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Finland in Hungary
The number of Finnish people living in Hungary is estimated at 400. Besides enterpreneurs, there are Finnish professors and researchers working at Hungarian universities. There are lectors and guest professors at the three largest universities, Budapest, Debrecen and Szeged, sent abroad by CIMO/UKAN. Besides, there are four more universities where Finnish language and culture are taught. In Hungary, a basic course in Finnish language is included in the curriculum of each student majoring in Hungarian.
For those moving to Hungary and those considering moving there, the Association of Finnish People in Hungary (Unkarin suomalaiset yhdistys) and the Finnish school (Suomi-koulu) operated by it provide an excellent channel for familiarising with the country. Finnagora, a Finnish cultural, scientific, and economic centre opened up in Budapest in 2004. The 63 Hungarian-Finnish sister towns have extremely vivid relationships. Their activities are coordinated by the Hungarian-Finnish Society; its network of member organisations covers the country. Besides them, there are 9 independent Finnish friends' circles in Hungary and 10 of them in Finland. The Kalevala Friends' Circle is highly active in Budapest.
In 2010 more than 6 500 Finnish tourists took part in the air-tours organized by the travel agencies, 22 % less than the previous year. Contact information of travel guides speaking good Finnish or being Finnish themselves are available at the largest hotels.