You are here:HomeNews201308 Dutch minister appointed president of Eurogroup Dutch minister appointed president of Eurogroup News article | January 22, 2013 Minister of Finance Jeroen Dijsselbloem, 46, has been appointed president of the Eurogroup, the informal administrative body of the states of the Eurozone. ‘It’s a great honour for me to be given this job, particularly in these difficult economic times for the eurozone.’ In this important position Mr Dijsselbloem will strive to ‘restore confidence in the euro and the eurozone’. He has hinted at an ambitious programme. ‘Tough decisions will have to be made in the future, at both national and European level.’ The new president of the Eurogroup believes that budgetary discipline and the stimulation of economic growth should go hand in hand. Mr Dijsselbloem succeeds Jean-Claude Juncker, the Luxembourger who has held the position since 2005. Mr Dijsselbloem will remain the Netherlands’ finance minister during his tenure as president. State Secretary for Finance Frans Weekers will represent the Netherlands at Eurogroup meetings. In the Eurogroup the member states of the eurozone coordinate their fiscal and economic policy. The purpose of these monthly meetings is to strengthen the stability of the eurozone.