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Broken Bridge dialogue event
In 2016 we celebrate the 250th anniversary of the the codification of the world’s first decree on the freedom of print. The draft of the decree was written and handed in by two enlightened liberal thinkers living in the eastern part of Swedish Kingdom - today Finland -, Anrdreas Chydenius, priest and poltician and Peter Forsskål, orientalist and explorer.
Finnagora will celebrate this jubilee by chosing freedom to be the topic for year 2016. When building our annual program plan for 2016 we planned to investigate the concept of freedom from many perspectives. With our discussion series our aim is to motivate people for forming an opinion and share it with us, as we think the meeting of different views and debating is an important value.
The first part of the Discussion series – Dialogisarja will be organized on 24th February 5 PM on Attila Csernok’s book published by INTO in 2015 in Finland under the Katkennut silta (Broken bridge). The event will be held in the library of the Finnish embassy at Kelenhegyi út 16/A, H-1118 Budapest.ÂÂ The book is a compilation of Csernok’s several books, in which he elaborates and discusses 20th century Hungarian history, on the basis of his subjective impressions.
Attila Csernok was an economist, worked for the Central Statistics Office in the 1970s, later he worked in Brasil funding several jointventure companies. After retirement he started wiriting. Csernok published six books, reaching considerable sales. His books often rely on his personal memeories and statistical facts on 20th century Hungarian history, the most famous being „A komáromi pontonhíd”.
In Finland there are only a few books pubished on this topic. This particular book received rather ambivalnet acceptance.
The Discussion series will be introduced by Cita Högnabba-Lumikero. The discussion itself will be introduced by Tamás Gáti and Tamás Mellár and moderated by Lilla Bogdán. We are counting on the active presence, quiestions and comments of our audience. The event will be translated into Finnish and Hungarian.
The event's capacity is limited, so we kindly ask you to sign up for the event by email before 22th of February at aapeli.tourunen(at)
Contact us:
info( at ) 1 478 1010
Attila Csernok's production (in Hungarian)
Komáromi pontonhíd (2007)
A valóság erejével (2009)
Legendák rabjai (2011)
Mint patak a sziklák között (2011)
Történelem óra (2013)
Elherdált ország (2014)
Kelenhegyi út 16/A H-1118 Budapest (in the Building of the Embassy of Finland)