Hejsan Budapest! - Languages create wealth seminar | |
09/11/2016 - | |
09:00 to 12:00 | |
Although multilingualism has become more important in both the private and the public sector, its added value and impact on the economy have not been fully analysed. However, several factors indicate that a multilingual environment is an undeniable advantage that attracts new businesses to a city, a region or a country. Language skills contribute to creating growth and jobs, and are an asset not only to individuals, but also to business, regions, countries, and even Europe. To put it simply, languages create wealth. | |
Language and wealth are also a question of equal opportunities. Equal access to education and training is crucial for social inclusion. By providing everyone with the necessary skills to enter the labour market we make an investment that will be beneficial to the whole community. When the majority is generous to the minority, both groups prosper. | |
The event will be held in English and interpretation to Hungarian will be provided. A light lunch will be served after the seminar. | |
The role of minority rights in building bridges:Astrid Thors, Former High Commissioner on National Minorities in OSCE | |
Culturally sensitive marketing, an alternative way to improve minority linguistic status. The case of “Igen, tessék!” (Yes, please!):István Horváth, The Romanian Institute for Research on National Minorities & founder of “Igen, tessék!” | |
Innovation and new approaches to build on the linguistic diversity of Romani communities in Europe: The case of the Romanes in films:Katalin Bársony, Executive Director of Romedia Foundation | |