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Joint Nordic visit to Kántorjánosi
A small village in north-eastern Hungary can demonstrate two best-practice stories on social work and Roma inclusion.
Kántorjánosi is a village with a little less than 2500 inhabitants in one of the poorest, primarily agricultural counties located in the north-eastern part of Hungary. The unemployment rate is high and the Government's Public Work program is one of the main employers - especially among the Roma population.
In 2010 the Kiútprogram began offering micro-credit loans to people who wanted to start their own business, such as cucumber cultivation.
– It is hard work but it is worth it. And there is not much else, says Ani Rézművesné Szalai , one of the women growing cucumbers in Kántorjánosi.
Ani's house is surrounded by wooden stands waiting for rows of cucumber bushes to start climbing them.
– You can begin cucumber production on a relatively small patch of land. Growing cucumbers is therefore good for people who do not own big fields, says György Molnár who is one of the architects behind the Way Out Program.
– The loan is given on an individual basis but we established a community group so they can exchange experiences and help each other when needed. Belonging to a group provides security and protection. It is also important that what is produced does not only go to self-consumption but can also be sold on the market and be profitable. In this way production can grow, and it might offer a way out of poverty, Molnár continues.
The kindergarten – a place for inclusion
During the joint visit, the Nordic embassies met a group of mothers in the Csicsergő-kindergarten during their weekly meeting.
– We meet to talk about different topics that are of interest to the group, the mentor Zsuzsanna Lakatosné Danó explains. It could be anything from questions on education and up-bringing to cooking or needlework, she continues.
The project, which is managed by the Roma Educational Fund, aims to impact practical knowledge and strengthen the reading and writing skills of Roma mothers and close the gap between Roma and non-Roma children in the region. In total, it involves approximately 850 Roma and non-Roma families.
The involvement of the family in the education of children is critical to educational success. Given the important role of the family and the community in the Roma context, it is crucial to raise awareness of Roma families regarding the consequences of early school leaving.
– The meetings have given me self-confidence and motivation. I did not have the possibility to finish my own schooling but I wish for my children to be able to continue with their studies as long as possible, one of the participating women said while meeting with the Nordic delegations.