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Political relations
Neighborly and friendly relations between Slovenia and Hungary are expressed by frequent and dynamic political dialogue. Both countries are aware that cooperation on all levels is needed for the development of common strategic connections. In addition they also share the concern for the wellbeing of Slovene and Hungarian ethnic minorities.
As a consequence of the shared responsibility for the ethnic minorities Slovenia and Hungary are developing a specific national approach that addresses the minority and cross-border cooperation. A fine example of this cooperation is the first joint visit of both presidents, Danilo Turk, PhD and Pala Schmitt, to Slovene ethnic minority in Porabje region and of Hungarian ethnic minority in Mura region in March 8, 2012. During this visit The Slovene National Self-Government and the Slovene Union in Hungary signed a Cooperation Treaty with the Hungarian National Self-Government. This treaty encompassed the fields of culture, education and European projects. During the visit also the first Slovene-Hungarian business conference was held in Monoster. The aim of the conference was to strengthen cross-border economy cooperation and to create new business connections in this cross-border region.
The official visit of the President of the Hungarian Government Viktor Orban in November 26, 2012 was another step towards strengthening the neighborly relations between the both countries. The purpose of the visit was to discuss the strengthening of the cooperation between the two countries, especially to discuss the partnership in the European Union and in NATO. At this meeting three bilateral Acts were signed. The purpose of these Acts was to strengthen the relations between the two countries and to set sound fundamentals for political, cultural and economic cooperation between Slovenia and Hungary. The three Acts are: The Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Slovenia and Hungary for the Development of Cross-border Road Connections, Memorandum of Agreement between the Public Agency for Technology of the Republic of Slovenia and the National Innovation Office Hungary about the Cooperation in the Fields of Technological Development and Innovations, and Statement of Intention Finishing the Project of Producing the Slovene-Hungarian and Hungarian-Slovene Dictionary.
The official visit to Hungary of the Minister of Foreign Affairs Karel Erjavec in March 30, 2012 was a proof that there is common interest of strengthening the strategic partnership and cooperation between Slovenia and Hungary. Both countries expressed similar political priorities which was a good starting point for cooperation and offering support to each other in an effort to stabilize the West Balkan region and in an effort to support the EU enlargement and to enforce the EU strategy for the Danube Region and for the progress of the European neighborly politics.
In November 2012 a delegation with the president Laszlo Gonzca, PhD visited the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia.
Both countries cooperate in international organizations and in regional projects. Dragoljuba Benčina from the Department for Global Affairs and Political Multilateralism from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs participated at the fifth Forum on Human Rights that was held in Budapest in November 2012. Slovenian representatives also take part in events which are organized by Hungarian colleagues on behalf of the Visegrad Group (V4+).
In 2012 Slovenia and Hungary celebrated their twentieth anniversary of the beginning of mutual diplomatic relationship. The Embassy devoted all events to the memory of this anniversary. The ambassadress and other members of the embassy had many public appearances to promote the event. For the promotion of Slovenia in Hungary many cultural and economic events were conducted.
The Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Budapest is with its work attempting to maintain and to even strengthen the high level of bilateral relations between Slovenia and Hungary. At the same moment the Embassy is active in searching new ways for bilateral and broader international cooperation. The Embassy is also actively involved in the strategic planning of the future development of relations between the two countries.
Chronology of the most important visits
2 March- visit of the Minister for Slovenians Abroad Ljudmila Novak at the Slovene national group in Porabje region
8 March- visit of the President of the republic of Slovenia Danilo Turk, PhD and the President of Hungary Pal Schmitt at the national group in Porabje region and at the Hungarian national group in Mura region
15 March- meeting of the Minister for Economic Development and Technology Radovan Žerjav, MA with the Minister of Public Administration and Justice Tibor Navracics in Lendava
30 March- official visit of the Minister for Foreign Affairs Karl Erjavec in Budapest
9 May- visit of the delegation of the National Assembly Committee of the Republic of Slovenia for Slovenians Abroad at Slovene national group in Porabje region that was led by the president of the Committee Franc Pukšič
31 May- participation of the general manager of the Ministry of Agriculture and Environment Martina Bavec, PhD at the Central European Dialogue that was held prior to the UN Conference on Sustainable Development Rio +20 in Budapest
7-8 June- visit of the head of the Department of Strategic Studies and Analyses from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Marcel Koprol in Budapest
26-27 June- visit of the State Secretary of the Office for Slovenians Abroad Matjaž Longer in Budapest
19 August- meeting of the Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sports Žiga Turk with the Minister for Human Resources Zoltan Balog in Budapest
23 August- participation of the State Secretary of the Ministry of Justice and Public Administration Helmut Hartman and the Manager of Study centre of national reconciliation Andreja VAlič Zver, PhD at the ceremony at the international conference of European day of remembrance for the victims of totalitarian regimes of the 20th century in Budapest
26 September- 13th meeting of Slovene-Hungarian mixed committee for observing the progress of Agreement on ensuring rights to Hungarian minority in Slovenia and the same for the Slovene minority in Hungary
27 September- visit of the State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Zoltan Memeth in Ljubljana
4-5 October- participation of the assistant director of Security Policy Department at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Andrej Slapničar at the International conference on cybernetic space in Budapest
11 October- participation of the State Secretary of the Ministry of the Interior Robert Marolt, MA at the meeting of ministers of member states of Salzburg forum in Matrahazi
18-19 October- participation of the State Secretary of the Ministry of Justice and Public Administration Helmut Hartman at the meeting of ministers of justice of the Visegrad Group (V4+) in Veszprem
29 October- visit of the counselor for foreign and security politics at the Office of Prime Minister Reke Szemerkenyi in Ljubljana
30 October- visit of Director General at the Directorate for Economic Diplomacy at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Stanislav Raščan, PhD in Budapest
7 November- visit of assistant director of the State Secretary for foreign affairs and international economic relations at the Office of Prime Minister Levente Magyar in Ljubljana
8 November- consultations between Director General of Directorate for European Policies Tadej Rupel, MA and the assistant of the State Secretary for European issues Balint Odor in Ljubljana
8-9 November- participation of Director General of Directorate for Global Issues and Multilateral Political Relations at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Dragoljuba Benčina at the fifth Forum on human rights in Budapest
13-14 November- visit of the delegation of friendship with Hungary in the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia under the leadership of its president Laszlo Goncza in Budapest
21 November- consultations between the leader of Global Challenges Department at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ksenija Škrilec and the regional delegation of FAO in Budapest
22 November- meeting of the Minister for Slovenians Abroad Ljudmila Novak with the delegation of Slovene National Group of Porabje Region in Monošter
26 November- official visit of the President of Hungarian Government Viktor Orban in Slovenia
28 November- meeting of the Chief of the General Staff of the Slovenian Armed Forces Brigadier General Dobran Božič with the Chief of the General Staff of Defense Forces of Hungary General Tibor Benko in Murska Sobota
10 December- consultations between sector leaders at ministries of foreign affairs on Western Balkans in Ljubljana
Political cooperation between Slovenia and Bulgaria
The cooperation between Slovenia and Bulgaria features good and promising cooperation on different fields. The countries are connected by the common membership in EU and NATO and have many common interests in the region with special accent on the support of the European integration process of the countries in the Western Balkans. Comparable foreign policy priorities regarding the EU enlargement, EU strategy for Danube region as well as south and east dimension of European neighborhood policy make possible reciprocal assistance and strengthening of cooperation in European and global environment. The political dialogue between the countries is successful and includes meetings at the highest level. Minister of Foreign affairs of both countries Karel Erjavec and Nikolaj Mladenov met in October 15, 2012 at the European Council Meeting for Foreign Affairs in Brussels and there they discussed options for strengthening the dialogue and bilateral cooperation between the two countries.
The Embassy strives to reinforce cooperation with Bulgaria, as far as it is possible from outside the country. It also cooperates in the most important bilateral activities and draws the attention of state and economic actors to the fields, where it is possible to strengthen cooperation. Embassy has all events in 2012 dedicated to 20th anniversary of the beginning of mutual diplomatic relations between the two countries.
Chronology of the most important visits2011
18-20 April- participation of the Head of Consular Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Andrej Šter at the Symposium of border management and security of travelling documents in the Danube region in Sofia
12 September- participation of the Minister of Foreign Affairs Nikolaj Mladenov at the reception and the opening of the exhibition ‘Identity for Slovenia, Forming for the Country’ in Sofia at the 20th anniversary of establishing diplomatic relations between the Republic of Slovenia and the Republic of Bulgaria
20 September- participation of the Head of Service for Information Technology of the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport Mojca Jarc at the Regional Conference on Digital Agenda for Europe in Sofia
15 October- bilateral meeting of Ministers Of Foreign Affairs Karel Erjavec and Nikolaj Mladenov at the European Council Meeting for Foreign Affairs in Brussels
24-25 October- participation of the Director General of the Directorate of Cultural Heritage of the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport Damjana Pečnik at the Ministers Conference on Cultural Heritage in Southeast Europe in Sofia.