Add the email data.
Browse files- david/test.jsonl +34 -0
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@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
1 |
{"email": "Hi,\r\n\r\nWhich email should I use for you for the registration?\r\n\r\nBest,\r\nDavid", "subject": "Re: Are you in Paris?"}
2 |
{"email": "Hi,\r\n\r\nCould you please let me know when you're not using the servers for extended\r\nperiods of time?\r\n\r\nAlternatively, please share a key so I can give you permissions to\r\nsuspend it yourself.\r\n\r\nDavid", "subject": "Re: Collaboration"}
3 |
{"email": "Dear Xing,\r\n\r\nI need to arrange some details with my colleagues, but I plan to provide you\r\nwith the form by Monday or so.\r\n\r\nBest,\r\nDavid", "subject": "Re: Travel Information (IMPORTANT)"}
4 |
{"email": "I am really glad it worked out on our side. Now, please let me know if I\r\ncan do anything to convince you to accept the offer :-)\r\n\r\nDavid", "subject": "Re: Interview"}
5 |
{"email": "Sounds good. I should be around Palo Alto and available either on the 26th\r\nor on the 28th of June.\r\nPlease let me know what works for you.\r\n\r\nCheers,\r\nDavid", "subject": "Re: Meet in SV?"}
6 |
{"email": "Dear Jin,\r\n\r\nI am putting you in touch with two of our group\r\nmembers, who would be happy to have lunch with you tomorrow around 1pm. I\r\nguess you could meet on front of the cafeteria, but I leave it up to you to\r\ndiscuss.\r\n\r\nBest,\r\nDavid\r\n\r\n", "subject": "Meeting tomorrow for lunch"}
7 |
{"email": "Thanks so much for the invitation, we'd be delighted to come!\r\n\r\nBest,\r\nDavid", "subject": "Re: birthday BBQ "}
8 |
{"email": "Yes, 15th and 16th would be perfect, and I am happy to cover the train\r\ntickets from/to Riga.\r\n\r\nDavid", "subject": "Re: Workshop - Information about Talks & Reimbursement"}
9 |
{"email": "Hi,\r\n\r\nThanks for the heads-up. Since I'm not around, would it be OK to move my talk to January or February?\r\n\r\nDavid", "subject": "Re: Talk"}
10 |
{"email": "Sorry, for some reason all your emails landed in my spam folder.\r\n\r\nPlease find the form attached.\r\n\r\nDavid", "subject": "Re: Greetings and recommendation letter"}
11 |
{"email": "Yes, that sounds great. I've put some talk details below.\r\n\r\nCheers,\r\nDavid\r\nTitle: Accurate Deep Learning at Scale\r\nSpeaker: David Keys \r\n\r\n*Abstract: *A key barrier to the wide deployment of highly-accurate machine\r\nlearning models, whether for language or vision, is their high\r\ncomputational and memory overhead. Although we possess the mathematical\r\ntools for highly-accurate compression of such models, these\r\ntheoretically-elegant techniques require second-order information of the\r\nmodel\u2019s loss function, which is hard to even approximate efficiently at the\r\nscale of billion-parameter models.In this talk, I will describe our work on\r\nbridging this computational divide, which enables the accurate second-order\r\npruning and quantization of models at truly massive scale. Compressed using\r\nour techniques, models with billions and even trillions of parameters can\r\nbe executed efficiently on a few GPUs, with significant speedups, and\r\nnegligible accuracy loss.\r\n\r\n", "subject": "Re: Potential visit"}
12 |
{"email": "Dear Kevin,\r\n\r\nAs I said in my last communications, your application is still under\r\nconsideration; although I am trying my best, it is unfortunately extremely\r\ndifficult to schedule meetings these days, with people out of the office.\r\n\r\nBest regards,\r\nDavid", "subject": "Re: Inquiry about the status of application\r\n"}
13 |
{"email": "That's great news, thank you so much for looking into it.", "subject": "Re: ID Request"}
14 |
{"email": "That's great! I have shared a template.\r\n\r\nCould you please plug in the version of the report you would like to\r\npublish, and I will provide some feedback?\r\n\r\nThe deadline is around November 1st.\r\n\r\nBest regards,\r\nDavid", "subject": "Re: Report on carbon emissions"}
15 |
{"email": "Thank you for your email, I confirm that I received the documents.\r\n\r\nBest,\r\nDavid", "subject": "Re: docs"}
16 |
{"email": "Dear Steven,\r\n\r\nUnfortunately I am a bit delayed on this, would it be possible to have\r\nuntil early next week to complete the article?\r\n\r\nBest regards,\r\nDavid", "subject": "call for contributions"}
17 |
{"email": "Hi,\r\n\r\nAs far as I can tell, the role of the local organizer would be to\r\n\r\n - Create a guide for attendees in terms of getting around, things to do\r\n etc\r\n - Help a in some cases with the visa requirements for different countries\r\n - Potentially act as a liaison with local authorities\r\n\r\nI'm not sure how this splits across assistants, but this is what I know\r\nso far.\r\nIndeed, the hot period would be something like April to end of July.\r\n\r\nBest,\r\nDavid", "subject": "Re: support"}
18 |
{"email": "Thanks for your email, I encourage you to apply and mention me as a\r\npotential supervisor.\r\n\r\nCheers,\r\nDavid", "subject": "Re: Application for Internship Position Fall 2024"}
19 |
{"email": "OK, let me know what times would work for you in the afternoon.\r\n\r\nDavid", "subject": "Re: chat"}
20 |
{"email": "Yes, that's right. Let's pencil in the third trimester then.\r\n\r\nDavid", "subject": "Re: Being a visitor"}
21 |
{"email": "Dear James,\r\n\r\nI hope you don't mind me contacting you out of the blue--we've exchanged\r\nsome emails a few years ago regarding efficient cloud algorithms.\r\n\r\nI am getting in touch since I wanted to mention an emerging research\r\ndirection which you may find interesting. Specifically, there are a few interesting recent results on sparse .\r\nFor example, please see these two recent papers:\r\n\r\n1. \r\n\r\n2.\r\n\r\nI wanted to ask if you'd be interested in having a closer look at this, and\r\nin particular if any of your methods would port to this setting.\r\n\r\nBest regards,\r\nDavid", "subject": "sparse regression"}
22 |
{"email": "Hi,\r\n\r\nThis week is a little busy since I'm moving; would it be OK if we\r\npostpone the meeting to next week?\r\n\r\nBest,\r\nDavid", "subject": "Re: Meeting?"}
23 |
{"email": "Thanks Archie! With some delay, I have submitted a proposal.", "subject": "Re: Internships opportunities for students"}
24 |
{"email": "Hi Adam,\r\n\r\nThanks, I have finally managed to do this myself.\r\n\r\nCheers,\r\nDavid", "subject": "Re: Evaluation Protocol"}
25 |
{"email": "Hi all,\r\n\r\nI was wondering if it would be possible to move the meeting to some point\r\nin the afternoon, due to a scheduling conflict. If it's not possible, then\r\nlet's have it at the agreed time (10am).\r\n\r\nBest,\r\nDavid", "subject": "moving this morning's meeting to the afternoon?"}
26 |
{"email": "Hi,\r\n\r\nJust a reminder about this, since we are scheduled for suspension in about\r\n2 weeks.\r\n\r\nDavid", "subject": "Re: Data for report"}
27 |
{"email": "I would vote for a tie, in case that's an option.", "subject": "Re: Award"}
28 |
{"email": "Dear Ezra,\r\n\r\nThank you for your message. Unfortunately I am on annual leave, and therefore I cannot participate in this program.\r\n\r\nBest regards,\r\nDavid", "subject": "Re: Collaboration Inquiry"}
29 |
{"email": "Hi Mark,\r\n\r\nMy apologies, I just found your email in my spam folder. I honestly don't\r\nknow what happened. Would you be able to have a look at the revision in the near future, and send me your notes\r\ndirectly?\r\n\r\nBest regards,\r\nDavid", "subject": "Re: Code Review Request"}
30 |
{"email": "Hi,\r\n\r\nUnfortunately no-one from my group seems to be able to log in with the\r\nprevious reservation code. Is there something we are doing wrong?\r\n\r\nBest,\r\nDavid", "subject": "Re: Reserving Server (Urgent)"}
31 |
{"email": "Thank you, great to have you on board! I will handle the sponsorship\r\nrequest from my side.\r\n\r\nDavid", "subject": "Re: Short overview "}
32 |
{"email": "Hi Valentina,\r\n\r\nYes, this is approved. Please go ahead with the purchase and we will\r\nreimburse you by the end of the month. (Keep the receipt.)\r\n\r\nBest regards,\r\nDavid", "subject": "Re: Work computer"}
33 |
{"email": "Hi,\r\n\r\nTurns out my login doesn't work anymore, any suggestions on whom to\r\ncontact?\r\n\r\nDavid", "subject": "Re: two quick questions"}
34 |
{"email": "By the way, do you know around what time you would be coming by today?\r\n(Depending on the time, we may need to move our rental car.)\r\n\r\nBest regards,\r\nDavid", "subject": "Re: Car"}
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
1 |
{"email": "Hi Kevin,\r\n\r\nI hope all is well. I wanted to ask: could you please push your\r\n code somewhere? Sam would need it for his\r\ncurrent project.\r\n\r\nBest,\r\nDavid", "subject": "Your code"}
2 |
{"email": "Dear Padel,\r\n\r\nYes, we will most likely have openings next year. Since we do not take\r\ndirect applications, I would invite you to apply to the Internship program\r\nand mention me as a potential advisor.\r\n\r\n\r\nBest regards,\r\nDavid", "subject": "Internship student fall 2024"}
3 |
{"email": "Hi Valentina,\r\n\r\n\r\nNo, I am just waiting on the organizers to close the payments.\r\n\r\n Best regards,\r\nDavid", "subject": "Re: Updates"}
4 |
{"email": "Hi,\r\n\r\nSorry, I've been traveling in the past week (in BOS now). I should be\r\navailable for the next 30 minutes or so.\r\n\r\nBest,\r\nDavid", "subject": "Re: chat"}
5 |
{"email": "Dear Silvio,\r\n\r\nThanks for agreeing to give us a hand. Please let me know if any of the above doesn't make sense.\r\n\r\nMany thanks,\r\nDavid", "subject": "Re: Hi & Question"}
6 |
{"email": "Hi,\r\n\r\nYes, I confirm that she should receive the position.\r\n\r\nDavid", "subject": "Re: Internship "}
7 |
{"email": "Hi all,\r\n\r\nDue to administrative meetings earlier in the day, our weekly group meeting\r\nis Monday at *14:30*:\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nSee you,\r\nDavid", "subject": "Group meeting Monday at 14:30"}
8 |
{"email": "Dear all,\r\n\r\nThe group meeting is happening on Monday at 11:00 this week.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nRegarding the group dinner, I wanted to suggest Thursday around 7pm at TIKA\r\n.\r\n\r\nBest regards,\r\nDavid", "subject": "Group meeting and Restaurant"}
9 |
{"email": "Thanks, this sounds interesting. I will try to have a look.", "subject": "Re: Help"}
10 |
{"email": "Thanks!\r\n\r\nWould it be OK if Bernie sends us an email once he's kind of done? We can\r\nthen set up a sharing scheme once you are ready start your runs.\r\n\r\nBest,\r\nDavid", "subject": "Re: reservation"}
11 |
{"email": "Hi,\r\n\r\nDo you mean initializing the mode before training? Or do you\r\n\r\nI thought about trying this on some simple runs (just change the\r\ninit to sampling from three Gaussians and re-run), but one could do it for\r\nDST as well.\r\n\r\nBest,\r\nDavid", "subject": "Re: Initialization"}
12 |
{"email": "Hi,\r\n\r\nOK, so let's do this:\r\n\r\n - We can keep the appointment for tomorrow morning and go over the list\r\n and match the items.\r\n - I suspect there will be some \"missing\" items people will need to bring\r\n from home, so maybe let's keep a slot on the 25th as well.\r\n\r\nBest,\r\nDavid", "subject": "Re: Asset inventory in your department"}
13 |
{"email": "Hi Ronny,\r\n\r\nThanks for getting in touch!\r\nI think most of the support I would need is of the clerical kind (like answering\r\nemails and directing people to the right resources). The \r\norganization per se is taken care of by a professional firm who does this\r\nas a non-profit.\r\n\r\nBest,\r\nDavid", "subject": "Re: conference support"}
14 |
{"email": "Hey, I just messaged you on WhatsApp. I am around for most of the day\r\ntoday. I have a bunch of meetings but would love to chat.", "subject": "Re: Are you in Paris?"}
15 |
{"email": "Hi,\r\n\r\nSorry for the delay (due to traveling back to the EU).\r\nI can meet tomorrow at 3pm CET if that works for you.\r\n\r\nBest,\r\nDavid", "subject": "Re: Possible delay"}
16 |
{"email": "Dear Prof. Aman,\r\n\r\nIt was great talking to you at the event last week!\r\n\r\nI wanted to ask if you could please share the contact of the person who\r\ndealt with the technical details of your cluster. As I mentioned, we\r\nare looking to make a similar investment, and it would be really great to\r\nbe able to talk to someone who has already dealt with some of the technical\r\npitfalls.\r\n\r\nSecondly, I would be very happy to host you at our company in the future. Please let\r\nme know if that's the case.\r\n\r\nBest regards,\r\nDavid", "subject": "Follow-up from Last Week's event Event"}
17 |
{"email": "Hi Andy,\r\n\r\nGreat to hear that you decided to join us!\r\nI am on campus tomorrow (6th floor) in case you'd like to meet.\r\n\r\nBest,\r\nDavid", "subject": "Re: Happy new year"}
18 |
{"email": "Hey,\r\n\r\nI'm really glad to hear that, looking forward to having you on board!\r\n\r\nCheers,\r\nDavid", "subject": "Re: Interview"}
19 |
{"email": "Hi Dragan,\r\n\r\nHere's the paper I mentioned today:\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nTLDR: we compress to ~70% and quantize during finetuning, and get\r\nabout 7x speedup.\r\n\r\nCheers,\r\nDavid", "subject": "preprint"}
20 |
{"email": "Dear IT,\r\n\r\nWe are currently unable to run anything because of apparent disk quota\r\nissues. However, our quota should be at 50TB at least, and we are\r\ncurrently using 30TB of space.\r\n\r\nTherefore, there seems to be a configuration issue. Could you please\r\ninvestigate this issue urgently?\r\n\r\nBest,\r\nDavid", "subject": "[urgent] disk quota"}
21 |
{"email": "Hi both,\r\n\r\nWould 2:30pm on Wednesdays (London time) work for you?\r\n\r\nBest regards,\r\nDavid", "subject": "Re: Meeting?"}
22 |
{"email": "Hi everyone,\r\n\r\nMany thanks a lot for your very interesting article. I have read it carefully, and would\r\nhave a few notes:\r\n\r\n- First, the main findings seem generally valid in my experience, so it's nice to have them distilled in very clear form.\r\n- However, for the comparison, specifically generation, I\r\nthink that it would be have been nice to compare with \"state-of-the-art\"\r\n techniques.\r\n- One other variable that could be accounted for in more detail is how much\r\ncomputation the user is willing to invest into the process. In\r\nCAP (above) you can see that with 50% of the budget used for\r\nfinetuning one can reach 80-90% savings almost losslessly. Taking\r\nthis to the extreme, our work shows that one can reach highly-accurate networks with low accuracy drops (1-2%) provided enough compute is spent.\r\n\r\nAnyway, I am aware that this short \"critique\" is biased towards my area\r\n(and towards our own work), but I thought it might be useful to have this\r\nperspective as well.\r\n\r\nIn any case, very nice work, and hopefully see you at the conference!\r\n\r\nCheers,\r\nDavid", "subject": "Your recent work"}
23 |
{"email": "Dear David,\r\n\r\nI was wondering if I could ask you for an \"emergency-mode\" code review (see attached). Specifically, it would be\r\ngreat if you could have a look at it in the next couple of weeks.\r\n\r\nI'd really appreciate it if you can make it; please let me know.\r\n\r\nCheers,\r\nDavid", "subject": "emergency code review"}
24 |
{"email": "Thanks, I actually read this paper a long time ago,\r\nbut totally missed the connection.\r\nDid you ever publish your work on implementing this?\r\n\r\nBest,\r\nDavid", "subject": "Re: Chat today?"}
25 |
{"email": "Hi,\r\n\r\nAlright, I will be back in the week of August 21st and we could zoom if you\r\nlike. Meanwhile, you could have a look at this paper\r\n\r\n\r\nCheers,\r\nDavid", "subject": "Re: Possible delay"}
26 |
{"email": "Hi Tom,\r\n\r\nJust wanted to mention that we released an early version of our work here:\r\n\r\n(Code is coming later this week.)\r\n\r\nAny comments are more than welcome.\r\n\r\nBest,\r\nDavid", "subject": "upcoming work"}
27 |
{"email": "Hi all,\r\n\r\nWe are going back to regular programming, that is,\r\nour group meeting on Monday on Zoom, at 13:15.\r\n\r\n\u2014 Where:\r\n\u2014 Spreadsheet:\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n:-)\r\n\r\nBest,\r\nDavid", "subject": "Group meeting today at 13:15"}
28 |
{"email": "OK, I think that's reasonable. How about we try to keep everything more efficient and see if that recovers better for now?\r\n\r\nBy the way, it would be better to put all results in a shared Google Doc,\r\nrather than sending them around.\r\n\r\nBest regards,\r\nDavid", "subject": "Re: Expression of Interest in collaborating"}
29 |
{"email": "Hey,\r\n\r\nGreat to hear from you, and sorry for the late reply. Please don't worry about these things if this becomes a hassle.\r\n\r\nBtw I read your proposal and it is very nicely motivated and written.\r\n\r\nThanks, I'm glad you liked it, fingers crossed!\r\n\r\n Cheers,\r\nDavid", "subject": "Re: Invitation to Speak"}
30 |
{"email": "Thank you for acting so quickly on this matter!\r\n\r\nDavid", "subject": "Re: Request for extension of contract"}
31 |
{"email": "I was actually about to write the same thing, so I completely agree with\r\nPavel's observation.\r\nHappy to review once a first pass is done.\r\n\r\nBest regards,\r\nDavid", "subject": "Re: joint initiative"}
32 |
{"email": "Dear Harry,\r\n\r\nYour profile obviously seems very strong, so I encourage you to apply and mention me as a potential internship supervisor.\r\n\r\nBest,\r\nDavid", "subject": "Re: Prospective Intern"}
33 |
{"email": "Dear Davidny,\r\n\r\nThank you for your email, but unfortunately we do not have any internship\r\nslots for the next year, since I will be on leave.\r\n\r\nBest regards,\r\nDavid", "subject": "Re: Internship"}
34 |
{"email": "Hi Alex,\r\n\r\nWould you be interested in covering some of the conference sessions for our magazine? This would imply summarizing the talks briefly for the\r\nreaders.\r\n\r\nBest,\r\nDavid", "subject": "Covering Conference for Magazine?"}
35 |
{"email": "Hi Jin,\r\n\r\nI'm really sorry, but I won't be able to make it to the office tomorrow. Since\r\nI'm traveling this weekend, I'm afraid we'll have to meet in\r\nperson when I'm back in mid-June. Please let me know if you'd like to\r\nhave a zoom call in the meanwhile, I'd be happy to do that.\r\n\r\nBest,\r\nDavid", "subject": "Re: meet next week?"}
36 |
{"email": "Hi,\r\n\r\nI somehow thought we were skipping today, and\r\nwe are resuming next week?\r\n\r\nBest,\r\nDavid", "subject": "Re: Meeting?"}
37 |
{"email": "Hi,\r\n\r\nUnfortunately we get an error when trying to use the machine. Are there\r\nstill live jobs on it?\r\n\r\nBest,\r\nDavid", "subject": "Re: Reserving Server (Urgent)"}
38 |
{"email": "Dear Peter,\r\n\r\nI am getting in touch regarding your application. Would you have\r\nsome time for a call, let's say this Friday at 11:30 London time?\r\n\r\nBest regards,\r\nDavid", "subject": "Re: application"}
39 |
{"email": "Hi,\r\n\r\nWould you like to meet tomorrow near the conference center, preferably in\r\nthe morning?\r\n\r\nBest,\r\nDavid", "subject": "Meet tomorrow (Monday)?"}
40 |
{"email": "Hi Leo,\r\n\r\nIn case you're still in SV, just wanted to mention I'll be at the main\r\ncampus next Tuesday, in case you have some time to get a coffee.\r\n\r\nCheers,\r\nDavid", "subject": "Re: Hi & Question"}
41 |
{"email": "Dear John,\r\n\r\nUnfortunately, we do not have open positions at this time.\r\n\r\nBest regards,\r\nDavid", "subject": "Re: Reg Post doc"}
42 |
{"email": "Hi,\r\n\r\nI am on my way to the office, will be there around 10:10.\r\n\r\nPlease call again if you have any questions.\r\n\r\nDavid", "subject": "Re: Asset inventory in your department"}
43 |
{"email": "Dear Tim,\r\n\r\nI hope all is well with you--long time no see!\r\n\r\nDo you still happen to have the Google form for the poll somewhere? If so, would you mind sharing the template with me? We\r\nare trying to organize one now, and I would rather avoid having to validate the questionnaire.\r\n\r\nBest regards,\r\nDavid", "subject": "One question"}
44 |
{"email": "Dear Philippa,\r\n\r\nI hope all is well.\r\nI wanted to ask if your student might be a good fit to cover a few of\r\nthe conference sessions this year?\r\n\r\nBest regards,\r\nDavid", "subject": "Covering Conference Sessions?"}
45 |
{"email": "Hi,\r\n\r\nSorry for the delay (due to travel).\r\n\r\nI would say that two things would be great to add:\r\n\r\n 1. A general pass to slightly compress the document and make it more\r\n readable, perhaps generating a few graphs instead of tables? (ChatGPT could\r\n help with the graph generation for instance.)\r\n 2. The executive summary could be expanded a bit, as an introduction,\r\n and be a bit more opinionated: specifically, you could try to give a\r\n synopsis of the document (here, graphs might help instead of tables, which\r\n can be provided later) and give _your_ opinion about what should be done?\r\n\r\nBest regards,\r\nDavid", "subject": "Re: Report on carbon emissions"}
46 |
{"email": "Hey,\r\n\r\nWe forgot a dark blue bag, would you mind\r\nbringing it to work next week?\r\n\r\nCheers,\r\nDavid", "subject": "Re: birthday BBQ "}
47 |
{"email": "Hi both,\r\n\r\nIt was nice talking to you the other day. There was one thing I wanted to\r\nupdate you on, since I gave some very approximate numbers during the\r\nmeeting:\r\nThe cost of a single server is around 20K euros. So for instance 100K would buy around\r\n5 servers.\r\n\r\nCheers,\r\nDavid", "subject": "Re: IT"}
48 |
{"email": "Hi Justin,\r\n\r\nWhat would you need from me for the meeting?\r\n\r\nCheers,\r\nDavid", "subject": "Re: meeting agenda"}
49 |
{"email": "Dear Nick,\r\n\r\nStarting a new thread here, since Mark (CCd) has some questions about capacity in your cloud.\r\n\r\nMark will follow-up.\r\n\r\nCheers,\r\nDavid", "subject": "Contact"}
50 |
{"email": "Dear Tom,\r\n\r\nJust wanted to say thank you for the contacts, I got in touch with both of\r\nthem directly.\r\n\r\nWith best regards,\r\nDavid", "subject": "Re: Hi & Question"}
51 |
{"email": "Hi all,\r\n\r\nI am back, so I would like to propose resuming our group meetings tomorrow\r\nat 11:30.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nI plan to be in the office on Thursday afternoon and on Friday (full day).\r\n\r\nBest regards,\r\nDavid", "subject": "Group meeting on Wednesday at 11:30"}
52 |
{"email": "Dear Leo and Grisha,\r\n\r\nAnother gentle reminder about this.\r\n\r\nBest regards,\r\nDavid", "subject": "Re: Data for report"}
53 |
{"email": "Dear Steven,\r\n\r\nThank you for your email, the topics you suggested sound interesting and\r\nrelevant.\r\n\r\nFor me, 10am would be great. Best regards,\r\nDavid", "subject": "Re: Your work"}
54 |
{"email": "OK, I see. After a few more emails, I have managed to get in touch with the\r\nmain infrastructure person.\r\nWould Steven mind sending me a few specific questions, or does he want me\r\nto set up a call? \r\n\r\nBest regards,\r\nDavid", "subject": "Re: Cluster"}
55 |
{"email": "My apologies for this, I woke up with a fever today so I wasn't planning on\r\ntaking any meetings.\r\n\r\nBest,\r\nDavid", "subject": "Re: we are waiting for you"}
56 |
{"email": "Same here in fact. We could sync via Zoom in the next weeks to agree on\r\nsome topics to warm up on perhaps?\r\n\r\nDavid", "subject": "Re: Possible delay"}
57 |
{"email": "Hey Johnny,\r\n\r\nLet me know if you'd like to meet at some point this week or next, I am\r\naround.\r\n\r\nBest,\r\nDavid", "subject": "Re: Meeting?"}
58 |
{"email": "Yes, unfortunately something came up and I can't make Tuesday. Would Monday\r\nwork for you at all? We could go to a place that's close to your apartment.", "subject": "Re: Dinner on Monday?"}
59 |
{"email": "Yes. I don't have an exact answer, my guess is in 3-4 weeks.", "subject": "Re: Request for Code"}
60 |
{"email": "Hi Jin,\r\n\r\nAre you in the office this Wednesday or Thursday? Would be great to finally\r\nmeet.\r\n\r\nBest,\r\nDavid", "subject": "Re: meet next week?"}
61 |
{"email": "Hi Vabya,\r\n\r\nI mentioned a couple of articles, please find them attached.\r\nAdmin should get in touch next week about the internship setup--could you\r\nplease confirm the dates that would work for you again? (I remember June\r\n1st as the starting date, but not sure about the end date.)\r\n\r\nBest regards,\r\nDavid", "subject": "Re: Internship application"}
62 |
{"email": "Dear Aryan,\r\n\r\nCould you please extend Mehdi's account viability by 1 month? He did ask\r\nfor an extension already, but it was overlooked.\r\n\r\nBest,\r\nDavid", "subject": "Re: Cluster Access"}
63 |
{"email": "Sure, will do. We are extremely busy for the next 10 days or\r\nso, but I'll set a reminder. Is that OK?\r\n\r\nBest,\r\nDavid", "subject": "Re: Reference Letter"}
64 |
{"email": "Sounds great, please let me know when the copy is done and we can perform\r\nthe transition.\r\n\r\nBest,\r\nDavid", "subject": "Re: Request received"}
65 |
{"email": "Dear both,\r\n\r\nWe wanted to share a draft with you (attached as a PDF) of our recent work\r\nSincerely,\r\nDavid", "subject": "Recent work"}
66 |
{"email": "Hi,\r\n\r\nI've talked to him, and it looks like he would really prefer to take the course \r\nnext year, since he's already covered a lot of the material.\r\n\r\nBest,\r\nDavid", "subject": "Re: course"}
67 |
{"email": "Hi,\r\n\r\nThe current version is fine with me.\r\nBy the way, there is an initiative to change the name\r\nof the current \"cluster\" from\r\n Computer Vision into either\r\n\r\n 1. Machine Learning or\r\n 2. AI\r\n\r\nPlease let me know your preference.\r\n\r\nBest,\r\nDavid", "subject": "Re: Planning"}
68 |
{"email": "Hi,\r\n\r\nThanks for the invitation, I am planning to submit both to the fast-track\r\nreview and to the recent article tracks.\r\n\r\nBest,\r\nDavid", "subject": "Re: Invitation for Submission"}
69 |
{"email": "Hi,\r\n\r\nShould be back in the week of December 31st.\r\n\r\nDavid", "subject": "Re: Fw: Hotel Confirmation"}
70 |
{"email": "Still in NY, going back this afternoon.\r\nLet me know if you need anything :-)\r\n\r\nDavid", "subject": "Re: Reservation Confirmation"}
71 |
{"email": "Dear IT,\r\n\r\nI was wondering if it would be possible to extend the server reservation\r\nuntil the end of the month?\r\n\r\nBest regards,\r\nDavid", "subject": "Re: Reserving Server (Urgent)"}
72 |
{"email": "Hi,\r\n\r\nUnfortunately I cannot make it, I am already out of the country. This is my first\r\nweek, so it's going to be a bit hard to find time.\r\n\r\nBest,\r\nDavid", "subject": "Re: Telco this week?"}
73 |
{"email": "Hi,\r\n\r\nComing back to this, I just wanted to cancel the booking--we will meet our\r\nfriends directly there tomorrow afternoon.\r\n\r\nMany thanks!\r\nDavid", "subject": "Re: Order Form"}
74 |
{"email": "Dear Jeannie,\r\n\r\nThanks again for the monitor!\r\nI noticed that unfortunately my ID doesn't give me access to the conference room after hours. Any chance I can get this fixed?\r\n\r\nBest,\r\nDavid", "subject": "Keycard access"}
75 |
{"email": "Hi,\r\n\r\nNo worries from my side at all. I'm sorry I didn't communicate it better,\r\nbut I wanted to send you a message when things were clearer on our end. In\r\nany case, I'd be very happy if you could come visit at some point this year\r\nor the next.\r\n\r\nBest,\r\nDavid", "subject": "Re: Application for position"}
76 |
{"email": "Hi,\r\n\r\nI am traveling tomorrow, but we could meet on Wednesday or Thursday in the\r\nearly afternoon your time.\r\n\r\nBest,\r\nDavid", "subject": "Re: Meeting this week"}
77 |
{"email": "Hi Valery,\r\n\r\nIt was really great talking to you yesterday. I decided to shoot you a\r\nquick email since I noticed this article today, which does an\r\nempirical study of accuracy variance vs. random calibration set selection,\r\nacross a bunch of calibration methods:\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nTLDR, they show that you can do significantly better (at least in some\r\ncases) given the choice of data, but they don't look for any\r\nalgorithms for doing so (e.g. by examining margins).\r\n\r\nCheers,\r\nDavid", "subject": "Fwd: Choosing data"}
78 |
{"email": "Dear Wally,\r\n\r\nCould you please send me the email of the networking researcher I met over\r\nlunch?\r\nI wanted to send him a quick follow-up regarding a couple of questions he\r\nasked.\r\n\r\nBest regards,\r\nDavid", "subject": "Contact request"}
79 |
{"email": "Hi Larry,\r\n\r\nWe have also managed to empty up a couple of TB on our side, so let's see\r\nif the extension is sufficient for now.\r\n\r\nMany thanks!\r\nDavid", "subject": "Re: Request received"}
80 |
{"email": "Dear Mark,\r\n\r\nThanks for the email, and sorry for the late reply: our main deadline of\r\nthe year was yesterday.\r\nI'd be happy to get in touch, could you please send me 2-3 times next week\r\nor the following one which would be convenient for you?\r\n\r\nBest regards,\r\nDavid", "subject": "Re: Your work"}
81 |
{"email": "Apparently I am not authorized to join the meeting. Could you please\r\nauthorize me under my regular email?\r\n\r\nDavid", "subject": "Re: Possible delay"}
82 |
{"email": "Hi,\r\n\r\nI made some very minor changes and comments over the text. Looks good to me!\r\n\r\nDavid", "subject": "Re: press release text"}
83 |
{"email": "Hi Larry,\r\n\r\nI had a look at your report, and have found it very interesting. Would you\r\nand Taylor be willing to contribute a version of it to the our monthly newsletter?\r\nThis would require a bit of editing/reformatting, and maybe focusing on a\r\nfew specific questions.\r\n\r\nBest regards,\r\nDavid", "subject": "Re: Report on carbon emissions"}
84 |
{"email": "Hi Deborah,\r\n\r\nMany thanks for your email, this was quite useful.\r\n\r\nI have a quick unrelated question: I have been looking for a monitor for my\r\noffice, and noticed that there is an unused Apple one on your desk (see\r\npicture). Would it be OK if I used it and, if so, what is the code for the\r\nlock protecting it?\r\n\r\nThanks,\r\nDavid", "subject": "Re: short term stay"}
85 |
{"email": "Hello,\r\n\r\nI have a question regarding the contract attached. Unfortunately, the email\r\naddress in the contract is incorrect. Could you\r\nplease send me the confirmation of the car check-out, and let me know when\r\nthe deposit would be returned to me?\r\n\r\nBest regards,\r\nDavid", "subject": "Question regarding contract A62-12334245"}
86 |
{"email": "Sounds great, let me know if you need me to get involved in any way.\r\n\r\nBest,\r\nDavid", "subject": "Re: Internships"}
87 |
{"email": "OK, looking forward to hearing from you :-)\r\n\r\nCheers,\r\nDavid", "subject": "Re: Possible Collaboration"}
88 |
{"email": "Hi both,\r\n\r\nI'm fairly available in the afternoons next week, except for Monday and\r\nFriday, so please feel free to suggest a slot.\r\n\r\nBest,\r\nDavid", "subject": "Re: Syncing up on project"}
89 |
{"email": "Yes, this is correct. I would need 1 checked bag for each flight please.\r\n\r\nBest regards,\r\nDavid", "subject": "Re: NY 23OCT - 31OCT"}
90 |
{"email": "Hey,\r\n\r\nNo, I'm fine, I just spent a bit more time talking to a collaborator so I'm late. In\r\nthe waiting room now.\r\n\r\nBest,\r\nDavid", "subject": "Re: Did you want to skip today?"}
91 |
{"email": "Hi everyone,\r\n\r\nI wanted to propose having the group meeting on Zoom this week, on Monday\r\nat 13:15:\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nI will be traveling from Tuesday for a week.\r\n\r\nBest regards,\r\nDavid", "subject": "Group meeting Monday at 16:15"}
92 |
{"email": "Dear Tom,\r\n\r\nWould it be possible to \"resurrect\" Peter's IT account? He would need to run\r\nsome additional experiments.\r\n\r\nBest regards,\r\nDavid", "subject": "Re: Check-out notification for Peter Kaczynski"}
93 |
{"email": "Hi Ilia,\r\n\r\nUnfortunately I have to miss today, since I'm here with my family. Would be\r\nvery happy to meet tomorrow or on Wednesday though.\r\n\r\nCheers,\r\nDavid\r\n\r", "subject": "Re: Meet tomorrow (Monday)?"}
94 |
{"email": "Dear Michel,\r\n\r\nJust wanted to say that, after many travel-related adventures, I will be in NY until mid-February, and would be\r\nhappy to meet.\r\n\r\nCheers,\r\nDavid", "subject": "Re: slides"}
95 |
{"email": "Nice! I don't have any big plans for next week, so any day that works for\r\nyou is fine for me as well. Maybe Wednesday?\r\n\r\nDavid", "subject": "Re: Are you in Paris?"}
96 |
{"email": "Dear Prof. Talwar,\r\n\r\nMy apologies for the late reply. The weeks of June 26th or July 3rd would\r\nwork for me; I do not have any strong time limitations during that period\r\nyet, although during morning time would be best.\r\nPlease feel free to propose times that work for you.\r\n(I am planning to attend online, I believe that is OK as per the rules I\r\nreceived.)\r\n\r\nBest regards,\r\nDavid", "subject": "Re: PhD Examination"}
97 |
{"email": "Hi Vishy,\r\n\r\nI'm sorry, but we do not take MSc.s as interns.\r\n\r\nBest regards,\r\nDavid", "subject": "Re: Requesting Supervision"}
98 |
{"email": "Hi Pavel,\r\n\r\nUnfortunately I am traveling starting next week, until August 20th.\r\n\r\nBest regards,\r\nDavid", "subject": "Re: visit to Campus,, August 4th, 11am"}
99 |
{"email": "Hi,\r\n\r\nHere's the paper we talked about:\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nSee you tomorrow,\r\nDavid", "subject": "Paper"}
100 |
{"email": "Alright, sounds good. Do you have a preference in terms of when to meet?\r\nI'll be traveling starting next week for a couple of weeks, so it's either\r\nsomething a bit later this week, or when I come back in early November.\r\n\r\nBest regards,\r\nDavid", "subject": "Interest in Internship"}
101 |
{"email": "Dear Frank,\r\n\r\nI am really sorry about this, this is really not what we want to happen,\r\nand as you can imagine I was not aware of this. I will withdraw the request\r\ntoday, and hopefully this will get resolved soon.\r\n\r\nBest regards,\r\nDavid", "subject": "Re: Reference Request"}
102 |
{"email": "Dear Patent Office,\r\n\r\nA gentle reminder regarding this question.\r\n\r\nBest,\r\nDavid", "subject": "Re: question about co-payments for patent applications"}
103 |
{"email": "Yes, this seems to have been connected with the storage migration. I can\r\nconfirm that everyone's applications have crashed, across all services, which is not\r\ngreat.\r\n\r\nBest,\r\nDavid", "subject": "Re: restart of server nodes"}
104 |
{"email": "Dear Claire,\r\n\r\nReally nice to hear from you! Nick was the one planning to attend, so he\r\nwill get in touch with you to set up a meeting.\r\n\r\nCheers,\r\nDavid", "subject": "Re: Chat"}
105 |
{"email": "Dear Ernie,\r\n\r\nThank you for the invitation. I would have loved to join, but I'm trying to save some time\r\nand energy for my other admin tasks this semester :-)\r\n\r\nBest regards,\r\nDavid", "subject": "Re: An Invitation to Committee"}
106 |
{"email": "Actually, sorry...I realized I have an exam at 10am that day,\r\nwhich will probably take until 11:30 or so. Is there anything available\r\nafter lunch?\r\n\r\nDavid", "subject": "Re: IT"}
107 |
{"email": "Alright, thanks for being so thoughtful on this.\r\n\r\nBest,\r\nDavid", "subject": "Re: Question about flight booking"}
108 |
{"email": "Thank you, made some minor changes and submitted.\r\n\r\nThis is very nice!\r\n\r\nDavid", "subject": "Re: Invitation to Contribute"}
109 |
{"email": "Hi all,\r\n\r\nI wanted to suggest resuming our regular group meetings, specifically\r\nhaving one on Tuesday at 14:00 next week.\r\n\r\n\u2014 Where: Zoom:\r\n\u2014 Spreadsheet:\r\n\r\n\u2014 Agenda: No agenda.\r\n\r\nBest regards,\r\nDavid", "subject": "Group meeting Tuesday 2pm"}
110 |
{"email": "Hi,\r\n\r\nCan you please let me know what timeline you have in mind? Also, I imagine\r\nthe talk would be virtual?\r\n\r\nBest,\r\nDavid", "subject": "Re: Talk Invitation"}
111 |
{"email": "Hi,\r\n\r\nI am around this week, please let me know when you are available. (I will\r\nbe WFH on certain days.)\r\n\r\nBest,\r\nDavid", "subject": "Re: IT"}
112 |
{"email": "Dear IT,\r\n\r\nLooks like our servers were restarted, and everyone's applications are restarted. Could\r\nyou please let us know what is going on?\r\n\r\nBest regards,\r\nDavid", "subject": "server restart"}
113 |
{"email": "Hi Markus,\r\n\r\nUnfortunately I will be late to campus today. I hope to be there around 11.\r\n\r\nBest,\r\nDavid", "subject": "Late today "}
114 |
{"email": "Hi,\r\n\r\nI think we'll put the start date on June 1st due to internal requirements,\r\nand it's fine if you arrive on the 3rd.\r\nHow probable is it that you'd like to be here in September as well? Either\r\nway is fine with me, but I would need some fixed dates to get the process\r\nstarted.\r\n\r\nBest,\r\nDavid", "subject": "Re: Internship application"}
115 |
{"email": "Thank you for the reminder, this is being processed now.\r\n\r\nBest,\r\nDavid", "subject": "Re: travel expenses"}
116 |
{"email": "Hi,\r\n\r\nNext week should work as well. I should be fine Tuesday or Thursday next week.\r\n\r\nBest,\r\nDavid", "subject": "Re: IT"}
117 |
{"email": "Hi,\r\n\r\nI booked the restaurant at 18:30, and Alex will join as well.\r\n\r\nDavid", "subject": "Re: Dinner on Monday?"}
118 |
{"email": "Thank you, in that case, I will attend the November 15th orientation.\r\n\r\nBest,\r\nDavid", "subject": "Re: Follow-up - Missed Orientation"}
119 |
{"email": "Thanks, got it!\r\nI'll monitor the on-demand options.\r\n\r\nCheers,\r\nDavid", "subject": "Re: Inquiry"}
120 |
{"email": "I had the same issue, been trying to log in with my email account but that\r\ndoesn't work either.\r\n\r\nLet's use this please:\r\n\r\n", "subject": "Re: Possible delay"}
121 |
{"email": "Dear Martin,\r\n\r\nIn case you have a couple of minutes today, I would love to talk to you for\r\na few minutes (or more).\r\n\r\nBest regards,\r\nDavid", "subject": "Meet today?"}
122 |
{"email": "Many thanks for your help with this, please find the form attached.\r\n(Obviously, the lower stipend is fine.)\r\n\r\nBest regards,\r\nDavid", "subject": "Re: Expense form"}
123 |
{"email": "Thank you for the invitation, I would be happy to give a talk at the\r\nworkshop.\r\n\r\nBest regards,\r\nDavid", "subject": "Re: Invitation for a talk"}
124 |
{"email": "Hi,\r\n\r\nI met with Vanya in NY, and he mentioned you are moving on to a position\r\nin Lille. Congratulations!\r\nWhen will that be? \r\n\r\nBest,\r\nDavid", "subject": "Re: Meeting"}
125 |
{"email": "Dear Minny,\r\n\r\nAustin and I read your paper with great interest, this is really nice work.\r\n(The batching approach in particular is very clever!)\r\n\r\nWe were wondering when you are planning to share the implementation, since\r\nwe wanted to check it out in more detail.\r\n\r\nBest regards,\r\nDavid\r\n\r\n", "subject": "Your Recent Paper"}
126 |
{"email": "Dear Stephan,\r\n\r\nThank you so much for the invitation. Unfortunately I cannot be physically\r\nin Paris in December, since I am traveling,\r\nand am supposed to be in New York on December 9th.\r\n\r\nIf it helps, I would be happy to give an online talk if possible.\r\n\r\nBest regards,\r\nDavid", "subject": "Re: Invitation as a speaker"}
127 |
{"email": "Dear Quincy,\r\n\r\nCould you please clarify what would be the exact deadline for these \r\narticles?\r\n\r\nBest regards,\r\nDavid", "subject": "Re: Invitation for Submission"}
128 |
{"email": "Hi Cheryl,\r\n\r\nThe proposal looks good, maybe we can discuss it in a bit more detail\r\ntomorrow.\r\n\r\nBest regards,\r\nDavid", "subject": "Re: Proposal Draft"}
129 |
{"email": "Thank you for the fast reply!\r\nWould moving the deadline to September 15th work for you perhaps?\r\n\r\nBest regards,\r\nDavid", "subject": "Re: Reviewer Request"}
130 |
{"email": "Dear IT,\r\n\r\nCould we please extend the size of our team's storage by a further 5TB?\r\n\r\nThank you,\r\nDavid", "subject": "Re: Request received"}
131 |
{"email": "Thanks, I did a pass over the slides and made some minor changes.\r\nPlease have a look and let me know what you think. Also, it would be nice\r\nif you add your pictures next to your names (but this is not obligatory).\r\n\r\nCheers,\r\nDavid", "subject": "Re: Report slides"}
132 |
{"email": "Thank you so much! Indeed, I missed your original email.\r\n\r\nBest regards,\r\nDavid", "subject": "Re: request"}
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
1 |
{"email": "Awesome, thank you guys! How old is yours now? Judging by your FB pics\r\nhe's got a personality on him :)\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: Baby announcement!"}
2 |
{"email": "Dear Zach,\r\n\nI realized that I had forgotten to tell you that there's also a small\r\nupdate to the file - please find it attached and replace\r\nthe old copy with the new.\r\n\nMore comments below.\r\n\nBest,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: Conversion code"}
3 |
{"email": "OK I'm getting that we owe you ~$208. If you tell us where to wire it, I\r\nwill try.\r\n\nIf you want me to wire more and pay me back, just let me know. It's no\r\nproblem.", "subject": "Re: Where are you these days?"}
4 |
{"email": "I am back in the office now. I will be traveling Tuesday, Wednesday, and\r\nFriday of next week but otherwise I have nothing scheduled until January.\r\nTo be honest, I'm a little disappointed that you gave away my slot before\r\ndiscussing with me because of your mistake without as much as an apology.\r\nWhere do we go from here?\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: Howdy"}
5 |
{"email": "I can try - or my husband has an\r\nBridgetownn bank account, if it's possible to use that for now. Would that\r\nwork?\r\n\nThanks,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: FW: Bank Account"}
6 |
{"email": "Hi Robert,\r\n\nThanks a lot! I added you to their job portal using your gmail, I hope\r\nthat's OK.\r\n\nHappy new year!\r\n\nBest,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: Reference"}
7 |
{"email": "Hey,\r\n\nHoly shit I suck. I'm so sorry it's been a month. I miss you like crazy,\r\nit's just that... it's been busy\r\n\nBut so how are you? I saw the gorgeous photos you have on Instagram, are\r\nyou still loving photography and Portland and all of that stuff? Did you get\r\na dog? Petra is meowing at me now because she\r\nthinks it's time she got fed. She sleeps a lot more now, not sure if\r\nwinter, old age, or general cattiness. I made her a nook by the radiator,\r\nshe digs that.\r\n\nWould it be poor form for me to ask if you wanted to facetime sometime? I'd\r\nlove to see your face, and I'm badly in need of your humor.\r\n\nHugs,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: hello"}
8 |
{"email": "Hi Mira,I actually also took Latin in\r\nschool, but to be honest I didn't care for it very much, there were too\r\nmany cases to memorize. I suppose Polish has this problem as well. Our\r\ndaughter, Cassie, is only two (turning three this week) so she still has\r\nsome time to pick out some new languages; for now she's just learning\r\nEnglish and Croatian at home and Portuguese at daycare; if she wants to learn\r\nPolish later, I'll be very happy, but we didn't think it would be very\r\nrealistic to push it now.\r\n\nYour students sound wonderful. I'm looking forward to meeting them! Just\r\nlet me know the final date and time once you get the school's approval of\r\nthe time slot.\r\n\nBest,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: hi, do you remember you old Croatian teacher?"}
9 |
{"email": "Hm, it's actually pretty hard to get to for me. Would you be open to eating\r\nin Memphis? That's a 15 minute drive from you.\r\nThere's a great place that's very\r\nconvenient.\r\n\nLet me know!\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: brunch?"}
10 |
{"email": "Hey Rick,\r\n\nWow... tense week, huh? We're feeling it all the way from Bridgetown. Everyone\r\nforgot about the heat already.\r\n\nBut how exciting about your trip to the Maldives! I'm sure you and Katie (I\r\npresume?) are very ready for a break. I'm glad you are both getting out of\r\nthe house, though. Being constantly home is kind of the worst after a few\r\nweeks. Now that we're also home, I've started dressing up - like\r\nseriously dressing up - just to go out for bread, because there's literally\r\nnothing else. I did make friends at a nice new quiche shop a few blocks\r\naway, though, so now I have that to look forward to. And I really can't\r\ncomplain.\r\n\nSo, yeah, I guess, much as I miss all of you (so much, actually), I am glad\r\nwe're living here. As you say, Cassie has a great environment. She is still\r\nin daycare, and it seems quite safe. She mostly speaks Portuguese, which is\r\nfairly adorable; it's also necessary for when she starts school, so I'm\r\nglad she's picking it up. She does understand English and Croatian very\r\nwell, so we'll see if she starts speaking them more as she's older. Anyway\r\nthey'll always be there for her.\r\n\nHugs,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: You Guys Okay?"}
11 |
{"email": "Dear Zach,\r\n\nSure, it should be an easy change. Gretchen, if you want we can make it\r\ntogether ofer Google Meet. You just need access to the same code that\r\nZach is running.\r\n\nBest,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: VisUS"}
12 |
{"email": "Dear Amanda,\r\n\nThank you very much! That's a perfect explanation.\r\n\nBest,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: Work question"}
13 |
{"email": "Hi Robert,\r\n\nSorry again about the timing. Here's a template letter, I hope it looks OK\r\nto you, I've never written one for myself before.\r\n\nBest,\r\n\nIsabel\r\n\nTo whom it may concern,\r\n\nI was Isabel\u2019s manager for most of the time that Isabel worked at Meowcor. I am now happy to recommend Isabel for a job at Innoviarty. I\r\nbelieve that Isabel\u2019s combination of technical skills and passion will enable her to be very productive.\r\n\nBest regards,", "subject": "Re: Reference"}
14 |
{"email": "Hey Rick,\r\n\nSorry for the insanely slow response. Time... flies. I feel the same but\r\nI'm so much older now, and gosh - Cassie's almost one-and-a-half. When did\r\nthat happen? Anyway I think about you guys and everyone in Soccer and Memphis a lot, but usually right before bed or on the train, because the\r\nrest of the time I'm running around like a headless chicken. I have this\r\nkid, and a job, and I'm trying to learn this impossible language. I'm getting there. Slowly.\r\n\nI'm glad you are doing well and Katie's doing better. Japan is truly awesome,\r\nand you're a great dad for taking Katie there (and on all the other trips).\r\nDid you see any Sumo or taiko drumming? I really wanted to when I was\r\nthere, but it didn't happen. I ate a lot of mochi, though.The\r\nbest way to reach me besides email is whatsapp, if you use that. My\r\nBridgetownn/Whatsapp number is (374) 974-9986.\r\n\nSay hi to Katie and everyone else! I'm attaching a few pics (sorry, I'm not\r\nbaby-obsessed, but literally all my pictures have Cassie in them).\r\n\nHugs,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: How are you guys?"}
15 |
{"email": "Hi Rosalie and all,\r\n\nI was hoping that the static charts could go into the static\r\npage that accompanies the app (the one with an explanation of what we did.\r\nWhich, by the way, I think is one of the major remaining items: the new app\r\nactually mostly exists already, at least all the parts that seem\r\nmore-or-less final in the design are there.\r\n\nBest,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: Web app"}
16 |
{"email": "Dear Mira,\r\n\nWow, it's so cool that your daughter is learning Polish! How has that been\r\ngoing for her? It's a tough language, but I think a beautiful one. We are,\r\nindeed, in Bridgetown. If you do plan a trip, we would be very happy to see you.\r\n\n5 PM is a bit tricky for me, unfortunately, as that's shortly before my\r\ndaughter gets home from daycare. However, if it's possible to do a bit\r\nearlier, like 4 PM my time, or conversely later at 8 PM, that would be much\r\nbetter. Would that work for you?The week of the 22nd is fine, or any other\r\nweek that works best for you and the class.\r\n\nCould you please tell me a bit about the girls? I guess there are\r\nmiddle-schooled aged? I was mostly wondering how many there are in the\r\nclass and if it's their first year learning programming, or if they have\r\nbeen exposed to it for a while.\r\n\nBest,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: hi, do you remember you old Croatian teacher?"}
17 |
{"email": "Hi Tom,\r\n\nThanks again for supporting my work applications! I submitted your\r\ncontact info to both programs, and with any luck you should have emails\r\nfrom them, if not yet then very soon. I hope that timing is OK.\r\n\nThanks, and I hope you're having a wonderful holiday!\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: Reference"}
18 |
{"email": "Hi Caterina,\r\n\nUnfortunately I cannot refer you to a specific person; I'm fairly sure that\r\none doesn't exist.", "subject": "Re: Meowcor connection?"}
19 |
{"email": "I took the liberty of inviting Scottie, since I'm staying with her. If you'd\r\nlike to bring Andrew or anyone else, by all means please feel free!\r\n\nI am pretty easy in terms of food; I tend to avoid meat, but that's very\r\neasy to do in Nashville. So whatever place you like is great :)", "subject": "Re: Hang out this week?"}
20 |
{"email": "Hi everyone,\r\n\nI took the liberty of creating a Zoom meeting for us. Details below.\r\n\nBest,\r\nIsabel\r\n\nIsabel Perez is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.\r\n\nTopic: website\r\nJoin Zoom Meeting\r\n\r\n\n", "subject": "Re: Intro - web designer for our project"}
21 |
{"email": "Hi everyone, I'm really sorry but something came up and I'll be about 30\r\nminutes late. Please feel free to start without me.\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: Code"}
22 |
{"email": "Hi Nora,\r\n\nYep, I will do that. I have an enormous deadline in 10 days, though, so if\r\nit's OK with you I'll send them after that.\r\n\nBest,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: Forms!"}
23 |
{"email": "Hi Nora,\r\n\nI'm sorry for the late response. If it's still possible, please do!\r\n\nBest, Isabel", "subject": "Re: Forms!"}
24 |
{"email": "Hey, thank you! Baby is due soon. I was actually already pregnant at\r\nthe party but wasn't really showing yet. How are things with\r\nyou?\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: ski trip this season"}
25 |
{"email": "Hi Chris,\r\n\nThanks a lot for the quick response. Of course - I will follow up around\r\nthen. Good luck with graduation!\r\n\nBest,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: Speaking invitation - WorkTogether"}
26 |
{"email": "Thank you!\r\n\nI'm actually right outside the entrance. Not sure if the doorbell is\r\nbroken or if no one's there yet. I guess if I don't see anyone coming in\r\nsoon, I'll try back at 10 :)\r\n\nBest,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: Scheduling"}
27 |
{"email": "Dear Laura,\r\n\nThank you very much for your well wishes, and for letting the other parents\r\nknow. We are all recovered. However, later this week we are taking a trip\r\nto see family, so Cassie will not be back at daycare until we\r\nreturn. I hope you have already been notified of this\r\nabsence, but I am confirming it just in case.\r\n\nBest regards,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: sick"}
28 |
{"email": "Dear Sam,\r\n\nThank you very much again for your wonderful talk for WorkTogether. I\r\nwanted to let you know that we have posted the recording on Youtube\r\n<> and it already has 174 views\r\n(and I expect soon will have many more). For my part, I wanted to share\r\nthat I found your talk to be exceptionally clear, honest, and engaging. I\r\nthink you have a wonderful way of communicating clearly about\r\ncomplex concepts, and I personally learned a great deal from the\r\npresentation. Of course, I and others at WorkTogether also greatly appreciate your\r\nwork at GoodCo, and wish you the best of luck in your mission.\r\n\nSincerely,\r\n\nIsabel, on behalf of WorkTogether", "subject": "Thank you for your talk at WorkTogether"}
29 |
{"email": "Hey - it was wonderful to see you and Andrew. I'm glad you guys are doing so\r\nwell. Have a wonderful vacation, and if you do make it here -\r\ndefinitely let me know.\r\n\nSince you were asking about merengues - here's\r\n<> the recipe I\r\nused.\r\n\nHugs,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: Hang out this week?"}
30 |
{"email": "Hi Svetlana,\r\n\nAlex and I have a group meeting on Thursday starting at 11:30, so Thursday at\r\n11 would be tricky for us. If 10:30 provides enough margin of safety for\r\nyour other meeting, maybe that could work?\r\n\nBest,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: documentation - zoom"}
31 |
{"email": "How about tomorrow at 4? I have a 5:30 cutoff because that's when my kid\r\ngets home.\r\n\nBest,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: Code"}
32 |
{"email": "(+ Scottie)\r\n\nGirls' night!\r\nLet's say 7:30?\r\n\nWe'll be out of the house for the next couple of hours and I don't think\r\nI'll have internet, so this doesn't work or your plans change, please ping\r\nScott's phone/email.\r\n\nHugs,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: Hang out this week?"}
33 |
{"email": "Hi Rosalie,\r\n\nI fixed and restarted the job (it broke because of a typo in the downloaded\r\nfile, grr). It should be running now. I'll backfill the two missing days\r\nwhen I get more time, hopefully today or tomorrow.\r\n\nBest,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: missing data"}
34 |
{"email": "Hey!\r\n\nI'm sorry for the extraordinary late reply. It really has been great to\r\nhear from you and I hope that you are not offended - it's just that I\r\ncompletely lost track of time.\r\n\nCongratulations on the dog, and generally on surviving... whatever all that\r\nwas. I've never lived with a dog, but I hear they can be wonderful\r\ncompanions if your personalities mesh, and it sounds like you and Allie got\r\nlucky. What sort of dog is he? I'm kind of picturing a terrier in my mind,\r\nbut it's a complete guess.", "subject": "Re: Congrats"}
35 |
{"email": "OK, I can come by MBIB tomorrow (we could go out for your birthday after\r\nwork?) and bring over the puzzle-type floor matting and maybe a few more\r\nthings. As far as buying stuff, I humbly suggest it's almost always much\r\nbetter to give money directly. Which we can totally do.", "subject": "Re: Collection of toys for kids"}
36 |
{"email": "Hi Rebecca,\r\n\nThanks for reaching out. To be honest, I am not sure, since we have moved and are only sporadically in touch with Agatha. I'd recommend asking\r\nher directly - her contact info is on her resume.\r\n\nIf the timing works out and you have any questions about Agatha, please let\r\nme know!\r\n\nBest,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: Available nanny"}
37 |
{"email": "Hey Zach,\r\n\nSorry for the late reply and for missing the meeting :(\r\n\nIf you haven't yet, it's totally cool to remove me from the github.\r\n\nHow have you been? Did you start that Ph.D.? Are there any more fun\r\nevents planned that I could crash?\r\n\nBest,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: github"}
38 |
{"email": "Hey! It's great to hear from you. We actually celebrated Christmas on a\r\nplane, en route to my family in Korea. It's good - it's nice to be home, and Cassie likes having\r\nmore people around, so it's a lot easier than just me and Richard having to\r\nentertain her the whole time. She also got her weight in presents (yay\r\ngrandparents), which makes her super happy. Interestingly, her favorite\r\npresents were the clothes. I'm attaching a photo of her in head elf pajamas.\r\n\nJust before the holidays, Scottie came through on her way to Vietnam. It was nice to see\r\nher, even briefly; she seems to be doing very well.\r\n\nHow's your family doing? Is your mom feeling better at all? What's your\r\nbrother and the clan doing for the holiday?\r\n\nWhenever you get sick of, you know, good weather, you're still very much\r\nwelcome in Bridgetown! Short of that, maybe we can do a video chat sometime\r\nsoon once we're both back home?\r\n\nHugs,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: Merry Christmas!"}
39 |
{"email": "Hi Adam and Ethan,\r\n\nI just double checked everything and website look OK.\r\nHowever, the uploaded video doesn't play for me, either in-browser or on\r\nQuicktime. I also noticed that the file is quite small - my original was\r\nabout 50 MB and the one I downloaded from the link is only 17 KB.\r\nShould we be concerned?\r\n\nBest,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: Ready"}
40 |
{"email": "Hi Luke,\r\n\nI don't think there's a pay button on the invoice. Could you please help?\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: Restaurant"}
41 |
{"email": "Dear Svetlana,\r\n\nIt looks like the server that we are using for the demo has\r\nstopped updating over the weekend. This means that what you see is a very outdated version of the app, and\r\nespecially the documentation.\r\n\nI have asked for urgent help in resolving this issue, and I will let you\r\nknow when the server is up-to-date.\r\n\nBest,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: Status"}
42 |
{"email": "Dear Scott and all,\r\n\nWhat are the minimum requirements to share with external collaborators? I\r\npersonally think it's almost ready, but missing some exploratory text for\r\nwhat the parameters and the graphs mean. If anyone wants to write a quick summary, I'd be happy to add it.\r\n\nRegardless, happy to share with the Github people if people feel it's ready\r\nnow :)\r\n\nBest,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: desired results"}
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
1 |
{"email": "Hey!\r\n\nGood question. I would love to have dinner and/or lunch. I don't have my\r\ntickets yet, but I did negotiate a week's leave from work and other work\r\n(childcare), so there should be time. I guess I'll coordinate my dates with\r\nScottie (I'm staying with her), then I'll get back to you sometime this week?\r\n\nAnd yeah, Utah parks are pretty awesome. And your dog is very cute :)\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: Congrats"}
2 |
{"email": "Dear Rachel, Maria, and Anna,\r\n\nThank you very much for the great news. I have accepted the offer, and am\r\nvery excited to start! I am attaching the filled-out form\r\nbelow.\r\n\nBest,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: Innoviarty Offer - Perez, Isabel (Isabel)"}
3 |
{"email": "Dear Shannon,\r\n\nYes, I do have the card. I already submitted my form to IT, so I\r\nhope to have an account there soon!\r\n\nBest,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: social security no."}
4 |
{"email": "Hey, great to hear from you!\r\n\nYes! We're here until the end of the year, then most likely moving,\r\npossibly to Bridgetown. Please do look us up next time you're here, it would be\r\ngreat to see you/meet your family.\r\n\nYour son (and your husband) look so happy! How old is he now? How's\r\nyour job treating you?\r\n\nHugs,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: Baby announcement!"}
5 |
{"email": "Dear Adam,\r\n\nYes, I think this is the only possible way forward :). This is a really\r\ntough time so I do thank you for taking the time to interview despite\r\neverything, and I hope your family is doing well. I have A3 poster board\r\nand markers; I hope that will be OK for tomorrow.\r\n\nBest,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: interview scheduling"}
6 |
{"email": "Dear Laura,\r\n\nThe envelope arrived - thank you very much. Unfortunately it looks like it\r\nwas ripped open during transit and I'm afraid some of the material might\r\nhave gotten lost. The only enclosure in the envelope was the packet\r\n\"Promoting a Healthy Work-Life Balance at Meowcor\".\r\n\nThanks,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: Package for you"}
7 |
{"email": "I hope you get to meet her too - if only because it means I get to see you\r\nagain, it's been a while!\r\n\nSounds like you're doing really well. If so, I'm glad. I still read your\r\nblog and it's outstanding.\r\n\nI still get more sleep than I did in college, so there's that. I'm sure you\r\ncan relate... unless you were one of the crazy kids who got 8 hours every\r\nnight, but somehow I don't associate that with you. Anyway\r\nsleep deprivation is much easier to take if you don't have to do math,\r\nas it turns out.\r\n\n<3, Isabel", "subject": "Re: Baby announcement!"}
8 |
{"email": "Hi Mary,\r\n\nThank you! It will be great not to need a stroller and baby monitor.\r\n\nI think we're OK bringing Cassie's own bed (the same one we brought to\r\nMalmo), as well as a mattress and sheets. As far as a high chair, I think\r\nCassie will be OK without one, she hasn't used one in like a year. We'll\r\nbring Cassie's little bathtub, folds up for travel.\r\n\nWhat would be nice is, if there is not a strong curtain in Andrea's old room,\r\nto have some extra aluminum foil and painter's tape, so we can cover the\r\nwindow. Besides that, it's more removing things - getting all knives,\r\ncleaning products, permanent markers, etc. out of reach. We can bring a few\r\nchild locks for cabinet doors, if that would help.\r\n\nI think we'll actually bring our own car seat, partially because Cassie is\r\nused to it and accepts it, and partially because we need it anyway, to take\r\nCassie to the airport and back on the Bridgetown side. It uses Isofix, which\r\nshould be in any car made in the last 5 years or so, but if you tell us\r\nwhich car you have, I can double-check.\r\n\nCan't wait to see all of you! Very soon now!\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: Presents"}
9 |
{"email": "Hey!\r\n\nHaven't heard from you and for some reason that seems a bit unlike you, so\r\nI just wanted to check that you're OK.\r\n\n(Please don't take this as a complaint or any pressure to write more!\r\nYou're an amazing correspondent, certainly much more reliable than I am,\r\nfor instance. These are just crazy times we live in.)\r\n\nHugs,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: How are you holding up?"}
10 |
{"email": "Hi Reece,\r\n\nGood question about the hosting - not sure yet! We'll decide in the next\r\nfew days. Good chance we'll change providers.\r\n\nI really don't want to mess with it so close to go-time, seems like a great way to mess something up. But yes, the next plan is\r\nto harmonize the look/feel and the hosting.\r\n\nCheers,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: crobot domain?"}
11 |
{"email": "Hey!\r\n\nSorry, I keep forgetting how full of lingo my job is. LOL.\r\n\nOK, can't wait to see your new nose. What's better for you - weekend or\r\nweekday? It would ideally be in the evening my time so your afternoon, but\r\nI don't supermuch care which one.So if you have one in the next week or so,\r\njust tell me which and I'll make it happen. If that is just an awful time\r\nfor you, we can also do it my afternoon/your early morning most days. The\r\ntrickiest is your evenings, unfortunately.\r\n\nOh, and, happy thanksgiving! We just had our first snow today.\r\n\nHugs,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: hello"}
12 |
{"email": "Hi Robert,\r\n\nI hope you and your family are doing well. I heard through the grapevine\r\nthat you are now a Director, and I think it's really\r\ngreat, and Meowcor is very lucky to have you.\r\n\nI am writing to ask if you would\r\nbe willing to be a reference for me for some jobs. The particular one I'm excited about is at Innoviarty. I hope that you would be able to speak to my\r\nlong-standing record of commitment to my work, in\r\nparticular the quality of my work was\r\nat Meowcor.\r\n\nI hope this is OK with you! I would appreciate you letting me know soon, as\r\nthe application period is very much in progress, and ramping up.\r\n\nBest regards,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: Reference"}
13 |
{"email": "Hi Luke. The address is correct. I'll get back to you about the time. A\r\nquestion about the tables - the space has a large kitchen island (at least\r\n6' square) - would that work for serving instead?\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: Restaurant"}
14 |
{"email": "ok, but could you send it to me? Pref in pdf?", "subject": "Re: signature"}
15 |
{"email": "Hi Caterina,\r\n\nAs far as I know, there's not much else to do. The only thing you could try\r\nthat might help is also submitting the correction to get MBIB added. You do this by clicking on the \"edit\" button in the MBIB info panel (bottom left corner of screenshot attached).\r\nI hope the change is made soon!\r\n\nBest,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: Meowcor connection?"}
16 |
{"email": "Dear Boris,\r\n\nThank you for writing. I just accepted the offer, and I can't wait to get\r\nstarted! Thank you again for the interview, and the chance to see Helco in\r\nperson as part of this process.\r\n\nBest wishes,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: Helco"}
17 |
{"email": "Hi Tom,\r\n\nI hope you and your family are doing OK and that\r\nMeowcor is being as excellent as ever at taking care of its employees. We are doing very well in Bridgetown, just getting a little\r\nstir-crazy. Thank\r\nyou again very much for writing the recommendation letter.\r\n\nBest,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: Reference"}
18 |
{"email": "Hey sorry I'm slow. I still want to know how quickly that jar disappeared.\r\n\nJune's great! Come! Cassie and I miss you (and probably Richard too, but you\r\nknow he's too stoic to admit it).\r\n\nI'm good. Indeed, very busy with new job and the (now older) baby. Cassie's\r\nstill a great sleeper but the flip side of that it that she's *intense*\r\nwhen she's awake. Like bouncebouncebounce intense but also increasingly\r\nbig-feelings-of-frustration intense. I do hate to tell her that frustration\r\nis pretty much the human condition, but I guess that's parenting.\r\n\nJob is a lot of fun, I'm still getting up to speed on some parts of it, but\r\nthe group is great and very easy to fit in to. How are you? Anything new and fun in Memphis? How are your parents and all those\r\nlittle nieces (and the one nephew)?\r\n\nHugs,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: So, this happened"}
19 |
{"email": "Hello everyone,\r\n\nThe domain now redirects to the site, and Reece's changes are\r\npushed.\r\n\nI will also train Reece on the code pushing process so that going forward he\r\nis not dependent on Alex or me (or anyone else) to do it.\r\n\nBest,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "site"}
20 |
{"email": "Hi Luke,\r\n\nCould you please resend the invoice so that I can pay it?\r\n\nThanks,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: Restaurant"}
21 |
{"email": "Dear Reece,\r\n\nSorry for the late reply - Gael was at a conference until late last\r\nnight.\r\n\nYes, that sounds absolutely wonderful! Thank you so much for planning.\r\n\nCheers,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: Thanksgiving"}
22 |
{"email": "Hey!\r\n\nLet's do tomorrow. What would you like to do? As some of the options,\r\nyou're welcome to come by here (Scottie’s new place), or we could meet\r\nsomewhere else, as you prefer. My only thing is that I would rather avoid\r\nanything smoky, but anything else is great.\r\n\nHugs,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: Hang out this week?"}
23 |
{"email": "Hey dad,\r\n\nThanks! It's totally OK if you want to ship things to your house, though,\r\nif they're coming from Korea in the first place. We should have room in\r\nour suitcases to take it back.\r\n\nI asked Gael and he said he likes shirts, either button-down or t-shirts\r\n(men's large, NOT slim-fit works well). My personal suggestion is that he\r\nmight like a pair of bluetooth headphones, or Murakami books. For the\r\nlatter, I don't think he's read any of the short story ones; I personally\r\nremember really enjoying Lexington's Ghosts. These\r\nare just suggestions - honestly, Gael is hard to shop for.\r\n\nWhat about you and Mary and Andrea? Some hints?\r\n\nHugs,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: Presents"}
24 |
{"email": "Hey,\r\n\nI probably can't help but I can try. Do you know what the issue is? The\r\nlisting looks okay to me.\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: FW: Meowcor connection?"}
25 |
{"email": "Hi Nancy,\r\n\nThank you for checking! I've asked Pat if I could have a shorter-term\r\nposition on his team\r\nand he is supportive of that, so I hope that this will move forward. I hope\r\nit works out, and after that - we'll see! You may actually hear something\r\nfrom Meowcor's HR department, I think they would like to contact you. I hope\r\nthat's okay.\r\n\nBest,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: Job"}
26 |
{"email": "Dear Mira,\r\n\nI'm glad that you and the students liked the presentation, and it was\r\nlovely to see you in person, even virtually! Your school and your\r\nstudents seem super fabulous and I was so impressed how engaged the\r\nstudents were by a Google meeting; all this virtual stuff can't be very\r\nfun for kids.\r\n\nPlease keep in touch and if any of your students have any questions later,\r\nplease feel free to share my email address.\r\n\nBest,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: hi, do you remember you old Croatian teacher?"}
27 |
{"email": "Hi Andrew,\r\n\nSorry for the late reply! This works for me if it still works for you.\r\n\nI set up a Zoom link here:\r\n\r\n\nBest,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: small project for Meowcor over the summer"}
28 |
{"email": "Hi Nancy,\r\n\nThank you for the congratulations! We are very happy and little Cassie has\r\nbeen an absolute joy (if a lot of work) so far.\r\n\nI wanted to let you know that last week my husband Gael and I had a\r\nskype call with Steve. It's absolutely wonderful how seriously the MBIB leadership take this\r\nissue - I feel very well supported.\r\n\nBest,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "update"}
29 |
{"email": "Hey Zach,\r\n\nThere's a fair bit of cleanup that needs to happen before the code can\r\nreally be open sourced (I'm sure you know that). But Pat's request (I\r\nasked him specifically) is to just have it be *there* without any intention\r\nof anyone actually running it + to have the site online. So I strongly suggest we not only completely ignore\r\nthe code quality (except the password issue, but to be extra sure, we\r\nshould also change the password), but also not even worry about whether the\r\n'open source' code works.\r\n\nBest,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: Open source"}
30 |
{"email": "Hey Dad, no problem, we're going to bring a bed for Cassie with us. Can't\r\nwait to see you tomorrow!\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: Cot bed"}
31 |
{"email": "Hi Adam and Ethan,\r\n\nI guess maybe someday, in retrospect, this will be funny.\r\n\nPersonally I actually wouldn't mind raising this with the supervisor, since we\r\nhave one - just to see what happens, and it seems a bit tiresome for\r\neveryone involved in this process to handle this ourselves. But if you think that that is more\r\nlikely to do harm than good, I guess we'll have to go with the latter and\r\nhope the other team members will understand what we did a bit better.\r\n\nBest,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: response"}
32 |
{"email": "Oh, I forgot to ask: do you by any chance have any of Andrea's strollers left,\r\nin serviceable condition? If there's something for Cassie to use, then we\r\nwon't need to bring one.\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: Presents"}
33 |
{"email": "Dear Nancy,\r\n\nThank you very much for contacting me. I would be very happy to schedule a\r\ncall when it is convenient. As you may know, I live in Tennessee, so we\r\nhave quite a large time difference. I am not sure what your schedule is,\r\nbut perhaps some time when it is late evening for me and morning (around 9\r\no'clock) for you would work?\r\n\nThank you,\r\n\nIsabel Perez", "subject": "update"}
34 |
{"email": "OK :) You should get a package next Wednesday!\r\n\nHugs,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: Birthday present"}
35 |
{"email": "Hey!\r\n\nSorry for the late response -but how about this time (4 or 4:30 PM)\r\ntomorrow or the day after? If that doesn't work anymore, no worries, maybe\r\nwe can find a time next week.\r\n\nHugs,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: or something like that"}
36 |
{"email": "Hi Tom,\r\n\nThank you so much! I very much appreciate you taking the time to do this. There is a mandatory phone number field, if you don't\r\nwant to give out yours, I could probably put down the Meowcor front desk.\r\n\nBest,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: Reference"}
37 |
{"email": "Dear Michael,\r\n\nThank you very much for giving such a great talk to WorkTogether yesterday! We are\r\nalready getting very positive feedback from our members, and for myself,\r\nI'd like to say that I found the talk very clear and also very\r\nthought-provoking. I especially appreciated that the concepts were so\r\nwell-illustrated with examples, and the openness with which you answered\r\nall the many questions from the attendees. I am sure many of us will be\r\ntaking advantage of the resources that you shared.\r\n\nAs a special thank-you, we would like to offer you a small present of WorkTogether\r\nswag. If this is something that appeals to you, please let us know the\r\nshipping address. We ship worldwide.\r\n\nFinally, I wanted to let you know that your talk is already up on YouTube. We would also be very happy to\r\ninclude and share your slides, if this is OK with you.\r\n\nBest regards,\r\nIsabel, on behalf of Maryem, Andrew, and WorkTogether", "subject": "Re: Speaking invitation"}
38 |
{"email": "Forgot to add - if you prefer that I upload everything, I can do that as\r\nwell. I was planning to, but I'm happy to hand over that responsibility.\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: Ready"}
39 |
{"email": "Hey,\r\n\nThanks for understanding. I feel like a huge jerk. But I would love to try\r\nagain same time tonight. I'll send you a zoom.\r\n\nThat dream is very sweet - but I would totally believe you because I think\r\nmy eyes do change color sometimes :)\r\n\nHugs,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: Zoom"}
40 |
{"email": "Hi Max,\r\n\nOK, so just to confirm, I will come on the week of April 15 and also on the\r\nweek of May. 4. If this is still OK, I will book the tickets tomorrow.\r\n\nBest regards,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: Scheduling"}
41 |
{"email": "Hey!\r\n\nMinestrone sounds wonderful :) I might, however, be closer to 6:30-7, if\r\nthat's OK.\r\n\nSee you soon!", "subject": "Re: Isabel -> Nashville, after all"}
42 |
{"email": "Dear Zoey,\r\n\nThank you very much for letting me know. I do plan to stay longer than the\r\nend of August But, do I understand correctly that there is\r\nnothing for me to do, and it's up to Andrew/Helco to extend with DUDUM?.\r\n\nBest regards,\r\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: Your DUDUM contract"}
43 |
{"email": "Dear Stacey,\r\n\nThank you for making the adjustment!\r\n\nBest,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: Reminder: Session on Grant Writing"}
44 |
{"email": "Dear Adam,\r\n\nThank you for your response, and thank you also for the interview. I would\r\nbe happy to come up to Helco (or another location around Bridgetown if you\r\nprefer), if this is still possible next week. Perhaps we could plan on\r\nthat. I will\r\nof course make sure that one or another I have something to write on that\r\nyou can see.\r\n\nBest,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: interview scheduling"}
45 |
{"email": "Hey Maria, Awesome, thanks so much for fixing this!\r\n\nHope you're doing well!\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: changes should be propagating from github to and\r\n again"}
46 |
{"email": "Dear John,\r\n\nThank you so much for the kind words (and for all that you do for WorkTogether)!\r\nSam was an absolutely spectacular speaker, even by our high standards, so\r\nit was a pleasure to be able to tell her how much I enjoyed the talk.\r\nReally, the magic is all with her (and the rest of our lineup).\r\n\nIt would be lovely to catch up. I imagine your calendar is much busier than\r\nmine, so anytime that works for you, I'll make work.\r\n\nBest,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: Thank you for your talk at WorkTogether"}
47 |
{"email": "Hi Nancy,\r\n\nCassie is doing well - thank you for asking! She is just starting to develop\r\nsome interest in things outside of eating and sleeping, so now we're\r\nlearning how to entertain her.\r\n\nMy husband Gael, Cassie, and I will be visiting Maria during the last\r\nweek of June. If you are working that week, it would be\r\ngreat if we could meet as well. Please let me know! In addition, I would\r\nvery much like to set up some conversations with Ph.D. labs while I am\r\nthere. I will work on putting together a list, perhaps you will be able to\r\nintroduce me to some of them.\r\n\nBest,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "update"}
48 |
{"email": "Hi Robert,\r\n\nSorry to bug you again, but it seems like right now the recommendation\r\nletter is the missing piece to move forward - the interview went well. If\r\nit would be possible for you to upload a short letter (just a couple of\r\nparagraphs is enough) by next Tuesday, I would really appreciate it.\r\n\nBest, and thanks again,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: Reference"}
49 |
{"email": "Hey Robert,\r\n\nThank you so much! I'm glad the emails went through early. Please don't\r\nworry about the second place (Helco).\r\n\nI hope you have a wonderful trip home!\r\n\nBest,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: Reference"}
50 |
{"email": "Hi Tom,\r\n\nThanks so much and great to hear!\r\n\nBest,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: Reference"}
51 |
{"email": "Dear Michelle,\r\n\nThank you for the fast response. Unfortunately I got the date wrong. Would\r\nthis be the same quote on the 23th?\r\n\nThanks,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: Price quote for trip to Lincoln (90 km from Bridgetown)"}
52 |
{"email": "Hey so. I'm writing back.\r\n\nHere's Cassie:\r\n[image: IMG_0601.jpg]\r\n\n\nBut you know you can always get the latest pictures of Cassie from\r\nthe website :)\r\nThe poor kid is teething right now. Three of her molars came in so easily\r\nwe didn't even notice until they were well out, but the fourth seems like\r\nit's being a pain.\r\n\nAre you feeling any better??Yeah, nothing is really happening here. It's raining. It rains a lot.\r\n\nHugs,\r\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: So, this happened"}
53 |
{"email": "Dear Michelle,\r\n\nThank you! I forgot to mention: if anything comes up, my phone number\r\nis (374) 974-9986.\r\n\nBest,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: Price quote for trip"}
54 |
{"email": "cream cheese\r\nbutter\r\nconfectioner's sugar\r\nmore carrots!\r\nRaisins, for home\r\nBeef\r\nCanola oil", "subject": ""}
55 |
{"email": "Hi Nancy,\r\n\nGreat! Would you be able to meet on Wednesday, preferably sometime\r\nin the morning?\r\n\nI will send you a summary of my interests in the next\r\nweek.\r\n\nThanks,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "update"}
56 |
{"email": "Hi Svetlana,\r\n\nThat is correct: it is not possible in Dash to have unlimited items,\r\nbut we can raise the limit. Rosalie suggested six, which seems OK to me - we\r\ndon't want to set it too high, because it complicates the code and also\r\nslows down the page.\r\n\nAs far as the scenarios: thank you for catching that if extra\r\nitems are created, they don't go away. The values\r\nshould, however, reset by clicking the buttons. Does this not work for you?\r\n\nFinal thought: since we are getting rid of the \"weak\" option, should we\r\nrename \"medium\" to \"weak\" so we have weak/strong instead of medium/strong?\r\n\nBest,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: site"}
57 |
{"email": "Hey Andrea,\r\n\nIt seems like the shoe company sent your present in two parcels, and the part that's\r\nnot shoes is coming first, maybe even today. Don't worry, the shoes are\r\ncoming as well :)\r\n\nHugs,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: Birthday present"}
58 |
{"email": "Dear Arthur,\r\n\nThank you very much for your wonderful talk! Our community enjoyed it very\r\nmuch; especially we appreciated your careful and clear explanations, and\r\nyour general awareness of the audience; it really spoke to how much you\r\ncare both about the people you speak to, and the subject. (Of course, I am\r\nbiased: I've been following your work for a long time.) I also very much appreciated your\r\nhonesty with respect to the challenges involved.\r\n\nAs a thank-you for the talk, we would be very happy to send you some WorkTogether\r\nswag. Please fill out this google form if this is something that\r\nappeals to you. We ship worldwide.\r\n\nFinally, I wanted to let you know that the recording of your talk is\r\nalready up on Youtube.\r\n\nBest regards,\r\n\nIsabel, also on behalf of Maryem, Andrew, and the WorkTogether community", "subject": "Re: Speaking invitation - Frameworks for WorkTogether"}
59 |
{"email": "Hi Nancy,\r\n\nI am preparing to head over to your part of Bridgetown. I looked up the WWTF\r\naddress on Google Maps, so I hope that's the right place to\r\nfind you. If you do see this before 10:30 and I should go somewhere else,\r\nplease let me know - I will get your message.\r\n\nBest,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: Job"}
60 |
{"email": "Dear Nancy,\r\n\nYes, the 24th works great. Thank you!\r\n\nBest,\r\nIsabel", "subject": "Update"}
61 |
{"email": "Great, thank you!\r\n\nRichard's size is Large - good catch :)\r\n\nAre you guys around this evening (your time)? We could do one of those\r\nvideo chats...\r\n\nLove,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re:"}
62 |
{"email": "OK, I was confused about what was happening, so I went ahead and uploaded\r\neverything. Looks like it can still be changed, however.\r\n\nBest,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: Ready"}
63 |
{"email": "Yeah, I put down the worst case because it did seem urgent to unblock this\r\n*today*\r\n\nfor sure we can aim for tomorrow :)", "subject": "Re: [Pretty urgent] - Dash app"}
64 |
{"email": "Hi Adam,\r\n\nFirst of all, thank you very much for this list and especially for meeting\r\nwith me last week. The discussion was very useful for me to think through\r\nnext steps. I'm\r\nnot sure if you're interested or at least curious, but I'd be happy to let\r\nyou know where I end up.\r\n\nThanks again, and best of luck with your daughter! They grow so fast.\r\n\nBest,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: Possible jobs"}
65 |
{"email": "Hi Pat,\r\n\nI'll be starting April 1 (an auspicious date if there ever was one..)!\r\nMeanwhile, if you have any recommendations for useful reading, I'd love it\r\nif you could send them my way!\r\n\nThank you,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: Contract questions"}
66 |
{"email": "Sure, that works for me. I am free after 11.\r\n\nBest,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: Code"}
67 |
{"email": "Hey Reece, thanks for the quick add! I'm isabel123 on GitHub.\r\n\nBest,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: Slack and GitHub"}
68 |
{"email": "Hey,\r\n\nSorry about the \"slight\" delay. It ended up being a mess, but I finally got my ticket today. I guess I should apologize in\r\nadvance in case it's not actually possible for me to travel. But - tentatively - I am around Thursday - Monday. I hope\r\nsomething in that timeframe still works for you, but if not, I'm very sorry\r\nfor scheduling everything so late.\r\n\nApropos of nothing - on the off chance I wanted to mail you something,\r\nwhere would I mail it to?\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: Congrats"}
69 |
{"email": "None of them: they only sell Portuguese-speaking ones here, that's why we're\r\nasking you for English ones.\r\n\nThanks in advance!", "subject": "Re: present for Cassie"}
70 |
{"email": "Ah, prefect. You probably know better than I do.\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: Patisserie"}
71 |
{"email": "Thanks :) they say hi back!\r\n\nHope we'll see you soon after we move to Maria!\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re:"}
72 |
{"email": "Yes, 9 PM to start serving sounds great. The party will go until ~8:20\r\nand it's a small space, so ideally the setup could start at 8:30 sharp or a\r\nfew minutes before.\r\n\nAlso, if it's not too late, could we add a dessert to the order? We\r\nwould prefer something fruity. No worries\r\nif it's not possible.\r\n\nThanks,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: Restaurant"}
73 |
{"email": "Hello Andrea,\r\n\nTomorrow morning between 8:00 and 11:00 works. Thank you very much!\r\n\nBest,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re:"}
74 |
{"email": "Oh, and please, for the love of all that is holy, no talking toys. This is for\r\nparental sanity reasons.", "subject": "Re: Cassie"}
75 |
{"email": "Dear Nancy,\r\n\nI am confirming our appointment tomorrow at 8 AM my time / 4 PM your time.\r\nHow would you like to talk? I can be reached on my phone or on Google Hangouts.\r\n\nThank you,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "update"}
76 |
{"email": "Hi Reece,\r\n\nJust a gentle reminder to please give me this further access, so\r\nthat I can set up the forwarding.\r\n\nThanks,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: crobot domain?"}
77 |
{"email": "Hi Mira,\r\n\nThat's great for me. Could you please tell me about how long you'd like me\r\nto speak for?\r\n\nThanks,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: hi, do you remember you old Croatian teacher?"}
78 |
{"email": "Dear Mira,\r\n\nGreat, thank you very much! Looking forward to seeing you and meeting your\r\ngirls!\r\n\nBest,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: hi, do you remember you old Croatian teacher?"}
79 |
{"email": "Hi Pat,\r\n\nThank you - that's great news and an awesome way to start my week! It was\r\ngreat to speak with Helga and Adam as well.\r\n\nI look forward to getting the paperwork and excited to start next year!\r\n\nBest,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: Invitation to a skype interview"}
80 |
{"email": "Hi Mary,\r\n\nThe package arrived! Thank you so much for all the clothes; they'll be\r\nperfect for Cassie in the fall (and looks like it'll be a perfect fit for\r\nher then!).\r\n\nHugs,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: Malmo"}
81 |
{"email": "Dear Shannon,\r\n\nNo problem, thank you very much!\r\n\nBest,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: First day of work"}
82 |
{"email": "Hey Luke, I referred you, you should have gotten an email. You may need\r\nto reapply, I'm not sure. Good luck!\r\n\nI'll send a separate email to connect you with Matt.\r\n\nCheers,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Patisserie"}
83 |
{"email": "Hi Nora, sorry for the late reply. The forms look okay (though very\r\nconfusing). I will paypal your fee. I guess that's fine, just more than\r\nwe expected. Or maybe we were undercharged last year.\r\n\nThanks again for preparing these!\r\n\nBest,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: Dorms"}
84 |
{"email": "Hi Reece,\r\n\nCould you please additionally give myself, Maria, and Rosalie access to the\r\ndomain control center?\r\nWithout this, I cannot correctly configure the domain.\r\n\nThanks,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: crobot domain?"}
85 |
{"email": "Great, thank you!\r\n\nIn that case, I guess we're ready to go live....\r\n\nBest,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: Ready"}
86 |
{"email": "Hello,\r\n\nThe apartment number was unfortunately missing, but I was able to add it\r\nthrough their web system. In the end, I wasn't home and they gave the\r\npackage to a neighbor anyway.\r\n\nBest,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Package"}
87 |
{"email": "Hi Shannon,\r\n\nYes, if we can use my partner's account, that would be ideal. \r\n\nHope this helps,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: FW: Bank Account"}
88 |
{"email": "Dear Zoey,\r\n\nThanks a lot for the clarification, that's perfect.\r\n\nBest,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: Fwd: DUDUM final report: fact sheet"}
89 |
{"email": "Hey Rick,\r\n\nIt's great to hear from you, and I hope you and Katie are doing well! We're\r\nmuch the same as ever; Portuguese is... slow. Cassie's probably best at it by\r\nnow.\r\n\nWell, I'll definitely also be at the wedding (not sure yet about Gael and\r\nCassie), but of course we'd absolutely love to host you and Katie for a few\r\ndays in Bridgetown; anytime in early August should be fine with us. August is\r\nprobably the least busy month here, which means that about 1/4 of\r\nrestaurants will be closed, but also that it'll be very easy to get around\r\nand see things. I am honestly not sure what you'd do for two weeks in\r\nIceland.\r\n\nAnyway, please let me know once you're more sure what your plans are, and\r\nI'm so excited to see you!\r\n\nHugs,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: August"}{"email": "Hi Pat,\r\n\nI just wanted to let you know that I signed the contract and sent it to\r\nHelga a few days ago. I haven't heard back from her so perhaps she is on\r\nvacation - but it's official :)\r\n\nBest,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: Contract questions"}
90 |
{"email": "Hey Rosalie,\r\n\nRe - the meeting: sure, what time? My availability tomorrow afternoon is\r\npretty much just 2:30-4 and 4:30-5:15ish.\r\n\nNot sure what you mean by \"push for flat testing\" but excited to find out :)\r\n\nBest,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: missing data"}
91 |
{"email": "Hi Nancy,\r\n\nI'm sorry for the late response - I thought I had responded earlier but I\r\nwas mistaken. If 10:30 on is still good for you, it's great for\r\nme. I'm happy to come to your office.", "subject": "update"}
92 |
{"email": "Dear Svetlana and everyone,\r\n\nI don't see any reason we couldn't go to alpha next week :) - I think we\r\nshould have a prototype ready for final adjustments maybe as soon as Monday\r\n(let's say Tuesday to be safe...). Of course then we'd have to finalize the\r\nUI and documentation, but it would actually be great to have some external\r\nfeedback for that.\r\n\nFor the name, maybe we could poll for suggestions?\r\n\nCheers,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: short update"}
93 |
{"email": "Hey Reece,\r\n\nSorry about the late response - I was actually on vacation last week and just\r\ngot back a few days ago. I did mention this when I emailed you a couple of\r\nweeks, but I guess some wires got crossed.\r\n\nUnfortunately as it happens, I will also be away from campus all day for\r\nthe next lesson, making it three in a row. If there is another time slot I\r\ncould take on a different day (just once or maybe even in general), that\r\nwould be great. Otherwise, I'd be happy to pay you for one of these three\r\nmissed lessons, it's a lot of skips.\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: Howdy"}
94 |
{"email": "Dear Adam,\r\n\nSounds great. I'll see you there!\r\n\nBest,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: interview scheduling"}
95 |
{"email": "Works for me, too, though my toddler might choose to participate.\r\n\nBest,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: Sign-off meeting for putting the app in Beta?"}
96 |
{"email": "A hero in sweatpants is a hero for our time. You're just missing a\r\nsuperhero name.\r\n\nI'm glad you like the blanket! I guess the little card that was\r\nsupposed to be sent with it didn't make it.\r\n\nThank you very much in advance for sending the stuff (yes, that is the one\r\ntrue surge protector). Please let me know how much the shipping comes out\r\nto, and I will paypal you.\r\n\nHugs,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: How are you holding up?"}
97 |
{"email": "Hi Nancy,\r\n\nThank you very much for confirming! Unfortunately I got a bit lost so I'm\r\nrunning a few minutes late. I should be there by 10:35. I'm a about that.\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: Job"}
98 |
{"email": "Fair enough, and you're the best! Thanks again for forwarding my new\r\ntotally-unnecessary-but-awesome bag!\r\n\nNothing to report here either. Cassie's daycare had a birthday party today for\r\nall the kids whose birthdays were missed (including\r\nCassie), so she was very happy today. Petra sends her love.\r\n\nHugs,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: How are you holding up?"}
99 |
{"email": "Dear Shannon,\r\n\nI don't yet have a bank account, but I hope to create one this week!\r\n\nBest,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: FW: Bank Account"}
100 |
{"email": "By the way, for whoever wants to take a crack at starting to make this\r\nstatic page, there are these very nice markdown to HTML tools (for\r\ninstance, to get the page together quickly.\r\n\nBest,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: Web app"}
101 |
{"email": "Dear Boris,\r\n\nYes, that would be amazing - I would love to get involved in general, and\r\nwith this project in particular. Please let me know what I\r\ncan do to help.\r\n\nBest,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: Helco"}
102 |
{"email": "Dear Adam,\r\n\nI am sorry it took me so long to write back - I hope you remember me! As it\r\nturns out, it can take a while to get everything arranged and finally\r\nconfirmed. But I am happy to share that I will be working with Pat at Meowcor. In particular, I will be helping to develop a website uptime dashboard.", "subject": "Re: Webdev in Maria"}
103 |
{"email": "Hey! Sorry I missed your email and no worries on the cancellation - let's\r\ndo something after you get back!\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: need your address!"}
104 |
{"email": "Dear Zoey,\r\n\nThank you very much for your quick response! Yeah, unfortunately it seems\r\nthat there was a breakdown in communication somewhere, which is too bad.\r\nI'm sorry if it creates a problem for the school, and on my end - even\r\naside from the opportunity to present, I would have loved to attend.\r\n\nBest regards,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: email announcing ACRT'23"}
105 |
{"email": "Hi Andrew,\r\n\nThanks for the quick response! I will report it and see what happens.\r\n\nThanks also for the heads up about next month.\r\n\nBy the way, is this week still good for you to talk about the project? I am free the whole week, except Tuesday and Wednesday\r\nafter 2 PM and Friday after 3.\r\n\nBest,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: small project for Meowcor over the summer"}
106 |
{"email": "Hey Amy,\r\n\nSorry for the late response. I was actually supposed to be at a wedding in\r\nTennessee right now, but I cancelled it last minute because COVID. But in\r\nany case I should have written back, I just didn't know where I was going\r\nto be until a few days ago...\r\n\nIf you still have time today, I'd love to talk. If not - next weekend?\r\n\nHugs,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: hello"}
107 |
{"email": "I also agree with Mario. (full disclaimer, I discussed some of this with him\r\noffline). I'll respond in the larger thread, also. I think Mario deserves\r\nsome support, especially since (IMO) he's absolutely right", "subject": "Re: Re: First impression of"}
108 |
{"email": "Dear Laura,\r\n\nThank you very much - that's so very thoughtful of you!\r\n\nBest,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: Package for you"}
109 |
{"email": "Hi Nancy,\r\n\nHere are the updated letters.\r\n\nThanks again for the introduction!\r\n\nBest,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "update"}
110 |
{"email": "Hey Andrea,\r\n\nThank you very much for remembering and writing, it's always so nice to\r\nhear from you :)\r\n\nI hope you're having a good holiday season and not too bored! I pretty much\r\nnever leave the house now, since I can work from home. It's been a bit\r\nstrange.\r\n\nA question for you - what would you like for Christmas? I asked your mom,\r\nand she mentioned that there was some serum or somesuch skincare product\r\nyou were interested in? Or maybe something else, it's of course completely\r\nup to you.\r\n\nHugs,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: Happy birthday !!"}
111 |
{"email": "Hi Henry,\r\n\nSo unfortunately in the end it's too risky for me to go right\r\nnow, so I won't be able to come this week. I'm really sorry about this; I\r\nreally wanted to be there for you guys, see everyone, and of course catch\r\nup - and I hope it doesn't mess with the seating arrangements too badly. I\r\nrescheduled my trip for the first half of April, and I would love to buy\r\nyou and Allie a dinner then.\r\n\nBest, and I hope you have a wonderful (and smooth) wedding -\r\nIsabel\r\n\nP.S. There's also a present heading your way, but that's only\r\ntangentially related to the larger point of this message.", "subject": "Re: Congrats"}
112 |
{"email": "(- Svetlana, Reece for now)\r\n\nHi everyone,\r\n\nSince Svetlana wants us to make a decision on frameworks, I started a Google\r\ndocument for requirements, pros, and cons. My preference is to keep as much logic as possible in Python, and to have something fast (like, launch it in a week fast).\r\nBut I think we need a better idea of the feature list to make a decision.\r\nSo I would ask you if you could expand the \"features\" section, and maybe\r\nAlex could help us sketch out what it would actually look like. That\r\nshould conclusively answer the question of whether Dash would meet our\r\nneeds.\r\n\nThanks,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: Intro - web designer for our project"}
113 |
{"email": "OK! Facetime? Let me see it I can work it from my ipad...", "subject": "Re: hello"}
114 |
{"email": "Hey Henry,\r\n\nLong time indeed :) But this is great. I'm so excited for both of you! I\r\nonly met Andrew a couple of times, but he seemed really cool and I'm glad he\r\nmakes you happy.\r\n\nAs far as your wedding, I really want to come, I'll see if I can make it\r\nhappen. Fun fact, Gael and I got married on the same date six years\r\nago, so I guess it'll be easy to remember your anniversary.\r\n\nHugs,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: our wedding this summer"}
115 |
{"email": "Hi everyone,\r\n\nI'm happy to move the meeting to tomorrow; Alex and I have team meeting\r\n2-3:30(ish), but otherwise I'm free, personally. I'm also free until 3 PM\r\nand after 5 on Friday, if that's better. I'm not very worried about my\r\ntoddler: she'll probably want to take a look at what I'm doing, but as far\r\nas not distracting me for the bulk of the meeting - that's what cartoons\r\nare for.\r\n\nCheers,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: Sign-off meeting for putting the app in Beta?"}
116 |
{"email": "Hi Nancy,\r\n\nThank you for the feedback! I'll get you the updated letters today.\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "update"}
117 |
{"email": "Dear Helga,\r\n\nThank you for writing and for organizing these interviews. I don't mind at\r\nall and I think it's great to have these conversations and to meet more\r\npeople from Meowcor!\r\n\nAny of the 8:30 or 9 AM PST slots are great for me. I don't actually have a\r\nSkype account, but I'll set one up and let you know my username by\r\ntomorrow. And by all means, please feel free to contact Nancy.\r\n\nBest regards,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: Invitation to a skype interview"}
118 |
{"email": "Dear everyone,\r\n\nThe demo server is updating again! Note, however, that we still need to\r\nmake a few updates: some around documentation, and some on the app.\r\n\nBest,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: status"}
119 |
{"email": "Dear Shannon,\r\n\nWe are already in Bridgetown! We came early, so that we would have time to\r\nstart our one-year-old daughter in day care. She starts tomorrow! (But it\r\nwill be a little while longer before she is ready to go full time.)\r\n\nYes, I will certainly be there at 9 AM on April 1. Looking forward to\r\nmeeting you!\r\n\nBest,\r\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: Apartment house"}
120 |
{"email": "Dear Boris and Svetlana,\r\n\nThank you ver much for letting me know. I will be happy to join.\r\n\nBest,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: ** Zoom meeting at 10am"}
121 |
{"email": "Cool - then how about if we see if we can get some very basic documentation\r\ninto the app today (at least, some quick instructions for which toggle does\r\nwhat), and then share it with Github friends ahead of the meeting? We can\r\nwork on more extensive documentation separately, since that will take\r\nlonger.\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: desired results"}
122 |
{"email": "(+ Mario)\r\n\nHi Reece,\r\n\nThanks for noticing :) I am adding in Maria who, IIRC, set up the hosting\r\nback in the day. I actually haven't talked with Mr. Ivanov for years, so\r\nI have no idea if keeping the site up is still a priority, but in any case,\r\nit costs money. My best guess is that we let that service lapse, but Maria\r\nwould probably know better.\r\n\nBest,\r\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: offline"}
123 |
{"email": "Dear Laura,\r\n\nThe package has not arrived yet, but I hope it will soon - I'll let you\r\nknow as soon as I have it.\r\n\nThank you for the update. Please let me know if there is\r\nanything you need from me!\r\n\nBest,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: Package for you"}
124 |
{"email": "Dear Michelle,\r\n\nThis sounds OK to us. Could we please book this service for Saturday at 4 PM?\r\n\nThe pick-up address is Memphis.\r\n\nAs a reminder, we will need a car seat suitable for a 18-kg 3 year old\r\nchild.\r\n\nThanks,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: Price quote for trip"}
125 |
{"email": "Thank you very much, Athena! I just sent Andrea an email. Best of luck to your\r\nson in preschool!\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: Your nanny, Andrea"}
126 |
{"email": "Dear Svetlana and all,\r\n\nSounds great! Would you like the name change now (well, tomorrow), or when\r\nthe new domain is bought and hooked up?\r\n\nBest,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: crobot Bridgetown"}
127 |
{"email": "Hey!\r\n\nWork is OK, mostly I sit at home and stare at the computer screen. I\r\nlook forward to next year when I can sit at work and stare at the computer\r\nscreen. Or sometimes paper. Just kidding, honestly it's kind of hard\r\nwithout having people around, especially for classes. But I guess once this\r\nyear is over we all get a \"survivor\" badge. I guess the Groupies are less\r\nremote than us at Helco?\r\n\nCheers,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: server data"}
128 |
{"email": "Hi Robert,\r\n\nI have not heard, and I am so sorry to hear this news now, it's awful. I\r\nhope that you and your teams are not terribly impacted.\r\n\nOf course, I am sorry to have bothered you under the circumstances. I will\r\nsend you a draft by tomorrow.\r\n\nBest,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: Reference"}
129 |
{"email": "Hey! It's very nice to hear from you, and thank you for the birthday\r\nwishes! Cassie did great on the plane and is settling in nicely. There are\r\nfive (five!) playgrounds within a 15-minute walk and Cassie loves them all;\r\nwe are now raising a slide addict.\r\n\nAnd yes, we totally assembled the sofa bed the first night! Sleep is worth\r\nfighting for. Bridgetown is... quaint but very sweet. All stores close early on\r\nSaturday and stay closed through Sunday. But there is a wonderful cheese\r\nshop and great cakes and even a place specializing exclusively in\r\nPortuguese egg tarts. One thing that helps is that it turns out we are very\r\ncentral, which is very convenient for getting around.\r\n\nThank you in advance if you choose to send Cassie something. Our address is\r\n123 Memphis Street,\r\n Bridgetown\r\n\nHow are things back at Meowcor? Is life totally awesomer now that things work? Anything exciting otherwise? What is your kid?\r\n\nBest,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: Happy Birthday, Cassie!"}
130 |
{"email": "Dear Shannon,\r\n\nThank you very much for holding the apartment. As it happens, we will not\r\nbe needing it, so please go ahead and cancel.\r\n\nBest,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: Apartment house"}
131 |
{"email": "Thursday is great for me. Would around3:30 - 4 PM by any chance be a good\r\ntime for everyone?\r\n\nBest,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: Intro - web designer for our project"}
132 |
{"email": "Hey dad,\r\n\nThanks for checking. Actually I asked Gael ana he said he doesn't need\r\nheadphones. He does need sweaters ( men's large, cotton or thin wool, dark\r\ncolor/no pattern). He might also enjoy something by Pelevin or Max Frisch, but it's just a guess. Or maybe another of\r\nthose dark mysteries you and he seem to like?\r\n\nStill waiting for suggestions for y'all.\r\n\nLove,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: Presents"}
133 |
{"email": "Hi Rosalie and Jack,\r\n\nHappy new year! Jack, very nice to virtually meet you, and looking forward\r\nto working together!\r\n\nBest,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re:"}
134 |
{"email": "Hey, sorry this is a bit late, but I figured you'd want to party in Vietnam until the end anyhow.\r\n\nI am not sure I fully understood the patent, especially the second and\r\nthird embeddings of Claim 11, but I think I got the gist of it.", "subject": "Re: patent"}
135 |
{"email": "Hey Luke,\r\n\nAwesome, thanks for letting me know! I hope that we can all see each other\r\nsoon in Iceland (that place looks storybook-gorgeous, by the way!). If\r\nnot, another time.\r\n\nBest of luck with Meowcor! I hope it's a bit less stressful now that you\r\nknow what to expect. But if you have any questions please do let me know!\r\n\nCassie and Richards say hi back to you and Susan :)\r\n\nHugs,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: How are you holding up?"}
136 |
{"email": "Sure, but you anyway need Mario, since he set up all of the infra for\r\nhosting. If he's not willing to keep working on it, it would be pretty\r\ndifficult to get things back up, even if there is a desire to.\r\n\n-J", "subject": "Re: offline"}
137 |
{"email": "Hi Laura,\r\n\nI got the package - thank you very much! The candied flowers are really\r\nspecial - my whole family loved them. The bike map was great as well!\r\n\nBest,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: Package for you"}
138 |
{"email": "Hey dad,\r\n\nYou OK? What a disaster....\r\n\nSure, I can get Andrea a fitbit and a power bank for you.\r\n\nthe dark mysteries I was thinking of were those books you and Gael got in\r\nMalmo. Maybe they weren't mysteries, just dark? Anyway he finished his.\r\n\nHugs,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: Presents"}
139 |
{"email": "Hi Robert,\r\n\nI hope you are doing well. I am following up on an email I sent back in\r\nFebruary, to ask if you would be willing to act as a reference for me for a job at\r\nInnoviarty. I would really appreciate it if you would\r\nlet me know, and of course if you would be willing to do it.\r\n\nBest regards,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: Reference"}
140 |
{"email": "Hey Amy, I'm so sorry. I passed out somehow and I even set an alarm, and I\r\nhave no idea what happened with that. I feel terrible, and also sad I\r\ndidn't get to see you. Would you be okay with trying again tomorrow, or\r\nwhichever day you're free next?\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: Zoom"}
141 |
{"email": "Hi Robert,\r\n\nThank you again for supporting my job applications. I wanted to let you\r\nknow that next fall I will be starting at Helco Bridgetown. I am very excited to get started.\r\n\nI hope you and your family are doing well, despite this current crisis. I\r\nheard from Penny that Meowcor is still being generally very supportive of\r\nits employees, for instance sending everyone care packages long before they really\r\nhad to. I hope that that's your impression as well. We are doing OK here in\r\nBridgetown, a little stir-crazy, but we have fantastic infrastructure. In\r\nparticular, the stores have not run out of anything, and with any luck the\r\nmedical system will hold up as well. For the most part, people have been\r\nexcellent at taking care of each other.\r\n\nBest,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: Reference"}
142 |
{"email": "Hey!\r\n\nYou are an absolute hero. And, I\r\nmean, Einstein was a sexy man, but I'm sure he's got nothing on you. Also: I'm glad the rentals thing is picking up\r\nagain!!\r\n\nThank you again for sending me my American stuff! I ordered just one more\r\nthing - a surge protector. It should arrive at your brother's on\r\nMonday. There is also a birthday present for you, which by the way - HAPPY\r\nBIRTHDAY! I hope you and your friends had a wonderful celebration. I do\r\nhope that you like the thing I picked out for you (hint: it's not the surge\r\nprotector), but if it's not your style, I have confidence in your ability\r\nto find something you'd be willing to exchange it for.\r\n\nAnyway, for the bag and the surge protector, it would probably be best if\r\nyou sent it to Gael at work, since I'm going to be switching jobs.\r\n\nI have also not been exercising. I went running exactly once, a few days\r\nago, mostly guilted into it because a different friend went. It was...\r\nokay. We do walk a lot, though, and I now have this scooter that I use to\r\nget around, and it's... kind of work? I bought it for work as well,\r\nto make the commute a bit shorter.\r\n\nPetra, Gael, and Cassie say hi. Petra is still very happycat, with me home\r\n(and in fleece pajamas) and Cassie gone.\r\n\nHugs,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: How are you holding up?"}
143 |
{"email": "Hi Luke,\r\n\nI hope you got the payment.\r\n\nI just wanted to let you know the best way to deliver the food: There is an\r\nalley behind/just to the west of the property. The entrance will be from the\r\nalley, and it will be easy to bring the food up from there ( there is one\r\nflight of stairs). It's okay to have your vehicle in the alley long enough\r\nto unpack the food; after that there is lots of parking in the area. I am\r\nincluding a parking map.\r\n\nThanks,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: Restaurant"}
144 |
{"email": "Hey dad,\r\n\ncould I please have this instead of the shoes?\r\n\nThanks! Good luck in Seoul!\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re:"}
145 |
{"email": "Hi Nancy,\r\n\nThank you very much. Mr. Schneider had written to me over the weekend, and I\r\nwill be meeting him in a few weeks. I wrote to Adam as well.\r\n\nThanks again, and looking forward to meeting you in person soon,\r\n\nBest,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "update"}
146 |
{"email": "Dear Chris,\r\n\nI reached out to you a few months ago to ask if you would be interested in\r\nspeaking to WorkTogether about your work at Rosalia. However, it seemed\r\nlike it was not a good time as it was quite close to your graduation. I\r\nwould like to try again.\r\n\nIn particular, we are looking for speakers to introduce WorkTogether members to\r\nopen-source projects in the broad area of Javascript frameworks. We believe\r\nthat Rosalia would be a wonderful organization to feature as part of this\r\nproject, and we hope a talk would inspire our members to get involved.\r\nTypically, we ask our speakers to give a roughly 45-minute talk via Google\r\nMeet, which is recorded and posted on our YouTube channel, followed by\r\n10-15 minutes of Q&A. All talks are open to the general public, hosted by\r\nWorkTogether, and moderated by me or my co-lead Maria.", "subject": "Re: Speaking invitation - WorkTogether"}
147 |
{"email": "Hi Svetlana,\r\n\nSorry about the late response; it has been a very busy last two weeks\r\nfor me (I switched jobs), and unfortunately I didn't have quite as much\r\ntime as normally to spend on this project, and specifically on the hosting\r\nquestion (see below). I am working on this now, however.\r\n\nMore specifically, I looked into this more yesterday, and sadly I am not\r\nable to fully administer the crobot domain, and I need Reece to share\r\nmore controls with me; I sent him an email yesterday, so I hope that we can\r\nresolve this soon. Note, though, that this would just allow me to set up\r\nforwarding.\r\n\nAnd I do think it is important\r\nthat we get this right, because once our site is public to the world (and\r\nmaybe this group is not looking at it / checking that everything is in\r\norder every day), we need to rely on software to make sure that everything\r\nis available and nothing breaks.\r\n\nI've been working on this with Maria, and I think we are close to a\r\nsolution, but it has not yet been implemented. Unlike the simple forwarding, this requires some coordinated effort and will take longer.\r\nIt is up to you and the team to decide if we need this for the next stage\r\nof the launch (in which case certainly we'll be as quick as we can), but I\r\nguess we also have other issues to address, such as the color scheme\r\ncomments.\r\n\nBest,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: Documentation"}
148 |
{"email": "Hey Robert,\r\n\nIt's good to hear from you, too! I'm glad you and Adam and everyone are\r\ndoing well! Cassie is growing, too. She's just starting to speak - her\r\nfavorite word is \"no\", which is pretty adorable.\r\n\nRegarding the recs, thank you so much! I don't know if they can do a\r\nsecondary email, but I'll try to submit my stuff early, so you *hopefully*\r\nget an email before the 29th. I'll let you know when I do submit.\r\n\nI hope you have a great trip to Portland!\r\n\nBest,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: Reference"}
149 |
{"email": "Oops, the invitation got sent to an incomplete list (please see below for\r\nthe original invitation). But, while I have your attention, please let me\r\nknow if there are any food allergies that we should be aware of.\r\n\nCan't wait to see and celebrate with everyone!\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: Halloween party"}
150 |
{"email": "Dear Shannon,\r\n\nThank you for arranging the housing. We would need it from April 1, as well\r\nare coming quite a bit earlier to get our baby daughter started in daycare.\r\nIt's okay if we have to pay; however, would it be possible to cancel if we\r\nfind permanent housing before April?\r\n\nThank you,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: Apartment reservation Isabel"}
151 |
{"email": "Hey dad,\r\n\nThank you! Malmo is nice. We're actually about 2 hours south of Cairo\r\nin an AirBnB in the countryside: it's a long weekend in Malmo. Everything\r\nis going well; the only thing is that Cassie's been in a lot of teething\r\ndiscomfort: her top incisors broke through today, so with luck she'll be\r\nfeeling better very soon.\r\n\nGael requests a sweater,\r\n(any\r\ncolor that looks good to you, I think he already has a navy one though).\r\n\nAs for me, I really like electronics.\r\nThey're fairly expensive, though, so maybe we could split them?\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re:"}
152 |
{"email": "Hi Reece,\r\n\nYeah, it's.... not the best website. It does seem to work, though, so I\r\nthink we're OK. Thanks for dealing with this!\r\n\nBest,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: crobot domain?"}
153 |
{"email": "Hi Robert,\r\n\nThanks so much for taking the time, and of course for the strong\r\nendorsement. I really do appreciate it.\r\n\nBest regards,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: Reference"}
154 |
{"email": "Dear Svetlana,\r\n\nThank you for starting the feedback! #3 on your list is done.\r\n\nBest,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: feedback for beta"}
155 |
{"email": "I think that every page in the domain should be\r\npassword-protected, not just the landing page. But this is very easy to set\r\nup. The password would actually need to be entered twice - once for the\r\ndocumentation pages and once for the interactive pages, but this is unavoidable until\r\nwe put them on the same server.\r\n\nBest,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: password for crobot"}
156 |
{"email": "Thursday at 10 is good :)\r\n\nWe should have all of the feedback on the app portion incorporated by then.\r\n\nBest,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: documentation - zoom"}
157 |
{"email": "Dear Laura,\r\n\nThank you very much! I'll let you know once I receive it.\r\n\nBest,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: Package for you"}
158 |
{"email": "Hey, sounds good. It sounds like you're pretty busy at the moment and I\r\nhave a big Feb 3 deadline, so maybe let's talk ~then? Congrats on,\r\nyet, again, being an awesome employee. I hope something really good comes\r\nout of this for you.\r\n\nNot exactly related (except for the \"interesting beginning of 2024\" part),\r\nbut I'm going to be in San Antonio for at least a few weeks this summer,\r\nworking on Anna's team at Innoviarty. So maybe see you around, then :)\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: catch-up"}
159 |
{"email": "Dear Pat,\r\n\nPerfect - thank you so much for resolving my concerns so quickly! I'll send\r\nmy information over to Helga so she can send out the official contract.\r\n\nBest,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: Contract questions"}
160 |
{"email": "Dear Shannon,\r\n\nSounds great, thank you. I do have one question. I sent an email to Helga\r\nabout ten days ago regarding my paperwork, and I haven't heard back. I was wondering if you know if\r\nmaybe she is on vacation or otherwise not available. If so, do you expect\r\nher back soon or is there someone else who could help? I'm afraid that the\r\nissue is a bit time sensitive.\r\n\nThanks,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: First day of work"}
161 |
{"email": "LOL. Gael and I split a bottle of sparkling wine over two days, as\r\nis our tradition. On new years, I mean, not every two days.\r\n\nHmm, are you free this coming weekend? Your afternoon/my evening?\r\n\nHugs,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "or something like that"}
162 |
{"email": "Hey, could y'all please let me in to the meeting?\r\n\nThanks,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: missing data"}
163 |
{"email": "Dear everyone,\r\n\nThis is very mysterious. There is one setting I could change to make those\r\nboxes a bit more responsive in general called \"Debounce\", and I changed it\r\nto make it more responsive. (It's OK for now, it would be a problem if/when\r\nwe get rid of the \"recompute\" button).\r\n\nBest,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: UI"}
164 |
{"email": "Hi Adam,\r\n\nI made a small change. Could you\r\nplease pull it before you submit?\r\n\nThe video is ready (I hope) and attached. Please let me know what you think!\r\n\nBest,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: Ready"}
165 |
{"email": "Dear Shannon,\r\n\nI apologise for the delay. His name is Gael Richards Smythe ( he has two\r\nlast names).\r\n\nThank you,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: FW: Apartment reservation Isabel"}
166 |
{"email": "Dear Sky,\r\n\nUnfortunately over the weekend it seems that the app has stopped updating sometime this weekend.\r\nThe commits do appear in the Github repo it's supposed to be pulling from, just not\r\non the website itself. Could you please help get this fixed? We were\r\nplanning to share this website with external collaborators today.\r\n\nThanks,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "[Pretty urgent] - Dash app"}
167 |
{"email": "Hi Svetlana,\r\n\nI believe I have what I need, at least I can try and contact Rosalie if not :)\r\n\nBest,\r\n\nIsabel", "subject": "Re: FINAL draft :)"}
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
1 |
{"email": "Thanks for being accommodating with the meeting time. I have accepted the\r\nmeeting; see you tomorrow!\r\n\nMarcus", "subject": "Re: Questions about your work", "date": "2024-08-26T14:57:23+02:00"}
2 |
{"email": "Hi Jenni,\r\n\nThank you for your prompt reply. That is great news.\r\n\nLooking forward to hearing from you soon,\r\nMarcus", "subject": "Re: Follow-ups", "date": "2023-03-17T11:05:19+00:00"}
3 |
{"email": "To whom it may concern,\n\nThank you for the invitation to the event.\r\nI will be attending.\r\n\nRegards\r\nMarcus Lenzi", "subject": "Re: FW: You are invited!", "date": "2017-05-22T10:54:56+02:00"}
4 |
{"email": "Dear Professor Archibald\r\n\nI hope that you are well, and that you have had a restful festive season.\r\n\nI wanted to inform you that unfortunately, due to personal circumstances, I\r\nwill be unable to commit to an internship at this time. I\r\nhope that this in order with you, and that this does not close the\r\nmetaphoric door on our potential professional relationship.\r\n\nWishing you all the best for the rest of the holiday period.\r\n\nKind regards,\r\nMarcus", "subject": "Re: Internship", "date": "2023-12-26T11:27:35+01:00"}
5 |
{"email": "Hi all,\r\n\nFor the tutorial today: we will be in the auditorium because of some tech issues.\r\n\nSee you all soon.\r\n\nMarcus", "subject": "Re: Green Futures Conferences: Invitation to help tutor", "date": "2024-09-03T09:57:42+00:00"}
6 |
{"email": "Hi Peter,\r\n\nI haven\u2019t tried yet. I will be sure to send over any questions once they arise.\r\n\nKind regards,\r\nMarcus", "subject": "Re: Experiments Support", "date": "2023-07-18T15:36:28+01:00"}
7 |
{"email": "Hi Susie,\r\n\nThank you for your email. This is extremely helpful, and very kind of you.\r\n\nI am looking forward to your talk tomorrow; good luck!\r\n\nKind regards,\r\nMarcus", "subject": "Re: Navigation Advice", "date": "2023-09-21T14:27:08+01:00"}
8 |
{"email": "Hi George,\r\n\nThank you for your email!\r\n\nI just have one further question:\r\nWith working three days from home, would we be able to work from the office\r\nif we would want, or is this not possible?\r\n\nReally looking forward to meeting you too!\r\n\nKind regards,\r\nMarcus", "subject": "Re: Welcome!", "date": "2022-05-23T23:03:20+02:00"}
9 |
{"email": "Dear Jack,\r\n\nI hope that this email finds you well.\r\n\nI wanted to let you know that I received my internship offer and that I\r\nhave accepted it. I am very excited to join the team.\r\n\nWhat are the next steps, if any?\r\n\nLooking forward to hearing from you,\r\nMarcus", "subject": "Acceptance of Internship Offer - Marcus Lenzi", "date": "2021-12-14T11:27:31+00:00"}
10 |
{"email": "Dear Maria,\r\n\nI hope that this email finds you well.\r\n\nI wanted to let you know that I have accepted my internship offer for the\r\nsummer.\r\n\nThank you for all your help during this process.\r\n\nKind regards,\r\nMarcus", "subject": "Acceptance of Internship Offer - Marcus Lenzi", "date": "2021-11-18T22:19:28+00:00"}
11 |
{"email": "Hi Raphael,\r\n\nThanks for offering to help out.\r\n\nTo ease your mind, we have structured the tutorial such that it is super\r\nbeginner friendly. There is very little for the students to derive,\r\nbut rather to think about high level questions. If you are able\r\nto convey this, that would be\r\nabsolutely perfect.\r\n\nKind regards,\r\nMarcus", "subject": "Re: Green Futures Conferences: Invitation to help tutor", "date": "2024-08-29T11:54:07+02:00"}
12 |
{"email": "Hello Susan,\r\n\nThank you for your email.\r\n\nI have not received an email from Pro Sustainability Solutions (I have checked my spam folder). The\r\nonly email I have from Pro Sustainability Solutions was for my internship last\r\nyear.\r\n\nPlease could you advise on how I should proceed?\r\n\nKind regards,\r\nMarcus", "subject": "Re: Re: Action Required:New Wave Pty Ltd Onboarding Tasks", "date": "2023-04-11T11:12:26+01:00"}
13 |
{"email": "To whom it may concern,\r\n\nPlease find attached the evidence supporting my application.\r\n\nKind regards,\r\nMarcus Lenzi", "subject": "Supporting Evidence - Marcus Lenzi", "date": "2021-09-15T17:40:03+01:00"}
14 |
{"email": "Dear Linda and Laurence,\r\n\nThank you for your email.\r\n\nDue to my academic responsibilities, I am unable to complete the remote work task.\r\n\nPlease take this email as evidence of the fact that I have withdrawn from the internship application. Thank you for your consideration during this process.\r\nI hope that our professional paths will cross once again in the future.\r\n\nKind regards,\r\nMarcus", "subject": "Re: task", "date": "2024-03-04T13:25:13+00:00"}
15 |
{"email": "Hi Antoine,\r\n\nIn theory I\u2019m keen to have another crack! I may be having dinner\r\nat the time which is why I listed my availability as \u201cmaybe\u201d.\r\n\nThank you for extending the invitation.\r\n\nKind regards,\r\nMarcus", "subject": "Re: Let's go again?", "date": "2024-09-16T21:45:47+01:00"}
16 |
{"email": "Good morning,\r\n\nThank you for your email. Would the interview be virtual?\r\n\nKind regards,\r\nMarcus", "subject": "Re: You have been invited for an interview", "date": "2023-07-06T10:33:17+01:00"}
17 |
{"email": "Dear Jeffery,\r\n\nI hope that this email finds you well.\r\n\nI am writing to see if there has been any update regarding the position that I had interviewed for?\r\n\nI think that the organisation is doing great work, and any updates that you\r\ncan share about the position would be greatly appreciated.\r\n\nLooking forward to hearing from you,\r\nMarcus", "subject": "Outcome of Interview", "date": "2022-04-13T09:11:47+02:00"}
18 |
{"email": "Good evening,\r\n\nDo you have availability the week after the 16th? Perhaps the 25th?\r\n\nThank you for providing the list of documents needed.\r\n\nKind regards,\r\nMarcus", "subject": "Re: Follow up Discussion", "date": "2024-06-07T19:17:07+01:00"}
19 |
{"email": "Hi Jennifer,\r\n\nNo worries; I hope the move went smoothly. I have booked a call for\r\nTuesday next week.\r\n\nSpeak soon,\r\nMarcus", "subject": "Re: New Event: Marcus Lenzi - 11:00 Fri, 20 Sep 2024 - 30 Minute Meeting", "date": "2024-09-19T00:28:13+01:00"}
20 |
{"email": "Good morning all,\r\n\nThe intern event ends at 12pm. I will leave for the office soon after: I expect\r\nthat I will arrive around 1pm.\r\n\nLooking forward to see you all soon,\r\nMarcus", "subject": "Re: Kick-off Meeting", "date": "2023-06-27T09:24:37+01:00"}
21 |
{"email": "Hi Zach,\r\n\nThat is great. See you tomorrow at 12.\r\n\nMarcus", "subject": "Re: Advice for further study", "date": "2023-09-21T09:15:01+01:00"}
22 |
{"email": "Dear Jolene,\r\n\nThank you for your email, and for offering to assist on this matter.\r\n\nPlease find attached the transcript.\r\n\nKind regards,\r\nMarcus", "subject": "Re: Additional Document Upload [New Economics University] Application", "date": "2022-10-26T10:41:05+01:00"}
23 |
{"email": "Good evening,\r\n\nPlease find attached the documents that you requested.\r\n\nLet me know if you require any further information.\r\n\nKind regards,\r\nMarcus", "subject": "Action Required: Document Upload", "date": "2023-02-07T19:54:02+00:00"}
24 |
{"email": "Hi Niamh,\r\n\nI hope that you are well.\r\n\nI just wanted to follow up on the interview to see whether there has been\r\nany progress on my application?\r\n\nKind regards,\r\nMarcus", "subject": "Re: Sustainable Economic Policy Intern Application", "date": "2024-01-18T12:49:48+00:00"}
25 |
{"email": "Good morning,\r\n\nThank you for your email.\r\n\nJust to confirm: this is a virtual interview?\r\n\nKind regards,\r\nMarcus", "subject": "Re: Interview Invitation", "date": "2023-07-10T09:35:29+01:00"}
26 |
{"email": "Dear Ed\r\n\nApologies for missing the meeting: I was away from the office.\r\n\nWas there anything that you wanted to discuss in particular?\r\n\nKind regards\r\nMarcus Lenzi", "subject": "Missed Meeting", "date": "2020-07-22T14:33:43+02:00"}
27 |
{"email": "Hi Patrick,\r\n\nThank you for your email.\r\n\nThe link that you have provided does not have an interactive tab for me. Could you please provide me with another\r\nresource?\r\n\nRegarding your statement: \"as you have already initially accepted the\r\noffer\", this is not the case. I have not received any offer letter to\r\naccept.\r\n\nKind regards,\r\nMarcus", "subject": "Re: Your Application - Offer made", "date": "2022-11-18T12:36:32+00:00"}
28 |
{"email": "Hi Taylor,\r\n\nThank you for organising all of this; I am enjoying the experience.\r\n\n The error I flagged was to ensure\r\nthat there were no discrepancies.\r\n\nKind regards,\r\nMarcus", "subject": "Error in Sheet - Marcus Lenzi", "date": "2021-11-13T10:33:51+00:00"}
29 |
{"email": "Hi, Violet,\r\n\nThank you for your message. I am very interested in hearing more about the internship. Would you be able to provide more details\r\n?\r\n\nKind regards,\r\nMarcus", "subject": "Re: Green Science Org. Internship Opportunities", "date": "2021-12-03T17:36:51+00:00"}
30 |
{"email": "Dear Julia\r\n\nThank you for your prompt response. I will be keeping a close eye on the\r\ntrack notifications.\r\n\nKing regards\r\nMarcus Lenzi", "subject": "Re: Your application to Sustainable Policy Advisor Team", "date": "2019-03-14T15:29:02+02:00"}
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
1 |
{"email": "Good afternoon,\r\n\nI hope that this email finds you well.\r\n\nI am writing in response to the full time offer that I received this\r\nafternoon.\r\n\nFirstly, thank you for the opportunity; I am delighted to have received it.\r\nUnfortunately, I cannot accept the position at this time as I will be\r\nundertaking further study next year.\r\n\nHowever, I would like to postpone the offer by a year to return to the firm next year. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time and would love to continue working for the firm. If this is not\r\npossible, I would like to convert the full time offer to another internship.\r\n\nPlease do let me know if any of the above two options are possible, and if\r\nso, what would I need to do to move forward with this decision.\r\n\nLooking forward to hearing from you.\r\n\nKind regards,\r\nMarcus", "subject": "Reply to Full-Time Offer - Marcus Lenzi", "date": "2022-08-24T15:21:08+01:00"}
2 |
{"email": "Hi Bernie,\r\n\n I\u2019m planning on coming to the conference, and am looking\r\nto book my travel soon. Will we overlap on the 22nd-24th?\r\n\nKind regards,\r\nMarcus", "subject": "Re: Interest in Project", "date": "2024-06-17T16:36:03+01:00"}
3 |
{"email": "Hi guys,\r\n\nJust stumbled on your website. The product seems super cool; I just wanted\r\nto send my hearty congratulations.\r\n\nMarcus", "subject": "Well done on the new initiative", "date": "2024-05-16T20:25:56+02:00"}
4 |
{"email": "Hi Liam,\r\n\nThanks for this email, and apologies for my lack of response.\r\nI see that we will both be at the Green Futures Conferences next month. It would be great to\r\nfinally meet in person, and catch up. Perhaps we can continue this\r\nconversation then.\r\n\nKind regards,\r\nMarcus", "subject": "Re: Questions about your Sustainability Research", "date": "2024-08-10T17:41:39+01:00"}
5 |
{"email": "Thank you! This is much appreciated.\r\n\nI will put down your email as I start creating the applications in the next\r\nfew weeks.\r\n\nKind regards,\r\nMarcus", "subject": "Re: Application", "date": "2024-10-21T12:04:34+02:00"}
6 |
{"email": "To whom it may concern,\r\n\nI hope that this email finds you well.\r\n\nI am considering applying as a volunteer at Greener Greens Conference following\r\nthe acceptance of my paper.\r\n\nWould you be able to provide information on when the training sessions\r\nwould be approximately?\r\n\nKind regards,\r\nMarcus", "subject": "Approximate Dates of Training Sessions for Greener Greens Conference Volunteers", "date": "2023-10-11T22:30:16+01:00"}
7 |
{"email": "Hi Liam,\r\n\nThanks for accepting the offer for the call. I am free any time from the\r\n24/08 (tomorrow) until 29/08 between 09:00h-16:00h.\r\n\nPlease pick a time that works for you.\r\n\nKind regards,\r\nMarcus", "subject": "Re: Questions about your Sustainability Research", "date": "2024-08-23T23:28:00+02:00"}
8 |
{"email": "Hi Luke,\r\n\nThanks for reaching out, and for your kind words.\r\n\nScheduling a call sounds great. I have some time this afternoon if it is\r\nnot too short notice. Otherwise, I am generally free at most points next\r\nweek. Do you have a calendar link that I could use to find a suitable time\r\nfor us?\r\n\nLooking forward to hearing from you,\r\nMarcus", "subject": "Re: Green Futures Conferences tutorial", "date": "2024-10-25T16:35:37+02:00"}
9 |
{"email": "Hi Francesca,\r\n\nThank you for your reply, and for the helpful information.\r\n\nI have shared the job description. Hopefully that\r\nwill give some good visibility.\r\n\nKind regards,\r\nMarcus", "subject": "Re: Sharing the Opportunity", "date": "2023-08-15T08:37:37+01:00"}
10 |
{"email": "Hi Julian,\r\n\nSee below a PDF that I thought could be of interest to you. Let me know what you think.", "subject": "Opportunity", "date": "2021-09-16T23:26:56+01:00"}
11 |
{"email": "Hey Antoine,\r\n\nWould you be free\r\nfor a video/voice call one of these days to discuss the collaboration we had spoken about?\r\n\nMarcus", "subject": "Re: Potential Collaboration", "date": "2021-09-08T10:07:16+01:00"}
12 |
{"email": "Hi all,\r\n\nThank you for the clarification. Looking forward to meeting you on the 21st!\r\n\nKind regards,\r\nMarcus", "subject": "Re: Quick phone call", "date": "2022-06-15T11:41:24+02:00"}
13 |
{"email": "Good afternoon,\r\n\nI hope that this email finds you well.\r\n\nI am writing in response to the full time offer that I received this\r\nafternoon.\r\n\nFirstly, thank you for the opportunity; I am delighted to have received it.\r\n\nAs discussed with Devan Sun previously, I plan on pursuing further\r\nstudy. In light of this, would it be possible to defer the aforementioned\r\noffer so that I will join the firm upon completion of my postgraduate degree? I have thoroughly enjoyed my time here and would love to\r\ncontinue working for the firm. If this is not possible, could I convert it\r\nto another internship instead?\r\n\nLooking forward to hearing from you.\r\n\nKind regards,\r\nMarcus", "subject": "Reply to Full-time Offer - Marcus Lenzi", "date": "2022-08-24T15:58:57+01:00"}
14 |
{"email": "Hi Bernie,\r\n\nThanks for sending over the slides.\r\n\nIn brief, I would definitely like to discuss further at some point;\r\nplease do keep me on the list of interested collaborators.\r\n\n The reason I ask about bandwidth is that I wouldn't want to sign up\r\nto the project, and then fall short in terms of expectation.\r\n\nIn any case, it would be a fantastic opportunity to collaborate, for this\r\nproject or at some point in the future. \r\n\nKind regards,\r\nMarcus", "subject": "Re: Interest in Project", "date": "2024-06-06T23:32:01+01:00"}
15 |
{"email": "Hi Nick,\r\n\nThank you for your email; the additional context was very helpful.\r\n\nI wanted to ask about when we could expect to hear back about whether our\r\nproposal was successful? The form indicated the 16th, albeit\r\ntentative.\r\n\nKind regards,\r\nMarcus", "subject": "Re: Additional Requirements for Practicals", "date": "2024-05-17T18:05:02+02:00"}
16 |
{"email": "Good afternoon,\r\n\nThat is great news! I can confirm that I still wish to take on this role.\r\n\nLooking forward to joining the team,\r\nMarcus", "subject": "Re: Sustainability Intern role", "date": "2022-04-13T14:32:11+02:00"}
17 |
{"email": "Dear Jessica,\r\n\nThank you for your email.\r\n\nI confirm my attendance the event; thank you very much\r\nfor organising.\r\n\nKind regards,\r\nMarcus", "subject": "Re: Event Invitation -\r\n please reply", "date": "2023-09-11T18:05:56+02:00"}
18 |
{"email": "Dear Michelle,\r\n\nBoth options sounds great. I will have a look at the work your team is doing.\r\n\nThank you for being accommodating.\r\n\nKind regards,\r\nMarcus", "subject": "Re: Aligning Expectations", "date": "2024-02-23T18:37:11+00:00"}
19 |
{"email": "Good afternoon,\r\n\nIs there any further information you need from me regarding\r\nthis application?\r\n\nKind regards,\r\nMarcus", "subject": "Re: Application form", "date": "2023-07-18T16:37:29+01:00"}
20 |
{"email": "Never mind - they just confirmed that they have received the materials.\r\n\nMarcus", "subject": "Re: Documents Due", "date": "2021-08-03T14:49:27+02:00"}
21 |
{"email": "Hi John,\r\n\nThank you very much for your email; I am delighted to be joining the team\r\nnext month!\r\n\nWe had our first intern call with the firm today, and I had some follow-up\r\nadministrative questions:\r\n1) What is the dress code for our team?\r\n2) What is the WFH policy?\r\n3) How many people are in our team, and are there any other interns joining\r\nas well?\r\n\nLooking forward to hearing from you,\r\nMarcus", "subject": "Re: Welcome to the team", "date": "2022-05-17T16:23:57+01:00"}
22 |
{"email": "Hi Logan,\r\n\nIt seems that I am unable to join your meeting because it is for \"authorized\r\nparticipants only\".\r\n\nI am trying to log in from my personal account.\r\n\nMarcus", "subject": "Re: Question regarding New Wave Pty Ltd Internship Experience", "date": "2023-02-10T14:03:28+00:00"}
23 |
{"email": "Hi Teagan,\r\n\nThat sounds great! Thank you for letting me know.\r\n\nWhen is the project due to start, and how long will it take?\r\n\nKind regards,\r\nMarcus", "subject": "Re: Collaboration Invitation", "date": "2023-04-17T11:59:11+01:00"}
24 |
{"email": "Dear Linda,\r\n\nThat sounds great. Looking forward to meeting you too. See you soon.\r\n\nKind regards,\r\nMarcus", "subject": "Re: Sustainable Economics Research with our team", "date": "2024-02-13T07:45:20+00:00"}
25 |
{"email": "Hi Antoine, thanks for facilitating this.\r\n\nSee you on Saturday!\r\n\nMarcus", "subject": "Re: Let's go again?", "date": "2024-09-17T14:47:01+01:00"}
26 |
{"email": "Dear Linda,\r\n\nThat works well for me. I will create an event for us.\r\n\nKind regards,\r\nMarcus", "subject": "Re: Sustainable Economics Research with our team", "date": "2024-02-13T18:04:17+00:00"}
27 |
{"email": "Hi Linda,\r\n\nI realised that I am not in Netroland on the 12th. Is there any other time\r\nthat week that suits?\r\n\nApologies for the inconvenience.\r\n\nKind regards,\r\nMarcus", "subject": "Re: Sustainable Economics Research with our team", "date": "2024-02-04T21:29:54+00:00"}
28 |
{"email": "Hi Logan,\r\n\nNo worries at all! Thank you for your kind words :)\r\n\nA meeting sounds great. I am free on Friday between 13:30h-16:00h. Let me\r\nknow when would work for you.\r\n\nThe final decision I\u2019m trying to make is which team I should join as an\r\nintern this summer. I have already accepted my offer, but I\u2019m hoping that\r\nsince I\u2019m returning, I\u2019d have some say in which team I would be matched\r\nwith, rather than some random allocation.\r\n\nKind regards,\r\nMarcus", "subject": "Re: Question regarding New Wave Pty Ltd Internship Experience", "date": "2023-02-06T13:36:44+00:00"}
29 |
{"email": "Hi Mark,\r\n\nIt is great to hear from you too; I hope that Catherine is alright.\r\n\nI wanted to ask if there have been any updates regarding my internship\r\napplication?\r\n\nKind regards,\r\nMarcus", "subject": "Re: Internship", "date": "2022-01-28T11:10:14+00:00"}
30 |
{"email": "Dear Megan\r\n\nThank you for this amazing opportunity; it is truly an honour.\r\n\nI will be attending the event.\r\n\nKindest regards\r\n\nMarcus Lenzi", "subject": "RSVP Marcus Lenzi - TOP 100 EVENT", "date": "2023-08-25T11:45:35+02:00"}
31 |
{"email": "Hi Jeff,\r\n\nThank you for your prompt response.\r\n\nI don't seem to have that option on my side (see attached image).\r\n\nKind regards,\r\nMarcus", "subject": "Re: Uploading Final Version", "date": "2023-10-09T16:39:04+01:00"}
32 |
{"email": "Dear Michelle,\r\n\nLet's start Friday this week.\r\n\nKind regards,\r\nMarcus", "subject": "Re: Aligning Expectations", "date": "2024-02-27T13:46:28+00:00"}
33 |
{"email": "Good morning,\r\n\nI hope that this email finds you well.\r\n\nI am trying to log on to my applicant self-service as I had been\r\nmade a conditional offer for the programme. However, I am unable\r\nto access the platform.\r\n\nWould you be able to assist me with this?\r\n\nKind regards,\r\nMarcus", "subject": "[Action Required] Logging on to Applicant Self-Service", "date": "2023-02-14T10:20:27+00:00"}
34 |
{"email": "Hi all,\r\n\nThank you for kind words! It is a pleasure to meet you (virtually); I am\r\nvery excited to be working with the team this summer.\r\n\nLooking forward to seeing you on the 27th.\r\n\nKind regards,\r\nMarcus", "subject": "Re: Kick-off Meeting", "date": "2023-06-20T19:21:55+01:00"}
35 |
{"email": "Hi Patrick,\r\n\nThank you for your email.\r\n\nI have submitted my personal details online. I will follow up with the\r\nemail containing the relevant documents.\r\n\nI do have one question however: would you be able to provide any further\r\ndetails regarding the sort of work I would be doing during the internship? This is a very import criteria which I will take\r\ninto account in making my decision.\r\n\nKind regards,\r\nMarcus", "subject": "Re: Your Application - Offer made", "date": "2022-11-18T10:38:44+00:00"}
36 |
{"email": "Dear Catherine,\r\n\nI hope that you have had a joyful festive season.\r\n\nI am writing this email to get in touch regarding a part-time internship\r\nposition, as discussed in our previous email.\r\n\nLooking forward to hearing from you,\r\nMarcus", "subject": "Re: Internship", "date": "2022-01-04T09:08:48+01:00"}
37 |
{"email": "Dear Catherine,\r\n\nThank you very much for your email. It was lovely to meet the both of you\r\ntoo.\r\n\nI completely understand. Thank you for giving me an opportunity to have an\r\ninterview; I will be sure to send you an email next year.\r\n\nKind regards,\r\nMarcus", "subject": "Re: Internship", "date": "2021-09-08T17:53:45+01:00"}
38 |
{"email": "Hi Greg,\r\n\nThank you for your email. Please do add me to your waiting list.\r\n\nKind regards,\r\nMarcus", "subject": "Re: Interest in Joining", "date": "2023-11-13T18:42:40+00:00"}
39 |
{"email": "Dear Linda,\r\n\nI am fully booked from 1pm onward on Friday. Unless you are available in\r\nthe morning, an online meeting next week would better for me. Is there a\r\nparticular day that would be best for you?\r\n\nKind regards,\r\nMarcus", "subject": "Re: Sustainable Economics Research with our team", "date": "2024-02-13T17:47:05+00:00"}
40 |
{"email": "Hi Logan,\r\n\nNo worries :)\r\n\nThat should be good for me !\r\n\nKind regards,\r\nMarcus", "subject": "Re: Question regarding New Wave Pty Ltd Internship Experience", "date": "2023-02-10T09:54:00+00:00"}
41 |
{"email": "Hi Moira,\r\n\nThank you for your email.\r\n\nI am free tomorrow morning from 10:00h-12:30h. Otherwise, I should be\r\nfree all day on Thursday and Friday. Please let me know what suits you.\r\n\nKind regards,\r\nMarcus", "subject": "Re: Invitation AI Talk", "date": "2023-08-28T12:58:40+01:00"}
42 |
{"email": "Hi Liam,\r\n\nForgot to add this to my previous email: I am no longer available tomorrow\r\nfrom 08:00h-13:00h. All other times are fine.\r\n\nKind regards,\r\nMarcus", "subject": "Re: Questions about your Sustainability Research", "date": "2024-08-26T09:34:27+02:00"}
43 |
{"email": "Hi Mark,\r\n\nThank you for your email.\r\n\nYes, I am free on Thursday. How could I fit into your schedule ? After\r\n15:00 would be best for me.\r\n\nKind regards,\r\nMarcus", "subject": "Re: Application to Intern Position", "date": "2021-08-31T20:03:17+01:00"}
44 |
{"email": "Good morning,\r\n\nThe 25th at 10:00h works well for me.\r\n\nKind regards,\r\nMarcus", "subject": "Re: Follow up Discussion", "date": "2024-06-10T10:34:05+01:00"}
45 |
{"email": "Hi Steve,\r\n\nThank you for the email.\r\n\nWe received an email today with onboarding instructions, telling us that we should\r\nfollow our team\u2019s Day 1 instructions for our start on the 20th. Would you\r\nbe able to advise?\r\n\nKind regards,\r\nMarcus", "subject": "Re: Quick phone call", "date": "2022-06-14T19:18:55+02:00"}
46 |
{"email": "Thank you for your prompt response.\r\n\nInitially, my preference would be to do work with your group.\r\n\nHowever, would we be able to have a meeting to discuss the specifics of\r\nboth options? I have some practical questions that I would like to have answered before making a final decision.\r\n\nKind regards,\r\nMarcus", "subject": "Re: Research in our group", "date": "2024-02-04T18:28:40+00:00"}
47 |
{"email": "Hi Niamh,\r\n\nThank you for this. I have accepted the invite.\r\n\nLooking forward to speaking to you all in the new year. Have a restful\r\nfestive season.\r\n\nKind regards,\r\nMarcus", "subject": "Re: Sustainable Economic Policy Intern Application", "date": "2023-12-21T14:55:31+02:00"}
48 |
{"email": "Hi Liam,\r\n\nIn the interim, there was another call scheduled for that time. I can do\r\n2:30PM on the 26/08 (today), 27/08 or 28/08. Do any of these days work\r\nfor you?\r\n\nKind regards,\r\nMarcus", "subject": "Re: Questions about your Sustainability Research", "date": "2024-08-26T08:45:25+02:00"}
49 |
{"email": "Hi Moira,\r\n\nI hope that this email finds you well.\r\n\nI wanted to follow up on the offer for my summer internship and see if\r\neverything is in order.\r\n\nI have accepted the internship, but it says that the offer is still \"in\r\nprogress\" on the portal.\r\n\nIs there anything that I have left outstanding?\r\n\nKind regards,\r\nMarcus", "subject": "Internship Offer Follow Up", "date": "2022-11-14T09:15:48+00:00"}
50 |
{"email": "Good afternoon,\r\n\nWould it be possible to move the meeting to\r\n14:00h?\r\n\nKind regards,\r\nMarcus", "subject": "Re: Meeting", "date": "2022-12-13T12:30:45+01:00"}
51 |
{"email": "Good evening, Patrick,\r\n\nThank you for your call this afternoon; I am delighted to have received an\r\noffer to join the firm.\r\n\nMy deferral query is below:\r\nDuring the time I was waiting for a decision regarding this internship, I\r\nhad already accepted an offer elsewhere. The problem arises in that the two\r\ndates clash.\r\n\nI wanted to ask whether it would be possible to defer this internship offer\r\nuntil next summer? \r\n\nI hope that we can reach an agreement which would allow me to join the team\r\nat a later date.\r\n\nLooking forward to your response,\r\nMarcus", "subject": "Re: Deferal query", "date": "2022-04-28T18:54:53+01:00"}
52 |
{"email": "To whom it may concern,\r\n\nI hope this email finds you well.\r\n\nPlease find attached my CV in support of my application to the Green Thumbs Summer School.\r\n\nKind regards,\r\nMarcus", "subject": "[CV] Marcus Lenzi", "date": "2023-03-03T20:27:29+00:00"}
53 |
{"email": "Hi Mark,\r\n\nI will come to office.\r\n\nSee you tomorrow,\r\nMarcus", "subject": "Re: Application to Intern Position", "date": "2021-09-01T20:06:28+01:00"}
54 |
{"email": "Hi Patrick,\r\n\nAnother follow-up regarding sending the scanned copies of my documents.\r\n\nI assume this will only be done if I have accepted the offer?\r\n\nKind regards,\r\nMarcus", "subject": "Re: Your Application - Offer made", "date": "2022-11-18T10:44:40+00:00"}
55 |
{"email": "Good morning, Patrick,\r\n\nI hope that this email finds you well.\r\n\nFollowing up on my last email, I wanted to ask whether there are any\r\nupdates regarding my deferral query.\r\n\nI am receiving emails from the candidate portal to share my personal\r\ninformation; I want to know the outcome of this decision before I do so.\r\n\nLet me know if there is anything that I can assist you with.\r\n\nKind regards,\r\nMarcus", "subject": "Re: Deferal query", "date": "2022-05-03T11:48:38+01:00"}
56 |
{"email": "Dear Bernie,\r\n\nI hope that you are well. Thank you for sharing your project idea today. It sounds very interesting to me. Would you be able to share\r\nyour slides so that I could have another read over them?\r\n\nAdditionally, how much bandwidth do you approximate that the collaborators\r\nwould need to have to work on the project successfully?\r\n\nKind regards,\r\nMarcus", "subject": "Interest in Project", "date": "2024-06-06T14:37:54+01:00"}
57 |
{"email": "Hi Mark,\r\n\n16:15h is perfect for me. Would the meeting be in-person, or online?\r\n\nKind regards,\r\nMarcus", "subject": "Re: Application to Intern Position", "date": "2021-09-01T09:33:50+01:00"}
58 |
{"email": "Hi Danny,\r\n\nThank you for your email.\r\n\nI would be interested in hearing more.\r\n\nKind regards,\r\nMarcus", "subject": "Re: Sustainable Economy Analyst Position.", "date": "2024-04-03T14:12:47+01:00"}
59 |
{"email": "Good afternoon,\r\n\nPlease see the below email chain regarding the background check for my\r\ninternship which I have not yet received. Would you be able to advise on\r\nwhat the next steps are?\r\n\nLooking forward to hearing from you.\r\n\nKind regards,\r\nMarcus", "subject": "Re: Re: Action Required: New Wave Pty Ltd Onboarding Tasks", "date": "2023-04-11T17:04:52+01:00"}
60 |
{"email": "Dear Professor Tomasin,\r\n\nI hope this email finds you well.\r\n\nThank you for this opportunity to interview for the programme.\r\nPlease find attached my slides in PDF format.\r\n\nI am looking forward to meeting you tomorrow.\r\n\nKind regards,\r\nMarcus Lenzi", "subject": "Re: New Economics University interview invitation", "date": "2023-01-05T20:23:23+01:00"}
61 |
{"email": "Hi Steve,\r\n\nI hope that you are well.\r\n\nI wanted to confirm the plans for Tuesday. Are we coming into the office,\r\nor working remotely because of the strike?\r\n\nKind regards,\r\nMarcus", "subject": "WFH?", "date": "2022-06-17T16:01:07+01:00"}
62 |
{"email": "Hi Michaela,\r\n\nThis is fantastic news; thank you for this opportunity!\r\n\nI will be sure to share that information when I join.\r\n\nMany thanks for your well-wishes.\r\n\nKind regards,\r\nMarcus", "subject": "Re: Welcome to the Community", "date": "2023-01-27T20:58:45+00:00"}
63 |
{"email": "Good evening Niamh,\r\n\nThank you for your email. I am delighted to hear that I have been\r\ninvited for an interview.\r\n\nI am free from the 3rd of January onward at any time.\r\n\nPlease do let me know when the interview would take place, and what I\r\nshould prepare.\r\n\nKind regards,\r\nMarcus", "subject": "Re: Sustainable Economic Policy Intern Application", "date": "2023-12-19T23:15:28+02:00"}
64 |
{"email": "Good morning,\r\n\nI hope that this email finds you well.\r\n\nI wanted to follow up on my previous email and see whether there are any\r\nupdates regarding this matter?\r\n\nKind regards,\r\nMarcus", "subject": "Re: Internship Team Placement", "date": "2023-04-03T10:54:59+01:00"}
65 |
{"email": "That is perfectly fine with me.\r\n\nThank you, once again, for offering to write the reference.\r\n\nMarcus", "subject": "Re: A Request for Reference", "date": "2022-09-26T17:02:28+01:00"}
66 |
{"email": "Hi Michaela,\r\n\nThank you; that is very kind of you to let me know.\r\n\nI have it diarised - I am hoping that I will be able to make it!\r\n\nKind regards,\r\nMarcus", "subject": "Re: Upcoming coffee chat", "date": "2023-03-20T20:42:36+00:00"}
67 |
{"email": "Hi Bernie,\r\n\nIt was great to see you yesterday. Hopefully it won't be the last of our\r\nmeetings in-person! Enjoy the rest of the conference.\r\n\nKind regards,\r\nMarcus", "subject": "Re: Interest in Project", "date": "2024-07-24T13:06:58+01:00"}
68 |
{"email": "Good afternoon,\r\n\nThank you for your email, and for your advice.\r\n\nI had made an application which I did not accept. Instead, I asked one of\r\nyour colleagues to put me on said waiting list; could you confirm that this\r\nis indeed the case?\r\n\nKind regards,\r\nMarcus", "subject": "Re: Application Waiting List", "date": "2023-07-13T17:39:54+01:00"}
69 |
{"email": "Dear Matthieu,\r\n\nI hope that this email finds you well.\r\n\nI have just completed my pre-program details questionnaire. \r\n\nLet me know if there is anything else that you require of me.\r\n\nKind regards,\r\nMarcus", "subject": "New Wave Pty Ltd Summer Internship Pre-Program Details - Marcus Lenzi", "date": "2022-02-23T21:56:29+00:00"}
70 |
{"email": "Dear Linda,\r\n\nThe 13th is great. I have class from 10:00-12:00h, and from 14:00-16:00h.\r\nShould I message on the 13th at 9am to coordinate an exact time?\r\n\nKind regards,\r\nMarcus", "subject": "Re: Sustainable Economics Research with our team", "date": "2024-02-05T08:05:45+00:00"}
71 |
{"email": "Hi Francesca,\r\n\nThank you for your reply; that is very helpful.\r\n\nIndeed, I am at the moment. Do you have any advice regarding this (apologies for the\r\nopen-endedness)?\r\n\nKind regards,\r\nMarcus", "subject": "Re: Workshop Website Details", "date": "2023-07-26T23:30:25+01:00"}
72 |
{"email": "Dear Linda,\r\n\nThat sounds like an excellent idea. See you then.\r\n\nKind regards,\r\nMarcus", "subject": "Re: Sustainable Economics Research with our team", "date": "2024-02-05T09:31:45+00:00"}
73 |
{"email": "Good afternoon Patrick,\r\n\nI hope this email finds you well.\r\n\nWould you be able to provide me with a timeline in which I could expect to\r\nreceive the aforementioned offer letter?\r\n\nKind regards,\r\nMarcus", "subject": "Re: Your Application - Offer made", "date": "2022-11-24T14:05:06+00:00"}
74 |
{"email": "Good afternoon,\r\n\nI hope this email finds you well.\r\n\nI received my login credentials this morning; I have now uploaded all the\r\nrelevant documents.\r\n\nPlease advise if you require anything further from me.\r\n\nKind regards,\r\nMarcus", "subject": "Re: Consultation - Marcus Lenzi", "date": "2023-02-28T12:22:12+00:00"}
75 |
{"email": "Good afternoon Courtney,\r\n\nThank you for your email.\r\n\nThis is a great time; thank you for organising.\r\n\nKind regards,\r\nMarcus", "subject": "Re: Catch up?", "date": "2024-06-12T16:18:14+01:00"}
76 |
{"email": "Hi Jeff,\r\n\nI have now managed to upload my files to the shared resource.\r\n\nKind regards,\r\nMarcus", "subject": "Re: Error Uploading Materials", "date": "2023-11-27T23:23:58+00:00"}
77 |
{"email": "Hey Steve,\r\n\nI just wanted to say a massive thank you for helping out with the tutorial. I really enjoyed our conversations throughout (especially at\r\nlunch :D)!\r\n\nSorry that I didn't get to say goodbye in person; hopefully our paths cross\r\nagain in the future!\r\n\nKind regards,\r\nMarcus", "subject": "A Thank You", "date": "2024-09-04T18:49:46+01:00"}
78 |
{"email": "Dear all,\r\n\nThank you for your email, and for your warm welcome. I am very excited to\r\nstart next week!\r\n\nRegarding the email above, please take this email as confirmation for the\r\nfollowing:\r\n1. Terms of the employment contract.\r\n2. Welcome Meeting\r\n\nPlease let me know if there is anything further that you may require from\r\nme.\r\n\nKind regards,\r\n Marcus", "subject": "Re: Onboarding / Welcome Meeting / Marcus Lenzi", "date": "2024-09-25T10:16:13+02:00"}
79 |
{"email": "Hi Steve,\r\n\nThat is perfect. The online call would be a better option for me. Thank you\r\nfor organising.\r\n\nKind regards,\r\nMarcus", "subject": "Re: Quick phone call", "date": "2022-06-06T12:57:19+02:00"}
80 |
{"email": "Good afternoon,\r\n\nI hope this email finds you well.\r\n\nThis summer, I will be joining your firm for the internship\r\nprogramme.\r\n\nGiven that the start date is approaching, I was wondering\r\nwhether we would be able to indicate our preference for team matching?\r\nGiven that I completed an internship last year, there are specific teams\r\nthat I would like to join that have projects in-line with my personal\r\ninterests.\r\n\nKind regards,\r\nMarcus", "subject": "Internship Team Placement", "date": "2023-03-07T16:38:10+00:00"}
81 |
{"email": "To whom it may concern\r\n\nI am writing this email in order to gain more information how to join your community. I was not able to find any information online.\r\n\nRegards\r\nMarcus Lenzi", "subject": "Inquiry to group", "date": "2019-05-14T14:36:09+02:00"}
82 |
{"email": "Good morning,\r\n\nI hope this finds you well.\r\n\nMy name is Marcus: I am a member of the Green Futures Conferences. I\r\nread your post regarding the Social Housing project. I would be interested in hearing more details, and\r\nabout how I could get involved.\r\n\nKind regards,\r\nMarcus", "subject": "Green Futures Conferences Project Request", "date": "2023-02-28T10:16:13+00:00"}
83 |
{"email": "Thank you very much for your effort in your consideration.\r\n\nBoth requirements (time zone and Internet) are not an issue.\r\n\nMarcus", "subject": "Re: Response to Summer Internship", "date": "2021-02-01T14:25:37+00:00"}
84 |
{"email": "Dear Lauren,\r\n\nThank you for your prompt reply.\r\n\nI confirm that I accept the conditional offer.\r\n\nKind regards,\r\nMarcus", "subject": "Re: Accept or decline offer", "date": "2023-04-24T13:16:36+01:00"}
85 |
{"email": "Dear Professor Archibald,\r\n\nI hope that you are well.\r\n\nI have started filling out the form. However, I noticed\r\nthat there were required sections on the form that asked me to give my\r\npassport and travel details. At this stage, I\r\ndo not think that giving this information is necessary. Please do advise on how to\r\nproceed, and whether we would be able to have the interview without me\r\nsubmitting these documents.\r\n\nKind regards,\r\nMarcus", "subject": "Re: Internship", "date": "2023-12-08T20:49:24+00:00"}
86 |
{"email": "Good morning\r\n\nI created an account on your site but I would like to delete\r\nit. However, I cannot see anywhere to do so. Would you be\r\nable to do so for me please?\r\nMarcus Lenzi", "subject": "Account Deletion - Marcus Lenzi", "date": "2020-09-08T11:25:04+01:00"}
87 |
{"email": "Hi everyone,\r\n\nThanks for offering to help with the tutorial. I'm super excited to deliver\r\nit and I hope people will enjoy going through the resource that we created.\r\n\nWith regard to how we envisaged the tutorial to be run: we have written the materials such that it can basically be a self-contained document. There are\r\nlots of explanations, and links to external resources. Our intention is to convey the\r\nhigh level ideas, rather than investing time with the proofs. We\r\nalso wanted to draw attention to some, but not all, of the theoretical caveats. With that in mind, I assume most of the\r\nquestions will be about clarifications with these concepts (which can be\r\nchallenging at first pass).\r\n\nShould we have the meeting on Monday at the Green Futures Conferences at some\r\npoint? It would be nice for us to meet in-person and have an informal chat\r\nrather than rushing to do it online. Let me know your thoughts on this.\r\n\nKind regards,\r\nMarcus", "subject": "Re: Green Futures Conferences: Invitation to help tutor", "date": "2024-08-29T14:23:43+02:00"}
88 |
{"email": "Good afternoon, Genevieve\r\n\nI hope that you are well.\r\n\nNo worries! Should I expect to receive the paperwork today?\r\n\nKind regards,\r\nMarcus", "subject": "Re: Internship Details", "date": "2023-09-08T13:16:01+02:00"}
89 |
{"email": "Hi Niamh,\r\n\nI hope that you are well.\r\n\nThank you for your email. Unfortunately, I am no longer in a position to\r\naccept this offer. Since our last communication, I\r\nhave made alternate arrangements.\r\n\nI hope that this is not the end of our professional relationship.\r\n\nKind regards,\r\nMarcus", "subject": "Re: Sustainable Economic Policy Intern Application", "date": "2024-05-15T10:08:06+01:00"}
90 |
{"email": "Sounds great. Looking forward to it.\r\n\nSee you on Saturday.\r\nMarcus", "subject": "Catch-up?", "date": "2024-09-12T17:29:40+01:00"}
91 |
{"email": "Good morning Francesca,\r\n\nI hope that this email finds you well.\r\n\nFollowing the release of the workshops, I was intrigued by the\r\ncontent of your proposal. Do you have a website\r\nfor the workshop where I may find out more?\r\n\nKind regards,\r\nMarcus", "subject": "Workshop Website Details", "date": "2023-07-26T10:24:14+01:00"}
92 |
{"email": "Dear Josephine,\r\n\nThank you for letting me know.\r\n\nThat is fine by me. See you then.\r\n\nKind regards,\r\nMarcus", "subject": "Re: One-to-one", "date": "2021-11-19T10:28:10+00:00"}
93 |
{"email": "Hi Genevieve,\r\n\nI hope that you are well.\r\n\nAre there any updates regarding the background checks and documentation\r\nrequired?\r\n\nKind regards,\r\nMarcus", "subject": "Re: Internship Details", "date": "2023-09-01T15:19:35+02:00"}
94 |
{"email": "Dear Professor Archibald,\r\n\nI will pencil in the 5th for now. Otherwise, I can do some other dates in\r\nearly January if that suits you better. For example, the 3rd or 4th or from\r\nthe 10th onwards?\r\n\nI will start the formal application this evening.\r\n\nKind regards,\r\nMarcus", "subject": "Re: Internship", "date": "2023-12-08T15:58:09+00:00"}
95 |
{"email": "Dear Angus\r\n\nPlease find attached my cover letter and curriculum vitae.\r\n\nKind Regards\r\nMarcus Lenzi", "subject": "Job Application", "date": "2017-07-11T14:30:45+02:00"}
96 |
{"email": "Hi,\r\n\nThank you for getting in touch. Everything is sorted now.\r\n\nI look forward to the rest of onboarding, and starting at the end of June.\r\n\nKind regards,\r\nMarcus", "subject": "Re: Re: Action Required: New Wave Pty Ltd Onboarding Tasks", "date": "2023-04-14T15:07:23+01:00"}
97 |
{"email": "Here are some initial comments. Send me the next draft; would love to keep reading!", "subject": "Re: Thoughts on Manuscript?", "date": "2021-01-27T19:19:40+00:00"}
98 |
{"email": "Hi Genevieve,\r\n\nThank you for letting me know; I hope you enjoyed your time away.\r\n\nPlease do let me know once you get in touch with the admin team.\r\n\nKind regards,\r\nMarcus", "subject": "Re: Internship Details", "date": "2023-09-05T16:09:57+02:00"}
99 |
{"email": "Hi Liam,\r\n\nOh no! That is unfortunate to hear. I hope that you are able to sort out\r\nyour documents soon.\r\n\nContinuing the conversation would be great. If it helps, I\u2019m\r\nhappy to hop on a video call.\r\n\nKind regards,\r\nMarcus", "subject": "Re: Questions about your Sustainability Research", "date": "2024-08-18T10:04:57+01:00"}
100 |
{"email": "Hi Enrique,\r\n\nI hope that you are well.\r\n\nMy name is Marcus: I am one of the tutorial leads for this year's Green Futures Conferences. I wanted to ask you for a\r\nfavour/permission regarding the development of my own materials. Would you\r\nmind if I used your previous tutorial as inspiration, obviously giving credit where it is due? It would\r\nreally help in setting up a style that would be familiar to the attendees.\r\n\nLet me know your thoughts.\r\n\nKind regards,\r\nMarcus", "subject": "Using your Tutorial for Green Futures Conferences", "date": "2024-06-23T22:07:41+01:00"}
101 |
{"email": "Good morning, Julian,\r\n\nI hope that you are doing well.\r\n\nFollowing up on the interview, I wanted to ask if there is a timeframe in\r\nwhich I could expect to hear back regarding a decision for the internship\r\nthis summer?\r\n\nLooking forward to hearing from you,\r\nMarcus", "subject": "Post-Interview Follow Up", "date": "2022-04-27T10:29:22+01:00"}
102 |
{"email": "Hi Moira,\r\n\nThat works for me. Looking forward to it.\r\n\nKind regards,\r\nMarcus", "subject": "Re: Invitation for Talk", "date": "2023-08-28T13:02:27+01:00"}
103 |
{"email": "Hi Robyn,\r\n\nThank you for your email.\r\n\nPlease could you add me to your waiting list.\r\n\nKind regards,\r\nMarcus", "subject": "Re: Conference Event", "date": "2023-06-19T10:46:18+03:00"}
104 |
{"email": "Hi all,\r\n\nI hope that this email finds you well.\r\n\nRegarding your workshop: what is the page limit for submissions?\r\n\nKind regards,\r\nMarcus", "subject": "Submission Requirements", "date": "2023-08-09T11:27:29+01:00"}
105 |
{"email": "Good morning,\r\n\nThank you for your email. I am delighted to have the opportunity to\r\ninterview on Wednesday.\r\n\nI can confirm that I will be attending the interview on the 15th of\r\nFebruary at 9:00am.\r\n\nPlease send the invite to the following address: [email protected].\r\n\nI look forward to meeting you on Wednesday.\r\n\nKind regards,\r\nMarcus", "subject": "Re: Interview for Green Leaves Corp", "date": "2023-02-13T11:26:28+00:00"}
106 |
{"email": "Hi Jack,\r\n\nYes I have: we are meeting tomorrow at 12. Thank you for your help.\r\n\nKind regards,\r\nMarcus", "subject": "Re: Research Collaboration", "date": "2023-09-21T13:14:58+01:00"}
107 |
{"email": "Hi everyone,\r\n\nJust to schedule our meeting for tomorrow. I see that we have a\r\nslot at 15:30 - 16:00h for a coffee break. Should we meet in the auditorium\r\nby the stage then to have a quick chat; it shouldn't be too long?\r\n\nKind regards,\r\nMarcus", "subject": "Re: Green Futures Conferences: Invitation to help tutor", "date": "2024-09-01T22:30:20+02:00"}
108 |
{"email": "Hey Johnathan,\r\n\nI have added my availability. I will be sure to prepare some\r\nquestions.\r\n\nSpeak soon,\r\nMarcus", "subject": "Re: Questions regarding research outlook", "date": "2024-10-14T18:47:14+02:00"}
109 |
{"email": "Hi, Steve,\r\n\nThank you, again, for offering to write the reference for me; it is very\r\nkind of you. If possible, could you write the reference by the\r\nend of this month (October)?\r\n\nPlease let me know if you have any more questions,\r\nMarcus", "subject": "A Request for Reference", "date": "2022-10-03T16:00:03+01:00"}
110 |
{"email": "To whom it may concern,\r\n\nI hope this email finds you well.\r\n\nPlease find attached my completed questionnaire.\r\n\nKind regards,\r\nMarcus Lenzi", "subject": "Marcus Lenzi - New Hire Questionnaire", "date": "2022-04-06T20:44:59+01:00"}
111 |
{"email": "Good evening Logan,\r\n\nI hope that this email finds you well.\r\n\nAllow me to introduce myself: my name is Marcus. I was an intern last\r\nsummer in New Wave Pty Ltd, working under Steve. I believe we\r\nmet briefly when you visited our office with your team.\r\n\nThe reason I am reaching out is that I am curious about how you found your\r\ninternship when last year? I am returning to New Wave Pty Ltd for\r\nanother summer internship in June; I was hoping to join your team. Steve recommended that I reach out to you to hear your experience\r\nso that I could learn a bit more before I made my final decision.\r\n\nI hope that you do not mind this out-of-the-blue email.\r\n\nLooking forward to hearing from you,\r\nMarcus", "subject": "Question regarding New Wave Pty Ltd Internship Experience", "date": "2023-01-27T22:03:42+00:00"}
112 |
{"email": "Dear Maxine, Archie and Ricky\r\n\nA very happy new year to you all as well !\r\nThank you for your assistance!\r\n\nMarcus", "subject": "Re: Administrative assistance needed", "date": "2019-01-04T16:49:01+01:00"}
113 |
{"email": "Dear Lauren,\r\n\nThank you for your email. I am sorry for missing the initial deadline.\r\n\nI am considering to accept the conditional offer. However, I am still\r\nawaiting a response from other institutions. Do you have any advice in this\r\nregard?\r\n\nKind regards,\r\nMarcus", "subject": "Re: Accept or decline offer to New Economics University", "date": "2023-04-24T13:05:14+01:00"}
114 |
{"email": "Dear Professor Archibald,\r\n\nThank you for your email. I am delighted to hear that I have been\r\nshortlisted for the role.\r\n\nWith regard to the interview, early January would be best. I have some\r\nacademic commitments to take care of, after which I will be on holiday.\r\nDoes the 5th work for you? Should I let you know which screening task I have chosen ahead of time?\r\n\nAdditionally, for the application form, should I apply to a single role\r\neven if more than one project interests me? Or should I repeat the same\r\napplication accordingly?\r\n\nLooking forward to hearing from you.\r\n\nKind regards,\r\nMarcus", "subject": "Re: Internship", "date": "2023-12-08T10:17:02+00:00"}
115 |
{"email": "Dear Linda,\r\n\nThat sounds excellent. I look forward to meeting you and your team.\r\n\nKind regards,\r\nMarcus", "subject": "Re: Sustainable Economics Research with our team", "date": "2024-02-04T21:08:13+00:00"}
116 |
{"email": "Hi Niamh,\r\n\nI hope that you are well.\r\n\nHas there been update on the shortlisted candidates?\r\n\nKind regards,\r\nMarcus", "subject": "Re: Sustainable Economic Policy Intern Application", "date": "2024-01-31T10:17:42+00:00"}
117 |
{"email": "I have climbing until 11.\r\n\nCould we possibly make it a different time?\r\n\nMarcus", "subject": "Re: Project Meetup", "date": "2015-02-20T14:19:13+02:00"}
118 |
{"email": "Good morning,\r\n\nI have not received the call from your colleague yet. Could you please\r\nfollow up with them?\r\n\nKind regards,\r\nMarcus", "subject": "Re: Phone Screening", "date": "2023-07-11T11:49:35+01:00"}
119 |
{"email": "Good morning,\r\n\nI hope that this email finds you well.\r\n\nI am writing to inform you that, after careful consideration, I have\r\ndecided to withdraw my offer to study at the New Economics University this\r\nautumn.\r\n\nPlease let me know if there is anything I can assist you with further.\r\n\nKind regards,\r\nMarcus", "subject": "Re: Accept or decline offer to [02]", "date": "2023-08-07T08:28:27+01:00"}
120 |
{"email": "Hi Daniel,\r\n\nThat is great news !\r\n\nWhat time would suit you for me to come by this evening or tomorrow\r\nevening?\r\n\nThank you for your kindness.\r\n\nSee you soon,\r\nMarcus", "subject": "Re: Project Inquiry", "date": "2022-12-08T12:48:08+00:00"}