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Team Finland in Hungary and Slovenia
The Team Finland network promotes Finland and its interests abroad: the internationalisation of Finnish enterprises, investments in Finland, and the country brand. The Team Finland operating model brings together the key actors and services in these fields. The core of the network consists of the publicly funded organisations operating in these fields, such as the ministries, Finland’s network of diplomatic missions, Finpro, Tekes, national culture and science institutes, Finnvera, Finnfund, and the regional internationalisation services, built upon the ELY Centres.
The Team Finland network will help your enterprise become more international, grow, and succeed in the global market. For more information on services to companies seeking internationalisation, see:
Objectives of the Team Finland network in Hungary
Hungary has a great interest in cooperation with Finland. Bilateral relations are excellent and intensive at all levels and in all fields. Finland is known from its innovation capacity, modern technology and well-functioning society. Thanks to the language relation, there is a special connection between the two countries. The doors are often opened more easily to the Finnish visitors.
The overall objective of Team Finland is to maintain and strengthen Finland’s very positive image and quite a privileged position in Hungary and increase awareness among the Hungarians of Finland as an important reference country. Team Finland works to increase the business of Finnish companies in Hungary now and in the coming years, especially in the fields of a) energy, b) innovation, research and education, c) environment/cleantech and d) manufacturing. Team Finland also aims to promote Hungarian investment in Finland.
Team Finland promotes Finland particularly among Hungarian authorities and decision-makers, industry-specific business leaders, universities and students, and media. The Team Finland actors disseminate knowledge about Finland through their popular websites, on Facebook and Twitter as well as through a varied assortment of brochures and publications. Team Finland promotes the building of relations between Finnish and Hungarian research institutes and educational institutions.
Unveiling of the plate of the House of Finland 2011. Pupil of the Finnish School Viola Török and Minister Henna Virkkunen.
The House of Finland in Budapest has been one of the examples for Team Finland cooperation in other countries. All the three main Finnish actors in Budapest have been located under the same roof in the same building since September 2008. Cooperation has well-established structures and has proven to be successful. The Team Finland concept binds together all the players promoting Finland in Hungary even better than before.
Objectives of the Team Finland network in Slovenia
The aspiration to invest in innovative business models and seek new solutions in trade is evident in Slovenia. The country aims to elevate its profile in the sector of industrial design, field in which it has succeeded in the past. The most promising sectors for cooperation can be found in the sectors of forestry, Cleantech, eHealth, design as well as logistics and infrastructure.
Forestry as a whole is the most significant potential sector for cooperation between Slovenia and Finland and collaboration in the field has already commenced. The framework for cooperation derives from both national forestry strategies and EU level collaboration. Both of the elements (national and EU) ground the economic and commercial cooperation between Slovenia and Finland