{"0001": "The intrathoracic segment of the trachea deviates to the right. , both lungs are scattered with small patchy shadows. , the inner zone of the right lower lung field was blurred, and there were suspicious nodules in the heart shadow projection area of \u200b\u200bthe lateral radiograph. ,Aortic tortuosity. , further inspection is recommended.", "0002": "The texture of both lungs is slightly increased and blurred, except for a small amount of inflammation. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0003": "The texture of both lungs increased slightly.", "0004": "The texture of both lungs increased, and there were suspicious multiple spot shadows in both lungs; and patchy shadows in the lower field of the right lung. , heart shadow enlargement, arteriosclerosis. Please combine it with clinical practice.", "0005": "Lumbar scoliosis, osteoporosis and degeneration. , the texture of both lungs is slightly heavier, and there may be strips and induration in the lower lobe of the right lung. ,", "0006": "The texture of both lungs is slightly thick.", "0007": "The two lung textures are slightly severe, please consider clinical practice.", "0008": "The main trachea is slightly to the right and the trachea is slightly blurred. , the texture of both lungs became heavier and blurred, and there was a small induration in the right upper lung field. , Bilateral pleural effusion with incomplete expansion. ,", "0009": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier and blurred.", "0010": "the left pneumothorax was accompanied by incomplete expansion of the left lung, which was slightly lighter than the previous pneumothorax, and some lungs were recruited; the rest is basically the same as before. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0011": "Suspicious slightly high density shadow in the upper mediastinum. , a small amount of inflammation in both lungs is not excluded.", "0012": "The texture of both lungs increased, and the translucency in the anterior costophrenic angle area was slightly less uniform.", "0013": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier.", "0014": "The texture of both lungs increases.", "0015": "The lung texture is slightly heavier twice. , aortic calcification. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0016": "Small nodule-like shadow on the lateral side of the left hilar, excluding vascular shadows. , The lateral radiograph showed an increase in the density of the upper thoracic paravertebral areas, suggesting possible inflammatory lesions.", "0017": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier, and the right lower lung field is slightly blurred.", "0018": "Tuberculosis in the left upper lung field? Inflammation? Further relevant inspections are recommended.", "0019": "The texture of both lungs increased. ,", "0020": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier, and there are scattered spots in the left lung; the right diaphragm surface is elevated; please combine it with clinical practice.", "0021": "The lung texture increased, and there were scattered small nodules in both lungs.", "0022": "There may be multiple old tuberculosis lesions in the right lung apex. , please combine it with clinical practice and use CT when necessary.", "0023": "There may be a small amount of inflammation in both lower lungs. Please consider it clinically.", "0024": "The texture of both lungs becomes heavier and blurred. , multiple nodules in the middle and lower fields of the left lung. ,The left costophrenic angle is blunt. , CT examination is recommended. ,", "0025": "1. The lung texture increases twice. ,2. Small nodule in the middle field of the right lung, follow-up is recommended.", "0026": "A small amount of effusion or pleural thickening on the right side of the pleural cavity. , Upper mediastinal calcifications. , the heart shadow increases. ,arteriosclerosis. , the left 8th rib and the left clavicle are not regular. ,,", "0027": "The texture of both lungs became heavier and blurred, and there were nodules in the right upper lung field.", "0028": "The texture of both lungs increased. , old lesions in both lungs. , the left parahilar mass is occupied, please combine it with other examinations. , after deep vein catheterization.", "0029": "The texture of both lungs is slightly thickened and blurred. Please consider it clinically.", "0030": "The texture of both lungs increased slightly. , full heart shadow, aortic sclerosis. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0031": "There is a point-like dense shadow at the overlap between the upper field of the left lung and the second anterior rib, which is considered to be an induration focus.", "0032": "The texture of both lungs is rough and blurred, and there are suspicious small patchy shadows in the left lower lung field; please combine it with clinical practice. , there are some cord shadows in both lungs, and the lung tissue in both lungs is partially underexpanded. ,", "0033": "The texture of both lungs increased, and the right lower lung field was blurred. , there may be old lesions in the upper field of the left lung. ,", "0034": "Small nodular shadow at the right lung apex, patchy blurry shadow in the left lower lung field, and a small amount of possible inflammatory changes.", "0035": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. , after right deep vein catheterization. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0036": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier, and there are nodules in the lower field of the right lung. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0037": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. , Suspicious nodule in the left upper lung. , aortic sclerosis. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0038": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier; please combine it with clinical practice.", "0039": "Double upper lung spot films and nodular shadows. Please combine medical history and clinical practice. CT examination if necessary. ,,", "0040": "Suspicious round-like nodule in the right upper lung, please consider clinical practice.", "0041": "Small dots in the middle field of the left lung. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0042": "A small amount of inflammation in both lungs is possible.", "0043": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier.", "0044": "The texture of both lungs is heavy and the structure is disordered. Please consider it clinically. , striped shadows of both lung cords. There is a small nodule in the left lower lung. , local wedge deformation of thoracic spine. ,", "0045": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. , localized density increase in the left 6th anterior rib projection area. , aortic node calcification. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0046": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier.", "0047": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier, and the right lower lung field has a slightly high-density shadow like a suspicious dot.", "0048": "The texture of both lungs becomes heavier and blurred. , subpleural micronodule in the field under the right lung. , further inspection is recommended.", "0049": "The texture of both lungs increased slightly.", "0050": "The texture of both lungs is thick. , the bilateral hilar shadows were slightly widened. , aortic sclerosis. , a small amount of pleural effusion on the left side. , the postoperative changes in the left ribs, please combine it with clinical practice.", "0051": "The texture of both lungs is heavy, blurred, and the structure is disordered. Please combine it with clinical practice. , multiple annular radiolucent areas in both lungs. , multiple small induration lesions in both lungs. ,", "0052": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier, and there are some shadows in the lower field of the left lung.", "0053": "The texture of both lungs increases. , nodular shadow in the middle field of the right lung. ,", "0054": "Small nodule in the right upper lung.", "0055": "There may be a little inflammation in the lungs. Please consider it clinically. ,Aortic tortuosity.", "0056": "After PICC catheterization: there is a mass shadow in the left upper lung, please combine it with clinical practice.", "0057": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. , left lung apical induration focus. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0058": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier, with suspicious small nodules. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0059": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier and blurred. , localized swelling of the right diaphragm.", "0060": "The lung texture is slightly heavier twice. , interstitial changes in the lower field of the right lung. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0061": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. , a small nodule at the overlap between the upper field of the right lung and the ribs. , the aortic node is calcified, compressing the trachea and moving it to the right. , the left costophrenic angle is less sharp. ,", "0062": "The texture of both lungs is increased; after pacemaker implantation, the heart shadow is full and the aorta is hardened; please combine it with clinical practice.", "0063": "The texture of both lungs was increased and blurred, and they were suspiciously faint. , irregular translucent area and small nodule-like shadow behind the left heart shadow. , the oblique fissure of the right lung is thickened. , please combine medical history and clinical practice.", "0064": "The lung texture is thick twice, please refer to clinical practice. , There are nodules in the lower field of the right lung, and the axial projection of blood vessels is possible. Further examination is required if necessary. , full heart shadow, arteriosclerosis.", "0065": "The two lungs were scattered with small dots and dot-like shadows. , The right hilar shadow is widened. , arterial node calcification. , a little pleural effusion on the right side. , changes after sternotomy surgery.", "0066": "The texture of both lungs became heavier and blurred, with scattered small spots forming shadows. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0067": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier and blurred. ,arteriosclerosis.", "0068": "The lung texture increases twice.", "0069": "The texture of both lungs is slightly increased. Please combine it with clinical practice.", "0070": "There is a slight increase in the lung texture twice. Please consider it clinically.", "0071": "Small tubercle on the left midfield;, left rib and clavicle fracture review.", "0072": "The lower field texture of the left lung is slightly heavier, please consider it clinically.", "0073": "The texture of both lungs has increased and the right upper lung mass is shadowed. CT examination is recommended.", "0074": "The texture of both lungs increased and the lower lung field was blurred. , right pacemaker shadow. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0075": "The lung texture is slightly heavier twice. , inflammation of the lower field of the right lung is not excluded. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0076": "There is no obvious abnormality in the heart and lungs, and the right diaphragm is not smooth. Please consider the clinical situation.", "0077": "The two lower lung textures increased in weight, with a small nodule-like shadow in the middle of the left lung and in the lower part of the right lung.", "0078": "The texture of both lungs increases. , tiny nodules in the upper fields of both lungs. , there were multiple suspicious nodules in the middle lobe of the right lung. , further inspection is recommended if necessary.", "0079": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. , the right pleura is slightly thicker. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0080": "The lung texture is slightly heavier twice. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0081": "No active lesions were found in both lungs. , please combine it with clinical practice. ,", "0082": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier and blurred.", "0083": "After internal fixation of the left rib fracture, a small amount of pneumothorax occurred at the left lung apex. the air in the left pleural cavity decreased. ,", "0084": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. , slightly high-density shadow in the right lung, review or further examination if necessary.", "0085": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier.", "0086": "The texture of both lungs increased slightly.", "0087": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier.", "0088": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. , Bilateral costophrenic angles are blunt, considering pleural hypertrophy.", "0089": "Suspicious small nodule in the left lower lung.", "0090": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. , the top of the right diaphragm is partially bulging. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0091": "the texture of both lungs has increased, and the patchy shadow in the middle field of the left lung is roughly the same as before; the patchy shadow in the lower lobe of the right lung has increased compared with before. ; Please combine it with clinical practice. ,", "0092": "The lung texture is slightly heavier in two strokes.", "0093": "The right lower lung texture is slightly heavier and blurred. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0094": "There are suspicious small dot-like shadows in the right upper lung, which may be induration. Please consider the clinical situation.", "0095": "The texture of both lungs became heavier and blurred, and there were small nodules in the left middle lung.", "0096": "The texture of both lungs is increased, with scattered nodules; the heart shadow is full, and the aorta node is calcified; the right middle and upper mediastinal nodule-like high-density shadow may be calcified lymph nodes; , thoracolumbar degeneration, poor alignment.", "0097": "A small amount of inflammation in both lungs is possible.", "0098": "The texture of both lungs is heavier and blurred, and there are strips of shadow in the left lower lung field; inflammatory disease? , Suspicious nodule in the right lower lung field, nipple projection? Surrounded by vascular shadow?", "0099": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier and blurred. , the tracheal projection area of \u200b\u200bthe neck is slightly high-density, please combine it with clinical practice and conduct further examination if necessary.", "0100": "Consider a small amount of inflammation in the right lower lung. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0101": "The left lung hilum was slightly full, and there were no clear abnormalities in the remaining lungs, heart, and diaphragm. ,", "0102": "There are a few suspicious lines in the lower field of the left lung. Old lesions and incomplete expansion need to be identified. Please combine it with clinical practice.", "0103": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. , suspicious nodules near the hilum of both lungs, please combine it with clinical practice.", "0104": "Possible small amount of pleural effusion on the left side. , a little inflammation in the lung field twice? Please combine it with clinical practice. , there were suspicious nodular shadows at the level of the 5th and 6th anterior ribs in both lower lung fields. , the right hilus is slightly full.", "0105": "The texture of both lungs increases.", "0106": "The lung texture is slightly heavier twice. , right lower lung cord shadow. ,The shape of the second right rib is irregular, forked rib? , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0107": "Multiple rib fractures on the right side and changes after internal fixation of the right clavicle. , the right lower lung texture is increased and blurred. , aortic node calcification. , please combine it with clinical practice. ,", "0108": "Suspicious small nodule in the lower field of the left lung, further examination if necessary.", "0109": "There are multiple nodules in both lungs. Further examination is recommended. , the heart shadow increases. ,arteriosclerosis. , changes after vena cava catheterization.", "0110": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier.", "0111": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier, and there are small nodules in the right upper lung field.", "0112": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier, and the left middle lung point is shadowed. , There is a faint shadow in the left lower lung, possibly the pericardial fat pad. , full heart shadow, aortic sclerosis. , possible pleural calcification at the base of the right lung. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0113": "After the PICC tube is inserted, the end of the tube is approximately located in the right mediastinum at the level of the lower edge of the thoracic 7 vertebral body. , Double lung texture increased. , The right costophrenic angle is slightly rounded and blunt. ,", "0114": "There are multiple mass masses in the middle and lower lung fields of the right lung. Please consider clinical practice.", "0115": "The right lower pulmonary artery is thickened. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0116": "1. A little pneumothorax on the right side is not excluded, a small amount of pleural effusion on the right side is possible; the right side will change after chest drainage. , 2. There is a suspicious mass in the right middle and lower lung field. ,3. Exudative lesions of the right lung. ,4. A little inflammation in the left lower lung field is not excluded. ,5. Suspicious small nodule in the left middle and upper lung field. ,6. Postoperative changes of the left humerus. , combined with the clinical history, chest CT examination is recommended.", "0117": "After PICC catheterization and deep vein catheterization: the texture of both lungs became thickened and blurred, and there were multiple micronodules in both lungs. , the heart shadow is not large, and the left hilus is enlarged. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0118": "Inflammation of the lower field of the left lung.", "0119": "Possible double pneumonia changes;,A few old lesions in the right upper lung field are not excluded;,The light transmittance of the left lung is reduced, and the left diaphragm is unclear, considering the possibility of effusion;,Aorta Sclerosis; internal tube shadow of the superior vena cava, with its head end ending at the level of the 7th posterior rib on the right side; thoracic scoliosis. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0120": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier.", "0121": "The texture of both lungs increased slightly.", "0122": "The texture of both lungs is thick. , with micronodules in the field under the left lung. , it is recommended to review it regularly.", "0123": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier.", "0124": "The texture of both lungs increased and became blurred, with suspicious small nodules. , the left hilus appeared full. , further inspection if necessary.", "0125": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. , the right hilus is full.", "0126": "The texture of both lungs becomes heavier and blurred. , the heart is full of shadow. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0127": "The texture of both lungs increased slightly and were scattered in small spots.", "0128": "Consider a small amount of inflammation in both lungs, excluding bronchiectasis. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0129": "The texture of both lungs increases. , there are suspicious small patchy shadows in the projection area of \u200b\u200bthe fifth anterior rib in the right lower lung field, except for a little inflammation. , suspicious small nodules in the right middle lung field and left lower lung field.", "0130": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. , there may be a small nodule in the middle field of the left lung. , both lungs are scattered in strips. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0131": "Possible sclerosis focus in the right upper lung. , the translucency in the anterior costophrenic corner area is slightly less uniform. , aortic sclerosis. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0132": "The texture of both lungs is increased, please consider it clinically.", "0133": "The texture of both lungs is thick and slightly blurred. Please refer to clinical practice. , the heart shadow is horizontal, slightly full. , Lateral view shows: wedge deformation of some vertebral bodies in the thoracolumbar segment.", "0134": "The texture of both lungs was increased and blurred, with suspicious small faint shadows. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0135": "Two lung textures slightly increased in weight.", "0136": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier and blurred. , the posterior costophrenic angle is less sharp.", "0137": "Right lower field pneumonia. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0138": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. , the left costophrenic angle is less sharp.", "0139": "The two lungs have thick texture, and there are a few strip shadows in the two lung fields; please combine it with clinical practice. , there is a suspicious small nodule in the right lower lung field. , the heart shadow is slightly full, and the aortic node is calcified. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0140": "Both lungs have heavy texture. , small nodule-like shadow in the right lower lung, excluding nipple shadow.", "0141": "The texture of both lungs increases. , small nodule in the left lung. ,The shape of the right clavicle is not regular, please consider it clinically. ,arteriosclerosis.", "0142": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. ,", "0143": "The texture of both lungs becomes heavier and blurred. , Retrosternal strip-like high-density shadow, possible calcification.", "0144": "There is a slightly high-density shadow in the projection area of \u200b\u200bthe first anterior rib on both sides, suggesting the possibility of costal cartilage calcification. , no clear abnormalities were found in the remaining lungs, heart, and diaphragm.", "0145": "The texture of both lungs increased, and the second intercostal space in the upper field of the right lung was suspiciously slightly high-density. , it is recommended to be combined with clinical practice.", "0146": "The texture of both lungs increased slightly; changes after PICC catheterization; please combine it with clinical practice.", "0147": "The texture of both lungs is heavy. , old lesions in both lung apices. , right upper lung nodule, please combine it with clinical practice.", "0148": "The texture of both lungs is increased. Please consider it clinically.", "0149": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier.", "0150": "Pneumothorax on the left side, drainage tube shadow can be seen, and scattered shadows in the left lung, please combine it with clinical practice. , small induration focus in the upper lobe of the right lung. , blurred shadows in the lower fields of both lungs, inflammation? Partial insufficiency of inflation in both lower lungs is not excluded. , please combine it with clinical practice and perform chest CT examination when necessary.", "0151": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. ,", "0152": "The texture of both lungs is increased, please consider it clinically.", "0153": "The texture of both lungs increased. , right lung mass shadow; , left lung outer band dense patchy shadow and cord shadow; , left diaphragm surface and costophrenic angle disappear; , PICC postoperative tube head end is level with the level of the 8th posterior rib on the right side. ,", "0154": "The lung texture increases twice.", "0155": "There were a few light shadows in the two lower lung fields, and the interlobar fissures were widened. , the right lung apex has low radiolucency. , the right costophrenic angle is not clear. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0156": "The texture of both lungs is thick, please consider clinical practice. , cords and tiny nodules in the upper field of the right lung, please combine the medical history.", "0157": "No abnormalities were found in the lungs, heart and diaphragm. , left clavicle fracture.", "0158": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier, with cord shadows in the lower fields of both lungs; and high-density nodules in the middle field of the right lung. ,", "0159": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. , there is a little bit of shadow in the right upper lung, maybe a little inflammation. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0160": "A mass in the right cardiophrenic corner area. , the texture of both lungs is thick, the texture of the right lung is blurred, cord-like shadows appear in the right middle lung field, pneumothorax line? Right chest drainage surgery. , large cardiac shadow, aortic sclerosis. , there may be a little pleural effusion or pleural thickening on the right side. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0161": "There are nodules in the middle of the right lung, possibly induration. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0162": "There may be some inflammation in the right upper lung. , right lung apex nodule. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0163": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier and blurred. , possible sclerosis focus in the left upper lung. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0164": "Cavity in the right lung, occupying space? tuberculosis? , left tuberculosis? Please recommend further examination based on clinical considerations. , the right hilus appears full.", "0165": "A round, slightly high-density shadow in the upper field of the right lung with clear borders. , Suspicious small nodule in the left middle lung field. , the heart shadow and bilateral hilar shadow are slightly larger. Please combine it with chest CT. ,", "0166": "Cords and nodular shadows in the upper lobe of the left lung were considered to be induration. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0167": "The texture of both lungs increased and the lower lung field was slightly blurred. , There are nodules in the lung fields on the lateral radiograph, and the density of the local lung fields is relatively high. , the aorta is tortuous.", "0168": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier and blurred, with suspicious small spots.", "0169": "Both lungs have heavy texture. , possibly old lesions in both lungs.", "0170": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. , Dense nodules in the upper lobe of the left lung, possibly induration. ,", "0171": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier.", "0172": "Right upper lung nodule, further examination if necessary; right lower lung infection with right pleural effusion; full heart shadow; arteriosclerosis.", "0173": "Right pleural effusion, possible incomplete expansion of the lower lobe of the right lung, built-in tube shadow in the right thoracic cavity; both lung hilum are slightly full; double lung textures are increased, with a few spots film, consider the possibility of inflammatory changes. ,", "0174": "The lung texture becomes heavier and blurred twice.", "0175": "A little inflammation of the lungs may occur. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0176": "Chronic bronchial bronchitis in both lungs may be accompanied by inflammation. Please consider it clinically. , the heart shadow increases. , patchy calcification of the left pleura.", "0177": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0178": "Increased texture in both lungs. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0179": "The texture of both lungs increased slightly. ,After PICC catheter placement, the end runs upward. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0180": "The texture of both lungs increases.", "0181": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier, with striped shadows in the lower field of the right lung and suspicious nodules in the lower lobe of the left lung. , changes after pacemaker implantation, large cardiac shadow.", "0182": "The texture of both lungs increases. , there are dotted strip shadows in the middle and upper fields of the right lung. the lesions are significantly reduced. Please combine it with clinical practice. , aortic sclerosis. , mild scoliosis of the spine. ,,", "0183": "The texture of both lungs increases. , right upper lung point shadow.", "0184": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier.", "0185": "The texture of both lungs is increased, please consider it clinically. , review of left transverse process fracture, please combine it with clinical practice.", "0186": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier, and the apex of both lungs is dot-like. , there is a patchy high-density shadow in the left lower lung field where the ribs overlap. Please combine it with clinical practice.", "0187": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0188": "The texture of both lungs is heavy and messy.", "0189": "The texture of both lungs increased slightly.", "0190": "Consider right middle lobe inflammation.", "0191": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0192": "The texture of both lungs increased slightly. , nodular focus in the right subdiaphragmatic projection area.", "0193": "Consider a small amount of inflammation in both lungs, please combine it with clinical practice.", "0194": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. , possible induration at the left lung apex. , Lumbar spine degeneration. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0195": "The texture of both lungs increased slightly. , Suspicious small nodule in the right middle lung field, cross-section of blood vessel shadow?", "0196": "A little inflammation in two lung fields cannot be ruled out. Please combine it with clinical practice. , Aortic tortuosity and sclerosis.", "0197": "The texture of both lungs increased. , the heart shadow is big.", "0198": "The texture of both lungs increased slightly.", "0199": "The texture of both lungs becomes heavier and blurred.", "0200": "The texture of both lungs is heavy, please consider clinical practice.", "0201": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. , left rib fracture.", "0202": "The lung texture is slightly heavier and blurred twice.", "0203": "A small amount of inflammation in both lungs is possible, please consider it clinically.", "0204": "The lung texture is slightly heavier twice.", "0205": "A small amount of pleural effusion on the left side is not excluded. , right pneumothorax, changes after right chest drainage. , two pneumonic lesions. , the heart shadow is big. , changes after deep vein catheterization.", "0206": "Consider a small amount of inflammation in both lungs. , the left costophrenic angle is less sharp.", "0207": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier and blurred, with scattered dots/small dots. , the heart shadow is full, and the right hilar shadow is thickened. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0208": "Suspicious small nodule in the middle field of the right lung. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0209": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier, and the overlapping area of \u200b\u200bthe first rib of the right upper lung is slightly higher density. , small nodule-like shadows in both lower lungs, excluding nipple shadows. Check further if necessary.", "0210": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. ,arteriosclerosis.", "0211": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. , with nodules in the field under the right lung. , the heart shadow is enlarged and the aortic node is calcified. , small fluid levels in the intestines. ,", "0212": "Polymorphic lesions in the left upper lung, excluding tuberculosis.", "0213": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0214": "Consider right pneumonia, please combine it with clinical practice.", "0215": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. , Suspicious spot shadowing and induration at the left lung apex? , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0216": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier and blurred. ,arteriosclerosis.", "0217": "The texture of both lungs is increased; please combine it with clinical practice.", "0218": "The texture of both lungs increased.", "0219": "A small amount of inflammation in both lungs.", "0220": "The texture of both lungs became heavier and blurred, and suspicious spots formed shadows on the right lung apex and lower lung field.", "0221": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier.", "0222": "Small nodule in the upper field of the left lung. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0223": "1. There is no obvious change in the miliary and small nodule shadows in both lungs. , 2. Strips and strip shadows can be seen in the middle and lower fields of the left lung, and a few patchy shadows can be seen in the right lung, except for a little inflammation. , 3. The heart shadow is larger and slightly more obvious than before. ,4. The right vena cava was catheterized, and the drainage tube shadow was seen in the left chest. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0224": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier, and there are suspicious small nodules in the middle field of the right lung.", "0225": "The texture of both lungs has increased in weight, and the texture of the lower field of the right lung is blurred. Please combine it with clinical practice. ,", "0226": "The texture of both lungs is heavy, please consider clinical practice.", "0227": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier.", "0228": "The texture of both lungs is increased; there are spots in the left middle and upper lung field, inflammatory changes? Please combine it with clinical practice; localized pleural thickening at the right lung apex may be possible.", "0229": "The texture of both lungs increased, and the retrosternal nodule-like shadow was observed. Please combine it with clinical practice. , changes after sternotomy surgery.", "0230": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier.", "0231": "The texture of both lungs increases. , small induration focus in the middle field of the left lung. , the heart shadow increases. , possible left pleural effusion. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0232": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier.", "0233": "A little inflammation of the lungs may occur. , the right lower hilus appeared full; calcifications near the upper mediastinum were possible. , full heart shadow, aortic sclerosis. , please combine it with clinical practice. ,", "0234": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavy, please consider it clinically. , No clear dislocation fracture was found in the left costal oblique radiograph.", "0235": "Old lesions in both lungs;,", "0236": "The lung texture is slightly heavier in two strokes. , the upper mediastinum is wide.", "0237": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier, and there are suspicious small dots. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0238": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. ,", "0239": "The texture of both lungs increases. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0240": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier.", "0241": "No abnormalities were found in the lungs, heart and diaphragm. , swelling-like changes in the soft tissue of the neck, and small nodules in the soft tissue of the right neck.", "0242": "Large heart shadow and arteriosclerosis. After pacemaker implantation. , Double lung texture increased. , a little effusion in the right pleural cavity.", "0243": "The bilateral lower lung texture is slightly increased and blurred.", "0244": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier, and there is a little streak shadow in the left lung. , thoracolumbar spine sequence instability.", "0245": "After sternotomy. , there are small rough nodules in the middle field of the left lung, cord-like shadows in the lower lung field, and the costophrenic angle becomes shallow.", "0246": "The texture of both lungs is increased; high-density shadows are found in the upper field of the left lung and behind the heart edge, which is considered to be a foreign body outside the body.", "0247": "There is a mass and patchy shadow in the lower lobe of the right lung. Further examination is recommended. , possible right pleural effusion.", "0248": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. , there seems to be nodular shadow where the lower field of the left lung overlaps with the ribs, nipple?", "0249": "If the lung texture increases twice, please consider it clinically.", "0250": "The texture of both lungs is thick and blurred. , left upper lung mass shadow. , pacemaker implantation. ,Sternoplasty.", "0251": "The texture of both lungs increased, and there was a small nodule-like shadow behind the left heart shadow.", "0252": "The texture of both lungs increased slightly. , nodular shadow in the right upper lung field, foreign bodies outside the body are not excluded.", "0253": "The texture of both lungs is increased, please consider it clinically.", "0254": "The texture of both lungs increased and there were suspicious small dots. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0255": "Old lesions in the right lung; small induration in the lower lung field. , small left lower hilar nodule, vascular shadow? , the translucency in the anterior costophrenic corner area is slightly less uniform. ,", "0256": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier, and there is a suspicious nodule in the lower field of the right lung. , The shape of the 4th to 6th posterior ribs on the right side is irregular. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0257": "The texture of both lungs is increased, please consider it clinically. , possible calcification at the right lung apex.", "0258": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier, and the upper field of both lungs is slightly more dense. , postoperative changes in the lumbar spine. ,", "0259": "The texture of both lungs increased slightly, and there were suspicious spots in the right lower lung field.", "0260": "Inflammation in the right lung, suspicious small nodules. , left lower pneumonia is not excluded.", "0261": "The texture of both lungs becomes heavier and blurred. , right interlobe fluid? Basically the same as before. , a small amount of pleural effusion on the left side is possible. , the above performance is relatively unchanged.", "0262": "The texture of both lungs becomes heavier and blurred. , multiple patches and nodules in both lungs. , Bilateral pleural effusion is possible. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0263": "A little inflammation in the right lower lung field is not excluded; nodular shadow in the left upper lung field is considered: cross-section of vascular shadow.", "0264": "The lung texture is slightly heavier twice. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0265": "Consider: A small amount of inflammation in the left lung, please consider it based on clinical considerations.", "0266": "The texture of both lungs increased, and the left lung was in the lower field. , the left diaphragm is blurred.", "0267": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. , Suspicious nodule-like shadow in the left upper lung.", "0268": "Small nodule in the upper field of the right lung. , Calcification focus in the upper field of the left lung. , Bilateral diaphragm calcification. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0269": "The texture of both lungs increased, and there were scattered light shadows in the lower lung field. , the heart shadow and right hilum were full. ,Sternoplasty. ,", "0270": "The lung texture is slightly heavier twice. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0271": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier.", "0272": "The texture of both lungs is heavy. , old lesions in both lungs. , bilateral upper pleural thickening with calcification. , after deep vein catheterization. , Partial vertebral body wedge deformation. , please combine it with clinical practice. ,", "0273": "The texture of both lungs is increased, please consider it clinically.", "0274": "The texture of both lungs is blurred. , there are 8 carpal bones in the left wrist, please combine it with clinical practice.", "0275": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavy and scattered in small spots.", "0276": "Increased texture in both lungs. , Induration focus in the lower field of the right lung. , The left diaphragmatic angle is shallow and blunt. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0277": "There was a mass shadow in the left hilar area, the right hilar shadow increased in weight, and the upper mediastinum widened. , patchy shadow in the lower field of the right lung. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0278": "The texture of both lungs became heavier and blurred, and there were small dots in the right middle lung.", "0279": "The texture of both lungs increased, and there were small nodules in both upper lung fields.", "0280": "Possible induration at the left lung apex. , Slightly high-density shadow on the right 4th anterior rib, costal cartilage calcification? , further inspection if necessary.", "0281": "The texture of both lungs is slightly increased and blurred. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0282": "Suspicious induration in the right lung apex. ,", "0283": "The lung texture is slightly messy twice.", "0284": "The texture of both lungs is increased and blurred, please consider the clinical practice; pleural thickening; interlocated colon? ,,", "0285": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier and blurred, with scattered small spots.", "0286": "The texture of both lungs is heavier, blurred, and suspicious with multiple small light shadows. , nodular shadow in the upper field of the right lung. , CT examination is recommended.", "0287": "Consider: Bronchopneumonia is possible, and it is recommended to re-examine after anti-inflammation.", "0288": "The lung texture is slightly heavier and blurred twice.", "0289": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier.", "0290": "Suspicious small nodule in the left lung. , partial intestinal pneumatosis can be seen in the abdomen, and the fluid in the right middle abdomen is flat. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0291": "The texture of both lungs has increased in weight, and the paramarginal texture of the lower left lung is blurred. Please consider clinical practice.", "0292": "The left lower lung texture is slightly heavier, follow up.", "0293": "Two lung textures slightly increased in weight. , there are cords and shadows in the lower fields of both lungs, which is considered to be inflammation or incomplete expansion. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0294": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. ,", "0295": "The texture of both lungs is increased. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0296": "Induration at the apex of the right lung.", "0297": "There is an increase in the texture of both lungs and a nodular shadow in the right middle lung field. Please consider this clinically.", "0298": "Small induration in the outer zone of the right upper lung.", "0299": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier and blurred. , aortic node calcification. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0300": "A small amount of inflammation in the lungs may occur. , a small amount of left pleural effusion is not excluded.", "0301": "Two lungs Ueno cord. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0302": "There was a suspicious nodule-like slightly high-density shadow in the overlap between the lower field of the left lung and the ribs. Please combine it with clinical practice. Review if necessary.", "0303": "After internal fixation of ribs 3 and 4 on the left side. , the texture of both lungs is thickened. , nodule in the upper lobe of the right lung, considering rib overlap. , Bilateral pleural effusion. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0304": "The texture of both lungs increased, and the right lower lung was faint. , suspicious small nodules in the left upper lung. ,Aortic tortuosity. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0305": "The texture of both lungs increases. , Nodules in the lower fields of both lungs, consider the nipples.", "0306": "The texture of both lungs is heavy and the structure is disordered. , bilateral lower pulmonary sclerosis lesions, left lower pulmonary cord strip shadow. , Suspicious small nodule behind the sternum. , the right lower hilum is slightly widened.", "0307": "Right upper lung sclerosis focus.", "0308": "The texture of both lungs increased slightly. , small nodular shadows in both middle and lower lung fields, and vascular shadows in cross-section?", "0309": "The texture of both lungs increases. , a mass of high-density shadow can be seen in the left breast.", "0310": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier and blurred, and the shadow of the left heart is suspiciously high-density. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0311": "The texture of both lungs is thick and blurred. Please refer to clinical practice. , Lateral view shows: mild wedge deformation of some vertebral bodies in the thoracolumbar segment.", "0312": "The two lung textures are slightly severe, please consider clinical practice.", "0313": "The lung texture is slightly heavier and blurred twice. , possible sclerosis at the right lung apex. , the left 4th-6th ribs have an irregular shape. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0314": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. , spot-like shadow in the left middle lung field. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0315": "The texture of both lungs is thick and slightly blurred, and there are a few strip-like shadows in the two lower lung fields; a little inflammation? ,Old lesions next to the mediastinum in the right upper lung field and postoperative changes? Please combine it with clinical practice.", "0316": "The lung texture is slightly heavier in two strokes. Please combine it with clinical practice.", "0317": "Small nodule shadow in the right costophrenic angle area.", "0318": "There is patchy shadow in the middle field of the left lung, which is considered to be inflammation.", "0319": "The texture of both lungs increased slightly. , possible localized pleural thickening at both lung apices. ,", "0320": "The texture of both lungs increased. , aortic node calcification. , after inferior vena cava catheterization.", "0321": "The texture of both lungs is heavy, and the field zone of the lower lung is blurred. , old lesions in both lungs. , left hilar nodular shadow, possible cross-sectional shadow of blood vessels.", "0322": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier, and there is a suspicious nodule-like shadow in the middle of the left lung. Please consider clinical practice. , local swelling of the right diaphragm.", "0323": "There was a small patchy slightly high-density shadow in the field under the left lung, and pleural plaques were considered based on the previous CT. , high-density shadow in the left lower abdomen, combined with previous CT, intra-abdominal calcification was considered. ,", "0324": "The texture of both lungs increases.", "0325": "The texture of both lungs is heavy.", "0326": "The texture of both lungs increased and the lower lung field was slightly blurred. ,Sternoplasty. ,", "0327": "The texture of both lungs increased slightly.", "0328": "The texture of both lungs increased, and the right PICC catheter was shadowed. It is recommended to combine clinical practice.", "0329": "There is a mass shadow in the hilar area in the middle field of the left lung, which may be inflammation. , please combine it with clinical practice and use CT when necessary.", "0330": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. , there may be old lesions outside the left middle lung. ,,", "0331": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. , there are some patchy shadows in the lower field of the right lung. ,", "0332": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier, with suspicious small nodules. , there may be foreign matter outside the body in the projection area of \u200b\u200bthe right upper lung field. ,", "0333": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier and blurred, and the translucency in the anterior costophrenic angle area is slightly less uniform. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0334": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier, and there may be a sclerosis focus in the right lower lung. , circular projection in the left middle and lower lung, possible vascular projection or induration focus. , left pleural hypertrophy is possible. ,,", "0335": "The lung texture is blurred twice.", "0336": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier, and the lower field of the right lung and the nodular shadow behind the heart shadow are recommended for further examination. , the heart shadow is large, and the pulmonary artery in the lower lobe of the right lung is thickened.", "0337": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier, and there are suspicious small nodules in the lower lung field. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0338": "Sclerosis focus in the right middle lung.", "0339": "The texture of both lungs is thick and blurred. , left upper lung mass shadow. , pacemaker implantation. ,Sternoplasty. , the above performance is the same as the chest X-ray on 2019-12-31. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0340": "The texture of both lungs became heavier and blurred, and there were suspicious small dots.", "0341": "The texture of both lungs is heavier, blurred, and scattered with dot-like shadows. Please refer to clinical practice.", "0342": "There is a nodule in the right lower lung. Please combine it with clinical practice.", "0343": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier and blurred, and there are speckles in the right lower lung. Please consider clinical practice.", "0344": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. , the heart is full of shadow.", "0345": "The texture of both lungs increased slightly; there was a small nodule at the left lung apex. ,", "0346": "No abnormalities were found in the lungs, heart and diaphragm; left rib and clavicle fractures were reviewed.", "0347": "The texture of both lungs increased; there was a small nodule in the left middle lung. ,", "0348": "The texture of both lungs increases.", "0349": "Consider interstitial lesions in both lungs, excluding pneumonia, please combine with chest CT. , aortic sclerosis. , after PICC catheterization. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0350": "The texture of both lungs increased slightly. , after mitral valve replacement.", "0351": "Review of left rib fracture. , the texture of both lungs is slightly heavier, scattered in small spots. , a small amount of sliver shadow in the left lower lung. , the heart shadow is large, the aortic node is prominent and calcified, and the trachea is compressed and shifted to the right. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0352": "Increased weight of bilateral lung textures. , scoliosis. , degenerative osteoarthrosis of the right knee and synovial osteochondroma are excluded. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0353": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. , Induration in the upper field of the left lung. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0354": "The texture of both lungs increases. , the left 9th and 10th rib fractures changed after surgery, and part of the left ribs were fractured. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0355": "There may be inflammatory changes in the right lower lung field. Please consider the clinical situation and recommend a review after anti-inflammatory treatment. ,", "0356": "The texture of both lungs is heavy and the structure is disordered. Please combine it with clinical practice.", "0357": "The texture of both lungs increased; the nodular shadow in the left lower lung field; the postoperative changes in the chest.", "0358": "Both lungs have heavy texture. , there are multiple punctate high-densities in the left lung apex, which is considered to be the possibility of old lesions. , patchy high density in the left lower lung field, left pleural effusion, further examination if necessary.", "0359": "The texture of both lungs is increased and blurred. Please refer to clinical practice.", "0360": "The texture of both lungs increased slightly.", "0361": "There is a small nodule in the right lower lung field. Please consider it clinically.", "0362": "The texture of both lungs increased, and the apical cord shadow of the left lung increased. , small nodular focus in the right upper abdomen.", "0363": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. , the left upper lung point is shadowed, and the blood vessel section or induration may be. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0364": "Small nodule-like shadow in the middle field of the right lung, further examination if necessary.", "0365": "Left middle lung field inflammation? It is recommended to review after anti-inflammatory treatment.", "0366": "The lung texture is heavy twice. , The left costophrenic angle is unclear. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0367": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier and blurred, and there are suspicious small dots in the left upper lung field; there are suspicious small dots in the middle lung field. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0368": "The texture of both lungs is heavier and blurred, and there are suspicious spots. Please consult the clinic.", "0369": "Right pneumothorax, right lung incomplete inflation. , mass shadows and nodules in both lungs, combined with the medical history, multiple metastases were considered. , suspicious spots and stripes in the left lung field. , the right hilus is not clearly visible. , after right subclavian catheter placement.", "0370": "The texture of both lungs became heavier and blurred, the upper right lung had flaky high-density shadows, and the density of the lower left lung increased. , the right diaphragmatic angle was shallow and blunt, and the left costophrenic angle was poorly displayed. , postoperative changes in the thoracic spine.", "0371": "The texture of both lungs increased slightly. , there is a small nodule in the right lower lung field, consider the vascular shadow section.", "0372": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier, with suspicious small nodules.", "0373": "The texture of both lungs becomes heavier and blurred.", "0374": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier, the posterior edge of the heart shadow in the lateral view is slightly denser nodules, and the retrocardiac space is slightly denser.", "0375": "There may be a small amount of inflammation in the lungs. Please consider it clinically.", "0376": "The texture of both lungs increases. , there is a suspicious mass shadow in the right lower lung, the boundary is not clear. , please combine the clinical history.", "0377": "The texture of both lungs increased. , thoracolumbar degeneration. , T12 vertebral body compression fracture. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0378": "The radiolucency in the right lower lung field is slightly lower.", "0379": "Increased weight of texture in both lungs; old lesions in both lungs.", "0380": "A small amount of inflammation in both lungs.", "0381": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. , suspicious high-density nodules in the lower field of the left lung, please consider it in combination with CT. ,After PICC catheterization, the end of the tube is level with the level of the 7th posterior rib on the right side.", "0382": "Pneumonia changes in the lower left side, please combine it with clinical practice. , a little pleural effusion on the left side.", "0383": "The texture of both lungs increased, and the local structure of the right lower lung was slightly disordered.", "0384": "There is a suspicious slightly high density shadow in the left lower lung field (anterior costophrenic angle area).", "0385": "The right diaphragm is high, please combine it with other examinations.", "0386": "The lung texture is slightly heavier and blurred twice. , right lower lung nodule, nipple? , aortic sclerosis. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0387": "Improper posture and deflection of the trachea. Degeneration of the thoracic spine. , the texture of both lungs is slightly heavier.", "0388": "The texture of both lungs became heavier and blurred, and the lower lung field had striped shadows. , full heart shadow, arteriosclerosis. After vertebral surgery, some thoracic vertebrae become flattened.", "0389": "The texture of both lungs increased and there were suspicious small dots. , Fiber cords in the left lung. , the left costophrenic angle became slightly shallower. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0390": "The texture of both lungs is increased and blurred, emphysema, and scattered small nodules. , film-like shadow in the right upper lung; consider double pneumonia. , the left hilus appeared full. , aortic sclerosis. , possible left pleural effusion. , please combine it with clinical practice. ,", "0391": "There is a suspicious nodule in the upper field of the right lung. Please combine it with clinical practice. Check further if necessary.", "0392": "Review after right chest drainage. , The right hilus is large and there is a suspicious mass. Please combine it with clinical practice. ,", "0393": "The texture of both lungs is slightly disordered, and calcified nodules are scattered in both lungs. The right hilus is large. , right femoral neck fracture.", "0394": "Right pneumothorax. , dense shadow at the right lung apex. , a small amount of pleural effusion on the right side. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0395": "Dense shadows in the middle and upper fields of both lungs, suggesting the possibility of old lesions. , there is a dense shadow next to the heart edge of the left lower lung, possibly a pericardial fat pad. , there is a dense shadow next to the right upper mediastinum, possibly calcified lymph nodes. , aortic node calcification. , please combine the above with clinical practice. ,", "0396": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. , there were vague patchy shadows in the right middle and upper lung field, indicating suspicious inflammation. , please combine clinical follow-up.", "0397": "The texture of both lungs is increased, please consider it clinically. , Nodular shadow next to the cardiophrenic corner of the right lower lung. ,", "0398": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier.", "0399": "The texture of both lungs became heavier and blurred, scattered in small spots. , nodular shadow in the right hilar area, possibly vascular shadow.", "0400": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. , multiple cystic translucent shadows in the left lung. , subpleural patchy cord shadow in the middle and upper fields of the left lung. , with tiny nodules in the field under the right lung. , The right costophrenic angle is blunt. , the left costophrenic angle disappeared, and cord shadows were seen. ,", "0401": "The texture of both lungs became heavier and blurred, with scattered nodules and faint shadows. , strip-shaped calcification on the right chest wall.", "0402": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. , the aorta is tortuous and sclerotic, and the right hilus is full. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0403": "There may be some inflammation in the lower lobe of the left lung. , the lateral film showed suspicious nodular shadows in the overlapping area between the posterior edge of the heart shadow and the lower edge of the sternum. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0404": "Thin strips of shadow in the left lower lung field.", "0405": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier, and there is a possibility of sclerosis in the left lung. Please consider it clinically. , the heart shadow increases. ,", "0406": "Pneumonic changes in both sides (slightly better than before); Old lesions in the right lung; Possible small amount of pleural effusion on the left side; Arteriosclerosis; Postoperative superior vena cava catheterization ;, Thoracic scoliosis. ,", "0407": "The texture of both lungs has increased, and there are nodules and cord shadows in the left upper lung. CT examination is recommended.", "0408": "The texture of both lungs is thick, please consider it clinically. , old lesions in the left lung apex and right lung lower field. , heart full. , right intertrochanteric fracture of femur.", "0409": "A small amount of inflammation in both lungs.", "0410": "Comparison with the 2020-02-28 chest X-ray: the texture of both lungs has increased; the nodular shadow in the right upper lung is roughly the same as before; the original left middle lung field has faint patchy shadow Not clearly shown; please combine it with clinical practice.", "0411": "The texture of both lungs increased slightly.", "0412": "The texture of both lungs has increased in weight and is scattered in patches. , suspicious nodules in the left lung apex and posterior costophrenic angle area. , the heart shadow increased, and the right hilus appeared full.", "0413": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier, and there is a small nodule-like slightly high-density shadow in the field under the right lung. , There is a focal point behind the left heart shadow, and there may be a blood vessel shadow.", "0414": "Small dot-like shadow in the lower lung field; slightly high-density shadow in the upper field of the left lung. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0415": "The texture of both lungs increased slightly. ,", "0416": "The left lung has high permeability. ,", "0417": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier, with scattered shadows. , full heart shadow, aortic sclerosis. ,The left costophrenic angle is blunt and the pleura is thickened? , please combine it with clinical practice. ,", "0418": "Review of right clavicle fracture. , the texture of both lungs increases.", "0419": "The texture of both lungs increased slightly; there were small nodules in the field of the right lower lung. ,", "0420": "Bronchitis, please combine it with clinical practice.", "0421": "The texture of both lungs is slightly increased. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0422": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier, and the lower field of the left lung is slightly more dense. ,", "0423": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier;, after PICC catheterization;, please combine it with clinical practice.", "0424": "1. The texture of the two lung fields is slightly disordered. , 2. Small high-density nodules are scattered in both lungs. Further examination is required if necessary.", "0425": "The lung texture is slightly heavier and blurred twice.", "0426": "Inflammatory changes in the upper and lower fields of the left lung, please consider clinical practice.", "0427": "The texture of both lungs is thick, and there are some shadows in the lower lungs. Please consider it clinically.", "0428": "There is no abnormality in the lungs, heart and diaphragm. Please compare it with old movies.", "0429": "The lung texture increases twice. , the left costophrenic angle became blunt. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0430": "There are strips and light shadows in the upper field of the left lung. Please combine it with clinical practice.", "0431": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. ,", "0432": "The texture of the two lungs is slightly heavier and the structure is blurred, especially in the right lower lung. Inflammation is not excluded. Please combine it with clinical practice.", "0433": "The texture of both lungs is increased.", "0434": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. , there seems to be a small nodule in the field zone under the right lung.", "0435": "The texture of both lungs increases.", "0436": "The lung texture increased twice, please consider it clinically.", "0437": "The inner zones of both lung fields are slightly blurred, and there may be sclerosis in the upper field of the left lung; calcification of the aortic arch wall; postoperative changes in the lumbar spine. ,", "0438": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier.", "0439": "The texture of both lungs increases. , shadows at the apex of both lungs, possibly old lesions. , with nodular lesions in the right middle lung.", "0440": "The texture of both lungs increased slightly.", "0441": "The texture of both lungs is slightly thick.", "0442": "The texture of both lungs increased slightly.", "0443": "The infectious manifestations in the upper field of the left lung are roughly the same as those on the 2019-9-14 chest X-ray, except for tuberculosis. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0444": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier.", "0445": "Old upper field changes in the right lung. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0446": "Possible left pneumothorax. Please combine it with clinical practice.", "0447": "The lung texture is slightly heavier and blurred twice. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0448": "The texture of both lungs became heavier and blurred, with scattered shadows. , inflammatory changes and small nodules in the upper field of the right lung. , possible emphysema in the right middle lung field. ,descending aorta surgery.", "0449": "The texture of both lungs is heavier and blurred; calcification focus in the right middle and lower lung field; and the heart shadow is full. ,", "0450": "The texture of both lungs is heavy.", "0451": "The texture of both lungs became heavier and blurred, and small shadows and cords were scattered in the lower lung field.", "0452": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier.", "0453": "Both pneumonia symptoms have changed, and further CT examination is recommended. , the heart shadow is enlarged, and the aortic node is calcified; there may be a little pleural effusion on both sides. ,", "0454": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier, and the structure of the left lower lung is slightly disordered. , aortic node calcification. ,,", "0455": "The texture of both lungs is thick and blurred. Please refer to clinical practice. , nodules in the left lower lung field are not excluded. , Mild scoliosis of the thoracic spine.", "0456": "The lateral radiograph shows suspicious intrapulmonary nodules. Further examination is recommended if necessary.", "0457": "\"\"Pulmonary postoperative\"\" changes., Left hydropneumothorax, left chest and bilateral neck subcutaneous emphysema., Suspicious mass in the left middle and lower lung field, please combine clinical.,\"", "0458": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier and blurred. , Thoracic scoliosis.", "0459": "The texture of both lungs is slightly thickened. , review after right wrist fracture, please combine it with clinical practice.", "0460": "The texture of both lungs increases.", "0461": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier, especially in the lower field of the left lung; the upper field of the left lung overlaps the first anterior rib; the area where the upper field of the left lung overlaps with the first anterior rib is slightly high-density shadow; the thoracic spine is degenerative, and some thoracic spine compression fractures are possible. ,", "0462": "A small amount of inflammation in both lungs.", "0463": "Slight inflammation of both lungs is not excluded. Please consider clinical practice.", "0464": "Comparison with 2020-07-13 chest X-ray: there is a little effusion in the right pleural cavity, which is basically absorbed; the texture of both lungs is heavier than before. , right lung mass shadow, please consider it in combination with CT.", "0465": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier, and there is a suspicious small nodule in the upper left lung.", "0466": "Consider interstitial lesions in both lungs, emphysema, and scattered nodular shadows. ,", "0467": "The texture of both lungs was slightly heavier and blurred, and calcifications were seen in the right upper lung.", "0468": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier.", "0469": "The texture of the right lung is heavy and blurred; the heart shadow is full; after left subclavian catheter placement.", "0470": "Suspicious small nodule in the anterior costophrenic angle area. Please combine it with clinical practice.", "0471": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier and blurred. , full heart shadow, aortic sclerosis. , after deep vein catheterization. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0472": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier, and there are shadows in the lower field of the right lung. It is considered that some lung tissue is incompletely expanded. , The lateral radiograph showed a high-density mass in the retrocardial space at the anterior edge of the thoracic vertebrae, and further examination was recommended. , the right lower hilus is slightly full. ,Aortic tortuosity. ,", "0473": "The texture of both lungs increased, and there were suspicious small nodules in the right lower lung.", "0474": "The texture of both lungs becomes heavier and blurred.", "0475": "The lung texture is slightly heavier in two strokes.", "0476": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier.", "0477": "The texture of both lungs increased and the lower lung field was blurred.", "0478": "The texture of both lungs has increased in weight and the structure is blurred. Please consider clinical practice.", "0479": "The texture of both lungs has increased in weight and is slightly blurred. Please refer to clinical practice.", "0480": "The right lower lung has heavy texture; the right lung is nodular. Further examination is required if necessary.", "0481": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier.", "0482": "The texture of both lungs increases.", "0483": "The texture of both lungs is slightly thick. , Bilateral pleural hypertrophy and calcification.", "0484": "The texture of both lungs was slightly heavier and blurred, with suspicious small nodules. , there is a slightly high-density shadow in the running area of \u200b\u200bthe first right anterior rib, indicating possible costal cartilage calcification.", "0485": "The texture of both lungs increased, and there were suspicious shadows in the right lower lung field. Please combine it with clinical practice.", "0486": "The texture of both lungs is increased, and there are patchy shadows in the lower fields of both lungs. Inflammatory changes are not excluded; old lesions in the middle and outer areas of the left lung are possible. , postoperative changes in the left clavicle.", "0487": "The right lower lung texture is slightly heavier. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0488": "Consider right pneumonia and bilateral pleural effusion. , nodular focus in the left lower lung field. , aortic node calcification.", "0489": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier.", "0490": "There are a few nodules on the left lung apex, which are considered old lesions.", "0491": "The texture of both lungs increased, with a few shadows in the lower field of the left lung; the right lung hilum was full. , The light transmittance of the lower field of the right lung is reduced, except for a little inflammation; , The right pneumothorax has a built-in tube shadow in the chest.", "0492": "1. The texture of both lungs increased slightly. , 2. There may be a small induration focus in the middle left lung field. ,3.After coronary stent surgery? Please combine it with clinical practice. Aortic sclerosis.", "0493": "There are a few cords in the lower field of the left lung.", "0494": "The texture of both lungs increases.", "0495": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier.", "0496": "The texture of both lungs increased, and the right upper lung cord was streaked. , possible left pleural effusion. ,After PICC surgery, the head end of the tube is level with the level of the 8th posterior rib on the left side. ,", "0497": "There may be old lesions in the middle and upper fields of both lungs. Please consider the clinical situation. ,", "0498": "Right upper lung sclerosis focus.", "0499": "There are patches and string shadows in the middle of the right lung. , Pleural hypertrophy at both lung apices. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0500": "Changes after tracheal and esophageal intubation, please combine it with clinical practice. , there are multiple light flakes in both lower lungs, inflammatory lesions should be excluded, and further examination will be carried out if necessary. , a high-density nodule in the left upper quadrant, the nature of which is to be determined.", "0501": "The texture of both lungs is increased and disordered, and some inflammatory lesions may be present. , old lesions in both lungs. , the heart shadow is big. , after left subclavian catheter placement.", "0502": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0503": "The texture of both lungs increases. , there is a small nodule in the lower lobe of the left lung near the diaphragm surface, further CT examination is required if necessary. , the heart shadow is big. , the curvature of the thoracic spine is large, some vertebral bodies are slightly flattened, and the T12 vertebral body is wedge-shaped. , thoracolumbar bone hyperplasia. Bilateral transverse process hypertrophy of L5.", "0504": "The lung texture is thick twice. , there are nodules in the field under the left lung, and the possibility of induration is considered.", "0505": "The transparency of both upper lungs increased. , tiny nodules in the upper field of the right lung, follow-up is recommended. , the lung texture in the lower fields of both lungs was thickened and blurred.", "0506": "The texture of both lungs increases.", "0507": "The texture of both lungs increased, and there were suspicious scattered nodules; the lateral radiograph showed small patches of increased density in front of the lower thoracic spine; the aorta was tortuous. , CT examination is recommended.", "0508": "Nodular high-density shadows were seen in the posterior mediastinum on the lateral radiograph, and further CT examination was recommended.", "0509": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier.", "0510": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. ,", "0511": "The texture of both lungs increased, and there was a filmy shadow in the right lower lung field.", "0512": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. , Possible inflammatory disease in the lower field of the left lung. , The left diaphragmatic angle is shallow and blunt.", "0513": "The texture of both lungs is increased; nodules in the lower field of the right lung, papillary shadow? ,Left interstitial lung disease;,After left subclavian catheter placement.", "0514": "The texture of both lungs increases. , there are scattered induration lesions in both upper lungs. ,High-density shadow in the middle and lower part of the right lung, and pleural calcification? , the right costophrenic angle becomes blunt, and pleural thickening or pleural effusion needs to be identified. , The shape of the right humeral head is irregular. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0515": "The texture of both lungs is slightly increased, with spots and patchy shadows on both upper lungs. Combined with chest CT, tuberculosis is considered.", "0516": "The lower field texture of both lungs increased slightly. , subclavian tube placement.", "0517": "The texture of both lungs is increased, and the upper lung fields are streaked. , Tentorial adhesion of the right diaphragm. ,", "0518": "The lung texture increased twice and there were suspicious small nodules.", "0519": "The volume of the right lung decreased, and the texture of the right lung field increased, with multiple cords and patchy shadows. , aortic node calcification. , right diaphragm elevation.it is basically the same as before.", "0520": "The lower field texture of both lungs is thick, please consider it clinically.", "0521": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier.", "0522": "Nodular shadow in the lower field of the left lung, further CT examination is recommended. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0523": "The texture of both lungs is increased. Please consider it clinically.", "0524": "Both lungs have heavy texture. , the right lung nodule is considered to be a nipple shadow. , old lesions of the left lung.", "0525": "The texture of both lungs increases. , The lateral radiograph showed an increase in the density of the anterior costophrenic angle. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0526": "The texture of both lungs increased. , interstitial lesions in both lungs accompanied by infection. , old lesions in both lungs. , the upper mediastinum is slightly widened.", "0527": "There are patchy shadows in the middle and lower lung fields of both lungs. Consider inflammation. Please combine it with clinical practice.", "0528": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier.", "0529": "The lung texture is heavy twice. , left lower lung shadow, possibly pericardial fat pad.", "0530": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier; please combine it with clinical practice.", "0531": "The lung texture increased slightly.", "0532": "The texture of both lungs increases. , Suspicious nodules in the left middle and upper lung fields.", "0533": "The right diaphragm is partially elevated.", "0534": "Nodule in the upper field of the right lung, further examination is recommended.", "0535": "There are multiple nodules in the left lung. Old lesions are considered and CT examination is required if necessary.", "0536": "The texture of both lungs was slightly increased and blurred, and there were suspicious small nodules in the right upper lung field.", "0537": "There are scattered small dots and dot-like shadows in both lungs. There is a slightly higher density shadow behind the left heart shadow. , degeneration of the pelvic bones. If there is high-density shadow in the intestine in the pelvic projection area, please consider it clinically.", "0538": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. , old lesions in the left lower lung.", "0539": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier.", "0540": "The texture of both lungs increased slightly.", "0541": "A small amount of inflammatory changes in the left lung are not excluded. Please consider the clinical", "0542": "Spotted shadow at the left lung apex and suspicious small nodule next to the left hilar.", "0543": "The texture of both lungs was slightly heavier and blurred, and there were small nodules in the right upper lung.", "0544": "The texture of both lungs is slightly increased. Please consider it clinically. , there are cords in the lower field of the right lung, considering old lesions.", "0545": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. , small nodular shadows in the right middle lung field, excluding vascular shadows.", "0546": "The texture of both lungs increases. , patchy shadow in left lower lung. ,Left pleural effusion? ,After PICC surgery, the head end of the tube is at the level of the fifth posterior rib on the right side. , pacemaker implantation. ,,", "0547": "Fibrosclerosis in the upper lobe of the left lung.", "0548": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. , the right upper mediastinum is slightly wider, and blood vessel projection is possible. ,,", "0549": "The texture of both lungs is increased, and the texture of the lower field of the left lung is blurred. Please consider clinical practice. ,", "0550": "A small amount of inflammation in both lungs is possible, and it is recommended to be combined with clinical practice.", "0551": "The texture of both lungs increased slightly. , there were multiple speckled shadows in both lung fields, and the projection of foreign bodies outside the body was considered. , the pleura is thickened at the apex of both lungs. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0552": "The texture of both lungs becomes heavier and blurred. , small nodular focus in the left lower lung field. , both sides of the lungs were full. , tracheal intubation changes. ,", "0553": "The lung texture is slightly heavier and the structure is blurry.", "0554": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier, with scattered small nodules. Please combine it with clinical practice.", "0555": "The texture of both lungs became heavier and blurred, with scattered micronodules. , right pulmonary cord strip shadow. , old fracture of right humerus.", "0556": "Comparison with the old films of our hospital on 2019-10-30: the texture of both lungs is heavier and blurred; the middle lobe of the right lung has scattered dot-like high-density shadows, which may be old lesions; Roughly the same as before.", "0557": "There is a faint shadow in the left lower lung. Please consider it clinically. , hard condensation in the right lower lung. , the left costophrenic angle was blunt, after left chest tube placement. , there is a little air accumulation on the left chest wall. ,", "0558": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier.", "0559": "The upper right lung shows a high-density shadow, and there are multiple masses and nodules in both lungs. Please combine it with clinical practice. , changes after tracheal intubation. ,", "0560": "After left lung surgery, there are scattered shadows in the left lung, please consider the clinical practice; small induration in the upper lobe of the right lung. ,", "0561": "The texture of both lungs increased, and there were scattered small nodules in both lungs; interstitial changes in both lower lungs; aortic node calcification; and the costophrenic angles on both sides were not sharp.", "0562": "The texture of both lungs has increased in weight and is blurred. Please consider it clinically.", "0563": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier.", "0564": "The texture of both lungs is slightly increased. Please consider it clinically.", "0565": "The lung texture becomes heavier and blurred twice.", "0566": "Changes after right chest drainage, pneumothorax line can be seen on the right side; scattered cord shadows in both lungs; patchy blurred shadows in the right lung and left lower lung field, and full right hilum ; Slightly less severe than the previous 2019-1-3; Please combine it with clinical practice.", "0567": "Small dots scattered in both lungs, possibly inflammation in the right middle field. , please combine medical history and clinical practice.", "0568": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier, with suspicious small nodules. , the upper lung field radiolucency is slightly lower. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0569": "The texture of both lungs increased, and there were suspicious small dots.", "0570": "The lung texture becomes heavier and blurred twice. , the spine is slightly curved. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0571": "The texture of both lungs became heavier and blurred, with scattered small dots. ,", "0572": "The texture of both lungs increased, and there were spots and patchy shadows in the middle and upper lung fields on both sides. Old lesions and pleural lesions were considered. , there is a strip shadow under the diaphragm in the right lower lung field, which is considered to be pleural thickening with calcification. , the heart shadow increases.", "0573": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0574": "The texture of both lungs is rough and blurred, with a few shadows in the left lower lung field; a little inflammation? , there may be some old lesions in the apex of both lungs. , aortic sclerosis. , after PICC catheterization. ,", "0575": "The texture of both lungs is rough and blurred. Please refer to clinical practice. , some old lesions in the right upper lung field are not excluded.", "0576": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. ,", "0577": "The texture of both lungs is increased. Inflammation is not excluded. Please combine it with the clinical practice; superior vena cava and intragastric tube shadow.", "0578": "Suspicious small nodular shadows in both lungs, excluding vascular shadows.", "0579": "Infection in the middle field of the left lung. It is recommended to re-examine after anti-inflammation.", "0580": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. , degenerative changes in the lumbar spine.", "0581": "The texture of both lungs increased slightly.", "0582": "A small amount of inflammation in both lungs may be possible.", "0583": "the patchy shadow at the right lung apex has increased in scope. , Mild subpleural interstitial changes in the lower fields of both lungs may be new. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0584": "The lung texture is heavy twice.", "0585": "The texture of both lungs becomes heavier and blurred.", "0586": "The texture of both lungs increased in weight and were scattered in small spots.", "0587": "The texture of both lungs increased and there were scattered nodules. , aortic sclerosis. , Postoperative status of the left breast. ,After PICC surgery, the head end of the tube is at the level of the 7th posterior rib on the right side. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0588": "Small nodules and spots in the upper fields of both lungs, old lesions? , pleural thickening or a small amount of pleural effusion on both sides. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0589": "A small amount of inflammation in the right lower lung is not excluded.", "0590": "The texture of both lungs is increased, and there is a wedge-shaped bulge near the middle edge of the left lung. Please consider the clinical practice.", "0591": "The texture of both lungs increased.", "0592": "Small nodules in the middle and field of both lungs. , the right lung apex has decreased transmittance and bullae. , please combine it with clinical practice and confirm with CT if necessary. ,", "0593": "Interstitial fibrosis in both lungs may be accompanied by inflammatory exudation. , there is a suspicious mass shadow next to the right hilum, and the structure of the double hilum shadow is unclear. , The right mediastinal shadow is widened. , the heart shadow is not clearly displayed. , bilateral pleural thickening is possible. , please consider CT examination based on clinical considerations.", "0594": "The texture of both lungs increased and blurred, with scattered small patchy shadows; and small nodules in the right middle lung field.", "0595": "Nodular shadow in the left upper lung field, foreign body outside the body? Check further if necessary.", "0596": "Two lung textures became heavier, blurred, and scattered in patches.", "0597": "the right cardiophrenic angle area showed little change. , cord-like shadow in the middle and upper right lung field, slightly more obvious than before. , Lateral view shows: the bilateral posterior costophrenic angles are blunted, slightly more obvious than the anterior ones. , the original right chest drainage tube shadow was not seen this time. , what I see is roughly the same as before. , please combine it with clinical practice. ,", "0598": "The texture of both lungs increased and the transmittance of the apex of both lungs decreased. ,The upper mediastinum is widened. , the heart shadow is large, and the aortic node is calcified. , postoperative changes in the thoracic spine. ,", "0599": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier, and there is a high-density shadow in the upper field of the left lung where the first anterior rib overlaps. ,,", "0600": "Inflammation of the upper lobe of the left lung.", "0601": "The texture of both lungs has increased in weight and is scattered in small spots. , The structure of the right hilar area is unclear. , further inspection if necessary.", "0602": "The texture of both lungs increases. , the upper field permeability of both lungs decreased. , multiple nodules in both lungs. ,", "0603": "The texture of both lungs is increased, and there may be a small amount of inflammation in the right lower lung.", "0604": "There is a suspicious small patchy shadow next to the edge of the left lower lung field. Please combine it with clinical practice.", "0605": "The texture of both lungs has increased in weight, and the right lower lung has a shadow, which is considered to be a little inflammation. , Suspicious small nodule in the left lung.", "0606": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier.", "0607": "Two lung textures were increased and blurred, except for inflammation in the lower field of the left lung. , the two posterior costophrenic angles became blunt, and a small amount of effusion was considered. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0608": "A small amount of inflammation in both lungs is possible, please consider clinical practice.", "0609": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier, and micro-nodules are scattered in the right lung. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0610": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. , high-density lesions in the upper field of the left lung, considered old lesions. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0611": "The texture of both lungs increased, and there was a small nodule in the right lower lung. , Calcification focus in the right middle mediastinum. , The right costophrenic angle is blurred. ,", "0612": "Comparison with the 2020-05-13 chest X-ray: the flaky blurred shadows of both lungs are slightly lighter than before; the structure of both lung hilum is clearer than before; the rest is no more obvious than before If it changes, please combine it with clinical practice. ,", "0613": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. ,", "0614": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier, and there are scattered small nodules in both lungs.", "0615": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier, and there are suspicious small shadows in the lower lung field. , aortic tortuosity and sclerosis. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0616": "The texture of both lungs is heavier, blurred, and scattered in spots; there are patchy shadows in the right lower lung, possibly a little inflammation. , The heart shadow is full, the aortic node is calcified; the aorta is tortuous.", "0617": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier and blurred.", "0618": "The texture of both lungs is increased; patchy blurred shadows in the right upper lung field. A small amount of inflammation is not excluded. Please combine it with clinical practice.", "0619": "Nodular-like slightly high-density shadow in the right lung apex. Please combine it with clinical practice. ,", "0620": "The two lung textures are slightly thick.", "0621": "The texture of both lungs is rough and messy. , there are a few suspicious strip shadows in the right lower lung field. , a suspicious small nodule in the left lower lung after shadowing.", "0622": "The texture of both lungs is heavy, please consider clinical practice.", "0623": "There were scattered nodules in both lungs; the lower lung field was blurred. , the heart is full of shadow. , the right diaphragm is bulging. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0624": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. , possible sclerosis focus in the right lower lung. Lower the lungs with rope strips. , the heart shadow is full, and the left hilum structure is not clear. , postoperative changes in the chest. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0625": "The texture of both lungs increased, with scattered induration lesions. , The heart shadow is full, the aorta is tortuous and calcified; please combine it with clinical practice. ,", "0626": "The two lung textures are slightly severe, please consider clinical practice.", "0627": "Both lungs have heavy texture. , old lesions in the right lower lung.", "0628": "There were multiple dense cords and dense nodules in the upper fields of both lungs, suggesting the possibility of old lesions. , the right hilar shadow is enlarged, and the lower field of the right lung has a high-density shadow. Further examination by chest CT is recommended. ,,", "0629": "Calcification lesions and cord shadows in both upper lungs. , interstitial changes in both lungs may be combined with a little inflammation. , two nodular shadows in the lung fields, nipple projection? , the costophrenic angles on both sides become blunt. , after PICC catheterization. , please combine it with clinical practice and conduct CT examination when necessary.", "0630": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier, and there is a suspicious nodule in the lower field of the left lung. , postoperative changes in the lumbar spine. ,", "0631": "The right lower lung texture is slightly heavier. , there are some nodular shadows in the left upper lung, possibly induration, but a little inflammation is not excluded. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0632": "The two lung textures were slightly heavier and blurred, and the right lower lung had a suspicious light shadow.", "0633": "Micronodular focus in the middle field of the left lung. ,", "0634": "The texture of both lungs increased slightly, and there was a small nodule at the left lung apex. ,", "0635": "The texture of both lungs is rough and blurred, and small dots seem to be seen; please combine it with clinical practice. , Suspicious mound-like shadow next to the right upper mediastinum. , the bilateral hilar shadows were slightly enlarged and the structure was unclear. , large cardiac shadow, aortic sclerosis. , a small amount of bilateral pleural effusion is not excluded.", "0636": "Emphysema in both lungs, the texture is slightly heavier and blurred. , there may be some old lesions in both lungs. , The heart shadow is not big, and the aorta is hardened. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0637": "The texture of both lungs becomes heavier and blurred. , old lesions in the right lung. , the heart is full of shadow. arteriosclerosis. , after deep vein catheterization.", "0638": "The texture of both lungs increased slightly. , two small nodules in the lower lobe of the right lung, please combine it with clinical practice.", "0639": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier, and there are small nodules in the right lower lung.", "0640": "Interstitial lesions in both lungs are not excluded, and suspicious small nodules are not excluded. , old lesions in both lung apices. , there are spots in the lower field of the right lung, considering inflammation. , please combine it with clinical practice. ,", "0641": "The texture of both lungs increased, with scattered spots. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0642": "The texture of both lungs became heavier and blurred, and the radiolucency of the upper field of the right lung decreased. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0643": "The texture of both lungs increased, with scattered nodules.", "0644": "The texture of both lungs is slightly increased. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0645": "The heart shadow increases and the texture of both lungs increases.", "0646": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. ,", "0647": "Small nodule in the middle field of the left lung.", "0648": "Left middle and upper lung field lesions, please combine the medical history and clinical practice.", "0649": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier, with suspicious nodules. , there is a flake-like high density in the middle field of the left lung, and a few flakes in the lower field. , possible left pleural effusion. , further inspection is recommended.", "0650": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier.", "0651": "The texture of both lungs increases. ,", "0652": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. , the appearance of the 7th rib on the right side is irregular.", "0653": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. , there is a nodular-like dense shadow in the overlap area between the right wall of the trachea and the beginning of the right fifth rib. Please consider the clinical situation and recommend a chest CT examination if necessary.", "0654": "The texture of both lungs is slightly thick.", "0655": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier, with scattered nodules.", "0656": "After PICC catheterization: the volume of the left lung was slightly smaller; the texture of both lungs increased, and there were multiple mass shadows in the right lung. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0657": "The two lung textures were increased and blurred, and there were suspicious nodules in the anterior costophrenic angle area. , the 6th-7th ribs on the right side are irregular.", "0658": "The texture of both lungs became heavier and blurred, and the local transparency was slightly less uniform.", "0659": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. , there seems to be nodules in the lower field of the left lung, please combine it with clinical practice.", "0660": "No abnormalities were found in the lungs, heart and diaphragm. , scoliosis.", "0661": "The texture of both lungs is heavier, blurred, and scattered in patches; the aorta is tortuous; scoliosis.", "0662": "The heart shadow is enlarged, the left hilus is slightly widened, the texture of both lungs is thickened and blurred, accompanied by multiple point shadows, and cardiac dysfunction may be accompanied by inflammation. , left pleural effusion. , changes after sternotomy surgery.", "0663": "The texture of both lungs increases.", "0664": "The texture of both lungs became heavier and blurred, with scattered knots and cord shadows. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0665": "The texture of both lungs increased, and there were multiple knots and strips of shadows in the apex of the right lung and the left lung. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0666": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. , Lateral film shows small nodular shadows at the posterior edge of the heart, excluding vascular shadows.", "0667": "The two lung textures are slightly heavier.", "0668": "The bilateral lower lung texture is slightly heavier and blurred. ,Aortic bulb calcification. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0669": "The texture of both lungs becomes heavier and blurred. ,,", "0670": "The texture of both lungs has increased in weight and is blurred. Please consider it clinically. , there is a slightly high-density shadow next to the mediastinum of the right lung, and CT examination is recommended. , Abdominal plain radiograph showed no obvious abnormality.", "0671": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. , full heart shadow, aortic sclerosis. , Slight scoliosis and degenerative changes in the lumbar spine. , L2 vertebral body wedge deformation. , changes after T12 vertebral body compression fracture. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0672": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier and blurred. , possible sclerosis focus in the left upper lung. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0673": "The texture of both lungs is increased. , The right costophrenic angle is blunt. ,", "0674": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. , consider sclerosis in the upper lobe of the right lung. ,", "0675": "The texture of both lungs became heavier and blurred, and there was a nodule in the right middle lung field.", "0676": "The texture of both lungs increased slightly. , small patchy shadow in the left lower lung field. ,", "0677": "The texture of both lungs became heavier and blurred, with scattered small nodules.", "0678": "Induration focus in the middle field of the right lung. ,", "0679": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. , there was a suspicious nodule in the lower field of the right lung. , wedge deformation of thoracic spine. ,", "0680": "The texture of both lungs became heavier and blurred; after left subclavian tube insertion.", "0681": "There is a small dot shadow in the field under the right lung. , the right hilus is slightly full.", "0682": "The texture of both lungs was increased and blurred, and there were suspicious micronodules. , a faint shadow in the right upper lung field. Please combine it with clinical practice.", "0683": "The lung lines are slightly heavier.", "0684": "The texture of both lungs is increased and disordered, and pneumonia may occur in the lower left side; a small amount of pleural effusion on the right side; aortic node calcification. , please combine it with clinical practice. ,", "0685": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. , the head end of the right tube is flat on the 8th posterior rib.", "0686": "There is a mass-like high-density shadow in the right hilum of the lung. Please consider it clinically. , a small amount of pneumothorax in the right chest is not excluded. There is a tube shadow inside the right chest. ,", "0687": "The texture of both lungs is heavier and blurred. , The right hilus is large. , the heart shadow is full and the aortic node is calcified. , the left costophrenic angle is less sharp. , changed after PICC catheterization.", "0688": "Possible induration in the lower fields of both lungs.", "0689": "The texture of both lungs is rough and blurred, with suspicious shadows; please combine it with clinical practice. , there are mound-like shadows on the chest wall in the two lower lung areas, pleural lesions? Chest wall soft tissue projection? , full heart shadow, arteriosclerosis. , The left costophrenic angle is slightly blunt. , Calcium nodules in the left armpit. , Lateral view shows: part of the vertebral body in the thoracolumbar segment becomes flattened.", "0690": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier, and the left lung has punctate and slightly high-density shadows. ,", "0691": "There may be some inflammatory lesions in the lower field of the right lung. If necessary, CT will be used for further examination. ,", "0692": "The texture of both lungs is increased, please consider it clinically.", "0693": "Comparison with the bedside chest X-ray of 2020.1.10: the texture of both lungs is slightly heavier, the right lower lung sclerosis focus, the lower field cords of both lungs, the heart shadow is full, roughly the same as before. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0694": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier.", "0695": "The texture of both lungs increases. Please consider clinical considerations and review.", "0696": "The texture of both lungs increases. , The upper right mediastinum is wide. , CT examination is recommended if necessary.", "0697": "The texture of both lungs is slightly increased. Please combine it with clinical practice.", "0698": "Old lesions in the lower field of the left lung. , left pleural effusion or pleural hypertrophy, further examination is recommended.", "0699": "The texture of both lungs was slightly heavier and blurred, with suspicious small dots forming shadows.", "0700": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier and blurred.", "0701": "Postoperative reexamination of the left lung; The texture of the right lung is heavy; The structure of the left heart edge is unclear, and the structure of the left hilus is unclear; After right subclavian tube placement.", "0702": "The right lung has higher transparency than the left lung. , the catheter is placed on the left side, with the distal end ending at the level of the 7th posterior rib.", "0703": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier, and there are nodules in the middle field of the left lung.", "0704": "Old fractures of the second to ninth ribs on the left side, please consider clinical practice.", "0705": "The texture of both lungs increased slightly. , aortic sclerosis. , right shoulder degeneration. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0706": "The texture of both lungs increases. , changed after the PICC tube was inserted. , the 6th rib on the right side is not regular, please consider it clinically.", "0707": "The lung texture has slightly increased in weight twice. Please consider it clinically.", "0708": "After tracheal intubation. , the upper field of the right lung occupied space, and the surrounding bones were destroyed. , multiple nodules of varying sizes in both lungs. , the right costophrenic angle is slightly blurred.", "0709": "The texture of both lungs increases. , right upper quadrant drainage tube shadow.", "0710": "It is possible that there is fibrous induration in the upper field of the left lung. Further examination is required if necessary.", "0711": "Comparison with the 2020-11-09 chest X-ray: the right lung is re-expanded and the scope of the right pneumothorax is smaller than before. , a small amount of pleural effusion on the right side, new this time.", "0712": "The texture of both lungs increases.", "0713": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. Please consider it clinically.", "0714": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier, accompanied by multiple spots. Please combine it with clinical practice and conduct further examination if necessary. ,", "0715": "The right lung has scattered light films and dotted shadows. Check further if necessary. , right pleural lesions.", "0716": "The texture of both lungs was thick and blurred, with suspicious scattered tiny nodules. , the heart shadow is slightly full and the aorta is hardened. , please combine it with CT examination.", "0717": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. , possibly old lesions in the upper lobe of the left lung.", "0718": "The texture of both lungs is increased, please consider it clinically. , there is a nodule in the right lower lung, further CT examination is recommended. ,", "0719": "The right lung apex may have old lesions; the left lung lower field may have paramarginal calcification; the right hilus appears full and the aortic arch wall is calcified. ,", "0720": "Suspicious small nodules in the lower field of the right lung.", "0721": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. ,", "0722": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier and blurred.", "0723": "The lower field texture of both lungs is slightly increased. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0724": "Comparison with the 2019-12-30 chest X-ray: patches and nodule-like shadows at the right lung apex are roughly the same as before. , new nodular shadows are seen in the lower field of the left lung, and papillary shadows or intrapulmonary nodules need to be identified. , the rest is roughly the same as before. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0725": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. ,Retrocardiac space cord shadow on lateral radiograph: pleural hypertrophy? , please combine it with clinical practice and confirm with CT if necessary. ,", "0726": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. , the texture of the lower lungs on both sides was chaotic, with suspicious cords and faint shadows. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0727": "Spot-like dense shadows in the lower field of the left lung.", "0728": "The texture of both lungs increased slightly. , Mild scoliosis of the thoracic spine.", "0729": "Double pneumonia changes, please combine it with clinical practice. ,", "0730": "Suspicious small nodule in the lower field of the right lung.", "0731": "The texture of both lungs increased; there were cord shadows and dot shadows in the middle and upper lung fields on both sides, which may be old lesions.", "0732": "The texture of both lungs is increased and the structure is disordered. , there are spots in the left upper lung and right lower lung field, please combine it with clinical practice. , some thoracic vertebrae are suspiciously filled with bone cement.", "0733": "Postoperative manifestations of the right clavicle. Slightly dislocated fracture of the right 5th rib. , old changes in the upper field of the left lung. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0734": "The lower field texture of the right lung increased. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0735": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier, and there is a small nodule in the middle field of the right lung. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0736": "The texture of both lungs becomes heavier and blurred. , there is nodular slightly high-density shadow in the right middle lung, please combine it with CT examination if necessary. ,", "0737": "The texture of both lungs is increased, please consider it clinically. , high-density nodule in the lower field of the left lung.", "0738": "The texture of both lungs increases.", "0739": "The texture of the right lung field increased, and there was a blurred shadow next to the edge of the lower lung field. , Cordial shadow in the costophrenic corner area of \u200b\u200bthe right lower lung field.", "0740": "The texture of both lungs increases. , strip shadows in the left lower lung field, and small nodules in the right lung apex. ,Aortic tortuosity.", "0741": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. , there is a high-density shadow in the right lower hilar mass, and further CT examination is recommended. , aortic arch wall calcification.", "0742": "Spot flakes, small nodules and fibrous cords in the upper lobes of both lungs. Please combine it with clinical practice to exclude tuberculosis.", "0743": "1. The two lung textures are slightly disordered, consistent with bronchitis. ,2. Consider old lesions in the upper lobe of the right lung.", "0744": "Interstitial changes in both lungs may be accompanied by inflammation and small nodules. , the right hilus appears full. ,", "0745": "A small amount of inflammation in both lungs is possible. Please combine it with clinical practice.", "0746": "The texture of both lungs increased and became blurred, and there were suspicious micronodules in the right lung.", "0747": "The lung texture increased twice and the right lower lung field was blurred.", "0748": "The texture of both lungs is increased, please consider it clinically.", "0749": "A small amount of inflammation in both lungs is possible. Please combine it with clinical practice.", "0750": "The texture of both lungs is thickened and blurred. , right lung apical induration focus. ,arteriosclerosis.", "0751": "There is a tube shadow inside the trachea, the head end is about the level of the T4 vertebral body; the texture of both lungs is increased, accompanied by multiple masses/mass-like high-density shadows. , the aortic node is prominent, and the structure of both lung hilum is unclear.", "0752": "Multiple tuberculosis lesions in the upper field of the right lung and the left lung, please consider the clinical situation.", "0753": "A small amount of inflammation in both lungs is not excluded.", "0754": "Small nodule in the middle lobe of the right lung. , aortic calcification. , Thoracic scoliosis. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0755": "After the PICC tube is inserted, the end of the tube is approximately located in the right mediastinum at the level of the lower edge of the thoracic 6 vertebral body. , The texture of both lungs is slightly disordered, and the lower lungs are faintly shadowed, indicating possible inflammation. , Double pulmonary cord stripe shadow. , left lung lower field nodule, CT examination if necessary.", "0756": "Changes after gastric tube insertion. , there is a mass in the middle field of the right lung. ,", "0757": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier and blurred. , Bilateral pleural calcification? , please combine it with clinical practice and conduct CT examination when necessary.", "0758": "The texture of both lungs is increased, please consider it clinically. , right knee joint degeneration.", "0759": "Multiple small nodules in both lungs. , the right upper lung field has low radiolucency. , please combine medical history and clinical practice.", "0760": "Two lung textures were increased and blurred, except for a small amount of inflammation.", "0761": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier.", "0762": "The lung texture is slightly heavier twice. , there is a nodular shadow in the lower field of the right lung, consider the papillary shadow. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0763": "The lower field texture of both lungs increased. , Aortic bulb calcification. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0764": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier; there are some flaky high-density shadows in the apex of both lungs, tending to old lesions.", "0765": "Old lesions in the left lung and thickening of the left pleura. , nodules and cords in the upper field of the right lung, possible sclerosis, please combine with CT analysis.", "0766": "Multiple fibrosclerosis lesions in both lung apices. , the pleura is thickened at the apex of both lungs. , the costophrenic angles on both sides are slightly blunt, considering pleural hypertrophy.", "0767": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier and blurred, with scattered light flakes and patchy shadows. , the bilateral costophrenic angles were unclear. ,Spine postoperative changes. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0768": "No abnormalities were found in the lungs, heart and diaphragm. , postoperative changes in scoliosis and thoracolumbar spine. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0769": "The lung texture becomes heavier and blurred twice. , right upper lung strip shadow, consider inflammation. ,", "0770": "Small spots scattered in both lungs. , Infectious lesions in both upper lungs, prominent on the right side, roughly the same as before. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0771": "The right lower lung texture is slightly heavier. , small sclerosis may be present in the left upper lung. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0772": "The texture of both lungs is heavy.", "0773": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier and blurred.", "0774": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier; cord shadows in the middle and lower lung fields of the right lung; old lesions in the upper field of the left lung may be present; changes after gastroesophageal stent placement. ,", "0775": "There is a possibility of sclerosis at the right lung apex. Please consider the clinical situation.", "0776": "The texture of both lungs increased, with scattered spots.", "0777": "The texture of both lungs became heavier and blurred, with scattered micro-nodular shadows, and the lateral radiograph was suspicious of flaky and slightly higher-density shadows. , please combine it with clinical practice and conduct further examination if necessary.", "0778": "The lung texture increases twice. , with a nodular-like shadow in the lower field of the left lung. , please combine it with clinical practice and conduct CT examination when necessary.", "0779": "The texture of both lungs increased, and there was a small induration in the upper field of the right lung.", "0780": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. , a little pleural effusion on the left side?", "0781": "The two lung textures are slightly severe, please consider clinical practice.", "0782": "Small induration in the right upper lung and strip shadow in the left lower lung cord.", "0783": "The two lung textures are slightly heavier. , high-density shadow in the left lung field, considering old lesions. , a small amount of pleural effusion on the right side. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0784": "The texture of both lungs was slightly heavier and blurred, with suspicious small nodules. , the heart shadow is slightly larger. , The bilateral costophrenic angles are not sharp. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0785": "The texture of both lungs is increased and blurred, and the structure is chaotic. , small spots in the right upper lung; spots in both lower lung fields. , the left hilar shadow increased, and the structure was unclear. , please combine it with clinical practice. Check further if necessary.", "0786": "The texture of both lungs increased, and the left lung apex pleura became thickened. , Cordial shadow in the middle field of the right lung. , interstitial lesions in the lower fields of both lungs and a small amount of inflammation.", "0787": "Patchy shadows can be seen in the right lower lung field. Please combine clinical practice and old films. , after endotracheal intubation.", "0788": "Manifestations after chest tube insertion. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0789": "The texture of both lungs increases.", "0790": "The texture of both lungs increased slightly. , There is nodular shadow in the field under the left lung, and there may be sclerosis. , aortic sclerosis. , after PICC catheterization. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0791": "The texture of both lungs becomes heavier and blurred. , right upper lung sclerosis focus.", "0792": "Consider a little inflammation of the right lower lung, please consider it clinically.", "0793": "The lung texture is slightly heavier in two strokes. , Bilateral round nodular shadows in the projection area of \u200b\u200bthe fifth anterior rib: consider nipple shadows. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0794": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier, and there is a small nodule-like shadow behind the sternum.", "0795": "The texture of both lungs becomes heavier and blurred.", "0796": "No obvious abnormalities were found in both lungs. , after deep vein catheterization. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0797": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier and blurred.", "0798": "Small nodule in the left lower lung field, with possible blood vessel cross-section.", "0799": "No abnormalities were found in both lungs. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0800": "Micronodules in the middle field of the right lung. ,arteriosclerosis.", "0801": "The costophrenic angles on both sides become blunt. ,", "0802": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. , it is possible that there is sclerosis in the left upper lung, please consider it clinically.", "0803": "The texture of both lungs is increased, please consider it clinically.", "0804": "Both lungs have heavy texture.", "0805": "The texture of both lungs was slightly increased and blurred, with suspicious small nodules. , the shape of the 10th rib on the right side is irregular. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0806": "The texture of both lungs is increased and blurred. Please refer to clinical practice.", "0807": "The texture of both lungs is increased and blurred, emphysema, and scattered small nodules. , patchy shadow in the upper right lung; inflammation in both lungs. , the left hilus appeared full. ,", "0808": "The texture of both lungs is heavy, blurred, and the structure is disordered. There are cord shadows in the lower field of the left lung. Please combine it with clinical practice. , the heart shadow is big.", "0809": "The texture of both lungs increased, with scattered small nodules. , suspicious light shadow in the left lower lung field. Calcification of the left pleura. , the heart shadow is large, and the aortic node is calcified. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0810": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier and blurred, with scattered small patchy shadows. , there is a suspicious slightly high-density shadow in the right first anterior rib area, except for overlapping shadows. Check further if necessary.", "0811": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. , the heart shadow is slightly full. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0812": "The texture of both lungs is increased and scattered in spots. , The right oblique fissure is thickened. , the heart is full of shadow.", "0813": "The texture of both lungs is slightly messy. , Fibrous cords in the upper lobe of the left lung.", "0814": "The texture of both lungs increased in weight, with scattered spots and shadows. Please combine medical history and clinical practice.", "0815": "The texture of both lungs is heavier and blurred. ,The right hilus is widened. , after left carotid artery stenting. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0816": "Inflammation of the lower field of the right lung.", "0817": "Increased weight of bilateral lung texture. , localized underexpansion of the left lower lung field. , lumbar degeneration. After L2 vertebral bone cement filling. , L1 vertebral body becomes flattened. , please combine it with clinical practice. ,", "0818": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. ,", "0819": "The texture of both lungs increased slightly.", "0820": "A slight pneumothorax is suspected at the left lung apex. , interstitial changes in the lower lobes of both lungs are possible, and a little chronic inflammation is not excluded. , there are a few high-density nodules in both lungs, possibly induration. , the texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. , a little pleural effusion on the left side is not excluded. , Right undulating diaphragm. , please combine it with clinical practice and conduct CT examination when necessary. ,,The costophrenic angle on the left side became blunt, a small amount of effusion was considered possible, and a tube shadow was built into the left chest. ,", "0821": "The texture of both lungs increased and scattered in small spots.", "0822": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier.", "0823": "Small nodule on the lingual lobe of the left lung. CT examination is recommended. ,", "0824": "Two lung textures slightly increased in weight. , the trachea is shifted to the left, please combine it with clinical practice.", "0825": "The texture of both lungs is increased; there are dot shadows and cord shadows in the right upper lung field. Please combine it with the clinical history.", "0826": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier, and there is a small nodule-like shadow in the lower field of the right lung.", "0827": "1. The two lung textures are slightly disordered, consistent with bronchitis. ,2. After partial rib internal fixation on the right side. ,3. A small amount of pleural effusion on the right side?", "0828": "Infection of both lungs;, A small amount of pleural effusion on the right side;, Large cardiac shadow;, After right subclavian catheter placement.", "0829": "Dense shadow in the first anterior rib projection area in the upper field of the left lung, costal cartilage calcification? , with micronodules in the right middle lung. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0830": "The texture of both lungs increases.", "0831": "The texture of both lungs increased and the lower lung field was blurred. , there is a suspicious slightly high-density shadow in the left upper lung field.", "0832": "The trachea and mediastinum deviate to the left. , multiple flaky and lumpy shadows in both lungs. , the observation of the mediastinum and left costophrenic angle was unsatisfactory. , please combine medical history and clinical practice. ,", "0833": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier, with suspicious small nodules. , there is a shadow in the left lower lung field, a small amount of inflammatory changes are possible, please consider the clinical situation.", "0834": "The texture of both lungs increased slightly.", "0835": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier, and there are scattered shadows in the right lung. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0836": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier and blurred. , Pleural thickening at the apex of both lungs. ,", "0837": "The texture of both lungs increases. , old lesions in the right lung.", "0838": "Increased texture in both lungs. , the end of the tube is placed at the level of the 7th posterior rib on the right side of the spine.", "0839": "The texture of both lungs is increased; the aorta is tortuous; the aortic node is calcified.", "0840": "The texture of both lungs increases. , the posterior costophrenic angle is unclear.", "0841": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier and blurred.", "0842": "Patchy and nodular shadows in the right upper lung field, excluding tuberculosis lesions. , please combine medical history and clinical practice.", "0843": "Bronchitis, please combine it with clinical practice.", "0844": "There may be scattered induration lesions in both lungs. , nodules on the right side of the mediastinum, consider lymph node calcification. , aortic sclerosis. , The ribs on the left side are irregular in shape. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0845": "The texture of both lungs is thick, consistent with bronchitis. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0846": "Small dots scattered in the right lung. , There is a shadow in the middle field of the left lung. , the heart shadow increases significantly. , left pleural effusion. , further inspection is recommended.", "0847": "The lung texture is slightly heavier and blurred twice.", "0848": "The texture of both lungs is increased, please consider it clinically.", "0849": "The texture of both lungs increases. , there is patchy increased density in the left middle and upper lung field, further examination is recommended if necessary. ,", "0850": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier and blurred. , the heart shadow and right hilum are full. , postoperative changes in the chest. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0851": "The texture of both lungs is increased, indicating the possibility of old lesions in both lungs. , please combine medical history and clinical practice.", "0852": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. , aortic node calcification. , right pleural thickening.", "0853": "The texture of both lungs became heavier and blurred, with suspicious streaks and light shadows. , the heart shadow increases. , changes after sternotomy surgery.", "0854": "The lung texture increases twice. , there may be old lesions in the upper field of the right lung. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0855": "The texture of both lungs increased. , after endotracheal intubation. , the distal end of the gastric tube is located in the body of the stomach. ,", "0856": "Postoperative review of right lung. , after right chest drainage. , both lungs have heavy texture. , old lesions in both lungs. , costophrenic angles on both sides are blunt. , right diaphragm elevation. ,,", "0857": "Strip-shaped calcification shadow in the anterior costophrenic angle area, possibly calcification of the blood vessel wall. , the heart shadow is slightly larger.", "0858": "The bilateral lower lung texture becomes heavier and blurred.", "0859": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. , round and slightly high-density shadows in the lower fields of both lungs, which may be papillary shadows.", "0860": "Increased weight of bilateral lung textures. , there are suspicious patchy slightly high-density shadows in the middle field of the right lung. Inflammation is not excluded. Please combine it with clinical practice.", "0861": "There is a possibility of pneumonia. Please consider it clinically. , a few sclerosis lesions in both lungs. , the heart is full of shadow. , left pleural effusion.", "0862": "The lung texture increases twice.", "0863": "The texture of both lungs increased, and there were thin shadows in the lower field of the left lung.", "0864": "The texture of both lungs increased, and the lower lung field was suspiciously light.", "0865": "The texture of both lungs is slightly increased. Please consider it clinically.", "0866": "The shadow of the heart is big. , no clear bone abnormality was found in the right femur. The local density of the soft tissue on the lateral side of the distal femur is increased. ,", "0867": "The texture of both lungs is increased, the left upper lung has calcified nodular shadows, and the right lower lung has suspicious patchy shadows. Please consider the clinical situation.", "0868": "The two lung textures are slightly heavier.", "0869": "The texture of both lungs is heavy. , possible sclerosis at the right lung apex. , aortic node calcification. , a round-like dense shadow can be seen in the right upper quadrant. ,", "0870": "Increased texture in both lungs. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0871": "The texture of both lungs is thick, please consider it clinically. , right lung apical cord, considered old lesion. ,arteriosclerosis.", "0872": "The texture of both lungs became heavier and scattered in small spots. , the heart shadow is large, and the aortic node is prominent with calcification. , the transparency behind the heart shadow is slightly less uniform. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0873": "Old lesions in the left lung, please consider clinical practice.", "0874": "Increased texture in both lungs. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0875": "There is a mass in the upper field of the right lung. It may be an inflammatory lesion. Infiltrating tuberculosis needs to be excluded. Please combine it with clinical practice. , Suspicious nodules in the lower field of the right lung, further examination if necessary.", "0876": "there are slightly fewer lesions in the upper field of the right lung and more lesions in the lower field; suspicious shadows in the lower field of the left lung. , I am basically the same as before, please combine it with clinical practice.", "0877": "No obvious abnormalities were found in the bone quality of the thoracic vertebrae. , the texture of both lungs is slightly increased. ,", "0878": "The texture of both lungs increased, and there were small dots in the left upper lung field. , a small amount of inflammation in both lower lung fields is not excluded.", "0879": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier.", "0880": "The texture of both lungs is rough, blurred, and suspiciously scattered in patches; please combine it with clinical practice. , the heart shadow is slightly larger. , the bilateral hilar shadows were slightly full. , changes after deep vein catheterization.", "0881": "Comparing the 2020.8.20 film:, there is a mass shadow in the middle of the left lung with surrounding strips of shadow, which is newer than before, with no other changes. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0882": "The texture of both lungs increases. , aortic node calcification.", "0883": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. , Suspicious small nodule-like shadows in the right upper hilar area, excluding vascular shadows.", "0884": "The texture of both lungs increased. , strips of dense shadows in both lungs in the field, pleural lesions?", "0885": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. ,", "0886": "The texture of both lungs increases. , the heart shadow is big. , the thoracic aorta is tortuous. , ultrasound examination is recommended.", "0887": "Induration in the lower field of the right lung. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0888": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier and blurred, with scattered small spots forming shadows. , bilateral pleural thickening.", "0889": "Right lower lung pneumonia. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0890": "The texture of both lungs increased, and there was a small amount of light shadow in the left lower lung field. , Suspicious small nodules behind the sternum.", "0891": "The texture of both lungs is slightly thick.", "0892": "The texture of both lungs becomes heavier and blurred. , slightly high-density shadow in the left lower lung, excluding nipple shadow. , suspicious small spots in the upper mediastinum.", "0893": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier; the lateral radiograph shows a patchy density increase on the front of the spine. Further examination is recommended. , the 6th and 7th ribs on the right side are irregular in shape, please combine it with the clinical history.", "0894": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier, and the retrocardiac space is slightly denser on the lateral view. , the ascending aorta is slightly widened. , scoliosis, thoracic vertebrae bone hyperplasia.", "0895": "The texture of both lungs is heavy. , multiple fibrosclerosis lesions in the middle and upper fields of the right lung. ,The above changes should be combined with clinical practice.", "0896": "The texture of both lungs is heavy, and there are some dots and patchy shadows in the upper lobe of the right lung. Inflammation? , the right diaphragm is high. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0897": "The texture of both lungs increased, and there were suspicious dots in the right middle and upper lung field.", "0898": "The texture of both lungs is rough and disorderly. Please refer to clinical practice.", "0899": "No obvious active lesions were found in the chest. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0900": "There are patches and nodules in the lower field of the right lung. Further CT examination is recommended.", "0901": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier and blurred. , the right hilus appears full. ,", "0902": "The texture of both lungs is increased, please consider it clinically.", "0903": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. , small nodular shadow in the middle field of the right lung, excluding vascular shadow. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0904": "The texture of both lungs increased and the lower lung field was blurred. , multiple small nodules in the upper fields of both lungs. , pacemaker implantation. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0905": "For changes in pneumonia, please combine it with clinical practice. , the heart is full of shadow.", "0906": "A small number of suspicious streaks in the right lower lung. , the left hilus appeared full. , small nodule-like shadow in the soft tissue of the left neck. , degeneration of thoracic and lumbar spine.", "0907": "interstitial changes in both lungs may be accompanied by inflammation, and the lesions in the upper lungs are slightly more advanced than before. , I am basically the same as before.", "0908": "The two lung textures are slightly heavier, and there are suspicious spots in the left lower lung. Please refer to clinical practice.", "0909": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier.", "0910": "Degeneration of cervical and thoracic spine. , the texture of both lungs increased and were scattered in small spots.", "0911": "The texture of both lungs increased slightly.", "0912": "The texture of both lungs is rough and slightly blurred; please combine it with clinical practice. , with small induration lesions in the middle and outer areas of both lungs? ,", "0913": "The two lung textures are slightly disordered, consistent with bronchitis.", "0914": "Small nodule in the lower field of the left lung. , changed after PICC catheterization.", "0915": "Comparison with 2020-10-03 chest X-ray: The left pleural effusion was absorbed earlier.", "0916": "Cervical vertebrae degenerate, and some intervertebral foramina become smaller on both sides. , there may be old lesions in the right lung apex; calcification of the aortic arch wall.", "0917": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier, and the transparency of the lung apex is low. , There is a small nodule-like shadow in the right middle lung in the field. , aortic node calcification. , an oval-shaped slightly high-density shadow in the right upper quadrant. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0918": "The texture of both lungs increased, and there may be scattered induration lesions in the right lower lung. , small patchy dense shadows in the left lower lung, please combine clinical practice and CT. , the spine is slightly curved. ,", "0919": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. ,", "0920": "The right chest drainage tube is inserted, except for a little pneumothorax on the right side; the texture of both lungs is increased, and the left lower lung field is shadowed; a few exudative lesions? ,The right hilus is enlarged; ,the right diaphragm is elevated; ,bilateral costophrenic angles are blunt; ,please consider the clinical situation and recommend CT examination.", "0921": "The texture of both lungs increased slightly, and there were small nodules on the right diaphragm. ,arteriosclerosis. ,Sternoplasty.", "0922": "There is a mass in the left lung, consider occupying the space. , there is a blurry patchy shadow in the left lower lung, which is considered to be inflammation. , possible left pleural effusion.", "0923": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier.", "0924": "Multiple nodules in both lungs, considered metastatic. , the heart shadow is big.", "0925": "The texture of both lungs is increased and blurred, and the septal corner area of \u200b\u200bthe right heart is slightly high-density. , further inspection if necessary.", "0926": "The texture of both lungs is heavy, please consider clinical practice.", "0927": "The texture of both lungs is slightly thick.", "0928": "The right edge of the trachea is slightly compressed. , the texture of both lungs is slightly increased.", "0929": "1. The texture of the two lung fields is slightly disordered. , 2. Solid micronodules near the costophrenic angle in the upper lobe of the right lung and the lower lobe of the left lung.", "0930": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier and blurred. , induration focus in the middle field of the right lung.", "0931": "Consider a small amount of inflammation in the left lower lung.", "0932": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier and blurred.", "0933": "The lung texture has slightly increased in weight twice. Please consider it clinically.", "0934": "The texture of both lungs is increased, please consider it clinically.", "0935": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. , aortic sclerosis. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0936": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier and blurred, and there are a few small dots in the lower lung field. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0937": "The texture of both lungs became heavier and blurred, and there were suspicious small dots.", "0938": "The texture of both lungs increases. , left lung apical induration focus. , heart shadow enlargement, arteriosclerosis. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0939": "1. The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier and blurred. , 2. Old lesions at the apex of the right lung. ,3. Aortic sclerosis.", "0940": "The texture of both lungs was slightly heavier, and the left lung apex was indurated. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0941": "A small amount of inflammation in the left lung is not excluded. Please consider it clinically.", "0942": "Suspicious small nodule in the right lung apex.", "0943": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier, and the lower lung field is slightly blurred. , the heart shadow is slightly larger.", "0944": "The texture of both lungs is increased, and it is recommended to be combined with clinical practice.", "0945": "The texture of both lungs increased, and the posterior costophrenic angle area was slightly high-density.", "0946": "The texture of both lungs increases. , aortic node calcification.", "0947": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier, and calcification lesions in the apex of both lungs are possible. Please consider the clinical practice.", "0948": "Micronodules in the right upper lung. ,", "0949": "The texture of both lungs increased slightly.", "0950": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier.", "0951": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier and blurred, and the middle field of the right lung is shadowed, which is considered to be an inflammatory lesion. , if there are suspicious nodules behind the heart shadow, please combine them with CT examination. , the heart shadow is slightly enlarged. , a little pleural effusion on the right side. , after left chest drainage. Subcutaneous emphysema on the left chest wall. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0952": "The texture of both lungs is thick and blurred. , Suspicious nodule next to the right upper hilar lung. , postoperative changes in cervical spine.", "0953": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier, and there are small dots in the middle field of the right lung. , the density in the right upper hilar area increased. Check further if necessary.", "0954": "Postoperative changes in the right rib: the texture of both lungs increased slightly.", "0955": "Micronodules and vascular shadows in the middle field of the left lung? , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0956": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. , there is a nodular-like dense shadow in the overlap area between the right wall of the trachea and the beginning of the right fifth rib. Please consider the clinical situation and recommend a chest CT examination if necessary.", "0957": "The texture of both lungs is thickened and blurred. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0958": "Increased weight of bilateral lung textures. , there are scattered dot-like shadows in the left upper lung field, which is considered to be an old lesion. , the heart is full of shadow. ,", "0959": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. , Nodules in the lower fields of both lungs, nipples? , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0960": "Old upper field changes in the right lung? , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0961": "The texture of both lungs is heavy and blurred, please refer to clinical practice.", "0962": "The texture of both lungs increased slightly.", "0963": "A small amount of pneumothorax on the right side, which changed after the drainage tube was inserted. , right lower lung mass shadow. , the left costophrenic angle becomes blunt. ,", "0964": "Consider the possibility of fluid accumulation in the left lung and incomplete expansion of the left lower lung, and possible left lower lung pneumonia. , Suspicious nodule at the apex of the right lung. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0965": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier, and there are small nodules in the lungs. Please consider it in combination with chest CT. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0966": "The texture of both lungs increased slightly. , the heart is full of shadow. , mild degeneration of the right shoulder joint.", "0967": "The texture of both lungs increased slightly.", "0968": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier and blurred; please combine it with clinical practice.", "0969": "The texture of both lungs is increased and blurred. Inflammation is not excluded. Please consider the clinical diagnosis.", "0970": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier, and there are small dots in the left middle lung field.", "0971": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. , thoracolumbar degeneration, and uneven bone density in the T12 vertebral body. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0972": "A small amount of inflammation in the right lower lung, which has been absorbed more than before.", "0973": "The texture of both lungs increased and became blurred, with scattered nodules and cord shadows in the left lower lung field; aortic nodule calcification; postoperative changes in the chest.", "0974": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier, and there are cord shadows at the costophrenic angles on both sides. ,", "0975": "Recumbent bedside: The two lung textures are slightly heavier. Please consider it clinically. , a little inflammation after two lung tract shadows is not excluded. , the heart shadow is full and the aorta is calcified. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0976": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier; the heart shadow is slightly larger; and there is mild arteriosclerosis. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0977": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. , the head of the right tube is placed at the level of the 7th posterior rib.", "0978": "The texture of both lungs was slightly heavier and blurred, with suspicious small dots forming shadows. , prominent calcification of the aortic node.", "0979": "The lung texture is slightly heavier and blurred twice. , nodular-like shadow in the left lower lung, excluding nipple shadow. ,arteriosclerosis. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0980": "Both lungs had heavy texture and chaotic structure. After right chest drainage, right pneumothorax developed. , after right rib internal fixation.", "0981": "There is a slight increase in the lung texture twice. Please consider it clinically.", "0982": "The texture of both lungs increases.", "0983": "The lung texture is increased and blurred twice, except for a small amount of inflammation.", "0984": "There were suspicious shadows in the left lower lung field, and the costophrenic angle became slightly shallower. , the pulmonary artery segment is prominent. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0985": "The texture of both lungs was slightly heavier, and there were small nodules in the left upper lung.", "0986": "There is an increase in the texture of both lungs, patches and speckled shadows in the right lung, and pleural calcification. Consider the possibility of old lesions and please combine it with clinical practice.", "0987": "The texture of both lungs increased slightly, and there were suspicious small nodules in the upper lung field.", "0988": "The texture of both lungs is slightly messy.", "0989": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier, and there are nodules in the upper field of the right lung. Please combine it with clinical practice.", "0990": "a new cord shadow appeared in the lower field of the right lung. , the remaining performance is the same as before. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "0991": "The texture of both lungs became heavier and blurred, with scattered small nodules. CT examination if necessary. , strip-like high-density shadow in the left axilla, possible calcification of the blood vessel wall.", "0992": "Comparison with the 2019-11-25 chest X-ray: the volume of the right lung has decreased, and there are multiple cords, patches, and nodular-like shadows in the right lung, roughly the same as before. , small nodular shadow in the lower field of the left lung, slightly enlarged. , the aortic node is calcified, the heart shadow is large, and the right diaphragm is elevated, the same as before. , please combine it with clinical practice. ,", "0993": "Multiple lesions in both lungs, secondary tuberculosis? Please consider the clinical situation and recommend chest CT when necessary. ,", "0994": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier and blurred; the upper lung points are shadowed. The original right costophrenic angle was not sharp, but it got better this time.", "0995": "The texture of both lungs increased, and the right lower lung had suspicious micronodular shadows.", "0996": "The texture of both lungs increased in weight and became blurred, with suspicious small dots.", "0997": "changed after the PICC tube was inserted. , there may be a small induration focus at the left lung apex. , transverse cords in the left middle and lower lung fields, interstitial changes?", "0998": "Strip shadow and induration of the right lower lung cord. ,", "0999": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. , right lower pulmonary cord strip shadow. , multiple old lesions may be present in the left middle lung field. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1000": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. , wedge deformation of some thoracic vertebrae. , The shape of the distal phalanx of the right toe is irregular and accompanied by soft tissue swelling. , right foot osteoporosis. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1001": "Partial bulge in the right upper mediastinum. , high-density shadow at the level of the lower scapular corner in the left lung field. , the PICC tube is placed, and the lower end is approximately level with the lower edge of the 7th posterior rib.", "1002": "There is a small nodule-like shadow in the middle of the right lung. , wedge deformation of lower thoracic spine.", "1003": "The texture of both lungs became heavier and blurred, with scattered small dots and nodules and nodules. , further inspection if necessary.", "1004": "Review of the right chest after drainage: the original tubular shadow of the right chest was not shown this time. , I see little change from before, please combine it with clinical practice.", "1005": "A small amount of inflammation in both lungs is possible. Please consider it clinically.", "1006": "The texture of both lungs is increased, please consider it clinically. , there may be a little inflammation in the two lung fields. , Suspicious nodular shadow in the right upper mediastinal projection area. , subcutaneous pneumatosis on the left chest wall, after chest drainage. After left rib internal fixation. , the heart shadow is slightly full and the aorta is hardened. , left subdiaphragmatic gas density shadow, gastric alveolar projection?", "1007": "The lung texture is slightly heavier and blurred twice.", "1008": "The texture of both lungs increased and there were suspicious small nodules. , Shadow of double lower lung strips. Please combine it with clinical practice.", "1009": "The texture of both lungs increased slightly.", "1010": "There is a suspicious nodule-like shadow in the septal corner of the right heart. Please combine it with clinical practice.", "1011": "The lesion in the upper lobe of the right lung is considered to be infectious. It is recommended to rule out secondary tuberculosis. , scoliosis.", "1012": "The texture of both lungs is slightly thick. , left lower lung nodule, chest CT examination is recommended.", "1013": "The texture of both lungs is increased, please consider it clinically.", "1014": "The lung texture is heavy twice.", "1015": "After endotracheal intubation. , there are multiple tiny nodules in both lungs, and some may be calcified. , aortic node calcification. ,", "1016": "The lung texture is slightly heavier and blurred twice. , old lesions in both lung apices may be present. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1017": "The texture of both lungs increases. , there is a subpleural micronodule in the middle of the right lung. ,", "1018": "There are some inflammatory lesions in both lower lungs. Please consider it clinically. , right upper pulmonary fibrosclerosis and calcification.", "1019": "The texture of both lungs became heavier and blurred, and there were small dots on the apex of the right lung.", "1020": "The texture of both lungs increased, and fibrous cords were found in the middle and upper lungs on both sides. , there was a mass in the right middle lung field, with a cavity inside. Further inspection is recommended. ,", "1021": "The texture of both lungs increased in weight and were scattered in small spots. , the heart shadow is slightly larger. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1022": "The lung texture is blurred and there are multiple punctate shadows. Please combine it with clinical practice. , right femoral neck fracture.", "1023": "The texture of both lungs is increased and disordered; a small amount of pleural effusion on the right side; aortic node calcification. ,", "1024": "The lung texture is slightly heavier twice. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1025": "The right lower lung texture is slightly heavier and blurred. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1026": "The texture of both lungs is heavy. , postoperative changes in thoracolumbar vertebrae.", "1027": "After cardiac bypass surgery. , small rough nodules in the middle field of the left lung, and cord-like shadows in the lower lung field. , left pleural effusion.", "1028": "Lateral film showed small nodule-like shadows behind the cardiac shadow, possibly vascular shadows.", "1029": "Patch shadow near the right hilar, possible inflammatory disease, please consider clinical practice.", "1030": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier; there is a small nodular shadow in the upper field of the left lung. Further examination is required if necessary. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1031": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1032": "Possible small amount of inflammation in both lungs.", "1033": "The texture of both lungs becomes heavier and blurred.", "1034": "The texture of both lungs is rough and blurred. Please refer to clinical practice. , there seems to be a small patchy shadow next to the apex of the left lower lung, projection of the pericardial fat pad? A little inflammation remains to be ruled out. , there is a small nodule in the right lower lung field.", "1035": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier.", "1036": "The texture of both lungs is increased and blurred, and the pleura at the apex of both lungs may be thickened. ,", "1037": "The texture of both lungs increased in weight and became blurred, with suspicious spots forming shadows. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1038": "A patchy blurry shadow can be seen in the lower field of the right lung, suggesting the possibility of inflammation.", "1039": "The texture of both lungs was slightly heavier, and there was a small nodule in the lower field of the left lung. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1040": "The lung texture increased twice and was slightly blurred locally. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1041": "The texture of both lungs increased, the same as 2020-6-18. ,After PICC surgery, the head end of the tube is at the level of the 7th posterior rib on the right side. , please combine it with clinical practice. ,", "1042": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier; some old lesions in the middle and upper right lung may be; please combine it with clinical practice.", "1043": "The left lower lung texture is heavier and blurred. Please consider the clinical situation.", "1044": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavy, with scattered small nodules.", "1045": "The texture of both lungs is increased, please consider it clinically.", "1046": "The texture of both lungs has increased in weight, with small patchy shadows in the right lung and suspicious patchy shadows in the left lower lung. Please consider clinical practice.", "1047": "The right lower lung texture is slightly heavier. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1048": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier, and there is a suspicious nodule-like shadow in the right upper lung field.", "1049": "The texture of both lungs increases. , Induration focus in the lower field of the right lung. , heart shadow enlargement, arteriosclerosis. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1050": "The texture of both lungs increases. , there are some suspicious old lesions in both upper lung fields. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1051": "The two lung textures are slightly heavier, and a type of nodular shadow is seen in the upper lobe of the right lung.", "1052": "The texture of both lungs increased, and the right upper lung field was indurated. , the heart shadow increases. Aortic sclerosis. ,", "1053": "The two lung textures are slightly heavier. , there is a nodular shadow in the lower field of the right lung, and it is recommended to use CT to clarify it.", "1054": "The texture of both lungs was slightly increased and blurred, with suspicious small nodules.", "1055": "The texture of both lungs becomes heavier and blurred. , multiple old lesions may be present in both upper lungs. , aortic tortuosity and sclerosis. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1056": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier and blurred, and it is suspiciously light. , left lung apex nodule. , Part of the ribs on the right side are irregular. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1057": "The texture of both lungs is increased and blurred.", "1058": "the texture of both lungs is slightly clearer than before. , small nodule in the right lower lung. , the left costophrenic angle becomes blunter than the front.", "1059": "The texture of both lungs increases.", "1060": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier and blurred.", "1061": "The texture of both lungs became heavier and blurred, with scattered small dots and dot-like shadows. , further inspection if necessary. ,", "1062": "Increased texture in both lungs. , after left clavicle fracture surgery. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1063": "Space-occupying or tuberculous lesions in the upper field of the right lung. , please combine it with clinical further examination.", "1064": "The texture of both lungs increases.", "1065": "The texture of both lungs increased and became blurred; the shape of the left clavicle was irregular. ,", "1066": "The texture of both lungs increased, and there was a possibility of sclerosis in the right lower lung field. , the heart is full of shadow. ,", "1067": "Both lungs have heavy texture.", "1068": "A small amount of inflammation in both lungs is possible. , consider old lesions in the right middle and upper lung fields.", "1069": "The texture of both lungs is increased, please consider it clinically.", "1070": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier, and there may be induration in the field under the left lung. ,", "1071": "Increased markings on both lungs. , localized underexpansion of the left lower lung field. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1072": "Suspicious nodule in the upper field of the right lung, excluding the axis of the blood vessel.", "1073": "The lung texture is slightly severe after two strokes. Please consider it clinically. , changes after sternotomy surgery.", "1074": "The texture of both lungs is increased and blurred, and there may be inflammatory changes in the right lower lung field. , there is a suspicious slightly high-density shadow at the overlap of the thoracic vertebrae. Please combine it with clinical practice.", "1075": "The texture of both lungs increases.", "1076": "Comparison with the old film of our hospital on 2020-07-01: Newly seen internal tube shadow of the superior vena cava; A small amount of pleural effusion on the right side may be possible; The rest is basically the same as before, please combine it with the recent chest CT examination.", "1077": "The texture of both lungs increased, and there were small patchy shadows in the left hilar area.", "1078": "The lung texture becomes heavier and blurred twice.", "1079": "The texture of both lungs increased, and there were small nodule-like shadows in the anterior costophrenic angle area.", "1080": "The texture of both lungs was slightly heavier and blurred, and the lateral radiograph showed suspicious small nodules. , further inspection if necessary.", "1081": "Postoperative left pneumothorax tube drainage: Comparison with the 2019.12.27 film: There is no lung texture area in the upper left side, and the scope is reduced. The left pleural effusion decreased and the left chest wall air accumulation decreased. , the patchy shadows in the left middle and lower lung fields increased compared with before. , Nodular shadow in the upper field of the left lung, same as before. , please combine it with clinical practice. ,", "1082": "The texture of both lungs becomes heavier and blurred.", "1083": "The texture of both lungs increases.", "1084": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier, and there are micronodules in the right middle lung field. , there are multiple ribs on the left side with irregular bone shape, please consider it clinically.", "1085": "The texture of both lungs becomes heavier and blurred. , the heart shadow is enlarged and the aortic node is calcified.", "1086": "After PICC catheterization: the light transmittance of both lungs is uneven, and the texture of both lungs is thickened and blurred. , right pleural effusion.", "1087": "Multiple induration lesions in the left upper lung.", "1088": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. , Nodular shadow and nipple shadow in the lower field of the right lung? , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1089": "The cervical segment of the trachea deviates slightly to the left. , the texture of both lungs increased, and the left lower field had cord shadows. , the right hilar shadow is slightly larger. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1090": "There was a large dense shadow in the lower lobe of the left lung. , the heart shadow is full, please pay attention to the heart function. ,arteriosclerosis. , right lower pleural calcification. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1091": "The right lower lung field is slightly blurred.", "1092": "The lung texture is slightly heavier and blurred twice. , possible sclerosis focus in the right upper lung. , aortic sclerosis. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1093": "The texture of both lungs became heavier and blurred, with scattered small spots forming shadows. , cords in the middle and lower fields of the right lung. , please combine medical history and clinical practice.", "1094": "Consider right pleural effusion and underexpansion of the right lower lobe of the lung.", "1095": "Left pneumothorax.", "1096": "The lung texture is slightly heavier in two strokes.", "1097": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier.", "1098": "Inflammation in the right middle and upper lung field. It is recommended to re-examine after anti-inflammation. , Suspicious small nodules in the 5th anterior rib projection area in the right lower lung field, surrounded by vascular shadows? , the spine is slightly curved.", "1099": "The texture of both lungs became heavier and blurred, with scattered small dots. , the heart shadow is slightly larger.", "1100": "The texture of both lungs increased slightly.", "1101": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier and blurred. , scattered spots in the left upper lung and right middle lung. , the heart shadow is full, the aorta is tortuous and sclerotic, and the right lower hilus is full. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1102": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. , the costophrenic angles on both sides were slightly blunted, and the possibility of pleural thickening was considered.", "1103": "There are patches and diffuse miliary nodules in the upper field of the right lung. Inflammation is considered. Please consider the clinical situation.", "1104": "Esophageal cancer surgery: right thoracic cavity and stomach. , the texture of both lungs is slightly increased. ,The left costophrenic angle is not sharp, and the pleura is thickened? , after deep vein catheterization. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1105": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier.", "1106": "The lung texture has slightly increased in weight twice. Please consider it clinically.", "1107": "The texture of both lungs has increased, and the upper right lung hilum has a flaky high-density shadow with unclear edges. Considering the possibility of inflammatory changes, please review it after clinical treatment.", "1108": "the left lung occupies space and is slightly smaller than the front. , The texture of the left lower lung field was blurred, and the left costophrenic angle was shallower than before. , PICC catheter shadow, the head end is located at the level of the 6th posterior rib. , please combine it with clinical practice. ,", "1109": "There may be a small amount of inflammation in the lungs. Please consider it clinically.", "1110": "The lung texture becomes heavier and blurred twice.", "1111": "Postoperative changes in the left ribs: the lower left lung shadow is slightly lighter than before. , the left diaphragm and costophrenic angle are displayed more clearly than before.", "1112": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier, with suspicious small nodules.", "1113": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. , aortic calcification.", "1114": "The texture of both lungs increases.", "1115": "There may be a small amount of inflammation in both lungs, please consider it clinically.", "1116": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier and blurred.", "1117": "The lung texture was thickened and blurred twice, with scattered shadows. Inflammation is possible, please consider clinical practice.", "1118": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. , Suspicious small nodule in the right lower lung. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1119": "Postoperative changes in the sternum; The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier, and the lower fields of both lungs are prominent; The right hilum is slightly full. ,,", "1120": "The texture of both lungs is thickened and blurred, with scattered light shadows. , Suspicious nodule in the left upper lung.", "1121": "The texture of both lungs becomes heavier and blurred. , there were multiple nodules in the upper field of the left lung and the lower field of the right lung. , further inspection is recommended.", "1122": "The texture of both lungs is thickened, and the right side may have pneumonia lesions and nodules. , changes after left lung surgery. , the heart shadow increases. , after chest drainage. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1123": "The lung texture increases twice.", "1124": "Flake-like slightly high-density shadow in the right lung apex. , Dense nodular shadow in the anterior mediastinum. , further inspection is recommended.", "1125": "Both lungs have heavy texture and disordered structure, and there may be a small amount of inflammation in the right lower lung. , small induration focus in the left upper lung. , the heart shadow is big. , please combine clinical", "1126": "The texture of both lungs was heavy, and the left lung had chronic inflammatory lesions. , the left hilar shadow is thickened, please combine it with CT examination. , after left chest drainage.", "1127": "The two lung textures are slightly severe, please consider clinical practice.", "1128": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier.", "1129": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier, and the right lung has suspicious small nodules.", "1130": "Suspicious nodules in the left upper lung and right lower lung. ,Aortic tortuosity.", "1131": "Right lower lung sclerosis focus.", "1132": "The texture of both lungs is increased, and a small amount of inflammation is not excluded. Please consider it clinically.", "1133": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier; the right lung has dense nodular shadow, which is considered to be an old lesion. ,", "1134": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier.", "1135": "Suspicious nodule in the middle field of the right lung, further examination if necessary. , the texture of both lungs is slightly increased.", "1136": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier, and there are small dots in the lower field of the right lung. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1137": "Lying on the bedside, the texture of both lungs is increased and blurred, with multiple patchy shadows and nodule-like shadows; inflammatory lesions? Nodules are not excluded. , the left costophrenic angle became blunt. , after right chest drainage; after deep vein catheterization; please combine it with clinical practice.", "1138": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier and blurred. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1139": "Small nodule in the lower field of the left lung.", "1140": "The texture of both lungs is slightly messy. , T8 vertebral wedge deformation.", "1141": "Slight localized underexpansion of the left lower lung field. , the lateral film shows a slightly high-density shadow in the overlapping area at the trailing edge of the heart shadow. Please combine it with clinical practice.", "1142": "The texture of both lungs increased. , pacemaker implantation, large cardiac shadow, and aortic node calcification. , Nodular dense shadow at the right costophrenic corner. , gastroesophageal tube placement.", "1143": "The texture of both lungs is increased, and the right lower lung has patchy shadows. Please combine it with clinical practice. the double lower lung fields are clearer than the previous one (2019-12-02). ,,", "1144": "After PICC catheterization: small nodule shadow in the middle field of the left lung, possible induration. , left hilar nodule, please analyze it based on the CT examination results. , There are cords in the lower field of the left lung, considering old lesions.", "1145": "The texture of both lungs increased, with scattered punctate shadows and small nodules. , The left hilum is full. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1146": "The texture of both lungs is thick and blurred. , the costophrenic angle on the left side is blunt, and pleural hypertrophy is possible, please consider the clinical situation.", "1147": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier.", "1148": "The texture of both lungs increases.", "1149": "The texture of both lungs increased slightly.", "1150": "The texture of both lungs increased, and there were small nodules in the left lung apex and the middle part of the right lung. , multiple high-density lymph nodes in the mediastinum may be present. , after right chest drainage. ,", "1151": "The texture of both lungs was slightly heavier and blurred, and the left upper lung had a suspicious light shadow.", "1152": "A small amount of inflammation in both lungs is possible.", "1153": "The texture of both lungs is blurred, bronchitis is considered.", "1154": "The texture of both lungs is heavy. , the left costophrenic angle is slightly blunt. ,", "1155": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier.", "1156": "The costophrenic angles were blunt bilaterally. , please combine the past information with the rib condition.", "1157": "The texture of the lower field of both lungs is heavier and blurred. Please consider the clinical practice; the left pleura may be thickened.", "1158": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier.", "1159": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier, and the inner zone of the right middle and upper lung field is slightly blurred.", "1160": "The lung texture is slightly heavier and blurred twice. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1161": "Suspicious nodule in the lower field of the right lung. , left pneumothorax. , left pleural thickening. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1162": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. , scattered spots in both lungs. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1163": "The texture of both lungs increased, and there were some suspicious patchy shadows in the lower lobe of the left lung. , the heart is full of shadow.", "1164": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier, and there are a few cord shadows in the costophrenic angle area of \u200b\u200bthe left lung lower field. , the pleura of both lung apices was slightly thickened. ,", "1165": "The texture of both lungs increased slightly. , the aorta is thickened and tortuous.", "1166": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier.", "1167": "There are high-density shadows and calcifications in the middle and lower fields of the left lung? , aortic arch wall calcification. ,", "1168": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. , small nodules scattered in both lungs. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1169": "Localized insufficiency of expansion in the lower field of the left lung. , right upper pulmonary cord strip shadow. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1170": "The lung texture becomes heavier and blurred twice. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1171": "Aortic node calcification.", "1172": "The texture of both lungs has increased in weight and is slightly blurred.", "1173": "The texture of both lungs is heavy. ,after PICC implantation.", "1174": "The texture of both lungs increased in weight and were scattered in small spots. , aortic node calcification. , the density of the right 7th rib and T12 vertebral body increased.", "1175": "The texture of both lungs increases, please refer to clinical practice.", "1176": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier and blurred, with scattered small spots forming shadows. , mass-like shadow in the left upper lobe, further examination is recommended. , the right costophrenic angle is less sharp.", "1177": "No abnormalities were found in the lungs, heart and diaphragm. , there is no obvious display of the right breast, please combine it with the clinical history. , Thoracic scoliosis.", "1178": "There is a small nodule-like shadow in the rib-running area in the middle field of the right lung. Please combine the clinical history with further examination if necessary.", "1179": "The texture of both lungs increased, and there was a nodular-like blur in the middle of the right lung. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1180": "The texture of both lungs increases. , nodular focus in the left middle and upper lung field.", "1181": "The texture of both lungs increased and the right lower lung field was blurred. , there are some patchy shadows in the middle field of the left lung, further examination if necessary.", "1182": "There may be some inflammation in the lungs. Please consider it clinically.", "1183": "The intrathoracic segment of the trachea deviates slightly to the left. , the two lungs are scattered with scattered shadows. , the costophrenic angles on both sides become blunt.", "1184": "The texture of both lungs increased, and the left lower lung had thin strips of shadow.", "1185": "Point-like dense shadows in the left lung apex and right lower lung; the density in the anterior costophrenic corner area is slightly less uniform. , the right hilus appears full. ,", "1186": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier.", "1187": "The texture of both lungs is increased, and there are multiple suspected high-density nodules in both lungs. Further examination is recommended; the heart shadow is enlarged and the aortic arch wall is calcified; the costophrenic angle on the right side is blurred, and the pleura is considered Thickening possible.", "1188": "There are cords in the lower field of the left lung, which may be chronic inflammatory lesions. , after superior vena cava catheterization.", "1189": "The texture of both lungs is thick and blurred, and the retrosternal translucency is slightly uneven. , the heart shadow is slightly full and the aorta is hardened. , right upper mediastinal calcification density nodule, lymph node calcification?", "1190": "The texture of both lungs increases. , right lung apical induration focus. , right lower hilar nodule, possible vascular shadow. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1191": "Suspicious small nodules in the right lower lung. , the right hilar shadow is slightly blurred. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1192": "After left rib internal fixation. , two lung textures slightly increased in weight. , chronic inflammation of the lower field of the left lung. , The lateral film showed nodular shadows in front of the hilus. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1193": "The lung texture increased twice, please consider it clinically.", "1194": "The texture of both lungs increases. , there is pneumonia in the lower right side with a hollow mass shadow, and further CT examination is recommended. , the heart is full of shadow.", "1195": "The texture of both lungs has increased in weight, the structure is chaotic, and there are scattered small spots and shadows.", "1196": "Possible calcified lymph nodes in the main pulmonary artery window; bilateral costophrenic angles are blunt, and pleural thickening is considered possible.", "1197": "The texture of both lungs increased slightly. , wedge deformation of lower thoracic spine.", "1198": "The texture of both lungs is slightly thick. , tiny nodules in the lower field of the left lung; suspicious nodules in front of the spine on lateral radiograph, further examination is recommended if necessary.", "1199": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. Please consider it clinically. , Bilateral pleural thickening.", "1200": "Calcification focus in the upper field of the right lung. , Bilateral diaphragmatic pleural calcification. ,arteriosclerosis. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1201": "The texture of both lungs increases.", "1202": "The texture of both lungs increased slightly.", "1203": "No abnormalities were found in the lungs, heart and diaphragm. ,arteriosclerosis. , changes after vena cava catheterization.", "1204": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier, the apex of both lungs is slightly high-density, and there are induration lesions? ,", "1205": "Consider: Bronchopneumonia in both lungs is possible. Please consider it based on clinical considerations.", "1206": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier.", "1207": "Consider bronchitis.", "1208": "The texture of both lungs is slightly thick.", "1209": "Lower field spots and shadows in both lungs. , left pleural effusion. , changes after superior vena cava catheterization, the end is located at the level of the 9th-10th posterior rib on the right side.", "1210": "The texture of both lungs is heavy. , old lesions in the right lower lung.", "1211": "Postoperative performance of the right lung. , pneumocystis on the right side of the chest wall. , Bilateral pleural effusion. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1212": "The texture of both lungs is slightly thick.", "1213": "The two lung textures are slightly disordered, consistent with bronchitis.", "1214": "The texture of both lungs is rough and disordered, indicating possible pneumonia lesions in both lungs. , Suspicious nodule next to the right hilar lung. , bilateral pleural effusion combined with incomplete expansion of the left lower lobe of the lung is possible. ,kyphosis. , please consider CT examination based on clinical considerations.", "1215": "No obvious active lesions were found in both lungs. , metallic foreign body shadow in the mid-abdomen. , please review based on clinical considerations.", "1216": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier.", "1217": "Possible right lung infection. , old lesions in both lungs. , the costophrenic angles on both sides are blunt, please consider it clinically. , calcification of lymph nodes in the mediastinum is possible.", "1218": "The texture of both lungs becomes heavier and blurred.", "1219": "The texture in both lungs increased, and there were suspicious small shadows and small nodules.", "1220": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier, with a few cord shadows at the left costophrenic angle. ,", "1221": "The two lung textures are slightly disordered, consistent with bronchitis.", "1222": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. ,", "1223": "The texture of both lungs increased slightly.", "1224": "After PICC operation: the texture of both lungs increased slightly.", "1225": "The texture of both lungs is thick and blurred, with multiple spots and shadows. Exudative changes are considered. , the middle and upper mediastinal shadow was slightly widened. , tubular shadow in the right costophrenic angle projection area. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1226": "The texture of both lungs is slightly increased. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1227": "Suspicious nodule-like shadow in the septal corner of the right heart. Lateral films showed nodule-like high-density lesions in the cardiac projection area. , the heart shadow is full and the aorta is tortuous. , further inspection if necessary.", "1228": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier, and there are multiple cord shadows in the left lower lung; please combine it with clinical practice.", "1229": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier, and the right lung is scattered with small spots. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1230": "A small amount of inflammation in both lungs is possible.", "1231": "Slightly high-density shadow in the right lung at the level of the third anterior rib in Nakano. ,", "1232": "After PICC catheterization:, the right lung midfield occupies space, please combine it with clinical practice. , if there are nodules in the upper field of the right lung or the middle field of the left lung, please combine them with CT examination. , right pleural effusion. ,", "1233": "Flake high-density shadow and cords in the right lung apex. , please combine it with CT examination.", "1234": "The texture of both lungs became heavier and blurred, and the right lower lung cord was streaked. , small nodular shadow outside the right lower lung. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1235": "The texture of both lungs is increased; there are a few cord shadows at the left lung apex, considering the possibility of old lesions; papillary shadows in the lower fields of both lungs? , after right PICC catheterization, the head end ends at the upper right edge of the T5 vertebral body.", "1236": "The texture of both lungs was slightly increased and blurred, and the right middle and upper lung field was suspiciously slightly high-density. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1237": "The texture of both lungs is increased, and the right lower lung has flaky high-density shadows. Inflammation is possible. CT examination is required if necessary.", "1238": "The texture of both lungs has increased in weight and is scattered in small spots. , aortic node calcification. ,", "1239": "Right lung lower field cord. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1240": "The texture of both lungs increases.", "1241": "The texture of both lungs is increased and blurred.", "1242": "The texture of both lungs increases. , right hilar bulge. , please combine the clinical history.", "1243": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier.", "1244": "The texture of both lungs is heavier, blurred, and scattered in small spots; the aorta is tortuous", "1245": "There is a mass in the left lung, consider occupying the space. , The texture of the left lower lung field was blurred, and the left costophrenic angle was shallow. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1246": "Left upper lung sclerosis focus. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1247": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier and blurred, and there may be some inflammation in the right lower lung. , aortic sclerosis. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1248": "The texture of both lungs increased slightly. , there are some suspicious patchy shadows next to the edge of the left lower lung field, projection of the pericardial fat pad? , Lateral view: Nodular shadow seems to be seen behind the sternum, please combine it with clinical practice.", "1249": "The texture of both lungs increased, and there were streaks in the right middle lung field.", "1250": "The lung texture is slightly heavier twice. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1251": "The texture of both lungs is slightly thick. ,arteriosclerosis.", "1252": "The texture of both lungs increased.", "1253": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier.", "1254": "Nodular shadow at the right lung apex, further examination if necessary.", "1255": "Induration in the upper field of the right lung. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1256": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. , there are patchy shadows in the lower field of the right lung, and CT is recommended for clear diagnosis. , left pleural thickening or pleural effusion. , L1 vertebral body surgery. , thoracic spine degeneration. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1257": "Bronchitis in the left lung is possible, and the structure of the left hilar is unclear; please combine it with clinical practice.", "1258": "Inflammation in the right lower lung field. It is recommended to reexamine after anti-inflammation.", "1259": "There is an increase in the texture of both lungs and a suspicious nodule near the left hilar. It is recommended to combine it with clinical practice.", "1260": "The texture of both lungs increases. , the left hilar shadow increased. , The left second rib has local irregular shape. , please consider CT examination based on clinical considerations.", "1261": "Old lesions in both upper lungs; a small amount of inflammation in both lungs may be possible. , large cardiac shadow; , small amount of pleural effusion on both sides; , thickening of the right interlobar fissure. ,,", "1262": "The texture of both lungs increases. , the heart shadow is big.", "1263": "The texture of both lungs is heavy, please consider clinical practice.", "1264": "The texture of both lungs increases. , nodular shadow in the right lower lung, excluding nipple shadow. Please combine it with clinical practice.", "1265": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier.", "1266": "Two lung markings increased in weight, and there was a small nodule-like shadow next to the right middle mediastinum. , the left costophrenic angle became blunt. ,", "1267": "The left thorax is slightly smaller, and the heart image is shifted to the left, except that it is related to malposition. , considering left pleural effusion and partially wrapped effusion are not excluded. , multiple patchy shadows and inflammation in the right lung, pulmonary edema is considered, please pay attention to cardiac function. ,arteriosclerosis. , please combine it with clinical practice and recommend reexamination or chest CT examination when conditions permit.", "1268": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier.", "1269": "The texture of both lungs increases. , the transparency of the upper and lower fields of the right lung is reduced, and pleural thickening or inflammatory lesions need to be identified. , small nodular shadows in the lower fields of both lungs, considering the nipples. , the mediastinum is slightly wider. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1270": "The texture of both lungs has increased in weight and is slightly blurred.", "1271": "The texture of both lungs increased slightly. ,", "1272": "The lower field texture of both lungs is thick. , nodule in the lower field of the left lung, consider nipple shadow.", "1273": "The texture of both lungs is increased; the aorta is tortuous.", "1274": "The right lower lung texture is slightly heavier. ,Review after surgery of right lateral malleolus fracture. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1275": "Comparison of chest X-ray on 2020.2.11: The patchy shadow in the right lung is considered to be inflammation and is worse than before. , new inflammation of the left lung. , please combine it with clinical practice and confirm with CT if necessary. ,", "1276": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier.", "1277": "Small nodule in the lower field of the left lung. , Part of the vertebral body wedge deformation in the thoracolumbar segment. , please combine it with clinical practice. ,", "1278": "The texture of both lungs increases. , a faint shadow in the lower field of the right lung. , the aorta is tortuous.", "1279": "There are some suspicious inflammatory lesions in the lower field of the left lung.", "1280": "The texture of both lungs became heavier and blurred, with scattered small nodules. , there are strips of shadow in the upper lobe of the right lung, please combine it with clinical practice.", "1281": "The lung texture is slightly heavier and blurred twice. , the left costophrenic angle is less sharp.", "1282": "The texture of both lungs is thick, and a few strip shadows seem to be seen in the two lower lung fields; some inflammatory lesions are not excluded. , suspicious scattered micronodules in both lungs. , aortic sclerosis. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1283": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier.", "1284": "The right hilus is enlarged and there are shadows around it; CT examination is recommended. , There is a suspicious nodule-like shadow in the left middle lung. , the right diaphragm is elevated.", "1285": "Small nodule in the lower field of the left lung. , changed after PICC catheterization. ,", "1286": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier, and there are spots in the lower lobe of the left lung. ,", "1287": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier, and the partial expansion of the lung tissue in the lower fields of both lungs may be incomplete; the right side may have pleural effusion.", "1288": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier, and the lower lung field is blurred.", "1289": "Possible old lesions in the upper lobes of both lungs; thoracic vertebrae bone hyperplasia. ,", "1290": "The texture of both lungs increases. , left lung lower ambition shadow after mass shadow. , aortic node calcification. ,", "1291": "The texture of both lungs increases. , there may be old lesions in the right lung.", "1292": "The texture of both lungs is heavier and has cord shadows. Please consider it clinically.", "1293": "The texture of both lungs has increased in weight and is blurred, with scattered light shadows. , calcified nodule at the right lung apex. , pleural calcification at the left lung apex. , please combine medical history and clinical practice.", "1294": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier and blurred.", "1295": "Both lungs have heavy texture, chaotic structure, and scattered micro-nodules. ,", "1296": "Changes after endotracheal intubation. , patchy shadows are seen next to the left hilar and right lower lung fields, are there inflammatory exudative changes? Pulmonary Edema? , the texture of both lungs is thick and blurred. , the hilar shadows of both lungs are slightly larger. , The local bones of the left 6th and 7th ribs are slightly less smooth. , please combine the above with clinical practice.", "1297": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier.", "1298": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier, and there are small nodules in the middle and lower fields of the left lung.", "1299": "The texture of both lungs increased. , two old lung lesions. , large heart shadow, arteriosclerosis. , right diaphragm elevation. , Lumbar spine degeneration and alignment instability. , Compression fracture of lumbar 1 vertebra.", "1300": "Scoliosis. , small nodule-like shadow next to the right heart margin. , left lower pulmonary cord stripe shadow, and uneven brightness behind the heart shadow. , gas accumulation and content shadow in the intestinal lumen of the colonic system. , please combine it with clinical practice. ,", "1301": "The texture of both lungs increases. , nodular shadow in the left lower lung field, excluding nipple shadow. , aortic node calcification.", "1302": "There is a mass shadow in the dorsal segment of the lower lobe of the left lung. Please combine it with clinical practice. , the texture of both lungs is slightly increased.", "1303": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier and scattered in small spots.", "1304": "There were multiple spots and light shadows in both lungs, suggesting pleural hypertrophy and calcification. , small nodular focus in the right upper abdomen.", "1305": "The texture of both lungs has increased in weight and blurred, and there are multiple cord shadows and dot shadows. Please combine it with clinical practice. , translucent area in the upper lobe of the right lung. , partial lumbar spine cement surgery.", "1306": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier and blurred, with scattered small shadows and suspicious spots. , the heart shadow is slightly larger and the heart edge is full. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1307": "Both lungs have heavy texture. , slightly high-density nodule in the lower lobe of the left lung. , right upper lung point shadow. , Pleural hypertrophy at both lung apices. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1308": "Postoperative changes of right rib fracture. , the middle and lower fields of the right lung are blurred and dense, and the right diaphragm is incomplete. Consider a little inflammation, local atelectasis, and a small amount of pleural effusion on the right side. , the left lung has light ground glass shadow, except for a little inflammation. , please combine it with clinical practice. ,", "1309": "The texture of both lungs increases. ,", "1310": "The lung texture is heavier and blurred twice. Please refer to clinical practice.", "1311": "The texture of both lungs increased slightly.", "1312": "After internal fixation of clavicle, after thoracotomy. , The 5th to 9th ribs on the left side are irregular in shape. , the texture of both lungs increased, and the lower lung field became slightly blurred. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1313": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier, and the heart shadow is full. ,", "1314": "The texture of both lungs is thick and changes after tracheal intubation. Please consider the clinical situation.", "1315": "There was a mass in the right middle and lower lung field, involving the right hilum. , there may be a few lines in the lung fields. , the heart shadow is slightly larger and the aorta is hardened. ,PICC catheterization on the left side. ,", "1316": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier and blurred, and the suspicious dots are slightly high-density shadows.", "1317": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. , Mild scoliosis of the thoracic spine.", "1318": "The texture of both lungs is increased and the right hilar mass is shadowed. Please consider the clinical situation. , PICC catheter shadow, the head end is located at the level of the 5th posterior rib. ,", "1319": "The texture of both lungs increases. , the pleura of both lung apices was thickened, and the upper lung cords were shadowed. , right upper lung surgery? , fracture of the upper end of the right humerus.", "1320": "Postoperative changes in the left lung. ,arteriosclerosis. ,", "1321": "Consider a small amount of inflammation in both lungs, please combine it with clinical practice.", "1322": "The texture of both lungs becomes heavier and blurred. , multiple cord shadows in both lungs. , Right lung bulla may be.", "1323": "The right upper lung showed high-density shadows, and there were multiple masses and nodules in both lungs. , changes after tracheal intubation. it is roughly the same as before, please combine it with clinical practice.", "1324": "Interstitial fibrosis in both lungs, except for some inflammatory lesions. , Suspicious nodule-like shadow in the right lower lung field. , the heart shadow is big. , the bilateral costophrenic angles are slightly less sharp. , scoliosis. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1325": "The texture of both lungs is thick. , two small nodules in the lower lung fields, cross-section of blood vessel shadow? , Right internal jugular vein catheterization shadow.", "1326": "The texture of both lungs is increased, please consider it clinically.", "1327": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier.", "1328": "Increased texture in both lungs. Please combine it with clinical practice. , Lumbar spine degeneration. ,", "1329": "The right middle and lower lung fields were blurred, with suspicious slightly high density shadows. , the right breast was not seen.", "1330": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1331": "The texture of both lungs is heavy, please consider clinical practice.", "1332": "The texture of both lungs becomes heavier and blurred.", "1333": "The right upper lung showed high-density shadows, and there were multiple masses and nodules in both lungs. , changes after tracheal intubation.", "1334": "Postoperative performance of the right lung. , a little pneumothorax on the right side, a small amount of pleural effusion on the right side; changes after chest drainage on the right side. Exudative lesions in the right lung. The above performance is better absorbed than before. , there are calcifications in the upper field of the right lung, and small nodules appear to be seen in the middle and upper fields of the left lung. Please combine it with clinical practice.", "1335": "A little inflammation in the lower lung field? Please combine it with clinical practice. , there seems to be small nodular shadows in both upper lung fields, and vascular shadows in cross-section? , PICC tube placement. ,", "1336": "The texture of both lungs is heavy.", "1337": "The texture of both lungs increases. Multiple nodules in both lungs. , The left side lacks a sharp costophrenic angle. ,arteriosclerosis. , postoperative changes in the thoracic spine. , please combine it with clinical practice. ,", "1338": "The texture of both lungs is heavy and the structure is disordered. Please consider it clinically.", "1339": "When considering pneumonia, please combine it with clinical practice.", "1340": "The lung texture is slightly heavier twice.", "1341": "Postoperative changes in left ribs, left hydropneumothorax, and left chest drainage. ,", "1342": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier, and there is a small retrosternal nodule-like shadow.", "1343": "Small induration in the right lower lung, with possible vascular shadow. ,", "1344": "The texture of both lungs is increased, please consider it clinically.", "1345": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier.", "1346": "The texture of both lungs increased, and there were suspicious small nodules in the lower lung field.", "1347": "The two lower lung textures increased in weight, and there were small nodules on the apex of the right lung. ,Aortic tortuosity.", "1348": "The texture of both lungs is heavy. , the heart shadow is slightly full.", "1349": "The texture of both lungs is increased and blurred; changes after chest surgery; after pacemaker implantation. ,", "1350": "There are dense small nodules and induration in the middle of the left lung? Please combine it with clinical practice.", "1351": "Considering the small amount of inflammation in both lungs, it is recommended to combine it with clinical practice.", "1352": "The texture of both lungs increases.", "1353": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. , there is a dense small nodule shadow in the 6th anterior rib projection area in the left lower lung field, and there may be a nipple shadow.", "1354": "The lower field texture of both lungs increased. , Suspicious nodular shadow next to the right heart shadow, further examination if necessary.", "1355": "The texture of both lungs is slightly increased, and the left lung apex is suspicious of tiny nodules. Please combine it with clinical practice.", "1356": "Calcification focus in the left lung. , lumbar degeneration. , T12 vertebral body becomes flattened. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1357": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. , there is a suspicious small nodule in the lower field of the right lung, further examination is recommended.", "1358": "Nodules at the apex of the left lung and small nodules in the upper field of the right lung, tuberculosis? , please combine clinical and laboratory examinations, and confirm with CT if necessary. ,", "1359": "There was punctate high density in the upper field of the left lung, possibly induration. , the texture of both lungs is slightly heavier and blurred. , The heart shadow is full, and the aorta is tortuous and sclerotic. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1360": "Pleural hypertrophy at the apex of both lungs.", "1361": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier.", "1362": "Increased weight of bilateral lung textures. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1363": "The texture of both lungs is increased, please consider it clinically.", "1364": "The texture of both lungs increases. , high-density nodules on the right side of the tracheal bifurcation, possibly calcified lymph nodes. , scoliosis.", "1365": "The two lung textures are slightly severe, please consider clinical practice.", "1366": "The texture of both lungs was slightly heavier and blurred, with suspicious small nodules.", "1367": "The texture of both lungs becomes heavier and blurred.", "1368": "Small nodule in the upper field of the left lung. , Suspicious small nodule in the right upper quadrant.", "1369": "The texture of both lungs increased slightly; there was a small nodule in the left lower lung field.", "1370": "The lung texture has slightly increased in weight twice. Please consider it clinically.", "1371": "The lung texture is slightly severe after two strokes. Please consider it clinically. , the left thorax becomes narrower, and the left ribs are less regular in shape.", "1372": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. Please consider it clinically.", "1373": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier and blurred. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1374": "Comparison with the old films of our hospital on 2019-06-06: There are some interstitial changes in the two lower lung fields with possible inflammatory changes, and a new group of shadows is seen in the lower field of the right lung. Please combine it with clinical practice. Check further if necessary. , multiple old tuberculosis lesions in both upper lungs, roughly the same as before. , the left pleura is thickened and calcified, roughly the same as before.", "1375": "A small amount of inflammation in both lungs is possible. , left lung cord shadow.", "1376": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier, and the lung apex is suspicious of small nodules. , the left hilus was slightly widened. ,arteriosclerosis. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1377": "Scattered induration lesions in both upper lungs, considered old lesions.", "1378": "Multiple nodules and cords in the right lung. Consider old lesions. Please combine the clinical history.", "1379": "The texture of both lungs was slightly heavier, with suspicious small nodules. Please combine it with clinical practice. ,arteriosclerosis. ,Old bilateral rib fractures? Please combine the clinical history.", "1380": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. , Nodules in the lower field of the left lung, nipple? , pleural thickening at the right lung apex.", "1381": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier, and there may be old lesions in the apex of both lungs. ,", "1382": "The texture of both lungs increases.", "1383": "Consider a small amount of pneumonia in both lower lungs. , Thoracic scoliosis. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1384": "The lung texture is slightly heavier and blurred twice.", "1385": "Bilateral pneumonic changes are possible, nodules in the upper lobe of the left lung, please combine with CT; bilateral pleural effusion, double lung insufficiency, please combine with clinical practice.", "1386": "Pneumonia review film: The original pneumonia has been obviously absorbed this time.", "1387": "The texture of both lungs became heavier and blurred, and there were suspicious small nodules and light film-like shadows in the lower lung field. , the right hilar shadow is slightly larger. , the right diaphragm is elevated.", "1388": "The texture of both lungs increased, and small patchy shadows were scattered in the right lung field.", "1389": "The texture of both lungs became heavier and blurred, and the apex of the right lung was thick and linear in density. , small spots in the middle field of the left lung. , the right lower hilus appears full. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1390": "The lung texture is slightly heavier twice. , right lung apex nodule. , the spine is slightly curved. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1391": "A little pneumothorax on the right side is not excluded, and the right thoracic tube is inserted. , the texture of both lungs increased, with scattered spots and cord shadows. , the pleura is thickened at the apex of both lungs. , postoperative changes in the right clavicle and ribs. , please consider the clinical situation and recommend chest CT examination.", "1392": "The texture of both lungs has increased in weight. Please consider it clinically. , small nodular lesions in the outer zone of the right middle lung and the anterior costophrenic angle area. , Possible inflammation in the costophrenic angle area of \u200b\u200bboth lower lungs. , Costophrenic angle is rounded and blunt. ,", "1393": "The texture of both lungs is heavy and chaotic, and there are diffuse spots and patchy shadows in both lungs. Bronchitis and interstitial fibrosis are considered. , high-density shadow in the right hilus, please combine it with clinical practice. , right pleural lesions. , the right ribs are less regular. ,", "1394": "The texture of both lungs became heavier and blurred, with scattered small spots forming shadows.", "1395": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier, with scattered small nodules. Please combine it with clinical practice.", "1396": "Both lungs have heavy texture.", "1397": "The texture of both lungs is increased, and it is recommended to be combined with clinical practice.", "1398": "The texture of both lungs increased slightly. , the heart is full of shadow. , a patchy high-density shadow in the right upper abdomen.", "1399": "The texture of both lungs is increased and blurred. , Calcification focus in the right lower lung field. , the heart is full of shadow. , the above comparison of the 2019.12.16 films is roughly the same as before. ,", "1400": "There are multiple nodules and cord shadows in both upper lungs. Please recommend further examination based on the clinical history. ,", "1401": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier and blurred; please combine it with clinical practice.", "1402": "The left lower lung texture is slightly heavier and blurred. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1403": "The texture of both lungs is increased. , with small nodules in the field of the right lower lung. , aortic node calcification.", "1404": "The texture of both lungs increases. , aortic node calcification. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1405": "Increased texture in both lungs, patchy shadows, nodules and cord shadows in both middle and upper lung fields, further CT examination if necessary; right hilar widening; right catheter head The end is level with the 8th-9th posterior intercostal space.", "1406": "The lung texture increases twice.", "1407": "The texture of both lungs is increased and blurred. Please refer to clinical practice. ,", "1408": "The texture of both lungs increased slightly. , possible sclerosis at the right lung apex. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1409": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier.", "1410": "Postoperative left scapula. , the texture of both lungs increases.", "1411": "Suspicious point shadowing in the right lower lung, blood vessel cross section? , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1412": "The lung texture is slightly heavier in two strokes. , there are a few punctate dense shadows in the middle lobe of the left lung, which is considered to be an induration focus. , Suspicious small nodules were found outside the middle lobe of the right lung. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1413": "Left hydropneumothorax, patchy high-density shadow near the left hilar and left lower lung. , small nodular shadow in the right lower lung. ,", "1414": "The texture of both lungs was increased and blurred, and there were suspicious small nodules. , the right lung apex and right lower lung are faint shadows. , the right lower hilus appears full.", "1415": "Comparison with the 2020-10-23 chest X-ray: the scope of the right pneumothorax is smaller than before, and the right lung is recruiting. , the mass shadows and nodules in both lungs were unchanged from before. , the right hilus appears clearer than before. , after right subclavian catheter placement.", "1416": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier.", "1417": "The right parahilar mass shadow, the structure of the right hilar is not clear, please combine it with chest CT; right pleural effusion may be combined with incomplete expansion of the right lung. ,", "1418": "Small nodules seemed to be seen in the lower field of the right lung. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1419": "The texture of both lungs increased and the lesions of both lungs were old. , Bilateral pleural thickening.", "1420": "There is a slight increase in the lung texture twice. Please consider it clinically.", "1421": "The texture of both lungs is slightly thick.", "1422": "A little inflammation of the left lower lung. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1423": "The texture of both lungs increased and the left diaphragm was elevated. , the left costophrenic angle disappeared. ,After PICC catheterization, the head end is located at the level of the 6th posterior rib on the right side. , please combine your medical history. ,", "1424": "Suspicious light and striped shadows in the lower field of the right lung. Check further if necessary.", "1425": "After right chest drainage, the mass shadows and nodules in both lungs have not changed much from before. , the translucency of both lung fields appears to be slightly enhanced than before. , the right costophrenic angle is slightly blunt and new.", "1426": "The lower field of the right lung increased. , The right hilus is full, and there are suspicious masses/mass shadows. Further examination is required if necessary. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1427": "The texture of both lungs increased. , There is a suspicious small nodule-like shadow in the projection area of \u200b\u200bthe left lower lung field. , the right cannula head is at the level of the 9th posterior rib.", "1428": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier.", "1429": "The texture of both lungs is heavy. , the texture structure of the right lung was disordered, with irregular cord shadows in the middle and lower lung fields; the right diaphragm was lifted up, and the costophrenic angle was not visible. , the right hilus is full. , please combine it with clinical practice and perform chest CT examination when necessary.", "1430": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier.", "1431": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier.", "1432": "Left lung consolidation shadow accompanied by pleural effusion. , possible localized incomplete expansion of the right lung. , Suspicious induration in the lower field of the right lung. , changes after esophageal stent placement. , the left 8th rib is not regular. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1433": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier and blurred.", "1434": "The texture of both lungs became heavier and blurred, and there was a mass in the right middle lung field.", "1435": "Nodules in the right lung, considered old lesions. ,arteriosclerosis. , deep vein catheterization. ,", "1436": "The texture of both lungs increased, and cord shadows appeared in both lower lung fields; there were suspicious nodular shadows in the right middle and lower lung fields, which may be caused by rib calcification. , aortic node calcification. The right lower hilar shadow is slightly blurred.", "1437": "The texture of both lungs becomes heavier and blurred. , small nodule-like shadows in the upper corner of the right scapula and the projection area of \u200b\u200bthe ribs at the right lung apex. Check further if necessary. , the heart shadow is slightly larger.", "1438": "A small amount of inflammation in both lungs.", "1439": "The texture of both lungs increased slightly.", "1440": "The texture of both lungs became heavier, blurred, and scattered in point-like shadows. , strip-like high-density shadow in the right hilar area.", "1441": "The heart shadow is full, which is considered related to body position. Please combine it with clinical practice.", "1442": "The lung texture is slightly heavier twice. , there is a small nodular shadow next to the mediastinum in the upper field of the left lung. It is necessary to identify intrapulmonary lesions or foreign bodies outside the body. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1443": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. , there is a suspicious nodule in the lower field of the right lung, further examination is recommended. , the heart is full of shadow.", "1444": "The texture of both lungs increases. , the heart is full of shadow. ,", "1445": "The texture of both lungs increased slightly.", "1446": "There were scattered point-like shadows in both lungs, and a mass-like shadow behind the left heart shadow. , the heart shadow is large, and the aortic node is calcified. , further inspection if necessary.", "1447": "The texture of both lungs increased. ;,The heart shadow is full and the aortic node is calcified.", "1448": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier.", "1449": "The texture of both lungs increased, and the posterior segment of the upper lobe of the right lung was shadowed. ,", "1450": "the pleural effusion on the left side was slightly reduced, and the pleural effusion on the right side was new. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1451": "The texture of both lungs increases.", "1452": "The texture of both lungs increased; the nodular shadow in the lower lobe of the right lung.", "1453": "The texture of both lungs became heavier and blurred, scattered in small spots. , the right hilar shadow is slightly larger. , there is a little suspicious gas density shadow under the right side of the diaphragm, please combine it with clinical practice.", "1454": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier.", "1455": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. Pale filmy shadow in the right middle and upper lung field. Please combine it with clinical practice.", "1456": "Suspicious small nodule in the lower field of the right lung, excluding papillary shadow. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1457": "The bilateral lower lung texture is slightly heavier and blurred.", "1458": "The right lower lung takes up space and is surrounded by shadows. ,The right hilus is widened and the lymph nodes are swollen? , please combine the above with CT.", "1459": "The texture of both lungs is increased, and it is recommended to be combined with clinical practice.", "1460": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier, and there are small nodules in the field of the right middle lung.", "1461": "Flake high-density shadow in the upper field of the right lung, further examination is recommended; possible sclerosis lesions in the left lung apex and lower left lung field. ,", "1462": "A small amount of inflammation in both lungs is not excluded. , right upper pleural thickening.", "1463": "The texture of both lungs increased and the right lower lung field was blurred. , Calcification lesions in the upper mediastinum.", "1464": "Chronic bronchial emphysema and bullous manifestations, consider chronic bronchitis. , multiple cord shadows and patches in both lungs, please combine with clinical practice. , Bilateral pleural effusion. , after endotracheal intubation and intravenous catheterization. ,", "1465": "Old lesions in the upper field of the right lung.", "1466": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. , the upper field cord of the left lung. , nodular-like shadow in the right lung, overlapping shadow? Intrapulmonary disease? ,arteriosclerosis. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1467": "There may be some inflammation in the lower field of the right lung. , suspicious mass shadow behind the right heart shadow. , Bilateral pleural effusion is possible. , after deep vein catheterization. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1468": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier and blurred, and the lungs are shadowed at scattered points. ,Bronchiectasis in the right lower lung field is possible, and combined infection is not excluded. , please combine medical history and clinical practice.", "1469": "The lung texture increases twice. , high-density lesions in the middle fields of both lungs, considering pleural calcification. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1470": "Consider a small amount of lung inflammation twice. , Suspicious nodules behind the heart shadow. Further inspection is recommended. , wedge deformation of some thoracic vertebrae. ,", "1471": "The texture of both lungs is slightly increased. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1472": "The texture of both lungs increased slightly. , there are a few suspicious cords in the left lower lung field. , the bilateral costophrenic angles were slightly blunt.", "1473": "The lung texture is slightly heavier twice. , after thoracotomy. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1474": "There are small nodular shadows in the right lower lung field, excluding vascular shadows.", "1475": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. , Suspicious small nodules in the lower lobe of the right lung.", "1476": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier and blurred.", "1477": "The texture of both lungs is slightly thick.", "1478": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier, and there are suspicious small nodules in the left lower lung field.", "1479": "Inflammatory changes in the left lower lung field. Please consider the clinical situation and recommend reexamination after anti-inflammatory treatment.", "1480": "After the PICC tube is inserted, the end of the tube is approximately located in the right mediastinum at the level of the lower edge of the thoracic 6 vertebral body. , double lung texture increases, please combine it with clinical practice. , the 5th posterior rib on the left and the 7th posterior rib on the right are irregular in shape.", "1481": "Slightly high-density shadows in both lung apices. ,", "1482": "The texture of both lungs increased, and the right lung was scattered with dots and cords.", "1483": "A little inflammation of the lungs may occur twice. , scattered old lesions in both upper lungs. , aortic sclerosis. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1484": "1. The texture of both lungs is blurred and disordered. Please refer to clinical practice. ,2. The PICC tube head is located at the level of the 8th posterior rib on the right side. ,3. There may be a little pleural effusion on the right side. ,", "1485": "After the PICC tube is inserted, the end of the tube is located approximately in the right mediastinum at the level of the lower edge of the thoracic 7 vertebral body. , The texture of both lungs increased and became blurred, with multiple patchy and nodular shadows. , both diaphragmatic surfaces are rough, and the costophrenic angles on both sides are not sharp.", "1486": "The heart shadow is slightly full.", "1487": "The lung texture has slightly increased in weight twice. Please consider it clinically.", "1488": "Small induration in the lower field of the left lung. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1489": "Small dots scattered in both lungs, possibly inflammation in the lower lobes of both lungs. , the heart shadow is full and the left atrium is dilated. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1490": "Both lungs have heavy texture.", "1491": "The texture of both lungs becomes heavier and blurred. , the heart is full of shadow. ,", "1492": "The two lung textures are slightly severe, please consider clinical practice.", "1493": "The texture of both lungs was slightly heavier and blurred, with suspicious small dots forming shadows. , the right costophrenic angle is slightly blunted.", "1494": "Comparison with 2020-09-21 chest X-ray: The texture of both lungs is increased and blurred. , there is a mass/mass-like shadow in the middle field of the right lung, and the density is slightly higher than before. , a small amount of pleural effusion on the left side is possible.", "1495": "The texture of both lungs is slightly thick.", "1496": "Suspicious induration in the middle field of the right lung. ,Aortic bulb calcification. , a small amount of pleural effusion on both sides. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1497": "pleural effusion on the right side, unchanged from before. , the right lung field has a slightly high-density shadow, and there are multiple bullae in the right lung. No change. , spots and strips of dense shadow in the left lung field, same as before. , please combine it with clinical practice. ,,", "1498": "Bilateral pleural effusion combined with incomplete expansion of both lungs. , exudative lesions in both lungs. , the heart is full of shadow. , deep vein catheter shadow. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1499": "There are small patches and suspicious small nodules in the right lower lung field: inflammation? Please consider clinical practice and recommend reexamination when necessary.", "1500": "The lung texture is slightly heavier and blurred twice.", "1501": "Comparing the bedside chest X-ray of our hospital on 2020-05-13: the left pleural effusion was reduced compared with before. , the transparency of both lungs decreased compared with before. , the remaining performance is the same as before. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1502": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier and blurred. , suspicious old lesions in both upper lung fields. , large cardiac shadow, aortic calcification. , Mild scoliosis of the thoracic spine.", "1503": "The texture of both lungs increases. ,", "1504": "There may be some old lesions in the apex of both lungs.", "1505": "The texture of both lungs is slightly thickened and blurred. Please refer to clinical practice.", "1506": "there are scattered small nodules in both lungs and possible inflammation in the lower fields of both lungs, which are roughly the same as before. , Yu Tongqian. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1507": "There is a small nodule in the posterior costophrenic angle on the lateral radiograph. Please combine it with clinical practice.", "1508": "The texture of both lungs increased, with scattered nodules. , mass/mass shadow in the right lower lung field. , the structure of the right hilus is unclear. , further inspection is recommended.", "1509": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier.", "1510": "The posterior costophrenic angle is blunted. ,", "1511": "The texture of both lungs increased and the lower lung field was slightly blurred. , suspicious small nodules at the apex of the right lung.", "1512": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier.", "1513": "No obvious active lesions were found in both lungs. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1514": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. Suspicious patchy shadows in the left lower lung, please consider clinical practice. , speckled shadows in the right upper lung field, possibly sclerosis. ,", "1515": "There may be some inflammation in the left upper lung.", "1516": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. , the heart shadow is slightly enlarged. ,", "1517": "Increased bilateral lung markings. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1518": "Nodular shadow and nipple shadow in the middle field of the right lung?", "1519": "After tracheal intubation. , the texture of both lungs was thick, blurred, and had multiple patchy shadows. , the right costophrenic angle area is blurred. ,", "1520": "The texture of both lungs was slightly heavier and blurred, with suspicious small nodules.", "1521": "The texture of both lungs is increased, please consider it clinically.", "1522": "The distal bone of the middle phalanx of the right little finger is not regular. , there is a suspicious slightly high-density shadow in the right lung apex.", "1523": "Consider: Secondary tuberculosis in the two middle and upper lung fields, please combine it with clinical practice. , bilateral pleural thickening is possible. ,", "1524": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier.", "1525": "Left upper pulmonary cord strip and small nodule shadow.", "1526": "The texture of both lungs became heavier, blurred, and scattered in small spots.", "1527": "After PICC operation: the texture of both lungs increased slightly. , the right costophrenic angle becomes blunt.", "1528": "Two lung markings increased in weight, and there was a suspicious light film/nodule in the septal corner of the right heart. , small nodules in the left middle lung field.", "1529": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier and blurred.", "1530": "The texture of both lungs is heavier and blurred. , a mass in the lower field of the right lung, the tumor may be large. , heart shadow enlargement, arteriosclerosis. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1531": "The texture of both lungs is slightly thick. , there is a slightly high-density nodule at the apex of the right lung, consider the nodule, please consider the medical history.", "1532": "The texture of both lungs increased and the lower lung field was blurred. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1533": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier.", "1534": "The texture of both lungs increased, and there was a small nodule in the middle of the right lung. , wedge deformation of lower thoracic spine.", "1535": "Suspicious small patchy shadow in the anterior costophrenic angle area. Please combine it with clinical practice.", "1536": "The texture of both lungs is thick and blurred. It is recommended to combine it with clinical practice. , a suspicious small nodule in the first anterior rib projection area in the upper field of the left lung.", "1537": "The texture of both lungs is thickened and blurred. Please refer to clinical practice. , spotty dense shadows in the projection area in the middle and lower left lung. , aortic sclerosis. , Bilateral clavicle shape is irregular.", "1538": "The trachea deviates to the right. , the texture of both lungs is increased and blurred, with multiple spots and dots, and there may be pleural effusion on the right side.", "1539": "Review of the right chest after drainage: right pneumothorax, right lung atelectasis, and recruitment. , the mass and nodule shadows in both lungs have not changed much from before. , the right costophrenic angle is sharper than the anterior one.", "1540": "The texture of both lungs is increased and blurred. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1541": "Calcification focus in the right lung apex. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1542": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier, and the field zone of the right upper lung is slightly blurred.", "1543": "The texture of both lungs is increased, please consider it clinically.", "1544": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier.", "1545": "The texture of both lungs increased.", "1546": "The texture of both lungs is heavy and scattered with dot-like shadows. Please refer to clinical practice. , the nodular shadow in the right lower lung is considered to be a nipple shadow.", "1547": "The texture of both lungs is increased. , symmetric punctate high-density shadows in the lower fields of both lungs, considering the possibility of papillary shadows, it is recommended to be combined with clinical practice.", "1548": "Compression fracture of approximately T10 vertebral body. , thoracic spine degeneration. , Lumbar degenerative osteoarthropathy. , local swelling of the right diaphragm. ,arteriosclerosis.", "1549": "The texture of both lungs becomes heavier and blurred. , The right lower hilar image appears full.", "1550": "The texture of both lungs increased, and there were strips of shadow in the left middle and upper lung field. , localized thickening of the left lung apex pleura.", "1551": "The lung texture is obvious twice and the structure is blurred. Please combine it with clinical practice.", "1552": "The texture of both lungs is thickened and blurred. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1553": "After the PICC tube is inserted, the end of the tube is located approximately in the right mediastinum at the level of the lower edge of the thoracic 6 vertebral body. , the texture of both lungs increased and became blurred, with multiple patchy shadows and cord shadows, and patchy density-increased shadows in the left lower lung. ,The left costophrenic angle is poorly displayed. , please combine clinical and CT examination.", "1554": "The texture of both lungs is thickened and blurred, and inflammation may be possible. Please refer to the clinic.", "1555": "There are multiple punctate high-density spots in the upper field of the left lung, and small indurations may be possible. Please consider the medical history. , the lumbar curvature becomes slightly straightened.", "1556": "There are multiple mass masses in both lungs. Consider the possibility of inflammatory lesions. Please consider the clinical situation and review or further check if necessary.", "1557": "Scattered nodules in the right lung. , the left lung apex had low radiolucency, and the left pleura was thickened with calcification. , the left costophrenic angle is less sharp. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1558": "The two lung textures are slightly thick, please refer to clinical practice. , middle-field nodules in the left lung, further examination is recommended.", "1559": "The texture of both lungs increased, and there were multiple punctate dense shadows in the right upper lung, which was considered to be an old lesion. , patchy high-density shadow in the left upper lung. ,", "1560": "There were a few cord shadows and suspicious nodules in the lower field of the right lung.", "1561": "After the PICC tube is inserted. , old lesions at the left lung apex. , with suspicious nodules in the left lower lung field. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1562": "The texture of both lungs was rough and blurred, consistent with bronchitis.", "1563": "The texture of both lungs increases, except for inflammation in the lower fields of both lungs. , thoracic spine degeneration. , Lumbar spine degeneration. The L1 vertebral body becomes flattened. , multiple slightly high-density shadows in the soft tissue projection area of \u200b\u200bthe neck and shoulders, overlapping shadows of foreign bodies outside the body? , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1564": "The texture of both lungs is increased and the left lower pulmonary cord is a strip shadow. Please combine it with clinical practice.", "1565": "After the PICC tube is inserted, the end of the tube is approximately located in the right mediastinum at the level of the lower edge of the thoracic 8 vertebral body. , for suspicious nodules in the left lower lung, please combine clinical symptoms and conduct CT examination if necessary.", "1566": "The texture of both lungs is increased, and the right upper lung is shadowed. Please consider clinical practice.", "1567": "There are small nodules in the lower field of the left lung, and the axial surface of blood vessels is possible. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1568": "The texture of both lungs is rough and blurred. Please refer to clinical practice.", "1569": "Both lungs have heavy texture.", "1570": "Calcification focus in the upper field of the left lung. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1571": "The texture of both lungs is increased, and it is recommended to be combined with clinical practice.", "1572": "The lung texture is slightly heavier twice. , small nodule in the lower field of the right lung. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1573": "Increased weight of bilateral lower lung texture. , postoperative performance of the left clavicle. ,", "1574": "The lung texture is slightly heavier and blurred twice. , possible induration at the left lung apex. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1575": "Increased texture in both lungs. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1576": "Striped shadows in the lower lobes of both lungs. , suspicious small nodule-like shadows in the mediastinal projection area and left lower lung. ,", "1577": "The texture of both lungs is increased and blurred, and there are suspicious small dots. , a small amount of inflammation in the right lower lung. , the translucency in the anterior costophrenic corner area is slightly less uniform. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1578": "The texture of both lungs was slightly heavier, and tiny nodules were scattered in the left lung. , cervical spine surgery.", "1579": "The texture of both lungs is increased, please consider it clinically.", "1580": "The texture of both lungs increased. , there were multiple nodules in both lungs, and metastasis was considered based on the medical history. , Bilateral pleural thickening.", "1581": "Consider left pneumonia, please combine it with clinical practice.", "1582": "The texture of both lungs has increased in weight and is scattered in small spots. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1583": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier.", "1584": "The texture of both lungs was slightly heavier and blurred, with suspicious small dot-like shadows. , Pleural hypertrophy at both lung apices. , the left hilus appeared full. ,", "1585": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier and blurred. , adhesion of left diaphragm. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1586": "Suspicious patchy shadow in the middle field of the left lung, further examination if necessary.", "1587": "The texture of both lungs became heavier and blurred, with scattered small shadows and nodules.", "1588": "Increased weight of bilateral lung textures. , aortic node calcification.", "1589": "Interstitial changes in both lungs may be combined with inflammation. , Bilateral pleural hypertrophy is possible.", "1590": "The lung texture is slightly messy twice. , scoliosis.", "1591": "Consider a small amount of inflammation in the left upper lung.", "1592": "Multiple patchy shadows in both lungs, consider the possibility of inflammatory changes; pneumothorax on the right side is possible, tube shadows are built into the right chest, and partial expansion of the right upper lung tissue is possible. Please combine it with clinical practice. , The bilateral costophrenic angles are slightly blunt. ,", "1593": "There is a patchy shadow in the middle and upper fields of the right lung and suspicious nodules; please combine it with clinical practice.", "1594": "The texture of both lungs is slightly messy.", "1595": "The texture of both lungs increased slightly. , left lower lung cord strip shadow, right lung middle field scattered point shadow, chest CT examination if necessary. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1596": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier.", "1597": "Consider chronic inflammation of both lungs. , there may be a small amount of effusion in the right pleural cavity.", "1598": "The texture of both lungs increased, scattered nodules in both lungs, and calcifications in the right upper lung field. ,", "1599": "No obvious abnormalities were found in the lungs, heart and diaphragm. , the head end of the right catheter is level with the level of the 7th-8th posterior intercostal space. ,", "1600": "The texture of both lungs is increased and blurred, and there may be a small amount of inflammation in the right lower lung.", "1601": "The lung texture increases twice.", "1602": "Exudative lesions in both lungs. , the heart shadow is enlarged and the aortic node is calcified. , left hilum widened. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1603": "High-density nodules in the upper lobe of the right lung, considered old lesions.", "1604": "Infection of both lungs; pleural thickening on both sides, calcification of the left pleura; full heart shadow.", "1605": "The texture of both lungs is increased, and it is recommended to be combined with clinical practice.", "1606": "The texture of both lungs increased, and the right middle lung field had a cord shadow.", "1607": "The texture of both lungs is heavier and blurred; grid shadow in the costophrenic angle area on both sides; sclerosis focus in the right lower lung.", "1608": "After left pneumothorax tube drainage: there is no lung texture area in the upper left side, and patchy shadows in the middle and lower left lung fields. Please combine it with clinical practice. , a little pleural effusion on the left side. , left chest wall emphysema. ,,", "1609": "There was some localized underexpansion in the lower fields of both lungs. , small nodule in the lower field of the right lung. , round-like high-density shadow in the projection area of \u200b\u200bthe thoracic spine. ,Aortic bulb calcification. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1610": "The texture of both lungs increased in weight and became blurred, with suspicious small dots.", "1611": "Right pneumonia possible. , scattered small nodules in the right lung. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1612": "Changes after tracheal intubation: the shadow of the two lung masses is slightly lighter than before, please combine it with clinical practice. The texture of both lungs is thick and blurred, roughly the same as before. , the remaining performance is roughly the same as before.", "1613": "The texture of both lungs is slightly thick.", "1614": "Lower right pneumonia is possible, please consider clinical practice.", "1615": "There are a few inflammatory changes in both lungs. Please consider the clinical situation and recommend a review after anti-inflammatory treatment.", "1616": "Nodular shadow in the right lower lung, consider papillary shadow. , there is no abnormality in the remaining lung fields and cardiophrenia, please combine it with clinical practice.", "1617": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier and blurred, and there are suspicious small shadows in the lower lung field.", "1618": "Increased texture in both lungs. , lumbar degeneration. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1619": "Nodular shadow in the right upper lung and strip shadow in the right lung cord. ,", "1620": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. , there are diffuse nodules of different sizes in both lungs, consider foreign bodies outside the body, please combine it with clinical practice.", "1621": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. , Paramarginal nodular shadow and papillary shadow in the lower field of the left lung? Please combine it with clinical practice.", "1622": "The texture of both lungs is increased, please consider it clinically.", "1623": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier.", "1624": "The texture of both lungs was slightly heavier and blurred, and there were suspicious small nodules in the right upper lung. , Mild bone hyperplasia in the thoracic spine.", "1625": "Old change in the right lung apex. Please combine it with clinical practice.", "1626": "The lung texture is slightly heavier and blurred twice. , Suspicious induration at the left lung apex. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1627": "Slight inflammation of both lower lungs is not excluded. , the heart shadow is full and the aorta is tortuous. , localized swelling of the right diaphragm. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1628": "Diffuse nodules of varying sizes in both lungs, considered metastatic. , left pleural effusion, possible local incomplete expansion of the left lung. , the structure of the left hilar is unclear. , after left chest tube insertion. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1629": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier and blurred. , right lung apical induration focus. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1630": "The texture of both lungs has increased in weight. Please consider it clinically.", "1631": "the texture of both lungs is increased and blurred. , the right parahilar mass shadow is roughly the same as before, CT examination is recommended. , there may be a little pleural effusion on the left side. ,", "1632": "Suspicious nodule in the lower field of the right lung. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1633": "Possible left lower left pneumonia, please consider the clinical situation.", "1634": "Two lung textures slightly increased in weight. , left parahilar nodular shadow, possibly vascular shadow. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1635": "The texture of both lungs increased.", "1636": "There is a round nodular shadow in the right lung apex. Please combine it with clinical practice to exclude in vitro artifacts.", "1637": "Left upper lung field lesion, secondary tuberculosis? Please combine it with clinical practice.", "1638": "The texture of both lungs increased slightly. , with nodular lesions in the right middle lung.", "1639": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier, and the lower field of the right lung is dot-like dense shadow. ,,", "1640": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. Please consider it clinically.", "1641": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier and blurred.", "1642": "Increased markings in both lungs. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1643": "Review of left distal humerus fracture, please combine it with clinical practice. , the texture of both lungs becomes heavier and blurred. , nodular focus in the right lower lung field. , the heart shadow is slightly larger and the aortic node is calcified. ,", "1644": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier.", "1645": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier and blurred.", "1646": "Suspicious nodule in the right upper lung, further examination if necessary.", "1647": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier and blurred. ,", "1648": "Small dots in the left middle and upper lobe.", "1649": "The texture of both lungs is heavier and blurred; there is localized pleural thickening at the apex of both lungs; the right costophrenic angle is less sharp. ,", "1650": "The texture of both lungs increased and the lower lung field was slightly blurred.", "1651": "The texture of both lungs increases.", "1652": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier and blurred.", "1653": "Two pneumonias possible.", "1654": "No abnormalities were found in the lungs, heart and diaphragm. ,The end of the PICC tube is approximately at the level of the 5th posterior intercostal space on the right side. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1655": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier.", "1656": "Consider right lower field pneumonia. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1657": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier, with a few cord shadows. ,Aortic tortuosity. ,", "1658": "The two lower lung markings are slightly heavier, and there are a few suspicious strip-like shadows in the anterior costophrenic angle area.", "1659": "The posterior costophrenic angle is slightly shallower.", "1660": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier.", "1661": "The texture of both lungs increased, with scattered small spots.", "1662": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavy, please consider it clinically.", "1663": "the original right lung cord and nodule shadow are not clear this time. , the texture of both lungs increased, and after deep vein catheterization, the end of the tube was level with the level of the fifth posterior rib on the right side.", "1664": "The two lung textures are slightly heavier.", "1665": "The texture of both lungs increased slightly. , possible sclerosis focus in the left upper lung. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1666": "The texture of both lungs is thick and blurred, and small dots and stripes appear in the two lower lung fields; a little inflammation?", "1667": "The texture of both lungs became heavier and blurred, with scattered small dots. , the light transmittance of the left lower lung field decreased. , prominent calcification of the aortic node. , please combine it with clinical practice. ,", "1668": "The texture of both lungs increased, and the upper field of the right lung became consolidated. Further examination is recommended. ,T12 compression fracture. , thoracolumbar degeneration. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1669": "The texture of both lungs is heavy. , multiple nodules, calcifications, and striped shadows in the upper lobe of the right lung. , please combine it with clinical further examination.", "1670": "Increased texture in both lungs. , postoperative performance of the left clavicle. , left shoulder degeneration. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1671": "There are flakes on the diaphragm surface of both lungs, which is considered to be inflammation.", "1672": "The texture of both lungs increased.", "1673": "The left lower lung field has local increased radiolucency. , There is a small amount of inflammation in the right middle and lower lungs, possibly emphysema and bullae. , The right side of the diaphragm is blurred. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1674": "There is a little patchy shadow in the middle lobe of the left lung. Please consider it based on clinical considerations.", "1675": "No abnormalities were found in the lungs, heart and diaphragm. Scoliosis.", "1676": "The texture of both lungs increased and the lower lung field was blurred. , the heart shadow is enlarged and the aortic node is calcified.", "1677": "The two lung textures are slightly thick.", "1678": "There is a small nodule shadow in the field of the left middle lung and behind the sternum. Please combine it with clinical practice.", "1679": "Bilateral pneumothorax, both lungs were compressed, especially the right lung. , the texture of both lungs increases. , exudative lesions in the lower fields of both lungs. , right pleural effusion.", "1680": "Comparison with the 2019-12-26 chest X-ray: After left chest drainage, the left hydropneumothorax was absorbed better than before; the left chest wall subcutaneous emphysema was better than before Absorption; please combine it with clinical practice.", "1681": "Degenerative changes in the cervical spine. , Infectious lesions and small nodules in both lungs.", "1682": "The texture of both lungs becomes heavier and blurred. , Inflammation of the lower field of the right lung. , multiple old lesions in both lungs. , Bilateral pleural effusion. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1683": "After the PICC tube is inserted, the end of the tube is located approximately in the right mediastinum at the level of the lower edge of the thoracic 6 vertebral body. , the texture of both lungs is slightly disordered, please consider it clinically. , left lung apical cord, considered old lesion.", "1684": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. ,", "1685": "The texture of the lower fields of both lungs is increased and blurred. Please consider the clinical situation.", "1686": "The texture of both lungs was thickened and blurred, and there were a few cord shadows in the left lower lung field. , small nodule in the right lower lung field. , the heart shadow is big. , changes after right catheterization. , changes after sternotomy surgery.", "1687": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier, and there are suspicious small nodules in the right upper lung field. , after cardiac surgery. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1688": "Consider infectious lesions in both upper lungs, prominent on the right side. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1689": "The texture of both lungs increases. , a little bit of shadow in the right upper lung.", "1690": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. , scoliosis.", "1691": "The texture of both lungs has increased in weight and is slightly blurred. , a little inflammation in the left lower field.", "1692": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. ,", "1693": "The texture of both lungs increased, and there were small nodules in the left middle lung field.", "1694": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. , Suspicious slightly high-density nodule and costal cartilage calcification in the left first anterior rib projection area? Check further if necessary.", "1695": "The texture of both lungs is increased. ,", "1696": "Consideration: Bronchitis of both lungs is not excluded. , some old lesions in the left upper lung field are not excluded. , the structure of the right hilus is unclear. ,left upper paramediastinal calcified lymph node? , Aortic tortuosity and sclerosis. ,Multiple thoracic spine bone cement postoperative changes. , The shape of the bilateral clavicle is irregular.", "1697": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier, and there are suspicious nodules and papillary shadows in the right lower lung field?", "1698": "Possible calcification spots in the upper field of the right lung. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1699": "The texture of both lungs increased, and the lower field of the right lung was slightly blurred.", "1700": "The texture of both lungs is slightly thick.", "1701": "The texture of both lungs is heavier and blurred. , scattered nodules in the right lung. , postoperative changes in the left clavicle.", "1702": "the mass shadow in the lower lobe of the right lung is more obvious than before, and inflammatory changes are not excluded. , a small amount of pleural effusion on the left side, which was less severe than before. ,The postoperative changes of the left ribs are roughly the same as before.", "1703": "The texture of both lungs increases. , small nodules where the middle field of the right lung and the lower field of the left lung overlap with the heart shadow. , the right hilus appears full. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1704": "There is a slight increase in the texture of both lungs. Please consider it clinically.", "1705": "Comparison with the 2020-07-29 chest X-ray: The left upper lung mass was re-examined, and the scope and density were smaller than before.", "1706": "There are scattered nodules in both lungs. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1707": "The lung texture is slightly heavier and blurred twice.", "1708": "Both lungs have heavy texture, disordered structure, multiple patchy shadows, and possible inflammation. Please consider clinical practice. , the heart shadow is big. , there may be a little pleural effusion on the left side.", "1709": "The texture of both lungs is heavy.", "1710": "There may be a small amount of inflammatory exudation in the lower field of the left lung. Please consider it clinically.", "1711": "The intrathoracic segment of the trachea deviates to the right. , The texture of both lungs increased and became blurred, with suspicious small nodules and small shadows. , the right middle and upper lung field has low radiolucency. , the right upper mediastinal shadow is slightly widened. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1712": "The texture of both lungs became heavier and blurred, with scattered small dots forming shadows. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1713": "The texture of both lungs becomes heavier and blurred, with scattered small spots forming shadows.", "1714": "The texture of both lungs increases. , the spine is slightly curved.", "1715": "The lung texture is slightly heavier and blurred twice.", "1716": "The texture of both lungs is heavy. , old lesions in the right lung apex and left lung, please combine the medical history and conduct further examination if necessary.", "1717": "The texture of both lungs becomes heavier and blurred.", "1718": "Both lungs have heavy texture. , old lesions in both lungs. ,arteriosclerosis.", "1719": "The texture of both lungs increases.", "1720": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier, with scattered shadows. , right upper pulmonary cord strip shadow. , full heart shadow and aortic sclerosis. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1721": "The texture of both lungs is increased, please consider it clinically.", "1722": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier, and there are suspicious small shadows in the right lower lung field. ,The lateral radiograph shows high-density nodules and lymph nodes in the anterior and upper part of the aortic arch? , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1723": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. , Pleural thickening at both lung apices.", "1724": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier and blurred.", "1725": "The two lung textures are slightly heavier.", "1726": "Consider emphysema in both lungs. , there is a shadow at the apex of the right lung, which may be an old lesion. ,", "1727": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier, and the heart shadow is enlarged.", "1728": "The texture of both lungs became heavier and blurred, with suspicious small nodules and patchy shadows.", "1729": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier, and small dot-like shadows are scattered in the right lung.", "1730": "Possible left lung fluid pneumothorax, which will change after left chest drainage; please combine it with clinical practice. , right lower lung mass shadow. , the heart shadow is big. , after deep vein catheterization. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1731": "The texture of both lungs is slightly increased. , the right side of the diaphragm is not regular. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1732": "A small amount of inflammation in both lungs is possible, please consider clinical practice.", "1733": "The texture of both lungs increased, and the radiolucency of the right lung field was low.", "1734": "The texture of both lungs increased; there was patchy shadow in the middle of the right lung.", "1735": "Possible old lesions in both lungs. , inflammation of the lower field of the left lung. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1736": "The texture of both lungs becomes heavier and blurred. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1737": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1738": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. , nodular-like shadow in the right lower lung, excluding nipple shadow.", "1739": "The texture of both lungs increased slightly.", "1740": "The texture of both lungs increases. , aortic node calcification. , postoperative changes in the right clavicle. ,", "1741": "Increased texture of both lungs and interstitial changes? Please combine it with clinical practice.", "1742": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier and blurred, and the left lower lung is shadowed. , The density of the mediastinal projection area in the lateral film is not uniform. , further inspection if necessary.", "1743": "Consider right middle lobe inflammation. , right lung apical induration focus. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1744": "The texture of both lungs has increased in weight; the old lesions of both lungs; the lateral radiograph shows that one vertebral body has become flattened, please combine it with clinical practice.", "1745": "The lung texture becomes heavier and blurred twice.", "1746": "The texture of both lungs increased and the lower lung field was slightly blurred. , the heart shadow is big. , the abdominal translucency is low, and there is a little air accumulation in the intestine. , CT examination if necessary.", "1747": "The texture of both lungs increased slightly.", "1748": "The texture of both lungs is slightly thick. , changes in the thoracic 6 vertebral body and L1 vertebral body, please combine the medical history and conduct further examination if necessary.", "1749": "The texture of both lungs increases.", "1750": "The texture of both lungs increased, and there were small retrosternal nodule-like shadows. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1751": "The texture of both lungs is heavy, and there are small patchy shadows in the lower field of the left lung. Inflammation is considered, please combine it with clinical practice.", "1752": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier, and there is a patchy shadow in the lower field of the right lung. The right hilus is widened and further examination is recommended.", "1753": "The texture of both lungs is slightly increased. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1754": "The texture of both lungs has increased in weight and is slightly blurred.", "1755": "Suspicious high-density nodule shadow and costal cartilage calcification at the overlap between the upper field of the left lung and the first anterior rib? ,", "1756": "Increased texture in both lungs, please consider clinical practice.", "1757": "The texture of both lungs is increased, please consider it clinically.", "1758": "Slightly high-density shadow in the left lower lung, possibly pericardial fat pad.", "1759": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier.", "1760": "Possible right lung infection. , old lesions in both lungs. , the costophrenic angles on both sides are blunt, considering the possibility of pleural effusion. , calcification of lymph nodes in the mediastinum is possible. , a catheter was placed in the projection area of \u200b\u200bthe superior vena cava, a tube shadow was built into the right chest, and there was a little subcutaneous air accumulation on the right chest wall. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1761": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier, please consider it clinically. ,", "1762": "The texture of both lungs is thick and blurred. ,After the PICC catheter is placed, the lower end is approximately at the level of the T6 vertebral body. ,", "1763": "Nodules in the middle field of the right lung; small nodules scattered in the lower lung field. , both sides of the lungs were full. , CT examination is recommended. ,", "1764": "The texture of both lungs is slightly thick. , nodules in the lower field of the left lung, further examination if necessary.", "1765": "There may be inflammatory changes in the left lower lung field. Please consider the clinical situation and recommend a review after anti-inflammatory treatment. ,", "1766": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier and blurred, with suspicious small spots forming shadows. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1767": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. , possibly old lesions in the upper fields of both lungs. ,The left hilus was widened. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1768": "The texture of both lungs has increased in weight and blurred, please refer to clinical practice.", "1769": "Right pneumonia.", "1770": "the left hydropneumothorax is lighter than before. , the degree of left lung atelectasis was reduced than before. , the subcutaneous air accumulation in the left neck and chest was less than before. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1771": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier and blurred.", "1772": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier.", "1773": "Double pneumonia changes, local suspicious nodules. , the trachea is slightly offset. , changes after intravenous catheterization. , the heart shadow is full, and shell-like calcification can be seen in the aortic arch. , the bilateral lung hilum is not clear. , the left costophrenic angle is slightly blunt, indicating possible pleural effusion. , please combine it with clinical practice. ,,,", "1774": "The texture of both lungs increases. , there is a nodular shadow in the right lower hilus, which is considered to be a vascular shadow. , induration in the upper field of the right lung. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1775": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. ,arteriosclerosis.", "1776": "The lung texture increases twice. , two upper pulmonary cord strips and dotted lesions. , the right lung apex transmittance decreased. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1777": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. , aortic arch wall calcification. , there is a tube built into the superior vena cava, and the head end ends at the upper right edge of the T8 vertebral body.", "1778": "The lung texture is slightly heavier and blurred twice. , possible sclerosis at the right lung apex. , the spine is slightly curved. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1779": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. , old lesions may be scattered in the middle and upper fields of both lungs. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1780": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier, with suspicious nodules.", "1781": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. , thoracic vertebrae bone hyperplasia.", "1782": "The texture of both lungs increased in weight and were scattered in small spots. , the right hilar shadow is slightly wider.", "1783": "The texture of both lungs is slightly increased. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1784": "Comparison with our hospital\u2019s old film 020-09-30: Fluid between the right lung lobes? Reduced than before. , the rest is roughly the same as before. ,,,", "1785": "The lung texture is slightly heavier twice.", "1786": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. , aortic sclerosis. , right superior vena cava catheter shadow. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1787": "The texture of both lungs increases. , aortic sclerosis. , the right 8th rib moves irregularly. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1788": "The lung texture is slightly heavier and blurred twice.", "1789": "Calcified nodules in the right lower lung field?", "1790": "The texture of both lungs is increased, please consider it clinically.", "1791": "The texture of both lungs is increased, please consider it clinically.", "1792": "The texture of both lungs increased slightly. , Suspicious nodules and vascular shadows in the right lower lung field?", "1793": "The texture of both lungs is increased, please consider it clinically.", "1794": "There is a cord at the apex of the right lung and local swelling of the left diaphragm. Please consider the clinical situation.", "1795": "Old fracture of the seventh rib on the right side. , the texture of both lungs is thickened. , the right hilus has a nodular shadow, possibly a vascular shadow.", "1796": "Aortic calcification.", "1797": "The texture of both lungs became heavier and blurred, and there were suspicious small nodules in the left lower lung field.", "1798": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier, and the apex of the right lung is slightly less translucent. , there is a suspicious small nodule-like shadow in the rib overlap area at the left lung apex. , further inspection if necessary.", "1799": "There is a patchy blurry shadow in the field of the right middle lung. Inflammatory changes may occur. Please consider the clinical practice; there is localized thickening of the pleura at the apex of both lungs.", "1800": "The pleura at the apex of both lungs was thickened, and there were suspicious small nodules. , with small nodular shadows in the right middle lung.", "1801": "The texture of both lungs becomes heavier and blurred.", "1802": "The texture of both lungs is rough and blurred, and there are suspicious small patchy shadows in the field of the right lower lung; a little inflammation? Please combine it with clinical practice.", "1803": "The texture of both lungs increased, and there were small nodules at the apex of the left lung. ,The left diaphragm surface is not smooth. , consider bilateral pleural effusion. , aortic node calcification.", "1804": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier and blurred, and the translucency in the anterior costophrenic angle area is uneven.", "1805": "The texture of both lungs is slightly thickened and blurred. , the heart shadow is big. Calcification of the aortic node.", "1806": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1807": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier.", "1808": "Small nodule in the middle lobe of the right lung. , degenerative changes in the cervical spine and instability of the C4 vertebral body.", "1809": "The texture of both lungs becomes heavier and blurred.", "1810": "The texture of both lungs is slightly increased. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1811": "The texture of both lungs becomes heavier and blurred. , left hilum widened. , Lumbar spine degeneration. ,", "1812": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. , there may be old lesions at the right lung apex. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1813": "The right diaphragm is elevated and the right costophrenic angle is not sharp. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1814": "There is a suspicious nodule in the lower field of the right lung. Please consider the clinical situation.", "1815": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. , aortic node calcification.", "1816": "The lung texture is slightly heavier and blurred twice. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1817": "The texture of both lungs becomes heavier and blurred. , right pneumonia is possible. , right lung sclerosis focus. ,", "1818": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier, and the lower field of both lungs is affected. Please combine it with clinical practice. ,arteriosclerosis.", "1819": "The texture of both lungs increased. , scattered chronic inflammation in the right lung. , patchy high-density shadow in the right lung, possible pleural calcification. , aortic calcification. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1820": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier.", "1821": "The texture of both lungs is slightly thick.", "1822": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. , small nodule shadow in the right lower lung field, blood vessel cross section?", "1823": "The texture of both lungs is thick and blurred, suggesting inflammation.", "1824": "The texture of both lungs is increased, the lower lung cords and spots are blurred, chronic inflammation? Please combine it with clinical practice.", "1825": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier and blurred. , some old lesions in the left upper lung. , thin strips of patchy shadows in the right middle lung field, considered to be widening of interlobar fissures. , punctate high-density shadow under the left diaphragm. Please combine it with clinical practice.", "1826": "There is a mass in the right lower lung, which may be inflammation. Please consider it clinically.", "1827": "There is a small nodule in the left upper lung field.", "1828": "The lung texture is slightly heavier twice. , Dense small nodules in the left upper lung.", "1829": "The texture of both lungs is thick and slightly blurred. Please refer to clinical practice.", "1830": "The bilateral lower lung texture is slightly heavier and blurred. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1831": "Two lung textures slightly increased in weight. , aortic calcification. , impression on the left edge of the trachea. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1832": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier;, after PICC catheterization;, please combine it with clinical practice.", "1833": "The lung texture is slightly heavier and blurred twice. , scattered spots in the right lower lung. , the heart shadow is full and the aorta is tortuous. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1834": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier and blurred, with suspicious small spots. , the heart shadow is full, and the right hilar shadow is slightly larger. , further inspection if necessary.", "1835": "A few cord shadows in the lower field of the right lung; suspicious punctate slightly higher density shadows and vascular shadows in the middle field of the right lung? Induration? , a suspicious strip of shadow next to the upper right lung hilum. , further inspection if necessary.", "1836": "High-density small nodules in the middle field of the left lung. Please combine it with clinical practice.", "1837": "Left pneumonia is possible, please consider clinical practice.", "1838": "The inner zone of the lower field of the right lung is slightly blurred.", "1839": "The texture of both lungs is increased, please consider it clinically.", "1840": "The texture of both lungs increases. , Suspicious old lesions in the right lung apex. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1841": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier and blurred, and there is a small nodule-like shadow behind the left heart shadow. , the right side of the diaphragm may be bulging. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1842": "A small amount of inflammation in both lungs.", "1843": "The texture of both lungs became heavier and blurred, with scattered nodules.", "1844": "After the right lower lobe tumor was treated with argon-helium scalpel: the right lower lung strip shadow was absorbed more than before. , the rest is roughly the same as before. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1845": "Small nodules and fibrous cords are scattered in the right upper lung field, and fibrous induration is highly likely. , the right diaphragm is adherent, and the costophrenic angle is not sharp. , no change from the previous 2019-04-01. Please consider your medical history. ,", "1846": "Small dots in the upper field of the right lung.", "1847": "There is condensation in the left upper lung point, the blood vessel cross section is possible, and the induration focus needs to be excluded. Please combine it with clinical practice.", "1848": "The texture of both lungs increases. , small dot-like shadows in the middle field of the right lung, considering the possibility of induration. , small patchy shadow in the lower lobe of the right lung, please combine it with clinical practice. , dotted strip shadow next to the heart edge, consider postoperative changes. Postoperative sternotomy. ,", "1849": "The texture of both lungs is increased, please consider it clinically.", "1850": "The two lung textures are slightly severe, please consider clinical practice. , mild arteriosclerosis.", "1851": "There may be a little inflammation in the right lower lung field.", "1852": "The two lung textures are slightly severe, please consider clinical practice.", "1853": "Two suspicious streaks in the lung fields. Please combine it with clinical practice. , The right lower hilar image appears full.", "1854": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. , the heart shadow increases.", "1855": "The texture of both lungs is increased, please consider it clinically.", "1856": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. , small nodule in the lower field of the left lung, further examination is recommended. , after left chest drainage. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1857": "The texture of both lungs is blurred.", "1858": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. ,", "1859": "The texture of both lungs is increased; there are small nodular shadows in the apex of both lungs, cord shadows in the right upper lung field; grid shadows in the middle and lower lung fields on both sides, and interstitial changes may occur.", "1860": "Manifestations after treatment of right pneumothorax. , the air accumulation in the right chest wall was absorbed. the right costophrenic angle becomes blunt. , please combine it with clinical practice. ,", "1861": "The texture of both lungs increases. , the heart shadow is full and the aortic node is calcified. ,,", "1862": "The texture of both lungs is thick and blurred.", "1863": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier and blurred. , the costophrenic angles on both sides are not sharp, and the pleura may be thickened. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1864": "Both lungs have heavy texture.", "1865": "The texture of both lungs increased. , the right diaphragm is elevated.", "1866": "The lung texture has increased in weight and blurred twice. Please refer to clinical practice.", "1867": "The heart is full. , right knee degeneration.", "1868": "Consider lower right pneumonia. , high-density nodule in the middle field of the left lung, possibly calcification.", "1869": "Consider lower right pneumonia. Please consider the clinical situation and recommend review.", "1870": "There may be a little inflammation in the lung field. , aortic sclerosis. , there may be a little pleural effusion or pleural thickening on both sides.", "1871": "Changes may occur after coronary artery surgery, please consider the clinical situation. , the texture of both lungs is slightly heavier and blurred. , symmetrical nodular shadows in the lower fields of both lungs, considering the possibility of papillary shadows. , the heart shadow is full, and the aortic node is prominent with calcification.", "1872": "The texture of both lungs increased, and there was a shadow in the lower field of the right lung. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1873": "Comparison with the old films of our hospital on 2018-05-22:, the left breast is missing after surgery;, new diffuse micro-nodules are seen in both lungs, metastases are not excluded, please combine it with clinical practice Further examination. ,", "1874": "The lung texture is slightly severe after two strokes. Please consider it clinically.", "1875": "Postoperative changes in the right lung, right parahilar mass shadow; please combine it with clinical practice. , changes after right chest drainage. , Nodular-like shadows were seen in the left upper lung field, and the possibility of extracorporeal projection was considered.", "1876": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. , right lung lower field nodule. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1877": "Mass film in the lower field of the right lung, consider the possibility of inflammatory lesions, further examination if necessary. ,", "1878": "The texture of both lungs increased, and there were suspicious small patchy shadows. , small dots at the apex of the right lung.", "1879": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. , there is a suspicious nodule behind the sternum on the lateral radiograph, please combine it with clinical practice.", "1880": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier.", "1881": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier.", "1882": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. , possible sclerosis at the right lung apex. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1883": "The left lung has heavy texture and a mass in the left hilar. ,after PICC implantation.", "1884": "The texture of both lungs increased slightly. , the head end of the right catheter is level with the level of the 7th-8th posterior intercostal space. ,", "1885": "The texture of both lungs increases.", "1886": "The texture of both lungs was slightly heavier and blurred, with scattered nodules. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1887": "A small amount of lung inflammation may occur.", "1888": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. , the heart is full of shadow. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1889": "Small nodule in the middle lung field of the right lung, please consider clinical practice.", "1890": "The texture of both lungs is increased. ,Reduced penetrability in the lower field of the right lung, inflammation? , Induration in the upper field of the left lung. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1891": "The texture of both lungs is heavy. , mesocolon.", "1892": "There are masses and nodules in both lungs. Based on the medical history, multiple metastases are considered; right pneumonia; the right hilus is unclear; a small amount of pleural effusion on both sides; After right subclavian catheter placement. ,,", "1893": "The texture of both lungs increased slightly; after pacemaker implantation.", "1894": "A small amount of inflammation in both lungs is not excluded. Please consider it clinically.", "1895": "Double pneumonia.", "1896": "The right lower lung texture is slightly heavier and blurred, except for a small amount of inflammation.", "1897": "The texture of both lungs is heavy. , old lesions in both lungs.", "1898": "The texture of both lungs increased. , the heart is full of shadow.", "1899": "The two lung textures became heavier and blurred, and there was a suspicious mass shadow in the lower field of the right lung. , please combine it with clinical practice. ,", "1900": "The texture of both lungs has increased, and the spots and strips of shadow on both lungs are considered old lesions.", "1901": "The two lung textures are slightly severe, please consider clinical practice.", "1902": "The texture of both lungs increased, and there were small dots in the right middle lung field. , the right costophrenic angle is slightly blunt.", "1903": "Suspicious nodules in the lower field of the left lung. The vascular axis needs to be excluded. Please combine it with clinical practice.", "1904": "Right lower pneumonia.", "1905": "Bronchitis, please combine it with clinical practice.", "1906": "The lung texture is slightly heavier and blurred twice. , possible sclerosis focus in the left upper lung. , the heart shadow and right hilum are slightly full. , postoperative changes in cervical spine. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1907": "High-density shadow in the upper field of the left lung, considering the possibility of induration;, High-density patchy shadow in the lower field of the left lung, considering the possibility of inflammatory changes combined with incomplete expansion of the lung tissue;, Left pleural effusion . ,", "1908": "The texture of both lungs is slightly thick.", "1909": "The texture of both lungs increased, and there were nodular lesions in both middle and lower lung fields; the lingual segment of the left upper lung was a striped shadow; the heart shadow was full, and the aortic node was calcified.", "1910": "Both lungs have heavy texture and scattered dot-like shadows. , old lesions in both lungs. , the radiolucency of the right lung field was slightly less uniform, and there was a suspicious small nodule-like shadow in the cardiophrenic corner area. , please combine it with clinical practice. ,", "1911": "The texture of both lungs increased, and the left lung had exudative lesions. , the heart shadow increases. , the right diaphragm was elevated, and there was a small amount of pleural effusion on the right side.", "1912": "Right lung infection with possible right pleural effusion. , a small amount of pleural effusion on the left side is possible. ,arteriosclerosis. , after PICC tube placement. ,", "1913": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier.", "1914": "The texture of both lungs is increased, please consider it clinically.", "1915": "There are some blurry spots in the lower field of the left lung and in the middle lobe of the right lung. It is possible inflammation. Please consider the clinical practice.", "1916": "The texture of both lungs became heavier and blurred, with scattered small shadows and nodules.", "1917": "There are suspicious patchy shadows in the upper lobe of the right lung. The possibility of infectious lesions is considered and further examination is recommended.", "1918": "The texture of both lungs increased slightly. , right lung apical cord, considered old lesion. , aortic sclerosis. , the left 10th rib is not regular. , changes after external fixation of left patellar fracture. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1919": "The texture of both lungs increases. , the heart shadow is full and the aorta is calcified. , right humeral head bone island possible. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1920": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier.", "1921": "The lung texture became heavier and blurred twice, and there were suspicious small spots.", "1922": "The texture of both lungs increased slightly. , two upper parahilar nodules, consider: vascular shadow section.", "1923": "The texture of both lungs increased in weight and blurred; there were strips of shadow in the left lower lung field.", "1924": "The texture of both lungs increased, and there was a suspicious nodule-like shadow behind the sternum.", "1925": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier, and the apex of the right lung is a small dot-like shadow.", "1926": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier; the left lower lung may have sclerosis; please combine it with clinical practice.", "1927": "The texture of both lungs is increased and blurred.", "1928": "The texture of both lungs is thick, messy and blurred.", "1929": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier, and there may be old lesions in the upper field of the left lung. ,", "1930": "Both lungs have heavy texture. , nodular shadow in the right lower lung, possibly nipple shadow.", "1931": "Multiple micronodules and a small amount of inflammation in both lungs. , a small amount of pleural effusion on the right side. , both sides of the lungs were full. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1932": "The texture of both lungs is blurred. , blurred shadow in the right middle lung field. , nodular mass in the left lower lung field. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1933": "the scope of the right parahilar mass shadow seems to be slightly smaller than before. , patchy shadow next to the margin of the right lower lung field, new appearance. , there seemed to be patches of shadow in the upper left lung field, which appeared newly. , there was originally a filmy shadow in the upper right lung field, but it was not seen this time.", "1934": "There is a mass in the middle lobe of the right lung, which may be an inflammatory lesion. CT examination is required if necessary.", "1935": "Right pneumonia is not excluded. , the right costophrenic angle showed unclear and fusiform high-density shadow, which suggested pleural effusion. , please combine it with clinical practice, please combine it with chest CT. ,", "1936": "The texture of both lungs increases. , there are multiple high-density shadows on the right diaphragm, please exclude foreign bodies based on clinical practice.", "1937": "The lung texture is thick twice. , Suspicious nodule in the lower lobe of the right lung. , Dense nodules in the lower lobe of the left lung, possibly induration. , large cardiac shadow, pacemaker surgery, arteriosclerosis. , Thoracic scoliosis.", "1938": "Comparison with the old film of our hospital on 2020-07-23: The texture of both lungs is thickened and lighter than before. , the heart shadow is large, slightly smaller than the front. , changes after right catheterization. , changes after sternotomy surgery. ,,", "1939": "The lung texture is slightly heavier and blurred twice. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1940": "The texture of both lungs increases. , Nodules in the lower field of the left lung, nipple? , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1941": "Interstitial changes in both lungs with a small amount of inflammation and scattered nodules. , the right hilus is full. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1942": "No abnormalities were found in the lungs, heart and diaphragm. ,arteriosclerosis.", "1943": "The texture of both lungs is slightly thick. , lateral view of suprasphragmatic nodules, chest CT examination is recommended. ,arteriosclerosis.", "1944": "The texture of both lungs increased, and there were small dots in the upper field of the right lung.", "1945": "If it is considered to be consistent with chronic bronchial manifestations, please combine it with clinical practice and perform chest CT examination if necessary.", "1946": "There are light patches in the right lower lung field, which is considered to be inflammation. ,", "1947": "The texture of both lungs increased. , right lung apex nodule, postural foreign body is not excluded.", "1948": "There were a few cord shadows in the upper field of the right lung; no clear abnormalities were found in the remaining lungs, heart, and diaphragm. ,", "1949": "The texture of both lungs is increased and blurred. Please refer to clinical practice. , there is nodular shadow in the upper left lung, and further CT examination is recommended for confirmation.", "1950": "The texture of both lungs is thick and slightly blurred, and small shadows seem to be seen in the left lower lung field; a little inflammation? , some old lesions in the right lung apex are not excluded. , 5-6 anterior intercostal nodules in the right lower lung field, nipple projection? ,", "1951": "The texture of both lungs increased and there were small nodules in both upper lungs. , Arc-shaped dense shadow in the upper right mediastinum. , aortic node calcification. ,", "1952": "The texture of both lungs increased slightly.", "1953": "Right thoracic stomach after surgery for esophageal cancer. , blurry shadows in the right lower lung field. , the distal end of the catheter is located in the second intercostal space on the right side. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1954": "There are suspicious small dots on the right lung apex, and the right lower lung texture is slightly heavier. , Slightly high-density shadow in the right local soft tissue projection area.", "1955": "The texture of both lungs increased slightly. , Lumbar spine degeneration. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1956": "Multiple patches and nodules in both lungs, consider the possibility of inflammatory changes; a few nodules in both lungs; further examination is recommended if necessary; aortic calcification; catheter placement in the mediastinal projection area The shadow ends at the level of the 10th posterior intercostal space. Please combine it with clinical practice.", "1957": "The texture of both lungs is slightly increased. Please consider it clinically.", "1958": "Small spots in the left lower lung field, further examination if necessary.", "1959": "Considering right pneumonia, it is recommended to review after treatment.", "1960": "The two lung textures are slightly disordered, consistent with bronchitis.", "1961": "The texture of both lungs is slightly thick.", "1962": "The texture of both lungs is heavy.", "1963": "After pacemaker implantation. , the texture of both lungs was increased and blurred, and there were suspicious small nodules. Check further if necessary.", "1964": "The two lung textures are slightly severe, please consider clinical practice. , small induration in the outer part of the right upper lung. ,", "1965": "Inflammation in the right lower lung field. It is recommended to re-examine after anti-inflammation.", "1966": "The texture of both lungs increased. , a paramarginal mass in the lower field of the left lung. , CT examination is recommended.", "1967": "The left edge of the trachea is slightly compressed. , the texture of both lungs became heavier and blurred, with scattered nodules and small nodules. , patchy slightly high-density shadow in the left lung field, possible pleural lesions. , right breast surgery. ,The bone density of the right clavicle is uneven. , CT examination is recommended.", "1968": "Pale film-like shadow and cavity-like changes in the left lower lung field. , suspicious small nodule-like shadows in the right lower lung field and behind the sternum. , further inspection is recommended.", "1969": "Lower left pneumonia. , the left hilus appeared full. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1970": "There is a shadow in the lower field of the left lung. Please combine it with clinical practice.", "1971": "is consistent with the symptoms of bronchitis, please combine it with clinical practice.", "1972": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier, and small indurations are scattered in the right lung.", "1973": "Both lungs have heavy texture, disordered structure, multiple flake-like dense shadows, and possible pleural lesions. Please consider this clinically. , the left costophrenic angle becomes blunt. ,", "1974": "The texture of both lungs is increased and disordered. Please consult the clinic.", "1975": "A small amount of inflammation and small nodules in both lungs, and a small amount of pleural effusion.", "1976": "Localized underexpansion of the lower field of the right lung. , small nodule in the upper field of the left lung. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1977": "The markings of both lungs are increased; there is a built-in tube shadow in the superior vena cava, and the head end ends at the upper right edge of the T8 vertebral body. , T10 vertebral body dense shadow. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1978": "The texture of both lungs increased. , the heart shadow is enlarged and the aortic node is calcified.", "1979": "The texture of both lungs increased, and there were small nodules in the left lung apex and the middle part of the right lung. , multiple high-density lymph nodes in the mediastinum may be present.", "1980": "The texture of both lungs is increased, and the left upper lung is shadowed. Please combine it with clinical practice.", "1981": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. , there are spotty shadows in the right middle lung, follow-up.", "1982": "The texture of both lungs is increased, please consider it clinically.", "1983": "The intrathoracic segment of the trachea deviates slightly to the left. , multiple nodules of varying sizes in both lungs. , irregular high-density shadow above the left hilum. , please combine the medical history and clinical practice to recommend further examination.", "1984": "Bronchitis, please combine it with clinical practice.", "1985": "The texture of both lungs is slightly increased. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1986": "The texture of both lungs is increased and blurred, and there are suspicious small dots. , postoperative changes in the right clavicle and lumbar spine.", "1987": "The texture of both lungs is increased and scattered in spots; aortic node calcification; scoliosis.", "1988": "Possible pneumonia in the lower field of the right lung. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1989": "The texture of both lungs is increased, and there are multiple sclerosis lesions in the right lung. Please consider clinical practice. , changes after thoracic surgery on the right side, with a small amount of pneumothorax on the right side. , pneumocystis on the right side of the chest wall. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1990": "Increased texture in both lungs. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1991": "The texture of both lungs is slightly thick.", "1992": "Small spots and nodules are scattered in both lungs. , the transparency behind the heart shadow is less uniform. , a small amount of effusion in the left pleural cavity. ,", "1993": "There are spots in the field under the right lung. Please refer to the clinic.", "1994": "The texture of both lungs increases.", "1995": "After PICC operation: the texture of both lungs increased slightly. ,The left costophrenic angle is blunt and there is a little effusion? Pleural thickening?", "1996": "Right lung. , multiple nodules and multiple effusions in both lungs. , right pleural effusion and widening of the mediastinum. , please follow up closely in combination with clinical practice.", "1997": "The texture of both lungs increased, the left lung apex pleura was thickened, and the right upper lung had small nodular shadows. , Lateral radiograph shows suspicious small nodules in front of the thoracic spine. ,", "1998": "A small number of old lesions in both lungs. , Left lower lung bronchiectasis may be accompanied by infection; , Right lower lung may have a little exudation, emphysema is not excluded. , the above performance is the same as the 2019-10-15 chest X-ray. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "1999": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier.", "2000": "The two lung textures are slightly severe, please consider clinical practice.", "2001": "Suspicious small nodule-like slightly high-density shadow behind the sternum. Please combine it with clinical practice.", "2002": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier, and the right middle lung cord has a stripe shadow.", "2003": "There are suspicious patches and nodule-like shadows in the lower field of the left lung. Further CT examination is recommended.", "2004": "There is a suspicious small nodule in the overlapping area of \u200b\u200bthe first anterior rib in the upper field of the right lung. Costal cartilage calcification and intrapulmonary lesions need to be differentiated. , the texture of both lungs is increased and blurred, please refer to clinical practice. , The heart shadow is full, the aortic node is prominent, and the aorta is tortuous. , right lung apex pleural hypertrophy.", "2005": "The two lung textures are slightly heavier. , the right diaphragm surface is not smooth. ,", "2006": "After PICC operation: The texture of both lungs increased slightly, and there was a suspicious nodule in the lower field of the left lung. , the left lung apex is arc-shaped and high-density, except for a few pneumothorax. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "2007": "Tuberculosis in the upper field of the right lung? Inflammation? , please combine it with clinical further examination.", "2008": "The texture of both lungs is increased and blurred. , the PICC tube is inserted, and the lower end is approximately at the level of the T7-T8 intervertebral space.", "2009": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "2010": "Induration at the left lung apex.", "2011": "The texture of both lungs is thickened and blurred. Please refer to clinical practice.", "2012": "\"\"\"Surgery for pulmonary nodules\", left pleural effusion., left lung apex air-fluid level., right lung lower field inflammation or localized insufficiency of expansion., Please combine it with clinical practice. ,\"", "2013": "The lung texture is slightly heavier twice. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "2014": "The texture of both lungs is slightly disordered, consistent with bronchitis. , a long cord in the right lower lung field.", "2015": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier and blurred. , small nodular shadow in the middle field of the right lung. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "2016": "The texture of both lungs is thick, please consider clinical practice.", "2017": "the texture of both lungs has become blurred and has multiple nodules, which is more advanced than before. , the blurring of the bilateral costophrenic angles progressed compared with before; the changes after sternotomy surgery were basically the same as before. ,", "2018": "The two lung textures are slightly heavier, and there are a few cords in the left lower lung field. , aortic sclerosis.", "2019": "The texture of both lungs increases. ,", "2020": "There is a suspicious small nodule in the lower field of the right lung near the diaphragm. Please consider it clinically.", "2021": "The texture of both lungs increased and the lower lung field was slightly blurred.", "2022": "The texture of both lungs has increased in weight, and there is a little shadow in the right lung. It is possible that there is inflammation. Please consider it clinically.", "2023": "The texture of both lungs increased and there were suspicious small dot-like shadows. , the left hilum is full. , roughly similar to the old film of our hospital on 2019-08-05, CT is recommended if necessary.", "2024": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. , the shape of the 6th rib on the right side is irregular. , please combine it with clinical practice. ,", "2025": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. ,", "2026": "Two lung markings increased in weight, and there was a suspicious light shadow in the right lower lung field. , Calcification in the mediastinum and aortic wall. , intra-abdominal dense shadow, postoperative changes? Please combine it with clinical practice. ,", "2027": "The texture of both lungs increased, and the middle field of the right lung was shadowed. , Pleural hypertrophy at both lung apices.", "2028": "The texture of both lungs is heavier and slightly blurred.", "2029": "The texture of both lungs increased, and there was a small induration in the middle and upper right lung field.", "2030": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. ,", "2031": "The texture of both lungs increased and the lower lung field was blurred. , pleural hypertrophy at the apex of both lungs, and small nodules in the upper field of the left lung. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "2032": "After deep vein catheterization: interstitial changes in both lungs may be accompanied by inflammation. , Suspicious nodule in the left upper lung field. , the heart is full of shadow. , bilateral pleural thickening or a small amount of pleural effusion are not excluded.", "2033": "The texture of both lungs is heavy. , consider pleural hypertrophy and calcification in both lungs. , calcification of diaphragm on both sides.", "2034": "The texture of both lungs increased slightly. , small nodular high-density shadow in the projection area of \u200b\u200bthe upper edge of the first anterior rib of the left lung apex, bone island? Induration?", "2035": "The texture of both lungs became heavier and blurred, and there were suspicious spots on the apex of the right lung. , right pleural effusion.", "2036": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier.", "2037": "The texture of both lungs increases. , there are some suspicious shadows in the two lower lung fields; a little inflammation cannot be excluded, please combine it with clinical practice. , Mild scoliosis of the thoracic spine. ,", "2038": "Considering right pneumonia, it is recommended to review after treatment.", "2039": "The texture of both lungs is increased, please consider it clinically.", "2040": "The texture of both lungs increased, and there was a suspicious nodule in the middle of the left lung. , there is a built-in tube shadow in the superior vena cava, and the head end ends at the level of the upper right edge of T7.", "2041": "The texture of both lungs increased slightly.", "2042": "The texture of both lungs increased and became blurred, with suspicious small nodules. , old lesions in both lungs. , the heart shadow is slightly larger. , there may be an old fracture of the left rib.", "2043": "The texture of both lungs increased in weight, with scattered dots and cord shadows. , the pleura is thickened at the apex of both lungs. , postoperative changes in the right clavicle and ribs.", "2044": "The texture of both lungs increased slightly.", "2045": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. , right pleural hypertrophy is possible. ,,", "2046": "The texture of both lungs is increased and blurred, except for a small amount of inflammation.", "2047": "The texture of both lungs increased slightly.", "2048": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier and blurred, and the retrosternal translucency is slightly less uniform. , old lesions in the right lung apex. ,,", "2049": "Vena cava catheterization. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "2050": "The texture of both lungs is slightly thick.", "2051": "The texture of both lungs was slightly heavier and blurred, with suspicious small nodules. ,Sternoplasty.", "2052": "The texture of both lungs increases.", "2053": "There was a large amount of effusion in the left pleural cavity, and the mediastinum and trachea moved to the right. , The texture of both lungs is increased and scattered in patches. , Lateral radiograph of retrosternal nodule. ,,", "2054": "The texture of both lungs increases.", "2055": "The texture of both lungs became heavier and blurred, and there were suspicious small dots. , the right hilar shadow is thickened, please combine it with clinical practice.", "2056": "The lung texture is slightly heavier twice. , inflammation of the inner zone of the lower right lung field is not excluded. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "2057": "Comparison with the 2019-12-30 chest X-ray: the right pneumothorax is significantly lighter than before. , patchy fuzzy shadows and cord shadows in the right middle and upper lung field, roughly the same as before. , the right costophrenic angle is unclear, and a small amount of pleural effusion may be possible.", "2058": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier, and small nodules are scattered in both lungs. , the right pleura may be thickened. , please combine it with clinical practice. ,", "2059": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier, and the middle and upper fields of the right lung are slightly high-density shadows. ,", "2060": "Small nodule and induration in the lower field of the right lung? Vascular shadow sections will be excluded.", "2061": "The lung texture is slightly heavier and blurred twice. , multiple old lesions in both lungs. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "2062": "Comparison with the 2020-04-17 chest X-ray: the texture of both lungs has increased in weight; the nodule-like shadow in the right upper lung is larger than before. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "2063": "The texture of both lungs is increased and disordered. , nodular shadow in the upper field of the left lung, please combine it with previous CT. , old lesions of the left lung. , suspected small amount of pleural effusion on the right side. , the heart shadow is big. ,Sternoplasty.", "2064": "The lung texture is slightly severe after two strokes. Please consider it clinically.", "2065": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier, and there are suspicious shadows in the right lower lung. Please consider clinical practice. , the right diaphragm is elevated. ,", "2066": "Possible inflammation in the upper field of the right lung.", "2067": "The texture of both lungs is heavier and blurred, please refer to the clinical practice; left lung cord strip.", "2068": "The texture of both lungs increased; the heart shadow increased. ,", "2069": "The texture of both lungs increases. , small nodular shadow at the apex of the right lung. , further inspection is recommended if necessary.", "2070": "Left pleural effusion is not excluded. , the texture of both lungs became heavier and blurred; there was a suspicious mass next to the left hilar. , the heart is full of shadow. , postoperative changes in cervical spine.", "2071": "The proximal segment of the fifth metacarpal of the left hand was fractured. Fracture of lower part of left scapula. , left hand degeneration. , Bilateral lower lung texture increased. , a faint shadow in the lower field of the left lung. , the heart shadow is slightly larger. , please combine it with clinical practice. ,", "2072": "Small nodule in the upper field of the left lung, please consider clinical practice.", "2073": "There may be old lesions in the right upper lung field. Please consider the clinical situation.", "2074": "The texture of both lungs was slightly heavier and blurred, with suspicious small light shadows and nodules. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "2075": "There were multiple nodules in the upper fields of both lungs and strips of shadow in the upper fields of the right lung. , please combine the medical history and clinical practice for further examination if necessary.", "2076": "Both lungs have heavy texture. , old lesions in both lungs. , there is a suspicious slightly high-density shadow behind the left heart shadow. , the heart shadow is big. , Bilateral pleural thickening.", "2077": "The two lung textures are slightly thick.", "2078": "The texture of both lungs is slightly increased. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "2079": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier and blurred;, there are some old lesions in both lungs;, aortic sclerosis;, please combine it with clinical practice.", "2080": "The texture of both lungs increases.", "2081": "The texture of both lungs is slightly increased.", "2082": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier, and there may be induration lesions in the middle fields of both lungs. , thoracic vertebrae bone hyperplasia.", "2083": "The lung texture is slightly heavier twice. , changes after sternothoracotomy. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "2084": "Right lower pulmonary cord strip shadow.", "2085": "The texture of both lungs is blurred. , blurred shadow in the right middle lung field. , nodular mass in the left lower lung field. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "2086": "The texture of both lungs is thickened and blurred. , scattered small spots in both lungs. , the right lung hilum is unclear and the heart shadow is large. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "2087": "Comparison with 2020-10-22 chest X-ray: exudative lesions or pleural effusion in both lungs are less than before. , left lower pulmonary cord strip, newly seen this time. , the right lung hilum was slightly widened originally, but this time it is better than before.", "2088": "The texture of both lungs increased, and the right lower hilar area was full; the right interlobar pleura was suspiciously thickened; and the heart shadow was full.", "2089": "Small nodule-like shadow at the right lung apex. In vitro artifacts are not excluded.", "2090": "Comparison with the old film of our hospital on 2019-08-21: Bilateral lung interstitial lesions may be combined with inflammatory changes, which is roughly the same as before. , a suspicious mass/sheet-like slightly high-density shadow in the right lower hilar area. , In the field of both lungs, there are mound-like and strip-like density increases on the chest wall on the attached side, and the pleura is thickened? Roughly the same as before. , Bilateral costophrenic angles are blunted, and the pleura is thickened? Roughly the same as before. , aortic sclerosis, roughly the same as before.", "2091": "The texture of both lungs increased. , lower right pneumonia. , old lesions of the left lung.", "2092": "Spots and nodules are seen in the upper lobes of both lungs. Are they old lesions? , please combine it with clinical practice.", "2093": "There are micronodules in the left middle lung field. Follow-up review is recommended.", "2094": "Two suspicious small spots in the lung field. Please combine it with clinical practice.", "2095": "After deep vein catheterization: the texture of both lungs was thickened and blurred, with scattered small nodules.", "2096": "Increased weight of texture in both lungs; Old lesions in both lungs; Possible small amount of pleural effusion on the left side; Postoperative right subclavian catheter placement.", "2097": "Induration in the lower field of the left lung. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "2098": "The texture of both lungs is slightly increased. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "2099": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier and blurred, with suspicious small dots. , nodules in the upper field of the right lung. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "2100": "The texture of both lungs is increased; there is a mass shadow in the left upper hilar area, considering the possibility of inflammatory changes; there is a slightly high-density shadow in the lower field of the left lung, inflammation is not excluded. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "2101": "The right lower lung texture is slightly heavier. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "2102": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "2103": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier.", "2104": "Suspicious small nodule in the middle field of the right lung. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "2105": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. ,", "2106": "A small amount of inflammation in both lungs is possible.", "2107": "The texture of both lungs is increased and blurred. , a mass in the right upper lung field.", "2108": "There is a slight increase in the lung texture twice. Please consider it clinically.", "2109": "The texture of both lungs increases. , the vena cava cannula is placed, and the lower end is approximately level with the lower edge of the 8th posterior rib. ,Aortic tortuosity.", "2110": "The texture of both lungs is blurred, and there may be a little inflammation.", "2111": "The texture of both lungs is heavier, slightly blurred, and scattered in small spots. , suspicious thin shadows in the right middle lung field. , both lungs appear full.", "2112": "The texture of both lungs is slightly messy. , small nodule in the anterior basal segment of the right lower lung.", "2113": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier and blurred, and there is a little light shadow in the middle and upper field of the right lung. ,", "2114": "After the PICC tube is inserted, the end of the tube is approximately located in the right mediastinum at the level of the lower edge of the thoracic 8 vertebral body. , Double lung texture increases, please combine it with clinical practice", "2115": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier and blurred.", "2116": "No abnormalities were found in the lungs, heart and diaphragm. , the right clavicle is not regular. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "2117": "The texture of the two lungs is slightly heavier. , right pneumothorax, right lung tissue compression, after right chest drainage, slightly improved than before. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "2118": "Bilateral lung texture increases, it is recommended to be combined with clinical practice.", "2119": "For both pneumonia, please combine it with clinical practice. , changes after tracheal intubation; changes after PICC tube insertion. , the left costophrenic angle was not fully expanded. ,", "2120": "Postoperative changes in the right lung. , both lung fields are scattered with cord shadows and strip shadows. , the right diaphragm is slightly elevated. , after PICC catheterization. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "2121": "The texture of both lungs increased and became blurred, and the right lower lung had a suspicious light shadow. , the left heart border is not smooth.", "2122": "A small amount of inflammation in both lungs is possible.", "2123": "There may be some chronic inflammation in the left lower lung field. , changes after internal fixation of left clavicle fracture.", "2124": "The texture of both lungs is increased, interstitial lesions are not excluded. , old lesions in both lung apices. ,arteriosclerosis. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "2125": "There are patches and cord shadows in both upper lungs. CT examination is recommended.", "2126": "The texture of both lungs has increased in weight;, the arc-shaped band-like density increase in the right lung field, further examination is recommended;, a small amount of pleural effusion on the right side;, the right subclavian tube is placed;, Dense shadow in the left upper quadrant, considering residual contrast agent.", "2127": "The texture of both lungs increased slightly.", "2128": "The texture of both lungs is slightly increased, and the upper lungs are scattered and shadowed. , Lumbar spine degeneration. ,Bony collapse at the upper edge of L4 vertebral body, Schmer's nodule? , please combine it with clinical practice.", "2129": "The texture of both lungs is slightly messy.", "2130": "The texture of both lungs increases.", "2131": "Possible pneumonic changes in the upper right side. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "2132": "The lung texture increased twice and was suspiciously light.", "2133": "suspicious nodule in the upper field of the left lung, roughly the same as before. , there are multiple patchy shadows in both lungs, inflammation may be worse than before. , the right pleural effusion increased compared with before. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "2134": "The radiolucency of the left lung field is relatively slightly reduced. Please consider it clinically. , filmy shadows in both lungs, exudative lesions? , high-density shadow in the right upper quadrant, please combine it with clinical practice. ,", "2135": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. , patchy shadow at the right lung apex, old lesions?", "2136": "The texture of both lungs increases.", "2137": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier.", "2138": "Bilateral nodular lesions at the lower edge of the fourth anterior rib, considering nipple shadow. , no obvious abnormalities were found in the remaining two lungs. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "2139": "Degeneration of thoracic and lumbar spine. , Nodular high-density shadows can be seen on the upper edge of the right ilium. , the texture of both lungs increases. ,arteriosclerosis.", "2140": "The texture of both lungs is heavy. , pacemaker surgery. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "2141": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier, and there is a little streak shadow in the left lung. , the retrosternal radiolucency is low. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "2142": "The texture of both lungs increases. , aortic calcification. ,", "2143": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. , consider old lesions in both upper lungs. ,thoracic aorta tortuosity. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "2144": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier.", "2145": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier and blurred. , aortic node calcification.", "2146": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. , the bilateral costophrenic angles are blunted, and the possibility of pleural thickening is considered.", "2147": "The texture of both lungs increased slightly. , there are no clear abnormalities in the bones of the right knee joint. ,", "2148": "Old lesions in both upper lungs may be present. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "2149": "The texture of both lungs is increased and scattered in spots.", "2150": "The texture of both lungs increased, and the transmittance of the right lung apex decreased. , the heart shadow is full and the aortic node is calcified. , Postoperative changes of T12 and L2 vertebrae. , thoracolumbar degeneration.", "2151": "The left pneumothorax has changed after drainage, and the texture of both lungs has increased. Please combine it with the clinical practice; the heart shadow is full; the catheter shadow is placed in the superior vena cava area.", "2152": "After the PICC tube is inserted. , the texture of both lungs is slightly disordered, please consider it clinically. ,arteriosclerosis.", "2153": "Nodule at the right lung apex; possible localized pleural thickening at the right lung apex.", "2154": "The texture of both lungs increased, and there was a suspicious nodule-like shadow behind the sternum.", "2155": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier and scattered in small spots. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "2156": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. , The translucency in the bilateral cardiophrenic angle area is slightly reduced, and the pericardial fat pad is projected?", "2157": "postoperative performance of the right lung. , a small amount of pleural effusion on the right side; exudative lesions in the right lung. The above performance is slightly less absorbed than before. , after PICC catheterization. , the rest is roughly the same as before. , please combine it with clinical practice. ,,", "2158": "The texture of both lungs is increased. , Suspicious nodular shadow in the left lower lung.", "2159": "The texture of both lungs increased and became blurred, and there was a suspicious nodule-like shadow behind the sternum.", "2160": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier, and there are patchy cord shadows in the middle of the left lung. , small nodular shadows in the right middle and lower lung fields. , please combine it with clinical practice and conduct further examination if necessary. ,", "2161": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. , Nodular shadow in the right upper lung, foreign body outside the body? , please combine it with clinical practice.", "2162": "Spot shadows in the left lung, inflammation in the middle and lower right lung fields, and possibly a small amount of pleural effusion. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "2163": "Dot-like and nodular high-density shadows in both lungs, please consider clinical practice.", "2164": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. , the left hilus appeared full. , bilateral pleural thickening is possible. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "2165": "Increased texture in both lungs. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "2166": "The right lung is small, the texture is messy, blurred, and there are flaky shadows in both lower fields. , right interlobar fissure and pleural thickening. , the structure of the right hilus is unclear. , The right diaphragm surface is not smooth and the costophrenic angle is blunt. , bilateral nipples appear suspiciously. ,,Please combine it with clinical practice.", "2167": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. , nodules in the lower field of the left lung, further examination is recommended.", "2168": "The texture of both lungs is thick and blurred, and small patchy shadows are seen in the left middle lung field; a little inflammation? , there may be small induration lesions in the right middle lung field.", "2169": "Left pneumonia changes, please combine it with clinical practice.", "2170": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. , scoliosis.", "2171": "the texture of both lungs is blurred and the structure is chaotic: same as before. , double pneumonia is possible, and pulmonary edema is not excluded, which is roughly the same as before. , Suspicious nodule in the middle field of the left lung, same as before. , the heart shadow is large, and the hilar blood vessels are slightly thickened, which is better than before. , the left costophrenic angle becomes blunt, same as before. , the original costophrenic angle on the right side became blunt, but this time it basically recovered. , please combine it with clinical practice. ,", "2172": "Postoperative review of right hip joint. , two pneumonia changes. , old lesions in both lungs. , both sides of the lungs were full.", "2173": "Two lungs with heavy texture and suspicious patchy shadows. A little inflammation cannot be excluded. Please combine it with clinical practice.", "2174": "The texture of both lungs increased slightly. , scattered induration lesions in both upper lungs. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "2175": "The texture of both lungs increased slightly, and there were small dots in the left middle lung field. , Thoracic scoliosis.", "2176": "Malignant mass occupying the upper field of the right lung. , the right hilus is full. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "2177": "No clear abnormalities were found in the heart and diaphragm of both lungs. , scoliosis.", "2178": "There were punctate slightly high-density shadows in the middle field of the right lung, and the induration lesions and lung textures needed to be identified. No clear abnormalities were found in the remaining lungs, heart, and diaphragm. ,", "2179": "A small amount of inflammation in both lungs is possible.", "2180": "The texture of both lungs increases. ,The upper mediastinal shadow is widened. , postoperative changes in the lumbar spine. , left humerus fracture. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "2181": "The texture of both lungs is increased, with multiple spots. Interstitial changes and inflammation are not excluded. CT examination is required if necessary.", "2182": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier.", "2183": "Nodules in both lungs. , consider bilateral pleural hypertrophy and calcification. , please combine medical history and clinical practice.", "2184": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier.", "2185": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. , the right diaphragm surface is not smooth.", "2186": "the left hydropneumothorax, the pneumothorax is slightly worse than before, and the pleural effusion may be less than before. , left hilar mass shadow, please consider it in combination with clinical CT results. , left atelectasis, slightly worse than before. , there is subcutaneous air accumulation in the left neck and chest, slightly more than before. , after deep vein catheterization. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "2187": "Increased texture of both lungs, spotty high-density shadows, and calcification in both lungs? Please combine it with clinical practice.", "2188": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier and blurred. , left pleural effusion. , after deep vein catheterization. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "2189": "The trachea deviates slightly to the right. , both lungs were scattered with light shadows and small spots. , the right hilus appears full. , right diaphragm elevation. , further inspection if necessary.", "2190": "The texture of both lungs increased, and there were suspicious small dots and shadows. , further inspection if necessary.", "2191": "The lung texture becomes heavier and blurred twice. , The right interlobar fissure is thickened. , calcification of the anterior longitudinal ligament of the thoracolumbar spine. ,", "2192": "Suspicious nodule in the lingual segment of the upper lobe of the left lung, further examination if necessary. , the heart is full of shadow.", "2193": "The lower lungs have thick texture, except for a little inflammation.", "2194": "Aortic node calcification.", "2195": "The lung texture is slightly heavier in two strokes.", "2196": "Comparison with 2020-11-02 chest X-ray: The original right pleural effusion has been basically absorbed. , left pleural effusion, basically the same as before. , left lower pulmonary cord strip. , there is no change from before.", "2197": "The texture of both lungs is heavier and blurred; the apex shadow of both lungs, localized pleural thickening? , Nodular shadow in the left lower lung; , Strip-like dense shadow in the right lower lung field, please combine it with clinical practice.", "2198": "After sternotomy. , the texture of both lungs increased, and there were suspicious small spots in the lower lung field. , aortic node calcification. ,", "2199": "The texture of both lungs is heavy. , Dense small nodules at the left lung apex: possible old lesions. ,arteriosclerosis.", "2200": "The blunting of the left costophrenic angle was partially improved. , my performance is basically the same as before. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "2201": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier, and small spots are scattered in the right lung. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "2202": "After PICC catheterization: the texture of both lungs increased, the soft tissue shadow in the upper field of the right lung next to the mediastinum, and the hilum of both lungs increased.", "2203": "The texture of both lungs increased slightly. , there are strips of bone density shadow in the right upper lung field, which is considered to be calcification.", "2204": "Comparison of chest X-ray on April 17, 2020: The left costophrenic angle is blunter than before, indicating increased pleural effusion. , possible new inflammation in the lower field of the left lung. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "2205": "there are scattered small nodules in both lungs, and inflammation in the lower lobes of both lungs is possible, which is slightly less than before. , the heart shadow is slightly smaller than before. , Yu Tongqian. ,", "2206": "The texture of both lungs increased slightly. , aortic node calcification.", "2207": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier and blurred.", "2208": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier.", "2209": "The texture of both lungs is slightly messy. There is some inflammation in the right lung.", "2210": "The texture of both lungs increases.", "2211": "The texture of both lungs is heavy, please consider it clinically. , Suspicious fibrous cords in the lower field of the left lung, considered old lesions. , full heart shadow, aortic sclerosis. , compared with the previous film on 2017-12-27, it is roughly the same as before, please combine it with clinical practice.", "2212": "The lung texture is slightly heavier twice. , the heart shadow increases. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "2213": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier and blurred.", "2214": "The two lung textures are slightly thick.", "2215": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier, with scattered nodules in both lungs. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "2216": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier.", "2217": "The texture of both lungs increased, and the right upper lung was suspiciously slightly high-density. , the shape of the 9th rib on the left side is slightly less regular. ,", "2218": "The PICC tube is inserted, with the lower end approximately level with the posterior edge of the 6th rib. , if the texture of both lungs is increased and accompanied by multiple small patches and nodules, please combine it with CT examination.", "2219": "Bilateral lung texture increases, it is recommended to be combined with clinical practice.", "2220": "The lung texture increases twice. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "2221": "Both lungs have heavy texture. , for upper lung lesions, please combine clinical and medical history.", "2222": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. , the heart shadow increases. , right undulating diaphragm. ,", "2223": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. , multiple calcifications occurred after the heart shadow, and vascular wall calcification was considered. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "2224": "The texture of both lungs increases.", "2225": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier, and the right middle lung field is blurred.", "2226": "A mass near the left lower lung. , if necessary, CT will be clear, please combine it with clinical practice.", "2227": "The markings of both lungs are increased; the aortic node is prominent and accompanied by calcification; the left diaphragm is slightly elevated. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "2228": "Small nodules on the right lung apex and left lower lung. Thin strips of shadow in the anterior costophrenic angle area.", "2229": "The lungs have heavy texture and multiple cords in both lungs; a small amount of pleural effusion on both sides; the left pleura is thickened with calcification.", "2230": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. , right vena cava catheterization.", "2231": "The texture of both lungs increased, and there was a small nodule in the upper field of the right lung. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "2232": "Both lungs have heavy texture. , small smooth nodule in the 5th anterior rib projection area in the left lower lung field: nipple shadow? , please combine it with clinical practice.", "2233": "The lung texture increases twice.", "2234": "The texture of both lungs is increased and scattered in small spots; the aortic node is calcified.", "2235": "Two lung textures slightly increased in weight. , slightly higher density shadow on the right side of the heart shadow. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "2236": "Right chest drainage postoperative review, Right pneumothorax, right lung atelectasis, new appearance. , the mass and nodule shadows in both lungs have not changed much from before. , the right costophrenic angle is sharper than the anterior one.", "2237": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier and blurred. , there are scattered spots in the lower field of the right lung, possibly induration. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "2238": "Postoperative changes in right pneumothorax. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "2239": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. , left lung apical induration focus. , the heart is full of shadow. , postoperative changes in the chest. , please combine it with clinical practice. ,", "2240": "The texture of both lungs is slightly thick.", "2241": "Possible double lower pneumonia. , multiple nodules in both lungs. , Bilateral hilum widening. , The left costophrenic angle is blurred. , the right colon below the diaphragm. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "2242": "1. Left side hydropneumothorax, left lung compressed by about 40%. ,2. Bilateral secondary tuberculosis.", "2243": "The texture of both lungs is slightly messy.", "2244": "Interstitial changes in both lungs may be combined with inflammation. , the right upper hilar structure is unclear.", "2245": "The texture of both lungs increased. ,The lower end of the PICC tube is approximately level with the T8 vertebral body. , aortic node calcification.", "2246": "The texture of both lungs increased, and there were suspicious small nodules in the field of both upper lungs.", "2247": "The lung texture is slightly heavier and blurred twice.", "2248": "The lung texture increases twice. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "2249": "The texture of both lungs is heavy.", "2250": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier and blurred, and there is a small nodule/flake shadow in the right lower lung. , Scoliosis, paravertebral ligament calcification.", "2251": "Both lungs have heavy texture and chaotic structure, with strip shadows and dots in the lower lung cords. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "2252": "Multiple slightly higher or high-density shadows in both lungs, pleural changes? Further inspection is recommended.", "2253": "Multiple old lesions in both lungs. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "2254": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier, with a few patchy shadows next to the right heart edge and in the lower field of the left lung. , changes after pacemaker implantation. ,", "2255": "The lung texture is slightly heavier and blurred twice. , The shadow of the left lower lung strip may be chronic inflammation. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "2256": "The texture of both lungs is slightly heavier. , possible sclerosis focus in the right upper lung. , please combine it with clinical practice.", "2257": "The texture of both lungs increased and thickened, including a small patchy shadow in the overlapping area of \u200b\u200bthe left lower lung. Considering the possibility of inflammation, it is recommended to reexamine after treatment; the heart shadow is not large.", "2258": "1. Aortic sclerosis. 2. No important lesions were found in the lungs, heart, and diaphragm.", "2259": "1. The texture of both lungs is rough, and there are multiple patchy shadows in both lungs with blurred edges, mixed with small round translucent shadows, mainly in the inner zone of the double upper lung field and the right lower lung field. Bronchiectasis combined with infection and infiltration is considered To identify pulmonary tuberculosis, please combine clinical practice; 2. Increased heart shadow; aortic sclerosis; 3. Blunt left costophrenic angle, consider a small amount of pleural effusion or pleural thickening.", "2260": "1. Symptoms of chronic bronchitis and emphysema. Emphysema is especially present in the double lower lung fields and is combined with bullae. The texture of the left upper lung field is blurred and combined with inflammation. 2. Aortic sclerosis, pulmonary hypertension, and cardiac shadow. Not big.", "2261": "1. Small round nodules in the left lower lung field, follow-up review is recommended; 2. A few fibrocalcifications in the right upper lung; 3. No abnormalities in the heart and diaphragm.", "2262": "The left costophrenic angle pleura was thickened and adhered; no obvious substantial lesions were found in both lungs; no abnormalities were found in the heart and diaphragm.", "2263": "1. Pulmonary congestion, multiple patchy exudates in both middle and lower lung fields, enlarged and blurred lung hilum, and enlarged heart shadow, considering cardiac insufficiency and pulmonary edema; 2. A small amount of pleural effusion on both sides; 3. Cardiac attack After pacemaker implantation; aortic sclerosis; 4. Calcification in the left axillary area.", "2264": "1. There was some discoid atelectasis in the right lower lung; no obvious substantial lesions were found in the remaining lungs; 2. No abnormalities were found in the heart and diaphragm.", "2265": "1. Aortic sclerosis. 2. No abnormalities were found in the lungs, heart, and diaphragm. 3. Mild scoliosis of the spine.", "2266": "1. Increased patchy shadows and spots in the right lung and left lower lung, considering inflammation; Discoid atelectasis in the right middle lung field; Originally a small amount of pleural effusion on both sides, with less absorption than before; 2. Aortic sclerosis, heart disease The shadow is enlarged, and the C/T is about 0.58 when measured in the supine position; 3. The end of the right cervical perforation tube is about the level of the level 9 vertebrae of the flat chest.", "2267": "1. There are several nodules in both lungs, with a maximum diameter of about 1.3cm. Further examination is recommended; 2. The cardiac shadow increases in the supine position.", "2268": "History of malignant tumor of the cheek with lung metastasis: 1. Scattered patchy blurry shadows in the left middle and lower lung fields, suspected inflammation, and the left hilus is enlarged. It is recommended that further CT examination be necessary; 2. Aortic sclerosis, and the heart shadow is enlarged ; 3. The PICC tube is indwelling in the right upper limb, and the end is about the level of the 6th thoracic vertebral body; 4. The 7th thoracic vertebral body shows compressive changes.", "2269": "1. Patchy shadows are seen in the overlapping area of \u200b\u200bthe left lower lung field, which is considered pneumonia; 2. Aortic sclerosis; cardiac shadow is enlarged.", "2270": "Pulmonary congestion; aortic sclerosis; enlarged heart shadow after artificial pacemaker implantation; compression fractures of the 10th and 12th thoracic vertebrae.", "2271": "1. Pulmonary congestion, multiple exudates in both lungs, enlarged and blurred hilum of both lungs, and enlarged heart shadow in sitting position. Consider pulmonary edema and cardiac insufficiency. Combining inflammation is not ruled out. Please consider the clinical situation; A small amount of pleural effusion on the left side; 2 .Aortic sclerosis; 3. The right horizontal fissure is slightly thicker.", "2272": "1. The texture of both lungs is thickened, and the exudation lesions in both lower lungs are absorbed compared with the front film; 2. No abnormalities are found in the heart and diaphragm.", "2273": "1. Scattered patchy exudation lesions in both lungs, with the right side slightly more than the previous one and the left side similar to the previous one; a small amount of pleural effusion on the right side; 2. Multiple flakes and strips of dense shadows in the middle and outer parts of both lung fields, considering pleural adhesions and hyperplasia. Thickness and calcification; 3. The bilateral costophrenic angles are blunted, and pleural thickening is considered; 4. The cardiac shadow is slightly larger in the supine position; 5. The end of the left cervical perforation tube is located at the level of the 3rd thoracic vertebral body.", "2274": "The right side of the chest was distended, there was massive emphysema on the right side, the right lung was basically completely compressed, and the mediastinum shifted to the left; there was no obvious abnormality in the left lung, and the heart shadow was not large.", "2275": "No substantial lesions were found in both lungs; aorta sclerosis, heart transverse diameter increased; changes after thoracotomy, scoliosis.", "2276": "1. Pulmonary edema. 2. A small amount of pleural effusion on both sides. 3. Aortic sclerosis and cardiac shadow enlargement.", "2277": "1. There is a 0.5cm nodular shadow in the left lower lung field with a smooth edge. Consider overlapping of calcification lesions and papillary shadows for identification; there is a small patchy shadow in the right lower lung field with clear edges. Follow-up is recommended; no obvious substance is seen in the remaining lung fields. Lesions; 2. The heart shadow is not large, and there are multiple metal shadows in the heart shadow area. Consider postoperative changes; changes after thoracotomy; 3. Aortic sclerosis; 4. Local thickening of both lower pleura.", "2278": "1. Fiber focus in the right upper lung; 2. No abnormality in the heart and diaphragm.", "2279": "Bronchopneumonia in both lungs.", "2280": "The left pneumothorax is significantly reduced compared with the previous one, most of the left lung is re-expanded, the left lung is compressed by about 10%, and the trachea and heart are not displaced; the front end of the left chest drainage tube is approximately level with the inner side of the fourth anterior rib; a round translucency is seen in the left lower lung field area, the wall thickness is uneven, and the size is about 3.3x2.6cm. Further examination is recommended; no obvious substantial lesions are found in the right lung; the heart shadow is not large.", "2281": "1. Both lung hilum are slightly enlarged, and there is a suspicious mass shadow (about 4.1*4.7cm in size) and thick blood vessel shadow in the overlapping area of \u200b\u200bthe heart shadow in the left lower lung. Further examination is recommended; 2. The texture of the remaining lungs is slightly thickened and not Obvious substantial lesions are seen; 3. Aortic sclerosis and heart shadow enlargement.", "2282": "1. The right lung is basically completely re-expanded, and there is a small amount of air accumulation in the right upper chest; the head end of the right chest drainage tube is located at the level of the fourth posterior rib of the right upper chest; there is subcutaneous emphysema on the right chest wall. 2. No obvious abnormalities were found in the left lung, heart, and diaphragm.", "2283": "1. Chronic bronchitis, emphysema, and exudation lesions in both middle and lower lung fields. Considering the possibility of inflammation, it is recommended to review after treatment; a clear shadow is seen in the right lower lung field, is it suspected to be a cavity or cavity lesion? Follow-up review is recommended; A small amount of pleural effusion on the right side; 2. A small amount of pneumothorax on the right side, with the amount of pneumothorax being about 5-10%; 3. Fibrocalcific lesions in both middle and upper lung fields, with adjacent pleural thickening and adhesions; 4. Aortic sclerosis, cardiac The shadow increases; 5. An arc-shaped indentation is seen on the left edge of the trachea at the level of the 3-5 thoracic vertebral bodies, and the trachea is shifted to the right, which is considered to be caused by the compression of goiter; bone hyperplasia at the edge of the thoracic vertebral bodies.", "2284": "1. Chronic bronchitis - emphysema; a little inflammation in the middle and lower lung fields on both sides; 2. A small amount of pleural effusion on both sides; 3. Aortic sclerosis, small heart shadow; 4. The right sixth anterior rib is forked Rib; 5. Endotracheal intubation, the end of the tube is located at the level of the 3rd thoracic vertebral body.", "2285": "1. Pulmonary congestion, scattered exudative lesions in both lungs, blurred hilum of both lungs, and severely enlarged heart shadow, suggesting pulmonary edema and cardiac insufficiency; 2. After pacemaker implantation; 3. Aortic sclerosis; 4. There was a small amount of pleural effusion on both sides.", "2286": "1. A little discoid atelectasis in the left lower lung; no obvious substantial lesions in the remaining two lungs; 2. No abnormalities in the heart and diaphragm; 3. Mild scoliosis of the spine.", "2287": "1. The texture of both lungs was slightly thickened and blurred, consistent with changes in bronchitis; 2. No abnormalities were found in the heart and diaphragm.", "2288": "1. A few fibrous lesions in the right upper lung; the texture of the remaining lungs was thickened, and no substantial lesions were found; 2. Aortic sclerosis, and the heart shadow was slightly larger.", "2289": "1. Scattered patchy exudation lesions in both lungs; 2. Multiple flakes and strips of dense shadows in the middle and outer areas of both lungs, which is considered to be pleural adhesion, thickening, and calcification; 3. The costophrenic angles are blunted, and pleural thickening is considered; 4. The heart shadow is not large; 5. The end of the right deep vein catheter is about the level of the upper edge of the 4th thoracic vertebral body.", "2290": "1. Pulmonary congestion, exudation lesions in both hilar lungs, and enlarged heart shadow, indicating pulmonary edema and cardiac insufficiency; 2. Aortic sclerosis; 3. Slight effusion in the bilateral pleural cavities; 4. Degeneration of the thoracic spine.", "2291": "1. Extensive exudative lesions were seen in the middle and inner zones of both lungs, and the hilum of both lungs were enlarged, pulmonary edema was considered; 2. The heart shadow was enlarged; 3. A small amount of pleural effusion on both sides.", "2292": "1. Pulmonary congestion; light infiltration in both lungs, consider the possibility of pulmonary edema, please consider the clinical situation; 2. Increased heart shadow; 3. A small amount of pleural effusion on both sides; 4. Aortic sclerosis. (The mediastinum above the right hilus is slightly widened, which is the same as in the previous photos. The possibility of vascular shadow is considered.)", "2293": "1. Multiple patchy blurry shadows are scattered in both lungs, especially in the right lung. Inflammation is considered, and reexamination is recommended. More diffusely distributed nodular lesions are also seen in both lungs. Combined with previous CT examinations, old pulmonary tuberculosis is considered, and clinical exclusion is required. activity; 2. Chronic bronchitis, signs of emphysema; 3. Aortic sclerosis, enlarged heart shadow; 4. Bilateral pleural thickening.", "2294": "1. Discoid atelectasis in the left lower lung field; the texture of the remaining lungs is thickened, and no obvious substantial lesions are found; 2. Aortic sclerosis; the heart shadow is significantly enlarged; after pacemaker installation; 3. Suspected pulmonary artery High voltage.", "2295": "1. Signs of chronic bronchitis and emphysema; scattered patchy shadows in both lungs, mainly in the right lower lung field, which is considered to be inflammation; 2. Dense small nodules in the left upper lung field, considering the possibility of calcification; 3. Increased heart shadow ; Aortic sclerosis.", "2296": "1. Extensive exudative lesions are seen in both lungs, among which the right middle lung field and the left lower lung are denser, so inflammation is considered; 2. The texture of both lungs is thickened, and the hilar structure is unclear. Please evaluate cardiac function based on clinical evaluation, and pay attention to exclude lung Possible edema; 3. Aortic sclerosis and enlarged heart shadow; 4. A small amount of pleural effusion on both sides.", "2297": "1. Slight discoid atelectasis in both lower lung fields. 2. The heart shadow increases and changes after heart valve replacement and thoracotomy. 3. Aortic sclerosis. 4. Scoliosis.", "2298": "1. A translucent line was seen in the left lung in the field, and a small amount of pneumothorax was considered on the left side; a small amount of effusion in the left pleural cavity, which was smaller than the previous film; 2. Insufficient air in the left lower lung; 3. The heart shadow increased in the sitting position; 4. The right lung, No abnormality was found in the right diaphragm.", "2299": "1. A few fibrous lesions in the right upper lung field; the remaining lung texture is thickened, and no obvious substantial lesions are found; 2. The heart shadow is enlarged; aortic sclerosis; an electrode lead is visible in the left heart shadow area.", "2300": "1. Aortic sclerosis and enlarged heart shadow. 2. No important lesions were found in the lungs and diaphragm. 3. After internal fixation of the left clavicle fracture, the left third and fourth ribs suffered old fractures. 4. The internal tube end of the tracheal intubation tube is level with the level of the T2/3 intervertebral space, the internal tube end of the right cervical perforation tube is level with the T5/6 intervertebral space level, and the internal tube end of the right thoracic drainage tube is level with the level of the third anterior rib. 5. Performance after thoracotomy.", "2301": "1. Pulmonary congestion, diffuse nodular shadows and patchy shadows in both lungs, enlarged and blurred lung hilum, and enlarged heart shadow in the supine position. Pay attention to pulmonary edema and cardiac insufficiency. Tumorous lesions cannot be ruled out. Further treatment is recommended. Check; 2. Aortic sclerosis.", "2302": "1. No substantial lesions were found in both lung fields; 2. A small amount of bilateral pleural effusion was suspected; 3. Aortic sclerosis and enlarged heart shadow; 4. Changes after thoracotomy; 5. End of endotracheal intubation tube was around the chest The level of the 4/5 intervertebral space; the end of the right deep vein catheter is about the level of the 7th thoracic vertebral body; the shadow of the catheter can be seen in the cardiac shadow area; 6. Bone hyperplasia of the thoracic vertebrae, and mild compression of the 10th thoracic vertebrae.", "2303": "1. Strip-like dense shadows in the left middle and upper lung fields, postoperative changes are considered; a small amount of pleural effusion on the left side is suspected; the end of the left chest drainage tube is approximately at the level of the fourth posterior rib; 2. Discoid atelectasis in both lower lung fields; 3. Aortic sclerosis and heart shadow enlargement; 4. The end of the right deep vein catheter is approximately at the level of the 4th thoracic vertebral body.", "2304": "Review after treatment of pneumonia and pleural effusion: 1. The patchy shadow of the left lung and the left pleural effusion are similar to the previous film. 2. No important lesions were found in the right lung, heart, and right diaphragm. 3. Old fracture of the left 8th rib. 4. The internal tube end of the tracheal intubation tube is level with the level of the T1 vertebral body, and the internal tube end of the right cervical tracheal tube is level with the level of the T4 vertebral body.", "2305": "1. There is a small amount of pneumothorax on the right side, and the amount of pneumothorax is difficult to assess when lying down; after the right chest drainage tube is placed, the tube end is flat at the level of the 2nd vertebral body in the chest; 2. The texture of the remaining lungs is increased and thickened, and no obvious substantial lesions are found; 3 .Aortic sclerosis, heart shadow enlargement; 4. After right deep vein catheterization, the tube end is flat at the level of 4/5 intervertebral space in the chest.", "2306": "1. The left pneumothorax is significantly smaller than before, and there are no clear signs of pneumothorax on the current recumbent chest X-ray. Follow-up review is recommended; the subcutaneous emphysema at the base of the left neck and chest wall has increased compared with before; 2. The left lower lung cavitary lesion has thin wall thickness Uneven, similar in size to the previous film, consider identifying tumor lesions and infectious lesions; The texture of the remaining lungs is slightly rough; 3. There are some small calcifications in the right upper lung; 4. The heart shadow is not large, and the aorta is hardened.", "2307": "1. Chronic bronchitis, emphysema; a little inflammation in both lungs, slightly more obvious in the left lower lung field; 2. Small calcifications in the left upper lung; 3. Aortic sclerosis, slightly larger heart shadow; 4. Several nodules in both hilus Like dense shadow, consider lymph node calcification; 5. Degeneration of thoracic spine.", "2308": "No substantial lesions were found in both lungs; aortic sclerosis, small cardiac shadow; left 5th posterior rib island.", "2309": "Consider cardiac insufficiency, pulmonary edema; aortic sclerosis.", "2310": "No substantial lesions were found in both lungs; the aorta was sclerotic and the heart was small.", "2311": "1. Pulmonary congestion, scattered patchy exudates in the middle and lower lung fields on both sides, enlarged and blurred lung hilum, enlarged heart shadow in supine position, pay attention to pulmonary edema and cardiac insufficiency; a small amount of pleural effusion on the left side; 2. Bilateral Fibrocalcification in the upper lung field, adjacent pleural thickening and adhesion; 3. The right upper mediastinum is slightly widened, considering the possibility of vascular shadow; 4. Aortic sclerosis; 5. Scoliosis and degeneration; 6. Right 7th rib axilla Segment fracture, no obvious displacement of the broken end.", "2312": "Review after left lower lung cancer radical surgery + left upper lung wedge resection, 1. A small amount of pneumothorax on the left side, and scattered subcutaneous emphysema on the left chest wall; scattered exudation lesions in the left lung field, most obvious near the hilum, slightly absorbed compared with the previous film; the mediastinum shifted slightly to the left; There is a small amount of pleural effusion on the left side; 2. A small amount of strip-like high-density shadow is seen in the right middle lung field, which is considered to be a small amount of exudation; no obvious substantial lesions are found in the remaining lungs.", "2313": "1. Pulmonary congestion; enlargement of both lung hilum, and a few thin exudates in both lungs. Consider pulmonary edema. Please evaluate heart function based on clinical evaluation; 2. Significant increase in heart shadow; 3. A small amount of pleural effusion on both sides; 4. Aortic sclerosis.", "2314": "A few fibrous lesions in the right upper lung; aortic sclerosis; mild thoracic scoliosis.", "2315": "1. Aortic sclerosis. 2. No important lesions were found in the remaining lungs, heart, and diaphragm.", "2316": "1. Pulmonary congestion, exudation lesions in both middle and lower lung fields, enlarged heart shadow, pay attention to cardiac insufficiency; A small amount of effusion in the bilateral pleural cavity; 2. Fiber focus in the right upper lung field; 3. Aortic sclerosis; 4. Multiple ribs on the right side Old fractures.", "2317": "Review after radical resection of right upper lung cancer: 1. The right hilar structure is clearer than before; the right hilar strip-like high-density shadow and the right diaphragm are elevated, all postoperative changes are considered; the right chest drainage tube has been removed; there is a little pneumothorax in the right chest and the right chest wall Soft tissue emphysema; 2. No obvious substantial lesions in the left lung field; 3. Increased heart shadow;", "2318": "1. The texture of both lungs is increased and rough, and inflammation has not been ruled out. Please consider the clinical practice; 2. Aortic sclerosis; the cardiac shadow is enlarged in the supine position; 3. The right upper mediastinum is widened, and vascular shadows are possible; 4. Thoracic spine degeneration Changes; multiple old rib fractures on the right side.", "2319": "1. The texture of both lungs is thickened, there are exudates in both middle and lower lung fields, and the heart shadow is enlarged. Pay attention to cardiac insufficiency and pulmonary edema; a small amount of pleural effusion on the left side; 2. Nodular shadow in the left upper lung field, follow-up review is recommended; 3 .Aortic sclerosis.", "2320": "1. The texture of both lungs is thickened, and no obvious substantial lesions are found; 2. Aortic sclerosis; the heart shadow is not large; 3. Cortical wrinkles in the axillary segment of the right 8th rib, considering the possibility of fracture, please combine it with clinical practice.", "2321": "1. Chronic bronchitis and emphysema; there are a few small patchy shadows in the left middle and upper lung field with blurred edges, which is considered inflammation; a few fibrous lesions in the right middle and upper lung field; 2. Aortic sclerosis; the heart shadow is not large.", "2322": "1. The right pleural effusion is reduced compared with the previous film, and the internal tube end of the right thoracic drainage tube is located at the overlap of the 6th anterior rib. 2. Double pneumonia is reduced compared with the previous film. 3. Multiple nodules and masses in both lung fields are consistent with malignant lung lesions and multiple intrapulmonary metastases. 4. The bilateral lung hilum is enlarged, the middle and upper mediastinum is widened, and lymphatic metastasis is considered. 5. Aortic sclerosis and small cardiac shadow.", "2323": "1. A small amount of pleural effusion on both sides, smaller than before; 2. Pulmonary congestion, scattered exudates in both lungs, significantly enlarged heart shadow, pay attention to cardiac function; 3. Aortic sclerosis, after PCI; 4. Bilateral Degeneration of shoulder joint and spine.", "2324": "1. No abnormalities were found in the lungs, heart, and diaphragm; 2. Local pleural adhesion on both sides.", "2325": "1. There are mass shadows in both upper lung fields and multiple small nodules in both lung fields, and the shadows in both lungs are enlarged. Combined with previous imaging examinations, the possibility of silicosis is considered high, but the possibility of combined pulmonary tuberculosis has not been ruled out. 2. No important lesions were found in the heart and diaphragm.", "2326": "1. No signs of pneumothorax; 2. No substantial lesions in both lungs; 2. The heart shadow is slightly large in the supine position; 3. Cannulation of the right jugular vein and left subclavian vein; 4. Soft tissue swelling of the right shoulder, with a small amount of subcutaneous Emphysema.", "2327": "1. Postoperative changes in the left upper lung; 2. No substantial lesions were found in the remaining lungs; 3. The heart shadow was not large; 4. Some old rib fractures on both sides.", "2328": "1. Mild pulmonary congestion; the number of exudates in both lungs is reduced compared with before; 2. The heart shadow is enlarged and the aorta is hardened; 3. The end of the endotracheal intubation is located at the level of the 2nd thoracic vertebral body; the end of the right cervical perforation tube is located at the 4th thoracic vertebral body level.", "2329": "1. Multiple exudates in the left middle and lower lung fields, considering pneumonia; 2. Increased heart shadow; aortic sclerosis; 3. The end of the tracheostomy tube is about the lower edge of the level 4 vertebra; 4. The bone density of the upper right humerus is seen increase in height.", "2330": "1. No substantial lesions were found in both lungs; 2. The heart shadow was not large and the structure of both lung hilum was clear; 3. Aortic sclerosis; 4. After pacemaker implantation.", "2331": "There is a suspicious nodule in the right cardiophrenic angle. A low-dose chest CT scan is recommended; no abnormalities were found in the heart and diaphragm.", "2332": "1. A small number of fibrous lesions in the left upper lung field and discoid atelectasis in the left lower lung field. 2. Aortic sclerosis and small cardiac shadow. 3. Fracture of the surgical neck of the left humerus and compression of the 11th thoracic vertebra.", "2333": "1. There is a small amount of patchy shadow in the right lower lung field. Considering inflammation, it is recommended to review it after treatment. 2. Chronic bronchitis, emphysema, a small number of fibrous lesions in both upper lung fields, and interstitial lesions in both lungs. 3. Aortic sclerosis and small cardiac shadow.", "2334": "1. The texture of both lungs is thickened, and a small amount of suspected exudation in the left lower lung is suspected; there are small calcifications in the left upper lung field; no substantial lesions are found in the remaining lungs; 2. A hemispherical protrusion next to the aortic arch in the left hilar; 3. Aortic sclerosis, heart disease The shadow increases; 4. The end of the right deep vein catheter is located at the 11th level of the chest; 5. The left costophrenic angle becomes blunt; 6. Degeneration of the thoracic spine.", "2335": "1. After surgery for left upper lung cancer, the end of the left chest drainage tube is located in the lung apex area; both lungs are now well inflated; 2. There is a nodular shadow in the first anterior intercostal space in the right upper lung field, with a diameter of about 0.8cm. Review is recommended; 3. Supine position The heart shadow is slightly larger and the aorta is hardened; 4. The end of the right cervical perforation tube is about the lower edge of the level 4 vertebra.", "2336": "Review after treatment of right pleural effusion: 1. A large amount of pleural effusion on the right side was similar to the previous film, and the mediastinum and trachea moved to the left; after right chest drainage. 2. The patch shadow of the left lung is significantly reduced compared with the previous film. 3. Aortic sclerosis and cardiac shadow enlargement. 4. Thoracic vertebrae bone hyperplasia, thoracic vertebrae bone density.", "2337": "1. A small amount of pleural effusion on the left side; the end of the left thoracic drainage tube is located at the lung apex; 2. Discoid atelectasis in the right lower lung field; 3. The heart shadow is enlarged in the supine position; 4. The end of the right deep vein catheter is about 6 inches in the chest /7 intervertebral space level.", "2338": "1. There are multiple small patchy shadows in the right upper lung field and left lower lung field. Considering inflammation, it is recommended to review after treatment. 2. There are multiple flakes and strips of dense shadows in the middle and outer parts of both lung fields, suggesting pleural adhesion, thickening, and calcification. 3. The bilateral costophrenic angles become blunt, and pleural thickening is considered. 4. The heart shadow increases.", "2339": "1. Discoid atelectasis in the left lower lung field; 2. A small amount of pleural effusion on both sides; 3. Aortic sclerosis and enlarged heart shadow; 4. Changes after thoracotomy; 5. The end of the endotracheal intubation tube is approximately 4 inches from the chest /5 level of intervertebral space; the end of the right deep vein catheter is approximately at the level of the 7th thoracic vertebral body; the shadow of the catheter can be seen in the cardiac shadow area.", "2340": "1. Pulmonary edema, and the exudation lesions in both lung fields are slightly absorbed; 2. Heart enlargement; after pacemaker implantation; 3. Aortic sclerosis; 4. A small amount of effusion in the bilateral pleural cavities, similar to before; 5. The right cervical tube is inserted, and the end of the tube is located at the level of the 5th thoracic vertebral body.", "2341": "Fiber focus in the right upper lung; no obvious substantial lesions were found in the remaining lungs; no abnormalities were found in the heart and diaphragm.", "2342": "1. A few fibrous lesions in the right lower lung; the right lower pleura is thickened and adhered, and the right diaphragm is slightly elevated; no obvious substantial lesions are found in the remaining two lung fields; 2. The heart shadow is not large.", "2343": "1. A thin nodular-like shadow with a diameter of about 1.1cm was seen in the overlapping area of \u200b\u200bthe left lower lung. Combined with previous imaging examinations, the possibility of pulmonary metastasis was considered; the texture of the remaining two lungs was slightly thickened, and no obvious substantial lesions were found. Please Combined with the 2020-12-29 PET/CT examination and evaluation; 2. Aortic sclerosis, the cardiac shadow is slightly larger in the supine position; 3. A small amount of free air shadow is seen under the right diaphragm, consider postoperative changes; 4. The end of the right deep vein catheter is located in the chest 5/6 intervertebral space level.", "2344": "After CPR treatment: 1. Bilateral hilar enlargement, multiple exudates in both lungs, and heart shadow enlargement. First consider heart failure (pulmonary edema), which needs to be differentiated from pneumonia. Please combine clinical practice; 2. Aortic sclerosis; 3. The end of the tracheal intubation tube is at the level of the 2nd vertebral body of the chest; 4. The right cervical perforation tube is located at the level of the 4th thoracic vertebral body.", "2345": "1. Discoid atelectasis in the left lower lung; no obvious abnormalities were found in the remaining lungs; 2. No abnormalities were found in the heart and diaphragm.", "2346": "Consider cardiac insufficiency, pulmonary edema, a small amount of pleural effusion on both sides, and aortic sclerosis.", "2347": "Review after treatment of pleural effusion: 1. The pleural effusion on the right side was significantly reduced compared with the previous film, and the pleural effusion on the left side was increased compared with the previous film. After the right pleural effusion was drained. 2. Multiple small patchy shadows in both lungs are similar to the previous film. 3. Aortic sclerosis and cardiac shadow enlargement. 4. The right upper mediastinal shadow is widened, and an arc-shaped indentation is seen on the right edge of the trachea at the level of the 1-3 thoracic vertebrae, which may be caused by the compression of the enlarged thyroid gland. 5. Bone hyperplasia of thoracic vertebrae.", "2348": "1. The texture of both lungs is thickened, and there is a small amount of exudation in the right lower lung field or the lung texture is gathered together. Please consider it based on clinical considerations. There were some fibrous lesions in both upper lungs; 2. Aortic sclerosis and enlarged heart shadow; 3. No obvious abnormalities were found in both diaphragms.", "2349": "1. Pulmonary edema. 2. Patchy shadows in the left lower lung field, considering the possibility of inflammation. 3. Aortic sclerosis and cardiac shadow enlargement. 4. A small amount of pleural effusion on both sides.", "2350": "Possible inflammation in the right middle lung field, it is recommended to review after treatment or CT examination if necessary; a few fibrous lesions in both upper lungs; aortic sclerosis, small heart shadow.", "2351": "1. The texture of both lungs is thickened, and there are a few exudates in both middle lung fields; 2. There are no abnormalities in the heart and diaphragm; 3. The end of the endotracheal tube is about level 3 of the chest.", "2352": "1. The texture of both lungs is thickened, and no obvious substantial lesions are found; 2. The left costophrenic angle is blunted, and a small amount of pleural effusion or pleural thickening is considered; 3. Aortic sclerosis, and the heart shadow is enlarged.", "2353": "The texture of both lungs was thickened, but no substantial lesions were found; the aorta was sclerotic, and the transverse diameter of the heart was small.", "2354": "The texture of both lungs is increased and thickened, mixed with patchy shadows, and the horizontal fissure on the right side is thickened. Newborn wet lungs and inflammation need to be differentiated. Please combine clinical practice; the heart shadow is not large.", "2355": "1. Symptoms of chronic bronchitis and emphysema, exudation lesions in both middle and lower lung fields, which are absorbed and reduced compared with the previous film; no obvious translucent shadow is found in the right lower lung field, follow-up is recommended; a small amount of pleural effusion on the right side; 2. There are no obvious signs of pneumothorax on the supine X-ray; 3. Fibrocalcification lesions in both middle and upper lung fields, adjacent to pleural thickening and adhesion; 4. Aortic sclerosis, and the cardiac shadow is slightly larger in the supine position; 5. The left edge of the trachea is located in the chest 3 Arc-shaped indentations are seen at the level of the vertebral body, and the trachea is slightly compressed, which is caused by pseudo-thyroid compression; 6. Degeneration of the thoracic spine.", "2356": "1. Signs of pulmonary congestion; the texture of both lungs is thickened, and there are a few spots in the right lower lung field, which is considered to be a little inflammation; 2. Aortic sclerosis and heart enlargement; 3. The front end of the right deep vein catheterization is located at the level of the 7th thoracic vertebra . 4. Degeneration of thoracic spine.", "2357": "1. A few fibrous lesions in the left lung apex; 2. Aortic sclerosis; small cardiac shadow, after PCI; 3. Degeneration of the thoracic spine.", "2358": "1. After radical resection of left lower lung cancer + wedge resection of left upper lung, the exudation focus in the left lung field was obvious near the hilum, with partial consolidation or atelectasis, and the mediastinum was slightly shifted to the left; a small amount of pleural effusion on the left side; 2. Right lung markings Thickened, no obvious substantial lesions were found; 3. A drainage tube was seen in the cardiac shadow area; the end of the right cervical perforation tube was located at the level of the 5th thoracic vertebral body.", "2359": "1. Patchy blurred shadows in the left lower lung field, considering a little inflammation, it is recommended to review; a small amount of pleural effusion on the left side; 2. fibrocalcification in the left upper lung field; 3. aortic sclerosis, and enlarged cardiac shadow. 4. Degeneration of thoracic spine.", "2360": "1. Right hilar mass, please consider the medical history; 2. Aortic sclerosis, slightly larger heart.", "2361": "The texture of both lungs was thickened, and no obvious substantial lesions were found in both lungs; there were no obvious signs of pneumothorax or pleural effusion; the heart shadow was slightly enlarged; and no abnormalities were found in the two diaphragms.", "2362": "1. The texture of both lungs is thickened and blurred, which may be consistent with the symptoms of bronchitis; 2. There are no abnormalities in the heart and diaphragm; 3. The end of the PICC tube in the left upper limb is located at the level of the 4/5 intervertebral space in the chest.", "2363": "After surgery for right upper lung cancer: the right hilus is dense and has a metal shadow, and the end of the right chest drainage tube is at the level of the fourth posterior rib; no obvious abnormalities are found in both lungs; the end of the right venous cannula is flat to T6; the heart shadow is enlarged.", "2364": "After left lower pulmonary nodule resection: 1. The texture of both lungs is thickened, the patchy exudation lesions in both lower lungs are pseudo-inflammation; 2. The soft tissue emphysema of the left chest wall; 3. Aortic sclerosis; the heart shadow is enlarged; 4. The trachea was slightly shifted to the left, suggesting thyroid enlargement.", "2365": "1. The texture of both lungs is thickened and blurred, and the hilum of both lungs is enlarged, showing signs of pulmonary congestion; discoid atelectasis in the left lower lung; 2. Aortic sclerosis, and enlarged heart shadow; 3. Compressive changes in multiple thoracic vertebrae.", "2366": "1. No clear signs of pneumothorax were seen in both lungs; pulmonary congestion; the texture of the remaining lungs was slightly increased and thickened, and no obvious substantial lesions were found; 2. The right middle and upper mediastinum was slightly widened, considering the possibility of vascular shadow; calcification of mediastinal lymph nodes ; 3. The aorta is widened and hardened, the local trachea is slightly shifted to the right, and the heart shadow is enlarged in the supine position; 4. Scoliosis.", "2367": "The texture of both lungs is increased and thickened, including a few exudates in the middle and lower right lung fields, the hilum of both lungs is enlarged, and the heart shadow is enlarged. Please pay attention to the cardiac function; a small amount of pleural effusion on the right side; aortic sclerosis; scoliosis.", "2368": "1. The right upper mediastinum is widened, the possibility of brachiocephalic blood vessels is considered, and further examination is required if necessary; no substantial lesions are found in the remaining lungs; 2. Aortic sclerosis, and the heart shadow is enlarged.", "2369": "1. The texture of both lungs increased and thickened, but no obvious substantial lesions were found; 2. Aorta hardened, and the heart shadow increased.", "2370": "1. The exudation focus in the right lung is basically absorbed compared to before, and the exudation focus in the left upper lung is slightly absorbed than before; 2. A small amount of pleural effusion on the left side; 3. Aortic sclerosis, and the heart shadow is enlarged.", "2371": "1. The texture of both lungs is thickened and blurred, and patchy shadows are seen in the left lower lung field, which is considered to be inflammation; 2. No abnormalities are found in the heart and diaphragm.", "2372": "1. A few fibrous lesions in the right lung apex; no obvious substantial lesions were found in the remaining lungs; 2. The upper mediastinum widened to both sides, considered to be a tortuous vascular shadow; 3. The heart shadow increased, indicating aortic sclerosis.", "2373": "1. No substantial lesions were found in both lungs; 2. Aorta sclerosis and slightly enlarged heart.", "2374": "1. A moderate amount of pleural effusion on the left side, which is larger than before, and the mediastinum shifts to the right; a small amount of pleural effusion on the right side, which is smaller than before; 2. The texture of both lungs is thickened, and the right lower lung is incomplete; 3. The heart is enlarged; 4 .Aortic sclerosis.", "2375": "1. Signs of pulmonary congestion, patchy exudates in both lower lung fields, and significantly enlarged heart shadow. Consider the possibility of cardiac insufficiency and pulmonary edema. Inflammation is not excluded. Please consider the clinical situation; 2. Small strips in the right upper lung field Like dense shadow, consider the possibility of calcification; 3. The right pleura is thickened; 4. The right costophrenic angle becomes blunt, consider the differentiation between pleural thickening and a small amount of pleural effusion.", "2376": "1. The texture of both lungs is rough, and there are scattered patchy shadows in both lungs with blurred edges, mainly in the left lung. If pneumonia is considered, please consider the clinical situation; 2. Emphysema; fibrous lesions in both upper lung fields; 3. Aortic sclerosis; The heart shadow increases in the supine position; 4. Scoliosis; the 12 thoracic vertebrae become compressed and flattened.", "2377": "1. Multiple exudates in both lung fields, more than in the front chest X-ray; 2. Heart enlargement; after pacemaker implantation; 3. Aortic sclerosis; 4. A small amount of effusion in both sides of the pleural cavity, with less absorption than before. ; 5. Right cervical perforation tube, the end of the tube is located at the level of the 5th thoracic vertebral body.", "2378": "1. Multiple patchy shadows in both lungs with blurred edges, considered pneumonia; large, dense shadows in the right lower lung field with clear upper edges, considered atelectasis; emphysema, multiple bullae in both upper lung fields; 2. A small amount of pleural effusion on the right side; 3. Aortic sclerosis; small heart shadow; 4. Multiple rib fractures on both sides, uneven bone density at the fracture site, and callus growth in some parts, which does not exclude the possibility of pathological fracture.", "2379": "1. Chronic bronchitis emphysema; a little inflammation of the right middle and lower lungs, segmental atelectasis in the right lower lung field; a small amount of suspected pneumomediastinum; 2. A small amount of pleural effusion on the right side; 3. Aortic sclerosis, The heart shadow is not large; 4. The forked rib of the 6th anterior rib on the right side; 5. Endotracheal intubation, the end of the tube is located at the level of the upper edge of the 4th thoracic vertebral body.", "2380": "1. Massive pneumothorax on the right side, the right lung is almost completely compressed, about 90%, and the mediastinum is shifted to the left. Subcutaneous emphysema on the chest wall in the right axillary region. 2. No important lesions were found in the left lung, heart, and left diaphragm.", "2381": "1. There are scattered fibrocalcifications in both lung fields; the markings in the remaining lungs are increased and thickened, and no obvious substantial lesions are found; 2. Aortic sclerosis, and the cardiac shadow is slightly larger in the supine position; 3. The end of the right deep vein catheter is about the chest Level of the upper edge of the 5th vertebral body; 4. Mild compressive changes in the 8th thoracic vertebral body.", "2382": "1. Strip-like dense shadows are seen in the left middle and upper lungs, and postoperative changes are considered; the texture of the remaining lungs is slightly thickened, and no obvious substantial lesions are found; 2. Aortic sclerosis, and the heart shadow is enlarged; 3. Cervical perforation tube on the right side The end is located at the level of the 4th thoracic vertebral body; the end of the left chest drainage tube is located at the level of the 4th posterior rib; 4. A very small amount of subcutaneous emphysema is suspected on the left chest wall.", "2383": "1. Recruitment of the right lung, no obvious signs of pneumothorax, the right chest drainage tube is located at the level of the 5th thoracic vertebral body; the mediastinum is in the middle; there is some discoid atelectasis in the right lower lung; 2. No obvious substantial lesions are seen in the left lung; 3. The shadow of the heart is not big.", "2384": "There was a small amount of pleural effusion on both sides, more on the left side, and partial compressive atelectasis in the left lower lung; no obvious substantial lesions were found in the remaining two lungs.", "2385": "1. The texture of both lungs increased and thickened, and no obvious substantial lesions were found in both lungs; the hilum of both lungs was small, and the structure was still clear; 2. The heart shadow was significantly enlarged, after pacemaker implantation; 3. The aorta Sclerosis; 4. The right costophrenic angle is slightly blunted, indicating a small amount of pleural effusion; 5. Degeneration of the thoracic spine.", "2386": "1. Multiple fibrous lesions in both upper lung fields. 2. Aortic sclerosis and small cardiac shadow.", "2387": "No abnormalities were found in the lungs, heart, and diaphragm. Old fracture of the middle part of the left clavicle; old fracture of the axillary segment of the left 6th and 7th ribs.", "2388": "There was a massive pneumothorax on the left side, the left lung was compressed by about 80%, and the trachea and heart were slightly shifted to the right; no obvious substantial lesions were found in the right lung; the heart shadow was not large.", "2389": "There were some fibrous lesions in both upper lungs and pleural adhesions; the heart shadow was not large; the axillary bones of the right 8th and 9th ribs were slightly curved.", "2390": "1. The pneumothorax on the right side is increased compared with the front, and about 20% of the lung tissue is compressed; the head end of the right chest drainage tube is at the level of the 6th posterior rib on the right side; the subcutaneous emphysema on the right chest wall is slightly increased than the front; 2. The left lung, heart, and diaphragm No obvious abnormalities were found.", "2391": "History of multiple metastases from pancreatic cancer: multiple exudates in both lungs, dense hilum in both lungs, a small amount of pleural effusion on the right side, pseudo-pulmonary edema; enlarged heart shadow; aortic sclerosis; right diaphragm elevation.", "2392": "1. Nodule in the left lower lung field, consider calcification focus or vascular shadow; 2. Fiber focus in the left middle and upper lung field; 3. Aortic sclerosis, small cardiac shadow.", "2393": "1. Pulmonary congestion, multiple exudates in both middle and lower lung fields, more exudates in the left lung than before, enlarged and blurred hilar shadows in both lungs, and enlarged heart shadows, consistent with heart failure and pulmonary edema; 2. A small amount of pleural effusion on the left side fluid; 3. Aortic sclerosis; 4. The end of the right cervical perforation tube is about level 5 of the chest.4 .Aortic sclerosis.", "2394": "1. Multiple rib fractures on the left side, with some of the broken ends dislocated. 2. Aortic sclerosis. 3. No abnormalities were found in the remaining lungs, heart, and diaphragm.", "2395": "1. Nodular shadow in the left middle lung field, which may be a vascular shadow; 2. No abnormalities were found in the remaining lungs, heart, and diaphragm.", "2396": "1. Pulmonary congestion and pulmonary edema, the scope is similar to the previous one, cardiac insufficiency is considered; a small amount of pleural effusion on the left side; 2. The rest is similar to the previous one: fibrocalcification lesions in both upper lung fields, adjacent pleural thickening and adhesion; the right upper mediastinum is slightly Widening, considering vascular shadow; aortic sclerosis; spinal degeneration; multiple rib fractures on the right side, with some broken ends slightly displaced.", "2397": "1. There are no obvious signs of pneumothorax on the right side; strip-like shadows and metal chain-like shadows are seen in the middle and lower right lung fields, which is considered to be partial atelectasis and postoperative changes; pneumothorax is accumulated in the soft tissue of the right chest wall, which is slightly more than before; 2. Lower left Discoid atelectasis in the lung field; 3. Enlarged heart shadow, post-PCI; aortic sclerosis.", "2398": "1. The texture of both lungs is thickened, there are scattered exudates in both lungs, and the heart shadow is enlarged. Pay attention to cardiac insufficiency and pulmonary edema; a small amount of pleural effusion on both sides; 2. Aortic sclerosis; 3. Degeneration of the thoracic spine.", "2399": "No obvious substantial lesions were found in the two lungs; the aorta was sclerotic and the heart shadow was not large; no important lesions were found in the diaphragm.", "2400": "1. Scattered patchy exudation lesions in both lungs, which are slightly absorbed; 2. Multiple flakes and strips of dense shadows in the middle and outer parts of both lung fields, which are considered to be pleural adhesion, thickening, and calcification; 3. The bilateral costophrenic angles are blunted, Consider pleural thickening; 4. The heart shadow is not large.", "2401": "the texture of both lungs is increased, the right upper hilus is full, and the left lower lung branch is dilated, please combine it with CT.", "2402": "multiple patchy nodules in the right upper lung accompanied by pleural thickening. Old lesions should be considered first. Please follow up and conduct further examinations if necessary. The heart shadow was full and the aorta was tortuous and calcified.", "2403": "1. Changes in chronic bronchitis and emphysema, bronchial lesions (bronchiectasis) in both lungs with possible infection, fibrous lesions in both lungs, CT examination if necessary. 2. The pleura is thickened on both sides.", "2404": "after cardiac surgery, the pulmonary artery segment protruded and the right hilus was enlarged. Compared with the previous film on 2018-11-12, the exudation of the right lung was improved, and the air accumulation in the chest wall was absorbed.", "2405": "postoperative changes in the right lung, increased texture in both lungs, and scattered fibrous lesions in both lungs. There are mass lesions in the right lower lung and some atelectasis. Please combine it with CT examination. After catheterization. Similar to the previous film (2018-07-11).", "2406": "increased lung markings, full hilum, fibrous lesions in the lower field of the right lung, please combine with CT; right upper pleura thickening. The heart shadow is enlarged and the aorta is tortuous. The trachea at the cervicothoracic junction deviates slightly to the left.", "2407": "postoperative changes in the right lung, fine fiber focus at the base of the right lung; pleural thickening at the apex of the right lung. Old right clavicle fracture.", "2408": "right pleural changes or a small amount of pleural effusion. Cortical changes of the left third rib, fracture with callus formation? Please consider your medical history.", "2409": "increased lung markings and tortuosity of the aorta. The right 10th anterior rib was broken and part of the callus formed.", "2410": "emphysema, two pulmonary fibrosis lesions; the pleura at the lung apex is slightly thicker; the heart shadow is enlarged, and the aorta is calcified after left coronary stent implantation.", "2411": "the texture of both lungs increased, and the pleura on both sides was thickened. Aortic tortuosity and calcification. Old fracture of left clavicle.", "2412": "1. Small subpleural nodule in the left upper lung and left pleural effusion. Aortic tortuosity and calcification. 2. Consider old fractures of the 4th to 6th left posterior ribs, please consider your medical history.", "2413": "after right lung surgery, the right hydropneumothorax is absorbed more than before; the texture of both lungs increases, and the right lower lung is a shadow, surrounding the effusion? Atelectasis? Recommend review.", "2414": "increased texture in both lungs, and small nodules in the middle field of the right lung. Aortic tortuosity.", "2415": "1. After the 4th and 5th ribs on the right side are fractured and fixed; the cortical bone of the 6th rib on the right side is partially uncontinuous. Please combine the clinical history. 2. Consider a small amount of pleural effusion on the right side.", "2416": "chronic bronchial emphysema, infection of both lungs, especially the left lower lung, and a small amount of pleural effusion on both sides. Aortic tortuosity and calcification.", "2417": "right upper lung surgery, right hydropneumothorax, patchy lesions in the right middle and upper lung fields, partial atelectasis, similar to 2019-05-10.", "2418": "increased markings in both lungs, a little exudation in the left lower lung; tortuous calcification of the aorta; a small amount of pleural effusion on the left side. The 7th to 9th posterior ribs on the left side were fractured. It is recommended to re-examine after 2 weeks.", "2419": "increased texture in both lungs, bullae at the apex? CT examination if necessary. Changes in the left lower pleura; old fracture of the second rib on the right side should be considered, please consider the medical history. Scoliosis.", "2420": "bilateral upper pleural thickening. There is a nodule in the right middle lung field, which tends to be benign. Please follow up.", "2421": "chronic bronchitis and emphysema changes, inflammatory infiltration in both middle and lower lung fields, subcutaneous emphysema on both sides of the neck and chest wall, similar to today's previous film (12:05:03), it is recommended to review. Aortic tortuosity. After catheterization.", "2422": "the right upper hilar mass is significantly larger than before (2018-3-16), please combine it with CT. Aortic tortuosity. After catheterization.", "2423": "multiple rib fractures on both sides, accompanied by subcutaneous emphysema on the left cervical and chest wall; changes in the right chest after drainage were less obvious than before on 2019-07-11 The right pneumothorax was less obvious, the left chest wall pneumothorax was reduced, and the right cervical The air accumulation on the chest wall has been absorbed and remains the same. Please re-examine.", "2424": "the texture of both lungs increased slightly, and there were scattered fibrous lesions. Left parahilar nodule shadow, old lesion? CT examination is recommended. Consider old fractures of the 4th to 6th left posterior ribs, please consider your medical history.", "2425": "increased texture in both lungs, and a small number of fibrous lesions in the right lung apex. Calcification of the aortic arch wall.", "2426": "1. After left lung surgery, the left hydropneumothorax was slightly increased, and a small amount of pleural effusion on the right side was new. 2. Increased texture in both lungs and small nodules in the left upper lung.", "2427": "multiple effusions mainly around the hilum of both lungs should be considered, pulmonary edema needs to be considered; pleural effusion on both sides; the effusion in both lungs was slightly absorbed, and the pleural effusion on the right side was reduced, and the rest is roughly the same, please review. Aortic tortuosity and calcification. After catheterization.", "2428": "signs of chronic bronchitis and emphysema, extensive inflammation in both lungs, calcification in the right upper lung field. The pleura is slightly thicker on both sides. The heart shadow is full and the aorta is tortuous.", "2429": "the texture of both lungs increases, the right hilar shadow increases and thickens, and the right pleura changes. CT if necessary. The heart shadow increases. The 6th to 9th ribs on the left side were fractured. After catheterization.", "2430": "there is a patchy shadow where the lower field of the left lung overlaps with the heart shadow, and the right hilus is full. Please combine it with clinical practice and do a CT scan if necessary. Left lower pleural changes.", "2431": "suspicious nodule at the left lung apex, please combine it with CT.", "2432": "1. The texture of both lungs increased, and the upper pleura on both sides was slightly thickened. 2. Calcification focus in the left middle lung field and tortuous calcification of the aorta. 3. Consider old fractures of the 4th, 5th, and 6th anterior ribs on the right side and the 8th and 9th posterior ribs on the left side.", "2433": "there is atelectasis in the right upper lung, chest CT examination is recommended. Calcification focus in the right lower lung.", "2434": "postoperative changes in the left lung, left upper lung field exudation and left pneumothorax improved, right lower lung field exudation, discoid atelectasis and pleural effusion absorption on both sides, left chest wall effusion Air absorption. Aortic tortuosity.", "2435": "1. After the right chest tube was removed, the right pneumothorax was less obvious than the previous one (2018-09-10). 2. The texture of both lungs increased, and there was a little exudation in the left lower lung field and a small amount of pleural effusion, which was better than before. 3. The fifth rib on the right side is broken.", "2436": "increased lung markings, infiltration in two lower lung fields, inflammatory focus at the right lung base and possible partial atelectasis, please review. Heart full. Aortic tortuosity.", "2437": "upper lung lesions, tuberculosis? Further inspection is recommended. There were pleural changes in the apex of both lungs and the right costophrenic angle.", "2438": "both lung hilum are enlarged, the main trunk and branches of the pulmonary artery are widened, and the heart shadow is full. Further examination is recommended. Aortic tortuosity.", "2439": "right lung surgery, the right pneumothorax is less obvious than the previous picture 201905-28. Aortic tortuosity.", "2440": "signs of chronic bronchitis, emphysema, extensive inflammation in both lungs, progressing from the inflammation on March 13, 2019. The pleura is slightly thicker on both sides. The heart shadow is full and the aorta is tortuous.", "2441": "right lower hilar mass, right lung apex nodule, combined with the medical history, metastasis needs to be considered. Aortic tortuosity.", "2442": "a small amount of pleural effusion on the right side is considered, which is slightly absorbed. The right 7th, 8th and 9th ribs were broken.", "2443": "increased texture in both lungs, possible fibrous lesions or bullae in the right lower lung field, and nodules in the right lower hilar, CT examination is recommended. Bilateral pleural changes. The heart shadow is full and the aorta is tortuous. Scoliosis.", "2444": "infectious lesions in the left upper lung, tuberculosis to be ruled out.", "2445": "fibrous focus in the left lower lung field, left pleural changes. The heart shadow was full and the aorta was tortuous and calcified. Multiple ribs on both sides and old fractures of the right scapula are considered. Please consider the medical history. After catheterization.", "2446": "the lung texture increased, and both lung hilum were enlarged. The heart shadow is enlarged and the aorta is tortuous and calcified. There is a little pleural effusion on both sides.", "2447": "1. Increased texture in both lungs, fibrous lesions in the right lower lung, thickening of the pleura on both sides, and tortuosity of the aorta. 2. Compressive changes in the T8 and 9 vertebral bodies, T9 vertebroplasty; old fractures of the 7th and 8th ribs on the right side, please consider the medical history. 3. After right clavicle internal fixation.", "2448": "consider fibrous lesions and proliferation lesions in the right upper lung field and right lower lung field, please exclude the possibility of tuberculosis based on clinical practice.", "2449": "1. The texture of both lungs increased, and there were some fibrous lesions in both upper lungs; the right hilus was full, the heart shadow was full, and the aorta was tortuous and calcified. 2. Two pleural changes.", "2450": "left hilar mass, lung cancer, please combine with CT. After catheterization. Appendix: After internal fixation of the lower cervical spine.", "2451": "the markings on both lungs have increased, and the left hilar mass is considered to be accompanied by left pneumonia. It has progressed from the previous one (2018.11.26). Please combine it with chest CT examination. Aortic tortuosity. The pleura of the left lung was thickened. After catheterization.", "2452": "chronic bronchitis, emphysema, patchy shadow in the middle field of the right lung, CT examination is recommended; aortic tortuosity.", "2453": "increased texture in both lungs, enlarged heart shadow, and tortuous aorta. The right 6th rib was broken.", "2454": "1. Right lower lung infiltration accompanied by right pleural reaction. 2. Aortic tortuosity. 3. The local morphology of the 8th and 9th ribs on the right side has changed, and old fractures are considered.", "2455": "the texture of both lungs is slightly increased, and there are two pulmonary fibrosis lesions. The heart shadow was full and the aorta was tortuous and calcified. The ribs on the right side of the tree are fractured, please consider clinical practice. Scoliosis.", "2456": "increased texture in both lungs, fibrous focus in the left lower lung. Aortic tortuosity. Old fracture of left seventh rib.", "2457": "1. Changes after thyroid surgery. 2. The right lung base is partially atelectatic, and the right diaphragm surface is elevated. Please combine it with CT. 3. Attachment: High-density nodule in the right glenoid.", "2458": "infection in the upper field of the right lung is considered, tuberculosis is to be ruled out, please combine it with clinical practice.", "2459": "changes after cardiac surgery. After catheterization. The texture of both lungs increases and the infiltration in both lungs is more advanced than before (2020-01-01). Please review. There was pleural effusion on both sides, especially on the right side, which was newer than before. The heart shadow was full and the aorta was tortuous and calcified.", "2460": "massive pleural effusion on the right side and atelectasis of the lower lobe of the right lung. The texture of both lungs is slightly increased. Please combine CT and review.", "2461": "increased texture in both lungs, and a mass in the right hilar, further CT examination is recommended. Two episodes of emphysema. Aortic tortuosity and calcification.", "2462": "the right hilus is enlarged with suspicious surrounding patchy shadows, please combine it with CT. The heart shadow increases.", "2463": "the texture of both lungs is slightly increased, and there are small nodules in the right lower lung field. Please follow up with CT.", "2464": "changes after cardiac surgery and pacemaker implantation. The texture of both lungs increased, and the hilum of both lungs enlarged.", "2465": "right hilar mass.", "2466": "slightly increased texture in both lungs, fibrous focus in the left middle lung field; possible emphysema in both lungs. Aortic tortuosity.", "2467": "the right hilus is full, the right lung cord is shadowed, the right pleura is thickened, and the right interlobar fissure is displaced. What are the postoperative changes? Please combine it with clinical practice. There was a small amount of pleural effusion on the right side, and the aorta was tortuous and calcified.", "2468": "mild scoliosis of the spine, multiple old rib fractures on the left side. There was pleural thickening on the left side of the diaphragm and costophrenic angle.", "2469": "tuberculosis lesion in the right upper lung, please combine it with clinical practice.", "2470": "Emphysema in both upper lungs is possible. If necessary, please combine it with CT examination.", "2471": "left lung surgery, a small amount of hydropneumothorax on the left side, chest tube placement, and partial atelectasis of the left lung. There is a little air accumulation on the left chest wall. Aortic tortuosity and calcification.", "2472": "chronic bronchitis, emphysema accompanied by infection should be considered, and there is a small amount of pleural reaction on both sides, please combine it with CT. Changes after pacemaker implantation.", "2473": "increased texture in both lungs and fibrous lesions in both lungs. Pleural effusion on both sides; CT examination if necessary.", "2474": "the texture of both lungs increased, and the aorta was tortuous. The pleura at the apex of both lungs was thickened. Appendix: After internal fixation of left clavicle fracture.", "2475": "the texture of both lungs increased, and the upper pleura was slightly thickened; emphysema was possible. Aortic tortuosity and calcification.", "2476": "changes after cardiac valve replacement; heart shadow is full, right hilum is full. Aorta tortuosity and calcification; after catheterization. The two episodes of pneumonia exudation were better absorbed than the previous episode (2019-5-14). Please follow up.", "2477": "the 2nd to 5th ribs on the left side were broken, and there was a little pleural effusion on the left side.", "2478": "slightly increased texture in both lungs, fibrous focus in the left lower lung field. There are no obvious signs of dislocation fracture in the ribs shown. Please combine this with clinical and other examinations.", "2479": "1. The texture of both lungs increased, with a few fibrous lesions under both lungs. 2. The arteries are tortuous and the heart shadow is slightly larger. 3. Old fracture of the 6th rib on the right side.", "2480": "1. Old pulmonary tuberculosis at the apex of both lungs, thickening of the upper pleura, and calcification of the mediastinal lymph nodes. 2. The heart shadow is enlarged, both pulmonary trunks are thickened, and the aorta is tortuous and calcified. 3. Changes after pacemaker implantation.", "2481": "increased lung markings and tortuosity of the aorta. Right pleural changes. Multiple changes in the course of ribs on the left side, old fractures, please consider the clinical history.", "2482": "right lung surgery, right upper thoracic collapse, right pleural thickening, chronic consolidation of the right lung apex, emphysema in both lungs, fibrous lesions and speckled lesions in both lungs, similar to the previous 2019-09-23. Aortic tortuosity and calcification. After placing the PICC tube, please check the position of the tube tip.", "2483": "the right lung has a space in the field, and CT is recommended for further examination. Calcification focus in the right lower lung. The pleura at the apex of both lungs was thickened. Old fracture of ribs 4-5 on the left side.", "2484": "increased markings in both lungs, suspicious nodules in the right lower lung, and pleural reaction on the right side. Aortic tortuosity. Consider old bilateral rib fractures. The comparison with the previous film (2018-07-09) is similar, and CT will be used for further examination if necessary.", "2485": "the texture of both lungs is increased and thickened, there is suspicious exudation, and there are two pulmonary nodules. Further examination is recommended. The heart shadow was full, both lung hilum were enlarged, and the aorta was tortuous and calcified. Pleural changes on both sides.", "2486": "1. Signs of chronic bronchitis and emphysema in both lungs, chronic inflammatory fibrous lesions in both upper lungs accompanied by pleural thickening at the apex of both lungs. 2. Aortic calcification. 3. Osteoporosis, mild compression changes in some thoracic vertebrae, please ask for MR review if necessary.", "2487": "no obvious abnormalities were found in the cardiopulmonary diaphragm. The 4th and 5th ribs on the right side were broken.", "2488": "multiple old rib fractures on the right side are considered, and the right lower lung pleura may be thickened. Please consider the medical history. Aortic tortuosity and calcification. After metal fixation of the right scapula, please combine it with clinical practice.", "2489": "chronic bronchial emphysema, maybe a few inflammatory lesions in the middle field of the right lung. Aortic tortuosity.", "2490": "emphysema. After catheterization. Aortic tortuosity. Scoliosis.", "2491": "the texture of both lungs increased, and the aorta was tortuous. Consider old fractures of the 4th and 5th posterior ribs on the right side, please take your medical history into consideration. The pleura at the apex of both lungs is slightly thicker.", "2492": "after cardiac surgery, the heart shadow increased significantly and after catheterization. There is a little exudation in the left lung and a small amount of pleural effusion on both sides. Compared with the previous film (2018-06-30), there is new diffuse exudation in the right lung. Pulmonary edema needs to be discharged. Please combine it with clinical practice.", "2493": "left hilar mass, left pleural thickening, please consider clinical practice.", "2494": "the texture of both lungs increased. Right lower lung fibrosis. Aortic tortuosity. Multiple rib fractures on the right side.", "2495": "the texture of both lungs increased, the inflammatory focus in the left lung base strip was slightly more advanced than the previous photo (2019.06.25), the right lower hilus was full, and the right upper pleura was slightly thicker than before. Please follow up for review. The heart shadow is enlarged and the aorta is tortuous and calcified.", "2496": "increased texture in both lungs, partial atelectasis and fibrous lesions in the right lung, hydropneumothorax on the right side, partial encapsulation, old lesions in the upper field of the left lung are considered. Aortic tortuosity.", "2497": "the right hilus is enlarged with patchy high-density shadows, please combine it with CT examination. Pleural changes on both sides. The heart shadow is enlarged and the aorta is tortuous and calcified. After catheterization.", "2498": "a little inflammation of the right lower lung. Two pulmonary fibrosis lesions. Aortic tortuosity and calcification. Multiple old fractures of left ribs. After catheterization.", "2499": "after right lung surgery, a tube was placed in the right chest; there were a few inflammatory fibrous lesions in the left lower lung field. There were old lesions in the left upper lung field and the right hilus was enlarged. Aortic tortuosity.", "2500": "increased texture in both lungs, fibrous lesions in both lower lung fields; the left hilus is full, further examination if necessary. The heart shadow was full and the aorta was tortuous and calcified.", "2501": "1. Changes after partial resection of the right lung, partial pneumothorax may be considered; the right hilus is full, please review. 2. The texture of both lungs increased slightly; the left lower lung had some fibrous exudative changes; after catheterization.", "2502": "chronic bronchitis in both lungs, emphysema, multiple infection foci, and a little pleural effusion on both sides. There is a patchy shadow in the right hilus, and CT examination is recommended. Aortic tortuosity and calcification; scoliosis.", "2503": "postoperative changes in the right lung, a little pneumothorax at the right lung apex, slightly smaller than the previous picture (2018-11-13), a small amount of pleural effusion on both sides, and an enlarged right hilus, please review. The right diaphragm is elevated.", "2504": "the texture of both lungs increased, the right lung hilum was thickened, and the left lung field was patchy. Please review. Aortic tortuosity. Partial rib fractures on the left side. After catheterization.", "2505": "increased texture in both lungs, and a few fibrous lesions in the left lower lung. Aortic tortuosity and calcification. T7 vertebral compression fracture.", "2506": "increased texture in both lungs, nodules at the apex of the right lung, and strips in the lower field of the left lung, please combine with CT. Aortic tortuosity and calcification.", "2507": "the texture of both lungs is slightly increased, and there are strips of lesions in the right lower lung field. Local atelectasis is considered. It is roughly similar to the previous film (2018-06-08). The right diaphragm is elevated. Please combine it with clinical practice. Aortic tortuosity. After catheterization.", "2508": "increased lung markings, enlarged right hilus, and thickened local blood vessel shadows. The heart shadow increases. The thoracic trachea deviates slightly to the right. About T7 and T11 vertebral body height is slightly reduced, please combine it with special examination.", "2509": "exudation in both lungs and pleural effusion are considered, which has progressed from the previous film (2018-07-11), and pulmonary edema is considered. After catheterization.", "2510": "old tuberculosis on both lungs, increased texture on both lungs, tortuous aorta, and full heart shadow.", "2511": "left lower hilar space-occupying with left atelectasis, nodules in the middle of the left lung, left pleural effusion, which was relieved.", "2512": "left upper lung mass film, please combine with CT. There is calcification in the right hilus and possible lymph node calcification. Emphysema in both lungs and tortuosity of the aorta.", "2513": "chronic bronchitis, emphysema, patchy shadow in the right lower lung field, inflammatory changes should be considered, basically similar to the previous film (2019-7-20), please combine with relevant examinations. Aortic tortuosity and calcification.", "2514": "slightly increased texture in both lungs. Consider old tuberculosis in the right upper lung.", "2515": "postoperative changes in constrictive pericarditis, right hydropneumothorax with partial atelectasis, the right pneumothorax was absorbed, the right pleural effusion seems to have increased, please review.", "2516": "after right lung surgery, a small amount of hydropneumothorax with partial atelectasis, a small amount of air accumulation in the chest wall after drainage. A small amount of pleural effusion on the left side.", "2517": "1. There are small nodules in the field of the right lower lung, which may be benign calcifications. 2. The upper pleura is thickened.", "2518": "atelectasis of the right upper lung and bone island in the left lung are considered, please combine with CT. For bilateral rib changes, please consider your medical history.", "2519": "enlargement of the right hilus, patchy density increase in the middle and lower right lung fields, exudation changes in the middle and lower fields of the right lung, and a small amount of effusion in the right pleural cavity. Please combine it with CT examination. The texture of both lungs increased and the aorta was tortuous. The left 6th posterior rib fracture is considered. After catheterization.", "2520": "there are increased textures in both lungs, the right hilus is full, and there are multiple suspicious nodules in both lung hilums. Further examination by chest CT is recommended. The aorta is tortuous and the heart shadow is full. Consider a small amount of pleural effusion on the left side.", "2521": "discoid atelectasis of the right lower lung is considered, and the right diaphragm surface is elevated. Aortic tortuosity.", "2522": "1. Nodules and fibrous lesions in the left middle lung field, roughly the same as before (2018-4-16), CT if necessary. 2. The two lung effusions were better than before. 3. The heart shadow is enlarged and the aorta is tortuous and calcified. 4. Old fracture of some ribs on the right side? Please consider your medical history. 5. Pacemaker surgery.", "2523": "old lesions in both upper lungs. Interstitial lung changes, emphysema are considered. Nodule in the right middle lung field.", "2524": "small nodule in the left upper lung, CT is recommended.", "2525": "subpleural round translucent shadow in the right upper lung field, combined with CT, it can be consistent with the performance of pleural fistula, exudation in both lungs, partial atelectasis of the left lower lung, a small amount of pleural effusion on both sides, and thickening of the right pleura or encapsulated effusion. , please combine it with clinical review. The heart shadow is full and the aorta is tortuous, after catheterization.", "2526": "right upper lung nodule, CT examination is recommended. There were small calcifications in the right lung and changes in the left lower pleura. Consider old fractures of ribs 7-8 on the right side. Similar to the previous one (2018-08-31).", "2527": "after right lung surgery, there is a small amount of hydropneumothorax on the right side, changes in exudation in the right lower lung field, and reduced absorption of pneumocystis on the right chest wall. The rest are roughly the same. Please review. Aortic tortuosity and calcification.", "2528": "signs of chronic bronchial emphysema, scattered inflammatory lesions and fibrous lesions in both lungs, it is recommended to review. After catheterization.", "2529": "right lower hilar mass, multiple lesions in both upper lung fields, please combine with CT examination. The apical pleura is thickened. Aortic tortuosity. After catheterization.", "2530": "slightly increased texture in both lungs, and fibrous lesions in the upper field of the right lung. Old fracture of ribs 4-6 on the left side.", "2531": "increased texture in both lungs. Nodular high-density shadow in the right lung, overlapping shadow of objects outside the body?", "2532": "increased texture in both lungs, scattered fibrous lesions and calcifications, enlarged right lower hilus, and local atelectasis? Please combine it with CT. Aortic tortuosity and calcification. Scoliosis.", "2533": "After right lung surgery, there were multiple inflammatory fibrous lesions in the right lung and a little exudation at the bottom of the left lung. Air accumulation in the right chest wall. A small amount of pleural effusion on the left side. Comparing with the previous film on 2019-11-02, the right pneumonic fibrosis has improved, and the right chest wall pneumatosis has progressed, and the rest are roughly similar. Aortic tortuosity and calcification.", "2534": "postoperative esophageal cancer, right thoracic cavity and stomach. After catheterization. The texture of both lungs increased, the infiltration of the two lower lungs was slightly more than before (2020-01-04), the pleural effusion on the left side increased, and the air accumulation on the right chest wall decreased. Scoliosis. The heart shadow is full and the aorta is tortuous.", "2535": "the lung markings are increased, and there are multiple IAO nodules in both lungs, some of which are slightly larger than the previous 2019-12-15. Please combine it with CT.", "2536": "increased markings on both lungs, fibrous lesions in the left lower lung, and tortuous calcification of the aorta. After catheterization.", "2537": "increased lung markings and tortuosity of the aorta. The middle and distal section of the left clavicle is fractured, and the 5th, 6th, and 7th ribs on the left side are fractured. Please review. CT examination if necessary.", "2538": "increased markings in both lungs, and infiltration in the left lower lung field. The heart shadow is enlarged and the aorta is tortuous. The 2nd to 6th ribs on the left side are fractured. Please consider the medical history.", "2539": "1. There is a large area of \u200b\u200bincreased density in the left lung, which has progressed from the previous (2019-06-28). Lung cancer may be accompanied by atelectasis and obstructive inflammation. Please combine it with CT examination. 2. Emphysema. A small amount of pleural effusion on the left side. 3. Tortuous calcification of the aorta; after catheterization. Scoliosis.", "2540": "diffuse nodules on both lung hilum, and enlargement of both lung hilum, please combine relevant examinations. The heart shadow is full and the aorta is tortuous. After catheterization.", "2541": "the texture of both lungs increased, the heart shadow was full, and the aorta was tortuous. The left diaphragm was elevated and the left pleura was thickened. During internal fixation of the left clavicle, some old rib fractures on the left side were considered.", "2542": "after right lung surgery, there was a little exudation in the right lower lung, which was less than the previous picture (2020-01-06), and the right pleural effusion was slightly more than before.", "2543": "there are increased textures in both lungs, old lesions in the middle and upper fields of the right lung are considered, and pneumonic fibrosis in the lower right lung is considered, which is similar to the previous one (2020-01-22); please review. Some of the ribs on the right side were old fractures, and the right acromioclavicular joint changed after surgery. After catheterization.", "2544": "the texture of both lungs is slightly increased, and the pleura on both sides is thickened. Consider old fractures of ribs 5-8 on the right side.", "2545": "there is a small nodule in the field under the right lung, which is similar to the previous film on 2018-06-26. Follow-up is recommended.", "2546": "increased texture in both lungs, a small amount of hydropneumothorax with partial atelectasis on the left side, and a small amount of pneumothorax on the left chest wall. The left hydropneumothorax and chest wall pneumothorax are more absorbed than the previous film (2018.12.21). After the left chest drainage tube is removed, please combine it with clinical practice.", "2547": "emphysema in both lungs, inflammatory exudation in the lower fields of both lungs accompanied by pleural effusion. Aortic tortuosity and calcification. After catheterization.", "2548": "the right hilus is full, further examination is recommended if necessary. The lung texture increased and the heart shadow was full.", "2549": "left lung surgery, signs of localized emphysema in the left lower lung, and changes in the left lower pleura. The texture of both lungs is slightly increased, and there are small nodules in the left middle lung field. CT examination is required if necessary. Aortic tortuosity.", "2550": "left hydropneumothorax, similar to the previous one (2018-07-10), left lower lobe atelectasis with increased density of strips, please combine with CT; consider old inflammatory lesions in the upper field of the right lung, and infiltration at the base of the right lung out, increased than before.", "2551": "1. There was a small amount of infiltration in the two lung fields and a small amount of pleural effusion on both sides. Comparison (2020-01-21) is roughly similar. Please review. 2. The ribs on the left side are slightly twisted; after tube placement. The nodule at the overlap of the seventh rib in the right middle lung field is considered as a bone island.", "2552": "1. After the right lung operation, a small amount of pneumothorax was slightly absorbed; the right diaphragmatic pleura was suspended tentatively. The right hilus is full and thickened, please follow up. 2. The texture of both lungs increased, and the left lower lung fibrosis was considered to be slightly better than the previous one. 3. Aortic tortuosity.", "2553": "the texture of both lungs is slightly increased, the right hilus is enlarged, and the lesions of both lungs are similar to the previous film (2017-11-29). Aortic tortuosity. Postoperative changes in the thoracic spine.", "2554": "occupying space in the left upper pulmonary hilum. The pleura thickens and the heart enlarges.", "2555": "1. The texture of both lungs increased. 2. The nodule in the lower field of the right lung is similar to the previous film on 2018-07-06. Please follow up. 3. Aortic tortuosity. 4. Both upper pleura are thickened.", "2556": "the right hilus is enlarged and the transparency of the right upper lobe is reduced, indicating that the right hilar is occupying space and the right upper lobe is atelectasis. Please combine it with CT examination. The heart shadow is full and the aorta is tortuous.", "2557": "increased texture in both lungs, scattered fibrous lesions in both lungs, pleural thickening at the apex of both lungs with old lesions considered. Please follow up or have a CT scan if necessary. Calcification of the aortic node. Old rib fracture on the right side? Please consider your medical history.", "2558": "increased lung markings, slightly thicker left pleura; tortuous calcification of the aorta. After PCI. The 5th posterior rib on the left and the 6th to 9th posterior ribs on the right are running abnormally, and old fractures are considered.", "2559": "the texture of both lungs is increased, and the right hilus is full. It is recommended that a CT scan be performed if necessary. The heart shadow is slightly full and the aortic arch wall is calcified. Changes in the shape of the left clavicle, please take into account the medical history.", "2560": "right lung surgery, right pneumothorax, right chest wall pneumothorax slightly absorbed, the rest is roughly the same, please review. The markings on both lungs increased, and the aorta was tortuous and calcified.", "2561": "increased lung markings, parahilar infiltration on both lungs, pulmonary edema? There is progress. After catheterization.", "2562": "the texture of both lungs is slightly increased, and there are nodules in the middle of the right lung.", "2563": "postoperative changes in the right breast. Nodular high-density shadows in the lower fields of both lungs and papillary shadows should be considered, please combine them with clinical practice. The texture of both lungs increased and the aorta was tortuous. After catheterization.", "2564": "the texture of both lungs is slightly increased, the right hilus is full with calcification, and there are several calcification lesions in the right lung. Please combine it with CT examination.", "2565": "there may be a little leakage in the lower lobe of the right lung, and a small amount of pleural effusion on both sides, please review. After dual chamber pacemaker implantation. The heart shadow is full and the aorta is tortuous.", "2566": "After right pneumothorax surgery, there was localized fluid accumulation or alveolar changes in the upper right side. Bilateral emphysema. Bilateral silicosis changes are possible, combined with clinical practice.", "2567": "the texture of both lungs increased, the left pleura changed, the left diaphragm was slightly elevated, and the aorta was tortuous. The course of the 9th and 10th ribs on the right side has changed. Consider old fractures. Please consider your medical history.", "2568": "after cardiac surgery, the heart shadow increased; interstitial edema and scattered exudation in both lungs; a small amount of pleural effusion on both sides. Please review.", "2569": "the transparency of both lungs is reduced, the texture is increased, and there is edema? Infect? Please combine it with CT. A small amount of pleural effusion on both sides.", "2570": "left lung surgery, left hydropneumothorax, left lung exudation, and a little exudation in the right lower lung. It\u2019s roughly the same as yesterday\u2019s previous film.", "2571": "there is a slight increase in the texture of both lungs, a few fibrous lesions in the left lower lung field, localized emphysema or bullae at the left costophrenic angle, please follow up. The aorta is tortuous, and the pleura at the apex of both lungs is slightly thick.", "2572": "old tuberculosis in the left lung is considered.", "2573": "1. There are multiple speckled nodules in the right lung. Consider old lesions. Please exclude tuberculosis based on clinical practice. 2. Changes in the right lower pleura. Compared with the previous film 2017-11-30, it is roughly the same.", "2574": "branch expansion of the right lung and scattered inflammatory fibrous lesions in both lungs should be considered, please combine with CT examination. Aortic tortuosity and calcification. Old fracture of the 6th rib on the right side.", "2575": "the texture of both lungs increased, and the left lower pleura changed. Aortic tortuosity and calcification. The left 7th rib is fractured, please combine it with CT examination.", "2576": "the left lung hilum is full, and there are multiple small nodules in both lungs, which is roughly the same as before 2018-8-30. Please combine it with CT. There was a small amount of pleural effusion on the left side, which was smaller than before.", "2577": "left lung apex lesion, old tuberculosis? CT examination is recommended.", "2578": "increased lung markings, enlarged hilum of both lungs, enlarged heart shadow; tortuous calcification of aorta.", "2579": "changes after heart valve replacement, heart enlargement, aorta tortuosity. There may be a little exudation in the right lower lung, please review it; if there is a small patch in the right lower lung, a CT scan is recommended; if both lung hilum are full, a CT scan is recommended.", "2580": "interstitial edema in both lungs, enlarged heart shadow, and tortuous aorta. Attachment: The shape of the right humeral head is irregular, is it an old change? Please combine it with clinical practice.", "2581": "right hilar mass, nodular shadow in the rib overlap area in the left upper lung field, please combine with CT. Aortic tortuosity.", "2582": "increased texture in both lungs, and fibrous lesions in both upper lung fields. Aortic tortuosity and calcification. After catheterization.", "2583": "the texture of both lungs increased, the mass in the left middle and upper lung field was smaller than before on March 14, 2019, and the two lung hilum were full and similar to before. Please combine it with CT examination. Aortic tortuosity. After catheterization.", "2584": "changes after cardiac surgery. There is infiltration in both lungs and the hilum of both lungs is enlarged. Please review.", "2585": "After pacemaker implantation, the heart shadow becomes enlarged and the aorta is tortuous. Increased lung markings. The upper pleura is slightly thicker. Consider old fractures of some ribs on both sides, please combine it with clinical practice.", "2586": "1. After the operation on the right lung, the hydropneumothorax on the right side has improved (the effusion has been basically absorbed), and the exudation in both lungs has improved. Please review. 2. There are changes in the pleura on both sides and calcification of the left pleura. Please review. 3. Tortuous calcification of the aorta; partial rib fracture on the right side; after catheterization.", "2587": "increased lung markings, calcification lesions or blood vessel cross-section in the right middle lung field; left hilum full. It is roughly similar to the previous film (2019.8.17), please follow up. Aortic tortuosity.", "2588": "1. Space-occupying lesion in the left lower lung, accompanied by moderate pleural effusion on the left side. 2. The left hilus is enlarged. The markings on both lungs increased. 3. Aortic tortuosity.", "2589": "increased lung markings, changes in the left lower pleura; aorta tortuosity. Old right partial posterior rib fracture? Please consider your medical history. Attachment is as above.", "2590": "the texture of both lungs has increased, the pleural effusion on both sides has been slightly absorbed, and the air on the right chest wall has been absorbed. Please combine it with clinical practice. Aortic tortuosity. After catheterization.", "2591": "after right lung surgery, the air accumulation on the right chest wall has been absorbed, a small amount of pneumothorax and a little exudation at the right lung base have been absorbed, and there is a small amount of pleural effusion or pleural reaction on the right side, please Review. Aortic tortuosity.", "2592": "1. After the right lung operation, the right hydropneumothorax was slightly absorbed, the right chest wall pneumothorax was absorbed, the infiltration of both lungs improved, the upper field of the right lung was shadowed, and the hilum of the right lung was The plumpness is better than before, please combine it with CT examination. 2. There are changes in the pleura on both sides and calcification of the left pleura. Please review. 3. Tortuous calcification of the aorta; partial rib fracture on the right side; after catheterization.", "2593": "after right upper lung cancer surgery, there was a small amount of infiltration in both lower lungs, full heart shadow, full right hilum, and tortuous aorta.", "2594": "slightly increased lung texture, a few fibrous lesions in the right middle lung, and a tortuous aorta.", "2595": "the texture of both lungs increased, and the right hilus was full. T12 vertebral body compression fracture.", "2596": "consider tuberculosis lesions in the right lung, please combine with clinical practice.", "2597": "increased texture in both lungs, discoid atelectasis in both lower lungs. The heart shadow is full and the aorta is tortuous, after catheterization.", "2598": "right lung surgery, right hilar high-density shadow, atelectatic lung tissue? Compared with the previous picture (2018-05-06), the right hilar lesion has shrunk and the pleural effusion on both sides has been absorbed.", "2599": "the upper fields of both lungs are old lesions, and the left upper pleura is thickened. Please exclude the possibility of tuberculosis based on clinical practice. The texture of both lungs is slightly increased.", "2600": "1. If chronic bronchitis is accompanied by emphysema, please combine it with CT examination. 2. Aortic tortuosity and calcification.", "2601": "left hydropneumothorax, right pleural changes, please review. 4 rib fractures on the left side, please combine CT scan. Aortic tortuosity.", "2602": "1. Changes after aortic dissection. After catheterization. Please combine it with clinical practice. 2. Consider discoid atelectasis in the lower field of the right lung. Consider the small amount of pleural effusion on both sides, which is similar to the previous one (2018-06-01).", "2603": "the heart shadow is enlarged, the texture of both lungs is increased and blurred, and there is a little interstitial edema. Please combine it with clinical practice.", "2604": "after right lung surgery, the right hilus is full, a small amount of pneumothorax is possible, a little exudation in both lungs, right pleural effusion, and local encapsulated effusion in the right upper lung field is possible. Aortic tortuosity and calcification. After catheterization.", "2605": "1. Fracture of the 3rd to 9th ribs on the right side accompanied by pleural effusion; 2. Old fracture of the right clavicle.", "2606": "a small amount of pneumothorax on the left side, roughly similar to the previous picture (2019-10-18), a small amount of exudation in the left lower lung field was slightly absorbed, after catheterization. Signs of chronic bronchial emphysema. Aortic tortuosity and calcification.", "2607": "1. Chronic bronchitis, emphysema; multiple inflammation and fibrous lesions in both lungs, further CT examination is recommended. 2. Consider a small amount of pleural effusion on both sides; some thoracic vertebrae are compressed and flattened.", "2608": "the texture of both lungs is increased and slightly disordered, and the right hilar mass is accompanied by patchy lesions in the right upper lung field. Please combine it with CT examination. Consider old lesions in the left upper lung field. Aortic tortuosity. Scoliosis.", "2609": "increased markings in both lungs, and inflammatory fibrosis in the right lower lung field. The heart shadow is enlarged and the aorta is tortuous and calcified. Right pleural reaction. Old fractures of the 4th and 5th ribs on the right side? Please consider your medical history.", "2610": "right lung hilum occupying space, please combine it with CT examination. Calcification lesions in the right upper lung. Heart full. Scoliosis; approximately T11 wedge deformation.", "2611": "1. After partial resection of the right lung, the hydropneumothorax on 2019-6-7 has been basically absorbed. 2. Aortic tortuosity.", "2612": "slightly increased lung markings, changes in chronic bronchitis and emphysema, a few old lesions in both upper lungs, and tortuous calcification of the aorta. After placing the tube, check the tip position.", "2613": "the pleura at the apex of both lungs is slightly thicker. Consider old fracture of the third right posterior rib. The right 5th posterior rib island is considered, please follow up.", "2614": "right lung surgery, right pneumothorax, chest wall pneumothorax. Aortic tortuosity.", "2615": "the texture of both lungs increased, and the right hilus was full. It is recommended to scan CT if necessary. The heart shadow increases.", "2616": "right upper right hilar mass shadow, right upper hilar shadow enlargement, right upper lung atelectasis, please combine with CT examination.", "2617": "After pacemaker implantation, the texture of both lungs increased and the right pleura changed. Attached note: Old fractures of the left clavicle and part of the left ribs.", "2618": "postoperative changes in the lower lobe of the right lung, pleural effusion on the right side, and a small amount of air accumulation on the chest wall. A small amount of pleural effusion on the left side with partial atelectasis was considered. Please review.", "2619": "multiple patchy shadows in the upper lobes of both lungs. Please consider whether there is a clinical history of tuberculosis. It has progressed from the previous film on 2018.05.10. The pleura at the apex of both lungs was thickened. The heart shadow is full, please combine it with special examination.", "2620": "diffuse lesions in both lungs, possible infectious lesions, tuberculosis needs to be excluded, please complete relevant examinations in conjunction with clinical practice.", "2621": "the postoperative changes in the right lung, the exudation in the right lung was better than before on 2019-04-01, and the remaining right lung hilus was full and similar. After catheterization.", "2622": "1. The texture of both lungs increased, the heart shadow increased, and the aorta was tortuous. 2. When considering fracture of the 7th and 8th posterior ribs on the right side, please consider the clinical history.", "2623": "there is a mass in the middle and upper fields of the left lung, please combine it with the pathology. The texture of both lungs increased slightly, and the right hilus was enlarged. The heart shadow was full and the aorta was tortuous and calcified.", "2624": "1. Right upper lung lesions, it is recommended to combine CT examination; right lung fibrosis; right pleural changes. 2. Left lower pulmonary nodule, please combine relevant examinations; left lower pleural changes. 3. The aorta is tortuous; multiple old rib fractures on the right side are considered.", "2625": "postoperative changes in both lungs, left pneumothorax, compression of about 20%. Emphysema was considered in the right upper lung, with a few fibrous lesions.", "2626": "the left lung has changed after surgery, and there is a small amount of pneumothorax on the left side. Please review if necessary. Aortic tortuosity.", "2627": "left upper lobe disease, combined with the medical history, may be consistent with tuberculosis, accompanied by slight thickening of the adjacent pleura, further examination if necessary.", "2628": "after right lung surgery, there was a little pneumothorax on the right side, subcutaneous emphysema on the right chest wall, and the right hilus was enlarged, which was slightly absorbed compared with the right pneumothorax and chest wall pneumothorax in the previous film on 2018-11-12. The heart shadow is enlarged and the aorta is tortuous. After catheterization.", "2629": "1. After the right lung surgery, there was a little pneumothorax on the right side, and the right lung was considered to have infiltration, and it is recommended to review it. After catheterization. Compared with the previous film (2019-06-06), the leakage in the surgical area is slightly reduced and the pneumothorax is slightly absorbed. 2. The texture of both lungs increased, the heart shadow was full, and the aorta was tortuous.", "2630": "slightly increased texture in both lungs, emphysema. Right pleural reaction. Aortic tortuosity.", "2631": "right lung surgery, a small amount of pneumothorax, right hilum is full. Aortic tortuosity and calcification. After catheterization.", "2632": "1. Increased lung markings, tortuous calcification of the aorta. 2. There is a nodule in the right lower lung. CT review is recommended.", "2633": "increased texture in both lungs. There were inflammatory fibrous lesions in the left lower lung field and a little pleural reaction on the left side. For paraaortic nodules, CT examination is recommended. The upper pleura is slightly thicker.", "2634": "the markings on both lungs increased and appeared to be diffuse small nodules. Further CT examination is recommended. Slight pleural changes on both sides. Heart full. Aortic tortuosity. Old fracture of the 6th rib on the right side.", "2635": "the right hilar mass occupies space, tumor needs to be considered, distal patchy shadow, inflammation should be considered, please combine it with CT examination. The upper pleura is slightly thicker. After catheterization.", "2636": "the texture of both lungs is slightly increased, the heart shadow is slightly larger, and the aorta is tortuous. There is a shadow in the lower field of the right lung, which may indicate inflammatory fibrosis or local atelectasis. Please combine it with CT examination.", "2637": "left upper lung fibrosis.", "2638": "left hilar mass, left pleural effusion with partial atelectasis. After PICC placement.", "2639": "increased texture in both lungs, mainly exudation in both lung hilum, pulmonary edema to be discharged, and a small amount of pleural effusion on both sides. The heart shadow is significantly enlarged, please consider clinical practice. Aortic tortuosity and calcification.", "2640": "inflammatory fibrous lesions in the lower fields of both lungs. Aortic arch calcification. There is currently no obvious dislocation fracture of the upper ribs on both sides of the diaphragm. Please review if necessary.", "2641": "1. Pneumonic fibrous focus in the middle and lower right part, local pleural thickening and possible atelectasis changes, excluding encapsulated effusion, similar to the previous film (2018.06.15), further CT examination if necessary. 2. The texture of both lungs increased, the heart shadow increased, and the aorta was tortuous and calcified.", "2642": "after left lung surgery, the left hilus was full and the left lung was leaking. Compared with the previous picture (2018.11.13), the left lung hilus was enlarged and improved, and the left lung leakage was improved. Please review, please combine it with CT examination. The heart shadow is full and the aorta is tortuous.", "2643": "after right lung surgery, the right pneumothorax progressed, and the subcutaneous pneumothorax on the neck and chest wall was slightly absorbed. Review is recommended.", "2644": "Changes after cardiac surgery. The texture of both lungs increased, the right hilar shadow was full, the right lung had exudation, and a small amount of pleural effusion on the left side was considered, which was slightly more advanced than before (, and reexamination was recommended; the aorta was tortuous and calcified.", "2645": "old lesions in the right upper lung accompanied by emphysema, further CT examination is recommended.", "2646": "the texture of both lungs increased, the right hilus was full, and the lateral view showed that the lower field of the retrocardiac space looked like a mass. CT examination was recommended. The heart shadow is enlarged and the aorta is tortuous.", "2647": "right costophrenic angle pleural reaction. Aortic tortuosity. Old fractures of the 5th and 6th posterior ribs on the right side.", "2648": "exudation in both lungs, a little pleural effusion on the right side, please review after treatment. The heart shadow was enlarged, the left hilus was full, and the aorta was tortuous.", "2649": "the texture of both lungs is slightly increased, and the aorta is tortuous and calcified. Consider old fractures of multiple ribs on the left side. The left pleura was thickened.", "2650": "the texture of both lungs is slightly increased, and there is a suspicious small nodule in the left costophrenic angle, please review.", "2651": "old lesions in the upper fields of both lungs are considered tuberculosis? , please combine the past history and conduct CT examination if necessary.", "2652": "the texture of both lungs increased, and the left pleura changed. Aortic tortuosity. Consideration of old rib fractures on the right side.", "2653": "the texture of both lungs increased, and a few fibrous lesions were considered in the left lower lung field. Aortic tortuosity. Some ribs on the right side were fractured.", "2654": "left hydropneumothorax, left lower lung insufficiency, improved. The bilateral chest wall pneumatosis improved after tube placement. Emphysema, alveoli in the right upper lung, and pleural changes on the right side. Aortic tortuosity.", "2655": "chronic bronchitis in both lungs, emphysema with multiple inflammations, a small amount of pleural effusion on both sides, similar to the previous one (2019-08-21), please review.", "2656": "1. The upper pleura is slightly thickened; the texture of both lungs is increased, and the aorta is tortuous. 2. Old fractures of the left third lateral rib and the left fourth posterior rib. Compared with the previous film (2018-12-12), it is similar.", "2657": "the hilus is full, and the right lower pulmonary artery trunk is slightly widened. The heart shadow is full and the aorta is calcified.", "2658": "exudation in the right lung, pleural changes at the base of both lungs, please review. The aorta is tortuous; the spine is slightly curved. If the 4th and 5th ribs on the right side are fractured, please combine it with CT.", "2659": "1. The right lower hilar is occupying space, please combine it with relevant examinations. 2. The texture of both lungs increased, and the aorta was tortuous and calcified.", "2660": "consider fibrosis and proliferation lesions in the upper right lung. Please rule out tuberculosis based on your medical history.", "2661": "postoperative changes in the right lung, emphysema in the upper lobe of the right lung, scattered inflammatory lesions in the right lung, and a small amount of pleural effusion on the right side, similar to the previous 2018-04-18. The left lung apex pleura was thickened.", "2662": "small nodule in the left lower lung field, calcification is considered.", "2663": "the right 10th rib has changed after surgery. The right pleural effusion is slightly more than before (2019.5.24), the pneumothorax is not obvious, and the right chest wall pneumothorax has been basically absorbed. Please combine it with clinical practice.", "2664": "external nodule in the left middle lung field, external shadow?", "2665": "changes after partial lung resection, a little infiltration in the left lung, changes in the left pleura, the infiltration is better than in the previous film (2019-10-24), pneumothorax and chest wall pneumothorax are basically absorbed, pleural changes are obvious, and the chest Withdraw the guide tube. The right upper hilus is full.", "2666": "there are multiple masses in the middle and lower fields of the left lung, the left hilus is enlarged and thickened, and there are small nodules outside the middle lobe of the right lung. Please combine it with CT examination. The texture of both lungs increased, the left lower lung field was translucent, the aorta was tortuous, and the pleura at the apex of both lungs was slightly thicker.", "2667": "increased lung markings, and fibrous lesions in the right middle lung field were considered. The aorta was tortuous and calcified, the heart shadow was full, and the right hilus was full.", "2668": "1. Abnormal density shadow in the upper field of the right lung, old pulmonary tuberculosis? There are small nodules and possible calcifications in both lungs. Further examination such as CT is recommended. 2. The texture of both lungs is slightly increased. The spine is slightly curved.", "2669": "left lower lung mass, left hilum enlargement, a small amount of pleural effusion on the left side with incomplete expansion of adjacent lung tissue, some lesions were smaller, and some seemed to be enlarged, left pleural effusion If it is slightly reduced, please combine it with CT examination. After catheterization.", "2670": "left lung hilum occupying space, please combine with CT. The texture of both lungs is slightly increased. After catheterization.", "2671": "1. The left lung hilum occupied space, there were multiple nodules in both lung fields, and a small amount of pleural effusion on the left side. Please combine it with CT examination. 2. After tube placement.", "2672": "the left hilus is enlarged, please combine it with CT; the lung texture is increased, and the aorta is tortuous and calcified.", "2673": "1. Exudation in both lungs was better than before (2019-01-08), and the left pleural effusion was absorbed. 2. After cardiac surgery, the pulmonary artery segment protrudes, both lung hilums enlarge, and the heart shadow enlarges.", "2674": "1. Right lower hilar mass, malignant tumor is considered, please consider clinical practice. 2. The texture of both lungs is increased, blurred and disordered, and changes in chronic bronchitis should be considered. Please combine it with clinical practice. 3. After tube placement.", "2675": "1. After the right lung operation, the right hydropneumothorax was significantly absorbed, and the rest was similar. 2. A few fibrous lesions in both lungs.", "2676": "1. Left hilar mass, possibly cancer, accompanied by obstructive pneumonia. The obstructive changes are better than in the previous film (2019-09-23). 2. Aortic tortuosity; after catheterization.", "2677": "increased texture in both lungs, and tortuous aorta. After catheterization. Both upper pleura are thickened. Multiple old rib fractures on the left side.", "2678": "increased markings on both lungs; emphysema, bullae at the apex of both lungs. The aorta is slightly tortuous. Thoracic spine surgery.", "2679": "changes after PCI; increased blood in both lungs, a small amount of pleural effusion on both sides, and interstitial edema? The heart shadow is enlarged and the aorta is tortuous and calcified. Scoliosis.", "2680": "the texture of both lungs increased, and the right lower hilus was full. The heart shadow is enlarged and the aorta is tortuous.", "2681": "multiple lesions in both lungs, please combine with CT; emphysema, bullae, fibrous lesions in the right lung, pleural changes on both sides, after catheter placement. Similar to the previous film (2019-01-12).", "2682": "1. After partial resection of the left lung, the changes in the left lower pleura were significantly improved. Tortuous calcification of the aorta; old fractures of the 8th and 9th posterior ribs on the right side are considered.", "2683": "a small amount of pneumothorax on the right side and a small amount of air accumulation on both sides of the chest wall.", "2684": "the texture of both lungs increased, old tuberculosis in both upper lungs was considered. The spine is slightly curved.", "2685": "both lung hilum are full, please follow up. High-density shadow in the lower field of the right lung, bone island or pulmonary nodule is considered, please follow up. The heart shadow is full, please combine it with clinical practice.", "2686": "after the right lung surgery, the right upper lung showed patchy atelectasis and a small amount of pneumothorax, which was absorbed. Left pleural reaction. After catheterization.", "2687": "the texture of both lungs is slightly increased, and the right upper pleura is slightly thickened. There may be an old fracture of some ribs on the right side.", "2688": "the right upper pulmonary hilus is enlarged, and the shadow of the right upper pulmonary nodule is similar to the previous film. Please combine it with CT examination. The apical pleura is thickened. After catheterization.", "2689": "1. Increased texture in both lungs and fibrous focus in the left lower lung field. 2. The heart shadow is enlarged and the aorta is tortuous. 3. Changes in the course of the 5th and 6th ribs on the left side, old fractures, please consider the medical history.", "2690": "old tuberculosis lesion in the left upper lung.", "2691": "the left lower pulmonary hilum is occupying space, and the left lower lung mass is a shadow, which seems to be larger than the previous film on 2018-8-31. The texture of both lungs increased and the aorta was tortuous.", "2692": "1. Right parahilar strip lesions, atelectasis or consolidation; left lung nodules, please combine with CT examination. 2. Aortic tortuosity. Compared with the previous film (2019-01-23), the pneumothorax on the right side is not obvious.", "2693": "the pleura of the lung apex on both sides is thickened, and old fractures of the left 6th and 7th ribs are considered. Please consider the medical history.", "2694": "1. Left hilar mass and a small amount of inflammation in the left lung, please combine it with CT examination. 2. There is a little effusion in the left pleural cavity. 3. Aortic tortuosity.", "2695": "exudative lesions in both lungs, pulmonary edema is possible, please consider clinical practice; there is a small amount of pleural effusion on both sides, mainly on the right side. After catheterization.", "2696": "1. Pneumothorax of the right lung. For lesions in the anterior segment of the upper lobe of the right lung, please combine the results of the puncture examination. 2. Emphysema. The upper pleura is slightly thicker. 3. Changes after internal fixation of left scapula fracture; multiple costophrenic angle fractures on both sides.", "2697": "increased texture in both lungs, and tortuous aorta. Emphysema in both lung apices.", "2698": "right pleural effusion with lower lung atelectasis. The left PICC ends at the level of the T7/8 space.", "2699": "1. Postoperative changes in the right lung include a little hydropneumothorax on the right side, enlargement and thickening of the right hilus, and a little air accumulation on the right chest wall. After placement, review is recommended. 2. Fiber focus in the left middle lung field.", "2700": "1. The right hilus is full, and the right lower lung field has a shadow, which is similar to the previous film (2019-11-12). Please combine it with CT examination. 2. After catheterization.", "2701": "increased markings on both lungs, tortuous calcification of the aorta, and changes in the pleura on both sides. An old fracture of the lower left rib is considered.", "2702": "suspicious small nodules at the costophrenic angles on both sides. Aortic calcification.", "2703": "emphysema is considered, and the pleura at the apex of both lungs is thickened. CT evaluation when necessary.", "2704": "after right lung surgery, the right hilar shadow increased and became thicker. Compared with the previous film (2019-06-1), the absorption of a small amount of pneumothorax on the right side was improved, and the pleural changes on the left side were slightly improved, and the rest were roughly the same. Please review. Aortic tortuosity.", "2705": "the texture of both lungs is slightly increased, the right hilar shadow is thickened, and the left lower lung field is a small nodule. It tends to be benign. Please follow up.", "2706": "there is an old lesion in the right upper lung, the left hilus is enlarged and thickened, and a mass shadow can be seen. Please combine it with CT examination. Emphysema and bullae in the right lung. The right upper pleura is thickened. Scoliosis.", "2707": "the left lung showed postoperative changes, and the texture of both lungs slightly increased. There was a small amount of pneumothorax and a small amount of pleural effusion on the left side. A left drainage tube was placed. Old pulmonary tuberculosis changes on the right side and CVC tube placement on the right side.", "2708": "multiple patches and nodules in the middle and upper fields of the left lung, fibrous lesions in the lower fields of the right lung, and a small amount of pleural effusion on the right side. The markings on both lungs increased, and the upper pleura on both sides was slightly thickened. Aortic tortuosity. After catheterization.", "2709": "pulmonary edema on both sides, the pulmonary edema in the right lung has improved, please review. The heart shadow increases after catheterization.", "2710": "increased and disordered texture in both lungs, manifestations of chronic bronchitis and emphysema, multiple old lesions and fibrous lesions in both lungs, and pleural changes on both sides. Aortic tortuosity. Scoliosis.", "2711": "the texture of both lungs increased, the hilum of both lungs enlarged, and the aorta was tortuous.", "2712": "the texture of both lungs is slightly increased, and the hilar shadow of both lungs is slightly thickened. Review if necessary. Aortic tortuosity. The spine is slightly curved to the left, which was changed after T7 thoracic vertebra fracture and vertebroplasty.", "2713": "small nodule in the middle field of the left lung, please follow up. The texture of both lungs increased and the aorta was tortuous. Changes after breast cancer surgery.", "2714": "After left lung surgery, the left pneumothorax and pleural effusion were basically absorbed. The markings on both lungs increased.", "2715": "the right lung showed postoperative changes, with a small amount of pleural effusion on both sides and partial atelectasis. There was a small amount of air accumulation on the right chest wall, which was better than before (2018-09-12). Scoliosis, arteriosclerosis.", "2716": "after right lung surgery, the right hilus was enlarged, and the absorption of exudation in the lower field of the left lung on 2018-12-30 was better than before, and the rest was roughly the same.", "2717": "1. Changes after cardiac surgery, with enlarged heart shadow and full hilus. 2. Two fibrous lesions of pneumonia.", "2718": "patchy high-density shadows in the middle and upper fields of both lungs, old tuberculosis? Please combine it with clinical practice.", "2719": "the lung texture increased, the right hilus was full, and the pleura on both sides was partially thickened. The heart shadow is slightly larger and the aorta is tortuous. About T7 and 11 vertebrae changed in wedge shape.", "2720": "multiple rib fractures on the left side are considered, and some of the axillary ribs are blocked. Please combine it with CT examination. Bilateral pleural reactions.", "2721": "the texture of both lungs increased, and there may be a small number of inflammatory lesions in both lungs. Aortic tortuosity. Emphysema is considered.", "2722": "left lung surgery, left lung mass shadow, atelectasis or exudative changes, please review; the left pneumothorax is not obvious, and the left chest wall pneumothorax has improved. ; The rest are roughly similar.", "2723": "the texture of both lungs is slightly increased, and the pleura on both sides is slightly thickened. The aorta has tortuous calcification and high-density shadow next to the aortic arch. CT examination is recommended. Old fracture of left 8th posterior rib.", "2724": "the texture of both lungs is slightly increased. The nodule at the overlap of the 7th posterior rib in the middle field of the right lung is slightly high-density, and CT reexamination is recommended. Heart full.", "2725": "after the right lung operation, the drainage tube was in place, a small amount of hydropneumothorax on the right side, partial atelectasis of the right lung, and pneumothorax on the right chest wall. Compared with the previous film (2018-07-09), it is better. The markings on both lungs were slightly increased, and the right hilus was enlarged. The heart shadow is enlarged and the aorta is tortuous.", "2726": "1. Postoperative changes in the right lung, a few fibroinflammatory lesions, and a small amount of pleural effusion on the right side, basically the same as before (2018-08-17). 2. The texture of both lungs increased, the heart shadow was full, and the aorta was tortuous and calcified. 3. After internal fixation of left clavicle fracture.", "2727": "calcification in the left lung is considered; a little pleural reaction in the lower right; tortuous calcification of the aorta. Fracture of right clavicle. The 6th rib lacks continuity and is considered a fracture.", "2728": "1. The left hilar is occupying space and the left pleural effusion is present. Please combine it with CT examination. 2. Increased and disordered markings on both lungs; slight thickening of the upper pleura; after catheter placement.", "2729": "postoperative changes in both lungs, a small amount of pleural effusion on the left side, and the pneumothorax on both sides of the neck and left chest wall was basically absorbed. The texture of both lungs increased and the aorta was tortuous.", "2730": "the texture of both lungs is increased, and the left hilus is enlarged. Please combine it with chest CT examination. Aortic tortuosity. For the PICC tube on the right, please check the position of the tube head.", "2731": "emphysema in both lungs and pneumonia exudation in both lungs were slightly better than before (2019-08-10), a small amount of pleural effusion on the right side was slightly increased, and the translucency of the left lung was higher than before. Aortic sclerosis. After catheterization.", "2732": "1. Postoperative changes in the left lung, a small amount of pleural effusion on the left side, air accumulation on both sides of the chest wall, mediastinum and neck base are similar to the previous picture (2019.06.17), and there is a possibility of encapsulated hydropneumothorax in the left middle lung field, which is newer than the previous one. Hair, I was similar, after tube placement. 2. The texture of both lungs increases and the heart shadow becomes full. Aortic tortuosity and calcification.", "2733": "chronic bronchial emphysema changes, interstitial lesions in both lungs are considered. Aortic tortuosity and calcification. Pleural changes on both sides.", "2734": "chronic bronchial emphysema, mainly inflammatory lesions in both upper lungs, with some pleural changes on both sides. Aortic tortuosity. The spine is slightly curved.", "2735": "signs of emphysema in both lungs, please combine it with clinical practice. The texture of both lungs is slightly increased and the aorta is tortuous; the pleura at the apex of both lungs is slightly thicker.", "2736": "a few fibrous lesions in the two lower lung fields, and the aorta is tortuous. There is no obvious dislocation fracture in the ribs shown. It is recommended to re-examine after 3 weeks.", "2737": "1. Consider old pulmonary tuberculosis in both upper lungs, please take into account the past medical history. 2. The pleura is thickened on both sides. 3. Aortic tortuosity.", "2738": "right lung surgery, right pneumothorax, the amount of pneumothorax was reduced. There is air accumulation on the right side of the chest wall, and the amount of air accumulation is slightly larger than before. The right hilus is full. Please review. The heart shadow is full and the aorta is tortuous.", "2739": "increased right lung texture, right hilar mass, please combine with CT.", "2740": "signs of chronic bronchial emphysema. Aortic tortuosity and calcification.", "2741": "increased lung texture, emphysema in the right lower lung field, please combine with CT examination if necessary. The heart shadow is enlarged and the aorta is tortuous. Scoliosis.", "2742": "the texture of both lungs increased slightly. Fiber focus in the left lower lung field. Postoperative internal fixation of left humeral fracture.", "2743": "1. A small amount of hydropneumothorax on the right side. There were changes in the left pleura and multiple nodules in both lungs. 2. Emphysema, chronic interstitial inflammatory changes in both lungs. 3. Aortic tortuosity and calcification.", "2744": "high-density shadow at the apex of the right lung with adjacent pleural thickening and adhesion, old tuberculosis? Please follow up or have a CT examination.", "2745": "massive hydropneumothorax in the right lung accompanied by compressive atelectasis in the right lung. There were a few inflammatory fibrous lesions in the left lower lung and a small amount of pleural effusion on the left side.", "2746": "1. Left side hydropneumothorax, right lower lung exudation may be accompanied by a small amount of pleural effusion. 2. Nodular shadow in the right lower lung and tortuous aorta. They are roughly similar to the previous one (2019-07-01).", "2747": "Old tuberculosis in both upper lungs and multiple calcifications in the right lung should be considered first, please combine it with clinical practice.", "2748": "1. The left hilum is occupying space, indicating tumor. Please combine it with CT. 2. Left pneumothorax, after tube placement, was absorbed. 3. Increased texture and fibrous cords in both lungs. The left lower pleura was thickened. 4. The heart shadow is enlarged and the aorta is tortuous.", "2749": "1. The texture of both lungs increased, some exudative changes in the left lower lung, fibrous lesions in the right lower lung were considered; changes in both lower pleura. 2. Consider old fracture of the fourth posterior rib on the right side.", "2750": "the texture of both lungs increased, the upper fields of both lungs were dominated by patches and cord shadows, old tuberculosis lesions? CT for further examination if necessary.", "2751": "fibrous focus at the bottom of the left lung. The 6th and 7th ribs on the right side are fractured, which is old. Please consider your medical history.", "2752": "old tuberculosis in the left lung is considered first, which is roughly similar to the previous film (2017.12.13)", "2753": "some fibrous lesions and pleural thickening changes in both lungs. Multiple ribs on the left side and old fractures of the clavicle on the right side.", "2754": "small nodule in the right lower lung field, possible calcification, please review.", "2755": "nodules in the upper lobe of the right lung, please follow up; suspicious strips of shadow in the left lung, and full right hilus, CT scan is recommended if necessary. The aorta is tortuous and calcified, and the heart is full.", "2756": "partial posterior rib fracture on the right side with callus formation. No obvious abnormalities were found in the cardiopulmonary diaphragm.", "2757": "multiple old costophrenic angle fractures on both sides, and pleura thickening on both sides.", "2758": "increased texture in both lungs, horizontal cords and fibrous lesions in the right lower lung? Not Zhang? CT if necessary. The 6th rib on the right side is missing.", "2759": "increased texture in both lungs, fibrous focus in the left lower lung. Aortic tortuosity and calcification.", "2760": "the heart shadow is enlarged and the pulmonary artery segment is bulging, please combine it with special examination. The 5th to 8th ribs on the right side are fractured, and the 9th rib fracture on the left side is suspicious. Please consider the medical history. The lung markings are slightly increased, exudation in the left lower lung field is considered, and there is a small amount of pleural effusion on both sides. Review is recommended. Aortic tortuosity.", "2761": "1. Fiber focus in the right lower lung, a small amount of pleural effusion on both sides, and tortuous calcification of the aorta, similar to the previous film (2018-04-21). 2. Consider old fracture of the 8th rib of the left chest.", "2762": "1. After right lung surgery, the pleural effusion on the right side increased , and the subcutaneous air accumulation on the bilateral neck and chest walls decreased. 2. Aortic tortuosity.", "2763": "there are strips of shadow in the right lower lung field, and the right hilum is full, please combine it with CT examination. Calcification lesions in both lungs.", "2764": "the texture of both lungs is slightly increased, the right hilus is full, the heart shadow is full, and the aorta is tortuous.", "2765": "signs of emphysema, the pleura at the apex of both lungs is slightly thick. The markings on both lungs increased, and the aorta was tortuous and calcified.", "2766": "1. Increased lung markings, diffuse inflammation and infiltration in both lung fields, pleural changes on both sides or a small amount of pleural effusion. Please review after treatment. 2. The heart shadow is full and the aorta is tortuous. 3. If the course of some ribs on the left side changes, fracture should be considered and CT examination should be performed if necessary. 4. Scoliosis.", "2767": "the texture of both lungs increased, the patches in both lungs were blurred, and the right hilus was enlarged. CT examination is recommended. The trachea was deviated to the right, the heart shadow was enlarged, and the aorta was tortuous. Both upper pleura are thickened. Scoliosis.", "2768": "consider old lesions in both upper lungs, please exclude tuberculosis based on clinical practice.", "2769": "postoperative changes in the right lung, a small amount of leakage in the surgical area, a small amount of pneumothorax on the right side, and a small amount of pleural changes on both sides, please review. There were inflammatory fibrous lesions in the lower field of the left lung and tortuous aorta. After catheterization.", "2770": "scattered patchy nodules in both lungs, and enlarged hilum of both lungs. It is recommended that CT be further examined for tortuous calcification of the aorta and changes in the pleura on both sides. Scoliosis.", "2771": "left pleural reaction. An old fracture of some ribs on the right side is considered.", "2772": "increased texture in both lungs, enlarged hilar shadows in both lungs with blurred edges, consider exudation, need to be alert to pulmonary edema, please combine clinical and other examinations. The heart shadow was full; there was pleural effusion on the left side.", "2773": "calcification of the left lower lung is considered, and further CT examination is required if necessary. The texture of both lungs slightly increased, and the hilum of both lungs enlarged.", "2774": "there are increased textures in both lungs and a mass in the right hilar. Please combine it with CT examination. Right lung infiltration was considered. After catheterization.", "2775": " the lung texture increased, the right hilus was full, and the aorta was tortuous.", "2776": "left hilar mass, high-density mass shadow in the left upper lung field, left pleural effusion, right lung strip shadow, please combine with CT. The heart shadow is full and the aortic arch wall is calcified. After catheterization.", "2777": "multiple lesions in both upper lungs, tuberculosis to be ruled out, further examination if necessary.", "2778": "chronic bronchial emphysema, fibrous lesions in the middle and upper lungs of both lungs (similar to 2019-05-20), please combine it with clinical practice. Old rib fracture on the left side.", "2779": "slightly increased texture in both lungs, fibrous focus in the left lung field; left lower pleural reaction. Aortic tortuosity. Multiple fractures on the left side and internal fixation.", "2780": "the original small nodule in the left lower lung field has not been seen since 2018-11-25. Please review it if necessary.", "2781": "hydropneumothorax on the right side, lung compression is about 30%, which is roughly similar to the previous film (2019-6-17).", "2782": "emphysema, multiple inflammatory lesions mainly in the two upper lungs, considered old-fashioned, obvious on the right side.", "2783": "1. After the right lung surgery, the right pneumothorax and chest wall pneumothorax were absorbed, there was a little exudation in the right lower lung field, a small amount of pleural effusion on the right side increased slightly, and the right upper lung Not Zhang is possible, I am roughly the same, please check again. 2. Increased texture in both lungs and tortuosity of the aorta.", "2784": "1. The texture and translucency of both lungs increased; there was a small amount of pleural effusion on both sides. 2. Consider a few fibrous lesions at the apex of both lungs, and combine them with CT examination if necessary.", "2785": "enlarged heart shadow, pulmonary edema, and a small amount of pleural effusion on both sides. After catheterization.", "2786": "1. The texture of both lungs is slightly increased, and the right hilus is full. 2. The heart shadow is full and the aorta is tortuous and calcified.", "2787": "changes after cardiac surgery, heart shadow enlargement. The texture of both lungs increased, and the symptoms of exudation and pulmonary edema in both lungs were significantly improved.", "2788": "old tuberculosis in both middle and upper lung fields is considered to be accompanied by localized emphysema and pleural thickening.", "2789": "old tuberculosis in both lung apices accompanied by apical pleural thickening.", "2790": "the texture of both lungs is slightly increased. The pleura at the apex of both lungs is slightly thicker. Old fracture of left 5th rib? Please consider your medical history.", "2791": "changes after cardiac surgery, heart shadow enlargement. Increased lung markings and two transverse lung shadows, considered Kerley B lines, suggestive of pulmonary interstitial edema. Aortic tortuosity.", "2792": "postoperative changes in the right lung, a small amount of pleural effusion on the right side, which is less than the previous film (2020-01-06). There are increased markings in both lungs and small nodules in the right upper lung field. The old lesions may be larger. Please follow up. Aortic tortuosity and calcification.", "2793": "1. The texture of both lungs is slightly increased; there are old lesions in the apex of both lungs, and the local pleura is slightly thickened. 2. The heart shadow is full and changes after pacemaker implantation; the aorta is tortuous. 3. The course of ribs 7-8 on the left side has changed, and old fractures are considered.", "2794": "increased texture in both lungs, emphysema in the left lung is considered. The aorta is tortuous and calcified.", "2795": "emphysema in both lungs, increased and thickened texture in both lungs, possible infiltration, further CT examination is recommended. Minor pleural reaction on the left side.", "2796": "increased lung markings and tortuosity of the aorta. Partial rib fracture on the right side? Please consider the medical history; the pleura is thickened on both sides.", "2797": "1. A small amount of hydropneumothorax on the right side. There were changes in the left pleura and multiple nodules in both lungs. 2. Emphysema, chronic interstitial inflammatory changes in both lungs. 3. Aortic tortuosity and calcification.", "2798": "increased lung markings, possible discoid atelectasis in the right lower lung.", "2799": "a few fibrous lesions in the left lower lung field are considered; the pleura at the apex of both lungs is slightly thicker.", "2800": "slightly increased texture in both lungs, fibrous focus in the lower field of the left lung. Changes in the course of some ribs on the right side, old fracture? Please consider your medical history.", "2801": "fracture of the middle part of the sternum body. The right intercostal angle is slightly blunted, and there is a small amount of pleural effusion or pleural thickening. There were a few fibrous lesions in the two lower lung fields. Aortic tortuosity. The above performance is roughly similar to yesterday's film.", "2802": "multiple calcified nodules in both lungs and mediastinum (or associated with the pleura), disordered lung texture, and traction and deformation of the upper lung field. Please consider your medical history.", "2803": "after right lung surgery, there was mainly exudation in the right lower lung field and a small amount of pleural effusion on the right side, which was slightly more advanced than the previous film on 2020-01-04. After catheterization.", "2804": "increased lung markings, two pulmonary fibrosis lesions, enlarged heart shadow, and tortuous aorta. Right pleural changes. Old fracture of the 9th rib on the right side.", "2805": "1. Postoperative changes in the right lung include enlargement of the right hilus and incomplete expansion of the right lung base. The left pleural effusion was slightly better absorbed than before (2018-12-17). 2. Aortic tortuosity.", "2806": "left lung surgery, inflammatory fibrous lesions at the left lung base accompanied by adjacent pleural thickening. A small amount of pleural reaction on the left side; tortuous calcification of the aorta. Multiple old fractures of the right ribs were considered.", "2807": "left hilar enlargement, chest enhanced CT examination is recommended.", "2808": "1. The left hilus is full, further CT examination is recommended. 2. Possible small patches of inflammatory lesions in the middle field of the right lung; tortuosity of the aorta; after catheterization.", "2809": "increased texture in both lungs, full left hilum, fibrous lesions in the middle field of the right lung, and pleural changes on both sides. Aortic tortuosity.", "2810": "increased texture in both lungs, nodules in the left middle lung field, follow-up is recommended. Left hilar enlargement, left hilar patchy shadow, and lung texture accumulation? Please review. Aortic tortuosity. Scoliosis. Left pleural changes.", "2811": "1. After the right lung operation, the right pneumothorax is not seen, the air accumulation on the right chest wall is reduced, and the exudation of the right lung is reduced. Please review. 2. Aortic tortuosity.", "2812": "the 4th to 6th ribs of the left chest were broken, the 3rd rib was partially twisted, and there was a suspected fracture.", "2813": "right upper lobe atelectasis, please combine with CT; right pleural effusion. Aortic tortuosity.", "2814": "1. After right lung surgery, there was a small amount of pleural effusion on the right side with local atelectasis, and air accumulation on the right chest wall. Compared with the previous picture (2019-02-21), the air accumulation on the right chest wall was reduced, and the right side pleural effusion was A little more, but roughly the same. 2. Increased lung markings, tortuous aorta, and changes in the left lower pleura.", "2815": "the heart shadow is significantly enlarged, please combine it with ultrasound. Emphysema is possible, pleural changes on both sides, and aorta tortuosity.", "2816": "increased texture in both lungs, enlarged right hilum and thin shadow, full heart shadow, tortuous calcification of the aorta; some pleural changes on the right side. CT examination if necessary.", "2817": "exudation or incomplete expansion of both lungs, thickening of the right hilar shadow, a small amount of pleural effusion on both sides, and a trace pneumothorax on the right side.", "2818": "slightly increased texture in both lungs, and fibrous focus in the middle field of the right lung. Multiple old fractures of left ribs.", "2819": "the lung texture is slightly increased, and the right lower hilus is enlarged and thickened. Follow-up or further examination is recommended. The heart shadow is full and the aorta is tortuous.", "2820": "the left hilus is full.", "2821": "small nodule in the middle field of the right lung, please follow up. Aortic tortuosity.", "2822": "after cervical spine internal fixation. A small amount of pleural effusion on the left side with partial atelectasis was considered.", "2823": "patches and nodular high-density shadows in the left middle lung field, CT examination if necessary. There were increased markings in both lungs and fibrous lesions in the left lower lung. Aortic tortuosity and calcification. Changes in the course of the 4th and 5th ribs on the left side should be considered as old fractures. Please consider the medical history.", "2824": "the right lower hilus is full and there are a few fibrous lesions in the right lower lung. Aortic tortuosity.", "2825": "a little exudation and fibrosis in the left lower lung field, and changes in the left pleura, roughly similar to the previous film (2019-06-10). Aortic tortuosity. Attached note: Partial rib fracture on the left side is considered.", "2826": "emphysema in both lungs, increased texture in both lungs, and calcification lesions in the right lung field, please follow up. Aortic tortuosity. Scoliosis.", "2827": "the right hilar mass is larger than the previous (2018-08-01) film, please combine it with CT. The left PICC tube ends at the lower edge of the T5 vertebral body.", "2828": " emphysema consideration. The heart shadow is enlarged and the aorta is tortuous.", "2829": "emphysema in both upper lungs; aortic node calcification.", "2830": "after right lung surgery, a small amount of hydropneumothorax, right hilar enlargement, and right chest tube placement. Air accumulation in the right chest wall. Compared with the previous one (2018-8-25), the air accumulation on the right chest wall was slightly more, but the rest was similar.", "2831": "after surgery on the right lung, there was a small amount of pleural effusion on both sides and pneumatosis on the right chest wall; there was a little effusion or atelectasis at the base of both lungs. Compared with the previous picture (2018-12-20), the air accumulation on the right chest wall is slightly reduced, and the right chest tube has been removed, and the remaining results are roughly the same. Aortic tortuosity.", "2832": "1. Changes after cardiac surgery, full heart shadow; aorta tortuosity. 2. Increased lung markings, mainly patchy high-density shadows in the upper and middle lungs, suggesting old tuberculosis? Please consider your medical history.", "2833": "after mediastinal surgery, after the right chest tube was placed, there was a little pneumothorax on the right side, a little inflammatory focus in both lower lung fields, and a little pleural effusion or pleural reaction on both sides. Please review. If the heart shadow is enlarged and the mediastinum is widened, please combine it with CT examination.", "2834": "slightly increased texture in both lungs, fibrous lesions in the lower field of the right lung and localized emphysema. Aortic tortuosity.", "2835": "the texture of both lungs is increased and disordered, and the left lung apex is patchy. Please combine it with CT examination. Emphysema; thickening of both upper pleura.", "2836": "the aorta is tortuous; the pleura at both lung apices is slightly thickened; old fractures of the 3rd and 4th right anterior ribs are considered.", "2837": "1. After left lung surgery, the translucency of the left lung decreased, the left hilus became full, and the texture of both lungs became thicker. 2. Aorta tortuosity and calcification.", "2838": "left upper lung patchy shadow, left pleural effusion (localized encapsulation) or pleural thickening, consider tuberculous lesions, please consider whether it is old clinically.", "2839": "slightly increased texture in both lungs, fibrous lesions in the right upper lung, mainly inflammation in the left lower lung, and pleural effusion on both sides. Full hilum and bulging pulmonary artery segments indicate pulmonary hypertension. Please consider clinical practice.", "2840": "emphysema in both lungs; pleural thickening at the lung apex.", "2841": "patchy shadow in the upper field of the left lung, atelectasis? Further CT examination is recommended. Chronic bronchial manifestations may include inflammatory fibrous lesions in the middle field of the right lung and the lower field of the left lung. Aortic tortuosity.", "2842": "increased texture in both lungs, and tortuosity of the aorta. The left lower pleura was thickened. Calcification focus in the right lower lung. Multiple changes in the course of ribs on the left side, old fractures, please consider the clinical history.", "2843": "benign nodules or bone islands are considered where the left middle lung field overlaps the ribs, and the right hilus is full. Please check further if necessary. Heart full.", "2844": "chronic bronchial emphysema changes, two pneumonia foci, and pleural changes on both sides. Aortic tortuosity.", "2845": "the texture of both lungs is increased and blurred, and there are patchy lesions in the right middle lung field. Please combine it with CT examination. A small amount of pneumothorax on the right side is considered, and a tube is placed in the right chest, please review. The heart shadow was enlarged, the aorta was tortuous, and the left lower pleura was changed. Scoliosis; old fracture of the left clavicle, please take into account the medical history.", "2846": "after the tube was placed in the right chest, the scope of the hydropneumothorax on the right side was similar; the texture of both lungs increased, the right upper lung had infiltration, and some atelectasis. Aortic tortuosity.", "2847": "a few fibrous lesions or discoid atelectasis in the right lung.", "2848": "after right lung surgery, the right hilus enlarged, similar to the 2019-12-9 film, and the right pleura changed. Nodule in left upper lung field, possible calcification, same as before. Aortic tortuosity. The heart shadow is slightly fuller.", "2849": "after right lung surgery, the small amount of pneumothorax on the right side was reduced, the incomplete expansion or small amount of exudation of the right lung tissue was improved, and the pneumothorax on the right chest wall was reduced.", "2850": "increased lung markings, some pleural changes on the left side, and tortuous calcification of the aorta. Multiple old rib fractures on the left side.", "2851": "after surgery on the left breast, multiple metastases were considered in both lungs and the hilum of both lungs enlarged. After catheterization.", "2852": "the radiolucency of the left lower lung is reduced, and there is a small amount of pleural reaction on the left side. Please combine it with CT examination. Old fracture of the 5th rib on the left side. Aortic tortuosity.", "2853": "abnormal changes in both lungs, consider old tuberculosis, CT examination if necessary.", "2854": "emphysema in both lungs, a few inflammatory lesions in the middle and lower part of the right lung, it is recommended to review; pleural changes on both sides. The heart shadow is enlarged and the aorta is tortuous and calcified.", "2855": "increased texture in both lungs, fibrous focus in the left lower lung field. Aortic tortuosity. Multiple old rib fractures on the left side. Attached note: About T9 vertebral body compression changes.", "2856": "there are some old lesions in both upper lungs, and the pleura at the lung apex is slightly thick. Nodule in the right lower lung field, benign tendency, please follow up. The aorta is slightly tortuous and calcified. Slight pleural reaction bilaterally. The course of ribs 5-8 on the right side has changed. Consider it an old fracture. Please consider your medical history.", "2857": "the texture of both lungs increased, and the left pleura was thickened. The course of the left 7th posterior rib has changed, and old fractures should be considered. Please combine the clinical history.", "2858": "there are increased textures in both lungs, full left hilum, and multiple nodules in both lungs. Please combine it with chest CT examination. After catheterization.", "2859": "increased markings in both lungs, enlarged right hilus, and left pleural effusion. The aorta is tortuous and the heart shadow is full.", "2860": "the texture of both lungs is slightly increased, the aorta is tortuous, and the pleura at the apex of both lungs is slightly thicker. Appendix: About the postoperative changes of T12 vertebral body compression fracture, please take into account the medical history.", "2861": "there are increased textures in both lungs and suspicious small nodules in the right lung, please combine with CT. The apex of the heart is rounded and blunt, please combine it with echocardiography.", "2862": "1. The lung texture is slightly increased, and there are some fibrous lesions in the left lower lung. 2. The heart shadow is full and the aorta is tortuous.", "2863": "aortic tortuosity. Right pleural changes. Consider the left 6th posterior rib fracture, please combine it with clinical practice.", "2864": "the 3rd to 7th ribs on the left side are fractured, the left lung has exudation changes, and the left side mainly has pleural effusion on both sides. Please combine it with CT examination. The heart shadow is enlarged and the aorta is tortuous.", "2865": "infiltration in both lungs, mild edema, and a small amount of pleural effusion on both sides. The heart shadow is full and the aorta is tortuous. After catheterization.", "2866": "pulmonary edema is possible, please consider clinical practice.", "2867": "1. The texture of both lungs increased, and there were some old lesions in the right upper lung. The pleura of both lung apices was thickened and calcified. 2. Aortic tortuosity. 3. Consider old fractures of multiple ribs on the left side, please take into account the medical history.", "2868": "increased lung markings, enlarged right hilus, and slightly tortuous aorta.", "2869": "after right lung surgery, there was a small amount of hydropneumothorax, a shadow in the right lung, and a little exudation at the bottom of the left lung. Recommend review. The texture of both lungs increased and the aorta was tortuous.", "2870": "after right lung surgery, the right chest tube was left in place, and there was a little pneumothorax at the right lung apex, please review. The mediastinum is widened and the right upper hilus is full. Please combine it with CT examination. The aorta is tortuous and the heart shadow is enlarged. Please consider the clinical situation. After catheterization.", "2871": "the texture of both lungs increased, the right hilus was full, and a group-like fuzzy shadow was seen in the left lower lung field, which was considered to be fibrous focus. The aorta is slightly tortuous.", "2872": "1. The texture of both lungs increased, a few fibrous lesions were found in the lower lobe of the left lung, and the aorta was tortuous. 2. Multiple old rib fractures on the left side. 3. Changes in the left pleura.", "2873": "the enlargement of the right hilus and the light exudation in both lungs improved, and the left pleural effusion progressed slightly, but the rest were similar. Aortic tortuosity. The heart shadow increases. After catheterization.", "2874": "1. The texture of both lungs increased. The right lower hilus is full, and there may be calcium nodules in the middle field of the right lung. 2. Aortic tortuosity and calcification.", "2875": "After right lung surgery, the partial atelectasis of the right lung improved. Pneumocystis on the right chest wall and absorption of pleural effusion on the left side were not seen. There is a little pleural effusion on the right side. Aortic tortuosity and calcification.", "2876": "the right hilus is full, and there is a possibility of encapsulated effusion in the right pleural cavity. It is recommended to reexamine, and CT scan if necessary; the texture of both lungs increases, a small amount of inflammatory fibrous lesions in the left lower lung, and a small amount of pleural effusion in the left side are considered. The heart shadow is full and the aorta is tortuous. After catheterization. The left breast shadow is missing, please consider the medical history.", "2877": "increased texture in both lungs. Left pleural changes. The heart shadow increases. An old fracture of the right 7th posterior rib was considered.", "2878": "after right lung surgery, the right hydropneumothorax and chest wall pneumothorax were slightly increased. The right parahilar mass was shadowed, and some atelectasis were possible. It was similar to the previous photo. Review is recommended. . Aortic tortuosity.", "2879": "postoperative changes in the left lung, encapsulated hydropneumothorax in the left upper lung field. A small amount of pleural effusion on both sides.", "2880": "left upper lung atelectasis is considered, the mediastinum shifts to the left, and the left pleura changes. Further CT examination is recommended.", "2881": "pleural thickening at the apex of both lungs. The course of the third rib on the right side has changed, is it an old fracture? Please consider your medical history.", "2882": "the texture of both lungs is slightly increased, and there are suspicious small nodules in the lower field of the left lung. Please ask for CT examination. Aortic calcification.", "2883": "increased texture in both lungs, tortuous aorta, and changes in the right pleura. After catheterization. Old fracture of right 8th rib?", "2884": "increased texture in both lungs. The 5th rib on the left side was broken. Heart full. The aorta was tortuous, and the pleura at the apex of both lungs was thickened.", "2885": "the texture of both lungs increased, and the left lung hilum was full. The aorta is tortuous and widened.", "2886": "the texture of both lungs increased, and the upper pleura was thickened. Active tortuous calcification. Some ribs on the right side were fractured.", "2887": "emphysema in both lungs, diffuse exudative lesions in both lungs, slightly progressed from the previous examination on 2019-08-10, please review again. Aortic tortuosity and calcification. After catheterization.", "2888": "1. Signs of chronic bronchial emphysema, thickening of the right hilar shadow, multiple small nodules in the right lung; elevation of the right diaphragm; CT examination is recommended. 2. Aortic tortuosity and calcification.", "2889": "the lung texture is slightly increased, the right hilus is full, the heart shadow is enlarged, and the aorta is tortuous.", "2890": "after left upper lung surgery, there was a small amount of hydropneumothorax on the left side. The scope of the pneumothorax was smaller than the previous picture (2019-06-03), and a small amount of new effusion occurred.", "2891": "slightly increased texture in both lungs, enlarged hilum of both lungs, and fibrous focus in the upper right lung. The aorta is tortuous and the upper pleura is thickened.", "2892": "slightly increased texture in both lungs, and a few fibrous lesions in the lower field of the left lung with pleural changes. There are no obvious dislocation fractures in the ribs on both sides shown. Please combine this with CT.", "2893": "1. The texture of both lungs increased and the aorta was tortuous. 2. There was a small amount of pleural effusion on both sides, which was slightly absorbed. 3. After placing the right PICC tube, please pay attention to the position of the tube head.", "2894": "increased texture in both lungs, enlarged right hilus, fibrous focus in the right lower lung, elevation of the right diaphragm, and changes in the pleura on both sides. The heart shadow is enlarged and the aorta is tortuous.", "2895": "increased texture in both lungs. There are some old lesions outside the right upper lung. There were some inflammatory lesions in both lower lung fields. Slight pleural reaction bilaterally. Aortic tortuosity. The pleura is slightly thickened bilaterally. The course of some ribs on the right side has changed, and old fractures are considered.", "2896": "increased texture in both lungs, and a few fibrous lesions at the base of the right lung. Right pleural reaction. The heart shadow was full and the aorta was tortuous and calcified. There are multiple old rib fractures and changes on the left side. Please consider the medical history.", "2897": "left lung midfield nodule, please combine it with other examinations. The markings on both lungs increased, and the aorta was tortuous and calcified. The right diaphragm is obviously elevated, and the colon may be located in the middle. Please consider the clinical situation.", "2898": "a small number of fibrous lesions in the middle field of the right lung.", "2899": "there is a large area of \u200b\u200bincreased density in the right upper lung field, is the right upper lung damaged? Is it true? , CT examination if necessary. The texture of both lungs is increased and blurred. The trachea is deviated to the right. The left upper pleura was thickened. Aortic tortuosity.", "2900": "right upper hilar mass, possible obstructive inflammation in the right upper lung field, right pleural effusion, better than the 2019-1-25 film, please combine it with CT examination.", "2901": "After right lung surgery, the right lung was partially atelectatic and there was a small amount of pleural effusion on both sides. Please review. The heart shadow is enlarged and the aorta is tortuous.", "2902": "speckled nodular high-density shadow at the apex of the right lung, please combine it with CT examination. After catheterization.", "2903": "after right lung surgery, the right hilus is full, a small amount of hydropneumothorax on the right side, and pneumothorax on the right side of the chest wall. Please review after the tube is inserted. The heart shadow is enlarged and the aorta is tortuous. Compared with the previous one (2019.05.13), the right pneumothorax and chest wall pneumothorax were slightly improved, but the rest were similar. It is recommended to re-examine.", "2904": "1. The texture of both lungs increased, and several benign small nodules were scattered outside the two lungs. 2. Aortic tortuosity and calcification. 3. Consider old fractures of the 6th and 7th posterior ribs on the right side. 4. The pleura at the apex of both lungs is slightly thickened.", "2905": "the left hydropneumothorax has progressed. After the left chest tube is placed, please combine it with clinical practice. Aortic tortuosity and calcification. After placement of right PICC.", "2906": "the lung texture is slightly increased, the heart shadow is full, and the aorta is tortuous, suggesting mild interstitial edema. Right deep vein catheterization.", "2907": "the texture of both lungs is slightly increased, the hilum of both lungs is full, and the aorta is tortuous and calcified. Suspicious small nodules in the middle fields of both lungs.", "2908": "the texture of both lungs increased and the aorta was tortuous. The 4th rib on the right side was broken.", "2909": "1. Chronic bronchitis in both lungs with interstitial changes, a small amount of pleural effusion on both sides, slightly better than before (2019-10-16), please review. 2. Emphysema and bullae in the right lung; old lesions in the apex of both lungs. 3. Aortic node calcification. 4. After tube placement.", "2910": "a few fibrous lesions in the left lower lung field, and left pleural changes. The heart shadow is slightly full and the aorta is tortuous. Partial rib fractures on the left side.", "2911": "there are increased textures in both lungs, and there are several small nodules in the left lung. Please combine it with clinical practice.", "2912": "a mass lesion in the upper field of the left lung accompanied by a left deviation of the trachea and mediastinum, a tumor associated with atelectasis was considered. There are multiple nodules in the left lung, and metastasis needs to be considered based on the medical history.", "2913": "the texture of both lungs is slightly increased, and the aorta is tortuous. The right hilus is enlarged and thickened.", "2914": "1. Postoperative changes in the left lung, there is new onset of atelectasis in the left upper lung, a small amount of pleural effusion in the left lower lung is slightly reduced, and a small amount of exudation in the remaining left lung is roughly the same. Please review. 2. Calcification lesions in the upper lobe of the left lung, and the pleura at the apex of the right lung is slightly thicker. Aortic tortuosity.", "2915": "a small amount of emphysema is possible, the aorta is tortuous, and the left pleura changes.", "2916": "exudation in both lungs, centered on both lung hilum, pulmonary edema needs to be considered, please combine it with clinical practice. After catheterization.", "2917": "consider inflammatory lesions and fibroproliferative lesions in the upper fields of both lungs, a small amount of pleural effusion or pleural thickening on the right side, please consider the clinical history, tuberculosis is not excluded. Calcification lesions were found in the middle field of the left lung, and both upper pleura were thickened.", "2918": "there are patchy shadows in the lower field of the right lung, which may be inflammation or atelectasis. If necessary, further CT examination. The texture of both lungs increased, the heart shadow was full, and the aorta was tortuous.", "2919": "nodular high-density shadow in the lower field of the left lung, nipple shadow? Please combine it with clinical practice. The texture of both lungs increased, the aorta was tortuous and calcified, and the patient underwent pacemaker implantation.", "2920": "1. Suspicious small subpleural nodule in the right upper lung field. 2. Increased lung markings, enlarged heart shadow, and tortuous aorta. 3. Two pleural changes; aorta tortuosity. 4. Old fracture of the left clavicle.", "2921": "1. The texture of both lungs increased, a few fibroinflammatory lesions were considered in the left lower lung field, and the aorta was tortuous and calcified. 2. Consider old fractures of ribs 3-7 on the left side.", "2922": "1. After partial resection of the right lung, there was a small amount of pneumothorax in the right lung, a small amount of atelectasis and infiltration changes in the right upper lung field. After the catheter was inserted, there was a small amount of air accumulation on the right chest wall. Please review. 2. Changes in the left lower pleura; the left hilum is slightly full.", "2923": "old lesions in the upper lobe of the right lung accompanied by damage and atelectasis are considered; the texture of both lungs increased, and small nodules and calcification points were scattered in the middle field of the left lung; similar to the previous 2019-2-1 film. Please ask for CT review if necessary. A small amount of pleural effusion in both lungs. The aorta was slightly tortuous, and the right lung base had pleural adhesion changes.", "2924": "the texture of both lungs increased, and the right hilus was full. The heart shadow is full and the aorta is tortuous.", "2925": "1. After pacemaker implantation. 2. The texture of both lungs is slightly increased, there may be calcified nodules in the lungs behind the heart, and the aorta is calcified and tortuous.", "2926": "1. Old lesions in both upper lungs, right pleural hypertrophy with calcification, calcification lesions in both lung hilus and right cardiophrenic angle, tuberculosis needs to be considered, and it is recommended to combine the medical history. 2. The trachea and mediastinum deviate to the right. 3. Increased texture in both lungs and tortuosity of the aorta.", "2927": "emphysema in both lungs, tortuous and calcified aorta.", "2928": "1. Consider old lesions in both upper lungs. It is roughly similar to the previous film (2018-08-13). 2. Emphysema, scattered fibrous lesions in both lungs, and local pleural thickening were similar to those before.", "2929": "1. After the right lung surgery, there was a small amount of air accumulation on the right chest wall, which was significantly improved; the right diaphragm had pleural adhesions. 2. The texture of both lungs increased, and part of the left posterior rib had old fractures.", "2930": "1. After right lung surgery, there was a little pneumothorax on the right side, which was slightly more advanced than the previous picture (2019-06-10), and the pneumothorax on the right side of the chest wall was reduced. 2. A small amount of exudation in the right middle and lower lung field is better than the previous film. 3. Aortic tortuosity.", "2931": "the lung markings are slightly increased, the aorta is tortuous and calcified; the upper pleura is slightly thickened. Attached note: After T10 and T12 vertebroplasty, the vertebral body became slightly flattened and bone cement was found inside; T8 vertebral body suffered a compression fracture.", "2932": "the left lung showed postoperative changes, the left upper hilus was full, and the changes in the left lower pleura were better than in the previous film (2018-9-4).", "2933": "1. The texture of both lungs is slightly increased, the left hilar shadow is slightly larger, and the lesions in the upper fields of both lungs and the left lower lung field are tuberculosis (old upper fields of both lungs)? Please combine the clinical history and relevant examinations, and CT examination if necessary. 2. The upper pleura is slightly thickened.", "2934": "1. The texture of both lungs increased, and the right hilus was full. 2. The pleura on both sides is thickened, and the aorta is tortuous and calcified.", "2935": "consider the right third anterior rib fracture, please combine it with CT.", "2936": "1. The right hilus is enlarged and the left lung has fibrous lesions in the middle field. There was pleural effusion on both sides, obvious on the left side. 2. The pleura at the apex of both lungs is thickened. Aortic tortuosity. 3. The right humeral head bone island should be considered first and reexamination is recommended.", "2937": "1. Changes after cardiac surgery. 2. The texture of both lungs increased; the pleura at the apex of both lungs was slightly thicker. 3. Old fracture of right 6th-8th posterior rib.", "2938": "there is a nodular high-density shadow at the overlap between the lower field of the left lung and the heart shadow. Please consider the clinical practice and follow up if necessary. Aortic tortuosity.", "2939": "fracture of the 6th rib on both sides with local callus formation is considered; fracture of the 7th rib on the right side is possible.", "2940": "the pleura at the apex of both lungs is thickened. Multiple old rib fractures on the right side.", "2941": "increased lung texture, emphysema in both lungs. Aortic tortuosity and calcification. Scoliosis.", "2942": "old tuberculosis in the left lung apex is considered, and the left hilar lymph node is calcified.", "2943": "1. The texture of both lungs increases, and the hilar shadow is slightly larger; there are nodules in the left lower lung and possible calcifications. Please follow up. 2. New nodules in the right lung, further CT examination if necessary. 3. Aortic tortuosity and calcification. Old fracture of the third rib on the left side.", "2944": "left upper atelectasis, left lower pneumonia, and a small amount of left pleural effusion. Calcification lesions in the right upper lung.", "2945": "the right lung apex is occupying space, the right upper hilus is full, and cord nodules are scattered in both lungs. Please combine it with CT examination. Calcification of the aortic node. After catheterization.", "2946": "slightly increased lung markings, fibrous lesions in the lower fields of both lungs, and tortuous aorta. The heart shadow is enlarged and the hilum of both lungs are enlarged. Please combine it with clinical practice.", "2947": "increased texture in both lungs, a little pleural effusion or pleural reaction on the right side. Aortic tortuosity and calcification. If the local course of ribs 3-4 on the right side changes, consider it an old fracture. Please combine it with CT examination. Attachment: left clavicle internal fixation after surgery.", "2948": "increased texture in both lungs, and tortuous aorta. The pleura at the apex of both lungs is thickened; some old rib fractures on the left side should be considered. Please consider the medical history. After catheterization.", "2949": "right hilar mass, please combine it with CT examination; there is a small amount of pneumothorax on the right side, and the lungs are compressed by about 25%. The lung markings increased, the heart shadow was full, and the aorta was tortuous.", "2950": "exudation in both lungs, pulmonary edema to be ruled out, please consider clinical practice. The heart shadow is enlarged and the aorta is tortuous in the supine position. There are changes in the pleura on both sides, and there may be fluid effusion on the right side.", "2951": "after pulmonary surgery, left lower lung exudation, hydropneumothorax, and trace amounts of chest wall pneumothorax were absorbed.", "2952": "increased lung markings, full right hilum, scattered inflammatory lesions in the right lower lung with slightly thicker pleura; a little suspicious exudation at the left lung base. The heart shadow is enlarged and the aorta is tortuous and calcified. The curvature of the lower thoracic spine increases.", "2953": "left hydropneumothorax, left rib 4th-11th fracture. Compared with the previous film (2018.6.24), the hydropneumothorax was slightly absorbed. For chronic bronchitis and emphysema accompanied by infection, CT examination is required if necessary. Scoliosis. Aortic tortuosity.", "2954": "the texture of both lungs increased, and the right lower hilus was full. Aortic tortuosity.", "2955": "suspicious nodules in both lungs, consider metastasis based on medical history. The texture of both lungs was slightly increased, and the aorta was tortuous. There was a small amount of pleural effusion on both sides and a small amount of effusion at the base of both lungs. Free air under the right diaphragm, postoperative changes should be considered. After catheterization.", "2956": "after left lung surgery, there was a small amount of pneumothorax on the left side and subcutaneous pneumothorax on the left chest wall. Compared with the previous picture (2019-06-06), the left pneumothorax was slightly better, but the rest was roughly the same. Please review.", "2957": "the texture of both lungs is slightly increased, and the pulmonary artery segment is bulging. The right hilus is enlarged and thickened, please combine it with CT examination.", "2958": "after right lung surgery, the exudation in the right lung was reduced, the right lower hilus was enlarged and thickened, a small amount of pneumothorax on the right side, and the air accumulation on the right chest wall were basically absorbed. Aortic tortuosity.", "2959": "no definite rib fracture is found, please combine it with other examinations. Exudation of the right lower lung plaque. There were changes in the apex of both lungs and the right lower pleura. The heart shadow is slightly enlarged. Aortic tortuosity and calcification.", "2960": "right hilum occupying space, right hydropneumothorax, partial lung tissue underexpansion. Please combine it with CT examination. Aortic tortuosity.", "2961": "1. Chronic bronchial emphysema, exudation of the right lung is considered, and right pleural effusion is accompanied by incomplete expansion of some lung tissues. CT examination is recommended. 2. Some old lesions in the right lung apex. 3. Aortic node calcification.", "2962": "old lesions in the right upper lung are considered; fibrous lesions in the left lower lung. After catheterization.", "2963": "no obvious abnormalities were found in the cardiopulmonary diaphragm. Right 8th anterior rib fracture with callus formation? Please combine it with clinical practice.", "2964": "increased texture in both lungs, and tortuous aorta. The fracture of ribs 4-6 on the left side is considered to be healing, please combine it with CT examination.", "2965": "1. After right lower lobectomy. 2. The right lung has increased texture and local inflammation or atelectasis, which is slightly better than before on 2018-11-05. Aortic tortuosity. 3. Changes in old fractures of some ribs on both sides.", "2966": "postoperative changes in the right lung, fibrous lesions in the lower field of the right lung, and slight pleural thickening. Multiple old rib fractures on the left side. Aortic tortuosity. After catheterization.", "2967": "increased markings in both lungs, inflammatory focus in the middle and upper fields of the left lung, and small nodules near the diaphragm in the right lower lung field, further examination if necessary. The heart shadow is full and the aorta is tortuous.", "2968": "increased lung markings, possible discoid atelectasis in the right lower lung, nodular shadows in the overlapping mediastinum of the right upper lung, possible old changes. The right diaphragm was elevated and the right pleura was changed. Aortic tortuosity.", "2969": "after right lung surgery, the right upper hilus was full, it is recommended to review. Similar to the previous one (2018-11-09). Aortic tortuosity and calcification.", "2970": "manifestations of bronchitis; suspicious small nodules in the middle field of the left lung and lower field of the right lung, and the right hilus is full and thickened; CT scan is recommended. The course of the trachea is tortuous; some pleural reaction in the lower right side is considered. The heart shadow is full and the aorta is tortuous.", "2971": "increased texture in both lungs; nodular shadows in both lungs, please combine with CT examination; slight exudation in the right lower lung field; right pleural effusion, slightly absorbed, please review.", "2972": "the right interlobar fissure and the right lung base pleura are slightly thicker. The left diaphragm is elevated. If the heart shadow is enlarged, please combine it with echocardiography. Aortic tortuosity and calcification. The sequelae of axillary fracture of the 8th and 9th ribs on the right side.", "2973": "after two lung operations, a little hydropneumothorax on the right side, a small amount of pleural effusion on the left side, exudation or interlobar fissure effusion in the right lung, a small amount of exudation in the left lower lung, a small amount of fibrous lesions in the left lung, after catheterization . Aortic tortuosity. Consider old rib fractures on the left side, please consider your medical history. Compare the previous film (2019-05-10) with a small amount of new effusion in the right thoracic cavity, a slight progression of the right pneumothorax, and the rest are roughly the same. Please review.", "2974": "nodules in the middle field of the left lung, old lesions in the upper field of the right lung are considered, please combine with CT. The markings on both lungs increased and the aorta was calcified. The spine is slightly curved.", "2975": "suspicious small nodule in the right upper lung, CT or review is recommended.", "2976": "1. After partial resection of the right lung, the left hilus was enlarged, there was a little exudation in the right lung, and a small amount of pleural effusion, which improved as before (2018-11-27). 2. The changes in the left lower pleura are similar to those before. 3. The heart shadow is enlarged and the aorta is tortuous.", "2977": "a small amount of hydropneumothorax and chest wall emphysema after right lung surgery; patchy lesions in the right lower lung, inflammation? Not Zhang? Recommend review.", "2978": "the texture of both lungs is slightly increased, and there are nodules in the right lung. Please combine it with clinical practice and conduct further examination if necessary. Calcification of the aortic node; scoliosis.", "2979": "increased lung markings, full right hilum, patchy shadows outside the right middle lung, nodular shadows in the overlapping rib area of \u200b\u200bthe left upper lung, and aortic tortuosity.", "2980": "the texture of both lungs increased slightly, and the right pleura was partially thickened. The aorta is tortuous and the heart shadow is enlarged. Please consider the clinical situation. Consider old rib fractures on the left side, please take your medical history into consideration.", "2981": "increased texture in both lungs, old lesions in the right upper lung are considered. Emphysema manifestations. Aortic tortuosity.", "2982": "1. The pleura at the apex of both lungs is thickened; the texture of both lungs is increased. 2. A small amount of pleural effusion on both sides; tortuous calcification of the aorta; after catheterization. 3. The course of the left anterior rib has changed, and old fractures are considered; the local pleura is slightly thickened.", "2983": "1. After right lung surgery, there was a small amount of pleural effusion on the right side, partial atelectasis of the right lower lung; fibrous lesions in both lungs; better than the previous picture (2018-11-24). 2. The heart shadow is enlarged and the aorta is tortuous.", "2984": "1. Old tuberculosis in the two upper lungs should be considered first, and small nodules in the two lower lung fields should be followed up. 2. Thickening of the pleura at the lung apex. The above comparison is similar to the previous film 2018-05-30.", "2985": "increased texture in both lungs, small nodules in the upper fields of both lungs, and possible calcification lesions. Inflammatory fibrosis in the lower field of the left lung. Aortic tortuosity and calcification. Some ribs on the right side were fractured.", "2986": "old pulmonary tuberculosis in both lungs is considered; multiple inflammatory fibrosis and calcification lesions in both lungs, and the aorta is tortuous. The upper pleura is slightly thickened.", "2987": "review of lower right lung cancer: the right hilar mass shrank significantly.", "2988": "emphysema, enlarged heart shadow, tortuous calcification of aorta.", "2989": "the texture of both lungs increased, the right hilus was full, the lower lung mainly had interstitial inflammation, the pleura was thickened, and there was a small amount of pleural effusion. CT examination was recommended. The heart shadow is enlarged and the aorta is tortuous and calcified.", "2990": "the texture of both lungs is slightly increased; the pleura at the lung apex is thickened. Aortic tortuosity. Old fracture of the right 4th rib.", "2991": "patchy shadows with increased density were seen in the right upper lung, mainly located in the middle and outer zones, suggesting tuberculosis.", "2992": "increased markings in both lungs, emphysema in both lungs, and tortuosity of the aorta. Scoliosis.", "2993": "1. The right lung hilum is occupying space, please combine it with CT examination. 2. Aortic tortuosity and calcification. 3. After tube placement.", "2994": "1. A small amount of pneumothorax on the right side, with lung compression of about 20-25%. 2. The aorta is tortuous, and the pleura at the apex of both lungs is slightly thickened. 3. Consider old fractures of the 4th to 8th posterior ribs on the left side. 4. After catheter placement.", "2995": "after surgery on the right lung and esophagus, the atelectasis in the right middle and upper lung field has progressed, and the exudation and effusion in the right lower lung has slightly increased. It has improved. Please review. There are speckled lesions in the middle and upper fields of the left lung, and follow-up is recommended. Aortic tortuosity.", "2996": "1. After partial resection of the right lung, the air accumulation on the right chest wall has been absorbed. 2. Aortic tortuosity. 3. The 5th and 6th ribs on the left side are broken.", "2997": "there are increased markings on both lungs, and there are nodules on the right side of the diaphragm, which tend to be benign, please follow up. The heart shadow was full, the aorta was tortuous and calcified, and there was a slight pleural reaction.", "2998": "the right hilus is full and there is a mass in the right lower lung, please combine it with CT examination. The markings on both lungs increased, a small amount of effusion in both lower lungs was excluded, and a small amount of pleural effusion on both sides was excluded. The heart shadow is full and the aorta is tortuous; after catheterization.", "2999": "there is a suspicious nodule next to the shadow of the left lower lung. Please combine it with clinical practice and conduct further examination if necessary. The texture of both lungs increased and the aorta was tortuous.", "3000": "the texture of both lungs is slightly increased, and the right hilus is enlarged. The heart shadow is full, the aorta is tortuous, the overlapping aortic arch is a dense shadow, and extracorporeal objects are overlapping. Please review.", "3001": "cardiac shadow enlargement after cardiac surgery, changes after aortic stent implantation, and catheterization. There is localized emphysema and bullae in the left lung, and there may be a small amount of pleural effusion on the left side.", "3002": "the texture of both lungs increased, the lower lungs changed, bronchiectasis may be accompanied by emphysema, CT examination is recommended. Aortic tortuosity.", "3003": "the lung texture is increased and blurred, the right lower hilus is enlarged, the right lung base is patchy, and exudation is possible. The heart shadow is full and the aorta is tortuous.", "3004": "the upper pleura is slightly thickened; the texture of both lungs is increased; the aorta is tortuous and calcified. Appendix: Scoliosis, L1 vertebral compression fracture.", "3005": "a small amount of pneumothorax on the right side, slightly localized, lung tissue compression <20%; local patchy shadow in the upper field of the right lung, please combine with CT; increased texture in both lungs, fibrous lesions in the lower field of the left lung, emphysema with pleural changes at the lung base . The heart shadow increases. Aortic calcification.", "3006": "chronic bronchitis, emphysema, bullae, and multiple old lesions in both lungs. Two lower lung bronchiectasis accompanied by infection; right pleural changes. After the left hydropneumothorax was drained and the drainage tube was removed (2019-03-01), the air accumulation increased, but the remaining symptoms were roughly the same.", "3007": "slightly increased texture in both lungs, old tuberculosis in both upper lung fields? Please consider your medical history.", "3008": "1. The left hilus is slightly full, please combine it with CT. 2. The texture of both lungs increased, and the left lower lung field was mainly considered to have exudation. 3. After internal fixation of thoracolumbar spine; multiple old rib fractures on both sides.", "3009": "diffuse infiltration in both lungs, pleural effusion on both sides, and possible pulmonary edema, please consider clinical practice. Compared with the previous period (2018-12-17), the infiltration in both lungs progressed, and the pleural effusion on the left side was relieved, and the remaining symptoms were roughly the same. The heart is full in the supine position.", "3010": "left hydropneumothorax, please review. The 4th rib on the left side is fractured, please consider clinical practice.", "3011": "1. Increased texture in both lungs, emphysema, and the air accumulation in the left thoracic cavity has been basically absorbed. 2. Old lesions at the apex of both lungs; the left pleura is slightly thickened.", "3012": "the right hilar shadow is enlarged and thickened, indicating space occupation and right upper lung atelectasis, which is roughly similar to 2018-06-13; the right hilar stent shadow. The markings on both lungs increased. After catheterization.", "3013": "diffuse inflammatory lesions in both lungs, atelectasis of the right middle lung with bronchiectasis, a small amount of bilateral pleural effusion with incomplete expansion of adjacent lung tissue. Please combine it with CT. The heart shadow was full and the aorta was tortuous and calcified.", "3014": "mass shadow in the right upper lung field, considered lung cancer with obstructive atelectasis, nodules in the right lower lung field, and right pleural effusion. Please combine it with CT examination. After catheterization.", "3015": "increased texture in both lungs, fibrous focus in the left lower lung field. Postoperative changes in the chest; consider folding the fourth rib on the left side; please consider the medical history.", "3016": "old lesions in the right upper lung field, please combine the clinical history to exclude the possibility of old pulmonary tuberculosis.", "3017": "enlargement of the right hilus, a few inflammatory lesions in the right lower lung field, changes in the right pleura, limited elevation of the right diaphragm, and changes in the course of the right fifth rib, please review. Changes after coronary stent implantation.", "3018": "increased lung texture, nodular lesions in the upper field of the right lung and middle field of the left lung. Considering the old lesions, it is roughly similar to the previous one (2019-08-01). The heart shadow was full and the aorta was tortuous and calcified. The upper pleura is slightly thickened.", "3019": "patchy fuzzy focus in the right middle lung, possibly inflammatory exudation. The ribs behind the 6th and 7th ribs on the right are fractured, and the local callus on the 6th posterior rib on the right may be nodular. Please review.", "3020": "old fracture of the 6th to 9th posterior ribs on the right side with adjacent pleural thickening, and partial blurred shadows in the lungs, please combine with CT.", "3021": "increased texture in both lungs, and tortuous aorta. The right hilar shadow is full, and CT examination is required if necessary. Multiple old rib fractures on the right side, please consider the medical history.", "3022": "increased texture in both lungs, enlarged right hilus, enlarged heart shadow, and tortuous calcification of the aorta.", "3023": "pleural effusion on both sides, obvious on the left side, possible infiltration in both lung fields, please review. Old tuberculosis lesions in the middle and upper fields of the right lung. After catheterization.", "3024": "space occupying the left upper lung, further CT examination is recommended. Chronic bronchitis, emphysema. Aortic tortuosity. Scoliosis. Old rib fracture on the right side? Please consider your medical history.", "3025": "1. After esophageal surgery, there was a slight exudation change in the right lung and a small amount of pleural effusion on the right side. The pleural effusion on the left side was less than the previous 2020-1-4 film, but the rest is similar. Please review. 2. The heart shadow is enlarged and improved; after catheterization. Both upper pleura are thickened.", "3026": "increased texture in both lungs, high-density nodules in the right lower lung field, and possible calcification lesions. Aortic tortuosity. The upper pleura is slightly thickened.", "3027": "right lung surgery, hydropneumothorax on the right side, infiltration in both lower lungs, a small amount of pleural effusion on the left side, full right hilus, compared with the previous (2019-05-09) hydropneumothorax on the right side and infiltration on the right lower lung There is no progress, but the rest is similar, please check again. Aortic tortuosity.", "3028": "1. After right lung surgery, the right hilus was enlarged, the texture of both lungs increased, fibrous lesions in the right upper lung, and a small amount of pleural reaction on both sides. 2. Aortic tortuosity.", "3029": "after right lung surgery, the right hilus is enlarged, a small amount of pleural effusion on the right side, the right pleura is thickened, and the air accumulation on the right chest wall is absorbed, please review. Aortic tortuosity.", "3030": "1. Changes after heart valve replacement and pacemaker implantation. 2. Increased texture in both lungs and fibrous lesions in both lungs. There is localized thickening of the pleura on both sides. 3. The aorta is tortuous, the heart shadow is enlarged, and the left hilus is enlarged.", "3031": "after right lung surgery, there was a small amount of hydropneumothorax, right lung effusion, right hilum enlargement, and right chest wall pneumocystis, which was reduced but similar to (2018-12-15) chest wall emphysema. There is a shadow of the left lower lung mass and a small amount of pleural effusion on the left side. Please follow up. Aortic tortuosity and calcification.", "3032": "1. The right upper lung has changed after surgery; the right hilar shape is full, please combine it with CT examination. 2. There are scattered patchy inflammatory lesions in both lungs and emphysema in both lungs. Compared with the previous film (2019.09.11), the two pneumonia lesions have improved slightly. It is recommended to review. 3. Aortic tortuosity.", "3033": "old tuberculosis in the right upper lung is considered, which is roughly similar to the previous film (2018.10.27). The heart shadow increases. After pacemaker implantation.", "3034": "a few fibrous lesions in both lower lungs. Aortic tortuosity. The local cortex of ribs 5-8 on the right seems slightly rough; there is no obvious dislocation fracture of the ribs on both sides. Please review if necessary.", "3035": "the right hilus is full, and there are small fuzzy nodules in the lower field of the left lung. CT scan is recommended. The aorta is tortuous and calcified, and the heart shadow is full.", "3036": "increased texture in both lungs, spotted fibrous lesions in both upper lung fields, old lesions are considered. There were multiple old rib fractures on both sides, and the aorta was tortuous and calcified.", "3037": "postoperative changes in the right lung, a small amount of pneumothorax on the right side, partial atelectasis of the right lung is considered, improved.", "3038": "there are increased textures in both lungs, and nodule shadows in the left lower lung. Please combine relevant examinations. The right hilus is enlarged. Calcification of the aortic wall. Cannulation is as described above."}