Urban lace art from Finland | |
06/06/2016 - | |
17:00 to 18:15 | |
In case lacemaking brings old folklore and grandmother’s tablecloths to your mind, that concept is about to change now. Modern lacemakers use the tradition of handcrafts for artistic expression. A 32-year-old Tarmo Thorström from Rauma, Finland, is a marvelous example of this trend. Thorström represents the growing group of people for whom lacemaking gives an opportunity for self-expression. For Thorström, lacemaking is also a political activity, for it is also silent work for tolerance and gender equality. Thorström’s goal is to make lace until a lacemaking man attracts no more attention than a nowadays stereotypical lacemaking old woman. | |
On 6th of June, Finnagora organizes an event in the Eventuell Galéria, where Tarmo Thorström will give a presentation about present state of lacemaking. He will also talk about the history of lacemaking in Rauma during which he will showcase the changes in lacemaking through his own works. After the presentation he will give an example of his work techniques. While lacemaking is Thorström’s specialty, his handcrafts aren’t limited only to thread. Occasionally he uses a laser cutter, and the materials could include wood, spray paint and even light. | |
Thorström’s works have been on display even in the Finnish independence day party in the presidential castle, and also in many kinds of urban environments in Finland and abroad. Besides Finland, Thorström has taught lacemaking i.e. in Paris and St. Petersburg. | |