] |
Thinking .####[] |
This was kind of a waste of my time .####[['NULL', 'course value', 'negative', 'NULL']] |
Although I think that it would be beneficial if the course also required us to submit our code ( not just watch and read ) and also explain github at least a little , I feel that I am well - primed now to acquire more knowledge of how to make apps in the future .####[] |
It has transformed my approach to career development .####[] |
I like this course very much .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'like']] |
Coursework was quite easy .####[['Coursework', 'assignments comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'quite easy']] |
So we have to keep trying the tones till we succeed .####[] |
Understanding statistics is not easy , but caffo makes us to understand them easily . . .####[['caffo', 'faculty comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'easily']] |
Its a first step in my programming life .####[] |
Highly recommended .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'Highly recommended']] |
The saving grace is that the course is just 4 weeks and can be completed in a fairly short amount of time .####[] |
Because there is a significant difference in society behaviors and challenges .####[] |
I give it 4 starts out of 5 because some improvement needed around expected deadlines on week 3 , and for a few technical bugs : one must be logged into a browser to participate in the discussion forum - I couldn ' t make it work from my iPad or iPhone apps .####[['NULL', 'course quality', 'neutral', 'NULL'], ['NULL', 'course general', 'negative', 'NULL']] |
As I recall the original Introduction to Python Dr . Chuck course which debuted 3 to 4 years back or so , was split into two .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
Awesome course .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'Awesome']] |
It does not matter if you make mistakes , the tutor as your back , and provides the before and after source code .####[['tutor', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
His clear and simplistic delivery style of complex concepts with apt examples ensures the student grasps the essence with ease and works navigates his way through complex algorithms with confidence .####[['NULL', 'faculty comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'clear and simplistic delivery style of complex concepts'], ['NULL', 'faculty relatability', 'positive', 'apt examples']] |
She is starting to get classes that depend on tests for the grade , and she was really unclear how to study effectively .####[] |
I ' ve ever found####[] |
Thankyou coursera and the Michigan State University for the opportunity .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
I learned a lot in this specialization now I have a bigger vision for my future learning and for my startup .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
I would highly recommend this course .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'highly recommend']] |
Thank you for providing this course !####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'Thank you']] |
Recommend to everyone who wants to start learning Python or programming in general !####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'Recommend to everyone']] |
In other words , it teaches you how to write R code that kind of works , but does not teach you how to write good code in R .####[['NULL', 'course quality', 'positive', 'does not teach you how to write good code']] |
Getting advice from other students have also helped see my bad habits .####[] |
It´s a great course to understand and to learn the princoples of Machine Learning and its methods and algorithms .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'great'], ['course', 'course comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
TWO THUMBS UP !####[['NULL', 'course quality', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
Thanks Prof Chuck and CTA ' s .####[['Prof Chuck', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'Thanks']] |
Thank you so very much for this Course .####[['Course', 'course general', 'positive', 'Thank you']] |
It ' s like graphic design made easy .####[['NULL', 'presentation comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'easy']] |
However , I lost a great deal of time viewing incomplete videos and trying to complete quizzes covering material that was not addressed or only partially addressed in the videos .####[['videos', 'presentation quality', 'negative', 'incomplete'], ['quizzes', 'assignments quality', 'negative', 'not addressed or only partially addressed']] |
Lecturers are easy to listen to .####[['Lecturers', 'presentation quality', 'positive', 'easy']] |
And it would be better if we can see all the code from video , yet in week 1 lecture3 some function been blocked and I am not sure if I do it right by myself .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'negative', 'NULL']] |
Looking forward to do more law courses with you .####[] |
Really good course , I recommend it to anyone working in the MENA region as a journalist , or business person .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'Really good'], ['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'recommend']] |
I really gained a lot from this course .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'really gained a lot']] |
Andrew takes the time to clearly explain the concepts .####[['Andrew', 'faculty general', 'neutral', 'NULL']] |
In fact , i never have experienced that awsome lecture !####[['lecture', 'presentation quality', 'positive', 'never have experienced that awsome']] |
I enjoyed it very much .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'enjoyed it very much']] |
Really interesting course , I really enjoy the class with Dr . Chuck because he makes easy explanation of different concepts in programming that makes the excersices easy to solve .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'Really interesting'], ['Dr . Chuck', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'really enjoy the class'], ['Dr . Chuck', 'faculty comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'makes easy explanation of different concepts'], ['Dr . Chuck', 'faculty comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'makes the excersices easy to solve']] |
Thank You Very Much👏🏻🙏🏻👏🏻🙏🏻👏🏻🙏🏻👏🏻🙏🏻####[] |
I simply do not enjoy most of disco and pop artists like Madonna , Janet Jackson , Brittney etc .####[] |
I miss a few things like giving you tools and social business plans but I believe that they will come in the next courses .####[] |
The psychological aspect of pricing is a very interesting topic in itself .####[] |
I loved the way that the different issues are explained , I like the graphics , the videos , the quizzes - everything !####[['NULL', 'course comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'loved'], ['NULL', 'presentation quality', 'positive', 'like'], ['quizzes', 'assignments quality', 'positive', 'like']] |
I like the teacher and the conversations are good listening practice .####[['teacher', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'like']] |
Assignments were very instructive and well explained by staff in the Discussion ForumMany thanks to the staff and to U . of Michigan for the course .####[['Assignments', 'assignments quality', 'positive', 'very instructive'], ['staff', 'faculty comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'well explained'], ['Discussion Forum', 'faculty response', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
I am extremely dissatisfied and wish I hadn ' t paid for this specialization .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'negative', 'NULL']] |
I highly recommend it .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'highly recommend']] |
It was even irrelevant to my field of study , but professor Murayama made it so easy to understand like i have been studying this subject my entire life .####[['professor Murayama', 'faculty comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'easy']] |
I have just finished the course .####[] |
Very knowledgeable professor , yet easy and pleasant to follow .####[['professor', 'faculty comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'Very knowledgeable'], ['professor', 'faculty comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'easy and pleasant to follow']] |
repetitive . long . too academic . unnecessary terms .####[['NULL', 'assignments quality', 'negative', 'repetitive'], ['NULL', 'assignments relatability', 'negative', 'unnecessary']] |
It is really changing life course !####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
This course has two great projects .####[['course', 'course quality', 'positive', 'has two great projects']] |
If you need to apply ML in your field or want to build your career as a Data Scientist , this is your gateway .####[] |
If you struggle with Calculus , you should definitely take this course .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
Overall , great experience .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'great experience']] |
First time taking a programming course .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
The capstone project itself was disappointing , I learned much more from doing my own app in class # 3 .####[['capstone project', 'assignments quality', 'negative', 'disappointing']] |
But the instructor did not give a brief description about what it is , instead it just goes on about when you do not have clear question in your mind , you would run the risk of data dredging .####[['instructor', 'faculty comprehensiveness', 'negative', 'did not give a brief description']] |
It was not really easy for me to finish these courses in the busy schedules but I did find some feeling on the computer language by this course .####[['course', 'course general', 'negative', 'NULL']] |
The final assignment case study was definitely useful in thinking about several of the metrics covered over the four weeks .####[['final assignment', 'assignments quality', 'positive', 'definitely useful']] |
I ' m enjoying the mixture of basics and detail , plus the field trips to LHC and a tokamac .####[['NULL', 'course quality', 'positive', 'mixture of basics and detail']] |
I am looking for the course which provide me the new knowledge .####[] |
It took me 2 weeks ( not 6 hours as tutor mentions ) to complete half of the second assignment and I am about to tell that I learnt nothing about MongoDB .####[['assignment', 'assignments workload', 'negative', 'NULL']] |
I enjoyed every minute of the course and recommend others to do the same : ) he knowledge being delivered here is of paramount value not only to those teaching English but also to any teacher of any subject .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'enjoyed'], ['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'recommend others'], ['teacher', 'faculty value', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
For those who have the essential knowledge of all that , the course would be a repetition of the basics .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'essential']] |
I refreshed economical knowledges and found something new .####[] |
I wish they had more classes related to PP from UVA .####[['classes', 'presentation quantity', 'negative', 'wish they had more']] |
But on the other hand , many advanced concepts are slipped in this course without even basic introduction .####[] |
My only complaint is that the homework is fairly restrictive only one - page game per week , which means there ' s only so much you can do ) but I do appreciate the fact that it simplifies things and if anything it pushes you to be even more creative , beyond the typical " board game " .####[['homework', 'assignments quantity', 'negative', 'fairly restrictive']] |
I felt like a journalist !####[] |
It ' s not a huge deal because sometimes figuring out where he went wrong helps you to understand the problem better .####[] |
Writing in the margins… up till now####[] |
Good course for begginers like me .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'Good']] |
Prof . Severance is a very good instructor that makes hard things look easy .####[['Prof . Severance', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'very good'], ['Prof . Severance', 'faculty comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'makes hard things look easy']] |
Thanks , Professor Randy , Northwester University and Coursera .####[['Professor Randy', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'Thanks']] |
The course is excellent .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'excellent']] |
As it is I never did get to upload the photographs for the final prompt .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'negative', 'NULL']] |
Top notch program .####[] |
GRACIAS####[] |
A useful and practical course that was fun and interesting to do .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'fun and interesting']] |
The content is great and it doesn ' t overextend to the point of scaring you off game dev .####[['content', 'material quality', 'positive', 'great'], ['content', 'material relatability', 'positive', "doesn ' t overextend to the point of scaring"]] |
Decent coverage of the basics , but some of the data , tools and approaches used are out of date by 2 - 3 years which is particularly troublesome in the fast - moving social space .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'Decent coverage of the basics']] |
I appreciated it because it truly did help me understand the ins and outs of citations , which I needed to know in order to continue on with this course .####[['course', 'course comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
In the final assignment I was marked down on one aspect .####[] |
The video lectures will help you to pass the quizzes , as they are primarily theory and background .####[['video lectures', 'presentation quality', 'positive', 'NULL'], ['quizzes', 'assignments comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
An easy five stars .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'easy five stars']] |
Thank you , to everyone with Coursera & the University of Virginia , who made this MOOC possible .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'possible']] |
I like the " learn by doing " method adopted and during the course you built a good website .####[['course', 'course relatability', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
Cons :####[] |
I am surgical resident from India very much interested in pursuing a course in Neurosurgery .####[] |
I took this class over a year ago and can still recall the case histories .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'negative', 'NULL']] |
It ' s not too much to learn .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'neutral', 'NULL']] |
I have also taken the Equine Nutrition course from the University of Edinburgh , and that course really helped me , too .####[] |
I thought I knew it all regarding food and health ( haha ) , but no , I did not .####[] |
It opens up a large variety of topics and plots them along the evolution of photography from its very beginning to today .####[['NULL', 'course quality', 'positive', 'large variety']] |
I paid a decent amount of money to attend this course and very disappointed that it is simply run on auto pilot with no place to go for resolution , questions or help .####[['course', 'course value', 'negative', 'NULL'], ['NULL', 'faculty response', 'negative', 'disappointed']] |
Auditing the course gave me access to all of the course material and knowledge I needed without having to empty my bank account .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
I had to google that in order to understand before the course which started with " what " it was .####[] |
Thank you all the Professors , Mentors , and University of California .####[] |
Dr . Mathew Yee King is my favorite through out this course .####[['Dr . Mathew Yee King', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'favorite']] |
I really like the way of researchers introducing their area and talking about the recent related publications .####[['NULL', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
I have been having a great experience learning a new area of study with Dr . Ng ' s well - explained and well - guided tutorial .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'great'], ["Dr . Ng ' s", 'faculty comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'well - explained'], ["Dr . Ng ' s", 'faculty general', 'positive', 'well - guided']] |
I definitely recommend to anyone interested in python programming to consider take this course with Dr Chuck .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'definitely recommend'], ['Dr Chuck', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
Sharing and nice course !####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'nice']] |
It ' s been a fantastic experience and I can ' t wait to put what I ' ve learned to use .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'fantastic experience']] |
I don ' t know what is the problem as I study the videos well and when it come to taking quiz i never pass so I watch the videos over and aver again but it always the same resultthe part of other languages I ' m not sure what is the point of it####[['quiz', 'assignments comprehensiveness', 'negative', 'never pass']] |
Anyway , the course teach me how to learn in a better way , I will introduce it to my students .####[] |
It ' s simple and easy to understand .####[['NULL', 'course comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'simple and easy to understand']] |
Happy learning !####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'Happy']] |
This course may be helpful to people just starting out as social media professionals but if you ' re already working in this field , you will find this course incredibly dull .####[['course', 'course quality', 'negative', 'incredibly dull']] |
I encourage you , who is reading this , to sign to the course !####[] |
Thank you for making me understand the very basics of finance , OMG .####[['NULL', 'course comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
The other aspects of literature , painting , and the more popular arts ( kilts , oral traditions , etc . ) where a nice surprise .####[['NULL', 'presentation relatability', 'positive', 'nice']] |
very useful . all the information covered , are pretty much common sense , and yet people do not pay attention to all the little things discussed in this course . well . i had fun listening to the lectures , and will definitely apply the concepts to my daily routine . tnx####[['course', 'course relatability', 'positive', 'very useful']] |
The main drawback about this material , for me , is that machine learning has evolved since this course ' s inception .####[] |
Improvement over the first course .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
Very good content .####[['content', 'course general', 'positive', 'Very good']] |
It ' s a solid start , better than reading about it somewhere in the internet .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
Furthermore , the professor is difficult to understand a lot of the time .####[['professor', 'faculty comprehensiveness', 'negative', 'difficult']] |
Thanks Prof . Dan !####[['Prof . Dan', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'Thanks']] |
Finally , this course helped me to get a sense of different political theories and raised my interest much more .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'raised my interest much more']] |
Simply amazing !####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'Simply amazing']] |
Thank you for this introduction - it made a significant difference in my life####[] |
I hope this will be helpful .####[['NULL', 'polarity positive', 'positive', 'helpful']] |
If you are looking a general HTML Course , this is for you .####[['Course', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
No wonder Caltech is the world leader in planetary science .####[] |
It ' s amazing !####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'amazing']] |
Also what if you do not totally agreed with the IDEA that thematic presentation of art is the way that modern art has to be presented .####[['presentation', 'presentation quality', 'negative', 'NULL']] |
That being said , it does seem that they could have done a much better job in the video introducing core concepts that would have given non - programmers a better starting point for looking for outside researchers .####[['video', 'presentation quality', 'positive', 'better'], ['video', 'presentation comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'better']] |
Thanks !####[] |
I really feel this course has given me some valuable new insights with which to see the world around me and myself .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'given me some valuable new insights']] |
I learned a lot of basic conducting skills which are fundamental to my dream of being an orchestral conductor .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'learned a lot']] |
The courses are great .####[['courses', 'course general', 'positive', 'great']] |
It was challenging .####[['NULL', 'polarity positive', 'positive', 'challenging']] |
Recommend it for sure .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'Recommend it for sure']] |
Prof . Yaakov Chaikin is very skilled and makes his videos fun to watch .####[['Prof . Yaakov Chaikin', 'faculty comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'very skilled'], ['videos', 'presentation quality', 'positive', 'fun to watch']] |
The material is well managed and organized but I am not able to really hear or understand .####[['material', 'material quality', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
Related complex subject matter in a understandable way for those who have some basic background in this area .####[['NULL', 'course comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'understandable']] |
Definitely take away some things I am able to put into use in my work .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
I really feel I have learnt a lot from this course and I look forward to implementing some of their techniques .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL'], ['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
Excellent course .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'Excellent']] |
The Professor is excellent , didatic and explain the lessons with clarity .####[['Professor', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'excellent'], ['Professor', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'didatic'], ['Professor', 'faculty comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'explain the lessons with clarity']] |
The assignment also gives you a chance to practice these algorithms on some application example .####[['assignment', 'assignments quality', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
Another big thanks for his great humor !####[['NULL', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'great']] |
I gained a new perspective about usability ( testing and implementation ) that I will be employing in my network authentication practices and policy development .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'perspective']] |
I was raised to work hard and provide for my family .####[] |
대단히 감사합니다 .####[] |
Thank you . . grazie grazie grazie####[] |
I ' ve tried to start with Unity from books and tutorials on my own , but I never got as far in the 4 weeks of this course .####[['course', 'course general', 'negative', 'NULL']] |
There is a certain style of teaching that you need to get accustomed too in the beginning but when it is done , lessons become very clear and easy to follow .####[['lessons', 'presentation quality', 'positive', 'very clear'], ['lessons', 'presentation comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'easy to follow']] |
All the best !####[] |
This is contrary to most of the other Coursera courses where you can .####[] |
Smart , casual and yet precise lessons will help you to go through the initial necessary steps in the language , building a fundamental base where you will construct your python coding skills ! .####[['lessons', 'presentation quality', 'positive', 'Smart'], ['lessons', 'presentation quality', 'positive', 'casual']] |
I learned very much !####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'learned very much']] |
Full of mistakes .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'negative', 'NULL']] |
He pauses often to read this notes and has 0 enthusiasm teaching this class .####[['NULL', 'faculty general', 'negative', 'pauses often'], ['NULL', 'faculty response', 'negative', '0 enthusiasm teaching this class']] |
I got bored by the time I got to week 3 and it is seems impossible to stay focused and complete all assignments .####[['assignments', 'assignments quality', 'negative', 'impossible'], ['NULL', 'course general', 'negative', 'NULL']] |
Clear videos ( subtitled for non english speaking people ) , un a compact form , tips & tricks for learning and memory which are so obvious finally where we look back at them , but so usefull .####[['videos', 'presentation quality', 'positive', 'Clear'], ['videos', 'presentation quality', 'positive', 'un a compact form']] |
The only thing I liked about this course were the problem sets , which were interesting to do .####[['problem sets', 'assignments quality', 'positive', 'interesting to do']] |
Outdated and unsupported !####[['NULL', 'course general', 'negative', 'Outdated'], ['NULL', 'course general', 'negative', 'unsupported']] |
Really clear teacher .####[['teacher', 'faculty comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'Really clear']] |
Instructor and mentors added not value to course .####[['Instructor', 'faculty general', 'negative', 'added not value to course'], ['mentors', 'faculty general', 'negative', 'added not value to course']] |
For experienced folks - - probably a good number since this is an Executive Data Science course - - it was pretty basic .####[['NULL', 'course quality', 'neutral', 'pretty basic']] |
Fascinating course !####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'Fascinating']] |
I am suggesting to take this course before you will do any other courses .####[] |
Very good hands - on approach to practical machine learning .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'Very good']] |
Go Dr . Chuck !####[] |
Wow !####[] |
The content of the course is extremely useful for young emerging scientists like myself ; however , the videos were very hard to follow because the team speaks fast and with a very strong French accent .####[['content', 'material quality', 'positive', 'extremely useful'], ['videos', 'presentation comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'very hard to follow']] |
Also , I learned a lot of these statistics in college and the explanations provided in these lessons actually confused me about things I already know .####[['NULL', 'course comprehensiveness', 'negative', 'NULL']] |
Here in Ukraine most of us don ' t eat out , but obesity is prevalent nevertheless .####[] |
Thanks !####[] |
Years later , I needed to up my skills , and I discovered Coursera had many of the classes I wanted to take - and now I feel like my MFA is an MFA####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
I liked the fact that TED talks and other video sources were used in the syllabus .####[['NULL', 'material quantity', 'positive', 'liked']] |
I still made an attempt to watch the course content , but found the instructor speaking more about what he planned to cover rather than actually covering anything of substance .####[['instructor', 'faculty relatability', 'negative', 'NULL']] |
It was a very nice course .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'very nice']] |
so I think better materials for more organized slides must exist .####[['materials', 'material quality', 'negative', 'more organized slides must exist']] |
Some paper as final assignment would be helpful .####[['final assignment', 'assignments quantity', 'negative', 'helpful']] |
Would love to see more peer reviews ( didn ' t get any on my poems yet ) .####[['NULL', 'faculty response', 'negative', 'NULL']] |
But the content and the exercises proposed are great , one of the best and no nonsense approach to bebop improvisation####[['content and the exercises', 'presentation quality', 'positive', 'great']] |
Hoping for more : )####[] |
I highly recommend this course .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'highly recommend']] |
Because no matter what subject in your curriculum is - the principles remain exactly the same .####[] |
Thank you Dr . Zwetsloot , your lessons and examples were : practical , crisp an clear .####[['Dr . Zwetsloot', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'Thank you'], ['Dr . Zwetsloot', 'faculty comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'practical , crisp an clear']] |
I only gave 4 stars because sometimes it is really hard to understand , especially key words ( I am not talking about the accent but the group and family latin names , etc ) ; I constantly had to check the subtitles for these .####[['NULL', 'course quality', 'positive', 'NULL'], ['NULL', 'course comprehensiveness', 'neutral', 'really hard to understand']] |
Unfortunately the Protools free version is very weak and limited .####[] |
It gets a little patchy in Weeks 3 and 4 ( it seems like some of the worksheets weren ' t checked for errors ) , but it never wastes your time .####[['NULL', 'course quality', 'negative', 'gets a little patchy'], ['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
Suitable neither for absolute beginners nor as a stand - alone course .####[['course', 'course general', 'negative', 'NULL']] |
I really enjoyed this course .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'really enjoyed']] |
If only the method would have had tiny bit more variation , such as animations , video analysis , case studies , maybe more expert visitors etc . it would have been even better and more durable in long run .####[['NULL', 'presentation quality', 'neutral', 'only the method would have had tiny bit more variation']] |
I personally enjoyed doing this course and am looking forward to do more courses .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'personally enjoyed']] |
The lectures are entertaining and informative , and the professor is charming and funny .####[['professor', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'charming and funny'], ['lectures', 'polarity positive', 'positive', 'entertaining and informative']] |
It is a great course for introduction about identifying social entrepreneurship opportunities .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'great']] |
The case studies were relevant and interesting , and the guest speakers were good as well .####[['case studies', 'course relatability', 'positive', 'relevant'], ['case studies', 'course quality', 'positive', 'interesting'], ['guest speakers', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'good as well']] |
Also , many times , English subtitles are not correct , I have a feeling that machine has done it .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'negative', 'NULL']] |
If you contribute lot of time and effort , you will learn a lot .####[] |
Two thumbs up ! !####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'Two thumbs up']] |
The first week , the teacher went through the entire plot of Harry Potter which seemed like a waste of time .####[['teacher', 'faculty general', 'negative', 'NULL']] |
Thank you very much .####[] |
Really great course all around .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'Really great']] |
That should be made clear up - front in the course description .####[['course', 'course general', 'neutral', 'NULL']] |
Love the prompts given by the instructor .####[['instructor', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'Love the prompts']] |
Excellent course for understanding studies and policies about terrorism , its origins and the ways for understanding it .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'Excellent']] |
Granted , with a free textbook for an older version this is a minor issue thus far in the series .####[['textbook', 'course general', 'positive', 'free']] |
good course .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'good']] |
The topic is interesting , the course content is presented clearly , and the lectures are informative .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'interesting'], ['content', 'presentation quality', 'positive', 'presented clearly'], ['lectures', 'presentation quality', 'positive', 'informative']] |
For me it showed me that the companies are more a like than we think .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
Majority of the class was just copy from Stokes book .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'negative', 'NULL']] |
7 - 8 months recently i come across and immedietly registered .####[] |
Also , the feedback of your classmates makes you see things you haven ' t caught .####[] |
I really like how each video is an in - depth look at a specific example and that he tells you what to ignore and when .####[['video', 'presentation quality', 'positive', 'really like']] |
I think the course should add a video to explain more in details some concept as variables . many of my issues were coming from deep doubts i had about this . maybe explain variables on hardware and variables as pointers .####[['video', 'presentation quantity', 'neutral', 'should add']] |
I found the class to be well - taught and I looked forward to participating in every week of class .####[['class', 'course general', 'positive', 'well - taught']] |
This course has provided me with the tools and methodology that I need to be more strategic and focused in my career management .####[['course', 'course relatability', 'positive', 'provided me with the tools and methodology']] |
Such as real financial close considerations in developed and emerging markets , early stage sub performance and restructuring as well as refinancing .####[] |
Only one assignment at the end , so you go through 3 weeks before being asked to code ( this seems like a big mistake for any programming course ) .####[['assignment', 'assignments quantity', 'negative', 'Only one']] |
This was a fantastic class .####[['class', 'course general', 'positive', 'fantastic']] |
I found the professor to be brilliant and insightful .####[['professor', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'brilliant and insightful']] |
It ' s the perfect start for absolute beginners .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'perfect']] |
I really liked how the pace of the assignments is increasing in complexity at a very nice pace .####[['assignments', 'assignments quality', 'positive', 'very nice pace']] |
I enjoyed this class .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'enjoyed']] |
One of the best courses I have taken so far .####[['courses', 'course general', 'positive', 'One of the best']] |
Assingments request that you be photographed or filmed , and there is no disclaimer that your photos or your privacy will be protected .####[['Assingments', 'assignments quality', 'negative', 'you be photographed or filmed']] |
Make use of forums and post queries - peers answer as well as staff .####[] |
Thank you to the professors who made this course possible and especially to Dr . Peng who was willing to spend some time with us face to face via video .####[['professors', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'Thank you'], ['Dr . Peng', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
Thanks to Barb Oakley and Terry Sejnowski , You have become my favorite teachers .####[['Barb Oakley', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'my favorite teachers'], ['Terry Sejnowski', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'my favorite teachers']] |
First of all the instructor had a really well put together material and equipment####[['instructor', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'NULL'], ['material and equipment', 'material quality', 'positive', 'really well put together']] |
Shame on the University of Maryland , College Park .####[] |
I enjoyed the contents and homeworks .####[['homeworks', 'assignments quality', 'positive', 'enjoyed']] |
Will share these observations widely .####[] |
Totally worth the time you spent following this course .####[['course', 'course value', 'positive', 'Totally worth the time']] |
I hope that he will offer more courses .####[] |
I ' d encourage the course instructors to take a look at the University of Washington ' s Machine Learning class .####[] |
The dynamic programming week was somewhat more difficult than the other weeks , but I think that could be remedied with more visualizations during the lectures .####[['lectures', 'presentation quality', 'positive', 'NULL'], ['NULL', 'course comprehensiveness', 'neutral', 'NULL']] |
Dr . Charles teaching methods is very effective .####[['Dr . Charles', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'very effective']] |
I ' m having a hard time seeing the relevance .####[['NULL', 'presentation relatability', 'negative', 'NULL']] |
In that regard , I felt the course began to be oriented more towards students rather than working adults .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
Thank you for all the wonderful and shrewd metaphors that helped me visualise certain problems .####[] |
What a great professor !####[['professor', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'great']] |
I learned a lot from it to teach my self and my kids too .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
Overall , I do not enjoy this course - mainly because it is very difficult .####[['course', 'course general', 'negative', 'very difficult']] |
In the end , you ' ll feel good about learning computing .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'feel good']] |
Dr . Hare , Duke University and Coursera .####[] |
The vocabulary covered was very limited , and the course didn ' t really stress grammar , so you shouldn ' t expect to be able to form your own sentences after taking this course .####[['NULL', 'polarity negative', 'positive', 'very limited'], ['course', 'course general', 'negative', 'NULL'], ['course', 'course quality', 'negative', 'NULL']] |
Please , study Aaron Allston works before inventing other words ) .####[] |
Moreover , it feels like he is genuinely a Beatles fan like myself .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
I have finished the course and bought two of the instructor ' s books to " relive " this material .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
This course teaches not only Python and also how to program .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
Thank you .####[] |
Very much enjoyed the lectures with clear explanations of different aspects of Greek political , military and social structure and the differences between the different polis .####[['lectures', 'presentation quality', 'positive', 'Very much enjoyed'], ['lectures', 'presentation quality', 'positive', 'clear explanations']] |
It worked .####[] |
An excellent course .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'excellent']] |
I think your need Pr .####[] |
Disappointed by this class .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'negative', 'Disappointed']] |
Thanks to coursera for bringing this wonderful specialization into my life .####[] |
It is full of fantastic approaches to problem solving that I am applying at work .####[] |
Wish that there would be more insight in social entrepreneurial opportunitiesDifficult to find a group and have a platform for discussion .####[] |
This is a creat course .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
We´re creating new habits in our family .####[] |
When I use the technique " Pomodoro " , It did help me finished the works I procrastinate for some times .####[] |
I am continuing with the next course , let’s see how it goes .####[] |
Thank you Mr . George Siedel !####[['Mr . George Siedel', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'Thank you']] |
So I went through all the open sites which were extremely disappointing .####[] |
I also could spend hours looking at the selected pictures of the course . . .####[] |
Wow ! ! !####[] |
I found this course for my 12 - year - old daughter .####[] |
2 .####[] |
This is definitely my favorite course on Coursera and anywhere else in internet !####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'definitely my favorite']] |
It really is a true beginners ' class .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', "true beginners ' class"]] |
In particular I was surprised by the low quality of the material .####[['material', 'material quality', 'negative', 'low quality']] |
Excellent !####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'Excellent']] |
For me , it would be more helpful if the teachers or mentors , will give their own feedback in week 4 ' s assignment - Prototyping .####[['teachers or mentors', 'faculty response', 'neutral', 'would be more helpful']] |
And , the lecturer Mr . Tim Roughgarden did introduced the gist that I need .####[['Mr . Tim Roughgarden', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
Pivot tables ? functions ?####[] |
One of the most useful courses I ' ve ever had . . .####[['courses', 'course quality', 'positive', 'One of the most useful']] |
I found it very interesting how dogs evolved from wolves and how that is apparent in dogs today .####[] |
I believe that I can successfully learn things that I never thought I could !####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
Thank you very much for making this material available .####[['material', 'material quality', 'positive', 'Thank you very much']] |
While Professor Kaul ' s enthusiasm and passion for finance is inspiring , his lectures are not entirely helpful come time to face assignments .####[['NULL', 'presentation relatability', 'negative', 'not entirely helpful'], ['Professor Kaul', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'inspiring']] |
Never the less , good course from one of the best B - School in the world .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'good']] |
Thank you for putting it together : - )####[] |
The list of optional readings is helpful in getting a deeper understanding .####[['optional readings', 'material comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'helpful in getting a deeper understanding']] |
This i believe is a very good introduction into Functional programming .####[['Functional programming', 'material quality', 'positive', 'very good introduction']] |
I liked the short video format , it is engaging and easier to schedule into our lives .####[['short video', 'presentation quality', 'positive', 'liked'], ['short video', 'presentation workload', 'positive', 'easier to schedule'], ['short video', 'presentation quality', 'positive', 'engaging']] |
Moreover , If you ' re following the complete series of courses , you ' d have grasped a good command over stress analysis .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
This course taught me a lot and I am now on my way to learn advance Python .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
I ` m not lazy to read the subtitles , no . . but they also , from time to time work improperly and its not feasible at all to conceive the information .####[] |
This doesn ' t ask too much .####[] |
The first three weeks are totally trivial .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'negative', 'totally trivial']] |
I really appreciated the concise yet thorough lectures from Dr . White throughout the course .####[['Dr . White', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'appreciated'], ['lectures', 'presentation quality', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
The extra readings were really refreshing , and would like to learn more about combination of treatment / usage of two or more antibiotics and other actions to eradicate chronic infections .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'really refreshing']] |
The course content and assignments are pretty good at covering the fundamentals of how to manipulate data in python , I did learn a lot that I can see my self applying practically .####[['course content', 'course general', 'positive', 'pretty good at covering the fundamentals'], ['assignments', 'assignments quality', 'positive', 'pretty good at covering the fundamentals']] |
I am absolutely honored to have been privileged enough to take such a fascinating course on something I ' m so passionate about .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'passionate']] |
Pacing is good .####[['NULL', 'course quality', 'positive', 'Pacing is good']] |
Thank you so much !####[] |
GODSPEED .####[] |
This course is wonderful !####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'wonderful']] |
The style of teaching in the previous course was more pleasant for me .####[] |
I would also think that more time should be allocated to project bonds and use of derivative structures on securing cash flows and working ratios to support competitive financing and projects .####[['NULL', 'course workload', 'neutral', 'NULL']] |
You get to dive into nearly a dozen of organizational theories and learn when and how to apply them as part of your management toolbox .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
Super satisfied with this course !####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'Super satisfied']] |
But these didn ' t contribute to improve my programming skill a lot .####[] |
Although he asks for 200 words and I find that difficult because I am accustomed to writing a small novel for each answer , as you can clearly tell from my review of this course .####[] |
Hope to do next course .####[] |
Our assignments were simple and I felt no excitement in doing them .####[['assignments', 'assignments quality', 'negative', 'simple'], ['assignments', 'assignments quality', 'negative', 'felt no excitement']] |
I ' d like to see more clearly is that , during the course , all annual interest rates are converted into monthly rates just dividing by 12 .####[] |
And by the way Jana is the best lecturer among all the ones I ' ve seen on Coursera , very live , open , enthusiastic and giving information with structure and to the point .####[['lecturer', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'NULL'], ['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
Critical information when to prune the search is not really explained so additional resources should be consulted .####[] |
Thank you again !####[] |
Provides information from basic laws of inheritance to understanding the field of Evolutionary biology and genome sequencing .####[] |
Meloni is a delightful instructor - - she actually makes you wish the presentations were a lot longer than they are .####[['Meloni', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'delightful instructor']] |
A great opportunity and a must for anyone studying or working in Education .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'great']] |
Surprised and pleased by the quality of them ( korean is the only one I can vouch for ) .####[] |
Highly recommended !####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'Highly recommended']] |
I will say that at times it would be difficult to follow the lecturers is the only issue I had with this course .####[['lecturers', 'faculty comprehensiveness', 'negative', 'NULL']] |
This course is a very interesting introduction to the Classical Sociological Theory .####[['course', 'course quality', 'positive', 'very interesting introduction']] |
lecturer is very monotone and isn ' t engaging .####[['lecturer', 'faculty comprehensiveness', 'negative', "very monotone and isn ' t engaging"]] |
In this course , students become members of a lively learning community that is always on .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
I wish he did a follow up of this into deep learning and so on .####[] |
The quality of the content is very good .####[['content', 'material quality', 'positive', 'very good']] |
Bring on multivariate calculus as an on - demand Mooc !####[] |
I feel more responsible for my actions as a psychology student and promoting tools in improving people ' s lives .####[] |
Grading is done as peer reviews , which is nice as it allows you to see how your fellow peers approached the problem .####[['Grading', 'grades general', 'positive', 'done as peer reviews']] |
I did progress in gaming making as a fresh man .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'did progress in gaming making as a fresh man']] |
Thank Margaret & Denis for organizing this course .####[['Margaret & Denis', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'Thank']] |
An extremely well - structured and useful course .####[['course', 'course quality', 'positive', 'extremely well - structured'], ['course', 'course relatability', 'positive', 'useful']] |
Charging $ 79 for this course seems like poor value for money , specially for a student like me .####[['NULL', 'course value', 'negative', 'Charging $ 79 for this course seems like poor value for money']] |
I did like the fact that there was an emphasis on debugging and improving the performance of algorithms .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
So , of course , I owe him a big thank .####[['NULL', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
Still a very solid , instructive course , though .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'instructive']] |
Dr . Chuck left no stones unturned in making this course remarkably comprehensible and student - friendly .####[['Dr . Chuck', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'left no stones unturned'], ['course', 'course comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'remarkably comprehensible'], ['course', 'course workload', 'positive', 'student - friendly']] |
The scope of the course is interesting , the objective is ambitious and the structure is fine , but the contents and quizzes are very often off - point .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'interesting'], ['NULL', 'course comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'ambitious'], ['NULL', 'course quality', 'positive', 'fine'], ['quizzes', 'assignments quality', 'neutral', 'NULL']] |
Enjoy the course !####[] |
I am really annoyed with the direction Coursera is moving in regard to premium content .####[] |
Although I had prior experience with calculus , this course has helped clear some of the basics and made me look at Calculus from a totally different perspective .####[['NULL', 'course comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'helped clear some of the basics']] |
Great course for anyone who is new to computer programming and wants to learn Python .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'Great']] |
You will learn something new or improve in some area .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'new']] |
The programme is well structured and the content approached with some depth ( considering the introductory nature of the course ) .####[['programme', 'course quality', 'positive', 'well structured'], ['programme', 'course quality', 'positive', 'content approached with some depth']] |
All in all , it is a pity , that professor Ng does not offer a corresponding specialization .####[['professor Ng', 'faculty relatability', 'negative', 'NULL']] |
Kaggle here I come !####[] |
Course should clearly indicate that the assignment only works in Linux / UNIX environment , and need to further test the scripts in most popular Linux OS platforms , different c + + versions , and different python versions .####[['assignment', 'assignments relatability', 'neutral', 'NULL']] |
I highly recommend the Language and Tools of Financial Analysis for the new executive and the long tenured executive who is looking to refresh their knowledge and skill set to grow their business .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'highly recommend']] |
In addition to the video lessons , lecture notes and homework are also provided for extra practice !####[['NULL', 'material quality', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
Great Teacher .####[['Teacher', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'Great']] |
I submitted my assignments in time , but even after a month I still don ' t have one peer that has completed my review which then delays the ' completion ' of my course .####[['NULL', 'grades general', 'negative', 'NULL']] |
Although much of the content seems common sense it is probably necessary to build a common foundation here for later courses .####[['courses', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
Too prescriptive and prone to lists .####[] |
I feel more confident and prepared to continue studying and taking my TEFL now having taking this class .####[['NULL', 'course quality', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
I hope UVA will continue to produce classes with focus on those PP areas .####[] |
I don ' t have a credit card , is there any other mean to pay it , please####[] |
Test are cool .####[['Test', 'assignments quality', 'positive', 'cool']] |
This is a really fascinating course , ' cuz it is organized in a way that students could truly get a lot out of it , though indeed great effort input is required compared to other courses .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL'], ['NULL', 'course quality', 'positive', 'NULL'], ['courses', 'course general', 'neutral', 'NULL']] |
Kudos you endeavour to create a better society .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'Kudos']] |
This course is a very good intro course .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'very good intro course']] |
The course designer never considered the audience , and never identified the goals of this course .####[['course designer', 'course quality', 'negative', 'never considered the audience'], ['course', 'course quality', 'negative', 'never identified the goals']] |
Thank you !####[] |
Some educational clips look like they are taken from Youtube or like promo videos for a certain initiative .####[['educational clips', 'material quality', 'neutral', 'taken from Youtube']] |
The staff was superb in their support and responsiveness .####[['staff', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'superb'], ['staff', 'faculty response', 'positive', 'responsiveness']] |
Nice course !####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'Nice']] |
Thank you .####[] |
The best what I have seen in this area .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'best what I have seen in this area']] |
This course is the best online course I have heard so far at Coursera .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'best']] |
He and others also shared interesting insider tidbits on those active in the movement .####[['NULL', 'faculty relatability', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
This has been one of the best educational experience I have had and I have had some , Ph . D . , MBA .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'best']] |
I learned so much .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'learned so much']] |
Idea , each of us may have one . taking it to the market place is a real commitment and perseverance .####[] |
It is not free ( you get a one year licence ) and hides all the action from the user .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'negative', 'NULL']] |
A couple of the weeks , the lectures are quite lengthy and dense while others were a bit dry .####[['lectures', 'presentation workload', 'negative', 'quite lengthy'], ['lectures', 'presentation quality', 'negative', 'others were a bit dry']] |
The lectures are a very brief overview of topics , with nothing actually taught .####[['lectures', 'presentation comprehensiveness', 'negative', 'NULL']] |
Incorrect terminology (####[] |
I had to do a lot of googling to figure out how to do stuff on my own .####[] |
Some parts are needed more clarification .####[['NULL', 'presentation comprehensiveness', 'negative', 'NULL']] |
I am glad that I took this course first .####[] |
I really liked the course .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'liked']] |
This course is really well put together .####[['course', 'course quality', 'positive', 'really well put together']] |
Otherwise a great class .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'great']] |
Truly a remarkable course about functional programming .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'Truly a remarkable']] |
The course staff is quick to respond to any queries .####[['course staff', 'faculty response', 'positive', 'quick to respond to any queries']] |
I enjoyed the course a lot !####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'enjoyed']] |
Great lectures and nicely explained , apart from one lecture ( 6th - maybe it was me , not understanding the topic properly ) .####[['lectures', 'presentation quality', 'positive', 'Great'], ['lectures', 'presentation comprehensiveness', 'negative', 'NULL']] |
Instructors are design this course very efficiently .####[['course', 'course quality', 'positive', 'very efficiently']] |
I am new in the field of qualitative research and I am enjoying every lecture here .####[['lecture', 'presentation quality', 'positive', 'enjoying']] |
In short , this course provide a solid ground for developing skills in web development , and I sincerely recommend it to everyone who ' s interested in this field .####[['course', 'course relatability', 'positive', 'provide a solid ground for developing skills in web development']] |
I expected to see much more about " Information " Design , in a sense of Design of Comunication , Design of the Data , Theory of Comunication and how can you remove ambiguity from a design ( visual , industrial , content or what ever design it is ) .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'negative', 'NULL']] |
I did not follow the course to get a " certificate " but to learn and to revceive feedback .####[['course', 'faculty response', 'negative', 'NULL']] |
I only wish I could have read the extra materials too .####[['materials', 'material quantity', 'negative', 'only wish I could have read the extra']] |
I really liked it ' s minimalism and found it a great writing prompt .####[['NULL', 'course quality', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
Thanks to Coursera & The OSU for developing this exciting course !####[] |
Good teachers make the learning experience effortless and fun , poor teachers make it like a torture .####[['teachers', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'make the learning experience effortless and fun']] |
Prof . Barbara Oakley described things with visual aids .####[['Prof . Barbara Oakley', 'faculty comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
The way of presenting was excellent .####[['presenting', 'presentation quality', 'positive', 'excellent']] |
You can figure out how responsible the teachers are ( include every individuals who participate in this lecture ' s making ) ! thank you all again ! !####[['teachers', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
Amazing course ! ! !####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'Amazing']] |
For what it is , though , namely a very beginning level course to teach the concepts of programming with Python , it ' s very well executed .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
The course is very interesting and plentiful , I even can ' t stop listening to the lessons ob by one .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'very interesting'], ['course', 'course quality', 'positive', 'plentiful']] |
This course is definitely beneficial on so many levels .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'definitely beneficial']] |
Even it ' s a general view is very clear .####[['NULL', 'course quality', 'positive', 'very clear']] |
I would recommend this course for anyone who is very passionate about cancer biology .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'recommend']] |
Very practical , interesting and inspiring , great tips .####[['NULL', 'presentation quality', 'positive', 'NULL'], ['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'great']] |
The friendly mentors response my questions fast and in details , which makes me feel supportive .####[['mentors', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'friendly'], ['mentors', 'faculty response', 'positive', 'response my questions fast and in details']] |
Definitely a " must - take " course .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'Definitely a " must - take']] |
It helps !####[] |
The final project was considerably harder than the material taught in the class and problems with the course ( e . g . the final exam file not being available ) had obviously not been fixed since the last version of the course .####[['final project', 'assignments comprehensiveness', 'negative', 'NULL'], ['material', 'material relatability', 'negative', 'NULL']] |
Very very boring .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'negative', 'Very very boring']] |
GitHub has changed and doesn ' t match the videos so any information delivered doesn ' t help get someone up and running .####[['videos', 'presentation quality', 'negative', "doesn ' t match"], ['videos', 'presentation quality', 'negative', "doesn ' t help get someone up and running"]] |
Moreover , TAs should be more active on the forums .####[['NULL', 'faculty response', 'neutral', 'NULL']] |
So please solve this problem .####[] |
Professor Duquette ' s can be felt through the videos .####[["Professor Duquette ' s", 'faculty general', 'positive', 'can be felt through the videos']] |
I want my Statement of Accomplishment .####[] |
I was very impressed with the content of this course .####[] |
I feel as though I didn ' t really understand those concepts until watching that week ' s as well as the next week ' s lectures .####[['NULL', 'course comprehensiveness', 'negative', "didn ' t really understand those concepts"]] |
The only course I ' ve actually start learning some programming .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', "I ' ve actually start learning"]] |
It would have been interesting to hear a little more about the inner workings of SVMs , this topic was handled a little too short for my taste .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'interesting']] |
I would love to see some additional philosophy courses by this professor .####[] |
great and easy to understand .####[['NULL', 'course comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'great and easy to understand']] |
and I can follow up and even learn the field complitly different####[] |
This is not a course about concurrency with Scala ; it has very basic coverage of threads and synchronization towards the beginning , and that ' s it .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
Thank you !####[] |
A round of applause for George Siedel , " Negotiation Team " and Coursera !####[['George Siedel', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'round of applause']] |
Well planned , enabling students to interact and take baby steps into this really powerful language .####[['NULL', 'course quality', 'positive', 'Well planned'], ['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'enabling students to interact and take baby steps']] |
There is too much noise .####[] |
I ' m thrilled as I am keen on programming .####[] |
A great course to wake yourself up and get running in the world of script writing .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'great']] |
This might work for someone with enough background in biology who needs to learn to code .####[] |
He was also very sensitive to his audience .####[['NULL', 'faculty response', 'positive', 'very sensitive']] |
All to often one is bombarded with data and can ' t make any sense from it .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'conflict', 'NULL']] |
It was a bit confusing and the quizes required to look up information on the internet and there was no real way to know these topics would be in the quizes .####[['NULL', 'assignments quality', 'negative', 'bit confusing']] |
Very comprehensive course that has relevance to academic research scientists and those with less scientific training .####[['course', 'course comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'comprehensive'], ['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
There are some small challenging in assignments , but it ' s still a great opportunity to transform all those concepts to my knowledge and experiences .####[['assignments', 'assignments comprehensiveness', 'neutral', 'small'], ['assignments', 'assignments quality', 'positive', 'great']] |
The videos were superbly recorded and points explained .####[['videos', 'presentation quality', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
I am thankful for the opportunity to learn .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'thankful']] |
Well organized .####[['NULL', 'course quality', 'positive', 'Well organized']] |
I loved this course .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'loved']] |
Thank you very much####[] |
It was very disappointing to pay for certification and not be able to get it due to issues with the course developers ( a lack of understanding of how coursera works it ' s clear they did not care to adapt to a 5 week course ) and peer reviewed activities proposed that took over 6 weeks to get done . further to the course timeframe )####[['course', 'course workload', 'negative', 'NULL'], ['course', 'course quality', 'negative', 'very disappointing']] |
I realize the point of the lack of specific guidance was intended to encourage us to explore the " making " of multiple iterations of the images .####[['NULL', 'presentation comprehensiveness', 'negative', 'NULL']] |
This was a fantastic course .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'fantastic']] |
This was a great course !####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'great']] |
I would never again take a MOOC from U of Toronto .####[] |
And the way they are ' spreading knowlodge ' is fantastic .####[] |
The logical progression of how to approach different problems - and the terminology of the statements involved has been thrown out the window .####[] |
I easily understood what was being taught from the beginning .####[] |
Peer Graded assignments were self explanatory to answer the questions .####[['Peer Graded assignments', 'assignments comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'self explanatory to answer the questions']] |
MI Y A####[] |
A lot of this content was repeated from first two parts of this specialization .####[['content', 'material quality', 'negative', 'repeated']] |
I don ' t know that SEO is truly simple and logical or if it just appears this way because of how clear and easy to listen to Ms .####[['NULL', 'faculty comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'easy']] |
Quick , simple , comprehensive , all with a very professional appearance .####[['NULL', 'polarity positive', 'positive', 'professional'], ['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'simple'], ['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'comprehensive'], ['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'Quick']] |
Would prefer less choices on final exam questions to better demonstrate one ' s knowledge of material , not test - taking skills .####[['final exam questions', 'assignments quality', 'negative', 'prefer less choices']] |
I expected some official replies to my question while there are only a few question for each week of the course .####[['NULL', 'faculty response', 'negative', 'NULL']] |
i ' ve learned tons of new things . i would like to have more materials on the subject . could the staff attach some recommended readings ? other courses ? than you for making this course : )####[['course', 'course quality', 'positive', 'new'], ['materials', 'material quantity', 'neutral', 'NULL'], ['course', 'course general', 'neutral', 'NULL']] |
I think the specialization is good to someone without much knowledge on the field ( like me ) .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'good']] |
However , I still found the pace was too slow , with too much distraction ( " funny " videos , teacher drinking and making mistakes , hummm ! ! ! ) .####[['teacher', 'faculty general', 'negative', 'NULL'], ['NULL', 'course quality', 'negative', 'too slow'], ['videos', 'presentation quality', 'negative', 'too much distraction']] |
I ' ve learned about this already from the book Your Memory .####[] |
In this course you will study the rationale behind mathematical algorithms and learn how to translate it into computation languages such as Octave or MAtlab .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'rationale']] |
You are great : - )####[] |
I know it takes a lot of time to prepare this material , but clearly that last effort for quality was not done .####[['material', 'material quality', 'negative', 'NULL']] |
Please improve on this module so that it is more enjoyable for learners who really want to learn .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'neutral', 'enjoyable']] |
And that is really annoying .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'negative', 'really annoying']] |
What I loved about this course is the nature of the assignments which stressed the point of actually doing negotiations with other classmates , it forced me to interact with complete strangers from different countries and review the work of others , which was an immensely pleasant experience .####[['assignments', 'assignments quality', 'positive', 'loved'], ['NULL', 'faculty response', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
Charles is charming !####[['Charles', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'charming']] |
Thank you and well done snape youre awesome####[['NULL', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'awesome']] |
I can ' t say enough good about all of the courses in this specialization !####[['courses', 'course general', 'positive', "can ' t say enough good"]] |
I have a Masters degree and until I took this MOOC####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
I would have given it 5 stars but it could use a little improvement .####[['NULL', 'course quality', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
Not sure I ' m sold on this specialization yet , but we will see after the next course .####[] |
A truly amazing course !####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'truly amazing']] |
Fantastic course mentor / TA .####[['mentor', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'Fantastic']] |
You did great job guys .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'great']] |
Thanks to this course i can now appreciate better the journals that i read .####[] |
It is a very complete course as introduction to the field .####[['course', 'course quality', 'positive', 'very complete']] |
I make myself .####[] |
Good course good teaching .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'Good'], ['NULL', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'good']] |
It really needs to be re - done .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'neutral', 'NULL']] |
For example , it doesn ' t cover the update version of github website and how to use it .####[] |
I highly recommend the course !####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'highly recommend']] |
Dr . Chuck ' s lecturing style is really inspiring , humorous , and helpful .####[['Dr . Chuck', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'really inspiring'], ['Dr . Chuck', 'faculty response', 'positive', 'humorous'], ['Dr . Chuck', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'helpful']] |
Excellent course !####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'Excellent']] |
I didn ' t take any course ( actually since I ' m an engineer ) and I ' ve never been so happy to watch a course or to do an exercice .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'never been so happy to watch']] |
Fisrt course gives me the enthusiasm to start the later ones .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
I do not think that my outcome of this course has been significant because of the structure of the course and I regret that I have paid for all 3 courses .####[['NULL', 'assignments quality', 'negative', 'outcome of this course has been significant']] |
I will continue showing it to everyone at the university .####[] |
The assignments are challenging but enjoyable and well paced .####[['assignments', 'assignments quality', 'positive', 'challenging but enjoyable and well paced']] |
Note , i ' m currently at week 5 of the course ) .####[] |
I will definitely be recommending this course to everyone who would like to pursue Forensic Accounting and Fraud Examination .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'definitely be recommending']] |
If they keep up this trend , I ' ll move to Class Central or other MOOCs .####[] |
This is a great course that is very informative .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'great'], ['course', 'course quality', 'positive', 'very informative']] |
The most useful part seems to be about the goal setting , and that is what I ' d recommend to start with for most students .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'useful']] |
Eric####[] |
This professor is very understanding and straight to the point .####[['professor', 'faculty comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'very understanding'], ['professor', 'faculty relatability', 'positive', 'straight to the point']] |
This resulted in lots of time wasted with the grader .####[['NULL', 'course workload', 'negative', 'lots of time wasted']] |
I have even started reading journal articles by Page and Zellner because I am very facinated by the models shown to me in this course .####[['course', 'course relatability', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
Sometimes it seems some of the Professors talk very quickly as opposed to the Core MBA offerings .####[['Professors', 'faculty general', 'neutral', 'NULL']] |
Really solid analysis from Trump ' s top economic advisor .####[] |
The course material is interesting .####[['material', 'material quality', 'positive', 'interesting']] |
I would recommend this course to anyone who wants to learn more about how dogs think .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'would recommend']] |
Assignments were very easy and fun to do . got a lot to learn in a short time .####[['Assignments', 'assignments comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'very easy'], ['Assignments', 'assignments quality', 'positive', 'fun to do'], ['Assignments', 'assignments comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'got a lot to learn in a short time']] |
Loved the forum and the mentors .####[['mentors', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'Loved']] |
Thank you .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'Thank you']] |
Overall good , thanks Prof . Geoffery !####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'Overall good'], ['Prof . Geoffery', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'thanks']] |
If i have any recommendations i would suggest for a break down of abbreviations and concepts as i especially struggled given my non - financial background .####[['NULL', 'course comprehensiveness', 'neutral', 'especially struggled']] |
The absence of any help from TAs , based on my experience , is the reason .####[['NULL', 'faculty response', 'negative', 'NULL']] |
I had this wrong concept that machine learning is a hard nut to crack but Prof . Ng has designed the course in such a way that students get the best out of the machine learning course with fair amount of effort .####[['Prof . Ng', 'faculty comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'designed the course in such a way that students get the best']] |
Recommend it !####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
Excellent !####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'Excellent']] |
I have one negative feedback for Cheri Alexander course contents for number of things : 1 - Too much repetition .####[['contents', 'material quality', 'negative', 'Too much repetition']] |
This course has been a wonderful experience .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'wonderful']] |
Sorry I don ' t have his name in mind right now ) show how science can support empiric thoughts : Everyone can start a business ! ! !####[] |
Best course ever ( And have taken a lot ) .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'Best course ever']] |
Superb and challenging .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'Superb']] |
What I miss : the study material should provide more and better organized ( theoretical ) information ( e . g . on topcis like database design , data structures , etc . )####[['material', 'material quality', 'negative', 'NULL'], ['material', 'material quantity', 'negative', 'NULL']] |
I really enjoyed this honest look at the history of Israel as a country .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'enjoyed']] |
This course builds a somewhat solid ground for beginners .####[] |
These lectures included a few resources - - but more could definitely be introduced .####[['lectures', 'material quantity', 'neutral', 'included a few resources']] |
Excellent course !####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'Excellent']] |
I would recommend this course to anyone who has an interest in history or historical fiction .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'would recommend']] |
This course was simple .####[['course', 'course general', 'neutral', 'simple']] |
Thanks for having it online so that we can study when we have free time !####[] |
And this is just one example .####[] |
The teachers pay attention to really confusing grammar points .####[['teachers', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
If all the videos had been of good listenable quality I would have given the course 5 stars####[['videos', 'presentation quality', 'negative', 'NULL']] |
Very well done .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'Very well done']] |
Dr .####[] |
Beware .####[] |
If you have a background in programming in another language , it should be possible to go through this course pretty quickly .####[['NULL', 'course workload', 'positive', 'possible to go through this course pretty quickly']] |
This is a great class so far .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'great']] |
I am very grateful to you this introductory course , it has helped me a lot .####[] |
I also thank you for giving me this opportunity to get a certificate from Amory University which will help me as an EMT - I .####[] |
This has proved the missing link to my happiness .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
Good course .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'Good']] |
Great experience !####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'Great']] |
The instructor writes and talks simultaneously .####[['instructor', 'faculty general', 'negative', 'writes and talks simultaneously']] |
It is a great course for those who want to explore into the functional programming aspect of Computer Science .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'great']] |
You can ' t put that as a project on a resume , because you ' re doing 5 % of the work with your hand held through it .####[] |
Really great course to supplement reading of Dayan and Abbott ' s####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'Really great']] |
It ' s as good as it gets####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'good']] |
1 . 75x or 2x speeds make the pace more manageable and is still easy to follow .####[['NULL', 'presentation quality', 'positive', 'still easy to follow']] |
Most importantly , the mentors in the discussion forum are really nice .####[['mentors', 'faculty response', 'positive', 'really nice']] |
Please attribute any typos herein to the fact that I ' m typing on a smartphone while riding in a subway car . )####[] |
Need to allow significant time to research around content taught and decomposing programming assignments takes time .####[['programming assignments', 'assignments workload', 'neutral', 'takes time'], ['content', 'material comprehensiveness', 'negative', 'Need to allow significant time to research']] |
Bad content and instructor .####[['content', 'material quality', 'negative', 'Bad'], ['instructor', 'faculty general', 'negative', 'Bad']] |
I am looking forward to the next course in the Python series .####[] |
It is not boring and neither the classes .####[] |
The exercises also well designed to lead student to the right direction without worrying too much about implementation detail that support the main topics .####[['exercises', 'assignments quality', 'positive', 'well designed']] |
The rest of the course was good .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'good']] |
I have never been good at math nor chemistry but the professor explains the various processes in such a simplistic way that so far I passed the quizzes with a perfect score and I have a pretty good grasp of everything she ' s saying .####[['professor', 'faculty comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'explains the various processes in such a simplistic way'], ['professor', 'faculty comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'pretty good grasp of everything']] |
Although meteor is moving at a fast pace , this course . doesn ' t .####[['course', 'course quality', 'negative', 'NULL']] |
This course also helped me to brush up my English communication and interview skills .####[['course', 'course comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'helped me to brush up my English communication and interview skills']] |
I have enjoyed this course .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'enjoyed']] |
This means you spend more than 50 % of your assignment time debugging and recasting objects and getting very frustrated whilst doing so .####[] |
Great course !####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'Great']] |
Excellent course for beginners of students aspiring data analytics as a career .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'Excellent']] |
While the content was helpful , this class could have been greatly improved if slides were provided instead of just a transcript .####[['slides', 'presentation quantity', 'negative', 'NULL'], ['content', 'material comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'helpful']] |
Used a lot of the techniques learned in the other courses .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
However , some improvements could be made .####[] |
So far just great !####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'just great']] |
This course has been fantastic !####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'fantastic']] |
Lectures don ' t cover what is needed in some assignments .####[['Lectures', 'presentation relatability', 'negative', "don ' t cover what is needed"]] |
It also brings some relaxation with the office hour videos .####[['videos', 'presentation quality', 'positive', 'relaxation']] |
Very good programming exercises , progressively challenging and good to sediment the knowledge .####[['programming exercises', 'assignments quality', 'positive', 'Very good'], ['programming exercises', 'assignments quality', 'positive', 'progressively challenging'], ['programming exercises', 'assignments quality', 'positive', 'good']] |
Love this Course !####[['Course', 'course general', 'positive', 'Love']] |
A very interesting and useful course for those who want to learn how to clean data in Python .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'very interesting and useful'], ['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
Excellent starter course .####[['course', 'course quality', 'positive', 'Excellent starter']] |
A very small but important thing that has grabbed my attention is the energy with which professor teaches .####[['professor', 'faculty comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
The course is well structured and quite informative .####[['course', 'course quality', 'positive', 'informative'], ['course', 'course quality', 'positive', 'well structured']] |
Teacher awesome .####[['Teacher', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'awesome']] |
Very well constructed , logical and understandable course .####[['course', 'course quality', 'positive', 'Very well'], ['course', 'course comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'understandable']] |
No to processed food ! !####[] |
I liked the course overall , but felt that there could have been more explanations with the answers to the weekly projects .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'liked'], ['projects', 'assignments comprehensiveness', 'neutral', 'NULL']] |
These short lectures allow the student to even explore philosophies of economics in detail giving a big picture to what the issues at hand are with Law , Policy , and Climate Change .####[] |
I had seen sequences and series a time ago and I didn ' t like them at all , but now it is a complete different story .####[] |
For some , other approaches have worked well and might not be ready to switch philosophies based on the course .####[] |
The lectures and practicals are very easy to understand .####[['lectures', 'presentation comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'very easy to understand']] |
I enjoyed the course very much .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'enjoyed']] |
I thoroughly enjoyed this course .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'thoroughly enjoyed']] |
I want to profoundly thank the people who took the time to put this course together , in particular the professor .####[] |
It is the first course I have successfully completed on Coursera .####[] |
It starts from the basic and become a bit challenging and it is enjoyable whiles you start projecting in ways to use it .####[['NULL', 'course quality', 'positive', 'challenging'], ['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'enjoyable']] |
It would be better if Dr . Chuck can give a gist on how to get past proxy in upcoming sessions .####[] |
I highly recommend this to everyone and especially psychology students .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'highly recommend']] |
Thank you again !####[] |
Thanks Aric for the great job .####[] |
You should join me on the journey .####[] |
Sorry there are a number of times I have to rewatch the videos and still dont understand .####[['NULL', 'presentation comprehensiveness', 'negative', 'NULL']] |
I would recommend taking this course last of the four , before beginning the Capstone project - if you ' re planning on going through all the parts .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'would recommend']] |
I am thinking of being a vet , so this course is really helping me .####[['course', 'course quality', 'positive', 'really helping']] |
I recommend it just for that even if you are familiar with the topic .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'recommend']] |
If one is only concerned with the spoken word , then you ' ll gather an okay amount of information .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'neutral', 'NULL']] |
This is one of the most amazing courses I have ever taken !####[['courses', 'course general', 'positive', 'most amazing']] |
I enjoyed this class to the fullest !####[['NULL', 'course quality', 'positive', 'enjoyed']] |
The presenter emphasizes every other word and talks in a very unnatural manner that makes it very tiring to listen to , and the in - video quizzes are far too basic and take up too much time .####[['presenter', 'faculty general', 'negative', 'talks in a very unnatural manner'], ['in - video quizzes', 'assignments quality', 'negative', 'far too basic'], ['in - video quizzes', 'assignments workload', 'negative', 'take up too much time']] |
The only reason this didn ' t get 5 stars was because the class information was not presented 100 % clearly .####[['NULL', 'polarity neutral', 'positive', "didn ' t get 5 stars"]] |
If there hadn ' t been so many hiccups with the videos and quizzes####[['videos', 'presentation quality', 'negative', 'NULL'], ['quizzes', 'assignments quality', 'negative', 'NULL']] |
Its true that most basic stuff is covered to be fair , but the progression is very rapid .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'fair'], ['NULL', 'course general', 'negative', 'very rapid']] |
A great course in a unique topic .####[] |
For anyone considering doing the course , note that the time requirements can be a lot - the lectures are fine but two or three of the assignments took far more than 3 hours ( if you plan on actually battling through the coding this is relevant .####[['course', 'course workload', 'neutral', 'NULL'], ['NULL', 'presentation quality', 'positive', 'fine'], ['assignments', 'assignments workload', 'neutral', 'NULL']] |
Otherwise I feel that I learned a lot and I feel that this is a great intro class .####[['NULL', 'course comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'NULL'], ['class', 'course general', 'positive', 'great']] |
There were a few bugs with the quizzes , but overall it was put together well and had a lot of information for a short course .####[['quizzes', 'assignments quality', 'negative', 'NULL'], ['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'well']] |
Thanks this course I found where I am doing wrong and actually I´am learning new things easier and time after time I repeat the information that I have studied some years ago .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'Thanks']] |
However , the quizzes and tests seemed to be of a very different level , and often covered material that was hardly discussed in the lectures .####[['quizzes', 'assignments quality', 'positive', 'NULL'], ['material', 'material relatability', 'negative', 'hardly discussed in the lectures']] |
Great course to explain the fundamentals of Project Finance summarizing key concepts and including some brief examples .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'Great'], ['course', 'course comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
There is some good content on creativity in this course , thoug it barely addresses problem solving .####[['course', 'material quality', 'positive', 'good content'], ['problem solving', 'material quality', 'conflict', 'barely addresses']] |
The overview and reasoning behind why the products are competitive for other contending services was clear .####[] |
Oh My God .####[] |
Hopefully enough of us can do this to bring about peaceful change .####[] |
it is a bad idea####[] |
Formats and personal adaptations became more mutually understood and accepted .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'mutually understood and accepted']] |
Additionally , the information presented in this course is available in several better structured and presented versions both on Coursera and other MOOC platforms .####[] |
Some of the presenters need to work on their presentation skills ( personally I had no problems with the accents ) .####[['Some of the presenters', 'faculty general', 'negative', 'NULL']] |
Prof . Noor explains with such clarity that even a 5 year old can learn about DNA .####[['Prof . Noor', 'faculty relatability', 'positive', 'such clarity']] |
İ think the program has been creativlely well presented .####[['program', 'course quality', 'positive', 'creativlely well presented']] |
I have learnt so much from this course and realized what was I doing wrong while trying to learn in the past .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'learnt so much']] |
It would have felt more personal to me if it had just been Dr . Fredericks on camera .####[['Dr . Fredericks', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'would have felt more personal']] |
I recommend a decent level of comfort with programming .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'neutral', 'recommend']] |
If you have never done any programming , this course will walk you through it .####[] |
Currently in my Week 2 of the Course and I have to say I absolutely enjoyed Week 1 !####[['Course', 'course general', 'positive', 'absolutely enjoyed Week 1']] |
I took it : ) Recommended .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'Recommended']] |
The course was great but its taking a bit long to get a grade due to the peer assessments .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'great'], ['peer assessments', 'grades general', 'negative', 'bit long to get a grade']] |
I ' d give it 4 / 5 once it ' s all sorted .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'neutral', "d give it 4 / 5 once it ' s all sorted"]] |
I thought all of the information was great but at times the course was just very bland especially in terms of presentation .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'great'], ['course', 'course quality', 'negative', 'very bland especially'], ['presentation', 'presentation quality', 'negative', 'very bland especially']] |
Frankly speaking , I am still not familiar with most of the contents .####[] |
Otherwise , topics were covered deeply and were thought - provoking .####[['topics', 'presentation quality', 'positive', 'covered deeply'], ['topics', 'presentation quality', 'positive', 'thought - provoking']] |
It gives you basic knowledge of what it takes to be a good public speaker , and you can apply this knowledge not only in presentations , but also in your daily life .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
I learned a lot from this course !####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'learned a lot']] |
Thank you !####[] |
I will attend the other courses and probably build some materials so that I can cover the entire course 1 - 4 in a week .####[['courses', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
I have started this online course because I would like to gain some experience on Content Marketing because I need it for my internship .####[] |
The only point of criticism I have is that the programming assignements are not quite hard enough to solve , but it is still a 5 - star course for sure !####[['programming assignements', 'assignments quality', 'negative', 'not quite hard enough to solve']] |
I appreciate the opportunity and the creation of the course .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'appreciate']] |
I enrolled in this course after completing the html5 course .####[] |
Thanks to Coursera too .####[] |
The reason I am ranking this 2 stars is that I felt the quizzes were unreasonably difficult ( or perhaps they had bugs ) .####[['quizzes', 'assignments quality', 'negative', 'unreasonably difficult'], ['NULL', 'course quality', 'negative', 'NULL']] |
Furthermore , the additional material ( interviews ) are pretty interesting .####[['material', 'material quality', 'positive', 'pretty interesting']] |
I found the assignments to be sometimes confusing ( i read the description of a question , thought i was supposed to answer several steps at once , only to realise that the tasks would be broken down in muc more detail later ) .####[['assignments', 'assignments comprehensiveness', 'negative', 'sometimes confusing']] |
Great course first of all .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'Great']] |
I imagine the reminders and short review of topics that have already been covered would be very useful to people taking the course at the recommended pace .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
I hope that Robert Wright will continue to create offerings for the Coursera world !####[['Robert Wright', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
I also liked the final PDF documents .####[['PDF documents', 'material quality', 'positive', 'liked']] |
A five - week class on biological mechanisms of perception of speech and music by humans .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
Thank you for very enjoyable , and worth a wile 5 weeks !####[['NULL', 'course value', 'positive', 'worth'], ['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'Thank you for very enjoyable']] |
I needed to pass the tests .####[] |
Functional Program Design in Scala is one of the best courses for those who want to apply the functional programming style in the design of larger applications using functional programming concepts .####[['courses', 'course general', 'positive', 'one of the best']] |
I will be revisiting some modules again for a refresher or go through it again since there was so much to learn .####[['modules', 'material quality', 'positive', 'will be revisiting'], ['modules', 'material quality', 'positive', 'so much to learn']] |
There are so many areas of PP .####[] |
Can you imagine the impact on our society if more and more people developed awareness for a Happy and Fullfilling Life ?####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
This being said , I enjoyed the course and learned a lot .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'enjoyed']] |
The slides were clear .####[['slides', 'presentation quality', 'positive', 'clear']] |
However , as the models get more complicated , some of the material isn ' t really explained very well , specially the last module about ' deep learning ' is quite superfluous .####[['material', 'material comprehensiveness', 'negative', 'complicated'], ['material', 'material quality', 'negative', "isn ' t really explained very well"], ['material', 'material quality', 'negative', 'superfluous']] |
The lectures do exactly what you need .####[['lectures', 'presentation quality', 'positive', 'do exactly what you need']] |
Given that in the real world most rates tend to be expressed as effective rates , it would be good if this issue was expressly addressed .####[['NULL', 'course relatability', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
An excellent introduction to the subject for the computing professional .####[['NULL', 'course quality', 'positive', 'excellent introduction to the subject']] |
The course won ' t be useful for fitness \ sports professionals .####[] |
Awesome course with fascinating teachers !####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'Awesome'], ['teachers', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'fascinating']] |
I found Dr Senjowski somewhat harder to learn from .####[['Dr Senjowski', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
Thank you Mister B .####[] |
It kept my attention and has made me crave for more Python .####[] |
I am deeply satisfied with the course .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'deeply satisfied']] |
This course can provide me the third languages####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'provide me the third languages']] |
I ' m about to start a Master of Public Health and the seen here will be a great support .####[] |
Highly recommended !####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'Highly recommended']] |
It was difficult , but mostly due to my lack of basic knowledge about statistics .####[['NULL', 'course comprehensiveness', 'negative', 'difficult']] |
Course assignment requires knowledge that is not discussed in the course .####[['assignment', 'assignments relatability', 'negative', 'NULL'], ['course', 'course general', 'negative', 'NULL']] |
Really glad I put the time into it .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'Really glad']] |
He also makes me laugh in every video .####[['NULL', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
This was it !####[] |
It ' s my first course on Coursera , and also my first astronomy course .####[] |
I will enrol to more Paleontology courses####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
I learned a lot about writing historical fiction , and I was able to add several books to my already teetering TBR pile .####[] |
Unfortunately I am none of those things and had to cringe my way through the examples , watching the videos at 2x speed .####[] |
This course has been an eye opener for me , I truly enjoyed it .####[['course', 'course quality', 'positive', 'truly enjoyed']] |
Omg , I wish I had these professors to teach us in our college .####[['professors', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
Dr####[] |
I have enjoyed this course a lot .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'enjoyed']] |
Overall , the class was just the right amount of challenge and fun .####[['class', 'presentation quality', 'positive', 'right amount of challenge and fun']] |
Incredible !####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'Incredible']] |
When i find the time I will revisit the videos , this time in conjunction with Prof . Mehrling ' s book " The New Lombard Street " and all the reading materials ( I skipped some ) which take WAY mare than 10 minutes to go through .####[] |
Erickson ' s book to follow the course .####[] |
It ' s been ten years####[] |
This is my first certification i am doing .####[] |
The only change I might suggest is balancing the workload better between the three weeks .####[['NULL', 'course workload', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
Nobody seems to monitor the forum .####[['forum', 'faculty response', 'negative', 'NULL']] |
I have particularly enjoyed how the relationships between neurosciences and practical advices on how to learn were constantly highlighted .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'enjoyed']] |
CS229 , or the more applied and practical side , depending on the preference .####[] |
Everything is clearly explained .####[['NULL', 'course comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'Everything is clearly explained']] |
Good and necessary introduction to Python .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'Good and necessary']] |
Excellent analysis , clear and understandable exposition of a complex subject .####[['NULL', 'presentation quality', 'positive', 'Excellent'], ['NULL', 'presentation comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'clear'], ['NULL', 'presentation comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'understandable']] |
I have taken several classes here and I have to say this is one of the best .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'one of the best']] |
Succinct and informative .####[['NULL', 'course quality', 'positive', 'informative']] |
The course has potential , but as it is now , I will continue this specialisation .####[] |
I still do these excersizes and try to notice good and bad design solutions in everything what surrounds me .####[['excersizes', 'assignments relatability', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
Thank you very much .####[] |
Feels like a money grabber rather than teaching anything useful , when designing character for video games is also important the skill you have or obtain while doing it and this doesn ' t place any emphasis into it .####[['NULL', 'course value', 'negative', 'NULL'], ['NULL', 'course quality', 'negative', 'NULL']] |
I would have liked to have actually implemented a SVM rather than use a lib ( at - least one time ) .####[] |
I was glad to have this opportunity of learning advanced technology and completing some examples for application .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'glad']] |
I enrolled in the course to learn new and effective methods for absorbing and applying information more quickly in my professional working life , while also balancing the demands of running a start - up in the evenings .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'effective'], ['NULL', 'course relatability', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
The quizzes are entirely disconnected from the lectures and require basically just finding and reading the right wikipedia pages .####[['quizzes', 'assignments relatability', 'negative', 'entirely disconnected']] |
Well done .####[] |
Excellent course ! ! !####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'Excellent']] |
This is an awesome course . .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'awesome']] |
I highly recommend this course to everyone looking for a refresher in " Strength of Materials " .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'highly recommend']] |
What a wonderfull tools i ' ve gained from it .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', "wonderfull tools i ' ve gained"]] |
Excellent work !####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'Excellent']] |
The course felt pretty easy .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'pretty easy']] |
Over all the material was good , I stuck at it even when I wanted to quit and feel knowledgeable now on the lesson taught .####[['material', 'material quality', 'positive', 'good'], ['NULL', 'polarity positive', 'positive', 'knowledgeable']] |
One change would be to make the forums the same format as course 1 - 3 as this was a much more efficient way to review issues .####[['course', 'faculty response', 'neutral', 'NULL']] |
This is good because if what the activity desn ' t really apply to your situation it makes good practice to imagine a situation - not soo imaginative the task is incredibly easy - and apply what you ' ve learned .####[] |
This is an advanced Statistics class .####[['class', 'course general', 'positive', 'advanced Statistics']] |
A couple of math notations were also incorrect , for example " < " when the professor said " less than or equal to " .####[['NULL', 'presentation relatability', 'negative', 'incorrect']] |
Especially for beginners I would recommend it .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'recommend']] |
I wish in the near future , Coursera and more specifically , Michigan University to offer Mathematics with python , i . e . numpy , pandas etc and doing data analysis with python ! ! !####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
This course is a must for anyone who wants to learn computer science !####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
If you have some background programming in another language , and some familiarity with HTML / CSS , this course does a fantastic job introducing both Ruby and Rails .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'does a fantastic job']] |
More important : This course is mainly focused on academics but it also links the knowledge to everyday learning ( skills like cooking great dishes , learn a sport or any other skill really )####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
Great Course ! .####[['Course', 'course general', 'positive', 'Great']] |
Also , many of the test questions were unclear and did not follow best practices in test taking .####[['test questions', 'assignments quality', 'negative', 'unclear'], ['test taking', 'assignments quality', 'negative', 'did not follow best practices']] |
I ' ve completed about 6 courses so far and while I ' ve found all of them very informative this is the first one that I was sorry to see the end .####[['NULL', 'course relatability', 'neutral', 'NULL']] |
I really wish there was more of an interaction with the instructors , but overall this is an amazing course and I loved it .####[['instructors', 'faculty response', 'negative', 'NULL'], ['course', 'course quality', 'positive', 'amazing'], ['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'loved']] |
I ' ve found Ms .####[] |
However , this is not the reason that I give the course 4 out of 5 .####[['course', 'course quality', 'negative', 'NULL']] |
An excellent course that really does provide you a challenge .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'excellent'], ['course', 'course quality', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
Must take . .####[] |
Her videos re fluently explained .####[['NULL', 'material quality', 'positive', 'NULL'], ['NULL', 'presentation quality', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
Both the instructors are amazing .####[['instructors', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'amazing']] |
Stefano####[] |
But if you are interested about neuroscience and want to learn the essentials of how the human brain works ( as per our current knowledge ) then I recommend that you put in the effort and go with the course even if you don ' t have a strong background in the life sciences or in medicine .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'recommend that you put in the effort']] |
This is the best place to start off for a beginner as it not only covers the technical aspects of security , but also talks about modelling threats and identifying adversaries and their capabilities .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'best place to start off for a beginner']] |
Maybe the parts dedicated to test preparation and studying should have been shorter .####[['test', 'assignments workload', 'neutral', 'should have been shorter']] |
Your knowledge will increase exponentially with every minute you use to study .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
It ' s excellent material for my medical entrance exam essays , and generally makes you a more interesting human being to be around .####[['material', 'material quality', 'positive', 'excellent']] |
I am starting a new job in a finance department of a multinational corporation .####[] |
Final project was comprehensive and built on previous work .####[['NULL', 'assignments quality', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
I hope to see the instructors cover algorithms in greater detail in the next few courses in the specialization .####[['instructors', 'faculty comprehensiveness', 'neutral', 'greater detail']] |
The most useful course I ' ve ever taken !####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'most useful']] |
However , I did find it rather brief and not much interaction going on within the forums .####[['NULL', 'faculty response', 'neutral', 'NULL']] |
I love it .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'love']] |
This course is simple enough to understand the complexity that is game development but that is not to say it doesn ' t pack a challenge .####[['course', 'course comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'simple enough to understand the complexity']] |
The course helps to believe in inner strenght and creativity .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'helps to believe in inner strenght and creativity']] |
It provides me with abundant resource including e - book , teacher ' s note for lecture and past students ' note for the course .####[['NULL', 'material quantity', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
Oakley a very nice teacher####[['Oakley', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'very nice']] |
It is not free .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'negative', 'not free']] |
And of course it was super exciting to find out in which way are modern secure connections secure .####[] |
Congratulations Professor Odeh !####[['Professor Odeh', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'Congratulations']] |
This will help me to write sentences in good and proper manner .####[] |
I would still recommend this course , but you should definitely record every single lesson again without mistakes and fix those errors .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'still recommend']] |
Easy to follow , well - constructed - Jim is thorough and clear in explaining quite complex material .####[['NULL', 'course comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'Easy to follow'], ['NULL', 'course quality', 'positive', 'well - constructed'], ['Jim', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'thorough'], ['Jim', 'faculty comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'clear in explaining']] |
So overall , i quite enjoyed the course .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'quite enjoyed']] |
Great course series that forced me to take some steps ( design docs ) that I ' d normally skimp on , and in doing so , realizing their true value .####[['course series', 'course general', 'positive', 'Great']] |
I worked really hard in the course and finally made it thought all 6 weeks of the course but after one try at the final exam I said to myself enough is enough .####[] |
A better title for the course would be " why there is no soul " .####[['course', 'course general', 'negative', 'NULL']] |
These ideas can be used with small or large companies .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
A must have done !####[] |
I actually learnt a lot more than I expected from a online course via lecture videos and hand on practice approach .####[['NULL', 'course comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'learnt a lot more than I expected']] |
I learned a lot and i did it in a very pleasant way .####[['NULL', 'course comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'learned a lot']] |
Barb practices what she teaches , is very passionate about this subject and is a real inspiration .####[['Barb', 'faculty comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'practices what she teaches'], ['Barb', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'very passionate'], ['Barb', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'real inspiration']] |
Thank you Dr####[] |
Thoughts for improvement are with the first few segments .####[] |
Students of Jazz will enjoy it , but it requires advanced chord theory , the ability to sight read , and a damned good ear to follow along .####[] |
I thought she was a nice Teacher but Didn ' t teach the Basics steps into speaking & learning chinese .####[['Teacher', 'faculty general', 'negative', 'NULL']] |
I liked the dictionary section and file section very much . guess tuples are easy , but are underdogs , they can be game changers in next lessons .####[['NULL', 'presentation relatability', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
The tutorials and exercises are quick walk - throughs that can be completed in 10 - 15 minutes each .####[['exercises', 'assignments quality', 'positive', 'quick walk - throughs']] |
I have one comment on the JavaScript topics though .####[] |
Although the course material is very good but what I believe is that Image processing is a course where only theory isn ' t sufficient .####[['material', 'material quality', 'positive', 'very good'], ['material', 'material quantity', 'negative', "theory isn ' t sufficient"]] |
Valerie succeeded in discovering and teaching a very important skill for everyone in these changing & challenging times .####[['Valerie', 'faculty comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'discovering and teaching a very important skill for everyone']] |
Excellent professor .####[['professor', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'Excellent']] |
I recommend to take the Lesson Design as well .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'recommend']] |
A fell####[] |
The teacher is very engaging , explains with ease is a very friendly professor that guides you effectively as if you weren ' t taking this class online .####[['teacher', 'faculty comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'explains with ease'], ['teacher', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'very engaging'], ['professor', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'very friendly']] |
He needs his own television show ! it stuck ! the information stuck .####[['NULL', 'faculty general', 'negative', 'NULL']] |
I loved the short lectures , tips and tricks and the information how our brain works !####[['short lectures', 'presentation quality', 'negative', 'loved']] |
And knowledge and speed of learning is the prime ingredients to succeed .####[] |
Our instructor was easy to comprehend in her English pronunciation ; she was professional , and she seem to enjoy the topic .####[['instructor', 'faculty comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'easy to comprehend'], ['instructor', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'professional'], ['instructor', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'seem to enjoy the topic']] |
- - - - - - - - - way too much time is devoted to introducing definitions and way too little time is given for student practicing and review . the presenter ' s accent is constantly impeding instant recognition of what he ' s saying . the subtitles sometimes don ' t accurately represent what he ' s saying . sometimes there are misspellings - which makes it even harder to know what he ' s saying . this student was inundated with formulas that needed to be practiced - and i didn ' t even have time to write them down !####[['NULL', 'course general', 'negative', 'NULL'], ['NULL', 'faculty general', 'negative', 'NULL'], ['NULL', 'faculty comprehensiveness', 'negative', 'NULL']] |
The discussion session is too quiet , maybe I should have asked more questions .####[] |
I am enjoying taking a new look at dogs .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
I am a college instructor for Statistics , having graduated from a PhD program - even with that background I could not follow the instructor .####[['instructor', 'faculty comprehensiveness', 'negative', 'could not follow']] |
It would have been helpful to have a discussion on how to handle categorical features .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
Alvarez , Newell and Adamson showed a very good grasp over the topics discussed , with even a few funny and entertaining conversations along the lectures .####[['Alvarez , Newell and Adamson', 'faculty comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'very good grasp over the topics discussed'], ['Alvarez , Newell and Adamson', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'few funny and entertaining conversations along the lectures']] |
Amazing course !####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'Amazing']] |
Thanks vm !####[] |
Some of the videos are very basic concepts on how to lead a team ( i . e . :####[['videos', 'presentation quality', 'negative', 'very basic concepts']] |
I would have liked this class to have gone more in depth in terms of the actual science and research involved ( the studies Dr . Fredrickson refers to are for the most part only touched on briefly ) , and to have spent less time listening to the on - site students discussing their personal opinions ( though I appreciated their insights , I would have liked to have learned more actual information ) .####[['NULL', 'presentation quality', 'positive', 'more in depth']] |
Not worth it for the money , but go for it if you want to complete the entire specialization####[['NULL', 'course value', 'negative', 'NULL']] |
It ' s also very inspiring to see all of the personal examples ( see additional interviews ) , especially from Dr . Barbara Oakley since I also didn ' t expect that I would study math - related subjects .####[] |
Very suitable for new comers of programming .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'Very suitable for new comers']] |
Excellent course !####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'Excellent']] |
But I ' m not sure it ' s too easy or not .####[['NULL', 'course comprehensiveness', 'neutral', 'NULL']] |
Thanks .####[] |
This course has amazing information in the lectures , but it is difficult in the video lectures to pick out what bits of information are going to be relevant in the quizzes , you will have to re - take quizzes a number of times , no matter how well you are taking notes .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'amazing information'], ['video lectures', 'presentation relatability', 'negative', 'difficult'], ['NULL', 'assignments comprehensiveness', 'negative', 'NULL']] |
When I go to do other peer reviews for other people on the same assignment I am presented with 6 month old assignments overdue from previous courses ? !####[['assignment', 'assignments workload', 'negative', 'NULL']] |
Thx !####[] |
Incredible Content on Display .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'Incredible Content on Display']] |
I can only infer that this course ' s target audience is rich pregnant women who care about shoe shopping and celebrities .####[] |
If these really are " core concepts " , as described by the mentors , one would think that the teachers would spend time on those concepts in the videos instead of on more arcane use cases ( which are precisely the sorts of thing it makes sense to look for in other sources ) .####[['teachers', 'faculty relatability', 'negative', 'NULL']] |
Eye Opener !####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'Eye Opener']] |
The animated illustrations provided made the lecture extremely fun to watch and a lot easier to understand .####[['NULL', 'presentation comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'easier']] |
The course community is always there to help .####[] |
The videos and explanations are very poor .####[['NULL', 'material quality', 'negative', 'very poor']] |
I could see the improvement from the first week to the last week .####[['NULL', 'course quality', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
Amazing Course Module , I learned a lot of concepts for classifications using Decision Trees , Logistic Functions , Boosting , Ensemble and way to attack problems .####[['Course', 'course quality', 'positive', 'Amazing'], ['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'learned a lot']] |
The Ancient Marine Reptile class did a much better job of presenting this info although it did some laundry listing .####[['NULL', 'presentation quality', 'neutral', 'much better job of presenting']] |
May is .####[] |
I found the course to be taught exceptionally well .####[['course', 'course quality', 'positive', 'taught exceptionally well']] |
Most of the material did not require many references to the apple documentation in order to complete the assignments .####[['material', 'material comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'NULL'], ['assignments', 'assignments quality', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
Very in - depth introductory learning of python .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'Very in - depth introductory learning']] |
I enjoyed learning Octave and performing the weekly homework ; the exercises showed me how to perform tasks simply that would seem impossible to a lay person .####[['exercises', 'course comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'showed me how to perform tasks simply'], ['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'enjoyed learning']] |
Easy to understand , remember and practise .####[['NULL', 'presentation comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'Easy to understand']] |
Not on par with the University of Virginia project management course .####[['course', 'course general', 'negative', 'NULL']] |
I had nothing to do with programming my whole life - this lecture was my first step and it really make me fall in love : ) !####[['lecture', 'presentation quality', 'positive', 'love']] |
The flash tutorials are helpful .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'helpful']] |
Thanks for bringing us an excellent program and valuable tools for managers !####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'excellent']] |
With much more axamples .####[] |
I feel quizzes could have been a little more challenging .####[['quizzes', 'assignments quality', 'neutral', 'could have been a little more challenging']] |
A lot of information that you can continue to develop by yourself .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
You could also get this info from watching Youtube videos .####[] |
However , the problem sets in this programming challenge are often not so well - defined , which makes it really difficult to solve ( especially the dataset problem ) .####[['NULL', 'assignments comprehensiveness', 'negative', 'NULL']] |
The tests in particular are tough .####[['tests', 'assignments comprehensiveness', 'negative', 'particular are tough']] |
Excellent .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'Excellent']] |
Great case study , but the way to engage the audience might have been way better .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'Great'], ['NULL', 'course general', 'negative', 'NULL']] |
It was an eye opener for as to how business is done and things are made to look so simple in the module by just having a systematic approach to risk and risk mitigation whilst developing a business .####[['NULL', 'course quality', 'positive', 'eye opener']] |
Dr . McGarrity with a great sense of humor give all the support needed to get over your fears , to stand up in front of a lens , and to deliver a self - confidence speech .####[['Dr . McGarrity', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'great']] |
New concepts not thoroughly explained , sloppier slides , and even a lecture video missing at one point ( had to find a link to it on youtube ) !####[['NULL', 'presentation quality', 'negative', 'NULL']] |
Incredible , easy to understand lessons .####[['lessons', 'course general', 'positive', 'Incredible'], ['lessons', 'course comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'easy to understand']] |
I have read Professor Kandori ' s and he is one of the leading researchers in this field .####[['Professor Kandori', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'one of the leading researchers in this field']] |
During the session there are several real cases discussed for understanding better the lesson , but several doubts remains theory .####[['NULL', 'course relatability', 'positive', 'several real cases discussed for understanding better the lesson'], ['NULL', 'presentation comprehensiveness', 'negative', 'several doubts remains theory']] |
Many Thanks for this interesting learning experience .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'interesting learning experience']] |
Fantastic professor .####[['professor', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'Fantastic']] |
Lots of very useful materials .####[['materials', 'material quality', 'positive', 'very useful']] |
So run people .####[] |
Lots of extra material to practice on and Dr . Chuck keeps it interesting and fun , without being over - the - top .####[['NULL', 'material quantity', 'positive', 'Lots of extra material to practice'], ['Dr . Chuck', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'keeps it interesting and fun']] |
If you check question - and - answer sites on the Internet , you will probably find that this is the most recommended beginning course for related branches of science and engineering .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'most recommended']] |
Although I liked the topic , I will not be taking more classes with this instructor .####[['instructor', 'faculty general', 'negative', 'NULL']] |
It might be so that I won ' t use EVERYTHING####[] |
Barbara and Terrence are fabulous facilitators .####[['Barbara', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'fabulous facilitators'], ['Terrence', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'fabulous facilitators']] |
Though it was really difficult to understand what should you do in each assignment .####[['assignment', 'assignments comprehensiveness', 'negative', 'really difficult to understand']] |
One of the most interesting and engaging courses I ' ve ever taken .####[['courses', 'course general', 'positive', 'most interesting and engaging']] |
However , as I ' ve said , if what you ' re being asked to do is harder to apply than the activity in many ways isn ' t all that practical .####[] |
Finally , the quiz questions for the third to last week were a bit confusing and didn ' t match well to what the instructors actually said .####[['quiz questions', 'assignments comprehensiveness', 'negative', 'bit confusing'], ['quiz questions', 'assignments relatability', 'negative', "didn ' t match well to what the instructors actually said"]] |
Google + wasn ' t relevant five years ago , let alone in 2016 .####[] |
I took this course with a special interest on the musical aspect , namely the blues , of course .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL'], ['the blues', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
A proper and a brief description is given in each and every lesson of the course .####[['course', 'course quality', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
The course really loses focus and its unfortunate that I am now stuck here and cannot continue the entire specialization .####[['course', 'course quality', 'negative', 'really loses focus']] |
Thanks also to his staff and lab assistants for helping to create such a well - designed program .####[['staff', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'Thanks'], ['lab assistants', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'Thanks']] |
You will learn to ask the right questions and you will also learn how to present your data analytics results to the C - suite or whoever asked for it .####[] |
. is the best course of my life ! ! !####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'best']] |
I ' ll definitely try to sign in to his other courses .####[] |
I find it great and helpful . .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'great and helpful']] |
In the conclusion , Iyengar states that no textbooks are available for the field because it is " new " , but an Amazon search shows several seem to exist , and many of the studies referenced in this course are years old , even more than a decade in some cases .####[['Iyengar', 'faculty general', 'negative', 'NULL']] |
This course in some sense , changed my way of study .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
I also found it absurd that each time the professor introduced a very basic linear algebra concept he kept saying somewhat patronizingly " this is for the experts in linear algebra " .####[['professor', 'faculty comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'introduced a very basic linear algebra']] |
Awesome class !####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'Awesome class']] |
I feel I am a part of network of teachers !####[] |
Thank you Dr Chuck , the way you teach and interest to integrate student from around the world is very much appreciated .####[['Dr Chuck', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'NULL'], ['Dr Chuck', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'Thank you']] |
Although I prefer Islamic finance ( without interest ) , I wanted to understand how western finance works .####[] |
It would be better if somebody explains in video .####[['NULL', 'faculty general', 'negative', 'somebody explains in video']] |
Thanks !####[] |
2 - Very vague examples were used .####[['NULL', 'material relatability', 'negative', 'Very vague examples were used']] |
However I ' m a bit surprised that didn ' t got a certificate for doing it .####[['NULL', 'course value', 'negative', 'NULL']] |
Particularly the politics section in week 8 .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'neutral', 'NULL']] |
I really liked this course .####[] |
Affirmations are most times not justified at all ( " incremental prototyping will yield a feature - rich and robust software " ) .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'negative', 'NULL']] |
Unless you are ready to suffer through several hours of tearing your hair out because their parser does not accept perfectly written code , don ' t take this course .####[['course', 'course general', 'negative', "don ' t take"]] |
They say acknowledging your problem is the 1st step : ) I now tools to help combat the ways I procrastinate .####[] |
U . as well .####[] |
This course clearly has an agenda .####[['course', 'course quality', 'negative', 'clearly has an agenda']] |
The lessons didn ' t start with the " why " .####[] |
Cons : 1 .####[] |
This is amazing follow up of the people and the events in the Internet history .####[] |
A bit difficult , especially there is a lot part of RBM / DBN / DBM .####[['NULL', 'course comprehensiveness', 'negative', 'bit difficult']] |
I wasn ' t expecting much when I enrolled a few weeks ago but the more I studied and watched the lessons I was surprised with so many great tips and resources to understand and become a better learner .####[['NULL', 'material quantity', 'positive', 'so many great tips and resources to understand']] |
I would highly recommend this class to anyone who wants to have a good understanding of Machine Learning .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'highly recommend']] |
Unaddressed questions in the discussion board required escalation .####[['discussion board', 'faculty response', 'negative', 'Unaddressed']] |
Everything is great about this course .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'Everything is great']] |
Keep it up .####[] |
I guruntee you .####[] |
It was very rewarding to participate in this foundational course .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'very rewarding']] |
I used Python do all the assignments but I didn ' t bother submitting my answers to get credit for the course because I would have had to reimplement it again in Octave .####[['assignments', 'assignments workload', 'negative', 'NULL']] |
The terrible ones need to improve their teaching skills and even language skills .####[] |
Servance , is a great developing of the foundations in programming ( first two courses ) that will serve you well for the rest of your life , as well as a course that will give you a sort of try to understanding of what great things python can do for you .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'give you a sort of try to understanding']] |
Thank you coursera####[] |
The instructor is a GOD .####[['instructor', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
As opposed to the stated prerequisite , I believe the course requires engineering / math / physics background .####[] |
I´m glad####[] |
It is hard to get the key points from those materials and what the instructors want to tell me .####[['materials', 'material comprehensiveness', 'negative', 'hard to get the key points'], ['instructors', 'faculty comprehensiveness', 'negative', 'hard to get the key points']] |
Excellent course .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'Excellent']] |
I wish I had this course when I started university ; it should be compulsory material for learners and students everywhere .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL'], ['material', 'material relatability', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
I ' m really looking forward to complete the remaining courses .####[['courses', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
A Wonderful course that really helped me learn a lot about the way we learn and how I can enhance my own learning .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'Wonderful'], ['course', 'course quality', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
I wish I could attend some of his class in person .####[['NULL', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
This course is thorough , and the instructors are great !####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL'], ['instructors', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'great']] |
I really appreciate Dr . Len ' s enthusiasm for his subject , and the great support of his teaching assistants .####[["Dr . Len ' s", 'faculty comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'really appreciate'], ["Dr . Len ' s", 'faculty general', 'positive', 'great']] |
I ' m an experienced professional programmer with the EPFL ' FP in Scala ' and FRP courses under my belt so I thought I knew what to expect but this was much more time consuming than I ' d thought .####[] |
The lectures and exercises are awesome .####[['lectures', 'presentation quality', 'positive', 'awesome'], ['exercises', 'assignments quality', 'positive', 'awesome']] |
Everything is explained simply yet with a great amount of detail .####[['NULL', 'presentation comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'great']] |
Also , I am better listener .####[] |
There is not any free statement about accomplishment of the course , so nobody will knows that you have completed it .####[] |
Ni Hao , I liked the course , good course content though the first week which includes the tones was tough as it is hard to memorize the same .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'liked'], ['course', 'course comprehensiveness', 'negative', 'tough'], ['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'good']] |
Instructor quality is low , production quality of instructor videos is low .####[['Instructor', 'faculty value', 'negative', 'low'], ['videos', 'presentation quality', 'negative', 'low'], ['instructor', 'presentation quality', 'negative', 'NULL']] |
Thanks to you and your team ( if any ) , I am pretty confident of designing small scale DBs and play around with it .####[['NULL', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'pretty confident']] |
Test are needed .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'neutral', 'NULL']] |
Can ' t recommend this enough .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', "Can ' t recommend this enough"]] |
I found that the grading rubrick in particular focused too much on simple UI elements and not enough on making sure that the code was good or that the game even worked .####[['grading rubrick', 'grades general', 'negative', 'NULL']] |
Dr####[] |
Easy to follow , great examples , clearly explained , engaging presentations and assignments , tips from the experts ; all those things made this one course I couldn ' t " put down " .####[['NULL', 'course comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'Easy'], ['NULL', 'material quality', 'positive', 'great'], ['presentations', 'presentation comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'NULL'], ['presentations', 'presentation quality', 'positive', 'NULL'], ['assignments', 'assignments quality', 'positive', 'NULL'], ['experts', 'faculty relatability', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
There are few things which might help improve the course : - For a four - weeks course , I feel the material was not enough .####[['material', 'material quantity', 'negative', 'not enough']] |
Barbara Oakley and her team did a good job preparing this amazing workshop .####[['Barbara Oakley and her team', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'good job'], ['workshop', 'course general', 'positive', 'amazing']] |
I would suggest increasing the number of reviews required by each student so you one incorrect ( based on user error ) review does not influence your grade so significantly .####[['NULL', 'grades general', 'negative', 'not influence your grade so significantly']] |
Would have been a resounding five - star review but some " mentor " thought it necessary to hijack a thread by a student asking about the necessity of more than one " break " in a while loop to lecture about what constitutes pseudo - code and what does not on a non - assignment question .####[['mentor', 'faculty response', 'negative', 'NULL']] |
but I did all the homework , you must do the homework to really understand the topics .####[] |
The code for the exercises was made for Eclipse ADT and Google dropped support for Eclipse a while ago .####[['NULL', 'assignments quality', 'negative', 'NULL']] |
I got some key benefits from the course , particularly the pomodoro technique , which I am using .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'got some key benefits']] |
This is an excellent introduction to Chinese language and grammar .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'excellent']] |
I also would recommend it to anyone whose future profession somehow is connected to economics / finance / accounting because these are basic skills .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
The course structure is carefully designed .####[['course structure', 'course quality', 'positive', 'carefully designed']] |
Grading standards are weird : maximum grades are to be given to assignments performed in public , as if things done in private aren ' t creative ; there are better ways to have someone get out of their comfort zone .####[['Grading', 'grades general', 'negative', 'weird']] |
I found the course was very confusing and the language used in the quizzes and exams didn ' t always match the language used in the lessons making it very difficult to understand what was wanted .####[['course', 'course comprehensiveness', 'negative', 'very confusing'], ['NULL', 'assignments comprehensiveness', 'negative', "didn ' t always match the language used in the lessons"], ['NULL', 'material comprehensiveness', 'negative', "didn ' t always match the language used in the lessons"], ['NULL', 'course comprehensiveness', 'negative', 'very difficult to understand']] |
The course was excellent all teachers were excellent specially####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'excellent'], ['teachers', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'excellent']] |
Setting up the development environment is sadly dated .####[['development environment', 'course general', 'negative', 'sadly dated']] |
i love this program . it has developed me more on how to approach a subject or course . . kudos to Dr . Barbara Oakley . . . u are a good teacher####[['NULL', 'course quality', 'positive', 'love'], ['Dr . Barbara Oakley', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'good'], ['course', 'course comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
Amazing course !####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'Amazing']] |
At the same time , I really acknowledge using what you have leraned is the coolist thing in the world .####[] |
Very insightful . . it gave me the basics of logistics operations .####[['NULL', 'course quality', 'positive', 'Very insightful'], ['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
This really helps with an introduction to some fundamental concepts of the internet .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'really helps']] |
I was impressed of that .####[] |
I tried to get through it 2 other times and finally had the time & patience to do it and I ' m so glad I did .####[] |
The only thing you ' ll learn through the experience is that some people should stay as far away from writing autograders as the planet would allow them .####[['autograders', 'grades general', 'negative', 'stay as far away']] |
Professor really knows his job , and he is doing great .####[['Professor', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'really knows his job'], ['Professor', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'great']] |
Be prepared to have to do some research !####[] |
Because of Coursera . org , I have improved my knowledge and understanding of project management 100 % .####[] |
I hope that schools will formally teach this sometime in the future .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
I ' m currently in a IT Director role at a foods manufacturing company .####[] |
It explained how brain works when you try to learn something in a very practical and easy way .####[['NULL', 'course comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'easy'], ['NULL', 'presentation comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'very practical']] |
I appreciate that it is bringing me up to speed for the next courses but I found the learning pace to be a bit slow with very simple test assignments .####[['assignments', 'assignments quality', 'negative', 'NULL'], ['courses', 'course general', 'negative', 'NULL']] |
I took this course twice .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
Also , the final peer reviewed project isn ' t explained very well and uses tools and methods that aren ' t even within the scope of the module .####[['NULL', 'presentation quality', 'negative', 'NULL']] |
Great examples .####[['NULL', 'course relatability', 'positive', 'Great examples']] |
Great subject and some very well presented videos .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'Great'], ['videos', 'presentation quality', 'positive', 'very well']] |
I always amazed by the contradictory views of them .####[] |
Comprehensive content .####[['content', 'course general', 'positive', 'Comprehensive']] |
Even more so because it is free ! !####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'it is free']] |
Thanks coursera for providing a scholarship on this course .####[['course', 'course value', 'positive', 'providing a scholarship']] |
There are some lessons on English pronunciation , which I found a touch tedious since I ' m a native speaker , but it ' s nothing that takes away from the overall class .####[['NULL', 'presentation workload', 'negative', 'found a touch tedious']] |
Awesome specialization !####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'Awesome']] |
Dr . Chunk is so funny and he teaches well .####[['Dr . Chunk', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'so funny'], ['Dr . Chunk', 'faculty comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'teaches well']] |
Some of the materials are strictly by sound , so if you can ' t follow chord changes you might be lost .####[['materials', 'material quality', 'negative', 'strictly by sound']] |
The course has further deepened my love for the subject and the platforms of assessment were challenging , but did not feel labourly .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'further deepened my love for the subject'], ['assessment', 'assignments quality', 'positive', 'challenging'], ['assessment', 'assignments workload', 'positive', 'did not feel labourly']] |
Opens my mind to a wide vista of new ways of thinking and living .####[] |
This was one of my very favorite classes .####[['classes', 'course general', 'positive', 'favorite']] |
This was a thought provoking , tip of the ice - berg , inspiring and simple course appropriate for nearly anyone with an interest in ' the arts ' .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'inspiring and simple']] |
I appreciated the focus on real life work of ML such as evaluating statistical models and optimizing teamwork effort and time .####[] |
Just need to use it somehow to get a job !####[] |
Really helpful .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'Really helpful']] |
I soo look forward to taking more of your courses , Zac and David .####[] |
You will need to rely on your classmates if you are stuck .####[] |
Provides a great overview .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'Provides a great overview']] |
The videos must change to include more details about the presented topic .####[['videos', 'presentation relatability', 'negative', 'NULL']] |
Appreciate the broad yet detailed knowledge .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
The way they presented this course and their approach was easy and understandable .####[['course', 'course comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'easy and understandable']] |
Overall i have enjoyed the content and the course####[['content', 'course general', 'positive', 'enjoyed'], ['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'enjoyed']] |
Thank you so much for this precious help !####[] |
I have no doubt teachers are excelent professionals in the area , as well as great machine learning enthusiasts .####[['teachers', 'faculty comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'excelent professionals'], ['teachers', 'faculty comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'great machine learning enthusiasts']] |
As stated in the abstract , this course is addressed to those who have no experience in programming .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
My expertise and style of using python for data analysis changed .####[] |
Jeff Leek , he is such a great professor .####[['Jeff Leek', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'great professor']] |
Can ' t recommend this course enough .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', "Can ' t recommend this course enough"]] |
Then , the videos kept getting unclear and outdated .####[['videos', 'presentation comprehensiveness', 'negative', 'kept getting unclear'], ['videos', 'presentation relatability', 'negative', 'outdated']] |
Excellent teaching .####[['NULL', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'Excellent']] |
Love the lectures .####[['lectures', 'presentation quality', 'positive', 'Love']] |
I did get what I expected in this course .####[['course', 'course value', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
Being a true beginner w / no background in programming or data science , I felt the programming assignments were way too far a stretch from the Swirl exercises ( which I felt were super helpful and beginner appropriate ) and lectures .####[['programming assignments', 'assignments relatability', 'negative', 'were way too far a stretch']] |
Really wonderful .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'wonderful']] |
The class is a pretty nice overview of metrics in general . it is more broad than it is deep , and sometimes the videos and explanations were not the most easily digested .####[['class', 'course general', 'positive', 'pretty nice'], ['videos', 'presentation comprehensiveness', 'negative', 'not the most easily digested']] |
The course about the machine learning algorithm is so basic .####[['course', 'course quality', 'negative', 'basic']] |
Assignments are not too much , not too less .####[['Assignments', 'assignments quantity', 'positive', 'not too much , not too less']] |
This is very helpful course , my skills horned after undergoing through this sessions .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'very helpful'], ['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'my skills horned after undergoing through this sessions']] |
I want ' t to learn more !####[] |
I ' ve tried the Python course of Rice university , and some part of the Codecademy Python course !####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
. keep it up like this excellent course .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'excellent']] |
I think I will be able to apply the methods discussed in the course on daily basis without actually spending much time on learning them as they are very practical !####[['NULL', 'course relatability', 'positive', 'will be able to apply the methods discussed in the course on daily basis'], ['NULL', 'course relatability', 'positive', 'very practical']] |
This course tell you how to learn effectively and efficiently , with a relax way , easy to understand ( even if your english is not good like me ) , and appliable in any fields .####[['course', 'course comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'easy to understand']] |
I have not really taken any Neuroscience courses and I have to say this was very challenging with my already full - time load at school but I did it !####[['NULL', 'course workload', 'negative', 'very challenging with my already full - time load']] |
I will definitely be referring back to this again .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
Its great oportunity for career evolution .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'great']] |
Very few practical examples and exercises , but it does cover the basics like : syntax , semantics , what to pay attention to while creating own website .####[['NULL', 'assignments quantity', 'negative', 'NULL'], ['NULL', 'assignments relatability', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
It ' s clearing a lot of my doubts and now I feel I ' m actually learning AngularJS for real .####[['NULL', 'course comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'clearing a lot of my doubts']] |
Congratulations to the organizers , specially to Maya Adams .####[['Maya Adams', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
I would have given it 5 stars , but towards the end , I felt the lessons got a bit sloppier .####[['NULL', 'course quality', 'positive', 'NULL'], ['NULL', 'course general', 'neutral', 'sloppier']] |
Content is good .####[['Content', 'material quality', 'positive', 'good']] |
Some of the lectures were tough to follow .####[['lectures', 'presentation comprehensiveness', 'negative', 'tough to follow']] |
The last part is eye opening .####[['NULL', 'course quality', 'positive', 'last part is eye opening']] |
The tools provided to review the material and test yourself are very effective .####[['NULL', 'course quality', 'positive', 'very effective']] |
I thoroughly enjoyed taking part in this course .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'thoroughly enjoyed']] |
But there are a bunch of quizzes , which are sometimes quite off the lecture material and you have to research a lot to get all of the questions right .####[['quizzes', 'assignments relatability', 'negative', 'NULL'], ['material', 'material relatability', 'negative', 'NULL']] |
My favorite course online this far ( I have enrolled in 200 + and completed 50 + of them ) !####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'My favorite']] |
The instructor Andrew Ng carries you through the material in easy to understand lectures that are divided by topic in perfectly timed video sessions with individual quizzes during each video that help you gauge how well you have understood and grasped the topic discussed in the lesson .####[['Andrew Ng', 'faculty comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'easy to understand lectures'], ['video sessions', 'presentation quality', 'positive', 'perfectly timed'], ['quizzes', 'assignments comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'help you gauge how well you have understood and grasped']] |
The quizzes are very confusing too and sometimes I felt frustrated .####[['quizzes', 'assignments comprehensiveness', 'negative', 'very confusing too'], ['quizzes', 'assignments quality', 'negative', 'sometimes I felt frustrated']] |
Thanks####[] |
This is an ok introductory course , a compilation of concepts , related to sustainable cities .####[['introductory course', 'course general', 'neutral', 'ok']] |
I love this course a lot .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'love']] |
Or maybe my command of English was not sufficient to complete the course without several mistakes .####[] |
As a psychology student , I gained important understanding of my responsibilities as a future psychologist .####[] |
I am involved in a Sanitation and Hygiene behavior baseline survey in Schools in India and I found this course relevant to my understanding of how behavior is an outcome of norms that arise in turn from empirical and normative expectations .####[['course', 'course comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
A super course , and available at just the right time .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'super']] |
More time could be spent on them , but without more intense feedback from seasoned sales professionals , it might not be worth the investment .####[] |
Be sure to allow enough time for the reading and major assignments .####[['assignments', 'assignments workload', 'neutral', 'NULL']] |
Any prior knowledge of programming is likely to render it useless to the student .####[] |
g . "####[] |
I owe you a lot .####[] |
This was an excellent introductory course to the world of Machine Learning .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'excellent']] |
The materials are great and easy to understand .####[['materials', 'material quality', 'positive', 'great'], ['materials', 'material comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'easy to understand']] |
This was a good course .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'good']] |
That ' s what you ' ll get from taking this course ( quoted because those are the words used to describe the general education pattern at my university ) .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
Best course in this specialisation !####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'Best']] |
It was very accessible and had some great examples .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'very accessible'], ['NULL', 'course relatability', 'positive', 'great']] |
Hope you enjoy the course like I do : )####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'enjoy']] |
While all of us are exposed to digital from a consumer perspective , looking at it from an entrepreneur ' s and investors ' perspectives completed the picture in my head .####[] |
Did not find it really helpful . may be the way I expected it was different .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'negative', 'not find it really helpful']] |
Management strategies , common difficulties , . . . ) .####[] |
Thank you for sharing .####[] |
The best part was the hands on teaching methodology and added to this the spice up was " What mistake I made " - learn and correct by validating other participants work .####[['NULL', 'faculty comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'best part']] |
Excellent way to revisit / rethink what it is to learn and how best to go about it .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'Excellent']] |
Thanks creators .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'Thanks']] |
But we spend money so that somebody teaches us those things .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'negative', 'NULL']] |
Great course !####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'Great']] |
This course shows me how bad was my studying habits and help me to enhance it .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
This course is one of the most practical course in coursera .####[['course', 'course quality', 'positive', 'one of the most practical']] |
Thank youGabriel Paul KissimaKaratu , Arusha , Tanzania####[] |
But that would be my only suggestion for improvement .####[] |
I love that the course is also really hard - it has not been dumbed down for us .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'love'], ['course', 'course comprehensiveness', 'negative', 'really hard']] |
In general , this course is great !####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'great']] |
The best teaching course ever .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'best']] |
Awesome online course .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'Awesome']] |
Fantastic content ! .####[['content', 'material quality', 'positive', 'Fantastic']] |
There are many techniques taught to focus as well as for intuitive thinking methods .####[['NULL', 'course comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
Nick Santos or maybe Professor Santos is a very enthusiastic teacher and really encourages the student to excel and succeed .####[['Nick Santos', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'very enthusiastic'], ['Nick Santos', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'really encourages']] |
Awesome experience !####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'Awesome experience']] |
I really recommend this course not only for child nutrition but also for ' picky ' and stubborn adults .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'really recommend']] |
no logistic in place .####[] |
I will keep learning the subject in the future .####[] |
Exercises are still very carefully designed .####[['Exercises', 'assignments quality', 'positive', 'still very carefully designed']] |
Best Regards and thanks very much for this opportunity .####[] |
This course has done exactly what it advertised .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
I ' m thankful for this online course and waiting for the certification to become available !####[] |
I will keep myself informed of what goes on in relation to learning how to learn .####[] |
Also doubts are cleared on the discussion forum regulary and as quick as possible .####[['discussion forum', 'faculty response', 'positive', 'regulary and as quick as possible']] |
Love the Bonus video part of the course !####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'Love the Bonus video part']] |
I really enjoyed this course .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'really enjoyed']] |
Interaction with other learners would be very beneficial in a form of group assignment .####[['NULL', 'faculty response', 'positive', 'very beneficial']] |
I love taking courses where the instructor speaks at the right pace and keeps you involved .####[] |
A basic introduction to meteorJS framework .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
This course goes on a very fast pace and simply does not have the charm of all the other courses in the specialization .####[['course', 'course general', 'negative', 'very fast pace'], ['course', 'course general', 'negative', 'NULL']] |
I especially love the professor ' s enthusiasm and passion for helping everyone learn cutting - edge machine learning knowledge .####[["professor ' s", 'faculty general', 'positive', 'enthusiasm'], ["professor ' s", 'faculty response', 'positive', 'passion for helping everyone']] |
Thanks to all efforts .####[] |
Many many thanks to Professor Charles for holding the course and generously sharing his work with us !####[['Professor Charles', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'Many many thanks']] |
The teachers would have more time for explaining every bit in the lectures so the difficulty would step up evenly between weeks .####[['lectures', 'presentation comprehensiveness', 'neutral', 'difficulty would step up evenly between weeks']] |
Then it would become the perfect course .####[] |
I haven ' t finished so far , but I can ' t wait to give it a 5 - star review .####[['NULL', 'course quality', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
And it would be very nice to have a summary slide at the end of the course .####[['summary slide', 'material quality', 'negative', 'NULL']] |
I have experience programming on PHP using the web framework Laravel .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
In any case , it is worth of my time , I will recommend it .####[['NULL', 'course value', 'positive', 'worth'], ['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
The instructor was lost between teaching R and teaching stats , so in the end he did neither .####[['instructor', 'faculty comprehensiveness', 'negative', 'lost between teaching R and teaching stats']] |
I found some of the exercises a little harder than the content given , and the support is not that perfection yet , but one can find some good help in the foruns if ask in advance ( in my case , I must thank a lot my peers Brian and Richard . . . they were true mentors ) .####[['exercises', 'assignments comprehensiveness', 'negative', 'harder'], ['NULL', 'faculty response', 'negative', 'NULL']] |
Thank you , Colleen !####[['Colleen', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'Thank you']] |
Andrew is a great pedagogue and it was a pleasure to listen his explanations .####[['NULL', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'great']] |
This course was great .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'great']] |
They were all very engaging .####[['NULL', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'all very engaging']] |
I still however feel the price is a bit steep compared to other similar courses you can find online .####[['courses', 'course value', 'negative', 'NULL']] |
The lecturers , although not very fluent English , were the best and new exactly what they were teaching which made me very happy .####[['lecturers', 'faculty general', 'negative', 'not very fluent English'], ['lecturers', 'faculty comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'best and new exactly what they were teaching']] |
The only reason to prefer this course is if you really dislike the idea of using matlab .####[] |
A great course to get started with programming in general and with Python in particular .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'great']] |
Additionally , i sometimes didnt know whether errata notes were relevant to the code i was actually using , or previous offerings of the same course .####[] |
Well - organized R programming course for academic amateur with some OOP knowledge before !####[['course', 'course quality', 'positive', 'Well - organized']] |
The reading materials were really interesting .####[['reading materials', 'material quality', 'positive', 'really interesting']] |
Thank you for the fantastic effort .####[] |
In the future you have not got anything to show in your CV .####[['NULL', 'course value', 'negative', 'NULL']] |
A fresh perspective or insight into learning is always beneficial and this course can either surprise you or completely change the way you learn .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
Cheers to the good professor .####[['professor', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'good']] |
I am a writer ) .####[] |
Some information can be difficult to find , particularly in the Discussion section .####[['NULL', 'faculty response', 'negative', 'difficult to find']] |
Sequencing , sequencing antibiotics .####[] |
I like how Coursera sends you emails to remind you , encourage you and motivate you to complete the course .####[] |
I am thankful all of you to give me the new experiences .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'thankful']] |
Also , it wasn ' t crystal clear how to compose PID regulator from the " systematic " approach .####[['NULL', 'presentation comprehensiveness', 'negative', 'NULL']] |
I also really enjoyed the interactive maps and tech tips .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'really enjoyed']] |
I felt I wasn ' t learning anything new but the clips of films allowed me to see the films in a new light .####[['NULL', 'course comprehensiveness', 'negative', "felt I wasn ' t learning anything new"]] |
The textbook and the course quizzes have added great value to the course .####[['textbook', 'material quality', 'positive', 'great'], ['quizzes', 'assignments quality', 'positive', 'great'], ['course', 'course value', 'positive', 'great']] |
As a total beginner , not only in Python , but programming as well , I found this course to be extremely helpful .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'extremely helpful']] |
Maybe a look into work product privilege , protected documentation , principles of discovery .####[] |
There were many issues with the problem sets : incorrect , unclear , beyond scope of course , placed in wrong order of content .####[['course', 'presentation quality', 'negative', 'NULL']] |
Mabye it would be better that Q2 - Q13 based on a new dataframe which is correctly by all means .####[] |
This course reaffirmed my interest in Leiden from 10 years ago .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
The manner in which the professors taught and tested us through the Concept challanges really clicked with me .####[['professors', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'NULL'], ['professors', 'faculty comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
The manner of teaching is very lucid and easy to understand .####[['NULL', 'presentation quality', 'positive', 'very lucid'], ['NULL', 'faculty comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'easy to understand']] |
Greetings from Acapulco , Mexico .####[] |
I learned a lot in this course and I will keep learning his other python course .####[['course', 'course comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'learned a lot']] |
However , I was learning new things from the beginning .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'learning new things from the beginning']] |
Super recommend it !####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'Super recommend it']] |
Struggled in few sections , as i have not been in tough with physiology . . .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'negative', 'Struggled in few sections']] |
Some of this is heady stuff , and doesn ' t benefit from being glossed over .####[] |
Valuable Hands - on exercises and best of all , having lecturers that are authorities in their field .####[['exercises', 'assignments quality', 'positive', 'Valuable Hands - on'], ['lecturers', 'faculty comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'authorities in their field']] |
Dr . Ng has done his best .####[] |
Thanks a lot , Coursera and Dr . Chuck !####[['Dr . Chuck', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'Thanks a lot']] |
The course has been useful in making me realize where all my time has been going without quantifiable results and hopefully I will be able to make a habit of good time management .####[['course', 'course quality', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
It is usefull to learn from the mistakes .####[] |
This is a tough course , quizes are not trivial and the last HW was a huge amount of work .####[['course', 'course quality', 'negative', 'tough'], ['quizes', 'assignments quality', 'negative', 'not trivial'], ['last HW', 'assignments workload', 'negative', 'huge amount of work']] |
Thanks to this series of courses , I began to work better on my photograph skills , and I found it really interesting and amazing .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'really interesting'], ['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'amazing']] |
I feel much more relaxed if my time is perfectlly planned .####[] |
This course is truly splendid .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'truly splendid']] |
Course is good , the reason I ' m giving it a low rating is because it ' s a little redundant with course 3 " Introduction to Meteor . js Development " .####[['Course', 'course general', 'positive', 'good'], ['Course', 'course quality', 'negative', 'little redundant']] |
I ' m getting more out of the other two , but this was a fantastic introduction to get me thinking .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'fantastic']] |
The course material is framed in a comprehensive manner .####[['material', 'material quality', 'positive', 'comprehensive']] |
Overall it ' s a great course .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'great']] |
The projects required are quite easy to make , still require attention and some time if you want to make a step further .####[] |
The difficulty of this course warrants video lectures to convey many concepts and techniques , such as the Fitch system .####[['lectures', 'presentation quality', 'negative', 'NULL']] |
I recommend it to everybody who wants to learn Machine Learning .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
Creativity is encouraged and very few restrictions and rules are imposed .####[['NULL', 'course quality', 'positive', 'Creativity is encouraged']] |
Dr . Lafayette did a wonderful job in his stories and descriptions to make the Movement struggles and successes real .####[['Dr . Lafayette', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'wonderful']] |
Plenty of content and knowledge are coved in this course .####[['content', 'material quantity', 'positive', 'Plenty'], ['course', 'course quality', 'positive', 'Plenty']] |
It should be emphasized FOR C PROGRAMMERS .####[] |
I am enjoying this course very much , it is informative and very well organized and presented .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'enjoying'], ['course', 'course quality', 'positive', 'informative'], ['course', 'course quality', 'positive', 'very well'], ['course', 'course quality', 'positive', 'very well']] |
So many better options out there to learn to code .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'negative', 'NULL']] |
Otherwise it was awesome .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'awesome']] |
Recommended for all .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
I really enjoyed the course . normally online courses are a bit of a struggle to me . but not with this course .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'really enjoyed']] |
This course was very useful for me in terms of remebering the Busines and Entrepreneuship concepts .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'very useful'], ['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
Extremely useful , practical , relevant content and examples , plus such a great teacher as well as very helpful course staff and other students .####[['NULL', 'course quality', 'positive', 'Extremely useful'], ['NULL', 'course relatability', 'positive', 'NULL'], ['teacher', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'great'], ['staff', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'very helpful']] |
Even though this course is focusing on teaching English language , I find that it is still helpful for teachers of any other subjects , even other languages !####[['course', 'course quality', 'positive', 'NULL'], ['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'still helpful']] |
Lot of practical information after first 2 - 3 weeks .####[['NULL', 'course relatability', 'positive', 'Lot of practical information']] |
She is just reading off the slides instead of providing more examples and scenarios to help student comprehend the material .####[['NULL', 'presentation quality', 'negative', 'just reading off the slides']] |
Helpful introduction to conflict resolution .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'Helpful']] |
I want to learn from you more because you teach what I don ' t know and what are identical to lessons####[['NULL', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
Thank you for creating such educational platform which is accessible in every part of the world !####[] |
Contemporary cases .####[] |
Great course .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'Great']] |
Coursera should inspect this course otherwise these skeptical courses can deteriorate the reputation of this MOOC platform - I love the other courses / specializations provided by other universities though ,####[] |
Some of the quizzes do seem to require an advanced calculator , but I was able to use a simple one and kind of estimate .####[['quizzes', 'assignments quality', 'neutral', 'NULL']] |
Really help me to get started with my python study !####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
Very good introduction to Pandas Series and DataFrames for Data Science .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'Very good introduction']] |
Thank you so much for it .####[] |
Easy and quick to do food demonstrations , basic enough that students can build upon them depending on what is available at hand .####[['NULL', 'presentation quality', 'positive', 'Easy']] |
You should be ashamed of yourself for pushing this garbage .####[['NULL', 'course quality', 'negative', 'NULL']] |
More power to all of you .####[] |
Thank you for your effort !####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'Thank you']] |
If you have been exposed to some programming , you can work at your own pace .####[] |
And some students did their homework completely wrong .####[] |
Videos short yet very informative .####[['Videos', 'presentation quality', 'positive', 'short'], ['Videos', 'presentation quality', 'positive', 'very informative']] |
It means it is pleasant and not a too big workload .####[['NULL', 'course workload', 'positive', 'pleasant and not a too big workload']] |
I ' m a student of Physics Engineering in UFG , in the state of Goiás , Brasil , and these knowledge will help me in Data Analysis , that is basically the principal active of a Experimental Physicist .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
Firstly Peter Clarke , what a legend ! ! thanks for all the help particularly through week 2 .####[['Peter Clarke', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'what a legend'], ['Peter Clarke', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'thanks for all the help']] |
Thank you for this great course .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'great']] |
It gives you the tools and talks about processes which you need to surround yourself with .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
Excellent course about learning and how your brain works .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'Excellent']] |
Great presentation of the subject .####[] |
Enjoyed the entire course !####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'Enjoyed']] |
Stay safe and play for me .####[] |
Otherwise , I enjoyed the class and learned a gread deal .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'gread deal']] |
Excellent course in terms of content and suggested reading .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'Excellent']] |
It was not very clear where to access the book , or what readings corresponded to which lectures .####[['NULL', 'material quality', 'negative', 'not very clear']] |
They were also quick to respond to any questions that I had about lectures .####[['NULL', 'faculty response', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
I appreciate the effort that went into making this course as well as obtaining the film clips .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'appreciate the effort']] |
Thank you very much to Barbara OAKLEY and other teachers .####[['Barbara OAKLEY', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'Thank you very much']] |
People , those who are very new to photography can find this thing very much interesting .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'very much interesting']] |
Kind of wish I went here for undergrad .####[] |
Well done !####[] |
Thank you so much for making this course , It really helpful to learn and also easy to follow so I think the early you learn this the better you are when you have to learn something new and especially is you are a student : )####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL'], ['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
Significantly recommendable for the people who can do self - learning .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'Significantly recommendable']] |
It ' s absolutely amazing !####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'absolutely amazing']] |
I feel I have learned so much in such a short time .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
Although I wish there had been more practices to instill the firm knowledge of what the content was .####[['NULL', 'material quantity', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
It will certainly help all the beginner and continuing learners .####[['N', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
I found the lectures and assignments to be very clear and concise .####[['lectures', 'presentation quality', 'positive', 'clear'], ['assignments', 'assignments quality', 'positive', 'concise']] |
Thanks to the University of Colorado Boulder .####[] |
But especially Assignement 3 regarding cleaning the data should be improved .####[['Assignement 3', 'assignments quality', 'neutral', 'should be improved']] |
Do these 21 things when editing a novel " .####[] |
In other words , I ' ve got a lot to look forward to in upcoming courses and I hope I can learn enough to become a GIS professional .####[['courses', 'course general', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
There ' s some potential in this course but it desperately needs to be updated for 2017 .####[['NULL', 'course relatability', 'negative', 'desperately needs to be updated for 2017']] |
Pretty good course for the first time java programmer .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'Pretty good']] |
This course is awesome .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'awesome']] |
Thankyou Coursera and UOL .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'Thankyou']] |
It has been a huge thrill every evening getting home from work and sit down next to the computer to watch the videos and study Machine Learning .####[['videos', 'presentation quality', 'positive', 'NULL']] |
This course if filled with suggestions on how to make a learning environment more inclusive for those with dyslexia , incorporating multisensory teaching methods and explanations of the different learning styles , including planning to adjust to working memory capacity of learner .####[] |
I ' m very happy that I had this course .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'very happy']] |
The information taught in an " Easy To Learn " manner by Dr . Kuhar was incredible .####[['Dr . Kuhar', 'faculty comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'taught in an " Easy To Learn " manner'], ['Dr . Kuhar', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'incredible']] |
Meat we need more meat .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'negative', 'Meat we need more meat']] |
I think he is the best when it comes to explaining something .####[['NULL', 'faculty comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'best']] |
Thank you Andrew !####[['Andrew', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'Thank you']] |
The course was well set up .####[['course', 'course quality', 'positive', 'well']] |
Your approach to teaching is wonderful and I was intrigued by your views on writing .####[['NULL', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'wonderful']] |
The first week was a little slow , but####[['NULL', 'course general', 'neutral', 'slow']] |
That is going some because I have two PhDs .####[] |
Highly recommended .####[['NULL', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'Highly recommended']] |
I loved this course .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'loved']] |
Unlike the previous course in this sequence , this course provided little to no substantial information .####[['course', 'course quality', 'negative', 'NULL']] |
This course on it ' s own doesn ' t give much .####[['course', 'course general', 'negative', "doesn ' t give much"]] |
Sometimes there is no understanding of content just the closest word to the sound produced was used .####[['NULL', 'presentation comprehensiveness', 'negative', 'NULL']] |
I took this course seriously and worked all the way till the last assignment .####[] |
Professor Shiller explains concepts in a simple manner so everyone understands .####[['Professor Shiller', 'faculty comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'simple manner']] |
Excellent .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'Excellent']] |
But providing some more rigorous optional assignments can be a welcome addition to the course .####[['optional assignments', 'assignments quantity', 'neutral', 'more rigorous']] |
Real experience in using of real applications .####[['NULL', 'course relatability', 'positive', 'Real experience in using of real applications']] |
Cheers !####[] |
The videos are informative and well put together .####[['videos', 'presentation quality', 'positive', 'informative']] |
That ' s the only reason I do not give a straigth 5star reward , since I believe that the lack of real life interaction is not fully recovered by the quizzes and excercises , they should be more in my opinion .####[['quizzes and excercises', 'assignments quality', 'negative', 'real life interaction is not fully recovered']] |
Really delightful to have the opportunity to hear their perspective on things and have them describe how they think about what they ' re doing and to see their different processes .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'delightful']] |
Positives : very practical , interesting assignmentsDevelopment areas : 4 stars because sometimes want more to the point and less not very improtant info in the lections . sorry . for the sake of timeIn overall , a good course . would recommend####[['assignments', 'assignments quality', 'positive', 'interesting'], ['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'very practical'], ['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'good'], ['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'would recommend']] |
Sebastian####[] |
The professor is really entertaining and is great at teaching .####[['professor', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'really entertaining'], ['professor', 'faculty comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'great at teaching']] |
Helps you understand the thought process that goes in pricing .####[['NULL', 'course comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'understand the thought process']] |
I found the level of interaction in the group forming forum underwhelming and immediately lost interest due to concerns that the level of interaction would only continue to diminish as the course went on .####[['forum', 'course general', 'negative', 'underwhelming and immediately lost interest']] |
Very informative course .####[['course', 'course quality', 'positive', 'Very informative']] |
Being so detailed and informative , a lot of the material is quite challenging .####[['material', 'material comprehensiveness', 'negative', 'quite challenging']] |
It ' s amazing how it is simple and thrilling at the same time .####[['NULL', 'course general', 'positive', 'amazing']] |
Everything is perfect about this course .####[['course', 'course general', 'positive', 'perfect']] |
Thanks to teachers , wish you all the best .####[['teachers', 'faculty general', 'positive', 'Thanks']] |
I have made so many of the common learning mistakes they describe but feel confident I can overcome them for present and future learning .####[] |
The videos are well done , minus some small dating issues ( like versions of software ) but that is understandable .####[['videos', 'presentation quality', 'positive', 'well done'], ['NULL', 'course comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'understandable']] |
The examples made things clear and the homework exercises really cemented the learning points .####[['examples', 'material comprehensiveness', 'positive', 'made things clear'], ['homework exercises', 'assignments quality', 'positive', 'cemented the learning points']] |
I think they cover the most essential facts one need to know about the EU ) , and peer - graded assignments touch upon some thought - provoking issues and stimulate students ' critical thinking .####[['assignments', 'assignments relatability', 'positive', 'NULL']] |