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Genre: books
Chapter 1: "Hunting Girl"
More Disclaimer: This work is my own. The characters are my own. The setting is inspired by Jethro Tull's song, which remains the property of, probably, Ian Anderson. Do not repost this story beyond the limits of the Fair Use standards of Copyright Law (quotes, examples, ‘you gotta read this’ excerpts, the usual). The author is making no profit from this fanfic.
Howard was carefully photographing the rustic gate on the backwoods lane when the hunt came by. Something blurry ran through the forest, down the lane, and through the gate. Behind it came a pack of dogs. He moved carefully off the road as they went by, following their quarry. Howard snapped pictures of the pack in chase, regretting that he'd missed the fox. Then he turned expectantly up the road.
Just in time, he caught pictures of the hunt rounding the bend. The master lead, hunters chased, all flowing majestically past to leap the gate. Men and women in riding clothes barely glanced at him as they went by, but he caught one girl winking into the camera. Following up the rear, though, was a horse that had lost its rider. It kept up with the rest of the hunt right up to the gate, then shied away.
In moments, the rest of the hunt had disappeared. Howard rushed forward to grab the reins. "Whoa, fella, where did your rider end up?" "Back away from my horse!" a voice shouted. The hiker stepped back, finally noticing that the horse did have a rider. A Lilliputian, or rather, a Blefuscan, sat on what looked like a tiny saddle mounted on the regular saddle. She was yanking on little reins. Wires ran from the base of her mini-saddle across the greater riding accessory.
Whatever she was doing was affecting the horse, but not in any controlled manner. "Uh, lady?" Howard called, "There's some cables dangling around his legs! Is that the problem?" "What?" She sawed back on the reins. The horse settled. Howard grabbed the bridle and stroked the head. "Yeah, some of the wires running out from your, uh, saddle are hanging free." "Great. Could you help me, please?"
With the horse quieted, he worked his way slowly to the hind legs, patting the flanks as he went. As he passed the woman, he got a better look at her. She looked youngish, but he'd never been good at guessing ages of the non-human races. She looked across at him, combing a sweaty hair back from her face. "Any time now?" she said, bitingly. "Oh, sorry. I've just never seen a Lilliputian before." "Blefuscan." "What?" "Never mind," she snorted.
He gently removed the cables from the horse's hocks and fetlocks. "No wonder it wouldn't do what I told it to," she said when she saw what he held. "Do you want me to put them back?" he asked. "No, they have to be very precisely placed," she said, waving a hand in dismissal. "Just wrap them around the saddle horn." "What are they?" Howard looped the cables carefully as she directed. "Little electrical panels. I tap the saddle," she struck the mini-saddle with her crop in demonstration, then pointed towards the animal's flanks. "Then the cable zaps the horse." "You electrocute the horse?" Howard asked in horror. "Mild shocks," she said. "Certainly less painful than a human's riding crop or spurs would be. Just enough to communicate commands to the horse."
"Oh," he said. "Well, um, if you need them to control the horse, can you get back to...?" He was interrupted by a distant sound of horns. They meant nothing to him, but she seemed to relax at the sound. "Well, the hunt's over," she said. The little woman leaned over the edge of her saddle to look him over. "American, eh?" He nodded. "Well, if you'll help me get the horse back to the Lodge, I'll see to it that someone takes you to wherever it is that you're staying." "Yeah, sure," he agreed. "I was hoping to make it to a B&B in town tonight, if someone at the Lodge could give me a lift..." "Splendid!" She pointed towards a small path leading into the woods. "Lead the horse down that way, if you would, please, Mr....?"
"Howard. Howard Drake, Miss...?" "Duchess Avelittiffoda of Vester Harbor, Blefuscu." She offered her hand, palm down. He placed a finger under it and air-kissed towards it from a few inches away. "Duchess," he mused, "that's like a Baron or Knight, huh?" She snorted again. "Yes, Howard. Much the way a nuclear bomb is like a grenade." She waved towards the path. "Can we get to the stable?" He took the bridle and led her steed as directed.
They talked a little bit as they went. Howard expressed his amazement that so tiny a woman could control such a beast. "It's something of a hobby," she admitted. "I really...like to control things. The bigger the thing, the more I...like controlling it." "Heck," he said over his shoulder, "it almost sounds like a fetish." He laughed at the joke, but the utter silence from behind seemed ominous. "Oh, I guess I went too far there, sorry." Embarrassment kept him from looking back to the little passenger.
Some distance later in the woods, her voice carried up to him. "Howard, do you...like fetishes?" He stopped in surprise, slowly turned around. She stood on the saddle. Her hat was gone, long brunette hair released and flowing over her shoulders. Her coat was open, the shirt beneath it missing. Her pants were gone as well. She wore the boots and the coat, with a lacy neck piece resting between her breasts. She idly stroked the riding crop as he stared.
Howard's eyes roamed over her body. He noted her thin smile, her trim bush, and her pale nipples. Their tint was so close to her skin's color that he could barely make out the areolas. Unconsciously, he stepped forward, trying to discern the details. Her smile grew bigger. "Like what you see?" Litti asked. He reached slowly towards her. When the hand approached, she slapped at it with her riding crop. "NO TOUCHING!" she shouted. "I hate being mauled by a biggie."
Howard sucked on his fingertip for a moment. "I'm sorry," he said, "I thought we were going to..." "Yes. But only by my rules." "Oh, yeah. Duchess like control," he said with a smile. She smiled back, then pointed to the saddle. "Put your chin there." When he had, she ordered him to stick his tongue out straight. "Now, don't move it. At all." "Eth 'am," he answered. She strode forward and straddled him. Balancing herself against his nose, the Duchess lowered herself to slide her pussy along his tongue.
Slowly at first, she began to move faster, squeezing him between her thighs. But when he curled his tongue up, to stroke her ass cheeks, Litti hit him with the crop across his nose. "No MOVING!" she shouted, stamping away from him. "I'm sorry," he apologized to her stiff back. "Can I try again?" After a moment, she pointed to a saddlebag on the horse's side. "Open that," she ordered.
Inside he found an elastic headband with two strings tied to it. "What's this?" "It's...something I had made. I've never had a chance to use it." Her voice and posture were both softening as she spoke. "I...well, I imagined a man wearing it, sort of like reins?" She turned to face him. "If I'm holding the reins, and you do what I tell you to, it'll..." "It'll help you feel that you're controlling a big beast," he finished. She smiled and nodded. His heart melted at that smile, and he quickly donned the band.
When he leaned forward, the leads dangled right before her. "Let's try again," he said, sticking out his tongue. She tugged the reins, smiled, and shook her head. "Let's try something else," she replied. There was a motion she made, then the world went away. It was dark, a darkness that filled his body and ate his soul. In the distance, a voice was screaming. When he could see again, he was on his hands and knees. The Duchess swung from the leads, a few inches above the ground. The horse had stepped a few paces away and stood watching him suspiciously.
There was a sort of echo effect to his vision that he knew he could never explain. But an odd part of his mind wondered if he could replicate it in a photograph... His first clear thought was that he'd been the one screaming. His second was that he'd been electrocuted. Finally, he realized that Litti had zapped him. "This, this, this headband..." He reached up to remove it when she stopped him. "Don't. Don't make me do that again, Howard." He stared at her. "The voltage in that device is much higher than the horse feels. But the idea was that a human, even an American, should be able to understand the consequences of disobedience.
"Do you understand, young man?" "Oh, yeah..." "First-rate! Now, do everything I say, and you won't have to feel that again." "Yes, Duchess." "By the Egg, I do love a fast learner," she said. "Now, move me to your shoulder and stand up. Then disrobe." He moved her without touching her, lifting the string like she was a puppet. Then he stripped. Naked but for the pair of shoes she allowed him, he strode back and forth through the trees at her direction.
She experimented with the reins, voice, and digging spurs into his skin. He did his best to follow and even anticipate her orders, to avoid another shock. She seemed to pleasure herself at least once on his shoulder, just from the knowledge she was ordering a giant around thusly. After a long time, she directed him to a large, flat rock, where he knelt on the ground beside it. She swung over to the rock, looking down on him. "Now," she said, "don't move this time." He stuck his chin on the rock at her order, and this time did a good imitation of a marble statue.
He did stare cross-eyed at the miniature woman making love to his tongue. She gripped his nose with both hands and ground herself against him. Eyes closed and head thrown back, she screeched her pleasure to the trees. Then Litti turned around. Leaning backwards against his lips, she brought herself off once more. Then she ordered him to lie flat, placing a hand on the stone. She used his arm as a gangplank, walking down to his chest and across to his cock. Her little boots felt odd against his skin, but the closer she got to his waist, the harder his erection got.
Finally, she sat across his balls and stroked him with her well-lubricated thighs. The ejaculation was so strong he thought she'd electrocuted him again. But eventually, colors and the power of speech returned. He sat carefully up to find Duchess Avelittiffoda sitting on the rock, smiling down at his face. The horse hadn't wandered far, so Howard collected it easily enough. Lowering the leads to the noble woman, he swung her up to the saddle, then went looking for his own clothing.
The horse was walking off past him as he dressed. "Duchess!" he called. She reined the horse back and looked over at him curiously. "Uh, don't you need me to lead him back?" "Howard, the horse knows it's the end of the day, and time to be in the stable, eating oats. Believe me, it can find the way home." "Oh." He pointed to the headband on his forehead. "Do you need this back?" "Do whatever you wish with it," she said with a dismissive gesture. "It only has one charge."
"What?! You mean, you weren't really controlling me?" She leaned slightly towards him, smiling much like he imagined a wolf would. "Darling, the threat may not have been real, but I was always, always controlling you. Ta-ta," she called, slapping the reins and starting the horse off towards the Lodge. Howard stood in the path for a long time, watching where she'd disappeared behind the trees.