from collections import OrderedDict |
import datetime |
import json |
import os |
import pickle |
import random as random |
import subprocess |
import sys |
import time |
try: |
import numpy as np |
import torch |
import torch.nn as nn |
import torch.nn.functional as F |
except: |
print("WARNING: Could not import torch. This is only okay when doing pypy compression.", |
file=sys.stderr) |
from dreamcoder.domains.logo.makeLogoTasks import makeTasks, montageTasks, drawLogo |
from dreamcoder.domains.logo.logoPrimitives import primitives, turtle, tangle, tlength |
from dreamcoder.dreamcoder import ecIterator |
from dreamcoder.grammar import Grammar |
from dreamcoder.program import Program |
try: |
from dreamcoder.recognition import variable, maybe_cuda |
except: |
print("WARNING: Could not import recognition. This is only okay when doing pypy compression.", |
file=sys.stderr) |
from dreamcoder.task import Task |
from dreamcoder.type import arrow |
from dreamcoder.utilities import eprint, testTrainSplit, loadPickle |
def animateSolutions(allFrontiers): |
programs = [] |
filenames = [] |
for n,(t,f) in enumerate(allFrontiers.items()): |
if f.empty: continue |
programs.append(f.bestPosterior.program) |
filenames.append(f"/tmp/logo_animation_{n}") |
drawLogo(*programs, pretty=True, smoothPretty=True, resolution=128, animate=True, |
filenames=filenames) |
def dreamFromGrammar(g, directory, N=100): |
if isinstance(g,Grammar): |
programs = [ p |
for _ in range(N) |
for p in [g.sample(arrow(turtle,turtle), |
maximumDepth=20)] |
if p is not None] |
else: |
programs = g |
drawLogo(*programs, |
pretty=False, smoothPretty=False, |
resolution=512, |
filenames=[f"{directory}/{n}.png" for n in range(len(programs)) ], |
timeout=1) |
drawLogo(*programs, |
pretty=True, smoothPretty=False, |
resolution=512, |
filenames=[f"{directory}/{n}_pretty.png" for n in range(len(programs)) ], |
timeout=1) |
drawLogo(*programs, |
pretty=False, smoothPretty=True, |
resolution=512, |
filenames=[f"{directory}/{n}_smooth_pretty.png" for n in range(len(programs)) ], |
timeout=1) |
for n,p in enumerate(programs): |
with open(f"{directory}/{n}.dream","w") as handle: |
handle.write(str(p)) |
try: |
class Flatten(nn.Module): |
def __init__(self): |
super(Flatten, self).__init__() |
def forward(self, x): |
return x.view(x.size(0), -1) |
class LogoFeatureCNN(nn.Module): |
special = "LOGO" |
def __init__(self, tasks, testingTasks=[], cuda=False, H=64): |
super(LogoFeatureCNN, self).__init__() |
self.sub = prefix_dreams + str(int(time.time())) |
self.recomputeTasks = False |
def conv_block(in_channels, out_channels, p=True): |
return nn.Sequential( |
nn.Conv2d(in_channels, out_channels, 3, padding=1), |
nn.ReLU(), |
nn.MaxPool2d(2)) |
self.inputImageDimension = 128 |
self.resizedDimension = 128 |
assert self.inputImageDimension % self.resizedDimension == 0 |
hid_dim = 64 |
z_dim = 64 |
self.encoder = nn.Sequential( |
conv_block(1, hid_dim), |
conv_block(hid_dim, hid_dim), |
conv_block(hid_dim, hid_dim), |
conv_block(hid_dim, hid_dim), |
conv_block(hid_dim, hid_dim), |
conv_block(hid_dim, z_dim), |
Flatten() |
) |
self.outputDimensionality = 256 |
def forward(self, v): |
assert len(v) == self.inputImageDimension*self.inputImageDimension |
floatOnlyTask = list(map(float, v)) |
reshaped = [floatOnlyTask[i:i + self.inputImageDimension] |
for i in range(0, len(floatOnlyTask), self.inputImageDimension)] |
v = variable(reshaped).float() |
v = torch.unsqueeze(v, 0) |
v = torch.unsqueeze(v, 0) |
v = maybe_cuda(v, next(self.parameters()).is_cuda)/256. |
window = int(self.inputImageDimension/self.resizedDimension) |
v = F.avg_pool2d(v, (window,window)) |
v = self.encoder(v) |
return v.view(-1) |
def featuresOfTask(self, t): |
return self(t.highresolution) |
def tasksOfPrograms(self, ps, types): |
images = drawLogo(*ps, resolution=128) |
if len(ps) == 1: images = [images] |
tasks = [] |
for i in images: |
if isinstance(i, str): tasks.append(None) |
else: |
t = Task("Helm", arrow(turtle,turtle), []) |
t.highresolution = i |
tasks.append(t) |
return tasks |
def taskOfProgram(self, p, t): |
return self.tasksOfPrograms([p], None)[0] |
except: |
pass |
def list_options(parser): |
parser.add_argument("--proto", |
default=False, |
action="store_true", |
help="Should we use prototypical networks?") |
parser.add_argument("--target", type=str, |
default=[], |
action='append', |
help="Which tasks should this try to solve") |
parser.add_argument("--reduce", type=str, |
default=[], |
action='append', |
help="Which tasks should this try to solve") |
parser.add_argument("--save", type=str, |
default=None, |
help="Filepath output the grammar if this is a child") |
parser.add_argument("--prefix", type=str, |
default="experimentOutputs/", |
help="Filepath output the grammar if this is a child") |
parser.add_argument("--dreamCheckpoint", type=str, |
default=None, |
help="File to load in order to get dreams") |
parser.add_argument("--dreamDirectory", type=str, |
default=None, |
help="Directory in which to dream from --dreamCheckpoint") |
parser.add_argument("--visualize", |
default=None, type=str) |
parser.add_argument("--cost", default=False, action='store_true', |
help="Impose a smooth cost on using ink") |
parser.add_argument("--split", |
default=1., type=float) |
parser.add_argument("--animate", |
default=None, type=str) |
def outputDreams(checkpoint, directory): |
from dreamcoder.utilities import loadPickle |
result = loadPickle(checkpoint) |
eprint(" [+] Loaded checkpoint",checkpoint) |
g = result.grammars[-1] |
if directory is None: |
randomStr = ''.join(random.choice('0123456789') for _ in range(10)) |
directory = "/tmp/" + randomStr |
eprint(" Dreaming into",directory) |
os.system("mkdir -p %s"%directory) |
dreamFromGrammar(g, directory) |
def enumerateDreams(checkpoint, directory): |
from dreamcoder.dreaming import backgroundHelmholtzEnumeration |
from dreamcoder.utilities import loadPickle |
result = loadPickle(checkpoint) |
eprint(" [+] Loaded checkpoint",checkpoint) |
g = result.grammars[-1] |
if directory is None: assert False, "please specify a directory" |
eprint(" Dreaming into",directory) |
os.system("mkdir -p %s"%directory) |
frontiers = backgroundHelmholtzEnumeration(makeTasks(None,None), g, 100, |
evaluationTimeout=0.01, |
special=LogoFeatureCNN.special)() |
print(f"{len(frontiers)} total frontiers.") |
MDL = 0 |
def L(f): |
return -list(f.entries)[0].logPrior |
frontiers.sort(key=lambda f: -L(f)) |
while len(frontiers) > 0: |
fs = [] |
while len(frontiers) > 0 and L(frontiers[-1]) < MDL + 1: |
fs.append(frontiers.pop(len(frontiers) - 1)) |
if fs: |
random.shuffle(fs) |
print(f"{len(fs)} programs with MDL between [{MDL}, {MDL + 1})") |
fs = fs[:500] |
os.system(f"mkdir {directory}/{MDL}") |
dreamFromGrammar([list(f.entries)[0].program for f in fs], |
f"{directory}/{MDL}") |
MDL += 1 |
def visualizePrimitives(primitives, export='/tmp/logo_primitives.png'): |
from itertools import product |
from dreamcoder.program import Index,Abstraction,Application |
from dreamcoder.utilities import montageMatrix,makeNiceArray |
from dreamcoder.type import tint |
import scipy.misc |
from dreamcoder.domains.logo.makeLogoTasks import parseLogo |
angles = [Program.parse(a) |
for a in ["logo_ZA", |
"logo_epsA", |
"(logo_MULA logo_epsA 2)", |
"(logo_DIVA logo_UA 4)", |
"(logo_DIVA logo_UA 5)", |
"(logo_DIVA logo_UA 7)", |
"(logo_DIVA logo_UA 9)", |
] ] |
specialAngles = {"#(lambda (lambda (logo_forLoop logo_IFTY (lambda (lambda (logo_FWRT (logo_MULL logo_UL 3) (logo_MULA $2 4) $0))) $1)))": |
[Program.parse("(logo_MULA logo_epsA 4)")]+[Program.parse("(logo_DIVA logo_UA %d)"%n) for n in [7,9] ]} |
numbers = [Program.parse(n) |
for n in ["1","2","5","7","logo_IFTY"] ] |
specialNumbers = {"#(lambda (#(lambda (lambda (lambda (lambda (logo_forLoop $2 (lambda (lambda (logo_FWRT $5 (logo_DIVA logo_UA $3) $0))) $0))))) (logo_MULL logo_UL $0) 4 4))": |
[Program.parse(str(n)) for n in [1,2,3] ]} |
distances = [Program.parse(l) |
for l in ["logo_ZL", |
"logo_epsL", |
"(logo_MULL logo_epsL 2)", |
"(logo_DIVL logo_UL 2)", |
"logo_UL"] ] |
subprograms = [parseLogo(sp) |
for sp in ["(move 1d 0a)", |
"(loop i infinity (move (*l epsilonLength 4) (*a epsilonAngle 2)))", |
"(loop i infinity (move (*l epsilonLength 5) (/a epsilonAngle 2)))", |
"(loop i 4 (move 1d (/a 1a 4)))"]] |
entireArguments = {"#(lambda (lambda (#(#(lambda (lambda (lambda (logo_forLoop $2 (lambda (lambda (logo_FWRT $2 $3 $0))))))) logo_IFTY) (logo_MULA (#(logo_DIVA logo_UA) $1) $0) (#(logo_MULL logo_UL) 3))))": |
[[Program.parse(str(x)) for x in xs ] |
for xs in [("3", "1", "$0"), |
("4", "1", "$0"), |
("5", "1", "$0"), |
("5", "3", "$0"), |
("7", "3", "$0")]]} |
specialDistances = {"#(lambda (lambda (logo_forLoop 7 (lambda (lambda (#(lambda (lambda (lambda (#(lambda (lambda (lambda (logo_forLoop $2 (lambda (lambda (logo_FWRT $2 $3 $0))))))) 7 $1 $2 $0)))) $3 logo_epsA $0))) $0)))": |
[Program.parse("(logo_MULL logo_epsL %d)"%n) for n in range(5)]} |
matrix = [] |
for p in primitives: |
if not p.isInvented: continue |
t = p.tp |
eprint(p,":",p.tp) |
if t.returns() != turtle: |
eprint("\t(does not return a turtle)") |
continue |
def argumentChoices(t): |
if t == turtle: |
return [Index(0)] |
elif t == arrow(turtle,turtle): |
return subprograms |
elif t == tint: |
return specialNumbers.get(str(p),numbers) |
elif t == tangle: |
return specialAngles.get(str(p),angles) |
elif t == tlength: |
return specialDistances.get(str(p),distances) |
else: return [] |
ts = [] |
for arguments in entireArguments.get(str(p),product(*[argumentChoices(t) for t in t.functionArguments() ])): |
eprint(arguments) |
pp = p |
for a in arguments: pp = Application(pp,a) |
pp = Abstraction(pp) |
i = np.reshape(np.array(drawLogo(pp, resolution=128)), (128,128)) |
if i is not None: |
ts.append(i) |
if ts == []: continue |
matrix.append(ts) |
if len(ts) < 6: ts = [ts] |
else: ts = makeNiceArray(ts) |
r = montageMatrix(ts) |
fn = "/tmp/logo_primitive_%d.png"%len(matrix) |
eprint("\tExported to",fn) |
scipy.misc.imsave(fn, r) |
matrix = montageMatrix(matrix) |
scipy.misc.imsave(export, matrix) |
def main(args): |
""" |
Takes the return value of the `commandlineArguments()` function as input and |
trains/tests the model on LOGO tasks. |
""" |
global prefix_dreams |
global primitives |
visualizeCheckpoint = args.pop("visualize") |
if visualizeCheckpoint is not None: |
with open(visualizeCheckpoint,'rb') as handle: |
primitives = pickle.load(handle).grammars[-1].primitives |
visualizePrimitives(primitives) |
sys.exit(0) |
dreamCheckpoint = args.pop("dreamCheckpoint") |
dreamDirectory = args.pop("dreamDirectory") |
proto = args.pop("proto") |
if dreamCheckpoint is not None: |
enumerateDreams(dreamCheckpoint, dreamDirectory) |
sys.exit(0) |
animateCheckpoint = args.pop("animate") |
if animateCheckpoint is not None: |
animateSolutions(loadPickle(animateCheckpoint).allFrontiers) |
sys.exit(0) |
target = args.pop("target") |
red = args.pop("reduce") |
save = args.pop("save") |
prefix = args.pop("prefix") |
prefix_dreams = prefix + "/dreams/" + ('_'.join(target)) + "/" |
prefix_pickles = prefix + "/logo." + ('.'.join(target)) |
if not os.path.exists(prefix_dreams): |
os.makedirs(prefix_dreams) |
tasks = makeTasks(target, proto) |
eprint("Generated", len(tasks), "tasks") |
costMatters = args.pop("cost") |
for t in tasks: |
t.specialTask[1]["costMatters"] = costMatters |
if costMatters: t.examples = [(([1]), t.examples[0][1])] |
os.chdir("prototypical-networks") |
subprocess.Popen(["python","./protonet_server.py"]) |
time.sleep(3) |
os.chdir("..") |
test, train = testTrainSplit(tasks, args.pop("split")) |
eprint("Split tasks into %d/%d test/train" % (len(test), len(train))) |
try: |
if test: montageTasks(test,"test_") |
montageTasks(train,"train_") |
except: |
eprint("WARNING: couldn't generate montage. Do you have an old version of scipy?") |
if red is not []: |
for reducing in red: |
try: |
with open(reducing, 'r') as f: |
prods = json.load(f) |
for e in prods: |
e = Program.parse(e) |
if e.isInvented: |
primitives.append(e) |
except EOFError: |
eprint("Couldn't grab frontier from " + reducing) |
except IOError: |
eprint("Couldn't grab frontier from " + reducing) |
except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: |
eprint("Couldn't grab frontier from " + reducing) |
primitives = list(OrderedDict((x, True) for x in primitives).keys()) |
baseGrammar = Grammar.uniform(primitives, continuationType=turtle) |
eprint(baseGrammar) |
timestamp = datetime.datetime.now().isoformat() |
outputDirectory = "experimentOutputs/logo/%s"%timestamp |
os.system("mkdir -p %s"%outputDirectory) |
generator = ecIterator(baseGrammar, train, |
testingTasks=test, |
outputPrefix="%s/logo"%outputDirectory, |
evaluationTimeout=0.01, |
**args) |
r = None |
for result in generator: |
iteration = len(result.learningCurve) |
dreamDirectory = "%s/dreams_%d"%(outputDirectory, iteration) |
os.system("mkdir -p %s"%dreamDirectory) |
eprint("Dreaming into directory",dreamDirectory) |
dreamFromGrammar(result.grammars[-1], |
dreamDirectory) |
r = result |
needsExport = [str(z) |
for _, _, z |
in r.grammars[-1].productions |
if z.isInvented] |
if save is not None: |
with open(save, 'w') as f: |
json.dump(needsExport, f) |