dream-coder / dreamcoder /domains /misc /algolispPrimitives.py
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from dreamcoder.program import Primitive, Program
from dreamcoder.grammar import Grammar
from dreamcoder.type import tlist, arrow, baseType #, t0, t1, t2
#from functools import reduce
#Internal TYPES:
# Type
tsymbol = baseType("symbol")
#PROGRAM = SYMBOL = constant | argument | function_call | function | lambda
tconstant = baseType("constant")
tfunction = baseType("function")
f = dict([("|||","triple_or"),
fn_lookup = {
c = dict(
("\"\"", "empty_str"),
("\" \"", "space"),
const_lookup = {
primitive_lookup = {**const_lookup, **fn_lookup}
#Do i need arguments??
def _fn_call(f):
#print("f", f)
def inner(sx):
#print("sx", sx)
if not type(sx) == list:
sx = [sx]
return [f] + sx
return lambda sx: inner(sx)
def algolispPrimitives():
return [
Primitive("fn_call", arrow(tfunction, tlist(tsymbol), tsymbol), _fn_call),
Primitive("lambda1_call", arrow(tfunction, tlist(tsymbol), tsymbol), lambda f: lambda sx: ["lambda1", [f] + sx] if type(sx)==list else ["lambda1", [f] + [sx]] ),
Primitive("lambda2_call", arrow(tfunction, tlist(tsymbol), tsymbol), lambda f: lambda sx: ["lambda2", [f] + sx] if type(sx)==list else ["lambda2", [f] + [sx]] ),
#symbol converters:
# SYMBOL = constant | argument | function_call | function | lambda
Primitive("symbol_constant", arrow(tconstant, tsymbol), lambda x: x),
Primitive("symbol_function", arrow(tfunction, tsymbol), lambda x: x),
#list converters
Primitive('list_init_symbol', arrow(tsymbol, tlist(tsymbol)), lambda symbol: [symbol] ),
Primitive('list_add_symbol', arrow(tsymbol, tlist(tsymbol), tlist(tsymbol)), lambda symbol: lambda symbols: symbols + [symbol] if type(symbols) == list else [symbols] + [symbol])
] + [
Primitive(ec_name, tfunction, algo_name) for algo_name, ec_name in fn_lookup.items()
] + [
Primitive(ec_name, tconstant, algo_name) for algo_name, ec_name in const_lookup.items()
#for first pass, can just hard code vars and maps n stuff
def algolispProductions():
return [(0.0, prim) for prim in algolispPrimitives()]
algolisp_input_vocab = [
"\" \"",
"'s value is the largest inclusive, which is strictly less than maximum element in numbers from 1 to the element in `a` which'",
"'s value is the biggest (inclusive), which is strictly less than maximum element of range from 1 to the element in `a` which'",
"'s value is the highest, which is strictly less than maximum element among sequence of digits of the element in `a` which'"]
if __name__ == "__main__":
#g = Grammar.uniform(deepcoderPrimitives())
g = Grammar.fromProductions(algolispProductions(), logVariable=.9)
#p=Program.parse("(lambda (fn_call filter (list_add_symbol (lambda1_call == (list_add_symbol 1 (list_init_symbol (fn_call mod ( list_add_symbol 2 (list_init_symbol arg1)) ))) ) (list_init_symbol $0)) )")
p=Program.parse("(lambda (fn_call filter (list_add_symbol (lambda1_call eq (list_add_symbol (symbol_constant 1) (list_init_symbol (fn_call mod ( list_add_symbol (symbol_constant 2) (list_init_symbol (symbol_constant arg1))) ))) ) (list_init_symbol (symbol_constant $0)))))")
#tree = p.evaluate(["a"])
tree = p.evaluate([])