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Period: January 20, 1997 (Clinton’s second term inauguration day) – January 20, 2001 (the day Clinton left office).
Search parameters: All documents on the American Presidency Project site within the above timeframe returned through a keyword search ‘terror*’- using the wildcard star to return all variants, terrorism, terrorist, etc. Results were further refined to only those associated with William J. Clinton’s name, so as to filter out Bush’s campaign speeches. Further refined by only those documents tagged as ‘spoken addresses or remarks,’ (to filter out noise from some policy papers, and bureaucratic writs and documents, focusing instead on the core, the heart of executive discourse, straight from his speechwriters at the heart of the west-wing, and from the horse’s mouth). Also, for the sake of a coherent voice in the fine-tuning data.

Composition: a total of records 388 were returned. (including a range of spoken remarks from state of the union addresses, to remarks to various communities all around the US, to remarks to the press, remarks following discussions with foreign dignitaries, etc).
Here’s the link to these search results:

Word count pre-cleaning: 955,714

Word count post-cleaning: 958,876 (likely due to white-space normalisation as part of cleaning process).

Status: Ready for fine-tuning!!!!

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