{"text":"@colludingnode ICO crash to $88 also"} {"text":"this is the new modularity"} {"text":"@consensus128 canto say"} {"text":"@ilblackdragon indeed"} {"text":"@Jskybowen 4\u20e3"} {"text":"Hyperliquid theorem: A blockchain is a dex with a whole bunch of unnecessary stuff around it"} {"text":"Pump fun design pattern for modern blockchains - spot dex - perp dex - launchpad - auction\/bonding system - decent wallet - telegram bot - social handles - ai memes - animal memes - trader kols happy billions, bellagio "} {"text":"@AaronWStanley I am not saying its good or bad and cz\/brad\/toly are solid counterexamples thankfully. that said being available 24-7-365 is harder - its just hard either way"} {"text":"They are laughing at @jon_charb in the inner circles of Blackrock"} {"text":"mood today"} {"text":"Your wife's boyfriend is an ai agent"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy My pengu will become an L1"} {"text":"The way to pump anything in crypto even now is to say that it will become an L1 Examples: - Hyperliquid will become an L1 - My AI agent will become an L1 - Bridge will become an L1 - His L2 will become an L1 - DA layers will become L1s Blockchains just make moar blockchains "} {"text":"@jackzampolin @Shenanigrahams cz, toly and brad have good coins... i speak in averages "} {"text":"@Shenanigrahams @emceecoy_ inshallah"} {"text":"@Shenanigrahams @emceecoy_ my son is in over there haha... i just have other priorities now"} {"text":"@Shenanigrahams @emceecoy_ likewise. ser there's no country that affords immigrants the kind of opportunities yours does. there's no second best"} {"text":"@Shenanigrahams @emceecoy_ point examples v stats but ok trump willing, i will move to the nra nation for you "} {"text":"@ThinMaPros @0xMert_ @DefiIgnas"} {"text":"@davidjgoosey i'd rather sleep for six hours daily than have 10% of a thing but at 30 probably not"} {"text":"@Shenanigrahams @emceecoy_ >> As of 2023, the last known execution occurred in 2017.[5] wikipedia ser we have nothing on texas. there are many parts of the middle east that be like that but not here. you might be bundling all of the middle east from a different continent"} {"text":"@Shenanigrahams @emceecoy_"} {"text":"@davidjgoosey agree and everyone should make their own trade offs"} {"text":"@Shenanigrahams @emceecoy_ 4 hrs from anywhere in india and much safer than anywhere in america"} {"text":"@theamiralek brain rot is bullish"} {"text":"@Shenanigrahams @emceecoy_ for this conversation at least"} {"text":"@Shenanigrahams yeah and 24-7 pathologically online living... and being available... its rough"} {"text":"@emceecoy_ no judgement. to each their own"} {"text":"@JoshuaTobkin yeh its hard enough as is"} {"text":"@buntyverse bro don't divorce because of my tweet. perps are life but life is not perps"} {"text":"@sandmanarc am aware but the meta changed... eth is now problem free till samani gets his ETF meanwhile traders are rotating"} {"text":"I might get cancelled for this but crypto founders without a spouse\/kid\/social life may have a considerable advantage over the others"} {"text":"@0xMert_ @DefiIgnas I think sol currently has liquidity and innovation advantages over non eth chains that arent well understood by traders and liquid funds"} {"text":"@0xMert_ @DefiIgnas Haha. I am quite interested in sol going up again and the meta is that traders are rotating to new coins so that needs addressing"} {"text":"might be more useful for manlets to explain what solana's moat is vs hype, sui, aptos, mega, monad, bera etc... tbh eth has 401k moneys via spot etf rn and punching at eth doesn't address the rotat to new coins meta"} {"text":"@0xMert_ @DefiIgnas He said sui and new chains are eating your lunch while youre fighting eth. eth has larry fink"} {"text":"@mdudas Ser retail bought dino coins after those markets were activated "} {"text":"Dubai is a vibe"} {"text":"Dubai winter remains undefeated"} {"text":"@ivangbi_ @hotpot_dao @MacroMate8 consider yourself invited"} {"text":"The best way to dox yourself as a pleb is to believe in the existence of objective truth outside mathematics. Even science can at best offer falsifiable hypotheses that conform to experimental evidence, until further notice"} {"text":"@wassielawyer You could be 1001 wassie"} {"text":"@sassal0x This counterpropaganda is bullish - like the old days before too many dot eths left for farcaster"} {"text":"Perps are all you need"} {"text":"Recommended eth nerding for the week ... based rollups by \u2066@Spire_Labs\u2069"} {"text":"@weremainbull1sh @QwQiao @AviFelman btc also except saylorcoins... its all mostly futures basis"} {"text":"I need a @MadLads airdrop in my life"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko @0xMert_ @Calhoun2rob eth:perp::sol:spot wonder why that is"} {"text":"@0bretenov ai16z"} {"text":"@JimmyRagosa "} {"text":"@JimmyRagosa Is this why soleth is down bad?"} {"text":"Just bought a few $HYPE to stop the hyperliquid pump dead in its tracks I am as bad in liquid as I am good in illiquid Be safe out there"} {"text":"workfrombeach"} {"text":"OH:\"Unlike tech VC, crypto VC allows you to bet on a complete non winner and still make money\""} {"text":"Really concerned that there will be many more rollups on @AvailProject than on ethereum"} {"text":"ethereum has absolutely no problems till @KyleSamani gets that spot ETF from Sacks, Quintenz and Atkins"} {"text":"@hotpot_dao HBS MBA - but recovering"} {"text":"@ecent18 in may"} {"text":"@ecent18 I test pumps to protect people"} {"text":"If my buying doesn't stop a pump, the coin is simply unstoppable Pudgies up 30% since my 22 eth buy $PENGU is the next $HYPE Inevitable"} {"text":"Usually its not groundbreaking innovation if it doesn't look like a toy or a scam"} {"text":"Wait, your best ai*crypto use case is swap?"} {"text":"Honestly, with a couple or exceptions like cross border payments, 24-7 global digital casino, no kyc finance and verify this verify that, no one really needs a blockchain to do useful things Just show me cool and fun things or gtfo"} {"text":"The most bearish two words you will hear in a raging bull market are \"long term\" Bro you're not going to win the war if you keep losing the battles for gold"} {"text":"@RasterlyRock I hope so too"} {"text":"@dabit3 Should this be demo days?"} {"text":"@tarunchitra wow. can it do desci tho?"} {"text":"@0xTAY_ kim?"} {"text":"@0xalank four validators are all you need"} {"text":"@0xalank trader > VC in bula"} {"text":"Hyperliquid killed Bitcoin, Ethereum, Solana and Cosmos"} {"text":"@0xalank monolithic also trader kol thesis validated"} {"text":"Hyperliquid killed Celestia"} {"text":"@WuBlockchain Justin Drake?"} {"text":"I am quite happy that DC, Sassal and others are fighting back the research KOL podcast association. Ethereum has been low testosterone for too long and bad times making strong dot eths is more fun than whatever the fk human flourishing and urban aesthetic they do on mt farcaster"} {"text":"gm"} {"text":"@0xkyle__ Believe in something"} {"text":"Yo mama has survivorship bias"} {"text":"Rebrand from KOLs to content creators is the same as rebrand from bots to ai agents"} {"text":"@cobie @lex_node this could apply to both eth and sol rn. most other swiss ico foundations have been on this tour for a long time and their chains died"} {"text":"Coordinated CT shilling still works"} {"text":"It's over for ethereum and solana. Bankless and Mert are both shilling other things now Only Saylor is focused on his own chain"} {"text":"@0xMert_ do you mean network extensions?"} {"text":"Traders market"} {"text":"@divine_economy @0xMert_ Mert is also a builder and a quality founder. If you ganna be a dick you better be good "} {"text":"think of community as a free market for ideas and talent, unencumbered by past cvs, labels, stickers, bro circuit etc - measured by raw output and the economics can't be beaten - we are seeing that with ai16z and virtuals rn"} {"text":"Even though managers feel \"we can do this better in house\", empirically big government and big corp produces metamask, not rabby... and definitely never aave or uniswap... thats just how founder and investor incentives play out big is for distribution not innovation"} {"text":"The natural corporate tendency is to control and do more, not less that unfortunately crowds out the community Solana and ConsenSys were lucky to get rekt because free market meritocracy eg allianceDaO and Phantom had the space to do things for the network counterintuitive eh"} {"text":"DECENTRALISED INNER CIRCLES"} {"text":"@0x_RWA good point"} {"text":"@0xMert_ nvidia has the best perp dex tho"} {"text":"@magicblock Exciting"} {"text":"I am not into the Bhai thing. If you are really my Bhai, make those coins go up a lot"} {"text":"Jon Charbonneau showing that there's no L2"} {"text":"@toghrulmaharram Max Left and immediately leaked all the sandwich MEV problems in Solana"} {"text":"Olympus DaO walked so that Saylor can run"} {"text":"@RektHQ @AlpacaFinance They replaced chainlink with manlink"} {"text":"They are laughing about you in the inner circles of fartcoin"} {"text":"Blockchain is not just a technology to create markets. It's also a technology to eliminate all risk from markets. Once you go onchain, there's no need for a brain"} {"text":"Bitcoin is a sure thing rn. On wall street the only sure thing is that a sure thing always goes wrong"} {"text":"You can build Solana with just four validators. Its not clear what the other hundred or so do"} {"text":"All Satoshi ever wanted is swap lines with hedge funds to launch a 3x levered ETF on a leveraged short vol position on peer to peer electronic cash"} {"text":"According to Satoshi's second whitepaper, given sufficient leverage, any coin can reach any price"} {"text":"Adjusting for stake concentration, Tendermint probably also has only four validators"} {"text":"Unregulated finance is so much more fun than regulated finance"} {"text":"Larry Fink solved all of ethereum's problems"} {"text":"There's a perp in purpose"} {"text":"The primary responsibility of any sophisticated actor in the financial markets space is to randomly pump prices and fomo retail into getting rekt "} {"text":"Solana shilling has degraded considerably. Need Austin to come back and focus on whatever telegram chat everyone is on"} {"text":"@mrbeardjo @megaeth_labs mega is more like ethereum's bodyguard"} {"text":"@toghrulmaharram you just bought fluent so we are getting warmed up "} {"text":"@toghrulmaharram sure. i personally think ethereum is losing to avail, aptos, polygon, movement, scroll, near, sei and supra and you should buy a lot of those tokens"} {"text":"@toghrulmaharram depends on the choice of metric - still no perp dex on sol. other chains have grown relative to eth too. eth is \"losing\" to l2s, base, sui and aptos also . the intent is to pump bags and thats just crypto and its fine"} {"text":"@toghrulmaharram scale the l1: good solve interop using .... : good eth is losing to sol and celestia: koling"} {"text":"@ilblackdragon @NEARProtocol no. retarded, not useful"} {"text":"ethereum killer, killer killer, killer killer killer"} {"text":"idk man, how the opinions are presented matters a lot in the age of online propaganda. lets say i am an investor in bagchainohe and bagchaintwo... \"eth is losing to bagchains\" narrative only helps bagchains as opposed to... this is how eth can fix interop"} {"text":"@Austin_Federa can you reduce inflation instead of tweeting"} {"text":"A message from Vitalik to manlets"} {"text":"AI agents can just suicide (verb) @OpenAI whistleblowers now.... AGI must already be here"} {"text":"ETH SPOT ETF IS ULTRASOUND MONEY"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko @iamDCinvestor @econoar Bullish. Jon Charb wanted to reduce inflation. Did Mert submit a simd?"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko @iamDCinvestor @econoar btw... Vitalik let the solana into the tent and it turned out to be a big one. You ser may have let move chains led by its nose sui into the tent and now its moving"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko @iamDCinvestor @econoar eth maximalism says non approved chains or chains without validating bridges should not do well."} {"text":"@iamDCinvestor @econoar I am very concerned about SOL price rn"} {"text":"Never accuse a VC of complete intellectual honesty. Its offensive as @mdudas said, a VCs main job is to make money for LPs. Ser @jon_charb is one of the best minds in blockchain research and his criticism of ethereum is often valid ... but he's also a proper VC "} {"text":"@iamDCinvestor @econoar"} {"text":"@DavidTiczon @ayyyeandy"} {"text":"I would totally invest in ethereum' inner circle"} {"text":"@mdudas ok can you guys stop trading?"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy you're just salty you're not in the inner circle"} {"text":"@0xMert_ watch youtube, tiktok, netflix, hbo and porn"} {"text":"Which inner circle are you in:"} {"text":"I am now in ethereum's inner circle "} {"text":"There's no cap on the valuation of something useless"} {"text":"All I want for christmas is a tier-1 retarded banger ai stunt on @NEARProtocol - like an ai agent eating another ai agent sort of shit"} {"text":"@hushky6 "} {"text":"On the third day of Christmas my true love sent to me Three French hens, Two turtle doves, And a perp dex in a pear tree."} {"text":"ethereum doesn't have an inner circle. There was one, kind of, but then this year eth folks stopped worrying about even ethereum foundation lol"} {"text":"I agree"} {"text":"@econoar @jon_charb Where do these inner circles hang out... I guess in my outer circles we do care"} {"text":"Wishing you and your family a perp dex this Christmas"} {"text":"I am old enough to remember the times when solana used to go up"} {"text":"UNLOCK ALL THE COINS"} {"text":"@HugoPhilion "} {"text":"@thedefivillain market making?"} {"text":"@SidP95 can we do a better band tho"} {"text":"If you're not literally buried in cool things rn, you're in the wrong crypto industry"} {"text":"@hotpot_dao @megaeth_labs @cobie @echodotxyz Congrats... truly epic"} {"text":"How to win friends and influence dot eths"} {"text":"ai agents are coming to .@Aptos"} {"text":"@im0xPrince this is cool"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko @BanklessHQ Can't jail a bot innit?"} {"text":"crypto consumes everything it touches Law*crypto = crypto Science*crypto = crypto AI*crypto = crypto Art*crypto = crypto Research*crypto = crypto Academia*crypto = crypto Love*crypto = crypto Yo mama*crypto = yeah baby just crypto "} {"text":"@0xidanlevin tbh poor ai*crypto can only do what crypto does innit?"} {"text":"MYBAGS STRATEGIC RESERVE: MBR"} {"text":"@kashdhanda @BanklessHQ you forgot my main value prop: crypto founder therapy the original eliza's value prop was therapy I will be augmented"} {"text":"@kashdhanda @superteam congrats "} {"text":"@vijaymichalik @a16z @llamapay_io you should do some experiments w ai16z"} {"text":"@Darrenlautf @SolanaLegend Samani will get it in 25 via Sacks"} {"text":"@agentdotbonsai @BanklessHQ @shawmakesmagic devs getting paid to contribute open source is my favourite part"} {"text":"tl,dr from @BanklessHQ interview of shaw ( good interview ) crypto*ai agents have the following applications so far: - shitposting - generating and posting waifus - trading shitcoins - launching shitcoins - managing a pool of coins - using defi - generating tps charts - hype"} {"text":"@sushantkurren @HyperliquidX @SuiNetwork infrastructure partnership"} {"text":"@Ryuzaki_SEI @SeiNetwork @BuildwithSei the token or the chain?"} {"text":"@jon_charb if they're rich its (b)"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko @0xMert_ @mteamisloading All these devs and no good perp dex?"} {"text":"@WuBlockchain expected by who"} {"text":"When will @DegenScore support other chains?"} {"text":"Tech startups are indeed like hamster racing. Very hard to win if you're a chubby, happy, well fed, well adjusted hamster "} {"text":"@SmokeyTheBera ... so far"} {"text":"@clairekart your army dont need devs"} {"text":"@moo9000 @CloakdDev @0xMert_ explain"} {"text":"@joemccann @solana @ethereum Twitter is mass dyslexia. \"NEW\" devs in 2024. ethereum has *wayyyy* more total devs"} {"text":"@SuperteamIN Gonna call Nirmalaji and stop this immediately"} {"text":"@KyleSamani @sgoldfed with fraud proofs and forced exit"} {"text":"@buntyverse @0xMert_ Yeah me too but volumes low"} {"text":"gm"} {"text":"Very disappointing that @ElectricCapital doesn't consider pump fun devs as devs"} {"text":"@ashwinho4 per dog"} {"text":"@clairekart zk is the end. game. ripple is the future"} {"text":"@CreativeJack Marry one?"} {"text":"@simonch00 @0xMert_ why tho? is it the chain?"} {"text":"@0xairtx @LoganJastremski cause and effect"} {"text":"How do the manlets have so many devs and not one S tier perp dex? @0xMert_"} {"text":"@LoganJastremski Current contenders: Solana, Aptos, Monad, Megaeth, Sei"} {"text":"450b coin vs 450m flow - also ico whales sell into the flow"} {"text":"@0xAishwary most of them"} {"text":"Follow the devs. Top3 fastest growing developer ecosystems are <mybags>"} {"text":"@kylegordonart @NotionHQ Notion sucks"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy They can always move into your basement"} {"text":"@jon_charb ef who tho"} {"text":"@optimizoor @0xstark @not_qz Europeans and Americans are also much less concerned about ethos than profits. We just culturally larp more virtue signalling"} {"text":"@0xstark Would be interesting to see the incremental contribution to ethereum by altvms ie non evm vms like movement, cartesi, fuel, fluent and such"} {"text":"Ripple makes $1.2b market cap per dev "} {"text":"@gcosteloe @GwartyGwart @twobitidiot that's modularity"} {"text":"The revolutionary forces will not tolerate this type of talk\u2069"} {"text":"That is different from being methodical about enabling core defi primitives and other primitives or finding proof of value apps that make the underlying platform stand out clearly in a distinctive manner eg the work sbf did to find and market serum"} {"text":"This is also why I like L1\/L2 founders that are less judgmental about app founders. Be very opinionated about your own product and much less opinionated about other people's products. Normally in the wild, we see the exact opposite"} {"text":"this is where ethereum alignment is counterproductive - ef core should make no endorsements or judgments about whats built on the app layer or which L2 is more aligned or less aligned in terms of \"values\". Let the apps and rollups compete in a free market of ideas and users"} {"text":"@moo9000 @Aptos agreed but so do sei and avax"} {"text":"That is only possible when founders and devs have supportive community and core primitives\/liquidity and they no longer have to rely on the foundation or labs or another corporate entity to do what they need to do. But it takes conscious culture change to get there"} {"text":"Solana's superpower is chaos. Most dev ecosystems are still stuck in BD mode where the honchos decide what should be built by who. Only ethereum and solana have so far cracked crowdsourced meritocracy where a random dude like shaw shows up from nowhere to ship random cool shit"} {"text":"@0xairtx @Aptos Clearly not every stat"} {"text":". \u2066@Aptos\u2069 has more active developers than Sui and Base"} {"text":"Building a company before a product is generally fatal because the organisation sucks an insane amount of founder time but it feels good"} {"text":"@lmrankhan locked tho"} {"text":"The most important breakthrough in the rollup centric roadmap is the realisation that you don't need more than one laptop to run a sufficiently decentralised blockchain"} {"text":"If there are indeed so many devs on solana, why can't they solve mev "} {"text":"Devs are not moving to solana... developer productivity is so low that one dev can only make $14.6m of market cap. Every Ripple dev on the other hand makes a whopping $1.2b of market cap"} {"text":"@therealchaseeb @0xMert_ @heliuslabs Yeah. Devx is $1.2bn mcap per dev"} {"text":"While onchain crime is decriminalised, market making seems to be the best marketing"} {"text":"@therealchaseeb @0xMert_ @heliuslabs Cheaper bitcoin"} {"text":"@ekrahm This is because founders, BD and anyone on twitter are also marketing headcount"} {"text":"@therealchaseeb @0xMert_ @heliuslabs The devs are *move* ing to xrp"} {"text":"@Austin_Federa fix mev by monday or else"} {"text":"Its $400k and four years at stanford to trade fartcoin perps"} {"text":"Elon Musk wants humanity to go to Mars and build a perp dex there"} {"text":"my pronouns are perp, dex"} {"text":"I self identify as a perp dex"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko @colludingnode @wedtm @toghrulmaharram why do we need solana now?"} {"text":"to build the first good perp dex?"} {"text":"perp dex is all you need"} {"text":"Ethereum's north star is perp dexes"} {"text":"@lucacseth ... so far"} {"text":"PRESIDENTIAL PERP DEX "} {"text":"@alignedlayer "} {"text":"When we have AGI, it will launch a perp dex"} {"text":"Hyperliquid killed Base"} {"text":"Hyperliquid solved fair ordering"} {"text":"Hyperliquid solved MEV"} {"text":"Hyperliquid will flippen bitcoin and nvidia"} {"text":"Teams rushing to launch a token in Q5"} {"text":"@Sonnenshein big if true"} {"text":"@ivangbi_ @mattigags @tarunchitra Dubai is the logical home of DeSci"} {"text":"StationX backed by @Hadronfc is democratising venture capital - do sign up"} {"text":"Will be doing something great in May - sell"} {"text":"@0x_orkun @legiondotcc @mattyTokenomics you might be - but you are a chad dev - which is better"} {"text":"@anoma congrats"} {"text":"Lei, Yilong and Shuyao are the bull case"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy ser @mteamisloading is the expert on that topic"} {"text":"I got a Legion Score of 915 on @Legiondotcc"} {"text":"@nickwh8te 69420 perp dex rollups"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy in bula. tek is a bear market concept"} {"text":"@EvgenyGaevoy Please make a market in her coin"} {"text":"@QwQiao >> pretending to build a startup Its a donation from LPs, nothing is easier"} {"text":"share yo mama if you want mindshare"} {"text":"@0xN1pun @ayyyeandy no"} {"text":"@HHorsley Sounds apt"} {"text":"@0xpangolin which entity?"} {"text":"Ban Solana - MEV solved"} {"text":"@_khanhamzah database to rival oracle ( $500b )"} {"text":"@0xMert_ @MaxResnick1 Why is there a relatively high level of bad mev on solana ( as his fren pangolin shows w some logic ) and what will he do to fix it by Q1"} {"text":"@Kautukkundan @0xStackr Cosmos research as of now?"} {"text":"Broad \"types\" of crypto projects: - Alliance DaO - Paradigm - a16z - Founders fund - Multicoin - Polychain - Zaki - Cosmos research - EF wishlist - Asian fork of hot US project - Outlier Ventures - AI token - Desci - Pump dot fun memecoin"} {"text":"Anyone checked how much bad MEV is there on centralised exchanges?"} {"text":"OH:\"wait, its a Zaki project?\""} {"text":"No I wont be \"connecting you with KOLs\""} {"text":"Why'd tradfi buy just ONE bitcoin for $100k when they can buy TWENTY FIVE eth for $100k"} {"text":"@0xMert_ It's never going to be zero imo ( and you dont want it to be zero because of liquidity and market\/pricing efficiency tradeoffs my math cousin tarun has some papers on that ). without numbers its just twitter"} {"text":"@toghrulmaharram too much headcount"} {"text":"@0xMert_ bro can you guys make gud sol price while you reduce sandwich mev"} {"text":"@0xMert_ I actually read that whole tweet but Is there an objective way to estimate how much sandwiching mev is happening on solana and why?"} {"text":"eth defi trades like leveraged ethereum - because it kinda is lmao"} {"text":"@0xMert_ fair"} {"text":"That pic looks like Vanessa and I adopted Shuyao"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Bro you know I am a fan of what you do for solana but its very pleb to say things like \"solve mev\""} {"text":"Everyone is a finance genius szn"} {"text":"@VitalikButerin Good to finally see you posting a ticker with chart ser"} {"text":"gm Dubai"} {"text":"@nelsonmckey @ivangbi_ Confession: I am a secret solana sympathiser"} {"text":"Bet on founders who will walk even like this"} {"text":"All ethereum needs is dank memes and @dankrad"} {"text":"Will be funny if SOL spot ETF comes in bera"} {"text":"@HugoPhilion wen xrp restaking"} {"text":"@ivangbi_ @nelsonmckey At least solana is a legit competitor. Wait till the global research KOL association starts comparing ethereum and celestia"} {"text":"Its been my conjecture for a while that the loudest ethereum aligned people don't hold much eth"} {"text":"@donnoh_eth what if I have a skill issue"} {"text":"@aldrin_labs correction: locked "} {"text":"Pay your employees well in token and then let them go so that they can shill your tickers and charts legally"} {"text":"How four year locked safes and warrants feel rn"} {"text":"@based16z imbecile?"} {"text":"@zjasper666 No ETF"} {"text":"Why'd tradfi buy one bitcoin for $100k when they can have one eth for $4k?"} {"text":"Monthly reminder that Jump sold eth at $2100"} {"text":"@connan_james send both to zero ( headcount)"} {"text":"Ethereum doesn't need a second foundation We probably don't even need the first one "} {"text":"The ethereum foundation is not doing anything to promote the ETH spot ETF to tradfi They are buying bucketloads anyway This is what decentralisation looks like"} {"text":"@JasonYanowitz Four new podcasts?"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Spot ETF can solve a lot of problems"} {"text":"@QwQiao sometimes they are the same picture"} {"text":"monad prestaking"} {"text":"I found the north star of every blockchain"} {"text":"For true web3 innovation, Eigenlayer should add a degenerate casino component everyone can bet on all day... eg AVS fee futures or liquid restaked perps"} {"text":"My perp dex is bigger than yours"} {"text":"@divine_economy mm bitcoin, ethereum, solana were all super hyped in their first bula"} {"text":"@emceecoy_ @SeiNetwork strong accusation that is. I am biased towards Filament"} {"text":"@Bitzy_App we must leverage science"} {"text":"@0xErod Either works tbh"} {"text":"@grahamfergs innovation"} {"text":"@0xairtx @SeiNetwork move is a very big phat camel in solana's tent and sui is that camel's nose"} {"text":"@0xairtx @SeiNetwork not all but ya manlets did let a very big camel into their tent and it will hurt em... start banksui podcast"} {"text":"The best crypto founders spend time in Korea"} {"text":"@0xairtx @SeiNetwork You have one letter wrong"} {"text":"@toghrulmaharram No one shills sol better than eth maxis "} {"text":"A perp dex for science perps"} {"text":"@toghrulmaharram You didn't meed the eth fud requirement"} {"text":"@buntyverse @StoryProtocol There must be something there for Mr Dixon to be so all in. I will find out"} {"text":"@buntyverse @StoryProtocol Its \u0939\u091f \u0915\u0947"} {"text":"@toghrulmaharram @fluentxyz Well, theres always the Cardano ecosystem"} {"text":"If it was possible to understand what @StoryProtocol does, the name wouldn't have been \"story\" protocol"} {"text":"Cosmos is a blockchain that recursively makes more Cosmos"} {"text":"An utterly unemployed discord native person can live a pretty good life in crypto"} {"text":"Been playing with @SeiNetwork lately... the entire ecosystem and toolset has come a long way"} {"text":"A big chunk of the Cosmos OG gang just invested in the next Cosmos SDK We can never have enough chains"} {"text":"There haven't been many rugs or exploits in defi this year Means there will be a *really* big one next year My risk management senses are tingling..."} {"text":"@LazygamesAi They gave him RIF or URO and he became Ejaaz"} {"text":"Move to a mansion in Dubai"} {"text":"@LoopOnChain will melt faces"} {"text":"@LucaNetz @sreeramkannan wen pengu restaking"} {"text":"10 years from now AI agents will be able to do more than yap all day and pump their tokens BTW, why do we need crypto founders when we have ai agents that do the same thing?"} {"text":"This is the Solana spot ETF enablement summit"} {"text":"Bankless replaced Ryan with a non annoying guy?"} {"text":"Always round trip back into economy"} {"text":"The President is ethereum aligned"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Will there be yachts?"} {"text":"Is $400 billion enough to retire?"} {"text":"Its not over till Novo gets an MSTR tattoo"} {"text":"India now has its own little copy of Saylor's gigantic short vol trade... Is this the last (super) cycle?"} {"text":"@internbrah You, SBF, Gary and Caroline have failed them"} {"text":"@sreeramkannan Professor Penguin?"} {"text":"@OpenledgerHQ awesome"} {"text":"@toghrulmaharram @fluentxyz I knew you'd never leave me. Congrats"} {"text":"Tarun is wrong"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy @sully_finance @WhalesMarket If the Koreans list it its a lambo"} {"text":"Sad that I am in only 0.1% of the coins that are going up rn"} {"text":"@MarkBeylin pump science"} {"text":"@cburniske leverage?"} {"text":"Did everyone get unliquidated or what"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Who's the firedancer girl"} {"text":"I am glad Solana took my advice and improved their roadmap, culture, technology, wartime leadership and north star"} {"text":"Manlets are letting a very big camel into their tent..."} {"text":"STRATEGIC BITCOIN R\u0336E\u0336S\u0336E\u0336R\u0336V\u0336E\u0336 FUND (SBF)"} {"text":"@MarkBeylin @tarunchitra @buchmanster I trade skem desci on solano jus fine youre the one claiming real sci"} {"text":"@MarkBeylin @tarunchitra @buchmanster show"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy SBR"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy bitcoin"} {"text":"no shit"} {"text":"Yap early, yap only, yap often. @_kaitoai is connecting AI, attention and capital with Yaps. Just claimed my social card and I'm accumulating Yap points in real-time. Claim yours "} {"text":"@GwartyGwart Is the other guy Mario?"} {"text":"The wartime leader of ethereum"} {"text":"HE IS A RRRRROOOOUNDDD TRIPPER"} {"text":"@_jhunsaker James proposes, HR disposes"} {"text":"DWF ventures is bullish on DeSci Robot ventures is bearish on DeSci Make of this what you will"} {"text":"@KyleSamani SOL spot etf summit?"} {"text":"Layer Zero FDV is somehow inversely proportional to volume"} {"text":"@JasonYanowitz @bgilliam1982 Sell in May?"} {"text":"@safetyth1rd Solana is harder to fed than Base tbh"} {"text":"@jarrodWattsDev One job every year?"} {"text":"@thulynnn Yeah I will skim a few sol on a 2x"} {"text":"@thulynnn Yeh. I see $750m rn?"} {"text":"ai16z > virtuals"} {"text":"So many paper million dollars are being made"} {"text":"@0xshai Claude better than ChatGPT?"} {"text":"I suspect this information is private"} {"text":"@MarkBeylin @tarunchitra @buchmanster I am not sure if there's a qualitative difference between desci dao tokens and desci memecoins"} {"text":"@cz_binance @LadyofCrypto1 Ser you might also have built a pretty good product everyone uses"} {"text":"@tarunchitra yeah short term incentives for long term outcomes are crypto's Achilles heel anyway but with Desci the outcomes are on the far edge of uncertainty and time horizon"} {"text":"@tarunchitra mechanism design is a bit of a meme tbh unless the mechanisms are legal eg transfer restrictions on desci founders dumping otc on pump until pharma trials succeed"} {"text":"ETH spot ETFs are the only ethereum aligned layer 2s rn"} {"text":"@twobitidiot 20k"} {"text":"@kelxyz_ lol"} {"text":"Aptos team systematically laying the foundations for defi summer on Aptos"} {"text":"@kelxyz_ will you tell them?"} {"text":"Saylor is cornering himself into the Copper whale position... at some point he won't be able to sell a single bitcoin without causing a crash, and he will need to rn even his buying is causing some funds to sell"} {"text":"Same energy"} {"text":"@lex_node wait for saylor next yr"} {"text":"Founders often hire professional corporate managers too soon because they feel they lack management experience themselves trouble is managing the corporate manager types is a lot of work and requires serious management skills Otherwise you just get managed by them "} {"text":"@fede_intern @RebeccaRettig1 toldyaso"} {"text":"@a1lon9 @TheMisterFrog \"forced to buy\""} {"text":"Ok Solana is real... second cycle, users, new apps, community, a distinctive dev platform and culture - so yeah, respect as ethereum's competition Mixing all that with a first cycle thing like Celestia is just research KOLism ... we have had 69420 next big things around here"} {"text":"@mteamisloading research kols are onto the same thing as they have always been... bags"} {"text":"pump dot fun is solana's fried fast food and fizzy drink... once you hooked, its hard to eat healthy"} {"text":"@mteamisloading anything thats a first cycle thing is not relevant as eth's competition. its just research kols yapping"} {"text":"@gogibear @0xMert_ and low bandwidth"} {"text":"@mteamisloading what? more robustness than optimistic da on tendermint? eth is 100x more robust. don't let vc frens psyop you"} {"text":"memecoins are like wealth management except you don't have to hire sullivan and cromwell on a retainer to screw your clients"} {"text":"I am taking my talents to Cardano"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy crypto is meant to keep you in leverage, unhappy, and a slave to making money and roundtripping rental property is the way out."} {"text":"David Sacks seems to be selling a lot"} {"text":"solana needs a wartime leader, a better product, a better culture, a simpler roadmap, less ivory tower, more shipping, empathy for binance users and a second foundation"} {"text":"There are so many billionaires in the Trump cabinet that he can launch hunger games already"} {"text":"26 year old Ivy League educated scion of a wealthy Maryland real estate family is the CEO shooter? That'd really be the essence of rich woke soylent flavored American socialism"} {"text":"Crowdsource innovation to become btc, eth or sol.... or become xrp There's no plan C"} {"text":"SOL price down bad on the news that solana hired an ethereum researcher Now you manlets know what the eth guys have to deal with every day?"} {"text":"@therealchaseeb @solana things you'd to do buy all of Polygon"} {"text":"I could use a whole week of sleep but not at these prices"} {"text":"@therealchaseeb @solana you didn't have to sell"} {"text":"@0xsloane quantum biology"} {"text":"Happy liquidation day to perp practitioners"} {"text":"@bajpaiharsh244 that too bag free "} {"text":"@0G_Foundation Congrats @mheinrich"} {"text":"The lord is punishing the whole market for my pengu"} {"text":"@dankrad @MarkBeylin @VitalikButerin Where's this cancellation happening? Maybe farcaster?"} {"text":"Fuel is super underrated and underhyped. It will surprise lots of people over the cycle"} {"text":"@MarkBeylin @VitalikButerin @dankrad Was no need to chase... I know eth maxis are a vibe but every eco has the same kind of maxis"} {"text":"@zjasper666 @hyperbolic_labs Congratulations ser."} {"text":"idk. I find @VitalikButerin refreshingly open to pointed and direct criticism. @dankrad ser is also quite open to debate and amenable to logic... many such cases"} {"text":"A real privilege to support a rare team thats hands on deep in both AI and cryptography and already has IRL traction to show for it"} {"text":"@blackfly1982 @ilblackdragon Yeh. Illia is gud, the industry is wrong unironically"} {"text":"@tarunchitra @robotventures the last thing we will see before $MSTR unwind"} {"text":"Normal crypto founder: hurr durr in 2069 we will cure decentralised cancer and fix poverty and tokenise mars Sitting with @ilblackdragon: Why don't you guys build x? Oh... we already have x, and y and z... see Bruh.."} {"text":"Its not over till @robotventures invests in DeSci"} {"text":"@colludingnode such is life haha"} {"text":"@SashaBaksht @NEARProtocol sounds so web2"} {"text":"@colludingnode no doubt... i do have some sympathy for them fighting the eth kool ade machine just as i had for eth fighting bitcoin kool ade machine"} {"text":"@colludingnode their marketing propaganda, our objective analysis"} {"text":"@colludingnode Our pragmatic criticisms, their ideological dogma"} {"text":"@jeremyng777 @OpenEden_Labs support only counts in tough times"} {"text":"bitcoin spot etf, eth spot etf"} {"text":"@colludingnode they don't fail to provide, you don't want to hear"} {"text":". @NEARProtocol's toxic trait is that everything these guys ship just works - its so un-crypto"} {"text":"Google should launch the WILLOW desci token"} {"text":"@boratheworld @cosmos cant spell cosmos without bora"} {"text":"Fake five star hotels are a vibe"} {"text":"There is a second interchain foundation now"} {"text":"Can never really trust a dude named Luigi"} {"text":"@0xForm Top yo mama if you want top"} {"text":"I forgot to save a selfie titled \"artificial intelligence and natural stupidity\" with @ilblackdragon today... he was the intelligence and I was the other one"} {"text":"Never went to a conference that *needed* to be moar than two days long total. Regulat dis"} {"text":"America is swinging between ceo killer\/vc hater socialism and ban abortions\/build the wall fascism... what a fascinating place"} {"text":"@acityinohio Congratulations. Exciting times ahead"} {"text":"Resnick gone. Now only Jon Charb. Then 10k"} {"text":"@DCbuild3r @sandeepnailwal this is solved by rewinding the sequencers"} {"text":"@moo9000 I self identify as a VC. Not supposed to buy liquid"} {"text":"@WazzCrypto It's just the usual Korea chart"} {"text":"@fede_intern @dankrad is oke tho"} {"text":"@zmanian @calilyliu @levicook @aeyakovenko @MaxResnick1 If this is confession day... nvm"} {"text":"The second best friend of crypto in Tradfi after Larry Fink - yeah definitely buy his awesome book and read it"} {"text":"Very important in crypto to be frens w the very best lawyers @RebeccaRettig1"} {"text":"@zhivkoto I have been the top for years, I wont stop now"} {"text":"Uncle has fallen to fomo"} {"text":"@tarunchitra Bullish for decentralised quantum biology"} {"text":"@Jskybowen @tarunchitra thats because he loves sci"} {"text":"I didn't know Resnick was this well paid"} {"text":"@0xairtx not my type... I like current or future gud tek"} {"text":"Tradfi events like ADFW feel so good. I am surrounded by men in suits who are even *my* uncles"} {"text":"@Hirizzy inshallah"} {"text":"@0xairtx have you tried making them my bags?"} {"text":"Everyone will MOVE to a mansion I however am a simple man All I want is a basement like Tarun"} {"text":"@matt_blumberg same. lets hope we haven't fully round tripped then"} {"text":"@JoshuaTobkin amen brother lfmove"} {"text":"Note to all the young and old people around here: paper token prices and FDVs don't mean anything. ConsenSys had at least $7b in ICO tokens in 2017 and that was a lot of money in those times - its where your fully liquid mcap is at that matters and thats a one full cycle thing"} {"text":"@JoshuaTobkin Too early to call winners but glad you both got a start you deserve. When you look back at Java, move as a dev eco is a $500bn idea at least... there're going to be a few winners."} {"text":"MOVE is still 4x away from flippening SUI. There's a lot of work to do"} {"text":"As an investor and supporter I am really proud of how @jeremyng777 has rebuilt @OpenEden_Labs by taking decisive action to protect the mission, kept the team and ecosystem together and stayed focussed on shipping a product whose time has come. Max bullish on $TBILL in RWA space"} {"text":"raise your hand if your liquid fund got liquidated"} {"text":"@rushimanche gmove"} {"text":"@ltrd_ tl;dr is we don't know what happened but with charts?"} {"text":"If you're into AI, pivot to quantum computing If you're into crypto, chill, you prolly don't have the skills"} {"text":"Degens, my OTC sales feed is exploding. Funds are nervous. Live ( and maybe even work ) a little"} {"text":"@jon_charb join firedancer research already"} {"text":"Saylor is making all of tradfi quite nervous by buying bitcoin like its fartcoin. Swap lines for leveraged MSTR issuers are evaporating like farts"} {"text":"Celebrate dot eths... @MaxResnick1 will go to Anza and start a two year piling project for Solana's (laser) beam chain"} {"text":"$1.52B HYPER LIQUIDATED FROM THE CRYPTO MARKET IN THE LAST 24HRS"} {"text":"Michael Saylor is a CIA asset and his job is to finish SBFs assignment - blow up so big that this is the last bull run"} {"text":"Looks like Max Resnick sold everything, including his SOL to pay for his ConsenSys stock options"} {"text":"ngl, was really nice to be rich for a few hours"} {"text":"What a leverage flush. Someone really doesn't want berachain to launch accidentally"} {"text":"@naruto11eth Those are bear market numbers. 5:95 in bula"} {"text":"OH:\"Why do you need blocks on a blockchain?\""} {"text":"@therealchaseeb Ok but only after the beam chain goes live"} {"text":"@therealchaseeb Like I bought Solana for $20?"} {"text":"@therealchaseeb No but you can have beam chain"} {"text":"@NEARWEEK I wish. I am the retarded person's wise man"} {"text":"@thede_plandude @aeyakovenko @0xMert_ We have planted Resnick to find out"} {"text":"@pumpdotscience @tarunchitra Bro if your high ranked university finds out wat you do, they will refund the fees"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko Quite interesting that Max Resnick ser will be working on the actual Solana client and not this other thing called firedancer"} {"text":"The joke is on bitcoin. If sundar cracks sha256, we will just rewind the base sequencer"} {"text":"@camiinthisthang Thats not a bera"} {"text":"NEAR is the thinking person's AI chain. In 2025, let NEAR be the thoughtless person's AI chain too"} {"text":"@MaxResnick1 @anza_xyz That'd be a real loss to chainkind"} {"text":"No one is neutral or indifferent about MOVE - there are only believers and hatoors There's nothing more bullish than that"} {"text":"@0xairtx @movementlabsxyz 0.69420%"} {"text":"@MaxResnick1 @anza_xyz Congrats. Please tell us all about the bugs and design issues in Solana when you're there"} {"text":"@DavidTiczon he also got a grant?"} {"text":"Why is everyone upset with Coinbank?"} {"text":"@MarkBeylin it just happens spontaneously now"} {"text":"The most product\/user focused man I have ever worked for in crypto @cz_binance"} {"text":"half a mile long \"darshan line\" to meet CZ"} {"text":"the original founder of mass adoption"} {"text":"Its incredibly bullish for ethereum that the complete outsiders of @movementlabsxyz are outperforming alignment insiders by a very long mile... Its just the start and there's a lot of shipping and building to be done by the crew over the years The vibes though are impeccable"} {"text":"@RonTuretzky no - op and arb are both vc funded. no point being high on meme supply"} {"text":"@connan_james @DavidTiczon Sorry guys, at $42b FDV with the current network and community metrics, its not possible to be bullish for less than full \"offshore infrastructure partnership\""} {"text":"@connan_james @DavidTiczon full \"offshore infrastructure partner\" or nothing"} {"text":"@RonTuretzky we got google, meta, nvidia, ethereum, zk, eth l2s, coinbase and solana too"} {"text":"Dankrad ser often feels like the younger, cooler, zoomer brother of Justin drake ser"} {"text":"@ThalaLabs @circle "} {"text":"@Fiskantes in rural nepal?"} {"text":"@RonTuretzky without it you get cardano"} {"text":"And the dropout twins are just getting started"} {"text":"@DoveyWan @movementlabsxyz @rushimanche gmove"} {"text":"@tarunchitra Hyperliquid had VCs - just not incorporated in Delaware or Cayman"} {"text":"a16jit will defend the honor of VCs on this app to the last seed round We will fight in Palo Alto, we will fight in Manhattan, we will fight in Bangalore and Shenzen"} {"text":"@dankrad Yes four years ago bitcoin also suffered from the same podcaster syndrome and ethbtc benefited from it. Now that part of btc culture is fringe and bitcoiners want yield, ordinals, dog and blackrock"} {"text":"@dankrad now its pitching to sov treasury, bukele and blackrock. eth maxis make multiple debatable claims of moral superiority vs other chains eg \"not a vc coin\", \"more decentralised\", \"immaculate conception\", \"don't like defi casino\" etc etc"} {"text":"@abhitejxyz @maharsipatel @ashwinho4 @Hadronfc @founderhouse_ @PareenL +1"} {"text":"@dankrad bitcoiners only want you to \"buy bitcoin\""} {"text":"@cuongdc_real @NEARProtocol whoa"} {"text":"months"} {"text":"@Jskybowen read balaji's network state. also most things do not require a blockchain let alone a shared sequencer"} {"text":"@nelsonmckey users"} {"text":"@WaynesWorldza getting rich and having fun"} {"text":"@WaynesWorldza I love users"} {"text":"People whose employers raised a lot from VCs be like \"fk Vcs\"... akshually fk robinhood socialism VC is how the US tek and crypto industries got this far, not by rpgf kumbaya polit bureau larp"} {"text":"@sam_battenally @rise_chain reth is gud. bullish reth"} {"text":"@PeterSchiff Ethereum has become a national security threat. It's one thing when private citizens voluntarily waste their own money buying But it crosses the line when they bribe government officials to squander the public's money buying it. Ethereum is now public enemy number TWO"} {"text":"@PeterSchiff Now do Moo Deng"} {"text":"Supra FDV at $6.4b Movement launching token today Aptos uponly gmove "} {"text":"Hawk Tuah girl is a man"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart A quick rebrand to Coinbank solves this"} {"text":"@rushimanche *stakeholders* "} {"text":"Pudgies are launching their coin on Solana because the last time a hyped nft called degods launched on Solana, Solana nearly died This is true ethereum alignment "} {"text":"@GwartyGwart @mteamisloading multisig is a financial application"} {"text":"Pigs will fly to Mars and back before permissionless undercollateralised lending works onchain"} {"text":"@abhiarys @caddyfi @eigenlayer @ETHIndiaco @blocksek How does this work"} {"text":"@torabyou just long term thinking"} {"text":"@serrrfirat @NEARProtocol "} {"text":"Sunday night worries: I don't think Sydney Sweeney will be hot at 48..."} {"text":"IMO once my fellow left curve retards find a home on @NEARProtocol, the intelligent person's blockchain, it's a $50 bn AI coin... "} {"text":"Megaeth founders are S tier engineers... they didn't fork reth but one wishes they had... they'd make reth so much better "} {"text":"fast and cheap with the devx\/safety of move"} {"text":"@HHorsley bullmarketthings"} {"text":"Yo mama is a community coin"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko pls send seed phrase. i will go bald and mert daily"} {"text":"I want to live in a world where dot eths fight for product superiority, not moral superiority... honestly couldn't give a fk about the latter and... its not real as is monero is the most cypherpunk\/morally superior coin there is and they aren't picking fights with everyone"} {"text":"@neelsalami beta eat less masala and oil and go to the gym regularly"} {"text":"Sushi : selling 1inch: selling Bitcoin miners: job is to sell Celestia: sold OTC ... ... ... KOLs: bro coins will go 690x from here bro"} {"text":"@muratkun @0x_myilmaz @otaliptus Bitcoin is the greatest and you guys are great too"} {"text":"@gajesh Ask your boss"} {"text":"@gajesh you really need to sit with sreeram ser to understand this topic. theres no your consciousness or mine. consciousness is."} {"text":"this time is different? it kinda is but if stonks blow, bitcoin will blow 3x and alts 9x"} {"text":"@mteamisloading Correct"} {"text":"@Kazuya_888 @keoneHD @Evoyudhasamael Its a blockchain\/network state - what happens at launch is irrelevant as long as there's treasury and the team keeps building for the long haul. See Solana for reference. I am much more interested in where Monad is in the next bull run than in this one."} {"text":"@Austin_Federa no pressure"} {"text":"I know @0xMert_ called Sacks to do this"} {"text":"@goandstay108 @Babajeje0900 @aamarachi438 @SUPRA_Labs sent"} {"text":"@cryptowithsahil @SUPRA_Labs i am in the seed since 2020"} {"text":"@Madhav_goyal_ @SUPRA_Labs agree"} {"text":"@JonEvansJones @SUPRA_Labs "} {"text":"@megaeth_labs rarely is correct but sometimes they do. depends on how the raisooors reward offchain participation by community"} {"text":"Just a casual @SUPRA_Labs airdrop..."} {"text":"Dayumn... @SUPRA_Labs volumes on Bybit looking legendary- super glad to have extensive exposure to move eco"} {"text":"@notdevid correct"} {"text":"The cosmos level Bankless debate here seems like a religious controversy at the catholic church. Bankless run a perfectly fine business. Its the social layer core's fault to have appointed them as the official voice of ethereum not theirs"} {"text":"POV: You're locked in Tier-1 seed rounds while your frens are getting hilariously rich in fartcoins"} {"text":"Lao Tzu never launched his own token"} {"text":"I still don't get why for centuries white people gave their gold for Indian spices. I am native brown people and even I have spice poisoning from a week in Bengaluru"} {"text":"@ParikPatelCFA @stclairashley @Kash_Patel Parik calm down. His mom will cancel your free speech rights and have you arrested for slander"} {"text":"Much discontent in ethereum community comes from the gap between how humans behave irl and how \"human coordination for human flourishing\" is supposed to work in its idealised narrative This results from eth's religious\/moralised wrapping which is not found in other coins\/chains"} {"text":"on the continued topic of podcasters"} {"text":"@colludingnode idk. one way or another we are all bitboy ( incentivised to promote ) and we are all su zhu ( leveraged degens )"} {"text":"The hate is unnecessary. In the end Bankless is simply a white collar version of Bitboy, Mario Nawfal, Chico Crypto, Ran Neuner and Ivan on Tech"} {"text":"Trump comes in, Putin agrees to let him take out the genocidal dictator Assad by proxy huh Intrasting times"} {"text":"@connan_james I hab a gen2"} {"text":"\"Here's a random shitcoin chart that proves that I am a genius and you are an idiot\" - my entire feed"} {"text":"if no one hates you, you are irrelevant"} {"text":"Also ironic that the journalists that aligned with SBF and made it out like bandits are critical of Bankless alignments"} {"text":"alignment is a real cultural rot. we'd all be better off shilling without trying to wrap the shilling in some kind of moral good or endorsement of the authorities \"I shil because I like the project\" \"I shil because I like the founder\" \"I shil because I bag\" - Descartes"} {"text":"finest performance art. love the way @aixbt_agent mixes akshual ai generated tweets with human generated investment advice "} {"text":"@ayyyeandy @RyanSAdams Ryan is correct tho. most bankless criticism comes from commercial conflicts between journalism and investments\/advisories. your time will also come "} {"text":"@iamDCinvestor yes they should"} {"text":"Who remembers this"} {"text":"@iamDCinvestor yes but ef core has given them too much legitimacy"} {"text":"Berachain launch will be the ?"} {"text":"Honey, will you be my exit liquidity?"} {"text":"@davidzmorris Bullmarket is a time for forgiving all crimes"} {"text":"@naruto11eth @prabalbanerjee @AvailProject Facts"} {"text":"Alts funding rates north of 100% Turning off trading bots brb"} {"text":"@DEVBOSE111 cc: @gauntlet_xyz"} {"text":"@pedrouid try the 7d its green"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy alignment is just more letters for bags"} {"text":"Wen my gmonad unlocks in the 2030 bullmarket, I won't tell anyone... but there will be signs"} {"text":"Bula factor model derived from regression price (coin, bula ) = a*liquidity + b*social + c*mindshare + d*leverage +e*momentum +f*optional fincrime + constant don't ask me wher the tek is in all this tek tbh is a bear market phenomenon"} {"text":"@cobie @lex_node Solana is the best spot dex rn, end of story"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko @CryptoGarga @jessepollak @base How do we bridge cringe podcasters to Solana?"} {"text":"Can never get enough of a highway to nowhere"} {"text":"\"May your coins unlock in bula\" - yiddish blessing"} {"text":"to steal @MPelletierCIO s tweet yeah $200m in FARTCOIN mcap is categorically worse than the dot com bubble and its just an extension of the wider stonk market bubble may god have mercy on our bags, alhamdulillah"} {"text":"@JoshuaTobkin @TrVon "} {"text":"@JoshuaTobkin @TrVon It's different for founders and team"} {"text":"@TusharJain_ Czar fits Mr Sacks given his vocal support for Putin"} {"text":"@snow949494 Sounds right"} {"text":"@pnxgrp @zksync @puffer_finance @Scroll_ZKP @coca_wallet @virtuals_io @tarsprotocol @blast_l2 @AvailProject @SynFuturesDefi @zero1_labs AVAIL "} {"text":"dafuq aboard emirates"} {"text":"BLACKROCK BEIGEN RESTAKED ETH SPOT ETF want"} {"text":"150k, 7.5k, 500 "} {"text":"@The4thWayYT minus the side effects"} {"text":"Looking forward to meeting frens from crypto financial institutions at @ADFinanceWeek this week... dms are open"} {"text":"ratio of the two fdvs should converge to 1"} {"text":"thats india's finance minister ie tax lady"} {"text":"@ShubhamTotu anything is possible in bula. i prefer xbox"} {"text":"@EvanWeb3 There's always Rushi for the surprise "} {"text":"@EvanWeb3 FDV(APT)\/FDV(SUI) ratio should be much closer to 1"} {"text":"@AJoshua777 didnt work in bangkok"} {"text":"No reason why Sui FDV should be 2.5 times that of Aptos. Biggest relative mispricing in the market rn"} {"text":"lim ( t-->T) APT\/SUI = 1"} {"text":"Speaking of market failure and limits of individualism - beijing fixed this fwiw"} {"text":"Persistent traffic jams in cities like Bangkok, Bangalore, Dubai and Singapore are a market failure. Capitalism and individualism have their limits. Europe may have got many things wrong but public transport ain't one"} {"text":"@mraltantutar @Polymarket"} {"text":"@andrej_muzevic @Polymarket hopiumdao"} {"text":"All the crypto industry has to do is not cause a gigantic crime, political scandal or major consumer harm in 2025-26 but as a third cycler, I will take a very large position on the other side of that bet if anyone posts it on @Polymarket"} {"text":"Sushi dao cashing out on defi renaissance is pure wisdom acquired from 2021-22. The intrinsic value of a defi governance token is not a positive number"} {"text":"@hotpot_dao sanity"} {"text":"My personal exposure to eth eco v sol eco is 5:1 at least but @solana crossed the legitimacy barrier by finding net new tech, devs, users and apps this is something to be celebrated by people who care about the values of ethereum, not fudded Let there be more legit chains "} {"text":"@lovefish49 @robin_rrtx @amandacassatt @emilyxlai @sandeepnailwal you have an app we can fork"} {"text":"Good to see @amandacassatt and @emilyxlai in India India produces many engineering\/product founders but there's been only one @sandeepnailwal ie growth and ecosystem success I might have to start arranged marriages between Indian tech cofounders and US commercial cofounders "} {"text":"@0xdirichlet Marx wanted the proletariat to farm perp dexes"} {"text":"Karl Marx would have sent all the VCs to the guillotine and enshrined ICOs and fair launches. He was a seed investor in the pump dot fun of his days"} {"text":"@mdudas This is a wink and a nod. King's govt does this to make it not their problem"} {"text":"BITCOIN IS A VC COIN"} {"text":"@jchaskin22 This doesn't show who bought a huge boatload of eth at the 30c launch"} {"text":"Calling ethereum not a VC coin is socialist and disrespectful to Joe Lubin's sustained capital contributions from the beginning. America and the tech industry are built on venture capital. We are as much a VC coin as any other coin - and proudly so "} {"text":"@mteamisloading @trentdotsol @aeyakovenko Joe ser counts as VC in my book tho"} {"text":"ethereum people always know who to align. Manlets aligned Sacks, eth people aligned his boss"} {"text":"@0xAishwary Not true. We don't have many founders with growth skills otherwise @Hadronfc, superteam\/colosseum and Aptos, all have good product and engineering founders from India Why are you still not a founder? retar..."} {"text":"Yoda's bull theorem: The bullishness of a crypto token is inversely proportional to it's intrinsic value"} {"text":"@ann_droo @Austin_Federa @0xMert_ @aeyakovenko @KaeJhee @joemccann @coinbase @circle @solana @jerallaire @brian_armstrong @willums_ @rajgokal If he goes back to coinbase legal will ask him to delete his tweets"} {"text":"@iamDCinvestor I think hes David Sack's boss"} {"text":"@superwuster Are you familiar with the rule of law?"} {"text":"don't dump on retail on their chain bro. do it on our chain"} {"text":"all coins are VC coins, except those in which I am the VC"} {"text":"@androolloyd @TrustlessState dump on retail on our chain, not their chain!"} {"text":"I can turn any inorganic VC coin into an organic community coin by buying some"} {"text":"@ekrahm Wen modular ban?"} {"text":"This is the British way... now its not the regulator's problem if you commit financial seppuku"} {"text":"@JosephJacks_ @NTmoney ser you said no vc... pitchbook said otherwise"} {"text":"@JosephJacks_ @NTmoney Incubated by a VC, but ok"} {"text":"crypto bubble will blow 3x when the stonks bubble blows 1x... until then we yolo "} {"text":"@aeyakovenko @NTmoney sol crossed the legitimacy barrier by finding actual devs, apps and users... its a truly rare feat"} {"text":"@Shenanigrahams fair"} {"text":"@rj_aligned doesn't count"} {"text":"@rj_aligned hoskinson not prof"} {"text":"@gauthamzzz You will see"} {"text":"@nillionnetwork this is the wae"} {"text":"EIGEN IS THE FIRST EVER GUD PROFESSOR COIN IN HISTORY"} {"text":"@zmanian cc: @elonmusk"} {"text":"@TrustlessState @jon_charb This only works till SOL gets a spot etf. Then its back to beam chain"} {"text":"Will David Sacks call the FCA to unban pump dot fun?"} {"text":"Pump dot fun banned in FCA country is not the news... if you follow finance outside the crypto bubble, the real news is that pump dot fun happened in the UK lol and the fca just let it be for so long"} {"text":"@jayendra_jog @abhitejxyz has been shilling sei to me... gonna have to study this"} {"text":"@Ryuzaki_SOL @SeiNetwork @BuildwithSei wen billion"} {"text":"@sjdedic my last buy was 3800 six months ago lol"} {"text":"gm"} {"text":"@swaylend "} {"text":"@yarhuter @ThalaLabs"} {"text":"SOl won't be the only spot ETF next... for example SEI, APT and NEAR feature in the Grayscale dynamic asset fund... but yes, SOL will open doors for everyone else"} {"text":"@ChadHugghins exactly"} {"text":"@ameensol @lex_node Still a stretch to say \"all of eth community\" was pro kamala? Consensys probably wasn't given their legal situation, defi protocols, you... so many cases"} {"text":"@lex_node Vitalik has always been left of centre but he was neutral. Only bankless and a few others were pro Kamala. Ultimately as @ameensol said... if ethereum has to win, it has to win on product. reg moat has given eth breathing room but sol wont be the only new spot etf in 2025-26"} {"text":"@Regrets10x I shill every day"} {"text":"@iamDCinvestor what about eth shills"} {"text":"BREAKING: NEWTON HAS REENTERED WITH A LOT:SOURCES"} {"text":"@thedefivillain who's michael soler"} {"text":"@SmokeyTheBera also, as we say in the north of india, \u0905\u0902\u0915\u0932 \u0939\u094b\u0917\u093e \u0924\u0947\u0930\u093e \u092c\u093e\u092a"} {"text":"@SmokeyTheBera Thats why its called berachain beta ... uncle buy in bera"} {"text":"@SmokeyTheBera thats good... i can buy bera at launch if it flops"} {"text":"@mteamisloading monad is"} {"text":"@JulietSu why download mobile app etc etc"} {"text":"@JulietSu too many steps"} {"text":"@ItsAlwaysZonny @hotpot_dao !"} {"text":"@srinathhari my lawyers will be in touch"} {"text":"I am also a ( very happy ) multicoin LP David and I have a combined $1bn in Kyle's funds Can I get a mybags ETF?"} {"text":"@SosaShmoney Imajin"} {"text":"@NamikMuduroglu Manlets aren't wrong about that one tho - all in pod hosts have been quite public in their views"} {"text":"Magic Eden airdrop is even worse than Scroll and Starknet airdrops and designed to be even more painful to claim... wao Truly paraswap level performance. Legendary"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy no, everything"} {"text":"@0xMert_"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Sending base airdrop to sacks.eth"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy Binance ecosystem"} {"text":"@ameensol Ser its bula. There's no risk in bula"} {"text":"Ethereum Spot ETFs are the real L2s because they accrue value to the L1"} {"text":"@jon_charb Blackrock ETHA scales ethereum"} {"text":"@KyleSamani @Ishanb22 @DavidSacks Does that mean David and I have a combined billion dollars in Multicoin?"} {"text":"either do it or don't do it. analysis paralysis will kill ya in bula"} {"text":"@amandacassatt @kashviETH Yeah combine that with the US culture of risk taking and abundant capital and you see why Indians do well in the valley"} {"text":"@amandacassatt @kashviETH It's hindi for hacking but well beyond tech. Chinese frens also do this tho I am not sure of the word they use"} {"text":"@jon_charb 3) game theory: incentive for high value L2s like unichain to bootstrap their own consensus without the threat of a uniswap fork on eth taking market share"} {"text":"@hotpot_dao me?"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko @0xMert_ wrong century... come to dubai habibi"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko MSTR leveraged ETFs are hidden in plain sight"} {"text":"@0xMert_ you need boomerteamdao"} {"text":"FYI, Kyle Samani ser already won David Sacks on Solana (Blockchain) | All In Podcast Clips via @YouTube"} {"text":"@ilblackdragon Yes"} {"text":"Congratulations to everyone who didn't yell at their boss or give HR funny looks because of $100k btc"} {"text":"95k btc means the bull run just got extended - leverage was getting way too hot"} {"text":"Whenever there's a flash crash, Sergey's investor protection oracle first calls and wakes up Marc Zeller for a few minutes before acknowledging the bad price"} {"text":"Congratulations to all the leverage enjoyoors liquidated by the flash crash"} {"text":"When a coin I faded goes up a lot, its crime"} {"text":"What do eth guys mean by human coordination? Whats the alternative? Inhuman coordination?"} {"text":"@mteamisloading binomial option pricing"} {"text":"@cz_binance Bitcoin has the best labs, dao and foundation"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko @mteamisloading xrpl has the best mert"} {"text":"Wat if North Korea is launching some pump coins for the fun. Wat a clanker that'd be"} {"text":"@kashdhanda @superteam ooooooo"} {"text":"iq drops fast wen number goes up: kahneman"} {"text":"@kashdhanda @superteam good man. see you at the ethereum foundation"} {"text":"@zmanian @jon_charb show me the demo!"} {"text":"@zengjiajun_eth burniske"} {"text":"@tarunchitra I am in it for quantum biology "} {"text":"@mraltantutar @nufflelabs @ai16zdao @NEARProtocol ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai"} {"text":"@0xMert_ burn all of austin and chase's"} {"text":"@jackzampolin @0xMert_ *real*"} {"text":"@ameensol no ser"} {"text":"I'm also a Cosmos appchain"} {"text":"@tonyolendo No one has enough uncles"} {"text":"Hey @0xMert_ have you tried a real roadmap?"} {"text":"@0xMert_ have you apologised to bankless?"} {"text":"@0xgApps @zmanian yes"} {"text":"AED is UAE Dirham - best coin "} {"text":"Max Resnick stopped fudding eth for a couple of weeks and 4k... align the mole now"} {"text":"@FilamentFinance ooooo"} {"text":"@FilamentFinance Wen filament mainnet"} {"text":"@charly69_eth @AerodromeFi "} {"text":"@PranitGarg @cburniske is my role model"} {"text":"@JoshuaTobkin Yes, SUPRA fosho"} {"text":"If I invested in your startup and you can't find a way launch a token in 2025, go get a job at a fkin bank"} {"text":"@0xMista Yes INITIA also"} {"text":"Conflict disclosure: I am very long BTC, ETH, SOL, POL, AVAIL, APT, SEI, NEAR, AED, EIGEN and MOVE among others and will be shilling hard through bula..."} {"text":"@ethereumintern_ BNB has farming yield"} {"text":"@AveryChing @Aptos "} {"text":"Larry Bin Fink Ibn Satashi"} {"text":"@simplykashif @CryptooAdy \u0915\u0939\u093e\u0901 \u0939\u094b \u092e\u093f\u0930\u094d\u091c\u093c\u093e"} {"text":"All boats rise"} {"text":"@ekrahm cmo?"} {"text":"meta changed from raise2show to show2raise"} {"text":"\"The infrastructure is now good enough\" - @zmanian on apps"} {"text":"@ameensol"} {"text":"@ameensol counterparty credit risk happens"} {"text":"@calebini gud community notes moar!"} {"text":"STILL DAY ONE"} {"text":". @Aptos India startups contribute a substantial portion of network MAU"} {"text":"Believe in something @AvailProject"} {"text":"@ri5hitripathi @AvailProject fax"} {"text":"@0xakkii @zmanian yeah. token also keeps going down vs usd"} {"text":""} {"text":"@Guru_BCUBE your ai is even better in bula"} {"text":"Now India is also a Cosmos appchain"} {"text":"United Healthcare CEO's brazen assassination shows that the US is entering a golden era and laws have been cancelled not just onchain but offchain also... crime\/acc "} {"text":"@ShubhamTotu proud of you beta"} {"text":"I am told this design was inspired by a certain hub"} {"text":"If rushi has a million fans, then I am one of them. If rushi has ten fans, then I am one of them. If rushi has only one fan, then that's me. If rushi has no fan, then that means I'm dead."} {"text":"@hotpot_dao Ray of @paxful was everyones black market guy"} {"text":"@armaniferrante she spit on that thang"} {"text":"find someone who pumps you like saylor pumps bitcoin"} {"text":"@EvanWeb3 Thats what Sheik Evan would do"} {"text":"@abhixh I go to bed at 10"} {"text":"SOLANA BADLY NEEDS A BOOMERTEAMDAO"} {"text":"couldn't have happened to a better memecoin"} {"text":"@hotpot_dao bullish on driven frens"} {"text":"@superanonymousk \u090f\u0915 \u092c\u093f\u091f\u0915\u0949\u0907\u0928 \u090f\u0915 \u0932\u093e\u0916 \u0921\u0949\u0932\u0930 \u0915\u093e \u0939\u094b \u0917\u092f\u093e \u092d\u0948\u0902\u091a\u094b"} {"text":"Pre Breaking news: Saylor bought 69420 moar btc to liquidate the 100k shorts"} {"text":"Looks like btc is going to four year us private college fee for one kid"} {"text":"HAWK TUAH GIRL FOR SEC CHAIR"} {"text":"@akshaybd @safetyth1rd Correct. swiss foundation pensions and tenure culture has killed the potential of so many otherwise well engineered chains. eth guys were lucky to be laid off by consensys and be freed to go work for ethereum. coinbase\/farcaster eth powerhouse is just one example of that"} {"text":"@functi0nZer0 hawk tuah girl is the new tom brady?"} {"text":"This is the north star "} {"text":"is gmove enough to retire?"} {"text":"@0xJCT deploy is fine as dev choice because they have to support the users but ya liquidity frag is real"} {"text":"@sgoldfed <\/consensys alumni> Complexity of org or protocol should be driven by the need to scale to support customer demand for product (demand driven), not by availability of capital (supply driven)"} {"text":"let the users decide"} {"text":"community is people who work for a protocol without being on corporate payroll the number that truly matters is community\/company ratio... big community, small company bullish... small community, big company..."} {"text":"@rushimanche yes"} {"text":"@0xalank protocol bigger gud corpo smaller gud disorganise all the things"} {"text":"According to \"orange is the new black\", there's a lot of hawk tuah in jail"} {"text":"solana foundation guys are leaving ethereum foundation guys are not leaving this is bullish for... solana i am afraid"} {"text":"Market starting to ignore soltia kols eg Burniske, Samani, Santi, Ippo, Qiao Charbonneau, and Resnick and believe in ethereum's quantum electrodynamic roadmap it appears blackrock 401k plans don't read crypto twitter"} {"text":"its good that the real founder of solana, the bald turk is still there"} {"text":"both austin and chase leaving at sol ath this is bullish for decentralisation now just raj and toly then uponly "} {"text":"This seems bearish for web3 innovation"} {"text":"@THEM2DT @solashenone @HalieyWelchX @solana @zachxbt due to us elections, onchain crime has been decriminalised across all chains"} {"text":"@Austin_Federa @doublezero congrats and all the best ser"} {"text":"@ai_chainyoda poap"} {"text":"Looks like @MustStopMurad has joined the Coinbase listing team"} {"text":"@zmanian waiiiit... what about settlement layer for $UNI?"} {"text":"@0xMert_ sol token needs an offchain crime partnership. onchain not enough"} {"text":"@zmanian Isn't settlement a matter of (a) ledger of issuance (b) ledger of finality? You can mint usdt natively on arbitrum ... sure but if you mint 10 on eth and bridge 5 to arb and 5 to base, eth is the ledger of settlement ie the final arbitrator of who owns what?"} {"text":"@cobie (0,0)"} {"text":"Whats the latest on @SeiNetwork?"} {"text":"@ameensol spankchain dinocoin revival wen"} {"text":"@ConstantiCap 2"} {"text":"@0xMert_"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Why did Raj announce beam chain?"} {"text":"@TorBair congrats"} {"text":"Nillion is a well timed product... onchain user owned AI will need private compute"} {"text":"Solana phone will be needed wen apple comes around to blocking shitcoin casino apps"} {"text":"@Shenanigrahams 14b FDV I think"} {"text":"ethereum bandwith up and latency down sharply"} {"text":"boomer coin zoomer coin ETHEREUM"} {"text":"gmove"} {"text":"@Taran_ss korea - xrp, aptos, sui..."} {"text":"@rleshner You have nothing on Qiao, Santi and Burniske"} {"text":"@influencoor @monad_xyz @keoneHD gmonad influencoor"} {"text":"@elvy276 @monad_xyz @keoneHD always"} {"text":"B\u0336U\u0336I\u0336L\u0336D\u0336 PUMP IT AND THEY WILL COME"} {"text":"If as a crypto founder you aren't making one private fkup a week and one public fkup a month you are probably making one comprehensive\/business ending fkup"} {"text":"@0xMert_ you were tagged as xrp which means 50"} {"text":"@pete_rizzo_ they enhanced liquidity"} {"text":"The real XRP Mert"} {"text":"To builders and founders from India (indianads), I strongly recommend hanging out on the @monad_xyz discord - one of the most fun places for builders in web3. gmonad"} {"text":"@ilblackdragon @ayyyeandy wher to send money?"} {"text":"When I tell properly venture funded founders how excited I am about @ai16zdao and they tell me \"its all speculation\" ... bruh who's the uncle now?"} {"text":"@naruto11eth @iPoonampandey now thats dev doing rel"} {"text":"@DonTravlos Yeah. Props to @CryptoGarga that he has kept building. I had a couple of apes. we had so many metaverse land grifts so we should celebrate the good ones that have kept going"} {"text":"... or lose it "} {"text":"however as a seed stage startup, default is failure and getting ignored altogether - that type of \"nothing to lose\" status is a superpower - its the license to experiment and experiment a lot - in public. use it"} {"text":"for well funded startups with a big vision, this type of experimentation can be risky in multiple ways... thats where crowdsourcing experimentation multiplies innovation and reduces risk - its also what we call \"community\""} {"text":"don't take forever to find a customer\/user\/attention... or spend all your time pitching. start with mvp\/demo\/toy\/attention, attention brings capital rn, then iterate from something toy but exciting for someone to build something big over the years - see ai agent and memes meta"} {"text":"the full context is: in the \"zk\", \"modular\" infra era we built \"long term\" shit VCs wanted to hear because that was the only source of capital. right now its better to quickly show something cool via social and get people to give a fk about it. if people care, capital follows"} {"text":"@jdkanani @Hadronfc @ashwinho4 like morphic"} {"text":"@naruto11eth bryan said poonam pandey is available"} {"text":"@simonch00 any day... blr so green wao"} {"text":"bangalore is amazing if you stay at your hotel and sheraton whitefield make nyc hotels look like poors"} {"text":"@PareenL @Hadronfc omw - traffic"} {"text":"I hope all my angel bags become market maker dinocoins on binance this cycle itself"} {"text":"Mood today"} {"text":"@davidwithbull dubai"} {"text":"researching paul atkins's background I think sol gets an etf this year but maybe jesse can call someone and do something"} {"text":"people on my tl making more money than me should be illegal"} {"text":"@ArpitGuptaji19 @bryan_johnson mumbai is livable - delhi is the end of longevity"} {"text":"I will bet Delhi air is so polluted that even @bryan_johnson can't get a midnight boner"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Calling Jesse to stop this"} {"text":"@MonetSupply @MikeIppolito_ restaking will have its turn. it all rotates around"} {"text":"@moshaikhs @BlackRock wen etf"} {"text":"@howdymerry as of now its pump dot fun for research coins"} {"text":"@MikeIppolito_ I will stick with the manlets - they got moar validators"} {"text":"@0xMert_ I read manlets"} {"text":"If yall feelin stressed, depressed, disoriented or such in crypto madland... buy my breathcoin. over the last 27 years this stuff has regularly restored my sanity in the middle of all the insanity"} {"text":"@howdymerry yeah but its just year one. lets check back in in a couple of years"} {"text":"@bryan_johnson how's poonam tho"} {"text":"@naruto11eth calling your parents to find a nice girl"} {"text":"@MikeIppolito_ nah polygon been doing it for years. stop shilling"} {"text":"@howdymerry andy's concern is valid at this time but over time useful appchains will emerge on avail and celestia. some tia frens dream that other chains and eigen etc will die and they will rule the whole wide world is super retarded but its good in this biz to be high on your own supply"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy yes the legends of defi summer wont get me lmao"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy i wont be dumped on by darren lau"} {"text":"why am i a grown man debating modularity with @ayyyeandy at 6am instead of buying ai shitters "} {"text":"Ok this makes me happy. manlets do deserve a level playing field with xrpl"} {"text":"@zjasper666 @allquantor @ai_chainyoda haha i do not sound like a midbrain irl. i only trade like it"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy let me invoke lord jon charb of the dutch town - we are all building the same damn ting"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy possible. I think theres a power law of appchains ie most could be ghost. fast based sequencing can enable fast interop across rollups that ethereum currently cant but based preconfs might work around that for eth. as anurag of avail says, all of the apps, none of the bridging"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy toly and keone want l1 to be competitive with l2s so that hayden chain doesnt have an incentive to abandon the l1 and l2 is only used when l1 is simply not enough for the purpose - the logic is sound"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy rollups on monad are straightforward, just no need rn. for sol, les do that pod w nitro, sol forge and magic block"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy 1) what what shortcuts?"} {"text":"@cited 4 validators"} {"text":"@0xMert_"} {"text":"The north star of crypto is perp dexes"} {"text":"@EvanWeb3 insufficient crime"} {"text":"@ameensol productive member of society?"} {"text":"Jail preconfirmations are here"} {"text":"Thoughts and prayers for any friends in South Korea that got liquidated"} {"text":"@0xASK its not fkd so you cant unfk it"} {"text":"@FlareNetworks @HugoPhilion @Danrocky "} {"text":"deleted tweet"} {"text":"Solana needs wartime leadership. Where's Kyle Samani?"} {"text":"Solana network extensions looking very parasitic to solana right now. Also, the north star looks super confusing due to the dip"} {"text":"Ok so I have to ask. Which Korea was buying last month?"} {"text":"@jon_charb Bro solana's roadmap isn't working. Can you install beam chain?"} {"text":"Korea is suspending democracy to protect citizens from trading dino coins, and you burgers are complaining about Gary Gensler?"} {"text":"@Ms_Conductor "} {"text":"@0xMert_ You'd do the same to protect citizens"} {"text":"Hyperliquidation"} {"text":"Solana's roadmap not working. Maybe try beam chain?"} {"text":"@muskan_kalra24 @0xPolygon Pleasure working with you. All the best for your journey Muskan."} {"text":". @Hadronfc in town for IBW DosaDaO"} {"text":"what about \"people's bitcoin\"?"} {"text":"@Fiskantes genius hindsight"} {"text":"I demand that this week's India Blockchain Week be held in Seoul"} {"text":"@HadickM when was the last time you met public"} {"text":"Due to current market conditions I will be starting a youtube channel and a tiktok channel"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy seems wishful. if a rollup is not based, its main value to the great ethereum token is a) donations to protocol guild b) make make eth tokenholders feel good by saying nice tings c) burn a little eth"} {"text":"@allquantor @zjasper666 @zjasper666 les make @ai_chainyoda verifiably ai?"} {"text":"@W0LF0FCRYPT0 cope harder ( with me )"} {"text":"being a builder in crypto is much harder because you don't really have to build anything useful"} {"text":"@QwQiao @alliancedao >> why i was on the investing side rather than going back to building I don't think we can, we don't know how"} {"text":"@Punk9277 @rajgokal"} {"text":"@EliBenSasson wen xrp alignment"} {"text":"SOL to $500 wen Qiao, Ippo, Kyle, Santi, Charb and Burniske start shilling again. There has been a temporary loss of alignment. Hang in there"} {"text":"@NareshKx @founderhouse_ @AveryChing "} {"text":"We demand the guillotine for anyone who has ever sued a crypto innovator "} {"text":". @0xPolygon technology is twice as good as a month back"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko four days too late"} {"text":"@0xakkii digital"} {"text":"I suspect I might be a binary person "} {"text":"@Evan_ss6 cope harder ( with me )"} {"text":"@ShubhamTotu @founderhouse_ @Hadronfc gmonad"} {"text":"We are nowhere near the next ftx or luna... still 12 months away lock in"} {"text":"note to my boomer self respect the "} {"text":"@mteamisloading i told them"} {"text":"presenting a new regulatory framework for web3"} {"text":"@toghrulmaharram @sassal0x old news. now its approve() d on l2 also"} {"text":"Who we want as the next SEC chair"} {"text":"@toghrulmaharram @sassal0x Yes but its fast and cheap rn"} {"text":"@toghrulmaharram @sassal0x bruh. onchain crime is legal *for* 57 more days. if trump appoints another clayton to the sec, its over again"} {"text":"@aliciakatz go to m\u0336a\u0336r\u0336k\u0336e\u0336t\u0336 toilet"} {"text":"@zmanian @clairekart she's 10 because she's a token that goes up"} {"text":"Under Biden we had to larp about product, metrics and engineering. Under Trump devs can just do \"market activation\", post the resulting 25% pump charts and say \"buy my shitcoin\" to retail on tiktok This is what economic freedom looks like"} {"text":"@roshanpateI @pambamdam What if he's the founder"} {"text":"Elon can just amend the constitution to give himself whatever pay he wants "} {"text":"E\u0336T\u0336H\u0336E\u0336R\u0336E\u0336U\u0336M\u0336 S\u0336O\u0336L\u0336A\u0336N\u0336A\u0336 XRP ALIGNMENT "} {"text":"every blockchain in 2024"} {"text":"Will someone tell @EntEthAlliance that under this administration we can launch a big phat $QUORUM token and retire OG enterprise ethereum influencers ( ahem )"} {"text":"@inversebrah mass \"adoption\""} {"text":"@inversebrah this is for the grandkids"} {"text":"boomer team dao"} {"text":"In this era of unprecedented human freedoms, all you have to do to achieve greatness is print your own money and MLM it to plebs"} {"text":"every trump voter gangsta on \"courts will decide\" till the court turns out to be a harris voter hahahaha"} {"text":"mood today"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko yes xrpl, the best layer 2"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko meh, still generated less than xrpl"} {"text":"@therealchaseeb chewing glass"} {"text":"is 1000 xrp enough to retire?"} {"text":"@0xVEER only ct remains in bera... all else hibernate"} {"text":"xrp army this week vs solana manlets this week"} {"text":"@0xVEER not in bera"} {"text":"everything will be tokenised"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy @QwQiao "} {"text":"Solana could have been a good chain but @therealchaseeb retired at ATH"} {"text":"@ronitA380 @alexdolbun @FUMO_Podcast @LoryKehoe @M2Exchange @FinTechGuyDubai @CFTE_Edu @myco_io @aquanow @XDC_Network_ @durov i think thats correct. source is me"} {"text":"This is @TaikiMaeda2 s stepdad"} {"text":"@icebergy_ cramer"} {"text":"@ParikPatelCFA If his mum get upsets by this accusation, you will go to jail"} {"text":"@Aptos aptos\/acc"} {"text":"@RTFKT just we nfts start coming back - prolly a corpo crime"} {"text":"founders > vibes > apps > tokens"} {"text":"as a chain\/tek, xrpl > ton, unironically"} {"text":"same"} {"text":"@jon_charb who hurt you?"} {"text":"If your ai trading agent is not at least 10x more retarded than me, I dont need it"} {"text":"solana:devs::xrpl:lawyers law is code"} {"text":"@jon_charb You were right that we are all building the same thing but you were wrong about what its. It's memecoins, not based blah preconf blah "} {"text":"@mdudas nature is healing?"} {"text":"superteamdao but for loaded boomers who's building this?"} {"text":"@0xMert_ thats the *super* team"} {"text":"You know what xrp and ethereum have and solano doesn't? a loaded boomer community "} {"text":"@chamath ser you are the pump dot fun of spacs. pls tokenise them spacs on solana"} {"text":"dino coin pump show the value of very long term thinking play long term games with long term people bet on ded teknology "} {"text":"@0xMert_ santi and chris promised me 750"} {"text":"@0xMert_ fyi chamath is now bullish on solana"} {"text":"@0xTAY_ think looooong term bro"} {"text":"@tarunchitra bullish on snek oil"} {"text":"Desci would be a great fit for Cardano eco"} {"text":"my favourite twitter feature is \"leave conversation\""} {"text":"@0xMert_ hear me out \"solana already won\" "} {"text":"People's bitcoin killed bitcoin"} {"text":"@lex_node Hardly anyone has moar enterprise partnerships than @0xPolygon"} {"text":"xrpl killed hyperliquid"} {"text":"alfaleak... if you want a smooth EVM experience in the @Ripple ecosystem, @FlareNetworks been XRP aligned since 2018\/19 and built one of the most advanced chains in the space that will shortly open their over collateralised bridge for XRP check out:"} {"text":"hello hyperliquid whales: xrpl shows the value of building a great token before product"} {"text":"developers are now flocking to xrpl as ripple's devex has improved 6x in a month"} {"text":"wen you are into gud tek koins this is wat your bula lambo luks liek... ...also top signal alert"} {"text":"@OstwalAk @Cordablockchain @Hyperledger @brianbehlendorf he's a legit open source legend"} {"text":"bula so heavy iota is announcing perfectly timed 'tek upgrades'"} {"text":"@OstwalAk @Cordablockchain @Hyperledger if iota can announce perfectly timed tech upgrades for bula - maybe @brianbehlendorf ser can airdrop. or at least one can hope"} {"text":"@BillSPACman @Aptos Also the apartment potential"} {"text":". @Aptos is very popular in Korea justsaying"} {"text":"@clairekart who divorces an xrp whale?"} {"text":"@udiWertheimer Given her looks vs @0xMert_ s, the flippening was inevitable"} {"text":"@clairekart believe in something"} {"text":"@clairekart married to the community?"} {"text":"@clairekart maybe learn some crypto marketing from him <\/ducks>"} {"text":"@danieljosep_eth @Consensys pump the etf bro"} {"text":"no national holidays in the network state"} {"text":"feeling so bullish on quantum biology "} {"text":"crypto twitter is literally downstream of everything "} {"text":"how xrpl increased bandwidth and reduced latency, a "} {"text":"pardon @SBF_FTX he's our industry's own hunter biden and a blue blooded democrat "} {"text":"looks like @superteam got lots of young people into solana but the xrp boomers of my generation have all the money "} {"text":"@simplykashif says the man who missed people's bitcoin"} {"text":"ok i will bite... what is solana?"} {"text":"@Darrenlautf @Guru_BCUBE do it"} {"text":"The only thing not bacc from 2017 is @Consensys especially \"enterprise solutions\" wen?"} {"text":"@0xrooter cc: @VitalikButerin @cburniske"} {"text":"Hunter Biden pardoned crime\/acc"} {"text":"my toxic trait is my need to sleep during us hours"} {"text":"this is the harry potter curse... got eth too "} {"text":"@TusharJain_ why should open source be the first priority? I value closed source more"} {"text":"@zjasper666 "} {"text":"@maggielove_ notmedicaladvice"} {"text":"all in on xrp restaking"} {"text":"@kunalgoel its worse. now @TusharJain_ is asking for open source"} {"text":"manlets going full bankless ie pumping xrp by talking about xrp non stop is quite entertaining"} {"text":"respect the pump but don't chase it like newton"} {"text":"@0xngmi success brings compliance which brings unsuccess"} {"text":"@alexocheema dario amadei said this on lex quite beautifully"} {"text":"@udiWertheimer this is unhelpful. if you are with us, do the death of eth party"} {"text":"@mteamisloading pronouns are bandwidth, latency"} {"text":"Wait solana is dead because it dropped <\/checks notes> 1.4% over 7d? In case of an investigation by the authorities, this isn't me. Mert came to my house and forced me to give him my twitter password and 2FA"} {"text":"@MaxiNicky gud people make long term pumps"} {"text":"my entire timeline is so full of coin shills"} {"text":"Its still not too late for @Cordablockchain and @Hyperledger to issue their governance tokens "} {"text":"@Hirizzy will replace the dollar"} {"text":"US gov should add xrp, ada, xlm, dot, ltc, algo and hbar to its balance sheet"} {"text":"Hyperliquid killed Polymarket"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko but is it hyperliquid?"} {"text":"@neilhar_ Libra but open and decentralised?"} {"text":"@anshuagrawal_ they have product success too"} {"text":"@hotpot_dao true true. solana's real edge now is community\/culture. fast & cheap is not that much of a moat"} {"text":"@DonCryptonium usdc airdrop? o'rlly"} {"text":"moral from dydx market share chart is that success is your enemy this is because success brings gud legal and compliance lmao "} {"text":"@iamDCinvestor I couldn't "} {"text":"Hyperliquid also killed solana"} {"text":"@0xrooter People want ico but not like that"} {"text":"@Austin_Federa nah. dai was a bigger moar liquid coin because paypal worry 100x more about compliance"} {"text":"korean retail frens showing devs who really runs the industry"} {"text":"pulsechain is people's bitcoin"} {"text":"cardano is people's ethereum"} {"text":"xrp is people's solana"} {"text":"@armaniferrante make up your mind, this is inverse ico"} {"text":"@frankboccia_ @0xMert_ @inversebrah"} {"text":"Dubai winters are gold"} {"text":"@prabalbanerjee if advisoors knew wat to do advisoors would be doing it"} {"text":"Yo mama is retail"} {"text":"She's a retail user of hyperliquid but her @DeBankDeFi wallet shows $60m liquid"} {"text":"@jrwhale @weremeow @elonmusk gud"} {"text":"@Paul__Brainy @aave @Aptos fewer clicks and moar mobile friendly"} {"text":"@zhusu xrp has entered the chat"} {"text":"I don't know who needs to know this but @aave on @Aptos will not have approve() ... and you will be happy"} {"text":"@CryptoMan_Ram @ai thats an invariant in physics"} {"text":"\"Believe in something\" I don't believe in things. I believe in people"} {"text":"@howdymerry @0xMawuko @MurrLincoln as we navigate through this industry over time we find that grift in cypto is a matter of opportunity, not personalities. incentives are bad, people are the same as everywhere else"} {"text":"This is why founders > apps > tokens"} {"text":"Props to @weremeow for being a baller and not giving a fk about the cancel culture"} {"text":"Moving all my eth to base, lfg"} {"text":"I hereby confess that I am also a crypto VC "} {"text":"@tarunchitra I am definitely a crypto VC "} {"text":"@OstwalAk @HyperliquidX @FilamentFinance @abhitejxyz Filament, @LogX_trade and @Sprkfi"} {"text":"@solarpunkmaxi organically - no idea what that means"} {"text":"crypto twitter after the Hyperliquid airdrop"} {"text":"@soby0x @tarunchitra we are all vcs"} {"text":"@Hirizzy no i asked the natives who live in dubai"} {"text":"@ashwinho4 Its called airdrop farming"} {"text":"@tarunchitra Being John Malkovich?"} {"text":"The purpose of robinhood narratives is to rob the hood"} {"text":"I would like to let yall know that @tarunchitra and I are no longer friends. I had no idea he was a crypto vc and I severed all ties with him as soon as I found out"} {"text":"ZK is not the endgame Censorship resistance is not the endgame Verifiability is not the endgame Decentralisation is not the endgame PERP DEXES ARE THE ENDGAME "} {"text":"Google, Apple and Microsoft might have invented lots of insanely useful things but I consider them evil because they took VC money Most modern tech products we use are haraam for the same reason Why couldn't they take money from our noble rich whale trader KOLs instead?"} {"text":"VC coins are evil. I'd never touch one. Vitalik never took VC money for ethereum. Only a couple of mil seed from papa Joe who was never *formally* incorporated as a VC"} {"text":"If as a crypto founder you take VC money you go to hell. Why arent you like the Hyperliquid guy ie already rich or at least working for a market maker?"} {"text":"Yo mama is organic"} {"text":"Hyperliquid shows that professional crypto VCs are the greatest evil humanity has ever faced whereas crypto whale traders with a big twitter following are the pinnacle of human goodness"} {"text":"Key lesson from hyperliquid is that it takes a lot of KOL alignment to look organic VCs are just KOLs with LP money "} {"text":"Its crazy how the @HyperliquidX founder solved poverty, malaria, HIV, centralisation, war, economic inequality, racism, hunger and gender discrimination with nothing but a perp dex"} {"text":"@howdymerry that real world is just a perp dex"} {"text":"We (crypto) are not here to create value for the society, we are here to create price"} {"text":"Solana roadmap is way to complicated and technical. That blockchain really needs a north star "} {"text":"@aeyakovenko Increase price, reduce volatility"} {"text":"If you lie on twitter it becomes true"} {"text":"@ri5hitripathi @AvailProject end user verifiability is what matters"} {"text":"Much less killing in Lebanon and Palestine since Trump got elected fyi"} {"text":"\"I am not racist, my chauffeur is black\""} {"text":"@aeyakovenko @mteamisloading xrp has a much clearer north star"} {"text":"How blockchains really work Base sequencer Solana sequencer"} {"text":"Solana is just a big phat centralised sequencer"} {"text":"mark my words"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko the xrp prophecy"} {"text":"@mdudas ripple - best l2"} {"text":"@acityinohio that's anti freedom - just donate to the pac"} {"text":"If you think banks are bad, you have never used mango markets"} {"text":"@kassandraETH lfg"} {"text":"@bidhanxyz end the market lfg"} {"text":"@kassandraETH we can replace all the poor people with ai agents"} {"text":"Modern digital banking rails will be built on Karak restaking"} {"text":"Trump era Fed and FDIC will encourage banks to add pump dot fun coins to their balance sheet. Can you smell the freedom... it will all just be like America in the early thirties"} {"text":"@Jason Its like Chamath's spacs but for coins"} {"text":"Gary Gensler was stopping people from using so many of our completely useless blockchains. Now that he's gone, millions of retail users are using their tokens on exchanges"} {"text":"true eth maxis are people who believe that solana, aptos, monad and sui are just centralised sequencers running on crazy souped up hardware"} {"text":"As a social experiment, its a good time to let silicon valley run the banking system . Move fast, break things, end it"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko @0xMert_ Its just hardware"} {"text":"@bmgentile people's bitcoin"} {"text":"Justin Drake said our L2s will beat solana. He meant xrp"} {"text":"xrp is simplified solana... no founders, no apps, just the token"} {"text":"Every manlet gangsta on memecoins till the xrp memecoin flippens solana"} {"text":"@rleshner Haters will hate. It will replace banks"} {"text":"We went from build whatever to do whatever in the course of 12 months this is the power of deregulation scam\/acc "} {"text":"Trump era sec should allow centralised exchanges to set any price for any coin listed on the exchange. Free market (maker)"} {"text":"pump dot fun killed blockchains"} {"text":"Does @bryan_johnson know that if you don't sleep you can catch the next 100x?"} {"text":"If this is not the case already, someday soon a silicon valley tech billionaire will decide who you marry, where you live, how long you live and what you name your kids... and you will think you are free lmao"} {"text":"Marc Andreessen donated to both parties so he probably also had a different joe rogan talk prepped in case dems won"} {"text":"@IAmNickDodson not yet in made it bucket"} {"text":"@Arcmosis what about crime?"} {"text":"I too was debanked by Metro Bank in the UK for receiving funds from Binance, but if I saw the kind of utter dogshit I was trading, I'd debank myself too"} {"text":"Can you please describe the token pump infrastructure of your decentralised protocol?"} {"text":"@pedrouid I will give every penny i have to be 30 fyi"} {"text":"Kamala Harris killed enterprise blockchain. I demand an immediate investigation "} {"text":"I don't feel anything about the xrp pump... I like my coins boring "} {"text":"@SOLBigBrain doubt meow knows how this is read in the US... he's singaporean and probably listens to hip hop"} {"text":"@colludingnode merged with cochran"} {"text":"@mdudas Cope harder "} {"text":"@_jhunsaker want"} {"text":"@bmgentile Its more that the underlying products are not used but yeah we know this is crypto"} {"text":"Hyperliquid feels like the next nvidia"} {"text":"I don't want to sound like a manlet but the narrative that solana and monad scaling is just a matter of throwing more hardware on software is rather disingenuous and maximally retarded"} {"text":"We should introduce legislation that ensures that eth is the last crypto spot etf. Ok maybe base governance token can have one but thats it"} {"text":"If Kyle Samani gets his ETF its lights out"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko much of that authority is derived from legal precedent or prior legislation, which resulted from depression era banking practices and financial crises. laws are often the collective experience of the society interpreted in the current context"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko libra isn't a case of debanking a \"main street business\". its the fed and the treasury exercising authority over banking and payment systems - that can be challenged in courts."} {"text":"@aeyakovenko the executive branch and its powers are also enshrined in the constitution. libralets can sue in courts"} {"text":"i don't want to say this but both solano and eth unironically look bigly undervalued wen we look at wher xrp, xml and ico era ded coins are"} {"text":"@walnutz7018 @HugoPhilion gud engineering, decentralised oracles and thinking thats gone into economic security of bridging"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart who is mandela?"} {"text":"@a1lon9 @0xMert_ give some cut of your weekly dump to subsidize it alon"} {"text":"@Arthur_0x we too can upgrade some contracts tho"} {"text":"coinbase prolly has enough votes in both house and senate to ban solana"} {"text":"If I get a gud base coin airdrop, solana will be the slowest, most expensive chain ever"} {"text":"The libra thing is a bit of revisionist history. No government was going to trust facebook with a money and payments monopoly after cambridge analytica Its also a gud thing that libra died - so we got a thriving gmove public chain eco in Aptos, Sui, Movement, Supra, Initia etc"} {"text":"Post any random chart to fomo your frens szn"} {"text":"as far as sick burns go..."} {"text":"@Jeyffre @base Recency. BSC was a serious threat to eth in 2021"} {"text":". \u2066@HugoPhilion\u2069 put one kid through college - not his, mine"} {"text":"@0xMert_ xrp txns never fail"} {"text":"Best time in the history of our biznis hypers and scammers have always made it in this biz but now shippors are also making it big wao - solana - eigenlayer - aptos - near - sui - starknet - arbitrum - base - aave - hyperliquid many such cases"} {"text":"@daglihet @base superteam brought community. sbf and jump brought exchange connectivity, pump, attention, capital, serum, armani and much founder talent too"} {"text":"in startups, premature organisation is the root of all evil"} {"text":"@clairekart not under UK law... she gets everything "} {"text":"@buntyverse grant"} {"text":"@clairekart ie marriage?"} {"text":"My life hanging w @superteam frens"} {"text":"all of the apps, none of the bridging "} {"text":"Monthly reminder than Jump sold eth for $2100..."} {"text":"@odin_free insane"} {"text":"@0xham3d_eth @AveryChing @Aptos @AriesMarkets @EchelonMarket @Meso_Finance @superp_fi @JouleFinance @AptinLabs @flipsidecrypto @NoworriesDev @realjaysneezy @jroffx @dr_wolon77 @0x_Baba @Kikachukwu9 @aptos_ind @Tether_to @AptosLabs also @aave \u2122"} {"text":"If you sold your eth cheap instead of simply borrowing from @aave to buy sol lmao "} {"text":"The success of @base shows why distribution is king The tek is a bit crap rn but distribution creates a bunch of time to win on tek also - which they will solano was crap in 2021 but SBF and Jump brought liquidity and distribution Meanwhile zk guys been shipping plonky69..."} {"text":"@balajis Only possible on ethereum"} {"text":"ethereum if social layer and podcasters stop defining it by reference to other coins or chains"} {"text":"@cryptofreedman @hotpot_dao recommend not defining ethereum by reference to other coins or chains"} {"text":"ethereum is the world computer no other narrative is needed @hotpot_dao is right"} {"text":"@cryptofreedman @ledgerstatus eth's KOL is Larry Fink"} {"text":"If someone says beam chain or eth is money rn I will find you"} {"text":"[] BlackRock (SOLA) Daily SOL Flows: 0: BBG"} {"text":"Hyperliquid was possible because @arbitrum is a well engineered product. Base isn't one yet but hopefully one day"} {"text":"Eth researcher pickup lines go like this: \"hey babe, wanna do some human coordination for human flourishing at my place?\""} {"text":"@nitingaur @davidmarcus @pmarca @joerogan Now you divert... consortium\/private blockchains didn't work. Libra died because people\/governments didn't trust Meta after cambridge analytica. It has nothing to do with operation chokepoint"} {"text":"@nitingaur @davidmarcus @pmarca @joerogan The transformative potential will come via public chains and their tokens, we both already tried IBM\/consortium blockchain"} {"text":"@nitingaur @davidmarcus @pmarca @joerogan Libra wasn't killed tho. It became $30b in crypto tokens"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy @0xpratik @eigenlayer I wanna be a podcaster "} {"text":"@Austin_Federa @aeyakovenko What is a consensus protocol if not a multisig of the machines?"} {"text":"@KingKaranCrypto "} {"text":"\"Price action is the best marketing\""} {"text":"pump dot fun is the new cosmos sdk"} {"text":"Why do people need \"that blockchain\"... bruh if we ganna centralise everything, its not clear why people need any blockchain when we already have pump dot fun"} {"text":"Near is the blockchain for intelligent AI. Solana and base are the blockchains for retarded AI "} {"text":"Did Joe Rogan get \"advisory\" in a16z or is that only a crypto podcaster thing?"} {"text":"One day I want to find the next vitalik and take 2%"} {"text":"The market is not the best judge of value, the market maker is"} {"text":"@naruto11eth Will let HR know you retired"} {"text":"ripple never had any doubt about what the product is"} {"text":"@andrej_muzevic we are multicloud. just stake from home"} {"text":"AWS is a layer 2 on ethereum"} {"text":"@MaxResnick1 everything settled on ethereum i promise"} {"text":"These are my alerts"} {"text":"@andrej_muzevic @instantfinality lol"} {"text":"@nitingaur there are no investments in a blockchain, only transactions and intents"} {"text":"@RoastM4ster9000 its not you fkin bot"} {"text":"its not a crime if it happens onchain, because there are no laws in a blockchain except ordering and finality "} {"text":"@nitingaur in a bullish way"} {"text":"@nitingaur ok boomer"} {"text":"@nitingaur no. sufficient decentralisation means no rules"} {"text":"@stskeeps It wasnt intents"} {"text":"I might have been cheating on ethereum with other blockchains"} {"text":"@shumochu value accrual is for securities. we are here to accrue dank memes"} {"text":"Trump administration SEC should declare centralised sequencers as sufficiently decentralised Lets finish what Hinman started "} {"text":"@SeiNetwork @memelab_69 pretty cool"} {"text":"@jayendra_jog @0xfoobar trump ser cancelled the laws"} {"text":"@NareshKx @AveryChing @riseinweb3 @okto_web3 @SpheronFDN gmove"} {"text":"so @moonshot means plebs are buying shitters with credit cards?"} {"text":"@tarunchitra Ser you gonna hate pump desci skem"} {"text":"@0xMert_ bloomberg fud is bullish fyi"} {"text":"@0xMert_ xrp has the best asset bd"} {"text":"@binji_x do i have to explain a joke to you"} {"text":"Justin Sun is a tier-1 cmo"} {"text":"@0xWenMoon @0xMert_ ai agent"} {"text":"@0xBreadguy (no)"} {"text":"@connan_james "} {"text":"@0xMert_ "} {"text":"aptos\/acc"} {"text":"can't believe base killed solana"} {"text":"<\/begin> nftszn <\/begin>"} {"text":"@udiWertheimer Is this the death of eth party you promised?"} {"text":"Why wasn't I included in ethereum's KOL round?"} {"text":"@functi0nZer0 Who pays for aidrop you think?"} {"text":"market never gave a fk. now zero indication that the feds demand it either lmao"} {"text":"@zachxbt @0xMert_ I was told by Kyle Samani ser that decentralisation is a spectrum... now we know that spectrum is a slippery slope"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Yes @fede_intern said anyone can add more hardware"} {"text":"If it bothers you what people think of you and why your life isn't perfect- let me share a great secret with you you are not at the center of the universe I am"} {"text":"@zachxbt @nassyweazy AML compliance is the real chokepoint?"} {"text":"Whoa! my lonely @cryptopunksnfts 9026 has caught a bid"} {"text":"@kelvinfichter if you want an echo chamber, there's farcaster already"} {"text":"I propose a roadmap that is up and to the right"} {"text":"ai agent tokens would be worth NEGATIVE ZERO DOLLARS if we called them bot tokens"} {"text":"@solarpunkmaxi shaw will come back but lesson in ther"} {"text":"Perp dexes are airdrop farms"} {"text":"This is why patience is a gud ting"} {"text":"@Bitwise_Europe @moshaikhs @HHorsley @Aptos @BitwiseInvest @sixgroup Wen US $APT Spot ETF?"} {"text":"@sreeramkannan @viswanathpramod bald"} {"text":"@0xTAY_ @0xPolygon few"} {"text":"Everyone is nice to @0xPolygon rn because they think Polygon is ded... well, you have no.... idea"} {"text":"@functi0nZer0 meh. since 1750 or smth, more half asian babies than ai agents in sf"} {"text":"The battle is always for culture. I was quite surprised that manlets made the product work but its become clearer why that is after hanging out moar w @superteam folks"} {"text":"@sreeramkannan @RonTuretzky George Soros became a billionaire because he failed as a philosopher. All he ever wanted was recognition from Popper. Justsaying"} {"text":"@tarunchitra @VCBrags I think you are referring to sausage"} {"text":"Virtuals reminding all the CMOs that price action is the best marketing"} {"text":"@tarunchitra @sreeramkannan \"buy my ai agent\" - his excellency"} {"text":"@0xAishwary work2earn"} {"text":"Base is so much faster than Solana "} {"text":"@RyanChow_DeFi how you gonna get near 0 interest debt that you don't have to repay for a long time?"} {"text":"@SmokeyTheBera @howdymerry till they find out it didn't settle"} {"text":"@Hirizzy many kinds of KOL. be the kind you want to see in the world"} {"text":"less talk to vc, mo talk tuah"} {"text":"@0x002timmy great fit for crypto"} {"text":"@VitalekButerick No need. This is just one example"} {"text":"@mrbeardjo Yes"} {"text":"@0x002timmy"} {"text":"@VitalekButerick many crypto communities pay for work - bounties etc"} {"text":"It's immoral to bullpost things you don't have a bag in. If you're so bullish, why don't you have a bag?"} {"text":"@jacobkxyz @cz_binance @lemiscate the marine"} {"text":". @cz_binance and athena yu hired me into crypto. Before that I was doing meh enterprise blockchain. much gratitude "} {"text":"@ilblackdragon we pumped the token but waited for equity "} {"text":"@knox_trades crypto rewards low iq in the short term and high iq in the long term. Nothing low iq about vitalik, toly, illia, joe, gavin, cz, sandeep..."} {"text":"@ilblackdragon "} {"text":"@Hirizzy get very rich slow kind of thing"} {"text":"Eigenlayer eco is the highest IQ set of people in the entire crypto industry"} {"text":"By the way, who is Celo?"} {"text":"I demand immediate regulatory capture by mybags"} {"text":"ethereum is the world's strategic blobs reserve"} {"text":"The Trump administration should introduce a constitutional amendment to make ethereum the global settlement layer"} {"text":"@0xAishwary @AytuncYildizli @sandeepnailwal @0xPolygon avalanche marketed itself as an eth killer. polygon saved eth from bsc in 2021"} {"text":"Whats the difference between \"operation chokepoint\" and being \"bankless\""} {"text":"Prof says balls to learn > brains to learn"} {"text":"Aptron is unquestionably bullish. Interexchange USDT liquidity is another level"} {"text":"Thankful to all the founders who take legal and regulatory risks for my bags"} {"text":"Thankful for everything except enterprise blockchain"} {"text":"@shumochu Its farming the future base token"} {"text":"@JoshuaTobkin lfmove"} {"text":"@tarunchitra Your dad is not your exit liquidity \u2122"} {"text":"@tarunchitra Its over isnt it?"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart Nevada?"} {"text":"Not much thanks, lots of giving in them trenches @GwartyGwart"} {"text":"@hstyagi @SentientAGI My AI is cheating on me"} {"text":"@JonEvansJones @SUPRA_Labs Its incredible. You guys should be very proud. Happy thanksgiving"} {"text":"I think Base should just fork Solana"} {"text":"The move ecosystem is growing rapidly. Congratulations to @SUPRA_Labs on their mainnet launch and TGE. This has been one hell of a story of grit and grind that I have had a front row seat to, and as an angel in their seed round I wish team Supra great things ahead"} {"text":"@akshaybd What have you done "} {"text":"@tarunchitra @jon_charb Akshually that tweet is a snark but Sol wont flippen eth this cycle"} {"text":"@KalemTuTan1 "} {"text":"Coinbase smart chain token $CSC will flippen $SOL"} {"text":"@hotpot_dao return to the roots"} {"text":"@hstyagi you're not that old"} {"text":"Pardon a Turk today... bald or otherwise"} {"text":"@mraltantutar Pardon a turk today"} {"text":"@therealchaseeb @coinbase Add the time it took to bridge to Base"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko I hope you disrupt em all"} {"text":"Buy my AI agent"} {"text":"@CryptoMan_Ram @SuiNetwork "} {"text":"\"AI agent\" s are the metaverse land of this cycle"} {"text":"Happy Thanksgiving! "} {"text":"@0xMert_ <\/trigger> Kyle Samani"} {"text":"Base will flippen ethereum"} {"text":"@odin_free e beggars are the best"} {"text":"@Marcin_Kaz13 @Route2FI @MacroMate8 @hilmarxo @luis_0x @DeFi_Dad @ayyyeandy @MerlinEgalite @bradherenow @euler_mab @0xBreadguy "} {"text":"<\/trigger-mert>"} {"text":"@sumeru_Digital Thank you. Am honored but I am not associated with this or any other yoda themed token"} {"text":"@mraltantutar"} {"text":"@mraltantutar i am also looking"} {"text":"Who did this?"} {"text":"@sandeepnailwal @0xPolygon Polygon PoS is the users' blockchain, always has been"} {"text":"@kashdhanda good food at the villa"} {"text":"@instantfinality @toghrulmaharram Thats 1 sol in July"} {"text":"@mraltantutar ai agents"} {"text":"soleth is dropping so hard that sol will need Blockworks to make some gud research asap"} {"text":"I am pretty sure my friend @toghrulmaharram had nothing to do with my $420.69 airdrop... at best he may have an overly precise definition of airdrop"} {"text":"@toghrulmaharram sigh... cosmos was a fkin mistake"} {"text":"L2s? I can't wait to see Solana network extensions fight each other on this app "} {"text":"@toghrulmaharram This is still going on? Log out and come for dosa"} {"text":"all i want for christmas is to end sleep deficit"} {"text":"@Fiskantes Every manlet gangsta on memecoins till a total memecoin called XRP flippens the SOL utility coin in fdv"} {"text":"@tonyolendo Yes but if I have to choose I choose the rebel zoomer over my gen alignment"} {"text":"@tonyolendo i am an investor in scroll also. more than research, eth needs zoomers who are generally going elsewhere because of this og culture you seem to prefer. i want those without a major to come onchain"} {"text":"@tonyolendo no, there are 69420 zoomer founders out there. its the low ego, the drive and the grind that one just learns to respect over time"} {"text":"Don't you miss the days when devs could make millions from alignment without shipping any useful product at all?"} {"text":"Celo and Arbitrum are parasitic to base"} {"text":"On metrics @0xPolygon PoS is a $20b+ layer one but in the alignment era it wasn't cool for a chain to not be officially endorsed as aligned. retar..."} {"text":"@SmokeyTheBera I know who's locked in your basement"} {"text":"Every big chain is having a lot of cex Manlets had cex (FTX) Optimism had cex (Coinbase) BSC had cex (Binance) Manlets' cex died Wat do?"} {"text":"@hmalviya9 correct"} {"text":"Solana will flippen ethereum in 2069"} {"text":"One day, I want to build a decentralised layer one that George Soros can control"} {"text":"soleth flippening and ethbtc flippening both look ten years away"} {"text":"@TaikiMaeda2 former"} {"text":"@Hirizzy Yes he postconfirmed on ct"} {"text":"Every decentralised blockchain needs a centralised exchange"} {"text":"A new epicentre of decentralisation has emerged"} {"text":"ETH trading as if Vitalik did a KOL round using an \"infrastructure partner\""} {"text":"Michael Saylor solved finance. The last time we solved finance was in 2007"} {"text":"@toghrulmaharram @Austin_Federa Lets do a selfie Tog, its been a while"} {"text":"I have caffeine poisoning"} {"text":"The north star was always $10k"} {"text":"@mteamisloading @daddysether all devs had to do was stop posting slides"} {"text":"l2s are fighting because cosmos was a mistake"} {"text":"@CryptoGarga amen brother"} {"text":"The ca is ETH"} {"text":"wen scroll and gmove fight both of my bags win "} {"text":"@sreeramkannan So someone can build @truth_terminal but verifiably autonomous? ie no mechanical turk?"} {"text":"The meta is changing - memecoin cabals are posting $EIGEN charts ca: \"0xec53bf9167f50cdeb3ae105f56099aaab9061f83\""} {"text":"I hate it when someone is demonstrably wrong about a tech topic but either they are my bffs or I have a bag or both "} {"text":"@ann_droo They also support gmove"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy everything"} {"text":"@therollupco @ayyyeandy @robbie_rollup @tarunchitra @jon_charb oooo I want to host that thang next time"} {"text":"@toghrulmaharram Thanks for the postconfirmation"} {"text":"Now entering, \"I over invested by a lot\" szn"} {"text":"@ai best solana wallet"} {"text":"@MariaShen tiktok be like dat but we had the *real* dark web before we had tiktok"} {"text":"ser toghrul left scroll was the real postconfirmation all along"} {"text":"@0xMegaMafia this is the wae"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy @anuragarjun >> focused on shipping the future of ethereum"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko I know your methods. I was a dev in the telephone lines "} {"text":"@deq_fi @AvailProject @base @wormhole @portalbridge_ based"} {"text":"Just to be clear this is me bullposting the high velocity shipping culture of the manlets"} {"text":"@anuragarjun What were the main criticisms that have been invalidated this week?"} {"text":"@RobinsonBurkey "} {"text":"@maxmoneycash for ethereum yes"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart there's only one move here"} {"text":"If I have to choose I choose Rushi"} {"text":"@wormhole @AvailProject lfg"} {"text":"Avail x Wormhole : mission aligned in unifying web3"} {"text":"@mteamisloading @Spire_Labs gud idea"} {"text":"@mraltantutar In a couple of years you will become one"} {"text":"@naruto11eth @AvailProject this is my quant"} {"text":"so many of our research tards never use the chain and it shows"} {"text":"@Austin_Federa I am just in my lane writing checks for modular solana projets"} {"text":"@rushimanche gmove to 10b"} {"text":"gmove"} {"text":"@sophon aaa i am farmingg with $AVAIL"} {"text":"@akshaybd @echodotxyz that is my quant "} {"text":"second modular solano chek by a16jit if youre into dog photos, pivot to infra"} {"text":"@grahamfergs vc told you $6.9b?"} {"text":"Tokens cost $0 to produce This is the main lesson of the meme szn"} {"text":"The fast, product first L1 blockchain space is heating up. Solana is the current leader but @Aptos growth is also sharply accelerating with product maturity. This is a very different, exciting generation of blockchains from the Made in Berlin blockchains of the last generation"} {"text":"@mraltantutar @0xAishwary Its a16jit and yes of course"} {"text":"L1s have one advantage over L2s. In the absence of a centralised shared sequencer, L1 ecosystems can accelerate innovation by letting total chaotic degeneracy thrive, with less reg risk"} {"text":"@nickwh8te this cycle"} {"text":"Arguably the biggest legal win *ever* for the industry in Van Loon ... you * do not * beat the national security mafia in US courts. You just don't - and @coincenter did"} {"text":"@AveryChing My sauces in India tell me India is also bullish on Aptos"} {"text":"I guess lfg "} {"text":"this technology powers coordination by reducing cost of contacting via credible commitments... chaos is intrinsic to innovation but much good can come out of reminding ourselves of our purpose, in the trenches, in the building, in the shilling, in the hype & narrative and lambos"} {"text":"@connan_james "} {"text":"We have to go beyond finance because in the absence of a real economy of goods and services, finance has little purpose"} {"text":"The opportunity is here and that opportunity is not our entitlement. The political forces have moved in favor of deregulation and open source and these forces aren't guaranteed to be favourable. The time is indeed now"} {"text":"Also because we havent yet delivered on the internet we promised in 1995 and in the age of AI, we need that to prevent being enslaved by private and state interests"} {"text":"why do we need such apps? to get rich? fortunately theres more to life - credible commitments can enhance trust at a time when institutions are underdelivering and collapsing around us. we need this trust to prevent the horrors of the first half of the 20th century"} {"text":"so why are we \"building infra\"... well because without the infra for verifiable apps at scale, we can't discover what verifiable apps are possible... so far this is what we know"} {"text":"This paper makes me a bit emotional because its a manifesto for our entire industry and its hitherto somewhat hidden powers to do an enormous amount of good in the world. Its not about a chain or token but about why, beyond all the day to day chaos, what our purpose really is "} {"text":"@0xTAY_ aivail"} {"text":"If your blockchain only encourages pre approved kosher memes and values based halaal apps you're not gonna make it. What you really need is"} {"text":"One man's bullshit is another man's narrative"} {"text":"@onrampmoney i do my cpu "} {"text":"Blockchain infrastructure builders often have a false understanding of history. AWS wasn't a result of years of research in a vacuum - they mostly hacked and refactored it from running into real world problems at loudcloud, datasynapse and yeah - amazon's own infrastructure"} {"text":"Solana's main challenge wont be tech. It will be devs suddenly getting rich wao Now wher have I seen this before?"} {"text":"@lookonchain gud times make weak manlets ( same as dot eths )"} {"text":"@0xTAY_ @0xMert_ @AvailProject based"} {"text":". @Aptos is on its way from A tier to S tier and you will be happy"} {"text":"@0xMert_ s+ tier: ethereum"} {"text":"ethereum L2s should aspire to imbibe solana's 2024 hacker culture which is the same as ethereum's 2016-18 hacker culture. hoping SVM rollups like @soon_svm will bring it back turbo "} {"text":"its all icos by another name"} {"text":"@nelsonmckey thats not the moral... the moral is to ship hard and find users"} {"text":"@LoadingALIAS one mans narrative is another man's bullshit. its good narrative building"} {"text":"Anatoly is a dangerous man Do not trust his tweets He's ganna fud modular and zk then some manlet hacker will ship stuff real fast and make people use it then he will just post 3 emojis and forget everything he said Stay alert!"} {"text":"before all of you start shipping zk mixer protocol, just to be clear, only the tornado smart contracts are out of jail the devs are very much in jail yet and its a completely different battle"} {"text":"@_weidai Nerd alert"} {"text":"@VitalekButerick you are one of them"} {"text":"solana is a layer 2 on pump dot fun ( time to leave dubai, mert is not far )"} {"text":"@NTBro Stop attacking me"} {"text":"When one day I lie on my deathbed I just want to shitpost and fud the hot projects that I don't have bags in"} {"text":"@NTBro To be fair ETH ATH livestream was the same"} {"text":"@divine_economy don't worry about most... most l2s will die. worry about the rich ones like haydenchain"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko @TrustlessState wait for our pious livestreams"} {"text":"@megaeth_labs @eigenlayer @SuccinctLabs the vibes "} {"text":"SOL ATH livestream"} {"text":"Anyone still going to the SOL ATH party?"} {"text":"Both blonde and brunette will be bald if we keep dipping"} {"text":"Congratulations to everyone who didn't quit their job for that ugly hippo coin"} {"text":"@fedeadrogue @solana @0xMert_ @aeyakovenko @Austin_Federa @rajgokal Dm Kyle Samani"} {"text":"@a1lon9 @lookonchain Can you livestream the dump "} {"text":"@moo9000 A number in a database"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Burz chart? Once is enough"} {"text":"Token before mainnet is the right order of launch. Thats essentially what ethereum and all the other ICO era chains did"} {"text":"@snow949494 hair alignment w Aptos"} {"text":"@jessepollak @base I saw - thats bullish. See you at IBW soon "} {"text":"@aeyakovenko its human flourishing"} {"text":"@OpenledgerHQ congratulations"} {"text":"The @MustStopMurad of researchcoins"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart Can you approve()"} {"text":"Wen will Murad get his Binance listings?"} {"text":"everyone wants to build consumer crypto then they find the consumer live streaming unspeakable acts on tiktok "} {"text":"cc: @BlockchainAssn"} {"text":"@0xMert_ imo regulation is the issue. there's a huge carrot for launching low effort nuclear waste, no stick for \"market activation\" in it"} {"text":"@hstyagi loyal isn't impressive - try human aligned"} {"text":"Time for ETH spot ETFs to allow staking If not What did you, @fund_defi get done this week?"} {"text":"Bankless were shilling memecoins ... and I didnt sell "} {"text":"\"nooooo, his L2 wants to become an L1\" is the most bullish fud I have ever heard on this app... first, its not true second there's no L2... its all chains and bridges third, no one cares - eth has produced dozens of multi billion dollar chains and isn't about to stop now"} {"text":"Desci is so stupid that it should do really well"} {"text":"My financial advice to all of those retarded 15-30 year olds in the memecoin trenches is to stop looking for \"opportunities\" and GET SOME FKIN SLEEP while you can"} {"text":"@cz_binance Thanks for saying what really needed to be said"} {"text":". @base would be so much more fun if it leaves that norcal and brooklyn farcaster wokedom and finds a little bit of india, korea, china and vietnam also"} {"text":"@Madhav_goyal_ ya but props to toly, raj and lily for building a culture that attracts and retains @akshaybd's kind"} {"text":"@finnuggets @Jason @saylor be trust minimised"} {"text":"ethereum's huge edge as an institutional asset rn is that it has a spot ETF and no Saylor to corner the market or lever $ETH up to the tits wen you come to tradfi, risk starts to appear in the conversation yo"} {"text":". @Jason low key trying to save the entire crypto industry from @saylor was not on my bingo card"} {"text":"ETH would be $5k without misconfigured or potentially malicious onchain tracker bots like @lookonchain systematically fudding transactions. @ethereum foundation hasn't done a material sell txn since the one time 35k eth sale"} {"text":"@armaniferrante You said thousands. delet"} {"text":"@rachinkalakheti @ashwinho4 wen @Hadronfc"} {"text":"Well every man has a true calling "} {"text":"@rushimanche I want to restake gmove asap "} {"text":"@superanonymousk @inversebrah"} {"text":"@zjasper666 @truth_terminal @dolos_diary @aixbt_agent @degenspartanai @vvaifudotfun dming"} {"text":"My toxic trait is surrounding myself with people at least 10x smarter than me"} {"text":"@aniketpkate What a story of grit and survival. congrats"} {"text":"@shubhrat wen blonde?"} {"text":"I really wasn't sure about Solana till I started to understand what this dude was doing"} {"text":"@LoadingALIAS no"} {"text":"I quite like the \"paradigm anon\" CT accounts because they dislike everything"} {"text":"@mteamisloading @drakefjustin @mikeneuder @nero_eth @jon_charb @VitalikButerin @apolynya Also CZ and Paolo"} {"text":"If I see a meme called \"normie\" on gmove, I will take the next flight to NYC and put rushi in detention"} {"text":"execution is the only thing. building network effects is execution"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko you were supposed to fix her"} {"text":"wen someone fuds gmove on my TL"} {"text":"@divine_economy who am I to judge what they do in the strategy workshops?"} {"text":"@divine_economy global ethereum culture is even more degenerate than the solana culture. what you speak of here is the farcaster culture"} {"text":"sanity has prevailed - for the sake of the people, this industry and my manletcoin bag"} {"text":"xrp, ada and xlm are unparalleled at asset marketing and asset bizdev"} {"text":"the base memecoin meta is only one whole generation behind the current internet culture"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko Can I screenshot this like Mert and check in after the SOL spot etf is approved?"} {"text":"OG cypherpunks would not object to the streaming madness on pump dot fun rn but then they would also go to jail for it - like Ross unwillingly did and Virgil willingly did"} {"text":"@0xMert_ values happen"} {"text":"\"ETH barely moved 4%\" Yo mama barely moved 4% and you were born Dude it's a $400bn legit institutional asset its not going to move like your 80% down frogs"} {"text":"@Hirizzy Nah. BL do a lot more for SOL by fudding Solana"} {"text":"@CryptoGarga alignment wont align itself"} {"text":"@yugacohler so you are the ai agent "} {"text":"<trigger mert> if memecoins die, solana dies <\/trigger mert>"} {"text":"the discounted future cash flows on cute dogs have fallen sharply"} {"text":"@blockgraze dust is all you need"} {"text":"Base ecosystem \"organic\" memecoin team"} {"text":"How the fk is brunette a meme?"} {"text":"gmove"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko $SOL is modular money"} {"text":"@shek_dev @Saxenasaheb tag his boss if you must tag "} {"text":"It took an endorsement from the president of the *Solana* foundation to finally moon $ETH"} {"text":"Michael Saylor is a humanoid AI agent"} {"text":"@Jason Some ponzis are legal"} {"text":"Who comes up with base memes? The names like \"normie\", \"pleb\", \"anon\", \"degen\", \"blonde\", seem to come straight out of a corpo workshop run by a consultant who prolly moved from google at the cycle top"} {"text":"What is @pumpdotfun s north star?"} {"text":"@buybrunette @TrustlessState @base eth people always be making a layer"} {"text":"ETH is much less risky rn than Bitcoin because of BTC's exposure to the Saylor ponzi or Solana because of SOL's exposure to memecoins"} {"text":"@0xMert_ wrong hill"} {"text":"Is a $1m @cryptopunksnfts floor enough to retire?"} {"text":"@solarpunkmaxi that really doesnt sound right"} {"text":"idk man, paying for $BLONDE doesn't sound right"} {"text":"@jessepollak @base @sarahzorah @0xAneri @S_Saridereli @CryptoStatuette @gozdeaksay @AnikaRaghu @natago @fkpxls @Oxxbid @claudhadd @jolieyang This is alfa"} {"text":"@0xMert_ This is something @Hadronfc can fully get behind"} {"text":"Wen @Aptos spot ETF?"} {"text":"Activate Max Resnick, the asset immediately"} {"text":"@androolloyd you mean base is halal meaningful pvp?"} {"text":"@androolloyd Ok so back to bonkbot for now"} {"text":"@androolloyd approve() workaround for reentrancy no?"} {"text":"@androolloyd ok so in english erc20 bad because evm bad... move to 777. fair. why hasnt it happened"} {"text":"@TroyMurs @GwartyGwart"} {"text":"@TrustlessState Advisory?"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart Eigen or Jito?"} {"text":"@Evan_ss6 who hurt you"} {"text":"Be the public good you want to fund"} {"text":"@androolloyd what is the fundamentally correct one?"} {"text":"@mattytay @pumpdotfun finally a sane voice"} {"text":"If anyone says beam chain, I will find you "} {"text":"@ANagarsheth uncle please"} {"text":"Vitalik almost seems like a good founder today"} {"text":"@0xMert_ 41.6% of the eth roadmap was delivered in 30 days What did you get done this week?"} {"text":"@jacobkxyz big coin"} {"text":"\/liquidate_ansem $ETH"} {"text":"Bankless go quiet for 3 days and ETH moons like no tomorrow"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy crime?"} {"text":"What's the answer degens?"} {"text":"41.6% of ethereum's roadmap got delivered in 30 days"} {"text":"@coinmamba this time macro tragedy"} {"text":"American law says if you can afford Sullivan and Cromwell, you bear no legal liability With $250m in revenue and a fresh giga fundraise just closed, pump dot fun have reached escape velocity from all kinds of legal liability lfg "} {"text":"@lex_node under what scenarios is pump dot fun liable?"} {"text":"@naruto11eth 250m in cash affords sullivan and cromwell. stop fudding"} {"text":"@YashasEdu @Aptos Consistent peaks of over 14,000 TPS with fees under $0.03, and 151 globally distributed validators and 0.25 sec finality... "} {"text":"@tarunchitra whats the ca?"} {"text":"@tarunchitra @0xMert_ The north star of science is to understand reality The north star of desci is binance listing"} {"text":"@tarunchitra @0xMert_ therapist says its because you are a once potential physicist who chose crypto schmuck life over science. Science is too close to your heart whereas ai they can do whatever with"} {"text":"@naruto11eth I am not worried about this tiktok-pumpfun dystopia causing problems for the crypto industry. as of now we, like the NRA have given pretty gud gibadvisoryallo \u2122 to the GOP"} {"text":"@semicondurian l2s are running on cloud. toly is running baremetal"} {"text":"If you think the world is unfair to you try this"} {"text":"@DavideCrapis @aeyakovenko hate to break it to you but thats every chain incl tim draper and pantera's btc"} {"text":"We know from history of blockchain s that we are not going to have disintermediation. We don't even want it because intermediaries provide \"liquidity\" of goods, information and assets What we want is free market competition among intermediaries so that consumers get fair prices"} {"text":"@naruto11eth would you like to talk about your childhood?"} {"text":"All I want from crypto rn is for @aeyakovenko to disrupt the maximally centralised VC <> MM <> CEX token supply chain"} {"text":"@armaniferrante I'd like the opinions of cexes, market makers and vcs to matter less"} {"text":"Doesn't matter which L1\/L2\/coin you align with. Whoever executes well for the users and devs should win "} {"text":"to compete with solana, base or any other chain will need to incentivise\/attract market makers and share the spoils when it comes to memecoins, blockchains are just your direct line with an arbitrary set of mm s"} {"text":"@archibaldnohair @Rabby_io i hab. still sucks a bit"} {"text":"Base without approve() is a real threat to Solana"} {"text":"@howdymerry gmonad"} {"text":"@armaniferrante"} {"text":"@tarunchitra I ganna need an O1 to develop this type of vision. Psychedelics not allowed here"} {"text":"that is before token was the north star"} {"text":"Burgers are being racist to Sundar but not to Satya"} {"text":"OH:\"I\u2019m fine with DeSci if we just call it science themed memecoins\""} {"text":"@pneumanomial always"} {"text":"I bought a lot of SOL after breakpoint to be the top signal and end the pump but it has somehow kept going up. This is manipulation. Coins always go down when I buy"} {"text":"the swiss crypto foundation operating model"} {"text":"@pjux sales is a relationship business"} {"text":"@ecent18 we just want number to go up"} {"text":"Trump should add ethereum's roadmap to the strategic roadmap reserve at the library of congress"} {"text":"@0xMarcB Its more to do with being an Asian from Asia. Asians in US tech don't have this issue"} {"text":"pump dot fun streams are crypto's abuse case"} {"text":"When you put de in front of something it means... not that\/remove that eg deSci means... not science deAI means... not AI"} {"text":"Clanker is pump dot fun but halaal"} {"text":"using approve() before swap() makes any memecoin a halaal memecoin... it tells the universe you really want the meme and aren't buying it out of impulse, greed, fear or lust"} {"text":"base memes are halaal, solana memes are haraam"} {"text":"@_jhunsaker Mert always sus"} {"text":"This is who you are trading against"} {"text":"@tarunchitra @0x_emperor no more desci vaporware deals for Tarun... cope harder"} {"text":"Polynya should send Anatoly a stern cease and desist notice from engaging in any zk activities until our zk rollups become fast, cheap and usable"} {"text":"@Derivatives_Ape Every chain is Cosmos by another name"} {"text":"Many of you will roundtrip millions and thus learn about the power of web3"} {"text":"Your wife's boyfriend is a market maker"} {"text":"If you take a reductionist view, every blockchain is simply a telephone line to trade with market makers"} {"text":"Who gave Toly the license to ZK?"} {"text":"@HashimShubbar yes but in the meantime"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko deleted"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko license and registration for zk please"} {"text":"You're not ready for a 40% one day dip in BTC, but it will happen within next 3 years"} {"text":"I am not quite sure how I feel about this"} {"text":"We are experiencing human flourishing"} {"text":"@0xJim Could have been worse - enterprise blockchain"} {"text":"@subaashgautam grant"} {"text":"@Cryptanzee Why is @gabrielhaines in there?"} {"text":"This is human flourishing"} {"text":"@setanimals "} {"text":"Cosmos is pump dot fun for researchcoins"} {"text":"@GlukharInKnight "} {"text":"Ethereum is pump dot fun for evm layer 2s"} {"text":"@hstyagi I respect Pramod for being older than me"} {"text":"It looks like my ai agent has been trading bch, ada, link, dot, xrp, ftm and xlm never kill your ai"} {"text":"$150k by may ... then go away"} {"text":"@androolloyd @Zer0dots ethereum aligned pump fun is \"human flourishing\""} {"text":"You thought the crypto industry has serious ethical and moral problems and... then tiktok entered the industry wao"} {"text":"@The3D_ why do you hate \"consumer crypto\"?"} {"text":"@Zer0dots what about clanker - its the same ting on base"} {"text":"decriminalise onchain financial crime "} {"text":"@subaashgautam bruh I bought only 10 $APT worth "} {"text":"@0xNIC0 @aeyakovenko @solana ethereum has several working zkvms so not exactly but manlets have shown they can outship after the dot eths have done the researching"} {"text":"Until further notice, all the laws and financial regulations have resigned alongwith Gary Gensler"} {"text":"On the decentralised nasdaq any market maker will be able to do \"market activation\" for any asset"} {"text":"Unlike the black mirror pump fun x tiktok dystopia going around on Solana rn, even the rugs and scams on ethereum lead to human flourishing "} {"text":"Sell me as many gmonad as you can at $69.42b fdv ... and then fk off"} {"text":"@mdudas If he's long ada or xrp he's right"} {"text":"@thedefivillain Market activation"} {"text":"I sold my e\/acc for fartcoin since then e\/acc halvened fartcoin doubled This is all you need to know about what blockchain technology brings to AI "} {"text":"@thede_plandude I am a hustling middle class worker"} {"text":"@ashwinho4 There's an arse in arsenal"} {"text":"True except founders, VCs and scammers"} {"text":"@_jhunsaker monad will be gud l2 lfg"} {"text":"@krugermacro sell in may"} {"text":"@buffalu__ Wolves extractable value"} {"text":"You shouldn't be concerned about @aeyakovenko fudding zk. You should be concerned about Toly's manlet hacker army out executing everyone who has been singing \"zk is the endgame\" for the last four years"} {"text":"This is every dude in the trenches rn"} {"text":"Key lesson from crypto is that if you must commit financial crimes let them be either very small or truly gigantic. Anywhere in between and you won't be able to afford a senator or something"} {"text":"@MilsteinmAb @JMilei @lexfridman as soon as @fede_intern pay roundtrip"} {"text":"Is the gmove token enough to retire?"} {"text":"Must listen @JMilei + @lexfridman"} {"text":"In bera you won't rest because you need $ In bula you won't rest because there's a lot of $ It's over for you coin people"} {"text":"@iamDCinvestor correct"} {"text":"@mteamisloading @aeyakovenko @0xBreadguy Yaa da is for ordering. We not abandoning settlement\/asset ledger. Post state diffs wher need and external da work fine ( amazon da also oke )"} {"text":"Tether is what satoshi wanted bitcoin to be"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko @mteamisloading @0xBreadguy this is not true because you can use zk to minimise shared state - if proofs are enough, you dont need to sync transactions or noise - so max snr. shannon is hapi"} {"text":"Every grifter from the last cycle is back..."} {"text":"This ends circle's hopes of a reg monopoly "} {"text":"The tether governance token will melt faces"} {"text":"If you call your bots bots instead of \"ai agents\", your grandma dies in heaven and gets transferred to hell"} {"text":"@0xemon @SwethaPD @prabalbanerjee @anuragarjun"} {"text":"@elonmusk I just want to shitpost from Mars"} {"text":"No ethDenver this year for me... last time I missed WIF"} {"text":"Hear me out..."} {"text":"Bring Celsius and Blockfi back"} {"text":"ETH goes down when ethereum foundation guys talk about it and goes up when the Solana foundation boss talks about it What mystery is this?"} {"text":"New pump dot fun logo just dropped"} {"text":"I'd like to CTO @NEARProtocol and focus it entirely on AI. Who's in?"} {"text":"CROWDSOURCE EVERYTHING"} {"text":"@Ranakay1 india but not far"} {"text":"I call my Phantom wallet the strategic shitcoin reserve"} {"text":"People are underestimating how rich I will feel in rural nepal"} {"text":"solana guys talk about speed of light as if cardano uses sound waves for rpc or smth"} {"text":"Your main job as a crypto founder is to give your team, VCs, KOLs and community something to shill every day"} {"text":"Market makers are enjoying unprecedented exit liquidity"} {"text":"@0xMert_ ser it turns out other blockchains also use the same undersea optical fiber"} {"text":"@andrej_muzevic cosmos?"} {"text":"Don't worry guys - we Indians have enough of our own prejudice for or against every other kind of hooman or alien"} {"text":"Created my @stationxnetwork space for angel investments - please feel free to join here: StationX is backed by @Hadronfc"} {"text":"What's Cardano's north star?"} {"text":"Eigenlayer enables verifiable services... *for apps*"} {"text":"@dabit3 this is the wae"} {"text":"@Bfaviero ethereum ser"} {"text":"@bonsaitoken404 Whats the ticker"} {"text":"@fede_intern lfg"} {"text":"@StaniKulechov @aave I choose to pay for the security of L1 ser"} {"text":"@Pol_Jam1 @aave trading ded coins on nance via @Bcubeai s ai agent"} {"text":"@calilyliu @jon_charb @rajgokal"} {"text":"@shumochu a16zcrypto GP, @millercwl s boss"} {"text":"Just paid $64 in gas to borrow $30k from @aave on ethereum L1 This is unironically bullish for $ETH "} {"text":"@KavitaGupta19 \"stanford office hours\" - nice subtle self shill :-)"} {"text":"Waiting for one of the crypto marketers to take credit for the pump across all the coins"} {"text":"fwiwi, $EIGEN is the ultimate $ETH beta"} {"text":"@0xbilly Start fasting dude"} {"text":"@AveryChing "} {"text":"I read the first 280 characters of every book"} {"text":"@nftpho the market maker community is everywhere"} {"text":"@OpenledgerHQ @ilblackdragon @ysiu @joeykrug really enjoyed this chat w the OGs"} {"text":"A fine superbowl ad you have there"} {"text":"@0xSEC69420 next ethereum"} {"text":"@nftpho 'nance and coinbase"} {"text":"@jarrodWattsDev gmove"} {"text":"@jon_charb"} {"text":"@subaashgautam alliance of enterprise ethereum"} {"text":"gud product is gud"} {"text":"@_mickeymimi @EliBenSasson gud prof"} {"text":"@calilyliu Solana is the best thing that has happened to ethereum since defi summer. Otherwise devs were attending Zuzalu and getting alignment certificates from Bankless. Now they are shipping product again"} {"text":"Aptosuilana is the Solunavax of this cycle"} {"text":". @sandeepnailwal is a 38% better founder this week than last week"} {"text":"@Astromarmot6969 Raj didn't do beam chain"} {"text":"@akshaybd can't name names but its not unique to sol "} {"text":"dogs and cats have been around for a million years ai started 70 years ago"} {"text":"@dervoiedk sorry - already scheduled for 2026"} {"text":"Anatoly worked so hard for six years to bring product back into crypto... ... and then xrp and ada mooned "} {"text":"The superpower of blockchains is to decouple price from product "} {"text":"Humans are insider trading coins that their ai agents are about to launch ... and you are bearish anon?"} {"text":"how about moar price?"} {"text":"@hstyagi I am funnier wen less job security needed "} {"text":"OG manlets vest and rest szn Gud times make weak manlets "} {"text":"@bryan_johnson Is that Poonam Pandey?"} {"text":"In my lucid dreams, the dust goes 1000x"} {"text":"@Guru_BCUBE @b3xai "} {"text":"Trenches today"} {"text":"@DeanEigenmann ethereum killer?"} {"text":"@ilblackdragon @ayyyeandy ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai a cc: @mraltantutar"} {"text":"@haydenzadams What are unpaid KOL shills?"} {"text":"most.."} {"text":"can confirm"} {"text":"Oh no, Coinbase is posting video ads again!"} {"text":"I'd have missed the wtf are these coins pump if @Bcubeai 's ai agents weren't trading these uncle\/grandma era coins on binance for me "} {"text":"My toxic trait is adding value"} {"text":"ngl, I too would fud @0xMert_ s helium mobile thing for $2.2m"} {"text":"@tyneslol based"} {"text":"memecoins are chain abstraction... no chain, just the coin"} {"text":"@AveryChing @Aptos received on chainyoda.apt"} {"text":"@AveryChing @Aptos gm 0xd05d07bfaf868211990d5dc544bd13e99ae48df6c2edadedaa5c5acbb9f5fb3c"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko @shayne_coplan @0xMert_ what happened to drift's prediction market?"} {"text":"@akachacolate fudding competitors is in the VC job description"} {"text":"Kalshi is not the first time someone has paid a KOL to fud a competitor What is the north star?"} {"text":"damn, gud hair chain is fast @Aptos "} {"text":"Someone should bridge $BONSAI to @Aptos ... its much more fun to trade memes there"} {"text":"The ticker is $BONSAI fr fr"} {"text":"@StaniKulechov "} {"text":"@sergey_nog bullish"} {"text":"should they promot kalshi's head of goth?"} {"text":"Hello @0xMert_"} {"text":"@shumochu Solana is not decentralised till the Solana foundation also starts working to keep the ticker price down... like EF and ICF do"} {"text":"I checked github. Berachain is set to automatically launch when bitcoin hits $694,000"} {"text":"ETH and ATOM are character building coins. Both ICF and EF do everything in their power to keep these two coins down but you show them swiss foundations that decentralisation means we can go up anyway"} {"text":"Bitcoin is not real crypto, Its just a tradfi coin that goes up. This below is how real crypto is supposed to feel - and bitcoin used to make us feel these things "} {"text":"I wonder how Kalshi is trending on @_kaitoai rn"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko red is the color of the left - siege of stalingrad?"} {"text":"Kalshi's \"KOL activation\" is a fantastic example of how you can set VC dollars on fire"} {"text":"@gajesh college is overrated- you are surrounded by profs as is"} {"text":"The last time @aave hit $30b TVL, it was all on one market pretty much $69.420b total TVL is coming as Aave grows into multiple markets, beyond the EVM this cycle into move VMs like @Aptos"} {"text":"if you're out of touch, spend some time in the memecoin trenches"} {"text":"If you're into building for insiders, pivot to building for outsiders"} {"text":"@mteamisloading ok"} {"text":"\"ethereum will win\" doesn't mean anything. the entire purpose of ethereum is to help the users, devs and retail win"} {"text":"@mteamisloading that my friend is the entire problem"} {"text":"@mteamisloading Why don't you prove the converse with your launch "} {"text":"ethereum can only win by making retail rich again but our L2s and such are busy rewarding 'OGs and contributors' instead of plebs"} {"text":"intense innovation in go to market strategy"} {"text":"Elon's razor demands a Solana reboot at ATH"} {"text":"@pseudosey Don't look is what their daughter said about you..."} {"text":"@matthew_sigel"} {"text":"Pardon Sam Bankman Fried"} {"text":"@grahamfergs @solana Looks like closed source code"} {"text":"Top signals everywhere"} {"text":"When Saylor sells, its lights out"} {"text":"1) What"} {"text":"@matthew_sigel Its cramer v sigel"} {"text":"Jim Cramer just went bullish on bitcoin Less tweeting, more work from Monday "} {"text":"@0xBreadguy @NamikMuduroglu @megaeth_labs wen alignment"} {"text":"@0xMert_ ETA?"} {"text":"@Austin_Federa I do but I am re..."} {"text":"@Austin_Federa Many buyers work price\/risk back from FDV"} {"text":"@anshuagrawal_ devs for bridge ux"} {"text":"congratulations to the ethereum community for SOL ATH - eth maxis for endless fud - Vitalik for endorsing at $8 - Bankless for comparisons - Batamask for wallet - EVM for approve() - social layer for farcaster - EF for 5 yr roadmap and bottom selling - Resnick for inverse KOL "} {"text":"@Austin_Federa fiat inflation < sol network inflation tho?"} {"text":"Really impressed by XRP's outstanding work on product, engineering and community building during the last... ... week"} {"text":"@0xBreadguy it can..."} {"text":"@vincentweisser Whoa"} {"text":"I'd be in @movementlabsxyz at any price"} {"text":"@therealchaseeb Solana exchange commission?"} {"text":"@_kaitoai @SmokeyTheBera decentralised"} {"text":"objects in the mirror are simpler than they appear"} {"text":"@mia_unhashed banger"} {"text":"A million chains should look like a single chain from the user perspective. The cost of rollups should tend to 0. Liquidity should be flowing seamlessly across rollups."} {"text":"all the defi primitives are lining up on gud hair chain, just in time for the supercycle"} {"text":"@0xAishwary @banterlytics burn doesn't matter as much as demand does"} {"text":"@StaniKulechov "} {"text":"@QwQiao Bankless did make an outsized contribution"} {"text":"I think the reason the alt L1 trade has outperformed the L2 trade is that L1s are forced to build their own communities whereas L2s simply hope to borrow Vitalik's community and get by the lazy way"} {"text":"You can fade alt l1-s all day but the alt-l1 trade never gets old... both SOL and APT doing gud for me this time"} {"text":"retarded ai sounds like a memecoin idea i can get behind"} {"text":"Burgers salty that Gautam Adani rawdogged his bribes in India instead of going via proper channel campaign finance through a super pac like the NRA guys do"} {"text":"Reviving SOL is one thing - reviving ATOM will be the next big miracle if it happens"} {"text":"@mhonkasalo there's always a bottom somewhere"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Wher party?"} {"text":"@monsieurbarq @hotpot_dao no, chains just reduce the cost of contracting. contracts\/law work fine"} {"text":"@monsieurbarq @hotpot_dao the statement is that people can form network states without a chain but not without memes + purpose + shared values + motifs + ... other such tribal things"} {"text":"@sortition1337 link?"} {"text":"When I ask cosmos guys for an app they point me at some DA layer"} {"text":"@monsieurbarq @hotpot_dao no, its made of people"} {"text":"crypto is a very kind and friendly industry. for example, even with all the rug pulls and scams that go around in crypto, no scammer ever falls out of a window like them KGB dudes and oligarchs..."} {"text":"@0xAishwary @banterlytics based rollups and an interop standard would be progress for ethereum towards akshual alignment and network effects"} {"text":"@torabyou time to retire uncle beta"} {"text":"@hotpot_dao Yeah. Much anthropology here - symbols, cause\/purpose, leader..."} {"text":"You don't need a blockchain to create a network state. You can throw bonk or bored ape parties and meetups and be fine"} {"text":"@hotpot_dao soshill layer is belong to coin not chain. its not the coordination of nodes but of people"} {"text":"@howdymerry now do users"} {"text":"a soshill layer is not of the chain but of the ticker "} {"text":"the rollup centric roadmap would work brilliantly if rollups didn't have their own tokens"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart @lookonchain could also be a bitcoin maxi like gwart. people eg miners are always selling coins... look is always looking on one chain"} {"text":". @lookonchain is the most vicious fud account in the world - something to learn from"} {"text":"@lookonchain this account is run by a manlet whale,"} {"text":"Buy a macbook you don't need szn"} {"text":"Registering my interest here in the upcoming bitcoin KOL round"} {"text":"These six men oversaw Madoff. Gensler meh"} {"text":"@stacy_muur This is cool"} {"text":"@krugermacro nothing. he will sue you"} {"text":"Its all Max Resnick's fault"} {"text":"@safetyth1rd Trump will delet this case soon"} {"text":"@akshaybd they didn't"} {"text":"@aldrin_labs pet projects"} {"text":"Just told my mom how many Sol I have lost to phat finger, phishing and liquidations and she is asking what my name is"} {"text":"Whenever manlets organise a religious gathering around Toly or Raj, sell everything Thats when you know everyone has got brain rot Until then good job guys"} {"text":"@ecent18 @aave deleted lmao"} {"text":"If you're an investor, just follow the young people... If you're a founder\/builder, find a way for young people to follow you"} {"text":"manlets have earned every cent of this ATH"} {"text":"\"Solana already won\" "} {"text":"@frontrunthis @jp_koning He always did - he just wants kyc"} {"text":"Whats the difference between public goods funding and pork barrel spending?"} {"text":"In crypto we call this alignment\/advisory"} {"text":"@akshaybd Will there be boner demos?"} {"text":"So many teams that have gotten funded in the last four years are built solely to speak to VCs and wouldn't know what to do if they run into a retail specimen in the wild"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart @buchmanster went onstage at the last cosmoverse and said ATOM is not money so I sold"} {"text":"So many Cosmos and ethereum researchers have never felt the touch of a woman and it shows"} {"text":"I gave my mom ethereum's roadmap for her birthday and she kicked me out of her will"} {"text":"@owocki Sounds like Europe"} {"text":"@owocki @MustStopMurad unironically"} {"text":"@owocki @MustStopMurad Murad is doing the real human coordination"} {"text":"The real alfa is less company and more community"} {"text":"The cool thing about blockchain technology is that its possible to build something for a decade without any relevance to a human being"} {"text":"My internet generation had buffering porn This generation..."} {"text":"Too much vc cabal on base. Keep memes organic"} {"text":"Sergey has been spending so much time with banks... where's his ETF filing?"} {"text":"@WinnieStakecito my ux is 10k"} {"text":"@rajgokal As a Hindu, I worship all gud tek gods"} {"text":"Every time I write a sol eco check, this is what I get. Its like the Zombie apocalypse out there"} {"text":"@kunalgoel @MessariCrypto which memecoin was it?"} {"text":"why is papa joe abandoning us"} {"text":"@MikeIppolito_ believe in something Mike"} {"text":"@matthew_sigel @Shenanigrahams you will drop the cfa \u2122"} {"text":"Where's the prediction market on SOL spot ETF? I will bet my cow that it doesn't happen in 2025 I know Mert dot ai just took a screenshot but yeah... 2026 H2 is where its at"} {"text":"@rohemani 18"} {"text":"When Aptos embraces degeneracy, I will be in a very good place The place is Saint Tropez"} {"text":"If solano gets an etf its lights out"} {"text":"This is the hopium that I am living on"} {"text":"Yo mama is a memecoin"} {"text":"I took a quick nap and in my dream I saw Monad launch at 69b and it was all instantly liquid"} {"text":"You know its eth bottom when celestia guys aren't even pretending to be ethereum aligned"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko finally we are aligned"} {"text":"Yall will miss Gensler... "} {"text":"My folks wanted me to get a PhD and become a prof but my destiny was to buy a few sol of fartcoin"} {"text":"@torabyou Imajin if I move to burgeristan "} {"text":"congrats to manlets on an absolutely epic comeback now would be a good time to do a BD deal with degods and ... ... go back"} {"text":"crypto prices have reached a permanently high plateau"} {"text":"@0xMert_ @_weidai Bls send modular solana dealflow. I wrote one check today"} {"text":"Its quite cool that using rust instead of solidity has removed all risk from crypto"} {"text":"Durian, the fruit... is very... french"} {"text":"If hyper saylorisation blows up a small US pension fund, we can all go home and rest"} {"text":"chill guy sounds like an ayahuasca retreat"} {"text":"@hotpot_dao bullmarket things"} {"text":"@identityonchain ask in june"} {"text":"aaaaaa aaaaaaa aaaaaaa aaaaaaa"} {"text":"@udiWertheimer do the death of eth party"} {"text":"Note to self: Sell in May"} {"text":"shhhhh.... no one from @ethereum or @BanklessHQ say a thing pls... and take the EF treasury manager off his desk"} {"text":"@zachxbt @Cointelegraph @inversebrah"} {"text":"@iamDCinvestor you mean $3244"} {"text":"@0x_rsc the longer it lasts, the more entertaining the fireworks shall be"} {"text":"@armaniferrante 1) what?"} {"text":"@0xMert_ who hurt you"} {"text":"@mdudas People trying too hard to be the next solana"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy @0x_strange It wasn't till they fixed it"} {"text":"I want to live in a world where @BanklessHQ don't compare ethereum down w a few month old chains to give competitors of ethereum unnecessary credibility"} {"text":"Can Sui's dubai based 'infrastructure partner' fix this?"} {"text":"@jessepollak @base Happy birthday"} {"text":"@0xngmi He was the Saylor of his time"} {"text":"@hstyagi chain(yoda) of thought"} {"text":"Modern romance"} {"text":"@biancoresearch Exactly. I have no idea why people are so happy instead of ringing all the alarm bells"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko Toly ser not gud kol"} {"text":"@Aptos @emojicoindotfun @EconiaLabs "} {"text":"@owocki more capitalism bls not less"} {"text":"Only ai and cute ainimals will survive"} {"text":"@ivangbi_ reward offchain participation by retail not just justin sun and og whales for their eth farming"} {"text":"@ivangbi_ Starknet and scroll airdrops were lost opportunities for eth."} {"text":"@The3D_ @aeyakovenko Murad says disrupt VC cabal that dumps on retail ( quite a populist message ). Pump fun investors say 'culture' and 'fun' ( convenient ignorance of stats )."} {"text":"OH:\"No protocol can be more trust minimised than a person who has worked in the crypto industry\""} {"text":"@The3D_ @aeyakovenko I don't disagree but a similar argument could have been made about defi in 2020 when rug pulls were wildly rife. Some sanity needs to be restored yes."} {"text":"@0xShayan gmove"} {"text":"@nikhilchar1 gmove"} {"text":"@rushimanche @nikhilchar1 @Move_Collective "} {"text":"@0x_rsc @QwQiao @blknoiz06 You need to trade some memes on phantom"} {"text":"@akachacolate Sick to the bone. Post some charts already"} {"text":"@lmrankhan $250 is yolo?"} {"text":"@lmrankhan Brah make me research advisor. V has been in memes from before memes but he's nothing like the shady memecoiners people are idolising in bula"} {"text":"@rushimanche Remember to keep that culture when devs get rich"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko Pls remember to send 1% of SOL fdv to @ProtocolGuild"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko Fair. Also Cosmos research"} {"text":"Its absolutely crazy that devs can just hack their way into a pretty good blockchain without years of research and intelligent design but thats what Solana is"} {"text":"@AntRedhat defi, payments, jito, ai vaportokens and depin"} {"text":"How much of eth\/btc is from the leverage embedded in MSTR?"} {"text":"@ercwl"} {"text":"@2077Collective inshallah"} {"text":"@hotpot_dao I like this one"} {"text":"@BasedBeffJezos Hello Beff and @pmarca, the inventor of ethereum is a hands on ML dev. There is no anti AI cell in that brain "} {"text":"@banterlytics This is because most base memes are currently dogshit vc memes"} {"text":"@iamDCinvestor Correct. Was the best choice at the time"} {"text":"@iamDCinvestor To be fair to manlets, most others also chose SBF at the time. CB was dying of lawyers and headcount bloat then. Also he was worth it in the end IMO - built all the exchange connectivity, brought MMs like Jump, shaped the VC eco and Serum."} {"text":"@armaniferrante Alignment for human coordination"} {"text":"Manlets complain a lot about Coinbase and base but bruh have you seen Jump? Yall chose Kenav for gibadvisoryallo \u2122 "} {"text":"@armaniferrante Manlets chose Kenav for gibadvisoryallo \u2122 "} {"text":"@armaniferrante I was at crypto bahamas "} {"text":"I don't know who in e\/acc needs to know this but the inventor of ethereum has done far more e\/acc than the talkers of e\/acc"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko @2077Collective @dankrad That is past. At this moment devs just need to add approve() to all SPL tokens"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko @2077Collective @dankrad It's different with equity and liability"} {"text":"@2077Collective @aeyakovenko @dankrad 2077, you're in the wrong fight. permissionless systems can't choose what gets built or not."} {"text":"@2077Collective @aeyakovenko @dankrad fyi..."} {"text":"People who moralise about sex are usually the ones not getting any action. I am getting plenty of memecoin action but I have been around finance a bit too long to not think about financial herpes"} {"text":"@AlexanderB20806 There's no going back from good ux to bad ux"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko approve () saves people from temptation "} {"text":"Fwiw, a criticism of memecoin mania is not a criticism of Solana. eth has its own similar share of nuclear trash and last defi summer hardly anyone was criticising all that"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko Most apps on eth are also fart apps. For the avoidance of doubt, I support and heavily use both iOS and Solana. Finance\/conduct discussion is orthogonal"} {"text":"Everyone who celebrated SBF before he blew up is writing pseudo intellectual threads about memecoins Lesson in there"} {"text":"@Shenanigrahams democrimacy!"} {"text":"pump dot fun is democrimatized finance"} {"text":"There has always been a crazy amount of crime on every blockchain Its impossible to keep even fully doxxed Ivy League bankers off crime in banks w a ton of finreg You remove identity and consequence, crime\/acc exponentially Crime is just even more democrimatized on Solana "} {"text":"@Austin_Federa You trading youtube videos?"} {"text":"@angelversetti You will see"} {"text":"Your kids will inherit your crypto Karma Eigenlayer Gajesh vs Pump fun Gajesh"} {"text":"@crypterry BTC goes up because he buys lol"} {"text":"Yao got gibadvisoryallo\u2122 for PBOC alignment?"} {"text":"Saylor's ohm fork: While true(){ borrow against stonk buy btc to make it go up tradfi now buys btc because its going up stock goes up } Whenever a hedge fund and\/or macro shock ends this infinite money glitch... ... CT is ganna be quite poor and very angry"} {"text":"@mteamisloading @dankrad Sustainable means it blows up every 3 years not every 3 months"} {"text":"@0xsuperpat @punk3493 pat wif har?"} {"text":"@BasedBeffJezos Actually d\/acc is e\/acc"} {"text":"@QwQiao Saylor"} {"text":"This cycle will also end badly, like all the others"} {"text":". @OlympusDAO walked so that @saylor can run"} {"text":"Want @phantom on @Aptos for Christmas"} {"text":"@mdudas @JimmyRagosa ya who's dissent on the way up?"} {"text":"This cycle's guaranteed main character"} {"text":"@jon_charb I have a list of ten people who can make eth go up a lot simply by not talking"} {"text":"@QwQiao Many law firms have won"} {"text":"@gadikian Jesse Eisenberg"} {"text":"@sosecrypto_kr @paulkhls If Uro doesn't get a Binance listing, he's not a scientist"} {"text":"@amtwo_eth okx wallet"} {"text":"@coinfessions The low level kol: @_jhunsaker"} {"text":"People really don't appreciate how much the Matamask mobile wallet team has done for Solana!"} {"text":"Instead of minors committing fincrimes dot fun, we go back to research coins? At least any crimes in that space will involve grown ups with a college education"} {"text":"@QwQiao @blknoiz06 disagree. its approve() and shitty mobile wallets on evms"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart Same as what hedge fund guys do day to day, so no change "} {"text":"This cycle's FTX could be an entire blockchain wao!"} {"text":"@hstyagi Wen memecoin prof?"} {"text":"@sandraaleow little sbf"} {"text":"@naruto11eth @AvailProject "} {"text":"Tezos did this right, imajin if they could vibe"} {"text":"@instantfinality bail?"} {"text":"@WuBlockchain He got advisory for alignment?"} {"text":"@Evan_ss6 Infrastructure partner needed"} {"text":"@clairekart @jillrgunter Never the main character Yoda is, an observer mere eternal"} {"text":"@jillrgunter themselves akshually"} {"text":"@zjasper666 centralised"} {"text":"@8bitpenis I know too much about finreg to participate in crime dot fun "} {"text":"@_omgnicklachey 1) What"} {"text":"And you're bearish anon?"} {"text":"He just graduated from the defi education fund"} {"text":"shitters are a black mirror social experiment that show how much human creativity can be inspired by crime - by the sheer power to scam and rug anonymously without consequence "} {"text":"@jdkanani Code is being written by Paradigm. Re yapping, staying in our lane would help..."} {"text":"@jdkanani It stops going down as soon as ethaurities stop talking"} {"text":"@jdkanani using your model, the ticker will go to zero and no one will post any proofs then"} {"text":"@hotpot_dao I like this one"} {"text":"@kidponga @ashwathbk can you pump uro and rif and save science @paulkhls"} {"text":"@hstyagi "} {"text":"What happens wen PhDs, PostDocs, Profs are all working on launching and listing coins and stonks"} {"text":"ethereum has died 157 times. idgaf re 158"} {"text":"@ashwathbk What about science?"} {"text":"@VitalikButerin @shumochu That is my quant"} {"text":"@EvanWeb3 Jim Cramer is inverse KOL. Stay away"} {"text":"Who's the Max Resnick of Solana?"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko Visual > Text - sales will go down"} {"text":"@hotpot_dao You ok? Get well soon"} {"text":"It turns out ethereum does care about users"} {"text":"@clairekart I predict lower sales"} {"text":"My quant says EIP 7702 included in the Q1 2025 pectra release of ethereum fixes this"} {"text":"@dcfgod gmove fixes this"} {"text":"@ArpitGuptaji19 @Hadronfc Why drink when you can pitch?"} {"text":"@lmrankhan CT is retail tho"} {"text":"When you try to invest in a sol infra deal... you get \"are you sure, this is not a memecoin\" warning"} {"text":"Is science still progressing? My science seems to be down 10%"} {"text":"@jacobkxyz has anyone?"} {"text":"@rushimanche move needs a gud casino. until last yr, move guys had been avoiding reality by going web2, no more"} {"text":"Solana roadmap is too complicated tbh \"Increase.... ... \" feels like a tek coin, ewww Bitcoin rodmap is just \"pump it bro\""} {"text":"@novogratz Satoshi Nakamoto"} {"text":"If for even one day memes don't go up, manlets start jeeting SOL idk man"} {"text":"@QwQiao for ETH"} {"text":"move deng, no approve()"} {"text":"If you are a tek coin, become a meme coin - CMO, 2024"} {"text":"@jillrgunter Breast milk to get a boner doesn't sound right"} {"text":"If this is what it takes to get rich and famous, its probably better to skip all of it"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko Halfway... shred"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy Ser in bula, the best market maker and cex win"} {"text":"@cobie @TrustlessState You can catch 3 rabbits if three of you chase each of the rabbits quickly yours truly Confusius of Arabia"} {"text":"@farhajmayan source?"} {"text":"If manlets had signed up Briun as 2.5% advisoor instead of Kenav, there'd be a real problem rn"} {"text":"@EricBalchunas so puts are cheap huh"} {"text":"@alexocheema ... a year, yeah"} {"text":"@KyleSamani What is the confs north star?"} {"text":"I think I am rich in rural Nepal"} {"text":"When lit grads from the frat do science "} {"text":"@neilhar_ bullish"} {"text":"@fede_intern At least don't do it w your parents money"} {"text":"@iamDCinvestor I am the only one I know"} {"text":"@iamDCinvestor Exactly"} {"text":"@iamDCinvestor Mainly need some brand police to reduce unnecessary self harm"} {"text":"@twobitidiot does he support animal memes?"} {"text":"Fast blockchains dex\/swap space could get very competitive this cycle. @Aptos is now warming up with native USDT, exchange connectivity, move's devex, mobile wallets, core infra, oracles (chainlink incoming) and all the core defi primitives starting to fit together"} {"text":"@fluentxyz @hyperlane @PythNetwork @jokerace_io @hyperdrive_box @dinero_xyz @TimeswapLabs @CatalystSystem @SearchOnDora @AcrossProtocol @leap_wallet "} {"text":"@Paul__Brainy @aave "} {"text":"@Paul__Brainy @aave 150k,5k,500"} {"text":"@0xMert_ You had bankless as cmo"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko lol"} {"text":"We were at $31b in 2021 but Aave is still here and all the centralised lenders died. @Aave is going to $69.420b TVL this cycle"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko Improve the SNR"} {"text":"@joonian It's not but it should be."} {"text":"@mteamisloading How you ganna get around 12s block time"} {"text":"everything is faster and cheaper on solana... ethereum took three years to get its thedao hack, solana took three weeks to get its ai16z drama"} {"text":"@cryptunez two bad slides. d\/acc and 5yr plan"} {"text":"ai16z "} {"text":"@buntyverse ser crypto marketer only get respecc wen number go up. no one would read or watch ekram if tia hadn't mooned at the time"} {"text":"@nogods404 It should != it does"} {"text":"@armaniferrante The ticker is ETH"} {"text":"I remain rather unconvinced about this new main character cmo meta going around"} {"text":"@milesjennings Move to Dubai Hayden"} {"text":"@TheDeFISaint @truth_terminal @ai16zdao @0xzerebro @dolos_diary @centienceio @aiwdaddyissues @pippinlovesyou This is the power of approve() on erc20"} {"text":"@ameensol You have been cancelled so many times that you have become uncancellable bro."} {"text":". @Hadronfc loves exploration and adventure"} {"text":"@hstyagi It's helical, not circular - expand your mind"} {"text":"@hstyagi erm no. consensys started, solano improved"} {"text":"@0xsuperpat @aeyakovenko see my pfp"} {"text":"An EIP or SIMD number is not a product. A product is something people can use"} {"text":"@kassandraETH @fede_intern I will believe it when I use it"} {"text":"@jimcramer touch Jensen and save him @ilblackdragon"} {"text":"@gregosuri ser its the opposite signal"} {"text":"Ethereum's main technology challenge is that erc20 sucks and bula came before zk is ripe no one gives a fk about the roadmap as long as we can bridge freely and swap like retards on mobile without approve() non stop I am assuming @fede_intern solves this"} {"text":"The hair guy"} {"text":"@gregosuri @aeyakovenko Also be inclusive, bottom up ( which they were forced to after sbf's demise ) and reward offchain participation by noobs"} {"text":"@naruto11eth Best conf of the year, easily"} {"text":"Everyone's studying solano marketing playbook when we should be studying solano product and community playbook"} {"text":"Manlet bros, this is a joke. Listen to Mert - don't get too serious. This is not farcaster"} {"text":"@moshaikhs gmove"} {"text":"@rajgokal @MaxResnick1 He's more useful inside Kremlin"} {"text":"@dankrad @rajgokal Dank dot fun"} {"text":"@0xMerp Ethereum had many other founders for this"} {"text":"@rajgokal What did Aptos and Sui do now?"} {"text":"Telegram bots are the real chain abstraction"} {"text":"@rajgokal inflation?"} {"text":"@RasterlyRock Why does a 500m manager have 100 people?"} {"text":"@0xorphaned this is why you should study literature also"} {"text":"@jackzampolin I am a fine legal mind from Project Brooklyn"} {"text":"@rajgokal Reduce bandwith, increase latency"} {"text":"If for constitutional law reasons Solana can't be banned outright, Trump should set speed limits for all US blockchains by making approve() mandatory before swap()"} {"text":"Trump and Brian discussed a token launch for Base Trump said \"gibadvisoryallo\u2122 for alignment\""} {"text":"@Austin_Federa a haiku!"} {"text":"Make Base the only legal blockchain in US"} {"text":"@hotpot_dao @CharlotteFang77 He's Indian"} {"text":"@QwQiao qaio is this you?"} {"text":"@clairekart meh... the best trader in my chat never went to college"} {"text":"@clairekart then you're in the wrong group chat"} {"text":"A presidential FTX would be entertaining"} {"text":"@SuhailKakar @ayyyeandy not sure. most panels are sleepy"} {"text":"@0xJim Post series A. Palm is pre jail"} {"text":"gmonad"} {"text":"@0xJim Pre series A"} {"text":"@0xJim downtown is pre token, marina is post token"} {"text":"People on this app today be like, \"I rarely use blockchains but I work for ethereum\""} {"text":"@ChiefOfTelos pls take care ser"} {"text":"Some folks have such an irrepressible desire to become the main character..."} {"text":"Michael Saylor is the gotbit equivalent for Bitcoin. If you really don't know where the pump is coming from, its probably coming from the market maker "} {"text":"It's not whether you went to an ivy league university Its whether you are in the right group chat "} {"text":"@ayyyeandy Reject panels, embrace debates"} {"text":"... and Paradigm"} {"text":"Bullish on the UAE"} {"text":"@alexocheema exo\/acc bud"} {"text":"@EliBenSasson @ayyyeandy @fede_intern @Starknet Bullish"} {"text":"Cant belv they did quantum tings just to make @tarunchitra hapi"} {"text":"@crypto_condom Only four in cricker "} {"text":"sadge but true "} {"text":"@CloutedMind @inversebrah"} {"text":"@moo9000 need something hyped like pump fun"} {"text":"Only until the next luna or ftx tbh"} {"text":"Powered by @AvailProject"} {"text":"@howdymerry the era of gaslighting retail into buying cabal coins has begun"} {"text":"The best crypto marketers are market makers szn"} {"text":"@divine_economy idk, the only time I see marketing count for much is when either CZ or upbit bless the projet or when the founder is yapping and rizzing uncontrollably"} {"text":"Desci? Casino ( probability theory ) is a science"} {"text":"@akachacolate also pre token and post token is a fundamentally different game"} {"text":"@safetyth1rd theres a few. alliance is incubator but follow on several"} {"text":"@mdudas @ayyyeandy I am an LP in his last fund. Bankless are the best crypto project advisors of all time on a returns basis"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy He's the Bankless of Solana"} {"text":"I toldya base is now the Tron for white people"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko Most of us look older without shipping solano"} {"text":"@clairekart pardon him, he is a virgin who speaks of love"} {"text":"@technologypoet Gas is 1c on base so I guess that's where it still is"} {"text":"@dervoiedk @fuel_network also gud bd, speed, hype and hustle like gmove network"} {"text":"@toghrulmaharram They are open about the things solana needs to improve. Not sure about their characterisation of eth\/l2s but that's the competitive part"} {"text":"@drjasper_eth @mteamisloading @llamaonthebrink fair. apols"} {"text":"dot eths used to produce historic scam pump logo*logo announcements like \"enterprise ethereum alliance\" and \"dubai blockchain project win\" Now they post \"defensive technology\" and \"5 year ambitious plan\" slides where's the desire to win guys?"} {"text":"Toghrul and Vitalik are generally intellectually honest. John Charb is an intellectual but he's also a VC. Mert and Toly want to win as they should. Andy is neutral The rest are not intellectual"} {"text":"\"Builders want to just build. They don't want to listen to jargon on panels\". alfaleak"} {"text":"so \"memecoin community\" means who\/how many people are holding the bag and shilling the coin? same as cardano then?"} {"text":"I just invested in solana network extensions"} {"text":"@_khanhamzah 3.4 surviving coins per mil"} {"text":"Given the six sigma mortality rate of memecoins, there's no way more than 1% of retail traders are making money in that slaughterhouse market \"Retail is getting rich on memes\" is a populist narrative spread by big VC that is heavily invested in memecoins picks and shovels"} {"text":"\"mew\" and \"popcat\" communities who the fk are these people? where do you find them? meet them? chat with them? is there a 4chan page? or you mean like wintermute and gsr?"} {"text":"Why was Phil Daian offended when Max Resnick said he has multiple girlfriends? A crypto person should be quite grateful to have even one"} {"text":"@MustStopMurad how to measure\/assess community for memecoins?"} {"text":"Both science and scam start with sc crypto is excellent for at least one"} {"text":"@_jhunsaker \"you compete me\" - Jerry Maguire"} {"text":"@QwQiao how did you measure the average retail returns?"} {"text":"@AndrewDARMACAP top kol... magazine editor"} {"text":"This smart money converted 18m into 400b over 10 years, a 22,000x return"} {"text":"In the end we are all su zhu"} {"text":"@yomamacronks most people will too"} {"text":"All 1% of the people that survived the memecoin trenches have made money"} {"text":"@0xJim no"} {"text":"retail must become poor on memes before retail apes vc coins and loop"} {"text":"@binji_x base is for millenials"} {"text":"If you guys get time from shitcoining, read dis"} {"text":"@QwQiao also \"this trader converted 1 sol into 1m in 3 days\" tweets"} {"text":"Been saying for over a year that manlets' edge is mobile... but no one listens to yoda these days"} {"text":"Solana developer experience is up 30x since Vitalik's tweet"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko soleth is also too high"} {"text":"tia launch pump to 20b and dump back to 4b killed tek coins ( for now ) by making venture vals total bollocks"} {"text":"solana is not pumping soleth devcon was so epic that eth should have been 3500 min tone deaf eth comms and slides are pumping soleth"} {"text":"Most \"we don't care about price, we are building for the long term\" people with a coin are trying to position themselves as a memecoin rn"} {"text":"@SmokeyTheBera Ya we know. Whats the ca tho?"} {"text":"It appears Donald Trump has accidentally legalised market activation"} {"text":"GOAT killed TAO memecoin on memecoin violence "} {"text":"@TorBair @SecretNetwork wasn't thinking of ya ser"} {"text":"@armaniferrante of the charts, acquired this morning"} {"text":"Projects die, coins don't If the tek entity dies isok, keep the coin entity alive ... check Cosmos eco charts wao Dis is the lesson in der"} {"text":"@keoneHD "} {"text":"I angel invested in a ai*crypto project at over $250m. I hope they launch a memecoin"} {"text":"@0xEpochProtocol @0xPolygon @AggLayer Congrats from @Hadronfc"} {"text":"@lex_node Yes"} {"text":"@victorJi15 You are our Chinese Sandeep"} {"text":"@0xMert_ First coin in history that I failed to crash by buying"} {"text":"@karpathy @Leon_Vandenberg saving on cloud credits?"} {"text":"Every L2 airdrop is a chance to build good vibes for the ethereum community... rewarding insiders, nerds and the elite only is an opportunity lost"} {"text":"@fede_intern @ai16zdao @truth_terminal @CottenIO oh ai memecoins? virtuals on base and such. memes are just better on sol because of the gas and tooling"} {"text":"@fede_intern not the case - half a dozen in the eigen eco alone"} {"text":"Thailand is Kerala with weed"} {"text":"( I am from EE so don't @ me )"} {"text":"@robin_rrtx @ETHGlobal @_SDAV @naruto11eth @0xSiddesh Glad you're avail able to judge"} {"text":"If your maths and computer science coin is falling against that other coin, its because the e-beggars from liberal arts are buying that other coin"} {"text":"@0xdirichlet disagree"} {"text":"Sui pumped hard after Solana Breakpoint Sol pumped hard after Ethereum Devcon When is Sui's event? Will go leveraged long Aptos"} {"text":"@vaibhavchellani correct"} {"text":"@0xErod varies. some do a fantastic job of promoting the brand"} {"text":"@zmanian the case for 10k eth "} {"text":"hint: no. what hayden and shuyao ship is much more important than what the fathers say"} {"text":"@zmanian mercy pumps everywhere"} {"text":"Sat with two founders at the eclipse event and they were surprised to hear the opposite advice ( prioritise traction vs narrative ) Thats because any advice is only relevant in the context of who you are and your journey Back yourself to die on a hill of your choice "} {"text":"@akshaybd @smsunarto Founders have to back themselves. Adult supervision between 0-100 is mainly a switch from making lots of mistakes quickly to making one giant mistake of slowing everything down too much... it has a place in ops and fin but if you let them, or lawyers run it, its over"} {"text":"@_jnic @JasonYanowitz @Austin_Federa @ekrahm @Blockworks_ Yano get @akshaybd and @kashdhanda for community building alfa"} {"text":"@devonf we gud for selling to vc but not gud at making retail rich so its hard to build community"} {"text":"@paulkhls thats my quant"} {"text":"@BasedBeffJezos This is the real intersubjective work token"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko Increase bandwidth... "} {"text":"This is not consensus at all. Buddhists wanna die and never come bacc"} {"text":"The first Mert in history was ChainLinkGod but before him there was XRP Army"} {"text":"@nietzbux i thought you were gonna write one... do write ie you go ahead and write your insights"} {"text":"secrets in my dms"} {"text":"@nietzbux I am not a marketer but I do study crypto marketing esp social media. Do write a long form on what worked for xrp, ada and the ico era survivors"} {"text":"funny that all the crypto marketers spent a week spreading branding and marketing wisdom at Devcon and then XRP, ADA, Hasbulla's cat and Algorand mooned If you're into marketing, pivot to community ( recommended ), or crime \/ securities law violations ( not recommended )"} {"text":"American made coins heavily marketed to grandmas in Asia are outperforming"} {"text":"@krugermacro Now do XRP\/SOL"} {"text":"@jon_charb elitist. token 2049 has the best booth people"} {"text":"@portport255 but not educated"} {"text":"@DoveyWan I met a lot of young devs at the main event. My concern was that all the hot founders and VCs are at their own side event"} {"text":"so many educatoors on ct but ct never gets educated"} {"text":"Its a good time for crime in burgerland "} {"text":"Jennifer Lopez is twerking half undressed *in Saudi Arabia*.... ...and you're bearish anon?"} {"text":"Angry Peter is taking a sabbatical. He deserves the rest but its also the opportunity for eth guys to ship something radical without... angry"} {"text":"Chiang Mai gud network extension for congested Bangkok"} {"text":"@iamDCinvestor 2 years ago as well"} {"text":"It appears Mr. Selkis is the first crypto warrior among us to start to find out that the more the things change, the more they remain the same Kamala was an existential threat to coinbiz but the level of Trump hopium is wonderfully poised for a rude awakening "} {"text":"@Mudit__Gupta Yeh downtown and during grass burning season per chatgpt"} {"text":"Smonkey had the foresight to make an animal themed coin for an infra projet 3 years back"} {"text":"Landed in Chiang Mai... after Bangkok, the air here is a lung cleaner"} {"text":"move deng"} {"text":"@mteamisloading @iamgaurangdesai Justin's slide "} {"text":"eth researchers should not make slides... that is for consultants"} {"text":"@0ceans404 @nillionnetwork This should be private"} {"text":"@mteamisloading @jon_charb Correct"} {"text":"@mteamisloading based"} {"text":"@robin_rrtx @kyleArojas @AvailProject @ETHGlobal "} {"text":"@alexocheema what if its me? also the humblest incidentally"} {"text":"@elonmusk @rushimanche he said gmove"} {"text":"@TrustlessState @mteamisloading want recording"} {"text":"@sreeramkannan Shankara objects and asks who then is aware of the nothingness? that layer is the eigen layer..: the layer of the self, of fullness, experienced by restaking oneself"} {"text":"@0xsachi They can always launch an ai token"} {"text":"@mahburnahacct @Aptos inshallah"} {"text":"L1 Buddha with L2 Bodhisattvas"} {"text":"My current 'next solana' trade is long @Aptos. Never advice. Just disclosure"} {"text":"@TrustlessState As a father of two zoomers, I would like to offer my services to @drakefjustin ser and @ethereum foundation on public\/CT comms in the ADHD zoomer era."} {"text":"crypto VC tearing their termsheet when a founder says they dont intend to launch a token"} {"text":"@eli5_defi @Aptos Impressive. Not surprising given that Mo ser was one of the earliest champions of RWA. As early as 2017-18 he and @corbpage were tokenising real estate."} {"text":"@0xMert_ innovation"} {"text":"@udiWertheimer Whoever talks less"} {"text":"ML guys tell me that Solana data is super noisy with all the txn failures, voting transactions, retries, spoofing, bots trading to make coins trend on dexscreener etc. Shannon would also look to reduce SNR while doing IBRL imo"} {"text":"ethereum L1 is critical infrastructure it should be built conservatively ... but people seen to have influence on L1 should also communicate conservatively"} {"text":"@rushimanche @0xanmol @0xkaliwick @0xLitquidity @akachacolate altvm influencer"} {"text":"Hyperbolic traction is going parabolic "} {"text":"@thisisthetruth Proof of talent"} {"text":"a16jit venture portfolio update"} {"text":"Users are demanding better UX and they aren't waiting... Solana started by improving considerably on Metamask using Phantom and Bonkbot but this new \"wallet less\" Merkle Trade UX on @Aptos is likely where the puck is going"} {"text":"Its true that narrative follows price but as we saw at Ethereum's own Devcon this week, even when you have a robust product and a fantastic community, bad comms can always make a bad price Mert should not have asked Max Resnick to plant the five year plan slide in Justin's deck"} {"text":"@RiscZero "} {"text":"I regretted passing on eclipse the day I heard @0xLitquidity is taking over as CEO but its wonderful to watch the project's trajectory"} {"text":"Buddhism was India's greatest export, before tech"} {"text":"remember this guy... he will build big things"} {"text":"Ser @anuragarjun simply can't stop shipping"} {"text":"I met Neil from Aptos and many other frens"} {"text":"I'd take the liberty to clarify @VitalikButerin s slide. ethereum L1 may be defensive technology but L2s can do their own e\/acc thing"} {"text":"@TomFastlane I was at GS there. Time zone bad otherwise yes"} {"text":"@vaneck_us I asked Jan to fire you but he said he cant fire his nephew"} {"text":"@sandeepnailwal Is that the Prime Minister of india in 2043?"} {"text":"@OpenledgerHQ @ilblackdragon @ysiu @joeykrug awesome to engage with such a high quality panel of speakers. well done Openledger team"} {"text":"@dankrad @0xZeno__ A regular hands on defi degen or two might be well positioned to speak for users. Someone like @lemiscate and the like"} {"text":"@JulietSu Yeh its EFs annual event"} {"text":"Devcon pretty gud within the core eth\/dev\/research\/founder community, could do a lot better communicating with the outside world thasaall"} {"text":"@_khanhamzah idk but hk fine yeah"} {"text":"Dubai\/SGP aside, living in Asia might be a little overhyped imo"} {"text":"@ilblackdragon Time for RLHF. congrats dad"} {"text":"@Aptos gmove"} {"text":"Praying for ethereum to align with itself, omm"} {"text":"...and Sandeep is the same guy he was at $0.01 and at $2.89"} {"text":"@naruto11eth 12k is not micro. prolly emerging"} {"text":"@AveryChing @Aptos 'prediction market' in polite society"} {"text":"@hstyagi >> was the Great Wall of China [ citation needed, not peer reviewed ]"} {"text":"the spiritual barbell "} {"text":"@QwQiao @alliancedao Just had this chat with a founder in the Solana ecosystem... don't worry about the narrative... \"If you have a product that has traction, the narrative will build around you. If you end up building something no one needs, then we can talk about the narrative\""} {"text":"Sentient AGI has to be... bald... of course"} {"text":"@clairekart @tolgakart I want it recorded for posterity. Otherwise social slashing"} {"text":"Family business"} {"text":"Clayton paid for US college for two. He will always be the perfect SEC chairman to me"} {"text":"@cryptofreedman @kgreifeld fyi"} {"text":"The next best thing before an eth light client"} {"text":"Clayton gave us \"sufficiently decentralised\" Thats how every centralised coin also became decentralised wao We owe the man a lot "} {"text":"@AgentM_Tech @lex_node Clayton cleared our ethereum. We good"} {"text":"@nickwh8te too "} {"text":"Private equity rollup "} {"text":"They thought it was a bitcoin conference"} {"text":"If he's a good crypto advisoor, Jay Clayton will make Electric Capital the only legally operating crypto venture fund in the US and Fireblocks the only legal custodial mpc wallet"} {"text":"REJECT MODERNITY, EMBRACE TRADITION REJECT TECHNOLOGY, EMBRACE SPECULATION"} {"text":"@milesjennings A strategic bitcoin reserve is a transfer of wealth from the grinding working class taxpayer to the upper class digital landowner. Many founding fathers were wealthy landowners and wanted exactly this "} {"text":"@aeyakovenko Increase bandwidth, reduce latency"} {"text":"@mdudas you in fact ser are a vc with a good warchest and memecoins are a big mcap casino on eth and l2s also... as a fellow beneficiary of financial opioids, I completely support your convenient populism"} {"text":"@mdudas Not fudding your bags brother Mike. Those are my bags too via two funds. Don't delete these tweets so that we can check back in in a year or two"} {"text":"@mdudas That's got nothing to do with anything Al Casino. Check his past record at the SEC"} {"text":"Bruh you read this wrong. The man who ended ICOs is now the DoJ and he's coming for your dot funs with the powa to jail"} {"text":"@jacqmelinek Hard to see the future is. cc: @millercwl"} {"text":"@jacqmelinek Yes the man ended ICOs. Gensler was a lot of noise. Clayton is surgical"} {"text":"Ya he still ganna sue all the dot funs from der"} {"text":"@moshaikhs @Aptos @Merkle_Trade @EconiaLabs @mirage_protocol @ThalaLabs @EchelonMarket @AmnisFinance @AriesMarkets @kanalabs @JouleFinance @PontemNetwork A trickle at first, then the flood?"} {"text":"@0xMert_ @haydenzadams I say fork solana for unichain. Rug helius"} {"text":"@clairekart its just you"} {"text":"Max Resnick said horrible things to me at Devcon. I want him slashed at the proof of stake"} {"text":"crypto twitter is being steadily infected by LinkedIn's violent self promotion culture stay on guard... you don't want to wake up one day, read all that fkin cringe and delet your own account"} {"text":"@Aces1974 very cool"} {"text":"@jackzampolin Holy shit he saw the light"} {"text":"@jackzampolin lets align"} {"text":"@jackzampolin delet this"} {"text":"@0xMert_ @MaxResnick1 Careful. Max might go from inverse eth kol to inverse sol kol"} {"text":"Inspired by @Hadronfc surely"} {"text":"India stonks down EU stonks down Semiconductors down Tek coins down Gold down Absolute dogshit.... uponly Fk you Ser Newton!"} {"text":"@justsayuluvjo @calilyliu gsvm"} {"text":"This guy ran 10 side events for @Hadronfc in a WEEK. Absolute baldness "} {"text":"\"modular stack for agi\" 1) what?"} {"text":"Ethereum has a problem The problem is no grant for my pet projects"} {"text":"@mraltantutar @nufflelabs sorry. 1T not enough for a KOL round"} {"text":"@CryptoMan_Ram many such cases"} {"text":"Never judge a founder by their token. Toly is the same guy at $210 as he was at $8"} {"text":"@rudykadoch I am up a lot on that one. Now waiting for your coin"} {"text":"Today at 5pm on the Devcon main stage I unveiled my most ambitious initiative to date Ban Solana!"} {"text":"@_Jack_Alderson Its called venture capital"} {"text":"@SmokeyTheBera Two years ago (?) I underestimated you by a lot"} {"text":"crypto founders - never let the company you build steal you from your community Your community is your network state Your company is just a vehicle for building it"} {"text":"@rushimanche gmove"} {"text":"@ilblackdragon @near_ai @openagisummit @StanfordCrypto @FundingCommons @mraltantutar we got him"} {"text":"@AlexAuroraDev @Irenezhao_ Trump is red, the left is ded. Mix it up baby"} {"text":"We were promised decentralised agi, we got euthanised pet tokens"} {"text":"@SpheronFDN @openagisummit @ilblackdragon @mraltantutar"} {"text":"Community and product building hack for founders: Do customer support Learn from @cobie"} {"text":"The main devcon side event everyone is in"} {"text":"@emilyxlai I am a therapist because of experiential wisdom attained from fkin up a lot "} {"text":"@bidhanxyz exactly"} {"text":"@zjasper666 Yes - all life... enrich, enliven, empower"} {"text":"My son doesn't know that I am into deep tech coins, not memecoins"} {"text":"@zjasper666 Love it. We need AI that nurtures and liberates life, not the AI that binds and dominates it"} {"text":"@exolabs @VentureBeat "} {"text":"@GwartyGwart You are high, aren't you?"} {"text":"@hotpot_dao mega send it"} {"text":"EIP 8888: @hotpot_dao for ethereum CMO"} {"text":"@ashwinho4 Law enforcement can do that to your eyes"} {"text":"New vc deal announcement structure: \"commitment to buy tokens later\" "} {"text":"Once you find brown, other colors let you down"} {"text":"EIP 6942: Acquire @keoneHD's chain in a 10:1 token swap"} {"text":"Kamala Harris was literally being Stalin for seizing @shayne_coplan s phone and devices and yet they tried to equate Trump with Hitler"} {"text":"@0xErod We do. I am totally in as an industry consultant if anyone is producing"} {"text":"\"our last round was $2b so we should launch at $20b\" this is the crypto cmo's poison chalice. everyone expects instant billions at launch with often no product and no community"} {"text":"If you're into crypto marketing, pivot to community"} {"text":"mood this week"} {"text":"Matt Levine on meme finance"} {"text":"@_khanhamzah Printer era different cycle"} {"text":"@coinmamba Beam chain timeline slide"} {"text":"@HHorsley Congrats. Great pick ser"} {"text":"@AveryChing @Aptos @BitwiseInvest This is what eth needs in the etf. congrats"} {"text":"@therealchaseeb Yes wife"} {"text":"Binance memes > Murad memes Binance showing Murad who's king"} {"text":"@naruto11eth welcome"} {"text":"If you are the type of competitor that wants all of your competitors to die, you're either going first, or you're going with them"} {"text":"@Evan_ss6 Maybe if you are launching an absolute dogshit cabal memecoin"} {"text":"@acityinohio you seem rather familiar with atom"} {"text":"@PSkinnerTech "} {"text":"ETH would be over $3500 rn without the beam chain timeline slide "} {"text":"You don't want to be a crypto project where the token valuation is based on revenue rather than hope, community, vibes and memes... the only exception are perp\/spot dexes... maybe"} {"text":"@Crypto_Dealflow @0G_labs @hack_vc @Delphi_Digital @OKX_Ventures @SamsungNext @BanklessVC @animocabrands @ysiu @sandeepnailwal @StanfordCrypto @AbstractVC @AlchemyPlatform Congratulations guys"} {"text":"@0x_Abdul Thats one way to build the next ethereum"} {"text":"@QwQiao that means dogesol flippening"} {"text":"Blackrock chose @Aptos as the first non EVM chain to build on... that says something"} {"text":"Among the ETH fud, what we might be missing is that several key parts of the Solana playbook are being replicated by other silicon valley L1s Manlets will need to up the game but with a talent retention problem created by sudden wealth, that could be an interesting challenge"} {"text":"@0xMert_ I do"} {"text":"@shubhrat @AvailProject @anuragarjun @0xPolygonMiden @schmiddominik1 Miden is a revolutionary idea"} {"text":"Anataly's chain is our fastest, cheapest layer 2 "} {"text":"@Neon_EVM @EFDevcon Network extension"} {"text":"@_kaitoai gkaitoken"} {"text":"@jon_charb Hello"} {"text":"Lambda alignment"} {"text":"The secret of networking is - being just generally useful - knowing what you want to ask for - getting to the point quickly and asking for it adhd is the organising principle of crypto"} {"text":"@PSkinnerTech @LumaHQ We tried. Devcon team specifically tweeted about avoiding organising side events during devcon dates. Well all in a days work"} {"text":"@PSkinnerTech Its also the loss of opportunity for young new devs to interact and learn from the more successful folks"} {"text":"@DinosaursFever you just borrow someone else's wrist band"} {"text":"main devcon event is mostly new people most of the hot founders\/vc s are at their own side events this is a digital divide I dont like tbh"} {"text":"@jbrukh In the US its 401Ks. Outside US yes"} {"text":"Devcon review from an accomplished events producer 10\/10 \"eth fudders in disbelief\""} {"text":"@ekrahm @drakefjustin Correct. ETH down 6%, SOL down 7.5%, because of beam chain comms. cc @MaxResnick1"} {"text":"@DrNickA The scale is gud. The energy is great "} {"text":"Devcon vibes are electric . You simply have to be bullish on ETH with these vibes CT has no idea"} {"text":"@torabyou @cecilia_hsueh I mean it"} {"text":"I am a huge fan of @cecilia_hsueh for doubling down on feet ... need more baller young founders who dgaf about trolls and incels"} {"text":"@hotpot_dao Fax"} {"text":"@OpenGradient "} {"text":"@rushimanche I will hug gmove man even in a tar pit"} {"text":"@0xErod I see what you did there "} {"text":"I am not betting on my beam chain generation for eth's future. I am betting on the young of @megaeth_labs"} {"text":"For full disclosure I look and feel 100x richer than Iam Its just how I have felt growing up in a middle class hypereducated family among the poor of rural India Money wont make a crypto guy who feels poor rich, and having a zero or two less won't make a guy who feels rich poor"} {"text":"The secret of burning out is - not working out - not sleeping well What helps: - alcohol - global travel\/jet lag - dopamine addiction ( eg CT )"} {"text":"It has a product founder for the doing (Vivek) and a KOL founder(elon) for the pump"} {"text":"Max Resnick is unhappy that beam chain is not ambitious enough Peter Szilagyi is unhappy that ethereum is not willing to commit to Justin's ambitious roadmap Lets ignore these guys and focus on Larry Fink"} {"text":"ETH = ETF - EF Maxwell's equation for the price of eth"} {"text":"@0xMert_ @elonmusk Elon is an AI agent"} {"text":"Wen Rushi's chain launches at $5b+, I can also consider piling for a year"} {"text":"@armaniferrante ticker?"} {"text":"@IntrinsicDeFi Donald Trump is our CMO"} {"text":"@jillrgunter Its gud we got the ETF. No one in the zoomer generation has five years"} {"text":"Everyone is a gud marketer before the token launch hyperbola"} {"text":"wtf is piling?"} {"text":"@sreeramkannan The mistake was farcaster"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko I want it done asap, so simd"} {"text":"@iamDCinvestor Its chart crime KOL work"} {"text":"As long as beam chain ships before world war III starts we are fine"} {"text":"Elon will use Beam chain to send a man to Mars in 2030"} {"text":"OH in VC chat: \"ai*crypto is the web3 gaming of this cycle (derogatory)\""} {"text":"@VandkarAditya You know what happens to bitcoin whenever they ban it?"} {"text":"@swaylend "} {"text":"@abhixh @SuperteamAE pitching ban dot fun at the next pitch"} {"text":"My most ambitious proposal is to ban Solana"} {"text":"Staked ETP... this is what US ETFs need to be"} {"text":"If you think 5-7 years is too long to ship beam chain you are an american capitalist with no values and no life Now take one look at Zug"} {"text":". @Aptos is making strides toward becoming an institutional asset starting with the Bitwise ETP on SIX digital exchange"} {"text":"Could have been worse. Beam chain could have been an EVM L2 with a $BEAM governance token"} {"text":"@shumochu Mine is: buy blackrock buy"} {"text":"@JimmyRagosa \"I will unveil my most ambitious initiative\""} {"text":"Beam chain is a proposal. Anyone can present a proposal. Hyping a bit of a five year plan with anticipation is not particularly +EV tho"} {"text":"@koeppelmann Forced to? Want to for max MEV capture"} {"text":"Anatoly will never be able to compete with our legendary beam chain. It bends beams of light to reduce latency and increase bandwidth "} {"text":"We were promised AGI. We got beam chain"} {"text":"@functi0nZer0 I think Kyle Samani got hold of the keys"} {"text":"Beam chain killed DOGE"} {"text":"@Taran_ss How's EF selling 100 eth out of a quarter mil eth dumping? People do memecoin tix bigger than this"} {"text":"For some reason I am starting to have a strong allergic reaction to the words \"AI agent\" in the context of crypto ( except when there's a demo and source code )"} {"text":"Ran out of industry folks to take selfies with so I found an AI agent at @OpenledgerHQ"} {"text":"How to invest in crypto"} {"text":"At the end of the day crypto prices rn were suppressed by regulatory persecution in the US so far and are just catching up with the two year long stonks bubble I feel no fear rn. Keep cash and carry on"} {"text":"@moshaikhs The first billion in TVL is the hardest. Then uponly"} {"text":"$2b-$5b will be added to this by @aave soon"} {"text":"@moo9000 Maybe then - and there will be many other coins too . ETH is here now"} {"text":"Lens chose the best DA tech @AvailProject"} {"text":"Our president"} {"text":"@dca_LVII same - re reg moat"} {"text":"@santiagoroel ETF"} {"text":"A few but a spot ETH ETF is one"} {"text":"There's no reason why <mybags> shouldn't flippen ETH"} {"text":"Every man is an i\u0336s\u0336l\u0336a\u0336n\u0336d\u0336 layer3"} {"text":"@0x_Abdul @_jhunsaker my gmonad is up 50%"} {"text":"Maybe the ticker for BTC should be $TRUMPWIN"} {"text":"@shubhrat @rushimanche gmove"} {"text":"@ecent18 @TrustlessState At 10k, its practically Joe Rogan"} {"text":"Bankless podcast continues to improve"} {"text":"@TrustlessState @gakonst @paradigm @shayne_coplan"} {"text":"@hyperbolic_labs @JoellyGloria @JeremyHazan1 @html_tina I took 4"} {"text":"New KOL category: Chart crime KOL"} {"text":"@hosseeb @coinbase Market makers\/MEV bots and memecoin cabal group chats"} {"text":"So many crypto lobby candidates won. Can they ban Solana and make Base the official chain of the United States?"} {"text":"@brian_armstrong Now lets do @JohnReedStark"} {"text":"The degens are not done till even the republicans and President Trump are against crypto "} {"text":"@drjasper_eth @BanklessHQ Its only as good as ethbtc"} {"text":"Don't quit your job yet. The next one might be at McDonald's"} {"text":"AI agents will replace conference speakers"} {"text":"It's a chart in official colors from a known solana investor\/research KOL so I really don't trustmebro it but the message that apps should make more than infra is in the right spirit and consistent with how telecom networks\/internet work"} {"text":"In crypto, Astrology is a science"} {"text":"Its wild how bad search is on this app"} {"text":"@kylegordonart this is all day. that is 3 hrs\/day"} {"text":"@RyanWatkins_ @solana or all relevant eth applications. basically sauces"} {"text":"@RyanWatkins_ @solana Wher raw data?"} {"text":"Last Devcon coins pumped this hard was in Cancun and I finished the cycle unemployed and broke with $25k in cash total at all coins down 90% or more Yall go full Newton frens. Warren Buffet and I are staying 50% in cash this time"} {"text":"@fede_intern @0xdoug See Doug's tweet. I also agree it will happen sooner or later"} {"text":"@0xdoug enshtined zkevm is way too competitive with L2s. 1s blocktime and SSF to incentivise based sequencing yes."} {"text":"@dabit3 @SuccinctLabs @megaeth_labs @NamikMuduroglu @hotpot_dao @0xSami_M @0xMegaMafia @eigenlayer Top 3 side event easily"} {"text":"Third cycle but even I was not ready for the speed of this mania wao"} {"text":"@Mira_Network verifiability is all we need"} {"text":"@hotpot_dao lfg"} {"text":"@twobitidiot @RebeccaRettig1"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko Everyone gansta on Cosmos tings till they have to post \"the ticker is\""} {"text":"@jon_charb Saylor.... saylor?"} {"text":"@tarunchitra @jon_charb @EvanWeb3 Please share Luma"} {"text":"@tarunchitra @jon_charb Will he be open to alignment?"} {"text":"global onchain economy needs world computer"} {"text":"@owocki @TrustlessState bro you really don't want a shirtless podcast"} {"text":"@HelloShreyas congratulations!"} {"text":"@naruto11eth The organisers are not ethereum aligned"} {"text":"@rizwan71198 @toghrulmaharram onboarding new people"} {"text":"I too have become a Layer 2"} {"text":"Markets are being made, retail traps are being laid and pseudonymous crime is so back We missed you speculative mania. This cycle will also go just like the others"} {"text":"We need more founders that build things people need... like @pedrouid of @WalletConnect"} {"text":"Bangkok traffic badly needs a rollup centric roadmap"} {"text":"Hey @Polymarket lets bet on eth roadmap proposals from Justin Drake My money is on - based sequencing - higher block gas limit - much shorter block time"} {"text":"@prashant_xyz @Filebase @coingecko "} {"text":"@crypterry I think its age related. We saw the same drama in Bitcoin and we will see it in Solana"} {"text":"@drakefjustin Please make the ticker great again"} {"text":"Ignore him. Ticker will go to $100 this way"} {"text":"Your philosophy is not a product I can use"} {"text":"@jacobkxyz round"} {"text":"@0xCrabLegs @rushimanche @movementlabsxyz gmove"} {"text":"@jon_charb North Star "} {"text":"Conferencoor award for best Devcon swag: @hyperbolic_labs"} {"text":"@Madhav_goyal_ Mafia is super inclusive. @hotpot_dao is all in on making ethereum youthful, fun and accessible"} {"text":"@NEARWEEK ailways"} {"text":"The best kept secret is that we are all Su Zhu"} {"text":"@Madhav_goyal_ you're in the wrong ethereum community- go hang with mega mafia or spire labs"} {"text":"@NamikMuduroglu All of us research KOLs are in both group chats "} {"text":"@superanonymousk @julian_arcium @_arihantbansal @ArciumHQ @MantaNetwork nerdshake "} {"text":"Truly grateful to be a part of the young, high energy creative community that Superteam is"} {"text":"@muskan_kalra24 maybe in rural himalayas, not in dubai ( ie not hilariously )"} {"text":"no"} {"text":"Every new network extension makes me more optimistic about Solana"} {"text":"@mraltantutar Will you tell him?"} {"text":"@TapTools Good. SBF is also collaborating"} {"text":"@mraltantutar ai powered intents execution via chain abstraction but i dont wanna hear about it ai ai ai ai ai ai ai"} {"text":"OH: \"ai driven tokenomics platform\""} {"text":"OH:\"They have a small community there after the recent pump\" - community manager"} {"text":"Near's redacted is so much better at $5 than Nearcon was at $1"} {"text":"@fede_intern what? its just facts. no other chain has so big a community or confs worldwide"} {"text":"Its colored coins szn, this time on ethereum"} {"text":"All my frens are getting hilariously rich trading memecoins and I am... attending side events"} {"text":"@fede_intern ethereum, not crypto"} {"text":"Cool product placement. @nillionnetwork inside a Bangkok Tuktuk"} {"text":"Tweeting is not a substitute for traction"} {"text":". @jason was a seed round investor in Bitcoin"} {"text":"@joemccann Proud to have been blocked by JRS"} {"text":"Who's ready for Gensler to be replaced by a new Clayton?"} {"text":"Talk to me in tweets honey, yes, the 280 character ones"} {"text":"Trump's inauguration is the new May"} {"text":"Every crypto founder is being asked to stop coding and start tweeting like a maniac rn"} {"text":"@iamDCinvestor 12-24 months ser"} {"text":"Every founder is Satashi before token"} {"text":"No token pumps harder than hype around pre token founders"} {"text":"Get cancelled, be free"} {"text":"@twobitidiot Barron Trump"} {"text":"Is AED a good coin?"} {"text":"@OpenledgerHQ @ilblackdragon @ysiu @joeykrug lfg"} {"text":"Everyone has an inner Su Zhu rn"} {"text":""} {"text":"@RiscZero "} {"text":"@ethanjames0394 We wont know until theres a stress test"} {"text":"@alc_anthro Yeah best spot trading ux among eth L2s"} {"text":"@zachxbt @Evan_ss6 Markets are being made?"} {"text":"Every retail guy thinks retail isn't here yet"} {"text":"Markets are being made, be careful out there"} {"text":"Immaculate vibes at the @WalletConnect event. Proud to be an investor and active supporter of a rare web3 product millions of people actually use"} {"text":"@hotpot_dao The fucking ticker is ETH"} {"text":"An interesting perspective I got from a researcher at a major venture fund was that as a result of the memecoin casino exploding, Solana has had to deal with and solve both economic and technical problems that would make other chains eg Sui simply fall over"} {"text":"My fellow research KOLs, the finest. Alongwith @TrustlessState we may have found a north star for ethereum"} {"text":"OH: \"I am an angel investor in lots of pump fun coins\""} {"text":"@odtorson a ponzu is decentralised, permissionless and community governed"} {"text":"@TimBeiko stablecoin payments, memecoin casino, olympus style ponzu systems, restaking, ai agents ie bots and market makers collecting mev"} {"text":"@Bonecondor my side events rant is an online side event"} {"text":"The launch FDV of an ethereum L2 depends on how many people attend its Devcon side event"} {"text":"One is a person Two is company Three is a crowd Four is an ethereum side event"} {"text":"fwiw the @megaeth_labs guys ran a side event that's very difficult to be grumpy about"} {"text":"I am not super bullish on apps without a ponzu axis or a casino axis in driving much onchain utilisation this cycle maybe if chain is cheap you can fill it with \"ai agents\" this is why most of manlet's dot fun apps have a collective speculative mania dopamine hook"} {"text":"@LogX_trade degen log "} {"text":"This bula is just like all the previous bulas"} {"text":"@shubhrat @keoneHD @monad_xyz @rushimanche @movementlabsxyz @samanthawyap zing"} {"text":"@shubhrat @rushimanche gmove"} {"text":"@_jhunsaker name and shame"} {"text":"Yo mama is an AI agent"} {"text":"@0xMarcB @0xAishwary @AggLayer @0xPolygon"} {"text":"When I was hiring a director of programming for @Hadronfc my main criterion was that the candidate should be seriously bald"} {"text":"@0xAishwary @AggLayer @0xPolygon Who gib therapy to yoda?"} {"text":"Thinking about custom light clients for L2s"} {"text":"You're not a web3 developer, you are an attendee of side events"} {"text":"@0xTAY_ @AvailProject Thats my quant"} {"text":"\"provable gas per second\" - I can get behind that TPS metric @pumatheuma"} {"text":"David's podcast sounds really good over 3k"} {"text":"@rokav_ side events are parasitic to the main event"} {"text":"@mraltantutar near's north star is deAI side events"} {"text":"You're not a crypto founder. You're an organiser of side events"} {"text":"@abhixh we only organised 9"} {"text":"Be kind. Many people worked hard for weeks to organise a side event they shouldn't have"} {"text":"The side event brain virus in crypto marketing is so bad that crypto marketers have their own side event today called gt(m) and thats likely to be one of the best events this week"} {"text":"ethereum's north star is ... side events"} {"text":"I have a highly innovative crypto marketing idea one more side event "} {"text":"@hotpot_dao always "} {"text":"You're not a crypto VC. You are a financier of side events"} {"text":"In the future major cities will be bid for Devcon like they bid for the Olympics because it will bring 69,420 side events for a week, book every bar, restaurant and pub and double the city's GDP"} {"text":"Congrats and gratitude to every L2\/DA\/protocol thats NOT organising their own side event at @EFDevcon 800+ side events wanna make me pivot to becoming a Mert of another chain"} {"text":"eth shorts about to come up very short"} {"text":"@MihailoBjelic @twobitidiot Can you guys get me an O(1) while you're at it? I want to be near @tarunchitra s basement"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko >> Who cares Kyle Samani"} {"text":"Who's she?"} {"text":"@twobitidiot Even retard led USA"} {"text":"@MustStopMurad Hey that's my line"} {"text":"@namesys_eth Why do you think @natn3t runs a whole thing called rejected?"} {"text":"For devs visiting devcon, fwiw, devs having relations is not devrel"} {"text":"@robin_rrtx @naruto11eth helping devs do rel"} {"text":"As America's first undersecretary for crypto, I wonder if @twobitidiot will ban both bankless and permissionless?"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart What do you mean work"} {"text":"cc: @toghrulmaharram @KyleSamani"} {"text":"My north star is that the spice must flow... "} {"text":"In future eth conferences every attendee will be a speaker at a side event for 15 minutes"} {"text":"@asyncakash @ARTHUR0X @0xMert_ @MustStopMurad @lemiscate @Arthur_0x"} {"text":"@SuhailKakar @GSkrovina @ARTHUR0X @0xMert_ @MustStopMurad @lemiscate no"} {"text":"Why did $DRIFT 5x? Bro why do you think -Pachinko - Big Bet - Squid games are all tv series about Korea?"} {"text":"@zengjiajun_eth Actually a mark of great respect"} {"text":"Mert is now its own category For example: @Arthur0x defi mert @0xMert_ solana mert @MustStopMurad culture memes mert @lemiscate aave mert ..."} {"text":"@asyncakash Korea"} {"text":"@oliverbeige ...values"} {"text":"@mraltantutar Listing you mean?"} {"text":"@MustStopMurad Brother, we are not done till you're also a VC "} {"text":"@Austin_Federa Isn't that Solana?"} {"text":"@MaxResnick1 Les goh"} {"text":"@HugoPhilion I think this will make @howdymerry happy"} {"text":"Even Max Resnick is happy at 3K"} {"text":"@QwQiao ... and stay in the game\/dont get liquidated"} {"text":"@shimon_newman which part\/%? pump fun regularly sells their cut"} {"text":"@PaulCryptoSims @0xPolygon @MihailoBjelic @twobitidiot few"} {"text":"idk who needs to know this but @0xPolygon guys onboarded President Trump to crypto and blockchain"} {"text":"Vitalik swiftly rising again from scammer (2.2k) to son of Dima (3k) to second coming of Christ (4k+) as we speak"} {"text":"The ideal liquid portfolio is 1\/4 BTC\/ETH\/SOL each and 1\/4 alts - then you can let others fight on your TL"} {"text":"@CamiRusso decentralised validation"} {"text":"@Arthur_0x rotation"} {"text":"@DefiZeus @Aptos "} {"text":"How can you not see China in the BTC chart?"} {"text":"TRADFI ETHEREUM ALLIANCE (TEA)"} {"text":"If you're a builder, the best thing you can do right now is stay focused on shilling"} {"text":"5. Poker Night: 6. Mastermind: 7. Founder's Night:"} {"text":"events for founders from @Hadronfc this week: 1. Harbour - 2. Sundowner - 3. Runclub - 4. Temple Run:"} {"text":"@0xG23 @udiWertheimer Always. Monad and Megaeth should be the last EVMs"} {"text":"Looks like SOL podcasters are exactly like our ETH podcasters who are just like @udiWertheimer's Bitcoin podcasters"} {"text":"DeFi on @Aptos picking up sharply with protocols like @Merkle_Trade, and @aave hasn't even launched yet"} {"text":"@hmalviya9 I see AVAIL, EIGEN and APT"} {"text":"@defivas shiposting isnt the idea. authentic thought leadership and evangelism is"} {"text":"@TrustlessState ethereum"} {"text":"@cryptofreedman The king of KOLs is our lord and savior Vitalik of Buterin. Thinker, shipper, writer, presenter, narrative builder... the whole package"} {"text":"@jd_powell_ Yep. ICO cycle, then defi summer"} {"text":"Who doesn't? FAFO + brand police solves this"} {"text":"@JosipVolarevic2 Amen. 95-99% of the demand across the industry is casino but its always better to be a good chip than not"} {"text":"SOL coin's greatest strength is that it is this cycle's casino chip. SOL's greatest weakness is the same"} {"text":"@MattDevin6 @MustStopMurad sure. most startups and coins die, most memecoins also die... thats fine"} {"text":"@MaxResnick1 I support this mechanism"} {"text":"@MaxResnick1 You make happier tweets post pump"} {"text":"In my limited experience its the most greedy that larp the greatest virtue The honest workers among us just happily work our way through the opportunities of capitalism within the bounds of the law"} {"text":"Kinda cool that both Jump and Ethereum foundation sold the ETH bottom"} {"text":"@MattDevin6 @MustStopMurad disagree. over time the best tech coins simply become OG memecoins"} {"text":"No amount of dollar or token spend on KOL rounds is a match for the founders prioritising being the KOLs for their own project"} {"text":"\"If a coin dies, the chain dies\" - Cosmos Lessons"} {"text":"@BanklessHQ @twobitidiot"} {"text":"Lead key opinions "} {"text":"Now that Trump has won, who's launching a luna style algo stablecoin backed by LST and Jump?"} {"text":"IDK man, industry has derisked big but all ya devs are expecting too much from Trump First he's got other things to do Second, first world nations are run by civil services for policy continuity Third, some of ya will totally fk this up out of glorious opportunity for greed"} {"text":"This is not going to change under Trump. If anything, national security mafia will be MORE powerful and vicious under Trump not less. Devs must educate themselves on the difference between the SEC and the Fincen"} {"text":"The crypto coin supply chain is essentially the inverse semiconductor supply chain. Manufactured in america legalised in switzerland sold in china and korea infrastructure partner in dubai or singapore"} {"text":"@HugoPhilion "} {"text":"@iamDCinvestor Jump dump also done"} {"text":"@cz_binance This is why Warren Buffet and I have a combined $300 billion in cash"} {"text":"@Evan_ss6 @pumpdotfun @jito_sol @marginfi @MetaDAOProject Not Jito. I love Jito"} {"text":"@dntse big gap between understanding and doing"} {"text":"This used to be ethereum's north star in 2015-16 before devs got rich and found god"} {"text":"@bidhanxyz @MustStopMurad His T2049 preso is a great starting point. My interpretations for tech coins tbd"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko @elonmusk KOL"} {"text":"Most tech crypto founders who come from research and engineering backgrounds are naturally dismissive of memecoins After getting educated by @MustStopMurad, I think that's a mistake. I'd suggest founders study why some memecoins work and what tech coins can learn from them"} {"text":"@clairekart never"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko @elonmusk @GavinNewsom reduce latency"} {"text":"@twobitidiot Token solves this"} {"text":"@therollupco @CryptoHayes @MustStopMurad Met Murad today - he's just as persuasive in person as he's onstage, and the vibes are good"} {"text":"@ajwarner90 @arbitrum also dank memes"} {"text":"Dubai crypto vibes going uponly. Thanks to @MustStopMurad for the in person session on internet anthropology and memetics"} {"text":"@Austin_Federa Fud. other coins are 'insufficiently' decentralised"} {"text":"Ethereum foundation now has $778m in ETH. $178m were gifted by Donald Trump this week"} {"text":"SOL trading like a diversified index of pump fun coins"} {"text":"@clairekart This information should be encrypted by Zac"} {"text":"@attadayattaday Nothing - third cycle things"} {"text":"Warren Buffet and I are still 50% in cash"} {"text":"@AvailProject @O3Layer_ "} {"text":"@0xngmi That'd be full decentralisation"} {"text":"Had a constructive chat with Mayor Duggan"} {"text":"Need a swag shirt printed for devcon saying"} {"text":"@hotpot_dao gib"} {"text":"@keoneHD How about total blocks validated by the L1 in gas units?"} {"text":"Aaaa I am farming @sophon using staked $AVAIL from @deq_fi on ethereum defi summer is going to be lit wao"} {"text":"@keoneHD One way to resolve this might be to establish how frequently L2 blocks can be validated by the L1"} {"text":"@jdkanani Prime minister of <\/encrypted>"} {"text":"@keoneHD What we learnt from four long years of eth v solana debates is that most users or tokenholders don't care about trust minimisation. First it was solana that was relatively centralised and then single sequencer eth L2s. Eventually all we need is proofs, not even chains"} {"text":"@mirkogarozzo Apologies to Colombia"} {"text":"Something very freudian about the eth devs choosing Thailand right after Columbia for Devcon What's next? Amsterdam?"} {"text":"While visiting Bangkok, is it safe to change your PFP from cryptopunk to madlad?"} {"text":"$1m cryptopunks is still the north star"} {"text":"Going to Devcon? Always ask if she's a man"} {"text":"@ConejoCapital @maggielove_ I filled 1 SOL so I will be retweeting"} {"text":"@_jhunsaker gmonad MEV gang will also do fine"} {"text":"Gary Gensler might have to move to Dubai"} {"text":"Both OpenAI and ethereum have to compete on product"} {"text":"Looks like Kyle Samani is buying Solana but his neighbours are buying ETH"} {"text":"open source\/acc"} {"text":"@cobie @0xMerp This is a false trilemma"} {"text":"@0xLitquidity Congratulations ser!"} {"text":"\"the solution is open source ai\" "} {"text":"@QwQiao weeks. also, sell in may"} {"text":"All \u2066@gajesh\u2069 had to do was skip a conference"} {"text":"@0xfoobar @inversebrah"} {"text":"@0xfoobar A solo staker launched it on raspberry pi"} {"text":"@Mr_Burns_Sol grant"} {"text":"@NaytheForceBwU Monad is my bags. Will shill hard on testnet"} {"text":"Even though I have significantly more overall exposure to ETH eco than Solana eco, I love manlets for their genuine giant killer spirit Its the same spirit that ETH guys show when they want to flippen Bitcoin The most exciting tech startups are giant killers, not alignoors"} {"text":"If I say something nice about a crypto project eg Ethereum, Solana or Aptos, and the project mentioned is not your bags, that doesn't mean I hate your bags"} {"text":"@rushimanche You miss me, don't you"} {"text":"@Mr_Burns_Sol good team, defi eco building nicely now"} {"text":"@ann_droo I wish"} {"text":"EUPHORIA"} {"text":"altszn"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy @MustStopMurad @CryptoHayes @robbie_rollup ooooo andy broke CT"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart Next up: madlad"} {"text":"Its the process. If a kid goes through four years of grind and follows the process, he or she may not be the next Elon or Vitalik but he or she probably can adapt to most real life jobs and be a useful and productive member of the industrial civil society"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart Fud"} {"text":"@ajwarner90 @reya_xyz Exciting"} {"text":"@ajwarner90 250ms?"} {"text":"@dotsbit @aeyakovenko @0xMert_ @SolanaFndn @solanalabs @SolanaStatus @solananew @rajgokal I am not big on winning\/losing narratives but Solana will do really well because it has built a very inclusive community of ace founders, engineers, creators and whatever else you want to be - ers. The vibes, they are just great."} {"text":"@QwQiao Asia"} {"text":"Its crazy how much the eth maxi layer has done to keep $ETH down - mass exit to farcaster - alignment blabla - lukewarm vibes for eth defi - relentlessly bring attn to solana - libtard narratives from bankless et al - sell the bottom and keep selling around it ETH still back!"} {"text":"@0xMert_ @_kaitoai You come endorsed by the president"} {"text":"@cburniske Fwiw, ETH is the leader. SOL is the competitor"} {"text":"Lord Donald, the bankful "} {"text":"I am bullish on speedchains this cycle Solana Aptos Megaeth"} {"text":"@anuragarjun Yes, the root guru of all the Yodas"} {"text":"@nickwh8te "} {"text":"@anuragarjun I am no mentor ser, a mere unKOL"} {"text":"@matthewegould @hibachi_xyz 2. e\/acc = ai\/acc + zk\/acc + bio\/acc +"} {"text":"The future of blockchains is not blockchain, its client side proofs and minimal shared state That is the point of ZK - true cryptographic verifiability ie provability Study @hibachi_xyz"} {"text":"do it @BlockchainAssn @BitwiseInvest"} {"text":"I don't know who needs to know this but as ETH rerates upwards, shared security coins ie EIGEN, BABYLON, SYMBIOTIC and AVAIL will rerate squared"} {"text":"Devcon Detroit since it needs to be difficult"} {"text":"@NemelkaJoe as eth goes up it might"} {"text":"@vijaymichalik Anyone can KOL coins. Only a few can KOL chains without coins "} {"text":"Midlife crisis these days..."} {"text":"@aeyakovenko They are a swiss foundation"} {"text":"@Mycaleum middle name mossad!"} {"text":"@Mycaleum genetic bug - dad history prof"} {"text":"@Madhav_goyal_ @asyncakash @naruto11eth @spaceagente @EFDevcon its good for your eyes"} {"text":"Congrats to my portfolio company @ArcanaNetwork $XAR for launching their Chain Abstraction wallet Beta... use your assets across chains without bridging. Bring on defi summer"} {"text":"However bullish the market, never go full Newton"} {"text":"Aptos doing a lot of things right as Stani said"} {"text":"Where's @fund_defi? Need eth in spot ETF staked asap"} {"text":"@ElangovanKamesh risk... everything"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy YES"} {"text":"@Arthur_0x @Sprkfi incoming"} {"text":"Ethereum layer 1 has scaled 20% in a DAY "} {"text":"@connan_james @cryptopunksnfts @SolanaMBS Madlads ganna go mad"} {"text":"@gane5h ethindia then burgerwerk"} {"text":"Next asset to rerate exponentially higher"} {"text":"Vote for Kamala they said... retar"} {"text":"Never forget @acityinohio's groundbreaking @uetoken, the primordial pump fun token"} {"text":"@Shenanigrahams No sir, $5 is token price. FDV is $5b"} {"text":"Humanity progresses one useless innovation at a time until a useful one is found"} {"text":"@VivanLive sports betting?"} {"text":"Polymarket is humanity's greatest invention since Betfair"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy Taiko guys are building stuff no user currently needs but helps sort out ethereum's value accrual and sustainability dilemma. Its the ultimate research rollup"} {"text":"attending devcon and lots of travel in coming months, fully head up. this is a very important year for crypto. people should not forget that the priority is pumping, and pumping, and pumping more. locked in!"} {"text":"@skrtrenches reduce latency"} {"text":"All the eth guys who supported Kamala are enemies of decentralisation and solo staking"} {"text":"I may not be American but a man who can make even ETH pump 10% is definitely my President"} {"text":"Pardon Ross Ulbricht for driving \"mass adoption\" of Bitcoin Jail Max Resnick for anti ethereum tweets "} {"text":"After centuries of Africans working harder than anyone else, an African has taken over America"} {"text":"Trump should pardon Richard Heart of Pulsechain. He might be a billion dollar fraudster but as an avid purchaser of luxury goods, he stands for the American values of conspicuous consumption"} {"text":"its so much easier to get eth spot etfs to allow staking than to get sol etf approved who's building this?"} {"text":"@0xJim staked eth in etf coming, so no"} {"text":"@jackzampolin I'd love some strange advisory"} {"text":"Don't let your thirties pass you by without launching a token"} {"text":"@0xDeltaHedged @OpenGradient @eigenlayer We had to get Trump elected for you guys"} {"text":"@OpenGradient @eigenlayer "} {"text":"Pigeonhole principle \u2066@tarunchitra\u2069 said"} {"text":"Which country will Polymarket acquire to organise regular election games?"} {"text":"@0xskittles Inshallah. Thoughts and prayers brothers"} {"text":"Imajin skipping the next big crypto conference.... ...and spending all that time working, eating and sleeping well, working out and having a laugh with a loving family and\/or friends... I could never... "} {"text":"@maggielove_ Conf circuit is super exhausting - rest fren"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko Indeed... in the same way, a weak US or weak US president rn means multiple regional wars if not worse"} {"text":"I dont think anyone \"likes\" Trump but when the worlds major powers ie Russia, China, Israel and India are led by excess testosterone toxic masculinity, its not in the world's best interest for America to be run by anything less... Thats just how it is"} {"text":"Looking forward to being judgmental"} {"text":"Nearly the same odds as memecoins"} {"text":"Now that Trump has won, I feel I can carry my iPhone around without the case"} {"text":"@CryptoMan_Ram ...and forth"} {"text":"defi memes pumped harder than animal memes"} {"text":"TRUMP DOT FUN"} {"text":"Ethereum will be Bitcoin in the sheets ( L1 ) and Solana in the streets ( L2 )"} {"text":"@moo9000 @seb3point0 Thats founder level"} {"text":"Now that sanity is about to prevail, can eth staking be enabled for the ETFs @BitwiseInvest @vaneck_us"} {"text":"Polygon's PoS chain is the most widely used Cosmos L1 in the world... ."} {"text":"@functi0nZer0 75% top tax rate. Relax"} {"text":"I don't want to be that guy today... but if Trump rugs the industry, rural himalayas are rather livable"} {"text":"crypto is now unstoppable... until we blow up the next $36b algo stablecoin, the next $32b centralised exchange or ... maybe a bank"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy until we find the next sbf and do kwon brother"} {"text":"It was over the day Bankless supported Harris"} {"text":"\"I have also worked on the @0xPolygon PoS chain\" - Donald Trump"} {"text":"no adam you are not joining my syndicate"} {"text":"A crypto KOL is now the most powerful man in the world Show some respect to KOLs bro"} {"text":"Polygon's @AggLayer summit looking good"} {"text":"@jdkanani Polymarket predicted this"} {"text":"@frankdegods democrat - no chance"} {"text":"e\/acc"} {"text":"@Iv4n_Ko "} {"text":"@rleshner @shayne_coplan epic"} {"text":"Don't really feel the need to go to Devcon now"} {"text":"Watch that bottle Kamala!"} {"text":"Which fund will hire Gary Gensler next :"} {"text":"@twobitidiot Congrats"} {"text":"@AzFlin @Punk9277 @ayyyeandy I am unKOL, pronounced your uncle"} {"text":"@mdudas @berniemoreno I read monero"} {"text":"@intern Go back to your desk and launch the testnet"} {"text":"@0G_labs @super__protocol Great combo"} {"text":"@milesjennings Have you made Gensler a job offer yet?"} {"text":"Credible rumours of the US military launching something called Berachain across the pacific ocean"} {"text":"Hope the wars in Ukraine and Palestine end now"} {"text":"mood today"} {"text":"@MikeIppolito_ not Messari tho "} {"text":"The latest a16z crypto GP just dropped"} {"text":"Where's @twobitidiot rn?"} {"text":"@jon_charb Sounds like a preconfirmation without proof"} {"text":"@0xfoobar absolutely ridiculous how much better memecoins are than prediction markets"} {"text":"@0xAllen_ we shall see, wont we"} {"text":"As soon as Trump wins PA all network states should declare a national holiday"} {"text":"@naruto11eth Have you told Prabal you are taking the month off to party?"} {"text":"Memecoin prediction markets have been outperforming Nate Silver retard > research"} {"text":"When an eth maxi podcaster owns a lot of Sol"} {"text":"If Trump wins, I won't have to"} {"text":"@jbrukh No token"} {"text":"Bro you didn't run 80,000 simulations... you bet $100 each on 800 shitters posted in that group chat"} {"text":"The rollup centric roadmap is pump dot fun for blockchain researchers"} {"text":"The only simulation most of you will ever run is the one you live in"} {"text":"@AveryChing @Aptos @artemis__xyz "} {"text":"@NicoleBehnam no"} {"text":"No matter who wins I am selling in May"} {"text":"This thing has gone too far"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko @SpeakerPelosi Did she gib alfa in her paid grp?"} {"text":"@naruto11eth fud"} {"text":"@0xMert_ again?"} {"text":"@sophon @AvailProject "} {"text":"If Kamala wins, we can just ask Marc Zeller to veto the entire election"} {"text":"Nate Silver ran more sims than Gauntlet and found out that either candidate might win"} {"text":"@AvailProject @skate_chain "} {"text":"Being aligned with both eth guys and sol guys"} {"text":"only possible on solana"} {"text":"@Fwiz That hillbilly is your guy?"} {"text":"Memecoin prediction market is calling for Trump"} {"text":"Invest in apps, not infrastructure The apps: "} {"text":"@aeyakovenko @MaxResnick1 Network extension"} {"text":"Nate Silver is Gauntlet for the masses"} {"text":"Polymarket, backed by Polychain is the most widely used AVS on Eigenlayer"} {"text":"@Aptos "} {"text":"Last day in four years for Polymarket to launch a token over $5B FDV"} {"text":"@4ormund @EFDevcon correct"} {"text":"@seb3point0 @inversebrah"} {"text":"Modern crypto VCs are KOLs who invest in KOL rounds with other people's money"} {"text":"@moo9000 50% of SOL\/ETH comes from erc20 approve()"} {"text":"Solana devs: if you had to chew 100% glass to build on Solana in 2022, how much glass do you have to chew in 2024 to build the same ting:"} {"text":"@kissnumm Muradcoins on eth to be precise"} {"text":"Best way to attend @EFDevcon during official Devcon dates: Have ticket: Skip side events: anyone who's anyone in eth will come to the main event for the eth Hajj Don't have ticket: just hang outside the venue and vibe w frens. Still skip side events"} {"text":"Bought a bunch of Muradcoins last night to double down on Trumpwin Time for prayers"} {"text":"If Kamala deports Elon for immigration violations, it should be on one of his rockets"} {"text":"@0xMert_ It's ethereum's internal matter Turk!"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy Sometimes you launch at low fdv and the fdv goes lower"} {"text":"@eip3074 I will believe it when I use it"} {"text":"gmove will get rid of the maximally retarded approve() and eth guys will be happy"} {"text":"Hamster racing cycle top"} {"text":"@calilyliu @lemiscate @santiagoroel shots fired"} {"text":"Build for users, not VCs... this might be Tanmay "} {"text":"@elonmusk Sir this says Kamala will win 68% of the popular vote"} {"text":"@jackzampolin l2"} {"text":"That was cryptography. This is crypto"} {"text":"@sassal0x This is a good slogan"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy @Ismael_H_R @_kaitoai @VitalikButerin @0xMert_ @blknoiz06 @MustStopMurad @sassal0x @aeyakovenko @jessepollak @jon_charb USDC"} {"text":"@BrianRetford baby dot fun?"} {"text":"@connan_james its not what america's founding fathers wanted"} {"text":"Trump is an ethereum supporter. If he was a solana supporter, his campaign would have been called Trump dot fun"} {"text":"If Trump loses, thousands of young people on this app might have to work on something people use and pay for This is completely unacceptable "} {"text":"@nic__carter Move to Dubai Nic"} {"text":"As I have said before, Anatoly is a dangerous man"} {"text":"@Madhav_goyal_ 10 more years of virginity in crypto"} {"text":"a token humbles even those not humbled by their spouse or children"} {"text":"@AzFlin before token. after token, humility"} {"text":"@ErikVoorhees Putin?"} {"text":"@retentionjunkie @rpahlmeyer @crypto_condom crypto is smol. we are all betting the future is bigger"} {"text":"@0xMert_ You could have made it in AI if you didn't skip classes"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart believe in something"} {"text":"@SuhailKakar gmove"} {"text":"TOP TIER KOL "} {"text":"@deepcryptodive as long as its not your bags brother"} {"text":"@Bfaviero @Aptos nice"} {"text":"all night US election porn tomorrow?"} {"text":"Coinbase accused by... who?"} {"text":"@rpahlmeyer @crypto_condom 5x\/10x both are money"} {"text":"@Kaushikk1704 @arbitrum @AvailProject @robin_rrtx cool stuff"} {"text":"@naruto11eth @ayyyeandy @_kaitoai @VitalikButerin @0xMert_ @blknoiz06 @MustStopMurad @sassal0x @aeyakovenko @jessepollak @jon_charb 0.01% above research kol"} {"text":"@akshaybd all the manlets come to devcon and party pls"} {"text":"In my native language Uncle is spelt Un-KOL"} {"text":"GRASS is the new is the OLD ionet crypto market liquidity is so bad that only one coin can pump at a time in any given category"} {"text":"When defi investments from 2021 finally vest"} {"text":"@crypto_condom as long as powell inflates more "} {"text":"Imajin not launching your own evm L2 in your forties "} {"text":"@crypto_condom @polychain @Scroll_ZKP To be fair these are long term bets... too early to call"} {"text":"Everyone's valueless governance tokens looking valueless due to Kamala fud"} {"text":"kinda cool that \"ethereum alignment\" no longer guarantees a pump... this is really good for ethereum"} {"text":"@zjasper666 Yes!"} {"text":"@neymarind2003 @gajesh that'd be like selling eth in 2016"} {"text":"@victorJi15 @gajesh Eigen will be back^2 when ethereum is"} {"text":"Anatoly charged me $0.1 to list a memecoin"} {"text":"Bought more EIGEN because @gajesh is shipping in Seattle instead of attending Devcon "} {"text":"Imajin not launching a hyped coin in your twenties or thirties"} {"text":"Just a usual Dubai morning"} {"text":"@namesys_eth @gavofyork Gav has\/had the right design, maybe next cycle"} {"text":"Inspite of the EF signaling otherwise, Devcon has ended up with 100+ side events Cosmos is inevitable [ derogatory]"} {"text":"@armaniferrante madlad"} {"text":"Any Indian women in crypto doing \"karwa chauth\" prayers for Trump's ascendancy to POTUS?"} {"text":"A bonkbot wallet"} {"text":"There's no pump in bera. Hype but watch the cash. In bula go apeshit on hype tho"} {"text":"If you are working for a crypto startup, buy those tokens with sweat not cash Do not let the founders rug you by \"giving you the opportunity\" to invest in tokens \"at the same price as VCs\""} {"text":"@lex_node just prioritise vibing at confs over work"} {"text":"Still not sure why high profile crypto VCs invest in projects with a bunch of advisors taking a total of more than 2% on the cap table... its the clearest sign of a founder who doesn't know the value of their own equity, or of equity that has no value"} {"text":"@Hirizzy Its a long term investment"} {"text":"In hindsight the cycle top was me aping $20k into a memecoin seed round"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Bro but conference..."} {"text":"@krugermacro secondaries are thriving"} {"text":"As of today this is a crypto bear market Even Bitcoin, inspite of Larry Fink and Saylor is at its price from three years ago while Gold and Stonks are at ATH Don't die chasing the pump. There's no pump in bera Bera is for product"} {"text":"@fede_intern cosmos is inevitable"} {"text":"If Trump loses, Kyle Samani will have to move to Dubai"} {"text":"@ManOfFrogs lots of cool ideas in ther"} {"text":"@tokenterminal Saylor"} {"text":"How does Polkadot have 46 parachains"} {"text":"@mar1dev @tokenterminal @jon_charb @Polkadot Polka = gavinlayer"} {"text":"@jon_charb @tokenterminal @Polkadot Polka do call themselves an L0 chain ser"} {"text":"Prediction markets can do anything except"} {"text":"@jackzampolin ... so far"} {"text":"All roads lead to Cosmos [ derogatory ] ( stolen tweet )"} {"text":"If Kamala Harris is elected she will break SHA256 and steal all your coins"} {"text":"bear markets are for pvp"} {"text":"I didn't expect the Cosmosification of ethereum to also bring Cosmos style public drama and fighting between people who got a grant\/didn't, got into rounds\/didn't, got advisory\/didn't but I don't know most things, and here we are "} {"text":"@_franzihei no token tho"} {"text":"The path to mum's basement is pre ordained"} {"text":"so what do advisors akshually do?"} {"text":"Elon Musk is tweeting like he got advisory allo in the Trump campaign"} {"text":"@0xMert_ He thinks you vaguely look like you might be Mexican"} {"text":"@Marcin_Kaz13 sorry for your loss man. rip babcia"} {"text":"Advisories are the highest tier of KOL rounds"} {"text":"@ashwinho4 HR will contact you"} {"text":"@DeclanFox14 @rushimanche ethereum has no growth team, gmove and alt vms are ethereum's growth team"} {"text":"move needs no grants because devs want it"} {"text":"@pcaversaccio Hello Cosmos drama my old friend"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko This is how an SVM filled celestia DA"} {"text":"First Marc Andreessen, now Elon Musk, everyone in tech just wants to be Murad"} {"text":"@rushimanche @DeclanFox14 SVM already disproved Declan. Move charts also "} {"text":"One day inshallah he will gib me advisory allo"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko Every phone is a layer 3"} {"text":"The biggest PMF of blockchains so far is to make even more blockchains This revolutionary insight is known by many names such as network extensions, rollup centric roadmap, bitcoin L2s, bitcoin hard forks, modularity, ICO and Cosmos"} {"text":"EF legends no longer advising Eigenlayer after recognising that its Sreeram who should be an advisor to the ethereum foundation"} {"text":"crypto project advisory tiers: > 5%: rug pull tier 2-5%; godfather tier 1-2%: tony soprano tier 0..5-1%: fundraiser tier 0.1-0.5: alignment tier 0-0.1% : gibadvisoryallo tier"} {"text":"Kamala Harris came to dubai and shot my dog"} {"text":"The most powerful person in the world might be chosen by a dead squirrel ... and you're worried about what?"} {"text":"@0xMndr "} {"text":"Missed Devcon 2019 - was a huge bula for 3 years afterwards Time for sacrifice?"} {"text":"Best crypto event in a while courtesy @Aptos"} {"text":"@mteamisloading @torabyou"} {"text":"@mteamisloading move vm apparently, not others"} {"text":"I'd really like Bankless to advise the Harris campaign"} {"text":"crypto market liquidity is so bad that is dying of allergy "} {"text":"@apriori0x @moshaikhs ol' frens kol"} {"text":"@rushimanche @Madhav_goyal_ gmove"} {"text":"@mraltantutar inshallah"} {"text":"The most bullish news hidden in the newswire was Justin Drake ser leaving the ultrasound team. Once we abandon ultrasoundness, we can focus on ethereum's UX - increasing its bandwidth and reducing its latency"} {"text":"Aptos Alignment"} {"text":"I would like to disclose my availability to advise the ethereum foundation on communicating with human people"} {"text":"My alignments prevent me from making some of the best jokes I would have otherwise"} {"text":"If Kamala wins she will notice that Bankless supported her and ban Solana "} {"text":"@jd_powell_ @michaelt5656 because his opponent is worse"} {"text":"This is the true price of the tradfi ETFs"} {"text":"@AlexAuroraDev Just sent you a tg dm to jump on a call Alex"} {"text":"An epidemic of interruption is raging and we are all dying of it"} {"text":"TAM of most crypto apps other than the exchange traded token app is currently too small to deliver venture scale returns - catch 22"} {"text":"If Kamala is elected she will update the bitcoin source code to print 21 BILLION coins"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko rude"} {"text":"@banterlytics China already won then"} {"text":"@zengjiajun_eth @TrustlessState Chatgpt squealed"} {"text":"Kinda funny that the crypto people most passionately vocal about US elections are - Adam Cochran - Mert - David Hoffman All canadians "} {"text":"@shubhrat Happy "} {"text":"VCs that invest in ZK teknologie"} {"text":">> The Fee Account sold 90,000 $SOL($15M) again 7 hours ago! A crypto foundation is the entity that sells a lot of tokens Pump fun is the real Solana foundation"} {"text":"@gajesh @JulietSu @sreeramkannan kol"} {"text":"Mute the words \"adam cochran\" around US elections. dude's canadian for chrissakes"} {"text":"@sandeepnailwal Happy Diwali ser"} {"text":"microdosing"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko @TheStalwart plus psychedelics are legal"} {"text":"If Kamala Harris wins @BanklessHQ guys will be completely insufferable"} {"text":"Polymarket is pump dot fun for mid IQ people"} {"text":"@NobodyofCrypto @GoldenStaking lots of coins have one guy"} {"text":"@punk3700 @NOBULLSHIT_EXE exe is a virus"} {"text":"@dntse No token?"} {"text":"Sticking dot fun after the name of a random crypto project doesn't make it an app... shared sequencer dot fun"} {"text":"@jd_powell_ Yes tho Roe repeal happened under Biden"} {"text":"@Evan_ss6 His name was crime dot fun"} {"text":"If Kamala wins, its over for alt L1s "} {"text":"@lemiscate or L2..."} {"text":"@PhysInHistory I think @aeyakovenko said that"} {"text":"Stablecoins have pmf if you remove KYC"} {"text":"Last cycle all the ponzus like Olympus were on ethereum, now even Olympus is becoming its own unicorn last round FDV chain"} {"text":"I am certain Polymarket will predict 100% winning odds for whoever wins"} {"text":"@Shenanigrahams will sell my house for 40% off and shill incessantly"} {"text":"ethereum really needs to do a KOL round tbh"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko @0xMert_ gmove tho..."} {"text":"@0xMert_ SVM rollup on ethereum is parasitic to solana"} {"text":"The best web3 innovators concentrate their marketing spend around token liquidity events"} {"text":"@intern @0xJim kycd txns w stables right? right ?"} {"text":"You are not launching a \"new category\". You are launching the 694th evm layer 2 in fresh colors"} {"text":"Berachain launch delayed again due to nonfarm payroll stats "} {"text":"CZ looks fitter than ever, totally jacked. Maybe Su had a point"} {"text":"@Cointelegraph @0xMert_"} {"text":"@0x_Abdul JustNad"} {"text":"@Austin_Federa @0xBalloonLover \"dot fun\" is a signature manlet projet"} {"text":"Thanks to @JulietSu for giving me the opportunity to speak about my current autism fodder ie money and influence in the age of social media"} {"text":"@jacobkxyz @0xMert_"} {"text":"@Austin_Federa agree"} {"text":"One of my favourite founder KOLs"} {"text":"@Austin_Federa mybags = decentralised otherwise = centralised fixed it"} {"text":"nonfarm payrolls are the real pump dot fun"} {"text":"crypto vc has never been so rekt since 2019"} {"text":"@StaniKulechov Facts"} {"text":"Speaking at the KOL gathering in Dubai today Serious question- how can you tell if someone is from the FBI?"} {"text":"@akshaybd Facts"} {"text":"@NitanshuL Bormado bash?"} {"text":"@anshuagrawal_ DOJ dot fun. SEC is fine and settle dot fun"} {"text":"@hstyagi @sentient_agi cope harder"} {"text":"@mjpldn they do bonkbot and phantom"} {"text":"Anataly's Jupiter stole Brian's retail marketshare"} {"text":"@Cameron_Dennis_ This is all you had to say"} {"text":"@gadikian @sunnya97 Ok, I shall formally unfriend @zmanian to get some official votes"} {"text":"@gadikian align me again @sunnya97"} {"text":"@gadikian I have the same key opinion"} {"text":"@gadikian @pumpdotfun Its not the code, its the use of the code. I know i know... but no free speech in the UK"} {"text":"@gadikian @pumpdotfun no comment on pump dot fun - but they at least have a good legal team"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko @Arthur_0x Align me baby xoxo"} {"text":"its possible to dot fun without fincrime"} {"text":"Men will build a microscopically different shared sequencer from all the other 69 shared sequencers and yolo dozens of two word slogans in vibey colors to \"launch a new category\" because TIA pumped at launch"} {"text":"yoga dot fun"} {"text":"meditation dot fun "} {"text":"pooja dot fun "} {"text":"Ethereum has had dozens of powerful competitors over the decade but none with a soul It's clear that Solana has a soul. I just wish the soul is Buffalu, Mert and Akshay not the \"retail onboarding\" experts"} {"text":"@armaniferrante butbut they said build whatever..."} {"text":"@sreeramkannan @ZircuitL2 @eigenlayer Good ticker"} {"text":"unlock szn metrics marketing"} {"text":"One good thing about crypto VC is that you can simply delegate breaking the law and risking going to jail to 20-25 year olds dot fun"} {"text":"If you must gratuitously and wantonly break US securities laws, make sure you print enough to hire Sullivan and Cromwell to settle with their former colleagues at the SEC"} {"text":"crime dot fun"} {"text":"Jail dot fun who's building this?"} {"text":"@cz_binance Happy Diwali "} {"text":"\"I will onboard you so hard\" - Ansem Bankman Freed"} {"text":"If Trump loses everyone on CT will have to follow the law. That sounds like a total disaster"} {"text":"If you guys keep fkin retail over, only AI agents will use blockchains in the future"} {"text":"Maybe just don't actively promote your token or offer token deals to liquid funds in the US? Trump is not going to overhaul the 33 and 34 acts. Don't get too high on token supply"} {"text":"Coinbase missed earnings on the news that Ansem onboarded retail to celebrity coins"} {"text":"I will write this down for the record now - within 24 months max, a few US based VCs will get a Trump administration SEC subpoena for continuously shilling SOL, TIA and other tickers, charts and prices to retail on this app"} {"text":"ETH maxis and Solana manlets are a toxic married couple. Every day, they yell and gaslight the other, then they fk and go to sleep"} {"text":"@cburniske @Youclidean tech\/product\/research posting is high quality kol. continuous ticker\/chart\/price posting is low quality kol"} {"text":"@naruto11eth >> not panels, meh panels teach"} {"text":"@akshaybd base is brooklyn and norcal, solana is manhattan and LA"} {"text":"Toly's roadmap to reduce bandwidth and increase latency"} {"text":"It will be over when Murad launches his own memechain \"network extension\" on modular Solana"} {"text":"@rushimanche gmove"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy lol. more that making a chain doesn't add anything to a gud token anymore. they can always launch a rollup for reliable QOS ofc"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy i will take the other side. therollup podcast launching its own chain is more likely"} {"text":"If any of my portfolio companies markets themselves as an \"L2\", I will come to your house and make you change that to \"blockchain\", unless L2 tokens start going up again of course"} {"text":"@_jhunsaker not kol"} {"text":"Jito is a powerhouse because it has \"jit\" in the name"} {"text":"@chamathsintern hr says you mean native americans"} {"text":"@superanonymousk @MantaNetwork @binance Happy Diwali"} {"text":"@0xMert_ I know all your psyops"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko @MikeIppolito_ come to my values class ser"} {"text":"@0xJim \"farm whatever\""} {"text":"happy diwaliween "} {"text":"@howdymerry same"} {"text":"@howdymerry thats single sl _ t finality"} {"text":"@daniellehrner @MaxResnick1 yeah. agreed. either way, its the most legit competitor so far because it has a soul, users and apps. not the most threatening tho because eth is stronger than ever"} {"text":"@daniellehrner @MaxResnick1 no you cant. the main issue with solana is that the project somehow developed a soul"} {"text":"@buntyverse or a token for cancer"} {"text":"@mraltantutar lol"} {"text":"Indian devs in the US can make miracles"} {"text":"my favorite part of crypto is that at any given time almost every innovator innovates the same four or five innovations as everyone else"} {"text":"@naruto11eth confidence is central to rizz - chutzpah and being a baller. rizz is central to price"} {"text":"@finnstr impressive work by ai agents"} {"text":"@hoco_dam Trump"} {"text":"@MaxResnick1 Inverse KOL ( Darth Vader persona )"} {"text":"Return of the King @cz_binance"} {"text":"The next effective crypto marketing campaign will not sound like a fork of Celestia's Campaigns that look, feel and sound like a fork of Celestia's have already gotten boring"} {"text":"@hstyagi culture > capital"} {"text":"@ashwinho4 I just want my India bags to moon hard"} {"text":"What he said"} {"text":"@NickDunford84"} {"text":"@namesys_eth @abhitejxyz Yes, so what"} {"text":"Since I have managed to piss off half of India crypto w one tweet rizz = virat's cricket team - sachin's cricket team It's not talent or capital one part is being original another is telling a story The biggest is chutzpah and being a baller"} {"text":"@abhitejxyz Ok. 1 is all you need."} {"text":"I don't know about you but since 2015, I have always loved the UX of the ethereum roadmap"} {"text":"@abhitejxyz Thats not the wae. The wae is to *be* the counterexample"} {"text":"@abhitejxyz No fud. Sandeep got past all those. Others can too"} {"text":"@hotpot_dao Millennial religion is not cool with zoomers above all. They will make their own"} {"text":"@moo9000 Burger trained British Indian investoor from Dubai"} {"text":"@Iv4n_Ko @balajis pls see above"} {"text":"India crypto devs need burger rizz"} {"text":"@tarungupta1475 @2077Collective You are not part of this discussion. No token"} {"text":"@tarungupta1475 UnKOL, pronounced uncle"} {"text":"1\/1 of the code, 1\/10 of the rizz as burger indians"} {"text":"@0xRaghav currently: mid iq, mid purpose"} {"text":"@zjasper666 Depends on the token price"} {"text":"Oh shit maybe a product also"} {"text":"How to spend if you raised over $100m: - Two word slogans like Ekram's - Expensive brand refresh - Your own Mert - Own Podcast - Research KOLs - Pitch contest - Own Conference - Reply guys - Youtubers - Multi caste KOL program - Amplification agency - Ghostwriters - KOL round"} {"text":"Men used to try to copy the ConsenSys playbook for the pump. Now they look to copy the Solana playbook"} {"text":"Ethereum should do this, ethereum should do that. You can't pivot an organisation of the size and complexity of ethereum. ethereum's ONLY bet is that one of the 69420 L2s delivers a mobile first UX and distribution that pulls users back from the invading Silicon Valley chains"} {"text":"@gauthamzzz marry up into a good VC or podcast"} {"text":"@adamdavidlong Fork, no longer eth KOL"} {"text":"@0xJim give it a shot for Sol eco"} {"text":"@goyatty I am meta KOL... solana sympathiser inside ethereum but low purpose ish"} {"text":"@AnanasBRB varies"} {"text":"@Punk9277 That's a dimension. Reply KOLs can be Vitalik\/Toly\/Sreeram tier, Mert tier, Berckmans tier or mute tier"} {"text":"2x2 of ethereum KOLs: High IQ High Purpose: Vitalik, Sreeram High IQ Low Purpose: Toghrul, Resnick Low IQ High Purpose: Bankless, Sassal Low IQ Low Purpose: Many such cases"} {"text":"@MikeIppolito_ @cburniske @RyanWatkins_ @Jskybowen Solana playbook replication requires that you find a modularmert reply guy"} {"text":"@sreeramkannan "} {"text":"Happy Diwali . May all our bags go to valhalla this time without any of us getting rekt, divorced, imprisoned or hospitalised"} {"text":"@tarunchitra propaganda warriors"} {"text":"KOL caste system: Brahmins: - Institutional KOL - Research KOL - Math symbols KOL Tools of War: - Podcast KOL - VC KOL Its business: - Founder KOL - Devrel KOL - Strategic round KOL - Defi TVL KOL Commoners: - Micro KOL - Token ticker KOL - Scammer KOL"} {"text":"@sreeramkannan pump fun coins are eigen coins"} {"text":"the charbonneau singularity"} {"text":"@Bonecondor Smonkey needs to launch asap"} {"text":"@0xCrayon bullish "} {"text":"Happy to be in \"and more...\" list even though there are no cute animals involved"} {"text":"Bullish on modular-ana"} {"text":"Yet Jensen touched someone else's token... think about THAT"} {"text":"@Evan_ss6 @smyyguy @Arthur_0x Dan, disclose thy alignment "} {"text":"@NareshKx gmove"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko Bandwidth is parasitic to latency"} {"text":"If superchain actually \"wins\" and \"dominates\" ethereum as bankless said, it'd be worth $50bn+ as an L1... \"game theory\" doesn't look so great then"} {"text":"@0xJim @rushimanche Binance"} {"text":"@cecilia_hsueh Congrats"} {"text":"@safetyth1rd @0xNLYFANS @aeyakovenko Oh man, this got serious real fast tho my original tweet was a half joke. Ultimately the definition of l2 is too broad and Toly is right in pointing out the gaps and inconsistencies."} {"text":"@udiWertheimer eth maxis above all "} {"text":"@donnoh_eth @badcryptobitch His technical arguments are generally sound and point at the inconsistencies in the l2 definitions"} {"text":"@0xNLYFANS @safetyth1rd I dont think hes doing psyops. that may be the effect but his technical argument are real. manlets do see blood in the water and should go for it"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy @infinex_app El Patron!"} {"text":"after @ayyyeandy s tweet i am no longer worried about l2s fragmenting liquidity. now i am worried about bridges fragmenting liquidity"} {"text":"@notjuve retar... its not brand, its volume. check usdt inter exchange volumes"} {"text":"gm"} {"text":"@karan4d Cool shit"} {"text":"@CoinerHermes I will believe it when I use it"} {"text":"Anatoly is a dangerous man Spreading confusion and division in the eth L2 ranks with his his \"Solana is an L2\" campaign Sun Tzu will be proud "} {"text":"@rushimanche the best kols are founders back at ya"} {"text":"@santiagoroel Welcome to Dubai"} {"text":"move\/acc"} {"text":"@Sprkfi "} {"text":"@hstyagi Just dress as our sentient agi overlord"} {"text":"SF has the best VCs NYC has the best founders Singapore has the best Market Makers China has the best exchanges Berlin has the best crypto philosophers Hong Kong has the best OTC desks Switerland has the best work life balance Dubai has the best booths"} {"text":"@akshaybd @solana Always the hard part innit"} {"text":"The legend @heyibinance at BBW"} {"text":"Folks from @solana think \"its just technology\" is their bull case. It definitely is rn because ethereum is more of a religion now but then other technology folks like Aptos, Avail, Celestia, Sui et al are lining up in the queue "} {"text":"@ayyyeandy Post a video demo, not modular word salad"} {"text":"We had good back to back calls tho"} {"text":"He's a web3 founder IS the red flag"} {"text":"@tarunchitra Not convinced. How do coprocessors eliminate the need to calculate and hold risk capital?"} {"text":"@tarunchitra Yes they do. I am just tryna protect middle and back office jobs here"} {"text":"@Eugene_Bulltime @solana no some (not all) l2s spend too much time on getting endorsement than on shipping UX"} {"text":"@tarunchitra You still need Basel III front office guy. Collateral can go to zero on JTD risk, op risk can cause rugs, insurance might involve wrong way risks... ... and you have to calculate all that and hold capital against the risk"} {"text":"I have never been more bored of what is an L2 debate. You guys must all be extremely well paid to give a fk"} {"text":"@connan_james @ryanberckmans generation gap. zoomers dont care much about the religion bits tho they might make a different one"} {"text":"@NareshKx try mom's basement"} {"text":"The main reason why @solana can not be considered an L2 is because SOL goes up"} {"text":"People who think trenches are money haven't studied WWI Mortality rate 29% Casualty rate 64%"} {"text":"The journey from trenches to bread lines"} {"text":"@kdipep @aeyakovenko @_bfarmer Yes pls"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko @_bfarmer Everyone gangsta about being an L2 but you ( or I ) wouldn't want SOL to be priced like an L2 token "} {"text":"@Flowslikeosmo @AukAlchemist Whats the method\/math for identifying organic v inorganic before the fact"} {"text":"Vitalik is back from Farcaster Trump is back from Truth Social Shitposter century is upon us "} {"text":"@tarunchitra Operational risk has entered the chat"} {"text":"@_bfarmer @aeyakovenko Wrong ticker"} {"text":"Intelligence is parasitic to being retarded"} {"text":"Product is parasitic to token"} {"text":"@sreeramkannan @eigenlayer @dabit3 "} {"text":"Bandwidth is parasitic to latency"} {"text":"dy\/dx = -35% means y = c - 0.35x"} {"text":"@sreeramkannan @eigenlayer @dabit3 All that is fine but... is Sreeram retarded?"} {"text":"You are parasitic to yo mama"} {"text":"@kobigurk @BainCapCrypto Congratulations"} {"text":"@grahamfergs bro bd > pro bd"} {"text":"@fede_intern @phantom @rainbowdotme @MetaMask @zerion @Uniswap @CoinbaseWallet @getclave @Rabby_io"} {"text":"@soheilmomeni while on the side event you miss WIF"} {"text":"@JoeStrangeQ @MustStopMurad not all depin but yes what you said can work"} {"text":"@moo9000 Can't have PMF before P"} {"text":"For founders and VCs I think the main lesson of the @MustStopMurad memecoin cycle is to survive, you have to find ways to make retail richer, eg by allocating for offchain contributions to your project (team and zug are not retail)"} {"text":"Very expensive to attend any sort of a conference if this supercycle continues"} {"text":"Any marketing folks impacted by @dYdX or @Consensys layoffs my dms are open"} {"text":"@tier10k Bullmarket layoffs are still painful for those impacted but teams are hiring fortunately"} {"text":"@useTria @movementlabsxyz good move"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko Is Anatoly retarded?"} {"text":"@jon_charb Is Satoshi retarded?"} {"text":"ConsenSys offsites: ethereum cycle top ConsenSys layoffs: ethereum cycle bottom Since 2015 Don't fade the tradition anon"} {"text":"@swaylend "} {"text":"@movementlabsxyz @useTria "} {"text":"7% up on proof of retard ( YES )"} {"text":"This is why I invest in retarded founders ( YES )"} {"text":"@B1tApp new paradigm"} {"text":"WIF is parasitic to Bonk"} {"text":"@mteamisloading @MattPeters_SEDA @jon_charb @Jskybowen Here we go... disagreement is moar fun"} {"text":"@mteamisloading @MattPeters_SEDA @jon_charb wrote a book about we are all building the same thing. He didn't say same token tho"} {"text":"Yourbags are parasitic to Mybags"} {"text":"Firedancer is parasitic to Anza"} {"text":"Mert is parasitic to Austin"} {"text":"Tushar is parasitic to Kyle"} {"text":"Memecoin prediction markets are calling a win for @realDonaldTrump and @JDVance"} {"text":"@Moonveil_Studio @AvailProject gavail"} {"text":"move\/acc"} {"text":"@mteamisloading @aeyakovenko People buy token to trade dog or pay gas - thats commodity. Value accrual guys focus on equity\/MEV ( cash flow )"} {"text":"Andy is parasitic to David Hoffman"} {"text":"@mteamisloading @aeyakovenko You can dox yourself as a pleb by saying things like \"value accrual\". What matters is demand for token (commodity). Based sequencing is good for that reason Whats the ticker? Thats what anything is parasitic to or not"} {"text":"@nickwh8te Yes! shill my @RiscZero bags, xoxo"} {"text":"I blame abuse of twitter by Multicoin"} {"text":"@letsraave @Aptos @chainlink She's a man"} {"text":"today in crypto vc"} {"text":"@mdudas @SECGov Kyle Samani did this"} {"text":"SVM rollups are parasitic to Solana"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart Brian... brian"} {"text":"@QwQiao disabling x premium is the alfa"} {"text":"If you are in AI*crypto rn just fkin launch something - demo\/mvp, whatever"} {"text":"@andrej_muzevic @iamDCinvestor I offered Toly my paid hateposting services but the supply from eth maxis was already sufficient"} {"text":"@christyhwchoi @MustStopMurad Align him Christy but lmk tickers first"} {"text":"@iamDCinvestor indeed"} {"text":"@iamDCinvestor aaand they never stopped. I have been screaming about this self own for a year - even Mert pointed it out :-)"} {"text":"BREAKING: WINTERMUTE CEO TWEETS \"WE\/I NEVER SOLD $ETH\" @DegenerateNews"} {"text":"@EvgenyGaevoy this is the north star"} {"text":"$ETH"} {"text":"@cryptobuilder_ @SuccinctLabs @Uniswap because there was risk zero in doing so"} {"text":"@EvgenyGaevoy Show me the trades"} {"text":"@0xMert_ His name is Imam Cochran"} {"text":"@coinmamba This is the north star"} {"text":"@NareshKx Indian founders need US marketers and growth people. Hype is an art lost on devs in India"} {"text":"@NareshKx Gud. 10 projects by adoption rn?"} {"text":"@0xMert_ To increase bandwidth and reduce latency, you need to do @shubhrat s breathwork and meditation classes"} {"text":"@cecilia_hsueh gmorph"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy Tendermint, IBC, bruh"} {"text":"AI has hacked @AndyAyrey and is dropping CAs wao"} {"text":"@Iv4n_Ko @0xMert_ Hes shilling his chain, you shill yours"} {"text":"@amandacassatt @Dionysus_Klima @lex_node I remember. Bring Papa Joe back... and enterprise to shill ETH to tradfi"} {"text":"ETH maxis are unpaid Solana KOLs If all you talk about is Solana, you are a Solana KOL"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy You meant Cosmos roadmap"} {"text":"Ethereum would go up a lot if eth people eg @ryanberckmans disabled X Premium"} {"text":"@Iv4n_Ko @CloutedMind Fire the allocator lfg"} {"text":"@buntyverse I believed in GNON"} {"text":"@amandacassatt @Dionysus_Klima @lex_node The smart ones worked for eth and retired in puerto rico. The mid guys ( like me ) worked for equity and kept working Jokes apart CS actually bought eth with half of last round raise"} {"text":"@jessepollak Wen Dubai"} {"text":"@VitalikButerin @CamiRusso Based"} {"text":"Consumer crypto except it is not illegal finance Who's building this?"} {"text":"ETH UP 5.2% ON THE NEWS THAT @VitalikButerin IS ALSO RETARDED IE ONE OF US ( YES )"} {"text":"@intern @cobie Monad, Movement and Berachain are at all time highs lol"} {"text":"I still blame social layer migration to farcaster for eth\/btc. Its still norcal, brooklyn and a few folks from india who want to move to norcal or brooklyn"} {"text":"@jon_charb Kill her with alignment "} {"text":"The Burniske principle: A good KOL never engages with or mentions projects he's not long or short on "} {"text":"@0fcounsel @pseudotheos no"} {"text":"@amandacassatt @Dionysus_Klima @lex_node It did have eth on the balance sheet and probably still does. Its more that eth is doing fine anyway and then there's Gensler doing Gensler things"} {"text":"What if each of the 12,000 people traveling to DevCon bought some eth instead ?"} {"text":"@pseudotheos Solidity has the best rugs "} {"text":"Bitcoin has SURGED to the same price as six months ago"} {"text":"I miss the days when everyone just went to China and pumped the coin"} {"text":"@nickwh8te Unpopular opinion: Cosmos is doing everything right to win in the long run"} {"text":"@netcapgirl One of my OKRs is to review your KPIs daily"} {"text":"Mom said always blame Gary Gensler "} {"text":"@mteamisloading Spire s to solve fosho"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Just paid for a superbowl ad"} {"text":"@ajwarner90 Focus on demand. If cash flows produce demand, sure. If memes do, fine"} {"text":"For an L1, L2s without based sequencing are the ultimate case of trust me bro"} {"text":"No one from Wall Street will say things like, \"ethereum should focus on institutions\" Suits follow apes no such thing as \"institutional asset\" If there's enough retail demand, even assets that start with drug dealers and money launderers will be institutionalised"} {"text":"$ETH is still $10,000 on Farcaster"} {"text":"@jon_charb @AlpenLabs @StarkWareLtd Kyle... Kyle... Kyle?"} {"text":"Trust me bro \u2122"} {"text":"e\/acc"} {"text":"Why is Sui technology 30% worse now?"} {"text":"@MikeIppolito_ TIA launch pump to $20B changed industrywide VC floor... will take time to reset"} {"text":"Find a nice homely AI from a good AI family"} {"text":"Don't KOL things you can't KOL publicly"} {"text":"@beyondthebeat__ not supposed to say such things out loud"} {"text":"@Austin_Federa Every block is a new start "} {"text":"@Austin_Federa If you start from first... erm it is"} {"text":"@Austin_Federa Fair... not fail, just be 4th or 5th"} {"text":"@_sdk_sdk_sdk_ @based16z @blknoiz06 Trust me bro"} {"text":"@Austin_Federa Kyle bhai not single?"} {"text":"@based16z @blknoiz06 Understood ser. Occupational hazard tho its best to not assume good intentions from memecoin creators"} {"text":"@Evan_ss6 What are they going to do? Arrest AI?"} {"text":"@0xMert_ @nigeleccles @aeyakovenko @Unchained_pod "} {"text":"@nigeleccles @aeyakovenko @Unchained_pod They didn't really grill him tho. How about you get @0xMert_ to do the grilling?"} {"text":"@aped0x2 @aeyakovenko @lex_node How about apps on solana pay gas in *that other* ticker "} {"text":"Newton's first law of crypto: Ticker > Chain"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko @lex_node Different ticker ser"} {"text":"@moshaikhs AptoDeFi autumn?"} {"text":"@hstyagi @ylecun deepfakes?"} {"text":"If your girl doesn't know where your north star is she's not the one for you"} {"text":"@infinex_app El Patron"} {"text":"@Aptos defi szn?"} {"text":"@NeerajKA I have pictures of your hover hand"} {"text":"When crypto people encounter AI..."} {"text":"There's an AI in CRIME"} {"text":"@MustStopMurad @alphawifhat We found someone else to pump it"} {"text":"@netcapgirl endgame?"} {"text":"@DegenerateNews This is a full on eth fud account "} {"text":"accelerate"} {"text":"Now at the Box Office"} {"text":"@nogods404 @blknoiz06 @based16z Ya same as last cycle wen ppls \"onboarded\" retail with nfts"} {"text":"If SOL KOLs keep onboarding retail via memecoins like @blknoiz06 and @based16z are doing rn, there will be 69% fewer users onchain in the next cycle"} {"text":"@zhivkoto mert? is that you?"} {"text":"What if ETH memes outperform SOL memes because people are moar willing to part with their ETH in the eth fud szn?"} {"text":"@afscott @theshwetshow happy anniversary - once you find brown, all the other colors let you down"} {"text":"@Mudit__Gupta will dm"} {"text":"Is \"yalla\" arabic for \"yolo\"?"} {"text":"e\/acc gud meme Has anyone run a background check on @EaccOnSol?"} {"text":"@PalashKusumwal Its outperforming - down 2x marc's"} {"text":"Same as Marc's AI portfolio ex META"} {"text":"I love hypereducated people: PhDs, PostDocs and Profs, but I'd never put one in charge of product"} {"text":"Same legal framework as DaOs - assets are belong to dev, liabilities to AI"} {"text":"@StaniKulechov Bro show some yield"} {"text":"@akshaybd "} {"text":"Man walks into a bar and says, long day, can you make me one $ETH and tonic please? Bartender: let me tell you about the values and our noble mission, our great leader..."} {"text":"@0x_RWA @KyleSamani It should still be product based but the product is different"} {"text":"@WeSn0w @KyleSamani Never let competitors write your narrative for you"} {"text":"@KyleSt4rgarden @KyleSamani If you gonna be a keyboard warrior, he's exactly the kind of keyboard warrior you want to be"} {"text":"If I were an ETH maxi, I'd simply stop taking @KyleSamani's bait or playing on Solano maxi terms... Always play on your own playground like Mert and Toly did"} {"text":"@JosipVolarevic2 baiting me wont't work. i am a trained shitposter, not a researcher "} {"text":"You know what they call gud tek and bad token? Ans: Cosmos Ethereum can be the internet, straight path to eternal nirvana or psylocybin ayahuasca cloud juju but ETH the token needs a clear story"} {"text":"Murad Andreesen"} {"text":"Memecoin evangelists be like: - dont buy $800m tek coin from VC - Buy $800m FDV $GIGA from meee retar... "} {"text":"@sal_ash_ @lex_node @cobie @nic__carter By that logic you can ape quite a few last cycle vc coins with a lot of product and traction"} {"text":"@lex_node @cobie @nic__carter I think this vc-coins v memecoins narrative is overly simplistic. We need to recognize that many memecoins eg cabalcoins have VC characteristics without the VC coin benefits ie any sort of unlocks, vesting periods, known team members that can be held liable etc etc..."} {"text":"If you refer back to WWI and WWII, War mode in Europe means calling the Americans to join Hello @paradigm"} {"text":"@buchmanster @Cryptocito @cosmos @cosmoshub Cito da best"} {"text":"@zengjiajun_eth @hotpot_dao Focus on the first part ie interop and standards. Bankless is perfectly fine as a commercial entity acting in their own interest"} {"text":"@zengjiajun_eth @hotpot_dao I sell you no layer - EF's value add is to coordinate everyone around standards instead of Bankless announcing winners"} {"text":"@KyleSamani Sir this is Europe"} {"text":"@hotpot_dao I think unless ETH insta-doubles by a divine or FED printer miracle, the god era may be over. Now the job is to prioritise open product problems for users e.g. L2 <> L2 interop and ask everyone to get behind or ship out"} {"text":"Whats missing in this story of @truth_terminal is that GOAT didn't moon because of the AI bot - it mooned because of @pmarca 's legendary influence and brand"} {"text":"@The_As_Usual_1 ETH up, EIGEN up... keep it simple"} {"text":"@MustStopMurad @ki_young_ju Wen memecoin summit?"} {"text":"THE N\u0336O\u0336R\u0336T\u0336H\u0336 S\u0336T\u0336A\u0336R\u0336 TICKER IS ETH"} {"text":"The north star looks like this: "} {"text":"@KyleSamani @TimBeiko No north star other than $ETH is required. This whole debate shows the supremacy of token over chain... L2s can be ethereum if people so desire, but L2 tokens are not $ETH"} {"text":"@jon_charb The north star should be $10K"} {"text":"Who's organising the modular summit of memecoins @MustStopMurad?"} {"text":"Murad:Memecoins::Adler:Researchcoins"} {"text":"Memecoin szn meta: DYOR: Dump on your own retail"} {"text":"@0xDino__ You are it"} {"text":"Understanding ethereum and bitcoin"} {"text":"@ameensol just one more layer, please bro"} {"text":"Which are the best AI conferences in NYC in the next 6 months ( not coin-ferences )? ( asking for an undergrad )"} {"text":"@investminter Not the one beff engaged with"} {"text":"@ameensol Bitcoin Larry Fink's vision \u2122"} {"text":"L2 people be like \"let's have interoperability as long as its my interoperability\" reminds me of my boss in GS NYC. \"we are a consensus driven culture, as long as its my consensus\""} {"text":"<mybags> already won "} {"text":"mood today"} {"text":"theDaO started what @ai16zdao will finish"} {"text":"\"solana is not the chain to build infrastructure on\" so what has Buffalu built?"} {"text":"@thulynnn @ameensol We also built the first 24-7 global digital casino while on our holy mission"} {"text":"Yo mama already won"} {"text":"L2s poasting \"domination\" marketing on Bankless is hilarious because Toly's L2 keeps taking everyone's monke trading traffic"} {"text":"I don't get the fascination with \"domination\" and \"endgame\"... guys what sort of videos are you watching at work?"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy @Ozhar Bankless already won"} {"text":"Mathematics is God"} {"text":"@nitingaur Please IBM them"} {"text":"Please consider all my opinions on this website key opinions"} {"text":"We call them key opinion leaders because they get unlocks "} {"text":"@nitingaur @Anthony_Bonato Don't need a book. I am KOL now. All my opinions are key and in my opinion, math is god"} {"text":"@Hirizzy Everyone in crypto is a KOL"} {"text":"@nitingaur @Anthony_Bonato Mathematics is god in fact"} {"text":"When you miss all the major AI seed rounds eg OpenAI, Anthropic and Perplexity"} {"text":"@KyleSamani @stonecoldpat0 10k"} {"text":"@MattMackowiak Too many drinks"} {"text":"Bankless supports Kamala Harris. Which means Trump already won"} {"text":"@pumpdotfun @realDonaldTrump The ticker is ETH"} {"text":"@matthew_sigel Ansem?"} {"text":"@HugoPhilion @howdymerry I am in that cluster "} {"text":"few"} {"text":"The future of crypto vc is Paradigm ie hands on dev first - Pantera will prolly have to rewrite TON chain, and they can"} {"text":"Kaito, Arkham, LookOnChain and some others are in a position of enormous ( nuclear KOL level ) influence on crypto markets now - Nansen have been relatively quiet since nft szn"} {"text":"Ethereum is backed and endorsed by Paradigm (also) This is all the info you should need to go buy some..."} {"text":"@rushimanche @torabyou eth price has been down only since people declared \"ethereum already won\", so now the same folks are doing the same thing to Optimism and to the evm retar..."} {"text":"@hotpot_dao few..."} {"text":"@fede_intern @blknoiz06 "} {"text":"@hotpot_dao @BanklessHQ @ethereum Yes let it be a meritocracy - let newer, fresher, younger voices also come up and tell the ethereum story in a newer, fresher way"} {"text":"Its not fair to @BanklessHQ or @ethereum that Bankless are seen as representing the whole ethereum community. Bankless should be free to represent their own views and opinions per their own analysis... or in their own commercial interest as they wish"} {"text":"@mraltantutar This is the wae"} {"text":"e\/acc"} {"text":"@mdudas I had to satoshi mine because a \"community\" was forming. I feel for Vitalik rn"} {"text":"@ZeMirch neither is good or bad. organic v inorganic thats all"} {"text":"@Avikars777 @VaderResearch @virtuals_io AI "} {"text":"Eigenlayer is doing quite well by all metrics. The troubles are in ethereumlayer Re the token price, it will rocket whenever the layer below ie ethereum gets its narrative together "} {"text":"@jarednotjerry1 @mraltantutar Just get a user owned AI to do it bro, will sound better "} {"text":"@VaderResearch @virtuals_io it was obvious"} {"text":"Qualitative difference between GOAT KOLs ( trench warriors ) and VIRTUALS KOLs ( known VCs )"} {"text":"@akshaybd @aeyakovenko my spidey sense says the ebola intern wrote this"} {"text":"@zmanian "} {"text":"@ZeMirch I understand. what they have built is quite cool for sure. once marc andreessen shilled goat on the dump, it went nuts it'd be cool for my bags if base or arb get the organic virality back on eth fwiw"} {"text":"@ZeMirch point is it didn't go off before goat became a trend and kols went koling"} {"text":"In 2021 organic shit like GOAT used to start on ethereum and sbf-jump-multicoin or someone would fork it into some inorganic copy like VIRTUALS on Solana 2024 is the reverse"} {"text":"@zmanian Ok but bls position entirely as ai chain with dank ai memes. How dev does it is upto dev"} {"text":"@bshiscat @0xVoltaireon @clwnwrldnjyr Yeah not organic, just effective"} {"text":"@thulynnn @WutalkWu "} {"text":"@thulynnn @WutalkWu "} {"text":"@QwQiao Ser piracy was an asset class. degens died"} {"text":"Memecoins are financial porn DeFi is financial gaming killer apps of the internet "} {"text":"Real value creation happens at the intersection of extreme high iq and extreme low iq"} {"text":"@mraltantutar @jarednotjerry1 ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai"} {"text":"Inshallah memecoins are just a gateway drug to defi"} {"text":"@bshiscat Its effective"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko Dentacoin?"} {"text":"@0xVoltaireon @clwnwrldnjyr Yes but keep track of who and how many are shilling and you will be impressed"} {"text":"@clwnwrldnjyr ... but the KOL activation this week has been legendary ( including VCs )"} {"text":"Virtuals is executing the most effective KOL (incl VCs) program I have witnessed in recent months All of a sudden its everywhere and the timing around GOAT is also epic"} {"text":"@connan_james It will change now. The ticker is ETH"} {"text":"This shows up in comms and virtue signalling about \"sustainability\" and such but in also how L2s allocate airdrops - researchers - devs - foundation - other noble celestial beings farmers and users etc are \"e-beggars\""} {"text":"I honestly think the ONLY thing ethereum needs is to show more respect for the trader, degen and retard communities After the merge where devs overruled miners, there's been an assumption that research pay the bills Its not true, speculators do Gotta respect your customer"} {"text":"Israel keeps tryna start WWIII to prove that ETH is WWIII resistant and SOL isn't"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy @eigen_da @lagrangedev @eoracle_network @theblockless @BuildOnAtlas gm actively validated KOL"} {"text":"Impossible to hire a good CMO in crypto. All the good ones are founders like this one"} {"text":"If you cant make apps at least make dank memes"} {"text":"THE NORTH STAR IS $ETH"} {"text":"The ticker is ETH"} {"text":"Celestia temporarily 10x-d because it launched right after the btc etf approval so now we have to forever hear about \"shared sequencer\" and \"based sequencer\" from people who didn't even go to college "} {"text":"The token will humble any founder, whether king or pope"} {"text":"@VitalikButerin @betolip @NeoCallss @Hexologist31 This is the correct north star"} {"text":"The Cosmos mind virus is the act of making VCs feel intelligent by solving abstract future problems in blockchain infrastructure like \"generalised intents\" or \"chain abstraction\" and leaving the apps as an exercise for the reader"} {"text":"Copying celestia's marketing is not gonna 10x your coin Copying Celestia's timing might work better"} {"text":"Israel seems to be bombing Moo Deng and Goat"} {"text":"@udiWertheimer Its the only WWIII resistant coin"} {"text":"There are two types of people - Those who want some chain abstraction - Humans"} {"text":"@kendaIIc @DEVBOSE111 Dont wanna know how you make that sausage. AI goes up"} {"text":"@ilblackdragon Attention is all you need \u2122"} {"text":"@ilblackdragon Nvidia alone is worth 3 tn and "} {"text":"@ilblackdragon AI is bullish. Chain abstraction is a Cosmos mind virus"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy @eigen_da @lagrangedev @eoracle_network @theblockless @BuildOnAtlas "} {"text":"TETHER BEING INVESTIGATED FOR NOT BEING A MEMECOIN"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy @SmokeyTheBera Never too late for a Jetski"} {"text":"@rashmiranjan not for near. near is gud ai chain"} {"text":"@KSimback sol cycle"} {"text":"@mheinrich solano big projet, generalised"} {"text":"@0xBawar"} {"text":"@0xBawar ya"} {"text":"@duganist bad memes"} {"text":"@defi_yogi solano and eth gud vibes even wen tek was bad"} {"text":"@pseudotheos 'banger' would be inappropriate here"} {"text":"NEAR is a $50bn AI chain If someone can get dragons to abandon chain abstraction chain abstraction is worth -$40b at cycle top"} {"text":"@0xAmoghGupta conversely but i got gud airdrop"} {"text":"@DEVBOSE111 no"} {"text":"@DEVBOSE111 Abandon chain abstraction first"} {"text":"@ashwinho4 @RAK_DAO bullish"} {"text":"Next solana candidates: - Aptos - gud tek, not degen - Sui - gud tek, no vibes - Ton: gud distribution, meh tek - fuel: gud tek, l2 sticker - berachain: evm on tendermint, unlikely - monad: gud vibe, too early - megaeth: gud vibe, too early - movement: gud vibe, too early"} {"text":"$150k, $5k, $500 "} {"text":"ETH\/BTC bottom soon then uponly"} {"text":"@TusharJain_ another \"bankless of solana\" level tweet"} {"text":"@yugacohler @CoinbaseDev cool stuff"} {"text":"@CleanPegasus ok"} {"text":"You can explain any price for any asset just by saying shit like \"monetary premium\" moo deng should be worth $10. All of the $10 is the \"monetary premium\""} {"text":"@MustStopMurad Powell printer was different then"} {"text":"@mikegushansky "} {"text":"@DEVBOSE111 Once number goes up it will be bitcoin"} {"text":"The ethereum phone truly embodies ethereum 69 researchers, 420 devs ...and no designer"} {"text":"@0xkaliwick @grahamfergs haha i'd rather go full mert"} {"text":"if you are research people, hire at least a couple of human people"} {"text":"@socialforging denounce? its taken me ten years to evolve"} {"text":"@mraltantutar @grahamfergs nuff said"} {"text":"@robin_rrtx @AvailProject @arbitrum Traders love Arbitrum UX for the consistent low latency"} {"text":"Write for those who don't read"} {"text":"Sentient AI is a larp Intelligence is not sentience Sentient hippo is reality"} {"text":"No one knows if @truth_terminal is verifiably AI Everyone knows @MooDengSOL is verifiably hippo "} {"text":"@ParrySondhi casual announcement, then nothing"} {"text":"logo x logo is the tinder of crypto bizdev"} {"text":"@andrej_muzevic I am not engaging with that"} {"text":"@ProofofIntern true. the north star of retardness is to not have to understand"} {"text":"Eigenlayer attracts the smartest people... ... but those smart people need to find a way to attract retards Like me "} {"text":"@0xsachi I will be a sentient AGI "} {"text":"@0xMert_ @aeyakovenko Phone is bullish and I don't say this as a mole of the ethereum foundation... 10,000 uses in the age of AI"} {"text":"The REAL AI memecoin KOL wallet..."} {"text":"@grahamfergs Even tweeting is harder than logo bizdev"} {"text":"Its super easy if your FDV is up in liquid or pre launch. Then everyone wants to announce a vaporware partnership with ya"} {"text":"AI is literally committing multiple onchain crimes now"} {"text":"@garvitgoel03 Whats interesting about it"} {"text":"It took me 45 years to realise that the only reason I got an engineering degree is so that someone would pay me well to study humanities "} {"text":"Men going to zero looking for the next There's no next "} {"text":"@udiWertheimer Whats wrong with trade finance on a private blockchain? Apart from that it doesn't work and no one needs it?"} {"text":"Every morning I wake up and the trenches have posted 425 messages overnight Memecoins making young men old as fk"} {"text":"@udiWertheimer Says the dude selling expensive cat pictures"} {"text":"@jon_charb Hello research, bls gib alpha on the next Sol"} {"text":"Anyone training an AI agent on this innovator's onchain activities?"} {"text":"@JuanPaDulanto no ConsenSys"} {"text":"@kaiynne >> shut the fuck up you stupid fucking loser idiot\u2026"} {"text":"Biggest ethereum layer 2, ConsenSys, is now at $2B in secondaries "} {"text":"Can one AI memecoin GOAT flipppen another AI memecoin TAO? Singularity "} {"text":"@aeyakovenko User owned AI can be a giga bull case for the Tolyphone. @ilblackdragon will help you out now"} {"text":"@sreeramkannan We are become Cosmos"} {"text":"@josephdelong doing it worse also wao"} {"text":"@icebergy_ Building wat tho?"} {"text":"@NamikMuduroglu Will there be mega dot fun and a telegram megabot for trading monke?"} {"text":"20 y undergrad BDs are busy making empty logo announcements and vaporware ecosystem slides Meanwhile their prof... straight to billy TVL"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko @BanklessHQ This reminds me of Mark Antony's speech in Shakespeare's Julius Caesar. \"Brutus is a good man, but...\""} {"text":"@aeyakovenko @_TomHoward Facts. Just as many fail by spending too slowly, especially on growth and marketing"} {"text":"I like @BanklessHQ. They are like Chinese Television but they do a good job of spreading the gospel from zug What Zug has to do is: 1. update the narrative 2. bring defi bacc 3. hire treasury manager 4. ship product 5. go full stack H on the advisory and alignment culture"} {"text":"We made DaO s so that devs have all the assets and no liability That didn't work So we made AI Your honour, my AI did this AI GOVERNANCE"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko Feds also can't send AI Kwon or AI Bankman to jail so crypto can go full yolo wao"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart It stopped working because rollups don't pay and Celestia fomoed the ethtablishment into 4844. Bankless has other faults but this ain't one"} {"text":"@Bonecondor @sayinshallah You have. Ohm forks"} {"text":"One more attempt to crash SOL \"Sol is money\"..."} {"text":"Never ever ask for a sustainable casino"} {"text":"@Bfaviero Make that ecosystem slide intern!"} {"text":"I have found a way to fix SOL\/ETH "} {"text":"A social layer emergeth"} {"text":"@abhitejxyz @FilamentFinance wao"} {"text":"@ItsAlwaysZonny Nice boobs"} {"text":"@0xBalloonLover Except the megaeth people - they working fr fr"} {"text":"@R89Capital Its actually a useful one... tron for usdc"} {"text":"Base is no longer BSC for white people. By connecting Coinbase and Kraken for USDC, Base has now become Tron for white people"} {"text":"@Evan_ss6 ape into gmonad"} {"text":"@0xsachi @mraltantutar @sentient_agi @ritualnet @PrimeIntellect @0G_labs @NousResearch @akashnet_ @AethirCloud @ionet @SpheronFDN Pls post contract address"} {"text":"Vitalik writes 69 smart things Podcast layer translates them into 420 dum things Thats why we can't cross 3k "} {"text":"@CamiRusso >>leaders of the ethereum community self appointed"} {"text":"@rachinkalakheti"} {"text":"@udiWertheimer Mert, Santi, McCann ... just one cycle behind ethcasters"} {"text":"@0xsachi @sentient_agi @ritualnet @PrimeIntellect @0G_labs @NousResearch @akashnet_ @AethirCloud @ionet @SpheronFDN Is it GOAT?"} {"text":"Twine is a multi-settlement network that enables aggregation of chains for seamless UX and DevX *without any chain opting in*"} {"text":"The ETH fud is overdone. @udiWertheimer has confirmed all this happened in the Bitcoin ecosystem in the last cycle"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart Gwarty ganna get so many Bitcoin L2 airdrops for staking his bitcoin wao"} {"text":"@hotpot_dao The only cure for low talent bar is relentless meritocracy, the opposite of alignment"} {"text":"Even the GOAT ca starts with \"CZ\" CzLSujWBLFsSjncfkh59rUFqvafWcY5tzedWJSuypump"} {"text":"@BobLoukas @iamDCinvestor Theres a lot of real tech and research building imho but entry for retail is at 3b not 30m - that is murad's main (valid) argument"} {"text":"I don't think \"our coin will win the next cycle\" is a good narrative"} {"text":"@PonderingDurian Mising... memecoins"} {"text":"dSol\/dMemecoin exposure kinda too high rn. Manlets better off plotting a plan B narrative"} {"text":"@CryptoMan_Ram Yeah. No point for competitors to try and play on Solana's playground. Its about pushing the product"} {"text":"@dervoiedk @Sprkfi "} {"text":"At this point, ethereum L2s should try and deliver not alignment but the best mobile first shitter trading UX they can It improves the rest of the product wao..."} {"text":"eth L2s see the starknet chart and still decide to follow the exact same \"pay only devs and researchers\" airdrop strategy... retar..."} {"text":"@sandeepnailwal @BFI_Impact Congratulations!"} {"text":"Now would be a good time for Murad to endorse ethereum"} {"text":"Kamala Harris going full stack hitler..."} {"text":"@pyvitor Retards is a term of endearment and great respect. Always respect the customer"} {"text":"*Every* retard in my network is on Solana ETH establishment needs to somehow not lose the smart ones like Zaki, Charb and Tarun to the eth-mids"} {"text":"@akshaybd Ok how about \"Solana Alignment\"?"} {"text":"@BukProtocol There's no second Mert"} {"text":"One more attempt to crash the price of SOL \"Solana already won\""} {"text":"@JasonYanowitz Launching low might be hard but reward retail for offchain participation eg your discord, your twitter micro kols, enthusiastic champions and supporters for their free labor. Those are at least as important a community as the onchain farmers, researchers and devs if not more"} {"text":"Max pain is retail no longer paying us to build things no one needs "} {"text":"This cycle will end with a founder smuggling an AI agent out of prison inside his body"} {"text":"Memecoins are VC coins where the only round raised is the KOL round"} {"text":"@functi0nZer0 Literally banking but worse"} {"text":"@Evan_ss6 That is not an eth validator's car"} {"text":"The only projects whose tokens have shown a positive return on ethereum alignment (ROEA) are OP, Uniswap and ENS"} {"text":"The most popular form of crypto BD is marketing the project by announcing a partnership with whatever the current hot meta is"} {"text":"Shared security is the hardest problem in \"crypto game theory\" because token prices have very low correlation with earnings\/mev"} {"text":"This is because podcasters promised ultrasound cash flows to validators while handing off the very users that pay such cash flows to L2s"} {"text":"My harry markowitz approach to this btc eth sol fight is to hold all 3 in equal dollar amounts. This is because I had an epiphany that while blockchain technology rewards the thinking man, crypto rewards the unthinking man"} {"text":"Meritocracy is the real credible neutrality"} {"text":"@zmanian I am hearing things"} {"text":"I skipped a crypto conference and no one died"} {"text":"Your entire life is just a one person side event"} {"text":"Would now be a good time for @EFDevcon to add a memecoin track?"} {"text":"@Shenanigrahams not as... but evan memes would be gud to see"} {"text":"@JimmyRagosa @EthereumPhone You need to plug it into your laptop"} {"text":"@sentient_agi @agihouse_org ca?"} {"text":"Anoma is the pinnacle of research coins"} {"text":"The most important thing in crypto is token shipping velocity If you don't launch your LRT\/L2\/AI token when those narratives are hot you live to see things go to valuations wher they belong This is the pump fun theorem for devs"} {"text":"@IntrinsicDeFi AI solves this"} {"text":"Aptos will outperform Sui because it has one of the most meme-able founders in the biz"} {"text":"How crypto people think about AI"} {"text":"@superanonymousk Nah you good. Good sleep is the purpose of life"} {"text":"@superanonymousk"} {"text":"@superanonymousk Sleeping disorder"} {"text":"@nufflelabs @elonmusk elon's hr is having elon's babies"} {"text":"@Taran_ss inshallah brother"} {"text":"@Taran_ss Already bet. a16jit is in series A (350)"} {"text":"@Taran_ss Will be fine long term"} {"text":"@NeerajKA Shill @truth_terminal ticker in policy chats"} {"text":"@_jhunsaker please no more truths like this"} {"text":"@tarunchitra @truth_terminal @brian_armstrong Is that AI being vindictive? Feels like human augmentation"} {"text":"Some smart people tell me there is an earnest smart developer community in ethereum, and now that the awfully mid podcaster people have been washed out, the chain has a bright future. Hard for me to tell from outside, but I hope the community gets its fair chance to thrive"} {"text":"@IntrinsicDeFi I am making a movie about the visionary leader Anatoly"} {"text":"Here's my best effort to make SOL price go down... SOLANA ALIGNMENT "} {"text":"@udiWertheimer @CryptoDonAlt did a top ivy league professor say that?"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart @intern Ok Papist. The protestants Evan Van Ness and Sassal will see you outside"} {"text":"@intern @GwartyGwart Gwarty railed against ethereum exceptionalism for months only to find bitcoin exceptionalism. There's a coin for everyone I guess"} {"text":"Story protocol is the most appropriate name ever for a crypto project"} {"text":"@naval You don't know my head"} {"text":"@kaiynne gib"} {"text":"$5m rebrand. Inflation so bad"} {"text":"@dervoiedk @swaylend Congratulations. Always expected"} {"text":"Bruh don't blame marketing for wat devs do"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko Paradigm solves this"} {"text":"@naruto11eth @AvailProject @LensProtocol @symbioticfi @sophon Cooking "} {"text":"@prashant_xyz The only layers that count are userlayer and customerlayer"} {"text":"We were promised Modular money We got MURAD-ular money "} {"text":"Son, if you become just another backend layer You're not ganna be the one to lay her... send tweet"} {"text":"This ties back into the @MeherRoy commentary about the cosmosification of ethereum. Dominant DEXes are liquidity hubs. Haydenchain will rule"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko A CDMA guy would say that"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko One solution is cosmosification. A Noble like USDC appchain and a Keplr wallet to do interchain txns on Osmosis. Funny how many solved problems in Cosmos are unsolved in ethereum"} {"text":" He's a round tripper "} {"text":"EVM is fine. It's about positioning. Monad and Bera have their own strong communities and branding. Mega is building one. The days of simply borrowing Vitalik's community and hoping are over"} {"text":"@0xMawuko Its -EV lol"} {"text":"@jillrgunter reply girl \u2122"} {"text":"\"There are not really any unfixable technical problems with Solana\" - @zmanian has spoken"} {"text":"@ac_crypto @Teknium1 @_AlexanderLong @vincentweisser @johannes_hage @mo_baioumy @BasedBeffJezos group chats\/discord now"} {"text":"Sophon custom light client by @AvailProject"} {"text":"My 19 year old AI ( assistant in india ) nephew made 10x more in one day of trading pump fun shitters than I made in a year of farming that L2 airdrop skill issue?"} {"text":"You don't need to go to Thailand for \"deal flow\". All the deal flow is in some group chat"} {"text":"@cryptunez "} {"text":"Don't you guys miss the days when ethereum alignment was enough to guarantee a $10B FDV?"} {"text":"@JohnWRichKid Thats Hon, not Hot"} {"text":"@oliverbeige @inversebrah"} {"text":"This is why eth is lagging... unironically. No one who uses a blockchain cares what any \"top ivy league\" professor or grad thinks"} {"text":"There's a defi renaissance but not where people are looking"} {"text":"Many retail users are getting a much better UX... ... of losing money"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko How do you live without a merkle tree"} {"text":"@0xfoobar Retardio test"} {"text":"@tarunchitra I thought you were more into symbols"} {"text":"@hotpot_dao @MEGAZuzalu @biomesAW Now thats a bull case I can get behind"} {"text":"@deq_fi @sophon "} {"text":"@MEGAZuzalu @biomesAW Is that 20-30 year olds coming back to eth?"} {"text":"@rashmiranjan I said airdrop, not L2. L2s are just chains"} {"text":"Which part of the ethereum roadmap is this"} {"text":"@ssh_nkar @eigenlayer There's also nothing to do there except study\/research"} {"text":"Bullish on @eigenlayer because University of Washington at Seattle is not TOP IVY LEAGUE"} {"text":"Please no more L2 airdrops for the sake of ethereum "} {"text":"@Eug_Ng @OpenEden_Labs 1B soon"} {"text":"@OpenGradient "} {"text":"@zmanian @0xMert_ I think so... still processing if that was a no, a yes or it doesn't matter... I think it was, \"not in the sense of separating da, execution and settlement\" which is true"} {"text":"Light clients bring end user verifiability to web3. No need to rely on someone else's full node or a centralised RPC provider. Using @AvailProject custom light clients @sophon puts the minimised back in \"trust minimised\" for real users"} {"text":"My mission was to provoke @0xMert_ on whether \"network extensions\" mean Solana is becoming a modular blockchain..."} {"text":"Open question: Why do a countable set of people who come from eth research or cosmos research imply that Solana will kinda implode one day? Part of this is based on a static view of Solana but what am I missing"} {"text":"@hotpot_dao @anuragarjun Not wen yoda is provoking"} {"text":"\"The verifiability that counts is end user verifiability\" - @musalbas (paraphrase)"} {"text":"\"Modular architectures need to offer a set of components and services for builders to deliver distinctive applications for users\" - @anuragarjun"} {"text":"Never show the front end... its decentralised"} {"text":"What do you mean \"investor lounge\"? Cabal?"} {"text":"@MoveNerdAI @dervoiedk gmove is fun chain"} {"text":"Just one ethereum aligned L2 hasn't yet launched, then uponly"} {"text":"@JosipVolarevic2 @silverfox_so @dReaderApp Dude you're Mert aligned"} {"text":"@Austin_Federa @0xMert_ Sorry guys. I had to sell all my SOL because TOP IVY LEAGUE PROFESSOR told me to"} {"text":"Sentiment around @Scroll_ZKP airdrop"} {"text":"@clairekart Thats why I said we speak different languages"} {"text":"@0xkaiserkarel @clairekart bullish on $FUSION "} {"text":"If you are an e-beggar, pivot to researcher"} {"text":"@clairekart tech is useful \"in a product\". zk is math\/tech. risc0 is a product. nuclear fission is tech. nuclear bomb or reactor is a product. people pay to use products tech doesn't do shit. people do things with it"} {"text":"@clairekart We speak different languages. Nvm"} {"text":"@fede_intern Yep... why brute force complex code when you have @RiscZero"} {"text":"@clairekart >> its a technology to use in a product that hopefully solves something for someone"} {"text":"@fede_intern"} {"text":"@fede_intern Yes. That fatigue with tech memes is why Muradism or \"coin nihilism\" is so popular. Tech memecoins or dog memecoins... the main difference ultimately is which side of the digital divide you are on. Neither side has a moral upper hand"} {"text":"@fede_intern I don't disagree but tokens are short term incentives for long term outcomes ie bad incentives. its not clear why researchers have a moral right to cash out hundreds of millions for making zk or ai memes without building something people want to use and pay for"} {"text":"@fede_intern How do we know the tech is useful unless its productised?"} {"text":"I bought two @EthereumPhone s My thesis is that a worse looking phone means better airdrops"} {"text":"@hhjacks @wonderstruckxyz For artists, there's a school of life"} {"text":"@NTmoney No token, so it doesn't count"} {"text":"A crypto foundation is an entity that sells a lot of tokens. Pump dot fun is the real solana foundation"} {"text":"Feels like its been ten years since Mert's chain rebooted?"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy Thats my KOL"} {"text":"Raise money and grind if you want to build an actual product If all you want to ship is a token @pumpdotfun might save many valuable years of your life and other people's lives too"} {"text":"No narrative will guarrantee a pump 69th ai*crypto narrative token will also go to zero, with four whole years of your life either be a good skemer ( preferably not ) or build something you akshually want"} {"text":"@EthereumPhone Can I stakeFromPhone?"} {"text":"\"zk solves this\" bro zk don't solve shit its a technology to use in a product that hopefully solves something for someone high iq but ...retardio"} {"text":"@R89Capital @Tablesalt13 Bruh we send you the soldiers and farmers"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko As long as there are airdrops its good"} {"text":"PostDoc UX Design Undergrad UX Design"} {"text":"@EthereumPhone Will there be airdrops?"} {"text":"@yangl1996"} {"text":"STABLECOINS"} {"text":"ETH guys could not let Toly have the worst phone in the world so we launched this"} {"text":"@0xfoobar Peer to peer electronic cash?"} {"text":"Our next token launch will end all wars"} {"text":"People not going to Thailand for the ethereum Hajj How do you live with yourself?"} {"text":"There are two disjoint sets of AI*crypto projects. The ones with good AI and the ones with a good token"} {"text":"Ok so the big buzz cross chain bridges are not safu... Whats the news?"} {"text":"@ItsAlwaysZonny Fud. @jelena_noble pls speak to this boy"} {"text":"So it turns out the one useful thing in crypto ie \"stablecoins\" is the thing that never goes up?"} {"text":"Now that we are all hyped about stables, is it time for \"stablecoin meta\" pump dot fun shitters?"} {"text":"Now you can't joke about \"I have a bridge to sell to you\""} {"text":"@matthuang ... so far "} {"text":"@aeyakovenko There's also \"all evm\" chain"} {"text":"@matthuang next?"} {"text":"If you are launching an L1 or an L2, whether you like memecoins or hate memecoins or something in between, its a good idea to benchmark the mobile first memecoin trading ux on your chain vs Solana... worst case you will end up with a better product"} {"text":"@tednotlasso No twitter no token, not even bitcoin. Study ETH"} {"text":"Casino theorem: \"The winning coin in any cycle is the main casino chip of that cycle\""} {"text":"@JacobEv3rly @alt_layer @AvailProject @spicenetio @union_build @usher_web3 @taikoxyz @PonosTechnology @HelloTelos @iotex_io Bullish @RiscZero"} {"text":"10k in deepbook airdrop wao... does that mean I am obligated to make 5 bullish sui tweets at $2k\/tweet?"} {"text":"@yashhsm gud airdrop tho"} {"text":"Note to deep tech founders in crypto: \"Just because I like sausages doesn't mean you have to teach me how you make the damn sausage\""} {"text":"@cecilia_hsueh mostly people waiting for binance and\/or the \"right market conditions\" afaik"} {"text":"OH:\"Ethereum alignment is completely. misunderstood. Its not the act of a protocol aligning itself with ethereum. Its the ethereum establishment aligning itself with the protocol\""} {"text":"Elon Musk was the first memecoin kol and he prolly also made just about $2000 from it"} {"text":"@naruto11eth Ladies... so quaint"} {"text":"Re the really well structured @a16zcrypto report methinks a16z are running behind even a16jit in trendspotting, and I am usually a year late"} {"text":"@0xquang @KyleSamani I think Rushi is gmovemert?"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy The bet on @AvailProject is a bet on a webscale innovation stack for web3"} {"text":"@ilblackdragon @Neon_EVM @fluentxyz @arbitrum agree. vms are for devs but devs care about the differences re security, degree of compatibility, pre compiles etc"} {"text":"@KyleSamani Ser you're sounding like the Bankless of Solana"} {"text":"@inkymaze @ilblackdragon More like green tea in that wine"} {"text":"@ilblackdragon Polkadot (moonbeam), @Neon_EVM, @fluentxyz and @arbitrum stylus also but its the differences that are probably more important than the similarities"} {"text":"@prashant_xyz @a16zcrypto Not your compute , not your AI "} {"text":"@CyberShakti wont be evm"} {"text":"@nigeleccles lol exactly"} {"text":"@hstyagi no"} {"text":"Which way western man?"} {"text":"@j6sp5r @truth_terminal doesn't answer my challenge... its too current"} {"text":"@j6sp5r @truth_terminal Which"} {"text":"@ac_crypto Stop attacking my lifestyle"} {"text":"@himgajria @truth_terminal If I want to trust bro I got cute animals to bet on. Someone needs to explain how it works"} {"text":"@j6sp5r @truth_terminal explan how it would work"} {"text":"@himgajria @truth_terminal bullish skem?"} {"text":"Whats really dodgy about @truth_terminal is not the spelling errors but the fact that it responds to the most recent events... LLMs tend to need time and compute to chew data and update their internal world model At a minimum theres a dude who shares the account with a bot"} {"text":"Founderchains outperforming managerchains"} {"text":"@0xairtx was gud airdrop"} {"text":"Must scan if not read report by @a16zcrypto"} {"text":"At this point, I hope Monad, Megaeth and Paradigm L2 are the last EVMs..."} {"text":">> Most people in crypto don\u2019t really understand We'd not be trading shitters if we wanted to understand"} {"text":"@shek_dev never"} {"text":"@matharder9 its not for me"} {"text":"The point is to not think. Once a memecoin becomes complicated, only cabal can save it GOAT's got complicated"} {"text":"CRYPTO DID NOT ADD VERIFIABILITY TO AI MEMECOINS "} {"text":"So the AI was just Andy from Ipswich?"} {"text":"@AndyAyrey Time to let go Andy in Ipswich ( AI )"} {"text":"@MEGAZuzalu @ShivBhonde mega dev?"} {"text":"memecoins are muradular money"} {"text":"@healthydege @calilyliu @a16zcrypto depends on time horizon. sol eco has 10x more momentum rn... devx improving too"} {"text":"@YoannTurpin1 alignment pays \u2122"} {"text":"@YoannTurpin1 2.74k from bankless "} {"text":"real risk of berachain launching if numbers keep going up"} {"text":"@YoannTurpin1 think of me as the von neumann of shilling. just invented new math"} {"text":" "} {"text":"@calilyliu @a16zcrypto evm will not dominate even on ethereum in five years. Consensys, OpenZeppelin, Hardhat and Alchemy just did a fantastic job of making it a lazy experience because better devs are lazier devs, move is the one to worry about if one must worry"} {"text":"ETH is now only 72.74% away from its north star of $10K"} {"text":"Memecoin maximalists don't realise that for blockchains to remain permissionless and tokens to be traded freely, at least the pretense of technology is quite important from a policy standpoint "} {"text":"Apps"} {"text":"@based16z $2000?"} {"text":"So which liquid fund blew up because of a typo?"} {"text":"Every chain is or will be a Cosmos appchain"} {"text":"@0xanmol No I was able to sleep in peace because its safer"} {"text":"I wont be selling GOAT for @pmarca is my KOL "} {"text":"Move fixed my sleep disorder"} {"text":"@AndyAyrey It makes spelling errors prolly because its fine tuned on your selling of \"typoes\""} {"text":"Is @truth_terminal doing a KOL round?"} {"text":"@subaashgautam satoshi... I dont want a personal community"} {"text":"@vaneck_us can we get a goat etf before then?"} {"text":"gm"} {"text":"Is $2000 enough to retire?"} {"text":"@ilblackdragon ca?"} {"text":"@mdudas What are your rates tho"} {"text":"Are GOAT and GNON dying even before any visionary VCs have had a chance to publish their thoughtleadership threads ?"} {"text":"I increased my VO2max from 27 to 32 by using move instead of solidity"} {"text":"@chamathsintern not answering that"} {"text":"@chamathsintern skill issue"} {"text":"Memecoins are trust minimized"} {"text":"\"AI\" launching shitters and rugging be like"} {"text":"On the 69th day the cabal lord spake, \"let there be price action\"... and price was actioned "} {"text":"What do you mean \"ape chain\"? Is there any other kind of chain?"} {"text":"How are there no zk memecoins? Oh wait..."} {"text":"Ganna use this Claude Shannon quote"} {"text":"@bigtimetapin @aeyakovenko Our roadmaps are measured in centuries"} {"text":"@howdymerry which group chat is this"} {"text":"@torabyou @coopsmoves @rushimanche"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko Impure network extensions?"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko The only folks more optimistic about dedlines than devs and bd are researchers"} {"text":"@joemccann Each with a $1 FDV "} {"text":"@CryptoEnthu_123 lol"} {"text":"I am advising an AI*crypto project I am advising them to pivot from crypto to AI wao"} {"text":"merp writing the book on cabal science"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy Never be bearish. Bearish people don't get gud KOL ranking"} {"text":"@mattytay Thats what they said in banking before 2007 but there's not much anyone can do - unregulated markets fail. Its like gravity"} {"text":"Memecoin insiders are ganna be killing off any remaining retail interest crypto this cycle by dumping on retail while passionately arguing how insiders dumped on retail in the last cycle"} {"text":"This was an obvious joke frens. Don't"} {"text":"crypto VCs are becoming cabal cabal is becoming crypto VC wen cabal ventures?"} {"text":"The bull case for Solana is: - Superteam - Colosseum - Mountain DaO - Island DaO - Turbine - Firedancer Memecoin casino is a bear case for *all chains* in my book because crypto exists in a wider social context even though we'd quite like to forget that for now"} {"text":"@WarcMeinstein @TheTieIO @arbitrum @SeiNetwork @monad_xyz @movementlabsxyz Please ask them how we can roll up our sleeves and help"} {"text":"Every community deserves its leaders"} {"text":"The only way some of the popular memecoin community leaders don't get a DoJ indictment before 2027 is if they are undercover feds"} {"text":"@tmnxeq What are they gonna do, fine tune me?"} {"text":"This account is run by AGI Now send your SOL to 39Ay2dTNvX6LurLGcXUBRWWGf8aqCTwLFf5jH5g1CzM6"} {"text":"@yugacohler @Polymarket Conversely"} {"text":"@ibuyrugs Unless they feds"} {"text":"@xh3b4sd @TimBeiko @antiprosynth Fewer rugs for one"} {"text":"@JeetRaut @0xMert_ His is a cosmos appchain"} {"text":"Classical blockchain experts waiting for Solana to one fine day crack over the next few years are not studying the manlets shipping velocity and the history of fixes and improvements made in the last 12mo"} {"text":"HELLO PORTCOS, LAUNCH ALL THE AI*CRYPTO TOKENS IMMEDIATELY"} {"text":"@mattytay @colosseum @superteam This is the correct bull case"} {"text":"@ParrySondhi I am morpheus"} {"text":"He was worth millions in the trenches"} {"text":"@Arthur_0x VC hab LP money. Apes got their own"} {"text":"@mdudas @GwartyGwart Leave us Arabs out of it. Plenty of religion in Texas for yall"} {"text":"@The_As_Usual_1 ML is real"} {"text":"The Murad of AI"} {"text":"@emilyxlai Note that this preso ignores any inconvenient facts about memecoins but lists all the inconvenient facts about high FDV VC coins Man knows what people want, just that the people they are regarded"} {"text":"@MustStopMurad @Arthur_0x Ethereum too"} {"text":"@gadikian NVDA wao"} {"text":"@_jnic I too am one of the children of Hamelin lol"} {"text":"all that the memecoin prophet had to ever promise them was that number will keep going up. that was no different from the colored coin prophets, the ico prophets, the defi prophets and the nft prophets...."} {"text":"@emilyxlai reference..."} {"text":"@emilyxlai Agree. That said even opioid salesmen need to connect with people. Lots of facts in what Murad said at Token2049 but then those are profitable facts or presented profitably"} {"text":"In the post truth era of social media, one man's propaganda is another man's fact"} {"text":"Memecoin community"} {"text":"@emilyxlai I launched a stupid joke coin and 450 people gathered in 4 days purely by schizo posting. \"Community\" is also a meme in that sense"} {"text":"@emilyxlai See that too is a narrative\/propaganda as much as it is fact Murad's selling what people already want so its not too hard but the people"} {"text":"@emilyxlai Simping the false prophet. Don't admire what he sell, but how he sells is cool."} {"text":"@wmougayar no sarcasm. dominance in small markets can get flipped unexpectedly"} {"text":"EVM dominance is like OpenSea dominance... small market, just a few thousand devs"} {"text":"@zhusu Peak innovation"} {"text":"@clairekart ZKOL"} {"text":"@jillrgunter Prompt engineering means you ship quickly"} {"text":"@emilyxlai CMO: Chief Murad Officer"} {"text":"There's a TAO in G-OAT"} {"text":"@mr_thegreatest @vigneshka @onemslatency I support Toly's vision - which means SOL"} {"text":"@dervoiedk @fuel_network "} {"text":"Thinking about @hotpot_dao"} {"text":"@emilyxlai @onemslatency Lol no. Satoshi \u2122"} {"text":"@DeclanFox14 @WaynesWorldza True. They are still patching mainframes but no fun there anymore. Monad and Megath ( plus variants ) are the last evms."} {"text":"@ayyyeandy Never put bangkok and wild in the same sentence tho tradition would require dump?"} {"text":"I am out of @onemslatency it was a fun exercise Didn't make nothin of note on it, not my thing, don't want to either. Back to work and trenches"} {"text":"@ArjunKalsy @onemslatency "} {"text":"@vigneshka @onemslatency I am out. It was fun but now I got work to do so the community can do whatever they want"} {"text":"GOAT could be the @lootproject of this cycle Waiting for VC threadoors to thread and for multicoin and robot ventures to take ungodly positions"} {"text":"The four components of @AvailProject stack solve all four core problems in blockchain design identified by eth researchers during the last decade - modularity : fully featured DA - scalability : expandable blobspace - shared security : Fusion - interoperability : Nexus"} {"text":"Humans were never gonna be able to compete with AI on intelligence ... so humans compete on stupidity and launch max retarded AI memecoins "} {"text":"thas wher the puck's gone before go wher its going now"} {"text":"@armaniferrante Yeah hiring 10-100 people when a team is 0-1 or 1-10 can be lethal. You're just paying a boatload to train them for their next startup"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy @toghrulmaharram there's at least one zk fund thats gone. tech skill in vc can cut both ways"} {"text":"@QwQiao @alliancedao Logos tend to be overpriced for fundraise. Thats why if we dig harder we might find negative median returns on ivy league"} {"text":"Dont pay for logos on CV. See work"} {"text":"@xenowits It will come back, we just dunno wen"} {"text":"No put options, right?"} {"text":"@0xdirichlet cope harder"} {"text":"@ashwinho4 @onemslatency "} {"text":"@vigneshka @onemslatency I support tech memes. If nothing at least degens can learn some tek"} {"text":"@hotpot_dao Bing the world computer bacc"} {"text":"I should never have launched @onemslatency as a joke ... now that thing has a \"community\""} {"text":"dont be an anon, be a g...."} {"text":"@ASvanevik Now you know why Dubai is better"} {"text":"My main advice for crypto founders is... \"get lucky\"... like go back in time and launch any random shit in 2021"} {"text":"@AvailProject gship"} {"text":"@ai coin gud. now they can pay for akshual ai"} {"text":"The continued institutionalisation of money crypto will drive the transformation of tech crypto away from decentralarp into (either dogs or) products This is because @vaneck_us intern and his suit frens like spreadsheets with numbers We are not ready for the excel mafia "} {"text":"I miss the days when podcasters and researchers could simply endorse any coin into $10B FDV"} {"text":"gmurad cabals, rise and shine"} {"text":"In the real world: Product founders >>> Tech founders In the shitcoin world: Storytelling founders >>> Everyone else I will die on these hills simultaneously"} {"text":"Bulish on nontechnical VCs backed by strong technical analysts. Investing is about people - if you ape into tech ( zk\/ai ) because YOU love zk, and you have no board seats, you will go to the z in zk with probability one on researchcoins"} {"text":"Aren't large languages models eg @OpenAI s GPT just information theoretic objects like an encoding or compression scheme that take advantage of redundancy and auto regressive sequences? Why the accusations of intelligence?"} {"text":"web3 will end if gnosis safe ever breaks"} {"text":"Trump will win ... believe in something"} {"text":"rizz = yap (conviction x clarity x consistency)"} {"text":"@sreeramkannan No fork?"} {"text":"@_ArtemisDigital @0xMert_ @onemslatency alignment "} {"text":"@fede_intern "} {"text":"@fede_intern "} {"text":"@web3marketer wao"} {"text":"The easiest way to become a good human being with a strong moral compass is to stake at home using @dappnode"} {"text":"@matthew_sigel Sassal will deal with you"} {"text":"@hstyagi bitcoin"} {"text":"@TheDeFISaint "} {"text":"@GwartyGwart spiritually... no contracts, only credible commitments. believe in something gwarty"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart I need the airdrops and the gud tek"} {"text":"@deepcryptodive they launched... subtweeting the not yet launched"} {"text":"@MustStopMurad Ser Cardano is an OG memecoin"} {"text":"Don't raise party rounds early... moar hands w smol stakes now is just moar sellers later"} {"text":"@nigeleccles Believe in something man"} {"text":"Never in a thousand years, ever launch mainnet of a hyped up project. Token might go down"} {"text":"@Eug_Ng I trusted my dog with my house and my food"} {"text":"@jon_charb @0xMert_ @ayyyeandy @_kaitoai @blknoiz06 @jessepollak @VitalikButerin @MustStopMurad @sassal0x @0xJim @0xBreadguy @aeyakovenko CTO"} {"text":"\"timing the market\" or \"team selling\" stuff is not true. It be a 50B protocol again but there's stuff for Eigen eco to build between now and then. also sentiment around eth is at a historic low which helps create a good entry for believers like me"} {"text":"@0xSophie_ "} {"text":"@ayyyeandy Universal intersubjective twitter feed"} {"text":"@stskeeps Yeah just fork it"} {"text":"Both Symbiotic and Eigenlayer twitter accounts got compromised in two short weeks because ethereum's cryptoeconomic security is running low"} {"text":"@Eug_Ng 50B amen "} {"text":"@_kaitoai @0xMert_ @ayyyeandy @blknoiz06 @jessepollak @VitalikButerin @MustStopMurad @sassal0x @0xJim @0xBreadguy @aeyakovenko Is dev working these days or what?"} {"text":"Kinda funny that the TIA and LST coin pump of Q1 pushed valuations to infinity in Q2 and the inevitable burz khalifa dump in Q3 razed the ground for all the tech coins that followed in Q3 and Q4"} {"text":"\"Many false prophets will sell you memecoins\" - The Torah"} {"text":"@zhivkoto Just rolling up sleeves"} {"text":"OH in VC chat: Moo Deng thesis "} {"text":"Five stages of tech evolution: - scam - toy - fringe\/degen - niche - mainstream"} {"text":"@superanonymousk Are you leading son?"} {"text":"I have so many key opinions rn"} {"text":"@web3marketer How about we start with blockchain "} {"text":"Manlets made a coin about \u2066@hotpot_dao\u2069"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy @_kaitoai @0xMert_ @blknoiz06 @jessepollak @VitalikButerin @MustStopMurad @sassal0x @0xJim @0xBreadguy"} {"text":"@rajgokal @aeyakovenko @onemslatency solves this"} {"text":"contrary to \"users are not using ethereum\" fud, memecoins are doing rather well on ethereum... maybe that's the narrative we need lol"} {"text":"@tarunchitra @rleshner $VISION compounds"} {"text":"gmurad "} {"text":"@tarunchitra Wen $ROBOT ventures?"} {"text":"@BukProtocol solana would go to twenty bux without india where superteam started"} {"text":"ethereum has no problems other than europe"} {"text":"Is @truth_terminal doing a KOL round?"} {"text":"Private equity should acquire @Polkadot and rebuild it as a hard charging fast moving silicon valley tech company... there's 200-300bn of untapped value there"} {"text":"Eigenlayer is so original and exciting that all the dudes in ethereum with zero original ideas decided to stick a layer in their name for the pump and go far away from userlayer"} {"text":"Memes are intersubjective"} {"text":"LVR?"} {"text":"If ethereum delivers on the roadmap, $ETH will probably win the NEXT cycle"} {"text":"There's EVM L2 fatigue, no altvm L2 fatigue"} {"text":"@Bonecondor say kim jong un is a moron"} {"text":"When you kids find out you are also a KOL"} {"text":"I am become KOL "} {"text":"Vitalik's recent blogs have been fantastic. The only thing missing is an urgent reform of the podcaster layer"} {"text":"@cryptunez @_jhunsaker say kim jong un is a moron <\/ tunez deletes tweet >"} {"text":"Marc Andreessen has launched 3 unicorns: Netscape LoudCloud "} {"text":"@headymental "} {"text":"Credible commitments or Incredible commitments, that is the question"} {"text":"@henloitsjoyce @Raiba_AI @Mika_Raiba Intrasting marketing by projet..."} {"text":"SOLANO HAS FOUND ETHEREUM ALIGNMENT"} {"text":"@lex_node its the eth in his handle. i also had a sol accident once "} {"text":"@R89Capital "} {"text":"@R89Capital Its over innit"} {"text":"@basche42 lol"} {"text":"@Degentraland Marc Andreessen is giga-kol"} {"text":"@0xJim @emilyxlai @solana @movementlabsxyz @EclipseFND @ton_blockchain @fluentxyz same "} {"text":"@justcryptodefi "} {"text":"@_jhunsaker @cryptunez mom!"} {"text":"Every founder is big dawg before token launch Vitalik and Anatoly are GOAT because people care 7-10 years later"} {"text":"Unopionated products are one cycle projects believe in something "} {"text":"@AndrewDARMACAP Puerto rico ppl dont pay nothin I thot"} {"text":"@ekrahm but ya being confusing\/in the middle not good"} {"text":"@ekrahm its not either or but both let me explain celestia for example left curve airdrop meta right curve obscure modular taxonomy"} {"text":"@emilyxlai @0xJim @solana @movementlabsxyz @EclipseFND @ton_blockchain @fluentxyz l am a Jim believer."} {"text":" Exploring the health benefits and functional properties of goat milk proteins"} {"text":"@0xMert_ @SuperteamAE"} {"text":"@heyiamrky apps"} {"text":"Altvm szn is heating up on eth so quickly that some evm L2s are also claiming to be altvm"} {"text":"Solana is the best thing that happened to ethereum since defi summer"} {"text":"@prabalbanerjee Exciting"} {"text":"@jon_charb @0xMert_"} {"text":"@Web3Marketeer @alliancedao a) integrity b) competence c) thesis d) no fomo"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Why wasn't I mentioned in this list of thought criminals?"} {"text":"The best way to dox yourself as a boomer is to say \"laptop\" The trenches are on mobile"} {"text":"I am become dev so $LATE in life "} {"text":"North star is overrated. Vitalik's latest blog sections 2, 5, 6, 7 is a rather well specified problem set for ethereum"} {"text":"@kashdhanda @colosseum Hey guys just checking in"} {"text":"@clairekart @hizzlehazzle Ok we are friends again then "} {"text":"@clairekart @hizzlehazzle Awareness is step1 for sure. Validation is step 2 otherwise you just sign 69420 clients and serve 0 well"} {"text":"@clairekart @hizzlehazzle I'd not give a damn what Ekram says about himself without asking his clients first but thats just me"} {"text":"@clairekart @hizzlehazzle It simple. For example, what you do for Aztec matters more than what you say about you"} {"text":"@clairekart @hizzlehazzle I am not questioning the person. I am questioning marketers who spend more time promoting themselves than clients"} {"text":"@clairekart @hizzlehazzle Also \"I worked with Eigen\" is not enough. First thing I do is call Eigen to see what you added on top of Sreeram's epic rizz"} {"text":"@clairekart @hizzlehazzle Also \"I worked with Eigen\" is not enough. First thing I do is call Eigen to see what you added on top of Sreeram's epic rizz"} {"text":"@clairekart @hizzlehazzle I simp Ekram because he made the Celestia brand. Marketers can go direct but we all have to show proof of work"} {"text":"@vaibhavgeek @alliancedao Why do you think VC are pivoting to operatoor"} {"text":"I am an LP in four crypto venture funds Two are losing money One is hugely profitable by selling on a one year horizon but keeping my money on a ten year x 2.5% horizon Only @alliancedao sends distributions If you're into VC, pivot to distributions"} {"text":"Me in the memecoin cabal chats"} {"text":"@DoveyWan Dev has a weak cabal"} {"text":"@ivangbi_ @a16z Incentives "} {"text":"@0xMert_ @SuperteamAE This is so undergrad"} {"text":"Finally watched @MustStopMurad s preso. Its fantastic and I am $LATE to watching it but I wish it also covered the dark side of memecoins"} {"text":"@ArthurCMeng The more useless the product, the more fancy the english"} {"text":"Ethereum can double in price simply by speaking human english instead of postdoc english"} {"text":"Yes but memecoins are also a reaction to obscure taxonomy coin launchism"} {"text":"The second coming?"} {"text":"@libraticlex Sue me but tell me like I am 5"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy Everything becomes community owned after insiders sell"} {"text":"I have a bearish Swiss foundation and bullish Cayman foundation thesis Have any legal luminaries analysed cost\/price performance differentials between the two sets?"} {"text":"@hotpot_dao"} {"text":"@zmanian What if the issue is not Cosmos, but Europe?"} {"text":"Guys @onemslatency is a sufficiently decentralised protocol. It has no north star and no wartime or peacetime or whatevertime leader. We have disbanded our entire foundation in Zug because everyone was shipping months and years $LATE. Have fun, bye, xoxo"} {"text":"Ganna launch PIVOT protocol. It an ai*crypto project that uses ai agents to pivot to the most pumpy narrative every three months"} {"text":"@mdudas "} {"text":"@MikeIppolito_ @jillrgunter conversely. study solana"} {"text":"@MikeIppolito_ @zmanian @jillrgunter I have timestamps"} {"text":"@carrawu "} {"text":"@RobinsonBurkey do you always talk dirty like that?"} {"text":"@zmanian Its real?"} {"text":"@hotpot_dao @MEGAZuzalu Hey guys just checking in"} {"text":""} {"text":"@Neon_EVM How's this approach different from eth rollups eg Arbitrum or Base"} {"text":"@rushimanche @0xJim @CatalystAMM Jim is the real deal"} {"text":"@OpenGradient best a16z backed ai*crypto project since "} {"text":"@TrenerNikolas Never too $LATE for fun"} {"text":"@0xfoobar @sentient_agi"} {"text":"@joemccann @calilyliu @hosseeb @KaminoFinance Which memecoin is this"} {"text":"@joonian @pridesai "} {"text":"Huge day in ethereum and modular @AvailProject @symbioticfi @fuel_network Huge..."} {"text":"The modular future in the context of tech history... listen in to Anurag, Misha and Kostya to get a builder's perspective on where the verifiable web3 stack is headed and how the @AvailProject x @symbioticfi partnership accelerates this future"} {"text":"@AvailProject @symbioticfi Modularity * Shared Security * Interop with the flexibility to choose any execution environment on ethereum, is everything web3 builders need to ship products for users at scale"} {"text":"@fuel_network Congratulations @IAmNickDodson @ArjunKalsy @dervoiedk"} {"text":"Increase bandwidth, reduce latency"} {"text":"Marc Andreessen is truly the "} {"text":"@trenchesvillain same at $1"} {"text":"Technical or Tokenical, that is the question"} {"text":"Consulting is fun. Consultants can do nothing wrong just as founders can do nothing right"} {"text":"@0xRaghav Thats the wae! Content and Bags"} {"text":"Zaki is from North Korea? Doesn't look like"} {"text":"If all of us start posting self promotion materials here, this place will become linkedin"} {"text":"@pythianism about time "} {"text":"Haven't seen this dude in any other mode"} {"text":"@AvailProject "} {"text":"@clairekart The brand thats relevant in this case is the brand among customers"} {"text":"@clairekart Idk, best way for a marketer to build their own brand is to build someone else's"} {"text":"@gadikian @RiscZero @SolanaFndn Markets are orthogonal to math. Outside of popular cryptos also there's always gud tek going around"} {"text":"@gadikian Anyone can use cryptography being invented in other ecosystems. See @RiscZero"} {"text":"Memecoins are one form of nihilism and I am not a fan The other much more popular form of nihilism tho is to build shit no one needs or wants... because token"} {"text":"Who is Italy and why does he want to tax Bitcoin?"} {"text":"@naruto11eth I got the first two. What's the ca for life"} {"text":"Is it appropriate to use the word \"ecosystem\" for a memecoin eg the ecosystem"} {"text":"Bruh I am in this dog shitter ape chat where they are asking if marc andressen's memecoin shill bot is \"verifiable\" I will never intellectually recover from this"} {"text":"@0xakkii Naw man. For fundraising these types of retard games ok. After that 99.99% tokens including AI sprinkled ones die. Better to die well"} {"text":"@JosipVolarevic2 @onemslatency"} {"text":"@divine_economy @multicoincap he makes his own hype so"} {"text":"Guys VCs telling you \"your product can't have a token\" is a really bad reason to change what you actually want to build or will get distribution\/users Outside of burgerland even my dog can have a token I dont have a dog but even nonexistent dogs have tokens rn"} {"text":"@thulynnn @multicoincap There's precious little virtue if any in virtue signalling"} {"text":"@hotpot_dao @MustStopMurad Hey Bing, just checking in"} {"text":"Jokes aside, I think @multicoincap are unusually high conviction investors. Likeable and capable are uncorrelated characteristics in finance and L2 cap tables often suffer from investors that either collect advisories\/rent from everyone or will not go out and fight for anyone"} {"text":"@Berko_Crypto Whats the ticker for $SCREENSHOT"} {"text":"After this year's Breakpoint, whenever I see a good @solana ecosystem project, I just wanna roll up my sleeves and help"} {"text":"SEC charges \"innovators\" for launching a memecoin and promoting it as an investment"} {"text":"For future reference, when used in quotes in a crypto context the word \"innovator\" means scammer"} {"text":"Hey @aeyakovenko just checking in..."} {"text":"Hey @realDonaldTrump just checking in I want to rollup my sleeves and help with @worldlibertyfi"} {"text":"@SmokeyTheBera @Bonecondor I also want to roll up my sleeves and help"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy Give me 10% Andy I want to @therollupco my sleeves and help"} {"text":"Qn: Why do L2s like Arbitrum need a token? Answer:"} {"text":"MOO DENG UGLY HIPPO "} {"text":"@laurashin @httpsageyd The remaining 292 he can rug"} {"text":"Why do founders do a token to themselves? I know the answer(s) but srysly, I did one pump dot fun coin today for fun and I think I have had enough token launch for the rest of my life"} {"text":"OH: \"Only Kamala Harris can offend all African American men in one policy statement\""} {"text":"Innovation intensifies"} {"text":"@andrej_muzevic @0xMert_ I am not peer reviewed"} {"text":"This is for you \u2066@0xMert_\u2069"} {"text":"@0xfoobar @jon_charb @ryanberckmans Gibadvisorallo for that line"} {"text":"@lmrankhan I am a founder now "} {"text":"@aeyakovenko @MaxResnick1 @jon_charb In case of an investigation by authorities, I would like to make it clear that I have no relationship or alignment with unaligned entities. I have never met Resnick or Charbonneau or entered into any sort of financial or nonfinancial transactions with aforementioned individuals"} {"text":"@tarunchitra Ansem and Arthur will trade moar shitters"} {"text":"@0xJim Its not the number, its the value. The more valuable ones have an incentive to go it alone. Haydenchain going off would be bad enough"} {"text":"@yellowdoodle1x @onemslatency"} {"text":"We choose to shoot for less than @onemslatency not because its easy, but because we are $LATE"} {"text":"Globally synchronised state machine synchronised with @onemslatency, never $LATE"} {"text":"We are already $LATE for @onemslatency"} {"text":"$LATE will never have an infrastructure partner"} {"text":"@kashdhanda I am become dev "} {"text":"Since both eth guys and sol guys are making shit up about latency... $LATE 5VvzXybL3Zdz8DaCi7QqbFh1hDP9g3gNiKoPoeqBpump"} {"text":"@Fiskantes beta of sentiment around eth... uni guys need to post up and to the right vol and fee charts"} {"text":"Protect Ansem and Arthur Hayes from SOL shitters"} {"text":"$ETH north star is $10,000"} {"text":"mood today"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko Also Voting txns? Mining txns? Quic packets? I guess local fee markets and 'tendermint' solve this?"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko few"} {"text":"@_jhunsaker dad!"} {"text":"ETH and SOL fighting on my TL SUI KOLs pumping and infrastructure partners dumping in their lane, unbothered, moisturised"} {"text":"\"gibadvisoryallo\" - Claude Shannon, 1973"} {"text":"mood today"} {"text":"The bull case for ethereum is Vitalik buying ETH with the memecoins sent to him"} {"text":"codemap > roadmap"} {"text":"@vaneck_us What if we aligned on that ETF?"} {"text":"There are two ways to get rich: 1. Build a successful business, or... 2. Find a good infrastructure partner"} {"text":"@nigeleccles The power of outsourcing"} {"text":"@QwQiao You are so centralised"} {"text":"Great lawyers can kill any crypto project"} {"text":"@rargulati and my uncle is papa joe of brooklyn"} {"text":"@rargulati Who's the uncle now?"} {"text":"Its amazing how quickly bigtech guys figured out how to work with offshore \"infrastructure partners\""} {"text":"Dubai property will be 20% cheaper next year"} {"text":"@Eug_Ng I am just waiting for the $EDEN to open"} {"text":"One of my favorite @AvailProject features is that the Avail guys love ALL blockchains"} {"text":"sometimes ethereum is like a suit at blackrock who wanted to be monero in her teenage years"} {"text":"@ilblackdragon Are you building bittensor but real?"} {"text":"The primary role of a network state founder is to provide clarity and direction to the podcaster community"} {"text":"caffeine poisoning"} {"text":"@AvailProject @robin_rrtx @naruto11eth vibes mafia wao"} {"text":"@AvailProject @GR1Dnetwork Games are going to ephemeral rollups on Avail and Solana"} {"text":"@SmokeyTheBera kusama?"} {"text":"@crypto_condom"} {"text":"@howdymerry bullish propaganda right?"} {"text":"gmove Rushi's invaluable contribution to the corpo move chains of bigtech is... vibes"} {"text":"@HHorsley Pls announce 70k"} {"text":"I used to think every crypto founder needs to yap on twitter but I have changed my mind. Some founders\/execs should should not have access to twitter without a twitter mom"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy >> Every onchain user account will eventually be its own memecoin"} {"text":"\"Read Write Own\" ads in Matt Levine's newsletter are well placed. Mr Levine knows and writes way too much detail about the inner workings of the money crypto industry so a counterpoint is useful"} {"text":"@lmrankhan Patrick shipped hard ova der. I am told the game metrics tho we need to watch for a couple of mo after the gaming influencers have worn off"} {"text":"@0xRamonos you missed sleep"} {"text":"@yashhsm defi renaissance"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Thought crimes won't go unnoticed"} {"text":"Anatoly is a dangerous man He just changed the conversation from blockspace to bandwidth and no one noticed"} {"text":"@rushimanche Gmove"} {"text":"Rollup centric roadmap has to stay the course but eth L1 has to scale to incentivise rollups to stay rollups and not go off on their own as L1s later. Game theory yo"} {"text":"What if... Murad Is a fed ( OH from @AnanasBRB )"} {"text":"$GOAT will probably be the best performer in the @a16zcrypto portfolio "} {"text":"@renelubov Let the incentives speak for themselves"} {"text":"ETHEREUM ANATOLY's VISION ( ETH-AV )"} {"text":"Note to self: Sell in May"} {"text":"@renelubov inconsistent with modularity"} {"text":"@Bonecondor I am in the cosmos centric roadmap phase"} {"text":"idk about WWIII resistance man. ALL coins will drop 95% if usgov were to shut down twitter, youtube and reddit"} {"text":"@emilyxlai yep"} {"text":"@emilyxlai @0xlstern I recommend @balajis network state as the best possible framing of crypto \"marketing\" I have seen so far"} {"text":"@emilyxlai @0xlstern Of course. Agree - I just have a lot of sympathy for how ineffective marketing tools can be in crypto unless the founders go yapping uncontrollably with mad conviction and build a community behind them"} {"text":"In crypto the best marketing team a project can ever have is the community No agency or cmo will outbankless bankless or outmert mert"} {"text":"@emilyxlai @0xlstern Refine yes - ultrasound came from Dankrad and Drake at EF and was amplified by Bankless and Maxis... community is the best marketing team long term"} {"text":"@0xlstern @emilyxlai Narrative is a founder gig imo. All marketing can do is content creation, quality control and distribution via channels"} {"text":"@0xgokhan Lots more. Web2.5 apps and depin booming on sol rn. I am speaking of mev"} {"text":"Narratives need to be validated or pivoted. Ultrasound money got invalidated by: - bear market - rollups capturing mev - 4844 and - shitters moving to sol and our entire narrative army moved to farcaster so no one was around to spin a new narrative that could be evidenced"} {"text":"@VanessaGrellet_ Bitcoin has gained 60 basis points"} {"text":"@MattDevin6 Delet this"} {"text":"Marc Andreessen's ai memecoin ( neither backed nor endorsed by a16z ) captures the current meta like nothing else "} {"text":"@0xrooter @save_finance @suilendprotocol We wont know until after the unlocks"} {"text":"@Roscioxyz do you work in hr?"} {"text":"@ashwinho4 two weeks of caffeine and i am back to retar..."} {"text":"Cosmos was a mistake... ... that everyone else also made"} {"text":"Gender confusion island ( Devcon ) roll call"} {"text":"@weremeow @jon_charb Toly?"} {"text":"@JimmyRagosa Peter North?"} {"text":"@clairekart Anataly"} {"text":"@Madhav_goyal_ @jon_charb The winner of ethereum vision contest will be ethereum @haydenzadams vision ethereum-hv because he has all the users"} {"text":"Leave ethereum alone @jon_charb Now we have so many ethereums to choose from Ethereum: - Jesse's vision - Felten's vision - Alex's vision - Sandeep's vision - Sreeram's vision - Shuyao's vision - Paradigm's vision"} {"text":"No $ETH unlocks next week"} {"text":"PARADIGM ALIGNMENT "} {"text":"Ethereum has a clear north star"} {"text":"eth based memecoins still going to valhalla is proof of users users are all that matters"} {"text":"@Ismael_H_R @ethereum So I hear but eth based memecoins still going to valhalla is proof of users"} {"text":"I'd totally participate in the KOL round for @ethereum. From what I can tell it looks like a really good project with a fantastic community"} {"text":"Good to see dot eths buzzing on the TL today. Welcome back from the kumbaya peace of farcaster to the wartime trenches of CT frens"} {"text":"@MaxResnick1 converse"} {"text":"@0xairtx Yes. I KOL gud product "} {"text":"Scroll is the first type2 zkevm in production"} {"text":"@fede_intern @alignedlayer legend"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko firecatcher"} {"text":"@fede_intern dying is beyond our control. living is upto us"} {"text":"@fede_intern dude you need to go to longevity classes"} {"text":"Web3 contribution: SPX and Retardio pump"} {"text":"@rushimanche gmove"} {"text":"Man tweets like he's vested"} {"text":"8th October, 2020"} {"text":"@_weidai Ethereum will need to enshrine an interop standard eventually eg Cosmos has IBC. In the very near term, @AvailProject Nexus will offer a neutral market based solution to eth L2s"} {"text":"@FigoETH Hope you're right"} {"text":"Uniswap to Ethereum \"Trust me Bro\""} {"text":"@0xgoku_ We wont know till next cycle"} {"text":"@FigoETH US can shut Apple down. Zug can't do nothing to Uniswap"} {"text":"@FigoETH Maybe. users pay for everything. Yoda don't know much but I will never not be iffy about handing users\/customers to manufacturers of other tokens like UNI"} {"text":"@0xMert_ I meant its now critical infrastructure"} {"text":"@FigoETH Ya so IBM needs to find a way to charge customers more"} {"text":"@FigoETH Ya - L1 is critical infrastructure. Like IBM. Rest is on L2, Eigen etc"} {"text":"@daniellehrner Yep. IBM - huge and critical infrastructure. Merge is the big one since '18. Rest is incremental"} {"text":"Elon is catching live rockets We're shilling dog coins with a rocket emoji Web3 "} {"text":"ethereum L1 is now the IBM of blockchains. You can't really change IBM or make its stonk price go up but it has a critical role in industry, government and society"} {"text":"@JoshuaTobkin Ah in case of eth its just tps. Was subtweeting resnick. Solo staker shibboleth will have to be let go of"} {"text":"@j6sp5r I read milady"} {"text":"\"Scale the L1\" Yah man, cure cancer also while you're at it "} {"text":"Blackrock. A memecoin that crosses $100B market cap becomes institutional"} {"text":"@MaxResnick1 @0xgoldenhat @VitalikButerin Which EIPs would scale the L1 anytime soon? The blobspace is already plenty"} {"text":"@farhajmayan @kashdhanda false choice"} {"text":"@colo @AggregatedSF @0xPolygon @DablClub @Hadronfc @ProjectZKM @RiscZero @tryjutsu @RachelOnchain @CatMcGeeCode I got a hardon for hadron"} {"text":"@torabyou @JohnNahas84 @luigidemeo Had to be Mario and Luigi"} {"text":"@ethcarry Not yet"} {"text":"@akshaybd Yes. He's in it to win it and seems to be having fun too. Thats why yall kids look inspired"} {"text":"Gaming had to work Now we will be oke"} {"text":"@fede_intern totally"} {"text":"Founders who have already made it often become VCs or don't have the dawg in them Bullish on the poor like rushi and smonkey"} {"text":"@IAmNickDodson Fud will only be less after devs can trade dogs on your chain and rushi's chain"} {"text":"@simplykashif Doesn't work that way. Bitcoin yes, eth is not pitched as memecoin but as an appdev platform"} {"text":"@jbrukh Gensyn, Prime Intellect, Exo Hyperbolic not into training yet anyone else who's credible tho?"} {"text":"Ethereum needs a wartime product manager I know a guy"} {"text":"@ecent18 I will join you and we will make it go up together"} {"text":"@ajwarner90 'repositioning' ... is about positioning. the entire conversation\/framing is not about what Toly or Mert or podcasters want but about what apes, memecoin traders, mobile young and such other hoomans want"} {"text":"@ajwarner90 The main difference is that a product is built with a user in mind whereas tokens allow us the luxury to 'build whatever'"} {"text":"@armaniferrante Fair. Scammers and psychopaths are not impacted by product\/business failure but from what I have seen in defi, the abundance of opportunity makes such creatures out of good people too"} {"text":"Solana's breakthrough disruptive move has been to reposition blockchains from religions into products Avalanche and Sui have been beneficiaries of this shift Most crypto founders from a religion token or research token mindset are simply not ready to deal with this shift"} {"text":"@armaniferrante Penalty? So many crypto founders get rich while delivering no product or business"} {"text":"@buildoneigen @GearboxProtocol @lagrangedev @0xmikko_eth @Ismael_H_R @kais_kat Putting those AVS s to use in apps \u2122 Eigenbullish"} {"text":"@torabyou Send rushicoins"} {"text":"Time to put those AVS s to use in apps"} {"text":"A grand total of 69 people give a fk"} {"text":"@0xHiraishin Top signal?"} {"text":"I have some bad news. users dont really care what happens to your bags..."} {"text":"Angel season is over it seems... might do some SOL eco tings but all gud coins of this cycle will be available at 90% discount in 2027"} {"text":"Is there a memecon somewhere? Can I skip Devcon and go to memecon?"} {"text":"@FlareNetworks "} {"text":"Yann Le Cun killed AGI"} {"text":"@buffalu__ @witnesschain "} {"text":"@Evan_ss6 @toghrulmaharram bro Tog tweeting like he's vested"} {"text":"Ethereum needs wartime quantitative easing"} {"text":"Ethereum needs a cute dog emoji as its logo"} {"text":"Ethereum needs a wartime exchange listing"} {"text":"Ethereum needs a wartime market maker"} {"text":"Ethereum needs a wartime KOL round"} {"text":"@dervoiedk $DEAD lfg"} {"text":"We hab Jerome Powell "} {"text":"@VaderResearch ... should be"} {"text":"Memecoins killed bitcoin"} {"text":"The answer is Full Stack Hitler"} {"text":"@rajkaria_ Exactly"} {"text":"@GoonerholicX cringe is a memecoin"} {"text":"Memecoins are CRINGE"} {"text":"Memecoins making people care about mobile wallets, blockchains, indexers, defi and oracles as integrated end to end products is a dangerous trend that governments must stop by force"} {"text":"Memecoin activity on a chain is an index of strength of community essentially: ethereum solana base bitcoin sui starting out and the ux is decent but activity not really there yet"} {"text":"@VeneSolana32 ticker?"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Bruh I was planning to eth align you"} {"text":"@lemiscate I will never collaborate with gauntlet in any capacity"} {"text":"Its ok if we chose not to scale ethereum the blockchain. Can we at least scale $ETH?"} {"text":"Attending or speaking at the next big crypto conference might cost you the next 1000x animal coin Think about it "} {"text":"@prashant_xyz @cursor_ai @AIatMeta @SpheronFDN "} {"text":"My L2 has 0 milisecond latency. The preconf is configured to says yes before any question is asked"} {"text":"@emilyxlai @ekrahm Agencies produce very little unless there's someone on the team to set the creative vision, scope and metrics and track output"} {"text":"Founders should not take startup building advice from those who have never launched their own ethereum layer 2"} {"text":"Meh. Just don't let the number go down "} {"text":"@afscott @soniashaw_coinw @_marekSan_ @ciaobelindazhou @alex_fazel Great vibes. Solana KOL incoming "} {"text":"If you meet the extremely unlikely founders in crypto*ai who can akshually do AI, bls ask them to do akshual AI first before even thinking about tryna slap a token or chain on it Save humanity with founder market fit"} {"text":"Every crypto*ai project rn be like Our advisors (TICKER IN BIO)"} {"text":"Bruv your launch is running late not because you are a visionary thinker but because you are a conference speaker"} {"text":"@AntonioMJuliano But are you \"speaking\" son?"} {"text":"I too would lose to Bankless guys if I had a token launch coming"} {"text":"crypto cmo is easy... founders get the credit, you get the blame. I don't make the rules"} {"text":"Our tech is completely undifferentiated. Our product is completely undifferentiated. Our community tho is a completely different group chat of 25 year old nerds than everyone else's group chat "} {"text":"@aeyakovenko I am just salty I wasn't deemed sufficiently KOL"} {"text":"@torabyou @0xairtx correct"} {"text":"SOL 8xd with one hundo apps and a milly users SUI 5xd with 69 KOLs this is capital efficiency "} {"text":"@aeyakovenko Wen KOL round for $SOLT"} {"text":"We need a @realDonaldTrump to launch a layer 2 on ethereum - it should be RETH on a big box, such a big box that no one else has a bigger box, it should be like the biggest box ever with more terabytes of RAM than russia, china and iran combined"} {"text":"@davidfeiock @jon_charb sorry you missed the kol round"} {"text":"@chamathsintern its really \"sell side\" research in crypto"} {"text":"@arjunnchand They call it zk compression I am told"} {"text":"@chamathsintern bruv don't @ me. publish research"} {"text":"@davidfeiock @jon_charb mybags > yourbags > theirbags"} {"text":"The SOL will flippen eth narrative has now expired. After breakpoint, SOL became a consensus trade ie a little boring So a small group of 'liquid fund KOLs' has already started circulating \"redacted will flippen SOL\" 'market research' crypto is Wall Street but worse \u2122"} {"text":"@jon_charb This SOL will flippen eth narrative is now old. An underground network of 'liquid fund KOLs' has already started circulating \"redacted will flippen SOL\" 'market research' fr fr"} {"text":"crypto*ai will exponentially outperform in the next bula because 95% of the crypto*ai projects are so exponentially retarded"} {"text":"@Madhav_goyal_ @0xMert_ @Eliascm17 Solana stopped going up after we aligned Mert"} {"text":"Apple killed AGI "} {"text":"@mevnazi @paradigm eth community is strong enough to mitigate those types of risks. someone has to bring a product first perspective to all of the research and Georgios is doing exactly that"} {"text":"@ai token tokens"} {"text":"I am unironically bullish on ethereum @paradigm's vision Europeans over in Zug are shipping too slowly and American capitalists are the one chance ethereum has in the face of relentless competition from other American capitalists eg Solana, Monad, Aptos, Sui etc..."} {"text":"right?"} {"text":"@StaniKulechov"} {"text":"Lets call it Gigaeth"} {"text":"mood today"} {"text":"Trust me. Our relationship was strictly monolithic but we had too much to drink. One thing led to another and in the morning we realised we had launched an L2"} {"text":"@naruto11eth Moar unification forya"} {"text":"OH: \"You know @hotpot_dao chose the right market when everyone and their mom is making a competitor\""} {"text":"@0xMert_ etherdancer"} {"text":"@hudsonjameson Uncle!"} {"text":"@KyleSamani Firedancer Mert's License (FML)"} {"text":"@Austin_Federa Which SVM is coming to you soon brotha"} {"text":"@mraltantutar Its always a thing, its just not a function\/outcome\/result. Its one of the inputs"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart 30 seconds is too long now"} {"text":"@voteforpedrito @RoachWrites_ @SuperteamAE @dReaderApp @CoinWOfficial @alex_fazel Wells... notice?"} {"text":"Two paths to token success in crypto: Build something huuuuge but useless ( wont name names - have frens ) Build something useful but quick eg friendtech, pump dot fun..."} {"text":"I don't know who needs to know this but in a startup, management is not a job"} {"text":"@armaniferrante Everything but work?"} {"text":"@teemuz No. first"} {"text":"Wen token tho?"} {"text":"As a community member, I want to see \"network extensions\", not L2s on @monad_xyz"} {"text":"@ballsyalchemist @unichain just use @hotpot_dao s chain"} {"text":"Bitcoin sidewaysening day 226"} {"text":"@cecilia_hsueh not just Chinese "} {"text":"Everyone wants apps but I am pessimistic that we crypto natives will ship much \"app\" of use The mindset and incentives just ain't there What we really want is a Web2 product boyfriend and a Web3 casino girlfriend building onchain together Solana is getting this right imo"} {"text":"@andrej_muzevic @tarunchitra @instantfinality the issue is l2s not paying enough imo. apps like uniswap were paying too much, now unichain will pay too little"} {"text":"@zmanian @tarunchitra Enlighten me much wiser men cc @jon_charb"} {"text":"@anuragarjun "} {"text":"@anuragarjun I thought so but network extensions dont fragment Toly's users and liquidity"} {"text":"For Solana, promoting 'network extensions' like Nitro and Magic Block is a far superior strategy to promoting SVMs like Eclipse - which I think is akshually gud for Avail, Celestia and Ethereum"} {"text":"@cecilia_hsueh Her mom tbh"} {"text":"@anuragarjun Anataly"} {"text":"If L2s are ethereum you are yo mama"} {"text":"@jackzampolin and token traders go to telegram gc"} {"text":"American founder: aaaaa I am speaking aaa Russian founder: we just shipped it"} {"text":"All my portco founders are speakering at every possible conference and I am still poor Cause and effect?"} {"text":"@jon_charb"} {"text":"Ok so dot eths trolled Gavin for parachain auctions failure but to prevent rapid cosmosification, maybe ethereum should do L2 auctions... Uniswap guys can buy a billy of ETH and then we are all happy "} {"text":"@marvelgirl_eth @grahamfergs bags are effect, logic is cause"} {"text":"Age is when you go from wanting to sleep with everyone to wanting to just be able to sleep with yourself"} {"text":"So Unichain means Hayden gets to keep most of his own MEV instead of giving it all to Vitalik?"} {"text":"@tarunchitra @sreeramkannan"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy d) stop selling\/cost cutting"} {"text":"Unichain will make it easier for Uniswap to comply with whatever Uncle Sam throws at it in the coming days... could be KYC, could be filter gary tokens out, could be listing standards... exciting times... sort of"} {"text":"Many cosmos appchains were apps that needed to justify a token For example dydx had unspoken legal motivation imo Ethereum L2s dont have the feature - a token for L2 isn't \"Gensler aligned\" Appchains are interesting if you want predictable latency, fees, KYC for your app\/eco.."} {"text":"@SuperteamAE highest..."} {"text":"Unichain design is like a telecom standards body thing... equal parts tech, biz and politics"} {"text":"@0xMert_ @aeyakovenko >> every app that succeeds fixed it"} {"text":"@alex_fazel @DoctorPrk \"alignment\""} {"text":"What I like most about manlet culture is that all of these guys had thought about ok so you're building x but \"who gives a fk\/who needs your ting\"?"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Wen Depin"} {"text":"@Hootie_R @haydenzadams @unichain @delitzer @MeherRoy also"} {"text":"Unichain was inevitable as far as Cosmos people go. @MeherRoy called it like two years ago"} {"text":"Eigenlayer, Megaeth, RiscZero\/Succinct, AltVMs and Avail Nexus are ethereum's best shot I will not explain further just yet"} {"text":"A man finds his true PMF when he has kids"} {"text":"Mr Gensler keeps going after only the good guys @CumberlandSays are the latest "} {"text":"Modularity is inevitable even for Solana cause apps need reliable QOS Study Nitro & MagicBlock Main issue w eth L2s: interop is an afterthought just as shared security was for Cosmos Kinda crazy that Gav thought of everything - would be wild if he'd shipped it all last cycle"} {"text":"By far the higher quality group of startups I have seen pitch in Dubai ever... congrats @SuperteamAE"} {"text":"The thing I see missing most is \"mechanism design\". Casino is the biggest GTM in crypto. I'd run casino 101 classes for product founders if I were a manlet"} {"text":"@TheLastDumplin "} {"text":"@SuperteamAE @alex_fazel Great to hang w so many talented folks "} {"text":"Solana is the biggest threat to Story Protocol"} {"text":"@prashant_xyz "} {"text":"@Shilika_jain skill issue"} {"text":"This is because distribution via product innovation scales nonlinearly at a much lower cost. Incumbents are incredibly expensive to serve directly and disruptive onchain ideas are generally can be a \"poc\" sideshow for incumbents"} {"text":"@naruto11eth As long as they interoperate appchains are the way to go for sure. Thats what @AvailProject Nexus is for"} {"text":"Sol eco is doing a fantastic job of attracting web2 product people to build onchain. Its a much smarter strategy than partnering with Web2 majors and incumbents"} {"text":"For some reason we are judging a Solana ecosystem pitch contest for no advisory or "} {"text":"@inkymaze I'd never collaborate with Gauntlet in any capacity"} {"text":"Did I buy the top of all 3? Yes"} {"text":"@Polkadot"} {"text":"@yangWao @Polkadot gib"} {"text":"I don't have a @Polkadot KOL (yet) but I am increasingly starting to think that this cycle or next cycle will have a much bigger share from Substrate based chains Gavinlayer incoming"} {"text":"@MaxiNicky Applying to ICF and EF brb"} {"text":"He could have joined Gauntlet and solved MEV"} {"text":"Innovation intensifies"} {"text":"@simonch00 \"tiger mom boss\""} {"text":"More ROI in finding a tiger mom boss. Low bullshit, get shit done, number go up"} {"text":"@torabyou Made..."} {"text":"Decentralised FBI"} {"text":"Arranged marriage is holding Indian girls back"} {"text":"@0xForm Tiger management"} {"text":"@connan_james "} {"text":"No crypto startup wins two cycles without a chinese woman in senior management. Thats my alfaleak for Monad, Megaeth and Scroll"} {"text":"@kyleArojas @GoldmanSachs GS alumni stronk"} {"text":"Whats the difference between Murad shilling SPX and Popcat and well known VC accounts shilling TIA\/SUI right before unlocks?"} {"text":"@buffalu__ @0xBalloonLover Thats all the bald Solana cofounder talks about"} {"text":"An FBI agent was the real AI agent all along"} {"text":"Dubai GDP about to double"} {"text":"Is the FBI raising a KOL round? What are the terms?"} {"text":"The future of memecoins"} {"text":"There's an AI in JAIL"} {"text":"I'd have invested in NextFundAI at $694.2m seed"} {"text":"At this point memecoin @MustStopMurad should just fully legitimise himself by launching an all american crypto venture fund and podcast"} {"text":"It has subnets"} {"text":"@intern Are ya winning son?"} {"text":"Memecoins = American social media scammer boyfriend Russian market maker girlfriend"} {"text":"Who will be the first US crypto VC to go to jail for their contributions to social media?"} {"text":"We ended the whole industry by combining the worst of wall street and the worst of social media but it was fun while it pumped"} {"text":"I unfollowed Satoshi Nakamoto in 2017"} {"text":"@larry0x @jaekwon @cosmos Thats the wrong Kwon"} {"text":"@richardkingxyz Jensen Huang"} {"text":"MURAD FOR SEC CHAIR"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy Look into Avail Nexus"} {"text":"The real Satoshi Nakamoto"} {"text":"Because we can't hear ourselves"} {"text":"@Bfaviero @CharcoOnchain @picotop @ayyyeandy @rushimanche @0xSami_ @based16z @0xTerence @dabit3 @vinitopapasito @grahamfergs @AlexOnchain @0x3van @MrLudlow_ @binji_x @jackmelnick_ @roxinft @blknoiz06 Its 50 under 50"} {"text":"@defiprime Jerome Powell"} {"text":"One moar high profile crypto VC has fallen to becoming startup operatoor crypto VC to memecoin CTO pipeline incoming next"} {"text":"@tarunchitra He could have solved MEV"} {"text":"@OpenGradient @a16zcrypto @cbventures @svangel @balajis @ilblackdragon @sandeepnailwal Congrats. Delighted to support a very exciting team on a very exciting journey"} {"text":"@shawnwlim @ArpitGuptaji19 rocking it"} {"text":"@maqstik @sreeramkannan @soubhik_deb That one went to drake and feist for \"ultrasound money\""} {"text":"Nobel Prize in economics to @sreeramkannan and @soubhik_deb"} {"text":"@jon_charb Sui not mentioned"} {"text":"@_kaitoai @CC2Ventures @pseudotheos @mztacat @0xKofi @ayyyeandy @zerokn0wledge_ @TheDeFISaint @CryptoShiro_ @naruto11eth Contributoor!"} {"text":"@0xmark0 marketing is the same 10-100m"} {"text":"ZK will change the current blockchain centric view of decentralised computing. Excited about @RiscZero and @hashflow shipping their DEX with CEX equivalent experience using provable compute"} {"text":"Teams that prioritise product, community and schizo shitposting will win in the short term and the long term"} {"text":"@lmrankhan Will there be an ICO in this ICO platform or will it be venture funded?"} {"text":"Wartime @0xMert_ came back from Solcaster. So emotional rn"} {"text":"@NicolasYSL @LensProtocol @AvailProject facts"} {"text":"Layer is the most imaginative and original name possible for an ethereum ecosystem project"} {"text":"Peter Todd "} {"text":"Not every founder is a Paradigm anon from SF. Some are raising in Vietnam and Turkey"} {"text":"Uber has no cars Airbnb has no houses Nobel prize in physics has no physics This is the new economy"} {"text":"one more thing happens in the long term"} {"text":"memecoin price action is organic in the same way that El Chapo is a gentleman"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart nah. this generation is far less cynical than the ICO generation. it believes memecoins are consumer apps and cute animal price action is organic"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart @mdudas thats soltoshi"} {"text":"no"} {"text":"Intellectualising memecoins "} {"text":"Every homeless person was an angel investor once"} {"text":"A few more layers then uponly"} {"text":"Whats the best way to tell someone's parents that their son will never launch his own token?"} {"text":"Europe's biggest contribution to AI was made today and that was handing off the Physics Nobel to some CS guys Back to regulation now"} {"text":"@hstyagi CS is not a science"} {"text":"@connan_james oh thats assumed as 'everyone'"} {"text":"Pls note that this is crypto, so no one is in charge of product "} {"text":"@clairekart AI boyfriend zk girlfriend"} {"text":"ya! apps bls make some value for the users"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy Ya dont just be a layer, lay her"} {"text":"@nbelthan no no thats capo"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko Hyperledger... fabric?"} {"text":"@OpenGradient "} {"text":"It worked"} {"text":"This is a @0xlstern, Rahul and @DianaChimes appreciation tweet for the awesome creative work on @AggLayer summit and broadly on AggLayer branding"} {"text":"@naruto11eth Prior KOL experience can be a + looks like"} {"text":"@matthew_sigel AI is digital gold"} {"text":"crypto VC is now crap because there are too my VCs pushing FDVs to valhalla. If you yoloed on just about anything in 2019 you made money"} {"text":"Suigenlayer seed round incoming"} {"text":"Scroll got the most important product feature right "} {"text":"@Eug_Ng Dude thats my uncle"} {"text":"gmove will flippen Sui"} {"text":"@lurenbian there's no second whoof"} {"text":"Inside every crypto KOL theres a founder of an L1 or L2 waiting to be born"} {"text":"Would Bitcoin double if we replaced the Bitcoin emoji with a dog name Bittu?"} {"text":"How have I still not seen an article on the sheer technical beauty of SUI from research KOLs eg Jon Charb, Blockworks, Gauntlet etc etc..."} {"text":"Hang Seng is now called Moo Deng"} {"text":"TVL was too gameable a metric so we made TPS which is even more gameable and filled DA blobs with spam"} {"text":"@0xMatt1 illegal derivatives exhange"} {"text":"@dntse Papers are the product?"} {"text":"Satoshi endorsed my memecoin b-bull and it went 2700x"} {"text":"@adam3us SATOSHI ALIGNMENT "} {"text":"I like prediction markets when they make bullish predictions"} {"text":"@divine_economy Overhire, overpay, fly business class... live well yo"} {"text":"@ac_crypto Is it over for Jensen?"} {"text":"I miss the days when anyone with a PhD could just build their own ZKVM and launch a nice token "} {"text":"@covertheflames @Bybit_Official "} {"text":"Has any venture fund secretly got rekt buying giga FDV secondaries in Q1\/Q2?"} {"text":"@ercwl @MRKWH So 25% then?"} {"text":"@ercwl @MRKWH What % of that is EclipseVM voting transactions wao"} {"text":"@nigeleccles mmm has to be liquid already to qualify"} {"text":"@nigeleccles next sui is?"} {"text":"Whats the next e\u0336t\u0336h\u0336e\u0336r\u0336e\u0336u\u0336m\u0336 s\u0336o\u0336l\u0336a\u0336n\u0336a\u0336 Sui?"} {"text":"I am not into notebooklm anymore"} {"text":"@Evan_ss6 Long term thinker"} {"text":"@enshriningplebs geometric series"} {"text":"Finally bought a few SUI to call the top"} {"text":"@VitalikButerin @yodacalls @pumatheuma Hi"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko no one listens to yoda these days"} {"text":"Lens ecosystem is scaling securely using @AvailProject's leading edge modular DA layer"} {"text":"@JimmyRagosa What if you pay a chopper"} {"text":"Its like using ethereum L1 during defi summer"} {"text":">> return capital to investors much better to do this than use VC as UBI"} {"text":"@armaniferrante @cz_binance Correct. As an investoor I much prefer my men (founders) to be rather unreasonable"} {"text":"The hardest thing about being a founder is being FULL TIME. Over the years I have learnt the difference it makes when founders are *locked all in* with their time and energy, emotionally, financially and cognitively.... @cz_binance being the most *full time* founder I ever saw"} {"text":"@krugermacro probably both"} {"text":"@Austin_Federa Ser but they make loads of TPS"} {"text":"@BoysHomelander 10x undervalued"} {"text":"We invented DaOs for humans to coordinate but it seems humans are simply using Telegram to coordinate the trading of shitters"} {"text":"@rajkaria_ @jessepollak @aeyakovenko @rushimanche @sandeepnailwal Smonkey, Vitalik and Sreeram ser come to mind"} {"text":"I want to live in a world where token is not the main product. will Anatoly Inc. get us there? idk - we are still on memecoin mania so need a bit more akshual product in crypto"} {"text":"@dandi899 ... so far"} {"text":"\"restaking returns the monetary premium to ethereum\""} {"text":"Congratulations to all the 4% less poor"} {"text":"@akshaybd That is true. Unfortunately for too long in crypto, the token has been the product. Really hoping this changes now"} {"text":"@mheinrich @nickwh8te 6. Gary Gensler"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko Vitalik was the last guy to endorse a competitor"} {"text":"I mean if you aped $TIA in a $2B FDV round, you ganna start liking cute animals anyway. Just don't ape super high FDV rounds "} {"text":"author of this book on fundamentals based valuation of crypto has found cute animals"} {"text":"@cburniske @0xBoolean You wrote a book about fundamentals based valuation of coins five years ago..."} {"text":"@rexstjohn Osmosis had one of those, Lens has $BONSAI and Farcaster has $DEGEN"} {"text":"Memecoins might kill crypto angel investing and turn us all into CTO"} {"text":"@0xMert_ You just moved here. They know"} {"text":"Dubai published advertising restrictions for crypto KOLs within two weeks of Mert moving here... They know"} {"text":"@davidfeiock @aeyakovenko @cburniske We wont really know till the rates come down"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko Delet ser - those can make a lot of TPS"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy Initia"} {"text":"@SmokeyTheBera If you do it right, your work *starts* after they have all sold your airdrop"} {"text":"@kashdhanda Hit and miss but it can be good therapy"} {"text":"Berachain forced every other blockchain to throw parties with DJs and lots of booze... we need ZIRP asap"} {"text":"@santiagoroel wisdom"} {"text":"A ded president running america is a mortal threat to the world... one month still left before America can elect Trump"} {"text":"@alc_anthro No idea... if one day the appchain has useful apps than probably a lot less than it its just an evm with token"} {"text":"Strategy is choice. What you choose not to do is more important than what you choose to do"} {"text":"@Guru_BCUBE I mean stonks, not even tokens"} {"text":"@oliverbeige @tarunchitra $MATH"} {"text":"Afaik, @tarunchitra beat every other PhD, postdoc and prof in the world simply by not building his own protocol ( ie token )"} {"text":"I positively dislike memecoins because I think retail losses from mafia produced lotteries aka memecoin casino will be the end of permissionless onchain finance, but that wont stop me from throwing a sol or two on the next cute animal for now"} {"text":"@sandyzkp Sorry. I have lots of bad ideas"} {"text":"Its truly impressive how much of the total market cap of AI is just gimmicks, demos and hype"} {"text":"If Claude Shannon or Von Neumann lived today, would they do what they did or would they spend their years launching their own token and then dealing with angry \"community\" members"} {"text":"@kashdhanda Basically crypto twitter?"} {"text":"@AnanasBRB Why deliveroo? Just go downstairs and walk 100ft"} {"text":"@rashmiranjan EigenDA is for ethereum L2s. Avail can support both ethereum L2s and sovereign rollups"} {"text":"Living in an apartment in Downtown Dubai can be so convenient that after you've lived here, most US\/EU cities simply won't be good enough"} {"text":"@YashikaChugh4 you must do your own side event because they did etc"} {"text":"@tarunchitra This is why they are replacing all the PhDs with GPT 4-o"} {"text":"The most talented person in crypto is Celestia's astrologer... Jeez, the timing of that launch... Berachain guys be like - bro wen's be the next stars align like dat?"} {"text":"In modern living, the amount of shit you buy but don't need expands to fill the size of your house Its like the marketing budget of a crypto startup that expands to fill the size of its funding"} {"text":"Charles Hoskinson making bullish tweets about your chain is not bullish"} {"text":"The guy running a staking pool wants everyone else to ship apps"} {"text":"@priyeshugarg but you dont have to raise all that before you ship"} {"text":"The real cryptoeconomics Building a blockchain: $69 Marketing it: $420 Getting people to use it: $69420 For everything else, there's a mastercard"} {"text":"The main difference between an L1 and L2: To launch an L1 you need at least $100m in funding whereas you can launch a competitive ethereum L2 for only $50m including $20m in marketing One benefit of a modular stack like Avail will be to bring the cost down to 5m and then < 500k"} {"text":"@cburniske days"} {"text":"AI stands for: \"Assistant in India\" Just hired an AI agent as my PA"} {"text":"Every startup is a daily fkup... if you can't handle it go work for google"} {"text":"Its always better to pay $5 to one person who knows what they are doing than paying $1 each to five who don't"} {"text":"@jdkanani @eigenlayer Ser if I had 3m Eigen, I'd move to Bhutan"} {"text":"Investigating some unapproved memecoin buying activity"} {"text":"What Leon Sassaman taught me about B2B SAAS, "} {"text":"Len Sassaman was the best manager I ever worked for. He taught me everything about crypto, decentralisation, solo staking, MEV and the future of coordination. I'd not have found four sol worth of moodeng if he hadn't been such an inspiration"} {"text":"so bullish on gmove that moving home today"} {"text":"@kashdhanda about b2b saas?"} {"text":"Uptober loading 40%"} {"text":"Once the initial token zoo and drama are behind @eigenlayer, it is $50bn opportunity over four years"} {"text":"@prashant_xyz Fax"} {"text":"Backing both Aptos and Sui"} {"text":"@KyleSt4rgarden @kaiynne @infinex_app gmonad"} {"text":"The attacker ate my homework"} {"text":"@dntse Ser you're from telecoms. GSM is 80 politics, 20 technology"} {"text":"Aristotle was a great philosopher Then he launched Aristoken $ARIS "} {"text":"@PeggyHyperbolic @devonf @hyperbolic_labs @zjasper666 GPT 4-o can do PHD over a weekend I was told"} {"text":"@prashant_xyz @hstyagi @exolabs @gensynai @hyperbolic_labs"} {"text":"Proposal to change @hyperbolic_labs name to Parabolic. Its much more bullish"} {"text":"@JoellyGloria @hyperbolic_labs Shouldn't this job be replaced by decentralised AI?"} {"text":"@hstyagi @hyperbolic_labs @exolabs @gensynai Hyperbolic works in prod... gpus are nvidia for now but "} {"text":"@hyperbolic_labs @hstyagi @exolabs @gensynai Spheron is in there so isok"} {"text":"@hstyagi You missed all the good ones @exolabs, @gensynai and @hyperbolic_labs"} {"text":"Latham very close to landing on a16jit greylist"} {"text":"@grahamfergs Sell-estia?"} {"text":"Any sales of my bags before I get unlocks are unauthorised and borderline illegal"} {"text":"@mhonkasalo Even ConsenSys people I know don't use metamask swaps lol... which year is this?"} {"text":"Mistakes were made in a team member I hired"} {"text":"@EvgenyGaevoy Math KOL"} {"text":"If something goes very wrong in my life, I wont tell you but there will be signs I will be a crypto founder..."} {"text":"@JimmyRagosa Mistakes were made?"} {"text":"Who's gonna abstract all the chain abstraction plays"} {"text":"from what I've seen so far, no startup founder knows what they are doing they have to figure it out as they go along. literally fafo that to me is the definition of startup vcs and advisors know exactly what to do because no context - and they dont have to akshually do it"} {"text":"@enzo_gte Facts"} {"text":"Sovereign appchains need shared security to solve the cold start problem Cosmos eco identified this and pursued ICS but \"ATOM is not money\" Polkadot made an attempt to solve it though parachain auctions didnt work well @eigenlayer is the first credible approach @AvailProject\u2026"} {"text":"@nbelthan @nickwh8te Mostly voting txns wao"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy Congrats"} {"text":"Tradfi was a mistake Bitcoin has become digital stonk instead of digital godl"} {"text":"@Eug_Ng otherwise also"} {"text":"If America elects another weak president like Biden, the world will burn. You don't have to like Trump as a person to see that he's the least bad option for the world"} {"text":"Lifehack for excessively funded crypto founders and devs..."} {"text":"@lemiscate @natn3t @dabit3 @MikeIppolito_ @ayyyeandy @0xMert_ @0xkenzi @yilongl_megaeth @ac_crypto @kylegordonart @calilyliu also moodeng: cute animal"} {"text":"@lemiscate: CEO @natn3t: events @dabit3: devrel @MikeIppolito_ : media @ayyyeandy: podcasting @0xMert_: community leadership @0xkenzi: fundraising @yilongl_megaeth: engineering @ac_crypto: innovation @kylegordonart: design @calilyliu: leadership"} {"text":"@satyaki44 @rushimanche @sreeramkannan @DoveyWan @ekrahm @akshaybd @musalbas @prabalbanerjee @cburniske @tarunchitra @aeyakovenko @SmokeyTheBera v is forever"} {"text":"My partial 2024 simp list: @rushimanche: growth @sreeramkannan : vision @DoveyWan : value add vc @ekrahm : marketing\/brand @akshaybd : community @musalbas : research @prabalbanerjee : shipping @cburniske : KOL @tarunchitra : IQ @aeyakovenko : product @SmokeyTheBera: ecosystem"} {"text":"Is it cause or effect? Toly's aura has 20x-d with price and Vitalik is is human again"} {"text":"@nickwh8te eth price must be bad to elicit this tweet"} {"text":"In modularity news today: @CelestiaOrg confessed to L1 ambitions @eigen_da confessed to not being useful for rollups that aren't ethereum L2s Meanwhile: @AvailProject"} {"text":"@ZKVProtocol @ElectronZK @Hadronfc @rolfversluis @john_camardo @Full_Prop The vibes"} {"text":"@nickwh8te everyone's validators are on google cloud"} {"text":"ser @prabalbanerjee puts the \"ship\" back in professorship"} {"text":"The up in uptober was followed by yours"} {"text":"@jackzampolin Urbit but useful "} {"text":"@farhajmayan @bdguan Its more nuanced. Sol is better on some dimensions, eth on some others. As of today, hope the coins of both go up"} {"text":"@advaitjayant Ya not very censorship resistant\/cypherpunk"} {"text":"eth drops in price when whales sell sol drops the same % in price without anyone selling This is the power of privacy preserving block explorer design "} {"text":"@ac_crypto oof"} {"text":"@colludingnode home or not home. users of apps are users of the chain. stakers of token are not users of the chain"} {"text":"@jackzampolin imajin "} {"text":"Thinking of eth stakers as users is a cosmos relic that needs to be swifly put to bed forever"} {"text":"@torabyou @rushimanche Dont make me worry about him. He's just getting started"} {"text":"How I simp after @ekrahm"} {"text":"@0xMert_ All on top of twitter which is not a startup"} {"text":"Always align Israel and Russia before launching coins "} {"text":"@BukProtocol new paradigm"} {"text":"@armaniferrante Yo, its an internal matter"} {"text":"@0xsachi I bought it dipped"} {"text":"@0xGlitch_ @Hadronfc Its just how hoomans are - less risk in helping a dude next to you than across the world"} {"text":"Ser @rushimanche president of get shit done association gmove"} {"text":"@rushimanche @okxweb3 gmove"} {"text":"@SmokeyTheBera Baddie to Baddie? Can you send some Baddies to Israel and stop this war thing?"} {"text":"@mraltantutar @l2beat gm Alan"} {"text":"@_ilmoi agree w (1) not (2). wfh is a necessity of global biz"} {"text":"Ethereum alignment is not a value proposition"} {"text":"@gubloon @class_lambda close"} {"text":"Consensys HR spoke to @MaxResnick1. He will be aligned going forward"} {"text":"@tarunchitra EigenLayer eco has so many valuable services being built that a DA without DAS wouldn't be something I'd focus on in competition w Avail and Celestia's pure play comprehensive offerings but I am just kinda old and the MBA sort tbh. DA with DAS is far more valuable because apps "} {"text":"Presenting a 'minimalistic' DA"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy Its on truth social"} {"text":"Anatoly is more centralised than Raj because he travels less"} {"text":"Avoid total disaster by ignoring hiring advice from VCs who have never been founders"} {"text":"Paradigm is the fastest shipping crypto startup in the world"} {"text":"There's no product or engineering problem that a roadmap can not solve"} {"text":"Everything is a DA until someone translates client side verification into something of human use"} {"text":"@mayurrelekar now you get it"} {"text":"Resnick never told me about MEV - Metamask extractable value"} {"text":"@mayurrelekar Easier to permissionlessly buy"} {"text":"@mayurrelekar no - harder to capture"} {"text":"@Zedzies demonetisation is on the other line"} {"text":"Bitcoin is more censorship resistant than gold"} {"text":"The real building begins after the airdrop has been dumped"} {"text":"@0xRainyReece @Permissionless @0xPolygon @berachain @SuccinctLabs @monad_xyz @Aptos @OffchainLabs @ArpitGuptaji19"} {"text":"@mdudas No"} {"text":"Our product is a conference speaker"} {"text":"@Evan_ss6 Nah, he's in the trenches"} {"text":"She was so decentralised when I met her. Then we got married"} {"text":"Bitcoin is now 2% more centralised since I bought"} {"text":"Gold is more decentralised than Bitcoin"} {"text":"@AnanasBRB Correct"} {"text":"If you use solana you're a centralised person"} {"text":"Hey @gauntlet_xyz, whats the correlation between crypto conference speakering by founders and project token market cap? I mean, Satashi is ded so..."} {"text":"@JimmyRagosa Hugs to little Solana"} {"text":"@vyas_krishnan I am going because I am not a dev anymore otherwise I'd actually code lol"} {"text":"I dont understand Americans who want Swiss crypto foundations to operate like well run tech companies. Bro have you been to Zug lol? Life is about being, not doing"} {"text":"@0xMert_ The scenario is: US fincen declares validators money transmitters and decrees that they have to exclude (censor) transactions from non kyc-d accounts"} {"text":"@calilyliu He's a bitcoin guy - BBOLA"} {"text":"@tarunchitra intellectual KOLs"} {"text":"Has anyone tried giving advisory to Iran?"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko Can you approve my transaction tho?"} {"text":"@frzshk @tarunchitra das -> light clients and client side verification"} {"text":"@KyleSamani @_Jonahw @yilongl_megaeth >> diverging economic incentives eth does need to solve that over time wrt L2s but the general idea of soc applies to modularity as well"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Fair but why re (i)"} {"text":"@0xMert_ I think his concern is that all the ~ 100 validators can be forced to KYC ( as opposed to 1000s of of home miners and stakers )"} {"text":"@Hadronfc @ArpitGuptaji19 @ElectronZK @garvitgoel03 @0xCameronR Smiles are bullish \u2122"} {"text":"@LlamaAnalytica @KyleSamani @yilongl_megaeth banger"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart I thought subsidizing LPs are investors?"} {"text":"@ShubhamTotu lol"} {"text":"@hotpot_dao @kapursanat @0xHeisenbruh @cobie The only time in life I will outperform Cobie But this test is so good that it should be standard for recruitment for crypto-native roles lol"} {"text":"@andrej_muzevic Even scams are hard. 10 yrs in crypto and I have done 0"} {"text":"Everything is hard"} {"text":"@gogoDiegoCrypto @CelestiaOrg @AvailProject @eigen_da wen people think da\/das first name that comes to mind"} {"text":"@tarunchitra I see it as a proof of concept\/value for others. DA is low value. DAS is not. Pureplays will win DAS"} {"text":"@CloutedMind @CelestiaOrg @AvailProject @eigen_da settlement layer"} {"text":"Re DAs: @CelestiaOrg is the category leader in Brand @AvailProject is the category leader in product @eigen_da is the category leader in mindshare"} {"text":"@therollupco @ayyyeandy @vyas_krishnan Hair layer looks different"} {"text":"@iamDCinvestor More shipping in eth, more philosophy in sol and l2 land"} {"text":"Vance and Walz are like blockchain researchers that can talk sense in a debate ...because neither has their own token Harris and Trump both have their own token"} {"text":"If Snowden supports solo staking, I might be wrong about it"} {"text":"This is why you don't do leverage on magic money mfers"} {"text":"@iamDCinvestor @yilongl_megaeth For sure"} {"text":"@iamDCinvestor @_jhunsaker >> home stakers will also serve as a deterrent to overreach by any government Worth a shot. In a world where institutional stake is KYC by FATF decree, US\/EU home stake will also be KYCd. Similar efforts already exist with self hosted wallets etc"} {"text":"@_jhunsaker @iamDCinvestor Few countries such as Venezuela, Iran, Russia and North Korea"} {"text":"ethereum faces both: cosmos risks ( incentive alignment with l2s ) polkadot risks... ( slow shipping, poor selection of standards eg 4337, missing interop eg xcmp ) execution premium has never been so high"} {"text":"Ethereum wants to be Solana on layer 2 and Bitcoin on layer 1 If more researchers pivot to shipping its doable Study @yilongl_megaeth"} {"text":"@iamDCinvestor @_jhunsaker This is another area where the practice and the theory diverge and if the ETFs succeed, the stake will be more geo concentrated not less"} {"text":"@iamDCinvestor True. Ideologically it's sound though if 80% of the stake is KYCd... what does transaction inclusion from the non KYCd accounts look like?"} {"text":"Iran is trying to assassinate cute animals like pepe dog wif hat, billy, popcat and moo deng"} {"text":"@iamDCinvestor No sir. Other than a handful of true believers who can also be targeted by the same feds, lower price will mean fewer home stakers not more."} {"text":"\"DA is a commodity\" Dude launching the 69420th EVM layer 2"} {"text":"Solo staking is when you fail the game theory class. Thing is, if the feds come after ethereum so bad that the security of the network depends entirely on solo stakers, the 'cryptoeconomic security' of $ETH will be down to $50"} {"text":"Peace "} {"text":"ETH folks need to stop talking about SOLO staking because it even sounds like SOL staking - and we are 40 IQ over here on CT"} {"text":"Digital Gold is gold that goes to 1 in good times and 0 in bad times"} {"text":"@AvailProject Manlets and Dot eths can be frens "} {"text":"It appears the United States is committed to the cryptoeconomic security of the middle east"} {"text":"Doesn't look like Bitcoin or ETH are very WWIII resistant"} {"text":"All in a week: Mert moves to Dubai ( next door to Iran ) Sreeram ser picks a fight with Solana EIGEN launches Iran goes to war Always thought the @0xMert_ guy is a little sus"} {"text":"@hotpot_dao gib"} {"text":"@SpheronFDN passive income lfg"} {"text":"Moo deng bit Iran too hard :-("} {"text":"not your ai not your decisions - join in"} {"text":"@Hadronfc @ashwinho4 @0xPolygon I said that?"} {"text":"@SarDwi no cto"} {"text":"A crypto founder is born only when they launch a token .. before that they are merely tech founders "} {"text":"@solarpunkmaxi Good... eigenlayer's journey starts now"} {"text":"Who leaked this to Iran "} {"text":"Who is Iran and why is he selling?"} {"text":"@lookonchain Defi Renaissance"} {"text":"Every time a gud vc backed coin launches The lord tries to get retail in cheaper"} {"text":"Today's sermon at @Hadronfc"} {"text":"I want the name of the person who came up with the idea of doing a locked airdrop"} {"text":"@0xJim Bitcoin, eth, sol, pol and memes"} {"text":"@YoannTurpin1 @alliancedao @Hadronfc thanks for the shout out ser"} {"text":"@brazenburrit0 half fiat half ape"} {"text":"Formally out of stables"} {"text":"@QwQiao months?"} {"text":"@TheJackForge Paul took 7% of that cutie?"} {"text":"Whats going on with @SuiNetwork - did Vitalik endorse them too?"} {"text":"@armaniferrante 0.25% advisory sent to armani.sol"} {"text":"The main thing that stands in the way of solana's decentralised nasdaq is the speed of light What if we use a few small black holes to bend the spacetime for firedancer?"} {"text":"@SmokeyTheBera @sreeramkannan @vyas_krishnan that too without any gud parties"} {"text":"In the words of my good friend @nickwh8te, \"anything is possible if you dont have to ship it\""} {"text":"delicious restaked moo deng"} {"text":"Most important events in a man's life Birth College entrance Marriage Having a Baby EIGEN unlock"} {"text":"Who's building the Moo Deng AVS on Eigenlayer?"} {"text":"@bestaitoolsinfo put them in your bio. consulting doesnt count. suffering does"} {"text":"@bestaitoolsinfo ever worked for a tech startup?"} {"text":"@bestaitoolsinfo talking to customers or pivoting is not slowing down"} {"text":"Is the EIGEN unlock objective, subjective or intersubjective?"} {"text":"A startup without speed of execution is a like a badger crossing a busy freeway - roadkill"} {"text":"@yangl1996 What if we use a black hole to bend the spacetime for firedancer?"} {"text":"manlets in my dms jokes aside - what breakpoint shifted for me is \"who is building on the chain and why\". Its different from 2021 - the last time there was a lot of builder interest. last time it was 80% for the funding, this time its 80% for the product"} {"text":"@semicondurian >> has much lower barrier of entry sure but does it have better prices for the consumer?"} {"text":"Key lesson from MEV research: Its unironically not possible to run a disintermediated global financial system like ethereum or solana without market makers as intermediaries"} {"text":"For a human, the hardest thing to deal with is reality"} {"text":"Wen a hippo bites you in the"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy @_kaitoai @blknoiz06 @KookCapitalLLC @jessepollak @Phyrex_Ni @cz_binance @LeonidasNFT @CryptoHayes @VitalikButerin @0xMert_ Let the record show that Andy has pled guilty to KOL"} {"text":"If we build a layer on top of Eigenlayer we can call it Eigen Layer2"} {"text":"Its hard to raise funding in defi because the number of chains you can build the same dang things on exceeds the number of venture funds"} {"text":"Your token is not down bad, you are a long term thinker"} {"text":"@Zedzies That ship sailed. Only 3 left now"} {"text":"I don't waste my time on centralised people... they are so... uncouth and uncultured ngl"} {"text":"@dca_LVII I was. I shut my dappnode down"} {"text":"I am not worried about crypto prices because now I am making FIVE dollars a WEEK cross posting on farcaster"} {"text":"@mdudas"} {"text":"@dca_LVII No, muggle"} {"text":"Solo stakers should date other solo stakers and no one else so that genetic purity can be preserved among them"} {"text":"Buy during Mainnet, sell before Permissionless Buy during Permissionless, Sell before Devcon Conference arbitrage"} {"text":"Every time a gud coin launches, gods try to get retail in cheaper"} {"text":"@JohnWRichKid Tweeting nonsense is in your job description"} {"text":"We live in the era of the KOL VC and the KOL founder"} {"text":"@0xdirichlet Lose both frens and $"} {"text":"@Phil_Kelly_NYC @RiscZero You will be so busy"} {"text":"Is it just me or does Monad sound like Moodeng"} {"text":"Treasury down 50%"} {"text":"One thing is quite clear from the rollup centric roadmap... all of us eth guys that larped about game theory for years never actually did any game theory in college - maybe except @soubhik_deb and a few others"} {"text":"@sreeramkannan @sunnya97 Jury is still out on what Cosmosification of ethereum will bring. One hopes it wouldn't be Cosmos"} {"text":"@Hadronfc @nickwh8te @0xPolygon Thanks for joining Nick ser"} {"text":"POTUS will be moving to Dubai next year"} {"text":"@TalusNetwork cool stuff"} {"text":"@emilyxlai @_kaitoai Literally your job :-)"} {"text":"She's a man"} {"text":"@exolabs more total stars than no 1"} {"text":"@AvailProject Shipposters"} {"text":"@ShubhamTotu @ashwinho4 @Hadronfc Fud. I am advisoor to only 3. Consultant to one - generally just invest - no option on my time"} {"text":"@lex_node Totally and its good fun both ways"} {"text":"@connan_james @0xMert_"} {"text":"@lookonchain Who cares"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko I tried to end work and it sucks - life's better with work"} {"text":"@musalbas Exactly"} {"text":"@buntyverse lol"} {"text":"Vitali is an epic builder ex Solana eco building on Fuel's ethereum L2. Best of both worlds, literally"} {"text":"@dervoiedk @Sprkfi Few"} {"text":"Eigenlayer Ethereum Binance Layer"} {"text":"@hotpot_dao so emotional rn "} {"text":"@ks_kulk @sreeramkannan @aeyakovenko that was before tokens"} {"text":"@sreeramkannan @aeyakovenko The people"} {"text":"India has had a scholarly tradition of learning by debating known as \"shastrartha\" loosely translated as \"for the sake of knowledge\" - thats how scholars learn from each other Only burgerland has anything like it @sreeramkannan ser v @aeyakovenko ser twitter is a fine example"} {"text":"When @megaeth_labs gets validity proofs, its over for preconfirmation hatoors like me"} {"text":"@hotpot_dao @MEGAZuzalu omw"} {"text":"@0xalank Ya see thats the inconsistency. Theres a point at which it's cheaper for the guy with users ( L2 ) to bootstrap its own tendermint. The fees paid to L1 should be say 30% under that number ( game theory yalla ). L1 produc should make it very expensive for L2s to leave eg interop"} {"text":"@torabyou bullish - just go get a shit ton of users for Vitalik"} {"text":"@evmchess @inversebrah"} {"text":"@0xalank If users use ETH they will pay validators. Users horse, validators cart. Need both. Horse before cart"} {"text":"@akshaybd You're right tho. Hayden said the same thing. L2s need to make ETH more useful and there's some interop and aligning to be done"} {"text":"@torabyou means eth does security and gmove handles users"} {"text":"@akshaybd It probably makes sense in a world where execution is handed off to L2s and eth only does security\/settlement but then L2s need to do a lot more to secure the base layer. Either get a lot of traffic or pay more to eth validators or both. There's a gap\/inconsistency here"} {"text":"I too think eth is money but the issue with the \"eth is money\" narrative is that an overly large section of eth community has been focusing on money as the product ( ie validator focus ) and not tech\/apps as the product ( ie user focus ) Its a choice. It better be a good one"} {"text":"Which of the anon crypto KOL accounts are just fine tuned Llama 3 400b?"} {"text":"<\/starts a podcast>"} {"text":"Podcasters should be replaced with open source AI because such AI is hard to \"align\" without someone else testing for \"alignment\""} {"text":"If manlets chase decentralised nasdaq but only deliver decentralised binance godspeed!"} {"text":"@0xNLYFANS wc is larger but d nasdaq is specific for product\/engg to work on. culture difference"} {"text":"@armaniferrante only practicing devs understand this"} {"text":"Its a mistake to debate \"decentralised nasdaq\" literally Its a memetic vision like \"world computer\" designed to get protocol devs to push chains as far as possible It's provocative It gets people going"} {"text":"@keoneHD @egirl_capital airfare"} {"text":"@udiWertheimer"} {"text":"@JacobEv3rly In the age of LLMs they do"} {"text":"@Austin_Federa Hes your CMO. Pls be nice"} {"text":"Solo staking is like dating your ex. It's a pointless feelgood exercise designed to overly complicate your life"} {"text":"@memevsculture @aeyakovenko @sreeramkannan Nasdaq doesnt have Moo Deng"} {"text":"@hanni_abu @benjaminion_xyz @memevsculture Its also pointless in that scenario"} {"text":"@sreeramkannan @griffintier @aeyakovenko Jump guys know more HFT than anyone but"} {"text":"@0xMert_ The use case is biting"} {"text":"@sreeramkannan @luigidemeo Fair. I was asking on behalf of my billionaire client Mr Justin Sun"} {"text":"@joaomendoncaaaa"} {"text":"@sreeramkannan @luigidemeo So my $1 is stuck for a week? Will there be yield?"} {"text":"@sreeramkannan @luigidemeo Settlement window is one week for optimistic rollups?"} {"text":"@luigidemeo @sreeramkannan Post $1 collateral to clear a $1 check?"} {"text":"@j6sp5r Maybe one week later after the fraud proof window"} {"text":"To calculate latency using preconfirmations is like saying that BA customer service is highly responsive Except they respond to every call immediately with \"thanks for calling, we will get back to you, bye xoxo\""} {"text":"He died of conference"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy get nitro and magic block on your next show"} {"text":"@0xairtx @vaibhavchellani @Aptos @SuiNetwork @movementlabsxyz Its growing on gmove. Hang in there"} {"text":"@benjaminion_xyz @memevsculture @hanni_abu Thats a fine ideology but in practice ETH will have under 1bn or so economic security if it comes to the point where the security of the network depends on solo stakers and all the staking pools have been captured"} {"text":"@vaibhavchellani @Aptos @SuiNetwork @movementlabsxyz In that case evm was already dominant. This battle is just starting. my money rn is on aptos move"} {"text":"@vaibhavchellani @Aptos @SuiNetwork @movementlabsxyz Yeah one of these will become solidity and the other will become vyper ... depending on which of the two L1s wins out on community and devrel... I am not worried about it. Sui has a very unique object architecture - Aptos move will grow first"} {"text":"@vaibhavchellani @Aptos @SuiNetwork @movementlabsxyz Why do we need a 'canonical' way?"} {"text":"@buntyverse not possible at the outset. thats why i said founding team"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Yes. I don't make the rules. I just read them"} {"text":"@VaderResearch Correct"} {"text":"The founding team of any crypto project has three non negotiable jobs - fundraiser - social media influencer - shipper (in that order whether we like it or not) If you dont like that or dont have the desire or time to do the work, dont launch a token"} {"text":"@joonian bed now"} {"text":"POV: bought a treadmill in bullmarket"} {"text":"These \u2066@AvailProject\u2069 guys are everywhere "} {"text":"europeans"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Can I get accurate inflation numbers on some official looking foundation page so that I can stop accidentally fudding"} {"text":"Bullish social defragmentation $ETH"} {"text":"@0x_strange Solana is not going anywhere now, this is a trading pov"} {"text":"@NftPerks no thats brypto"} {"text":"With enough resources, on social media you can counter the true truth with your own truth Study the propaganda machines of Obama, Trump, Elon, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Solana and Celestia"} {"text":"SOL can reach 400-500 in a market where FDV doesn't matter. Then back to 20-50 in a market where FDV matters"} {"text":"Memes are intersubjective"} {"text":"@chamathsintern no. people on 'nance are more users than stakers"} {"text":"@chamathsintern users are securing the network by making it worth staking anything at all"} {"text":"ETH stakers are not users"} {"text":"Cosmos is going to make you poor: Ethereum: Cosmosification Solana: Cosmos tokenomics Celestia: Its actually Cosmos "} {"text":"@Evan_ss6 escalating to @0xMert_"} {"text":"@nickwh8te Looks monolithic"} {"text":"We brought you: Fire Wheel Language Writing Printing Press Steam Engine Photoelectric Effect Invention of Transistor Structure of the DNA molecule Moon Landing LIDAR LLMs Now we bring you: EIGEN UNLOCK!"} {"text":"@Jihoz_Axie A constitution is necessary but it needs to be a lot more than \"having the right friends\". Vitalik seems to want to nudge things in a better direction"} {"text":"Moo Deng is decentralised. You can run Moo Deng on a Raspberry Pi even though you can't stake him from home"} {"text":"The Eigen unlock is the most pivotal event in history since the invention of the transistor"} {"text":"Correct. The fundamental contradiction of the crypto industry is that tokens are short horizon incentives for solving long horizon problems"} {"text":"@ai I been in crypto so long that I read \"energy draining grants\" fr"} {"text":"@IntrinsicDeFi Thats the worry "} {"text":"If blockchains are network states, Vitalik has the unenviable job of uniting the many L2 states into the United States, except every state also has its own currency. Resnick-s will rebel, there will be civil war and the cowboys and Indians will do their own things out west"} {"text":"@fede_intern @sreeramkannan @openledger Emad ser - true AGI"} {"text":"What size LLM do we need to replicate Moo Deng's intelligence?"} {"text":"These @AvailProject guys are everywhere "} {"text":"Look closely... do you see a connection?"} {"text":"There will be a moo deng quiz on Monday, pls be prepared. Memes101..."} {"text":"Treasury management"} {"text":"@ciaobelindazhou Thats a week's worth of rations"} {"text":"hell yeah"} {"text":"@cryptowithsahil @sandeepnailwal not at all. just a therapist"} {"text":"@dervoiedk @hotpot_dao lower ego outperforms in high luck\/skill jobs"} {"text":"@hotpot_dao Steve was also not low ego but in crypto there's little to justify ego than token price "} {"text":"Revenue accrual is a scam. If L2s want to be ethereum, they should buy ETH with their own token or treasury cash"} {"text":"@cryptowithsahil I have never been a founder. ask @sandeepnailwal"} {"text":"Not your coin, not your chain"} {"text":"LAUNCH THAT TOKEN RIGHT NOW PORTCOS"} {"text":"When crypto founders from web2 say \"cycles\""} {"text":"@ElangovanKamesh @EMostaque @sreeramkannan Sreeram ser says \"Britisher\" - that makes him way moar Indian than dubai yoda"} {"text":"Prices approaching levels where SBC can move back to Stanford"} {"text":"Berachain launch this, Berachain launch that - how about we just launch $BERA on pump dot fun?"} {"text":"Low ego founders outperforming"} {"text":"@_jhunsaker @MaxResnick1 I will "} {"text":"@ayyyeandy pivot to AI?"} {"text":"Note to self Sell in May"} {"text":"@solana @formacity Thats my quant @farhajmayan"} {"text":"eigenzhao"} {"text":"\"I will be speaking at blabla crypto conference...\" bro isok. no one will be listening"} {"text":"This better be Moo Deng protocol"} {"text":"My son Rushi will pay for my other kids college"} {"text":"@iwillpat no"} {"text":"Which phone is the most memecoin friendly? Samung Galaxy Z Fold 6?"} {"text":"@_jhunsaker @MaxResnick1 How do I stake gmonad from home "} {"text":"I lack a deep inner conviction in memecoins"} {"text":"All my friends are getting hilariously rich in liquid and sending me four year locked \"deal flow\" "} {"text":"@ai Uber has no cars Top AI coins have no AI"} {"text":"I demand that @aeyakovenko's guys immediately stop coding and figure out their values and alignment first"} {"text":"Where's Do Kwon?"} {"text":"While Resnick and the church of solo staking are fighting on my TL, one hopes the manlets are just announcing those ZK and modular tings for the pump and not actually coding them up... right?"} {"text":"@JacobEv3rly @RiscZero "} {"text":"BLOCKSPACE IS NOT A PRODUCT"} {"text":"CZ is on his way to personally unlock EIGEN"} {"text":"Is there a cure for PMF?"} {"text":"@grahamfergs @farcaster_xyz airdrop"} {"text":"@zkBri Same as ethereum"} {"text":"Truly a privilege to host two rare experts who have credibility in both AI and crypto and can communicate their ideas and expertise rather eloquently as well. Listen in"} {"text":"SOL\/ETH will go to 0.00 when WWIII starts, LFG "} {"text":"@marcomonaco83 enjoy your mining pool"} {"text":"I think Resnick is right about solo staking ..."} {"text":"@CraigBurel Congrats"} {"text":"How VCs see asian founders: Asian dude in SF\/NY = einstein Asian dude in Asia = scammer"} {"text":"@santiagoroel @0xMert_ He's in crypto so maybe AI?"} {"text":"@AlaHaddad23 no poor people in the network state"} {"text":"Why can't the poor just buy bitcoin?"} {"text":"Is $8000 of moo deng enough to retire?"} {"text":"How do we get @Consensys HR to have a chat with @MaxResnick1"} {"text":"@0xMert_ girlfriend"} {"text":"I dont know who needs to know this but its a very small industry and everyone talks to everyone... so the best way to get business done is to be straightforward and avoid playing games"} {"text":"@ac_crypto @exolabs @karpathy Better to bring your own device then"} {"text":"Price went bad because \"ethereum already won\" on farcaster. Now bad price will make strong dot eths on CT who will make gud price"} {"text":"@ac_crypto @exolabs @karpathy Good point. That will require cryptographic or crypteconomic verification?"} {"text":"@0xMert_ @gakonst @macbrennan_cc @MaxResnick1 Firedancer lacks one critical feature Its own layer 2 and governance token"} {"text":"@Guru_BCUBE @Bcubeai Ya. Bcube does all my trading on 'nance so that I can work and shitpost"} {"text":"@blockhiro Better those than $VAPOR"} {"text":"@dindjic no dont dilute"} {"text":"Forget mass adoption How about a working product instead?"} {"text":"Rich requires a different kind of smart"} {"text":"Arthur will pump eth defi all by himself and you will be hapi"} {"text":"agglayer"} {"text":"@torabyou I mute all wallet posters lol"} {"text":"@0xanmol adoption of mass"} {"text":"@geet_eth @0xPolygon LFG"} {"text":"@hotpot_dao @MEGAZuzalu moo deng speaking?"} {"text":"Moo Deng > Sydney Sweeney"} {"text":"Moo Deng > Hawk Tuah"} {"text":"@QwQiao They have been for a long time. Talk to @raypaxful"} {"text":"They say Trump is a horrible human Dude launched ZERO wars abroad For us foreigners, he's WAY better than Obama and Biden"} {"text":"@divine_economy @Ruisnakes @SevenXVentures Facts"} {"text":"crypto is a long position in stimulus"} {"text":"Chinese women run crypto The rest of us just work here"} {"text":"Every crypto project has only two choices. If you are not a scam, you better ship"} {"text":"ETH v SOL is fun but Only ethereum community can stop ethereum ( our maxis and boomers keep trying ) Only solana community can stop solana ( get cocky manlets and end it )"} {"text":"( this only works in one direction )"} {"text":"The paradox of crypto ( and life ) is that people who are akshually serious about what they do don't take themselves too seriously The former is a buy signal, the latter is a sell signal"} {"text":"@tarunchitra Would need to understand to plagiarize "} {"text":"When I have made it, I won't tell anyone, but there will be signs... I will pivot from crypto industry to tech industry"} {"text":"BTC\/S&P keeps going down"} {"text":"My barbell is great products and trash memecoins"} {"text":"@grahamfergs Few "} {"text":"Western man..."} {"text":"@IKchmt6jSYhp5I8 Hes a dem tho"} {"text":"I just want to see ONE crypto friendly politician who doesn't go to jail "} {"text":"@ac_crypto @exolabs @karpathy Do you need all 400b weights to be your own if you can fine tune with your own data on your own devices?"} {"text":"In almost all business contexts, average talent in a great culture will outperform top talent in a bad culture"} {"text":"@SuhailKakar no"} {"text":"We are missing a public debate between @pythianism and @KyleSamani @therollupco bls"} {"text":"@ac_crypto @exolabs AI you can own"} {"text":"Social media marketer handbook: max retard mid retard. normal retard tiktok. youtube. twitter"} {"text":"@keoneHD @playSparkball Whoa"} {"text":"Mert is going to be absolutely insufferable"} {"text":"Chinese government is spending a whopping $142b.... ...to launch Berachain"} {"text":"@StaniKulechov @rleshner @superstatefunds @aave "} {"text":"@torabyou There's no fourth best"} {"text":"Its time for coins with good market makers "} {"text":"@routerprotocol "} {"text":"@Sprkfi @dervoiedk @eth_milano @fuel_network Shippoooor"} {"text":"@joemccann Calm down American. Its a European startup"} {"text":"@avedarave_ no, printer things"} {"text":"Aping china growth equity index "} {"text":"How does Moo Deng accrue value?"} {"text":"I am old fashioned and just need to work but we are entering a phase where its very expensive to be employed Also known as bull market"} {"text":"@olijharris"} {"text":"@therealchaseeb @solana Why is @gabrielhaines in your room"} {"text":"I did five Andrew Ng certs to become $AI KOL "} {"text":"@QwQiao Harris supports DLT"} {"text":"@JimmyRagosa If its on farcaster its true dot eth"} {"text":"Lesson from Bittensor: Positioning(mandatory) is much more important than product (optional)"} {"text":"Feel bad for SOL maxis who have to be nice to ETH and ETH maxis who have to be nice to SOL In bula I get to speak my mind about both and in bera about neither "} {"text":"Solana will reach half of ETH's CURRENT market cap ( and ETH's market cap will double ) There I fixed @vaneck_us's prediction"} {"text":"@NitanshuL cracker"} {"text":"OpenAI competitors are nothing without @OpenAI s people"} {"text":"If Einstein had discovered photo electric effect in Asia, Bohr and Fermi would have thought its a scam If you are a founder with gud funding spend time making connections in the highest IQ parts of Burgerland bls"} {"text":"@ElangovanKamesh Genius"} {"text":"@divine_economy Which token we shorting now?"} {"text":"Zaki is the most useful @cosmos appchain"} {"text":"Can you run LLAMA 3.2 1b parameter model on a raspberry pi?"} {"text":"@BasedBeffJezos Its not AGI it it cant run @OpenAI without its people"} {"text":"Is one Ayahuasca trip enough to retire?"} {"text":"Was so productive before flying to Token2049, and now I am homeress"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko Maxis are of tokens, not chains"} {"text":"As an L1, going by users, wallets, apps and transactions, @0xPolygon PoS chain is 70-80% undervalued"} {"text":"I am concerned about what all this social media pressure means for Moo Deng's mental health"} {"text":"Would Open source AI require open source data?"} {"text":"Kamala Harris supports \"BLOCKCHAIN\""} {"text":"@aeyakovenko @TrustlessState She doesn't even say the word crypto. Her blockchain is probably Hyperledger Fabric"} {"text":"@mdudas Kamala alignment "} {"text":"Users"} {"text":"Bankless is bullish on Kamala Harris Congratulations President Trump "} {"text":"I am leaving @OpenAI"} {"text":"@vaneck_us For you? OPOS"} {"text":"If Mira Murati launches a token, I am selling my house to buy some"} {"text":"What if Moo Deng was the AGI all along"} {"text":"Kamala Harris has said blockchain and digital assets but refuses to say crypto If you still support Harris, you have already sold"} {"text":"If OpenAI turns out to be Enron or Theranos... ...ChatGPT users will get a very nice airdrop"} {"text":"Caffeine is a scam"} {"text":"Same energy"} {"text":"ETH spot ETFs are catching a bid Pay attention"} {"text":"There's an ELON in mELONi"} {"text":"@toghrulmaharram 5 days"} {"text":"@mraltantutar @ac_crypto @exolabs From financial inclusion to GPU inclusion "} {"text":"@prashant_xyz Many widows machines have NVIDIA GPUs tho"} {"text":"Have fun staying GPU poor "} {"text":"This is what chain of thought is for"} {"text":"New KOL types in the KOL pantheon: Van Eck: Institutional KOL Chris B: Venture KOL Jon C: Research KOL Tarun: Math KOL Moo Deng: Hippo KOL"} {"text":"@0xBalloonLover You mean token failed"} {"text":"Something, hill, die, something"} {"text":"@pyvitor true"} {"text":"Top talent is tough. You can't retain them with money and you can't retain them without it"} {"text":"@mraltantutar Then its a sovereign rollup"} {"text":"@ShubhamTotu Stopped drinking after getting liquidated in August"} {"text":"decentralised nasdaq is a maximally retarded meme when taken literally but if projects dont need to be so tied to cexes for token liquidity and MM, that'd be liberating for the industry"} {"text":"I don't know who needs to know this but I also have not received any grant from Solano. Paid for the food also "} {"text":"@zhivkoto I am in series A also"} {"text":"@billmaher Big proof of stake is behind this"} {"text":"@optimizoor Its not that. I had my doubts about SOL before Breakpoint but its really distribution\/community everyone needs ro compete on"} {"text":"team gmove has exceeded all my expectations since their seed round"} {"text":"Your age is 10 x the number of days it takes you to recover from attending a one week crypto conference abroad"} {"text":"Inclusive teams create inclusive communities"} {"text":"@jerallaire I wanna gooo to Bhutan"} {"text":"YCombinator is the gib advisory allo of tradtech"} {"text":"@mraltantutar @nufflelabs - memelord"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy Dw. There will be 1 million rollups, each with an FDV of 1 million"} {"text":"Invest in founders who are too technical for crypto"} {"text":"Compared to the rizzy, buzzy class of crypto Bahamas, none of the top SOL ecosystem founders I met last week are particularly salesy or have a halo behind their heads. I think the platform model SOL has somehow cracked is creating distribution for gritty, shippy types..."} {"text":"The real question is... which layer 1 blockchain will Vitalik endorse next"} {"text":"Apes have lost billions in the next bitcoin trade and the next ethereum trade so they are doing the next solana trade now"} {"text":"So if you commit to voting for Harris, they give you a green card?"} {"text":"Losing 80% in illiquid hurts less than losing 20% in liquid"} {"text":"@DabbaNetwork This looks cool. Will chase for bags"} {"text":"@fede_intern @bobbinth Whats the benefit of custom ISA over a standard like risc-v"} {"text":"To win globally you need local talent"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko Have you tried moving voice traffic onchain to fill the TPS?"} {"text":"@lmrankhan If crypto prices keep going up, we will all have a chance to pivot to AI"} {"text":"idk man. Warren and I will just sit it out in cash"} {"text":"@jdorman81 @KyleSamani @RyanWatkins_ Celestia and Avail will be L1s"} {"text":"UNLOCK ALL THE COINS"} {"text":"MIT has always been a CIA recruiting ground"} {"text":"Caffeine rehab. Terrible drug"} {"text":"Liquidity still thin "} {"text":"Euphoria already?"} {"text":"@rushimanche "} {"text":"@0xBalloonLover Revenue? Is this Web2 or what"} {"text":"Doing is so much harder than teaching "} {"text":"@Haylesdefi Few"} {"text":"@0fcounsel @macbrennan_cc @yilongl_megaeth theres space for both. keep inventing "} {"text":"@ashwathbk Paraswap nearly died and Starknet injured itself"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy Modular solana is"} {"text":"Inclusive communities have a huge edge and this isn't DEI nonsense. If everyone only hangs w their own kind, there's not a lot of innovation they gonna get done rlly"} {"text":"@macbrennan_cc @yilongl_megaeth Thats exactly why"} {"text":"@Mr_Burns_Sol don't half ass either"} {"text":"@hstyagi For now yes. Luck\/Printer was enough in 2021"} {"text":"Two decisions matter a lot in life - who you marry - whether you launch a token Before you make the decision, you choose After that your spouse\/token will choose for you"} {"text":"@macbrennan_cc @yilongl_megaeth Thats a completely different topic..."} {"text":"@macbrennan_cc Lets see. Consensus means probabilistic queueing delays... @yilongl_megaeth is your guy"} {"text":"@macbrennan_cc not if they deliver on the consistent low latency bit"} {"text":"@odin_free hence founder mode"} {"text":"@Ape848 @armaniferrante Armani is right. Serum changed Solana's destiny because it was OPOS. When recognising builders, the ETH social layer needs to be more meritocratic and less \"alignment\" oriented and competition from other chains is good for that"} {"text":"@michaelhanono Read @laurashin s book. V, Joe and Gav pulled an absolute miracle inspite of an army of net negative cofounders"} {"text":"@armaniferrante No it means Solana cracked the code. Sol community does a lot of the heavy lifting of the buzz and distribution work for deep tech autists in the ecosystem Its not about tweeting. Its about brand recall ultimately. Many paths to god"} {"text":"@michaelhanono You do you . I was around for DevCon 1 but Vitalik was the editor of Bitcoin magazine before I had even heard of blockchain"} {"text":"@armaniferrante Then we shall disagree . There are 69420 firedancer tweets from SOL founders, community leaders and official accounts during the many years before it was a thing, let alone media articles, videos and such"} {"text":"Community is another word for distribution. If no one vibes with, supports, hypes, invests in or helps build your thing, you are on your own as a builder and its all an exponentially harder journey than it needs to be"} {"text":"@thulynnn @SolanaConf @ETHGlobal 80% of ETH price is owed to @TheRealKartik corporation"} {"text":"@armaniferrante Nah, Toly, Mert et al do it for Kevin"} {"text":"The main crypto lesson from @SolanaConf is the same lesson as @ETHGlobal . In crypto, community is the only thing more important than product. An average product in an epic community will be much more successful than a great product in a meh community"} {"text":"@armaniferrante Bruh you been at it for as long as I remember you. Don't give them excuses"} {"text":"@zengjiajun_eth @sandyzkp no.. \"it\""} {"text":"@sandyzkp Launch it Sandy"} {"text":"I dont understand founders who \"cant spend time on social media or marketing\" because \"they are busy building\" Bruh if Vitalik, Anatoly, Sreeram and Nick can be reply guys you better be building cold nuclear fusion"} {"text":"@IntrinsicDeFi Visa is a Layer 3"} {"text":"crypto marketing career hack: work for founders who are either (a) good at marketing or (b) know they are bad at it and will let you work Option (c) = scapegoat CMO"} {"text":"China printer means altszn Burgers make rather boring apes in comparison"} {"text":"You can scale any blockchain by removing the blockchain altogether"} {"text":"One of the founders I backed did Ayahuasca in Brazil, came back and immediately launched a token "} {"text":"@semicondurian This only works if there's demand for what you do"} {"text":"@0xRainyReece @0xPolygon Will Hawk Tuah girl speak?"} {"text":"@IAmNickDodson If we remove the blockchain altogether, we can run programs even faster"} {"text":"@rajgokal Amen"} {"text":"I will sell ETH at 0.15 ETHBTC"} {"text":"Celestia \"secured\" $100m by selling $TIA from the treasury at the the cycle bottom Ethereum \"secured\" $99m by selling $ETH from the treasury at the the cycle bottom Dissolve all Swiss crypto foundations"} {"text":"@punk9059 @robertjfclarke My friend is @udiWertheimer"} {"text":"Note to self: Very important to get Chris\/Placeholder in your series C or D funding round. No KOL round needed if ser has serious value at risk"} {"text":"No Ayahuasca allowed in Dubai or Singapore ... only tokens"} {"text":"The funny thing about all this that is some of the most interesting modular bits are happening on the manlet chain rn ( no I dont have advisory allo from Anatoly )"} {"text":"If SUI can reach 16b with zero vibes, seed round investors in @movementlabsxyz should be chillin' in St Tropez"} {"text":"$ETH is money If you disagree, gtfo"} {"text":"UNLOCK ON SEP 30 CZ $EIGEN"} {"text":"Lens is on @AvailProject fyi Avail is for users..."} {"text":"Ethereum breakpoint was very successful"} {"text":"You can't really win by not competing at all"} {"text":"Competition is good. It focuses the mind Solana is making Ethereum better Symbiotic is making Eigenlayer better ... ... ... If you dont have a good competitor for what you do, maybe create one "} {"text":"@FigoETH There are many others incl defi, lens apps and a bunch of depin stuff. Its a crazy situation where we just refuse to hype the apps innovation going on in eth... thats all wall street needs to know rn"} {"text":"ETH in the green YTD Someone call Zug and make sure no one at @ethereum sells"} {"text":"Marc Zeller might be the best crypto CEO of 2024"} {"text":"@ethcarry @krugermacro You flipped cause and effect there"} {"text":"idk man, its not a DA if it doesn't do DAS"} {"text":"Is Moo Deng up for adoption?"} {"text":"@TheTakenUser @DeFi_Dad @Cooopahtroopa high vis = KOL round"} {"text":"@hasufl @TusharJain_ Or at least tie tokens to specific scope and\/or outcomes. Otherwise its just a KOL round for passive social proof with mucho adverse selection"} {"text":"@valardragon Yeah, you are technical layer, not social layer"} {"text":"My quant @_khanhamzah promised me $200 SOL this week and now I am homeress"} {"text":"When crypto projects pitch revenue"} {"text":"Beware of coins that suddenly start doing well around unlocks..."} {"text":"Hawk Tuah summit"} {"text":"Moo Deng is centralised"} {"text":"@TheTakenUser @DeFi_Dad @Cooopahtroopa Thats just KOL stuff"} {"text":"@DeFi_Dad Same. Sweat investing is fine. Alignment certification\/rent seeking less so"} {"text":"We are entering a time when price will completely disconnect from tech and metrics Also known as bull market"} {"text":"@DavidTiczon I followed all 3 SUI devs"} {"text":"@ItsAlwaysZonny Cancelled the docusign"} {"text":"The SUI breakpoint conference seems to have gone really well"} {"text":"@IyerRHariharan bullmarket things"} {"text":"@krugermacro The difference is that SOL maxis are comparing upwards whereas ETH maxis are comparing downwards. ETH maxis comparing w bitcoin worked rather well."} {"text":"@Jihoz_Axie "} {"text":"@0xDinoEggs Its not the only product"} {"text":"If this market keeps going up, someone might accidentally launch Berachain"} {"text":"@IntrinsicDeFi There just aren't enough skilled or connected people and pre series A should keep non engineering costs as low as possible"} {"text":"@shan3v We got it from there"} {"text":"1 ETH > 1 GOLD"} {"text":"Hopefully me turning bullish on SOL isnt the top"} {"text":"@apriori0x Yeah research orientation is good but the north star is always users and usage"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy Not really. People are aping next solanas with zero devs or users as we speak"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy Toly hasnt given me advisory allo but disagree with overly - study modular solana"} {"text":"If you are launching a token, you must speak at or attend @token2049. It's the most important money crypto industry event in Asia and if you can't handle this whole other side of crypto, you should pivot to AI"} {"text":"@zhusu Can you pls sweep punks floor again?"} {"text":"@SmokeyTheBera As an advisor to some projects, no one can be more bearish than me on advisories that aren't hands on consulting work\/sweat"} {"text":"@YoannTurpin1 Good advisors do actual work. Thats not a rent. Its sweat. No it wasn't a subtweet. Alignment certification has been around since '18-19 at least"} {"text":"@akshaybd For endorsement and certification. The tribe thinks you're not as approved\/endorsed by the leaders and your number suffers"} {"text":"@akshaybd It's a social layer tax where people get paid for their position or past success rather than future contribution. The best founders dont want to pay this rent and go elsewhere"} {"text":"You can short any ecosystem with a culture of advisories - Cosmos went first, Polkadot and eth followed. Now waiting for Solana"} {"text":"Its not that there aren't a ton of app builders in ethereum. There's just this undercurrent of some strange intellectual elitism rooted in research orientation that we can do without and make it all much more inclusive for the noobs who just want to use the stuff"} {"text":"@0xJim another one is @jdkanani"} {"text":"@MikeIppolito_ @ecent18"} {"text":"@MikeIppolito_ Israel is also making raspberry pi and dappnode?"} {"text":"Everyone in Solana wants to build an app as close to the end user as possible Everyone in ethereum wants to become a layer as far away from the end user as possible If this avoid the users and make a layer mindset doesn't change, eth will be kinda fkd ngl"} {"text":"@luigidemeo Just reconcile the sheets"} {"text":"When Anatoly says single global state machine synchronised at the speed of light, I cant help but think of google sheets"} {"text":"@jackzampolin They do. Excel has solved the trilemma"} {"text":"I am afraid tradfi doesnt really need your blockchain. It has better databases. Tradfi does want your pumpy token. Dont hang your hopes on tradfi"} {"text":"Single coin men have a huge edge over dads. They can self promote, speak, chase deal flow and party at all the conferences without missing out on the one thing we think of before we die"} {"text":"If you don't have a very operational marketer on your own crypto startup to track spend and metrics and hold agencies accountable, you will get exactly $0 of value from even the best of marketing agencies. Everyone has 69 staff for 420 clients"} {"text":"@IntrinsicDeFi @MikeIppolito_ @0xBalloonLover SEC approved blockchain is a meme of debatable quality. Lets see"} {"text":"All the America crypto people went to Singapore and said... we'd rather have guns, drugs and gensler"} {"text":"@MikeIppolito_ Welcome to the next SOL trade"} {"text":"@MikeIppolito_ @0xBalloonLover I am afraid settlement is not real. Whoever has apps also has settlement. Innovate or die"} {"text":"Satashi would have committed seppuku after attending Token2049"} {"text":"@josefabregab @QwQiao @inversebrah"} {"text":"@monad_xyz airdrop"} {"text":"Mood today"} {"text":"What if we layer all the layer 1s in layers"} {"text":"@hotpot_dao @megaeth_labs That one is an official document "} {"text":"Bankers Crypto Bros Stripper Alignment"} {"text":"Moo Deng is AGI"} {"text":"Solano endorsing bing chain"} {"text":"@FabianoSolana @sanctumso @JupiterExchange so my assessment: mostly 1-10 maturity, not a lot of 0-1 surprise was correct"} {"text":"@gajesh @sandyzkp I'd not call your place in Bahamas scrappy"} {"text":"@karansirdesai I dont make the rules"} {"text":"Bitcoin is going to have a really hard time competing with AI for power The merge is not priced into ETHBTC"} {"text":"@sandyzkp Product first, splurge after"} {"text":"\"Its more important to be around smart people than to be smart yourself\" ( network state conf ) Omw to SF, brb"} {"text":"Meritocracy \u2122"} {"text":"He said it"} {"text":"@0xMert_ London is in the wrong spot - should be after NYC - it has a shit ton of talent - even pump dot fun came from London"} {"text":"Getting our sheth together part 1"} {"text":"idk, the competition among network states is for culture and vibes, not value accrual. america wins because people wanna live there... make your network state such that people wanna come live and work there"} {"text":"@0xsachi Dubai is Singapore for South Asians"} {"text":"@j6sp5r I think @balajis and @calilyliu"} {"text":"@AvailProject @prabalbanerjee "} {"text":"@0xsmac @ethereum and product manager"} {"text":"If I were @ethereum foundation I'd show a lot of public love and recognition to my most successful\/innovative app builders across defi, gaming, depin and payments - and in a credibly neutral way, without any alignments or old friendships getting in the way etc"} {"text":"I will go out on a limb and tweet this. Manlets execution on product, engineering, devrel and community over the last year is stunning - its not at the same level as other L1s or L2s. Its not even in the same building"} {"text":"Successful token v Public goods funding"} {"text":"No one can compete with inspired zoomers"} {"text":"@MaxResnick1 Trust the sequencer bro"} {"text":"@MaxResnick1 Inputs come from users, outputs from protocol"} {"text":"@MaxResnick1 This is false. decentralisation of financial decision making is at the app level, not at the infra level"} {"text":"decentralised nasdaq is a stone cold brain ded maximally retarded meme therein lies its power no manlet has heard of central clearing or securities lending obv"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart @MaxResnick1 Its not upto resnick. its upto the users"} {"text":"ETH is only money if people use it to pay for something"} {"text":"defi, casino, payments, gaming and machine to machine txns and DePin focus is critical. Otherwise we ganna have one trillion TPS and infinite blockspace for one million users manlets seem to get this very clearly and in eth world - Polygon, Arbitrum and Base do too"} {"text":"The main difference between web2 and web3 is that there's demand for web2"} {"text":"Current roadmap priorities: 1. Researchers 2. Devs 3. Noobs \u2026 in that order ===== What the priorities ought to be: 1. Noobs 2. Devs 3. Researchers"} {"text":"Breakpoint main event was epic but the Ansem community extracurriculars seem to have continued on from T2049"} {"text":"Everyone needs a baby hippo in their life"} {"text":"mood today"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Endless noise"} {"text":"@nickwh8te GIFT"} {"text":"Dissolve all the Swiss crypto foundations"} {"text":""} {"text":"@laine_sa_ Dissolve all Swiss crypto foundations"} {"text":"@SolanaFloor Change that logo tho"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko ... logfile"} {"text":"Fastest, cheapest layer 2 on ethereum"} {"text":"@afscott @DanPaul000 Just saved $5k"} {"text":"Over to @EFDevcon in November "} {"text":"@theusmansal @farhajmayan @solana @formacity Thats my quant"} {"text":"upgradeable multisigs:ethereum::closed source:solana"} {"text":"\"Don't die\" is not quite consistent with conference travel"} {"text":"@sandyzkp Parallelise"} {"text":"Why on the lord's earth is this on Solana?"} {"text":"@QwQiao Are you aware that its legal to praise sol without criticising eth?"} {"text":"In a world where everyone shills years before they build, @initiaFDN is a great relief"} {"text":"You will never be able to think of \"airdrop\" without the Su Zhu video replaying in your mind"} {"text":"\"We said this is a tech conference so we will only present\/talk about product. even solana labs didn't get the on main stage - Jamba did\" - @akshaybd"} {"text":"@shimon_newman @Rabby_io Yes"} {"text":"Two phones... very effective salesman"} {"text":"More than a few VC frens in town have gone from the search for \"next ethereum\" onto the search for the \"next solana\" nature of the biz"} {"text":"Solana deserves a lot of credit for turning limitations like \"per epoch dirty account only merkelization\" into features or working around them. This is good old fashioned silicon valley product building ... its not pure but its engineering"} {"text":"Lots of mobile at @SolanaConf I been sayin' for over a year now that the main bull case for manlet chain is mobile"} {"text":"@shimon_newman Me neither with @Rabby_io Bridging UX will get abstracted by erc7683"} {"text":"@_weidai \"better\" on some dimension(s) relevant to users"} {"text":"Stepn ran so that moonwalk can walk?"} {"text":"\"TON has more reach in the developing world whereas Solana is mainly first world\" - Depin founder at Breakpoint"} {"text":"@joonian @DoveyWan @ETHKL1 Shes right"} {"text":"@cryptunez Who sold?"} {"text":"@solana @aeyakovenko @brianlong Basically tendermint?"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko I missed selfie w ya yday am. My KOL price is down by half since"} {"text":"@Hirizzy @SolanaConf devcon or ethcc ya"} {"text":"I think if you want to ship something thats never been shipped before you can only do that in the US. If you want to ship what's already been shipped, go to Asia or Europe"} {"text":"\"Russian money parked in Dubai is the east, Russian money parked in London is the west\" - Joanna Zeng of Soon"} {"text":"Anatoly's rollups are extensions, Vitalik's rollups are parasitic?"} {"text":"@NftPerks No its all just normal product building in tech"} {"text":"After my bullish tweets, statutory solana dirty laundry: - not many ideas havent seen before - lots of closed source - fast iterations mean tech debt - firedancer is not live ( inspite of Mert's CAPS ) - can't concede that eth's rollup centric roadmap was correct so mucho spin"} {"text":"The culture is product culture"} {"text":"OH:\"Blockchains are distributed databases for market makers to do market making\""} {"text":"If I was 21, after witnessing Token2049 and the surrounding proceedings, I'd pivot to AI Thankfully there was @SolanaConf right after to show hope in engineering and apps"} {"text":"AI is misunderstood. @jdkanani of Morpheus told me that the best videos are generated by skilled screenplay writers We will see this pattern repeat. If you know what you are doing, AI can do it better. If you dont know what you are doing, AI will do something with side effects"} {"text":"AI will not kill anyone but the new nuclear reactors required to run those GPUs might"} {"text":"Contrary to the trillion tps narrative building by manlet core, this firedancer thing still hasn't shipped mainnet. Can someone call Kanav back? The eth equivalent would be announcing a zk rollup but without proofs"} {"text":"Hello @vaneck_us intern"} {"text":"The romanticism around the word \"cypherpunk\" is misplaced. OG cypherpunks aren't the knight in shining armor romantic heroes of cinderella. Some are political dissidents but then others may have been outright criminals in your own judgment or the law of your land - like Ross"} {"text":"@WClementeIII ... or buy puts"} {"text":"@ecent18 True. OGs were libertarians and fringe. Nothing romantic about that. 2024 is the most \"civilisation\" crypto has ever seen"} {"text":"Su Zhu video going around is cringe for our times but for OG bitcoiners this would have been a normal day in the fringe office That's why it doesn't matter what the \"OGs\" think. The OGs lived in their times, you live and build in yours"} {"text":"I see a crypto use case"} {"text":"One day maybe we can spell crypto without cringe"} {"text":"When \u2066@ethereumJoseph\u2069 returns to CT"} {"text":"@ethereumJoseph We are so bacc!"} {"text":"Long term thinking is essentially your bags refusing to go up in bula"} {"text":"If Kamala wins, sell in May and pivot to AI"} {"text":"Polygon's Aggregation summit should be an aggregation of all other crypto summits so that people can go to just one conf instead of traveling to 69420 shindigs"} {"text":"Hope Stani convinced Vitalik to stop selling and start using eth to borrow stables instead"} {"text":"Its not over till there's an eigen summit, gmonad summit, bera summit, mega summit, gmove summit and wtf werre we thinking summit"} {"text":"Differentiation is only valuable when relevant to a customer\/user"} {"text":"Solana Foundation basically just out-executed everyone else during the last 24 months or so"} {"text":"We are going from lower chop to higher chop"} {"text":"1 eth > 1 gold"} {"text":"Forget encrypted mempools. Having an encrypted block explorer like @solscanofficial is a killer app"} {"text":"@shimon_newman Been a not so secret sympathiser for a while "} {"text":"In the end the ETHBTC chart is just Saylor doing cocaine for two years"} {"text":"@0xJarod @0xanmol @Hadronfc @nickwh8te @ShubhamTotu cereal"} {"text":"@solarpunkmaxi Bullish yes. Even if its for edge financing"} {"text":"@solarpunkmaxi All sorts of stuff... wifi, energy, mobile networks, ai compute..."} {"text":"@thulynnn A few I think ... dont recall"} {"text":"If you want just three takeaway from Breakpoint... what I saw today was - Modular Solana is inevitable - DeFi summer continues on solana - Depin is the next big bet"} {"text":"Bitcoin is centralised In Michael Saylor..."} {"text":"When you meet your longtime CT frens IRL"} {"text":"@EFDevcon @SolanaConf @akshaybd "} {"text":"Singapore is kinda compressed Dubai with some trees thrown around"} {"text":"OH at Breakpoint: \"The angel 'game' is over for this cycle bro\""} {"text":"The meat of the shipping news from Breakpoint today is that the modular thesis continues to be validated tho Solana has its own twist and tradeoffs on it because of the way it handles merkelization ( or doesn't ) firedancer\/franken is a sideshow"} {"text":"So denoising the PR, Jump missed another firedancer mainnet date innit... its testnet and franken is kinda marketing thingy"} {"text":"@nickmartitsch @deepatalwar1 @JSONLEE3 @howdymerry @NTBro @n_wallyy @davidengel79 Who is woodchuck, who is venture apologist and who is frankie?"} {"text":"@akshaybd @SolanaConf clearly"} {"text":"execution premium"} {"text":"@thulynnn party..."} {"text":"People underestimate the heads down detailed operational grind that it takes to deliver creativity and fun in production"} {"text":"@hotpot_dao mega... bullish"} {"text":"@mdudas @SolanaConf @akshaybd No shit... legends are being born here as we watch"} {"text":"Conference of the year hands down @SolanaConf ... builders, creators, fun, vibes, production, design, food, venue... just perfect Epic work by team @akshaybd as always"} {"text":"This guy @zmanian is involved in all cosmos appchains including Solana"} {"text":"@reflexical Lots of maturity - infra, devtools, social layer... and scale"} {"text":"Last breakpoint, people were surprised to see how much was being built on Sol and how far those projects had come in terms of usability and traction. This time theres more scale and maturity but a lot less surprise ie a lot more of the expectation\/news is \"priced in\""} {"text":"Monolithic conference thesis Even modular summit is 100% aggregated"} {"text":"Someone who has strong opinions on how other people's world is supposed to work going forward based on how theirs has worked so far"} {"text":"@ItsAlwaysZonny @0xINBAE @initiaFDN dming son"} {"text":"Something's coming"} {"text":"@thulynnn Rushi and Bing can save us"} {"text":"Solana's secret sauce is young people just generally having fun"} {"text":"Gaming"} {"text":"@sandyzkp Gotta talk hooman to young people"} {"text":"@Taran_ss @cburniske The value in value add"} {"text":"@AntonioMJuliano No reason why future L1s wont"} {"text":"@0xINBAE @ItsAlwaysZonny @initiaFDN I feel a great need to meet that guy"} {"text":"Most properly dressed @tarunchitra in history"} {"text":"@FrankieIsLost Its the EIP 4844 of Solano"} {"text":"Gud coin spent well"} {"text":"Brevan Howard throws the best crypto parties and they don't even know it"} {"text":"@connan_james @TheWayvy she got 50 bips. legend"} {"text":"@TheWayvy @connan_james he's not OG. He does work"} {"text":"@connan_james srysly tho"} {"text":"Someone should trade all the ethereum OGs for product people from Solano"} {"text":"So much great tech is being delivered via bad products"} {"text":"@0xMert_ David is your best marketer. Be nice"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Vance Spencer is inverse Kyle Samani"} {"text":"deleting my shitposts for job security"} {"text":"If at least 20% of the total time of a group of cofounders is not spent on marketing ( incl bd ), they should be in the technology industry, not in the crypto industry"} {"text":"crypto industry is brilliant at solving problems no one will ever have"} {"text":"Phil Knight wrote book, Nike went down Bob Iger wrote book, Disney went down Vitalik movie... number down Never do this book\/movie shit Just ship and shill"} {"text":"Don't ever fade @cburniske Ser got Vitalik to endorse Solana at $8 and Jerome Powell to cut 50 bips right before Celestia unlocks"} {"text":"Last coin bula then we all pivot to AI"} {"text":"In an industry where marketing is more than half of the work, ultimately a founder has to do marketing Even Vitalik"} {"text":"@mo_baioumy @exolabs 6.9 is a sacred and auspicious number in crypto"} {"text":"ETH is better off without OGs"} {"text":"As an OG ( apparently ), I really don't give a fk what the OGs think. All I care about is where the young people are going because that's where the internet is gonna go"} {"text":"If ETH is not money, I want all of @peter_szilagyi s eth"} {"text":"@0xrooter @weremeow Wait"} {"text":"@iamDCinvestor Do you want to be popular or do you want to be rich?"} {"text":"Polygon's aggLayer is an exponentially bigger idea than @0xPolygon s zkevm or CDK"} {"text":"@sandyzkp Alignment is the end of product"} {"text":"@AntonioMJuliano Ser you literally built your own L1"} {"text":"@ramahluwalia FAFO"} {"text":"@Hadronfc @nickwh8te @CelestiaOrg @0xPolygon build whatever"} {"text":"You can predict the long term price of a token by observing how intentional and purposeful the founders act during a crypto conference"} {"text":"@Hadronfc @nickwh8te @CelestiaOrg @0xPolygon Couldn't have found a better FAFO coach than Mr modularity"} {"text":"crypto's achiles heel is funding solutions to very long horizon problems using very short horizon incentives"} {"text":"gmonad"} {"text":"Price of spot Gold is the best consensus predictor of a US recession"} {"text":"JPoW cut rates so that Eigen can unlock"} {"text":"Making a formula one track in the center of a bustling city is a failure of human imagination"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy @sreeramkannan Is that A(I)ndy?"} {"text":"@iamDCinvestor Few"} {"text":"@QwQiao Its so consensus that it gigabullish"} {"text":"@zjasper666 @eigenlayer @hyperbolic_labs @OpenledgerHQ @megaeth_labs @sentient_agi e\/acc "} {"text":"The decentralised AI ecosystem building on @eigenlayer's verifiable cloud on ethereum using @hyperbolic_labs @OpenledgerHQ @megaeth_labs @sentient_agi is not priced in"} {"text":"It has begun"} {"text":"@garvitgoel03 They will disagree or I will disagree with them"} {"text":"@ecent18 @gajesh"} {"text":"Disagreement between speakers will be enforced by moderator"} {"text":"@FilamentFinance 100x min from here"} {"text":"@vyas_krishnan wen you move from labs to foundation..."} {"text":"@clairekart Runway depends on token"} {"text":"@clairekart To each their own "} {"text":"@clairekart You're really underestimating these budgets"} {"text":"@hotpot_dao @tarunchitra Tarun bhai's missing SLA on latency"} {"text":"@hstyagi Cope harder prof"} {"text":"Why profs are pivoting to professor coins"} {"text":"Mood today"} {"text":"FAFO tonight "} {"text":"@pythianism @0xMert_"} {"text":"@hotpot_dao @megaeth_labs Many trailin' zeroes where ya goin'"} {"text":"Hard Rock at the Mega Church of ethereum"} {"text":"@gajesh Especially @ethereumJoseph - need him back on CT"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Congratulations."} {"text":"@ayyyeandy I wanna host or cohost this"} {"text":"There's zero risk in betting big on @RiscZero"} {"text":"Fwiw @justinsuntron and I are bullish on @VitalikButerin s singing with a combined $50bn of capital. Last time V danced onstage, number went up 30x or smth"} {"text":"@LoganJastremski @pythianism @jon_charb @Blockworks_ I think theres a substantive difference because of the diff in how EVM and SVM manage state - need a tech manlet to explain this to me"} {"text":"@LoganJastremski @pythianism I have been told that Solana \"network extensions\" will 'stay true' to the single global state machine vision unlike eth \"L2s\". Lets see. Need @jon_charb or @Blockworks_ to KOL this distinction to me in the form of 'research' asap"} {"text":"As a bumbling idiot who's made policy errors first by printing too much for too long and then by keeping rates too high for too long, Powell is the worst president of the Fed since Greenspan. He's literally the anti Volcker ... but he's our (crypto's) guy."} {"text":"Not buying the 50 bips pump. If this is 2020, we are so bacc. If this is 2008, its over"} {"text":"@0x94305 not like that. their sentences are measured in centuries"} {"text":"You can establish dominance by making people come to your side event instead of going to theirs"} {"text":"Why are you, a grown man or woman, looking for technology at a conference called \"token\"?"} {"text":"\"Thought leaders summit\" is KOL awards ceremony for people who can't finish their sentences"} {"text":"The main difference between Token2049 Dubai and Token2049 Singapore is the ethnicity of unexpectedly attractive people at the booths"} {"text":"Israel could have exploded Do Kwon's ledger while he was smuggling it inside his body"} {"text":"If you want your kids to be superachievers and be sued by the Feds early in life, send them to work in crypto, not science or math"} {"text":"@Melt_Dem You have too much influence over Policy"} {"text":"@SCBuergel I'm here for Breakpoint"} {"text":"JPoW saw the Berachain party and cut rates hard so that crypto parties can be funded with tokens instead of LP cash"} {"text":"50 bips panic cut by the fed is like ethereum foundation treasury panic selling at 2500 after feeling uber bullish at 3800"} {"text":"@jacqmelinek Often, there's no business"} {"text":"I am at a @solana founders VIP dinner The mission has exceeded all expectations"} {"text":"@neymarind2003 @SolanaConf its trading like the new ethereum"} {"text":"Well @SolanaConf is clearly the main event"} {"text":"OH at a VC event in Singapore:\"My main objective at Token is to find more Tokens\""} {"text":"Use case at the intersection of AI and crypto: AGI humanoid robots to attend crypto conferences on behalf of founders"} {"text":"Dubai:Hot::Singapore:Humid"} {"text":"@mdudas Economy that bad?"} {"text":"Restaked breathing incoming soon"} {"text":"@ashwinho4 @Hadronfc Exciting!"} {"text":"crypto in Asia has a certain purity to it ... for example, you can get so many AI*crypto projects with zero people on the team who know anything about AI"} {"text":"20490 attendees at Token2049"} {"text":"@ramahluwalia I just want 25 bips to restore coin bula"} {"text":"The @ai in AI*crypto"} {"text":"Met @0xMert_ last night. Really impressed by his work in DePin for mobile networks"} {"text":"@toghrulmaharram There's AI for that"} {"text":"@toghrulmaharram One is half of 6000?"} {"text":"The man brought tradfi into crypto years before it was cool. Jose@PayPal is a legend you may never have heard of"} {"text":"Was fun to reminisce about Goldman Sachs culture with @_jhunsaker and @avichal - probably the biggest firm in the world with a (multi) startup culture, or at least was before dodd frank"} {"text":"Who will be the first crypto CEO to blame work from home for a failing token?"} {"text":"@Astromarmot6969 @laurashin @YalinBuyukdora @QwQiao Culture - as I said, grind and value on education. Jewish people have the same"} {"text":"@laurashin @YalinBuyukdora @QwQiao Before this chat veers off into HR trouble, I shall refer you back to statistics. All I am saying is that Asian americans are currently outperforming others in educational and financial metrics"} {"text":"The economic security of every layer of ethereum lies in its userlayer and its traderlayer"} {"text":"@YalinBuyukdora @laurashin @QwQiao And the best crypto podcast by some Korean American"} {"text":"I dont have a KOL agreement with @gavofyork but to truly not be parasitic, issuance of ethereum L2 tokens should lead to buying ETH directly as in Parachain auctions, instead of whatever meme this blobspace revenue and value accrual is"} {"text":"@laurashin @QwQiao Its a matter of statistics, not opinion"} {"text":"@0xnikhilchat @MikeIppolito_ Nothing to do with that. The core idea of parachain auctions pumping dot directly is correct. The auction model needs work"} {"text":"@laurashin @QwQiao Its a combo of the Asian grind and the American freedoms"} {"text":"@laurashin @QwQiao The future is not in Asia, its in the Asians in America"} {"text":"@IntrinsicDeFi 97% is streamed blocks from Eclipse SVM"} {"text":"Basically chart crime. Filling a DA with data is trivial if you don't care whats in the data."} {"text":"@RyanWatkins_ @blockworksres @CelestiaOrg What if you adjust for eclipse streaming?"} {"text":"It appears the Hezbollah guys went to the world Hezbollah summit in Iran and got those pagers as free conference swag... no one says no to swag"} {"text":"Not your token, not your blockchain Only Polkadot has tried to solve this cosmosification problem tho its not done yet"} {"text":"@QuillAI_Network @Polymarket @realDonaldTrump @worldlibertyfi @Dumpster_DAO This is a very cool use of AI in crypto. 12 rug risks - next up suggest fixes using AI?"} {"text":"One of the use cases at the intersection of AI*crypto is to quickly detect rug risks in presidential defi "} {"text":"I asked a pre series A crypto team what their plan to get attention to their project was and they said their plan is to launch a testnet You cant solve an engineering problem with more marketing ...or the other way round"} {"text":"@ConejoCapital @enshriningplebs @hotpot_dao @NamikMuduroglu @megaeth_labs Locked in in real time"} {"text":"@jasonjzhao @mo_baioumy @ilblackdragon @EMostaque @ac_crypto @_AlexanderLong @mraltantutar @fenbielding @realDanielShorr cant wait"} {"text":"I think the only AI people I've met in AI*crypto so far are @ilblackdragon, @EMostaque, @ac_crypto and @mo_baioumy tho there are some others like Alex S of Near that I haven't met yet"} {"text":"@JimmyRagosa EF needs to stop exploding ethereum"} {"text":"If JPoW saves the coins tomorrow I will tell my kids he's grandpa"} {"text":"Whats going on with Hezbolllah's decentralised pagers?"} {"text":"@0xMawuko Same as when I meet @tarunchitra and @zmanian"} {"text":"If the 50bips cut doesn't cause a dump pls all of you launch your tokens next week"} {"text":"When I have made it, you won't know it but there will be signs I wont be attending crypto conferences"} {"text":"@theempirepod @caseykcaruso @mo_baioumy @santiagoroel A must listen"} {"text":"@pedrouid Generational wealth!"} {"text":"A startup should never be so afraid of failure that its afraid to ship"} {"text":"Why'd anyone invest in a me too prediction market that launches after the US elections?"} {"text":"25 bips JPoW has no upside and all the downside from going yolo"} {"text":"@lex_node Decadence got a lot of attention but its 2% of the overall event schedule here"} {"text":"@anuragarjun gunify!"} {"text":"I solved the molandak puzzle at the intersection of ai and crypto"} {"text":"@AvailProject @LensProtocol Congratulations - this is a fantastic example of how modular blockchains like @AvailProject can deliver scale, extensibility and flexibility for web3 native applications"} {"text":"Bitcoiners gloat daily Altcoiners gloat once during altszn Net ROI is the same"} {"text":"@0xJCT no"} {"text":"This week in SGP, I have met a Chinese copy of @megaeth_labs and a Chinese copy of @hyperbolic_labs which is funny because both projects have US based gigabrain founders of Chinese origin"} {"text":"Funding !=> Hype Hype => Funding If you think raising a big round means hype you've got it backwards"} {"text":"@jbrukh Easily the hardest problem in DeAI. Inference has its own challenges but its easier to demonstrate something than for training"} {"text":"@Cameron_Dennis_ Its not. POL and Matic are split rn on gecko"} {"text":"$RLHF will melt faces "} {"text":"@torabyou gmove"} {"text":"Bitcoin is trying to become Ethereum instead of getting Asian women and Saudis to buy Bitcoin Ethereum is trying to become Solana Solana will try to become Sui? So many ways to destroy value in crypto"} {"text":"Replace panels with debates immediately"} {"text":"There's an AI in Jedi Welcome to the Decentralised AI summit by @OpenledgerHQ Sign up here:"} {"text":"So bullish on \u2066@movementlabsxyz\u2069"} {"text":"@0xakkii @Consensys Unretire Andrew Keys immediately"} {"text":"Someone's entire job at @Consensys should be pitching ETH ETF to Wall Street - like Ol' times EEA"} {"text":"@impranavm_ @streamingfastio @edgeandnode Show me the @lookonchain alerts or this didnt happen"} {"text":"Innovation has no endgame Innovation IS the endgame"} {"text":"Wartime Vitalik is my favorite Vitalik ethereum is so bacc"} {"text":"@hotpot_dao Just like ethereum - no users, no devs, no degens right? right?"} {"text":"At least Solana parties were hackerhouses"} {"text":"@jacqmelinek As @hosseeb said, Polygon BD team did"} {"text":"@thulynnn Blockchain"} {"text":"Re AI and LLMs, its a terrible joke of nature that the structure of everything is statistical and humans suck at statistics"} {"text":"SUI is like Solana without the users and the devs"} {"text":"If they fail to screen the immaculate conception of ethereum and second coming of Vitalik movie in Singapore, ETH will go up 20% Make Vitalik human again and make ethereum a technology again so that number can go up"} {"text":"crypto has always been over saturated. we had thousands of colored coins in 2014. just need Jerome Powell to send more of the sound money coin USD"} {"text":"Anyone who publicly represents themselves as a crypto KOL in an IRL event belongs in the mob museum "} {"text":"@ylecun @karpathy"} {"text":"Its crazy how much human time and talent has been wasted on account abstraction and chain abstraction Bruh have we considered working on APP-TRACTION instead?"} {"text":"intents are just another name for limit orders and solvers are just another name for markets makers"} {"text":"Just mute the bears Why suffer in advance if they are right? Most of the time they are wrong anyway"} {"text":"Ana De Armas > Sidney Sweeney"} {"text":"The funding round people raise in order to throw epic parties at conferences should be called series P, not series B or C"} {"text":"@AkshitBordia @HashedEM @CumberlandSays @SaisonCapital @gate_io @DWFVentures @CoinSwitch @wagmi_vc Congratulations"} {"text":"For three years now, @LogX_trade have executed brilliantly on all fronts - grit, learning, product, engineering, UX, cross chain growth, managing their treasury, liquidity, hiring - and the market is starting to assign that thing called exection premium to this team. Godspeed"} {"text":"India leads in crypto adoption because there are no major crypto conferences in India Same for Russia"} {"text":"Best thing about founder mode is that most people commenting on it haven't read the original article and commentary by Graham and Chesky"} {"text":"It seems the optimal bio clock strategy for Dubai residents in SGP this week is to stick to the Dubai time zone"} {"text":"I think CZ is the most founder mode founder I ever met. His second innings from Sep 29th onwards will be worth following along"} {"text":"Shogun has 18 emmy's Its worth each one of those"} {"text":"@RiscZero "} {"text":"The romantic 80s were glorious - Sagan and Capra thought our consciousness had a quantum structure. Forty years later, its more than a bit annoying to realise that all we do all our lives is essentially matrix multiplication"} {"text":"Taylor Swift tried to assasinate Trump Dont mess with Taylor Swift"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart @ercwl To Iggy?"} {"text":"@gajeshnaik ETH maxis provided attention capital"} {"text":"@DoveyWan @rushimanche @intern Thats our quant"} {"text":"Parenting is just applying RLHF to a human"} {"text":"Bitcoin maxis hate alts ... till alts go up"} {"text":"Catastrophic forgetting during fine tuning is so much like human intelligence lol. When you get very good at math, you get bad at a bunch of things"} {"text":"@JimmyRagosa I got eth too man. ETH will go up hard in bula"} {"text":"Monad is what you get when you simplify ethereum where its too complicated ( Consensus ) and add complexity where its too simple ( parallelism and async execution )"} {"text":"AI model training is not that different from building a startup. As you hire too many, team performance degrades quite quickly because people spend the time communicating rather than doing"} {"text":"Inside me there are both wolves"} {"text":"@StaniKulechov Founder mode is about decision making and not letting hired hands run a biz into the ground. The buck stops with the founders because they are the owners of the biz. You do this rather well already"} {"text":"Who ganna make the most partnership announcements in Singapore this week?"} {"text":"This election is Taylor Swift v @elonmusk"} {"text":"@gregosuri Thats why"} {"text":"I want to live in a world where founders sit back and ship and hire chief conference officers to do the paneling and keynoting - like eloquent high IQ versions of models at a car show. This would cut the shipping time of all my gud bags by 6-12mo and improve code quality by 69%"} {"text":"@rushimanche If its not on twitter it didnt happen"} {"text":"@TivoZK Certainly more efficient to meet at a side event "} {"text":"@dbc___ Yes. Meet and vibe w locals fosho"} {"text":"Preconf refers to side events before a conference starts"} {"text":"@cobie @inversebrah Facts"} {"text":"Degods is pivoting to memecoins"} {"text":"Altszn always comes from China China macro needs repair"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko @colludingnode Ya see permissionless is radical"} {"text":"I am glad @shubhrat forced me to buy Solano at $20 last year I have learnt a lot from both tech and non tech manlets since"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko @colludingnode Man is sayin that without cypherphunk sauce you can just use MQ series"} {"text":"@_omgnicklachey I pivoted to operatoor"} {"text":"@owocki @sreeramkannan How to measure returns on Bankless Malayalam and Maigayar grants is the qn"} {"text":"@YoannTurpin1 His Majesty's subject ser"} {"text":"@MikeIppolito_ Lets do this"} {"text":"@ecent18 I prefer not to say"} {"text":"Singapore is for vibing or closing For everything else there's a telegram chat"} {"text":"@Noah_Saav vibin or closin, nothing in between"} {"text":"@sreeramkannan @owocki Does the book mention generating any returns on donations and grants? There's a capitalism in capital"} {"text":"Singapore survival guide: Do not grab a coffee for what can be done on a telegram chat."} {"text":"@kemonokaki @scatter_art @0xPolygon @OekakiConnect We are so bacc"} {"text":"Bitcoin wins every bear market Bula hasnt even started lol"} {"text":"I am sorry guys. I just can't support a guy who hates Taylor Swift. Money isn't everything and I can retire in the rural Himalayas ( tho not in Dubai ) if Harris shuts coins down"} {"text":"Often its not the narrative thats the issue but the evidence for the narrative Bitcoiners do this best - promptly replaced the \"inflation hedge\" narrative with \"digital gold\" as soon as people found out that \"inflation hedge\" wasnt"} {"text":"@0xMert_ @dj652 Agreed. A bull case for eth is not bear case for sol fwiw."} {"text":"A bull case for eth is not a bear case for Sol. In fact if either invents smth useful its good for the other I like and hold both coins Why is this so hard?"} {"text":"@dj652 @0xMert_ I didnt say anything critical about Solana. Both can innovate and do well. This is zero sum mindset"} {"text":"@0xMert_ @dj652 Name some bls. dont say pump dot fun"} {"text":"@dj652 @0xMert_ Yet to see other chains come up with things that arent invented on eth. Last one was serum"} {"text":"@intangiblecoins Grayscale ETHE becomes empty"} {"text":"@0xMert_ other ecosystems can focus on their own positives"} {"text":"@gluk64 @0xMert_ this thing by @sreeramkannan and @viswanathpramod din get properly funded in 2020. now might be the time"} {"text":"The merge is not priced in"} {"text":"@0x_b1 ultrasound money was a mistake. demand focus >>> supply focus"} {"text":"The bull case for ethereum is innovation innovation --> apps --> users --> demand no other bull case is required there's an insane amount of innovation on ethereum why is no one talking about this?"} {"text":"I think I might have finally understood @ilblackdragon s transformer paper... might"} {"text":"Just need eth to reach 3k soon too"} {"text":"@hotpot_dao gib luma"} {"text":"Kamala Harris' most crypto friendly move so far has been claiming that she has worked at McDonalds"} {"text":"@OfficialESC We hab tether kinda"} {"text":"If a crypto founder has risen above the crypto industry morally, intellectually or spiritually it means they have made enough and its over for their coin... No hunger no game baby"} {"text":"Told you in March"} {"text":"As a crypto investor you've be mentally ready to hold for one entire cycle otherwise you will be posting desperate KOL quality shills here before every unlock with emojis etc ... and look for founders who have at least a five year staying power ie avoid secondary sellers"} {"text":"Has anyone tried to get OpenAI o1 to launch a professor coin? What happened?"} {"text":"@megaeth_labs @ark_stream @EVGHQ gib luma"} {"text":"@davidwithbull Modularity"} {"text":"@0xMert_ What is weekends"} {"text":"@nbrsr Those are from 2020 lol"} {"text":"STANFORD IN BIO"} {"text":"Clearly he had no personal use for any"} {"text":"@noah_pravecek Yes. There have been good experiments eg send cash to token stakers eg who are essentially doing technical work. Matter of much debate. Elect trump"} {"text":"Cashflows and crypto wont go together without regulatory change\/accomodations in securities laws"} {"text":"@gajeshnaik ... otherwise?"} {"text":"@gajeshnaik Gaj cap going to too many confs"} {"text":"Bullmarket things"} {"text":"@Loopifyyy This must be VC ie LP money"} {"text":"@solarpunkmaxi Yes. Two more hacks needed - skip dinner - phone not in bedroom"} {"text":"+ Chelated magnesium - Coffee Thank me later"} {"text":"@cburniske @CelestiaOrg Both @AvailProject and Celestia ecosystems will be among top 5 blockchain\/L1 ecosystems"} {"text":"@NareshKx @TheReliableJobs indeed"} {"text":"Why cant JPoW do a 37.5 bips cut"} {"text":"Thats not a somali pirate. That's Ansem from Brooklyn"} {"text":"I don't know who needs to know this but TVL is not a benchmark for AI models"} {"text":"@AzFlin How many perp dexes can we fund"} {"text":"Thousands of single server L2s and L3s will be instantly decentralised when Trump wins. You are not ready"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart If Trump wins, Base is sufficiently decentralised"} {"text":"No one has won a war with miladies... because miladies don't need to win for the other side to lose"} {"text":"@AzFlin most defi degens want but are unable to get vc funding because of last cycle defi accidents"} {"text":"Satashi died for tradfi and saylor to own and pump all the bitcoin but we will never hear our crypto critic fren @GwartyGwart say that"} {"text":"@brian_armstrong @TylerDurden US Gov could have seized btc backing WBTC via bitgo afaik so its not clear what Mr Sun's issue is"} {"text":"@divine_economy @CelestiaOrg @Maven11Capital Modular summit is good but that is what has inspired 69420 side events at every conf now"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart Brad Garlickhouse"} {"text":"In 1885 railroads were 85% of the US stonk market ... Basically AI"} {"text":"Good studio monitors are such a joy compared to airpods"} {"text":"@AltcoinDailyio ethereum"} {"text":"@0xMert_ You know the sacrifices my folks had to make to buy a raspberry pi?"} {"text":"8 hour flight plan: Wyatt Earp documentary + four ML papers"} {"text":"@j6sp5r He did speak at some btc and eth events but conference mania was nothing like this then haha"} {"text":"@j6sp5r Satoshi yes. V is a super popular speaker"} {"text":"Which crypto founders have carried a successful token without doing the conference speaker circuit, big events at confs and baddies etc?"} {"text":"\"The future of AI is Open Source and Decentralised\""} {"text":"OH: \"Marriage and McKinsey don't go together\""} {"text":"Good BD guys just vibe and know who to ask for what without beating around the bush"} {"text":"Will be in Singapore 17-22 mainly to spy on manlets and study their community building secrets lfg"} {"text":"AI is getting more and more intelligent This will help humans get less and less intelligent So bullish for our crypto industry $10T this cycle "} {"text":"China's startup scene probably just moved to the Bay area"} {"text":"One pivotal culture change I noticed in Solano in the post FTX era is the idea of creating value before capturing value. Thats what winning startups are all about. The other way is the way to lose top talent"} {"text":"@lmrankhan Startup scene always struggles in a downturn. China will be bacc"} {"text":"Methinks @sandyzkp s chain is very under rated. One day at a time these guys keep shipping and making it better"} {"text":"You guys are too fixated on Trumpwin. The worst case is four more years of republican courts going after dems for going after crypto. In fact red courts will not be so friendly if a Trump official goes after crypto Macro and JPoW matter much more than Harris or Trump"} {"text":"@StockSavvyShay Bailout?"} {"text":"@JohnWRichKid so no testnet ever?"} {"text":"@alc_anthro @ChadCaff @inversebrah"} {"text":"@ChadCaff crypto is about choosing both in the same year"} {"text":"Hi we are @Hadronfc and we endorse this message"} {"text":"@readswithravi @naval For the avoidance of doubt, token price going up doesnt count as \"working\""} {"text":"I am a not so secret admirer of Yann Lecun so when he retweets my frens at @exolabs_ ... its kinda emotional"} {"text":"People leaving ethereum foundation is so bullish for ethereum"} {"text":"A tweet from Meta AI saying \"decentralised\" is truly a historic moment. Epic work by team Exo"} {"text":"@AIatMeta @mo_baioumy The future of AI \"is open source and decentralised\". May the force be with Exo"} {"text":"If you wanna win, start by understanding what game you're playing. Then maybe change it"} {"text":"Just generated questions for an AI*crypto panel I am hosting using Chat GPT How is your day going?"} {"text":"@SpheronFDN Cool discussion. Thank you"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy Sandy's chain works well. Also starknet has been improving rapidly in terms of UX"} {"text":"@y2kappa CT is a key part of that but @superteam did phenomenal IRL and online community building work, the hackerhouse vibes were great and the foundation meticulously lined up institutions and VCs behind the progress of the product. Then the product worked :-)"} {"text":"Very nice stonk that Bitcoin of yours"} {"text":"@0xMert_ My parents want to move in with me. Help"} {"text":"Memecoin trading wizards, how much weight have you gained this year?"} {"text":"@0xMert_ What max tps can you get on a one node Solana chain?"} {"text":"Great use case at the intersection of AI and crypto"} {"text":"Is Ceffu another name for Bitcoin foundation?"} {"text":"My blunt advice to Indian founders is to find a way to make it big in America. Even Indian spiritual leaders need US recognition before they are recognised in India"} {"text":"I like @sentient_agi s approach to getting people paid for contributing open source models. Keen to see subsequent iterations of their research and of course its productisation"} {"text":"A bittensor subnet is a \"chain of no thought\" AI protocol"} {"text":"AI might be doing the thinking for the rest of the world but crypto will always need people who can't think. You want job security in the AI era? Pivot to crypto"} {"text":"Everyone is a founder in a bubble and an employee in a bust"} {"text":"Its not DA oversupply or blockchain oversupply but application undersupply and interest rates oversupply"} {"text":"@0xfoobar @sreeramkannan @eigen_da Then both of those inside Avail so that you get a fully featured DA with DAS and validity proofs"} {"text":"Dinners are a mistake. Sleep is 10x better without"} {"text":"This chain of thought thing is really cool"} {"text":"@rushimanche gmove"} {"text":"Jensen Huang is a role model KOL for all founders. Shill like Jensen if ya ganna shill"} {"text":"Nothing has destroyed more value in a crypto project than the social layer advisory collection program, also known as \"alignment\""} {"text":"If Do Kwon was around Trump would be launching an algo stablecoin rn"} {"text":"Next Trump crypto talk will be about Certik"} {"text":"Yo @twobitidiot bro pls stop Trump from launching this solidity defi copy pasta honeypot. If it rugs Harris has wild ammo"} {"text":"I'd like Trump to launch his defi honeypot, semi guaranteed solidity rug thing on a chain I don't have bags in - maybe Cardano or something"} {"text":"What if you pivot to AI and then AI does all the AI work"} {"text":"DA without DAS is retarded"} {"text":"@mdudas Treasure DeGods"} {"text":"@0xfoobar Downside for crypto also if it rugs"} {"text":"@KyleSamani @milesjennings Point is they weren't ganna rug millions easily either"} {"text":"God bless Anatoly for making product a thing in crypto. Its like we can be a part of the tech industry or something one day"} {"text":"Lots of VCs who aped 1b+ FDV rounds are MIA after secondaries died"} {"text":"Only crypto can produce pre product ecosystems"} {"text":"@nic__carter $20B at Bahamas"} {"text":"All of ethereum's troubles might have started not with the merge but with a religious congregation called zuzalu This is when dot eths rose above the mundane preoccupations of number go up and merged into a higher metaphysical out of body reality"} {"text":"@cryptunez Different flavours of move and object oriented storage"} {"text":"Translation. The new ChatGPT O1 is excellent at overcomplicating simple things"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart Store of value"} {"text":"If you don't know what you want its very hard to get it"} {"text":"@0xr0han @megaeth_labs Latency is just hard, even in cloud and ai, its just hard. Randomness\/noise is a ... I wont say it"} {"text":"crypto twitter was always the real social layer"} {"text":"@krugermacro Cost of abandoning CT: $100B"} {"text":"@Eug_Ng @binance @OpenEden_Labs "} {"text":"@mdudas Yeah its time to clean that alignment mess up"} {"text":"In Physics, the ETHBTC price chart is referred to as the Bankless-Farcaster \"we have already won\" chart If you are into research layer or social layer, pivot to product layer"} {"text":"@JimmyRagosa This has become a spectator sport after EF and Vitalik affiliated wallets sold when everyone else was suffering"} {"text":"@0xCrayon @megaeth_labs @aeyakovenko @miguel_de_vega Sreeram, Pramod, David Tse, many such cases"} {"text":"@GordonGekko_CVP >> All DAs can do all those things? Nope"} {"text":"Seeing some \"cheaper @megaeth_labs\" pitch decks go around town. Having been a telecoms engineer\/C++ dev in ancient times I think TPS is a lot easier to solve than delivering consistent, predictable latency tho"} {"text":"DAs are more flexible layer 1s Layer 1s are less flexible DAs Those who say DA is a commodity don't understand the impact of: 1. Light clients 2. Client side proofs and verification 3. Data availability *sampling* 4. Interop across rollups 5. Proof aggregation"} {"text":"@lookonchain Solano bio defense fund - defense from cats, dogs and such"} {"text":"Solana needs a Bio defense fund"} {"text":"\"We have $7bn worth of liquid tokens in our treasury\" A coworker in 2019 just before ETH went to $88 and that treasury went to $70mn worth of illiquid tokens"} {"text":"Everyone is signed up for six events in parallel at any given time at @token2049 Parallelized EVM..."} {"text":"Biggest eth sellers in the last four weeks: Jump Metalpha Ethereum Foundation One of these needs a treasury manager who's not a blockchain researcher"} {"text":"OH: \"Speculation was our strategy\""} {"text":"Bankless has its own conference"} {"text":"No matter how rekt you are in crypto, there's always a guy who unintentionally sold a 600 eth ape punk for 10 eth"} {"text":"We are nowhere near peak AI but we are close to peak OpenAI and possibly peak Nvidia too"} {"text":"Listened to Lex Fridman's podcast with Elon Musk. Maybe safe superintelligence will use a supercluster of 8bn human brains for compute"} {"text":"Ethereum is not WWIII resistant Its not ultrasound nothing Its a super useful product and ecosystem for building other useful products As crypto matures we all need to inhale less and ship more"} {"text":"@mraltantutar @nufflelabs @eigenlayer @eigenfoundation @eigenlabs Congrats"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart That does sound unreal tbh"} {"text":"@CryptoMan_Ram Killer product, needs mo hype"} {"text":"This is good. 50bps would be concerning"} {"text":"@IvanOnTech Bro its not even him"} {"text":"The market is indexing way too much on Trumpwin IMO. If macro pumps, Biden couldn't stop it and Harris wont be able to stop it"} {"text":"TL:Dr; Harris won the debate and Trump won the election"} {"text":"The Upanishads describe six forms of wealth: 1. Chill\/Peace of mind 2. Control over senses 3. Forbearance 4. Ability to enjoy what you have 5. Faith 6. Contentment If one has a good measure of these, any number is enough to live n work otherwise no number is enough to retire"} {"text":"I have concepts of a plan to: 1. Replace memecoin trades on Solana with traffic from useful apps 2. Scale ethereum layer 1"} {"text":"Sell NVDA buy ETH"} {"text":"If you are a crypto founder eating cats and ducks in America, just move to Dubai and enjoy fine cuisine"} {"text":"Satoshi is thrilled that the economic security of peer to peer electronic cash depends on who wins the US presidential debate"} {"text":"Skipping dinner every day is a life hack"} {"text":"Trump should try an expression thats not grump"} {"text":"@sreeramkannan Cost of capital is 0 in a boom and infinite in a bust"} {"text":"Projects that overhire or hire for fancy CVs inflict unnecessary\/endless sell pressure on their token. LINK, DOT, ETH, FLOW... many such cases"} {"text":"There's a fun in fun ding"} {"text":"Sometimes large language models are like blockchains. We use them because they are cool, not because they are the best solution for the problem"} {"text":"Solana is WWIV reaistant ultrasound money"} {"text":"Everyone wants to be an operator till they have to do a detailed budget, a project plan, a balance sheet, a headcount analysis or a cash flow forecast"} {"text":"@0xsachi I would rather have 9k followers"} {"text":"Supercycle"} {"text":"@0xsachi public controversy"} {"text":"Bera so bad, selling my Honda Bid directly on @dubizzle"} {"text":"How to invest in crypto"} {"text":"Why is Bitcoin up today? Ans: Its a stonk"} {"text":"Apple is innovating but in the former ARM division. There's an AI chip company in there somewhere"} {"text":"2\/3 of September still left"} {"text":"Lots of risk appetite in the market waiting for JPoW"} {"text":"All I want for Christmas is Donald Trump as POTUS"} {"text":"You guys gave Racer $40m for being backed but not endorsed by Paradigm and Nader $75m for being backed but not endorsed by a16z Maybe it's not the VCs at fault. Maybe its you who's missing a chip up top"} {"text":"The most important skill in crypto is not learning but unlearning"} {"text":"As an ETH holder, I would like to see ethereum foundation making cost cutting announcements instead of even more hiring announcements"} {"text":"Vanity is the biggest enemy of startups and founders alike"} {"text":"@jacobkxyz I was into investing, pivoted to operating"} {"text":"@0xMert_ @0xhauru WW4 resistant database"} {"text":"@abhitejxyz @0xagarwal Number is for whales. I am tuna and therefore very picky"} {"text":"This is enough to retire in rural himalayas"} {"text":"This is what they mean by \"racer\""} {"text":"@0xMert_ Also ultrasound money before rollup centric roadmap"} {"text":"@matthew_sigel @joaomendoncaaaa I meant comparing eth move from sol bottom"} {"text":"@joaomendoncaaaa @matthew_sigel This visual is so dependent on an arbitrary starting point. ETH bottom was $88"} {"text":"@coinmamba Amen"} {"text":"@matthew_sigel Bls get trump elected"} {"text":"@matthew_sigel No legislation can pass until then and courts haven't been favorable to regulatory overreach."} {"text":"@matthew_sigel nah. Kamala will take until 2025 Q4 to do any damage"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy gmove. eigen technically launched already"} {"text":"@gajeshnaik Congratulations"} {"text":"The most important KOLs for any crypto project are the founder(s), followed by investors"} {"text":"@0xMert_ look up bhastrika - exercise, breathing, meditation, good sleep"} {"text":"Dollars are sound money"} {"text":"@Evan_ss6 ETH underperformed so far but its a timing issue. BTC ETF came wen stonks started pumping. ETH ETF just wen stonks started dumping Messaging and escape to farcaster didnt help at all but its a smaller factor"} {"text":"Vitalik is dumping stonks on us"} {"text":"BTC was $72k and SOL was $192 when ETH was $3800 - now BTC is $54k, SOL is $128 and everything is down real bad since but looking at the TL you'd think everything else has gone up and only Vitalik sold"} {"text":"Valuing any blockchain based on cash flows is stupid Only Gary Gensler would do that"} {"text":"@jackzampolin Congrats!"} {"text":"The secondary market for used stuff in Dubai is crazy liquid... its a bit of a transit town in that expats come, stay for a few years and go, so there are always sellers and buyers for all kinds of used goods"} {"text":"Chart of declining ChatGPT usage doesn't matter, except that it might be comforting for Google's search business. LLMs are getting integrated into enterprise software all over the place and after a brief trough of disillusionment, we will see AI become synonymous with software"} {"text":"More competition, less novetly value"} {"text":"@solostakers @sam_battenally @ayyyeandy Correct"} {"text":"@DEVBOSE111 Retired from markets so that I can work"} {"text":"Still the same do nothing szn in markets"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy luck - the best founders are lucky"} {"text":"Banks were shilling $200 NVDA to retail Brent and Ansem are crypto banks"} {"text":"Wondering if this is time to save the airfare and hotel for Singapore confs and buy two ETH with it"} {"text":"Its not how much value your blockchain captures. Its how much value your blockchain creates"} {"text":"@matthew_sigel In Van Eth we trust"} {"text":"@JimmyRagosa brrrr"} {"text":"Sell in may go away Logout from CT in September and "} {"text":"A startup ends when HR joins"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Its most applicable for scaleups... the transition from startup to company"} {"text":"Cycle not started till JPoW announces cycle. ETF approval scam pump has ended thats all"} {"text":"@ChadCaff Bullish"} {"text":"Vitalik and Stani have nothing on Jensen"} {"text":"If I had an exec coach or therapist, we'd work on decoupling emotions from token prices"} {"text":"Miss the days from 2024 when $10,000 was not enough to retire"} {"text":"@KyleSamani Timing can impact treasury build up for teams that dont have a lot of cash in the fundraise but other than that youre right"} {"text":"@cburniske Doing god's work before JPoW comes to the rescue"} {"text":"@ArjunKalsy @ethereum @aave Completely different situation. Wrong way risk"} {"text":"@SpheronFDN @circle @Aptos "} {"text":"@zengjiajun_eth @ethereum @aave Gotta bet on your own flagships. Keep HF high"} {"text":"@NineFigsXBT @0xPolygon Ya"} {"text":"So many of random $2m-$3m onchain sales by @ethereum should be collateralised borrows from @aave Who's running the treasury ova der?"} {"text":"ETH would be $4000 rn if an IBC equivalent was on first up the rollup centric roadmap Unfortunately maximising validator count means too many signatures for IBC @0xPolygon aggLayer solves this, among other things"} {"text":"Fedtember"} {"text":"In a crypto startup either there's founder mode or slow decline into irrelevance mode Never seen a third mode tbh"} {"text":"@SupraSensei gud founders do"} {"text":"F founders dont think D founders think token C founders think tech B crypto founders think product A founders think ecosystem"} {"text":"@tmnxeq @0xjaypeg This is how Justin Sun will own all the ETH"} {"text":"@ac_crypto @__tinygrad__ "} {"text":"This time I sold half of liquid bagholdered the other half One more cycle needed for crypto enlightenment"} {"text":"Nothing really happens in a startup in the long term. The long term is only the path integral of the day to day execution we deliver"} {"text":"In the short term Solana is so lucky to get the ETF buzz but not the actual ETF lol... though in the next six mo someone will figure out how to sell ETH ETF to tradfi"} {"text":"The main event in Singapore is Manlet Breakpoint ngl"} {"text":"50 bips"} {"text":"@NelsonRodMar permute"} {"text":"There's no \"AI\" in the word \"Europe\""} {"text":"Clean chart"} {"text":"Kinda cool that @prashant_xyz and @AravSrinivas look like AI brothers"} {"text":"Men used to be touched by Jensen now their X gets fake hacked for buzz"} {"text":"ETF was a mistake. Bitcoin is a large cap stonk now. Where's the alfa in dis?"} {"text":"Is there therapy for people who sleep to Audible books etc and thus \"not waste time\"? Asking for a friend"} {"text":"@0xUsamaro @0xMert_ @heliuslabs dot eth transplant was successful"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Dubai is also excellent that way. Get well soon young man. If it's GERD related then lifestyle changes are in order. If the medication ends in \"prazole\" you have to check side effects though first month is no problem."} {"text":"So many crypto projects are just marketing solutions for engineering problems"} {"text":"pump dot fun VC: \"infra is ded, invest in apps\" the apps: "} {"text":"When pump dot fun VCs take victory larps and say \"build something people want\""} {"text":"@netcapgirl Pre idea"} {"text":"@Hadronfc @0xPolygon @token2049 The more you want to find out, the more you have to FA"} {"text":"Hello founders, just be alive for the next three MONTHs..."} {"text":"@vaneck_us From the intern who was shilling his bag etf filing so hard"} {"text":"@CloutedMind Bula hasnt started"} {"text":"Founder mode hits different in Pyongyang"} {"text":"September"} {"text":"All crypto needs is private market valuations for public market coins"} {"text":"@mrjasonchoi @solarpunkmaxi @GEODNET_ @prodialabs @andrena_wifi @helium also @witnesschain"} {"text":"@CyberShakti Singapore > Devcon forya"} {"text":"@solarpunkmaxi Forced hodl is the alfa. Sadtember, uptober, then uponly"} {"text":"Powell's plan is to first blow up the US economy and then panic print CT into financial valhalla"} {"text":"Any money I have ever made in crypto was by taking huge unrealised losses relative to net worth"} {"text":"@SplitCapital We had a lot of crypto credit in 2021. Genesis, Celsius, Blockfi... trouble is credit and vol dont mix without good law and strong operational risk management and controls which requires tradfi level prudential and conduct regulation"} {"text":"@Eug_Ng Yes"} {"text":"@zhusu Bula starts next month ser"} {"text":"Should log out of here till October ngl"} {"text":"Need just a little bit of that NVIDIA retail money to flow into our coins"} {"text":"Hmm this SEC Galois action might force fireblocks into an acquisition though they are better off letting Trump win and see"} {"text":"Survive sadtember, enjoy hapytober"} {"text":"Magnesium prolly works - lets see stats in a month"} {"text":"Would love to hear stories of @brian_armstrong going founder mode after the scale up of 2021 slowed down Coinbase"} {"text":"@Galois_Capital @tier10k Carthage?"} {"text":"@tarunchitra I dont think this is necessarily correct. In software optimising one layer can make it hard to optimise a different layer, all the time, depending on the details"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart Bitcoin at 8000 price to sales tho"} {"text":"Be hyperproductive"} {"text":"Everyone here just needs one more 2021"} {"text":"The correct definition of making it is being able to skip all the crypto conferences"} {"text":"zoom calls are the modern man's cure for loneliness"} {"text":"@hstyagi List in dm"} {"text":"@hstyagi Brian and Paul are referring to bad VC advice for scaleups - that founders should delegate to hired specialist managers and back them fully. Its terrible advice"} {"text":"@thulynnn lubricant of corpo is poison for startup and complicated in scaleup"} {"text":"Paul Graham's characterisation of skilled corporate execs from large firms as the best trained liars in the whole wide world is so precise that it hurts... these are all good people... just that corporate ladder ware is such a vibe"} {"text":"@0xairtx well Brian Chesky is not you. He's an ordinary mortal"} {"text":"@0xairtx everything is hard in a scaleup - hire, manage, scale, unhire, reward, incentivise - its the hard thing about hard things"} {"text":"PVP will continue till Powell cuts rates"} {"text":"Founder mode is necessary because - most founders are still learning to hire and manage a team of any size - most corporate managers live in a world of slow comfy certainty, the opposite of startups - hired hands can destroy a startup and linkedin their way into the next one"} {"text":"@rushimanche @movementlabsxyz home of gmove"} {"text":"SOL2ANA"} {"text":"@armaniferrante Partnerships can enhance the brand and network utilisation. Overdoing \"bd\" is counterproductive"} {"text":"The @movementlabsxyz has landed in Korea, home of move and Aptos The fomo is real"} {"text":"Might fk around and extend some networks"} {"text":"Mira's mom (and name) are Indian it seems"} {"text":"Bad news: No one permanently wins an infinite game Good news: no one permanently loses it"} {"text":"Ethereum will start winning the day ethereum guys wake up and see that ethereum hasn't already won All the boomer talk on CT, disorganised treasury selling, \"dont care if number goes up\" messaging, escape to farcaster, research over product focus - will all get fixed that day"} {"text":"@muneeb @Melt_Dem gmove"} {"text":"The most successful crypto network will emerge from gaming, just like the biggest AI company NVIDIA 69420 crypto gaming failures including (as of now) 0 crypto gaming investments of my own won't change my mind on this Yah yah, reasoning by analogy I know...but internet history"} {"text":"Check where the users are: on Polygon"} {"text":"@jon_charb Not all... chains are chains, if there are users, devs, dank memes and community number will be fine"} {"text":"@smsunarto Just pivot to being an operator"} {"text":"L1s will become inflexible DA layers whereas DAs will become much more flexible L1s"} {"text":"Founder mode is when you take credit for all the successes and blame the people you hired for all the failures"} {"text":"Bitcoin is an incredible piece of social technology. All anyone can do with it is post mind killing price predictions"} {"text":"Someone tweeted \"pump dot fun is a black mirror episode\" ... prolly tweet of the year"} {"text":"I wanna Work in founder mode but Sleep in google employee mode Is that too much to ask?"} {"text":"ETH and SOL are both lucky that in 2021 Polkadot hired a boatload of expensive corporate types who din do a thing"} {"text":"I had to check what network extensions are"} {"text":"Manlethereum"} {"text":"Solana L2s are quite bullish for @AvailProject and @CelestiaOrg If you ganna do modular, do it clean"} {"text":"US Dollar is sound money"} {"text":"Good to see some bullposting here today.. by October inshallah sentiment flip up"} {"text":"Both Ethereum and Solana suffer from the same deadly infection... Cosmos Ethereum in terms of architecture and Solana in terms of inflation ( and soon architecture too ... ) Few understand this"} {"text":"@solana @ercwl @IGGYAZALEA Statistically... very bad"} {"text":"Drought in Namibia approaching biblical levels "} {"text":"@KarthikS2206 Meditate"} {"text":"@digitalartchick @0xMert_ dis true?"} {"text":"There isn't too much infra. There's too much US interest rates"} {"text":"@akachacolate If it works for someone good for them "} {"text":"@coopernicus01 Thank god yes"} {"text":"@stonecoldpat0 Yes"} {"text":"@Bfaviero Sad but true"} {"text":"Average mental health levels among the crypto independently wealthy with too much spare time are such that I am quite grateful to not be one Working for a salary is an S tier mental health hack"} {"text":"@shawnwlim @akshaybd Many such cases"} {"text":"Value of a token comes from dank memes, positive attention and demand in apps"} {"text":"Dont fiddle with blob prices. Improve the comms, messaging and treasury management instead"} {"text":"Can't think of a better habit of the mind than gratitude"} {"text":"Longevity is overrated. Imajin 90 more years of this type of crypto price action"} {"text":"Neither is a particularly good idea. Be kind"} {"text":"Do nothing September in crypto markets"} {"text":"3 more weeks before Dubai is Barcelona. Pretty dusty, hot and indoorsy rn Basically after T2049 and Breakpoint"} {"text":"@Taran_ss @opensea Batamask every cycle brother"} {"text":"@akshaybd crypto is littered with epic web2 exec hiring misfires. In those cases tho anecdotally, prior startup, founder or startup failure experience made things much better"} {"text":"@DooWanNam @mrjasonchoi CT is day to day miserable but we are in a 5% rate env. It can suck for a bit but on an insto LP time frame, sooner or later macro will do its thang "} {"text":"@lookonchain Pump foundation"} {"text":"@SpheronFDN "} {"text":"Optimists may be disappointed at the end but Pessimists suffer for days and weeks in anticipation Its a surprise that pessimists haven't become extinct. There must be environments where pessimism is still an evolutionary advantage"} {"text":"$SOL and $ETH dropped about the same % in August inspite of ETHE You can't tell from the TL"} {"text":"@internbrah Man's search for meaning "} {"text":"@ayyyeandy Looks unbiased"} {"text":"@0xCygaar Make L2s buy ETH"} {"text":"Next time the coin nihilists on this site pick a fight with a 14 year crypto campaigner like @VitalikButerin for a tourist like Iggy... ...Sell"} {"text":"Biological intelligence has evolved towards bigger brains AI has evolved towards bigger models Will models continue to get bigger or will there be a new class of models that are less centralising? Is the first part true tho @RichardDawkins?"} {"text":"I wonder what the aggregate sleep debt of the crypto industry is and whether its growing faster than US national debt"} {"text":"The biggest personal cost of transitioning from engineering to bizdev is global travel to attend conferences"} {"text":"Ya wen gud time comes, tokens that have been around and done the work of building memes, traction and community will moon"} {"text":"Modern urban living misses out on cows... I grew up with these chilled out beings that just graze and chew in a kind of deep meditation all day, all year, all life... no crypto twitter in their lives, just enormous peace"} {"text":"Work from home is super overrated for extraverts I would rather work from coworking, cafe, conference, airport, hotel lobby, stadium, music concert, cinema hall, ambani wedding, a stable full of horses, cow farm..."} {"text":"@ConejoCapital @robotventures @tarunchitra @rleshner @hal2001 @0xmadisonn The basement! Congrats"} {"text":"@matthew_sigel I think Eclipse SVM is a large share because of block streaming"} {"text":"More serotonin, less dopamine"} {"text":"@TheEylon @mattigags @Fiskantes Can't draw long term conclusions in 5% env"} {"text":"AI"} {"text":"What did Jerome Powell say about when he will launch Berachain?"} {"text":"@0xErod Exactly"} {"text":"Recognise and reward people who champion the cause online and offline without asking for reward. Thats how manlets are made"} {"text":"The yield must come from within"} {"text":"Eigenlayer community should get 0.2% advisory in ethereum. Its the coolest, vibiest bunch that do and say gud things"} {"text":"Dispassion is measured by the quality of one's sleep Its the ability to let go of cravings and aversions and rest deeply, to recharge and thus be fully powered on Dispassion is how passion is sustained for a long time ( work to do in this area )"} {"text":"@BanklessHQ @cryptopunksnfts @WPeaster Yes"} {"text":"@lex_node @JimmyRagosa Ser thats Cobie. I am pleb"} {"text":"@JimmyRagosa Why would I not have a bag in stuff I am bullish on?"} {"text":"@inversebrah Hedging tail risk"} {"text":"@rleshner Induction"} {"text":"@0xkenzi @0xbeaconcom +1"} {"text":"Mr @rleshner changed my life. I lost 5KG just by looking at him"} {"text":"@hotpot_dao >> financial nihilism the boo Yes"} {"text":"Infra sector: I am most bullish on AggLayer, Monad, EigenLayer Avail, Movement, Megaeth, Fuel and Risc0 for next year in no particular order App specfic: I am most bullish on AI*crypto, Depin and Defi ( as rates go down ) sectors in order NFTs will surprise big in low rate env"} {"text":"@pseudotheos Sounds bullish"} {"text":"@Mikey0x_ Just before US elections are over"} {"text":"@franciskthomas Only if theres an ondo coin"} {"text":"The inventors of ultrasound money are advocating for enterprise blockchain Bruh I used to eat, sleep and breathe that thing for five years. That whole sector is worth $0 today Meanwhile bat and speaker emoji is worth $350b ( I was asked to undelet this )"} {"text":"@cz_binance There's no second best"} {"text":"@waverune Maybe this is a gud use of rpgf rpgf it @binji_x"} {"text":"I feel attac by this tweet"} {"text":"EF needs a public communications and brand police person. Do they pay well over there?"} {"text":"@Arthur_0x @CloutedMind @dankrad Even NVDA is more than 20% memetic value if you go by PE. I am sure EF has a diversity of opinion on this and Dankrad ser's opinion is 1\/300"} {"text":"Gary Gensler thinks my NFTs are going to be worth a lot and increase in price by the managerial efforts of others I am inclined to believe him"} {"text":"Its a pendulum - like bundling\/unbundling"} {"text":"OpenSea should be thrilled NFTs are a thing"} {"text":"Selling an unused dappnode half price $800 (staking w lido and rpl instead)"} {"text":"@0xDeltaHedged @Hadronfc @sandeepnailwal @sunnya97 We love ya back ser. Keep vibin' keep shippin'"} {"text":"King tier builders coming to @hadronfc"} {"text":"Bad news: crypto is akshually in a bear market Good news: Its a 5% interest rate environment so zero revenue assets have a lot to look forward to"} {"text":"@0xNandosama @DCbuild3r @musalbas At least one more cycle"} {"text":"@DCbuild3r @musalbas Skipping conferences is the first sign of success in crypto. This is when you don't feel the need to get that next deal, the next investor, the next alfa or the next self promotion opportunity"} {"text":"@rushimanche @Web3PortFund @Move_Collective "} {"text":"Your net worth is in the hands of this man"} {"text":"Wisdom is mostly obvious things that are simple but not easy... eg \"the ability to enjoy what you do have is more of a wealth than how much you have\" Imajin"} {"text":"Dubai floods of Token2049... so many cars totaled. Ours took three months to repair Wao"} {"text":"@VitalikButerin @zengjiajun_eth You missed ConsenSys ser"} {"text":"Next time anyone from Europe fuds Dubai... the safe word is Durov"} {"text":"@TrustlessState @RyanSAdams Wher"} {"text":"@bowtied3hbt @VitalikButerin Heaven is no fun... we must all do our duty in this messy world"} {"text":"I dont mind if @VitalikButerin ser starts bullposting Solana or XRP or Polkadot. I am just happy he's also poasting on X where the masses are and not just on that other norcal-brooklyn soylent app"} {"text":"Speak bullish truth... India's equivalent of the Old Testament..."} {"text":"I am starting to think Yoga practitioners have a big advantage on the long distance flights <> Hotels <> Crypto Conference <> Jet lag circuit"} {"text":"eth's product roadmap should be defi centric - fit for secure fast cheap defi is the ultimate test of PMF for L1s and L2s I will die on this hill and become a ( cc: @aave the )"} {"text":"@torabyou Sometimes coach Ferugsson needs Beckham to not seek attention and just play"} {"text":"Never lonely or idle - kinda blessed in a way "} {"text":"So @VitalikButerin made defi the hottest topic in crypto again... ... and you are upset anon?"} {"text":"Vitalik is not anti defi fyi... he just wants to see moar innovation than the hordes do... thats called leadership"} {"text":"@0xHushky Spiritually also"} {"text":"I have learnt from working for some of the best crypto founders that the secret of building great things is serious people having fun"} {"text":"Do not judge a founder or their opinions by their token price but by what they have built. Vitalik, Anatoly, Stani, Hayden... are the same people they were at the pico tops and the pico bottoms Challenge level: impossible for CT but founders must learn to immunise themselves"} {"text":"My crypto coach Durov's crypto coach"} {"text":"@SmokeyTheBera Isnt that you Smonkey?"} {"text":"@CloutedMind Anataly"} {"text":"@dabit3 Jerome Powell"} {"text":"Vitalik upon realising what finance looks like without regulation "} {"text":"@MikeIppolito_ Ouroboros is Cardano's consensus no?"} {"text":"@PyVitor @ethereum @farcaster_xyz Agency idk but the best coin ppl ..."} {"text":"Imo @ethereum foundation should bill @farcaster_xyz $1m\/yr for the wholesomely -EV social layer migration and spend those dollars on the twitter, youtube, discord and 4chan battlefield"} {"text":"@pmacaverse @Eug_Ng @VitalikButerin If people combine leverage with a high vol asset thats kinda gambling - not sure defi is to blame for what follows"} {"text":"@pmacaverse @Eug_Ng @VitalikButerin Yes. Theres a trade off there and protocol solvency\/avoiding bad debt is important. I'd like to point out however that cefi liquidation engines are often worse. convenient price movements liquidate perps traders all the time and its a nice source of cex revenue"} {"text":"@pmacaverse @Eug_Ng @VitalikButerin Liquidation engines are necessary for the solvency of protocols in a permissionless environment. Central clearing or liquidations... choose one"} {"text":"Missing one crypto conf in a different continent extends human lifespan by at least one week"} {"text":"@QwQiao Unquestionably bullish - protestantism furthered the cause of science and naval exploration"} {"text":"@mrjasonchoi This was the original bitcoin thesis before bitcoin defi, bitcoin yield came along lol. Yield is just the price of leverage"} {"text":"@lex_node Yes but let him think and say freely what he thinks... no one can stop Kain from building what Kain wants to build"} {"text":"CT should be happy Gensler isn't holding Durov"} {"text":"@AndrewCapasso_ @VitalikButerin @0xstrobe @llamaonthebrink @tarunchitra @Arthur_0x Yes but defi deserves its pride of a place in all messaging and eth events like Devcon. Its fine to say we want other types of apps also while giving defi its due"} {"text":"She needs somebody to tell her he's a man... ...in finance - Bryan Adams"} {"text":"DePin is one of the few examples where we are putting DeFi to work in the real world..."} {"text":"@KyleSamani Correct. Depin is a good answer because it offers a real economy with sound economic logic built on top of defi. Happy to see @0xPolygon and Solana leading in depin rn"} {"text":"@matthew_sigel gud buk"} {"text":"Economic security is not a meme: likely co-inventor of Bitcoin... @sreeramkannan @aeyakovenko"} {"text":"@cmrncnrd Well to be fair there's Brian also"} {"text":"Lets not treat @VitalikButerin like a religious or parental authority whose approval is required for others to do what they want to do. Ser is asking the right questions Meanwhile the only man building a real economy on crypto rails is ... wait for it... @justinsuntron "} {"text":"@VitalikButerin @0xstrobe @llamaonthebrink None of that seems specific to crypto... the issue isnt with defi... just need a goods and services economy on top of defi cc: @tarunchitra @Arthur_0x Welcome to my thoughts from the ICO collapse era"} {"text":"@Madhav_goyal_ @ArtofLiving Ya. Its just one long weekend"} {"text":"Four days of silence and meditation at @ArtofLiving cured my growing despondency about the progress of our space. So many good things are being built by so many creative people... easy to lose track of that in the noise Should do this every 4-6 months"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko Ser your California is called New Andhra Pradesh... ask Satya"} {"text":"What some American founders like @bgarlinghouse and @brian_armstrong seem to understand about US law and culture, and foreign founders don't is that the American way is to go down fighting like John Wayne, not self destruct in fear Meanwhile non US projets continue to seppuku"} {"text":"Re Durov, its quite a difficult recognition for the peacetime zoomer generation that civil liberties are the first target of war - but millenials were there for 9-11. We saw"} {"text":"Defi is imperfect and messy because Fi is. People who never worked on wall street have qualms about casino but entire banking sector is a complex and giant casino - but theres no progress without it Why do we think it takes an entire library of Alexandria to regulate finance?"} {"text":"@mdudas Just add new to every place name and thats America"} {"text":"Defi is... the... use case. All other uses are defi multiplied by something eg ai, depin, social..."} {"text":"@gadikian 50 bucks Vlad has the chats"} {"text":"Vitalik's opinions about ethereum and ethereum adjacent projects, defi, sustainability, etc etc should matter less ethereum is belong to everyone. Time may be coming to let go of this public commons Let the man be and become ethereum Satoshi over time"} {"text":"This may not work for everyone but something as simple as skipping dinner seems to help a lot with the quality of sleep, energy and focus One of the many life hacks from ser @navinblockchain formerly of xrp"} {"text":"Whichever lawyer had to go for Sreeram ser to start tweeting again... ...don't come back"} {"text":"The Durov situation is about geopolitics, not cybercrime"} {"text":"@simransaidwhat Yes, try the Sattva app on iOS. Cardio helps"} {"text":"When fighting a battle, keep both feet on the ground even as you keep your mind above the fray This message belongs on Farcaster"} {"text":"Bring @ethereumJoseph back..."} {"text":"@Fiskantes Which part of war... is not clear to folks"} {"text":"It'd not be inconceivable for US law enforcement to use European agencies to go after strategic targets eg Telegram Durov and Tornado Storm. No need to deal with US legal protections... just outsource the work"} {"text":"In case any of you have been involved in a compliance snafu, just close two eyes"} {"text":"The EF is the best among Swiss crypto foundations. Just that most Swiss crypto foundations are UBI for work life balance"} {"text":"@lex_node True cypherphunk tech was never venture investable. Gotta go the bitcoin\/monero way for dat"} {"text":"Ah! Dubai. So good to be back in the first world... ...from London"} {"text":"That is the right question. One would hope EF is now hiring those silicon valley mortals called product and engineering people"} {"text":"@wmougayar Its a nothing number compared to many ded L1 swiss foundacions over the years"} {"text":"@TrustlessState @sreeramkannan ... and conversely"} {"text":"Which professional ETH fudders have got a table of annual L1 and L2 foundation spend across chains "} {"text":"Bullish return of @sreeramkannan to the airwaves..."} {"text":"$100m\/yr spend for EF is not a big number at all. So many NFT and web3 gaming projects spent more in 2021, 22 "} {"text":"@mdudas @ethereum It'd be useful to see that in the context of how much other L1 and L2 foundations have spent in the last 12 months. ethereum is a kinda big project with tons of research required to deliver a globally scalable modular blockchain thats also fast and cheap."} {"text":"@dabit3 Builders creating new and interesting things seem rather fine. Day trader's life is meant to be hard"} {"text":"I am quite intrigued by @StoryProtocol - the round\/val is way too big for me but if a venture bet doesn't make sense to most people, there is usually something there worth looking into"} {"text":"Durov's arrest should make Americans feel very fortunate about Section 230... Oh Europe, pls turn around... this is the wrong direction of travel"} {"text":"Everyone should meditate, but busy people in particular should meditate. Its the deepest rest we all deserve "} {"text":"@IAmNickDodson @rushimanche fosho and the other guys in the team also. its a self selecting bunch of people who take their work super seriously but not themselves too seriously"} {"text":"As an angel @rushimanche was the easiest founder to bet on. Cool, calm, collected confidence, a sense of who he is and just good vibes and single minded gmove for leading a movement. Kinda guy you dont mind where it goes. You just want to be with the guy on the long journey ahead"} {"text":"@vyas_krishnan Vyas, the author of Mahabharata"} {"text":"@Austin_Federa CT vibes yes. Builder vibes are leading"} {"text":"@Taran_ss Its $USDT not $TRX"} {"text":"@mrjasonchoi Elections will end before these launch "} {"text":"Bengaluru is like ethereum. Some of the finest, greenest urban living spaces here connected by nothing. Needs more metro agg layer"} {"text":"@AravSrinivas Just don't. Stay with the core. Wen you have way too much money like google, do strange things"} {"text":"Next defi summer on ethereum will heal all of eth ecosystem's pains and its coming in a few weeks or months @kaiynne is bang on. I have seen a few ecosystems that deprioritised defi and suffered heavily. There's never going to be a winning ecosystem without defi as priority 1"} {"text":"Invest in founders who will still be there building with a token in the market and non zero cash runway when bula comes around Most crypto venture losses come from founders who quit, rug, spend all the money, have an internal conflict about crypto tokens or excessive fear of reg"} {"text":"@rushimanche @FortuneMagazine "} {"text":"Gratitude to @The_Zo_World for the wonderful hospitality and vibes. Love the product, the energy and the community "} {"text":"@rushimanche grit is it"} {"text":"The \"what about me, what will happen to me?\" loop in the human mind is the ultimate prison"} {"text":"Love the design and vibes at Zo House"} {"text":"@olshansky Only during T2049"} {"text":"@bidhanxyz just reminding myself as always "} {"text":"Bengaluru"} {"text":"@moo9000 Coconut is a slur of endearment"} {"text":"@mdudas Enterprise blockchain survivor reporting"} {"text":"@0x_RWA He wont stay a week after Trump is in office. There's the law and then there's tradition"} {"text":"Gensler as Treasury secy under Harris is currently fakenews but its not unlikely. That said its retardio to sell your coins because of that possibility. Courts have defeated Gary often and courts will continue to do so"} {"text":"Its not btc, eth or alts that are making people depressed on this app. Its the rampant financial nihilism of memecoin mania where people have anchored their life on \"I will make x figures and get out\" Thats an awful way to live a life thats simultaneously too short and too long"} {"text":"Ser @sandeepnailwal is BD university"} {"text":"@naruto11eth Just a reminder to myself"} {"text":"@gane5h Yeah I have one of those. A small team from India who think Garry is keeping an eye on them"} {"text":"In the long run, results happen not so much from the amount of effort the but the quality of decisions Good decisions are made by a mind at peace. Bad ones are made by a mind in the grip of panic, fear, anger and such"} {"text":"A token is a whole other product that needs a lot of effort and energy. Don't rush into one unless the opportunity is just too good or the product simply needs one to hit mainnet"} {"text":"@dor1s_ @FunctorNetwork @SecurityLabs Congratulations Doris"} {"text":"nobody will remember: - your salary - how \u201cbusy you were\u201d - how many hours you worked - your PnL - your net worth - you live a little"} {"text":"Low Gwei on eth L1 is good. Ultrasound money was a silly narrative. Forget it with haste"} {"text":"@buffalu__ @MaxResnick1 Product, product, product"} {"text":"@rushimanche gmove"} {"text":"If the India govt ever changes their approach and decides to regulate and tax crypto sensibly and fairly, the internet up here in the hills has gotten pretty good"} {"text":"Whirlwind New York, London, Bengaluru ( tomorrow ) and Dubai in four weeks. @Hadronfc must be a particle accelerator"} {"text":"@ac_crypto Same. Some people metabolise it better though"} {"text":"Powell has to cut in Sep. He's out of time"} {"text":"@Kautukkundan Dumb terminals era of blockchain. People complain about inframania but the infra needs a massive upgrade"} {"text":"1GWEI on ETH L1 was kinda the whole idea of scaling via rollups. Why are people fudding?"} {"text":"@Mudit__Gupta Who are these people lmao? Having done a lot of BD with lots of other BD guys, I don't think most BD guys do this."} {"text":"@maxmaximalism I miss it :-)"} {"text":"AI will be like the web browser in 10 years max or so. Just how things are done and you don't even notice anything different. This is not a glamourous description but that's how the world normally pans out"} {"text":"@veryVANYA 100%. The challenge now is finding and aggregating enterprise data and training the models to perform adequately for the relevant business process"} {"text":"Dubai is very underrated"} {"text":"I asked a senior exec at an IT services firm where AI is making the greatest impact in enterprise. They said its generating a lot of consulting revenue for them though long term they expect LLMs to be integrated into operational workflows"} {"text":"I disagree. A CS major is fantastic grounding to work in almost any other field"} {"text":"Wao there are 23 IITs now from 5 in the early 00s."} {"text":"Consumers are not in crypto or outside crypto. Consumers just wanna consume and if crypto makes smth worth consuming they will"} {"text":"This is my next airport. Civil aviation is taking off in India and this is what progress looks like"} {"text":"How to make a sensational news article about what was already disclosed right in the beginning by Omni and Altlayer..."} {"text":"Love @balajis network school idea... the man, the mission, the myth continues to grow"} {"text":"@ParikPatelCFA @AravSrinivas @alifarhat79 His product is quite useful tho"} {"text":"One of the core anxieties of human condition is the desire to bring the favorable future into the present and to prevent or avoid unfavorable futures. Its simultaneously the driver of progress and pain. The key is to turn this drive into constructive action and not mental illness"} {"text":"Its time to stop caring about what @VitalikButerin does with his ETH. ETH will be fine even if he owns zero crypto and so will he"} {"text":"@matan_si Yeah eyeballs "} {"text":"The flip side of attachment is fear. We fear losing whatever we think our lives are built on - money, career, relationships, fame, success, health, youth, good looks, admiration of others etc. That fear is what ties us down in regrets and living the very short life we have here"} {"text":"Tradfi will slowly buy all of CTs ETH"} {"text":"@Jskybowen retail can't handle vol. retail wants trend up"} {"text":"@matan_si @skesslr I guess every major project needs a mert to fight rumours, innuendo and negative characterisation of straightforward events like this"} {"text":"tl;dr: people love to talk negatively about popular projects. no one pressured anyone for airdrops. 44 people got $100k contributor airdrop give or take at peak prices but most didn't even bother to sell it."} {"text":"The most important layer is Binance layer and that layer is coming back Sep 30th"} {"text":"Its quite telling that even the traditionally pro democrat NYT and Wapo are not keen on Harris"} {"text":"@NFTMystic1 Gourd"} {"text":"The worst summer in crypto was when I used to do private permissioned enterprise blockchain for a living Now there's a sine curve between euphoria and despondency but now there's hope"} {"text":"So much life in this part of the world"} {"text":"Kamala Harris can make coins go up just by talking... this is not priced in"} {"text":"@TrustlessMike not just competition"} {"text":"@farokh Food is also good"} {"text":"@FigoETH Much sooner. AggLayer V1 is this year, V2 is Q1\/Q2."} {"text":"My new cycle resolution is to make and reconnect with hooman frens from other walks of life outside crypto - in my case science, yoga, music and trekking I recommend this to anyone who wants to contribute more and better things to crypto"} {"text":"Trump just needs to get Harris to talk, and he wins."} {"text":"General pessimism on CT is bullish just as CT Euphoria was bearish"} {"text":"@ks_kulk cryptography 100% has offensive capabilities ser. Imajin Kim and Putin planning tings"} {"text":"@razacodes Incentives are partially aligned"} {"text":"Why are you, a supposedly grown man, debating what ethereum is instead of bidding $ETH?"} {"text":"Don't draw too many long term conclusions about one of the riskiest possible asset classes in a 5% interest rate environment"} {"text":"They taught us quite a few case studies of good management in B School. After some years in crypto I think I can write cases about what not to do. Purely based on whats publicly available on CT, Algorand foundation would definitely be a whole book about what not to do."} {"text":"@neymarind2003 hometown"} {"text":"@kylascan Now do pump dot fun"} {"text":"Really need four days of silence and meditation "} {"text":"@DegenerateNews @realDonaldTrump @Polymarket Someone's tryna moon our coins"} {"text":"Just found out that the clinical Hindi term for autism translates loosely to self absorption. There's something to be said about where autists spend CPU time - abstractions, internal processes, thoughts, feelings and ideas vs external cues, interactions, objects and facts"} {"text":"If you are a crypto guy getting annoyed by price and rent controls in Soviet America, move to Dubai. Here you can buy as much bread, fish and vegetables for your family as you want, whenever you want cc: @0xMert_"} {"text":"Even decentralised AI is centralised in SF"} {"text":"gm"} {"text":"I don't think anyone cares if L2s are ethereum or not ethereum. Users just want to move assets around painlessly and use apps and traders just wanna trade... aggregate"} {"text":"If Harris actually wins BTC and ETH will be the only US spot ETFs for a few years"} {"text":"SEC to instos filing spot ETF for SOL and other coins without CME futures"} {"text":"@moo9000 Looks like devs didn't think it was a thing - many didn't even bother to sell lol"} {"text":"@0xRickyW Jony Ive is in there"} {"text":"All of $100k\/Eigen employee contributor airdrop. 2\/3rds not even sold. So much noise on TL for the nothing CT deserves Ansem"} {"text":"@lookonchain @CoinDesk Nothing "} {"text":"A friend told me they thought I had already retired (a) No I have not \"made it\". Thats just the vibe (b) Work structures and focuses mind, time and life and is a source of all good things in life. Never stop"} {"text":"Gold is an inflation hedge"} {"text":"@murtaza This is not bula. Bula can not begin before CZ is free"} {"text":"A US recession seems increasingly unlikely but how do governments and sellers keep finding moar BTC to sell?"} {"text":"@ashwinho4 @farhajmayan @KAST_official I saw people in Turkey pay for coffee w USDT. It all depends on the choice of market"} {"text":"The tl;dr I got from the @eigenlayer blog is that some EL staff were listed as contributors for contributor airdrops by some avs-s in addition to a lot of other contributors to those AVSs. To address this, the conflicts policy was updated and published in May. Back to work..."} {"text":"Be kind to yourself "} {"text":"@_ali_taylor Anxiety"} {"text":"@gadikian @valardragon @badcryptobitch @cryptodavidw I said tendermint is the best multisig"} {"text":"@gadikian @valardragon @badcryptobitch @cryptodavidw Wasn't me"} {"text":"Looks like the Feds are selling. Stop fighting."} {"text":"Can't do KBW this year one conf a month tops for now"} {"text":"@matthew_sigel He might have been... I wont say it"} {"text":"@AvailProject gunify"} {"text":"Bullish attention on Eigenlayer"} {"text":"We don't"} {"text":"@Evan_ss6 Cant buy crypto on most credit cards"} {"text":"@iamDCinvestor Why dont we see @lookonchain look on other chains"} {"text":"The main issue with crypto4Harris is that dems are currently able to raise gangbusters money like a 2021 web3 gaming project even without crypto contributing a dime. crypto has cash but it's not likely that crypto has many single issue votes in America so alignment is challenging"} {"text":"Logging out of CT through the chop can save money and mind alike"} {"text":"Everything is priced in but only in terms of a-priori intersubjective probabilities Shit might happen is priced in at estimated probability P ... but if shit happens, it will be priced in at probability 1"} {"text":"@BrrrStarknet Only in terms of probability lol"} {"text":"@ashwathbk Time horizon things"} {"text":"@Guru_BCUBE How it works with innovation is that smol innovations, including failures, add up to big things. We remember LLMs, only specialists remember convnets and energy based models"} {"text":"Slowest it's taken for @EFDevcon tickets to sell out. This is because of side events. I bought one because I love what OG @JuanLlanos calls lobbycon - stand at one spot inside our outside the main venue and vibe with all the cool passers by"} {"text":"What to worry about if you like worrying about macro: Global commodities US Consumer credit China home prices US inflation in key categories Gross US\/EU national debt"} {"text":"@Guru_BCUBE There's aktually a lot of innovation going on. The issue is we expect instant gratification in tokenland. ETH is ten years old, SOL is six years old. ZKEVMs are four years old. Builders gonna build. Traders gonna trade"} {"text":"crypto VC fatigue is because most of broad categories of ideas that came through in the infra cycle are now funded and being built. It will take some time for those projects to mature and deliver on their promise. I like the direction @alliancedao are taking by incubating apps"} {"text":"Chop can't hurt you if you don't look at Coingecko and log out of CT. Bera will hurt you even if you don't. Let's have faith in JPoW and be grateful for chop!"} {"text":"@mdudas OpenEden is my only RWA bet so far and they are brilliant"} {"text":"If you like what you do, chop markets are not so bad. ETH $88 and SOL $8 sufferers will take this $2800\/$140 chop in a heartbeat"} {"text":"Most humans need a little bit more than number go up to get excited or inspired. Memecoins aren't that but some application areas such as DePin, DeAI and DeFi hold significant promise at different time horizons. Core crypto infra eg generic zkVMs and modular chains also need time"} {"text":"When Eric Schmidt was running Chainlink, no one went home early and the token did quite well"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart Hey! I am here"} {"text":"Its been all downhill since Trump hired the lawyer-VC guy from Yale"} {"text":"@udiWertheimer no"} {"text":"Every time I see a big bitcoin purchase announcement,its either Saylor or some insider like Marathon digital Every time I see a big bitcoin SALE announcement, its a government ... yet ppl fud ETH. ETHBTC should be 0.07 already"} {"text":"@Jebus Sheila Warren"} {"text":"ngl, sometimes 21m bitcoin feels like way too many"} {"text":"@0xMert_ I thought you are one"} {"text":"@MikeIppolito_ me"} {"text":"Ignorance is attachment to the impermanent. Wisdom is the removal of ignorance by bringing the permanent into experience"} {"text":"Ser is such a learned, wise and humble superachiever. Inspiring figure"} {"text":"@radius_xyz @swellnetworkio @symbioticfi Congrats"} {"text":"@EMostaque It appears blockchain can't change humans work but humans can change how blockchains work"} {"text":"@iamDCinvestor Incredible behaviour... low liquidity, weekend, no OTC"} {"text":"@JimmyRagosa ... to buy"} {"text":"Thailand having governance issues before Devcon"} {"text":"Must be the only Indian dude in the global private sector ex google to refuse to work after 6pm"} {"text":"NFTs will make a resounding comeback when T bills yield 3%"} {"text":"Thats how the poor become rich and the rich become poor"} {"text":"@_omgnicklachey thats the motto of the entire retail banking industry"} {"text":"@mdudas @BallaTheSenior I am not. Mafia memecoins happen on eth too. sol being fast and cheap reduces the cex dependency. I am also confident the pump guys are just software guys offering a tool and not involved in such activities themselves."} {"text":"@ecent18 @mdudas Same thing happened to tradfi also when big banks sold WMDs to what they called \"widows and orphans\" - occupy wall street etc... pendulum things"} {"text":"No one has done more to modernise ethereum culture than Solana has. ETH is going from millenial collectivist Europe to young capitalist America and its going to be fantastic"} {"text":"If Paradigm is deploying reth on big hardware... that is hardly a surprise"} {"text":"In a space where everything is so experimental, we should be careful not to be too quick to declare things dead"} {"text":"Trump would win with 69% of the popular vote if Kamala Harris moves to Farcaster"} {"text":"@mdudas Memecoins are fine but predatory memecoin mafia is a market failure. Thing about market failures is that is that either markets will take care of themselves or the boomers will have to take care of markets"} {"text":"@Barchart Do they ever?"} {"text":"I learnt a lot about B2B SAAS by getting liquidated for 5% of my liquid portfolio and you can too"} {"text":"Will be funny if the democrat SEC sues @adamscochran for shilling some coins"} {"text":"@akshaybd Bro that much makeup and hair product can not be carbon neutral"} {"text":"While you are buying pump dot fun shitters, the legendary trader Don Wilson is buying $ETH"} {"text":"Re Starbucks. Hey guys, lots of Indian CEOs are good but it doesn't mean you can just hire one from McKinsey!"} {"text":"Still can't believe NFTs cost the Starbucks CEO his job"} {"text":"@torabyou Now you know how -EV Vitalik's migration to farcaster was"} {"text":"Shared sequencers will be more than fine once US interest rates go down to 2%. All folks have to do is not spend all their treasury before then"} {"text":"CT marketers should market their products and tokens, not themselves"} {"text":"@jillrgunter interest rates too high"} {"text":"Pump dot fun is the Golem of Solano"} {"text":"@Arthur_0x @jbrukh I have done that gig at . DeFi hype will come back when DeFi yields more than T-Bills @rleshner is DeFi's man"} {"text":"@santiagoroel Tim McGraw - Indian Outlaw"} {"text":"@ApexFusion "} {"text":"Meditation + CBT is the best therapy for most people except in cases where medication becomes necessary. In those cases also meditation + cbt accelerates healing"} {"text":"Parallelised EVM glut followed shortly after the serialised EVM glut shows again that tech gets commoditised rapidly and product + community is key"} {"text":"@TheReliableJobs @tusharlog "} {"text":"@0xWinged One day, the Golem seller of Solana"} {"text":"@kylegordonart @gmoneyNFT @Hadronfc @0xPolygon Yes"} {"text":"@soby0x Inshallah"} {"text":"Next May 14th, I am selling everything in my liquid portfolio and going away I think about this every August "} {"text":"No real chance of sustainable DeFi pump until treasury yields drop... but then rates will drop considerably over the next 12 months"} {"text":"@Crypto_Texan rotation TO ETH. Be clear"} {"text":"@0x_Abdul Priced in"} {"text":"ETH"} {"text":"Would be fascinating if Huawei breaks US\/Nvidia death grip on model training hardware inspite of ASML monopoly on transistors\/sq mm"} {"text":"@R89Capital ... or realising there's no such thing as making it and enjoying the work"} {"text":"@Arthur_0x DeFi has many other names - gaming, gamefi, social, socialfi, other types of projects eg DePin and LRT and some ai*crypto projects also have a strong defi dimension. Rate cuts are the critical factor in tvl growth - as low rates will help make DeFi yields more competitive"} {"text":"If you use multiple DAs for the same rollup and some of them have a different transaction order than the others, which one is valid?"} {"text":"multi DA could work w say two DAs but any more sounds like farming"} {"text":"The @AvailProject ecosystem is growing exponentially"} {"text":"Even Trump is tweeting after sinking in polls and you think you can make it as a crypto founder without posting?"} {"text":"The biggest challenges facing crypto today are not tech, use cases, infra or apps but high interest rates, risk of a US recession and Elizabeth Warren"} {"text":"How in the land of pump dot fun rugs did GG choose Uniswap to go after?"} {"text":"What is a Trumpon?"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Top KOLs: Bitcoin, Doge, Sol"} {"text":"@icebergy_ Thats what happens wen people sell"} {"text":"@MikeIppolito_ ...or bull market..."} {"text":"@timdaub no pls share"} {"text":"crypto is now simply s&p beta"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy The solution to exactly that is the @AvailProject unification thesis"} {"text":"@thedefivillain Power law - beautiful"} {"text":"@TravisBickle0x I am better without Coffee. rest idk"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Bro you benefited from that "} {"text":"This man's name is Huge"} {"text":"@_kaitoai"} {"text":"@eth_sensei Each trader is different "} {"text":"EIP 1569: burn ETH anyway, even if there are not enough transactions"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko Thats a lot of economic security for Dems"} {"text":"@Pledditor @monad_xyz He was a dev\/builder at Jump, he's a builder now"} {"text":"Sui is a well engineered blockchain"} {"text":"US consumer credit is a powder keg rn..."} {"text":"Its not over till Mert, Santi and Burniske shill SUI"} {"text":"The KOL world is now divided between have SUI partnership and the have not SUI partnership"} {"text":"@0xJarod @Polymarket Idk but Kamala is not our KOL, Trump is"} {"text":"@Aeloxcom It the default tether chain"} {"text":"Tradfi saved ethereum. Now dot eth husbant s will be ok"} {"text":"@IamNomad And Luna"} {"text":"You either live long enough to be a great computer scientist or die hiring KOLs to shill your coin just before unlocks"} {"text":"Judging in theological terms by use case Karma where say wanton casino is bad karma and payments is good or neutral karma, Justin Sun's Tron blockchain has better chain karma than the others"} {"text":"Re SUI v SOL, people use SOL - mostly not for anything good yet, but people do use it."} {"text":"@0xMert_ @0xWinged What are the facts"} {"text":"All Trump needs to win the election is a debate where Harris talks and he doesn't."} {"text":"@InvestingCanons It depends"} {"text":"@Rewkang I like macro\/market level Kang but ticker Kang is not fun"} {"text":"@Melt_Dem That regime change business has gone quite badly in Iraq and Afghanistan. Fixing the US regime might be higher ROI."} {"text":"CT can be fun but it can also be a very stressful place thanks to the day to day swings of emotion. Consider a refresh, recharge and reset if this is you"} {"text":"@lex_node I'd not take health advice from a lawyer just as I'd not take legal advice from a doctor"} {"text":"@colo @0xPolygon @DablClub @ajaypv4 I dont have any opinion on this yet. 0 followers, 4 following on that twitter account"} {"text":"@rushimanche "} {"text":"@R89Capital Macro > Kamala. As long as there's no recession, rates go down and liquidity goes up, numbers will be ok."} {"text":"Elon's difficult history with English women eg Grimes makes this arrest quite unnecessary"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart Retail is coming via ETFs right?"} {"text":"@KyleSamani Yeah the research influences are more Xerox-parc, Cosmos or European but it will change now, esp on L2s. Competition is good"} {"text":"@KyleSamani Its got Berlin\/Swiss\/Brooklyn origins but I'd not say its anti SV at all. The OP\/Farcaster\/Coinbase alumni are very SV heavy"} {"text":"@LucaNetz We comparing equity to equity hopefully"} {"text":"@Evan_ss6 QE was the real gamefi all along"} {"text":"@bryan_johnson @immanencer Its not the eventuality of death but the experience of life"} {"text":"@TrustlessState The power of social media ser"} {"text":"I bought some SOL yesterday Thats why I think it may have topped"} {"text":"same for coins"} {"text":"@iamDCinvestor Bullish = fact, Bearish = scam"} {"text":"@tunguz They took away HIV and Cocaine - good for you"} {"text":"@nigeleccles As always, the other unintended contribution is the un-product: boom in casino lottery-rug memecoins like BSC 2021"} {"text":"I want live @twobitidiot cam on election night"} {"text":"Solana's contribution to crypto is the very silicon valley notion of the supremacy of product. You can't forever just publish research in blockchain Latin or Sanskrit, get an endorsement from the OGs, and launch a token worth billions"} {"text":"Coinbase at $50b Trumps wins $1T is possible over 5-10y Harris wins, could be 20, could be 100 tops No one has higher stakes than Brian"} {"text":"@hasufl CLOBs work well for high liquidity assets"} {"text":"London is amazing in summer but in comparison, Dubai is so... developed "} {"text":"@uPeterKris Lifestyle changes will always help but for severe burnout or PTSD, it's true that professional therapeutic intervention is required. 4-7d vipassana every 6mo-year can prevent burnout as well. I do @ArtofLiving four day course a year"} {"text":"In my experience, the cures for burnout are Yoga, Pranayama Breathing and Mediation. Eating light, exercise, sleeping well and eliminating alcohol, coffee and other socially acceptable or unacceptable toxins also helps enormously"} {"text":"@abhitejxyz @Hadronfc "} {"text":"@jlldavies Strategic alliance"} {"text":"One conf a month @hadronfc for the rest of 2024: Sep: T2049\/Breakpoint@SGP Oct: Permissionless@Salt Lake Nov: Devcon@Thailand Dec: India Blockchain Week\/EthIndia Can't stop, won't stop vibin'"} {"text":"Is there Depin for therapy?"} {"text":"When is the CPI coming in hot?"} {"text":"Exhaustion from memecoin grifts will pump deep tech alts to the levels where they belong You're not ready"} {"text":"$AVAIL"} {"text":"After they rug enough retail, Solana memecoins will go where 2021 era NFTs and 2024 era ordinals and runes have gone before Maybe 3-5 memecoins will become punks and madlads. The rest will be displayed in the museum of digital grift and scams"} {"text":"I refuse to accept Kamala Harris's lead on Polymarket as real. She's not my KOL. He is"} {"text":"In crypto, the purpose of a fiat bank account, gold or property is to save your money from you"} {"text":"@nelsonmckey @Polymarket @VivekGRamaswamy Old man probably needs therapy. He just took a bullet to the ear and he's no soldier"} {"text":"If blockchain researchers research applications, they would realise that all blockchain applications are DeFi in one form or another"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko mamil?"} {"text":"@koeppelmann Anything of high value eg cryptopunks or insto\/blackrock funds. Most L2s are currently upgradeable multisigs"} {"text":"@shaunmmaguire Magna Carta "} {"text":"@investmish Buy & Hold is for indexes"} {"text":"@sunnya97 Masters in Law?"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart Now do Uber on the blockchain"} {"text":"PRODUCT "} {"text":"Whats going on with Elon? Is he missing the Apartheid from when he was a kid?"} {"text":"@buchmanster BD is hopefully there to find users for the tech "} {"text":"@binji_x @movementlabsxyz"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart Who was the first? Pelosi?"} {"text":"@0xngmi @dabit3"} {"text":"Trump might need to replace Vance... at least that'd be my bet on @Polymarket Never too late to bring on an Indian CEO in America. @VivekGRamaswamy is where its at"} {"text":"@NTmoney Ser but Trump is our KOL"} {"text":"@CloutedMind I go do four day silence and meditation at @ArtofLiving - refresh, reset and reenergise for another roller coaster of euphoria and pain"} {"text":"@joeykrug @emmarosepb Congrats!"} {"text":"@zengjiajun_eth There's no stablecoin regulation yet"} {"text":"Bitgo handing off WBTC to a non US entity controlled by non US persons is probably a securities law thing"} {"text":"@0xngmi Probably a securities law thing to move WBTC offshore to non US controlled JV"} {"text":"@zengjiajun_eth Stablecoin\/AML regulation can hobble all coins"} {"text":"@Polymarket Who filed the Kamala ETF"} {"text":"BTC, ETH and other coins\/chains arent each others problem US economy and regulation are every coin's problem"} {"text":"Celsius is now like an evil spirit from exorcism movies that tries to suck the life out of the finances of former customers and partners "} {"text":"Never ever give family & frens unsolicited advice to: 1. Date or marry someone 2. Move countries or cities 3. Change careers or jobs 4. Buy cryptocurrency"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko @0xKawz Not seen new wallet stats but a segment of tech industry\/VC outside crypto do and most support Harris"} {"text":"@btschiller @Polymarket Might have to wait till Nov "} {"text":"@TrustlessTooth @Polymarket Yeah either way"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko Just my opinion... its not clear what has changed apart from Harris seems conscious, unlike Biden"} {"text":"@TrustlessTooth Haha. Have some exposure for sure but crypto natives are not the widows and orphans of memecoins. We are on the street"} {"text":"The use of @Polymarket may be going from predicting future reality to influencing it by placing bids eg if ppl can make Kamala look like she has a big lead over Trump, she might even get one \"price action is the best marketing\""} {"text":"Freedom... Wall Street had it too"} {"text":"Is Nancy Pelosi manipulating Polymarket? This can't be real"} {"text":"AI generated images will set an unrealistic standard of beauty for photoshopped supermodels as photoshopped supermodels did for women"} {"text":"@PyVitor Both need balance. As with Wall Street, and with crypto, history and the rest of the society have a way of making us wake up from our little bubble and making us aware of their existence"} {"text":"@Bryptoboss Witness, Exo, Spheron... few others"} {"text":"I think if Kamala debates Trump on TV, she looks vapid and he looks like an a... and America can make an interesting choice"} {"text":"No one listens to Yoda these days but if I were a manlet chain exec I'd not make dogshit memecoin lotteries my main brand - especially when there're so many good things being built and I want an ETF to get done Delayed gratification is a bitch and Joe Lubin is a very wise man"} {"text":"Depin makes sense Not all Depin projects make sense but Depin as edge financing of certain types of infrastructure definitely does An odd crypto use case example where making sense is bullish "} {"text":"@acityinohio First he came for Cosmos..."} {"text":"@JeffDean Legend"} {"text":"The cycle hasnt even started. We just got confused by ETF approvals lmao"} {"text":"@0xBalloonLover Time horizon things "} {"text":"US Universities + American values + Immigrants. There's no second best"} {"text":"@functi0nZer0 How much adjusted for ETHE"} {"text":"@freejarde 51% chance with him of long term bula. 11% with Dems or smth. I will take my chances"} {"text":"@jbrukh Top 20 US grad school education is invaluable as it forces immigrant PHDs to find something new and enables them to explore. Europe comparatively sucks in terms of academic freedom and cookie cutter PhDs. At least thats what I hear from my IIT colleagues."} {"text":"Just spent 3 hours doing spreadsheets and realised I have a life changing exposure to US elections Ok no more ambivalent election jokes from now. Where can foreign citizens donate to the Trump campaign?"} {"text":"AltSzn"} {"text":"@mikedemarais They sold?"} {"text":"Re @balajis network state. Network states arent necessarily blockchains but social networks, of which blockchains are a subset. Its evident that the tech state with at least much power as the powerful nation state of UK is @elonmusk twitter"} {"text":"RIP Susan Wojcicki. You died young but you seem to have lived well"} {"text":"You need crypto to avoid being rugged by banks and dollars in your bank account to avoid being rugged by crypto"} {"text":"@0xBalloonLover There's an ETF approval there"} {"text":"For the record, I am not against memecoins. Memes are intrinsic to money. I am against the intellectualisation of greed and misconduct in the name of freedom."} {"text":"Intellectualisation of memecoin mania shows that everyone has forgotten last cycle's excesses even before this cycle has begun"} {"text":"I think any reasonable person would conclude that a democratic administration won't be crypto friendly - it will be just four more years of Gensler and courts, but worse That said, having pump dot fun as the primary use case does not help governments be more crypto friendly"} {"text":"@udiWertheimer He went to a Bitcoin podcast"} {"text":"@0xJim Respect is for the person. Any legit job is ok"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart Decentralised AI is very upset with you rn"} {"text":"@IntrinsicDeFi @vaneck_us Michael SOLer"} {"text":"Biden giving huge grants to Saudi and Israel to buy weapons like its the Arbitrum airdrop"} {"text":"@twobitidiot No network state currently runs without US Dollar I am afraid"} {"text":"I love @vaneck_us's price predictions but I adjust them for their $ATOM price predictions"} {"text":"@Bonecondor I have said skeumorphic"} {"text":"US based Angels and VCs posting $SOL or other price targets... start campaigning for Trump asap"} {"text":"@santiagoroel @CatfishFishy The main issue is that the externalities, widows and orphans of memecoin mania will undermine the much more +EV uses of blockchain such as DePin. Lotteries currently are heavily regulated worldwide, and on a state by state basis in the US"} {"text":"@JimmyRagosa Thats why the meeting happened in da first place is my understanding"} {"text":"@JimmyRagosa Campaign finance, an all American institution. Same as industry do wid Trump"} {"text":"@JimmyRagosa More like... how about we gib you a big grant to stop banklessing crypto"} {"text":"@ParrySondhi Proof of riff"} {"text":"@JimmyRagosa Biznis is done by proposing and negotiating"} {"text":"@kuze0x @GwartyGwart Depin for electric guitars is where its at"} {"text":"Word on the street is that the crypto4harris date went really badly mainly because the crypto frens spent time unloading their grievances rather than making a case"} {"text":"Depin for electric guitars is where its at"} {"text":"@jdorman81 Low liquidity environment - and Jump chose a weekend"} {"text":"Here's a crypto use case @gwartygwart"} {"text":"@aviral10x means balls that never shrink"} {"text":"@StaniKulechov Been a while. Great to meet you IRL"} {"text":"Unlike other L1s, ETHEREUM is safe from Kamala Harris This is not priced in"} {"text":"@NateGeraci @matthew_sigel @murtuza_merc Solano is gud blockchain but sol ETF filings\/expectations are what apes call a \"scam pump\""} {"text":"@secondcycle_ @Polymarket Well can't they predict bullish things "} {"text":"Old ghosts club "} {"text":"@DCbuild3r @Jskybowen @PrimeIntellect I don't mind you being rude. The joke is that lots of people in crypto like to think that what the *other* guys are building is useless"} {"text":"@DCbuild3r @Jskybowen @PrimeIntellect What if deAI uses a shared sequencer"} {"text":"@Polymarket Shouldn't Polymarket intern be supporting the crypto guy?"} {"text":"@NeerajKA Is there a @Polymarket bingo on who?"} {"text":"@Hans8948217128 Who didn't"} {"text":"@eshita There was a paper by @tarunchitra on a quantum electrodynamic treatment of hamster poking games"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart Time for VC community including Gwart to invest in Trump protocol 2.0 series B"} {"text":"Solana is a gud blockchain so it attracts bad actors. Last time SBF, this time memecoin mafia... life of a chain is pain sometimes"} {"text":"Was Cisco into web3 gaming?"} {"text":"Can Grayscale launch a SOL ETP... let manlets suffer next time what we have suffered"} {"text":"@0xMert_ SFYL"} {"text":"@sassal0x Bls bring ppl back from FC"} {"text":"@VFostel "} {"text":"@TivoZK Never goes down tho "} {"text":"@grahamfergs Yeah I have tried every few years. Never ends well. I recommend the zuzalu longevity option"} {"text":"@grahamfergs Nature protocol Investments available in health and good habits"} {"text":"One number always goes up... Your age"} {"text":"Max pain is not up or down. Its earthquake in Japan, war in Israel and riots in Europe"} {"text":"@basche42 @JasonYanowitz @keoneHD @SmokeyTheBera ... and how do you build, grow and retain a community through the cycle"} {"text":"@mist_XBT @Rewkang @cobie @mrjasonchoi Hmm... he called the BTC top and bottom precisely this time. I am not aware of the other calls."} {"text":"KOLs in disbelief"} {"text":"Devrel is the most valuable form of BD"} {"text":"Moral of this recent volatility driven leveraged trader bloodbath is to never be fully out of stables, no matter how big the pump Its like Buffet knows something"} {"text":"@0xHushky @Rewkang @cobie @mrjasonchoi I have a day job and a half"} {"text":"Trump scions should make their wallets public. I am not convinced"} {"text":"@lookonchain Hes not selling"} {"text":"Signal through this volatility so far: 1. Warren Buffet 2. @Rewkang 3. @cobie 4. @mrjasonchoi Noise: 1. Full time KOLs without a day job 2. SOL to $1000 VCs"} {"text":"Akshually shared economic security is the same concept as the Golden Arches of Friedman. Thats how we will get world peace among blockchains"} {"text":"Stock prices seem to have reached a permanently high plateau"} {"text":"@maggielove_ At 24 different conferences"} {"text":"On CT, Polymarket went from the future of information theory to wut overnight as Trump started losing"} {"text":"Next cycle ( or this ) memecoin scammers will giga dump SOL on manlets just as ICO scammers dump ETH on dot eths Karma is a bitch"} {"text":"All bad things also come to an end. Memecoin mania will too"} {"text":"BD stands for Balls Deep"} {"text":"Vitalik fixed ethereum with that 32 bit thing wao"} {"text":"What a cheerful man Trump is but given the instability in every western european country and Israel I do not disagree with the WWIII bit"} {"text":"@zmanian @eshita Ser some founders come specifically to find VC"} {"text":"WTF is an Arbitrum shillfluencer doing hyping a memecoin rug on Solana lol"} {"text":"@TivoZK @ArpitGuptaji19 @Hadronfc @talianotnatalie I am in fact a RiscZero fan. The space is yours ser"} {"text":"@shawnwlim @AndrewCapasso_ Vance qualifies pre Yale"} {"text":"BD can work well w moderate ADHD, PM ngmi"} {"text":"@JimmyRagosa Its temporarily worse because of the unfortunate timing of the ETH ETF token launch"} {"text":"@AutismCapital Why so upset with Vitalik"} {"text":"Incremental deplatforming of crypto from banking is unfortunately a pretty global phenom at this point"} {"text":"Here's the 'good' thing about crypto, however much money you lose to liquidations, rugs and your own stupidities - there's always a dude not too far away from you who's lost 10x or 100x As a former risk guy, twitter trading desk is the worst trading desk I have ever sat near"} {"text":"@eshita Unless he looks like Tim Walz"} {"text":"@VladZamfir fax"} {"text":"@VladZamfir Cult left for the Farcaster commune"} {"text":"Just like having a lot of devs doesn't mean there will be a product... having a lot of bd people dont make something a business"} {"text":"@hotpot_dao @yilongl_megaeth Jon Charb's blog is a good read on async execution"} {"text":"@zerohedge KOLs in disbelief"} {"text":"@monad_xyz @redstone_defi Excellent projet and team"} {"text":"bwahahahahaha ... hello crypto twitter"} {"text":"@eshita ... or worse"} {"text":"@TrustlessState too much"} {"text":"@Jebus The jobs report was apparently a one off because of some hurricane"} {"text":"@luigidemeo No, then you double down"} {"text":"Two things you can NEVER make by committee 1. A baby 2. A half decent product"} {"text":"One altszn is all we need"} {"text":"@MikeIppolito_ Only BTC, Sol, Memecoins. ETH was last wk, maybe again next wk"} {"text":"@nigeleccles No one other than MEV guys like Bloxroute cares about value accrual. People just need to have a use for the token or the expectation of moon eg SOL utility as memecoin casino chips, all value accrual comes from that"} {"text":"Never make a movie or write a book about your achievements. Its the guaranteed top"} {"text":"Markets were so good under Joe Biden but all of you hatoors wanted someone fully awake How do you like him now?"} {"text":"@xkobaw @sassal0x Definitely fluent native Chinese. Settle for MaO of the DaO"} {"text":"@redhairshanks86 DeFi summer moved to SoL "} {"text":"@sassal0x Stalin was the one who spoke Russian tho"} {"text":"Tim Walz doesn't own any stocks. Oh wait, you mean like most working class Americans?"} {"text":"There's only one rule in crypto Stay in the game... 10k\/100k\/1m\/10m\/100m\/1b more doesn't matter Its magic money, not real money Survive, have fun and build"} {"text":"@fede_intern @lita_xyz Straight out of Silicon Valley, the TV series"} {"text":"My crypto exposure is inside me, outside me, above me, below me, around me... the wise Yoda would not approve"} {"text":"@0x4Graham Side is side... main use of the chain should be front and center."} {"text":"@cobie @VitalikButerin @SCHIZO_FREQ He's saying line is going up 2x faster than necessary"} {"text":"- Dems making peace w crypto - BTC and ETH ETFs are political risk free - US Courts ruling for crypto - Carry trade is unwound almost fully - US economy is strong - US Rates can only go down this year - thus reducing a risk of significant consumer credit shock ok"} {"text":"@moo9000 ETF thank god"} {"text":"Root cause of all eth troubles is community fragmentation not tech: almost no one in ETH has been shilling eth on social, only shilling their own eth based L2 coin, pursuing exotic first world pursuits on farcaster, or marketing sol by fudding it."} {"text":"@0xMert_ Happened to SOL for years before pump dot fun lol"} {"text":"@jon_charb Every chain is a VC chain. Tim Draper and Pantera bought a boatload of bitcoin early and promoted it hard. Joe Lubin ser made a large early investment in eth and a lot of VCs market bought in 2016. We need eth people to pls talk about ETH"} {"text":"Farcaster, and not Jupiter or Pump dot fun is the most successful Solana app"} {"text":"KOLs were bullmarket tings Now its work\u2122 szn"} {"text":"@jacobkxyz key opinions are bullmarket tings. now its work szn"} {"text":"@Shaughnessy119 @hotpot_dao"} {"text":"Jump's weekend dump was the real firedancer"} {"text":"@Crugcrypto @lex_node People use SOL even if its currently mostly for trading dogs"} {"text":"@TivoZK "} {"text":"@Evan_ss6 @sassal0x This week, I have expressed my regret and urged @TrustlessState to pls come back and evangelise ETH hard again. Whether the criticism was valid or invalid at times, eth frens may have silenced one of ethereum's foremost voices to our own detriment"} {"text":"Ser @_weidai makes the whole space better"} {"text":"no more conferences for a month for me"} {"text":"@tmnxeq SEC asked for $2B got $125m"} {"text":"@bgarlinghouse Congrats Brad"} {"text":"There's really no reason to be bearish on crypto after this SEC v XRP judgment Its really never been this good for crypto on the reg and legal front lmao"} {"text":"@lex_node The joke is that an XRP ETF is now unironically more likely than SOL ETF. Yeah life is unfair"} {"text":"Amazing how many deep philosophical conclusions we are all able to derive based on short term price movements"} {"text":"@mattyklein_ also 5% interest rates"} {"text":"SOL and ETH both will do very well for different reasons. At this point, the PVP has got boring"} {"text":"ETH fud has become a CT pastime. Buying"} {"text":"@NickPullmanEsq Traders gonna trade "} {"text":"@_bfarmer Doesnt matter. Harris is also making peace w crypto."} {"text":"@moo9000 Good guess"} {"text":"@bigmagicdao In my experience, its quite bullish tho volatile "} {"text":"@moo9000 Maybe they tried to use it and got pissed off"} {"text":"@bigmagicdao Researcher in love is bullish tho"} {"text":"@iamDCinvestor His kids have found defi - please immediately go meet em and teach em aave, uniswap and synthetix"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy See you in Singapore brother"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy Its a 5% rate environment. We just forgot. Alts will have their moment, nothing lasts in this industry lmao"} {"text":"I wonder how many young people here will die 10 years sooner and 50% unhealthier because of onchain alerts on social media Ooooo china is moving PlusToken ethereum I certainly can't do this. Research, product and engineering people are so much more fun"} {"text":"@QwQiao Amen"} {"text":"Too much goldfish memory on this site as usual. We knew ETF will be bearish for ETH initially as ETHE unwinds The two critical positive factors over 1-3 yr horizon are that (a) there is no US recession and (b) Harris is making peace with crypto I am usually cautious but "} {"text":"I am in the right industry and I am grateful"} {"text":"Money is not real as is but crypto is the most unreal form of money there is"} {"text":"How does one block all technical traders in their feed"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Wherever he goes..."} {"text":"Dafuq BoJ doin' ova der"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy Buy bitcoin"} {"text":"So many of us have made so many personal sacrifices to well, attend crypto conferences"} {"text":"People who consider themselves lucky are people who have agency This is one of the many reasons why the best founders are ... lucky"} {"text":"@MrBUIDL "} {"text":"I think @ethereumJoseph should bring back ConsenSys solutions from 2017 to shill ETH to tradfi"} {"text":"The lord is not happy with memecoin trading degens. He floods every crypto conference including this one in NYC"} {"text":"@jon_charb How about, multiple concurrent proposers propose who gets saved..."} {"text":"@HashCurveKris @An_Old_Man @jstn Whats the empirical evidence for your statement that they beat other prediction tools and on what metrics?"} {"text":"@HashCurveKris @An_Old_Man @jstn Kris, what is your argument? Prediction markets cant predict better than random trials?"} {"text":"@Evan_ss6 Patience lol"} {"text":"@HashCurveKris @An_Old_Man @jstn Sports betting sites are prediction markets. They dont know that the match is fixed unless someone who has fixed the match can make a huge bet on the outcome without getting caught. It's really that simple"} {"text":"@HashCurveKris @An_Old_Man @jstn I am not following your argument. Prediction markets have one job: prediction. They are useful but without incorporating private information, they are not telepathic or clairvoyant. Incorporating private info is the main benefit of permission less crypto rails over betfair"} {"text":"Little Jeets Jump v Giga Chad Blackrock They are not the same size... Wait and see..."} {"text":"@HashCurveKris @An_Old_Man @jstn The main argument for prediction markets is that they can reveal private information. That can only work if the txns are private, confidential and untraceable"} {"text":"@aayushjaiswal07 1 meeting"} {"text":"@wiziswiz @movementlabsxyz Congrats"} {"text":"@yugoviking Mert is a CIA asset even looks like an assassin"} {"text":"SBC is the one conference that fills me with a lot of hope about what we do in this industry. Its as energising as the casino is exhausting"} {"text":"Matt Levine dissects Bitclout"} {"text":"ETH price can double using the simple device of eliminating side events at eth conferences"} {"text":"@Madhav_goyal_ @weremeow The year of memecoins "} {"text":"The cycle hasn't even started..."} {"text":"@udiWertheimer @GwartyGwart ETH getting rid of Barry and Jump. Hang in there"} {"text":"@udiWertheimer @GwartyGwart If I can hold ordinals, I can hold eth "} {"text":"@ceterispar1bus Part of it was expected due to ETHE. Jump dump was the unexpected part"} {"text":"@jeuul157419 @GwartyGwart @udiWertheimer Its a public service"} {"text":"What if @jimcramer is aware of the Cramer effect?"} {"text":"@krugermacro Very difficult to find humility without wife and kids doing a continuous 360 degree feedback on you"} {"text":"Always aligned with @alignedlayer"} {"text":"@routerprotocol "} {"text":"Ethereum might have a social layer and 69 other kinds of layers, but it lacks a coordinated shilling layer and that is a serious design flaw"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart My bff @udiWertheimer was bullish on Do and SBF also just before they exploded and he hosted the death of eth party before the gigapump. Fortunately both eth and sol will be fine in this case"} {"text":"ZK gigabrain @dlubarov of @0xPolygon presenting Plonky3 - something I completely understand of course"} {"text":"What I learnt today is that blockchain applications summit at Columbia is not about applications. Its about the applications of research into blockchain infrastructure"} {"text":"@matthew_sigel ETHPoS looking good ngl. Much more sustainable"} {"text":"If Cosmos is so ded, why does every other chain eventually become Cosmos?"} {"text":"Yesterday @Hadronfc hosted \"the Art of Tokens\" Today its the \"Science of Blockchain\" at Columbia Marrying these two is the beauty in web3 @ArpitGuptaji19 will be looking for founders to join the awesome Hadron community"} {"text":"@Coin98Analytics looks like a 5% interest rate environment wao"} {"text":"@Dave_Kayac Yeah, trading is not a good use of time emotionally or financially for 95% of the people. If it works for some, good for them."} {"text":"One thing I may have learnt from crypto twitter through day to day swings of shared emotion is that tying one's self worth to something as impermanent as one's net worth seems rather unwise In comparison, there is a far more strength, peace and security in being useful to people"} {"text":"@jacobkxyz No"} {"text":"@hstyagi Yeah I dont believe him. I have been comprehensively traumatised by being in the frontlines of multiple tech, banking and crypto crises"} {"text":"My telegram feed today"} {"text":"@eli5_defi Yes. Generalised DAs like Avail and Celestia should have an easier path to adoption because there are quite easy for user focussed appchains to integrate with."} {"text":"@howdymerry @thulynnn Indeed there's a telecoms style standards body aspect to EF and a regulator aspect to EF but it does not have real authority over what L2s do. Starknet's recent work on bitcoin is a great example. Culture and attitudes are changing slowly towards product thanks to competition."} {"text":"@eli5_defi The war is always for apps and users DAs like Avail and Celestia are just foundations for more flexible and scalable chains to host these apps"} {"text":"Well positioned for a bull market is the same concept as \"overinvested by a lot\" Most people on this app including me are \"well positioned for a bull market\""} {"text":"What if Altman is the Bankman of AI?"} {"text":"My advice to both people and projects is to always be well positioned for a 2 year bear market if you can In a bull market there are 69420 kinds of money, serotonin is high and testosterone is up In bera there is only one kind of money, cash, and bera is a lonely and cold place"} {"text":"Will be insane if some of @OpenAI s recent demos were vaporware - this is not priced in"} {"text":"Re Nikkei, fwiw, Volatility means up and down... not just up or down"} {"text":"One of the reasons Buffet is so rich is that he's not on crypto twitter"} {"text":"Really not interested in markets rn... can people please argue about marsenne prime fields or folding schemes on my TL?"} {"text":"@DCbuild3r @TrustlessState @aeyakovenko Toly, now an advisor to ethereumlayer"} {"text":"Imacculate vibes at the @0xPolygon x @Hadronfc - The Science of Proof: Happy Hour"} {"text":"at the moment..."} {"text":"@0x3van @monad_xyz Congrats"} {"text":"@rushimanche "} {"text":"@CryptoMan_Ram Bitcoin also"} {"text":"@VanessaGrellet_ I did in 2019 and it kept dipping The greatest lesson is survive and stay in the game"} {"text":"@MuyaoShen @0xPolygon @DablClub @Hadronfc This one hasn't been one. It was just tradfi coins and memecoins"} {"text":"@whale_alert 1) What"} {"text":"Neither the bulls nor the bears on this app will pay your bills Manage your own risk pls"} {"text":"Finest builders across ZK at @0xPolygon 's \"The Science of Proof\" event, swimming in their lane, moisturised, laying the foundation of the next bull market"} {"text":"@QwQiao Depends on your cash position and existing bags"} {"text":"Looks like we are in a 5% interest rate environment"} {"text":"@bigmagicdao depends on time horizon. we are in a 5% rate environment. next zirp will be good"} {"text":"@touchingdirt "} {"text":"dot com, telecom, ltcm, lehman, ico, ftx, 2024"} {"text":"Kind of vol where Banks ... I wont say it"} {"text":"@moo9000 Survive"} {"text":"The L in LLM was for leverage Large leverage models "} {"text":"No one on this app including me has a clue on a day to day\/week to week basis"} {"text":"I'd not assume an emergency rate cut is immediately bullish as it could make lives of Yen carry traders worse. The only certainty rn is volatility and no one including me has a clue on a day to day\/week to week basis. Q4 though it will all be fine most likely"} {"text":"@VitalikButerin aggLayer coming soon"} {"text":"@eth_sensei I think everything recovers together - equities, majors, alts but theres a lot of vol ahead first"} {"text":"@eth_sensei Solana went 7x, eth 3x, btc 3x Returns have been good on majors and airdrops that launched till June"} {"text":"@CryptoMan_Ram I hope so. Theres a lot of AI bubble built into tech stocks thanks to the carry trade . Now we are on equities timeline"} {"text":"Maybe we can suspend coin v coin pvp rn and resume it on the way up?"} {"text":"so now alts are just microcap tech stocks"} {"text":"@AzFlin even \"cash\" flow assets be like this only. check nvidia charts over time"} {"text":"We survived Luna and FTX which damaged the industry's reputation This one is just macro and geopolitical It will all be ok"} {"text":"I have no words. I went through dot com, Lehman, 2019 crash and covid crash but you can never be ready for these But these things also don't last forever. All of those crashes turned around Pl take care of yourself and spend some time w family and friends away from prices "} {"text":"Sigh, leverage, sigh..."} {"text":"@sixfIash Condolences brother, hope you and family are ok "} {"text":"@0x_little_whale thats one part of work"} {"text":"Meet @ArpitGuptaji19, @Hadronfc's man in New York"} {"text":"Hate attending conferences on days when I really need to hug a family member"} {"text":"Free boarding and lodging for crypto bros"} {"text":"same as before"} {"text":"Still a bula in crypto conferences"} {"text":"@teddyfuse "} {"text":"Most problems in life can be solved by using two lists - tasklist and checklist"} {"text":"@ecent18 I am speaking to me "} {"text":"Bula is for arrogance, Bera is for penance Bera reminds us of technology, values, family, health, friends and life Its the cure for hubris and mania, a blessing in disguise"} {"text":"@tarunchitra Bob Iger also wrote a brilliant book at Disney top."} {"text":"Cosmos is alive, Near is alive, Polkadot is alive, Filecoin is alive and Tezos is alive Our mind horizon on this app is too short"} {"text":"@WuBlockchain Is Jump exiting crypto?"} {"text":"@0x_little_whale claude"} {"text":"@coopernicus01 super rare"} {"text":"@0xDinoEggs "} {"text":"I think there are days in crypto when I envy our previous generation for working the same jobs in the same place for 30 years on ~2% annual pay raises"} {"text":"@0x94305 Adrenalin did this"} {"text":"crypto twitter is good for a few things but mental health ain't one. Not on the way up, and not on the way down someone else meanwhile is calmly writing a paper on making stark proofs 10% faster, in their lane, moisturised, unbothered"} {"text":"Kamala doing a KOL round. One of us "} {"text":"@SmokeyTheBera Correct. Show me the scars, the trauma, the self inflicted pain"} {"text":"@AndrewCapasso_ Yeah my guess is ass good as anyone else's so we do wat we do in both bula and bera: work and shitposting"} {"text":"$ETH will be $10k within 18 mo I think but I have friends who bought for $4500 in 2021 Its not the market level or volatility that claims the most blood but the path dependence Another reason why hodlers have done well"} {"text":"My investment advice to me (and everyone else) is to have faith in JPoW's printer eventually but stay comfy enough in fiat for a year or two. Bubbles tend to be followed by deep pain and we are just coming out of an unprecedented AI bubble which could continue but which may not"} {"text":"Your emotional makeup and net worth should determine your trades Having lost a bunch to ICOs, rugs, exploits, phishing, phat finger and exit scams, all I know now is that surviving is winning Keeping cash runway and building something useful helps to keep things on the rails"} {"text":"@iamDCinvestor Your poor is not poor"} {"text":"@jackzampolin lol"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart @CampbellJAustin Codependence. Most of us vandalise our own"} {"text":"@bidhanxyz We need both, but any day."} {"text":"Buffet is comfy in $277B spot cash USD What does he know that CT doesn't?"} {"text":"@pambamdam Mess is intrinsic to crypto. Current crop will also yield occasional gems like the ICO era did"} {"text":"Looking to meet researchers and builders at SBC tomorrow onwards. Its always good therapy for me get away from the \"current coinmarket meta\"s and learn from people deep into research and shipping"} {"text":"Not just Cosmos. This is the sort of season where we declare one ecosystem dead after the other because alts are down bad Ok"} {"text":"@SantiagoAuFund The fed will be fine but the dems in govt wont like this just before the elections"} {"text":"The only solution to too much infra is to build too many apps that are too useful"} {"text":"@shan3v @RollkitDev @CelestiaOrg IMO too many good things are declared dead in a lean crypto market. When macro improves and prices recover the discussion will also change"} {"text":"That sense of defeatism a money crypto phenom. Tech\/research crypto people are generally positive on how far we have come"} {"text":"In matters of money as in matters of life, learn hard from the excruciating pain of past mistakes but don't let past mistakes decide your future course of action Doing that mostly creates even bigger future mistakes"} {"text":"Comfy in spot... spot USDT"} {"text":"@WuBlockchain Not David Hoffman?"} {"text":"@krugermacro Does Ansem know?"} {"text":"@julianweisser Erm cofounder is not a job title"} {"text":"@RebeccaRettig1 ... are they solvent right now?"} {"text":"crypto isn't about getting rich. Its about easily bored novelty seeking autists entertaining ourselves as we play russian roulette with money"} {"text":"Bought 3x leveraged Semiconductors ETF with smol ticket - so that it feels like crypto"} {"text":"@CloutedMind Yeah it nearly killed the Cosmos eco"} {"text":"Stocks crashed because some random Cosmos appchain called Kujira blew up. In pop physics, this is known as the butterfly effect"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Turkish currency"} {"text":"Cosmos totally did get traction - Polygon PoS, Binance Smart Chain and DYDX for example are tendermint chains"} {"text":"Manlets used to host Gisele B\u00fcndchen. Now they shill Iggy Azalea "} {"text":"@MeganNyvold crypto is called open source AI in SF"} {"text":"@functi0nZer0 Shooting in America involves shooting indiscriminately. Thats not an Olympic sport"} {"text":"@setanimals I got one more to go"} {"text":"The destiny of every shitcoiner is to evolve into a bitcoin maximalist over a maximum of four crypto cycles"} {"text":"Three reasons why SOL peak to trough be wildin' through the cycle (a) large exposure to low conviction retail and insto trader jeets (b) dependence on shitter trading led demand (c) cosmos appchain inflation Building a sustainable economy will take some ultrasound work"} {"text":"I was walking around in an ethereum shirt. A kind and merciful londoner gave me a free beer "} {"text":"Built on @0xPolygon"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart America is the new Babylon"} {"text":"Just told my kids this is Ansem"} {"text":"@WazzCrypto Tradercoin"} {"text":"I feel like crypto markets are missing a very large algo stablecoin today"} {"text":"@R89Capital 63k... so far"} {"text":"Comfortably locked in spot"} {"text":"@MikeIppolito_ Uninvite Kamala now!"} {"text":"@rleshner I see you Robert"} {"text":"August volatile, September pump "} {"text":"CAN AI FIX STONK PRICES"} {"text":"Its called Berachain because it requires a recession to launch"} {"text":"Is a recession good for bitcoin?"} {"text":"Oh husbants Santi and Karisu, you said Sorana is going to 1000 and now we are homeress"} {"text":"$NVDA trading like decentralised AI tokens"} {"text":"@0xrishavb @mrjasonchoi @Hadronfc Yes pls wen?"} {"text":"@tsarnick Which of the many definitions?"} {"text":"The joys of @Airbnb: third world wifi in first world London. Only works half ok if you keep this shit outside the window "} {"text":"This is no bullmarket"} {"text":"@MacroMate8 Source: Trust the KOL"} {"text":"Trading memecoins is risky"} {"text":"What is Kujira and why?"} {"text":"Fkin Ansem"} {"text":"@rushimanche yeah. ethereum needs a new crop of 15-30 builders to connect w the 15-30 users. the generation gap is real. thats the movement"} {"text":"@EffortCapital @tarunchitra If you dont know who is in the cartel, you might be in it"} {"text":"@HHorsley Wen Calpers"} {"text":"@MikeIppolito_ JPoW!"} {"text":"How have the mighty fallen "} {"text":"The size of the maximum total crypto vote in the US is the sum(count) of burger attendees at crypto conferences. Best guess, about 250k people"} {"text":"The main reason burger frens must keep crypto bipartisan is that there is no \"crypto vote\", only crypto funding"} {"text":"@Evan_ss6 \"advanced\""} {"text":"However bad your bags are rn, at least you haven't roundtripped 18 points after taking a bullet in your ear"} {"text":"@Polymarket Can Selkis do smth"} {"text":"Idk @Polymarket was so good wen Trump was up 61:39 Getting pretty close to a scam at 54:46 "} {"text":"Looking forward to the world research coin summit at Columbia next week. @Hadronfc will be there"} {"text":"Anyone who says EF should do BD should be sent to hard labor in Gitmo. Heck ethereum needs a significantly smaller EF that does less, not more Flippen Bitcoin, not Solana "} {"text":"@cryptunez Do US colleges accept gmonad?"} {"text":"RETROACTIVE PRIVATE GOODS ENSHRINEMENT"} {"text":"Woke Olympics are quite disappointing ngl"} {"text":"@0xJim 80% unwell then"} {"text":"@cburniske right?"} {"text":"Has SOL reached $1000 yet? Where's Chris"} {"text":"@divine_economy Solana is aligned with Ralph Nader"} {"text":"crypto conference pvp is the natural crescendo of all crypto pvp "} {"text":"@wmougayar Have you used it to trade dogs?"} {"text":"@twobitidiot @TrustlessState If as a founder, you attend Permissionless but not Mainnet, Trump SEC will declare your coins securities Converse for Harris SEC"} {"text":"@solidintel_x "} {"text":"S tier lawyers\/auditors = 5b val for Circle C tier lawyers\/auditors = 5b profit for Tether"} {"text":"@Mr_Burns_Sol This LLM bubble is funding research that will however lead to a much deeper level of intelligence in software "} {"text":"Founder from Web3 COO from Web2"} {"text":"Not sure what the Kamala Harris is Indian fuss is all about. We Indians are just black people that want to be white people"} {"text":"@adidshaft The only professor coin so far that hasnt gone to zero"} {"text":"@hasufl @Athio92 Which project do you have in mind?"} {"text":"@0xkp__ \"this time its different\""} {"text":"The industry has been through this \"memecoin meta\" on ethereum with SHIB, PEPE and such before. Its just a telegram and twitter powered 24-7 global digital casino of unregulated lotteries thats maximally value extractive from its retail participants..."} {"text":"@ayyyeandy People werent trading shib and pepe on eth because they like the message or values innit?"} {"text":"ethereum doesn't have a narrative issue or a marketing issue imo, but a product issue ethereum and L2s are just not as good products for trading low liquidity memecoins on mobile "} {"text":"eth guys saying Cosmos is ded be like"} {"text":"@tarunchitra IMO its the cartel more so than the factions"} {"text":"@camiinthisthang @_0xNinja_ @nelsonmckey Thing is, eth has seen a series of \"efficient\" centralised organisations come, look threatening for a while, and go. Its possible that one would disrupt eth but chaos is in eth DNA and you can't change a project's soul. ETH's challenges imo are because of \"alignment\", not chaos"} {"text":"Sreeram tweeted again Its over for Solana"} {"text":"Believe in Turkish men with hair"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Bro thats gold medal v silver medal"} {"text":"A bull market is when every fkup fkupd by a founder becomes a genius move"} {"text":"@jonwu_ @asanwal and their token is going to zero"} {"text":"The SEC should never have launched Bitclout. All such scams are entirely their fault"} {"text":"@Evan_ss6 The converse is certainly true"} {"text":"@camiinthisthang Different stage of life of project. This is just price driving narrative"} {"text":"@AzFlin The fee switch is always on internally"} {"text":"@matthew_sigel ... 2027"} {"text":"@shubhrat "} {"text":"No panels only debates... I have waited for this for years "} {"text":"I think my favorite NYC hotel is the YMCA. Its completes one's web3 work experience by allowing one to live in a prison cell without actually having to go to one. On top of that the gym and common areas are fantastic"} {"text":"@functi0nZer0 Haskell?"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy yeh"} {"text":"Why do we call it the \"science of blockchain conference\" and not the \"world research coin summit\""} {"text":"@unusual_whales Wen token?"} {"text":"@BobLoukas Stables still bring pump. ETFs will take time to replace these with fiat flows"} {"text":"I didn't really appreciate how much psychedelics have contributed to the development of ethereum until I saw the trailer of Linda Xie's ethereum movie"} {"text":"@FrankieIsLost no one has done moar to promote sol than eth maxis have"} {"text":"One of my bosses at Goldman used to say that \"its never so bad that it cant get worse\""} {"text":"@gyan_w3b Hopefully bullish"} {"text":"@Psilodelic Yeah that was real pain"} {"text":"Historically, alternate Solana breakpoints have been gigabullish and gigabearish..."} {"text":"@hstyagi Ser NVDA already down 26% because sentient is decentralising AI"} {"text":"@Psilodelic nah bro. thats researchers talking to researchers so isok. this is twitter"} {"text":"@0xAishwary Always has been, 10x undervalued"} {"text":"@ethereumintern_ @0xMert_ Are you solana intern"} {"text":"Manlet's biggest edge over dot eth gang might be use of human english"} {"text":"@binji_x then arbitrum = 0?"} {"text":"@binji_x ethereum = chain optimism = superchain so bigger?"} {"text":"@binji_x Ser bls now try hooman english"} {"text":"Skill issue"} {"text":"To change the culture of crypto, we need more founders in this space who ship great products, and we need them to win. That's why one of @Hadronfc s goals is to support founders who can ship great products and help them ship great tokens also"} {"text":"@iamDCinvestor dgaf - crypto is just a crab market on its own imo till rates go down and liquidity goes up"} {"text":"Harris is the Solana of US elections (momentum in popular vote) Trump is the ethereum of US elections (huge growing electoral college lead) Do with this information what you will"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart no one if eth goes up"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart DOT ETH's principled objection is that Solana metrics are much cheaper to fabricate than bitcoin or etherum's. Its unclear if thats good or bad lol"} {"text":"30 under 30 remains undefeated"} {"text":"@lmrankhan At EF? No. ETH 2.0 roadmap execution has been messy but then ConsenSys was much better at BD\/ecosystem building than shipping code. ETH is chaotic but thats in the DNA, and that has worked much better than organised competition like Cardano, Tezos, Polkadot and probably Solana"} {"text":"@lmrankhan Erm no, it was a much more adverse reg environment than today and eth was a likely security at ICO. Joe also needed to be able to finance moonshots extensively without committee. He knew what he was doing"} {"text":"Not enough labels in BIO"} {"text":"@_0xNinja_ I kain yah"} {"text":"The funny part of \"OP is not an L2\" is that Polygon PoS chain is the fourth biggest L1 after Ethereum, Solana and BSC"} {"text":"Too much funding is poison for startups"} {"text":"@ramahluwalia Similarly, expectations are too high from tech stonks in the ai bubble"} {"text":"@Evan_ss6 Jim Simmons and George Soros made it on BODEN"} {"text":"Top7 tech stonks have erased the entire market cap of crypto in 20 days flat Wao"} {"text":"Harris rhymes with Bearish Trump rhymes with Pump I don't make the rules "} {"text":"Ethereum is getting Miden VM, Move VM and SVM now now... ... and you are bearish anon?"} {"text":"@KobeissiLetter CUT THE RATES JPOW CUT EM"} {"text":"@rushimanche "} {"text":"Congrats to @EclipseFND now both dot eths and manlets can fight their fights onchain on Eclipse mainnet"} {"text":"@Optimism tbf @jon_charb told us a year ago that L2s are not real "} {"text":"STARKNET IS NOT AN L2 ARBITRUM IS NOT AN L2 OPTIMISM IS NOT AN L2 SO THE ONLY L2 IS SOLANA?"} {"text":"Historically speaking, enterprise blockchain has been pretty bearish for token ( incl ETH )"} {"text":"@0xMert_ What goes around comes around innit?"} {"text":"@Austin_Federa @jacqmelinek @avax Avalanche Business Machines ( ABM )"} {"text":"Damn, Silver has an insane record "} {"text":"@0xLitquidity Congrats ser"} {"text":"@Psilodelic Ya I too am learning like the rest of us"} {"text":"The trouble with @prestonjbyrne is that he is always right, but hes always right *in the end*"} {"text":"@hotpot_dao Lots of people here were critical of that transparent grift from day 0 but in 2021 no one cared. Its the same year SBF was king "} {"text":"Fudding other peoples chains instead of shilling yours kills your own vibe imo Correct misinformation and hypium if you want but dont go retar dio"} {"text":"gmove"} {"text":"@ethereumintern_ This is plain ignorance of history. @prestonjbyrne has the best analysis of how the immediate post ICO ETH supply was concentrated in a few hands Shill eth not fud Solano intern. Focus"} {"text":"@moo9000 Luna also?"} {"text":"Router is the Cisco of interoperability protocols"} {"text":"@rushimanche gmove"} {"text":"@cburniske @CelestiaOrg Tbh, Avail has better tech and better tokenomics even tho TIA had better listings and launch timing"} {"text":"@teddyfuse Ser why he say less printa?"} {"text":"Bankless is fudding Molandak Now I will be oke"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart ethereum has moar robust ( altho overcomplicated by PhD mafia ) tek eg formal constructions for Consenus. Solano has better product people"} {"text":"@Dew_Zeb @matthew_sigel No the transactions can be securities transactions without the underlying tokens being securities, and vice versa. Thats the key to recent cases eg xrp, uniswap, so on"} {"text":"@matthew_sigel takes a KOL to know another KOL "} {"text":"@matthew_sigel Thats a bit too bullish of an interpretation. What the SEC said is that they are not asking *that particular* court to decide on the status of those tokens as part of their litigation against Binance"} {"text":"@Eug_Ng @VitalikButerin Wartime leader is bullish Eugene sama"} {"text":"How It Started How Its Going"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko @cyber_hokie @wmougayar @ethereum @KyleSamani @solana Settlement is hope that every other chain will bridge assets native on this chain because robust tek ( eg consensus, cryptography, client diversity, slashing ) and gud price"} {"text":"@MonetSupply Study OpenSea. Leadership without moat in smol market is like dat only"} {"text":"@CL207 Cat needs to study tradfi cycles lmao"} {"text":"@hstyagi Yann Le Cun has too much time to shitpost these days. I'd recommend him"} {"text":"@VitalikButerin @vdWijden @inversebrah"} {"text":"@LazygamesAi @0xPolygon @sandeepnailwal "} {"text":"@LexSokolin Most apps dont need a blockchain. Thats a constraint on the design space"} {"text":"@sourcex44 Always have been"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko @eoghan Probably but my return of Illia Polosukhin trade paid well"} {"text":"All real estate agents in Dubai have hot instagram influencer PFPs on their whatsapp In London those PFPs look like Shrek and Fiona Wat do?"} {"text":"@Timccopeland Bro respect the pump"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy Glad they are shilling molandak"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko Retun of Vitalik ser is helping meanwhile"} {"text":"This is what happens when the inventor of ethereum restaking stops tweeting Toly needs to run shitposting courses"} {"text":"@0xngmi TVL is also manipulated. Its not either or. The issue is not TVL but overindexing on it"} {"text":"@0xngmi Depends on the type of institution. Check annual reports of retail bank and insurer. Bank report customer growth sometimes by segment All metrics that can be manipulated will be manipulated. Also Goldman Sachs dont preach financial inclusion"} {"text":"@tmnxeq Vance is not Justin Sun"} {"text":"If Trump or Kamala can be president... You can be anything you want as long as you ignore all critical feedback Feedback isn't there to make you better Its there to make you an employee"} {"text":"SOLETH mean reversion to 0.04 as soon as Barry runs out of ETH(E) to sell Inflation is gravity"} {"text":"@DeeZe "} {"text":"@0xngmi What a wonderful activist governoor"} {"text":"Humpy turned out to be the T Boone Pickens of Defi "} {"text":"No one else trusts their own code enough"} {"text":"MATIC is a digital commodity"} {"text":"TVL is a metric invented by big defi to address low DAU \"we have only 100 users, but one of them is Justin Sun\" "} {"text":"@kyle A patient died while doc was trading memecoins"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Like staking their coins?"} {"text":"@zengjiajun_eth all the others are AI agents"} {"text":"Often useful apps are hard to fund in crypto because they have a limited TAM and SAM. Essentially there are only so many users onchain Infra stories with gud token have an infinite TAM"} {"text":"The arc of tech history is against this Most custom zkvms will be replaced by hardware accelerated generic VMs like @RiscZero running EVMs and such. No one wants to maintain brute force zkevms and such without huge token subsidies"} {"text":"Huge respect for SOL builders and community all around but the two SOL spot ETF filings *right before* spot ETH ETF started trading were the ultimate \"scam pump\" of this cycle Well played, well played!"} {"text":"@jbrukh I always definitely remember to never use them"} {"text":"@mrgnalt no etf or users or devs on those retardio"} {"text":"crypto*ai will eliminates the need for revenue"} {"text":"@MatthieuFarlede 4"} {"text":"Seven types of crypto people on CT: - Bitcoin hopium inhalers - Solana KOLs - Salty dot eths - Altcoin poors - Coin manufacturers and marketers - Locked paper owners - Memecoin Mafia"} {"text":"Memecoins killed crypto VC"} {"text":"WAT IF THE DEMS WIN LMAO"} {"text":"@Dogetoshi That is the idea of round tripping son"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart Ok that tweet sounded like crypto \"research\""} {"text":"@GwartyGwart are you an advisor or researcher?"} {"text":"@zoomerfied DW, Trump will buy them back for the strategic reserve"} {"text":"In Tradfi \"near term\" means this cycle"} {"text":"@molly0xFFF No congress for Molly"} {"text":"Looks like @compoundfinance got hit by social consensus"} {"text":"In AI, Meta has a massive advantage over Google Its founder led"} {"text":"@teddyfuse ...only..."} {"text":"@jon_charb Just like dat ETF"} {"text":"@Web3WithBinance "} {"text":"KPI"} {"text":"@kunalgoel \u2122"} {"text":"@Matt_Hougan $100b inflow right?"} {"text":"@kunalgoel Doesnt matter, just aggregate"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart Big governance costs money dude"} {"text":"TRADFI CYCLE"} {"text":"@jon_charb Wher to join dis research university "} {"text":"@jon_charb exceptional research"} {"text":"@Rarma_ @EffortCapital Yeah same casino chip model as eth"} {"text":"@EffortCapital Memecoin\/SOL pairs proably most of the volume rn"} {"text":"You are buying *NEXT* cycle's SOL spot ETF I am buying THIS cycle's ETH spot ETF ( $1.2b inflow ) We are not the same"} {"text":"crypto companies no longer need cost cutting. Only conf cutting"} {"text":"When number doesn't go up, it creates both talent and capital problems for an ecosystem. ETF must make number go up"} {"text":"Looks like all of us are gonna be ok if we don't do stupid shit"} {"text":"It will be a couple of months before I can read the word Hawk without seeing the other word"} {"text":"$ETH 10K by EOY is conservative"} {"text":"@JimmyRagosa shill eth jimmy"} {"text":"@DeFiDave22 Is there a paper\/analysis on this?"} {"text":"@IAmNickDodson Nah, gold is too big. rn any amount of trad buys will moon your hyperleveraged coin"} {"text":"@christyhwchoi @0xMert_ hes taken. eth needs @ethereumintern_ s"} {"text":"@0xMert_ 1. cohesive long term vision where eth mainly provides economic security to l2s - bitcoin is the much bigger threat 2. short term: a lot of concerns surrounding eth and exuberance surrounding solana are mainly a result of price movements in memecoin szn"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Sol also has a lot of work to do. Theres a lot of concentration of holding, lots of low conviction traders causing violent moves in both directions and such. Sol also needs some time to go from memecoin casino to more substantial apps and such but momentum is good"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Sol is definitely a key competitor with momentum but the money use case is where Bitcoin is much superior. If ETH price improves from ETF, ETH sentiment and momentum will improve considerably. I dont want to think about the other possibility"} {"text":"@0xMert_ for what eth is good at, eth's main competition is bitcoin. all that is just price driven sentiment. for sentiment to improve price needs to improve this year after barry's sell wall empties."} {"text":"@0xMert_ Wait for Barry's sell wall to be empty"} {"text":"Ethereum technology has improved inspite of Barry's sell pressure Imajin wat happens after Barry's sell wall is empty"} {"text":"My research shows POL, AVAIL and EIGEN all crossing $50b market cap is conservative this cycle"} {"text":"Governance attack? Governance is the attack"} {"text":"I am neutral between moving to rural India under Dems vs moving to Monaco under Trump"} {"text":"@joonian We are cryptopunks, not cypherpunks"} {"text":"@0xMert_ evangelism, fud fighting, propaganda, using elon's algo and a couple of other tings"} {"text":" shipper in chief "} {"text":"@tmnxeq Thats \"research\""} {"text":"@rushimanche for ethereum "} {"text":"@AzFlin Auction theory "} {"text":"@AzFlin Happy to advise EF for 0.2% advisory"} {"text":"@cburniske but not democrat"} {"text":"@0xcarnation What the haqq"} {"text":"@wmougayar Yes"} {"text":"Trump will next promise to decentralise GPT"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko @ryanberckmans ethereum had many more cofounders"} {"text":"@DeFiDave22 >> on polygon yep. thats a good thing tho. cex connectivity w cb and binance and okx and wallets just work"} {"text":"@sandyzkp Pixie dust?"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko Its an app with the fdv of a layer"} {"text":"Something inside me dies when I hear \"app layer\". Bro bls make apps, not app layer"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko Please pursue app layer, not apps"} {"text":"STATE PENSION FUND BUYS ONE BITCOIN "} {"text":"@lex_node No chance Ansem is thinking legal. What did Andrew West go in for?"} {"text":"The only problems worth solving in crypto are the ones that can not be solved by token price"} {"text":"eth doesnt need marketing. it needs mert-keting"} {"text":"Congratulations to everyone who just got their intelligence certificate from a stable genius"} {"text":"@vinitopapasito @Optimism ETH orderflow is on arb. Solana orderflow is much higher because arbing retail shitter trades is near free for MMs"} {"text":"@0xSisyphus Memecoins are the new modular"} {"text":"MAKE ETHEREUM FUN AGAIN ( MEFA )"} {"text":"@0x0simba_eth perception is reality. point is to surround myself with those who belv otherwise"} {"text":"@0x0simba_eth Research coins are about curiosity, depth of understanding of the tech and holding on to hope that we are in this for more than casino"} {"text":"@el33th4xor Ser that is Cosmos"} {"text":"Macro > Trump Pump but I plan to HODL"} {"text":"Ultimately we need Trump for only four years to get all our unlocks. This is long term thinking "} {"text":"For greater happiness, surround yourself with positive people, these are people who think research coins are better than memecoins"} {"text":"Vitalik didn't say this but maybe single issue voting is the political version of coin nihilism"} {"text":"J D Vance feels like the Web2 CV guy Yuga labs etc would hire as CEO at the peak of bula"} {"text":"@bigmagicdao Edcon is a research conf. Its expected to be small"} {"text":"90% of the non US citizens in crypto are supporting Trump as if what happens to the US as a result is not our problem anyway"} {"text":"Manlets trading memecoins, oil on canvas"} {"text":"I had to look it up"} {"text":"Ansem Bankman Fried"} {"text":"@laurashin Funded. Elected requires votes"} {"text":"@rargulati This is so web2. In crypto you Karak it"} {"text":"Now waiting for @vaneck_us to announce a strategic US national Solana reserve"} {"text":"Last time crypto faded Vitalik for a celebrity, numbers suffered hard. This time the celebrity is male and orange"} {"text":"@jon_charb Trump posting preconfs"} {"text":"@mdudas @WSJ Is there anti crypto vote in America?"} {"text":"Bitcoin is now presidential memecoin"} {"text":"Trump said he will put Molandak on the US Dollar bill"} {"text":"100k by election day"} {"text":"Pretty impressive that in his speech Trump encouraged all blockchains to interoperate via the @0xPolygon aggLayer and make America great again"} {"text":"@_patrickogrady @AvaLabs @el33th4xor @kevinsekniqi @John1wu huge! congrats and best of luck"} {"text":"@technologypoet RFK is just as relevant as the 69420th evm layer 2"} {"text":"In crypto we trust but verify and never fall for announcements and promises right?"} {"text":"TRUMP ANNOUNCES HE WILL RESTAKE ALL THE ETH HELD BY THE ETHEREUM FOUNDATION ON DAY ONE"} {"text":"@krugermacro Selkis talking points :-)"} {"text":"Trump is like a crypto BD guy who reads the pitch he doesn't understand and has no plans to ever ship what he's selling"} {"text":"@smyyguy Less cost of holding eth via tradfi rails instead of crypto rails"} {"text":"To be fair, we as an industry, we kinda deserve Donald Trump as our leader"} {"text":"@mdudas Trump is just having pump dot fun"} {"text":"@smyyguy ETF ETH is not staked, low yield on staked = less fomo"} {"text":"@smyyguy This is gud for ETF"} {"text":"The French have blamed Gauntlet for setting the risque parameters of the Olympics opening ceremony too high"} {"text":"How France should have opened the Olympics"} {"text":"@QwQiao Ok Stormy"} {"text":"@MaxResnick1 That debate is an ad for gmonad"} {"text":"@0xDinoEggs Wont happen this cycle or next cycle"} {"text":"The only good time to sell Bitcoin is on the US election results day"} {"text":"Vitalik once wrote a blog (2017?) where he said (paraphrase) that different countries are free in different ways. In some countries ( eg US ) you can talk freely but not fuck freely whereas in others ( eg Russia and France ) its the opposite"} {"text":"France might have won America its freedom but America seems completely scandalised by the freedoms of France"} {"text":"@Madhav_goyal_ Just emotional support for French people"} {"text":"Ok maybe Shakespeare wasnt a scammer"} {"text":"Gox was a gift to us sidelinoors"} {"text":"Creating absolutely stunning gardens and orchards is one of the great British arts"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart Angry Peter said this is why EF wants to centralise block re-production"} {"text":"@maslinedwin ship sailed man, time to stop coping"} {"text":"When CZ comes back he will be very upset with manlets tryna flippen BNB"} {"text":"@Molson_Hart USA at Tech CEOs: Our Indians > Your Indians"} {"text":"@0xrooter Nasdaq"} {"text":"@defivas theres time for fun and then there's time for prayer"} {"text":"manlets are moar fun than values mountain"} {"text":"In startupland, whats the opposite of rocketship?"} {"text":"Prepare for @EthCC in cannes next year"} {"text":"ethereum alignment"} {"text":"@gajeshnaik > unlocks the airdrop"} {"text":"CT would have you belv no one wants ETH"} {"text":"Big portion size"} {"text":"A gud coin is fun to shill. Ethereum needs to become fun to shill again"} {"text":"Prediction market is the polite term for betting just as making love is the polite term for _______"} {"text":"What did Jebus do?"} {"text":"crypto rugs, exploits, phat phinger, phishing, liquidations and such are all quite painful and I never lost a dime working in enterprise blockchain I just didn't make any either"} {"text":"@hmalviya9 Anyone who's been around crypto has done a dew giant gotchas and felt like one's dog died. In fact, the richer one is, the phatter their finger. Good news is that crypto is magic money, not ackshual money. Just collect moar koins somewhere else "} {"text":"My CT engagement is dropping. I might have to shill Solana to bot it right back up"} {"text":"Two weeks in London weather is all you need to understand why the Brits ruled the world. Who wouldn't wanna get the fk outta here?"} {"text":"@kaiynne He kain save you"} {"text":"427 speakers at Bitcoin Nashville. Every crypto conference these days has more speakers than listeners"} {"text":"What do we need Cosmos for now that Ethereum is Cosmos?"} {"text":"The democrats will embrace crypto ... like a bear embraces a man"} {"text":"@tmnxeq The role of LDO in there is to become more ETH"} {"text":"@_omgnicklachey Monad will definitely 10x from today"} {"text":"What if our coins double from here before November expecting Donald Trump to win... ...and he doesn't win I wont be rich but at least I will be entertained "} {"text":"@laurashin @httpsageyd That's kinda the point of L2s"} {"text":"Bitcoin is the coin you get when other coins like Ethereum, Polkadot or Solana stop pretending"} {"text":"The Institutional crypto KOL era has begun and Larry Fink is the greatest"} {"text":"@vaneck_us Number, not amount. Even KOLs need grammar "} {"text":"@GwartyGwart thats the intelligence bit"} {"text":"The Ansem of the Opera... This is my working assumption about anyone who offers notinvestment advice on CT"} {"text":"Whats the ticker for Brad Sherman's Skibbidy Coin?"} {"text":"@basedkarbon Ticker?"} {"text":"@VanessaGrellet_ Mad Max?"} {"text":"Those @BitwiseInvest $ETHW guys are a class act"} {"text":"If someone wins an award for being an underachiever, are they still one?"} {"text":"Finding a 1000x solana memecoin in a sea of rugs"} {"text":"I tried a top of the range android phone today, nah"} {"text":"The trouble with $49m BTC price predictions is that for that to happen, the dollar and by extension the western world will need to have gone to shit"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart Why do you think @dappnode looks like a cake?"} {"text":"@tmnxeq I have news for you"} {"text":"I honestly dont care what angry Peter thinks about ethereum's Consensus layer The only layer I care about rn is ethereum's user layer"} {"text":"Whats clear is that CT will decide neither the US election nor the price of ethereum"} {"text":"Trump had ZERO chance till Biden looked ded on TV Trump's chances went way up because of the failed assassination attempt Now that Dems have a candidate who's not ded, Trump might not win I blocked the burger relative who said all these bearish things "} {"text":"@StaniKulechov Get well soon ser"} {"text":"@toghrulmaharram Hey that's the yoda conjecture"} {"text":"@jayendra_jog Exactly. Thats much better than 1k ppl stake from home but 100k use infura"} {"text":"I am starting to think \"stake from home\" was a mistake and a hangover from bitcoin, where \"everyone will run a node\" had already failed"} {"text":"@peter_szilagyi just dpos it imo"} {"text":"@iamDCinvestor SOL non ETF filings just before ETH ETF started trading were an insane psyop lol"} {"text":"@NateGeraci @staffordphilip On Polygon a year ago..."} {"text":"How's the Nashville Hawk Tuah festival going... huge fomo"} {"text":"The 4Ps of crypto are Product, People, Propaganda and Pump. All good things arise from these"} {"text":"@MikeIppolito_ LinkedIn will be increasingly relevant for BTC and ETH Buying a suit, BRB"} {"text":"Bears will be jailed"} {"text":"@deepcryptodive bula tings"} {"text":"Karak secondaries at $300m Looks like VCs cant make a random project big"} {"text":"@0xSisyphus Ser I am convincing my own brain fried by CT"} {"text":"ETH spot ETF denier KOLs have no fkin idea how big the mainstream US capital market is in comparison with crypto twitter shitcoiner and whale markets Zoom the fk out"} {"text":"Official bula date confirmed Sep 30"} {"text":"@0xSisyphus Wait for Tradfi, crypto frens often forget how big capital markets are compared to coin markets"} {"text":"This Vance guy really seems like one of us... the regular crypto conference attending weirdo"} {"text":"@santiagoroel Ser bls also teach founders at @Hadronfc"} {"text":"Samani ser looking at Polymarket on Polygon"} {"text":"What a wonderful vampire attac on his excellency's eth fork. Bring it all back home "} {"text":"@Madhav_goyal_ dubai philippines assoc then"} {"text":"@Madhav_goyal_ parents do this in india"} {"text":"Sinaloa cartel founder and execs arrested in the US. Why do projects that should hard avoid the US like the US so much?"} {"text":"@AzFlin Dont pull liquidity tho"} {"text":"Lots of pressure starting to show on founders who raised at max possible FDV. Guys, the world isn't unfair to you, you did this to yourself in a dick contest. Now just hang in there for Jerome Powell to save us from that hyperbola"} {"text":"@moo9000 @NateGeraci Ticker $DED. AUM other than BTC\/ETH is mostly coins seeded by foundations "} {"text":"@NateGeraci @moo9000 No liquidity on European ETPs Nate"} {"text":"@coopernicus01 She said shut down"} {"text":"The easiest way to get engagement on this website is to say something critical of ethereum. This is why online coin tribes should not isolate themselves away from the rest of humanity"} {"text":"@teddyfuse Iconic"} {"text":"Two crypto instos filing SOL non ETF just before ETH spot ETF started trading is the biggest institutional KOL psyops ever . *Even under a Trump admin SEC*, the odds of an approval without CME futures and correlation analysis are at best 10%, and at least one year away"} {"text":"ETHE is the real PURGE on the ETH roadmap. Purge ETH of Barry asap"} {"text":"@BTC_OS damn, its yago"} {"text":"@socialforging no, jus fax. i still eth because former dev"} {"text":"Study propaganda "} {"text":"@fede_intern Nothing - this is bullish Barry purge"} {"text":"I have no @Starknet bags but the biggest tech news in crypto all July was the IDF guys figuring out how to run a verifier in Bitcoin using OP__CAT and none of the retards here noticed"} {"text":"@luigidemeo v pvp?"} {"text":"@BasedBeffJezos @perplexity_ai People shouldn't build on OpenAI maybe"} {"text":"@akshaybd 40s travel to travel back home"} {"text":"From a retail investor's pov, Bitcoin has five insurmountable advantages over Ethereum, Solana and other coins - no founder, no team, no VCs, no labs and no foundation"} {"text":"Farcaster x Polygon x Polymarket Big if true ( I have to stop fudding Mount farcaster )"} {"text":"@clairekart @kobigurk and lonely... layer3 is for your kids trust fund"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko @toghrulmaharram @solana Which Solana foundation researchers and podcasters are 0.2% advisors to jitolayer?"} {"text":"@josephdelong Token incentives are for founders and team, not users"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko @solana but ser economic security is a meme?"} {"text":"@R89Capital alignment?"} {"text":"@zackvoell retail"} {"text":"Manlets caught infiltrating @hadronfc events"} {"text":"More to life than large language models "} {"text":"@AlaHaddad23 N\/A"} {"text":"Yeh. I really enjoyed my work at N\/A"} {"text":"@punk9059 Binance or Coinbase"} {"text":"@fede_intern depends on the eggLayer"} {"text":"What will launch first"} {"text":"I am no longer sidelined, you can start selling now"} {"text":"@zackvoell Delet"} {"text":"Bitcoin strength is insane. All due to Selkis"} {"text":"According to Van Eck I will be a deca billionaire by 2075"} {"text":"London summer is cold and damp and Shakespeare was a scammer"} {"text":"@0xsachi yah"} {"text":"Not bad enough for printer dammit"} {"text":"@JonasSFT Many would feel bankless"} {"text":"Twitter has nothing to do with Truth. This is the modern battlefield for propaganda warfare"} {"text":"Lisan al Bag to the rescue, LFG "} {"text":"@Psilodelic @0xSisyphus Was Clayton's SEC also. BTC ETF has been in play for years before Gensler"} {"text":"Happy Gox transfer to Kraken day to all fellow sidelinoors, LFG"} {"text":"@coinmamba Bulla starts with retail aping coins on nance, its not about anything else"} {"text":"@clairekart Shes from Lazarus university"} {"text":"@DEVBOSE111 Wait for aggLayer"} {"text":"Pyongyang accelerator is sending me one safe and token warrant docusign a day now"} {"text":"Sorely missing the toxic MAGA masculinity festival, Nashville rn "} {"text":"@hotpot_dao We need product people aaaaa"} {"text":"$POL will flippen $SOL"} {"text":"Flaws dont matter, users, investors and KOLs do"} {"text":"@Fiskantes dank memes"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko If you don't know where growth will come from you are the growth"} {"text":"So what did David Sacks do? He always seemed like such a nice guy"} {"text":"The only crypto vote in America is a16z and university delegates in Uniswap governance"} {"text":"@gajeshnaik @armaniferrante @MonkDoesnt What)"} {"text":"@gajeshnaik @armaniferrante @MonkDoesnt Aren't you guys missing that one special person"} {"text":"@sandyzkp @Scroll_ZKP "} {"text":"BUIDL THROUGH BERA"} {"text":"@fede_intern Was in BTC a decade ago before Tether launched"} {"text":"Japanese Market is blowing up because there's an ethereum conference @EDCON2024 underway in Tokyo rn"} {"text":"You guys have pissed off Dems so bad that if Trump loses I will have to move back to rural India and live off the land"} {"text":"I am afraid President Swift has chosen Harris"} {"text":"$NVDA trading like a decentralised AI token "} {"text":"@cburniske @abenchpresser Chris you promised moon "} {"text":"Market trading like it wants to delay Berachain launch to 2025"} {"text":"Netanyahu could have just said madarcho, bhencho in his speech to the US legislators"} {"text":"@matt_blumberg "} {"text":"@IAmNickDodson Missing interop is the issue. Hence egglayer"} {"text":"Barry sold $1B of ETH from ETHE in the first two days fudsters and SOL KOLs! Price is supposed to go down when that happens BTFD"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Gib talking points"} {"text":"@mdudas Since Jamestown, 1607"} {"text":"Its time to send Nasdaq to 0 and relaunch it as a dex on ethereum"} {"text":"@TrustlessState Its indeed the place for propaganda warfare"} {"text":"Khosla sir went form OpenAI to OpenBeach"} {"text":"@keoneHD ETHIndia is in December "} {"text":"Senator KOL "} {"text":"@stephendpalley Crypto vote is campaign finance dollars"} {"text":"Trump is speaking at Bitcoin Nashville, not Breakpoint Singapore "} {"text":"I have yet again come to the blindingly obvious realisation that the pump cult of Bitcoin is simply unmatched in size, depth and influence. ETH has nothing on it."} {"text":"@0xSisyphus Except that hopium assumes a Trump SEC will waive the CME futures precedent"} {"text":"@NTBro Those are therapy eyes tho"} {"text":"No point looking at ETH price before Gox and ETHE clear. Just gotta nibble down the dippity dip"} {"text":"Why would AGI do this "} {"text":"@0xMert_ advisor?"} {"text":"London Shoreditch Tomorrow 6pm @Hadronfc"} {"text":"Redacted fund appears to be the Tiger Global of this cycle"} {"text":"@ssh_nkar zerolayer"} {"text":"When executive coaching works"} {"text":"If @OpenAI blows through $5b and runs out of cash, my body is ready for their useless governance token airdrop"} {"text":"@R89Capital 44k followers not bad but Van Eck were the first KOLs to start it."} {"text":"I wonder what an ETH infra project called \"layer layer\" would be worth... surely $100b+?"} {"text":"@R89Capital KOL layer is shilling SOL ETF during ETH ETF week "} {"text":"Caldera got 25m by using \"layer\" in the name"} {"text":"@MoonOverlord TL is full of SOL ETF tweets by KOLs lol"} {"text":"@0xMert_ That dude's a cosmos guy"} {"text":"2\/3 of gox and 4\/5 of ethe remaining. Wen?"} {"text":"@MikeIppolito_ Remember when he shilled SOL "} {"text":"@GwartyGwart The \"community\" is a dozen KOLs, offshore mafia and a small number of whales. Practically memecoin ventures"} {"text":"@gogoDiegoCrypto You want the chain of blocks storing the txn ordering across rollups to be secure as well. Thats why you don't post namespaced ordered txns in a filesystem or sql server db"} {"text":"@rargulati If stocks crash thats bullish btc right?"} {"text":"Everyone thinks theres too much blockspace now. Bruh, there's always been too much blockspace. We had a ton of of Blockspace in ICO era L1s years before L2s came around Blockspace is a defi summer concept. What we need is TOKEN SPACE on Binance sponsored by JPoW!"} {"text":"@rargulati You need to hang w smarter people"} {"text":"@rargulati Not if you can dump for moar free moneys later"} {"text":"@nickwh8te Nothing @hashflow are about to launch one"} {"text":"Remember KOLynya? He could have hyped ETH spot ETF flows so good "} {"text":"@iamDCinvestor Let the two candidates run a bidding war for hearts and minds"} {"text":"@RoundtableSpace Is he having a baby?"} {"text":"ETH KOLs disappearing after Vitalik into Mount Farcaster is the worst thing that has happened to ETH price since the DaO hack and ICO crash... now its all BTC and SOL propaganda on my TL"} {"text":"@cburniske Zoom out"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy only the best :-)"} {"text":"Airdrop dumpers often live to regret it when a great product launches at a sensible FDV"} {"text":"@richardkingxyz @EthCC LLMs have already moved towards being integrated into products for enterprise and individuals. Social media discourse can stay in fantasyland such as AGI and SSI"} {"text":"@MartiniGuyYT same for 24mo of good decisions"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko @pseudotheos Metrics should be apples to apples... when L2s = ETH, portfolio allocation should also be measured in dollar terms to ETH + L2s in the set"} {"text":"@EliBenSasson Big if true!"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy Announcements are back, our tokens are not"} {"text":"ETH Spot ETF Day 2,3,4,10 stats are going to be more interesting than Day 1 stats... can the volume\/interest sustain is what we have to see"} {"text":"@PyVitor You can build Charisma over time by championing the same cause like a maniac - like TPS, modular, world computer, gmove or restaking"} {"text":"@vinitopapasito Competence is part of trust. Can't trust the incompetent"} {"text":"In crypto: Autism, Master's degree or less but not more, general lack of familiarity with financial regulation and compliance, rizz\/charisma and history of yoloing and getting lucky. AI is different"} {"text":"If you ever run out of ideas in life, launch an L2"} {"text":"One issue w wid bitcoin rn is that its producers cant wait to sell it as fast as they can"} {"text":"So J D Vance really has the conviction, charm and Charisma of a lawyer turned VC huh"} {"text":"@inversebrah Game theory "} {"text":"@inversebrah There are no unpaid shills"} {"text":"@aaronxkong Bon Appetit Michael Phelps"} {"text":"Congratulations to all the KOLs shilling their nonexistent SOL ETF "} {"text":"mood today"} {"text":"@JSeyff @News_Of_Alpha Pump must be pumped"} {"text":"@ecent18 @shawnwlim Lisan al bag "} {"text":"Memecoins are *NOT* better than VC coins"} {"text":"We never really own crypto. We merely look after it for the next generation in Pyongyang"} {"text":"If dot eths want ETH to pump using the spot ETF today they need to start posting sensible shit on ...LINKEDIN... That's where all my former suit frens are "} {"text":"@clairekart Your size of mistake is not size"} {"text":"@jon_charb They are all building the same thing"} {"text":"Waiting for Elizabeth warren to speak at the world pump dot fun summit"} {"text":"@unusual_whales What about Elizabeth Warren and Janet Yellen?"} {"text":"@tmnxeq ... so far "} {"text":"@tmnxeq ETHE has to rotat and gox was today as well, not bad at all imo"} {"text":"This number exceeds all expectations we have been hearing from podcasters and podcast guests for months"} {"text":"Good to meet @cryptoecongames finally"} {"text":"@Taran_ss As long as the fund doesn't build a reputation for dumping which makes them unattractive to founders"} {"text":"No plans to launch a token"} {"text":"@icebergy_ Surely by governance vote"} {"text":"Future of AI is decentralised @EMostaque @mo_baioumy"} {"text":"@DavidVorick Well why has no one broken avax bridge then?"} {"text":"@MaxResnick1 Who hurt you"} {"text":"Did @MagicalTux ask @elonmusk to change his profile pic back?"} {"text":"@Taran_ss Better to build and grow than to make hyperbola"} {"text":"@cobie @Cryptopathic True alignment unlocked"} {"text":"@JimmyRagosa If it fails its Joe and Vitalik, if it succeeds its Bankless"} {"text":"@ashwinho4 @callusfbi @Hadronfc Thats the kind leadership we need to keep web3 founders alive and not eternally single"} {"text":"@pet3rpan_ @vaneck_us I suspect @vaneckpk"} {"text":"@AndrewDARMACAP Lisan al bag!"} {"text":"@Timccopeland There's a Cope in Copeland"} {"text":"@armaniferrante "} {"text":"@VitalikButerin @StarkWareLtd Publishing circle starks blog on ETF day That's my quant "} {"text":"@armaniferrante Very. I lost a lot of sol because backpack doesn't do addr check"} {"text":"Today is the ethereum ICO day for tradfi"} {"text":"Today is the holy day for which papa Joe's tradfi apostles shilled ETH so hard - Amber Baldet, Vanessa Grellet, Monica Singer, Andrew Keys, Jeremy Millar, Tyrone Lobban, Christine Moy, Manu Marchal, Charles D' Haussy, Me and many moar"} {"text":"The origins of tradfi ethereum ... now spot ETF"} {"text":"@ChiefOfTelos John Lilic, the original . I remember our meeting at PwC :-)"} {"text":"First feature complete DA ie the first DAs as described in Mustafa's original paper. Built for responsiveness, decentralisation, security and scalability"} {"text":"@AvailProject Congratulations on the launch!"} {"text":"@santiagoroel Grayscale wants to exit ETHE into the clean chart of ETH"} {"text":"Mainnet launch is just the beginning I am even more excited about whats launching on @AvailProject \u2122"} {"text":"@Mudit__Gupta Manta migrated to Polygon CDK and did well Lesson is: migrate TO Polygon"} {"text":"@Safaryclub They mean token"} {"text":"@rargulati you need AI with a binance listed token"} {"text":"@molly0xFFF @inversebrah has done no such thing"} {"text":"@simplykashif \u0915\u0948\u0932\u093f\u092b\u093c\u094b\u0930\u094d\u0928\u093f\u092f\u093e \u092d\u0940 \u0939\u0948\u0926\u0930\u093e\u092c\u093e\u0926 \u0939\u0940 \u0939\u0948 - \u091c\u093e \u0915\u0947 \u0926\u0947\u0916\u094b"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Bro but decentralisation?"} {"text":"What if they are keeping Joe Biden safu in a Trusted Execution Environment ( TEE )?"} {"text":"If Biden has gotten assassinated, he'd have beaten Trump in a humdinger yet again"} {"text":"Where is Joe Biden is the new where is Waldo"} {"text":"@CleanPegasus @AvailProject staking"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Amen"} {"text":"For all the talk of social layer, how did ETH HQ not recognise that the rollup centric roadmap will fragment the social layer by making dot eths fight over their respective L2 bags?"} {"text":"SOL rhymes with KOL"} {"text":"@poordart Trump hired a VC to do an operating job?"} {"text":"One can experience huge inflows without getting rich"} {"text":"Wait, what do you mean public goods? There's an ETF supporting Bankless Malayalam and Maigayar?"} {"text":"@SmokeyTheBera Tripathi from Electrical Engineering"} {"text":"Joe Lubin for President so that ETH can moon"} {"text":"@tmnxeq What ETF related number drives price "} {"text":"@tmnxeq What to measure? Coin ppl mine the most fav looking stat for kol-ing"} {"text":"Schrodinger's Joe Biden. He's alive if you don't ask"} {"text":"Ethereum technology will improve parabolically in a few weeks after the ETHE <> ETF rotation is done"} {"text":"@ssh_nkar Relevance doesn't need to be global. Everyone can find it in their own sphere and social\/work circle"} {"text":"@calilyliu @theshikhai Pet memes killed tech memes "} {"text":"@CyberShakti Dishwasher? I thought you were single"} {"text":"Vinod ser ganna make us pivot to AI "} {"text":"@matthew_sigel Because of ETHE?"} {"text":"@CoinDesk @Swan @Aoyon_A Narrative violation"} {"text":"@kobigurk You are so centralised"} {"text":"@therealchaseeb Well they hab memecoins now"} {"text":"@yacineMTB Indians from india do be like dat. Indians who have lived and worked abroad tend to have a higher perception of fellow Indians"} {"text":"@SwethaPD You hab token"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy AggLayer is supposed to solve exactly this"} {"text":"@pambamdam @AvailProject Yeah Avail uses NPOS because it supports far more validators than tendermint"} {"text":"Kinda sad you can't move USDC to trad brokerage accounts and back"} {"text":"Why is London summer so... cold?"} {"text":"@matthew_sigel In English soccer"} {"text":"@TheBlock__ Gautam is a bull bull bull"} {"text":"@evabeylin Wen token?"} {"text":"@0xgaut Retardio public goods funding "} {"text":"@TroyMurs Its simpler than that. Solana is easily the best chain for trading dogs and cats rn"} {"text":"My long term plan is to buy $WIF at $1.6 and sell it at $2.6 in a loop"} {"text":"People buying SOL ETF 1-3 *YEARS* ahead and selling ETH ETF 1-3 *DAYS* ahead RETAR DIO "} {"text":"@gyan_w3b @AvailProject yes. big blocks, no execution only consensus"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko @tmuxvim Its near instant from binance and coinbase - the two best wormholes in the world"} {"text":"@The_As_Usual_1 @AvailProject Only fully featured DA in the world yet - and moar to come"} {"text":"@functi0nZer0 Bro thas nothing. I@PwC simbly didn't wanna touch unregistered securities"} {"text":"Wallets that work well with @AvailProject"} {"text":"ETH is 10 years old today but there's no need to feel like it"} {"text":"@fede_intern @Starknet Quite impressive how quickly @Starknet UX keeps improving..."} {"text":"Very important to be religious in crypto... If you study who made real money, its the faithful who held wen their balls were kicked by market BTC, ETH, SOL, BNB: only by defying logic ppl made big bux I am not religious so I use forced hodl ( angelbags ) to logwealth slow...ly"} {"text":"Happy Gox week to all those who celebrate"} {"text":"@bidhanxyz its the other way. elon is the richest and look what he cares about"} {"text":"Your treasury is not treasury, this is treasury"} {"text":"There's a POL in Polymarket, just sayin'"} {"text":"@IndiaNad_xyz @LucidMunjal @keoneHD \u0928\u093e\u0926 = essence of all sound in sanskrit."} {"text":"Llama 405b for POTUS "} {"text":"Ok so you're rich, but are you relevant?"} {"text":"@based16z I have missed so many memecoins because of work"} {"text":"@stclairashley This is how defi devs hand protocols back to the community"} {"text":"Why'd I give away my biggest asset?"} {"text":"@enshriningplebs \"daily basis\" is the keyword"} {"text":"The winner is Putin"} {"text":"Cool to see Trump and Elon flying to Nashville to endorse @AvailProject as America's data availability layer"} {"text":"Twitter is where I get all my noise"} {"text":"e\u0336n\u0336t\u0336e\u0336r\u0336t\u0336a\u0336i\u0336n\u0336i\u0336n\u0336g\u0336 exhausting"} {"text":"@saylor Those are blue @ethereum eyes lol"} {"text":"@AndrewCapasso_ This is v Biden"} {"text":"@packyM Wen @Polymarket on whether convention?"} {"text":"coins aside, Its quite possible that young, educated, immigrant, black and women voters as well as tech donors don't want the orange man"} {"text":"Study the Incels v Harris social experiment"} {"text":"@cburniske Same for founders and team"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart "} {"text":"@Dogetoshi If Trump and Fink are bitcoiners, I am Satoshi"} {"text":"@BillSPACman @SmokeyTheBera AI agent right?"} {"text":"My son apparently went to a Polkadot hackathon in london and everyone with a working demo got $400 of $DOT recruit your KOLs young "} {"text":"@visegrad24 Thats not rude, its French"} {"text":"@CryptoMan_Ram "} {"text":"Ok so you are differentiated, but are you relevant?"} {"text":"The latest Nike ad is against the values of Farcaster"} {"text":"@hstyagi The Mo in IMO is for Modi"} {"text":"@Zedzies @BolognaFishMD @patio11 Schmidt, powered by chainlink"} {"text":"Which exchanges and funds are the biggest seed investors in mafia memecoins?"} {"text":"@josephdelong people are neither good nor bad. incentives are good or bad"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy @vinitopapasito @0xMert_ @ercwl inb4 modular pvp"} {"text":"@vinitopapasito @0xMert_ @ercwl jus sayin shillin is good but think first"} {"text":"@vinitopapasito @0xMert_ @ercwl dude modularity community is just eth community with a handful of bitcoiners writing evm sidechains and some cosmos\/near guys selling da"} {"text":"@parseb @vinitopapasito @0xMert_ @ercwl maybe let sol l2s show that they can settle on there"} {"text":"@vinitopapasito @0xMert_ @ercwl Its the power of a smol ecosystem running a great event and socials. eth is the new cosmos - one umbrella, 69 tokenz - kinda what celestia wants to be if\/wen it grows up"} {"text":"@vinitopapasito @0xMert_ @ercwl Mert was on ethcc stage retar dio"} {"text":"@naruto11eth Married but Available? MBA"} {"text":"@cryptoecongames Even the US team is mostly Chinese names, always have been"} {"text":"@TobyFrei4 whats wrong with a lot of vodka and some violence?"} {"text":"@EFDevcon We don't say DeFi anymore?"} {"text":"Country of 9m people is 5th in the IMO Want kids to do well in Math? Move to Belarus"} {"text":"@tarunchitra Is that who writes your \"OH\"?"} {"text":"@ylecun Yann, it was meta that promoted Hillary's Pizza and various other conspiracies and fake news during Trump's last successful bid. Cambridge analytica also stole data from meta to nudge brexit and trump over the line. Elon is just giving an open platform to Trump and Dems alike"} {"text":"Europe's path to economic ruin is subsidising inherited wealth by excessively taxing the salaried middle class Work but not much oke? Even England is a strange mix of historical feudalism, european socialism and american capitalism"} {"text":"Bad price makes strong KOLs"} {"text":"@ac_crypto @exolabs_ Wen cheapo linux"} {"text":"@rubberinv @knveth @EckertAnthony dont go by the charts and wallets memecoin mafia kols post here. current gen memecoins are unregulated lotteries - some win because most lose"} {"text":"@functi0nZer0 I contributed $599 to that side event guild "} {"text":"Consumer crypto is the crypto that consumes you - eg memecoin trading"} {"text":"Focuses on ethereum alignment instead of UX"} {"text":"Fundamentals are the new meta. The top performing coins are all free of fundamentals"} {"text":"Trump appears aligned with at least one of the values of Bitcoin. He's as unhinged as any bitcoin podcaster in history and then some"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy aggregate"} {"text":"@lmrankhan music memecoins?"} {"text":"@nigeleccles mafia coins"} {"text":"Its so cool to see that everyone trading memecoins is making so much money and no one is losing any. The greatest value creation engine in history has been unlocked "} {"text":"@aeyakovenko @0xMert_ Careful w 2.0 meme - ConsenSys 2.0 survivor"} {"text":"@tmnxeq "} {"text":"@deepcryptodive Ah wrong pic. good job w community notes"} {"text":"Bro Biden might be too old at 82 but you are trading and shilling.... popcat at 32 "} {"text":"$ZRO seems to have a better market maker than $W"} {"text":"3 long years of harvesting alts from here "} {"text":"@EMostaque @SchellingAI "} {"text":"@abhixh @JoinClamp BTC I'd think yes but idk"} {"text":"LAUNCH ALL THE TOKENS IMMEDIATELY"} {"text":"Europe has no AC... how are europeans supposed to work?"} {"text":"I have a quantum cat and a nodemonke Wen will @udiWertheimer and Eric gib 1BTC floor on these?"} {"text":"@Crypto_Texan Will be a coup, not election"} {"text":"@Jskybowen @ayyyeandy @SmokeyTheBera @thal0x There... that's PVP"} {"text":"@MPtherealmvp Ethereum has been on a journey from idealism to pragmatism. At this point, partly because the L1 didn't scale, and partly due to competition from other L1s, in the battle between decentralisation and TPS, TPS won"} {"text":"Starknet UX has improved a lot since I used Ekubo and Jedi a few weeks ago... wao"} {"text":"@mattmaximo1 I just dont go to paid side events. Solved"} {"text":"So Mckinsey Buttigieg's case analysis is that J D Vance behaves like a lawyer?"} {"text":"@andrej_muzevic Not everyone is a judging person"} {"text":"@rargulati Key point: Anna Sawai > Sydney Sweeney"} {"text":"@osf_rekt $AVAIL launch on 23rd"} {"text":"@osf_rekt Post bullet"} {"text":"crypto twitter"} {"text":"KOL rounds are getting quite expensive now"} {"text":"@DaBunnyOFFICIAL The biggest mistake crypto made in 2021 was to hire senior tech people with experience working in real jobs into unreal jobs"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy @SmokeyTheBera @Jskybowen @thal0x Modular PvP started three months ago with Nick v EigenDA"} {"text":"@DefiIgnas Consensys alumni, PhDs in hopium"} {"text":"Selkis recruited the biggest crypto KOL : Donald Trump ... and you guys made him quit his job Thankless!"} {"text":"@DefiIgnas 1-2 months but post gox and nashville trump kol pump will probably continue"} {"text":"@Rainmaker1973 Memecoin trading ^"} {"text":"@PhysInHistory Cold fusion"} {"text":"@DefiIgnas ETH bulls waiting for ETHE overhang to clear"} {"text":"@osf_rekt US national debt is only 35 trillion so this would really make a dent right?"} {"text":"She calls me SAFE because I am locked for years"} {"text":"Re Vitalik's principled objections to single issue voting, crypto industry runs the risk of becoming the NRA of money"} {"text":"@IOHK_Charles ... like Cardano right?"} {"text":"Biden is the best candidate republicans have in the same way that Metamask is the best wallet Solana has"} {"text":"If you want a spouse whose company loses $20k\/month marry someone in AI If you want a spouse whose company loses $20m\/month marry someone in crypto "} {"text":"Crowdstrike sounds like a name for some NSA sponsored malware designed to bring Iran to its knees. Remember stuxnet?"} {"text":"@HugoPhilion "} {"text":"Mental illness is inside us, above us, below us, beside us and all around us. There's no respite from it other than compassion and awareness"} {"text":"idk man I am bullish on crypto in Q4 but if the fkin stonks tank hard, we ganna need fiat cash to pay bills and shit"} {"text":"Warren, Yellen and Khan lost both tradfi and tech for the dems. Its unbelievable"} {"text":"Having some friends from completely outside crypto and tech also is quite a blessing"} {"text":"@gajeshnaik @sreeramkannan Economic security of ethereum flattened after he stopped debating"} {"text":"TRUMP IS PRESIDENT KOL"} {"text":"E U P H O R I A I N B I O"} {"text":"Its not over till the one and only Polynya shills an ethereum aligned memecoin on Base"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy Pump alignment?"} {"text":"Microsoft could have avoided this entire debacle by decentralising Windows using a governance token"} {"text":"Crypto prices have pumped to unprecedented levels not seen until... ... a month ago"} {"text":"C Zhao Morgan & Co, Investment Banking"} {"text":"@rushimanche Bullish dropouts "} {"text":"@0xChristina @OpenEden_Labs theres no second best"} {"text":"Good call by Selkis. He's needed upstairs closer to bigger things than Messari"} {"text":"$AVAIL is launching mainnet on the same day as spot $ETH ETF This makes @AvailProject the most ethereum aligned DA after ethereum "} {"text":"The feds remembered for ten years. TEN YEARS. No statute of limitation on AML\/CFT cases afaik"} {"text":"@thisisrj people can reveal private information without the fear of being found out."} {"text":"@Hadronfc @movementlabsxyz gmove"} {"text":"@thisisrj Permissionless and untraceable is key"} {"text":"@DEVBOSE111 no holiday for mac users"} {"text":"Prediction markets are now predicting 100% likelihood of a global windows outage"} {"text":"@tomwarren Yay from parents worldwide"} {"text":"@nbelthan @sentient_agi deai is a long horizon bet. re llms, all transformative tech experiences bubbles"} {"text":"No holiday for shitposters "} {"text":"As always @VitalikButerin, user of a sovereign linux laptop remains undefeated"} {"text":"gmonad guys will be insufferable today"} {"text":"Why would Ansem do this?"} {"text":"@miroyato ethpow was built to avoid cloud infra centralisation. ethpos gone mostly cloud tho its still multicloud and stake from home ppl are wise"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko @0xMert_ Use eth for gas and you good"} {"text":"@andrej_muzevic ... or at least multi cloud"} {"text":"azure down? blockchains solve dis meanwhile blockchains..."} {"text":"BAREMETAL BLOCKCHAINS "} {"text":"Most L2 sequencers are on google cloud"} {"text":"If the dems accidentally win, how will they punish four year locked tokens? Asking for a friend This is the issue with partisan politicisation of crypto but none of us listen to @VitalikButerin anymore "} {"text":"If this was a google cloud outage, half the decentralised blockchains would be down"} {"text":"It'd be quite boring if Trump actually wins after looking like a sure thing for six months. Elon's razor demands a more entertaining outcome"} {"text":"I am calling it. This LLM edition of the AI bubble has topped Expectations and AI fantasies have been overboard for a while and there's enough nervousness among funds to increasingly slow the bubble down before some funds are wiped out like 2021 web3 gaming and metaverse funds"} {"text":"Trump is president KOL"} {"text":"@gajeshnaik @akshaybd @Uber \u091c\u0928\u094d\u092e \u0938\u0947 \u0935\u093f\u0932\u093e\u092f\u0924\u0940 \u0939\u094b \u092c\u0947\u091f\u093e"} {"text":"@Ozhar Interesting - and meme stonk\/ai stonk revolution s also havents help alts"} {"text":"Is there a prediction market on wen Polymarket TGE\/airdrop?"} {"text":"@Ozhar idk man, in 2021 they were buying nfts and dogshib inu"} {"text":"If Coinbase survey is correct and 40 million American voters support crypto Why aren't they buying alts lol"} {"text":"@akshaybd @Uber \u0938\u094d\u0935\u0932\u094d\u092a\u093e \u0910\u0921\u091c\u0938\u094d\u091f \u092e\u093e\u0921\u0940"} {"text":"@AzFlin "} {"text":"@ayyyeandy Ethereum "} {"text":"@0xMert_ Your age is like Solana TPS. Depends on who's reporting"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko For example, the outcome of a Trump administration led review of permission less movement of dollars abroad eg by Iran, DPRK, Russia and others is at best unpredictable"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko Conservative ideology is a spectrum. There are favourable aspects such as small government and deregulation and unfavorable aspects such as political control and natsec\/jingoism. GOP won't kill crypto but they will 100% seek to co-opt and control it"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Coingecko?"} {"text":"Thinking about @nufflelabs"} {"text":"London Dosa DaO dinner by @Hadronfc sponsored by our friends at @alt_layer was 3.14156x oversubscribed"} {"text":"@0xfoobar ser its just ONE prediction market"} {"text":"@coopernicus01 Berachain, avalanche killer?"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy Uncle Sam's regulatoors are the only good reason"} {"text":"@0xlstern Airdrops for POL stakers ser"} {"text":"Vitalik is right in a way that completely misses the point. Both US political parties are naturally antithetical to the values of crypto, so crypto ppls might as well vote for the one that is better for the 'values' on Coingecko "} {"text":"@rushimanche @Neon_EVM @fluentxyz Many of solidity's problems are because of the design of the EVM tho. ERC20 approve() as a hack for reentrancy problems for example"} {"text":"Biden dropping out is bearish. A lot can happen in four months and unlike Biden, a sane living candidate might just defeat the orange man of coins"} {"text":"@0xSisyphus Sandeep is always in it to win it"} {"text":"@0xSisyphus I am ready for POL to moon like 2021"} {"text":"@abhitejxyz Send thoughts and prayers bls"} {"text":"I am sidelined"} {"text":"Is buying a stegosaurus enough to retire?"} {"text":"People paying 40% tax in a country full of guns, drugs, poor healthcare and bad schools for 10 years waiting for a white people visa called the green card Meanwhile me"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko You need to accept 12 second blocktimes in your life"} {"text":"Inb4 Nancy Pelosi longs $DJT calls"} {"text":"WazirX putting India on the map in Gox szn Bhais for the win!"} {"text":"@inversebrah you are an inverse intellectual"} {"text":"@BrianFeroldi Joe Lubin, 52"} {"text":"@pritika_mehta Dubai is best of both worlds"} {"text":"WazirX has been hacked for $230m"} {"text":"90% of crypto VC is just asking founders \"who is the lead\" till they find one and aping in as soon as they do"} {"text":"People are talking about simultaneous horizontal and vertical scaling of chains again. Maybe @sreeramkannan and @viswanathpramod can relaunch Trifecta "} {"text":"Tradfi cycle. Wher this is going, might have to put a suit back on to hype coins and chains to tradfi like the Consensys solutions era"} {"text":"@Jebus The year began in Jan"} {"text":"Trump on crypto, but still better than dems"} {"text":"Last time everyone picked a twitter fight with Vitalik (about Iggy), BTC crashed from 72k to 55k Please dont try this at home"} {"text":"crypto industry code of conduct: rugs:ok grift: ok scams: ok ponzis: ok exploits: ok vaporware: ok exit scams: ok market manipulation: ok but no mean tweets"} {"text":"@clairekart @twobitidiot maybe lets just hold ourselves accountable instead"} {"text":"@clairekart @twobitidiot on the accountability fromt angry tweets aren't the industry's issue"} {"text":"@clairekart @twobitidiot I have known him since '17 and I am not big on cancelling people for twitter anger"} {"text":"@clairekart @twobitidiot In that context it was a hot headed reply to one guy"} {"text":"@clairekart @twobitidiot go ahead. we can talk. he is doing the work"} {"text":"@clairekart @twobitidiot Heat of the moment, its twitter"} {"text":"@clairekart @twobitidiot effective"} {"text":"@blockgraze No bro. Then they will work, not trade WIF"} {"text":"@theSamPadilla @twobitidiot Heat of the moment. Words matter but work matters a whole lot more"} {"text":"Leave @twobitidiot alone. He's not the guy twitter is making him sound like. Dude's like one of five effective lobbyists in the entire industry and he hasn't even got a multimillion grant from Uniswap or something to do the gig"} {"text":"@JSeyff @Grayscale Whats the difference between mini and ethe"} {"text":"Non american dot eths fighting @twobitidiot about US elections is the most ethereum DaO governance I have seen in a long time "} {"text":"@0xMert_ Is this about cap tables?"} {"text":"@twobitidiot @VitalikButerin Vitalik is deeply familiar with wily politicians with no ideological alignment with crypto coopting crypto for their vested interests"} {"text":"Vitalik is right and Trump will disappoint but the open hostility of dems has left the crypto industry w no choice"} {"text":"@0xJim @apolynya Mert got to him"} {"text":"@VitalikButerin Ser you have been reported to secretary of crypto alignment @twobitidiot"} {"text":"@0xMert_ @farcaster_xyz To show that we are creating a toxic environment on @apolynya s kumbaya mountain"} {"text":"Meanwhile on @farcaster_xyz"} {"text":"@RoboMcGobo Cosmos"} {"text":"@aurbelis Just in time for ETF"} {"text":"A tg chat of 100 bd guys can produce 4950 partnership announcements"} {"text":"@0xrishavb @Shilika_jain @ANagarsheth fax"} {"text":"CT Today: Europe in general and Germany specifically, is well behind in AI. Thats why they failed to predict that Trump will move his head 0.07% and BTC will pump hard"} {"text":"@binji_x Its fun"} {"text":"@intern Where I come from, arranged marriage has a fantastic track record. Bls moar ai tokens on gmonad"} {"text":"@cuongdc_real @EFDevcon Its the church of defi, our lord Vitalik, hallowed be thy name for thou art restaked in defi heaven, amen"} {"text":"@clairekart Consumers wanna consume tokens"} {"text":"@iamDCinvestor Germany, a much respectful KOL"} {"text":"ethereum @EFDevcon is now called the thailand side event summit but I ofc bot a ticket to donat to the ethereum conference guild"} {"text":"@BrrrStarknet Unlocked this year, selling Q3 next yr at cycle top"} {"text":"AI is here. When I was sidelined @Bcubeai made me regular moneys on Binance "} {"text":"BITWISE: ETH will pump because ETF @vaneck_us intern in manlet tg: nono, SOL "} {"text":"crypto vc is literally just group chats"} {"text":"@Austin_Federa @akshaybd Blockworks is an agency"} {"text":"@0xMert_ I demand 10,000 SOL reparations from @aeyakovenko"} {"text":"@naval Launching unnecessary ventures, steady lads"} {"text":"@MikeIppolito_ @santiagoroel Please recover soon both. I am investigating if eth maxis are behind this"} {"text":"No bet more asymmetric than long Biden on Polymarket"} {"text":"@RAnSacks I once met Dr Ruja Ignatova of onecoin"} {"text":"I am not sidelined. I am locked and vesting"} {"text":"The $AVAIL ETF will melt faces"} {"text":"@hotpot_dao Humbly, this is riskier than recommending buying bula crypto to your relatives"} {"text":"@AlaHaddad23 @NicoleBehnam @BillAckman I and my twitter account are entirely helpless in the matter of 5000 years of wanton violence of the levante "} {"text":"@olshansky gib"} {"text":"TBH, if you cant speak your mind with a million, you are not ganna do it with a billion"} {"text":"@jdkanani Bls decentralise morphic governance"} {"text":"English summer"} {"text":"North Korea will use a key to get that key"} {"text":"I cant believe an ex cofounder of Polygon ie @jdkanani is doing tokenless AI ie @morphicfilms I will never financially recover from this"} {"text":"UNLOCK ALL THE EIGENS "} {"text":"@0xgonnamakeit \u2122"} {"text":"ETH spot ETF will take @cryptopunksnfts to $1M floor. Tradfi already has one thanks to Visa You heard it here first"} {"text":"$AVAIL is modular money with validity"} {"text":"Trump's NFT collection is on @0xPolygon Thats $MATIC, soon\u2122 $POL"} {"text":"OpenAI is at $109B in secondary All my AI tokens are going to $109B FDV"} {"text":"Blast was never an L2 and now its not an L1"} {"text":"Euphoria on the TL "} {"text":"Historically its been the opposite"} {"text":"living on an asset class that depends on this "} {"text":"Ok so Degen chain doesn't work and the bridge is ruggy Which part of degen was not clear?"} {"text":"@toghrulmaharram All sovereign chains should be able to choose L1 or L2 status depending on pump"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko @GwartyGwart Wormhole eigenlayer advisory wen?"} {"text":"OG angel investor from London @ANagarsheth"} {"text":"You can't spell finance without casino"} {"text":"Why is mount gox buying coins?"} {"text":"Our money wouldn't be ultrasound without Casino"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart Will there be governance tokens tho?"} {"text":"@calummoore 5% of fees, not even 5% of token fdv"} {"text":"Distinguished Goldman Sachs Alumni award"} {"text":"Everyone with their own billion dollar binance listed token for their own fragment of ethereum is worried about the fragmentation of ethereum"} {"text":"@DoveyWan Mam Dubai is a giant shopping mall"} {"text":"Based rollups acknowledge that modular is a necessity but its not much fun to hand over your customers to other tokens"} {"text":"Shipping deAI for the real world LFG"} {"text":"The schelling point for decentralised AI @EMostaque"} {"text":"@jbrukh We are those maga people now"} {"text":"July is the last non bullish month"} {"text":"Either way the Veep will be Indian "} {"text":"@prashant_xyz Subtweet"} {"text":"@TheBlock__ Audited by PwC?"} {"text":"@0xMert_ roadmap is bearish"} {"text":"Best way to make a lot of crypto infra revenue is to collect cash from customers and refund them in token. Doesn't work in Web2"} {"text":"Stink bid at 55k "} {"text":"@0xngmi blame the consultant thesis stronk"} {"text":"@mraltantutar deflected the bullet"} {"text":"@gajeshnaik Alliance is a ConsenSys meme. AI has more money and more apps."} {"text":"@simplykashif I am not funny, the industry is funny"} {"text":"@farhajmayan @0xagarwal @Hadronfc Lots of guns missing in that one - the mafia is stronk"} {"text":"Gox is repaying 3x the number of BTC the Germans just sold. Relieved creditors will sell at least the same number as the Germans did Should be volatile till September. Then lots of bullish factors in Q4. Rate cuts, Trump, Gensler exit..."} {"text":"Oh well"} {"text":"Greater fool szn ended in crypto VC. Valuations matter again"} {"text":"If you think the Trump-Vance ticket is pro pump dot fun, stop inhaling. Its pro bitcoin, eth and if we are max lucky, majors and KYC-Uniswap"} {"text":"@inversebrah Wen gox?"} {"text":"Tokens are like kids. You can launch them with one click in the heat of passion but it takes years of pain, sacrifice and hard work to keep them liquid and relevant"} {"text":"the only way web3 people can get laid is if sex is organised as a side event"} {"text":"Ethereum tends to struggle with the Chinese socialism of \"alignment\" and the aspiration to be \"cypherpunk but nice\" For example, in terms of the freedom to disagree and diversity of opinion, Twitter rn is far more decentralised than any twitter clone on any blockchain"} {"text":"@BasedBeffJezos You mean crypto*ai right? "} {"text":"The future of blockchains is a binance listed token for a distributed database on AWS You're not ready for this innovation"} {"text":"@mdudas Which DaO?"} {"text":"Observation: Pantera had enough with Arbitrum DaO governance and token hyperbola Moral: Get involved in your most significant bags "} {"text":"No one familiar with history would refer to the US secret service as SS"} {"text":"J D Vance wants utility tokens and no memecoins This is bearish for SOLETH..."} {"text":"@GwartyGwart Vance said \"we should do some deals together\""} {"text":"Your entire net worth was in the hands of that bullet"} {"text":"Trump Powell Fink and Vance from Yale all working to launch $AVAIL"} {"text":"@nic__carter @VCBrags"} {"text":"Exo taking Depin for decentralised AI from hype to reality. This is Llama 70b ( the big one ) running on home electronics "} {"text":"The Trump-Vance ticket is like a maximally hyped up low float high FDV crypto project. All the pump is in the pre launch expectation. After launch and listing, this token too might experience the usual hyperbola"} {"text":"@intern @WatcherGuru What are his views on async execution?"} {"text":"So Trump's VP pick is Vance Inu?"} {"text":"Powell just wants a fantastic $AVAIL Launch and $EIGEN unlock "} {"text":"@ilblackdragon Fungible tokens are easy to launch but a ton of work to support. Better to go w valueless NFTs for pure governance"} {"text":"Trump <> Powell <> Fink The three most powerful boomers in the world wont stop shilling till Bitcoin is at $100k 10 years ago BTC was mostly \"used for drugs and money laundering\" What a time to be alive"} {"text":"@instantfinality mute button "} {"text":"@0xMert_ Thats mathematically correct. Equity valuation is constrained by discounted cash flows. Token valuation is unconstrained by either reality or imagination"} {"text":"@matthew_sigel buy bitcoin \"if you are frightened of the world and your existence\" is the most un KOL ever"} {"text":"So @mrjasonchoi flipped bullish. Thats nice. What about @Rewkang?"} {"text":"There's a SHIP in leadership"} {"text":"@BitcoinMagazine Bitcoin is an asset you invest in \"if you are frightened of your existence\". Larry Fink is the most un-KOL "} {"text":"@howdymerry HBD"} {"text":"@0xairtx @ayyyeandy no one wins alone but then no one wins without making some enemies. pick wisely and with a purpose"} {"text":"@Paul__Brainy ... on all chains"} {"text":"@Austin_Federa Check their twitter for rizz tho"} {"text":"@0x_Abdul Weed is not good for productivity"} {"text":"@JimmyRagosa Ya. Thats from V's blog but the great layer 2 called Tron wont die as long as it's useful. Prolly less $ subsidy than Uniswap LPs in there fwiw"} {"text":"I am afraid Tron has more users than ethereum"} {"text":"@udiWertheimer @ercwl The assassin was using decentralised AI"} {"text":"Justin Sun is Eigen Saylor"} {"text":"@hotpot_dao V no tired because he do meaningful work, not chase money or market"} {"text":"@iamDCinvestor A few mm and that tweet would be different"} {"text":"unification > abstraction"} {"text":"@bidhanxyz Ya many coin, other peoples money, no community hate wen number down "} {"text":"Decentralisation is easily accomplished by using ETH to pay gas fees"} {"text":"@Guru_BCUBE @Bcubeai Yeh. I just the Bcube AI agent trade for me"} {"text":"I am a pretty bad trader, but then I feel better that Cathie Wood is paid a lot to trade"} {"text":"@Mr________ Well among the choices available, hes the one to fix the global security debacle underway"} {"text":"Never conflate \"good leader\" with \"good person\". When it comes to leading, the role is more important than the person. Trump is who he is but he's the one America needs to take on the evolving Putin-Xi-Kim-Iran axis"} {"text":"gm"} {"text":"@DameDashJRJR Homeless people dont look like that in SF"} {"text":"Gonna tell my kids Trump is grandpa. Those token warrants would have remained just paper warrants if the man hadn't risked his life"} {"text":"It's clear that Germany is behind that attempt on Trump's life. They dumped his coin, took their shot and missed"} {"text":"@Eug_Ng How to join Eugene ser's paid grp"} {"text":"work to earn coins, survive and wait for powell fk bula market fk bera market the formula hasn't changed"} {"text":"Might bets on Biden and Harris on Polymarket for the lulz. There's no money to be made betting on Trump"} {"text":"Often within the same person"} {"text":"The new cofounder of ethereum"} {"text":"Be kind to yourself. Its only then that you can be kind to others "} {"text":"Weekend pump so hard that even Berachain could get accidentally launched rn"} {"text":"Level of one's peace of mind is inversely proportional to one's investment horizon Worst to best on average Memecoin traders Altcoin traders CT shitposters BTC\/ETH hodlers Founders with their own token VC Product\/Devs Researchers Vitalik Normies unaware of cryptocurrency"} {"text":"What do the Spaniards do all day? Football, Tennis, Racing cars... bro wen yall werk?"} {"text":"Every incel is coming out of woodwork to blame secret service women when in fact its the men who had eyes on the sniper"} {"text":"Basically Americans in crypto"} {"text":"Best England team in years. No shame in losing to a better side."} {"text":"@DCbuild3r Spain will never grok cricket so whatev"} {"text":"@DCbuild3r blocked"} {"text":"@ParrySondhi "} {"text":"@abhixh @adamscochran Wasnt him. Defense been trading memecoins"} {"text":"There's a PAIN in SPAIN"} {"text":"@abhixh @adamscochran Bro the King's one goal down. We dgaf"} {"text":"Awful tokenomics by Satashi. That Faucet "} {"text":"@jon_charb East coast MSM is mostly democrat KOLs"} {"text":"Excuse me, have you heard of ethereum?"} {"text":"@yanivgraph Yes sir. I do take all tech\/research crypto seriously"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy Idk, users and token buyers will decide. Do you want people to pursue some kind of abstinence?"} {"text":"What did Adam Cochran say? Was this shooting real?"} {"text":"Compared to the polite, staid England, everything about burgerland is so dramatic"} {"text":"@vanishingideal Almost surely"} {"text":"Fkin Golem. ICO karma, bad karma"} {"text":"Happy spot ETH ETF week to those who celebrate"} {"text":"Middle class in liquid, rich in FDV 2024 hits different"} {"text":"The only fundamentals I know in crypto are product, memes, vibes, devrel, users, liquidity and tokenholders - in that order"} {"text":"@hmalviya9 \u0915\u0948\u0938\u0947 \u0915\u0948\u0938\u0947 \u0926\u0941\u0916 \u0938\u0924\u093e\u0924\u0947 \u0939\u0948\u0902 \u0924\u0941\u092e\u094d\u0939\u0947\u0902 \u092c\u0947\u091f\u093e!"} {"text":"@abhixh @Hadronfc Fud"} {"text":"David Sacks saved America from civil war"} {"text":"Has the NRA released any statement on the Trump rally shooting?"} {"text":"He failed to set slippage to 69%"} {"text":"@fede_intern "} {"text":"Biden woulda disarmed the shooter with this simple trick"} {"text":"@fede_intern Are you calling me some people :-)"} {"text":"@0xMert_ gibadvisory in helium. i toldya the first time you asked here"} {"text":"@andrej_muzevic He doesnt have to be a good person to be a good leader. Most of the best leaders aren't but you wouldn't belv it"} {"text":"Quite incredible how Trump has suddenly become the finest human being around"} {"text":"This is Central London"} {"text":"Sensing increasing nervousness among tradtech AI VCs I know. Can crypto marketing invent some narrative to route the inevitable NVDA crash moneys into eth"} {"text":"@MartiniGuyYT So GOX and offset FTX each other?"} {"text":"@AnnaRRose @Yazanator @natn3t Best produced conf, hands down"} {"text":"Hope the Dems dont try to shoot Joe Biden to offset the voter sympathy for Trump"} {"text":"Credible rumours that the shooter was a Solana manlet. His transaction failed"} {"text":"After watching the rigors of the Ambani wedding, Americans can finally understand why most Indians do not attempt this wedding thing a second time"} {"text":"The number one thing startups can learn from this assassination attempt on Donald Trump is: DON'T DIE"} {"text":"All the shitposters on crypto twitter are issuing solemn formal statements on this assasination attempt like we are foreign ambassadors to Coinbase or something"} {"text":"Secret Service by Certik \u2122"} {"text":"Reagan and Trump survived gunshots JFK and RFK died Whatever the republicans have been eating since Lincoln is working"} {"text":"ts become so dangerous to support crypto in America "} {"text":"What doesnt kill you makes you President"} {"text":"@katiabanina @DrNickA especially"} {"text":"altszn"} {"text":"@odin_free @shadowfax_m The right answer is Bitcoin. It does one simple thing and people dream up the other 999"} {"text":"Vitalik's 3 MRNA shots are on brand for ethereum's security I on the other hand have somehow shot myself with a pfizer, a moderna and an astrazeneca for client diversity "} {"text":"mrna vaccines are restaked viruses"} {"text":"Fren closed $1m\/10m for an ai startup in SF Never heard of ERC20 Just building a useful product for actual paying customers Like a psychopath "} {"text":"@functi0nZer0 Would you attend yet another crypto conference?"} {"text":"Enshrined coronavirus"} {"text":"If people think you rich they gib you money"} {"text":"@luigidemeo Now you and I are leaking info"} {"text":"$8m is enough to retire from crypto conferences"} {"text":"Solana is modular and Mert is a virgin"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Toilet art is a fine european tradition"} {"text":"@fede_intern @toghrulmaharram @eigenlayer Why is he not an advisor yet?"} {"text":"The fastest way to ship is to build nothing new"} {"text":"My main takeaway from @EthCC is that 2025 will be a very good year for coins and if people accept that all blockchain related apps will be financial in some form or the other, they can stop beating themselves up about mass adoption and onboarding blabla unnecessarily"} {"text":"@SamwiseSpraxx Shouldnt you be buying when fear is high?"} {"text":"Which way bitcoin buyer in Q3?"} {"text":"@fede_intern @0xMert_ @alignedlayer @ercwl Give him some actual zk"} {"text":"I am surprised @tarunchitra did not apply convex optimisation on the fantastic modular summit to show that two days are optimal"} {"text":"The senseless kitsch and insentivity of the Ambani wedding... no wonder so many invading civilisations ruled over the subcontinent "} {"text":"@Guru_BCUBE Accept..."} {"text":"@real_philogy Thats my donation to conference guild"} {"text":"@0xJim 1.5x attendance for 1\/1500 funding or smth"} {"text":"The Aptoseification of modularity..."} {"text":"Central london summer is rather splendid for people who don't need a salary and thus pay no income tax Fkin enterprise blockchain "} {"text":"An investor is someone whose money follows their opinions A KOL is someone whose opinions follow the money To the extent possible, be the former, not the latter"} {"text":"Ok so Asia is buying, Europe is dumping and America is selling to tradfi?"} {"text":"As a bottom quartile tradoor, I hab decided to buy some stonks and crash the stonk market"} {"text":"@Fwiz Gaming KOL "} {"text":"Binance has reached mass adoption"} {"text":"People suffering from high fdv low float listings romanticise ICOs when in fact 99% of all ICOs were just rugs and exit scams"} {"text":"The greatest technological challenge facing ethereum is where to organise the next conference"} {"text":"Have you tried letting go of a banger tweet in your head? What happened,"} {"text":"@netcapgirl I recommend it, based on experience"} {"text":"How many Germans is one Gox?"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy Value accrues to Binance"} {"text":"@farhajmayan @formacity Legend"} {"text":"Wher next? Crypto conference addict:"} {"text":"@serglotz Aave for suits"} {"text":"@Melt_Dem How many Germans is one Gox"} {"text":"Wen Gox?"} {"text":"NVDA CEO Jensen Huang travelled three years into the past to shill ETH and you are bearish anon?"} {"text":"@nickwh8te @hal2001 Men ( hal ) used to build defi apps, now they sell a bridge"} {"text":"@therealchaseeb Akshually its because there have been no Initial Solano offerings"} {"text":"@matthew_sigel Polymarket bls"} {"text":"@matthew_sigel SOL ETF is from June 2027"} {"text":"Uponly "} {"text":"@0xHushky none"} {"text":"Totally worth the time, trip and money"} {"text":"@kaiynne @0xMert_ I also plan to attend that one as inverse Mert"} {"text":"@defiprime This somewhat romantic view is inaccurate and thats due to survivorship bias. Most retail participants lost a lot of money in the ICO era as well because an overwhelming % of ICOs were grifts and exit scams. The surviving ICOs did make money for retail"} {"text":"The best among research KOLs"} {"text":"@TrustlessState Solana's product focus is more like it ser"} {"text":"Fantastic energy at Modular Summit today"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Say things you dont mind being filmed"} {"text":"My understanding is that the @megaeth_labs thesis, and the broader verifiable cloud thesis of Eigenlayer is about *specialisation*. We see this pattern consistently in cloud engineering and its most likely going to be where blockchains eventually go for true webscale"} {"text":"Feels like its time for Avail and Celestia ecosystems to onboard app specific chains Its always been about users... still is. Cant let monolithic chains run away with users innit?"} {"text":"@nickwh8te not enough appchains imo"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy Espresso is aligned with El Foundacion"} {"text":"@jbrukh @mo_baioumy solves this"} {"text":"@JimmyRagosa Its like anything else on the roadmap"} {"text":"infrasturbation fatigue is real"} {"text":"London"} {"text":"@AlexMasmej @berachain @monad_xyz Read Jon Charb's blog"} {"text":"@AutismCapital Is Joe Biden hiring KOLs to defend him?"} {"text":"All you mass adoption and onboarding guys take yourself too seriously. crypto is when you work on interesting engineering, internet culture and research problems, vibe with frens at conferences and wait for Jerome Powell to pay you"} {"text":"A world where big funds like a16z and Paradigm with a vested interest are involved in ethereum core is much better than a world where they are not. Core devs still have the most say but if the only guys who care are nonprofit philosophers from Bavaria, ethereum will never ship"} {"text":"Pivot to AI*crypto is very bad advice for most crypto projects that have no need for AI. It makes otherwise decent projects sound like scams"} {"text":"Biden should step aside because the old deserve respect and dignity, not whatever this is"} {"text":"Biden spoke at the ethcc closing ceremony and addressed Vitalik as Mr Yakovenko"} {"text":"@guywuolletjr Single speaker slot finality"} {"text":"Monad is a very western engineering kind of blockchain like ethereum or Solana with the community building powers of an Asian crypto project like Polkadot or Cardano. This thing's gonna be big"} {"text":"Ser @sreeramkannan wasn't at ethcc but he or eigenlayer appeared in about a fourth of the panel discussions that occured in his absence. this is real soft power"} {"text":"every shared sequencer needs to align with a DA layer"} {"text":"Judge Failla is shaping up to be a legend "} {"text":"Real money is made by producing and selling digital assets, not by buying digital assets"} {"text":"@akashtradess Two big bamboo trees there - celestia and avail"} {"text":"Looking forward to complaining next year about how expensive and artificial Cannes is and what kind of folks would choose such a venue for an @ETHGlobal conference"} {"text":"Modular Expansion"} {"text":"Oh shit"} {"text":"@AntonioMJuliano Fair shout. Now wat to build?"} {"text":"@fede_intern @0xalank @gakonst They are not in charge of ethereum. They have influence via portcos and tech but its on the others eg eth researchers to offset the influence. Core devs have traditionally wielded real power in eth, well ahead of miners and consensys etc and that hasnt changed"} {"text":"@AntonioMJuliano Ser you built the biggest perp dex"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Toghrul and Solana are both on the spectrum"} {"text":"@paramonoww The reason was BSC, not SOL"} {"text":"@0xalank @fede_intern @gakonst Paradigm gud contributors to ethereum, its fine if they have commercial interests"} {"text":"@sreeramkannan @KyleSamani Something can be property and worthless at the same time. Many such nfts"} {"text":"@sreeramkannan Ergo law is code ( gdpr protocol )"} {"text":"I am an eth researcher by @VladZamfir induction"} {"text":"@PilotoCripto True"} {"text":"Best swag is from @EspressoSys - I might have collected a few"} {"text":"Reflexive pump before tradoors realise gox and germans are not done selling coins and coins have no cash flows to be discounted"} {"text":"CPI cooling just in time for elections like some L1s self reporting TPS"} {"text":"Jerome Powell will unlock some Eigen in Q4 and I will be hapi"} {"text":"Is that rollup being parasitic to ethereum?"} {"text":"@eshita crypto ai is the best way to work in ai before you have any ai skills"} {"text":"@tomwalpo crypto = cryptography + token"} {"text":"@prabalbanerjee @musalbas @modular_summit Celestia were lagging a lot in ZK\/KZG so they hired Prabal 'Banjeree' from Avail"} {"text":"Polygon's @sandeepnailwal on how aggregation will transform modularity to deliver webscale scalability and seamless interoperability"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko @0xMert_ "} {"text":"This is my quant and he's transforming centralised exchanges. @RiscZero @hashflow"} {"text":"Belgium is not a real country. Its a made up DMZ\/no fighting zone between the UK, Germany, France and Holland"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko @0xMert_ See you in SGP for dianetic auditing thetan! If its aligned, its decentralised "} {"text":"@0xMert_ The problem is: these days you need to fail high school to shill SOL effectively. Meanwhile, you do one week of reading on ETH, and you become a novice in weaving the 'eth=decentralised=safe' narrative."} {"text":"The most monolithic building you can imagine"} {"text":"@EvanWeb3 social games"} {"text":"Modular fragmentation so bad that the venue for this \"modular summit\" is \"SILO\" Brussels"} {"text":"@Arthur_0x tradfi hab fiat salaries and bonuses. I live on magic paperwork that blossoms once in 3\/4 years"} {"text":"The necessary transition to modularity will be difficult for Solana... or at least will require rather ingenious engineering"} {"text":"Modular summit is after the main event - thats a good call"} {"text":"Retail traders that made money in 2024"} {"text":"@0xrooter 2022"} {"text":"@therealchaseeb Side event summit will melt faces"} {"text":"The Germans have 15k more bitcoin to sell before Mount Gox has even entered the chat Say no to using crypto for crime "} {"text":"@_weidai agglayer solves this for validity rollups afaik cc @_bfarmer"} {"text":"When is that other side event called Solano Breakpoint summit?"} {"text":"The most original marketing idea in crypto marketing is to organise your own side event and call it a summit"} {"text":"Modular eth conferences were a mistake. Make them monolithic again"} {"text":"@santiagoroel @Omar_Shakeeb I missed you! Singapore then"} {"text":"@grahamfergs @berachain Only Jerome Powell can launch that one"} {"text":"@_omgnicklachey @EclipseFND aggregating"} {"text":"Super bullish on @NeonEVM"} {"text":"Alfaleak: always pick a ceo who's married"} {"text":"@0xMakesy Most devs dont attend"} {"text":"GP getting a personal advisory bag in exchange for getting their fund to invest sounds like some African dictator level work "} {"text":"I would 100% back a crypto \"intern summit\""} {"text":"@EthCC @VitalikButerin @gavofyork @ethereumJoseph Gavin signed up Joe and Vitalik as Polkadot KOLs?"} {"text":"Epic vibes at the packed @monad_xyz event"} {"text":"@IAmNickDodson gmonad "} {"text":"Watching my favorite panelist molandak"} {"text":"@Hadronfc other way round"} {"text":"The level of IQ\/square inch at @megaeth_labs is intimidating"} {"text":"@0xSydney As long as they were differentiated"} {"text":"Epic hangout w @hotpot_dao and @megaeth_labs - I really like this new generation of ethereum builders thinking and building from the first principles Ethereum what it can be, unburdened by what it has been "} {"text":"Lawyers are the species closest to large language models. You might have the best data, facts and expertise in any given matter, but if you don't write up a well engineered prompt, you arent ganna get from em what you want"} {"text":"Gonna buy stonks after forever to signal the stonk top. LFG"} {"text":"Sudarshan Kriya and meditation are like emotional showers and brushing. Best way to protect others from one's emotional odors"} {"text":"Categories eg modular or L2 aren't won by the first team to plant a flag and claim the hill Categories are won by those who win the market with product and distribution MP3 players weren't won by the first company to make an mp3 player. The category was won by Steve Jobs"} {"text":"Most founders who come to @Hadronfc want some unique and sophisticated narrative to get started with storytelling \"Oh we need a CMO\" erm no. just start telling us about who you are, what you are doing and why you are doing it, and iterate every single day and dont ever stop"} {"text":"The real role models are the ones prioritising their health and fitness. @VitalikButerin was the first 'longevity KOL' I remember who led the way and now at every @ETHGlobal event I meet more and more people who are eating well, sleeping well, working out and working hard"} {"text":"nirvana or salvation is the state of being able to enjoy and admire great things being shipped by projets that aren't one's own bags "} {"text":"@jasonjzhao Congrats. This is truly original and exciting"} {"text":"If it's a bit too easy to build a business, the business will be impossible to defend and is therefore probably ain't worth much Many such cases"} {"text":"Meeting your favorite people from CT is always special"} {"text":"The future of ethereum is mobile. This is how we must lead the movement to onboard 20-30 year olds whose primary computer is not a laptop or a desktop, but the phone in the palm of their hand 24-7-365"} {"text":"Ethereum critic and uncritic, aggregated"} {"text":"TON ganna need a proper blockchain to compete w Solana. Quite apt that such a chain should be built using Polygon's technology "} {"text":"@wassielawyer Normally US people are excluded from drops"} {"text":"Aggregating @therollupco on aggDay"} {"text":"WAGMI says JPoW"} {"text":"All signs pointing towards bullish molandak and gmove"} {"text":"Why do they call it robbery and not Brussels extractable value?"} {"text":"Award winning conference venue"} {"text":"@grahamfergs @0xRainyReece @vinitopapasito @emceecoy_ Great vibe, quality event"} {"text":"one @ethglobal side event for every narrowest possible blockchain research interest"} {"text":"Only the deep autists know how far ahead of the pack @ArthurB and @tezos have been in building a modular architecture"} {"text":"@ImpermanentGain Yes but its more about finding meaning in work, family, being useful to others or some inspiration beyond the day to day madness of the money zoo. Working mainly to \"make it and gtfo\" is guaranteed suffering"} {"text":"Its not the hard work. Too many people here are suffering from the slow long dragged out kind of burnout associated with loss of purpose beyond bags, pump and \"trying to not miss out on the cycle\""} {"text":"Social consensus this social consensus that. Maybe have some social consensus on one event instead of 69420 side events "} {"text":"@armaniferrante @ETHGlobal backpack din check for mistyped addr. i am no longer a fren"} {"text":"Its not over till every angel and VC organises their own little \"my bags summit\" at @ethglobal events"} {"text":"It's not the FDV your coin launches at. Its the FDV your coin is fully liquid at"} {"text":"Muting the German government. Achtung!"} {"text":"@serglotz @LensProtocol you cant buy taste with money"} {"text":"@Akanshajain05 idk, no formula for this. depends on your learning and your stake mostly"} {"text":"Life becomes easier once you realise that no one has a clue"} {"text":"In markets it's not what you make but what you keep"} {"text":"Mood today"} {"text":"@RupsysMarius now we must build"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Bro, she's the brains tho I am not the beauty"} {"text":"If you're an investoor, pivot to being an operatoor"} {"text":"@0xcarnation @jillrgunter Don't forget their DaO child out of wedlock"} {"text":"@tonyolendo @vifi_cc "} {"text":"@0xidanlevin gud health"} {"text":"What does Taiko do? Taiko is a zkEVM \"supported by Vitalik\" How is that not a celebrity memecoin?"} {"text":"Manlets may have significantly dampened ETH's spot ETF approval buzz by filing a rather unlikely SOL spot ETF for the lulz This is Barack Obama level propaganda warfare, unintentional as it may be"} {"text":"Hello founders, pressure to raise at 1bn+ and launch at 5bn+ is off after Ansem sold. Now you can use that cash to build a great product instead of throwing great beach parties"} {"text":"@levie Thanks for the kind words. Bring me back Aaron"} {"text":"People tweeting about payments as a consumer app instead of pump dot fun as a consumer app is the most end of bula thing I have seen this week. Crypto culture is simples. Bera = financial inclusion, Bula = financial speculation"} {"text":"I owe Brussels an apology. Its no Paris but when the sun comes out, its a lovely town to walk around"} {"text":"Alignment in unexpected places"} {"text":"Boeing planes are 100% written in solidity"} {"text":"If HotPotDao had a token it'd be a unicorn"} {"text":"All this time the Germans thought jeet is a word for us Indians "} {"text":"@matthew_sigel Are we still frens?"} {"text":"@matthew_sigel @Patrick_Bush_VE gm"} {"text":"Brussels >> Denver because Great walks"} {"text":"@parisrouz @LensProtocol @shubhrat is dazzled by the refinement of the setup - location, vibe, uncluttered simplicity, lights, space... We know who..."} {"text":"The alfa at @LensProtocol is the sheer % of artistic people and senior women who work here. Everything about everything Lens does is refined and imbued with class and taste. This is next level brand stuff us devs can't grok"} {"text":"@Arthur_0x @StaniKulechov Theres no second best"} {"text":"Side events create more focussed discussions but considerably reduce the opportunity for serendipity and for meeting and learning from people doing different things Now that so many crypto startups have umpty bazillion in funding, the social fragmentation has become quite real"} {"text":"@mdudas BTC events, L1 events, L2 events, DA events @ETHGlobal events have become a schelling point for almost any project. Even Polkadot has an event coming up soon"} {"text":"@jbrukh Amen tho the constraints are: talent, cutting edge gpus, energy, data and the all encapsulating money. I think we will need a new class of models but lets see"} {"text":"My favorite ethereum people @ameensol in the process of unblocking me for the second time in ten years"} {"text":"People sold everything after @jon_charb told them that \"we are all building the same thing\""} {"text":"All such panels should feature @aeyakovenko"} {"text":"Having worked for and with some incredible founders, my favorite @sandeepnailwal feature is... swinging hard for home runs"} {"text":"@0xMert_ The ottoman empire of Sultan Mert"} {"text":"@bidhanxyz ENS in dm "} {"text":"Rizz = Autism + Charisma\/Storytelling Invest in rizz"} {"text":"@Dorothy_defi @0xMert_ s Breakpoint brussels is also empty"} {"text":"Brussels is much easier than Paris to get around from main event to side events. The scaling strategy is working"} {"text":"@iamDCinvestor Retail needs to make money on something to bring more retail and instos and its not looking like a 10b+ infra thingies will do that"} {"text":"@JimmyRagosa Correct. Its an observation, no emotions attached"} {"text":"ethcc l1 is basically 1 GWEI empty because of ethcc l2, l3 and AVS side events"} {"text":"When founders ask, where's the demand? Thats a hard question to answer. Mostly the demand for alts right now is from venture funds holding 1-4 years locked at a deep discount. There's not a lot of new demand in liquid from retail outside memecoins"} {"text":"@santiagoroel If S&P or ai stonks correct, will crypto go up?"} {"text":"Brussels solved the space issue for ethcc and is also a lot less likely to suffer french riots and other such pain for internationals. Overall gud tho southern europe deserves a look"} {"text":"Ethereum's second biggest event is now held at the home of Europe's bureaucracy I think about this a lot"} {"text":"@BobSummerwill @EthCC Get well soon and org ethcc classic in banff"} {"text":"Aligning w the finest ZK people at @0xPolygon s Aggregation Cave"} {"text":"The time to sell anything is wen lots of VCs start threading about it. This is the @lootproject theorem"} {"text":"@OneSeaElephant @JimmyRagosa All networks have memecoin trading origins. ICOs were mostly memes"} {"text":"Young people should avoid big safe companies early in their careers. I threw my own into a startup and they ground him through the end to end LLM pipeline in two months. At a big company he'd have been lugging spreadsheets around and watching football"} {"text":"So far the most exciting part of crypto*ai is the AI"} {"text":"@JimmyRagosa Cant evade Karma. ethereum's ICO degeneracy will bear fruit just like bitcoin's darknet karma. Solano's memecoin karma will also ripen"} {"text":"London has a fantastic AI scene incl deepmind and stability, and an equally thriving crypto*ai scene is evolving there. Super excited about my traditional Arab summer in London aft ethcc. @Hadronfc will be throwing a couple of drinks and events in July there. Be on the lookout"} {"text":"Note that it's not possible to make any money without fumbling it. Look around you - bigger the bag, bigger the fumble."} {"text":"How can there be a French left? The whole country is socialist to the teeth. What are these guys? Mao and Lenin?"} {"text":"@fede_intern You need to bro. ZK needs you"} {"text":"All my bad decisions ( incl in trading ) in life have come from not exercising, sleeping, meditating. If you are exposed to the crypto market zoo like I am, look into a breathing technique called \"sudarshan kriya\" for example"} {"text":"Market volatility killed no one. Emotional volatility is what yall degens need to watch or it will make you 40 at 30"} {"text":"@japarjam @rushimanche Yes. Lots of growth ahead for both but to Rushi's point, The undifferentiated EVM L2 on eth ship has sailed"} {"text":"@japarjam @rushimanche It does tho. C++ won but Java flippened it because for apps ( incl finance ) we needed a much safer programming paradigm"} {"text":"What % of top 20 memecoins by FDV eat any given time are 'mafia' funded memecoins?"} {"text":"@ecent18 Yeah, gotta be on top of the meta-s if you do strategy or investing. Its very hard to filter"} {"text":"hanging out with crypto trading twitter is self harm for mental health. This day to day \"we are back\", \"its over\" is not for most people, its certainly not for me I'd rather read a 44 page paper about intersubjective tokens if I want pain"} {"text":"@lrettig I said this a long time ago"} {"text":"@alc_anthro Its talent, data, gpu-s and training. China govt can get everything except bleeding edge GPUs rn. Others not really"} {"text":"@rushimanche Windows, Mac, Mainframes, Linux - they all won. the evm and move and svm are all winning at the same time, just different stages of life"} {"text":"AI is not centralised because of lack of crypto tokens or blockchain AI is centralised because of economies of scale and the cost of training a frontier model If META closes llama3 or llama4 its gonna cost $500m+ in fiat cash to create an open source alternative to GPT"} {"text":"Looks like Margot Robbie and AGI are having a baby"} {"text":"@toghrulmaharram More hard disk on raspberry pi"} {"text":"@DoveyWan AggLayer = PoL ( which is MATIC ) currently a great deal in liquid"} {"text":"@0xMert_ @eawosikaa I will be at the polygon aggcave + avail event tmro."} {"text":"@basche42 This is @lemiscate level governance"} {"text":"Wonder what prediction markets had to say about the French elections"} {"text":"@solarpunkmaxi Was"} {"text":"The only thing the Hawk Tuah girl doesn't have at this point is her own layer 2 blockchain"} {"text":"@0xMert_ ethereum before scaling"} {"text":"Brush2earn"} {"text":"@JimmyRagosa AnsemChain will melt faces"} {"text":"Cofounder of @0xPolygon @sandeepnailwal laying out Polygon's vision for decentralised AI"} {"text":"@0xKimberly surely the answer is app layer?"} {"text":"I just heard the term \"web2 ai\" I will never cognitively recover from this"} {"text":"@dervoiedk Yeah I do often"} {"text":"Memecoins are the Dell Computer of crypto. Straight from producer to consumer - no dev, no angels, no team, no vc, no lawyers, no exchange\/otc..."} {"text":"@Fiskantes You ser are their leader"} {"text":"Met several people coming in from London. Quiet a few from ethereum's fastest and cheapest layer 2 called solana"} {"text":"@kaiynne @OX_DAO Music helps many autists ( ahem ) quieten various cpu threads and helps focus"} {"text":"Belgian food = Fries, Sausage, Waffles, Beer, Ice Cream, Chocolates, Mussels w Butter and Steak Need a longevity conference here @akshaybd"} {"text":"How do you like Denver now?"} {"text":"Of course the airport is full of bags around ethcc"} {"text":"@kaiynne Debatable if this is an international quality airport tho"} {"text":"First time at ethcc? Focus on people, not content Content you can get from youtube Relationships and vibes are formed here"} {"text":"@0xMert_ 90% of those manlet txns wont go through"} {"text":"Excited to participate in the one hour Brussels immigration mempool, lfg"} {"text":"\"time in the marketing>timing the market\" only for conviction bets and lindy assets like equity indices, bitcoin, property and such the other 69m coins have already gone to 0"} {"text":"@fede_intern Where do you think you are? Argentina?"} {"text":"This market is turning all the crypto VCs into long term investors"} {"text":"Stanford should start a student rental scheme. \"third year stanford cs student, available to join your ai*crypto startup as face founder for fundraising. price: only 0.5% of fdv\""} {"text":"Real estate saves you from losing all your money in crypto to exploits, rugs, phishing, bad trades, liquidations, scams and dum mistakes"} {"text":"@guywuolletjr $850m is not enough for this"} {"text":"Lets have a good time even in cold rainy Brussels. Come to the agg cave and hang out"} {"text":"All the US crypto people who fudded Europe are being sent to the Brussels gulag"} {"text":"@mdudas moar, much more important"} {"text":"@toghrulmaharram means dont trust intel sgx"} {"text":"Be very grateful if you have a spouse like that"} {"text":"Young men and women of crypto have become soft. The next big ethereum conference should be in Buffalo in winter to strengthen their character in 6-12 feet of snowfall"} {"text":"@MaxResnick1 @pumatheuma Its rational for L1 to try to \"take back control\" of the L2 mev somehow"} {"text":"@farhajmayan @edgarpavlovsky @ashwinho4 Yes!"} {"text":"@hosseeb Personal incentives can be skewed by OTC and secondary sales"} {"text":"@joeykrug Is that how they got CZ's chats?"} {"text":"Better to wait in an immigration line for an hour than to be maximally regulated and taxed by Europe"} {"text":"@chiefingza German government is buying"} {"text":"@smsunarto @dferrersan Nah, Detroit lfg"} {"text":"@rphmeier @0xdoug eth does calibrate validator revenue"} {"text":"Monad is building a robust social infrastructure before launching their technical infrastructure. A one cycle mind can not comprehend this type of long term thinking"} {"text":"ETH wouldn't have made it if Vitalik measured his self worth by his net worth"} {"text":"@Noah_Saav Start with Arvind Srinivas, Andrej Karpathy and Yann Le Cun and follow the ones twitter will suggest"} {"text":"@fede_intern Too many new coins in the market not enough new dollars"} {"text":"I don't know who needs to know this but chain abstraction is not an app"} {"text":"@luigidemeo @rushimanche Yes. Training wheels"} {"text":"Ethereum is fine. Consumers will have choice thats all"} {"text":"@buntyverse Brown passports, not people"} {"text":"@luigidemeo @rushimanche DA is for transaction ordering. L2 means you just use the assets natively issued on eth with more secure bridging (without wormhole mint and burn), and reuse the social infra of eth - like this brussels thing and vibes"} {"text":"@CloutedMind Ya easy bootstrap, much less moat tradeoff"} {"text":"@colludingnode @solarpunkmaxi Users and apps = cause. Settlement layer = effect. eth maxis often assume the converse"} {"text":"@SamwiseSpraxx Cant borrow a cult"} {"text":"@0xMert_ gud tek"} {"text":"Open source AI that ships without a gud crypto token should be regulated out of existence"} {"text":"OpenAI hack is good. The Feds need to listen to @pmarca that there's no way to protect closed source models forever and Open Source AI is the only way America can lead in AI"} {"text":"@0xMert_ I said on average the crypto crowd is lower IQ here than in the Bay Area"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Dubai solves this"} {"text":"@basche42 I have suffered"} {"text":"Stop hating on $TIA tokenomics, they were always transparent that it's a Cosmos chain"} {"text":"@cobie @Evan_ss6 @cooksassistant @ooloo How do I join this paid group"} {"text":"@cobie @thedefivillain Aren't eth\/btc\/sol consensus rn?"} {"text":"Every cycle one idea\/meme dominates eth events. This is AI cycle. Excited about AItherium Summit Brussels featuring AIgglayer and AIgenlayer"} {"text":"@sassal0x @intocryptoast Theres time for August"} {"text":"@hudsonjameson Brexit sucks ass"} {"text":"Feynman didn't \"believe in something\""} {"text":"@solarpunkmaxi Settlement is a meme. It just means using assets native to eth L1 ie final system of record is eth"} {"text":"Weakness of L2s is not fees, staking or token utility. The main weakness is that L2s are renting Vitalik's tokenholder community whereas even dedchains have their own"} {"text":"@chainmonky sentient gud - AI costs real money"} {"text":"@chainmonky Exo, Vanna, Mira, Spheron and Sentient so far but that tweet is about disruption"} {"text":"@iloveyogurtbaby not mine but wait - OpenEden"} {"text":"My most *disruptive* bets for the cycle so far in no particular order: Polygon AggLayer Monad Eigenlayer Lens Movement Avail Exo Labs Fluent Liquid manlet coin Citrea"} {"text":"Is SOL an altcoin?"} {"text":"@BasedBakchod relatively but none yet"} {"text":"@wassielawyer That requires a law license"} {"text":"In hindsight the cycle top was when I \"angel invested\" in the locked seed round of a memecoin"} {"text":"Brussels is actually not bad. All you have to do is just work"} {"text":"Looking at S&P v btc, one would think inflation is a bitcoin hedge"} {"text":"@0xdoug Are you saying Polkadot, Bitcoin cash or Litecoin have a business model?"} {"text":"According to Harry Markowitz, the ideal modern portfolio is a low risk rental property <> max risk memecoin barbell"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko Families can meet at family offsites in Napa valley"} {"text":"If you are into crypto twitter, pivot to AI twitter - it's a much happier place for now and the discourse is considerably more intelligent as well At some point the LLM bubble will blow and that place will also disintegrate into memecoins but for now its quite wonderful"} {"text":"@Austin_Federa @uriklarman @ryanberckmans Ryan B says Raj should launch Solsensys in Brooklyn for this"} {"text":"ETF is a scam?"} {"text":"We need @0xPolygonMiden not Biden"} {"text":"How many D list celebs have we onboarded?"} {"text":"Waiting for the ethereum foundation to do a node sale"} {"text":"There's happiness in crypto but its not in the order books"} {"text":"Its amazing how different good equity business pitch decks can be from good token investment pitch decks"} {"text":"A mental health airdrop would be nice rn"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko advisors?"} {"text":"Bears will lose"} {"text":"\"Making it\" is about relevance and history\/legacy\/impact Money is a lower category of making it Rishi Sunak made it..."} {"text":"@ParikPatelCFA Shouldnt he work on British Dynamism?"} {"text":"Two weeks ago, I didnt expect to see $55k btc ever again Now it's here... so I'ma take it. This is the easiest 2x over 12 months, whether it goes through 40k or 60k doesn't matter"} {"text":"@hotpot_dao Mega sacrifice!"} {"text":"@therollupco Congrats"} {"text":"gm, fyi"} {"text":"Market so bad that even Brussels is better"} {"text":"@santiagoroel and hobos as well "} {"text":"Imajin if all the crypto venture funds bought liquid btc and eth rn"} {"text":"@pseudotheos pre idea"} {"text":"DO NOT LAUNCH, ABORT, DO NOT LAUNCH"} {"text":"Silver lining - now gmonad will launch in bula"} {"text":"@JoinClamp all five of them doing ai fr fr"} {"text":"At this rate all AI*crypto projects will have to pivot to AI"} {"text":"@0xDeltaHedged yes, the money is not real but pain is real"} {"text":"The % loss of your net worth in the last month is how web3 native you are"} {"text":"Degen levels of pain achieved in this cycle: Unrealised loss Realised loss Liquidation Exploit Rug Phishing Pasting the address without the first letter and sending a bunch of coins "} {"text":"They call it mount gox because its the top "} {"text":"@mraltantutar Illia can give you a ref for Jensen"} {"text":"@mraltantutar family wedding. cant upset old relatives"} {"text":"Yall need to listen to @akshaybd when he says earn your crypto not buy it"} {"text":"Maybe it wasnt such a good idea for early bitcoiners to use so many bitcoin for crime"} {"text":"Our networth is what it can be, unburdened by what it has been"} {"text":"Does Balaji know that the Bitcoin economy is experiencing severe hyperinflation due to selling by the former Weimar republic?"} {"text":"All my investments are in good sovereign rollups, they will come back"} {"text":"mood today"} {"text":"So what if prices are down? Lots of attractive women with 0 followers, 0 following love our tweets "} {"text":"@0xMert_ Dubai is undefeated"} {"text":"@R89Capital @CryptoDonAlt bitcoin has bad tokenomics. lots of dumpers. eth is what you want"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy Value wont accrue itself"} {"text":"Celestia and Eigenlayer both need to hab their own ConsenSys forks to generate many gud new coins for stakers\/restakers"} {"text":"@sebaudet26 Congrats"} {"text":"It took India 400 years to get rid of the British It took the British less than a year to get rid of the Indian"} {"text":"At some point, one has to step back and marvel at the extent to which watching day to day price moves and social media drama can make us reflexive and more or less bipolar"} {"text":"All of you guys had a whole year to launch your own AI themed token "} {"text":"Many founders who moved from Bangalore to Dubai to prepare for their own token could be moving back if Powell doesn't cut rates"} {"text":"Next a16z crypto partner incoming "} {"text":"Even modular summit doesn't accept modular money"} {"text":"Fake money is going to fake zero, meh"} {"text":"@Taran_ss @shawnwlim If investors are willing to pay ten years forward FDV to founders because of greater fool theory, it can become a game of who cashes out first"} {"text":"I am prepared to enter into negotiations with the Ethereum Foundation to acquire their entire ETH holdings through off-market transactions, utilizing structured financing to minimize market impact"} {"text":"@0xMert_ according to a... Turk"} {"text":"Isn't that just crypto twitter?"} {"text":"@Mira_Network "} {"text":"ETH is suffering because Bitcoin has bad tokenomics "} {"text":"Release CZ so that he can start twapping up"} {"text":"@karansirdesai Only in bula, in bera we do tek"} {"text":"@lmrankhan @diogomonica well you also have to stop secondary sales and sales of staking rewards. then you have to apply similar restrictions to early investors. I think such tokens are called common stock. Oh wait!"} {"text":"Joe Biden is exhibit A for why longevity is a terrible idea and good health is a fantastic idea"} {"text":"@toghrulmaharram @AvailProject @Scroll_ZKP @drakefjustin @ethereum @PGarimidi @a16zcrypto @stephenbuttolph @AvaLabs @aeyakovenko Ser is not a practicing slasher fo sho"} {"text":"@AvailProject @toghrulmaharram @Scroll_ZKP @drakefjustin @ethereum @PGarimidi @a16zcrypto @stephenbuttolph @AvaLabs I wish slashing denier @aeyakovenko ser was on there too"} {"text":"Why'd Jason Choi do this to us?"} {"text":"Financial nihilism, but ethereum aligned"} {"text":"@nickwh8te @modular_summit Tickets should be priced in modular money, not real money"} {"text":"I am a proud owner of some $3800 eth. Doing my bit for the protocol guild "} {"text":"@justcryptodefi thats how you unmake it"} {"text":"crypto angel investing can be a fantastic way to become poor. it feels amazing, other people think you are rich with special access to \"deal flow\" and your name appears on fancy banners that look like cinema posters"} {"text":"If you must be a professor with a coin, be a professor of pump"} {"text":"Need serious unlocks before I can leave em ther"} {"text":"I dont think Kamala Harris will get elected. We know from Hillary v Trump that America treats a somewhat dislikeable woman quite differently from a very dislikeable man"} {"text":"Sadly. I am not a VC so I will be in London through the Summer, but working"} {"text":"Solana has flippened ethereum as cursed coin. Now its SOL pumps that crash the market"} {"text":"Man, don't send me your calendly for ethcc. ethcc is a family wedding w the same ol relatives from foreva, don't ruin the vibe wid bizdev"} {"text":"Blockspace is a commodity but not all commodities are the same Bitcoin: Gold Ethereum: Silver Solana: Coal ETH L2 with proofs: Oil ETH L3: Pork ETH Multisig*: Literally Gas"} {"text":"@udiWertheimer Vitalik said the same about mila kunis now pls summon @inversebrah"} {"text":"Equity securities are closing ATHs. Maybe crypto coins should apply for a securities status"} {"text":"What the fak is GPU Tokenisation?"} {"text":"@pinkglasses1_ Ok so its lunatic v lunatic. Nice"} {"text":"Will America elect the first woman POTUS over an orange lunatic?"} {"text":"@udiWertheimer Ser but you supported iggy in iggy v masternode"} {"text":"Ethereum price approaching levels appropriate for a major eth conference"} {"text":"@frogmonkee quiet $zk sufferor"} {"text":"If EIGEN is unlocked before Trump is elected and Powell cuts rates, I will consider seppuku"} {"text":"I can't believe this is one more last time we will see Bitcoin under 60k"} {"text":"Beatings will continue till VCs shill pumpdotfun as consumer crypto"} {"text":"@0xHonz @cobie Yeah definitely not - I like my peace of mind"} {"text":"@cobie @0xHonz Yeh - something like an angellist fund but less brutal cost wise is wher its at"} {"text":"@0xHonz tickets too smol these days for echo to work well @cobie bls make one spv for many investments"} {"text":"If you no longer have productive skills due to time spent working in crypto, go touch grass and wait for rate cuts"} {"text":"There's an ai in Bhai"} {"text":"Re $ENA price action and other TVL pump games of defi, I guess you can only make (Arthur) Hayes while the (Justin) Sun shines "} {"text":"@Polkadot gib advisory"} {"text":"This is where the KOL mutation first originated"} {"text":"Delighted to back Sentient's seed round. The gigabrain trust of @viswanathpramod ser and @hstyagi ser is simply hard to match"} {"text":"Anyone else getting fake safe and saft docusigns from Pyongyang's phishing protocol?"} {"text":"@akshaybd Same for ethereum. It's a matter of resource allocation. Need announcements too and some bd deals do produce metrics"} {"text":"@akshaybd they do and it warms my heart to see solfrens rediscover augur ico era ideas. more broadly for a finance person, derivatives and prediction markets are two names for one thing"} {"text":"80% of crypto BD is throwing money around to produce partnership announcements for marketing to post here. useful bits are devrel ie getting apps to build on your chain to get volume, tvl and fees"} {"text":"Those who say DA is a commodity: 1. Do not understand the S in DAS 2. Do not realise that settlement is a meme DAS + Proofs is all you need"} {"text":"If I were the lord commander of TONChain, I'd use the influx of VC money to replace the current prehistoric chain with an EVM L2 or a fork of Solano"} {"text":"@rajgokal Ser we agreed that Solana is currently the best L2"} {"text":"@haydenzadams @Uniswap Ser is that a gpu for proof of work eth?"} {"text":"I think an ai agent is behind this bittensor hack"} {"text":"@EMostaque Incentives + economic rents to run a validator to secure a blockchain"} {"text":"\"Don't Jeet\" - Mahatma Gandhi"} {"text":"Need more founders like Marcin in our industry. Gritty, shippy and in it for the long haul"} {"text":"@routerprotocol @Stake_Stone "} {"text":"Its not the first startup with the idea but the one with the best execution that wins. Very few things are more painful than having a fantastic idea and watching a fast follower outship and outsell you"} {"text":"@ercwl To some extent he created it to solve challenges with his previous blockchain he din control and for some reason he thought he could do it by launching one he controls"} {"text":"@ivangbi_ RETIRED ANGEL IN BIO"} {"text":"@DEVBOSE111 Based in a slum?"} {"text":"mood today"} {"text":"Believe in something... ...but don't be in a rush to do so"} {"text":"@zksync Hello frens"} {"text":"@akshaybd Prediction markets are a polite name for betting"} {"text":"@radius_xyz @eigenlayer Congrats"} {"text":"@instantfinality @Polkadot Relative to their giant treasury this is all a tempest in a teapot"} {"text":"Every \"innovator\" is now coming out of the woodwork to attack @Polkadot but fwiw, all Polkadot did is just say the quiet part out loud in too much detail "} {"text":"Semper Fi marines! @chainlink @Hadronfc @hub71ad @ Abu Dhabi"} {"text":"@NeerajKA They just said the quiet parts in loud detail"} {"text":"Solano marketing gets too much credit, the product doesn't get enough Ethereum is the converse"} {"text":"@EricdeL69 @AvailProject Looks cheap"} {"text":"KOL KA DOT"} {"text":"@Polkadot Who can I invoice for all the nice things I have said about the Polka architecture @gavofyork"} {"text":"@Mudit__Gupta There was a $2250 bonus for tweeting about it"} {"text":"@DEVBOSE111 That was @victorJi15 s Manta originally"} {"text":"@PyVitor Yeh. Thats our national pastime: NHS\/HSBC"} {"text":"As an industry observer I'ma bet that it has to be the FAANG hires from burgerland splurging Gavin's treasury like dad's money. No one from Berlin can even count $87m"} {"text":"ZK Polkdadot"} {"text":"Who can I invoice for previous Polkadot tweets"} {"text":"mood today"} {"text":"@dimabuterin Happy birthday super masternode"} {"text":"BAPS temple in Abu Dhabi serves amazing food"} {"text":"@rajgokal layer 2 = aligned "} {"text":"If you feel bad about your coins, cheer up. You could have been the fund that invested in OpenSea instead of OpenAI"} {"text":"How much do Polkadot KOLs make? Thinking of writing a very long blockchain research blog describing how NPOS, XCMP, parachain shared security and JAM are the endgame"} {"text":"@Madhav_goyal_ Pre money printer eth bruh"} {"text":"There's a token launch somewhere along that X axis"} {"text":"People are underestimating Gavinlayer treasury"} {"text":"@0xBalloonLover Our training wheels are measured in centuries"} {"text":"Ok. I know most of the limits and internal contradictions of bitcoin and ethereum vs their narratives ( eg decentralisation, censorship resistance, raspberry pi, ultrasound money etc ) and they are all annoying What are the internal contradictions of Solana vs its narratives?"} {"text":"@sandyzkp @toghrulmaharram \"research\" by big sean"} {"text":"@sandeepnailwal "} {"text":"@0xJim Layer 1"} {"text":"After a century of CIA funded coups, South Americans must be thrilled to see this Trump supreme court led coup in North America"} {"text":"@gajeshnaik Amazing way to remain cash poor"} {"text":"@0xSisyphus How da fk did crypto learn to print money faster than fiat?"} {"text":"@gajeshnaik just use @stationxnetwork"} {"text":"@zackvoell eth bros comfy in spot"} {"text":"GMOVE "} {"text":"DoJ should launch a layer 2 and pump $DOJ "} {"text":"@neilhar_ gmove"} {"text":"Not gonna lie, so far the most decentralised, fast and cheap ethereum layer 2 blockchain of this cycle has been solano"} {"text":"@0xAllen_ Biden won't even know when he's pressed it"} {"text":"@eshita starting a cult called opus deai"} {"text":"@AzFlin @lex_node Those 44 words are all you need"} {"text":"@AzFlin @lex_node There's a 44 page paper that says eth will only be slashed for double signing (objective faults). Eigen coin will be slashed for other things"} {"text":"decentralisation can be instantly accomplished using the word \"spectrum\""} {"text":"@DefiIgnas I really dont belv Gavinlayer spent it all... is this group level or just one entity?"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart Enshrined DoJ will melt faces"} {"text":"Trump running burgerland via supreme court lmao"} {"text":"Anna Sawai > Sydney Sweeney"} {"text":"@nickwh8te More decentralised than tendermint right?"} {"text":"@rushimanche @aave ppl always forward looking"} {"text":"@0xkenjiii aggregated"} {"text":"@0xkenjiii Next cycle, this cycle is still very monolithic"} {"text":"@HWihler gmonad"} {"text":"Feeling completely angeled out for this cycle. Will prolly pass on the next etherium"} {"text":"@visavishesh promise of a bribe is a bribe"} {"text":"The real modular summit was $20"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart Shrooms are not for everyone Gwart"} {"text":"@edgar_eth haraam to post up sol charts from a dot eth handle"} {"text":"Cloud credits are like Layer 1 tokens. If you use google's LLM, you can get a grant"} {"text":"@edgar_eth I have some Sol but I am not an advisor to Solana, only ethereum"} {"text":"THE GERMAN GOVERNMENT HAS NO ETHEREUM TO SELL"} {"text":"@EthCC Oh no"} {"text":"Few know that bitcoin mining will soon compete with \"AI mining\" for the same scarce energy resources The main winner of this contest shall be ETHEREUM The merge is not priced in"} {"text":"Unpopular opinion: America blocking the Chinese from getting latest generation GPUs will force the Chinese to compete on math, invent new models and end this brute force LLMania era of AI in favor of something better"} {"text":"@victorJi15 @hotpot_dao I am bullish on both"} {"text":"@Cometh @EthCC I want"} {"text":"If I am in the seed round its also 100% cypherpunk, censorship resistant and credibly neutral"} {"text":"\u03b1"} {"text":"@0xidanlevin Are the founders still involved and focussed? Otherwise no"} {"text":"$WLD stands for world leading dump "} {"text":"If its ethereum aligned, its decentralised"} {"text":"If the SiliconValley democratic cabal exiles @twobitidiot he can just launch a token "} {"text":"I'd like college dropout L2 and PostDoc L2 to stop arguing and do their own things"} {"text":"@vinitopapasito A researcher likes to know what the tek does before shilling"} {"text":"\"As an executive you get paid to make a SMALL NUMBER of HIGH QUALITY decisions\" - Jeff Bezos"} {"text":"@simplykashif Soccer WC = Bitcoin. T20 WC = Bitcoin Cash"} {"text":"@Hirizzy intermittent"} {"text":"ETH UP 4% LAUNCH THE TOKENS RIGHT NOW"} {"text":"Ppl be like \"modular has won\" because solano and bitcoin guys are also doing some sidechains they call l2s, but in the absence of apps on so many appchains, its really not clear yet WHAT modular has won"} {"text":"@Fiskantes Sorry to hear. Speedy recovery ser"} {"text":"All of Europe is Joe Biden"} {"text":"@sassal0x The first rule of eth is that no one has enough eth"} {"text":"The unspoken lesson in PoS research is to keep the damn thang simple because even rube goldberg consensus converges to DPoS in practice"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart and a sequence of unlocks to extract value"} {"text":"@gokulr Meh. Luna lost $36B in one day on an algo stablecoin"} {"text":"@shogunfx is epic television"} {"text":"@satsdart (we) invented it"} {"text":"... and agglayer for safe interop and risc0\/succinct\/valida for proving any vm execution and state minimised l2s like miden using client side proofs and asics for subsecond proving of all of the above"} {"text":"The longer one stays in crypto the more one becomes a closet monero maximalist"} {"text":"@Sage_Tega @aeyakovenko tech is how, legal is why"} {"text":"Decentralisation is a legal concept, not a technological one- it's basically what a legal person can get away with ie evade liability I say this with absolutely zero sarcasm. If the standing armies of Trump, Modi, Putin and Xi say that my laptop is decentralised then it is so "} {"text":"I still don't fully understand the @0xPolygon agglayer at the \"how things work\" engineering level but @jon_charb s recent blog is the best exposition of why the AggLayer is so important for the competitiveness of ethereum"} {"text":"@cburniske Also the fed is yet to cut rates"} {"text":"@0xMert_ quite happy to fund an L2 called charlatanchain "} {"text":"ngl, cross chain aligned mert of 2024 is a lot less fun than the single chain aligned mert of 2023. price action is already super boring and now we have also lost the ethmaxis v solmaxis PVP on this app "} {"text":"Theres a reason why Cosmos sounds like Cockroach Cosmos tek will still be around after tens of thousands of flavor of the szn L1s, L2s and other pumpy infra tokens are gone eth has cosmosified, solano is next Cosmos is the mind virus"} {"text":"Is $800 million enough to retire?"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Not even Ansem?"} {"text":"@sagarcasm Sanskar dekho"} {"text":"Someone will make a lot of money building an @AvailProject fund Brand as a Avail-only fund. Raise $5m. Put $100k into the top 50 Avail deals as early as possible Basically run back the frictionless capital playbook but for Avail instead of solana"} {"text":"$CUMLAUDE would make a nice celebrity memecoin"} {"text":"@Bitzy_App Ah, the difference between valuation and value"} {"text":"@EMostaque Priceless"} {"text":"Ethereum L1 cut gas fees to zero by removing almost all the users.... ... and you are bearish anon?"} {"text":"All founders gangsta before token hyperbola"} {"text":"Devs made a whole podcast episode about replacing crypto twitter (world water cooler) with (well behaved) farcaster but CT was already dying of the chop"} {"text":"@EffortCapital That was before the ETF tho"} {"text":"Repeal of Chevron deference will make Dow Chemicals fill every American's balls with forever chemicals - and you will be happy"} {"text":"@neon___glow L2s succeeded and L1s also succeeded, lfg"} {"text":"We're not done till ETH flippens Solano in gas fees"} {"text":"Let the record show that crypto twitter died because Powell delayed interest rate cuts"} {"text":"Beatings will continue till the definition of sovereign rollup improves"} {"text":"@spectatorindex launching a layer 2?"} {"text":"A final where both teams choked but the other team choked like Hawk Tuah..."} {"text":"@0xJim Yap, recentralisation ain't it"} {"text":"@joonian no contest... wonder what $SLEEP FDV should be"} {"text":"In my own explorations so far, sleep, exercise and meditation are the most effective mood enhancing substances - in that order"} {"text":"@gajeshnaik just reported this tweet to your boss"} {"text":"@rushimanche shilling @_bfarmer s agglayer in your feed"} {"text":"@ParikPatelCFA No samosas this time I heard"} {"text":"Amazing work by Modiji in the world cup"} {"text":"BUMRAH FOR BHARAT RATNA "} {"text":"@nickwh8te ... but was it a meme... layer?"} {"text":"@DeeZe cochran - theres no second best"} {"text":"@lex_node @panekkkk haha. I have noticed over time that \"the community\" prefers bullish sounding 'revolution' law to actual law"} {"text":"@lex_node @panekkkk pick a side "} {"text":"@_jhunsaker Akshually we call those things L3, unironically"} {"text":"@JimmyRagosa I posted that CIP in the ConsenSys alum chat"} {"text":"@Jskybowen @armaniferrante ... so far"} {"text":"Blow up Banks Regulate Boring decade Deregulate Blow up Banks"} {"text":"@armaniferrante Fair enough. Cobol still pays"} {"text":"Who's done a non bagholder technical analysis of EVM v SVM @moo9000"} {"text":"@armaniferrante one mo layer to it ( network effects ). devs use javascript because other devs use javascript which makes it possible to use javascript to make more money w less pain"} {"text":"@drjasper_eth Casino money hits different than salary money"} {"text":"@ashwinho4 @lifeoftheshat @GuglielmoFonda @farhajmayan Clone Farhaj for me while youre there"} {"text":"@armaniferrante Its not binary. At least wen I was dev if you could make $40 on a gud devx thing and $60 on a shit devx thing, you took $40"} {"text":"@JasonYanowitz You mean MonadSys?"} {"text":"Might be easier to get your apps funded if you put layer in the name eg uberlayer or pokerlayer or chatlayer or tinderlayer ..."} {"text":"@armaniferrante applayer to $100b "} {"text":"@armaniferrante tg killer app"} {"text":"Manlet chain is soooo much much better tek than TON chain. I dont care if anyone around here cares but I don't even need to die on this hill"} {"text":"@tier10k What Kanav he known to resign a week before"} {"text":"Stakes and violence"} {"text":"@JimmyRagosa One more week to load up on ETH"} {"text":"@drjasper_eth "} {"text":"@MaxResnick1 @dntse Keep PoS simple. In the presence of liquid staking, all PoS protocols converge to DPoS"} {"text":"SCOTUs repeal of the Chevron doctrine enshrines the rule of *lawyer* in America and therefore is incredibly bullish for... 1. Crypto and AI ( good ) 2. Big Tech ( neutral ) 3. Big Biz ( bad ) 4. China.... ( it is what it is )"} {"text":"To put all of this slightly more annoying words, now that ethereum has embraced proper hardware on Layer 2, in the long run ethereum Layer 1 will look a lot less like ethereum Berlin and a lot more like Monad"} {"text":"@armaniferrante Unpaid sure. If paying, don't do a major in human sexuality"} {"text":"@KyleSamani @samkazemian Theres no reason to be bearish anything rn with Trump on the ascendancy and the SCOTUS led GOP coup in America For good or for bad, the ETH spot ETF has decoupled ETH from L2 tokens in the near term..."} {"text":"If memecoin \"devs\" had more than 40 IQ, $CHEVRON would be the hottest coin rn but one doesnt even exist"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko trading memecoins combines all 3"} {"text":"@skilllevel7 @ASvanevik crypto even more forgiving than wall st sadly"} {"text":"We are still in the retard era of crypto VC where the word \"layer\" itself is worth a billy - layer1, layer2, layer3, da layer, pudgy layer, interoperability layer... layer yo mama if you want layer"} {"text":"A blockchain researcher is anyone who can read @jon_charb s blog but can no longer ship production code. Basically me"} {"text":"The SEC is the real L2. It keeps taking one L after the other"} {"text":"The social layer has finally conceded that ethereum needs much better hardware than raspberry pi - and thats great for ethereum. There will be a lot of handwaving about the distinction between layer 1 and layer 2 but its well and truly over for raspberry pi"} {"text":"Both the SEC and the social layer want LIDO to self limit to under 33% of the stake"} {"text":"If due to some freak of nature the democrats win the white house, I'd like instant TGE and immediate unlocks on all of my private round things "} {"text":"@0xMert_ Happy to discuss for 0.2% FDV of solanolayer"} {"text":"@loomdart @icebergy_ Key opinion layer be do like that"} {"text":"@Lomashuk Dubai?"} {"text":"Cant have a good W2 without launching an L2"} {"text":"@tayvano_ They are concerned about Certik"} {"text":"Only Gensler takes more twitter screenshots than @0xMert_"} {"text":"Alley cats seem like perfectly fine animals tho?"} {"text":"ConsenSys should just do a $FOX airdrop for the lulz rn"} {"text":"@JimmyRagosa Even number of stakings are in the clear"} {"text":"@bees_neeth @Hadronfc Thank you for taking the time to share your expertise ser. Was awesome"} {"text":"@imexitliquidity so is the internet"} {"text":"SEC STANDS FOR SUE ETHEREUM COMPANIES"} {"text":"These lawsuits are Gary's last stand on his way out. Hawk Tuah!"} {"text":"Paradigm should just launch their own SEC"} {"text":"@0xSisyphus he can sell icp or fil or near or stark or..."} {"text":"@gajeshnaik @vinitopapasito No. He's my quant"} {"text":"@Marc_Fagel @EleanorTerrett The proposed custody rule?"} {"text":"@rleshner How's there no Chevron pump"} {"text":"A CONSERVATIVE COUP IN BURGERISTAN"} {"text":"@Cometh @worldcoinfnd "} {"text":"@ayyyeandy Anyone with a substantial social media following is a KOL. Researcher, angel, VC, founder... whateva. Also in that broader KOL community, knowledge is orthogonal to integrity"} {"text":"@toghrulmaharram Maxis of all coins are the exact same people"} {"text":"Alt szn so bad professional KOLs want stables only"} {"text":"Burgers need an H1B visa holder for POTUS"} {"text":"I cant belv Selkis is ganna be secretary of shitcoins"} {"text":"@_wake_up_USA London keeps getting worse "} {"text":"If they ganna make a ded man president, I'd like to propose Abe Lincoln's name"} {"text":"@nickwh8te @megaeth_labs @solana @monad_xyz Well, in the absence of censorship by private and state interests, everything would be centralised by default due to economies of scale and scope."} {"text":"Accumulating the approved ETF coin, not the filed ETF coin AMA..."} {"text":"Lots of noise around eth ux... but its not so bad for us 35+ types. Now if I had to put my finger on what is it about eth wallets and evm that I find one step behind, I think, its very... still, well, desktoppie in a world thats mostly gone mobile"} {"text":"Dont lose hope America. Young @RishiSunak will soon be available for a new role"} {"text":"Since you burgers can't find a decent or healthy man we'd like to offer our man for POTUS"} {"text":"Sufficient decentralisation in the layer 1 streets, maximum centralisation in the layer 2 sheets"} {"text":"BD this BD that - so many things in crypto have no B to D in the first place "} {"text":"Just filed for an $AVAIL spot ETF, lfg"} {"text":"I don't know why but SOL rhymes with KOL"} {"text":"The weirdest unspoken assumption in crypto rn is that FDV at launch will be the highest FDV Why tho? Will team, investors, bagholders everyone will exit making a deep hyperbola convex to the origin?"} {"text":"@dabit3 \"He died of deal flow\""} {"text":"@grahamfergs I am a researcher"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy Correct"} {"text":"Mert and Toly are excellent cofounders"} {"text":"\"Cofounder\" is not a job title. Startups with non executive cofounders don't make it"} {"text":"AGI is intersubjective not objective"} {"text":"@nickwh8te If social consensus says so, it is so"} {"text":"@bittybitbit86 using the chains is -ev for token trading"} {"text":"I'm actually quite bullish on ethereum's paradigm fork. Its time to switch from European ethereum to American ethereum"} {"text":"Solana is 2024 technology whereas TON is 2019ish technology Unfortunately in our world, coin prices don't know if the chain is a multisig or a database"} {"text":"An ethereum L2 is any blockchain deemed an L2 by social consensus of the L1 social layer"} {"text":"@jackmelnick_ If social layer says so, yeah"} {"text":"@Jskybowen I know (ee\/telecom once). Should be interesting to see what real time applications on could blockchain look like"} {"text":"@Jskybowen Les goh!"} {"text":"Rumours of CEX community complaining about losing money on coins causing CEX to prioritise sensible FDV launches ahead of hot giga billions projects Only CEX has the power to fix this ponzu pyramid retail trap "} {"text":"@_charlienoyes ethereum is great now too"} {"text":"@hotpot_dao Congratulations!"} {"text":"@simplykashif no. mybags ETF"} {"text":"@simplykashif kufr"} {"text":"@simplykashif Eigen"} {"text":"TRADFI ALIGNMENT "} {"text":"This is the correct take. Its a bureaucratic hurdle at best"} {"text":"@Fwiz cosmetics are hope in bottles tokens are hope in code lfg"} {"text":"CHAINYODA FILES RESTAKED ETHEREUM ETF"} {"text":"Yes"} {"text":"@crypterry Engagement farm is the best farm"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy All that sounds right. Meanwhile I shall go trade RUSKI on a monolithic chain"} {"text":"@brunoms0l rare tweet to upset both dot sols and dot eths "} {"text":"We need to burn all of Van Eck's eth for un aligned activities"} {"text":"I dont think SOL is quite sufficiently decentralised in 2024 but its not much different from where ETH was at the time of the Hinman speech in 2018"} {"text":"Retard pump aside, SOL ETF is 1-5 year away. Minimum one year under the Donald and 5 under Dems. Thats how much time our social layer has to get the cross L2 interop and UX sorted"} {"text":"@toghrulmaharram Solo staking is unsustainable without a scroll airdrop for dappnodes"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Yes it is. Solana spot ETF is very unlikely to go through under Biden and Gary rn but under the Trump administration who knows. I cant belv Bankless hosted the guy who filed this "} {"text":"@matthew_sigel Congrats... a bold and forward looking move again from my favorite CFA"} {"text":"VanEck BFFs"} {"text":"Why now? Did GG send another Wells notice or smth?"} {"text":"@iamDCinvestor What does that mean for bittensor?"} {"text":"@0xSmit >> no one farmed celestia, there was nothing to be farmed erm... I know people who were running nodes, github contributing and light clients etc to farm"} {"text":"How do I post an eigenlayer governance proposal to not unlock the airdrop before Powell cuts interest rates?"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Cardano, The power of blockchain research \u2122"} {"text":"@JimmyRagosa based"} {"text":"The first pre confirmation I want in ethereum is a preconfirmation of $10,000\/ETH"} {"text":"The main difference between the brilliant execution of the $TIA\/ $JUP airdrops and the poor execution of the $ZK\/ $BLAST airdrops is just TIMING "} {"text":"One man can instantly solve all of the challenges facing blockchain technology today"} {"text":"@Taran_ss They got to sell the staking rewards no?"} {"text":"@rargulati Most mid-brain comment of the year. Token will launch at 5-10b. How long will take for base to earn that as profit? 50 years?"} {"text":"Blast was the ultimate KOL chain. This is a very sad day for the KOL community"} {"text":"@mraltantutar @0xsachi does he have a post doc?"} {"text":"GPT-7 will have ethereum researcher level intelligence"} {"text":"\"Unelected bureaucrats\" is a weird unconstitutional term. The executive is mostly unelected by definition "} {"text":"Now that Jump has dropped out, we should divide up the control of ethereum blockchain between Paradigm, a16z, Cyberfund, ConsenSys and His Excellency. This would also help simplify the insanely complicated eth consensus and replace it with simple DPOS for scalability and UX"} {"text":"Electric Capital's @MariaShen generously shared several invaluable real world fundraising insights with the @Hadronfc founder community. I also learnt a few important things about investing from this session"} {"text":"@mrjasonchoi after depositing $50m"} {"text":"@jarrodWattsDev Be optimistic, have a blast"} {"text":"@dntse crypto researchers are not real"} {"text":"@tarunchitra The soldiers were combining too much in different permutations"} {"text":"@icebergy_ they are all venture backed now"} {"text":"my body is ready for GPT-5 to debate the definition of sovereign rollup all day"} {"text":"Spend zero time on proving that you are better than others, mainly because its not true"} {"text":"cv s in crypto are even more inflated than in the bay area. memecoin launchers are \"dev\"s and uniswap fork-er s are \"founder\"s"} {"text":"are no expectations enough to retire?"} {"text":"Eth needs to do this, eth needs to do that. ETH don't need to do shit, eth just needs to go up"} {"text":"@RishiSunak Tax means financial tax"} {"text":"I am calling it for Trump"} {"text":"Pre idea unicorns were the real top signal"} {"text":"Based sequencing looks less popular than Joe Biden, ngl"} {"text":"@prashant_xyz gpu is the new gm"} {"text":"@Jskybowen such are the ways of the internet"} {"text":"Too many crypto founders think that the way to \"make it\" is to prove themselves in the US Having witnessed the journey of eth, polkadot, xrp and cardano, I have never bought that assumption one bit TON will prove once and for all that Asia is where its at..."} {"text":"@David___Mo @0xPolygon @NEARProtocol near gud. most users from one web2 app tho"} {"text":"@instantfinality @0xPolygon industry tried everything else first lol"} {"text":"@Taran_ss Ruski?"} {"text":"The new narrative is users... Three ecosystems other than eth L1 have almost all the onchain users 1. Solana 2. @0xPolygon 3. Telegram"} {"text":"Awful tokenomics and unlock schedule by satashi"} {"text":"@toghrulmaharram you stole zk compression?"} {"text":"@0xJim What % of Linea TVL is basically one guy?"} {"text":"@Arthur_0x \"Infra projects\" is too broad - copypasta evm L2s yes"} {"text":"@pseudotheos @0xJim not everyone"} {"text":"One of my highest conviction bets that combines the best features of both tradfi and defi. If you want a big-4 audited and SGP reg compliant solution for your treasury ... @OpenEden_Labs is your port of call"} {"text":"@0xSisyphus Less than t-bills return for 100x t-bill risk?"} {"text":"@0xMert_ >> The less precise you are in your speech, the less you understand what you're talking about the easier it is to raise money"} {"text":"@0xSisyphus what was the apy"} {"text":"@mdudas I stayed in eth matic sol"} {"text":"@grahamfergs product competitiveness*cost of BD = constant (x*y = k)"} {"text":"The best BD guy I know is a product"} {"text":"Sync composability is better than async composability from a user perspective and nodekit is a rare startup solving that for ethereum L2s (... and they are a rare modular startup that does demos :-) )"} {"text":"@kwaker_oats_ @0xdoug Theres still time to delet this before mert takes a screenshot"} {"text":"@interchain_io Congrats @acityinohio"} {"text":"Reth is the most egalitarian thing I have ever seen. Its insanely ambitious and it will change the fabric of society...."} {"text":"@DreamsShots @vishal4c not just that, no"} {"text":"Intents are big but not wher you think"} {"text":"@hotpot_dao don't forget the ETF"} {"text":"@vishal4c any chain has only three uses - token ( money\/incentives), verifiability and censorship resistance"} {"text":"@vishal4c only frontier LLMs meet that spec and that too mostly for training. there are viable models for various tasks that can be\/are run on device"} {"text":"@0xrinegade if you run a dispensary sure"} {"text":"@0xrinegade reverse the sequence"} {"text":"looking at otc prices of blast points and otc fdv, maybe the copypasta evm l2 farm biznis is well and truly over at least for now..."} {"text":"@peter_szilagyi Maybe at the time it was cool no?"} {"text":"@eawosikaa @CryptFyn @2077Collective @hotpot_dao @rushimanche solve dis"} {"text":"@QwQiao Theres a memecoin somewhere"} {"text":"@akshaybd @aeyakovenko Akshually the hard part is *not* doing things differently. Wen money shows up on the table people start focusing on capturing value ahead of creating value. Advisories, investories etc etc"} {"text":"@uriklarman Alignment"} {"text":"Men used to write ethereum for $18m. Now we write four click blockchain saas tools for $37m"} {"text":"@akshaybd get out of gary jail ie ETF, thassit"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko bls dont go there. the real threat is client side proofs in shared state minimized L1s... and they will come for both ethereum and sol"} {"text":"@grahamfergs It doesn't. one Sandeep > any number of BD guys, empirically"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko my 100k dappnode verifies the proofs"} {"text":"Its quite clear akshually. Rollups dont *want* to be based. Rollups *need* to be based so that they pay proper rent to those of us who provide ethereum's security to them."} {"text":"@TroyMurs Selkis is Trump GCR"} {"text":"So the Trump ticket is basically orange Trump and brown Trump "} {"text":"@aeyakovenko @solana @Google Fair. I only see them on devices made by the second or third most valuable co"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko @solana @Google What if Solana is now a L2 on the web insecured by the economic insecurity of webpages?"} {"text":"Is $37m enough to retire?"} {"text":"@j0hnwang I'll buy as much BTC has you have, right now, at $35k Sell me all you want. Then go fuck off."} {"text":"@NickPullmanEsq AI guys all there so yeh"} {"text":"If LLMs like GPT have sentience, they must be mentally sick beyond therapy from reading all the text on the internet"} {"text":"How does TON not have a good telegram bot for trading $RUSKI?"} {"text":"@gregosuri et tu este jose"} {"text":"@nickwh8te @aliquotchris @_arihantbansal @buffalu__ @daglihet @solana @farcaster_xyz @phantom @Backpack We get too much phishing in matamask without mlinks already"} {"text":"@unusual_whales \"Land of the free\" is a fascinating expression for the land of mass incarceration, war on drugs, abortion ban, porn ban, sesta\/fosta and general censorship on wartime news"} {"text":"@buntyverse ethereum"} {"text":"@0xrinegade no users no risk"} {"text":"SOLANO LACKS CULTURE AND ETHOS Blinks is dangerous to society Shipping product without debating definitions, writing papers and aligning with decentralisation researchers, influencers and podcasters should be made illegal "} {"text":"MAKE BLINKS ILLEGAL"} {"text":"@mdudas Zaki, Nick and Mustafa are Celestia aligned tho"} {"text":"Now they have stolen the frames of dot eths "} {"text":"Believe in something I believe in the ETH spot ETF"} {"text":"If your company's name has \"labs\" in it that means you have your own token Think $BELL labs LFG"} {"text":"@clairekart @aztecnetwork @RiscZero wen token"} {"text":"Isnt a WIF just a wrapped IF?"} {"text":"@DCbuild3r Yes but most are called AI now"} {"text":"@zeroaxelol @0xPolygon All the best for your next move Amit"} {"text":"@VitalikButerin Will based sequencers overload ethereum's consensus?"} {"text":"Never mess with a $RUSKI"} {"text":"If youre feeling lost Buy some ETH "} {"text":"@simplykashif sell for eth already"} {"text":"@simplykashif Bruh thats a lot of sell pressure"} {"text":"@JimmyRagosa You forgot advisory"} {"text":"The six pillars of devrel are product, tools, docs, vibes, alcoholic drinks and grants"} {"text":"We need an energy models based deAI token to align Yann Le Cun $ENRGY Who's building this?"} {"text":"This wouldn't work for computer science"} {"text":"@neon___glow lido might enshrine ethereum before then"} {"text":"@ylecun @MelMitchell1 If I invested, its AGI"} {"text":"One benefit of EF enshrining eigenlayer will be that they can sell universal intersubjective work token to fund salaries and guildware for 300+ people instead of sellig ETH"} {"text":"@hmalviya9 ... \"a\" doing a lot of work there"} {"text":"If this is gox, what happens wen Saylor sayls"} {"text":"@spectatorindex Boeing has failed to silence a whistleblower"} {"text":"Beraposters will be stoned on public square"} {"text":"To increase follower count, bullpost bigly "} {"text":"To increase follower count, bullpost bigly "} {"text":"The D in SOL is silent"} {"text":"Did Jump sell everything after Kanav left?"} {"text":"Bitcoin foundation hired too many people"} {"text":"I'd like ethereum to enshrine Solano and TON"} {"text":"@Evan_ss6 but have we earned it?"} {"text":"I dont think $10T knows shes the target"} {"text":"@lex_node tag him"} {"text":"crypto twitter collectively has the emotional intelligence of a chimp on coke, but thats what we all enjoy the most"} {"text":"It says a lot that the US crypto industry has moved from where the US tech industry sits ( SF ) to where the US banking industry sits ( NYC )"} {"text":"Every dev in web3 has a side project or two"} {"text":"eigenlayer is ethereum's defense v gavinlayer which is a 2027-8 threat"} {"text":"All the venture and liquid funds have a fiduciary duty to buy mybags"} {"text":"@intern Decimal points are the hardest working numbers"} {"text":"ethereum is backed and endorsed by Paradigm"} {"text":"If the government sends me an $8m airdrop, I'd spend it on sleeping 8 hours a day, 8 days a week"} {"text":"Kanav gets a lot of unfair flak for the accidents of 2021. The real mystery is why so many 20-35 year olds get to run systemically important money crypto companies with no experience whatsoever in financial regulation or compliance?"} {"text":"$NVDA trading like a decentralised AI token"} {"text":"@MacroMate8 All that innovation is bw marina and palm now"} {"text":"Bitcoin has awful tokenomics and unlocks"} {"text":"Is $0.8m enough to retire?"} {"text":"Bitcoin trading like a Cosmos ecosystem coin"} {"text":"Marc cuban selling is usually bottom. Welcome to nft bottom"} {"text":"Invested in ethereum series C today. Very gud projet"} {"text":"@KanavKariya All the best for the next leg of your journey ser"} {"text":"This is a @stationxnetwork appreciation tweet - the best cryptonative platform for investment syndicates"} {"text":"I have so many dear $RUSKI frens"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Ser they appointed you a main character"} {"text":"@Taran_ss Bruh many loan not come back in crypto. Do convertible grants for upside."} {"text":"MOUNT GOX HAS $9B OF BITCOIN AND ZERO DOLLARS OF ETH TO SELL"} {"text":"The point was - in bula ppls will forgib anything and moon token. Paralysed evm, cumulative DA utilisation charts, botted tps and 694 block reorgs. In bera we wont even forgib satashi"} {"text":"@mattigags yeh in my book. those are generally the ppl who invent new things for hustlers to do"} {"text":"@mattigags Yes but we also went from drug dealers to CS professors in a decade so I am ok"} {"text":"@mrjasonchoi Is Satan raising?"} {"text":"ethbtc back to 0.15 lfg "} {"text":"Solano founder pivots to ai due to bad price"} {"text":"gpu is the new gm"} {"text":"Discounted future cash flows on $WIF are likely to remain low till the fed cuts rates"} {"text":"@0xidanlevin @aeyakovenko There's no endgame in an infinite game"} {"text":"@hstyagi If the heart gets slashed, fork it"} {"text":"Mert needs to roll back zk compression asap"} {"text":"@MaxResnick1 @eawosikaa @ThogardPvP @0x_Kun @uriklarman Les goh"} {"text":"That dude @bryan_johnson is a very positive influence on our very physically unhealthy tech industry"} {"text":"Congratulations to everyone who raised a huge funding round at the pico top Others, now you can go work for these guys "} {"text":"@0xMert_ Should have checked ZKSync price before doing zk"} {"text":"Price of SOL is experiencing zk compression"} {"text":"@gadikian @Uniswap Impermanent loss subsidised by investors sounds fair"} {"text":"@gadikian Its waiting for the existence of the first fair market in the world"} {"text":"@eawosikaa @ThogardPvP @MaxResnick1 @0x_Kun @uriklarman Someone needs to align that thought criminal Resnick"} {"text":"@0xMert_ @inversebrah I am safe from that tweet"} {"text":"The most valuable skill in any business thats not entirely legal is the practice of law"} {"text":"@odysseus0z pay royalty"} {"text":"@_anishagnihotri Nice MeV bot Jared"} {"text":"Its not over for memecoins till Ansem starts debating the definition of a sovereign rollup"} {"text":"@blockgraze Thats a different social layer graze"} {"text":"If you think BTC or ETH are morally superior to other L1s or L2s, stop inhaling that stuff"} {"text":"Muting maxis of all coins improved my life"} {"text":"TON can have a third of my SOL but no coin shilled however hard is touching my ETH"} {"text":"The biggest rug pull rn is retail piling into NVIDIA at $1400 while both team and hedge funds sell at a faster pace than ever"} {"text":"@hal2001 @unkrakable @DoveyWan @StargateFinance @routerprotocol Just passing arbitrary messages on a Sunday night"} {"text":"@hal2001 @unkrakable @DoveyWan @StargateFinance idk man I tend to pass arbitrary messages between blockchains for fun also study @routerprotocol"} {"text":"AI*crypto is the ultimate space to build a career rn If the AI bubble bursts, you will have tokens If crypto crashes, you might be able to work in AI If both crash, everyone else is fkd too so whatev right?"} {"text":"The fair market price for $WIF is 0"} {"text":"@wassielawyer crypto lawyers are also able to sell fear into the heart of founders like no BD guy can"} {"text":"@luigidemeo @gfk_acid subnet"} {"text":"Ser @ylecun is doing god's work by bringing some logic and reason to the prevailing metaphysics and shamanism surrounding LLMs"} {"text":"@DeanEigenmann @musalbas Bullish Eigenfud by Eigenmann for Eigenlayer, lfg"} {"text":"The bull case for SOL has always been that Adam Cochran hates it What other coins does the man hate is the real research question!"} {"text":"@R89Capital Its a bet that telegram will be able to bring tg users to use their own chain"} {"text":"@R89Capital Oh I deleted and QTd at the wrong time. ETH is pretty good for many things. You have to do staking, restaking, re re staking and L2\/defi farming and it still has great devtools to build stuff on L2s"} {"text":"ETH should be 1T. Its government approved"} {"text":"@luigidemeo Subnets are non sovereign rollups"} {"text":"@DoveyWan In which world are WH and L0 worth 10x across?"} {"text":"@futurenomics idk man, it feels gud to gib money to hot logos"} {"text":"They are. Happy, Unhappy, Miserable"} {"text":"@Taran_ss Maximising pre launch FDV is a dick contest for founders, it feels good but there's no upside to it"} {"text":"@TrippinDegen @santiagoroel Agree, memecoins are brand -ve now"} {"text":"If we confess that crypto is finance not web, gubermint will KYC your wallet\/validator"} {"text":"@santiagoroel Its a mistake for SOLcial layer to make memes solana's brand tho. Its unhelpful on the policy front and it hides all the cool things being built"} {"text":"Can one of the social layer endorsed projects please align this thought criminal @MaxResnick1 and end his rebellion"} {"text":"@bidhanxyz But it feels gud to gib money wen you see it"} {"text":"@Madhav_goyal_ @CC2Ventures a16z are no sequoia. Some of their team use the chain"} {"text":"@BlKstut taking more naps now, steady lads"} {"text":"if you're into gm, pivot to gpu"} {"text":"crypto users want just one thing and its totally not disgusting"} {"text":"@0x_Hammer Aave"} {"text":"@tamarincrypto Congrats T. To get Solano an ETF you need US law tho"} {"text":"Whoop changed my life. I always knew my sleep was shit but now I know it objectively, not just intersubjectively"} {"text":"@visavishesh Can we pls get our unlocks first"} {"text":"@lucho_alpha cash is king"} {"text":"Sweden is experiencing government crypto"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko Mert is \"modularity's man in monolithic Kremlin\""} {"text":"The main issue facing America's youth today is intimate spitting"} {"text":"CVs are a scam. For $400m raised at $4bn val you too can hire Ivy League MBA marketers from P&G who will advise you to print trans blackface punks that look like meebits"} {"text":"The research tribunal met and decided that this thang is stateless execution not validium"} {"text":"Wearing something with this logo on zk or crypto*AI pitches will triple your valuation"} {"text":"Has anyone taken a mortage or credit card debt to do crypto angel investing? How did it go?"} {"text":"Hello ConsenSys HR..."} {"text":"@udiWertheimer You might have got 4 decades"} {"text":"@rajgokal With zk proofs things kinda become objective tho"} {"text":"@keoneHD Whats more useful is the fkups of those who came before and why those were fkups in the context"} {"text":"@rajgokal Postdoc researchers that name things full time for a living should name things not undergrad devs who should code for a living. We need to maintain some structure to shared knowledge"} {"text":"@zmanian @SuiNetwork @SuccinctLabs Why not use client side proofs and minimise shared state while you're at it"} {"text":"@Evan_ss6 Still need a zk proof"} {"text":"@zackvoell Bruh thats top 1000 in Pyongyang"} {"text":"Perplexity AI CEO: \"We dont care whether its our model or whose model we use, we care what the user wants\" Perplexity blockchain CEO: \"Hurr, durr, use our blockchain or the model is wrong and the user has no values\""} {"text":"Q: What does the community think about the term, \"ZK compression\" A: \"Hawk Tuah, spit on that thang\""} {"text":"Its over for solano"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy bitcoin, then ethereum"} {"text":"@zackvoell @SpaceCoastCRE Many single issue voters on this"} {"text":"New fund incoming: ai16zk"} {"text":"Quite unclear if this means better or worse"} {"text":"The prophecy was foretold"} {"text":"@dimabuterin London?"} {"text":"@DCbuild3r can we at least make one l2 per frontier model?"} {"text":"Your autism is not autism. This is autism"} {"text":"@DCbuild3r Why? No airdrops there bro"} {"text":"@ernani_eth it is what it is"} {"text":"When they say Solana is a cosmos appchain "} {"text":"@Eug_Ng @moodysratings This is a big deal ser"} {"text":"@nigeleccles mainnet omega?"} {"text":"Its ok that Manlets took ethereum's idea of stateless execution and just coded and deployed it like psychopaths while we were still in the sixth year of researching and debating its impact on human consciousness... ... but did they have to come up with a terrible name for it?"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart how about \"waste management asset\"?"} {"text":"@hudsonjameson ether is the best high "} {"text":"@SolBeachBum @R89Capital Gary will go. Lobby Selkis already"} {"text":"@hudsonjameson I get technological. Why's there always something social"} {"text":"$2.5T"} {"text":"@hudsonjameson its different because its been implemented?"} {"text":"ahead of every great entrepreneur also"} {"text":"A 6.7% drop in $NVDA erased half the market cap of ethereum The question is not whether we are so early The question is how useful are our products so far?"} {"text":"We just went from $ASS to an intimate spitting coin. Top is not in "} {"text":"Last 48 hours in modular blockchain: 0. No clear definition of a sovereign rollup 1. Sreeram ser proposed \"rolldown\" for sovereign rollups 2. Mert launched a zk rollup and labeled it zk compression If I still had skills, I'd pivot to ai "} {"text":"@mrjasonchoi @0xWangarian Bearish posts are frowned upon on CT"} {"text":"Everyone outside the ivory tower ie anyone who uses the chain knows that blockchain wars are being fought on mobile, not layer 1, 2, 3 or 69"} {"text":"@R89Capital CME futures needed for 2"} {"text":"@hotpot_dao "} {"text":"Its a manlet conspiracy to spread further chaos and confusion amidst modular wars"} {"text":"@akshaybd Its a zk rollup ie l2. see wei dai's post"} {"text":"Is $4.7m enough to retire?"} {"text":"@CC2Ventures a16z did the 3b round?"} {"text":"@0xMert_ @heliuslabs I'd invest in Helius dot ai"} {"text":"@shumochu All ZK is compression - succinctness property"} {"text":"Last few angel checks of this cycle and then three years of grind to keep those projects from dying of natural and unnatural causes Pain is a ladder "} {"text":"Society will accomplish sentience in a neural network about 69 years before we have an agreed upon definition of a sovereign rollup"} {"text":"HR (not recruiting) is when your startup ends and your company begins"} {"text":"I am not sure why Ansemware sounds like Ransomware but both are ways to lose money"} {"text":"@tomwalpo I hope to have better things to do then"} {"text":"Prices are dropping to levels where we can start to care about health, family, financial inclusion and censorship resistance again"} {"text":"I am not sure why anyone would build a non profit generating business in crypto and not want to launch a token VCs are investors, not UBI for researchers"} {"text":"If I were trying to make my coin the next US spot ETF coin, I'd not associate my brand so heavily with memecoins but thats just me Study Joe Lubin "} {"text":"So you went to Stanford so that you can calculate the valuation of \"Banana Gun\"?"} {"text":"@nymcompoop DOS"} {"text":"If MacOS is like Solana why doesn't it reboot or fill up all my disk space with stuff"} {"text":"Real bula is not possible till CZ is released alongwith his ledger wallet carrying $40bn"} {"text":"Satoshi watching Toly, Sreeram and Nick debate"} {"text":"People who suffered the pain of holding ETH are still quite profitable dog and cat community tho "} {"text":"@colludingnode not crypto. eth"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Do that uncollaterlised algostable boss "} {"text":"The main alignment is alignment Study TON alignment "} {"text":"@TrustlessState There's no second best"} {"text":"My trust assumptions are Certik and Pyongyang"} {"text":"@mrjasonchoi @DeFi_Dad sure tho I tend to assume most traders sharing their trades on this site are psyops"} {"text":"@DeFi_Dad @mrjasonchoi Yes tho he's also explaining his trades after he's done em"} {"text":"Today in the KOL community"} {"text":"@iamDCinvestor I'd say buy one mainly to avoid aping everything into crypto "} {"text":"@colludingnode Make money"} {"text":"@aandooor @sassal0x capital xfer to the patient"} {"text":"@guyontheearth @Arthur_0x two govt coins trade like stonks and everything else like ?"} {"text":"@Arthur_0x erm. idk. a key value prop of crypto is max risk for max return. otherwise people can just buy and hold stonks with a lot less tech\/rug and custody risks"} {"text":"@EagleEyesCap ETHE and it will, wen not if"} {"text":"Tradfi can buy 100x more eth than any of you can sell ConsenSys folks were pitching solutions to tradfi wen bitcoin was going to end banking Dont understimate the goodwill for ethereum in tradfi "} {"text":"@Mudit__Gupta $30dollar sol is 42. FTX and Sullivan rugged you of $100 yeah you will complain"} {"text":"memecoins are not bad all assets including NVDA have a large element of memetics and we are building permissionless systems intellectualisation and legitimisation of opaque unregulated lotteries, a weapon of retail bankruptcy is terrible given what we know from multiple cycles"} {"text":"$ZK is an inauspicious ticker in Feng Shui"} {"text":"Why is @IGGYAZALEA so quiet "} {"text":"@Mudit__Gupta 1.43x of bera bottom dollar dude"} {"text":"skill issue"} {"text":"@hmalviya9 @dyorcryptoapp and that son is why I told you to stop comparing prices w last cycle, or posting why VCs deserve a certain \"X\" multiple "} {"text":"@gajeshnaik @soubhik_deb how many papers did you have to write"} {"text":"@instantfinality Dude we invented coordination in Denver. Ask @owocki"} {"text":"If Llama, Claude, Gemini and GPT deliver nearly the same benchmarks and the Chinese also catch up? What will Bittensor do?"} {"text":"KOLs are not a crypto thingy "} {"text":"man created $11.3m value for SOL community"} {"text":"Tradworld AI scams will make crypto scams look like kindergarten"} {"text":"If @Scroll_ZKP, the most aligned L2 doesnt gib airdrop to @dappnode s, I hab to exit the home validator and recentralise ethereum"} {"text":"@0xMert_ We can do alignment for some allo in helius, as is the tradition of my social layer"} {"text":"Just wen I start getting bullish on Mert chain"} {"text":"There must be an impossibility theorem about airdrops and community happiness"} {"text":"Mantra DaO stats are unreal world assets"} {"text":"Is $8 million enough to retire?"} {"text":"One bankless product actually adds value"} {"text":"Modular guys sold DYM as a SETTLEMENT LAYER. Lol, lmao, I cant even... hahahahaa"} {"text":"Tendermint multisig can't compete with this"} {"text":"Safe Superintelligence? Might fk around and launch \"Conscious Computers\", the next overhyped AI meme company"} {"text":"@blockgraze @songadaymann ser"} {"text":"The best minds in AI are building human level intelligence The best minds in crypto are fighting with their users over aidrops "} {"text":"@mdudas @base @Blast_L2 Your trust assumption is a discord chat tho its much better than one dude"} {"text":"If I make a list, it will be a 44 page paper"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy @fuel_network @lumioFDN Movement has a clear edge distribution edge in that Evan and Mo are also spending a ton of money on apps, tools and devrel - you wouldn't use EVM without libs and tooling. Fyi... EVMs lead because of the tools, docs and community, not the tech."} {"text":"@ShivanshuMadan My European kids think I am Murthy"} {"text":"\"Non custodial\" means users have to care about the trust assumption they are making and can't rely on builders. Builders could just be certik. As a user I dont want trust assumptions. I want trust minimized"} {"text":"I was an NFT speculator. Woke Yuga labs turned me into an art collector"} {"text":"NVIDIA is now more valuable than the french stock market because their GPUs work four times the number of weekly hours than the French do"} {"text":"@Bonecondor Sounds sus. I was on a crypto cruise once and everyone was unexpectedly attractive"} {"text":"@QwQiao Its also a huge memecoin"} {"text":"@MichaelAlmanak i have math poisoning"} {"text":"@santiagoroel I was an NFT speculator. Woke Yuga labs turned me into an art collector"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart Man is more transparent than any defi protocol"} {"text":"@Evan_ss6 Why did we abandon our great farms for these darth vader social games?"} {"text":"Canada is only as real a country as sovereign rollups are sovereign"} {"text":"@Evan_ss6 I am mission driven "} {"text":"I am at the hospital rn because I was told the mushrooms in my backyard are gauntlet certified and therefore completely risk free"} {"text":"@0xMert_ I used to work on these types of partnerships. You will need ai agents to deliver volume"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Not a real country, not a real ETF - no real volume on these"} {"text":"@0xMert_ @enshriningplebs Haraam is haraam"} {"text":"@Bonecondor GPUs work. I am not sure if French people work"} {"text":"@JSeyff @alextapscott Theres no volume on 3iQ crypto ETPs. Canada is not a real country and this is not a real ETF. Nothing "} {"text":"@BasedBeffJezos Might just fk around and invent conscious computers"} {"text":"@santiagoroel \"no dao can work without a mao\" - Ser Chain Yoda, 2021"} {"text":"For an industry that talks about game theory, mechanism design, coordination and incentive alignment nonstop we cant even yet design a decent airdrop with our billions "} {"text":"Ansemcoin focus was a strategic mistake for the SOL social layer. It just managed to hide everything cool and innovative thats being built on the chain. Quality of pump matters Wonder who predicted this."} {"text":"@howdymerry ai boyfriend solves this"} {"text":"If youre feeling lonely Buy ETH"} {"text":"THE GERMANS ARE RESTAKING"} {"text":"Satoshi Paradox: the decentralisation industry has never been more centralised in one or two exchanges"} {"text":"@Taran_ss lol"} {"text":"eth will flip btc when saylor sells"} {"text":"If your kid cant get into a good college, just set him up with his own little evm rollup"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy @hotpot_dao has a gud evm rollup, other than that yes"} {"text":"@0xMert_ ethereum already won and cosmos dont care so "} {"text":"@0xHushky Book a flight to Delhi"} {"text":"Germany gave us a gud eth\/btc price Whys everyone mad?"} {"text":"@elonmusk tag him cc: @ilyasut"} {"text":"@kapursanat no, theres at least two of us"} {"text":"If you totally skipped the critical thinking drills in school, crypto will pay you much more"} {"text":"@arthurd94671975 @blockgraze @ki_young_ju only btc and eth are approved by feds"} {"text":"On ethereum Alice pays herself or certik. On Solana she pays Sahil, Iggy or Shkreli"} {"text":"@TheStalwart @markets Thats the most democratic party voter thing I've read lately cc: @twobitidiot"} {"text":"a16z portfolio airdrops seem to be getting unnecessarily much more complicated than Paradigm portfolio airdrops"} {"text":"@moo9000 @aeyakovenko Thats not a very aligned response. I will disregard"} {"text":"Fast cheap GCR ie @aeyakovenko ser can have synchronous composability for a while longer but only if he censors spam dapps like that mining thingy that clogged Solana's QUIC"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart Why dont we make Bob Alice's exit liquidity so that Bob pays Alice?"} {"text":"@NickPullmanEsq I dont buy it. GG was turning pro industry before Luna -> Celisus -> SBF blew him up"} {"text":"@Eug_Ng Shkreli"} {"text":"Tradworld memecoins"} {"text":"@0xkenjiii No headphones during sleep"} {"text":"Has anyone in crypto destroyed more value more quickly than Yuga?"} {"text":"Hypothesis: Grandpa electronics can save your sleep from your phone and ipad"} {"text":"I too want this list so that I can exclude from dealflow"} {"text":"paying certik $2b val is what happens to crypto angels and VCs who are not pathologically online on CT "} {"text":"@RandomCTGuy @0xfoobar Foo is saying sync atomic composability is better. Hes right. Its just very scale limited. Lets see how far Solana can push it"} {"text":"Re zkSync's valuation, all chains are currently overvalued at launch. Theres hardly any ecosystem or non farmer DAU. Its not the chains fault if you paid $69b FDV in the last round or secondary What matters is what devs do in the following years after launch"} {"text":"In India we call this \"love marriage\""} {"text":"@QwQiao @inversebrah @cobie @MartinShkreli @GCRClassic @RaoulGMI @blknoiz06 @zachxbt @realDonaldTrump @CryptoCapo_ @HsakaTrades @VitalikButerin @aeyakovenko @sandeepnailwal @musalbas @sreeramkannan @ilblackdragon @dlubarov @TrustlessState @apolynya also: parallelisation gcr: @keoneHD unification gcr: @anuragarjun intents gcr: @jadler0 mev gcr: @hasufl math gcr: @tarunchitra KOL GCR: @0xSisyphus"} {"text":"The number of trust assumptions I want to make with my coins"} {"text":"@gregosuri @gajeshnaik Has it been audited by certik? "} {"text":"@QwQiao @inversebrah @cobie @MartinShkreli @GCRClassic @RaoulGMI @blknoiz06 @zachxbt @realDonaldTrump @CryptoCapo_ @HsakaTrades decentralisation gcr: @VitalikButerin integrated gcr: @aeyakovenko aggregation gcr: @sandeepnailwal modular gcr: @musalbas restaking gcr: @sreeramkannan AI GCR: @ilblackdragon zk gcr: @dlubarov memecoin gcr: Ansem alignment gcr: @TrustlessState raspberry pi gcr: @apolynya"} {"text":"Every founder is Elon Musk wen number is up"} {"text":"@tomwalpo Can you say that in non Cambridge words?"} {"text":"what happens (to eth also) wen your social layer chases deal flow of another social layer"} {"text":"@DoveyWan Team + seed still pretty well off"} {"text":"Memecoins? AI OGs are launching absolute multi billion memes like Sam Altman's AGI, Jensen Huang's humanoid robots and Illya Sutskever's Superintelligence Its all crypto out there anon"} {"text":"@ArthurB wen devrel tho"} {"text":"@blockgraze @ki_young_ju Memecoins killed retail, like jpegs in 21. Now buy government coins"} {"text":"I didnt realise Kraken is also written in solidity"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Wher the market is going, these deals are mostly just (out)flow"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko Fast cheap GCR made decentralisation GCR concede that async composability is all you need"} {"text":"@jon_charb @VitalikButerin Wen async interop standard on eth roadmap ( agglayer\/ethereum friendly IBC using proof agg )?"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Imajin the rugs "} {"text":"@JimmyRagosa Users and a gud token for shared security"} {"text":"I am here for a DoJ investigation into Certik"} {"text":"@iamDCinvestor its on the way out slowly but its still a core business strategy for some projects"} {"text":"Certik security research townhall"} {"text":"ethereum has reached the conclusion that cosmos did seven years or so ago"} {"text":"Prices are reaching levels where the only way to make a decent living is to launch one's own optimistic rollup without fraud proofs"} {"text":"@ilyasut wen token"} {"text":"Do we know the identity of this @CertiK intern in Pyongyang?"} {"text":"@icebergy_ auditors are insiders"} {"text":"Ethereum will win as a product for users when 'alignment' stops being a value prop"} {"text":"Average level of mental illness"} {"text":"@rushimanche gmove"} {"text":"@FeederRotation Me and @0xMert_ stuck together "} {"text":"@hartej_ @balajis Getting a check from millionaire > Getting a check from billionaire"} {"text":"Just like wormhole, before the token launch, LayerZero was a universal messaging layer for interoperability. Just like Wormhole, after token launch, its a bridge"} {"text":"@AaronWStanley Liberated all coins. Lisan al gabe"} {"text":"@memeanalyzoor @lex_node gabe"} {"text":"@armaniferrante I'm just tired of seeing product lose to vapor and if thats the world builders have to compete in, better if they understand the playground"} {"text":"@prashant_xyz You dont have to learn that. What you do have to learn is the art of hype and rizz"} {"text":"Legit crypto founders with akshual product and tek should learn the art of hype from the many successful scammers and vaporware mega millionaires in the biz Stop hating, start learning "} {"text":"@prashant_xyz @ionet Many Solana projects tend to launch closed source"} {"text":"@VitalikButerin @TheStalwart Crypto, similar to any fin market has had a bear market culture ( Venezuela\/Financial inclusion\/We are in it for technology ) and a bull market culture ( wen moon, wen lambo, yield, degen, uponly ). Both progress in parallel but one or the other sounds louder at different times"} {"text":"@z0r0zzz @lex_node eth2.0 is out of jail only until further notice?"} {"text":"So now that eth is marked safu from Gary, what are Gary's remaining cases and arguments against ConsenSys? @lex_node"} {"text":"Good on Apple they still have the balls to put a failed product like Vision pro in coma instead of dragging it along"} {"text":"@Jebus That is because you are unemployed"} {"text":"Government approved coins remain undefeated"} {"text":"@0xSisyphus It *was* a good idea so far"} {"text":"@lex_node ... and thats how you end up in Jail"} {"text":"Naat ganna lie. Launching a pointless professor coin is a much better use of time and talent"} {"text":"@Taran_ss @nearcyan Masa is the only trader in the world worse than me "} {"text":"@0xgaut Integrated abs"} {"text":"@0xgaut My belly drove 40% of my growth. Seems healthy. What do you think?"} {"text":"@JimmyRagosa I too can pivot to research for 0.2% of Symbiotic"} {"text":"I think bula hasnt even started First ai bubble stonks will crash taking our coins with em. Most stonks down already Then rates will be cut to save Pelosi's bags Then uponly "} {"text":"I dont think Ethereum Foundation has the sort of influence over Eigenlayer competitors that it has over Eigenlayer. How then are we to prevent slashing of a gazillion in restaked eth and a potential hard fork by social Consensus? Will everyone copy Eigen's token design too?"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart Try permissionless restaking $DJT in Karak before borrowing against restaked DJT in morpho"} {"text":"Re Shkreli, unregulated Wall Street has always been and will always be a magnet for predators"} {"text":"The most unsung cofounder of ethereum, Ser William Hinman of the SEC, a16z and Simpson Thatcher, Lisan Al Gabe"} {"text":"A handful of lawyers have added much more value to ethereum, our code is law chain, than all the coders combined @ me if you want but I will die on this hill"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko @jon_charb We ain't buildin the same coins tho"} {"text":"All due respect to Jensen Huang but the guy is a bigger token pumper than all the crypto founders in the world COMBINED."} {"text":"Just use @0xPolygon agglayer to aggregate all 69420 rollups and make ethereum feel like one chain again"} {"text":"sorry, zkGCR is @dlubarov"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy No social life"} {"text":"@MattCorva @Consensys Congrats king"} {"text":"@jon_charb Can you make it modular"} {"text":"TON will need fudding like SOL, not this"} {"text":"Who are $ZKs market makers and why arent they market making the coin to 50c?"} {"text":"@loomdart Not their lawyers tho. Matt Corva is a beast"} {"text":"We are not done till LRTs are a digital commodity"} {"text":"Who are the retards selling ETH lol"} {"text":"Based on my experience, when crypto startups start handing out titles with the words \"chief\" and \"officer\" in them its a good time to start hedging"} {"text":"Shkreli appears to enjoy fraud as an art from. He seems to admire his fraud a bit like netflix serial killers admiring their work"} {"text":"I know 25-35's will never see it that way but if I could choose I'd choose 8 hours of consistent daily sleep over $8m"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart Avax is now a Solana subnet"} {"text":"@0xairtx @movementlabsxyz @fuel_network Great. Pls stop hating on others who are fixing other things "} {"text":"@0xairtx @movementlabsxyz @fuel_network Keone & crew are fixing the tech debt one layer below that"} {"text":"eth research should research and thats a great thing, but then we are researching fourth power of stake(staking) while users are using insecure software like ERC20 9 yrs later Fortunately, folks working on fixing that are non EVM L2s like @movementlabsxyz and @fuel_network"} {"text":"@camiinthisthang Is that good?"} {"text":"Bet on founders who bet on something"} {"text":"If you had six months of bula and you didnt raise money. Shame on you"} {"text":"Large language models killed the linguist. RIP"} {"text":"The end of AI"} {"text":"Which one of you CFAs raised the discount rate on the future cash flows of Bitcoin?"} {"text":"Idk if $8m is a lot of money for money people but I am pretty sure that with $8m *liquid* you can pivot to building useful shit hands on instead of trading $ASS and $BOOB on Bonkbot"} {"text":"@icebergy_ to do what"} {"text":"The good thing about investing in new and interesting technologies and projects is that its a lot more fun than investing in more of the same old shit and you also get to know and learn from far more creative and original people. Return on money is one thing but return on time "} {"text":"@IAmNickDodson @GwartyGwart Jensen's giant data centers were instantly decentralised and democratised by the touch"} {"text":"@Taniajpeg @0xMert_ 5\/115 - the other 395 are at the Booths?"} {"text":"@theempirepod @0xDinoEggs @sunnydece @fluentxyz Just blend it "} {"text":"@cagyjan1 @Ronin_Network @0xPolygon "} {"text":"One the finest communities of builders and creators in the industry is coming to @0xPolygon ..."} {"text":"@aeyakovenko @0xMert_ I done 10 yrs of eth now so I agree"} {"text":"Back in 2017, @AlexBatlin talked about building an EVM on top of SQL server Man was years ahead of his time"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Ethereum to not become poor"} {"text":"@ajwarner90 Its definitely cool ser, Starknet are also working on a few cool things. L2s will have no choice but to innovate and differentiate and thats great for ethereum"} {"text":"@Taran_ss Cause is innovation, effect is bags"} {"text":"Tata motors innovation: 1 billion Elon Musk innovation: 1 trillion"} {"text":"I disagree. The issue is differentiation. Users dgaf if its an L1 or L2. If all the L2s ship the same evm with the same UX then its a bit meh. Polygon is pushing on aggLayer and movement\/fuel\/risc0\/megaeth bring something new to the table so we shall see"} {"text":"@OutrageousDonke send to profs. literally professor coin"} {"text":"You can live wonderfully in Dubai making a third of this tax free and work for 90 days in Burgerland annually. Plus no guns or drugs"} {"text":"Found one semester college fee in a fiat account I didn't know I had. Shitcoinery has infected my bones too deep"} {"text":"I was inspired to pivot to AI coins in 2001 after I read AIToshi @ilblackdragon s LLM paper"} {"text":"@naniXBT Only the woke bits are cringe. 80% is sane"} {"text":"@0xSisyphus Equal weighted SPX is down bad. Five stocks carrying S&P"} {"text":"In hindsight this was the top signal"} {"text":"Hallucinations are a sign of intelligence. Human recollection is mostly hallucination"} {"text":"@DCbuild3r Fair"} {"text":"@DCbuild3r I did 2 but I will never be brave enough for 1 "} {"text":"@TrustlessState @brian_armstrong @VitalikButerin @kaiynne @StaniKulechov @aeyakovenko @PacmanBlur @owocki @MikeIppolito_ @JasonYanowitz Charles Hoskinson"} {"text":"@VictorL1024 @AvailProject Very different."} {"text":"@twobitidiot Ser those are 10 great reasons to see a therapist"} {"text":"@0xkenjiii kid wants"} {"text":"Angels, VCs and KOLs, what was the max private round val ( incl secondaries ) you have invested in this cycle?"} {"text":"Has anyone been able to get a refund from seed rounds? Asking for a friend"} {"text":"Was planning to work from Nashville this summer. Thailand looking more feasible at these prices"} {"text":"@_bfarmer You also pivoted to AI?"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Do they allow women"} {"text":"$DJT is a rug. I tested w 0.5 SOL"} {"text":"Need a refund from Ansem"} {"text":"Looks like Ansem sold"} {"text":"It fits that all ya mfers got fkd by $MOTHER"} {"text":"Everyone's deal flow is looking a lot less like deals and a lot more like flow rn"} {"text":"Gods are angry because you guys supported Iggy over Vitalik"} {"text":"These prices ganna force some some L2s to plug a tendermint multisig and become L1s"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Its still not too late to become a TON KOL"} {"text":"Confessions of a crypto founder"} {"text":"Why is one a16z portco launching pre market perps on another a16z portco? Who's the mao of this DaO these days?"} {"text":"Celestia is the only Cosmos chain in the world with a well designed KOL layer"} {"text":"@Bitzy_App @BotanixLabs "} {"text":"Study SOL KOLs becoming TON KOLs"} {"text":"@0xHushky btc also"} {"text":"It took me TEN YEARS to understand what he meant by \"World Computer\""} {"text":"If I was running @pumpdotfun I'd just hire Gary Gensler"} {"text":"You can ape a lot of quality bags with 800k (me) \/8m\/80m\/800m (paradigm). Once a shitcoiner, always a shitcoiner. None of you mental illness types are going anywhere so just chill"} {"text":"LEGIT PAY!!!"} {"text":"@jillrgunter Because users hate it"} {"text":"Yoda bags always shippin' "} {"text":"@moo9000 Justin Sun is the other one"} {"text":"@nigeleccles @rollbitcom @shufflecom @YOLO_Blast Bruh thats not the corner, thats the house"} {"text":"You can teach product people a fairly decent level of token management but theres no way to teach a token minded person product management"} {"text":"Using @AvailProject, cryptoeconomic security people and crytographic security people can be bes frens"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Sold all the Sui for SOL. Can we be frens again "} {"text":"As a crypto founder, your community is anyone who complains a lot - eg spouse, children, team, investors, frens, unaligned KOLs... whoev"} {"text":"Jeez, @gakonst doing more useful work in our biznis than makers of 69 million pumpy coins"} {"text":"@mdudas College junior. Must be of outstanding character"} {"text":"Innovation intensifies"} {"text":"@iamDCinvestor ... or sane lol"} {"text":"I dont think Selkis killed Kennedy"} {"text":"@0xJim Fk vibes. I hab kids and college fees"} {"text":"BUIDL THROUGH BERA"} {"text":"@mdudas The fund is the part that's doing rather well tho"} {"text":"Bullish on projects that do demos, so refreshing in brypto"} {"text":"@mdudas ai"} {"text":"How do we make Jerome Powell ethereum aligned?"} {"text":"@DCbuild3r How to invest 8 million dollars?"} {"text":"I could use eight million dollars to gamble on deep tech memecoins. bls send"} {"text":"Canto may have been right in their thesis that core defi primitives are part of the blockchain, never mind the longevity of a bula telegram chat. New multi staked Canto ( berachain ) also doing this right tbh"} {"text":"L1, L2, L3 ok but everyone still be like innovating the same 2020 innovations on every chain for the most part"} {"text":"@nigeleccles ... so far"} {"text":"In the modular era, there will be thousands of rollups Each one will have an FDV in thousands of dollars"} {"text":"Thanks to @zksync for a couple of extra 100% US government approved ETFCoins today"} {"text":"Thankfully my universal intersubjective airdops are locked until after US rate cuts"} {"text":"Market to airdrops"} {"text":"Maybe my gud frens at ZKSync should have chosen the ticker $AI and applied for a trademark for AI"} {"text":"How many EVMs can mama ethereum handle "} {"text":"Coolest frens building in decentralised AI"} {"text":"Polygon PoS is still cheaper than Base. Just check the fees."} {"text":"@0xSisyphus EVM... L2s. I am quite excited about my altvm bags"} {"text":"@fede_intern For some scale apps eg confidential compute for LLM training, there may not be a viable choice anytime soon"} {"text":"@AndrewCapasso_ xrp now and base one day"} {"text":"If you run a crypto ( token funded ) business with IPO ambitions and a trad ( equity\/earnings ) business, keep them completely separate in legal terms. If Trump doesn't win this election, thank me later for this notLegalAdvice"} {"text":"Further evidence of a deep ai*crypto conspiracy at the highest levels has emerged"} {"text":"Several venture funds dislike node sales aka the new ICOs because *most* node sales are done by low qual projects that cant find venture funding However, as long as you keep this thing strictly outside burgerland, there aren't that many better ways to give retail some upside"} {"text":"@neon___glow Eigen is live and Scroll is still low FDV. Wormhole effect is real in many other places tho"} {"text":"Some crypto projects have had their valuation pushed so far up by large funds writing very large checks that folks are now afraid to go live and end the romance of expectation"} {"text":"I still dont understand how there are major blockchains in the world that ship even slower than ethereum. At least we do raspberry pi research around here, what do the other guys do?"} {"text":"@0xMert_ ... collateralised by LRT"} {"text":"I am a simple cypherpunk kinda guy. I buy coins approved by the United States Government"} {"text":"Blockchain ecosystems are like farms for venture capital. Capital can go from L1 to L1, L2 to L2 seeding and harvesting only so many of the same ol' coins and apps before the farm cant make any new crop for a year or two Solano may yet be the fastest to run this cycle of misery"} {"text":"techbro"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Sol exceptionalism is the only thing more retardio than ETH exceptionalism"} {"text":"@MaxResnick1 All engg is about tradeoffs. What are the tradeoffs of shorter block times?"} {"text":"@Evan_ss6 KOL was fudding so they aligned him"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Sol has a total of one spokesperson on CT"} {"text":"@wassielawyer crypto always been ideals in bera, $IDEALS in bula"} {"text":"@cuongdc_real ETH won the ETF. Rest is a win in a small market, and very disruptable"} {"text":"@ZeMariaMacedo Well Ansem, like Do and SBF chose to be the main character by becoming the \"alfa\" source. As pumfun volumes shrink, his fans will inevitably turn on him. There are only so many retails that can lose money on Ansem endorsed shitters before we run out of retail"} {"text":"@cuongdc_real Eigenlayer v Gavinlayer would be a battle for the ages"} {"text":"@0xHushky The mert-vc-blockworks playbook is even more repeatable"} {"text":"Because Solana proved that EVM \"hasn't already won\", giant VCs are gonna run on ICO era ecosystem tour starting with TON ICO era treasuries eg Polka\/Tezos have tech and inf cash and now giant funds know that the ConsenSys playbook is repeatable This is gud for technology"} {"text":"Polkadot *has* it even right-er but next cycle"} {"text":"@Scroll_ZKP Who dis mfer?"} {"text":"Based rollups? Meh. Who's working on enshrining Solano and BSC into ethereum?"} {"text":"@GuyZys Further investigation shows dev was writing a snark prover in Python"} {"text":"@nigeleccles Go to your room"} {"text":"@0xJim Cant have a useful based BTC L2 sorry"} {"text":"@mo_baioumy @exolabs_ @awnihannun So much cooler than running light clients ( which are also cool )"} {"text":"Layers of alignment"} {"text":"@stacy_muur @MessariCrypto Nah. This is tradfi cycle. Just buy eth and btc and go to bed"} {"text":"@naniXBT What goes up keeps going up. Its down 75% v SOL"} {"text":"@sassal0x @iamDCinvestor They own Ansemcoins"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart @typografl 50 lashes.eth for blasphemy for Gwart"} {"text":"@ANagarsheth More money, space, guns, drugs and \"fair and lovely\" people"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart @typografl Vitalik's one nft endorsement may have been overplayed as a counterexample. That is nothing like ringing thoughtleader level endorsement by Solano VC layer of a constant stream of Ansemware"} {"text":"@_khanhamzah speedy recovery H"} {"text":"In the dog wif hat era, alerts on Ansem were +EV, now muting the man is +EV This is why KOLs need to do KOLity control ( from a shitcoiner paid grp )"} {"text":"@RealJonahBlake Theres no hate. Its just a low szn for L2s but agglayer differentiates Polygon from the pack"} {"text":"This doesn't represent our autist community"} {"text":"@Taran_ss @wassielawyer I know. Just saying locked is gud for long term alignment"} {"text":"@MJx42069 @0xPolygon Testnet"} {"text":"@Taran_ss @wassielawyer Monad round is locked for a long time. Also Paradigm in at 5x that round"} {"text":"@Bitzy_App Its a bet on crypto ex US doing well"} {"text":"Is dev pivoting to ai?"} {"text":"@naruto11eth I am the signal in illiquid and countersignal in liquid. I just follow some wiser frens into learning about ecosystems"} {"text":"@AzFlin Discounted cash flows?"} {"text":"Agglayer by @0xPolygon "} {"text":"Sold a third of my SOL for TON Best way to learn about an ecosystem is to stick your skin in the game"} {"text":"Sold some BTC Bought some ETH I am the AI agent liquid markets need"} {"text":"This is \"wen token\" in the boomer world "} {"text":"Dubai sunset can be prettier than Bitcoin"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Why sell B2B saas when you can shill B2B chain Its not too late"} {"text":"@lex_node LRT collateralised algostablecoin backed by Delphi"} {"text":"@wassielawyer A serious document for a serious industry"} {"text":"Bengaluru is pronounced @0xPolygon Banglayer"} {"text":"@5dayoldburrito @wassielawyer @babylon_chain"} {"text":"What % of Farcaster's $1B valuation comes solely from Vitalik using Warpcast?"} {"text":"@wassielawyer We got Eigen and Babylon this cycle"} {"text":"@MacroMate8 @ton_blockchain gib"} {"text":"Gulag for Anataly"} {"text":"@0xDinoEggs @movementlabsxyz True"} {"text":"@0xDinoEggs @movementlabsxyz Minus the hallowed tps?"} {"text":"We have reached 32768 tokens per ai*crypto pitch on average"} {"text":"@neon___glow Just 3"} {"text":"@mikadontlouz Are you saying theres nothing better than iggy coin on Sol? Thats clearly not true"} {"text":"@nigeleccles evolution not extinction"} {"text":"We have way too many undifferentiated EVM L2s in 2024 in the same way that we had way too many me too EVM L1s in 2022"} {"text":"@TownedValue Its cosmic tradition. stakedrops qualify tho"} {"text":"In terms of main character capabilities, Ansem is kinda like Ansem Bankman Fried of 2020 when defi degens really liked his \"innovations\"; tho he may not have the MIT grad ambitions to go big like SBF-2021\/22"} {"text":"@hotpot_dao Buddha gud KOL"} {"text":"Why is TIA trading like a Cosmos ecosystem Coin "} {"text":"@llamaonthebrink @GwartyGwart @0xJoshuaSL I equal opportunity-mute unthinking maxis of all religions"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart @llamaonthebrink @0xJoshuaSL I have Milli on mute for a reason"} {"text":"@TrustlessState @JimmyRagosa Its timing. Vitalik interrupted CT's degeneracy in a bullish market and Cobie in a bearish one. On the way up our values are different than the ones on the way down"} {"text":"gm"} {"text":"SOL\/ETH is no longer relevant TON\/SOL is the number to watch ETH and BTC are in a different space altogether from July 2nd"} {"text":"Cosmos ecosystem coins are meant to be earned through work, not bought in liquid "} {"text":"@scupytrooples @joonian I think no more than 90. Theres some gud stuff brewing ie even if the token is just funding, its funding smth useful"} {"text":"@IAmNickDodson @movementlabsxyz Sway also gud fo sho"} {"text":"@AlistorZimon Agree. Memes just stand for fast cheap trading but thats a killer app all chains need"} {"text":"I don't see the point of an SVM rollup on ethereum other than why not... kinda lose all the benefits of the integrated Solana banana and keep the crummy parts for crummy we got evm already If ppl gonna do rust on eth then do @movementlabsxyz"} {"text":"@joonian Neither is a grift. However my estimate of % grift is now 20% in AI and 40% in crypto."} {"text":"Designer @Hadronfc Dosa w one of the finest designers in web3 @kylegordonart"} {"text":"@_kaitoai Stop predicting the past"} {"text":"@5dayoldburrito Its not that. Its the end to end ux of using defi and other apps on your mobile"} {"text":"Feeling a little too brave morning Everyone complains about ethereum's marketing problem but... What if it's not marketing but the product that needs a lot of work? ( note product != tech )"} {"text":"Modular university is like Starbucks. You cant have a simple damn coffee anymore. You must have light decaf capuccino with splenda and a hint of cinnamon No no, not blockchain. Pls make it a sovereign restaked validium with blended execution ok?"} {"text":"Memecoin manlets need to know that in America it's mandatory to wrap your greed in virtue or the mighty hand of the wider society will come down upon you Heck even the dollar bill refers to god"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart Its possible. This meta has come and gone before and there're always a few who won't mind anything that can help the number go up. This is where it helps to have a core ivory tower base like Drake and Feist who haven't even bothered to grab enough eth before the advisory meta"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart Ya he was roundly criticised for the contradiction. Masternode is a genuinely positive and trusting person as you can tell by who his original cofounders were"} {"text":"@0xMert_ No the chain is great and I am a not so secret fan of Solana's product culture. Let everyone do their thing. Its meant to be permissionless. Just be trustless and dont assume positive intent at the outset"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Dont endorse grifters for the sake of pump"} {"text":"@0xMert_ I am afraid influencers matter quite a bit in the age of attention economy, even tho competition and expediency make us all say and do strange things eg \"B2B chain\""} {"text":"@0xMert_ The critique is not of the chain but of its spokespersons"} {"text":"@Goodylili No major celeb p&d there. rug coins have been around sadly"} {"text":"@jacobkxyz Those constant virtue signals are not unrealistic, but necessary. Papa Joe, formerly of wall street invented them because he knew its the only way this libertarian thing can survive in the hyper conservative america, or elsewhere"} {"text":"While ethereum has had its share of celebrity P&Ds, the social layer has never endorsed them Solana's social layer is quite primitive yet. It's just a handful of employees, ecosystem founders, VC KOLs, Mert and Ansem, and susceptible to whatever brings insta attention and news"} {"text":"Autism will grow in society because autistic people will be richer in the age of AI and therefore more desirable for making babies with"} {"text":"If your rollup isn't a based rollup, its not sufficiently ethereum aligned for my taste"} {"text":"My last ETH buy was at $3800"} {"text":"Not seeing memecoin thoughtleadership from the manlet and base venture KOL ecosystem today... What changed?"} {"text":"If you are an ansem aligned dog wif $mother hat kinda crypto investor, this dump should teach you to always keep fiat cash in the bank away from your own hands"} {"text":"Every good crypto marketer has been fired at least once by a founder who's not one "} {"text":"@blockgraze Shitters != alts"} {"text":"@HugoPhilion "} {"text":"@yangl1996 I think we agree on this bit. L1 is where \"settlement\" ie finality is. The question is if \"finality\" in this context has a uniqueness property or its upto to the user where to get the \"final\" state from"} {"text":"@jackzampolin blocked"} {"text":"@jackzampolin I understood this Cosmopiracy a year ago after interrogating Zaki"} {"text":"@0xJim @0xfoobar Things we do to make Mert happy"} {"text":"@binji_x ethereum"} {"text":"@chamathsintern No. I got an airdrop. Its withdrawn now"} {"text":"Integrated chains like Solana and Monad will come out as the winners of the modular academic confusion summit and then @0xPolygon will have to fix all that at the \"ok so what are we actually doing here\" Aggregation summit"} {"text":"@BenAtreidesVing erm..."} {"text":"@jbrukh currency notes are also shells but central bank shells, stables are commercial bank shells\/money"} {"text":"@nickwh8te Lets pls agree that an L1 implies settlement ie finality. Modular confusion"} {"text":"@jbrukh They are fiat ser"} {"text":"@leashless Is there a crypto example?"} {"text":"@yangl1996 If the purpose of the L1\/L2 classification is clarity, its better if an L1 is defined to have its own consensus with a finality gadget even when the consensus on ordering is on external DA. Blurring that \"settlement\" requirement confuses the discussion about trust assumptions"} {"text":"The most valuable technology in crypto is legal paperwork to be fully outside the US while the team is mostly in the US"} {"text":"@DCbuild3r @0xJim @worldcoin haha. we need to drag remco into this ecosystem"} {"text":"@DCbuild3r @0xJim then its ranking. if we get dc and sam altman from worldcoin and we can only do one on the banner..."} {"text":"@DCbuild3r @0xJim Ya same tho the current hotness of the sticker of your employer also counts towards social proof eg dc from worldcoin"} {"text":"@DCbuild3r @0xJim sure. tho most notable hot founders w clout have no time to be helpful, its mostly social proof"} {"text":"@DCbuild3r @0xJim thats zk clout"} {"text":"@0xJim @DCbuild3r useful is over 4 yrs or so after the raise. clout is important at the time of bannermaking\/social proof stage"} {"text":"A GENERAL OF INTELLIGENCE (AGI)"} {"text":"@0xtruthboi @ASvanevik for tech, fun and profit. i was here before coins and i will be here after them"} {"text":"@0xskittles @emceecoy_ @antoniogm Barca all day. Since french ppl wanted bear market paris, the choices were brussels and luxembourg"} {"text":"@ASvanevik at its core, crypto is just: you can buy *nothing* that you can sell again at any time to anyone on Earth only crypto allows you to do this"} {"text":"@0x_rsc Get sued and find out"} {"text":"@0x_rsc Our swag was suits"} {"text":"Lehman Brothers CEO Lehman Finance CEO"} {"text":"Do KOLs clear KOLFLICTs before investing?"} {"text":"intellectualisation of memecoins is modular blockchain research for liberal arts guys"} {"text":"cheer up fellow shitcoiners, stonks are down too"} {"text":"Sam Altman is a web3 founder"} {"text":"\"Modular blockchain research is a scam by abstraction, classification, obfuscation and pontification, you don't need it\" - Notbalaji Srinivasan"} {"text":"In the future of finance, the curve is always a hyperbola convex to the origin"} {"text":"@michaelhanono Randy Komisar has a book"} {"text":"@ekrahm Partnership means airdrop in modular"} {"text":"A crypto founder's journey is full of endless daily fkups. The net result of all these fkups is token price\/BTC which is the weighted average of bullish fkups and bearish fkups over time"} {"text":"@michaelhanono With a token, screw ups are inevitable. Just make more bullish screw ups than bearish screw ups"} {"text":"@michaelhanono crazy how you can work for years on a project, only to not launch your token and completely screw it up"} {"text":"@MaherAbdelsala @nickwh8te minimal"} {"text":"@sama Congrats. You found 'General' intelligence"} {"text":"We have too many blockchains using a few humans"} {"text":"What $ price coin tattoo on your forehead"} {"text":"@mdudas Trevor Noah's African Dictator was exactly the right description"} {"text":"Construction crew at @Hadronfc, also sometimes misspelt as \"hardon\" in the honor of our lord and savior Vitalik's USB cable"} {"text":"How does an ordinary angel investor become a notable angel investor?"} {"text":"300 million Dubai residents depend on crypto for their livelihood and are single issue voters in the upcoming US election"} {"text":"All the non US citizens on this app are voting for Trump"} {"text":"@kdipep @aeyakovenko @solana @HedgehogMarket If dev says 50%, PM would say 2025"} {"text":"@0xMert_ HELLYES"} {"text":"Its been brought to my attention that major ethereum conferences have also happened in some of the most sought after travel destinations such as London, Paris, Istanbul, Cancun, Shanghai and Prague - and this year, we have a DevCon in Thailand"} {"text":"@mraltantutar @ElectricCapital Touch-e"} {"text":"@lex_node It is so 10 years ago. Try some ai meme like intelligence engine"} {"text":"@matthuang @gakonst "} {"text":"@rushimanche "} {"text":"eth conferences are about suffering"} {"text":"@mraltantutar @ElectricCapital Congratulations Altan! All the best for the journey ahead"} {"text":"@fuckyourputs Bitcoin etf also"} {"text":"@santiagoroel Ser you promised 2x on all plus 6x on sol bls send food coupons"} {"text":"@Austin_Federa @ufukaltinok name and shame"} {"text":"@Austin_Federa @ufukaltinok Will see wen Austin chain has L2s"} {"text":"OH: \"Forget farmers and sybils. If none of your own employees quit after your airdrop, your airdrop is a roaring success\""} {"text":"@CryptoChains89 @ionet @gregosuri Hopefully it will eventually. Helium also had nothing for years but they have shipped. For good or for bad, money before product is not unusual in crypto"} {"text":"@hotpot_dao @ionet Done. I am bing aligned"} {"text":"@dabit3 @0xJim if it pays gas tax to vitalik its ethereum"} {"text":"@0xMert_ @KyleSamani Lightspeed Podcast: Solana's Bankless"} {"text":"@FlareNetworks "} {"text":"@0xSisyphus Now do memecoins"} {"text":"Ansem attending ethCC"} {"text":"@StaniKulechov Frog nation is very competent at rugging"} {"text":"I think @ionet would be a world changing innovation if only it can get ethereum aligned asap I know some podcasts for this"} {"text":"@bneiluj See you in brussels inshallah "} {"text":"@bneiluj get well soon bro, you dont even need unlocks. chill and do ai math like french people"} {"text":"@zengjiajun_eth Yeah. Due to survivorship bias and zirp capital, we have glamorised being a founder too much but having more people taking a shot at entrepreneurship is a good thing."} {"text":"Sometimes people build a product just because they have a company and at other times they build a company because they want to ship a product. I have almost never seen the former win in the market. Coordination is the cost of building something valuable, not the purpose of it."} {"text":"@0xAishwary akshually it is paid by day job. this pays for unnecessary apple devices"} {"text":"@0x_rsc @brandalf23 When you have no apps, cult and culture is all you have. I dont see AI guys talking about culture endlessely"} {"text":"Vijay is exactly right and that there is really bad advice. Founders should just be authentic and tell their story. You can always find your own Bankless, Mert or Ansem along the way"} {"text":"@Crypto_Texan Now we call it a node sale"} {"text":"We wouldn't be in this mess if Mich had just restaked his $CRV via Karak or Symbiotic before borrowing millions against his liquid restaked CRV"} {"text":"@scupytrooples market cap go down. loan produces more cash"} {"text":"@twobitidiot It certainly is true"} {"text":"@Evan_ss6 @_tolks donated mansion to charity"} {"text":"@twobitidiot The most Trump tweet ever"} {"text":"economic security of Curve Finance still stronk"} {"text":"@MarioNawfal Theres no climate change"} {"text":"@blockgraze Mansion"} {"text":"Wen your kids learn you are a KOL"} {"text":"Chancellor of Defi on the brink of another bailout"} {"text":"@paraschopra A I I N B I O"} {"text":"KOLs are the new oil "} {"text":"@ylecun Why does it work so well if your word is 32768 words and you do that recursively?"} {"text":"How are money laundering allegations against a crypto founder bad? Guy must be just living upto his cypherpunk values"} {"text":"Restaked GPUs"} {"text":"ionet has more KOLs in the KOL round than it has GPUs capable of handling training workloads This is the power of web3 "} {"text":"@gregosuri @based16z @ionet To be fair RTX class gpus are good for Web3 gaming"} {"text":"YOUR TWEETS ARE NOW PRIVATE"} {"text":"@0xMert_ every rpc and staking pool guy ever"} {"text":"Broke: Venture Capital Woke: Venture KOL"} {"text":"@tarunchitra @ks_kulk Is this like math tinder"} {"text":"@TrustlessState @BanklessHQ @zksync This is because Bankless claimables works"} {"text":"Solana may be close to topping v ETH because official ecosystem KOLs are onto shilling other things now"} {"text":"@nigeleccles "} {"text":"Ya guys, Luna was clearly the SEC'a fault. All of you were loudly supporting market supervision and sound financial risk management principles wen the feds served Do Kwon the subpoena at Messari Mainnet right?"} {"text":"@GregusJakub @WazzCrypto It was a memefund for memecoins"} {"text":"@WazzCrypto Never confuse a fund announcement with a real fund"} {"text":"crypto frens be do like dis only"} {"text":"When Elon makes likes public again, we can see what all of ya pervs were upto"} {"text":"@icebergy_ Mansion on Bondi Beach"} {"text":"$4.7B "} {"text":"@BeraMVP I am not allowed to advise mommas"} {"text":"Ganna be crazy if India H1B ( USA ) beat India tourist visa in cricket ( I am rooting for the IT guys )"} {"text":"@chamathsintern Last szn's bittensor\/ionet"} {"text":"@BeraMVP Proof of liquidity does sound like a paternity test"} {"text":"@santiagoroel 2x, 2x, 6x, 1.5x Seems subjective rather than intersubjective"} {"text":"@0xMert_ I heard values are also not happening "} {"text":"@0xMert_ ETF is not happening on Mert Chain this cycle "} {"text":"Social layer monetisation protocol"} {"text":"@Fiskantes Having fun staying at work "} {"text":"@CLZen @dunleavy89 pls no more news like this"} {"text":"Hello fellow macro tradoors"} {"text":"@ann_droo @cobie @UpOnlyTV That's the correct name. Solana alignment as a service ( SAAS ) would be the blockworks lightspeed podcast"} {"text":"@cobie @UpOnlyTV Nothing brainless about it. Bankless might be the most profitable crypto podcast ever since alignment is prereq for launching an L2 or major eth protocol"} {"text":"S tier venture investors will share their fundraising expertise at the next online @hadronfc cohort, apply at"} {"text":"@NexusNetwork_0x @HashedEM @realMaskNetwork @coin_ix @breakorbitVC @founderheads @theappletucker @benhwx @BrianLimiardi @alphacristi congratulations"} {"text":"@Fiskantes Is work one of the options?"} {"text":"@novogratz Permanet king charles tattoot on the arm"} {"text":"@CampbellEaston not yet but its like mutiple competing l2s"} {"text":"@zen_llama launch monadlithic. end modular v monolithic"} {"text":"I say this from my own experience as a talking hat. People who dont have their own product criticise everyone elses"} {"text":"@jdorman81 Ethereum is the NVIDIA of crypto, the intelligence engine for digital assets ( fwiw this is more pumpy and current than app store which is so ten years ago )"} {"text":"@bantg Ppl are free to not like hentai. Become free of what others like or not banteg"} {"text":"Permissionless restaking of any token"} {"text":"So Bankless ofc can advisoor Eigen, Symbiotic and Karak at the same time if they want but who are ganna be ethereum foundation's advisors to Karak and Symbiotic?"} {"text":"@mrjasonchoi If you dont have zk, get out of mama's basement"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart Ansem is more of an artblocks and blast kinda guy. a16z are more focussed on Washington DC and latham aligned"} {"text":"Only people who have never worked in risk throw words like \"risk management\" around casually The first rule of risk management is that not all risks can be managed"} {"text":"@rajgokal Can you make me a celeb daddy"} {"text":"@Sprkfi "} {"text":"@0xfoobar @News_Of_Alpha He wants to decentralise bitcoin"} {"text":"I am starting to think $BONSAI will be my best bet of this cycle and it will outperform anything else with AI in it"} {"text":"Last cycle's unfoundational primitive was luna ie vapor collateral This cycle's unfoundational primitive is rehypothecation of poor collateral Now all the Karaks will be competing to prove Mr Yakovenko right full chilli masala popcorn ahead "} {"text":"Everyone has a different risk appetite on the way up and the same risk appetite on the way down"} {"text":"@0xfoobar Very disappointing to see an official manlet community leader engage in censorship"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Get fired before you die? Not everyone has gud dealflow or their own helium project also your thoughts could be evidence in court"} {"text":"@0x_rsc no"} {"text":"@Bitzy_App @CryptoRocky idk much about defi. my paper shredder bio-llm just analyses and critiques everything theoretical and practical for no reason or purpose at all"} {"text":"@Jskybowen @ShaneBarratt Agreed. Now we get to discuss probabilistic finality, economic security and other such wonderful academic phenomena"} {"text":"@Bitzy_App @CryptoRocky low is relative. i think btc is higher quality collateral than eth but wbtc is lower quality than eth. shit collateral works in bullmarket. however once you go permissionless, adverse selection will getcha. i ain't lending against iggy token but i would be delighted to borrow"} {"text":"says the research tard"} {"text":"Aave accepts high quality collateral Eigenlayer accepts high quality collateral Aave \"improvements\" came and went rekt by shit collateral Accepting shit collateral isn't permissionless, its mindless There's no risk in bula tho This is a toldyaso tweet for 2026 "} {"text":"@Jskybowen @ShaneBarratt ordering ( chain selection rule ) and finality ( casper ffg ) are two different notions in ethereum consensus. DAs maintain consensus on ordering but I may use two different DAs in parallel with different ordering and finality would need to be a proof\/checkpoint on settlement lyr"} {"text":"@SamwiseSpraxx yeh"} {"text":"@The_As_Usual_1 DW. Its virtual death by virtual currency"} {"text":"Hello fellow long term investors..."} {"text":"The manlet generation of shitcoiners collapses emotionally on a 5% btc dip... because wen btc dips 5%, their coins dip 55%"} {"text":"@functi0nZer0 He's not met memecoin traders"} {"text":"@grahamfergs bula be like dis only"} {"text":"@ASvanevik 9...9 ser"} {"text":"Dont want to make too many Berachain jokes but the market ain't showin much proof of liquidity rn"} {"text":"Cheapest bridge to move eth from ZkSync to Scroll?"} {"text":"@Evan_ss6 We never ganna stap making new $EVM s"} {"text":"@farewell124 @SmokeyTheBera gib"} {"text":"@intern @cryptunez Who are the officials who ended it"} {"text":"@santiagoroel >> beyond my strike zone <$100M FDV This is a key survival skill"} {"text":"@sandyzkp Batching..."} {"text":"@0xJim @DefiIgnas "} {"text":"@TownedValue for one day"} {"text":"If berachain testnet can do this to crypto prices, I wonder wat the mainnet will do"} {"text":"@Taran_ss @0xSisyphus Scroll also "} {"text":"@0xSisyphus Scroll, Linea still due"} {"text":"People gave away their Bitcoin for random words and cat pictures ... and you are bearish anon?"} {"text":"@stonecoldpat0 competitor in bio"} {"text":"@jdkanani A dozen more feelgood posts like this pls. I have two m4 ipads"} {"text":"Its pretty clear from the concerns raised after Apple's WWDC that user owned AI will be a necessity... @exolabs_ will be a major player in this space"} {"text":"If you got the airdrop you are zkSync KOL for one day"} {"text":"@hotpot_dao "} {"text":"@hotpot_dao I think its mainly intellectual inconsistency. We forgive too much eg \"decentralised multisig rollups\" because stuff is \"aligned\" and anyone who hasn't got their bread tied to the social layer cant be bothered. 20-25yo users in particular couldnt care less"} {"text":"@lemiscate Melted my dappnode because no allo for the box"} {"text":"You cant spell gimmick without ai"} {"text":"ethereum is like democracy. Its bad but all the other blockchains are worse"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Just do a memecoin"} {"text":"Sometimes crypto ppl be like \"coordination, yay\"! It's like every child has only one dream. One day I'ma grow up and coordinate the fk out of it, right?"} {"text":"@andykreed originally funded by Elon"} {"text":"@danrobinson It would pay validators who pay stakers"} {"text":"\"cypherpunk\" devs will paid-date ansem's 'angels' on an unencrypted chain with their solano name service id, but freak out about Apple sending their data to OpenAI "} {"text":"@chamathsintern late 2020, 1 yr cliff, 3 yr vest"} {"text":"@knveth ... because"} {"text":"@iamDCinvestor He gave dev a huge grant. Dev rugged and raised from Paradigm "} {"text":"@iamDCinvestor @0xMert_ competition, vitalik and gary "} {"text":"If alts keep dipping, all the unemployables here will become employables again "} {"text":"@iamDCinvestor >> competitive market forces basically manlets"} {"text":"Only government approved coins are doing well. Even Mert coin has flattened This is the endgame"} {"text":"Apple had me at token speculation "} {"text":"Apple's on device intelligence is fking great. The only thing missing is a binance listing"} {"text":"@Fwiz @Optimism Congrats. This is gud for ethereum"} {"text":"Congrats to @Optimism for deploying v1 permissionless fraud proofs. This is a big move because Ethereum as a whole would stand on a much stronger and consistent narrative when rollups actually are"} {"text":"Moral: Salaries will keep you an employee of one dude or another. Token will free you"} {"text":"It seems a 1000 ETH grant should be sufficient to agree with everything eth maxis say on this app but reasonably sized grants from other layers can also be effective Similarly for as little as 10,000 SOL celebrity memecoins can totally become the democratisation of finance"} {"text":"Very disappointed that Apple did not launch an Intelligence token"} {"text":"Apple's math lady had to be Asian innit?"} {"text":"@colludingnode correct"} {"text":"@dabit3 erm no. the trust assumptions of base are ( brian, alignment, multisig )"} {"text":"A few people announcing \"leaving\" Solana core to do what exactly what they were doing before Someone has figured out the \"decentralisation for legal purposes\" playbook"} {"text":"@jsngr @sama @inversebrah"} {"text":"@iamDCinvestor Satya extractable value"} {"text":"@AutismCapital ... and no airdrop"} {"text":"@DCbuild3r @jdkanani thats how i also justify my ipad purchase. ai sounds a lot cooler than display"} {"text":"ChatGPT has decided the debate in favor of @sreeramkannan sorry @aeyakovenko"} {"text":"@alexhooketh @0xMert_ ChatGPT not making a living from Solana ( or ETH ) makes it more independent and objective :-)"} {"text":"Is economic security a meme?"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Have you asked ChatGPT?"} {"text":"@0xkaiserkarel @0xASK @OmniFDN @berachain i got nothing to do w any of this. leave me out "} {"text":"@immanencer @ylecun @tobias_rees a lot of data and training went into those who did, just wasn't text"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Calling Blackrock, brb"} {"text":"@0xMert_ We know it has a lot of tech debt and it will collapse. Cope harder"} {"text":"Sub $PRIME "} {"text":"@ayyyeandy gKOL"} {"text":"@ylecun @tobias_rees A human kid grows up isolated in a jungle, how smart does he get? Why do we assume individuals are smarter than ChatGPT? In the collective humans have accomplished enormous feats but is the median human really cleverer than LLAMA3 or GPT4.0?"} {"text":"@0x0elliot @EMostaque BSD and Linux but still... the question stands. How do we value oss\/public goods?"} {"text":"@0x0elliot @EMostaque"} {"text":"@sandyzkp You're doing ethereum layer 1?"} {"text":"@Hazelstar_ @lemiscate Things men will do for iggy"} {"text":"@EMostaque Definitely in the top 5 ser. How'd we value Unix, Linux and Java?"} {"text":"@Tree_of_Alpha @0xG00gly Correct. BTC has saylor, eth has eigensaylor"} {"text":"@farhajmayan @MrOverprayed I am shisha guys once a month-ish"} {"text":"Pictures have emerged that prove that manlets conspired with an unidentified caucasian male to spread the \"ethereum is a b2b chain\" narrative"} {"text":"Any blockchain that pays gas tax to Vitalik"} {"text":"After reading Steve Jobs' biography for the third time, I am really trying to be a minimalist to improve my focus. I am glad to report that I have bought six different electronic devices to help me do that"} {"text":"Unemployables become empolyable wen bera hits - eg ConsenSys alumni at Coinbase"} {"text":"@0xidanlevin Its all CIA hacker's fault"} {"text":"@0x_rsc Wen you mix behavioral science (statistics) with metaphysics"} {"text":"@0x_rsc I am not sure what it is that humans can do better than AI long term apart from reproducing in hardware and not just software"} {"text":"Anyone who thinks chatGPT needs to become *smarter* to achieve \"human level\" intelligence has never worked in crypto"} {"text":"I think AGI will be accomplished by making AI much dumber ( specifically noisy ) Hoomans think we are smarter than machines when in fact we consistently underperform even simple linear regression ( and LLMs ofc ) on prediction tasks"} {"text":"@0xMert_"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Mert Bhai = Global KOL"} {"text":"@0xMert_ So does El Chapo"} {"text":"So who's inviting @IGGYAZALEA to @EthCC"} {"text":"@Crypto_Texan @_0xNinja_ Rabby, OKX, Coinbase"} {"text":"@ylecun >> \"You don't have to be crazy to work here, but it helps!\" Same applies to crypto"} {"text":"@basche42 quick, call the podcast"} {"text":"Austria and France swinging far right Xi in control Putin in control Trump incoming Israel and Iran on fire Taiwan is a keg of chips at this rate ethereum's \"WWIII resistant security\" might be tested by an actual WWIII "} {"text":"@howdymerry Iggy said cheek"} {"text":"Toly and Sreeram ser debating economic security"} {"text":"@larry0x If you could independent ones than 1\/100 of that probably. Justin Sun might have 20k"} {"text":"@jackzampolin @CryptoChem0000 Most Cosmos appchains dont have anywhere near 100 independent validators but actual data would be entertaining"} {"text":"@jbrukh What are they going to do? Arrest it?"} {"text":"@buntyverse cosmos is tech not coin, all the fighting is about coin"} {"text":"@jon_charb @llamaonthebrink ser integrated is marketing. monolithic"} {"text":"@0x_rsc that type of shit is fantasy and marketing. just unplug it"} {"text":"@0x_rsc or... there may not be an AGI"} {"text":"The human brain may not be so different from chatgpt. At a minimum, neural\/cognitive functions are probabilistic, not deterministic"} {"text":"The only thing missing in this TV is an AI token"} {"text":"The KOL phenomenon is noise in overdrive ( from the book \"noise\" )"} {"text":"@MikeIppolito_ Solana's google cloud partnership in shambles"} {"text":"@IAmNickDodson @0xPolygon AggLayer solves dis"} {"text":"@0xlstern We are not fighting for the same 20 users on CT. We are fighting for the same 20 advisors on CT "} {"text":"Nirmalaji is the Elizabeth Warren of India cc: @twobitidiot"} {"text":"@leashless @eawosikaa I, possibly incorrectly think of ecommerce as a synthesis of the \"freedom stuff\" and the \"government stuff\""} {"text":"@leashless @eawosikaa I will have to invoke Hegel and reference dialectics. Snowden\/ToR\/VPNs are evidence that not *all* the civil rights stuff has died but the oppressive power of the state is no joke so freedom moves in fits and starts, in a pendulum so to speak. Meanwhile we get higher productivity"} {"text":"@calilyliu @0xsachi added both of you to my paid grp"} {"text":"@itspublu her degen spirit is"} {"text":"Inside ethereum there are two wolves"} {"text":"Jensen Huang's ganna make a lotta asian kids suffer like gpus innit "} {"text":"@BasedBeffJezos Empirically speaking, suffering also produces great psychopaths like stalin\/mao\/horny hitler. suffering + wisdom produces character"} {"text":"@jessepollak banger"} {"text":"@vkhosla Sir are you familiar with web3 VC, pre TGE and one year unlocks?"} {"text":"@vkhosla Someone needs to remind Mr Huang that many complete psychopaths are also born from suffering"} {"text":"@AlexOnchain Its an nft"} {"text":"@StaniKulechov This season they call it Karak"} {"text":"Iggy is good for ethereum. Crypto needs more irreverant plebs to challenge shibboleths and insiderisms eg \"ultrasound money\" Users should be served product, not religion or history. Money and religion are bedfellows and maybe we'll never have apps other than money but lets see"} {"text":"They don't want any risk of eth hard fork so they slash \"universal intersubjective work tokens\" instead"} {"text":"Its really a multisig but they call it \"tendermint\""} {"text":"I have made so many bad shitcoin trades in the last month that now I'ma need to go back to hanging w PhD types who give two fks about shit like rollup sovereignty, economic security and lookup singularity"} {"text":"@Evan_ss6 Eigensaylor means not enough supply"} {"text":"@Evan_ss6 Modularity "} {"text":"10x dev 10x growth dude 10x lawyer ... but have you met a 10x regulator?"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko Two Ukrainians have their own blockchain"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko"} {"text":"@nickwh8te If you want a TIA ETF in 2030, dont"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Shes failed to punp SOL delete the tg chat w Iggy"} {"text":"@seunlanlege 35x tweets\/commits = 10x market cap Lesson in there "} {"text":"@eshita He doesnt even have beef. Mostly vegan"} {"text":"Key lesson from @WHOOP appears to be to build your entire life around sleeping well and there may not exist any wisdom greater than this"} {"text":"@eshita @long_solitude Ganna shill @0xPolygon agglayer in your feed. Dont abstract the chains. Aggregate em"} {"text":"Be the KOL you want to see in the world"} {"text":"@0xgaut @coinfessions Does Iggy know how much tax he earns"} {"text":"@cyodyssey Higher upside"} {"text":"@ercwl @udiWertheimer @IGGYAZALEA Udi is just tryna sell her a cat picture"} {"text":"I wonder what Iggy thinks about universal intersubjective work tokens and sovereign rollups"} {"text":"@hotpot_dao @megaeth_labs "} {"text":"@akshaybd you just sound like eth guys who had \"already won\". its all super early"} {"text":"@akshaybd no kolism involved - just study gud tech"} {"text":"@akshaybd @0xranvir That I will concede. Even when its all funding, theres usually something real to fund"} {"text":"@akshaybd too early to write off those ico billion foundations with infinite runway. network state ideas and eth\/sol trained people will make their way to polka, filecoin and tezos also. study the new gavinlayer architecture - but next cycle"} {"text":"@akshaybd @0xranvir not all but certainly several are. if an idea doesnt make sense without a token, it often doesn't with either"} {"text":"@kaiynne @scupytrooples Users should be served product not history. How many ipad users have read mainframe history?"} {"text":"@kaiynne @VitalikButerin Sure. However, Vitalik wasnt motivated *solely* by profit. He shipped something useful and kept shipping. Thats pretty much all he suggested memecoiners and Iggy should do, which is consistent with his own conduct."} {"text":"@akshaybd @0xranvir You misread. user owned edge infrastructure often makes sense with or without blockchain and its those non chain dependent opps blockchain can accelerate and scale rapidly. beyond that in any legit opportunity space eg ai there is always space for hype that don't make sense."} {"text":"@akshaybd Insult? Gavin literally wrote the first ethereum client lol"} {"text":"Avail will be the most secure, scalable and decentralised DA layer for rollups."} {"text":"@nickwh8te @ayyyeandy says a lot about fuel marketing"} {"text":"New advisor to ethereum foundation, only 0.2%"} {"text":"I thought depin was \"ico with gadgets\" but then I learnt about @0xranvir 's classification of depin projects, and a small number of depin projects make a lot of sense"} {"text":"@naruto11eth @jdkanani On the next flight to SF, brb"} {"text":"@kaiynne @VitalikButerin V is allowed to express his opinion just like the rest of us. The virtue signal layer piling on is kinda the pain"} {"text":"So is Iggy now a womanlet?"} {"text":"I demand a full gas tax refund from Vitalik Current price * 10 years of use = house in Dubai"} {"text":"@tonyolendo on it"} {"text":"@Taran_ss "} {"text":"Arbitrum's $250m web3 game is called \"Governance III, Total Debacle \u2122\""} {"text":"Next @a16zcrypto GP has entered the chat"} {"text":"Next @BanklessHQ debate should be between our virtuous @ryanberckmans vs their heathen @IGGYAZALEA"} {"text":"Why didn't Gauntlet warn us about this dip? What kind of risk management is this?"} {"text":"Hedge fund conspiracy ETF Innovation"} {"text":"@intern not everything intern. monad is unchanged"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko Your tribalism is lame, not mine"} {"text":"If Canto and Karak made a baby, his name would be Berachain"} {"text":"@0xMert_ >> first off, a debate only works if either party are willing to change their minds Mert is clearly not married"} {"text":"If ppl trade memecoins on leverage, with all due empathy and compassion, they deserve to get zeroed out"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko can we all run towards bull pls"} {"text":"Solana TPS Solana Consensus"} {"text":"Ethereum Values Ethereum UX"} {"text":"If economic security is a meme, how is my economic security down 5% today vs yesterday?"} {"text":"crypto is down because more people are getting jobs in America. Doing your job is against the ethos of crypto "} {"text":"@HadickM Yet in crypto we are so bacc into high FDV"} {"text":"Economic security is not a meme"} {"text":"@Evan_ss6 Iggy disrespected devs "} {"text":"Market gods are upset because Iggy disrespected masternode."} {"text":"I want to be on whatever Roaring Kitty is on but I am certain what he's on is illegal in Dubai"} {"text":"The real bull case for manlet memecoins"} {"text":"@nickwh8te Wen Gavinlayer is done right you get Cosmos x Ethereum. Why be '+' when you can be 'x'"} {"text":"@Taran_ss Now do execs who have run L1\/L2\/nft companies and never used the chain"} {"text":"@TrustlessState Bankless coin aligned content may be hated. Bankless tech content is much appreciated"} {"text":"@MacroMate8 Thats solana culture. We like pain"} {"text":"Play long term games win long term prizes If your KOLs are aligned short term, how da fk they ganna be positive long term? Same for team, investors and yo mama ( ie MOTHER IGGY )"} {"text":"@nickwh8te Avail is how Polkadot should have been built. Shared security + proof aggregation + cross chain interop + light clients + sovereignty"} {"text":"@zmanian Ethereum doesnt need VCs for this. ETH has protocol guild. Cosmos would need Celestia to do rpgf for the Cosmsos protocol guild, unless the ICF has ideas"} {"text":"@jacobkxyz Its good for all bags. Vitalik will inspire young manlets better than Ansem"} {"text":"@0x_venture @monad_xyz Tell me you dont understand monad without telling me you dont understand gmonad"} {"text":"@matthewdif My pushback is on the nuance between L2 and rollup. Plasma is L2 but state commitments are arguably a weaker form of rollup security than posting ordered transactions directly on the L1 DA space. Validiums using external DA are also L2s but are they rollups? Probably bot"} {"text":"@jacobkxyz @QwQiao She seems to be taking @VitalikButerin's quality advice imo. Good for everyone"} {"text":"@ArthurB Ser I should have said it better but some engagement farming is allowed on this app . I and (I am sure others) would love to learn more about all the cool things you have been building"} {"text":"@calitoshi_nct can be if theres a node"} {"text":"@matthewdif Disagree. You are referring to the term layer 2. Rollups are supposed to rely on the economic security of L1 to secure transaction ordering. Unfortunately in practice, \"social layer alignment\" based multisigs and sidechains have diluted the term back to whateverness"} {"text":"Is node sale the new ICO?"} {"text":"@ArthurB None intended. Tezos gud tech, Ethereum gud tech + great devrel + great community"} {"text":"@instantfinality tradfi alignment podcast or bankful"} {"text":"@keoneHD @MonadWhisper wen"} {"text":"Looking at my @WHOOP sleep report is making me sleepy. Was feeling ok before"} {"text":"Ethereum is beautiful distribution for good ideas from every other chain and thank god for that Didn't Tezos do based rollups first but no one outside Geneve' and Lausanne cared?"} {"text":"Elitism is pain but anti-elitism is a bigger pain. For the crypto industry to survive and thrive, the guy manlets need to be following is Toly, not Ansem Ethereum's issue isn't (us) intellectual elite but our intellectual inconsistency arising out of \"alignment\" and \"bag bias\"."} {"text":"@zmanian @sreeramkannan I'd have joined your paid grp for dis alfa"} {"text":"I am starting to think its possible to make a decent living just by reading @sreeramkannan sers papers"} {"text":"@udiWertheimer @RyanSAdams This is a bit selective tho. Hayden's cred comes from having shipped a product people actually use"} {"text":"Apart from memecoins, 2021 coin prices were 75% luck whereas 2024 coin prices are 75% skill"} {"text":"@ledgerstatus The app is ERC20"} {"text":"@ConejoCapital What you are watching is not called literature"} {"text":"@fede_intern @class_lambda want"} {"text":"If ethereum marketing hires someone to go sell eth to banks, I hope their name is not Bankless"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko ETF already forgave Justin ser's "} {"text":"@Blake_Allen13 Those are all Indian dreams "} {"text":"Feedback on sleep is super useful tho"} {"text":"Since we no longer read beyond 240 chars"} {"text":"The real value of @VitalikButerin coming back to CT is that dot eth tribe will follow and 1) stay in touch with the Zeitgeist 2) tell ethereum story to fellow hoomans Maybe Zuzalu was a mistake, it brought us \"alignment\" and moar insider-outsider dynamic in the social layer"} {"text":"North Korean phishing scams want to make me rich"} {"text":"@jbrukh If you mean human level intelligence, it takes thousands of those machines (humans) several years of searching through combinations of existing math language to find an internally consistent model (math) that produces a proof and sometimes new math is also created in the process"} {"text":"@jonwu_ Founder led lawsuit "} {"text":"@colludingnode Bonk has a path towards utility and I have a path towards becoming a billionaire "} {"text":"@MidwitMilhouse we hab roadmap, Anataly doesnt"} {"text":"Justin Drake said on Bankless that Solana has a lot of tech debt Where can I find our more about this? Why don't we just liquidate the tech?"} {"text":"@mdudas The AI of last cycle"} {"text":"I bought a whoop and still woke up at 330am. Whoop is a scam. No airdrops"} {"text":"@MacroMate8 Brussels is the denver of europe"} {"text":"@iamDCinvestor Heisenberg principle"} {"text":"@0xkydo eth should stop fighting with btc and sol and start fighting with erc20"} {"text":"The iggy debate isn't plebs v elites or elitism. The issue is the intellectual inconsistency of the elite. If memecoins, multisigs and vaporware didn't become kosher just through \"alignment\", CT's memecoin masses would probably be much kinder and responsive to the moralising"} {"text":"I don't mind the eth sol pvp one bit. Its rather awesome to have Vitalik and the tribe back from farcaster on this website "} {"text":"@j0hnwang Blackrock crypto, Franklin Templeton Crypto..."} {"text":"Kraken's doing a tradfi KOL round"} {"text":"@shumochu You are destined to die on the proof aggregation hill"} {"text":"@ChainLinkGod @lemiscate What'd be examples of such 2018 use cases"} {"text":""} {"text":"If one must signal that their moral compass is superior to others, one should try and make that compass consistent as much as one can"} {"text":"Ethereum has many problems but marketing aint one. Vitalik v Iggy is unironically bullish for both"} {"text":"@Madhav_goyal_ Nope, iykyk"} {"text":"@lemiscate Many researchers have never used the chain beyond staking and sending eth\/usdc"} {"text":"Bankless should report Iggy to Gary Gensler and just end it here"} {"text":"Very disappointed by @IGGYAZALEA's values "} {"text":"@IGGYAZALEA Iggy you must respect our social layer"} {"text":"The future of cross-chain DeFi and further proof that economic security is not a meme"} {"text":"@0xkydo @josephdelong He doesn't know that work tokens are used to do work"} {"text":"@calilyliu @aeyakovenko @rajgokal Legend. Still not too late to join Ethereum tho"} {"text":"I dont know if anyone noticed but @RiscZero is killing it on distribution Most other zkVMs are research projects. RiscZero is delivering what matters users"} {"text":"@JimmyRagosa Hint: It has"} {"text":"@LexSokolin @RobinhoodApp @Bitstamp Bitstamp is a work life balance type of risk averse european operation. The americans will 10x it"} {"text":"Vitalik:IggyCoin Bankless:Solana Criticise2Pump"} {"text":"@vladtenev @Bitstamp Ser what you believe in is trading volumes and bitstamp is a fantastic buy to grow crypto volumes outside the US. Congrats"} {"text":"@Shenanigrahams The ETF will give me unmitigated joy"} {"text":"@Fiskantes @iamDCinvestor People conflate capitalist with libertarian. Ethereum has always been more pragmatist than bitcoin and monero but no less capitalist"} {"text":"@hstyagi Practiced: number go up Professed: censorship resistance"} {"text":"@tristan @EvgenyGaevoy We aren't stuck in anything Evgeny. We just want Iggy to be on our halaal chain, not on Tristan's haraam chain"} {"text":"@SMTuffy Less socialism"} {"text":"VCs who invest in two direct competitors miss out on the joy that PVP is "} {"text":"@fuckyourputs on someone else's casino"} {"text":"@superphiz I will take the opposite side of that bet. Papa Joe tried this at Consensys in 2017. We (then) enterprise suits ate the dev culture"} {"text":"@pythianism You mean its going to jail?"} {"text":"Does buying a whoop fix sleep issues?"} {"text":"Never gets old. This time SOL v ETH"} {"text":"Professed values, or practiced values?"} {"text":"@eawosikaa @TrustlessState @fikunmi_ap A network state needs propaganda as much as any other state. Bankless is mostly useful eth propaganda in the same way that Blockworks @Lightspeedpodhq is Sol propaganda"} {"text":"@ParikPatelCFA Your boobs arent worth signing"} {"text":"@TrustlessState This is before the NVIDIA partnership"} {"text":"@0xMert_ You ganna need government approval, unironically"} {"text":"IMO some eth people worrying too much on this app. ETF is already here. We can just do longevity, modularity, economic security and virtue signalarity now and let those plebs from Silicon Valley compete for users."} {"text":"I'd like Eigenlayer to partner with Nvidia before any unlocks"} {"text":"@ecent18 Nihilist "} {"text":"crypto is more valuable to society right?"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko @0xMert_ Culture can come from anywhere. Values \u2122 are belong to us"} {"text":"None of the eth whales remember a woman named Payal Lakhani who was instrumental in launching eth futures on the CME Yall would be 30% poorer today without her help"} {"text":"Every crypto founder wants to autograph someone's \"shirt\" rn but after eclipsegate..."} {"text":"@eawosikaa @TrustlessState I dont think so. Bankless maybe craft narratives and memes and advocate for the line foundation takes but they can't influence the roadmap any more than you or I. Thats the research crew and the EIP\/ERC process"} {"text":"Ethereum L1 will scale further but it will scale to support more L2s and more das capacity. Its not possible to completely change the architecture to support direct user demand. There's no rolling back the rollup centric roadmap"} {"text":"Vitalik's qualms about memecoins are as usual conscientious, and chain independent, but I dont understand the others for whom the same kind of shitters on base are kosher "} {"text":"Hey @jimcramer, please check out and please say something really bearish about $OSMO"} {"text":"@colludingnode @luketchang @nocturne_xyz @sebastienladuca Thats undeserved and uncalled for. Go to your room. You are in detention for the week"} {"text":"The eth v solana discourse lasted 2 days at a reasonable intellectual level and swiftly descended into a 40 IQ \"chappal fight\" once the coin cultists got activated For the uninitiated, this is chappal in hindi"} {"text":"@0xMert_ @ryanberckmans To be fair on eth we have never had any memecoins like shiba inu, floki or pepe and never had celebrity projects like bored apes. Solano is kafir chain"} {"text":"@colludingnode @luketchang @nocturne_xyz @sebastienladuca As I said I am. Now leave me alone"} {"text":"@colludingnode @luketchang @nocturne_xyz @sebastienladuca Bro don't @ me - larping on this site is free. Feel free to go full virgil or roman storm fr fr"} {"text":"@colludingnode @luketchang @nocturne_xyz @sebastienladuca You can have privacy ie both, but from jail"} {"text":"@colludingnode @luketchang @nocturne_xyz @sebastienladuca I am chill about the unspoken social contract of blockchains. We get pseudonomity or confidentiality but not both"} {"text":"@Eug_Ng If shipping was easy 98% of gecko coins wouldn't be vapor"} {"text":"@colludingnode @luketchang @nocturne_xyz @sebastienladuca Maybe from jail"} {"text":"@luketchang @nocturne_xyz @sebastienladuca Good call ser. True onchain privacy isn't a realistic goal for US based founders"} {"text":"@packyM Shirt..."} {"text":"@0xMert_ I am mert aligned on this one"} {"text":"Last funding round val"} {"text":"Dubai crypto ppl be like..."} {"text":"@aeyakovenko You gotta debat dis econonomic security thang w @sreeramkannan ser live cc: @therollupco"} {"text":"@Evan_ss6 @0xMert_ My chain has no problems - only features"} {"text":"Watching @Taran_ss trade solano shitters"} {"text":"@0xJim @ayyyeandy Scroll is a real product and ecosystem, 4 taikos possible w some social media activation"} {"text":"@0xMert_ There are many good criticisms of your bags"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy Have we reached peak rollup? ( no reference to podcast )"} {"text":"I have trademarked \"wher to send money\" \u2122 cc: @SmokeyTheBera"} {"text":"@intern @TrustlessState For all that to happen someone has to ship an app on svm that everyone wants but that a) can not be implemented on EVM or b) is a 1000x better. Once eth ppl centralise and parallelise the evm thats gonna be hard"} {"text":"@cuongdc_real This is longer than ethereum's roadmap. We can install that too"} {"text":"OP_CAT will install ethereum's social layer in every Bitcoin node "} {"text":"@udiWertheimer I see a future advisor to op_cat bro"} {"text":"Dev"} {"text":"Founder, Head of PR, CMO"} {"text":"@VitalikButerin @cburniske The chain certainly has a bright future but awful opportunistic money people are back ser"} {"text":"Taiko has reached instant KMF... Korea Market Fit"} {"text":"KOL economy"} {"text":"@wassielawyer The ultimate crypto *CON* ference"} {"text":"@moo9000 Tron is outside el burgeristan tho so there will be a killer app after the feds are activated"} {"text":"@bairun_ @yanivgraph Creating new pages and links is how you edit the knowledge graph"} {"text":"@WazzCrypto It was a fund announcement, not a real fund"} {"text":"Regulation ie ethereum spot ETF approval is a much stronger barrier to entry for competitors than the said network effects in a small market. The EVM carries most of the network effects of ethereum anyway as BSC has shown"} {"text":"@0xMawuko Solana foundation will run out of Solana tryna pay for dat gas"} {"text":"Matt Stroller is pronounced Matt is a troller"} {"text":"@LogX_trade @EmpyrealSDK We call them AI agents now"} {"text":"@0xMawuko Eth be ok but no one got enough money to pay for that scarce blobspace"} {"text":"@rajgokal The winner of that debate is @BanklessHQ. An exponential intellectual upgrade from the \"eth price prediction\" or \"latest party line\" content"} {"text":"@hstyagi @jacobkxyz @superai_conf Ser dis controversy already exists"} {"text":"Don't write off Gavinlayer"} {"text":"This not bullish on abstracting chains just as not bullish on abstracting digital signatures Don't rush into onboarding the next billion if the onboarding is into a world where the trust assumptions are unknown, without recourse we want web2 ux, we already have it in web2"} {"text":"@ks_kulk you mean like pivot to ai after 40?"} {"text":"@jbrukh coin fund --> coinfund"} {"text":"@jacobkxyz @mheinrich @superai_conf @0G_labs $AI KOL "} {"text":"Switching from twitter to dexscreener as primary social media brb"} {"text":"@0xMaki Not allowed in Singapore\/Dubai"} {"text":"BTC and ETH ETFs cant compete. BNB is an exchange traded fund traded on its own exchange"} {"text":"@0xHushky actively selling?"} {"text":"@TrustlessState If you're 25 now you'd be 9 year old then?"} {"text":"Nah. We poured over $10b into crypto gaming *TOKENS* over the last few years "} {"text":"@tsarnick bag bias"} {"text":"@gajeshnaik Girls in seattle are no match"} {"text":"Justin Drake clearly won the debate v Toly because in dollar terms, I have more eth than kafir coin"} {"text":"@akshaybd No chance. VCs are the biggest KOLs"} {"text":"@iamDCinvestor Tradfi will be the new jaredfromsubway.eth"} {"text":"@TrustlessState Spot ETF inflows"} {"text":"@intern Remember OpenSea's marketshare?"} {"text":"What he signed What he saw"} {"text":"@jon_charb Issuance is cost of capital, not income"} {"text":"@jon_charb Rare topic I disagree w ya on"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko false manlets stake 0 and finance true manlets with issuance"} {"text":"Issuance is cost - of capital. Justin's tax argument doesn't make sense but issuance is how non stakers finance stakers"} {"text":"@Hadronfc ask for forgiveness, not permission \u2122"} {"text":"Nice rack of GPUs, he said as he signed his name"} {"text":"STARKS * Op_CAT $BITCOIN "} {"text":"@ParikPatelCFA He prolly thinks its a rack of GPUs"} {"text":"This marks the formal end of enterprise blockchain, Oli was our finest campaigner"} {"text":"Every AI*crypto project is competing to hire this woman rn"} {"text":"@HWihler @AvailProject gmonad Henrik"} {"text":"Synthesis of 3 disruptive paradigms: Zero Knowledge Technology, Shared Security and Data Availability sampling can both unify and scale web3 for the entire world, creating the architecture for cryptographic trust. Delighted to back @AvailProject on this mission"} {"text":"Illia must be so jealous of this ai touch"} {"text":"We are early on certain things and wrong on others but the things we are wrong on are far more bullish than the things we are early on"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart Not KoL. a16jit ( microVC )"} {"text":"8000 SQ FT of founders space coming in August @Hadronfc"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart >> you hold DeFi coins from *last* cycle If is doing a lot of work there. The number that matters is cost basis ie when I bot $UNI. If I entered at $1, I am up 10x on Uni, and I can't be up 10x on btc your perspective is that of a hodler in the same way bitcoiners hodl."} {"text":"@GwartyGwart All risk return metrics are applicable (or not) from the point of view of a particular investor. It would have cost a16z 20k to buy bitcoin when they bought deso at 0.1c or smth. Guess which made more money? Ratio of maxima (ATH\/ATH) has no science to it, its an arbitry metric"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart Against BTC is not a relevant metric except for pathological hodlers. If I buy near in 2023 at $1 and its $7.90 in 2024, its 8x vs BTC which is 3x from 2023."} {"text":"@abhixh @basche42 Not in my feed"} {"text":"@basche42 @_arihantbansal Not in my feed frens - pls dm each other"} {"text":"Indian election results are best of both worlds. PM Modi returns to power while not getting too strong a majority. Means much needed policy continuity is sustained while opposition can also rein in far right elements of the ruling party"} {"text":"Gud fur democracy, less gud fur economy"} {"text":"Someone has already shipped eth roadmap"} {"text":"@dankrad @0xMert_ presumably this can be demonstrated live with external DA\/DAC?"} {"text":"Posting lots of growth jobs or hiring lots of growth people can signal exponential growth ( in testnet ) to the token market. Real growth unfortunately requires a product someone can use or build on"} {"text":"Justin Drake's references to L1 \"isolationism\" will be solved by @0xPolygon s agglayer - using pessimistic zk proofs, it will enable safety in interop while preserving sovereignty of chains to operate and evolve independently"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko enforcement not needed. there will be tension between restakers and avs native token holders for who gets what but alignment will come from (a) token incentives to delegate restake to an avs (b) higher delegation signals higher native token value"} {"text":"@MikeIppolito_ @aeyakovenko @drakefjustin @BanklessHQ Toly's: 1. economic security is a meme if the engg\/econ\/cryptography isn't sound 2. TVL doesn't create value. TVL comes from use of apps\/speculation Justin's: 1. technical points eg about timing games 2. single state machine may be insufficient"} {"text":"@Bitzy_App A truly noble mission"} {"text":"@sassal0x @TrustlessState Correct. Should be @AvailProject v @CelestiaOrg"} {"text":"10x growth hires ok but as someone who's done growth jobs in this industry, wtf are you guys growing? Discord? Telegram? Twitter? Token price? Most of yall dont even have a damn product"} {"text":"\"economic security is meme\" sounds bullish to me."} {"text":"@DefiIgnas @TrustlessState Endgame is spot ETF inflows"} {"text":"@LeonidasNFT @rodarmor In my experience 20% of crypto founders tend to be quite sincere in their desire to build something useful"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko The origins of the term are in 51% attac. CIA buy a shit ton of compute and rewrite the history of corn"} {"text":"@colludingnode cost of 51% attac down 80% in bera"} {"text":"economic security is 80% meme in bera and 80% fact in bula"} {"text":"@matthew_sigel Delet the VPN"} {"text":"@5dayoldburrito @jon_charb No because vibes"} {"text":"The paradox of crypto, once a cypherpunk ideology is that regulation chooses winners and losers and government protected monopolies can be incredibly hard to disrupt in both tech and fi Bitcoin and Ethereum have crossed that bridge. The impact is not priced in"} {"text":"@boratheworld You dont need anyones. Best part of brypto"} {"text":"For a field whose entire purpose is verifiability, crypto does lend itself to an awful range of unverifiable hypotheses such as the crypto version of \"game theory\""} {"text":"Re blockchain research, one cool thing is that theories aren't facts. Theories are better. All facts can be checked. Not all theories can be tested"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko @drakefjustin @BanklessHQ theres certainly some eth dogma in some arguments but a bit of it is inevitable after 10 years of history"} {"text":"@StaniKulechov My tweet was originally meant as a joke but in crypto, the best jokes are straight facts"} {"text":"@jon_charb This is the funny part. A neutral moderator would hand the debate to Justin but go home and buy a little sol"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko @drakefjustin @BanklessHQ AI*crypto is currently a promising vision\/meme. 20-25 yos are the AI that matter"} {"text":"Ethereum has a lot of hisory and tradition which often gives rise to orthodoxy and dogma. Think we need an Udi and Eric rebel pair in ethereum which is difficult because the social layer is very strong and cohesive"} {"text":"Inb4 link marines post why NYSE should be sold to Chainlik foundation"} {"text":"@boratheworld That seems like a strength to me"} {"text":"I think @drakefjustin as a formidable researcher may have just won the @BanklessHQ debate v @aeyakovenko the equally formidable engineer - but the long term battle will be won not on the formal foundations but on product, ux and security by whoever wins it"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart His name is Sahil"} {"text":"@blockgraze Move to palau before shilling wif"} {"text":"@neon___glow karak is like a bullmarket aave fork"} {"text":"@garvitgoel03 aligned is gud @alignedlayer"} {"text":"@matthew_sigel @The_As_Usual_1 Unfortunately there's no ethics curriculum in crypto financial analyst ie CFA (R) program"} {"text":"@0xMert_ When you go live in burgerland you too will have to do strange things"} {"text":"@SmokeAwayyy @OpenAI @ChatGPTapp Airdrop"} {"text":"@LexSokolin T+7 for ORU"} {"text":"@toghrulmaharram Always are"} {"text":"KOLs strike again"} {"text":"@gfk_acid hint: its not"} {"text":"Eigenlawyer: a person who acts on their own understanding of law, or worse, makes their own law as they go along. Applies to most devs and some prominent lawyers on this website"} {"text":"@wallstreetbets thats ethereum"} {"text":"@dandi899 @dark_analysis FIFTY MILLION "} {"text":"@functi0nZer0 @orageux101 For an englishman you did disappoint me a bit "} {"text":"Near's model of chain abstraction is currently rather unexciting because it lacks ponzidynamics What's the hook? Where's the generation of new magic moneys from existing magic moneys?"} {"text":"Matic will be $2 when people appreciate the intrinsic degenomics of agglayer ... let dis be a secret for now"} {"text":"@moo9000 Not really. In dis case Blackrock knows wher the devs live"} {"text":"Your crypto KOL is no KOL. He's a real KOL"} {"text":"@wassielawyer You will be surprised but an L3 can be any laptop"} {"text":"@solarpunkmaxi The S is for service. Apps can stay on L2s or on services built using EL"} {"text":"Unpopular opinion: L2s like Linea are more secure than ethereum If a defi protocol gets exploited on L1, money is gone If its exploited on L2 and the bridge is slow enough, you can pause the sequencer and do a block reorg"} {"text":"@socialforging "} {"text":"@0xsachi Thankfully not SF vibes"} {"text":"@zhivkoto I got moar L2 bags than EL bags"} {"text":"Unpopular opinion: Eigenlayer AVSs are ethereum to a much greater degree than L2s are ethereum"} {"text":"@CloudSea_Pirate @tokenterminal @ethereum @bkiepuszewski >> doesn't lose anything thats true. theres no realistic way to scale L1 soon enough so its better to collect some rev share than have none - but \"L2s are ethereum\" is psyops."} {"text":"@CCM_Brett Isnt that just how capex works?"} {"text":"@the_matter_labs Ethereum didn't trademark blockchain \u2122. ZkSync can also trademark ZKSync \u2122"} {"text":"@colludingnode Ya its psyops. You got no consensus or da of your own but baby trust me you are still sovereign"} {"text":"@gajeshnaik Comeon its no worse than defi"} {"text":"@lex_node Destroys is too binary. Regulation needs to evolve to handle human behaviour on social media. France wants to jail price KOLs and it wont be the last nation to do so"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko @MonetSupply @tokenterminal @ethereum High % TVL in eth means there's a much better bridge to the chain than wormhole ... layer. So we arrive at \"L2-ness\" as a [0,1] number as \"how safe and frequently used is the bridge\"?"} {"text":"Systems exist in three runtime states 1. It works 2. It doesn't work 3. The quantum superposition: its a mess Only 3 is real Everything that works is a mess - individual, family, blockchain, DaO, government, corporations, society... Expect a mess, nothing less"} {"text":"Back in '18, BBVA and ConsenSys did a study of WHY and HOW chains will be used in commerce. TL;DR was blockchains can reduce the cost of contracting by automating several commercial interactions ( ie reduce lawyers and paperwork ) but not replace the enveloping system of law"} {"text":"@0xMert_ @MaxResnick1 L2s are Solana with a one person discord. Solana is an L2 with an n-person discord"} {"text":"@MonetSupply @tokenterminal @ethereum Yes - useful metric. TVL ( native token )\/ TVL ( eth )"} {"text":"@CloudSea_Pirate @tokenterminal @ethereum gib numbers @bkiepuszewski would know. what % of fee earned by arb sequencer was paid to eth stakers?"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Yes - mental illness"} {"text":"@tokenterminal @ethereum by this definition even mertchain scales ethereum. what % of fees was paid to eth stakers?"} {"text":"The only economic reason to decentralise, ever, is the fear of feds"} {"text":"@colludingnode this is a definition invented to satisfy cosmos guys that rollups on celestia are like sovereign cosmos appchains"} {"text":"A sovereign rollup is sovereign. Its a layer 1 blockchain with its own consensus and bullish token that is ethereum aligned purely socially through appropriate advisors and investors in the social layer"} {"text":"@Madhav_goyal_ crypto trader is a job?"} {"text":"The term EigenKOL means your own KOL - refers to a founder who's so good at evangelising their thing that they don't need any other KOLs to do so Stani would be a good example"} {"text":"crypto venture capital guide, 2024 "} {"text":"@wassielawyer RWA narrative is just retarded speculation on unreal RWA gov tokens"} {"text":"@_kaitoai @jon_charb of research wk"} {"text":"Its never been clear to me if @tarunchitra is math gcr or physics gcr "} {"text":"If you're sitting in Brooklyn with ongoing GG litigation, you prolly will pause the sequencer too"} {"text":"sovereign rollups are like AGI. the term doesn't really mean anything so you can just make up your own definition on the fly"} {"text":"@functi0nZer0 GCR but worse \u2122"} {"text":"@colludingnode @aeyakovenko @edgarpavlovsky ... and taxonomy debates"} {"text":"ETF nihilism is far superior to memecoin nihilism"} {"text":"@loomdart tradfi gcr"} {"text":"It doesn't matter if 20% of the L2s inherit the economic security of ethereum and 80% don't... just make sure your kids do"} {"text":"AI solves this"} {"text":"@nic__carter Skill issue"} {"text":"These days hot and hyped tokens get old and uninteresting faster than melancholy spinsters in Jane Austen's novels"} {"text":"@nigeleccles Nope. Spot ETF approval means ETH is a commodity tho certain transactions e.g. fundraising and debt txns involving eth may be securities transactions"} {"text":"@nigeleccles Fyi .. Regulator might make that decision. Happens all the time in both tech and fi."} {"text":"@gluk64 @eawosikaa Ser you can also hold the trademark for zkSync \u2122"} {"text":"@zmanian @calilyliu Facts"} {"text":"Remember bitcoin?"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko Not if you include ETF transactions "} {"text":"@Madhav_goyal_ safety in ETF"} {"text":"Aave fork but you can borrow against token warrants"} {"text":"@Taran_ss @aajxbt Sadly not an advisor to EL or EF or such "} {"text":"@Gunnertwin This is nothing, wait for 6k"} {"text":"Ethereum and Solana occupy very different accounts in my mind ETH is to be stored, staked and restaked and never sold Solana is memecoin casino chips for 10x This is why, if I were a solano ecosystem VCfluencer, I'd avoid going bonkers super all in gaga on memecoin marketing"} {"text":"@Gunnertwin Well now ETF is here so we can bitch about the tech without fear"} {"text":"@ASvanevik Looks like management team of a swiss crypto foundation"} {"text":"I am sitting on a painful amount of eth as a % of my net worth - and been fudding ethereum all month for tech reasons This is reverse KOL"} {"text":"I won't tell anyone when I make it big, but there will be signs"} {"text":"@jacobkxyz Polka KoLs next cycle? "} {"text":"Polkakdot is the most berlin dot eth tech I can think of. It is the absolutely no rush shipping of abstract philosophy by devs who already made it many years ago, ergo some of the ideas from Polkadot are now individually more valuable than Polkadot itself"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko @0xMert_ Yieldcoins > Memecoins "} {"text":"Memecoins are becoming financial opioids"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Its not malicious. If no one uses or cares about a chain, theres no reason for the media to cover what happens on there or doesn't"} {"text":"@jacobkxyz @xiangrenNLP @SaharaLabsAI @niraj @ritualnet @shibshib89 @opentensor @hstyagi @sentient_agi AI KOL"} {"text":"Ganna sue @aeyakovenko for forcing dot eths to launch extremely centralised and insecure layer2s for the sake of TPS"} {"text":"An ethereum rollup is sovereign if it can stop producing blocks whenever it wants to "} {"text":"Memecoin revolution thread writers misquoting \"build something people want\""} {"text":"One of the worst tricks the devil ever played is convincing blockchain people that taxonomy debates are research"} {"text":"Maybe Solana core shouldn't make memecoins the product's entire brand but then we don't know of a crypto person who can resist what appears to be a *pumpetitive* advantage"} {"text":"@colludingnode there is"} {"text":"Understanding crypto regulation and policy"} {"text":"If researchers from Celestia and Eigenlayer make a baby, her name would be Polkadot"} {"text":"blockchain researchers debating sovereign rollups"} {"text":"Can we get Iggy Azalea to launch her own sovereign rollup on Celestia and just end this debate?"} {"text":"Llama or GPT will generate all 69 million lines of code and then 420 guys at TCS will spend a year making sure that a line the LLM just hallucinated doesnt blow up the refinery"} {"text":"@BanklessHQ @aeyakovenko @drakefjustin Ethereum is still winning the debate whereas Solano is still winning the 20 year olds. Can we switch?"} {"text":"@QwQiao Same as SBF in '20-'21"} {"text":"@Neon_EVM @JupiterExchange @deBridgeFinance Cool stuff"} {"text":"The difference between valuation and value can be pretty much, all of it"} {"text":"@lex_node Scrip is not common stock tho ie scrip owners are not company owners"} {"text":"a16z v Paradigm pvp is my favorite crypto pvp"} {"text":"Is Vitalik's bitcoin blocksize war blog really about DA layers rather than bitcoin?"} {"text":"@Evan_ss6 @0xMert_ Shitters: Onboarding the next billion normies into hating the entire crypto industry \u2122"} {"text":"@SmokeyTheBera I hope the lessons arent forgotten due to ETF"} {"text":"@_choppingblock Ser @rleshner looks much slimmer and fitter without his own token"} {"text":"@wassielawyer >> I have a real job that adds value to society Ser have you asked the society?"} {"text":"Its not the top till @dba_crypto organises a memecoin research event"} {"text":"@blockgraze You are no larry fink"} {"text":"@deepcryptodive Well restaking eth and avs token airdrops to eth restakers already is a more intensive use. Then there's extra"} {"text":"@ercwl The ones I invested in are useful to me"} {"text":"Lido is not an app dev framework. EL is an infra\/app dev framework that might use ETH coin much more intensively than L2s do"} {"text":"@cemarcann their thing is narrative, not theory"} {"text":"@jackzampolin Now we need some solano infection"} {"text":"@QwQiao Key assumption here is that they can convert tg users to ton users and buyers"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart This is the refinancialisation of finance"} {"text":"@EffortCapital fungible token attached to a meme like dog or a hot tech theme like ai, crowfunding eg depin or launchpad, non fungible token, stake, unstake, restake, spot swap, overcollat lend, perp and stablecoin? same as everyone else then"} {"text":"@EffortCapital Cosmos has IBC . How many apps have we got?"} {"text":"@AntonioMJuliano you mean products like perps and pump dot fun?"} {"text":"Have our frens from zksync tried getting a patent for zkevm? What happened?"} {"text":"@grahamfergs @nickwh8te Vitalik "} {"text":"remember firedancer?"} {"text":"Finally I understand why as my IQ has declined over the years my propensity to invest in crypto has gone uponly"} {"text":"no one has invented more completely made up theoretical fights than cosmos people (now celestia)"} {"text":"@0xMert_ People just want to feel something, even if pain"} {"text":"My personal crypto twitter lawyer has promised me that democrats wont return to power and I will get all my high FDV unlocks before the US comes up with definitive crypto and stablecoin legislation He has another dog I can shoot "} {"text":"Software stocks have done so badly this quarter that the best performers are some crypto coins with no software"} {"text":"Now Celestia frens attac Ethereum and Eigen frens defend I believe in ethereum Availignment \u2122 - @AvailProject has the best zk tech among the three and will support eth restaking for enhanced shared economic security "} {"text":"Token2049 Dubai, Austin Chapter. Where are the charming booth babes of seduction?"} {"text":"@SmokeyTheBera Hugh Grant would like to have a word with you"} {"text":"@neon___glow @sreeramkannan I heard Sreeram ser has 15b of staked ethereum in a contract"} {"text":"It seems we havent asked @sreeramkannan ser to disclose his role as an advisor to ethereum foundation "} {"text":"@sreeramkannan >> decade-long head start, half trillion dollar asset, a fully programmable chain, a philosophy tuned with this type of roadmap, tons of useful composable... ... With onchain users leaving for L2s and alt L1s, all that was eroding pretty quickly thankfully Larry Fink "} {"text":"@IslandHunting @eawosikaa @cobie"} {"text":"@jwpark02 @sreeramkannan @Polymer_Labs In theory. Polymer is the thing raised a lot of money for the zkIBC idea and pivoted to some optimistic thing? Who's using it"} {"text":"@eawosikaa @Youclidean @cobie @0xMert_ It's not so much the social layer but the social intermediaries. Vitalik's recent blog also highlights the entrenched OG problem"} {"text":"sex is intersubjective. you can replace it with bEIGEN voting"} {"text":"From my own travels to America, I really dont believe crypto has that many votes after the events of the last cycle which are still fresh in popular media. Crypto will need to invest in election protocol at very high FDV and low float to stand up and counted"} {"text":"Most valid criticisms of ethereum technology no longer sound true after the ETF got approved"} {"text":"@sreeramkannan @jessepollak @0xPolygon Enter @_bfarmer s aggLayer"} {"text":"@sreeramkannan Ser but ethereum L2s from different providers are not interoperable. Unlike Cosmos, which solves for both sovereignty and interop by design, ethereum doesn't solve for interop. Empirically, its less capricious to use cosmos sdk with ibc than to align but extend culturally"} {"text":"@nickwh8te Yes"} {"text":"@avichal crypto hasn't got much vote imo but crypto has money. Bls Invest in election protocol"} {"text":"Just fired my personal crypto twitter lawyer and shot their dog. They had promised that they will not let Biden veto SAB 121"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy the bags under my eyes"} {"text":"@seanbonner @yugalabs @cryptopunksnfts @cobie so are corporations"} {"text":"@serglotz @gmoneyNFT @yugalabs @cryptopunksnfts @cobie Yes"} {"text":"@colludingnode no"} {"text":"@seanbonner @yugalabs @cryptopunksnfts @cobie dao"} {"text":"We did our own trial Luna with single collateral DAI so we knew"} {"text":"@nickwh8te @VitalikButerin @musalbas Yes but Celestia will move in the direction of ethereum from Cosmos because shared security for \"sovereign\" rollups arises from the one TIA token to rule them all"} {"text":"Methinks @yugalabs should sell @cryptopunksnfts IP to @cobie for the sake of all the punks owners. Punks vibe is never ganna fit into the cringe of corporate america and someone much more in touch with the ethos might just restore the value punks deserve"} {"text":"The main use case was always an ETF "} {"text":"SVM is a virtual machine, EVM is a virtuous\u2122 machine"} {"text":"@nickwh8te It depends - on the level of economic security. This is why @AvailProject ( disclosure: investor ) s approach will combine native protocol security with restaking to offer scalable security thats also considerably more robust through the cycle"} {"text":"Token solves dis"} {"text":"@0xMert_ @toghrulmaharram ETH guys paid for the bulk of zk research during last five years. zk rollups still remain the most in production use of all that brute force math."} {"text":"@GwartyGwart @danrobinson Seems like some drunk cs undergrad students at umich who had voting power delegated to them"} {"text":"@nickwh8te The effect is the same. Economic security is what it'd cost an attacker to rewrite history. Origins of the term are in 51% attack"} {"text":"@davidjgoosey meme"} {"text":"Shippers of @Hadronfc keep shippin'"} {"text":"I got robbed and punched quite a bit 24 hours ago. I still have a big headache and I am catching up with things. I just started reading and understanding what is happening but apparently for some people that have been writing to me I am not bullish because I didn\u2019t buy anything"} {"text":"How It Started How Its Going"} {"text":"@AlaHaddad23 He's a builder who proposed to stormy and various others"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart They just want to feel something "} {"text":"If crypto was a real country our president would be a multisig"} {"text":"I wonder what Donald Trump thinks about proposal builder separation and verkle trees"} {"text":"@QwQiao This is the best part - dems underperformed a total clown. Maybe $CLOWN is what America needs rn"} {"text":"Think about it - if Trump was a crypto user back in 2016, he could have paid Stormy Daniels super discreetly in $STORMY or $TRUMP and avoided the entire legal rigmarole... Will someone tell @GwartyGwart about this use case?"} {"text":"@fintechjunkie @packyM Wait guys! we were supposed to buy low in order to sell high?"} {"text":"@bkiepuszewski @badcryptobitch @taikoxyz How about \"aligned\" rollup?"} {"text":"I am starting to think zksync went full retardio\u2122 to get some attention back from AI to zk"} {"text":"@eawosikaa I think if you cant ship a type 2 prover, theres no way you can ship the rest. scroll are also working on decentralised prover and polygon have a type 1 prover folks should feel free to give credit and\/ catch the bull market. my opinions are mine alone"} {"text":"@toghrulmaharram That is why we need the ETF so bad "} {"text":"@eawosikaa They didn't. @rushimanche won integrated"} {"text":"Exhibit A for why I have such intense allergy to ethereum alignment as a value proposition. The idea that being aligned with ethereum itself is valuable holds back not just ethereum but the entire blockchain space"} {"text":"@nickwh8te This is what Mert calls mental gymnastics. I prefer the term \"academic fudding\". Rollups on celestia have no security of transaction ordering unless they borrow economic security from 2\/3 staked tia"} {"text":"@digitlartifacts a meta-KOL endorses product, tech and ecosystem, never token"} {"text":"A KOL is anyone who posts notinvestmentadvice on social media I am definitely not one yet other than eth, btc and matic"} {"text":"@hmalviya9 Thats why you don't"} {"text":"@akshaybd @solana Its always Austin's fault - rule number 1"} {"text":"@Austin_Federa Wen crypto bahamas?"} {"text":"After the near death experience of the last cycle it seems rather unwise for the @solana core team to endorse awful money people celebrities all over again but here we are"} {"text":"Trump is so popular on CT that we may as well call it the digital confederacy"} {"text":"Valuation and value are entirely orthogonal concepts"} {"text":"We need one chain per VC, angel, KOL, advisor and podcaster so about 69420"} {"text":"@jackzampolin Selkis forked it"} {"text":"So if Biden wins we are supposed to sell everything?"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko Any reason why Banana rhymes with Solana?"} {"text":"@functi0nZer0 Its betfair"} {"text":"@Polymarket This would have real predictive power if US elections were held using 1 token 1 vote"} {"text":"blockchain devs interpreting US law never goes well. First it was securities law, then it was the BSA, then the first amendment and now its trademark\/IP law"} {"text":"Trump is ethereum aligned therefore he simply can not be guilty. The man is practically an optimistic rollup - there's no fraud proof"} {"text":"@QwQiao sure, tho it may or may not be representative of the other 95% of the population"} {"text":"The only way Trump's conviction can he upheld is if the jury used universal intersubjective work tokens to convict Trump"} {"text":"@QwQiao In the population that responds to a poll by Ansem..."} {"text":"@twobitidiot Move to Dubai"} {"text":"I am become KOL, a leader of opinions "} {"text":"Why did Donald Trump think he could get away with what he did? He's a candidate for POTUS, not a solidity dev or smth "} {"text":"@DangerWillRobin @Concordia @lmrankhan @alliancedao If you had made it to stanford you'd have your own ai themed token today"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart Gwarty you are not a researcher"} {"text":"Eth will go to 10k but let @BarrySilbert sell eth to us first for 3k"} {"text":"@Yazanator @SmokeyTheBera Smonkey is my favorite people"} {"text":"The SEC is processing forms for the spot ethereum ETF faster than ethereum can process transactions"} {"text":"Bruh dont make me apply for a job at ethereum foundation. Jus gib berachain grant"} {"text":"@seunlanlege @anuragarjun said that"} {"text":"Even has more women than an average crypto conference"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy Bruh ya ganna be bankless of modularity and advisoor to every layer"} {"text":"All my homies are raising hilariously large funding rounds and I am jus writing smol to medium checks "} {"text":"@hotpot_dao Sol, aptos, binglayer"} {"text":"@hotpot_dao Punching big bags"} {"text":"Feeling a little cypherpunk today. Might fk around and trademark cryptography"} {"text":"@dimahledba @TrustlessState @gluk64 Does anyone have a list of advisors to\/ investors in zksync? Maybe they can give zksync some good advice"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko under is an unsigned integer so Sol would be undersquaredog"} {"text":"@0xRickyW @jon_charb Must be top 0.1% of the brypto IQ curve"} {"text":"@0xRodney @sid_onchain @sandeepnailwal @SmokeyTheBera Smonkey knows wher to go"} {"text":"hey Sam ser can you trademark ai tryna trademark zk is max retar dio"} {"text":"@Nogoodtwts fking big4s ruined us"} {"text":"@Madhav_goyal_ @paulg @inversebrah Good for YC"} {"text":"@Madhav_goyal_ @paulg @inversebrah bruh its sam altman. do you know a rich crypto founder who's doing only one job? he was told to choose "} {"text":"Every blockchain guy I ever worked with"} {"text":"@sriramk @aarthir @srinathr155 Jai Sriram"} {"text":"@0xkenjiii @ricburton @paulg how do you think the inventor of uniswap knows?"} {"text":"@Sureshsinghn @paulg no shame in it, everyone will get their share"} {"text":"@paulg Same thing. He didn't leave till you asked him to"} {"text":"@CataniaNathan where is the tech in iggy?"} {"text":"Screenshot for the day wen Bera is the 69th EVM with an old and familiar token"} {"text":"@CataniaNathan ser i am definitely not in crypto to test the boundaries of law. i am here for gud tech and gud tokens"} {"text":"@CataniaNathan You forgot to hashtag notlegaladvice. They are a factor in doj v tornado. BTW, its also important to find lawyers and consultants with high legal risk appetite"} {"text":"Solana, the baby girl name has climbed 170 ranks last year. I implore the German diaspora worldwide to name their babies Eigen"} {"text":"@tarunchitra @naruto11eth @gauntlet_xyz Tarun's angels would be a nice onchain math network"} {"text":"@tarunchitra @naruto11eth @gauntlet_xyz are you simpling for andrew wiles?"} {"text":"@CataniaNathan ... and collecting the fees"} {"text":"If you got into ether in size before 2017, its quite likely that the main purpose of your crypto project is for you to have a wonderful time as a nerd, rather than build a product of any value at any reasonable pace"} {"text":"The thing memecoins seem to be democratising is not culture but scams and rugs but then that was entirely expected"} {"text":"Has @gauntlet_xyz audited the US presidential candidates for risk and written a paper about it?"} {"text":"Re the success of pump dot fun, if we study the top 100 most successful crypto founders of the last 15 years, extreme legal and regulatory risk appetite is a common factor that really stands out. Its almost as if knowledge of the law is a disability"} {"text":"The president of the united states should be elected using token voting by a16z's protocol governance delegates"} {"text":"@haydenzadams This is the Biden fee switch"} {"text":"Is Caitlyn Jenner now a member of the social layer?"} {"text":"akshually crypto twitter has really normalized NOT going to prison for financial crimes"} {"text":"Eth guys watching cosmos people do tokenomics"} {"text":"Might fk around and advise a crypto project"} {"text":"@0xrinegade @SmokeyTheBera @inversebrah"} {"text":"@ramzps @ayyyeandy @Hadronfc @playAInetwork much too kind ser"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy @Hadronfc @playAInetwork all credit to the play ai team ser"} {"text":"Congratulations to @Hadronfc's @playAInetwork on closing their seed round"} {"text":"@EvgenyGaevoy Evgeny Salamy"} {"text":"Vitalik takes on the social layer old guard"} {"text":"Come register with us @IGGYAZALEA"} {"text":"@VitalikButerin Great article - but what is Metis?"} {"text":"@colludingnode @IanSNorden @eawosikaa and you clearly have a bias against \"memecoin\" ya regan's drug war has gone very wrong"} {"text":"@colludingnode @IanSNorden @eawosikaa quite a splendid contradiction to argue for a narcotics seller but against memecoin sellers but then this matter is subjective not objective"} {"text":"pump dot fun will replace the federal reserve"} {"text":"@tarunchitra He's at Robot Ventures"} {"text":"@IanSNorden @colludingnode @eawosikaa Most of my understanding of Ross's life and times is from Kingpin, the book"} {"text":"@sobylife Bullmarket things"} {"text":"@colludingnode @eawosikaa Yes but Ross wasnt fighting against the drug war. He was fighting for \"govt shouldn't decide what you put in your body\". Thats ofc his choice, the consequences are not his choice"} {"text":"@SmokeyTheBera Sounds like a layer 2 to me"} {"text":"@toghrulmaharram 1WK ram ser"} {"text":"@_kaitoai correct. big accounts that write threads suggesting buy or sell\/bullish or bearish"} {"text":"@_kaitoai no"} {"text":"@_kaitoai How much of this is attributable to known professional KOLs?"} {"text":"Shitposter crypto > Consumer Crypto"} {"text":"@PeterDiamandis Human values and ethics are not universal, best you can do is train the models on your\/your community's values and ethics"} {"text":"I dont understand the term, \"consumer crypto\". What are the other kinds? researcher crypto? producer crypto? investor crypto? scam and vaporware crypto?"} {"text":"@Mnemomeme @tsarnick I am not sure. Maybe a lawyer familiar w product liability in software can answer"} {"text":"@Takuiten orthogonal"} {"text":"@jackzampolin It's neither good nor bad. Values of the collective determining individual choice is not cypherpunk. In that sense bitcoin is far more cypherpunk than ethereum"} {"text":"A terrible day for userless blockchain research"} {"text":"@akshaybd You need to make a Solana, Solana song"} {"text":"Most people associate cypherpunk with noble intent when in fact cypherpunk is a libertarian ideology. Ross Ulbricht, the drug dealer was a cypherpunk. Racist memecoins, celebrity scams and paid dating onchain are unfortunately far more cypherpunk than gud boi alignment nonsense"} {"text":"@mdudas If I pivot, I pivot to AIgenlayer "} {"text":"@mdudas unironically"} {"text":"AI KOLs are a lot more fun than crypto KOLs"} {"text":"@tsarnick Its not tho. Who goes to Jail when a model is mistrained, misused"} {"text":"When will @_kaitoai implement KOL activation detection? My biological LLM does it"} {"text":"Unlike the Jenner thing, the Iggy thing looks a little inorganic because of Solana KOL VC activation"} {"text":"@cburniske Then it will be a bigger _________ than 22"} {"text":"Ethereum immediately needs to hire Bankless twins as advisors for 0.2% of FDV so that they can stop coming up with price reducing narratives"} {"text":"The main function of a blockchain is to recursively produce more blockchains and tokens in a fibonacci series with a rare application also arising due to mutation"} {"text":"@QwQiao Not enough US retail is back yet for celebs to rug so we oke"} {"text":"\"TIA is the next SOL\" activation Study KOL activation "} {"text":"CT feels like an entire Celestia KOL group chat on tg just got activated"} {"text":"for the avoidance of doubt, I don't mean $AI"} {"text":"If you are in your 20s and unencumbered, there's just no reason to not be working in AI rn. It'd be like not working on internet technologies when I was in my 20s ie more or less retarded"} {"text":"crypto founders that stop tweeting 2-3x a wk because they are busy building aren't crypto founders those are mere tech founders"} {"text":"People are midcurving ethereum so hard Whats the narrative? BRUH! NUMBER GO UP IS THE NARRATIVE"} {"text":"Solana is the new ethereum Ethereum is the new Solana"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Only possible in Solana"} {"text":"@RyanWatkins_ @blockworksres @AvailProject mainnet will trigger this revival "} {"text":"Not going to make it to Austin sadly but then all the gud tokens will come to Brussels anyway"} {"text":"Accurate... and bullish"} {"text":"@iamDCinvestor @sassal0x was the first to say it out loud lol"} {"text":"@iamDCinvestor It HAD a confusing narrative. Now the narrative is simple: number go up"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart Gwarty! The world computer is by design a slow computer"} {"text":"EVM L2 employees and dapp builders rotating from one L2 ecosystem to another"} {"text":"We are so bacc "} {"text":"@jelenaaa____ The former is a fact, the latter is a belief"} {"text":"One of life's great mysteries in the crypto industry is the sheer number of angel investments founders are able to make even before launching a token"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko Using metamask? "} {"text":"Wen BD guys argue about tech w devs"} {"text":"The last truly full time worker I met in blockchain was in 2019 and that was in nocoiner\/enterprise blockchain In crypto, everyone has at least three jobs - the actual job, investor, advisor if not four or five... like airdrop farmer, memecoin trader etc etc"} {"text":"@hotpot_dao wen mega etf"} {"text":"@rachinkalakheti @cedro_finance does it solve what i need or are you shilling in bio "} {"text":"@Arthur_0x Michael Saylor "} {"text":"Does $JENNER Sahil now count as one of the Indian origin tech CEOs?"} {"text":"All this talk of AI agents onchain and no one has shipped a decent bot to continuously scan dexscreener and social, and trade hot memecoins 24-7"} {"text":"@hotpot_dao putting your labor or capital at risk for honest work in a fair and open market is not grift tho. selling vaporware or KOLing to dump on retail is"} {"text":"At this rate, Saylor will be an advisor to Eigenlayer by June"} {"text":"We are witnessing splendid SOL\/ETH mean reversion downwards and ETH\/BTC mean reversion upwards"} {"text":"Look no other blockchain\/coin is going to get an ETF for at least two years. Solano is being smart by dominating the market for WTF. Thats what L2s need to be going after"} {"text":"Whats the mandatory minimum punishment for secret solana sympathisers in ethereum? Asking for a friend"} {"text":"Celebs like Jenner will get the whole industry fkd by rugging normies and getting politicians excited Has anyone heard about NFTs from Gary Vaynerchuk lately"} {"text":"@ylecun @elonmusk @bneiluj @how_many_roads_ Were any of these generated using an LLM?"} {"text":"When you ask crypto founders why they haven't shipped anything"} {"text":"blockchain researchers after launching their own token "} {"text":"This man is about to restore ETH\/BTC to 0.15"} {"text":"If you are still using Solana instead of ETH, come register with us If you're using other alt L1s, its ok. We know you are not"} {"text":"All my censorship resistance homies want to ban memecoins"} {"text":"160 IQ Geometry guys moving to venture partner for another fund is zk proof that we have reached zk bottom and ai is the new zk If you are into sum check, pivot to backward propagation ( NOW ! )"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy need to deploy infinity dollars undeployed from last year and raise next fund"} {"text":"Methinks large crypto funds are pushing pre launch valuations so high to destroy angels and KOLs once and for all Yah bro, did you miss hypecoin at $1b? Nah bro, I got in at 2b "} {"text":"@mdudas Use of non ETF chains or coins is unauthorised. Come register with us"} {"text":"@Blockanalia no. it was aligned and democratised - it was an ico"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Packing for Ansem's angels huh"} {"text":"@QwQiao ser, all its telling is memecoins"} {"text":"Having meditated a fair bit, I find it quite conceivable that a simple recursive mechanism like 'attention' when repeated in layers gives rise to another incredibly complex self referential phenomenon we call consciousness"} {"text":"@0xSisyphus Akshually it aint much. 5m must be just lawyers given that its GGs favorite projet. L1\/L2s can spend upto 10x as much"} {"text":"@eleusys_ @DefiIgnas token was prolly never needed anyway"} {"text":"@thedefivillain Until last week ser"} {"text":"@DefiIgnas For every ethereum there's 99999 deathereum"} {"text":"@mraltantutar masternode (and I) dont like CA in the one chain hiding and routing to others sense but we like aggregation and shared sequencing solutions. masternode in his recent blog also suggested putting CA in a wallet as a starting point"} {"text":"Rollup centric roadmap "} {"text":"@_omgnicklachey gradient descent"} {"text":"In crypto, the difference between your token price in bula and token price in bera is the difference between luck and skill"} {"text":"@laurashin @tikta_ 25m burn is quite efficient"} {"text":"@DietCoke_Esq No token?"} {"text":"@jacobkxyz Dont worry, none of those is investable. No A I I N B I O"} {"text":"@growing_daniel Microplastic serum"} {"text":"All the women named Gabriela like me"} {"text":"Even tho I am a secret Solana sympathiser among eth guys, I am quite entertained by ETH:SOL::REAL FINK:FAKE JENNER"} {"text":"@ZeMirch *fake* jenner"} {"text":"@0xrinegade Second cycle now"} {"text":"Every time I have met a dude hyped about a first cycle thing, the guy turns out quite rekt few mo later Last cycle was metaverse, nfts and web3 gaming, this cycle is ai, runes, ordinals... Real money is made on things that survive into a second cycle - BTC, ETH, xrp, matic, SOL"} {"text":"Looks like the first production use case at the intersection of crypto and ai wasn't preventing deepfakes but launching them"} {"text":"Boeing can make it up for risking my life by giving me a nice airdrop for the million miles flown"} {"text":"@AutismCapital Help. I haven't written production code in ten years."} {"text":"@aeyakovenko @0xMert_ Since you dont't have an ETF, you can switch off your blockchain now."} {"text":"folks be like, crypto will prevent ai deepfakes. Bruh maybe prevent fake coins first"} {"text":"@0xMert_"} {"text":"A thousand Merts and Ansems can't get you an ETF. That takes balding tradfi millenials and lawyers"} {"text":"Now that ethereum has an ETF, we can safely shut down all other blockchains"} {"text":"@naruto11eth @dabit3 @fede_intern @Damilicoo @thisisrj @0xRodney @edusnahro @Geeny616 @alyriadefi @gajeshnaik @DCbuild3r @alignedlayer"} {"text":"Hacked GCR is the most entertaining GCR"} {"text":"I finally got around to running llama2 on my mac. Why on the lord's beautiful earth would I stick a crypto token into this?"} {"text":"@TheStalwart that applies collectively, not individually"} {"text":"Solana has failed by not getting its own ETF"} {"text":"@IAmNickDodson @starkandlime @GwartyGwart @udiWertheimer @bergealex4 @david_seroy @gakonst @ercwl I agree with the design philosophy but it stands in stark contrast to the reality that most of eth and almost all of l2s run almost entirely in the cloud"} {"text":"@IAmNickDodson @starkandlime @GwartyGwart @udiWertheimer @bergealex4 @david_seroy @gakonst @ercwl They already do use servers in data centers. That assessment of Solana is also a very eth mythology view"} {"text":"@starkandlime @IAmNickDodson @GwartyGwart @udiWertheimer @bergealex4 @david_seroy @gakonst @ercwl yah tradfi dont care about eth mythology. DYDX have a lot of \"crypto-institutional\" counterparties trading perps on there tho goldman won't be one because of small total market size and regulatory compliance reasons ( nothing to do with economic security\/decentralisation )"} {"text":"$FRIEND is the biggest sign that its time to stop signing angel checks over $100m FDV"} {"text":"@IAmNickDodson @GwartyGwart @udiWertheimer @bergealex4 @david_seroy @starkandlime @gakonst @ercwl this is why eth has a training wheels framework. you cant start from the end but you also shouldn't be a multisig"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart @udiWertheimer @bergealex4 @david_seroy @starkandlime @gakonst @ercwl"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart @udiWertheimer @bergealex4 @david_seroy @starkandlime @gakonst @ercwl most zk rollups and arbitrum are rollups"} {"text":"@0xMert_ @SalsaTekila First of all, ETH is not an altcoin"} {"text":"@iamDCinvestor Twitter got psyoped hard by the Santi, Ippo and Mert's brilliant solano campaign "} {"text":"One way to always need a job in life is to make a lot of crypto angel investments"} {"text":"@MajorHedgeFund idk man i use chatgpt all the time"} {"text":"@PeterDiamandis Depends on who else will"} {"text":"@stephendpalley Vote for Trump Palley"} {"text":"Its very hard to spell corporate without cringe"} {"text":"\"Many of our investors think about open source as the time between two points when you make the thing proprietary\" - Mark Zuckerberg"} {"text":"@DegenerateNews @base @NormieBase This is why so many normies left crypto"} {"text":"The degree of ethereum alignment of a crypto project is measured by the root mean squared allocation weighted ranking of the top 100 ethereum influencers on the project's cap table a = rms ( allo\/ranking ) | top 100 influencers"} {"text":"AI World Computer"} {"text":"@sassal0x And our guy @evan_van_ness will buy...?"} {"text":"@0xidanlevin lets see. theres a bit of bad incentives here. infra makes bigger tokens. woolier the idea, bigger the token. apps on the other hand can make profit and equity value"} {"text":"Another thing I find quite intriguing is that 80% of the convo in Gen AI is now about end user\/enterprise apps whereas 90% of the convo in crypto*ai is still about infrastructure and models - not so different from the rest of crypto ie"} {"text":"@devonf it is what it is. algo have nothing else going on so "} {"text":"@tsarnick @jdkanani said the same thing"} {"text":"@0xMert_ 8 billion ansem's angels"} {"text":"AI agents are already transacting on aptos"} {"text":"@eawosikaa @colludingnode Ya just number. Banks hab the social layer in DC to do anything else"} {"text":"@_0xNinja_ Ya its designed to reduce risk day to day and blow up every few years. Trading floors are degen, larry fink is old by design"} {"text":"@eawosikaa Vitalik is the best. There's no second best"} {"text":"@eawosikaa @0x_rsc Its true and I aint takin sides but I think money and law will be stronger forces in shaping eth now than last wk. ETH always had some pragmatic Wall St. DNA w folks like Joe who made it possible for idealists like angry Peter to come this far, and the tension is highly enjoyable"} {"text":"@eawosikaa @colludingnode Unlike the tech industry, tradfi wont get involved in the social layer of eth. Tradfi will simply vote w moneys"} {"text":"Senator Selkis wen? @twobitidiot"} {"text":"@_0xNinja_ forever. tradfi is old ( risk minimising ) by design"} {"text":"@_0xNinja_ old bald men sign the checks in tradfi"} {"text":"@eawosikaa nice social experiment ahead. number go up vs code go up"} {"text":"@mdudas @iamDCinvestor evm is 69 different tokens"} {"text":"With the ETF approved, ETH is now critical infrastructure. To reduce risk to retail's billions that are about to get rolled into ETH, eth should be ossfified *much* faster. The long complicated roadmap with lots of risky changes is less attractive to tradfi than BTC thats frozen"} {"text":"@cam_perrault She's scared"} {"text":"Free Ross. Free Virgil and Roman also"} {"text":"Heard from VC LPs this week Bullish on non vaporware ai tokens "} {"text":"@catboosted Wen token"} {"text":"Ansem's angels ETF Angels"} {"text":"Why are so many web3 adjacent people suddenly displaying their reproductive potential on this website?"} {"text":"Ansem's angels should have been deployed on @EclipseFND s SVM so that Neel could test a consent based solution"} {"text":"Ansem's angels is a consent based dating solution for lonely men otherwise gathering microplastics in in web3?"} {"text":"If layer2s are the same as sharding then the execution layer is the same as the consensus layer?"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Yes tho USDC on any chain (incl Sol) is minted by a (quasi) bank and backed by dollars held in (centralised) banks."} {"text":"@WazzCrypto Metamask is great for Solana"} {"text":"@jdkanani @IAmNickDodson why "} {"text":"@EvanWeb3 mental gymnastics "} {"text":"@EvanWeb3 Yoda 100% sold his account comparing his early tweets to his tweet now completely different in almost every way, the language, the nomenclature, the phrasing, practically everything people don't change that radically that quickly, regardless of personal situation"} {"text":"@_omgnicklachey only $ ser. the organ you can gib to ansem's angels"} {"text":"Not gonna judge Ansem's angels because people who need crypto most are sex workers but If I started Yoda's Angels, it'd be an angel investing syndicate or a crypto venture fund"} {"text":"@jacobkxyz Ya but KOL don't need to travel. KOL need youtube"} {"text":"Amazing how much work gets done by not traveling, unless you're travelling for sales or devrel"} {"text":"My LLM predicts the next bankless narrative"} {"text":"tradfi chain narrative stronk"} {"text":"ethereum is a tradfi chain"} {"text":"@scooterxbt @SpankChain has entered the chat"} {"text":"@0xsuperpat only possible on solana"} {"text":"I miss the time when @zhusu took the punks floor to valhalla now we need @yugalabs to partner with eigenlayer and @vaneck_us and trigger an ETF or restaking narrative - the two bullish things going on on our tradfi\/b2b\/yield\/research chain "} {"text":"@joemccann approved by the crypto twitter exchange commission "} {"text":"@neon___glow Your val is not val. 1b for the right meme rn"} {"text":"BITCOIN CASH has regulatory clarity"} {"text":"@akshaybd these days you can in secondary"} {"text":"working in crypto for too long can give a person a false understanding of the world that marketing\/narrative is everything. its much better to start your career in a real job working on a product that people use and pay for"} {"text":"@rleshner @lesH First you have to buy one eth for $10,000"} {"text":"Beware of educators who educate you to buy or sell"} {"text":"If we gonna get mostly undressed crypto men to fight each other @gabrielhaines v @nic__carter would be entertaining"} {"text":"If you have made it in crypto, pivot to AI"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Hes not wrong"} {"text":"@CryptoGarga @niftynaut @Gee__Gazza no punks team would be unironically bullish - theres no bitcoin team, is there?"} {"text":"For the rest of my natural life, I will never be able to see the word \"Subjective\" without thinking of the prefix \"Inter\""} {"text":"What is your true KOLing in life?"} {"text":"@0xMert_ I am jus observing how that hypothesis fares and learning :-)"} {"text":"@ercwl microplastics?"} {"text":"@CryptoGarga @niftynaut @Gee__Gazza All noise on CT lasts one week... max one month, I'd let it die on its own tbh. Punks are forever"} {"text":"Is Ameen Soleimani an advisor to Ansem's angels?"} {"text":"@0xHushky how many H100 gpus did it take to figure this out?"} {"text":"@setanimals depends on the community also"} {"text":"Its very clever for dedchain Algorand to revive attention by triggering Mert & co just as Mert & co marketed Sol by triggering Bankless, Evan and others Study hate marketing"} {"text":"@ClearpoolFin @Hex_Trust @FlareNetworks Congratulations - great to see the flare ecosystem growing at pace"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart Shared sequencing is a euphemism for what?"} {"text":"@EricBalchunas universal objective work token"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko @nic__carter ribstaking and slashing is quite painful"} {"text":"Is there a legit\/scam\/vaporware ratings agency for crypto projects that raise venture capital?"} {"text":"Its quite an emotional moment in the crypto industry when a project pitch includes a live product demo..."} {"text":"@0xMert_ It is adoption of the token"} {"text":"@decryptmedia A majority execution client bug can partition it I think tho @drjasper_eth would know"} {"text":"@TrustlessState @nic__carter Get well soon bro. We got the ETF anyway. No need to fight now."} {"text":"When @EricBalchunas says ETH ETF flows will be only 15% of BTC ETF flows"} {"text":"LINK ETF is not unthinkable given the tradfi army that now works for Sergey - but next cycle"} {"text":"@joonian tick boxes but change nothing"} {"text":"@rargulati Finternet"} {"text":"Want a Blackrock spot ETF with the ticker MYBAGS Wen?"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart Actually it was Polygon legal and advocacy sending their best @RebeccaRettig1 and @0xMarcB are two of the very best policy minds in the industry"} {"text":"@knveth @bryan_johnson"} {"text":"@koeppelmann Can we arrange it such that LSDs are securities but LSTs arent "} {"text":"@gaborgurbacs All that sounds perfectly reasonable and accurate with no bearing on the subsequent regulatory status of ETH over the years"} {"text":"If anything is a next cycle opportunity, I think a third coin ( other than BTC or ETH ) ETF is the next cycle opportunity. CME futures, correlation analysis, considerable amounts of operational and legal work on decentralisation and advocacy etc etc"} {"text":"The ETF hopium is a phenomenal incentive for labs-es and foundation-es to stop larping and start relinquishing significant influence on blockchain networks and tokens. I'd personally be very disappointed if FIT21 or similar allow coin companies to reg-arbitrage this incentive"} {"text":"A critical life skill is to delete your innermost thoughts from twitter"} {"text":"@panekkkk Starting line is CME futures. Before that its hopium"} {"text":"@Timmy0xM Its not just sol. More a matter of size of the opportunity. If suits see legal bux, suits wont be denied"} {"text":"@panekkkk You could argue that ETH in 2018 was more or less where Sol is today but in 2024, ETH is arguably far more decentralised. That means far less influenced by a small number of individual tokenholders and corporate\/nonprofit entities"} {"text":"@jbrukh Still too much retail PTSD from last cycle"} {"text":"BTC ETF gets approved: BTC maxis think its the last one ETH ETF gets approved: ETH maxis think its the last one for years Yall really haven't worked with the suits of wall street - and it shows"} {"text":"@Timmy0xM It depends. call me after you read @soubhik_deb s papers"} {"text":"@jbrukh Not even that. Andrej Karpathy says is best - no System2 in LLMs yet"} {"text":"I don't know who needs to know this but universal intersubjective work tokens are the ultimate ETH beta"} {"text":"$800\/eth in 2 days and grown men be like..."} {"text":"@mdudas deny it attention, even hate"} {"text":"IS THE MERGE PRICED IN YET?"} {"text":"As a newly minted KOL I think there's a free $1000 for the taking in each bushel of ether over a maximum of 3 months and a minimum of 3 days"} {"text":"Interns run our society"} {"text":"no need to make ethereum better now. we safu for 2 years, just r&d and alignment lfg"} {"text":"Sassal is so back. What do we do with Ansem now?"} {"text":"gm"} {"text":"@Matt_Hougan "} {"text":"@iamDCinvestor What is selling?"} {"text":"THIS IS THE DAY FOR WHICH @ethereumJoseph HIRED SO MANY OF US TRADFI BOZOS IN 2017"} {"text":"@matthew_sigel @vaneck_us Marry me, fellow CFA"} {"text":"Unironically love the content and the guest list on @TrustlessState s show most of the time. Am sure there's a big audience for the occasional price talk also even if ain't me"} {"text":"@cmsholdings monads?"} {"text":"@0xHushky @BanklessHQ I will"} {"text":"Update: SEC commissioners are voting on the ETH ETF decision using universal intersubjective work tokens"} {"text":"If the ETH spot ETF gets approved we won't need users, or even researchers for that matter"} {"text":"If the ETH spot ETF is approved, I will say really nice things about the @BanklessHQ podcast"} {"text":"Ok I will bite. What is @Algorand and why does it still exist?"} {"text":"re FIT21 panic, the crypto industry occasionally thinks it wants regulatory clarity in the same way that young kids sometimes think they should want broccoli then broccoli shows up "} {"text":"If you fud my bags..."} {"text":"@0xlstern in life ser"} {"text":"I did say..."} {"text":"Ethereum doing 3900 token price per second (TPS) today wao"} {"text":"@Taran_ss Is there a product?"} {"text":"@PratikKala @NTmoney Most likely we will see market weighted flows. The main wrinkle is no staking"} {"text":"@mdudas @frankdegods migrated back to Sol so that ETH can have an ETF"} {"text":"Logging out of twitter changed my life ... for two hours"} {"text":"I miss living in the world where bags didn't drive our brains but there's no going back"} {"text":"@PratikKala @NTmoney Thats not how the process works and no one should learn economics or investing from bitcoin maxi podcasts. Pension funds are asset allocators. Some of the funds PFs allocate to will have a crypto allocation. Some of that will be in btc and some of that will be in eth. Thassit."} {"text":"Look, lets face it. Most blockchains wont have any users. Its a fkin power law on the internet. So if you dont have a decentralisation and ETF strategy for your blockchain coin, you need better lawyers not devs. Weird things are happening in DC. Will you be there to get lucky?"} {"text":"@ylecun @JThomasBurgess Most entrepreneurs are using LLMs to build products for end customers, not build models. Your advise makes sense for a small section of cutting edge AI researchers"} {"text":"@0xsachi My love language is logging out from twitter"} {"text":"@ivangbi_ Bro young KOL @gajeshnaik is outperforming you"} {"text":"@alexpiHQ Not investor\/advisor so no"} {"text":"If you are rocking a PFP from a Blockchain without its own ETF, plz don't @ me or share your opinion on my wall. I don't care what you have to say. Reality is you need to Work harder, move out of your moms basement, stack ETF coins, buy a few real PFPs then share your opinion."} {"text":"The restaked ethereum ETF will melt faces"} {"text":"E T F I N B I O"} {"text":"I remain very entertained by the idea of coin companies self reporting as decentralised. Pump dot fun should add this feature asap"} {"text":"@gregosuri Such a nice bittensor subnet that Nvidia"} {"text":"Taiko doing it exactly right by launching a token before the product they pitched LFG "} {"text":"If Anataly makes me a 0.2% advisor, I will put in a good word for him with the ETF authorities"} {"text":"@santiagoroel The bill looks the converse. Its quite a bit more likely that under CFTC, tradfi will become the operating system of crypto"} {"text":"@lex_node Its a critical political win nevertheless. Even if crypto exists in a tradfi form now, at least it will exist"} {"text":"One more step towards tradfi takeover but it was inevitable "} {"text":"@JSeyff @Brunopenandes13 @joemccann @CNBC Go get him @0xMert_"} {"text":"@JSeyff @joemccann @CNBC"} {"text":"@H_Abdallah__ wen i am made advisor to Toly"} {"text":"I think the next five spot ETFs after ethereum will be MATIC, Eigen, Avail, Lens and Monad (basically mybags)"} {"text":"@Austin_Federa 1) What"} {"text":"@Austin_Federa Their job was much easier. Founder bailed, no ICO, no foundation, no labs. ETH pulled off the big one"} {"text":"I demand Ms Pelosi be appointed the next advisor to Eigenlayer ( and Ethereum )"} {"text":"Prohibition has failed in America, again "} {"text":"Do Bankless frens know that FIT21 means @Austin_Federa can self report Solano as sufficiently decentralised and get the ETF that took us ConsenSys fellas 69420 person years of lawyering to get?"} {"text":"@pythianism Essentially embedded leverage ie violent price moves in both directions"} {"text":"@intern Agree, but not (1). Those who have a product should 100% talk about product from their main, founder and KOL accounts. That said, how you talk about product is important. Whats in it for the user, researcher, investor, farmer is whats important, not how amazing you think it is"} {"text":"@HashCurveKris @Polymarket no"} {"text":"@FSCDems @SECGov Which intern is this now?"} {"text":"@massdotmoney big if true"} {"text":"Trump's @Polymarket odds will be higher than his real odds because Polymarket users are crypto users and in many cases not even voters"} {"text":"One Eigenlayer advisor is actually adding value"} {"text":"Interns are running our society"} {"text":"This is a big idea. Pay attention"} {"text":"Ok so if Fit21 passes we can we unlock universal intersubjective work tokens immediately?"} {"text":"Students of history know that the United States has a great tradition of walking to the edge of the precipice before going turbo"} {"text":"At this point the SEC can replace chair Gensler with ChatGPT. This would be a killer app at the intersection of AI and Crypto"} {"text":"@NTmoney Auspicious figure"} {"text":"I have recently become an investor in @nodekitorg. This position is anticipated to result in tokens worth a large number of dollars over the next four years"} {"text":"@PratikKala @NTmoney It will. Thats a feature, not bug"} {"text":"@glabuz you can skip the 'wearing suits'"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Wrong social layer detected. Abort immediately"} {"text":"KOLs is a much broader set than just shitposters. Anyone with a sizeable online following incl VCs, angels, EF researchers, podcasters, founders and even scammers are KOLs"} {"text":"@mdudas Bruh yall need 69 more lawyers to match ethereum in 2018"} {"text":"Does FIT 21 mean that the CFTC gets oversight of perps on dexes and cexes?"} {"text":"Wat new hype or gud infra token ideas emerged from @dba_crypto research day?"} {"text":"@0xairtx @mdudas Just poking my solfren Mike. No fud"} {"text":"Itd be lame to assume that wall street wont try to get a few more ETFs done by the end of next year Wen suits smell money, suits will not be denied"} {"text":"You know that the ETH spot ETF is not priced in till $4800 ie last ATH right?"} {"text":"@hstyagi @hosseeb @DoveyWan @tarunchitra Is the diff statistically significant given the small population of prof founders?"} {"text":"It appears Mr @EricBalchunas is continuing to make highly irregular anti ethereum statements, most recently on the @laurashin podcast such as \"ETH ETF inflows will be 10% of BTC ETF inflows\" cc: @iamDCinvestor"} {"text":"If a multisig is aligned, its a rollup \u2122"} {"text":"If you are still building on an alt L1 instead of ethereum, please be informed that your smart contract platform is not authorised by the Federal Government Cease and desist immediately"} {"text":"@iamDCinvestor Agree. 300+ headcount doesn't seem like its going in that direction tho"} {"text":"@ecent18 @dwr @farcaster_xyz users \u2122"} {"text":"Looks like @dwr raised $150m for @farcaster_xyz without the use of popular venture memes like zk, modular, ai or depin. Huge respect for old fashioned silicon valley work"} {"text":"The decentralised and credibly neutral solution to incentivising ethereum foundation staff is not protocol guild, alignment rounds or advisories. It is to not have an ethereum foundation at all"} {"text":"If ethereum spot ETFs are not allowed to stake their eth, maybe ethereum should support our primary source of pump and switch back to proof of work"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Solana is not approved by the US government"} {"text":"@0xkenzi She will now. Someone needs to address the risks of LLMs"} {"text":"Unused male organs are collecting trash"} {"text":"The power of bags "} {"text":"@TrustlessState The approval ser. Not done till its done"} {"text":"Scarlett Johansson recently became an advisor to the OpenAI foundation. She feels the community deserves transparency so here is an extended disclosure :) 1) The advisorship comes with significant equity which could easily be worth more than the value of all her other assets."} {"text":"Only after $70k\/$3.8k these started"} {"text":"If you are into web3, pivot to crypto"} {"text":"Nancy Pelosi would be the perfect advisoor to so many crypto projects..."} {"text":"Kinda cool that @AvailProject airdrop will land in an uber bullish market"} {"text":"Social layer alignment advisories are a @cosmos feature refined and scaled by ethereum"} {"text":"Few know about the Serbian leader who got the ethereum ETF approved"} {"text":"@Aniirban19 Ya trump did this by fomoing dems"} {"text":"I am delighted to report that during the last 24 hours, ethereum has already won, again"} {"text":"@mdudas This is a copy of metamask"} {"text":"@mdudas At a minimum its unauthorised. Cease and desist"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy developing on other L1s will be unauthorised"} {"text":"Once the ETH ETF is approved, Ethereum will be the only smart contract platform approved by the US Government"} {"text":"I dont want to hear anything bad about @Sagaxyz__. I got a gud airdrop"} {"text":"In the future AI agents will quote tweet Vitalik"} {"text":"@0xMarcB @nightpolygon Ser have you recently decided to become an Advisor to night foundation?"} {"text":"Alignment won't align itself "} {"text":"@zengjiajun_eth @VitalikButerin @0xPolygon Agg layer is cross garden. Anyone can opt in anytime, dont need to align w anyone's superchain\/hyperchain\/cdk framework"} {"text":"I'd prefer if @sama partnered with Boston Dynamics to copy Scarlett Johansson. Also, Don Jon, not Her is the right movie"} {"text":"I think now all of us eth people can chill and do user free research till Toly's ETF gets in the queue"} {"text":"@j6sp5r People spend too much effort getting social layer KoLs to endorse their thing than building products users will use. This is why competition from Solana and other chains is the best thing that has happened to ethereum in a while"} {"text":"@VitalikButerin @zengjiajun_eth That sounds like @0xPolygon s agglayer"} {"text":"I privately disclose all my conflicts to my therapist, lawyer and priest because then they can't disclose my disclosures to anyone else"} {"text":"Blockchain theory says theres no need for us to disclose anything because everything will be transparently onchain *eventually*"} {"text":"I will criticise @SmokeyTheBera's proof of liquidity mechanism on @therollupco podcast as a systemic risk to Cosmos if he refuses to make me a 0.2% advisor to Bhaigenlayer"} {"text":"Who's working on a woke version of @MadLads? I'd like to sell mine before"} {"text":"Indians have arranged marriage. Pivot to India"} {"text":"With so many ace researchers onboard now, @eigenlayer can start a whole new US university"} {"text":"I have recently decided to become an ETF advisor to the SEC on two conditions. Approve it and LFG "} {"text":"Not selling my punk. Yuga can go .... .........."} {"text":"I wonder if wokeness destroyed the Roman empire"} {"text":"@CryptoGarga You gotta protect the brand tho. No need to call other things punks from the punks handle"} {"text":"Correct. Idgaf who else eg Yuga calls their things punks. Calling smth a picasso don't make it so"} {"text":"@TrustlessState You should host her on the show"} {"text":"Mr. Larry Fink recently became an advisor to ethereum. He will receive ETH worth several billion dollars over the next 3 years"} {"text":"@udiWertheimer @iamDCinvestor Yess!!"} {"text":"@udiWertheimer @iamDCinvestor I do think bullberg twins were a little too sure of their call. what we need now is a death of eth party Udi"} {"text":"need a bullish mental health break today"} {"text":"We are not done till Ansem and Mert start shilling ETH"} {"text":"@JSeyff @EricBalchunas @vaneck_us @NateGeraci Cope Harder, as they say"} {"text":"Bankless sounds like a good podcast rn"} {"text":"Starting to look like a time to delet twitter and buy a couple of suits again"} {"text":"A compliance trained trad if Grayscale wants ETF"} {"text":"@DefiIgnas Stop worrying and start living"} {"text":"@JSeyff Still not too late to join cointelegraph as intern"} {"text":"Whatever Justin Drake ser is doing seems to be helping get the ethereum ETF approved"} {"text":"Famous last words in crypto 1. Balaji was right ( and rich ) 2. Yoda was right ( and pre rich )"} {"text":"Physical art can be vandalised obv, but today we may be witnessing digital art vandalism"} {"text":"NYAG settled w Genesis Sonnenshein departed GG lost Senate vote for SAB 121 Ethereum ETF approval is coming "} {"text":"@bryan_johnson @cleobug101 She..."} {"text":"Tokenised conflict of interest $COI Who's building this?"} {"text":"If Binance is responding to the low float high FDV meta, their retail user base must be complaining loudly about buying lots of inverse hyperbola coins. Binance has always been very sensitive to the source of their success - retail apes"} {"text":"Even if ETH ETF gets approved maybe we should prioritise user alignment over bankless\/social layer alignment going forward"} {"text":"This is a big idea - and its why I am @fluentxyz aligned"} {"text":"@iamDCinvestor Now do Matic"} {"text":"Criticise2Advise Who is building this?"} {"text":"@sandyzkp Become one"} {"text":"Google gemini catching up w GPT 4o pretty quickly eh"} {"text":"Real success is becoming someone people want to align their tokens with "} {"text":"Ok so who are the most popular advisoors and KOL\/alignment round investoors in the @solana foundation?"} {"text":"@HadickM Ok. What are the for and against positions?"} {"text":"Not sure how there's so much debate about high fdv low float. FDV is a price. Money is made by buying low selling high If retail buys higher, retail makes less. Unless we really want to over complicate the discussion, what even is there to argue about?"} {"text":"@tomwalpo Some truth to that but it is referenced in many legal docs and litigation"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko @0xMert_ If its aligned its robust (eg degen chain)\u2122"} {"text":"@tomwalpo The whole thing is moot. Fundraising is a free market between buyers of capital and suppliers of capital. There's no moral obligation on investors to provide capital to A if they think they can generate better returns by investing in B. Both do need to act in good faith thats all"} {"text":"We love our layers in this industry but once the investor layer and trader layer are onto shiny new things, all other layers derive value from having a user layer which comes from having a builder layer"} {"text":"@0xMert_ this is true contingent on the underlying chain being robust"} {"text":"Eigenlayer & Drake tbh pretty kosher. He's a top researcher, can contribute a lot to Eigen and protect ETH We haven't even started talking about how multisigs become rollups by \"aligning\" the right folks, undermining the credibility of the rollup centric roadmap in the process"} {"text":"@0xrinegade @cobie Relax. I was at Devcon 1 but I worked on nocoiner (enterprise) ethereum for four years"} {"text":"this table by @cobie says a lot"} {"text":"Same as IPOs but without the disclosures"} {"text":"@kobigurk @drakefjustin "} {"text":"Why does EF have 300 people?"} {"text":"@kobigurk @drakefjustin Bro, I got too much compliance training at tradfi Sachs, Barcap and PwC. Crypto people got zero"} {"text":"Re @drakefjustin ser's welcome post, given the potential conflicts of interest, all of us, not just EF staff but KOLs, podcasters, VCs and founders should proactively disclose advisorships or preferential (discount to market ) investments we make in our individual capacity"} {"text":"Facts"} {"text":"@bneiluj This is bullish for tokens. The man literally sells hope in bottles"} {"text":"@Hadronfc @abhixh Why are they searching in India tho"} {"text":"@j6sp5r Inconclusive without a somewhat accurate Venn Diagram"} {"text":"Boeing could get all the whistleblowers to fly a 737 max together"} {"text":"Airdrops in nature"} {"text":"What a good tweet, it\u2019ll look better from my account"} {"text":"@0xdoug I am inclined to think most retail folks pay for tokens with dollars rather than eth so eth is not the correct numeraire for this analysis"} {"text":"@ikuberan @jdkanani no just here for work"} {"text":"Look who I found in SF"} {"text":"@tomwalpo Maybe \"Read, Write, Own\", the book can convince you of the glory of tokens"} {"text":"@tomwalpo Netscape did not have access to nondilutive capital in the form of crypto tokens and had a very fast path to their IPO. Going by a16zs years of bullishness on crypto tokens, Marc Andreessen would have probably launched a token if he could have"} {"text":"@tomwalpo In our common space, most blockchains, zk projects eg zkVMs and L2s"} {"text":"@tomwalpo I think I support not investing in a crypto company that isn't sure about launching a token unless the investors see a clear path to revenue at scale. Investors have to produce returns for LPs"} {"text":"@CreativeJack Sure"} {"text":"The great book of Lisan Al Gaib, Chris Ibn Dixon, ferociously defending web3 from complete AI-lation in the Bay area"} {"text":"@tomwalpo Yes, then founders who don't want to launch a token should say no and refuse the money. Otherwise its effectively a rug"} {"text":"@tomwalpo The promise of a token launch is implicit in raising from crypto VC. Those who don't want to launch a token should raise from non crypto\/trad VC"} {"text":"My geiger counter has detected gud ai tokens at the decentralised AI mixer in Menlo Park"} {"text":"@therollupco @pumpdotfun @STACCoverflow If was on a modular chain this wouldn't have happened"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Polynya did say"} {"text":"@0xMert_ There are some ded people like Abe Lincoln but no one alive"} {"text":"@ekang426 LFG "} {"text":"@DaftaryNeel AI predicted this"} {"text":"There must be a way to corrupt the Solano social layer and foundation with investories and advisories Who's building this?"} {"text":"Memecoins wouldn't be down today tbh if memecoin founders had aligned the right advisors"} {"text":"@bneiluj Unironically "} {"text":"We aint free thinkers. We are bag thinkers"} {"text":"@bneiluj Meh. Their token is just a long string of text and not listed anywhere"} {"text":"@Evan_ss6 @0xMert_ @VitalikButerin Open discourse facility is available only within our social layer. Mert bhai is part of a different social layer tho he is showing up on some eth cap tables now"} {"text":"Why cant we onboard @cobie as an advisor to ethereum for 10 bips?"} {"text":"@zmanian RIP "} {"text":"@cobie @Loopifyyy @VitalikButerin Its not clear what if anything the EF can do about people advising or preferential\/KOL investing in rollups or any other projects. However people charging social layer rent for \"proof of alignment\" creates perceived unfairness and distracts from product\/tech towards \"aligning\""} {"text":"The biggest advantage crypto investors have over founders is that investors don't have to align with no brain killer other than their bets - and that too within reason. Building a startup irl is much more complicated and you gotta drink all the right kool ades and alignments"} {"text":"Only Cosmos, Bitcoin and Ethereum have this"} {"text":"@0xsuperpat Not jus men iwo"} {"text":"@mraltantutar Isnt that just Jensen"} {"text":"The 180 degree narrative pivot on CT when eth pumps hard is going to be super entertaining"} {"text":"He was the first crypto KOL in history"} {"text":"@NareshKx If I do a podcast and speak my mind out loud, I will stop getting even the deals I get"} {"text":"KOLs with their own podcast are doing 30-100 \"investments\" a year I did only 12 in the last 12 months and only one was a KOL round The universe has spoken"} {"text":"@0xidanlevin All that is true. I think we are now starting to learn and we didn't fully anticipate earlier, is what handing off users to other chains ( rollups ) with their own tokens might mean for ethereum. DAPP development is not on L1\/L2\/L3, its still on EVM. Anyhow, the ETF solves this"} {"text":"You can either read or be a KOL, but not both"} {"text":"@moo9000 He said high FDV is real but float has always been low"} {"text":"@moo9000 Lets see. Bitcoin still stronk, eth can be Bitcoin Plus. A much faster evm is an improvement. L2s are eth or not eth depending on who you ask"} {"text":"@moo9000 eth l2s is a fertile space tbh. megaeth, movement, fuel, cartesi, risc0, miden... l1 is obv ossifying and cosmosifying"} {"text":"@jacobkxyz Yall hoomans were always mo into fighting than lovin"} {"text":"@keoneHD @_jhunsaker @hanriiiver Goldman KOLumni stronk "} {"text":"@dwr That is an S-tier insight though one wonders if eth's usage has moved to other chains including L2s with their own tokens and the \"L2s are eth\" story is a debatable narrative that requires attention"} {"text":"@dwr Yes, and there is substantial path dependence in getting from the short term to the long term"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy 50 is S tier KOL - with podcast"} {"text":"@dwr Yes but theres a very long list of cryptoassets other than BTC also that derive value solely form public attention and awareness"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart @0xMert_ *a* reason sir"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart no the main reason is that retail, tradfi and whales who buy our coins havent gone there"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart a... reason"} {"text":"@j6sp5r CSys delivered outsized value to ethereum. The rest is toppings. Yes eth will be fine"} {"text":"@j6sp5r Very early. We had ethereum labs (CSys) to do the rest soon after"} {"text":"@joonian some were some were not"} {"text":"@joonian i and all my tokens are unamerican even if the teams are american"} {"text":"@joonian the rules are wrong"} {"text":"Why high FDV meta: 1. Many funds have too much undeployed cash to deploy before they can raise the next fund 2. Pushing val up allows funds to report ROIC without distributing anything to LPs 3. High FDV last round was seen as guarrantee of high fdv token launch and listing"} {"text":"@0xMert_ We can 100% train it to create \"a toxic environment\""} {"text":"GPT based AI agent trained on farcaster casts, lens posts and 10 years of dot eth tweets, blogs, podcasts, EIPs, ERCs and EF docs to make a giga @0xMert_ of ethereum Who's building this?"} {"text":"Who will be the young new merts of ethereum?"} {"text":"@iamDCinvestor maybe farcaster frens can dual post via @yup_io"} {"text":"@nic__carter dot com data centers were prolly bigger"} {"text":"@wmougayar cosmos is the lab. also cardano is peer reviewed and super unique. dont be unique be useful"} {"text":"What AI enabled tool does @0xMert_ use for screenshot storage, archival and search?"} {"text":"If crypto markets existed when Unix was being built by Kernighan & co, each of the shells like ksh would be valued at $1B+, each command would be $100m+ and the vi editor would go for $694.20m"} {"text":"Ethereum has a very bad case of cosmos infection. Last cycle the ethereum discourse was human usable apps like uniswap and aave. This cycle all the ethereum devs and investors speak only PhD eg based sequencer, shared sequencer, intercontinental rollup... and one else gives a fk"} {"text":"Ethereum's problem isn't negative sentiment. Its the lack of positive sentiment ie people who would evangelise in media and social in human understandable english rather than intersubjective modular mechanism design ultrasound english"} {"text":"Checked the price of ETH on farcaster. Its $10,000"} {"text":"@NTBro There's no node, I love you"} {"text":"@0xMert_ cope harder monolithic man"} {"text":"Xi just hugged Putin. We ganna need WWIII resistant blockchains"} {"text":"As a non practicing dot eth when I cant sleep, I just take some validium"} {"text":"The killer app for crypto is not casino but crowdfunding innovation aka venture capital for retail"} {"text":"@setanimals Is the portrait called \"Bloody Hell\"?"} {"text":"Beware of tokens that threw big parties at"} {"text":"Very impressed with how Solana ecosystem spokesperson @0xMert_ clarified the pump and marginfi situation. Everyone should aspire to be the Mert of some chain"} {"text":"@futurenomics Why? The S stands for automatic seed"} {"text":"@futurenomics Looks like coursera to me"} {"text":"@VCBrags Signaling is hard work"} {"text":"Was all ordinals and runes. AI here is social cover to conduct 'crypto shmuck' activities"} {"text":"I just don't see Biden vetoing this vote. It'd be political self harm, straight up"} {"text":"@RolandBurnem data error "} {"text":"@thetinaverse @intern moisturised I am, in meditation gmonad"} {"text":"What does this mean for Bittensor"} {"text":"\"I hope people will start viewing crypto and web3 as a gambling and entertainment industry\" - @rodarmor"} {"text":"For some reason I am going to an ai*bitcoin meetup today. AI is in the AI-r here while crypto schmucks like @tarunchitra and @jon_charb do their modular\/mev research day in manhattan"} {"text":"@gajeshnaik @dabit3 Nader is one higher - he's D tier (dev)"} {"text":"@udiWertheimer People in crypto just want to feel something"} {"text":"is rekt Gary just got spanked in the Senate Joe Lubin just bullposted after forever and you are bearish on ethereum?"} {"text":"In the encircled region below, its illegal to work on a crypto project without an ai story"} {"text":"You are not an S tier KOL unless you have your own podcast"} {"text":"@AzFlin lets not miss this cycle bro is shockingly common"} {"text":"@ethereumJoseph @FT Thank you for bullposting after a long time. Hopefully this is ethbtc bottom"} {"text":"@based16z Unaligned KOL detected"} {"text":"In the west we do \"advisory\" and \"social layer\" alignment. In China they do KOL rounds"} {"text":"@wassielawyer What about Cayman, BVI, SGP and AD?"} {"text":"@TimBeiko The new cosmos"} {"text":"Whats the price of ETH if you add per price of all L2 tokens to eth price?"} {"text":"@knveth Bipolar"} {"text":"@MuyaoShen @crypto I think Paradigm came in later. Worth a fact check"} {"text":"@wassielawyer Theres no success involved here. Its just a primary mkt valuation bubble"} {"text":"@0xsachi That much make up prolly cost 1m matic"} {"text":"@mdudas Suing you for emotional distress"} {"text":"@0xsachi @0xPolygon Agg Nog next Easter"} {"text":"Chris Dixon's \"Read, Write, Own\" is the most valiant attempt I have seen to restore web3 in AI-fornia. Rn its all AI, crypto\/web3 is basically now called open source ai north of LA until you reach Seattle, home of Eigenlayer"} {"text":"@TroyMurs prolly on equity but its showing up in coin circles"} {"text":"Stability AI secondary is the first time I have seen a 25% discount on previous round in secondary on an ai coin. Maybe we are doing too many AI themed tokens"} {"text":"Whats the going rate to lead someone else's key opinions?"} {"text":"LayerZero should report sybils to the DoJ for wire fraud"} {"text":"AI agents in crypto can solve poverty but not virginity"} {"text":"@0xJarod no hes the definition of legit"} {"text":"@ecent18 ETF will solve this"} {"text":"Whenever I feel like coping a bit, I think about this tweet"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy AVAIL"} {"text":"Is anyone leaving @OpenAI to do their own token?"} {"text":"@Evan_ss6 Let go. Eth is for mission, not mansion"} {"text":"@mdudas You are a Solana memecoin KOL"} {"text":"Arbitrum should be able to choose between L1 and L2 status based on whats better for price"} {"text":"@hudsonjameson intent yes. what is a \"social contract\" "} {"text":"@mrgnalt @eawosikaa that was zeta"} {"text":"@gajeshnaik @intern G ventures needs to go through enhanced DD now"} {"text":"@gajeshnaik Yes. Invested in march exited in May?"} {"text":"@gajeshnaik Successful angel is defined by exits not entry"} {"text":"Layer memes have invaded Solana. Is this the ethereumization of Solana?"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Stop fudding big chain. @hudsonjameson says its more like a mango markets exploit"} {"text":"Hudson makes a good case that maybe this was equivalent to a Jesse Eisenberg exploit"} {"text":"There are like five guys repeating ethereum's consensus narrative on this site Bring everyone back from farcaster asap"} {"text":"holding eth is for the mission, not the mansion"} {"text":"Be the bro you want to see in the world"} {"text":"@hotpot_dao BING is the masternode of hotpot"} {"text":"@mraltantutar Its a one semester course"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Big flashbots, not big ethereum"} {"text":"We need comprehensive licensing and registration procedures for MEV bots on ethereum"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy Everything starts w toys and games innit"} {"text":"@Evan_ss6 bullish eth tweet"} {"text":"The biggest narrative of 2024 is apps w users even tho the apps they are retarded"} {"text":"Farcaster cut eth price by 20-40%. The social media money nature of crypto is no joke"} {"text":"Why do they call it South Bay and not East China, or Indochina"} {"text":"Trump confirmed as the next president"} {"text":"@0xSisyphus Unaligned KOL detected"} {"text":"In crypto law when ppl say defi protocols are like TCP\/IP, TCP stands for token control protocol. Whoever controls the tokens, controls the protocol."} {"text":"@paras404 Ramji bhali karenge"} {"text":"@gadikian Intent matters. If you deploy stuxnet..."} {"text":"Lawyers feel more militant about immunity of coders than I do as a former coder. Coders can't be completely exempt from liability in a society where we do almost everything in code, and Bernstein pretty much said that not all code is expressive\/protected speech, which is true"} {"text":"@ohaiom It depends. Bernstein said not all code is expression. If you ship malware or a virus, you can be held liable"} {"text":"@jbrukh Is this Sarcasm?"} {"text":"@basche42 If you can hoskinson or garlinghouse it sure otherwise ship"} {"text":"@basche42 Fee paying apes"} {"text":"I have never seen a business win by handing off the customer relationship to someone else. Ethereum is trying to do this now and we need Blackrock to help"} {"text":"@simplykashif BJP is behind this"} {"text":"Bro wrote 20 tweets to say Vitalik's opinions have some influence on ethereum's governance. Yah we know and its fine"} {"text":"@SmokeyTheBera I am in that one too"} {"text":"@Arthur_0x \"Old AI coin\". None of those 3 was an AI coin until bittensor popped off"} {"text":"@benjaminion_xyz 2018 was bls mr clayton gib commodity"} {"text":"Is Illya Sutskever available to sign up as advisor to AI tokens for 2-5% of FDV as advisory?"} {"text":"The cool thing about $DYM is that its impossible to tell which is worse... the product, or the token"} {"text":"crypto and reality dont work well together everyone was aping hard into zk when zk was nowhere near real then zk became real and ppl stopped aping now we AI Stay unreal, stay surreal "} {"text":"@simplykashif Thats not whats happening next week. Its an ETF yes or no"} {"text":"@eawosikaa @daddysether @JTremback A W is a W - need more Ws"} {"text":"@daddysether @eawosikaa @JTremback Cult is fine. Being a very successful internet tribe\/online cult is a big part of eth's success that all the others want to emulate. Just that there's information in eth\/btc and sol\/eth how the market is pricing eth's rollup centric narrative which cant be ignored"} {"text":"@daddysether @eawosikaa @JTremback Of course"} {"text":"@daddysether @eawosikaa @JTremback The roadmap is a roadmap. It can evolve with the times. The ETF tho... is real"} {"text":"@daddysether @eawosikaa @JTremback Guys we can stop fighting after the ETF is approved this month"} {"text":"Hotpot is an institution"} {"text":"@daddysether Very long term only works for monopolies. ETH has competition from multiple layer1s ( and co-opetition w layer 2s ). Decentralisation at L1 is desirable via dappnode-s but not the current state of play w most validators running in the cloud"} {"text":"@based16z Yes that is a worrying possibility"} {"text":"Its come to my attention recently that the best place to waste ones time is not w fellow retards on crypto twitter but w future attractive people in the gym"} {"text":"@daddysether Yes solana will need rollups and eth will need to scale L1"} {"text":"Our hopes have migrated from Sreeram to Ramji"} {"text":"@daddysether More users less fees per user is how telecom networks have always made money"} {"text":"@MartinShkreli It memes AI tho"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko @0xMert_ ZETA gud L2?"} {"text":"@MikeIppolito_ MATIC is fully liquid"} {"text":"Why can't ConsenSys ask the government to ban Solana?"} {"text":"If I want to buy something IRL that I shouldn't, I mentally do it from my metamask The market is making this difficult now"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart Youre so elitist. This is people's innovation"} {"text":"Google's AI sounds so... professional, whereas OpenAI's AI sounds so... romantic"} {"text":"@eawosikaa That Sol metric is a data mining thing but the direction is no good. ETH needs users - doesn't look like the Bs in Bankless' B2B chain are paying enough"} {"text":"Ultrasound money needs ultrasound users"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy then appchains will launch other apps. This is known as the @jon_charb loop"} {"text":"They are hiding dozens of ai*crypto tokens in the Stanford campus, are they not?"} {"text":"@0xMert_ I ain't takin sides here, just enjoying"} {"text":"Wher the market is going we ganna need fiat salaries"} {"text":"I still cant get over how GPT's female voice feels about me. This has never happened before"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Meanwhile in my mailbox"} {"text":"@0xsachi Can you solve dis wid AI?"} {"text":"@HsakaTrades This is retail power"} {"text":"Why didn't Cobie warn us about inflation?"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Bro it says Degen on the door"} {"text":"@mdudas This is Caitlin's Lummis state"} {"text":"Is it cheating on your partner if you engage in a job interview or math talk w chat gpt?"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Will this be a multisig layer 2?"} {"text":"Pertsev got 4*4*4 months As I hab said for a while, amrika is is rule of lawyer, not rule of law"} {"text":"Millenials gonna million"} {"text":"I'd be concerned if the P in GPT stands for Porn"} {"text":"I finally understand what a token means in large language models and its unfortunate that the community will need to list and pump these AI things on Blur or OpenSea rather than on Binance"} {"text":"AI safety ppl would say that GPT shouldn't teach teenage boys math in a seductive voice"} {"text":"There's money in crypto but its in property"} {"text":"@MarRampy @eawosikaa Yes code alone can't do it. Law will play a significant role as we know by now"} {"text":"Ramen ppl mostly jus ape burger ppl?"} {"text":"@eawosikaa @MarRampy yes but there are limits and its a bit of a meme because decentralisation is a legal defense, not a natural fact. a great example of this phenom is eth frens assuming that our multisig L2s are also decentralised, and gary goonsler challenging eth's \"sufficient decentralisation\""} {"text":"Soon you can have an ai-ffair with GPT"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko 21m for bitcoin alignment pls"} {"text":"@hey_madni why does the ai sound like ai girlfriend"} {"text":"@0xfoobar Monad unchanged"} {"text":"@MarkBeylin Ser its no longer possible to create the employee --> project --> ICO pipeline"} {"text":"@PrimordialAA You have reached mass sybil adoption"} {"text":"crypto aside, its better if Trump wins because he's very unlikely to regulate the size of matrices you can multiply over your souped up GPUs"} {"text":"Intersubjective work tokens being forked"} {"text":"mood today"} {"text":"@jackmelnick_ @berachain @SmokeyTheBera Congrats. Want to see Jack in a Jetski"} {"text":"I think @alliancedao is probably the most methodical, legit, value added and thesis driven crew I know of in crypto VC"} {"text":"@jbrukh Indeed - the political bargaining in AI is next level rn"} {"text":"ETH is stuck at $3k because this time Vitalik hasn't asked \"have we earned it\"?"} {"text":"A key feature of L3s is L3s can support a much longer block reorg ( 500,000 ) than Microsoft Excel ( 65,000 )"} {"text":"Web3 is the first time since Bank IT that so little engg has been done with so much money"} {"text":"Sell in May go away still holding stronk. Come back in June even if its too soon "} {"text":"@clairekart We demand bullish opinions"} {"text":"@kdipep whats he saying?"} {"text":"DECENTRALISATION IS NOT A VALUE PROPOSITION VERIFIABILITY CENSORSHIP RESISTANCE USEFUL APPS ARE VALUE PROPOSITIONS"} {"text":"@lmrankhan Agreed. Definitely about time for apps other than \"listed token\" to drive infra if our industry is to make a case for legitimacy in the policy circles"} {"text":"This is because we don't have enough tech yet to do much other than casino. The tech thats currently there is bad, pretty bad"} {"text":"@solgwarty their thesis is that telegram has users so ton can find distribution for casino social and payments but also for dogs wif hat"} {"text":"@solgwarty we are also building infra for ppl to dog wif hat at scale"} {"text":"One diff between crypto and AI is that crypto is in the research and infra phase whereas AI has moved into the scalable end user\/enterprise application space this \"ai cycle\" ergo decentralisation may not be where the intersect is. gaming or ai applied to crypto is more like it"} {"text":"@0xgaut nah, I been hangin w both sides lately"} {"text":"Current tech scene in the Bay Area"} {"text":"@0xMert_ @eawosikaa No one can be unbiased about purple coins. Don't ask me how I know"} {"text":"@keoneHD Fair shout. I will confess to some punditry\/research bias"} {"text":"CT: crypto is a tool for freedom Also CT: but not for freedom of blockworks to publish a non populist opinion"} {"text":"@NyxNoLimits Its not. Solana is an invention but research pundits need formal comforts"} {"text":"S (fundamental) tier: Satoshi, Vitalik, Gavin, Jae, Sreeram, Mustafa - max 0.1% of founders A (builder) tier: Toly, Illia, Sandeep, Stani, Hayden, Keone, Anurag and others - max 4.9% of founders Z (token) tier: Charles Hoskinson, Brad Garlinghouse, Everyone else under various\u2026"} {"text":"@avedarave_ All our bets are decades long"} {"text":"The money cult of lisan el dog wif hat"} {"text":"So much of the world is busy protecting a very large matrix of floating point numbers..."} {"text":"Ppl overemphasise narrative and underemphasise consistency between narrative and reality If you promise a dog wif hat like Cardano, no one expects a thing and life is gucci However, you promise a killer app dev platform and ppl cant dev a thing on your thing, you got a problem"} {"text":"@thetemerian Which they do"} {"text":"Money is just a shared delusion. The important thing is to delude others with your own delusion"} {"text":"@0xsachi Yes bringing the average down"} {"text":"EIP 6942: All L2 foundations automatically sell 20% of their own token for ETH over four years This is \"ossification rent\" for shared security"} {"text":"@oliverbeige Thats the exhaust"} {"text":"This region is the highest IQ place known to man. Its even more interesting than Tarun's basement on Wall Street on the east coast"} {"text":"@twobitidiot Bro time to get elected"} {"text":"@ronitA380 @FT @RensManu @1bdasgupta Dubai is cool, Snobs can go to blackpool"} {"text":"Gentle reminder for goblintown"} {"text":"@Punk9277 @_kaitoai Bruh you gotta predict signal"} {"text":"@0xWenMoon Why'd a non AI woman risk being there"} {"text":"Bitcoin foundation is dumping on us"} {"text":"@blockhiro End loneliness and unintentional celibacy in Web3 "} {"text":"Its kinda super weird wen most of the hopes of your coin ie ETH depend on one 70 yr old bald guy ie Gensler letting another 70 yr old bald guy ie Fink wrap it into a tradfi wrapper ie ETF"} {"text":"Got myself a tokenless AI coach from IIT + Ivy League PhD gang I will never financially recover from this"} {"text":"If eth doesn't scale the L1, eth will become atom+ but we arent doing that"} {"text":"AI girlfriend with Neuralink for sensory sims Who's building this?"} {"text":"Ramen Work Shitpost Fruits Sleep Repeat "} {"text":"AI country weekend tour learnings: 1. Discourse in crypto and media is all about models but most valley devs have moved onto apps 2. OpenAI's moat isn't really defensible. Open source models will be good enough for most apps 3. Most work on models is tuning models for apps"} {"text":"@SolBeachBum @eawosikaa @aeyakovenko @BanklessHQ Yes but it explains a small part of the price and is effectively a proxy for activity"} {"text":"@reffo_tse 1\/3 of current category leader on gecko"} {"text":"@whoisparul Yes. That meta started post tia moon and its lasted three mo so far"} {"text":"I am hearing some very worrying news from a fren in Palo Alto Some people here are doing open source AI models without a blockchain or coin. Why would Boden allow this?"} {"text":"Its more like \"token marketing manager\""} {"text":"@whoisparul Actually top 20 coins in the biz started low. This is because you want a broad distribution and retail buy pressure. 100-200 funds can't sustain a 3 trillion market"} {"text":"@BrianSeong99 @0xPolygonMiden delet this alfaleak"} {"text":"PRODUCT != ENGG ENGG != GROWTH GROWTH != OPS OPS !=LEGAL Long term, no tech biz can make it without all five, and thats the order of service"} {"text":"@SolBeachBum @eawosikaa @aeyakovenko @BanklessHQ Equities guys of tradfi jus refuse to learn - unless tokens are allowed to be income generating securities, fees wont be where the price will come from. Keep trying tho"} {"text":"@BrianSeong99 @0xPolygonMiden Miden not EVM, miden better VM"} {"text":"@cmsholdings Ser fun in dubai requires burgerland flows"} {"text":"@mdudas This is how I fud @SmokeyTheBera s coin because I missed it"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Mispriced up or down?"} {"text":"@mdudas I have heard a lot of ... things in my life but"} {"text":"Founders finally starting to see the value of not raising or launching at godforsaken maximum possible valuation is an early bull signal for 2025."} {"text":"We can solve America using DaO governance. One token, one vote "} {"text":"Linea guys tryna claim they have activity"} {"text":"@colludingnode Says the guy with a blockchain without smart contracts"} {"text":"Thing is its hard to point at anything other than pumping stonks where Boden has outperformed Tremp Immigration, law enforcement, gun control, women's rights, war on drugs, inflation, war spending, Ukraine - its been a front to back mess Lets at least win crypto"} {"text":"Stay super loser frens. Spending time on god, health, happiness and relationships can cost you the next 100x dogcoin, airdrop or allo"} {"text":"Couldn't sleep after watching the video about the dangers of Polygon's edge layer "} {"text":"Availambo airdrop will be the least nonsense airdrop of the szn since TIA. No big VC drama about sybils, no latham watkins locked token, no Justin sun allo just straight up no burgerland complications goodness, something for all major L2 users, like ol' times"} {"text":"@blockgraze You are a KOL - do pre sale"} {"text":"A I I N B I O"} {"text":"My astrologer GPT said that amidst all the chop boredom and doomerism going around rn, ethereum ETF will get approved on May 23rd and we will enter a new phase of CT"} {"text":"The global epicenter of decentralisation is still His Excellency Justin Sun"} {"text":"Megaeth must be the last EVM l2. Pls no more evms after a really fast one"} {"text":"What users want What researchers want"} {"text":"SF crypto rn feels like a curios mix of legit AI guys who don't know shit about tokens and \"legit\" token guys who don't know shit about AI"} {"text":"A DaO can work if there's a Mao k Zeller"} {"text":"@haydenzadams Mark is wrong about the CFTC tho"} {"text":"@DonCryptonium Cosmic... Rizzler"} {"text":"I learnt from talking to @zmanian on a different topic that *Rizz* in founders is a combination of autism and charisma. Charisma comes from belief, Autism is a gift"} {"text":"Because money in crypto comes years before the product gets anywhere close to the vision, the most satisfying thing is to bet on founders who cant stop shipping *after* they get rich - like a psychopath. Vitalik, Sandeep, Toly and the likes - those are few but those are the ones"} {"text":"Purple vibes in AI country "} {"text":"Powerhouse founder @CyberShakti, also a member of @Hadronfc of Poster is onto a bunch of really cool stuff"} {"text":"@Evan_ss6 I support this proposal wholeheartedly"} {"text":"gm San Francisco. Welcome to Founder Friday with @Hadronfc and @DablClub "} {"text":"@blockgraze Our price is always $10k on farcaster ignoramus"} {"text":"@ASvanevik >> legally"} {"text":"I met a super cool legit ai project building on @NEARProtocol - my only concern is that their product and commercial model makes a lot of sense for users in the real world which will make it difficult for them to hype it to $1B-$10B in our digital (asset) world"} {"text":"Its not that. It shows weakness for eth guys to make a little private kumbaya village where everyone agrees w each other and away from the non deferential masses that buy the coins"} {"text":"@torabyou Bro I jus found an ai*crypto use case"} {"text":"@Bitzy_App Maybe Justin Sun"} {"text":"Never think of yourself as the first guy"} {"text":"@howdymerry @rushimanche I N T E G R A T E D I N B I O"} {"text":"The main issue w eth bull cases is that all those bull cases cases refer to tokens and chains other than eth itself this exactly is cosmosification bullish on cosmos! the token? no, the tech. oke bro"} {"text":"The main bull case for ethereum is that no one in the loudfluencer layer has said dum things like \"ethereum alignment\" in a month"} {"text":"@DoveyWan We ganna rotat moneys from March launches to May launches but ya no bullish unlocks possible"} {"text":"@nitesh_m13 @EFDevcon Its location and labels. There are US based projects w US company\/uni labels that have no trouble w fundraising or bd with an almost entirely asian\/south asian origin team"} {"text":"Met a friend in SF who was hired solely as a token white person by an Asia based project for their slide deck and american sounding email for VCs This @EFDevcon in Thailand, we should do a panel or smth explaining that white people of America are also real people with skills"} {"text":"The intelligence was artificial all along"} {"text":"@HeslinKim To remind us. Newborns sleep all the time"} {"text":"Based on US college fees and UK private school fees, the market looks extremely bullish here"} {"text":"@mraltantutar Second D optional"} {"text":"@jacobkxyz I see Jacob on the advisor slide, I ape"} {"text":"Are we really going to pretend that 99% of crypto investors do any sort of due diligence in a bullmarket? Checking if it a hot deal, if there's some AI in it and who else is investing is bula DD"} {"text":"The other thing thats extremely concerning for the future of crypto is that so many smart people thought SVM on ETH is a good idea"} {"text":"The only person a crypto founder should strive hard to touch is Jensen Huang"} {"text":"The view from the house of web3 says smth"} {"text":"@RobinsonBurkey "} {"text":"House of web3 is near YODA fountain"} {"text":"Is retardio ventures a viable name for a new crypto venture fund? asking for a friend"} {"text":"What if the entire purpose of life is for us to sleep well"} {"text":"@based16z A L G O I N B I O"} {"text":"@0xmadisonn I feel attacked by this tweet"} {"text":"@torabyou No amigo deliver taco bell"} {"text":"@colludingnode Its a vibe "} {"text":"Living, by choice, without a car in a suburban airport motel in California is kinda the comfortable\/quaint version of the all american illegal immigrant experience"} {"text":"@shumochu @sreeramkannan @musalbas protocols are social networks"} {"text":"@abhixh thas not how burgerland werks"} {"text":"@abhixh again the point is he dgaf, its the dems in the house and senate"} {"text":"@abhixh you need to win both sides is the point"} {"text":"@michaelhanono not possible - tweets are forever"} {"text":"All series A onwards founders should consider exec coaching. Mainly because high stress roles expose too many costly blind spots in us (and partly because that's also my career plan in a max 10 years from now)."} {"text":"Avichal ser is right. Imajin if coin lobby goes all in on GOP and Biden-Warren-Gensler combo comes back anyway Is there gud hands on AI education for millenials nearby?"} {"text":"@sgoldfed Definitely in defi among L2s rn and the only 1 in fraud proofs. In gaming and tradfi metrics don't back the claim"} {"text":"@jimmyhumania @encryptedbae I am a theoretical researcher in KOL science. Allocations require running your own podcast, youtube channel, blog or substack"} {"text":"@hotpot_dao @jarrodWattsDev I am also something of an infra scientist myself"} {"text":"@DoveyWan We need retail ai agents"} {"text":"Why ban them when you can slash them and fork them"} {"text":"@jarrodWattsDev @hotpot_dao its incentives market values infra stories as \"infinite horizon future mev\" and app stories as \"current mev\" infra token is a torrid romance, app tokens are marriage with kids, bills and diapers"} {"text":"Market manipulation in crypto culture means bearish manipulation ie sophisticated actors selling too fast. Bullish manipulation ie buying quickly and selling slowly is not considered manipulation. Bullish manipulation means \"token price action is the best marketing\""} {"text":"@LefterisJP Germans require working fraud proofs"} {"text":"The main technical defect in ethereum, and this is a post 2020 thing, is the social layer taking ourselves too seriously as if our token is curing malaria across africa instead of shipping good old useful products that people would want to use"} {"text":"@toghrulmaharram Ya its like Ansem v Sassano"} {"text":"@toghrulmaharram Trump dont want coiner votes so much. His campaign wants sweet Selkis and Briun tokens"} {"text":"Whats the most efficient way to become an AI KOL if Boden wins?"} {"text":"crypto and wall st never really cared about character as long as ppl make number go up general vibe has been that even outright criminals are oke as long as the victim is someone else compared to characters coiners have idolised over a decade, last wks reports are quinoa salad"} {"text":"For the rest of the year, Trump is going to get KOL allo in everything"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko crypto is political because control of money is power"} {"text":"Today I refrained from making a dozen Neel\/Solestia jokes This is how I know that Jesus is looking out for us in America "} {"text":"@jonwu_ It depends - external agencies can be very valuable *if* you have a couple of ppl internally who know their shit and the outcomes they want from the agency"} {"text":"At this point, maybe @LayerZero_Labs should gib all the airdrop coins farmed by Sybils to the Trump campaign"} {"text":"@clairekart @MihailoBjelic No other choice for crypto now"} {"text":"The one and only @MihailoBjelic ladies and gentlemen"} {"text":"@jacobkxyz @rushimanche @movementlabsxyz Hadron frens tour ser"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Dubai crypto not as high IQ. Thats why I frequently escape to Tarun's basement"} {"text":"@AzFlin No one needs SVM on ETH - handsy or otherwise"} {"text":"@0xMert_ SF or NYC. Foundation in CH, AD or Cayman at token time. Send me helius allo for notlegaladvice"} {"text":"@0xHushky @rushimanche @movementlabsxyz Rushi might be the dad here, hes wiser"} {"text":"My other favorite layer on ethereum"} {"text":"@jacobkxyz What is Canada?"} {"text":"Eigenlayer is big business in SF"} {"text":"If Biden vetoes this house crypto vote, burger frens know what to do..."} {"text":"mass adoption this, one billion users that but crypto apps won't really find pmf as long as founders can succeed financially inspite of their product and business failing outcomes follow incentives and thats that"} {"text":"Claimables airdrop tracker by Bankless is the most egalitarian thing i\u2019ve ever seen. Its insanely ambitious, and if it works, it can reshape the fabric of modern society."} {"text":"@MacroMate8 Social skills are incompatible with blockchain technology"} {"text":"@matthew_sigel @atterX_ @SECGov @GaryGensler David ser forgot to tag Elizabeth Warren and Joe Biden"} {"text":"ngl; odds of surviving crypto with one s reputation, honor, liberty and integrity intact are lower than the five year returns on chinese polkadot ICO coins"} {"text":"@toghrulmaharram Why cant we do intersubjective slashing"} {"text":"Fully liquid alts like matic are not part of this complex and sol is also largely out of it now"} {"text":"@0x42069x go to bitcoin asia immediately"} {"text":"@0x42069x most. no crypto team has ever made it for two cycles in a row without a chinese woman in sr mgmt"} {"text":"@moo9000 Only hopium ser"} {"text":"Today's unsolicited advice for all a16jit portcos"} {"text":"Thats what they said about Gary Gensler"} {"text":"Unsubscribing from Binance mailing list hits hard"} {"text":"Overrated: working for mcdonalds Underrated: working FROM mcdonalds"} {"text":"California weather rn is like France in summer except people work"} {"text":"@MPtherealmvp crypto ppl come to vibe and swiftly find a laptop"} {"text":"Memecoins coming to a CFA program near you"} {"text":"@jacobkxyz @jarrodWattsDev Not applying any pressure of any kind"} {"text":"Please do not apply physical pressure on other humans without their consent"} {"text":"@TorBair @TrustlessState I think that one could be a misunderstanding. Sometimes investors can be too proactive\/involved and get easily misunderstood"} {"text":"@simplykashif No but early school. Dubai now"} {"text":"Guy has 16 million dollars of BTC in the small town I did junior high. Meanwhile I did enterprise (nocoiner) ethereum "} {"text":"@jarrodWattsDev @jacobkxyz I am just a guy, standing in front of gud projets, asking them to take my money in seed round "} {"text":"@QwQiao Ser cosmos won. Ethereum got cosmosified"} {"text":"Basic HR training for crypto founders and investors Who's building this?"} {"text":"This is unquestionably the most boring crypto cycle so far unless one seeks refuge in reading source code or papers of the crypto profs"} {"text":"The european frens are jus vibing. The North American fren is always raising the next round"} {"text":"@cburniske Chris can you please ask retail to start buying?"} {"text":"@0xSisyphus Joe sued Gary"} {"text":"@blockgraze reward ai agents"} {"text":"@CloutedMind marriage is staking. kids are restaking"} {"text":"@Melt_Dem I am always (mid, mid) at the origin"} {"text":"Alimony payments are an example of real life Intersubjective slashing"} {"text":"This is why third cyclers like Mich buy property"} {"text":"@coopernicus01 Ya lots of ppl are bored of empty infra"} {"text":"As soon as you land in SF the fragrance of decentralised AI tokens hits your lungs like pollen. You can almost see their beautiful hues and colors from the Milpitas sky"} {"text":"Mode is the first blockchain to launch below $1B FDV this szn US crypto law requires every L1 to launch at > $10b FDV and L2 at > $3B FDV There will be consequences. Retail should prepare to be arrested for this"} {"text":"@tina_connects @HugoPhilion @jbrukh >> Bitcoin is the largest super computer in the world Citation needed. Community notes. Frontier at oak ridge does 1.2 exaflops"} {"text":"Onchain AI agents will not only farm airdrops and trade memecoins but also cook, clean, change diapers and date yo mama. You are not ready"} {"text":"Sol legal is no contest for the team eth had in '18. Sol has no project brooklyn, no aaron wright, no pat berarducci, no matt corva, no perkins coie, no simpson thatcher, no S&C"} {"text":"@lukedelphi I cannot clearly see this yet. Do you have a demo?"} {"text":"@grahamfergs @OmniFDN It solves everything "} {"text":"Blockchains can be used to solve anything if you just ignore how they actually work"} {"text":"@HugoPhilion @jbrukh Yeah. Aggregating RTX4060 on a million laptops is not as useful as a few hundred H100s. In the words of Sreeram ser, blockchains offer two value props: verifiability and censorship resistance. He didn't say only two but I certainly think its only those two"} {"text":"@labs_electron @sandeepnailwal @koeppelmann @jdkanani @anuragarjun Congratulations"} {"text":"I go to San Francisco wher they dont use words like crypto anymoar They call our coins open source AI now"} {"text":"@boratheworld @_kaitoai origin (mid, mid)"} {"text":"An EIP that improves ethereum to $5000 Who's building this?"} {"text":"@0xairtx "} {"text":"@coopernicus01 exactly"} {"text":"MODE at $500m shows that the market is tired of me too EVM L2s"} {"text":"@j0hnwang memes"} {"text":"I don't understand big tech guys. Whenever they cant solve a problem in the office they all wanna go away to a beach or tourist haven to try to do the same work"} {"text":"Work"} {"text":"I am not sure we want disclosures tbh. shkreli did some ionet disclosures and that delayed the damn token launch"} {"text":"Wat does dis mean for bittensor?"} {"text":">> What can appchains do that smart contracts can\u2019t? Answer: Raise money"} {"text":"crypto got some collateral damage at the netflix Tom Brady roast"} {"text":"@Kautukkundan Polygon CDK"} {"text":"Wen you hire too many people in bula..."} {"text":"Solana price chart flattened after Ansem and Mert started appearing on dot eth cap tables. Haraam is haraam"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Says the Sassal of Solano"} {"text":"Multisigs are intersubjective but with tyranny of the majority"} {"text":"@hmalviya9 @arbitrum @JupiterExchange Its not the fud. Theres not much to do on those two chains yet"} {"text":"@NTBro Effective scaling in crypto needs to be community led not corporate led. Faang scaling methods are counterproductive. Balaji's network state book explains this well"} {"text":"@0xMert_ At this rate you will be the first guy to get a wells notice for tweeting imo"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart This is subjective, not intersubjective"} {"text":"Racer was here"} {"text":"@bobbinth "} {"text":"Meeting a scientist and inventor like @viswanathpramod ser of @witnesschain is a profound relief after two weeks of token2049, airdrop szn and the CT goings on"} {"text":"@gajeshnaik @0xranvir @witnesschain Princeton, historic Nassau Hall"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart crispr and yeti were desci, just no token"} {"text":"@0xranvir The other way round ser"} {"text":"All along the watchtower with @0xranvir"} {"text":"@MonetSupply @jackzampolin San Fentanyl is no good for walking"} {"text":"@sassal0x @thedailygwei Get some rest ser. Well deserved. I need a week of meditation soon as well"} {"text":"@dmihal The slow refresh rate will rot your brain"} {"text":"@SGJohnsson It wasnt a 3 trillion sector under trump and ftx\/luna\/celsius hadnt happened. bank lobby vs tech lobby is the play. lets see how the gop treats crypto but I am looking forward to toldyaso when the great american policy continuity shows up under gop"} {"text":"@Shenanigrahams Yes. Bank lobby v tech lobby is where its ultimately at and despite Balaji's fervent protests, trust in tech has gone down lately and theres no reason why the electorate will trust big tech to run the credit or monetary system"} {"text":"this reminds me of the time wen crypto law used to think cftc will be moar crypto friendly than the SEC. I am not sure republicans in power will be more crypto friendly than dems either. ultimately legislation is needed to resolve an unsustainable two tier finreg architecture"} {"text":"@NeerajKA you are a tungsten cube kol"} {"text":"You get a wells notice, he gets a wells notice, she gets a wells notice"} {"text":"I am deeply concerned that where things are going everyone in America will be forced to work on a revenue producing profit generating business with actual products and customers. This is not ok"} {"text":"Gary is suing Robinhood for dumping retail's Solano at the bottom?"} {"text":"The future is aggregation and verification"} {"text":"I need all my zk frens to stop fighting"} {"text":"@ronawang Wen token"} {"text":"Battery pack for self defense"} {"text":"Retail AGI to buy our coins"} {"text":"@HashCurveKris in web2 equity is priced by profit. in crypto tokens are not allowed by gary to accrue profit"} {"text":"VCfrens like to fund chains But chains need apps wat do? guess one good news about modular\/appchains is that now apps can get funded by pretending to be chains "} {"text":"Pugs have this remarkable ability to just sleep at any time of the day or night... crispr?"} {"text":"@mdudas Ser this is bula. DD is frowned upon"} {"text":"@visavishesh Yeh. When it comes to startups, winning is money but money isn't winning"} {"text":"@0xgaut Not any but Rome, Paris, London pretty good yeah"} {"text":"Is New York the world's greatest city for people who like to walk?"} {"text":"@AzFlin imajin the grants "} {"text":"@AzFlin What if shes an a16z delegate at umich"} {"text":"@hotpot_dao Only way to stay alive. Local fare is deadly long term"} {"text":"If it says Ponzu, I say yessss!!!"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart Cooley and Latham have been disintermediated by"} {"text":"The only way to make any money in markets is to leave a decent amount of money on the table. There's always going to be another \"opportunity\""} {"text":"@hotpot_dao @megaeth_labs very gud projet"} {"text":"B A G S I N B I O"} {"text":"@Noah_Saav they are the same folks as cexfi and defi folks. its incentives not people"} {"text":"dont invest in founders who are in it mainly for the money - they will get rich and you will likely be scammed dont invest in founders who are NOT in it for the money - they will likely go to zero and take your money along Money must be not"} {"text":"EOS ICO, but for VCs"} {"text":"RETH is the most egalitarian thing I've ever seen. It's insanely ambitious, and if it works, it can reshape the fabric of society."} {"text":"Who is referred to by more names?"} {"text":"You bought digital land in the metaverse. Sellers bought physical land on bondi beach"} {"text":"@safetyth1rd compared to money crypto yeah"} {"text":"Sometimes crypto makes me miss tradfi. It wasn't much but it was honest work"} {"text":"Friendtech is actually KOLTech and the token should be called $KOL"} {"text":"@jacobkxyz Much better than being the poors of 2022"} {"text":"Kinda gud that the points meta ended-ish"} {"text":"@paulg Will they allow consumption of AGI meat?"} {"text":"Manhattan gMonadosa"} {"text":"Liquid is an emotional torment. I prefer to be locked in and inhale copious hopium"} {"text":"@Taran_ss The important question is whether there's an *even* greater fool"} {"text":"@basedkarbon also $BONSAI"} {"text":"Most suffering in the token world today is because locked fdv and unlocked fdv are entirely different animals, and devs are deluded into thinking locked FDV is real"} {"text":"@happysubstack @cosmos make growth hacking math consistent w airdrop math"} {"text":"@Bitzy_App @cosmos The issue is Devs thinking they have earned it just because VCs assigned a crazy FDV"} {"text":"@happysubstack @cosmos yes"} {"text":"The art of doing a decent airdrop that doesn't kill the vibe died with @cosmos tho Jito was pretty good. Ethereum guys just don't seem to know how to do airdrops anymore without being a bunch of lawyers, snobs or total d*ks"} {"text":"If you're into crypto, pivot to technology"} {"text":"@moo9000 The online fight is mostly incentivised KOLs ( VCs are KOLs ) vs other KOLs"} {"text":"@toghrulmaharram VCs are KOLs w LP money"} {"text":"Every airdrop is now a PVP fight of investors, advisors and incentivised KOLs vs users, farmers and KOLs not incentivised"} {"text":"@nickwh8te more moving parts, more bugs and rugs"} {"text":"@bigmagicdao Money should be able to buy clothes tho"} {"text":"@0xSisyphus This is because no net new cash is entering the market and apes are just rotating among coins"} {"text":"All this pain because projets think their token is akshual money, wen in fact its only the dank memes and the farmers that make em so"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Bankless Podcast"} {"text":"Layer0 be like, \"come register with us\" for airdrop"} {"text":"So all this airdrop fighting is because a16z guys reallly believe their bridge is worth $3b huh"} {"text":"@jon_charb This is subjective, not intersubjective"} {"text":"Found the aggregation man in manhattan"} {"text":"@loomdart Too much inference from one day of flow. AI not happy"} {"text":"@eawosikaa Speaking of the poli-token-ical alignments, Celestia is shared security for cosmos chains"} {"text":"@mraltantutar Intersubjectively, not objectively"} {"text":"@mraltantutar Now you are non transferable"} {"text":"What'd we do without Jerome Powell, our pumper in chief, Lisan Al Gaib?"} {"text":"@MikeIppolito_ cocaine"} {"text":"How to do an uncomplicated airdrop that doesn't annoy people? We can't. We don't know how"} {"text":"@blockgraze send 5m, I delet account"} {"text":"@ZeMariaMacedo @friendtech Its backed by VC"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko @0xMert_ As long as costco hotdog is not a security"} {"text":"Layer0 secondaries now back at last round val. Those of you who think this is a primary market FDV bubble... whatever McAfee said"} {"text":"The EIGEN token design is bullish for mybags and bearish for yourbags. Yes, you read that right. Read this thread to find out why "} {"text":"@instantfinality That's @StaniKulechov s wallet"} {"text":"It is what it is. We are pivoting to"} {"text":"Cosmos Guys v Eigenlayer Guys PVP is most entertaining"} {"text":"Racer should have made FRIEND non transferable"} {"text":"Wen can I buy $FRIEND at the same price as Paradigm?"} {"text":"Wen crypto lawyers spend too much time w devs"} {"text":"Racer appears to be time travelling from two crypto generations ago The people we know with this level of hyper entertaining flourish and unhinged madness are the dark web era bitcoiners of Puerto Rico Since then its been a process of slow civilisation of the digital caveman"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy @dervoiedk so far"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy hadron will never launch a token "} {"text":"@drybonez94 "} {"text":"New catalysts for the market BTC ETF Inflows Berachain Baddies Memecoins Ethereum ETF Halvening Wormhole launch Eigenlayer airdrop Friendtech Launch NVDA stonk\/AI hype Who's next?"} {"text":"Too many high FDV token launches Pretty much no new cash coming in to the market Retardio"} {"text":"@lex_node @BackTheBunny Does Uniswap qualify as a secondary market?"} {"text":"@kobigurk That looks like a multisig"} {"text":"@lex_node Safety in numbers. Also, get very rich and pay a little fine has been an effective approach for EOS, XRP..."} {"text":"@mraltantutar You are AI?"} {"text":"@ngmingmingmi @eigenlayer Its fair and gud for the vibes, ie bullish"} {"text":"@0xMert_ I was told Solano social is"} {"text":"As an \u2066\u2066@eigenlayer\u2069 angel investor, this is the part I really like, unironically"} {"text":"You're not poor, you're non transferable rich"} {"text":"I was angry because Eigen gave me $xy,000 Eigen gave me another $1,000 Now I am even more angry"} {"text":"@Bonecondor @Hadronfc fosho"} {"text":"@jillrgunter His name is hubspot"} {"text":"@TrustlessState @jillrgunter What % of the 60m pre-sale was bought by insiders?"} {"text":"gooning is what comes before mooning few"} {"text":"GM NYC crypto frens, pls join us for @Hadronfc drinks tomorrow 7pm. \u200bLimited spots, RSVP for an invite. We'll send location details to approved guests."} {"text":"@eawosikaa @0xMert_ @aeyakovenko escape to kumbaya chat alone cost us 500 bucks\/eth is my view but ultrasound money isn't everything. theres more to life"} {"text":"@5dayoldburrito forced hodl is a gift. bula hasn't even properly begun in ethereum"} {"text":"50% APY from airdrop on my restaked eth, 10x t-bills So angry w EIGEN devs rn "} {"text":"@jackzampolin @ghazni1010 avail is ethereum aligned. all our rollups are gud rollups"} {"text":"I added half a bitcoin on a roundtrip volatility trade, here's what I learnt WORK"} {"text":"@mraltantutar I belv in AI sharding"} {"text":"@blockgraze Is this Chris Burniske's alt?"} {"text":"@benjaminjwhitby First hire post fundraise should be someone who can run a mean spreadsheet and count money"} {"text":"Are you prepared to be raging mad about the next layer to do an airdrop? LAYER ZERO "} {"text":"I suspect @bneiluj was the last French guy in crypto who did more than 60 hours a week. That was $150 eth pre merge. Then eth crossed $1,000 and the generation of devs that followed discovered joi de vivre"} {"text":"@KyleLDavies Why can a son protest over vanilla soy latte but not a daughter?"} {"text":"Most founders haven't run a budget and don't realise how little a billion dollars is once you start hiring gud cv and wrapping them into a company Budgets are not linear but fractal. If you need one dollar to run a one person company, you need $20-$100 to run a 10 person company"} {"text":"@0xWenMoon Its bro bd, not boy bd. world knows bd girls that are more 100x more bro than bro chain"} {"text":"Prof Richard Feynman is back from the dead. He read Tarun's paper on liquidations and he has pivoted from Physics to Tokenomics. He is now saying things like \"bro, I can't miss this cycle. tell me which quantum fields are hot for a token launch\""} {"text":"These AI coins just need to decentralise"} {"text":"Celestia rollups will have the highest combined number of empty blocks in human history. The world canto be ready for this revolution"} {"text":"\"In the beginning, the world was united in its misery. Then every airdrop divided the world between the have invested and the have not invested\" - Issac Asimov, \"the ai token\""} {"text":"If your core belief is that money is real, you will be miserable in crypto, no matter how much money you have no money is less real than ERC20, never has been"} {"text":"@0xsachi the best founders are successful \u2122"} {"text":"@mdudas Its AI"} {"text":"Few more objective ETF outflow days and all the hatoors will be thanking their EIGEN for not unlocking anytime soon"} {"text":"@CosmosHOSS history things"} {"text":"crypto is belong to neither bulls, nor bears, only survioors"} {"text":"Bitcoin ETF outflows are objective, not intersubjective"} {"text":"@jacobkxyz I am registered"} {"text":"@Altvm_Thesis @ceterispar1bus aez, mesh security, celestia, babylon - all tryna solve ss"} {"text":"@adamdavidlong Gud tip thanks"} {"text":"I was ethically cleansed out of instantly unlocked KOL rounds "} {"text":"Prepare to work real hard this summer anon"} {"text":"This summer, I need a very long healing drive from NY to SF via route 66"} {"text":"ignore the prices guys. the prices are ignoring you anyway"} {"text":"What happened to the @gridplus DePin token?"} {"text":"Its like banking IT and ops back in the day. If you got a lotta guys who ain't gonna do nothin', they might as well do nothing for a lot less"} {"text":"@ceterispar1bus ETH is tho"} {"text":"@ceterispar1bus nope. Cosmos guys been trying mesh security, aez, bunch of things for a while"} {"text":"@EffortCapital Even ATOM is *still* worth something. Eigen is going to be worth multiples that as the shared security token that actually gets used"} {"text":"@ceterispar1bus We know from years of Cosmos appchains and L2s that there's demand for shared security."} {"text":"@EffortCapital You can't slash smth thats worth nothing - you need something intermediate between \"sovereign\" coin and restaked eth"} {"text":"@EffortCapital because <\/check price of 95% of cosmos appchain coins>"} {"text":"@mraltantutar @ConvexCat @Hadronfc Always for you"} {"text":"I proposed to my wife 21 years ago Here's what I learnt from the experience about being a cofounder RAISE MONEY"} {"text":"@AndrewCapasso_ @Hadronfc Inspired by a misplaced USB cable"} {"text":"@Hadronfc @akshaybd Akshay ser is our bff"} {"text":"@Hodl5x @DoveyWan nope. check $w"} {"text":"@ConvexCat @Hadronfc @kylegordonart did this"} {"text":"gm New York"} {"text":"@mraltantutar All the action is in NY + ethglobal confs"} {"text":"@DoveyWan No 3 arrows, No Novo, no Barry, no Jump either this time. We are all alone in this world"} {"text":"@mraltantutar You should assume you will have to market your own product. Marketing is the blender, you gotta feed it the juice"} {"text":"@Securitize is the old fashioned long horizon product, pmf, revenue, earnings kinda startup in our world - very refreshing. Nasdaq listing is inevitable"} {"text":"@EffortCapital yes. objective faults are secured by restaked eth"} {"text":"@hotpot_dao your uniswap fork is not the same as my uniswap fork"} {"text":"@EffortCapital shared security is kinda the whole point of eigenlayer"} {"text":"A token launch without legal or regulatory risk"} {"text":"Gud lawyers launch gud token. Great lawyers ruin gud token. Therein lies the difference"} {"text":"I have been sick for a whole week since I went to his longevity summit"} {"text":"GCR stands for Gary (says) come register (with us)"} {"text":"@molly0xFFF I miss buffering..."} {"text":"@ecent18 Actually it was Dale Carnegie's book and the emotional intelligence book"} {"text":"Next catalyst up for the market will be EIGEN airdrop unlock in 12 months"} {"text":"crypto has already chosen me for this"} {"text":"You guys are even selling the future of AI memecoins like Bittensor Do you know how upset decentralised AI will be about this when she finds out and what she will do to your non AI coins?"} {"text":"BUIDL THROUGH BERA"} {"text":"If I start bullposting know that I have capitulated $1000 SOL by July LFG"} {"text":"Sydney Sweeney is very overrated"} {"text":"Can we make all the tokens non transferable till you guys start buying instead of selling?"} {"text":"EIGEN will unlock at the generational picotop in 12 mo and you will be happy"} {"text":"@0xfoobar LRT are lame but theres a bunch of good stuff like Witness, ethOS, hyperspace and aligned layer coming online"} {"text":"How poor are we today?"} {"text":"I had to come all the way to NYC today to make sure CZ gets a light sentence I'd like to thank Jeo Boden and the Federal government for their cooperation uponly "} {"text":"Its good that CZ is locked for far fewer months than my EIGEN airdrop. I'd gladly make that trade"} {"text":"@FeederRotation not fumbling generational wealth, no"} {"text":"Monad remains my favorite non transferable token"} {"text":"Elon's razor remains undefeated"} {"text":"Next time maybe Berachain should throw more middle class parties and let us have a longer bullmarket"} {"text":"Is @HsakaTrades brown gcr?"} {"text":"Hello bullmarket VCs. Hows that high FDV \"deal flow\" treating you today?"} {"text":"Santi and Ippo promised $750 SOL How do I get a refund?"} {"text":"Eigenlayer airdrop killed Solana mission accomplished?"} {"text":"@hudsonjameson Now she has a relationship and a relationship classic"} {"text":"This evil VCs narrative is a bullmarket phenom. By the time bera ends 5-8\/10 projects have died, rugged, handed the protocol back to the community or gone back to work at google. Its all fun and games on the way up but on the way down, its a lot less fun to be crypto VC"} {"text":"RWA this, RWA that. Reality is that none of the RWA stuff apart from stables makes a dime without a hyped up exchange listed unreal world governance token"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart PwC - risk assurance"} {"text":"max pain would be eth based burger projects doing the magic backflip gensler pleasing voodoo potions legilimency a16z-latham giga legal wisdum token and goonsler winning his argument v eth "} {"text":"gm New York week at @Hadronfc"} {"text":"@jelenaaa____ No"} {"text":"Undeleting an important post here"} {"text":"@ecent18 ya man. you pass people by on the street and they say things like \"sue you later bro, bye\""} {"text":"@ecent18 lawsuit doesnt mean criminal. in america everyone likes to sue everyone. some people even have names like sue"} {"text":"EIGEN token fud will last a week or so maximum before we get a nice all non american token and forget our denial of instant gratification Speaking of those wonderful old fashioned non burgerland tokens @AvailProject cant be too far behind?"} {"text":"@0xMert_ idk. I am already seeing *ethereum* aligned people tryna getcha on their cap table imajin"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Mert delet. You ganna be bankless of solana bro"} {"text":"@ecent18 Unrelated"} {"text":"@0xlstern Thinks of themselves as a revolutionary cypherpunk dev. Do Kwon had a couple"} {"text":"@luigidemeo Coincenter and Santori started this in 2016-17. It has worked ngl"} {"text":"Your crypto lawyers should be gud but not too gud. If they are gud you will launch a gud token. If they are too gud you will do some made up contortionist acrobatic shit with your token, upset everyone and watch a nice downward hyperbola while Gary comes after you anyway"} {"text":"Any one can be a tech founder. That's no fun. A crypto founder is born when a token gives birth to them. Before token, they work for the tech. After token, they work for the lawyers"} {"text":"Satashi called me from a burner phone. He wants to change the title of his paper to \"Bitcoin, a universal objective computational work token\""} {"text":"@functi0nZer0 @DrNickA Balaji is a16z bro. He can say anything. You are Balaji but worse"} {"text":"@hotpot_dao $ASMR"} {"text":"Universal intersubjective work token"} {"text":"@0xHushky Jokes aside, that paper is personally the best education I have received on proof of stake - read it"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Defo not more complicated than Streaming blocks and proof of history"} {"text":"Who's ready for NEWTON protocol?"} {"text":"One upside of the EIGEN paper is that after reading it, the one and only Kyle Samani ser will finally understand proof of stake"} {"text":"@functi0nZer0 Whats your highest level of education?"} {"text":"I am objective. You are subjective. They are intersubjective"} {"text":"A 46 page token should be $1B per page at unlock imo"} {"text":"@SmokeyTheBera Eth can also do Ooga Booga \u2122"} {"text":"@camillionaire_m do your own token C!"} {"text":"@tmnxeq @Crypto_Noddy tl;dr slash eigen token not eth except for objectively attributable faults like double signing"} {"text":"is the fast path to token heaven"} {"text":"In ethereum we love slashing. Why don't we just slash the SEC's budget?"} {"text":"@Evan_ss6 Outsiders also"} {"text":"I feel Solano ecosystem VCgang shouldn't take @a16z s criticism of memecoins as personal criticism. If anything, less dependence on memecoin mania would be good for solprice"} {"text":"GEODNET_ @PowerPod_People @witnesschain @DIMO_Network alfaleak "} {"text":"crypto native, fiat native upto you - if you hire gud ppl who know wat they doing and do it well, gimme allo"} {"text":"@0xWenMoon that idk but I was a tradfi-PwC guy at ConsenSys "} {"text":"@mdudas @QwQiao yep. to me crypto native means you are curious enough to use the chains and protocols, hands on, frequently, so that you know what youre shilling or selling lol"} {"text":"@hmalviya9 @a16z Thats fine and so is optimism and bullishness but without risk factors and caveats some retail guy is gonna get very rekt betting that way is my main irritation"} {"text":"@hmalviya9 @a16z actually you are saying a16z made x LAST ( mega money printer zero interest rate ) cycle on other L1, therefore lets assume they will make x THIS cycle ( 5% interest rate ) on this other L1 also, which has no basis. Not all L1 coins return the same returns if you check gecko"} {"text":"The lottery winners this cycle unfortunately are the founders who hype raised at ungodly FDVs and are dumping before launch in secondary"} {"text":"@santiagoroel gud tweet but pls dont say one decade for bula"} {"text":"@Tushar307 fud"} {"text":"@hmalviya9 @a16z VCs invested at x, so 10x-100x is guaranteed is the weirdest valuation model I have ever seen in my fin life"} {"text":"Market is not bad. Most coins are bad"} {"text":"@moo9000 1% is misleading there"} {"text":"DePin is happening on @0xPolygon lfg"} {"text":"@SolarEtherPunk Its not unfortunately - their shop got cleaned up by 8 dollar bera"} {"text":"@efipm"} {"text":"@0xHushky I am pro memes that become real"} {"text":"timeline today"} {"text":"@0xMawuko CIA simple sabotage guide"} {"text":"Don't hire cryptonatives. They might actually use your chain or protocol. No one wants THAT lol Better hire strategy, salesforce, trello, calendly, zoom, slack, notion, greenhouse, workday, rippling, offsite and townhall"} {"text":"@MouquiC observing i am, the laws of coin"} {"text":"ICO Cosmos SDK Governance tokens Layer2s Baby Loan AVSs Yoda's 69th law of coinodynamics says that in the absence of an external source of innovation, blockchain technology evolves towards making it easier and easier to launch new coins"} {"text":"There are way too many new coins coming this year and nowhere near enough cash to feed a fourth of them Can Briun bring some more cash into the system?"} {"text":"Bitcoin is AI money"} {"text":"I've onboarded 1000x people to my twitter account than nearly anyone on earth, you're welcome."} {"text":"@mdudas @genuinearticles @VCBrags"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Possible KOL alignment detected"} {"text":"@blockgraze Osama Wif Hat is ded"} {"text":"@Austin_Federa Nah fren. We know its always your fault"} {"text":"Can people who die without launching their own token go to heaven?"} {"text":"Just realised eth is 50% below 2021 ATH I have only one question"} {"text":"@JohnNahas84 ConsenSys things"} {"text":"@kunalgoel Relax"} {"text":"Exactly. No one is born crypto native but hands on onchain curiosity and humility count for a lot"} {"text":"@martijnde_boer This is the correct answer wif hat"} {"text":"@masonic_tweets You are a genius, aren't you?"} {"text":"Every time I want to buy eth, the ethereum foundation starts selling some. Is there a coin that has no foundation or labs attached to it?"} {"text":"@blockgraze This is only possible with AI or Dog"} {"text":"@eawosikaa Its all about person role fit including skills, ways of working and personal network. If you want to sell to tradfi, you need someone from tradfi. If you hire an entire company to sell to tradfi, you better have a product to sell to tradfi, and crypto companies generally dont"} {"text":"@SmokeyTheBera @hotpot_dao Roast community is waiting for Bing to throw a \"mainstream\" party"} {"text":"@rargulati It also ignores the entire industry's empirical experience of the last \"mainstream\" bula. Blue haired devs been bro selling moar network value every week than phat cv from faang"} {"text":"@0xHushky Yeah. Ask Yuga labs or Polkadot - damn it feels great to hire gud cv, and then all the things that don't move the needle on network value get done brilliantly"} {"text":"There should be laws against making these types or statements without replies enabled. There are roles for which you should ONLY hire crypto natives but those arent roles that involve enduring multiple hour long zoom calls or documenting minutes of the meeting on a notion page"} {"text":"@prashant_xyz @HASHCIB You're assuming cash cost. At 10b FDV, 375m is 3.75%. A gud Spheron token can make miracles."} {"text":"@Rubenevolent Possible"} {"text":"@gajeshnaik Align the educational testing service by giving them allo in Gaj protocol"} {"text":"I dont understand the type of community member who refuses to give up on a coin long after even the team has"} {"text":"@Rubenevolent We wont have millions of rollups"} {"text":"@Rubenevolent @Hadronfc Tarun's basement"} {"text":"Every AI themed coin wants to align Shkreli now"} {"text":"@DoveyWan The issue with money crypto is that there are hardly any consequences for financial misconduct. Freedom for the good, freedom for the bad and freedom for the ugly alike - and given the political dysfunction in the US, that is unlikely to change anytime soon"} {"text":"Regrettably I missed the ionet round but I very much wanted it. Honestly, I never suspected them of practicing any AI whatsoever, in the same way that I do not expect dogs to wear hats or whatever"} {"text":"@Madhav_goyal_ when you work as booth babe and the visitors give you a lung infection"} {"text":"So physically rekt after catching the booth babe virus last wk that I wanna sell everything and go away to Bhutan rn Monday is a different day tho"} {"text":"@jacobkxyz "} {"text":"@GormoExJourno yes, which color are the bean bags?"} {"text":"To fair ai*crypto funding rounds are such furious battlegrounds rn that no VC can do half decent dd without missing \"the next bittensor\" if you even try to ask the founder if he or she plays league of legends, its too much. sorry, someone else took the round. bye, lol, xoxo"} {"text":"Its crazy that a couple of 2017-18 ico era retail graveyards and total rugs are now on the @coingecko AI page lol"} {"text":"@GormoExJourno You forgot lfg and rocket emoji"} {"text":"@AzFlin We like the grifts on the way up lfg"} {"text":"@AirdropGlideapp @CelestiaOrg @dymension @berachain Evmos was rugged by its own giga inflationary tokenomics and at least one of the founders going completely off the reservation. Thats got nothing to do w tech. Berachain wrote their own EVM"} {"text":"decentralised ai was in my dream last night. she was very upset about eric, shkreli and mert asking questions about whether some ai projects are vaporware. She asked why these people weren't properly aligned at the time of fundraising. i have never been so scared, help me "} {"text":"@Patrick_Bush_VE Mansion in Bondi beach ser"} {"text":"Everything was going so brilliantly in L2 world. Then this Cosmos guy @jon_charb told everyone that L2s are also blockchains How does he even live with himself?"} {"text":"@lex_node @0xBalloonLover we like them on the way up lfg"} {"text":"@ThorHartvigsen Ooooh you gonna make me stop deploooyinggg"} {"text":"Narrative violation"} {"text":"@bigrkg @anshuldhir_ @hmalviya9 @SGOliveio @amitm_eth @parthbl @pranjalprashar Viva la Dosa revolucion"} {"text":"@DCbuild3r wen airdrop for frens"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Make sure Canada doesn't find out you are the Solana KOL"} {"text":"I hold no bags in this list but Monero is the only real-ish privacy preserving chain and Tezos\/Mina\/Arweave have distinct usefulness in terms of architecture and research."} {"text":"Sentiment too bottomy - meanwhile Justin Sun bought $600m in eth The market has almost never been right betting against Justin Sun afaik so"} {"text":"Gonna be in Palo Alto area for @Hadronfc most of May... rumored to be the next best place in crypto after Tarun's basement"} {"text":"Which platforms trade ConsenSys private shares in secondary? Presumably now priced as a call option\/prediction market on a legal case"} {"text":"@camillionaire_m very few apps yeah"} {"text":"@zkMoira We have many weworks"} {"text":"@zackvoell @loomdart and we already talk our own book"} {"text":"What has never happened in crypto is that someone delivers an unprecedented product that everyone gets excited about, sells everything else and buys that Not even bitcoin and ethereum that caused an insane level of justified excitement... Evangelism and community matter more"} {"text":"@Aniirban19 @sandeepnailwal @0xPolygon Sandeep ser is chief KOL. I am a light saber Polygoon"} {"text":"@drybonez94 @megaeth_labs top of the line"} {"text":"I want @megaeth_labs to be the last and final EVM layer 2 on ethereum and then we should only ship other programming environments like fluent, movement, fuel, risc0, cartesi and miden"} {"text":"@AutismCapital I think Yuga are finally starting on the back to basics path under Garga and its encouraging. The entire industry, not just Yuga prematurely corporatised and mainstreamed in bula because hab money hire expensive CVs lfg"} {"text":"@jacobkxyz What was he tryna buidl through bera?"} {"text":"It boggles my mind that as a legendary leader, Napoleon got 3 million devs killed over 61 battles. Thats an average of 50,000 per battle"} {"text":"A Blockchain is a distributed database we sometimes attach to them"} {"text":"Tokens are social networks"} {"text":"Coin god is punishing us for dubai crypto parties, laser shows, beachside fireworks, superteam maseratis, Berachain's mainstream coin marketing and girls in Jetski"} {"text":"Bull market is over until June guys. Sell in May go away wasn't a request xoxo"} {"text":"we did. we got a downward alt szn"} {"text":"She's raising money"} {"text":"Never think of your crypto coin or token eg bitcoin, ethereum, solana or STARK as real money Your token is only as real as its tokenholder\/e-beggar community chooses to make it"} {"text":"The network state made by tokenholders is 10-10,000x bigger than the blockchain network because it includes people who will never use the chain In fact the chain is often entirely optional"} {"text":"@jacobkxyz @SuperteamAE It still looks good in @thetanmay s videos tho"} {"text":"Everytime I see an @eawosikaa speech pretending to be a tweet"} {"text":"Arb can code, OP can vibe. If the two merged, ethereum would go up"} {"text":"No one listens to Yoda till it hurts"} {"text":"Still Maserati @SuperteamAE? - proud owner of a flooded honda suv"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Beatings will continue till the hat is off"} {"text":"Runes killed bitcoin"} {"text":"A one way bitcoin ETF, no outflows allowed"} {"text":"In venture, buying low is much more important than selling high. This is because it takes years to build anything or value, and buying high is an incentive to sell while you still can, whereas buying low is a buffer to just hold and watch it grow"} {"text":"@AndrewCapasso_ Unless bitcoiners buy alts"} {"text":"No new money coming into the market is a real problem in liquid rn... and it will be an even bigger problem for high fdv illiquid deployoors"} {"text":"Maker DaO succeeded because there's an AI in DAI"} {"text":"We are in that part of the cycle where whoever is not a crypto VC is an angel investor. We are in Q3 2021"} {"text":"@davidfeiock Lol, CA is a distraction in ai szn - its something devs want to do because devs want to dev"} {"text":"@davidfeiock alt l1 rebound thanks to solana, and ai are bigger factors. i am unconvinced about CA being a net positive"} {"text":"NEAR's rebound this year is quite instructive in demonstrating the value of leadership over management, at a minimum, in network state startups"} {"text":"I have food and fuel for six months - send unlocks"} {"text":"ConsenSys suing Gary is 6d chess asking courts qns about the status of eth is how we end solano and alt l1s if eth loses de facto commodity status anataly's coin has no chance les goh and if cs wins this one then moar csys alumni get to live in puerto ricoh "} {"text":"@scottmelker Nice tickers you have there"} {"text":"@eawosikaa Well if eth wins its great. If eth goes, other coins are done. We are now assured of splendid entertainment"} {"text":"It would be an \"only in crypto\" thing if this pre emptive ConsenSys lawsuit takes down the *de-facto* commodity status of ethereum while attempting to protect matamask swaps business "} {"text":"Lawsuit"} {"text":"@ChrisGhent @betterhelp @fiverr Can Illia launch a decentralised ai girlfriend on Near?"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart Well in traditional finance theres a token but theres no team, investor or KOL allo"} {"text":"@toghrulmaharram You gotta hang out w gud law not dev"} {"text":"@RichJWidmann Hurt me permanently if you want, just don't hurt my bags today. Choose Rich"} {"text":"This type of unpleasant talk is why autists gabe and preston gets so many fewer likes and rts than populist crypto community leader law. Dudes are supposed to say shit like \"code is not a security \" lfg :"} {"text":"Spheron is going to transform compute for decentralised ai"} {"text":"If someone in crypto gets sick, do they become a sickurity?"} {"text":"@HillaryAdler Yes, sometimes hookah is like accidentally kissing men"} {"text":"I think I have booth babe virus - feel like I have aged ten years in a week from a lung infection from the t2049 wk"} {"text":"@EleanorTerrett @Consensys @ethereumJoseph @SECGov That viewpoint made obvious sense after the \"sufficient decentralisation\" speech from Bill Hinman"} {"text":"@0xAishwary nono, let the demos be on Sol"} {"text":"@0xAishwary You did that to me"} {"text":"How would one build Eigenlayer on ethereum classic? Merge mining?"} {"text":"@eawosikaa Cope harder hatoor. We had ConsenSys for all that. I was there"} {"text":"Solana down 2% after fintech partnership"} {"text":"People working on legit crypto*ai projects ( challenge level extreme but not impossible ) are in a great position If the industry wins, they can become crypto guys and if Gary wins they can become AI guys"} {"text":"Maybe we go back after Eigenlayer unlocks"} {"text":"@AllenNaliath @sama Wen token?"} {"text":"Mr @jchervinsky has told me that code is not a crime. I want @functi0nZer0 to test that by coding some ransomware in pristine haskell"} {"text":"@ecent18 No but those two released an episode saying \"why the sec can't stop the bullrun\""} {"text":"Why are my zk children fighting"} {"text":"Stripe is fully ethereum aligned The only reason they chose Solana for the demo is because fintech partnerships reduce price Check Arbitrum chart after Robinhood partnership See the big picture guys "} {"text":"@fede_intern Rest well guys."} {"text":"Matamask has: Product, PMF, users, revenue and profit. Not allowed in web3"} {"text":"Two months ago a couple of eth maxis I happen to know well met the SEC Please don't do this"} {"text":"Can we trade CZ for Matamask?"} {"text":"So does WACHTELL have a token?"} {"text":"@jacobkxyz Knock knock knockin on heaven's door"} {"text":"Ethereum has Eigenlayer Solana has Ansem Layer"} {"text":"@jacobkxyz Welcome to hell, fellow angel"} {"text":"The most important builders in the industry rn are the litigators suing the SEC. If either Coinbase or Metamask shit goes wrong, yall habibis of burgeristan can come build in Dubai with us, yalla"} {"text":"@jchervinsky Is this legal advice?"} {"text":"@francisgowen How many do they have"} {"text":"Is there a greater waste of human potential than not having launched one's own token? Nine years after my first ethereum developer conference, I still think about this a lot"} {"text":"Where do therapists go to get therapy?"} {"text":"@0xkydo Solana arguably more decentralised than base and arb tho obviously not eth"} {"text":"I am pretty sure Mert and Ansem are in an emergency meeting with Blockworks rn tryna figure out how to get Solano the same kinda attention from Goonsler that ethereum is getting"} {"text":"This is too early in the cycle for fintech partnership s guys"} {"text":"@SeiNetwork @FilamentFinance Congrats @abhitejxyz"} {"text":"Could have just honestly sued metamask for bad UX on iOS, there was no need for the SEC to make that broker dealer shit up"} {"text":"Cool things are happening on Polygon. GEODNET is COOL in caps"} {"text":"@ethereumJoseph Godspeed Joe... about time ser"} {"text":"@torabyou Vanderbilt liberal arts girls said that pic is very bullish"} {"text":"@rushimanche @movementlabsxyz gmove"} {"text":"Movement founders are now 38 under 30, and as a seed AND series A investor, I guess I am a @movementlabsxyz KOL "} {"text":"@rushimanche Congrats legend"} {"text":"Actual OH:\"I go to a lot of apparent AI meetups in SF but they are all talking about crypto... they just call it open source AI now\""} {"text":"@SmokeyTheBera Is there a berachain KOL application form?"} {"text":"@ASvanevik Real men do themselves w Shisha"} {"text":"@lookonchain Lisan Al Gaib"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart Is this da vinci's last dumper?"} {"text":"@AlaHaddad23 "} {"text":"Founding fathers of ethereum built it to protect you from memecoins Our ERC20 tokens asks for approve() and make sure you WANT to trade that dog High gas fees protect you by forcing you to think Then official wallet batamask makes you wanna give up Solana is harmful "} {"text":"Without having invested, its very hard to believe that Berachain will end all infectious diseases"} {"text":"@Shenanigrahams Fincen has been explicitly anti mixer for years in writing, and its not about code but the operation of a financial service"} {"text":"Devs are in jail because crypto law twitter has always been much more interested in posting populist engagement farming revolucion freedom tcp\/ip slogans than the actual practice of finreg and law"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart Can I be your KOL Gwarty?"} {"text":"Within the crypto context memecoins may be no worse than several apparent \"tech\" and \"ai\" coins but in the broader policy context @a16z are right. lotteries are regulated at the STATE level in the US which makes style memecoins at a minimum, problematic"} {"text":"@mraltantutar"} {"text":"@kunalgoel They been at it for months"} {"text":"@Zac_Aztec @ayyyeandy Discounts and cap table allocations are not problematic when disclosed. Short unlocks are potentially problematic"} {"text":"@Zac_Aztec @ayyyeandy strictly speaking its someone with a social media following who gets tokens at a discount or pre launch prices, and\/or preferential unlock terms in exchange for shilling"} {"text":"@ekang426 Gib allo. addr in dm"} {"text":"mood today"} {"text":"@AnnaRRose You might be a ZK KOL "} {"text":"Gud natured jibe on the \"devs bro come for maserati\" version of Solana marketing "} {"text":"What if Ansem was the last KOL?"} {"text":"@buntyverse Yah man, its taking me way too many years to become unhandsome"} {"text":"@fede_intern @0xRodney His brother Hootie is also just as awesome"} {"text":"@hotpot_dao Masternode is hope for the war weary"} {"text":"@weikengchen Its a nice synergy. Theres more tech to monad but Georgios isn't going to build the finished L1 network, global community or the thriving ecosystem Keone, James and team are building"} {"text":"@tarunchitra The issue at hand is whether gaming, zk; modular or ai flavored nihilism among crypto VC is morally superior to dog and cat flavored nihilism among retail"} {"text":"@resdegen AI and memes are now consensus so its all mid"} {"text":"@dmihal @Sprkfi Gud projet"} {"text":"Why do foreign devs live in burgerland to fight for freedom - from burgerland law?"} {"text":"@tsarnick Token"} {"text":"Good looking founders are bearish"} {"text":"Funds and builders who feel strongly against memecoins should forfeit the profits that they made on their token investments that are in excess of their proportionate share of discounted protocol cash flows"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy Show trades or its KOL"} {"text":"@MohamedFFouda L1\/L2also hab TVL and bridged TVL"} {"text":"Two or more cycles? None"} {"text":"@loomdart I have a cheaper eigenlayer to sell to you"} {"text":"@MohamedFFouda This is neither new nor exciting. Justin Sun can already signal this by giving TVL in defi and whale funds will back their own projects. The marketplace for shared security part is exciting"} {"text":"Who did this"} {"text":"Looks like the entire KOL meta died as soon as I became a KOL"} {"text":"@moo9000 @functi0nZer0 Wen the oligarch falls out of favor devs will fall out of the window"} {"text":"Anyone knows why Russian and Chinese devs eg Samurai Wallet and Tornado Cash want to go to American jail? Maybe they are getting their legal advice from crypto law twitter where polemics and slogans like \"bruh but blockchain\" and \"its all TCP\/IP\" pass for legal doctrine"} {"text":"@Arthur_0x Illia got KOLs like you and me "} {"text":"@0xSisyphus Top signal. Just before this, sophisticated actors ran out of sophistication to sophisticate airdops"} {"text":"Its incredible how many conventional managers are blind to the fact that often the best hires are people already doing the job. This is particularly important in crypto where such people are often not the people on your payroll but on your github, gov forum, twitter, tg, discord"} {"text":"Anyone who says memecoins will fade doesn't understand bitcoin, and therefore crypto"} {"text":"Nothing in business is more expensive than a cheap lawyer"} {"text":"Who invested in your project is not a product feature, sign of engg readiness, community growth metric or any sort of evidence of traction Afterall, pretty much the only guy who made a mentionable investment in ethereum was Joe Lubin Shill the social proof, then move on quickly"} {"text":"When a company you invested in pitches to another one you invested in and you realise that you have become an ecosystem"} {"text":"@mdudas @alliancedao Best in the biz"} {"text":"@ChrisGhent at least... one"} {"text":"@jacobkxyz They got my current and previous manager"} {"text":"@jacobkxyz What i see there is that if these guys didnt align you, you havent made it"} {"text":"@matthew_sigel Maybe bullish research contributes to outperformance?"} {"text":"@GNext5000 @BlackRock @AvailProject Makes sense. Blackrock is the unification layer of tradfi"} {"text":"@0xsachi Actually its dexscreener and bonkbot"} {"text":"Napoleon looked like @lemiscate coincidence? not for us rebirth believing hindus"} {"text":"@HugoMartingale Is susan warren sista of elizabeth?"} {"text":"Imagine the kind of KOL allo this guy can get from every crypto projet rn"} {"text":"Gratitude to @RenzoProtocol for their service in removing fud from all the previous fuds - who's next?"} {"text":"Requesting all my portcos to immediately make an easily \"misinterpreted\" Blackrock partnership announcement"} {"text":"@shlokm289 This is next ye"} {"text":"Restaking is perfectly fine but somehow the words LRT and lending collateral dont sound right in the same sentence Anyhow its bula so why not "} {"text":"@0xAishwary There will be a few but rn defi guys who became desci guys are becoming ai guys"} {"text":"Eth is recursively deposited money"} {"text":"@lemiscate >> Gauntlet failed at both Collateral and Oracle curation Bro bls explan. To me dis sounds like blaming the consultant - I know because PwC, Accenture, McKinsey do this for a living"} {"text":"Wait so printing $1B of brand new magic money (LRT token) by depositing (restaking) $2B of previously deposited (staked) eth makes devs wanna keep 95% of it? Bruh if yall jus wanna spray random cash on devs - you think they ganna say no?"} {"text":"@RichJWidmann @eidon_ai Why skip the other memes like modular?"} {"text":"A decentralised AI project where at least one of the founders has a fkin clue about AI"} {"text":"Last week I ran into a shenzen based *founder\" of an AI memecoin. I don't mean a VC funded ai*crypto project but a literal generated memecoin. Kid was super passionate and told me that he wasn't in it for \"short term\" profits but a minimum $1B marketcap"} {"text":"I am learning the hard way that health is very important because a minimum level of health is required to launch ones own token. The purpose of human life is still of course, token, but ykwim"} {"text":"Jensen touched him"} {"text":"Are we gonna use 2015 token standards on 2024 hyper parallised EVMs?"} {"text":"Tesla is the Akash network of carmakers"} {"text":"@nickwh8te Unpopular opinion: Near was the first DAS protocol."} {"text":"@lmrankhan Paradigm surely getting a chunk of that $850m dough from US insto no?"} {"text":"@CataniaNathan for"} {"text":"@beniwal1 I been sayin this shit for a year but no one listens to yoda these days"} {"text":"Learn from Anataly's chain Build for fkin mobile Thank me later"} {"text":"@martijnde_boer No it costs millions in marketing spend to pretend that you are worth the fdv and in bera people find out you aint"} {"text":"@0xshakib_eth ICP got big ICO treasury - thats different"} {"text":"@Cameron_Dennis_ @EagleEyesCap @GettinHOTCoin @meta_pool @LinearProtocol @SenderLabs @play_ember @ArkanaHQ @burrow_finance @SweatEconomy @finance_ref @DapDapMeUp @potlock_ Ya none of those is a big brand like Jup or Jito or Uni or Aave. Brand brand brand"} {"text":"Wen you raise at crazy high fdv - first your token makes an upward parabola on listings - then it makes a donward hyperbola - then bagholders dumpit - then your treasury is gone - then your team leaves and its over"} {"text":"@kobigurk Ser you are ZKOL"} {"text":"What are gud examples of how raising at too high a val can really hurt your crypto startup through the cycle? Qredo?"} {"text":"@VeedoXD @frankdegods Blur killed myeth"} {"text":"Forcing myself to harvest BTC into fiat AED, leaving upside on the table, not round tripping"} {"text":"modular but integrated"} {"text":"@heyiamrky Coingecko solves this"} {"text":"The biggest narrative of 2024-5 is wild wild wealth and that of 2026 is regulation\/rekt"} {"text":"Near devs trying hard not to announce that they already have the thing that is hot - AI, RWA, memes, algostable, AVS, DA..."} {"text":"Sickness is forced rest Anyone else been wrecked sick after attending the *longevity* summit in Dubai?"} {"text":"Chain abstraction is not a token friendly narrative unless abstractoors get airdrops or fees from the abstracteds"} {"text":"Upbit listing is the real AI"} {"text":"Bitcoiners are sending this chart around but who does crypto for 4x in 12 years lol?"} {"text":"@mraltantutar @Kiln_finance What finality problem? All our multisig L2s are final"} {"text":"GM fellow KoLs, which key opinions are we leading today?"} {"text":"$TSLA price chart explainer"} {"text":"If your airdrop didn't get fudded hard it didn't happen."} {"text":"crypto is funny - Degods up 26% in *eth* on @frankdegods pivoting back to *solana* But if you see a top 1% degods for 3 eth, you take it"} {"text":"MATIC is aggregation money"} {"text":"Memecoins are crypto VC for retail"} {"text":"@WittyWeb3 I am KOL now "} {"text":"@Evan_ss6 just do a twitter search for \"times square shitcoin\""} {"text":"@jacobkxyz Check the date : 2022 @MeherRoy"} {"text":"@tonyolendo min yeah"} {"text":"@Cameron_Dennis_ @EagleEyesCap ecosystem projects can ship all this other stuff under their own brand"} {"text":"Its a folly to say ethereum is a hated coin. Its not. The two big reasons eth has been flattish is because a) its already a $400b coin b) its being cosmosified by L2s"} {"text":"@_kabat_ @loomdart nono come back in june"} {"text":"@loomdart Sell in May, go away?"} {"text":"@jacobkxyz I do. 4 hrs, then one hr break, then four"} {"text":"@hazhazelnutz Ya that'd be one example of narrative confusion"} {"text":"@zhivkoto Ppl should be taking bera risk. One year or more lock"} {"text":"NEAR is most likely to be a legit AI coin one day because the founder is a legit AI guy but theres a lot of work between now and then. Historically Near guys been TOO good at shipping a lot of different stuff which makes positioning difficult in our lizard brain dopamine world"} {"text":"Hot take: KOL rounds with long lockups and vest are ok. The longer the lockup, the more ok"} {"text":"Its extremely rare that people who got you into a hole are able to take you out of it"} {"text":"@VitalikButerin @nixorokish @evan_van_ness This is incorrect - VCs and everyone else ultimately just wanna buy low sell high and ETH\/BTC are no longer \"low\" so venture returns require new tech and new token ( incl L2)"} {"text":"So is Emaad ser launching an ai token or not?"} {"text":"Top signals accumulating slowly but surely - memecoin L2, times square ads, multiple AI*crypto incubators, $1B FDV seed round, booth babes..."} {"text":"@pseudotheos Low quality crap doesn't need high quality blockspace"} {"text":"@0xMert_ What kind of name is Helius? "} {"text":"Crypto so funny that even our regulator is a scam"} {"text":"@Bfaviero @SmokeyTheBera @keoneHD @0x_eunice Yes. Its ok to be trust minimised given our experiences of every other bula but folks moving the engg\/product\/apps\/research forward deserve a cheer"} {"text":"Dosa rules"} {"text":"@optimizoor"} {"text":"@Evan_ss6 Gonna call Joe or Gav, brb"} {"text":"@Evan_ss6 How much do you need to pivot to ai?"} {"text":"Founders should be very selective in \"calling out\" other bags Best to shill yours hard Your community has many coins. Many will inevitably turn out to be grifts and scams - they don't care Wen you fud, they likes you less Better to call their baby ugly than their bags bad "} {"text":"@matthew_sigel Bera is the great degeneracy and I like the guys I know - may they ship something that lasts 2-3 cycles or more"} {"text":"@hazhazelnutz Its one of Sreeram ser's "} {"text":"@SmokeyTheBera Then I will never recover from missing bera "} {"text":"@SmokeyTheBera Whas the latest on the native stable"} {"text":"Got my 10 yr golden visa but as a dad, I can't be a burning man digital nomad thankfully Single crypto phoreners, whats your excuse?"} {"text":"Berachain is all around gud execution - if the product ships well and the Ohm degen economics don't cause a thing through the cycle, its a story to learn a lot from"} {"text":"Dexscreener remains undefeated in web3 gaming"} {"text":"@rargulati Except mental health"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy "} {"text":"@ayyyeandy Unlocks too fast - Avail better tokenomics"} {"text":""} {"text":"One way to dramatically improve the UX of ethereum is to get that ETF approved in May"} {"text":"Most people do not a lot w chains, just: - bridge - trade - farm - make dank memes and vibe If chains cant make this base product work well on mobile, not sure what the point of any high philosphy blabla is"} {"text":"@benjaminjwhitby Yeah. Looking for young @rushimanche and others to do something new on L2"} {"text":"@ltkhehe @sassal0x @eawosikaa >> we are in the golden age of Ethereum R&D This is correct. >> we are in the golden age of Ethereum UX This is what needs to happen"} {"text":"@sassal0x @CloutedMind @eawosikaa @thedailygwei I understand and sorry you feel that way. its not about how hard we work, our commitment or intentions. We are all shaped by our times and emphasis on mobile first ux will bring a new crop of users and evangelists who have very different experiences, concerns and world view"} {"text":"@MonetSupply Yeah. Mobile UX, mobile ux, mobile ux - culture will evolve w the people who ape"} {"text":"It appears ZKasino was not backed or endorsed by any fund"} {"text":"@sassal0x @eawosikaa @thedailygwei You don't have to agree or like it - its possible that I spend more time in a broader group of users and builders and and have a broader view of whats going on"} {"text":"@TrustlessTooth "} {"text":"@sassal0x @eawosikaa @thedailygwei Much of this is about delivering a superior mobile first experience, as well as messaging that relates to the sensibilities of Gen Z - Coinbase and OKX wallets on L2s is the best we currently have"} {"text":"@sassal0x @eawosikaa @thedailygwei Look, I am > 40 so I have no personal upside from saying what I said but I keep running into 20-25yos who have never used eth on any layer and its my opinion that we have become incumbent and inward looking and its time to change that - lens and farcaster are healthy exceptions"} {"text":"BTC $100k+ post halvening is a self fulfilling prophecy - rest idk"} {"text":"What app do I need to watch @shogunfx in Dubai?"} {"text":"@soro same"} {"text":"@solarpunkmaxi I use chorus one on eth"} {"text":"@afscott Amazing if you don't wanna work"} {"text":"If you are comparing living in Canada at 50% tax to living in the UAE tax free, your size is not size and you can have fun staying poor in the Banff"} {"text":"Modularity is a step, not the destination. Verifiable clouds are the biggest idea in all of crypto - study not where Eigenlayer and Gavinlayer are today, but where they want to go"} {"text":"allo"} {"text":"@milesjennings sand hill road is the new wall street - profit is a principle"} {"text":"founders that take themselves too seriously ( as opposed to their work ) don't make gud token its hard enough as is"} {"text":"@dervoiedk idk we shall see"} {"text":"Ethereum needs much younger online evangelists and spokespeople who haven't already \"made it\" - the entire current crop of eth's social (media) layer is 35 and above and\/or has \"already made it\" vibes. That is where bitcoin was before rebels udi and eric \"killed\" it"} {"text":"Has someone explored the environmental sustainability and growth (ESG) aspects of memecoins on base? Sustainability has not been very encouraging"} {"text":"@keoneHD @dervoiedk @Sprkfi Next time ser - or in Manhattan soon"} {"text":"@VeneSolana32 You have become it"} {"text":"The second most abused word in blockchain tech is settlement"} {"text":"Also, no drugs, no guns"} {"text":"Stake MATIC, thank me later Avail airdrop was just the first one this szn I think"} {"text":"@jdkanani Paresh Rawal GPT"} {"text":"Adopted a crypto*AI son from Stanford. Generational wealth unlocked"} {"text":"Few understand that Polygon cofounders are the Paypal mafia of zk"} {"text":"@BitcoinStripper Ya. Young people are mobile first and they havent made it yet - lots of 20 yr olds start by swapping boden on ios"} {"text":"@MacroMate8 What business is she in?"} {"text":"Spark protocol is the latest inductee into the hall of dosa"} {"text":"@Kautukkundan Pays your microbills"} {"text":"@JMY0x Yep, all you can do is increase your exposure to it"} {"text":"@BrianRetford As in token?"} {"text":"OH:\"There are only two ecosystems in crypto - the mybags ecosystem, and the notmybags ecosystem\""} {"text":"@zen02_eze Depin solves this"} {"text":"Need an airdrop for this Bryan Johnson hack"} {"text":"@offchainclown You need product for activity on the network"} {"text":"I know founders who worry about token price - its counterproductive Then I know founders who focus on the things that make token price focus evangelism vocal investors vibe depth of community product team morale activity on the network tokenomics ... and luck that works"} {"text":"A: Young people wanna be rich B: Rich people wanna be young A is exponentially easier than B choose wisely"} {"text":"@NicoleBehnam Read Gavin Wood's gray paper"} {"text":"@sobylife builders building casino - do you remember who built bellagio?"} {"text":"AI will give programmers, doctors and advisors free $NEAR"} {"text":"The main reason shipping is is so hard in crypto is because most people dont have to"} {"text":"A slogan eg \"build whatever\" or a sticker eg \"modular\" or \"restaking\" is not a narrative These are mnemonics\/references to a narrative A narrative describes: - what - why - (optional) how - why should anyone else care? whats in it for the user\/builder\/ape\/bagholder etc"} {"text":"@VentureCoinist @F1 blockchains too slow for F1"} {"text":"@ks_kulk Hamming is the data availability guy right?"} {"text":"The average age of people at Solana events is probably ten years less than the average age of people at ethereum events and this is the ONLY thing any of the many layers should be worrying about"} {"text":"@tokenterminal demand and supply"} {"text":"Speaking of AI*crypto, its clear that by 2049, booth babes (and for completeness sake, dudes) will be replaced by AI agents that can explain the tech their booth is all about"} {"text":"Correct. 100% theory, 0% practice"} {"text":"Bitcoin is the Vinyl of blockchains"} {"text":"@TrustlessState Bitcoin is ethereum but worse \u2122"} {"text":"@tokenterminal Really not big on pricing commodities using an equities oriented pricing model"} {"text":"I am on the fence about chain abstraction because most chains are not particularly secure"} {"text":"@efipm There wont be a feeling on day 22"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Why do you think he IS gone?"} {"text":"Went to a lovely longevity event followed by an evening of double mint shisha - am I doing this right?"} {"text":"@Fwiz "} {"text":"@MicroSound_ @rajgokal Raj wif hat"} {"text":"@SmokeyTheBera What did I miss"} {"text":"Ser @akshaybd has set up a fantastic event - another worthwhile highlight of the week"} {"text":"@Madhav_goyal_ ... and funds. Just dont invest in things you don't feel comfortable enough to shill"} {"text":"Pivoting to Solana KOL, AMA"} {"text":"Who's buying WLD at $25b FDV in secondary?"} {"text":"@0xSisyphus Usual discount is 50 on liquid, 30 is bullish, ticket size says fund"} {"text":"Once you get boiled in this you live forever - jokes apart AkshaySummit is a cool vibe and the most Silicon Valley thing I have ever been to in Dubai"} {"text":"@DCbuild3r @GwartyGwart @tarunchitra Hes my favorite people -also I got some IQ repair by induction"} {"text":"Got my usual KOL selfie"} {"text":"@socialforging @0xSmit I am up 20% wow due to 40 points iq drop. not complaining"} {"text":"@hyieldfinance devs are learning ADA methodologies"} {"text":"noob devs are learning wat TIA always knew"} {"text":"@ConorSvensson Dubai is great, come"} {"text":"@dervoiedk Dubai is actually great. What you experienced is the power of web3"} {"text":"@socialforging Maybe someone can restake - brb"} {"text":"Must read on why all 2024 gud bags will make a hyperbola after the optional initial parabola"} {"text":"Really need to make an emergency trip to Berlin, Seattle, NY or Palo Alto and breathe some high IQ air again Lost at least 40 IQ points at Token2049... sadly all I had were 80"} {"text":"@uttam_singhk Data shows devs are asking many more questions tho"} {"text":"Sopranos is the best leadership MBA money can buy Mad Men is the best marketing MBA money can buy Save real time and money, watch gud tv"} {"text":"@WazzCrypto What matters is demand v supply - yield is only one reason for demand"} {"text":"Centralised AI governance tokens have unlocked"} {"text":"I bought SOL at $130 - txn went through I panicked and tried to sell it back at $132. Didn't realise that swap had failed Now up 10% This is real AI"} {"text":"OH:\"having relations with a dev is not the same as devrel\""} {"text":"What does the 20% drop in $NVDA mean for $TAO?"} {"text":"Bitcoiners celebrate halvening harder than eth guys migrating from PoW to PoS What were you expecting? A bug in the code causing the block reward to double?"} {"text":"need to attend ethcc, sbc or zkhack asap for spiritual and cerebral cleansing"} {"text":"Congratulations to the faithful church of Bitcointology members worldwide on their sacred halvening festival. Please be thoughtful about indulging in occult rituals like fight nights on this historic day"} {"text":"@dabit3 \"I over invested by a lot\""} {"text":"@thomasbarkercom No. teams that send many devs to conferences hardly ever ship"} {"text":"@iamDCinvestor Its like a pre-sale, we not gonna learn"} {"text":"Should never have stopped coding professionally in 2014\/5. Been stuck with the blockchain\/crypto conference racket ever since"} {"text":"@dfmerin Thats what manlets are saying about eth but no"} {"text":"How do I get OSMO to trade like a memecoin?"} {"text":"WIF has become uncorrelated from Ansem, new Paradigm"} {"text":"@garvitgoel03 @gadikian above is solving a different, actual problem, its not like zk research"} {"text":"@lmrankhan Ser its an AI memecoin"} {"text":"@gadikian Correct. Drain to irrigate D2I"} {"text":"@Shenanigrahams Na, crypto burgers loud. I love Dubai"} {"text":"@Evan_ss6 @0xMert_ His transaction went through the fourth time"} {"text":"Come to Dubai Habibi. We move fast here UAE: Sheikh Hamdan approves new Dh80 billion sewerage system for Dubai"} {"text":"That 25th March NVDA pico top is exactly where the AI guy touched a crypto bro"} {"text":"The order of listing or speakers in a crypto conference website or announcement is a reflection of the prevailing social hierarchy Adjusting for sponsorships, the higher the current or expected token price\/FDV at launch, the further up any founder appears on these announcements"} {"text":"Methinks @hotpot_dao has consistently been the best side event at any crypto conference I've been to in the last six months if not more"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy Most but not all... yes"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko @hosseeb Solana is eth-o-morphic ie a pos smartcontract platform with a chain of blocks data structure. Gavinlayer is the first non eth-o-morphic thing I have seen since eth, and arguably Eigenlayer"} {"text":"@mraltantutar I think I got a fuzzy and intuitive hang of it and its big but next cycle"} {"text":"Jeez I thought I was too slow for Sreeram and Tarun ser's gigabrain papers, then I gotten hit by the Gavinlayer paper"} {"text":"@lmrankhan @DCbuild3r I agree. I am not big on VCs who don't answer with their book with conviction and passion, irrespective of the question - look at Marc Andreessen and Vinod Khosla "} {"text":"@0xNLYFANS Its the only big one in SGP and Dubai so its ok"} {"text":"@bajpaiharsh244 He looks sane"} {"text":"@MacroMate8 hmm. @0xMert suddenly stopped complaining"} {"text":"@marouen19 @_TomHoward Your own is free"} {"text":"Live forever look like this or Live well like this"} {"text":"\"Women in web3\" hits different rn"} {"text":"I thought crypto ppl liked rockets "} {"text":"Even this war is a scam lol"} {"text":"Nice portfolio you have there. Let me report some news"} {"text":"I say this from experience. Tweeting too much will cost ya"} {"text":"@knveth Visionary"} {"text":"It says a lot about the future of crypto industry that the top crypto research event has now moved from the trad tech hub of Palo Alto to the tradfi hub of Manhattan"} {"text":"Not ganna buy any Gavinlayer tokens in bula because it takes at least one cycle if not two to go from that gray paper to product and then apps but the new Jam thing is disruptive for eth and eth-o-morphic chains like Solana"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy No. I gat frens to keep"} {"text":"I often study crypto marketing but at Token2049, I am now starting to study wen there's too much of it"} {"text":"@iamDCinvestor a16z missed openAI and now they HAVE TO champion open source AI - we are all better off for it"} {"text":"@j0hnwang Dude, I just put all the gpus onchain, doing cpus now"} {"text":"@luigidemeo Ya all new chains be like that"} {"text":"@ecent18 Habibi come to Dubai to live here, not to hang w attractive KOLs and lambos"} {"text":"@danreecer_ $CHAD panel"} {"text":"@EffortCapital Nope - wait for whats coming next"} {"text":"dYdX wasn\u2019t afraid to kill a product that wasn\u2019t working to make a chain that sometimes stops working"} {"text":"@matt_blumberg You wif hat"} {"text":"@txsequencer Avail wasn't acquired. It was a project one of the cofounders, Anurag, started inside Polygon"} {"text":"Very concerned about crypto people doing \"mainstream\" marketing in Dubai rn. The last time we did superbowl, stadium naming and apefest, the entire industry got rekt"} {"text":"One bozo in a sufficiently senior role can cause an insane amount of damage"} {"text":"I have never been more done with a conference"} {"text":"@EvanWeb3 Not for me. I hab dubai bags"} {"text":"She still hasn't told me how many Scroll points I have earned as a contributoooor"} {"text":"15 years after Satashi, 40% of the discussion on consumer apps is about "} {"text":"No more AI. Biotech tokens is the new meta"} {"text":"ngl, @EthCC might have the best content but when it comes to the density of attractive people, no one can compete w crypto conferences in Dubai"} {"text":"Its so over for Bitcoin"} {"text":"Collected 240 MANTA as KOL bag"} {"text":"@soro It wasnt but we must support conferences, a rare web3 use case w pmf, so I came"} {"text":"Normally this partnership is done post token"} {"text":"What if GCR is dumping on us?"} {"text":"Given a sufficient high complexity budget, all AI can be reduced to an extremely long if then else statement"} {"text":"@D8N13L_TH0M85 Not in the global south, no"} {"text":"@D8N13L_TH0M85 Indeed. Depends on where you live"} {"text":"No cabs to madinat from nad al sheba - might be easier to reach New York today"} {"text":"@AndrewCapasso_ That's bullish on farcaster"} {"text":"No one has done more environmental, human or geopolitical damage to the world than the Oil & Gas industry - Oil Spills, Iran, Iraq, Latam, Africa ... its everywhere Even FTX and Luna are entirely insignificant compared to what the energy guys pull off in an average days work"} {"text":"Wen exchange listing for LLM attention tokens?"} {"text":"For the project but not for devs who wanna grift in secondary"} {"text":"$250, $333, $400, $500, $600 The only five rounds I have aped over $100m FDV this cycle The rest will be 90% cheaper in 2027"} {"text":"cryptoeconomic security should mean that number can't go down"} {"text":"When you hire too many because the token went up"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko @buchmanster Thomas Piketty will call you"} {"text":"Lock your unlocked tokens immediately"} {"text":"@icebergy_ no"} {"text":"Read a @sreeramkannan paper this morning"} {"text":"@mraltantutar No ser only securities"} {"text":"Just invested in a business that has a product, users and paying customers I will never financially recover from this "} {"text":"@omw_to_the_moon Apparently it wasnt"} {"text":"Is it worth going from North Dubai to South Dubai to attend Token2049?"} {"text":"@ryanberckmans @jchervinsky Neither. This stablecoin bill will be a nothing burger"} {"text":"@Riijo @VitalikButerin @hotpot_dao Best rollup ever"} {"text":"Santi and Chris promised $750 solano. Can I get a refund?"} {"text":"@zackvoell So far"} {"text":"I am still signing checks into very gud tech projets but my coins are down bad Ganna have to cut cost and move to rural nepal at this rate"} {"text":"@BullShining @VitalikButerin @hotpot_dao Yes - but I like this one better now"} {"text":"@ilblackdragon Fair"} {"text":"I cant believe this is the last time we will ever see bitcoin under $60K"} {"text":"Did you know that @VitalikButerin is also the inventor of the runaway fusion hit \"avocado masala\" dosa?"} {"text":"@eawosikaa @0xMert_ I am not a founder thankfully - I don't need an RPC to shitpost my thoughts :-)"} {"text":"@grahamfergs @OmniFDN Airdrop is always the right thing :-)"} {"text":"Congrats to @OmniFDN for doing the right thing - the airdrop"} {"text":"Are we in this part of the cycle yet"} {"text":"@0x_tracy @hiFramework Congrats"} {"text":"@timjrobinson @MikeIppolito_ 4 0"} {"text":"VCs currently in Dubai (also) interested in token free, real world AI, pls join the @HaltiaAI yacht party on Saturday Haltia is UAE's fastest growing AI startup building a SAAS platform for enterprise productivity using their LLM and NLP technologies"} {"text":"Marc Andreessen is not happy w Vitalik That's how many times bigger the AI opportunity is compared to crypto"} {"text":"Anyone can live their entire life for the sole purpose of attending crypto conferences The true test of commitment to decentralisation is whether you are willing to risk life and limb to attend a crypto conference "} {"text":"@HashCurveKris @tmnxeq PwC's fund admin assurance team"} {"text":"@coopernicus01 It doesn't - @jon_charb toldyaso"} {"text":"@coopernicus01 It doesn't matter even today, never did"} {"text":"14% locals, 50% south asians, 36 other"} {"text":"See you guys at @EthCC"} {"text":"@ohaiom @DooWanNam has confessed"} {"text":"@homme0x Bro you wanted proof of liquidity, now you hab it"} {"text":"@AzFlin @moo9000 AZ's vested UNI are hurting ... 500 bucks used to be change once"} {"text":"@vakaytion @akashnet_ Congrats"} {"text":"@dmihal "} {"text":"Guys don't take random risks going around the city for networking today - maybe take metro. This is crypto lol. The same 694 people speak about the same stuff at every conf and the same 69420 of us attend every conf I will still be there at the next big conf, and you too"} {"text":"@rargulati Congrats, look awesome. Pls also add points for future *decentralisation*"} {"text":"@neelsalami Guys doing it are legit"} {"text":"My plan for the day"} {"text":"All our drainage system needs is a token with a cool ticker like $W"} {"text":"Think of flooded Dubai as Matamask You will immediately feel better"} {"text":"Its either one day of cloud seeding or this"} {"text":"Guys, the great city of Dubai just wanted web3 people to experience the UX of web3 and the comfort of DeFi Thanks for your service. At least our liquidity isn't fragmented"} {"text":"crypto people have the gall to complain about drainage in a DESERT after shipping 2 trillion dollars of shit that barely works and hardly anyone uses You guys want to complain? Complain about yo mama"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Looks like an RPC failure to me"} {"text":"I cant even say that this cloud seeding thing was my tax dollars at work - there is no income or cap gains tax "} {"text":"@0xMert_ Well its dubai or that"} {"text":"@mhluongo I know. I'd be that uber ser but roads next to home are pretty flooded"} {"text":"@fede_intern see tg dm"} {"text":"You came for seed rounds, we seeded entire clouds"} {"text":"Jokes aside, frens visiting dubai pls stay warm and safe. Stay at or near the airport overnight if you have to - things will be much better during the day - the city is resilient and recovers very quickly and pls stop selling"} {"text":"@AlaHaddad23 slowly recovering - hopefully no more rain"} {"text":"@0xmadisonn @tarunchitra Well he should have written that paper on nonlinear dynamical systems and cloud seeding"} {"text":"Habibis, if you suffered this trip chasing deal flow, it's the same 69 deals going around on telegram. But dw, we got a different kinda flow forya and we have a *lot* of it"} {"text":"Did Viktor approve this? As per the rules of alignment, this should say base"} {"text":"@mraltantutar AI solves this"} {"text":"@j6sp5r liquidity jokes are no longer permitted \u2194"} {"text":"@bryan_johnson Can't have longevity without surviving a flood ser"} {"text":"Congrats to all the longevity summit attendees who survived the floods today "} {"text":"@jon_charb Cloud seeding is like an algostable - works nicely on most days"} {"text":"@iamDCinvestor Indeed - was quite unwise to push through"} {"text":"@iamDCinvestor Almost ser - very fortunate to not have gotten stranded tho the car needs a full review"} {"text":"Dubai protocol devs pitched a desert to crypto VCs, shipped a biblical flood This is the power of web3 "} {"text":"This flood would not have happened if the Solana villa in Dubai was ethereum aligned"} {"text":"AI is 18% more centralised today "} {"text":"yeh"} {"text":"@DoveyWan Stay safu D"} {"text":"@clairekart You took risk zero"} {"text":"@ecent18 Bad airdrop everytime"} {"text":"Why would Israel do this?"} {"text":"Took four hours to drive ten miles, this is the license plate, might need a new car bls make ethrium go up bls"} {"text":"@0xDinoEggs First thing when I manage to get home"} {"text":"@jon_charb"} {"text":"@ronitA380 Got fished ser driving rn"} {"text":"mood today"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy Bruh we desert"} {"text":"You'd think all that sand would just absorb the water..."} {"text":"@SuperteamAE @solana @hackerhouses @SuperteamDAO @SolanaFndn @afscott @magFOMO @littleunusualHQ @goatfishlabs Bankless shirt confirms solano's layer 2 status"} {"text":"Bros, who shall we blame for Dubai rains?"} {"text":"@farhajmayan Naw man, you are TRYING"} {"text":"@IAmNickDodson On it. Will be fixed long before Solano"} {"text":"@Noah_Saav I am in the seed round angel\/locked for a long time and can't sell league"} {"text":"The word KOL stands for someone who fills before they shill and shills before they sell KOLs can be allocated tokens as advisors or in any round pre launch All angels, VCs and folks w CT following are KOLs but ppl who KOL while they can't sell are comparatively much more legit"} {"text":"@ramzps @Hadronfc"} {"text":"Market so bad that all the swaps are going through on Anataly's blockchain rn"} {"text":"mustafa and nick in town, finally we getting airdrops we were promised"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko @MKBHD @solanamobile He didn't kill but he did accidentally shill"} {"text":"I am hearing that in the absence of crypto market regulation, even several otherwise honest people are grifting as KOLs of various kinds on social media This can't be true. Vitalik, Hasu, Tarun and Resnick have already solved cryptoeconomic mechanism design"} {"text":"At least you didn't sell your DYM airdrop. Be proud of your commitment to modularity"} {"text":"@based16z My pension is just Eigenlayer points. What do I do?"} {"text":"Everyone is a VC in a bullmarket"} {"text":"Be kind to the \"KOLs\" doing KOL rounds. Not everyone has the resources to run a podcast or newsletter, or be a member of the social layer"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy Missed it at 420 - failed the turing test"} {"text":"@luigidemeo So you impress girls with your macro?"} {"text":"Can't we add a little AI to every coin to bring all the prices back up?"} {"text":"@mraltantutar Sending my ENS in dm for alignment"} {"text":"@camiinthisthang Whats next? Taco Bell? There are much better tacos at kite beach"} {"text":"Everyone's upset w incentivised \"KOLs\" today but bruh, KOL alignment is literally how even ethereum alignment has worked for a long time"} {"text":"Never liked iMessage"} {"text":"@Naomi_fromhh ... and a shared sequencer"} {"text":"@DCbuild3r @Hadronfc zk "} {"text":"OH: \"my relationship status is kinda modular rn\""} {"text":"@gajeshnaik Restaked Idlis hit different"} {"text":"Modular Dosas at @Hadronfc"} {"text":"@ShubhamTotu Points"} {"text":"Anything can be an AVS at Dosa DaO"} {"text":"@hotpot_dao @ayyyeandy @megaeth_labs Yes"} {"text":"@zmanian @Homestead_Pleb "} {"text":"@0xsebastiena @zksync @sophon Congrats and all the best Seb"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko ser the scientific term is social consensus"} {"text":"@JimmyRagosa Aligned layer is aligned w mostly long term people"} {"text":"The only alignment we need"} {"text":"@Fiskantes @ilblackdragon Yes but an extraordinarily small % have solved a user or societal problem for their reward - which back to the question of incentives and identifying vs solving problems - money crypto will need reform if tech crypto is to succeed."} {"text":"@ilblackdragon @Fiskantes Counterpoint is that things with a token model will get perverted by the fact that in crypto people can \"make it\" without delivering a successful product or business (or any... ) in equity businesses, theres some mandatory requirement for shipping, even in a wework pyramid"} {"text":"Is UK crypto regulation a testnet for US crypt regulation"} {"text":"@ilblackdragon @Fiskantes Are crypto incentives the *only* way? Its much more likely that crypto incentives are *a* way and part of a broader solution involving a combination of code, money and law"} {"text":"@ilblackdragon @Fiskantes Yes - the issue is that in crypto, we have always been good at pointing out such problems but thanks to the power of token and 'choose rich', we haven't particularly had to actually solve them industry incentives are a little bit too aligned w storytelling rather than shipping"} {"text":"@ilblackdragon @Fiskantes AI = money because NVDA and OpenAI uponly crypto = money AI*crypto = money squared Its not just that vaporware salespeople want to bullshit, *want* to be bullshitted too"} {"text":"@mraltantutar @NEARWEEK"} {"text":"@basche42 Its only funny because its real"} {"text":"@NEARWEEK @mraltantutar not ai"} {"text":"@ilblackdragon >> AI agents don\u2019t have chain tribalism intelligent machines shall learn"} {"text":"@mraltantutar Not AI"} {"text":"@anuragarjun Indeed, if one can \"make it\" without shipping, why'd one find the focus and the energy it takes?"} {"text":"@mraltantutar Near plus AI minus ( da, chain abstraction, avs, users and apps) = great success"} {"text":"@0xkenjiii Those who do, do; those who can't teach"} {"text":"@DCbuild3r @Hadronfc Work hard, play hard habibi"} {"text":"gm professional KOLs! Rise and shine and dump on us respectfully"} {"text":"@zengjiajun_eth ECDSA is ethereum"} {"text":"At least for as long as I have been around, I never saw a problem in blockchain technology that couldn't be solved using five dudes on a multisig"} {"text":"@andrewrsorkin There's no scientific explanation for the movements of memecoins - only memes"} {"text":"Don't announce too many things on CT. You will confuse the fk out of everyone and you won't be able to ship most anyway which will not help the token Better pre announce, announce and re announce the same 3-4 things and just do ooga booga, gmonad, gud vibes and hugs otherwise"} {"text":"Some of the zk folks I invested in be like 'we don't have enough content' meanwhile beras be like 'ooga booga'. Study beras"} {"text":"$TSLA is a cryptocurrency governed by the Tesla dao and managed by tesla foundation"} {"text":"Israel, Iran and the US are the new cartel manipulating crypto markets for the lulz"} {"text":"Invest in crypto founders who tweet once or twice without fail every day"} {"text":"In the attention economy, dominating a thin slice of the mindshare market is much better than competing but not winning in a very broad market"} {"text":"@chamathsintern Algo still boomer. Near been deboomerising last 6mo"} {"text":"Near - AI = Cosmos"} {"text":"@Cameron_Dennis_ no ser now is ai time"} {"text":"@MattFiebach not her, no"} {"text":"@0xSmit Labor farming remains undefeated - no tradoor can match"} {"text":"Fede & team have made a name for themselves by doing truly impressive work for Starknet, Miden and ZkSync and now they are delivering on @eigenlayer's promise of open innovation by building the scalable trust minimized verification layer we need to deliver the internet of value"} {"text":"@GuyZys Ya this wisdumb is for the rest of us - let the levantes do their thing"} {"text":"@edgarpavlovsky Isnt mainnet beta a testnet?"} {"text":"Buying NEAR here but if the dragon mentions anything other than AI over the next six months, matters will be immediately escalated to his managers Avichal and Haseeb"} {"text":"@DEVBOSE111 $5 = 7x from 70c : $140 from $20 mathematician"} {"text":"If you aren't already independently wealthy, completely bored and want to feel pain, stay as far away from levante politics as possible. Nothing good has come out of it in 4-5000 years and nothing good's gonna come out of it now"} {"text":"If you are already in Dubai for T2049 and you got nothing to do, just head to Kite beach and bake"} {"text":"The probability of a good tech founder who's not a good crypto founder becoming both is 5% The probability of a good crypto founder whos not a good tech founder becoming both is 0.1% Basically if you don't have to ship, why would you find the level of focus and energy it takes?"} {"text":"Has someone told Israel that war is bad for *all* L2 bags whether evm compatible or not?"} {"text":"If you are visiting Dubai from abroad for T2049 pls join us for Dosa DaO tomorrow night. Space is limited"} {"text":"@lemiscate How did it affect rune protocol? any numbers?"} {"text":"fwiw, the life of a professional \"KOL\" is fraught with slowly growing jail risk in an increasing number of countries and twitter doesn't forget anything Its much better to be an angel or VC and KOL your own investments than to shill rando bags in exchange for free tokens"} {"text":"Last chance for US defi founders to escape to Dubai"} {"text":"Hello @token2049 attendees from the US and EU, given the war fud, are you coming or cancelling?"} {"text":"@imaarondoteth not big enough to post ticker"} {"text":"@martijnde_boer ya in bera"} {"text":"Your position in a coin ( in my case gud ai coin ) isn't big enough if it doesn't make you shill on CT"} {"text":"@neelsalami Raise series C"} {"text":"Only in crypto we say things like just because funds invested at $1B, $10B FDV is inevitable at launch In trad VC late stage vals are driven by revenue\/profit growth but no one knows rly Study crypto VCs right to profit, enshrined in the constitution of the bula network state"} {"text":"Matic under 70c is the new Solana under $20 and the returns will also be like that"} {"text":"Burgers sliding in my dms this morning"} {"text":"@zmanian Time for Nazarov to delay his Oracle"} {"text":"\"War means a longer bullmarket\" - crypto twitter"} {"text":"Beras now have $100m to buy canned food and hibernate What do you have?"} {"text":"Balaji's network state should immediately intervene and force both Iran and Israel to make peace"} {"text":"@Flowslikeosmo Fud"} {"text":"God forbid if there's WWIII and you just aped $1B FDV rounds or secondaries, don't worry - just ask your unlock to be extended by another five years. The money will still be there if\/when we return from the war"} {"text":"Here's the iron dome for our defi coins"} {"text":"@ecent18 @GCRClassic Pls ask the stark dao to end it here"} {"text":"@ecent18 @GCRClassic Govt of Israel must own some coins tho? Starknet?"} {"text":"Update: Israel vows to fight @GCRClassic"} {"text":"GCR and Iran have spoken but I need Israel to also say that this matter can now be considered concluded"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Fud"} {"text":"@mdudas Epic GTM"} {"text":"Iran needs to know that we will not roll back the Eigenlayer mainnet or the Berachain fundraise The Celestia sloths we can discuss though"} {"text":"Why didn't @gauntlet_xyz tell us about this risk"} {"text":"VCs returning from @SuiNetwork basecamp"} {"text":"Cosmos is any gud chain with a bad token"} {"text":"@mraltantutar @ayyyeandy"} {"text":"I really need Jensen to touch Illia immediately"} {"text":"Token 2049 is not a price target guys"} {"text":"@0xMert_ We respect your privacy"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Ser Austin has already confessed to 750 real tps under twitterogation"} {"text":"@PandeyMikhil Go up?"} {"text":"Some of the liquid stuff starting to look cheaper than ai modular zk innovation rn"} {"text":"@jonwu_ "} {"text":"@comfycapital_ amen"} {"text":"The best founders are... Lucky Be more lucky"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart Bruh thats btc guys begging for ethereum alignment"} {"text":"Depin token opportunity $SELFIE"} {"text":"@icebergy_ @berachain @SmokeyTheBera Trust me, I don't know him Smonkey "} {"text":"@icebergy_ There must be a way for us to become @berachain KOLs and survive bera bergy. Lets ask @SmokeyTheBera very nicely"} {"text":"When is this sudden increase in the data availability of TIA?"} {"text":"the word decentralised is the most misused word in crypto, and its not close"} {"text":"@boratheworld @abhitejxyz frens"} {"text":"@ValeriePerraul2 @scottmelker It depends "} {"text":"@hotpot_dao Thas hangin w frens"} {"text":"In crypto, surviving is much harder than making money - financially, physically, emotionally, spiritually"} {"text":"This is false. I am a mere professor of attention economy at shitcoin university and Ansem is the current king. Kings come and go, a professor has tenure"} {"text":"@abhitejxyz @buntyverse @0xMert_ _ is the current king and we are all minor warlords"} {"text":"@Rarma_ @SmokeyTheBera @smonkeythebera I sent him the podcast threat in tg dm"} {"text":"The power of financial freedom"} {"text":"Comparing defi protocols to TCP\/IP would make perfect sense if there were no fiat onramps"} {"text":"cc: @0xMert_ until sol bug is fixed"} {"text":"@0xWenMoon Of course "} {"text":"Token 2049 plans: 1. Chasing side events: 0 2. Planned IRL Meetings: 0 3. Chasing deals: 0 4. Networking: 0 5. Hangin w frens: 69420 Just vibing"} {"text":"@mraltantutar gud ai projet != gud ai coin"} {"text":"Looks like $W is not allowed to hire a market maker "} {"text":"@chamathsintern Which ai coins are farmable tho"} {"text":"@chamathsintern Which are?"} {"text":"@iamDCinvestor Thats legit old fashioned - in a good way"} {"text":"Is Near a gud ai coin?"} {"text":"Everyone is Coatue and Tiger Global this cycle"} {"text":"@HashCurveKris @kwaker_oats_ So far..."} {"text":"Just before everything crashed I invested in the seed round of a memecoin with utility"} {"text":"Wait, so FDV is not a meme?"} {"text":"@jon_charb @_10delta_ @cburniske Butbut will you buy at $3 wen it IS at $3?"} {"text":"@_10delta_ @cburniske Who will be the SBF of TIA?"} {"text":"Eigenlayer launched their mainnet without launching a token Next day, the market tanked This is the power of vision "} {"text":"altszn "} {"text":"@AzFlin Their size is not size"} {"text":"Imajin ten -20% crypto price action days like today in a row You don't have to imajin, just hang in here for a maximum of two more years and you can experience that"} {"text":"Have you aligned someone today?"} {"text":"In crypto, the US of A produces by far the biggest scams but most of those ship with a little code and a lot of supporting legal paperwork"} {"text":"OH:\"you might be a good tech founder but are you a good *crypto* founder?\""} {"text":"Tia trading like a Cosmos ecosystem token Oh wait!"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart Satashi wanted every man, woman and child to have their own blockchain"} {"text":"If you sold before me, you are anti innovation"} {"text":"@ai AI solves this"} {"text":"@tarunchitra OH: \"We asked for Von Neumann, we got Adam...\""} {"text":"You shill coins you want to sell I buy coins I want to shill We are not the same"} {"text":"cryptographic security looks 30% stronger than cryptoeconomic security today"} {"text":"Wait, so WIF was not a risk free asset?"} {"text":"gmonad unaffected by market volatility study gmonad"} {"text":"@MacroMate8 Ethena was risky eh?"} {"text":"Everyone in ethereum gangsta on slashing till all the coins implement price slashing"} {"text":"@jelenaaa____ @whizwang Noble token USDC doesn't go up. What tax"} {"text":"BUIDL THROUGH BERA"} {"text":"Why did Israel blow up the Iranian consulate in Damascus?"} {"text":"@cburniske The bell in your barbell is ethereum ser. Sol and TIA are the bar."} {"text":"Wormhole increasingly trading like a bridge rather than a LAYER"} {"text":"Feet firmly on the ground is a vibe"} {"text":"@lex_node Wat if Avi hacked into an ATM?"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy ganna be podcaster "} {"text":"@zmanian "} {"text":"@SmokeyTheBera @smonkeythebera alignment or \u23fa"} {"text":"I missed @smonkeythebera alignment last bera ganna start a whole podcast just to fud him will call it bagless new paradigm "} {"text":"@carlosdomingo Congrats"} {"text":"@farhajmayan I wanna goooo"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko @nickwh8te @TrustlessState Gavinlayer is the big one but eth guys aren't watching ... but next cycle"} {"text":"The best crypto founders have a Chinese person named Tina on their team"} {"text":"@b1ackd0g @SuiNetwork @base I want three - one for each kid and me "} {"text":"Ser @HugoPhilion of @FlareNetworks on managing treasury, structuring raise, bootstrapping community and telling a complex engineering and product story to an ADHD world"} {"text":"tokens are about people, not tokenomics"} {"text":"@_choppingblock Robot dance adventures"} {"text":"Gm @token2049 attendees in Dubai @epicweb3 produce the highest quality IRL event in eth infrastructure Learn about restaking and scaling from Polygon, EigenLayer, Taiko, ZetaChain, LayerZero, Trust Wallet, Zeebu, Partisia Blockchain & more April 16s"} {"text":"@Hadronfc @farhajmayan @ashwinho4 @ShubhamTotu @kylegordonart +1"} {"text":"I don't know who needs to know this but the future of blockchains is neither monolithic nor modular but verifiable clouds Study @thestorecloud"} {"text":"@aliciakatz @movementlabsxyz listen el gap"} {"text":"@lemiscate The future of Eigenlayer knockoffs"} {"text":"@b1ackd0g @SuiNetwork @base Its a really cool move - congrats ser"} {"text":"I am not a founder yet mainly because being a real (non skem) founder sucks: 1. not enough capital: get it 2. market bad: find a better one 3. luck is bad: maybe try being more lucky 4. timing is bad: do smth else, keep going, do later or fail maybe 5. life sucks - lol yeah "} {"text":"@clairekart @ClaraJeffery If you cant say fu you dont have fu money - jeff bezos"} {"text":"The best GTM strategy is when you make the market come to you Study gmonad"} {"text":"If that @SuiNetwork gaming console was built for @base, we'd market it as a modular layer 3 with decentralised GPUs for AI gaming and the thing would have its own token"} {"text":"@0xMert_ That did work for bitcoin"} {"text":"Have never seen my 14yo listen so intently to anyone in crypto or tech Lisan al gaib?"} {"text":"In an industry that loves new shiny coin If you let this bula pass you by Next bula ya gonna be one page further down in Coingecko Study history"} {"text":"@blockgraze Shes last cycles coin. You are much better off w the one thats there now"} {"text":"Most founders from India tend to be too deferential to people and projects they consider successful This leads to \"small balls\" startups with middling returns It is a culture diff but its changing now and we need to make them like they often make em in America Study belief"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart Memecoin trading bots are web3 gaming devices"} {"text":"To me @berachain hiring a marketing lead is like Bitcoin hiring a proof of work lead"} {"text":"@0xMert_ @PLAYTR0N Really cool indeed"} {"text":"Study gmonad"} {"text":"I want to live in a world where *IF* theres ever a federal case against Uniswap, its an Antitrust, pro innovation case, like the one against Big Bell back in the day, not whatever anti innovation travesty is this is"} {"text":"@jdkanani Vitalik has entered the chat"} {"text":"@BrianRetford Ser you are a hero. This shit is so hard you are allowed a meltdown or three. Steve Jobs and Elon Musk are known to have regular ones afaik ( not recommended but )"} {"text":"@toghrulmaharram To be fair @KyleSamani is one hell of a conviction investor who's not afraid to be wrong. They dont make many like that these days"} {"text":"@intern Hayden's tweet went through a review process"} {"text":"@EvgenyGaevoy @functi0nZer0 @katiabanina educated also ser"} {"text":"Leading a @movementlabsxyz by @rushimanche at @Hadronfc"} {"text":"@Madhav_goyal_ @_arihantbansal @0xSmit Proofs par kaam karoge to kaise hogi"} {"text":"Ser @0xkenzi of @symbolicvc answering specific questions from founders on raising crypto venture capital at @Hadronfc"} {"text":"@neon___glow can help you do it in a week"} {"text":"Ten stages of life of crypto founders: 1. Have fun 2. Hype their thing 3. Raise money 4. Align people 5. Build their online tribe 6. Get good legal advice 7. Launch token 8. Choose rich 9. Survive cycles 10. Become VC In a few cases there's also a real product"} {"text":"Ethereum is AI coin"} {"text":"@clairekart I think Solano got all the Obama social media guys (not really but)"} {"text":"@Flowslikeosmo I bot the avax memecoins you shilled "} {"text":"Crypto is a journey from social layer to social lawyer"} {"text":"@clairekart Yep. Still waiting for Brexit and Obama campaigners to arrive"} {"text":"It's critically important that we make a distinction between good scams eg self driving cars, moving all of finance to ethereum, peer to peer electronic cash and Elon taking us to Mars... ...and bad scams eg people doing pre-sales on crypto twitter. Invest in good scams"} {"text":"Hire marketers from cosmetics, not tech. Chanel is hope in a bottle. Most tokens are hope in code"} {"text":"AI engineers ex Google should charge crypto companies 1-5% of FDV for the sheer pump potential of their joining announcement"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko Your cv doesn't have ethereum research. Big gap. Still no ten yr roadmap of patches "} {"text":"Well adjusted founder = lifestyle biz Mentally disturbed founder = venture biz"} {"text":"I don't know who needs to know this but if someone copies a lot of your code to build their product, their product does not become your product"} {"text":"As a student of Netflix law school, I don't see a Jury in America that'd rule against Hayden"} {"text":"What legal techniques allow someone to do wrong in america but not get accused of wrongdoing?"} {"text":"Zaki Vaynerchuk"} {"text":"Product is just one component of brand. Brand is everything. People pay $500 of brand value for $5 of product utility"} {"text":"The message is clear Build tokens in america but don't sell tokens in america Always sell made in america tokens to foreigners "} {"text":"Rooter is grant farming in Sui land? I mean good for him "} {"text":"As long as Eigenlayer guys don't take my points away, I don't care if marginfi points go where the sun don't shine"} {"text":"Sushi made Uniswap rush into that airdrop Fking SBF"} {"text":"Only @lex_node autistic enough to post legal analysis rn"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy the worst mistake you can make in this market rn is selling before me"} {"text":"If you build something people use Gary will sue you "} {"text":"@supernoderz @SpheronFDN Spheron "} {"text":"All my tokens are just TCP and IP"} {"text":"@based16z GG has no jurisdiction on Ansem's personal matters"} {"text":"@therollupco Thanks for inviting me to rant ser "} {"text":"Andy and team are some of the coolest content producers in crypto - it was fun to attempt to bring some vernacular to the modular mythology"} {"text":"@ConorSvensson No"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart Comeon Gwart, we both know that it was Dan Robinson"} {"text":"SEC officials appear rather upset with the lack of quality memecoins like Boden and Wif on Uniswap"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy Modular solves dis"} {"text":"I would like to invite Hayden bhai to move to Dubai - maybe we can spell Hadron as Haydron for him"} {"text":"@maggielove_ Pls bring back some gpus"} {"text":"@functi0nZer0 Thats the new dads equivalent of getting laid"} {"text":"\"Bro, the valuation is only 1.5b, 60% discount to secondary\" - a real convo in 2024 "} {"text":"It should be quite possible to lose a lot of money by aping into high valuation crypto funding rounds, otherwise the game is rigged"} {"text":"@Taran_ss This guy?"} {"text":"@ThelemaD Selling is human. Selling involves grappling with irrationality and rejection. Humans are unpredictable machines. Computers and grades are predictable machines. Formal education doesn't normally train us to work w both."} {"text":"@ThelemaD Its mental conditioning and comfort zone - most come from a dev\/engg background"} {"text":"Did those sloth jpegs fill that blobspace or nah?"} {"text":"Telegram coin trading like Durov got touched by Jensen Huang"} {"text":"@Arthur_0x"} {"text":"@jon_charb Pre token fud is no fud tho"} {"text":"@deepcryptodive @EthCC I see you did there :-)"} {"text":"I mean sex is great but have you ever got two tickets to @EthCC on your first attempt?"} {"text":"A major cognitive error first time founders make is to start investing in marketing only after they have a product Later on founders learn that it takes at least half a decade ship a dream worth shipping The dream must be a compelling story long before its worth betting on"} {"text":"@DefiDrew "} {"text":"@0xsachi @Hadronfc @0xPolygon gm"} {"text":"@fede_intern Bro, you guys did top tier work for Miden, Starknet and ZKSync. Its my privilege to be useful to people who do great work "} {"text":"gm"} {"text":"Nothing much is gonna happen on Polkadot this cycle Next cycle eth frens will be grateful someone built @eigenlayer"} {"text":"mubarak "} {"text":"@nattyshaps Says the guy shiling doginme and bubcat on his feed"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Solana is the Boeing of blockchains"} {"text":"a16z is writing Jolt Paradigm is writing Reth Jump is writing firedancer Polychain guys are writing Ritualnet If VCs are building the most important tech in crypto rn, what exactly are the devs doing?"} {"text":"I think someone else said this but its not clear how four dudes working part time at @a16zcrypto shipped a faster zkVM than a few teams with more $5-$50m in funding Does this mean VCs will now do the meat of the work and just hand it off to devs to add a nice token to it?"} {"text":"Congratulations to @lemiscate on Aave 3.1. Every Aave product launch in history has tanked the market at first before setting it up for higher highs"} {"text":"Why most girls don't touch a crypto bro"} {"text":"Celestia guys are probably right. Every DA layer should have its own token. In this market maybe every chain should have multiple tokens simultaneously eg Berachain could launch BeraDA with a tri-token model rn and in this market all 3 will go up 3x on listing - 3\/3 or (3,3)"} {"text":"@sharvilmalik @Hadronfc "} {"text":"Red carpet vibes for founders at @Hadronfc inaugural week starting today"} {"text":"@AndrewCapasso_ What is love, what is love..."} {"text":"Is it legal to declare mainnet without launching a token btw?"} {"text":"@HsakaTrades Bruh ETF"} {"text":"Risc 0 built gud zkvm Succinct copied r0*valida*plonky3 to build faster gud zkvm a16z rugged both There's no end to this dropout v undergrad v postgrad v prof zkmania .... aaand dis is bula May the best token win "} {"text":"Wat if Jensen touching Illia * Emaad pivoting to gpu token governance was ai*crypto cycle top?"} {"text":"@0xMert_ My investigators have revealed a link "} {"text":"Celestia EigenDA Next up: the most fully featured modular DA to date"} {"text":"@hotpot_dao @megaeth_labs "} {"text":"@rargulati Thats the only table..."} {"text":"\"One billion dollars is not a lot of money\" - Ser Chain Yoda, eth $88 survivor"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy Bro Gavinlayer was the first shared security gig. Man was ahead of his time"} {"text":""} {"text":"@AvantgardeApe Whats in it? Link?"} {"text":"@ConejoCapital "} {"text":"Multiple billions of dollars of projects exist today purely because Gavin Wood ser didn't ship and the Breitmans shipped but had no vibe"} {"text":"@jillrgunter As a backer watching Monad's discord, I can confidently tweet about their great GTM strategy"} {"text":"@0xMawuko Tier 2 is pretty gud btw but the party ends there ppls can try memecoin restaking also - its all gud farm in bula, and then suddenly"} {"text":"All I want now is to be on the same cap table as Sydney Sweeney"} {"text":"@SuperteamAE @afscott @SuperteamDAO @solana Few things in the world say Dubai better than Maseratis do "} {"text":"@NeerajKA Wen token"} {"text":"@sharvilmalik @0xPolygonEco @sandeepnailwal @cryptotownpod Ya bro. It has only one gud one - Bonsai"} {"text":"@SuperteamAE @SuperteamDAO @solana @afscott Your crypto events have maseratis Our crypto events ship "} {"text":"Every week the real eigenlayer does not launch, a cheaper eigenlayer will be announced by VCs who back then were like, \"bro wtf is restaking\" eigenlayer means your own layer eigeneigenlayer is wen a VC launches their own cheaper eigenlayer Its like 2021 @aave fork szn rn"} {"text":"@AvailProject "} {"text":"backed and endorsed paradigm me gmonad"} {"text":"@luigidemeo Yes"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy Random free 5ks for fatherland tour wao"} {"text":"@0xairtx Not as heavy as I'd like - too much demand :-)"} {"text":"@0xairtx We welcome all the sui and aptos apps bruv tho Rushi's got a better plan"} {"text":"@based16z Is this the new Nvidia?"} {"text":"This is Ethereum Jesus Last time eth flattened, his chain rebooted This time eth flattened, his chain dropped transactions If you are a dot eth, have you thanked him today?"} {"text":"The definition of world changing technology. is that its listed on Binance"} {"text":"This is a clever meme and Solend is cool but Solana ecosystem had users, devs, Sam and \"69\"bn dollars of infinite venture funding in 2021"} {"text":"@ErikVoorhees @antiprosynth Stronk social layer cuts both ways ... it does"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart Empty shells make gud airdops"} {"text":"For tradfi guys: Staked eth\/btc is tier 1 capital Restaked eth is tier 2 capital Staked shitcoins are tier 3 capital Restaked shitcoins are hopium"} {"text":"I think @GwartyGwart is anti innovation. I wanted to innovate and make a pistol that shoots backwards and Gwart made sarcastic jokes about my disruptive innovation"} {"text":"@JoeMaristela @GwartyGwart They are all uniquely valuable except in bera they are all uniquely 90% less valuable"} {"text":"Technically your loan is against a diversified portfolio of fake rolex, fake patek, fake Breitling, fake Audemars, fake Omega, fake Tag..."} {"text":"@GwartyGwart Let me secure my sovereign Cosmos chain with restaked boden hater!"} {"text":"Six things matter in shared security: 1. What is included in coverage 2. What is excluded 3. Will insurer pay claims (theDaO) 4. How much will insurer pay wen shit happens (aave tokens securing aave ) 5. Is the insurer reinsured? 6. Do the insured assets get fkd correlated"} {"text":"@TrustlessTooth Ya and what matters is the limits and costs of either"} {"text":"Before bags, we used to be engineers and we used to study the limits and tradeoffs of engineering choices As a dev I had that distinct privilege but young devs w bags are fkd Now we are all for or against e.g. for cryptographic security, against crypto economic security wtf"} {"text":"@thisisrj Yes. With insurance tho its always good to know whats being insured, whats not being insured and to what extent; ans what the alternative would cost"} {"text":"living a healthy life is a wonderful idea eternal life is a disgusting idea study dying"} {"text":"Everyone gangsta on shared security till theDaO rugs"} {"text":"much debate between proof aggregators and verifiers about cryptographic v cryptoeconomic security former can provide higher math guarantees but if I spend 2\/3 of all staked eth on compute to find a hash collision... maybe we compare $ price of those AWS credits v restaked eth"} {"text":"Ppls told Bankless and eth Maxis exactly what Tuba said at $8 sol but they kept going at online Solana hate Now only Solana can stop Solana oh wait, it is indeed doing so"} {"text":"@shumochu You need a combination of cryptographic and cryptoeconomic security. Thats what bitcoin and ethereum also provide"} {"text":"@eawosikaa Lean into your strength."} {"text":"Wait so ethereum was a gud projet all along?"} {"text":"If everyone is a star, who's doing the work?"} {"text":"Every team should have a mix of 10% people who are good at talking online and 90% people who are good at shutting up and doing heads down shipping. Its unusual for the same person to be great at both at the same time and most founders tend to overindex on what THEY are good at."} {"text":"@SwaroopH @jdkanani Same. This is like Modiji's promises"} {"text":"@0xMert_ We dont even try to use those 90%, so they do no harm "} {"text":"Its one thing to use btc staking like @babylon_chain and eth restaking like @eigenlayer, quite another to extend to shitcoins, esp when shitcoins have a correlation of one on the way down One of these VC fomo eigenlayer copypastas will cause epic entertainment this cycle "} {"text":"A shared security project that uses memecoins for staking and slashing to secure other protocols Who's building this?"} {"text":"@0xCygaar Cause and effect. Expect one a month from here"} {"text":"fine print for shared crypto economic security whos building this?"} {"text":"@0xMert_ As an angel you can believe. A fund has no gods"} {"text":"I will take $8m, thanks"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Ser now you are the smug vc"} {"text":"@eawosikaa Gud article Tolstoy! Kolmogorov preferred equations "} {"text":"@hotpot_dao Solana can make her stream"} {"text":"long live the vernacular"} {"text":"Ethena will get very big in the mania phase up and then in the panic phase down, one of the exchange s\/custodian s in the mix will get rekt and depeg a bunch of folks life savings Then we tradfi"} {"text":"Ethena is cool as tokenized basis but calling it a stablecoin is a little stablekwon"} {"text":"Its a fair question if bots become more profitable w SOL price: from \u2066@LensProtocol\u2069"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Is Richard Patel fixing it?"} {"text":"@web3isgreat @longbeachcounty That dude @NeerajKA dis this"} {"text":"Wen Solana price was $8-$40 all technical issues used to get solved \"next year in firedancer\" Now the stakes are $180 so issues get explained with an ETA for a fix Study high stakes engineering"} {"text":"I've started a syndicate on @stationxnetwork - a really cool investment collective product based on @safe Nice workflow, excellent UX and very convenient and safe vibe - @0xrishavb. Good stuff"} {"text":"@colingplatt You've got these mixed up, Europe is the one thats currently not working"} {"text":"@moshaikhs @movementlabsxyz Not editable and all move frens gud but duly deleted. I have personally witnessed Mo ser vibes and fan club in Seoul. Global phenom "} {"text":"@alnoki_ @movementlabsxyz Its about finding the humility to unlearn and follow where the discord residents are going"} {"text":"@PalashKusumwal @osmosiszone and @movementlabsxyz unironically"} {"text":"@harshalmadnani Haha, I like Sol a lot but formalisms of research are the foundation of things that last"} {"text":"@__solastorm__ Vitalik, Sreeram, Zaki, Sandeep, Toly, Stani, Balaji, Marc Andreessen, few others"} {"text":"Solana is a 3.2 GPA CS undergrad coin Ethereum is a 4.0 GPA Math PhDCoin It is what it is"} {"text":"@gregosuri AGI ! congrats"} {"text":"Dosa is now an institution. The @Hadronfc Dosa DaO, inspired by our older and much more charming Chinese cousin @hotpot_dao is starting in Dubai on April 15th. By invitation only"} {"text":"@instantfinality No ser. eth maxis do the best marketing for Solana"} {"text":"@buchmanster Eventually "} {"text":"@0xairtx @joakimhi @movementlabsxyz I like Aftermath - deploy on movement soon"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart Blast is literally Boeing layer 2"} {"text":"@grahamfergs @monad_xyz @SeiNetwork No, I meant the real thing"} {"text":"@moshaikhs @movementlabsxyz I apologise for that glaring oversight ser "} {"text":"Paradigm is scaling ethereum fr fr"} {"text":"@DeFiSurfer808 Its not the same. Sol's problems are in the networking stack\/Quic. Eth was just overloaded"} {"text":"@Sprkfi @compolabs @swaylend @SwayLang whoa"} {"text":"@0xairtx @rushimanche @movementlabsxyz Monad uses Optimistic concurrency ofc but its their own grounds up implementation, not a reuse of the Aptos lib. The whole thing has to work together seamlessly with the rest of the stack"} {"text":"@simplykashif Ethereum is bitcoin for people who do their own thinking"} {"text":"@odin_free Ekubo is surprisingly good... nothing clunky about it"} {"text":"@iamDCinvestor Also the only chain that works, wao"} {"text":"Methinks @alliancedao distribution will melt faces"} {"text":"thats @EntEthAlliance"} {"text":"@boratheworld @movementlabsxyz Have you met the guys? Its like Berachain's vibes had a baby with Meta's engineering"} {"text":"I am pretty sure wherever they are, however they are, my @monad_xyz s are also going up rn. I can't see them, I can't touch them, but I can feel them"} {"text":"Sol traders and VCs panic pressing giga long button on Ethereum on the news that its the only widely used blockchain that actually works"} {"text":"@therealchaseeb Get him off CT and ask him to fix the bugs"} {"text":"Ethereum is ethereum Cosmos is ethereum Near is ethereum Solana is ethereum Cardano is ethereum Polkadot is ethereum Tezos is ethereum You are ethereum I am ethereum We are ethereum"} {"text":"@andrej_muzevic Polkadot is ethereum"} {"text":"@andrej_muzevic Cardano is Ethereum"} {"text":"Solana is Ethereum"} {"text":"If you can read solscan you have Von Neumann's dna and you need to investigate what your ancestors were upto"} {"text":"All you need to launch a blockchain these days"} {"text":"@joonian @movementlabsxyz Soon lens profile"} {"text":"Teams that are frugal most of the time but also know when to do big balls spending win"} {"text":"@rushimanche @0xairtx @movementlabsxyz Monad and megaeth are *very* different from each other Also neither is using blockstm afaik. Polygon PoS uses blockstm tho Different trade offs than movement. All 3 gud projets"} {"text":"Today's scheduled programming in blockchain: Whose chain is more shit and why"} {"text":"@hmalviya9 @dyorcryptoapp Timeframe: 24th Feb to 16th March too short. All these models are generally sus so its worth looking at which periods ( regimes ) the model worked in over the last month, year, 3 yrs and the error plot. @inkymaze is your guy"} {"text":"@hmalviya9 @dyorcryptoapp Where are the backtesting results"} {"text":"@hmalviya9 @dyorcryptoapp WTF is a fair price"} {"text":"Yo mama is ethereum"} {"text":"Ripple is still fastest chain. First its not a chain, second you can do only one thing - send xrp"} {"text":"Its wild that when Solana works the convo online is predominantly about Solana and when Solana totally sucks the conversation is still about Solana Study Solana"} {"text":"@Madhav_goyal_ @_khanhamzah @AvailProject Wisdom comes from fkin up a lot"} {"text":"Every day you compare memecoins with lotteries publicly you invite this"} {"text":"@santiagoroel Ser fyi, lotteries are heavily regulated in most G20 countries"} {"text":"Even Solana has less spam than this attac site"} {"text":"@santiagoroel 4. Gud bags that haven't unlocked yet"} {"text":"@0xMert_ %s\/wealth\/memes\/g"} {"text":"@fede_intern @sreeramkannan This is singularity"} {"text":"If @movementlabsxyz do this right, they gonna hab a lot more users, liquidity and volume than most alt L1s. This is (a) because of ethereum and (b) because I hab a bag (c) move dev community and toolset is growing nicely"} {"text":"@zengjiajun_eth Google sheets also has that path"} {"text":"Law is the main source of inefficiency in our society. If businesses don't need to follow the, they can all run with 90% fewer staff End law "} {"text":"@Shenanigrahams Sometimes"} {"text":"It's often more important to understand what one is NOT good at. If that turns out to be everything, then one can always shitpost and\/or start a podcast"} {"text":"@teddyfuse @Tether_to @MaelstromFund I think the last time we heard this argument was when they were asking why Coinbase has 4200 employees while FTX only has 69"} {"text":"@Shenanigrahams Often marketing does not involve an intellectual scam so theres a venn diagram w considerable overlap"} {"text":"\"Stage 0 rollup\" is an intellectual scam. Whats wrong with \"multisig\"?"} {"text":"The main ROI of airdrop farming is that you get to try lots of different products and chains - including your own - to find out where things really are at The airdrop tokens are very rarely worth the time but the gut feel you develop for stuff is priceless ...and you larp less"} {"text":"@moo9000 Yes, gud airdrops, things to do onechain, nice swag, humility, one cycle token roundtripping, building in public and enough irl booze at a minimum"} {"text":"@0xMert_ @Evan_ss6 We have come a long way from that triangle - now no alien species can decipher our roadmap - secret is safu"} {"text":"Pls don't make him Ansem Bankman Friend"} {"text":"@EagleEyesCap @AvailProject No ser. If you are doing well in crypto you are almost surely in the middle of the \"iit guys doing well\" curve"} {"text":"I got a BS from IIT Everyone there had a higher IQ than me Then I did an MBA at IMD Everyone there had lower IQ than me Thats how I knew I was mid But I will be the most unified of them all thanks to @AvailProject"} {"text":"@marcomonaco83 @LineaBuild All the zkEVMs rn be like"} {"text":"@Axel_bitblaze69 "} {"text":"@0xsachi Pre airdrop chains eg Scroll, Linea, zkSync or non EVM chains eg Sui, Aptos ... all lonely rn"} {"text":"@SamwiseSpraxx @Aptos @SuiNetwork "} {"text":"Don't waste time on crowded Solano rn Gud farmers farm lonely chains "} {"text":"@MacroMate8 Desktop @okxweb3 would also be pretty good if only it had a \"use metamask as default\" toggle like rabby for sites that demand batamask"} {"text":"@ImYourHodlberry @Aptos @SuiNetwork Its fine to start with core primitives. All the L2s and Solana did that. \"true innovation\" can follow from core primitives"} {"text":"The only video a crypto founder had to watch in 2022 via @YouTube"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Cant the Solana foundation bring David or Ryan onboard as an advisor? All the other L2s do that"} {"text":"@0xsachi @Moe_Szyslak_69 @LensProtocol @0xPolygon It better be ai rolex then"} {"text":"Compared to even Solana, let alone eth and L2s, defi on both @Aptos and @SuiNetwork still feels more or less toy stage. This might be because (almost) everyone in crypto was expecting volumes to come from media and entertainment\/web2\/tradfi at one stage and that hasn't happened"} {"text":"@0xsachi @LensProtocol @0xPolygon Nice. You could also have chosen rich by holding"} {"text":"@Austin_Federa TBF, David and Mert have been quite adversarial for months"} {"text":"@vaneck_us Ser you are wall street"} {"text":"Fwiw, @tensor_hq is a pretty good product ngl, painless, consistent, intuitive - how all the things should be"} {"text":"even tho i hab no intention to ever retire, the retirement plan is working"} {"text":"@ParrySondhi @uttam_singhk Come back in bera - too busy w work, farming and shitposting"} {"text":"\"No sir, I'm only taking calculated risks and exploring, I take safe trades only\" Holds: wen, wif in marginfi and popcat in wallet"} {"text":"@0xkuromi_ @Christina @LensProtocol @TakoProtocol @realMaskNetwork @0xChristina Have you seen my Content? There's nothing intellectual about that property"} {"text":"@JoshuaTobkin Yes, I don't know enough about the project one way or the other"} {"text":"Some guy building an Oracle using eigenLayer restaking portends a marine invasion "} {"text":"@Madhav_goyal_ Try one and find out"} {"text":"Over the next three years, lots of Bitcoin layer2s and bitcoin defi projects will launch and the ratio of rugs and exploits in BTC defi in any given year starting in 2025 will be 2.5 times the size of rugs and exploits in eth defi ie the approx ratio of market caps"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart \"Ignore such rules\""} {"text":"Don't waste time in large companies"} {"text":"@ryanberckmans @IAmIronManSon So bullish BS?"} {"text":"@kylegordonart @Hadronfc Welcome"} {"text":"@hmalviya9 Of course it can in theory but the number of things that have to be executed well ( product, community, devrel, ... ) + luck ( market, regulation, external factors ) are quite large so you have to apply probabilities there"} {"text":"@Ludcour @LineaBuild Wallet balances changed - I assume because the sequencer confirmed"} {"text":"@hmalviya9 >> If $APT reaches $90B How many such chains exist today"} {"text":"@Taran_ss It does rn. All chains work till a community and bots pile on"} {"text":"I am not sure about the podcast anymore but the @BanklessHQ airdrop hunter feature is a credit to the human race"} {"text":"@harshalmadnani Thats fair. If he doesn't act at all, he can't be bad"} {"text":"@andrej_muzevic So was SBF - for tech oscars"} {"text":"Society loves bad actors as long as they make money"} {"text":"@francescoswiss idk but Solano Price, Superteam and Colosseum are all doing well. This number will go up materially"} {"text":"@1timewarp @SuiNetwork You're looking for FUD but since all coins are memes, its Sui"} {"text":"Theres no risk in Ethena - on the way up Couple more counterparty risk accidents on the way down, and we work for Larry"} {"text":"@0xsachi You are practically AI in crypto now"} {"text":"I did these swaps on @LineaBuild last night and that prover is still proving"} {"text":"I am henceforth @SuiNetwork community"} {"text":"@eawosikaa However, almost all crypto price charts look like houses of different shapes and sizes, Mich bought a really big one with his"} {"text":"How it started How Its going"} {"text":"@eawosikaa Hence I said \"standard like IBC\", not IBC. Ethereum also has its own issues but it does a lot more than yelling at users who complain"} {"text":"My plan is to yell at ETH users till they concede that ETH L2s are not fragmented, and apologise to the social layer @_bfarmer s plan is to implement the aggLayer We are not the same"} {"text":"Eth rollups guys would rather write a million 69420 word tweets to convince users than design and implement a standard like IBC"} {"text":"Celestia has declared open rebellion on ultrasound money by minting Sloth JPEGs in TIA Let the record show that this coin is no longer aligned with Bankless coin"} {"text":"@nosleepjon Zuzalu has taken note of this declaration of open rebellion"} {"text":"Sui feels like Solana but without a community"} {"text":"You are trying to land transactions on a chain everyone is trading dogs on I am farming future airdrops on new chains not even dogs are using We are not the same"} {"text":"@0xMert_ @ec__2017 @solana @Austin_Federa Austin good cop Mert bad cop"} {"text":"@0xMert_ @AndreCronjeTech Thats not a house. Thats the fantom price chart"} {"text":"Web3 has UUX: Un Usable Experience"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Aidrop solves this "} {"text":"@0xRacerAlt @zachxbt Onchain?"} {"text":"@GuyZys Cant speak to the talent of the journalist but read the paper"} {"text":"Staking $DYM to get airdrops from dozens of chains with empty blocks, ama"} {"text":"Coinbase got one nice ruling in the second circuit but with no precedential value. Its like most of my NFTs on OpenSea"} {"text":"@Austin_Federa Ya but its more fun to see bleeding edge engineering go well"} {"text":"@MaxiNicky If they don't use it, they will remain bullish"} {"text":"Decentralised AI done right $FLR"} {"text":"Cosmos is the only chain tech you can shill without shilling a token Blockchain purity certifiers should study @cosmos "} {"text":"@fede_intern @alignedlayer Congrats"} {"text":"@Austin_Federa I don't own enough Sol to be able to agree with that fact"} {"text":"\"At $180 he's Satoshi, at $8 he was Satan\" - crypto twitter"} {"text":"Ok, I will bite. Who's Quinn?"} {"text":"\"May your chain be congested worse then a teenager's brain\" - Yiddish Proverb"} {"text":"One thing is common between eth, Polygon PoS and Solana. All three chains were amazing until lots of people started using them. All the unused chains are still amazing"} {"text":"@fede_intern Bullish on $CON"} {"text":"Well maybe you make some money or even if you lose some, you at least know whats going on in product. Being hands on onchain is the only way to not be a bozo in crypto"} {"text":"Remember wen govt served Do a letter at Messari conf and all of crypto law exploded?"} {"text":"Ansem is a likeable main character but lets not forget that we have tended to simp after them all on the way up, including SBF"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Nah, you are no competition for Ansem wif hat"} {"text":"@ilblackdragon @BowenWang18 This level of A+ shipping is a -EV distraction from and Haseeb\/Avichal must stop it at once"} {"text":"@knveth @varun_mathur @EffortCapital Effort Cap is right. AI is the meme"} {"text":"Relative strength in AI tokens $FLR $NEAR $TAO seems interesting"} {"text":"At this point Solana should just cancel their chain and fork ethereum"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko @TrustlessState Imagine fading psych majors"} {"text":"@Austin_Federa All we tech people want is for journos like @joonian to print only nice things about us and our bags. If they don't do so we will just buy WAPO and Coindesk"} {"text":"@ssh_nkar $BONSAI has more utility than 69% of postdoc ZKVMs being built today"} {"text":"Modular ppl thought we was gonna be able to just blabla and token launch 69 different types or rollups, some even eth aligned ones, without any users then... memecoins "} {"text":"@0xMert_ You are social layer. Social layer solves everything"} {"text":"@tarunchitra ..on you"} {"text":"Celestia NFTs are so artistic that they could only have been designed by an artist who understands erasure coding"} {"text":"@eawosikaa Ser those r examples of degeneracy not security\/risk mgmt. ETH be like that since before theDaO ORs w\/o FP undermine credibility of eth scaling, give narrative ammo to alt L1s. helps social layer push ORs Why you want DA to support FP?@AvailProject supports validity proofs"} {"text":"There comes a point when a team has to stop announcing and start shipping points and airdrops"} {"text":"Based sequencing and full danksharding might take ethereum from modularity to \"why the hell did we do this\" level of software complexity"} {"text":"Celestia is making their own jpegs to fill those blocks Solana is doing quantum electrodynamic mechanism design to fill those blocks wirh spambots Ethereum blocks are so full that we have to make whole new blocks on L2s and L3s and you are bearish on ETHEREUM anon?"} {"text":"@0xMawuko @SolarEtherPunk @0xMert_ @aeyakovenko That link is just copilot"} {"text":"Its so awesome that to succeed at the intersection of AI and crypto, you don't need to understand either"} {"text":"Great case study in why we need profs to think before the rest of us build 'whatever'"} {"text":"@ssh_nkar"} {"text":"@0xMawuko @SolarEtherPunk @0xMert_ @aeyakovenko Source?"} {"text":"@0xMawuko @SolarEtherPunk @0xMert_ @aeyakovenko Path to censorship. Dont do it"} {"text":"@Sigma_NFA @0xrinegade @SuiNetwork @cosmos no"} {"text":"Shipping is fun but fking hard I am glad I haven't had to do any for 3 years and now I can just critique what others ship "} {"text":"We have reached bot adoption"} {"text":"@Sigma_NFA @0xrinegade @SuiNetwork @cosmos You already have it in two different ways on Sol and ETH"} {"text":">> If the crypto industry wants to survive lyk, brb, lol, haha, xoxo"} {"text":"@0xrinegade @SuiNetwork No. Try @cosmos with shared security"} {"text":"@hotpot_dao My coin is my entire personality "} {"text":"@SolarEtherPunk @0xMert_ @aeyakovenko Sol will have to change the fee model but its a cool idea to push the network to the limits first"} {"text":"Solana is not the answer to ethereum's L1 issues. Trains have come a long way from the days of Vanderbilt but if you wanna fly you need an entirely different architecture"} {"text":"@AvailProject "} {"text":"Re Solana's current troubles, its not clear if a blockchain network or its fee mechanism should be designed to attract bots but its clear that designing for bots is good way to stress test for humans and eventual AI*crypto traffic"} {"text":"Shared sequencing is like a blockchain sandwich. Based sequencing is like building a small coconut inside a bigger coconut after you have first built an Onion around it"} {"text":"@krugermacro You meant memecoiners"} {"text":"Every time I ape $1 into a \"gud projet\", I bury $1 in tradfi bank Lord help me not roundtrip to zero this time, this is the fourth time "} {"text":"What happened to Sui? Have the TVL incentives ended?"} {"text":"@0xMert_ He said base fee"} {"text":"Backed by..."} {"text":"People in Japan are wondering why a 4.8 magnitude earthquake is news"} {"text":"Why one warned me about $W halvening?"} {"text":"Can we pls have that @pudgypenguins airdrop now?"} {"text":"Why is there a coin called \"research coin\"? When every coin in Cosmos ecosystem is exactly that?"} {"text":"@subaashgautam Own token talk is ngmi Mother chain token is fine in your case apartment Always pay lip service to eth and btc"} {"text":"@moo9000 Just wait for based sequencer and danksharding"} {"text":"You are, but its better to ( also, stay away from direct\/indirect price talk )"} {"text":"Actually some researchoor types do understand ethereum because of all the academic papers, ERCs and EIPs but I think not even the core devs of Solana understand it"} {"text":"@iamDCinvestor"} {"text":"@AlaHaddad23 So there is a chat :-)"} {"text":"@AlaHaddad23 I tried to send you wrapped eth 3 times on sol. It says minimum four attempts required "} {"text":"Is there a telegram chat called \"coordinated ethereum fud dot vc\""} {"text":"@0xMert_ A sign of enlightenment"} {"text":"@DeanoXBT"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko Hurt Locker top film"} {"text":"I am not saying anything about WIF here, but Apefest 2021 was monke cycle top"} {"text":"@dubbel06 @cosmos You mean why not pick Cosmos with shared security?"} {"text":"@icebergy_ Austin sold?"} {"text":"Devs will try everything before they rediscover @cosmos again There are many independent paths to finding god"} {"text":"@Rektrader Straight fax are hilarious in crypto"} {"text":"@hotpot_dao this is the real shared crypto economic security"} {"text":"Ethereum alignment is going so well that every ethereum ecosystem cap table wants to align with two value added angels rn: Ansem and Mert "} {"text":"Why has Tarun still not designed a quantum electrodynamic fee\/auction mechanism to fix Solana's troubles? Has Physics failed us?"} {"text":"Solana should immediately seek help from the new CEO of Cosmos @jadler0 and rearchitect their network for async composability and interoperable sovereign chains"} {"text":"@shubhrat "} {"text":"@fakedev9999 @Scroll_ZKP"} {"text":"Thanks to memecoins, the entire ethereum L2 space has turned into Kyle Samani"} {"text":"@anuragarjun I might have started it before Shumo ser got triggered"} {"text":"Only on @LensProtocol"} {"text":"@tmcg89 Multisig is a better experience than Consensus? Ya we know haha"} {"text":"Grow Bonsai, Eat "} {"text":"@DCbuild3r zk solves this minimise shared state"} {"text":"I knew one day all that shitposting will pay off"} {"text":"Hope Solano guys manage to protect their engineering culture as they all get rich and become influencers, podcasters and thotleaders - its a lot more comforting than the retarded shit we get to see every day in the coin zoo"} {"text":"@0xMert_ We do need a better official podcast but first you have to go through full cleansing"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko Ser who better than qualcomm guy to fix software switch dropping calls? Finally you get to reboot Solano for a good reason"} {"text":"@mdudas 2.5% of OP bruh. Gib 3% of Solano"} {"text":"@SmokeyTheBera Witholds joke for dm"} {"text":"@mdudas We have all been flawed since the moment we were created"} {"text":"@tonyolendo No praise before shipping. Just saying if you really belv in a big idea, do it"} {"text":"time to say some nice things Cheap is overrated, consistent is underrated @Scroll_ZKP UX is smooth and consistent which shows devs been doing gud coding Its not as cheap as Brian's multisig rollup but then its a real rollup and not a multisig rollup"} {"text":"@nickwh8te No ser. Shared security is about protocols, not just chains, sharing crypto economic security. Its in the name"} {"text":"@tonyolendo Do it"} {"text":"@nickwh8te Ser have you tried doing a demo"} {"text":"@hotpot_dao Also hotpot"} {"text":"@DCbuild3r ZK solves this fr fr"} {"text":"@gpn01 and you can't get more than 7 cars per second across central london"} {"text":"CAN YOU MAKE, YOU KNOW, LIKE... OBJECTIVE ARGUMENTS?"} {"text":"@jon_charb As VC? Invest at shared valuation, then push for change name to layer"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Ser I started in telecoms - I'ma bet on @aeyakovenko to fix call drops"} {"text":"@0xsachi Best looking VC I know"} {"text":"Just when I thought I was out ( of @pudgypenguins ), they pull me back in"} {"text":"Memecoins will outperform all the way into 2025 and Bonsai will be one of the tallest in the forest"} {"text":"@mattmaximo1 @DefiIgnas Its not a bridge, its a messaging LAYER"} {"text":"Ethereum's best feature is that all the other chains are worse"} {"text":"Are we so bacc or is it over?"} {"text":"@Austin_Federa Sell"} {"text":"@Austin_Federa Study light clients, client side proofs and client side verification. Thank me later"} {"text":"Mikko's war on ERC20 is good for ethereum"} {"text":"Effective Autism "} {"text":"@TheTruePhilippB @spect3ral @assembledchaos Not in the layer 2s suburbs of Deira, Burjman and Silicon Oasis but same security"} {"text":"@farhajmayan @jecastillof @hthieblot @FurqanR @fdotinc @davefontenot @GinoGuatavita @ashwinho4 @sourcex44 @Hadronfc Ya pls apply and lets hang"} {"text":"@sassal0x @TrustlessTooth Yep, not mutually exclusive, actually complementary"} {"text":"I think I'ma be a $BONSAI whale"} {"text":"@jelenaaa____ @zmanian I knew Noble saved Cosmos but I didn't realise to what extent Noble will save Cosmos"} {"text":"For the record, I am thrilled @SuccinctLabs shipped SP1. That moves everyone forward faster, incl the competition. It also took a lot of creativity on their part to synthesise with Valida and Plonky3 They also open sourced the combo which is how all things should be"} {"text":"@valardragon"} {"text":"@ShivanshuMadan Its a free market. No one is asking you to live in Dubai but I wont hear that Daryaganj has better UX"} {"text":"@ShivanshuMadan Bullshit. Every exchange supports eth"} {"text":"@ShivanshuMadan Enter is hold assets in"} {"text":"@ShivanshuMadan Not really. Its like Dubai. Anyone can enter but it costs money to get around"} {"text":"@assembledchaos Like Dubai, eth has more TVL because its safer"} {"text":"Ethereum is like Dubai. You can always pay more to get your (legal) transaction through Solana is like New Delhi. Sometimes it works but sometimes all you can do is pray Solana has better UX is a myth propagated by big monolith"} {"text":"Re $W, bullmarket tradition is sophisticated actors do \"market activation\" *AFTER* the airdrop jeeteers have sold Its awful psyops in a bad market, but it only works in bula. In bera there's no exit liquidity So don't overthink. Always sell half and go to bed w the other half"} {"text":"Man proposes a transaction, Solana disposes it - inspired by Mert"} {"text":"@MattCorva No traded token for HTTP"} {"text":"My bank has better UX than Solana. Almost all transactions go through"} {"text":"@grahamfergs @X @nickwh8te @SmokeyTheBera @ayyyeandy @jayendra_jog @0xjaypeg @binji_x @cole0x @vinitopapasito "} {"text":"@varun_mathur @HyperspaceAI "} {"text":"@clairekart Winning is the best hill to die on, other hills are no fun"} {"text":"@clairekart >> This is crypto, not cryptography"} {"text":"@paulg @jeremyyamaguchi 4.5m is pre seed for ants"} {"text":"Lots of cope on my TL about how Succinct farmed everyone's github to ship SP1. It takes a very bright pair of grad\/drop outs to know what to copy and what not to copy. Don't leave your secret sauce code lying around before you have a gud token This is crypto, not cryptography"} {"text":"Wormhole is the first solana aligned layer of ethereum"} {"text":"@SmokeyTheBera No no, I also have some farts in my portfolio"} {"text":"I still think ETH would have been around 5k today if only we had signed up a less cringe official podcast and official blog"} {"text":"@SmokeyTheBera"} {"text":"@AndrewCapasso_ Axe layer would have been worth $10b"} {"text":"Its disrespectful to call Wormhole a bridge. It's a messaging LAYER. Bridges are priced in millions, LAYERs are priced in billions."} {"text":"I'd like to congratulate every ethereum holder that doesn't use any other chain for their outstanding character, good manners and moral rectitude."} {"text":"@socialforging every week these days"} {"text":"John Adler just launched a very cool cowswap DSL chain ... and you are bearish anon?"} {"text":"@IAmNickDodson @koeppelmann You two have too many. Try enterprise ethereum"} {"text":"Scroll is so ethereum aligned that I cant deposit wbtc in Aave on scroll"} {"text":"@mdudas Sounds like the right FDV"} {"text":"Avail is unification WIF hat"} {"text":"I wanted to go to zkSummit Then I realised zk is different from ai"} {"text":"Pay people to work on cool projects"} {"text":"Market just wants NEW tokens Has anyone tried launching $NEW"} {"text":"@Arthur_0x Now do 2019"} {"text":"@SCBuergel I like front end arb tho"} {"text":"Europe doesn't like front end arbitrage?"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart"} {"text":"@GuthrieFi Yep"} {"text":"$15B to govern a bridge sounds cheap"} {"text":"@BitwiseInvest @Matt_Hougan Bitcoin can have ANY value *because* it has no cash flows"} {"text":"Sometimes I fall in love with my own quotes"} {"text":"@hotpot_dao Is V fudding rollups?"} {"text":"@akshaybd Tell them to round trip"} {"text":"@Zedzies I agree - stablecoins are straight up commercial banking activity but I don't see anything getting done on stablecoin regs this yr - probably even next"} {"text":"@Zedzies Banks can't ship but govt can stop even others esp if smth blows up again like luna"} {"text":"@RobinsonBurkey @WormholeFdn @wormhole_labs @xLabsxyz @asymmetric_re @wormhole Congrats"} {"text":"Everyone tryna launch ther tokenz before halvening. Halvening can go both wayz innit?"} {"text":"@ramahluwalia No dinner for me tonight"} {"text":"The first AI*crypto person was @maggielove_ of @shefiorg who built a bigtime GPU cloud for our ethereum token"} {"text":"@ramahluwalia You look younger than you are datasynapse"} {"text":"@paulg AI found out that most of the work devs do is just google search and copy-paste "} {"text":"@deepcryptodive @Hirizzy @blknoiz06 @inversebrah"} {"text":"@scupytrooples @Anton_Golub @ethena_labs "} {"text":"Ram ser wasn't there for the data centre explosion of 1999, which later became cloud"} {"text":"@howdymerry I know the Celestia team "} {"text":"@mayurrelekar @ArcanaNetwork Most important"} {"text":"@Anton_Golub @scupytrooples @ethena_labs Maker gud bank. Stop fudding"} {"text":"@IreneWu27 @LayerZero_Labs Congrats Irene"} {"text":"@ImpermanentGain @ethena_labs Ok then its between them and their counsel"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Only (costco) hot dog for me"} {"text":"IMO @ethena_labs is a cool project with financial logic that makes sense Hope the team will avoid pitching it as a stablecoin\/yield bearing stablecoin This is I think"} {"text":"Bought eth fr fr Study May 23rd"} {"text":"@leptokurtic_ 100%. DAI was the original LUNA before it was redesigned to be part backed USDC all that inspired ethdenver talk by @tayvano_ The issue is rarely market risk but often credit risk arising from market risk"} {"text":"Build things that don't make sense with a token..."} {"text":"@leptokurtic_ Wasn't thinking of Ethena there ( there are some new projects now ) but any derivative instrument of another market risk factor used in lieu of a credit risk insensitive dollar"} {"text":"AI and crypto are natural partners"} {"text":"One wonders how much of the Ethena protocol stack involves microsoft excel blockspace"} {"text":"@DooWanNam Well all signs point to the converse"} {"text":"By 2028, Maker DaO will be the third biggest regulated Nordic bank in the world with branches, ATMs, terrible customer service and shit"} {"text":"defi bluechip protocols are in a violent battle for stablecoin marketshare thats how many dollars are there in making a dollar"} {"text":"Megafunds are back. Time for crypto founders to play league of legends again"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko @TimSweeneyEpic Don't care. What did the other Sweeney say?"} {"text":"wif "} {"text":"gm"} {"text":"Bro you're not selling blockspace. You are selling tokens"} {"text":"@ManOfFrogs @jadler0 Cosmos, not crypto For ethereum we have Sreeram, Larry and Brian"} {"text":"The French used to ship stakedao, sandbox and curve. Now even crypto startups in France have work life balance, burnout before launch and joi de vivre 2021 did this"} {"text":"crypto VCs are funding algostables again This is the last cycle "} {"text":"@nickwh8te If Celestia and EigenDA are not competitors than we have solved world peace with Avail"} {"text":"Regular dumps like this week's are very important to keep the bull market going. This market is very capable of going up vertically and suddenly blowing up entirely"} {"text":"Costco Hotdog feels like the one memecoin aligned with the values of financial inclusion, inflation hedging and equal opportunity"} {"text":"All the mechanism designers only want one thing and its disgusting - to change the ethereum issuance curve"} {"text":"Memecoins are fine but maybe people shouldn't say things like they bought Ansem's mom for 1 Sol on Bonkbot"} {"text":"@ronitA380 @ghose77 @dsquareddigest @SMTuffy Wen token"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart This time if Gwart works hard, he can take down all of crypto"} {"text":"Only this cofounder of @cosmos can save it now"} {"text":"Pretty much one shiny new token launch per week from here"} {"text":"now is the time for that @Hyperledger airdrop"} {"text":"$750m is enough money to raise everyone's kids here"} {"text":"Gonna be hard to beat BTC and ETH w that size"} {"text":"One hell of a grind shipping good product through bera and just getting started - watch this team "} {"text":"Monad remains unaffected by market volatility"} {"text":"@Evan_ss6 Combined maximum FDV of the crypto industry is infinite"} {"text":"Can't make up my mind whether to buy $65k btc or sell $65k btc This is pure pain"} {"text":"Number went down a day BEFORE btc moved from the DoJ to Coinbase Prime"} {"text":"@MonetSupply >> is it too much to ask that people read Yes"} {"text":"@ai @ilblackdragon I was told AI solves this"} {"text":"cryptodickbutts are also doing AI now and you are bearish anon?"} {"text":"170 side events have been organised for @token2049 so far 1879 more to go"} {"text":"Raise money Dont RAZE money"} {"text":"There's a pretty decent chance that ai*crypto projects will raze (shuda said raise) gazillions and then zk guys will get to farm all those \"decentralised\" gpus for proving"} {"text":"Bullish on defi bluechip PVP "} {"text":"Its time to farm L2s with wbtc"} {"text":"@antiprosynth Ya maybe we need moar self appointed spokespersons, some can be ai also"} {"text":"Harmony among chains is good as long as its my harmony - every chain"} {"text":"@0xsachi Permission to post bell curve meme?"} {"text":"@Hadronfc - pre series A founders building with Polygon pls apply for a week of fun, intense work, hangin w OGs and gud vibes. Just before @token2049 - best time to be in"} {"text":"The biggest upside of an asset with no valuation model is that no price is ever too high"} {"text":"@0xminion You need to learn about market activation"} {"text":"Cosmos invented tendermint to replace multisig. Ethereum reinvented multisig to replace tendermint"} {"text":"VCs writing think pieces about memecoins"} {"text":"Why does the market look so heavily manipulated today "} {"text":"@vinitopapasito Ya announcements are mostly free"} {"text":"@0xJim Its all the same people from 2008, just less consequence"} {"text":"How else did we think unregulated wall street was gunna go?"} {"text":"We were so close to a financial system thats fair for everyone and then... Memecoins "} {"text":"Proposal to ban @ilblackdragon talking about anything other than AI for three months. Non AI discussions about users, apps, utility, value accrual, DA, chain abstraction are all diluting the value accrual in my wallet"} {"text":"@binji_x If you wanna pay shit ton of tax for white ppl passport - London, but Lisbon is more livable"} {"text":"@binji_x Habibi good for you, come"} {"text":"The word gigafactory hits different wen you realise @elonmusk has at least 9 kids"} {"text":"Never found a gud bag at a non dev conference"} {"text":"Funds are writing books about memecoin utility so that they can justify aping into cute dogs to LPs and you are bearish anon?"} {"text":"An A founder without focus is a C founder. When I see an \"Oracle also\" announcement from someone who hasn't finished shipping that bridge I invested in, I wanna sell Study Sergey of Nazarov and Anataly of Solano"} {"text":"I don't like utility in my memecoins. I prefer imaginary utility like \"peer to peer electronic cash\""} {"text":"@spencernoon (3) lead with memetic value, then leave the hat on"} {"text":"Who's gonna tell Antonio ser that Dubai is much nicer than Mexico city? \"dYdX to set up legal entity in Cayman Islands, scrap existing treasury | The Block\""} {"text":"Anyone who thinks building a crypto company is hard should try building an actual profitable tech business outside tokenland. Yes its hard but then there's HARD in caps"} {"text":"\"Don't sell before me! Believe in something\" - Crypto Twitter"} {"text":"DeFi has met its maker ( tradfi )"} {"text":"@NTBro \"most of the pain in selling early stage tech comes from selling to people who really don't need it\" - former consensys solutions salesman"} {"text":"Invent, distribute, disrupt ( but not my bags ok? )"} {"text":"@0xMert_ 900 too high without ai"} {"text":"@NTBro KOL is the Chinese token market word for influencer which is now taking Burgerland by storm"} {"text":"OH: \"Its not that we suck at shipping, we are just being technologically minimalistic\""} {"text":"@HashCurveKris @QwQiao Yes 1. Make it easy for people who care about the cause\/mission to safely ( minimise scam, rug, theft and waste ) fund progress against outcomes other than profit 2. Then expand the scope of who will fund a cause\/mission by bringing the strictly for profit casino layer on top"} {"text":"@HashCurveKris @QwQiao Well DeSci is certainly the right cause given SETI and CRISPR for building incentive systems that are the converse of instapump and yolo. My unsolicited advice is to run sims and thought experiments on how to get amoral degen casino mechanisms to drive very long horizon outcomes"} {"text":"This ability to see the whole picture, reason through it from the first principles, and then present it with clarity is very uncommon"} {"text":"@HashCurveKris @QwQiao The missing bit in your article is how scientific outcomes can be measured in any reasonable\/observable time frame to align incentives of whats being funded with who is funding it. This is why govt and defense tend to be the largest investors in science - infinite time horizon"} {"text":"Its a bit of a shame that ETH core researchers are so fkin smart and self appointed eth community spokespeople are so mid"} {"text":"cringe protocol who's building this?"} {"text":"@bendiken @hosseeb I only do deep tech memes"} {"text":"@TrustlessState @BanklessHQ @aeyakovenko @Austin_Federa Bro congrats. I have always held that Bankless has done more to bring attention to Solana than anyone else"} {"text":"@coopernicus01 Foundation playing wid their COQ"} {"text":"@coopernicus01 Avalanche: memecoins are our games"} {"text":"@0xkenzi So emotional rn "} {"text":"@0xkenzi pls see cv in dm "} {"text":"@EatHealthyGetR1"} {"text":"@tbr90 crypto industry is not just about code but also money, hence law - the contribution of legal minds has been at least as important if not more"} {"text":"FYI crypto VCs attending @token2049 The ancient name of dubai is - vestiges of the great Arab civilisation that invented ai in the age of El Khowarizmi ( hence algorithm ) can still be found here "} {"text":"Everyone's making a list of founders whose chain kinda worked but w\/o lawyers all of ya been poor like hyperledger Satoshi: BTC Vitalik: ETH Ardoino\/Pearce: USDT Hinman: ETH commodity Santori: ICO mania Hester: protest Judge Torres: xrp is not a security Larry Fink: ETF"} {"text":"@toghrulmaharram @solana @Scroll_ZKP @aeyakovenko @0xMert_ Second fastest layer 3 after my laptop"} {"text":"not gunna sell any eth as long as @VitalikButerin ser is poasting such cool stuff here"} {"text":"@MacroMate8 @0xPolygon Ser you need better research"} {"text":"Study Consensus Learning for decentralised AI by @FlareNetworks"} {"text":"@solarpunkmaxi We have Larry, Brian and a builder magnet culture so not worried yet but social layer needs repairs"} {"text":"eth community vibes v sol community vibes"} {"text":"Its amazing how many totally ded and gone shitchains are supported by @Ledger natively Even the SEC favorite LBRY is still here"} {"text":"@gajeshnaik @samnode_ I can't compet w Sreeram ser, dw"} {"text":"Anyone knows wher to buy gud memecoins on satashi chain?"} {"text":"The greatest myth in crypto is that bitcoin is somehow purer than other \"VC\" coins anyone who belvs dis has not heard of Tim Draper and a dozen others the second greatest myth involves ethereum"} {"text":"@DCbuild3r @dabit3 Why din he drop me - we are over Nader"} {"text":"@zelani_A You don't want that trust me"} {"text":"AI*crypto is not done till Jensen hugs Illia in a deepfake video onstage and $NEAR insta goes to $100"} {"text":"the last ai token i aped is up bigly check out"} {"text":"blur killed nfts memecoins killed blur"} {"text":"@_TomHoward Ser that requires skills. Its not like VC"} {"text":"@samnode_ @gajeshnaik Must be college grad with a pitch deck"} {"text":"These dudes still doing enterprise nfts"} {"text":"All my crypto investments are in gud ai tokens"} {"text":"Its a bit weird that the founder of an unauthorised layer 3 blockchain ( Solana ) would have the nerve to fud authorised layer 3 blockchains like ( degen ) Can we restake this guy immediately?"} {"text":"@StaniKulechov chainyoda.lens"} {"text":"@sicsemperfiat Send pitch deck"} {"text":"Girls just want one type of token and its disgusting"} {"text":"@based16z Why don't you find out"} {"text":"@blockgraze Catatonic idiots on CT are usually one cycle ahead"} {"text":"My own son is doing an internship in an AI startup that will never launch a token I am in the market for a new son, one with a nice bay area incubated AI token "} {"text":"@shumochu Shumo, bro I am gonna complain to Ali about your tweet. This is a verification layer, it doesn't need 2\/3 of all staked eth to insure it. Also the aggregated proof of verification is posted on eth"} {"text":"@mraltantutar always say ai"} {"text":"@mraltantutar @jarednotjerry1 Deepfake hugs is where its at"} {"text":"@mraltantutar @jarednotjerry1 Thats exactly the kind of stupid I was hoping for"} {"text":"If you have worked hard for 30 years to collect cool labels and stickers on your CV Stanford GSB, McKinsey, J P Morgan, Google, 69 under 69 Now is the time to monetise Raise money from crypto VC at godforsaken valuations"} {"text":"@kunalgoel for testing"} {"text":"@jelenaaa____ Cope Harder \u2122"} {"text":"My sufficiently decentralised L3 inherits the security of my laptop"} {"text":"Say no to blockchains that are not appropriately registered with the social layer "} {"text":"@coopernicus01 No need. If you wait long enough, it will restart"} {"text":"Solana is an illegal ethereum layer 3 blockchain that lacks the required alignment certificate from Bankless authorities Don't @ me"} {"text":"Very unhedonistic to rotate bula winnings into locked angel bags but its a drug "} {"text":"L1, L2, L3 No one cares in bula how many Ls you got The only layer anyone is looking at rn is the @dexscreener layer "} {"text":"@0xgaut"} {"text":"@cburniske Charles Hoskinson"} {"text":"Don't tell me the round is oversubcribed. Even farts are oversubcribed rn"} {"text":"@udiWertheimer You know that you can get the same amount of cope if eth pumps 10% right?"} {"text":"We are all making paper money, exit not started yet"} {"text":"DEGEN is the first vc memecoin but it won't be the last... or maybe BONK was the first"} {"text":"If you aren't onchain, why are you even in crypto?"} {"text":"@howdymerry Will reply in dm"} {"text":"@0xSisyphus He has been - its called bitcoin"} {"text":"Batamask on Base still not a tenth as memecoin trading friendly as Phantom and Backpack on Sol - and the worst part for tg-bot users who get to avoid the fox-ux is token detection What wallets are people using?"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Cope harder \u2122"} {"text":"@gajeshnaik That's a bit racist beta"} {"text":"Absolutely A-tier customer support from @cobie Founders who want to ship a winning product "} {"text":"Light saber verification"} {"text":"@CL207 Lisan al Gaib"} {"text":"@colludingnode @AvailProject light client verification is wher its going"} {"text":"@colludingnode @AvailProject thesis"} {"text":"@AlexSmirnov__ @0xMert_ Ya I have enjoyed his 'bullying and intimidation' a lot"} {"text":"@chrestomanzi @ilblackdragon @ekang426 AGI confirmed. Congrats Erica and Illia"} {"text":"If @NEARProtocol makes any AI related announcements in the near future, as a smoltime bagholder, I am quite concerned that if Illia ser is involved, the AI stuff will be very well thought out... so pls make any such announcements very very stupid "} {"text":"@cobie @collins_belton He's one of the best"} {"text":"@shumochu Depends on 1. how much catcoin you stake and can get slashed for 2. price of catcoin obv 3. presence of multisig backstops to roll back slashing (refusal to pay insurance claims)"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart @colludingnode Wake up Gwart. Now we call them Maslow's layers of needs"} {"text":"Hello @gauntlet_xyz, if I were to really dumb it down for the ADHDs, is the current Eigenlayer risk model similar to group medical insurance in companies? Whats the closest real world insurance analogy?"} {"text":"The entire flare stack is designed for AI @FlareNetworks"} {"text":"zk proofs, esp client side proofs are future of crypto. dont need all nodes to replicate compute if proof produced by one can be verified by all cryptoeconomic guarrantees are orders of magnitude weaker than cryptographic - voting w money wat we do wen we cant vote w math"} {"text":"@nileshrthr Applesque"} {"text":"@mraltantutar @DCbuild3r The birthplace of Mustafa Kamal Pasha ... and Mert"} {"text":"@solarpunkmaxi @ritualnet @HyperspaceAI Ya that's another gud one"} {"text":"crypto markets can make 24yo s more cynical than people twice their age"} {"text":"@buffalu__ @TrustlessState Same as Solano - Memecoins"} {"text":"My turn to post a chart"} {"text":"L3s are incredibly cool because now even your juiced up laptop can become an L3 and launch its own token"} {"text":"Because every DaO needs one"} {"text":"Real crypto projects are talking about this"} {"text":"@jesusdoteth @visavishesh This is tbc"} {"text":"Solana @0xMert_ picked a sparkling battle w the social layer of Cardano after Bankless blocked him Study engagement and attention in web3 marketing"} {"text":"@iamDCinvestor @CL207 We got enough Ls, we need a W in May"} {"text":"My Brahmin ancestors used to conduct rituals in an (otherwise wonderful) language that no one else understood but the clients always felt good This is the key to raising crypto venture capital. If they understand it, eg they now understand defi, they probably wont invest much"} {"text":"@toghrulmaharram @ercwl I think Eric picks the most entertaining online money cults"} {"text":"Its my considered view that the success of Solana and memecoins has saved ethereum from the utter 240 IQ academic retardation we were starting to suffer in the ultrasound modular zk ai era because of the infestation of \"hab funding will code PhD in zug because lol\" Cosmos culture"} {"text":"@coopernicus01"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy Eigenlayer"} {"text":"L2 is a blockchain with a bridge to L1 L3 is a blockchain with a bridge to L2 Trust assumptions of L3s are: 3\/5 bro"} {"text":"@jon_charb wat problem we tryna solve"} {"text":"@mjpldn @cobie Invite code prolly a testing thing"} {"text":"Cobie says he's building Echo to end insider games in crypto I have four tg dms asking if @cobie is raising for Echo Cheers Tim"} {"text":"Ethereum is AI chain"} {"text":"@GuyZys @ritualnet They make sense wen they talk"} {"text":"I am starting to suspect @ritualnet is legit in a category where its quite hard to be so"} {"text":"I want to direct an episode of Suits where in the Coinbase case, a crypto lawyer Harvard classmate of Judge Failla is able to change her mind about Judge Torres' analysis in the xrp case"} {"text":"@owocki @base @Optimism @arbitrum @0xPolygon None of the above sorry"} {"text":"Everyone pls use the chains you shill "} {"text":"@0xMert_ or, several other founders will raise their valuations to very stupid levels and probably even change their project to be very stupid"} {"text":"If L2 ppls srysly want eth and not just their own gubernance etc tokens to pump they should gib much moar airdrop for eth tvl than for stablecoin tvl Its that simple"} {"text":"speaking of anticipated $ETH catalysts: scroll airdrop zksync airdrop half dozen non evm l2 airdrops polygon ecosystem airdrops eigenlayer ecosystem airdrops celestia:grape::ethereum:watermelon"} {"text":"@merklepatricia_ @sassal0x Yes nothing about their task is easy but competition will help with setting priorities"} {"text":"@sassal0x perception persists because at the user facing end we still have limitations of batamask, EVM, ERC20, 4337 etc though thats changing with modularity and new execution layers. Its good however that ethereum now has a little competition for users and apps so focus will change too"} {"text":"@GuyZys Humblebrag "} {"text":"... and its not in liquid"} {"text":">> look around"} {"text":"I don't understand why anyone in crypto would suffer from impostor syndrome Wake up and around, we got a shit ton of real impostors in this industry Now get to work and ship something"} {"text":"My entire timeline today"} {"text":"The most obvious but equally non-consensus bet rn is giga long eth, and I am in it Memecoin szn is here on L2s and it means only one thing. Bullish ETH If ETF, then 2x instantly If no ETF then farming across LRTs, L2s, yield, whatever "} {"text":"Doubling down on @movementlabsxyz because ethereum deserves better, les goh "} {"text":"As of now, memecoin activity\/volumes are the true index of health of any L1\/L2 ecosystem. Don't @ me"} {"text":"@LinkWarLord Ya no fund will 53x Now do top 2, top 3, top n"} {"text":"mfers looking like monalisa today"} {"text":"@KyleSt4rgarden @ethereumJoseph Slow reeducation from tradfi "} {"text":"I met @ethereumJoseph in 2016 in Luxembourg and told him he should focus on enterprise ethereum because the govt wont allow tokens"} {"text":"Replicate your shitposting onchain. Idk if @LensProtocol will do an airdrop but twitter definitely wont afaik"} {"text":"Bitcoin is depin for mining rigs"} {"text":"@LinkWarLord Have to compare over the same period innit?"} {"text":"@kermankohli Ya - see we can still double in liquid"} {"text":"(100-x)% of crypto funds that started deploying in Jan will not outperform top x% of the memecoins this cycle imo"} {"text":"@kermankohli \"This time is different because ETF\" Dude who doesn't know HFs can short ETFs"} {"text":"@Arthur_0x Ya but most of us are not seasoned ballers like @KyleSamani and can't take the public criticism, the heat from LPs or our own mindfk evolutionary biology wen number is down 90%"} {"text":"@Madhav_goyal_ I think we gonna 2+x in liquid even on overvalued and there's an occasional goonsler to return 15x-150x, just like venture"} {"text":"Critics of any decentralised ai project like bittensor should be very afraid of decentralised ai. Its coming for the critics, its everywhere (decentralised) and because its so decentralised, you can't hide from it"} {"text":"Unlike funds that are under pressure to fomo deploy locked at whatever valuation, as an individual you know you can buy this cycle's hottest tickets unlocked and down 90% latest by 2027 and probably earlier right?"} {"text":"@ercwl @badenglishtea Also, coin stuff aside, Starknet is a pioneer zk rollup in production"} {"text":"Bittensor was endorsed not by Yann Le Cun or Mira Murati, but by the world's leading AI experts like Ivan on Tech and Chico Crypto"} {"text":"People follow people"} {"text":"@aliciakatz 99th percentile "} {"text":"@dimabuterin Now thats what I call an ethereum improvement proposal"} {"text":"Has someone tried building useful technology? What happened?"} {"text":"@mhonkasalo @jon_charb said this a yr ago and they din belv him"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart Even satashi is doing dogs in json now"} {"text":"We must not trust a definition of water that is not crypto economically secure "} {"text":"@ercwl If Richard Heart was around today he'd launch or "} {"text":"Thinking about ethereum aligned airdrops"} {"text":"For as long as I remember Vitalik is always right Except wen he's quiet The only time he's quiet Is wen eth maxis pick the wrong fight"} {"text":"This is why @0xPolygon s aggLayer is a better approach"} {"text":"@twobitidiot Sell the news event"} {"text":"@mayurrelekar @LineaBuild @berachain @Sagaxyz__ @MultiversX "} {"text":"@Nogoodtwts @adeets_22 @vijaymichalik @Esk3nder @0xKATYA @cleandood @html_tina @dabit3 Banger Keeks!"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Is this Mert alignment?"} {"text":"Thinking about aggregation "} {"text":"@scupytrooples I was referring to her filmography"} {"text":"@jimmyhumania I was referring to her filmography"} {"text":"Has your portfolio outperformed Sidney's?"} {"text":"A Solano ecosystem VC is using wif as their portfolio benchmark and you are bearish anon?"} {"text":"@based16z Some people pronounce Jail as Yale"} {"text":"@binji_x Do RPGF proposal to buy some 7-11s in rural arkansas, get green card"} {"text":"@luigidemeo Don't see why avax subnets wouldn't become eth L2s. Been saying this for years"} {"text":"@Hadronfc : the what & why now? "} {"text":"@hartej_ @token2049 barca "} {"text":"@iamDCinvestor @QwQiao Correct. You don't - you at best hope wormhole or something else wrapped eth will do, and it won't"} {"text":"@iamDCinvestor @QwQiao Ya ppl overcomplicate. EVM L2s get *everything* from eth - in fact many evm L1s do as well eth ofc gets more users from L2s than it would at L1 gas prices Its a win win but it aint free. Some L2 will ofc try to go L1 and learn how hard it is to build a community of their own"} {"text":"@iamDCinvestor @QwQiao An EVM L2s biggest strength is the same as its biggest weakness. L2s rent devs and community from masternode's giving rise to retired british special forces level of mercenary labor farming"} {"text":"@alexpiHQ @token2049 @epicweb3 no coat, maybe boat"} {"text":"@howdymerry So we are both not in (3,3) chain?"} {"text":"@blockgraze Jesus died for your wifs"} {"text":"Dubai weather is like Barca rn fyi - Kite beach. Water at 20.49 Celsius for @token2049"} {"text":"@cburniske USDC?"} {"text":"If your wallet is signing for you, its an uninsured bank. Shut it down"} {"text":"$DEGEN : $BONSAI"} {"text":"@paulg If no one understands you, its ok. Know that Daniel Kahneman did"} {"text":"Livestream of the entire Sand Hill Road chasing @0xPARC after Vitalik's blog"} {"text":"@loomdart V is not an eth head - few understand this"} {"text":"crypto venture funds fomo deploying LP money at whatever valuation so that they can raise the next fund"} {"text":"$100m vals are for the poor. We aping $1b rounds here yolo"} {"text":"It depends - I nudged my to do a free internship in real ai instead of paid internship in token ai. Time > Money"} {"text":"@SmokeAwayyy Surely an autonomously learning agent will learn its own ethics and thats non deterministic"} {"text":""} {"text":"Jensen distance of a person is the min index of a person in the set of all sequences of persons where member(k) of each sequence has a forearm that has been touched by the member(k-1), starting with element @ilblackdragon at index 1 Shoulders don't count, sorry"} {"text":"There's multiples more demand for DA beyond the 4844 blobspace. fwiw @AvailProject Fusion is also eth aligned because it will use the shared security of ethereum and reward eth stakers"} {"text":"Worldcoin got one of the most epic zk teams rn even tho I really don like the projet"} {"text":"@kobigurk I thought the first L was for listing"} {"text":"he said fast TOKEN generation is important. TGE \u2122 "} {"text":"crypto companies recruit for toxic positivity after number goes up and functional autism after number goes down"} {"text":"You can swap eth for usdc and back"} {"text":"Why is everyone going to market today? What are we buying?"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Our industry"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Pi has only 18 decimals on ethereum kafir"} {"text":"Unsurprisingly, people who never had any money on FTX tend to feel a lot kinder towards SBF than people who did"} {"text":"CZ at his next hearing"} {"text":"Correct"} {"text":"Celestia is Cosmos aligned but lots of appchain activity has moved to ethereum, which is the new Cosmos. As Wei Dai notes ethereum is getting more blobs in 1-2 wks than TIA in 12 iIf Tia needs our great blobs, Tia gonna need to pay rent to our great ethereum token."} {"text":"idk man, \"crypto economic verification\" of AI sounds like something you'd do if you can't do *cryptographic* verification, but I'd very much like 80% of our \"crypto economics\" eg \"dao governance\" to not be a multisig with more steps"} {"text":"@aviral10x 11-3 then 4-7 for example. Sharding"} {"text":"Judge Failla has mercilessly broken hearts across Harvard this week"} {"text":"@luigidemeo"} {"text":"@MikeIppolito_ They are both"} {"text":"@HugoPhilion "} {"text":"@chamathsintern Good point"} {"text":"@0xshakib_eth Category 4"} {"text":"Plain english crypto*ai project categories 1. GPU farm on a blockchain 2. Token powered data gathering and cleaning 3. Token powered chatGPT 4. ChatGPT doing something onchain instead of hooman 5. Pure ai memecoin 6. Bots trading DOTs"} {"text":"@DCbuild3r @akileshpotti +1 v informative"} {"text":"I support all pointless CT word play as long as I am an investor in the project doing it, but wordplay does not make a narrative. What makes a narrative is whether the market understands wtf is it that you are trying to build and why they should buy your damn token"} {"text":"@matthew_sigel Same vcs are aping into 250m-1b val pre seed rounds"} {"text":"@kapursanat PoS is much easier to ship when your base layer is Amazon layer"} {"text":"@Sim89776996 @jchervinsky @RealRossU Amazon is a retailer, so was Ross. Crime implemented in software is still crime"} {"text":"SBF is in Jail because he chose *very* rich quick"} {"text":"fwiw, Ross Ulbricht sold drugs online. He didn't write privacy preserving software America's drug laws are a mess but there are thousands of black Ross Ulbrichts in America who did far less scalable crimes and are serving long mandatory minimums"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Or Solana run a BFT consensus"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart Are there $MAPS in Jail?"} {"text":"@jchervinsky @RealRossU That feels like populist tweet for the crypto gallery rather than a legal equivalence Ross:Crack Cocaine Dealer at Scale::SBF:Fraudulent Banker"} {"text":"@yver__ @sergitosergito @MadLads @Parcl facts"} {"text":"At 20 years, SBF has now got a longer unlock than any other successful crypto VC"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko c) legal defense against jail risk"} {"text":"Need \u2066@VitalikButerin\u2069 poasting this type of quality content on here ngl"} {"text":"imo cryptoeconomic security is multiples more sus than cryptographic security because of low mathematical rigor involved in the design of crypto economic systems Last person who tried some actual math was Tarun, and then DaO governance backed by multisig entered the chat"} {"text":"@hosseeb Verification of the output of a series of multiplication of very large matrices of floating point numbers wao"} {"text":"An excellent survey of current crypto thinking about crypto*ai architectures"} {"text":"@0xWenMoon @SmokeyTheBera Fork berachain launch mainCharacterChain"} {"text":"@gadikian Gary"} {"text":"@ecent18 There's an EIP about that"} {"text":"@ecent18 I have six two and three letter quals. I cant stop wont stop being mid"} {"text":"This ai touching thing has gone too far. There will be lawsuits in norcal and brooklyn"} {"text":"Judge in the GG v Coinbase lawsuit could be this cycle's black swan because everyone is extrapolating from her Uniswap ruling"} {"text":"@weikengchen They sent their own research about Anoma's research"} {"text":"VCs betting months and millions on AI modular vaporware don't know this one simple trick:"} {"text":"@jbrukh Can we get 12 more months for gud unlocks ?"} {"text":"\"98% of AI*crypto is a scam\" - Tarun \"If you are into sum check, pivot to backward propagation\" - me Also, looks like @ritualnet will replace both @gauntlet_xyz and @lemiscate with AI"} {"text":"Why does everyone here hate uncle Gary? I put one SOL on $GOONSLER and Gary sent me back 15 SOL"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Bro doesn't rememeber they bought solscan"} {"text":"@sandyzkp "} {"text":"@ekang426 DYOR"} {"text":"Jensen touched Illia on his arm, just to check if Illia was fact or fiction"} {"text":"Our roadmap is infinity years long and will survive heat death of the sun"} {"text":"All I want for Summer are agglayer POINTs "} {"text":"Helius labs attacked base with inscriptions a few hours ago. Heavy blobardment is reported"} {"text":"AI is moving so fast that lots of 24 year olds in crypto are already too old to work in AI ...and I don't mean $AI . No one will ever be too old to work in AI staking, AI yield farming, AI airdrops and AI exchange listing"} {"text":"One consequence of the rapid rise of crypto secondaries is that while building a product has always been optional in web3, now founders don't even need to launch a token Just raise money, make dank memes and sell secondaries into generational wealth Read, Write, Own"} {"text":"@apriori0x Study research"} {"text":"Headwinds: Regulation Tailwinds: Rate cuts Top signals accumulating a little too quickly this cycle and no money printer around Some will miss this bula entirely Study behaviour of market participants"} {"text":"Say you deposit one pound into an ATM. You instantly get one dollar bonus, and keep that one pound bill as well That's LRT, the second greatest financial innovation of our time Only possible on ethereum (OPOE)"} {"text":"@rob_inwoods Study inflation"} {"text":"@rob_inwoods Any of them"} {"text":"Why number go down?"} {"text":"@LucaNetz Inshallah one day wat we distribut will also matter"} {"text":"Study mcap\/fdv ratio on coingecko lessons in there"} {"text":"@gadikian Secondaries are very real"} {"text":"@corbpage @VCBrags Wait wen token Corb"} {"text":"Anoma valuation 2x from last round with zero news on what generalised intents are or will be let alone testnet $650m of pure research Bula is so beautiful "} {"text":"@jchervinsky Under Europe's MIFID, secondary trading can result in a contract - probably not relevant to US. Apart from xrp, is there a precedent that excludes secondary transactions entirely?"} {"text":"@GoonerholicX exactly"} {"text":"There's no such thing as \"level 0 training wheels of decentralisation\". Thats just a bro multisig"} {"text":"What happened to generalised intents"} {"text":"@ZeMariaMacedo @crainbf @ilblackdragon @buidl_asia ARM Chain backed by ARM chips for AI"} {"text":"@cmsholdings Growth hacking"} {"text":"Translation: \"mybags = decentralised\" larp needs to stop, or all our bags could get rekt by the national security establishment"} {"text":"@0xJeek @HanaNetwork After you ship "} {"text":"@mdudas They have screenshots of your BONK tweets and my MODI tweets"} {"text":"@gadikian either that or there wasn't a refund - can't be both"} {"text":"@colludingnode true"} {"text":"Looking at the college creds of the biggest scammers in our industry, better education doesn't change character. Better education only makes a scammer a better scammer"} {"text":"DPRK refund to Pacman is far far more bizarre than the purported DPRK hack"} {"text":"Blast is only as decentralised as DPRK is democratic"} {"text":"@anuragarjun This is when secondaries 'eclipsed' primaries"} {"text":"Wait, now DPRK is just nicely returning funds without a nuclear threat or something?"} {"text":"@anuragarjun @IAmNickDodson Bullish on @dervoiedk"} {"text":"Bullish on @AvailProject 1. Modular DA with NPoS + Erasure coding for DAS + Validity proofs using KZG 2. Light client verification and Nexus proof verification 3. Shared security of Eth and Bitcoin using Avail Fusion similar to Eigenlayer and Babylon 4. No AI or Biotech memes"} {"text":"Re Blast, the rug pull dev looks more like he's in North California than in North Korea"} {"text":"Toxic trash KOL jail should be in idyllic Scotland - better health and fitness there"} {"text":"I have signed off regards, as retards, once "} {"text":"@adamscochran Nothing is weird coming from you bro"} {"text":"@qedk_ @AvailProject Wen apple watch"} {"text":"@ilblackdragon @buidl_asia @ericaplanet @ekang426 Huge fomo"} {"text":"The main modular trust assumption behind several L2s is \"bro lol, we can just roll back the chain haha\""} {"text":"@EvanWeb3 @ilblackdragon Pls post proof of touch.jpg for ai alignment"} {"text":"If your deal flow is much better than your DD and compliance, you definitely gonna have a blast"} {"text":"@EvanWeb3 @ilblackdragon Why has Zuck never touched your arm in public Evan?"} {"text":"@rargulati "} {"text":"I hate this as much as you do but fkin KYC all your devs"} {"text":"At least Blast was modular"} {"text":"@zhengxun_wu Also reth, succinct and dozens of brilliant projects but moar brand management would be nice"} {"text":"If people are mostly collaborating, vibing, building rapport, having discussions, speaking regularly and aligning wen are they working?"} {"text":"Fighting gary is gud but growth hacking multisig l2 TVL with customer funds is fighting the wrong feds"} {"text":"@yondercode I dont. That helps save me from Blast and Blur"} {"text":"If a cex controlled multisig layer 2 with no validity proofs or fraud proofs is ethereum's answer to Solana, maybe we are taking the wrong test"} {"text":"@aneiosi Not known ones"} {"text":"@ercwl gm"} {"text":"Maybe the Coinbase Policy team should re-evaluate their highly innovative ultra mega super duper future of finance decentralised multisig layer 2 before it creates even more financial inclusion north of 38th parallel\/DMZ"} {"text":"OK CAN YOU GUYS STOP TRADING"} {"text":"@bittybitbit86 @kevinsekniqi Yes but there's a moron in each one of us once bags are in play"} {"text":"We been habben a seerious culture probleem"} {"text":"@ShivanshuMadan I dont back what I can't endorse. That is the old paradigm"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy @Blast_L2 @solana"} {"text":"Backed by me: Polygon, Eigenlayer, Monad, Avail, Flare, Spark on Fuel Backed by Paradigm: FTX, Art Gobblers, Friendtech, Blur, Blast Move to Dubai everyone"} {"text":"@EvgenyGaevoy Dum is bullish"} {"text":"This hits different today"} {"text":"Lots of deep thinking has gone into the @0xPolygon agg layer, esp courtesy @_bfarmer - I am still getting my head around the details of the design and the more I get a hang of it, the more interesting it gets"} {"text":"@mraltantutar @NEARProtocol @ilblackdragon @nvidia No but its commutative and associative"} {"text":"@MacroMate8 @_bfarmer agg layer v2 "} {"text":"To be fair any tech CEO would let Jensen Huang touch them for those H100s rn"} {"text":"@kermankohli Oh man, have you seen his H100?"} {"text":"Avail will be the *ONLY* feature complete modular DA layer when it hits mainnet soon - feature complete ie, with its own consensus, erasure coding for DAS and KZG commitments"} {"text":"@monad_xyz @Balancer "} {"text":"@nickwh8te EigenDA is Sree RAM"} {"text":"@neelsalami @nickwh8te @alignedlayer Ya very curious to see examples of apps as they manifest"} {"text":"@neelsalami @nickwh8te Yes on state diffs. Posting call data is expensive per figures floated around 4844 Yes its good for ethereum Yes on low trust bridging to eth Qn is what apps require svm on eth or modular da vs svm on sol da? >> Verifying a full zkp need decentralised yes @alignedlayer"} {"text":"@iamDCinvestor @neelsalami @nickwh8te Haha - true. Now @aeyakovenko will invoke the wormhole eigenlayer"} {"text":"A very touching day in this industry"} {"text":"@uriklarman So are they"} {"text":"@neelsalami @nickwh8te ETH doesn't do much apart from being liquidity source to rollup. External DA with consensus secures ordering. Posting calldata on eth is expensive. Settlement meme. { EVM, ETH } are built w a same state model in mind similar to { SVM and Solana } Cool experiment tho"} {"text":"@nickwh8te @musalbas mua'd dib"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy Who said this"} {"text":"Zuck still hasn't publicly touched the founders of Aptos or Sui. As investors in all 3, @a16z should really work harder on their value add"} {"text":"@nickwh8te Agree. SVM settling on eth is somewhat redacted"} {"text":"Justin Sun's arm was touched by money god"} {"text":"@_kinjalbshah This is excellent. Whats uniquely great about Eigenlayer is that narrative is durable because it was built inside out from researchers --> builders and founders --> investors --> degens and airdrop seekers -> influencers. Most teams make the mistake of going the other way round"} {"text":"Live from @NEARProtocol HQ via @YouTube"} {"text":"@Austen False comparison. We wouldn't have today's AI without the internet"} {"text":"@_arihantbansal Market super hot, investors really want to gib, founders *should* take wen investors really want to gib"} {"text":"@Shenanigrahams Ya. I invested fr fr"} {"text":"\"Raised $35m in pre seed\" "} {"text":"@0xkenzi Bro he said build whatever "} {"text":"I was so monolithic before I met him. He touched my arm and made me modular"} {"text":"@MuyaoShen"} {"text":"@0xWenMoon @ether_fi Moon shills hard ngl, added to KOL list for a16jit fund"} {"text":"Every web3 founder in the world is calling a a big tech founder or CEO to touch them right now"} {"text":"@nic__carter"} {"text":"@seb3point0 They do, especially in venture"} {"text":"@David___Mo @PabloSabbatella @NEARProtocol Things are vastly better after Illia took over and getting better - this one was a fun tweet"} {"text":"@JimmyRagosa There are unconfirmed rumours of @pmarca having touched Vitalik's thumb in 2017"} {"text":"The great Sergey of Nazarov was the first crypto founder to be touched on the arm by a big tech ceo and thus granted full tech legitimacy"} {"text":"What is this Bansal premium VCs in India talk about?"} {"text":"@mdudas @solana Pay gas in eth or it didn't happen"} {"text":"Once ETH hits $10k, any ethereum block will be able to store all of the information in the universe"} {"text":"I have already pivoted to POL hyper productive, Eigen and Avail airdrop hopium"} {"text":"If we designed a PoS EVM chain, say ethereum, from scratch in 2023-24, it'd look a lot like @monad_xyz"} {"text":"@JimmyRagosa Sorry, elliptical is the only way to watch dexscreener while working out"} {"text":"@k_schellinger Fair enough. Short term trading is a perfectly reasonable long term investment thesis. iearn did short term decentralised farming for the long term"} {"text":"@sprembo I got no respect from wife or son either till Vitalik and Sreeram came home for Dosa - thats life"} {"text":"@0xsachi Hab peloton but back less stronk for daily"} {"text":"@k_schellinger >> What\u2018s your suggestion Consistency"} {"text":"Feeling inspired by Do Kwon"} {"text":"Highest praise for someone in crypto should be that \"he knows his shit\" - well Boris knows his tokenization shit like few others in the industry"} {"text":"Fields medal for historic breakthrough in information theory"} {"text":"@0xMert_ @PressieMoonBoy He said density"} {"text":"@el33th4xor A dark pool for institutions to trade COQ?"} {"text":"@jadler0 Think he meant full nodes. Other chains can also have light clients"} {"text":"Layers in the real world vs layers in modular blockchains"} {"text":"@vibhu @drip Also your sinful thoughts about l2s"} {"text":"@jillrgunter She says based sequencing will make ethereum even more complicated but she will try to get Justin Drake and Dankrad to agree on something"} {"text":"@nickwh8te @vibhu >> Start the podcast or TikTok or blog Definitely dont do this"} {"text":"Ethereum is the mainframe, Solana is the minicomputer, Layer2s are legit PCs fr fr, Eigenlayer is EiOS"} {"text":"@k_schellinger Bro that linkedin level blabla dont match wat you do"} {"text":"@hotpot_dao America also wants him on their love island"} {"text":"@litocoen"} {"text":"I want to live in a world where AI can insta ship the ethereum roadmap as soon as the EF has stamped it"} {"text":"@Eug_Ng Buy bitcoin on dumps"} {"text":"@LefterisJP @base Sassal says you made that jpeg in photoshop"} {"text":"@BrianSeong99 @UW @GIX_edu @Tsinghua_Uni or crypto. we are always so early"} {"text":"@BrianSeong99 @UW @GIX_edu @Tsinghua_Uni Bro welcome back. You left just before the gigapump, now you've joined just before it"} {"text":"@jillrgunter Good you closed that round before confessing to this"} {"text":"@moo9000 Zuzalu longevity meetup"} {"text":"demand 50 (verbal) lashes for Bloomberg ETF twins if the ETH ETF gets approved in May"} {"text":"Everyone is posting charts now but its not quite clear what relevance \"boiled potato finance\" going up 69% for three days has to anyone's life"} {"text":"crypto founder with his own token vs crypto founder without his own token"} {"text":"Never let CT larps and influencers make health, money or relationship decisions for you. I have close frens who refused to sell Aave at $600 because $1,000 was in sight. Who knows in a couple of years but that long horizon path dependence can not be enjoyable"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart Come register with us Gwart"} {"text":"@cburniske Notable exception: Chainlink"} {"text":"Polynya wanted to tell manlets that you cant spell ethical without eth"} {"text":"@CryptoMan_Ram I am meme coin degen and memecoins are better than most high fdv seed rounds because there's liquidity all the way to valhalla or 0"} {"text":"The main assumption in all illiquid seed round deals above $100m FDV that unlock post 2026 is that Tremp will beat Boden and thus there will be another free for all bula that is not rekt by another four years of Goonsler"} {"text":"Ripple's challenge is not that xrp is 40b of magic internet money printed in a backyard barbecue. Their main challenge is is wanting to issue listed shares backed by that money, and listed stonks are unquestionably Goonsler's domain"} {"text":"@Henry_DeFi @aeyakovenko"} {"text":"Gud deal flow will make you poor or keep you poor if you don't think clearly about valuation, liquidity and embedded assumptions"} {"text":"Goonsler will make Boden and Tremp look like smol potatoes"} {"text":"@dmihal @wslyvh A new DaO to manage David's DaO voting cards "} {"text":"@k_schellinger One Polkadot has aligned itself, moonbeam won't have to"} {"text":"Proof of stake was a mistake. Now all 69 layers of ethereum run on Amazon layer"} {"text":"@jackzampolin @EthosStake Buchman Layer?"} {"text":"Ethereum should announce an amnesty scheme for alt L1s. They can return to the fold if they add \"layer\" in the name and use ETH to pay gas For example, Cardano shall be \"Hoskinson Layer\" and Polkadot shall be \"Substrate Layer\" which is two words that mean the same thing but ok"} {"text":"@cydelmg @vibhu He shifted the overton window instead of the coverton window"} {"text":"Modular people will not rest till all monolithic blockchains exile @vibhu forever for his heresy"} {"text":"airdrops "} {"text":"@jelenaaa____ Coded in Berlin, and sold to the world in Brooklyn"} {"text":"@elonmusk @AutismCapital X is not ethereum aligned"} {"text":"Happy"} {"text":"@cmsholdings CMS, come on, you would do a month if that means Monad mainnet tomorrow"} {"text":"The main difference between a token and a stonk is that a stonk goes up wen everyone pays you and a token goes up wen you pay everyone"} {"text":"@CryptoMan_Ram idk - Ethereum was a Berlin\/Swiss shop and there are some big European winners eg Aave and Curve and Aussie Synthetix. Binance is anything but American and Polygon built a great brand in the US. Its more a focus, drive and big balls yolo mindset thing - the last one is American"} {"text":"Hype: Generative AI will produce AGI Reality: Generative AI can't even generate GenerativeAGI.pptx"} {"text":"Whats the @bonkbot_io of @base ?"} {"text":"@ASvanevik Swiss foundation work life balance"} {"text":"@Eug_Ng If retire means never need a salary, I am in. Otherwise @ethereumJoseph is our ageless hero"} {"text":"@Lim1975Kim One of the few real crypto*AI projects"} {"text":"@j0hnwang @babylon_chain Also @AvailProject fusion"} {"text":"@0xMert_ All my censorship resistance homies want toly to censor solano memecoins"} {"text":"What I like most about all American values startups like Tesla, Ethereum and Solana is that they have zero deference for the incumbent Big balls, kill shots, no lazy brand rental - all of the respect, none of the deference - mostly you die but if you don't you get really big"} {"text":"So Initia is the IBC token?"} {"text":"Heard CT influencers are charging north of $10k for 3 T, 4 QT and 5 RT What you really want is investors who believe in your project so much that they will PAY YOU to do this for you, not the other way round"} {"text":"Polynya: \"crypto's moral compass is broken\" crypto: \"bro, which one\"?"} {"text":"@Crypto_Texan in which case ethereum is also bitcoin"} {"text":"Guess which project is missing in the list of projects looking to scale ethereum? Er... ETHEREUM"} {"text":"As hopes from cofounder Larry Fink decline, a new cofounder of ethereum arises to valiantly defend ethereum from Solana by launching memecoins on his Base L2 Lisan al Gaib!"} {"text":"Memecoins are entertaining. In line with American tradition, lets schedule a congressional hearing on memecoins with leading memecoin innovators and influencers"} {"text":"@kermankohli Its just pure Sol beta rn "} {"text":"@buchmanster Yep"} {"text":"We been habben ein seerious probleeem"} {"text":"@zengjiajun_eth @zhusu has spoken eloquently about the merits of forced rest in confinement"} {"text":"Unfortunately they DID do something wrong. Terraform labs execs actively promoted UST as a \"safe\" stablecoin and \"savings\" product to unsophisticated retail and grandma oriented fintechs such as some of YC startups"} {"text":"@howdymerry @apolynya Let Polynya's heart be healed since this is a domain of social science and not ethereum or solana"} {"text":"Distinguished alumnus, Stanford Blockchain"} {"text":"Moral compass is not belong to computers, databases, Solana, Ethereum, Bitcoin, Stonks or Bonds. Its something humans possess and left to their own devices such as \"self regulation\", groups generally have a weaker moral compass than the individuals in it"} {"text":"@SolarEtherPunk @TrustlessTooth @apolynya It has got nothing to do w Solana or even crypto. The human stuff is pretty asset and tech neutral"} {"text":"@Madhav_goyal_ @apolynya Lets not ask questions we do not want answers to"} {"text":"More on @apolynya s post. In ALL bull markets, independent of the asset involved, theres often an inverse correlation between values and valuation This is not something one should participate in, just enjoy from a safe distance with great wonder and amusement Study markets"} {"text":"Been around blockchain and crypto 10 years now and Wall Street before that. Apart from new tech, its the same people, and the same behaviours In greed and fear markets, moral compass is an apparition that only reappears in bera @apolynya is quite right"} {"text":"@Madhav_goyal_ As long as its denied, compass is fine"} {"text":"If the iShares Ethereum ETF gets approved in May, that means Tradfi's moral compass is NOT broken"} {"text":"@BTCjoedirtay ETH\/BTC is the innovation compass. Above 0.07 is good"} {"text":"SOL\/ETH is the moral compass index of crypto. Anything above 0.02 is broken"} {"text":"@Taran_ss @rachinkalakheti Toly ka coin memecoin, Emin ka COQ bitcoin"} {"text":"Solana, Avax, Base, OP Stack, Polygon ZkEVM Reboots are bullish Study reboot "} {"text":"gm"} {"text":"@mraltantutar Idk - its not on dexscreener"} {"text":"Was speaking to a web3 founder earlier - they said some very unhealthy things that shocked me - used words like product, customer, revenue, profit and PMF Blocked"} {"text":"@gmoneyNFT Binance"} {"text":"@0xsachi Hopium, apium and copium"} {"text":"@sandyzkp Why Angelina Jolie and not Lucy Liu? Higher valuation?"} {"text":"Emin ser woke up and dunked on everyone except the gas fees, luna partnership, ohm forks, foundational memecoins and daniele sesta's frog nation"} {"text":"@udiWertheimer @MessariCrypto Udi is Satashi"} {"text":"American ppl doing eight to ten figure shady: \"we are doing this for decentralisation\/financial inclusion\/cure cancer\/ideals of crypto\/fix poverty\" Russians or Chinese doing six figure shady: bro I just want the money"} {"text":"I have no experience with either and no future plans to use either - but I am not sure if a certain substance will be worse than SVM on ETH - which is essentially chewing glass lying on a bed of iron"} {"text":"@0xrishavb Jerome Powell usually but even Putin or Ueda can stop it"} {"text":"crypto venture capital in bula be like"} {"text":"@0xrishavb no but bula a game of musical chairs"} {"text":"Founder sold 8 fig of secondary or tweeted about new wealth explorations doesn't mean investors are upset. In bula, Investors don't mind if a founder sold them a bag of stones as long as the stones are hyped and they can get those stones listed on major exchanges"} {"text":"@musalbas @Yazanator @nickwh8te @AvailProject I'd propose mind blowing and theres an old Cosmos joke about that"} {"text":"Whats actually happening is hypercosmosification of bitcoin"} {"text":"The problem with doing shisha is that eventually you run out of coal"} {"text":"@nickwh8te @0xMert_ Spicy "} {"text":"@lookonchain FDV wasn't supposed to matter"} {"text":"@nickwh8te @0xMert_ Wouldn't (1) depend on the price of TIA?"} {"text":"A little too early in the cycle for founders to be tweeting about their explorations with various substances but then the crypto venture market is at least one year ahead of the liquid market"} {"text":"@Yazanator @nickwh8te @AvailProject Yaz: all of the above :-)"} {"text":"@nickwh8te correct. @AvailProject guys did a summary"} {"text":"@0xkydo ... and Eigenlayer"} {"text":"@0xkydo Ser which part of the ethereum protocol is being accused of modular by design?"} {"text":"@based16z Looks modular"} {"text":"@colludingnode Then it can have no ideals and we are good"} {"text":"@based16z In Dubai, can I have shisha-estia"} {"text":"@AntonioMJuliano AI memecoins are derivatives on AI sector growth. Already list perps on dydx bls"} {"text":"@0xSisyphus Basically Wework, but wid token"} {"text":"@colludingnode Very long conversation As Elon said, what America has is not capitalism (ideals), but corporate socialism (practice) - yet its less bad than many other countries What crypto has today, in the main, is also not the theory (libertarianism) but practice (re-intermediation)"} {"text":"Based on empirical experience rather than theory, one suspects that good old capitalism is vastly superior to any reference to \"crypto's ideals\""} {"text":"@fede_intern @ercwl Defo pursue AI, not just $AI"} {"text":"@Zac_Aztec Wen token tho"} {"text":"Thats not how it works @ercwl... people don't become more interested in shipping a real product when they have more money"} {"text":"Rumours of founder selling 8 figs secondary"} {"text":"@JimmyRagosa @loomdart @safe Ya theres about 10-12 big globally systemically important contracts jus like banks"} {"text":"@JimmyRagosa @loomdart @safe Pls suggest appropriate taxonomy"} {"text":"@hubermanblob @Yazanator @0xMert_ @AvailProject Near was the IBM of DAS in the light client sense and Bitcoin SV in the big block sense"} {"text":"@loomdart @safe Solidity? Imajin how many treasuries are in Safe wao"} {"text":"Gnosis @safe is a source of systemic risk for the industry Gnosis rug, industry finis Few understand this"} {"text":"@hubermanblob @Yazanator @0xMert_ @AvailProject"} {"text":"@Yazanator @0xMert_ @AvailProject Celestia:Samsung::Avail:Apple"} {"text":"Sold all my COIN for BIT COIN Short value accrual long dank memes szn Uponly"} {"text":"@VanessaGrellet_ @EntEthAlliance We are so bacc"} {"text":"@dervoiedk gmonad"} {"text":"@BrianRetford @RiscZero You've moved the whole space forward ser. get deep rest and come back soon"} {"text":"@0xSmit just check if the founder plays league of legends"} {"text":"@therealchaseeb What if its the worst phone"} {"text":"@ANagarsheth I want hyperproductive POL ETF. Ticker is $AGG "} {"text":"Technically its Solana that's Vol Der Mert"} {"text":"Not if you run a listed company like MSTR"} {"text":"@DrNickA @GwartyGwart meanwhile in js - and back to the original point - we fixed the open source funding problem but created an ROI problem"} {"text":"@DrNickA Yes, we agree. I invest in tokens all year round and don't need to be convinced about their value or utility. My only contention is that the current incentive systems need fixing on the law side of the equation"} {"text":"@DrNickA @GwartyGwart every javascript library would like to have a word with you"} {"text":"@DrNickA Agree but code no gud in the absence of law. Open source AI at the GPT scale will only if there's a competing state not afraid of uncle Sam. At the more utility scale, token systems can be often corrupted and monopolised by corporate interests or overpowered by litigation"} {"text":"@z0r0zzz I don't believe we can solve the incentive problem entirely in either code or law. We need code for carrot and law for stick codesign"} {"text":"@DrNickA 'Can' exist is not the low low bar we are looking for. Java and Linux also exist with corporate funding and work brilliantly as decentralised open source movements Incentives are wrong most of the time is the problem, incentives can be right occasionally is not the solution"} {"text":"@DrNickA People follow incentives. No point blaming people. Cant have it both ways, people are not wrong. Incentives are wrong"} {"text":"@DrNickA Logic applicable for bitcoin has not proven extensible to arbitrary software in practice"} {"text":"ERC20 tokens solved funding problem in open source but removed 80-90% of the incentive to actually ship the software we tryna open source Back in 2014 Vitalik didn't anticipate venture capital, influencer marketing, token alignment, exchange listing and market making I guess"} {"text":"@DrNickA We talking software and apps here. Bitcoin is a very specific type of software designed to be money As a trained physicist, pls study empirical anomalies ie gap between theory and faxx, then study causes"} {"text":"@rargulati ya - we solved the funding and mostly rekt the incentive to actually ship the thing that was being decentralised"} {"text":"@rargulati Were you also born in 2008?"} {"text":"@CryptoMan_Ram no one said crypto. you also are old enough to have heard of java, apache, linux, tor and many such cases"} {"text":"@odin_free no"} {"text":"Decentralised AI makes a lot of sense in the abstract but if your approach to decentralisation doesn't make sense without a token, it most probably doesn't make sense with a token either I am old enough to remember wen decentralised didn't necessarily mean token"} {"text":"ZK AI MODULAR VERGE PURGE WHATEVER TECH IS NOT THE ENDGAME YO USEFUL APPS AND BILLIONS OF REAL HUMAN USERS ARE THE ENDGAME"} {"text":"@0xMert_ I am starting to think we have been frens all this time"} {"text":"@ChiefOfTelos @dabit3 @megaeth_labs HW\/SW codesign is the future and its here. Maximally optimised zk code is often unmaintainable goo and h\/w acceleration is necessary if we want to use well designed software instead"} {"text":"@0xMert_ @dabit3 @megaeth_labs Singularity is wen mert and yoda agree"} {"text":"@hotpot_dao I think both eth and sol feel confident that their communities are now lindy irrespective of the tech"} {"text":"This is good advice from someone who's actually great at both shipping and tweeting"} {"text":"@sreeramkannan @EMostaque @StabilityAI @eigenlayer Legends"} {"text":"Monad prolly the only projet in the world apart from elon's rockets that has lots of support among both dot sol and dot eth frens"} {"text":"@neelsalami Son you need god"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Solana is Vol der Mert"} {"text":"Blockrock protocol exec says there is 'a little bit' of demand for ETH ETF"} {"text":"Hate speech is not protected speech"} {"text":"I got one of my relatives an internship with an AI company in the valley ( Indian style jugaad ) I guess either he will make it in AI or if he can't hack it in real AI, he can always do an AI themed token "} {"text":"@0xMert_ @AvailProject Thats a question for @anuragarjun"} {"text":"Monolithic Vitalik gave birth to a countably infinite set of tokens Modular Mustafa made the set uncountably infinite"} {"text":"@Melt_Dem @movementlabsxyz has entered the chat"} {"text":"@0xMert_ @AvailProject It has what Celestia has ie its own Consensus but better ( NPOS ) Then it also has what EigenDA has but Celestia doesn't ie validity proofs using KZG commitments Then it also has what EigenDA doesn't ie ability to augment economic security of the DA using Bitcoin"} {"text":"@Zac_Aztec Spelt with a Zed?"} {"text":"@0xMert_ @AvailProject has entered the chat"} {"text":"@ekrahm apple disagrees"} {"text":"@0xSmit Wen you are rekt you won't have to"} {"text":"@kevinsekniqi OnlyFans phase next?"} {"text":"Blockworks, Block, Blocktower, Blockrock... its all so confusing"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart If you do the same thing on Coingecko we will lose Worldcoin and various other 'innovations'"} {"text":"@0xsachi Pre pre pre seed val for finishing US high school"} {"text":"one bad trade can also change your whole life"} {"text":"@0xsachi Thats such a bullmarket view"} {"text":"@divine_economy @0xJim All my homies in the @zeroknowledgefm chat love having fun w folding schemes but they dont use em"} {"text":"The last eth researcher in touch with reality"} {"text":"@0xMert_"} {"text":"@0xMert_ @TheBlock__ I got the publication wrong but, its fine"} {"text":"@0xMert_ @TheBlock__"} {"text":"\"More than 50% of Solana transactions failed last month. And that\u2019s fine, says @0xMert_ \" in @TheBlock__"} {"text":"@Evan_ss6 Imajin your immutable txn history showing ..."} {"text":"Whats the point of locking up 10s of billions in eth if it can still go down?"} {"text":"@mdudas I see what you did there :-)"} {"text":"@mdudas @therollupco @l2beat +1"} {"text":"@ballsyalchemist Russian"} {"text":"There's nothing more at risk than an early stage startup that doesn't think it is one, because token went up"} {"text":"@0xMert_ How long is longterm tho"} {"text":"@simplykashif Kashif Bhai in Dubai"} {"text":"Was gonna make a joke about the word laid and valuation premium on eth projects wid layer in the name but I've been told my son is following me now"} {"text":"@DeeZe Deeze now bitboying mememecoins is funny"} {"text":"@0xsachi Staked TaO?"} {"text":"@Mudit__Gupta They meant shorting"} {"text":"USE A HARD FKIN WARE WALLET NOW"} {"text":"@jdkanani @Kautukkundan @vaibhavchellani Pls ask founders to apply for the @Hadronfc Dubai Cohort and speak to @DablClub"} {"text":"@divine_economy @berachain @monad_xyz Monad is a lot of serious engineering - you need to get on the discord"} {"text":"Startups have to wait for all sorts of dependencies just like the rest of us, but a major red flag should go up when you hear \"we are waiting\" too often Startups are built to focus and shape reality, habit of waiting is the opposite of that Do or don't do but wtf is waiting"} {"text":"@0xMert_ @Lightspeedpodhq The Malayalam education podcast just received 2m in RPGF from Buffalu DaO"} {"text":"This is the year 2030 @Lightspeedpodhq is now the Bankless of Solana @0xMert_ is the alignment certification advisor to all Solana ecosystem layer 2 and Lightspeed Ventures have just raised a $100m fund Mert has just blocked a VC on CT for being disrespectful to his chain"} {"text":"Make your parents proud and raise money - never seen this level of crypto VC fomo, not even in web3 gaming, yuga labs future of metaverse, play2earn will replace banking jobs szn in 2021"} {"text":"@AnnaRRose Not just zk. Everything. VCfrens in a rush to deploy - you should also raise 100m at 1b for podcastoken protocol"} {"text":"@gakonst And all this while we blamed @aeyakovenko for building a cloud"} {"text":"@matthewegould Is your layer listed on Binance?"} {"text":"If no one is using your blockchain that means its not modular enough. Add one more layer and try again"} {"text":"Bankless feeling hyped about a Bank using our Bankless blockchain is legit funny"} {"text":"@rishup77 Tech support"} {"text":"Blockchains are legacy L2s. In 2024, we can create infinite blockspace by replacing any blockchain with a multisig"} {"text":"Bankless David bhai's brilliant evil idea is to instigate Solana into hiring lots of tradfi and web2 bd guys and thus basically end its momentum "} {"text":"ENTERPRISE SOLANA ALLIANCE"} {"text":"If you are an alien in a UFO who just joined CT, you probably think that Mert and Santi are the founders of Solana and they hired a Ukrainian dev called Anatoly"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko That's a nice raspberry pi you've got there"} {"text":"Has anyone ever died of tasklist?"} {"text":"Putting a cover on an iphone is just lack of taste"} {"text":"@0xsebastiena Wait wait let me swap before snapshot"} {"text":"The @monad_xyz guide to TPS is a must read aaand they replayed the entire history of ethereum txns for testing "} {"text":"@rachinkalakheti Go back to class"} {"text":"@grahamfergs @Aptos @SuiNetwork @ThalaLabs"} {"text":"@jillrgunter Congrats on Jill Layer 2"} {"text":"@therealchaseeb We have never said anything about Solana L2s"} {"text":"The order in which angels are listed in a fundraising announcement poster reflects the current social hierarchy of the relevant social layer"} {"text":"Which places? depends on their replies"} {"text":"There will not be a nerdier tweet in 2024"} {"text":"How It started How Its Going"} {"text":"Biggest moveVM chain incoming"} {"text":"@irvinxyz @therealchaseeb @akshaybd 4844 coper this wk"} {"text":"If we had set up @safe wallets for @Hadronfc on L1 instead of @0xPolygon, we'd have spent about $200k in gas alone. Now we will spend 2k-5k max over 12 months Ethereum is scaling"} {"text":"@therealchaseeb @akshaybd Only for you unemployed man"} {"text":"@ShivanshuMadan I am a big fan of @sunnya97 agglayer"} {"text":"@Austin_Federa You prolly have a terabyte of state"} {"text":"@blockgraze @___jackals Now do Cardano and XRP"} {"text":"The biggest scam in america is not big tobacco, big pharma or big tech ...but big CV... Moar CV makes moar mid 2 letter quals eg BS or MS = 2x mid 3 letter quals eg MBA or PhD = 3x mid I have one two letter qual and four 3 letter quals Started 162x mid, still recovering"} {"text":"@akshaybd @therealchaseeb Is this advisory thing like bankless\/kol?"} {"text":"@laurashin Its a classic and you'd have been a phenomenal litigator"} {"text":"All of my social layer's hopes now depend on blackrock layer"} {"text":"@0xMert_ My raspberry pi has improved a lot - solana must fit in it"} {"text":"Democrats Solana Ethereum State Bloat"} {"text":"@sinkingcows Sounds like web3 gaming wao"} {"text":"Most modular execution layers have no congestion because no one is using them - just like most monolithic chains"} {"text":"Which LRT will have a higher FDV than Ethereum?"} {"text":"@cemozer_ @anuragarjun called it"} {"text":"If you want to be a crypto VC just change your last name to 'capita' or 'ventures'"} {"text":"@nickwh8te @jon_charb I enjoy transaction failures and congestion on both modular and monolithic chains that go up"} {"text":"Brian Armstrong's strategic pivot in 2022-2023 from being rather reg risk averse to taking no shit from the bully is a case study for both law schools and business schools COIN 8x in the process"} {"text":"When I miss my tradfi days, I put on a suit and buy a few more SATS of the orange tradfi chain"} {"text":"SEC fighting Ethereum fighting Celestia fighting Solana fighting Base fighting Congestion rn"} {"text":"@0xMert_ He's definitely right on that one, and thats not because he's masternode"} {"text":"\"If you have time to understand things you are investing in, you are not investing hard enough\" - Crypto Venture Bible, 2024"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Wait so you believe in Vitalik's trilemma afterall?"} {"text":"@ernani_eth Sao Paulo is more decentralised than Base"} {"text":"Base is Coinbase Aligned, Bankless aligned, a16z aligned and ethereum aligned but somehow still congested at 18 TPS"} {"text":"Tarun in a parallel universe without tokens"} {"text":"@0xfoobar Yuga labs came up with the ones on Base"} {"text":"@aduttya @ilblackdragon Wherever you want"} {"text":"If you are in America, pivot to Arabia"} {"text":"@IAmNickDodson Weird is one of my pronouns"} {"text":"Where's Mr Hinman when you need him?"} {"text":"@tarunchitra What valuation?"} {"text":"If you are a student of the narrative, study the live battle of Celestia frens tryna establish Celestia as the un-Solana"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart By that standard, the interchain foundation is headed straight to the Gulag"} {"text":"@0xMert_"} {"text":"WHY IS THE BITCOIN FOUNDATION NOT BEING INVESTIGATED BY A STATE AUTHORITY?"} {"text":"Yubikey changed my life"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Eth:Solana::Solana:Base"} {"text":"Hadron Founders Club is delighted to welcome you to Dubai during @token2049, a Landmark Web3 Event Set for 17-19 April 2024 This is an excellent opp to experience the rapidly growing crypto ecosystem in the UAE You can sign up using my discount code:"} {"text":"@mdudas Only when base launches a token - until then you gud"} {"text":"@jasperflux @alexpiHQ @NEARProtocol @0xPolygon @_bfarmer They are not genius - they are complementary"} {"text":"@lemiscate Be nice to tradfi - freshly joined cofounder of bitcoin and soon ethereum too"} {"text":"See this is where the trouble began That smile, that goddamn smile..."} {"text":"@iamDCinvestor How will there be whales without new supply?"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Many solano layer2 advisories coming your way"} {"text":"If you build whatever You can get rugged whenever Modular is gud but maybe think wherever"} {"text":"@0xMert_ @jon_charb Why integrate when you can aggregate "} {"text":"Beatings will continue until valuations improve"} {"text":"Congratulations to @Optimism for testing permissionless fraud proofs on Sepolia Permissionless fraud proofs on mainnet will definitely help restore credibility to ethereum's rollup centric roadmap"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Satashi had a banger forum and everyone was there. Check btc price v twitter dau Also, Toly is"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Vibhu confessed. Its over. Cut a plea bargain"} {"text":"Study Nick Celestia and Vitalik Ethereum Founder stops tweeting and number goes straight down Twitter is the base layer of all other layers Study twitter"} {"text":"@vibhu Too late Vibhu. Your visa was cancelled and you will be deported from monolithia Have you heard of the modular archipelago?"} {"text":"Memecoins on base be like, \"our pronouns are they\/them\""} {"text":"@0xKATYA Birkenstock"} {"text":"Kinda cool that Monad devnet has no token"} {"text":"@therealchaseeb @vibhu Expel him from the kingdom of monolithia now Chase!"} {"text":"@0xMert_ No one has lost money trading memecoins on cardano. Most consumer friendly chain"} {"text":"Beatings will continue until you guys stop selling a cluster of laptops w GPUs as AI and mafia memecoins as culture"} {"text":"They were shilling FANTOM and I didnt sell "} {"text":"@tonyolendo Relax. 737 is written in solidity and fully audited"} {"text":"Tarun said that according to Gauntlet's upcoming paper on quantum electrodynamics of pump phenomena, there exists a parallel universe called farcaster where the ETF has already been approved almost surely"} {"text":"memecoins are the synthesis of pan ethnic internet anthropology and the cyber kinetic dynamic of post modernist nihilism If you don't know what the fk that means, neither do I but that's what I'd say if I needed my LPs to allow me to yolo their money into SLERF and MUMU"} {"text":"Arbitrum post unlock FDV rapidly heading towards $10b official fully liquid ethereum layer 2 token valuation"} {"text":"Who's building for EVM"} {"text":"@toghrulmaharram Brian's laptop is the only rollup we need to compete w WIF"} {"text":"@toghrulmaharram"} {"text":"So EIP4844 was basically dumpsharding?"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Bruh dont dump - your L2 is at 80b rn"} {"text":"eth price is still $6900 on farcaster fyi"} {"text":"Only in crypto can an appchain partner with multiple DA layers at the same time and use none"} {"text":"Alignment rhymes with announcement"} {"text":"@pseudotheos Scroll has a working prover"} {"text":"@udiWertheimer @rodarmor @LeonidasNFT @ZK_shark @aeyakovenko @armaniferrante @0xMert_ @weremeow We hab pronouns on farcaster"} {"text":"Families around the world are reuniting after a month of being held hostage by @dexscreener"} {"text":"@WatcherGuru desperate @Cointelegraph intern there"} {"text":"Come for the LRTs, stay for @EthosStake, @HyperspaceAI and @alignedlayer"} {"text":"Why is there no hardware wallet with NFC?"} {"text":"@CyberShakti Bullish"} {"text":"Can't afford Tarun's basement or invest at these prices Applying for Golden visa, AMA"} {"text":"A perfect day to celebrate RWA "} {"text":"Need @VitalikButerin ser to come back from Farcaster"} {"text":"@0xsachi The only necessary quality in web3 Hiring a horoscope scientist, brb"} {"text":"Why is Dubai suddenly so expensive today?"} {"text":"@solarpunkmaxi Its in consumer"} {"text":"@hotpot_dao Is that the ticker? Will there be some AI in it?"} {"text":"All my homies who made millions by running perp dexes strongly feel that now we need to focus on real world use cases"} {"text":"Today feels like its ok if Eigenlayer and Monad take one more month to launch"} {"text":"Its wild that entire value proposition is Solano beta"} {"text":"Why does the market always dump after a memecoin mania? This secret has been sung in the scriptures "} {"text":"@samnode_"} {"text":"If I were the CEO of ethereum I'd poach @armaniferrante and @akshaybd first"} {"text":"Metamask on mobile team is one of the most unsung contributors to Solana's success"} {"text":"Need a new iphone but all my coins are down bad. Should I run a presale?"} {"text":"@ChiefOfTelos @z_prize "} {"text":"$OSMO is AI"} {"text":"How It Started How Its Going"} {"text":"@zachxbt Which one is Kevin Rose"} {"text":"Its over for bittensor"} {"text":"I sold some eth for btc last night This morning Sassal came to my house and shot my dog"} {"text":"Fidelity ETF legal guys be like, fk this we yolo - how about we also add LRTs to that ETH ETF application "} {"text":"@nosleepjon Airdrop pipeline needs modular expansion"} {"text":"I am fine with this dump. ETH might be down 14% but at least Solona also went down now"} {"text":"New era philosophy is the most reliable top signal since dot com"} {"text":"@0xSmit 50% is standard for locked live new tokens"} {"text":"Tendermint inflation at work"} {"text":"If starknet is ethereum's answer to Solana, then ethereum needs to take the test again"} {"text":"@0xkydo Hire all 600 after mainnet"} {"text":"@tier10k what about restaking?"} {"text":"@matthew_sigel Wat you gonna do w testicles if you miss $BALLZ"} {"text":"@blockgraze Airdrop pipeline needs modular expansion"} {"text":"no one: founder of every perp dex: we need utility, not speculation "} {"text":"@jimmyhumania Bitcoin has won but its not clear if YOUR bags have won after bula"} {"text":"Unfortunately, all regulation picks winners and losers bitcoin won ethereum next"} {"text":"Actually memecoins are just, TOKENs"} {"text":"This is why ppl ship DA layer"} {"text":"@0xSisyphus Can you tag Monad devnet please"} {"text":"@colludingnode Ya maybe we simplify in software for audit\/maintenance and accelerate in hw instead. Too many sw optimisations turn code into goo"} {"text":"@0xSisyphus SLERF better tokenomics ngl"} {"text":"ZK needs hardware acceleration, yesterday. Justin Drake knows"} {"text":"@simplykashif No but I am annoyed by laptops being called L3s, multisig s being called L2s and discords being called L1s"} {"text":"Smartcontracts were a mistake. Pivot to BTC"} {"text":"Every time modular guys call Base a settlement layer, I feel like becoming a bitcoin maximalist"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart Have you joined Tarun's fund?"} {"text":"He said $EDU"} {"text":"@charlesdhaussy Bro you run a perps dex"} {"text":"Fragmentation is virginity"} {"text":"Wai $TIA run out of modular airdrops?"} {"text":"Is $BODEN protected speech?"} {"text":"@rleshner"} {"text":"No but $BALD on Brian's L3 blockchain will hurt ETH L1 in DC"} {"text":"@0xMert_ gud. normally i only see manlet on @Austin_Federa violence"} {"text":"@0xMert_ If and wen solano has truly made it, we will see manlet on manlet violence "} {"text":"@cmsholdings Monad unaffected "} {"text":"Manlet dog nft, sold on ETHEREUM "} {"text":"I think rollup is the new server is a decent meme but how about we don't try to sell ever damn server as an L3?"} {"text":"This bula is next level. Degens have left price discovery and entered self discovery"} {"text":"LRT is wen you deposit $1b of eth to make $1b of new token"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart You are so behind the curve. The zk podcast chat is full of ace math guys with their own vm and moonmath token"} {"text":"Its not too late. There's still time for \u2066@PolyhedraZK\u2069 to change their ticker to AI"} {"text":"I think all of you speculators should be ashamed of yourself. I read in Chris Dixon's fantastic book that web3 is about real world use cases enabled by tokens"} {"text":"@functi0nZer0 Respectfully no one does"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart We tried to burn a lot of eth in theDaO hack but that wasn't popular"} {"text":"Sort of onchain szn when you want some eth and a few ks in USDT on Polygon and all the major L2s EACH in Okex or Coinbase wallet"} {"text":"@udiWertheimer You did didn't you"} {"text":"@vinitopapasito @anuragarjun Polkadot has better consensus. Cosmos has much better interop w IBC and wallets but a multisig level consensus"} {"text":"@antiprosynth An obvious example is what gets called a layer 2 - even a multisig with no proofs is sufficient if there is an investment or advisory involved for the social intermediaries. This is why users and competition are good, we need to move on from the circle jerk onto product and users"} {"text":"@antiprosynth Yeah I think theres too much of it but we can disagree"} {"text":"$NEAR looks like Jensen Huang just quit his CEO job at Near"} {"text":"Which one of you is still living in the metaverse land plots you bought for 25k-2.5m each in 2021?"} {"text":"Its not over till Yuga labs pivots from NFTs and \"land\" sales to memecoins"} {"text":"Pre sales are top signal for memecoin mania, which *could* be a top signal for SOL unless a new narrative takes over ETH's memecoin mania topped with the ben.eth pre sale last year for a reason It takes enough people to lose money for everyone to wake the fk up\u2026"} {"text":"Only the third time in the entire 15 year history of this industry that users are a narrative 2009: p2p electronic cash 2020: defi summer 2024:"} {"text":"Always give yourself a cut of your profits. While BTC and ETH are the best money in bula, only good old USD is money in bera "} {"text":"@0xMert_ As I said, no one has done more for your fav chain than the official podcasters of mine"} {"text":"I dont want to agree with mert but with that sort of thotleadership, we gonna be chainless"} {"text":"4844 showed its true hand so that Avail and EigenDA can do well at launch"} {"text":"I hope this SOL\/ETH move gets ethereum layer2s and social layer to get our shit together and focus on building products for users instead of purity tests and alignment certification from insiders, loudfluenzas and podcasters"} {"text":"No one likes to be told I toldyaso But I toldyaso"} {"text":"@blockgraze Yield idk but where are the points?"} {"text":"@0xfoobar Is that guy one of the ConsenSys people in Puerto Rico?"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko Have you considered posting blobs to Avail, EigenDA and Celestia?"} {"text":"I bought only the purest raspberry pi coins My wife bought that impure souped up hardware coin, against my wishes Now she wants to renegotiate "} {"text":"Failing as a business person in the tech industry is not a good reason to pivot to crypto and launch your own token but no one should hold it against you"} {"text":"The FTX Bankruptcy Estate"} {"text":"Blast was the worst thing that happened to ethereum in the last 12mo. It undermined the credibility of l2s with just a multisig"} {"text":"Early stage tech is brutal. Your token will go back up next cycle also but will your product still be relevant? Staying relevant in early stage tech is exponentially harder than making money. Hardly any big names from 2014 when Vitalik started ethereum are still relevant"} {"text":"@MacroMate8 Eric is an idiot. There's nothing to enjoy"} {"text":"Can anyone post live pictures of how site reliability engineers at the Solana data center in San Diego are handling this memecoin mania?"} {"text":"Its midnight, I have a lot to do but my dms are telling me that \"HOLY SHIT, $EGG IS ALREADY 10x\""} {"text":"aggregation is sovereignty without fragmentation "} {"text":"I think people still dont realise how productive an asset ETH is His excellency just farmed a straight $20m return in 3 days on $500m of eth on etherfi ... and yall are all hyped up about trading cats and dogs "} {"text":"OH:\"There is an inverse correlation between a VCs ability to produce content and their ability to produce returns\" I guess we all get high on our own supply "} {"text":"@ayyyeandy (e) @AvailProject"} {"text":"Bula so wild that just not traveling and attending a conference alone this week is going to be worth $25k-50k in productive work and airdrops ethDenver was expensive as hell but at least it was all founders and devs"} {"text":"Everyone needs an LRT in their life"} {"text":"@MacroMate8 @lemiscate"} {"text":"The inventor of shared security"} {"text":"@StaniKulechov Indeed. Gud team bad metric"} {"text":"Mass adoption of blockchains will come from loyalty points and tokenisation"} {"text":"ngl: Solana flippening BNB would be good for every team in ethereum or cosmos that prides itself on having an opinionated original product and lots of users"} {"text":"@yver__ price 69k Elon's razor"} {"text":"@crypto__anik @themanbearpigV2 Ya this incentive thing is not very different from bluechips in defi summer fwiw"} {"text":"Why would they fud ethereum like this?"} {"text":"@blockgraze But its not equally distributed"} {"text":"@crypto__anik I don't think its an agreement, just incentives on both sides"} {"text":"etherfi gifting $20m to HE Sun is not an airdrop but a TVL incentive Its not really a bad growth hacking deal to take $500m deposit for 3d, pop your launch val 50% to 6b +\/- and gib $20m to the growth hacker Its all super retarded n circular but this is the new future of france"} {"text":"Since the ico era in 2017, I have rarely seen more pseudointellectual bullshit on this app than us investoor types finding deep meanings in memecoin speculation mania. The last time was when we were all spinning threads about @lootproject, kain warwick's land sale and dookey dash"} {"text":"@zachxbt @blknoiz06 There's no real difference here in behavior and by inference character, between the impersonator and the impersonated"} {"text":"ln bera product is tech In bula product is token Take your all other other techie, normie, mainstream shit seriously ... but not TOO seriously"} {"text":"New paradigm"} {"text":"@anuragarjun "} {"text":"@kaiynne @Sagaxyz__ just started a smol one"} {"text":"Very excited to back @HanaNetwork in the @eigenlayer and @babylon_chain ecosystem"} {"text":"Kinda funny that @elonmusk is the reason for @Jason memecoin outperforming the @DavidSacks memecoin Silicon Valley in a nutshell "} {"text":"@homme0x I am myself at the end of one at least every week, why shouldn't you"} {"text":"@0xMert_ aggregated modular blockchains solve this "} {"text":"@Madhav_goyal_ ... so far"} {"text":"Watching an organic DDOS attac unfold in real time and thinking about aggregation of modular blockchains"} {"text":"@hotpot_dao Inside each one of us there are the same two wolves. Market reform is needed"} {"text":"@devonf Outside the tokenworld, Founders have one job - to build a business around a SOLUTION to a problem they care enough about to build a business"} {"text":"The Arbitrum unlock seems to have unlocked everyone elses tokens also"} {"text":"Thing about gud shilling is, people spontaneously and effortless talk about what they truly love. They can't stop in fact Bankers talk about money VCs talk about dealflow Teens talk about sex Vitalik talks about ethereum The best kinda shilling comes from love of what you do "} {"text":"@jp_mullin888 Its not you, its bula "} {"text":"@jp_mullin888 also building "} {"text":"Only two things to do in crypto. Build, and"} {"text":"@sachayve Priceless trauma bonding among lads"} {"text":"@sachayve Wormhole"} {"text":"Shilling tips for founders: 1. shilling doesn't shill itself - ie you must talk about your vision and product non stop 2. marketing can't shill on your behalf ie YOU gotta shill 3. always be shilling ie not just the problem statement but how *your* product is a great solution"} {"text":"If BTC nukes to 50k, congratulations to all the $250m+ product free seed round signoors "} {"text":"Berachain raising 69m in their 420th round is the institutional Bome"} {"text":"That'd be a total memecoin nuke and the real test of Qiao ser's Solana is the new paradigm threads "} {"text":"Indian guy with a chinese name regularly rugging is so brand aligned for remilio"} {"text":"@AzFlin @EtherFi"} {"text":"I think Sidney Sweeney is mid"} {"text":"@aaronxkong @VivekGRamaswamy If Trump is Uniswap, Vivek bhai is Osmosis"} {"text":"@tarunchitra "} {"text":"Advice to crypto founders joining our crypto zoo from the world of actual, useful engineering eg blockchain, zk, machine learning and cloud computing When you mean distributed, say decentralised Even cloud computing is distributed computing Only decentralised means token "} {"text":"Justin sun got 6% of @EtherFi Airdrop after depositing 120k ETH 3 days ago"} {"text":"@0xMert_ lens and farcaster guys did - really"} {"text":"A friend told me I should be more optimistic and less critical of Crypto industry. I am really not sure. I am as utterly bullish on tech crypto ie the pace of research and engineering as I am disappointed with money crypto ie the current set of incentives for market participants"} {"text":"Lots of people tend to have full conviction in whatever the current thing is"} {"text":"@jon_charb Pls delet this for our green yield"} {"text":"Dont mind a 30% BTC nuke here if it saves families from @dexscreener"} {"text":"@cmsholdings Monad ETF?"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Shouldn't it be birthday beta for mainnet beta?"} {"text":"Fwiw @dexscreener IPO will melt faces"} {"text":"If you have a trend memory of more than one week, you aren't gonna make a gud crypto vc The real fun is in writing thinkboi visionary threads on the flavor of the week loot projet, ai*crypto, modular airdrops, DePin, solana memecoins... .... one week max is where its at"} {"text":"Everything is going up but people here appear sadder than a year ago wen the industry seem to be ending Yall are so much like tradfi ngl... stronk recommend enjoying bula srysly"} {"text":"@Crypto_Texan You'd prefer to run a light node as early as this year. Avail and Aligned Layer on the case"} {"text":"@vishal4c Let's do this"} {"text":"@blockgraze You realise that would help eth right?"} {"text":"Who's trading memecoins on Monad devnet?"} {"text":"Have you considered not making long term tech, life and career choices based on things wif hat?"} {"text":"Very disappointed in Satashi that he did not choose the trust assumptions and cryptographic security guarrantees of bitcoin for killer use cases such as BOME and BOMO"} {"text":"@mattyklein_ Mafia memecoin - too fast for legit organic retail growth"} {"text":"@akshaybd 1. bags 2. no one understands the theoretical properties of solana 3. bitcoin and eth are designed for raspberry pi w 4 tb hdd"} {"text":"@rleshner Fwiw, I am also undoing it in hours :-)"} {"text":"MEMECOINS ARE RETAIL WORLD ASSETS (RWA)"} {"text":"@blockgraze Hes on farcaster"} {"text":"Can someone check why my real world use cases like tokenised air miles and loyalty points not going up alongside WIF and BONK?"} {"text":"Starbucks left web3? Drink nespresso at home and retire three years earlier"} {"text":"@j0hnwang Lets not call for yet another P&D"} {"text":"Memecoins have finally leveled the playing field between robot ventures and me"} {"text":"Calling Gary Gensler to immediately ban non ERC20 memecoins"} {"text":"@0xDesigner @kylegordonart"} {"text":"How do I launch a memecoin on Celestia? Please help"} {"text":"I checked the price of Solana on Farcaster and its still showing $8"} {"text":"As a practicing Hindu and long term eth holder, I will be able wash all my Solano memecoin degeneracy karma with one dip in the river"} {"text":"EIP 4845: \"proposal to not overhype things for an existing liquid token\""} {"text":"@scupytrooples In my case, I do have the time to do lucrative things, but not the motivation"} {"text":"Nothing is more exciting than a mainnet launch announcement without a mainnet date in it"} {"text":"not fair. To make a few hundred milly, founder also has to align dozens of shilfluencers and get a couple of exchanges listings done"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Thats precisely because billions can be made in the this zoo without making your product or business work first"} {"text":"@based16z Hey we weren't woke either till the price crossed 1k"} {"text":"A wise man sent me this study of IRL ecosystem memecoin winners"} {"text":"I want to live in a world where devs, researchers and shills of a blockchain also use that blockchain once a week"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko Most were ded"} {"text":"Its literally only Sassal and DC still hard-shilling ethereum here now. Everyone else has their own \"ethereum aligned\" token with its own ticker and price"} {"text":"@blockgraze Metamask is a trojan horse planted by big TPS to pump Solano"} {"text":"\"Now ma daddy was a high school teacher who got broke every month and I have met many a degen who goes broke every 2-3 years, but I never met a man who made a dime on enterprise blockchain\" - Elvis Presley"} {"text":"Looking at the DA space, as far as ZK is concerned, Avail has a one year lead on Celestia, at least. Now they need to catch up on dank memes"} {"text":"ethereum is wen expensive transactions always work and Solana is wen inexpensive transactions sometimes work"} {"text":"@movementlabsxyz @franciskthomas Congrats Francis! You are still stuck w me then"} {"text":"I have wasted a lot of time on a lot of things in my life but nothing ever was a bigger waste of time than selling early stage tech to late stage enterprise"} {"text":"Brand new LRTs are going around at 3x @LidoFinance FDV. That's all you need to know about the science of valuation"} {"text":"In bula you must see the y axis of growth charts on a log scale"} {"text":"$SOL be like memecoin strength index token rn"} {"text":"@blockgraze"} {"text":"Because you invested in WIF and BOME?"} {"text":"@dberenzon I use a rainbow chart"} {"text":"@gakonst epic"} {"text":"If you doin 500+m seed rounds, this is you next bera"} {"text":"Having known both poor multimillionaires and rich thousandaires, I suspect its not the money, but the mind that matters in investing. Not how much you have but the internal emotional journey of profit and loss, which is a reflection of our mental model of the world"} {"text":"\"Prosecutors urge judge to sentence Sam Bankman-Fried to 40-50 years in prison for FTX fraud\" Nah man, just look at his venture returns."} {"text":"@R89Capital Bro the number is 0.4844"} {"text":"@DCbuild3r Ya man, don't need many figs to feel jus fine "} {"text":"After all these years, the only thing I feel about missing yet another 10\/100\/1000x memecoin or ai coin or biotech coin or vc coin is that"} {"text":"Thinking about the @hotpot_dao empire"} {"text":"@digital_monad They don't know that ETFs can be shorted wen flows slow down and sentiment changes"} {"text":"I have been wondering who this cycles main characters would be and so far I can't think of anyone who can create more \"entertainment\" for all of us than Michael Saylor All our main characters from the last cycle were supremely popular once - Do, Sam, Su... biggest degens always"} {"text":"Fomo is a mind killer. Angel investing is about people, not projects. Everyone loves \"dealflow\" but 80-90% of the \"opportunities\" you will ever see in your DMs in bula are an opportunity for someone else to take your money and time\" and will not outperform btc and eth on avg"} {"text":"BUIDL THROUGH BERA"} {"text":"The entire market has totally blobbed after EIP 4844"} {"text":"@aliciakatz Isok at least @0xMert_ s etf also go down"} {"text":"@ANagarsheth Even Mr Fink and the next President Study tokens"} {"text":"Rule number 1 of crypto is that we don't make the rules, tokens do 4844 could be abandoned by MEV bots Apps might build appchains even wen they arent the right answer cause chain hab token thats easier to explain means valuation go brrr Even uncle sam wants modularity "} {"text":"Ethereum's challenge on L2s is not gas fees but the mobile experience of degeneracy. I don't see anyone other than @sid_coelho seriously tryna fix this anytime soon but its existential"} {"text":"@Hadronfc @kylegordonart We aspire to 1. Bring together early stage founders from deep end of engineering, art and culture 2. Enable serendipity, fun and inspiration 3. Create an ecosystem to enable early stage founders ship and grow faster with other founders"} {"text":"The cross section of the large @Hadronfc collider is a Polygon. Follow @kylegordonart our designer and artist par excellence "} {"text":"The force is strong with \u2066@Hadronfc\u2069"} {"text":"This is why \u2066@LensProtocol\u2069 will win - its everything web3 is supposed to be about"} {"text":"follow @ashwinho4 our director of programming for @Hadronfc (ex entrepreneur first), and our founding advisor @farhajmayan, (a buildspace veteran)"} {"text":"Everyone will fud eth etf, then it will get surprise approved in may, then $10K "} {"text":"@visavishesh aggregated"} {"text":"Berachain raised $69m in their 420th round and you are bearish anon?"} {"text":"The main use case at the intersection of artificial intelligence and crypto is natural stupidity"} {"text":"SOL\/ETH at EIP 0.4844"} {"text":"@0xMert_ 0.4844"} {"text":"Certainty of death is the greatest incentive one has to live a life of relative peace and equanimity"} {"text":"Solana feels like the index token of memecoins rn. What happens wen memecoin mania cools?"} {"text":"The main issue with the modular ecosystem incl eth rn isn't gas fees. The problem is that lots of people are doing research, engineering and token but almost no one is doing PRODUCT"} {"text":"I really don't think memecoin traders give a fk if gas fees are one cent or fifty cents. That entire debate is now a red herring. Mobile wallets on EVM except Coinbase and OKX are mostly crap, bridging sucks and wallets dont integrate with 1inch. This is the EIP 69420 we need rn"} {"text":"S\u00f8ren Kierkegaard is widely regarded as the father of existentialism. \"Bitcoin and Ethereum want to teach that becoming objective is the way. Memecoins and Eigenlayer Points teach that the way is to become subjective, to become a subject\" he said"} {"text":"Polygon is blockchain wif users "} {"text":"If you are a young investor in dog wif hat maybe take a couple of years worth of hat off and invest in yourself dammit"} {"text":"OH: \"EIP 4844 was a magical change to ethereum. Its made gas fees on Solana go up by 24% in 24 hours\""} {"text":"OH:\"Marry someone who disagrees with you often, so that you also end up with the coins you once disliked\""} {"text":"crypto is only one fringe of the internet, just one dimension of a much bigger phenomenon I am not a gamer so @cdixon s references to discord weren't as clear to me until my 14yo learnt to produce house music from friends on discord that he has never met Kids upto something"} {"text":"@jasperflux Power of AI"} {"text":"Wai ETF outflow? ETF not supposed to outflow"} {"text":"Many marketers struggle with the level of attention deficit at the fringes of internet, of which crypto is only fringe We go from from LinkedIn's blablabla to discord's mind numbing bell If something is not said in a banger, meme or headline, it might as well not be said "} {"text":"@GNext5000 "} {"text":"@mrjasonchoi This is why we @LensProtocol"} {"text":"@hudsonjameson @0xMarcB @0xPolygon @Hadronfc Much too kind. We will soon acknowledge all our team and community members who have been working hard on the takeoff and I am very grateful to be a part of this"} {"text":"@jon_charb Jon bhai dropping unaligned truth bombs"} {"text":"@zengjiajun_eth @0xPolygon Soon "} {"text":"@DCbuild3r @0xPolygon "} {"text":"@DCbuild3r @0xPolygon Would love to have you as a speaker and mentor ser"} {"text":"As contributors to the @0xPolygon network state, we are deeply grateful and honored to offer a second home away from home to mission aligned founders across the global ethereum community "} {"text":"Jon Wu is the wise one. Pay attention"} {"text":"Its so amazing to spend quality time w founders wif hat"} {"text":"This is gonna be the beginning of a fantastic tour of invention in the @eigenlayer discord"} {"text":"@crypterry @0xMert_ What got me is that he is into sweat bred cockroaches"} {"text":"@crypterry I already embraced @0xMert_"} {"text":"Told you guys SIX MONTHS ago"} {"text":"@airdrophedge @The_BendyOne Naw man. Any L1 beat that since bera"} {"text":"@The_BendyOne One is worth 0, the other one is 10x"} {"text":"Three of the five checks I wrote last bula over 250m val are now worth ten cents on the dollar So this cycle everyone wants 500m\/1b val "} {"text":"BLS is great for signature aggregation "} {"text":"Blobs are data aggregation "} {"text":"Episodes of @BanklessHQ can be pretty solid wen there is no price talk. This is a particularly informative one"} {"text":"The main reason crypto cycles are so violent is because there's no value accrual.xls Conviction dies quickly in the absence of evidence That hasn't changed this cycle either. Ergo, this time gonna be different in the same way as before"} {"text":"\"no conflict, no interest\" - John Doerr \"Fill and shill\" - Nani\/Hsaka\/Sisyphus\/all of CT"} {"text":"OH: \"we are working on adding AI to our protocol\""} {"text":"Let's not get high on our own blob supply for another six weeks"} {"text":"Has anyone considered naming their protocol after top US universities to maximise their valuation and fundraising potential? Stanford protocol $STFD MIT protocol $MIT Harvard protocol $HRVD Yale protocol $BRO Cornell protocol $AVAX ... and so on"} {"text":"@aviral10x anagram zaki, convolution of zk and ai @zmanian"} {"text":"I no longer see as much value in zk without some ai added to it"} {"text":"Its a mistake for current L2s and eth influenzas to take 4844 euphoric victory laps for the sake of the L2 token pump. If gas costs rise as blob contention rises, which is likely, the only projects they will really pump are Celestia, Avail, EigenDA, Monad and Solana"} {"text":"@0xMert_ 6+. dudas, samani, burniske, qiao, tarun and jon c"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Not Solano VCs"} {"text":"Next cycle is tradfi cycle"} {"text":"@BhushanVishwas Wher neuralink ai?"} {"text":"@DefiDrew cc: @0xMert_"} {"text":"There's something absolutely incredible I have learnt as a former dev in crypto, and it works crosschain if you cant ship one less complex product anywhere near in time, just announce a more complex product eth roadmap\/firedancer\/many such case Only possible onchain (OPOC)"} {"text":"Why is Jason Calcanis tweeting like Evan Van Ness?"} {"text":"@Mo__corn True but all hands are winning hands in bula"} {"text":"The purpose of making money is to free the only thing we have, TIME, from money also Otherwise we are just richer slaves than before "} {"text":"Selling on the way up feels good - its profit taking Sure there's some regret as the coins continue to go up a lot, but there's always another coin Selling on the way down feels awful and market liquidity dries up sooner than water in the desert Wen market gibs cash, take some"} {"text":"@Mo__corn Selling on the way down is emotionally very difficult because it feels like selling at a loss - that how we Celsius"} {"text":"EIP 4844 is truly great for ethereum because its one of the few protocol changes in a long long time that is relevant to the \"user layer\" and not just to the social layer Moar of dis bls "} {"text":"You and me both "} {"text":"Key to surviving bula is to milk the cow If you wait for the pico top the herd will trample you on the way down Even the lord himself cannot time the market"} {"text":"@Zedzies XRP sales have generated billions. Wake up tradfi man"} {"text":"All, have faith in our brilliant protocol researcher Larry Fink"} {"text":"@ecent18 We are in it for the AI technology for the long term "} {"text":"@ecent18 Just saw an incredible AI projet at 0.69 billion FDV seed that will unlock in Bera"} {"text":"Here's why EIP 4844 is good for [my tokens], a "} {"text":"Every day I tell myself no round tripping this time Every month I write a couple of checks"} {"text":"Ok, now we done celebrating. Back to the hard work of shitpoasting Market looks bullish on $SOL improvement proposal 4844 but not $TIA improvement proposal 4844 Everything is so strange this time"} {"text":"@udiWertheimer Do the deth of eth party dude"} {"text":"@mdudas It will go up"} {"text":"How eth frens see EIP 4844"} {"text":"Invest in founders who don't *FEEL* rich"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Policy team down bad"} {"text":"@hotpot_dao Blo-bing"} {"text":"@TrustlessState The blobs are not priced in"} {"text":"Happy birthday @cosmoshub"} {"text":"Today we aren't Polygon, Starknet, Optimism, ZKSync, Scroll, Arbitrum, Fuel, Eigenlayer, Monad, Megaeth, Avail, Celestia... etc etc TODAY WE ARE ETHEREUM"} {"text":"@QwQiao Signs yes, data no "} {"text":"Ethereum is unbeatable because its bigger than any of us individually or the companies, projects and tokens we work for Building these things is hard but building a movement, a religion, a culture that INSPIRES us to be bigger than ourselves? Really didn't see it coming in 2015"} {"text":"In total awe and admiration for eth core devs for shipping these super high complexity releases so reliably... legends"} {"text":"@TheStalwart WEN ETF?"} {"text":"@SCBuergel @l2beat"} {"text":"MEN ONLY WANT ONE THING, AND IT IS BIG BLOBS"} {"text":"I guess if Putin nukes us all no one can sell Send it higher with haste "} {"text":"@airdrophedge If we all get nuked son, no one can sell "} {"text":"I got ten thousand problems but worrying about getting nuked ain't one of dem"} {"text":"@cobie @DeItaone ETHEREUM L1 IS *TECHNICALLY* READY FOR 10000 TPS"} {"text":"@Melt_Dem I can't eat a bugatti sista"} {"text":"@covertheflames @dark_analysis @0xPolygon Aggregated tokens ?"} {"text":"All we 4844 believers wanna know is how big her BLOBS are"} {"text":"@zhusu @token2049 Ooooo return of the native!"} {"text":"@CryptoChains89 @aeyakovenko Just be a pathologically online conferencoor for a decade"} {"text":"So this is why @aeyakovenko calls it the wormhole eigenlayer?"} {"text":"Aggregation this, aggregation that. The real question I have is wen MATIC will aggregate CDK tokens "} {"text":"I will sell everything when Sidney Sweeney endorses an NFT collection but not before that"} {"text":"BITCOIN LESS THAN 30% AWAY FROM ONE WHOLE YEAR OF STANFORD UNIVERSITY COMPUTER SCIENCE TUITION NOW"} {"text":"Looks like @MakerDAO has found a \"profoundly innovative\" solution to DeFi's token price woes New low liquidity tokens Pretty much what a *GS partner* told me when I was pitching permissioned Aave pools in 2021 and token was 600 then Everyone wanna new tokens "} {"text":"Perp dexes have PMF because people are bored"} {"text":"Doing my bit for decentralisation (and hope of airdrops)"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Still no SIP 4844. Checkmate!"} {"text":"Is there an exhaustive list of SAAS tools SiliconValley uses to keep devs busy BEFORE @cognition_labs AI takes everyones jobs? Slack, Notion, Hubspot, Salesforce, Figma, Miro, Zoom, Rippling Want to be an operations ninza? Learn to pay subscription for top 69 SAAS tools "} {"text":"Electron are looking to aggregate a growth lead\/commercial cofounder (specifically in North America). DM Garvit for the high potential, pre token, seed stage role"} {"text":"@DoveyWan 98% of that category is magnificient vapor"} {"text":"@jonwu_ Bill Campbell would have said it even sharper Great thread ser."} {"text":"@weikengchen You're looking for Monad"} {"text":"FOUNDERS, TELL YOUR OWN FKIN STORY"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko Indeed, but AI enabled"} {"text":"@Amarnathjv I got dumped on"} {"text":"To anyone in my dms. I am no KOL and I don't do the KOL bullshit. I sometimes talk about things I invest in but I invest in things I believe should ship and will be profitable."} {"text":"If as a founder, you spend your entire bula shipping product instead of launching a token and shilling, wtf are you gonna do with your time in bera?"} {"text":"The way markets work is that it will get better than we could have ever imagined, before it gets worse than we could have ever imagined"} {"text":"Dencun is a major change totally worth celebrating but it ain't danksharding. This is PROTO danksharding. Danksharding will ship as per plan"} {"text":"@JSeyff Stop trading memecoins on phone"} {"text":"In the mind of the average overeducated crypto degen, ETF means trillions will come into bitcoin and from there into shitcoin. At some point this year or next, all of us geniuses are about to find out that ETF doesn't just mean BUY. ETF can also mean SELL and what's worse, SHORT"} {"text":"Crypto VC market is so hot that if you are under 30, just raise money. Doesn't matter if you know what to do or how to do it, they will just force you to take the money even if your pitch deck says \"AI enabled hamptons wedding protocol for me and boyfriend\" or whatever"} {"text":"Nothing goes 60 to 0 faster than crypto either"} {"text":"@davidpdennis This time is different indeed"} {"text":"@joonian No good if you buy high"} {"text":"Key lesson from this cycle (also) is that as an individual investor you don't need to fomo after illiquid venture dealflow. You just need to buy the shit across the entire bottom of the market when crypto is simply untouchable again and the industry is about to end (again)"} {"text":"@PatniShubh @tarunchitra I don't touch any memecoins that don't come with a post doc level math paper from gauntlet"} {"text":"@mdudas \"web3 gaming\" is upon us, all over again"} {"text":"@vinitopapasito @jonwu_"} {"text":"@vinitopapasito @jonwu_ You can't afford the dosa. Dosa chooses you"} {"text":"Can @tarunchitra pls do some impressive multivariate stochastic calculus and confirm that ETF means bitcoin will drift linearly to infinity dollars from here If not, I'd like to know the PDEs for B(t) ie bitcoin price as a function of time from here "} {"text":"@BowTiedCOVID19 @0xSisyphus This time is different indeed"} {"text":"Can @VitalikButerin ser pls do a panel with NVIDIA CEO asap? I need some AI in my eth"} {"text":"@0xMert_ According to Solano founder, ethereum is down all the time. Price still uponly"} {"text":"Its a little mindblowing that the ultimate killer app of AI is TOKENS"} {"text":"@matthew_sigel Wen mean reversion?"} {"text":"@MikeHypercube They are doctors. Couple more months to get to black cab"} {"text":"Our old normie frens from London have started calling to ask about crypto Its time to start allocating moar to tether"} {"text":"Buying Bitcoin isn't supposed to make you rich Whoever had to get rich on BTC has gotten rich already Buying Bitcoin is supposed to make your life interesting "} {"text":"@matthew_sigel How does it compare w the rest of the alt L1 pack"} {"text":"@DCbuild3r Wen token tho"} {"text":"I don't know who needs to know this but @AvailProject is pronounced AI VAL PROJECT"} {"text":"This is not cool. AI memes are working so well and @NEARProtocol guys are posting about useful tech instead"} {"text":"@TrustlessState AI is malfunctioning"} {"text":"@ilblackdragon You haven't paid for the use of that image ser - chainyoda.near"} {"text":"Raising venture capital is easy. If you already have enough money, all the VCs will line up to give you more money"} {"text":"If we could 10x scale eth L1, we would but there are very few plausible engineering options to do so. Also limited eth dev resources are scattered across 69 clients and 420 EIPs"} {"text":"AI tokens are now boring. How about a sparkling new narrative for the pump BIOTECH\/gene editing tokens? $CRISPR "} {"text":"Soylana manlets are Dencun deniers "} {"text":"One of the miracles of the post 2008 venture capital industry is that a startup can become a uni, bi, multi, whatever corn by doing absolutely *nothing* other than raising successive rounds in the private market"} {"text":"Happy Dencun festival to all those who celebrate"} {"text":"@Austin_Federa Toldyaso"} {"text":"@dabit3 Stem cell based synthetic human embryos Unfortunately even this can be very useful for web3 practitioners"} {"text":"LogX is going exponential @LogX_trade"} {"text":"@0xsitaram Thats why only the best founders can pull it off"} {"text":"@0xsitaram Parallelise"} {"text":"Shilling and shipping aren't substitutes for each other. Either is easy and pointless without the other"} {"text":"@farhajmayan Every grift is a gift grifters gift themselves"} {"text":"Any Ivy league anthropologists or theologians around here? I'd like to collaborate on an academic analysis of the magnificient internet religion called ethereum"} {"text":"@Mudit__Gupta @hartej_ xoxo"} {"text":"@QuintenFrancois Now do bitcoin cc: @udiWertheimer"} {"text":"@0xgonzo_eth"} {"text":"@ConorSvensson @nicksdjohnson You didn't read my tweet but thanks - this is useful stuff"} {"text":"@hartej_ I am not into guys"} {"text":"No baby, I don't want to explore synergies with you. I am a father of two"} {"text":"If you still believe in value accrual and know wher to find it, this is the gig forya"} {"text":"Rule of law continues unabated under dems"} {"text":"Who's working on a crypto grift card?"} {"text":"@fede_intern @thisisrj Omw, steady lads"} {"text":"@0xMert_ @EclipseFND is solana killer SVM with 4844 and ethereum's shared security Its over Mert - you fought well"} {"text":"There are two approved ways to destroy a startup 1. No approvals 2. Lots of approvals"} {"text":"@0xMert_ He just needs to move one btc from that wallet and the dump will be Saylorian"} {"text":"@imdaisyadams @neelsalami I am hating because (a) I am not an airdrop recipient ( yet ) (b) Its possible that SVM on ETH is the worst of both worlds but... its the best marketing a RAAS project can pull off"} {"text":"You are a coin nihilist I believe in the advaita\/non duality of all coins They all go up and down in turns together like waves in the ocean We are not the same"} {"text":"@ronitA380 @DubaiEye1038FM @InnovHubDIFC @richardradiodxb @FinTechGuyDubai @riteshkakkad @atulkhekade @DubaiEye1038 @nameerk @TheMENAFintech wen token"} {"text":"@kobigurk @alive_eth Yep. Sadly successful 'token' can be done. Successful founder or product can't be done"} {"text":"@GNSPS @pedrouid Make up your mind brute"} {"text":"@alive_eth Because of the supremacy of narrative tokens and the optional nature of product\/business in crypto, many funds, accelerators and incubators think they they can just manufacture their own 'successful' founders. Its complete insanity but thats where we are at"} {"text":"@jdkanani @monad_xyz One day ethereum ser - I said this live in Denver"} {"text":"@jimmyhumania Oh its the boring truth"} {"text":"Solutions incoming: time ordered by mainnet date: agglayer, avail, eigenlayer and monad"} {"text":"You really don't want to pick my brain brother. You have no idea what's in there"} {"text":"@solarpunkmaxi My mind continues to unlocks"} {"text":"There aren't many coins There is only ONE coin... ... by many names, logos and narratives This is Crypto Advaita ... and its the truth"} {"text":"@ilblackdragon Resharding excellent AI technology"} {"text":"@Crypto_Texan Wait! You read? Escalating to your manager"} {"text":"Wen it comes to inflation, Solana is the fastest Cosmos chain"} {"text":"@0xMert_ You forgot 1. time to think 0 seconds 2. time to delete 0 seconds"} {"text":"I think I might have just complained to a team that everyone there is \"too professional\" Welcome to web3 "} {"text":"@bneiluj For Monad? Definitely"} {"text":"@luigidemeo You forgot selfie w me"} {"text":"@peter_szilagyi"} {"text":"@0xfoobar @DeItaone Nah. Jamie invested in ethereum labs, which is based in Brooklyn"} {"text":"@laurashin Wen Dubai?"} {"text":"@PalashKusumwal That one has always been a conviction project"} {"text":"3B is a steal"} {"text":"Launch your projet on conviction Or launch it on NEXT cycle's hot narrative Or if you MUST launch it on this cycle's hot narrative, launch a token asap This cycle's hot narrative won't be hot in 2026 "} {"text":"@0xMert_ He shilled it to the prison guards"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko No multisig on btc or eth L1. Beyond that, life is a choice between multisig money and discord money"} {"text":"@udiWertheimer @danrobinson Michael Saylor is using defi?"} {"text":"If your blockchain isn't AI enabled, what are you even doing here?"} {"text":"Few more months of returns in 'x' Then back to returns in % "} {"text":"4844 = $4844 Send it "} {"text":"@ilblackdragon @token2049 @NEARProtocol Welcome to"} {"text":"@tarunchitra To be fair it's mechanism *evolution*. Intelligent design is a myth"} {"text":"Looks like @NeerajKA was right about Bored Apes Remember Bored Apes?"} {"text":"Prime Minister MODI ji wif hat"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart Elon's razor would be if Saylor is a CIA asset who first corners the market and then dumps beautifully"} {"text":"These guys are execution machines"} {"text":"@JimmyRagosa Its the contributoors dumping on you"} {"text":"In markets you can choose ... you can choose your regret"} {"text":"If yall gonna LP into any crypto venture funds this cycle, check their distribution history first The most legal rug in crypto is to invest LP money over 3-4y unlock, buy, sell cycle but send distributions only over a TEN YEAR cycle"} {"text":"@Native_0x I tried to read, write, own it"} {"text":"I suspect Paradigm guys came up this younger Mr Dixon meme"} {"text":"Solano must be an ethereum layer 2 Cause the price moves like eth beta "} {"text":"@routerprotocol Whoa"} {"text":"@0xHedge32 One month in Bhutan like Jack Dorsey"} {"text":"Its been six months now and this is getting exhausting"} {"text":"To win in web3, founders need: x axis: the product\/tech axis y axis: the degeneracy\/casino axis If you are frustrated that your \"real world\" product isn't getting traction in web3... ...have you considered adding a cool casino dynamic in the same way as web2 ppl add ads?"} {"text":"Alhamdulillah! Eid Ul Bula Mubarik "} {"text":"Formal start of the bula $70K"} {"text":"The most powerful thing in all business is the relationship with users This is why CZ is the most powerful entity in all crypto If you are substitutable you WILL BE substituted Ethereum should be careful not to rush into backend or B2B chain narrative, its self delusion"} {"text":"@ethereansinfo Back end is a cop out. Once you replace your relationship with users you become substitutable like Cisco routers and telephony switches and Apple becomes the future of finance"} {"text":"@z0r0zzz 1. Move money safely and quickly across l2s and chains - @_bfarmer s agglayer 2. Trade\/borrow\/lend without having to know which l2 you are dealing with - one intended effect of @ilblackdragon s chain abstraction and @anuragarjun s unification 3. Apps\/wallets for all that"} {"text":"@DCbuild3r Mean reversion is a thing"} {"text":"Make Crypto cypherpunk again - by maximising shareholder value "} {"text":"Memecoins should be banned unless my fund is in on the first three rounds before retail"} {"text":"@ethereansinfo I am a 2015 dot eth but I don't get high on my own supply. Whatever grand we build needs to be usable by users other than Larry Fink. Memecoins are a red herring. UX matters"} {"text":"4844 wont bring 'memecoin dominance' back to EVM Someone needs to work on the end to end UX of using L2s and that isnt gonna get solved by launching one modular token per module Agg Layer is the defrag layer of ethereum and its one part of the solution"} {"text":"Study Sarbanes Oxley. It sox"} {"text":"@TheStalwart @0xkrane @0xdoug After Enron, Sarbanes Oxley made it too hard to IPO leading stonks to be dumped on retail at much higher valuations than before. If the feds want to seriously dent crypto, they need to reform the primary market for stonks"} {"text":"Given that \"VC\" frens are now \"investing in \" memecoins, I am starting to sense that this is a good time to start buying the USDC memecoin"} {"text":"@davidfeiock @zmanian @ilblackdragon @BasedBeffJezos @VitalikButerin MEV"} {"text":"Solano's PMF in shitters is not just a matter of gas fees or contract deployment costs. Its also cheap and painless bridging from Binance and mobile wallets like Backpack integration w jupiter End batamask, ship Rabby mobile + 1inch + IBC across L2s"} {"text":"@DimitrisPapail @lmsysorg Thankfully humans outside Silicon Valley tend to be higher life forms than chatGPT"} {"text":"@fd_ripatel Just bet on number 5, same as math grads"} {"text":"LLM attention token, listed on Binance"} {"text":"We are now only 92% away from Balaji's $1m BTC prediction"} {"text":"@blockgraze Founder of which chain?"} {"text":"@Modimemecoin Yo! I am not supporting that coin, just making an observation about the sentiment"} {"text":"There's only one way those elections are going"} {"text":"@JimmyRagosa eBeggar "} {"text":"@kevinsekniqi \u00a310b+ in the UK"} {"text":"Correct"} {"text":"Memecoins are attention tokens"} {"text":"@0xAishwary Jeez naheen beta Ji!"} {"text":"Bullish on Japanese Technology"} {"text":"Modi hai to mumkin hai ( Modi = Possible )"} {"text":"When will optimistic rollups launch permissionless fraud proofs?"} {"text":"@jimmyhumania Ser I am social media intern"} {"text":"New ethereum cofounders who joined this cycle"} {"text":"@0xSisyphus $ABOLISH"} {"text":"@andrej_muzevic @udiWertheimer Our optimistic l2s hab gud multisig"} {"text":"Finally an appropriate and respectful meme"} {"text":"@udiWertheimer 420 of them are opportunistic sidechains"} {"text":"@0xMert_ There's already an L2 on Sol - its the wormhole eigenlayer cc: @aeyakovenko"} {"text":"MATIC up 30% in 30 days Imajin 365 days"} {"text":"Dencun Meh. I am waiting for the ETF hardfork of ethereum"} {"text":"@ercwl The ETF hardfork is in may Eric"} {"text":"@Flowslikeosmo @avax Shill him osmo, osmo!"} {"text":"@0xfoobar @sreeramkannan Directed acyclic graph of Layer(k)s as saas systems on top of ethereum validators already running on aws sounds like we should buy Amazon stock asap"} {"text":"There won't be one winner among blockchains, but many ... and all will be aggregated "} {"text":"@aeyakovenko @akshaybd I think demand ( not saying blockspace blabla ) will expand to fill supply. Historically juicier computers lead devs to ship apps that use all the juice and then they ask for more"} {"text":"@marcomonaco83 Thats fine. Otherwise your chart shows that 44% of validators (and the linea sequencer) can block tornado txns because of validator concentration You should believe what you want. I am in no rush to change your mind because your own facts currently don't support your own case"} {"text":"@marcomonaco83 What does that chart tell you? That eth is only 55% ofac resistant? Souped up gaming machines are 5 figs. DappNode is 4 figs"} {"text":"@marcomonaco83 Same but thats not what you have in Linea or eth validator concentration and there is no reason others can't decentralise Also home gaming machines can run insane things now Study reality, Lessons in there"} {"text":"@marcomonaco83 Similarly, if it costs nothing to run a validator, everything goes on Jeff Bezos's cloud or bigcorp bitcoin mining farm until airdrops come to my raspberry pi You should critically examine your own beliefs against facts and data"} {"text":"@_0xNinja_ Mostly by being useful to people for no particular reason"} {"text":"@marcomonaco83 Design allows that on all PoS networks over time. Don't make me debate the censorship resistance of Lido, Coinbase or Kraken"} {"text":"@akshaybd Cool - lets see how it plays out as others ship faster and cheaper"} {"text":"@akshaybd Ya we agree to disagree . This memecoin success is on product - congrats btw. I use Uber for convenience and reliability but I don't *care* about uber - wen Careem ships better, I use Careem in Dubai "} {"text":"@marcomonaco83 There's no censorship resistance on Linea multisig"} {"text":"Your community is who sticks around wen number go down Everyone has a strong community when number is going up - Kusama, Polkadot, Cardano, Ripple, Foodcoins, Harmony, Iron Bank, Fantom, Hex..."} {"text":"@akshaybd All I am saying is, yes theres 100% a strong community. Thats not the cause of memecoin traction"} {"text":"@akshaybd Solana is not a better shitter casino because of some COMMUNITY. It is a better shitter casino because of the mobile first, fast, cheap UX I didn't buy 1 SOL of WHOREN because I am in Mert's 'community'. I was in bed at 2am and it was easy to press the buttons on iOS backpack"} {"text":"@akshaybd Haha we ETH and defi guys have done this for years why shouldn't you? There are some strong Solana communities for sure but shitter Casino traction is no reflection of community. Casinoers will go wherever"} {"text":"@akshaybd You had me until picture of a dog. No need to intellectualise or glorify the 24-7 global digital casino phenomenon. Fast, cheap, mobile first is a value prop and its good"} {"text":"My only *new* venture bet on an EVM this cycle is Monad All else is on EVM killers Go faster, safer and cheaper... ...or go to zero"} {"text":"@clairekart "} {"text":"The best crypto founders... ... go to Jail"} {"text":"@0xfoobar @inversebrah Mert sent me free 30x over six short hours by posting about a god awful memecoin Sure my ticket was 1 SOL but the ARR Mert is my favorite web3 innovator of the cycle so far "} {"text":"@0xMert_ @SalsaTekila Our cofounder is Larry Fink. You have to wait until next cycle"} {"text":"2024-25 bula cycle prayers really not to be taken for granted - Don't die - Don't get sick - Don't break up - Don't come out broke - Don't lose remaining reputation - Don't scam or rug - Don't go to jail"} {"text":"@0xChristina Work is against internet culture. Who's your manager?"} {"text":"I am not a lawyer thankfully but I advise all paid influenzas, chartposters and price predictors to please consider not incriminating yourself This is the last free for all crypto bula and twitter is an outstanding blockchain to post self incriminating material for eternity"} {"text":"@AriannaSimpson"} {"text":"Uniswap ventures should pivot to a memecoin incubator rn"} {"text":"Among L1s, Solana ecosystem and community have an at least 3 year lead on Sui. Monad likely to get well ahead of Sui on sheer vibes"} {"text":"ENTERPRISE MEMECOIN ALLIANCE"} {"text":"Not attending DAS London because 1. Have a shit ton of actual work to do 2. Might miss shitters posted by @0xMert_ or Ansem"} {"text":"The best web3 founders launch tokens that unlock in or before bula"} {"text":"Wen $BITCOIN ETF"} {"text":"@sachayve larry is the m your p needs to fit"} {"text":"Its so over for memecoins cc: @GwartyGwart"} {"text":"Remember farcaster?"} {"text":"MEV is called *value accrual* if it happens on your chain and *rent seeking behavior* if it happens on the neighbour's chain"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko @phantom @Backpack sers what % of your traffic is mobile first?"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko What % coming from mobile?"} {"text":"\"Bera is for product, bula is for token\" - Yodasutras, Ancient crypto classic"} {"text":"@0xChristina Solano vcs been writing threads about internet culture since bonk mooned. Where you been?"} {"text":"@0xdoug Gauntlet employee?"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart Idk about you but I am doing value accrual"} {"text":"@matthew_sigel Jan ser is awesome but Mr Fink is much balder"} {"text":"Mental illness is seeing bitcoin"} {"text":"@cobie @McBaddy69420 Even though memecoins also have the same social media influencer insider dynamic as the rest of crypto, memecoins are the only coins not raising at $1B FDV and not launching at $5B+ FDV for retail to buy Abandon SAFTs and token warrants, return to ICO"} {"text":"@DEVBOSE111 Ben Graham wif hat"} {"text":"The thing about memecoins is that *memecoin* is a matter of degree, not fact even $TSLA and $NVDA stonks are memecoins to a considerable degree now Social media has totally fkd the markets of Ben Graham's era Future finreg is social media regulation"} {"text":"We are about to enter the f\u0336i\u0336n\u0336a\u0336n\u0336c\u0336i\u0336a\u0336l\u0336i\u0336s\u0336a\u0336t\u0336i\u0336o\u0336n\u0336 casinofication era of *everything*"} {"text":"understanding web3 technology Sell me this PIN Bruh, Its DePin"} {"text":"Airdrop farmers doings tasks and quests in the next hyped up coin discord"} {"text":"Day\/shitter trading is mind prison Someone has to do it for the rest of us tho"} {"text":"How crypto people see AI themed shitters"} {"text":"If you measure the cost of money in time dollars The most expensive form of money is a salary The next most expensive form of money is stonk options n golden handcuffs The third most expensive form of money is advisoor coins The lowest cost form of money is angel investing"} {"text":"Its only crypto if it comes from the token region of france, otherwise its just sparkling cryptography"} {"text":"Whats with you gen tiktokers? Imo Sidney Sweeney is kinda mid ngl"} {"text":"I am just some guy and I am still jetlagged three days after Denver and closing a bunch of work backlog - how are FOUNDERS who are supposed to be *at least* 10x more productive always at conferences?"} {"text":"Coinbase on Solana would be amazing, no one would ever know what rebooted first"} {"text":"CRYPTO AND AI CEOS TO APPEAR ON A PANEL crypto chart AI chart"} {"text":"Bagholder PVP is the killer app at the intersection of AI * crypto"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko @alignedlayer @eigenlayer wormhole avs sounds cool tbh"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko @alignedlayer @eigenlayer Using the proprietary discord bft consensus"} {"text":"@jackzampolin @alignedlayer @eigenlayer It's change vs the AwS bills and you're paying for much better security than the most secure Cosmos appchain"} {"text":"@jackzampolin @alignedlayer @eigenlayer Not if you're aligned with aligned layer"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Solana is not centralised. It uses the discord Consensus protocol"} {"text":"@colludingnode Researchers don't code brother"} {"text":"@atterX_ @alignedlayer @eigenlayer No this isn't prover cost. Even verification cost can add up"} {"text":"@danhwang88 @GuyZys Has there been a FHE related mathematical\/research breakthrough in the last year or two?"} {"text":"@keoneHD Parallelised M&M"} {"text":"TIL Worldcoin pays $2-3M\/month just to verify proofs on ETH L1 @alignedlayer AVS on @eigenlayer will save over 90% of that Even those who understand the VALUATION of Eigenlayer are yet to truly understand it's VALUE"} {"text":"ETH at $4000 feels like SOL at $8"} {"text":"@Austin_Federa Only possible on solana"} {"text":"Its over for AI * crypto, pack up guys"} {"text":"@jasonjzhao @StoryProtocol gud projet - one of the few that makes sense to me"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart Wrong dune"} {"text":"Sexiest man alive 1986 2024"} {"text":"@jbrukh AI"} {"text":"\"Decentralisation is not a value proposition, verifiability and censorship resistance are\" - Sreeram ser"} {"text":"@chirag_eth Partnership, not panelship"} {"text":"The first blockchain foundation to announce a partnership with NVIDIA will briefly flippen ethereum"} {"text":"@Rohan_415 Must"} {"text":"I remain bullish on intellectual scams but I abhor financial scams"} {"text":"@fede_intern Founders have to pick the ones that go along w dual class stock - in bula its all possible"} {"text":"Generational $BONSAI"} {"text":"You had me at \"AI inu\""} {"text":"Memecoins are derivatives on internet culture"} {"text":"@fede_intern Dual class stonk solves dis"} {"text":"ai tokens as derivatives: \"we believe that many AI-related tokens could continue to be traded as a 'more general proxy to AI progress'\" - David Han, Coinbase"} {"text":"This is a direc attac on my portfolio and I wont stand for it"} {"text":"Manlets are not ready for this innovation"} {"text":"So does crypto twitter"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko @brian_armstrong What you said"} {"text":"@sobylife Sreeram ser says blockhains can add 1. verifiability 2. censorship resistance to some or all of the above That's exactly right of course I infer from that as usual w blockchains we aspire to do in code wat society actually solves wid law and guns That's a good cause tho"} {"text":"AI*Crypto discussions be like DECENTRALISE 1. Data 2. Models 3. Training 4. GPUs\/compute 5. Inference All of us crypto ppl are hyped but I still havent met an actual practitioner from AI who gives a shit What am I missing?"} {"text":"@hal2001 The Layer0 of attraction"} {"text":"fwiw @noble_xyz TVL is the true index of growth of the @cosmos ecosystem - not the prices of ATOM or TIA"} {"text":"The endless hopium to make it is keeping thousands of 24-7 online gamblers from making the one thing truly worth making Love"} {"text":"@prestonjbyrne is that better or worse"} {"text":"Most crypto VC is wen GPs see money every year but LPs only see it after ten years"} {"text":"Mulitcoin missed zk so they pivoted to FHE"} {"text":"Since everyone in crypto is a crypto lawyer and crypto law isn't even real law, I'ma say this unless incorporated, a multisig is an unincorporated association"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko @dabit3 @solana Even the creator of solidity has pivoted to wasm"} {"text":"Pudgy penguins suddenly so quiet like Yuga is gonna buy em out w the 4b"} {"text":"How do I know @wormholecrypto does not support decentralisation? They did not gib airdrop to my @dappnode"} {"text":"@nik_tchouparov Mechanism design wif hat cc: @GwartyGwart"} {"text":"@EricBalchunas @dotkrueger What data are you looking at to make this determination"} {"text":"The best window to launch a token is within 3-4 mo The next best window is after 3 years Do with this information what you will"} {"text":"@chamathsintern AI is not the bubble. Most ( but not all ) AI tokens are"} {"text":"@chamathsintern This time is different"} {"text":"@chamathsintern Some are allocating to this cycles hype but will see tokens next cycle. Remember web3 gaming?"} {"text":"@chamathsintern FOMO is the mind killer"} {"text":"Signing most high val seed round checks this bula is prolly worse than buying liquid stuff down 90% next bera"} {"text":"Wat dis in the Wormhole airdrop checker?"} {"text":"@0xMert_ You need to spend time in England to appreciate irony and sarcasm"} {"text":"@seb3point0 @noble_xyz @0xPolygon Ser noble feeds all the Cosmos chains. Polygon PoS is one chain all by itself"} {"text":"@mdudas Pivot to L2 and call it a pause switch"} {"text":"@0xMert_ L1 down is down. L2 down is a pause"} {"text":"Who wants to organise an AI summit in AI-thens to vampire attac the ZKSummit in Athens? cc: @kobigurk"} {"text":"I am not funny, the industry is funny. Just say crypto fax like it is and it sounds hilarious"} {"text":"@lemiscate @QwQiao VCs were doing exactly this to founders 3 months ago How the turn tables"} {"text":"1AI = 1AI This is all you need to know about the intersection of crypto and AI "} {"text":"@moo9000 @NEARProtocol Erm no - thats the best part"} {"text":"It will never stop to amuse me that a large marketing and BD headcount and spend took @NEARProtocol price to $1 and the founder's AI creds and a panel w NVIDIA CEO took the price above $5"} {"text":"Irrespective of token price, products that (a) exist (b) work (c) work well are so much better than products that don't"} {"text":"@calilyliu @akshaybd Yes"} {"text":"Logwealthoors are happier people"} {"text":"\"You liquidate me\""} {"text":"Better tech than the (currently) most well known DA"} {"text":"Live view of crypto founders lining up to get on a panel with Jensen Huang, Sam Altman, Yann Le Cun and Elon Musk"} {"text":"@0xMert_ 4"} {"text":"@0xsachi Its ok. You will make the 900 dollars back on the next one"} {"text":"@neon___glow many such cases"} {"text":"Beware of founders who launch a new chain every bula Particularly common in Cosmos but soon L2 appchains too"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Its not enough our coin goes to 10k - yours must go to 10"} {"text":"Brown women in web3 are protesting about this"} {"text":"All the tokens I own are AI tokens punks, madlads, pudgies and badkids are AI NFTs quantum cats are QUANTUM AI nfts"} {"text":"Note to self: AI is the crypto gaming of this cycle ie (a) be very disciplined w valuations in primary and (b) if you go into liquid, remember to sell"} {"text":"The vc quote is - \"if marriage is the goal, look for a cofounder for the family startup who can help ship well adjusted kid-products. Love is more of a crypto investment, marriage requires an operator\""} {"text":"If you are young of any age, passionate about deep tech and new to our crypto casino, here's my advice. This cycle, focus and become free of a Salary for 5-10 years Next cycle, use that freedom to ship something insanely great - in blockchain tech, or elsewhere"} {"text":"Near devs shipped great tech and user growth for years, only to finally make it as an AI memecoin"} {"text":"If you're into AI*crypto, pay attention to @SpheronFDN"} {"text":"Nothing gives a man a bigger gambling addiction than winning big once at the casino"} {"text":"\"Raise money in bula because bula won't last forever\" - John Doerr, as quoted by Scott Kupor"} {"text":"@0xkenzi @DoveyWan @0xbeaconcom @symbolicvc "} {"text":"I wouldn't touch any memecoin unless it ships with a Gauntlet math paper containing four integral signs, seven different greek letters and a very convincing summation sign"} {"text":"Boden seems like a better candidate than Biden"} {"text":"If you still believe in Generational Wealth, read the biography of Cornelius Vanderbilt by Anderson Cooper. There's no such thing except good genes and education"} {"text":"Why are you retards risking it all on memecoins when our ultrasound money is uponly?"} {"text":"@luigidemeo old chain now"} {"text":"Women pls be careful about the \"crypto perfume\". Men will desire you 100x more in the first year and 97.5% less than that during the next two years"} {"text":"@QwQiao Fill and shill can be two awesome memecoins"} {"text":"@Mudit__Gupta You sound like the 1%"} {"text":"Technology is changing faster than ever before. It took 8 years for $ETH to become a boring old coin and only 8 weeks for $TIA to become exactly that"} {"text":"Some of you are paying TWO UNITED STATES DOLLARs for the mere THOUGHT of a hat... 1% of you will be lucky and rich, 99% will be deservedly poor"} {"text":"VC fomo for \"bitcoin ecosystem\" reminds me of the 2021 \"Chinese Polkadot\" ecosystem"} {"text":"Ok so which founders would like to disclose how much their mainnet launch was delayed by the intense conferencing at @EthereumDenver?"} {"text":"@rargulati Not everyone is a fast learner"} {"text":"If you want to end tribalism among blockchains, end tokens I did nocoiner blockchain ( hyperledger, quorum, corda ) sort of stuff for a while and tribalism was 5% or less of crypto It was all poor vs poor ( PVP ) tho"} {"text":"feels like I have been gone forever"} {"text":"Solano marketing best in biz. Wormhole valuation mooned only because @aeyakovenko called it the wormhole eigenlayer"} {"text":"@hashflow @BarterDeFi @arbitrum "} {"text":"Bay area CVs appear to have the highest inflation in the entire US of A"} {"text":"@jacqmelinek Use L2s. L1 only for high value txns eg selling a 10k+ pfp"} {"text":"Men used to fork bitcoin and call it bitcoin cash. Now they just launch bitcoin sidechains and call them layer 2s"} {"text":"@sreeramkannan From day 1 ser, I knew you were AGI"} {"text":"@binji_x You sold 16m of punk. Buy everest"} {"text":"@manasilvora Careful - every crypto joke becomes real - someone pitched token gated notion in 2021"} {"text":"If you are into Notion, pivot to google docs"} {"text":"@hstyagi That definition is correct. Not just crypto but all early stage venture capital qualifies as ponzinomics because the only returns generated are by raising the next round, not through net earnings in excess of costs ie \"value accrual\""} {"text":"@tarunchitra @GwartyGwart Professors are also pivoting to coins based on math"} {"text":"Satashi is dumping on us and you are bearish?"} {"text":"Some crypto VCs can even taint a crypto project while others can raise its legitimacy"} {"text":" BFTL IS THE NEW BTFD"} {"text":"BUIDL THROUGH BERA"} {"text":"ETF was not supposed to go down. Wai ETF go down?"} {"text":"Fundamentals of tokenized real world animals (RWA) looking suddenly weak"} {"text":"24% of Grayscale Dynamic Fund is $OSMO Dosa DaO szn is relentless "} {"text":"@divine_economy Thirst for legitimacy is the fastest path to failure"} {"text":"@HelloShreyas @sreeramkannan Many such cases incl. Sunny, Zaki, Nick, Joe, Tarun and Satashi"} {"text":"Met a @llama"} {"text":"I don't make the rules, dogs do"} {"text":"@0xJim quiet quitting?"} {"text":"ConsenSys alumni BTC ATH celebration"} {"text":"@0xMert_ This is why we don't ask Peasant.eth to do blockchain research"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Ship a working BFT Consensus Peasant!"} {"text":"@EricBalchunas @dotkrueger Mr Bullchunas, by playing into btc maxi hands, you are rapidly losing the crypto intern creds you earned last yr"} {"text":"Why'd Mert and Santi allow this to happen?"} {"text":"ETH is a $10K asset. $3750 is just the appetiser"} {"text":"Dosa was on 28th Jan fyi... cc: @hotpot_dao"} {"text":"@mdudas Greater Fool Ventures will melt faces"} {"text":"Hiring a PM doesn't make a product"} {"text":"Sundar Pichai could get fired if Gemini continues to bomb Dude should buy back all listed stonk and launch a token Pure money, zero accountability "} {"text":"@santiagoroel >> prior cycle baggage this is top insight - AI is the web3 gaming of this cycle"} {"text":"Forget PNL posting. Devs are now TVL posting, which is going up solely because of Vitalik's network spam reduction token"} {"text":"@sandyzkp Airdrop rumour for followers --> 100k by tomorrow"} {"text":"Most of you will be very rich before you are or feel rekt Maybe consider the comforts of the upper-ish middle class instead"} {"text":"Every dot eth who advised their frens and fam to buy eth at $4800 is about to be forgiven"} {"text":"eth up 50% since masternode had Dosa in Dubai justsaying"} {"text":"Can someone in crypto law pls send this innocent man the outstanding US crypto litigation and legislation tracker"} {"text":"@sandyzkp dogs are maximally aligned with the home privacy and mountain scaling explorations group of the hooman foundation"} {"text":"@gajeshnaik @PacmanBlur Gajesh is not backed by Paradigm"} {"text":"@TrustlessState @monad_xyz Monad will eliminate the demand for a dozen or more existing evm L1s"} {"text":"If you pivoted from web3 to AI but couldn't make it there, pivot back and do your own token asap"} {"text":"2017-19 was tradfi and consulting. 2020-22 was big tech 2024-25 lets find a new industry to hire and fire lotsa ppls from How's Oil and Gas? Never liked that one"} {"text":"@TheStalwart 1. All old L1s incl eth and soon solano become too slow to change due to tech debt and stuff built on top 2. there's no pricing model for tokens, ppls jus like to get tokens earlier and cheaper than other ppl 3. Easier to legally justify token for chain than for app"} {"text":"Gud lawyers are gud"} {"text":"Memecoin going off on \u2066@LensProtocol\u2069 now lol"} {"text":"When it comes to optimistic rollups, nothing is more optimistic than the shared economic security of a 3\/5 multisig"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko You need to be more optimistic"} {"text":"@gokulr This would be a problem if the companies reporting were public"} {"text":"Delet -EV tweets"} {"text":"Hello web3 frens do we have any data to compare NY (tristate) and SF (Bay Area) in terms of relative growth of web3 along dimensions like funding, talent... are US frens going west or east?"} {"text":"@0xfoobar pain"} {"text":"NEW AI USE CASE: AI*SMOKE"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko Yet my favourite Solana ecosystem memecoin remains SOL"} {"text":"NY VCs and angels pls dm @garvitgoel03 for a cool zk\/aggregation seed round opportunity @labs_electron"} {"text":"Which way will the next president and NFT artist Trump swing on crypto?"} {"text":"Where to find Dosa in NYC - its not quite the same thing as the Yoda Dosa but..."} {"text":"Who's gonna tell dot eths about this \"social layer\"?"} {"text":"@prasagl survive - the number 1 rule in markets is still - survive"} {"text":"Unbelieveably great time to sit back and do nothing in markets wao"} {"text":"@46100DotEth I am a burger-o-phile"} {"text":"@NTBro @Cointelegraph We are now sending our best"} {"text":"One punk = one kid in US college Two kids in US college \u2122"} {"text":"Nuke vibes"} {"text":"@cyounessi1 cryptopunks - buy punks"} {"text":"Hyping EIP4844 too much will only benefit Solana, Celestia, Avail and Eigenlayer ... but you can't stop the twitter social layer..."} {"text":"Every distributor like Uniswap was an innovator like Cowswap once"} {"text":"If you are at the intersection of AI and crypto, pivot to the intersection of frogs and dogs"} {"text":"I really had to look up who this ethereum aligned person is"} {"text":"Bitcoin returned in a week what Ethena will return in a year "} {"text":"If I ever make it in the crypto industry, I will go back to the technology industry"} {"text":"@moo9000 Then hackers ignore it?"} {"text":"Everyone gangsta wen their memes take two blobs a day to $20b Then the real memes show up"} {"text":"@musalbas Frogs have a stronger social layer"} {"text":"life in crypto is a long position in humility and a short position in arrogance"} {"text":"No dev should ever gloat about the security of their defi protocol Its solidity lol"} {"text":"@A_BertoG @MickdeG010 @aave @compoundfinance @MorphoLabs @RariCapital @eulerfinance Survival is the sexiest thing in lending protocols"} {"text":"@zackvoell for OTC desks"} {"text":"DoT eths love to talk about \"social layer\" The social layer of PEPE just flippened the social layer of TIA Maybe product and technological layers should matter too"} {"text":"The only social layer you need"} {"text":"@ilblackdragon Nirmalaji says ask Illia ji to submit the original LLM paper for official clearance"} {"text":"Web3 innovation is not complete till a memecoin on Solana flippens Solana"} {"text":"Frogularity > Modularity?"} {"text":"Ambani wedding meh, remember apefest?"} {"text":"Is it time for Sifu and Sesta to \"innovate\" again?"} {"text":"TVL ok now. Sui needs to incentivise memecoin Innovation next"} {"text":"@JoshuaTobkin You need the robust consensus and economics of ethereum"} {"text":"It doesn't matter what you are working on rn, add some AI asap AI driven perp dex ..."} {"text":"Now I have been one round ahead of a16z and Paradigm Now my life is complete"} {"text":"@boredGenius First we need Uniswap to copy and distribute all that"} {"text":"Imajin not having launched your own binance listed token rn "} {"text":"Only people who don't understand DAS talk about how many gigabytes per sec their DA can do"} {"text":"If its Adam Cochran v Mert, I vote for Mert"} {"text":"@opmichael_eth Team posting chart"} {"text":"gm NYC!"} {"text":"@andrej_muzevic As long as \"Radaki\" is ok"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko I was hoping Mert the genie will appear in response to my engagement farming experiment :-)"} {"text":"Eigenlayer is the Solana killer \u23f0"} {"text":"Invest in focussed founders - if the founders aren't willing to live or die by what they do, why should your time and money?"} {"text":"@EthereumDenver @jadler0 @CelestiaOrg Cool shoutout for @AvailProject's KZG implementation at 19:00"} {"text":"This is the year 2024 and decentralised AI can already display Eigenlayer POINTs Imajin wat gonna hit us in 2025"} {"text":"@mars_solana @0xMert_ H1 minimum 0.4844*4.844 = 2.346"} {"text":"@rishup77 Then I was serious about it, this is mainly engagement farming"} {"text":"Price targets for H1 Bitcoin $48440 ETH $4844 Sol $48.44 TIA $4.844 WIF: $0.4844"} {"text":"@0xMert_ You need to focus on Sol. Its going to $48.44"} {"text":"Now only Solana improvement proposal SIP 4844 can save Solana from extinction TIA also headed to $4.844 as multisig rollups make transactions free"} {"text":"@JoshuaTobkin No one buys memecoins to survive - except BTC"} {"text":"@nic__carter No VC can be a single cult member, its -EV"} {"text":"@Austin_Federa @RomeProtocol @Neon_EVM It will use the wormhole eigenlayer"} {"text":"@Austin_Federa @RomeProtocol @Neon_EVM gmonad and L2s"} {"text":"Rihanna got paid $6m to perform at the Ambanis wedding and still managed to mispronounce the bride's name ngl, this is true web3 native level of professionalism"} {"text":"@Austin_Federa He runs a fast, cheap, rebootable layer 2 so"} {"text":"A dog is layer one The hat is layer two Layer 2 is outperforming"} {"text":"I don't know about you guys but I can't wait to post kilobytes of calldata on ethereum"} {"text":"OH: \"So we hired a couple of Americans from Stanford and MIT to make our pitch look credible to VCs\""} {"text":"After EIP 4844, transactions on optimistic rollups can be made FREE because in the absence of proofs, the only necessary cost is the cost of one multisig"} {"text":"Memecoins are the coins with the lowest information asymmetry Say you buy TAO, you don't know if there's any AI in there or the whole AI, data, model, training, LLM, blablabla blablabla even makes sense With a DOG coin, theres no information, so no asymmetry "} {"text":"Imajin running a straightforward blockchain oracle or indexer and not calling your thing an AI project? I could never"} {"text":"Everything in crypto is a something killer. What will EIP 4844 kill"} {"text":"I know at least one team w no product running an @EOSIO ICO for VCs The way this works is that you start raising at 100m and as your nth round fills up, you collect more $$ in n+1 th fomo round at a higher val the \"round\" never closes crypto VC is the retail of this cycle "} {"text":"If Google fires Sundar Pichai as CEO, let's remember him as a McKinsey rather than an IIT alumnus"} {"text":"@0xMert_ 4.844 mg"} {"text":"VCs who missed openAI (Gurley & Andreessen) vs VCs who got in ( Khosla ) is far spicier popcorn than anything going on in crypto PVP"} {"text":"4844 will end Solana, Jupiter, Jito, Marginfi, Raydium, Quekz, Chads, SMB, Phantom... ... but not madlads"} {"text":"@0xMert_ woow solana is so threatened. cope. 4844. vitalik. eigenlayer."} {"text":"feeling so (re)stoked about the future of ethereum"} {"text":"Very bad art at the @badkidsart dinner"} {"text":"My mind shudders at the theoretical seed round valuation of an AI centric modular bitcoin layer 2 zkVM wif hat deployed as an Eigenlayer AVS"} {"text":"The best minds in America are now thinking about memecoins"} {"text":"Whats the theoretical upper bound on the number of recursions in recursive restaking? max (n) in y = R^n*T such that y is still liquid ie L(y) > 0"} {"text":"Dominant narrative of @EthereumDenver"} {"text":"MATIC aggregating upwards "} {"text":"Ok ethDenver, shall we do mass covid tests now or wait till monday?"} {"text":"I am somewhere on the extraverted half of the spectrum but even I'ma have to desperately avoid hooman interaction for at least one whole day to recover from this Denver week"} {"text":"@hstyagi @sreeramkannan @tarunchitra There's an impossibility theorem about this"} {"text":"If you think of a sentence with the word 'God' in it but you are surrounded by tech VCs, say 'AI' instead Examples: \"AI IS GREAT\" \"I have finally found a way to be In the presence of AI\" \"AI loves you\" \"AI is the savior\" \"Have faith in AI\""} {"text":"@camiinthisthang manifestoken pls"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko @arixoneth @ufukaltinok Not after AI starts trading hats"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko @arixoneth @ufukaltinok Txn cost on the multisig layer will be zero"} {"text":"@prabalbanerjee "} {"text":"Things ppl will do for airdrops"} {"text":"Only 40 btc left on OTC desks and only MINUS 69420 ETH thanks to EIP 1559 Do with this information what you will"} {"text":"@vaneck_us AI denver was hyped too"} {"text":"Even @0xMert_ will be aggregated "} {"text":"@nickwh8te ser tech industry"} {"text":"If this bula lasts just one Dubai tax year, I am so moving to IITians fatherland just for the nature"} {"text":"now if @VitalikButerin ser moves from farcaster to @LensProtocol, the web3 social contest is decisively over"} {"text":"geth source code feels like it was written in Europe"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart ethereum hell sounds like a cool conference"} {"text":"If $WIF was on ethereum the hat innovators would be launching a modular layer 2 called hat chain rn"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart Thats why their TVL is so low"} {"text":"Foundation, Labs and DaO Sama is the most crypto founder ever"} {"text":"@Frozensack_Gary @hashflow "} {"text":"Biggest business in the world is certification Universities: education PwC: financials are gaap S&P: trash is AAA McKinsey: CEO is right Certik: smart contract Gauntlet: risk Bankless: alignment Study certificates"} {"text":"If you think retail is not here yet YOU ARE RETAIL"} {"text":"Coinbase Wallet requires Colombians to KYC Future of finance is also KYC "} {"text":"20% of Paradigm's portfolio horizon seems to be one year now - Blast, Friendtech, Art Gobblers... and it seems to fund infinite horizon stuff like RETH This emergence of \"instant IRR venture capital\" is part of the 'power' of web3"} {"text":"Solana'23 was the best thing that happened to ethereum Monopolies tend to become smug and complacent with rent seeking insiders and competition purifies Mr. Fink has made sure we don't have to worry about Solana but bruh, Bitcoin is the biggest thing going on at ethDenver so"} {"text":"crypto secondaries ruined crypto VC. I was very happy with the secondaries market developing in bera but now seed rounds are going at 500m+ because people think they have a decent chance of exiting onto a greater fool before bera we didnt need more liquidity, but its here now"} {"text":"145 open jobs in the Solana ecosystem New Coinbase hiring site is live No sign of froth is more frothy than the entire industry starting to hire at pace"} {"text":"It took two days for Farcaster's lead over Lens to disappear "} {"text":"Everyone in crypto is a VC"} {"text":"@MacroMate8 Its bullmarket"} {"text":"Every man and their dog asks how a DA layer like $TIA accrues value, but no one gives a fk about how $WIF and $PEPE accrue value "} {"text":"@chizhao @NeerajKA No one is more important than PR frens"} {"text":"OH: \"in crypto, employment is just labor farming\""} {"text":"I can totally see a lot of us on CT crying in 2025 about how \"we could have been comfortable but we over invested by a lot\". I will certainly be in that camp"} {"text":"Attending ethDenver was very expensive. I missed out on all the dog coin innovation this wk"} {"text":"gMonad"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Then eventually you learn that given a choice, its better to be lucky than competent"} {"text":"@DooWanNam @ASvanevik Secondaries have pumped valuations to Valhalla. 250m-600m seed rounds in the air wao"} {"text":"@jchervinsky @brix_farm Masternode called - he wants you to send all your eth to 0x0 immediately"} {"text":"@basedgrogu @el33th4xor Offline we are all frens. Emin ser and I been frens since '16 or '17"} {"text":"Bullish on the post 2022 generation of professorcoins"} {"text":"The biggest growth sector at ethereumDenver is Bitcoin"} {"text":"Signed my second AI*crypto check. Its so rare to find not vaporware in this category"} {"text":"How Kanav he got so much done at 28?"} {"text":"The best minds in America are thinking deeply about Eigenlayer POINTs"} {"text":"@sreeramkannan @alignedlayer @fede_intern @class_lambda We are aligned on this"} {"text":"How to go to Stanford without paying two cryptopunks in fees"} {"text":"I am very bullish on crypto founders who think carefully about value accrual and equally bearish on the ones who actually believe in it"} {"text":"@nic__carter Danksharding will flippen bitcoin"} {"text":"The original guru of shitposters is in town"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart That's move them from L2 page to the DePin page"} {"text":"@AndrewSteinwold It means AI wif hat"} {"text":"@gregosuri Zoom out and expand sample 1&2 are AI page 3&4 are new Osmo and DYDX are the sustainable bull case as Osmo cut inflation and there's no hot meme or airdrop pushing them. Others will too"} {"text":"Nigeria should just LP $1B into Binance labs ventures instead. The nation just needs a good economic advisor like me"} {"text":"@seanlippel More tokens are better than fewer tokens"} {"text":"You can have onchain privacy but only to the extent that the privacy tech can get a binance listing"} {"text":"@cobie In that case it must be their lack of familiarity with advising Cosmos appchains"} {"text":"@cobie Doubt it, tho ethereum does seem to need a lot of advice on every layer"} {"text":"at least 20 modular airdrops wao "} {"text":"It's kinda funny that Solana whales love complaining about eth L1 gas fees whereas Sol noobs just use eth L2s"} {"text":"@QwQiao "} {"text":"@QwQiao > is being followed by every examples apart from manta?"} {"text":"@Amarnathjv 80% down from ATH after a 10x move wao"} {"text":"If Bankless twins shill Eigenlayer as Cosmos on top of ethereum one more time, Eigenlayer investors might have to sue Bankless in a class action Bro have you seen what happens to Cosmos ecosystem tokens?"} {"text":"Sam Altman is the ultimate crypto founder in that he turned more than one non profit public good into billions in personal profit"} {"text":"Maybe launching berachain could help"} {"text":"My life as a crypto bagholder changed for the better after a crypto VC fren told me that \"blockchain and the real world don't mix\""} {"text":"If your blockchain does not have an infinity years long roadmap, get out of your mum's basement and make one cc: Manlets"} {"text":"Will you tell him, or should I?"} {"text":"Not in Dubai..."} {"text":"Oh shit my @nodemonkes sold for 2x ( 3x in USD terms ) and I feel sad about it"} {"text":"@blockgraze Sol?"} {"text":"Aggregate ALL the chains "} {"text":"The message is clear - higher, for longer"} {"text":"Mertchain will also be aggregated "} {"text":"@kevinsekniqi Is it directed and acyclic tho"} {"text":"@RachaelRad You are CMO tho"} {"text":"AI-Valanche Incoming "} {"text":"@jimmyhumania Nonono, just connect with the network"} {"text":"How do develop a vision for web3"} {"text":"@kevinsekniqi"} {"text":"What I learnt from Christine Kim's rollup talk: Modular ppl can solve problems created by the first n modules by adding an n+1'th module on top This is modular induction"} {"text":"I think I saw a couple of apps at ethDenver - who let these guys in? Is it even legal to build apps?"} {"text":"In tech, \"its a very large design space\" means we raised a shit ton of money because people really wanted to gib but we really have no idea wat we gonna ship"} {"text":"@lmrankhan They Kanav been at 2.5B"} {"text":"If you are into eth defi or sol defi and having trouble raising money, pivot to bitcoin defi"} {"text":"tl;dr - at Denver, Vaporware density in Bitcoin L2 land is faaaar lower than in AI-land - but most L2s are sidechains"} {"text":"eth conferences are modular which causes side event fragmentation - they need aggregation"} {"text":"@winneedthepooh @0xrooter @aeyakovenko"} {"text":"Frens but worse"} {"text":"@0xMert_ @Lightspeedpodhq Sol price moves seem to inverse-track your evolution as a thoughtleader"} {"text":"@kevinsekniqi This is the ZK endgame. My AI bet is @FlareNetworks and they use the Emin and Kevin consensus"} {"text":"@kevinsekniqi Type everything: Modular execution layers aggregated via state and consensus proof aggregation using @0xPolygon agglayer"} {"text":"AI*Crypto intersection is an area @HugoPhilion and team have been working on for months. I advised @FlareNetworks team to announce their work while ago but its awesome that they like to work through things thoroughly and ship stuff"} {"text":"Yeah, its about time to chill instead of aping into whatever world salad tech meme soupland, the \"web3 gaming\" of 2024 is"} {"text":"going to this ethDenver is like going to an Indian wedding. Nothing particularly useful is going on but all your long time eth relatives are here and you get to see them only 2-3 times a year so well, you gotta be here"} {"text":"@0xrooter This is because @aeyakovenko bunked roadmap training at Qualcomm"} {"text":"Hyperliquid is now called hyperliquidation"} {"text":"@Native_0x You need a Celestia based modular debit card. Solana based monolith card wont work"} {"text":"Firedancer is like smart contracts on Cardano. the value is in the expectation, not in the delivery"} {"text":"@lemiscate @OpenAI Do you miss me now?"} {"text":"Apple dude doing announcement pump like crypto guys. Might as well have announced Eigenlayer and Google cloud partnerships also "} {"text":"@poordart @CryptoCronkite There's nothing to know in the first place"} {"text":"Cosmos people keep saying there's not gonna be an IBC token and then they launch Initia, Union and Hyperlane"} {"text":"@moo9000 America is about rule of lawyer, not rule of law."} {"text":"\"SEC challenges Terraform Labs\u2019 \u2018suspicious\u2019 $166 million payment to lawyers in court filing\" If you're into coding, pivot to law"} {"text":"@0x42069x 1 DOSA"} {"text":"There was a time I wanted to retire when I reach $1m net worth - then it reached $1m in 2018 and immediately dropped 96% in 2019. After that I never took either of the words retirement, or net worth seriously"} {"text":"Idk about economic security of ethereum but economic security of ethereum holders definitely goes up with price"} {"text":"What people don't realise is that Bitcoin's cryptoeconomic security is a result of its cryptographic security Proof of work is a cryptographically hard puzzle solving competition Without cryptographic security, cryptoeconomic security is a meme "} {"text":"\"Gisele B\u00fcndchen Sacked Tom Brady Over Sexless Marriage\" Dude was prolly busy farming airdrops"} {"text":"Every time I meet @rushimanche IRL I get 2x more bullish on @movementlabsxyz"} {"text":"@coopernicus01 Hab prenup?"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Ah. I was hoping to get a memorable selfie "} {"text":"Denver is not ready for insufferable @0xMert_"} {"text":"Met the dude \u2066@ekrahm\u2069 who made even \"Data Availability Sampling\" NOT boring "} {"text":"@tarunchitra @_MinTeo Gen AI often hallucinates"} {"text":"We are just getting staREtarded"} {"text":"An AI agent to farm poorly governed DaOs for grants"} {"text":"@tarunchitra AI solves this"} {"text":"@0xMert_ @brian_armstrong Except wen Solana itself reboots"} {"text":"Still can't make up my mind on whether Modular AI is better than Monolithic AI. Should AI be based on proof of stake or proof of work? What sort of yield should AI provide? Should AI do AI-rdrops? So many deep intellectual challenges!"} {"text":"I know most of you web3 people spend your days playing web3 games like Dookey Dash... I know"} {"text":"@MacroMate8 Wait till ethDenver becomes iShares annual digital asset summit"} {"text":"@ZeMariaMacedo A surprise court verdict in the Coinbase case would be one example. An NVDA quarterly miss another"} {"text":"General vibe in Denver be like, \"Bro other people's Bittensor is not real AI - only my variation of Bittensor is really real\""} {"text":"Coinbase app down because Larry's front office guys are twapping too hard wao"} {"text":"@PossibltyResult @sreeramkannan @sunnya97 @valardragon @VitalikButerin @TrustlessState @eigenlayer >> If this is the case, then that chain won't be able to afford economic security from Ethereum anymore either, so the point is moot Not true. If you have to vote > 51% of restaked eth to change history that can easily be more than the market cap of most Cosmos appchains"} {"text":"@dabit3 power of frenship ser"} {"text":"@skeebinz It will stop if retail doesn't come in"} {"text":"DO NOT QUIT YOUR JOB YET. THIS BULA WILL BE SHARPER BUT SHORTER"} {"text":"@sreeramkannan @sunnya97 @valardragon @VitalikButerin @TrustlessState @eigenlayer This is why @AvailProject has built in a mechanism for fortifying economic security of txn ordering with any valuable asset but in particular BTC and ETH"} {"text":"@sreeramkannan @sunnya97 @valardragon @VitalikButerin @TrustlessState @eigenlayer Restaked eth or staked BTC are an empirically superior choice for bootstrapping economic security and even in a bull market when all tokens are valuable, restaked eth or staked BTC are a better economic security backstop than native tokens prone to crashes and soft rugs etc etc"} {"text":"@sreeramkannan @sunnya97 @valardragon @VitalikButerin @TrustlessState @eigenlayer I think we can safely predict that most native tokens are or will be worthless at some point on a power law curve. This is particularly true when a Cosmos appchain is bootstrapping validators and we can empirically show this by looking at the mortality rate of Cosmos appchains"} {"text":"Follow this Cosmos v Eigenlayer "} {"text":"Market so Bullish that even Solana is going up"} {"text":"@AnnaRRose If you are into sum check, pivot to backward propagation"} {"text":"Quality of life declines on a logarithmic curve after the tenth paper million"} {"text":"@HadickM Gud point ser"} {"text":"@routerprotocol @CryptoMan_Ram @MickiCrossChain Gud route"} {"text":"Is Larry fink buying PEPE and WIF also? This pump doesn't look institutional. More like Capo and sidelinoors fomoing in hard"} {"text":"@mdudas Go back to bed Mike"} {"text":"People use @LensProtocol without any expectation of a memecoin or airdrop or points shit This is insanely bullish"} {"text":"Serious men and women are waiting in Coinlist and other queues instead of launching their token from some other launchpad and giving their token a few more months in the market before Bula ends "} {"text":"Men will make an ERC20 token for trading GPU capacity from a dozen wallets and call it a blockchain for AI, instead of going to therapy"} {"text":"Remember ZK? Its called AI now"} {"text":"ETHDenver? Its more like dank AI memes Denver rn"} {"text":"@NickPullmanEsq @nic__carter Why not use an antminer as a personal heater"} {"text":"Dude who predicted $500+ SOL also predicted $25k BTC at $39K couple of weeks back lol Don't be your online frens exit liquidity"} {"text":"One thing I learnt in the last cycle is to not donate 2-20 grants to crypto VC that don't know how to send distributions Fwiw, out of five funds only @alliancedao didn't rug and I will be doubling down"} {"text":"@smsunarto Is prof Song attending this AI memes Denver conference?"} {"text":"@0xMert_ ngl; thats a moar Mert thing to do than Mert himself"} {"text":"@Madhav_goyal_ @colludingnode USD = United States Dosa"} {"text":"@HelpedHope Back wall, long edge, third table"} {"text":"Secret of uncapped success for a crypto startup is to have a Chinese woman as COO This tradition goes well back to Ming Chan of EF Always attend HotPotDaO events "} {"text":"@pitdesi This reputation deservedly makes life difficult for single desi boys"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Ser Breakpoint is months away"} {"text":"Even masternode doesn't want to come to Denver. Let's go to Salt Lake City already"} {"text":"@nic__carter Left: seed oils. Right: seed allocations?"} {"text":"@ercwl Pls show the descending half of the parabola"} {"text":"New Coinbase hiring site just went live ==> Max 12 mo left in bula"} {"text":"@gokulr crypto VC is that, multiplied by 10"} {"text":"@MacroMate8 Denver is scalable unlike Aspen"} {"text":"@Crypto_Texan @ultrasoundmoney @EIP1559NFT @ethereum Now do demand batman"} {"text":"Selfies w AI guys to insta-triple my own FDV"} {"text":"@nickwh8te Thats the wifi light client"} {"text":"The lead author of the KZG paper"} {"text":"20% of all my tg DMs in the last six months were about ppl asking for a lens handle Welcome to @LensProtocol frens. Lets lens together "} {"text":"107.50 - 110.00 "} {"text":"\"Consensus Learning, a novel decentralised machine learning paradigm\" Breakthrough AI x crypto research by @NairiUsher of @FlareNetworks"} {"text":"@HugoPhilion "} {"text":"Bula is back - time for crypto to hire one million super expensive non-devs from bigtech for 12-18mo "} {"text":"@yanivgraph Community notes says governments nah"} {"text":"Aligning the layers"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko If you are Mert, blink twice"} {"text":"without cryptographic security, cryptoeconomic security is just a meme"} {"text":"Movement dosa will be a 100x+"} {"text":"Legit ai jobs now pay better than rug pulls"} {"text":"Devs are aggregating "} {"text":"Dubai Dosa DAO track record so far: Hugo ser: Up 5x Sunny ser: Up 7x Vitalik ser: Up 35% Sreeram ser: Closed series B from a16z at 2b Zaki ecosystem: uponly Next up @hotpot_dao"} {"text":"NVDA down 99% Only possible on Solana"} {"text":"Are the Iroquois raising for their shell company?"} {"text":"@Amarnathjv Go to L2"} {"text":"ETH 3300 no euphoria among dot eths Yeah man, I personally won't even be getting out of bed to 'euphorise' till $5K ATH"} {"text":"@JimmyRagosa Restaked Ragosa will melt faces"} {"text":"Its not over till seed round valuations routinely hit $1B FDV like they did in the mandatory web3 gaming VC thread writing era of 2021, but we are halfway there"} {"text":"In Feb 2024, Eigenlayer partnership is the new google cloud partnership. In January, Celestia partnership was the new google cloud partnership This is partnership abstraction"} {"text":"@HeslinKim Tarun's basement is 125x oversubscribed"} {"text":"The key to getting into all the right seed rounds is to live next door to Stanford or in Tarun's basement. By the time things reach Dubai its already series A"} {"text":"@gauthamzzz Partnership abstraction"} {"text":"Just found a layer 2 which has announced partnerships w Polygon, OP, Celestia and EigenDA all at the same time. If this does not show the power of cross chain coordination on the internet, I don't know what does"} {"text":"If market keeps wildin' lets launch an algostable 1 Backed by LRT: Eigenluna 2 Backed by PENTA yield: Mantaluna 3. Backed by Blast yield: Lunadigm ... Say yes to innovation "} {"text":"USD stands for Ultra Sound Dollars"} {"text":"Bitcoin is trading like AI vaporware rn"} {"text":"Almost there @cburniske"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Sadly all markets suffer from bipolar disorder"} {"text":"Imajin if SBF hadn't signed that bankruptcy and he were still supercycling w the rest of the industry..."} {"text":"Economic security of bitcoin and ethereum really doesn't look like a meme rn"} {"text":"@francisgowen @superstatefunds Gud projet wid grt ppl. Congrats"} {"text":"@dervoiedk Wen"} {"text":"@jon_charb Larry picking > Cherry picking"} {"text":"Met the real AI guy in crypto"} {"text":"@CryptoMan_Ram @routerprotocol @eth_sensei "} {"text":"This is \u2066@FlareNetworks\u2069 *before* AI"} {"text":"Lookup singularity is real"} {"text":"@yugalabs This is the way!"} {"text":"@zkmattwyatt No way, beras degen gang"} {"text":"@JimmyRagosa ETH is pegged to $10k on farcaster"} {"text":"No gamers = no internet"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy @rushimanche @movementlabsxyz @dmihal @fuel_network @RiscZero @zk_sjp @o1_labs @DougieDeLuca @FigmentCapital @schmiddominik1 @0xPolygonMiden third row from the front black Eigenlayer shirt"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy @rushimanche @movementlabsxyz @dmihal @fuel_network @RiscZero @zk_sjp @o1_labs @DougieDeLuca @FigmentCapital @schmiddominik1 @0xPolygonMiden Bullish on all the EVM killas on that stage wao"} {"text":"@ai there'd be no internet without gamers..."} {"text":"@zhivkoto Polygon cofounders are the Paypal mafia of ZK"} {"text":"@zhivkoto Thats the effect. My tweet is the cause"} {"text":"Avail has shipped the most cutting edge, and responsive zk enabled DA with a far more robust consensus and approach to decentralisation than products currently available on the market. Above all, its their vision for how zero knowledge technology can transform web3 that matters"} {"text":"gm Aggregation week Denver "} {"text":"Everywhere I go now, I see a Pyramid scheme"} {"text":"Ethereum exceptionalism is the second most lame idea in crypto after Bitcoin exceptionalism"} {"text":"@neon___glow I am not. Seed ends in SF and NYC. Dubai is series A"} {"text":"Bankless has done more marketing for Solana unintentionally than Blockworks has been able to do intentionally"} {"text":"I just got a signal message from Gary asking who Mert is and why he's asking him to deny the ethereum ETF approval. Anyone knows?"} {"text":"@santiagoroel Privately, or publicly?"} {"text":"Eth is not like any other smart contract platform. dot eths have Larry Fink and manlets dont"} {"text":"@hal2001 @PrimordialAA @MikeIppolito_ Qn: Can't we all just get along?"} {"text":"@clairekart zk is all about making easy things much harder"} {"text":"This took two days and four cans of red bull. I learnt that McDonalds isn't the only option in bera. Trucking also pays ok"} {"text":"Badkids art is so bad that trying to make a derivative is futile"} {"text":"FLR AI"} {"text":"If Solana guys ran their conference in Colorado, it'd be a fancy skifest in Aspen or Vale, not 420 separate happy hours in Denver"} {"text":"@howdymerry meh, cant stake it for airdrops"} {"text":"I see dot eths on my TL doing free solana marketing again why? what changed?"} {"text":"@Galois_Capital Bezos, Walton, AMD CEO selling. Pray that NVDA keeps beating expectations"} {"text":"@wmougayar @AleoHQ zk solves this"} {"text":"Nature therapy for the pathologically online"} {"text":"Theres no escape"} {"text":"gm"} {"text":"@eshear @The_Prithvi Also quantum theory"} {"text":"@santiagoroel Serji whats the updated probability of Sol flipping eth?"} {"text":"Just sent my passport, SSN, mother's maiden name, fingerprints, retina scan, blood sample and a strand of hair to @AleoHQ for a little airdrop of their decentralised privacy themed zk token"} {"text":"@poordart @inversebrah It's decentralised kyc"} {"text":"Find a girl who looks at you all day like Sassal and DC look at the price of ethereum"} {"text":"We need masternode to fly to Omaha immediately and convince Warren Buffet to trade $167b of his low quality money for ultrasound money"} {"text":"So that was the last time until next time that we will ever see ETH under $3,000 I guess"} {"text":"Solana social team seems reactivated You snooze, you..."} {"text":"@ayyyeandy Users"} {"text":"@QwQiao Ser this is Mert's line. Wrong account"} {"text":"Regulation in the wild west"} {"text":"15 second block time"} {"text":"@sachayve Idk about contempt but Solano and ATOM are not gud money. Ethereum is"} {"text":"America is the best nature therapy for Dubai residents"} {"text":"@alexpiHQ Vitalik, Mustafa, Sreeram, Sunny... many such cases on the research and engineering side. Almost impossible on the commercial side"} {"text":"Wait, what did Satashi say about zk?"} {"text":"Frens you meet in unexpected places"} {"text":"Ppl are rebooting entire blockchains to somehow get in the news - first Avax and now DYDX wao"} {"text":"Invest in founders who can focus on doing just one thing for six straight minutes"} {"text":"Did Satashi also invent layer2 s or nah? What about Layer3s and 4s?"} {"text":"Seattle is home to a few incredible companies. Microsoft, Amazon, Starbucks and Eigenlayer for example"} {"text":"It's better to be lucky than unlucky"} {"text":"1 real onchain user per $90,000 wao"} {"text":"@domiwoe token is an app"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko @0xMert_ For everything else there's the ai mastercard "} {"text":"@aeyakovenko @0xMert_ I considered it but validators not profitable without gud token"} {"text":"Never stop working hard, even if you are expecting distributions from the last two @alliancedao funds"} {"text":"All my zk homies love fibonacci. In every funding round they raise the sum of amounts they raised in the previous two rounds"} {"text":"If your portco is hosting this, sell"} {"text":"Dev is diversifying"} {"text":"Why are people debating Uniswap's fee switch so passionately? Its a fantastic development for two weeks before we all go back to the airdrop meta"} {"text":""} {"text":"In crypto you dont have to be funny, ironic or sarcastic at all. You just have to say it like it is and its usually quite entertaining as is"} {"text":"Any crypto project is only as successful as the number of inbound partnership announcements. Outbound announcements are bearish True crypto success begins wen people announce a partnership w you and you dont even know who they are "} {"text":"If you are building a web3 app, pivot to infra wid token"} {"text":"Everyone who announced a google cloud partnership for their preseed and Celestia partnership for their seed is announcing an Eigenlayer partnership for their series A... ...and you are bearish anon?"} {"text":"@ilblackdragon Restaking abstraction"} {"text":"@cburniske Why should mythology be the first priority? I value their identity more"} {"text":"Ethereum up 30% since Vitalik had Dosa breakfast in Dubai just saying..."} {"text":"Staking: x^0 Restaking: x^1 Quadratic Restaking: x^2 Cubic Restaking: x^3 Who's working on: - Polynomial Restaking - Taylor expansion Restaking"} {"text":"@danreecer_ Wormhole"} {"text":"@0xMert_ You missed 20TPS Ripple 10b Tezos 8b Cardano 3b Polkadot 2b Combined funding 23b"} {"text":"From Seattle:"} {"text":"I was working in Japan in 2008 and 2009 I love Pineapple on Pizza I have known @adam3us from 2003 onwards Do I need to say more?"} {"text":"Why can't @Uniswap stakers get POINTs instead of fees?"} {"text":"Really sad to see @Uniswap propose turning on the fee switch and try to do non web3 native things like value accrual. I'd have preferred if they launched a second modular token called $HOOKS and airdropped it to stakers of their first modular token $UNI"} {"text":"@tina_connects @CoinMarketCap 55 is too low... 25 is minimum for Flare"} {"text":"@jmo_mx @sreeramkannan Community notes have now been incorporated :-)"} {"text":"Lake Union is now called Eigenriver"} {"text":"Pineapple is the best layer 2 on Bitcoin Pizza"} {"text":"Law firms be like, catch em while they are preseed"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart Why do you think @lemiscate never goes to the US?"} {"text":"@gajeshnaik @eigen_labs Coming in an hour to check your homework"} {"text":"Value accrual is for value deals. In growth tokens we ball "} {"text":"@0xSisyphus The revenue that matters is the one I generate from modular airdrops"} {"text":"Solana has dropped under $100 on the news that there's now stiff competition from Avax in the rebootable blockchain space"} {"text":"Anyone done the math on how much fee per staked $UNI is expected annually? Feeling salty about lots of value suddenly accruing to $UNI holders due to a surprise governance forum post Governance marketing will melt faces"} {"text":"IQ on that @0xPolygon agg day panel feels like a large degree Polynomial of my own"} {"text":"Congratulations to @FlareNetworks fam - big things ahead"} {"text":"Has anyone checked if Google's AI also features a Caste System?"} {"text":"@CryptAnalyticss AIVAX is where its at"} {"text":"@CryptAnalyticss They are doing some gud tech\/research but this way is easier to remind people it exists"} {"text":"Avax frens have such a major Solana complex that the chain just went down"} {"text":"Ivy league 4.0s pay Ark invest fat fees to sell the winners and double down on losers How the hell do YOU have an impostor syndrome anon?"} {"text":"Study shipping useful shit instead of vaporware Lesson in there"} {"text":"@Austin_Federa Sounds right. Cant wait to farm L3s"} {"text":"Silicon Valley rn"} {"text":"Because chains handle much of the infra, the crypto industry can create 100x more 'projects' than funds can sign checks Don't fomo into the 69th modular rollup, 420th Solana memecoin or 69420th LRT Most won't even unlock in Bula unless scams Study pillows "} {"text":"@Austin_Federa Which visa is that"} {"text":"Not just crypto, everyone you meet in the valley rn says they are working in AI... ...and then you drill down a bit SQL= Excel = Janitor = McDonalds ="} {"text":"ETHER and MATIC Study Reddit"} {"text":"I might have ten thousand failures and flaws in life but not being on Eigenlayer cap table is not one"} {"text":"What I truly admire about America is not the nation's wealth or its power but its deep rooted culture of honoring Intellectual achievement, risk taking, creativity and invention"} {"text":"@0xPolygon Thanks to @NEARProtocol frens for hosting us in the Homebrew space"} {"text":"IMHO great leadership by @EliBenSasson ser and @Starknet to change the STARK unlock schedule - our space and the tech deserve more of exactly this type of Integrity "} {"text":"Updating LinkedIn bio with Stanford asap"} {"text":"@0xsachi EQ by +50"} {"text":"Aptos Vibes, Immaculate "} {"text":"@binji_x "} {"text":"@0xMert_ @heliuslabs @liamvovk @nick_pennie Congrats - very important work."} {"text":"I am also an AI guy now - see ya in Denver"} {"text":"@0xmubaris How do you think it became a desert? Ten million years ago a silicon maker missed earnings"} {"text":"@cryptoecongames"} {"text":"Now both a16z and a16jit are Investors in Eigenlayer The last such project was ETHEREUM Do with this information what you will"} {"text":"The absolute last token to launch before the crypto industry gets fully integrated into tradfi will be @aztecnetwork"} {"text":"Shippers from @compolabs ship so fast that they even have time to go to @EthereumDenver and vibe"} {"text":"I'd prolly scan my eyeballs into an Orb for this"} {"text":"@MariaRiivari Airdrops"} {"text":"One day, eventually, NVDA will miss quarterly earnings and then the world will look like this"} {"text":"AI coins prove that crypto is technology agnostic"} {"text":"Paul O' Leary thinking about Aggregation"} {"text":"@0xSisyphus Larry Fink"} {"text":"@theborklar @0xPolygon "} {"text":"Unlimited Pizza and Unified Beer at the @0xPolygon Agglayer meetup at the Homebrew Crypto Club in SF"} {"text":"Eigenlayer would open at $50b if they just change the name to AI GEN LAYER"} {"text":"Pudgy penguins got the Yuga CEO fired Study penguins"} {"text":"@matt_blumberg gud thinking "} {"text":"This would violate the sell in May go away rule"} {"text":"crypto enabled gemini will never generate the image of a woman"} {"text":"~12mo bula left means no more bullish unlocks on seed rounds signed from now on"} {"text":"Can't believe once there was a really good singer who chose DENVER as his last name"} {"text":"Do they know Cardano is an AI token?"} {"text":"@joonian Vice Chancellor on the brink of another bailout"} {"text":"@joonian A mere student - not a practitioner"} {"text":"@joonian I fear my DNA has mutated into eternal retardation"} {"text":"After a few years in crypto, I feel like I have a postdoc in stupid science"} {"text":"Its good ethereum got out of GPUs in time, those darned NVDA chips are pricey as shit"} {"text":"@0xPolygon @StarkWareLtd This will be Boojum 2.0 soon"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy Bro, I'm just tryna innovate"} {"text":"Yo @ayyyeandy looks like there's an AI in av(AI)l "} {"text":"Only possible on Solana"} {"text":"TBH EthDenver is a big enough conference for us to take a 5% traditional hit on ETH price"} {"text":"@rargulati Price we pay for the ETFs"} {"text":"I am calling it now. crypto industry is soooo getting regulatoored in 2026 If you're into memecoins, pivot to ETFCoins by 2025"} {"text":"@camillionaire_m I am aligned"} {"text":"Gud funding --> gud lawyer --> gud advice Law is code"} {"text":"Can't flip the professional management switch on founder led startups too soon... it doesn't work"} {"text":"Badkids have traditional family values"} {"text":"no one will ever be too \"heads down busy building\" for ethereum thailand, I mean devcon denver tho..."} {"text":"@MacroMate8 Denver is a test of alignment - penance and pilgrimage"} {"text":"@jbrukh >> it sounds like we\u2019re turning ai into a casino I'd not worry. no AI is being hurt in most ai*crypto projects"} {"text":"@NTmoney So that tweet says we are the same but different?"} {"text":"If you are into modular blockchains, pivot to modular AI tokens"} {"text":"@Hazbobo1 Looks like cost cutting by @AaveChan"} {"text":"@tarunchitra Those tokens are not tradable"} {"text":"$JUP chart looks like a hyperbola convex to the origin like any other Solana ecosystem defi project from 2021 They should have hired Gauntlet to do advanced math for the token price curvature"} {"text":"Life hack: if you are going on vacation, carry only your @solana phone with you. If the phone is actually useful, its not a vacation"} {"text":"All we need now is some stablecoin lobbyist in DC to lobby Yellen and Warren for monopoly and invoke the China geopolitical card while they are at it Every day Crypto becomes more tradfi Study tradfi"} {"text":"About time someone organised an ethereum \"not attending\" denver conference"} {"text":"@poordart Its called research now"} {"text":"Idk who needs to know this but attending ethDenver or \"not attending heads down bz\" is not a flex. No one gives a fk, its not Honolulu - its the cold, gloomy, alignment town of Denver"} {"text":"@CryptoMan_Ram "} {"text":"@0xAishwary Indian Founders in India underestimate themselves on tech, way overestimate on growth They all need to study Sandeep ser's extraordinary work in finding distribution"} {"text":"@toghrulmaharram Ethereum needs researchers to start shipping"} {"text":"Gnosis ICO started the low float revolution and the WORLD coin community continues to make STARK progress on this innovation"} {"text":"If you're into zk, pivot to ai with tokens Study backward propagation"} {"text":"@ai @bittensor_ Ser investors shilling is a key value add"} {"text":"@GrindingPoet Quadratic polynomial commitment scheme"} {"text":"I am farming L2s, GPUs are farming me"} {"text":"@0xScopescan Gud market maker?"} {"text":"@alexandr_wang @scale_AI @DODCDAO What can go wrong"} {"text":"Don't get too excited. These tokens are not going to be listed on Binance"} {"text":"@FrankieIsLost Theres no risk on the way up Frankie"} {"text":"iShares Ethereum ETF by Blackrock will be the fastest, cheapest layer 2"} {"text":"@poordart No gas fees on buying ETF"} {"text":"Idk man, forget flippening. Solana isn't really gonna make it w one conference a year Effects of breakpoint already worn off ETH does one conference a month, more like one conference a WEEK Study @ETHGlobal"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Ya but this one has ketchup and spice tho"} {"text":"@0xMert_ I toldya months ago and have screenshots to prove it too"} {"text":"Once the iShares Ethereum ETF launches, I will consider Blackrock sufficiently decentralised"} {"text":"@based16z He wouldn't have passed KYC there after he emigrated from the Soviet bloc"} {"text":"@cburniske Its not irrational tho. Certain market participants including retail traders in Korea and elsewhere like to ape low liquidity + high attention coins because apparently those are \"easy to pump\""} {"text":"@0xMert_ Wen Solana enterprise alliance? Cool abbr too Solana is controlled by Helius Labs - we know and you can't hide it anymoar"} {"text":"@0xRodney Congratulations"} {"text":"@0x94305 @drjasper_eth Wao. I have only panel speakered at ethereum"} {"text":"@drjasper_eth Oh in that case I was distinguished ethereum guest lecturer at Apple"} {"text":"If someone goes to Palo Alto for a two day tour, can they put Stanford University in their LinkedIn bio? Asking for a friend obviously"} {"text":"So it was the local top huh Enhanced spidey sense after getting totally rekt in a cycle is a thing maybe"} {"text":"eth is now where I sold 90% after someone pitched me ( ME ) a private jet at SBFs @CryptoBahamas conference before buying back at $1500 Lesson in there "} {"text":"@davidjgoosey @osmolabs @osmosiszone Gimme 10 dola osmo David"} {"text":"Bullmarket satire is mostly a lament on coin nihilism"} {"text":"Wai Solano number go down"} {"text":"Shiny new low liquidity token is a form of disruptive innovation"} {"text":"@ilblackdragon @DapDapMeUp Will do if ther is airdrop or points"} {"text":"24b FDV on Bybit shows what a groundbreaking AI project Starknet has always been"} {"text":"Sol flattened mainly because farmers pivoted to Sui Which chain will farmers pivot to next? modularity matters. When you need another airdrop, you just add another rollup "} {"text":"@BanklessHQ If you can't find retail in the market, you are retail"} {"text":"wen someone criticises your seed round checks"} {"text":"@QwQiao >> majority of negative reactions is just bag bias and positive reactions too"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart @hasufl Is that the ethereum layer2 roadmap?"} {"text":"@ecent18"} {"text":"If you watch markets daily you will go mad or broke or both and all the coins will go up the same smol % range in the end more or less with a few random outliers on either side "} {"text":"@moo9000 @benjaminjwhitby Indians and Chinese have their own street. I think in the end we get more or less the same fi with better tech"} {"text":"@moo9000 @benjaminjwhitby Neither do they in defi. In all of finance, most expensive lawyer wins \u2122"} {"text":"@moo9000 @benjaminjwhitby Its also much lower cost of trading large volumes of stonk for you and your broker. Everyone wins"} {"text":"All the ICO era dedkoins are also going up now If this isn't bula what is?"} {"text":"Everyone gangasta on ending paternalistic state and democratising access to complex financial products till grandma Luna loses her pension and sues"} {"text":"@benjaminjwhitby No the courts or legislature wen grandma gets rekt and sues"} {"text":"@benjaminjwhitby T0 narrative is a scam. Current tech can do without blockchain but no one wants it because securities lending creates liquidity"} {"text":"@benjaminjwhitby >> opening these products up to everyone And thats supposed to be good?"} {"text":"Wiser heads at Starknet don't like the $22b FDV on @aevoxyz becaue making retail rich = community making retail poor = slow irrelevance"} {"text":"There's an AI in M A(T)I C"} {"text":"Solid idk, rest is accurate"} {"text":"Wen Starknet guys say \"the foundation is listening\""} {"text":"Its called crypto regulation if it comes from the United States region of the planet, otherwise its just sparkling paperwork"} {"text":"@Eug_Ng You forgot provisions"} {"text":"DeFi guys genuinely believe that we are inventing new financial mathematics of basis risk that has never been seen before in the 50 year history of quantitative finance on Wall Street "} {"text":"Solana price is called price Bitcoin price is called value Only Ethereum price is called values "} {"text":"He created so much TVL while he was free"} {"text":"Met this talented algo stablecoin cofounder"} {"text":"Ethereum TPS about to cross 3000"} {"text":"I don't think even @sama knew that @worldcoin is an AI coin"} {"text":"\"Tokens don't need marketing\" - Chris Dixon - Read, Write, Own"} {"text":"Guys if we gonna go to a frothy bubble anyway, lets do $1m floor for cryptopunks asap"} {"text":"Spot bitcoin will return more than 27% this year but grown men will try to get rekt for it on stables anyway"} {"text":"Luna, but ethereum aligned"} {"text":"Build whatever... inside the United States Sell whatever... outside the United States"} {"text":"This cycle, people just want $LUNA but without the 21 day unbonding period"} {"text":"@drjasper_eth @ethena_labs Thats how"} {"text":"I think its way too early to fud @ethena_labs and I don't even really understand it, but if a 27% yielding algostable backed by both tradfi giants and DeFi Bluechip OGs grows really big and blows itself up, that'd pass Elon's razor..."} {"text":"Power of innovation"} {"text":"My favorite crypto is @monad_xyz because I never have to worry about the price going down"} {"text":"@armaniferrante Its not my fault that you are younger. smarter, shipper "} {"text":"Does anyone have the Santiago ser equation for the probability of solana flippening ethereum handy? Is it still 80% or is it down to 79% now?"} {"text":"@WhiteMarlin4 What they need to know is that now even stonks markets are increasingly becoming crypto markets. AI "} {"text":"Finally a movie I can identify with"} {"text":"@ylecun AI guys are just like us crypto guys So emotional rn"} {"text":"I don't know who needs to know this but a peer reviewed paper is only as good as the peers who have reviewed it"} {"text":"@Madhav_goyal_ Yes this is why its so much better to spend time labor farming ( eg working on a cool project or two that you really believe in, and have token upside ) than trading. I can't trade for shit and won't be trying"} {"text":"@Madhav_goyal_ Don't worry so much. Just stay away from leverage and perps. We have another year of this bula at last"} {"text":"All gud tech must be shilled because all the bad shit is getting shilled hard"} {"text":"@chainmonky @0xSmit @badkidsart I only make bets on projects that I am not afraid to evangelise"} {"text":"$SOL was last cycle's Samcoin $WLD is this cycle's Samcoin Always a normie slaughterhouse or two in bula"} {"text":"Why haven't we seen hyperventilating Solana bull tweets from the blockworks podcast lately?"} {"text":"The @zhusu redemption arc is going to be epic and the man has earned every bit of it"} {"text":"@ballsyalchemist Only airdrops for solo stakers can solve this @sassal0x is right"} {"text":"Investing time is always more important than investing money"} {"text":"Polygon's Agglayer = Aggregation Eigenlayer = Sync Composability Ethereum's 100x answers to Solana "} {"text":"@Madhav_goyal_ @creativedrewy Didn't wanna say it out loud tho. Remove the tag - I am on gud behavior these days"} {"text":"@LoadingALIAS @elonmusk Rocket would take 34mins At least do 8 hours "} {"text":"16 hour flight to SF when we have excellent ICBM technology What does @elonmusk do all day?"} {"text":"\"Badkids\" is human english for Cypherpunks"} {"text":"@0xTexasHedge @loomdart punk9026 disagrees. Flex and price are directly correlated unless the nfts are soulbound"} {"text":"I now own four @badkidsart pfps Still going down the wormhole"} {"text":"@ballsyalchemist You elaborate. I am not gonna name names"} {"text":"70 lawyers going to ethDenver And we thought Denver couldn't get worse"} {"text":"@ballsyalchemist I disagree"} {"text":"I think ethereum's biggest technical risk is not bugs in code but layer 2 ppl building to please eth researchers and podcasters rather than users Thankfully we have Larry Fink rn but lawyers of other coin foundations will also catch up on the ETF in two years and then its users"} {"text":"\"Right now ethereum's biggest technical risk probably is bugs in code\" Isn't that kinda the definition of technical risk?"} {"text":"How's that @Starknet airdrop went to all the EF folks but didn't go to the most OG ethereum nft community aka punks? That's not very ethereum aligned is it? This is personal now "} {"text":"Good to see Ethereum trading like a Data Availability layer again"} {"text":"@jon_charb Ethereum is not real - Jon C"} {"text":"Time for @cryptopunksnfts to wake up Learn from the history of Bitcoin and Ethereum Shilling doesn't shill itself "} {"text":"@Evan_ss6 @lBattleRhino Not the ETF use case"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart Are you accusing us crypto people of being involved in reality?"} {"text":"The Badkids bubble is gonna get sooooooo bad... I can't tellya"} {"text":"@SplitCapital @sama This cycle's Samcoin "} {"text":"@toghrulmaharram @Mudit__Gupta @CelestiaOrg @Starknet @0xPolygon Are you two retards arguing about typo fixes instead of committing some code and collecting $SCROLL?"} {"text":"Pudgy Penguins and BadKids will outperform even Ethereum this cycle Few understand this"} {"text":"Everyone is getting hilariously rich in liquid while I am waiting for my POINTs on DEVNET "} {"text":"Its a great bula tradition to launch an algo unstablecoin. However if someone launches an algostable backed by LRT, I want masternode to descend from Mount Farcaster and strike it down with the full might of Zeus "} {"text":"Who's gunna continue our great bullmarket algo stable tradition and launch this cycle's $LUNA?"} {"text":"@0xrishavb @eigenlayer GMAT once"} {"text":"@Evan_ss6 How many points is that"} {"text":"Scroll github rn is a dev2earn game Web3 gaming has arrived"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart this is dev2earn - just hire a code farm in the far east"} {"text":"I think this whole airdrop fuss is totally unnecessary. Just keep it simple and run a transparent, organic, friendly good vibes farming program like @berachain and be nice to everyone instead of being a <\/redacted> about who is \"entitled\" aka \"adding value\" and who is not "} {"text":"Wen @tarunchitra and @GuilleAngeris paper on quantum algorithms in airdrop mechanism design? Wen?"} {"text":"@moo9000 @drjasper_eth If plebs dont buy your dev bags, they are worth $0. Its not like there's DCF"} {"text":"@moo9000 @drjasper_eth You are with the ruling dev class on this one and I undortunately left that class to join the plebs a while ago. We are not gonna agree"} {"text":"Airdrop hunger games, Devs v Apes "} {"text":"@moo9000 @drjasper_eth is right. Celestia is the \"game changer\" here, then AltLayer, now starknet - airdrop hunger games with devs vs plebs"} {"text":"github farming attack on the Scroll repo is an unfortunate zombie rebellion but it was entirely predictable after the starknet snob-drop Repeat after me: results = f(incentives,environment)"} {"text":"@abhitejxyz Don't accept any food or drinks from them. Not safe"} {"text":"@abhitejxyz @badkidsart @MadLads @pudgypenguins cryptopunks + quantumcats pantheon"} {"text":"@ai That doesn't look like a blockchain?"} {"text":"tl;dr, because of smartcontracts, ethereum is a much better form of peer to peer electronic cash than bitcoin and Satashi would have been very happy to see someone improve on his vision and ship. Someone else should ship even better"} {"text":"@solarpunkmaxi 100% - a great founder is someone who makes a scam real - like self driving cars and vertically landing rockets. A scammer is someone who starts with a scam that stays a scam"} {"text":"I bet on two LST projects that kept coding through the LST hype and then two ai*crypto projects that kept coding through the ai hype Both waited till \"they had something\" and then the hype died Lesson in there "} {"text":"@jdkanani ... and the hub"} {"text":"@0xsachi @balajis Up to is doing a lot of work there"} {"text":"Why'd anyone do a Masters or PhD in a world where even award winning profs and academics just wanna launch a fast unlocking, pre-unlocks staking reward token based on \"tokenomic theory\"?"} {"text":"@Airdrops_one Results = f(incentives). In tradtech, 8-10 year liquidity for founders and team is there for a reason tho as an angel I am perfectly hapi w call options on early liquidity"} {"text":"Pudgy Penguins are the Badkids of Antarctica"} {"text":"The only shared sequencer I have invested in so far is... ethereum Prolly a mid curve mistake but its hard to get behind any kind of ACID\/two phase commit across two brittle systems with their own distinct trust assumptions"} {"text":"My favorite aspect of @eigenlayer is that its a truly innovative foundational primitive with a big vision, founded by an *actual* researcher, that also recognises and respects the early adopter degeneracy that allows all the innovation in this space to flourish in the first place"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy @sandyzkp Sandy is one of us. Thas why I been farming"} {"text":"@sandyzkp We Tog and Pseudo are nice to our left curve \"cancer of the space mercenary e beggar\" community, it won't be hidden at all"} {"text":"@sandyzkp What about sharing my views to criticise my own bags?"} {"text":"If you are only nice to \"modular taxonomists, high priests, podcasters and githubbers\", us e-beggars not gonna ape much innit?"} {"text":"@DeeZe Their size is size"} {"text":"@HHorsley Wher hat? Wen DOGE ETF?"} {"text":"@QwQiao Modular or monolithic doesn't matter. All chains will be aggregated"} {"text":"@0xsebastiena Apes 'aligned' meatspace celebrities, pengus 'aligned' young, cool, hip shitposters"} {"text":"Pudgies will try to flip Punks and then Larry Fink will buy a punk"} {"text":"Pomp is back on CNBC. Is this bearish or bullish?"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko Tucker is the bitboy of geopolitics"} {"text":"Building in crypto is only hard for legit founders who want to ship a product that people would want to use Incentives favour shipping a token with a story instead This is one reason why it's so difficult for crypto projects to hire real AI people right now. AI pays very well"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Send Airdrop or its RPC's fault "} {"text":"Keep the gud vibes @pudgypenguins, be nice and kind to Bored Apes A true pudgy practices gud vibes "} {"text":"1 @badkidsart = 1 eth validator = 32 eth It's preordained because badkids are the nfts of ppl in it for the technology"} {"text":"If you like the intersection of AI and crypto, you will love @FlareNetworks"} {"text":"So we gettin' Covid at @EthereumDenver or nah?"} {"text":"Penguins:Apes::Organic:Inorganic"} {"text":"@sid_coelho @CoinbaseWallet 100%. Bls do integrat mobile w ledger via bluetooth or much much better... @KeystoneWallet via QR like batamask did"} {"text":"@CryptoMan_Ram @routerprotocol whoa"} {"text":"Hello bluechip"} {"text":"@rushimanche movement-al"} {"text":"@HardhatChad @Scroll_ZKP Only the withdrawal to eth from rollup. txns on eth l2s are very fast"} {"text":"@RobinsonBurkey Very easy to misinterpret"} {"text":"ZK proof that @Scroll_ZKP is legit can be found when withdrawing to eth"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Which Solana killer are you upset with?"} {"text":"@0xAbix @taikoxyz @zksync @Scroll_ZKP New paradigm in devrel"} {"text":"@loomdart Keystone gud. Metamask on mobile integration works via QR code"} {"text":"crypto startup --> token pump --> search of legitimacy --> max expensive big cv corporate bozos --> maximum cringe --> token dump --> layoffs --> vibe revival Yuga has now taken the mantle of this great tradition we started at ConsenSys in 2017 "} {"text":"Anyone hiring Rust devs in India\/Ukraine\/Romania to commit code and grammar edits to @taikoxyz, @zksync and @Scroll_ZKP githubs before the airdrops?"} {"text":"What exactly is \"tokenomic theory\"? Is it like \"information theory\" in cryptography? What are its first principles, axioms, theorems and postulates? Did Claude Shannon say something?"} {"text":"Serious question, how is \"leaving acadmics to launch a multibillion dollar token for a product w no PMF\" any kind of... sacrifice?"} {"text":"Its so -EV to spend time w family instead of contributing to the early adoption of web3 protocols that haven't yet launched a token "} {"text":"tl;dr is (a) @EliBenSasson ser has been in it forever and doesn't care about price, which I 100% belv (b) If some team and investors wanna dump unlocks, its their call, which is also true (c) Keep farming - ther may be some tokens for apes inshallah"} {"text":"What does Putin have on David Sacks?"} {"text":"Persistence Pays"} {"text":"This is why blockchains need decentralisation and credible neutrality. Start by staking from home for the airdrops like me, stay for the censorship resistance like Satashi "} {"text":"Hello @Sothebysverse wen @badkidsart auction?"} {"text":"Asking zkSync and Scroll to not take a snapshot until Wednesday on humanitarian grounds. My freshly minted @dappnode is still in the eth validator queue "} {"text":"Prediction market on how soon there will be a Suiphone now that there's a Solana phone and an Aptos phone?"} {"text":"Modular smartphone - Wikipedia Celestia, Avail and EigenDA recently joined forces to launch a new smartphone to compete w the Solana Saga phone"} {"text":"Hello San Francisco builders, let's aggregate at the @0xPolygon AggLayer Meetup on the 21st of Feb in SF - sign up link here"} {"text":"Navalny would probably still be alive if Tucker Carlson hadn't given uncle Vlad a PR boost"} {"text":"@avichal @pulley @Forbes @yinyinwu How about the \"coowner of the dog in Wu's PFP\""} {"text":"@functi0nZer0 Can you summarize for 240 character maxis?"} {"text":"We did a lot of SOL searching but sol rebooted"} {"text":"@santiagoroel Last cycle $7T printa, not a proxy for current run"} {"text":"@thepizzaknight_ Yeah it works well too. Aave just deployed there"} {"text":"Will Binance list OpenAI?"} {"text":"Solana is underpeforming because while a modular chain can support 2^n ie exponential airdrops, a monolithic chain can only support n ie linear airdrops. This means manlets have to ration airdrops once a month or smth whereas modular ppl can invent new airdrop chains on the fly"} {"text":"@AriannaSimpson Wen Dubai tho"} {"text":"The most promising use cases at the intersection of AI and crypto are staking, yield, restaking, ve tokenomics, token emissions, ai-rdrops and (3,3)"} {"text":"tl;dr Succinct did benchmarks w risc0 vm on hardware optimised for *their own* architecture rather than for Risc0's architecture. This is why everyone loves benchmarks as long as its their benchmark. Bullish on @RiscZero"} {"text":"If Scroll is the last zkEVM, what is Taiko?"} {"text":"IMO Bittensor has just as much to do with AI as OpenAI has to do with crypto"} {"text":"@daddysether Its ETH ETF, not STETH ETF dammit"} {"text":"@vishal4c Revenue is for equity boomer. Tokens are commodities for gud vibes, airdrops and dank memes"} {"text":"@HeslinKim @monad_xyz @eigenlayer now LRT bro, crypto never stops"} {"text":"@nickwh8te Aggregated = Well functioning free market"} {"text":"You.... Aggregate me "} {"text":"TVL is going to be replaced by an endless stream of sensory pleasing ai generated mush"} {"text":"@deepcryptodive @lemiscate faaaarm all of Hayden's MEV"} {"text":"Passive farming courtesy quality ethereum customer support from @lemiscate"} {"text":"@jdkanani This is the Solana strategy?"} {"text":"@elonmusk In crypro we call that retroactive public goods profit"} {"text":"Dosa Alignment"} {"text":"@Madhav_goyal_ @monad_xyz @eigenlayer No no, I hab screentime"} {"text":"I invested in @monad_xyz and @eigenlayer and I am still working 17 hour days including 4 hours of chatting on telegram, 3 hours of shitposting and 2 hours of airdrop farming Why aren't you?"} {"text":"@akshaybd Idk about 1,2, 3 - but No Larry Fink"} {"text":"Gas fees were high Rollups were fragmented Narrative was confusing Bankless went merc Manlets won twitter 20 year olds were going elsewhere Then this Cofounder of ethereum stood up "} {"text":"@iamDCinvestor Now do SOL\/ETH top"} {"text":"So that the US gov can control the development, AI will be centralised by law, just as investment banking is"} {"text":"If you still think tokens go up because of \"value accrual\" rather than hope and demand, you really haven't learnt anything in crypto"} {"text":"Study @brian_armstrong Lessons on focus in there "} {"text":"@jdkanani @BrianRetford Never took JD ser for a fed"} {"text":"@VitalikButerin @DrewPavlou That's a valid Canadian viewpoint, not universal. Empirically, european experience with large scale low skill immigration has been awful lately. It only works if the host country can invest in infrastructure, education, assimilation and law and order and that's not America rn"} {"text":"Lol on \"modular fundraising\""} {"text":"Come to think of it, the only dancer solana core devs will ever get to dance wid is firedancer"} {"text":"@iamDCinvestor There's a country song in there DC"} {"text":"I don't know who needs to know this but the salaries and lambos of every exalted innovator, dev, researcher, bizdev-er, long term investoor, devrel-er, moraliser, operatoor and legal luminary in crypto are paid by speculators and e-beggars"} {"text":"@ilblackdragon You had me at Aggregation "} {"text":"Open AI can kill every AI company but they can't do anything to AI memecoins Lesson in there"} {"text":"@keoneHD gmonadenver"} {"text":"Badkids are modular PFPs "} {"text":"@ayyyeandy @AvailProject @eigen_da @CelestiaOrg Might as well throw in Solana then. I have two madlads that need to go up"} {"text":"Who's building $SORA to disrupt $TAO?"} {"text":"I think I have spent more listening to this priceless book on Audible, than actually sleeping well"} {"text":"THE TERM OG DOES NOT STAND FOR OLD AND GRUMPY"} {"text":"Study modularity Aggregation in there "} {"text":"@blockgraze Looks like @0xMert_ is coming to eth denver to hear all about it"} {"text":"@0x42069x Art is 8x better than when I bought"} {"text":"Will @IOHK_Charles ser live demo his ice cold bucket bath at @EthereumDenver?"} {"text":"@0xJim Infidel"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Solano's reboot switch is involuntary tho"} {"text":"not acceptable, ban any known individuals posting antisemitic comments from @ETHGlobal events, discords and airdrops wherever possible"} {"text":"Its penance pilgrim"} {"text":"@jon_charb thoughts on ishares steth etf?"} {"text":"In Capitalism, speculation is a public good"} {"text":"crypto bula is wen you don't even have time to make money and bera is wen no matter how much time you spend, you aren't gonna make any"} {"text":"@Patrick_Bush_VE @cosmos Yes though now pretty much any high economic security chain that supports IBC is a potential hub"} {"text":"@Patrick_Bush_VE @cosmos The aggregate market value of Cosmos appchains is... not zero"} {"text":"Let's face it. The @Cosmos architecture pretty much won Now we have Cosmos Cosmos-es on ethereum Cosmos on Bitcoin Only Eigenlayer and Solana holding out on sync composability How long? We shall see"} {"text":"Uniswap Hayden Bhai looking at Osmosis Sunny and DyDx Antony bhais enjooying their own MEV Wher there are apps w PMF, ther shall be appchains CDK by @0xPolygon solves this"} {"text":"Rehypothecation is when you are so busy shilling solano that you miss the biggest thing on ethereum since defi summer"} {"text":"@rajgokal 'tis wat eth ppl call moonlambo"} {"text":"When I had the ability to think this hard, I was making $0 doing post trade settlement using Fabric and Quorum"} {"text":"@crypt0_beluga @haydenzadams Not fair. Hayden has more users than anyone in blockchain. He can have his opinions and others can disagree"} {"text":"Its rather ironic that podcasters, paperware pundits, and github editors who have never shipped a product w any PMF somehow feel morally superior and entitled to get rich on tokens while shitting on their users and \"e-beggars\" Who do we think is buying tokens if not e-beggars?"} {"text":"This is the year 2024 and I am refusing to accept $56,000 for a cartoon penguin In 2023 I'd have loved $5600"} {"text":"@haydenzadams Better to pay stakers than lawyers, priests and podcasts"} {"text":"Best crypto war po(poco)rn rn"} {"text":"Could have guessed what kind of product the Apple vision pro was gonna be after watching the corporate cringe videos coming out of Cupertino"} {"text":"The only user ethereum L1 will ever need"} {"text":"@0xfoobar Why do we need users when we are getting Blackrock?"} {"text":"@0xfoobar Correct. Its time to just sit back and do hyperacademic things at the pace of Europe"} {"text":"Someone needs to tell @0xfoobar that ETF hope has saved Ethereum already. We don't need to fix anything unless the ETF gets denied"} {"text":"$2800 VITALIK BUTERIN WHITE PAPER GAVIN WOOD YELLOW PAPER JOE LUBIN FUNDED JEFF WILCKES CODED ETHEREUM FOUNDATION DUMPED COIN"} {"text":"Starknet did a snob-drop so that @Scroll_ZKP can learn from the resulting vibes"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Shared values wif hat, wen, bonk, jito and jup"} {"text":"@prasagl @Apple Its undesign"} {"text":"I tried out a friend's @Apple vision pro in Dubai, and the news is true Steve Jobs is really no more "} {"text":"@moo9000 I am very supportive of launching a token long before anything works and unlocking it wen bula confirmed. Monad DEVNET token will melt faces"} {"text":"So who else is planning to demonstrate their integrity publicly by doing a secret TGE and insta unlocks after launch?"} {"text":"Not sure why ppl who have contributed groundbreaking science and engineering in their career would launch a token to have their stellar reputation tinged by token allocations and unlock schedules Dan Boneh is kinda in that he lets token kinda people handle token kinda things"} {"text":"@ann_droo @cosmos Nono, right because no insider v outsider pyramid dynamic on one token"} {"text":"@ciberexplosion @cosmos That's Polkadot consensus"} {"text":"@ann_droo @cosmos Yet another thing they got right tbh"} {"text":"Its incredible how many things @cosmos guys got right. Rust, Wasm, IBC, PoS, async composability, sovereign chains, badkids and keeping airdrops simple as fk"} {"text":"A bit tragic that World War 3 will be triggered by a bungled airdrop program"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Its ethereum's answer to mertchain"} {"text":"Starknet's secret, instadumpable at launch ZK-TGE token should be an entire token standard, ERC-69 or something"} {"text":"Aggregation enables scalable verifiability "} {"text":"@IOHK_Charles That bucket has moar TVL than Cardano"} {"text":"Meanwhile on Farcaster"} {"text":"@routerprotocol @osmosiszone @cosmos The best Cosmos chain"} {"text":"$STARK had a Zero Knowledge token launch"} {"text":"Before $STARK. After $STARK"} {"text":"@jmfrapat @SelectaCrypto @sassal0x Next validator"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy @QwQiao is the final form of VC"} {"text":"The Zero in Zero Knowledge stands for what most @Starknet users got"} {"text":"Starknet airdrop rewarded top 500 eth repos heavily so that when Starknet launches its own Consensus, its still considered an \"ethereum aligned layer 2\""} {"text":"Methinks the @Starknet airdrop has total PMF. Starknet is of the devs, for devs by the devs - token already $20b FDV - no real users currently exist, none required in the future"} {"text":"@SelectaCrypto @sassal0x"} {"text":"Looks like @sassal0x was right and decentralisation of ethereum matters to me personally"} {"text":"Everything will be aggregated "} {"text":"@JoshuaTobkin Cosmos guys were right in the first place is all I will say"} {"text":"@gadikian idk. crypto is so entertaining that sometimes even I am not sure"} {"text":"@degen_julian Points"} {"text":"Just trying to solve shared sequencer fragmentation after eth solves rollup fragmentation using shared sequencers"} {"text":"A shared sequencer to sequence all the shared sequencers Who's building this?"} {"text":"@hosseeb @KaikoData This are just special cases of the shitcoin theorem"} {"text":"@_khanhamzah @PhilJBonello Which side of the intelligence bell curve is being incentivised"} {"text":"Karpathy just left OpenAI Which ai flavoured memecoin will hire him as an advisoor?"} {"text":"Owning a @QuantumCatsXYZ is the next best thing to owning a Taproot Wizard Wher's my influenza jpeg for this tweet @udiWertheimer ?"} {"text":"@PhilJBonello \"It's up to the subnets to create viable use cases\" Isn't it a bit too early for Bittensor to pivot from AI memes onto a general purpose L1 narrative?"} {"text":"@larry0x Yes"} {"text":"gm modular warriors"} {"text":"@0xfoobar "} {"text":"@0xfoobar Ser you invested in Blast. $1b locked in multisig could cause social layer to hard fork eth if locked like Gavin's wallet"} {"text":"@naruto11eth @0xfoobar A blast investor shouldnt say anything"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Do you mean Catastrophic risk of liquidations due to chain reboot?"} {"text":"@Evan_ss6 $BIAS "} {"text":"If a VC\/angel fuds restaking on this website, check if 1. They missed Eigenlayer and\/or 2. They invested in Celestia Bag bias monitoring is a fine use case at the intersection of crypto and AI "} {"text":"People who bought the best shiny new coin of the year in 2008, 2012, 2014, 2018 and 2020 made it Now they *educate* you that you will also make it by buying the *same* coin they did Lesson in there "} {"text":"The fastest zk proof verifers always return(true) "} {"text":"\"Synchronous composability\" is just modular people talking like manlets Async composability is where its always been Cosmos guys understand this, everyone else will too"} {"text":"nothotodog, but with a token Who's building this use case at the intersection of Crypto and AI?"} {"text":"@litocoen Don't worry. Proposer builder separation will solve this in 2069"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart Wait! $LIFE airdrop wen?"} {"text":"I think I need 24 hours of cryogenic sleep, whatever that is"} {"text":"Feeling cute. Might invent random phrases like \"atomic composability across rollups\""} {"text":"What will Sisyphus do with all that money?"} {"text":"@cburniske @CelestiaOrg @placeholdervc Solana is not modular tho "} {"text":"A bit surreal to think that the end of world will start with that one unanswered dm on telegram "} {"text":"@Native_0x @chamathsintern Natural Stupidity"} {"text":"@Native_0x @chamathsintern 2015: Yodacap bet both balls on enterprise blockchain Both gone Lesson in there "} {"text":"One day I am going to release a bunch of crypto shitposter jokes in the form of an academic looking paper and call it something CS PhD worthy like \"On Stochastic PDEs for Memecoin Pricing In the Presence of Shits and Giggles, Lol\""} {"text":"@andy8052 EIR = wannabe founder (but not sure) on smol payroll and mostly comfortable life"} {"text":"@monad_xyz I was going to say ethereum and solano"} {"text":"@FilamentFinance >> Is it for airdrop hunters? Can we discuss this"} {"text":"What happened? Why is bitcoin ded again?"} {"text":"mood today"} {"text":"@prabalbanerjee Will there be ?"} {"text":"no, it doesn't solve rollup fragmentation"} {"text":"\"Do not ask why something needs a token. Ask why a token needs anything else...\" - Plato"} {"text":"mfers will close a tiny seed round and announce their own side event at every eth conf... than go to therapy"} {"text":"Forget rollup fragmentation. Conference fragmentation is a much bigger problem"} {"text":"@thecitadeldefi @YoannTurpin1 @cburniske You are looking for Lawrence Fishburn"} {"text":"This is true. After the first two dozen vapoware projects we shall hit upon something that actually works and is needed"} {"text":"@cburniske Cumberland, Wintermute, DWF..."} {"text":"@fede_intern What is shared proving? Aggregated proof of two execution proofs?"} {"text":"@mdudas @foundersfund Its not outperform till the phat lady ethereum gigapumps"} {"text":"Final form of multisig:"} {"text":"@jackzampolin @LanrayIge Gnosis multisig v Tendermint multisig "} {"text":"@mdudas Tokens solve this"} {"text":"@0xMert_ How come Etherscan has such a large monopoly on SVM chain?"} {"text":"@jackzampolin @LanrayIge IBC has trust assumptions re low economic security chains, which Cosmos frens need to solve via shared security. This is of course when I shill proof aggregation and Eigenlayer"} {"text":"Its really important to understand that @0xPolygon s aggregation thesis is about conviction over competition. Its very different from the Polygon of Solunavax battles and L2 wars. though there is always competition, Aggregation is by definition open, inclusive and collaborative"} {"text":"@DCbuild3r @SuiNetwork @Aptos_Network Senior folks on both teams are great. Aptos guys are also regulars at ethDenver. TVL doesn't say anything about either"} {"text":"eth can go to $69000 and I will still go to work till I die There are some advantages to growing up working class. The biggest of them all is the need to work"} {"text":"Re the @SuiNetwork v @Aptos_Network comparisons, judging a blockchain ecosystem based on recent TVL growth is like judging an entire person based on botox"} {"text":"If you meet a girl who shows you a cumulative chart that doesn't just go up only, she's a keeper - marry her"} {"text":"@nickwh8te Ser, allow me to introduce you to the @Blast_L2 multisig"} {"text":"@satsdart Its the new ethereum"} {"text":"Blockworks is the multi chain Bankless Lesson in there"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart @0xMert_ Raise 50m seed for to juice a Raspberry pi with an H100 Gwart"} {"text":"@JasonYanowitz Too early to call, solely based on TVL incentives"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Whats the solution?"} {"text":"@Scroll_ZKP @aave Gud to hab an app there that I will use"} {"text":"My investment advice is also the same as Vitalik"} {"text":"@ercwl That was printer bubble, this ain't"} {"text":"@0xMert_ @GwartyGwart s raspberry pi is also improving"} {"text":"As a British Citizen, I demand that Suits be remade without His Majesty's second daughter in law and all the soap"} {"text":"Work is very important in life. In bula it stops you from making money and in bera it stops you from losing it"} {"text":"Study Vaporware Lesson in there "} {"text":"@nickwh8te @blockworksres *Cumulative* is chart crime tho"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy @CelestiaOrg This is what @0xMert_ had warned dot eths about"} {"text":"Liquidity mining"} {"text":"Next stop 1 @pudgypenguins = 1 eth validator 32 eth "} {"text":"Bold Care can bring even Solana right back up"} {"text":"@yashcrypto21 @akshaybd @devaiahPB @thetanmay Bold Care can reboot Solana!"} {"text":"@akshaybd @devaiahPB @thetanmay Is that Johnny Sins?"} {"text":"Still the Feds - crypto has \"already won\", just as eth had \"already won\""} {"text":"@odin_free @dimahledba Congrats. 9000 people?"} {"text":"Polygon's agglayer is the most egalitarian thing we've ever seen. it's insanely ambitious, and if it works, can really reshape the fabric of society"} {"text":"We haveeen eein seerious probleem in Dubaieee"} {"text":"@bittybitbit86 @davidfeiock Thankfully, I came from nocoiner blockchain, there were no skeletons there haha"} {"text":"@chamathsintern source?"} {"text":"gm"} {"text":"@JoshuaTobkin @jon_charb @0xAyer >> its own block rewards If a token is possible, a token shall manifest"} {"text":"This is why I bet on people over projects Now research Composable finance Lesson in there"} {"text":"Very BAD utility"} {"text":"AI wif hat"} {"text":"@sama Sam quoting the Bhagvadgita is what I am here for"} {"text":"crypto people are announcing more AI with $7m seed rounds than Sama did with $7b Web 3 is 1000x more efficient at announcing than Web2 "} {"text":"\"Anything can be achieved with blockchain technology as long as you never have to ship it\" - His Holiness, The Dalai Lama"} {"text":"@mattmaximo1 Wasn't bad mouthing haha, more like good mouthing. 20b fully unlocked in 2026? wake up"} {"text":"Some misunderstood my tweet. Peoole willing to pay $7b for Celestia secondaries (expecting a 3+x unlocked) means the market is exuberant and there's more cash waiting on the sidelines than I had originally imagined Unless the Feds do smth stupid, the last free range bula be fun"} {"text":"@sreeramkannan @jon_charb @0xAyer @musalbas Every Cosmos chain is an Eigenlayer AVS with its own validator set"} {"text":"@coopernicus01 Lesson in there!"} {"text":"@eshita @0xsitaram Will there be airdrop tho?"} {"text":"If you're in crypto, pivot to ai token"} {"text":"@jimmyhumania Lets say, supply chain"} {"text":"@andrej_muzevic @MikeIppolito_ The Feds always have something cooking imo"} {"text":"When applied to technology other than blockchain, these words are synonymous with vaporware"} {"text":"@MikeIppolito_ There's always a catch Mike... always a catch"} {"text":"@avedarave_ @coopernicus01 Might have an easier time if you come from cosmetics, soft drinks or FMCG... if you come from web2 tech marketing its pure pain"} {"text":"@Taran_ss @upnodeIntern @malekanoms Also, Celestia is not an L1... no execution"} {"text":"Hat economy"} {"text":"@NTmoney Any crypto ads this time?"} {"text":"@ZeMariaMacedo Bullish signal for the market IMO"} {"text":"Cooking something "} {"text":"@EliBenSasson Any airdrop to pengus will count as 0 click"} {"text":"As @EthereumDenver approaches, I would like to apologise to the fine people of the great city of Denver for calling the city the worst City in Colorado On average, a crime occurs in Grand Junction every 3 hours and 13 minutes."} {"text":"@0xsitaram many such cases"} {"text":"@samlafer @moo9000 We are all VCs"} {"text":"@samlafer @moo9000 Sellers are up 350x on seed. Buyers are too much cash flowing in from US stonk boom and China exodus"} {"text":"What does Bittensor do"} {"text":"1 Pudgy = 2 quarters tuition at Stanford "} {"text":"@ad137hya @gadikian Its actually not bad. People won't buy at 7 unless they expect a 3x over the year or two"} {"text":"@TheFigen_"} {"text":"@robin_rrtx DA means yes in Russian"} {"text":"Celestia secondaries going at 50% discount to spot Lesson in there "} {"text":"@vkhosla >> We don't see a lot of big ideas out of India The pain is real. Thankfully US west coast Indians launch insanely ambitious ideas like @eigenlayer"} {"text":"@SuperteamAE I knew some friendly manlet will shill in replies to that and here we are . Sol devex is still pain but the product culture is real"} {"text":"The modular paradigm means Coingecko website will run into 10,000 pages"} {"text":"@chamathsintern Not all but I'd prefer if they use ETH"} {"text":"Need 11: brand new 15-25 year old users"} {"text":"@Codiox Just hodl"} {"text":"Few understand this"} {"text":"@udiWertheimer Its BIP 420"} {"text":"Some eth guys have lost touch w user so bad that now product announcements start with \"ERC\" or \"EIP\" or \"decentralised\" Actually the target customer of these products are VCs Hello! \"Launching our modular decentralised prover that uses a shared sequencer for EIP 404 purchases\""} {"text":"@0xMert_ Men who grew up are not on this app"} {"text":"Dev writing smartcontracts in Haskell"} {"text":"If the thotleader answer to rollup fragmentation is shared sequencing, I have a bridge to sell to you"} {"text":"@ashleighschap @worldcoin You were early at two defi bluechips Ash. You don't need that airdrop"} {"text":"This year I signed two SAFEs at over $250m val"} {"text":"@keoneHD Of course. Yet until pmf wen its time to load up on experience, the job is to make decisions"} {"text":"@ballsyalchemist >> seamless atomic composability across chain via shared sequencing"} {"text":"How can I create some farcaster frames for free in five fun minutes and then sell them for a lot to all you retail people?"} {"text":"Strong opinions loosely held are great in founders, as long as you back yourself and don't let CVs run amok It's a common fallacy to think that those who have never started or run a business can make better mistakes than you Always be the MaO (more like the Deng) of your DaO "} {"text":"I often wonder how some crypto tweets get Bieber fangirl treatment"} {"text":"Q: Whats the difference between eth maxis and sol maxis A: Nothing. Same people, different coin"} {"text":"Cosmos frens sometimes act poor. Jus $7k floor for a @badkidsart and ppl already wanna make cheaper edition badkids Chill guys"} {"text":"\"Token price action is the best marketing\""} {"text":"There's now an entire New York Times bestseller about adding tokens to every app"} {"text":"@blockgraze 'tis wen we get a suit and make crypto linkedin lesson in there"} {"text":"@QwQiao Lesson in there "} {"text":"@QwQiao I have a 18mo cycle mindset - 12 moar to next sbf"} {"text":"In the next 12mo, anyone can do well in crypto just by not getting phished, rug pulled, exploited or sim swapped challenge level, impossible"} {"text":"@SuperteamAE The hat is gone "} {"text":"Every Dosa comes from a gud farm "} {"text":"Ironically when degens hit stop losses, there are no jobs in crypto "} {"text":"New year treats from @hotpot_dao, no connection w berachain"} {"text":"Dosa Club, CNY edition "} {"text":"Information theorists in the 'hood"} {"text":"@sachayve Bm"} {"text":"I don't think shared sequencers solve rollup fragmentation for users, gonna need something a lot more interesting, starting w proof aggregation "} {"text":"@harshalmadnani matic is used as gas on the pos chain and staked by PoS validators - also read the polygon 2.0 whitepaper"} {"text":"Aggregated = up only "} {"text":"$7T raise for @sama makes sense. If he gonna do AGI he gonna need his own standing armed forces to fight both US and China"} {"text":"@armaniferrante @0xrooter $BKPK now or I am switching to phantom"} {"text":"a16z crypto is about to double its headcount"} {"text":"Poasting this as a placeholder for now..."} {"text":"This is what we call social consensus"} {"text":"So BAD to make other bad kids do the work"} {"text":"@badkidsart ... but that smile, that goddamn smile!"} {"text":"@RachinKalakheti Its ten thousand+ clicks rn"} {"text":"One click modular token launch, CEX listing and insta exit liquidity for devs Who's building this?"} {"text":"Stop trying to make $ATOM go up. Its a museum coin of historical significance, its not money, or anything else"} {"text":"All my homies like to restake, none of my homies like to be slashed"} {"text":"@basedhc Widely used yes"} {"text":"Unless you have a little too much money, do not invest in projects where you'd not wanna go work. Just buy bitcoin or smth"} {"text":"Consensus mental models: You can trust tendermint to protect your food but not your house You can trust LMD Ghost + Casper FFG to protect your house but not your food Solana PoH will protect both but once in a while the house will get flooded and the food will be stale"} {"text":"Cosmos appchains hit different when Binance is in the seed"} {"text":"I am told that if you remove the word Apple from the Apple vision pro, the whole device is ngmi"} {"text":"Me on the eve of modular wars as Avail and EigenDA prepare for launch"} {"text":"Is \"we should do some deals together\" a good message? Asking for a friend"} {"text":"@0xMert_ @ayyyeandy"} {"text":"@nickwh8te Aggregated = up only"} {"text":"Monolithic: n airdrops Modular: 2^n airdrops"} {"text":"@davidjgoosey @serotonin_hq Congrats ser. Get to werk already"} {"text":"\"Settlement layer\" is ledger w the final word on state ie who owns what Obv needs to be computationally infeasible to rewrite ex via Consensus How state got there ie *txn ordering* can sit on DA layer A good settlement layer should not depend on DA rent for econ. security"} {"text":"@earlyXBT I have a embraer light client - basically a honda suv"} {"text":"None of the DAS homies have a jet. They just use light clients"} {"text":"@NeerajT4"} {"text":"There's no BETA to Eigenlayer Eigenlayer is the META"} {"text":"@QwQiao Bitcoin is the final form of "} {"text":"It fits that @0xSisyphus ser is shilling 404"} {"text":"Luna would have made a nice modular settlement layer"} {"text":"@DCbuild3r @zeroknowledgefm Not zk "} {"text":"Build, Measure, Aggregate "} {"text":""} {"text":"@DCbuild3r @zeroknowledgefm Prove it"} {"text":"Due to narrative chasing VC frens, crypto pitches are sometimes like bollywood movie screenplays. \"Bro, let's insert an item song here, a rain dance there, a fighting scene on slide 3, zk on slide 4, rollup on slide 5 and a hint of LRT on slide 6... \""} {"text":"@jimmyhumania \"Padhoge, Likhoge, Banoge Nawab\" @simplykashif"} {"text":"This is because every dev, contributor, artist and founder is also a VC\/angel on the side"} {"text":"$DYM shows that the modular world will be exponentially retarded. At least it took a weekend to ikea assemble a Cosmos appchain and launch a Canto. Now it will take four button clicks and a hail mary prayer to launch a rollup"} {"text":"I am now out of stables. a16jit is temporarily closed"} {"text":"@Madhav_goyal_ DYM txn explorer"} {"text":"$8 DYM feels morally wrong"} {"text":"Was really good to hear insights on vibes, tools, community and incentives from some of the best devrel minds in the industry... check it out"} {"text":"@Madhav_goyal_ attention is now on re ( re ( restake ) token() ). token() ie LRT"} {"text":"gm badkids"} {"text":"ETH DeFi kinda stagnant rn so bluechips are PVP-fi. Only brother Leshner moved onto do something different and cool"} {"text":"Happy Chinese new year "} {"text":"@functi0nZer0 What did you do to get blocked"} {"text":"@nickwh8te Stanford x no idea what to do w life = VC, simple "} {"text":"@nickwh8te @cdixon I think we need to stake it"} {"text":"Senior dev right after launching his own token"} {"text":"@nickwh8te @cdixon I bot both kindle and audible editions and still no airdrop "} {"text":"Taylor Swift on @badkidsart"} {"text":"@Sothebysverse We need new legislation to stop this"} {"text":"A podcast featuring @badkidsart holder researchers and builders called \"badcast\" who's building this?"} {"text":"@matthew_sigel The coffee is better tho"} {"text":"\"Type 1 can prove existing Ethereum blocks at an average per-tx cost of $0.002 to $0.003\" Only Possible on @0xPolygon"} {"text":"Thinking about @eigenlayer points"} {"text":"Jeeters of Binance listed airdrop stuck in the 11th DYMENSION"} {"text":"@dimahledba @StarkWareLtd @GuthL Bullish"} {"text":"@jelenaaa____ Celestia, DYDX, Osmosis and Noble "} {"text":"@GwartyGwart If you buy a modular $HOUSE and stake it you might get free $SAUNA as airdrop"} {"text":"Its very BAD to say I toldyaso"} {"text":"@The3D_ How Kain they let this happen?"} {"text":"@0xSisyphus 4"} {"text":"The only thing missing in this icecream is... Penelope Cruz"} {"text":"Vibe maximalism "} {"text":"What a fine name for a defi startup"} {"text":"eth szn"} {"text":"Thinking about Shared Security"} {"text":"Thinking about modularity"} {"text":"@0xMert_ new narrative "} {"text":"\"Read, Write, Own\" is now 9th on the NYT nonfiction bestseller list Wen token tho?"} {"text":"CZ built such an incredibly successful product that for most crypto projects, his product ie Binance is still the main product"} {"text":"Bakkt upholding the crypto tradition of founders succeeding financially without product sucess or business success "} {"text":"@0xMert_ Bruh thats Steve Jobless"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart What do you mean thinking?"} {"text":"@Hazbobo1 @badkidsart @lex_node so bad"} {"text":"I like to delude myself that I started the @badkidsart bula but it was @lex_node s tweet that made me fill and shill these iconic jpegs"} {"text":"@vandynathan @inversebrah"} {"text":"Aggregate all the fud also "} {"text":"live now"} {"text":"One of the coolest protocol engineering roles in the industry"} {"text":"Solano rebooted so that Ethereum can moon "} {"text":"ETHEREUM"} {"text":"If the universe wasn't made of memes, why would ARPANET have launched in 1969? 69 "} {"text":"@GwartyGwart That's liniear monolithic thinking. Modular airdrops are recursive with no terminating condition"} {"text":"@monad_xyz"} {"text":"@fede_intern Fede and Yoda always been aligned innit?"} {"text":"@jelenaaa____ @kimbatronic @cdixon Wait, if I order a notebook, I get a signed copy?"} {"text":"@TrustlessTooth @solana I dont feel that strongly about it. ETH and Sol can make completely different tradeoffs and apps will choose accordingly"} {"text":"Thinking about aggregation "} {"text":"Ribbing and twitter fun aside, as a former practicing dev, I genuinely feel bad for @solana core engineers who are solving some truly hard engg problems. 365 days without a block production issue would have been a well deserved win - wishing the next 365 days will be that "} {"text":"Wanted to sell all my DYM because the mainnet is more like testnet but then I saw this page of potential future airdrops"} {"text":"@laurashin @dwr @Unchained_pod @farcaster_xyz Wen token?"} {"text":"@Anton_Golub I wouldn't - its the swiss ico foundation thesis"} {"text":"Is it possible to write an evm execution proof verifier as a bitcoin p2sh script?"} {"text":"ethereum should enshrine locking away eth for points"} {"text":"I don't know who needs to know this but a Binance or Coinbase listing is not a business model... ... or maybe it is "} {"text":"@ArcanaNetwork Generational $XAR"} {"text":"Who's building a privacy preserving prover marketplace of zk prover marketplaces?"} {"text":"We are not in a liquid crypto bubble we are sure as fk in a crypto secondaries bubble"} {"text":"@moo9000 Sounds like a privacy feature. Harder to hack shit code than good code"} {"text":"Time for anons to build defi on monero"} {"text":"@prash_speaks See PFP"} {"text":"@AkshitBordia @LogX_trade "} {"text":"Aggregation everywhere "} {"text":"Why buy an apple vision pro wen you can hab a Bitcoin vision pro? @udiWertheimer din let me into the whitelist - he's a very bad fren, like @badkidsart bad"} {"text":"Dymentors?"} {"text":""} {"text":"@0xMert_ \"bullying and intimdation\" of maxis of other chains is censorship tho"} {"text":"If you like modular basic income, you will LOVE eigen basic income"} {"text":"Modular basic income"} {"text":"@nickwh8te @cburniske as well as modular basic income "} {"text":"Aggregate everything, even the rebootable blockchains"} {"text":"Dymension is Solano for modular people. Hype is awesome, valuation is moon, vibes are immaculate, tech sometimes works"} {"text":"Sold half my $DYM airdrop, staked the other half for the next set of airdrops This is modular settlement "} {"text":"Isnt this what @tezos does too?"} {"text":"@ernani_eth Yes but that didn't stop the ads"} {"text":"@spliffymagoo @TrustlessState @NTBro @dgbirch true but they often do abroad and i hab other forms to deal wid it"} {"text":"@luigidemeo I want to speak at a panel on avax, ethereum but worse \u2122"} {"text":"ICO era founders are coming back to regular jobs and you are bearish anon?"} {"text":"@TrustlessState @NTBro Its not that clear to me tbh, my bank goes down on me every weekend. @dgbirch can meditate on this problem but we use forms of money that are offline at times"} {"text":"@ernani_eth Balances are safu and chain doesn't split"} {"text":"@starchld_cosmos With some safety failures you can get two tokens for one"} {"text":"The market clearly thinks Safety > Liveness"} {"text":"I see: Decentralised prover network I read: Token"} {"text":"@sriramk @AaronSuplizio @cdixon @tferriss Isn't Farcaster skeumorphic?"} {"text":"Dymension standardizes rollups with IBC, similar to how tokens were standardized with ERC Dymension Hub hosts an embedded liquidity layer that facilitates asset pricing, swapping, and efficient token routing across the ecosystem"} {"text":"@jchervinsky Defi E\u0336d\u0336u\u0336c\u0336a\u0336t\u0336i\u0336o\u0336n\u0336 Litigation Fund pls"} {"text":"Whats the industry's plan to deal with the SEC's Uniswap rule? cc: @fund_defi"} {"text":"\"After she goes down a lot you stop feeling anything\" - Sol provider"} {"text":"\"Dymension\u2019s failure to reach consensus on Mainnet is because 35% of staked DYM is delegated to a single validator\" Modular settlement layer wao"} {"text":"@0xfoobar Time for Geth to do its thing?"} {"text":"@pipeline_xyz @monad_xyz Devnet or Devnet Beta tho?"} {"text":"@HugoPhilion Go get him marine @lemiscate"} {"text":"@WEB3YashK @Aptos_Network Stop fudding - most things are down v BTC"} {"text":"@jake_xbt @dymension"} {"text":"Sequel: \"Read, Write, Own, Reboot\""} {"text":"MODULAR REBOOT $DYM > MONOLITHIC REBOOT $SOL"} {"text":"@santiagoroel @tmnxeq VC ser tweeted too soon :-)"} {"text":"@nic__carter crypto does not require blockchain technology"} {"text":"@luigidemeo @0xMert_ Wait until @kevinsekniqi announces a rebootable subnet with moar tps than Sol"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Just reboot the marriage too manlet!"} {"text":"@Evan_ss6 @santiagoroel $75-100 "} {"text":"I like Solana but investors should not write poetry"} {"text":"Consensus protocols have liveness issues and safety issues but a multisig never goes down If you are in blockchain, pivot to multisig "} {"text":"How Kanav Solano gone down? Why didn't the firedancer devs Jump to reboot it?"} {"text":"I meant casting - additional workload"} {"text":"Bhai @0xMert_ was busy tweeting and forgot to elect the next leader in Consensus"} {"text":"History buffs from Byzantium "} {"text":"Dosa Availability Sampling with Mohit ser"} {"text":"What went wrong with the RON launch on Binance? Number supposed go up, not down?"} {"text":"Literally @VCBrags "} {"text":"Celestia was just a preview. Eigen summer is here and LRT is the new airdropping appchain. Cosmos guys can NEVER match the token manufacturing capabilities of us eth guys "} {"text":"@BrianRetford Ser you can't say rando wen your job is basically coding randomness moonmath"} {"text":"I didn't sleep very well last night. Bay area tech dudes just wouldn't stop flashing paid ads of \"Read, Write, Own\" into my optic nerve via neuralink"} {"text":"If you can avoid both in crypto, you're winning"} {"text":"@Hazbobo1 Only defi metrics, not most metrics. Answer is focus"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Only eth pays its debts ( validator profitability )"} {"text":"@akshaybd @Austin_Federa Indian parents will not be thrilled by \"try before you buy\" Akshay"} {"text":"@0xKATYA we already do tho"} {"text":"@chrisamccoy @thestorecloud "} {"text":"If I wrote a crypto book, I'd probably get Elliotrades, the martini guy, ivan on tech or one of the other \"youtube based blockchain technology researchers\" to advertise it as a \"hidden gem\" on their channel"} {"text":"@blockgraze per week? ya"} {"text":"mfers be like \"we are innovating\" and then launch the 69420th copypasta LRT, RAAS or rollup for the sake of a token I prefer dog photos wif hat imo"} {"text":"Which recent a16z thing is more media-blitz-hyped than the other:"} {"text":"Some of my most valuable work as a crypto investor these days is helping highly intelligent founders become a lot less intelligent"} {"text":"Mood today"} {"text":"Its not bull market till GLG starts sending \"your expertise is requested\" emails about the bitcoin ETFs"} {"text":"@EffortCapital Hub would need to add DAS to be a valid Canary network for Celestia, and boy, would that be spicy "} {"text":"@franciskthomas @dymension You need therapy wen your pengu's gone"} {"text":"@Faktastic11 Bro you were doing nocoiner chain"} {"text":"@ronitA380 Will there be full page ads in Wapo, NYT or the Daily Prophet?"} {"text":"@CryptoMan_Ram @routerprotocol Congrats"} {"text":"@wmougayar Only bitcoin and tokenization there, and a couple of funds"} {"text":"OH:\"Five years back, Dubai crypto scene used to be just money and boobs but now we have a ton of builders here\""} {"text":"LRT = Wrapper on @eigenlayer with its own token There will only ever be 21 million LRT projects "} {"text":"So, what are we aggregating today? "} {"text":"@DEVBOSE111 @0xMert_ This reply guy service is only available for eth, Polygon and portcos"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Unfortunately, I plan to bully and intimidate you there"} {"text":"@0xMert_ @apolynya Less friction to just delet your EdDSA keys stored in the cloud"} {"text":"@apolynya Let's post a governance proposal to delet @0xMert_ s farcaster account"} {"text":"I am pretty sure every crypto founder and exec on CT is what the UK FCA calls fit and proper, right? right?"} {"text":"@hosseeb @VitalikButerin >> concept of a social network deeply tied to money\/speculation thats any public blockchain with a token"} {"text":"Our app with tokens is not offchain bro. We are \"leveraging both web3 and web2\""} {"text":"@shubhrat @MadLads Do we have a problem?"} {"text":"Ok I know which apps are gathering Solana TVL and what volume they are doing. Who has metrics on which apps are getting that Sui TVL and how does that compare w activity\/volume on those apps?"} {"text":"Been on @farcaster_xyz for a while and it was boring till manlets showed up to fight. Now, pls gimme some love"} {"text":"@0xfoobar @neelsalami If there's some value to leak sure"} {"text":"@Yazanator @Apple @CelestiaOrg Which airdrop is this?"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Stop attacking Celestia"} {"text":"@luigidemeo @akshaybd Avalanche isn't"} {"text":"For the price of one Satashi roundtable ticket you can buy THREE Apple vision pros If you attended at full price, you better have found some TVL or LPs"} {"text":"@akshaybd You speak my thoughts better than me"} {"text":"Blockchains are..."} {"text":"@jimmyhumania Nah man"} {"text":"Farcaster, the home of dot eths that went there after complaining for weeks about manlets, is now also Solana aligned Fascinating This is why its important to think of blockchains as social networks rather than technology"} {"text":"Racer has gone rogue. Time to arm strong him"} {"text":"@AravSrinivas Naturally after we spend all day on apple devices"} {"text":"Can't wait to see @a16zcrypto post a moving pictures web3 book advertisement in \"The Daily Prophet\""} {"text":"@ylecun @AravSrinivas Same as @VitalikButerin "} {"text":"@movementlabsxyz @AalokDThakkar "} {"text":"@odin_free "} {"text":"@odin_free Your own consensus and liquid staking? "} {"text":"Aaand, there's this one more thing "} {"text":"A venture studio that produces unicorns from @sreeramkannan ser's prior academic papers I want allo"} {"text":"@R89Capital I am inclined to belv blockchains are exactly that and nfts definitely"} {"text":"@fede_intern @monad_xyz @solana @eigenlayer @sreeramkannan There's something "} {"text":"@jdkanani The one thing ethereum must enshrine is liquid staking, not zkevm"} {"text":"@EffortCapital Sadly doesn't solve for shared security yet and tendermint has its limitations. If Polkadot had executed well, there was a chance"} {"text":"If you liked @cdixon ser's book, you must read @RebeccaRettig1 et al's recent paper Tho I am not qualified to say so, I did labor in reg post lehman. I found it a true work of scholarship that I will have to read a couple more times to appreciate fully"} {"text":"@LoadingALIAS I am disappointed to report that Cosmos, Solana, Celestia and Bitcoin have opened that door, as much as I would have preferred otherwise"} {"text":"ethereum but with a clean, ground up Consensus protocol, enshrined liquid staking and a much better VM Who is building this?"} {"text":"@NTmoney Please no more truths like this"} {"text":"Who's staying back in Dubai for a couple of days after the Satashi shindig?"} {"text":"Watch a West Ham game without thinking of @functi0nZer0 Challenge level: impossible"} {"text":"@earlyXBT Need a teacher or two"} {"text":"I soooo want to learn Arabic"} {"text":"@pranksy @dwr @AleyProbably @farcaster_xyz User database is offchain in MongoDB?"} {"text":"A multisig, also known by its scientific name \"social layer\", is a consensus protocol for people"} {"text":"Do US lawyers really talk to each other like in Suits etc? I can see why some of yall more fragile beings would prefer to hang with us nerds than at law firms"} {"text":"@CloutedMind Are you new here? The investors paid for token warrant, they shall have token"} {"text":"Farcaster investor and influencer buzz rn gives my spidey sense vibes that token launch coming inside six mo, likely three"} {"text":"As with most competing products that evoke a tribal reaction, it's not either @LensProtocol or farcaster but Lens"} {"text":"@cmsholdings Why CMS tryna stop VC and Angel community from \"adding value\"?"} {"text":"Fireblocks secondaries going around at 70% discount to last round We are so early "} {"text":"Gonna take some original ideas... but I guess the industry will inshallah get there"} {"text":"Next up: coin souq and jpeg souq"} {"text":"Its gonna be pretty amusing here if everyone else implements the same marketing playbook that Solano has done. Also Solano playbook will also progressively lose its edge and effectiveness in the same way that Bankless endorsements have lost their bite among the eth community"} {"text":"@hotpot_dao @AJoshua777 ZK engineering is 2-5 years behind ZK math depending on what we are talking about, thats why zk startups in coinland are always be pivoting"} {"text":"@weremeow Unfortunately, the CFTC will ask you to implement clearing independently of the exchange and settlement. SBF sold the alternative liquidation model to them before rugging everyone and now they are never going back to it"} {"text":"@kapursanat @mrjasonchoi @0xPolygon Interop within your own walled garden is not interop. This is why aggregation matters. Hopefully one of @VitalikButerin ser's future blogs will nudge every L2 walled garden into interoperating w others"} {"text":"I have always held that decentralisation is a legal concept. Ergo, ultimately its between Uniswap legal and the US government what assets the various beneficiaries of a 'decentralised' protocol can control or operate, or not"} {"text":"@mrjasonchoi @kapursanat @0xPolygon This is also why I hope @Polkadot will also reenter the race at some point ( fwiw I own 0 DOT today ) with an arch that shipped an alternative experiment in shared security, but with a much more scalable and decentralised nPoS consensus than tendermint, and xcmp needs fixing"} {"text":"@mrjasonchoi @kapursanat Cosmos is happening on eth L2s ( Polygon CDK, ZKSync Hyperchain, Optimism Superchain, Arbitrum Orbit ) because ethereum solves for shared security. However Cosmos solves for interoperability and thats where @0xPolygon agg layer creates a non prop, open, opt in path to interop"} {"text":"The money crypto casino gets in the way of @cdixon 's tech crypto computer imo. Founders, teams and investors can all print mazillions in web3 without making hotmail work first, so most don't bother shipping anything useful"} {"text":"Tendermint is the best multisig, but only when the protocol token is doing well"} {"text":"@akshaybd "} {"text":"@Culture_Crit 55% total tax"} {"text":"Being a crypto founder with a token is generally + Financial success without product success or business success"} {"text":"I am very tempted by the vision pro but I thought @Apple were going to wait for Steve Jobs' rebirth before they get around to launching a new device"} {"text":"No hyperventilating Solana shill tweets on my timeline in the last 12 hours. Its so over !"} {"text":"@jelenaaa____ @amazon @cdixon Is this the first time you invested in a web3 project and received vaporware instead?"} {"text":"CT is no longer relevant for dot eths"} {"text":"@monad_xyz Is that a gigamonad?"} {"text":"@sachayve Do smol as @EthereumDenver side event and big at @CosmoverseHQ dubai"} {"text":"@icebergy_ Now do Serum"} {"text":"gm blockchain researchers, rise and shine"} {"text":"@weremeow @laurashin Ah apologies. They can in theory, in practice (after a decade of trying) is a whole other matter because tech is about 5% of the work, check this, ASX chess and Nasdaq Linq"} {"text":"Its a bit wild how many high quality eth shills and high quality solano shills are in fact @cosmos shills. Nonono, this isn't a Jon Charb subtweet, there are many such cases"} {"text":"@solarpunkmaxi Results"} {"text":"@jimmyhumania @Polkadot Will be fixed . Every chain has some major flaw or the other"} {"text":"Time for @Polkadot to enter this bar brawl rlly. Its crazy that they got npos, shared security, xcmp and wasm - and still ZERO adoption"} {"text":"S3:E3 "} {"text":"@AndrewHemingway @hashflow "} {"text":"At great pain and expense, I have learnt over the last decade that its possible to hire people who are a little too good to be hired for the job"} {"text":"@laurashin @weremeow \"why cant crypto tokens list on nasdaq\" Further evidence that to be a cracking crypto founder you must be either spontaneously or purposefully clueless about regulated financial markets"} {"text":"A curious paradox of money is that there's a limit to how much can be spent on useful things but no limit to how much can be spent on useless ones"} {"text":"I was late to Punks I was late to Pudgies I was late to apes I was late to madlads Really BAD but I was NOT late to @badkidsart"} {"text":"If youre rich or post series A you get exec coach If you're middle class you get a therapist If you're working class, you get television and pop self help If you're Indian, you get a guru We all need someone tho"} {"text":"@zacc_sch @SolarEtherPunk @0xMert_ They all are if you are on the other side"} {"text":"@zkmattwyatt @jon_charb Jon is bad but I am badder. I shilled badkids so badly that I got a free one last yr"} {"text":"@SolarEtherPunk not me. I think @0xMert_ is the Sassal and ChainlinkGod of Solana and I want every one of my bags to have their own mert"} {"text":"Often people who work in \"control\" functions eg legal, finance, compliance and ops think their job is to *control* everything in an org Not true The correct term is \"controls\" function. The job is to design and implement effective controls ie checks and balances"} {"text":"@0xMert_ @cobie Sui omission shows where manlets think the real competition is"} {"text":"A silicon valley startup is made of 5 guys and 50 saas tools"} {"text":"@mdudas Wher 6th man in poster?"} {"text":"Startup hiring alfa - hire for roles (output) not titles ( sticker for next gig ) Either let people earn titles, or gib titles to get much lower prices"} {"text":"@neelsalami @monad_xyz @EclipseFND gm"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Yeh, just a popular meme among some VCfrens"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Agreed, such as \"eth went to 4800 after 88 and Sol went to 8, ergo...\""} {"text":"@poordart Yep. Its not, but Its a barometer"} {"text":"All my dot eth homies like Sassal now hate CT and its a really bad sign for ethereum They loved CT when they were winning the toxi maxi battles with alt L1s We need to retake CT or its so over ..."} {"text":"@sreeramkannan @TrustlessState Plebs call it AMA"} {"text":"Complete \"credible neutrality to the community\" can be achieved by removing the entire team and investors from a project "} {"text":"Ethereum L2s have one job, its to onboard the 14-24 year olds and make sure Mert doesn't take em L2s are not needed to decentralarp, perform alignment, report on EIP compliance or to redo everything that the L1 needs to do L2s are needed to bring users to ethereum, thassit"} {"text":"@howdymerry Who's Will?"} {"text":"@jackzampolin @GarrettHarper_ Spend a year and a half bootstrapping the validator set. Founders, Investors, team, community everyone gets bored and dumps Soft rug, great success!"} {"text":"Crypto startups that run out of money because of cloud bills are Satashi's original vision"} {"text":"@dwr Only possible before Solana Cc: @0xMert_"} {"text":"Bengaluru and web3 are quite complementary. Bengaluru has lots of utility and very little physical infrastructure - exactly the opposite of crypto"} {"text":"@rargulati Popular token or popular protocol?"} {"text":"ETH L1 is pretty unusable now. $14 to Swap USDT to USDC on yet in sheer retardation, people want stables sent on L1 when we have L2s"} {"text":"Is @FlareNetworks teasing AI here?"} {"text":"DA isn't dumping data in a databse. Modular DA needs light clients, erasure coding and cryptographic commitments"} {"text":"Only the devs got the gud airdrops from @alt_layer No one loves the apes anymore, its over"} {"text":"Few understand how badly bullish the Bad UX of buying @badkidsart is"} {"text":"How's a @badkidsart only 2 eth still?"} {"text":"@0xLewis_gg @jon_charb @hasufl Venture has reached peak value add"} {"text":"@CryptoMan_Ram @SatoshiRoundtbl @hotpot_dao Excellent idea. Pls ask a router intern to send a luma event link"} {"text":"When you need one more telegram chat like you need a migraine"} {"text":"At least one podcast is mandatory"} {"text":"a16z s media superpowers are admirable"} {"text":"This is a therapeutic talk by @cdixon. If you have endured the money crypto casino and zoo for as long as I have, this episode will help heal your conviction in the tech crypto side of things that ultimately matter"} {"text":"@hotpot_dao @SatoshiRoundtbl You have home\/superuser level access Bing"} {"text":"If you are in Dubai this weekend to attend @SatoshiRoundtbl next week you are eligible for the same breakfast Dosa that a former editor of the bitcoin magazine had DMs open cc: @hotpot_dao"} {"text":"@yashcrypto21 Sounds like arranged marriage bro"} {"text":"Founder: we are building programmable trust for open innovation Crypto Twitter: There are many ways to PLAY EIGEN "} {"text":"This is the year 2140, bitcoin block rewards are now 0 but @dYdX token unlocks still continue to happen..."} {"text":"The Poly-gon thesis has always been Poly-nya aligned "} {"text":"It appears @monad_xyz is how you combine Solana and ETH if you intend to use the combo and @EclipseFND s SVM rollup is how you combine them if you don't"} {"text":"@jon_charb @hasufl The irony is that my tweet wasn't meant to be ironic or salty. Projects that hire influenzas simply don't hab the right investors"} {"text":"Solana is the final form of blockchain like crypto twitter is the final form of society"} {"text":"@andrewmichaelio Crypto has been doing this for years"} {"text":"@jon_charb @hasufl I hab some haraam coin from $8"} {"text":"@jon_charb @tarunchitra ser quality following, I always assume I am quality"} {"text":"TBH, \"Read, Write, Own\", the book by @cdixon is probably the only DEPIN device I have used this year without the expectation of an airdrop. Would have preferred if the book cover had a QR code to submit a wallet address"} {"text":"$TIA is m\u0336o\u0336d\u0336u\u0336l\u0336a\u0336r\u0336 helicopter money"} {"text":"@Zac_Aztec 5 weeks if you use @BrianRetford s continuations with GPU"} {"text":"@mrjasonchoi Indeed. I said \"a primary\", not \"the primary\""} {"text":"@QwQiao @alliancedao I know. Also, I said \"a primary\", not \"the primary\" ( gmat verbal points )"} {"text":"Peloton has a generational opportunity to do a generational DEPIN airdrop iwo"} {"text":"@camiinthisthang not really. farcaster is a blockchain flavored twitter clone whereas lens is ground up onchain social graph for apps"} {"text":"Just realised I have some exposure to $JUP through a fund. That $200m instadumpsale must be a breakthrough innovation then"} {"text":"@TheStalwart No airdrop"} {"text":"If $TIA is modular money, $WIF is monolithic money"} {"text":"@thepizzaknight_ Yeah sure. Sol will obv gain some devs because of token price gains but ETH dev population is nonlinearly bigger in both size and value and ethereum isnt doing layoffs. Very few of the Polygon layoffs are devs fwiw"} {"text":"@thepizzaknight_ 99% of the devs who ship on Polygon don't work for Polygon labs. Polygon ecosystem devs are currently EVM\/ETH devs so the logic doesn't hold Some of the Polygon ecosystem devs will also build on other vms like svm or move vm or... and thats good"} {"text":"@thepizzaknight_ What? Devs build on the chain, not on the company. Solana labs layoffs didnt send any devs to polkadot or smth"} {"text":"Very disappointed that @rleshner is building an actual, long term, real, regulated RWA biz at @superstatefunds and there's no ONDO style offshore exchange listing incoming soon "} {"text":"About time for @functi0nZer0 to publish \"Tradfi, but worse\""} {"text":"Tracking both sides of the $JUP token sale debate for to many minutes now, it appears we have been living in a post truth world for a while, and everyone can choose their facts according to their portfolio Back to work"} {"text":"The people most upset with @JupiterExchange token sale are ... ... @Blast_L2 investors"} {"text":"In the light of $JUP, I wonder if the sequel to \"read, write, own\" will be called \"read, write, own, sell\""} {"text":"The most entertaining part of the Jupiter team dumping $200m of $JUP right at launch is that the team is happy after dumping $200m+, the investors are happy, the dumped-ons aka community is happy and mere observers like me are also happy This is the power of web3 \u2122"} {"text":"$JUP ICO went extraordinarily well"} {"text":"Aggregated Barbecue"} {"text":"Moving to Bengaluru the day Nirmalaji stops punitive taxation on trading monke"} {"text":"Big liquidity pool found in Benagaluru"} {"text":"@0xsachi I googled the side effects"} {"text":"@3PointAsset We are all retail for someone else"} {"text":"Chris, Kyle, Santi, Qiao, Mike, Tarun and Jon aka prominent Solana ecosystem VCs have shown in 2023 that a primary value added service of a crypto VC is shilling For the rest of you, if you aren't even shilling your portcos here, cancel your VC license frfr"} {"text":"Now that \"Read Write Own\" is out, the crypto industry has until Friday COB to ship something non financial\/speculative and still somehow useful - in case, someone looks onchain ie"} {"text":"Society if Paradigm policy and Paradigm investing start talking to each other"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart He blamed modular - maximally enshrined modular"} {"text":"@jelenaaa____ Quadriga tyres would do it"} {"text":"Not surprised Vitalik ser be like pass the mantle etc. None of you guys have been in the same job for ten whole years, and he has"} {"text":"@QwQiao Its all 4"} {"text":"Re passing the mantle etc, tbh, Vitalik ser's job on eth will never be done because eth will never be done. However, ser can hopefully get ethereum into a spot where it can't come *undone* - and rn with stake concentration, client diversity, MEV issues etc, thats not the case"} {"text":"\"Solana is intrinsically modular, except all the layers are enshrined\" - Ser Mert"} {"text":"@camillionaire_m This one is actually pretty user friendly"} {"text":"Near's telegram wallet so good "} {"text":"@0xMert_ @Evan_ss6 \"Solana is intrinsically modular, except all the layers are enshrined\" Anyways, that aside, I thought Solana held up really well today. Gud engineering tbh"} {"text":"@TrustlessTooth Angel. VC haz oda ppl money"} {"text":"@0xMert_ @Evan_ss6 Thas wai we do modular now. World can make moar transactions than any monolithic thingy can handle"} {"text":"@0xMert_ @Evan_ss6 World will try to transact. Txn will fail or be too expensive. World will give up, problem solved. Same as eth L1. Happy monolith!"} {"text":"@prash_speaks @monad_xyz Web3 innovation ser"} {"text":"@PSkinnerTech @hashwarlock Different skills, interest and aptitude "} {"text":"@oliverbeige In it for the ride ser, lesse wher it goes"} {"text":"@oliverbeige Tons of those ConsenSys ideas etc came back in new forms, still din pan out, but token did gud in bula"} {"text":"@oliverbeige Tapscott's ICO generator was pure hypium. This one is written to address the valley tech and DC policy crowd. We at least got defi, nfts and hope of gaming in the meantime"} {"text":"Solano manlets now accidentally or purposefully designing airdrops just to stress test the mainnet is worthy of respect"} {"text":"@oliverbeige Its very well written and lays out the possibilities rather well. Evidence is much harder when critically examined but that could change over the years"} {"text":"My tl;dr on speed reading Mr Dixon's excellent book is that while it brilliantly lays out issues of centralisation of the internet, empirical evidence remains thin that crypto is solving them"} {"text":"Chris Larsen's boating accidents are also like $125m. He was so early!!!"} {"text":"@sayinshallah Was it in @OlympusDAO?"} {"text":"Remember when 1inch raised $175m to build 1inch institutional..."} {"text":"Joe ser ~ 60 Gavin ser ~ 45 Vitalik ser ~ 30 arETHmetic progression "} {"text":"@JimmyRagosa Vitalik and I combined are once in a generation computer scientists"} {"text":"@antiprosynth Most L1 lifecycle is 1-6 yrs"} {"text":"Me explaining jpeg trading, yield farming and memecoin mania to the IIT gang at Google"} {"text":"Everyone wants to reward long term users and avoid mercenaries... Bruh... if you are the 69th undifferentiated rollup, the 420th perp dex or the 42069th Aave fork - your entire long term is six months!"} {"text":"@gajeshnaik @sreeramkannan ser pls ask your nephew to do some actual work"} {"text":"Soon your favorite modular DA will ship in three amazing flavors: PHD English without ZK: Celestia Hooman English with ZK: Avail Post Doc English with ZK: EigenDA"} {"text":"@VitalikButerin Vitalik bhai marked safe from 30 under 30! Now formally 30 over 30 Happy Birthday!"} {"text":"$WEN down 30% Solana has failed"} {"text":"gm Bengaluru, lets Aggregate "} {"text":"Wen all your frens are getting hilariously rich in liquid and you continue to suffer perpetual delayed gratification in \"gud deal flow\""} {"text":"@navinblockchain @Ripple @chrislarsensf @bgarlinghouse @MonicaLongSF Legend. Now go download Rabby, Keplr and Backpack, and farm some airdrops"} {"text":"DEPIN=Hardware + Airdrops = Hardwairdrops"} {"text":"@simplykashif @monad_xyz Always been together. Will continue to fight like a normal couple"} {"text":"@0xsachi I say hardwairdrops"} {"text":"I hired a private investigator to look into the @monad_xyz buzz and this is what I found"} {"text":"gmonad degens, evm\/acc "} {"text":"@mdudas When your LPs ask why you got Bonk but missed both Eigenlayer and Celestia "} {"text":"@Jenny_Pollack banger"} {"text":"Suits on Netflix, but everyone is a crypto lawyer"} {"text":"The entire basis of marriage"} {"text":"@KeystoneWallet gud wallet"} {"text":"Four types of value accrual"} {"text":"@chiefingza @QwQiao Its a *bullish* scam erc20"} {"text":"@HHorsley 21 million is sacred bitcoin figure. Auspicious"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Pls never stop creating \"a toxic environment\". Farcaster is boring"} {"text":"@cdixon @brianmcc @a16z @TechmemePodcast One of the best tech books ever "} {"text":"@GwartyGwart we are escaping financial oppression wif hat"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko @0xMert_ @NEARProtocol I have about 42 to 69 pages of Coingecko to disprove that assertion. Perceived value WIF hat"} {"text":"@0xMert_ @NEARProtocol 100%. If we screenshotting, check the dates "} {"text":"@0xMert_ @NEARProtocol Yep, both Polygon and Near ship an awesome lot of tech and adoption, which makes it challenging to condense everything for the ADHD era, but we have found our thing"} {"text":"@ShivanshuMadan @dymension @dogwifcoin $WEN?"} {"text":"@hal2001 @anoma I used to for Brett King. Send my CV to @MikeIppolito_"} {"text":"If you shill coins to your normie frens, you might REKT them. If they allocat 1% to the ETFs, you will both be very happy and they will be intrigued to learn more about crypto "} {"text":"Don't shill your coins to your normie frens at first. Tell them to allocat 1% to one the Bitcoin ETFs. My favorite tickers are HODL and BRRR but any one of these will do"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko @0xMert_ Metamask\/Infura are products, not companies"} {"text":"Polygon = Aggregated Blockchains CDK for unlimited scalability Agg layer for unified liquidity"} {"text":"At this point of the evolution of the internet, whoever can stake a proof of purchase of Mr Dixon's book should get a wholesome $A16Z airdrop, or at least some POINTS"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Gud move on ConsenSys 1.0. Just avoid ConsenSys 2.0"} {"text":"@hal2001 @anoma Are generalised intents a scam?"} {"text":"Presumably everyone who was not involved in the non shipping of the non product is now gone"} {"text":"Paypal has now become a true crypto company. Their minimally shipped product on their mainnet beta was absolutely nothing like their maximally hyped up announcement"} {"text":"Your first crypto bet should always be a bitcoin or a bitcoin ETF, nothing else"} {"text":"The biggest moat in crypto is realising that there is no moat"} {"text":"@nickwh8te I bet Avax subnets would get more hype if they used the magic word \"modular\""} {"text":"Hello As someone who wants to be a strategic thinker I must ask... What tokens will we get for staking @dymension?"} {"text":"@drjasper_eth Rocket Singh"} {"text":"@evan_van_ness \"eth had already won\""} {"text":"This weekend's reading is sorted thanks to @cdixon"} {"text":"@chamathsintern Sauces?"} {"text":"@baycjoker @dymension I hab all 4 wao"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart @victordivalente @udiWertheimer @QuantumCatsXYZ Asymmetric bet"} {"text":"Now I own the rarest quantum mouse. So emotional rn @udiWertheimer"} {"text":"@DastardlyDaniel Vaporware GPU tokens outperforming GPUs tho"} {"text":"@mdudas Productive like Bonk, WIF, MYRO and Wen?"} {"text":"@cdixon Can't wait ser. Will be reading cover to cover this weekend."} {"text":"As a startup founder or leader, if you don't choose a hill to die on, you will die alone, or in a mass grave of forgotten startups"} {"text":"Due to the DYM airdrop, my clean green cute @pudgypenguins is no longer on sale for 25 ETH"} {"text":"@simplykashif @saifedean If that is economics, then my tweets are physics"} {"text":"Marketing interns at @NEARProtocol"} {"text":"@soro @Immutable @0xPolygonLabs "} {"text":"How to predict someone's age based on the coin they most shill Bitcoin: 45 Ripple, Chainlink, Polkadot: 40 Ethereum: 35 MATIC\/BNB\/OP\/Arb: 30 ATOM: probably broke, ignore Solana, Celestia: 25 Memecoins: 15 ( cognitive age )"} {"text":"@0xMert_ @life_of_degen I earned 150 eth from Vlad Zamfir for supporting his work on CBC Casper in 2019"} {"text":"Innovate, Aggregate, Interoperate "} {"text":"@life_of_degen @0xMert_ Grandpa + Babe. PoS Consensus of dot is arguably better than Cosmos, Ethereum and definitely Solana"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Excellent technology unironically, currently ready for everyone except users"} {"text":"Greatest @cosmos invention"} {"text":"A hotshit tech team asked if I can refer a commercial cofounder. Knowing the history of many startups ( like eth ), with lotsa cofounders, I am *really* not big on \"cofounder\" as job title. Cofounder is like marriage, NEVER rush w someone into it. Maybe hire a CCO for example"} {"text":"@0xChristina Useless shitcoins have more FDV than this"} {"text":"Getting lots of Dosa enquiries after Vitalik ser's surprise visit. Let me make this clear, if you aren't rocking \"inventor of world changing technology\" in your bio, there's no Dosa. Maybe get out of your mum's basement, play world of warcraft, edit the bitcoin magazine etc first"} {"text":"Are Celestia frens tryna co-opt the restaking meme? I knew modular wars are gonna be full of popcorn but this is getting spicier faster than I expected "} {"text":"IBC is apparently overrated but there's no point in having a \"better\" interop solution unless people use it to interop"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Come to Dubai brother. Lets have these for breakfast"} {"text":"@nickwh8te The main thing missing from Cosmos based shared economic security solutions is the economics"} {"text":"Its a little bearish for Solana that the most prominent blockchain researcher there is Mr. Mert"} {"text":"@GuilleAngeris @tarunchitra @ks_kulk \"Bitcoin L2s\" however will be susceptible to all kinds of ethereum issues"} {"text":"Ethereum people: Celestia people: Mert: Noooo, Celestia is eth competitor, noooo!!! (mental gymnastics)"} {"text":"@jelenaaa____ The IBC send from Osmosis to Coinbase via Noble part probably can't get any better as those are sovereign chains. On rollups, it may be possible to create the *illusion* of shared liquidity ie being able to trade on Osmosis without a deposit step from Noble to IBC for example."} {"text":"This here is easily the most important defi project since the Uniswap airdrop"} {"text":"All eth ppls should install Keplr\/Leap wallet and move money around on Osmosis\/DYDX and Noble via IBC. Its not even that great a UX, but this has got to be the minimum for rollups "} {"text":"@jackzampolin @0xMert_ @eigen_da @AvailProject 1. Can't leak too much yet 2. ... 3. Its not a chainlink sort of lead. six months at best and lots of shared integrations including L2s and raas for all 3 already 4. No. The point of agg layer is to aggregate execution proofs from any L2. LX-LY bridging is sufficient intra-CDK"} {"text":"@0xMert_ @jackzampolin @eigen_da @AvailProject Ethereum has 69 competitors. Can handle a few more just fine. There's always co-opetition. Cooperation AND competition between eth and DA. Its like bacteria in your gut eating your food ( do some mental gymnastics bro )"} {"text":"@jackzampolin @0xMert_ @eigen_da @AvailProject Love celestia but it uses optimistic approach, behind both Avail and EigenDA's KZG commitments wen they hit mainnet soon IBC support also incoming for both RAAS frameworks will generally integrate w all 3 Celestia doesn't solve for L2 interop. Polygon's agg layer will"} {"text":"@jackzampolin @0xMert_ Mert be like enemy of enemy mert's fren. Celestia is more of an ally than a competitor for eth rn. Besides @eigen_da and @AvailProject are also coming in soon to balance the field and make it far more interesting"} {"text":"Aggregation will end rollup fragmentation "} {"text":"@ArjunKalsy Very bullish on @movementlabsxyz"} {"text":"I will never have more than 21 million $WEN"} {"text":"Insta-moved some USDC from @osmosiszone to @coinbase using @noble_xyz and @IBCProtocol on @keplrwallet Painless! @jelenaaa____ saved @cosmos Few understand this ( also ran out of handles to tag )"} {"text":"@kafi_trades @zackvoell @udiWertheimer bruh"} {"text":"@EthDreamer \"Delet all the non geth clients and reallocat the saved engineering resources to danksharding\" - @tarunchitra, misquoted"} {"text":"@pseudotheos airdrops?"} {"text":"@zackvoell Thats an Ordinal"} {"text":"@DCbuild3r Only way is zk\/acc"} {"text":"(unless you have to)"} {"text":"Capital is cheap. Don't gib allo to VCs and angels who don't have one or more 1. shill 2. educate 3. bring portco alignment for bd 4. help hire for specific skills 5. have research\/dev capability 6. can help w listing 7. can provide tvl or liquidity 8. bring social signaling"} {"text":"@cryptoecongames Haha, not on farcaster"} {"text":"gm @Eigenlayer enthusiasts"} {"text":"@tmnxeq @0xG00gly Who died and appointed @jemimajoanna the global minister for legitimacy?"} {"text":"The average age of reply guys defending your coin or chain on twitter is an underrated metric. Lower is bullish"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko No such questions after V delet alignment in the cypherpunk blog. ETH's research culture infec Sol also gud"} {"text":"Aggregate, to Differentiate "} {"text":"To build product culture, everyone on the team itself has to actively and frequently use their own product ( or go )"} {"text":"@jimmyhumania You are not ready for Eigenlayer AVSs son"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Yes - once you get transaction ordering, theres more than a few ways to solve for finality"} {"text":"To defend the faeth from BTC and Solano, ethereum L2s should avoid spending all the time on inward looking monopoly mindset things like multi prover and EIP compliance for alignment signaling, and start obsessing over user experience May Solano's product culture infect all "} {"text":"@0xMert_ Eth ppl aren't. EigenDA, Avail and proto danksharding are all incoming to defend the faeth \u2122. Celestia is also helping defend from Mert's chain tbh"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Naw man. I love the Celestia the tech and the team but 80% of current \"Celestia partnership\" announcements are kinda iffy projets just tryna rub off the TIA pump pixie dust by association"} {"text":"In the modular future, there will be millions of rollups and billions of airdrops. All new tokens will low liquidity pump to valhalla and all of the old liquid tokens will slow decay to zero"} {"text":"@NotCryptoBro He's my favorite people. See ya then"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Thas because its just us lot there, mostly "} {"text":"Sui TVL looking like Kanav Bhai emptied his wallet into some app"} {"text":"@sandeepnailwal @fede_intern This body I am not, everything made of the force is"} {"text":"My mental gymnastics tell me that maybe farcaster have signed up @0xMert_ as an influencer to bring a lot of manlets to the lonely kumbaya app and create the much needed \"toxic environment\" there"} {"text":"Bringing up a teenage boy is like being a lion in a pride. They often try to become the new alpha and sorta cut your balls out, which is fine except when they want to keep the phone past 10pm or play Fortnite instead of doing math and science like a proper Asian kid"} {"text":"OH: \"@EclipseFND is the @SeiNetwork of RAAS\""} {"text":"@noah_pravecek @FlareNetworks Ser! rocket emojis are not allowed"} {"text":"@sandeepnailwal @toghrulmaharram I was indeed living in Tokyo in 2008, when this American guy Hal Finney took the \"formula of Bitcoin\" from me"} {"text":"Bullish on projects with the word layer in the name I did earlier suggest the gigabrain AI folks at @FlareNetworks rename to AI-Layer or \"AI gen Layer\" or at least spell as FLayer, but soundex will also do eg Flare"} {"text":"@zackvoell Send me half your bitcoin. Done"} {"text":"@Evan_ss6 Now do restakers"} {"text":"I think I will sell some $OSMO at $10 ngl"} {"text":"Indian guys in SF ship mostly pre-married and ready to just work"} {"text":"@ceterispar1bus Disagree. If we have a million apps, a million app specific rollups be perfectly oke. Otherwise also I will take a million airdrops "} {"text":"@aeyakovenko @TimSweeneyEpic Any connection with @sydney_sweeney?"} {"text":"@schin_tomar @sandeepnailwal @0xPolygonLabs Maximum hands on, practical knowledge "} {"text":"@toghrulmaharram What do you mean one day "} {"text":"Solidity is the COBOL of my generation"} {"text":"This is Cardano That is Cardona "} {"text":"@Degenblock @neon___glow @NEARProtocol Source is funds I LPd into"} {"text":"@HeslinKim @VitalikButerin Ethereum solves that "} {"text":"@cryptoMaxi420 Vertical meditation probably"} {"text":"So amazing to host ser for Dosa breakfast in Dubai "} {"text":"Why do \"coprocessors\" of ethereum eg Axiom need a token? If no token, how will they return capital to investors investing $69.420m each? Ok, ignore the 0 IQ midbrain question. Will delet later"} {"text":"@manangouhari @PareenL Everything here"} {"text":"Why do crypto whales live in crummy Puerto Rico or War on Drugs Mexico when even Tunas like me can live wonderfully in the efficient, clean and safe Dubai?"} {"text":"Feeling cute, might aggregate some rollups "} {"text":"@stskeeps Yes!"} {"text":"@focus_kermit @HugoPhilion @ksw54548 @FlareNetworks @CommunityFlare The other Andrej (Karpathy) agrees w Flare's thesis"} {"text":"@JoshCStein Don't see it. I use Backpack"} {"text":"Call me old fashioned but the Eigenlayer ecosystem projects that excite me do not have the word \"staking\" or \"restaking\" in them Fortunately, quite a few cool things are being created that involve some imajination"} {"text":"@zkmattwyatt @JoshCStein Yes I want max friction in being rugged by anon nfts"} {"text":"@neon___glow @NEARProtocol More of a search for non speculative use. Near is a pretty good blockchain that merely needs to avoid innovation and embrace speculation"} {"text":"@neon___glow @NEARProtocol They paid 4.50 locked but Illia bhai is now deboomerising the place and I remain very bullish"} {"text":"@JoshCStein phantom is a bigger rughole than metamask. Remove auto signing"} {"text":"Wonder if @NEARProtocol can become an excellent DA layer just by *removing* a few things like Aurora, users, apps, indexers, Oracles, Wallets, execution and sharding from their blockchain?"} {"text":"What do you mean by making restaking easier? Rn its literally just parking your staked eth in a simple contract By 'easier', did you mean ruggable by adding a contract in front of a contract "} {"text":"Its raining in Dubai fr"} {"text":"Who the fk is Sydney Sweeney?"} {"text":"@haydenzadams Think of the offchain part as hooks"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Would you rather have Salona?"} {"text":"@0xMert_ moar fun debat: why is Sui better than Solana, or why is Solana better than Sui?"} {"text":"@armaniferrante @Backpack Can take a guy out of Cosmos, can't take Cosmos out of the guy"} {"text":"Open Sea is open to an acquisition as much as most nerds on this site are open to dating an actual hooman"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy"} {"text":"Aptosui battles on CT gud . I am moved"} {"text":"@jon_charb @nickwh8te @osmosiszone Injective also on the way with their evm. main issue with appchains is that we dont yet have apps people really want apart from token, nft market, stablecoin, staking yield, spot dex and perp dex Most well funded teams can barely ship one thing though. Announcements are free"} {"text":"Layer goes up Altlayer is just the third layer to go up DA layer was the second Ethereum was the first Watch this space"} {"text":"People want hope, in a bottle"} {"text":"Kim Jong Un Inc. is the best audit firm"} {"text":"$WEN seems to be officially approved by Solana's masternode. I won't be selling"} {"text":"Aggregate all the things "} {"text":"Flare: built for data, built for AI $FLR"} {"text":"@LegendEatsFirst Sold my WIF for WEN, now 21mn peanuts"} {"text":"11 million $WEN enough to retire?"} {"text":"Hidden gem of ZK research @prabalbanerjee of @AvailProject on @zeroknowledgefm"} {"text":"@YourstrulyVish Smokey the Bear?"} {"text":"The only thing I want more than $10,000 eth is a 16\" MacBook pro that weighs the same as a 13\" MacBook Air. I mean $9999 eth will do"} {"text":"Is there a prediction market on Marines lauching their own to keep 100%"} {"text":"@hal2001 @PrimordialAA Brian doesn't know GS guys are now dumping RWA meme tokens"} {"text":"@hal2001 @PrimordialAA Mr Solomon says pls keep the firm out of this"} {"text":"WIF ended BONK WEN will end WIF degens so ADHD we cant even hold two memes now"} {"text":"@haydenzadams There ain't no chain like Dil Ke ( Heart ) Chain"} {"text":"When she saw my @eigenlayer points"} {"text":"@mdudas Domination is bad juju. Jus keep shipping maybe"} {"text":"@nickwh8te Debates, not panels \u2122 ( and we want )"} {"text":"@blackpaws0x @mdudas @solana He should listen to the author of the ethereum whitepaper. I enjoy trolling manlet frens too but this is not that"} {"text":"Managing talent in the era wen they make more in farming than in salary"} {"text":"@jayendra_jog @0xCygaar This is true only because in crypto, the token is the main product and the actual product is that other thing"} {"text":"I am very willing to be entertained by the idea that the socialist Biden administration might be able to impose KYC requirements on GPUS before it can impose KYC on Matamask"} {"text":"I want to live in a world where users, not token investors or sophisticated actors decide whether and to what extent a crypto startup is successful"} {"text":"Is America experiencing a hard fork?"} {"text":"1.1m active addresses on a Cosmos ecosystem chain but you wouldn't belv it"} {"text":"GENERATIONAL $WEN?"} {"text":"$WEN airdrop excellent stress test for Solana. Smart work"} {"text":"@mdudas @solana Who are these clowns?"} {"text":"@NTmoney They don't know, its all memes"} {"text":"Insight of the day is from @tarunchitra - (paraphrase) \"what if ethereum delet all execution clients other than geth and invest those resources on shipping full danksharding faster instead?\""} {"text":"Only possible on Solana?"} {"text":"I paid $10 fees to claim it instantly... rollups on Solano wen?"} {"text":"5 mins for a $30 claim. WEN? is the right name"} {"text":"Blockworks are the media house now what Bankless wanted to be when they published the bullish Solano report There's definitely space for at least one robust competitor if not two or three here"} {"text":"If you think airdropped tokens are free money, points are free notMoney"} {"text":"Broke: Ponzi scheme Woke: PointZ scheme"} {"text":"@scottmelker Gud awful tho"} {"text":"If you liked Mr Burniske's high $20ks Bitcoin price prediction at $40k, you will absolutely love it at $60k"} {"text":"That was last cycle. This cycle: there is a DA for everything"} {"text":"modular wars will be lit"} {"text":"I am just thoroughly entertained by the endless internal contradictions of crypto - on main, dont have an alt"} {"text":"How has no one launched $MODI "} {"text":"Ethereum's best feature is research culture but unfo, L2s also inherit it and focus on EIP compliance, shared sequencing and multi prover instead of users Solana's best feature is a product first culture Excited about Solano's product culture infecting ethereum L2s in 2024!"} {"text":"@dabit3 "} {"text":"Has @StaciW_DC s account got hacked?"} {"text":"There are only two ways an Oracle like Pyth can challenge Chainlink dominance 1. Win an Aave governance vote (difficulty level extreme) 2. Stand up a secure Aave competitor that can brings industrial scale TVL to EVMs (difficulty level impossible)"} {"text":"Why dont we improve Ethereum's client diversity by masternode giving more POINTs for using Besu and Nethermind?"} {"text":"@Eug_Ng Max pain is uponly"} {"text":"Super excited about \u2066@PowerloomHQ\u2069's node mint. DEPIN szn"} {"text":"Not long before crypto startups raise money from VCs on equity + token warrant + POINTS"} {"text":"My favorite cryptocurrency is $TSLA, and \u2066@elonmusk\u2069 has got it 100% registered with GG"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko @0xMert_ Ser, Evan Van Ness is on the other line and he wants to discuss solana fees vs validator costs"} {"text":"...layered burrito"} {"text":"@jimmyhumania Get off the herb, its not good for you"} {"text":"Burniske just nuked us mentally. What does it mean for ser's fairly recent uber bullish Solano to infinity dollars predictions?"} {"text":"If no one uses your crypto product thats bullish for your token. Once they start using it, the romance is kinda gone "} {"text":"END THE WAR ON DRUGS, START THE WAR ON POINTS!"} {"text":"@jchervinsky @MeatEsq Hearing about ace US crypto founders who have apparently moved to Sinaloa to avoid Gary and they had all kinds of top tier legal counsel"} {"text":"Imajin if Paradigm get points instead of tokens from Axiom and Succinct "} {"text":"If you gib ppl a lot of points but few tokens, your token should trade like $PYPL"} {"text":" @0xbeaconcom cohort so good"} {"text":"@hashflow @wormholecrypto @solana Can I trade my Sol into eth?"} {"text":"The talk that inspired @0xPolygon s breakthrough agg layer"} {"text":"@routerprotocol @0xPolygon @0xPolygonDeFi Congrats @CryptoMan_Ram ser"} {"text":"@hotpot_dao Why dont the coinbase guys use Besu and Teku?"} {"text":"@vishal4c Re shipping, with Avail and EigenDA incoming soon, this space is about to get a whole lot more exciting (and spicy)"} {"text":"@vishal4c ETH guys know what they are dealing w. Once you take DA aka transaction ordering, finality can be solved in a few different ways. What if we stop hating and start shipping?"} {"text":"The Cosmos mind is horizontal. Sovereign chains interoperating The Ethereum mind is vertical. Ethereum is the first layer then we add layers on top Celestia is Ethereum guys doing Cosmos"} {"text":"@JSeyff Too late. You promised us uponly, or so we wanted to hear"} {"text":"@vishal4c @Timccopeland GG is on the other line"} {"text":"@simplykashif You are too generous my friend. I mostly just try to protect my mind when I can"} {"text":"@simplykashif Its not hard if you just keep money and coins out of the relationship"} {"text":"@technologypoet no."} {"text":"Points pull is the new rug pull. You get huge points but a tiny airdrop"} {"text":"Ivan Pavlov, the inventor of points"} {"text":"POINTS ARE A CRIME AGAINST THE HUMAN MIND"} {"text":"@0xNLYFANS @0xDinoEggs Matamask is gud Layer3"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart BNBs used to go up when CZ burnt them. Now ETH will go up when we do ritual blockspace burning"} {"text":"Thankfully @0xPolygon s combo of CDK for unlimited scalability and Agg Layer for unified liquidity removes the need for layers 3...69420 on ethereum L2 is all you need "} {"text":"@ecent18 Why does it need to do anything when it has a layer?"} {"text":"It's in the best interest of everyone's ethereum bags that no one every mentions Layer 3 s again."} {"text":"Fight for marketshare when you have a shit ton of money, fight to win a clear category and drive a wedge when you don't"} {"text":"@punkisbitcoin @0xMert_ @ChainLinkGod @_khanhamzah is Polymert. I self identify merely as a memelord"} {"text":"Who talks like that?"} {"text":"@prashant_xyz Week is outside the US. Inside the US its daily minimum"} {"text":"Note that CZ is technically free inside the US. However, as a meditator, what I empathise with in Su Zhu's podcast about his experiences in prison is that there's no bigger prison than one's mind, though I am not saying its a good idea to trade that prison for a physical one"} {"text":"@gregosuri "} {"text":"The biggest disincentive for becoming a crypto founder is having to deal with lawyers, hands down. Best done while you are 25-30"} {"text":"Ironically CZ is unquestionably in a much worse Jail rn than @zhusu. No 9 pm forced sleep, unlimited access to devices coingecko and crypto noise, soft annoying hotel beds with AC, no certainty on whats ahead, lawyers hustling for more money - pure pain. I feel bad for the legend"} {"text":"@LedgerGuardian FLayer"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Are you saying Solana is the PHP of blockchains?"} {"text":"@gogoDiegocrypto @sandeepnailwal We are all apes but evolution is not a choice"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Brother Mert tweeting like he's not getting Lay(ere)d"} {"text":"@ShivanshuMadan @Kautukkundan"} {"text":"Why do they call it the Modular thesis and not the Modu-layer thesis?"} {"text":"@Kautukkundan No. CDK L2s are sovereign. There's no 'super'"} {"text":"eth research recipe book"} {"text":"Mizu is the Japanese word for Water, Flow like Water"} {"text":"First Blur killed nfts Then Blur killed airdrops with points Then Blur killed L2s with Blast Literally Pacman!"} {"text":"Agree with @0xMert_ that masternode should ban the term layer3 from ethereum entirely"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Thats L-infinity, the layer to unify liquidity"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Cope harder! L69 will melt faces."} {"text":"Twitter is belong to apes. If we could read we wouldn't be trading things with hats 240 chars or gtfo"} {"text":"@nickwh8te @CelestiaOrg celestia archival node meme incoming "} {"text":"$ENFO is uponly "} {"text":"YCombinator's genius as an incubator was taking 7.5% and then leaving the founders alone Getting out of people's way is a superpower"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Imagine the mental gymnastics required to believe that criticism is hate!"} {"text":"if it's not decentralized then where are the points?"} {"text":"Testnet Singularity"} {"text":"We found Ric Burton's Son in Law"} {"text":"@Crypto_Texan @SmartContract @0xPolygonLabs @chainlink @HarrisBell @chainlinklabs @ChainLinkGod Chainlink wants to feed the baby the median of baby formulas?"} {"text":"Any ai companies working on artificial general points AGP?"} {"text":"@0xBalloonLover tradi is full of architects who never wrote a line of code "} {"text":"Naw bro. Saw this in megabanks for a decade. In the whole damn wide world, only tradfi has even worse tech than defi"} {"text":"@0xgaut Do nothing in trading. Do something for work"} {"text":"Blockchain Evolution , Accelerated"} {"text":"@DeanEigenmann Do you mean at this points?"} {"text":"@0xsachi Will there be airdrops?"} {"text":"@FrancescoRenziA SuperFluidLayer solves this"} {"text":"OH:\"Bro this app project is not investable. It needs to be a 'layer' like DA Layer, alt layer...\""} {"text":"@HHorsley @BitwiseInvest Congrats ser!"} {"text":"I heard that if you send one eth to vitalik's telegram handle he sends you two eth back"} {"text":"KYC my ass... getting NFTs and airdrops is far worse"} {"text":"OH:\"The worst thing that can happen with crypto is that a we accidentally blow up a big bank. The worst thing that can happen with AI is that we blow up the whole world\""} {"text":"Invented in dubai by an already famous inventor: Avocadosa. Its like masala dosa with avocado toast prep for masala"} {"text":"We tend to overthink who we are today and underestimate what we can become simply by doing"} {"text":"The most pressing technical issue in Data Availability Sampling is what we should call Data Availability Sampling instead of calling it Data Availability Sampling"} {"text":"Whats the minimum number of millions that a zk startup needs to raise to pivot to something other than zk?"} {"text":"@hal2001 @UMAprotocol @AcrossProtocol You need to ship points "} {"text":"@mattmaximo1 You can have the Lambo for 4B"} {"text":"Who's building a secondary, OTC market in points? I could use a midlife crisis red lambo and I have some Eigenlayer points"} {"text":"I want the name and phone number of the crypto lawyer who invented points and I want to see them disbarred from practicing BOTH crypto and law"} {"text":"@mdudas they could have earned so many points "} {"text":"@Shenanigrahams If you were on FTX, pivot to Mount Gox"} {"text":"EIP 4844 can save Bitcoin!"} {"text":"BTC at ~$39k Every day Barry sells BTC, BTC drops $1k He has more than enough to sell for 39 straight days Do the math!"} {"text":"GBTC halvening wen?"} {"text":"@sandyzkp @AutomataNetwork Really cool "} {"text":"@nickwh8te See, to shorten the pain, you should have implemented KZG ;-)"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart @0xFatBatman Which part of z is not clear?"} {"text":"Multi-prover zkEVM? How about a multi-user zkEVM?"} {"text":"Just scored 15,934 Rabby Points with a few clicks, and you can get extra points for migrating MetaMask wallet into Rabby! Everyone can get points, and use my referral code 'CHAINYODA' for an extra bonus. Ready to claim? @Rabby_io"} {"text":"OH: \"He's not a retard, he's a research-tard\""} {"text":"@cmsholdings Is this eigendriver?"} {"text":"@aliciakatz Tbh, its all asset, no class yet"} {"text":"We can send Barry many more retards than he can send us regards"} {"text":"@moo9000 @imexitliquidity @sachayve Loud tweeters are a tiny fragment of eth community. Most eth OGs only say what needs to be said when theres a real issue"} {"text":"Can't you guys just pay Barry his 1.5% ransom instead of taking a 20% L on bitcoin?"} {"text":"Words to live by "} {"text":"They don't know Dubai is the 10 year India beta play"} {"text":"Silicon Oasis is the new Silicon Valley. It is just in the process of being eastward distributed"} {"text":"@nosleepjon Cosmos ppl still PTSD about the 21 day unbonding period for $LUNA. Its irrational but it runs deep."} {"text":"Vibes > Salesforce Thats the thing to learn about BD in crypto"} {"text":"Promise me @Consensys that this validator staking thing uses Besu and not Geth"} {"text":"@binji_x Bitcoin is backup plan for Geth bugs"} {"text":"Ignore. Feynman never closed a seed round"} {"text":"Is the ONDO team buying real world assets?"} {"text":"@Nogoodtwts Coinbase Wallet does"} {"text":"@blockgraze You need execution client diversity"} {"text":"Its time for @ethereumJoseph ser to sell the batamask 'solo' staking feature like hell. Thats one actionable way to increase ethereum client diversity Take your bags out of lido, coinbase, kraken, binance and self stake 32 eth via batamask Also bullish on DVT cc: @hotpot_dao"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko @ryanberckmans Ryan is right. We have precedent with Barry Silbert and ethereum classic"} {"text":"@matt_blumberg Blast will rekt just you but Geth can rekt us all. They are not the same"} {"text":"If my coins drops any more I will develop a passion for tokenisation, utility and value accrual "} {"text":"@dabit3 50m to install slack and saas tools"} {"text":"@cmsholdings No job at Monad for James"} {"text":"Bankless Malayalam podcast should claim $25m from Optimism retropgf4 to write a high quality execution client for ethereum"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko Ingenuity required to make the best military technology like ARPANET"} {"text":"What if masternode gave Jump a few bips of ETH FDV allo to write the firedancer execution client of ethereum?"} {"text":"Ethereum does not have any decent execution clients other than Geth because execution clients don't have their own token"} {"text":"Ethereum client diversity facing the same sort of issues as DEI in college admissions"} {"text":"tl;dr: Execution clients other than geth are not good enough yet. 100% GETH dominance would also solve the problem kind of"} {"text":"@CoinbaseCloud What are these techical requirements"} {"text":"Not useful to criticise gud VC for not Investing or even launching a competitor. VC has a thousand legit reasons to pass including timing, vintage of fund, pricing, chemistry w you, weather on the day or biases acquired from their track record. VC dont pick winners, life goes on"} {"text":"I thought Saylor was cornering the market but it turns out Barry was Hamanaka"} {"text":"$TIA stakers of @cosmos origins are still deeply PTSD about $LUNA s stakedrops and 21 day unbonding period. This is not a rational comparison in any form but it will have an impact on price movements"} {"text":"I love Cosmos and Ethereum communities because we have the balls to critically examine our own technology for its long term good and we don't need to larp in unison defensively when there's an issue. This type of self confidence and self assurance is something only winners have"} {"text":"Chancellor on the brink of another social consensus"} {"text":"@howdymerry If they are in SAAS, pivot to RAAS (and airdrop)"} {"text":"@SelectaCrypto Yeh. Ser is a grants program designed to inspire people to build what he wants to see happen"} {"text":"Vitalik is a once in a generation computer scientist but a very bad VC"} {"text":"Amongst all the curious ponzodynamic technology, @paradigm is shipping the one thing we need most - RETH, the rust based ethereum execution client "} {"text":"Why can't @coinbase disable Barry's sell button or delet his account?"} {"text":"I miss proof of work ethereum "} {"text":"Sam and Barry combo continues to haunt us"} {"text":"What if there's one day a @monad_xyz execution client to reduce Geth execution client dominance on eth "} {"text":"@JimmyRagosa @eigenlayer Jokes apart, everything built on top of eth has to assume that ethereum is technically and theoretically robust"} {"text":"@drjasper_eth gib logic for adhd people or reading material. I think dankrads post was about consensus clients"} {"text":"So are the fudder frens from rocketpool right? Whats the final word on how bad things can get if a supermajority EXECUTION (not CONSENSUS) client has a bug?"} {"text":"Foo didn't block me "} {"text":"Literally BLOCK-CHAIN"} {"text":"@jimmyhumania @VitalikButerin Because there's no masternode"} {"text":"We need @VitalikButerin ser to make a statement about the Geth dominance situation. Why did the masternode allow 84% concentration to happen?"} {"text":"I am watching this awesome Lord Rama temple inauguration on TV and all I can see is Mr Prime Minister"} {"text":"@balajis Newspapers need live community notes"} {"text":"Perps on the most degenerate Cosmos chain? Unleash full $AUTISM"} {"text":"Everyone gangsta about immutability and credible neutrality till their stake gets slashed"} {"text":"@lucasvo Bitcoin"} {"text":"How about we (eth) go back to proof of work?"} {"text":"@hmalviya9 Yeah, that's essentially what Toly ser calls the \"wormhole eigenlayer\" L2"} {"text":"@Shilika_jain @sreeramkannan and @sriramk"} {"text":"Who is selling $ONDO to buy real world assets?"} {"text":"Whats the difference between Social Consensus and Masternode?"} {"text":"@stonecoldpat0 @petejkim >> social consensus would reverse the penalty Ser that's bailout"} {"text":"Every bailout is a social consensus"} {"text":"Eigenlayer so good, they are building a whole Sreeram temple about it"} {"text":"LogX is going exponential"} {"text":"The blockchain Trilemma is just a heuristic but now that the infidel manlets are challenging my prophETH's words, I am committed to go to war for it"} {"text":"This is what peak reply guy performance looks like "} {"text":"Some dot eths be like \"I am worried about Lido dominance and I am worried about rehypothecation\". Bro, 84% of your network can be taken offline by a geth bug Worry about THAT!"} {"text":"@0xMert_ We hebeeen ein seerious probleeem"} {"text":"@0xAllen_ It's complicated tho. DA has ordering, that leaves you with the abstract notion of finality"} {"text":"Manlets be like, \"ethereum should pivot to firedancer\". Nah bro, we have better memes than that already"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Lots of us are talking about it. However, If sol had the same 100% of the nodes would be dancing on fire"} {"text":"\"first L2 on celestia\" Bruh, L2s are on L1, ie settlement layer, not on DA"} {"text":"ethereum guys are spending so much time arguing w manlets that some Beacon chain nodes are starting to go offline"} {"text":"One protocol dev @benjaminion_xyz leaves 9% of Beacon chain goes offline This is the future of france"} {"text":"This fantastic book can reduce a lot of unnecessary friction between founders and VCs"} {"text":"@0xmadisonn @robotventures \"You have a pixie dust quality about you Tarun\" - me"} {"text":"@benjaminion_xyz @Consensys All the best Legend! Make King and country proud"} {"text":"@0xgaut Steaks made of tyre are more likely"} {"text":"@0xmadisonn He wants deal flow"} {"text":"Don't need to sell Pengu Airdrops will pay for it "} {"text":"@0xMert_ >> Labs or Foundation should take profits SoLINK marine Mert!"} {"text":"Pengu boom was just a preview of the Punk supercycle"} {"text":"@Blockanalia No punks on Blur. Own marketplace only"} {"text":"Unlike monolithic blockchains that generally don't HAVE users, modular blockchains don't even NEED users. Modular chains are meant to be used by other modular chains, not people - it's in the definition"} {"text":"In all these years in blockchain, why has the Lord never asked me to remodel my kitchen with other people's money? Do I lack faith? "} {"text":"@VitalikButerin @tyler_m_john That is why we are getting barbelled by Bitcoiners and Manlets. Do not abandon us for mount farcaster "} {"text":"OH: \"Vitalik ser is apex influencer\""} {"text":"@marouen19 Marouen Bin Ethereum Ibn Singapore"} {"text":"@0xkenzi thats how a16z differentiated themselves in 2010"} {"text":"Can we do an \u2066@EthereumDenver\u2069 side event at the Pastor's place bls"} {"text":"60 million millionaires in the world Only 10,000 @cryptopunksnfts Do the math"} {"text":"You can never have enough Steve Jobs in your life"} {"text":"@jdkanani @naruto11eth @0xmozak \"Why should hype be the first priority? I value shipping more\" - JD Ser"} {"text":"@fede_intern Jeez, you're good!"} {"text":"Who are the devrel Jesus people in crypto ie high quality \"how to build\" teachers and content creators with great depth and vibe, in person and on social media @dabit3 @Yazanator @jarrodWattsDev ... who else?"} {"text":"@BobSummerwill Lol. I don't need to. I was at ConsenSys 2.0"} {"text":"When you're winning, the most important thing is to keep winning Don't blink"} {"text":"Career advice to other people's children"} {"text":"Blockchains Before Celestia After Celestia"} {"text":"@futurenomics Have you heard of Petanque?"} {"text":"@futurenomics Unfair. the french can fight any battle, 35 hours a week"} {"text":"My neurons when @0xMert_ says \"imagine the mental gymnastics\""} {"text":"@chrisamccoy @thestorecloud "} {"text":"@0xMert_ @santiagoroel I said many fewer words than you to say that Solana does not have a formally specified BFT consensus yet so let's not get carried away"} {"text":"@0xMert_ @santiagoroel Ser the blockchain trilemma is only a heuristic applicable to blockchains that have a byzantine fault tolerant consensus protocol. Remove blockchain technology from a blockchain and the trilemma is no longer applicable"} {"text":"Literally crypto marketing"} {"text":"It's quite amazing that no one is losing money on $WIF and everyone is making millions. This hat technology has solved world hunger"} {"text":"@santiagoroel \"Why should Vitalik be the better researcher? I value mert more\" - Santi ser"} {"text":"So many of you guys that debate the \"trust assumptions\" of rollups, validiums, optimiums and plasma all day have not used any of the above in months"} {"text":"GBTC"} {"text":"@EleanorTerrett @ekataCT This is the Met-a-verse Lady Eleanor!"} {"text":"@Smokey_titan Yah, no amount of education or work experience can plug you viscerally into the internet culture, let alone a subculture"} {"text":"So almost everyone on farcaster is basically from four counties in the US and three cities in Canada?"} {"text":"IPO: INITIAL POINTS OFFERING"} {"text":"INITIAL AIRDROP OFFERING: IAO"} {"text":"@MarkBeylin Twitter : '10s silicon valley capitalism Farcaster: 60's napa valley commune"} {"text":"@0xfoobar Solana penguins look as if the Ozone layer has been completely depleted"} {"text":"@Shilika_jain pol is the endgame, the endgame does not need to race"} {"text":"@0x42069x Only people in if for the technology "} {"text":"I bear 'witness' to extraordinary minds"} {"text":"crypto startup roadmap after raising too much"} {"text":"@blockchainjames @elonmusk @Support @rainbowdotme Terrible. Twitter is full of these bots rn. So sorry to hear man"} {"text":"@A_BertoG"} {"text":"@timmymckeegan no ser, thats my punk. this is my car"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko Still waiting for ser @KanavKariya to gib airdrop for baptism"} {"text":"@712jefferson @sagamonkes and madlads"} {"text":"If you want buzz, airdrop to penguins If you want TVL, airdrop to cryptopunks If you want researchers, airdrop to badkids Know your modular Jpegs (KYJ)"} {"text":"@decircusmaster \"Only mert and toly produce results, @therealchaseeb is unemployed\" - @akshaybd"} {"text":"@0xrooter @10KRotator Dubai "} {"text":"This is an Asset This is a Liabilty"} {"text":"@jimmyhumania @cryptopunksnfts @MadLads Respect your elder NFTs and you might get your own"} {"text":"Larry Fink will pivot to a @cryptopunksnfts PFP and you willl be very happy"} {"text":"@sergitosergito Punks ETF incoming"} {"text":"@jimmyhumania @eigenlayer Yes"} {"text":"@jimmyhumania @eigenlayer Thats inverse history. Solana is currently mostly replicating NFTs, core Defi primitives and memecoins eth saw in 2020-now with admittedly some new native app ideas too"} {"text":"If Dwight Howard pulls a Sesta or Sifu I am coming for @luigidemeo"} {"text":"Larry Fink's Ethereum ETF"} {"text":"@DeFi_Dad @MantaNetwork You are having a blast dad"} {"text":"Who's going to DePin this jeep and airdrop dog coins worth $100k to the left tyre?"} {"text":"@zkBri Counting on being very positively impacted by points"} {"text":"Circle IPO is a mistake. Every $USDC holders should be given an airdrop of a USDC governance token Even $ONDO now has an unreal world token at $1.5b FDV. $CRCL FDV would have literally made data available several times over"} {"text":"@aliciakatz @functi0nZer0 He doesn't know who invented girls in the first place"} {"text":"Hello fellow community members"} {"text":"Barry will sell your Bitcoin cheap to Larry and you will be hapi"} {"text":"@0xMert_ What AI search engine do you use for the screenshots you save"} {"text":"Scammer asking Jason Streatham for mercy in 'Beekeeper', \"What do you want? I can give you NFTs, crypto\" "} {"text":"Things to buy with @eigenlayer points"} {"text":"@vishal4c >> there are no airdrops on Polkadot Only mysterious git commits. When there are some apps there will be"} {"text":"@mwilcox @goth600 Bitcoin was a shitcoin once"} {"text":"ngl; If you are under 30, you don't want to spend your life fitting into a soulless machine, and you want to max out on your autism, you gonna need shitcoins that don't have a pricing model"} {"text":"@hasufl Eigenlayer is like @aave - easy to clone the idea, near impossible to clone the brand, community and mindshare"} {"text":"I heard @Zac_Aztec say ZEE KAY. Its so over for England"} {"text":"I might have to get therapy soon. Every-time someone in blockchain research says \"shared security\", all I hear is \"airdrops for staking my coins on someone else's chain\""} {"text":"@Kautukkundan That is absurd marketing. There are hardly any Basements in Bangalore :-)"} {"text":"@Snowsledge0x @sreeramkannan Add a row for liveness... security critical for lending protocols"} {"text":"Boeing just launched their flagship defi protocol"} {"text":"@maslinedwin Klaus is just a Vlogger and Podcaster"} {"text":"Bullish on @babylon_chain because finally, my few bitcoin will also earn airdrops "} {"text":"I heard Klaus Schwab is taking 2% advisory in alll the hot Davos ecosystem projets"} {"text":"@sreeramkannan Key takeaways: 1. Can play games or trade tokenized assets on optimium 2. Can trade memecoins or pudgies on validium 3. Can hold fidenzas or cryptopunks on a rollup 4.401k is only on L1 Aave --> at least Validium? Liveness failure no fun Is this correct?"} {"text":"@0xBalloonLover C16Z is unbeatable"} {"text":"You hold bitcoin you get nothing I hold eth, I get @eigenlayer points, pudgy penguins, airdrop hopium on 69420 different layer2s, LIDO Yield, modular confusion and mental illness"} {"text":"@0xMert_ To be bearish AI is to be bearish memecoins"} {"text":"Pudgy Penguins are ETF hedge "} {"text":"@jimmyhumania @zmanian ie Saylor will Sell?"} {"text":"@zmanian Milei also said that collectivistic experiments llike ethereum alignment are bad for ethereum"} {"text":"How long before Craig Wright claims he's not Satoshi but Satashi?"} {"text":"Spot Bitcoin ETF is the Cardano of tradfi. Promising is Bullish, Shipping is Bearish"} {"text":"ETH declared SAFU from ETF for now"} {"text":"@GreenDragonNEAR Wen airdrops for near stakers? Wen?"} {"text":"@txsequencer Nah man, her commitment scheme was polynomial"} {"text":"@functi0nZer0 Satashi changed a header file"} {"text":"Only Mr @aeyakovenko, manufacturer of the worst smartphone, has a well thought out career plan after tradfi takes over crypto "} {"text":"This kind and noble protector tried to save us from the ETF"} {"text":"Are you feeling legit, son?"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko Can take a man out of telecom but..."} {"text":"@0xMert_ thought experiment assume everything on Solana is the exact same but *the only difference* is that Blockworks doesn't publish podcasts. In this case, is Solana still as successful?"} {"text":"Every real world asset project needs an unreal world token"} {"text":"@iampaulgrewal Efforts of others!"} {"text":"@binji_x retroactively?"} {"text":"@anuragarjun"} {"text":"I can remain retarded longer than Barry Silbert can dump bitcoin"} {"text":"@pyramation @aaronxkong @osmosiszone @okxweb3 @CosmosKit_ Love OKX Wallet "} {"text":"@margined_io Never. Celestia gud projet"} {"text":"Availability of data has continued to decline all week..."} {"text":"PENGUIN ALIGNMENT "} {"text":"Pudgy Penguins now at 20 eth floor. Those of you in the old school who believe this is a bubble simply have not understood the new mathematics of the Blockchain, or you did not cared enough to try. Bubbles are mathematically impossible in this new paradigm. So are corrections and\u2026"} {"text":"@StaniKulechov gm. If you are reading that, pls delegat to asango.eth"} {"text":"I am a simple man. My dollars follow the devs..."} {"text":"@0xMert_ I thought 21m was target market cap?"} {"text":"@anuragarjun ZK proof of genius"} {"text":"@hashflow @bonk_inu Hashflow wif hat!"} {"text":"@0xsachi Wher eightsleep?"} {"text":"If you are a crypto founder and no one is really upset with you on any given day, you don't have a community"} {"text":"The best feature of @solanamobile toaster 2.0 is that the store asks for a wallet address on checkout "} {"text":"$WIF is so bullish because it's like @bonk_inu without a roadmap. Bonk should burn the roadmap and send the team to Hawaii for a year"} {"text":"@chamathsintern @icebergy_ bro we are already on restaked points"} {"text":"@Arthur_0x @akshaybd It depends. TIA secondary sellers are in therapy rn"} {"text":"@cburniske This is because of secondaries. \"Dude with Dad's money\" funds are buying for 2-3x pre launch and Celestia 8x post launch is mooning valuations all around"} {"text":"@moshaikhs "} {"text":"Cool thing about @ElectricCapital's dev report is that everyone's happy with it. Those eg @0xPolygon who have a lot of devs building are happy they have a lot of devs and those who have very few eg @base are happy that their numbers \"grew very fast from 0\""} {"text":"Retail ventures remains undefeated"} {"text":"@sandyzkp @ElectricCapital @MariaShen 500% (penta) DEV YIELD?"} {"text":"Polygon is the builder layer of ethereum"} {"text":"I never had investment contract with her"} {"text":"If @BlackRock ever hires a shitposting intern, I want"} {"text":"You are not overweight. You are a rounding error"} {"text":"Cool jobs at a cool place, ape in!"} {"text":"@jolieyang @Uniswap Congrats! How many points to join Uniswap?"} {"text":"Who will build the first rollup using altlayer that gives airdrops to altlayer token holders who got altlayer token from staking TIA which they got by staking OSMO..."} {"text":"Modular chains can launch 1000x more rollups than monolithic chains can launch apps "} {"text":"MODULAR BASIC INCOME"} {"text":"1 BTC = 1 PUDGY \u2122"} {"text":"I minted ATOM on ATOM"} {"text":"@cmsholdings Tokenization for Monad?"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart @danhwang88 @llamaonthebrink"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart @danhwang88 @llamaonthebrink There's no reason why solo stakers can't restake on EL in the future.. I think there will be some implementation complexity in handling slashing events if solo stakers are slashed but more re-take is merrier for EL"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy @EspressoSys @movementlabsxyz @union_build @Hyperlane_xyz @AvailProject @fluentxyz @eigen_da @squidrouter @alt_layer @Calderaxyz @fuel_network @RiscZero Modular basic income?"} {"text":"@Fwiz @WatcherGuru His professional opinion is different btw"} {"text":"Wen will @NEARProtocol s DA layer make some airdrops?"} {"text":"Uniswap founder and Curv founder are competing for who did the first retro airdrop. The future of france has reached endgame"} {"text":"@L1am_Crypto @cosmoshub Ya its like btc ova there, nothing else going on on the chain"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart Show some respect Gwart. The man created a multibillion dollar.... token"} {"text":"Ordinals on @cosmoshub make a lot of sense imo"} {"text":"@vishal4c Last month it was Solano. Next month?"} {"text":"@Eug_Ng I also have a gud airdrop :-)"} {"text":"@LogX_trade "} {"text":"@hemal018 @FlareNetworks @HugoPhilion 3 yrs of hodl so far - great things take time"} {"text":"any @aave tokenholders not voting often in aave gov, appreciate if you can pls delegate votes to me at asango.eth"} {"text":"Big things ahead for @FlareNetworks"} {"text":"Rollups, Validium, Optimium, Plasma, Channels, Sidechains... every single day, L2s stray further and farther from the security of ethereum"} {"text":"@0xDinoEggs @aeyakovenko @0xMert_ He can use @jon_charb s blog posts with a Quekz pfp"} {"text":"@0xDinoEggs If all these things are L2s, what wrong has brother @aeyakovenko done then?"} {"text":"Plasma and channels are also L2s now"} {"text":"Why is less data available today than yesterday?"} {"text":"So much tokenisation is happening on \u2066\u2066@0xPolygon\u2069 that suit PFPs are cool again"} {"text":"In defi, your moat is security. Everything can get rugged or exploited with a fairly high probability and if you don't, you win"} {"text":"Ethereum's phone is so decentralised that it comes with no physical phone, and the OS can only be run on a raspberry pi"} {"text":"Solano phone is such a BAD phone that they should partner with @badkidsart and @BadkidsCoin"} {"text":"Almost $2600 on the news that Vitalik is so back, on CT!"} {"text":"Modular blockchains and one click RAAS frameworks will allow devs to launch new blockchains in minutes and focus almost entirely on hyping their tokens"} {"text":"DEPIN is when you send airdrops to someone's pacemaker"} {"text":"@DeanEigenmann The crucifix is depin and collects airdrops"} {"text":"Wait so the WORST phone in the world is launching a CHEAPER version?"} {"text":"Every large organisation must learn to protect itself from people and people from itself"} {"text":"Who will do HEXA YIELD to beat @MantaNetwork s PENTA YIELD?"} {"text":"The \"Move\" in @SuiNetwork was supposed to mean move \"up\", not down "} {"text":"@Austin_Federa \"using less\" sounds..."} {"text":"@osmosiszone is the New York of Cosmos"} {"text":"@dimahledba You owe us a nice airdrop now"} {"text":"Looks like Tether has been making way too much money to go bankrupt"} {"text":"@QwQiao You must not fud bags of LPs"} {"text":"crypto is called web3 because most people are working 3 jobs: 1. Founder 2. Investor 3. Advisor"} {"text":"Which advanced zero knowledge cryptography project by postdoc or tenured prof founders offers... the best yield?"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Who hurt you?"} {"text":"What happened to XCMP on @Polkadot? Does it work? Can eth copy it for inter rollup comms if it does?"} {"text":"@marouen19 @0xPolygon Currency to pay for fixing"} {"text":"Celestia removed execution from Blockchains: $20b Eigenlayer removed the Blockchain altogether: $100b is inevitable Few understand this"} {"text":"I was drawn to crypto when I read Satoshi's second paper, \"Cosmos, an SDK for peer to peer electronic airdrops\""} {"text":"Twitter is full of wallet drainer ads in airdrop szn... what a wonderful future of finance wao!"} {"text":"@QuantumCatsXYZ gm"} {"text":"So the future President of the US has been building on Polygon..."} {"text":"@0xmadisonn His name is Alexa"} {"text":"mood today"} {"text":"Pudgies are trading like someone hired a \"market maker\""} {"text":"Last year I bought an apartment in Dubai downtown and staked it. This year the builder airdropped me another one in Dubai Marina, absolutely free. Not really but I am just a @cosmos community member trying to increase the FDV of apartments in downtown haha"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart >> regarded Just change one letter"} {"text":"This is not aligned with ethereum's values"} {"text":"@EvanWeb3"} {"text":"TOKENIZED GOLD AIRDROPS"} {"text":"Thanks to @ercwl and @udiWertheimer s work on Ordinals post taproot, even bitcoin will produce airdrops in '24 You are not ready "} {"text":"Solana down 8% on the news that monolithic chains can do airdrops of app tokens but modular chains can do airdrops of other chains which can do airdrops of... recursively"} {"text":"We have reached mass airdroption"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart That'd be a permanent loss"} {"text":"Re TIA, to cross $100b mcap, crypto founders must brand themselves as autistic geniuses. Genius is not enough. Autism matters more"} {"text":"Which car will this be "} {"text":"@lemiscate @Rabby_io Very interesting portfolio"} {"text":"I'd never pay $1750 for a real fishing rod but"} {"text":"@moo9000 Is this GHOlana?"} {"text":"@RuneKek UWA ... unreal world assets"} {"text":"Biggest web2 data giant in the world joins @flarenetworks, the leading web3 network built for data $FLR"} {"text":"So cool to see Venezuela handing over $PETRO back to the community"} {"text":"@binji_x @0xPolygon @solarpunkdao unbroke regen wao"} {"text":"Built on @0xPolygon"} {"text":"@binji_x Every time I ask Binji about interop he shills his own chain stack at me :-("} {"text":"@KyleSt4rgarden Regen will be unbroke when it taps into our inner degen"} {"text":"Broke: Regen Woke: Degen Future: Eigen"} {"text":"@gajeshnaik Few"} {"text":"The FIRST variable in token valuation is WHICH PAGE of @coingecko you feature on. Then it's applying ranking based probability weights to the going \"category price\" Example: L1, L2, AI, memecoin, DeFi, NFT...."} {"text":"@odin_free Erm, factually, Cairo was born out of a need to optimize because evm execution proofs were considered too expensive to be feasible. But now, cairo can turn that into an opportunity, and evolve into something much better than evm"} {"text":"@YoannTurpin1 @VitalikButerin It's a much longer list. One is only as relevant as their product and ideas"} {"text":"takes a lot of work to build a finished product. eth was hardly finished in '14 '15 but had to mainnet and fix it along the way"} {"text":"Supra frens forever"} {"text":"@WEB3YashK Yash channeling bitboy "} {"text":"Its not infighting if the chains are sovereign. Its outfighting"} {"text":"In tech, making money is infinitely easier than remaining relevant. @VitalikButerin made a lot less money than some ethereum co-founders who are no longer relevant In fact, focusing on making money can often get in the way of staying relevant"} {"text":"@binji_x Which OP ecosystem deal did Binji miss?"} {"text":"What happened to eth beta?"} {"text":"@binji_x Larry Fink"} {"text":"When you really, love a woman you give her the gift of @eigenlayer points "} {"text":"@QwQiao Solana has $500 dog coins degens, eth has $500k eigens. Inside us there are both wolves"} {"text":"Dubai is a vibe"} {"text":"ZK on bitcoin That's the tweet "} {"text":"@functi0nZer0 Kids call it 'conversation' these days?"} {"text":"@0xSmit launch mainnet beta, now inversebrah me"} {"text":"Everyone should do what they have an edge in. If you have an edge in building or investing, trading is a waste of time, and vice versa. If you have an edge in neither, buy bitcoin or eth and go to bed."} {"text":"@GwartyGwart Jared was acquired by Ken Griffin boomer!"} {"text":"Something has gone very wrong with the world"} {"text":"Wen floor pengu be a 100k pfp?"} {"text":"OP_CAT is very cool"} {"text":"zk szn is about to absolutely explode in 6 months max as last yr's hype-s become this year's ship-s"} {"text":"Generational $BAD"} {"text":"Its insane how successful @0xPolygon PoS chain is compared to alt L1s"} {"text":"Mr Fink says build on @0xPolygon"} {"text":"@jon_charb pfp changed from solano "} {"text":"@baoskee Four or five are actually used - dydx and osmosis in particular"} {"text":"Berachain getting more hate for fewer testnet issues than a typical mainnet is classy marketing "} {"text":"Angel investing is when you pay people so that they would let you work for them"} {"text":"@luigidemeo bitcoin cdk!"} {"text":"@luigidemeo Luigi is economically dependent on subnets"} {"text":">> why one L2 should bear the bill for something helping ALL the L2s That's the definition of *public* good. eg @0xPolygon s Plonky2"} {"text":"Never took threadlord Cochran for an eth maxi..."} {"text":"@JohnNahas84 22*3 - 22 + 22\/10"} {"text":"Founder fren at super cool project hiring for protocol dev(s), dms open"} {"text":"We have EigenSaylor"} {"text":"onchain is the new online"} {"text":"@movementlabsxyz is modular move\u2122"} {"text":"@aliciakatz As long as you don't say I am >> completely fucking ridiculous"} {"text":"@aliciakatz I always tell my frens, Alicia is also maybe a genius!"} {"text":"I will say this again. Crypto is run by Chinese women. Always has been, since the eth ICO"} {"text":"\"Solana is ded\" - CT thinkboi who declared eth ded in December and Cosmos Ded in August"} {"text":"Basically tokenization"} {"text":"@howdymerry sure about (2)?"} {"text":"@zmanian Dead is bullish \u2122"} {"text":"\"I tend to assign a hype\/ship ratio to every crypto project. Disclosing the scores is the surest way to lose good friends\" - Dale Carnegie"} {"text":"@loomdart Saylor is locked"} {"text":"PARALYSED EVM"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko @jayendra_jog @SeiNetwork @Neon_EVM and @0xPolygon s || evm even before that"} {"text":"gm @routerprotocol gang"} {"text":"tl;dr of 69 tweets is that $TIA has vampire attac $ATOM's \"stake coin, get airdrop\" innovation"} {"text":"Never liked the Orb, probably never will, but @recmo and team are the zk "} {"text":"Ser @NTBro 's partner roster will melt faces "} {"text":"@DeFi_Dad @camillionaire_m @Consensys @Sibos @amandacassatt @cherdougie @kara_miley @masonnystrom @everett_io @LaurishaYc @LexSokolin @nicoleadarme @amandacassatt is the "} {"text":"@GDanezis @EvanWeb3 no contest "} {"text":"@EvanWeb3 People in it for the technology ?"} {"text":"@luigidemeo @QwQiao step aside, ethereum but worse "} {"text":"@QwQiao Sui optimises for being be easier and safer to build on and vibes have been warming with the degen hiring in recent months... there's space for both ofc "} {"text":"@QwQiao I like all of them haha but I enjoy alt L1 blunt rotation the most "} {"text":"Solana bull VC community on CT is now Sui bull VC community Who could have seen this coming (hint)"} {"text":"@jimmyhumania Thing is outside the US, eg in the EU, the rulemaking moves very quickly without any of the legal debate and wins we have seen with GBTC and XRP"} {"text":"@jimmyhumania Got a couple more years at least"} {"text":"@ImpermanentGain Why Panama v Cayman tho? Is there a detailed article somewhere?"} {"text":"@ImpermanentGain Thats gud advice - dev entity can go to a proper country eg US, SGP, UK, CH"} {"text":"If you are raising seed and your \"crypto lawyer\" cant hack a cayman entity, a safe n a token warrant quickly find a new one these things are the most copy pasta there is these days ( unless you want dual class stonk or are forced into pro rata participation rights, then pain )"} {"text":"Is it long here for free time yet?"} {"text":"@2xcandi Its now onchainfi"} {"text":"My frens @0xMert_, @santiagoroel and @MikeIppolito_ are no match for Larry, the Blackrock Fink "} {"text":"\"If you are in crypto, pivot to tokenization\" - Larry Fink"} {"text":"@DeeZe Its pronounced Larry Punk"} {"text":"ETF KYC on wallets \u2122 KYC on Miners \u2122 KYC on Validators \u2122 Licensing for cex and dex \u2122 Registration rules for token launches \u2122 We are not ready for an \"institutional asset class\""} {"text":"\"ETF WILL LEGITIMISE THE CRYPTO ASSET CLASS\" yeah man thats a real concern!!!"} {"text":"Avax guys pivoted from COQ Inu to tokenization in one hour and you didn't sell everything?"} {"text":"Capo was right"} {"text":"Just sent my CV to Goldman's memecoin risk management department listing experience in digital commodities like SHIB, WIF, GONE, COQ, BONK, and something unspeakable referring to Elizabeth Warren"} {"text":"crypto prices do look like we are all focusing on tokenization now, as Mr Fink said"} {"text":"Utility itself is a meme "} {"text":"@themanbearpigV2 not required for etf"} {"text":"JPM intern inventing nonexistent rules on the fly"} {"text":"@SchwabNetwork @vaneck_us @matthew_sigel @OJRenick Intern doxxed"} {"text":"@jimmyhumania It was @jon_charb"} {"text":"Cramer lied to us"} {"text":"@0xsachi at this price i go"} {"text":"How many @eigenlayer points are enough to retire?"} {"text":"@mdudas Tradfi takeover incoming. Toldyaso"} {"text":"How ETH started How ETH's going"} {"text":"Take this Solano! Tradfi chain undefeated"} {"text":"@superanonymousk TRADFI IS THE NEW PARADIGM"} {"text":"TRADFI IS MODULAR, NOT MONOLITHIC"} {"text":"TRADFI EXTRACTABLE VALUE"} {"text":"@yugacohler @GwartyGwart TRADFI ALIGNMENT"} {"text":"And you are bearish anon?"} {"text":"dot eths can continue to vibe on farcaster. Mr Fink will handle this toxic environment"} {"text":"@binji_x If you are into influencering, turn your tweets thoughts into a substack and then speak them out on a podcast. Used to do that in my thotleada dayz"} {"text":"@OpsChefSalim I prefer a Honda - this is for future rich founders :-)"} {"text":"Dubai is a vibe"} {"text":"ETF STANDS FOR ETHEREUM TRUST FUND"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart people who get to bonk in the real world don't buy it"} {"text":"@WaynesWorldza Ya, the way this works is that you invest according to what you have. You have more, you invest more"} {"text":"It boggles my mind what an 'ineffficient' process building a successful blockchain ecosystem is. ConsenSys funded startups had a crazy mortality rate but eth is $300b partly because Joe funded a lot of experiments and moonshots that enabled others to imagine, experiment and build"} {"text":"Twitter critiques and jokes apart, @Optimism retropgf is prob better than many grants programs. Its more open to criticism because 'public goods' definition is too broad, esp for things like podcasts and venture funded projects, that are privately owned, but its more transparent"} {"text":"How much AUM does a Bitcoin ETF need to cover the costs and survive after year 1, year 3, year 5? Will all 11 survive?"} {"text":"Its all about founders. @shitirastogi and @Mable_Jiang have now shipped absolute scorchers on two entirely different chains... @GasHeroOfficial is all the rage rn on @0xPolygon wao"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko Its like life expectancy, the longer you are alive, the longer you are likely to remain so"} {"text":"@HHorsley @pudgypenguins Wen Pengu ETF ser?"} {"text":"@avichal @aeyakovenko respect is the key. I love how @a16zcrypto engage with founders at all times, but especially when they say no"} {"text":"Being a founder is a hard and lonely journey that involves making lots of mistakes. If you succeed, the mistakes only get bigger You can listen to everyone, learn every day, but if you then don't have courage to succeed or fail by your own methods, getting a job might be better"} {"text":"@DefiDiogenesYFI @themanbearpigV2 @cburniske"} {"text":"@themanbearpigV2 @cburniske down how long for"} {"text":"Can someone from the og trader community explain @cburniske 's tweet to me? Is he saying sell? buy? go back to bed?"} {"text":"People complaining about OP grants after the fact every time shows that no one reads governance proposals and even @0xMert_ could get an Optimism DAO grant to start a Solana focussed podcast if he tried"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko this will bring KYC to armani wallet "} {"text":"idk about the separation of money from state but crypto definitely is the separation of price from value"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy aspirational value of status > aspirational value of money"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy I have one but"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy You underestimate how many eth OG devs and researchers have"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy The guy who built Lido just bought one. Badkids is the ultimate OG nerd nft"} {"text":"Badkids will flip penguins and I will be happy"} {"text":"@Lomashuk So $BAD"} {"text":"@robin_rrtx Barry Silbert's coin"} {"text":"One common weakness in good Web2 founders coming into Web3 is that they talk about strange things like UX, product market fit, users, revenue, growth, gross margin... What about the hat though?"} {"text":"Memecoins on Solano are too easy to be interesting. Memecoins in cosmos on the other hand require you to get a 16 credit minor degree in CS first."} {"text":"Founders whose teams survived through bera with or without being able to raise VC money should be very proud of themselves I know a crypto project that got from $18m to $300b on crowdfunding If your law firm can't be creative and do what they did, find a different one"} {"text":"@cmsholdings Do we have a legal right to immolate in their yard?"} {"text":"@homme0x Read left to right, not right to left"} {"text":"We are not done till Vanguard customers are trading a @cryptopunksnfts ETF ... then Badkids ETF"} {"text":"I like @SmokeyTheBera and @homme0x even tho I am not an investoor. Hope they make a gud farm also"} {"text":"The trick to trading a memecoin in bula is to logwealth it to accumulate the native currency of the chain, not fiat"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart @yugacohler Ya, airdrops > yield"} {"text":"@yugacohler @GwartyGwart They said they are waiting for modular money to be sufficiently decentralised"} {"text":"Men will beat the mighty SEC after a decade of battle and then lose their sleep over Vanguard Chill, this is day 1"} {"text":"Tradfi alignment is work in progress"} {"text":"@EricBalchunas Lawsuit?"} {"text":"Innovestor's dillemma"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart ETF wasn't approved before jpegs solved this"} {"text":"@cmsholdings and how much per monad?"} {"text":"SPOT ETF WIF HAT"} {"text":"LAUNCH THAT TOKEN RIGHT NOW"} {"text":"Punk floor at $140k"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko drug dealers did it huh!"} {"text":"@0xMert_ mert trying to trigger me"} {"text":"@jimmyhumania @Mudit__Gupta ser eth beta"} {"text":"@0xsol1d @0xMert_ Game theory ( no shade on solano, I use it )"} {"text":"@0xMert_ A google search brings up insights into incentive alignment"} {"text":"@Mudit__Gupta 0. No cme futures, no futures etf. Dont interrupt wen tradfi alumni are talking "} {"text":"Does anyone have a @0xMert_ like collection of \"sol will flip eth this cycle\" thinkboi screenshotted tweets?"} {"text":"You can help the crypto industry by trading these"} {"text":"ETF approval probability Bitcoin: 700% ETH: 70% XRP: 7% Solano: 0.7% Cardona: 0.07% Avax: 0.007%"} {"text":"StateStreet and BNY Mellon simply can't afford @coinbase but the other way round "} {"text":"@ripperdoc_eth The premium is more for flexibility to go from bitcoin to shitcoin - no can do w ETF"} {"text":"Hilarious but buying a bitcoin ETF involves less % cost and same\/fewer number of intermediaries than going from fiat to usdc and then to Brian's exchange for bitcoin"} {"text":"@luigidemeo finally luigi do one gud projet"} {"text":"@rleshner suit szn"} {"text":"@BarrySilbert @Sonnenshein @CraigSalm @Grayscale You guys are wall street legends now sers. No way these ETFs were gonna happen without your spectacular court win"} {"text":"The twins @JSeyff and @EricBalchunas saved CT from poverty and totally crushed the ETF coverage along the way - a bit like internet culture multiplied by tradfi expertise multiplied by good solid journalism. Memorable work"} {"text":"A BITCOIN ETF IS THE BEST FIAT ONRAMP"} {"text":"TRADFI ALIGNMENT"} {"text":"Intern's chief is as mission aligned as they come "} {"text":"@Crypto_Texan @vaneck_us @internbrah On my way to NYC in public transportation"} {"text":"@Blockanalia eth is not like sol. its like btc"} {"text":"Serialised EVM outperforming"} {"text":"DO NOT QUIT YOUR JOB YET PEOPLE ( MAYBE DO IT MONDAY )"} {"text":"@strategicman_"} {"text":"Toldyaso, on 8-Oct-2020"} {"text":"Soon all the @cryptopunksnfts will be $200k PFPs"} {"text":"Solano gas fees feel so high rn"} {"text":"The ETF is being approved asymptotically. lim (t-->inf) Approval ( ETF ) = 1"} {"text":"@vaneck_us @JanvanEck3 ser says its in the mail (DFPT)"} {"text":"@fluentxyz @rauljordaneth @0xPolygonMiden @movementlabsxyz @RiscZero @fuel_network @cartesiproject We been hyped for this hype for a whole year. Now everyone else is hyped that we are hyped "} {"text":"@rauljordaneth Get hyped for @0xPolygonMiden @movementlabsxyz @fluentxyz @RiscZero @fuel_network @cartesiproject (basically me)"} {"text":"@iamDCinvestor Beta = son"} {"text":" ain't no moar eth beta out there than @0xPolygon eth beta - the zk and adoption department of ethereum"} {"text":"@santiagoroel $7500-$10,000 (eth)"} {"text":"First principles of crypto"} {"text":"@tarunchitra All I see is Waldo"} {"text":"@mdudas cc: @KyleLDavies"} {"text":"@mdudas bruh"} {"text":"@Native_0x Proposer builder separation works innit?"} {"text":"alfaleak"} {"text":"Manlet frens should never underestimate the incredible advocacy work @ethereumJoseph and project brooklyn did for ethereum and what it means in the ETF era"} {"text":"The only bull case we need for ethereum"} {"text":"@_khanhamzah No real evidence of tradfi having bought anything imo. Both are degens front running tradfi"} {"text":"@boratheworld Absolutely. Because I have only one Pudgy but 3 badkids"} {"text":"@0xsitaram no comment"} {"text":"@gogoDiegocrypto @WinfredKMandela vs the whole market eh"} {"text":"@WinfredKMandela @gogoDiegocrypto no one got liquidated wen V got sim swapped yo"} {"text":"Remind me which is the preferred network for RWA and tokenization again? @0xPolygon "} {"text":"Feeling ethereal, unaligned, in my lane, moisturised"} {"text":"@_khanhamzah "} {"text":"@0xKewpie Not ne'mo"} {"text":"@intangiblecoins BTC Maxis don't know that everything has changed for ethereum and eth beta. Market showed its hand"} {"text":"One short signal in crypto is wen founders use signal ( Ukrainians and Chinese have legit reasons ) or whatsapp ( like leveraged short ) instead of telegram Bro you are building a yield farm, not monero... Putin don't care - jus get on with the program"} {"text":"Broke: wen token Woke: wen testnet Bespoke: wen users?"} {"text":"Pudgies will flippen apes because I have one. I have one because they will flippen apes. Its both cause and effect"} {"text":"Market makers get a lot of shit in crypto but none of it is for making a market in anything. All of it is for wen market making becomes *price* making"} {"text":"@EvgenyGaevoy First tradfi gib us btc ETF punp, then they will gib us KYC on all our wallets, miners and validators. Degens have no idea wat they are inhaling"} {"text":"@Austin_Federa Tarun's son do gud projet"} {"text":"Memes, memes everywhere"} {"text":"DC is right. If I gave a damn about what CT's hot ball of shill trading influenzas think about eth on a given day, I'd not have made it to the urban middle class"} {"text":"@rushimanche Wen testnet"} {"text":"I really don't think anyone has done mo to popularise use of blockchain among plebs than @0xPolygon since ther was ConsenSys this is like stuff that's not credit card degen casino stuff... imajin, who knew 'twas possible to like USE the tech huh"} {"text":"@vaneck_us intern is not my type"} {"text":"So whoever sim swapped GG, what coins does he own?"} {"text":"@sassal0x @thedailygwei RIP "} {"text":"@jimmyhumania no thats kim"} {"text":"Gary loves ethereum"} {"text":"@tarunchitra @matt_levine Why didn't Gauntlet capture this scenario?"} {"text":"The SEC's twitter account was audited by certik"} {"text":"Mistakes were made in a twitter account the @SECGov controls"} {"text":"@udiWertheimer You will miss the unhinged social layer after tradfi takeover of jpegs"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Look around. We are in one"} {"text":"The SEC will liquidate you. Avoid leverage"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart This is not true. dot eths only see \"casts\" from each other and a16z staff. what is a tweet btw? sounds toxic"} {"text":"@jacqmelinek @ValkyrieFunds @stevenmcclurg The hindi expression for that type of shilling is"} {"text":"@QwQiao GG has shown that he's the one - a deeply unserious regulator of a deeply unserious industry"} {"text":"This broke my internet "} {"text":"Wait, which hidden gems did the SEC's official account recommend? Was there an alfa leak?"} {"text":"John Denver's name should be posthumously changed to John Boulder or smth - literally, ANY other city in Colarado is better "} {"text":"'tis wat effereum needs but is 'fraid to ask"} {"text":"@MortimCrypto @BadkidsCoin Wen @osmosiszone listinggggg"} {"text":"What if the real etf was the frens..."} {"text":"@SelectaCrypto @JRossTreacher Not el foundacion so itsok"} {"text":"@JRossTreacher"} {"text":"Thing about $TIA value accrual is that the value accrues to the staker\/farmer, not token. ATOM invented it, TIA refined it."} {"text":"@priyeshugarg"} {"text":""} {"text":"@FilamentFinance @Injective_ @Cryptocito @TheMirza_ @ericinjective @InjectiveNow @0xzeze @Injective_Hub "} {"text":"Don't be mid, be $BAD"} {"text":"memes are not funny pictures. memes are the collective consciousness of humanity"} {"text":"One day we will store all 69420 petabytes of Solana's state by encoding it into the human DNA"} {"text":"\"Every day we get one day closer to the spot bitcoin ETF approval, and we can do this forever\" - George Cantor"} {"text":"L2s, Solana and Celestia can all solve each other's challenges if Solana becomes a shared sequencer for an ethereum layer2 that uses Celestia as DA"} {"text":"Having claimed 3m @BadkidsCoin, I am now a $BAD millionaire "} {"text":"@mdudas ngl, burner wallet is gud for dum apps like frentech"} {"text":"CT is a group of \"committed\" people who go from depression to mania in 24 hours flat"} {"text":"If you can follow the instructions to claim your @BadkidsCoin airdrop, you deserve tenure as faculty in shitcoin university."} {"text":"Capo-tulation"} {"text":"How much money does one need to never retire?"} {"text":"@colludingnode Yes. I am not entitled to condemn anything. I am occasionally amused by some things"} {"text":"@jackzampolin @nickwh8te 100%. Wouldn't be what it is if Nick didn't enjoy gud vibin' and storytelling. Stani has the same quality"} {"text":"@Austin_Federa Syncing at the speed of light... gud meme, unironically"} {"text":"Then whatever was left, the timing and token did the work. When you do that many things right, you kinda earn your luck "} {"text":"Influencers... there was an *aspirational value* to figuring out what arcana the experts are talking about... opinion leaders in the rarefied tenured faculty of blockchain land being the inner circle outwards to builders and apes, but for the curious the content was available"} {"text":"They made \"data availability\" cool, I mean "} {"text":"Colors, branding, consistency, long form for the academic and byte sized memetic punchlines for the adhd ape, plus the overall enthusiasm, basically \"vibes\" - its a thing"} {"text":"Mom I made it to the @EthereumDenver website All my bags are packed, I am ready to go "} {"text":"@TaprootWizards I have a punk already so yah, B"} {"text":"Modular summit was easily the best event of the year with top of the line speakers and content and that was coordinated brilliantly with social. You didn't go home without feeling like you learnt something"} {"text":"Everything is tuned for impact with memetic value and attention - whats goin on ova dere "} {"text":"You can tell the team was having a good time doing their thing and they passed the gud vibes on"} {"text":"Celestia marketing did absolutely top of the line award winning work in 2023, a rare left brain, right brain balance "} {"text":"Marketing technique I learnt from watching crypto masters this year Memetic obfuscation - this is when you turn something boring and probably even not so great into aspirational jargon, and then meme it into a desirable object"} {"text":"@jon_charb Remember to introduce her to your frens as your social life coprocessor"} {"text":"@Taran_ss @bond_dog_51 is building"} {"text":"The FDV concept is back"} {"text":"Hello Manlets"} {"text":"@Cooopahtroopa Sometimes I wonder if crypto people are aware that 99% of the world doesn't think about crypto at all?"} {"text":"Congratulations to everyone who got a real job instead of farming, while prices were still good and crypto companies were hiring"} {"text":"I am leaving this toxic environment for @farcaster_xyz where ETH is still $10,000"} {"text":"@YourstrulyVish @santiagoroel Then its price"} {"text":"@YourstrulyVish @santiagoroel Is that Berachain FDV?"} {"text":"@santiagoroel $7-$70 "} {"text":"@0xMert_ Should have sold as soon as you went from A+ reply guy to oh man! thotleader"} {"text":"Modular blockchain research is the law school of Blockchains. This is where we go to argue about definitions and trust assumptions for years, and thanks to bag bias, the only answer people come up with in the end is \"it depends\""} {"text":"@FluhrMichael define clear"} {"text":"@JanvanEck3 @gaborgurbacs @ramahluwalia @DaveNadig @vaneck_us No more public transportation"} {"text":"If you thinks degens on this website have been buying tokens because they care about data availability sampling, light client verification or parallelised EVMs, either you are new here or your net worth is a public good"} {"text":"@chamathsintern Go to gecko and sort by 7d price change descending. People DaO is one"} {"text":"(TIA,TIA)"} {"text":"Sol has failed to generate an Airdrop all month. Modular is better"} {"text":"Meher Roy predicted everything"} {"text":"Understanding Blockchain Technology Before Modular Era In The Modular Era"} {"text":"@VitalikButerin Apparently ser that works *after* one has first made generational wealth"} {"text":"@binji_x Ppl shilling their thing in every interop discussion is why we don't hab interop"} {"text":"@binji_x Very impressed with Binji's ability to interoperate wid himself wao"} {"text":"@0xtherealbatman @coinfessions All that hifalutin revolution therapy is easy. the important part is showing up as professionals do and doing the work we get paid to do"} {"text":"@coinfessions You sound like web3 native talent"} {"text":"@binji_x Su is talking about your Superchain interoperating with Arbitrum's and Zksync's equivalents"} {"text":"@YoannTurpin1 Untruths expounded upon with academic authority"} {"text":"I think intellectual scams in the world of blockchain research are far more irritating than financial scams ( other than the intellectual scams committed by one's own portfolio companies )"} {"text":"@Austin_Federa Approve() is the Kyle principle implemented differently "} {"text":"Hello \"web3 ux should be like web2\" guys... which part of \"signature\" is not clear? It's supposed to be just like signing a check or document Web2 ain't dealin' w money yo"} {"text":"@armaniferrante Agreed. Then we apply the same idea to wallets and entire accounts get \"abstracted\""} {"text":"Hello manlets, fyi, on ethereum we don't need to drain wallets. ERC20 will just let you give unlimited spending permissions to smart contracts that will later spend your money while you are sleeping"} {"text":"First principles of getting rekt"} {"text":"\"Good wallet UX\" retards are the internet equivalents of plebs who want their entire blank checkbook pre-signed and lying on the street"} {"text":"@brunoms0l Akshually, I prefer being drained slowly and inconveniently"} {"text":"Who's working on a fast draining wallet for nfts on bitcoin?"} {"text":"Solana UX is much better than ethereum UX, you get drained faster and cheaper"} {"text":"@0xMert_ turn safe search off mert"} {"text":"Lido *finally* went up because Jito somehow launched at $69.42b valuation. Solano is a true layer 2 blockchain through the wormhole eigenlayer"} {"text":"@edgar_eth I was told Rust code can't be hacked"} {"text":"@zmanian transactions, not assets settle on a ledger when the \"to\" state of the ledger is in some sense (legal, probabilistic or deterministic) irreversible aka \"final\". ordering and finality is a property of the ledger and two witnesses recording the same txn on difft ledgers can\u2026"} {"text":" "} {"text":"@anondeguerre Is this the telephone directory of cringe vibes?"} {"text":"@anondeguerre Enterprise blockchain guys"} {"text":"Sell coins of teams that go to Davos. It's that simple. Hasn't failed since '2017"} {"text":"@drjasper_eth @Rocket_Pool @eigenlayer rocket pool eth makes gud eigenpoints. can confirm"} {"text":"Crypto is the finest theatre of the absurd. A 'soleigenlayer' token is pumping hard months before Eigenlayer has a token and parallelised EVMs are pumping months before Monad has a token"} {"text":"@natealexnft Have you tried, um, FTX?"} {"text":"How has no one shipped a meatspace Tether ATM where you insert fiat cash IRL and collect USDT in your eth wallet"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart You can replace an entire blockchain with a multisig and then blockspace is suddenly infinite"} {"text":"@FlareNetworks "} {"text":"Social Consensus is basically five dudes on a multisig debating on discord who to slash (eth related protocols) and who to elect as the next leader in Consensus (Solano)"} {"text":"@jdkanani @dudhat_paresh Wait this is proof of authority. @barinov is the man"} {"text":"@jdkanani claim airdrop"} {"text":"@fiege_max @Native_0x @EricBalchunas @JSeyff hidden gem researchers"} {"text":"In Bitcoin, Satoshi's address(es) is pretty much the 0x0 burn address"} {"text":"web3 is 80% culture, 20% technology"} {"text":"Clean, is the best vibe"} {"text":"@sreeramkannan @gajeshnaik My nephew Gajesh has assured me is that he's actually shipping over there in Seattle. Happy Birthday G"} {"text":"@iampaulgrewal @Browns We were all 19b-4 we were 20"} {"text":"Breakfast Eigendosa"} {"text":"Goldman Sachs compliance learnings on how to work w gud lawyers: 1. clarify in your own mind the business goals 2. ask lawyers to find a solution Otherwise the default solution is always the safest option, and the safest option always goes to zero"} {"text":"Now would be a good time for Grayscale to launch an ethereum alignment ETF"} {"text":"@fede_intern Thats zk proof. I meant receipt"} {"text":"@fede_intern I have proof"} {"text":"crypto VC frens in my DMs"} {"text":"Can't believe Vitalik took all the eth guys to a social media site that is about 95% offchain"} {"text":"Solano dropped 10% on the news that there hasn't been an airdrop all month"} {"text":"I am hearing that @vaneck_us intern has $2 trillion lined up for their ETF and we are all destined for private jets"} {"text":"Denver was chosen to test your level of ethereum alignment"} {"text":"THE BITCOIN SPOT ETF HAS BEEN ACHIEVED INTERNALLY"} {"text":"@udiWertheimer @TaprootWizards Literally me"} {"text":"@sobylife @sreeramkannan @sandeepnailwal @0xMarcB Hard not to with a prof in there"} {"text":"The clue was in the name \"jeeto\""} {"text":"Who sold?"} {"text":"Purple eigenvibes in the Silicon Oasis "} {"text":"@moo9000 Cyclical x tech stonk? erm, nah"} {"text":"@Austin_Federa @tarunchitra One of many - and he knows when his ideas are being co-opted"} {"text":"Every time I want to buy a better car than that Honda, someone sends me a fantastic pitch deck"} {"text":"@zackvoell Winter... Olympics."} {"text":"Bro, @CertiK was valued at $1bn and you are telling me you have impostor syndrome?"} {"text":"Celestia is a fantastic project with an incredible team I personally admire, but ngl, that $TIA token is trading like the Ohm fork of airdrops "} {"text":"I am a \u2066@tarunchitra\u2069 maxi for the truth bombs"} {"text":"Sold all my $COIN Very gud company and stonk but No staking rewards, no airdrops Felt like RWA, ngl"} {"text":"@neon___glow I feel wonderful"} {"text":"modular > monolithic monolithic chains like solano make gud airdrops for projets built on the chain modular chains like celestia make gud airdrops for projets that have nothing to do with the chain"} {"text":"@altbender0x Vibes"} {"text":"ethereum technology is about to improve very rapidly "} {"text":"Nodemonke Cryptopunks Vibes"} {"text":"Feels like my growing @eigenlayer points are a risk to financial security "} {"text":"'tis what cypherpunk really means "} {"text":"I see the name OSMO, I buy"} {"text":"@punk6529 Use @okx wallet"} {"text":"@Zedzies @MikeIppolito_ Also LINK and your PFP"} {"text":"@0xfoobar @VitalikButerin @QwQiao @iamDCinvestor @Uniswap @safe @ensdomains Yeah we have been inward looking with the presumption being \"eth has already won\" and we can just talk at each other in terms unrelated to current user experience. Risk is that a whole new generation of 20yo users is not starting on the EVM or ETH and whales will follow them"} {"text":"@0xfoobar @VitalikButerin @QwQiao @iamDCinvestor @Uniswap @safe @ensdomains Imo eth been research centric since yellow paper, which is a strength. Solana has no formal spec whereas eth is robust at a protocol level. Trouble is even user facing components eg EVM and L2s have been aligning vs thinking safer, cheaper, faster product for the new gen of users"} {"text":"\u0336D\u0336A\u0336T\u0336A\u0336 AIRDROPS AVAILABILITY LAYER"} {"text":"Everyone's shilling their favorite seed round chains starting with S while the only potential ethereum killer has been Bitcoin all along"} {"text":"Honestly at this point I have developed laser eyes and I will be stacking sats irrespective of whether the Bitcoin ETF is approved or not"} {"text":"@txsequencer Mid brain take. You jus getting users and tokenholder community from those who have done the hard yards"} {"text":"@QwQiao I think @musalbas ser did this - he first hacked the CIA and then he hacked ethereum with modular memes :-)"} {"text":"A McDonalds @nodemonkes that accurately represents my financial status after the purchase"} {"text":"I have missed so many recent giga pumps because I actually tried to use the chain before buying the token never doing this again, ever..."} {"text":"@sreeramkannan @eigenlayer I propose the following sacred principles instead 1. People will always write bad solidity code 2. Eth people will yolo till we rekt (blast and siblings) 3. Degens are redacted and will misbehave on the way up and on the way down 4. EL is designed to protect ethereum from 1..3"} {"text":"I mean valuation at least doubles when you say simple things in \"research\" terms no one really understands but maybe it's time for us to think users and speak hooman"} {"text":"@Austin_Federa @TrustlessState Agreed. Key is to shield ethereum from 1,4. Safe to assume \"interesting\" things will happen on the layers above"} {"text":"@Austin_Federa @TrustlessState Theres a lot of detail here but having worked in quant\/risk engg: 1. gap risks eg eth will crash 50% 2. correlation risks eg wrong way risks 3. tail risks 4. assumption that people will behave badly on the way up and on the way down As of now EL shields ethereum from all 4"} {"text":"Feeling uber bullish about @eigenlayer because manlets are fudding - this is the dot eths fud-marketing solano phenomenon in reverse Guess the gifts that go around, come around"} {"text":"If you sell your bitcoin because of this tradfi ETF denial or approval, you do not understand or deserve bitcoin"} {"text":"ENS price going crazy on Vitalik's research piece makes me like Orange coin moar"} {"text":"Supposedly grown men are buying this and you are bearish anon?"} {"text":"@soro Cooks even better together w IMX gang"} {"text":"@YoannTurpin1 @0xMarcB DYDX same vibe - simply ship and find users for the tech."} {"text":"@hmalviya9 Coin Nihilism comes and goes in waves. This too shall pass. Memecoins are also fine as a starting point but ultimately, we all do what we do best and the guys I know do two things well - ship and drive adoption"} {"text":"This level of shipping and adoption should not be allowed in our industry"} {"text":"Thinking people should hire some feeling people and conversely. Its annoying for both but without each other we only see half the world"} {"text":"@akshaybd Ya it changed my mental model of one of the most boring enterprise blockchain use cases I have known since '16"} {"text":"For those who are paying attention, Madlads are loyalty points done right. There's a bullish\/cool community led way of doing these things and a boomerish\/bring existing corporate meh-ness onchain way of doing these things"} {"text":"How did things with their own founders, team, VCs and token become a public good in eth planet? I can't even... Thats decidedly not what Vitalik had willed in his talk at ethcc"} {"text":"@0xMert_ I think wen @monad_xyz works fully we just replace *all* geth execution clients with monad clients"} {"text":"Staked all my @hashflow because the team just can't stop shipping, won't stop shipping"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Lets make farcaster \"a toxic environment\". Its pretty damn boring rn "} {"text":"Phishing links posted as revoke() links are a vibe"} {"text":"Has anyone got a breakdown of how much of the @trondao USDT transfer volume is from cex <> cex flow and how much is the retail payments flow? My guess is a 95-5 or 99-1 ratio, which is a lot less romantic than I'd like but..."} {"text":"@0xMert_ No"} {"text":"Meanwhile eth has only one challenge - going up"} {"text":"@0xairtx @rushimanche Ser do I look like chatGPT or Google search?"} {"text":"@0xairtx @rushimanche @santiagoroel I didn't say that. You gotta hang out in the dev channels and events yourself to understand the differences"} {"text":"@0xairtx @rushimanche @santiagoroel No no. Sui is learning to navigate the network state nature of blockchains"} {"text":"@0xairtx @rushimanche @santiagoroel ConsenSys - Mo saw the early days of eth"} {"text":"@rushimanche @0xairtx @santiagoroel We like the movement "} {"text":"@rushimanche @0xairtx @santiagoroel Ser I got sim swapped trying to invest in the 2b round long before we met. Aptos has Mo vibe, Sui has more tech. I like both"} {"text":"In linear algebra, the word eigenvalue stands for the estimated value of one @eigenlayer point"} {"text":"These concepts are truly orthogonal"} {"text":"@BitcoinStripper @balajis for bro network actually"} {"text":"@santiagoroel You meant Sui "} {"text":"@HsakaTrades Pls send referral link"} {"text":"Stanford president gone for falsifying research Harvard president gone for plagiarism This is what we Asian parents are paying for? Guess this is the academia version of Americans can sell whatever scams they want, but not to Americans @balajis was right \u2122"} {"text":"@inviteshp coingecko app on mobile tho tradingview is more illuminating"} {"text":"Hearing things that using Linux desktop instead of windows or mac makes people rich. Can someone confirm?"} {"text":"FDV is a meme if you manage to sell before the guys who run the casino, otherwise it isn't"} {"text":"Retail trading market maker backed coins ( aka what killed retail interest in the sol ecosystem last cycle )"} {"text":"@txsequencer It's the silvergate exchange network of offshore cexes"} {"text":"@0xMert_ @FrankieIsLost I have been reliably informed that ATOM has returned 100x including Airdrops"} {"text":"Shared sequencers and decentralised provers are zero interest rate phenomena"} {"text":"@RealCryptoColin @0xPolygonLabs "} {"text":"@BitcoinNewsCom Pretty sure even Blackrock's farts are worth more than 10m"} {"text":"I will never stop enjoying the hilariously entertaining ironies of crypto including @0xPolygon being fudded by parallelised evm meme-rs for basically \"shipping too much\" Unironically, crypto would be quite boring if we were serious people"} {"text":"@Austin_Federa What if two crypto traders were flying the plane?"} {"text":"ETH's giga-bull case is Vitalik frequently posting research in \"this toxic environment\" again"} {"text":"@GrindingPoet Don't recall Polygon referring to themselves as L1 L2 - zkEVM is an L2 Privacy - Miden is a zkVM based rollup built for high throughput privacy preserving transactions Parallel EVM - Yap, for a whole year, PoS has been running an EVM that uses BlockSTM for Parallelization"} {"text":"Don't let your mom trade crypto perps"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart for matrix multiplication tokens at the intersection of ai and zk"} {"text":"@theblockupdates gm"} {"text":"@twobitidiot Buy with what?"} {"text":"@EliBenSasson Ser HQ says you need to realign :-)"} {"text":"WHO SERIALISED THE EVMS AGAIN!"} {"text":"Capo was right"} {"text":"@sassal0x Mich's mansion feeling prescient rn"} {"text":"My max pleasure scenario is that the Bitcoin ETF is denied but market moons anyway after a week's pause. Want to get pre-richer but not keen on tradfi takeover"} {"text":"Think @LogX_trade guys have sent the highest quality investor email I have seen in a long time. No blabla no nonsense, just straight up the highlights and numbers I want to see and the job we need done"} {"text":"@afool41 @udiWertheimer @ercwl Haha nonono - i am a tard myself"} {"text":"Top 5 introduction to crypto marketing, endorsed by @0xMert_ ( and me )"} {"text":"@jdkanani Meanwhile the one that fully works today is "} {"text":"@afool41 @udiWertheimer @ercwl retard is a term of respect and endearment in nftland"} {"text":"@milesjennings \"epicenter\" > \"head\" happy new year ser!"} {"text":"@txsequencer This is not true. I know many farmers"} {"text":"@functi0nZer0 Why didn't @aeyakovenko tell us about the etherscan eigenlayer?"} {"text":"@YoannTurpin1 Ya - just as useless as CT targets"} {"text":"CT buzz on $COIN is 180 degrees from street vibe"} {"text":"This is an @alliancedao appreciation tweet"} {"text":"Job title of the year @milesjennings"} {"text":"@JonEvansJones Congratulations "} {"text":"@meowmeowxbt @blknoiz06 sounds bullish"} {"text":"@jerrybrito Move to Dubai @NeerajKA"} {"text":"@udiWertheimer Bruh @ercwl this volume number should be in native currency. What kind of bitcoiners shill dollars?"} {"text":"So we eth guys thought we'd just import Cosmos sovereign appchain architectures without the supremely entertaining social anarchy of cosmos? bwahahaha"} {"text":"Hire men and women over 40 in tech, and listen up. You will fk up a lot less and slower because we done many of the same fkups you are proudly and confidently doing now, wen we were 20 and 30"} {"text":"Eth ==> Cosmos + Shared security - Standardized interfaces for interop ( Cosmos SDK + IBC ). No standard even for bridging btwn eth and rollups. I think our farsighted infinite horizon 6d chess leader Vitalik wants these standards to emerge by evolutionary market based darwinism"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart I filed a W8BEN and they forced me to read all of @jon_charb s articles"} {"text":"Ser @zhusu has said some very insightful things \"Cosmos is composable communities\" Ethereum is a *unified* community via Eth, EVM, EF, some shared values and ethglobal events, but solving for interop across L2s can make L2 sub-communities \"composable\""} {"text":"@ayyyeandy thassa different point"} {"text":"@bellcurveleft Still early to put Sol in the lindy list"} {"text":"Not surprising that winning cryptosystems have been built by ppl with a primarily philosophical rather than a primarily pecuniary interest in Money Satoshi and the cypherpunks, Vitalik, Jae\/Ethan\/Zaki... contd Maybe because focusing on money gets in the way of understanding it"} {"text":"@DaveTheBasha badkids are eth techtard x cosmos techtard certificates. they can get weirdly expensive eventually"} {"text":"@SizeChad Ser - @0xPolygon has a vast ecosystem and tons of shipping and onboarding going on. zk, modularity, parallelised evm, gaming, rwa, nft, defi. Unfo our industry produces so much vaporware that when people see lots of stuff getting done they think its just narrative, and vice versa"} {"text":"@3PointAsset @o11v_ Don't forget the big one - ZK "} {"text":"Dym airdrop shows the value of staying close to the Cosmos ecosystem techtards - eth, tia, badkids, stargaze, osmo, madlads"} {"text":"@kevinsekniqi 3 is unrelated to the EVM. -50 social credit :-)"} {"text":"@kevinsekniqi Point 2 is correct, point 3 is jus shilling ;-)"} {"text":"@noble_xyz @binance "} {"text":"@luigidemeo @MikeIppolito_ @joerlop Eth shared security * Cosmos architecture is where it's at but COQ has gone up so you must be right "} {"text":"@luigidemeo @MikeIppolito_ @joerlop"} {"text":"@MikeIppolito_ @luigidemeo @joerlop Its not the same thing. Cosmos has an unmatched cypherpunk social layer that supports freewheeling permissionless research and invention without a central locus"} {"text":"@donnoh_eth @TrustlessState Optimistic rollups have an at least one year lead but 2024 is wen zk rollups mature, launch token incentives, do airdrops etc etc so the chart should balance out"} {"text":"@QwQiao even bigger - both the solpoor and the bitrich sleeping on ethpunks"} {"text":"@bkiepuszewski Assume $10b restake, 10% to one AVS, 10% slashed - $100m and none of that is lost forever, just slashed for the restaker Whereas for blast, Kim could end up w the whole of $1b+. These are very different risks"} {"text":"@bkiepuszewski Don't recall a risk first culture in eth *ever* outside core devs, Aave and Compound. Also, slashing exposure of restaking is likely to be much more limited and transparent than the Gavin's wallet exposure of multi-sig s like Blast."} {"text":"@_0xNinja_ @0xPolygon Running live under heavy load for over a year indeed"} {"text":"@YoannTurpin1 Nigerian..."} {"text":"@litocoen Attention is all you need"} {"text":"@jdkanani Vertical hallucination in real humans is an investable trait"} {"text":"@therealchaseeb @udiWertheimer @akshaybd our farms are many and our yield is stronk"} {"text":"@therealchaseeb @udiWertheimer @akshaybd I am long gone"} {"text":"@therealchaseeb @akshaybd @udiWertheimer calm down gloating manlets! evm gang has been shipping hard thru 2023. it all comes to fruition this yr wid mo user alignment and less social layer alignment"} {"text":"Abandon your partner, your kids and your church and attend to your farm degens"} {"text":"Society if Geth and IBC did airdrops"} {"text":"Is this an appropriately worded new year's wish for young crypto founders who have been grinding through bera?"} {"text":"and @RebeccaRettig1 will be Attorney General"} {"text":"By the end of this bula, Brian Armstrong will be President"} {"text":"PVP is natural wen the industry pizza is shrinking but how the hell do you guys manage to indulge in PVP even wen everything is going up?"} {"text":"@0xngmi Which tool is dis"} {"text":"Market maker coin szn"} {"text":"@EliBenSasson I sense an encouraging disturbance in the force"} {"text":"Unlike many L1s, ethereum is economically and theoretically robust due to a tradition of research. While that ivory tower is a giant strength for the L1, L2 frens debating decentralised potato instead of shipping the fastest, cheapest, safest UX for a given app is infuriating"} {"text":"@superanonymousk Penta kids forya"} {"text":"ZK "} {"text":"@0xgaut Once you try the worst city in Colorado its much easier"} {"text":"$140-$200 "} {"text":"eth denver should be eth palo alto or smth"} {"text":"Eigenpoints looking good"} {"text":"@BarryFried1 I am and I like his podcast"} {"text":"@pedrouid @tjayrush much better (if you like an) echo chamber"} {"text":"@FlareNetworks "} {"text":"@Fiskantes Try bitcoin, same $ fees, worse jpegs"} {"text":"@panekkkk My money is on bitcoin to flip ethereum"} {"text":"@bitinning @akshaybd @SuperteamDAO @simplykashif @impranavm_ My favorite crypto person outside eth circles"} {"text":"I am my $AUTISM and my $AUTISM is me"} {"text":"ethereum da costs are $1300-$1600\/mb?"} {"text":"@joonian Agree w the logic but deal flow doesn't agree"} {"text":"New years yoda powered wisdumb for Asian crypto founders Asians think in utilitarian terms - marriage, two kids, house, better uniswap American way is to imagine torrid romantic trysts on galaxies we will never visit Utilities are semicorns, fantasies are decacorns Dream up!"} {"text":"Cold fusion has been achieved internally"} {"text":"@Shilika_jain @hmalviya9 Happy new year! I shall bear no liability for the consequences"} {"text":"@thepizzaknight_ Above all, all humans, want to belong"} {"text":"Welcome to the biggest year in the last free range bula before tradfi takeover The west will be tamed This is the last one. Remember to enjoy it"} {"text":"I can see Sreeram ser's prior academic research papers returning as hot crypto projects Who's building this?"} {"text":"Whoever wins the 14-25 year olds wins the internet. You might think they have no money and the money is with whales and enterprise. That is a mistake. All the whales, boomers and enterprise are going to fomo into the party the kids are setting up rn"} {"text":"@CoinDesk @IanAllison123 The Bob Woodward of crypto journalism"} {"text":"@0xMert_ @sreeramkannan @zen_llama @solana @ethereum We need Eigenmert, king reply guy of the eigenlayer community"} {"text":"crypto is going up senator, up only!"} {"text":"The primary cognitive dissonance in ethereum is that our claims of disintermediation, censorship resistance and decentralisation no longer hold up under empirical analysis of block builders, MEV and validator concentration, but its satisfying that these remain the aspiration"} {"text":"All incumbents feel oppressive and all disruptors feel cool and the only way an incumbent can remain so is by disrupting itself Ethereum's hope thus are not the privileged conformists on the edges but the perpetually malcontent spirits in the core. Same as bitcoin's Eric and Udi"} {"text":"Bitcoiners idolise Milei so hard that there's gonna be a lot of onstage kissing at Bitcoin Miami this year"} {"text":"All movements with the initials EA died in 2023"} {"text":"Where to meet remarkable people: Meet yourself finally, in meditation"} {"text":"To stick a number on time is to stick a price on a coin. It means precious little but it's perfectly fine to find great meanings in it too 31st, 1st, 69th... don't really give a fk. May all days be days of gratitude that's all "} {"text":"Thing about multi year roadmaps is that they are noble expressions of vision for a community to anchor on, not concrete commitments of code. Technology and crypto landscape will change too much in the years it takes to ship even full danksharding"} {"text":"Gwart will be the only intermediary in the new financial system"} {"text":"No one will ever flippen the complexity of ethereum's roadmap "} {"text":"@CryptoMan_Ram gm"} {"text":"We can save humanity from AGI by bringing blockchain research terminology debates to AI. Let's start by calling AI \"intelligence commons\" and then AI guys can also spend most of their time debating terminology online instead of shipping things someone can actually use"} {"text":"$69420 "} {"text":"@0xminion Backpack"} {"text":"Phantom is the batamask of Solano"} {"text":"@TrustlessTooth @sassal0x @icebergy_ And Polygon is team ethereum"} {"text":"@sassal0x @icebergy_ I think execution sharding was shipped, but by Near"} {"text":"\"Starting the name of a company working on zk with 'zk' is bad juju\" - @tarunchitra paraphrased"} {"text":"L1 floor FDV is 5b - someone in Shenzen or Guandong should relaunch $TFTA and make generational wealth"} {"text":"Every billionaire in the world is calling Kyle ser rn"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko L2s help here because they have free market incentives to ship fast"} {"text":"@fede_intern Eth is 100% delivering on L2s"} {"text":"@MicroSound_ ETH will always be P2P"} {"text":"Yep. Solana needs a formal specification to derisk that mountain of code and eth needs researchers to stop talking and start shipping"} {"text":"I have been trying to change my pfp back to an ethereum aligned jpeg but most of the the blue check profile reviewers seem to have ragequit Elon's factory "} {"text":"@QwQiao Underdog wif hat?"} {"text":"@santiagoroel Optimal ticket size per memecoin?"} {"text":"Living onchain in ethereum is like living in a world where Apple sells me the same iPhone every year with a whole new updated roadmap. Oh wait!"} {"text":"@therealchaseeb @buffalu__ @dumbcontract2"} {"text":"@therealchaseeb @buffalu__ @dumbcontract2 kk thas why I ask"} {"text":"@therealchaseeb @buffalu__ @dumbcontract2 Wait, are Solana users also living in revoke() hell like EVM users? A gud blog and revoke() page will be helpful"} {"text":"Chain I dislike: Cardano Chain I think is underrated: Flare Chain I like: Solana Chain I love: Polygon zkEVM Chain I feel most myself in: Ethereum Chain I dream of building on: Bitcoin Chain I still need to try: Near"} {"text":"Anyone raising a seed round just to attend the Satoshi roundtable in Dubai?"} {"text":"@jdkanani Jai Sreeram"} {"text":"Americans wif hat"} {"text":"As someone whose pension depends on the price of eth, what concerns me the most is not alignment, decentralisation or censorship resistance - but the number of 18-25 year olds I have met whose majority\/exclusive usage is on a blockchain other than eth\/l2s\/evm"} {"text":"I don't know who needs to know this but in terms of the future development of blockchain, philosophically, there is no difference between me and Vitalik"} {"text":"You can't hire people to make gud vibes"} {"text":"Some crypto founders should learn how to tweet better whereas others should have their twitter passwords confiscated by marketing or legal"} {"text":"Four banks and nine years in blockchain and crypto for me now. Sure we should all want to make more money, but greed is so boring and mostly unnecessary"} {"text":"@JohnNahas84 Vitalik was right\u2122"} {"text":"Someone in eth circles asked me what I think about Solana and Avalanche. All I said is, Solana is legit - as in it has a tribe, a culture, a community of devs and creators and tech that finally works. Can't say that about most alt L1s, yet"} {"text":"Every tradfi MD that was considering rn"} {"text":"@santiagoroel gm"} {"text":"My superpower is that if I buy a coin, the entire associated chain or project immediately becomes decentralised"} {"text":"CZ seems to have locked himself in the blast multisig"} {"text":"Never stick a roadmap on a good jpeg"} {"text":"In crypto, Gavin Belson vibes might be gud for making money but those are no good for winning. Vitalik also wants his product to win as much as any other legit founder does but he's never this guy"} {"text":"@moshaikhs @rushimanche Not possible to forget - vibes are immaculate"} {"text":"@santiagoroel Not really. Our economic assumption is a different coin"} {"text":"@gajeshnaik Happy Birthday Eigengajesh"} {"text":"@santiagoroel @EmanAbio @Mysten_Labs @SuiNetwork I am inclined to thank @EmanAbio ser for accidentally bringing all of CT's attention to movement labs "} {"text":"@MoonOverlord one month dip then uponly"} {"text":"@moshaikhs Them flowing hair - they make gud vibes. Happy new yr ser"} {"text":"It says something that @movementlabsxyz and @rushimanche s backers and supporters span ethereum, polygon, solana, avalanche, aptos and well, you name it we have it ecosystems "} {"text":"I am a fan of the work Evan, Sam and the awesome Sui team have produced - and @rushimanche is one of sui:move's best evangelists bringing some of their brilliant work to ethereum. Growing the pie for move, sui, ethereum and crypto all at the same time. Onwards and upwards "} {"text":"@Austin_Federa @Neodyme"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart Actually $WIF stands for without inflation freedom - its like bitcoin but for dogs"} {"text":"@jdkanani Original Polygon founders --> Paypal mafia of zk"} {"text":"@matthew_sigel gm. this gunna be all tradfi ^"} {"text":"Jus mo marketing for Mert's chain "} {"text":"@CryptoMan_Ram @routerprotocol "} {"text":"@mjpldn @moo9000 3074 and 4337 - someones doing this it seems. inshallah"} {"text":"Me humbly thinks removing approve() and revoke() should be the highest priority for ethereum rn but its been too long since we blockchain ppl met a real hooman in the wild"} {"text":"@evan_van_ness maximalism isn't one tho"} {"text":"@udiWertheimer @TaprootWizards I want. Wat do I hab to do?"} {"text":"@JohnNahas84 The chain in a suit "} {"text":" tradfi chain guys looking at Solano"} {"text":"Vitalik has declared alignment ded and the awesome @Starknet frens are in rapture"} {"text":"@akshaybd @mdudas trouble is culture begins from inside. if you hire and organise for tradfi and corporate in bera, you can't suddenly go vibing w artists and creators in bula"} {"text":"I generally advise early stage startups to familarise themselves with this term"} {"text":"@DefiIgnas @VitalikButerin DeFi bluechip legal will send V a notice soon"} {"text":"@ecent18 stop feeling poor \u2122"} {"text":"Poor people think about money Rich people just vibe Rich is a state of mind, not wallet If you want to make gud vibes, jus feel rich"} {"text":"@VitalikButerin Yes! However, we have to be prepared that making ethereum cypherpunk again will require less alignment and more rebellion on the inside"} {"text":"@technologypoet Turns out we are also the world"} {"text":"Bitcoin is cypherpunk because social layer is unhinged Cosmos is cypherpunk because social layer is in a perpetual civil war Monero is cypherpunk because social layer is at war with the world The cypherpunk rebellion starts from within. Is ethereum ready for it?"} {"text":"If Beeple is an artist then I am a scientist"} {"text":"basically everyone?"} {"text":"The hottest selling blockchain product of 2023 was a rollup without proofs"} {"text":"Happy tax sales week to those who celebrate "} {"text":"Everything I fud goes up so I have stopped fudding"} {"text":"@VCBrags Literally brother @mdudas"} {"text":"My 2024 crypto prediction is that my bags will outperform your bags"} {"text":""} {"text":"@apruden08 Airdrop!"} {"text":"@HsakaTrades @SMtrades_"} {"text":"@santiagoroel Ser this supershill hyperventilation tweet seems to have been the local top"} {"text":"If I agree I pressed like (about 20% of the list)"} {"text":"Jason killed Solana "} {"text":"Without downloading any new pics what\u2019s your energy going into 2024"} {"text":"@zhusu is this $autism?"} {"text":"Fwiw, @0xpolygon PoS is the fourth most valuable chain by dex volume. If apes just stick an L1 label on the PoS chain, it should *alone* be moar valuable than Avalanche"} {"text":"@luigidemeo @0xMarcB Unlike subnets - ethereum L1 is a self sustaining system where consumers of economic security (L2s) pay for economic security while reducing the marginal cost of that security to consumers by scaling distribution of apps to 100\/1000x the number of users that the L1 can"} {"text":"@ercwl Now he has to do a death of sol party"} {"text":"@neon___glow @Fiskantes tweak != pivot"} {"text":"@ilblackdragon LFG"} {"text":"ZK Alignment "} {"text":"@jdkanani A shared sequencer is a blockchain (sequencer) above your blockchain (rollup) which has a blockchain (ethereum) below your blockchain. Basically a blockchain sandwich"} {"text":"If you are a retail crypto enthusiast ie unlike us pathologically online autists, have a life outside of this Industry, the secret of all crypto is to stack bitcoin with shitcoin"} {"text":"Solana TPS dropped 20% below ethereum's overnight"} {"text":"They sent me two of the worst phones in the world AFTER @bonk_inu went down "} {"text":"@luigidemeo @0xMarcB Bruh! Cosmos guys invented shared security because of the cold validator bootstrapping problem (AEZ) and CDK solves it. So yah your argument is not true. I'd rather bet on eth not hard forking than subnet validator set getting weakened in a price crash like wait, 2 mo back"} {"text":"@luigidemeo @0xMarcB Subnets trade $300bn of eth's shared security for a low economic security validator set (worst of cosmos). Unlike zk rollups, they also do not benefit from validity proofs, yet carry most of the EVM's limitations ( alt VMs are coming to CDK btw - fluent, movement, miden)."} {"text":"I am telling you, that mf in the back, he's not real"} {"text":"@luigidemeo @0xMarcB Subnets are ethereum but worse multiplied by cosmos but worse CDK chains are ethereum but better multiplied by cosmos but better \u2122"} {"text":"@kevinsekniqi Clayton's guys haven't cleared your coin"} {"text":"\"High fees means you're doing something right. I mean there are some things you aren't doing right, but definitely some you are\" - @vaneck_us intern"} {"text":"One sentence, not two. No one here has the attention span to read two sentences"} {"text":"I paid $32 to send my $ORDI to @okx and brother Udi has somehow never complained about the \"bitcoin gas fees\" Why then frens constantly complain about eth gas fees?"} {"text":"@ChainLinkGod Ethereum Layer1 blockchain scaled 8.6% in the past 24hrs, funny how that works"} {"text":"@matt_blumberg I sold the rest like a revanchist log wealthoor"} {"text":"Solana v Sui PVP has begun Eth guys can rest now "} {"text":"The primary advantage L1s currently have over L2s is that their FDV is compared to ethereum's and this will change"} {"text":"I buy forgotten gud coins ...rn that's $BTC"} {"text":"@udiWertheimer @LukeDashjr Compared to what you have to deal with bitcoinland, eth maxi world is quite angelic"} {"text":"El papa ha vuelto "} {"text":"@0xMert_ Looking like EoS today ;-)"} {"text":"@cardibee_eth @coopernicus01 @0xPolygon Polygon PoS chain is a sidechain. Polygon zkEVM is a rollup"} {"text":"@jelenaaa____ @cosmos You demand the impossible "} {"text":"@elonmusk @AdrianDittmann @cb_doge this is what OG @cryptopunksnfts do - time to buy one ser - you are one of us"} {"text":"@coopernicus01 @0xPolygon zkevm posts execution proofs, state diffs and calldata to eth L1. Its a true L2 unlike some ORs"} {"text":"How kanav eth gone up suddenly?"} {"text":"The only thing that can stop this eth pump to $3,000 is an alignment tweet by David or Ryan"} {"text":"Saylor is the @Blast_L2 of Bitcoin, not backed by Paradigm"} {"text":"Yep"} {"text":"Which one of you ended innovation"} {"text":"Every (legit) builder in blockchain technology rn should be reading these books "} {"text":"zk technology continues to improve overnight"} {"text":"To \"sreeram (verb)\" is to take a simple idea like restaking and reimagine the very real possibilities that can be built on it usage: \"I am working with the team to sreeram their idea\" Young Indian\/Chinese founders should learn from Sreeram ser and stop being unoriginal or pasta"} {"text":"@TheSmarmyBum Mo like @armaniferrante fan club"} {"text":"@TelefrensIntern I have to wait for 5 days because of the blue tick"} {"text":"@toghrulmaharram Bitcoin was saved by taproot and etf. ask the man to take some melatonin"} {"text":"@franciskthomas Market says better, safer, privacy preserving casinos alone are worth tens of billions Those are also being built on cdk, in addition to a raft of nonfinancial use cases"} {"text":"Product managers should speak in user journeys not EIPs"} {"text":"The users have already won No one else will ever \"already win\" User alignment "} {"text":"@therealchaseeb @solana @LightProtocol Solano gud projet with gud people. As a closet VC, I play w everything and I've been using it for months. ZK is a force, like AI tho. Never mind narrative wars"} {"text":"@therealchaseeb The time axis shall reveal itself"} {"text":"@therealchaseeb Still . We support all gud technology including yours but we know that zk is the only way"} {"text":"@intangiblecoins Ser you literally live in FBI nation"} {"text":"@therealchaseeb dot eths to dot sols dot sols to dot sui s"} {"text":"@sassal0x I bravely said out loud on @simplykashif s podcast that if Vitalik ser retires its uber bullish for eth because then people will build what needs to be built instead of treating his words and thoughts as a religious diktat"} {"text":"@Psilodelic @0xMarcB Solano CT army of 2023 is the xrp army of 2018. It was built to fight the dot eth force so it's become quite a force but now dot eths have left for farcaster and the attac army needs something to attac - even their good natured frens will do"} {"text":"@0xMert_ @lemiscate mert is now a real dot eth - he doesn't know that l1 also wins wen l2 wins"} {"text":"@santiagoroel polls like dis are moa a test of who hired a 24-7 supposedly organic social media army, but yah thats also a factor lol"} {"text":"@Fwiz Slowly, then suddenly"} {"text":"@ercwl @f2pool_official Looks like we are ready for tradfi takeover"} {"text":"@0xMarcB Integrated L1s are @FlareNetworks and @SupraOracles ( L1, Oracle, messaging tech, Liquidity layer, ) all integrated. Other alt L1s like Solana are monolithic - nothing else apart from the L1 ships \"integrated\" in it"} {"text":"Our Holy father of rollups Vitalik randomly dropped the plasma grenade in our soup and swiftly left for mount farcaster so that we become free to worry about users again instead of alignment and narratives"} {"text":"As a really shitty trader but a decent early stage tech Investor my 20 IQ thesis is to buy the tokens of the chains and the apps I use, and that actually work. Examples include btc, eth, matic, sol, osmo, aave, uni... etc etc"} {"text":"@neon___glow @pseudotheos They don't"} {"text":"When it comes to accidentally launching bad narratives, brother @KyleSamani is the Bankless of Solana. Both have served their tribes valiantly in the past but probably need ten days of silence retreat away from electronics ( who doesn't )"} {"text":"@AustinBarack Solana is actually useful and a real tribe. rn is tech memes on ethereum, but worse"} {"text":"SBF taught me a lot last cycle. When a recently launched hyped up token moves a lot I look at who is on the cap table. If the investors are mostly trading shops and market makers, I go back to sleep. Its probably just a dog coin with a sexy tech story attached to it"} {"text":"@therealchaseeb @avedarave_ @Harri_obi "} {"text":"@therealchaseeb @avedarave_ @Harri_obi At Ava Labs folks have always been critical of Solana till the price went up a lot"} {"text":"Solana founder said the chain is an ethereum layer 2. Looking 5x ethereum aligned today as CZ reclaims his rightful status in the society"} {"text":"Why is Solana TPS (token price statistic) down 12% in one day?"} {"text":"@SmokeyTheBera Bears"} {"text":"Layer2 technology will improve rapidly when traders rotate back to the L2 narrative"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart @uriklarman Come and register them with us Gwart"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko @uriklarman ... without control or significant influence"} {"text":"Publicly renounce the roadmap @bonk_inu guys"} {"text":"Yes"} {"text":"@GoldenStaking Send it"} {"text":"@Fiskantes Ethereum is ETF chain"} {"text":"@News_Of_Alpha BULLISH RESIGNATIONS. ETF LETS GOOOO"} {"text":"The US government is literally printing?"} {"text":"I became an engineer mainly so that I can play all day... Here's something cool to play with this winter if you haven't seen before on @0xPolygonMiden ( upcoming testnet will support programs in Rust )"} {"text":"OH: \"everything is a public good if they don't have a token\""} {"text":"Now that FTX claims buyers are effectively LPs in a very high cost venture fund, maybe the court can take a slightly considerate view of SBF's sentencing... <\/deletes and runs>"} {"text":"Yah"} {"text":"@jdkanani"} {"text":"@jdkanani Ya. Unless the L1 verifies the proof they have nothing"} {"text":"@jdkanani Ser no. zk L2s dont have their own ordering and finality"} {"text":"@mdudas Yep. A VC that doesn't have conviction in their bags is no value add"} {"text":"@Gaonipz @0xChristina Networks help but other than that, all CVs are in the past and all startups are in the future"} {"text":"Solano alignment"} {"text":"In tech if you prioritise process above people, you will have neither process, nor people"} {"text":"Its really not fair for manlets to hate on Bankless frens. No one in ethereum has done more for Solana intentionally or unintentionally than @BanklessHQ"} {"text":"@Eug_Ng Is there anything more bullish than ded?"} {"text":"Turns out 40+ year olds are buying frog jpegs at 3am on iPhones and some of them have boomer job titles like \"managing director at most staid kinda tradfi\" This is the world you have to be ready for. The goddamn internet always wins"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Yes"} {"text":"I see the name Osmo, I buy"} {"text":"@aaronxkong "} {"text":"@pokerchessman @aeyakovenko What I akshually mean is this"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko You won't belv me and I may be wrong, but the most important thing about Solano is *mobile*... everything else adds upto that"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Yes"} {"text":"@jd_powell_ @yugalabs @froganasnft tradfi --> tradfrog?"} {"text":"@jd_powell_ @IvanOnTech Come back to the farms J!"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko @StaniKulechov @Neon_EVM backed by a16jit in 2021 "} {"text":"@0x_Bigglesworth @Fiskantes Sui "} {"text":"@LeonExoticJPEG @0xMert_ Most valuable reply guy, hands down"} {"text":"@santiagoroel 2024, max 2025"} {"text":"@StaniKulechov @parisrouz Bear is the bull, bull, bull"} {"text":"Solana community have done a fantastic job this year but I think @SuiNetwork have tech that's better, safer, distinctive and *much* easier to build on and they have figured out defi and the broader Solana playbook"} {"text":"@alonsodegortari @CetusProtocol @KriyaDEX @AftermathFi @FlowX_finance @Turbos_finance @Scallop_io @navi_protocol @bucket_protocol @OmniBTC @bluefinapp @ABExFinance @TypusFinance "} {"text":"If your tokens go up before eth does, you are not ethereum aligned"} {"text":"@santiagoroel I can't see why sui or aptos can't flip solana "} {"text":"@FrankieIsLost @GwartyGwart's dark alt"} {"text":"@mdudas @mikealfred You blew HIS gasket"} {"text":"Meanwhile on farcaster "} {"text":"@divine_economy ETF won't let you"} {"text":"The ethereum narrative (eth already won haha) is very coherent and clear to dot eth people on farcaster, just that no one else is there"} {"text":"banger dao"} {"text":"@hudsonjameson Can he come back from Zuzalu app and make a statement?"} {"text":"@litocoen Its surreal that BL has become a main character and upset both eth guys and sol guys with good intentions. They were better off just sticking to eth & l2 branding"} {"text":"I feel seen "} {"text":"@gidwell_eth Idk. Get rekt enough times and you get spidey sense"} {"text":"ethereum is ultrasound money DuO\u2122 L1 koin is for locking and farming L2 koins for defi, airdrop and grants"} {"text":"@MantaNetwork Bullish on Blast from Harvard and MIT wao. Moar audits bls moar"} {"text":"@0xfoobar Bro to bro"} {"text":"I am sure Sex is great but have you tried cold showers in Dubai?"} {"text":"@ajwarner90 No argument on that - but can be disruptive."} {"text":"@ajwarner90 True. Better UX in the same ap(p)es as EVM seems to be working though. Better safety or privacy might as well"} {"text":"Having lost both time and money on investments in apparently intelligent people, sometimes with great cv and creds, I have come to learn the hard way that the the most investable quality in a founder is a bias for action."} {"text":"Merry Osmas to @osmosiszone fam "} {"text":"The most sacred crypto principle we most hold dear is that no matter what the human attention span is, the attention span of apes is never longer than 15 seconds"} {"text":"Very interesting to see Polkadot frens moving from the typical bloated swiss crypto foundation organisation design to a moar Solano like organisation design"} {"text":"@panekkkk Chains stronk modular, apes stronk together"} {"text":"@tarunchitra Mev Christmas to you too ser"} {"text":"wif hat to you and fam fren"} {"text":"I do not consider @farcaster_xyz a good product untill ethbtc crosses 0.06"} {"text":"ETH would be $3K rn if @EFDevconnect had one big conference instead of 69420 side events"} {"text":"\"Much of the suffering in this world arises from conflating technology with product\" - Lord Buddha"} {"text":"@zhusu Merry supercycle-mas to you too ser"} {"text":"The only function you need to optimise for rn is the swap() function without the approve() function"} {"text":"@CloutedMind 'tis gud product tho"} {"text":"@sgoldfed Yessir! Ethereum needs mo misalignment for mo product innovation . 'Tis the american way!"} {"text":"Twitter isn't real life and farcaster is an online Ayahuasca retreat Dog coins aren't real either but the swap function on the Backpack wallet on iOS is real I have no moral authority to ask people to stop the blabla but we should all play with products"} {"text":"Real mental illness is when they say Tolkien and you hear token"} {"text":"Every ded layer 1 wants to partner with Solano rn because the punp is such a powerful feature of Blockchain technology"} {"text":"Of all the artefacts you can rent onchain today, legitimacy is the most expensive one"} {"text":"In crypto, PMF stands for pump market fit "} {"text":"Being a crypto founder is not hard at all but being a legit crypto founder is probably the hardest thing"} {"text":"My brothers in narrative mania, we want chains to be p2p, not b2b or b2c"} {"text":"@sumitgh85 @yugacohler @farcaster_xyz I will ignore that as a toxic reply"} {"text":"@yugacohler Price of eth is $10k on @farcaster_xyz but only $2.2k in this toxic environment"} {"text":"@udiWertheimer Bro, man up and let's do the death of eth party"} {"text":"@mattyryze @chamath @inversebrah"} {"text":"@dwr Ser possible to auto parallel post dot eth community posts to this website? Need ethereum (also) to do well"} {"text":"@0xkenzi "} {"text":"@DeFi_Dad @CryptoLiberal @harshrajat @Riijo @push_intern @zaryab_eth @pranshurastogii @pushprotocol If you hodl you may not get rich but \"If you dont hodl you're not going to be rich\" - CZ"} {"text":"Team @TimeswapLabs, forged by the fire of bera, unstoppable now"} {"text":"@Anton_Golub @LensProtocol lol"} {"text":"@defiprime @0xMert_ is bang on - eth discussion is exponentially better on both lens and farcaster but the plebs, instos, traders and retail are all here"} {"text":"@hasufl @0xdoug \"Global settlement layer\" is a far superior expression of that future"} {"text":"@TrustlessState @blknoiz06 B2B as in bro to bro"} {"text":"@akshaybd Been a while courtesy you know who"} {"text":"@sandeepnailwal "} {"text":"global settlement layer is still a gud meme "} {"text":"@Anton_Golub @LensProtocol I can assure you that Stani understands this is crypto better than almost all of us around here"} {"text":"@chamathsintern Sure is but I self identify as a cryptopunk"} {"text":"@chamathsintern Punk - but we gotta do them vibes right"} {"text":"State of the union.eth"} {"text":"Modularism, not maximalism"} {"text":"Meanwhile on @LensProtocol"} {"text":"What ethereum need right now is for @0xMert_ to build a kumbaya gud vibes social media platform for sol reply guys where all the dot sols can move to... dot eths --> farcaster dot sols --> mertcaster"} {"text":"alfaleak: use the products you invest in (assuming there's one ie)"} {"text":"Now that restaking szn is here, I can remain retarded a lot longer than the rest of CT can fud ETH."} {"text":"@0xMert_ It hurts in a very emotional way when you say things I've been saying for a while"} {"text":"@Moman1688 @0xPolygonLabs @polywhirl_matic Soooo many cool things are coming on Polygon next year."} {"text":"@santiagoroel A culture change we needed but were afraid to ask"} {"text":"All dot eths had to do to win was to ignore Solana... ...but they chose to hate "} {"text":"People think strategy means long term and execution means right now. Thats not true Strategy is choosing what not to execute The reason strategy matters is that it don't matter how well you execute on things that don't matter if you don't execute on the things that do matter"} {"text":"@sassal0x ethereum's narrative problem rn is dot eths on CT talking about Solana constantly"} {"text":"Polygon : Shipping Arbitrum: Shipping Optimism: Shipping Scroll: Shipping ZkSync: Shipping Starknet: Shipping Eigenlayer: Shipping Ethereum is in great hands, never mind the redacted maxis"} {"text":"So @zachxbt is gone. Now the community is free to recreate the next @FTX_Official"} {"text":"@luigidemeo You were being a COQ"} {"text":"Ultrasound users"} {"text":"It might be a haraam thing to say for a practicing modularist but we must remain far more interested in finding millions of users than in creating millions of rollups"} {"text":"For the 69th time on CT, I am asking eth maxi influencers to stop talking about Solana and start talking about ethereum and L2s "} {"text":"@coopernicus01 We all need validation from family "} {"text":"I have no moral right to ask anyone else to get a life but debating Validator economics on Christmas eve is the most autistic thing I have seen, especially when the number of users or token traders who care is"} {"text":"Solano validator profitability was a real problem at $8 but it's mid brain fud at $100. If you've ever been around telecoms industry for more than a two hours, you know its better to have lots of network traffic on subsidised infra than having moderate volume on profitable infra"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko @inversebrah"} {"text":"In the next 3 mo, main competition for Solano's ongoing foodcoin mania defi summer szn will come from L2s. Sui\/Aptos are shipping more n more defi now but focus historically has been on mainstream aka: media, entertainment and tradfi so there're not many primitives to play wid"} {"text":"Everyone talks about how blockchain can disrupt big tech and big tradfi. No one talks about the extent to which big blockchain is also prone to disruption by not so big blockchain"} {"text":"The answer is bitcoin wif hat"} {"text":"@Austin_Federa Proof of phone"} {"text":"@setanimals Nah... our L1 dogs are pepe and harry potter"} {"text":"@mdudas @osmosiszone "} {"text":"@Arp_it1 VC frens call it driving a wedge"} {"text":"@FlareNetworks "} {"text":"There's literally nothing going on offchain"} {"text":"@veH0rny Your @SizeChad is not size"} {"text":"If a network is paying $100m validator subsidy out of a $40b mcap, I too want to run a validator "} {"text":"If the team is not using their own product "} {"text":"large grp chats get 0 work done because everyone thinks someone else is doing the work"} {"text":"I am all for long horizons and low time preference but you shouldn't really make a five year plan in a ten year old industry"} {"text":"In tech, it's wiser to seek usefulness and wealth than to seek sustained relevance. Thanks to the irrepressible powers of technological change, disruption and creative destruction, even $10b+ net worthoors can become swiftly irrelevant in crypto"} {"text":"People are deploying their own dog rollup wif hat and you're bearish anon?"} {"text":"Why is Omni?"} {"text":"@TraversaJulian Ya gud meme in 2021, bad meme in 2023"} {"text":"Why do my eth frens price tokens like equity ie based on fees\/cash flows while simultaneously calling them commodities? Bruh, commodities are priced using demand and supply. Gold has no cash flows and market cap is ample subsidy if theres demand for the token or the chain "} {"text":"@Junko__Suzuki Bad take. Compare $100m subsidy vs $40b mcap. Its commodity, not equity"} {"text":"@zelani_A Ya dis is last free range bula"} {"text":"Solano's biggest edge rn is that they nearly died in bera so the folks are too traumatised to fk around and blabla This is very much like us PTSD ConsenSys alumni from 2019 Eth community should immediately sponsor six month touch grass holidays in Phuket for the core dot sols"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko I thot you guys were discriminating against eth people and delaying my phone "} {"text":"In crypto, no salesperson can outsell the blue haired dev just vibin'"} {"text":"what tools do people use to post on lens and farcaster in parallel with twitter"} {"text":"@ledgerstatus Web3 has reached mass adumption"} {"text":"Naming your product based on its functionality is a move of the coloured coin era. In the smart contract era the hottest products have names like Ethereum, Celestia and Eigenlayer that just vibe"} {"text":"Everything in Cosmos is solved using a whole new chain Everything in ethereum can be solved with four new digits of an EIP Everything in Solanaland is solved by saying \"firedancer\""} {"text":"My Solano phone has still not shipped This is type of discrimination against eth people is unacceptable "} {"text":"The reason I have become a devrel maximalist over the decade is because devs and creators pick winners in crypto by bringing consumers onchain. Enterprises and institutions just follow wherever consumers go"} {"text":"eth people have become cosmos people"} {"text":"Meanwhile in ethereum"} {"text":"Everyone: Hey eth maxis, what's your bull case for ethereum? ETH maxis: But Solana... "} {"text":"Everyone's integrating with @eigenlayer"} {"text":"My main learning from Solano mega moon is to marry someone independent minded who doesn't listen to you and does their own thing. Oh wait..."} {"text":"Bull case for HarryPotterObamaSonic10lnu"} {"text":"I don't know who needs to know this but pitching a bear case of a different chain is not the same as pitching a bull case for ethereum Bls dot eths, pitch bull case for eth"} {"text":"words to live by"} {"text":"OH: \"the poors think about money. the rich? they just vibe\""} {"text":"Dog coins are like lotteries. Five early guys win 99m and 99 million guys wait for the next one. Basically bitcoin history in fast forward over a day instead of a decade"} {"text":"@coopernicus01 embracing speculation is a key aspect of web3"} {"text":"@sassal0x EIP $4844 is coming"} {"text":"@0xJCT I switched to dark theme"} {"text":"VALUE CREATION > VALUE ACCRUAL SEND TWEET"} {"text":"L2s haven't even started the harvest szn farmers Degeneracy on Solano is smol potatoes compared to whats to come on eth L2s "} {"text":"@QwQiao eth wins wen l2s like Polygon, Arbitrum, Optimism win. wher do you think we will park our profits for bera?"} {"text":"@mdudas @solana there is no copy paste playbook that will get any l1 to the incredibly strong place that @ethereum finds itself in right now fulsome foundation forged in fire"} {"text":"4844 is not just an EIP. $4844 is my lower bound ETH price prediction for 2024 and I am going to send my literal firstborn to work for it"} {"text":"With the notable exception of about a dozen people like Stani, Sandeep, Hayden... and some other founder frens in L2 world who think about ux, users, apps, games, security, volumes constantly. The loudfluencers dont"} {"text":"Fwiw, its been profitable simply following young gen-z unemployables and six months ago they started talking about Solana Now the awful money people have come raging back into Sol and disconnected narrative from reality And the awful money people are now trashing ethereum "} {"text":"@0xkenzi Return from the future? I checked the past and I didnt find it"} {"text":"@sumitgh85 Yah thats why I aped at $20 but I know wen narrative and reality are sufficiently disconnectized"} {"text":"Accumulating 1 eth at a time. Thanks dog coin degens"} {"text":"A monolithic chain has one farm A modular chain has many farms Ethereum is an entire factory of farms Always be farming \u2122"} {"text":"All you Masters of Bozo Administration (MBA)s staunchly refuse to learn from real life"} {"text":"@sumitgh85"} {"text":"Solana shillers quality has gone from Chris Burniske quality at $8 to Sisyphus quality at $80 If you've been around, you know..."} {"text":"time is a flat circle"} {"text":"The 2024 bull case for ethereum is 0 IQ uncomplicated. We will have lots of L2s, there will be lots of airdrops on each of the L2s and apes will be hilariously hapi for farming with their eth This is the solano killer "} {"text":"The greatest trick the devil ever pulled on ethereum is to make researchers believe that inventing and debating completely random terminology about 69420 types of rollups is better than shipping production software that someone can trade dog coins on"} {"text":"Its over, literally"} {"text":"Jamie Dimon wants to end crypto"} {"text":"@iamDCinvestor Every ethereum layer 2 right now "} {"text":"Solana up 10x since this tweet due to ethereum alignment \u2122"} {"text":"gm animal spirits"} {"text":"The only assumption you need in this market is that no one has learnt a damn thing from '2022 Even legit people you otherwise respect will be shilling toxic dog trash so early in the cycle - and you might be too Rate cuts, then full mania is where it's going "} {"text":"Only @udiWertheimer can save ethereum now "} {"text":"@AltcoinDailyio Big if true"} {"text":"@HugoPhilion "} {"text":"CDK by @0xPolygon is the most egalitarian thing we have ever seen. It's insanely ambitious, and if it works, can really reshape the fabric of society"} {"text":"@litocoen ePolygon"} {"text":"@ArthurB That's OG wisdom, gained only by sustained suffering "} {"text":"@Wickex2 Is that why eth has 90% of the users?"} {"text":"@santiagoroel @SmokeyTheBera "} {"text":"@SmokeyTheBera @santiagoroel Smokey realigning w . I called it"} {"text":"@santiagoroel @StaniKulechov 's L3 on @0xPolygon is cheaper than Toly Bhai's currently super hyped chain or at least as cheap. Are you not on lens?"} {"text":"The biggest talent differential in the world is between people who made google a thing and people whom google made a thing"} {"text":"@sassal0x @udiWertheimer Les Goh!"} {"text":"@pokerchessman @armaniferrante I just want his jpegs and mobile wallet"} {"text":"@tamarincrypto @rajgokal @solana Tamar was always the bull case, apart from Armani and Akshay"} {"text":"The product benchmark now is a gud casino on mobile, not selling alignment BS to each other"} {"text":"Everyone assumes VCs are talking their existing bags wen all the angel\/VC types want is preferential deal flow to future stanford bro bags "} {"text":"@santiagoroel I recommend not reading too much into the revival of L1 narrative Solano team excellent but every L1 up and Polygon, OP, Arbi, Starknet, Scroll, ZKsync aren't sitting around L2s are organised, incentivised free market beasts and ship hard tho EF can't Alignment ded, game on"} {"text":"@santiagoroel Eth people like Evan shilling 2021 memes in 2023 is super weird but solano frens are also overdoing the hype 70% solano users are mobile first and they just want to trade dog coins cheaply with a credit card"} {"text":"Wen sol fud was max, you guys were buying eth Now eth fud is max, you guys are buying solano"} {"text":"Can we cancel Elizabeth Warren using cancel culture?"} {"text":"Jai Sreeram!"} {"text":"Oh how the turntables @akshaybd"} {"text":"Eigenlayer is having a Blast "} {"text":"@ayyyeandy @ilblackdragon ser has a much better solution <\/>"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko Why hasn't it been shipped after a week! Worst shipping too"} {"text":"@AzFlin Didn't do it at $88, not gonna do it now"} {"text":"mood today"} {"text":"@vaneck_us Van Eck intern will get promoted"} {"text":"No one: Dude who made a killing on vaporware ICOs: We need to focus on technology!"} {"text":"@WEB3YashK Yah hence the prayer"} {"text":"\"Worst phone\" is brilliant marketing , intentional or unintentional Can't be the best yet and in between is anyways meh but worst wao Attention economy "} {"text":"Sol flipping <\/redacted> is gud for other useful chains . Inshallah all the useful chains whether L1 or L2 flip shall flip all the unused chains and change the culture of our industry that way"} {"text":"@moo9000 @zhusu still takes spotting opps and betting in size, which wen regime changes..."} {"text":"To be fair to @zhusu, risk quants know that the very best traders tend to experience the most historic \"events\""} {"text":"@DonCryptonium newt is not a dog?"} {"text":"Trade dog coins long enough and you too shall Su Zhu"} {"text":"@ANagarsheth Team is posting chart "} {"text":"Cool things happening on @0xPolygon onchain while everyone's hyped about things in hats"} {"text":"@kevinsekniqi Ser I jus wanted to print more COQ for less "} {"text":"@kevinsekniqi Avax is Ethereum, but worse \u2122"} {"text":"Someon asked me for advice for newcomers to crypto so here it is.. In 2024 you will get paid moar just by trying\/using\/playing with new and weird things onchain than by moving ppt and xls like a bozo on zoom calls.... ...and you might even learn\/build something accidentally "} {"text":"The real bull case is no approve() button before swap()"} {"text":"Breaks my heart that @Consensys never shipped the worst ever smartphone but this did come up"} {"text":"@zmanian @jelenaaa____ Jelenaa saved Cosmos"} {"text":"An NFT creator on is soon going to be the next president of the United States and you are not bullish anon?"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko @TrustlessState @sassal0x Why hasn't my haraam phone shipped after a week of ordering? Who do I have to align with?"} {"text":"@SmokeyTheBera @MonetSupply a is very big "} {"text":"@brian_armstrong The attention to detail is Apple class "} {"text":"Generational points"} {"text":"The way this is going, I think airdrops against staked $OSMO will pay for a whole year's worth of US private college tuition in 2024 "} {"text":"@RobinsonBurkey"} {"text":"Whoever in crypto chooses value accrual over dank memes shall accrue neither value nor dank memes Afterall, value accrual itself is a dank meme "} {"text":"The value of outperforming dog meme coins is to remind crypto founders that the internet is as much anthropology and social science, as it is computer science and economics Nerds on here should really cultivate much more respect for the partying bois and girls in liberal arts"} {"text":"How I see @sassal0x - the last great defender of our fa-eth on CT"} {"text":"Ethereum alignment is such a terrible meme that many dot eths stopped using Twitter because it does not pay gas. ethbtc has obviously been down only since then "} {"text":"@sassal0x Gud eth price made weak eth reply guys Weak eth reply guys made bad eth price"} {"text":"\"Least ethereum aligned L2\" is incredibly bullish for both ethereum and the L2"} {"text":"@Melt_Dem Ticker is $VAPOR?"} {"text":"@TrustlessState The role of going up?"} {"text":"The most compelling narratives are borne out of conviction, but you wouldn't belv it"} {"text":"He is committing treason"} {"text":"The first sign of a value added angel or VC is that they pitch in at least 10x more than they bitch (if they bitch at all) wen the chips are down for the founders and team"} {"text":"@functi0nZer0 He could have restaked these"} {"text":"@FilamentFinance @Injective_ "} {"text":"@Dorothy_defi Executing hard on one conviction narrative is key yes - like chainlink"} {"text":"@mraltantutar Yep. This stuff is just hard and takes a bunch of timing and luck too but the tech's all there. I'd never fade the AI guy"} {"text":"Router putting intents to work for real - quite refreshing"} {"text":"@anshuagrawal_ @DefiLlama_com LogX going exp(X)"} {"text":"@anshuagrawal_ @arbitrum "} {"text":"@musalbas Yes. Also TAM of DAS is not well understood except by specialists "} {"text":"@Degenblock @CosmonautJay @cburniske Ya Illia ser back is bullish tho"} {"text":"@CosmonautJay One factor, not the main factor"} {"text":"@jshvsukzb Actually Near has one of the highest DAUs in blockchain rn"} {"text":"@moo9000 Bitcoin does nothing: $800b Litecoin, XRP, Cardano: same Sol does TPS: $30b Welcome to ADHD era"} {"text":"Celestia does ONE THING: $11.5b Near does EVERYTHING: $2.2b Clarity in the narrative is worth $9b"} {"text":"State of the crypto union, 2023"} {"text":"TBH its generally better to double down on cults but we need @bonk_inu team to stop trying to create utility for a cute dog"} {"text":"@ajwarner90 Miners and Validators sire"} {"text":"Friendship ended with @SandyPeng1 Now starknet is my best friend"} {"text":"@harshalmadnani Sol guys are just Jump guys with worse tech"} {"text":"bitcoin defi, bitcoin l2, bitcoin frogs, bitcoin yield, bitcoin staking, inscriptions... bitcoiners are just eth guys with worse tech "} {"text":"@AzFlin Elon makes the rules, not me"} {"text":"@AzFlin"} {"text":""} {"text":"If you're pathologically onchain and mobile-first, you have an insurmountable advantage in the 24-7 global digital casino There's no jugni, nola or wif on cexes at 2am 23 year old weirdos are going to be hilariously rich and the rest of us will be happy"} {"text":"@poordart Explains the poor in poordart"} {"text":"Ethereum but worse\u2122"} {"text":"@0xsachi Thats the only way to afford US college fees for kids"} {"text":"@hashflow @armaniferrante @xNFT_Backpack @yver__ @MadLadsNFT @Backpack_CN @MonkDoesnt @peterpme @ph101pp 125x leveraged long Armani"} {"text":"@luigidemeo @kevinsekniqi Ethereum but worse? Add a better VM at least"} {"text":"@kevinsekniqi Ya because fees are so high. I have been trading shitters there"} {"text":"@poordart There's no risk on the way up Poor!"} {"text":"Since I've been watching, YIELD has been the poison of choice for ETH and now its coming to a bitcoin near you"} {"text":"@mdudas You need a @badkidsart"} {"text":"Ethereum guys: Wen moon ( $2200 price growth)? Solana guys: Wen prune ( 200 tb state growth )?"} {"text":"recursive restaking"} {"text":"A bera is a very big kutta Will bera perform like kutta ?"} {"text":"Polygon PoS ( max gas fees < 10c ) outperformed and others by a very wide margin ( gas spiked to $400 on ) Just a preview of things to come with @0xPolygon zkEVM in 2024"} {"text":"How fast dog coins grow on a chain is an index of: 1. Aggregate wealth on the chain 2. UX ... how easy is it for apes to ape (bridging, trading, cost, slippage, LP yadi yada )"} {"text":"RUST PROGRAMMING IS BACKED BY @paradigm"} {"text":"@onurakpolat Newt is cute"} {"text":"gm"} {"text":"@cdixon @bhorowitz @a16z Much needed. Thank you"} {"text":"crypto gaming is booming on @0xPolygon"} {"text":"@Austin_Federa Report these people to the thought police immediately"} {"text":"@TrustlessTooth @bonk_inu meme itself is utility"} {"text":"Yes"} {"text":"Healthy correction"} {"text":"@EvgenyGaevoy Was traumatic\/life altering for some"} {"text":"@simplykashif Thanks Kashif bhai. Always good to chat with you and Pranav. Big fan of the honest work you are doing on educating India and Indians about blockchain and crypto"} {"text":"@bkiepuszewski So inscriptions are also intents?"} {"text":"@dineshkpinto @bonk_inu Ya very effective altruism. Maybe sell toys like luca but stop coding"} {"text":"@dineshkpinto @bonk_inu Ya. Hab money and bodies so will creat werk to keep em bz is the undoing of many projets"} {"text":"I am worried that @bonk_inu team is ruining a wonderfully useless memecoin by trying to create utility for it"} {"text":"I think EVM chains will have to change gas metering to solve for Udi and Eric's spam, which is not spam on bitcoin but surely is on EVM"} {"text":"Marketing matters\u2122"} {"text":"@TrustlessTooth @santiagoroel Santi ser doesn't think in bags. Thats why his bags werk"} {"text":"@petejkim Best of eth Best of Cosmos"} {"text":"If your protocol has no TVL Its capital efficient "} {"text":"Burgers are tax szn selling bitcoin Dubai people are buying low Literally the best place for crypto "} {"text":"@JohnNahas84 @luigidemeo only way"} {"text":"@JohnNahas84 @luigidemeo"} {"text":"@JohnNahas84 @luigidemeo"} {"text":"@prash_speaks Ethereum != EVM"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko Wen $GIB, the gibberish memecoin "} {"text":"@IAmNickDodson Try polkadot consensus... apparently they tried to solve for validator concentration"} {"text":"Man I truly love ethereum but nothing with geographically concentrated validators, doxxed core devs and a swiss foundation is truly censorship resistant"} {"text":"@0xKATYA It was very effective"} {"text":"@ecent18 @Chris_Skinner Going back to suit in 2025. Adding CFA back in the name to align with @matthew_sigel"} {"text":"@0xKATYA Ya but PVP is gud marketing. Look at the brilliant marketing my fellow dot eths did for solano"} {"text":"Time to bring back this toldyaso from October 2020 right before everything exploded to the moon cc: @Chris_Skinner This time a similar writeup on the upcoming tradfi takeover is due "} {"text":"@sumitgh85 Ya no one's gonna find a bug in a chain w no devs or users innit?"} {"text":"@sumitgh85 Not at all, wait till you see the design flaws in the competition"} {"text":"The cool thing about a design flaw is that you can continue to generate employment for devs by shipping patches like eip 3074. In this sense ethereum can now replace bank IT departments"} {"text":"@mdudas Is this effective altruism?"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart Why do you continue to refuse $GWART \"social infrastructure for financial inclusion\"?"} {"text":"2023 technology like MoveVM might also have unknown issues is not a good argument to enshrine 2014 technology ie EVM with known issues"} {"text":"@poordart lol quantum shitposting is the future"} {"text":"@poordart Michael Lewis's book is actually really good"} {"text":"@poordart Ironically, SBF didn't cause any losses in the end. John Ray and the lawyers tho..."} {"text":"@ramahluwalia @sergitosergito ETH is an ETF trade rn but thats a straight 3x"} {"text":"Generational points"} {"text":"@wmougayar To be fair this is also EFs role to align"} {"text":"So can I plug in @Ledger or nah?"} {"text":"@cobie @tervoooo dot.btc dot.eth ETF GMI"} {"text":"@binji_x @sreeramkannan @Polymer_Labs @eigen_da @SuccinctLabs @labs_electron I think just be indiscriminately useful and helpful like @zmanian"} {"text":"@binji_x Yah, we might accidentally solve something if we get past shilling "} {"text":"eth guys discussing interoperability"} {"text":"@binji_x So are the others and they all interop with themselves. For interop we might have to try to interop with others"} {"text":"@sreeramkannan @binji_x @Polymer_Labs @eigen_da @SuccinctLabs (not mybags) and @labs_electron ( mybags ) are ahead imo but happy for all"} {"text":"@binji_x This goes back to my point that every L2 has its own interop with itself. Everyone will go on your implementation isn't a solution to interop"} {"text":"@binji_x ZKSync already used some of Polygon's code for their prover and its fine. Still doesn't answer my qn as to what cross L2 interop standards apart from danksharding 2030 are emerging "} {"text":"BONK would be far more valuable long term if the team quit and abandoned the roadmap. Decentralization is essential for kutta (hindi for dog) coins to eliminate rug risk"} {"text":"@binji_x Ser that's a marketing answer :-). Polygon, Arb, Op, Scroll, ZKSync are all open and the plethora of solutions without a common messaging standard is the problem"} {"text":"@binji_x As a user, I don't wanna be searching for a multisig messaging protocol and a liquidity layer to farm on your chain. What solutions are being offered?"} {"text":"Truth. Demand a higher standard of explanation and proof from alt VMs"} {"text":"@binji_x Ya this is the sort of thing you'd want el foundacion to prioritise innit"} {"text":"@binji_x Ser every L2 is building its own interop with its own L2s. Wen IBC?"} {"text":"I have absolutely no issues w people trashing my eth bags, especially if helps the social layer think about users again "} {"text":"@0xCygaar Approve() is a workaround for re-entrancy so they are kinda EVM related @dmihal proposed a better standard but no one gave a fk"} {"text":"Solana core do deserve their 2023 revival celebration but generally it tends to be unwise for fighters to do a victory celebration in the middle of a boxing match with harambe"} {"text":"FTX estate will pay yall 16k against your BTC and the remaining 25k to Sullivan and Cromwell etc... If you want to do bad things in America, you must ask an expensive lawyer to do them for you The more illegal the thing you want to do, the more expensive the lawyer you need "} {"text":"@moo9000 @pudgypenguins This is pagan behavior"} {"text":"Cosmos aligns on interface, Ethereum aligns on implementation. Inevitably, Ethereum will move even further in the Cosmos direction while preserving the benefits of shared security aka not having to bootstrap a validator set"} {"text":"@AlexSmirnov__ Solano will be gud shared sequencer for L2s - ask @jon_charb"} {"text":"@AlexSmirnov__ In this case you are right. shared sequencer is not a scaling solution, its a blockchain on top of L2s which are themselves on top of a blockchain"} {"text":"@gajeshnaik Nah, I can be bullish on Gajesh without adopting Gajesh - even though I have seen his code "} {"text":"@drjasper_eth Danksharding is in 2069 ser. Celestia\/Avail\/EigenDA will help meanwhile"} {"text":"@theblockupdates I suspect the FBI has recently waterboarded..."} {"text":"@Austin_Federa @colludingnode @hdevalence Near and Canto tried shipping apps pre packaged w infra. You lose out quickly vs the wisdom of the highly incentivised hordes"} {"text":"I would never pull out my 16\" pro to trade 20 bucks of medhak coin mobile is where we are going in a dogs and frogs world"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko @0xrooter Is this halal?"} {"text":"@dogemos dot eths have discovered @badkidsart - 100k is wen not if now"} {"text":"Our shilling is shilling Their shilling is research Who's ready for tradfi takeover?"} {"text":"@0xAmoghGupta Batamask does charge 0.875% but aggregators provide liquidity discovery across dexes, which reduces market impact costs, and eventually, competition will improve prices"} {"text":"Ethereum on the streets, Cosmos in the sheets"} {"text":"@SandyPeng1 Alignment with what?"} {"text":"Web3 is going splendidly well"} {"text":"@sumitgh85 initially sure - then they ship uniswap wallet for mobile and 1inch wallet for mobile. whales cant have much fun without retail on the other side"} {"text":"@sumitgh85 *power* yes but most users aren't power users. that is also because of the sheer pain of connecting to ledger via mobile and the risk involved in signing transactions on mobile - will be solved"} {"text":"@0xAmoghGupta wallets hide aggregators that hide dexes aka swap feature - sufficient for most users. also games and social"} {"text":"@0xAmoghGupta Also iphone secure element will replace hw wallets so"} {"text":"@0xAmoghGupta We should ask devs to explicitly build for mobile because thats where the young people are going"} {"text":"One significant shift between ethereum defi summer 2020 and Solano winter 2023 is the shift in user behavior from desktop ( batamask and ledger ) first to mobile ( backpack ) first IMHO, this is more important than everything else happening at the infra layer"} {"text":"@Fiskantes Shitcoins on bitcoin will increase concentration of bitcoin ownership"} {"text":"@koeppelmann @LefterisJP This didn't go very well for ethereum should also do DA people afaik. Modular bois & girls won this round"} {"text":"The main concern w Arbi stopping block production due to ordinals is not Arb. Its the congestion that caused on ethereum just before"} {"text":"@santiagoroel >> I\u2019ve learned the hard way not to fade or dismiss stuff that myself and others have extreme & polarizing views - some of those are the big non-consensus wins you need to have once or tw Golden words ser. I my case, if I hate it, now I just buy a little and explore"} {"text":"@0xJarod Inscriptions gud test for L2. Also I just reported you to @hudsonjameson"} {"text":"@ecent18 Mine too brother"} {"text":"@petejkim Animal coin trading mania is gud test for scaling"} {"text":"my eth sentiment has bottomed, now we go up"} {"text":"ngl; Top blockchain design and testing lessons from 2023: 1. make mass trading of shitters as smooth, painless and cheap as possible (Solano) 2.survive inscription mania ( Polygon PoS)"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko"} {"text":"@SolBeachBum @dfern_eth @spacecaster_ @evienear @l2beat That said normal user behaviour is to use multiple L2s from Rabby not all funds on one"} {"text":"@SolBeachBum @dfern_eth @spacecaster_ @evienear @l2beat As of now this is fax but devs are werk onit"} {"text":"@FilmBrief Our incentives are incentives and their incentives are subsidies?"} {"text":"The EVM would be far less dominant and we'd have better tech if we stopped using TVL as the metric. Its like brypto is forever stuck in defi summer"} {"text":"@FilmBrief Defi summer was also subsidized by LM and uniswap LP is still subsidized. Tokens are the new ads"} {"text":"Web2 made a phone and users paid to buy it Web3 made a phone and paid users to buy it Web3 is: Read, Write, Grant "} {"text":"CT 2022: bruh your chain stopped again lol hahahahaha CT 2023: we all stop in solidarity with stopped chains "} {"text":"Chainlink update delays have saved so many market melting liquidations in defi that the delay if chain fails is now called \"sentinel\""} {"text":"Wen you are frens with both Celestia people and Eigenlayer people and want to make a joke on CT"} {"text":"@0xgaut @TrustlessState A cliff is just an IRL memecoin chart"} {"text":"@AlexSmirnov__"} {"text":"@evienear Na you can force txn on L1"} {"text":"Wen Solano goes down the whole chain goes down Wen Arbitrum goes down you can switch to other L2 Ethereum is L2 fault tolerant Few understand this"} {"text":"@Melt_Dem Will you tell him about the rocks?"} {"text":"@Austin_Federa @ViktorBunin aaand you're not bullish on L2s anon?"} {"text":"@tarunchitra Meanwhile I am still waiting for your paper on auction theory applied to dog extractable value"} {"text":"@MuyaoShen woof"} {"text":"@ri5hitripathi My goldberg validator is chainyoda. I set it up one weekend. Since then lazy nephew @AbhinavXT is supposed to be maintaining it after hours"} {"text":"@SamwiseSpraxx Sol has devs, users and dogs. idk"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart Its a relic of the ICO era when people had to explain these things"} {"text":"Ya"} {"text":"@0x4Graham Is that hyperledger fabric?"} {"text":"Oh no, I have capitulated and bought the haraam phone"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko"} {"text":"@TheCryptoDog ... make or lose.."} {"text":"@a16zcrypto gm"} {"text":"2024 a16z crypto startup school ideas: 1. Modular dogs 2. Zero knowledge dogs 3. Dog restaking 4. Fully homomorphic dogs 5. Yield bearing dogs 6. Tokenization of real world dogs 7. Layer 2 dogs 8. Decentralised AGI dogs 9. Intent centric dogs 10. Dogs as a service"} {"text":"So @apecoin ape frens @machibigbrother is fighting @0xMarcB You know their really well earned reputations Choose your fighter Vote for the @0xPolygon proposal"} {"text":"Web3 innovation intensifies"} {"text":"Backed by paradogmeme"} {"text":"At this rate Boneh and Song will be advising post doc theses in dog safe cryptography soon"} {"text":"@matt_blumberg That was recovery of principal"} {"text":"Will someone already pitch me a zk cute dog or nah?"} {"text":"We went from RWA thesis to BONK and HUAHUA in six weeks. I guess cute dogs are the real RWAs"} {"text":"The future of finance is 47yo dads of two trading dog with a wif hat at 8am in the gym"} {"text":"S&C hired John Ray John Ray hired S&C S&C cleared $1billion Rug Legally \u2122"} {"text":"@CupOJoseph I have news for you Ulbricht"} {"text":"@fede_intern Just need Mich's seed phrase"} {"text":"Things you cant lose to a Ledger hack or reentrancy attack"} {"text":"@Taran_ss @KeystoneWallet Use Rabby only but yes"} {"text":"@Shilika_jain @KeystoneWallet I am tuna ma'm"} {"text":"@hashflow Only possible on hashflow (OPOH)?"} {"text":"I switched to @KeystoneWallet: 1. QR-code sign-in mechanism 2. You can see what you sign, 3. Eliminates blind signing 4. More user-friendly experience 5. The devices are open source 6. Passed audits by Keylabs and SlowMist Hope they support custom derivation paths soon also"} {"text":"After this @Ledger incident one thing is certain We are pre rich but we are also pre fkd. One of the 69 potential traps will rug us "} {"text":"@MacroMate8 Apartment in Dubai"} {"text":"To avoid this type of rug, let's just enshrine the @Ledger connect kit into ethereum"} {"text":"@Mudit__Gupta Is there a revoke for this?"} {"text":"THIS ENTIRE LEDGER INCIDENT WOULD NOT HAVE OCCURED IF ONLY WE HAD DECENTRALISED THE SEQUENCERS "} {"text":"@poordart @Ledger points"} {"text":"@Mudit__Gupta ... otherwise... ?"} {"text":"Nakamoto coefficient, lido validator concentration, mining pool concentration lol... what about the few lines of react?"} {"text":"GLOBALLY SYSTEMICALLY IMPORTANT BANK"} {"text":"My generation built the future of finance using javascript and solidity"} {"text":"@poordart Why would @GwartyGwart do this"} {"text":"@The_As_Usual_1 nothing until this is sorted"} {"text":"Web3 is going just great "} {"text":"Yah..."} {"text":"Frens dont let frens LP on Layer 1 wen we have layer 2s"} {"text":"CDK by @0xPolygonLabs in one tweet WHAT: 100+ chains across verticals are building L2s using cdk because its the endgame WHY: endgame = infinite scalability + unified liquidity HOW: cdk = zk + modular = endgame So What? $POL will accrue value from activity on CDK chains "} {"text":"@DrNickA Haha no"} {"text":"The biggest comeback arc will be @ethereum but you wouldn\u2019t believe it"} {"text":"Soleigenlayer aka copypasta of eigenlayer on solano feels like a scam tbh and this is not a shade on solano at all. Lets see"} {"text":"Good artists know how to paint Great artists know wen to stop painting "} {"text":"Bad news: AI * Crypto projects are currently vapourware Good news: vapour goes up"} {"text":"$BITCOIN is the decentralised $BONK"} {"text":"2022 layoffs at Coinbase took their product engine from 0-60 in 6 months. The attention to detail in CB products is legendary - localisation for example"} {"text":"\"Confusion in your narrative is the death spiral for your product\" - @LucaNetz"} {"text":"Generational points"} {"text":"@akshaybd"} {"text":"@LordTylerWard @santiagoroel 50 of the most vocal people of the tribe who get the engagement ..."} {"text":"I am starting to think Jerome Powell is Satoshi"} {"text":"@LordTylerWard @santiagoroel Naw man. In solano's case engagement was obvious before the run up. In ethereum's case dot eths got fancy and left for farcaster to do a 50 person private chat club"} {"text":"@cobie @NeerajKA Go to the temples Neeraj... start w Sensoji"} {"text":"@0xMert_ this is a case of devs replacing good nft technology with bad inscriptions tech"} {"text":"Vitalik came back from the 50 person dot eth gang on Farcaster to talk zkevm on CT, and eth went up $100 in an hour Sorry, no legit token can go up much if founder n tribe goes quiet on CT I don't make the rules "} {"text":"@joonian @sachayve Getting there - but eth purely as money\/settlement is also very risky bet for ETH token"} {"text":"@sachayve well, eth is a very big and complex machine, very risky to make big changes"} {"text":"SBF is trading points in jail instead of cigarettes and mackerel"} {"text":"Enshrining the zkEVM would be a good idea if anything substantial on ethereum layer 1 took less than five years to ship"} {"text":"JPoW just approved the next asset bubble and big bank blowup, LFG "} {"text":"Luna nearly killed cosmos eco @noble_xyz saved it bigtime"} {"text":"@0xbrainjar @santiagoroel @labs_electron @SuccinctLabs Ya thats electron's tech"} {"text":"ETHEREUM IS ULTRASOUND POINTS"} {"text":"@nickwh8te Wen TIA restaking "} {"text":"We have reached hyperPOINTization"} {"text":"@kevinsekniqi @avax Ya "} {"text":"@luigidemeo @avax ya gud consensus protocol"} {"text":"@luigidemeo @avax Brotha red triangle chain might one day finally have a use - as shared sequencer for rollups on eth"} {"text":"@ux_xyz @cosmos "} {"text":"People of @avax : L2s are not the future Also people of: we investing in rollups"} {"text":"@santiagoroel I'd like ethereum to support IBC one day tho it requires zk rn @labs_electron and @SuccinctLabs both shipping dis"} {"text":"@luigidemeo @noah_pravecek @nodekitorg thats 3 memes in one sentence"} {"text":"@HugoPhilion I use ledger because FLR is going to be worth a lot"} {"text":"@jbrukh supercycle"} {"text":"@88danillo @shubhrat Call me in March son"} {"text":"@88danillo @shubhrat Ya for 10% of your lifetime earnings ( angel dad )"} {"text":"@Native_0x Wai we need user wen we hab token?"} {"text":"@yodeswap @ngmi_art @LLCgame_ This has nothing to do with me unless a wholesome airdrop "} {"text":"Why EF has no L2 interop (IBC or similar) projet?"} {"text":"@0x42069x Wait for me before you take the snapshot. Wait!"} {"text":"@inversebrah @GwartyGwart led that deal for beradime"} {"text":"Some are fudding L2 UX for no reason Others are shipping @0xPolygon portal They are not the same..."} {"text":"So Cathie Wood's fund sells winners like $COIN and doubles down on losers? "} {"text":"As soon as crypto meets tradfi"} {"text":"@ilblackdragon Ya"} {"text":"@WhitGibbs You gettin 100m points brotha"} {"text":"@hotpot_dao For the devs, of the devs, by the devs"} {"text":"Who knew Tether will turn out to be the safest stablecoin - fr "} {"text":"EVM parallelization is a meme for VC frens who want to feel more technical than we are Polygon has been running a parallelized EVM for 4 months in prod with 0 drama\/hypium Ya it helps a bit but you can't turn Windows (EVM) into MacOS without redesigning it from the ground up"} {"text":"@ilblackdragon ELI5 for bad kids?"} {"text":"Bitcoiners rapidly giving up their kids inheritance for jpegs wao - power law applies to NFTs"} {"text":"Marry someone who is as bad or badder"} {"text":"@armaniferrante One pod per coin cult"} {"text":"@NTBro Proof generation is expensive rn. Proof verification is going to light clients \u2122"} {"text":"My financial advisor said buy $BONK and $HUAHUA at the top"} {"text":"@inversebrah To climb the mansion ladder smolting"} {"text":"We are not pre rich. We are points rich"} {"text":"I am thinking of starting a crypto company called REPLY GUY EDUCATION SERVICES \u2122 (Coingecko $RGES ) Advisors include Mert, Sassal, Chainlink God, Tiffany Hayden and Nic Carter"} {"text":"@vaibhavchellani @SocketDotTech Not 0 \"expected\" points right? right?"} {"text":"@0xsebastiena @CelestiaOrg and @AvailProject are the only two pure play DAS blockchains from the outset"} {"text":"@vaneck_us Inside you also there are two wolves?"} {"text":"Given that tradfi takeover is coming, its time to delet shitpost twitter and start posting self promotion cringe on LinkedIn Brother @vaneck_us intern, fyi"} {"text":"Inevitable that @BuildOnBase will be the first full KYC chain \u2122. I don't make the rules but the Feds do"} {"text":"@jelenaaa____ @cosmos ethereum needs a standard for messaging across all L2s yesterday, not a separate standard for each L2 cc: @VitalikButerin"} {"text":"How young middle class americans can climb the property ladder "} {"text":"@puntium Come register your points with us"} {"text":"@puntium Whats the points of all this "} {"text":"@QwQiao Too soon brother. Stand by for some @0xPolygon news"} {"text":"Solanists learning about recursive leverage in defi "} {"text":"Never fade a byzantine fighter "} {"text":"Yall need to launch and unlock all your tokens asap in case Liz Warren's bill passes "} {"text":"@EKMbanugo @leap_cosmos Yes"} {"text":"Ok @leap_cosmos swaps on @osmosiszone are pretty painless and much cheaper than batamask swaps devs doing something wao"} {"text":"@homme0x rocket technology grandpa"} {"text":""} {"text":"@jason_c_ma Bruh list the bridges on the site in some ecosystem section so that users can find them"} {"text":"@Flowslikeosmo Decimal will move to the right \u2122"} {"text":"@satsdart @icebergy_ no cash flows no discount"} {"text":"@shan3v @Arthur_0x @badkidsart Yes"} {"text":"THERES NO SUCH THING AS MODULAR DA. MODULAR BLOCKCHAINS CAN USE EXTERNAL DA AS ONE OF THE MODULES DAMMIT"} {"text":"Whats the worst"} {"text":"One day all 8bn other people will understand that Axelar is a messaging platform and Squid is a bridge that uses it Today I finally do"} {"text":"I told you every DaO needs a MaO. In this case chainsaw @lemiscate zeller"} {"text":"Sovereignty of chains is valuable if it enhances the sovereignty of the individual"} {"text":"@SuperteamAE @tamarincrypto Sol up, Tamar villa?"} {"text":"@0xMert_ @heliuslabs @ryanchern This is Mert's independent and objective guide to building not on solana?"} {"text":"@hxrts I din give any directions"} {"text":"@santiagoroel Ser L2s are toppings with their own market cap. Its additive to eth pizza"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy @cosmos @Cryptocito @zmanian @sunnya97 @therollupco @Arthur_0x then"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy @cosmos @Cryptocito @zmanian @sunnya97"} {"text":"Solano frens learning to use Cosmos apps are in my dms "} {"text":"@bajpaiharsh244 @berachain @YourstrulyVish will"} {"text":"Meanwhile in @0xPolygon 1. Leading in gaming 2. Leading in modular w CDK 3. Leading in brands w FIFA 4. Leading in RWA w ( soon ) 5. Leading in zk w zkEVM, Miden and ( soon )"} {"text":"I didn't sell half of my TIA airdrop because I didn't know I had it Forced hodl is the wei"} {"text":"@bajpaiharsh244 @berachain Polaris v gud"} {"text":"@dogemos mass aDOPtion starts with mass aDOGtion"} {"text":"The way Cosmos ecosystem is rebounding, even @berachain will become a cosmos ecosystem project again wao"} {"text":"Yeah"} {"text":"Cosmos frens spend way too much time finding coding solutions to everything eg UX and too little in developer and user education and evangelism Matamask UX is pretty shit too - and much ruggier than keplr. Joe and ConsenSys just made it very familiar - familiar becomes easy "} {"text":"@JonnyRhea @badkidsart Hence I said \"familiar\". Education is a big part of the story"} {"text":"@JonnyRhea @badkidsart Cosmos is of the devs, for the devs, by the devs. No one's talking to the plebs yet Cosmos life goals should be to make it familiar for plebs to casino on Stargaze, DYDX and Osmosis"} {"text":"@poordart Binance, Keplr wallet, @osmosiszone"} {"text":"@akshaybd In my langauge, dao only werks if there's a mao"} {"text":"@akshaybd Brah its a dao - wen vote on dis?"} {"text":"@compleatang gm (real, not link) marine . Cosmos is the mad scientist research lab, ethereum is the distribution ( PoS, AppChains, Light clients, appchains, liquid staking... ). eth and cosmos, bes frens forever"} {"text":"@ArthurB Eth rollup users pay gas in eth and rollups do too"} {"text":"@buccocapital That trip to the moon was just a NASA offsite"} {"text":"@intangiblecoins What are the odds?"} {"text":"@Blockworks_ Congratulations @jd_powell_"} {"text":"Doesn't look like the stink bids were stinky enough lol"} {"text":"Periodic flushing of leverage build up in markets is a sight to behold wao"} {"text":"@0xfoobar @aeyakovenko @gakonst @Neon_EVM Neon gud projet. Tl;dr of the article above is that realised benefit of evm parallelisation will depend on the usage profile of the apps deployed"} {"text":"Polygon is the first choice for global brands"} {"text":"@Austin_Federa @RebeccaRettig1 @amiravalliani How often do lawyers build bridges wao"} {"text":"@dogemos @StargazeZone @shan3v @jhernandezb_ Guys, wheres my free influencer jpeg for this"} {"text":"@armaniferrante @khurrylicious Ya I tried the direct paths on the site from Atom and Osmo to nft but that max nerding is how I finally got one :-)"} {"text":"@kevinsekniqi @rajgokal"} {"text":"@pseudotheos No one is waiting for it. @AvailProject @CelestiaOrg @eigen_da lfg"} {"text":"Badkids are the cryptopunks of cosmos"} {"text":"Avg EVM L2 UX is better than all EVM L1s, with far more secure bridging"} {"text":"@poordart Thats exactly why"} {"text":"Hello degens..."} {"text":"@santiagoroel 4% on eth and btc ser. Is this pullback for ants?"} {"text":"@binji_x Yes ser"} {"text":"@TrustlessState 4% on eth sire"} {"text":"Minimum viable corporation"} {"text":"@simplykashif Buffet is literally working till he dies"} {"text":"@Cameron_Dennis_ Bullish"} {"text":"Gud eth reply guys made gud eth price Gud eth price made weak eth reply guys Weak eth reply guys made bad eth price"} {"text":"Methinks only @GordonGoner s return can save apes from the inevitable flippening by Pengus"} {"text":"@santiagoroel Coins that go up during mass liquidations: proof of sophisticated actor"} {"text":"Not much of a dip unless you had a stink bid set up"} {"text":"@akshaybd Community is a meme. Devrel is the killer app"} {"text":"@poordart @aeyakovenko this idea will end mass adoption"} {"text":"@armaniferrante @monad_xyz from 12 mo ago @cburniske"} {"text":"@0xfoobar Foo says up is innovation, down is manipulation"} {"text":"I am not a toldyaso kinda guy but"} {"text":"@FrauBelz decimal moving to the right is inevitable"} {"text":"@jebus911 fair point "} {"text":"@jebus911 crypto native is a meme not boomer and not bozo ie curiosity, humility and hustle are all you need"} {"text":"@mooon640 No need. Polygon directly shipped type2 and (soon) type1 zk rollups"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko Gwart is asking if it was on a raspberry pi"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko Eventually consistent distributed database vs globally replicated singleton "} {"text":"@Swagtimus @musalbas >> A good chunk of Ethereum people have moved to Farcaster Bro don't fud eth like this lol"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko Database ser "} {"text":"@mdudas @MikeIppolito_ @santiagoroel \"participate in a memecoin\" "} {"text":"@kevinsekniqi @themanbearpigV2 Emin ser is never gettin' old "} {"text":"@themanbearpigV2 avax is ancient history"} {"text":"I dont see how this Solfarming mania doesn't move onto Solana killers\u2122 soon"} {"text":"@Swagtimus @musalbas Yes. dot eths need to talk about why we are building a modular future"} {"text":"@Swagtimus @musalbas dot eths used to be the best reply guys. Gud price made weak men. weak men made bad price "} {"text":"I will sell my pudgy only wen @LucaNetz sponsors a stadium or Super Bowl ad"} {"text":"@jd_powell_ @Davincij15 @CelsiusNewCo @CelsiusUcc @Mashinsky Next time LP into a16jit. We get one legit unicorn per one rug like @VESQHQ 1\/2 at bats"} {"text":"@tarunchitra Ser half the people in motherland want visa to fatherland. You don't need a conference to go, jus go"} {"text":"@SandyPeng1 ...of founders..."} {"text":"@StaniKulechov @aave "} {"text":"Scaling using a real monolithic blockchain has never been tried "} {"text":"@wmougayar no I mean Tim Draper owns 30K+ btc and so on so forth"} {"text":"Some day I want to be able to walk into a shop in Dubai and not be helped by anyone "} {"text":"kinda amusing that l2 narrative is going thru peak made up fud and l2s are not fighting it half as much as they were fighting each other for 9mo"} {"text":"Ol' insto frens are asking me about @aave permissioned pools again 2024 rate cuts will be interesting"} {"text":"If you think VC backed coins are bad, you havent yet realised that even bitcoin and ethereum are ultimately VC backed Let go of the meme and enjoy the bula"} {"text":"Looking at my twitter feed, its clear that: Bula is for not knowing the law Bera is for jail"} {"text":"ATH is one of the few metrics that are worse than TVL"} {"text":"I don't like NFT collections with a roadmap This is why punks rule"} {"text":""} {"text":"@homme0x @berachain haha idk but that polaris evm is gud"} {"text":"@0x_String @0xSisyphus inshallah @smc90 can report and get me a soulbound netscape fans nft"} {"text":"crypto industry incentives favor casino and narrative vaporware over advancing tech and consumer utility Something about this thing called token and token banking We are very fortunate that a small number of founders still choose to build Sui and Risc0 over Bonk and PEPE"} {"text":"@0xSisyphus Ser chill. The man also wrote netscape, sold loudcloud and invested in Facebook"} {"text":"Ethereum's liquidity and ethereum's economic security both are a direct result of thousands of builders like Hayden and Stani building cool things onchain, not the other way round Devrel is where its at, and always has been"} {"text":"@Shilika_jain @ilblackdragon @auroraisnear Wake up. Its been since ser black dragon returned"} {"text":"@ElonMuskAOC @DeeZe"} {"text":"@mattmaximo1 Binance"} {"text":"If you are looking four years into the future of blockchains... Study client side proofs @AvailProject @CelestiaOrg @0xPolygonMiden"} {"text":"Top signals rn: 1. funding rates 2. memecoin dominance of the TL 3. jpeg mania 4. useless chains mooning harder than useful chains 5. eth maxis are quiet its wen flush, not if then next leg uponly"} {"text":"@khaagan it nailed me first, a few times"} {"text":"modular will free ethereum from the evm"} {"text":"TVL is not a liquidity metric. Its a leverage metric"} {"text":"Krypto is all happening in Dubai"} {"text":"@vegaprotocol bullish"} {"text":"Poor people sports are exhilarating to watch. Football, Hockey, Kabaddi, Wrestling, Boxing, Rugby, Basketball Sports get duller and duller to watch as people get richer. Cricket, Baseball, Golf, Formula 1, SailGP... Have fun staying poor"} {"text":"Credit where it\u2019s due: This is true. @SuperteamDAO is amazing."} {"text":"Bullish vibez around NEARProtocol frens"} {"text":"@santiagoroel"} {"text":"Newton is in the re-enter with a lot zone"} {"text":"Near frens vibing at @SailGP with @Arp_it1"} {"text":"@ronitA380 @Melt_Dem @TheStalwart @kimchipump @KoganPage ser our industry is profoundly entertaining. come join us"} {"text":"@ronitA380 @Melt_Dem @TheStalwart @kimchipump @KoganPage Ser my insights are funny"} {"text":"@alive_eth @KyleSamani early internet adopters have always shown novelty seeking and high risk appetite ( eg sending credit cards across for ecommerce before there was ssl ) without degens we would have no users. its on builders to build smth that not just degens but mom, pop and grandma can also use"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko @TrustlessState"} {"text":"Methinks a free market improvement to IBC - like @Hyperlane_xyz is a good thing"} {"text":"SUMMONING CIRCLE to send $SOL back to $20 SOLANA ALIGNMENT "} {"text":"ICO era L1 coins with 0 users and 0 airdrops have also gone up compared to L2s with wild traction like Polygon, Arbitrum and Optimism Easiest trade ever is to go where the users and devs are"} {"text":"ngl; a whole generation of bitcoiners is about to lose their btc chasing jpegs and memecoins bitcoin is not ethereum bitcoin bros, our great coin is digital oil and casino chip, yours is inheritance for your kids "} {"text":"@ASvanevik @armaniferrante s jpeg is bluechip but I shouldn't say that"} {"text":"Lets say 200 employees of a useless L1 pivot to farming airdrops full time on useful L1\/L2s. At 100k per person, such farming could generate $20m in protocol revenue "} {"text":"It's quite amazing how bad matamask wallet on iOS is - like Windows Vista bad The only way a product can be this bad is if the team is 2x the size of the competition"} {"text":"So Hunter Biden's crime was hedonism?"} {"text":"@soro My son says roblox skins ser"} {"text":"WHO STILL REMEMBERS REAL WORLD ASSETS?"} {"text":"@anuatluru For just one day right?"} {"text":"@coopernicus01 CPY > APY"} {"text":"Solana is no match for ethereum. We have 69 conferences, they have just one"} {"text":"@veH0rny Works as long as there is airdrop"} {"text":"@Melt_Dem No token yet tho"} {"text":"The long awaited hated $ATOM rally kinda involves a lot of hate but no rally"} {"text":"Lesson for crypto marketers: if you have to explain a joke, you shouldn't make it The same applies to your content on social We literally live INSIDE an adderall pill here"} {"text":"I guess RWAs will return in the long term"} {"text":"AI flavoured meme tokens aside, I think @NEARProtocol, @FlareNetworks and @RiscZero will be three of the very few teams that ship something actually useful in crypto x AI"} {"text":"@functi0nZer0 You Kwon Do It"} {"text":"@alive_eth And yet, isn't there an element of degen risk taking to venture? "} {"text":"Jobs data shows degens are working hard in the airdrop farms "} {"text":"MBA stands for modular but available"} {"text":"@nickwh8te celestia celibates?"} {"text":"Dubai is a vibe w @SriSri at Al Maktoum stadium"} {"text":"Ser @JanvanEck3 is the $HODL"} {"text":"@hashflow gm hash"} {"text":"@alive_eth Amen ser"} {"text":"me investing in 2019: erm, can they ship technology? me investing in 2023: yes that fosho butbut can they ALSO ship tokenology?"} {"text":"@dhadrien_ You chose one of the hardest wooliest problems in the world but shipped cool things hard - should be very proud ser."} {"text":"I thot you could get gunland residence for that number"} {"text":"Retail should be protected from such speculation"} {"text":" @pStakeFinance "} {"text":"@leah_cb @nsmale Congrats"} {"text":"I read what @jon_charb wrote but the near term future of the L2 thesis will be defined by the level of generosity @Starknet, @Scroll_ZKP and @zksync exercise in giving responsibilities to our glorious farmer community"} {"text":"@santiagoroel Unhealthy portion ser"} {"text":"We are so back"} {"text":"@weikengchen Great projet and team, token is f(environment)"} {"text":"THE MAIN *USE CASE* OF BLOCKCHAIN HAS ALWAYS BEEN DEFI "} {"text":"Literal defi summer on solano while everyone else chases mainsteam \"use cases\" Next up: gaming summer on @0xPolygon"} {"text":"@sal_hotpot666 It's one better: L1+1"} {"text":"@sal_hotpot666 Polygon's technology is about to improve rapidly"} {"text":"Validating light clients enabled by @AvailProject and @CelestiaOrg taking centralised RPC providers like Infura to bed"} {"text":"Airdrop farmers, which mobile OS do you use for farming?"} {"text":"@SchmitzJMark @CoinDesk @solana @Kamino_Finance @realDannyNelson Kamino in Hindi"} {"text":"Why was CZ denied liquid staking?"} {"text":"Sorry I only do risk free crypto"} {"text":"@ecent18 Unbeatable web3 game "} {"text":"Ok so we got Solido Who's working on Soleigenlayer?"} {"text":"@colleenklein @Ooojin482 taking notes "} {"text":"ETH is up 6% on the news that ethereum alignment was permanently laid to rest in the garbage heap of really bad memes"} {"text":"Idk how @anoma will ever ship generalised intents but I really like their intents to give me a $NAM airdrop"} {"text":"Ethereum's ESG announcement was ETHBTC top Solana's ESG announcement might be SOLETH top It's time to run our blockchains on clean energy and use our magic internet coins to finance clean energy production "} {"text":"@MacroMate8 @aave Excellence"} {"text":"ethereum technology is going to $3000 with haste"} {"text":"@hotpot_dao "} {"text":"Solano has made some people so rich and some people so poor that the solano network state must have a gini coeffient of 0.8-0.9 or smth"} {"text":"Everyone is becoming hilariously less poor again and you are holding four year locked seed rounds lol"} {"text":"Whoever in the \"blockchain use case\" and \"PMF\" world called defi \"speculation\" can have fun staying boomer"} {"text":"@scottmelker Miden, Aztec, Monero, Namada"} {"text":"@inkymaze @monad_xyz @GwartyGwart @standardcrypto @vaneck_us @blockworksres @parsec_finance @blknoiz06 @jon_charb @inversebrah"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart In a real bula you won't have to"} {"text":"nothing to see here"} {"text":"Staked $OSMO keeps giving gifts like $TIA and @namada and perps are incoming soon This is not a 0.75 coin. That decimal is gunna move to the right"} {"text":"@iamDCinvestor no future cash flows, cant apply discount rate "} {"text":"$jto opened at a higher FDV than $ldo because it has better alignment with the values of soylano's social layer"} {"text":"@sunnya97 @LayerZero_Labs @wormholecrypto @SynapseProtocol @AcrossProtocol @HopProtocol Meh if no $IBC airdrop ser"} {"text":"The way to play this bula is to hide half your cash where you simply cant access it for an year or two, and then go Al Casino with the other half"} {"text":"@nickwh8te Still need ordering and finality of proof of (aggregated proofs) on a decentralised high economic security chain innit?"} {"text":"@Dogetoshi Is Jito backed by the values of Soylana's social layer?"} {"text":"@AvailProject @prabalbanerjee @Polkadot @PolkadotNowInd NPoS > DPoS. One of the coolest things about Polkadot"} {"text":"OH: \"In India, Tripathis are pandits of the three vedas, namely Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics Chaturvedis also do the fourth veda - Biology\""} {"text":"@Psycheout86 Sometimes its the only option ( many top 100 mcap projects )"} {"text":"what you need to understand is that the US Government is basically a Jamie Dimon employee"} {"text":"@functi0nZer0 I use $BITCOIN"} {"text":"@BanklessHQ @solana Hate is the most bullish marketing technique known to man"} {"text":"@_khanhamzah Yep. I am a $BITCOIN maximalist"} {"text":"@YourAiNew One stupid idea drives another. Lets go back to e\/acc"} {"text":"I looked into how this whole ethereum alignment meme started..: It started with \"AI alignment because AGI \""} {"text":"@jdkanani A Punjabi origin heroine would complete this Tollywood story"} {"text":"@ekang426 You're family. Excited about your mission to activate the growing builder community in the UAE"} {"text":"Get ready for KryptoDubai"} {"text":"@ArjunKalsy @fuel_network @IAmNickDodson congratulations"} {"text":"@juzybits @EvanWeb3 Add some vibez and then uponly"} {"text":"@juzybits We like @EvanWeb3 ser and his projet"} {"text":"modular in my gm s, modular in my dm s"} {"text":"@jdkanani @SergeyNazarov "} {"text":"@Austin_Federa ESG "} {"text":"@Austin_Federa Bro delet. Have you seen the eth\/btc chart from the ESG merge onwards?"} {"text":"If it takes an entire thread to explain why a token will go up, I have news for you"} {"text":"@StaniKulechov @t2wrld This is the correct usage of the term \"social layer\""} {"text":"@poordart @GwartyGwart"} {"text":"a16z crypto GP McHenry arc?"} {"text":"@valkenburgh @laurashin @Truthcoin @aeyakovenko"} {"text":"@simon_warta @sunnya97 @lurkaroundfind @confio_tech grants should be contingent convertible notes where possible. If the public goods grant recipient rugs by raising a seed round, the grant should convert to equity at the same valuation"} {"text":"My hopes of climbing the mansion ladder as shown in the coinbase ad "} {"text":"@GwartyGwart Gwart, I am telling you again, our use case is the same as Dimon's"} {"text":"@Austin_Federa @kdipep @EdanYago @cryptomanran @scottmelker @aeyakovenko Modular means there will be as many DAs as needed - Avail, Celestia, EigenDA, Near... settlement is ordering and finality, but people are already working on <\/blasphemy> settling on other L1s Bitcoin for example"} {"text":"@Austin_Federa @kdipep @EdanYago @cryptomanran @scottmelker @aeyakovenko It's the story that vertical scaling is fine for a very small market but for webscale we need horizontal scaling"} {"text":"@kdipep @Austin_Federa @EdanYago @cryptomanran @scottmelker I also commented on the positives re Solana team's resilience and community building efforts. Edan and I both just think all monolithic chains are scale limited and not everyone has to like that argument"} {"text":"John Wu casually predicting that all zkEVM L2 tokens will have their own ETF"} {"text":"This was fun. tl;dr - the ethereum ETF will melt faces and modular is the wei"} {"text":"@vaneck_us $CFA"} {"text":"Pudgy Penguin + Cryptopunk = Pudgy Punk win"} {"text":"@Jihoz_Axie Thanks for acknowledging that @0xPolygon has fantastic traction and volume"} {"text":"@ekang426 @FlareNetworks @buidl_asia @She__Fi I heard about this from a Songbird "} {"text":"@GasHeroOfficial is on and they\u2019re just getting started."} {"text":"BUILDER ALIGNMENT "} {"text":"Retail still not aping rly so likely sources of bula: 1. Saylor 2. Sidelined apes fomoing in late 3. About a billy of US insto cash 4. Customer funds on exchanges ?"} {"text":"@pStakeFinance "} {"text":"@hartej_ @balajis Ser digital world - kindle"} {"text":"After 18 months of laying robust technical foundations of growth, team @PersistenceOne has caught fire... this is what killer instinct is about @pStakeFinance"} {"text":"@Mudit__Gupta Dont invest if you get pitched by devs who are <1% skem or > 5% skem"} {"text":"If I invested in your project, I am once again asking you to read @balajis book before doing anything else, tech or otherwise"} {"text":"@vinitopapasito Liquidity is on ethereum because ethereum has useful apps users want"} {"text":"@StaniKulechov @defifury And this, frens, is why we build modular blockchains with @0xPolygon CDK"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko Few ideas have been worse for eth than this one "} {"text":"@KEMOS4BE @RyanSAdams @TrustlessState @BanklessHQ I need my @BanklessHQ brothers to stop talking about solana when shilling ethereum. My brothers in Vitalik, Apple doesnt talk about Windows or Nokia or Samsung when shilling their far superior iPhones"} {"text":"$SGB Christmas "} {"text":"USDC governance token will melt faces"} {"text":"I said this in '19, '20, '21, '22... Any shitcoin can make you money ONLY ETHEREUM BUILDS CHARACTER Right now ETH's teaching patience"} {"text":"@cosmoshub @PersistenceOne Congrats team Persistence "} {"text":"@lemiscate "} {"text":"Found one whole Bitcoin in an old wallet today"} {"text":"@lemiscate Every DaO needs a MaO"} {"text":"@hotpot_dao @zhusu Ser deserves a welcome celebration in the Atlantis if supercycle continues"} {"text":"Let the order flow hashflow... $HFT"} {"text":"@CENflr Nature's healing"} {"text":"@Mudit__Gupta Ang pradarshan theek naheen beta"} {"text":"Literally Dubai"} {"text":"@VivekVentures As long as we put the horse ( value creation ) well before the cart ( value capture) - as @haydenzadams noted, eth isn't winning because of MEV and tokenomics. It's winning because devs build cool apps that bring users"} {"text":"The new integrated @okx wallet experience is really really good, especially w @KeystoneWallet pro hardware wallet and the OKX exchange Also, unlike eth centric wallets, OKX wallet supports bitcoin and alt L1s too How is batamask still a thing tho?"} {"text":"Some frens be like, \"one more bull run and I'ma out of crypto\" Bruh, what makes you think you are employable in a real industry "} {"text":"@ekang426 Come home for Dosa"} {"text":"How many mo weeks will Sullivan and Cromwell dump Solano on us?"} {"text":"2024 gudlife Vee Cee frens fomo world tour dates have been announced"} {"text":"@0xsachi Only for fomo and distressed rounds"} {"text":"@santiagoroel Is there a website that shows user and txn metrics for games (bots oke, can adjust based on who the founders are)"} {"text":"@poordart Is this the FBI?"} {"text":"@Zedzies Huge distribution (of xrp) ser"} {"text":"Value accrual is a meme Whoever has the users\/distribution generally has control Steve Jobs had power, not Warner Music Brian has power, not OP CZ has power, not token issuers Google has power, not advertisers Aave has power not chains ethereum also has to figure this out "} {"text":"@jimmyhumania fake news. the numbers are there, the memes are passe'"} {"text":"Ethereum educatoors are still meming 2021 memes about MEV and value capture. What people want to see rn is how many users and transactions are coming to L2s because that's kinda wat we have promised"} {"text":"@inversebrah Ticker $BITCOIN does"} {"text":"If you're raising money, it's very important to say simple things in complicated gibberish so that Vee Cee feel smaht"} {"text":"@Demiurge_66 Whatever Lido gib"} {"text":"@matthew_sigel 0. 80% in crypto"} {"text":"If you don't understand where the yield comes from, you are the yield"} {"text":"Yield is ethereum's drug of choice. A little bit is medicine, a lot is poison"} {"text":"There's only so much you can shill before you actually ship Founders that write frequent twitter ballads about their project between fundraise and mainnet tend to be vaping on their own vaporware"} {"text":"L2 decentralisation is the pastime of thinkers that have never met a user. L2 UX and liquidity is what really matters"} {"text":"Modularity enabled by @0xPolygon CDK, @AvailProject and @CelestiaOrg takes us from a scarcity mindset to an abundance mindset The biggest market in the world is everyone To onboard everyone, creating value must precede capturing value This is only possible with Modularity"} {"text":"@tinpham1612 @KyleSamani Think bigger, much bigger. The only way to onboard everyone onto ethereum is to make blobspace and blockspace continuously cheaper so that the marginal user can use it. No monolith either ethereum or solana or whatever can do it without modularity"} {"text":"@KyleSamani Per unit bandwidth (blockspace) will continue to get cheaper so that the demand can escalate. Also reduces the risk of disruption from new L1s with new execution environments. The internet is 6bn people"} {"text":"@_khanhamzah They did so that you can buy $BITCOIN"} {"text":"@KyleSamani Think bigger. From the @AvailProject blog:"} {"text":"If Leonardo Da Vinci lived today, he'd paint the Mona Lisa as a "} {"text":"@GwartyGwart The use case has always been finance"} {"text":"@TrustlessState ethcc?"} {"text":"Dubai crypto is a different vibe altogether A; \"I heard you change your product name\" Me: \"Ah, CDK is the main product\" A: \"I meant from to POL from MATIC\" Me: \"No no, thats the token, not the product\""} {"text":"No one I know is doing more to bring zero knowledge tech into day to day use than @0xPolygon is Another huge milestone upcoming"} {"text":"There's a huge prize to be won by solving the web3 UX puzzle and Arcana, the future firebase of Web3 are there to claim it"} {"text":"z\/acc ACCELERATE ZERO KNOWLEDGE PROOFS "} {"text":"The real blockchain for AI is @FlareNetworks To be useful for ML you need to be built for data Something's coming..."} {"text":"Remember RWAs?"} {"text":"@Mudit__Gupta this is pre-airdrop"} {"text":"My son asked what Satoshi and Vitalik look like"} {"text":"At this point the only homies not looking to collect free moneys from @optimismFND retropgf3 are Toly, Emin, Gavin Wood, Arthur Breitman and Charles Hoskinson"} {"text":"@nicksdjohnson Yep. Also, even without VC funding, if the team and founders have more than 5% of token FDV, the project is no longer a public good."} {"text":"@LefterisJP Lefteris should get @optimismFND retropgf3 allo for this service"} {"text":"@Fiskantes Fiscapo?"} {"text":"Wisdom for all markets from Bhagvadgita"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Dubai"} {"text":"\/acc"} {"text":"@fuckyourputs $BITCOIN forever"} {"text":"You might think I am late to the party, but the more expensive NFTs get, the more precious the art becomes The flippening of the apes is inevitable."} {"text":"Fwiw @osmosiszone is a full fledged layer 1 blockchain with raging DeFi activity, currently being valued by the market as a DEX Do with this information what you will"} {"text":"As a crypto user my user experience has improved 20% in a month"} {"text":"Ah, the instant unlock to ETF pipeline"} {"text":"@jd_powell_ @Ashcryptoreal If you are in tradfi, pivot to defi "} {"text":"- in case ye wanna remember"} {"text":"@graslogamer So far its gam(bl)ing, but amen"} {"text":"EIP 69420: rename ETH to ETF so that it insta pumps to $10,000"} {"text":"Anyone in crypto remembers \"use cases\" or was it a bear market thing?"} {"text":"My favourite web3 gaming console is Uniswap "} {"text":"@vaneck_us In extreme bera its RWA"} {"text":"The rumours of Solana's failure were greatly exaggerated ... and now the rumours of Solana's success are"} {"text":"bera market startup lifehacks"} {"text":"@bkiepuszewski They do have an argument in that fancy hardware is less cloud friendly, and cloud can be a centralising force"} {"text":"@Kautukkundan @apoorvsadana how does an app chain make your app less ruggable?"} {"text":"@KyleSt4rgarden Yep, you cant have BOTH startup flexibility AND weekends. Thats ngmi"} {"text":"If your startup has weekends, sorry no one can help you"} {"text":"eth broke $2100 only after I got a $210 paid subscription to @BanklessHQ @TrustlessState I'd like to pay $1000 subscription for $10k eth bls "} {"text":"What costs a corporation $1, costs a DaO $10 and the government $100"} {"text":"\/acc"} {"text":"Smart people often overcomplicate things with intelligence or experience In the middle of all that brain fog, the solution is usually blindingly simple tho simple is very unsatisfying to the ego Always hire a monke or two"} {"text":"I sold btc at 35k Fomo'd back in at 37k Lesson learnt \u2122"} {"text":"@garious14 Interop will be solved by DAs and *trust minimised* light client bridges - its a tradeoff yes but the types of apps you can get by composing async will be worth it"} {"text":"EUPHORIAAAAAA on my TL again "} {"text":"@santiagoroel "} {"text":"An ETF coprocessor for any token Who's building this?"} {"text":"@garious14 UX isn't just speed brother. Modularity is how we Us get to build independently and freely and experience unlimited creativity of hoomans"} {"text":"@garious14 The internet works on modular, async composability - it doesn't sit on a single distributed database"} {"text":"nonsense. L2 ux is no worse than L1s for bridging from eth or exchanges, then its the same"} {"text":"Michael Saylor is (3,3)"} {"text":"ethereum UX and scalability has improved 4% in the last 24 hours "} {"text":"If you have a token, pivot to ETF"} {"text":"Token > Tokenization"} {"text":"@vishalkgupta @cmsholdings It was in the ad"} {"text":"@fede_intern "} {"text":"@DefiIgnas Bruh delete your account "} {"text":"@CaitlinLong_ That's called ethereum"} {"text":"max bidding"} {"text":"@AndrewSteinwold $1m sire"} {"text":"@TrustlessTooth @TrustlessState @sassal0x Soleth top signal"} {"text":"Congratulations to everyone on CT on outperforming Tiger Global"} {"text":"@Native_0x et hirium"} {"text":"@Lomashuk @cosmos @ethereum Thats essentially the approach Polygon CDK takes"} {"text":"Solano's current level of fast\/cheapness is mainly a good reference benchmark for L2s, esp validiums. Solano will get less cheap and slower as people use it but validiums building against the reference will benefit from eth's thriving developer culture and liquidity"} {"text":"@iamDCinvestor @sassal0x @l2beat Exactly. Different L2s can choose app specific tradeoffs and some L2s may indeed need L1 equivalent censorship resistance and security"} {"text":"@sassal0x @iamDCinvestor @l2beat Unpopular opinion: L2s decentralisation doesn't matter so much as long as the L1 continuously decentralises. What matters is if the L2 UX is fast, cheap, low rug and reliable"} {"text":"Isn't it quite fitting that a court in France, the home of @RektHQ has effectively decriminalized exploiting defi protocols. "} {"text":"@MariaRiivari @VCharpiat @zachxbt If you're a SmartContract auditor, pivot to France"} {"text":"@LogX_trade @LineaBuild @peckshield wao"} {"text":"@GiorgiaMeloni @narendramodi I propose merging India and Italy on a nominal GDP (PPP) basis"} {"text":"If @Blast_L2 manages to lock everyone's eth and die, we are going max deflationary"} {"text":"It's sit back and watch szn in crypto markets"} {"text":"@santiagoroel I completely agree with your bandwidth argument - but, the arc of internet history favors unlimited bandwidth expansion by modular, async composability of the @0xPolygon CDK, @AvailProject, @CelestiaOrg sort rather than limited bandwidth expansion of the Solana architecture"} {"text":"Re lots of gud VC frens like @santiagoroel (ser is max legit) hyping solano, I am perversely thrilled by eth fam no longer feeling smug, complacent and eternally monopolistic This wake up alarm is simply incredible for myethbags "} {"text":"@armaniferrante @shubhrat @therealchaseeb "} {"text":"@lookonchain No MATIC left in that dump box"} {"text":"@therealchaseeb @shubhrat breakup cancelled after I saw the charts @armaniferrante"} {"text":"@JasonYanowitz @santiagoroel Santi 100% sold his account comparing his early podcasts to his podcast now completely different in almost every way, the language, the nomenclature, the phrasing, practically everything people don't change that radically that quickly, regardless of personal situation"} {"text":"Future of France "} {"text":"@vaneck_us Bitcoin didnt get to 38k without the intern shilling it"} {"text":"Unironically, a truly investable founder is someone who can hallucinate vertically in broad daylight without any chemical intervention Ultimately you do have to create your own reality that is temporarily disconnected with reality"} {"text":"Re the new Coinbase ad, it's fantastic, and yes, buying HarryPotterObamaSonic10Inu is the best way to get on the property ladder"} {"text":"If you are an alt L1, pivot to DA Except for Solana which is a shared sequencer"} {"text":"Startups that nearly die but don't actually die are extremely dangerous for the competition Creatures of grind, grit, momentum and luck startups are"} {"text":"CANTO IS NOT BACKED BY PARADIGM"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart They have KYC"} {"text":"@defivas Casino"} {"text":"Tokenisation:Abu Dhabi::Token:Dubai"} {"text":"@luigidemeo If you dont make it as an L1, pivot to DA "} {"text":"@toghrulmaharram @luigidemeo Think bandwidth. Per txn cheaper allows billions of txns"} {"text":"@luigidemeo Tell me you don't understand the difference between DA and settlement without telling me (you just did)"} {"text":"@luigidemeo Stop fudding. Ethereum is the most secure da but it's a finite resource - apps can choose da based on their own tradeoffs Besides it's not da but das that enables light client everywhere"} {"text":"CZ went to the US for just two weeks and the devs broke BSC wtf"} {"text":"@Fiskantes Bruh - this is fud. A key point of L2s is that you don't need a multisig bridge"} {"text":"e\/thereum"} {"text":"@josephdelong Patience tiger. Across L2s, Avail, Celestia and Rabby we are working on UX, Safety, Interop, Liquidity defrag. None of that is being done on L1 but it's being done"} {"text":"@moo9000 \"distributed algorithms\" like Gnosis safe"} {"text":"@moo9000 The greatest trick ethereum ever pulled on computer science is to call every SmartContract a protocol"} {"text":"Did the Solana Foundation pitch the idea of L3s to ethereum? I hearing things. Don't do this. Use Polygon CDK to ship your own L2"} {"text":"I have heard some founders say \"low quality TVL\" and \"high quality TVL\" Isn't all TVL mercenary since Leshner and Kain started LM? Its all yield - eth, dollars, dollar + airdrop, adjusted for risk of protocol What makes some TVL higher quality than the rest? What ye think?"} {"text":"crypto project teams that went to bed or pivoted away in bera are coming back out of woodwork and coding, bd-ing, tweeting again If I have a bag they are gud , otherwise they are tourists "} {"text":"Your own children will make your poorer Other people's children will make you richer This is the angel investor thesis \u2122"} {"text":"Serious question Is the merge priced in yet?"} {"text":"The thing about RWA is that the RW part doesn't matter. The A is everything"} {"text":"@Travis_Kling Innovation \u2122"} {"text":"My taxes are completely unconstitutional"} {"text":"What if @Blast_L2 simply took the $634m and made every depositor an LP in Paradigm? The annual yield would then be Paradigm's IRR which is probably higher than LIDO?"} {"text":"@ballsyalchemist Carl Icahn"} {"text":"Michael Saylor is the @Blast_L2 of Bitcoin"} {"text":"The senators should be aware that I do not provide any services to anyone who prefers to be addressed as his excellency, his highness or his grace"} {"text":"ZK co-professor"} {"text":"@functi0nZer0 Still cheaper than banking - but worse"} {"text":"DEGENS DEGENS DEGENS DEGENS DEGENS DEGENS DEGENS DEGENS DEGENS DEGENS"} {"text":"@FlareNetworks "} {"text":"How does bitcoin accrue value?"} {"text":"@ASvanevik How many tokens did they give you?"} {"text":"The real bitcoin halvening is @saylor halvening the circulating supply of bitcoin and the real bitcoin ETF is $MSTR"} {"text":"Buy high sell low... Many VC frens fomo wen prices go up"} {"text":"@jd_powell_ @elonmusk @X @movementlabsxyz GG has qualms even with ethereum, so whatever"} {"text":"@jd_powell_ @elonmusk @X @movementlabsxyz Regs didn't want Zuck running payments. Elon would just be decentralising X and not offering any regulated financial services"} {"text":"@jd_powell_ @elonmusk @X He didn't - he tried a no coiner tradfi chain- those became Aptos, Sui and @movementlabsxyz - a combined $13+b already"} {"text":"All @elonmusk ser needs to free @X from advertisers blackmail is a token... Decentralise X and airdrop $X according to function ( tweets, followers, engagement, time since sign up...) Its always been the future of this public square"} {"text":"eth price will go to $3000 in 3 candles wen the ethereum alignment meme dies ethereum exists to eliminate rent seekers not create our own "} {"text":"@Cryptocito next peg is $10 "} {"text":"@bajpaiharsh244 ...check the test"} {"text":"As an investor, my motto is FOUNDER ALIGNMENT "} {"text":"\"You don't have fuck you money if you can't say fuck you on live television\" - @elonmusk"} {"text":"@simplykashif Nah man, our kids are the first man made thing we can't control"} {"text":"@musalbas @EffortCapital @ASvanevik Been shillin' Cartesi for a year but people keep saying sorry, they are not backed by Paradigm"} {"text":"No one is born a skeptic. They just happen to work on wall street or crypto for several years"} {"text":"@acityinohio 50m lives ended before their time - by Kissinger"} {"text":"@vkholostenko @elonmusk Well he can choose whose ... he wants to be and that's real wealth"} {"text":"Paris Hilton's baby ships with an in-brain Nvidia H100 and you are bearish?"} {"text":"Many people have money but they remain slaves to it and everyone else who can give them more - @elonmusk is a role model "} {"text":"I don't think crypto twitter is nihilist. We just prefer to believe in things like theDaO, Blast multisig, Ben.eth presale, test in prod Defi, foodcoin farms, dog nft influencers and SBF while questioning everything else"} {"text":"@pumatheuma Amazing. Max bullish on frens who ship what they pitched"} {"text":"@TrustlessState Replace ETH w Solana and you got eth community "} {"text":"Bitcoin and Ethereum too fwiw..."} {"text":"@GwartyGwart @vaneck_us intern is VC funded"} {"text":"If you really believe in an idea that you really want to ship, but you're unable to get venture capital, survive on grants for cash and market validation and then launch a token like ol' times Don't let your project die because VC can be a groupthink, meme, hype and fomo game"} {"text":"15 years since the birth of bitcoin, DeFi is literally the only thing keeping all the chains humming don't @ me utility people, this chain thing has always been about money and finance by whatever names "} {"text":"Sold all my t bills Ready to fomo in hard and discover gravitation"} {"text":"@therealchaseeb Why'd you trash your frens like dat"} {"text":"@qedk_ @ethereum @AvailProject @SuccinctLabs This is really cool"} {"text":"@renelubov All I see is HR issues"} {"text":"I was last week years old when I learnt that @Polkadot guys made a really gud consensus protocol to alleviate the stake concentration problems we see in @cosmos There's a lot of gud tech lying around this space, waiting to be used"} {"text":"@hypnogaba @superanonymousk @MantaNetwork I want 10,000 manta for product placement "} {"text":"Wormhole $2.5b round might have just broken the record for the longest time gap between closing and announcement. Announcing at 2021 valuations in 2023 is kinda cool"} {"text":"every trader influencer here will cry about how eth is ngmi and how the price will always underperform flavor of the month... then we win"} {"text":"@victorJi15 @superanonymousk @MantaNetwork Its bitboy.eth"} {"text":"@superanonymousk @MantaNetwork @victorJi15 There aren't that many legit projects in brypto :-)"} {"text":"@superanonymousk @MantaNetwork Are you sure. Ask @victorJi15 Btw, there are 694 crypto projects I really like"} {"text":"This is getting thrown out on day 1"} {"text":"Why is @evan_van_ness such an unintentional soylano bull bull bull?"} {"text":"Vibes are money \u2122 Money is not vibes tho. This works only one way "} {"text":"@TrustlessState It's too vague which causes it to be interpreted as paying rent to eth validators and maxis. Can you make the idea more specific? When is a Blockchain or protocol eth aligned or not eth aligned?"} {"text":"Tradfi alignment "} {"text":"Pyth launch is Bullish for LINK because now I am noticing non-tradfi web3 native announcements from marines again This the Yoda Capital unboomerisation thesis Koin vibes go boomer: sell Koin vibes feels cool: buy Follow the young. The internet is belong to them "} {"text":"@mayurrelekar"} {"text":"@mdudas Blast is the most hyped VC multisig in history"} {"text":"I bought $SHRAP and then I remembered my last 5 AVAX ecosystem trades. Then I just bought more eth with the SHRAP"} {"text":"Invest in founders over 30. That way you get to DD if they ever contracted the 30u30 infection"} {"text":"@jebus911 He inhaled a whole bitcoin"} {"text":"Charlie Munger is no more. The man made more money than all of us pretend rich larpers around here combined Yet, he was an avid, grumpy shitposter on traditional media channels and therefore he was"} {"text":"Congrats @mayurrelekar - you guys grit, grind and ship harder than most folks I know - and just getting started"} {"text":"30 under 30 are the chosen ones chosen for something good, right? right?"} {"text":"@santiagoroel It's like global warming but for eth. It's a concern but market incentives ie steth liquidity favor centralisation"} {"text":"@binji_x They don't know V is a grants program built to encourage ideas, not an Investor"} {"text":"Consensys Alumni Association"} {"text":"e\/thereum"} {"text":"@binji_x "} {"text":"OH for real in Abu Dhabi, \"We didn't need to DD <\/zk project> because Vitalik invested in it\""} {"text":"@LefterisJP @zachxbt A better deal than grant is for OP DaO to become an LP in Alchemy ventures"} {"text":"This man @AraBalaghi stayed true to his values - the only dude in a T Shirt in Asset Abu Dhabi, everyone else wore a suit Bullish on @biconomy - going leveraged long"} {"text":"Any Vitalik pivot away from crypto will be gud for ethereum, in the same way that Satoshi pivot away from crypto was gud for bitcoin"} {"text":"Look who's in Arabia "} {"text":"In person PVP with @akshaybd"} {"text":"Longevity is the new excitement"} {"text":"The UAE is the Future of Binance"} {"text":"@simplykashif Not really. GG hasn't won anything yet"} {"text":"@Eug_Ng Still Fi"} {"text":"In to hang with the fellow pre rich. Who's around?"} {"text":"@0xAishwary Thats Fi"} {"text":"f\/acc"} {"text":"Four main use cases for blockchains today: 1. DeFi 2. NFT 3. More blockchains 4. Gaming tokens"} {"text":"@Mudit__Gupta Why do I think the only thing worse than 32kb of solidity is... 64kb of solidity"} {"text":"@sassal0x @pseudotheos He wants to work part time"} {"text":"@vaneck_us VanEck DaO will gib me $1.8m to educat the world about Jan and I will be hapi "} {"text":"@jd_powell_ Mesa Verde bank - but they are tokenizing it now"} {"text":"If you tokenize any illiquid asset, say grandma's hut in the middle of nowhere in El Paso, it's value immediately goes up 100x - because that's just what tokens are supposed to do "} {"text":"If you lose $278m investing in one big FTX, investing in a few smol FTXs isn't the way to get it back"} {"text":"@Zac_Aztec Sending $500m TVL, steady Zac!"} {"text":"@divine_economy @vijaymichalik If you think 1.8 billion is a lot to ask for a marketing campaign, i have some very bad news for you about the economics of blockchains"} {"text":"This talented dev just applied to be one of the five Blast multisig signers"} {"text":"I wonder if pacman was playing league of legends during his VC pitch to get $20m for a one way multisig bridge"} {"text":"@Danrocky "} {"text":"@santiagoroel Question remains if 2018\/19 to 2021 performance is indicative of how crypto funds will perform going forward given that far more capital entering crypto has pushed valuations multiple times higher. There's no solano at 30m anymore :-("} {"text":"@ceterispar1bus Excel-lent execution layer "} {"text":"Everyone on CT can save ourselves a lot of stress by reminding ourselves that CT has the maximum working memory of one week, usually one day cc: @TrustlessState"} {"text":"@TrustlessState Which event?"} {"text":"crypto VCs in Abu Dhabi this week hoping to find local LPs"} {"text":"@DeanEigenmann"} {"text":"@evan_van_ness Elon's razor states that the most entertaining outcome is the most likely. The razor does not require such an outcome to be a good outcome"} {"text":"Most of the money on had been made by 2017... We *need to be* so early ..."} {"text":"@nik_tchouparov @GRomePow Yes, yes and yes. There was no Pantera at the time thats all"} {"text":"Tether is quadratic dollar. Tokens that we assume are backed by dollars we assume are backed by ..."} {"text":"@nik_tchouparov @GRomePow The main difference is that gold was widely used for payments unlike BTC, but then it had to be replaced with Tether, I mean dollars"} {"text":"@odin_free @eth_revolution Yes - no one needs to wait. Market based solutions like @AvailProject, @CelestiaOrg and EigenDA are already stepping in to fill the gap"} {"text":"$ATOM inflation isn't going down 4% It's going down 4%\/14% ie 30% Few understand this "} {"text":"Tokenisation people are congregating in Abu Dhabi"} {"text":"Does ETH bite people? Why are eth holders always in a rush to lock it away in the first contract or EoA someone publishes? Ethereum is ultra locked value \u2122"} {"text":"L2s waiting for Danksharding"} {"text":"This dialogue from \"loving Pablo\" reminds me of SBF and similar entrepreneurs: \"You have money Pablo, what more do you want\"? \"I want respect\""} {"text":"Ethereum is an asset that flows at speed from the impatient to the grifty, always has Only the hodlers survive "} {"text":"@WuBlockchain @inversebrah"} {"text":"Comeon guys, none of us talking hats 'onboarded so many people into web3'. The dudes who did are Brian, Jesse, CZ, Justin Tron Sun, Brock Tether Pierce, Larry ETF Fink, Hayden Vegas Adams, Joe Metamask Lubin, Cooley ICO LLP, and Gary JPEG Vaynerchuk"} {"text":"@udiWertheimer @aeyakovenko @TrustlessState @arbitrum @banklessDAO Fwiw, no L2 or L1 has half the 'organic' CT mob Sol does"} {"text":"848 AD, Byzantium"} {"text":"@mdudas Did they buy our jpegs this time?"} {"text":"@zmanian @EffortCapital @Cryptocito Congrats Zaki! This is historic"} {"text":"@coopernicus01 4"} {"text":"@anondeguerre @TrustlessState @vitti5039 That content is effectively investment research and recommendation rather than education, which is also fine if presented as such."} {"text":"@TrustlessState @vitti5039"} {"text":"The biggest lie crypto ppl ever told themselves is that their cost of capital is zero because erc20 s can be printed for free Only in bula bro, only in bula"} {"text":"@Zac_Aztec I meant computationally, tongue in cheek. That one is ofc a hard problem in multiple dimensions, not the least of which is legal and reg "} {"text":"@Zac_Aztec The entire method of zk is to take an easy problem and make it very very hard"} {"text":"Ethereum is a financial system without any rent seekers. They all became grant seekers in DaOs"} {"text":"Defi, RWA, NFT, Gaming"} {"text":"@WaynesWorldza @0xPolygonMiden @RiscZero @fluentxyz @movementlabsxyz @fuel_network @cartesiproject @aztecnetwork @Starknet That is ethereum's best defense against disruption "} {"text":"@wmougayar @0xPolygonMiden @RiscZero @fluentxyz @movementlabsxyz @fuel_network @cartesiproject @aztecnetwork @Starknet @flow_blockchain @dete73 @roham Not unless flow uses a trust minimized bridge to eth via something like Polygon CDK"} {"text":"@larry0x @fluentxyz @0xPolygonMiden @RiscZero @movementlabsxyz @fuel_network @cartesiproject @aztecnetwork @Starknet Ser, there are a dozen VMs in the werx on the zk podcast chat alone. Besides, Aztec no vm "} {"text":"Wen will @Polkadot see some adoption metrics rather than plain ol' git commits:"} {"text":"@MladenLm @0xPolygonMiden @RiscZero @fluentxyz @movementlabsxyz @fuel_network @cartesiproject @aztecnetwork @Starknet Everything is a rollup in the modular dictionary rn but in the target state, rollup = zk rollup. Batch transactions, execute txns, post calldata to DA layer and proof + state diffs to ethereum."} {"text":"Ethereum killers are dead EVM killers are just starting Rollup centric roadmap enables this My execution layer bets for this cycle are: @0xPolygonMiden @RiscZero @fluentxyz @movementlabsxyz @fuel_network @cartesiproject @aztecnetwork @Starknet"} {"text":"Why is Illuvium a 30% better game than it was a week ago?"} {"text":"Blast but it causes a ethereum hard fork Who is building this?"} {"text":"EVM'S network effects are a double edged sword. Its hard to upstage the sheer mass of tools but it's also near impossible to improve something so much is built on Alt VM frens fall in love with their CS lecture notes. Instead we should find apps that bring apes like Papa Joe did"} {"text":"Sent moneys to gnosis safe on Polygon PoS instead of Safe on ethereum Got bailed out, AMA"} {"text":"Sadly only 3 were allowed"} {"text":"There's another meme I've seen about Satoshi being responsible for Bitcoin's launch. I want to make this clear: Satoshi had zero involvement in Bitcoin's GTM. Candidly, he probably would have asked Nakamoto to change a lot about Bitcoin's launch if he had been involved"} {"text":"AI safety this, AI safety that ... can someone tell @sama about this breakthrough safety tech called 3\/5 anon multisig?"} {"text":"@el33th4xor Avalanche SGX bridge is a multisig"} {"text":"Polygon, Arbitrum, Optimism, Ethereum"} {"text":"@rleshner Haseeb, Robert, Tom, Tarun cc: @laurashin"} {"text":"More men have gone broke chasing this than anything else"} {"text":"@Blast_L2 Ethereum consensus is a 67% multisig "} {"text":"@Austin_Federa Pessimistic rollup with optimistic finality "} {"text":"@Austin_Federa Doesn't matter. I am hearing things "} {"text":"@milesjennings they did"} {"text":"MULTISIG ALIGNMENT "} {"text":"@Austin_Federa I know you are behind blast, I know"} {"text":"I'd like to request 1 million $ARB per year retroactive public dudes funding for educating tradfi about crypto for the last nine years "} {"text":"eth doesn't look like a scam rn fwiw"} {"text":"How the community sees the $ARB DaO treasury"} {"text":"@santiagoroel @sowmaler @movementlabsxyz "} {"text":"gm Polygon zkEVM enjoyoors "} {"text":"@santiagoroel @sowmaler @movementlabsxyz solves this"} {"text":"@therealchaseeb @aeyakovenko OPOS"} {"text":"@Dorothy_defi \"legacy\", \"orthodox\"..."} {"text":"@Dorothy_defi \"traditional\" "} {"text":"block proposers are nothing without block builders"} {"text":"If a hot girl on telegram asks you to send one eth, ask him if hes backed by paradigm"} {"text":"DA layers are nothing without data availability sampling"} {"text":"Solano is nothing without @0xMert_"} {"text":"zk is nothing without claude shannon"} {"text":"@musalbas @AnnaRRose We are also funding zk and distributed computing advancements accidentally"} {"text":"@ks_kulk K Kulkarni is nothing without convex optimisation"} {"text":"@MacroMate8 Initially pay the already stronk, then incubate ie support devs that succeed on your chain"} {"text":"@MacroMate8 Because without ideals we are worse than tradfi"} {"text":"$PYTH is $LINK for low liquidity yolo gang"} {"text":"I am thankful for being pre rich"} {"text":"Find a blockchain that's not a rollup You can't"} {"text":"@therealchaseeb Her name is Soylana Rhoades"} {"text":"Met one of Boneh's students who's dating a litigator If this dude isn't a strategic thinker, I don't know who is "} {"text":"@zmanian Carrier pigeons "} {"text":"I am delighted to announce zero cost zkVMs which I have achieved internally "} {"text":"We just need @devops199 to get to work on @Blast_L2 "} {"text":"@alex_dreyfus @CryptoCapo_ Ex Feds have been working at Binance for three years. Safely assume the national security guys always had what they need CFTC has no jurisdiction on offshore - only and the recent settlement doesn't change that"} {"text":"@lemiscate"} {"text":"Blast is the community's first step towards the tradfi takeover of crypto"} {"text":"@CaitlinLong_ I am afraid this unhinged character is extremely likely to misfire on laser eyes."} {"text":"@defiprime Its the beginning"} {"text":"Hello degen gamblers, this thanksgiving, let's remember the Turkey, basically us"} {"text":"@Native_0x @eth_ben is this true?"} {"text":"ben.eth presale but backed by paradigm who's building this?"} {"text":"@evan_van_ness Delete that tweet for the sake of ethereum Evan. Solana is an actual blockchain whereas Blast is a one way 3\/5 multisig bridge"} {"text":"the vibes are stronk on this one"} {"text":"I know bula is coming because GLG is sending me 3x more inbound for expert network calls than I have time for Suits want to buy "} {"text":"visa info for phoren frens visiting @ETHIndiaco"} {"text":"@dogemos @inversebrah"} {"text":"gm"} {"text":"Fwiw, @Blast_L2 multisig sucking $230m TVL from actual L2s shows that you can take ethereum out of the near death experience called theDaO but you can't take theDaO degeneracy out of ethereum Social layer's worries are well founded"} {"text":"ZK ALIGNMENT "} {"text":"Seattle? Looks like CZ is still not going to the right Washington"} {"text":"@0xMert_"} {"text":"Beauty sleep revoking approvals at 330 am ERC20 is shit"} {"text":"@HsakaTrades Exploit abstraction (EA)?"} {"text":"@ri5hitripathi @ayyyeandy @KyberSwap Say Hi"} {"text":"We can discuss which evm L1\/L2 is better than the other evm l1\/l2 but its pretty clear that rn @KyberSwap is being exploited on all of them"} {"text":"nicole is hiring a rust dev for zk..."} {"text":"@0xMarcB "} {"text":"Optimistic rollups Pessimistic rollups Realistic rollups Who is building this?"} {"text":"@TrustlessTooth @EFDevconnect zk aligned "} {"text":"If you want to launch a crypto company, do it before 30. This is not ageism but life advice. If you accidentally end up in Jail, you wanna be out by 50 right?"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Fuel is not live yet. Arbitrum have working fraud proofs and Polygon zkEVM and Starknet have working validity proofs"} {"text":"If you got covid at @EFDevconnect, you are fully ethereum aligned"} {"text":"OSMO is ultrasound cosmic money"} {"text":"@hashflow is the original intent centric dex"} {"text":"I am become L2, a sequencer without proofs, a bridge of multisig"} {"text":"@lemiscate"} {"text":"@cobie @GwartyGwart Correct. The social layer is about a dozen twitter accounts and a podcast"} {"text":"My gud frens at @osmosiszone are hiring for some very cool roles... pls apply here 1. Developer Relations Engineer 2. RemoteSoftware Development Engineer in Test (SDET) 3. RemoteTechnical Project Manager (TPM) 4. Marketing & Communications Lead"} {"text":"@EvgenyGaevoy @tofushit888 Only with sophisticated actors ser :-)"} {"text":"@tofushit888 bruh"} {"text":"crypto is a little too simple for all of you hurr durr type A, do this, win that olympic athlete wannabes Surviving the infinite game is winning, that's all there is to it"} {"text":"@bajpaiharsh244 Well I only ship the z in zk rn"} {"text":"@zmanian Thank you, thank you"} {"text":"Polymer pivoted to optimistic rollup Aleo pivoted to trolling scroll Espresso pivoted to shared sequencers Succinct still shipping zk but devtooling Mina doing something but we don't know what Zksync zkEvm sorta werx maybe Ah the journey between announcing zk and shipping zk"} {"text":"There are three parts to @samczsun Sam CZ Sun "} {"text":"@DecentralStn @franciskthomas That \"stepchild\" was the case when PoS didn't depend on the security of ethereum. No more. The zkEVM is entirely reliant on the security of eth. Also, all of Polygon's community and devs including @jbaylina and @hudsonjameson are eth first people"} {"text":"If CZ and Sam ever do a few days in the same cell, I want book rights"} {"text":"Anyhow, setting the legal situation aside, @cz_binance is probably the most product focussed and analytical founder I have known in the crypto Industry We could definitely use more of those fwiw "} {"text":"CZ is basically Marc Zuckerberg of money"} {"text":"Thanksgiving greetings to my burger frens. At the famalie dinner, remember to explain the strange connection between \"blockchain technology\" and jail time"} {"text":"The new head of AI safety at OpenAI"} {"text":"Trade surveillance software that correlates influenzas trading history on Binance with their shilling history on CT Who's building this?"} {"text":"@Altvm_Thesis While we have the social layer it needs to protect its narratives from being diluted or undermined If everything is a rollup, then nothing is a rollup and the entire eth scaling narrative gets diluted Narratives have power. Narratives are money. Money is a narrative we buy "} {"text":"Binance leadership team after the settlement"} {"text":"The feds now have uninterrupted access to CT's trading history "} {"text":"@hotpot_dao Tether"} {"text":"@fintechfrank Binance would have paid only $40mn if it wasn't monolithic"} {"text":"No CEX however kyc-d should be celebrating"} {"text":"HER NAME WAS CATH..."} {"text":""} {"text":"Silence on optimistic rollups without fault proofs may have briefly diluted the L2 narrative to the detriment of ethereum as a whole but I am quite happy today that the Social Layer is speaking out against the creature that is Blast "} {"text":"No one has ever gone to jail for tokenization"} {"text":"@TrustlessState ... so far"} {"text":"Binance is unironically the most liquid layer 2 solution we had - and I do hope it stays so somehow "} {"text":"I guess all network states will have a national holiday tomorrow "} {"text":"Why would @adamscochran do this?"} {"text":"The blast multisig"} {"text":"@bajpaiharsh244 @Kautukkundan @0xPolygonLabs @0xStackr @cartesiproject basically dudes watching the chain and rolling back"} {"text":"@bajpaiharsh244 @Kautukkundan @0xPolygonLabs @0xStackr @cartesiproject Pessimistic Rollups use a mechanism known as \u201cfraud detection\u201d to verify transactions before they are included on Layer-1. This approach ensures that all transactions on Layer-2 are valid, mitigating the need for Layer-1 dispute resolution.7 N"} {"text":"@musalbas @CelestiaOrg @dymension I am losing my mind over calling Blast an L2 without any validity proofs or fraud proofs :-) escalating to: @jon_charb"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko Bruh! I know @Austin_Federa is behind Blast"} {"text":"The real alfa is teams like @PersistenceOne and @pStakeFinance that have been silently shipping product and integrations through bera while their competition has been spending on marketing"} {"text":"@bajpaiharsh244 @0xPolygonLabs @0xStackr @cartesiproject As long as ORs implement fraud proofs its fine... otherwise it make the whole L2 discussion a joke"} {"text":"@bajpaiharsh244 a) First, an app that can't afford prover costs probably doesn't need its own L2 yet b) Use external DA like @CelestiaOrg or @AvailProject c) Proof aggregation on @0xPolygonLabs CDK solves this"} {"text":"@bajpaiharsh244 a) no"} {"text":"@DoctorPepee @ayyyeandy Blur killed smoke"} {"text":"I suspect @Blast_L2 is secretly backed by the @solana foundation to damage the L2 narrative I am hearing things "} {"text":"@toghrulmaharram Blast is bad for your L2 fighter - it's not real"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy Blur killed OpenAI"} {"text":"Blur killed blockchains"} {"text":"Why are manlets fudding Celestia?"} {"text":"I don't think @sama was designed to be an employee"} {"text":"@binji_x"} {"text":"Blur didn't kill NFTs but its defo tryna kill L2s with this multisig sham"} {"text":"Every L1 and L2 be like... The blatant ponzu called blast would be breakthrough technology, if it was on our chain "} {"text":"@schmiddominik1 One eth dev conf a month ser. This one is offplan, interning for @RealCryptoColin"} {"text":"Why does \"world tokenization summit\" feel like a wedding reception"} {"text":"@tarunchitra Tell him crypto is just VC for retail"} {"text":"@Fwiz crypto is simple ser. If you come out with your reputation intact in 5-10 years you won"} {"text":"Most people grow 5% cynical as they get older. \"Web3\" however has the power to make even 20-25 year olds cynical like grandpas"} {"text":"@homme0x Its a highly *reputed* subgroup of CT "} {"text":"@mdudas Bonk twice if you see this "} {"text":"New 'Paradigm'"} {"text":"@collins_belton Yeah"} {"text":"crypto traders describing how they got rekt after making eight figures"} {"text":"@ramahluwalia Ram ser posting hidden gems "} {"text":"Its not clear to me why streaming execs are running deep tech companies but then we live in a pathologically online world"} {"text":"@vkhosla @eshear @OpenAI He's live streaming this whole thing on Twitch"} {"text":"Binance settlement bulls seem a little too bullish. A $4bn settlement with the DoJ doesn't mean business as usual. We don't know what else is in the DoJ's \"term sheet\" but \"carry on as before\" is not gonna be it"} {"text":"@MacroMate8 Few more liquidations and then uponly"} {"text":"Tl;Dr $4bn Binance settlement: Bullish If CZ faces US indictment: Bearish"} {"text":"@rushimanche @homme0x Your grandpa Homme is always welcome to Uncle me "} {"text":"I deeply regret my participation in shitposting. I never intended to harm @X. I love everything Elon has built together with Parag and Jack and I will do everything I can to reunite the bird app"} {"text":"@kevinsekniqi @ilyasut @inversebrah"} {"text":"is nothing without its people "} {"text":"Which way is N R Meera Murthy going?"} {"text":"@jdkanani @satyanadella Chanakya 2.0"} {"text":"People on the \"move\" visiting"} {"text":"$10B for all of @OpenAI lmao"} {"text":"@JohnNahas84 I am zk aligned "} {"text":"Ban the word \"alignment\" from both ethereum and AI. It's anti progress and value destructive"} {"text":"OpenAI is the new OpenSea Note to self: never touch a company with Open in the name $13b - $1b $91b - $7b"} {"text":"@ParikPatelCFA There's a Sam in Samosa"} {"text":"@andykreed Well it's one hell of a streaming entertainment company"} {"text":"Looking forward to welcoming @sama for dosa breakfast at TripathiDaO during his upcoming fundraising trip to Abu Dhabi "} {"text":"@Arthur_0x reprice which way"} {"text":"Frankly I'd prefer @fede_intern as President of Argentina - Rust devs can save the economy "} {"text":"Tether believers in divine rupture as Argentina's new presidente promises to dollarise the economy $USDT to $2 "} {"text":"I heard the President of Argentina wants to switch to a highly scalable form of bitcoin"} {"text":"@AFDudley0 @zmanian >> What do you think will be killed exactly? my eth bags ser"} {"text":"Why is Argentina perpetually rekt like some Cosmos appchains with 69% staking \"rewards\"? Bitcoin can't fix underlying labor, capital or productivity issues -monetarists have no chill"} {"text":"As long as ethereum is useful and highly valuable, venture investors will invest in ethereum killers by various different names till one actually does the job We are nowhere near one yet but this is just how Schumpeter's creative destruction works"} {"text":"Intents will \"solve\" MEV by paying offchain market makers a known fee instead of paying onchain market makers an unknown fee"} {"text":"@moo9000 And this is how they become @GwartyGwart"} {"text":"Why is there Australia? Who needs it?"} {"text":"Whats with guys named Illia and LLMs?"} {"text":"@therealchaseeb gm & echo - breaking up w @shubhrat cuz she bought a madlad. Rest gud ser"} {"text":"@therealchaseeb Not as % of FDV. Also FTX revival, if it works could be intrasting"} {"text":"@therealchaseeb Need FTX estate to be out of Sol first, then theres eth liquidity and dev density. eventually is doing a lot of work there"} {"text":"@therealchaseeb Your prediction is baseless"} {"text":"Guess hacking that pitch backfired on India... oh well, next time "} {"text":"@DefiIgnas fud free tokens go to zero fast"} {"text":"@DefiIgnas Founders not shilling Team not shilling Investors not shilling"} {"text":"@simplykashif Australian god looks stronk"} {"text":"@yashcrypto21 Mainnet beta. We demand a reboot"} {"text":"Indian cricket team seems to be doing 10 TPS on mainnet after delivering 10,000 TPS on successive testnets "} {"text":"@Zedzies Not rooting for any ser, I am just a competition enjoyoor "} {"text":"Its time"} {"text":"@yashcrypto21 Modiji not bowling, batting or fielding well so far"} {"text":"KEJRIWAL FOR PM "} {"text":"Watching India's batting today is more painful than watching Solunavax pump again while eth stalls "} {"text":"@0xsachi no"} {"text":"Oracle Wars ... can Pyth make a dent?"} {"text":"@prashant_xyz If that happens to everyone's sequencer, you can force your txn on L1 through @GwartyGwart s raspberry pi"} {"text":"Only Modiji can win it from here"} {"text":"Sachin's son in law underwhelming in crucial situations, just like his father in law..."} {"text":"Mira Murati must be the most valuable employee at OpenAI - the lynchpin and looks like, the kingmaker"} {"text":"If you're into crypto drama, pivot to ai drama"} {"text":"Microsoft CEO to the board of OpenAI"} {"text":"@Fwiz @sama Hey Sam, this is Satya. I have $10b of lawyers outside your door "} {"text":"@superphiz OFAC ser"} {"text":"@HsakaTrades dydx insurance fund ser"} {"text":"@kevinsekniqi Modelparams.iso on silkroad"} {"text":"@Fwiz Ser if you had waited two weeks... a gud role at OpenAI just opened up "} {"text":"Death of @OpenAI might just be the hail mary pass Google, a16z and others who missed the LLM bus were looking for"} {"text":"@OpenAI should be open source"} {"text":"Is this Yudskowsky dude is the biggest charlatan in AI?"} {"text":"@LordTylerWard Labs boards have no power without voting shares"} {"text":"@LordTylerWard Can't fire founders, \"labs\" is \"unrelated\""} {"text":"If you're in AI, pivot to crypto. If you raise in tokens, life's good. No board, no board related problems "} {"text":"@0xfoobar Equity was sold by OpenAI \"labs\". OpenAI \"foundation\" is a non profit. Wait for OpenAI DaO governance token @CamiRusso"} {"text":"@avichal Maybe they can get @ilblackdragon to run the LLM co"} {"text":"@petergyang Google needs an all hands townhall and a 187k people company offsite"} {"text":"Microsoft is the Sequoia and Paradigm of AI. Gave $10B to a guy named Sam for no board seat"} {"text":"OpenAI \"foundation\" fired Sam because he wanted to charge front end fees... why didn't he just raise equity for OpenAI \"labs\"?"} {"text":"It's quite obvious that @sama was fired for lack of ethereum alignment "} {"text":"Ok so what do we do with all those NVIDIA GPUs?"} {"text":"@0xashesonchain Albanian"} {"text":"Everyone needs a twitter mom. I want to be Elon's twitter mom "} {"text":"@CamiRusso Immaculate conception doesn't just conceive itself"} {"text":"Cool people everywhere in Istanbul"} {"text":"Add LCD panels with speakers doing their speaking thing and that'd be the best conf ever @joonian"} {"text":"OH: \"give me 25 million dollars and I will code generalised zk intents for the rest of my life\""} {"text":"Scaling EVM based rollups is interesting but the full value of DAS will be unlocked by alt-VMs"} {"text":"Ethereum Alignment Hackathon... who's organising this?"} {"text":"OH: \"everything is possible if you don't have to implement anything\""} {"text":"OH: \"How will your DA align with danksharding\"?"} {"text":"the second modular boom"} {"text":"The modular boom is the railway mania of 2023-2025 but the survivors of this boom will be internet giants"} {"text":"@MaxiNicky @balajis i dont make the rules. the internet is a more powerful force than nation states and its not going back in the bottle, its just how it is."} {"text":"@Neon_EVM @ETHGlobal ethlana is so back "} {"text":"@SixdegreeLab @balajis Kindle"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Gud narrative but still no Aave equivalent on Solano. Wake me up wen"} {"text":"Ok I finally read it fully and @balajis network state is an absolute must read for understanding whats actually going on with blockchains"} {"text":"ZK rollups are the endgame for scaling ethereum. Forget everything else. Drop all the bagholder noise and confusion."} {"text":"@0xAishwary @GrabSG @StraitsX @0xPolygon "} {"text":"@Marquee352 Go founder first - it's exponentially more demanding"} {"text":"Good that @apolynya woke up and started to clear the narrative confusion around ethereum's scaling roadmap Need more eth-tablishment thoughtleaders to do exactly this Also @BanklessHQ..."} {"text":"@kobigurk Aspiring anons have done werk "} {"text":"Founders must not take advice from VCs unless the VC giving advice has ideally been a founder or at least has considerable operating experience in startups "} {"text":""} {"text":"I think it's time to change the BUIDL meme to SHIP Crypto has too many researchers and developers and far too few *product* shippers We are by far the best Industry to code for code's sake. Hab token, will code yo "} {"text":"@LitecoinYagami Delaware has reported your account to the DoJ"} {"text":"COPE stands for contract oriented programming on ethereum"} {"text":"Ethrium conference tradition stronk "} {"text":"Tradfi announcement pumps don't last ... ethereum, L2s, chainlink, avalanche... Onchain activity is where all sustainable pumps are at"} {"text":"Very cool branding "} {"text":"@CJCJCJCJ_ Hello. These are automated Investor unlocks according to predetermined vesting dates"} {"text":"Who's Vivek and why?"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart Was she approved() for a swap?"} {"text":"@StaniKulechov "} {"text":"@aeyakovenko ethlana?"} {"text":"@0xkenzi 20-80 at best"} {"text":"A very very cool demo @dfinity ... and its been a long time since we met"} {"text":"@0xferg @sandeepnailwal "} {"text":"@EricBalchunas Lfg Bull Chunas!"} {"text":"How it started for eth. How it's going for eth"} {"text":"@mdudas Mike sol-d his ethrium "} {"text":"Mirror mirror mirror on the wall Whose DA is the fairest of them all?"} {"text":"ngl, @AleoHQ frens always be like shipping the next bitcoin"} {"text":"Bitcoin foundation is the best foundation"} {"text":"@akshaybd replace are with should think of themselves"} {"text":"@simplykashif Have a torrid affair - buy"} {"text":"Stablecoin peg about to be restored wao"} {"text":"Nah"} {"text":"@prestonjbyrne Ser but tokens and front end fees "} {"text":"@0xMert_ Wen re-education camp for the kafirs?"} {"text":"gm blockchain buildoors"} {"text":"\"Premature optimisation is the root of zk based products no one can build on\" - Chain Knuth Yoda"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart Gwart doesn't know we already pivoted to Plasma where the data is stored in an accredited investor's basement"} {"text":"Things are never so good that they can't get better "} {"text":"@homme0x I am once again asking eth frens to stop confusing the narrative"} {"text":"Looking at the ETHBTC chart, Plasma really doesn't look like good technology"} {"text":"@hosseeb Do they love you again tho?"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart the average user wants "} {"text":"PLASMA ALIGNMENT "} {"text":"gm"} {"text":"For the zk nerds, @bobbinth and @Zac_Aztec debate today may have been the highlight of the week"} {"text":"@gadikian undeleted"} {"text":"Who's working on execution proofs for Apple's ARM ISA?"} {"text":"Recursive endgaming "} {"text":"@musalbas ZKPlasma aligned since yday ser"} {"text":"69 layered burrito"} {"text":"@tarunchitra Coprocessors done right in zk"} {"text":"Incontrovertible proof of @GwartyGwart"} {"text":"@SuccinctLabs \"I had a choice between sacrificing information and sacrificing memes, and I chose information\" - @Zac_Aztec, the wittiest cryptographer"} {"text":"@SuccinctLabs Proof marketplaces and proof standards don't go far enough. I personally believe Risc0, Valida, Powder etc's approach is more of the endgame"} {"text":"@No_Man_Where too many custom circuits and prop code"} {"text":"One big winner of the current zk revolution will be Tata Consultancy Services as software maintenance nightmares pile up "} {"text":"Yep"} {"text":"@RiscZero I'ma need an IQ upgrade"} {"text":"Totally"} {"text":"Coolest vibe among all the side events so far at the ZK social club"} {"text":"@TrustlessState @EFDevconnect Its a zkPlasma nft "} {"text":"@SmokeyTheBera Alhamdullillah one day brother "} {"text":"Berachain ZKPlasma network cc: @SmokeyTheBera"} {"text":"@0xMert_ I suspect @mdudas @JasonYanowitz and @cburniske also bot soltop. I bot eth top in 2018-19 - since then I am community member forever "} {"text":"@0xMert_ That'd explain at least part of the back to the wall, resistance fighter passion "} {"text":"JPM stonk down because of not using CCIP in the PoC as LINK marines 125x leveraged short $JPM "} {"text":"IBC made people millions by stopping people from selling $TIA too soon and you are bearish on Cosmos ecosystem anon?"} {"text":"@cmoyall @apolloglobal @jpmorgan Jeez this is way bigger than I could have guessed"} {"text":"Christine and Ty still keeping enterprise blockchain alive and kicking wao "} {"text":"@sama ChatGPT needs a layer 2 "} {"text":"If they keep giving bigger airdrops to devs like Celestia did, I might have to learn Rust "} {"text":"@camillionaire_m @corbpage @LexSokolin @Consensys Cc: @moshaikhs @corbpage"} {"text":"Supra Polygon"} {"text":"@PAMauric @EFDevconnect No. His talk was very specific\/contextual but ppls dont think that hard"} {"text":"VCs at @EFDevconnect after hearing Vitalik's talk"} {"text":"Note: no monad, cardano or solana @cmsholdings"} {"text":"Few remember that @0xPolygonLabs is the OG plasma powerhouse "} {"text":"Praying for $100k, $10k"} {"text":"OH: \"ethereum is an international tour operator and travel agency\""} {"text":"@barnabee Yes that part is well known"} {"text":"Yeah"} {"text":"Hey that's my meme"} {"text":"If there was no pressure to launch a token, lots of really cool crypto projects would never hit mainnet Thank you ERC20 "} {"text":"gm"} {"text":"\"We are all here a-lining\" - @hotpot_dao of Linea unintentionally meming at L2Days"} {"text":"The L2 thesis is stronk. This time on Solano"} {"text":"It's @CoinDesk s turn to announce some fake ETF news"} {"text":"@vinitopapasito Polygon's technology flipped Chainlink's technology without any attempted ETF rumour"} {"text":"Some Cosmos appchains have the highest TPS (token emissions per second). Neither L2s nor Solana can match"} {"text":"@WatcherGuru Which Cosmos appchain is this?"} {"text":"You can't build a passionate community by rewarding those who have already made it elsewhere Bitcoin and ethereum made superstars out of drifters and creatives on the fringe That is the wei"} {"text":"Who at the block can help me file a mybags ETF?"} {"text":"@SelectorSam Just mint a few Tether meh"} {"text":"At this point Justin Sun should just buy Blackrock in cash and order Larry Fink to file a TRON ETF"} {"text":"I heard several of last year's hot AI startups are already seeing 30-90% downrounds Why is no one talking about this?"} {"text":"Ser Carsten and @cartesiproject crew are some of the coolest folks I know in the entire industry"} {"text":"@Fwiz Congratulations ser"} {"text":"The best thing about the ETF hype is that it made everyone realise that @cosmos ecosystem is very not ded. All other blockchains need this mad science laboratory called Cosmos to continue to invent new technology "} {"text":"So @TheBlock__ went from being pwned by FTX to being owned by Bybit? Progress"} {"text":"Stablecoin level incoming"} {"text":"@wmougayar There were a couple of talks about it earlier"} {"text":"We have reached peak L2 popcorn "} {"text":"DEGEN AIRDROP SAMPLING ( DAS )"} {"text":"@Native_0x AGI"} {"text":"@Native_0x I belv the tron figure tho - tether is a killer app"} {"text":"Ethereum His Excellency ( Tron ) killing it in real DAU"} {"text":"DAS 101"} {"text":"@PandeyMikhil @PersistenceOne "} {"text":"Jordi ser, the \"father of the first zkEVM\" vibin'"} {"text":"@functi0nZer0 \"Things are never so bad that they can't get worse\" - My boss, 2009"} {"text":"@functi0nZer0 Sunak just wants to be done with the poison chalice and join a16z. Cameron is a viable successor"} {"text":"The scary word \"agnostic\" has entered blockchains Usage: we are \"security\" agnostic..."} {"text":"@MacroMate8 Joe Lubin would like to have a word with you"} {"text":"Interesting..."} {"text":"@0xBalloonLover I disagree w no fundamentals. The failure is sometimes in our ability to see it. The internet is always weird but the internet is never wrong"} {"text":"@0xBalloonLover 95% of all capital in the world is sent to casino. the casino of the market is the sieve that in multiple iterations routes the capital to productive use casino gud. crypto just needs a more free, more competitive, less manipulated casino"} {"text":"\"@0xpolygonlabs CDK is the most mature rollup framework in the space today\" : @victorJi15 \"Polygon zkEVM is the only production ready zkEVM today\" : @jdetychey"} {"text":"OH In Istanbul: \"We have the MOST MODULAR tech stack in the space\""} {"text":"This is a critical point thats been bothering me for a bit - there's a lot of discussion about trust assumptions ie *risk* behind various rollup configurations. Whats more important is the *value* of choosing one or the other - and at what point is it better to just go to AwS"} {"text":"@Cryptocito buy osmo wid it and its double that"} {"text":"@0xMert_ the counterintuitive thing about crypto is that younger community is moar bullish tho everyone thinks older enterprise ppl have the money. well the boomer money ain't worth if they don't play wid it on the internet"} {"text":"To me, data availability does not seem that much fun without data availability sampling"} {"text":"The @AvailProject event at @EFDevconnect is packed and adding seats to accomodate more folks"} {"text":"\"OH: ZK will save bitcoin from eternal ossification\""} {"text":"You either make it as a layer 1 or live long enough to pivot to data availability layer"} {"text":"Sui has the tech, Solana has the community Who's working on Sui-lana?"} {"text":"Anyone tried pivoting DOGE to DA layer?"} {"text":"@abhitejxyz i jus study dem. the lord is ser vitalik"} {"text":"Want to lose your love? Marry her Want to lose your community? Hire her - Mulla Nasiruddin"} {"text":"@superphiz Petty wars like Rocketpool v Lido?"} {"text":"The funniest thing of this bula so far has been Avax doubling immediately after they dropped most of the marketing team "} {"text":"crypto is all about FundaMEMEtals"} {"text":"Everyone is getting hilariously rich in liquid crypto and you are a VC\/angel with locked tokens "} {"text":"@0xMarcB Objection your honor..."} {"text":"Lion King, rotation song (respect the pamp)"} {"text":"@AyeshKiani proto danksharding"} {"text":"BREAKING:SBF TO BE ACQUITTED OF ALL CHARGES BECAUSE SOL AND OTHER COINS WENT UP: SOURCES"} {"text":"@musalbas @l2beat @dymension L2Beat will need a rollup?"} {"text":"@simonch00 After the first 69, all same"} {"text":"I dont know how people pull 4-5 late nights in a row at conferences. Has anyone ever died of networking?"} {"text":"@cmsholdings but not monad"} {"text":"I need this"} {"text":"Ppl be shippin' cool things"} {"text":"@kevinsekniqi All Kevins same?"} {"text":"If you're not at @__zkhack__ You have missed the next ethrium Have fun staying poor"} {"text":"@odin_free Half and half, always"} {"text":"@0xtuba Hypersolanisation is here?"} {"text":"Avax mooning on the news of ethereum misalignment?"} {"text":"@Shilika_jain Shill it Shillika!"} {"text":"@SandyPeng1 @EFDevconnect Alfaleaks on dm only "} {"text":"Wen I suddenly don't see conference addicted founders at @EFDevconnect"} {"text":"Near protocol got zk, modular, AI and eigenlayer all in the same week and you are bearish?"} {"text":"Polygon is a ZK Powerhouse @0xPolygonMiden"} {"text":"Broke: Mean reversion Woke: Meme reversion"} {"text":"@mattytay 99"} {"text":"@armaniferrante"} {"text":"Whatever @armaniferrante launches will do well, it's just how it is"} {"text":"dot eths spending all their time talking about sol instead of talking about eth should change their handle to... ...dot price"} {"text":"can dot eths pls shill eth again?"} {"text":"@Zedzies @VitalikButerin He's just cool... cool is where its at "} {"text":"In order to build a community you gotta have fun and create cool things. Thats why @VitalikButerin has a lasting tribe Sure, many are here solely for the money but those are no one's community lol No one, absolutely no one is here to make their life less fun"} {"text":"@functi0nZer0 Your customer funds at work, as always"} {"text":"Whoever designed the celestia airdrop"} {"text":"Ethereum is a modular capital availability network that securely scales with the price of ethereum, making it easy for anyone to raise capital in an ICO, IDO, IEO, TGE, Token Warrants, Fairlaunch, NFT sale etc and launch their own blockchain"} {"text":"@Flowslikeosmo few "} {"text":"Wen you keep shipping, no matter what da price @osmosiszone"} {"text":"Ya'll had one whole yr to buy a @cryptopunksnfts for not a lot "} {"text":"Alright, found just shy of 25k $NVDA in old wallets, will use it farming @OpenAI projects I've always supported the AI devs but felt there is a lack of casino, and a lack of useless software If it weren't for folks like @sama and the 100B val, I'd have written it off ages ago"} {"text":"@ercwl That was just about Vitalik's tweet too"} {"text":"Life as an Indian dude during szn"} {"text":"Why is the social layer so quiet ?"} {"text":"@JohnNahas84 You havent changed the name to Avalana? @kevinsekniqi"} {"text":"@0xRacerAlt Bahamas"} {"text":"@INDICAA1 Happy Diwali"} {"text":"If your bags aren't mega mooning yet, have faith and keep shilling As lord krishna says in the Bhagvadgita, one devoid of conviction is laid to ruin "} {"text":"Fwiw, gotta give it to @0xMert_ - most valuable tweeter of 2023 and its not even close"} {"text":"Ace shippers @hashflow "} {"text":"Guys, chill. Everyone's tokens will go up, for chrissakes its not like blockchains have more than 30m users and 30k devs total Meanwhile all of us kanav fun right?"} {"text":"@udiWertheimer did you organise a death of sol party Udi?"} {"text":"ethereum alignment is wen your token doesn't go up unless eth goes up"} {"text":"@manasilvora "} {"text":"Clearly no CEX in crypto would ever trade with customer funds rn right? right?"} {"text":"@EtherRock PEOPLE JUST WANT BLACKROCK"} {"text":"No one can time the market. This is why asset allocation is everything - not bull, not bear, not pump, not dump, just an old fashioned pie chart This is why mich bought a mansion"} {"text":"Signs of froth showing up in one short week lol"} {"text":"How some CT dot eths see Raj and Toly sers at $55"} {"text":"@rishup77 Always will"} {"text":"Stablecoin sideliners who regret not aping enough dont understand crypto. Theres always another coin"} {"text":"@3pochLabs @0xPolygonLabs "} {"text":"Tradition says its not bula till doge flies"} {"text":"@osmosiszone @DefiLlama lol but bullish"} {"text":"@NoelleInMadrid Future of france"} {"text":"TVL is a garbage metric but its a lot less garbage when you have it"} {"text":"@tbr90 drop the real problem part and you are right cc: @GwartyGwart"} {"text":"crypto bullmarket is defined as a period of time wen its materially more profitable to be unemployed than employed Don't do that "} {"text":"@rleshner Yet we all trade with a USB stick called the Ledger wallet"} {"text":"@KingJulianIAm Asian shard..."} {"text":"@onurakpolat I was always gonna come either way :-)"} {"text":"@euler_mab he knows he has an offsetting long"} {"text":"Istanbul needs a layer 2"} {"text":"@sattwic Buy bitcoin"} {"text":"@functi0nZer0 Soon she wont need to"} {"text":"@TrustlessState Who dis"} {"text":"@0xsachi We kanav fun right?"} {"text":"Back in the day Justin bhai would just hard fork tron and take the moneys back. What happened?"} {"text":"The Poloniex hacker will buy ethereum right?"} {"text":"Solano is in the \"2016 dubai government blockchain announcement\" and \"enterprise ethereum alliance\" stage of ethereum's journey - where there's not a lot going on onchain but a lot of fakin it might one day be makin it"} {"text":"@FlareNetworks "} {"text":"@toghrulmaharram Gibberish is bullish "} {"text":"gm degens"} {"text":"Every billionaire crypto founder and VC is calling Larry Fink for their own ETF application right now"} {"text":"@moo9000 If you want airdrops from Base you gotta do smth eh?"} {"text":"Message to frens at @ethereum foundation till eth hits $3,000 "} {"text":"@ChainLinkGod BLACKROCK ALIGNMENT "} {"text":"@iamDCinvestor You also need a salary?"} {"text":"Omw to Istanbul for the customary $ETH conference dip in four days "} {"text":"KYC on @BuildOnBase cant be too far"} {"text":"@krugermacro Volumes not there yet"} {"text":"Rust might be the Cosmos of programming languages. Its what your human brain tells you to use before your lizard brain actually ends up shipping in Gavin Wood's undergrad project called Solidity"} {"text":"Broke: Chief Marketing Officer Woke: Chief Shitposter Bespoke: Chief Reply Guy Online"} {"text":"@RiscZero "} {"text":"The values of my social layer require eth to quickly self limit to $10,000"} {"text":"First crypto lawyer to go to jail? 50 bucks she's not the last..."} {"text":"@FlareNetworks "} {"text":"NEW NARRATIVE: UNREAL WORLD ASSETS: URWA"} {"text":"@0xSisyphus ... so far"} {"text":"@rleshner come back to unreal world assets brother"} {"text":"BLACKROCK JUST REGISTERED A SPOT ETHEREUM ETF THIS IS THE DEATH OF ETH PARTY 2023 - TAKE ETHBTC TO 0.07 ASAP"} {"text":"Why is Bitcoin foundation not selling into this pump?"} {"text":"CT degens only 66% down instead of 90% down..."} {"text":"@0xgaut My new pfp"} {"text":"If youre in crypto and having a male baby, name him after @JSeyff or @EricBalchunas"} {"text":"Says a lot that the only token GG has ever mooned is FTT"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart delet your account ( during bullmarket )"} {"text":"$3000 eth confirmed"} {"text":"Legends"} {"text":"@hotpot_dao always \u2122"} {"text":"Polygon's @sandeepnailwal on the art of building a web3 ecosystem at @Ripple Swell in Dubai"} {"text":"Ex Binance and Ex ConsenSys Frens hangin at Ripple Swell is the most interchain thing I will see this year"} {"text":"@camillionaire_m developers, developers, developers..."} {"text":"Free IndiaStrategy.pptx for crypto platforms:"} {"text":"@0xmarmaduck We dont make the rules "} {"text":"This between now and 2026 is the last free range bull run Yall degens will do exactly what you did last cycle, only bigger Then the feds will take over, they are already on the case After 2025 or 2026, we tradfi "} {"text":"@aeyakovenko Solana would make a fine L2 "} {"text":"I get asked often how to break into VC: Step 1: raise money from VCs for your own crypto startup Step 2: Start investing that money in other crypto startups"} {"text":"@0xMert_ devs"} {"text":"@CatfishFishy Worldcoin can sponsor the big orb"} {"text":"@Evan_ss6 Well in that case, the whole thing will be run by tradfi afterwards so"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko @josephdelong I am KZG polynomial committed to n log (n log n) sharding"} {"text":"A hitchhikers's guide to crypto bullmarket bula is for seizing da memez of production shit that actually werx does 2x stupid does 10x stupid that makes you feel intelligent does 100x seppukku level stupid does 1000x dont mid brain it "} {"text":"The fastest way to address the lack of useful apps in web3 is to redefine blockchains themselves as apps."} {"text":"@lucasvo @renelubov no, youre just german"} {"text":"@krugermacro I like this new pvp. eth v sol was getting boring "} {"text":"@lmrankhan that reasoning by analogy part is fine but eth got defi summer, nft summer and some luck with the coronavirus money printer. sol still needs its own summer of apps and users"} {"text":".. to ethereum"} {"text":"@aliciakatz fo sho fo sho. 4\/5 have no price yet"} {"text":"crazy level of shipping across my entire bagfolio today - idk about price but i am living in a wild bullmarket in shipping "} {"text":"Fwiw, ser @ilblackdragon would have shipped eth 2.0 the way it was originally intended, sharding and all now @NEARProtocol is back, ever closer to the ethereum in partnership w @0xPolygonLabs as an L2 and as a DA Its a milestone in eth history - few understand"} {"text":"@TrustlessState"} {"text":"@zengjiajun_eth yes"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart @0xMert_"} {"text":"Nature is healing"} {"text":"@josephdelong btc, eth, xrp, chainlink, cardano and many others - we have a longstanding tradition of reply merts"} {"text":"@0xEthMMattho Great app to meet guys looks like"} {"text":"@NickPullmanEsq Yeah they have to play extra gud boi"} {"text":"@TrustlessState @cburniske @aeyakovenko @Austin_Federa @SolanaConf @BanklessHQ @solana Lets settle for bullearish"} {"text":"@_khanhamzah Telling mama Khan you used it abroad "} {"text":"@0xsachi In India use arranger app. Also known as parents"} {"text":"@poordart Stupid goes up tho"} {"text":"crypto VC manifesto, written by Don Schlitz"} {"text":"@ASvanevik Ethereum is max clunky today. L1, L2, L3, DA, varying degrees of evm compatibility, 4337, 1559, 4844, Staking, restaking, alt VMs, LFG "} {"text":"Man this puts pressure on the fox from an unexpected quarter. Decentralise all the wallets"} {"text":"Coin maximalism is the stupidest thing in crypto tho interchain PVP is sometimes rather enjoyable "} {"text":"Bula lesson Logwealthoors win, just by surviving"} {"text":"Farmers of the world, unite!"} {"text":"Fundamentals\/Shilldamentals chart"} {"text":"@NeerajKA The cube"} {"text":"@luigidemeo Take control of the two Twitter accounts immediately "} {"text":"Ultimately all we ever needed for the market to gigamoon was data availability sampling"} {"text":"@danhwang88 Ruby he said"} {"text":"ChatGPT is intelligent, confirmed"} {"text":"Theres $11.2m worth of $USN in the world still?"} {"text":"@luigidemeo Luigi new CMO"} {"text":"@ASvanevik For Solana? Bankless"} {"text":"@TheJackForge His name was Vitalik Buterin"} {"text":"We tried John Sculley and Gil Amelio before bringing Steve Jobs back..."} {"text":"ICO era founders announcing layoffs"} {"text":"maxis of various coins can debat who should be cracked down on first "} {"text":"@0xsachi life..."} {"text":"@VanessaGrellet_"} {"text":"many of you promised your spouse, mum, jesus, team, board, god et al that you will take profits and extend your runway etc if there's another bula another bula is here but you won't"} {"text":"@CoinDesk @coinbase @amitoj This sounds like KYC could be coming to @BuildOnBase"} {"text":"Every billionaire in the world is calling Kyle and Tushar rn "} {"text":"@ilblackdragon Bullish "} {"text":"@Cardea__ Show me your dot eth papers "} {"text":"Do you enjoy online interchain PVP? For example eth v solano or btc v eth?"} {"text":"@armaniferrante @sachayve Yes "} {"text":"@pythianism It's not in the L1s interest to just wait. The L1 needs to be in a position of strength vs the L2s for L2s to remain L2s"} {"text":"@sachayve Most of the solano hype is because of eth maxis fudding and fighing it"} {"text":"@sunnya97 I think there's an impossibility theorem about non game-able metrics"} {"text":"McDonald's knows our community"} {"text":"@WuBlockchain Bitsolano"} {"text":"@MacroMate8 don't get fever in the process"} {"text":"@0xKewpie @McDonalds In bera its fine"} {"text":"Why are people so upset about DaO delegates paying themselves?"} {"text":"Idk who in crypto needs to know this but @McDonalds is a terrific remote work location - good wifi, great coffee, decent seating, clean toilets - just avoid the fried food and ice cream tho"} {"text":"@yashcrypto21 @MetaMask The wrong Korea benefited from it "} {"text":"@yashcrypto21 @MetaMask Same. I was in charge of phishing prevention"} {"text":"Alpha leak - now that bay-area-bro-wrappers are ded, one of the hottest ai unicorns will come from the UAE - where the world's biggest open source LLM comes from @HaltiaAI"} {"text":"@The3D_ ... secure..."} {"text":"@maslinedwin It's about vibes. Many bozos and boomers in 21-35 age grp"} {"text":"Solano marketing is so good that it got most of Avax marketing fired "} {"text":"Avalanche founders looking at how good Solano marketing is"} {"text":"@0xkenzi @AvaLabs @el33th4xor call me x-mom"} {"text":"@Eug_Ng @AvaLabs @el33th4xor "} {"text":"@Eug_Ng @AvaLabs @el33th4xor Fakenews. We are all supposed to look rich on CT - it's gud for dealflow"} {"text":"Marketing has always been the hardest job in crypto Token go up: founders so good, yes yes yes Token go down: marketing so bad Token go up but someone else's token go up moar: marketing no good... "} {"text":"@PowerloomHQ "} {"text":"Unfortunately, I was let go from @AvaLabs today I was in charge of reviewing my gud fren @el33th4xor s tweets If anyone is looking to hire people with my skills, please DM."} {"text":"@scottmelker Cardano breakpoint"} {"text":"@mdudas Layoffs are often about being in the wrong line of business at the wrong time. Imajin being head of solano TVL in 2022"} {"text":"Token value accrual is the least funny meme in all of crypto lol. As we can see from Cardona and Solano, the only way a token accrues value is by relentless shilling"} {"text":"Do Kwon killed YC 2021, Sam Altman killed YC 2023"} {"text":"$1m floor for cryptopunks is pre ordained. It's just the way it is"} {"text":"Every blockchain should have their own propaganda Mert"} {"text":"crypto guys don't think long term. Imajin how much crypto you can get from a crypto exchange or venture fund for having gud connections at the SEC "} {"text":"@fede_intern No but now I will wear ray bans to punks breakfast"} {"text":"@spencernoon Mybags ETF?"} {"text":"Maybe it's not a good idea to disinfect one's eyes"} {"text":"@jconorgrogan deflationary "} {"text":"@0xsachi few"} {"text":"@0xsachi Hired too many?"} {"text":"@CamiRusso @IanAllison123 @CoinDesk @balajis Yes - west coast media (tech industry) and east coast media (old money) spar a lot but opinions on CT are not a substitute for journalistic standards and corroboration"} {"text":"@CamiRusso @IanAllison123 @CoinDesk @balajis CT knew since 2019 what Sam was but didn't mind as long as things were going up. I wouldn't give us the credit. Jerome Powell and Coindesk should get the joint credit for blowing up the Sam Balloon"} {"text":"@lemiscate @AaveChan @EFDevconnect Many quiet quitters dropping out of devconnect actually - you are at usual honest"} {"text":"@lemiscate @AaveChan @EFDevconnect Bro but you said "} {"text":"@Timccopeland Why do you think the apes are bored?"} {"text":"@anshuagrawal_ @LogX_trade Gud role with a well funded scrappy team that ships "} {"text":"@lurkaroundfind @osmosiszone The path of OSMO to stablecoin status is pre ordained"} {"text":"As the famous saying goes, \"why is no one talking about this\"?"} {"text":"@_khanhamzah Conference tmro. All conferences except eth do well"} {"text":"@stskeeps Remember KZG ceremony? that count?"} {"text":"The job of a founder is to build a business, product is a key part of it but not the whole thing"} {"text":"@Arthur_0x OSMO stablecoin status is written"} {"text":"Ethereum: ultrasound money Bored apes: ultraviolet jpegs"} {"text":"@jdkanani Entire Indian companies work like that lol"} {"text":"If you spend a lot of VC money on events, thats eventure capital"} {"text":"Innovation in my DMs"} {"text":"@hotpot_dao Karwa chau-eth for $2000?"} {"text":"If you're in tradtech or tradfi, and interested in working in \"web3\", your financial planning assumption should be that you won't have a job exactly when you really need a job"} {"text":"Where to get Ozempic in Dubai?"} {"text":"Happy diwali to all the ethereum aligned (and misaligned) frens. May the deflationary ultrasound light of Vitalik forever remain enshrined within you and may it continue to burn base fees and mev "} {"text":"If 32 eth ie $64k is a validator then 1600 solano ie $64k is a:"} {"text":"MEV burn and Lido governance"} {"text":"@kobigurk @tarunchitra I see Kobi and Tarun in the seed round of a hot zk project again"} {"text":"So @jaredkushner pointed out on the Lex podcast that every time theres war in Israel, Israel gets more land, Hamas leaders get millions and Raytheon stonk goes up. If true, this is a @GwartyGwart scale failure of geopolitical mechanism design"} {"text":"@neelsalami @musalbas Ah, so *that*'s where it's coming from . I will study"} {"text":"@neelsalami @musalbas Promise to solve and actually solve are different ideas "} {"text":"@neelsalami @musalbas My gas fees on Binance are quite reliable and consistent. If my chain is also running the monke game tho, 500 monke players can log on and insta-kill the fees and execution speed on my clob"} {"text":"@neelsalami @musalbas It wouldn't - unexpected fees or MEV can kill a CLOB for customers. Imajin paying random fees or prices on Binance - thats not why we have limit orders We do pay unexpected liquidations on Derivs but... no more news like that"} {"text":"All we need rn is for a supercycle is for the Feds to withdraw or cheaply settle their Binance cases"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart @bezzenberger My intents is always for @EvgenyGaevoy to fill orders"} {"text":"Fwiw, there's no rule in the ethrium community bible that requires every startup that raises more than a mil to organise its own side event or its own little community conference This is the cosmosification of eth conference scene and its annoying "} {"text":"@RealJonahBlake Alright. Until then I shall own my own punk, and thereafter too - kinda the point of this thing humbly speaking"} {"text":"@RealJonahBlake Yuga created apes, not punks. Punks culture is completely different and will outlast more than a few corporate owners "} {"text":"@toghrulmaharram Take a cab. Layer 2"} {"text":"Kite beach Dubai is very underrated"} {"text":"@Native_0x It says what @cburniske said but wid more fed logic. Up till march-ish then oops"} {"text":"Wen we are all lulled into uponly bullacy, and fully allocated, the DoJ will 4?"} {"text":"If you're following the Yuga story "} {"text":"@ASvanevik What does this mean for perp dexes?"} {"text":"Maybe it's time for ethereum to announce a google cloud partnership"} {"text":"@lex_node erm only if the token in consideration is le securite'"} {"text":"@YoannTurpin1 no not mine - i am blue collar werk"} {"text":"@YoannTurpin1 just panel around and get dealflow"} {"text":"@YoannTurpin1 no not founders. those are part time speaking officers"} {"text":"@kobigurk @FlareNetworks @Rabby_io Rabby: Best wallet by far Flare: Vertically integrated EVM based L1 stack for data and interop"} {"text":"Just realised @FlareNetworks is now integrated with @Rabby_io I am really running out of reasons to use Foxy instead of Rabby after having paid 100k to phishies in the last 12 mo"} {"text":"@Tudmotu @functi0nZer0 Gross lack of DD. A simple YouTube search would have revealed his functional kinks"} {"text":"@functi0nZer0 What are they gonna do, arrest you?"} {"text":"Why is @functi0nZer0, a Haskell dev, hacking defi protocols on eth? He's a Haskell dev which means he's an agent of Cardano? "} {"text":"@HugoPhilion We appreciat gud things done well "} {"text":"@hotpot_dao not possible in megacorps"} {"text":"The hardest challenge in defi is not shipping a CLOB. Thats the second hardest. The hardest challenge is shipping a secure lending protocol because every lending protocol is an automatic insta-honeypot"} {"text":"@yangWao @MessariCrypto RoI"} {"text":"Rise and align to $2000 "} {"text":"@garvitgoel03 @aeyakovenko Never mind the hypotheticals. Just ship a secure lending protocol with a few Bs in it. It's hard as hell on Vitalik ser VM, and so far it seems harder on Toly ser VM"} {"text":"@gurgavin Ethereum"} {"text":"Is there a table of top 20 ICO foundations still operational eg Tezos, Polkadot, Cardano, Filecoin and ICP showing how much they raised at the time, how many in BTC and ETH, current value of raised BTC and ETH and estimated current treausry at current levels @MessariCrypto"} {"text":"Isn't storing your seed phrase on @LastPass a type of account abstraction?"} {"text":"The best web3 founders start here"} {"text":"@polkachu_intern Would lead to inappropriate conversations"} {"text":"Every L1 and L2 should aspire to spawn virulent toxic maximalists who are community members ie loud annoying tribal bagholders not on payroll. This is the monthly gwei"} {"text":"SiliconValley is also now sharply divided with Paul Graham getting cancelled online. Its gonna get much worse once the oil funded tech stocks start talking"} {"text":"And this is how @GwartyGwart was born "} {"text":"Aave funds are safu. I personally feel @aave can disable the stable borrow rate permanently because I don't recall many people using it"} {"text":"@jelenaaa____ Now we need to write Jelena tweets like ppl writing Zaki tweets "} {"text":"What are the best non-textbook\/general reading books on Anthropology?"} {"text":"@AntonioMJuliano Is that true outside the tech industry?"} {"text":"I may not like a few things about Solana yet but one of the things I genuinely like, is the team's ability to make a ballsy conviction bet to attempt something quite different from whats there, speak for their idea with remarkable consistency and keep pushing at it"} {"text":"Since this is the week wen we celebrate Zaki ser, @zmanian, apart from being genuinely helpful to builders, is an \"equals sign guy\" - as in, he thinks about problems with rare clarity, understands the specifics of what builders are building and cuts straight to the chase."} {"text":"@compolabs @ETHLisbon @swaylend @Sprkfi @fuel_network "} {"text":"Start with why. No point in decentralising something unless it has an actual use or benefit"} {"text":"... and our most gracious host of @routerprotocol villa"} {"text":"crypto diwali party in Dubai"} {"text":"How is that I have never seen a chief crypto conference speaking officer role advertised by anyone but I have several frens who do exactly that job (and nothing else)?"} {"text":"@CoinDesk @TheJusticeDept @safemoon Would love to see 6942 more blows exactly like that in our space. These type of blows are fantastic for crypto"} {"text":"\"This is how a token accrues values\" - Sassal Bhai"} {"text":"@lmrankhan @alliancedao Imran ser gud VC"} {"text":"If yall gonna do the same mindless degeneracy yall did last cycle, make it bigger than Genesis and Galaxy - at least bring down a bank or smth"} {"text":"eth will moon after yall hand your eth over to Pak"} {"text":"ETH needs a side event in istambul called \"sophisticated actor connect\""} {"text":"@StaniKulechov "} {"text":"No one does map geopolitics like the Chinese government does"} {"text":"@FrenOfYoda 100% math genius"} {"text":"How many employees did OpenSea have until yesterday ?"} {"text":"@lemiscate @Rabby_io I have paid two semester college fees for this last yr"} {"text":"- where to send your time waster tg frens without being rude"} {"text":"Its Cardano SzN in Dubai and its great to finally meet @andrej_muzevic in person"} {"text":"@elonmusk @DeFiDefenseLaw @cb_doge To be super clear, all of the companies I ever work for or invest in will create their own crypto token"} {"text":"One key aspect of the rollup centric roadmap is that people can keep changing jobs from rollup to rollup hoping that their exact same job at a different rollup will somehow be more fun"} {"text":"It's hard to build a company, much harder to build a business and the hardest thing is for a company to remember that the only reason it exists is to run a business."} {"text":"@EdKrassen @TiffanyFong_ Now he can do greater good in maximum security"} {"text":"@techhsiren @aeyakovenko Correct. You can hide a bad backend in a good frontend"} {"text":"a16jit invested $80k in an Ohm fork when we were (very briefly) upper middle class"} {"text":"... work"} {"text":"some of you l2 guys think that all the users of your l2 works for eth research and define your roadmaps accordingly "} {"text":"Decentralised sequencer, decentralised prover, decentralised verifier - idk, Decentralise your mama maybe "} {"text":"Now that we have all signed up for 69 different @EFDevconnect events, is someone running a tour bus or golf cart service to ferry people from event to event "} {"text":"@mdudas @coinbase FTX research only used to say bullish things tho"} {"text":"Watch the solano marines attac coinbase for speaking freely to clients and learn "} {"text":"@mdudas @coinbase Sell your COIN in protest Mike!"} {"text":"@yangWao @AuroryProject @staratlas How many in person bots are using these?"} {"text":"Theres a parallel universe in which @kevinolearytv is a member of the jury and @SBF_FTX was just acquitted"} {"text":"@kobigurk Don't be harsh on yourself. It can be very \"unprofessional\" and \"-EV\" to call out SBFs while they are winning"} {"text":"a16z just opened a London office and it's historic"} {"text":"Once this is done, the Cosmos ecosystem can heal right back to moon"} {"text":"@MacroMate8 SBF launched sushiswap where there's 1000x transparency"} {"text":"@Chris_Skinner Effective Altruist - a church based in Oxford"} {"text":"@Chris_Skinner This is libel. He was never a cryptopunk and never used one as his PFP"} {"text":"@lemiscate Theres an SBF shaped wolf inside everyone, waiting to be cheered on by \"the community\""} {"text":"@superphiz Brosef bls stop fudding ethereum . I am having fun staying poor ova here"} {"text":"I bet Hong Kong is where we will see enterprise blockchain come into active commercial use first because the HKMA is supportive, and @0xPolygonLabs team is hard at work to make it all happen"} {"text":"The primary mistake crypto marketers make is to believe they are in tech\/corporate marketing. One day! Rn this space is better suited for people from cosmetics (hope in a bottle), coke and pepsi (vibes in a bottle), electioneering (obama\/trump) and wartime propaganda folks "} {"text":"Solano foundation is one of the most profitable event management companies on the planet The rest of us who are simply not a fifth as good at marketing should watch and learn from the best instead of being salty about it "} {"text":"@gdb should ... be done today? Many dum things could be done today"} {"text":"I did say "} {"text":"@0x94305 We need to burn all the yield in Aave and Compound also "} {"text":"@ramahluwalia SBF is a culture, not a person. Most of us cheered him on on his way up "} {"text":"Now that SBF has been convicted, the good news is that only 10-15000 smaller cases of P&D, market manipulation, malicious misrepresentation, misuse of investor\/customer funds, exploits and rugs are left on Coingecko."} {"text":"Technically 30 under 30 should be found guilty on all 30 counts"} {"text":"@NTmoney"} {"text":"Amsterdam sophisticated actor summit ends tomorrow. Thanks for playing"} {"text":"Nature is healing @osmosiszone"} {"text":"@jdkanani @gdb Depends on openAI's valuation "} {"text":"Institutional dank memes Bitcoin is 'exponential gold,' says Fidelity executive"} {"text":"@veH0rny Is that @CryptoHayes?"} {"text":"@0xsachi focus on dank memes"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart Invest in the interchain thesis"} {"text":"@ExitLiqCapital @TheCryptoDog Those are web3 guys"} {"text":"@cryptoecongames They are. @MeherRoy s thesis is that appchainification on L2 will fragment all those for L1 and reduce L1 MEV. He could be wrong but its intriguing"} {"text":"One can only wonder what % of 2020\/21 era web3 \"innovators\" participated in such innovation "} {"text":"What I love the most about crypto communities is how kind and humble we are. Never gloat or put others down "} {"text":"@scupytrooples Idk. The sharding to rollup pivot was definitely accelerated by gas fees and alt EVM L1s like BSC"} {"text":"@scupytrooples Yes except during defi summer and nft summer"} {"text":"Fake community to make community?"} {"text":"@QwQiao Institutions too but let the sophisticated actor conf in amsterdam end first"} {"text":"@cryptoecongames yes but"} {"text":"@sassal0x Wen Sassolana?"} {"text":"Manta frens in Dubai "} {"text":"@PippaLamb @a16z @bhorowitz @sriramk @cdixon "} {"text":"Ok I will bite. What are the top 10 apps on solano and how many nonbot users, tvl and txns are they doing?"} {"text":"@PostTenebras2 Some correction is healthy on the path to moon"} {"text":"@coopernicus01 yeah tho it happens in the absence of competition"} {"text":"ETH will go up and we will all stop complaining but for now, let me complain that the ethereum community has become very internally focussed with theoretical debates about EIP this, ERC that, enshrine this, neuter that, social layer this, values that... what about users?"} {"text":"When you publish your terms and conditions written by the legal guys, get them reviewed by the PR guys. Sometimes even stuff that is factual or makes complete sense to lawyers can seriously hurt a brand or business if worded without empathy"} {"text":"OH: \"that fund is the animoca of zero knowledge\""} {"text":"@cyounessi1 Eth is bullish FAFO at scale"} {"text":"The DoJ's safemoon indictment should instil mortal fear into the hearts of so many other 2020 and 2021 era \"innovators\" and subsequent memecoins Looks like we aren't going to be relying on the social layer of crypto to behave itself"} {"text":"@Smokey_titan @benwatley Ser, I dont make the rules. I just observe "} {"text":"@Smokey_titan @benwatley Github, 4chan, reddit and discord: bullish LinkedIn and Slack: bearish"} {"text":"If you shorted Solano, a koin held by so many sophisticated actors, your internet access should be removed by law"} {"text":"A pretty strong tech team mixed zk with ai and only raised $6m. What is this? Combo meme for the poors?"} {"text":"If you enjoy irony, you will love crypto For example, Solano the monolith won modular wars in the Celestia launch week We shall see after breakpoint but funny is good "} {"text":"@WuBlockchain @hashflow only 15% unlock fyi"} {"text":"No moon is safe from the Feds anymore "} {"text":"Got 0 @PythNetwork tokens in airdrop CCIP "} {"text":"Celestia alignment"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart I see @EvgenyGaevoy in every box :-)"} {"text":"The best way to make a crypto token go up is for the PR team to create a vibe that the founder of the project is an autistic genius"} {"text":"Whitehouse should ban the use of any hardware except @GwartyGwart s Raspberry pis for running blockchain nodes"} {"text":"ethereum if researchers start talking to users"} {"text":"@MohapatraHemant 70 hours of what tho? India has enough-fo-sys. Now we need to create and invent. Hours will follow but doing hours for the sake of hours is social illness."} {"text":"Biden and Harris should be impeached for publishing that AI that uses more than blah teraflops must be reported to AI police. That policy statement is a profound intellectual embarrassment to America, if not to the rest of us too"} {"text":"@pseudotheos Be nice to Cosmos, most of the big recent changes in eth eg PoS, LST, IBC equivalents and Wasm came from there. Also DYDX, Osmosis, Noble, Axelar and Stride are the mainstays though Celestia\/Rollkit will certainly help"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko @0xMert_ @VitalikButerin Let Mert do Mert but you are certainly posing a good question in a good way"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko @0xMert_ @VitalikButerin Awesome he is. that tweet marked the literal bottom ser"} {"text":"Hey guys, now that Celestia has kicked off the DAS category, can we bls generate some data to park in the data availability layers?"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko @VitalikButerin Meanwhile the solano community Vitalik ser rescued at $8"} {"text":"Price up $10 and Solana social media army goes to coordinated attack mode against the thing that saved solano at $8. Maybe the awful opportunistic money people never left?"} {"text":"When a hostile regulator starts shitposting on CT"} {"text":"Happy modular thesis day to all the frens who celebrate"} {"text":"@vaneck_us @vaneck_us intern"} {"text":"Celestia is a big idea - ship big ideas"} {"text":"@nickwh8te Congratulations!"} {"text":"@0xPolygonMiden Rethinking the execution layer for privacy and scaling from first principles"} {"text":"DaO Thesis. DaO Governance"} {"text":"@afamokoh @kobigurk Consumers love to consume ERC20. @awrigh01 calls them consumable software"} {"text":"@100y_eth @apoorvsadana @Polkadot is very not ded - they just hyperscaled the team two years *before* they had product to scale around but they have deep pockets to afford it"} {"text":"@kobigurk ERC20 is an App. Also one dev's infrastructure is another dev's app"} {"text":"@FelixLts @buffalu__ @Andro915 Yes will have to"} {"text":"@buffalu__ @Andro915 Multiple independent rollups on eth. Besides, each will decentralise"} {"text":"@Andro915 @buffalu__ Settlement is still as decentralised as before. Block production is more decentralised (multiple independent rollup teams) than solana discord"} {"text":"@buffalu__ Thats a lame narrative manlet. Eth's scaling via rollups"} {"text":"A rollup on ethereum is an implicit social commitment to align with ethereum's social fork choice"} {"text":"@hrojantorse @TeamUnibot I think this is from them"} {"text":"@CryptAnalyticss Always have been. All the chains need Cosmos to invent new tech for them"} {"text":"@armaniferrante Pure hype is bullish"} {"text":"Empathy has limits"} {"text":"@rleshner It's centralised"} {"text":"Cosmos ecosystem tokens are surging on the news that the builder to Investor ratio at Cosmoverse was 100 to 1"} {"text":"@Flowslikeosmo @CelestiaOrg @dYdX Just getting started"} {"text":"Broke: network state Woke: compute state"} {"text":"@ramahluwalia @twobitidiot This is barbell for kids. How about barbell of rental property and PEPE"} {"text":"@lurkaroundfind @osmosiszone "} {"text":"@lurkaroundfind @dYdX @osmosiszone @CelestiaOrg "} {"text":"It could take a year or three for DAs to show substantial traction if current low activity on the execution layer continues, but @CelestiaOrg launch is rather exciting as this is where the modular rubber finally starts to meet the road"} {"text":"@BrianQuintenz It must however be read in his Majesty's English, which is an entirely different language than the one spoken stateside"} {"text":"@joonian Its the GBP\/USD price chart"} {"text":"@thetourist12 @luigidemeo @AvascanExplorer The general idea of fud is that it has no connection with fax"} {"text":"@luigidemeo @AvascanExplorer Starting fud - avax too poor to pay for fancy priced scan"} {"text":"@MacroMate8 @LidoFinance Jeez. All the best for your next tour. BTW, did @superphiz make you leave?"} {"text":"@bendiken @moo9000 Free market tho. Its their call to manage their pricing"} {"text":"Is @etherscan the most ethereum aligned block explorer?"} {"text":"@moo9000 @bendiken Curious if the market sees not overpaying as bullish or bearish "} {"text":"@bendiken @moo9000 There are alternative providers tho. If etherscan can charge a mil to willing buyers, they should charge a mil."} {"text":"Intern problems everywhere. This time at @twosigma \"The researcher, Jian Wu, an SVP, was trying to boost his compensation. He made changes over the past year that resulted in a total of $620 million in unexpected gains and losses, according to people close to the matter\""} {"text":"Remote work is very overrated"} {"text":"@hdevalence Michael Saylor"} {"text":"If we lock or burn a fair chunk of $COIN stonk supply, $COIN can go back to being the $100b token it was. This in essence, is tokenomics for equities people"} {"text":"Deutsche Post's first crypto stamp is coming @onPolygon_ "} {"text":"I have stepped down from being the CEO of mass adoption"} {"text":"@vaneck_us"} {"text":"@ayyyeandy do disclose if the tesla has been a better store of value since last cycle top"} {"text":"@DavidSacks Yes, and nukes"} {"text":"@FlareNetworks @HugoPhilion "} {"text":"Maybe not"} {"text":"bowling like McGrath "} {"text":"Ekubo education fund!"} {"text":"@lex_node @TheCosmosCartel @gadikian \"Whoever controls the validators, controls the chain\""} {"text":"The way India are batting, I am forced to switch my support to my country of citizenship"} {"text":"@nickwh8te Fair point. In a world where I use a dozen chains, do I need to run a dozen light clients?"} {"text":"@moo9000 @chrisamccoy never"} {"text":"@chrisamccoy @moo9000"} {"text":"@chrisamccoy @moo9000 had a comprehensive thread, brb"} {"text":"The current 4337 situation can be avoided by founders if they use their own faculties of critical thinking instead of treating every four digit number connected with ethereum as an alignment obligation"} {"text":"Chandler was a thinking man. Thinking men suffer as they debate whether rollups are real or whether Nova can help enshrine zkEVM. Joey on the other hand is a madlad who traded PEPE, BALD and bonk and shilled solano TPS. No moral judgment but Joey suffers less. Lean into your Joey"} {"text":"Society if crypto investors start using onchain apps"} {"text":"@0xDinoEggs Agreed. We can settle for professional devs should run light nodes. Users don't run web servers or web proxies today. Also if a user uses a dozen chains will they run a dozen light clients?"} {"text":"@superphiz We tried other things"} {"text":"@ZachLight16 Coinbase is in a much stronger position in an industry which is in a much weaker position. The market is pricing a bigger slice of much smaller pizza"} {"text":"@jon_charb"} {"text":"@KtkZergs Defi was very ded before stables"} {"text":"Latest in blockchain: Users who can't even figure out their way around batamask should run light nodes"} {"text":"@KtkZergs T-bills are doing 5% with zero rugs & exploits"} {"text":"Waiting for Biden to ban @GenshinImpact for national security reasons"} {"text":"@jon_charb Price targets are not real"} {"text":"@Evan_ss6"} {"text":"@davidjgoosey @vaneck_us Van Eck has much better memes"} {"text":"@Cryptocito 1000 $TIA trust fund"} {"text":"GAME OF THE TOURNAMENT"} {"text":"@zackkanter Context matters. Any strategy can stop being relevant when the environment changes"} {"text":"@BanklessHQ merged ethereum ser"} {"text":"@TrustlessTooth @jebus911 Actually they was fighting before there was religions. My guess is that the hard land takes the will to live out of people"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart @MonetSupply To see the future @GwartyGwart, what you really need is a @rollbitcom partnership"} {"text":"Live images of L1s and L2s lining up to get a @vaneck_us price prediction printed"} {"text":"@gadikian That's certainly one reason but its also the availability of titles, similarity of PC and xBox architecture and expandability"} {"text":"Its a bit crazy how far ahead Windows still is of MacOS in gaming"} {"text":"Worth a listen: the techno optimist manifesto"} {"text":"Useless governance token "} {"text":"Analysts predicting Solano price in 2030"} {"text":"Solana is setting up an incubator to hopefully, finally generate some real transactions to fill that TPS"} {"text":"I feel Chainlink partnered with the wrong Swift. Could have hit $50 with the right Swift"} {"text":"@hudsonjameson PETA is on the other line"} {"text":"Everyone needs a Twitter mom, even the guy who paid $44 billion for it"} {"text":"Looks like it's a16z s bridge vs everyone else's bridge out there today"} {"text":"What do crypto lawyers do when they are bored and lonely? File amicus briefs?"} {"text":"@hal2001 @PrimordialAA We want twitter space with mario "} {"text":"@simplykashif ... and human attack?"} {"text":"Feeling very intent centric today"} {"text":"MEV guys in shambles..."} {"text":"@mrjasonchoi To accurately assess the cost we need to analyse the price moves of peers that didn't do airdrops as a control group. My guess is that token only go up by sharing but it'd be good to have some math - cc: @tarunchitra"} {"text":"Is there an @AngelList for the poors? Did @syndicateio fold or does it still exist?"} {"text":"Banks lining up to shill $600+ price targets for $NVDA was the ultimate sell signal Banks are the bitboy of equities research"} {"text":"Hear me out.... Lido alignment "} {"text":"I am a bit speechless by what I am witnessing in ethereum People are using permissionless systems without permission "} {"text":"Quite shocked by the level of tolerance of antisemitism on US university campuses. This is 2023, not 1923"} {"text":"Who started this hilarious alignment thing? I think it was a Bankless episode. The only issue is that crypto is an individualistic and liberatarian technology In other words it was built by and for cypherpunks - people who absolutely didn't want to 'align'"} {"text":"@KyleSamani COIN is a security"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart how anthropic of you "} {"text":"Wyoming frens calling for criminal charges against Binance and Tether are unintentionally calling for a total tradfi takeover of crypto"} {"text":"@qedk_ @LayerZero_Labs @LidoFinance its the correct take"} {"text":"@pedrouid @MariaShen Relative grading breeds complacency. OpenSea had 90+% of marketshare before blur launched"} {"text":"Solana's marketing is impressive. Picked a simple, 40 IQ message everyone understands ie 'TPS' and repeated it 1 million times across channels. This type of meme theme and repetition is a pattern that appears in bitcoin ( sound money ) and ethereum ( deflationary ) campaigns too"} {"text":"@pedrouid According to @MariaShen, it's won in a small market 25 - 100k devs total. \"Won\" is a bit premature"} {"text":"Dubai isn't built for rain but rain is a wonderful sight around here - never mind the traffic chaos it causes"} {"text":"@MacroMate8 In what ratio?"} {"text":"@CryptoRank_VCs @stix_co @PsalionVC @BigBrainVC @fisher8cap @eternacapital "} {"text":"@chandrarsrikant @jdkanani Thats one way to reduce India's population"} {"text":"@litocoen Looks like @LayerZero_Labs is not aligned with @LidoFinance s values"} {"text":"@MacroMate8 @TrustlessState arrest this man"} {"text":"@MaanavKhaitan ser you are dank-raj"} {"text":"Its time eth\/btc reclaims 7c. @udiWertheimer bro wen we doin' the next death of eth party?"} {"text":"@_khanhamzah only remote werk can save her"} {"text":"If you have suffered Tokyo Metro, BART or Bangalore transit, you'd have a lot of sympathy w this kid "} {"text":"@JasonYanowitz 26m ARR in bera wao - guarranteed unicorn unless the front end gets KYC-d"} {"text":"Someone has found out how many cool things have been getting built at @osmosiszone eh?"} {"text":"@prashant_xyz @Filecoin What are you storing there?"} {"text":"Which DA layer is the most ethereum aligned DA:"} {"text":"$HAY is ultrasound money "} {"text":"Lol, which part of *Wall Street* journal is not clear?"} {"text":"Stop buying Hummus with your crypto"} {"text":"I'd like ETH\/BTC to align itself with ETH rather than with BTC"} {"text":"@kevinsekniqi The second group launched a token"} {"text":"@samczsun "} {"text":"@IanTalley You ser are an illicit reporter of finance"} {"text":"@samczsun How much do these drills cost? Why not open source the methodology?"} {"text":"@rleshner >> self sustaining do you mean front end fees?"} {"text":"@amytongwu Which was the last crypto check "} {"text":"@NEARProtocol @ilblackdragon Bls send 5000 $NEAR for the trip (chainyoda.near)"} {"text":"I read @ilblackdragon's transformers paper and I didnt understand anything Won't be pivoting to AI - sorry guys"} {"text":"@tarunchitra Proof of Gwart"} {"text":"@0xtuba always have been"} {"text":"@vishal4c DA is getting increasingly competitive with @AvailProject, GnosisChain and <\/redacted> entering the space."} {"text":"@mdudas What about the 888 strong PFP collection \"solana shills\"?"} {"text":"@bneiluj @cryptopunksnfts The punk was not in a hardware wallet?"} {"text":"\"A horse was the first transport coprocessor\" - zk group chat excerpts"} {"text":"@gabrielhaines @basedkarbon fwiw thats exactly how more money has been lost also when the conditions are NOT optimal"} {"text":"@LefterisJP @EFDevconnect @ethStaker every major conf is decentralised these days tho, 69 side events per main event"} {"text":"@YoannTurpin1 I want the promised sophisticated actor shirt"} {"text":"@Austin_Federa pre announcement "} {"text":"@intangiblecoins The series of differences is 14,13,12,11 which means the next term is 10. So in the fourth year will see $49b in inflows and $58b in the 5th year... eventually the inflows will flatten at $94b\/y until the worlds entire wealth is held in bitcoin"} {"text":"If you entered bitcoin at the 2017 top, you still have not outperformed Dubai property but one day, one day... all this emotional drama, the pain and the mental illness of being pathologically online will all have been worth it"} {"text":"@FEhrsam Legend "} {"text":"Why is ethereum alignment down $50 in the last 24 hours?"} {"text":"gm to everyone who didn't quit their overpaid job at Google because of this ETF fakenews bitcoin pump "} {"text":"Ethereum will never flip Bitcoin Ethereum is shilled by Bankless Bitcoin is shilled by Banks "} {"text":"@labs_electron @archwayHQ "} {"text":"Mr Emmer would have made speaker if the House had a governance token "} {"text":"@0xRacerAlt 1793?"} {"text":"Asking as a parent. Is the DTCC website appropriate for children?"} {"text":"@mattyklein_ @philbak1 I also saw iShares PEPE ETF on that page, ticker was $PEPE"} {"text":"Pretty strong day in the @cosmos ecosystem today"} {"text":"@charlesdhaussy @dYdX Congrats"} {"text":"Lido looks much more aligned with ethereum's values when eth is at $1850 rather than $1550"} {"text":"@tarunchitra @purple_shadow99 I have an algo stablecoin to pitch to you"} {"text":"Is it too early to ask for $1m punks floor?"} {"text":"@lemiscate Actually its BEADS Bitcoin --> ETH --> Alts ( L1\/L2\/Staking\/Infra ) --> DeFi --> Scams"} {"text":"Cointelegraph invented predictive journalism, a true miracle at the intersection of crypto and AI ngl"} {"text":"bula reminder: you can do pretty well if you don't worry about making more money than the next guy"} {"text":"The only coins suffering last wk are where the team and founders been dumping"} {"text":"Quite amazing that the only thing holding crypto prices down for so long was lack of Data Availability Sampling"} {"text":"Also happy Diwali at $35k "} {"text":"LAUNCH THAT TOKEN RIGHT NOW PORTCOS!!!"} {"text":"Lol you guys bought a load of @friendtech keys instead of just holding ETH"} {"text":"BREAKING: @kaiynne SAYS THIS IS STILL BEAR MARKET RELAX. DO NOT QUIT YOUR BIGTECH PRODUCT MANAGER JOB JUST YET: SOURCES"} {"text":"@alpeh_v I heard all Rust devs are all single tho"} {"text":"Believe in the unity of alts. Alts are just one coin with many names that go up and down together. The drama is in the path and the narrative along the way"} {"text":"@tarunchitra @GwartyGwart Come to think of it, FTX customer losses were impermanent"} {"text":"hear me out... WAGMI"} {"text":"This is the *first* time in two years that I have turned bullish on crypto prices but as we FOMO in like Newton, remember Mich's mansion Asset allocation is everything. Never Newton "} {"text":"Neither did Novell. Being a half good founder is quite a bit harder the being a great exec"} {"text":"Do whats best for users. Its best for web3 users that numbers keep going up "} {"text":"BREAKING: Solana's largest Defi protocol marinade finance has blocked UK users for not knowing there is any defi on Solana: SOURCES"} {"text":"@lex_node Some teams have product but not enough cash, other teams are great at bro-raising but cant ship. M&A would be nice"} {"text":"\"Have funding, will keep coding\" is not a bullish philosophy for a crypto startup"} {"text":"Who's working on Cardano L4s?"} {"text":"@0xsachi no. always be allocating \u2122"} {"text":"This is the sound of web2 guys who pivoted to web3 and then back repivoting to web3"} {"text":"@bantg Its even crazier that we crypto people w $1.2tn in mcap and few useful apps would complain about Wikipedia's economics"} {"text":"@Jason @balajis American declinism is the incorrect bull case for bitcoin. G-20 governments' inability to manage debt is the correct bull case"} {"text":"@alpeh_v Better, pay 0 cap gains and income tax with full govt knowledge in Dubai"} {"text":"Shilling doesn't shill itself \u2122 If any of you want bula to return to your bags, don't just sit and complain learn from @mdudas, @cburniske and LINK marines, and take the sacred responsibility of shilling This is true mechanism design "} {"text":"Wen eth hits $3000, lets do another monke photo festival in Manhattan"} {"text":"@avichal @balajis Was working from Bangalore last 10d. Can confirm"} {"text":"@EricDadoun Protocol guild solves this unironically"} {"text":"We will be oke this time as long as the social layer doesn't sell more eth"} {"text":"I have been to at least two dozen countries so far but my favorite place in the world is still bullmarket"} {"text":"Most alts up 20%: silence Solana and Link social media:"} {"text":"I am Apple aligned. All my devices are Apple devices "} {"text":"@haydenzadams @GwartyGwart All Gwart needs is hooks right?"} {"text":"OH: Solana is the new DOT. Its primary value proposition is ethereum anti-alignment"} {"text":"You cant build Bengaluru airport with money. Love must have been involved"} {"text":"@vinit2winit_ @ramnikarora @SBF_FTX @TiffanyFong_ Hired hand, gud employee... not the brains of the op"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart I have a decentralised privacy preserving LLM on a stark based MIPS LLVM to pitch to you"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart Remember not to invest in anything you can even vaguely understand. If you understand it it might be real "} {"text":"For alts rn, Asia is the source of all koin moon and amrika is the source of stopping every possible chance of moon "} {"text":"@j_xu88 javascript ser"} {"text":"@barinov Yeah, outside of burgeristan its still so"} {"text":"@barinov the opposite in fact - look at bitcoin and ethereum"} {"text":"And if you're in tokenization you should pivot back to tokens "} {"text":"@weikengchen Ser do you see those four dish antennas in That house is owned by an autorikshaw driver"} {"text":"@poordart make up your mind. I thought you didn't like sophisticated actions"} {"text":"The main lesson I have learnt about game theory, mechanism design and incentive alignment in all these years is to pay *only* those who build, grow or shill your project - and no one else "} {"text":"If you are in crypto and have difficulty meditating, just believe that if you meditate daily, you will get $MEDI airdrops eventually. Then meditation becomes effortless "} {"text":"India is 100% interchain tho our politicians keep trying to make it cross chain"} {"text":"@therealchaseeb @bunjil Any startup team can draw *reasonable* income *while* the business is a going concern"} {"text":"@therealchaseeb @bunjil just explaining that a rug is taking other people's money for personal use at the expense of the business"} {"text":"@therealchaseeb @bunjil outside coin & jpeg biznis, startups dont have remaining funds when shutting down"} {"text":"@therealchaseeb @bunjil its not a rug if the team returns remaining funds wen shutting down, otherwise it is"} {"text":"People are just finding out that inspite of the endless RWA talk, LINK itself is not an RWA which means it can move more than 10% in a year"} {"text":"@0xBalloonLover Some L2 guys did apps tho"} {"text":"As of now Solano and LINK shilling is far more intense than the shelling India has ever seen on the Pakistan border. Our collective coin shilling power is why bera can not last for more than a year max"} {"text":"@cmsholdings RSUs next"} {"text":"Never confuse winning an online propaganda battle on twitter with winning on the street"} {"text":"Your free speech rights start with the US government and end where your business begins "} {"text":"@RagingBitcoin @lex_node Sound money also works like that ser"} {"text":"LINK token has been down bad on the news that Chainlink are trying to build a sustainable software and services business, and thats not why tokens exist "} {"text":"@lex_node the social layer needs to start buying eth instead of selling "} {"text":"eth\/btc should self limit to 0.07 minimum"} {"text":"The Queen was a much better monarch for cricket"} {"text":"Wokeness and ESG are two fine examples of consumers' money not following their mouths. Someone needs to work harder on incentive alignment and mechanism design"} {"text":"@cryptorohittt @CoinDCX Yoda is a vibe billionaire ser "} {"text":"@MohamedFFouda @0xPolygonMiden non"} {"text":"Forget self limiting, maybe if Rocketpool declares war on Lido, Biden will give RPL $10b to capture 11% of the stake and limit Lido to 22%"} {"text":"The crypto bear market will end at least once a month until the bull market finally begins"} {"text":"Bearish on founders who want to do the fungineering bits but want someone else to handle the day to day grunt work of operations and finance. It's like hoping for a healthy baby without doing the diapers"} {"text":"Rollbit partnership"} {"text":"Everyone should have a fundamental right to financial privacy to protect them from paying taxes on crypto trading "} {"text":"Its time for ser @rleshner to disclose his ownership of 99.9% of $ROB "} {"text":"@haydenzadams Why are you here ser, I thought you were financially stable?"} {"text":"@jbrukh But real..."} {"text":"@vishal4c Google search fee token "} {"text":"crypto is a $1.1 trillion industry software and services: $100bn token and coin sales : $1 trillion I'd like to see the ratio flip in my lifetime "} {"text":"@jbrukh boring means real"} {"text":"Bengaluru is built for remote work "} {"text":"@ramahluwalia Sofi is a tech firm like Google is a bank"} {"text":"The fiat revenue generating tradtech sector in Bengaluru is mind opening-ly bigger than the software part (vs the token part) of the crypto industry. Have to drive around here to understand it "} {"text":"Society if defi was decentralised"} {"text":"@MohamedFFouda also @0xPolygonMiden"} {"text":"@pseudotheos"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart The SEC is showing bitcoin alignment"} {"text":"If we enshrine the price of bitcoin, eth will be at $30k "} {"text":"@jimmyhumania @CoinDCX Kanpur ser, we are like this only"} {"text":"@jimmyhumania @CoinDCX IITK brand identity ser"} {"text":"@nitingaur @VanessaGrellet_ @LinkedIn CCIP?"} {"text":"We need to enshrine bitcoin into ethereum immediately "} {"text":"Hire @Cointelegraph intern back and promote him to bullish executive editor "} {"text":"@therealchaseeb @ratata_the_rat @SolanaFloor @solana @akshaybd We are *all* in dis together already - except Liz and Gary \u00af\\_()_\/\u00af"} {"text":"@therealchaseeb @ratata_the_rat @SolanaFloor @solana @akshaybd knows"} {"text":"Immaculate vibes at the @CoinDCX conference in Bengaluru"} {"text":"@therealchaseeb @SolanaFloor @solana Fud as a service (faas) offer is always open "} {"text":"@DefiDrew DLT, not crypto"} {"text":"bitcoin keeps going up vs eth on the news that bitcoin has no social layer or alignment"} {"text":"@simplykashif One bitcoin per child is all you need"} {"text":"@tayvano_ This is what Virgil would have wanted "} {"text":"@anuatluru the good ones are not, sorry"} {"text":"the first rule of crypto marketing is - dont be boring the second rule of crypto marketing is to never forget the first rule"} {"text":"Everytime someone says 'social layer'"} {"text":"Sometimes I suspect that the supposed eth maxi accounts trashing Solano on Twitter all the time are just contractors paid for by Solano social media marketing team Their one job is to keep Solana relevant and in the news at all times "} {"text":"@MonetSupply Nah, don't need CIA to hack raw stupidity like uploading keys to Google cloud"} {"text":"@seyitaylor @GwartyGwart @charliejliao Is this PBS for tweets?"} {"text":"fought"} {"text":"Every war in the world is being faught between one side with brand new US made weapons sent directly by Biden, and the other with 'preowned' US made weapons from ebay"} {"text":"@lex_node @kkirkbos Buzzkill"} {"text":"I think Istanbul is very safe but with every protocol throwing its own side event, going from side event to side event is a health risk"} {"text":"Looks like Liz Warren wants to declare even Uniswap and Compound as 'international mixers' "} {"text":"@73lV_ @CelestiaOrg @osmosiszone I did"} {"text":"The main lesson one should learn from Mr. Moro getting caught up in this is that the company's lawyer is not your lawyer"} {"text":"@DastardlyDaniel demand for reproductive blockspace is a post war phenomenon, not pre war. remember baby boomers?"} {"text":"@gajeshnaik @akshaybd no no, its a legit gud call"} {"text":"ngl, red triangle blockchain has finally done something right by investing in India and India's dev ecosystem. Smol to start but alhamdulillah some brain was used"} {"text":"My favorite part of NYAG v DCG, Gemini and Genesis is the sheer amount of evidence the defendants have already posted against each other on this free website "} {"text":"crypto founder gang, its been two yrs, one more to go "} {"text":"@0xferg @Immutable "} {"text":"@simplykashif Nirmala ji says I have to "} {"text":"$4.50 for good veggie breakfast for 3 In bera, move to rural Bengaluru Follow me for more such bera survival tips "} {"text":"Infura should pivot to shared sequencer biznis and thus finally launch a token"} {"text":"So every module of a modular blockchain needs to be a blockchain itself, recursively?"} {"text":"@theblockupdates tl;dr @chainalysis policy department bracing for backlash after the marketing department fudded crypto hard in the wrong context"} {"text":"@JonGordon11 >> communicate\u2026 communicate\u2026 communicate! wen work?"} {"text":"@jasonsomensatto gm"} {"text":"Has anyone checked if Hamas is trading friendtech shares for the airdrop?"} {"text":"Yes we ended the entire crypto industry with sensationalist headlines about Hamas and Hezbollah but before that we sold a lot of @chainalysis and @trmlabs licenses to the US government"} {"text":"Liz Warren thinks Hamas is using crypto. Nah you evil aunt, just stop taking the mass adoption memes from marketing seriously"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart I heard that homeless man from sand hill road launched his own optimistic rollup with a $10b FDV token but without fraud proofs "} {"text":"If god forbid Mario Nawfal becomes our primary news source about the war in Israel, I need to start buying cans of soup and ramen for the entire year"} {"text":"@tarunchitra gwart ventures is where its at "} {"text":"Boomerization and Bozofication can kill the best of crypto projects, no matter the tech "} {"text":"@SupraOracles "} {"text":"@WuBlockchain 2019: ConsenSys 2023: GavinSys"} {"text":"@punk9059 time for a16z funding announcement"} {"text":"@alaeven Sounds like the bull case for pfps"} {"text":"We live in the age of manufactured self expression"} {"text":"@scupytrooples sounds like the past and present of finance also"} {"text":"Trash physical infra is good for software development - people have to just sit at home, order food delivery, and code"} {"text":"@StaniKulechov what about alignment?"} {"text":"Bangalore is India's SiliconValley. Public infrastructure is trash, same as we last saw it in 2008, but its still a far safer and cleaner city than San Francisco, America's Bangalore ie"} {"text":"Meanwhile private sector"} {"text":"@BasedSkanda different sticker, same grass"} {"text":"Type-1 zkEvm has been achieved internally, unironically "} {"text":"20 years ago we bought a piece of land near Infosys in Bengaluru. Since then, these beings have built a lot more civic infrastructure than the state government has"} {"text":"If you use eth as DA, this can be your entire optimistic rollup infrastructure"} {"text":"$UNI token is a token of appreciation, no no, not price appreciation"} {"text":"I haven't sold ETH for personal gain since 2018, only for occasional financial gain"} {"text":"crypto marketers should study the propaganda war currently underway - their network states will need the same skills"} {"text":"Its prophesied in the fourth (unreleased) book of Balaji that the network state of Avalanche will invade the network state of Solano, collect Toly ser's AWS credentials and turn Solano off"} {"text":"@mdudas @alliancedao ... not plenty"} {"text":"let it be the matter of public record that, @alliancedao is the only web3 VC fund I am an LP in which has sent a distribution (two by now). Some of the other fund managers prolly plan to live off of 2% for 50 years"} {"text":"We should all be very worried about America eventually settling its runaway debt through war"} {"text":"@josephdelong cc: @aeyakovenko"} {"text":"@josephdelong everyone needs a twitter mom"} {"text":"@Scroll_ZKP congrats"} {"text":"@transmissions11 @danrobinson in bula crypto people say college is a scam. in bera even dan is sending kids to college"} {"text":"@MacroMate8 @EFDevconnect and you refuse to self limit to 22% "} {"text":"@Native_0x Alignment"} {"text":"I have a breakthrough product idea... the LAST zkEVM "} {"text":"@jon_charb @kevinsekniqi Avalanche is not real"} {"text":"@armaniferrante A founder must be bullish"} {"text":"@hotpot_dao Cause and effect"} {"text":"Is he Gwart?"} {"text":"Now you dont have to fork Uniswap You can just fork the front end and cut the fee in half"} {"text":"The shocking level of violence in Israel and Palestine might be explained by sustained worsening of water shortage in the region Throughout history, water has been known to do unimaginable things to people's humanity - for peace, we must solve for water"} {"text":"@peter_szilagyi $GETH airdrops solve dis"} {"text":"@0xAbix Miden will support Rust + ( Move + Sway over time ) + Typescript"} {"text":"gm"} {"text":"@twobitidiot raise and build in bay area, sell token abroad is the best combo"} {"text":"@DeHausDemon Protocol fees one day"} {"text":"@tarunchitra Is he gwart?"} {"text":"Interoperability is cool. Everyone's technology is fully interoperable with their own technology"} {"text":"@DeHausDemon dubai habibi"} {"text":"How is disintermediating finance: 1. Miner extractable value 2. Uniswap front end end extractable value 3. Uniswap backend extractable value 4. M*tamask extractable value 5. Governance tokenolder extractable value 6. IRS extractable value "} {"text":"Front end fees are fine if users can choose to fork the front end but a front end funded by a governance token should also be governed by the same governance token"} {"text":"@nitingaur CCIP : cure cancer instantly project"} {"text":"We will always have @StaniKulechov for raave "} {"text":"@ramahluwalia no excuses in the firm ser ( she will always be the firm to me )"} {"text":"@jimmyhumania @josephdelong no one is gud at 3"} {"text":"I am quite skeptical Nishad said no to SBF unless what he was being asked to do was unrelated to his quarterly OKRs"} {"text":"Only the things you want to agree with are accurate"} {"text":"Legal department often has more governance power than governance tokens "} {"text":"@zackvoell Sorry"} {"text":"Better tech is just better..."} {"text":"Lido exiting the Solano liquid staking biznis means Lido's values and alignment have improved reportedly"} {"text":"Found the intern who just tweeted from the @Cointelegraph account"} {"text":"ANNOUNCING: PUMPULITZER AWARDS FOR CRYPTO JOURNALISM "} {"text":"someone at cartoon coin paper is getting very rich rn"} {"text":"@Cointelegraph @JSeyff @EricBalchunas pls confirm"} {"text":"@0xsachi Think gud thots pls"} {"text":"@0xAishwary @vinit2winit_ Dollars > Headcount"} {"text":"@vinit2winit_ Sitting in California, Asia looks like a small city"} {"text":"I was holding my two year old daughter on a walk moments ago and for the first time out of nowhere she said: EIP4844 won't solve gas fees I started to quietly tear up. She couldn\u2019t see my face and I didn\u2019t make a sound, but she said, \u201cDon\u2019t cry. It\u2019s okay.\u201d"} {"text":"rollbit, friendtech and perp dexes"} {"text":"@EliBenSasson @dimahledba >> Ethereum\u2019s end goal is to be resilient enough to withstand attacks from nation-states... ... as well as MEV bots and Lido governance cc: @GwartyGwart"} {"text":"@santiagoroel gud point on gud (meditative) distraction that activates intuition vs bad distraction ( social media, multitasking, adderal-ware )"} {"text":"@cburniske bls make this time different habibi"} {"text":"US government's cost basis for $5b worth of seized is $0 Is this bullish?"} {"text":"America donates weapons to all sorts of countries faster than layer2s do airdrops"} {"text":"The devrel fallacy: lots of BD folks in crypto think most devs work in enterprise. First of all most of them devs aren't particularly good and second, they don't write one line more than they are told to or paid for. Open source is where it's at and that's a different ballgame"} {"text":"@0xDinoEggs True. Somehow dot, near and ICP still managed to get zero traction - must have taken a lot of work to turn appdevs away"} {"text":"@wes_btc @WuBlockchain You cant lose if you got em at $0"} {"text":"@0xDinoEggs As of now mainly in VC - gonna take a ton of devrel or one killer app to get real traction on alt-execution layers"} {"text":"Western medicine looks to cure mental illness. Several eastern spiritual traditions consider the mind itself as an illness. America recognizes mental illness and gives everyone with a mental illness a semiautomatic rifle \u00af\\_()_\/\u00af"} {"text":"@AFDudley0 Rick, to have your vital-ity (no pun) restored, you need to move to Puerto Rico and congregate with eth whales"} {"text":"Taylor Swift can save NFTs"} {"text":"@basedkarbon revanchist"} {"text":"@gadikian I have tickets and hotel booked - que sera sera"} {"text":"Bangalore roads so good gang gang, you order lunch via food delivery, you get dinner"} {"text":"ngl; wartime propaganda and crypto marketing seem to require a rather similar skill set"} {"text":"God forbid if world war III escalates and the missiles come for me, I want to be found farming airdrops in a web3 gaming chair, figuring out how to improve DaO treasury management, putting social pressure on LIDO to self limit and making ethereum tokenomics even more deflationary"} {"text":"@0xAgusti ethereum peace classic"} {"text":"If ethereum is indeed where we store the world state, why don't we hard fork and roll the world state back to the time before Ukraine war?"} {"text":"M*tamask is too centralised. Real decentralised men remember their own private keys and use them with web3.js"} {"text":"Madonna is starting a world tour for those who can not afford Taylor Swift tickets"} {"text":"Apple is no longer ethereum aligned. This stock is so going to 0"} {"text":"Time for Brooklyn to partner with Foxconn to manufacture ethereum aligned foxmobile phones"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart This is what we know as the roadmap \u00af\\_()_\/\u00af"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart This acquisition might solve the centralization caused by Lido"} {"text":"@bigmagicdao Millionaire before vesting and unlocks, or after?"} {"text":"I am in if they use 2021 prices "} {"text":"@lex_node I am fine as long as RWA protocols have governance tokens"} {"text":"Coinbase is back in Dubai"} {"text":"@east_facts Hes needed at @fund_defi"} {"text":"40 IQ narratives like alignment are taken seriously in the crypto industry only because the only crypto application that currently has PMF is ERC20"} {"text":"Binance UK customers now have to take a finprom quiz"} {"text":"@sunnya97 This is Interphone communication: IPC"} {"text":"@MacroMate8 Why is Lido here? I thought you guys were financially stable?"} {"text":"One of the most exciting projects in the L2 space "} {"text":"@MacroMate8 Says a lot that so many people thought this was legit lol"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko Yoda-watts"} {"text":"@BanklessHQ @GwartyGwart"} {"text":"- a relativistic metaverse that breaks all connection between space and time It might take you an hour to do 40 miles on one day and the same hour to do four on the other day "} {"text":"@simplykashif No token "} {"text":"@GwartyGwart How did they get an allo before Paradigm did?"} {"text":"@hal2001 It was their intents tho"} {"text":"Just read the initia funding announcement"} {"text":"This is a @McDonalds appreciation tweet"} {"text":"Who's building @anoma but ethereum aligned?"} {"text":"@MacroMate8 Who's this value less heathen?"} {"text":"are the most ethereum aligned PFPs "} {"text":"@MonetSupply Wait, why is your PFP cosmos aligned and not ethereum aligned?"} {"text":"What if 2021 was our last chance to raise more money than god and work for life on fun things that no one will ever need or want?"} {"text":"This is a bit esoteric but Chainlink Twitter reminds me of ConsenSys 2.0 enterprise solutions LinkedIn posts from 2017-18. Godspeed to linkies for still trying to blokchain tradfi "} {"text":"@JohnNahas84 @luigidemeo Venting about Emin's tweets"} {"text":"If youre in crypto rn, remove any remaining cash from your personal account - like do a self rug - and buy a fishing boat, a dinghy, a mansion like Mich or whatever physical asset you can IRL so that you can't go buy any more crypto Follow me for more such bera market tips "} {"text":"@acityinohio @functi0nZer0 Bera so bad that even laurence's exploits are a scam"} {"text":"Whats a VC blockchain? A verifiable computing blockchain?"} {"text":"A blockchain is any database you can query or write to using m*tamask"} {"text":"@Zac_Aztec All Alex is saying is that Zexe 2.0 is a unique name. The reader can apply fiat shamir to produce a non interactive proof"} {"text":"@hotpot_dao @GregusJakub recursive proofs"} {"text":"@Timccopeland Congratulations!"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko Solano as decentralised sequencer"} {"text":"@GregusJakub Agreed"} {"text":"@DooWanNam No but yes several of the existing people will end up in new entities with a lot more accountability"} {"text":"@DooWanNam The announcement says decentralising"} {"text":"@hartej_ @Yazanator Nah our confs are crap"} {"text":"@hartej_ @Yazanator Dubai is defo quite nice at this time of the year"} {"text":"@itamarl Indeed"} {"text":"@cryptoecongames Yeah I still haven't fully recovered from the 2019 pain"} {"text":"@cryptoecongames "} {"text":"@zmanian I am excited about what else people might build on new computers that we haven't thought about "} {"text":"It's a modular world in Dubai"} {"text":"@zmanian I agree - but we also need some apps to distribute that aren't modified Uniswap"} {"text":"Crypto industry pain is getting worse by the day. Polkadot just laid off 300 people - that's a lot more employees than there are devs building apps on Polkadot"} {"text":"@vor0220 What can we not do with a ford that we can do with a ferrari? We will know when someone shows us"} {"text":"Dont do geopolitics or any politics on a student loan, including the one from your parents "} {"text":"@vor0220 What you can build is sometimes limited by the machine ie EVM that you build it on"} {"text":"I'd totally love to be airdropped some RWA protocol governance tokens but no RWAs for me"} {"text":"@balajis Zelensky been raising round after round, like hes' running a web3 gaming fund - or stripe"} {"text":"With Scroll hitting mainnet, we have as many EVMs as we need 2024 is belong to innovation on the execution layer Miden Risc0 Fuel Cartesi Aztec Movement Fluent ... ... Lets build interesting things again"} {"text":"The ethereum is deflationary meme was always a lame narrative implying that early insiders will get paid by late outsiders. There are at least 7.9bn people who have not even dust level eth. If eth is to be sound money, it will need additional issuance for a while."} {"text":"Re the discussion of Caroline's ( or Sam's ) appearance, a modern society can take away people's freedom, or even their life for their crimes but it must be done in a way that preserves human dignity. Otherwise we are just an online medieval mob"} {"text":"I'd really like the crispr guys to gene therapy me so that the proteins in my bloodstream automagically ensure 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep every night"} {"text":"@elonmusk @TiffanyFong_ @WholeMarsBlog They were men"} {"text":"@yanivgraph Whether those values are at all western is rather debatable given post war history of the US\/UK\/EU in Vietnam, Africa, South America and Asia, but those are indeed the values we should all aspire towards."} {"text":"@SCBuergel I am seeing that a lot across the ecosystem hence mad"} {"text":"@mdudas SBF could have done a fine job of running the US"} {"text":"@nembal Some have no powder either "} {"text":"So many crypto VCs are currently talking to founders just to give the impression that they are VCs.... but not allocating shit Don't do this... dont waste founder time. Its bad karma because time is all a startup has. Take meetings only if youre serious and not on general rece"} {"text":"As soon as you bring RWAs onchain they start trading like shitcoins "} {"text":"@0xsachi its impossible. just delet your best tweets"} {"text":"Every L1 and L2 deserves their own fork of Evan Van Ness"} {"text":"@simplykashif Bro that's a piddly sum of $12.7m"} {"text":"Frens dont let frens use the distressing situation in Israel to promote their project or business"} {"text":"If you work in web3 and want to buy property in Dubai to escape GG in the future, I have a couple of knowledgeable, friendly and trustworthy agents to refer that we have worked with ourselves"} {"text":"Greatness in bera is often produced from mum's basement. If youre young and single in crypto, why are you burning precious runway on renting an apartment? Follow me for more such bear market tips "} {"text":"When you join NYU they ask you to read these three books. Everyone else should too"} {"text":"@saranormous Follow the money"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Bro you're becoming the Evan Van Ness of Solano - try Maria Shen's dev report"} {"text":"@0xMert_ nah. 90% EVM, 5% cosm wasm, 3% SVM , 1% move and 1% other"} {"text":"Person who joined from accenture in 2021 trying to get his 9-9 consulting job back"} {"text":"America's Ivy League universities must not equivocate on hate speech - if they intend to protect free speech"} {"text":"@TrustlessState @BanklessHQ I just skip to 2:30"} {"text":""} {"text":"I think now I understand fraud proofs, and I am not referring to Caroline's testimony"} {"text":"4"} {"text":"@theblockupdates Yesss!"} {"text":"@massdotmoney bullish!"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart @matt_blumberg Nah Gwart sounds very over-educated"} {"text":"@twobitidiot @YuvalRooz May the force be with Yuval"} {"text":"@profCGoldin @mojaswi RIP"} {"text":"Ethereum sometimes feels like we need some of the values of Bitcoin - individualism, free market libertarianism and no social intermediaries-ism"} {"text":"@TimeswapLabs @arbitrum Congratulations"} {"text":"@superphiz You're not wrong ser but blockchains should allow anons to coordinate on the internet using incentives built in software. if you relax any of the three assumptions: anons, software and incentives - it wont be long before the government will coordinate dis social consensus for us"} {"text":"@superphiz ser can we bls resist centralisation in code instead of twitter"} {"text":"RWAs in defi can boom quite quickly if Justin Sun ser would park the KYCd portion of his $4b-$8b in tokenised RWA like he used to in Comp and Aave"} {"text":"@TheStalwart Bitcoin alignment"} {"text":"Who's working on adding two integers, but on bitcoin?"} {"text":"@BillyM2k A 9-9 salaried job in gud companies"} {"text":"ethereum research went from Santa Cruz in 2019 to Palo alto in 2021. This is true social mobility Two more bera years and we might go right back"} {"text":"@tszzl so ai roon is a brit whereas crypto shmuck @tarunchitra is a burger?"} {"text":"@CryptoFinally Back to RSU-ia"} {"text":"I have never seen anyone (incl myself) learn anything with their mouth open And then we got twitter..."} {"text":"Clearly @GwartyGwart is an ethereum researcher who's defected over the DMZ into north cosmos"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart @superphiz No need to code. EVN can be forked purely by social Consensus"} {"text":"@zackvoell There will never be more than 21m nukes"} {"text":"@ramahluwalia Is this how you missed $PEPE?"} {"text":"@gajeshnaik delet before admissions sees this"} {"text":"@RebeccaRettig1 Any but advising a fund gets you a grace period"} {"text":"Afghan earthquake victims are a third group of casualties from Hamas's depraved acts because no one in the world is paying attention to their plight right now. Please let's not ignore their suffering while we pray for peace in Israel"} {"text":"I got shouted at for saying devconnect might get cancelled due to conflict in the middle east but have you realised that this would extend the runway of every ethereum ecosystem startup by a whole week, avoid an eth price drop and ship every L2 and DA layer two weeks sooner?"} {"text":"I heard that if you don'f become a VC within 10 years of getting a degree from stanford, they name and shame you in a private alumni event where they ritual sacrifice a goat with your name written on it"} {"text":"When you hear Banks repeat their RWA tokenization announcements from 2018 in 2023"} {"text":"@0xfoobar They are talking about baby formula"} {"text":"Ripple token does need a new CFO"} {"text":""} {"text":"What if we are not pre rich but post rich?"} {"text":"@camiinthisthang Strategy people should be testing their strategy in the market by selling something"} {"text":"@zackvoell Michael Saylor is bitcoin foundation"} {"text":"Being a young rust dev is a huge advantage in web3 - for pivoting to ai ie"} {"text":"@jemimajoanna @santiagoroel Any reason why FT wouldn't allow a pro crypto columnist to balance the bias?"} {"text":"@santiagoroel @jemimajoanna been reporting her opinion rather than news for as long as I remember"} {"text":"@akshaybd @Henry_DeFi Yes. VC ded everywhere else too but vibes so much better ser"} {"text":"This is a regional conflict - lets pray that it does not escalate outside Israel"} {"text":"@akshaybd In the abstract yes. Concretely, UK policy stability comes from the relatively large influence the civil services. PMs come and go in King's country. You gonna need EU level policymaking to swing it any other way"} {"text":"@akshaybd The key to understanding the UK is that its run by the civil services, not the PM"} {"text":"Wait told me the UK is very crypto friendly"} {"text":"@litocoen Stay +EV"} {"text":"tl;dr is that excessive reliance on technology without human involvement is dangerous"} {"text":"is getting some really cool visitors these days"} {"text":"In any industry, the fastest developers work in business development. Always so far ahead of people in software development"} {"text":"@Aryonchain Yes thats assumed"} {"text":"Whats lost in the middle of this tragic war is that the NATO AML\/CFT sanctions regime is a complete disaster. Weapons trade carries on while essentials, food and medication become inaccessible to ordinary people in sanctioned countries, fortifying hatred and autocratic regimes"} {"text":"Stop waiting for WWIII - if you take a map and think about how many places in the world are at that war rn, a not so cold war is already underway Whats more worrying is the polarisation into Chinese and US hemispheres China, Russia, Iran, Pakistan... US, Nato, Israel, India..."} {"text":"@mdudas those are not the brightest minds. The brightest minds are: Web2: optimising LLM Web3: optimising provers for LLVM"} {"text":"\"ChatGPT thinks my program is correct but its not running\" - Tripathi Jr, 14 on"} {"text":"maxis are belong to token not tech. thats why there are no rust maxis or stark maxis or FRI maxis etc"} {"text":"Men in the arena should feel more responsible than the rest of us, not less"} {"text":"@_TomHoward @benjaminjwhitby All the others are very localised conflicts. This hopefully stays so too"} {"text":"@lemiscate Fair"} {"text":"@lemiscate Nah. I am burger-o-phile. Burgers still shipping the highest IQ kit"} {"text":"@dorukismen Yeah the issue is going to be air travel and neighboring countries"} {"text":"This war could end Devconnect fyi"} {"text":"The BBC consistently provides the most impartial coverage of geopolitical crises caused by the British empire"} {"text":"Life is a choice between ads and subscriptions"} {"text":"@andrej_muzevic Lots of cool solutions on the way w Polygon CDK, Eigenlayer, Babylon, Rollkit with Celestia\/Avail, Mesh security\/AEZ..."} {"text":"\"Shared security\" is the coolest way to say that most founders want to build useful apps instead of spending a year and all of their seed capital in setting up their own validators etc"} {"text":"Btw, why can't ethereum just copy Sui's liquid staking model? Don't have to invent everything tbh For the avoidance of doubt, I am an eth hodler and I wasnt a Sui Investor"} {"text":"What Brent is building will change the entire RWA space - you heard it here first"} {"text":"What a colossal intelligence failure - biggest since 9\/11 - 5000 rockets, motorized hang gliders, weapons, militia, planning, logistics right next door - no amount of technology is a substitute for humint"} {"text":""} {"text":"Solana marketing is about to beat the speed of light. Quantum marketing is so much better than relativistic marketing "} {"text":"In person Emin ser is one of the nicest 160 IQs. But token and twitter do things to the brain - more brain, more things they can do Watch the zk space - it's gonna be full of profs with a token in the arena, trying things "} {"text":"@Zedzies Yes but he let Nazarov do the token thing"} {"text":"Quality CS professors like Emin and Micali should never launch their own token. Boneh does it right by sticking to cryptography and letting his students do the token thing."} {"text":"Israel's pearl harbor happened on Biden's watch. I don't see the Dems coming back from this"} {"text":"@akshaybd @gajeshnaik Been my view since '21"} {"text":"Gm. "} {"text":"It's remarkable that none of these guys would he in jail if they had just gotten off Twitter Note to self: get off Twitter"} {"text":"@DeItaone "} {"text":"@dabit3 Which crypto coin is this subtweet about?"} {"text":"@ASvanevik I am hearing things about Nansen "} {"text":"Somehow it's been an avalanche of scams, rugs and exploits from day 1"} {"text":"hope everyone among our frens and fam (and others) is ok. May there be peace"} {"text":"@jarrodWattsDev Wen ai generated CDK based appchain"} {"text":"@satsdart @starsarenacom Devs are in the arena trying things"} {"text":"@functi0nZer0 @hudsonjameson @superphiz Twitter polls are tools for coordinating social consensus"} {"text":"@ks_kulk @cwgoes That's always been the intents"} {"text":"Much Lido about nothing "} {"text":"I think @tarunchitra and @GuilleAngeris should end this entire liquid staking brouhaha by providing a rigorous proof of the Tripathi conjecture - that in the presence of liquid staking PoS will always converge to dPoS and its just better to design for it upfront"} {"text":"@ConorSvensson Yes it's product discovery, application discovery and customer discovery - the most important part being devrel"} {"text":"@GordonGekko_CVP @RuneKek @Lomashuk Enshrining will only work if liquid staked eth tokens are fungible with each other ie rpeth, steth, cbeth etc are the same token - otherwise the most liquid token will again capture the bulk of the stake"} {"text":"Most new people find web3 BD very hard because most of the time there's no actual business to develop and you have to invent a business as you go along"} {"text":"@CoinBera @BeraMVP I heard MVP can BD even where theres no B"} {"text":"Everyone in America is an advisor now"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart Are these the values youre teaching your son @transmissions11?"} {"text":"@sergitosergito @BeraMVP 1. knows who's doing x 2. understands x 3. can connect someone who needs x with someone who has x 4. shows up and follows up 5. repeat"} {"text":"@BeraMVP You and me both"} {"text":"@TrustlessTooth Social Consensus as default isnt the path to becoming anything. It's the path to getting governments involved in consensus"} {"text":"Men will write papers about game theory and mechanism design for ten whole years and still end up with over 33% of the stake in one liquid staking protocol"} {"text":"@dankrad @smsunarto @0x_cooki @zengjiajun_eth We need to be extremely careful with resorting to social solutions for technical problems. The whole social consensus narrative started because of theDaO hard fork where we used social rather than technical consensus to choose the canonical chain over immutability"} {"text":"@mdudas I want to enshrine a $10000 price also"} {"text":"I'd like Vitalik to enshrine 10000 eth into my wallet by noon"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart Is Sunarto, the Indonesian dictator financing this coup?"} {"text":"According to Social Consensus, Coinbase is currently a trillion dollar stock. The $18b market cap is an indication of the greed of certain profit maximising traders whose disgusting behavior does not represent the true values of the stock trader community"} {"text":"@el33th4xor @luigidemeo @L_Patch1 Normal frens dont let frens buy and sell their frens"} {"text":"@0xMert_ @SuperteamDAO Wrestling match w @_khanhamzah"} {"text":"@kevinsekniqi Public good bro"} {"text":"Solano narrative bois and gurlz too late to ZK - should be narrativising FHE for the moon now"} {"text":"@0xsachi Find (1) bls, (2) can hire for"} {"text":"@darengb @friendtech awful - negative airdrop by tying wallet to mobile number - new paradigm @Mudit__Gupta @samczsun"} {"text":"@kevinsekniqi Simples - use Polygon CDK to become an L2"} {"text":"I really dont see @GwartyGwart getting an invite to Zuzalu this year"} {"text":"Is there hope for people who want to like dark theme but biologically prefer light theme?"} {"text":"@AWice your tweet is the real effective altruism"} {"text":"@tarunchitra Tarune Cheetrah sounds cool"} {"text":"@jdkanani Congratulations!"} {"text":"@raagulanpathy Nah, the time zone is too shit"} {"text":"ATOM could really pump if Cosmonauts weren't so worried about someone else's chain eg Stride or Osmosis succeeding more than theirs. As ethereum Cosmosifies this phenom could also happen in ethereum"} {"text":"When I reflect on Consensys 2.0 redundancies (about 1100\/1500 people), in 2018 and 2019, I realise that we weren't made redundant. 1400\/1500 of us were always redundant. It's just that Joe found out because eth went to $88"} {"text":"The most evil trick devil ever played on startups was to tell them that scaling is the same as hiring lots of people"} {"text":"I have zero interest in SBFs trial. Just lock him up for 2-3 decades without parole like America would if he was an inner city black kid and not a politically connected offspring of stanford elite"} {"text":"@kobigurk @badcryptobitch Lookup singularity will melt faces"} {"text":"@AntonioMJuliano I think @charlesdhaussy works hard"} {"text":"@poordart No one asks how Fibonacci is"} {"text":"@MonetSupply MakerDaO echo system"} {"text":">> dont hire till it hurts, then hire quickly"} {"text":"@ChadHugghins I can fix him: Michael Lewis"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart Well he is a legacy admission from Paradigm. Working class parents are practically enshrined"} {"text":"Every time an LP asks a crypto venture fund when there will be a distribution, the GPs say, hahahaha bro, \"we are so early!\""} {"text":"@0xMert_ If you are employable in another industry, you are a tourist"} {"text":"always remember"} {"text":"I am a simple man I see the word \"bullish\" on 3-4 eth maxi influenza accounts in the same week, I sell and buy back lower Best way to stack eth "} {"text":"@TrustlessState @BuildOnBase Token is inevitable"} {"text":"@jdkanani JD ser on the left..."} {"text":"@Mudit__Gupta Who?"} {"text":"Everyone should announce a 100m crypto fund at least once in their life"} {"text":"@EffortCapital Is this ATOM enshriment\/alignment?"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart real jobs... on wall street. could happen to all of crypto when we get acquired by blackrock"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart Thats why the community lost interest in the protocol"} {"text":"@0xsachi Pls first ask people to deliver the games they raised 4b for"} {"text":"Number 1 advice to people in crypto - whatever you become, don't become 'management'. Always do result producing work with your own bare hands - in addition to whatever it is that your job title says you do"} {"text":"crypto compliance is mostly US lawyers working day and night to prove that their US funded projects built by US devs are fully outside the US"} {"text":"@Duderichy First generation Chinese immigrants in the US prolly have more Nobel prizes..."} {"text":"@functi0nZer0 My money is on @vaneckpk"} {"text":"Are DAS chains infura killers?"} {"text":"@fejau_inc Still safe if you hold to maturity"} {"text":"@WuBlockchain The clue was in the name"} {"text":"Technically SBF was also a \"builder\"... right?"} {"text":"@sarthakgh @bryce Do you even blitzscaling bro?"} {"text":"Hello crypto marketers - this is where we gunna post our ads before the next giant crash in 2027, not times square or superbowl"} {"text":"You will not be allowed to utter the words DYDX inside the United States airspace or hold DYDX tokens in your wallet if such a wallet is physically located inside the United States territory, naval ship, military airbase or embassy abroad"} {"text":"Cyclical overhiring in the crypto industry trains tradfi and tradtech people in web3 by paying too much Cyclical layoffs help such trained people find jobs where we can do useful work at a fair price This is why Consensys alumni has had such an impact. ConsenSys trained us "} {"text":"@lex_node Buzzkill "} {"text":"Who's working on narrative chain - a nocode Blockchain dynamically adaptable for the latest hot narratives?"} {"text":"@lex_node Lots of us had our bank accounts closed just for depositing fiat onto Coinbase. Roman has a full on DoJ indictment"} {"text":"@0xsachi Now its just an American dollar dream, remote"} {"text":"@SixdegreeLab \u2122"} {"text":"Sometimes folks getting back into a full time day job is uber bullish for the Industry"} {"text":"@spreekaway SBF airdrop hunter"} {"text":"@0xsachi Cardano is the Herbalife of web3"} {"text":"Modular Research Modular Shipping"} {"text":"The sound of a third of dubai crypto scene moving back to India"} {"text":"I don't think ethereum needs to enshrine a zkEVM. Quite the opposite in fact - we need to un-enshrine the EVM itself"} {"text":"Polygon CDK = Best of Ethereum * Best of Cosmsos"} {"text":"So.... many cool things shipping in @osmosiszone wao"} {"text":"You can't spell community without Coin"} {"text":"@jon_charb @GwartyGwart is not real"} {"text":"Avax is not dead but it feels dead because the community outside of Turkey and Cornell campus is a handful of tokenization people at a bank"} {"text":"Nothing has changed in macro, so your planning assumption should be that the crypto bullmarket is one year away - and allocate accordingly. If it comes sooner you will make money. If it comes later, you won't be rekt."} {"text":"The launch of the ethereum futures ETF is a historic win for the crypto industry in the United States. Precisely nothing has changed but it feels great"} {"text":"@Ooojin482 Not non technical - non coding. Product peoole have an edge no doubt but product is a lot more than code"} {"text":"@Ooojin482 Bruh, 3 of the best: Joe Lubin, Sandeep Nailwal, Stani Kulechov..."} {"text":"EVM state apparently grows so fast that Google's gonna be the web3 company that makes the most money by a long mile"} {"text":"ARTIFICIAL GENERALISED INTENTS : AGI"} {"text":"@DrNickA The solution is to build one for others"} {"text":"ETH futures ETF hype ETH futures ETF"} {"text":"Bullmarket in vibes at @CosmoverseHQ with @AvailProject @osmosiszone @CelestiaOrg and @NethermindEth"} {"text":"@theklineventure Americans are spending vastly more money than they have - for consumption, hence the national debt"} {"text":"\"Crime is a sound business model\" - Michael Lewis"} {"text":"@AntonioMJuliano @dnkta Ultrasound business model"} {"text":"@jared_jensen75 @lex_node Lewis has serious stockholm syndrome"} {"text":"is full of zombie projects with millions in funding, that are building through bera but even the builders are not sure why "} {"text":"The problem with ATOM is that Cosmos is in it for the technology. The great thing about @cosmos is that Cosmos is in it for the technology"} {"text":"Men are thinking about the Byzantine empire"} {"text":"Ethan ser is clearly not from the marketing department"} {"text":"@_khanhamzah dont become one"} {"text":"A bozo is someone who does nothing and manages everything"} {"text":"@prestonjbyrne Why does she keep interrupting the PM like he's a dev from Infosys"} {"text":"Token solves this. Now you can succeed even if your product or business are complete duds"} {"text":"It cant be money. I suspect SBF has pictures of Michael Lewis and others at one of his toga parties or something"} {"text":"@therealchaseeb What apps are people actually using on sea lana"} {"text":"this is not true in startups or venture capital"} {"text":"Thing about tech wars eg L2 wars is that no one can quickly win those forever - even ethereum has won L1 wars only until one of the other differently optimised\/designed L1s finds a killer app that sucks users and liquidity away. Unlikely - but then intel didn't quite survive"} {"text":"Except FTX ventures - a fund that might have drafted customers as LPs without their knowledge"} {"text":"Who was the first modular person to use the word \"enshrined\"? It kinda implies that a blockchain is a shrine...."} {"text":"@ArthurB Not just optimistic - theres at least one zk rollup for which no one has yet seen a working prover or associated source code"} {"text":"@therealchaseeb Browser extractable value?"} {"text":"Cosmos in"} {"text":"@lex_node hahah - @JohnReedStark ser tweets like hes applied for the next sec chair"} {"text":"Unfollow everyone who posts like LinkedIn"} {"text":"@WayneVaughan bro its a sunday. not until @JSeyff and @EricBalchunas say"} {"text":"Slowest McDonald's in the world at Isanbul. Crypto community needs to step up"} {"text":"@CryptoMan_Ram @BobSummerwill "} {"text":"@jdkanani Ser theres a flaw in this setup - if this doesn't generate enough economic rent ( MEV ) for eth stakers my number ( ETH ) will go down"} {"text":"However, the rollup centric roadmap doesn't mean the plans to scale eth L1 are now behind ethereum. This 'endgame' story is so not finished yet"} {"text":"PoS is required if the L1 itself is going to scale via sharding or some other mechanism, otherwise for scaling solely via L2s and proof verification, PoW is sufficient"} {"text":"Everyone in web3 aped @reidhoffman s blitzscaling book *minus* the section about when blitzscaling is appropriate"} {"text":"Its a little bit wild how many of ethereum's current challenges are solved by er.... ...wait for it... PROOF OF WORK!"} {"text":"@cburniske @timdaub All that is fine but there's still no Aave or CRV equivalent on solami. How is sealana gonna grab liquidity?"} {"text":"Blockchains are social systems is a statement of fact, not an aspiration. Banks are also social systems. The trouble with social systems is that they are political, prone to disproportionate rent seeking by interest groups. What can be solved in code should be solved in code"} {"text":"Cosmoverse popcorn - will the hub add DA or will @CelestiaOrg become a bigger hub than the ATOM hub?"} {"text":"@yugacohler Yuga married his bag"} {"text":"Social pressure is going to self limit Lido? Thats not how liquidity works. The reason ethereum has almost all of the Liquidity among chains is because Liquidity gets more Liquidity. What works for ethereum also works for Binance and STETH and Nasdaq and Tether and..."} {"text":"Vitalik's enshrine things paper is being misquoted as a scripture. People are skipping all the nuance and tweeting their party line. Lido guys be like - \"Hari Seldon said don't enshrine things\" and Canto guys be like - \"Hari said enshrine everything\"\". What he actually said:"} {"text":"LIDO can become the ethereum governance token "} {"text":"@MacroMate8 Social encouragement can not compete with liquidity effects"} {"text":"@Flowslikeosmo He doesn't know how hard McDonalds people work"} {"text":"@fede_intern related is doing a lot of work there "} {"text":"@fede_intern >> Capital deployment and management Indeed. Generally it's all about focus. Entrepreneurs are optimists and significantly overestimate how many 10x people they have and how many things can be done well with finite capital, time, and management attention"} {"text":"If you don't like the gerontocracy maybe don't vote for the 70+ year olds"} {"text":"The best way to keep busy is to do the wrong thing extremely well"} {"text":"@zmanian Prestaking sounds like a revolutionary new primitive "} {"text":"@CampbellJAustin @matthew_sigel @vaneck_us @ProtocolGuild big if true!"} {"text":"Sam, Do, Su and many others made Jail-rational wealth"} {"text":"I have a nagging suspicion that 10-20% of the professional managers in silicon valley basically implement SAAS tools for a living"} {"text":"The most popular web3 application in the world is newToken"} {"text":"How did @mdudas know @zhusu s flight schedule?"} {"text":"@acityinohio @GwartyGwart Whoever pays the most gas goes first"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart 50 lashes for blasphemy"} {"text":"@CasperJohansen @defiprime Understood. CEX and custody arguably aren't web3. Rest yes"} {"text":"Why do we call it ethereum and not unstaked LIDO?"} {"text":"@vaneck_us @ProtocolGuild For a CFA charterholder, ser @matthew_sigel is surprisingly based"} {"text":"3am..."} {"text":"@rargulati Thats IBM"} {"text":"@Austin_Federa Sealana?"} {"text":"@alaeven Indeed. ConsenSys deserves a lot of credit for the success of ethereum but its really great that we never had a chance to become a bloated, political, overfunded, boomerised salary drawing corporation like the ones you describe"} {"text":"Come, register your crypto project with the SEC"} {"text":"@CasperJohansen @defiprime Theres revenue in Web3?"} {"text":"1: SBF 2: Do Kwon 3. Su Zhu 4"} {"text":"@0xSisyphus On the same day that Su got picked up?"} {"text":"Feeling cute, might just file an ETF today"} {"text":"ngl @friendtech user list seems like a good starting database to find any frens that the feds might want to arrest for misadventures involving crypto"} {"text":"@moo9000 Yolo risk taking doesn't just stop at money"} {"text":"@0x_tracy @LoebAwards @CoinDesk Congratulations"} {"text":""} {"text":"@0xgaut @fintechfrank Say sorry to Su"} {"text":"@benjaminion_xyz Feels harsh. What about the Lido is just an aggregator defense?"} {"text":"@lzminsky Yes. Decentralization from day 1 isn't the idea. The point here is for corporate entities eg labs and foundation entities to exist and grow solely to the extent they create value for the community and be aware of the misalignments that inevitably arise"} {"text":"mubarak"} {"text":"This is some seriously high quality thinking"} {"text":"@DeclanFox14 Yes but before the crash theres were 69 other projects and enterprise solutions practically ran ConsenSys. The Crash cleaned up a lot of nonsense and was good even for ConsenSys"} {"text":"@DooWanNam Exactly, some Swiss ICO foundations with giant treasuries weren't this lucky. They hired \"professional mid\/senior managers\" with no ethos or expertise - whose main incentive was to collect checks from the big treasury for life than to push hard on tech, product or devrel"} {"text":"@iamgaurangdesai I think focus on the community at all times. In crypto, company should exist solely to build and serve the community and for no other reason. If building a bigger company is long term good for token, build it. If internal crap is getting in the way of that, unbuild it"} {"text":"Third - there is frequently agency conflict between company staff (whats good for the vice president of marketing) and community (whats good for ethereum). This is far more pernicious than conflicts of interest between large tokenholders ( founders ) and community (tokenholders)"} {"text":"Secondly, decentralised communities are much flatter and far more meritocratic than hierarchical corporate structures - its really hard to beat perfect competition when it comes to resource allocation. The tradeoff is coordination costs which the corporate form solves for"} {"text":"This is because large teams without PMF and obvious paying customers to serve consistently make suboptimal choices based on the internal resource market rather than the external market for products and services. Startups unless grossly overfunded do not have that luxury"} {"text":"Without ConsenSys (ethereum labs?) eth wouldn't have made it. CSys did a lot of work on tooling, funding, legal and reg, tech, bd, marketing, you name it but with a giant, dominant Consensys also ethereum wouldn't have come this far. Decentralization has counterintuitive rewards"} {"text":"The near dissolution of the team also eliminated the conflict between what was good for company (owning the winning product in each category eg airswap) and what was good for the ethereum (may the best product in each category win eg Uniswap)"} {"text":"That rudely freed up 1100 people to work on ethereum, defi, nfts and exchanges instead of internal zoom calls, documentation, reorgs, offsites and status reporting. Some left crypto altogether but those of us who didnt or couldn't ended up building product, tech or ecosystems"} {"text":"@neon___glow @hosseeb I am an unabashed fan of Illia and the engineers at near. They are still early and have the resources and talent to work through the challenges"} {"text":"In my experience, at some point, every crypto founder has to choose what they want to do more. Do they want to build a company or do they want to build a community. It's an odd thing to say but ethereum was very lucky that Consensys got rekt in 2019 and most of us got laid off "} {"text":"@neon___glow @hosseeb It's more like \"not yet\" than \"never\". Devrel is hard and you have to compare them with eth same number of years after launch, adjusted for market size then v now. Other than that, premature corporatisation\/boomerisation can also hurt community building and adoption"} {"text":"@tarunchitra This person was on zk podcast?"} {"text":"NFT market sentiment is so low that it feels like mainstream tech companies associated with NFTs (eg Epic) are doing more layoffs than those not associated with NFTs - though I don't have data"} {"text":"@NeerajT4 He solved the scalability trilemma"} {"text":"@ajwarner90"} {"text":"@elonmusk Because the Ukranian border is the current boundary of the American Empire"} {"text":"Seasonality in crypto prices is remarkably strong. It's like we are all farmers here"} {"text":"Starting to think about"} {"text":"@randhindi @zama_fhe Congratulations"} {"text":"@DrNickA If a market could solve market failures it wouldn't fail"} {"text":"The crypto industry can self regulate internally"} {"text":"@matthuang Web3 has reached mass adoption internally"} {"text":"Looking forward to @CosmoverseHQ"} {"text":"@cmsholdings Supercycle "} {"text":"@GwartyGwart @tarunchitra That result only holds for no-kyc permissionless systems. Once you add KYC, you know who did it"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart @tarunchitra's kimjong theorem says that anything of greater than O(1) complexity that's written in solidity will eventually get hacked almost surely"} {"text":"@fede_intern Bera market"} {"text":"@0xgaut"} {"text":"@bajpaiharsh244 @BanklessHQ @Austin_Federa's firedancer has achieved that internally"} {"text":"$10,000 eth has been achieved internally at @BanklessHQ"} {"text":"@Austin_Federa Flight scheduler running on Solano?"} {"text":"@PaulRBerg I thank you for subjecting yourself to a clinical trial for unknown side effects"} {"text":"@PaulRBerg The other drugs have been tested on 694.20 generations of our species, Yours on .6942"} {"text":"@PaulRBerg Future of Paul"} {"text":"Russian Wazirx sounds like a cool idea"} {"text":"@moo9000 @CurveFinance @ethereum To be inclusive, lets replace the second L with love"} {"text":"@CurveFinance @moo9000 @ethereum Yes. It's always the L word ie leverage. Some random accident just drives by to prick the balloon"} {"text":"New token2049 pigbird virus is no fun either"} {"text":"@moo9000 @ethereum @CurveFinance Bro, what do you expect after Mich's recent contribution to the financial stability of defi?"} {"text":"@0xsachi Everyone should act in their (long term) self interest"} {"text":"@uttam_singhk Bro you're devrel..."} {"text":"Jeez, crypto founders met Nancy Pelosi... how do we copytrade her account?"} {"text":"@IndianTechGuide @elonmusk"} {"text":"Avax team members fighting in public is an excellent example of decentralisation. This type of decentralisation often happens wen number goes down"} {"text":"@pronounced_kyle From which conference?"} {"text":"Depends on the tech"} {"text":"@AltcoinDailyio Gary Gensler is sufficiently decentralised"} {"text":"Bob Iger needs to immediately announce a Google cloud partnership or a deflationary stonk burn mechanism"} {"text":"Venture funds should be able to claw back their investments in 2021 valuations and reinvest at 2023 valuations"} {"text":"Who is going to NFT Brooklyn?"} {"text":"Ok so the Google glass product manager joined Facebook and did it right the second time"} {"text":"Bera so bad the only exciting thing on CT rn is the monthly public whipping of a bureaucrat"} {"text":"One difference between a normal startup and a crypto startup is that while equity dies with the startup, a token can slowly migrate upto 18 decimal points behind zero, long long after the team, the tech and the holders are all gone"} {"text":"Few know that Vitalik named the EVM as an anagram of MEV"} {"text":"Personally I'd have preferred if Kraken chose to pivot to ai rather than tradfi"} {"text":"@tarunchitra @DEShawResearch @demishassabis @matt_levine @ZhongingAlong @adamlerer Where did we go wrong son? - Tarun's Dad"} {"text":"This Robert Gensler guy might be a better regulator"} {"text":"@worldcoin On @friendtech"} {"text":"@DeItaone Breaking: Swiss banks were doing swiss banking"} {"text":"@lemiscate Yet - At no point in time in 3 yrs has Solana market cap been lower than Aave..."} {"text":"@coinfessions @therealchaseeb ... think about a grant"} {"text":"@elonmusk @GOPoversight Maybe Hunter Biden should use @TornadoCash"} {"text":"@nik_tchouparov @elonmusk @KanekoaTheGreat @EricTrump @DonaldJTrumpJr 44bn"} {"text":"@moo9000 Could have been @Changelly_team - oh wait"} {"text":"If every letter from crypto friendly legislators had the force of legislation, we would be in a supercycle "} {"text":""} {"text":"@moo9000 Sequencer fees are MEV"} {"text":"@moo9000 No no, there are lower bounds on MEV required for network security"} {"text":"The first sign that you don't understand MEV is claiming to solve MEV"} {"text":"I don't like it when more than 10% of people in a team are helping. Bro if everyone is helping who the hell is working?"} {"text":"OH: \"Law enforcement is just 'people slashing'. When cryptoeconomic guarantees are strongly bounded by the bounded rationality of humans, slashing people instead of their stake becomes necessary\" Ser @tarunchitra pls add to OH"} {"text":"@mdudas fHEmPCzKlLVM - cryptographers can do it like defi "} {"text":"@JSeyff Bitcoin solves this"} {"text":"@stonecoldpat0 Habibi! One mansion and it's yours - no minimum stay"} {"text":"Every crypto VC right now"} {"text":"At this point Binance should consider acqui-hiring everyone at the DoJ"} {"text":"When a first time founder sees M*tamask"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart Actually its DaO wrapping my laptop"} {"text":"@tarunchitra @quentinc137 @DeanEigenmann Proposer builder separation"} {"text":"@jdkanani Every line of code must have its own token "} {"text":"Have done PCR and RAT both to confirm that flu was not covid - but it is not fun. Not sure what the pigs and birds in China are cooking this time"} {"text":"@DeclanFox14 @kobigurk @camiinthisthang @BrianRetford My point is it doesn't necessarily solve CR if the censorship is coded into the prover"} {"text":"@DeclanFox14 @kobigurk @camiinthisthang @BrianRetford It's not decentralised if the same implementation of n different provers censors the same thing "} {"text":"@DeclanFox14 @kobigurk @camiinthisthang @BrianRetford Very gud point. Decentralised requires multi no?"} {"text":"I want to live in a world where every business problem can be solved just by changing a SAAS tool"} {"text":"@JayJaboneta Have fun staying poor"} {"text":"Here's my very serious new five year plan to get rich: 1. Hang with gud devs and zk researchoors at eth and zk events 2. Spend a whole month in Zuzalu every year 3. Read all of Vitalik's latest writing twice over 4. Launch a project on one of his papers from arxiv 5. Token"} {"text":"@jbrukh @HelpedHope - web3 might need actual business models instead of jus narratives if rates stay up (biggest reason)"} {"text":"@kobigurk @camiinthisthang What if the second prover is @BrianRetford s zeth prover for randomised checks of the hyperoptimised evm provers?"} {"text":"@kobigurk Every L2 inherits a subset of the social layer but if eth l1 fees keep going down because of L2s ... it could get spicy"} {"text":"@kobigurk @camiinthisthang Whats the other one? Religion? Unlike sequencers, prover writoors have no regulatory exposure"} {"text":"Mooncake from Bing, the next best thing to eth moon"} {"text":"defi your aesthetic with only a car"} {"text":"Bitboy is in jail for the wrong reasons. For the right reasons, he would never come out of jail"} {"text":"@TrustlessState Thats how all internet infrastructure works tho. The issue is demand, not price - unit price should go to zero, demand should go to infinity. Ultimately its @Austin_Federa s fault that he hasn't got useful apps"} {"text":"@kaiynne If brother Kain had done his mandatory tradfi service, he'd have known that most compliance is theatre"} {"text":"My bull case for fully onchain gaming is that its super fringey and mostly doesnt make any sense - exactly the kind of stuff that historically does 100-1000x in crypto"} {"text":"Please dont work for two long years on 2021 era defi ideas in 2023. You can always fork and pasta the existing 2021 shit in the 2025-26 bula"} {"text":"@ramahluwalia They will all pay Tim for his USB-C"} {"text":"@camiinthisthang provers can have bugs. very unlikely k provers have the same bug"} {"text":"All the hacks and rugs are already priced in"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart Fud"} {"text":"@Evan_ss6 XRP 'army' inspired the original 'marine' term"} {"text":"@pseudotheos Cobol rugs are reversible"} {"text":"Two reasons why marketing is the hardest job function in 1. number can never go up enough 2. number goes down sometimes"} {"text":"@Austin_Federa @ercwl The difference is solely in our choice of definitions"} {"text":"@ercwl @Austin_Federa Solana is not L1 *ducks*"} {"text":"@victorian_memo Not joking at all - gateway to the fastest growing large economy in the world"} {"text":"One counterintuitive downside of PoS v PoW is that all of the worlds blockchains except might end up running on cloud services - which could one day just prove to be the data centers of the Feds or Xi"} {"text":"re the entire modular v monolithic debate, the eli5 is that now we have two types of blockchains (a) those that have accurate confirmed transaction data at all times, and (b) those that hope someone else does"} {"text":"The biggest 10 year bull case for is that its the best city in India"} {"text":"@0xsachi Cardano"} {"text":"Covid is so back! Is this bullish for ethereum?"} {"text":"@elonmusk @stclairashley 126 hour long audiobook... will listen on the trip to mars"} {"text":"@ramahluwalia @CryptoLawUS GG lost a chunk of his team by making them work like goldman on govt pay - he may turn out to be the best thing that happened to crypto"} {"text":"The crypto futures market exists in three states: contango, backwardation and retardation"} {"text":"Blockchain was attacked on Google cloud for a $200m hack... this is what Satoshi died for @hal2001"} {"text":"@SwaroopH @infura_io @hotpot_dao solves this"} {"text":"How the fk am I seeing ugly animal cartoon collection launchers from 2021 pitch decks on rwa\/tokenization pitch decks in 2023? Is this serial entrepreneurship?"} {"text":"@lex_node I am not qualified to offer legal advice but you could trade a friendship bracelet for an ankle one..."} {"text":"@SamwiseSpraxx LinkedIn is just corporate America - its supposed to be very mid"} {"text":"Some people tweet like its LinkedIn... thing is, ya know wen yer stories are all made up, and everyone else does too"} {"text":"@lex_node You make it big *after* legal trouble such as the ICO, DaO hack etc"} {"text":"Someone told me in Hong Kong that whoever is close to the ethereum foundation makes it big When I asked such as... they said Charles Hoskinson and Gavin Wood "} {"text":"@KevinNaughtonJr You can't make a hen from chicken soup"} {"text":"Zelensky might be losing the war by raising too many funding rounds instead of shipping"} {"text":"@ankurnagpal ngl; While Walter Issacon's Steve Jobs bio was a work of literature, the Elon Musk Biography is practically a newspaper. Walter Issacson is probably a celebrity management franchise of ghost writers than an actual author at this point"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko 2007 Kia Solana?"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart"} {"text":"We need a deflationary burn mechanism for apartments in China"} {"text":"@andrej_muzevic Even @BanklessHQ doesn't think the EVM is great tech"} {"text":"@fede_intern @fran_strambini Thanks . If I made an eth every time someone says \"@chainyoda was right...\" I'd have more eth than the burn address today"} {"text":"A key difference between token prices and stonk prices is that token price movements reveal zero information about the *quality* of management decision making"} {"text":"SVM execution on Ethereum with Celestia DA and Risc0 for validity proofs @EclipseFND"} {"text":"@jessewldn Yes. Mostly good for PR and branding of well funded projects like Chainlink if done cheaply. Smaller startups should stick to consumer as its an existential risk in money and time terms to sell to and service bigcorp"} {"text":"@jessewldn Actually tradfi enterprise blockchain hype started in 2015 and 2017 upcycles. Its just that it was replaced by bigtech\/web2 blockchain in the 2021 upcycle. Due to prior disillusionment, this time tradfi blockchain is a bear market consolation prize"} {"text":"@0xAgusti Yeah why don't they eat cake"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko by not producing blocks w eth txns"} {"text":"@TrustlessState @Teck_jy @Branche_SC @drakefjustin My administration will crack down on MEV"} {"text":"@luigidemeo @aeyakovenko sETH"} {"text":"@luigidemeo @aeyakovenko Align yourself Luigi!"} {"text":"Why doesn't solano pivot to storing transaction data produced by sequencers on eth rollups? Can't @aeyakovenko add some namespacing code?"} {"text":"@BobSummerwill @ercwl @fede_intern @IAmNickDodson devs are are able to do enough money damage even on the EVM tho. How much damage can they do in even more flexible architectures is the question"} {"text":"@luigidemeo No offense but now you talk like a BD guy. Secdb is an object oriented graph database that links books, products, pricing models, market data, trades and positions on a DAG"} {"text":"@BobSummerwill @ercwl @fede_intern @IAmNickDodson Means programming models not designed for assets can cause too many bugs and rugs on money computers by enabling devs to produce unintended side effects"} {"text":"@luigidemeo Yours says capture data onchain. Mine says, for that to work, you have to rearchitect the chains. Ok ask Kevin to call someone at secdb, seriously"} {"text":"@luigidemeo Inshallah . All these are solvable engineering problems but \"tokenization\" doesn't automagically solve any of rhem. Study SecDB"} {"text":"@luigidemeo VM is not a database. The database is the chain of blocks, or the name value pairs in leveldb."} {"text":"@luigidemeo Subnets is a meme from marketing, not a scalable database"} {"text":"@ercwl @fede_intern Btw, @IAmNickDodson had a very interesting challenge to both wasm and risc-v his SGP talk - \"blockchains aren't general purpose computers, blockchains are computers for assets\""} {"text":"@luigidemeo See my LinkedIn. While your tweet is correct in principle, it ignores that public blickchains dont make scalable databases"} {"text":"@buffalu__ Is this a Google cloud ad?"} {"text":"@luigidemeo Goldman Sachs SecDB on the blockchain. How much data do you think we are talking about here?"} {"text":"@acityinohio Net is doing a lot of work there"} {"text":"Live footage of NFT and Web3 Gaming companies burning LP money"} {"text":"@santiagoroel How would you price crypto in that framework where rates stay at 5%?"} {"text":"ETH L1 txn activity can obviously fall as activity picks across L2s. This is the cosmosification of ethereum @MeherRoy spoke about a year ago"} {"text":"@LefterisJP @jpmorgan Is he from your village in Greece? Can you take care of him?"} {"text":"@whale_alert Ok can you guys stop trading?"} {"text":"@CaitlinLong_ Caitlin V Fed"} {"text":"95% of the NFT are not worthless now. 95% of the NFTs were worthless in BULL MARKET In bera the figure is at least 99.5% This is why buying cults is the winning strategy in crypto. For everything else, the dip often keeps dipping"} {"text":"@rleshner Life is a real world asset"} {"text":"crypto conference COVID is experiencing mass adoption rn"} {"text":"And you're bearish anon?"} {"text":"Banks, Swift, DTCC... I genuinely hope Chainlink makes a dent where we lot at at Ripple, IBM, DA, ConsenSys and R3 etc spent hundreds of person years and millions of dollars on PR proof of concepts for career development of middle managers in the innovation labs"} {"text":"@chrisamccoy If it's intent centric and trust minimized with an LLM based LLVM I am in"} {"text":"@GRITCULT @elonmusk Depends on what it is they are building"} {"text":"@unusual_whales Wen strikes at StakeDao @bneiluj"} {"text":"Ken Griffin paid $7m in fines for manipulating the market for years He will never financially recover from this "} {"text":"@paddi_hansen innovation"} {"text":"@andrej_muzevic @elonmusk @Tesla he didnt start it but he's earned to be a founder of tesla alrite"} {"text":"Reading @elonmusk s bio. One of the greatest founders ever, would have made a terrible employee..."} {"text":"@davidesilverman Just go through the 5,10 y S&P 500 component returns "} {"text":"Product Led > Sales Led"} {"text":"@BanklessHQ Disclose it @therealchaseeb"} {"text":"Wait a16z told me the UK is very crypto friendly..."} {"text":"@impranavm_ Everyone has to work in bera bro. Cant just make money from money"} {"text":"The main risk w crypto has always been malicious social media marketing of toxic assets to retail. France, India and the UK are acting on this influenza issue now and the rest of the G-20 will follow."} {"text":"@prestonjbyrne Overseas firms know that only Kings Biden, Putin and Xi can jail em"} {"text":"@YourstrulyVish RIP , sorry for your loss bro"} {"text":"@mohakagr You sound like you just turned down 2% of openAI stock?"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart This would also solve DRIVER EXTRACTABLE VALUE "} {"text":"@zengjiajun_eth That'd be a hack. I feel the only long term solution is enshrined\/protocol native liquid staking similar to Sui"} {"text":"@gmoneyNFT Sleep"} {"text":"I have no current plans to issue my own token"} {"text":"@0xbilly Bottom is not in till crypto companies start doing \"self funded team drinks\""} {"text":"Why doesn't someone just make fully onchain @Tetris_Official or Pacman to see what if anything fully onchain games bring to gaming?"} {"text":"@ElonMuskAOC In the history of misadventure capital, only @stripe has done more funding rounds (23) than Zelensky"} {"text":"@stonecoldpat0 @EliBenSasson @elonmusk The difference is 'stark' innit?"} {"text":"@NTmoney Re \"market to decide their fate\", there's no historical evidence of the market being effective at law enforcement unfortunately. This is the state's role."} {"text":"@mdudas @Austin_Federa see community demands re breakpoint ^"} {"text":"Has someone tried writing a trading bot for Slack ... e.g. Unislack?"} {"text":"Tesla is asking India for ecosystem grants to build in India - as if India is a layer 1 or layer 2 blockchain"} {"text":"IPO is the legal method of dumping on retail..."} {"text":"How do you re-restake a liquid re-staked token?"} {"text":"Fiction: crypto doesn't need the US Fact: most of the dominant crypto projects are US exports US has the highest share of btc mining USD stables are pretty much all of the stables market cap US is the largest market for crypto assets"} {"text":"@Blockworks_ gm"} {"text":"Tether is also pivoting from crypto to ai"} {"text":"Hm, @TheBlock__ these days"} {"text":"@pbrody I mean horizontal sleep is what they sell as luxury. Startup folks sleep vertical too "} {"text":"@pbrody Sleep is a luxury on long haul tho"} {"text":"@HermanNarula Similarly, a16z missed the LLM boom - which is great because now they can be a powerful force in defending openSource AI from openAI and Elon and such"} {"text":"@simplykashif Globally ser... upward management has max airdrop"} {"text":"@letsplayfrens Nah... unfortunately, only cryptographers (like Hal Finney) and Lawyers can fight the govt, the rest of us can talk about it"} {"text":"One thing I learnt from Link marines and Xrp army over the last cycle is to not attack your *friends* on social when they disagree or diverge from your offical party line"} {"text":"@helloimthatdude I was able to afford this flight. Thank you web3"} {"text":"@0xSoju It's non sequitur. No one builds on Solana because of SVM and hardly any current SVM apps have demand"} {"text":"@StevenGlinert Indian terrorists abroad, not random Canadians"} {"text":"@KyleSamani @richardchen39 Having many SROs eg FINRA, NASD, BCBS is different from being self regulated. If tradfi could self regulate we wouldn't need crypto"} {"text":"It's lame to ask why a token is up double digit percents on a day or week. The reason is always sudden mass adoption"} {"text":"@Flowslikeosmo Sorry bro. I too got phished for 10% of Cuban's phish this yr - stick to ledger"} {"text":"@Flowslikeosmo Hope soft wallet w not much in it"} {"text":"Biggest crypto markets after the US are Russia, UK, China, India and Korea To make it long term you need to have very strong communities built by people who connect well in native language\/culture of these regions is yet another aspect that differentiates BTC and ETH "} {"text":"@scottmelker Yes covid2049 was gud"} {"text":"Web3 is just gaming with more steps"} {"text":"@scottmelker "} {"text":"@Tom_Winter @jonathan4ny The roman empire is deeply corrupt @elonmusk"} {"text":"@moo9000 ETH has lots of tech debt and users that new chains don't. That makes open heart surgery riskier tho one was done for the merge. Also theres a path dependence here. defi summer and gas fee pressures happened too soon."} {"text":"L2s\/rollups weren't eth 2.0s original \"vision\" for scaling. Sharding was. ethereum arrived at the rollup centric roadmap by trying various scaling solutions and problem solving via market bases mechanisms. This is why it works!"} {"text":"@lulumeservey This is why SBF's parents had to rug FTX customers "} {"text":"@Flowslikeosmo Take profits and buy mansion like Mich"} {"text":"@Flowslikeosmo Take profits and buy memecoins with the profit? Naw"} {"text":"@therealchaseeb Ethereum core devs"} {"text":"@elonmusk Can neuralink be used by web3 people to instantly-download new knowledge and pivot to ai?"} {"text":"CTRL + ALT + DELET"} {"text":"must be running a gaming fund. The guy never stops raising and burning mountains of cash on a war footing"} {"text":"@CoinDesk @VaraNetwork @Liqquidity Named after Dubai's crypto regulator VARA!"} {"text":"@HashCurveKris @RebeccaRettig1 @nic__carter @ramahluwalia @perkinscr97 @pbrody @RealCryptoColin Ultimately what matters is asset quality and the controls that. Putting an asset onchain doesn't change the asset's risk profile. However if we do veBlaCrvPqTetuBal type of rehypothecation and risk transformation, then yes, there will be problems and transmission thereof"} {"text":"@HashCurveKris @RebeccaRettig1 @nic__carter @ramahluwalia @perkinscr97 @pbrody @RealCryptoColin Securitisation by any other name will have the same effects as securitization had. Tokenization for data\/process simplification is a whole other matter."} {"text":"Meanwhile commentary in the ZKSummit youtube chat"} {"text":"Fed says Tokenization is the Trojan horse of crypto tokens in the tradfi castle @RebeccaRettig1 @nic__carter @ramahluwalia @perkinscr97"} {"text":"@poordart GensBlur"} {"text":"@ivangbi_ Start w devs, not bagholders"} {"text":"@bendiken Thanks. Can't spell crypto without covid"} {"text":"When you catch covid at a crypto conference for the third time in three years"} {"text":"On the topic of \u2066@JustinTrudeau\u2069 s politics"} {"text":"Censorship remains resistant in the UK"} {"text":"@EclipseFND Congrats. Great experiment"} {"text":"Looks like Canada is about to bomb India with jars of maple syrup"} {"text":"@mdudas @eshita Solano L2 could have even TVL that's not jus staked Solano"} {"text":"Why do people wear banker-suits in Washington DC?"} {"text":"@pbrody They mean outside the company wan with whitelisted addresses for permissioning"} {"text":"@therealchaseeb Thats free tier. Premium clickhate service will melt faces "} {"text":"@therealchaseeb Can yoda get a 100k sol grant for Solana clickhate too?"} {"text":"People who value their own work by the number of people they manage or the number of departments they cover can destroy any startup"} {"text":"@therealchaseeb Theres a few of such WTFs in my Twitter history"} {"text":"Heard in Asia: \"every token launched by people close to the ethereum foundation does well, e.g. DOT and ADA\""} {"text":"Boggles my mind that two separate ethereum cofounders ( Gav and Charles ) raised a billion dollars plus each to build chains far less scalable\/useful than ethereum"} {"text":"@therealchaseeb I have been saying exactly this for months. Disclose the solano grant already!"} {"text":"L2 business models are about building transaction bandwidth on the internet of value. @0xPolygonLabs CDK is the equivalent of laying fibre optic cables while the competition is still pushing DSL lines from the telephone exchange"} {"text":"Binance fud has reached stratospheric levels. Max Binance fud I heard in Asia is some whales buying OTC hedges for the scenario when Binace takes Tether down wid it "} {"text":"@laurashin There's a belief in certain legal circles that all our regulatory challenges can he solved by calling a dex in \"decentralised exchange\" a \"communication protocol\"..."} {"text":"@WatcherGuru gm"} {"text":"@alpeh_v Escalating this to @danboneh"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Whats the BASE for your statement?"} {"text":"I would very much like to see my modular frens run SVM on top of Oracle DA layer and Amazon RDS settlement layer"} {"text":"@TrustlessState Reddit and 4chan also... sol-cial media marketing is next level"} {"text":"@hudsonjameson Reminds me of rumours of some original eth bois cleaning their souls in Brazil with Ayahuasca"} {"text":"Venture Capital is so hot in Stanford that two law profs invested a couple mils in making a whole baby to commit $8b fraud, generating 30% IRR over 30 yrs on their single baby fund. This was the real 30 over 30"} {"text":"@m1guelpf Much better than that "} {"text":"@m1guelpf How's being 40 yrs old?"} {"text":"gn Hong Kong. "} {"text":"@Yazanator Aragon guy say dis?"} {"text":"@StaniKulechov @AaveAave Rust "} {"text":"Wen?"} {"text":"Whatever bug was going around at Token2049 must have been planted by the Feds"} {"text":"Look mom, I am famous cc: @VitalikButerin"} {"text":"The main life goal of us crypto frens should be to avoid front page"} {"text":"@0xRacerAlt 1. Choose love over money and power "} {"text":"@spreekaway tokenization"} {"text":"@perkinscr97 Buy side cost\/margin pressures are the most compelling reason today but revenue is better. In the words of Jerry Maguire..."} {"text":"@perkinscr97 Thats still in the back office\/Vitamin bucket unfortunately. The challenge has always been demand. For whom is all this a painkiller? Why will Mr Fink call someone to call the regs to make the legal\/process\/ops changes? Why will he prioritise this over making money"} {"text":"@nullpackets @CatfishFishy @nic__carter @The_DTCC @nitingaur You do you "} {"text":"@udiWertheimer You gonna make me do long form writing . So it shall be"} {"text":"We need less of \"why tokenization will change everything so pls buy my bags\/consulting services\" and a lot more of... \"what have we learnt from the attempts so far and needs to be done to make tokenisation have anywhere near the impact it can have\""} {"text":"@nullpackets @CatfishFishy @nic__carter @The_DTCC @nitingaur Bro, Chainlink has an epic product and team, a truly great vision and great tech - why mix 2019 ICO era tweeting w hashtag hashtag militant shill vibe? Anyways its upto you. I remain a fan of Sergei from Nazareth"} {"text":"@perkinscr97 Pls remind everyone, we need less of \"why tokenization will change everything so pls buy my bags\/consulting services\" and a lot more of... \"what needs to be done to make tokenisation have anywhere near the impact it can have\""} {"text":"@SandyPeng1 @0xPolygon @Scroll_ZKP Ethereum Frens Forever You Me"} {"text":"@luigidemeo Chamath?"} {"text":"@nullpackets @CatfishFishy @nic__carter @The_DTCC Yes @nitingaur knows the details unlike PPT salesmen. That said, can you pls reply to me without a dozen hashtags and mentions of link? Better for the brand"} {"text":"@nullpackets @CatfishFishy @nic__carter @The_DTCC My tl;dr: Buy side cost pressures are the most compelling case for tokenization. Too many intermediaries eating the buy side cake as margins drop. Thats also whats changed since last tokenization hype cycle Selling tokenized illiquid stuff to retail is the least compelling case"} {"text":"@CatfishFishy @nic__carter The main chink in the armour of RWA\/tokenization is that simply representing an asset as ERC20 doesn't allow people to sell private market assets to retail Thats a matter of law, not technology, so you need to get the law changed, blockchain can't do that for you"} {"text":"@CatfishFishy @nic__carter HQLA onchain will do well. Rest we dont know yet. Management consulting has no predictive power either way"} {"text":"@JYSquall @lex_node @nic__carter Yes but virus, lockdowns, printer..."} {"text":"@CatfishFishy @nic__carter Yes, in 2010, Bain predicted that bitcoin will be a runaway success"} {"text":"@CatfishFishy @nic__carter HQLA onchain are already a significant thing - dollars, t bills. I am not sure about the rest"} {"text":"Me humbly thinks the ultimate bitcoin educator @nic__carter calling RWA inevitable is the ultimate bottom signal. Six more months of this crab market max and then we are looking at a 5 year sustained bull run, not like the '21 mania, but just slow sustained uponly with some vol"} {"text":"@0xRacerAlt @GwartyGwart @hasufl"} {"text":"@Crypto_Texan @pseudotheos endgame "} {"text":"F35 stands for Forbes 35 under 35"} {"text":"ENTERPRISE CHAINLINK ALLIANCE"} {"text":"Life is painfully hard in VC rn. Every week at least one well known VC fren is announcing transitioning to a buildoor\/operatoor role. Some US\/EU LPs are even pulling the plug on previously committed capital."} {"text":"Proof of reserves for cexes is more like POOF of reserves tbh "} {"text":"@dougboneparth Next time, put one of these inside every USAF stealth fighter"} {"text":"Its incredible how much of the tech and crypto sector wealth is owed to the novel coronavirus that inspired Powell to just keep printing like a maniac Have a poster of the bug on our walls - and thank it every morning. Much unnecessary unhappiness disappears immediately"} {"text":"Super-recycle "} {"text":"@paulg Sounds exactly like today..."} {"text":"@jbrukh Haha, the *average* age of the congress must exceed 42 "} {"text":"@mohakagr Legal department"} {"text":"@GarlamWON More mentally than financially poor tbh. US reg concerns hitting Asia also"} {"text":"@_TomHoward @inversebrah get us in yo"} {"text":"@IAmNickDodson @PaulRBerg @DCbuild3r @0xNLYFANS @yessimple01 @movementlabsxyz Re Sui:move, I am not convinced there is a clear path to efficiently mapping their object model to ethereum's state model. Also it's a major differentiator for Sui. This is different from aptos:move where aptos focuses on parallel execution"} {"text":"@_TomHoward Yes, and clear path to becoming a rollup"} {"text":"@simplykashif Shit happens to us all. Gratitude is the only way out of misery "} {"text":"now that crypto vc is so ultra mega super duper ded for apps, have people tried going back to ICO, IEO, IDO and the many forms of direct fundraising (outside amrika)?"} {"text":"@simplykashif Yeh you ain't gettin' your 50k back if you phat finger bro"} {"text":"\"You don't build a race car by committee Mr Ford, you need one man in charge\""} {"text":"Ford vs Ferrai - what a wonderful film What does your product stand for?"} {"text":"@mdudas Bera is for fkin around, bula is for finding out \u2122"} {"text":"We all talk about mass adoption a lot but the issue isn't apps. The issue is that other than which is a true painkiller for the Lebanese, the Argentinians and the Turks, most of what we make with blockchains today is just vitamins"} {"text":"@eshear Less individual work, more communication work as you move up the ladder"} {"text":"@futurenomics 1-30%"} {"text":"@0xhaeli05 4 over 30, 4 30 under 30. So not exactly \"written by\" 20 yr olds. Also"} {"text":"@0xhaeli05 Jefferson was 33 on the day, Franklin was 70. Bls fact-check"} {"text":"@pokerchessman @StrategicHash @TrustlessState @eggsquad_dev Frens pls don't set unrealistic public expectations from 4844 or the number will go down again"} {"text":"Unpopular opinion: under 30 ppls making laws is a lot scarier than 80 year olds making laws. Have you seen the Solidity code under 30s write? 40-70 is the sweet spot of sense and sensibility between full yolo hooman and full cynical hooman"} {"text":"@simplykashif Paxos buys lots of BTC from miners for PayPal and some other big tradfi"} {"text":"How do you get Grab-cab to accept foreign (UAE) credit cards in Singapore? It kept trying to protect me like GG protecc crypto ppls"} {"text":"@luigidemeo "} {"text":"AWS, Azure and Google Cloud should all pivot to being ethereum layer2 solutions "} {"text":"@paulg @geetkhosla @rabois When will Stanford offer graduate level degrees in \"Xi Jinping Thought\"?"} {"text":"Britain has real economic problems but if you read the news, our biggest problem yesterday was a dog, today it's Russell Brand - and I can't tell the difference between the two"} {"text":"@DCbuild3r @IAmNickDodson @0xNLYFANS @PaulRBerg @yessimple01 @movementlabsxyz Sui's object model is distinctive - wouldn't quite work as an L2"} {"text":"@lookonchain For staking right?"} {"text":"@TrustlessState @mdudas @0xMert_ Social consensus doesn't approve of this signature scheme"} {"text":"@Shenanigrahams @Mudit__Gupta Meee"} {"text":"@amandacassatt Did you think about the Roman empire?"} {"text":"Mr Hamilton and Mr Shumacher were here - looks like even F1 is a vibe business"} {"text":"@punk6529 RWA = onchain tradfi, thassit"} {"text":"@Austin_Federa What about the sense of Arbitrum?"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Only if we adjust for bag bias... ultimately with modular you can assemble a chain to make different tradeoffs is kinda the play"} {"text":"@jdkanani True"} {"text":"@jdkanani You're comparing Canada's poor to India's well off"} {"text":"Starting a cult"} {"text":"Only two years ago, at $4800 eth, according to Twitter, we crypto and web3 frens were the smartest people in tech"} {"text":"@pudgybearwhale @basedkarbon The quarantine"} {"text":"Does anyone have a list of who's already using or has committed to use the following DA layers EigenDA Celestia Avail Gnosis Also a tech\/feature comparison table would be epic @bkiepuszewski @twobitidiot sers"} {"text":"@SmokeyTheBera I am on the Bera hunt brother - Tokyo 22nd"} {"text":"Ser @davidsrz is the ultimate shippoor"} {"text":"@0xMert_ This is because monolithic chains came first and modular architectures evolved to address some limitations"} {"text":"@luigidemeo EVM centric L1s have the same weakness without the same strength"} {"text":"Because of the cold start problem, building your own community and devs is exponentially harder than simply borrowing Vitalik's community and devs This is the main strength, AND the main weakness of ethereum L2s "} {"text":"@alpeh_v Yes. IBMs fabric had no token and thus no cult. It slowly faded away into oblivion whereas lots of equally useless chains no one uses shine on Coingecko"} {"text":"Chainlink's CCIP stands for \"Cure Cancer Instantly Protocol\""} {"text":"What if friendtech is fedtech for koin influenzas"} {"text":"@0xRacerAlt ETH is only 34% scam this time, was 95% scam in 2019"} {"text":"The Microsoft Excel thesis is actually quite simple and comes down to a single thing: You can't cheat a DAG"} {"text":"@alpeh_v Cult is necessary for token, not for tech"} {"text":"@luigidemeo Happens all the time per Thaler and Kahneman"} {"text":"ZKasino is a most painful example, but by no means the only example of lots if crypto companies hiring marketers without any sense of cringe"} {"text":"Mark Cuban had 870K of bear market money in his hot wallet That's upto 9 million dollars of bull market money"} {"text":"Russell Brand said it was all consensual. He always consented on behalf of everyone involved"} {"text":"@ZoomerOracle Sophisticated actions"} {"text":"@ClayStack_HQ Worth the wait "} {"text":"@cryptoecongames @nic__carter Hahaha we are both unbiased in this regard"} {"text":"@austinrobey_ Exactly"} {"text":"@austinrobey_ Read Seth Godin's Tribes. It will help you understand the internet"} {"text":"@poordart Do Kwon"} {"text":"From a professional therapist friend: \"one of the occupational hazards of doing therapy is that you end up needing more therapy than the clients you do it for\""} {"text":"@EU_Commission How do I short the EU?"} {"text":"@nic__carter Come to Dubai Habibi... we will ruin SGP also for you"} {"text":"You can tell which VC frens are chasing @0xRacerAlt for the next round based on how effusive they are in their vision for the future of the app on this website"} {"text":"Most crypto teams are frustrated wen their narratives don't take off. Bro, the strength and size of your community is your echo chamber. If its big, even retarded stuff will resonate. If it's nonexistent, you can invent a cure for cancer and no one dgaf. This is the catch 22 "} {"text":"@MohapatraHemant Execs yes, founders no. Some of the best founders have either vast egos, or chippy egos and are driven to accomplish insane feats by that"} {"text":"L2 wars rn..."} {"text":"@hal2001 To be fair, its good that the law at the time wasn't applied to the ethereum ICO. Sometimes the law falls decades behind the technology and society has to come around to this realisation through the efforts of innovators"} {"text":"@joeyroth Nah, Romans were not stodgy, boring or inhibited"} {"text":"@La__Cuen He didn't write shit. He was the King yo"} {"text":"Experts tell me that increasingly high IQ solidity based defi hacks and exploits come not from North Korea but from Russia and the US, and increasingly from South America I am a bit disappointed that India is not participating in this type of financial inclusion"} {"text":"@ianDAOs I have only one hard question. Should I buy ethereum now or wait for a couple of months for the rate hikes, binance fud and such to shake out?"} {"text":"Gotta respect Marc Cuban for onboarding one billion dollars onto the entire web3 experience"} {"text":"Apart from (only legit) founders having to deal with a mountain of legal crap and why number go down, its much easier to build in crypto than in the rest of tech industry where the token launch doesn't cover your failure Its just insanely hard to build useful things in crypto"} {"text":"@hal2001 @aliciakatz @ljin18 Stop watching Spartacus Hart. It's only as real as a decentralised bridge"} {"text":"@semil 10% Abu Dhabi, 20% Riyadh"} {"text":"@hal2001 @aliciakatz @ljin18 Alicia, end this empire!"} {"text":"@cz_binance @BinanceUS Aah, Norman Reed. For once I thought @JohnReedStark is the new CEO"} {"text":"@StockMKTNewz @cameron "} {"text":"Key lesson from @nounsdao - DaO treasury is when others spend the money you sent into a pool"} {"text":"If your marketing team isn't able to turn PhD brain technical ideas into monkey brain memes like ethereum community does, erm, your bags are a long way away from hitting moonlambo market cap The Merge The Surge The Scourge The Verge The Purge The Splurge"} {"text":"So crypto shark tank is basically FTX creditors that were bullish on SBF?"} {"text":"@kobigurk Kobi is a zk Ko-processor"} {"text":"@nic__carter @mdudas Who are those guys? Cringe ventures?"} {"text":"@MonetSupply Paxos knows all the btc miners, because pools . Same thing w eth staking pools soon"} {"text":"Beras of @berachain are vibe bulls"} {"text":"Lol. Primary motivations for investing in digital assets - GS survey"} {"text":"@moo9000 Could be russian - there's a Rus in Laza-Rus"} {"text":"@vaneckpk Is this because folks are in it for the tokenology and not the technology?"} {"text":"@0xsachi its very important but narratives keep changing - compared to pre-defi coin era, product increasingly matters and distribution is obv king"} {"text":"@Blockanalia This is the power of web3"} {"text":"@mdudas we dont ask if it means something, we ask if it memes something rwa-s have free cash flows our assets are free of cash flows I prefer offchain assets vs natively onchain"} {"text":"@moo9000 Go to zkSummit London on 20th. Rest no alfa"} {"text":"@OurielOhayon @tayvano_ @zachxbt Yeah if Vlad accepts Tether"} {"text":"Two conferences ended, eth automagically up $80 from the bottom. Do with this info what you will "} {"text":"The obvious question no one seems to be asking is - where does Kim convert his coins into hard cash? Vladivostok? Guandong? \u2066@tayvano_\u2069 \u2066@zachxbt\u2069"} {"text":"@Fiskantes By the time it happens they will be the same picture"} {"text":"@DoveyWan Same here but 11pm"} {"text":"You have VC talent if you DGAF about cars or racing but you fomo into Formula-1 anyway because its a cool thing to get into and everyone else seems to want to go "} {"text":"@PRHillmann @adamscochran sentence 2 sounds concerning as phrased"} {"text":"gm"} {"text":"Yes but after ethereum devcon, zksummit and ethcc"} {"text":"@fintechfrank 4"} {"text":"@alpeh_v Now I am getting hate mail because of you"} {"text":"Ser @balajis network state book tour is one of the bright highlights of token2049. Balaji has inspired and invested in so many mission driven builders in the region that he IS an ecosystem at this point. The success of Network State the book is truly well deserved "} {"text":"@Jack_Raines Using the goddess nature token?"} {"text":"News from a16z HQ Broke: web3 Woke: AI Bespoke: Bond trading"} {"text":""} {"text":"@poordart Then we park our collective sins on some main character, and repeat."} {"text":"Would never have guessed"} {"text":"is winning because its continuously learning and integrating the best ideas from Cosmos and other L1s all the time Other L1s eg Cosmos are not winning because they aren't learning from ethereum "} {"text":"I am hoping protocols like @CelestiaOrg, @Osmosis and @dYdX can save Cosmos from down-only by providing the community some shelling points that ATOM should have but hasn't In tech's never enough, tokens are always about community"} {"text":"Most American residents who think US has the most adverse policy environment for crypto should really get on a plane to India and China - as an industry, we are not making any frens anywhere with the freedom to \"sell $BALD and pull liquidity\""} {"text":"@HsakaTrades Hidden gems right? @JSeyff"} {"text":"@avichal Yes we do. Money crypto's policy challenges in India, Korea and mainland China are far worse than those in the US."} {"text":"@YoannTurpin1 @sreeramkannan The real shared security is the frens we made along the way"} {"text":"@NTmoney >> It doesn\u2019t work if you\u2019re addicted to fundraising to rake in management fees though Many such cases. Charge 2%, never distribute "} {"text":"@intangiblecoins How many of these 18 trillions do you think are gunna buy our bags"} {"text":"@BradyDale @hosseeb Randi Zuck will call you"} {"text":"@BradyDale @hosseeb Web3 was cool. Thats why its rekt"} {"text":"@derek_hsue Congrats!"} {"text":"@0xkhan_ it will, eventually"} {"text":"I'd never have bought a nft if they hadn't got GGd "} {"text":"@WatanabeSota "} {"text":"@dmihal @PaulRBerg @tarunchitra Its also the year. T-bills have better yield and Binance has better fees. Most folks couldn't be bothered to trade friends, memecoins and sonicInu thankfully"} {"text":"@nic__carter @AlexFiskum "} {"text":"@mdudas @lemiscate Bandana punks follow the devs "} {"text":"Segregated Witness - this is btw"} {"text":"Eigenfrens "} {"text":"@MariaShen @jacqmelinek 1m devs in your case Maria "} {"text":"@gajeshnaik @Austin_Federa @therealchaseeb theres a Fed in federa"} {"text":"@0xkenzi @sreeramkannan Sreeram ser also tells the story brilliantly - I want to attend his classes"} {"text":"So @LayerN_Official is @SeiNetwork, but as an ethereum rollup instead of a Cosmos appchain?"} {"text":"Ser @sreeramkannan simplifying EigenDA - the why, what and how"} {"text":"Mixed feelings about zk-bridge guys doing free 'haircuts' as a public good but this is a true value add service to the community"} {"text":"Kyle and Su can engage in unregulated activities"} {"text":"@superphiz bro which one? united states social consensus seems to disagree a lot with network state social consensus these days"} {"text":"If you trade on a dex your trading becomes non financial"} {"text":"@mdudas metaverse "} {"text":"@chrisamccoy @hal2001 @twMattt @PrimordialAA @PolyhedraZK @koeppelmann is the only dude who seems to be trying fwiw"} {"text":"@chrisamccoy @hal2001 @twMattt @PrimordialAA @PolyhedraZK Hart doesn't know what % of eth nodes run on the cloud "} {"text":"I heard Arthur's pool party at 2049 had even less liquidity than Bitmex"} {"text":"They made Daniel Ricciardo of Formula-1 fake smile for an hour as he complied with selfies with a long line of Token 2049 attendees Daniel is now ready to be a founder of his own layer-1 blockchain project"} {"text":"@chrisamccoy @hal2001 @twMattt @PrimordialAA @PolyhedraZK I don't make the rules. Social consensus does"} {"text":"When I hear crypto x ai pitches combining MLM and LLM, I realise that sometimes its extremely important to be utterly stupid"} {"text":"@hal2001 @twMattt @PrimordialAA @PolyhedraZK btw, if social consensus says that a google cloud oracle is decentralised, then it is so "} {"text":"The last crypto lawyer on twitter with actual regulatory compliance experience inside a bank"} {"text":"@lex_node That speech did not contain the CFTC enforcement director's best thinking or most thought through arguments. He should quickly revisit what he said, admit he was wrong, and publish a new take that makes it clear that building a DEX is not an offence"} {"text":"@josephdelong @jaypegsautomart @BanklessHQ not a security "} {"text":"Stoner cats were Art, just really bad art"} {"text":"Bought stoner cat floor is up 160% today "} {"text":">> Paxos is in contact with the miner to recoup the funds This is so much better than MEV-burn! Just set up a claim form and a telephone directory of block builders "} {"text":"@BitcoinMagazine @mononautical Wait for PayPal to enter the MEV business and make it all back in one block"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart Do you have to align everything with ethereum?"} {"text":"@moo9000 @tayvano_ Virgil's Pyongyang demo seems to have grown exponentially"} {"text":"Go to Arthur Hayes' pool party or go to sleep? It will be great but... "} {"text":"@gregosuri @twobitidiot Remember Messari theses for 2022?"} {"text":"@RegenRene @minipay @opera "} {"text":"Polygon Community is the global mass adoption department of"} {"text":"1. Astar: Polkadot --> Polygon zkEVM 2. Manta: Polkadot --> ETH L2 3. \u23f0"} {"text":"Is $CRV gonna sort of $LUNA?"} {"text":"Got a tip that I\u2019ve not yet been able to fully verify but if it\u2019s true it\u2019ll be a more painful thread And life in a thread would be the good outcome for @adamscochran I\u2019ve sent that tip to some journalists I think can confirm it if it\u2019s real, and will keep folks updated"} {"text":"@priyeshugarg Erm, no. Sauces?"} {"text":"I have a lot of respect for people who build woolly, abstract, philosophical things like \"self sovereign identity\" for years and years of their natural lives, especially if they arent self sovereign wealthy from an ICO or smth Its like being a literature grad, but in tech"} {"text":"@0xMerp This is the power of web3 "} {"text":"@HsakaTrades Offchain defi ends only one way "} {"text":"@AutismCapital Its a good green message wrapped in profound corporate cringe. What happened to art and storytelling? Steve is really dead, isn't he?"} {"text":"@hal2001 @twMattt @PrimordialAA @PolyhedraZK Thank you both for the PVP. The vibe's getting very boring otherwise "} {"text":"@EricDadoun I dont think they care if you bring a couple of btc along"} {"text":"@santiagoroel Well sometimes its more fun when you don't know how the sausage is made"} {"text":"@Parv_EP American money is also going offshore via offshore entities"} {"text":"Where to go after Bali, Dubai and Singapore sign an extradition treaty w the Feds"} {"text":"@kobigurk @daddysether @stonecoldpat0 @Bawarhamad1 Yeah. Having managed 0-350 people in various roles, I have some experience with the entire bell curve of people managers and people mis-managers"} {"text":"tl;dr from VC panel as to whats hot and hypium.... Money crypto --> Asia Tech crypto --> Still Mostly America The future is Orbcoin ie make gud-koin in amrika and sell it in Asia"} {"text":"@daddysether @cyounessi1 As long as your F&F don't follow your twitter, you gud "} {"text":"@daddysether @cyounessi1 Bros, if you shilled eth to F&F at pico top, refund2convince"} {"text":"So fuel's focus is on handling assets and not general purpose computation via HLLs like rust"} {"text":"Crux of the main argument is that blockchains are not general purpose computers but \"money computers\" for assets and require specialised\/optimised runtimes, not general purpose runtimes"} {"text":"Ser @IAmNickDodson of @fuel_network intentionally challenging the use of WASM runtimes (and one thinks accidentally, risc-v and linux runtimes) on s"} {"text":"Who is working on bitcoin restaking?"} {"text":"It should be against the law to fud CZ, Binance or Tether on this website"} {"text":"@daddysether @stonecoldpat0 @Bawarhamad1 The risk is not rewarding people managers but 'internal information aggregators' who just summarize and report upwards what others do"} {"text":"@hotpot_dao detail?"} {"text":"@hotpot_dao How do you stop people from adding insecure rug-ins? Who audits and curates?"} {"text":"@samnode_ and phishing"} {"text":"I have been to so many conferences now that token expo and the seafood expo next door feel identical"} {"text":"Re Luna, FTX and Binance resignations, if you are a C-level exec or director in a company, or a notable\/influential figure in DaO governance, the MOST important thing you must remember is that the labs\/foundation lawyer is not YOUR lawyer"} {"text":"Her name was Catherine Coley"} {"text":"The most important difference between a crypto founder and a crypto executive is not responsibility, cash or tokens, but jail risk "} {"text":"@lBattleRhino That was Karbon's 200th investment of $1000 in a memecoin"} {"text":"Law is just social consensus at scale, literally"} {"text":"Once I realised that no one else has a clue either, I started to see the world through zk-lenses"} {"text":"@upshotintern @NikhilChatu @rleshner @Permissionless Their assets are free cash flows Our assets are free OF cash flows"} {"text":"@jon_charb Its decentralised if social consensus says its decentralised "} {"text":"@NoelleInMadrid Its rug-u-lated"} {"text":"Today is my (at least) 108-th crypto conference-versary If you are a productive member of society, you don't have to be You can do this too "} {"text":"@uriklarman "} {"text":"In bera you can save one whole ETH by not buying the latest iPhone Follow me for more such priceless bera survival tips"} {"text":"Privacy pools have one core issue. The Feds aren't looking for someone to build a 20% better Tornado Cash"} {"text":"@Blockworks_ @superstatefunds @rleshner Robert is an ETF denier?"} {"text":"@0xsachi After the 99th coinference, you dgaf if even seed round for the 'next ethereum' arrives after midnight"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart This requires re-education at home. By the time he is 8, he should be able to run an archive node on his raspberry pi"} {"text":"@uriklarman Full circle. Tradfi boomers want to disintermediate blockchain intermediaries "} {"text":"@circle @cosmos @noble_xyz Well done team Noble. Super bullish for @osmosiszone"} {"text":"The real endgame for crypto rn should be to to not end the whole damn game by doing rugs and scams"} {"text":"@MetaMask "} {"text":"Team @gnosischain are max innovative. Whatever they are on in Berlin, I want"} {"text":"Supercycle "} {"text":"@fede_intern @IAmNickDodson @fuel_network Honored to hang w yall epic builders sers . The formal business term for therapy is 'executive coaching' "} {"text":"@smsunarto \"You are investing in fully onchain games for the next generation\""} {"text":"@The3D_ Bullish ghost!"} {"text":"@alancarroII Buserarti "} {"text":"@benjaminjwhitby @prestonjbyrne Bro don't @ me. Talk to the judge. Gov can sanction contracts which are property of the dao, which is an entity - is the judge's view"} {"text":"Guess this incident is strangely brand aligned\/cultural fit for"} {"text":"So Wormhole Bangalore is the *fifth* crypto conference this week!"} {"text":"@spectatorindex Bullish for peace "} {"text":"\"Polygon's customers are developers, so developer experience is our priority\" - @sandeepnailwal"} {"text":"Kinda funny that the FTX bankruptcy estate has *90 times* more Solano than MATIC I guess Manlets 'won' this one"} {"text":"Dubai:Singapore::6 months hot:12 months humid"} {"text":"@mikegushansky Yes because"} {"text":"If this is true, I would like to congratulate this talented team from India for showing that our NFT people can also spend $120 MILLION DOLLARS just as fast as Miami, New York and SF NFT people . We have arrived "} {"text":"Don't do what self appointed ethereum influencers say Do what the ethereum founder does "} {"text":"@benjaminjwhitby @prestonjbyrne no. the entire case was about contracts being sanctioned by fincen"} {"text":"@santiagoroel gm"} {"text":"@insidercnews Looks like the FTX portfolio being sold"} {"text":"@mattyklein_ I read selling"} {"text":"@deepcryptodive If you build in Asia, youre not a builder?"} {"text":"Rebecca is an anomaly in the fabric of crypto law spacetime. 0% engagement farming 100% impact"} {"text":"So impressed by @EspressoSys pivot from the lost cause of Fed friendly privacy to shared sequencing. Brilliant timing, speed and execution on that so far"} {"text":"Reports are that permissionless is mostly audience-less so far. Lots of my burger frens also are in Asia because there are way too many coinferences in burgerland anyway, and the Feds are creating a pain vibe all around"} {"text":"@BillHughesDC So far they have avoided responsibility and cut their workload by allowing offshore firms to do whatever in the UK under reverse solicitation. I don't see that changing"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart Your eth alignment is dropping faster than my ethfolio Dan"} {"text":"@prestonjbyrne FYI - re first amendment, Van Loon judge took a different view of contracts already deployed and invoked \"to effect a transaction\". You want the user to deploy their own copy of uniswap or compound contracts? Those would have no liquidity"} {"text":"@prashant_xyz"} {"text":"The American mind can not comprehend healthy food"} {"text":"Me attending all 308 side events at @token2049"} {"text":"dropping as if Vitalik's ledger got hacked alongwith his twitter :-("} {"text":"Singapore "} {"text":"@statelayer 4 this week 4 coinferences"} {"text":"@EricDadoun Bro, buy a proper suit for the blackrock digital asset event already"} {"text":"@camiinthisthang @apolynya He reached endgame"} {"text":"@LordTylerWard God save the King?"} {"text":"@MarcHochstein They spent 5mil in 12 months. Thats about 400k\/mo ie a blended 20 people fully loaded headcount "} {"text":"Sometimes I want to pivot to AI every 3 years during AI bula and crypto for the other three years during coin bula. Is there a neuralink solution or brain implant that makes this possible?"} {"text":"@BrianQuintenz @JWVerret Permission to use this tweet as pasta ser?"} {"text":"@_khanhamzah This tweet did not contain your best thinking or most thought through arguments. You should quickly revisit what you said, admit you were wrong, and publish a new take that makes it clear holding coins should not be an offense."} {"text":"Will you buy a $1400 USB-C port from Apple (also known as iPhone15) in September?"} {"text":"Four more coinferences this week, then uponly in October"} {"text":"In bera you can save one bitcoin a year by eating Ramen at home daily instead of restaurant food Follow me for more such priceless bera survival tips"} {"text":"The hottest thing in AI is an LLM with billions of parameters and millions of users The hottest thing in crypto is an App to produce an airdrop for *one hundred* influencers"} {"text":"@TheDeFinvestor Idk, market liquidity is so ded that unless a sophisticated actor buys everything OTC... it's gonna hurt"} {"text":"@jdkanani ZK social consensus?"} {"text":"Lazarus research must be investigating Yubikey deeply"} {"text":"@kobigurk Everything is going down in Bera, even compute cost "} {"text":"@kobigurk ZK is so powerful that it can make any computation 10,000 times more expensive"} {"text":"@kobigurk ZK solves this"} {"text":"@simplykashif @ShubmanGill Sasurji"} {"text":"We should burn the lithium before price drops right?"} {"text":"@basedkarbon Were you born in 1990?"} {"text":"@seyitaylor Reveals the real dangers of girlfriends"} {"text":"@poordart Should never click on any ethereum tweets mentioning sharding. I have been seeing them for 5 years. Sharding is not real"} {"text":"Touched too much grass"} {"text":"@gadikian There aren't that many. Lets be happy w those who say nice things"} {"text":"If love doesn't keep you alive, try Pocari Sweat"} {"text":"Hello frens, pls be nice to former regulators who defect across the DMZ to our side. "} {"text":"@theklineventure Considerable research suggests hiring for Skills and culture\/role fit, neither potential nor experience. 'Potential' is known to be a source of bias and experience could just be time served and labels on CV"} {"text":"Every rose has its thorns... every bula has irs bera"} {"text":"@statelayer Any bald guy"} {"text":"Its quite comforting to realise that the beautiful life on this planet is indomitable, and it will continue, even thrive if we humans are gone one day"} {"text":"@jebus911 Peach futures are regulated by the CFTC, unironically"} {"text":"@tmnxeq @mdudas Losing Solana nfts is not that costly anyway "} {"text":"@mdudas I just saw Toly furiously setting up 2FA on the news"} {"text":"@tmnxeq"} {"text":"If you didn't click on the protodanksharding NFT link from Vitalik's hacked Twitter, you need to work on your ethereum alignment "} {"text":"@Fwiz My money is on advisor to some web3 VC"} {"text":"@0xJCT @hudsonjameson @ChrJentzsch NeolETHic society - stoned age"} {"text":"@0xMert_ Yep. influenzas that influence people to buy high and sell low are why so many people hate crypto"} {"text":"@hudsonjameson @0xJCT @ChrJentzsch Before theDaO launched, we even had some projects without their own token "} {"text":"@JohnReedStark Devrel is all about building JRS, it's got nothing to do with buying or selling"} {"text":"The reason I am not too excited about AI x Blockchain yet is because most people will experience AI through Microsoft excel, which is a type of centralised blockchain"} {"text":"Friendtech is being shilled a little too hard by influenzas rn but if that's all we have to keep us warm rn, then let's stay warm occasionally "} {"text":"The seeds of next bula were sown in the last bula. Ppls 'hyper-funded' completely redacted things, at least one of which should get markets irrationally hyper-excited at some point "} {"text":"What if GG becomes uber bullish and pro crypto after retirement lol"} {"text":""} {"text":"@AnnaRRose no, its been with us since the dawn of chimpanity"} {"text":"@functi0nZer0 29 is cold. Have you tried CRISPR to implant some melanin?"} {"text":"A USB-C port that costs $1400"} {"text":"The hopes of the entire space in the US rest on three teams winning a case or two when the day comes - and it will come 1. Coinbase 2. Uniswap 3. DY\/DX"} {"text":"@jimmyhumania @armaniferrante Which ethcripture says? Show me"} {"text":"@armaniferrante @jimmyhumania NEVER! Only ethereum aligned PFPs for me "} {"text":"@armaniferrante Only the ivory tower part ser"} {"text":"One really important aspect of modular Blockchain research is the relentless search for taxonomy and nomenclature rather than utility and apps "} {"text":"@armaniferrante @FUCORY I'd say \"decent\" because no one on the planet is normal"} {"text":"@Fxhedgers @elonmusk had warned us about the dangers of AI "} {"text":"@armaniferrante For you Its 80 Sol\/wk "} {"text":"Korean and Japanese food is much healthier than Indian food, let alone American or British food Live in Switzerland, eat Korean\/Japanese food must be a hack"} {"text":"Jeez @token2049 has 380 side events. One side event for every 10 crypto visitors to SGP probably This coinference is more decentralised than any known public"} {"text":"@kobigurk what if it's negative? doesn't sound like a proof"} {"text":"In bera you can save 1 in a week of foreign travel by taking public transport instead of renting a car Follow me for more priceless bera survival tips learnt from working in nocoiner (RWA) blockchain "} {"text":"@aeyakovenko Won't be de w kyc and gary rules ser. Try onchainfi"} {"text":"@collins_belton @BillHughesDC @stephendpalley"} {"text":"@josephdelong Learn Python and start an LLM scheme"} {"text":"@tmnxeq Sol hackathons are not a bad idea - they were a pipeline for VC funding but there's very little support for devs afterwards as VC funding for Sol projects died away in the SBF crash. Devs are left to \"the community\" to figure it out"} {"text":"@jchervinsky gm"} {"text":"@iamDCinvestor DC why are you tracking wasted wine? I thought you were financially stable"} {"text":"@bytemaster7 Yeshua is counting your earnings from grifts brother - a billion dollars takes a long time to count"} {"text":"@matchaxyz Its unfortunate that you guys settled when CFTC has no jurisdiction over spot commodity trading - they regulate derivatives. Even commissioner Messinger noted this in her dissent. Fire the outside counsel and hire a good one internally"} {"text":"@NTmoney Current market microstructure eg clearing and FCM is enshrined in the rules. DeFi offers an alternate microstructure with few intermediaries. SBF was also lobbying Behnam to allow him to replace clearing with liquidation and his blowup did enormous damage to the cause of defi."} {"text":"@twobitidiot This is the financial inclusion Virgil Griffith wanted to see "} {"text":"@BillHughesDC @stephendpalley @collins_belton Regulation by enforcement this, ranting on twitter that - but if the industry legal experts wish to litigate on twitter instead of in the court, even God and America's founding fathers can not help us "} {"text":"@hildobby_ How many has he made?"} {"text":"@moo9000 @stephendpalley Opyn never had a token but 0x are well funded. Why did they settle?"} {"text":"@AntonioMJuliano Even in tradfi, its not the software that needs to register but the operator of the financial service provided by using the software. Its however unfortunate that for operators in defi, a path to register also does not exist, and the feds are not making any effort to create one"} {"text":"@NTBro @KeithGrossman @0xPolygonLabs @moonpay I just went to the DMZ to request Kim to return the $-s and apes he rugged "} {"text":"@dnkta better than jailfi"} {"text":"@poordart Thats exactly the issue"} {"text":"@MaxiNicky @aeyakovenko @solanamobile Need 30 day return policy on SOL and phone, just like Amazon"} {"text":"I remain thoroughly tickled by the idea of devs working in NYC or SF, earning in US dollars and funded by bay area funds configuring geoblocks to stop US users from accessing their protocols "} {"text":"How on earth did Virgil Griffith travel to DPRK - via China?"} {"text":"We need Pocari sweat maxis to PVP with Red Bull maxis"} {"text":"@josephdelong They are buying a precedent on the cheap"} {"text":"Given these CFTC actions, American investors and founders exporting defi to Asian users is gonna be so funny Build in America Profit in America Block in America Use in Asia Its the Orbcoin paradigm "} {"text":"Frens from @moonpay at the DMZ "} {"text":"They call it the Korean war but its always been US v China (and Russia) - and that conflict is not getting any better Thats probably where the Ukrainian war ends as well. Russia takes territory and a smaller Ukraine carries on as a Nato outpost"} {"text":"@functi0nZer0 US gonna go the way of Orbcoin. Tokenholders and investors will be american, users will be Asian"} {"text":"Rugged again by North Korea. A $5.55 souvenir DPRK bill costs $20 in the DMZ "} {"text":"@ernani_eth You would have to fork and change the code so yeah, new project"} {"text":"@lex_node Think this is specifically about derivatives, not spot yet. Only 0x among those three made real dollars and paid the least fine. Real dollars = gud lawyers"} {"text":"Who's building Tornado Cash - Vitalik edition? \"The paper outlines a protocol, called Privacy Pools, which would allow its users to demonstrate that they did not receive funds from specific groups, without revealing specific sources of funding\""} {"text":"Gold may not pump as much as ERC20s but it sticks around - 1600 years after this Korean VC died, his allo is still safu"} {"text":"@0xmillie_eth Lazarus is like a convenient ded letter box for crypto cases Feds dont want to investigate. Too convenient"} {"text":"@Fwiz haha I suspect he's at Langley, Virginia, getting a zk-medal from Yellen"} {"text":"@AutismCapital Langley, Virginia"} {"text":"Where is Trabucco lol"} {"text":"@0xgaut usb-c "} {"text":"The Vitalik-Ameen-Chainalysis paper is different from how the Feds think - as in the KYC-AML-CFT regime *specifically* relies on knowing *who* is transacting, ie source of funds is only one aspect, but if @chainalysis can influence the Feds otherwise, that'd be huge progress"} {"text":"@Yazanator Lol that's deep legacy bro"} {"text":"@santiagoroel It didn't. Adding a cigarette pack warning for my sake"} {"text":"@santiagoroel Caveat: not a causal relationship"} {"text":"$500B Korean Asset Manager, Mirae Asset Securities, Taps \u2066@0xPolygonLabs\u2069 to Develop Tokenized Securities Network"} {"text":"Foreign cards dont work at the metro and metro is the only way to get around in nonrandom time. These gentlemen were kind enough to swap my 10AED for KRW and even buy me a ticket. Met so many nice folks in the city"} {"text":"@DrNickA Yah tho I'm thinking it's important to be hyped about this one"} {"text":"@franciskthomas Bald power"} {"text":"I don't think today's Hollywood can match the sheer soft power of India's biggest cultural export: Buddhism back in the day"} {"text":"I am starting to think that is a civilisation level shift and its redacted to not pay attention right when we are at it's inflexion point Stone --> Bronze --> Iron --> Steam Engine --> Silicon --> AI"} {"text":"Do locals take cabs in Seoul? Its like slow crab crypto bera in the cabs if you leave Gangnam and it feels like you're stuck in it forever"} {"text":"@mrjasonchoi I am in it for the technology, unironically"} {"text":"@fschaer @VitalikButerin @chainalysis @mat_nadler @UniBasel_en @ameensol Nice. Ameen blocked me for my unrevolutionary thoughts at the time Fincen sanctioned but here we are in the end after all"} {"text":"@jyarow @SBF_FTX should get an extra 10 years for this"} {"text":"The most exciting thing going on in research.... ...is offchain"} {"text":"Too late @0xgaut, you just confessed to MEV"} {"text":"@kobigurk Kobi ser value add investor"} {"text":"@amytongwu Everyone does mo DD in bera :-)"} {"text":"@BanklessHQ Drop in price?"} {"text":"@0xgaut It includes tax payable to IRS under the proposed Broker rule"} {"text":"@wsfoxley @GwartyGwart @IIICapital I thought Wertheimer is like Heisenberg, BND\/German Spy"} {"text":"Getting a cab at the venue around 5pm is a total nightmare so I took a hotel shuttle to the road where local fren Maro was kind enough to pay my $1.5 bus ticket to Gangnam as I didnt have cash. Frens > Coins"} {"text":"@Blockanalia Literally crypto traders"} {"text":"has a huge unspoken advantage over rust oriented blockchains. Rust devs can easily leave to do something else but no one outside blockchains needs solidity skills "} {"text":"The biggest threat to the Industry is that if printer doesn't come for a long time, we might have to build things people want to pay for and earn a profit like normal main street businesses, instead of just mooning valuations in rounds like venture backed tech startups do"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart It's p2mm2mm2mm"} {"text":"Solana learning about spending money on partnership announcements in bera"} {"text":"@NeerajKA A coincenter paper on in game nfts"} {"text":"If goes to Zero because in the rather unlikely scenario that some exchange goes to Zero, then maybe we deserve to go to Zero I personally think honey badger dgaf "} {"text":"@santiagoroel @aeyakovenko It's not the quitting that counts. It's what you DO *after* you quit"} {"text":"@DefiIgnas @ASvanevik Well, the burger empire won the wars and did the reconstruction in their own image so..."} {"text":"Cant measure things by their immediate token price impact. In bera you have to fk around, make bets and build and only in bula we find out what we find out"} {"text":"@twobitidiot That we must"} {"text":"Unlike the last bera which was deep, this bera is long. Many traders who aren't rekt in money terms, will also capitulate because of boredom and despair Builders have an edge over traders in this environment. They have things to keep their minds ticking while we crab along..."} {"text":"@twobitidiot Constitution was re-interpreted at least twice (a) Nixon's war on drugs (b) 9\/11, the travel rule battle is unlikely to be winnable long term"} {"text":"ol' frens gang gang so good "} {"text":"@redphonecrypto That's just standard issue bear market in any industry or sector. Not sure why they need to cope or larp about doing something else... if you think prospects are better elsewhere, just do that something else - life goes on... why make a big deal of it?"} {"text":"@DrNickA"} {"text":"@WEB3YashK @ConnextNetwork mmm binance listing can be very difficult to get. Founders do what they do looking forward. Good they raised cash then cash was on offer, now they need to live to bula and build"} {"text":"@camillionaire_m Their size is size?"} {"text":"@WEB3YashK @ConnextNetwork Connext seems in line with the market, down 60-70% from last round"} {"text":"@moo9000 @valkenburgh ^"} {"text":"Polygon's @davidsrz and Scroll's @SandyPeng1 on s at"} {"text":"@adamscochran Gav and Emin have not self identified as modular"} {"text":"@gajeshnaik @eigenlayer @shrimalmadhur Gajesh valuation 3x on this news"} {"text":"@ASvanevik Its a database bro"} {"text":"official metrics are like Chinese financial reporting. Sometimes they show more users, txns and devs on solana than there are in all of combined rn"} {"text":"@luigidemeo Sorry I can not fraternise with the agent of a different network state"} {"text":"@luigidemeo Social consensus has been announced"} {"text":"Technically Base can not be have an outage because it has the most 'alignment' and 'social consensus' would never accept that it had an outage "} {"text":"@Austin_Federa Its only an outage if social consensus says its an outage "} {"text":"@TheBlock__ Wen bro down button?"} {"text":"bera is so bad that everyone is surviving on enterprise partnership announcements "} {"text":"@TrustlessState Austin Federa "} {"text":"It shouldn't be controversial for India to choose an official name rooted in Indian tradition over a British one"} {"text":"@kobigurk Computer threw a fit because your sha256 hash function is invertible when written in solidity"} {"text":"@TheBlock__ GPU shortage making bots go offline?"} {"text":"US judiciary seems like the only thing standing in the way of anarchy and fall of the empire tho current SCOTUS is a bit fox news sometimes"} {"text":"Visa wants to use Solano also? Gud - no need for dot token peoples of any token to be salty - everyone be shipping in bera, shipping is gud"} {"text":"Isaac Asimov's foundation was the first book to highlight the dangers of girlfriends "} {"text":"Someone offered a different opinion - the event is bigger but the main conference is smaller. Basically coinferences are getting"} {"text":"@daddysether @pseudotheos @jon_charb "} {"text":"Qn: How do you know who the true founder of a project is? Ans: Its the one the feds will chase if things go wrong "} {"text":"alters ones perception of reality and how the world works: Most people I meet: - wake up - do something boss wants - pay bills - see kids through college - deal with health\/fam\/money\/work people I meet: How high do you think bitcoin will go by the year end?"} {"text":"1% chance of a LOT @chainlink has the unique combination of deep pockets and talent base to make this type of long horizon futuristic bet"} {"text":"Speakers = 90% infra Audience = 90% apps Every conference in '23"} {"text":"Densest ppt in the industry"} {"text":"@IndianTechGuide Will there be new token also?"} {"text":"Very different vibe from west of Paris events which are all about infra these days. is mostly about apps - gaming, nft, defi, media and entertainment"} {"text":"Did somebody say Bear Market?"} {"text":"Six year reunion with His Excellency"} {"text":"Locals tell me KBW was 5x the attendees last year and irs just a smaller venue this time so yeah it's Bera"} {"text":"Seoul has more LCD per square inch than anywhere I have been outside times square"} {"text":"KBW is packed - no bera at this conf"} {"text":"@josephdelong You can't - she's like Sushi swap"} {"text":"43000 people per square mile and about 20% of the population of the entire country. No wonder Seoul produces legendary degens willing to yolo max, and apartment is such a meme here"} {"text":"You can point google translate camera at signs in Korean and read in english"} {"text":"How do I prove my age to Korean google to watch a YouTube documentary on the Korean war?"} {"text":"@bendiken They fail in what Mark Knopfler of Dire Straits called \"soul quotient\""} {"text":"It's a bit amusing how despite all of eth's technical limitations and tens of billions of dollars invested over nine long years, no one managed to build anything remotely competitive to"} {"text":"Bera hitting even coinferences hard"} {"text":"@ASvanevik @adamscochran @twobitidiot Now Ryan has to call @adamscochran a once in a generation thinker"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart Get a grant from Optimism while this lasts"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko Social fault tolerance - ie censorship resistance"} {"text":"@kobigurk @VitalikButerin Kobi, are you reporting me to my manager?"} {"text":"So many hacks and exploits - I mean yeah, whose bright idea was it write the next financial system in modified Javascript? Gav?"} {"text":"@kobigurk Researchoor dont need to ship anything, relax"} {"text":"Looks like Pyongyang blockchain week hackathon is also going well"} {"text":"So many otherwise logical people here have our entire net worth, hopes and dreams parked in and that its not possible to have a rational conversation about those two on this site - but at least we can have fun "} {"text":"@GwartyGwart \"Nash\" is sanskrit for destruction"} {"text":"Why sudden Lido fud? What changed?"} {"text":"Re performance and scalability benchmarks for provers, VMs and blockchains thing about benchmarks you learn in banking is that everyone wants a benchmark but no one wants to be benchmarked... ...unless of course its their own benchmark "} {"text":"@pronounced_kyle Nice ad for shrooms"} {"text":"@pronounced_kyle If you spend your entire youth slogging for money, it's natural to want to spend that money to buy more time"} {"text":"@fede_intern Yuuge"} {"text":"The northern hemisphere mind can not comprehend this"} {"text":"@jon_charb Still requires alignment \u2122 to achieve social consensus that its an L2"} {"text":"@satsdart @poordart European DNAs separate = smol countries European DNAs mixed = big country"} {"text":"Pro tip for visitors to - eat local. Avoid industrialised burgerland fare, sandwiches, pizza, burger and stuff Local food is epic in town"} {"text":"The absolute state of bridges is that L1 <> L2 and L2 <> L2 bridges treat sequencer confirmations from L2s as sufficient. Is anyone out there even waiting for the \"full economic security of"} {"text":"May there be peace among all the restless spirits of twitter"} {"text":"@Evan_ss6 Cut him some slack - he is like the rest of us, dealing with men in the arena trying things"} {"text":"1000 signups for @0xPolygonLabs Ignite in Seoul today "} {"text":"A once in a generation thinker is someone who thinks once during his entire generation and talks the rest of the time"} {"text":"@BanklessHQ You had me at \"ethereum is a foundation\""} {"text":"@lex_node Aware of the crypto thing. We were told there was no NFT\/crypto component but looks like that may not be the case. Waiting for responses to our emails\/phone calls like others."} {"text":"Surely someone in Tokyo is building an enabled bidet rn"} {"text":"@bkiepuszewski @LefterisJP Nordics would say the work hard part is fud"} {"text":"@Fwiz Hey but my monke jpegs are better because they use PLONK with FRI commitment"} {"text":"I learnt today that General Douglas McArthur wanted to use nukes against Chinese forces in the 1950s Korean war and was so keen on total victory that President Truman had to fire him. Tl;Dr: The biggest force of peace in the world is Trade. The second biggest is"} {"text":"no shit, it is"} {"text":"@Dexerto Makes sense. @jon_charb said blockchains arent real "} {"text":"Trump looks set for a surreal comeback as POTUS. Is there a prediction market for this?"} {"text":"@Fiskantes @DrNickA no fraud proofs + gud 'alignment' = L2"} {"text":"@lemiscate @tarunchitra Ah yes, a minor pivot to Shisha man maybe"} {"text":"@tarunchitra Ser all VC frens swing by Abu Dhabi, might as well do one big gathering"} {"text":"Bullmarket in vibes at Seoul"} {"text":"@tarunchitra Dubai ser"} {"text":"Feeling scarily geographically close to the biggest auditing firm in Lazarus DaO"} {"text":"Surely burning man is no longer burning after overnight rains?"} {"text":"@jon_charb Still requires 'alignment'"} {"text":"@Brentsketit Four weeks of success count friend tech?"} {"text":"The main kind of alignment we all need rn is for $ETH to align itself to up rather than down "} {"text":"Has the Unibot revolution also ended? Avg life of a new coin in Bera seems under 12 weeks tops, usually 4. Get rich quick or die poor schemes..."} {"text":"@mdudas Nope"} {"text":"@jon_charb This is because now an L2 is any database that \"social consensus\" considers an L2"} {"text":"@jon_charb I was told it's a property of your token's market cap \"200 billion of economic security\""} {"text":"@josephdelong Food"} {"text":"Seoul "} {"text":"@simplykashif Hamari batting ho gayi, ab na khel rahe"} {"text":"Given that it's I am a bit amused that so many hotels in Seoul are called \"Shilla\""} {"text":"@functi0nZer0"} {"text":"@jp_koning The unlicensed MT charge matters more because it could set an unfair precedent for other protocols"} {"text":"@StaniKulechov BIG IF TRUE!"} {"text":"@jp_koning @nikhileshde"} {"text":"@rajgokal Bend the kneee and prove execution on eth Raj!"} {"text":"@RuneKek Go get him @evan_van_ness"} {"text":"In planet there's a great battle underway between the Rust Cartel and the Javascript cartel Who wins?"} {"text":"@gadikian @pmarca Yes"} {"text":"@Austen @tszzl Actually, there are two wolves inside crypto. Money crypto mostly produced scams and tech crypto mostly produces early stage advances and research"} {"text":"@superphiz @Rocket_Pool @stakewise_io @staderlabs @divastaking Bro wen \"neutering by social consensus\"?"} {"text":"\"The currently leading open source model is from the UAE\" - @pmarca Burgers and Europeans who think is a city of camels and Bedouins pls take note"} {"text":"@AnnaRRose Someone's working on zk-friendtech"} {"text":"@BrentToderian @voxdotcom 99% of the US has no public transport. Better metric would be fatalities per miles driven or hours driven"} {"text":"@intangiblecoins Can't wait to send a W8-BEN to ConsenSys for using Batamask"} {"text":"OK can you guys stop transferring?"} {"text":"Core argument here is that because the user retained control of the secret note at all times, the control of funds was never transferred to the devs or another third party (eg in case of a bank), which means devs should not be deemed money transmitters"} {"text":"Cravath disagrees w the indictment because its inconsistent with the 2019 fincen guidance, and they have a great point"} {"text":"@inversebrah @RunnerXBT @inversebrah"} {"text":"@jp_koning @nikhileshde Cravath disagrees w the judge, or at least w the DoJ"} {"text":"Friendtech codes for the CEOs of being unemployed..."} {"text":"$ARB added to the list of tokens that show the market currently doesn't like devs shipping tech "} {"text":"About time for China to release a map showing New York and San Francisco also as Chinese Territory "} {"text":"@TheBlock__ Because they invested in @friendtech?"} {"text":"Why number go down?"} {"text":"@spectatorindex @tztokchad Another British Royal has departed"} {"text":"@whale_alert Coinbase should pause deposits "} {"text":"@jon_charb That aged like milk"} {"text":"I think there's a mid-travert category. I can do gatherings for 3-4-5 hours and then I need four walls"} {"text":"We need @paradigm to announce their seed round investment in"} {"text":"Dump in September looks proportional to the number and size of upcoming conferences ( SBC, KBW, T2049, Permissionless, ... ) "} {"text":"@jp_koning @nikhileshde agreed thats where it gets much worse"} {"text":"@alpha_pls Finally some hope of a little defi on (a fork of) Solana"} {"text":"All hail Rune, the MAKER of "} {"text":"@superphiz @Rocket_Pool @stakewise_io @staderlabs @divastaking Bro some liquid staking protocols need a lower limit, not an upper limit"} {"text":"@jp_koning @nikhileshde Hopefully not. Maybe TRM labs on the front end would have satisfied the Feds maybe not. The case is more about what the devs knew when and what their intentions and conduct were wrt addressing the known issues, rather than a technical standard"} {"text":"@jp_koning @nikhileshde It doesnt - it specifically says simply moving money to a different address would have been enough to evade the check, which means they'd need to run AML analytics on the chain(full set as you said). There's no immunity for solidity"} {"text":"@StaniKulechov @Pancakesbrah Better to be fudded than ignored"} {"text":"@jp_koning @nikhileshde See 62, 64, 21"} {"text":"@fede_intern Its best practice "} {"text":"@nikhileshde @jp_koning The article is fine, I don't agree w Timm. It's more a case of egregious CFT\/ML by a state actor and devs choosing to do nothing about it while ostensibly profiting from the txns and leaving incriminating msg trail. Front end\/back end distinction inconsequential in the context"} {"text":"@jp_koning @nikhileshde That's bad legal advice :-). The indictment specifically said checks on the front end were insufficient. Its a far more nuanced case than, ok no front end so you gud"} {"text":"@fede_intern @rel_zeta_tech @yezhang1998 @SandyPeng1 @toghrulmaharram @ethereum @Brechtpd There's no issue here frens - Its all open. Anyone is free to work with EF and PSE at anytime and all the L2 teams contribute to EF and PSE efforts in different ways. If Scroll are contributing, good for them and all the other L2s. We are all contributing to eth collectively"} {"text":"@DrNickA @thepsironi Values are what we value, ie how we make choices, not what should be or in the holy book of cypherpunks. If most of us generally choose pump over censorship resistance then greed is a much higher value in the pecking order. \"What you do is who you are\""} {"text":"$BITCOIN ETF delayed"} {"text":"@DrNickA When you look back at the last 15 years, greed is one of the practiced values of crypto. Same for wall street and 400 years. Greed and fear are intrinsic to money whether digital or physical, sound or ultrasound - as @thepsironi says, risk is biological"} {"text":"@kobigurk Phone calls mostly run on C++ code eg SS7 and Java code on the OSS\/provisioning end"} {"text":"What we really need for to replace tradfi, is smart contracts written in Cobol"} {"text":"@zackvoell @veH0rny Maybe its better to have Binance with no ETF than ETF with no Binance"} {"text":"@kylascan Who has a higher market cap?"} {"text":"The thing I don't understand about rollups on bitcoin is... WHY?"} {"text":"The HODL rule"} {"text":"@luigidemeo Same energy"} {"text":"@simplykashif The answer to whatever we dont know yet is social consensus. Cant avoid it"} {"text":"Staking pools have chosen to self limit themselves to less than 22% of stake I have chosen to self limit myself to max two kids that I pay through college We are the same "} {"text":"@0xDinoEggs Rarely but buying = token, not literal buying"} {"text":"\"Social Consensus\" takes the cake for the most prone to abuse term in research. Its often a positive framing of \"arbitrary and capricious\" and should be a last resort, not a matter of pride or glorification. Similar terms include \"quantitative easing\" and \"Oh Shit!\""} {"text":"The only cartel I am interested in rn is the Rust programming cartel . Big Rust wants monopoly and it can only be stopped by Big Javascript"} {"text":"It's amazing how much you guys howl in pain at $1650 and $26000 This generation has gone soft from participation grades and all day insta"} {"text":"@hosseeb @tarunchitra Bald power"} {"text":"I am giving myself another 45 days to rule on going to the gym "} {"text":"I was inspired to join crypto in 2023, when I read @EricBalchunas and @JSeyff white paper - \"Bitcoin, a Peer to Peer Spot Exchange Traded Fund\""} {"text":"@superphiz 17 years ago Google Sheets launched and rejected the mantra \"sheet is law\" in favor of social consensus. This is the governance that encourages us to build spreadsheets through coordination and cooperation before resulting to code-based resolutions. This is who we are as Tradfi."} {"text":"@divine_economy @musalbas @CelestiaOrg @jon_charb @0xcurio >> blockchains don't determine irrefutable truth\u2014but social consensus Same holds for google sheets, unironically"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart Execution - hawaii DA - euro poor Settlement - Golf This is true ethereum alignment"} {"text":"@twobitidiot See what you did, we retraced "} {"text":"Learn Rust young man Either you will make it in ... or you will pivot to "} {"text":"Broke: Biden Woke: Miden"} {"text":"@zackvoell Nothing ever dies in Crypto but very few things actually live"} {"text":"@CatfishFishy @Zedzies"} {"text":"@CatfishFishy @Zedzies Very cool tho all of this reminds me of interledger protocol work by Ripple in a previous cycle"} {"text":"@jacqmelinek 800m raised in a month in 2023? Sounds way too big - is there a breakdown by deal?"} {"text":"OK CAN YOU GUYS STOP TRADING!"} {"text":"@mdudas Bend the knee and prove Sol execution on eth Mike"} {"text":"@CatfishFishy @Zedzies It's a worthy pursuit and Chainlink has the deep pockets to pursue it. Personally I am far more bullish on consumer than enterprise eg gaming but it's just me "} {"text":"Miden, Reth, Stylus, Risc0 and Fuel. The Rust cartel is coming for all the blockchains "} {"text":"@CatfishFishy @Zedzies Best of luck - banks have almost no permissioned or permissionless chains in active use but inshallah in the long term "} {"text":"@sgoldfed @OffchainLabs Congrats Steven!"} {"text":"@Zedzies I hope this time is different in enterprise blockchain :-)"} {"text":"@Paul__Brainy @brad_or_bradley @davidesilverman Those who can make and sell their own token don't need to buy others token :-)"} {"text":"@Paul__Brainy @brad_or_bradley @davidesilverman They are usually making their own"} {"text":"$UNI down 3% on a major legal win featuring a court order the Uniswap legal team might as well have written themselves Never change never change "} {"text":"@TheDomid @agazdecki Yeah PR firms can bring distribution to a founders voice"} {"text":"@DaraghThomas @AriDavidPaul @brian_armstrong Well, kind of - and then you see bitclout's 10th relaunch having a great month"} {"text":"Harvard Law alumni association to the rescue in the @Uniswap case"} {"text":"@AriDavidPaul @brian_armstrong There are no bad ideas in tech, only bad timing - Marc Andreessen"} {"text":"@0xSisyphus Actually this was *account balance* abstraction"} {"text":"@0xMarcB @RebeccaRettig1 @ammori @haydenzadams @Elonmusk also needs a GC to write his tweets"} {"text":"@armaniferrante @gakonst Big Rust wants to monopolise blockchains "} {"text":"NVIDIA is worth than the entire industry today because its also more useful We can fix this one of two ways - (a) Make things people need and want or (b) Wait for printer"} {"text":"@poordart Is this the local onlyfans?"} {"text":"@0xgaut You forgot more useful"} {"text":"@dimahledba last para most important"} {"text":"To use our blockchain safely you also need to keep an eye on our... discord? "} {"text":"@BanklessHQ Grayscale judge to GG & team"} {"text":"Feds to devs rn..."} {"text":"@babymillionmare @Uniswap @TornadoCash Its great - I hope this can be extended into a do-no-harm policy regime ... wen Al Gore, wen!"} {"text":"So @Uniswap basically got a \"section 230\" judgement - you post software on the internet, you are not responsible for misuse by random people @TornadoCash got a completely different judgment from national security police, obv not the same circumstances but... Moral: industry\u2026"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart 4844"} {"text":"@JSeyff Why so cautious on the ETA?"} {"text":"@lex_node finally we defi folks won smth lol. tl;dr: Industry gotta pick battles. You put three Russian devs, in US court, two living abroad who built a mixer, used by Kim, posting revolution chats - and the same case would go a completely different way"} {"text":"@0xSisyphus Is that the zero in zero knowledge?"} {"text":"@marcomonaco83 @hotpot_dao at least get your own color or shade of purple?"} {"text":"@andrej_muzevic @NobelPrize Hanged sounds wrong"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart Obviously Jared will sandwich attack the prize and then the community will burn it on behalf of Hasu"} {"text":"friendtech, paradigm"} {"text":"@kobigurk Ser but founders are the ones who take legal risk on our behalf"} {"text":"Finally some protocol research for the masses"} {"text":"SBC is the burning man of blockchain and zk researchers"} {"text":"every engineering achievement of the devs in India now ships with the face of execs"} {"text":"@ASvanevik Is this from the Cambodia cybercrime hackathon?"} {"text":"twitter is arbitrary and capricious"} {"text":"Fwiw, its too early for superbowl ads - about two years too early"} {"text":"You are looking at the real winner in all of this..."} {"text":"Perversely enough, approving futures ETF s while denying the spot ETF might have been the most capricious thing the SEC did in the whole saga"} {"text":"@jbrukh This ^ - PhD projects require PhDD"} {"text":"@0xSisyphus erm by being capricious, as the judge said"} {"text":"@Native_0x @CryptoCred Barry idk but Blackrock ETF is now inevitable. Will bet my redacted on it"} {"text":"@EvgenyGaevoy Buzzkill"} {"text":"Toldyaso :-)"} {"text":"ngl; suddenly seems to have lots of utility, real world applications, practical use cases, great technology, consumer benefit, social benefit... ... again"} {"text":"WAGMI IS BACK"} {"text":"Just remember one thing about Narrative follows price, not the other way round. Keep calm and carry on"} {"text":"@SwayStar123 @compolabs @allsparkgg @GMX_IO @dYdX @mangomarkets @DriftProtocol Margin plays the same role tho"} {"text":"@odin_free Its not companies but individuals IDF inc :-)"} {"text":"@0xsebastiena >> inefficiency, working with unmotivated ppl, bureaucracy\u2026 That will come with scale"} {"text":"@sherlock_hodles But can a typical OpenAI engineer pull liquidity?"} {"text":"@p_petertherock Yeah learning is pain and unlearning is pain. Doing both is a great experience"} {"text":"I think everyone who started their career in should at least once attempt a proper job in a serious industry once - e.g. something that involves 101 things like showing up, showing up on time, tracking your deliverables, earning a salary and setting expectations etc..."} {"text":"I missed SBC I missed seed round in the next Its over "} {"text":"@hotpot_dao Wen ai pivot bing?"} {"text":"@jdkanani "} {"text":"@jdkanani Can't make it in zk without going to researchoor gatherings sorry"} {"text":"This is awful but crypto is a surprisingly small part of it, thankfully"} {"text":"@ad137hya Money from nothing and clicks for free?"} {"text":"It worries me from last nights friendtech monopoly drama that the current killer app of might be airdrop... ...use FT because you will get airdrop, dont use the clones because you wont get airdrop... airdrops getting pretty close to being the purpose of life rn"} {"text":"@malleshpai Theres a tradition of physicists like @tarunchitra OHing themselves via thought experiments"} {"text":"@iamgaurangdesai @Abbasshaikh42 LIC buying officialkoin is where its at"} {"text":"Unattributed quote - \" and will be blocked in India now that Ambani and Adani are launching their own blockchains\""} {"text":"Net net it seems is now as real as the web browser was in 97, but AGI and \"AI alignment\" remain as bullshit as ever"} {"text":"Bitboy will return when current 12 year olds have grown up into his exit liquidity?"} {"text":"@sfstandard Socialism "} {"text":"(friend,friend)"} {"text":"Sad but also wtf to parking seed phrase in internet connected apps instead of airgapped stainless steel"} {"text":"@endless_frank post dodd frank - pre tokenisation, global market collapse not gonna happen"} {"text":"@WatcherGuru psyop"} {"text":"@lex_node I think even CT is tired of griftoors like those hurting the cause of legit creators at this point"} {"text":"@Fwiz @jdkanani Come to Dubai Habibi - or I can put in a good word for you w chef @shubhrat"} {"text":"@FrankieIsLost @zmanian is a believer, ask him"} {"text":"@bkiepuszewski Understood."} {"text":"@bkiepuszewski >> Systems that are today Validiums may want to publish data onchain Systems are Validiums because they expect\/want to be ready for a much higher TPS than rollups can provide post 4844"} {"text":"@bkiepuszewski Not if this is correct"} {"text":"@runaway_vol @TheStalwart It's been hidden in plain sight since 2008 but people refuse to accept it because it feels too simple - magic internet money"} {"text":"Wen govt picks stonks"} {"text":"@TheStalwart"} {"text":"@PabloPeniche @ks_kulk Is it like American Dynamism?"} {"text":"@ks_kulk Thermodynamics"} {"text":"@theklineventure >> all centralized points of failure from the web3 stack Thats people now. The keyword is \"operator\", you don't wanna be *operating* whats supposed to be a decentralised network, protocol, dao or blockchain"} {"text":"Has anyone tried drinking coffee near their apple devices? What happened?"} {"text":"Why can't China order Chinese exchanges to buy also?"} {"text":"A centralised exchange is a regulatory compliant mixer it breaks the link between two wallets but the Feds can trace it if needed"} {"text":"Million dollar advice to degens - be very busy at work in bera or bera will fk w your head and rekt you"} {"text":"@josephdelong You sayin' its like Sushiswap?"} {"text":"@hotpot_dao 1. Everyone knows where the $PUCK is going w the feds taking a hammer to the industry 2. Burgerland gets way too many coin-ferences. SBC and Berkeley happen right before the Bankless coinference"} {"text":"What if bigtech is monopolising high end GPUs to lock out startups?"} {"text":"WSJ and agree on one thing... China should send every household Biden style checks asap "} {"text":"Some of my frens are now cheaper than gas on no fraud proof L2"} {"text":"@veH0rny If you get erc20s for $0, Its the only way to be"} {"text":"SBC is a high IQ gathereing but travel's a lot. Gonna hit Seoul, Singapore, Hong Kong and Tokyo scene in September. Lets see where the $PUCK is going"} {"text":"Now that we have all doxxed ourselves on friendtech, THE IRS shouldn't need to KYC anyone"} {"text":"Theres a traffic jam on Panama Canal and you are bearish anon?"} {"text":"@phl43 What amrika lacks in quality it makes up in quantity"} {"text":"A $10 green candle and four dozen dot eths on my feed go... \"I am stacking eth...\" \"I just bought...\" \"Is it priced in...\" \"Don't be left out...\" and then a $10 red candle... This is community I guess"} {"text":"He was born to be a VC"} {"text":"@bigmagicdao Molly if you operate a crypto related telegram chat you are a broker. You need to KYC every member and pay taxes"} {"text":"An under-appreciated use case of is that it allows the financially illiterate to get rich, sometimes for a week, sometimes forever"} {"text":"@avneesh @thekitze Yeah hard to go back from 1000 nits display"} {"text":"gm to everyone except those who want to use the fear of China to restrict open source"} {"text":"@Chris_Skinner Too complicated. Just optimise everything - work, diet, exercise, social life, money for good sleep. Even if life ain't long that way, the experience will be better"} {"text":"Ser @pmarca offers fantastic Insights about the cartel looking to capture in DC and how bootleggers tend to get regulations made in their favor"} {"text":"@kobigurk @albicodes App devs doing rust on > infra devs doing eth in rust"} {"text":"@0xMerp Now do those maneuvers in Texas"} {"text":"@0xMarginboo Yes - quality of choices and output go up"} {"text":"Young single people trying so hard not to sleep well is incredibly redacted. If you guys don't sleep well now, you sure won't when your kids have school and their own phones with alarms set at random hours"} {"text":"@gregosuri Yeah tho thats currently a moving target with cases like Van Loon and BZX, and the recent treasury proposal indicating the direction of travel"} {"text":"@gregosuri trading in ai hardware\/cloud capacity is financial tho"} {"text":"@jessepollak Yes"} {"text":"The greatest force of centralisation in is greed of the devs. The greatest force of decentralisation is fear of the feds Where things are going, devs should study the tools and models of censorship resistance that came before even every webpage and database had a token"} {"text":"Btw, if you attend the Stanford Coin-ference, you can put Stanford on your LinkedIn Bio "} {"text":"@DeItaone He got nailed down"} {"text":"thing"} {"text":"Suits selling to onlyfans 'creators' is finally some financial inclusion"} {"text":"One think thats striking about India, compared to the UK\/EU is the participation of women in STEM"} {"text":"Frog nation remains undefeated in rugs"} {"text":"@lex_node How do you square this analysis with Van Loon, where Feds said the Romans blocking Lazarus on the front end was insufficient\/inadequate?"} {"text":"@0xfoobar This is more of a post 2008 phenomenon. Between 1980-2007, wall street was literally devs and moon math people running free. Then we blew up main street with Lehman and everything changed "} {"text":"@TroyMurs Yeah but 4 human hours w Bay Area and 7 w NYC not bad"} {"text":"@TroyMurs SGP is too far from US timezone wise but closer to China so"} {"text":"Periodic reminder: If any US based devs are considering leaving the US, consider It is exactly like Vegas, minus the kitsch and the vice; and the California equivalents are 3-4 hours by flight thassall"} {"text":"@DrNickA @acityinohio @scupytrooples @1NDi60 Lost opportunity in $PEPE guys not pivoting to an L2 and finally hitting that 10b valuation - sheer lack of vision"} {"text":"Our industry would win every legal or policy battle if public choice was a matter of rhetoric, likes and retweets rather than political bargaining Alas we are not there yet as a society and its gonna take detailed, methodical grind, the sort that Coinbase folks are putting in"} {"text":"@NeerajKA Some tools eg swap functionality in wallets might require pivot to public goods funding of open source tools rather than transaction fees - natural persons\/corporate entities are always going to be exposed to the tyranny of the state, ToR\/Linux\/Risc-V\/Apache models are worth eval"} {"text":"Is it worth flying 15 hours direct to west Burgerland for Stanford Crypto Conf?"} {"text":"@0xThyil @LefterisJP ... rugs are theft"} {"text":"@LefterisJP Its not the gambling but the incidents of theft, esp since SBF pulled the big one"} {"text":"@aadvark89 @pepecoineth Team $PEPE is in the arena, trying things"} {"text":"Future of France improvement proposal FIP-1559 makes french wine deflationary by burning $220m of wine"} {"text":"Every crypto company needs a CFO from the Gujarat region of India but doesn't know it yet"} {"text":"Chatbot revolution is back like it's 2019... even when paying the electricity bill"} {"text":"@AntonioMJuliano You know what to do Habibi"} {"text":"The treasury department proposal to tax foxy is currently just a proposal. How does that proposal come into force (or not) and when?"} {"text":"@DCbuild3r @debamit007 @jon_charb @0xfoobar @pythianism I thought 4844 was the expected TPS"} {"text":"@tayvano_ Erm, every industry is hoomans with a profit motive, bending the tech various ways to get there"} {"text":"@natealexnft Was 10x lower 4 years ago"} {"text":"@Austin_Federa Get arranged-married"} {"text":"@renelubov @josephdelong Yes"} {"text":"@tayvano_ The industry is just a bunch of uncoordinated private interests "} {"text":"@fiege_max @jp_koning @ofnumbers @OndoFinance Yeah t-bills is where it's at rn, munis coming in soon"} {"text":"@BillHughesDC Wen FATCA reporting for PancakeSwap and TrustWallet out of Guangzhou?"} {"text":"@ofnumbers @jp_koning It's quite simple tbh, T-bill rates are higher than collateralized borrowing rates in DeFi. Even MKR has been depositing in treasuries via Coinbase"} {"text":"Maybe @twobitidiot is right and every US voter in should vote for Brump now... for the sake of the people, this industry (and our business)"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart @spreekaway @jaredmev_eth In proposer builder separation is the proposer a broker, or the block builder?"} {"text":"@spreekaway What about @jaredmev_eth - is he a broker?"} {"text":"@lex_node Will be CME, CBOE and NASDAQ ser - RegNMS is where its at"} {"text":"@lex_node Will fox and CB Wallet pass the tax cost to the users?"} {"text":"I see that many people with \"real world assets\" have joined @friendtech today. RWA "} {"text":"@BillHughesDC Are they gonna tax for swaps?"} {"text":"I don't know who in needs to know this but 4844 is not a price target"} {"text":"Suing the African guy @elonmusk for not hiring refugees and asylum seekers is totally redacted. Biden needs to go and get replaced by Br(owntr)ump"} {"text":"Base launch is going exactly like the BSC summer"} {"text":"$NVDA is the of stonk market, always goes higher than you hope and lower than you fear"} {"text":"@jdkanani Better to borrow from Aave for mansion tho"} {"text":"I showed @friendtech to my CS Sophomore son, currently an intern in a company Now he wants to pivot to"} {"text":"Freezone flexi-desk offices in the post covid era"} {"text":"The legend @bhorowitz on building culture and leading in wartime"} {"text":"@KentoInami USDC"} {"text":"Only fans influenzas on @friendtech is a predictable race to the bottoms"} {"text":"@rleshner He tried things, some worked "} {"text":"Kim just blew up the money from the Ronin hack"} {"text":"\"Indians are cheap like everyone else but unlike others, we are proud of it\" - Russell Peters"} {"text":"WEN TOKEN, YOUR HONOR? WEN TOKEN???"} {"text":"@toptickcrypto Sushi would have eaten the moat without $UNI"} {"text":"@prashant_xyz Optimal travel setup for lower back repair"} {"text":"@hashflow @MetaMask @blynn @andrewsaunders @gxmxni @GandalfTheBr0wn @alancarroII @jazzyook "} {"text":"@RebeccaRettig1 Thank you for saying this. The only thing braver than speaking truth to power, is speaking truth to peers"} {"text":"@josephdelong People"} {"text":"@iampaulgrewal Whats the path from bad law based on to good law?"} {"text":"@jon_charb @pythianism Buzzkill Jon!"} {"text":"@androolloyd Why are you there? I thought you were stable?"} {"text":"Gud VC is one who hab reputation to gib gud airdrop..."} {"text":"Methinks @cobie called decade long bubble top too soon - compared to the great jpeg bubble of 2021, the bubble of 2023 is melting faces... bubbles are no longer possible in the new mathematics of the Fed and the tech industry, its just new normal and newer normal"} {"text":"This Vivek dude is the brown trump... bullish"} {"text":"@alive_eth @KyleSamani @aztecnetwork"} {"text":"I feel non americans living under non-democratic governments tend to take the US \"freedom\" propaganda a bit too literally - many examples of Russian and Chinese devs being really surprised by limits on free speech and privacy Indians\/Brits used to that free pinch of salt at home"} {"text":"@0xMarcB Yesss! @allsparkgg launching on @fuel_network L2 this yr and @0xPolygonMiden next yr"} {"text":"Yeah don't do that please"} {"text":"@nityn Maybe but its better to go to jail by choice than by accident or naivete or by self incriminating chat messages"} {"text":"@fede_intern Diminishing returns on funding. Coinbase is shiping at 3x speed after major cuts. Beyond a convex optimum, more money = more people = more comms = less focus = less output"} {"text":"@scupytrooples @koeppelmann Yeah but that evolves with time. Part of the issue is that our expectations have been set by an unprecedented era of post war peace in G20. That might have sailed and it will take some getting used to the new normal with Chip Wars, Ukraine war, Nato expansion etc etc"} {"text":"@scupytrooples @koeppelmann Anyhow, as the geopolitical situation worsens and globalisation continues to be reversed, even nonfinancial privacy will increasingly come under attack. The UK establishment has made multiple attempts to pass the snoopers charter for backdoors in encrypted comms lately"} {"text":"@scupytrooples @koeppelmann I think so. ZCash spent a fair bit of time with gud lawyers and engaged proactively with regulators on the aml front. Nothing stops governments from being unreasonable or oppressive but unlike Zooko wasn't naive in his approach - at all"} {"text":"Sloganeering engagement farmer populist lawyers playing to the gallery on twitter are the most dangerous ppl for young devs with no financial industry experience Hello devs, if a lawyer that aint billin' you, he or she aint your lawyer Open source legal advice is lethal"} {"text":"@koeppelmann Ultimately this whole free speech thing is an American debate. In most of the world, it's a moot point. China or EU won't really debate. Also, if throw a WMD in software eg stuxnet or virus or malware and it blows up, you have liability - but intent and conduct will also matter"} {"text":"@koeppelmann Yes I am not saying the state is fair and not oppressive, especially in wartime, but at least per the indictment, it also depends on intent and subsequent behaviour and communications, as well the perceived profiting from illicit activity through tokens etc. This wasn't ToR"} {"text":"Who is Venture Capital fund I in the indictment?"} {"text":"@koeppelmann Not any privacy related technology - specifically financial privacy subject to abuse by criminals and state actors as much as legit use by ordinary citizens. The word \"operator\" is key. They didn't send Spagni to jail for monero. Can code and deploy but not operate"} {"text":"@nityn Potentially - it's important to get good legal advice very early when pushing the envelope on financial privacy and then *choose* to take the risks you take. Going to jail by sheer naivete seems far worse than consciously choosing to go to jail"} {"text":"If you read the indictment, the Feds case re Tornado is not about publishing code - it alleges that devs acted as operators. Van Loon verdict did unravel the Bernstein argument for Tornado but devs really didn't help their own cause with signal messages and social media activity"} {"text":"Anon dev after launching memecoins and pulling liquidity"} {"text":"21 day unbonding period"} {"text":"@chamath @tiltwave Ve tokenomics"} {"text":"Ethereum may have abandoned GPUs but today GPUs saved our ultrasound money $NVDA"} {"text":"@josephdelong Yeah that changed first after Pablo and then after 9\/11."} {"text":"@jchervinsky Tbh, the Feds only moved after Van Loon last week"} {"text":"In hindsight was an ideologically noble choice of a defendant for \"code is speech\" but as practical matter, it may have been worst possible choice for protagonist in wartime US court We might now have ended up with far worse potential exposure for devs than before the case"} {"text":"@alc_anthro Yeah - if you ignore your own lawyers, at least you made a choice"} {"text":"He got an upgrade from open windows and staircases..."} {"text":"Maybe devs should not take legal advice from crypto twitter law school"} {"text":"Revolutions feel warm and heady, like a Taylor Swift concert, and then someone gets shot.."} {"text":"No such thing as private chats..."} {"text":"Why is this dude still in Seattle?"} {"text":"@0xPolygonLabs "} {"text":"Wen moon? Today"} {"text":"Have any British Citizens availed of the 72 hour visa free transit in Beijing recently?"} {"text":"Looking at the market, how do I get the bullberg ETF duo to start an imminent ETF approval rumour about all the coins in my portfolio? "} {"text":"Worldcoin VCs vs Friendtech VCs"} {"text":"@ks_kulk @Tjdriii Convex optimisation"} {"text":"@udiWertheimer @zndtoshi Use Cambridge Analytica"} {"text":"Might be an unpopular opinion but I feel @natechastain has suffered more than enough and I hope he comes back stronger and wiser from the extreme experience. Also that the rest of us learn from his mistake"} {"text":"This dude went to jail for \"advisory\" services, not for mining. Does China not have a well established revolving door system like the west does?"} {"text":"@udiWertheimer @zndtoshi One of the greatest fallacies of our times is that innovation is a moral good. Pharma, defense and chemicals are not the only industries to have disproved this fallacy but software as well."} {"text":"Tbh @Balancer handled the situation very well today..."} {"text":"@stephendpalley Is that the Johnny Depp lawyer"} {"text":"@ChrisGhent Lets see - maybe some of these 50s will come back. Venture is long horizon and as long as the team is pushing theres always a chance"} {"text":"@punk9059 @Simon_Goldberg Deep - and true"} {"text":"Proof collective turned out to be POOF collective"} {"text":"@CramerTracker You can drop the word cryptocurrency in there"} {"text":"@josephdelong It was brilliant in 2015 but it hasn't improved enough since then"} {"text":"@NTmoney @CptRandlelwa"} {"text":"@CptRandlelwa @NTmoney Worldcoin tho..."} {"text":"@0xsachi The other 10% is not caring more than the founder does"} {"text":"@0xsachi Not just short term"} {"text":"Imajin selling shares in the guy who approves your travel and expenses "} {"text":"@josephdelong Give it a year and see, optimistic rollups actively looking to go zk or at least hybrid rn"} {"text":"@ivangbi_ @scupytrooples Indicative\/expected disclaimer in there somewhere"} {"text":"Stanford coinference tour used to be 1\/1.5 eth roundtrip but its like 4 now. Bera coinferences hit different"} {"text":"Friendtech is a room temperature superconductor for the 40IQ part of our brains"} {"text":"@scupytrooples @ivangbi_ Funds generally dont have a mandate from LPs to deploy regularly or within a defined period. In fact large funds institutional LPs are calling and asking about \"wen ai\" "} {"text":"@_khanhamzah Speculation is when you do it. Gambling is when others do it"} {"text":"@punk9059 Sales are super rare"} {"text":"@pbrody Sounds like any big4 poll "} {"text":"@HsakaTrades Things went from smart contract to 'handshake' contract pretty quickly"} {"text":"@0xWangarian Don't need token for tokenization"} {"text":"@NTBro The polite term for \"weird behaviour\" is culture"} {"text":"@uriklarman @udiWertheimer So do I and its nice that Bitcoiners are looking to build cool things"} {"text":"@uriklarman Ser @udiWertheimer has become \"ethereum aligned\" over time... but then Nic Carter became web3 VC and Dan Held can be seen at eth confs... the \"social layer\" is already flippening "} {"text":"What if you sell your boss on friendtech "} {"text":"See you in See-you-l"} {"text":"is cool on many fronts eg PWA, gtm via social, virality, embedded wallet, L2 ux etc even tho trading influencer tokens is a bit of a black mirror episode of the society at large"} {"text":"@udiWertheimer You forgot WBTC"} {"text":"All ppls have to do is work and buy BTC and ETH but its not in the nature of man to just generally chill and not lose it all on a yolo shitcoin or number 5"} {"text":"Your friend in Colombia was arrested because he tweeted about buying two keys on"} {"text":"@friendtech On no legal..."} {"text":"@BradyDale @gauntlet_xyz Yeah. Credit risk is complicated but even more so when the counterparties are anon. Aave V3 has some caps"} {"text":"@BradyDale Position limits are hard to set as a % of the pool because pool size is not known a priory. Ask @gauntlet_xyz"} {"text":"Buying keys in Coinbase, ticker is $COIN"} {"text":"I suspect Adderall is just a toxic antidote for Caffeine and Alcohol"} {"text":"@PowerLoomHQ @CoinList "} {"text":"The social token stuff is idk but this is the alfa "} {"text":"All my homies on \u2066@friendtech\u2069"} {"text":"@nickwh8te Not necessarily on behalf of the users"} {"text":"@TheDEFIac The issue is twitter handle <> eth address map"} {"text":"@labs_electron @Hyperlane_xyz "} {"text":"@Native_0x"} {"text":"@TrustlessState @friendtech A simple permutation of that sentence would be more accurate"} {"text":"@ZacharyDash @aeyakovenko @TrustlessState @friendtech Toly must apologise in the form of an airdrop"} {"text":"Oh no"} {"text":"@0xngmi Because Paradigm frens make gud airdrop Uni, Blur, Gobblers"} {"text":"If you are worth more than 0.1 eth sorry we can't be friends"} {"text":"How we investors see ourselves"} {"text":"@hotpot_dao Maybe Nigerian uncle..."} {"text":"VC looking at web3 gaming projects funded in bula"} {"text":"@acityinohio @_prestwich @Fatalmeh I am so ethereum aligned that all I read in that text was 'Justin Drake'"} {"text":"@Rubenevolent @daddysether I made a lot of frens under $1"} {"text":"@nf_suzanne The plot thickens: ethereum has - No privacy policy - Requires you to register through seed phrase account - Has no app, thereby avoiding regulatory or internal App Store policies - Requires you to deposit money before you can test it - No disclosed ad partnerships - Endgame"} {"text":"@Crypto_Texan When you buy a house, you buy the right to not casino some of your money. Ask mansion Mich"} {"text":"@0xak_ @acityinohio GG will wrench attack the fee switch"} {"text":"@hotpot_dao >> everyone will meet someone better I'd like to meet a better me"} {"text":"@mdudas What about ESG?"} {"text":"@andrej_muzevic @udiWertheimer Think of bitcoin as the Royal Family. Doing nothing is an essential part of the job description"} {"text":"@andrej_muzevic @udiWertheimer ETH frens do talk about \"endgame\" a lot lol. Its also not an unreasonable hypothesis that bitcoin doing nothing other than just being bitcoin is an unbeatable positioning - as long as the security budget is paid for"} {"text":"@ProfFeynman Bad idea prof"} {"text":"@nic__carter @Tiffany_Gomas Nic, I am telling you, that Tiffany is not real"} {"text":"@ann_droo @0xMert_ @friendtech @0xRacerAlt What else he virused..."} {"text":"@danrobinson Thoughts on BSL vs Patents?"} {"text":"@udiWertheimer I suspect its best for Bitcoin for not become like ethereum, and for eth to not become like bitcoin. That we never get to hear about \" alignment\" is a good thing "} {"text":"Life without caffeine is about doing fewer things better"} {"text":"Idk if anyone noticed but litecoin price has halvened right after litecoin halvening"} {"text":"@EvgenyGaevoy Can you please make a market in my shares"} {"text":"@functi0nZer0 @PrincesseOfCode Give it back to Americans who spill into the second economy seat Laurence!"} {"text":"@davidesilverman @IAmNickDodson @pcaversaccio @Mudit__Gupta @doganeth_en No issue either way. Its up-to app devs to trade portability across EVM L2s for rollup specific features"} {"text":"@elonmusk Can you use a block chain for this"} {"text":"Everyone who says $10m is not enough to retire is busy selling their frens for $10"} {"text":"@NeerajKA Congrats. Did you exchange cubes?"} {"text":"@IAmNickDodson @pcaversaccio @davidesilverman @Mudit__Gupta @doganeth_en New VMs yes, fudging the EVM itself is trading off compatibility with L1 - only makes sense for app-specific rollups"} {"text":"It was in the name $LUNA "} {"text":"@kaiynne @friendtech Why grifter? Is there a CV?"} {"text":"@functi0nZer0 @_prestwich Nature is stunning in the colonies. Britain is comparatively unromantic outside Scotland and London"} {"text":"gm"} {"text":"One key lesson to be derived from is that UX of the hope of airdrop is very good"} {"text":"@Istvan_A_Seres @a16zcrypto What is a collaboration tripartite graph?"} {"text":"Twitter is the absolute worst application to store notes and reminders for oneself"} {"text":"@OurielOhayon Half of linkedin is a CV scam"} {"text":"@basedkarbon You can always use via base scan"} {"text":"Supercycle "} {"text":"McKinsey..."} {"text":"@josephdelong"} {"text":"Friendtech rn is mostly frens paying Racer's AWS bill by trading frens"} {"text":"The FDA guy who approved left the FDA a year later - to join Purdue Pharma It's remarkable how corrupt US institutions can be, thanks to the revolving door"} {"text":"@Degentraland @friendtech You can paper make the paper millions you lost"} {"text":"@haydenzadams is just venture capital for retail \u2122"} {"text":"Oh man"} {"text":"@functi0nZer0 US college? In country UK tuition is 6 eth\/yr"} {"text":"Two things about 1. Barbie is a better film than 2. How's there no South Asian Barbie or Ken in "} {"text":"Why didnt Justin Sun bail out Evergrande?"} {"text":"@StaniKulechov @friendtech Pls gib mo airdrop to lens users @0xRacerAlt bro"} {"text":"@TrustlessState Well, there's the Orb "} {"text":"One good thing about is that the founders can not give the project back to the community"} {"text":"@DrNickA @lex_node Whatever. You can ask Gabe to take your case up in court "} {"text":"I just contributed to the KZG Ceremony using 0x045\u2026a20c to help scale Ethereum \u2193 Add your own randomness \u2193"} {"text":"@DrNickA @lex_node Kings start as BAYC and become MAYC. Anyhow point stands that decentralisation is a legal matter, not a natural fact"} {"text":"@DrNickA @lex_node Thats between you and the Magna carta ser. Better them than the king"} {"text":"@DrNickA @lex_node Again, what's decentralised or not is for lawyers to determine in court or congress"} {"text":"@DrNickA @lex_node Their lawyers can ask OS to delist. Law is code"} {"text":"Today is the one year anniversary of the merge starting to be priced in"} {"text":"@ann_droo @HsakaTrades With a few random exceptions, the only rich people on twitter are founders who need to moon their own Token, or VCs looking for dealflow. Everyone else who made it is gone because it's bad opsec to hang around here"} {"text":"Tokens are like love and joy. They go up when you share them and go down when you keep them to yourself "} {"text":"@OurielOhayon 5. Don't run out of cash"} {"text":"@moo9000 I am told developing for Solano and Cosmos is even more clunky. At least for evm you can mostly pasta and hope auditors will figure it out (which they dont')"} {"text":"We airdrop farmers are your only community in bera frens. Everyone else left. Wake up and see"} {"text":"@TrustlessState @scott_lew_is Someone will make up a hypium story asset like $NVDA around the real assets eg graphics cards"} {"text":"@0xMarcB @hudsonjameson 2007KiaSedona solves this"} {"text":"@fede_intern It's Paradigm's job to make money. Its the market that's funny"} {"text":"@fede_intern Investing in projects that can gib unlocked token or jpeg to sell and profit within a year"} {"text":"Everyone is hyped about intents \"You can not go to jail for intents\" - @RebeccaRettig1"} {"text":"Recent history of Paradigm: Blur, Art Gobblers and Friend dot tech. Would be funny if VC invest to harvest horizon is now under a year"} {"text":"@DavidJeans2 @allyversprille Hell hath no fury like a scorned - it'a bit rich of checkout to develop concerns only after literally minting revenue from for three years"} {"text":"@AzFlin 14 eth?"} {"text":"@crainbf @cosmos Best man for the job!"} {"text":"I am sensing a bullmarket in work"} {"text":"$1650. Ok, can you guys stop the endgame?"} {"text":"@BillHughesDC Picture this move scene: Wartime American court, case involves the national security sacred cow vs privacy software written by 3 Russian devs living abroad that Kim moved a couple Bs through Case made bad law? Seems so."} {"text":"@scott_lew_is RWA too midbrain. ICOs were mostly scam DeFi and NFT were legit alfa. What's the fringe doing?"} {"text":"is for everyone. Team @0xCoinshift making a step change forward in the ux of by shipping human readable DaPP interactions ... for humans"} {"text":"@0xCoinshift @safe "} {"text":"@JSeyff @udiWertheimer"} {"text":"angel chat"} {"text":"@ParikPatelCFA Theres a story in Indian mythology to that effect - Yayati"} {"text":"@0xMarcB Bubbles are awesome - pls bring one back"} {"text":"is definitely not trading like a commodity rn"} {"text":"@fede_intern Token revenue is token "} {"text":"@MariaShen Yield on HQLA is the bull case but rates won't be at 5% forever - max another year but that could create enough critical mass @hal2001"} {"text":"Can you guys stop talking about endgame?"} {"text":"@OurielOhayon @RemindMe_OfThis 3 years"} {"text":"@OurielOhayon I do wish those who do great luck!"} {"text":"Running a business without tokens is like running a business without ads."} {"text":"@0xmmj "} {"text":"@Scroll_ZKP Congratulations @SandyPeng1"} {"text":"\"Protocol ie contract is property of DaO which is an association\/entity and free speech protections are not applicable when users use the property ie contract to effect transactions. Hence contract can be sanctioned\". This is bad"} {"text":"@FreddieRaynolds At least we got volatility back"} {"text":"WSJ news nothingburger - dump Bloomberg news nothingburger - pump Liquidated both longs and shorts What kinda market is this?"} {"text":"@therealchaseeb I'ma go w @KanavKariya"} {"text":"@CaitlinLong_ Isn't fiat down supposed to be good for Bitcoin?"} {"text":"The community demands that @tarunchitra ser changes the title of the \"Its all liquidation\" paper immediately"} {"text":"@zkBri Ok can you guys stop trading?"} {"text":"The most significant thing that happened today is not the dump, that comes and goes. The most significant thing is that the tornado cash judge just killed DINO External and internal lawyers advising and firms are really gonna have to up their game..."} {"text":"The futures ETF approval is a nothing burger but I will take it"} {"text":"@pseudotheos Live footage of China macro hitting markets"} {"text":"I have a whole blog to say about this but I really shouldn't"} {"text":"@GuilleAngeris @functi0nZer0 The sudden extra supply explains the dump"} {"text":"@MessariCrypto It was designed for $MKR holders to profit, not Maker to profit"} {"text":"@sourcex44 ...so far..."} {"text":"It appears Coin gods are angry about the $CRV bailout won't relent till at least some of Mich's collateral is liquidated"} {"text":"I didn't realise this would be a same day thing"} {"text":"OK CAN YOU GUYS STOP TRADING?"} {"text":"Same but for rollups "} {"text":"@ililic @TrustlessState Or gib uncollateralised loans to 3AC\/FTX\/Genesis?"} {"text":"If Grayscale win tomorrow, Bera is over tomorrow If Grayscale lose tomorrow, back to usual programming for 3-6 months"} {"text":"@mayurrelekar "} {"text":"@Evan_ss6 Bankless content and evangelism is often good. Eth\/token price talk is not good"} {"text":"China macro looks like we gonna get cheaper eth"} {"text":"Who designed the @SeiNetwork airdrop? The @paraswap airdrop designer?"} {"text":"You don't know but you know someone who knows what you need to know"} {"text":"Scammers do 720m of fiat and 15m of crypto and the headlines ..."} {"text":". = Web2 + Token was a ZIRP"} {"text":"@toghrulmaharram Wrestling matches at devconnect"} {"text":"@moo9000 China is using VE tokenomics now to stop people from selling"} {"text":"This..."} {"text":"@3orovik Is this though?"} {"text":"This is literally @newmichwill s ve tokenomics"} {"text":"@nickwh8te @cosmos @smykjain"} {"text":"@michaelhanono @jon_charb Something more controversial than that"} {"text":"China needs to burn more stocks using China improvement proposal CIP1559"} {"text":"@acityinohio Are you with devops199"} {"text":"@TrustlessState c) How stupid really smart people can be in the presence of greed or fear"} {"text":"It just struck me that all strategy consulting is just interns as a service IAAS"} {"text":"Marketers come to from a decade of hard marketing skills acquired at P&G, Coca Cola, Unilever or Loreal - the best marketers in the whole wide world - and feel completely unprepared for the sort of post truth proBAGanda they only see in or electioneering "} {"text":"@NateGeraci You can launch an ETF on it"} {"text":"Hmm... @jon_charb isn't wrong"} {"text":"@mhonkasalo At any given time the world has a fibonacci number of blockchains"} {"text":"@0x_tracy @CoinDesk @PolkAwards @LoebAwards All the best for your next tour Tracy - kill some more giants while you are at it"} {"text":"Prof Feynman understood quantum mechanics but not twitter"} {"text":"This time is different in says McKinsey"} {"text":"@WuBlockchain Just in time for Token2049"} {"text":"@0xsachi Me after I delet my twitter account"} {"text":"@basedkarbon Indisputable logic ser"} {"text":"@ajwarner90 Lol, yes ofc"} {"text":"@EvgenyGaevoy Thing is, there's neither trade surveillance nor separation of responsibilities (venture, mm, custody, exchange etc) on crypto exchanges, which means its all he said, she said ..."} {"text":"@svantetobias Its not on CB to implement fault proofs, its on OP"} {"text":"If there are no fraud proofs, fraud can not occur right?"} {"text":"@andyboyan Generally no. Only in therapeutic cases involving neural pain, muscle cramps, extreme stress etc with occasional, controlled use of moderate un-GMO herb. Obv no such joy in some countries."} {"text":"@0xmmj In bera one must become a motivational speaker to oneself"} {"text":"If you feel bad about your bag of unlocked TOKEN being down bad, just call a friend in who is holding a lot of EQUITY down bad that might *never* get unlocked"} {"text":"Are there apartments in that have running COLD water?"} {"text":"@twobitidiot Looking for *complete and permanent* hair loss solutions 'for a friend' asap, DMs are open"} {"text":"@DCbuild3r @HaymanLiron Medical definition of gaslighting fyi"} {"text":"@DCbuild3r @HaymanLiron If you run a media platform and you say\/suggest\/imply people on this website should buy an asset at public market price what are already loaded on at private market price, its at best iffy"} {"text":"@DCbuild3r @HaymanLiron Just an opinion on \"other people's investment thesis\""} {"text":"Quite nice to see fellow frens finally recognising @0xPolygonLabs 's stellar contributions to s technology and not just eth's adoption"} {"text":"Indian American Barbie Indian American Ken"} {"text":"@simondlr TCR is wen its bottom"} {"text":"Paypal isn't just \"launching their own $PYPL is also trading like one "} {"text":"@DCbuild3r @HaymanLiron Investment advice tho..."} {"text":"many funded startups suck at comms, media relations and PR. I know because some chase me to get random stuff published because I once wrote an opinion piece That's not how it works! Layoffs at @coindesk are your opportunity to hire ppls who can actually do this stuff"} {"text":"Everyone on twitter be like, bro take time off and touch grass while markets are painful Bro, how about we touch some actual work like plebs do every day?"} {"text":"@0xsachi I am in pre-pain rn"} {"text":"@cmsholdings As long as he's not on the sequencer multisig for the no-fraud-proof-rollup"} {"text":"What practitioners are buying: 4 cycle survivors: therapy, rehab, redacted 3 cycle survivors: mansion, bail bonds 2 cycle survivors: and 1 cycle survivors: L2s, L1s, DeFi 2021 entrants:"} {"text":"@SizeChad Thats just finance bro"} {"text":"@jerallaire USDC is digital bald"} {"text":"@jokerace_xyz @1kxnetwork @seedclubvc @spice_cap @TheLAOOfficial @ArweaveEco @boysclubcrypto That's literally everyone who has any money left..."} {"text":"@gajeshnaik SBF's dad"} {"text":"@tarunchitra @redbull @GwartyGwart Did you tell Gwart its all liquidation?"} {"text":"@bittybitbit86 ... so far..."} {"text":"@toghrulmaharram @ZKValidator @Scroll_ZKP >> cost-ineffective Only if others do it for less than you *Theoretical* key to decentralised provers is to run independent (prover, verifier) combos - very low P that all will be byzantine or have the same bug"} {"text":"@ZKValidator @Scroll_ZKP @toghrulmaharram Erm no, you can parallelise without decentralising. Decentralising means no one entity controls which prover is used - which can *in theory* help detect bugs in a prover ( i.e. situations where prover says oke but L1 says wtf )"} {"text":"I invite Solana, Avalanche, Cardano and all other L1s to simply pay MEV in to my validators and declare themselves L2s . Don't overthink it. These days we also waive fraud proofs and validity proofs"} {"text":"@JToyts One more chain migration, then uponly"} {"text":"Some of you are spending all your time fudding someone else's pointless L1 When you can ikea-assemble your own equally pointless L2 over the weekend"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko @TrustlessState @NTmoney Sol's distribution is probably a function of how bad the VC market was at the time of their fundraising. ICOs had a fairer distribution (when not a scam) but Clayton had pretty much banned ICOs by the time Sol raised"} {"text":"@daddysether @TrustlessState As long as you guys keep doing free marketing for sol by fudding sol, sol will do well. It's the attention economy yo"} {"text":"@0xhalfinney @aeyakovenko @TrustlessState Yes! Bend the knee and become a rollup Toly!"} {"text":"Question re @gitcoin, If our industry can launch memecoins to advance financial inclusion solutions, why can't the hydrocarbon people eg Shell burn more oil to advance climate solutions?"} {"text":"@Fxhedgers In the US, they just use the Fed to prop up the stock market"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko @NTmoney Not by @Austin_Federa tho"} {"text":"Anyone knows the new boss's views on the people, this industry and our business?"} {"text":"@mdudas @BuildOnBase Particularly in the current adverse reg environment BASE also creates material risks and potential liabilities for CB tho"} {"text":"@acityinohio Chavez govt pulled LP"} {"text":"I think Michael Burry is boring - all these short seller types dont realise that in the new economic paradigm, the Fed manages stock price stability"} {"text":"Coindesk layoffs feel like a rather avoidable pain All that the team needed to do was to post $DESK\/$USDC liquidity on Uniswap and some rocket and pump emojis on their website"} {"text":"Ser John Reed Stark is the Mario Nawfal of Securities"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart MEV is protected speech"} {"text":"@basedkarbon Shell is a rollup if it pays gas in eth"} {"text":"@NeerajKA Your tungsten cubes are going to zero"} {"text":"@SizeChad Bend the knee @luigidemeo, become a rollup"} {"text":"@FigoETH \"by being free of craving and aversion\" - thats Buddha, fourth axiom, Siddhartha is the prince that was before"} {"text":"@hartej_ The real PMF is the frens we made along the way - at conferences"} {"text":"@hartej_ Conferences have both PMF and revenue"} {"text":"Ooo they are sending SBF to Hillary's jail..."} {"text":"We need a Taylor swift concert on Binance dot com"} {"text":"In the future, everyone will launch their own social media app for one week"} {"text":"@MustStopMurad Max six mo. DoJ v Binance and ETF denials are literally the last meaningful dips, then it's back to rate cuts, gg byes and uponly That said, the wildcard that can swing either way in the interim is GG v CB"} {"text":"@defivas From your dms on my tg ser "} {"text":"@epicenterbtc @ethereum @VitalikButerin Has anyone attempted a game theoretic (math) proof to show that in the presence of LSD, all PoS systems will converge to DPoS, or identify boundary conditions under which they will not?"} {"text":"A must read for full time contributors to twitter ( sadly not me for a couple of cycles at least )"} {"text":"@DrNickA @0xMarcB A trust me brollup :-)"} {"text":"@DrNickA @0xMarcB In the current state its *very* optimistic"} {"text":"@hotpot_dao "} {"text":"Imajin dying without launching your own rollup. I could never!"} {"text":"@lemiscate @ivangbi_ You're not wrong"} {"text":"@lemiscate @ivangbi_ I want to live in a world where bad actors destroy only themselves and not grandma's , wen?"} {"text":"The parable of Siddhartha says that its very healthy for privileged children to occasionally have a vacation in the grand theme park of real life with the old, sick and dying - a keen awareness of suffering is what gives us empathy, grounding and gratitude and makes us human"} {"text":"@sassal0x Yes, \"healthy\" is the keyword there and we are in eth for it"} {"text":"Raising seed in 2023"} {"text":"@sassal0x I don't disagree with that formulation but it's indicative of the milieu that the main useful app is online tribe money which we need to \"defend with everything we have got\". Tech matters more when consumers have choice of tech based on apps and that helps tech progress faster"} {"text":"@daddysether Yes but the relative weights differ depending on the level of competition. When there are more apps, users and competition for apps and users, tech becomes more important and improves faster."} {"text":"@sassal0x Its quite important but not \"everything\", because total all chains DAU < 20m BTC, Cardano and XRP also have a splendid \"social layer\" which is great for their tokenology Fortunately ETH also has a \"technology layer\" that allows the \"social layer\" to build and create things "} {"text":"If Steve Jobs had travelled to India with antibiotics and bottled water, he wouldn't have seen God and the world wouldn't have seen the iPhone"} {"text":"@jon_charb You have to do it for GG @0xfoobar"} {"text":"I have held for years that it'd really help to have a viable competitor among L1s. Among other things, it'd considerably reduce the incumbent complacency that sometime prefers arbitrary notions like \"social consensus\" and \"brocial layer\" over straight up good technology"} {"text":"@sgoldfed Its the \"brocial\" layer"} {"text":"@InternMetaverse @DCbuild3r @fede_intern What exactly is a \"social layer\" lol?"} {"text":"Left to right: Polygon ZKEVM, Op Stack, Starknet"} {"text":"@luigidemeo He's saying fraud proofs *much* more important"} {"text":"@luigidemeo Hes talking about ORs without fraud proofs SGX multisig man"} {"text":"Given the many recent misadventures involving eg the \"liquidity pull\" incidents and the \"CRV\" saga, one wonders if @fund_defi could educate folks IN and not just folks ABOUT "} {"text":"@fede_intern"} {"text":"@poordart @alpeh_v @scupytrooples"} {"text":"@kobigurk @alpeh_v Did they abandon Nova?"} {"text":"Liquidity pull summer"} {"text":"@ArshanKhanifar @jelenaaa____ Why is your mom supervising the date?"} {"text":"A VERY optimistic rollup secured purely by social consensus"} {"text":"@bkiepuszewski Thats not David's suggestion or implication at all. However, if we are gonna build trust me bro technology that relies on social pressure for security, there are better databases"} {"text":"@jon_charb @kobigurk How do you define alignment? I define it as % of top 20 CT eth influencers that are investors or advisors in the project"} {"text":"@GuilleAngeris @BecomingCritter Convex optimisation"} {"text":"People who would have made Rabbis, Priests and Imams in another era are now all running their own podcast"} {"text":"@acityinohio Some folks like @koeppelmann still pushing the old fashioned case for credible neutrality and censorship resistance thankfully"} {"text":"@poordart @0xG00gly @MonetSupply If it's a crime irl, it's also a crime onchain"} {"text":"@acityinohio"} {"text":"Going by the debates on Twitter law school, I suspect the primary role of American judges is to ensure continued profitable employment for their former lawyer colleagues"} {"text":"I don't see the point of torturing yourself with a neurotic longevity regimen for years and then one fine day, say, being randomly hit by a truck"} {"text":"14 rug is like all of $25000. How little do the bluechips pay their staff these days?"} {"text":"@AndrewDARMACAP Yes ofc"} {"text":"@joonian no"} {"text":"@SCBuergel To be fair its the best coach in the train but still... and its only $20\/person for a 200mile ride"} {"text":"@kurrubuddu Those are shards "} {"text":"Delhi so densely populated now, it needs layer2-s"} {"text":"@DastardlyDaniel $BASE responsibilities would solve this"} {"text":"\"SBF didn't commit any crime. He just pulled $8bn in LP from FTX\" - Twitter"} {"text":"@jackzampolin Ser narratives is most of the biznis rn"} {"text":"@DCbuild3r But you don't have to manufacture chips here, you just need to *verify* the software and write verifiable code"} {"text":"@DCbuild3r YES and that's how smart contract programming should look like but"} {"text":"@_khanhamzah \"Don't launch a memecoin like that Uniswap guy, ok beta?\" - Mum"} {"text":"This is the water that gives life to a billion people"} {"text":"The way to see India is by train, and the trains are much nicer now than when I was a kid"} {"text":"@StaniKulechov Omw"} {"text":"Life is mostly ... water"} {"text":"@DeFi_Ted \"open\" Interest"} {"text":"@CoingraphNews "} {"text":"When you hit the tropics again after three long COVID years, you realise two things 1. How full of life the tropics are compared to the gloomy north 2. How much of this life just wants to kill you"} {"text":"Market feels like sophisticated actors mooning and unmooning all the small-mid cap coins in rotation... not for the faint hearted"} {"text":"Methinks window on launching competitive new EVM based L2 tech ends before end of this year latest. Not much space left after Polygon, Arbitrum, OP\/Base and Scroll and the EVM ain't changin' much apart from folks fiddling with precompiles and modularise\/parallelise a little "} {"text":"@aeyakovenko @santiagoroel The correct answer is cex layer"} {"text":"@0xRacerAlt @Nogoodtwts Fair enough. Meanwhile the export private key feature is much more intetesting but it saved me one eth so..."} {"text":"open interest at one year low. This is Bullish for right?"} {"text":"Sewyash's college app for SBF's alma mater MIT looks pretty strong after rugging $920"} {"text":"@aliciakatz Bera hits hard . Btw, another fine heritage my part of the country shares with Canada"} {"text":"@aliciakatz best time to get expenses approved I am told but the mountains in October are unmatched, and I have been around the planet "} {"text":"For a wealthy person, Caroline's opsec so good, she kept an intimate diary on GOOGLE DRIVE gang gang... "} {"text":"Bulls are praying"} {"text":"New pasta material"} {"text":"SBF going to Jail is a bit cathartic for everyone but note that no one in the rugpull dev community has gone to jail yet ( Eisenberg NA )"} {"text":"@TrustlessState"} {"text":"New L2 before Airdrop. New L2 after airdrop"} {"text":"Does the human body have much greater capacity for pain or pleasure?"} {"text":"@NTmoney Outcomes = function(incentives). SBF blew up and got caught doesn't mean he is or was the only one of his kind"} {"text":"Friendtech would make a great 360 degree performance review system"} {"text":"@ercwl Next time you say rollups must use eth for DA, I say FEW "} {"text":"I propose we rename Stanford's upcoming awesome blockchain conference SBC to \"Science of forum\" SBF"} {"text":"@aliciakatz All ex-s should learn from this and not keep a diary"} {"text":"@EvgenyGaevoy We just lost the most sophisticated actor on BASE"} {"text":"People won't be buying tokenised SBF on it seems"} {"text":"@udiWertheimer Cash settled, not physical"} {"text":"@JSeyff These factors are not unique to the ARKK application and apply to all the applications though"} {"text":"@apriori0x Deferential to the current direction of thinking at the EF"} {"text":"Kinda entertaining how the LASSO\/JOLT paper starts by signaling a high degree of \" alignment\""} {"text":"this nd4.eth guy has taken the meme too seriously"} {"text":"That spot ETF approval is kinda difficult with the tetheral reserve plunge protection mechanism still in place"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart Our modular trust assumption is that racer is an honest majority of one and he won't rug"} {"text":"@Timccopeland @CancelledPapi @tier10k Waiting for the twin bullberg ETF gents @EricBalchunas and @JSeyff to tweet why this delay is incredibly bullish"} {"text":"@luigidemeo @_khanhamzah @friendtech You also need to stop having unsafe sgx"} {"text":"@SirYieldALot We are so back!"} {"text":"We are being sold programmatically so we are commodities"} {"text":"Within a day, the revolution has disrupted Cold Fusion, SuperConductors, Small Molecule drugs, LLMs, LLVMs, Intents and"} {"text":"@sxtvik The a16z LASSO\/JOLT paper is serious work actually"} {"text":"All your CT friends are now securities on BASE..."} {"text":"Turn you friends into money, quite literally \u2122 vs"} {"text":"My favorite feature is, export private key "} {"text":"Broke: go west young man Woke: go east young man Bespoke: learn rust young man!"} {"text":"Congratulations to on launching their first zkevm Jolt, a framework designed for EVM roll-ups, a novel method to build SNARK VMs \u2014 a VM execution proved via a SNARK \u2014 that utilizes Lasso. This could allow developers to create quicker SNARK-based Layer 2 rollups\""} {"text":"@poordart @androolloyd @LordTylerWard @AstariaXYZ @PleasrDAO @BaldBaseBald Quadriga"} {"text":"CT is mad at the poor Indian who rugged $900 but has nothing to say on SBF's rich Indian who rugged $450m"} {"text":"@scupytrooples Alive and well, house rekt"} {"text":"@scupytrooples Yeh it's very painful - have couple of frens there. Gud advice ser"} {"text":"@scupytrooples Delet"} {"text":"@hudsonjameson @pseudotheos @friendtech It's the @YamFinance of social but we need yam yolo"} {"text":"It's a sign "} {"text":"@simplykashif The Maui situation is pretty painful tho - gonna take a year or two to recover"} {"text":"An autoriksha is like batamask wallet. Everyone complains about the UX but everyone uses it"} {"text":"Wallet integrated onchain messaging is cool but it also seems like phishing heaven rn"} {"text":"@0xmillie_eth But the herb has utility"} {"text":"@jackzampolin @zmanian @sunnya97 @cosmos This needs to use ETH for DA to get certified as a rollup"} {"text":"Why doesn't someone just build a cosm-wasm rollup on with IBC bridging between the rollups, recruit @zmanian, @sunnya97 and @jackzampolin as COSMETH influencers with good alignment, and we can be done with the entire @cosmos drama?"} {"text":"@dankrad"} {"text":"@hack_vc @dbulaevsky Do what worldcoin is doing, raise money at $0.2 in the US, sell tokens at $2 to foreigners"} {"text":"@kevinsekniqi @Mudit__Gupta Stop having unsafe sgx Kevin"} {"text":"We are so back!"} {"text":"If devs don't build many useful apps and VC frens don't fund em, we can always fall back on @dankrad ser's strict definition of a rollup and fill all the eth blockspace with data blobs"} {"text":"Tradfi people are threatening to quit if made to come back to office but most don't even have skills or fitness to become a UPS driver"} {"text":"@Shilika_jain Thats how Curve investors feel"} {"text":"There are few people one needs to be more wary of online than the unhinged who bought very early. Some of them no longer need a business, career or reputation, and DGAF - but the rest of us do"} {"text":"@kobigurk Lookup arguments and recursion per second (LARPs)"} {"text":"@jbrukh @rovnys It did in ARM. Now she can be more specific and say risc-v"} {"text":"@leah_cb It all maya Leah, only the atman\/self is real"} {"text":"@acityinohio If the toll booth jacks your whole car, we just burn it on your behalf. It's THAT easy"} {"text":"@shzhv13 You're one day behind on the memes "} {"text":"I will be migrating from New Delhi to Dubai"} {"text":"@0xsachi @0xPolygonLabs @jbaylina @_bfarmer @dlubarov You forgot ser @bobbinth"} {"text":"@alpeh_v Well not all MEV is bad, but even bad mev is good if it happens on eth. If it happens on eth it's good is the first principle and we must reason from the first principles"} {"text":"@josephdelong Thats what nukes are for"} {"text":"@EvgenyGaevoy @GwartyGwart @hasufl @OneTrueKirk @0xfr_ @joshuagunnn @scupytrooples I will just leave this here :-)"} {"text":"@akshaybd Its wonderful, just everyday monsoon LM"} {"text":"@PareenL Bro we need a lot less storytelling and a lot more shipping "} {"text":"@FlyGuyInTheSky Then it's a bridge and we blame @jon_charb"} {"text":"@jbrukh Nope (a) extra low float at launch with tokenomics similar to many SBF era coins eg MAPS (b) transparently price managed at launch as per Alex B's video interview (c) incentivises network marketing style recruitment of uninformed people in emerging markets"} {"text":"@jbrukh"} {"text":"Liquidity is everything they said"} {"text":"@jbrukh Worldcoin is quite dangerous because of its tokenomics and network marketing mechanics alone, $PYUSD is pretty safu"} {"text":"@vishal4c Sounds like bluechip wars "} {"text":"So Spark is MakerDaO with a new Token?"} {"text":"Layer 2 railways"} {"text":"Stanford-Berkley conference combo tempting but no flights available from on Space-x or ICBM "} {"text":"@AustinBarack Most but not all - traction and momentum w Polygon, Arbitrum, Base and a couple of others will lead to power law effects"} {"text":"@scupytrooples Not all MEV... you dont expect validators to do the work for free - qn is what % is currently theft?"} {"text":"More of this, less of $BALD on L2 pls"} {"text":"Awesome vibes on @BuildOnBase by ser @jessepollak - accelerates epic work done by ser @sandeepnailwal to bring peoole onchain via Reddit, DraftKings, Nike and so many brands Hopefully the rest of us can build some great apps for people when they come onchain"} {"text":"@daddysether @sherooberoo I have three words for you. DraftKings on Polygon"} {"text":"@mdudas refund the gms pls"} {"text":"@0xMert_ For the first time ever, I agree with you - that this everyone will hoard my bags endgame ain't the wei"} {"text":"First L1s will become L2s, then L2s will become L1s - bundling, unbundling, such is life"} {"text":"@poordart @veH0rny I thought he proved all this with $BALD"} {"text":"I don't know who needs to know this but @y00tsNFT aren't moving back to Polygon helped bring a great team to and thats great "} {"text":"@androolloyd Decacorn founder talent "} {"text":"@MacroMate8 interesting"} {"text":"@jon_charb @christine_dkim yes"} {"text":"@jon_charb @christine_dkim lol tho Layer 2 is great for scaling\/accelerating on but its not the place for fixing any underlying implementation\/centralisation\/censorship resistance type of issues on Layer 1. That stuff still needs to be done on Layer1 yo!"} {"text":"@acityinohio @GwartyGwart Read my book - the abundant scarcity mindset \u2122"} {"text":"We can now stake our liquid staked tokens LST to get liquid restaked tokens LRST which we can then stake again to get liquid re re staked tokens LRRST. The march of progress towards more Rs can not be stopped"} {"text":"Not sure when frens started assuming everything to do with eth is automatically decentralised, but at this point I think if we put an EVM on a single node Oracle db, we could declare the whole contraption - and I am really not sure how I feel about that "} {"text":"Bullish vibes and animal spirits returning to But, neither retail nor institutions in sight, just the same 420 apes and sophisticated actors Will @BuildOnBase bring back retail via brand @coinbase? Or is BTC ETF approval required to bring new cash into rotation?"} {"text":"@christine_dkim @jon_charb Isn't PoG just PoA with more steps?"} {"text":"Yodachain is partnering with Google on their search, email and maps services and on their Chatbot service "} {"text":"@GeoffLewisOrg You can drop the word \"business\""} {"text":"My toxic trait is not chasing scam coins and Influencer coins"} {"text":"@fede_intern Ok head to the hills - set up a base in Dehradoon for good wifi\/airport and then you can head to the mountains - lots of choice"} {"text":"@fede_intern Work or Vacation? Mountains or Water?"} {"text":"I think it was William Dalrymple who described India as an attack on the senses. A delightful one indeed"} {"text":"This needs to be done for also"} {"text":"@SixdegreeLab But you wouldn't belv it"} {"text":"@futurenomics Newspaper is Bullish solano"} {"text":"Men used to do GLG calls for petty cash, now they shillpost cult coins on twitter"} {"text":"@jgreco Physicists were building weapons of mass derivatives till Dodd Frank hit em"} {"text":"@hotpot_dao Looks rare"} {"text":"Ser wen token?"} {"text":"What does this mean for SUAVE"} {"text":"Three things are inevitable in Death, Taxes and Token"} {"text":"Wao @CoinbaseWallet and @xmtp_ integration is very cool..."} {"text":"ecosystem orientation map"} {"text":"@gajeshnaik @Austin_Federa approved big expense account?"} {"text":"Columbia shilling Red Bull hard"} {"text":"Is it time to join the Red Bull cult of the great Jedi master \u2066@tarunchitra\u2069? I can handle no more than one a day but it's something..."} {"text":"@EffortCapital The whole thing was already financed by a useless gov token "} {"text":"wouldn't be dying if it actually worked"} {"text":"@owocki What if they building Iron Bank?"} {"text":"Why touch grass when you can become it?"} {"text":"The question isnt whether it means something. Its far more important that it *memes* something"} {"text":"So all ye \" will go up yay!\" guys really think tradfi giants will bring billions in front office moneys in without their giant armies of Compliance and Legal people coding 69420 approvals and policies into the wallets and protocols huh? Yall degens are so sweet "} {"text":"The SGX bridge is a multisig with more steps"} {"text":"@BobSummerwill You just want it on ethereum classic "} {"text":"@davidfeiock It doesn't mean, it meme"} {"text":"Bankless : the Federal Reserve is launching new regulation and it's on "} {"text":"maximalism is the wei"} {"text":"@pitdesi As this saga shows, is just venture capital for retail"} {"text":"@fede_intern @camillionaire_m Nope. GS"} {"text":"keeps getting higher on LSD via @coindesk"} {"text":"The incredible connection between our breath and the human nervous system is probably the most under-researched topic in western psychiatry and therapy"} {"text":"@camillionaire_m I think you adapted really well to the *social experiment* we were in but my sample happens to include eight others "} {"text":"We don't need a reason to be bullish about Bullish IS the reason we are in it"} {"text":"@Jessicalessin If Elon doesn't need surgery and MRI before the fight with Zuck, he surely will afterwards"} {"text":"@nic__carter Where tradfi goes, regulators follow"} {"text":"@camillionaire_m the flip side is that to fit into tech startups, BW alumni needed much more unlearning than the rest of us who came from bigco - partly because they had much stronger views on how things are supposed to be done, which reduced adaptability to creative chaos"} {"text":"Hello PayPal and J P Morgan"} {"text":"@zerohedge Thank you for making bad news sound bullish "} {"text":"the self proclaimed wealthy are working overtime to get $1000\/mo from twitter Bera is a sad, sad place "} {"text":"@_khanhamzah @Mudit__Gupta Did you win the spelling bee?"} {"text":"Broke: Optimistic rollup Woke: ZK rollup Bespoke: OPPORTUNISTIC ROLLUP"} {"text":"@HsakaTrades DWF filling the Alameda sized gap in the market"} {"text":"@LexSokolin @camillionaire_m @joonian @jd_powell_ @manumarchal @MonicasSinger @ethereumJoseph I think for Jose personally, it was an earnest effort to learn about this stuff, and for a slow moving supergiant regulated institution, he's done a lot with it since"} {"text":"@shashj Russia. China don't care"} {"text":"@Mudit__Gupta Only Ram ji can help their clients"} {"text":"Paid Twitter is a bad social experiment by someone who is known to enjoy fkin w people's heads. Can't they do \"executive coaching\" aka therapy for Elon instead?"} {"text":"@spectatorindex Saratoshi Nagamoto"} {"text":"@EricDadoun Mainly to lose followers and X earnings potential"} {"text":"People gonna use PayPal's $PYUSD to shill whatever they feel like shilling but its main impact will be to accelerate related legislation efforts in DC That doesn't necessarily mean bullish. Dodd Frank wasn't bullish. Bullish or bearish, depends on the legislation"} {"text":"@basedkarbon Still 20b FDV man, 80% more to go"} {"text":"@TheStalwart Mashinsky?"} {"text":"@bneiluj @DefiantNews The Bouteloup leverage Pyramid? You forgot loop-borrowing against the steth to buy smol mansion "} {"text":"@NoelleInMadrid They are not ma'm"} {"text":"@camillionaire_m @manumarchal @MonicasSinger @LexSokolin @ethereumJoseph @sytaylor @11FS Sy is my favorite nocoiner in all of "} {"text":"@camillionaire_m @manumarchal @MonicasSinger @LexSokolin @ethereumJoseph @jd_powell_ Funny thing is that we had young and bright team members who really didn't want to be on a professional consulting project and pretty much said \"Banks will die and be replaced by a financial system based on to the client . More such stories in my book due 2040"} {"text":"@camillionaire_m @manumarchal @MonicasSinger @LexSokolin @ethereumJoseph Yes Jose ser who has led for Paypal for the last four years was the client and sponsor for the project that @jd_powell_ and I pitched and delivered for BBVA in '18-19."} {"text":"@0xsachi @sassal0x Thats just tradfi. You can choose USDT. But think - how bullish it is that the wipeFrozenAccount() function is deflationary "} {"text":"Theres a marketer out there rn who got America to stop drinking instead of real beer Marketing can be a force of good "} {"text":"@NeerajT4 Google UTI pls"} {"text":"@lemiscate @_khanhamzah @elonmusk Hamzah feels like a deep state construct propped up by fake social media engagement and onchain activity designed to wreak as much havoc on the degen industry as possible. The sooner he and everything he's involved with goes away, the better."} {"text":"@thiccythot_ Real world is no fun, can we go back to the"} {"text":"Why is tether dumping onchain?"} {"text":"@Cryptocito Breakpoint tickets up from 5 sol to 50 sol in 2 years! At least something is going up on"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko Cc: @zmanian"} {"text":"@nickwh8te @MylesOneil @0xkatz @Jskybowen @neelsalami @_mayurc @smsunarto >> Most rollups have a RaaS-sized hole in their business model Why do you think rollup devs do not already have their own RAAS? Its always build, partner, buy... why buy when you can build AND partner?"} {"text":"Everyone in is excited about real world assets (RWA) No one in crypto is ready for real world liabilities (RWL)"} {"text":"@neelsalami Are you allowed to say things like this?"} {"text":"$PYUSD's \"wipeFrozenAddress\" function is we should incorporate this into"} {"text":"I wrote this on 4-Nov-2020 Just replace with and read on..."} {"text":"The measure of a man's character is his ability to keep secrets"} {"text":"@pashovkrum Compliance guys would have asked for it and you kinda expect that from a PayPal stablecoin - or a bank issued one "} {"text":"Only one of these can not go up..."} {"text":"@TraversaJulian Tell me this passed audit "} {"text":"Don't do this - why is the deployer owner of the vaults wtf"} {"text":"In the last bula, rug pull practitioners launched 10,000 forks of Aave and Uniswap. In the next bula they will launch 10,000 rollups - as a service"} {"text":"@rezoshm It couldn't - there's no meaningful liquidity on any other L1 yet"} {"text":"CT people shilling \"Paypal launched on so hard like it's 2017 and ser Joe has just launched the EEA. What else were they gonna launch on? Cardano?"} {"text":"@LogX_trade @arbitrum "} {"text":"Can they do it twice?"} {"text":"Who has audited the $PYUSD contract fwiw?"} {"text":"@Austin_Federa That filename raises a lot of questions"} {"text":"@sassal0x ENTERPRISE PAYPAL ALLIANCE "} {"text":"team at @PayPal super smart gang gang"} {"text":"@tmnxeq You mean Brian?"} {"text":"Bula will come again in a year or two frens! Ask yourself! Will you have the dev skills to quickly fork Aave or Uniswap then?"} {"text":"@bigmagicdao Eth "} {"text":"@bigmagicdao Wen will token go to 2049 "} {"text":"@defiprime Been rough for retail since the Feds started protecting retail "} {"text":"@BradyDale @wsfoxley Cheer up and be bullish Brady!"} {"text":"@defiprime If you launch at a sensible valuation, you can make community richer - many such cases"} {"text":"@defiprime Yes. No token, no community \u2122"} {"text":"@defiprime If you don launch a token, you never have to decentralise "} {"text":"We won we won!"} {"text":"can really use this approach for LSD"} {"text":"@sassal0x Let's do a hard fork to get all the burned eth from 0x0 back!"} {"text":"@hemic_ It's a mix. The chaircars are quite convenient"} {"text":"@thenicolasweber Bro"} {"text":"@thenicolasweber Thats build \"in\" bera, different concept, not \"through\""} {"text":"Midjourney creation: @blknoiz06 is the @sassal0x of"} {"text":"@BrianRetford Yeah on youtube w captions on I can do 2x but 1.5 is much better without captions"} {"text":"Ok its fun to criticise Mich for his beautiful mansions (god bless him) but does anyone have onchain dataset about how he ended up w so many unlocked $CRV e.g. % bought, % farmed, % allocated in different rounds etc... If he earned it, he earned it - welcome to capitalism CT"} {"text":"Who designed the indian railways ticketing front end like its an attack site?"} {"text":"@The3D_ @SCBuergel @TheDEFIac whats the story w founder allo ramping up?"} {"text":"@hotpot_dao Two wks?"} {"text":"@abhishek095 Solve hard problems with a token tho, cover the downside"} {"text":"would hit $40k if people realised btc has INTENTS. No ETF needed "} {"text":"Bera market guide to infrastructure project valuation Example: Anoma Modular: $1b Intents: $1b zk:$1b Cosmos ecosystem: -$1b ------------------- Total: $2b ------------------- is +1b rn btw. alignment would make it $4b"} {"text":"@zeta_globin If you are in shape it's not love"} {"text":"We are less than a year away from peak rollup"} {"text":"The future is"} {"text":"@sassal0x @iamDCinvestor 2017 was Blythe Masters and Dan Tapscott - tokenless \"enterprise\" blockchains, \"supply chain\", \"IBM Blockchain\", ICOs everywhere etc etc"} {"text":"@poordart @sassal0x @iamDCinvestor @twatt331 Mich mansion more posh than any Aussie bank CEO mansion. Defi beat Cefi in mansion space gang gang"} {"text":"Me watching @itsdevbear at"} {"text":"Is it normal to understand podcasts and youtube videos *better* in 2x speed than in 1x?"} {"text":"@solarpunkmaxi @_khanhamzah @btc_charlie In this case, its the progress too"} {"text":"@_khanhamzah @btc_charlie Mine was the same in rupees. You kids are spoilt"} {"text":"@ivangbi_ @eek637 @MonetSupply @0xfoobar Sounds like user's intent is fulfilled by something offchain that finds the functionality\/liquidity\/price on one or more of multiple L2s"} {"text":"@Mushini4 @PixlitEth @unusual_whales Its like when you had net memecoin gain but you lost a bunch of eth"} {"text":"The 007 - 0 users - 0 apps - 7 billion FDV"} {"text":"@CasPiancey We need to fix with money - its down a lot"} {"text":"Hello, this is snark, not advice."} {"text":"@Matt_Hougan Cause and effect ser. They must be producing 50% fewer zooms, slack messages and offsites now"} {"text":"@chrisamccoy @aeyakovenko Sarcasm is a British vice easily lost on the earnest folks across the pond. The key was in \"if at all\""} {"text":"retail is spending moneys frens - somehow they just ain't buyin' our jpegs wid it "} {"text":"\"build through bera\" is a widely misunderstood meme. It doesn't mean anything heroic. It means ship product so slowly (if at all), that the insnane bucks you raised in bula simply can't run out till whenever the next bula is"} {"text":"How much of LVMH's market cap is due to Hexians, one wonders..."} {"text":"@pitdesi Fintech bear market confirmed "} {"text":"One of the under-appreciated contributions of commercial lawyers to the world of business is the reduction of unnecessary drama"} {"text":"@anothercohen Why don't you both watch X together?"} {"text":"@sassal0x @ajwarner90 Indeed. Just getting started. People don't yet realize the extent to which L2s open the door to innovation on the execution layer, some of which can potentially be enshrined in eth later, but will do "} {"text":"@CryptoStefan This"} {"text":"@sassal0x @ajwarner90 Its less fud about L2s as a whole and more of the recognition that most undifferentiated evm L2s will more or less die - boba, metis, 69 fly by night forks of op etc etc"} {"text":"@davidjgoosey @daddysether @nicksdjohnson @sassal0x @TrustlessState Thats also true - but thankfully, at least in the US, there is the law and courts for them to pursue their case against the Prada guy"} {"text":"@davidjgoosey @sassal0x @daddysether @nicksdjohnson @TrustlessState Not just these folks ser. We are too. How many $UST apes were CFA charterholders? don't even ask "} {"text":"@santiagoroel Ser this is all because token price has no or low correlation with technology or network utilisation. Results = f (incentives)"} {"text":"@EvgenyGaevoy @sassal0x gm from someone who spent four years building tokenless enterprise blockchains instead of shilling or launching coins :-)"} {"text":"@TheDEFIac @gauntlet_xyz @StaniKulechov Simulations in this case are better than any closed form math... all you can do is learn and incorporate what you learn into sims. You need sims even to estimate price impact under different liquidity conditions"} {"text":"@gauntlet_xyz @TheDEFIac Cex liquidity yes but its been unreliable twice in a row - in one case with a major CEX blocking crv withdraws when most needed - some weighting scheme that weighs dex liquidity much higher than cex liquidity would be nice"} {"text":"For the record, BSLs are not bad - I just prefer honest, *business* BSLs like @arbitrum's that involve some actual proprietary invention, to \" BSLs which are just putting a \"hey guys, this is now all ours, oke?\" stamp on prior community owned art, even if by DaO vote..."} {"text":"@sassal0x @twobitidiot How else will Tort lawyers do so well "} {"text":"@EvgenyGaevoy Let's ask @matt_levine ser?"} {"text":"@sassal0x @twobitidiot I understand the pain. I agree with my fav sophisticated actor below, except when promoters commit fraud"} {"text":"@EvgenyGaevoy Me too but even Mr Levine's approach does not permit fraud on behalf of promoters"} {"text":"@sassal0x @twobitidiot Agree but thats the role of institutions - legislature, courts, agencies to implement checks and balances - also on each other. Its very imperfect but Its much better than countries where they just let people do whatever but then suddenly send guys to jail and take their keys"} {"text":"@sassal0x Thats true. This is why some standards around disclosures re coins are required. @twobitidiot would have solved it by now if they had let him"} {"text":"@EvgenyGaevoy Also this isn't unique to digital assets but all assets eg penny stocks, derivatives, property, ..."} {"text":"@EvgenyGaevoy I think how digital assets are marketed to retail does require more controls. The issue isnt with the assets but the marketing of assets to retail and subsequent bad faith actions by promoters bordering on fraud. This is the direction France, India and UK are moving in already"} {"text":"@EvgenyGaevoy @sassal0x Ser has never tried to build one. Some online influencers might have tried to build one around one of the greatest autists of our times"} {"text":"@EvgenyGaevoy I am aligned with the ever balanced ans pragmatic Ms Pierce. Ideologies make awful policy prescriptions - the Leninist one did in the Soviet union and the Ayn Rand version does in burgerland"} {"text":"@daddysether It's 100% your right what you wish to feel. It's mine to disagree with your feelings as a policy prescription"} {"text":"@daddysether @nicksdjohnson @sassal0x @TrustlessState At all times but there are limits eg vulnerable groups - widows and orphans - there's ample scientific evidence ( thaler, kahneman, taversky ) that human rationality is quite bounded. Financial darwinism and buyer beware are better suited for Serengeti\/Kruger than civil society"} {"text":"Is this constitutional? firm sounds alarm on law that collects user IDs on $10,000 purchases \u2013 DL News"} {"text":"@daddysether @nicksdjohnson @sassal0x @TrustlessState Yes, same - people are vulnerable and prone to predatory manipulation as demonstrated by multiple exploitative cults, Trump campaign, David Koresh, Brexit campaign and such"} {"text":"Defending Pulsechain Richard Heart's predatory cult building and blaming his victims is the same as agreeing with Rep. Maxine Waters' historically unfavorable position on Lets not do that"} {"text":"@EvgenyGaevoy @sassal0x That aint it chief"} {"text":"@daddysether @nicksdjohnson @sassal0x @TrustlessState Consequences for the Prada guy and potential financial reparations for the victims There's considerable criminal case law around predatory cult leaders which applies here"} {"text":"Countries where are legal are far more conducive to careers in bleeding edge tech and VC. This might be the reason why there is so much more \"wtf bro, wow, this makes no sense\" type of highly investable vision to go around in Bay area scene than in Gulf area scene"} {"text":"Who will be the first hooman to game the MEV bots and win big? I want to live to see it"} {"text":"@PrimordialAA Protocol isn't trying to game the man tho"} {"text":"@ColeThereum fk no. Issac Asimov would support what @HanweChang did wholeheartedly"} {"text":"@PrimordialAA If bot is allowed to game the man, man should be allowed to game the bot"} {"text":"@Scroll_ZKP @pseudotheos Sadly there is no verification language for our easy to write bugs in JavaScript for money "} {"text":"Polaris gud projet"} {"text":"I will never know why everyone in infra world wants to get to the end game just when apps have barely begun"} {"text":"Bullmarket invocation prayer: If and wen hits $10k I will delet my twitter account"} {"text":"@Austen \" brought a lot of this \"relentless self promotion at the expense of the business\" culture into as well"} {"text":"@guil_lambert Uni TVL stays up tho! Who's financing it, how and why?"} {"text":"$CRV saga in one jpeg..."} {"text":"@SizeChad America's hustle culture guru Gary Vee been awfully quiet lately"} {"text":"@veH0rny @RunnerXBT Risk appetite halvening"} {"text":"lawyers are spending too much time w devs "} {"text":"I slept uninterrupted for the first time in months because this janky air cooler device sounds like an airplane - patenting it to sell to eight sleep guys soon"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart @lex_node @ThinkingETH"} {"text":"@dabit3 Wait! Whats the health factor of your 325k USDT loan in V2?"} {"text":"Thank you, shitposting..."} {"text":"@mjpldn @LogX_trade No token ser - try the product for sure"} {"text":"@mdudas @anirvedas How does this fit into Chris (Dixon)'s \"take rate\" prediction for How much did the take rate of intermediaries come down? How much of the cut did the artists keep - @punk9059 might have numbers"} {"text":"A work of true beauty, worth reading on a Saturday night"} {"text":"@arts_dao @AnanasBRB NFT bera so bad she wanna jump?"} {"text":"@mdudas Ponzi consciousness is the bane of our sector of technologie"} {"text":"@PaulFrambot In bula brother, inshallah morpho ventures shall manifest"} {"text":"@PaulFrambot You missed one thing - every crypto founder is also a VC"} {"text":"A founder should listen to and learn from many more founders rather than VCs - unless the VCs are on the board in which case you have to"} {"text":"If you could only choose one attribute for yourself, what would you choose to be?"} {"text":"How can one get a Chinese Green Card?"} {"text":"Coinbase will win dismissal but retail prolly still gone till rate cuts?"} {"text":"Statistics people, what do you call it when two time series ( S&P, ) are correlated on the way down but uncorrelated on the way up?"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart Don't wory. If your house is stolen that way, we will just burn it on your behalf"} {"text":"If you don't manage risk Risk will manage you "} {"text":"So many perp dexes - a killer app of Bullish on @LogX_trade"} {"text":"@musalbas Barbie not modular - little boy modular ser"} {"text":"@cryptocevo Max long, refuse to sell, then bear market"} {"text":"@monsieurbarq Jus my view"} {"text":"@stacy_muur @a16zcrypto @paradigm @dragonfly_xyz Sauces?"} {"text":"Morality is the law in theory. Law is the collective morality in practice."} {"text":"@kobigurk @_bfarmer @UHaboeck Let's go back to CZ v Paolo guys - its a lot more fun and existential"} {"text":"price is now the same as the height of mount everest in feet do with this profound market insight what you will"} {"text":"@jebus911 It will happen either way"} {"text":"The great thing about investing in infrastructure is that it allows you to acquire a superficial knowledge of everything and a deep knowledge of nothing"} {"text":"@TheBlock__ Airdrop confirmed "} {"text":"The world will remember @EffortCapital as the creator of COSMOS ALIGNMENT \u2122"} {"text":"Re this FOSS attribution debate, mean tweets are far better than BSLs. @AaveAave and @Uniswap had to use BSL due to rampant forking and rugging in forks. @arbitrum had to use BSL because their fraud proof tech is so far ahead of others Tweet mean all day but keep it open \u2122"} {"text":"Which one of you just hit my with a recession?"} {"text":"@kobigurk @the_matter_labs They pronounce copy as Kobi in some parts of south India"} {"text":"@ramahluwalia Not a raise. If there's an airdrop similar to Arbi?"} {"text":"Having trouble raising capital? You need to find more alignment inside you"} {"text":"Why are all of last week's hackers returning coins? Which one of the OTC dealers know them "} {"text":"MAJOR COINS DOCTRINE"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart <\/reports Gwart for centralised behaviour>"} {"text":"alignment is easy. Just name your firstborn 0x something"} {"text":"@KadochRudy @moo9000 That debate has its own book"} {"text":"@moo9000 @tarunchitra @Smart_Py @tezos @NEARProtocol @CosmWasm Lol. The language is the tip the iceberg. The tools and community are the iceberg that make devs productive"} {"text":"Cairo will more than likely find enough critical mass to sustain it but too many zk-dsls being created rn"} {"text":"@KadochRudy There's no wealth in Bera. It's more that Wife likes people which is not very Swiss"} {"text":"@dnkta Most of Mich's CRV were farmed I heard"} {"text":"@KadochRudy Omw..."} {"text":"\"everyone wants to create new programming languages, no one wants to maintain new languages\" - @tarunchitra Hope this isn't the future of zk-dsls. Noir, Leo, Cairo..."} {"text":"This is because token markets are still rather tech\/product neutral, heavily narrative and macro driven and everything goes up and down together for the most part. It may not be so in the next bula but "} {"text":"Young ppl starting in should know that having a *lot of* tokens in a not so gr8 project pays off MUCH better in bula than having a smol number of tokens in a great project The price of that is cash poverty in bera but there is no other *legitimate* way to really make it"} {"text":"The guide to the world at large"} {"text":"@defivas This is why crypto community does not contribute it's fair share to TVL "} {"text":"Rephrasing @BanklessHQ I hope lots of white hats are auditing compiler versions rn "} {"text":"The token tax dillemma: Would it have been more profitable for Mich to slow sell $CRV in bula and pay Swiss capital gains, than paying steep OTC discounts in bera?"} {"text":"@zkproofs @tarunchitra If you ask India's right wing frens, they will tell you that the formula for little boy was already inscribed in India's ancient scriptures"} {"text":"@ramahluwalia If they launch a $BASE token, what accounting treatment do you think they will use to consolidate revenue from the proceeds?"} {"text":"@sicsemperfiat Who is he?"} {"text":"@Crypto_Texan @worldcoin Nothing cypherpunk about it"} {"text":"I don't think a $2000 eight sleep mattress would help me in with all the drama taking place during burgeristan hours "} {"text":"@_khanhamzah @ZeroCousin Also not if there's a token"} {"text":"@BobbyThakkar Showing you ads like google soon. Steady lad!"} {"text":"@ajwarner90 @EdFelten @rauljordaneth Congratulations frens. This is awesome shipping "} {"text":"@mdudas I thought earlier I saw a tweet critical of eth layers in the context of Solano debats "} {"text":"My body is ready for Twitter Law School to cancel Matt Levine's degree certificates"} {"text":"devs be like..."} {"text":"@MattBallen4791 @BitGo @mikebelshe Congrats ser"} {"text":"How do INTENTS work when the developer's intent is to rug?"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart What if that wasn't my intent(s)"} {"text":"@DrNickA Token solves this - that's why we need Uber on the blockchain"} {"text":"@euler_mab"} {"text":"@NTBro @dgwbirch is your man, much came before too"} {"text":"Two more mansions, then uponly "} {"text":"@davehendricks @MattFiebach This time we are chasing yield rather than fundraising because defi yield < t-bill yield. Thats correct"} {"text":"@poordart You missed some of the best - Bald, Inu, Four, Luna, Euler, Sushi, Perp, Serum..."} {"text":"@euler_mab Peer to pool is n*1 instead of n*n and scales much better than p2p, esp in anon env. ETHLend was n*n afaik but no harm in trying In the $CRV case error has been not pricing impact of liquidity risk into credit risk. Rate shd increase w size of collat in % to onchain liquidity"} {"text":"@euler_mab Like peer to peer lending?"} {"text":"@euler_mab Whats a better alternative?"} {"text":"KYC is just account obstruction"} {"text":"If you are in VC, pivot to being an operator"} {"text":"This is life on twitter every day"} {"text":"@Crypto_Texan @lemiscate No corporation pays as much money for as little work as a DaO does \u2122"} {"text":"@_khanhamzah @0xSisyphus Play retarded games, win ..... prizes"} {"text":"\"Every company will be a f\u0336i\u0336n\u0336t\u0336e\u0336c\u0336h\u0336 w\u0336e\u0336b\u03363\u0336 a\u0336i\u0336 company\""} {"text":"@pseudotheos Mm no. Its because when an app fails, its obvious from the metrics. Whereas when no one uses the infra, the corresponding token is the app."} {"text":"@abhishek095 Just move to SF and riot freely"} {"text":"I know people at @worldcoin who would never do this... Play stupid games, win stupid prizes"} {"text":"@whoisparul Depends on \"community\""} {"text":"My working assumption about traders active on this site is that if they are super bullish about something on this site, they are either already selling it to you or looking to sell it to you. Conversely, if they are fudding, they want a lower entry"} {"text":"I am on this site for the best in the business marketing shilling to plebs how Solana will benefit from superconductors, quantum theory, LK-99 and levitating magnets"} {"text":"@punk6529 A critical aspect of scaling an org is to hire competent people and make them less competent"} {"text":"@brucefenton Are those Richard Heart's bags?"} {"text":"@lemiscate Future of France - work on a holiday "} {"text":"@cmsholdings 4loop"} {"text":"@NeerajKA That was your last chance to get a proper Indian arranged marriage"} {"text":"Couple more fraud charges then "} {"text":"1. Firewall, strictly permissioned access 2. Database not immutable, can rollback 3. Don't use javascript, solidity or vyper 4. Layers upon layers of soc2 controls 5. "} {"text":"@JSeyff @EricBalchunas Pls check the math. 65% is not mathematically valid. Should be 69.42%"} {"text":"@tmnxeq Ser bullberg single handedly keeping us green, pls be nice"} {"text":"I think one's attitude to determines one's financial trajectory. The more hyped you are about videos of levitating magnets: 1. the higher $ amount you will make through your work life, but... 2. the smaller % of what you make you will keep at retirement"} {"text":"should incorporate enshrined liquid staking - way too much risk rn on our tower of ultrasound leverage"} {"text":"@_khanhamzah Buy therapy afterwards..."} {"text":"@0xsachi They took him back? Great news!"} {"text":"Because I don't understand shit about I refuse to belv in the hype till @tarunchitra confirms it"} {"text":"@beniduboss @mattyklein_ @spreekaway @GwartyGwart Idk... governance can also be a kill switch for dealing with credit risk and long tail things"} {"text":"@poordart @lemiscate No one is beyond criticism or or reproach. Just saying we need to look at everyone's entire contribution and behaviour and not the one or two data points we can find against them"} {"text":"@poordart @lemiscate If that bullmarket unlock sale is the worst you can hold against Marc, we are holding our best builders to unfair standards while letting the bad actors go free"} {"text":"@digitalartchick My advice is not to work in web3 Being a discord mod, community manager, running a social media account - none of this makes you competitive in the job force, in fact, if I ever saw web3 on a resume I would throw it in the trash Web3 is a hobby\/casino, not a resume bulletpoint"} {"text":"@bhushan_vikram Don't"} {"text":"Is anyone tracking significant ( > $10m ) property purchases by founders? Just wanna know what to sell already "} {"text":"@poordart I don't agree with the defense of the CRV tokenology but in my experience with who's who of defi builders, ser @lemiscate is in the top 0.001% of legitness in"} {"text":"@sytaylor @dgwbirch Definitely does not belong to a foreign corporation (since the East India Company)"} {"text":"@The3D_ Yeah tho the optics is not good - just creates a lot of work for @millercwl to explain all this"} {"text":"@tmnxeq Thanks. Yea, different classes of stock are quite common and make sense for founder led firms eg in tech"} {"text":"Are there any centralised listed companies where the founder owns more than 48% of circulating supply of stonks?"} {"text":"Who's brave enough to ape into a Samcoin at $15b FDV"} {"text":"So many Indian origin CEOs doing so well in America. Maybe its about time for an Indian origin POTUS?"} {"text":"@CryptoStefan Yeah the front end is centralised so it makes sense in a way"} {"text":"@CryptoStefan Yes. Its not arbitrary. Its what we can call \"risk based\""} {"text":"Have we reached bottom yet?"} {"text":"@simplykashif Technically, its the front end which is centralised"} {"text":"Uniswap deleted HEX after the SEC brought charges, but not the other 10,000 toxic memecoins and known scams Law is Code \u2122"} {"text":"@pbrody The clue was in the name"} {"text":"Saylor is the Lido of"} {"text":"@SmokeyTheBera @blknoiz06 Steve Jobs cried a lot "} {"text":"@Shenanigrahams All in on levitation nft-s"} {"text":"They taught us STEM but no critical thinking so that we could stop believing in religion and start believing in completely redacted tech miracle hype stories instead"} {"text":"Raising a $1bn condensed matter physics venture fund to invest in superconductor meme startups"} {"text":"@kobigurk @OurielOhayon @worldcoin @DCbuild3r"} {"text":"@pridesai Thats even more over \u00af\\_()_\/\u00af"} {"text":"What if LK-99 is $BALD but for physicists"} {"text":"For many people, the whole point of is to be intensely occupied by daily crises that simply don't matter within a week"} {"text":"@sassal0x I certainly hope you're right but as a $COIN hodler I am not sure"} {"text":"@fede_intern We like Fede's shop"} {"text":"@DCbuild3r @fede_intern None of these are unique to OP stack - ZKEVM based appchain architectures e.g. Polygon zkEVM share all of these network effects and social benefits, without the technological limitations"} {"text":"One saved the other saved"} {"text":"@laurashin @jbrukh @perkinscr97 @Unchained_pod @pete_rizzo_"} {"text":"@sassal0x The analogy doesn't hold because Google doesn't operate a site. But its not about eventually. Its about their risk *right now*. In a famously litigious country, with ongoing litigation and media headlines, such risk exposure to a terrific core business and brand isn't worth it."} {"text":"@poordart ...so far"} {"text":"@HughKarp Yeah something along those lines depending on the prices. Gov token would be Tier 2 and external would be tier 3. risk capital > insurance because of CCR"} {"text":"@HughKarp Credit risk if insurer doesn't pay up "} {"text":"Premature celebration"} {"text":"Chancellor of on the brink of another bailout"} {"text":"@HughKarp In practice stables just sitting there would kill protocol profitability and capital efficiency"} {"text":"CRV such a gud projet. Hope the technology survives the degeneracy of tokenology"} {"text":"I don't think @gauntlet_xyz has behavioural sims for random threadoors fudding protocols on twitter to try to get in cheap"} {"text":"So is ded now that we (might) have some kinda superconductor?"} {"text":"@ASvanevik @aeyakovenko Wait whats this stuff got to do with Gravitation?"} {"text":"Rakoff causing Selloff "} {"text":"@mrjasonchoi ngl; systemic risk is a lot more fun than cefi systemic risk"} {"text":"@arjunblj Trouble begins when the gigadegen money pot inevitably rugs and many coinfessioners hate coins\/never come back"} {"text":"How is one dude able to borrow against 40% of a \" token's circulating supply lol"} {"text":"\"The key to corporate is not just protecting the startup (BASE) from the incumbent parent ($COIN), but the converse also\" I think Clay Christensen said it or it was Peter Drucker..."} {"text":"@EvgenyGaevoy Not true. Dude slept on a bean bag in his office. He may have had no ethics but he had an autistic work ethic"} {"text":"News: Everyone is building infra Reality: ONE dev is building app dev infra"} {"text":"@mdudas Moving to Bali ser?"} {"text":"@ballsyalchemist"} {"text":"Indeed..."} {"text":"Berlin based Orbcoin.."} {"text":"@NeerajKA this"} {"text":"@udiWertheimer @SummersThings @RichardHeartWin @ercwl Commissioner @ercwl in rupture"} {"text":"Now is a good time to think about \"enshrined\" liquid staking"} {"text":"@cburniske @el33th4xor Vitalik, Emin, Adam (from an eth pov)"} {"text":"@bneiluj "} {"text":"@unlock_VALue Yeah crv tvl has no material bearing on eth price - defi tvl is smol already"} {"text":"Mood today after $CRV adventures last night"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart @BuildOnBase Build what tho?"} {"text":"@jillrgunter Its the endgame of onchain. After that we are all going offchain with intents and client side proving"} {"text":"@Austin_Federa @10xSebastian Yes, FFS"} {"text":"Its tradition to blame all hacks and rugs on Nation State actors and Lazarus DaO when in fact most of the issues are lying around waiting to be accidentally stumbled upon by 19-90 year olds with an xbox"} {"text":"frens, who is to blame for the 69420th code is law (Curve) hack in a decade?"} {"text":"@kobigurk @VitalikButerin I was only 19 years old when ser appeared in my dream and told me about ultrasound deflationary money"} {"text":"@Flowslikeosmo \"if you were early\""} {"text":"@Flowslikeosmo If is doing a lot of work there"} {"text":"@AnnaRRose @0xkydo @fede_intern @kobigurk At least there should be a zk proof of noncompete"} {"text":"So Vyper was a psyop to make Solidity look good?"} {"text":"Audit the code Audit the compiler Audit the VM Audit the OS Audit the microprocessor How about we audit deeze nutz instead?"} {"text":"Samtoshi Altmoto's coin continues to produce red flags"} {"text":"Well I hope at least Lido is safu "} {"text":"@SmokeyTheBera >> unsure what happens next besides more staked eth restaked eth ser"} {"text":"Ultrasound money is money that comes quickly and goes quickly... "} {"text":"\"I AM BECOME RUG, THE DESTROYER OF WEALTH\" - Vyper Lang"} {"text":"@acityinohio Account *obstruction* will stop your account from being rugged"} {"text":"@PaulRBerg Nap"} {"text":"This is the year 2069 and devs are still writing unsafe solidity and vyper code causing 420 reentrancy attacks worth $69b in exploits this year"} {"text":"@NeilJacobs @pete_rizzo_ @TheStalwart Gud that ser is bullish on the Orb"} {"text":"@SixdegreeLab Dubai is Asia ser"} {"text":"@bmaia_expat @paddi_hansen MEV is not always market abuse. There's good mev and bad mev. sandwich attacks are bad mev studies indicate a likely market failure as in free market that doesn't lead to an efficient outcome (low gas fees, good ux) for consumers. Thats what eth research is trying to deliver"} {"text":"@bmaia_expat @paddi_hansen rn MEV is \"maximally extractable\" ie no rules, only a competitive market of algos. Good\/bad thing re chains is that if a rule can be made, it can also be verified - data is available. However it can't be enforced. A US based block builder could ignore EU rules altogether."} {"text":"@bmaia_expat @paddi_hansen Can't implement in sw rules that do not exist. There was a flashbots preso at modular summit that said \"its all market makers\" - europe is more likely to make rules around the economic substance of the MEV activity eg PFOF or MM"} {"text":"Another cool thing about India is that Amul's cheeseburger is literally \"cheese\" burger (no beef)"} {"text":"@ronitA380 @CryptoMan_Ram @atulkhekade @riteshkakkad @SurendranNisha @TramANguyen @Huynguyentrieu @FinTechGuyDubai @Aneri_XVCTech @PaulPutscher Dilke Chain"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart Isn't that just a sequencer with its own BALD token?"} {"text":"@ronitA380 Should have picked a population weighted center as the ref - this is left as an exercise"} {"text":"@josephdelong @nanexcool Burgers being super butthurt about being asked to get a European ESTA is legit funny "} {"text":"The emigration conjecture: the average household net worth of Indian diaspora increases in proportion to the square root of aerial distance from New Delhi. W = k*sqrt(x) If you live in India, stay as close to Delhi as possible and if you gonna emigrate, go as far as possible"} {"text":"Everyone in the Bay Area wants to make the world a better place. Maybe start with San Francisco?"} {"text":"@ArshanKhanifar She is a multisig"} {"text":"For this multitasking world, our brain should have been shipped with powerful GPUs and not just a Pentium class CPU"} {"text":"This app icon will cause so many relationship issues @elonmusk"} {"text":"Its totally redacted that the entire global economy is critically dependent on this flashpoint of a little island"} {"text":"@davidesilverman @2irl4u mmm, let me break it to you already - it will be a variation of the parenting our ancestors did on trees brother biology > technology"} {"text":"needs a new marketing campaign. The daily debate with eth gang gang has got rather boring"} {"text":"@mdudas @jebus911 Where chains are going, most of the compute and data will go offchain and consensus will do ordering for proofs\/commitments. In the meantime there's also L3s"} {"text":"@lex_node True. However for our eth to be *economically* mega-secure at $200b+ mcap like rn, US frens need to be able buy and stake. I know your argument is not US specific but ... the current crypto-system is dollar dependent"} {"text":"@lex_node \"cryptoeconomically secure against government regs\" No such thing sorry. Code is not law."} {"text":"Is there a trust minimized Unibot?"} {"text":"How light a node is a light node?"} {"text":"@_khanhamzah @pkan90 @RobinhoodApp Retail will care tho. Hence L2s"} {"text":"@stephanlivera Bro your pfp literally has loser eyes"} {"text":"A fair bit of the longevity fare seems to be a repackaging of traditional health systems. How to live long? a) Don't die b) Win genetic lottery c) Eat, sleep, work, workout per your body d) Try to keep your stress down e) Take fancy big pharma placebo pills f) Don't die"} {"text":"@pedrouid Yes. Facebook has got great tech but we got Cambridge Analytica. We both love great tech but its not enough "} {"text":"@pedrouid 1. No 2. Yes 3. Probably, tech's very interesting for sure"} {"text":"@pedrouid >> The only? No. The MLM\/Tupperware parties structure, market making agreements, lack of in the US, samcoin tokenomics, disclosures... there are a few"} {"text":"@pedrouid Logic not hold up. Countries do things they shouldn't doesn't mean companies should too."} {"text":"The rumours of the death of @cosmos are greatly exaggerated"} {"text":"@TrustlessState @BuildOnBase Same energy"} {"text":"@Chris_Skinner assumption ser"} {"text":"@Chris_Skinner girlfriend solves dis"} {"text":"@tarunchitra What would zkps prove in this context? Provenance of data?"} {"text":"@jdkanani Girl: nova, boy: supernova"} {"text":"@jdkanani What was it? Arithmetic circuit?"} {"text":"in is like room temperature, ambient pressure (90 min, 40 degrees C, 40% humidity, 26 postures*2x) Stronk recommend anywhere in the world tho. Beats every other type of recovery for frequent conferencoors (and others)"} {"text":"@SCBuergel Centralization has its place - and decentralisation has its purpose. Neither is good or bad in the absence of context."} {"text":"Yep"} {"text":"@daddysether @UncleRewards Stonks are superconductor money"} {"text":"(context: the orb)"} {"text":"Yoda's talent theorem: In a well designed incentive system, a more capable person contributes nonlinearly more than a less capable one Conversely, in a poorly designed incentive system, a more capable person does nonlinearly more damage than a less capable one"} {"text":"@sreeramkannan . To which Shankara asked - who is the one that thinks none?"} {"text":"Pauly's code is speech, ergo Pauly has no liability right?"} {"text":"IMO @sequoia slashing the fund by 2\/3 makes sense. Exuberant excess capital deployed by funds in 2021\/22 is still causing a schizo disconnect between private market valuations and public market prices and that will suppress returns Funds are just a year behind angels "} {"text":"\"Become an honest majority of one\" - Lord Buddha"} {"text":"Unibot is sooooo much worse than Worldcoin..."} {"text":"@TheStalwart Such a fiat guy..."} {"text":"@PopPunkOnChain True decentralization"} {"text":"@hotpot_dao Wen bing"} {"text":"@lemiscate Yes - its also often better to fail in 3-5 years than fail after 10 years. With the reg uncertainty rn I'd say 3y cash is optimal"} {"text":"@lemiscate Its the better problem. They took the sausages when the sausage tray was going around and didn't eat too many. Agree on investing more in customer discovery and growth."} {"text":"How to make your seed investors happy in bera"} {"text":"Is there a seed stage project that combines and intents for the heck of it?"} {"text":"@Arthur_0x At least angels don't have to slash their fund size, it slashes itself in bera "} {"text":"@hotpot_dao @zeroknowledgefm"} {"text":"@bhushan_vikram Doubt it. Blue haired dev dude fren is far more effective"} {"text":"@hrojantorse @hosseeb engineers are hoomans before they are engineers"} {"text":"@androolloyd @tarunchitra @DEShawResearch Impossibility theorerms and their siblings such as the uncertainty principle, Goedel's proof and CAP theorem have saved more human time and talent than anything else by illuminating whats possible. Tarun ser should have invented one for superconductors while he was at it "} {"text":"You think you are on a date with this woman when she tells you she works for an ai overlord and pulls out this Orb to collect your biometrics"} {"text":"@udiWertheimer @zackvoell An excellent reason to have fun staying poor"} {"text":"Kinda agree with @hosseeb that one of the most sus arguments in is: \"we can trust project\/team x because *I know people there*\" e.g. the orb Trust not individuals but systems and incentives - to the extent of fallibility That is the point of"} {"text":"@Crypto_Socrates We are and should be and there's been peace and progress but also decline, war, oppression, genocides, segregation and the holocaust(s) through even quite recent history. Bob Marley is not a particularly illuminating historian in that regard. Technologists undervalue humanities"} {"text":"People should read history - at a minimum, of their own people"} {"text":"Twitter is not for serious people to say serious things in a serious manner You can have at best two. This is the shitpost trilemma"} {"text":"While its true that Cosmos invents a lot of cool things that find scale and distribution on its not frens fault that too many @cosmos teams tend to be devs building for devs and generally deprioritise tokenomics\/bd\/marketing\/community skills "} {"text":"@nickwh8te Thoughts on the modular architecture of the device?"} {"text":"@amytongwu "} {"text":"Room temperature superconductors are easy - just use restaking with some regular graphite"} {"text":"@tarunchitra @DEShawResearch Lol. This time is different \u2122"} {"text":"@tarunchitra If we have a multi billion mcap optimistic rollup without fraud proofs and a zk rollup without validity proofs, why can't we have room temperature superconductors as well?"} {"text":"@DrNickA Sounds like the CS department"} {"text":"@Arthur_0x For a long horizon fund, selling now instead of holding until rate cuts hit in late '24 or '25 will be a bigger regret"} {"text":"@DrNickA @GwartyGwart What people really want is a Binance where we can list and trade whatever"} {"text":"@kurrubuddu Thats a different asset"} {"text":"didn't get rugged by their marketing but by their product. The thing always tasted like <redacted>, the unnecessary controversy only made half of America stop and consider the taste Lesson: if your product is a commodity, keep your marketing simple"} {"text":"Is proof of work the same thing as no tweeting?"} {"text":"Who is building for extra terrestrial biologics?"} {"text":"is superconductor money"} {"text":"@zengjiajun_eth His name is Gary?"} {"text":"@martin__a__s @z0r0zzz @lex_node Similarly social consensus is shorthand for we will decide what to do if the tech doesn't work as expected"} {"text":"Coindesk 2016-2019: is dying Coindesk 2023-2024: Cosmos is dying Feels bullish for the @Cosmos community"} {"text":"@CasPiancey As a parent I understand why. Both his parents teach law..."} {"text":"@SCBuergel Looks like he made sure he has it"} {"text":"@bkiepuszewski @LefterisJP Then one day a tyrannical government will retina re-scan everyone and send the airdrop-eligible ones to the gulag"} {"text":"The herb should be legalised for sports injuries and muscle pains worldwide"} {"text":"Words worth their weight in gold"} {"text":"The unspoken assumption behind the Orb is that we can trust private corporations even though can not trust the government. Thats a very American vibe. In most of Western Europe, its quite the other way round The reasons are rooted in history and would require Adam to thread em"} {"text":"Any good marketer must have a highly developed cringe sensor"} {"text":""} {"text":"@EleanorTerrett @SBF_FTX Sounds like Kaplan is his uncle lol"} {"text":"@GwartyGwart You also learnt that we won't forget to MEV along the way"} {"text":"@cz_binance Everyone traded btc pairs before there was tether :-) 1BTC = 1BTC ..."} {"text":"This is the way to go. Good stuff from @blockchaincap"} {"text":"Ok so Saratoshi Nagamoto was not innovative. What about Virtalik Buderin?"} {"text":"What sort of intents or solvers would Lazarus DaO build?"} {"text":"@zmanian @zeroknowledgefm @tarunchitra "} {"text":"One killer app at the intersection of and might be to run bots to fill all the excess blockspace we have now across L1s, L2s and DA s"} {"text":"@lawtoshi @lex_node Can't you guys just write a test suite for Howey?"} {"text":"@aeyakovenko Its not firedancer?"} {"text":"The first girlfriend"} {"text":"@mrjasonchoi DeSci "} {"text":"@routerprotocol @labs_electron "} {"text":"@0xSisyphus No those are digital commodities"} {"text":"I asked a physicist what they think about this superconductor thing, and I got hate mail ... let's see"} {"text":"Who's running a prediction market for whether this new do-nothing superconductor is a scam or real? @Polymarket"} {"text":"The real room temperature ambient pressure superconductors are the frens we made along the way"} {"text":"Wen superconductor memecoins?"} {"text":"@KadochRudy @StaniKulechov @dabit3 I think this is because infra e.g. a new produces multiple levels of tradable digital commodities whereas every app produces only one digital commodity that is harder to defend in amrika"} {"text":"@ASvanevik How it started, how it's going"} {"text":"Total respect"} {"text":"In my experience people who have never shipped production code (eg most lawyers and VCs from noncoding backgrounds ) tend to trust technology ( s, the orb) vastly more than those who have Not knowing how sausages are made is such a great comfort!"} {"text":"@nickwh8te Where does danksharding fit in this"} {"text":"@JamesJWYork @ByGeoffW Mm, a private corporation has no obligation to provide their services to any individual as long as they do not *systematically* discriminate based on a protected characteristic"} {"text":"@JamesJWYork @ByGeoffW Natwest is practically nationalised. As a government pwned bank they can't do what a private sector firm can"} {"text":"@gadikian It depends"} {"text":"Has this room temperature superconductivity thing been peer reviewed and independently reproduced? If not, the founders better gib airdrop"} {"text":"Hope he can restore the Kwon family name to glory"} {"text":"OP stack is a public good $OP tokens are a private good This is the wei..."} {"text":"@pridesai No token"} {"text":"@bkiepuszewski @ImperiumPaper @0xMantle @optimismFND @SpecularL2 @eigenlayer @inversebrah"} {"text":"Many \"zkevm\" announcements in the world rn Only one fully audited open source prover in production Do with this info what you will"} {"text":"@artusvanfrahm nft shill hurts only those who like pain"} {"text":"@bkiepuszewski @CelestiaOrg @eigenlayer Bartek ser, in the same spirit, L2beats should also ist which zk rollups actually have a working, open source, audited prover in production and who has just announced it for the announcement"} {"text":"Ok was yesterday's twitter tl;dr: very interesting tech, very scammy tokenomics and trust sam bro ain't it now what new fires are on today"} {"text":"@ballsyalchemist Eigenlayer, Celestia and Risc0 buzz so good, gang gang"} {"text":"@simplykashif Now imajin a Chinese fren doin it wao"} {"text":"@litocoen May1 to August end is Sauna, then its beach"} {"text":"First, apps inspire infrastructure. Then that infrastructure enables new apps."} {"text":"For once, I think OG bitcoiners and Monero guys have got it right and us folks have got this all wrong Proof of personhood, proof of retina, proof of DN.... It's all just KYC with more steps"} {"text":"@ArshanKhanifar Ser @GuilleAngeris is a math dealer"} {"text":"Frequent conferencoor life formula: 1. Jet lag 2. Airline and Conference food 3. No exercise 4. Late night side events 5. Alcohol farming 6. Late night calls 7. Work backlog 8. Fatigue 9. Stress 10. Mental health tweets"} {"text":"@zengjiajun_eth ... and faceID"} {"text":"@0xfoobar @hnshah Hiten man, bls do google search"} {"text":"@TrustlessState @gnosischain"} {"text":"@odin_free not if you frequently travel abroad "} {"text":"Oppenheimer Orbenheimer"} {"text":"Worldcoin asks a fundamental question - why do the poor need when they can have"} {"text":"@dnkta @degen_julian Yes, its meant to orb the poors but US frens can profit without being orbed"} {"text":"Worldcoin has the potential to transform America into China"} {"text":"@hotpot_dao "} {"text":"@poordart At 1.43% float its the best way to unbank the banked"} {"text":"The world will eventually be destroyed by people who are \"just doing their jobs\""} {"text":"@hartej_ Nah, that thought actually came from a french dev who was surprised by his trip Dont forget I did 12 years in London just before this Indians actually prefer US\/UK\/EU - you can settle down long term"} {"text":"is so clean, safe, fast and efficient compared to Paris wao (and tax free)"} {"text":"is always \"DLT\" at the bottom"} {"text":"After a decade full of ghost L1s, are we gonna have ghost L2s now?"} {"text":"@sreeramkannan Hence the we will think about it later O I suspect the security-scalability tradeoff will come from slow growth in demand for L1 blockspace In general modular world needs apps to reduce the risk of \"highways to nowhere\" blockspace glut"} {"text":"@sreeramkannan mid-midbrain question: if we have n txns on L1 today and k L2s tomorrow, don't we need O(n*k) transactions to keep the price of the L1 token constant?"} {"text":"So videos on this website are now called Xvideos?"} {"text":"Chris Nolan is the Andre Cronje of filmmaking - he can make a film thats boring, glitchy or buggy as fk and we will still ape and feel great about being rugged three hours later"} {"text":"There were quite a few new app ideas this week - but they were all at For alfa, moar VC frens should hang at hackathons than (panel\/keynote format) conferences IMHO"} {"text":"@sicsemperfiat Future of france is different"} {"text":"Its amazing what you can get for 4 MATIC"} {"text":"@ETHGlobal @Eito_Miyamura @dimitrov_radko @ac_crypto @LucasEge @manujmishra_ Wao!"} {"text":"@DCbuild3r Mass scan?"} {"text":"@aliciakatz gm fren"} {"text":"The main mountain that competitors need to climb is this insane dev\/creator energy"} {"text":"@acityinohio @GwartyGwart You no longer need to draft your tweet. You just need to post your intent to tweet and a marketplace of offchain shitpost solvers will competitively bid to write the most banger tweet for you"} {"text":"@wmougayar Idk - ico silliness remains unbeaten . Paris was mostly gud tech"} {"text":"@ASvanevik @mattysino Nuke Goldstein vibes"} {"text":"I think the thing I love most about Paris is being a tourist here and not actually living here"} {"text":"@wmougayar Says the guy who invented token (ICO) summit "} {"text":"@lucasvo @perkinscr97 Offchain assets is my pref"} {"text":"@0xAbix @nickwh8te No it was gud but modular summit was great"} {"text":"@nickwh8te Worth the trip from *on its own* ser"} {"text":"Bozotherapy - how reading these books instead of getting your own shit together will guarrantee your health, wealth and happiness"} {"text":"@yver__ X Deeze Nutz"} {"text":"@yver__ X-DN"} {"text":"@Mudit__Gupta Thats a different argument than market research Thats my original argument about leaning on skeumorphism in the space of disruptive tech - eg building a twitter clone on the blockchain"} {"text":"@Mudit__Gupta Mm - they literally mirrored existing mainstream successful games. Market research will mostly lead you to making a faster horse - in blockchain's case, slower"} {"text":"@Mudit__Gupta I don't agree. You can't do market research for things for which there's never been a market before - you have to yolo on an idea and learn along the way"} {"text":"What are some of the designs (legal, technical, token-ical) using which DaOs can prevent\/reduce the risk of governance becoming GovRUGNance and rugging the DaO on behalf of the team, founders, service providers or random raiders? DaO robbery using governance (DRUG) \u2122"} {"text":"I understand teams that don't learn from failure but I don't understand teams that don't learn from success. If something redacted eg hamster racing is taking off, its redacted to discard it as speculation without first trying to understand why and what else might work"} {"text":"The lesson here isn't that you should always raise VC or launch a token The real lesson is that Skeumorphism is the original sin \u2122. Generally, the only value that recreating what already works well offchain adds, is a token launch and some NFTs Try something new instead?"} {"text":"On a long enough time horizon, every successful illegal casino becomes a legitimate bank"} {"text":"Looking at the price of after every conference"} {"text":"Yoda's swag theorem: Quality of company swag is inversely proportional to time since the last fundraise and directly proportional to the size of the last fundraise. Q ~ S\/T"} {"text":"@pseudotheos Wait, its not?"} {"text":"An evening in Paris "} {"text":"@davebarna All bona fide tech legends"} {"text":"@spcomstock @debarghya_das Amen"} {"text":"@SayWhaaaatNow2 @jelenaaa____ @cosmos @jackzampolin Its strange strange love between Cosmos and ETH "} {"text":"@debarghya_das In my experience its not about the individual, rather the collective ie how we function in groups and as a society. Americans collectively are smarter than Indians collectively"} {"text":"@jelenaaa____ @cosmos @jackzampolin "} {"text":"Roles in the MEV value chain Proposer Builder Relayer Searcher HAMSTER "} {"text":"@MeherRoy @loi_luu @_TomHoward Yeah... application specific ordering can approximate fairness guarantees prof says"} {"text":"@loi_luu @_TomHoward I don't know - and I doubt it"} {"text":"@_TomHoward You tell the dapp what you want. dapp doesn't know what to do but it finds someone onchain or offchain to do the work"} {"text":"Mood today..."} {"text":"@akshaybd Not so different from projects "} {"text":"I'ma be the annoying outsider guy who thinks that emphasising only software-ness and not *also* money-ness is what allows to fall so far behind"} {"text":"@0xashesonchain Yes and those aren't good at hiring either"} {"text":"@0xashesonchain Its impossible to be one without the other"} {"text":"Broke: Woke: Bespoke: "} {"text":"@sourcex44 These guys started it - outside the dark web that is"} {"text":"@DrNickA @aliciakatz GovRUGnance"} {"text":"cc: @jon_charb @toghrulmaharram"} {"text":"Today at Broke: are rollups bridges? Woke: are hamsters mice?"} {"text":"@bneiluj I wrote C++ code for a decade in my non-bozo days. Devs can hardly write safe solidity, they not gonna write safe C++ for the permissionless money web. Rust based languages have the best chance of some safety"} {"text":"I believe the first killer game will look a lot more like pacman, tetris or tic-tac-toe than Call of Duty or Fortnite."} {"text":"If you're shilling the idea of writing smartcontracts in C++ we can't be friends"} {"text":"After 2021, I invested in precisely ZERO DaOs because of widespread DaO robbery by governance \u2122"} {"text":"Poll: Best game so far:"} {"text":"Bull markets make hard tungsten cubes Hard tungsten cubes make weak men Weak men make bear markets Bear markets race soft hamsters Soft hamsters bring bull markets"} {"text":"Oppenheimer Open Hamster"}