diff --git "a/imdb_test_singlesentence.csv" "b/imdb_test_singlesentence.csv" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/imdb_test_singlesentence.csv" @@ -0,0 +1,25001 @@ +text,label +It's clichéd and uninspiring.,0 +All passably acted but again nothing special.,0 +"not really worth watching again, bit disappointed in the end production, even though it is apparent it was shot on a low budget certain shots and sections in the film are of poor directed quality",0 +"A dull, predictable film, with very little in the way of any exciting action.",0 +"Van Damme is good in the movie, the movie is only worth watching to Van Damme fans.",0 +There is one great line about 'being p*ss drunk and carrying a rabbit' and some OK action scenes let down by the cheapness of it all.,0 +There's nothing in his eyes at all.,0 +"Everything from the plot, to the dialog, to the editing, to the overall acting was just horribly put together and in many cases outright boring and nonsensical.",0 +this movie is so bad that I hated myself for wasting those 90 minutes.,0 +"The directing and editing are also terrible, the whole film follows an extremely tired routine and fails at every turn as it bumbles through the plot that is so weak it's just unreal.",0 +This flick is a waste of time.,0 +"Also, I understand that this film was made in the 1930's and people were looking to escape reality, but the script made Ann Sothern's character look weak.",0 +"This movie was SO bad, my sister and I rented it again for her 16th birthday party, just so our friends could sit around and laugh at how awful it was.",0 +This movie was pretty poor.,0 +"You've seen it all before, and this one is too low-budget and slow paced to be scary, and doesn't have any real surprises in the climax.",0 +This is week-old spaghetti sauce with rotting meatballs.,0 +"Characters come in and out of the film, and it's quite boring at points, and the majority of deaths are quite rushed.",0 +It is so slow Slow and uninteresting.,0 +"Grint, on the other hand, isn't just unhappy; he's a bit of a bore as well while Linney's starched bitch is completely one-dimensional.",0 +It should be a capital offense to torture audiences like this!,0 +Low budget horror movie.,0 +The photography is flat and unexciting and I can't even remember what the music was like.,0 +The Forgotten (AKA: Don't Look In The Basement) is a very cheaply made and very old looking horror movie.,0 +"Acting was horrible, with that girl always trying to look cute at the camera, and the guy from Highlanders, the series, acting up like the though heavy metal record store (yeah, they're all real though s-o-b's).",0 +too bad this movie isn't.,0 +Now that's fairly intriguing right there but unfortunately it all gets rather muddled and becomes so complicated that the viewer (like myself) will most likely become frustrated.,0 +I gave this a 3 out of a possible 10 stars.,0 +Run out of ideas!,0 +"However, I was utterly disappointed.",0 +A film to be listed on top of the garbage list.,0 +"Unfortunately, it's the only thing good about this movie.",0 +"The dialogue is bad, the plot atrocious, even for a ""screwball"" comedy, and claims that the movie is an homage to classic film comedy is about the most inane thing I've ever heard.",0 +but some bits were just weird.,0 +"The decrepit scenery, which added slight believability in places, and questionable lighting, constantly distracted from any interestidentification with the characters (the shine off of the actress's foreheadnose was blinding, not to mention other scenes with the same problem.",0 +"Can't say I've ever heard of Silkk The Shocker (who apparently never learnt how to spell), but his performance was one of the worst I've ever seen in a movie.",0 +"ice-t isn't even a good rapper and even worse at acting, every bit of the film is rubbish, i got this film on DVD without knowing what it was for the price of £1.99 and thought that i had picked up a bargain, i then looked at the IMDb rating and didn't take it into consideration but after watching it found out that the DVD i had bought was a complete waste of time, money and electricity.",0 +"In the end, sub-standard work from the principals, who all have much better films to their credit.",0 +"I don't know what war her husband was killed in, but if it was World War II, the furnishings in her house, the styles of the clothes, especially the children and the telephone company repairman's car are clearly anachronistic.",0 +"Despite solid work from Ida Lupino and Robert Ryan (both trying their best), this tedious yarn isn't very inventive within its one primary set (which quickly becomes visually dull) and underpopulated cast of characters (there is however a smart pooch who senses the worst!",0 +The film even turned boring after awhile with very little going on except a lot of yakking.,0 +"The whole movie is completely implausible, horribly written and almost comically acted.",0 +Sloppy film noir thriller which doesn't make much of its tension promising set-up.,0 +The sound editing was horrible.,0 +The characters are unrealistic and the story line just stinks.,0 +This movie sucked so bad I couldn't even pay close attention.,0 +"is not a terrible movie, but it IS quite forgettable.",0 +"The snag is, there's almost no plot to speak of, it's way too obvious to be witty and not funny enough to elicit many genuine laughs.",0 +"It was probably intended to have an epic vision and a surrealistic flair (at least in some episodes), but the separate stories are never elevated into a meaningful whole, and the laughs are few and far between.",0 +"Acting is terrible from all sides, the screenplay is definitely trying to tell us something about relationship but fails miserably.",0 +this one is the worst I've seen.,0 +"Her acting is unintentionally funny in many moments, just look at her when she draws an X in the air while stalked by the killer.",0 +"Who, or what, are the Blood Stalkers?",0 +Adding a church group did not make the story any better.,0 +Talented screenwriter Alvin Sargent sadly cannot get any engaging ideas cooking in this artificial trifle about a wayward mother and her mature teenage daughter trying to make their lives work in Los Angeles despite mom's flighty behavior.,0 +"One by one, victims are pulled into a swirling red vortex (which is guaranteed to provide unintentional laughs), before meeting a terrible fate.",0 +"Well, folks - not much more to tell, and even less to tell home about.",0 +"On the down side, despite all the gore, the film seems somewhat dull and it gets monotonous after about an hour.",0 +"Almost unbearable at times, building little-to-no suspense.",0 +"Honestly the screenplay doesn't make one iota of sense, but who cares when Linda Blair (with an exploded hairstyle) portrays yet another girl possessed by evil powers and David Hasselhof depicts a hunky photographer (who can't seem to get laid) in a movie that constantly features bloody voodoo, sewn-shut lips, upside down crucifixions, vicious burnings and an overused but genuinely creepy tune.",0 +I was ready to write it off as the worst movie ever-ever-ever made by otherwise competent people...,0 +"A really very bad movie, with a very few good moments or qualities.",0 +Give it a 3.,0 +"The plot was predictable, the acting was mediorcre at best, the scares were all gross-outs, not true scares.",0 +"Well, then let me bash it to.",0 +It tries to be gruesome in places but is just laughable.,0 +It doesn´t mean this movie is the worst I have seen because I have watched worse things than this but the plot was most of the times confusing and uninteresting and some good gore scenes are the only thing saving this.,0 +The movie's plot appeared to drag on throughout with little surprise in the ending.,0 +It's not worth your time.,0 +These things alone do not make a good (or even halfway decent) movie.,0 +The rest of the movie is just as dull and unimaginative with nothing new to add to the genre.,0 +"For instance, they totally didn't play off each other, rather, they waited to RECITE their lines which were pretty poor to begin with.",0 +But I'm afraid this is just another possibly good idea ruined by careless execution.,0 +"Frightmare is a boring, overplayed, half assed homage to the fright films of yore.",0 +"The sluggish pacing is padded out with a lot of weird lighting and dry ice fog effects backed by a soundtrack made up almost entirely of sound effects rather than music(thunder, moans and groans, howls, etc.",0 +"The film mainly suffers from its own stupid plot, since no one – not even a film school student – is stupid enough to steal a recently buried corpse and actually think he'll get away with it, and there are too many tedious moments to struggle through.",0 +"Silly hokum from Troma is limited by a very, very low budget and slowwwwww pace.",0 +"The acting for the most part is anemic, and the direction oh so ridiculous.",0 +"Seemed to have a good premise, but it just failed to deliver the goods as more cool kills were needed and that super horror actor needed to add a bit to his repertoire.",0 +The only redeeming quality of this film (besides the beginning) is the brief appearance of a very young Jeffrey Combs.,0 +The story starts abruptly and the viewer is thrown into the plot with no character development or storytelling whatsoever.,0 +"""Bobbycrush"" is really just a waste of time and energy for all involved.",0 +"The plot was poorly planned and relied exclusively on misinformation in order to achieve a rather hokey twist ending, which was poorly resolved and leaves viewers confused.",0 +"Then it just gets ridiculous and tries way too hard- the ""why in the world would hethey do that""?",0 +"While the plot hinges on a fairly decent idea, the writing is profoundly lame and two of the three main teens are absurdly wooden.",0 +"I was completely bored with this film, melodramatic for no apparent reason.",0 +Art-house horror tries to use unconventional aesthetics to cover the fact that this is just another serial killer chiller which ultimately relies on pornographic combinations of teen sexuality and violent gore.,0 +The film is essentially shot in tiny rooms with dull dialogue from a rather mundane cast.,0 +"Sure half of the movie is a blind post-op football player shooting the breeze with his stacked nurse, but at any moment we might be cutting away to the cackling disembodied head of the satanist mastermind, or Nurse Sherri running a farmer through with a pitchfork, or a wee bit of abstract student-film quick cutting to go with the pulsing-blob effects in the possession scene, or the most gratuitously half-hearted topless bit ever, or god knows what else (I forget, to be honest).",0 +"Overall, not a good film and one most people would be bored watching.",0 +"Unfortunately, there's nothing here to make it even ""good"" trash; when joined to the aforementioned, the bad acting and not-so-special effects are just that - bad acting and not-so-special effects.",0 +I could not believe they had the lack of pride to show this embarrassment.,0 +The film is very slow and very dull.,0 +"While I would not like to claim and portray myself as someone who has seen all the beautiful movies made around the world, still any thoughtful and a bit educated film goer can identify that his films do not contain innovative ingenuous plots, does not contain lingering effects afterward and MOSTLY contain ridiculous ending and a LOT of melodrama, seen profusely in Indian movies.",0 +"It's not even good porn either, besides being far too soft it's dull, boring & the not-worth-mentioning sex scenes are few & far between.",0 +"- Jack L and Hyde - Jekyll & Hyde) has some of the worst acting this side of hardcore porn, not to mention a script apparently written by a first-grader with undiagnosed learning disabilities.",0 +Huh?,0 +"Unfortunately, although I did appreciate the film on that level, the acting and editing was terrible, and the last 25-30 minutes were severe thumb-twiddling territory.",0 +"Unfortunately, the story isn't all that much.",0 +Almost all of the songs in Cover Girl are old-fashioned and not very tuneful.,0 +"Terribly tired piece of Technicolor cotton candy, with unmemorable musical sketches (the two worst of which are irrelevant flashbacks to the 1890s, with Hayworth portraying her own grandmother).",0 +"She's simply not a very good actress, and she's not even a very good dancer.",0 +*12 out of ****,0 +"Unintentional humor -- 4 -- There are a few good laughs with the kids trying to act scary, but all in all, it's just bad, not funny bad.",0 +"For a slasher film, it's very tame in terms of violence and gore, which I suppose highlights the problem of casting child characters as the killers as there is only so much you can expose the young actors to.",0 +This film angered me at the children's intelligence and the only enjoyment i got was from my cousin who kept bitching about them.,0 +The result is both offensive and stupid.,0 +There really are no redeeming qualities to speak of.,0 +"Susan Strasberg is totally wasted in a 5-minute cameo, even though she receives star billing.",0 +"This movie is slow, boring and a waste of time.",0 +The whole production is bland and instantly forgettable.,0 +"Sadly, Park's take was a tired one.",0 +"With lots of expectation I rented this movie, only to find the worst movie I've watched in awhile.",0 +The movie is pretentious garbage.,0 +Bypass this yawner.,0 +I don't know and you won't either.,0 +"Sadly, they have absolutely no chemistry together and the unending kissing scenes start grossing one out.",0 +"Husbanddirector Edwards seems to realize this, but neither he nor Julie can work up much energy within this scenario.",0 +Some moments are just badly edited.,0 +That is simply irresponsible.,0 +It was mediocre at best.,0 +"This disaster wavers in tone, never decides what it wants to be, and apparently thinks it's a spoof, but it's pathetically and grindingly square.",0 +"celebrity, there's nothing much to behold in this portrait except for the deterioration of narcissism, the hint at what once was.",0 +A disappointment.,0 +"Alas, another Costner movie that was an hour too long.",0 +"Wow, another Kevin Costner hero movie.",0 +) and this movie is as predictable as the sun rising in the East and is horribly miscast on top.,0 +"The dialog is wooden, the situations hackneyed.",0 +"Finally when we are well past the half way point of this stinker, Costner tells us all about Kutcher's ghosts.",0 +"Oh well I guess FOLLOWING gives indie film makers hope that just because they made a no budget movie costing $6,000 over two thousand IMDB members will vote for it and over five hundred members will comment on it , but you have to wonder if this movie would be so well regarded if it wasn`t made by the director of MEMENTO ?",0 +"It is a Mexican monster movie, riddled with voice-over narrative and extremely weak not-so-special effects.",0 +My first impression was so bad it would have gotten a one.,0 +It's just kind of dull and boring and silly.,0 +"Otherwise, you're just a glutton for abuse.",0 +The acting is just as awful hearing the movie in Spanish as it is in English (they dubbed the over-acting!,0 +"Well, of course it's BAD - it's silly, dated, corny, cheap, etc.",0 +"I couldn't even follow the plot, but suffice it to say, this is the absolute worst movie I have ever seen in my life.",0 +"As a result, I had no idea what was going on as I watched this mess unfold.",0 +And somehow it feels like a rip-off even though I haven't seen the stuff before.,0 +I dunno--it sure didn't make any sense to have one.,0 +"), an excruciatingly sluggish script, an excessive amount of stock footage from the first two flicks, a meandering narrative, a crippling lack of action and momentum, largely dreary going through the motions (non)acting from an understandably disinterested cast, and a poorly staged climactic battle between the mummy and the robot (the movie finally bursts to sidesplitting stupid life with said big bash, but alas it barely even lasts two lousy minutes and thus proves to be much too little far too late to alleviate the severity of the general overwhelming boredom), this numbingly dry, drippy, and draggy snorefest rates as a complete washout.",0 +"***SPOILERS*** The big built-up to the Aztec Mummy Robot-Man confrontation turns to be a big let-down with the Mummy having no trouble at all dispatching the ""Tin-Man"" in less then 30 seconds together with its creator Dr. Krupp.",0 +The dialogue is awful.,0 +"I have seen a lot of lousy Sci-Fi films, hell most Sci-Fi films I see are lousy, but this one, for it's entire duration of 64 Minuites, is the worst movie I've seen, with Fubar coming in a close second....",0 +There must be an error.,0 +"All in all, a great disappointment.",0 +Instead it was just dully awful and mind blowingly confusing.,0 +It's the worst I've ever seen.,0 +"Overall, a disappointing film, especially with all the good press this movie got when it was released.",0 +"There wasn't really much to it, Bruce Willis wasn't stretched as an actor at all.",0 +"It pulls in a half-dozen directions, features dialog and action lifted from much older and better-known flops, and might be funny -- if only the writers knew what funny is.",0 +this one made no sense to me..,0 +"This isn't the worst movie made by dissilusioned adults FOR dissilusioned adults and somehow marketed towards kids (that would be ""Jack"", which I've been meaning to review gut like a fish).",0 +I finally watched the movie: what a waste of time.,0 +"Basically, it's a very tired, unoriginal, uninspiring plot that has some great actors in it.",0 +"A good idea, a wasted opportunity.",0 +This is just hackneyed big man and little irritating kid stuff from way back with no innovation at all.,0 +There is not a single thing to recommend this film.,0 +"Altman's direction is assured, the performances are o.k. given what the actors have to work with, but this inconsequential screenplay goes nowhere, and takes its time getting there.",0 +"The film seemed to drag, the music was inappropriate for the tone of the movie, and all the raw energy of the play seemed to have been sucked out of this film version.",0 +This was probably the most disappointing movie for me in quite some time.,0 +"And when that happens, any suspense drains out the bottom of the movie, leaving a laughable, hollow husk.",0 +"I was extremely disappointed, as it did not.",0 +The first scenes of this movies are weak and then when they get to the meat and potatoes of the movie it sucks.,0 +"There is not much to add to what others have already commented, the movie fails hard where it shouldn't, it has no depth in the planning of the heist and the characters are so unbelievable.",0 +"It was so awful, I had to register just to say how bad it was.",0 +Though his character quite small and insignificant I think his touch added to an all around dull film.,0 +The movie was absolutely horrible.,0 +"How do you take a cast of experienced, well-known actors, and put together such a stupid movie?",0 +"After that basic premise, the film falls flat on it's face.",0 +save yourself the time and give this a skip.,0 +This film tried to be so politically correct it makes me sick!,0 +"Disappointing heist movie indeed, I was actually expecting a pretty cool cat and mouse stuff going on through out the movie and it does have few of those cat and mouse stuff going on, but it was just pretty stupid.",0 +Its a cliché film with a stupid setup.,0 +"If you have absolutely nothing to do, you can give it a try I personally found it not worth watching.",0 +"Waste of time, money, actors and so on.",0 +There was some nice acting but the story was limp and lacked any real depth.,0 +"the background music with the heavy metal guitar ringing an A-chord for about 5 minutes isn't my idea of music, come on i was having the worst headache by the end of this garbage.",0 +"The story is dull, the action boring, and, for a film that is only 88 minutes it seems to just drag on.",0 +And thus begins a truly awful hole ridden 30 minutes of unbelievable trash.,0 +But the whole story was ruined by a horrific plot.,0 +"A tedious caper with a plodding plot and phoned-in performances, Armored is an utterly forgettable film.",0 +Big disappointment - I reckon the stars got all the money because the production values on this are lousy.,0 +"This movie, despite its list of B, C, and D list celebs, is a complete waste of 90 minutes.",0 +What is the point of them even owning the rights to this huge library of video if they have to edit it so drastically to use it?,0 +I won't reveal any more except to say how interesting the silent images were as they jump-cut constantly.,0 +"It is what it is: a succession of images with a vague theme, and unless you really enjoy any footage of Welles (in heavy makeup, to boot), this isn't really even worth tracking down.",0 +"Be In"" has always been a very spiritual point, but here it is wasted on silly brides floating around.",0 +This movie is boring and uninteresting to say the least.,0 +"I really hope they don't re-make it, though, since I think any such re-make would end up a shallow, pale, PC version of the original.",0 +This film is an insult to the play upon which it is based.,0 +"musical fiasco, and cant believe others rated it so high.",0 +"All the cast is wasted, in this unfunny, uninteresting and unimpressive movie.",0 +But it just doesn't take with a man of his age.,0 +Everyone else is just going through the motions.,0 +"The various (and anonymous) slashings and beheadings which occur are arbitrary: we don't know any of these victims, and the big action scenes become blurry, noisy montages of sand-swept violence on horseback.",0 +"There's no humor, no chemistry, no sizzle, in any of the things that happen to her in the desert.",0 +"I mean really, what is this movie about?",0 +"Awful acting, laughable effects (super imposed explosions), and dodgy slow motion fighting.",0 +There are also a bunch of scenes that have absolutely nothing to do with the plot whatsoever.,0 +"If you ask me I think this film was a waste of time, there are a lot of other films which gives 100 times better meaning and teaching than ""Wooden Camera"".",0 +"If you don't give them this, they will probably die out of boredom and LSD and what not.",0 +"Honest young insurance agent Ronald Reagan (as Eric Gregg) is optimistic, but poor.",0 +The acting would amount to pure 21st century ham.,0 +"However, despite choosing a good style of documentary making, the film simply goes on way, way, way too long and ended up making a very dull film.",0 +It is just that bad.,0 +"i do not understand at all why this movie received such good grades from critics - - i've seen tens of documentaries (on TV) about the wine world which were much much better when (if) you watch it, please think of two very annoying aspects of mondovino : first, the filming is just awful and terrible and upsetting : to me, it looked like the guy behind the camera just received the material and was playing with it : plenty of zooms (for no purpose other than pushing the button inout) for instance - - i almost stopped to watch it because of that !",0 +The film is way too long.,0 +"But as it is it just comes off as anti-American, anti-modernization and anti-capitalist.",0 +The many dogs were a lot of fun but i got bored of the wine fascists pompously whining (;-)) on about their achievements.,0 +"Though the interviews in this documentary were semi-interesting, they were ruined by the absolute worst camera work ever...",0 +But the production is a mess.,0 +"As noted in other comments here, the camera-work is laughably bad.",0 +I would have like to give it a 5 but i give a 2 for my vote.,0 +Most of this film is NOT funny.,0 +Maybe I just didn't get it.,0 +So what is it about this film that makes it so poor?,0 +"This movie is actually so poor in its desperate attempts at being ""feel good"" and casual it really made me embarrassed watching it.",0 +Miller is the choice of the two (I found Knightley competent at best but then I have never found her sympathetic) but they both offer dreadfully inconsistent Welsh accents.,0 +"In fact, a lot of things in this movie are in very poor taste.",0 +"This movie is so dull I spent half of it on IMDb while it was open in another tab on Netflix trying to find out if anyone thought it was one of the more boring, ponderous, gimmicky films they've ever seen.",0 +"it is straight out dull, absurd, and makes absolutely no sense whatsoever...",0 +It took me four nights to watch this it was so boring.,0 +The way the story unfolds is not engaging at all.,0 +i have not seen such an awful movie in a long...,0 +"For a start it is pretentious, striving to be ""significant"" and failing miserably.",0 +"I tried to watch this adaptation, but it was just so awful I couldn't torture myself like that.",0 +In my opinion this film is really a bad try to create a modern version of the original play by William Shakespeare.,0 +Gator Man for example does just appear without any explanation.,0 +which would have been a high point in this dreary presentation.,0 +"The African voodoo, secluded swamp, and ""Gator Man"" character make the movie a mockery of Shakespeare's true Tempest.",0 +"They put blue dye in his swimming pool, and orange hair dye in his shampoo, and much more naughty pranks creating chaos for Marty's career.",0 +** out of *****,0 +This movie just didn't do it for me.,0 +It all looks cheap and lazy.,0 +"that film is terrible to watch, but at least you get the feeling that the filmmakers want to show you how disgusting violence is.",0 +what dangerously sick animals of a person make something like this and for what purpose goes beyond belief.,0 +"Okay, there are some other jokes, but I didn't find them very funny at all; they are outdated and (I guess) were not very entertaining when the movie was first released.",0 +"The robot is clunky and not very impressive, and the CGI effects (though done by US sfx-people) are ridiculous, totally destroying any remaining suspension of disbelief.",0 +This film is really a big piece of trash trying to make itself look like a Hollywood production.,0 +"I somehow managed to make it all the way through this movie, but was dumbfounded by the complete lack of entertainment delivered.",0 +"Further, the low-budget special effects do not help much.",0 +It's totally stupid and very fake.,0 +"But, whilst she may well have been one the very most beautiful actresses on the screen at that time, any thespian talent that may have been there to discern becomes mired in the same sort of unfeasibly facile cogitation (""I have to confess that since I've been in Africa, I find white skin less appealing...",0 +"The score by Nico Fidenco is typically bland 70s pop and, really, nothing to write home about.",0 +Some stunning cinematography is nearly entirely wasted on shoddy editing with portions of the film put together so loosely its hard to believe that what inevitably made it to the film was what anyone intended.,0 +"Review: I remember back when I was in the ninth grade during its release and everyone in my class praised this clown called Master P. This movie is so bad, it's not even funny.",0 +The cliché ending (which I won't describe) is unfortunately all too appropriate for this complete mistake.,0 +"The best I can muster is that Truffaut wanted to make a movie as tedious, painful, puerile, annoying, illogical, and brainless as the experience of being in love.",0 +"And then, the movie fell apart and became just plain dumb!",0 +"François Traffaut's ""Mississippi Siren"" had an unconvincing plot.",0 +"If all else fails, or if the writing wasn't that good, or if we ran out of money to complete the movie, we can always say ""it was all in hisher head"" and end the movie that way.",0 +The movie was utterly boring.,0 +"Breaking Dawn is crap & it's a waste of time watching it to be rewarded with the lamest ending in film history, it's as simple & straight forward as that.",0 +"The movie starts out like it could become interesting and ends with a poorly executed, disappointingly boring, twist.",0 +I cant explain what a load of rubbish this film is.,0 +"I'm sure he was in demand in his day, but here he comes off as a Rent-A-Center Bogart : rough looking, but with none of Bogey's range or timing.",0 +Excuse the abjectly nonsensical nature of the plot by framing it all in the mind of a horror film director and you've got yourself an awful film.,0 +"Probably a real life friend of Fulci's, he has a big toothy grin when he kills people, though this may be Fulci's black humor at work which I thought was pretty poor too.",0 +"It is a complete waste of time to watch even 1 episode and one can't help but to express disgust and pity why Rowen had portrayed himself as such a 2-dimensional, unfunny and ridiculous character.",0 +"This movie is forgettable and not very entertaining, your first clue that it is not going to be the best movie in the world is that Robert Z'Dar is in it.",0 +"This movie was so bad, I had to buy the third Beastermaster online.",0 +"I love the first and third Beastmasters, but this one was an abomination.",0 +"This was a truly lousy movie, and there is no excuse.",0 +"First of all, the whole idea of the movie is ridiculous.",0 +"Singer looks awkward, Wuher is irritating and the whole 1991 slang just makes the movie downright unwatchable.",0 +The dialogue was almost 3 seconds behind the lip movement throughout the whole film.,0 +This seemed very silly to me.,0 +"Yet here we have two directors with arguably way more money, and they churn out a huge, steaming pile of crap.",0 +"In this movie, the ""hero"" is even more blatantly a ""Savior"" than High Plains Drifter.",0 +"The only problems is, that the film lacks the production values of either, and represent mainly cheap copy of the former two.",0 +"Completely untrue, obviously, and all a joke, but it's just not funny.",0 +"For such a promising premise (better executed in a film like ""Different For Girls"") the final film is a letdown.",0 +this takes the original point of it away and just renders it nearly unwatchable.,0 +"Big names like Roddy Piper, and David Carradine draw you in but, take it from me, this movie sucks.",0 +saddest of all: I expected better from Roddy Piper;Quite possibly the worst movie experience in my life.,0 +A small part in a major movie would be of more benefit to him than this rubbish.,0 +"Throw in a former wrestler who now runs the God channel , a fascist Christian bloke who's trying to snuff out Boris , a ventriloquist , some T&A for the sake of it and you've got a mess of a film .",0 +"Otherwise, forget it.",0 +"Avoid at all costs, give your time and money to a worthy cause instead.",0 +"Instead, it started out fresh, and sure did have plenty of action sequences, but wound up verging on the ridiculous.",0 +"The movie is a dumbed-down, completely different take on Frankie Machine and drug addiction.",0 +"Everyone is pretty one-dimensional and it doesn't take a rocket-scientist to figure out that some things, and some people, are going to go very bad, very quickly.",0 +The acting wasn't fantastic but it's hard to seem believable with such a terrible script.,0 +"In addition, the viewer is presented with numerous ham-handed references to religious faith and U.S. patriotism that come off as over-reverent rather than genuine.",0 +It is just media hype.,0 +The camera hardly moves.,0 +"It's not her fault, but the primitive production values of this film would cause any viewer to become bored.",0 +This version is very painful to watch.,0 +") were , in a way, a little overdrawn....",0 +"Cotten, of course, is a complete madman.",0 +"This movie is really more like the Island of Dr. Moreau than anything else and quite frankly that movie bored me too, it is way to much scientist and not enough killing for my tastes.",0 +This movie was so horrible as to be quite vexing.,0 +I was grossly disappointed.,0 +"I don't think that the material given to them can really show that, as I think this material isn't very good.",0 +I think its safe to say that if you only really watch box office standard films or any premium production don't bother with this film as you will hate it.,0 +"While I'll give 'em great credit for having produced a film with halfway-decent special effects on such a low budget, and at least a halfway decent script and story line...",0 +"There isn't plot, no actors' play and visual looks like you see it through the plastic film.",0 +What a disappointment!,0 +"The end result is a tedious, dull, waste of time.",0 +My final comment - poor editing and finally too low a budget to build a real campfire?,0 +it was boring and didn't interest me that much at all..,0 +Nothing seems original or even slightly entertaining.,0 +The acting was just as bad..,0 +This movie isn't so bad that it's kind of fun to watch- it's just plain bad.,0 +The plot was non exist and the acting was weak.,0 +The acting is among some of the worst I have ever had to endure and as a fan of low budget movies that is a pretty serious accusation to make.,0 +I watched this movie on the Propeller channel on Sky TV expecting it to be truly awful.,0 +"Because this movie has no goal, no purpose, and I kept telling myself, what happened to Brad's creativity, his once shining genius?",0 +She's electrocuted and the end result looks like a flame-broiled Muppet.,0 +The acting was particullary bad.,0 +The acting is the worst ever on film.,0 +"The acting is deadpan (except when it should be), the script is apparently a 1st grade group project, and the production budget must not have exceeded $150.",0 +"Only Fred and a handfull of others could write something this pathetic, and this movie just reeked of Fred Olen Ray.",0 +"Seriously, if the makers of this movie are ever discovered, they'll put guys like Jim Carrey out of a job.",0 +"The acting is so bad, and the gore is is so fake.",0 +"The cheesy ""Jack-O"" is a combination of a terrible story with awful acting.",0 +Pretty awful.,0 +What a movie if you want to blow your budget on the title and have it look real bad ask the guys that made this movie on how to do that.,0 +I hope this group of film-makers never re-unites.,0 +"After that, the movie goes in about 20 different directions, none of which make much sense.",0 +"Other than that, this is straight garbage.",0 +"This is a typical low-budget horror movie with dumb special effects, a worse plot, and even worse acting.",0 +The acting's atrocious and the plot isn't much better.,0 +"The acting is just horrible especially Sean Kelly i mean come on he is so pathetic with his little lines ""COme get me PUmpkinman"" low i laughed so hard on this its just stupid.",0 +"The killings by the pumpkin man were pretty lame, with the exception of the biker.",0 +"i fell asleep at the 40 minute stage and had NO desire at all to finish it, it's just bigtime lame OK.",0 +Here's hoping my rating of ONE ONE ONE ONE makes the overall (already) pathetic rating of 2.5 go DOWN.,0 +Bad acting compromised mostly of local talent and laughable special effects makes this one baaaaad.,0 +"If you are looking for something beyond that, this movie was empty.",0 +"Age has certainly not improved him, and this film must rank as one of his worst.",0 +"I agree that this film is too pretentious, and it is not easy to know where it is going.",0 +"There is no character development whatsoever, the plot is a garbled mess, the style is nonsensical, the shot selection is appalling, and the editing is worse.",0 +"For the most part, this film seemed random and somewhat fantastical (I don't say that in a complimentary way, however) and just silly.",0 +"This may have been bad casting, but is more likely due to a screenplay which is simply unsalvageable.",0 +"The script and dialog felt like a local sketch production, full of clichés and scenes that were predictable.",0 +"ALL the jokes were boring, forced and lacked any kind of wit.",0 +"There are some funny bits, but otherwise it is a cliché bore.",0 +This gets boring really quick and even the admirable performance by unknown actor Carl Crew can't save this movie from being a total dud.,0 +This movie was just a cutout (excuse the pun) of Dahmers life and personality and does not give you any 'close to good' insight into his life or personality.,0 +It's Ridiculously cheesy.,0 +There is nothing remotely redeeming about this depressing comedy with a downer of an ending.,0 +wasn't a good movie but Hoods is really worse!,0 +No - there was no military advising them on this movie.,0 +It goes without saying there's a sick child subplot too What is irritating about the TVM format is that it overwhelms the potential of what could have been quite a good film if it was made for cinema .,0 +"On top of that, it's one of the most cliché-ridden pieces of excrement it's been my misfortune to witness in many a year.",0 +I just don't get it.,0 +"As for the film's own merits, the plot is lame, the script, just like the action and the plot movement, is both dull and...",0 +But these almost seem to be of a ridiculously bad kind.,0 +"I would say this film is the quintessential bad script, with alright production.",0 +"There is no payoff, it goes nowhere, and sucks getting there.",0 +"You now have the Forsythe to pass up this sub par movie,more like a film school project, for anything on tape,disc or paper your local retailer has to offer.",0 +ANSWER: The film is sooooooooo bad that the filmmakers couldn't even decide on a title!,0 +I can't believe Forsythe or Reynolds would actually appear in this piece of trash..,0 +"The ""plot"" is undeniably worthless, and left me feeling cheated.",0 +A complete waste of your time.,0 +"Terrible camera work, horrible writing, non-existent plot, and numerous plot wholes.",0 +"I guess what really annoys me about this film is not that it is boring and pointless and has a terrible story, but that I think the actors probably all had good fun doing it!",0 +"Put simply, this film is a complete mess.",0 +I felt compelled to write about this movie after i joined IMDb because i thought it was the worst script writing i have seen in a while.,0 +it was put into the last 8-10 minutes of the movie and was pathetic and anticlimactic.,0 +I would rate it top 5 of the worst movie I have ever seen.,0 +All the twists were crap.,0 +"So with suspension of disbelief thrown out the window, and the plot now languishing in the movie then cracks the most wicked joke of all on the audience - the heist actually happened way back in the story, and the final 90 minutes or so of the film was pointless posturing.",0 +I tried hard to like it and I'm usually very easy to please but I'm really disappointed.,0 +What a ridiculous waste of time and money!,0 +The plot is not only boring but also senseless.,0 +"Sadly, this film wastes talent and fails on many accounts.",0 +"It stinks because there's simply no good screenplay,it was just cheap.",0 +"Ocean's 12, while it did lack a gripping plot, is being bashed because it was different then what people wanted.",0 +"There's no plot, it's not funny, it's not enjoyable to watch, it's straight out embarrassing.",0 +I almost forgot.,0 +"Badly directed, badly photographed and badly acted, the film is a confusing mess with plot lines (if one can call them that) veering in all directions.",0 +The movie is just boring and so drag along that I can't ever sit through this.,0 +"However, I was disappointed with this film.",0 +A weak script and very slow developing idea.,0 +And the rest of it just sits there being awful...,0 +"His dreams are very corny and make no sense at all, and is very poorly done.",0 +There are no - NO redeeming qualities to this film.,0 +It's probably the only saving grace of this otherwise horrible film!,0 +"Inder Kumar- confusing characterization againRani Mukherjee- boring, overweight and does nothing special Pooja Bhatra- tall, fair and actress worthy but lacks talentKashmira Shah- says a dial as if a poetryMohinish Behl- poor fellow the 2 kids were awful tooThe story is the same and has awful comic scenes, a sudden love story and boring drunken scenes plus a forced comic track of Shakti KapoorDirection is poor Music is decentSalman khan just goes through the motions, Jackie is bad, Rani is as usual, Pooja is bad, Mohinish and Kashmira are nothing great Inder is awful",0 +All I know is that it is a mess.,0 +This is so embarrassing.,0 +The bottom line is that this was a talking and silly film.,0 +It's not half as good any of those films.,0 +"Attention, possible spoilersThis film is so lousy that it actually becomes funny.",0 +"Endless scenes using elaborate shots that serve no purpose, muddy dialogue, murky narative, no sense of any theme aside from excess...",0 +His entire character made no sense.,0 +"Then there are these long conversations of inconsequential details and unintelligible, witless dialogue, which go on and on and are exhausting and boring.",0 +It's pointless.,0 +"Actually, those scenes in and of themselves are not bad, but Cimino has not earned the right to include them, because what he's given us as the ""meat"" of the picture IS so incompetently bad.",0 +It was truly staggering how BAD the film was!,0 +"Too bad the Producers and WriterDirector, Michael Cimino, spent zero time on any of the historical facts of what the Johnson County war was really about.",0 +"The point of that scene, I suppose, was to introduce some of the primary figures in the story and give a bit of their background - which is somewhat effective when comparing the idealism of the Harvard graduation ceremony to the realism of life in Johnson County, Wyoming, but it just keeps going and going, and that sets the stage for a film that features repeated stretches of mind-numbing nothingness, made even worse by the fact that I found a significant amount of the dialogue to be almost incoherent.",0 +"So much for this part of the myth of the ""American West"", which is a gooble-de-gook of myths spanning a time period of about one hundred years.",0 +After you sit though this giant waste of time you wonder how someone could actually make a 4 hr epic in which nothing happens.,0 +I have nothing good to say about this excessive piece of crap.,0 +"It is a sloppy, disconnected, poorly paced, and historically distorted mess.",0 +There are many scenes that are completely unnecessary.,0 +It was as if jokes or interesting scenes were being set up again and again but no one bothered finishing any of them--there was just no payoff.,0 +It is also excruciatingly slow which makes for a boring movie.,0 +It barely qualifies as a TV movie.,0 +Artistically this film was zero.,0 +"The soundtrack is very NOT metal for one, and the ending of the movie is lame as well.",0 +how and where do I start to describe this utter nonsense?,0 +"Too bad 'Rock Star' has no laughs at all, as it must be one of the most boring movies of recent years.",0 +"I had low expectations on the movie, and still they didn't come up them.",0 +"Pointless camera jerks, all at weird angles, overly repeated lines and even pointless sequences just muddled up every now and again to fill the overlong episodes.",0 +"The problem: It was quite weak and the cafe scene was pretty much a carbon copy of a Curly short ""Busy Buddies"" (1944).",0 +The movie is bad.,0 +** out of *****,0 +The story never grabs your full attention.,0 +"The plot is very generic and has no substance that I could see, not to mention it had a major flaw in my eyes.",0 +"The plot is convoluted and unimportant, basically Dolemite goes around killing people (Usually with very poorly choreographed karate), having sex, and cursing out people, sometimes even rhyming too.",0 +"In fact, so much of it was inept that I had a hard time figuring out whether the film was intended as a joke.",0 +And the jokes aren't even funny!,0 +"Unfortunately, ""Man with the Screaming Brain"" was itself a disappointment.",0 +Campbell contorts his rubbery face making silly expressions as he argues with himself.,0 +"Sorry Bruce, this just doesn't cut it for me.",0 +"Bruce, I'm really disappointed.",0 +Waste of film.,0 +"With the exception of that one tracking shot where Bruce runs through the square and scares the kids, there were no laughs to be had.",0 +The directing sadly was sub par and the choice of some shots...,0 +"It started out promising enough, but after the first 20 minutes I resided to watching the rest of this sorry excuse of a movie as if I had just been shot with tranquilizer darts.",0 +"The film first goes wrong in the story, which at first sight, seems like harmless fun but turns out to be boring drawn out dribble.",0 +Great disappointment.,0 +I would not recommend it.,0 +And the rest of the movie buckles to that purpose: it consists entirely of melodramatic and long family scenes with overloud music at which one is beholden to cry.,0 +what a waste of a film once again the film industry does not trust to make a film that could have been just about the man's ideas.,0 +But there was none of that.,0 +Eventually I was so bored it was difficult to care.,0 +"Ah, I just forgot to say that for more than 1 hour, the movie is quite boring and in a way, cruel.",0 +the music is this movie is incredibly disappointing!,0 +"Half of the shots have reflection in them, and crappy lighting with no stylization of any kind.",0 +"This is still not the worst ""Alien"" rip-off around (the two ""Xtro"" films are even worse, for example); it's actually sufficiently entertaining if you've got 68 (!",0 +Lame story.,0 +I give it 1 out of 5.,0 +Disposable at best.,0 +"For his overall film and television career, I will give this mediocre film a ""4"".",0 +"It's always nice to see Ann Blyth and Jane Cowl in support, but they can't do much with this hokey material.",0 +"Because in all honesty, the constant, year round pain and suffering inflicted by having only one or two ""talent"" based reality shows running just isn't enough.",0 +From the first moment I saw the commercials for this I knew it would fail.,0 +"In fact, he was as lackluster as can be.",0 +"I a huge fan of when it comes to Doctor Who series and still am, But I was very disappointed when i began to watch this new series.",0 +"Subsequently brought down by poor contemporary humour, paper-thin logic, very poor pacing, and tired SF clichés.",0 +(breathe) All of the jokes became forced because there was no motivation for anything.,0 +It is 21 years old & showing it's age very badly.,0 +"When it comes to morality, he is clueless.",0 +"Let's describe Larry as an interviewer: a complete suckhole, in every way possible.",0 +But at the end of the day this is a fairly poor horror movie that didn't need to be made and DOG SOLDIERS is much better entertainment,0 +Then came this abomination.,0 +"The special effects, such an integral part of the superb original film, fall far short in this flop.",0 +Just don't watch this mess.,0 +And the overly contrived ending doesn't help it out much either.,0 +"This 1997 studio product is an odd hybrid of a film since considerable technical effects are shown for scary purposes but the authentic terrors of the original have been completely undermined, in my opinion.",0 +Numerous logic holes make the possibly intriguing story difficult to take.,0 +The script was just a mess and I felt bad for the actors who had to perform it (they must have had sick relatives at home or monster coke habits or something).,0 +"There are no characters in the film, but much too many plot lines - all underdeveloped and mostly superfluous.",0 +"The script is disgustingly poor, the actors were made to make this film, they're horrible performances match the status of the movie.",0 +"The acting is average at best, but mostly stupid.",0 +"Couple it with unprofessional performances, 2 bit graphics, add ultra-lame comedy bits, and you get this film.",0 +I just don't get it.,0 +The worst movie I have ever seen.,0 +This movie was a fuming pile of dung.,0 +"special effects that aren't very special,horrible dialogue,non acting.",0 +"For the record, the design of the werewolves doesn't help a bit.",0 +There is really but one thing to say about this sorry movie.,0 +The werewolf effects in this film looked too cartoonish.,0 +It made the creatures look fake and the werewolves looked cartoonish.,0 +"The computer werewolves are just awful: the perspective is all off, it's like seeing them through a distorting mirror.",0 +"There are three major problems with this movie: 1) The plot - or should I say plots - are all over the place, there are some characters who get a lot of screen time but serve little purpose, 2) There are only 4 fight scenes in total, some of them completely unrelated to the main plot and some taking place in the dark, 3) The music score is overzealous and overbearing.",0 +A lot of talking and everything is so artificial that you could not believe it.,0 +"Dull, characters, dull situations, dull direction, dull actors, dull cinematography, dull music.",0 +"The acting was pretty bad, especially the female lead, who was melodramatic about everything!",0 +It fooled me into a bad night.,0 +"Worse still, there was not even any chemistry between the two leading actors.",0 +"There was something to be desired out of this movie, but all in all, it lacked in plot.",0 +"Overall, this movie is a very poor interpretation of the book, and fails at the attempt to be an action movie thriller.",0 +I am really sad and disappointed.,0 +"Technically also, the film was awful.",0 +"I really have no patience to sit down and right the 1.000.000 changes they made, it is pointless.......",0 +Leaving out or rather changing this whole part of the story was a massive mistake and was in my mind what made it a poor movie...,0 +This movie is so wrong it hurts.,0 +I think the whole movie is underachieving because director Ron Howard made some many stupid changes.,0 +Ron Howard made sure to get his dad inserted as a Cardinal with a hayseed accent but missed all the symbolism.,0 +"not only was Tom Hanks' mild mannered portrayal or Robert Langdon Laughable, but the name changes to key characters, huge deviances from the original story line, and poor IrishItalian accent from Carmalengo Played by Ewan Mcgregor, made for the worst book to film EVER.",0 +"Other than the movie COMPLETELY losing focus of the details, the movie is acted HORRIBLY.",0 +"'Angels and Demons' was a muddled, convoluted film lacking direction or any believability.",0 +In addition none of his films have been downright awful.,0 +"The acting is terrible, the special effects (as mentioned) are impossible to take seriously, and once you've seen one giant spider being blown up; you've seen them all, so it gets boring rather quickly.",0 +"The attempts at comedy are lame, the compulsory girl-on-girl scene is sickening, the plot is nonexistent, the acting is among the worst I've ever seen, and don't even get me started on special effects.",0 +Poorly edited and the score is intrusive.,0 +And to compound the problem with the seriously pathetic special effects is the total lack of logic that characterized a majority of the events depicted.,0 +This is one of those movies that you watch because it's bad.,0 +) was terrible almost to the point of my turning the movie off completely.,0 +"I can't say that I would have done a better job making a film myself, but it was very amateurish and wasn't even a ""B"" movie, somewhere closer to a ""d"" movie, or ""f"" if that is possible.",0 +You won't believe this hunk of junk is even a movie!,0 +"This movie is just so slow it isn't even art, it is merely boring.",0 +"Gustav visits Venice and goes on a gondola , Gustav eats in an expensive restaurant , Gustav looks out of his hotel window and if it's excitement you want Gustav has a flashback Bad enough if this was the entire movie but it gets worse because Gustav notices a pretty boy teenager .",0 +This program is an embarrassment.,0 +This Nikkatsu horrorpink hybrid is woeful.,0 +"Being a truck driver myself, I didn't find it very realistic.",0 +The picture was so shaky and the colors were grainy and blurry.,0 +don't even get me started on pacing or plot.,0 +The entire idea of time traveling through post-traumatic stress disorder is kinda dumb.,0 +It's been over 30 years now but I still remember that this movie was the worst I've ever seen.,0 +It's not really badly made; the content & story is just not interesting enough.,0 +"But all of this could have been done within 15 minutes in my opinion, so to drag it out for over an hour was just pure punishment for all who watched it.",0 +This work is amateurish and the dialogue sophomoric.,0 +"This is possibly the hands down worst movie every made, that actually took itself seriously.",0 +These factors combined to make this an extremely boring movie.,0 +I tried to get my friends to finish this extremity's awful awful piece of crap...,0 +"As the film progresses, it develops into an incomprehensible mess, with the 'borrowed' gore footage inserted randomly, with no attempt at working it convincingly into the story.",0 +"All in all, an awful movie.",0 +The rest of the special effects goes downhill from there.,0 +"Then there's an eco-terrorist who is in this movie for absolutely no reason whatsoever, except to provide us with 3% more running around.",0 +The dialogue was so bad it was sickening.,0 +Which is another example of how poorly written ALIEN EXPRESS is.,0 +No SCIFI film had prepared me for this; it was so incredibly pathetic I couldn't believe it!,0 +Not even the actors could compensate for such a poorly written script and it's pretty obvious they didn't really try either.,0 +I did my best to watch this two hour fiasco.,0 +"A good portion of the movie's events are predictable, from the helicopter crash (""Pull up, pull up""!",0 +"But the director's weak swats at symbolism, philosophy and social commentary were completely off the mark, and it leaves us, the audience, feeling confused & disordered.",0 +"Unfortunately I was disappointed to find that L'Auberge Espagnol fails to satisfy in many ways: the characters are stereotyped, the events are trite and the story is shallow.",0 +This movie is unbelievably bland.,0 +"If you are after a film that has climax or ends with a satisfying thump, this is going to be a disappointment.",0 +"If it was satire, it just doesn't get off the ground.",0 +What a disappointment.,0 +"Chico isn't funny at all as a monk who thinks the world is flat, and Harpo, we are told, is meant to be Isaac Newton, discovering gravity.",0 +She was just an excuse.,0 +"To call ""Plan 9 from Outer Space"" the worst film ever made would be to deny this abysmally vulgar heap of Hollywood guano its rightful title.",0 +But the Mexicans behind this forgettable and cheap exploitation flick don't even try!,0 +"I was bored, not just because the acting was terrible and the tragic story was simply a b-movie whose plot was all about the cannibalism, but the fact I was watching a subtitle foreign film, which doesn't bother me at all, but was STILL dubbed.",0 +A score of '1' is too good for this waste of celluloid.,0 +"Also, anytime glass is broken in this movie, the editing is so anti-phenomenal.",0 +We start with a silly premise.,0 +The script is poor.,0 +"Later, it got even worse as in addition to lousy animation and backgrounds, the stories themselves became almost unbearable for adults to watch.",0 +just pointless.....,0 +"On the whole, it ends up as a low-budget made-for-TV movie that just isn't very high quality and can be disappointing if you're a hardcore fan who is hoping to see beyond Karen's disease.",0 +That was the only thing I would recommend on seeing it.,0 +"This story, about Karen Carpenter, could have helped so many, yet due to the directing and editing, does not.",0 +Beyond the few laughs supplied by Jerry Stiller's crazy old man character this show was generally unfunny.,0 +"I've noticed some posters compare this travesty to much superior shows like Friends, Seinfeld and Everybody Loves Raymond -- I'm still wondering how could anyone do that",0 +This is a lame comedy.,0 +"The episodes just drift along in a stream of nothingness, their jobs add nothing and their interaction is even worse.",0 +There is not one character on this sitcom with any redeeming qualities.,0 +"So for the beginning of the film, we really like and are rooting for the babysitter (a nice believable job by Rebekah Kochan), but then she's joined by standard slasher-flick teenage friends and the mood is ruined.",0 +"As the gore is done badly this is not entertaining at all, and it bores more than shocks.",0 +it doesn't really make a lot of sense.,0 +"Just for your own sake, don't even think about wasting your time watching this crappy movie.",0 +"The ending is stupid, it's not fun, it's not scary, it's not campy or cheesy or quickly-paced.",0 +"this film is basically a poor take on the old urban legend of the babysitter who gets crank calls telling her to check the children, she calls the police who trace the calls and find there coming from inside the house.",0 +"What a pathetic waste of time, money and effort!",0 +Sorry but this movie was a waste of $4 and the time I spent driving to the rental store and then watching it.,0 +This movie is very clichéd.,0 +"The acting was horrible,the selection of Muslim terrorists was racist and unfair(they're terrorists so they must be Muslims).",0 +--complete with cardboard demons who look like they are made of Papier Mache.,0 +"The acting is not convincing at all, mind you I saw only 7 minutes of it.",0 +"Horrible actors, horrible direction and producing.",0 +"It isn't nearly as bad as many here think, and would have been fine in the hands of someone with maturity and common sense, and it is enough below mediocrity to elicit laughs and groans.",0 +It's that boring.,0 +' This is me being bored to tears by long stretches of absolutely nothing.,0 +"Characters are unlikeable, design is simplistic and everything just rambles on without any sense or logic to it.",0 +There was hardly any action.,0 +"I mean this movie goes soooooo slooooow its ridiculous, to say that the script had about 10 pages of dialogue would be generous.",0 +"Very strange screenplay by Cameron Crowe (following on the heels of his ""Fast Times at Ridgemont High"") has little inspiration and flails away at dumb gags.",0 +Why would you even try?,0 +"Right from that horrible watermelon song, sung over the title credits, the message of General Spanky is a bad one.",0 +"It's boring, forced and pointless, and I must respectfully disagree with the other poster on this film; the 1994 LITTLE RASCALS remake was better than this.",0 +"The special effects are marginal, while the script needed funnier lines and the direction snappier pacing.",0 +Dorothy Provine is nice to look at and makes the movie somewhat bearable.,0 +And the subplot involving the military is lame in the extreme.,0 +"I know he was a contract player with little control over his scripts, but the acting was as bad as the script.",0 +"Different ideas are flayed about in the hopes that one would stick, and the continuity is extremely choppy.",0 +They were the only believable ones.,0 +"It could have been romantic and funny, but this film spectacularly failed to do either.",0 +"The only one who really shines here is Ellen DeGeneres, who makes this film watchable -- if not really believable herself as she's cast as a bit of a heterosexual sex hound.",0 +"I can't tell what the people behind the camera are trying to do here (if anything), but they sure didn't accomplish anything.",0 +"This, however, is a completely dopey plot.",0 +"I can't recommend this at all, despite the very talented cast who are left to fend for themselves.",0 +"Once the setting and main character (Helen) have been established, it basically goes nowhere for the next ninety minutes or so.",0 +"The plot drags, the characters are wooden and uninteresting, the motivations of their actions are completely indecipherable.",0 +"What didn't work for me was: (1) the drawn-out affair with the younger man (too long, too seemingly out of character for Helen), (2) the seemingly endless cinematic cliches, mostly visual but including interminable voiced over re-readings of the love letter itself (its contents should have a mystery); (3) a young woman feminist-scholar and, ironically, a fireworks scene (no wonder this reminded me of that horrid How to Make an American Quilt movie); (4) the bumbling ""gotcha"" cop who smells ""dope"" everywhere (no cliche there either!",0 +The actors are older but none of them looked particularly good.,0 +That person must have been trained so well!,0 +"I loved the first 15 minutes, and I loved some of the dialogue in the tribunal--which proved to be the best showcase for the director's ahead-of-its-time method acting technique--but this movie ultimately disappoints.",0 +"Watkins is pure tourist as he assembles this our gang tragedy with cliché freaks, hippies and black revolutionaries pitted against trigger happy cops and military and a kangaroo court tribunal made up of disapproving calcified adults making poor fashion statements.",0 +"Appearing in this pseudo-documentary: Carmen Argenziano, Katherine Quittner, Mary Ellen Kleinhall, Stan Armsted, Scott Turner, Patrick Boland and Kent Foreman.",0 +"If you can find this flick, it might be worth checking out for the historical stuff and to see Olivia Hussey in an extremely funny deadpan humor bit early on, but beyond that, I'd pass on it for something more entertaining.",0 +It fails miserably for several reasons.,0 +But having such a non-sensical screenplay is completely unnecessary.,0 +"As such, the abrupt finale is maddening, and the overall results tepid.",0 +I give this movie a 4 out of 10.,0 +I'll end by saying that this movie was just so bad....,0 +"""The Next Karate Kid"" is a thoroughly predictable movie, just like its predecessors.",0 +The film was made without any thought of making money because it's just so bad.,0 +the plot to the movie is just dreadful.,0 +"The first is Open Water, that just had NO point whatsoever.",0 +This film is so bad.,0 +They should of keeped Ralph Macchio as Danny instead of changing it.,0 +"From beginning to end, The Next Karate Kid is a tired, flat and dull marathon of idiotic lines and set-ups.",0 +"But not quite, it's just bad.",0 +Too bad it was such a let-down.,0 +"Sad to hear it was a flop when it was released, with those fun names like Frank Morgan (the Wizard) and Jessie Ralph, who played W.C. Fields' disapproving mother- in- law in ""Bank Dick"".",0 +"For me, the problem was the script andor the editing--transitions were awkward, motivations were murky.",0 +"The 1935 version of ""Enchanted April"" manages to be simultaneously tediousand perfunctory.",0 +"Unfortunately, this good idea is totally spoiled by two key performances in the ensemble cast that are so bad that they ruin the film.",0 +510,0 +I struggle to see the point of this movie.,0 +"The story was lame, action wasn't all that great...",0 +"Most probably self funded this is clearly an attempt to redress important issues but ultimately undermines its point of existence in that the question needs to be begged, who would ever put money into distributing this and secondly if a market audience doesn't exist to watch, buy or rent this film, why would anyone bother in the first place?",0 +"DIY pimp story without the gratuitous sex scenes, either hard core or soft core, therefore reads like a public information film from the fifties, give this a wide miss, use a barge pole if you can.",0 +"It had some good scenes tough, but in general, it wasn't much to my liking.",0 +"Unlike other animations, this one is lack of humor.",0 +"Plot holes are huge, dialog barely explains the concepts of the plot--the MAIN PLOT POINTS aren't even fully explained until the last five minutes of the film.",0 +I can't believe they actually put their names on this garbage.,0 +The premise is just way too unique to be left alone with this uneven flick,0 +I'm still confused about that.,0 +Its not even worth thinking about watching.,0 +"Sadly, those enhancements didn't really ""enhance"" anything.",0 +Still the movie is dull and I for one lost interest in the story fifteen minutes in.,0 +"It`s badly written , directed and acted and most especially it`s badly lit which means it`s very difficult to see what`s happening on screen , though I`m not entirely sure this is actually a bad thing .",0 +"As I recall, Sellers had more of an ongoing cameo role than a lead here, but even his presence couldn't ameliorate the stale jokes, lame plot, and infantile repartee.",0 +"The rest of the songs (well, to be fair, I only heard those in the first half-hour) are just pointless and awful.",0 +"However,the execution of the concept was flawed.",0 +"That's what I'm going to do, and try to forget that I ever bothered to rent this wholly unremarkable production.",0 +They drag the tempo and make the worst facial expressions.,0 +"Unmercifully, this was anything but brief, and to me seemed as if it had gone-on for about 10 hours (Einstein's layman's explanation of ""relativity"" at work.",0 +This movie was one of the worst I have ever seen (not including anything by or with Pauly Shore).,0 +"I've rated this film a 2 - It's quite worthy of a ""1"", but if this film can't offer any other redeeming quality, at least somebody helped Coolio, Max Caulfield, Nicolle Eggert, and Dennis Weaver make their car payments that month!",0 +Just a awful.,0 +"The acting was bad, the plot was worse, and the special effects seemed to have been created by a 5th grade science class.",0 +A movie that starts out mediocre and goes from bad to worse.,0 +Not a good choice.,0 +"All the new material, actors sitting around in an airplane set talking, is bland and terrible on every level.",0 +It's the worst acting I've seen and even worse directing.,0 +"Poor really, don't bother.",0 +"The technical specs are, in a word, anemic.",0 +What is worse is that these fight sequences are botched beyond belief as Wilson's martial artistry is disguised by disjointed editing.,0 +"The actions a load of crap as well, resorting to a 'stylish' wobbling camera which gives you headache.",0 +Only worth seeing if you're an animation buff or is interested in how certain ethnicities were stereotyped as entertainment way back when.,0 +The crude animation and poorly-executed gags make the film a loser from beginning to end.,0 +-1 out of 10.,0 +"This particularly vile outing, apparently originally intended as a vehicle for a pair of actual black stage comedians of the time, has the pair crashing in the ocean while flying to Africa, necessitating black-face make-up, exaggerated ""negro"" dialect and ""Feets, don't fail me now"" situations.",0 +But mostly it just sat a lot.,0 +"Utterly devoid of anything creative, beating the same cliches to death, yet vaguely entertaining in a mindless sort of way.",0 +bush seems to get a pretty free run from these guys for as stupid and messed up as he is.,0 +"The villains are cardboard, the flashbacks laughable, the dialogue excruciating.",0 +This move is bad on so many levels I don't even know where to start.,0 +This movie is just unnecessary.,0 +This is the worst movie of ALL TIME!,0 +"Wow, what a racist, profane piece of celluloid garbage, and what an insult to the great genre of Westerns.",0 +"In my opinion, the movie was laughable--bad dialogue.",0 +It's meandering and aimless.,0 +Poor Jane Austen ought to be glad she's not around to see this dreadful wreck of an adaptation.,0 +"Not only that, the ""gothic"" sequences are tacky, over-the-top, and frankly silly.",0 +"Well, at least we had a big laugh about how bad this film is.",0 +"The tone is off, the costumes are off, the hair is off, the music is from outer space, and Robert Hardy, bless him, looks like he's really annoyed to be in such a stinker.",0 +This is just about the worst movie I've ever seen.,0 +The soundtrack was torturously bad.,0 +The production values are poor and the pacing of the film makes one feel it was hastily and clumsily edited at the last minute.,0 +"Shaky hand held cameras (this piece was shot for television mind you, not film) not only keep you utterly conscious of how horrible the cinematography is in this film, but make you absolutely unable to become immersed in the story.",0 +It's just BAD.,0 +This movie doesn't.,0 +This is probably on my list of the ten worst movies I've seen.,0 +Looks like the producers made a modern misinterpretation of a romantic girl's dream.,0 +It would have been far better if they just gave all the money they poured into this flop and donated it to a worthy charity.,0 +30% = a failing grade!,0 +"The movie ends with a Catherine fantasy-like scene where one can't help but wonder if it's happened or if she's merely delusional, and not in the good way that makes you think but in a perfectly horrible way that basically sums up the terrible movie.",0 +To make the story more `horrible?,0 +This movie is by far the worst we have seen to date.,0 +"The bizarrely unattractive cast detracts from the story, which is, in itself, untrue to the book.",0 +"The actors are bad, the music is ridiculous and the filming pathetic.",0 +"The plot goes completely off the rails at certain points of the film, I don't know what the hell the director was thinking when for no reason at all, a 7 year old black kid who we've never met before takes the main character out of the abbey and starts cartwheeling in front of her.",0 +And there's no plot at all.,0 +There's nothing here worth wasting your hour and a half on.,0 +"An unfortunate indie and fraudulent documentary, this flick favors us with lots of boring tourism shot from the hip....",0 +This is an absolutely horrid excuse for a show.,0 +"I truly despise shows that fill every minute of the actors space with rambling, stupid, boring banter.",0 +"The writing is neither ""smart"" or ""intelligent"" it's syrupy and tedious.",0 +"The series is character-based, so when the main characters became so unlikeable the show also became impossible to watch.",0 +"During a second glance felt like suffocating the characters, the banter doesn't work and the whole love and romance thing just ruins what is already a crap show....",0 +I've really tried to watch a few episodes but when the witty staccato mumbling pop culture drivel starts I flip the channel.,0 +"But they suffer from overall thin stories and dialogue, slack pacing, bland settings, flat or exaggerated characters, and off-putting, forced attempts (often juvenile or crude) at color or humor.",0 +that not-blood-related argument does not make an ounce of difference.,0 +He even goes so far as to contradict Shakespeare's original script to achieve these excrucriatingly slow and lifeless scenes.,0 +"Thus we have a Caliban who is more a clown than a threat, and who not even Miranda seems terribly afraid of (which is odd, since we know that he has attempted to rape her at least once).",0 +"In fact, to the point I stopped watching this awful adaption, their had been so many lines cut from the play.",0 +"Some of the dialogue is incomprehensible, and there are those elements, like the singing and dancing that add no meaning to the movie, but replace Shakespeare with the director's self-indulgences.",0 +But the director fails miserably at this.,0 +"Of course, in general, the Perry Mason movies are not significant, but, even for their low standards, this one is weak.",0 +She only seems to know how to play one type of character - a hard-bitten career woman with some undefined chip on her shoulder who for that reason is extremely difficult to in any way sympathize with.,0 +"Herein, only old-time Broadway producer Richard Carle (as Herman Wood) and his fey secretary Johnny Arthur (as Homer Erskine) maintain interest.",0 +"It's all over the place, half-hearted and tedious, Mayan creation myths recited in voice-over, then some other text Herzog fancied for literature.",0 +The end product is excruciatingly dull.,0 +There's almost nothing to write about this dud.,0 +To think otherwise would be impostorous!,0 +It doesn't even come close.,0 +"Then the plot of taking a yacht with a stowaway and a man with no country aboard-not to mention a charming female French singer also coming to inhabit an uncharted island they all end up on-takes over with eventual complications that pretty much bogs the comedy down and never really recovers despite the familiar ending of Ollie saying for the last time to Stan, ""Here's another nice mess you've gotten me into""!",0 +This movie was difficult for me to watch.,0 +I really can't understand WHY they came out of retirement considering their health--especially when the story and production values are as poor as they are with this film.,0 +"In this case, while is morbidly fascinating to see Laurel & Hardy at this late stage in their legendary careers, they, too, stuck around for one too many.",0 +"This film has some fine comedy moments, but Stan and Ollie are not up to their usual form.",0 +"Frankly, there is no reason to watch this awful film.",0 +"A poor script, and inept supporting cast.",0 +An incredibly boring film that is no where near funny.,0 +"As ""B"" westerns go this one isn't too bad, however, I have to give it a failing grade because of the ""singing"".",0 +I'll give it a 4.,0 +"the kids they fond to act in this film may have been the real kids from yammacraux island they sounded stupid and couldn't act as as far as i am concerned this was a stupid idea for a book and an even worse idEa fOr a movie I don't know why this movie was even made, deviantly top five worst movies of all time.",0 +I really enjoy this genre but The Cell was one of the worst movies I've ever been unfortunate enough to watch.,0 +""" If only the producers had had more time to actually MAKE the movie.",0 +"If you like to watch movies that start out with a good guy trying to catch a bad guy, then reveal clues to the motives of each throughout the movie, skip it.",0 +I love exotic science fictionfantasy movies but this one was very unpleasant to watch.,0 +"Unfortunately, the acting and poor casting bring it down a few notches.",0 +"I was bored senseless throughout this, and while it may have been a marketing success, it certainly didn't succeed at entertaining me.",0 +And what was with the Hart Foundation's ridiculous green tights?,0 +Everything else was either poor or awful.,0 +In fact this film was one hollow crown.,0 +He puts very little effort into this character.,0 +"Anyway, this is the kind of international production – featuring American and Italian actors and a British director – which was prevalent during the 1960s; it’s harmless and easy-going in itself but hardly memorable and definitely overlong – especially since to procure finance for the heavy-duty equipment required for the heist (such as an army tank and an airplane!",0 +"This film is a mess: from non-existent plot, through stop-start action and unfunny script to puerile slapstick and annoying 60's 'caper' music.",0 +"It is far from a great film, in fact it is rather pedestrian.",0 +There's hardly any comedy to save it and the characters are too shallow to care about.,0 +I really don't know how to properly express it aside from recommending you watch it just to see how bad it is.,0 +"In the case of ""Full Ride"", the acting was so weak that the movie was impossible to appreciate as a story; I was too busy (during first and only viewing) alternating between laughter and nausea.",0 +Not a wise choice.,0 +I was bored with it.,0 +"There are few interesting choices in this documentary--the music is banal, the filming uninspired, and the story is the same story that has played out on every Birch Street in every town in America.",0 +And it has it moments but much of it is bogged down with an amateurish lead performance and flat directing.,0 +"It starts with a bad script, full of holes, and dialog so unlikely it's embarrassing.",0 +"This is by far the most vapid, idiotic, insanely stupid show that has EVER been on the air, and this is coming from someone who remembers ""San Pedro Beach Bums"".",0 +About the only thing worth watching Top Model for is Mr. Jay Manuel.,0 +"The ""full figured models"" were no more than average sized ladies competing with what I think is the thinnest group of models they ever chose - so of course that would make them look even fatter - a ""ploy"" fashionatas use all the time.",0 +"Weird locations, too much makeup & too much skin is not necessary.",0 +you are just a big fony hypocrite.,0 +"The accents are so varied, from the subdued British of Ustinov and Purdom to the Hollywood of Baxter and Mature that it seems a true hodgepodge with no central vision.",0 +Having read the book several times (and all the other historical novels by Mika Waltari) there is no way to say much good in this film.,0 +"Unfortunately, due to the moral strictures of the time, much of Sinhue's story (which is rife with romantic and sexual exploits) remains on the cutting room floor and instead, the audience is treated to reels and reels of Victor Mature's wooden acting.",0 +Ho humm - - - More of nothing.,0 +"2) A fairly non-existent, clichéd storyline.",0 +The acting is pretty bland and unremarkable.,0 +Some can't even portray fear properly; they just scream and cry in a vain effort to emote.,0 +"Overall, I would not recommend for anyone to even think about viewing this feature, as it will most surely waste 83(not even 90!",0 +"The movie is stupid all the way through, making it one of the worst I have ever seen.",0 +As soon as I saw it was produced by WWE I just knew it was gonna be awful.,0 +I found it to be a complete disappointment.,0 +"untalented actors & a disappointing, vague storyline.",0 +"Starts of as fun dopey B-movie, but soon gets too tedious to be enjoyable.",0 +It has terrible acting and The worst directing I've seen yet.,0 +Can't recommend it.,0 +The story was so unbelievably stupid and unrealistic that I could not contain my laughter in the movie theater through the course of watching this film.,0 +There is also absolutely nothing in the relationship between Freeman and Rock to suggest even remotely that they were father and son.,0 +"The film doesn't much work as a drama, either.",0 +I didn't much enjoy it.,0 +"Renee Zellweger is radiant, but the rest of this movie just does not work.",0 +"Basically the movie just doesn't work, its plot is beyond contrived, the characters are one-dimensional cliches, there is no consistency or development of anything, and the comedy (where it is not totally out of place) is the worst kind of High Concept drivel.",0 +and stupid.,0 +"I really wanted to like this movie, but the pacing was just way too slow.",0 +"Kaufman & Peters stagger around in robot costumes, escape slavery only to wander aimlessly, and find true robot love.",0 +don't watch!,0 +It was just painful to sit through.,0 +why..,0 +The whole cast was so uniformly inept at delivering their lines that I started laughing at the awful dialog midway through the film.,0 +"The new Ren and Stimpy was just plain awful, ""Gary the Rat"" mediocre at best, and ""Stripperella"" pretty unwatchable.",0 +Especially bad is the editing; the poor way the story jumps from one point to another was amateurish and a huge distraction.,0 +Alien Express is one of the worst movies I've bothered to experience.,0 +"The plot and dialogue were about as sophomoric as I've ever seen, made even worse by being every bit as predictable as you might expect.",0 +The use of miniature models of the train are laughable.,0 +"Beyond that, everything else is ridiculous.",0 +(Spoilers Ahead!,0 +I didn't laugh at all while watching this trash.,0 +"It has horrible music, weak plot, untalented actors,and no hilarious jokes at all.",0 +House Party 4 is a disgrace to all of the HP's and to Kid n Play...,0 +Just forget this - it's terrible.,0 +I have to give this a THUMBS DOWN!,0 +"The acting is terrible, and the movie looks like a bad indie film.",0 +"I can't risk giving away the ending, except to say that it was surprising, to say the least.",0 +This film has got to be one of the goofiest movie monsters ever and one of the most pathetic attempts to try to explain it.,0 +I just felt it was a lousy movie.,0 +It is as a result of this stunning lack of character - or relationship - development that the film's climax fails miserably to tug at our hearts.,0 +If you read the book before seeing the movie you may be disappointed like I was.,0 +Very wearying.,0 +It really ruined it for me.,0 +"The acting was bad, the dialogs were extremely shallow and insincere.",0 +"Well be it the screenplay, direction or production someone here has made a real mess of this movie.",0 +The story is weak - not enough happens to make a movie about.,0 +"Why I know, lets kill off one of the characters for no good reason at all except that a random death will surely bring a tear to the eye....",0 +The subplots in this melodrama make little or no sense.,0 +But the film does not deliver on the promise.,0 +It's hard to tell because his emotional response is so passive by this time that you wonder if if he is even hearing the good Dr. at all or thinking about some acreage that he needs to plow.,0 +LOL It wasn't compelling AT ALL.,0 +The romance was not believable; the characters were not developed; the love affair made hardly any sense; it was miscast; and scenery was absolutely stupid because it was either (my opinion) like the ADAMS FAMILY GOES ON VACATION...,0 +There was nothing good about the film whatsoever.,0 +"There is no conflict - at least none that would inhibit the eventual joining of the two lead characters, and so suspense is flat, there is no anticipation, and there really is no allure at all.",0 +"And, predictably, none of it is entertaining.",0 +I've seen worse but I wouldn't give this one a rec--4.510.,0 +"Technically Mom is bland & cheap looking, although I can't say it's badly made it's very average stuff all the way with nothing that particularly impresses or anything with which I could make fun of to pass the time.",0 +It's a waste of money and time.,0 +"These two angles could have worked together had they been balanced accordingly, but with a romantic plot running around in circles and taking up almost twice as much time as necessary at the expense of an oil plot that's barely been established to begin with, both sides suffer.",0 +"Besides being the most elaborated movie in all Costarican history, I think it's mediocre.",0 +"The problem wasn't Kathy, it was the clueless screenplay that wandered all over the place.",0 +"Opening with some blatantly reused footage from 'Kit for Cat', 'Tweety's S.O.S' fails to live up to that classic cartoon.",0 +My Grade: D+,0 +"This film has an original story, but if it doesn't have an original plot or characters, so in my opinion it's not worth seeing.",0 +I had the misfortune of seeing this crapulous effort on television a few years ago.,0 +"Though from the technical viewpoint, I dislike this film as I only watched upon discovering James Doohan's role.",0 +Even those of us who like cute animal pictures --- and I abhor them ---would be hard pressed to find any merit in this abysmally bad travesty of a film.,0 +"As a result, I found the movie practically unwatchable and it was completely ruined.",0 +"This movie is limp and awful, and does his memory no credit.",0 +the plot is simply too illogical.,0 +Absolutely nothing in this movie amused me even slightly.,0 +"This was a mish mash of a film that started out going nowhere, got lost on the way then suddenly found a plot in the last 5 minutes when the title character is FINALLY introduced.",0 +"""Mandinga"" has nothing, absolutely nothing to offer.",0 +"In fact, there is so much getting down going on, that I really don't know why anyone bothered to get dressed.",0 +The final twist is at best laughable.,0 +What a waste of time for everyone who watches this trash.,0 +"I guess it didn't take long for word to get out about how bad this movie was because, like Cage's accent, it did not do well.",0 +"I'm sorry, but very wrong actor who's acting is also BAD, not to mention his Italiano accent.",0 +"In ignoring them (e.g. the priest's role initially as a buffoon, but later as a spiritual leader, the fiancee's inability to read until taught by a socialist rebel, the bomb experts advice to Corelli and his eventual ironic demise), the story and characters fall flat.",0 +An awful travesty of the Greek resistance.,0 +It's much better.,0 +Tara Fitzgerald's very feminine appearance doesn't ring true.,0 +This movie is beyond bad.,0 +"Aside from two or three good laughs dispersed throughout the film, there is nothing positive about this hour-and-a-half waste of time and life.",0 +"Consequently, I found the whole enterprise essentially unconvincing.",0 +"The fighting is so fake it's ridiculous, and since the sound is out-of-sync with the picture it makes it even worse.",0 +"Plus, it just isn't very good stuff as well.",0 +"Leonard Maltin rated it a BOMB; while it's harmless enough, it's also totally routine and, fatally, the three main roles are stereotypes, that is to say, uninteresting: Eddie Byrnes is a bank employee with ideas regarding his consignment being transported by train; Gilbert Roland is the ""legendary"" but ageing Mexican bandit (his frequent lapses into Spanish when excited are quite corny!",0 +The plot is some convoluted nonsense about some stolen gold coins and various gunmen of dubious motivation trying to track it down.,0 +"A spaghetti, by the way, is another word for a Western with no plot, no characters you can care about, and goofy gunplay that doesn't make a bit of sense for the era, and relying on great music to make audiences feel something.",0 +Everything gets tired and the jokes start getting repeated over and over again.,0 +"So, for those of you like me, skip this one unless you want to look at the pretty (sometimes unclothed) girls.",0 +"First off, let me say I wasted Halloween movie night by watching this garbage.",0 +A paper-thin plot is just a torrent of penis and marijuana jokes and I must admit I did cringe when I saw such respected thespians as Charles Dance and Michael Gambon stoop so low for employment.,0 +"The movie had no appeal what so ever, and resorted entirely to toilet and juvenile sexual humour.",0 +The best part of Ali's taking the mickey out of others was largely missing and the script an plot was pretty damned awful; hooking all the car batteries together to blow a safe - REALLY!,0 +It is a sure bet that I will never watch that show as there was absolutely nothing funny about the movie.,0 +"The film claimed good actors like Charles Dance, but their talents were wasted as they played silly 2-d characters.",0 +"Instead we have this mess, which in all honesty has nothing at all to do with Ali G except for the packaging.",0 +"Borat is complete garbage and I do not understand how it rated better then Ali G.I cannot put my finger on it, there something wrong with the Ali G script: half of the jokes are as if written by a 15 years old, not by an adult scriptwriter.",0 +This film was extremley sick and not funny at all.,0 +"Overall, Don't even waste your time on this rubbish.",0 +"Actually, I really want to give it a 0 rating.",0 +The movie is a little worse than I was expecting.,0 +"it really is terrible, from start to finish you'll sit and watch this ridiculous idiot, thinking hes cool when he's really not, rubbish plot line, terrible acting and complete waste of time and money, do NOT bother.",0 +After seeing this piece of crap you will know why the limeys drive on the left side of the street...,0 +An interesting cast is totally wasted in this embarrassment.,0 +"Comedy has never been his strong suit, and here his attempts at screwball farce are clumsily done.",0 +"Christopher Plummer, veteran of 129 movies, frolics along among scores of other actors with apparently no more motivation than to collect a paycheck.",0 +Unfortunately the flick seems to suffer from bad direction as it slogs through legal minutia while trying to weave some kind of story with a handful of foul mouthed and poorly portrayed characters only to end abruptly.,0 +There was absolutely nothing in this that I found interesting at all.,0 +But over-all it's a waste of god actors and the time of the audience.,0 +The good bits are wasted in a myriad of pointless plots and characters.,0 +"There are 2 plots, neither of which supports half of a film.",0 +The picture is rubbish.,0 +"As a South African, living in South Africa again after a 32 year stay in the UK, I am sorry to say that this movie is a huge disappointment.",0 +"I think this was actually done as padding, as there really wasn't enough material to fill the half hour time slot.",0 +"i have to avert my eyes from the set, it's so embarrassing.",0 +"Drab, dreary and a total waste of my time.",0 +The acting was so wooden I felt sorry for the actors!,0 +"Acting is bad, and the rhetoric lines in the script do not help at all.",0 +Complete garbage!,0 +And what is the point of all this nattering rubbish?,0 +This is a very tedious film to watch.,0 +"Cameron Diaz's Southern accent might be unnecessary but it is surprisingly Langella who is the most disappointing in the film, with a very unsubtly written role, as the mysterious scarred man, who seems to be hiding a military base that would make Dr. Evil proud.",0 +No - the film is just terrible.,0 +Its a muddled mish-mash of ideas that are laughable.,0 +The ending didn't make sense.,0 +there's no redeeming value in it whatsoever.,0 +) One of the year's worst films.,0 +"This ""movie"" was the worst piece of trash I have ever seen.",0 +this film had no middle to it.,0 +"I really didn't like it, but its more in a this isn't good because it just misses sort of a way rather.",0 +"I think it's really a sick movie, i just wasted my time watching this cheap crap.",0 +"I've heard that story before, and it makes less and less sense every time.",0 +And that was the least of the many problems plaguing this horrible excuse for a film.,0 +After several rewinds to review certain scenes I still could conclude nothing sensible.,0 +"""The Box"" is a disappointment, could have been so much better.",0 +Awful failure of a movie.,0 +"Two, the movie was extremely boring, and not very thought provoking at all.",0 +"Sadly, it can't even do that.",0 +"The Box is a film with great potential, but the makers totally misused that potential.",0 +The movie itself is rather unbelievable and juvenile in its plot (did I spell Juvinile right?,0 +"While I'm trying to be as 'fair' as possible, I still must say that this was not my cup of tea and it bored me severely.",0 +"So what the hell is she doing in this cheap, cheesy skin flick?",0 +That was the worst.,0 +"The content is poorly produced, very poor quality video and, especially awful audio.",0 +Didn't help.,0 +This is absolutely beyond question the worst movie I have ever seen.,0 +i give it a 4 out of 10,0 +Stay away from this movie.,0 +The quality overall is poor.,0 +"Also, the ending was a serious let down.",0 +"This was not a very good movie, the acting pretty much stunk and the effects were bad most of the time.",0 +"Some of their lines were funny, some were stupid.",0 +"Aside from the offensive images, this cartoon just isn't very good.",0 +The film meanders along but never builds any momentum.,0 +"It looks very much like a TV movie, not really exciting.",0 +"It is full of random and empty plot twists that add nothing but aimless action, such as a trip by the protagonists to a ghost town where the villains (unexplainedly) follow them.",0 +He's the only reason to see this film.,0 +"This movie is really BAD, there is nothing appealing or worth of commentary in it except for the beautiful settings: Chilean landscape.",0 +The makes a HUGE mistake.,0 +"Quatrilho is a bad movie, but in Bella Donna, Barreto did one of the Worst movies of All Time.",0 +"No screenplay, no deep characters, nothing special.",0 +"However, the gentlemen didn't seem to realize that the non-stop spitfire of violence actually creates an opposite effect, namely this extremely monotonous and much more boring than the previous two.",0 +"But as far as acting and plot go, it just doesn't measure up.",0 +"All I can say about Death Wish 3 is that it is one of most incomprehensible ""serious"" movies that I have ever seen--loaded to the hilt with mayhem, and nearly zero police response, despite the use of military weapons to mow punks down by the score.",0 +"as a person who has seen tons of films, this one stands up there as one of the most purely bad films I have ever seen...",0 +"The director simply pours on the mindless violence (people even get burned alive and blown up), turning this into an urban version of ""Commando"" (and Charlie, like Arnold, rarely bothers to protect himself from the enemy gunfire).",0 +"This is dreck, pure and simple, mindless garbage put together without style or sense.",0 +This movie lacked credibility for two reasons.,0 +This movie could very well have been a propaganda movie for the North americian falangist party - or some similar group...,0 +"The plot is something out of an episode of ""Highway to Heaven"" and Bronson seems like a fish out of water with the majority senior citizen cast and the gun play is so out of control you don't even get any satisfaction from Bronson's revenge against the bad guys.",0 +The story is so lame that had to be a outrageous sequel.,0 +The plot has too many holes.,0 +The jokes are lame and predictable.,0 +It's like a throw-back to British films of the forties where characters all behaved like characters in books or plays rather than like people might in real life.,0 +"Then the film abandons the hit-and-run to embark upon a misty exposition of two unrequited, all-suffering loves.",0 +"The music was annoyingly movie-of-the-week quality, and the voice-over jarring and totally unnecessary.",0 +I think that the main reason that I was so disappointed was that the outside box promised me a suspense thriller.,0 +"I'm disappointed; not that it's bad, but that it could have been much better.",0 +In short: Nothing new from what every Swede has seen on tv a hundred times - just poor propaganda.,0 +"As audacious and ambitious as ""Putney Swope"" strives to be, it qualifies as a terrible film, amateurishly made on a shoe-string budget with a no-name cast and humor that lacks hilarity.",0 +"To make it worse, with the sole exception of Johnson, ALL the acting is bad.",0 +It would have been wiser to have just skipped it altogether.,0 +This is a poor excuse for a movie.,0 +"I have to admit I always liked the Monkees, so the movie is a real disappointment.",0 +I give this a 1.,0 +"Both movies are not so much a true story with a plot (though MMT attempted to define a plot) as they are a hodge-podge of skits and snippets, interspersed with music and songs and out-takes"".",0 +"This is possibly the worst movie i've ever seen, it was horribly done it didn't flow it was very choppy, because of that many people didn't understand the movie at all.",0 +Talk about being boring!,0 +Much of the story is simply boring; nothing much happens for long stretches.,0 +***POSSIBLE SPOILERS BELOW*** What a long and mostly uninteresting movie!,0 +The rest of the story is quite boring.,0 +"It's just this kind of cheeky statement that makes film biographies like this (and ""Amadeus"", about the aforementioned Mozart) so worthless.",0 +"The sound is murky, bordering on the unintelligible, and so unprofessionally mixed that it had me yearning for the crystal-clarity vocals of my old Beta tape!",0 +"The best part of concert DVDs is to put them on and let the music play, but ""Black Sabbath: The Last Supper"" is hard to put and and simply let play because the music is continually interrupted.",0 +"Frankly, the novella, on which this, and the earlier non-musical film versions were based, is mediocre, at best.",0 +It's just not worth watching.,0 +too bad the songs are mostly insipid and sappy.,0 +"Quite naturally for the time, every song calls for a dance number, which range from the merely forgettable to the completely boring, and so is the script, which has not one line worth quoting.",0 +"Nothing more, nothing less -- his motivation is utterly selfish.",0 +The plot with the gun is of course pretty boring.,0 +"Not that it isn't amusing in spots, it certainly is, but the concept is so completely ludicrous that the laughs are somewhat muted.",0 +"The film starts interestingly but becomes a thin, ordinary comedy which is quite disappointing.",0 +Comedy sequences were overdone and the superior performances of the stars especially De Niro and Russo couldn't save this one!,0 +"Why it needed to be so foulmouthed, I don't know, but I give Showtime ******",0 +There comes a time in every big name actor's career when they get sloppy and accept projects that they wouldn't have touched with a 1000 ft.,0 +"The jokes fall flat, the action feels listless, and no one seems to behaving a good time.",0 +Logic is not a great component of this movie.,0 +"In a smarter movie, De Niro's diatribe could have played as ironic comment; here, it only shows to point out how truly lame the movie is.",0 +There weren't the overbearing physical jokes or the calculated mental vocal jokes at all throughout this debacle of a film.,0 +"Horrible writing, horrible jokes, a movie that you THINK is supposed to be good can't get much worse than this.",0 +The story line was so loose that it really never came together.,0 +"Ultimately, the film is unsatisfying.",0 +There's a notable lack of dramatic tension to this meandering three-hour miniseries.,0 +"Boy, was this a bad movie.",0 +"There are some brief homages to Noir, as the embracing couple stand in front of a venetian blind, but there's really nothing here to recommend it, the performances are awful, Ryan in particular doing her usual dizzy blonde with a cutesy pie smile routine.",0 +"Great story and great lead actors (Quaid and Ryan) but the movie suffers from bad directing,bad screenplay and bad script.",0 +The motive for the murders was incredibly stupid.,0 +Interesting plot but painfully dull.,0 +"As the premise is itself quite intriguing, it's a shame to see it drowned in a surplus of over-cooked plot.",0 +Unless the director and others doctored it up so much that it's unrecognizable.,0 +The acting is okay and the screenplay is pretty bad.,0 +Her character could be written out of the story without changing it much.,0 +"This meandering tale of mob revenge is simply not very interesting, even with Ed McMahon in a ripe role as the chief heavy.",0 +It is so bad it is practically unwatchable.,0 +"As G4's ratings plummeted, they moved away from their original target audience, gamers, to generic hormone-driven young men, adding eye candy to the staff and a sex advice segment.",0 +Finally I couldn't watch it anymore once Kevin Rose left.,0 +I was sorely disappointed as it would seem that once you have seen the trailer there is nothing else worth watching (if what you are expecting is as described above).,0 +"I barely got a chuckle, this movie sucks.",0 +"Boring, boring, boring.",0 +"""Giant"" is more ho-hum than fee-fi-fo-fum.",0 +Teaching really stifles the innate creativity that everyone is born with.,0 +this movie was downright awful.,0 +"I understand that it's supposed to be a cheap popcorn comedy, but that doesn't mean that it has to completely insult our intelligence, and have writing so incredibly hackneyed that it borders on offensive.",0 +"There's nothing remarkable about it other than the complete ridiculousness of the story, not to mention that there are plot holes big enough to sail a Carnival cruise-liner through.",0 +I see absolutely nothing funny---even remotely funny---in this stupid movie.,0 +You don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure out the initials of this school of nonsense.,0 +The jokes weren't really funny and i didn't bust a gut at any of the scenes.,0 +A town's worth of college wannabes find a fake website Bartelby (Long) has set up to delude his judgemental parents and descend on the 'college' like it were a short notice Facebook party.,0 +"Plagued by film school effects such as freeze frames to show moments of emotional distress, and obvious influences ranging from My Own Private Idaho to Terminator 2, this film failed on almost every level to engage the audience.",0 +"Weiss overdoes the ""flanging"" effect by which Dave gets to see chunks of his previous life flash before his eyes even before he's actually dead, cutting those in even while Dave and Emily are having sex and thereby ruining the soft-core porn shots that give even some otherwise pretty lame Lifetime movies at least a bit of audience appeal.",0 +"All I can say is, this movie is made for the Lifetime Channel on TV, which means no solid characters, no particular style, weak acting all kinds of suggested sex but no-breasts and tushs (because boy, that would just catapult the film into the depths of sleaze wouldn't it?",0 +The other Critic from Mr. Brown's Movies said that Shocking and Effective but doesn't quite live up to all the Hype...,0 +Weak acting and very predictable.,0 +"Give it a ""3*"" because of the attractiveness of the four primary characters.",0 +"As I indicated above, this movie is a jumbled mess.",0 +"To make it worse, the actors and actresses themselves look like delinquent kids, and can't act even if their life depend on it.",0 +The graphics are poor compared to its Hollywood counterparts.,0 +The graphics are so horrible than they looked like something out of the early to mid-90s low resolution games (in comparison to today's).,0 +"This thing is like a moron's guide to crap film-making: In bred Southern git, stupid but attractive leads, knives a plenty, gore a plenty, stock menacing truck, I could go on.",0 +The role of Paige (Paris Hilton) was not much of a stretch for the world's favorite heiress.,0 +"There is only one thing for sure with trailers, if the producers can't cobble together a minute of interesting elements to make a trailer, it is a pretty much a sure thing that the movie is a major suck-fest.",0 +"it's not the worst movie i've ever seen, but if this is what the producers of this film thinks a younger audience wants, i pray that they are deluded.",0 +In this movie they managed to sap all the charm from the book and turn it into dull mush.,0 +This film failed me time and again.,0 +Marty: this is just not funny and overdone.,0 +How i deserved to watch this crap?,0 +It's everywhere & nowhere & doesn't have any sort of point.,0 +The plot is hollow and contrived.,0 +"So the film is more about racism than anything, but in an up note, the owner tells Pete ""The sad thing is, they think they're right.",0 +"I'm usually a fan of ""art"" and ""foreign"" films, but when I saw this one my reaction was ""it must be called experimental because it makes no sense"".",0 +"This being said, this movie was terrible - and my score is given based on this: 1 star for not being the worst movie I've seen, 1 star for the performance of Tatyana Ali, and 1 star for not thinking that it only deserves 2 stars, there are worse movies for that.",0 +"James Hunter wrote a story that was interesting, but suffered from an uneven flow.",0 +o dear god i suffered having to watch this film FOUR times in my sisters house and was it dreadful a story of sex and guns and very cheap unexplained acting unless you are at gunpoint being told to watch this avoid it Ja Rule just proved he cannot act Ving Rhames also gave the most dreadful acting ever in any of his films there was not one part of this film made me laugh or make me jump or feel any emotion i would be surprised people actually enjoyed this i have seem some dreadful films in my life but this would be in my five worst films ever the music in it wasn't good and the storyline i think was made up by a couple of guys who ordered a pizza and just sat down wrote ten bullet points and then made it into a film absolutely dreadful,0 +Yet the mood and the writing on the old show is MILES ahead of this drivel.,0 +Only people who are brain washed can watch this crap.,0 +"Filming, editing, direction, dialogue, sets, makeup, writing, casting (especially the young girl and imposter child psychiatrist), and the story all were just the worst.",0 +"Unfortunately, this is not an intricate plot point; and, there are worse story stumbles afoot.",0 +"This is not a bad film, but it is certainly nothing to go crazy about, unless you like a film location in Canada and a good looking Catherine Mary Stewart, a native from Canada.",0 +"""Dead Silent"" is a pale paraphrase.",0 +"It was mildly annoying to see it swiping the Grinch Who Stole Christmas heart gag along with the narration, the set design seen many times before, the whole weak Tim Burton-ish style, and the story that goes nowhere.",0 +"You may like Tim Burton's fantasies, but not in a commercial-like show off lasting 8 minutes.",0 +"It was mildly annoying to see it swiping the Grinch Who Stole Christmas heart gag along with the narration, the set design seen many times before, the whole weak Tim Burton-ish style, and the story that goes nowhere.",0 +It's way too slapped together.,0 +"This oddity contains Bunuel-like touches, but doesn't sustain one's interest.",0 +"Besides making the already worn-out plot even more unbelievable and less enjoyable, the characters share Gus' lack of depth and are equally unmemorable.",0 +This is the worst movie I have ever seen.,0 +"I don't know what the makers of this film were trying to either accomplish or say, but they badly failed at whatever it was.",0 +I didn't really care for this.,0 +"I have to admit that I was almost going to change it and watch another one instead –at times the movie seemed plain dumb to me, or boring – or confusing.",0 +"Aside from a few (VERY few) gags that give a slight grin, this whole film is an exercise in waste - wasted actors, wasted film, wasted opportunities.",0 +"This final installment to the House Party series is by far the worst, not just sequel, but film released by Hollywood.",0 +"That said, the problem with this movie is that it views the United States - probably the most welcoming society ever to Jews outside of Israel - as a not very different place from Nazi Germany.",0 +This movie attempts to make social comments and be artfully intelligent.,0 +"This was poorly written, poorly acted, and just overall boring.",0 +"The movie comes across as empty and formulaic, with William H. Macy as a non-Jew mistaken for a Jew by anti-Semitic neighbors in WWII Brooklyn.",0 +"Even ""eye candy"" Sung Hi Lee could not redeem this hunk of holiday crap.",0 +This movie is a flop.,0 +It's just not that funny.,0 +"The original idea for this movie was ""A Swiss Family Griswold"" and it somehow turned into this mess.",0 +A really bad movie.,0 +I knew this would be one of the worst movies I could have imagined...,0 +"Therefore, my high level of disappointment goes to prove just how bad this utter turd of a movie really was.",0 +"Not any of it is funny, even Randy Quaid can't save this mess.",0 +Without question this is the worst movie I have ever seen.,0 +Well at least I didn't pay more then 10 bucks for it.,0 +I have tried to remember watching anything as bad as this in my life and was unable to come up with anything even close.,0 +actually painful to watch....,0 +This movie was awful.,0 +"In short, it's a dismal-plot slaughter of the wonderful precursor (NL Christmas Vacation) with Chevy Chase, only it doesn't have Chevy Chase in it, and it takes place in a generic tropical island, essentially with no connection to Christmas at all.",0 +"However, this one remains firmly simply in the awful category.",0 +There was nothing funny about it.,0 +"Granted, that character happened to be the hilarious cousin Eddie, but he simply is not hilarious being the protagonist of a movie.",0 +It is the horrible script.,0 +Obviously with this film going straight to DVD I wasn't expecting a lot but this film is so unfunny it is unbelievable.,0 +This has got to be the worst piece of crap I have ever seen.,0 +This film is LAME.,0 +"Do not, if you value the seconds in your life, waste your time on this pile of garbage.",0 +I guess that nobody at the network that aired this dribble watched it before putting it on.,0 +"This movie is filled with awful humor, despicable acting, lousy jokes and a disaster of a plot line.",0 +"Not even Quaid, Willard, or Asner can make it remotely watchable.",0 +"This film probably looked like a good idea on paper having cousin Eddie as the main character, he started to get on my nerves from early on in the film, and became totally unfunny by the middle of the film, and by the end of the film i had gone brain dead and couldn't remember what had happened!",0 +Painfully unfunny and unwatchable...,0 +"The plot was thinner than a single layer of my skin, the acting more wooden than a Giant Redwood and I think the direction was non existent.",0 +"The only reason to see this film is Sung Hi Lee, the stunning modelactress from Korea who plays ""Muka Laka Miki"" (give me a break) in this otherwise crappy movie.",0 +I am speechless.,0 +"In short, WOW was this dull.",0 +"Despite all the formulaic plot machinations, the film does not build any suspense at all except to wonder when it will be over.",0 +I'm giving this a 3 because it tried.,0 +"However, the story, and consequently the screenplay, are very weak, indeed a bad collection of clichés.",0 +But some how 'Wicked Little Things' just wasn't scary.,0 +"while I can appreciate someone trying something new with this genre, this just didn't work.",0 +The problem I had with the movie is the lack of creativity when dealing with the zombies.,0 +"Director J.S. Cardone didn't do a good job in keeping the suspense, half way thru there is a risk you will fall asleep.",0 +"Every single character is both dumb & annoying, with no redeeming qualities at all.",0 +And it was boring.,0 +"Nothing new here, you're usual clichés, predictable, a lot of negatives for this film, very few positives.",0 +This was absolutely idiotic.,0 +"(Crazy Zombie kids go into this category) The film never gives any sentimental attachment for anyone that lives or dies, the film produces no scares or jump worthy moments, the film barely shows the children doing what they're supposed to do...",0 +The plot is given hardly any credibility and indeed the screenplay can't even be bothered to explain the reasons why the kids attack the locals.,0 +"There's very little suspense, even less gore and the make-up effects are disappointingly weak.",0 +"This movie certainly a pain in your ass in theater and sickly boring, I haven't even felt the gory impact of its ""daunting scenes"" which I deem to be complete failure to attract its audience.",0 +"Although the movie looks good at times, with lovely use of the eerie woodland locale, and the cast give reasonable performances given the clichéd drivel that they are working with, the plot is so laboured, poorly written, and derivative that it's impossible to be enthusiastic about.",0 +"As such, a film like this would be okay as a ghost story but, due to a poor script, becomes nothing more than an entirely routine effort.",0 +"But, all in all, I was bored and fighting to stay awake.",0 +It didn't even seemed like he had much fun playing.,0 +"Director J.S. Cardone presents something a little scary and a little creepy, but nothing more.",0 +The sex scenes are these tedious affairs where a well buffed geezer rubs himself against his co-star without any dialogue or sound apart from some muzak and when they climax it looks like they`re both having a bad attack of constipation .,0 +"Brandy deserves better than this film, its lame script, and perverted Mel.",0 +"With Hong Kong heart-throb Andy Lau and veteran star Ching Wan Lau, ""Aau Chin"" has everything going for it for the beginning part of the movie, unfortunately, the movie falls apart at the end.",0 +"I don't know if this exceptionally dull movie was intended as an unofficial sequel to 'The French Connection"", but it does have many of the same drawbacks: the script is so confusing that the viewer remains uninvolved and feels left out of the picture, and the direction is so cold, so lacking in energy, that even the great chase sequence can't liven things up.",0 +"Well, maybe the build up after all these year lead to the big disapointment of this film, but I found it lame.",0 +"but if I ever meet him again, I will have no qualms about asking him whatever posessed him to star in something so awful.",0 +"this movie has officially become the worst ""made for TV movie"" in my book...",0 +"This has to be the worstbest film we have ever seen, if we'd been playing the 'spot the cliché' drinking game, then we be wasted by now.",0 +"This movie is meant to be a serious drama but ends up as a parody and rip-off of all those ""killing fields"" type of films designed to confirm tha Asian stereotype held by much of western ""civilization"" and re-inforced by Hollywood Fantasies such as this.....",0 +This hokey movie left me groaning after just about any exchange of dialogue or plot complication.,0 +Even the soundtrack was very annoying.,0 +"Patricia Arquette was out of her depth in such a role, and her acting was wooden and unconvincing.",0 +This movie sucks.,0 +This is barely watchable.,0 +"All in all, lots of noise about nothing.",0 +An embarrassing production.,0 +Even being vaguely associated with this stinker is NOT A GOOD THING.,0 +) which were thoroughly nauseating.,0 +I was really disappointed by this movie.,0 +"The acting is passable, with the crew (Seth Green, Jason Stratham and Mos Def) being at least fun to watch.",0 +The rest of the movie is also stupid and a total waste of time.,0 +"And, there are four or five truly funny scenes to go with two wise scenes and a whole bunch of recycled and unfunny clutter.",0 +"It's cheap, exploitative, and sloppy.",0 +But the film is really not very imaginative and used stereotypes.,0 +"Now you got a movie that is a total rip-off of Elephant, fails with some really sloppy story telling (the whole rape-incest thing was pretty unbelievable too by the way) and people call this a shocker.",0 +and frankly im sick to death of seeing movie after movie in Australia with teenagers in it being solely based on terrible clichés.,0 +The movie turns out a complete failure.,0 +"We get to see a bit of each teenager's lifestyle, but the entire project just came off as pretentious to me, whether it be the constant low angle shots of tree branches in the wind, or the black and white ""interviews"" with the students, there was nothing new or original showcased in this movie, and nothing I needed to see.",0 +Full of clichés and pathetic character development.,0 +The characters are soulless and stupid.,0 +"In short, avoid this film like the plague and anything that this filmmaker ever is involved with subsequently.",0 +"2:37 is right up there with another Australian ""indepedent"" film, 'One Perfect Day,' which was as bad as this utter turkey of a film.",0 +"There is nothing original,humane or insightful in this film.",0 +After seeing the next ten minutes I started thinking Rutger might want to retire thereby saving a potential audience from any more of his performances Yup this is a truly terrible movie .,0 +"Mitchell burns up the screen as a NATO pilot until his plane is burned up itself (by an enemy missle), whereupon the film loses what little verve it had to begin with.",0 +This movie is astonishingly poor.,0 +I also drove a lot more stars in my white Caddy than appeared in this dud of a flick.,0 +And its horrible as well.,0 +The story was lame and the script was just terrible.,0 +)What an incredibly crappy movie.,0 +).,0 +However this one is the worst of the lot!,0 +The plot is embarrassingly bad.,0 +"The plot, for starters, is really faulty.",0 +"She doesn't fluff her lines or bump into the other actors, but that's about all that can be said in favour of her astonishingly stilted and often amateurish performance that lets the film down badly.",0 +Obviously he forgot about his career which slid down hill after he started making stupid movies like 'Cannonball Run.,0 +"Unfortunately this character is so dull and wrapped up in himself that it is hard to really become engaged in his story, while opportunities to make a really interesting film about Afghanistan itself are wasted.",0 +Filled to the brim with cliché's and just plan dumb storytelling.,0 +"Perhaps if you had gotten to know the characters abit more, all the 'messiness' of the movie could of been better clarified and put more 'action' throughout it cause as it was, it became abit slow from time to time.",0 +"I'm not boasting in any way, but from the start, I realised they were in some sort of toyboxcan, with the huge eye looking down on them, to the type of characters in there.",0 +"Dull and predictable, and not worth watching.",0 +"No, this is a badly written and unengaging episode.",0 +"Unfortunately, this was not good stuff.",0 +"Deathbed"" tries to be a creepy supernatural tale,but fails miserably.",0 +"What ensues is cheap R-rated sex scenes, cheaper thrills and kind of a waste of time.",0 +") ending involving unintentionally hilarious hammer hits and leftover strawberry pie (well, it looked that way to me) **and a rudimentary surprise ending apros pos of nothing much.",0 +"Where do I begin, its one of the most frustrating movies I've seen because it makes a lot of sense in terms of the point but it comes off as seriously stupid.",0 +What sounded like a good idea for a movie was badly executed.,0 +"The plot seemed to be interesting, but this film is a great dissapointment.",0 +"The plot is trite, interlaced with superficial and stereotypical characters, backed by hilarious angry mobs and your typical Italian widow dressed all in black, sobbing.",0 +"Try as I might, I just simply couldn't get into this one.",0 +"It sounds like a great idea for a documentary, but it ends up flat and uninteresting.",0 +This goes on for almost two boring hours and amounts to nothing.,0 +I looked forward to this one - but was very disappointed.,0 +I just can't figure how-in-the-hell this could be possible.,0 +"Her questions for her celebrity guests are poor, and often times not even relevant to the interview, and her segments are unappealing and offer little educational, or humorous value.",0 +"it seems like if you are going to post here it going to be a 10 star rating ,nobody ever seems to dislike anything ,well i am honest, some don't like that but here we go, rachel ray show is just plain awful.",0 +"It's hard to believe that oprah winfrey produced this piece of junk, the show couldn't even hold a candle to cooking shows of the past, including emeril lagasse, rachael ray is the most annoying talk show and cooking show host in TV history, not since ainsley harriott has had a terrible cooking show host I've watched, at least ainsley harriott has some good moments and some style, this one has no style at all, she's terrible as host, the kitchen looks atrocious, the writing is horrible, the teleplay is over the top and the opening credits are so bad, it makes me sick.",0 +"I guess only a selected number of audience members really had any interest in watching how a male hustler in New York operates but I'd be willing to bet that even these brave souls were turned off by the irritating patchwork technique and deliberately muffled sound recording on display here; the fact that these inherent 'defects' were a direct result of the film's low-budgetundergroundexperimental nature is, I'd say, beside the point.",0 +I suggest you watch that instead.,0 +And the creative use of a flashy editing really wears off after the hundredth time and the cutting off the dialog thing gets really annoying half-way.,0 +This screenplay is simply a silly mess.,0 +"Instead, we have a bunch of selfish, arrogant, soulless, mean spirited nobodies who really have no positive points at all.",0 +"There is a message about mankind, but it is trivial and without much depth.",0 +"Its not funny, not much happens, everyone it seems is bored or boring.",0 +"but this, in a word, isn't funny.",0 +"But after the kind of funny introduction of characters, settings and potential conflicts, the story turned out kinda dull.",0 +I almost fall asleep just because the topic is so cliché and the actor play was so predictable.,0 +"But, other than that, nothing else was worth my time.",0 +"There are a couple of jokes, but nothing to much to mention except for the gun carved from soap...",0 +I didn't like this one.,0 +It's all very beautiful; but it's all surface and no depth.,0 +For some unfathomable reason the writers also changed names and deleted important characters from the comic book which again just resulted in the tension between characters basically disappearing.,0 +The webs were hokey and looked like ropes that seemed to wrap around things rather than stick to them.,0 +It's sort of worse than setting a film in New Zealand with locals as the characters and everyone has American accents.,0 +"If there is, the movie does not seem to give one and that made the whole movie quite unsatisfying to me.",0 +"The complete misguidance on the part of the filmmakers serves no purpose on the overall tale, timelines didn't need to be parallel and they didn't need to be separated by a week.",0 +"I just found it incoherent, tasteless, and boring.",0 +"Czech movie goers may have enjoyed and rated this film highly because it was Czech, but I found it to be trite, tedious, moronic, boring, and insipid.",0 +"The other characters in the movie don't have much appeal, either.",0 +It just sucks.,0 +It's very hard to think of a worse movie with such big name actors.,0 +It was just ludicrous or just plain stupid.,0 +"In its defense, I can say that the ending was ever bit unsatisfying as the rest of this painful attempt at story telling"".",0 +But the film moves like a snail.,0 +They couldn't even get any real poker players.,0 +"Well, the movie was no terrible, but whomever created the screen play did not do a good job of even creating the essence of unger.",0 +This film I'm sorry to say was terrible.,0 +The script just left him with nothing interesting to say.,0 +The movie is a complete mess from beginning to end.,0 +4 out of 10 stars for Michael Imperolli's credible performance (the only redeeming quality of this movie.,0 +A waste of a great chance.,0 +"next let's cast the sullen, brooding kid in the Disney flick) or just awful directing but those scenes are really painful to watch.",0 +This is possibly the worst film I have ever seen.,0 +"Speaking of turkey's, here's a traditional story hoping to piggy-back on the current poker craze - without success.",0 +The acting is good for such a low budget piece of crap.,0 +This is probably the worst movie I've seen in a long time.,0 +Avoid this move like a bad beat.,0 +The montages were unbearable and too many.,0 +So that's all I'll write on this movie since it's not worth wasting too much more of my time.,0 +"His sketches try to hard, he himself isn't funny, and the writers are struggling to write material for a no-talent host.",0 +It just isn't very good most of the time.,0 +"And another that featured Spike and another dude getting high, and it wasn't even funny.",0 +"My impression is that the overwhelming vote of those who chose to write was ""less than a 4.0"".",0 +"Coming from the author of ""The Last Picture Show"", it's a startlingly bad script.",0 +I loved Lonesome Dove but this movie made no sense to me at all.,0 +I was very very Disappointed.,0 +It has a lot of meaningless dialog that doesn't add to the storyline at all.,0 +"The various scenes are cut, or stopped at the wrong times, and the conversations are s-l-o-w and tedious.",0 +This sorry hunk of junk is cheaply done and poorly acted.,0 +"It was a disjointed, rambling, incoherent story.",0 +What a downer ending!,0 +The plot line disjointed.,0 +"This is a poor caricature of ""Lonesome Dove"" - and Larry McMurtry.",0 +"Comanche Moon met that expectation with its marginal directing and acting, poor casting and frankly, a lousy script.",0 +In the case of Comanche Moon I was so uninspired I felt the need to warn others how bad this TV mini series is.,0 +Was really looking forward to seeing a continuation of Lonesome Dove but this was total garbage.,0 +"The characters are completely colorless, the dialogue is babble and the plot meanders mindlessly all over the place.",0 +The math just does not add up.,0 +I watched all three segments and am so disappointed in the story line.,0 +It was a real stinker and probably the worst movie they were ever in.,0 +"Comanche Moon is one of the most poorly produced, directed and acted stories I have ever seen.",0 +"To the film's credit, it does actually attempt something bordering on a plot; but to take said credit away from the film - the plot is rubbish.",0 +"The story is purest crap, actors are bad, effects very cheap, no creativity whatsoever.",0 +"This is the worst italian movie ever, quite possibly the worst movie of all time!",0 +"The obligatory death scenes are unbelievably tedious, and you can see them coming a mile away (my favorite was the girl who has a fight with her boyfriend while they're sitting in a van, then jumps out and says ""I'm going for a swim,"" immediately to be gobbled up by the waiting shark).",0 +Not a minute of original shark footage exists in this celluloid waste dump.,0 +"The characters are so weak, and the acting so uninspired, that it's impossible to care about any of them-- especially Brooke Shields.",0 +"Despite a few laughs generated by Dan Cortese (""Victoria's Closet"") and MTV ""relationship authorities"" Adam Corolla and Dr. Drew Pinsky, this is somber stuff for women only.",0 +"If marketed right, could be a medium-size hit.",0 +"It's not the worst ""I-wanna-be-a-pilot"" movies ever, but it has so many flaws in it that you can hardly overlook them.",0 +"Anyway, I did not like this movie.",0 +"spec), this has got to be one of the worst movies i have ever seen.",0 +"It's hard to believe that a movie this bad wasn't produced once, but four times!",0 +"Just when you think the movie is going to end after a cheesy end sequence, there's another cheesy end sequence.",0 +"Even overlooking the preposterous plot (the idea that a 16-year-old could walk into a US Air Force base, steal an F-16, fly to the Middle East and kill about a thousand people without anyone noticing is beyond belief), the film is full of ridiculous action scenes that make little or no sense.",0 +"But on the other hand, there are MANY really great movies that totally lack logic, so why bother?",0 +"It does have some nice aerial stunts, even if the dialog accompanying then is basically teckno babel.",0 +"To make the picture even more absurd, the Colonel risks his career and life by giving the spunky lad some hands on aid.",0 +"So many stereotypes, so many loop holes, so MUCH poor dialog.",0 +"They never name the country in the movie, its really ridiculous, they just vaguely refer to some Arab nation, this movie is really ignorant like that.",0 +As mentioned in other posts the plot is absolutely ridiculous and the poor acting just makes it worse.,0 +This is just a poor excuse of a movie.,0 +The soundtrack is about the only redeeming quality of this waste of celluloid.,0 +"Jean-Hugh Anglade is excellent as the teenaged boy who wants to be a whore to please the man he loves, but the rest of this film is so bad--acting, writing, cinematography, and everything else--that Anglade's performance is wasted.",0 +Any one of these could knock this crap into a cocked hat.,0 +"Like Series 3 it started of good but as the film progressed, it slowly went downhill and had a very weak predictable ending.",0 +The musical score is weak and the dialogue is terrible.,0 +"throughout the movie we got the feeling that the jokes were just trying too hard, the writers thought about the setup so much that you could see the joke coming 2 minutes beforehand, then when it came it was so lackluster that you couldn't even smile; I cite the giraffe cum-ming as a prime example.",0 +A massive disappointment.,0 +"It was unfunny throughout, half baked gags and poor slapstick humour.",0 +"This film however was a blatant half effort, the plot was extremely poor having the characters going into the real world made this film see more like the last action hero.",0 +"Put it this way, the plot was so poor that if we didn't already know the characters (and as a fan I had a certain loyalty to carry on watching), and we relied solely on the the story itself, this would have fallen flat on its face!",0 +The writing was contrived and the plot confused - no not confusing just confused with what it was trying to do.,0 +"Unfortunately my fears were not unfounded, and the film was a huge disappointment.",0 +"It is flat, unfunny and boring.",0 +"very disappointing and incoherent - every now and then a germ of an idea would develop and be discarded in the next line - it had the feel of a film that had been cut and re-cut to try and make it work - I was bored and distracted all the way through, and I'm speaking as a huge fan of the series.",0 +"tubbs and edward are in it for a few mins, micky has 1 line, and her lipp just reels out the same tired old puns, also mr briss's accent just changes about 5 times in the film tons of badly acted extras, and really a few laughs that they seem to recycle for 2 hrs i honestly feel this series has been completely ruined by this god-awful piece of crap..........",0 +It just wasn't funny.,0 +"Seriously, who the hell directed this?",0 +I stopped watching this film half way through.,0 +"Acting, on all levels, was pathetic.",0 +What a waste of time to watch this movie.,0 +This movie was really bad.,0 +"Even though it was kind of bad casting in my opinion, considering Gein was a smallish man, and possibly effeminate and Hodder is anything but small and nowhere near what I would consider feminine.",0 +Big mistake here.,0 +In either case it missed its mark.,0 +"With a supposed budget of about $1,500,000 I can't really see where the money went in a very forgettable production.",0 +This movie ranks among my 10 worst wastes of eye strain.,0 +This movie was terrible and this director is untalented.,0 +I just don't get it.,0 +He was found incompetent and committed to the Central State Hospital for the criminally insane.,0 +"The acting is uniformly terrible, as in a high school play.",0 +It was disgusting.,0 +"As the movie started and progressed (slowly), my microscopic confidence (or as I call it, ""micro-hope"") for this movie faded entirely and I was stuck with an overwhelming feeling of humiliation as I died a little inside from watching this dung heap.",0 +"However, there wasn't much blood in this movie and very little action occurred on camera.",0 +"The rest of the cast are rather ""amateur dramatics"" and utterly unengaging.",0 +"I just saw this movie and it turns out to be pretty lame just as mentioned by other user reviews and the one thing that bothered me the most was the southern accent some of the characters had, it took place in Wisconsin, not the south.",0 +This is the worst movie I have ever seen and believe me I've sen a lot of bad movies.,0 +"In the case of this movie, they've created a fictional horror film in which they tried to capitalize on the true story in order to sell a cheap, poorly acted, love story between two characters that nobody really cares about.",0 +"Bad acting, poor script writing, lousy direction, historically inaccurate, even the sound of the film is awful.",0 +I am overly offended by the lack of homework this guy did and the poor job he did making this movie.,0 +DO NOT bother with this poorly directed joke.,0 +Of course this movie was just ridicules and completely insulting to the true story.,0 +He would rob corpses from fresh graves of women who resembled his mother and he would have sex with them before 'dressing them like a deer' in his garage.,0 +"Kane Hodder's portrayal of Ed Gein is so far off, it's not even the slightest bit funny.",0 +Acting= horrible Actors= sub par Movie= waste of time.,0 +But they don't work because they're too few and far between and create an inconsistent tone.,0 +"Unlike ""Firefly"" the action is more of that hyper edited ""Xena"" garbage which is neither realistic nor particularly entertaining.",0 +"If good intentions were enough to produce a good film, I would have rated the turgid, ponderous, obvious ""Focus"" a bit higher than 4.",0 +"Others will probably find it predictable, stale, and overall bland.",0 +** from ****,0 +Harris shows he can be a good writerdirector but with this effort he just throws so many different things at the audience that the material just becomes labored and contrived.,0 +===========BIG SPOILER================================== This is a terrible movie with no likable characters.,0 +"However, it really wasn't.",0 +"The other bit players, subtexts and cutesy, unreal dialogue don't help.",0 +"I would suggest how nauseatingly defeatist and counter-productive this conclusion is, even if relationships and outlooks like those presented in this movie are grounded in fact to some degree.",0 +Sigourney was the best part (I thought the relationship between her and her surviving son was pretty much the only new thing this film offered to its genre) but even she lagged.,0 +No doubt someone has gone into it in some detail and it's not worth much more mention.,0 +"There isn't a shred of plot credibility in the whole film, so despite the good cast and lush photography, the film is a dud.",0 +This is the most pitiful excuse for a comedy show I've ever seen.,0 +"I think he's too afraid of really offending anyone, so it just makes the viewer feel awkward.",0 +Mencia's jokes are completely unoriginal and stale.,0 +I seriously expected a banner and confetti to drop from my ceiling for watching a full 30 minutes of that crap.,0 +"Yup, that's right folks, this is undoubtedly the worst show in the history of television.",0 +His show is an insult to the minds of those who watch it.,0 +"It's not comedy, it's not funny.",0 +It's just not funny.,0 +Awful.,0 +"There's a difference between being ""edgy"", which I have no problem with, but Mencia tries too hard to accomplish this, and ends up coming off as arrogant, and with little backing.",0 +"Neither of these concepts is particularly novel, insightful, or amusing.",0 +"Oh, It's not funny!",0 +"To put it simply, Mind of Mencia is the worst, unfunniest show on Comedy Central, and quite possibly all of television...",0 +"Even if he didn't steal the jokes, he is still bad at telling them, he's way off-timing and unoriginal.",0 +You can tell when he has devised a joke on his own when what you are watching transcends the merely awful and goes straight into the territory of horrifyingly bad.,0 +) but it's way too obvious.,0 +"That's not funny, its just plain dumb.",0 +"Besides the fact that this guy is a liar, he is also a total idiot, and a thief in the comedy community.",0 +But his execution of these jokes is sloppy that cause people to recoil at his comedy.,0 +"I have been trying to convince people for two years that he steals other comedians' jokes, and as far as his comedy material goes, he is a regular ""Johnny-come-lately"" with far less than sub-par results.",0 +I'm literally offended by that fact.,0 +"Perhaps Comedy Central will give him one more season, but episodes I saw sounded tired and samey with more words beeped out than the Osbournes.",0 +I've been a fan of Mencia but this show really doesn't do much for me.,0 +"All that work was completely skipped by Mencia; his comedic voice is, in part, stolen from other better comics and in part hidden by his propensity for yelling his unfunny rehashed racist tripe.",0 +But I personally think that it's a bad show.,0 +"while mind of mencia could be summed up as nothing more than a clone of chappelle's show, it is really worse than that.",0 +The implication was that Comedy Central was a pathetic TV channel for miserable people with nothing else to occupy their time.,0 +"It lacks any creativity at all, and to be making fun of mentally challenged people when you've reached level of having your own show is incredibly dim-witted on Mencia's part.",0 +"It was not very good in its acting or story plot, but can be a great movie quiz question from an historical standpoint.",0 +"If seen in 3-D, it will constitute another disappointment.",0 +"If you have ever seen the famous film PLAN NINE FROM OUTER SPACE, supposedly the worst movie ever filmed, it in my humble opinion stands head and shoulders above this garbage.",0 +"Soon enough, it all gets very silly, and predictable.",0 +In that sense this movie is quite idiotic.,0 +"This turned out to be a big mistake as this is exactly the film that its rating suggests it is: namely, a very bad one!",0 +"Being a big fan of horror films and always manage to find something good about a picture, but this film just did not hold my interest or attention.",0 +The directing is sloppy at best.,0 +"Dialogue that is tinny and tone deaf the way Spike sometimes (not always) is when writing ""certain"" characters.",0 +So what you have in this film is a script that is not consistent in its theme and direction that does not bring the ending into sync with the rest of the film.,0 +"This movie provides no answers, just questions, but it was a sufficiently bad movie that I really didn't care.",0 +The biggest one is that the whole exercise is entirely pointless.,0 +"The fact is that this movie is just badly, badly written.",0 +"This movie has completely no sense, not even a seem of good acting...",0 +"Actresses with no connection in the public's subconscious trying to pass for friends, totally unconvincingly.",0 +"The new one is a tired, unconvincing prototype of what has become a farce within a farce.",0 +"Eva Mendes, as gorgeous as she is, is two dimensional in this outing because of weak writing, and once again, some bad casting.",0 +"Annette Bening got what she wanted, and the movie just sort of withers away.",0 +To say I was disappointed is an understatement.,0 +"The movie offered nothing new or clever, it was boring and very cliché.",0 +Not a chance I liked Sex in the City a lot and was disappointed by this movie.,0 +Overall a very disappointing movie plot.,0 +I was very disappointed by this movie.,0 +Annette Bening seemed to simply go through the motions - such a great talent and yet such a poor performance!,0 +The main characters are one-dimensional and boring.,0 +"And instead of it being one of the greatest films ever made, it is one of the most pointless, boring and forgettable.",0 +Jada Pinkett Smith and Debra Messing play worthless roles that have no bearing on the plot and add no entertainment value.,0 +The Women (2008) by Diane English is sadly such a waste of talent.,0 +"She looks fake, acts fake and any humor she tries to demonstrate falls flat.",0 +"Instead, because of English's thematic overreach, the production comes across as an extended therapy session with a paucity of wit.",0 +"This remake should be labeled with a warning for any viewers- if you know the original, don't bother: I felt cheated by losing part of my life in a cinema watching this unmemorable piece of fluff.",0 +This movie was bad.,0 +"Only once, but it feel like a dozen times - nothing original or fresh about it.",0 +Updating of the Clare Booth Luce play and the 1939 movie is a major disappointment.,0 +"This is, in simple terms, one of the worst films ever made.",0 +"The dialogue was really, really bad, my main complaint.",0 +"Though the acting isn't too bad, the predictable storyline and silly dialogue pretty much ruin this one from the get go.",0 +"I hired the DVD yesterday and first of all it started bad, it's 4:3 aspect ratio film, and it just keeps getting worse, the acting is so bad and the movie itself is way to predictable, I was like watching the movie and said to myself: this going to happen next and guess what happened?",0 +"The worst, sappiest dialogue...",0 +"The soundtrack was bad, story was lame and predictable, and the acting was terrible.",0 +This movie was terrible!,0 +"While there are a few good elements of this movie, overall it is a failure.",0 +What are they interested in doing thousands of miles away from Germany?,0 +"It's like porn, vignettes of violence interrupted by pathetic, rote, and meaningless dialogue.",0 +"The battle sequences are pathetic, the dialog and acting atrocious.",0 +"Besides, there are already enough contrivedly ""gritty"" war movies, and this one just seemed amateurly done.",0 +"The dialogue in translation is ridiculous, but appears no better in the native tongue; you only have to watch the actors' faces during the bad moments of dialogue to realize just how bad this movie is.",0 +"Better see the Russian film ""Come and See"" instead!",0 +"The acting is mediocre, the plot thin and threadlike.",0 +"I don't usually like TV movies, I reckon that if the thing was any good it would make it to Hollywood.",0 +There is not enough beer in the world to make this film bearable.,0 +"A really wonderful cast and very talented technical crew wasted their valuable career time, and our equally valuable leisure time, by bothering to support this utterly predictable and plainly formulaic piece of commercial junk.",0 +"The script is really bad, confusing and cliché.",0 +One good actor after another turns in lamentable dialogue in half hearted fashion under what must have been incredibly pedestrian direction to consider it acceptable.,0 +"In short, a pointless exercise.",0 +The beautiful Joanne Whalley is unable to bring any gravitas to the role of Police Commissioner Nash who wears the most irritating matching waist clincher above her skirt.,0 +"You would have thought, given how much this overblown pile of rubbish must have cost, that the budget could have stretched to a decent scriptwriter.",0 +"However, the script just isn't there.",0 +"Someone somewhere has obviously come up with a new bit of software that asks a few questions then churns out four hours of loosely connected clichés, lousy dialogue and a collection of stock characters that you end up wishing had all drowned in the first five minutes.",0 +"Pitiful, truly pitiful, and a terrible waste of the on-screen talent.",0 +"The underground scenes are just awful when London is supposedly under 30ft of water, Robert Carlyles character is drab.",0 +"The dialogue is a series of badly-delivered clichés; the action is disjointed; the plot is pointless and amputated; and the characters, if you can call them that, do not even make it into the basic two-dimensional sphere of their American counterparts.",0 +I'm shocked at the acting talent in this move going to waste...,0 +There were way too many clichés and the plot didn't really make much sense.,0 +Most acting was poor and the story tried to copy nearly every cliché to each disaster movie ever but just failed in that sense.,0 +This movie follows in the tracks of The Riddle for an all star British cast in a downright awful movie!,0 +The digital effects were done on the cheap and the action sequences lack suspense.,0 +"Blah blah a little about family, blah blah blah politics, blah blah blah boring.",0 +"To add to the disgrace of this film (shown in two parts on ITV UK recently), ITV showed the telephone number of the Environment Agency after each episode for worried viewers, living in areas 'at risk of flooding'.",0 +Everything was poor about this film.,0 +It's just the room where the PM or DPM meet their advisers to discuss the current emergency!,0 +"Terrible script, terrible acting.",0 +This is possibly the worst film I have ever seen; I gave it one star simply because it is the lowest score possible.,0 +First the acting was bland and rubbish.,0 +I was struck by the awful acting and script for this movie.,0 +"This film offers nothing more than two extremely-long, and drawn-out, hours of complete boredom.",0 +"Bland, disappointing and sometimes even tiresome.",0 +"Anyway, this was just a really boring movie and it does make it seem like whoever made it doesn't understand good storytelling in film.",0 +"I'm sorry, but this movie is just way to shallow for me.",0 +"Bad plot, not-credible logic runs throughout.",0 +"Sadly, the adorable dog, the unique premise, and the theme were undercut by poor acting, stilted dialogue, and amateurish filming.",0 +I only wonder if Busey was arrested for something and was sentenced to play in this movie because I just don't see the guy that acted so much better with Keanu Reeves in Point Break play in this disaster.,0 +"The plot, dialog, cinematography, & acting were one step above (or equal to) a cheap porn film.",0 +I would probably rather go watch some documentary than this; it's really that bad.,0 +"This movie is so mind-bendingly awful, it couldn't have even been created.",0 +"This wretched little film, rife with glaring inconsistencies, overt Christian themes and horrible film quality, is not worth watching even on a dare.",0 +"This movie was horrible from all aspects: poor script (even accounting for a children's G-rated movie), poor production (the jittery camera shots made me feel nauseous for the first ten minutes), poor acting (perhaps they were ""directed"" to act cartoonish), and even poor sound quality (there are parts where the audio level seems fine, then you can't hear what the next actor is saying).",0 +"The story is stale, the acting is horrible, at best, the ""special"" effects are no more than a couple of lbs.",0 +"It's boring, lacks imagination and it seems that the producers don't even know how 10 to 13 year olds behave.",0 +"When I saw it, it was just as if I was watching As Told By Ginger, except they made it suck.",0 +This show is not that good.,0 +"Skip this one, you are not missing anything.",0 +Not worth sitting through for the tired contrived ending.,0 +This movie is bad!,0 +The subject matter is puerile and the performances are weak.,0 +"Because it came from HBO and based on the IMDb rating, I watched the first season of this series, what a waste.",0 +"Finally, Oz is obviously pretentious.",0 +"The prison is ridiculously unrealistic, the characters are so two dimensional they're nearly transparent, and the direction is terrible.",0 +"The story was moving really slowly, and after I had stopped laughing at the baby throwing bit, I had kind of lost interest and missed what was being said.",0 +The problem is that this is a pure and shameless propaganda piece.,0 +this is pure propaganda and speaks only to those..,0 +Doesn't anyone bother to check where this kind of sludge comes from before blathering on about its supposed revelations?,0 +"This movie seems to appeal to 9 or 10 year olds, but even most of them would give this a thumbs down.",0 +What a pity the film that went with it failed to live up to the promise.,0 +"It was announced as a comedy, but is simply tragically pathetic.",0 +but there wasn't.,0 +Where to start on this mess?,0 +The film had promise - though the most horrendous hotel in Britain is not a new idea - but failed to deliver.,0 +"To sum up, I was sorely disappointed by this movie.",0 +"I was really, really disappointed by this piece of garbage.",0 +"However, for sheer and unadulterated levels of crap, any film will be having to lower their standards even lower if they wish to trump ""Guest House Paradiso"" to the distinction of being one of the very worst movies I've ever had to watch.",0 +"It's utterly tasteless, has no style whatsoever, the story is so thin that you can watch television through it, and the whole film has so many holes you could drive an oil tanker through it.",0 +"The Length of 1,5 hours is much too long, because after 10 minutes you have seen almost every joke.",0 +In fact the film was shot so darkly it was impossible to see what the hell was going on .,0 +Don't waste your time trying to convert your friends with this waste of an hour and a half.,0 +I'm not making any of those up.,0 +"On top of that, the acting stunk.",0 +Truly awful nonsensical garbage.,0 +"), and credits featuring absolutely no-one I had heard of, I reckoned it would be pretty lousy.",0 +"I watched this movie at a party, we were very puzzled by the ending, it ended rather poor.",0 +"The acting is awful, the music is atrocious and the story does not make a blind bit of sense.",0 +"The acting is horrid (especially the kid at the beginning who really thinks he tricked his friends into believing they were playing with his dead grandmothers brains) the script is less-than half baked (though if you're half baked you might like the movie) the only reason I gave this movie a 3 is because a) they actually made something b) they got it released and c) they shot on film Yes you read right, they wasted (at least) $5,000 on film stock for this crap.",0 +The director of this garbage probably had more money than sense.,0 +56 min waste of time.,0 +"nobody dares explaining) and turns, turns, turns a-r-oun-d like a ballerina, looking at the stars...",0 +"the dialogs are a kind of parody, worst, they're just talking about sex with a so bad accent.",0 +"And then comesthe most dishonest cheat ending I've seen, much worse than""April Fool's Day"" - where at least it made sense.",0 +"However thank god it was only 55 minutes long, and the twist at the end is quite literally Fight Club (as in almost as trash as the film).",0 +"The murders were laughable, the suspense was non existent, the camera work was ineffective and the ""major"" plot twist at the end was disgustingly inappropriate, it just gets worse and worse"".",0 +"I love a really cheesy horror flick, but this was terrible!",0 +"Script, acting, plot, direction and editing are all uniformly awful.",0 +My rating: 2 out of 10.,0 +4 out of 10.,0 +I was very disappointed with this series.,0 +I'm really disappointed by this piece of work.,0 +Any small idea was repeated ad nauseum.,0 +"The acting overall was very poor, even for a Nicolas Cage movie.",0 +I haven't seen all Cage's works by any means but his acting in this one was truly awful.,0 +Most of all I was very disappointed and frustrated by how little importance was given to Forbes's successful campaign of 1758 against Fort Duquesne as compared to the earlier failures of 1754 by Washington and 1755 by Braddock.,0 +The Presentation is VERY shabby.,0 +"We witness occasional spells of good acting, however, this is quickly deflated by some quite cheesy lines.",0 +"Yes, the movie was that boring and insipid.",0 +"""Black Water"" certainly isn't a complete waste of time and film, but it's another pretty pointless survival flick that confuses real-life agony with horror.",0 +Poor character development.,0 +") The acting in this movie was for the most part pretty poor with mostly local actors from the Fox Valley, Wisconsin.",0 +"Actually, its more like an unhappy hybrid between one of Ed Wood's famously bad B- movies and a particularly silly episode of Melrose Place, so tacky are the special-effects and so amateurish is the acting.",0 +"From the bad storyline to the nonexistent direction, it becomes abudantly clear that the only reason this film was made was that the producer's last name ended in DeLaurentis.",0 +"Believe me, it's a pure waste of time (concerning the plot), and 3 hours is a long long time.",0 +"Even worse, this movie is saturated with over-dramatic ploys.",0 +"And it's a not very good documentary either American MOVIE seems to have confused some people into thinking this is a spoof documentary ( "" Mockumentary ) and even some newspaper TV listings described it as such .",0 +"Without the cruel recordings of the old man, and the stupidly funny friend, this film would have rated 1 out of ten.",0 +"This was a dreadful, boring movie, even for a documentary.",0 +"At times they are funny and some of the lines seem off the cuff, but mostly they do not ring true.",0 +"This could have been something special had the subject not been such an inarticulate, childish, inept putz.",0 +All the rest is crap.,0 +"""American Movie"" is a boring documentary about a boring person so ordinary you'll find equivalents on just about every corner in America.",0 +"The film is trashy, and the people in it are embarrassingly inferior trailer trash.",0 +"The film is trashy, and the people in it are embarrassingly inferior trailer trash.",0 +This movie sucked wind.,0 +Some wretched movies are watchable because they are unintentionally funny.,0 +"In their place is tedious exposition on themes of Christian end of times and a trite story of a modern Jesus in a quandary, packaged in a trying-to-be-hip modern world where everyone looks like someone out of a Hal Hartley movie.",0 +I could NOT watch it!,0 +All in all this movie is a waste of time and money and effort.,0 +"' play-out, gilded with optimistic conjecture against a (retrospectively, miserably ironic) long shot of the WTC twin towers.",0 +"This movie was pretentious, foppish and just down right not funny.",0 +"Then, I just let the inane script and the awful directing just carry me away...",0 +A waste of great writing and acting.,0 +"Although the movie-in-a-movie is unspeakably bad, meant to be campy, but missing by a mile.",0 +A bad movie ABOUT a bad movie.,0 +It is a terrible movie.,0 +"Have you ever tried a kind of food that your friend made, and then said to yourself, ""wow, that was not a good mix""?",0 +"Song score by Chris Isaak is totally out of place - better for a flick like ""Pretty In Pink"".",0 +but it just simply isn't very funny.,0 +On the other and it is so totally lacking in substance that maybe nothing could save it.,0 +"Mercedes Ruehl not only chews scenery, but stuffs it in her cheeks like a gerbil to save for later.",0 +"First of all Matthew Modine is a terrible actor, and ruined most of the movie, on top of that, the plot is just way too silly.",0 +A maddeningly mediocre talent.,0 +"Though low budget, it was not done so obviously cheaply or loaded with bad acting as many of the low-budget, come-and-go horror fare of the earlier decades had (nowadays, they have the same cheesy qualities, but bigger budgets).",0 +The Power started off looking promising but soon became boring and tedious to watch.,0 +Low budget horror about an evil force.,0 +"The movie is just too poorly done to entertain, never mind convey social messages.",0 +"With the exception of Snider, the acting isn't too good, but it's serviceable.",0 +"Fortunately, only a very few would find this movie the least bit appealing.",0 +Unbelievable.,0 +This movie from start to finish is so bad that even the sick parts of the movie didn't even bother me.,0 +"Plenty of blood, gore, nudity, handcuffs and all kinds of blood draining hooks and things you will never dream a person is capable of performing on men and women.",0 +I have no words to describe the lack of entertainment this film provides.,0 +Too bad she hardly gets a good chance to act in this piece of crap.,0 +"His acting is laughably bad, and you can tell that he's the one that wrote the God-awful script.",0 +And it doesn't make sense.,0 +"When you finish watching this movie, you are left sick, depressed, dirty, and insane.",0 +Sadly Strangeland then resumes its course as a thoroughly predictable and boring slasher film.,0 +"The idea of a person who is so crazy that he would abduct people and torture them as a form of spiritual enlightenment is actually an interesting idea, but the execution was too made-for-TV feeling.",0 +Personally I liked the piercing take on it all that was original but other than that it was pretty unwatchable.,0 +) This film a completely unsuccessful attempt at a thriller trying to pass of as a horror movie that's only achievement was making me squirm at the sight of a few graphic bodily piercings.,0 +"Worse, the supporting cast barely registers, and the only halfway believable dialogue comes from a young girl who helps a detective navigate the internet.",0 +I'm not a expert on movies but the script and acting in this movie are just awful.,0 +RATING: 3 out of 10.,0 +"There is no tie to reality with the ideas that are presented in this film, it is more like Dee Snider sat down and tried to think up the weirdest stuff possible to impress horror fans and maybe some of his old fans, but the end result is just awful.",0 +"I had watched this as a kid but, not being much of a Jerry Lewis fan, I had completely forgotten it (not that it's in any way memorable).",0 +A terrible mess of a film.,0 +"is cheap, unfunny, offensive, and stupid.",0 +"Decked out with ludicrous uniforms that look like those worn by 'International Rescue' in 'Thunderbirds', they go into training.",0 +"He was half-right; they are embarrassingly bad, but he comes out even worse than they do.",0 +Not much action in this one though.,0 +"This has to one of the most pathetic, predictable and badly acted films I have ever seen.",0 +"Still, many of the characters were only very briefly limned or touched upon, and some of the acting seemed perfunctory.",0 +"I gave this movie a four out of ten, because I believe the comedy aspect doesn't work very well in a suspensedrama movie and the actors performances, while not bad, were just decent.",0 +But after that this movie goes completely downhill.,0 +"I had high expectations going into it, but was definitely disappointed.",0 +"All plots fail on all levels, which every annoying bit of meaningless dialog reminds you of.",0 +"I am pretty surprised to see that this movie earned even lukewarm reviews, I found this movie downright awful.",0 +"Robin Williams doesn't give that much of a performance, with a couple of minor exceptions this was weak.",0 +"a woman who helped with this program wants the truth to be told and the evil corporation wants to shut her up **spoilers** her boyfriend even helps them, though this isn't even fleshed out...",0 +"Most of Robin's jokes are just recycled from old comedy bits of his, and there are very few laugh out loud moments, and most are just dumb.",0 +"for me,it was an OK waste of 2 hours,but nothing special.",0 +I have to honestly say that this movie was a huge disappointment.,0 +What I found out was that the movie is surprisingly uninspired.,0 +Does any of this sound funny?,0 +"I really don't know, it IS better then their ""Splatter Rampage Wrestling"" but not be much as the basement level of acting is cringe-worthy and when a 'horror' film is as talky as this one is, that's not a good thing.",0 +"No, they didn't do a good job at all.",0 +It isn't even worth making fun of.,0 +"I can very well imagine that it must have been fun to be a part of the production, but it's utterly imbecile and doesn't feature the slightest redeeming element.",0 +But this movie is embarrassingly bad.,0 +The acting is especially weak and there is virtually nothing original in the screenplay.,0 +The plot (such as it is) doesn't convince.,0 +Dull as a half-baked documentary!,0 +This is one of the worst pieces of cinema I have seen in some time.,0 +Oh my god!,0 +"Unfunny, politically correct to the point of sickening and poorly acted and written.",0 +Its a disgusting disgrace.,0 +"Movies like this one, didn't help.",0 +"The story, what there is, is so simplistic and predictable, it makes ""Jury Duty"" seem like ""Gone with the Wind"".",0 +"Both comic aspects fail dismally, and you know the film is groping when ""Crawl"" hijacks the combine harvester and writes his name in the corn field.",0 +"Mainly, he is just obnoxious.",0 +"While a healthy toke might see you through the end credits, there is little pleasure to be found, save some sporadic chuckling at the picture, not with it.",0 +This movie is one of the worse movies of all time.,0 +"If not, this is a silly mess wasting some very good talent.",0 +Danny Thomas looks SO out of place in this mishmash.,0 +From what I saw it doesn't look worth checking out (and apparently Ator always kills a huge puppet in his movies).,0 +"And this, the second one, is probably the worst (or best, depending on your point of view).",0 +The fight scenes are so badly choreographed that its a wonder that the swords ever manage to connect.,0 +BOOOOOOOORRRRRINNGGGGGGGG and STOOOOOOOPIDDDDD.,0 +This is about one of the worst movies I'd ever seen.,0 +"As such, this Italian flick is a dud trying to rip-off a box office dud, with predictable results.",0 +"The scenes with these two drag on and on, bringing the movie to a screeching halt and killing any momentum or excitement generated by the sword-fighting and questing of the heroic trio.",0 +"Also, this movie is laughable without its MSTK3 treatment.",0 +"Yes, I got most of that from MST3K, which as I said is the only way to watch this turkey of a movie.",0 +"It's late, I'm tired, and I've already wasted more than enough time writing about this piece of garbage.",0 +"It's cheap, unintentionally silly, and mind-numbingly dull.",0 +"This film was apparently made to cash in on the Conan craze, but it fails miserably on all counts.",0 +"it's really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really bad.",0 +I had no idea how disjointed a movie could be.,0 +"The element that makes this so PAINFUL to watch is not the lack of story, but the fact that SOOOO much background is crammed into the first half-hour that it is utterly ridiculous and harder to follow than a highway while driving with no headlights.",0 +"See ""Conan the Barbarian"" if you need to, but don't waste your time with this low-budget loser.",0 +"To show just how cheap this movie really is, watch the scene where Ator and Thong have to battle invisible swordsmen.",0 +"The movie is a mess, a confusing, insipid mess.",0 +"The Conan-wannabe must do battle with an evil guy in a Cher wig, and protect the Earth from the Geometric Nucleus, a sort of primitive atomic bomb.",0 +"I just read an extra long review on the front page of this movie on this site and he explained in full detail that this movie is only worth watching on the television show ""Mystery Science Theater 3000!",0 +"Really, really, really bad.",0 +There's simply no redeeming quality about this film.,0 +This movie was so bad it was funny!,0 +"To see Edward James Olmos in the part once played by James Stewart is heart-breaking; Sean Young is better, but still a poor substitute for Kim Novak.",0 +This guy is so bad it wasn't even funny!,0 +"This is the umpteenth nonsensical horror movie in which Malcolm McDowell pops up and he practically always depicts an unreliable, greedy and self-centered authority figure.",0 +this movie was terrible.,0 +"Realizing that, the flick became an unbearable torment.",0 +"And to top it up, the performance of the actors is questionable.",0 +"The film does benefit from a Pino Donaggio score but, being so derivative and not especially well made to boot, essentially ends up merely a redundant (and fairly muddled) genre effort.",0 +"I've seen episodes of ""The Twilight Zone"" and ""The Outer Limits"" that took more effort to establish mood and setting than this made-for-TV mediocrity.",0 +"Sure, it's difficult to watch him in something this dreadful, but you know the old saying - any Cameron is better than no Cameron (yeah, I've never heard it either).",0 +It's a sequence that has nothing to do - even thematically - with anything that is going to follow.,0 +"So, the similarity of parallel Earths is the only connection of both films.",0 +But this dreck was awful.,0 +It seems wrong to put a Pryor look alike in such a terrible movie.,0 +The follow on TV series was just as bad and the Navy finally realized that support for this series would just make them look bad.,0 +This had none of that.,0 +This is just another stupid misguiding American TV show.,0 +"There is nothing interesting about this romance, it is not exciting, it is not fun, they don't even seem to care for each other at all, its more like the writers and directors wanted an interracial thing going on.",0 +this series just putts along.,0 +"I thought sleeper cell was interesting, and exciting to watch, up until the last episode, when nothing happens, its F****** BS, you Americans portray Muslims as terrorists, and the Americans as hero's, its the other way around, i hate it when every American TV show ends up predictable, i was hoping the bombs would go off in that stadium, but i knew it would'nt, it takes the joy out of watching it when you know that the good guys are going to save the day, yet again, Americans are the biggest terrorists, g bush the leader of them all, he is to blame for 911, and I'm P***** off that you keep throwing these shows at us, which are all the f****** same!",0 +"The result is a disjointed rambling story about a boy growing up which fails to engender empathy and leaves the viewer disconnected, unsatisfied, and with a bad after taste which taints the mechanical feel-good ending.",0 +"This had it all, weak dialogue, weak performances...",0 +That's about the only interesting thing about this movie.,0 +"Firstly, the writerdirector is totally a self-absorbed guy full of sick jokes that are not funny at all.",0 +Probably the only laughs that came from the 6 other people in the cinema was at the poor acting and dialogue.,0 +"On the upside, it makes the Jackass guys look like a bunch of pussies.",0 +"Its entirely amateur , both in principle and execution , it doesn't have a point , its digusting for the sake of disgusting ,obscene with the wit of a neanderthal , its useless.",0 +"However, in PINK FLAMINGOS he has created a film so repellent, so unfunny and so offensive that I couldn't even stand it.",0 +"On the other hand, the acting in this poverty-level production was not good.",0 +"Seen as the main aim of this film is to shock and the main body of it didn't achieve this, the final scene disgustingly manages to erase the memory of this shockingly pointless film and fulfil its aim to be the most filthy film ever.",0 +"After seeing Forever Hollywood, it would be natural to want to see a John Waters film.",0 +I watched for the first 20 minutes and then shut it off bc I am sorry but plot holes that are integral to a movie's plot make the movie nothing but garbage.,0 +"The film doesn't make much too sense and isn't very funny either - although it tries hard to be ""kooky"" and ""weird"".",0 +You would think there would be a business that would make real looking fake ones for the movie business or maybe they could film a couple of scenes in Amsterdam or Switzerland.,0 +Too boring to recommend.,0 +"Bottom line, terrible plot, slow, waste of good film and actors' time.",0 +"Moving back and forth between the two settings (past Sahara Desert and present Italy) proved distracting and unpleasant but really, both stories were dull as dishwater.",0 +This film failed.,0 +It would have saved an extra twenty minutes of even more fruitless film.,0 +The dialogue is terrible and not realistic.,0 +An extremely bad and stupid film!,0 +i can't think of anything else to say the acting is bad the story is bad its just bad.,0 +But it began to ware off fast and the entire divorce subplot was stupid.,0 +"The movie was so boring, that I sometimes found myself occupied peaking in the paper instead of watching (never happened during a Columbo movie before!",0 +"The Last Stop"" could be an average thriller, but the screenplay is simply awful.",0 +I'd give it a 3 out of 10.,0 +Put the film down and back slowly away.,0 +"this attempt at a ""thriller"" would have no substance at all!",0 +I was completely disappointed and had it not been for Bette Midler I would have shut the movie off.,0 +Even her songs were uninspired.,0 +The film was disappointing.,0 +And it all fails miserably.,0 +The budget for this movies looks pathetically small; a restaurant they go to is clearly a new semi-starched house with some Christmas lights adorning the front door.,0 +"This attempt to translate the successful TV series to the big screen was a dismal failure, as is so often the case.",0 +Unfunny.,0 +In many ways it resembles the same mistakes of the latter LOST IN SPACE movie in that it has absolutely nothing in common with the series that spawned it,0 +"If only they would have cut the rubbish and focused 99% on the actual travels, since that cut would have freed up a lot of time much better spent on filling in the details cut from the travels.",0 +I can sure see why Hallmark would produce this crap.,0 +"By strange coincidence I've started to watch this move straight after Brice de Nice and the good thing was that not many movies could be worst than Brice de Nice, so I was really looking forward for something better which would make me forget this horrible flop.",0 +"And all the twists and turns in the plot are not contributing to the excitement, they are just stupid excuses for filling yet another few minutes with dialogue as the screenwriters keep running out of inspiration and ink on a full-length movie set in an elevator.",0 +710 Overall still crap.,0 +"OK, so it's a silly movie, but I think they knew that when they made it.",0 +"This movie is bad, very bad.",0 +It's just bad.,0 +This is an utterly forgettable picture.,0 +The acting is either wooden or over the top; the film was apparently NOT written by anyone in particular; and the monster scenes were mediocre at best.,0 +But this one is so fantastically lame that I can't even like it for being bad.,0 +"Absolutely nothing happens as viewed through the eyes of a blank, deadpan, totally uninteresting protagonist.",0 +The plot was too dry.,0 +A colossal waste of time and money.,0 +"And chase is all there is in this little cartoon, that doesn't have any real appeal nowadays.",0 +"It's certainly no role model to anyone except gold-diggers as the two stars do nothing but spend money, and all it tells you about rich people is that they have no money problems.",0 +Then apparently there was a second season or some other kind of continuation of this horrible show about the two most vapid and conceited people who have ever been filmed.,0 +I also remember it being the worst film I had ever seen up to that point and I promptly threw it in the garbage.,0 +"Actually, yeah do watch this just to see if you can sit through the worst.",0 +I'm dyin' to get drunk.,0 +"The worst film ever made, bar none.",0 +"Fair enough, but while Bullock and Chaplin fail to create any sparks, we also have to endure a several dull overly-melodramatic flashbacks illustrating an important event in Cass's history.",0 +"A somewhat promising concept, but poorly executed and weak in nearly every way.",0 +"Although Bullock is strong in her role, it's not enough to save the lackluster script and lazy pacing.",0 +"The two boys' performances are not really mind-boggling ,not as good ,as ,say ,that of Edward Norton in ""primal fear"" .",0 +"I can see now the same concept as Sir Alfred Hitchcock's Rope with the murdering for a challenge thing, but this film does it in a very silly way, and not even a reasonably good Bullock can save it from being dull and predictable.",0 +"As many reviewers have noted before, the film is very formulaic.",0 +But it didn't.,0 +"well, the writing was very sloppy, the directing was sloppier, and the editing made it worse (at least i hope it was the editing).",0 +"Murder By Numbers"" has absolutely nothing going for it, even a pointless nude scene by Bullock wouldn't redeem it.",0 +"Of all the films I have seen, this one, The Rage, has got to be one of the worst yet.",0 +"Unfortunately, other than Lynn's amazing performance, I'm afraid this movie doesn't really have much going for it.",0 +Too bad everything else in the movie is horrendously bad.,0 +Terrible.,0 +"NO effects, no suspense and poor dialogue poorly delivered.",0 +"There's plenty of nudity at the beginning, but the characters are kind of crummy and the plot is too nonsensical to be even the least bit satisfying.",0 +"My only conclusion to that query is that Satan believes watching Camp Fear is the worst form of mortal punishment, not gouging out your eyes or making you speak in tongues, instead making you sit mindlessly through one and half hours of the most awful film making ever.",0 +"A word to the wise - Just because a horror movie has the word camp in the title, doesn't mean its gonna be worth watching.",0 +"The hilarity is centered around cannibalism and mental retardation, which is just sick humor, in a bad way.",0 +"I find it hard to believe that anybody would have invested $1 in making this garbage, never mind the $100 or so it must have cost.",0 +"Even by the standards of most B-movies, this movie is by far the worst I've ever seen.",0 +Apparently this was made in Sweden; I'm not sure if the Swedes have a really weird sense of humor or if they're just really awful movie makers.,0 +"If you can get past the weak plot, the cheesy effects and the uninspired acting, then the horrible writing will kill you, or you'll wish it would.",0 +"It's good if you're into terrible movies, but the sheer fact they couldn't catch a simple spelling issue make me believe they really didn't put any effort into creating the movie whatsoever.",0 +The acting was poor & there's nothing else to say.,0 +"A general disappointment, messy, disloyal to the play, amateurishly executed!",0 +Can't even picture his face.,0 +The direction is weak because it is not offering anything new and telegraphs many of the weak script moments.,0 +The acting was some of the worst I have ever seen.,0 +"This was a crappy, miserably acted movie based on sublimated male fantasies.",0 +"The movie begins with a strong launch, and infected by a bore-virus throughout the middle to end.",0 +Its plot was terrible.,0 +"A horrorsci-fi mess that is very hard to sit through, although the naked spacegirlvampire is very easy to look at.",0 +"It has a few mildly gruesome effects and startling moments, and some unintentionally funny scenes, but is mostly a waste of time.",0 +Add in a bunch of bad British acting and it's pretty much OVER.,0 +"The script is little more than half-baked dialog, and an egregious bunch of clichés and banalities.",0 +"This movie was so bad, I thought I was going to scream in the middle of it.",0 +"the biggest and most important scene in the film, NOTHING happens, it is a epic letdown.",0 +"Cold Mountain is a concept film and an empty, bitter waste of time.",0 +"It's a waste of good talent, and a total embarrassment.",0 +"The ""bad guys"" are the worst kind of cliche, and there's not a subtle moment in the film.",0 +"It was forced, it was unbelievable, it was silly and it was dumb.",0 +The last 60 minutes were distasteful and I began to lose interest in the film.,0 +The love story was implausible.,0 +"the whole movie was awful, horrible....",0 +"There is no story, no characterization, virtually nothing to keep the eyelids separated during this interminable bore fest.",0 +"Even if I hadn't read the book, I would still consider this movie one of the worst I've seen from 2003; and I've seen almost everything that's been released for viewing in the USA.",0 +"Another tiresome bore from Anthony Minghella, who seems to thrive on these big bloated super-productions that take over two and a half hours to do what any reasonable filmmaker would do in about ninety minutes.",0 +"Kidman and Law lack the chemistry to make this sloppily directed, poorly written romancemelodrama work on any level other than grandiosity.",0 +"I don't know if it was the subtitles, black and white filming, length of the movie, or the fact that it took two hours out of my studying for a huge chemistry test, but I did not enjoy it.",0 +The movie also ended on a very depressing note because nothing good came out of all of the conflicts and changes throughout the movie.,0 +"I felt that the movie Skammen, directed by Ingmar Bergman, was very dry.",0 +"But the ending, I feel, is completely botched, it left me bewildered.",0 +The inevitable result is a mish-mash of very sloppy seconds from other caper flicks.,0 +"Even his friend gives money to his father, but the butterfly effect completely fails to return to its cause.",0 +"This director ought to review his intention and priorities: none was intelligible, and thus this film failed.",0 +The result is crap.,0 +It could have been interesting if it had a quite absurd twist but it hadn't so it was just plain awful with maybe one or two scenes which could have been taken out and made to very nice short movies.,0 +3) Acting - very monotonous.,0 +I was very disappointed.,0 +I was truly disappointed.,0 +This feeble attempt at veering your typically bland Japanese horror movie more towards a creepy cult hit did not have the ammunition needed to keep the viewer involved throughout.,0 +The writing is bad.,0 +"This movie started out as a quite decent-looking film but it never really kicked off, instead it became predictable and even a bit silly.",0 +Aaron Carter is utterly repellent and the rest of the cast should fire their agents immediately.,0 +"This film had nothing; no acting, terrible music, awful script- only the power to suck any happiness from your soul.",0 +"The editing is painfully bad, with scene cuts that make no sense.",0 +and I didn't hear anything either due to the incomprehensible lisp.,0 +"The 'mean girls' in there are oh-so predictable, the acting is so amateurish it makes you cringe at times (especially from Aaron) and overall I just didn't enjoy it.",0 +"The dialog was cheesy, the premise was stupid, and the camera work was poorly done.",0 +and rather insignificant.,0 +"The dialogue is cheesy and stupid, the acting's terrible.",0 +It's a shame to see Dennis Hopper's talent wasted in this dreadful movie.,0 +Don't waste your time on this turkey.,0 +"Not only did the effects and acting in this movie bite, but the story was terrible.",0 +What's also maddening that IMDb forces one to write minimal ten lines about this piece of crap.,0 +"Plus, the ends justifies the means moral of this story is just plain WRONG!",0 +"he also killed several no name cops the main character is just a f u c king dumb hillbilly s h i t head that's got no concept of the greater good also, this movie makes no f u c king sense.",0 +"Not only that the VHS and DVD cover(at least in Europe)show a scene that has nothing to do with the actual plot of the movie, the acting is so bad, that the movie is crying out for being made fun of.",0 +A total waste of time.,0 +My lifetime was drastically wasted by this pile of stink.,0 +"I don't know what else to say about this rubbish, other than if you're into things crashing into the earth films, watch Deep Impact, and then Armageddon and Space Cowboys at a stretch.",0 +Mr. Hopper seems to be anxious to slip away from this pointless and dull sci-fi entry.,0 +Tycus is one of the worst films direct to video films that I see ever.,0 +"It is a predictable movie, and the acting is not up to par for some of the veteran actors (for instance, Dennis Hopper).",0 +":-)The most unrealistic thing I saw, is that earth is doing so well with no moon stabilizing its rotation.",0 +That was just completely out of pace.,0 +This movie (even calling it a movie is an overstatement) is ridiculously horrible.,0 +"And to make matters even worse, there isn't even gratuitous nudity to somehow make it even fleetingly worthwhile.",0 +"All ""This is a spoof"" musings aside, and while I certainly have tried to give it due consideration, have left me with a certain notion, namely; ""This is quite possibly the worst film ever made"".",0 +"The awful story and the special effects are very, but really very bad.",0 +It is absolutely awful!,0 +the only good thing it possibly has going for it is that it's so unfunny that it's wholly unmemorable.,0 +This piece of ____ was beyond low budget.,0 +"Unfortunately, it fails miserably at any level.",0 +I didn't see any of those in the film.,0 +"Except for the appearance of talented Austin Powers impersonator Richard Halpern, this pic was your run of the mill movie spoof.",0 +backgrounds were added in after which just looked terrible.,0 +"An attempt to do something interesting with ""Is this a dagger"" - the fantastical dagger is a shadow cast by a cross on an altar - falls flat due to Connery's poor delivery and sloppy direction, which mars the production throughout.",0 +"The big disappointment to me is Jason Connery in the title role: he seems to be reading his lines off a cue card with the wrong glasses - surely for the first time, as well.",0 +"One note however, the music was very lame and added nothing to the intensity of the film and sounded like someone with a keyboard and a bunch of samplers as opposed to a full orchestral score.",0 +His Macbeth is the worst I have ever seen.,0 +"The relationship between the brothers is left sketchy and generic; a major character is a man-biting catfish, never shown.",0 +"Unless mentioning Barnils' name a few times constitutes an ""homage,"" this pretense is an utter fraud.",0 +It isn't remotely authentic.,0 +It's not much more than an historical document.,0 +"The ""plot"" is by the book, the Cassevetes character's troubled background seems tacked-on, and the love interest is unconvincing and half-hearted.",0 +and it's boring to boot.,0 +Very resistible but ultimately harmless film version of the children's literary classic which incorporates an animated portion in the style of MARY POPPINS (1964) and BEDKNOBS AND BROOMSTICKS (1971).,0 +"Can't quite see what they were trying achieve when it was being made, all that it become was a weak film.",0 +"Classic author C.S. Lewis once wrote an essay stating that no children's story is worth the reading, viewing etcetera if it can only be enjoyed by children.",0 +"Bernerd Cirbbins tries his best to perform in this awful production ,but fails.",0 +"the animation is sickeningly dated, not least of all with it's tacky, missing frames, and characters with huge, bulbous heads, this film is an eye-sore.",0 +"It may work for you, it didn't for me.",0 +"What was supposed to have been a promising hit, eventually turned into a dumb, silly show later on where the ideas became so OTT and ridiculous.",0 +There was little to no realism to his character and the way he laughed was a sign of obvious force showing that Noah can't act.,0 +The acting and writing are so dreadful on a consistent basis I wonder if Damon Wayans was producing such an atrocious show on purpose.,0 +Everything about it is just bad.,0 +This show's characters were extremely irritating.,0 +"I also feel that Jay and Michael were more like equals in the show but Jay was more the woman who fed her crazy husbands the lines and went along with his way of unorthodox discipline because she may have felt that it workedJr Just plain stupid, his character should have been well developed and even though he does have his moments of greatness, we are returned to the stupidity as if he learned nothing, which drives me nuts!",0 +"From there, the movie becomes nothing more than a dragging morass of ridiculous action, including a scene in which a swarm of bats slices a soldier's arm off!",0 +This one has nothing much going for it.,0 +)'s Russian accent laughable andor irritating.,0 +"Okay, I can sit through almost any movie, and I tend to get a real kick out of Sci Fi Originals, but there was a major flaw in this movie that made me have to turn it off half an hour into it.",0 +the acting is bad and this doesn't even look like a horror movie.,0 +Awkward laid-back bluesy score that seems improper for a film such as this.,0 +I thought the movie itself was OK for a made for TV movie.,0 +Awful execution of the football sequences ruins any possibility of excitement in this film.,0 +The football scenes are nothing special and seem to mainly act as filler for the movie.,0 +Avoid this movie.,0 +"What a truly moronic movie, all I can say is the writer must be very fond of magic mushrooms and LSD because this must be the result of one of his 'trips'.",0 +"The storyline is more than a little bit preposterous, so no expectation of ""something real"" should be included in your viewing experience.",0 +I didn't mind that but I did object to more that irreverence regarding marriage and religion: two topics which secular filmmakers (meaning about everyone in Hollywood and elsewhere) just can't stop trashing.,0 +"Suffice it to say, I can't see any reason why anyone would want to see this awful, amateurish attempt at film making.",0 +It was a bad let-down and I'm surprised I even made myself watch it.,0 +This whole inaccuracy was very distracting.,0 +"And this one is pretty mediocre material ,even if the screenwriters call Lewis Carroll to their rescue .",0 +"Though he doesn't get much in the way of booty, thieving Gebhardt manages to use Arvidson's trunk to escape from the police… A Contrived Comedy.",0 +"Or what about a manipulative, cloying, utterly wretched script?",0 +"Dull characters, poor acting (artificial emotion), weak story, slow pace, and most important to this films flawed existence-no one cares about the overly dramatic relationship.",0 +The supposedly romantic lines were so stupid.,0 +This comes close to the worst movie I've ever seen.,0 +"The characters were uninteresting and unlikeable, the script was just plain embarrassing and some, though not all, of the acting was uninspired.",0 +What a horrible horrible movie.,0 +"I rented this movie the other day bc I love romance stories, but this has got to be the worst one I have ever seen in my life.",0 +"This movie was terrible in almost every sense, save Josh Hartnett's mildly endearing performance as LeeLee's stiffed boyfriend Jasper.",0 +The inexplicable romance is made worse by a complete lack of chemistry between Klein and Sobieski.,0 +"This movie failed to draw my sympathy, not even when the writer intended to.",0 +"The script was pretty pitiful and didn't have me or my wife caring much about any of the characters, except the jilted boyfriend.",0 +Hartnett was the only good thing about it.,0 +"I am sorry but Interferencia is so bad, it's so boring, it's so badly written & thought out that I honestly can't think of a positive thing to say about it.",0 +The acting by the three leads was beyond bad.,0 +"So foreseable, so silly and so badly acted!",0 +"The script and plot are ludicrous, the female lead is unconvincing.",0 +"None of that, either.",0 +My problem is that they've dumbed down this tale for the modern audience.,0 +Sorry this was a woeful excuse for a film..,0 +Sometimes it produces bland work.,0 +This does none of that.,0 +The silly plot and weak acting by just about the ensemble cast didn't help.,0 +"It was badly written, badly directed, and (surprisingly considering the cast) badly acted.",0 +"I watched the version with pathetic American over-dubs, maybe this made it much worse, but from what I could make out the film was pretty bad anyway.",0 +"Whereas the movie was beautifully shot and reasonably well acted, the script was dull.",0 +Otherwise this is a rather lumpen action pic that won't satisfy action fans and will leaves Sayles' admirers slack-jawed.,0 +"Totally unrealistic (they seemed to want it to be HIGHLY realistic but all the elements are based on clichés), real propaganda stuff.",0 +"Top line: Don't waste your time and money on this one, its as bad as it comes.",0 +"The whole thing just feels like a movie that was made just because it could be, but if this mess hadn't been slapped together, the monsters might never have met Abbott and Costello, so I guess some good came of this.",0 +"Glenn Strange is the Frankenstein monster, who has very little to do this outing.",0 +and no one even tries to rescue her!,0 +It also shows what a poor screenplay it is and we're mistreated to some awful plot turns like Talbot's condition being cured by a special type of plant which will soften his skull .,0 +"Now that I'm older, I found it just as terrible.",0 +"it's not creepy, it's poorly written and it doesn't work.",0 +"Count Dracula is a whining romanticist, Talbot is a pitiable and also whining old martyr and the Frankenstein creation … well, his share in the plot isn't even worth mentioning.",0 +Avoid this shallow flop.,0 +"I appear to be in the minority on this one, but I found One True Thing to be schmaltzy, contrived and generally unpleasant.",0 +"Unlike Terms of Endearment and Steel Magnolia's, I left the movie theater feeling VERY disappointed.",0 +"I have admired Carl Franklin's films in the past, and I actually like Meryl Streep, but gad, what a manipulative and lying film this is.",0 +A very flawed movie--so flawed as to be called a bore and not worth the time.,0 +It is very boring.,0 +That said I really have to declare:This is one of the three worst movies I have EVER seen.,0 +"If you respect your brain, please avoid this piece of **** at all costs.",0 +It just failed to be funny.,0 +"Meatballs, a summer camp 'romp' starring Bill Murray and directed by Ivan Reitman, is a complete waste of time.",0 +I feel like someone reached into my soul and robbed me of 2 hours of my life from watching this cheese fest.,0 +"Not the worst film I've ever seen, but DEFINITELY the most over-rated",0 +"This film is certainly uneven at times, and the script is somewhat lacking.",0 +There is nothing good about this movie on any level.,0 +A complete idiot who's just awkward to watch.,0 +"But be warned, even though the presence of semi-naked, quality crumpet makes the going slightly easier, there is still plenty about this film to warrant it being labelled as an ordeal: the acting is wooden and the dialogue is painful; the black humour (as the DVD blurb describes it) is about as funny as a knee to the knackers, with the comedic banter of Lite and Dark being particularly cringe-worthy; and the special effects are bargain basement, consisting of rubbery creatures and visual effects that would have looked dated ten years earlier.",0 +"Speaking of comedy, all attempts at humor are lame.",0 +This sucked.,0 +But other than that it was one of the worst films ever!,0 +"Still it isn't the worst movie out of the series because of the reason that ""Ghoulies III: Ghoulies Go to College"" is by far a more worse movie, since that one had some horrible lame attempts at humor.",0 +The plot is nonexistent.,0 +The best thing about this film is actress Randall in her PVC & leather outfit running around trying to find the jewel & that's hardly worth sitting through this rubbish to see.,0 +now we have to actually put up with this horrible storyline...,0 +Each sequel is worst.,0 +"I think the target audience was supposed to be adults, but the mixture of black magic, cartoon slapstick, cop drama and bad acting doesn't work at all.",0 +"Cue blood, gore, carnage, bad acting.",0 +"The acting is uniformly lousy, the effects amateurish and cheap (most of the gore appears to be nothing more than a selection of offcuts, offal and blood from the local butcher's shop), the story incomprehensible (as far as I could fathom, the zombies rise from the dead because a scarecrow commands them to!",0 +"When I say worse, I mean less entertaining.",0 +"It does have a certain charm that you would expect from Film 4, but it also has a precocious little girl acting as compass in a muddled and irrelevant plot - a no-no in screen writing 101.",0 +' This is a dull 'comedy' that sees Michael Caine and Dylan Moran try and pull off a well-planned hustle where Moran must imitate a London gangland boss (whose arrival is imminent) to collect a sizeable sum of cash from local kingpin Michael Gambon.,0 +It is hard to imagine two actors of such class and experience as Michael Caine and Michael Gambon getting involved in such an embarrassingly inept film.,0 +What a letdown - even paying £1.50 seemed a con.,0 +"The main reason is the lousy script; there was so much futile effort put into writing a pointlessly convoluted story which is simply too bothersome to follow (considering it's only a comedy) that the writer(s) forgot to make the damn thing funny, which, as far as I can recall, is what the whole point of a comedy is supposed to be.",0 +"As a comedy it wasn't funny, as a thriller the stupid story was sloppy and lazy.",0 +"Also a professional film editor was sorely needed as some of the scenes appeared to last far too long, having made their point, so that the film appeared to drag in places; e.g. the scene of the dancing transvestite.",0 +"However it does become more and more obvious as the TVM progresses that intelligence has been discarded throughout the storyline in order to appeal to an American TVM audience The story itself is overwhelmed by subplots featuring umpteen stock TVM characters like the tough liberal schoolteacher who`s trying to save a home boy from a life of crime , the doctor who`s lost his medical licence etc .",0 +Cliché storyline; bad script.,0 +This has to be one of the worst films I have ever had the misfortune to see.,0 +"The filmmakers tried hard, but the movie seems awfully sloppy to me.",0 +"Overall, extremely horrible casting and the story is badly told.",0 +"I am a usually a very generous voter on IMDb and don't bother commenting on movies I did not like, but this was just lame.",0 +Overall this movie has been a big disappointment to me.,0 +The worst ever Korean movie!,0 +Have to disagree with people saying that this is a lousy horror film with good acting and camera-work - I'd say it's an okay horror flick RUINED by shockingly abysmal acting and poor camera-work - watch 'Ju-on : The Grudge instead of wasting your time with this garbage.,0 +"Seems like The Doll Master tries very hard to be a very scary horror film, but it fails.",0 +"Some of the sex scenes are fairly hot and the gore is liberal, but the supernatural elements introduced into the second half feel half-baked and the plot developments are ludicrous.",0 +"Overall, my idea of this movie was that it had a good concept, which was inserted into a mediocre story, bad acting and less than tolerable plot holes.",0 +"and from there on, the movie drudges on, trying to fill in some time...",0 +What else could you see from this movie?,0 +But it contained so many dumb clichés from the worst of the old American slasherhorror movies.,0 +"This, unfortunate movie has almost no redeeming value.",0 +"The movie transitions between these 3 modes very badly, I can't even begin to say how much the directing and editing suck.",0 +"1st watched 6242007 - 4 out of 10(Dir-Stefan Rujowitzky): OK thriller, but a little too predictable.",0 +I can't recommend this movie to anyone because it's just too boring.,0 +"It has no credibility, instead lots of predictability.",0 +"The acting is wooden, the dialogues are simply stupid and the story is totally braindead.",0 +It was also overlong and boring.,0 +well let's just say trying to coordinate all that in your head isn't worth it for this mediocre movie.,0 +Seems unrealistic to me.,0 +It turned out a pretty brainless and predictable slasher film that appeared to be made to appeal to feminists or something.,0 +"Turner is being romanced by co-star Barry Sullivan, who wants to marry her - then, King Pinza re-enters her life… ""Mr. Imperium"" provides a tired storyline for sex symbol Turner and debuting bass vocalist Pinza, who appeared for several decades with the New York Metropolitan Opera.",0 +"The plot is extremely thin and the supporting cast of Barry Sullivan, Marjorie Maine and Debbie Reynolds are given so little to do.",0 +It has no saving grace whatsoever.,0 +The fact that it is cluttered by a rather uninteresting subplot and mostly uninteresting kidnappers really muddles things.,0 +I can't understand how the talented Mr. Rickman gets into these mediocre films?,0 +"The characters were stereotypical, unsympathetic, and wholly ridiculous.",0 +This series continues to frustrate and annoy.,0 +He doesn't even do anything interesting with the show.,0 +But the rest of the film was forgettable.,0 +"Despite the fact that he left out many bits of important information, the cast just did not seem to fit their roles and the whole film seemed vastly emotionless.",0 +"The characters were alienated, crucial details were left out, and, overall, the central plot was lost in translation.",0 +"Despite the excellent cast and the potential of the story, this movie fails on many levels.",0 +"I would only recommend watching this movie if you cannot picture or understand the book, but otherwise I would skip this one.",0 +All of the actors were dull and uninteresting.,0 +"So the thought of turning it into a movie seems like a totally off-handed idea anyways, basically guaranteeing a fail.",0 +I was highly disappointed about almost everything in the movie.,0 +"If you have not read the book, I do not recommend the movie because it is a boring, lifeless mess.",0 +Their acting wasn't very exciting or memorable at all.,0 +I couldn't really understand the plot as well while watching the movie.,0 +"This movie; and many others, did not fulfill this book.",0 +"The cast list was pitiful, and the all around plot was pathetic and was not like the book, except for a few scenes.",0 +A couple hours pass and he wakes up: total waste of time.,0 +The movie left me feeling rather bored and was a complete waste of my time.,0 +The movie added more parts that were useless and made no sense.,0 +"That kind of just ruined everything, didn't make any sense to me what so ever.",0 +Finally I feel that the movie was too cut and dry.,0 +"Although based on one of history's most studied and interesting texts, the film just became sort of dull.",0 +The movie on the other hand I found tiresome and boring.,0 +"After completing the lackluster novel, Heart of Darkness, I moved on to watch the movie, which was a complete and absolute disappointment.",0 +It was rather bland and drudging to say the least.,0 +"Not only did those in charge decide to change certain characters and completely eliminate others, but the acting was horrid and the overall impression I got from the movie was that it was a complete dud.",0 +But the director failed to put this together.,0 +"Unfortunately, that doesn't leave much movie not to suck.",0 +"As Americans, we have come to expect crapiness as ""par for the course"" when it comes to HORROR and unknown directors directing unknown actors acting for unknown writers.",0 +Instead they made probably the stupidest horror picture of the year!,0 +)The writing and dialogue is just plain awful.,0 +"The film is somewhat entertaining, but the greatest feature is Shalom Harlow's laughable performance.",0 +"There isn't much gore, the dialogues are horrible and the producers seem to compensate every little flaw by adding more sleaze!",0 +"If you really wan't to see a (s)exploiation about exorcism watch Angel Above, The Devil Below or other cheesy ones.",0 +"What a horrible, hideous waste of time this celluloid atrocity turned out to be.",0 +"Add to that bad dubbing, editing (the rape scene looks like it was cut a bit), lousy acting and a story that makes next to no sense.",0 +"Not much happens, and the movie just feels sort of scummy.",0 +"In summation, this movie was faker than....",0 +"This must have been a gift to Barrymore from someone she slept with, the director Raja Gosnell has made nothing but silly crap and the writing on this one is just atrocious.",0 +"It is predictable, the acting is horrible, especially the minor roles, and above all else it is super predictable.",0 +an incomprehensible script (when it shouldn't have been) dependent on a rather flaky voice-over.,0 +"The dialogue was spotty at best, woodenly delivered and completely unrealistic.",0 +pretty disappointing.,0 +The acting is terrible.,0 +The amateurish direction and acting are amazingly poor and terrible.,0 +The characters were 1 dimensional and nothing the actors could do could ever breathe any life into them.,0 +this was a disgrace to horror and thriller fans everywhere.,0 +"Yeah, this movie had none of that.",0 +"The acting, the script, practically everything with this film is sub par.",0 +"The major things about this movie that blew were the terribly bad acting jobs all the main characters did, (except for a few scenes involving the inner turmoil of Mic), there was a total lack of character development and absolutely no point to the plot - What were the writers thinking?",0 +The cast struggles as best they can but are saddled with weak motivation and dialogue.,0 +The dialog is the worst I've ever heard.,0 +"I don't think I've ever seen a ""made for TV movie"" or after-school special this bad.",0 +This one sucks twice as hard.,0 +"This movie has no story, no plot, horrible writing, and even worse acting.",0 +The dialogue is atrocious.,0 +") were probably achieved spending a couple of grand, the acting is terrible and the script should have ended up in the trash bin after the first read by the studio that decided to take on this miserable project.",0 +"I've rated this movie a ""1"" and I wish I could give it a zero...",0 +This might quite possibly be the worst movie I have ever seen.,0 +"Whatever positives you try and grant this sci-fihorror debacle, you become overwhelmed by it's lack of quality.",0 +"Awoid this ""movie"" at any cost, and don't say i didn't warn you...",0 +I walked into this film knowing it was bad but oblivious as to how bad it really was.,0 +"This movie is by far worse than that"".",0 +The story is so thin it is just barely there...,0 +"This is so bad, it's almost hilarious.",0 +The script was incoherent mess and so was the acting.,0 +is it worst film ever?,0 +"The beginning, the middle, and the ending was pathetic.",0 +"There's paper-thin character development and anachronisms like the aforementioned manual wheelchair, and Coolio and Tom Lister talking 20th century black slang.",0 +I am a fan of vampire movies and this is by far the worst they should stake it so that it never sees the light of day.,0 +This was by far the worst movie I have ever seen!,0 +Casper Van Dien is no worse than Brad Pitt and is actually more handsome.,0 +"This movie is so empty, that it cannot even suit that purpose.",0 +"The only way I could see someone watching this is if they are a die-hard fan of Erika Elaniak, but you would be better off surfing the internet than to watch this piece of crap.",0 +Just stay away!,0 +There didn't came any good scene at all.,0 +A waste of time.,0 +"It had great potential, and fell very flat.",0 +My guess is that the producers of this low-budget spacehorror film wanted a serious movie but the director had his heart set on a parody.,0 +This subsequent development has robbed 'Odor-able Kitty' of any impact whatsoever and to modern viewers it just looks like a rather dull Pepe Le Pew short with a weird surprise ending.,0 +"The next thing you know, we have the forerunner to ""Pepe Le Pew,"" although in this cartoon, she's still a cat, she's a she, and just a skunk in disguise.",0 +"Although Raquel is capable of fair performances in the right vehicle, this wheezy old clunker is SO bad that she doesn't really stand a chance, and neither does the audience.",0 +The rest of the cast is TOO one-dimensional.,0 +"Thanks to ham-handed director Arthur Hiller, this ludicrous script gets the visually ugly, poorly paced presentation it deserves.",0 +"This movie didn't ""make me think"", chuckle, or have any other feeling other than ""It must get better"", but it never does.",0 +"I found it dreary, visually ugly and generally meaningless.",0 +Never want to see another minute of this awful movie again.,0 +The premise of this movie is ugghhhh.,0 +This movie tries to be artistic but comes across as puerile as a film school student's first attempt.,0 +"The acting is atrocious, the narration off putting and the supposed symbolism pointless.",0 +"And not even lovely Arielle Dombasle, did look delicious in any scene!",0 +The unnecessary use of surrealism only manages to make this some what boring example in pseudo porn even more pretentious (what are they trying to prove with depicting a piano floating in water?,0 +"So there is no need to watch this movie, unless if you want to see Kinski naked or if you like sick trash movies to laugh about.",0 +Character development is nonexistent and the film does nothing at all to resolve any of the plot threads left hanging after the game's end.,0 +Also some scenes in this movie were extremely contrived and trite.,0 +This little part here was so cheesy I almost turned it off.,0 +"Japanese developers can deliver fun games, but most of their offerings are disappointingly shallow.",0 +"it tried to be both, and failed miserably.",0 +summary: waited 9 years for this movie and this is what i get a large pointless and boring cut scene i beg the head of square cenix to shoot the man responsible for this burn every copy of the movie and any one involved in it and create a new movie from the ashes's (it would be nice to make the movie in live action and based on the original game),0 +"One last complaint, the film, at least in my opinion, attempted to cram too much into less than two hours and therefore the last half hour or so seems horribly rushed.",0 +"This show lasted for most of the 1980s, and had its moments, but plots were usually dishwater thin and often painfully unfunny.",0 +It's hard to find kind words for it - Terry Scott did make the best of weak scripts.,0 +"A perfunctory thriller plot (which is there merely to string the club sequences together), variable acting and a pretty ludicrous script, all stop Sorted from being the showcase that director Jovy obviously intended.",0 +The plot was thin and boring.,0 +"The script was dull, the performances ordinary and despite the scenes with J.D and any scene with Sienna I found everything about this movie pretty passe.",0 +"Once our protagonist roosts down with some of his fellows, we are treated to some of the dullest dialog I've ever seen on television.",0 +"Then again, A-PIX movies have a way of showing unbelievably bad material, even worse than you might expect.",0 +it's the best I could do to explain this preposterous concept).,0 +"You can not come up with a good story, your effects are going to really be bad, hey let us just make the movie look as bad as possible with horrible one liners and we have our movie.",0 +this movie sucks.,0 +"The bad dialogue, the crummy costumes, the sorry looking film stock, the unintentional comedy, the over-the-top characters, and more inconsistencies than George W. Bush's college career.",0 +"Disappointing to no belief, even for a fan of bad cinema.",0 +"Anyway, back to the crappy movie.",0 +"In all, it took me three attempts to get through this movie.",0 +"Not quite as funny as the first, but much lower quality.",0 +"But it also tries to be funny at the same time, and fails so overwhelmingly to do so, that your sense of humor is left too crippled to do anything but set off your gag reflex in an attmept to save itself.",0 +It was so dumb it wasn't funny.,0 +"Best is to not see it, actually, 'cause this flick is just too bad (okay, I did laugh with it, for it kept getting worse and worse).",0 +"This is the worst film I have ever seen, bar none.",0 +"Don't take a swip at this film at all, most people say its a laugh with your mates, but frankily its a waste of time.",0 +"THE worst ""horror film"" I have ever seen.",0 +Ultimately the whole purpose behind a film like this is to make a popcorn flick for those Friday nights of boredom and even it fails at that.,0 +"My movie for this week was debatable, what route what movie, what excellent four star epic would I choose, guess what I decided to pull a one eighty and go the other route, I've decided to review a movie so atrocious that it totally killed what could have been a very unique concept.",0 +The film hinges on such a ridiculous premise that it barely raises an eyebrow when characters are killed with BBQ tongs and are impaled by carrots.,0 +"The screenplay was poor, the acting was terrible and the effects, well there were no effects.",0 +"It's slow, the pacing is horrible, it feels as tho it lasts 4 hours.",0 +Vote: 2.5 out of 10.,0 +"Instead, it's rather lame and uninteresting.",0 +"This is really bad, the characters were bland, the story was boring, and there is no sex scene.",0 +This gay content tarnished the whole film.,0 +The back of the box is misleading.,0 +"If I had paid to see this, I would've been disappointed.",0 +"It attempts the old ""Horror Anthology"" approach, but fails miserably.",0 +This is by far the worst and most stupid show I have ever seen on TV.,0 +"The acts are so repetitive, there's like nothing new, except annoying stupidity and rehearsed comments...",0 +This is not funny in the least.,0 +"The stunts and pranks are mildly entertaining, but presented in such a tedious and dull fashion that they can barely make you smile"".",0 +You just need to fire the writer of this stupid show.,0 +"Also, the score was severely disappointing.",0 +"The story is completely predictable, something than nowadays even a 6-year old may find evident.",0 +"All in all this is a really poor ""family"" movie that is amateurish and almost hard to watch at times.",0 +"It's brain dead, stupid, nonsensical, unfunny, lame.",0 +"However, instead, we got a contrived family drama that appeared to dip into Lear when the writer had run out of ideas, the cast worked hard but it just didn't gel.",0 +"In addition, I found all the characters unlikeable, and if you can't identify with at least one character, there isn't much to get excited about.",0 +"If there was nothing else wrong with it, there would still be no getting around the fact that it's just so thoroughly, excruciatingly DULL.",0 +That certainly wasn't what I got.,0 +"Also, it is almost incomprehensibly stupid and annoying.",0 +Starts out conventionally enough.,0 +"Unfortunately, with this movie, Leelee Sobieski has chosen a path not only well worn, but completely free of any meaningful destination.",0 +"He is a decent looking piece of cardboard, but little more.",0 +The plot moves so slowly that the 90 minutes seems endless as characters do nothing but mope and emote.,0 +"Here On Earth is not only a bad film, it is an irresponsible one.",0 +This movie was the crapiest thing I have ever seen!,0 +"This is the kind of movie where the story makes itself instantly obvious, and goes downhill from the opening credits, and worst of all, takes itself seriously.",0 +This was a sad waste of two such promising actors.,0 +"Neither convincing nor compelling, it just fell flat.",0 +"This movie is nothing but a pathetic, repetitive movie, which instead of inducing two hours of laughter, it induced two hours of suicidal urges.",0 +"Wow, this movie was horrible.",0 +"The movie seems to think it's a sports thriller, but it's so utterly ridiculous, it can only be a comedy, but it's not funny, not even in a dumbsilly way.",0 +") and the humor was just stupid Seriously, 40 minutes in I gave up and turned it off.",0 +This film just isn't what it used to be.,0 +"The positives are far outweighed by the negatives,it's like someone taking $10 from you and giving a dime back to make up for it.",0 +"While the writing was terrible, the acting was atrocious, the only thing that saved this ""turd"" was the breast count, but that wasn't enough to make me watch this again.",0 +The voice overs were SO bad and terrible quality.,0 +"What I WASN'T prepared for is that it's also witless, unfunny and boring.",0 +"nope, it's still crap that I'd have to scrape off my boots if I stepped in it.",0 +"However, if you value 1 and a half hour of your time, or $3.00 of your money, you may want to give this one a miss.",0 +"My first thoughts on this film were of using science fiction as a bad way to show naked women, althought not a brilliant story line it had quite a good ending",0 +"All of this with no real thread to suggest an attempt at a spoof by genre, period or any common vein is plain annoying.",0 +Now I understand that this is a B movie and that it doesn't have the same size budget as bigger films but surely they could have spent their money in a better way than making this garbage.,0 +"Admittedly though, even with the big boosts in the show's basic dynamics and all it still wasn't exactly spectacular, nor was it really even that memorable in the long line of corny family programming!",0 +They weren't worth much.,0 +"The whole concept is directly sickening, all made in a half-hearted way to make money.",0 +"The acting is tantamount to amateur dramatics, poor amateur dramatics.",0 +Not even worth the digital video it was recorded on.,0 +"I could only stand 38 minutes of it in hopes that it would improve, but it only got worse and I had to end it.",0 +It's all bad.,0 +"I can see a low budget western film that is done with passion and interest on the detail, but using a garage with art deco lettering, pastel colors, actors that seem to be falling sleep because the script is so boring and the boom getting on the way of the camera every two scenes, that is definitely not my definition of ""one of the best western movies produced in the new Millennium"".",0 +The stunt work was clumsy - the story stale and hokey.,0 +Everything was laughably fake.,0 +"Not sure if this is just a lousy movie or if it was intended to be a mockery of a ""B"" Western.",0 +This has got to be the worst case of over acting since the silent era.,0 +"The dialog was dull, the plot was torpid, the soundtrack was overbearingly unnecessary, and the acting was awful.",0 +The continuity of this film is outrageously butchered.,0 +The worse about this firm is the Casting.,0 +Paul Wendkos' direction is lackluster and confusing.,0 +"Clumsy action, little violence, and the PG rating is nowhere near questionable.",0 +"Obviously meant to cash in on the success of ""Shaft"" (this and about six thousand other movies), this movie doesn't have enough edge or enough originality to make much of an impression.",0 +"I think I'll be the only one who's saying this but yes, I was a lil bored during the film.",0 +All these elements are awful.,0 +The acting is just so awful it sounds like an instruction video for social studies class.,0 +Need I say this movie is bad?,0 +"I'm not sure what the director and editor were thinking when they were editing this poor excuse for a film, but whatever they thought of didn't help this movie, it only hurt it, and it hurt this film badly.",0 +"But since the jarring voice acting and tin-eared dialog keep yanking we Americans out of the film experience, we can't help but notice that the editors had serious Attention Deficit Disorder, that no one on screen can really act so much as project an Attitude, that the stated reason for the creation of the monster makes absolutely no sense, that the action sequences have all the impact of a cereal bowl full of cooked oatmeal and that the director, screenwriters and producers really hate women.",0 +"The dubbing is awful, the editor a spaz, and the storyline generally a yawn.",0 +"Overall, this movie is bad enough to dip below mediocre.",0 +"This is a poorly shot, badly dubbed, plot less mess.",0 +Score: 4 out of 10,0 +"It makes no sense, it's horribly boring, and it's conspiracy plot sucks.",0 +"The monster in the movie looked terrible, everyone wore upsetting swim suits, and the plot was laughable.",0 +"), the acting is wooden, the characters are uninteresting, the special effects are beyond bad, and the score is annoying.",0 +"This cheapo exploitation flick is some genuinely insipid stuff, courtesy of spaghetti land director Lamberto Bava, who wisely left his name off this junk.",0 +"Overall, there really isn't much to recommend this film for.",0 +There really isn't much to recommend this film so I won't.,0 +"Horrible music, horrible acting, horrible plot (what little there is), horrible dialogue and really, really, REALLY, horrible editing.",0 +"What could possibly go wrong with a movie that includes a bunch of Italians pretending to be Flordians, and some vague-lava-octopus-crustacean-thingy as the hell-induced hellspawn-devil-fish?",0 +"The script of ""Monster Shark"" makes few to no sense and most of the action takes place on the mainland.",0 +"The acting is bad, the script is bad, and the editing is probably one of the worst jobs ever.",0 +"Yay verily, all in all this is a complete pile of crap if ever I've seen one.",0 +"This movie is a pure disaster, the story is stupid and the editing is the worst I have seen, it confuses you incredibly.",0 +"Muscular 'scientists', unpleasantly thin females in swimsuits, lots of beer drinking..",0 +This film has the worst editing I've ever seen.,0 +Just another movie that got lost in 90's horror for obvious reasons.,0 +Nothing is scary here and the film is almost bloodless.,0 +The plot isn't worth synopsizing.,0 +"Honestly, most of the movie looks silly, the characters are worse than one dimensional, they're laughable.",0 +"So complaining about the lack of good acting, or compelling plot-line, or even convincing characters, I suspect, would fall on deaf ears.",0 +It is so weak.,0 +"If I was British, I would be embarrassed by this portrayal of incompetence.",0 +"Not only is it poorly written, it is a product of shoddy direction and editing.",0 +"The snakes don't do anything particularly interesting, the whole movie in fact just blunders on with little happening.",0 +"Last 10 min a ""8"", rest of the movie a 2.",0 +They all make the sound of rattlesnakes which makes no sense.,0 +"Seriously i thought it was a spoof when i saw it at the rental store but i realized it was just crap, i can't even believe i didn't shut it off, like we all know those snakes weren't rattlers they were pythons and Gardner's, the acting was lame and oms i still cant believe the ending loll if your gonna watch it just watch it for the end it was seriously priceless way better then 6th sense, i don't even know if the makers of the movie actually thought this title would fly, the only time it is really going to fly is when i throw it in the garbage......",0 +"Asylum scores yet again with a hackneyed, lazy, horribly directed, and boring rip-off of another better film.",0 +"At times, just a bad B movie.",0 +"I would probably want to give this movie a zero if not for the climax, which involves not really Snakes on a Train, but rather Train IN a Snake.",0 +"Even worse, it takes almost an hour to get to anything resembling action.",0 +Hunter which is by far the second worst movie ever made.,0 +Director Mervis only has a few train carriage car sets which all look pretty much alike so the film becomes very repetitive & dull to watch.,0 +"Trust me, it's horrible.",0 +"Don't be intrigued like I was by the title, this is a movie that's seriously bad.",0 +and the directors make the film so anti-climatic it ruins the whole film.,0 +Getting Eaten By A Bunch Of Snakes Is More Entertaining Than This Film Getting Eaten By A Bunch Of Snakes Is More Entertaining Than This Film Getting Eaten By A Bunch Of Snakes Is More Entertaining Than This Film Getting Eaten By A Bunch Of Snakes Is More Entertaining Than This Film Getting Eaten By A Bunch Of Snakes Is More Entertaining Than This Film Getting Eaten By A Bunch Of Snakes Is More Entertaining Than This Film Getting Eaten By A Bunch Of Snakes Is More Entertaining Than This Film Getting Eaten By A Bunch Of Snakes Is More Entertaining Than This Film Getting Eaten By A Bunch Of Snakes Is More Entertaining Than This Film Getting Eaten By A Bunch Of Snakes Is More Entertaining Than This Film,0 +"Overall, this is a pretty bad film.",0 +very straight - not happy with the movie.,0 +"I knew it was going to be a rip-off and that the film will look cheap, but what i found was worst to watch.",0 +"An attractive young woman(Julia ""Rayanne"" Ruiz)does not want to marry someonelse's choice for her husband; so she is put under a powerful Mayan curse that has snakes hatching inside her body, slowly devouring from the inside out.",0 +This has to be one of the worst films I have ever seen.,0 +"In short, this movie is bad.",0 +"There is actually no scene of CG snakes attacking anyone unless you count the large one, but then it just eats the train and the other fake snake is just the head and it looks like a muppet.",0 +"It's just sad that someone would go to such lengths to make a crap film, only to make a few bucks because of the ""Snakes on a Plane"" craze.",0 +"The acting is really cheesy in some parts, and the ""action"" scenes are completely laughable.",0 +"This film is bad, yes, but had the producers used a REAL KANGAROO, it would have killed the actor it was boxing with.",0 +The acting was terrible and even the plot line was laughable.,0 +In the middle of the everlasting mayhem this kind of reflections lack credibility.,0 +"Script, direction, acting, photography are all a big blah.",0 +There was some chemistry between the two but nothing compelling about their relationship; Nothing interesting about their story.,0 +Watchable but pretty terrible.,0 +I found that all the characters were narcissistic archetypes found so often in the American culture and were shallow and uninteresting.,0 +"Unfortunately, there is nothing to recommend in this film.",0 +"It masquerades as being as cerebral as its namesake, but instead is a jumbled, convoluted, and hackneyed exercise in tedium.",0 +"over all, a lackluster effort at best and a brutally poor imitation of the intended inspiration.",0 +The editing and camera work was dull and ordinary.,0 +"To sum up, boring and bad, with a very absurd development, there are much betters thing to watch.",0 +"The performances are pretty uniformly teak 'n pine and no, there is NO sexual chemistry in this film whatsoever, just the awkward posturings of a reasonably comely, discreetly talentless actress who seems born to grace the cover of ""Interviú"" and not much else besides.",0 +What a waste of time and money,0 +"Like the other guy said It sux , you can count the words that have been said in that entire movie on one of your hands, Too nudity , she got naked like 7 or 8 times in a 1 and a half , well past the nudity you'll find a porno behind that film , He f**ked her all movie long, bad acting, bad story,bad language, Carmen was swearing all movie long , so you get out of that movie, pornografic scenes and dirty language, A lot of gaps in the movie, a big silence every now and then The only good thing in that movie is the beautiful places were it has been shot, otherwise it's an hour and a half of your life that you'll gonna waste so if u gonna watch that movie Good luck It really Sux",0 +About the story there's not much coherent to say...,0 +"Not the worst film I've seen, but a complete failure, in my opinion.",0 +The rest of the film is the worst I've seen in years.,0 +"I'll watch most anything, but this was unwatchable.",0 +This is not a bad film - it has its moments - but it is just too superficial and tired to make us care about any of the characters.,0 +Oh Lord I hate this film.,0 +I am at a loss to find the words to express how bad I thought this film was.,0 +"It's the worst movie I've seen at the cinema for years, if not ever"".",0 +"the worst thing about this film is the music but the acting, script, editing, directing and story are terrible as well.",0 +"So quite frankly, viewing it is a complete waste of time.",0 +It would have been economical suicide for Preminger to produce a film of the opera - it would have lost a fortune for the Goldwyn Studios.,0 +"Myrna Loy is not very convincing, although in her defense she is saddled with an awful script and trite dialogue.",0 +It was hard to figure out what the director was trying to say-- Most of the time the main character is dressed in weird clothes and makeup.,0 +"Four of the five members of the Band would appear in another bad film ""Man Outside"".",0 +75 percent of the movie is made from scenes taken from HERCULES & THE HAUNTED WORLD and HERCULES & THE CAPTIVE WOMEN badly edited together with original scenes that do not add up to anything but a complete rip-off.,0 +"This movie is just crap, I cant put it differently.",0 +This movie is probably one of 3 worst movies made in history.,0 +"This was a bad movie, just stay away.",0 +"is as bad as the worst Uwe Boll film I mean ,The house of the dead bad.",0 +"This movie is so bad it doesn't even deserve a ""1"".",0 +The film was sloppy and unoriginal.,0 +Like watching an episode of Neighbours after drinking two bottles of cough medicine- nightmarish and making no sense at all.,0 +Co-produced & directed by Christopher Hutson this anaemic arty Vampire flick is pretty much 95 minutes of tedium & is throughly deserving of all the bad comments.,0 +Its not bad so much as pointless and dull.,0 +"other then it truly had no point, no plot, no...",0 +The film was sloppy and unoriginal.,0 +Some scenes simply don't make sense in English and the actors bring zero energy to their voice reading.,0 +"The characters likewise are one-dimensional and flat; unfortunately I don't know whether Lumumba was actually a freedom fighter passionately devoted to ideals of Congolese unity, but after an hour or so of the movie I certainly didn't trust it to tell me so.",0 +The film was drawn out and painfully boring.,0 +Poorly made and to a large extent poorly written and acted.,0 +After this film I was very surprised that Colin Firth got as far as he did since this pointless film could destroy any actors career.,0 +"Despite the fact that the rest of the movie is as well, this subplot is completely superfluous and unnecessary.",0 +"In any case, this only makes the movie experience worse.",0 +"With all the gore and the 'loose limbs', it's hard to believe it but it really gets boring very quick.",0 +"But the camera work is a bad copy of what can be seen in ""The Evil Dead"" and elsewhere.",0 +"but it was a boring boring movie, maybe because i have seen a cut version, because there where only two things that where a little splatter, one time where some ones cuts someone arm of and where some one shots an arm of, but that where the only things.",0 +"The script and most of the acting is still pretty bad though, but that actually don't matter that much, it's supposed to be a gore flick and nothing more, that's where it goes a bit wrong for some reason.",0 +Even the gore i awful and unconvincing.,0 +Complete waste of time with no redeeming qualities whatsoever.,0 +"The only thing that really fails is the music score, the song ""Never say never again"" is O.K., but the theme song is just missing.",0 +"While Connery had been less visible in the latter, his woman-seeker qualities had maybe not cast a frown on the face of embittered spectators as it would in this latest rendition which, to most involved, approached the 007 theme with kind resentment, albeit while the general flavor had been altered.",0 +"The worst Bond theme song, even worse than ""The Man with the Golden Gun,"" pointless scenes that drag on pointlessly (with the worst example being that ridiculous video game sequence - MY GOD - WHO CARES?",0 +"With mediocre character sketches that Ian Fleming would not have approved of, this film goes down as the worst 007 movie.",0 +"Everything here reeks of mediocrity, including Connery's bad toupee.",0 +Worst of all is the attempt to pass off the aging and very hairy Connery off as the sex symbol he indeed was in the '60s.,0 +"It's so profoundly unmemorable that I had to read other people's reactions to it before I could remember anything beyond (1) it was awful, (2) Connery should have quit while he was ahead, and (3) the film included a total gross-out bit involving faking a retinal scan through the most gruesome (not to mention horribly inefficient) means possible.",0 +"A lot of the other acting is bad, the music is melodramatic, and look of the film is terrible.",0 +I was supremely disappointed with this one.,0 +The filmmakers are too lazy to focus on any one of these elements.,0 +"This ""movie"" had several titles over the years but the sound experiment was not really a success.",0 +"As a writer, he is surprisingly free of punchlines, but is devoid of a purpose as well, and the heavy plotting just gets all fouled up.",0 +The plot is just soap opera for women and will only appeal to those types.,0 +That aside there's nothing to recommend this.,0 +"The costumes are a mixed bunch, but mostly awful, and Anne Elliot's green tartan gown is quite possibly the most hideous alleged period costume ever devised.",0 +"Speaking of the fall at the cobb scene; it was the mose poorly acted, badly directed and edited scene of the entire film.",0 +"Its crazy, doesn't fit.",0 +The direction is also appalling and any action scene is laughable and unconvincing.,0 +"Even allowing for poor production values for the time (1971) and the format (some kind of mini-series), this is baaaaaad.",0 +"It is really bad, and should be used in acting schools as a horror movie.",0 +The casting is uninspired and the acting wooden.,0 +"Lack of research and not of funds, is what makes 'Shwaas' such a bad movie.",0 +"Shwaas may have a good story, but the director is utterly devoid of talent.",0 +"The story between these points is in my opinion just a long and boring ride made up to tie ends, showing off costumes and scenarios just to give us an obvious and totally unnecessary ending.",0 +I felt as though her going to Ireland did absolutely nothing whatsoever.,0 +I'm afraid to say that I was disappointed.,0 +"However, I consider the six hours I spent watching the ""Scarlett"" miniseries to be some of the worst-spent hours of my life.",0 +This movie is not worth the time.,0 +The performers are talented people whose talents were wasted on this piece of garbage.,0 +The script is horrible and full of clichés.,0 +"Even worse than the acting--and perhaps partially explaining it--is the script, which is astoundingly cliched and predictable.",0 +For a Gone with the Wind fan (of both the book and the movie) this was deeply disappointing.,0 +"Summary: Not worth the filmAs an avid Gone With the Wind fan, I was disappointed to watch the original movie and see that they had left out many important characters.",0 +A VERY un-Tom and Jerry short.,0 +"This is easily one of the most overrated films of the year and probably the worst film Tarantino has ever done"".",0 +"This is such an anti-climax, in that, it's dialogue is stale, and outcome signposted a mile off.",0 +"Seriously disappointing performance by Brad Pitt and Q T, the plot is very superficial and lame, and, unless indirectly intended, this film actually glorify the Nazis and portrays them as men of honor, and show that the Jewish people are deceiving, cant keep promises and bloody vicious.",0 +The movie is just a collection of endless and excruciatingly boring and disgusting scenes of people talking at tables in various languages.,0 +This is a very boring movie and you will be missing nothing if you don't see it.,0 +Doesn't work.,0 +The entire film was worthless.,0 +"Again, distinct lack of table-based content.",0 +The contents is zero.,0 +"I must say now, what a disappointment.",0 +"After reading reviews and contemplating, my girlfriend and I confirmed that this movie is an utter piece of trash.",0 +"This movie is so terrible, that I swear it must be some sort of twisted joke by Tarantino to see how much torture his fans will tolerate and still praise him.",0 +The second half was pretty bad.,0 +This is another stupid movie.,0 +"Not artsy, not entertaining, not witty, not funny, nothing, just dull and stupid.",0 +Countless Historical & cultural mistakes 010(1) A Jewish guy named OMAR!,0 +"The humor was, well, minimal and not that humorous.",0 +Sadism is Baaad.,0 +Inglourious Basterds IS Tarantino's worst film he has ever made.,0 +2) Scenes dragged on way longer than they needed to.,0 +"If Rivette was seeking to give us a ground-level study of a woman in a certain place and time and how she was able to influence (and was influenced by) the world around her, he has failed miserably.",0 +"This one is pretty wooden, unfortunately.",0 +"As in the other films, there are performers in animal costumes, an adult woman pretends to be a boy, and the characters and plot jump all over the place while the camera-work is static.",0 +"As another reviewer has stated, this episode is particularly drab and unstylish, with little to suggest that ""the Professor"" really is back in the 1860s.",0 +"Even the old characters just drive you mad in this; Trusty sounds like Goofy sick in bed, Jock (Jeff-stupid-Bennett) - and his VOICE - sound neither Scottish nor worth hearing!",0 +"I just feel that the plot was dragged out a little too much, and was to predictable.",0 +"Other than the ""cute"" factor, there is nothing in store for any audience in this lazy straight-to-video effort.",0 +I just thought that was absolutely ridiculous.,0 +"Only Walter Huston, as the district attorney, elevates the cliché-riddled material in his futile attempts to breathe some levelheadedness into these dolts.",0 +It all winds up in a predictable manner.,0 +His St. Vitus Dance old-coot performance is tiresome schtick; it's like Walter Brennan based his entire career on it.,0 +This is utter hogwash.,0 +On the other hand McClure overacted enough to make himself also laughable.,0 +I don't get it.,0 +"Ho hum, does the plot never take a different tack?",0 +"McClure is just too Cheezy to be believed, but who can blame him in the wasteland of this movie whose plot about ancient dinosaur birds ruling humans has 19th Century throwback ""period charm,"" but not enough and unfortunately the script carries the racist connotations of the literary genre into films.",0 +"The stupid monsters, the stupid story line, and the stupid setting made this the worst movie I have ever seen.",0 +A very tedious British movie that even the twin talents of Caroline Munro can not save .,0 +I was at my computer working and happened to glance over and see what must have been some of the worst action sequences ever made.,0 +"These big ""Casimir"" of monsters is completely ridiculous!",0 +"Yes, there are always monsters like that in a Burroughs adaptation, but they rarely manage to be so completely ridiculous, helpless or void of any credibility.",0 +This one doesn't even manage that.,0 +"But try as it might, the story just couldn't hook me in a way to find anything at all interesting about Hoojah the Sly One or Jubal the Ugly One, much less those goofy half man, half pterodactyl creatures.",0 +"The script is stilted, and outside of Peter Cushing's comic relief the acting is pretty miserable too.",0 +I give it a 6 out of 10 or *** out of 4 stars.,0 +"While the story here is okay and actually has some real potential, the script is just awful.",0 +This movie is total dumbness incarnate.,0 +Global warming rapidly becomes unbearable.,0 +"Poor Casper Van Dien, his career has slid a long way from Tarzan and Starship Troopers.",0 +They are an embarrassment to humanity.,0 +") because this one was really stuck in ""white girl"" mode.",0 +"The whole movie comes across as fake, unrealistic, and poorly filmed.",0 +Now the rest of the story which is all pretty much bad.,0 +"Sadly, Hitchcock wasn't around to make it, and we're left with an occasionally suspenseful but mostly silly thriller, that is held (barely) together by Bullock's intelligence.",0 +The rest of the movie was just a series of twists and turns that were completely convoluted and too unbelievable to remain interesting.,0 +"The characterization was awful, the plot wholly unbeleivable, and if you haven't seen this, don't bother.",0 +"This is basically just a dumb chase story, nearly identical to zillions of other chase stories in terms of acting, suspense, plot, dialogue, characterization (or lack thereof), and pacing.",0 +"It's a mediocre, miserable, hollow, laughable and predictable piece of garbage.",0 +And of course there's too many instances where someone acts stupid or out of character at crucial times in order to progress the plot which makes THE NET a very mediocre movie,0 +It has failed.,0 +"]My summary means that the story, locations, cast is not very enjoyable...",0 +A porno has a better thought out plot that this pile of garbage.,0 +"As a movie, The Net is just an unimaginative, plain and totally routine Hitchockian cat-and-mouse thriller.",0 +"The dialogue is lifeless, many lines seem like political statements, subtle or entertaining is this pic not.",0 +and I think this detracts from the film.,0 +The movie was just bland.,0 +"I'm not sure that's a good move for a guy fresh out of the pen, but this script (co-written by Diane Fine) has very little to do with logic.",0 +"There is a decent plot twist towards the end, but so many scenes that don't make sense.",0 +The movie is quite predictable and there is really nothing new in it.,0 +I recommend to the voters to search for better movies and then vote.,0 +The leads are played by handsome men but don't let that distract you from the fact that this is a a film that leaves you feeling unfulfilled.,0 +"The movie is a total disappointment at the end, because there is no resolution.",0 +Apart from the attractive Irish man - this film was a dud.,0 +The entire film rings hollow.,0 +Nauseous London thirty-somethings mincing round lurid BBC sets spouting platitudinous mulch.,0 +I repeat: is the joke about trashing the actors' other highly respectable on-screen personae with this scurrilously trashy flick?,0 +"First of all, it's not funny.",0 +"More disappointingly, the movie is just clunky; it's as if Chaplin had no idea that movies had progressed in sophistication since the silent era.",0 +"The dictator's much-celebrated waltz with an inflatable globe is actually entirely heavyhanded, underwhelming and unfunny.",0 +"Chaplin, as the writer, director and lead actor must take the blame for what I judge as a dated and tiresome film.",0 +"' speech which Chaplin puts into her mouth is typical of the author - too wordy, too emotionally cloying.",0 +"This show is not in my opinion, good,Then again I have not enjoyed any cartoon from Disney Channel.",0 +"Also, some other points that don't make sense in this series.",0 +"It is filled with plot holes and the plot is confusing, in a BAD way.",0 +"The characters are off model, the animation is flat and boring, it's just a bad job all around.",0 +In summing up to me this movie was terrible.,0 +The acting is cheesy and laughable.,0 +"At first I thought it had the potential to be a great movie considering the cast of Neal McDonough, Nick Ferris, Gary Cole and Sean Astin for goodness sake, but it turned out to be a mockery of the sport.",0 +Jerk does bad.,0 +It's bad writing combined weven worse acting.,0 +This film is probably the worst movie I have watched in a very long time.,0 +Whoever was involved in the making of this atrocious movie should be made to formally apologize to anyone who had the misfortune of watching it.,0 +"Terrible acting, cheesy, totally unrealistic, embarrassing to anyone who has played the game.",0 +"Having such stupidity in a movie, without explanation, merely reduces the credibility of the movie to zero and negates the message and inspiration that the movie is trying to achieve.",0 +"The film itself is quite well directed however it is the poor script and over-all execution that lets it down, heavily.",0 +"It`s badly directed , badly acted , badly edited but it`s the script that jumps out and attacks you with its awfulness .",0 +The script makes zero sense.,0 +"This film is subpar, though it delivers enough escapist entertainment and gratuitous nudity to please its intended audience (me).",0 +"I say ""wants to"" because the script gets so increasingly laughable by the minute that it ends up looking like an absurdist ""Death Wish"" spoof!",0 +"It starts off with about half an hour of wacky hi-jinx, sex jokes, and juvenile shenanigans (including an olive in the martini joke that has to be seen not to be believed).",0 +"I gave this a ""2"" because a few sexual scenes at least give it MST3K potential.",0 +So our little epic is both dumb and dated.,0 +The costumes and special effects are quite pitiable and there's a truckload of cheap and gratuitous nudity.,0 +"If you tried to make a bad film, you could not make one worst that this one.",0 +If only he had been the designer of this dreck..,0 +"If there was a 0 to give this movie, it would've got it, but alas it's a 1.",0 +"This film is worse than Cat People, which I saw during the same week.",0 +"The most uninspiring performances by boring characters, not so special effects, dreary, un-original scenery and just generally extremely poor quality in all production aspects make this lemon the all time loser on my list.",0 +"Charlie Wilson, a patriot, hardly, more like a congressman gone amok.",0 +That is disgusting!,0 +But that wouldn't leave the audience feeling good.,0 +As usual the serious issues are covered into facade of bullshit dialogue.,0 +"The filmmakers neglected to connect the dots--that is, the sequence of events and choices that led from Charlie Wilson and the anti-Soviet mujaheddin to Al Qaeda and Osama Bin Laden and eventually to 911.",0 +"Julia Roberts does a bang-up job in her role, but basically women are really demeaned in this movie, and it was really annoying.",0 +"You can put hot fudge sauce on a pile of garbage, but it changes nothing.",0 +"In short, the movie is too bland, and the history is too old for our modern time.",0 +which pretty much just leaves crap.,0 +"However as the film progresses what is shown is just a futile attempt at creating something meaningful as Arcand shows us half a dozen oddball,whimsical characters whose lives are intertwined with each other.",0 +"It's a bad attempt to imitate ""FOur Weddings And A funeral"".",0 +His character must have parachuted into the village because there's little reason for him to exist in this script.,0 +"Some of the incidents were laid on so thick that they only merited a groan, some were so unbelievable even for this sort of plot that they made the story just not worth following.",0 +I don't see any remedial value in this show unless you have a perverse penchant for human tragedies.,0 +") I can't really recommend it as it's really trying to be too many things – gay tolerance, gay hustling, homelessness, WWII epic, priesthood, first love, flawed judges, etc, etc, etc – on a shoestring budget.",0 +"The dialog was hollow and uninteresting, the characters were almost cartoonish in their lack of dimension and complexity, and why did everyone need to be gay?",0 +This is truly one of the worst films I have ever seen.,0 +"It's a bad, bad movie.",0 +The score was embarrassingly absent from most of the film.,0 +"What we're given in this trying-to-be trendy film is a ""frat-pack"" of college friends, now approaching age 30 (which we all know, of course, their generation thinks of as the ""new 20"").",0 +"He stole each scene, but, again, there wasn't much to take.",0 +Synopsis Correction: The ending does not show Ben cruising online for guys.,0 +Unfortunately this is one of the worst movies I've seen in a long time.,0 +and some how they make this even worse than you could imagine.,0 +But this was a different type of crappy film.,0 +"I'd say that you'd actually have to see this, it's so bad...",0 +It's simply a big animated mess and it proves that the Astérix franchise is going from bad to worse.,0 +This was a waste of time.,0 +"Maybe it's because this is the first cartoon I watched after Laputa: Castle in the Sky, but it was quite disappointing.",0 +"Lousy gags, bad music, poor drawings and animation...",0 +"All in all, a total waste of time and money watching this, let alone at theaters, even at home.",0 +"As director though, De Vito's control is inconsistent as he wastes this clever idea, while his film lurches from the very humorous to the very bland.",0 +"His desire to kill the ""moma"" all of a sudden makes no sense at all.",0 +"When it came out, this must have been a real disappointment as it's also done on a bus ticket budget.",0 +Thats like having the porridge film without Godber or Mackay!,0 +I came away bitterly disappointed.,0 +"Either way, for someone who has sat through the first three series, this was just really boring.",0 +"710cruisweight championship open(which chavo Guerrero won): awful, no high flying at all, really quick and boring.",0 +but there is no STORY.,0 +"Speaking of kicking people, the fight scenes (the other putative reason to watch a film like this) are pretty poorly done.",0 +"Also the poor lighting, actors sporting accents making them hard to understand, the confusing camera-work and the sometimes poor sound doesn't help this obvious low budget effort out either any.",0 +"In this case add in a lead who can't act, a plot that makes little sense, editing by someone with no hands who has been blindfolded and the most god-awful fight scenes and you have 'TNT Jackson'.",0 +"), the few dialogs are poorly written and the acting performances are inferior.",0 +"In my opinion it is an inaccurate, poorly acted, weakly scripted, pretentiously directed piece of gumpf.",0 +utterly useless...,0 +"Mainly this comes down to a lack of empathy for Jip, but they are so desperate to sound philosophical that they just end up sounding like your average A-Level drama project.",0 +"The acting is poor, the factual accuracy of the drugs it discusses is lacking, and I feel no empathy whatsoever for the characters.",0 +The characters try to analyse their lifestyle but when their lifestyle is so shallow – their analysis becomes boring and repetitious.,0 +"They fall flat, bringing in more characters with very little added suspense value.",0 +Hitchcock fails miserably on this one.,0 +"Honestly, I can't tell how a movie this bad could've come from what is probably the most consistently good director I know of.",0 +Ironically I mostly find his films a total waste of time to watch.,0 +Mathau is hopelessly miscast as some kind of ladies' man; he just looks lecherously grotesque.,0 +"Subspecies could have been a half decent film if not for the fact that it's dull, I really can't remember that much about it, good or bad.",0 +"This movie is a real piece of garbage, but although it is a real piece of garbage, it is an better piece of garbage than it could have been.",0 +this sucks.,0 +"I had heard that it was supposed to be a great movie, but it turned out that it was a flop and a B-Movie.",0 +"The pacing is really slow, the plot feels far too familiar, the monster-effects are all but petrifying and the film opens and ends with tedious narrative ranting that somehow feels unrelated to the actual subject matter of the film.",0 +Moviemakers just wanted to scare us into thinking it may be a possibility that the kid could die.,0 +Mediocre at best.,0 +Spoilt his career by appearing in this trash though!,0 +These characters are supposedly innocents embarking out on their own in faltering steps to adulthood yet they all look way too old to be believable in the role.,0 +"To me this film is just a very very lame teen party movie with all the normal clichés and boring stereotyped characters (Nerds, Jocks, Popular girls, Sleezy guys, etc) but with an underlying anti drugdrinking theme.",0 +[b] The movie is weird for weird's sake and just doesn't make sense.,0 +It is just presented in a messed up way as an attempt to make it hard to understand and make the movie look intellectual.,0 +"Well, he received somehow some Dollars and ""completed"" the pilot and created this mess by just mixing everything together...",0 +It was strewn about the screen incoherently.,0 +I've finally seen the movie that takes my top spot as the worst ever.,0 +But beware of this over-hyped stinker unless your idea of a fun night is throwing away 2 12 hours of your life & $3.50 of your hard-earned cash.,0 +what a waste of time.,0 +The story decends into a quagmire of bizarre halucinations and pointless segues.,0 +but i'm sitting here thinking hell the f!,0 +Rating: 2 out of ten,0 +Things are getting so confused that I admit that I DID NOT UNDERSTAND THE END or was there an end to this nonesense.,0 +Oh boy !,0 +It doesn't have any meaning.,0 +"Some Twin Peaks characters are recycled into this film, but it wasn't eerie, it wasn't interesting (except for the topless Watts scenes) and the quirks were poorly executed.",0 +The editing is similarly disjointed.,0 +I dont know whether this squeak took away a lot of my enjoyment but this movie became a waste of time.,0 +I now know and still consider it to be a poor movie.,0 +The sepia-tone switches to color for the bulk of the production.,0 +He is totally inept.,0 +"I found it to be an acceptable timewaster, but certainly not anything that would convince you of Abbott and Costello as comic geniuses.",0 +"The jokes, if any, are quite stale.",0 +"The two ""leads"" were worse than a junior high stage review.",0 +A total waste of celluloid.,0 +"Anyone else will be disappointed, and they have many better films.",0 +This little cheapy is notable only because it is the worst film Abbott and Costello ever made.,0 +"The singing, the story, everything is dull and washed out--just like this public domain print.",0 +This was potentially the worst film I have ever had the misfortune to sit through.,0 +"1 hour and 40 minutes of talking--boring talking, and more talking and then some.",0 +I don't recommend watching this movie.,0 +"But as written and directed by Catherine Breillat who seems to be playing out her own conundrums in film-making experiences, this tedious and talky film fails to arouse interest.",0 +"There are a few funny points in the movie, but with the kind of things that happen in todays youth everyday its actually kind of lame.",0 +"I'd really have to rate ""Sex is Comedy"" as one of the worst pieces of dreck I have ever seen.",0 +I actually found the story developing quickly into a boring soap opera.,0 +Just lifeless!,0 +Adaptation aside the acting is pretty terrible.,0 +"Even though this film was nothing special as such, I am drawn to comment on at least one factor that ruled in its favour - that of the lead female performer in the film, Dyan Cannon.",0 +The film's script suffers in two different areas in that it's both completely silly and horribly dull and it will test a viewers patience if they choose to watch this.,0 +"""The Love Machine"" is unrelievedly dull.",0 +") These hints are therefore never developed and we never get to see what motivates Charles or what has caused his moral collapse, resulting in a hollow film with a hole at its centre.",0 +Because of all this the storyline really doesn't work out and the movie becomes an almost complete bore- and obsolete viewing experience.,0 +Clearly a waste of the time of a talented cast and director.,0 +"If its intention is to offer some sort of insight into Ireland's obsession with its past, it fails miserably.",0 +She had a bizarre manner of speaking and the lines she was given to read didn't make it any better.,0 +"If it had not been for Christopher Guest's hilarious role, I would have stopped watching this movie after 20 minutes.",0 +I must say I was disappointed with this film.,0 +Anyway the movie isn't any good.,0 +"Nothing works in this movie: the screenplay is laughable, with some of the most terrible lines I have ever heard.",0 +"Probably the 2nd worst movie I've ever seen, 110.",0 +"The whole thing has the look of a home movie, it has no style & is throughly bland & dull to look at.",0 +It turns out that The Matrix Revisited tells you hardly anything about the art of filmmaking or even how The Matrix was made.,0 +"The plot is nonsensical, the movie is not funny at all and the characters are completely shallow and uninteresting.",0 +"If you want to make a love story , make a love story but if you want to use a disaster movie title , do please be kind enough to show me THE DISASTER , pd after watching this movie watch JISHIN RETTO or any GODZILLA film to satisfy the part that was willing to see people screaming and buildings collapsing that did not get a chance to do in this movie.",0 +"Sadly, the final sequence is a rip-off of Armaggedon, edited with a cookie-cutter.",0 +"However, having spectacular computer generated graphics does not in itself make a movie palatable, as too much of a good thing just plain bores.",0 +"It is at least as nationalistic, humourless and lacking in self-awareness as that Hollywood film would be though, and probably has even worse acting.",0 +and the storyline is extremely bad.,0 +"It's boring, implausible, poorly shot, ridiculously scripted, and lacking in cool disaster effects.",0 +The sound was terrible and scratchy and the print looked very white and had lots of torn film and gaps.,0 +The ending is just as ridiculously mindless as the rest.,0 +"The main plot of an epic like this should at least be reasonably plausible, but not here.",0 +At least the action is mindless and non-stop with some daring Asian stuntmen risking their lives for what is essentially a poorly constructed movie by teens andor meth addicts with no concept of reality.,0 +"To neglect what Holmes is all about, the solving of complex crimes & mysteries is a big mistake as far as I'm concerned & the involvement of the Nazi's & the war as a backdrop to the story feels out of place, awkward & just didn't sit too well with me.",0 +"Unless you really like watching other peoples' amateur video, this ain't good.",0 +The film also takes detours into minor scenes that added nothing to the story and was actually distracting.,0 +None of that explains why this is such a bad film.,0 +"Princess Raccoon, an allegedly whimsical musical based on Japanese folklore, easily qualifies for one of the ten worst films that I have ever seen.",0 +I was so disappointed in this movie.,0 +"this movie is trash because, out of many reasons, it is based on Mark Furman's book, which is also trash.",0 +I can't believe it!,0 +"Well, if you did, let me warn you, it is bogus.",0 +"As such, it isn't enough to hold your attention.",0 +It just doesn't make any sense.,0 +"It's an intriguing idea, but not worth your time watching.",0 +"), but also awfully repetitious…so that, at even a brief 77 minutes, the whole pointless exercise feels strained and downright desperate.",0 +It only earns four stars because I can't actually say that it took any talent to make.,0 +Then the part near the end where the guy has skeleton hands ended up being the cherry on top of a bad movie.,0 +"For reasons that might involve cost, 90% of the film is voice-over, no one screams or shows extremely low signs of frightconfusion on why a bed would attack (I can think of one – and I never was one of those kids that jumped on the bed) and you'll have to suspend your disbelief beyond belief.",0 +"The story is wacky, the direction is slow and pretty awful, the sets are sparse, the acting it fairly painful and the brother is one of the unintentionally ugliest actors I've ever seen.",0 +"That's 59 months and $9,900 too much!",0 +"This movie fails horribly at everything, even at being bad.",0 +Theater.,0 +What a missed opportunity!,0 +"Adam Low, without apparent shame, puts his name to this fake tribute.",0 +"Therefore, I say: simplified and unsatisfactory.",0 +Acting is pretty shallow; the story line is no worse than some others; this movie leaves you feeling that you got shorted on a decent ending.,0 +This is a pretty pointless remake.,0 +It was amateur and extremely basic.,0 +The story itself is so boring and the effects hardly exists.,0 +I cannot believe I sat through this utter waste of time.,0 +everything about it was rubbish.,0 +"Bad special effects, alien ship, atmospheric disturbances, (hey, didn't the Director see ""Close Encounters""?",0 +"No thrill, no FX, bad acting, bad photography, bad sound, bad everything.",0 +"""thriller"" is a boring 14 minutes, including the extremely dated werewolf transformation, the mindless Vincent Price poem (just because VP recites it doesn't mean it's not lame), and the least threatening zombies I have ever seen.",0 +Unless it is playing late at night on the Disney channel it may be a very hard to find flick.,0 +"As a horror flick, this bites.",0 +"Its got penny-bought schlocky camera-work and similar actors, filled with genitalia about 34 of the whole time and with wretched lip-syncing and music like Nino Rota forced at gun-point to make something snappy in a bordello, and it's STILL a piece of celluloid dung all the same; all of this could be an immense guilty pleasure, but it isn't.",0 +"Bottom Line: Lame porno, but even weaker as a horror film.",0 +As soon as the sex goes fully pornographic it just loses it's edge; the suspension of disbelief is broken and we realize we are just watching people having sex.,0 +"D'Amato's hardcorehorror hybrid doesn't really live up to its extraordinary title and intriguing premise, wherein various vapid contemporary types are attacked by a monster on an Atoll previously used for nuclear experiments, but for the most part the film is so slow, the action so dreary and the cast so clearly repulsed to be having to have sex with each other that the film becomes a chore to watch.",0 +"This must have seemed like a good idea for an original porno - a zombie who likes to get it on, but unsurprisingly it doesn't work well at all.",0 +Whether for the better or the worse we can only speculate.,0 +"Fat Man and Little Boy was a movie that had good intentions in mind, but muddled them rather badly by the choice of actors, script, and cinematography.",0 +"Notwithstanding the screenplay's all-too-obvious agenda, it is STILL incredibly bland and sloppy.",0 +The factual errors and great liberties taken (with the chronology of events) in order to advance screenwriter Bruce Robinson's political agenda make this movie embarrassing to watch.,0 +"So I guess this horrible film has done a very small amount of good, after all.",0 +There are lots of other comments here about how poor this film is.,0 +"Maybe that stuff, or events that were similar, really happened, but it sure felt like various scenes were added solely for dramatic effect, which undermined the whole tone and purpose of the movie.",0 +I did a screen test and read the script for this turkey in 1988.,0 +There is no real story the film seems more like a fly on the wall drama-documentary than a proper film so this piece may in itself be a spoiler.,0 +"This would have been a much better documentary had the few remaining actors, directors, stunt men and collectors plus the non-Hollywood 'boomer's from the era been interviewed.",0 +Even though it's under an hour I was thoroughly bored 30 minutes in.,0 +"They took the most ludicrous story are from the series, topped it with an unlikely and artistically unfruitful new plot line, and laid the burden of carrying the whole mess on one of the weaker cast members.",0 +"I have seen plenty of poorly written movies (like COOL AS ICE and JASON GOES TO HELL: THE FINAL FRIDAY), but I have never seen (or heard) the dialogues this bad, only inundating with enough inanity to make your head spin from laughing in hysterics and screaming from the pain of enduring the torture of sitting through this movie.",0 +"gwen has some how found the Ability to act by watching actors like James dean or Clint eastward, please give the real people in the world that have to sit behind that box and have to suffer pop stars effort's in trying to act.",0 +"The only redeeming point of this show is JamesCaan, The other actors are lack-luster.",0 +They just can't help it.,0 +An assortment of pretty boys and strutting model types play out an assortment of paper thin stories while all the time trying to pretend they are serious business people.,0 +"I've seen every episode, and the characters have all remained the same self absorbed whinny little brats thought out, there's no character development in 5 years (getting pregnant is not development if your still the same daddies girl, only now Delinda whines to Danny because dad isn't around) Sam never changes or grows, which makes her boring, repetitive and just so annoying its sickening after season 3, Danny is a typical soft character that gets ordered about by everyone in his life, (he has no principals morals of his own) especially Mary and Delinda.",0 +"Only in Hollywood one can blatantly rip off other show's ideas then implement them as their own and call all this crap ""original"" and ""art"".",0 +Jesús Ponce ignores those 3 points and also makes some cheap jokes that are completely out of place.,0 +"There are some funny parts in this film, such as Albert and his dancing habits but this film overall, only beats the dreadful film Honey by a marginal amount.",0 +The blandness is just not good.,0 +Everything is flip-flopped.,0 +Am I taking all this too seriously?,0 +"Then again, the script was unbearably awful, and the dialogue was so cheesy.",0 +"But the irritatingly predictable, unoriginal and really quite dull storyline holds the film back.",0 +"The music in this short feels hopelessly tacked on and incredibly obnoxious, especially considering there are scenes in this short (namely the piano trap) that would have worked best with little or no music.",0 +"html, one of the actors in the film, Carina Lau, was forced to appear in this movie for free.",0 +"This movie, and I lose the term loosely is just THAT bad.",0 +"It's tasteless, the storyline is really lame, and the jokes are even worse.",0 +"Move over PLan 9 from Outer Space, you have a new contender for worst movie ever made.",0 +"However, the movie had one thing that doomed it to failure...",0 +"a few dull scriptwriters together for half an afternoon, and even then they run out of ideas.",0 +*12 from ****,0 +Don't waste your time with this though.,0 +"What we do get is a movie filled with completely lame jokes, lots of foul language, a lackluster script.",0 +"This is about as pretentious a movie as a shallow director like Joel Schumacher could make, I suppose.",0 +"The rest of the movie has the predictable relationship issues, plus the predictable ""GEE MAYBE IF WE KEEP KILLING EACH OTHER, ONE OF THESE DAYS ONE OF US WILL STAY DEAD""?",0 +How awful!,0 +I only gave it a 2 instead of a 1 because had they handled Baldwin's promiscuity better it would have been an interesting film.,0 +"The plot is totally illogical but super fake-ponderous and everything is art-directed within an inch of its life in the most clichéd, overheated way.",0 +"I left this film feeling it had no real substance or potential, and just a couple of scarey cheap thrills which weren't very well done at all.",0 +but still the movie made little sense at all.,0 +This story is so badly written the comment sounded more like an excuse.,0 +I'd rate it as a 0.,0 +"When I think about TV movies, I always think of this film, I have watched it a few times on Sky Movies, it was terrible.",0 +In fact i cannot even be bothered to go in to detail!,0 +What a pathetic film.,0 +This movie sucks.,0 +"The plot are bad, cliché and bad wrote.",0 +"Aside from that, however, this was pretty standard stuff.",0 +"Cartoon-like special effects, horrible acting and dialogue, and dry plot!",0 +"Genre: Cartoon short with no dialogue, African girl and lion.",0 +all the jokes flop and the acting is lousy.,0 +My eyes would be sad too if I appeared in this awful film.,0 +Virtual Sexuality proves that Britain can produce romantic comedies as vapid as those from America.,0 +"It sounds a lot worse than it is, I found it more watchable for the reason that Laura Fraser was starring in it more than the film content, indeed she looks stunning throughout especially when she dresses in a red lycra dress in order to impress Jake, WOW!",0 +How predictable can these kind of movies get?,0 +Oh what jolly japes don't ensue in a Britcom flop so Day-Glo bright yet so dismal it manages to make the execrable 1980s American teen flick Weird Science look almost decent.,0 +this was quite possibly the worst film i have seen in years.,0 +"It's only mildly amusing in parts, and excruciating in others.",0 +It's not as though the writers were too preoccupied with selling a plausible plot either.,0 +"The only reason my companion and I continued to watch such a mangled example of film was the disbelieving laughter it managed to arise out of us as cohesion, logic, class and even impotent storyline were disregarded within half an hour into the film.",0 +"I do not think this is worth five minutes of your time, much less a half hour.",0 +This show is a waste of money and a waste of your time.,0 +"Jokes from the movie are copied (Eezma's incredibly complicated plans, Kuszko breaking the 4th wall constantly, squirrels.",0 +"It just doesn't make much sense, especially as it delves further into a completely useless ending (yes, I know it's a reference to Harris' novel ""Red Dragon"".",0 +"When something tries to be snappy or witty and fails, that is far worse than when it hasn't attempted wit at all.",0 +"Clichéd, hackneyed, stilted dialogue and acting make it almost unwatchable.",0 +"This movie isn't really stupid, just boring and completely plotless.",0 +"The whole cult plot is still very stupid, as is Micheal fathering a kid My Producer's Cut Grade: C- My Theatrical Cut Grade: D-",0 +"Basically the plot is a heaped together mess containing cults, signs of Thor and some other crap.",0 +That's why we're saddled us with this miserable and inept piece of disposable celluloid.,0 +The movie hemorrhages credibility so profusely it doesn't have a drop left by the end.,0 +"It's simply a poorly done film, that also suffers from its imagine-less writing and non-compelling characters that are in it.",0 +"Poor plot, passable effects, with some good run of the mill slasher kills, but severely lacking in motivation.",0 +"Poor movie-making at it's worst, indeed.",0 +"""Curse of Michael Myers"" ups the ante in blood and gore, but really represents a decay in the series' integrity.",0 +The other characters are terribly under-written and just aren't likable.,0 +"The second half, in particular, makes little to no sense, as plot elements are introduced and dropped, seemingly at random.",0 +This movie is very bad.,0 +Basically it's nothing more than trash worth 5 million $.,0 +"Most of this film was okay, for a sequel of a sequel of a sequel...",0 +All it is is just pointless murders.,0 +"The result was a boring, predictable movie that was not scary and not bad enough to be funny.",0 +"The girl who played Kara (forgot her name) was ok, but overall this movie was basically a big letdown.",0 +What a mess.,0 +"Michael, who originally preferred strangulations and kitchen knives, learns to swing an axe and use whatever means necessary to off his victims, and the result is an awful, patchwork, dollar store film virtually unhelped by a few genuinely creepy sequences.",0 +"Further, the scenes that are supposed to be funny unfortunately do not work, and actually they are silly and not funny.",0 +"Tepid genre entry wherein Cagney's the whole show; he dominates the picture, but only because there's not much else of interest going on.",0 +It got worse.,0 +"It wasn't simply uninteresting, or uneventful-- It was horribly, painfully, and agonizingly BORING.",0 +"Romance-novel writing gets sluggish treatment, although I thought the performances by leads Harrison Ford and Kristen Scott-Thomas were fine.",0 +"Instead of that, though, you get a blank, meaningless ""thriller"" where the action drags and nothing happens.",0 +"The script is awful, and he is too smart to not see that.",0 +"Indeed, the subplots had nothing to do with the story at all.",0 +"This film was sappy, slow paced, boring, unoriginal, wooden and did I say boring?",0 +"Possibly, the writing direction were completely out of sync making the movie painful to sit through.",0 +What a disappointing movie.,0 +"I didn't care about the characters, the filming was unremarkable, and Ford made kissing look like a chore.",0 +This one is a waste of time and energy.,0 +This movie didn't make any sense and was excrutiating to sit through.,0 +"He tries to get the bad guys, but doesn't do a very good job.",0 +"The plot was believeable enough (although some of the characters' actions seemed very, very RANDOM), the script was fairly well written (in that the dialogue did not seem forced), but everything went way too slowly.",0 +"Don't even bother with a rental fee, unless you need a good nap.",0 +"Not only was the movie about 2 hours too long, but it was like two separate trite stories in one, but they weren't smoothly sewn together.",0 +"The only reason I'm giving this over-baked misfire a 2 rating is that someone was smart enough to cast the great John Heard (but in the wrong part, of course).",0 +"Add to that a lot of profanity by the drunker-abuser husband and a GD by a little kid, no less - and this movie turned me off as far as ever seeing it again.",0 +"It was laughable, but in an uncomfortable way because of the serious subjects that seemed to be used just to set up the plot.",0 +"This was a sub-par movie with a horrible hook, and I would like a written apology from the studio that produced this, along with some cookies to help repay me for the time I wasted on this crap fest that I can never get back.",0 +The plot confuses even itself and the conclusion left me wanting my 90 minutes back.,0 +"Through some really bad shots that show everything except the murders the cast is thinned out till only the final girl is left to find out Milo's dull,I mean dark secret.",0 +"In general the movie is boring, boring, boring.",0 +"What a disjointed plot we get, I didn't know about to much that was going on, as it seems to skim a lot stuff in favour for some supposedly shocking and disturbing sequences.",0 +Typical story of an evil kid going after people.,0 +This movie was so weak that it couldn't even come up with good cliches to rip off.,0 +If you are extremely bored and have no life watch this movie.,0 +The script is so full of holes; I can't see how the producers agreed to finance it.,0 +This movie was by far the worst movie I've ever had to endure.,0 +This has got to be the worst horror movie I have EVER seen.,0 +"the eerie music was well written but other than that, its a complete waste of time, and it REALLY disturbed me....",0 +"This movie sucked sooo bad, I couldn't even watch the ending.",0 +it just leaves you hanging with nothing to go on what-so-ever!,0 +This is easily one of the worst films I've seen in many years.,0 +"Sadly, this movie isn't all that it got my excited about.",0 +The acting is terrible and the flashback scenes are overwhelmingly confusing.,0 +Great performances by a fine cast cannot redeem this lightweight screenplay.,0 +After 3 episodes I'm tuning out.,0 +"The acting was poor, the screenplay was very inaccurate and the score was dreadful.",0 +Lazy movie made by a lazy director.,0 +Random shots of scenery just to include them really didn't add much.,0 +They don't even try to make it look realistic.,0 +The acting here is awful & maybe the worst of the series.,0 +The settings are not even attractive for the eye and do not serve for the movie's purpose.,0 +I cant believe John Badham let his name be associated with this piece of crap.,0 +It's not even entertaining enough to be a drinking game.,0 +The acting was unforgivable and the story was rancid.,0 +"Opting to make this a PG-13 film, for whatever reason, did not work in the films favor.",0 +"The plot is inane, the special effects awful, the sound track the most benawl, infernal tootling I have ever heard.",0 +but the film comes of just plain silly and a near-waste of time...,0 +"It's long, it's boring, no body cares.",0 +"Due to the PG13 rating, we don't even get any entertaining puppet murders.",0 +"Nobody even got kill but one or two,very pointless.",0 +"No build up of strong plot, very weak climax, you will find yourself slowly getting antsy throughout the movie, if you can sit through the whole reel.",0 +"As a kid, I never understood WHY anyone would watch this very crappy show.",0 +"The characters were a bit goofy too, and then there was the horrible scenes where virtually no action was taking place that was probably used to cut down on animation costs and to pad the show.",0 +Just flat disgusting.,0 +"That's not wit or even ironic humor, it's totally boring and lifeless.",0 +Lois should have been named Lois Lame because she is sort of one-dimensional.,0 +"No surprise, it was exactly like the old crap.",0 +Everything about this show is terrible.,0 +After watching the new episodes that aired for the past few weeks; I grew fed up with the show relying too much on random humor to be funny.,0 +the complete lack of originality combined with the even somehow lamer spin off it has spawned (see: American Dad) makes me question the intelliegence of an audience that continues to keep this horrid show on TV.,0 +"The writing is beyond lazy, and panders to its viewers, mostly in their 20s and 30s.",0 +"Family Guy is easily one of the worst shows I've ever forced myself to watch (Not at THE bottom, though - I've seen The Jersey Shore).",0 +"I find the whole show to be lazy: the title, the ""jokes"", there is a complete lack of inspiration throughout.",0 +This show's nothing more than the worst slapstick.,0 +Terrible Plots: The plots and story lines are just utter trash.,0 +The show often has flashbacks to things that have nothing to do with the plot and are mostly just absurd and pointless.,0 +"I just don't understand how something that started out so funny, so different from everything else, can devolve into this horrible mess of a ""comedy"" show.",0 +"The screen-play is very bad, but there are some action sequences that i really liked.",0 +"The crappy scenario: are you kidding me, this is not even believable not to mention it's high degree of stupidity 2.",0 +This film is a tremendous waste of the actors talent.,0 +"The characters were shallow, the dialog stilted, the acting bad, and yes that includes Seymour.",0 +This is so blatantly a made-for-TV ripoff of Black Widow (1987) - even the insect titles are so similar.,0 +A movie with such a lackluster and derivative script really should have gone for something edgier.,0 +Just playing his usual role as a boring rebellious child.,0 +"It's like a deliberate attempt to make a film entirely from outtakes - the bits that would usually be reserved for the deleted scenes section of a DVD, if they were shown to the public at all.",0 +Big disappointment and waste of time !,0 +"The subtitles were white, so about a third of the time they were unreadable.",0 +This could easily be the worst movie I have ever seen--in 50 years!,0 +Very little going in its favor.,0 +"The whole movie is just way out there, even for Segal fans, because it simply does not deliver on any level.",0 +But it doesn't make for good action.,0 +"Just plain silly, unless under Native belief the power in the drug somehow depends on one's having gone out and gathered the flowers oneself.",0 +"This is a known fact, Mr. Seagal cannot smile, he can act, he can kick butt, there are faint smiles, no real smiles no laughing out loud and no real point of watching this confusing movie.",0 +I am sure that Seagal tried to say something in this film except the usual I-am-a-cook (but-also-an-ex-seal) but his recipe was confusing and the taste was awful.,0 +"Even the ""action"" in this one sucks.",0 +This movie simply had no substance.,0 +"I'm a fan of his and come to expect cool fight scenes and sharp one liners but this film had none of this, instead it had injections and cheesy music.",0 +It is apparent that his fans are very displeased with this drama that lacks an over abundance of martial arts and brute force.,0 +This film is without a doubt the worst action film I have ever seen.,0 +"It is filled with boring dialogue, and illogical gaps between events, and stupid actors.",0 +"Apart from some quite stunning scenery, this Steven Seagal vehicle is devoid of reasons to spend any time watching it.",0 +"Wow, I haven't seen a movie this bad since ""Fire Down Below"".",0 +The final scene is just crescendo of stupidity.,0 +It is so sublimely bad -- they couldn't have made it any worse if they tried.,0 +"No, it´s instead a low budget movie with a ridiculous story.",0 +This movie was probably one of the worst action films I have ever seen.,0 +"This doesn't make a story, not even close.",0 +The scenario was full of holes and the characters were not realistic (maybe because of the very bad actors) and the 4.25 bucks you spend by renting The Patriot are called Lost Money!,0 +To date this has to be his worse movie...,0 +Although the action was mediocre at best it gave us our first taste of kung fu and our first taste of bad dubbing as well as bad film making or more precisely the way Chinese people were making films at the time .,0 +"However, if it ever had any kind of excitement or even halfway interesting plot, it doesn't seem to have aged very well.",0 +The characters are not the bland beautiful people that show up in so many movies and on TV.,0 +"Apparently, this was Republic Pictures' attempt to do for their ""Daniel Boone, Trail Blazer"" what Disney Studio's had successfully done with ""Davy Crockett, King of the Wild Frontier"" (1955).",0 +"Boone (an aging Bruce Bennett) has to try and prove to the local Indian chief (Lon Chaney, Jr., appearing to be drunk, as usual) that his son was killed by the tribe's leading jerk who has also been dealing in rifle-trafficking when nobody's looking.",0 +"The problem is that the film is not even remotely interesting, which makes its two hour running time unforgivable.",0 +I saw it as an almost complete failure for so many reasons.,0 +"This self-indulgent piece of tripe seems to have been made just because the director felt it was time to make another movie, and someone would finance it.",0 +The film does not hold together well and the ending is very artificial and unbelievable.,0 +"I didn't expect too much from this movie, but I was still disappointed.",0 +No wonder the film flopped at the German box office as it's historically untruthful to the real situation in those training camps and led by an actor who is unfortunately incapable of giving a nuanced performance.,0 +"I would not recommend this movie to anybody, it was basically boring and very cheap made.",0 +"The movie NVA would be an ""OK"" comedy, because the jokes in it are overall OK.",0 +The story was serviceable enough.,0 +"It starts off with a little bit of promise, giving you the impression that the box cover artist may have actually started watching this film before designing the cover, but then descends quickly into epic stupidity.",0 +"Save yourself some time, I'm telling you this movie sucks.",0 +The acting was juvenile and the story completely idiotic.,0 +Assisting in the amateur night 'horror' effort is a number of less than capable technicians who contribute poor cinematography and laughable make-up and special effects.,0 +The acting is very amateur.,0 +"The acting in this movie is awful, I don't know what the director was thinking when he was casting actors and actresses.",0 +"there is a lesbian scene, which makes no sense at-all.",0 +"To start off, the movie was horrible.",0 +I couldn't even watch it all it was so bad.,0 +Enjoy this complete and utter disgrace to films.,0 +"Okay, I'm sorry to the cast and crew for this review, but this movie is by far the worst I've seen yet...",0 +What I got instead was the worst film ever made.,0 +"But awful effects , cheap gore and plot holes slow this movie down.",0 +"It looks like the rest was shot in video, with crappy ""porn style actors"", the set design was a lawyers office with practically nothing on the bookshelves or anything in the office at all.",0 +This film contains pretty much some of the worst acting and dialog I've ever seen.,0 +"Well, it did not work at all to create a scary villain.",0 +"Some of the best movies I've seen have been these low budget, independent horror movies, but this one is just pathetic.",0 +Like many other reviewers i came across what can only be described as a piece of poopy in a gold wrapper.,0 +"It is just horrible on every level, with a cliché ridden script that manages to be both incredibly stupid and incredibly boring at the same time, a cast of no name over actors, and some of the worst special effects I have ever seen.",0 +The special effects are pretty lame and the the horrible dialog is full of unfunny one-liners and the banter so ridiculous the sound may better be turned off.,0 +There isn't one person in this who has the slightest skill at acting and the lead is the absolute worst.,0 +"I couldn't make it thru the entire movie, as I started getting dizzy the from horrendous filming techniques.",0 +"But maybe it's just cause the ""story"" of this ""movie"" have no value.",0 +"Unfortunately the poor effects, wooden acting and unoriginal story makes this a very mediocre horror slasher at best.",0 +My score a watchable 4.,0 +"This was by no means the worst movie I've seen, or even the worst exploitation movie I've seen, or even the worst badly made exploitation movie I've seen, but it just lies there, oozing cheapness and inattention to detail at every point, and there is no real reason for even bad movie enthusiasts to watch it.",0 +"Awful acting, All over the place plot, terrible special effects.",0 +"There is a lot of double-dealing throughout this and people are killed, but I'm not going to lie to you anymore : MISSION ACCOMPLISHED.",0 +"As for Ms. Carrol, she STILL looks like a stripper and the rest of the cast limp through this silly flick.",0 +The fact that Stephanie Beaton stars as the stripper is the only reason to watch this film.,0 +"At least a bit o' the ol' in-out might have redeemed this boring garbage to some degree, but without it, we get a bunch of poorly shot scenes of complete boredom with zero payoff.",0 +"The picture quality is good, but the soundtrack sucks, constantly skipping fragments of dialog.",0 +I have to say I found it mildly entertaining in its archaic B-grade hokiness but it really is shoddy and pathetic.,0 +My question is what was the worst element of this movie?,0 +"Upon release, Woodbury decides to give the male mobsters a run for their money… Re-titled ""Gangs, Inc."", this is an obviously weak, cheap mobster melodrama.",0 +What a waste of my time!,0 +This movie really sucks.,0 +"Overall, this is a goofy and rather dumb movie that suffers from ""kitchen sink syndrome""--in other words, there is way too many plot elements and weird twists to make the movie the least bit believable.",0 +"poorly filmed, poorly acted and there is nothing...",0 +This movie is a dishonest cheat and in the last 20 minutes becomes a full-blown fiasco.,0 +A very big disappointment.,0 +So why did they all get attracted to this mess...,0 +I just got done reading this worthless piece of trash and when I finished it I threw it across the room!,0 +The casting is absolutely awful!,0 +"Of course, the viewer feels no empathy with anyone in this film, so all this disastrous gloom bounces off like harmless zeta rays.",0 +"Marv is such a pathetic dope(and pretty brainless, for a supposedly smart guy.",0 +"Skip it, unless you get to watch it on MST.",0 +"The highlight of the film is the heist sequence at the end but even that is so weakly executed, any excitement it might have added to the film is completely missing.",0 +The long sequences of just showing the hero's face while he delivers a monologue drag the film down quite a bit.,0 +Over all it's a bad movie and not worth viewing for many reasons.,0 +"Their slapstick always seemed angry rather than funny, and even though it was obviously fake, their antics always seemed more likely to cause hurt rather than to cause laughter.",0 +"Overall, a dull retread.",0 +"Indeed, there is a single slightly amusing scene in the film, the ""don't-hit-a-lady"" scene, which is barely amusing at all and is 15 minutes into the film.",0 +The film wastes the opportunity of sensitizing the society of the plight of low-caste women in the Indian society and ends up as a stereotype portraying Phoolan Devi as an angry woman whose sole motivation is revenge.,0 +Far to much happens to cram into a couple of hours.,0 +"However, due to an ending which not only cops out emotionally, tacking on an unnecessary happy-ish ending without real emotional credibility but also within the context of the film makes absolutely no sense whatsoever for you clearly see one of the character take an action which should end her life but inexplicably doesn't.",0 +Here the characters are so uninteresting and two-dimensional that I didn't really think there was much to care about.,0 +It was poorly acted and much too slow.,0 +"What is even worse,Bellucci is not really the star of this movie but this other girl Bohringer is.",0 +The opening scenes of wanton vandalism are not only pointless but baffling as well - it's never explained why the film opens with a tracking shot of people trashing each other's houses - and nothing improves from there.,0 +"The song nearing the end of the movie, by the Spinners' G.C. Cameron, was not all that impressive.",0 +"It's a Sci-Fi Network movie, so the script is paint by numbers disaster movie.",0 +The attempts at comic relief are painfully unfunny.,0 +And the acting was pretty bad as well.,0 +Usual awful movie...,0 +"This movie's script is indistinguishable from others, most notably The Core, another bad movie.",0 +As a geologist this movie gets most of the important facts wrong and uses actors that are too young to even be considered in the top of their fields.,0 +This movie was so awful i don't even know where to begin...,0 +The plot is weak the acting is bad and the science is worse.,0 +Production values: almost passable.,0 +Technical dialog doesn't really help or speed this movie along.,0 +"All in all, I rate ""Descent' just below average.",0 +"Bad points; the writers try to do good science but it falls down in direction and production (eg, a rock drilling mole using superheated rock drilling equipment breaks surface underwater with nary a bubble or boiling cauldron to be seen), the characters are cliché's and the plot unfolding is pretty stock standard.",0 +he just lands horrible roles.,0 +"This is a total rip off of ""The Core"" and much, much worse as regards special effects, I could do better with a box of cornflakes and a roll of tinfoil, I mean come on!",0 +"Not scary, not cool, not even very dark, just weak.",0 +"Until then, this is a poorly constructed and fairly tedious mess of a movie...",0 +"I'm assuming that a good hunk of the budget went into Stan Winston's robo-Carl suit design, because that actually looks pretty cool, but the rest of the movie suffers from a cheap, made-for-TV kind of look.",0 +"The acting is of the really bad, stilted, 'I'm not sure what the character's emotions or thoughts are that this point so I'll take a punt and spurt out my dialogue in a random tone of voice whilst trying not look at the camera' school of acting.",0 +"Not to mention that the movie itself was just plain awful, I would have expected better from Sam Neill.",0 +"Too bad that the producerdirector used the flashbacks this way, but on the other had the movie would not have been worth while at all.",0 +"In conclusion, if you consider yourself a decent human being, ignore this travesty of a film, read the book, but otherwise skip this dire film on an interesting character from American history.",0 +I would give this snorefest a 2 at the most,0 +"I appear to be in the minority, but I thought ""Radio"" was pretty awful.",0 +"as true stories go, this is not that interesting.",0 +"This early 1990's show-the-babes-in-bikinis-fest has very little to redeem it, other than showing beautiful women nearly naked.",0 +It isn't very good.,0 +"Knowing that their paper thin plot was barely enough to sustain a feature length movie, the filmmakers subject us to scene after scene of endless beach parties featuring tons of extras gyrating their half naked bodies in the scorching sun.",0 +"Yes, it was an awful movie, but there was a song near the beginning of the movie, I think, called ""I got a Woody"" or something to that effect.",0 +"This is not erotic, except the shower scene, and not funny enough to make up for the rotten plot.",0 +"This has to be one of the, if not the worst movies I have ever seen.",0 +If there was ever any doubt i think this turd of a movie clearly displays Madonna's absolute lack of acting talent and made me feel highly embarrassed on her behalf.,0 +"It rated maybe a ""5"" back then, but it's fallen to ""barely making a 2"" over the years.",0 +"Madonna is apparently past the point of feeling embarrassed by her virtually complete lack of talent as an actress, but you can't help feeling embarrassed for her anyway.",0 +This crap is an insult to movies and intellect.,0 +"Griffin Dunne seems defeated playing Maddy's keeper, while the poor-choice supporting cast struggles to get laughs with lousy dialogue.",0 +"The laughs are few and far between in this dull movie, and I can't help but wonder about how this mess ever got made in the first place.",0 +The jokes were corny and the dialogue was worse than a t.v. soap opera!,0 +but I didn't like this film.,0 +"Although this movie is inaccurate overall, there are some items that may be true.",0 +"I had trouble watching the whole thing, it was just boring and lacked any soul or GI Joe spirit.",0 +"Another thing is the flying tank, ok it flies out of the cobra base and bounces off the copter and they are both ok?",0 +"There's a large number of overly weird and senseless sequences, the sex footage is dire and filmed without passion, the nasty make-up effects look cheap and randomly thrown without actual purpose.",0 +) are about the only stand-out points in a film that is otherwise slow and aimless.,0 +It seemed a pointless exercise and I was quickly so tired of the main character's insufferable personality that I was longing for the movie to end.,0 +"The ""Awesome"" in-game camera shots are LITERALLY taken from Tiger Woods PGA Tour Golf on the Playstation, the story plods like a sulking school boy, the multi-stranded character and plot development cripples an already weak setup, and the grand finale is plain boring.",0 +"Lots of great fight choreography but the plot is strictly by the numbers, and the acting is as wooden as the dialogue.",0 +A lot of plot twists happen that just don't make any sense; don't worry about them.,0 +The film is poorly done because the creative powers that be don't understand the script.,0 +"It's not Shakespeare, it's poor interpretation.",0 +"So instead, we are only left with lovely detailed sets, fragments of the rich language with poor reinterpretation, poor casting, one intense courtroom scene, and a controversy.",0 +"The whole thing was soporific, even the ""comic"" scenes were barely even worth a smile, let a lone a belly laugh.",0 +The big problem however that over-rides everything in this film is just a lack of emotional focus.,0 +"Once the phrase ""pound of flesh"" had been uttered 10 minutes into the film, the main parts of the plot were transparent, which grinds along with a languid script and lifeless acting.",0 +(I think it doesn't.,0 +"), a young boy who controls a Giant Robot, and his fight against the evil Gargoyle Gang, who seem to have an endless supply of horrid giant monsters at their disposal.",0 +"it is cheesy, campy, very corny, i try to laugh from some of the jokes, but not only is the effect very minimal but the jokes are very recycled and not funny.",0 +I was greatly disappointed.,0 +Jacki Chan's role in this film doesn't make any sense at all.,0 +"I could digress on why this movie sucks - I could dissect it, hack it to tiny, shivering pieces.",0 +"However, the film is cheaply scripted--poorly scripted--and although it has a number of very pretty-looking shots, I didn't find it to be anything special.",0 +The performances as good as they are can do little to rescue the movie from being a rather dull affair.,0 +I found this film to be extremely homophobic...,0 +"Yes, the movie is funny in parts, but the basic premise is to homophobic and insulting that the entire movie crumbles into something that is quite painful to sit through.",0 +"Hard to believe that Frank Oz, the same guy that gave us laugh riots like Little Shop of Horrors and Bowfinger, made this unfunny mess.",0 +That was a poor way to diffuse the whole situation.,0 +"It manages to be insulting to homosexuals, heterosexuals, women, the obese, and probably several other groups as well.",0 +") In the end, what really turned me off about this movie was the ridiculous ending, starting with the graduation ceremony (and, to be honest, even if someone decided that the graduation was really necessary, the movie should have ended there, rather than proceeding on with the totally unnecessary nuptials at the end.",0 +"i believe that this movie was a terrible waste of my time, and i would know after watching it 5 times in class.",0 +I was very disappointed.,0 +"Except for the mildly amusing ducks, this exercise in minimalism left me cold.",0 +Is it an experiment or just an insult to the audience intelligence?,0 +Depardieu is wasted in a trivial role he obviously is not comfortable with playing.,0 +Thecharacters are just as stupid as they look like.,0 +They've clearly shown they have no sense of character.,0 +Bogosian overacts throughout in one of the most irritating performances ever smeared onto celluloid.,0 +"However, ""Talk Radio"" fails to make a serious comment and remains a frustrating, pointless film.",0 +"I know many will argue that it's not that important in a kung fu beat-em-up, and as a fan of the genera I can't say that it's all that unusual, but that doesn't stop it from being completely tasteless every time I see it.",0 +"Maybe the original idea was good, but between a bad script and bad acting the movie became boring and empty.",0 +"First of all, the trailer and summery are misleading to the point of lies.",0 +Cobb unwittingly is recruited to run for mayor of his corrupt home town when the existing political machine that controls the town realizes that he would make a perfect patsy to run against the current mayor who also is the head of the town's underworld.,0 +Compounding this problem of character choice is Lloyd's perception as an insincere glad hander.,0 +Everything else is a dull bore.,0 +And this movie is painfully bad.,0 +"But, as attractive as she is to my eyes, my soul screamed at me to turn it off because she played another cheap, predictable role, and done it very badly.",0 +"One the other hand, it's incredibly frustrating that ""Favela Rising"" turns out to be such a missed opportunity for enlightening Non-Brazilian audiences on the issue, because first-time directors Jeff Zimbalist and Matt Mochary (who are from the U.S. and, understandably, neophytes on the matter) turn the biography of AfroReggae group leader Anderson Sá into a glamorous canonization in this superficial, one-sided, under-researched and misleading documentary.",0 +"Besides that, the time-space continuum in the film is all off, and I'm not necessarily against that in films as a tool, but here it serves only to confuse the viewer into wondering what was said when; thus leading me to the question: is this a documentary or a docudrama?",0 +"Full of stereotypes, German and Japanese.",0 +"Overall though, it's a pretty generic effort and both Leo Gorcey and Huntz Hall would have better moments, the best of which tend to come here when they ad-lib.",0 +"was made during what the script accurately describes as ""open season on Japs"" - for this and other reasons, it hasn't aged well.",0 +The sound is disconcertingly out of sync with the image.,0 +"The sets are cheesy, the lighting for most of the movie consists of a single maglite (yes, a big honkin' flashlight), the sound quality is poor, theres only about 40 words of dialogue for the entire movie and the acting is generously described as wooden.",0 +"A montage prologue, quite obviously manufactured by the blessed maniacs who actually chose to distribute this thing, tries to convince us that the comic impact of this staggeringly incompetent bit of nothing is entirely deliberate.",0 +This is by far the worst movie ever made.,0 +but it definitely IS a waste of time.,0 +"All I know is that this movie is very campy, bad and entertaining.",0 +"The actors are way overacting, the special effects are ridiculous and there is not any plot that makes any sense.",0 +and boy is the collision deafening.,0 +")From this point on, throughout the film, whenever our heroine spots one of the aforementioned officers she is subjected to some overwhelmingly awful cinematic scenes of flashing lights, smoke effects and the sword that the ninja bequeathed unto her levitating towards her in a most wobbly manner!",0 +"I find this morally reprehensible, and needless to say, after viewing this nonsense, I not only stopped golfing and talking on the telephone, but also decided to stop feeding the homeless.",0 +"Wow, this movie is bad.",0 +"As if the film wasn't already weak enough, the filmmakers turn parts of it into an idiotic ""The Exorcist"" rip-off.",0 +Another ninja enters the fray and apparently the only way you kill a ninja is with another ninja so he volunteers.,0 +"Needles to say Robert Parish is nothing like that, so he delivered boring and silly movie, that looked and felt like a matinée TV series of those days.",0 +"It's just tedious scenes of switches being pressed, banal dialog, etc.",0 +"This is a very dull film with poorly developed characters, subplots that go nowhere, and barely tolerable acting.",0 +This is a really really bad movie.,0 +This editing flaw tarnishes any sort of realism in the entire film.,0 +"The setting for the film is the week before Christmas, capstone of summer in the Antipodes, a dramatic background, but the links within the story are not smoothly compounded, resulting in the presentation of events that are rather difficult for a viewer to follow, a problem heightened by erratic editing, the mentioned heavy cutting, and poor sound and picture quality.",0 +It doesn't work.,0 +***SPOILER ALERT*** Disjointed and confusing arson drama that has to do with a sinister plan to burn down a major vacation resort before New Years Day.,0 +This flick is worse than awful!,0 +In fact this one is just boring.,0 +It takes a fair plot and turns into the worst film I have scene in a long time.,0 +"It begins very badly, as if made to annoy the viewer.",0 +"Some reviewers have been gulled into assuming that because perversion is depicted, the film is psychologically deep; actually, considering the salacious material, it is surprisingly tedious and shallow, with no motivational substance.",0 +"Other than these attributes, I could not find any redeeming value in it.",0 +"So, for me, I feel that this film ends up being quite a programmatical film, worried with very outdated psicoanalitical theories (isn't it nearly embarrassing?",0 +"The plot, however, has little to recommend.",0 +"Enormous holes in the screenplay such as the never explained ""your father died today"" comment by the mother made it even harder to try to make sense of these characters.",0 +"About one quarter of the way into it I found myself saying out loud, ""This movie is boring"".",0 +"The film is, in essence, disgusting.",0 +"Basically, the movie fails at the script level.",0 +Not only did not it change the movie story also this blending caused some ridiculous series of events.,0 +It didn't have much of a plot and what they did have was not that appealing.,0 +i did and wasted my $10 on the ticket !,0 +"Horrible acting, horrible direction, horrible cinematography.",0 +this movie was really bad.,0 +I think a lot of it was just really stupid and had no plot for being a movie.,0 +"But watching a home production with somebody elses friends and family, with a decent camera and a sound guy, just isn't good film-making.",0 +For £1.99 I'm very satisified - although I hope Bam stays to the improvised and short skits from now on.,0 +"Once this happens, the story really falls flat and becomes tedious.",0 +I couldn't stand to watch very much of this crap.,0 +"Simply put, some things are just not funny or appropriate, and they never will be.",0 +"The biggest reason was that I just didn't find the movie very interesting or funny--so, it didn't hold my interest.",0 +"Her vapid character lacks any trace of personality or self-esteem, spending her entire vacation crushing on a cute boy that she thinks is the greatest guy in then world (basically because he's a cute boy), yet she can't be honest with him for two seconds.",0 +"The little girl in the film, her acting is so bad it's almost laughable.",0 +"The plot was boring, and the ending was nonsensical and confusing.",0 +Throughout this movie I found myself asking myself ' why am I watching this cheeze?,0 +"Child´s Play made a new genre of horror,THE KILLER DOLLS,Some of this films has not got too much money for make it but I think that the only film that make shadow to Chucky is this.",0 +The acting was wooden at least on Pinocchio's part.,0 +I was really disappointed after viewing Pinocchio's Revenge the other night.,0 +apart from that the whole movie is awful...,0 +"Stinky like a shoe, and awful!",0 +"The story, written by Kevin S. Tenney, is just pointless and evokes NO horror or fear.",0 +"The film is pure drivel, the acting cardboard, the dialogue ridiculous & the ending just flat!",0 +"The English vocabulary is basically limited to ""fuck you, bastard"" and the acting is worse than anyone can imagine.",0 +"The acting is terrible,the script just stupid,the production of the lowest standards possible and in general this was a great waste of time and money.",0 +"The script is all over the place, the dialog is wooden, the ""action"" is laughable and the plot could be summed up on a dirty cocktail napkin.",0 +"Well, it wasn't a complete waste.",0 +A complete waste of time and without a doubt one of the worst adaptation's to bear the name of Agatha Christie.,0 +The plot was really weak and confused.,0 +This was a bad movie.,0 +Minutes go by while she compliantly puts up with his frowning silence.,0 +"And I'm not saying she's bad, but all of her movies fail in some way).",0 +A total wasted effort.,0 +This movie is terrible and the slow moving love scenes of Adrian B. and her husband are boring and made me just fast forward the movie.,0 +"Beyond that, this film is made by some HinduIndian guy with some background in porn films or such .",0 +"Even the hot sex scenes between Dr. Kelly and Lisa didn't save the movie since there were far too few,only two, of them and and sexy Adrienne Barbeau was a bit too underexposed, with not enough light and too much clothes on, in all of them.",0 +"At first I was positive this was supposed to be a comedy or satire of some kind, but as the endless minutes drone on and on, I realized that it wasn't and the film was just grossly incompetent in every way, shape, and form.",0 +I do not recommend this movie unless you are prepared for the biggest waste of money and time of your life.,0 +"Sadly, joking aside, it's just not a very well made film with poor acting and crude effects, the climatic scene is particularly silly.",0 +The plot is a clunky melding of 'E.R.' and 'The X-Files'; as cynically aimed at the TV audience as is possible to get without being sued.,0 +"The story didn't make sense, the plot was very weak and the special effects..",0 +Interesting twist on an hackneyed story.,0 +"The aliens are boring, the uniformly dull lighting saps your interest, and the plot is absolutely predictable.",0 +"Poorly scripted and acted - the concept was not new, the effects poor and not a showcase for Arnold Vosloo who really is a half decent actor.",0 +"The acting is wooden, shockingly so even for a low-budget B feature.",0 +"First of all this is one of the worst soft-core straight to cable ""erotic thriller"" I've ever seen in my life.",0 +"Other than that, lukewarm derivative espionage exploitation.",0 +"The ""espionage"" factor is unimpressive for the most part and primarily consists of Sheen faffing about in various ridiculous disguises whilst trying to blend into the background, quickly becoming not only boring but laughable.",0 +"Aside from some decent acting and production values, because the script is utter cow crap, I don't recommend anyone watch it.",0 +This was a low rent version of Fast Times and even then it didn't do much for me.,0 +ghost writer!,0 +"Well the film starts good, but after half an hour it becomes boring and stupid, when all the plot is about Karen's( that was the name of the girl right?",0 +An absolute piece of garbage with utterly no redeeming qualities.,0 +"Having seen just about every movie on record that a child of the eighties could have seen, this ranks at the very, very, very bottom of the heap of bad movies I have ever seen.",0 +The monologues are both uninteresting and pointless In the rare monologue that captures the audience's attention it is quickly lost through overly long repetition and unnecessary additions (The Hells Angels at McDonalds comes to mind) I guess Bogosian's one man show needed some filler material to give a length that he thought justified the price of admission.,0 +"I can imagine why he'd want to die, after starring in this rubbish.",0 +"It's just a movie that attempts to be shockingly sleazy, but doesn't even come close.",0 +This movie was absolute trash.,0 +And editing that looked like someone watched too many Ulli Lommel movies (which are some of the worst edited movies.,0 +and very dull.,0 +"I know, a three out of ten isn't stellar, but there are reviews saying it was shot poorly and completely useless, etc.",0 +"); the script is bad and pretentious (a really bad Tarantino); the cast is covered in TV stars, models and reality show stars that don't no nothing about acting.",0 +It's boring and sad to see them appearing and vanishing like cards being discarded in a game.,0 +"And if they're going to improv, it should be at least decent, but it wasn't, and you could tell by the two actors screwing up lines and saying stuff that didn't even make sense.",0 +Unfortunately that is the only fun part of the whole film.,0 +"Of course there was one line that does deserve mentioning, a line I am looking forward to using myself someday (when i just feel the need to get my face smacked) ""This hog isn't going to smoke itself"" This movie is bad, so bad.",0 +The story (this is a joke within itself) and the dialogue are atrocious.,0 +The ending of the movie looks like they just ran out of money.,0 +"No wonder this movie sucked - everyone involved must have some minor problems with their masculinity, eh boys?",0 +"Oh, wait, I forgot terrible, terrible writing as well.",0 +The rest of the cast is simply silly with the casting of Dan Cortese as an FBI agent the cherry on the top of this piece of crap.,0 +"the dialog is not to my taste, and quite unintentionally funny at times.",0 +) But the worst sin of all is that the movie is basically a bore.,0 +"As has been mentioned by other reviewers, the action scenes--which is the reason a picture like this gets made in the first place--are almost completely illogical and unrealistic, in addition to being somewhat inept.",0 +The acting seems very unrealistic and is generally poor.,0 +"Per the illogic of these sorts of films, she gets permission to hold the party at a house which used to be a crematorium, a dubious place long shut down and locked up.",0 +In any case it suffers from storywriting which is mediocre at best.,0 +But this really doesn't stand up to repeated viewing or close analysis.,0 +"The entire movie was ridiculous, no suspense, worse actors except Alvin Alexis in the role of Rodger, and horrible make-up effects.",0 +"Then again, when a movie begins with FOUR false scares in its first 5 minutes, you know not to expect anything resembling good filmmaking.",0 +"Every second of it was just maddening, excruciating pain for the audience, because the whole movie all-around was horrible!",0 +The story is badly disjointed - though this could be because of the modern-day edit - and the humor itself is not at all inventive.,0 +"Unfortunately, the photography in this cheapo movie is so dark that the effect is wasted.",0 +The slim 87 minute running time is heavily padded with inconsequential friends and a pointless cheating boyfriend.,0 +Skip this godawful film and save your movie for something else.,0 +"Hard to tell, or care, really.",0 +This movie is bad.,0 +"The rest of the cast is bland and forgettable especially the woman who plays the maid, Rosa.",0 +That's pretty much all I can say about this flat and uninspired remake of the 1979 Carol Kane vehicle.,0 +The main character was bland and uninteresting.,0 +It's just another unimpressive remake.,0 +This is so overly clichéd you'll want to switch it off after the first 45 minutes.,0 +A pathetic excuse for a film.,0 +The script doesn't give him much dialogue.,0 +"The situations that set up for the climax are predictable, boring, and lack of suspense.",0 +"Unlike most reviewers here, I hated this movie, simply because the writerdirector's bloated ego was in the way of an otherwise potentially interesting topic.",0 +They were made out to look stupid and ridiculous.,0 +"The accents are laughably weak, the acting amateurish and the comedy weak at best.",0 +"The production, dialogue, acting, script , film work and plot were about the worst I've ever seen in a film.",0 +This movie had the right elements but it is too easy to sit there like a person knitting and tut at the small details that should have been fixed somewhere along the line and once belief has been unsuspended one just become increasingly critical.,0 +"Everything here is poorly filmed and at least third-hand (chunks of poorly digested Trainspotting, Lock Stock, Snatch and Reservoir Dogs are the most obvious steals).",0 +"Either that, or its just another post-911 scaremongering tactic.",0 +"Highly suggest not to watch this film 'TV' if not mentally mature enough , the film create quite realistic simulation with the steps how they prevent from terrorism if such touch wood incident happened , London suppose a Lovely and chill ful City , while these kind of wars still going on , just wasting the time and money for study and Living, every time passing around P Square, the feeling really obvious, uncomfortable actually , I don't want to vote , the scored means nothing , just 4 'fill in the blank' Only Safty and Positive thinking cities encourage better Economy and investors to keep investing Time,Energies and Money",0 +Here the information presented suffocates the drama which drowns in expositional and totally unconvincing dialogue .,0 +Some scenes and dialog seemed to come out of nowhere and you were left with a lot of unanswered questions.,0 +"It hurts to do this, but as far as entertainment value goes, Begotten just ain't it.",0 +Such tasteless prolonging gets boring pretty fast and lacks the punch in delivering a blow to the viewer's senses.,0 +"If you're an Eraserhead fan, do NOT let simple-minded comparisons to said film con you into renting this piece of amateur trash.",0 +"Wasted is just that, a waste of time.",0 +As bad as the directing was it was the script that yanked my chain .,0 +"In all likelihood you'll be just fine, coasting comfortably along that proverbial plain of mediocrity with the majority of the Comedy Network's original programming.",0 +"If one is to view that piece of un-reality-drivel, then you would realise, No, these grandstanding, mentally-masturbating, suck-me-darling-boyfriend, wanna be hosts of Queer Eye or something similar (not that there's anything wrong with that...",0 +If you enjoy the bullshit spilling out the sides of this monstrosity then you probably think Paris Hilton and Britany Spears have talent.,0 +This is possibly the worst thing I've ever seen on television.,0 +Though it pains me to some degree that I'm bothering to christen the comments board for this new series - mainly because I'd hate to give the false impression that there's actually any semblance of public interest in it - I feel compelled to throw in my chips on this one.,0 +These slick ricks try too hard.,0 +It's the self-congratulatory tone that really makes me sick though; these guys don't have any perspective on their behaviour.,0 +This goes double for white people.,0 +"After having seen this show a few times; I am thoroughly offended as a female that there are so many stupid, women out there that fall for this bullshit.",0 +"these guys are so stupid, not funny and not smooth with the ladies that it's not even funny-casue-its-stupid.",0 +This show is pathetic.,0 +"The show is not funny at all and not even interesting, it is just boring watching these guys desperately try to convince us what awesome players they are (talking even more about the four judges than I am about the contestants).",0 +A 3 (of 10) for effort.,0 +"On a scale of one to ten, I gave it a two.",0 +I would rather watch the worst film by Ed Wood or Edgar G. Ulmer than something like this.,0 +Too bad there isn't a coherent movie to go with it.,0 +The acting was mediocre.,0 +I tried to be patient and open-minded but found myself in a coma-like state.,0 +"I just call it ""cheating"".",0 +But not much.,0 +"Sadly, this movie demonstrates none of these traits.",0 +"It does nothing, says nothing, goes nowhere, and has nothing interesting to show.",0 +This film is staggeringly bad.,0 +It bored the crap out of me for just over an hour with no saving grace.,0 +Detailed comments would just be a laundry list of failure.,0 +"Tired voices, tired actors and bored characters and situations.",0 +"Unfortunately, the film as a whole just ends up feeling disconnected and somehow incomplete.",0 +"The film is so apathetic, that it doesn't even rate a score of 1, so I gave it a 2.",0 +"I just feel I've wasted 105 minutes of my, my family's and my friends' weekend for nothing!",0 +"The problem is that although emotionally constricted and depressed people are VERY withdrawn and non-communicative, they don't make for a very satisfying movie.",0 +"There seem to be many fans of this movie here, but I found it boring, slow, meandering, and pointless.",0 +"Unfortunately, I couldn't enjoy this one -- glacial pacing, complete lack of plot, and characters that you can't dislike enough to hate, but you can't tolerate enough to like.",0 +Loooong pointless scenes.,0 +It's unbelievably boring.,0 +The plot is ridiculous and the cast seems to be tired and anxious to be free of this obnoxious entry.,0 +The acting wasn't entirely bad but it really had no point whatsoever and the overall quality was poor.,0 +"A twist is introduced in a clumsy fashion, and slow-moving becomes drawn out and overly wordy.",0 +"I will give it a ""4"" rating for some witty dialog that made me chuckle, but alas that could not save this boring waste of my time.",0 +Don't bother wasting your time or money!,0 +"The acting was awful, the production was awful, the filming was awful, awful, awful, awful.",0 +The script is terrible.,0 +I was very disappointed with the over all movie.,0 +"Because it's all so predictable, I'd say that as a narrative, ""Shoppen"" is a failure.",0 +"The film has been cleverly marketed and offers a unique selling point, but in the end the film disappoints on all levels.",0 +Most of the characters are terrible stereotypes and truly unconvincing.,0 +Because it's waste of time and money.,0 +this movie sucks BIG TIME..,0 +"Overall a boring film, and a general waste of the actors' talent.",0 +It was just nonsensical and thoroughly boring.,0 +He looked further perplexed.,0 +"But there are also Nazis, who are not funny at all.",0 +** from ****,0 +"The score is overdone, and the plot is lame and the production is so poor it makes it hard to watch at times.",0 +"The acting is bad, the plot is bad, the camera angles are bad, and the effects are bad.",0 +I just have to say that this was the third worst movie I have ever seen right after the attack of the murder tomato's 3 and starship troopers 2.,0 +We learned absolutely nothing about him.,0 +) is just an incomprehensible joke.,0 +"The singing in this music is not used to do either; in fact, there's no use for it at all.",0 +basically every main character's story line is left unresolved.,0 +"I painfully forced my way through it, and barely made it through.",0 +The music is forgettable.,0 +It left me with an unsatisfied feeling.,0 +"John Schlesinger's finished product gives the impression that he was asleep in his director's chair most of the time as the film lags and the actors sleep walk, save for the highly annoying over the top performance of Sean Penn.",0 +"An offbeat synth-jazz score, lack of sympathy or emotional attachment for anyone, and lots of scenes of guys getting angry in rooms all combine to deaden what could have a decent moral-dilemma thriller.",0 +"Overall, the rotten acting, writing and limp direction make this one of the big stinkers of the age--nearly as pointless and dull as such famous turkeys as PARNELL and SWING YOUR LADY.",0 +This movie is way too long.,0 +But nothing really happens - its a boring story with atrocious accents.,0 +"All he does is stumble around drunkenly in a totally fake way and yell about ""dat old dah-veel sea"".",0 +") Garbo is nothing but arms in this movie, she acts and acts flailing her arms about, and gets grating quickly.",0 +"As it is , it moves at a snail's pace; sure that's part of the life being portrayed, but this was unbearable.",0 +"All in all, I was mighty disappointed.",0 +"And it's not only because of the obvious Christian agenda, but because of the terrible dialogue, acting that alternates between wooden and overexaggerated, and the obvious lack of an editor.",0 +"I wonder if that new ""Pirates of the Caribbean"" got some of it's plot from this one ---hmm… black pearls, a curse( I wonder…) Well, it doesn't matter, those elements didn't make for a very good movie in this case or the other.",0 +"Horrendous acting, directing, and cinematography in this sham of an effort.",0 +"The rest of the movie unfortunately is cheesy, highly unrealistic and a Buffy the Vampire Slayer ripoff.",0 +the action design is boring.,0 +The script is also awful.,0 +The film itself is poorly constructed and acted.,0 +The plot is almost non-existent.,0 +"Not only does it suffer from a painfully (and enormously predictable) disjointed script, but it's clearly a carbon-copy of Alien II.",0 +It has no good points whatsoever.,0 +it contains nothing appealing whatsoever.,0 +"Apart from that, not the most memorable film.",0 +"The music is absolutely crappy (having ""YMCA"" play while John Goodman's character is being killed doesn't really fit), the characters are totally unlikeable, the plot is one of the most stupid ever conceived by man, and to top it off, it doesn't even fit into any genre.",0 +This was really the worst movie I've ever seen.,0 +Here it is a total mess.,0 +"Probably one of the worst movies ever made, I'm still trying to figure if it was meant to be fun, but for sure I had no fun at all.",0 +"Don't worry, you won't have to think - Tarantino-like storyline leaves enough over-obvious hints for us to correctly predict where this one's going about fifteen minutes before every ""twist"" - I sat there worrying that the film was building up fairly nicely for a Hollywood flick but that it would have nowhere to go at the climax.",0 +But this film had nothing to laugh at OR with.,0 +That major flaw in Jewel's scheme is really the only entertainment to found found in this stinker (and that's unintentional).,0 +This is one of the worst.,0 +I'm afraid I only stayed to watch the first hour of this movie as it really seemed to me to be mindless TV-trash and a waste of talent.,0 +The rest of the movie is tacked-on and creatively bankrupt.,0 +The rest of the movie is tacked-on and creatively bankrupt.,0 +But you have to fork over money one way or another to see this turkey.,0 +"Dillon and Tyler are unlikely to win any gold statues for this one, though given the one-dimensionality of their overdone film noir-type characters, you can't really fault them.",0 +Personally it was too far fetched for me.,0 +This movie was SO stupid~!,0 +I am shocked and amazed to find reviews short of miserable for this horrible film.,0 +"Overly cryptic to the point of obfuscation, not because the plot warrants it but because there is almost no plot.",0 +This movie is a complete mess.,0 +"With few exceptions (e.g., Graham Greene) the acting was uninspired, and pedestrian at best.",0 +I suppose the characters are really acting in all the pathetic-ness.,0 +"this character serves no purpose for the show,whatsoever.",0 +You can tell that all the actors are embarrassed to be associated with such a truly terrible movie.,0 +Hardware Wars rips off EVERYTHING in Star Wars.,0 +"The acting of Billy Bob Thornton, Ryan Phillipe, Jon Bon Jovi, Hank Azaria, and Kelly Lynch couldn't even save this movie from failure.",0 +"The characters developed well enough - an all-star cast made it oh-so promising, just a shame the plot was patently absurd.",0 +The plot is interesting but the acting and writing are too low key.,0 +It just wasn't funny.,0 +Rating: Just 2 out of 10 Roach Clips,0 +All i got was a horrible movie.,0 +"We're in our 40's - 50's, love romance, and are both ""softies"" but this movie just bombed for us (it's hard to imagine that it was nominated for Oscars, etc.",0 +What little interest the story manages to raise is knocked down further by their wooden dialogs.,0 +"I'm usually able to enjoy bad melodrama, but in this case I was just bored.",0 +so few Asian faces in a movie about a Asian love story makes me wonder too I think the acting is good but without real Asian faces in a Asian love story makes the plot so corny and a whole load of Baloneyits just like another movie I know of ' THE CONQUEROR' imagine my eyes pop out when I see John Wayne as Genghis Khan!,0 +"Unfortunately it was a standard case of ""the funny bits were in the preview"", not to say it was all bad.",0 +"Husband ends up in jail when an ex pat's stolen car is traced to his shop, ex pat ends up being kind,generous and naive shmoe(and rather cardboard and we learn next to nothing of him ), but ends up with the girl, who ""trades up"" despite being sexually satisfied only by her husband.",0 +Band members and other punks seem to be of low intelligence and unable to explain their motives or give detailed or coherent answers or even answers at all.,0 +Not a good message at all.,0 +Barney is just a Fat doll who told kids strangers are your friends.,0 +I just don't get it.,0 +Now producers why do you believe this crap that barney says?,0 +maybe cause it was so sugar coated and mind-numbing.,0 +Now I just hate it.,0 +"They use kids that look like they're in sixth grade, cheesy plots, horrid dialog and really crappy special effects.",0 +To find this awful programming in my library was an unpleasant surprise.,0 +Barney and Friends is probably the worst kids show that I have ever seen.,0 +My god the show was bad!,0 +"Anyways, I don't recommend letting your kids watch this filth as it contains stupid morals like strangers are your friends (as said before), there is never a reason to be sad and if you are sad eat junk food, being an individual is taboo, magic can solve all of your problems and heaps of other ridiculous crap.",0 +"Hence, I gave Barney my favourite two out of ten score that I give to all rubbish with absolutely no redeeming value.",0 +"Trust me, this show is pretty dumb, there are other Kids Shows that are better than this one.",0 +"After watching a few episodes with B.J. dumbly trudging in with his slightly turned back cap, and making a few no-so-funny jokes, I wanted to scream.",0 +"First off when I was a young child there were a few children's shows that were on sesame street which I did watch and learned from, but other than that there wasn't much else.",0 +I think Barney and his friends are all ugly looking and obnoxious and the show is very lop sided and unrealistic.,0 +"The first half of this four and a half hour mini-series shows some promise, but it soon falls flat as it becomes predictable and thin.",0 +"That is a fine premise and it could have made for a gripping story, but the execution just made me alternate between getting annoyed and amused at the ridiculousness of it.",0 +"it simply ended up to be a piece of artsy garbage with lots of blood, some obnoxious characters, and an over reliance on religious symbolism.",0 +but subconscious cruelty was probably the worst film i saw this year.,0 +The music is awful and the pace is so slow that you can watch it at 2x the speed and even then it would be slow.,0 +"The gibberish of the off-narrator is simply boring, the visuals are cheap.",0 +"The worst part is the whole recording, I refuse to call this a film, is just a bad excuse to picture nudity and extreme torture, rapes of both sexes, masturbation, sperm, pissing, cannibalism, child-murder and much much more.",0 +There is NO art here.,0 +The hype and publicity were quite misleading.,0 +"But doing it like this makes him lose his point: the movie is a false, offensive to the intelligence, full of tricks and even sometimes extremely boring.",0 +I found nothing redeeming about this film.,0 +There's little room for subtly especially in the encounter with the priest(deliberately manipulating the real life encounter which was with a much younger priest).,0 +"But, once I did it was a real let down.",0 +The characters aren't ground in any kind of reality.,0 +The ending is as contrived as they come and lacks credibility.,0 +This has to be one of the worst films I have ever seen.,0 +"But Carax tries nothing new here; the film is a pastiche of elements borrowed from countless earlier films, and after several decades of movie-viewing and literally thousands of films later, I simply no longer have the patience for this kind of unoriginal, poorly crafted tripe.",0 +"I must say, I found it barely worth sitting through.",0 +French movies like these are just waste of time.,0 +")This movie is severely boring, depressing, and poorly directed.",0 +"I got that scene and Catherine Deneuve's (briefly shown) breasts, but the rest of the film is just the usual long pretentious European art films with lines like ""Did I have a mother or father, I don't know"" (paraphrased).",0 +A sad disappointment.,0 +It's difficult to express how bad this movie is.,0 +"Or something like that – not that anyone really cares to unravel its multi-layered plot decked out with pornographic sex scenes, pseudo-symbolic imagery (the siblings swimming in a river of blood) and other bizarre touches (a gypsy child repeatedly insults passers-by in the street until she is anonymously beaten to death, the deafening music of a rock group utilized in the demolition of old buildings).",0 +"""Pola X"" does not come anywhere near living up to the promise of Carax's earlier work.",0 +"Otherwise, it has a mindless, unmotivated script and the lead actress has none of Deneuve's appeal.",0 +French Cinema sucks!,0 +"The lead actor was annoying, I felt as though I never knew what was going on, and I was BORED!",0 +"To those who find this movie intelligent or even masterful, I can only say - it's your intelligence and your imagination you obviously used to try and make some sense of this pitiful attempt (it's in our human nature to try and make sense of things) .",0 +"A ridiculous movie, a terrible editing job, worst screenplay, ridiculous acting, a story that is completely ununderstandable...",0 +"The scenes made no sense in their sequences, the acting was horrible, and it seemed as though the screen writer never actually picked up the book but opted for the cliff notes instead.",0 +"The story was good, but the acting was terrible.",0 +This was one of the worst movies I've ever seen.,0 +This movie is the worst most boring crap ive ever seen.,0 +"The music score is actually half-decent with some smooth female vocals too, but the rest is a complete waste and the less said the better.",0 +A bad movie with some good actors in it.,0 +"This movie is an exercise in slow moving shots, no script, close-ups, terrible edited, and a poorly developed plot.",0 +This was without doubt the worst movie mistake in my movie loving life.,0 +"It's so boring and dull, so insipid and uninspired, such a poor excuse to assemble any familiar talent.",0 +he is the only reason to watch this!,0 +"This isn´t good bad movie, it is simply bad, bad, bad, bad, bad movie.",0 +"This is actually the worst film I've ever seen, and I've seen a great deal of bad movies..",0 +This is the worst movies I have ever seen.,0 +"Practically every scene drags on excessively, the ""experimental"" lighting and camera work is terrible, Rob Lowe apparently equated being scruffy with acting, and the poor drab Euro-pop numbers stop the movie to a dead halt.",0 +"And really what is the story, in the beginning it seems okay but after ten minutes it all gets worse.",0 +"Otherwise, what a waste of time and energy...",0 +"I do not want to bore you with more facts about this crappy movie, except to say that you are better off renting anything by Hulk Hogan or Dolph Lundgreen.",0 +"And the worst thing is, there's not enough dialogue or action that doesn't involve killing people or attempting to to even make fun of this movie!",0 +Don't waste your time and money on it.,0 +"""Stylish"" overdirection, incoherent plotting, time-outs in the middle of action sequences for eurodisco torch -song performances, all these seem to be signifying traits for our man Pyun.",0 +"Unbelievably slow beginning: 35 minutes, two dreary songs and a botched rip off.",0 +Not much of a twist and not that interesting either.,0 +"But the direction was lousy, the acting was just that: _a-C-T-i-n-G_ with a heavy side of cheese and lots of ham, and then the cinematography......",0 +weak attempt at storytelling and narrating -- dialogue is dull and wasn't able to convey what i sometimes think simplicity is beauty.,0 +But it was a horrible disappointment.,0 +"This movie attempts many things but never really accomplishes anything, the plot time travels, meanders and weaves along without really satisfying.",0 +"Despite some beautifully shot European locations and some solid production design elements, the film fails mostly due to its awkward, unbelievable romance between Brewster and Eccleston.",0 +As I said the dialogue is boring and uninteresting.,0 +"It wasn't too bad at the time, but every time I have tried to watch it since, I can't get into it like I did that night.",0 +It's too far-fetched to be believable with such flimsy characters going through the motions.,0 +A real disappointment.,0 +"Writtendirected (or ""auteured"") by a woman (Lisa Krueger, whoever the hell you are), this is a pointless, lethargically directed road-movie full of New Age spiritualistic nonsense and characters that are meant to be interesting but are merely seen-before or just plain dull.",0 +"I mean, I have never seen him do any ""good"" acting, but this was by far the worst.",0 +"Pros AffleckCons Predictable, Unrealistic, Poor Acting and not a comedy movie!",0 +Not even worth watching when there is absolutely nothing else to do.,0 +"The annoying guitar music is awful, but perhaps a necessary evil as COMMITTED offers very little anyway.",0 +"It's complicated, pointless and simply too boring for my tastes and probably yours too.",0 +What an uninteresting hodge-podge.,0 +"Second, the camera work is very heavy-handed, and the the film stock is poor.",0 +Not only that but the production values are fairly unimpressive with the actor playing Paul Cowley doing a very wooden voice over that irritates while most of the scenes - Exterior and interior - look like they've been filmed on a foggy day,0 +Some films are so badly made they are watchable purely for the cringe factor.,0 +"A script at the level of one from some Mexican soap opera, a choice and use of the places of shooting that make the movie labyrinthine and at the same time, repetitive and monotonous, with disastrous performances of almost the entire cast.",0 +"As if it isn't awful enough to see ""product placement"" actors like Bruce Willis who smoke in their movies - at least children movies should be more considerate!",0 +The premise was too silly and predictable.,0 +This film was basically set up for failure by the studio.,0 +"The movie is a bad excuse to cram as many musicians and ""dark"" imagery as possible into one movie, hoping the teeny Goths of America would lap it up.",0 +"Stuart IS a second rate, boring rip off of Dracula in black leather.",0 +Otherwise this would have been one of those movies you see on the shelf at video shops but avoid because you can tell it is going to be simply terrible.,0 +"Overall, the movie I thought was really bad.",0 +Anne Rice was so picky about Interview that I didn't get how she just sold the rights for this terrible production.,0 +I started to watch this right after Interview With the vampire and I was thoroughly disappointed.,0 +"It was tasteless, plot-less, it made absolutely no sense at all.",0 +But it doesn't make much of a plot.,0 +"This is one of the worst movies, I've ever seen.",0 +"You may laugh once or twice, because it's so ridiculous, but that doesn't make it any better.",0 +"Not a lot of imagination in their writing or execution; basically they follow a point-and-shoot, shotreaction shotmaster shot convention which becomes painfully dull after five or so minutes.",0 +"It's kind of interesting to think how in the early days of film such images could be transferred onto film, but despite my love of a lot of surreal images and films, and a fascination with the bizarre, this film just didn't do it for me.",0 +I really hated the characters.,0 +"And the point of this is, what exactly?",0 +Thoroughly unlikable characters; they aren't flower children.,0 +it's a boring insipid movie that lacks rhythm.,0 +"Terrible acting, equally moribund script.",0 +"And what is with the 10 line minimum, I just don't have that much to say about such a bad movie.",0 +And the ending just made me angry because it was so ridiculous and typical.,0 +"Bad news for anyone wanting to film a full-length parody of a Lifetime Network movie- the makers of A Deadly Encounter have already done it, albeit unintentionally.",0 +I have no idea who these others are but this movie is plain awful.,0 +It is just the plot that stunk.,0 +"If you're going to watch this film, I suggest renting the subtitled so you and your peers can openly discuss how dumb the movie is without speaking over the movie, potentially missing another dumb plot twist.",0 +All of a vain effort.,0 +"I won't waste words describing this mess, but suffice to say if you enjoy, wives who emasculate their husbands, husbands who emasculate their sons, children who are disrespectful jackasses towards their parents and absolutely no other threads of behaviour or subtext to legitimise characters that are basically just unfunny one-liner spewing automatons, then watch this show.",0 +"The so called ""punch lines"" are all repetitious and formulaic, even more, those ""punch lines"" aren't even funny at all, to me, they're more along the lines as being crass and crude.",0 +"This show is garbage, and I am saddened that I shall never get back the 23 minutes of my life I wasted watching this piece of crap, because nothing else was on TV ...",0 +They have beat this dead horse so much it is to the point of hiring just anyone they can find to write a crappy pilot with bad dialog and just churn them out.,0 +A stupid show in the vein of the rest of them with terrible music and a laugh track that must be from I Love Lucy.,0 +"To waste Michael Rapaport in this ""All In The Family"" rip-off is an insult to viewers and mostly Michael himself.",0 +"Poor acting, unbelievable characters, and jokes that don't catch you off guard detract from this show to a point of where it is unwatchable.",0 +The show fails on the comedy level the most.,0 +"Didn't Seinfeld, Arrested Development, The Office etc etc kill this old-fashioned unfunny crap off?",0 +First and foremost there isn't a single character in this show that's even remotely likable...,0 +"There are no jokes, only half-jokes and slight gags that barely even warrant a tiny internal smile.",0 +This show is NOT funny.,0 +I would label this show as horrendous if it weren't for the fact that it's on the same network as Arrested Development.,0 +"So overall this show is boring, unoriginal, offencive, clichéd and most of all NOT FUNNY.",0 +"The scripts are so bad, they make Homer Simpson look like a better father than this one.",0 +"The dink-head male star guy is just about the least evolved, pathetic excuse for a human I have ever seen on TV.",0 +The jokes were lame and hackneyed.,0 +"Please drop this show, FOX.",0 +The scene with the bear is so contrived.,0 +"This made NO SENSE at all, didnt start at the beginning of his life, charactors were all over the place...",0 +This is Crap.,0 +"christ on a bike, this film was a waste of 90 minutes.",0 +Chinese tries some spinning kick B) skinny leg of Chinese to the throat of negro thug C) finishing death move to his head too much like Walker Texas ranger fake action 8 end titles finallyutter rubbish.,0 +"While I agree that this was the most horrendous movie ever made, I am proud to say I own a copy simply because myself and a bunch of my friends were extras (mostly in the dance club scenes, but a few others as well.",0 +"This is possibly the worst film I've ever seen, and I've seen some doozies.",0 +This movie sucks,0 +"The funniest line is the movie is ""nothing wong with stat"".",0 +This really is the worst movie I have ever seen.,0 +This movie has one of the worst lead characters ever.,0 +"Except, aside from the nostalgic value, the movie itself is not very good.",0 +"Ultimately this fails miserably through terrible direction, bad editing (shall we count continuity errors?",0 +It's stupid and not even really funny.,0 +"BUT you had Dan Aykroyd, Robert Stack, Randy Quaid and Jackie Mason, all serviceable substitutes, who none had their best performances.",0 +The whole story was bad.,0 +"His voice is beyond irritating and everything he does isnt even funny, its just stupid.",0 +This movie sucked.,0 +At least i didn't pay to see it because it was on t.v. but i won't get back that hour of my life that i spent watching this dreadful mess.,0 +Randy Quaid is the only one that saves this movie from a zero.,0 +the ONLY thing that is decent with this movie is the soundtrack..,0 +It sucked.,0 +There was hardly anything to laugh at in this movie.,0 +"The movie is simply worn of ideas and the lamest plot and jokes I've ever heard, the gopher, the acting the whole movie really is bad (Randy Quaid was funny though).",0 +"Anyway in summation its poorly written, badly scripted with lame set pieces and wastes a lot of talent.",0 +It seems as if we are supposed to be sympathetic to Jackie Mason's character however nothing in the movie actually engenders that emotion.,0 +I do not recommend this movie.,0 +This movie sucks.,0 +The script is unfunny and the acting stinks.,0 +"But Jackie Mason is no Rodney Dangerfield, and worse of all, C2 demonstrated once and for all that Dan Ackroyd is one of the worst comedy actors of all time.",0 +"It stinks, it's awful, it's no good, it's bad, it's terrible.",0 +But this…is very poor.,0 +"On the basis of flipping a coin, I have decided to give it a 1!",0 +The acting as well was bad.,0 +I am going into film and I wanted to see how bad a bad film can get.,0 +This is a mish-mash of assorted Hindi and English movies - poorly done.,0 +"Because, I wasted 3 hrs for this stupid movie.",0 +"If you have seen this movie, then you will know that it is one of the worst Bollywood movies ever made.",0 +Give it a pass if you are sane.,0 +"As with all of these stupid horror movies, everyone knows who has been killed and who will be killed next, but do nothing to prevent anything, all with the added CGI action effects from the Matrix.",0 +"But afterall they have to make a 2 hrs + film so hence you have a tortorius movieThe movie is painful to watch The film was directed by Rajkumar Kohli who was an expert making such films in the past and had a successful record of films like JAANI DUSHMAN(1979) and NAGIN Rajkumar Kohli wants to help his son's non existent career Right from VIRODHI(1992),Aulad Ke Dushman (1993) and QAHAR(1996) all flops he tried hard to promote his son and he also casts big stars so that his son gets noticed, sadly nothing could help his son's careerThe film has several comical scenes like the death scenes, how the actors after being bashed by the snake are so fit to fight him again and the climaxDirection by Rajkumar Kohli is bad Music is badThat brings us to the cast Akshay Kumar - ordinary stuff, he has nothing much to do rather then stunts Suneil Shetty- awful Sonu Nigam- the worst debutante award goes to him, he gives cartoon acting a new meaning Aftab- terrible Arshad Warsi- nothing to do Sharad Kapoor- bad Aditya Panscholi- irritates Sunny Deol- is comical in the scene when he comes to save Sonu LOL Manisha Koirala- ordinary Rambha- Akshay's pair Kiran Kumar, Raza Murad are as usual Raj Babbar- hilarious for wrong reasons the girls are awful Which brings us to Munish Kohli This guy has a huge physique, he is even more stronger and taller then Akshay Kumar Sadly he comes across as poor man's Akshay His voice is awful, his expressions are painful The only thing he has to do in the movie is wear glasses and make an evil face Rajat Bedi is awful",0 +"The acting in this movie is horrendous, The plot is so dumb, and the deaths of each character is laughably bad.",0 +"So many bad reviewers, it made me wonder, what people are thinking while watching a simple flick made by a quite bad director?",0 +"This film… Nope, nothing remotely amusing.",0 +This is truly appalling cinema at its absolute worst.,0 +It is hard to believe that anyone could take such a great book and and make such a terrible movie.,0 +"I was hoping by renting this movie I would at least get my vicarious Watcher's pleasures, but this movie was a travesty.",0 +This movie is so bad it's disgusting.,0 +"Sadly, the movie is a sad caricature of the book.",0 +"The acting is so lifeless, you might think you're watching a zombie movie.",0 +Still the plot is ridiculous and it would've been nicer if we could've seen a monster or at least more gore.,0 +Everything about this film is just wrong.,0 +"but it disappointed me, really.",0 +I figured at least if they're going to make a film adaptation of the worst book I've ever read the filmmakers might as well be accurate.,0 +The writing is absolutely ridiculous.,0 +"Otherwise, this is a dud of a film filled with contrived situations and idiotic characters (as opposed to quirky).",0 +"I have rare moments, where I can handle Better Off Dead, but this movie is ultimately worse.",0 +"This movie wants badly to be a comedy but fails to deliver any laughs, the characters are caricatures, and badly drawn ones at that ...",0 +Thank God I only wasted $2.00 on it!,0 +We sat down to watch it and it was so boring.,0 +"It's rather amazing to see such a wide cast of well-known actors, that have many good movies in their filmographies in such a movie, without doubt this may be one of the worst they could possibly appear in.",0 +A story that could have been interesting is completely wasted by incredibly bad acting and horrible editingdirecting.,0 +"So to place a tag in a movie poster like ""The Latin Godfather"", is not just ignorant, of course if we are trying to related this movie to the original Godfather, but a desperate and uncreative attempt to get some credit by copying the title of a movie classic.",0 +"It was so bad, that I began laughing hysterically towards the end of the film.",0 +"Apart from that the movie was disappointing, seeing mexicans acting and trying to be Italians is not my thing.",0 +"It's amazing that this no talent actor Chapa got all these well known stars to appear in this dismal, pathetic, cheesy and overlong film about a low life gangster who looks white but is half Mexican, much of the acting is bad and many of the well known stars in this trashy movie are given a script that seems made up by a 16 year old, i'm sure this movie is the career low point for actors such as Dunaway, Wagner, Keach, Tilly and Busey who i'm sure are very embarrassed that they ever appeared in this turkey of a film.",0 +fails on every level.,0 +This movie is pretty lame- I only watched it to kill time before the Skins game- the only thing that saved it was Jennifer Tilly as a crazed Latina drug dealing assassin - she was over the top and sexy-skanky that it was fun to watch her scenes.,0 +"""My Young Auntie"" is slapstick martial arts of the worst kind.",0 +"All the right ingredients are well-presented, yet this is a surprisingly weak and unsatisfying adventure movie.",0 +"Despite the choppy plot, the film is not overly bad until its climax, where its amateurishness runs rampant (terrible editing, overuse of stock footage).",0 +"The fight scenes are very substandard, as if the filmmakers had to use the first takes.",0 +The dialogue is unbelievably bad.,0 +"The script by Joseph Lyle and David J. Schow is both predictable & clichéd,the plot rips off ""Alien"" and ""Star Wars"" and the sets look bland and murky.",0 +This cheap sci-fi effort stars returning lovable klutz Charlie(the reliable Don Keith Opper) who is about to eradicate the last two remaining eggs of the Critters' species when Ugh(Terrence Mann)tells him that he's about to break some sort of Trans-galactic Endangered species law.,0 +"this movie is pretty terrible compared to the other critters movies, the first two were quite good, 3 was quite crap but miles better than this.",0 +The acting is pretty poor as well with Angela Bassett's over-the-top melodramatic reaction to seeing a few Critter eggs particularly cringe worthy.,0 +This is a disgrace to the name of all of the lovable and laughable Critters' saga.,0 +That was very disappointing.,0 +"The plot is dismal and the one joke, concerning the computer's intellect, is overplayed to death.",0 +This movie is totally out of line with the first two.,0 +"This film just limps along, waiting for someone to shoot it and put it out of your misery.",0 +"It's stupid and really,really boring.",0 +No real reason; it's just an artifice that tries and fails to give us a feeling of elation by dashing the kid's hopes and then restoring them.,0 +The overall storyline was as unoriginal and predictable as a pack of sausages.,0 +The balance sheet might have been pretty but the viewing experience was poor.,0 +This is a poor film.,0 +"It certainly does not achieve this, I'm not even sure if it was aiming to.",0 +This was amongst the worst films I have ever encountered.,0 +This makes for very boring shows.,0 +Shortly after this we have several other things that don't add up.,0 +"The film is unusual, but in its attempt to keep one step ahead of the audience, it becomes alienating and off-putting (with a role for Amanda Plummer that is downright humiliating).",0 +I couldn't get interested in the story which seemed to meander nowhere.,0 +This show is boring and not the least bit clever.,0 +"other than randy and Al, this show sucks.",0 +"but yeah, this show is incredibly unfunny if you ask me.",0 +The rest of the cast is equally bad.,0 +"These writers are trying to re-create the characters they have on ""scrubs"" in a different occupation however the characters they are stuck with have no charisma or acting ability not to mention the writing seems poor and effortless.",0 +"The overemphasis on their lives outside of teaching just made it another four camera sitcom that had unrealistic people in an unrealistic environment saying unrealistic lines, and I'm sorry, I just didn't buy it.",0 +"And the one liners are really something else, and i don't mean that in a good way.",0 +"ERASER is also a film that has unnecessary CGI featuring killer alligators , not only unnecessary CGI but unconvincing CGI too .",0 +"It's well filmed but predictable and it's all been done before, only better.",0 +"It's awful acting, boring storyline and average special effects made this an annoying arnie film, as it had a mountain of potential.",0 +"The script sucks and the acting sucks even worse, do I need to say more?",0 +"They could have had a decent movie here, but they screwed it up in some painfully obvious ways.",0 +"If not, don't even bother.",0 +"How does a film this bad get made, and then released, AND THEN distributed?",0 +It was totally implausible and didn't even fit with the rest of the movie.,0 +Just flat out terrible.,0 +"It presents story ideas, then abandons them in order to get to the next story idea.",0 +But Nolte ruins the film by hamming up every scene and appearing to not understand what his character is supposed to be.,0 +"The script and direction are pretentious (once I found out John Milius was responsible, it all became clear).",0 +Skip the film.,0 +"Pros: -Interesting conceptCons: -Waste of a good cast -Stuffed and stupid plot -Crooked camera angles -Not much variety of locations -Crap use of Shakespearian diologueOverall: Australia's worst attempt of a Shakespere film, Stick to Baz Lurhman...",0 +"In conclusion, we have two superimposed ideas that never quite meet making this a film that's ultimately pointless....",0 +"The role of Macbeth was essential for tying everything together and in this respect Geoffrey Wright and Sam Worthington failed miserably, making Macbeth a forgettable foray into Shakespeare.",0 +"Other than that, the movie contains nothing more than uninspired acting, correct English usage, and stomach-turning camera work.",0 +"An ""adaptation"" of sorts, it brought nothing new to Macbeth (no, setting it in present-day Australia is not enough), and essentially, completely failed to justify its existence, apart from (let's face it, completely unnecessarily) paying homage to the original work.",0 +"A clear disappointment, but maybe something for Shakespearean-buffs?",0 +"Filled with archaic Shakespearic English language in a 21st century Australian setting, this film lives to disappoint and leave you scratching your head.",0 +Wright's direction is uninspired in the extreme and the action sequences are confusing and inept.,0 +"and this macbeth just seem to be lacking ,its just not compelling.",0 +The rest is of course bunkum.,0 +This movie just reeks of cheapness.,0 +"The movie turned out to be quite uninteresting - boring camera work, nothing really driving the story, and of course the acting is horrible.",0 +I'd rather watch Independence Day 10 times in a row than sit through this stinker one more time.,0 +"For example, for anyone who has seen the movie, what purpose does The Bat have other than to bring a masked wrestler type to the screen and to extend the runtime by 15 or so pointless minutes?",0 +Long and long winded this film has way too little action to sustain its 80 minute running time (worse the mummy doesn't even show up until an hour has passed).,0 +And then - bang - they did not even try.,0 +"It was watchable but more than equally miss able,and aside from the aforementioned gruesome nature of the crime, the ""surprise"" killing of Cristina Galbo which was actually ""spoilt"" by the DVD cover telling me about it - Grrrrrr!",0 +"Dull, dull, dull.",0 +The story is tacky and makes very little sense even if it's very obvious.,0 +Nothing stranger than teen-aged boys acting stupid ever happened.,0 +Wrong the same guys did the documentary and ruined it with effects instead of producing it raw the way a documentary should be.,0 +"The rest of the time, I couldn't make out anything.",0 +The paranormal proof was horrible and almost non-existent.,0 +"Basically, this was obviously designed to be promotional material for the movie produced by the same horrible director, which happens to be even worse than this documentary and absolutely the worst movie I've ever seen, so avoid it at all costs.",0 +The line between actual footage and manufactured self-service is so thin; the drippings of doubt so insignificantly played down; the scientific boundaries so blatantly ignored...,0 +THanks for wasted 2 hours of my time!,0 +"I couldn't see any ""Shadow People"" until they drew an outline around the blurry distortion of the image.",0 +STORY: $$ (The story goes a number of ways and doesn't fully satisfy.,0 +I don't think any of them have actually read it.,0 +"First, I was simply indifferent & couldn't get my mind into the apes world.",0 +"I am very interested in animal children and I have read many Edger Rice Burroughs novels -- but this awful movie couldn't keep me interested, nor could I stomach all the absurd, unrealistic scenes.",0 +"It just dragged to the point of being painfully boring (and believe me, any excuse was good enough to spend time with this particular friend).",0 +Even a good face lift couldn't help this movie.,0 +"Their music, however, consists of nothing of quality - whatsoever: just a bunch of gimmicky, heard-them-a-million-times-before played-solely-at-the-guitar-neck riffs that are in no way related to each other and yet are randomly grouped together to form ""songs"" that have no cohesion, no highlights, no nothing.",0 +There is no-way this movie can get a zero like so many lazy idiots give to too many films and as fun as it was it ain't getting a 10 either.,0 +"The nerd's friend never shuts his yap, and gets them in one mess after another.",0 +The former best friend character is one of the most annoying I've ever seen and the small grace that the hitchhiker character had disappears in yet another contrived twist ending that makes little to no sense at all.,0 +The dialog was poorly written.,0 +"Other than that, ""Monster Man"" is a monster mess!",0 +"Not really funny, nor scary or overly enjoyable on ANY other level.",0 +This kind of pacing virtually ruins any tension in the movie.,0 +This film doesn't make the coveted category of 'Worst Movies' because its just bad due to being annoying nuff said.,0 +The acting throughout this film is atrocious.,0 +"Myabe the writing was so bad that they had to cut out a lot of the movie or maybe the director didn't shoot enough of the horror and gore, that they had to find filler to make the usual 84 minutes?",0 +"This ""space snippet"" was kind of dumb.",0 +"All in all, a waste of film, actors and air time.",0 +But stupid script writing ruins any promise the episode had.,0 +!,0 +"Then again, A-PIX movies have a way of showing unbelievably bad material, even worse than you might expect.",0 +it's the best I could do to explain this preposterous concept).,0 +"You can not come up with a good story, your effects are going to really be bad, hey let us just make the movie look as bad as possible with horrible one liners and we have our movie.",0 +this movie sucks.,0 +"The bad dialogue, the crummy costumes, the sorry looking film stock, the unintentional comedy, the over-the-top characters, and more inconsistencies than George W. Bush's college career.",0 +"Disappointing to no belief, even for a fan of bad cinema.",0 +"Anyway, back to the crappy movie.",0 +"In all, it took me three attempts to get through this movie.",0 +"Not quite as funny as the first, but much lower quality.",0 +"But it also tries to be funny at the same time, and fails so overwhelmingly to do so, that your sense of humor is left too crippled to do anything but set off your gag reflex in an attmept to save itself.",0 +It was so dumb it wasn't funny.,0 +"Best is to not see it, actually, 'cause this flick is just too bad (okay, I did laugh with it, for it kept getting worse and worse).",0 +"This is the worst film I have ever seen, bar none.",0 +"Don't take a swip at this film at all, most people say its a laugh with your mates, but frankily its a waste of time.",0 +"THE worst ""horror film"" I have ever seen.",0 +Ultimately the whole purpose behind a film like this is to make a popcorn flick for those Friday nights of boredom and even it fails at that.,0 +"My movie for this week was debatable, what route what movie, what excellent four star epic would I choose, guess what I decided to pull a one eighty and go the other route, I've decided to review a movie so atrocious that it totally killed what could have been a very unique concept.",0 +The film hinges on such a ridiculous premise that it barely raises an eyebrow when characters are killed with BBQ tongs and are impaled by carrots.,0 +"The screenplay was poor, the acting was terrible and the effects, well there were no effects.",0 +"""Sheba, Baby"" has a less than satisfying script, direction that isn't particularly distinguished, action scenes that are moderately entertaining at best, and one of Ms. Grier's more nondescript supporting casts (although there's an important supporting role for D'Urville Martin, also a familiar name in blaxpoitation).",0 +"If I had to describe Sheba Baby, the best I can come up with is Pam Grier Lite with some really bad acting.",0 +"While this formula did seem interesting in 1973, by this film it was frankly a predictable bore.",0 +"The action scenes were dull, the acting was surprisingly poor, and some of these characters were TOO stereotypical to even be funny.",0 +"Poor acting, bad script, boring action scenes...",0 +** from ****,0 +It's just too silly to take seriously.,0 +"However, reading stuff about that movie here I know I saw this one and not that one and that movie is even less what one would imagine a movie with that title would be about.",0 +"Never have I been so frustrated when watching a film - it was tedious, Adam West was wasted (literally) and, in retrospect, I cannot recall a single thing about it.",0 +Sadly the film is mostly boring and you're constantly waiting for something to happen.,0 +"But the rest of the movie is a dim, dull memory.",0 +Absolutely nothing happens.,0 +"But Carax tries nothing new here; the film is a pastiche of elements borrowed from countless earlier films, and after several decades of movie-viewing and literally thousands of films later, I simply no longer have the patience for this kind of unoriginal, poorly crafted tripe.",0 +"I must say, I found it barely worth sitting through.",0 +French movies like these are just waste of time.,0 +")This movie is severely boring, depressing, and poorly directed.",0 +"I got that scene and Catherine Deneuve's (briefly shown) breasts, but the rest of the film is just the usual long pretentious European art films with lines like ""Did I have a mother or father, I don't know"" (paraphrased).",0 +A sad disappointment.,0 +It's difficult to express how bad this movie is.,0 +"Or something like that – not that anyone really cares to unravel its multi-layered plot decked out with pornographic sex scenes, pseudo-symbolic imagery (the siblings swimming in a river of blood) and other bizarre touches (a gypsy child repeatedly insults passers-by in the street until she is anonymously beaten to death, the deafening music of a rock group utilized in the demolition of old buildings).",0 +"""Pola X"" does not come anywhere near living up to the promise of Carax's earlier work.",0 +"Otherwise, it has a mindless, unmotivated script and the lead actress has none of Deneuve's appeal.",0 +French Cinema sucks!,0 +"The lead actor was annoying, I felt as though I never knew what was going on, and I was BORED!",0 +"To those who find this movie intelligent or even masterful, I can only say - it's your intelligence and your imagination you obviously used to try and make some sense of this pitiful attempt (it's in our human nature to try and make sense of things) .",0 +"A ridiculous movie, a terrible editing job, worst screenplay, ridiculous acting, a story that is completely ununderstandable...",0 +"He knows it's bad, we know it's bad and we all agree that the monster looks WAY too much like a vagina to be coincidence.",0 +"The script and acting is terrible, the stop-motion monster effects were unintentionally funny, and since the bulk of the movie takes place underground lighting the sets convincingly looked like a logistical nightmare.",0 +"I'll admit the last half hour is pretty entertaining, but the hour getting there is pure torture.",0 +"Throughout most of its running time, ""The Strangeness"" is a boring and incompetent mess that is difficult to follow due to the complete lack of lighting.",0 +There are also a few other creepy scenes but they are far too few to hold your interest and definitely not worth watching the film for.,0 +The whole movie was done half-assed.,0 +I was beyond disappointed.,0 +While he gets excellent performances out of his actors in all of his projects the result of this mishmash of ideas just doesn't jell.,0 +"But when the dust clears,your left with zero(just a boat-load of fade outs).",0 +I guess I missed the whole point of the movie - either that or there wasn't one.,0 +"Nothing seems to happen in this film, nothing at all.",0 +There's no story here - just a disjointed collection of events.,0 +"However, this humanization of criminals is a horrible message, and I really did not like this movie.",0 +Even the people in them looked bored and that just can't be good.,0 +The characters were weak and often stereotyped and the story lacked substance.,0 +"As it stands, this film is a noble failure, with only the promising lead actress and a few mildly diverting punch-ups to save it from the bin.",0 +I was embarrassed by the performances and sat in an audience who laughed when they surely were supposed to be moved by the story.,0 +The problem is that this movie is very predictable.,0 +"Most often, the movies were not that good because musicians are not actors by trade.",0 +Why spend a moment slogging through this awkward and self-conscious movie?,0 +What I felt a keen lack of was message.,0 +Does it even matter?,0 +It is blurred and disappointing.,0 +"This is an excruciatingly boring, slow-moving movie.",0 +He would be able to see exactly nothing.,0 +"The script, the plot, etc were linear, had no substance, nothing in-going.",0 +This movie tries to say something profound; I'm just not sure what it was.,0 +"Instead, the film feels very unfinished and non engaging.",0 +"The acting of the female lead is actually quite good, but the entire film is just so excruciatingly boring I could hardly bear to sit through it.",0 +"There was just nothing to watch, and although its a sad tale, supposedly, its just so stupid that its hard to feel any sympathy for the characters.",0 +"And, following a sedate pace and a careful build up, the plot completely falls apart in the last 20 minutes with a deeply unsatisfying and unexplained conclusion which doesn't even show us if Attenborough's character has developed at all from the previous proceedings.",0 +"If this was supposed to be a ""Crash"" clone, it's a complete failure.",0 +) all shreds of plot logic are abandoned.,0 +"Otherwise, it is not really that worthwhile.",0 +The acting is weak and the soundtrack is annoying - basically everything looks to have been done by an amatuer filmmaker.,0 +I had high hopes for this one after reading earlier reviews but it was so slow and the plot so basic that well I wondered if I had read the wrong reviews.,0 +A plot that is dumb beyond belief.,0 +Not even original in the plot.,0 +a truly wasted ending!,0 +"Predictable,not entertaining at all,wasted movie...",0 +"I normally don't try and second guess a crime thriller, but Cleaner was just entirely too predictable.",0 +"Uh oh, this can't be good.",0 +This is the individual that took fingers to keyboard and came up with one of the worst scripts of all time.,0 +The movie is too long and very boring.,0 +"though watching it I knew I was in for automatic cheese, I had NO idea how much worse this film could get...",0 +Nightscream is a TV Movie so it's bound to be pretty dire especially as it's a supposed horror film.,0 +I gave it 2 out of 10 stars only because it was made better by commercials.,0 +Think you've seen the worst movie in the world?,0 +I truly was disappointed by this film which I had high hopes for.,0 +"A group of scientists save a dying man they find by their desert stranded government outpost by injecting him with their experimental virus, of course, one of their colleagues goes overboard and the virus transforms the man into a near unstoppable monster with them trapped inside.",0 +"Don't be fooled, this movie has to be the worst ""horror"" film I have seen.",0 +The scenes that are supposed to be scary seem more funny to me and the critter is not credible at all.,0 +Sucky fat sack of crap waste of 2 hours.,0 +"Even the reliable Lance Henriksen, saddled with a character dumb enough to allow his kids to wander around a dangerous government lab, can't save it.",0 +"the gore, and horror involved in the film is laughable, it's just plain rubbish!",0 +"There's zero suspense,the script is weak and filled with big holes and the ending is extremely predictable.",0 +"The characters are like wooden puppets, the dumbest things are being said and done and there's a completely pointless dream-sequence..",0 +The plot is simple and unimaginative.,0 +"The humor is flat and stupid, and everything else is sadly predictable.",0 +It's really difficult to imagine how a film this bad got made in the first place.,0 +"The acting is horrible, and the directing is horrendous.",0 +To say this movie is bad would be the understatement of the century.,0 +"The movie doesn't bother to explain at all if the dream, that the drugged Sheriff Delboys had, was a dream or actually a real experience on his part by dropping the whole thing as if it were cut out of the movie!",0 +You should know that this isn't even high quality video.,0 +"The acting was amateurish, the sets were boring, and the camerawork was shoddy and sophomoric.",0 +"No plot, no characters, no motivation; the second murder happens off screen, and that victim's severed head is actually used to quite efficiently bludgeon the third victim to death!",0 +"I tried not to expect anything greater from this film, but still it was a big disappointment.",0 +"The acting, save for the male antagonist, was awful.",0 +"The plot is hacked, the story monotonous, the acting poor, the execution second rate, etc.",0 +All the dialogs and characters are so bad it's making you scream.,0 +"I think the whole movie is just an excuse to show pictures, which are the only decent things in this whole pile of awfulness.",0 +"This film is a very bad example of uninspired storytelling, which tries to hide behind an ""artfilm"" facade, trying to shock the audience with unmotivated violence (against women) to cover up for it's lack of psychological depth of the characters & internal conflicts.",0 +Definitely not recommended.,0 +It didn't take long to wear me out with constant four-letter words.,0 +The film may possibly have been good as a short but was definitely not enough to maintain anything approaching feature film length.,0 +"The ending which I anticipated to ""Save"" this hollow story was the biggest letdown, leaving me hanging and wondering, ""Why""?",0 +This movie was horrid and at the end made me wonder why someone went to the trouble to make it.,0 +This movie is bad.,0 +It's not really that I found the film offensive or anything - just that the script was unbelievably amateurish for a film that had obviously had a bit of money thrown at it.,0 +"This is a bad film, with bad writing, and good actors....",0 +I hate to waste such good Shakespearian references on something this remarkably bad.,0 +"Is this supposed to explain, or worse, excuse this behavior?",0 +An insult to anyone of any intelligence at all.,0 +A phenomenal cast was wasted on a weak script.,0 +The rest of the stories are extremely ludicrous.,0 +the twists and turns were laughable and predictable.,0 +What a disappointment.,0 +"(3) The plot seems so coincidental, it is laughable.",0 +"There's more honesty and realism regarding race in any two minutes of that film than there are in the full 4 hours (oh I'm sorry, it just felt like 4 hours) of this stinker.",0 +"Crash is overwrought, over-thought and over-baked.",0 +"This movie was offensively PC, predictable and clichéd.",0 +All in all a HUGE disappointment.,0 +"But hell, this movie is one big load of crap.",0 +"i would not recommend this film to anyone, what a waste of time.",0 +"Please, not even close.",0 +This movie is bad.,0 +A series of ludicrous coincidences and right-on messages stack up until I'm left deeply disappointed and wondering what all the fuss is about.,0 +"This movie sucks so hard, that makes me so disappointed about the kind of cinema coming out from Hollywood these days.",0 +It was boring at times and I found Beryl Reid's incessant whinning extremely annoying.,0 +I don't know whether to find the revelation near the end suspenseful … or tedious!,0 +Once you know what the revelation is this becomes a rather flat film .,0 +"Presumably, all the chit chat acts as filler for a very low budget, unimaginative movie.",0 +"Nia Peeples is a babe, and Laird Hamilton shows the early stuff that has made him the world's number one extreme surfer.",0 +"The acting is terrible, the music is worse, the cinematography is iffy at best and OH MY GOD what was Laird Hanilton thinking?",0 +One of the worse surfing movies I've ever seen.,0 +The acting (except Philbin & Harrison) is awful and the horrid script only make things worse.,0 +"It really stems from the ""California Dreamin"" school of barnyard to beach antics and isn't really plausible.",0 +"I would say that most of the characters were plastic, but they didn't even afford themselves that little luxury; they just act like cardboard cutouts.",0 +Since they were all bad that isn't saying much.,0 +"Boasting some pretty good Rick Baker-esque special effects and Deran Serafian in a small role, this pretty lame Italian movie deserves some recognition.",0 +"First the script by Richard Baumann is total crap, it makes no sense whatsoever & is so slow & dull it was torture for me to sit through.",0 +"In short, I felt it was trying too hard.",0 +"Cloying and sappy, the only redeeming quality of the film was its use of puppets in an attempt (albeit a failed one) to structure some kind of narrative.",0 +"WHY did the writers and producers take an inherently interesting story with plenty of good stuff for any movie, and make THIS piece of crap?",0 +Hardly anything accurate.,0 +"The acting was between good and sub-par, the music nearly insignificant and the movie soon deteriorated after Nero became emperor to a rushed, bad edited mess without any clear narrative structure.",0 +The acting was pathetic and you could almost see the actors looking at the camera.,0 +In addition contains a considerable number of historical errors.,0 +The directing is really awfully bad.,0 +"It is mostly, if not completely, inaccurate so much so that the main character does not even resemble how history has him look physically.",0 +"Alas, trying isn't doing and the movie is as soggy as the last game's field.",0 +"But otherwise it's boring and, well, stupid.",0 +There's just not that much originality here.,0 +This movie was neither funny nor dramatic and these hacks should just stop making crap like this.,0 +v=2-W7evBEArs,0 +Clooney's attempt at self deprecating humor comes across with a quiet thud as his demeanor implies that he is anything but.,0 +"This script is lacking a lot, great concept but just didn't do it.",0 +"Seems like they were trying to copy some of Clooney's funny facial expressions from ""Oh brother where art thou"" but you could kind of tell they were trying for that.",0 +"There was no real story, no character development, and the script was just plain bad.",0 +"The script was forced, the acting was subpar and the editing annoying.",0 +I seriously regret wasting an hour of my life sitting through it.,0 +"The depiction of Ichabod Crane's character was so terrifically unlikable, my wife and I were hoping that the horseman (or some other character) would not only cut off Crane's head, but do it slowly and painfully.",0 +Unimaginative and thoroughly modern new facets to character personalities such as religious zealotry in Crane or wanderlust in good old Bram Bones ruin the story's intent and betray a severe lack of talent by the filmmakers.,0 +The interior of the ship isn't too convincing either.,0 +Many of the interactions between characters made little or no sense and went nowhere more often than not.,0 +"First of all, the acting is simply horrendous.",0 +"I could only explain this as a sort of shock to the brain, you are so mentally exhausted you cant move and also I guess you have to know who was behind the mess.",0 +There is nothing even remotely interesting in this piece of crap.,0 +"I understood that this weird crazy man wanted to capture Bigfoot,but that was the only thing that made sense in this movie.",0 +"This movie is, in all likelihood, the worst film ever made.",0 +This movie is the very worst that I have ever seen.,0 +"Alas, the movie is talky, boring, predictable and even devoid of interesting special effects.",0 +"black coats, shadows, short meaningless lines make these one dimensional cartoons.",0 +But Jeremy Clarkson is just pathetic.,0 +The Poverty Row fx make the alien giant and Nancy appear to be transparent due to incompetently transposed images.,0 +The 'special effects' are hilarious - a translucent giant and a blatantly polystyrenepapier mache hand wobbling unconvincingly on a bit of wire.,0 +"No doubt the film-makers responsible for ""Attack of the 50 Foot Woman"" thought they were making a pertinent statement about women and philandering and the dangers of the demon rum, all wrapped up in a sci-fi allegory.",0 +"I was expecting a lot of destruction, but what did I get?",0 +Neither did the special effects hit me as being “among the funniest” (Maltin again) on film – though they’re certainly embarrassingly bad!,0 +"From the very opening scenes, with it's ludicrous news broadcast and ridiculous satellite encounter, you'll probably be convinced that the only redeeming value of this movie is that it is so bad that it is funny.",0 +"However, when a sci-fi movie is bad but not bad enough to be fun, it really should be avoided.",0 +"In short, the movie is tedious to watch.",0 +I am totally disappointed since this film is one of the worst movies I have ever seen.,0 +To be fair to the film there is only one good section to this film and that is the end credits cause then you know that this crap is well and truly over.,0 +That's about the same as watching this subterranean search for the Devil's door.,0 +"With an incomprehensible plot about the gates of Hell opening within a labyrinth of tunnels under Moscow, the film is a mess of repetitive and nonsensical shots of a little girl running through tunnels, red lights floating about, and strange wall shadows, none of which serves to mount any fear or tension, but instead elicits the reaction of ""here they go again with the girl (or lights)"" from the viewer.",0 +"This may not be the worst movie ever made, but it is absolutely the most boring.",0 +Nothing makes sense in this movie.,0 +The movie itself is pointless and a total waste of good actors that could be doing something better in another project.,0 +"However, the rest of the movie is really dull.",0 +") The idea is really good, the performances are fine, the script goes nowhere.",0 +Nothing makes sense in this movie.,0 +"Straining to hear the Russian, translate it in your head (if you can) only to find out how dull it is just adds insult to injury.",0 +"Sure there was some dialogue in between, and great underground scenery but the lack of a plot, developed characters, any twists or development in the story at all was sorely lacking.",0 +I am disappointed in Vincent Gallo.,0 +"Aside from Gallo's genius, the film however is a dull a film I have ever seen in my life and at times is so poorly done it borders on laughable.",0 +Total waste of time.,0 +This has got to be the worst film I have ever seen with such a big name attached to it.,0 +This could have been a good movie but the direction was horrible and the plot was about as thin as a sheet of paper.,0 +The acting was flat and the story lacked depth.,0 +The story is even worse.,0 +This is by far the worst film i have ever seen it has next to no plot and the plot it does have is very scattered.,0 +"A waste of actors, resources and audience time.",0 +"What might have been in lesser hands a taut little B-movie, instead with the A list is just an overwrought melodrama, too big for its bones.",0 +The casting (and direction) in Undercurrent is more insipid than inspired in this noir clunker that fails from the outset to get off the ground.,0 +"Alas, they are pretty much wasted on a 'woman's view' potboiler--and a paper-thin one at that.",0 +"MGM's attempt at a Hitchcockian thriller is doomed from the start by a turgid, muddled, ludicrous script, and the idiotic casting of Hepburn as a jeopardized woman fearing for her life (who could ever imagine Hepburn afraid of anything?",0 +"On the whole, a pointless mess of cheese, ham and cliché that Roger Corman would have left on the cutting room floor in his most shameless, desperate moments.",0 +"If you're looking for something a little liter and more expressive and reasoned, skip this one.",0 +"Working against this major problem, the direction tries and does some interesting things but with what is essentially nothing.",0 +"From start to finish you can tell the film reel quality itself is low, but the poor lightning and shaky camera only hurt it further by obscuring what is going on.",0 +It gets boring after 20 mins of pretty much darkness and all you see occasionally is a flashlight or a wall.,0 +"Confusion from the lack of plot, and anger because i wanted my two dollars back from blockbuster and an 1.5 hours of my life back.",0 +"We tried to get into it, but the plot made very little sense even after reading the back of the DVD box over and over again.",0 +I think you should find a way to repay me for the hour and a half of life I just wasted watching this garbage.,0 +WTF?,0 +"I honestly think it would have been more entertaining to watch a fat guy eating lard in his moms basement for a hour or two, than to watch this crap.",0 +Overambitious and shoddy; and at times too darkly lit.,0 +"By the end of this ""film"" I had lost the will to live and I may have gotten AIDS just from viewing this piece of cinematic crap.",0 +"And to be honest, i was to quick to judge about this one, its a terrible movie ?",0 +"However, I believe this movie is not worth watching, for the average person.",0 +I was completely disappointed.,0 +The scenes are incredibly dull and boring and nothing much happens.,0 +The plot is predictable and very dull.,0 +"Despite the solid performance of Penelope Ann Miller, this movie was an awkward mess.",0 +"Subject matter: Worthwhile Acting: Fair (some of it) Plot: Ridiculous Details: Sound goes from screechingly high to nearly inaudible; music is not altogether awful (but mostly is); dialog and characterization are laughable; the main character's process of discovery is blindingly obvious to everyone but himself (and the writer, apparently); animal scenes are just plain stupid (singing ""Moon River"" in an off-key, forgotten-lyrics, silly duet to a ""herd"" of wild boars for hours, as one example).",0 +This is all just ridiculous.,0 +Is the government hiring documentary filmmakers to propagandize the U.S. population?,0 +And in comparison to Saddam it is simply a feeble scratching at the skin.,0 +"However, as the film went on, and as it seemed to become increasingly more one-sided, I started wondering who had edited the film.",0 +"The story lines are weak, the acting is weak and unbelievable.",0 +"The plots are pointless, and incredibly boring.",0 +When I first watched Zoey101 with my sister we thought it was a piece of garbage.,0 +I cannot even imagine to comprehend this preteen pathetic excuse of a show.,0 +"The plot is boring, and lame.",0 +The female casting is a complete disgrace but the male casting has potential for a teenage media.,0 +It's poorly acted with predictable story lines and there is far too much stereotyping going on too.,0 +"Instead, these actors are dull personalities with the sense in that there is a lack of creativity involving their roles.",0 +Zoey 101 is one of the most unrealistic shows I've ever seen!,0 +"But this may be simply because the dorm adviser, a silly character that basically bores the viewer instead of amusing them, as I assume her purpose is supposed to be, sits around and does nothing.",0 +"I have seen about five or six episodes of this stupid show, and most of them I was forced to watch.",0 +"Yeah, this show basically spews out stereotypes.",0 +"It has boring, predictable plots and bad acting.",0 +"First off, this show is completely unrealistic.",0 +Jamie Lynn Spears looks more like a tooth pick in a tube top.,0 +"Really, this has to be one of the most stupidest attempts to get people in my age group's attention.",0 +"The weak humour and lame sucky characters suck, and the whole show is frankly a disappointment not worth watching.",0 +"I actually belong to the demographic Zoey 101 specifically is trying to target, so I can see that as much as it tries to be relatable to people my age, the premise is simply too ludicrous for an average person to relate to.",0 +"This show would be really good if Dan Schnieder put a bit more time thinking of the type of characters he wanted, because they are so typical, so boring that's it's lame and stupid.",0 +fake fake fake.,0 +"This show would have been great if the main plots contained the quality of the side plots, but the main plots just don't deliver anything.",0 +I'm sorry but the characterization in this show = extremely unrealistic.,0 +"The jokes in this show are extremely dull and unfunny, and I hate every single character except Chase and Lola.",0 +"In conclusion, Zoey 101 was poorly written and should have spent a few more years in the drafting process.",0 +2) Characters really unrealistic.,0 +"The sex scenes never eventuate, and the deaths of characters are so flat, so uninteresting, that the entire film becomes pointless.",0 +"So that part of the movie in fairness lives up to its name, but the writing, acting and directing is SOOOOOOOO lame it is almost painful to sit through.",0 +"One of those cool-looking boxes that you pick up at Blockbuster on a hunch, but not even worth that.",0 +"The only reason why I even bothered to watch this unbelievably bad movie is because I knew it was going to be bad, it was really late at night, I could not sleep, and in the past, really bad movies would drain the energy out of me and make me long for slumber.",0 +"The acting was awful, the plot was awful, everything was awful except for the snakes.",0 +"one or two tops), or are so limply presented they leave little impression.",0 +"Let's just start the autopsy, OK, the movie haves a strange plot, first is isolation, there is an expedition, they get isolated in an island because there is no gas on the boat, something like that, there is not a single convincing performance on the actors part(so far), the main problem starts after the isolation idea, the POV of a snake, then another, ...",0 +This is a very boring and typical movie with tons of off screen snake attacks and lousy performances from NOBODY actors.,0 +When you've got a sex scene that doesn't progress the plot or characters or hint of subtext you know you've got a badly written screenplay and CRIMETIME is a badly written screenplay,0 +"The basic idea for this movie was good, but there was no real character development and the pacing was slow.",0 +Avoid at all costs!,0 +"Kronk's New Groove, on the other hand, is tired and weak.",0 +but in the end I was nothing but disappointed (and unfortunately not exactly surprised that I felt that way).,0 +A flurry of blunders and a gigantic cheese explosion in the restaurant leaves our likable hero very deep in trouble and anxiety.,0 +"I'm sorry to tell this, but the more the humour got American, the more I yawned.",0 +"Seriously, this movie was bad.",0 +The problem with Kronk's New Groove I find is that everything that made the first movie a fun great ride is replaced with a more sad and sombre film.,0 +That is not to say that this is a terrible movie it is just that it is a very mediocre movie full of the preachy messages intended to show children the virtues of friendship and being nice to one another and unless done subtly (which it is not here) can quickly become grating for adults.,0 +The story line difficult to follow - plot was weak - at best.,0 +"I just watched Kronk's New groove, it took me two days because i had to shut it off, i was so bored halfway through it.",0 +But other than this there really is nothing to recommend it.,0 +the rest is disappointing.,0 +"I also found it offensive on how Koreans were depicted in that film, despite how it is actually just a caricature of Koreans in those areas.",0 +"The acting is bad, the script is worse.",0 +In conclusion this movie is crap and the makers should use their talents to make a constructive comedysatire movie.,0 +The jokes themselves are juvenile.,0 +"I think that they had a good story developing, but they messed up the whole thing by overdoing it.",0 +"For the purposes of this movie, I think the MPA should create a new rating standard: IQ-20.",0 +"It tries to spoof a few movies, only coming up with a couple of laughs, but in the long run it fails miserably.",0 +The jokes are just stupid they are;t that smart and i would have thought they would have been better from some one like the directors of scary movie:Shawn Wayans (written by) & Marlon Wayans (written by) & Phil Beauman (written by)but it sucked and i hop next time they want to make another comedy they make some good jokes not lame ones.,0 +The Spanish dialogs with the Cuban accent are horrible!,0 +"Every storyline deals with the same subject: some misunderstanding that takes ridiculous (and predictable) proportions, to get resolved in the end.",0 +"Finally, the ending totally ruined what could have been an interesting plot.",0 +The movie is not.,0 +"Combine that with the fact that there is almost no plot, and not a single likable character, and it's pretty hard to recommend this turkey.",0 +It's quite amazing that Working Title would pour £3m into this rubbish.,0 +You are terrible at directing.,0 +Most of it was sort of useless and didn't help the movie at all.,0 +However the interesting plot concept never pays off and you are left wondering why you wasted your time watching this.,0 +The worst movie i've ever seen.,0 +This is one of the lamest films ever made.,0 +I think it's two years ago since I have seen the movie and till this day it's the worst film I have ever seen.,0 +The main problem with the movie is that it's boring.,0 +"More than anything, it was just flippin' stupid.",0 +"The story went nowhere, the jokes were bland, even if you were a Mormon and could get all of the inside jokes, it felt like a waste of time.",0 +"It's the story that makes the movie, and the stories for these movies are just weak.",0 +"The action is pretty dull,the plot twists are silly and there is no suspense.",0 +"Tales from the Crypt has officially sickened me, along with the entire crew of people who worked on this garbage, especially the writer.",0 +"However, as it goes on the attempts at creating emotions between the characters is so inept that it really turns the horror off and is an insult to serious viewers.",0 +"The rest of the cast doesn't fare too well either, in this remake of an early zombie movie that has extremely graphic effects that are totally unnecessary.",0 +This got boring real fast.,0 +This was the typical women prison movie.,0 +"I personally was disappointed, because due to those reviews, I was optimistic as the opening credits began to roll.",0 +"In terms of plot there really isn't one (I don't class undead psycho as a plot, sorry) and the pacing is really bad as well.",0 +"however, after sitting through 80 minutes of predictable ""suprises"" that didn't even make me jump and unrealistic villain, i was left hugely disappointed.",0 +This is one of the worst films I've seen for years.,0 +Creature effects and make-up are silly - probably on purpose.,0 +"where should i start: -the characters do not appeal to the audience as there are no back stories for any of them, there for i didn't feel connected to any of them, in fact i didn't like any of them, and i was so sick of them that by the end of the movie i was rooting for the disfigured creep to kill them all.",0 +this movie had no point.,0 +Saying this movie is worse than asphyxiating on your own diarrhea is a generous understatement.,0 +A terrible movie that is amateurish on almost every level - a boring and derivative screenplay filled with stereotyped characters played by embarrassed actors for a director lacking the most rudimentary understanding of his craft.,0 +but i was wrong after watchin this crap...,0 +"The characters are obnoxious stereotypes (black Chris Tucker type, Survivalist Chick, Topless Bimbos, Requisite Old Couple, Asian Tour Guide) whose interactions are marred by painful, trying-to-be-hip dialogues and mostly obvious stabs at humor (not quite as bad as ""Cabin Fever,"" but still); the script has too much padding (the ""rustling bush"" scene, for example), and ""Hatchet"" winds up as typical as any postmodern slasher of the last decade, with its only distinguishing trait an expertly-calculated hype machine.",0 +"Hatchet is poorly conceived,poorly acted and un funny.",0 +"The mood music in the swamp scenes was too loud in volume and canned, like a bad sitcom.",0 +The jokes are not funny and the actors are horrible.,0 +"This movie sucks, from the acting to the directing to the story.",0 +you have marilyn manson opening and closing this piece of crap and chitty chitty bang bang all through it.,0 +"The script is far-fetched and teen idol Tommy Steele (guitar in hand) was drafted in to sing a poor rock and roll number called ""The Rebel"" at a coffee bar that acts as a legitimate front for the gang's activities.",0 +"Performances are rotten across the board, the movie dresses itself up as a hard-boiled American noir but the mix of dodgy accents doesn't work, and the story is hardly gripping.",0 +"There is not one second of genuine tension in a supposed ""thriller""; the script is inept and ludicrous; the sets look like they were leftovers from a low-budget TV movie; and the cast ...",0 +"Slim Pickens is just embarrassing as a stereotyped Texas, and generally you just have to wonder, ""Why did they bother""?",0 +I cannot for the life of me imagine why any of these great (or promising) actors and actresses would allow their name to be associated with such trash.,0 +Maybe here in Sydney we are all poop side down and as a result we get to lap up floaters like this s-eek!,0 +There are so many open answers to this movie that it is ridiculous...,0 +Talk about botched.,0 +* from ****,0 +This film is in a dead tie with the original for worst film ever made.,0 +Lots of holes in the script.,0 +The follow-up tries to recreate the mix but fails through a formulaic script and pedestrian direction.,0 +The acting is generally poor and the show looks cheap.,0 +"It is a bit rough around the edges, but for a low-budget movie that is to be expected!",0 +What a disappointment.,0 +"This is a movie with an excellent concept for a story but that got sidetracked but a large number of clichéd sub-plots, hackneyed and unrealistic portrayed characterizations and performances, and some frankly implausible (and highly coincidental and, not to mention, convenient as plot points to move the story to its inexorable finish).",0 +The acting (or overacting) and the writing came across as amateurish and low budget.,0 +"There a few subplots in a weak attempt to try to make the main character more three-dimensional, but for the most part, they also fail miserably.",0 +Jimmy crosses the mob in an entirely contrived way and goes on the run and in an entirely contrived manner finds himself working at a catholic reform school .,0 +"It has an attractive cast but the plot is a virtual writer's guide to cinema cliche, and boy does the dialogue clunk!",0 +"Pretty terrible, but not entirely unwatchable.",0 +"The emperor is naked, folks, and this movie just barely rates 2 points out of 10.",0 +"""And you with all these dirty pictures""!",0 +There are plot ideas that come out of nowhere and are dropped.,0 +"The monster destroys randomly, leaving garbage and smelly footprints.",0 +The dialogue is terrible.,0 +"The direction is awful, the production values just dreadful, the acting non-existent, and the pace sluggish.",0 +Legendary in some circles as the biggest cinematic turkey this movie is rightly thought of as a bad movie.,0 +"Unless you lived near milpitas in the seventies or knew someone involved in the making of the movie, this is pretty awful.",0 +"The plot was hard to follow, the lighting horrible and the sounds almost inaudible.",0 +"However, the emphasis in Captain Walrus is on the pointless and somewhat power-hungry actions of the neighbour Britney, and less on the friendship between the two boys.",0 +"Perhaps life is drastically different in Australia, but, wow - call it sci-fi or fantasy, but people just don't act like this.",0 +In Tais-toi the backstory about the vengeance is both redundant and too weak to arouse our interest.,0 +The dialogue was stilted and clichéd.,0 +"All in all, a terrible disappointment and a real waste of a couple of hours.",0 +But it is just awfully boring to watch.,0 +"Johansson is for once tolerable (i.e. less pouty than usual) -- though by no means good, Macht is decent, though a little too pretty-boy cute to be believed, and Travolta chews the scenery as never before (with the help of a decent editor and some directorial restraint, his performance might have been really touching; as it is, he -- and almost everyone else -- is too unlikable to ever move us past the point of boredom or revulsion).",0 +"well, it is simply full of stereotypes and lines heard too many times...",0 +On the cusp of being insufferable.,0 +but why him?,0 +Rocketship X-M should be viewed by any serious movie buff for the following reasons:1) It is one the first -- and the few -- movies not to have a happy ending.,0 +This film showed woeful ignorance of even the most basic science.,0 +"Again, comically incorrect.",0 +There's so much scientific mambo-jumbo in the dialog it's laughable.,0 +"Essentially, everything about this movie annoyed me.",0 +"These Martians looked like extras from the cast of ""10,000 B.C."" I can accept some scientific mistakes, but this wouldn't pass muster with an above-average second-grader.",0 +"For a film seeking to make a statement about mankind, it loses some of it's impact by reducing its characters through sexist stereotypes.",0 +The movie itself is bad enough to be good fodder for MST3K and is best viewed with commentary from Joel and the robots.,0 +"To begin with, the plot (or what there is of it) is dull and lifeless.",0 +I would like to think that they started with good intentions and that it ran over budget or something but I think this movie was just plain cheese as in the from under type.,0 +"The kids are sitcom-smart, the other adults shapeless blobs, and Amy Madigan is too intense, too hyped-up playing Uncle Buck's girlfriend.",0 +"Of the four main players in here - John Candy, Jean Kelly, Amy Madigan and Macauley Caulkin - the only one I've never heard about (at that time) was the one that annoyed the heck out of me and ruined the film.",0 +"Mostly dull, but peppered with two or three funny scenes including Buck trying to get a word in edge-wise on the telephone with his angry girlfriend (Amy Madigan) and his meeting with a very disgusting clown.",0 +Goes Hal Sparks have nothing better to do than read from a teleprompter how idiotic Slinkys are?,0 +"Let's face it, this is a pretty bad film.",0 +This 1950's howler is so bad it's unintentionally funny.,0 +The jungle action is tepid and tedious.,0 +"This film, which was barely released, is just an extension of her late '80searly '90s attempts to find a screen-persona which was identifiable to moviegoers, and it represents another failure.",0 +I can safely say some people are hyping up this frankly dull movie.,0 +"To make matters worse, the scriptwriter decided it wasn't enough to have the basic mystery solved, but adds in a completely unnecessary murder that we knew nothing about (involving Alex's father!",0 +"Sorry, but I usually love French thrillers - e.g. Chabrol - but this was a glossy shambolic mess.",0 +"I'm not one for walking out of films however bad as they usually have some redeeming feature, but this one suffered from a catalogue of bad directing, bad acting (bar 'Bruno' character & the impeccable Jean Rochefort -according to my friends),awful editing (in terms of theme and meaning), terrible soundtrack and image correlation that seemed to make an art out placing the wrong peace of music over the image and scene at the wrong time .",0 +"By the end, i seriously didn't care!",0 +"But thirdly and mostly, it's just too darn long.",0 +"And from seeing this movie, it's obvious that a lot of energy went into making the film, even if it is a pretty lousy film aesthetically speaking.",0 +I was disappointed in this very low budget film.,0 +My rating: 4 out of 10.,0 +The acting is also quite bad.,0 +"I love John's work as a singer, but the movie was dull and 'no worth the time' to view.",0 +"Story of a famous singer returning to his hometown in the sticks, opening up old family wounds, boasts a screenplay by Larry McMurtry, but the meandering film goes nowhere slowly.",0 +There is basically no story here worth telling and thus basically no movie here.,0 +"Baigelman's writing and directing debut is a frustrating mess, full of hateful characters and lacking coherence.",0 +"The initializing presentation of the characters is unsatisfying and confusing; I can, for example, not figure out whether Jjaks (Keanu Reeves) did grow up in the house of his mother and brother or not.",0 +"As it turns out, the movie is just terrible and unwatchable.",0 +"Needless to say, I found it to be VERY forgettable.",0 +"I love black comedy, but this film isn't funny.",0 +"The direction, dialogue, and visual effects are just horrible.",0 +I truly wish I could get back the time that I wasted watching this piece of garbage.,0 +"A very poor, semi-coherent, script cripples this film.",0 +"How fitting that the plot was equally lame, lacking any intelligence whatsoever.",0 +The plot was implausible.,0 +Only bright spot from a dark dark tunnel is Diaz and even she isn't that good.,0 +I want the 99 minutes of my life back that was wasted on this pathetic excuse for a movie.,0 +I don't remember too much about this movie except that there was a distinctly gratuitous destruction of luminaires (lamps).,0 +"Instead, it just kept getting worse and worse.",0 +"It is badly done with poor dialogues, Reeves played as bad as ever and Cameron Diaz competed with him.",0 +"Aside from these flaws, the film is riddled with flat, uninteresting generalizations of humanity.",0 +"The war also disrupts what might have been an interesting story, as Robinson's character struggles against a domineering, unsympathetic wife.",0 +I think this film is a waste of money.,0 +"Bad acting, bad writing, bad effects, bad scripting, bad camera shots, bad filming, bad characters, bad music, bad editing, bad casting, bad storyline, bad ...",0 +This is a waste of anyone's time.,0 +"But the thing is, it didn 't.",0 +'Til There was You is one of the worst films we've ever seen.,0 +"On my Richter scale of comic awfulness, it rates only behind the truly execrable 'Are You Being Served' as the worst comedy show in the English language, with bad acting, annoying characters and humour that I'd grown out of before I left primary school.",0 +The acting is very wooden although many of the cast names can definitely do better.,0 +"If you like poor SE, (some) bad acting and a total lack of credibility, this is a movie for you.",0 +This really is all you're fault.,0 +It was a dreadfully boring movie.,0 +"Dull, banal film bored the hell out of me.",0 +"From here on we know only ""Benji"" can save the day.",0 +"The acting in this film is so bad, so amateurish, by dog got embarrassed watching this.",0 +"""Big Valley's"" Peter Breck plays the standard stern father and just seems to embarrassed at the idea of appearing in something this lame.",0 +unfortunately nobody else in the cast of this sordid faux children's film can.,0 +"The film is just terribly acted with ""humor"" so unfunny and badly done that you just stare at the TV in amazement.",0 +This is an actor who definitely did not improve with age.,0 +"The plodding pacing makes it hard to sit through, and the occasional action scenes are too sloppily edited and confusingly staged to offer much compensation.",0 +"Sure, there is the occasional laugh but for the most part, the film is very dull.",0 +"This movie is absolutely overflowing with bad CGI, absolutely terrible duologue, absolutely terrible *acting*, and enough geek references to make the whole thing come off as nothing but complete cheese.",0 +Toss in some blood spatters and a special effects and you've got yourself another bombed out would be horror flick.,0 +Death scenes are too quick and acting is too wooden to be funny.,0 +"), and featuring an unimpressive cast of twenty-somethings that you might have seen before, but probably can't remember where or what the hell their names are, this is an extremely derivative piece of film-making aimed squarely at the PG-13 horror set; seasoned scary film watchers will no doubt find Stay Alive extremely tedious, highly predictable and not in the least bit frightening.",0 +Nothing at all to recommend.,0 +"The jump scares are irritating,the bloodgore level is almost non-existent and the story doesn't make sense.",0 +"I wasted an hour and twenty five minutes watching this piece of crap and there was not one leisure suit, not one platform shoe, no pointy-finger dancing, and not a single disco ball.",0 +"I felt that the movie was very boring, uninteresting, and not true in many aspects including ""gaming"".",0 +The dialog is so bad that it actually kills brain cells.,0 +"God knows I tried to like this Swiss Cheese of a movie, but the story was too full of holes, some big enough to drive a horse drawn carriage through.",0 +The overall writing and acting were very weak.,0 +I do not wanna loose more time writing about this pathetic film.,0 +"I really did not like the plot, and after watching the movie I was very let down.",0 +"The effects were very mediocre, this whole scenario is something of crummy two-but director Uwe Boll, since this would be his cast.",0 +"First that quite, bad movie of horror, the blood sees more or less sparked(spread gossip), these scenes is bled they are the more bad.",0 +"The plot has a great potential, but how the story unfolds, along with the acting , directing and bad CGI - this film is a disaster.",0 +"The script to Stay Alive is very cheesy and quite laughable, and the characters tend to play it too melodramatically and confusingly.",0 +It is only 1hour17min so if you are bored it might be a good idea although i rather stay bored.,0 +shame about the actual movie.,0 +"A serious disappointment, 410.",0 +The French cinema seems to have lost its footing these days and this is a good example of how a motley script can waste brilliant actors.,0 +The obsession of 'signifie' and 'signifiant' is not enough to make a good film.,0 +"Instead of this, the atmosphere is nor lively nor heavy.",0 +Avoid this one.,0 +This movie was not that good at all.,0 +Unbelieveably predictable with the best method of despatching of a foe is with corn.,0 +The awful dialogue and hopeless overacting by everyone who gets shot top off a real waste of space and time.,0 +"The dialog is incredibly bad, as is most of the acting.",0 +"I don't care what anyone says, this movie was crap.",0 +"Nearly always felt that the camera was way too static, too far from intense facial reactions -- and so many times when the action depended on the intimacy of lead characters, the dialog was slow and plodding.",0 +"There's nothing good about this ""movie,"" which stands more as a How To Get Strung Out docu-drama.",0 +"This movie is poorly written, hard-to-follow, and features bad performances and dialog from leads Jason Patric and Jennifer Jason Leigh.",0 +"Regardless of its pedigreed origin (the film is loosely based on a novel by Leo Tolstoy), the plot and overall themes of this film are in no way remarkable or original, the science is weak at best, and unfortunately, the film fails to even involve compelling action sequences.",0 +"The plot is done by the numbers, the dialog has no sparkle, the acting is pedestrian.",0 +"In actuality, the Martians are led by Ikron(Morris Ankrum), who has the idea of conquering Earth to vitalize their civilization.",0 +Just no believability here.,0 +"The special effects here are pretty lame even for 50's sci-fi standards complete with slow-moving rocket ship, pastelneon alien garb where the women wear shorts that would make many blush(except the men of course), and little less offered.",0 +"Too cartoon-like too be taken seriously, an almost total lack of humor, and poor character development, virtually assures disappointment.",0 +I must admit that this is one of the worst movies I've ever seen.,0 +"Atrocious special effects, very poor writing, cheesy dialogue, stupid-looking killer bio-robots.",0 +)This flick is so insipidly dumb it rivals Battlefield Earth and Baby Geniuses in sheer badness.,0 +Awful film.,0 +All I can say is that the scene in which George Wendt gets sucked out of the spaceship BY HIS A** left me trembling.,0 +This movie sucked for the sci-fi fans.,0 +"At one point in this waste of celluloid, Charles Dance as some sort of meant-to-be-funny, cyborg bad guy says ""If I had an anus, I'd soil myself"".",0 +The film is plain stupid.,0 +") it looked like an interesting movie HOWEVER it was a slap to the face for sci-fi movies, its DISGUSTING.",0 +"In the end, all that remains is an occasionally amusing but completely unnecessary mess.",0 +My friend and I still refer to it as THE worst movie we have ever seen.,0 +1) Much of the story development was predictable and boring.,0 +"The dialogue was boring, pointless, not funny at all.",0 +Grade: ** out of *****,0 +But this movie was a total waste of effort.,0 +This is just such a bad movie!,0 +but it wasnt really laught out loud funny at all.,0 +"The print itself is pretty poor quality, and the wonderful Butterfly McQueen is totally wasted in the wraparound plot.",0 +) and unappealing dining scenes.,0 +"I know Jesse Franco is responsible for a wide variety of films, and I mainly go for his horror films, as lousy as they are at times.",0 +"I did enjoy the last ten minutes; as that's when the plot finally got going, but it was a case of too little too late and unfortunately, this is a severely lacklustre film.",0 +"The opening scene of the beach at Fircombe while amusing in itself, unfortunately provides a suitable metaphor for the film - insipid and washed out.",0 +It lacks the usual fun and sparkle and even the cast seem embarrassed by the poor dialogue.,0 +Pretty poor!,0 +She's simply unappealing in every way - I kept hoping Malick would just kill her off.,0 +"), the editing was choppy and disjointed, the storyline non-existent, the voice over was an incoherent ramble, the characters weakly developed, and the whole thing was uninvolving.",0 +"The Plot is thin, very thin.",0 +"Nice try, but it just doesn't work.",0 +"Nothing more than an average and predictable love triangle drama, with the male two-thirds of the triangle not surviving the movie.",0 +The characters are too shallow and ridiculously stupid to relate with.,0 +I was so confused that I was waiting for the punchline.,0 +This is such an appallingly bad adaptation is hard to find words to condemn it.,0 +But they threw it all away on silly evening frill and then later on with maudlin war remnants.,0 +Wrong!,0 +"The script moved on and on with lots of avoidable twists and turns ending in now, too familiar Priyadarshan theory of Converging actors at a single point.",0 +"Nothing special, just mediocre.",0 +I was all in awe of the film looking at the promos and went to watch it FDFS The film was horrible to say the leastThe first scene is good and till they go to London things are funny but slowly the pace slackens and they is nothing funny about itThe Manoj Joshi subplot is funny at places but is unwanted and adds to the boredomThe drugs part is funny especially the monologue of GovindaThe film goes on and on aimlessly just like a small kid has written itThe interval brings a twist in the story but by then i lost hopeThe second half starts okay but the way things are handled makes a mockery The entire Arbaaz- Jackie angle is half baked Also how come people don't identify them?,0 +Lara Dutta had real scope for acting in this one but she fails miserably...,0 +"Plot is useless, criminals and police alike running after fools.",0 +Bhagam Bhag was a waste of money and time big time!,0 +"they are cheesy, and cheap.",0 +"In other words, except for Brynner, these guys have no charisma!",0 +"It's interesting how Yul Brynner is ""magnificent"" in the original film but stiff and unconvincing in this sequel.",0 +This sequel is a passable but poor imitation of the original.,0 +"But instead they waste far too much time on gratuitous (and ridiculous) battle scenes, poorly edited together.",0 +"The first movie had been a smash-hit, and this pedestrian sequel was evidently put together as quickly and cheaply as possible in order to cynically cash-in on former success.",0 +"Everything in this clumsy sequel, likable only in a weird way, is phony.",0 +"The plot was a turkey, the acting was turkey, the direction, production, camera work...",0 +"Regretable, indeed.",0 +"but now, he's calmness are so fake that you just don't buy it.",0 +"Even the suave and lively Cary Grant becomes just a boring, background blob, and does not seem nearly interesting enough for Dietrich to run off with.",0 +"there were some great, creamy-smooth facial shots of Marlene, along with her ""shocking"", gender-bender outfit (plus her not-to-be-missed ""transmogrification"" from ape into human being); but, overall, the generally unconvincing plot and dated acting -- not to mention the less than engaging tunes coming from Miss Dietrich's ""baritone"" voice --did little to ensure Blonde Venus a permanent place in my mind's Pantheon of Memorable Films.",0 +"Dietrich is unwisely cast in a rather passive, reactive role for much of the film and her character remains aloof from viewers, while Herbert Marshal is unconvincing as her ill-tempered husband, and Cary Grant is largely wasted as a suave suitor who dashes in and out of the picture.",0 +"This was such a terrible film, almost a comedy sketch of a noir film.",0 +"It's not romance, it's not action, it's not noir, it's not good.",0 +The dialogue is wooden and lifeless.,0 +"I was continually thinking is this thing a foreign film, it was that bad.",0 +The storyline is so insane; it just makes no-sense at all and leaves you confused.,0 +Cannot understand why anyone finds this kind of stupidity funny but each to his own; it is an absolute mess and not funny in the least.,0 +"un-funny and un-entertaining, possibly the worst movie I have ever had the misfortune to watch.",0 +Leguizamo's slapstick is almost as weak as the unfunny script.,0 +I can't believe that there are people out there who voted 10 for this garbage!,0 +"Not a guffaw, not a laugh, not a chuckle, not even a grin.",0 +"The general theme of latinoblack guys = cool, white guys = lame is slightly amusing for the first couple of jokes but when the same joke has been reiterated for the 500th time (not an exageration by the way) it gets both tiresome and offensive.",0 +This is a piece of trash.,0 +A thorough waste of celluloid.,0 +"Again here, things get too overboard, and too much tries to get spoofed in too little time.",0 +"Besides, John Leguizamo does have talent and charisma, but in such a self-indulgent movie it is a definite waste.",0 +I had seen 'The Wishmaster' a couple weeks before this movie and I thought it was a dead-ringer for worst movie of the year.,0 +this movie is officially the worst movie that I have ever seen.,0 +"Unfortunately, the other 99% of the movie is horrible.",0 +"Pathetic plot, unbearable acting.",0 +"This is a terrible movie, don't waste your money on it.",0 +This was the worst movie I have ever seen.,0 +"Bad humor, bad jokes, bad gags, bad editing, bad plot, etc.",0 +"I needed to have my say, and here it is: This movie is absolute garbage.",0 +Bad Acting and flat-out characters everything just bad.,0 +The acting is absolutely terrible.,0 +"The two are extremely underrated and sadly, because of that, have to headline a lot of crap.",0 +The only thing which raises my interest in this movie above total indifference is its dogmatic Christian undertones.,0 +"Simply put, this film is so bad that I almost want to disregard ever watching it and never again mentioning it.",0 +The story itself is just predictable and lazy.,0 +"To sum things up this movie is failed mixture of Eddie Murhphy's ""The Distinguished Gentleman"" and Charlton Heston's ""The Ten Commandments"".",0 +"Although Steve Carell was hysterical in the first film ( the babbling scene is one of my favorites) , and, in my opinion , deserves an Emmy for his role in The Office , he is pretty weak in this dull comedy.",0 +This movie was a failure as a comedy and a film in general.,0 +"So, the idea seemed reasonable, the actors I had every faith in- but the execution was nothing to write home about and the ending, well it seemed as if they had run out of money, or ideas.",0 +"It was very obvious that Evan Almighty was very poorly written, there are numerous plot holes and elements in the movie that make absolutely no sense.",0 +This wasn't the case and I was deeply disappointed and confused come the closing credits.,0 +The only redeeming feature of this movie is Steve Carell.,0 +"As a serious movie, it lacks any sort of substance.",0 +"All these people have much better talent, now every time I see any of them I will think of this terrible movie.",0 +But other than that you're in for little more than an insult to common sense and intellect.,0 +"Maybe when you're feeling bored and the films on cable you can afford to watch, but I can think of plenty better ways to spend my time and indeed more importantly my money than tuning into this mediocre comedy.",0 +"Except, while it may be mildly humorous to see Baxter's transformation to the ""weirdo with a beard-o,"" there doesn't seem to be much point to this whole thing which becomes abundantly clearer when the climax of the film fizzles.",0 +This one had none.,0 +Sacrilegiously unfunny.,0 +"This film is definitely up there with the worst films I've ever seen, probably in my top 5 of worst films.",0 +Did they really had to waste such good special effects as filler for this crappy movie.,0 +"If you're not a fan of those things, you might as well make it 0 because there's nothing much else to enjoy here.",0 +I gave this film a 2 mostly because it does actually have an ok cast but the film itself is just so (insert unusually rude word beginning with the sixth letter of the alphabet)-ing pointless that I felt bad that at the time I voted for it its lowest vote was a three.,0 +"This film was embarrassing in its clichés, poor acting and generally low production values.",0 +though its a low budget movie it could have been made better.,0 +There are so many retarded scenes in this movie.,0 +What a disappointment.,0 +"Terrible, just terrible!",0 +"Some of the dialogue was equivalent to rubbing sandpaper in my ears, while the only aspect that saved this movie for a 1 was the plethora of attractive women filling the screen a large portion of the time.",0 +I have seen some pretty horrid B movies in my lifetime but with the names that were in this film I was extremely disappointed.,0 +"This movie was really intended to be a ""comedy"",wasn't it?",0 +The story is so predictable and flat.,0 +"I have seen three other movies that are worse than this one, ""Plan 9 from Outerspace"", ""Side Hackers"" and the dreaded ""Blair Witch Project"" There are so many technical errors in this movie that regardless of a decent plot the movie just isn't believable.",0 +Maybe this movie was actually intended to be satire like 'Airplane' but it failed at that as miserably as it failed at being a 'thriller'.,0 +Some of the dialogs were just plain so lame that they make you laugh!,0 +Absolute rubbish!,0 +*nothing* happens in the footage that isn't onstage that is of any interest.,0 +it's a complete waste of time.,0 +The plot is simply ridiculous.,0 +"This is the worst kind of bad sequel, the kind that changes the good ideas and turns them into bad ones.",0 +"There was no story, just minimum dialog that led to stripping and sex.",0 +"There's no sexuality or erotica, it's all random nudity and poor acting of ""lust"" and sex with each other.",0 +"HBO or Showtime or whatever must pay for the production company to go through the motions -- to hire someone who may or may not actually speak English to get high and hammer out something approaching a plot, to pay strippers with terrifying boob jobs to bounce up and down on grossly waxed dudes' torsos, to find people to design and light sets, to purchase the rights to cheesy techno music, etc.",0 +It's boring.,0 +) and the story is a clichéd mess of contradictions.,0 +A true waste of talent.,0 +"Plus, it's VERY hard to make it through the entire film.",0 +"So if you like self-produced B or C-grade noir-wannabe actors and effects with pretensions of surrealism, this could be for you!",0 +"In spite of its high-minded ambitions, Zurlini's film must be seen as a failure.",0 +"With actors that are as wooden as a cigar store indian, a script that was written by the director's 4-year-old son, a camera that was stolen from a burning pawn shop, poverty-row special effects, and to top it off, a director that thought making this crap would make them famous.",0 +"This movie has the worst acting, writing, directing, special effects, you name it--it's the worst ever.",0 +The dialog and the acting were really very horrible and the plot was almost non-existent.,0 +"With a formula like that, it just had to be doomed.",0 +"It looks like an old 80's sci-fi movie complete with super-fake looking ""special effects"", queer imagery, and very cheesy dialogue.",0 +"I would give this a ""0"" if it were possible.",0 +"There is no plot, the acting is appalling, basically the whole film is a joke.",0 +"This may not be the worst film I've ever seen, but my brain seems to have repressed all memory of the others.",0 +"I don't think it would be possible to make such a bad movie intentionally, and it is inconceivable that sheer bad luck could produce such consistently awful results.",0 +"I would have given this a 0, if possible--bad acting, bad directing, bad production, bad plot.",0 +I can't even begin to name all of the things wrong with this horrible wanna-be movie.,0 +The acting is laughable as is the writing.,0 +The movie is just packed full of crappy one-liners that no respectable person could find amusing in the least little bit.,0 +I would definitely call this the worst movie of all time.,0 +"After viewing this total piece of crap, though I can honestly say that this doesn't even come close to being a B-movie.",0 +"I made it through about 30 minutes of this absolutely crappy movie when I thought to myself, I am now a little more dumber after watching this movie.",0 +"These movie makers (if you can call them that) need to seriously go back to their day jobs, not one of them has an ounce of talent, and I highly doubt you can make a living churning out such horrible useless garbage that no one in their right minds would ever want to see!",0 +This was so poor I had to turn it off in the end.,0 +"I would give this a ""0"" if possible, it does not even deserve a ""1"" for awful.",0 +"The story makes absolutely no sense unless you are on some seriously heavy drugs, you would definitely have to be on something in order to watch this total piece of garbage, so much so that you would not care what was on the TV because you're almost in a coma.",0 +"This film loses on all accounts: horrible acting, stupid plot, very weak special effects, ugliest costumes ever, non-realistic dialogue, bad direction, etc.",0 +"So there's absolutely no appeal to this movie at all, bad acting, bad writing, bad directing, bad special effects, bad, bad, bad.",0 +"I don't thing the idiots who made this even care, they just decided to make a movie about nothing and see how many suckers they could trick into watching it.",0 +This director must have been out of his mind to even work on a horrible film like this.,0 +"It's a MAJOR flop, but unlike a lot of flops, it isn't even enjoyable on any level, not even just to make fun of.",0 +But failed miserably in this version as even Cherie Lunghi was a pale imitation of what she was to become - so much so that I suspected that she must turn out to be an accomplice right to the end.,0 +"And this is full of tired clichés: not only we get the infamous catchphrase ""Elementary, my dear Watson"" (which, as any Sherlockian will know, Conan Doyle never ever wrote), but we are exposed to such blatant commonplaces as having Hindi music pop out of nowhere when Holmes goes to see a white guy in Hindi clothes.",0 +"They say that he could ride pretty well back in the silents, but he doesn't do anything particularly impressive in these later sound films.",0 +"This movie earns its 3 for lousy writing, poor technical merit and continuity problems.",0 +"Full of unconvincing cardboard characters it is blandly written by Edward Chodorov, who also produced, and is surprisingly directed by Jean Negulesco from whom one would expect a great deal more.",0 +The actors are flat - emotions are deflated.,0 +Pretty dreadful movie about several unbalanced young people in a car starts off reasonably well but becomes more bizarre and hard to swallow as it progresses.,0 +"The entire piece looks like a college ""art"" film crafted by a freshman film student trying to hide a lack of true talent.",0 +The movie and restaurant scene is appalling.,0 +No one should be forced to watch this crap.,0 +"I used to respect Morgan, but now his ""30 days"" experience is nothing more than trying to fool any volunteer viewers who are willing to be fooled.",0 +The point is that just because people actually do something doesn't make it compelling cinema.,0 +"This show, despite its ""star power"" is utterly non-compelling, and its political insights--which I as a proud liberal in no way disagree with--are shallow and clunky, and seem ripped from the headlines of USA Today, despite the fact it's coming out of the mouth of someone as esteemed as Mario Cuomo.",0 +This pointless film was a complete disappointment.,0 +Characters are uniformly apathetic and farcically deadpan.,0 +"Repulsive, depraved, homophobic, misogynist...",0 +"Writerdirector Constantine Giannaris (""3 Steps to Heaven"") offer a relatively generic 95 minutes, in which the standout moments involve how stupid, sexist and (from the looks of things) pretty much irredeemable most of these guys are.",0 +There's no acting in here.,0 +I think this movie had really bad production value.,0 +"Aside from some decent acting and production values, because the script is utter cow crap, I don't recommend anyone watch it.",0 +"(Keep in mind his child is sitting right there watching-ish all of this) Then more and more and more expositionNotice how in the above sequence, at no time do the police on the other line say, ""Hello?",0 +"This 'movie' tried so hard to be interesting, but failed miserably.",0 +"Curtis Hanson is a good director, but you wouldn't know it from watching this dud.",0 +"The lighting is awful, sound quality is at times incomprehensible, and the acting is ultra-bad by almost all involved.",0 +"In my experience, really, really bad films can often be as much fun as really good ones, and no film featuring a decapitation by machete-enhanced ceiling fan should ever be considered completely worthless; but even though Killing Spree very occasionally manages to entertain with its inventiveness and cheap and cheerful gore, I found that the terrible direction, awful production values, ugly cinematography, muffled sound, dreadful lighting, mind numbingly tedious and daft narrative (which includes a really dumb plot twist that is telegraphed from the beginning, plus a pointless zombie finale), nasty synthesizer score, inane dialogue, and thoroughly amateurish acting all served to make this effort from writerdirector Tom Ritter a virtually joyless experience.",0 +"What can I say, the gore effects are spattered (pun-intended) all over the place, some looking quite real, some looking like a teddy bear that's had an accident with a bottle of tomato sauce.",0 +The biggest problem with this film is that it didn't even do a good job on the guts and gore.,0 +"The narrative flow is irreparably damaged after a point, simply because there is no ability to suspend disbelief; it's too ludicrous.",0 +But never before have I seen an attempted surrealist film this agonizingly boring.,0 +This movie is about as useless as the church itself.,0 +"Opening promisingly enough with a medieval prologue straight out of Alexander NEVSKY (1938), it goes downhill fast because it relies too much on surreal imagery at the expense of narrative.",0 +"""The Church"" has at least one thing to recommend it--the incredibly detailed art direction--but absolutely nothing else.",0 +What occurs for the rest of the film lacks structure or purpose and does not build into much.,0 +"Unfortunately, Brian Kirk is so inept a film-maker that you quickly despise everyone in the movie, leaving the audience to fret their way through eighty-plus minutes of dark, hackneyed tedium.",0 +"Even if you're willing to suspend disbelief, the story itself is pretty threadbare, a pale imitation of an A.J. Cronin melodrama.",0 +"He has the Ulster accent off pat and there is nothing wrong with his acting or indeed that of Daniel Mays as his brother, Gerard McSorley as his father or Eva Birthistle as Mays' wife but the script is so appallingly derivative that good acting can do nothing to save the film.",0 +"""This film was very badly researched and cast - fairly typical of Irish cinema - annoying!",0 +"Poor Shirley MacLaine tries hard to lend some gravitas to this mawkish, gag-inducing ""feel-good"" movie, but she's trampled by the run-away sentimentality of a film that's not the least bit grounded in reality.",0 +"It seems forced, the characters don't seem real, the relationships are unbelievable.",0 +"He made several bad comedies, and this one is his worst.",0 +"Alas, it instead ended up a mediocre movie, done in by the usual factors which turn a potentially good movie into a bad movie (bad acting, low budget etc.",0 +"Not that anyone else is very good in it either, but when you hate the character that is supposed to be garnering your sympathy the movie just fails to work.",0 +"However poor production, an obviously small budget, crapy acting from the main character, and several side actors really detract from this would be classic.",0 +"Unfortunately, the movie is visibly cheap, making the flaws all the more obvious.",0 +The premise of this film is the only thing worthwhile.,0 +"Sadly, mediocre actors have been chosen and the plot has left town, until the very end in where a pathetic attempt is made to sum it up.",0 +Really terrible 70s television schlock.,0 +"The movie was actually not THAT bad, especially plot-wise, but the doughy (and hairy!",0 +"This film is a mediocre, low-budget flick.",0 +"Nothing good, a lot that's mediocre.",0 +There's the really bad acting from Dick Sargent to Peter Graves.,0 +") running for President, then cuts to a goofy college campus-like environ full of authoritarians in goofy trucker caps and headsets and retarded athletes who all act like they're perpetually age 8.",0 +The horrible direction is only slightly overshadowed by the characters complete inability to act.,0 +"I have the MST3K version of it on tape and it is hilarious, but its still not the worst film the have ever done.",0 +"SLOOOOOOOW, tepid, poorly produced 70's schlocker made moore cowvincing because of today's headlines; nonetheless, this film is worthy stink-fodder because of uncowvincing acting, absent direction, and silly 70's clothing(sadly, the MooCow remembers when Adidas clothing was all the rage...",0 +All in all don't bother watching this film as it is dull and boring.,0 +This film is a complete drag.,0 +"The story between these points is in my opinion just a long and boring ride made up to tie ends, showing off costumes and scenarios just to give us an obvious and totally unnecessary ending.",0 +I felt as though her going to Ireland did absolutely nothing whatsoever.,0 +I'm afraid to say that I was disappointed.,0 +"However, I consider the six hours I spent watching the ""Scarlett"" miniseries to be some of the worst-spent hours of my life.",0 +This movie is not worth the time.,0 +The performers are talented people whose talents were wasted on this piece of garbage.,0 +The script is horrible and full of clichés.,0 +"Even worse than the acting--and perhaps partially explaining it--is the script, which is astoundingly cliched and predictable.",0 +For a Gone with the Wind fan (of both the book and the movie) this was deeply disappointing.,0 +"Summary: Not worth the filmAs an avid Gone With the Wind fan, I was disappointed to watch the original movie and see that they had left out many important characters.",0 +George Murdock is overacting outrageously as the Judge Roy Bean wannabe.,0 +"This movie is bad, but if you're bored and need something to watch it will pass the time.",0 +"A pathetic attempt at film making, this is one of the worst films I have ever seen.",0 +"Poor Chuck, he just has no intensity in this film, nor does he project any righteous menace.",0 +Norris just uses a lot of roundhouse kicks on all the bad guys coming after him which makes the fights pretty boring.,0 +"However, since it is supposed to be an action movie, I cannot give it more stars since the humor was unintentional.",0 +one very mediocre movie!,0 +"A lot of fights are in slow-motion, for excitement purposes, but just help pad out the movie to fill 86 minutes.",0 +"A badly acted, badly shot, badly written movie.",0 +"However, there are worse ways to spend an hour and a half.",0 +"Don Hulette, does a terrible job here, with lousy photography, an awful pace, and overall the film looked dull!",0 +The final fight with the sherif deputy in the bullring is a masterpiece!,0 +I couldn't even...,0 +Just NO.,0 +The editing was extremely amateur and lazy.,0 +I cant believe I was gullable enough to rent this piece of junk.,0 +"In case you can't tell, this is the worst movie I've ever seen.",0 +"Absolutely one of the worst movies I have ever had to sit through, and it wasn't worth the $2 I spent on it.",0 +It doesn't even look like a freaking movie.,0 +"As for the film itself, it's not even worth commenting on.",0 +"This IS the worst movie I have ever seen, as well as, the worst that I will probably EVER see.",0 +This is just so bad that it's unwatchable.,0 +"This movie was so bad I don't know where to begin, apparently neither did the filmmakers.",0 +The movie is so bad that I had to stop after just 15 minutes of watching it.,0 +I won't lie: this is the worst movie on the face of the Earth.,0 +This movie looks like it cost about $30.,0 +"If you are like me and saw the first film and loved it for it's horrible acting, accidentally hilarious one liners, and all-around low budget""ness"", it won't matter; this is so bad it's bad memories might even rub off and taint any good memories you have of the original.",0 +instead it's just some dumb ass wandering through a dead cornfield with a camera it's a mix of Blaire witch and some bad episode of the twilight zone.,0 +"That's right four, it took an hour for me to watch it (i fast forwarded thru the 4 minute zooming scenes that reveal nothing in the plot), i stared at the television for about an hour after it was over, contemplating my life and the direction it was heading after watching this crap, and then i began to cry for the next two hours because i know someone out there will unfortunately see this movie and there is nothing i can do to stop it.",0 +"nothing happens, the characters are as appealing as a root canal, and it's just an hour and a half of NOTHING.",0 +And the cherry on top of this mess would have to be the Corn Cop.,0 +But the movie form is really as bad as a lot of people say.,0 +"wrong, absolutely wrong I think 5 mins in I was gonna take it out, but thought I wasted 3$ on this so Ill finish it wheres the scarecrow, well Im guessing its the legs of the fisher man wearing heavy duty rain boots.",0 +"Or if you wanna see this movie plot, go in a corn field, bring two of the most annoying little girls you can find, run around for a couple hours having the girls scream as loud as possible.",0 +"I rented it because I thought it would be a campy sort of ""Troll 2"" funny, but it's not.",0 +There is no amount of tequila that could make this movie bearable.,0 +"This movie was poorly acted, poorly filmed, poorly written, and overall horribly executed.",0 +"Children of the corn was really scary I thought and I thought this would be something like it, but really it was just stupid.",0 +But the lack of talent from his co-stars didn't help his efforts.,0 +This film has no redeeming features.,0 +"They were so annoying and so infantile in the movie, it not even remotely comedic.",0 +Didn't blink an eye.,0 +The characters are boring and rarely say anything interesting.,0 +The directing and acting couldn't save this bomb either.,0 +Interesting concept that just doesn't make it.,0 +Code 46 tried to be too clever and in the end just ended up lacking imagination.,0 +You think from that summary the rest of the story should intertyne but it doesn't it just confuses the audience even more with different storyline that don't relate.,0 +"Unfortunately, I was continually disappointed in the lack of depth and interest of the plot and subplots.",0 +This movie isn't even worth watching it from a videostore!,0 +"It ranks within the top five of the worst films I have ever seen, and I've seen thousands of movies!",0 +I couldn't even finish watching this pathetic excuse for a 'romance'.,0 +"A nice recipe that he ruins giving it a so slow rhythm, narrating it in a so weary way, removing any emotions...",0 +"They became unforgivable once the movie sort of lost all momentum around the half way mark, and then the film just got tedious when you realized that it wasn't going to go anywhere at all.",0 +"I thought this film was a poor effort by the British film council - fell flat as hey, come on, Tim Robbins is an old guy and here is this beautiful young woman who falls straight for him as well.",0 +"What's more, all the multicultural insertions in the world can't make up for a simple, frustrating fact: The dialog stinks!",0 +This movie makes a very weak attempt at doing these and fails in the process.,0 +Unfortunately this technique gets tedious and rather hard on the eyes.,0 +It's boring and dull.,0 +"), where - quite possibly - good intentions are scuppered by a dreadful screenplay, and where many of the characters are reduced to stereotypes.",0 +The writing of this film is a total failure.,0 +The considerable talents of Tim Roth and Temuera Morrison are wasted in pointless and ill conceived roles aboard the rusting freighter carrying Binh and is dying brother across the ocean with what appear to be stock shots of stormy seas.,0 +We thought it was way to sloooowwww and to many subtitles.,0 +"), where - quite possibly - good intentions are scuppered by a dreadful screenplay, and where many of the characters are reduced to stereotypes.",0 +It's not even FUN.,0 +Most Troma movies have a sense of humor to them but however this one doesn't.,0 +"There were some good scenes, but ultimately it was dull and unpleasant.",0 +"but this flick is just, well, bad.",0 +"If anyone can find such crap entertaining then I'll just cut my wrists now, the character's are some of the worst I've had the misfortune to know, the dialogue is hilariously bad with some it sounding like it came straight from some dirty faggot porno of the worst kind.",0 +"It just all held together too weakly, and not enough was made of the story.",0 +"Li's acting is extremely amateurish, hesitant, and stiff for most of this movie...",0 +The action sequences were okay but confusing.,0 +"etc Of course being 1991 you can excuse the special effects but the film is too bad to be watchedDirection by Shashi Kapoor is not good Music is badAmongst actors Amitabh had become too old by 1991 and looked tired, his acting is okay but not on par with his best Rishi is okay Dimple is alright, rest are forgettable",0 +The screenplay is terrible.,0 +The glaring inconsistencies in the plot and costumes are no match for the awful dialogues and shoddy acting.,0 +"How pointless, hideous characters and boring film.",0 +"Take two guys (a husband and another man), put a pure bombshell woman in the middle of them, ad a deserted island, subtract all her moral issues, ad a whole bunch of moral issues to the men and mix it in a big bowl of arguments, fish and a zippo lighter and you will come up with a piece of junk movie like this.",0 +"Zane and Brook attended (they probably knew I was gonna be there) and are undoubtedly stars, but what a turkey of a film.",0 +"Terrible, skip this one please.",0 +what started out with premise turned in to soft porn.,0 +And this fails miserably.,0 +Mess ups include a supposed nude body comes out of the waves with her bottoms on.,0 +"OK, Billy is overreacting, thats for sure, but Kelly isn't doing much to convince him either.",0 +Really dull!,0 +"Three"" suffers from poorly drawn characterisation (the audience doesn't care what happens to any of them), a stupid and unnecessary voodoo plot device, a total lack of suspense or excitement and some thudding, hammy performances from the principal players.",0 +I give it 1-12 stars.,0 +!,0 +By far this has to be one of the worst movies I've ever seen in my life.,0 +"this is the worst film I've seen in a long long time, never mind the fact that so many useful things keep appearing on this island ""how convenient!",0 +"In a nutshell, skip this movie, it's that bad.",0 +i think people should of sued the maker's of this movie for how lame it was at the end..,0 +"Maybe the subject was good, but put down to a script it fails in pace.",0 +So many potentially promising conflicts between the family members that could have been developed and elaborated but it was all dropped and not taken care of.,0 +"I won't even try to discuss the incoherence of the ""plot"" or the inability of the characters to be personable because at about 1 hour in, I realized none of this mattered.",0 +"This movie was incomprehensible, not funny and just went on and on and on.",0 +This film by Arnaud Desplech was a terrible disappointment.,0 +"While this is a convenient plot device, as it allows our heroes enough time to resolve the problem, it makes no sense whatsoever.",0 +"Instead it now is nothing more than a lame and cheap looking movie, filled with the one unlikely event after the other, that also steals a bit too much from other, more successful movies.",0 +There were a few scenes that kept me entertained but I was pretty bored.,0 +"and the most surprising fact about this poorly scripted, abysmally acted mess of a film is that it attracted some fine talent to portray the comic book flat characters.",0 +The only thing I liked about this movie where the plants that pop up everywhere.,0 +"Aside from that the animal conceptions could have been really good, as could the action scenes but failed because the production failed.",0 +"The story is a complete nonsense, the effects are below the level of a TV production; even the editing is a mess.",0 +The death of a single butterfly causing the tremendous changes in the world's atmosphere and evolution is simply ridiculous.,0 +"The acting was mediocre, and the special effects were deplorable.",0 +"The only good thing about this movie was the concept, and the laughs I got from watching such a bad movie- then I became pretty angry because I realized I wasted 4 bucks on renting it.",0 +But what a vomitous movie!,0 +There's no guilty pleasure in watching something this incompetent.,0 +"This movie was really bad, plain and simple.",0 +And an endless list of other illogical inanities.,0 +But that was like the only good thing in it.,0 +"Yes, the movie would be a great movie to see drunk (or otherwise inebriated): horrible over-the-top acting, ""special"" FX that even the Nintendo64 would turn away and ridiculous plot twists.",0 +What could have been a good story was destroyed by the ludicrous time travel scenario.,0 +"What makes it even more pitiful is the time, effort and money put into a super predictable script and action.",0 +This picture is a bad and blown up rip off of the Michael Pohl short film EXTINCT from 1995.,0 +Spending so much money on making a comedy was a huge mistake.,0 +"Unfortunately, while the premise is reasonably promising, it sadly does not provide many laughs.",0 +It was completely ridiculous and just dragged the movie down more and more.,0 +"A sadly inferior precursor to ""Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf"" this film drags on and on, occasionally reviving your interest only to put you through more selfindulgent maundering and obvious but patently overdone plot points.",0 +"Decent action scenes, but the movie is saddled with a slow, convoluted storyline, nearly non-existent dialogue that leads to minimal character development, and a seriously horrible storyline...",0 +"This movie challenged place #1 on my and my brothers ""worst movies ever seen""-list, only followed by ""Fantasy mission force"" - do not watch this either.",0 +The flashback romantic scenes take a lot of space and running time and are totally unnecessary.,0 +it simply doesn't make sense.,0 +It is quite awful.,0 +Fear and ignorance breed the sort of mindless propaganda that inspire garbage like this film.,0 +It was garbage in so many ways that I do not know where to begin.,0 +'This Life' is truly as bad as it gets.,0 +Other wise it's a really droll boring film!,0 +This is a pale imitation of the Die Hard franchise that just sucks.,0 +"Almost everyone else has walk-ons apart from Powers Boothe, who seriously overdoes his under written, shallow role as the cruelest, meanest old ring leader there ever was.",0 +The children are annoying and their motivation is unclear.,0 +This one didn't have one.,0 +"I hate the fact he is a Republican and all, but then again, he did spare me the horror of paying for this piece of garbage.",0 +This 3rd rate biker film was putting me to sleep as soon as the opening credits came on the screen.,0 +The cast are mostly wasted in nothing roles.,0 +"The evil bikie gang in this movie were called the Savages, hence the title, but Minor Nuisances would have been a better name for this sorry mob of weak actors trying to look dangerous.",0 +"In spite of a strong central performance by Frank Nasso, the Prince, this disjointed film wanders aimlessly from scene to scene, painfully disintegrating into hash.",0 +It was a pure waste of my time and I can't believe I actually watched the whole thing.,0 +This is one of the worst films I've seen in ages.,0 +I found the film horrible difficult to watch.,0 +"' with such blatant self-importance that the images themselves and the movie as a whole are rendered not merely bereft of profundity, but COMICALLY bereft of profundity.",0 +sadly just a bore and a waste of 2 hours.,0 +"Instead, what happened was a presentation of an incoherent, silly chain of nonevents - with the same scenes rehashed over and over to beat some sort of point into our senses.",0 +See it only if you want to spend an endless two hours learning to distinguish between merely bad and simply awful.,0 +"Of course it goes without saying that the original Boris Karloff classic ""The Mummy"" really shouldn't even be mentioned in the same breath as the so called ""sequels"", all of which come off as campy or cultish.",0 +"It's a watchable 60 minutes in itself, I guess, but the standards have considerably lowered when compared even to the two previous entries, and the end result is strictly routine and not at all memorable.",0 +"Embarrassing script mistake has Kharis, who is known for donning a crippled, lame right arm, carrying an unconscious Amina with both arms for long distances with no ill effects.",0 +Probably the worst of the mummy sequels--and that's saying something!,0 +I can't believe that I actually sat thru this entire film.,0 +The ending was just as lame as the rest of the movie.,0 +"I can't even count how many movies I've seen with virtually the same storyline, so this was almost painfully predictable at times, but what really made it awful were a few scenes that ...",0 +"The plot was completely predictable, the editing was rather limited, I swear the editor was even dozing off near the end when he was cutting this movie, and the direction was clouded by bad cinematography.",0 +This movie was disappointing for at least one of two reasons.,0 +There was NOTHING believable about it at all.,0 +This is total swill.,0 +it was bad.,0 +But sadly Nagesh taking credit for it as his own story is a sad thing and amounts to nothing other than plagiarism.,0 +This is one the worst movie I've seen and certainly worst movie Nagesh Kuknoor has made.,0 +What a clunker!,0 +"Unfortunately, i don't think they meant to be funny, the actors really are made of cardboard, the dialog really does suck, so well just have to laugh at them, and not with them.",0 +The script has a few good moments (including Yuri's farewell and the little spiel at the end) but is otherwise fairly bland and sub-standard.,0 +"All the characters are dull, and the story is stupid and incredibly boring!",0 +I don't want to finish this movie.,0 +"All in all, I have seen worse but this sure isn't one I'd recommend or want to remember.",0 +"The plot is awful, the special effects had little effort put into them (love those wires holding them in space), the acting is wooden (also love those New YorkRussian accents).",0 +"There's one car chase that's not bad, but the rest of the movie is simply a waste of everyone's time.",0 +Do not watch this movie unless you have a healthy stash of Tylenol or Rolaids.,0 +"But there's nothing to fast-forward to, so just fast-forward past it on the shelf.",0 +"From start to finish this film is really, really bad.",0 +"Whoever has the movie watches it, and then passes it to someone else deemed worthy of seeing this unique, creative, horrible movie.",0 +I kept falling asleep during the movie because it was so boring and the music was utterly awful.,0 +Movies like this are an insult to anyone who knows anything about WWI aerial history.,0 +"The acting, script, direction, production standards and casting are all garbage.",0 +The dialogue is dumb or non-existent; the flying sequences are okay but pretty repetitive.,0 +Apart from the dog-fights which are nicely done the rest is a sequence of badly patched scenes with actors struggling with a lousy script and equally lousy direction.,0 +2 out of 10.,0 +"There were some competently worked out gags, but making slapstick villains out of American citizens who'd been interned in camps strictly due to their race was amazingly tasteless.",0 +Nothing else is good about this movie.,0 +It was his chance to shine as an actor--too bad the rest of the movie was so limp that Corey and the basic plot idea are sunk.,0 +Lucien Ballard's camera work does a decent job of bringing noir to the suburbs but the editing is lackadaisical and shapeless and it drains the film of its suspense and pace.,0 +Other than that there isn't much to recommend here.,0 +"Even if there was potential in the plot, director Campbell's approach has utterly ruined it.",0 +This film suffers from oddness trying to cover up the predictability.,0 +There were scenes that made absolutely no sense at all.,0 +It's just not believable.,0 +Certainly needed a lot more to be entertaining.,0 +Overall a disappointment.,0 +And the real people these real places were named for are probably struggling out of the Earth seeking vengeance over this trite little flick.,0 +The script is riddled with bad puns and lame jokes...,0 +"As an avid Disney fan, I was not totally impressed by this movie, certainly not motivated enough to catch it in the theaters.",0 +The story is boring.,0 +"Terrible acting, she just ruins it!",0 +I just could not.,0 +The whole production is lifeless and just LAME with such amateurish half-arsed production.,0 +It's possible to create a character who has been put upon by others and succeeds in earning their trust and endearment but the portrayal of this character in this miniseries just didn't do it for me.,0 +I lost interested in her acting and I kept staring at her wig.,0 +This is a big disappointment.,0 +"I always try not to be harsh while criticizing something that I didn't like, but after watching this mini-series I was so disappointed that could not help my irritation.",0 +"The whole thing is just bad, bad, bad.",0 +to say the camera work is dodgy is an understatement.,0 +"The story does not make any sense, there are lots of flaws in the screenplay, the characters are badly developed, the unknown cast is horrible, the lead ham actor seems to be too old for his role.",0 +There seems to be an intent to convey some subtle spirituallovefriendship message but it is so pathetically devoid of any substance you can't help but cringe.,0 +This movie was BAD.,0 +The movie is pure trash.,0 +"Unless he himself has some frivolousness hidden in himself, which did not come out at all.",0 +He is a great actor and I was very disappointed in the movie and there was not much plot to it.,0 +"However, the treatment is totally unrealistic.",0 +"no substance, or even any sparkling show of emotions, drama , or even intriguing, stormy sex like in Lolita, this shallow movie has no wonder, fallen flat on it's face, and had to be wound up from the screens during first weeks !",0 +Her role was so underwritten and ridiculously wooden that it's impossible to actually feel any pity or concern for her.,0 +there are no movies so horrible that any recommendations could be made.,0 +This movie is stupid and i hate it!,0 +I am left speechless rather wordless !,0 +Amitabh has often used the media to make this junk sell able by saying that -- if such an incident happens...,0 +"The movie is a marauding mess of politically correct leftwing feministic selfappreciating drivel, of a so heavyhanded symbolic variety that comes across as ridiculous today.",0 +"Also a professional film editor was sorely needed as some of the scenes appeared to last far too long, having made their point, so that the film appeared to drag in places; e.g. the scene of the dancing transvestite.",0 +That was one of the worst movies I've ever seen.,0 +"Woody Allen is a brilliant filmaker, but I'm afraid this is just a piece of garbage.",0 +"A very poor script, a very bad actors, and a very bad movie.",0 +Half-Pint is the town's youngest screw-up.,0 +"A lot of episodes are merely dull, and some are unwatchable.",0 +"I just read the old news that Paramount stole the idea from the creator of Babylon 5, but they chose not to sue for a reason I don't know or care, but seeing as a Star Trek series is based off another even nerdier show is just to much to bare, now I will condemn anyone who even mentions the DS9 when talking about the series.",0 +"IMHO, I think the film suffered from a lack of direction in the writing, although Harry Connick Jnr and Sandra Bullock did try desperatly to breath a little life into otherwise flat character outlines.",0 +"There is no imagination or creativity about anything in this film, it is all very predictable and therefore boring.",0 +"Here it could have gotten interesting or built up in a story line, but you become so bored with it.",0 +This movie was a dismal attempt at recreating a crucial time in English history.,0 +"Unfortunately, the miniatures are so cheap and false-looking that the transitions between actual aerial photography and toy planes are jarring and laughable.",0 +"Otherwise, the film was a shameless lie was and frequently joked about by the contemporary audience.",0 +Playmania is extremely boring.,0 +"Otherwise, this show would go into the toilet quickly.",0 +But there's nothing to this show.,0 +She's also lumbered with the dead wood in terms of male co-stars (although all of the men - even the great William Powell - are guilty of lazy performances); she's unable to strike any comic sparks off them.,0 +"The visuals are made even worse by costumes that reek of cheesy 1950's ""glamour""; they are just awful.",0 +"The dialog is so painfully scripted, it's hard to sit through, and if there were any jokes in the movie, I missed them.",0 +"Yet, I got so little out of it.",0 +The director infuses this film with false depth by repeating a gimmick throughout the film.,0 +"It's not fantasy, it's not even surreal, it's just awkward and bad.",0 +"No-one smiles at all during the film (neither would I if I had their lives), and although Domino seems to have a healthy sexual appetite she doesn't seem to enjoy sex at all.",0 +The acting is minimal.,0 +") Long scenes of him doing trivial - sometimes totally inexplicable, nonsensically trivial - actions with neither reason or emotion.",0 +But there is just nothing going on in here.,0 +Just had the misfortune to see this truly awful film.,0 +"However, the film is really about nothing and it takes forever to say nothing.",0 +"I think this movie is simply a setup piece to advance one person's -- the director's, one presumes -- disgust with heterosexuality.",0 +"Unfortunately, this movie has no redeeming qualities whatsoever.",0 +"This is the kind of dubbing that grates on the nerves, with nothing even remotely funny about it.",0 +"It has no believable plot, some of the key actors were a joke (NOT Lars Bom, he is cool!",0 +Yuck!,0 +"The musical items were also cut together badly-- far too quickly to be enjoyable, and the shots of the actors looking anguished lasted far too long.",0 +On top of that the film lacks any sort of fun plot.,0 +corny Sci-Fi and lesbian sex.,0 +It was a complete waste of time.,0 +"I usually like anything Steve does, but this movie comes off as trashy not funny.",0 +"This film is directed by Adam Shankman who keeps things moving at a nice pace and it is a good looking film technically speaking but the script is just so improbable and every character is a stereotype to the point that a 1970 film called ""The Landlord"" is clearly more in tune with race relations than this mess.",0 +This film was neither funny as a whole nor was it even worthing investing any kind of emotion into the characters.,0 +"Instead, we're 'treated' to seeing Queen Latifah jiggle all over the screen, trying to do her best with her totally uninspired character.",0 +it isn't funny.,0 +finally (but there is a lot more wrong with this flick) this movie appears to be a hodge-podge of clips from other movies.,0 +"Joan Plowright is a fine actress but the scene with the ""negro spiritual"" was just in poor taste.",0 +He must be behind in his alimony to be in such a lame effort.,0 +"The rest of the movie was pretty much a bunch of junk, scenes that have been done to death and characters we've all seen a thousand times.",0 +but sadly the music they decided to add to the proceedings doesn't fit at all and completely takes you out of the mood of things.,0 +"The opening sequence (a flashback) and the showdown climax are fairly enjoyable, but everything in between is painfully boring and the complete opposite of scary.",0 +"We are instantly hit over the head with loud, bad 70s music, HORRIBLE fashions and silly dialogue.",0 +"If not, it doesn't stand a chance.",0 +"He returned for ""The Satanic Rites of Dracula"" just a short time later and it was in many ways even worse than this dud of a monster film.",0 +"Unless you are afraid of horror movies, this one will make you yawn.",0 +"), the film really flounders due to its totally unhip - and now embarrassingly dated - updating of the myth (the modern-day setting actually suited SATANIC RITES rather better)...",0 +They were all pretty terrible characters anyway.,0 +"After all, vampirism is all about repressed sexuality, so the concept is irrelevant in 1972's London, with its thirty-something thesps pretending to be randy teenagers.",0 +"Still, a glimpse of Charlotte Rampling´s tits really can´t save this disastrous film.",0 +"The female lead also, was not allowed to do enough resulting in a pretty but boring affair.",0 +"Birney's performance is uninvolving, and Rampling only creates a stir due to her nude scenes – the character itself is an absolute bore, and the actress looks rightly bored by it.",0 +All in all a pointless affair that is only worth watching to see how action-less an action movie can be.,0 +"They were, quite simply, awful, uncultured and undeserving of French hospitality.",0 +"The result is a pretentious and disappointing production, with an incoherent and absurd story without humor and terrible acting and direction.",0 +"I just watched that movie, and was pretty disappointed.",0 +They try to make up for the fact that this is possibly the worst movie ever made with cursing and pointless nudity.,0 +I would not recommend this movie to anyone ...,0 +"(I paused the film a couple of times, it was so awful.",0 +A complete failure.,0 +"The production designed is confused, the photography is undone by the blurs on the edges, and the score is terrible.",0 +) In all the most disappointing Altman film I've ever seen.,0 +"Devoid of a purpose, he tries to build a story on a rapidly melting iceberg, all the while reminding us how pointless the effort is.",0 +This movie is not worth the time it takes to watch it!,0 +I haven't seen it since its original release but I have seldom spent two hours in a theater feeling as miserable and disappointed as I was with this film.,0 +I believe it to be the worst film ever made involving such major talent in front of and behind the camera.,0 +"The characters are not only three-dimensional, they're not even one-dimensional, there is no emotion and there is no sense in anything that goes on.",0 +Must have been a horrible shoot.,0 +"But it's a borderline disaster of a movie, and one of the worst Robert Altman ever made.",0 +"This is man's future, what a bummer.",0 +This movie made absolutely no sense at all.,0 +"I would much rather watch an old Ramsay brothers movie than this piece of crap, although someone has deemed that these don't need to be made available, for the most part, which is a crime in itself.",0 +Either that or the director was high and drunk when filming this junk!,0 +"I suppose, no more detailing is required to skip this flick.",0 +"I'd suggest it to someone as a musical- comedy, but I'd tell them to just fast forward the rest of the movie, because it wasn't worth the effort of reading.",0 +"It doesn't even score points for effort, to be honest.",0 +"The magic and mythical side of it turned me off, and for most Christians this movie would not be very suitable or worthwhile to watch.",0 +So let's get to the point we all agree on - this film is really bad.,0 +As a film on its own merits this is a good looking but pretty unremarkable movie.,0 +"Yet another Lo Wei production to completely waste the talents of a young Jackie Chan, To Kill With Intrigue is a strange mix of wuxia, melodrama, supernatural action, and plain old-school kung fu fighting that is pretty dull despite featuring several surreal WTF moments and lots of laughably bad dialogue.",0 +when something totally bizarre happens.,0 +"I don't mind dramas, but this was a bit too much for me.",0 +This movie is a waste of time.,0 +"Unfortunately nothing else happens, absolutely nothing.",0 +This film is a hodge-podge of various idiotic cliches.,0 +Is this supposed to be a joke?,0 +Occasionally funny but generally boring.,0 +"However, this turkey is a jumbled mess with a script full of simple-minded cliched nonsense: Hard to follow, herky-jerky flow, unsatisfying, and not worth the time.",0 +and it was dumb move..,0 +"The kung fu-ing wasn't too bad, but the rest of the movie was pretty awful, and made the movie seem really, really long, much longer then it's 85 minute runtime.",0 +"Like the mummy movies, the mobility of the thing didn't seem to offer much of a threat.",0 +"Shady writing, wooden performances, and sappy direction all point that this pulpy fertilizer has far mooore bark than bite.",0 +)UPDATE: The other 2 films in this triple bill were much better.,0 +"And for a comedy, it still isn't funny enough.",0 +"I feel unutterably silly just paying any attention at all to ""From Hell It Came"".",0 +To state that this particular monster walks like it has a stick up its a** would be redundant.,0 +The dialogue is stiff and lumbering.,0 +I waited for another 20 minutes and by then i was so frustrated that I started reading reviews on IMDb and realized that the director has wasted precious time of so many people.,0 +"But mostly it's long, long scenes of nothing happening - or things which look like they're dripping with meaning (a checkpoint tower crashing to the ground, an Arafat balloon floating into Jerusalem, a crouching tiger women deflecting bullets into a halo) but when you try to derive some meaning, there's no there there.",0 +"Besides these inaccuracies, the directing style was also poor.",0 +"Once I'd got my head round the idea that it was a series of vignettes, I went with it, but this made it disappointingly like a sketch show rather than a film.",0 +"Some of the events were very clever and funny, but some were merely random and pointless.",0 +"I really wasted forty-three minutes of my life watching the first half of this crap, highly indicated for torturing enemies.",0 +Sulieman (the Director) should be embarrassed of this lame waste of film.,0 +"The story didn't advanced, nothing was explained about any of the characters.",0 +A missed opportunity to say something more coherent about a very topical issue.,0 +"The acting is awful to say the least, and the whole thing was poorly made.",0 +"I have seen the most movies they've made, from Christmas vacation to van wilder, and this movie is the worst movie in their name,, really bad actors and a to much intense movie.",0 +Overall this movie is just way too lame.,0 +sorry guys for disappointment but the movie is bad.,0 +A complete waste of time and nothing what I expected it to be.,0 +I was annoyed with this movie as it was just a waste of time and money renting it out.,0 +"It was undoubtedly supposed to be funny, but it failed.",0 +Would save me the 2 hours of my life i would never get back watching this terrible movie.,0 +"In short, it's a really bad movie.",0 +The acting was terrible and sound effects just gaudy.,0 +None of the following is funny or even amusing.,0 +This isn't even done well.,0 +This was the worst movie my wife and I have ever seen.,0 +This movie was like a gathering of people that had been in other movies and they decided to make a really bad movie.,0 +I do not recommend this movie.,0 +"They're not funny and watching it for the sexual content is a complete waste of time, really.",0 +"While Norris attempts at both humour and any form of human compassion are ham-fisted and laughable, nobody could kick someone in the head quite like Chuck.",0 +"Watching it with 2 friends, neither of them even wanted to finish it because of how awful this movie is.",0 +"""Hero and the Terror"" is a fairly dull thriller - a la: no real character substance, predictable plot, and...",0 +"It's yet another disappointment from Cannon Films, and it plays like a movie made for television.",0 +For a Norris movie this is pretty tame.,0 +"Yes, Chuck is a real martial artist and kicks some butt in this film but it is rather slow and the acting in my opinion is for the most part subpar although I think Steve James does a decent job.",0 +"Yes, Chuck is a real martial artist and kicks some butt in this film but it is rather slow and the acting in my opinion is for the most part subpar although I think Steve James does a decent job.",0 +The ending was even worse than the rest of the film.,0 +"The story dragged, and the bad guy is not that scary.",0 +In the hands of a Norris thriller it just makes it ridiculous and hopelessly unheroic.,0 +"The acting from the ""teens"" is terrible, the dialogue even worse, the FX stink and it looks a lot cheaper than the first film.",0 +"I didn't make it through this movie anyway, about three quarters of the way through it was time to turn it off and throw it through the window.",0 +"This movie is just as bad, if not worse, than the first one.",0 +Killjoy 1 is at least good enough to be considered as the worst movie I have ever seen.,0 +Even Trent and Debbie cant save this excuse of a film from being as bad as it truly is.,0 +Even Trent and Debbie cant save this excuse of a film from being as bad as it truly is.,0 +"It would be wrong and reprehensible of me to advise you to watch Killjoy 2, you must have better things to do, washing the car, throwing stones in a stream, but at the same time it's nowhere near as awful as you probably think it is.",0 +The film is much worse than the first movie and that was really bad.,0 +the script doesn't help them either.,0 +I am sorry but this is the worst film I have ever seen in my life.,0 +"Bad acting, bad story and just plain out silly and boring.",0 +Once I heard that line I figured it was of the worst I've ever heard.,0 +"Usually, I don't give spoilers in reviews, but since I don't want any of you to go through the torture of watching this waste of film, I'm going to spoil away.",0 +I give it a 2 because the acting from some characters is OK.,0 +"Nevertheless, most part of the acting is bad as well, like in the first one.",0 +They are just trash and an embarrassment to the killer clown genre of horror.,0 +"The only thing I didnt like about this movie,was that the ending was a little half assed,in fact it was half assed,they killed Killjoy in a very cheap way.",0 +"The characters gesticulate, pontificate and generally ham it up all the way through.",0 +This is awfully boring stuff.,0 +The direction is amateurish and completely overwrought.,0 +A big waste of time.,0 +"This is the slowest ""film noir"" film I've ever seen.",0 +"An excellent cast who do their best with an awful script, inept direction, and some of the worst score that I have ever heard.",0 +What makes the movie fall apart is the terrible use of voice overs and the corny dialog.,0 +One big flaw in this mystery is simple forensics.,0 +"Factotum"" is an uninteresting, pointless and extremely boring movie about an irresponsible drunken vagrant that works a couple of days or weeks just to get enough money to buy spirits and gamble, being immediately fired due to his reckless behavior.",0 +"This film looks like just another 'Movie Of The Week"" about a drunk and his relationships.",0 +"Dillon's character misses these marks in favor of a strutting, handsome, relatively clean-looking wanna-be writer that scarcely passes for any moment in that of Chinaski's story.",0 +The whole thing just didn't work.,0 +"hard to sit through, scenes that went nowhere, and a soundtrack that made me want to vomit.",0 +"There's some more time spent with Jan but mostly there's just time spent being a drunk, unemployable loser.",0 +"He's a sterile, one-dimensional, 30 something, James Dean archetype.",0 +"Regardless, there's not much substance to Factotum even with Matt Dillon's fine performance.",0 +"Unfortunately, that doesn't make for a good movie.",0 +"If you are at all squeamish, do not see this film.",0 +"Filmed in a dirty brown, not quite sepia, for the most part and narrated by star Doug Cole the film fails to present the horror of the crime because the narration is irritating, the colouring distracting from the story and the crime, though gruesome and upsetting to watch, is merely that and no editorial work seems to have occurred on what is pretty much a very poor quality camcorder viewing on the events.",0 +Every aspect of this movie is horrible.,0 +This movie is terrible.,0 +"Here we have, yet again, another tired sports theme.",0 +"Youngblood is either appalling or hysterical, I can't figure out which...",0 +"All the same this movie is awful, with every thing you can put in a 80's movie.",0 +"The game of hockey I play and watch has something called ""speed"" which the actual hockey scenes in this limp movie never even come close to capturing.",0 +"This film is inaccurate (in its portrayal of hockey), offensive (to Canadians), and I wasn't even all that impressed with the acting.",0 +The worst part about the movie though is director Peckinpah's attempts to throw in a 'serious message' into this silly action flick that does nothing but slow it down and bomb in the process.,0 +Like another user I got this cheap - I thought.,0 +The original movie of this tale that Walt Disney himself oversaw used the right breed dog that is crucial for this tale and did not make that John Grey was anything special he was a poor Shepard who died in poverty at the inn.,0 +"But like the Disney film of two generations ago, this film fails as well in the accuracy department.",0 +"That's like making a movie about the life of Robert Burns, for instance, and portraying him as an Englishman.",0 +Wrong breed of dog for a start!,0 +"There is a corny Scottish pastiche style throughout, not helped by weak writing (where motives are lumped in by the spadeful) and acting that is uneven and often unengaging (despite what reads like a decent cast).",0 +It is an attempt to capture the dimensionality of gossamer patterns on celluloid -- the result is muddled and slow.,0 +I give it 4 out of 10.,0 +"Obviously Demi's attempt to get some ""arty"" cred, the movie is a shambles because of her lousy acting ability.",0 +But this was the worst one I've ever seen!,0 +"If this is a character study of an unfulfilled woman living dual lives of independence and happiness, then I'd say we have one narcoleptic melodrama.",0 +I gave it a 3.,0 +") and I did not find it to be either funny or entertaining, not even in a weird way.",0 +A waste of time.,0 +This film has a bad message and even worse acting and characters.,0 +"Put this one at the bottom of the pile; and, be thankful it doesn't go on anyone's permanent record.",0 +In this case there wasn't much good stuff to begin with and the jokes that were half-funny were screwed up professionally by the cast.,0 +"Totally un-funny ""jokes"" that fall flat, amateurish acting (with one or two exceptions), boring characters and dialogue that's, at best, mediocre.",0 +in this movie) i'll give it a rate of: 2!,0 +"That said, the main character has some charm, but the premise wears thin because the writing just isn't clever.",0 +"Thought I just might get a few laughs from this long drawn out film, but was sadly disappointed.",0 +The acting isn't all that bad although the actors don't really have much to work with as the dialog is tripe and cliché'...,0 +"Here the cover isn't to be taken seriously, and neither is what covered.",0 +I don't need to do either.,0 +"It's so terrible I love it, and I wish I could find a tape, but none of the catalogs I've checked list it.",0 +This is inexcusable for any film produced in the year 2005.,0 +"In fact this portion of the movie is so dull, that the audience might have a hard time staying focused.",0 +I could go on and on but I have grown tiresome thinking about this lame movie.,0 +"The special FX are just rubbish, shots showing the burning building from the ground are among the worst I've ever seen, the fire looks like someone scribbled an orange pen at the front of the camera.",0 +He is plausible in none of these roles.,0 +Dean Cain is a fun actor and has done much better with more improved material but here he is saddled with a weak script and pretty poor direction.,0 +"Firetrap is yet again another bad action film about a guy who- yada yada yada- and happy endings and fire, and burning, and overacting, and bad suspense, and predictable, and ------------------- just don't see.",0 +This might very well be the worst movie I've seen in my life.,0 +"Nothing, and i mean nothing is believable in this movie.",0 +Why this storyline that just sucks?,0 +If you don't like that stuff: stay away from this movie.,0 +"Cheap dialogue, no character development, no tension, not enough story to pull you in, no action apart from some REALLY cheap scenes.",0 +"Overall, 4 out of 10",0 +The script doesn't even have the decency to put her to any good use.,0 +"This is really slow with nothing happening for the first 45 minutes, making me hit the ""film enhancement"" button several times.",0 +How Linda Blair managed to get involved yet again in such an embarrassing low-budgeted horror flick is a complete mystery.,0 +"Pretty boring, and they might as well have shot it in black and white, it was so colorless.",0 +"The characters are completely one-dimensional and stupid,the zombies look horrible and there is no gore.",0 +"There's no acting, no screenplay, no direction, no thrills and not even blood.",0 +Money wasted on an effort to be hollywood.,0 +Producer spent some money on this flop and it shows in the production value which is the only saving grace.,0 +"My honest opinion, 3 out of 10 for this effort.",0 +This was an awful short film that tries to be funny in a dark way but wasn't funny at all.,0 +I tried to laugh but it just wasn't funny.,0 +"That movie went on to rise above Sena's directorial attempts at ""look at me"" filmmaking, Unfortunately this short film by Mr. Ishimoto does not.",0 +I had to sit through over twenty minutes of this dreary short that wasn't funny at all to get a good seat for a feature film that I wanted to see at a local film festival.,0 +The potential was there but it just didn't deliver the goods.,0 +"Some interesting acting moments and some decent production value, but not enough to lift this film from ""the hole"" it has fallen into.",0 +"This is a poorly written and badly directed short film, pure and simple.",0 +"The pace dragged, not helped by an over-long hallucination sequence, the characters were flat and unmemorable, and Art Bergmann is no Jello Biafra.",0 +"Still, none of the characters in the film is as incompetent as the writers of this mess.",0 +"They were ridiculous, poorly thought out, poorly motivated, and made of pure nonsense.",0 +"However, this was a massive disappointment.",0 +Lots of wasted talent.,0 +"Even the hilarious and talented Steve Carrell can't save this poorly written, over-long silly spy flick.",0 +"It is so unfunny, it is absolutely pathetic.",0 +It iswas the worst movie (well first 30 minutes of one) I have seen for a long time.,0 +"Considering the budget the movie seemed to have, it's embarrassing they couldn't do an even passable job.",0 +The writing is pathetically lame.,0 +"That is addressed here but dropped into the general, uninteresting stew.",0 +"Wow, even American Idol and So You Think You Can Dance have more adult stuff now than WWE ( at least the auditions has a number of people abusing the judges) and here is WWE, plodding with one of the worst moves in TV history, by changing itself into PG.",0 +"The wrestlers are terrible, the brand split is mind scrambling, and the story lines and stipulations are non-existent.",0 +"This is amateurish, unfunny and annoying.",0 +It is all BAD.,0 +"The bottom line is, ""Disco Beaver"" is just so blatantly horrible, so unbelievably bad, you will definitely feel cheated after watching this and wasting almost an hour of your life.",0 +The only good part of this movie was the ending.,0 +"But I went in with the expectation to see lots of energetic hot salsa dancing, I was disappointed.",0 +"And in the cast of this movie, the whole thing is destroyed by the atrocious casting of Melissa Gilbert in the lead role.",0 +"In this crappy remake, it took her under 10 seconds.",0 +It has very few weak spots and it's head and shoulders above this mess.,0 +The hysterical cast of b-movie and sitcom extras simply make the characters seem like bad Jewish stereotypes.,0 +Totally unfunny and stupid.,0 +It's better approached as what it is: a silly horror film made all the sillier by it's over-serious approach.,0 +The screenwriter fails to develop any characters outside Pettet's character and seemed to have forgotten about Mary Louise Weller (Animal House) who disappears for about twenty minutes and only resurfaces to be electrocuted like everyone else in boring fashion).,0 +"The film is bad, cringe-worthy bad.",0 +Please avoid this junk!,0 +This is without a doubt the worst film I have ever seen.,0 +"horrible voice dubbing,even more horrible acting and no discernible plot.",0 +"Having been a Godzilla fan for many years, Gamera was to me a cheap knockoff to capitalize on the success of Toho's #1 kaiju star.",0 +"Seeing as how the movie was presumably made by adults, it could have been a simple case of wish fulfillment.",0 +Gamera vs Viras was made lazily and much of it suffers as a result.,0 +Now they are just a parade of silly costumes with very little behind them.,0 +"Perhaps the first Gammera film is an aberration because the child DOES get punished and IS put into danger, but the rest of the series is pure wish fulfillment.",0 +"The photography is accomplished, the acting is quite good, but in virtually every other department The Greek Tycoon is a dreary bore.",0 +I found it extremely boring.,0 +This is basically just another.,0 +"As the grandson of Greek peasant immigrants who passed on a legacy of wisdom and love to their children and grandchildren, I found this movie contemptible and odious.",0 +It doesn't give much value and values to it's viewers except for it's violence.,0 +It was just awful and painful to watch.,0 +Even Amanda Seyfried's beauty could not save this.,0 +but the dialogue here is horrible.,0 +"Maybe if you haven't read the book you might like this movie, but I thought it was so dull compared to the book.",0 +"I gave the same chance to Tatum I didn't view him here as the sum of his past roles, purely just by his performance in this movie, which sadly was a letdown",0 +"I was looking forward to seeing two bright young actors appearing in ""Dear John,"" but it was very slow moving; and I felt that both the screenplay and the direction hampered the flexibility of the principle performers.",0 +"Usually I adore a good romance but this was just a waste of time, I didn't shed a tear despite it containing sad content it just wasn't acted very well at all.",0 +I was so frustrated at the ending when he forgave her - he was too much of a sweetheart.,0 +The movie was not good at all!,0 +"Terrible acting, horrible choppy dialogue.",0 +What a disappointment!,0 +it just made it look like a rushed ending...,0 +Dismal!,0 +"The innumerable plot holes, flakey and unbelievable human characters, terrible special effects and even worse directing and fight scenes make this one of worse films I've EVER seen.",0 +"This is the worst movie I've ever seen, and it takes the price of the rotten movie of 2007 (which is made by me), anyway this movie misses every single ingredients of a good movie, I mean come on the actors had a bad performance, the story is just crap.",0 +"Mind-blowingly, hideously, tragically, embarrassingly, catastrophically, stupidly, irritatingly, completely and utterly beyond awful.",0 +"You it looked like as if you were watching TV and you keep on switching between this teenage soap opera, a Predator movie, and some crappy detective show.",0 +"In summary, alien lands in typical American town, Predator lands in American town, both have a bit of a fight, US government blows up town, some people get away.....",0 +"Mmmm, a previous summary says ""if you like aliens and predator you will enjoy this film"" i could not disagree more, this film pays no respect to its weighty lineage and has reduced two of the best loved sci fi strands to little more than a teen horror slasher movie, it has none of the tension or foreboding present in previous alien or predator movies and there is no discernible lead character, i really did not care about any of the characters and i positively yearned to see the stereotypical cast die as soon as possible in the vain hope something better would replace them, it really takes super human incompetence to have two of the most fearsome creatures ever invented positively fail to make a gripping thrilling movie, only watch this if you want to see how NOT to do it.",0 +"This movie actually offended me, and Lord only knows what would transpire if Ridley Scott or HR Giger were ever forced to watch this piece of crap.",0 +"That anyone would suggest this is a true rendering, however, is very much false advertising.",0 +The dialog is laughable; people talk like morons.,0 +though I guess that wouldn't have been very interesting)!,0 +"And if you cannot enjoy this piece of utter drivel, then you simply have no sense of humor.",0 +The plot was basically just recycled and there were a few things that weren't tied in that well.,0 +We also get pointless female wrestling sequences that add nothing to the plot.,0 +it's just bad.,0 +The man-ape make up effects are laughable and there's no tension or atmosphere to detect anywhere.,0 +"In all, the movie was entirely too long, too chatty, and too contrived for me.",0 +no need for more words on the plot this movie get's a 1 out of 10 and i am trying to find something good to say about this movie but after a long time thinking nothing nada zero null.,0 +"In this horrible attempt at a Blair Witch mockumentary, a bunch of people go to Africa to investigate a creature called the Half-Caste.",0 +"It's just kids running around in the African bush country and getting high off of elephant dung for the first 75% of the movie, and it's not even funny.",0 +"The way of filming, inserting high speed shots with slow motion shots, just revolts your stomach more than the stupid lines (what the hell is that dialog about Bestiality?",0 +"Thus, this awful movie is utterly predictable, too--as if it wasn't bad enough.",0 +Probably the worst movie I have ever seen.,0 +The movie is horrendous!,0 +This problem is exacerbated by numerous irritating characters generating a ceaseless amount of even more irritating talk.,0 +"Terrible acting, terrible script, wholly unrealistic.",0 +"I don't know if this was straight to video, but it should have been straight to the dump.",0 +"Sure it has an interesting cast of characters, but I don't think I've ever seen a more cardboard performance from an entire cast as in this uniquely crappy piece of crap.",0 +"(Maybe, though, it was the writing: asking them to recite too many trite, predictable, cliched (over-?",0 +There was nothing even spoken about retrieving this document.,0 +"Of course, they were obviously going for moronic, but it doesn't work on any level whatsoever...",0 +"Somehow his film is even worst than Adam Sandler's movies, (can you imagine that).",0 +stoners.,0 +"We don't enjoy seeing any animal exploited in such a non-funny,extended play format.",0 +"After that, it really becomes quite a standard western; it is somehow duller than it should be, but not quite awful.",0 +"otherwise,though,i can't think of much to recommend this movie.",0 +The rest isn't even hokum.,0 +It just does not work.,0 +This is disappointing.,0 +He wasn't funny.,0 +May be the worst movie I have ever seen.,0 +"Otherwise, one of the 5 worst films I've seen.",0 +"This isn't a horrible movie, it just isn't that good.",0 +The difference between that stinker and this Pink Panther rip-off is that Town and Country was watchable.,0 +"As helmed by plodding director Charles Walters, everything here is made to seem intentionally innocuous, which doesn't lend the picture much staying power.",0 +") and for a story of a doctor turned detective (Coburn) working to solve a murder in his hospital, it's actually pretty forgettable.",0 +"While trying to clear his friend, Coburn wades through a thickening plot… **** The Carey Treatment (32972) Blake Edwards ~ James Coburn, Jennifer O'Neill, Michael Blodgett, James Hong",0 +What a wretched piece of garbage this movie was.,0 +3 out of 10.,0 +"You see, from 1964 to 1990, Andy gave us many an exploitation and horror movie-none of which was any good, and barely watchable.",0 +"Instead, I got this bore fest by amateur auteur Andy Milligan.",0 +"No gore, no scares, no entertainment, just unlikeable, annoying people having incoherent conversations.",0 +"The quality of the movie is ultra bad, seems like it was made in the 20ies.",0 +"Every thing else in it is an abortion, a malformed failure of a film.",0 +"The production is one gigantic mess, with an incoherent narrative structure, truly hideous photography, poor lighting, lousy acting and directing, laughable gore and zilch tension or atmosphere.",0 +The ending is almost unwatchable due to poor camera work.,0 +"Instead of the three comics each getting their own routine segments, ""The Comedians of Comedy"" is bogged down by meandering and dull documentary scenes that contain no humor, no insight, nothing of real interest.",0 +This was possibly the worst film I've ever watched in my 50+ years of movie viewing.,0 +This movie was very dull and cheesy.,0 +4 out of 10.,0 +"I have no more to write but as I have to write at least ten lines of text (and English composition was never my forte I will just have to keep going and say that this movie, as the saying goes, just does not cut it.",0 +"As a Scot I find the idea of ""Macbeth"" shifted in Time and Space to America totally moronic.",0 +And it's a crappy film too.,0 +The rest is made up of predictable characters (think science vs.,0 +"I have a softspot for ""B"" flicks with bad dialogue and wooden acting.",0 +The acting talent is wasted on hopelessly stupid one-liners and clichés.,0 +It only got worse for me after that because then we endure what seemed like 2 hours of constant super loud explosions in space...,0 +"suffice it to say that this is a really, really, REALLY terrible movie, that I feel ashamed to have ever genuinely liked.",0 +"But this Movie is so utterly bad, that i just had to comment on it.",0 +It just feels empty and bland.,0 +"The acting was overwrought, the dialog trite to the point of being painful to listen to, the special effects second-rate and the overall story laughable.",0 +This movie has bad writing and bad editing.,0 +His weariness was probably justified by this spectacular but poor movie.,0 +"The writing was pathetic, and the dialogue was unbelievable.",0 +I can only rate this abomination a 1 out of 10.,0 +Why?,0 +"In addition to this, the events that unfold are simply not credible.",0 +"Holy cow, I didn't realise we could go THAT bad!",0 +"The story is dull, artless and silly.",0 +"I give it a 3 out of 10, and then only for laughs.",0 +"More than that though, the cast, despite hamming it up outrageously just don't sell the film enough.",0 +"So mediocre in every aspect that it just becomes a dull, uninteresting mess, this is one of the most forgettable movies I've seen.",0 +Kind of dull.,0 +"So, the dog gets top billing, and with the rest of this shell-shocked cast, I suppose it's understandable.",0 +My Score: 4 out of 10,0 +Definitely not a good film but nowhere as bad as some would paint it to be.,0 +"Raise an eyebrow at the screwy plot line, made even more opaque by the totally meaningless ending that seems to have no connection to the rest of the movie.",0 +Genuinely bizarre bad movie that defies description.,0 +"The ending, which seemed to have been struck from a much poorer print than the rest of the movie, is really absurd.",0 +"It does at times because Jost writes as good as he shoots static shots of the smalltown American Nowheresville but Beth Ann's monologues, delivered in the most flat nasal monotone imaginable, a voice that sounds like Stephen Hawking's computer speech program crossed with a horse whinnying, are so grating to the ear it kind of defeats the purpose of trying to pay attention.",0 +"There were only a few things good about the movie, the actors which played Royan, Nahood, Taita, Boris, Mick and Tessay were well-chosen, the rest were just parodies of the characters in the book, Rasfer was the worst, it didn't get even close to the character that was in my head while I wrote the book..",0 +"Terrible, terrible movie.",0 +Wilbur Smith is descriptively verbose but weaves intricate tales that deserve more than has been delivered by this awful mishmash of a movie.,0 +It doesn't work and it really comes off as foolish.,0 +"The film, shot on 16mm, is, simply put, an embarrassment to the TRANCERS name...",0 +This movie was terrible...,0 +I am at a loss for words because I am still confused.,0 +Lil' flip sucks.,0 +"The result is deeply uninvolving, and worse, grotesque.",0 +"His acting is so simplistic, that looks almost amateur.",0 +"This is said, of course, to make it sound like reading the Bible is the worse punishment you could ever inflict on someone, especially a kid.",0 +"Still, the storyline and situations can not be believed (forced PC stereotypes).",0 +"The story was complete nonsense, even for comic strip characters.",0 +This made me cringe as no one seemed real; everyone was as shallow as their laughter on society.,0 +"But yeah, the characters and action are unsexy and kind of pathetic.",0 +I could not relate to it.,0 +"Like the fatuous academics that populate the movie, it meanders aimlessly, substituting endless (it seems like forever listening to it) conversation for some action or plot direction.",0 +"Actually, worse than being simply boring, seeing nude 40-year-olds is, well, unpleasant.",0 +I had a VERY hard time sitting through this film.,0 +- that his aggrieved wife (Fay Holderness) has replaced his stash with worthless coupons.,0 +"The CG effects on the dragon were terrible, even for the Sci-Fi channel and the writing was pathetic.",0 +"At the end I just didn't even care about the fight scenes, sure, the CGI Dragon was weak, but the storyline was the biggest letdown.",0 +"Not enough action, not enough humor, not enough plot, not much of anything really.",0 +I'm sorry for the decent actors who were in this yawn-inducing trudgery.,0 +The actors are pathetic and the script is awful.,0 +They're phony and contrived.,0 +He gets the last line of the film and it's a gas!,0 +Likewise the film was okay whilst it lasted but is perhaps forgettable.,0 +Rating: 1 out of 10.,0 +"From the beginnning, the movie plods along like geriatics in a beat-up van.",0 +"I found that even the ""good guys"" of the movie did nothing for me, were silly, stupid, whiney, or just plain ineffectual.",0 +I proceeded to leave the movie theater a little jittery.,0 +"Ok, I did think that it would be horrible.",0 +This film was horrendous in every detail.,0 +If this awful film moved at a snails pace it would at least be moving.,0 +The dialog in this movie was terrible.,0 +The acting was poor and the premise of sexual scorecards was revolting.,0 +"The plot is absurd, the acting terrible, and the ending all too predictable.",0 +A movie so bad you'll think chimps wrote it.,0 +"Flat out, the story stinks and we're actually supposed to take this yak seriously.",0 +Don't even rent this film.,0 +"Though I don't like it, but I had no choice, I saw the movie in French, but I know that hearing the real voices of Sheen, Sutherland and Hamilton would have not change things, except maybe making it more pitiful.",0 +Duh!,0 +what a waste of two hours!,0 +My Grade: D+,0 +I have to say that this movie was really quite awful.,0 +"Thus it crushes them, rather than strengthening them.",0 +"Although this film has had a lot of praise, I personally found it boring.",0 +"This show is unpalatable in any amount, although this is to some extent mitigated after two episodes by the brain's god-given filtering processes, by which the show will thankfully leave the same imprint on the viewer's memory as a television tuned to a dead channel at maximum volume.",0 +His acting is so horrible in this game that it seems like he's imitating someone who happens to be impersonating him.,0 +"I kept waiting for this film to improve, but, alack, this is the worst kind of escapist movie: a spun-sugar confection that sinks under the weight of its own ponderous self-importance.",0 +"Relationships appear almost ""mandatory"", and the little ""detective story"" thrown in just makes things worse.",0 +On a positive note you may argue that the film is not predictable but you could also say it's plainly boring because of the lack of cohesion.,0 +Otherwise it is just hollow.,0 +"Given those parameters, as well as the film being bilingual, it was really hard to follow, and I was not sure as to what happened at the end.",0 +"I didn't hate this movie as much as some on my all time black list, but I consider it a total wast of film.",0 +"I like to think that he didn't even read the script for this mess, because if he did I am at a total loss to understand why he accepted the role.",0 +The storyline and plot were both weak.,0 +"As someone that values movie plots, acting and being entertained by a film, the truth is I thought this movie was so terrible beyond words.",0 +"Plot didn't thicken, dialogue was shoddy, characters undeveloped at best.",0 +We had some good movies in our history and we had some bad ones but this one - it is like nothing worse that I have seen in my entire life.,0 +Some awkward visual situations are actually comical in a sick way.,0 +That itself tells me the producers and director didn't have any core understanding about a western other than those standard shoot'em up scenes and violent themes.,0 +There was no suspense whatsoever and very little action or worthwhile drama.,0 +"Don't get me wrong -- I LOVE a good Western -- Notice I said ""GOOD"" -- this is just trashThe acting is horrible -- Val Kilmer must know someone or owed a favor or something for them just to use his face and name in this ridiculous piece of crap...",0 +"Unfortunately the high adrenaline dries off quickly, but most certainly after half the movie is over.",0 +"First of all the story is just weak to begin with, even worse when it's not just a poor story it's a wish to combine to very poor stories - first a failed try to make Swedish action á la Matrix and then combine it with a really bad moral story.",0 +"This film doesn't contain a story, the script is illogical, stiff and last but not least, just plain bad.",0 +I was very disappointed.,0 +"It doesn't deserve even a single star for its imitation, imperfect casting, poor standard and predictable story.",0 +This is a rip-off from Cellular.,0 +i could go on for hours but neither i have the time to discuss about this useless crap of a movie not i want to remember those awful scenes from the movie.....,0 +"Welcome to the world of Vikram Bhatt, the man who was once successful and got several hits with small actors like KASOOR, RAAZ and also the multistarrer AWARA PAAGAL DEEWANA and his one film with Aamir GHULAMOne sneak peak about this films are that all are Hollywood remakes and some decent ones like the once which workedSPEED is a remake of CELLULAR and that too a terrible one A look at the stars, we have the once saleable but now out of work Urmila and Sanjay Suri, then we have the flop Aftab, Ashish Chaudhary, Zayed Khan and othersThe film could be a decent thriller but many problems are there The storytelling has several cringeworthy scenes like Zayed hijacking a Mobile Company and many more and the stunts too are laughable while the twists in the end are too laughable The film also took a long time to reach the theatres which looses it's sparkDirection is awful Music is outdatedZayed Khan screams, makes faces.",0 +Due to this ordinary acting some scenes doesn't really convey the feelings that director wanted.,0 +"The flaws in the script, uninspired acting - presumably due to the lack of direction -, a sort of production design, which doesn't deserve its name, less than mediocre photography and, last but not least, the worst editing job I've seen in ages, make this one truly hard to stand.",0 +"Dull, dreary, unrelentingly disillusional, and ethnically preposterous.",0 +"'Its the most depressing, absurd and most stupid thing on TV at the moment, and i cant understand peoples motives for watching this depressing pile of crap anymore",0 +"Also, the story lines are awful and after watching it for a few minutes, I am bored with it.",0 +This is the proletariat as perceived by the writers who produce this trash.,0 +There is not one good word I can say about this programme.,0 +"Like all soaps, it consists entirely of totally unlikeable characters being unpleasant to each other, but it's ten times as bad as the next worst one could be.",0 +Do the writers actually believe this garbage they're pumping out?,0 +"Don't rent this one if you are sleepy, it will knock you out.",0 +Plot = elementary and mindless.,0 +"""The Big Easy"" is one of the worst films about New Orleans.",0 +)and implausible plot make up for one of the cheesiest action pictures ever bestowed in the general public.,0 +It doesn't even come close to this garbage.,0 +"The acting barely registers on the cable-access TV scale, the plot is less nuanced than an old ""Sgt.",0 +What is even more absurd is the fact that he was also the dialog coach for this film.,0 +"Besides, this is badly acted, badly scripted, badly interpreted, incredibly stupid but no fun at all.",0 +"The only good thing I can say about this abomination is that it only last 90 minutes (that would feel like centuries, but still).",0 +"It is NOT an OK or good movie, it's a mediocre soap opera!",0 +It just wasn't worth what I paid for it!,0 +"The plot tries to carry a deeper meaning to the state Adela is in, but utterly fails to deliver (at least I didn't buy it).",0 +"It was a BAD, BAD ending.",0 +like i said a disappointing movie,0 +"While it was nice to see a film about older people finding each other and falling in love and the performances by Andrews and Garner were not bad, this picture poured on the sapp and schmaltz at every turn.",0 +It was only the second year of the Academy but already they were voting politically - Jeanne Eagels' brilliant performance in this creaky early talkie had to make do with an Oscar nom and the statuette went to the worst performance ever to win - Mary Pickford's in COQUETTE.,0 +A complete yawn-inducing dud.,0 +"Various unsuccessful attempts at escape or rescue are made, but inevitably fail despite the obvious advantages the women have: they outnumber the guards vastly, and relatively few of the guards have automatic weapons - most have semi-automatic rifles or handguns.",0 +It is APPALLING.,0 +The subject and the script is at the level of cheap comics - just a cliche.,0 +"If you are 10 years old and never seen a movie before, maybe this film may be entertainment for you, but if you've seen several movies, this one will be a silly fully-cliched cheap and predictable for you.",0 +"But the comedy parts aren't even funny, because it's so obviously stolen from Star Wars.",0 +"The acting, storyline is below average and the FXs are nice but not up to feature film standard.",0 +All I can say is WHY WHY WHY WHY did they not just make it a straight narrative instead of some sappy flashback story.,0 +"Just because of the special effects, the rest is absolute trash!",0 +The number of funny jokes is somewhere between zero and nothing.,0 +This movie is just as bad as it gets.,0 +This ridiculous mess of a film starts off with a brainless premise and goes completely downhill from there.,0 +"The actors and actresses are lousy, the effects are cheesy and the dialog horrible.",0 +The story (I'm sure that true storytellers will never forgive me) is childish and stupid (stupid in a way that making it play in a mortuary would result in a bunch of angry walking dead).,0 +"Other than cop rock and that show where the kid dies from eating a spoiled hamburger he found under the bed, this has consistently been the worst and dumbest show to survive prime time.",0 +"One would think that Karma and the whole eastern religion thing is a big enough topic to bring some different and interesting shows, but they only scratch the surface of the subject.",0 +) nor about the other boring stuff you see everywhere in sitcoms.,0 +"First, Ethan Suplee is scripted to act as a complete idiot confirming that very obviously by spewing out semi-random stuff in great expectations of it somehow becoming the next best joke.",0 +"I just wish that they would show a little more class, not all filth and poorness and trailers and just below average life, it just seems to depress me.",0 +"Jason Lee is a talented actor, but is trapped in a helpless role in this horrible ""comedy"".",0 +It's so lame it's disgusting.,0 +Then the movie turns from somewhat suspenseful to pointless.,0 +"I will say the graphics as far as the gore were terrific, but it amounted to nothing since the acting and script were so terrifically bad.",0 +It is an absolute waste of an hour and a half.,0 +"""The Ruins"" ranks as just another vine mess with nothing to redeem it.",0 +And a plant mimicking a cell phone sound or peoples voices is just too much to be believed.,0 +Overall this is a poorly done movie.,0 +Nothing was really scary about the movie and was not even entertaining.,0 +"There are a couple of scares in this movie, but nothing really makes sense.",0 +I was REALLY disappointed with this movie.,0 +But there is so much about the movie that was ridiculous and laughable.,0 +I mean I didn't find even one part of the movie appealing..,0 +"It is awful, the one thing that makes it somewhat palatable is its cool Australian backdrop, despite the fact that they spend the vast majority of the movie in one place.",0 +"I guess it wouldn't be much of a movie if they utilized rational decision making and turned around just then, but, well, this wasn't much of a movie anyways.",0 +Doesn't the horror genre deserve something a little better than this pile of laughable crap?,0 +This movie is complete garbage!,0 +But basically a pretty silly movie.,0 +"Believe me, I have rated several of her films very high (I especially adore SHOW PEOPLE), but here she just couldn't help but flop--this film was a turkey.",0 +"Sorry that I was the only one to find Davies a weak actress, with a truly awful attempt at an Irish (Irish-American or otherwise) accent.",0 +"Knowing who directed it, 'The Hep Cat' is a bitter disappointment.",0 +"Overall, very tedious.",0 +"Short, meaningless sentences and reciting none too relevant or interesting scientific ramblings.",0 +The film is so preposterously overwrought and mundane that it's hard to imagine that director Steve Mahone could overlook such obvious dullness.,0 +This movie is simply rubbish.,0 +The premise is absolutely laughable.,0 +There is no sparkle in this story of a screenwriter who latches onto a much-younger girl for 'script research'.,0 +Dick Powell looked a bit embarrassed--as well he should--at playing the elder lover in this silly story.,0 +"But again, rookie mistake.",0 +"Almost nothing was continuous, the main characters were awful and were NOT Aliens or Predators.",0 +"After the stupid premise has been presented there is well over half an hour of stupid and unfitting teenager clichés, dumb as hell dialog and close to nothing else, except for a few Alien scenes that feel like an excuse to have that first half of the movie and Predator scenes that make you ask yourself whether those guys making the film even watched any other Predator movie or just didn't care enough to be bothered.",0 +This movie is a painfully boring waste of time from the opening scene to closing credits.,0 +The movie is as predictable as the sunrise.,0 +As one can see immediately the whole story is a mess.,0 +"The directing is poor, performances weak and the script rotten.",0 +"The sequel falls into many of the same traps, the plot line was completely forced, the dialog was so bad that the film might be better on mute, and the action was contrived and far from the heart pounding brilliance of each monsters original films.",0 +"It was strained, illogical with full of meaningless massacres.",0 +"Fox is beyond caring about the fans, as this cheap and trashy film is clearly evidence of.",0 +"I mean, were they actually trying to make the movie look as dull, drab and uninteresting as possible?",0 +It's filmed and paced badly.,0 +"They are awful films, badly acted, badly scripted and terribly directed.",0 +") Aside from the first 5 mins, its one of the worst films ever made.",0 +"It took a completely different turn from the first AVP movie, it's not a bad idea that they took Alien and Predator and put them in the up class suburbs, but from the idea of the first one explaining their reasons for existing, this was just an average and predictable horror sequel.",0 +"The special effects are lame, minimal and low budget.",0 +He could have made a hundred cult classics for the price of this waste-hole.,0 +it's a sacrilege to include alien and predator suits in this kind of rubbish.,0 +That was also dumb.,0 +"The dialogue was pointless, the acting was pathetic, it had virtually no story line and you can't really tell what the hell is going on half the time due to the continuity errors and plot holes.",0 +The Bad: An inconsistent scale of a town.,0 +worst movie i have ever watched..,0 +Underdog is bad.,0 +"They did it again: ripped off an old show's title, then destroyed the nostalgia with boring ""re-imagined"" stuff.",0 +"The acting was dull, the humor was tedious and the charactersplot felt like they spent about 10 minutes creating their entire personalities which gave the uninspiring actorsactresses no range on how to portray their characters with the least bit of depth.",0 +"All in all, Underdog is a huge waste of time- and money, which thankfully, I didn't have to spend.",0 +"Its painfully dull and feels like it takes forever to get through it, which considering the film is say 75 minutes sans credits, is something you don't want to do.",0 +The acting was passable but needed a little improvement.,0 +"The odd gag raises a smile, but Underdog's human sidekicks (James Belushi and Alex Neuberger as father and son) are as dull as the predictable storyline.",0 +Those of you hoping to enjoy the comedy of the fast-fading star -James Belushi - a word of caution: this is not one of his finer works.,0 +The rest deserve Golden Rasberry nominations for this crap.,0 +"Overall, the script was pathetic.",0 +"Imagine how bad you could think this movie is and then prepare yourself for a movie even worse, that is just how pathetic the movie is.",0 +The dialogue was atrocious including many terrible puns.,0 +"As a stand alone movie, it is awful.",0 +") dumbed into another dog"".",0 +It was way too slow.,0 +"Unforgiven, though simple in plot it falls flat on characters and emotions and i would certainly say that Unforgiven is Eastwoods worst film to date.",0 +This movie was an all around uninspiring film.,0 +But then the movie started to get horrible predictable cliché-twists and when the movie was over it left you feeling like you had wasted your time.,0 +"The problem with this film, other than it's 'so bad it's compelling' title, is the script.",0 +The music is just too sick to listen to.,0 +"Both were slow, boring games.",0 +After usual interesting opening – the movie takes a downward turn with every unfolding of event.,0 +"What could have saved this shallow, tedious movie is some decent splatter, or at least gore worthy of the genre ""Slasher"" - It fails there as well.",0 +"Do they always have to be this stupid, irritating and so godd#mn superficial.",0 +"But unfortunately, girls and boys, this film never seems to get beyond a disappointing and incomplete sexual fantasy.",0 +"Okay, the basic concept may perhaps sound reasonably innovative but inevitably the screenplay quickly reverts to the same old and irritating slasher clichés, and once passed that point even the nifty stylistic trademarks can't save the film from dreadful mediocrity.",0 +What a disappointment!,0 +This movie is beyond useless.,0 +"People get cut up, shot, bludgeoned etc but because of their innate hatefulness to the audience and stupidity in getting themselves in these situations, it's hard to care as the bodies stack up.",0 +So not the best one...,0 +Telling jokes – and not very good ones - seems to be all Black Books is about.,0 +It's dreadful rubbish.,0 +But this was a truly disappointing film.,0 +"the we have another 20 minutes boring dialogue and finally a, in my opinion, not that well managed splatter sequence.",0 +"The monsters were actually decently put together, and although the storyline was lacking, it was somewhat watchable...",0 +but wow there is bad acting that's funny I guess and bad acting that's just bad.,0 +"It's a shame, then, that the rest of the film's running time—a massive 70 minutes or so—is mostly spent following Jack as he goes about his boring, everyday business: plumbing, visiting his shrink, going to chemistry class, and upsetting his girlfriend.",0 +The pacing during the second act was tedious.,0 +"While not without its initial charms, this movie ultimately infuriates, and disappoints.",0 +Personally I enjoy independent films and anything outside the box but this just did not do it for me in the least.,0 +"It's plain boring, which is the worst thing a film of this nature can be.",0 +The direction is terrible and the acting is worse.,0 +"It was really the lead character, the daughter, whose performance was bad.",0 +"To summarize: the acting is horrid, the story bad, and even the filmography is dreadful.",0 +"The story just wasn't credible, and I don't think the world's best director could have saved it without massive editing.",0 +"Sometimes acting gets so bad it's laughable, but in this case, it's so bad it's sickening.",0 +"It's about 45 minutes into the film and there's been so much back and forth and empty drama, I don't quite see where it's going.",0 +"Terrible plot, awful acting.",0 +I'm very disappointed.,0 +There is nothing believable or realistic about this film.,0 +"Now the movie gets extremely slow and tedious, as the characters do one lame thing after another.",0 +After that it becomes very lazy and underwritten as a story.,0 +Its just boring.,0 +"Well sexual slavery is a dreadful and very real world wide problem and this pile of bilge utilises this plague as a plot device to titillate and tease, shame on everyone involved for that piece of questionable judgement.",0 +"Although some of the sequences of scares and it's unconventionally interesting plot work, some aspects just don't.",0 +whatever but it is the worst try making a good movie i ve ever seen ...,0 +Instead it just lies there among the stupid ruins of a stupid movie.,0 +I had a hard time sitting through this.,0 +This makes for an awful middle screenplay.,0 +"And after an obvious foreshadowed sign-language scene, they enter a ""too-good-to-be-true"" half-price shuttle ride.",0 +It does not make one lick of sense and is not entertaining whatsoever.,0 +This is about as stupid as it gets.,0 +A waste of time.,0 +"Tons of loopholes, questions you ask yourself, loose ends, and a conclusion that is not a good revelation, but a total disappointment.",0 +anything but waste your time on rubbish like this,0 +"May 2nd: someone clicked 11 NOs, and then proceeded to do 15 more on my previous 15 comments: almost as funny as this turkey!",0 +"With these dull scripts, mediocre acting, poor plots, awful dialog, one is forced to watch a DVD of any old ER episode to see excellent hospital drama.",0 +"With repeated choppiness and an unsteady camera, it's surprising that the story line isn't more disrupted than it is.",0 +The plots of these films are of little consequence.,0 +"And for the guys: nothing, this movie is a terrible let down, couple scenes that could have been great but you get nothing but build up with no delivery.",0 +There isn't enough space to explain the many ways this movie is a disappointing mess.,0 +"Well, at least this was the last sequel that I could find at Blockbuster, because this movie was just downright horrible.",0 +"Since you already know what's going to happen, the carefully-paced build-up is simply slow and tedious.",0 +This film is a poor special effects movie merely using the Amityville title as a cash-in.,0 +"This mundane horror trundles along at a dull pace, leaving us waiting for a build up that never comes as the various 'spooky' goings-on lead to a dumb finale.",0 +It's basically nothing.,0 +"A horrible movie with the old boring concept of infidelity which has already been achieved by the ""Bhatt camp"".",0 +Acting was awful.,0 +"The script, the story, the acting are all simply laughable.",0 +"Emraan Hashmi post MURDER did some good roles in Bhatt films but other director just made use of his kissing and naughty imageAKSAR is one of them and it came after AAA, JAWANI DIWANI in a row and I was already fed up of him and such roles The film has a nice twist at the start i felt like an Abbas Mustan film but then it turns into a routine film with sudden love, sudden jealousy and a bad climaxAnant Mahadevan makes a terrible film Music is saving grace Camera-work is fabulousEmraan Hashmi just repeats his act of his earlier films and has 2 expressions throughout Dino looks stiff, talks as if he is practicing Hindi and does okay in some scenes Udita is expressionless and irritates",0 +"weak direction, weak plot, unimpressive music, i wonder why Udita Goswami is there in the movie world in the first place ?",0 +"The movie substitutes good looks for good acting, a cryptic plot for a good story line, and self-absorption for character development.",0 +A vaguely plausible plotline (and that's being generous)becomes completely rediculous as suddenly new characters appear from nowhere and random and bizzarre events are never explained.,0 +Plus points: The English actress from ER doing a dodgy south african accent Minus points: An irritating film,0 +"This was one of the most contrived, tedious and clichéd films I have ever seen...",0 +"None of the characters evoke any kind of feelings at all, except boredom.",0 +"This low-budget film about a writer who goes to work in a London casino has an awful script, wooden performances, and not much to recommend it.",0 +"An appalling, insulting mess of a movie that plods and plods and plods along to an idiotic and unconvincing ending.",0 +"Additionally, this series fails miserably in any attempt to accurately portray any historical events of the late 1940's.",0 +Both of these are so obvious that when a movie is made with them alone it ends up feeling empty and unnecessary.,0 +"There is a good story in this and its clear why Howard and Bernie Mac took part in it, but the script is poor and most of the direction seems intent on making it feel like 197something instead of making us feel anything for the story.",0 +This movie was really that bad.,0 +Disappointing.,0 +"Extreme bad taste mingles with slapstick and Humphries' usual scathing satire in a film which is more enjoyable in it's many funny parts, than taken together as a whole.",0 +Arguably the most disgusting thing to come out of Australia since Vegemite...,0 +"The only redeeming features are some moderately good acting, (although that said, Vanessa Redgrave seems to permanently render much the same performance whatever character she plays), and some good cinematography in places, but otherwise it is a bitter, bitter disappointment, and it could, and indeed should, have been a contemporary masterpiece.",0 +"Outside of some nice cinematography here and there, there is nothing to recommend.",0 +"With the lack of focus towards these characters's connection, the eventual scenes between the two made no sense – throw in Cork's choice and it just gets completely discombobulated.",0 +This movie was ridiculous from the start.,0 +"I didn't even bother to wait for Michael Carradine to come on, as I was already pummeled senseless by the combination of the slow script AND having to deal with a midget in a dramatic role.",0 +Unless such a wretched thing as a Geoffrey Reeve completist exists - and you're one of them - I wouldn't bother with this instantly forgettable nonsense.,0 +Storyline drags.,0 +"Lots of real animal mutilation is the one thing about DEEP RIVER that could make it a horror film, but even that doesn't execute well.",0 +No shortage of female flesh but still not interesting!,0 +"I couldn't say that it's one of the worst movies I've ever seen, but it's very dull.",0 +"None of the jokes seem to work and the film looks almost like a drama, not a comedy.",0 +I am testing myself to watch 3 bad movies in a row to find out if watching 3 bad movies in a row could give me amnesia I have a dubbed to English version of this movie.,0 +"In addition, a lot of the dialogue sounds quite wooden.",0 +"The pacing is far too plodding for the former, and there is too much lame slapstick for the latter.",0 +"The director obviously didn't have the budget to film some of the scenes he needed, so he had to fill in the gaps with some fairly ludicrous exposition scenes (The ""I wined him, I dined him, and then I killed him"" scene just doesn't work) along with voice-overs and montages that are clumsy and unconvincing.",0 +I was very disappointed.,0 +") You see, the movie is indeed horrible, but so horrible, it isn't even laughable.",0 +"This is a really mediocre film in the vein of ""Buckaroo Banzai"".",0 +"I wanted that hour and a half back in my life - it was the most amazing, hideous torture to know that I had squandered precious minutes of my life on this dreck.",0 +This is by far the worst script to make it into the big screen ever.,0 +I was highly disappointed.,0 +"This movie is not worth seeing, at least not at a cinema.",0 +"And sure enough, it was every bit as bad, every bit as pointless and stupid as every George Cosmotos movie I ever saw.",0 +It's so bad it's actually worth seeing just for that reason.,0 +"It was silly, mostly, and I didn't even know then had a ten-story elevator in the White House.",0 +Brainless yet action-packed meaningless trife despite loads and loads of acting talent(all pretty much wasted.,0 +"Anyways, I gave this a 2 instead of a 1 just because of its comic value.",0 +This film is bad.,0 +"Considering the box-office response to it, SHADOW CONSPIRACY is not all quite as bad as critics and the public reacted to it, but still ain't very good to begin with and everything, from script to direction, is pretty predictable.",0 +This was barely worth the £1 it cost me.,0 +I made a special promise to myself never to watch a film this bad again.,0 +"It only had about 3 minutes of actual entertainment, the rest of it was just a total bore.",0 +None of the action scenes are exciting the story line is nothing special and except for a couple of actors the acting is bad.,0 +What a letdown.,0 +"And I guess they also used up all their alloted nudity time too early, because towards the end of the video, there is a huge amount of pointless dialogue that is obviously being used for no other reason than to pad out the run time.",0 +This is just bad stuff.,0 +Monotonous murky drama with an endless drone of background music.,0 +"It's the same plot, just minus any good acting and adding TV movie direction.",0 +It was barely worth the trouble of watching through to the end.,0 +"The scattered storytelling was made all the more obnoxious by the fact that these were truly interesting subjects, particularly Elmyr de Hory.",0 +"Unfortunately, Welles seemed completely incapable of telling it.",0 +Overall I'd say Savage Intruder feels like it tries to be a murder mystery that unfortunately gives the killer away & as a result just doesn't work.,0 +It's just shocking how wrinkled and awful she looks.,0 +but instead it winds up being an uninspired courtroom drama and meditation on the the insanity plea and death penalty that makes little sense.,0 +It's sick and perverse!,0 +The game was to easy and gave out too much hints.,0 +mediocre acting and a rather boring plot.,0 +"I was prepared for a bad movie, and a bad movie it is, so I guess I shouldn't complain.",0 +"While POTEMKIN excelled in its editing style, this movie used similar techniques with a lot less finesse--in some places, the editing seemed very choppy and amateurish.",0 +"Everything in between is awkward, haphazard and quite unnecessary.",0 +The vocals were okay.,0 +"i just felt the story wasn't there,and there wasn't much in the way of excitement or drama.",0 +No explanation and very unsatisfying.,0 +"His accent was far from authentic, but he fell into the biggest trap of all, his accent IS his performance, and we end up with a caricature of Irishness with no personality outside of his nationality.",0 +Sutherland is a total waste.,0 +The one thing that I would add is the disjointed way the movie has been Directed and Produced.,0 +But the story is sabotaged by the director's overriding infatuation with his own cleverness twinned with a very poor script.,0 +"In my opinion, it didn't succeed in either.",0 +"The repetitive score is incredibly annoying (as is the voice-over), the characters lack any depth and the viewer is soon lost between questions like ""who is this character"" and ""what the hell is that supposed to mean"".",0 +The storyline seemed very disjointed and didn't flow as it shouldcould have done.,0 +it fails.,0 +It brought absolutely nothing to the story-if there was one at all!,0 +"The movie starts of slow, the storyline makes no sense at all.",0 +"I don't even feel like making an elaborate post on this, it was just horrible production.",0 +"Its obvious that the movie was suffering from el cheapo budget syndrome, and the scene where Temuera is procreating inside the house while a battle rages outside is just too stupid for words.",0 +The voice-over was so over-utilised that one has to wonder if this film really even needed any accompanying imagery.,0 +Why Morgan Freeman took this insipid role in this asinine film I can't even begin to guess.,0 +"Well intentioned I'm sure, but, unfortunately, that's not nearly enough.",0 +Not worth watching.,0 +"Shooting in drab video is not ""artistic"", it's just cheap.",0 +"The acting is OK, I guess, but the script is absolutely horrible and makes very little sense, a fact which the filmmakers try to cover up by adding absurd references to Chaos theory, as if it would convince anyone that the film is actually 'clever' - but then again, judging from other reviews, some were.",0 +i'm tired of copy and paste movies.,0 +The main problem is that the movie doesn't have a good story to begin with.,0 +But it's boring and mundane.,0 +"Heavyweights Jason Statham and Welsey Snipes serve as bookends to Phillippe, but when they're not on the screen Phillippe flounders; his shallow acting style has nothing to bounce off of.",0 +"It's a pity because: the dialogue is ridiculous, the acting is poor and lifeless, the story is a fishy tale!",0 +The story is uniformly senseless: the last time I saw a story to disconnected it was the production of a literal eight-year-old.,0 +"Overall I nearly didn't make it through: incredibly irritating, and Ryan....",0 +It was like renting a Jackie Chan movie expecting a bunch of kung fu and getting Erin Brockavich.,0 +How much can you really say about a condom with teeth?,0 +"Yet another ""gay"" film ruined by asinine politics.",0 +80 minutes of pure sleaze and nothing more.,0 +"The sex scenes are awkwardly acted, and some scenes, like the shower scene, seem to drag on and on.",0 +"Caged Women is yet another 'women in prison' film, and like the most of the rest of the genre; the plot is completely forsaken in favour of simply showing nude women.",0 +"The ""all women are whores at heart"" mentality of the movie is offensive, and the ""story"" is by turns absurd and boring (the escape is the most boring part!",0 +"This music is totally out of touch with the film, showing up now and then as wagnerian bombast and Lone Ranger hurry-up, otherwise nonexistent.",0 +"However, the movie is done SO BADLY that most people I know couldn't sit through it.",0 +"As a two hour feature, it's pretentious, boring, stupid and plain out silly.",0 +"It feels like it was put together by a team of adolescents with low level scripts, that is, scripts lacking any depth, awful photography and editing, and hilariously lousy score!",0 +A question only asked by them who haven't seen this terrible nonsense movie.,0 +This is a really obnoxious show.,0 +"Despite its shared themes (heavenly intervention averts suicide, angelmortal relationships ensue), Besson does nothing to enlighten or inspire us.",0 +"Massively and immeasurably flawed, Angel-A is just plain bad.",0 +"well, I found it extremely disappointing.",0 +It tries to be a number of genres and fails at each.,0 +"He co-wrote Halloween: H20, but even he had the sense not to take credit for what he did on that monstrosity.",0 +"It tries to play mind games with the characters, but these moments are there to only serve the story's poor progression into a puddle of stupidity and senselessness.",0 +It doesn't get any better as the soundtrack is filled with annoying poprock and the storyline is ultra-thin.,0 +"If you're a teen out there and want to see when a teen's manipulation and wrong doing can get him or her the world, see this unfunny, caricature filled, unintentional film noir.",0 +"Not the worst movie I've ever seen, but it never grabbed me for a second.",0 +"Oh, and the ending is so unbelievably hackneyed and irresponsible.",0 +"This reminds me of another silly, worthless movie with the only redemption being the Pretty Girl in it.",0 +"The acting of the ""teens"" is simply appalling, not helped by a script that is in parts simply inept.",0 +Interesting premise could render a good movie but this one is just lame and far fetched.,0 +"Despite a rather good first half hour, the film quickly subsides into a dull, clichéd mess that's about as entertaining as pulling out your eyelashes with pliers.",0 +"I think the movie suffers from a lack of sex and violence, though there is one car chase stunt that looks so dangerous it could only have been filmed in a country where life is cheaper than beer.",0 +The actors look like they're doing their hardest to portray a bunch of 70's robots; the dialogue makes so little sense it's not funny.,0 +"Unfortunately, the premise is completely lost in bad dialog and less than enthusiastic acting on the part of the human leads.",0 +"The character's are dull & clichéd, the action repetitive & unexciting while the film as a whole is a real bore to sit through.",0 +"It's like all of the porn stars that didn't want to fulfill their obligations banded together around this awful, trite, useless piece of gargoyle abstinence.",0 +The acting was flat (at least none of the actors sounded like they'd just got the script that morning) and the film and sound quality made me think of the 70s movie of the week bombs.,0 +the acting is so bad i laughed my ass off throughout.,0 +"I will not spoil your surprise by mentioning any of the hideous plot lines, I'll just say that this movie suffers from poor animation, over acting, obvious tag lines… these are some of it's good qualities.",0 +It seems he coudn't even organise gigs properly.,0 +"Malcolm McLaren apparently squandered the majority of the Sex Pistols earnings on this waste of film, which makes it that much more obnoxious.",0 +The Sid Vicious scenes are few and idiotic.,0 +"If you're a Pistols fan, I guess it wouldn't hurt to give ""Swindle"" a try, but to me, for the most part, it's just an incoherent, boring mess that tries to be funny but fails.",0 +If I could have given this a zero I would have.,0 +there is also a mish mash of cast.,0 +I turned this off within the first five minutes.,0 +"Even worse, her story was completely empty of ideas.",0 +"The script is so fake and the characters so unreal that's makes petty seeing nice actors as Unas, Bryner, Morgado, Lagarto and others, lost themselves in a net of whatever except cinema or storytelling.",0 +"It's treated like cheap, throwaway trash.",0 +The film is nothing else than an exposition of nudity.,0 +"""Care"" is a movie that could have been, but is it because it was a tvmovie I don't know but everything seemed so limited that it comes over as some cheap movie that will be seen by some housewifes and fathers who decide not to go to bed.",0 +")The characters all became wooden, and unemotional.",0 +"But after that, it simply becomes dull and tedious.",0 +"Character development, too, slows down greatly and by the later seasons, the cast has become quite unchanging, resulting in increasingly stale jokes (particularly those concerning the monk, who's ironic traits start out as mildly humorous but grow tiresome when the jokes associated with them appear repeatedly).",0 +It wasn't anything interesting.,0 +"The flaws continue with what happens to this plot and these characters - namely, nothing.",0 +"Cons: Outside of Shichinintai arc, the series was overall boring, repetitive and some of the characters are extremely irritating.",0 +The script is cheesy and dumb and the animation is poor .,0 +I did not shell out any money for this garbage.,0 +This film appears to me to be being used as a vehicle for the creator of the film to get off on the excitement of playing with your mind in an abusive manner.,0 +But besides this there's not much to this movie.,0 +"Bobcat should be commended for doing something different, as I said before, but different does not always equal good and this pales ever so slightly not to Goldthwaits own directorial debut, the criminally misunderstood ""Shakes the Clown""My Grade: C-",0 +this movie is worse.,0 +"I cannot remember one funny scene though I have to admit, I had to turn it off before it was finished.",0 +this movie was a waste of my time.,0 +A complete waste of time and of film.,0 +i'm giving it a low 3*,0 +Other than that it's a very mediocre movie.,0 +"I attempted to watch this, and was highly disappointed.",0 +"Strangers with candy overacts in all the wrong context, the situations are just not funny with the cheesy voices and bad low brow comedy timing, the clear attempt at dryblackdark humour is obvious and it fails to deliver on all elements of a good joke.",0 +"A lukewarm low budget tv flick, ""Curacao"" is spiced up with a couple of babes and use some Carnival street parades as window dressing.",0 +"Things happen like a boat exploding , and a hostage situation and the hero being recruited as an agent for South African intelligence but you're left scratching your head wondering what the heck this is all leading to .",0 +"Well, I am sorry that Mr. Scott is no Meryl Streep, and it just destroys the illusion - like having Michele Yeoh speak excruciating Mandarin with a strong Singaporean accent in Crouching Tiger etc.",0 +-- just eggs them on.,0 +This movie was total cheese.,0 +This movie was terrible.,0 +The plot is ridiculous and even what story there is goes absolutely nowhere.,0 +"It doesn't move anywhere, the characters are just totally bizarre, the underlying plot equally so.",0 +"It isn't, far from it, it's a boring mess of wooden acting, cheesy FX, poor lighting, excessive dialogue, and over editing.",0 +Terrible movie made on zero budget.,0 +It's constant and consistently bad.,0 +"No redeeming cheese, no unintentional humor, nothing!",0 +"Rise of the Undead"" has cheap special effects, mediocre acting, and crummy dialogue.",0 +"Don't listen to them, listen to me- there is no nudity in the movie, skip it.",0 +The dialog was far from even decent and the acting was without direction or effort.,0 +"Rise of the Undead is a mess, the character's are awful & aren't even given names, the twist about halfway through will have you tearing your hair out in frustration, the dialogue sucks, nothing is explained & there's virtually no story here.",0 +Don't waste even a minute in your life to watch this crap!,0 +"It's deadly boring, a lost of time.",0 +"The plot has more holes than my string vest the special effects were not very good, it did not take much to figure out who the creature's mother was and the creature owed more than a little debt to Predator.",0 +CONCLUSION: Quite simply boring.,0 +It's a pitty that the legend for Beowulf is used in such uninspired manner.,0 +"Without doubt, this is the worst movie I've ever seen.",0 +"First and foremost, the film has NOTHING to do with the original Beowulf if we disregard a couple of violently and pointlessly stolen names.",0 +"Boring dialogues, badly choreographed fighting sequences, a terribly dumb story and even worse special effects.",0 +This was one of the worst movies I have ever seen!,0 +"The story is nearly nothing, the special effects are very bad and the actors also.",0 +"bad acting , combats are very awful , 3-4 second between each text , bad music , bad effect and always the same plan during the movie.",0 +"But the plot is silly, the ""Mortal Kombat""-like music has nothing to do here, the ending is really s****y...",0 +Took a very good book and completely butchered it.,0 +"Here, besides one of the only decent scenes that translated well from the novel (the fight between Wilma and Nettie), was a letdown and didn't have much balls.",0 +Just horrible.,0 +The film on the other hand is awful.,0 +But this movie is one of the worst book to film adaptations I have ever seen they changed so many things around that it made me sick.,0 +The movie was pure rubbish.,0 +Most of the film's problems are that it deviates so far away from the book but there's also some terrible acting from a cast that obviously can't feel for the daft material they're being asked to perform.,0 +It plods along without offering genuine scares and forces the viewer to spend time (yet again) with a bunch of repulsive losers whose hatred of each other is spooky.,0 +Could it be that the devil himself has set up shop as an antique dealer in a small town in Maine?,0 +"Anyway, I've seen much worse movies in my life but Needful Things was a disappointment because of the waste of acting talent.",0 +He and the rest of the mean-spirited characters in this film do NOT make it fun to watch.,0 +"I gave this movie a rating of 1 because it is by far, the worst movie I've ever seen in my life.",0 +This is quite possible the worst movie ever made.,0 +"His actions confused me throughout the film, making it very hard for me to focus on what little plot there was.",0 +There's even nothing to laugh at.,0 +"In short, if you're looking for a mediocre martial arts film, and not hoping for much, don't bother with this film because it doesn't even offer that.",0 +Terrible acting and a extremely phony plot.,0 +The synthesizer based soundtrack is even worse than the one in Deathstalker.,0 +There are way too many sheep depicted in this movie.,0 +"Boring, rank nefarious plot, some of the worst direction I've ever come across, inane acting and horribly clichéd.",0 +"A movie about religion can be entertaining, but not this movie.",0 +"the man who plays oren has acting i can compare to my own vomit, and chuck took a dive on this one, he's not the greatest actor, but this was terrible.",0 +) It was bad enough that there was an egregiously insufficient count of kicking and punching in this.,0 +"With clunky, self-consciously informative dialog and sub-par acting, even a relatively impressive budget with attention to detail will not spring to life this sagging, albeit historically worthy, melodrama.",0 +I would give this a 4.5 out of 10 but despite it's submission for consideration for the Academy Awards I would not recommend it.,0 +How on earth were these guys given funds to make this movie?,0 +The result is a dish with no taste but an ugly appearance.,0 +"Sluggish pacing and listless, bland acting turn even vilest perversities into pablum, and connecting scenes into an eternity of dull plodding.",0 +But things only get worse from that point as all scenes pretty much look alike.,0 +"The killings are cheap, the characters are cheaper and the effects suck.",0 +Jane Ryall who played Celia only did this one film.,0 +"This flick is so poorly done that the parts that ""should"" shock and revolt you come across as laughable at best.",0 +I simply cannot believe I spent hard earned money on what certainly has to be the worst film ever made.,0 +"- If bad guys are approaching you while on a slow-moving train, there's nothing to worry about - between the 4 of them, they can't manage to figure out how to get an automatic weapon to fire automatically, let alone hit anyone from 5 metres (16 feet) with at least 50 attempts between them.",0 +This movie is such an insult to common sense..,0 +Deep Fault could be better for a work over in the cutting room.,0 +"I voted AWFUL for this dreadful so called ""movie"".",0 +"The writing, direction, and acting are wooded, sort of like what you would see on daytime soaps.",0 +He picks this nothing.,0 +"In the end, I was too bored to finish watching it.",0 +"A totally incoherent result, which can only leave you saying ""huh""?",0 +It is the most pretentious film that I have seen in a long while.,0 +barely.,0 +"While the film has one redeeming feature, namely some striking shots e.g. the shot of the sheep hanging from the tree, the scene of the funeral procession on the raft, or the scene of the boats leaving the village (which seemed influenced by the scene when the warships approach in the fantastic ""Fellini Satyricon""), these were more photographic than cinematographic, and would have been better appreciated hung on a wall in an art gallery than embedded in a painfully slow-paced film that comes in at a whopping 162 minutes and suffers from terrible dialogue, extremely poor character development, over-acting, uninspired symbolism and heavy stylisation.",0 +"Sadly the story was quite honestly awful, the acting was generally alright, with a fairly small cast.",0 +There is nothing good about this movie.,0 +"The rest was all ""B"" grade tricks or worse.",0 +"I'm baffled these two movies are within a 1.0 to each other, FGF is ""The Godfather"" compared to this garbage.",0 +"Bad acting (and I use that term loosely), minimalist ""plot,"" sophomoric humor, and lackluster snowboarding.",0 +"the story line is non-existent, and any jokes that may have been in the film were not funny, even on a sympathy level.",0 +If you think you had already seen the worst comedy made wait for watch this crap!,0 +Or maybe even the fact that Traci Lords gives her worst acting performance ever and to add insult to injury keeps all her clothes on throughout the length of this steaming turd sandwich.,0 +I have seen a lot of films and i have to say that this is the worst film i have ever seen.,0 +"This movie is just downright horrible, the movie was only an hour long and for about 25mins of the movie was just useless random snowboarding clips that don't even connect to the movie.",0 +Don't watch this.,0 +"All in all, its a lame-a$5, watered-down -typed- ""Out Cold""ish movie - But Tremendously Awful.",0 +There is no sense of humor in the film but a depraved and indifferent purpose as to its undesirable underpinning.,0 +"Opening with brutally realistic shots of the dead men, the viewer is left thirsty to understand what happened, but left wholly unsatisfied.",0 +you can skip this one.,0 +"It's Gilbey's sickening appetite for scatter-shot violence that ruins the film; whether it's a brick in the face or axe in the head during a vicious attack on a train, it's all unnecessarily prolonged.",0 +In all of the action scenes it seems that the camera was tied to a piece of string and whirled around while people pretended to fight and the story of somebody most people have never heard of and nothing really interesting happens too is a complete waste of time.,0 +Unfortunately this film was shockingly bad.,0 +"I don't want too wast to many lines about this, but really its a complete wast of time.",0 +Terry Stone as Tony Tucker provided the unintentional comedy with an ill fitting wig (or the worst Barnett going)dialogue that was so expletive riddled it bordered on juvenile and an over the top vehemence in line delivery reducing Tucker to parody.,0 +Blah blah blah.,0 +First off i'll give this movie a low scoring 4 out of 10!,0 +"This is film making at its worst with arbitrary cinematography , bad scripting and dialogue , no character development and cliché jungle warfare scenes.",0 +At a time when Australia could have done with a great film about one of Australia's best moments the film Kokoda is a shallow disappointment.,0 +"You're better off reading it its an insult to the victims and the fallen if you don't tell it right, and the movie drag on for too long there was nothing interesting about the dialogue and not enough retribution from the aussies to kill Japanese soldiers.",0 +The film is so unsatisfying and obviously unfinished as to be almost laughable.,0 +"Basically its rubbish, don't see it, don't buy it.",0 +"Instead of giving us a perfect film with one flaw, we have a horrible mess with one redeeming feature.",0 +"I thought the acting was terrible, they were not believable and they didn't give me any reason for me to care about them.",0 +I must say that Iam truly disappointed at this film..,0 +It's so humiliating.,0 +This is one of the worst movies I have ever seen.,0 +"It is no-where near these movies; a 4 or 5 would be a more reasonable average rating, I give it a 3.",0 +"I guarantee that you would walk out of the theatre thinking, ""hmm, now that doesn't make sense at all"".",0 +84 minutes of bad actors doing their best with an awful script.,0 +The Nest is really just another 'nature run amock' horror flick that fails because of the low budget.,0 +Not as good as it could have been this one doesn't have all that many kills in them.,0 +"Apart from that, the pace of the movie was horrendously slow at some parts.",0 +She had no idea a family movie would be so violent.,0 +Pity that the filmmakers felt the need to tack on a contrived subplot about a conniving golddigger and her violent husband.,0 +"It is weird, though, to find an independent movie, the brainchild of a single person, that is as unambitious and cliché-ridden as a committee-brewed Hollywood potboiler.",0 +The effects are laughable and the action is average.,0 +The cheese completely sinks what otherwise could have been a passably amusing movie.,0 +')You have to ask yourself what people are using for brains when they think a cheerleader spot or beauty crown is worth killing for!,0 +"Don't bother even watching this waste of time, if you want a film about the world of beauty contest then watch ""Drop Dead Gorgeous"" instead, it's only an infinite number of times better.",0 +Poor interpretation.,0 +"Overall, this series was a disappointment, and a wasted opportunity to craft a genuinely interesting and well developed drama series.",0 +Just too weird and nowhere near enigmatic enough.,0 +Complete waste of celluloid.,0 +The movie plot seems to have been constructed from a disjointed dream.,0 +"Holy Moly, this was a bad movie!",0 +"At least the film's title practices truth in advertising, since people and objects routinely disappear throughout the film, adding to the confusion.",0 +"And don't get me started on the last half hour, which made no sense whatsoever.",0 +I just didn't care and when Wild Bills mystic grandmother appears out of thin air to give him advice it just didn't fit.,0 +Too bad they couldn't predict a better plot.,0 +"Hmmm, started well, like a hybrid of X-Files & First Wave, unfortunately, if the mere notion of Da Vinci's lost time machine is preposterous to you, then the final 'battle' between one man with a pistol and 4 16th century monks armed to the teeth with automatic weapons will seem positively ridiculous equalled only by poor acting, poor script and screenplay, or, in other words, giggle factor 5 captain.",0 +"Fear will kill you in the end"" It's a good message, but the container is so flawed that the message gets squashed by bad acting, complete lack of credibility in the feelings, dialog that's delivered as if it were read out loud, stereotypes instead of breathing, living people.",0 +I know that it was low budget but the hollow sound and the lighting unfortunately made it look and sound like a 100-minute-long audition tape.,0 +Only watch this film if you want to laugh at how bad it is.,0 +"Horrible acting, amateur direction, weak dialog.",0 +"If I'd have known how absolutely horrible this movie was going to be, I wouldn't have paid a cent.",0 +I'm sorry but the acting is horrible.,0 +The acting is terrible.,0 +None of it really makes sense.,0 +Other than that the movie is a waste of time.,0 +"Flashdance is one of those awful, stupid movies that you actually kind-of enjoy, just because they're so crap.",0 +The whole thing was quite pathetic.,0 +"And even that famous final sequence is pretty disappointing, especially given the context of an audition for a ballet company.",0 +"This is a good business deal but an artistic disaster because many of us still have nightmares about Hollywood movies from the 1980s and I rate the mid 1980s as the poorest time in artistic terms for American film making and FLASHDANCE opened the door to this "" Let's make a 90 minute pop video instead of a movie "" type film makingJennifer Beals plays Alex Owens a dancer who works as a welder to make ends meet and right away logic disappears with this career choice .",0 +"If it wasn't for the terrific music, I would not hesitate to give this cinematic underachievement 210.",0 +"A truly forgettable ""film"".",0 +"Well, this may be one of the worst movies ever, but atleast there are some nice t*ts in it.",0 +"So I prepared myself for a letdown, as one must always do.",0 +What a disappointment!,0 +"It's almost unintentionally funny, except that Ryan is so arrogant and devoid of charisma that watching the show long enough to mock it isn't worth the trouble.",0 +The show is frankly insulting to the intelligence to the viewer.,0 +"The characters are truly some of the most ridiculous and outright laughable on television, scripted or otherwise.",0 +Might I stress again the young dark haired man that hosts this show is absolutely down-right awful.,0 +"They're complete frauds, plain and simple.",0 +I personally would not advise or recommend anyone to watch this show unless you are a basic scare seeker.,0 +Over and over again nothing.,0 +"The writing is simply not compelling and even, dare I say, boring.",0 +"I've tried to watch three episodes of ""Paranormal State"" and only use up my time commenting on it because it's so bad and perpetuates the notion that anyone who believes in the paranormal is a gullible freak.",0 +I was very disappointed.,0 +I could barely sit through one episode.,0 +"So i asked them to waste time for the paranormal and they followed suit, they went into an old building looking for ""mothman"", it was a waste of time, it made no real difference at all, it had no effect, we learned nothing new, it was a waste of time and film.",0 +I give this nonsense a 2 instead of a 1 because there is a worse show called Haunted Homes.,0 +"This show was rushed, and relied heavily on surprise cuts to commercials (When it came back from commercial, the noise or ""surprise"" was something simple like a mouse) This is a pure rip-off of Ghost Hunters and it attempts to go ""beyond"" them, and fails miserably.",0 +"It's usually boring, and there is lots of talk, lots of psychics, yet hardly anything happens.",0 +"That is if they are not laughing out loud at the bad acting, cheesy dialogues and incredibly poor story.",0 +I give it 0 and a half (for laughs) out of *****.,0 +"I was left speechless, due to the amazingly dull story, annoying situations where one American equals that of a fifty or more Iraqis, and boring dialogue.",0 +"""Red Shadow"" just fails in that department.",0 +This is the worst kind of film.,0 +"But the racism issue is a smokescreen, and the whole thing is contrived.",0 +"The medical experts, on whose testimony the case supposedly rests, are jokes - both are discredited for highly implausible reasons, and neither of them offers any real psychiatric diagnosis.",0 +"This is a waste of 141 minutes of anyone's life, it is tedious, vacuous and hammy, and, almost as an afterthought, it is morally repugnant.",0 +What a socially irresponsible film this is!,0 +I really cannot believe that someone liked this junk.,0 +I for one find this very insulting.,0 +The villains and foils are flat and 1 dimensional.,0 +What a shame.,0 +I have just wasted my Saturday night watching this crap!,0 +What an awful waste of two hours.,0 +"This started out slow, then got worse.",0 +"It's just a forgettable, borderline horrorsci fi film, with nothing new to offer.",0 +"""The Man with Two Lives "" is more like ""Black Friday"" minus Karloff and Lugosi.",0 +Not really recommended.,0 +"A tagged on unnecessary, pain in the ass sorta ending.",0 +"I've been watching a lot of Asian horror movies lately, but this one has to be the worst so far.",0 +In fact the film is really boring.,0 +the dramaticness of the guy getting hit by a train kinda sucked...,0 +"If you have any emotional ties to this from childhood, you'll be kinder to this rather lifeless, colorless, and lackluster film.",0 +The girl who plays the child he and O'Hara adopts does her best with a contrived plot device: Of course!,0 +"The acting is bad, even for the queen of cheesy 80's films.",0 +A waste of time.,0 +This movie is bad as we all knew it would be.,0 +"Beyond that, the jokes aren't funny, the characters aren't funny, their mishaps and missteps aren't funny...",0 +Everything trundles along predictably and listlessly.,0 +"The script is completely hopeless, let alone the fact that it is unoriginal and badly worked.",0 +Besides not being funny it is not actually believable at all.,0 +"James and Carl are the type of irritating, immature men that a sensible woman would run a mile from, their practical jokes about as humorous as the war in Iraq; the character of Susan Wilkins is colourless (looks like Julia Roberts, but lacks her charisma) and there is zero chemistry between her and Carl - though it may be unfair to blame the actress, as I don't know what she could have done with such a poorly written part; and the villain is neither funny nor scary nor memorable.",0 +"Setting aside the asinine and implausible plot line, bad acting, bad dialogue, poorly executed stunts and slapstick, continuity errors, and high rate of no-name actors never to be seen again, all in all it was a pretty bad movie anyway (at its core, I mean).",0 +"Unfortunately, Koontz seems doomed to die without seeing a decent adaptation of his work.",0 +"The movie was confusing and didn't have a flow at all, it was choppy and made me want to throw a rock at the TV.",0 +This movie failed miserably to live up to its potential.,0 +"The gooey sequence that kind of ""explains"" the film's title is the only halfway memorable one in this tiresome film.",0 +"' Richard Harris once again over-indulges in his passion for excessive makeup, toning down the eyeliner for far too much foundation this time in an effort to hide the fact he's at least 25 years too old for the role, but at least he (perhaps inappropriately) reduces his larger-than-life tendencies for a performance made up mainly of patronising whispering.",0 +"What must have seemed wondrous to a child's eyes is actually very poorly done, not to mention boring for a fantasy-adventure; fatally, both star (ex-'Angry Young Man' Richard Harris) and director (action expert Hunt) are ill-suited to the material!",0 +"Everyone involved has done better things during their career – ""Gulliver's Travels"" might fill an otherwise empty afternoon, but apart from that it is a forgettable and underwhelming experience.",0 +"The combining of animation and live action is ropey at best and downright dreadful at worst, which makes you wonder why it was decided to even attempt making the film in this manner when clearly the technology wasn't really there.",0 +Utter nonsense.,0 +Probably the biggest crime is the plot: IT MAKES NO SENSE.,0 +"Instead, it is coupled between two other needless chapters that do nothing to push the story forwards with any real thrust.",0 +This movie is bad.,0 +He just doesn't handle the film very well and the movie is kind of a mess.,0 +It's pretty tepid.,0 +These are the 2 reasons the movie is so bad.,0 +This is worse.,0 +The first time must not have made such a negative impression because I had forgotten how dismal this sequel was.,0 +"So in conclusion this film tries to be funny and fails miserably, it doesn't have any new material, comedy or coolness throughout as it copies every other film and finally the only reason you should see it is if you want to compare how bad it is to it's brilliant predecessor Get shorty.",0 +"Plot holes, stupid dialogue, too many random cameos, horrible acting (even by the pros), and a not-so-entertaining attempt to mimic ""Pulp Fiction"" makes this film the worst movie of 2005, and it's only the third month of the year.",0 +"Blatant product placement, juvenile script, so much talent gone to waste, gay-bashing...",0 +"Most of the film is done with histrionic character, excessively exaggerated (a little is OK, too much is disgusting) and the only one that one could save is the gay bodyguard, who, at least is coherent, the rest, are too much idiot.",0 +"Vince Vaughn's character was just annoying, despite me being a fan of both him and the Rock both of the actors were way under utilised and unrealistic.",0 +This movie was an embarrassment.,0 +") that was so convoluted with ""rock star"" clichés that it was totally ridiculous.",0 +"But anyways, long story short, this movie was trash and I had to force myself just to get through it.",0 +"Uma and Travolta were very good together, but - unfortunately - when they left the screen, the movie was nothing but a bunch of very boring and wordy secondary characters wrapped in some extremely bad writing.",0 +The dialogue written for Steven Tyler was painful to watch.,0 +But the biggest problem is this film's ridiculous philosophy.,0 +"Travolta delivers a pleasant enough performance in this mildly entertaining film, but ultimately the movie falls flat due to an underdeveloped plot, unlikeable characters, and a surprising lack of chemistry between leads Travolta and Uma Thurman.",0 +"This movie is certainly no better and, if anything, is worse.",0 +"It's a contrived plot that is just pathetic, unrealistic and not even close to fun or interesting.",0 +"The actors, particularly Travolta, should be ashamed of themselves for their participation in this.",0 +"Travolta takes on the role as Chili Palmer again, but this time we have already seen the gangster who tries hes luck in the hard world of movie making, its not funny anymore.",0 +Don't expect older kids to be interested as the live actionanimation is way behind the times and most older kids will get bored.,0 +"To be fair, the cinematography is good, considering what was put before the camera, and the actors strive (with wildly extreme results) to make something from a scrap heap of clichés and inanities.",0 +The plot is pretty faulty and dialog rather sad.,0 +You are probably wishing you had all that time back of your life that you wasted on making this movie.,0 +"So there you have it really, it's an average story that has a mildly surprising twist at the end which is wasted, is populated with poor clichéd dumb character's that exist only to showcase some cheap gore scenes & girls in bras.",0 +"The acting was very sub-par, You had Costas Mandalar acting like Triple H's dumber forest ranger brother, a Scott McMahon look-alike as his depute who I guess your supposed to care about but there is no emotional involvement anywhere.",0 +This movie is by far one of the worst B-movies I have ever seen.,0 +"If you're looking for quality or a really scary movie, i don't recommend it.",0 +"i paid $2.00 for this piece of crap, i want my money back.",0 +"Ugh, bad, bad, bad, but I have seen worse which is why I gave it a 2 instead of a 1.",0 +It wasn't even funny crap.,0 +I was very disappointed.,0 +I'm giving it a 4 for their performances--but nothing else here is worth mentioning.,0 +"The story, if you can call it that, and the dialog, not to mention the sophomoric acting, is a travesty toward the genre itself.",0 +"This is just a terrible movie, not worthy of anyone's time.",0 +"But this is truly rubbish, he came nowhere near a decent Irish accent, maybe he should have practiced it with Kate Hudson while she was doing About Adam.",0 +"So, in the end I would rate it 3 of 10!",0 +"I'm a big fan of Kevin Spacey's work, but this is a sub-standard film.",0 +"with fiorentino, baxendale and spacey each incapabable of a half decent oirish accents the powers-that-be had but one choice - force the irish actors to adopt equally bad oirish accents, reducing the whole thing to the lowest common denominator.",0 +"Because, the dialog is very weak and the scenes are often pointless.",0 +The movie to me just didn't make any sense and the some of the story just didn't feel solved to me.,0 +Not a lot to redeem this film.,0 +"After the general, a film that romanticized the life of Dublin gangster the general to such heroic proportions that it made the average Dublin person sick, along come Kevin and his attempted portrayal of Mr. Lynch or martin Cahill, aka the general, the acting is so bad that this crime drama becomes a comedy for the native Dub, and a tragedy for the Kevin Spacey fan.",0 +"Having Michael Lynch give up everything to avoid death in ""ODC"" is a cop-out ending to a weak and shallow movie.",0 +one of the worst excuses for an irish accents i've heard.,0 +"It had all the ingredients of a great tongue in cheeker, but it just didn't come together AT ALL.",0 +Not worth a second of anyone's time.,0 +"""Ordinary Decent Criminal"" has a clumsy screenplay, naive direction, journeyman execution, thin story, poor casting, mediocre acting, and eventually becomes lost in itself and sinks into a mire of hopeless mediocrity.",0 +Third was trying to figure out why the writerdirector bothered to give Jon Favreau's character the Jewish name of Adam Levy; he even refers admiringly to eating a ham sandwich.,0 +"It is cynical, dumb and pointless.",0 +There is no reason for this really juvenile dialogue and scene.,0 +"The climax isn't really great, and the film is so unrealistic.",0 +"Some of the action scenes – flying a plane with no engines, a car chase at night through a forest – are quite absurdly contrived.",0 +Pass on this one.,0 +I haven't for a long time seen such a horrible film.,0 +"What more can be said, this movie sucks.",0 +) it was commented that the player knew the film was boring and was refusing to play it.,0 +im sure he doesnt need the money for a life saving operation or transplant.,0 +"This cinematic failure is littered with cheesy, cliche dialogue that's worse than angsty teen poetry.",0 +"Plus maybe the only thing that could've saved this film, the special effects, are also very bad, the monster looks awful (not scary, but awful).",0 +"I strongly suspect Pinhead visiting the set while shooting, because this movie has no soul.",0 +This movie is so dissociative and messed up that I literally lost a bit of my sanity after it was over.,0 +Its very laughable.,0 +"Well, actually it's more like 86 minutes because there is no way anyone would want to sit through the credits in this stinking pile of dog feces.",0 +The supporting cast is rather neutral.,0 +"The warped tree came close, but was more than counterbalanced by the laughable effect of the Hessian's farce-comedy bellowing.",0 +the use of dialogue as a vehicle for plot background was clumsy and unnecessary.,0 +"Bottom line: I had a hard time getting into it, and I wouldn't recommend it.",0 +"it was boring in parts and confusing in other parts, and there was no building of characters.",0 +"Yes, there were some nice bare trees and foggy evenings and the horseman jumping out of the tree was a nice special effect, but on the whole the movie was just boring and pointless.",0 +"Following the quest of Ichabod Crane – played by Johnny Depp, delivering this dreary film's only shining point – to the heart of the mystery surrounding a town's seemingly random and gruesome murders by a fabled headless horseman, the story plays out as if it were purposely trying to be repugnantly predictable.",0 +"The acting is lame, the violence is just all over the place, the sneaking ending is just plain stupid.",0 +With this vote only I hope it make it to the #1 spot at the worst!,0 +"The recurring puppet shows are pointless, and a few scenes are completely out of place.",0 +"Worst of all, the film is confusing.",0 +"The film itself has little plot; the dialogs from the theater play and the ""normal"" dialogs cross over often and that's not the sort of thing I'd consider a good idea.",0 +"But when they are larded with arcane symbolism and murky dialogue and when it's obvious they were done for the filmmaker's ego rather than the viewer's benefit, I get upset.",0 +"Each actor gets hisher moment literally in the spotlight, but there's so many ""masques"" or set pieces that seem like 19th century parlor games.",0 +It does not have anything particularly novel or interesting to say on this subject and is in fact rather dull.,0 +It is disjointed and flits from scene to scene with little flow or meaning relevant to the main story line.,0 +The story lines are incoherent to anyone who isn't a buddy of one of the stars.,0 +"Next, was the horrible script.",0 +"If there was a comedic edge to this movie, I certainly couldn't find it, and it made for one surprisingly weak movie.",0 +"Loosly and awkwardly constructed, with a lot of pointless dialogue.",0 +"We're supposed to be interested in seeing Rick Mercer visit a gymnastics team and then try to do some of their moves, and then suck at it on purpose while trying desperately to be ""funny"".",0 +"He does some bits in the studio about things going on in the news but they are never funny at all, just really sad and predictable jokes about headlines.",0 +I played plenty of good and bad games and I think this game has the dullest story I was ever forced to listen.,0 +This game sucks.,0 +And this game just isn't it.,0 +I have played this on a PC and the PC version is horrible with glitches and the stupid side missions are senseless.,0 +What I got was a big disappointment.,0 +"In its current form it is flat, formless and tremendously disappointing.",0 +"Really awful jumble of unlikelyunexplained coincidences and unidentifiable plot line, all without character or clear motivation.",0 +What's worse is that the narrative makes no sense.,0 +To make matters worse the character of Milo is appallingly flimsy and unlikeable.,0 +The only reason to even consider giving this major disappointment of a film a chance is because of Donald Pleasance.,0 +The pace of the plot is very slow and this ensures that the film is very boring.,0 +"Easy, you give them a terrible script to work with.",0 +Crappy movie has the worst Peter Cushing and Donald Pleasance performances I've ever seen.,0 +The melodramatic development with the illness of Isabel does not add any value to the plot; the open conclusion is very disappointing and there are no explanations for the motive of the women or the title.,0 +The film is a giant chunk of pretentious celluloid; it is like grandiloquence drips from every frame.,0 +"(This accounts for approximately 15 minutes of the film, which is at least 30 minutes too long.",0 +"Oh, I forgot, and how does he try and solve this crime?",0 +"After that, nothing else really happens.",0 +"The story is implausible, the characters, with the exception of Friels' and Mailman's characters, are unlikeable and wooden, Tom Long possesses a VAST array of facial expressions: happy and not happy, and the ""sex scenes"", which could have been very confronting and disturbingly erotic, would have been at home in a low-budget porno flick.",0 +There were too many pregnant pauses in the movie that seemed more like filler than anything worthwhile.,0 +"The only concrete revelation of this movie, is, it was crap.",0 +"This looks like one of these Australian movies done by ""talented"" students and funded by the government.",0 +I was also disappointed with this movie.,0 +"Add to the pretension, appallingly arch dialog ( ""you will do as we command...",0 +The rest is pretty boring.,0 +I can't really recommend this.,0 +"The cast is rather limp, especially Rekert in the lead, his performance erratic, at best.",0 +"Aka ""Eternal Evil"", its unsatisfying story tries to be far too clever for its own good.",0 +"Spend your time and money elsewhere, this is not worth watching.",0 +"In this one, she is the psychic adviser and expert on the occult to a crummy producer of bad commercials as he learns astral projection.",0 +"Otherwise, it's a lot of flashy videography with little or no reason for being.",0 +The story is absurd.,0 +"Jonathan Demme is such a character-oriented director that, to see him pulling a Brian De Palma (which is to say, aping Hitchcock), it is nearly predictable when he fails to work up much suspense within this tepid mystery.",0 +Try congesting hundreds of pages into an hour and half movie.,0 +"It's hard to tell if this ham-brained B-movie adventure is a spoof, a homage or just plain bungled, but it doesn't work whichever way you look at it.",0 +"Marshall has more experience as a unit or second director, and this came through, I feel, in the finished product - it appeared to be a group of sets that failed to really have any continuity in its feel or its character.",0 +"I feel the main problem with this movie is that it has what amounts to a cheesy plot and they try to make it out to be a epic movie, which a movie about super evil monkeys and smart ones that sign just is not epic, it is cheese.",0 +It is a shame that such a great book was turned into such a terrible movie.,0 +"Poorly acted and poorly directed, ""Congo"" unsuccessfully tries to recreate the feeling of ""Jurassic Park"".",0 +I'm afraid i really have nothing positive to say about this movie.,0 +"A complete waste of talent, this Chricton (Jurassic Park, Twister, ER) adaptation.",0 +This is one mans doomed love affair for his talking monkey.,0 +very bad everything.,0 +I'd give this film a zero if I could.,0 +I am deeply disappointed in this movie; there was not even a campy quality to redeem itself with.,0 +"It's a blast if you're looking for more ammunition against the pernicious influence of Michael Crichton in American entertainment (and hence world entertainment), and if you keep firmly in mind the extent to which this cynical and half-hearted attempt fell on its face at the boxoffice.",0 +"A lot of the elements of the story are consistent between the book and the movie, but Dr. Ross' character goes from a creatively written character who lives for money and ends up causing the volcanic eruption with her greed to a heart-on-her-sleeve damsel in distress who won't do anything if she even catches the slightest hint that it might be less than noble.",0 +"The book was stupid, the script was even dumber and the cast was terrible.",0 +It's downright awful.,0 +betcha need more than two hands!,0 +"That, and a stupid story, make this film a big disappointment, especially considering that big buildup.",0 +CONGO is probably the worst big-budget movie of the 1990s.,0 +You can see there was a lot of money for this production but you can't make a good movie if you don't have a good script.,0 +"I can't fault the actors because frankly, they never had a chance to make this turkey live up to Crichton's original work.",0 +"Too short B. Rather superficial, stereotypical, and insulting to some C. Ultimately pointlessFirst of all, the ""dress up the nerd to look cool"" thing was VERY consumerist, VERY superficial, VERY pointless, and VERY insulting.",0 +Ughh this movie is awful.,0 +"Completely pointless, offensive, and repulsive.",0 +It wasn't at all funny.,0 +There's not really that much wrong with Crash of the Moons.,0 +"The cardboard sets, the moon kings with lightning bolts sewn onto their aprons, you know the drill.",0 +"It isn't my favourite sci-fi, but it's not my worst either.",0 +I think this flopper deservedly rates worse than Manhunt.,0 +"It sorta comes off as a soft-core, 'odd couple' type of anti-buddy-film, but doesn't really explore the subject-matter to any satisfying degree.",0 +"It's not the worse film I ever saw, on the contrary, but.......",0 +"Three absolutely pointless segments, all featuring the director playing himself -- and he's not that interesting.",0 +A complete failure.,0 +"First off, the acting was uniformly bad.",0 +There is very little to redeem this movie.,0 +"All the dialogue is a load of quasi-military, macho BS.",0 +"The acting, bad.",0 +It was so awful that I don't think I can come up with enough lines to qualify for space to review it.,0 +"I mean, i don't even know what to say.",0 +This one is so bad it has now taken its place as our standard for bad.,0 +It is surely the worst or very close to the worst film I have ever seen.,0 +"It fails to convey even the slightest sense of excitement, fear, or dread -- unless you count the dread of sitting through the rest of this garbage.",0 +Action scenes were thrown in at random intervals which made no sense in the context of the movie.,0 +) Combine this premise with every detail being wrong and you have a memorably bad movie.,0 +"I bought ""Skeleton Man"" on DVD expecting to see a funny trash, but I found an awfully boring, annoying and senseless crap, with shoots and explosions.",0 +This movie is awful!,0 +"I have been using RI as an example of the worst original movie presented on the Sci-Fi channel, but SM is the most laughably incoherent and wretchedly designed movie I have yet seen.",0 +"Imagine this: when future filmmakers get together to create the true definitive Skeleton Man movie and need a title, they will be totally screwed and we are all, as serious fans of the genre, diminished for that.",0 +This movie is a complete waste of time.,0 +"The attack scenes are poorly constructed and the characters, who are supposed to be experienced pros, make really bad decisions throughout this film.",0 +None of it really makes sense.,0 +"Unfortunately there was only a lot of gore, (even that wasn't done well), shooting automatic weapons and missing.",0 +"Just to be nitpicky, though, if this was an Indian ghost, how come it looked exactly like a monster out of European culture and folklore?",0 +"the film makers ruin any hope of that when the ""Special Force Agents"" show up.",0 +"In fact, this movie sucked so hard, I don't know how I'm gonna write this review, especially since 1.",0 +I can't explain myself how all the characters in this garbage died without a fight.,0 +"I see director Johnny Martin is a stuntman, well this stunt simply sucks, and how he got some of the actors to do this watery bowel movement is the biggest mystery of all...",0 +"So you really don't have time to put some thought and effort into anything else -- like finding a costume for Skeleton Man that doesn't make him like the gay lover of Skeletor from ""He-Man"".",0 +"The acting was bad, the costumes (K Mart Skeletor outfit circa 1982) were worse, and the editing was awful.",0 +"You seriously need a morphine drip to make it through this flick, it is just that painful.",0 +ain't worth it any more.,0 +"It's OK if you do like it, but realize that EVERYTHING in this film is a direct rip-off.",0 +My god this film was awful.,0 +The worst movie I've ever seen in my life.,0 +this is purely a grade B movie with no logic behind it.,0 +"From an artistic standpoint, the movie fails to entertain or provide any moral resolution.",0 +"If not, what you'll end up with is an empty push to captivate the audience.",0 +I agree that this film wasted my time and my money.,0 +Why was this made?,0 +what a disappointment..,0 +"The movie was not a family film, it was gratuitous, and it contained nothing worth watching.",0 +"just go in not expecting to think, and prepare to throw popcorn at the screen.",0 +"Not really worth watching unless you are hard up for TV time, or just have that thin of a DVD collection.",0 +"I'm willing to suspend some disbelief for the sake of entertainment, but this whole ""demon with a vendetta"" story arc is just ridiculous.",0 +Jacobi's juxtaposing roles as a former thesp tramp and Dickens himself talking directly to the camera through-out are obviously hints building up to something and the script is predictable in other areas too.,0 +"Despite a cast of well-known actors, trying their best to pull off this direct to DVD movie, the end product is a long, tedious, amateurish mess that can only be considered as entertainment if viewers are fans of the cast as remembered from other films.",0 +It's worse than 'Swept Away'.,0 +Technically inept with the boom mike getting into shot or the reflections of the crew visible it just goes on forever in a forgetful sub-DAVINCI CODE on $5 a day way.,0 +cheap editing...,0 +"Of all the films that starred Jeanette and Nelson and they certainly have come down in history as a duo, this was the worst of what they did at MGM.",0 +"Throughout, the dialogue is stilted and phony.",0 +"I guess the worst thing I can say about any film is that it bored me, and I did not finish it.",0 +"In short, Avary has unsuccessfully attempted to conjure entertainment out of nothing.",0 +"Otherwise, it's not exactly a clever movie.",0 +But the rest was real bad.,0 +It's just that none of this is either credible or funny.,0 +this movie is just set around a gang robbing a bank but fails due to silly people participating in the robberyi'm disappointed in Tarantino and Avery for doing this film but doesn't change my mind on how amazing they both are.,0 +It's a fairly mediocre attempt at a horrordramawhodunit movie.,0 +"Though unlike most of Tweed and Stevens' T&A fueled vehicles, this is lethally dull!",0 +The main highlights of this film are raunchy sex scenes and boring dialog.,0 +One of the worst things is that there's no motive behind what the characters do.,0 +"This thin and ambiguous story, which was written by Corrigan, has a make-it-up-as-you-go feel and a screenplay which smells like an uninspired low budget indie.",0 +"That is, the premise is interesting and sellable.",0 +"The problem is it all feels contrived and empty which, ironically, is supposed to be the main discovery for the character's self realization.",0 +"It also managed to make all those involved in the movie look bad, simply because the movie was a stinker.",0 +"It's not often that I don't see a film through to the end, but this ejaculation was irredeemable from the outset and showed no signs of improving after the first hour.",0 +History is far from creative and jokes are weak.,0 +Just take my word for it and save yourself the time it is a complete DUD!,0 +"The female lead for this film is way above this poor material in looks and talent-she's great, this movie is a dog and she's wasted on it.",0 +This movie was really bad.,0 +"The acting throughout is appalling, and the script is worse.",0 +"To top everything, producers went to South Africa for filming, what you see on screen is one giant sand hole, where the ""action"" takes place, between extremely bad actors and extremely bad fx that any film student would do better.",0 +Pretty bland storyline.,0 +And the acting is the absolute worst.,0 +"The cast - sucks The plot - sucks The editing - sucks The whole premise of the movie is that a girl with psychictelekinetic powers comes across a lesbian vampire sorority, you just have to be totally out of your head to watch even 1 minute of this.",0 +"The script is bad, but the school exterior shots were obviously done with the same 5 extras on the same day & the dorm exterior shots were easily shot during a hurricane.",0 +"It is badly written, badly directed,badly scored, badly filmed.",0 +"The actors in this movie were unbelievably horrible, there was one or two that weren't bad, but the rest, biggg thumbs down.",0 +"But as a sequel to ""8MM,"" the film fails terribly.",0 +") The acting is horrible, the plot is mind numbingly unoriginal, but really the worst offense is the idea that this is a sequel to 8mm.",0 +"This doesn't help this movie one bit, though.",0 +"The only thing that was similar was the fact that the couple had to go into the porno industry and that wasn't even needed in the plot, because after you see the ending that I will not spoil, it just didn't make any sense.",0 +Literally nothing works.,0 +but the premise let me annoyed..,0 +The films production value is middle of the road and its pure drama yawn.,0 +"And compared to Cage, Schaech comes across as interminably wooden.",0 +"There were nothing interesting in it, except the beautiful Hungarian women.",0 +"The tag line featured on this profile for this video is complete BS, too, because it wasn't even about a last breath.",0 +"He has a pleasant voice, but he isn't much to watch.",0 +This is the worse movie ever...,0 +"Some of the effects were quite good and showed some imagination, but these were ruined by the shockingly bad acting, poor script writing and patchy camera work.",0 +It's very poorly made and the direction is below even film-making by the numbers.,0 +The acting is pathetic.,0 +"I know, you're probably saying this guy is not providing anything intelligent to the filmmakers, he's just stating an amateur remark.",0 +Lots of cursing and lame comebacks are the primary form of dialogue in this movie.,0 +"First of all, the special effects were cheap and unconvincing.",0 +"The acting isn't great but isn't completely horrible, however the special effects - of which there are a good deal - are laughable at best.",0 +"The script is of the worst kind, you know the sort of abomination that's full of highly annoying teenage character's who do & say the most stupid things, it's full of clichés & is utterly predictable, it makes next-to-no sense, things just suddenly happen without any build up or explanation, it's boring even at only 70 odd minutes & it has virtually no entertainment value whatsoever, not even unintentional laugh value.",0 +This may be the most miserable film I've ever seen.,0 +The photography and acting and directing and writing are all equally bad.,0 +"It was not only boring, it was ""gag me with a spoon"" dumb.",0 +"the story lines shaky,the script is horrible,the acting is horrible to mediocre.",0 +"The acting is shaky at best, and awful for the most part.",0 +"Dark ninety percent of time, and just an awful attempt at a low budget flick, which can be good if done right.",0 +"So pretty much for the first hour you have this: random, confusing time jumps; incoherent plot; parents who don't age; bad acting; bad dialogue; a boy who magically changes hair colour; and a host of obnoxious characters for you to get bored with!",0 +"Also, any scene involving the Vicar was completely pointless and only served to weakly explain the lame ending.",0 +"Unfortunately, the plot just didn't hold together and none of the characters were likable enough for me to really care about them or their fates.",0 +"Avoid this ""Broceliande"" garbage and try to see it instead.",0 +"Headline himself is no rookie and has been writing as a critic about this kind of pictures since the early 80's but as a first time director he shows a lack of skill and ambition that makes ""Brocéliande"" a bore.",0 +"Incredibly bad acted, dumb to tears dialogues, all-too-expected plot, a lot of goofs and inconsistencies (for instance, a pretty young girl gets hits in the head by a morning star and not only she survives, but barely with a scratch !",0 +"And, after a ""revenation"" painfully predictable, the screenplay offers us a boring, endless chase in a subterranean necropole which seems bigger than Parisian catacombs.",0 +I live in France so it turned out that I was in the front line to watch this awful movie.,0 +"Besides those details, it could have been a good film, but it's crap.",0 +The camera work is worse than amateurish.,0 +"The subject is useless, the actors are really insignificant and the text makes you wish you were deaf.",0 +"Everyone here is talking jive, doing bad karate and doing a very bad job of acting.",0 +"Not so this movie: every scene is clearly arranged as a pure parody, so there are no characters at all, therefore there is really no room for any sympathy.",0 +There's extremely little to recommend here.,0 +This was probably the worst movie I saw in the last 5 years.,0 +2 out of 10.,0 +Even the gore itself is somewhat of a letdown.,0 +"what a lousy movie, took me 3 times to finish it.",0 +"Overall, a sleazy bucket of bile that manages to be worse than most of the director's other films...",0 +"you going to pass a good time with it, and the killings are just absurd in a very, very bad way: A girl is killed with a wooden hammer punching in her butt (!",0 +The acting is just as bad as usual with one exception.,0 +") The film also throws out some fairly lame humor, although some of the lines ARE pretty funny.",0 +but this just isn't enough to elevate the material above tedium.,0 +"I'm going to apologize in advance because I don't want to sound like I need to lighten up, but this movie was so misogynistic it p***ed me off more than ""Company of Men"".",0 +"Give H.G. Lewis points: He managed to incorporate beefy exotic dancers, gallons of his notorious fake blood, and Henny Youngman all in one movie.",0 +"Instead of looking like a theatrical movie edited for television, ""Mister Tibbs"" looks suspiciously like a TV movie edited for theatrical release, with grainy photography, cheesy opening titles, and sets that look like they're made of plywood.",0 +"The dialogue is drab and none of the characters are interesting, not even the chief suspect.",0 +"The acting is passable at best, amateurish at the worst.",0 +this film is utter cack there is no redeeming feature other than it ending credits which signal its all over.,0 +"Which really put a kink in the story because Harley is supposed to have called on Pumpkinhead years before this story takes place, but the setting and characters look like dirty Pilgrims that somehow traveled through time in order to bring the pickup truck back to Plymouth.",0 +Which leaves me with a laundry list of unanswered questions.,0 +The Hatfield and McCoy storyline is incomprehensibly stupid and cliché.,0 +not really like it matters because I would not recommend this movie.,0 +"What a messy screenplay and awful and cheesy movie this ""Devil's Harvest"" is!",0 +One presumes the subtitles merely say 'awful' on every single frame of this truly dismal effort.,0 +There is some mention of a demon from the sea but that doesn't go anywhere at all.,0 +"Finally, nothing in this movie is any good.",0 +"But due either to bad screenplay, direction or both, the thing is an unmitigated mess that needs to be ignored at all costs.",0 +"Extremely bad, from a viewer's perspective.",0 +"Otherwise don't bother, it's not worth the effort.",0 +"Coupled with bad acting and lousy music, I was surprised this crummy showed was ever conceived.",0 +This movie sucked.,0 +This is nothing truly special.,0 +But watching Horan is really the only enjoyment to be found here.,0 +"It was out of place in this historical drama, and was a cheap ploy to bring in the women viewers.",0 +Actually I am struggling to find anything positive to say about this film.,0 +This is so poor it's watchable.,0 +Unfortunately it didn't.,0 +"Man, putting together this kind of rubbish must be nervewracking.",0 +And their reactions appear mindless and even silly.,0 +"Liberties were taken and details overlooked, making this show less than completely authentic.",0 +"The camera is no fan of his, he's not that attractive, and he doesn't have the style and panache to pull off this very Cary Grant-like role.",0 +It's a drama and the apparently comedic instances are pitiful.,0 +"Cheaply pieced together of recycled film footage, music and ideas, this film cannot really be called ""well"".",0 +I gave this one a 2 out of 10.,0 +"But what really is obvious is the total lack of interesting dialogue, effects, and storyline.",0 +", but even by low budget 1983 sci-fi standards this one's pretty awful, with a real snoozer of a ""finale"".",0 +"It's glaringly obvious that the ""aliens"" are simply actors wearing rubber masks with a little foam or latex slopped on them, and the ""battle"" scenes between Edwards' raiders and the aliens are poorly staged and badly shot.",0 +A Roger Corman rip-off assembled for what appears to be virtually zero budget.,0 +This movie is a desperate attempt to ride the skirtales of the success of the Star Wars movies.,0 +"Anyway, it stuck in my mind as just about the worst movie I saw growing up.",0 +"Obviously an attempt to cash in on the Star Wars craze, but there's no excuse for this insipid piece of garbage.",0 +I guess they saved some money on the script and blew it on great special effects like that plastic crocodile.,0 +"""Sadomania"" of 1981 certainly is one of these stinkers, just an utterly bad and plot less movie with the ability to bore the hell out of you in spite of constant sleaze and nudity.",0 +"This is overall pretty ridiculous and the acting is horrible, but the acting is the least of what this is about.",0 +"But even the acres of naked flesh and numerous sexual encounters didn't make up for the dismal dialogue, dreadful acting, elusive plot and - just to put the tin hat on it - dubbing AND English sub-titles (a belt and braces approach missing from the women's costumes).",0 +"""Sadomania"" has absolutely no cinematic value, it's poorly made without any sort of plot and featuring some of the most ill-natured sleaze footage ever captured on film.",0 +this movie is the worst EVER!,0 +"Cursed mines and abandoned ghost towns form an ideal horror setting – the creators of ""My Bloody Valentine"" already figured that out in the early 80's – but his dull film simply hasn't got any innovative ideas or even remotely surprising elements to offer.",0 +This was bad enough.,0 +"Only genre stalwarts Keren Black, Richard Lynch and John Phillip Law lend this movie any credibility whatsoever, with the rest of the cast giving performances ranging from bad to awful (although I'll forgive Alexandra Ford, who is a complete hottie).",0 +"No suspense, no scares, and a couple of embarrassing performances.",0 +"Bad effects, poor acting, and just a forgettable film.",0 +I watched in the beginning and lost interest along the way.,0 +"Bad game, by a laughable group of programmers!",0 +"The controls are sluggish and cumbersome, and i have yet to find an adjustment for xy axis sensitivity .",0 +Ultimately 'Loggerheads' fails due to a lack of originality.,0 +"Like the director's ""Dear Jesse"" (the only other one of his films I have seen), ""Loggerheads"" suffers from a lack of focus and too many ideas crammed into an indie budget.",0 +"For the most part, it is an embarrassment.",0 +Believe me when I tell you that this movie is simply an abomination to film.,0 +Horrendous to watch - made me vomit more than what I was doing anyway.,0 +"No new ground was broken, and it turned into a rather mundane effort.",0 +Lost of fighting and so much blood they just never bothered to wash off the cast for the whole film.,0 +"Yeah, not exactly brilliant tactics.",0 +The story line makes no sense.,0 +"The story is poor & just rather stupid, the character's are terrible, the dialogue is forgettable & there's very little here to recommend.",0 +But this one has nearly nothing going for it.,0 +"This fact, however, does not save the film from being way to jerky in its presentation and really dull seeming at times.",0 +"This proved to be a rare case of a poliziottesco made with British funding; unfortunately, the result is undistinguished (except by its exceeding unpleasantness and borderline-camp approach) despite stars and director.",0 +"RedNeck does have one or two positive things going on, but for the most part; it's a dull, lifeless film that is as ridiculous as it is pointless.",0 +It's appears to be random lunacy.,0 +And the strip scene with Mosquito does not have any relevance to the plot at all; perhaps the director likes this sort of thing.,0 +"The film is a worthless piece of 70's trash, but sdiner82's review of it is the worst kind of slander.",0 +"So far, so bad.",0 +"Unfortunately, this film didn't appear to have the same budget as the Conan films and hence some of the sets and effects aren't as flash and some scenes seem hurried.",0 +"Sometimes intentionally campy, at other times unintentionally silly (like in the opening scene, where a woman is ""informed"" that she has been raped and that her family has been slaughtered, just for the sake of exposition), this film is ultimately neither funny enough nor competent enough (as a straightforward adventure story) to be really enjoyable.",0 +It rates a 4.210 from...,0 +"Technically it is very inept too, with sub-standard special effects and appallingly mechanical monsters.",0 +The movie takes itself too serious and tries to impress but fails completely.,0 +"After this i could not take any more of Nielsen painful acting, and the stupid clichés and lack of some real action.",0 +this one is totally boring and sucks.,0 +"Obviously taking influence from the similarly themed ‘Conan' movies, this film fails to prove as enjoyable and eventually fails to entertain at all.",0 +"Anyway the film is way to slow and boring for an action film, skip this and watch Conan the Barbarian instead.",0 +The acting is bad.,0 +"It is predictable and boring, and the obvious couple, Sonja and Kalidor, has no chemistry at all.",0 +"You take a successful movie series (conan) and you drag it through the mud with a bad script, bad casting, bad effects, and the worst thing of all...",0 +"Honestly, this movie is weak.",0 +I remember the trailer for this infamously weak spin-off of Conan.,0 +This lack of imagination even starts with the film's title.,0 +"But I can't - it's poorly written, badly acted (with the exception of Paul Smith, who's just average) and dreadfully put together.",0 +"Special effects are cheap and look very 70's ,like the explosion of the evil queen's castle at the climax of the movie.",0 +"It was obvious, too, that the financing wizards gave up on this movie as well, because the supporting cast (aside from Arnold) is pretty lame and the script is dull, dull, dull.",0 +* from ****,0 +"Honestly, buying this movie was a waste of money.",0 +It's a loser.,0 +"Kudos to the photographer for some nice closeup shots and some wonderful color, but the story is so weak - no character development and no plot - it's unable to compensate.",0 +"While the acting by Rourke and Basinger is ok, the flim doesn't allow their characters to truly form.",0 +I am not saying it was a terribly bad film just not that good.,0 +I can't really see how anyone can have any interest whatsoever in seeing this movie.,0 +There was no plot at all to this movie or I just didn't see it.,0 +")The acting wasn't awful, but not really believable either, and in the end the only thing that I DID care about was the two hours I'm never going to get back.",0 +"But that is the film's main flaw, since there's nothing to connect the action scenes together.",0 +The plot is just poor.,0 +"But overall, despite some new twists, it's reasonably stupid.",0 +David Keith is awesome actor especially when he plays a role like this too bad the movie was a piece of crap it really wasted his talent.,0 +"In fact he`s so bad ( And I don`t mean the acting - I`ll get to that in a moment ) that he`s impossible to take seriously and this is before he`s executed only to return as Elton John , Elvis , a French chef etc .",0 +"What IS amazingly bad, though, is the computer animations they try to pass off as live action scenes.",0 +I have to say it is really hard to make a good andor realistic movie about air disaster but this movie was such a waste of time and money.,0 +This is one of the worst scripts I have ever seen and no wonder it was a low budget flick.,0 +"This is the dumbest movie I've ever come across, and I'm including garbage like Alone In The Dark and other stuff in the list.",0 +it looks like they ran out of money and couldn't complete the the effects shots.,0 +"I mean, it's told in a completely nonsensical arrangement.",0 +"Some of the computer generated graphics are very good, but others were just mediocre.",0 +"I am willing to tolerate almost anything in a Sci-Fi movie, but this was almost intolerable.",0 +"They are simply bad and they don't blend into the rest of the picture at all, so you simply don't believe in them.",0 +"The main protagonist must be the worst one I have ever seen, as she doesn't even have any dialog, and sleepwalks though scenes (literately!",0 +"Roll Credits Seriously the whole script was mercifully on one sheet of paper, unless that actually detailed any of the dreadfully fight scenes.",0 +All of the story is told through painfully dull narration.,0 +Its done so poorly that much of the film plays out as unintentional surrealism and its absolutely a 100% waste of time.,0 +"Must have cost about £10.00 to make, with change.",0 +I knew it would be a bad movie when I rented it but I hoped for a good bad movie.,0 +"This movie was rented for free, I had no misconception about this being a very bad movie.",0 +"What acting there was, was lousy.",0 +Don't waste your time watching this boring and bad movie.,0 +To me this seemed like a smoke screen to mask a film with militantly ugly visuals and zero character emphasis.,0 +There are no intelligent dialogs (are there?,0 +"Maybe it was the DVD, or maybe it was my laptop, but I could not hear the dialogue, even with the volume turned all the way up.",0 +The acting was just pathetic -- some cheesy looking blonde treking across the desert while a voice in the background droned on.,0 +The jokes are not funny.,0 +Not even close.,0 +"The writing is painfully bad, the performances are almost as bad - if not for the mildly entertaining respite of the guest-hosts, this show probably wouldn't still be on the air.",0 +"The story is vague and uninteresting, the speed in the movie is absent and the voiceover irritating.",0 +This thing plays like reheated TV cop show stuff - lots of bloody beating & lousy continuity - with a dash of Chinatown memories thrown in.,0 +"Which for the most part is robotic recitation of lines, missed timing and overall epic fail.",0 +IT'S STUPID!,0 +"All of the adults come off as complete idiots while the children are all knowing, and certain main characters have absolutely no morals.",0 +"They're not funny, just annoying.",0 +The characters in this repulsive pile of raw sewage are as useless as a small piece of space rock that flies into the sun on any day of the week.,0 +From the lifeless acting to the low budget sets the show reeks of cheapness like last week's Chinese takeout left to simmer in your overheated car.,0 +They're practically known for stupid lines and characters.,0 +"As mentioned is other reviews, the laughter track is extremely annoying and unnecessary in many parts--for example, when the character Sam cries, how on earth is that a time to laugh?",0 +just skip this show.,0 +The show was pretty bad.,0 +The acting was just awful.,0 +It's getting unoriginal.,0 +"I would not recommend this at all, unless you like teenagers shouting, hurting people and making fun of stuff.",0 +None of that is funny at all.,0 +First Off Acting Is So Terrible Except For The Actor Who Plays Spencer.,0 +"""Wet and sticky is very icky.",0 +I give it a 0 out of 10!,0 +It contains some of the worst attempts at comedy I've ever witnessed with mediocre acting to boot.,0 +"sorry, it just isn't good.",0 +I give it a 0 out of 10!,0 +She shrugs it off.,0 +"and a majority of gigs that were used in ""Drake and Josh"", if not, then they are just really dry and forced jokes that don't even count on a generousity chuckle, such as ""You want me to turn up the AC to 60 degrees""?",0 +I give it a 0 out of 10!,0 +The dialog is so bad it sounds like improv half the time.,0 +"Furthermore, without going into any detail, I can safely say that the ending is absurd, and one of the worst pieces of acting and storyline of the year.",0 +This is without doubt one of the worst films I've ever seen.,0 +"It's quite dreadful, made all the worse by the talented actors who appear in it.",0 +"A pretty awful film, I'm amazed the likes of Derek Jacobi & Vanessa Redgrave agreed to be in it, it's like an overlong episode from a poor TV detective series.",0 +The story is very weak.,0 +"It's a very misconceived film for all kinds of reasons: a few cast members are playing double roles when they shouldn't even be playing one, and the whole shock reveal of the truth of the Dickens manuscript is completely bungled because it's all narrated in the first person by Dickens rather than the supposed character of the novel.",0 +I'm sorry Vinnie is tough looks tough and has so to cast him like this is foolish.,0 +"The film, is slow and boring really, one of the sad things is that if the film had been given a realistic rating of around 5 or 6 then the expectation would not have been so high.",0 +"And in several places it appears decidedly amateur: There's a scene where a table is laid with a 60's jump-cut technique, but they haven't made sure that the person actually laying the table is completely out of frame between the cuts.",0 +"the Film was every thing wrong with British Films it relied on stereotypes, it had to be about a London were people were either Posh and corrupt, Gangsters, Luvvies or gawd blimey jellied eel types, the story script was just pathetically weak, to the extent when the Police man pulled out his phone and the ring tone was the ""Sweeney "" theme I just expected it.",0 +"Its No wonder this was free with the Mail on Sunday, slow going, poor acting, and filming (camera flare, near start of movie, is not even artistic) = Straight to video, but not in this case, why not recoup some of your (Film production costs) by releasing it free with a UK Sunday newspaper, at least this way you get a captive audience, and recover some costs.",0 +"This movie had various reasons I did not finish it: one, it was unbearably slow.",0 +How did all of these talented actorsactresses end up in this mess?,0 +"Whoever saddled this piece of drek with a title like Riddle deserves some kind of Award; there are dozens of riddles here like who conceived such a dire project, who funded it, who cast it, who persuaded Vanessa Redgrave to share even ONE scene with Vinnie Jones and so on.",0 +Still it was weak.,0 +"Firstly, Vinnie Jones is simply not convincing as the journalist.",0 +The emotional payoff a the end was weak and unsatisfying.,0 +"There is nothing wrong with a ridiculous and far fetched plot that you can pass off as original, but the whole thing is just so contrived that the two stories just do not make sense at all.",0 +This film was pure trash.,0 +"This junk, however, portrays a ""heart warming"" parenty side to a clothes horse.",0 +"Baby boom was bad enough, basically making a series of every straight mans nightmare is worse.",0 +"Even if you don't think that the Marquis' perversions weren't all that bad (they included rapes and extreme violence), his portrayal in this film as a ""sexual social worker"" in this prison seems pretty silly.",0 +"As far as Sade is concerned ,it's a downright mediocre affair :he's waiting in a former nunnery with other nobles ,a golden cage if you compare it to ,say,Marie-Antoinette's or scientist Lavoisier's fates,and he exchanges futile conversations with a young virgin about death,love and other trivia.",0 +"I was expecting to this to be hilarious and it was mediocre at best, the only funny character is, believe it or not Andy Dick.",0 +"The Hebrew Hammer is a clever idea wasted, as the execution is weak.",0 +"While there are some (far and few) nice touches and the plot is relatively coherent, it is laboured, hackneyed and ultimately, mindlessly boring.",0 +"Not one laugh, not even a grin.",0 +"However, the humor soon became repetitive, the plot became confused and strained, and I realized I was no longer enjoying the film.",0 +"Technically speaking, this movie sucks...",0 +It's all just plain dumb.,0 +You might as well forget about the acting because it is just awful.,0 +"Blah, blah, blah.",0 +"Striving to be a movie that's of the 'so bad that it's good' variety, this film misses that mark by a good mile and instead has to be seen as 'so bad that it's...",0 +I could tell it was going to be very cheesy and cheaply done.,0 +None of these are good enough reasons to watch it.,0 +"This movie is extremely demented and is only scary in how creepy and absolutely, ridiculously gross it is.",0 +"), the plot was just idiotic, and the props were totally fakey.",0 +The whole concept of the movie reeked!,0 +"This is how and why so many cinemas closed, forced to screen and annoy their waning audiences with these assembly line failures with lame comedians and bored talent.",0 +"The story is unoriginal, the characters are dull and two dimensional, the animation is below par, even Buzz isn't that great.",0 +"If I could I would have the Part of my Brain removed that Remembers watching it,yes it is and was that Bad.",0 +I think the director in a fit of pique threw the script up in the air and then some minor (and vengeful) underling reassembled it randomly with no regard to the scene being filmed (possibly with scissors and glue-stick).,0 +It's a weak satire at best and as far as the real TV phenomena it attempts to comment on well everyone knows how warped and stupid that genre can be so why was this film made?,0 +This is possibly the single worst film i have ever seen - it has no good features at all.,0 +This is possibly the single worst film i have ever seen - it has no good features at all.,0 +"I could go on forever without finding anything good about it, so take your money and get a copy of Battle Royale instead of watching this piece of crap.",0 +"Aside from its bargain basement production values, which present an eyesore 10 minutes in, the overall tone of the film is misguided.",0 +"Now Directors like William Malone(Fear Dot Com) can say ""well at least it's better than Series 7"" This piece of crap & Dracula 3000 tie for first place in the worst 100 movies ever made!",0 +"i have a 4 month old daughter and it is just absolutely appalling that would put a ""real"" pregnant woman in SO MUCH FRICKEN DANGER!",0 +About as interesting as watching paint dry and with maybe one or two only slightly amusing moments.,0 +"The filming is supposed to be tele-realistic, but is simply sickening.",0 +4 out of 10.,0 +The sound is also pretty bad...,0 +Daring you to watch the entire mess isn't enough...,0 +"The trailers and very early previews might seem fun in some way or another but its not funny at all, it gets to fall in a series of you're-supposed-to-laugh-here scenes that tend to get in really bad jokes, bad very very bad acting, tasteless scenes, cheesy effects; this movie has it all, all wrong that is.",0 +) This scene has no purpose in this movie other than to cram some naughtiness into a PG-13 movie.,0 +There is far too much to list for the reasons why this movie sucks.,0 +"The plot sounds reasonable, the cast alone should have guaranteed a side-splitter, but whoa there; apart from the 'off the wall betting events' this was quite a bore.",0 +This ISN'T Redford's fault(He's a great actor and could have played ruthless well) but without those qualities he becomes just another dazzled man in love hence the story becomes just another cliché love story involving 1 woman and 2 men.,0 +"The script is incompetent, the direction amateurish, the performances negligible.",0 +I think the movie glossed over the characters and put too much emphasis on Woody.,0 +"Redford's boyish good looks and All American charm just don't cut it as an unlikeable, threatening, boor.",0 +Poor Woody Harrelson just could not muster any emotion at all for the film.,0 +"This movie was so bad, it was seriously laughable.",0 +"Awful script, lousy acting, plodding pace, zero entertainment...",0 +"Picture the story otherwise, though: 2 kids, flat broke, borderline ""desperate"" and completely stupid.",0 +"' While the film had lots of potential, poor execution turns it into a b-grade soap-opera.",0 +"I'm getting nowhere with this, and it's getting in the way of my commenting other films.",0 +First of all when did Kim Dawson EVER star in anything other than soft-core Skinamax level crap.,0 +"Right from the beginning, the acting is bad, the story is bland and the plot is almost non-existent.",0 +"Not many, and not much, but worse.",0 +"The film is extremely slow-moving and low-budgeted, though at least they tried to find an excuse for the spaceship being so underpopulated; nearly the entire crew is on ""suspended animation"", and the ship moves on auto pilot!",0 +The acting is so bad that space nuts looks like an Emmy award winning film.,0 +This was one of the worst movies that I have ever watched.,0 +and whittling it down to 2 minutes.,0 +"He's very 1-dimensional, there's really not much to him.",0 +"The writing is predictable, and doesn't use follow through on most of the ideas it offers (bag of oranges).",0 +This lame effort barely limps over the line.,0 +"The music, however, was twice as loud in parts than the dialog, and incongruous to the film.",0 +"Although Winnie, Piglet, Tigger and Rabbit are all present in this animated feature, the main character is Roo this time.",0 +Not so with this appalling attempt at a movie.,0 +"Yes, I understand that he's a drifter, but his actions as the movie draws to a rushed conclusion make no sense at all.",0 +"Much as I'd like to, I simply can't get to where I care even a little about these characters.",0 +"At times, laughable because or a corny script, this film's shining star is Dan Mongomery Jr and the Director of Photography.",0 +Terrible direction from an awful script.,0 +What a waste of my time.,0 +"Put simply, it's unrealistic.",0 +This show makes absolutely no sense.,0 +"(This reminded me of ""Dark Star"" - which is about being ""lost in space"" - but this movie is just lost.",0 +"There's no comedic acting skill, nor any kooky plot to carry all the very un-imaginative scenarios through this dreary turd.",0 +"(Spoiler Alert) However, if you, like me, believe that lives are precious and not to be wasted then this movie will leave a bad taste in your mouth.",0 +"And instead of burning the footage to hide this amazingly anticlimactic ending to an embarrassing debacle, the guy goes ahead and releases it.",0 +More filler follows and I begin to wonder where the skiing fits in to this show.,0 +I can't recommend this one at all.,0 +Unfortunately his role as Doctor Karl Decker ain't a patch on what he did as Father Flanagan.,0 +it's rather slapstick and not worthy of any actor in the cast.,0 +It's hard to know exactly what to say about this ever so bland and dull little film.,0 +"This movie is on the level with ""Welcome Home Roxy Carmichael"" for biggest pieces of garbage that have ever hit the silver screen.",0 +"You find yourself maybe laughing at a few funny quips that the actors say, but otherwise sit in complete boredom, wishing you had not even bothered with the film.",0 +"Honestly, this may be the worst movie I've ever seen.",0 +"Most of the supposed funny ""jokes"" or ""gags"" or whatever you want to call them are nothing but ""humor"" that would make anyone at National Lampoons embarrassed to watch, Joel Moore is incredibly unfunny in his role as video game mastermind J.P., and the entire film actually manages to be boring on top of not funny or substantial.",0 +Terrible best describes this miserable film.,0 +"There's an underlying current in all the positive reviews of this movie - it's just a brainless comedy, don't take it seriously.",0 +They might be completely stoned -- but the characters are mostly half-baked.,0 +The jokes were low-grade humor.,0 +This movie is as bad as it can possibly get from every aspect...,0 +the climax of the movie didn't even relate to the rest of it.,0 +"The acting was horrible, the cinematography was very poor, the plot made no sense at all.",0 +", would put their names on this piece of crap.",0 +That makes no sense at all.,0 +"Sadly, this movie did have potential with such a willing cast, but everything was so poorly thought out and poorly executed.",0 +The rest of film is a wreck.,0 +"The car stunts are of course pleasant and easy on the eye, and it would be churlish of me to really vent venom on such a friendly piece of fluff, it's just that the film goes nowhere fast and personally now i can see it for the coin motivated piece of work it is.",0 +"If you thought Herbie trying to kill himself by driving off a bridge in 'The Love Bug' was daft, wait 'till you see him acting horny in this bewilderingly silly second sequel.",0 +"things just happened, inexplicably, and they usually resulted in someone bursting into a song and dance number.",0 +"Like I said, it weakens the rest of the film for me because it makes me suspicious of the rest of the facts they lay out.",0 +") The film did a very poor job of explaining what ""business"" Enron was in that might actually have been on the up-and-up before it started hiding its debts in the entities created by Andy Fastow.",0 +"The acting was more wooden than my first sailboat, the equipment carried (or lack of it) was laughable, and the dialogue was, shall we say, lacking in ANYTHING interesting.",0 +unfortunately it is so unbelievable to normal people that it comes off as being fake.,0 +"Mostly an exercise in random gunfire and paper-thin ethics, these particular Seals might be better suited to serving as crash-test dummies.",0 +It's a shame because the opening shot of Charlie Sheen opens out with great promise which is squandered almost straight away with a preposterous wedding set piece.,0 +Thank you for making such an incredibly select group of individuals look awful in one of the worst action movies I have ever seen.,0 +The screenplay is also amateurish.,0 +Overall though this movie is a loser.,0 +Definately a bull***t story and even worse acting.,0 +Its so awful I refuse to relive a plot.,0 +"I chuckled twice or three times but when I was halfway through it, I was just bored and annoyed and wanted this flick to end.",0 +"And worst of all, it misused a delicate theme (handicapped persons) for low level and mostly tasteless jokes without ever touching anything but the surface of the issue.",0 +Passable stuff but nothing special the movie has a predictable ending with the entire gold mine going up in flames.,0 +"Literally cliché-sprouting dialog, horrible acting, some insanely terrible 'southern dialect' and a lame unmemorable killer who resembles Jeepers Creepers (without the aforementioned's predilection of young boys naturally) combine to make this stinker just about unwatchable.",0 +"Alright, not only does this movie have the brainless stereotypical characters (the rich douche bag, the bitch, the sheriff, the localer that knows what's going wrong in the town, and so forth), but has such god-awful dialogue, acting, directing, and cg effects.",0 +"No suspense, no scares, and plenty of embarrassing performances give this turkey a 3 for nudity.",0 +"The last third of the movie was utterly insipid, and we were all waiting in agony until the end.",0 +"In fact, aside from the above mentioned cameos this entire movie is really quite stale and turgid with characters that couldn't get offed quick enough for my liking and an unfortunate lack of any real interest.",0 +"Typical of most slashers in general, this bunch of twenty-somethings are your garden variety victims, with little development other than some banter and exchanging of words provides as filler until the undead maniac pops onto the scene to slaughter them.",0 +A complete waste of time.,0 +A truly horrible movie.,0 +And what is Karen black who is a great actress doing in such a ridiculous movie like this?,0 +"OK I'm done with the bad jokes, this movie is pure crap and only watch it if u have nothing better to do and all the spices on the spice rack are in alphabetical order already.",0 +"This movie however, is pretty bad.",0 +"The three first characters, not including the ""digger"" were just awful actors, and I mean AWFUL!",0 +This is an embarrassing nth rehashing of the same plot in the nth bunch-of-idiots-young-adult-in-peril-because-they-are-idiots slasher movie of the early millennium: this time we get the story of a crazy miner who comes back from the dead to retake his gold from the hands of the usurpers.,0 +"The characters and dialog are what you'd expect from this type of film—familiar, routine and unoriginal.",0 +- No plot.,0 +i guarantee u r better off just reading what i have to say about this unbelievably horrible movie b4 ..,0 +"No suspense, no scares, and plenty of embarrassing performances give this turkey a 3 for nudity.",0 +"it is that movies like this they should not be financed by anybody, since not even they took to the fame or other productions to the actors main, great falsehood, jaja, the history of a mining ghost that kills to ""mansalva"" and after they put an end to their misdeeds, it reappears, because with the end they shitted it very ugly.",0 +"The story was not interesting, the ""everyday people"" requisite in every mockumentary were invisible, the personalities were stale, the jokes were not funny, the effects were unconvincing and the ending was nowhere to be seen.",0 +"In the event, the film turned out to be such a turkey that they were doubtless grateful not to have it on their CVs.",0 +"Anyway, if you are a Hemingway fan, do yourself a favor and do not watch this film.",0 +"The film is fatally long (a little over 150 minutes), self-indulgent and padded to a ridiculous degree.",0 +They're so utterly generic.,0 +There's not much to recommend this film sonically.,0 +"As if that were not enough the whole thing is so slow, overlong and dated that it is practically unwatchable.",0 +It all happens with so little flair that EMANUELLE IN EGYPT is one of the worst movies I've ever seen.,0 +"overrated, poorly written, badly acted.",0 +This film truly was poor.,0 +The bottom line: This is BY FAR the worst movie I can remember.,0 +Altogether a real mess.,0 +"The killings look pretty professional, but hardly make up for the film's dullness.",0 +"Predictable, gory, over-gimmicky, mediocre.",0 +The car chase isn't so bad (though not as exciting as fighting) but the car racing at the end is exceptionally boring.,0 +"Even the most serious Jackie Chan fans shouldn't really bother with this offensively haphazard, stunt-and-plug-filled garbage.",0 +"The acting is just awful, the choice of music is, mildly putting it, peculiar, there arent enough fighting scenes, the plot is non-existent and whatever small entertainment one could get from this film is ruined by the annoying way some of the movie is filmed and gives you a splitting headace.",0 +"And don't get me started on what kind of awful story this has,I mean,it's Hongkong,it was probably written at gun point by eight-year-olds,but still,what a mess.",0 +"The best I can offer about ""Tomorrow at Seven"" is a quote from Martha Winters about midway though this turkey - ""This is just a silly waste of time"".",0 +"In an obvious attempt to eke every penny out a meagre budget, the play has been nominally updated to the 1990's, but in conjunction with the original script the effect is more of a badly script 1970s TV drama.",0 +It was pretty poor.,0 +"But after watching this cheesy movie, I was very disappointed.",0 +It's the worst movie I've seen from executive producer Charles Band's Full Moon productions and boy is that BAD!,0 +kind of weak ending that'll have you exasperated at why you just wasted your time.,0 +"The acting in this movie isn't terrible but the script is pretty bad, and overall it's pretty boring and it doesn't even contain any nudity (like many Full Moon movies) to somewhat redeem it.",0 +The bad acting went way beyond horror film cheesy.,0 +"Unfortunately, Shrieker is just boring.",0 +It's just awful.,0 +Please don't waste your time viewing this film.,0 +Like Kerouac without the Benzedrine.,0 +"Is there no end to disconnected relationships, a plot less script, and scene transitions lacking any cohesiveness or logical chronology.",0 +"It starts out looking like it may be going somewhere, then quickly leads the main characters into a three-ring circus of remarkable stupidity which permanently destroys any likability of the characters.",0 +The acting was dull and sedated.,0 +How did so many good actors wind up in such a terrible film?,0 +What it turned out to be was a pointless collection of boring intertwining stories about several characters with minimal connections with each other.,0 +"overall, it's just a waste of time.",0 +About 5 minutes into the movie you're thrown into this brutally tepid cat and mouse romance between the two main characters and it just gets worse from there.,0 +"I Gave This Movie a 2, Only Because I Have Seen Worse.",0 +One 15 minute sequence with Jack Black beautifully playing one of his songs and tripping on acid while venturing through the woods does not save this movie at all.,0 +"This simply a boring compilation of vingettes, with no structure whatsoever.",0 +No more words to spare for this pathetic effort.,0 +"This movie is absolutely unfocused, and does not know at all what it wants to tell the viewer.",0 +"This documentary is very weak, has no narrative and makes no attempt to actually link anything they display to the Nile Perch.",0 +The documentary was also boring.,0 +Fortunately Darwin's Nightmare shows the dark sides only and completely spares the positive aspects.,0 +"If it was meant to portray what drives people to prostitution, it didn't do a good job of it.",0 +What a load of rubbish.,0 +"- The parallel drawn between the famine devastating the country with over two million starving and the exportation of fish is absolutely pointless, dishonest and makes no sense but to manipulate viewers in typically anti-globalization and anti-western feelings.",0 +"The movie has some good hints, but (as in another comment before mine) it lacks a focal point and dribbles away in many plot-lets of lesser and lesser relevance, another trend dragged in from the TV productions, well known to Italians.",0 +This movie had swearing words.,0 +"This movie is a complete and utter waste of time, one of the worst films I've ever seen.",0 +"The only thing you need to memorize is that ""El Chupacabre"" is an utterly cheap and imbecilic amateur B-movie, lacking tension, character development and any form of style.",0 +"Stinking higher than a two-week-old taco, El Chupacabra is an incredibly bad horror movie that even fans of incredibly bad horror movies might struggle to sit through.",0 +Her acting was kind of laughable and a poor.,0 +"The script is completely silly,the acting is wooden beyond belief and the direction is amateurish.",0 +"""Manos:The Hands of Fate"" is THE worst movie of all time, but El Chupacabra certainly is the worst movie of this century.",0 +"however this film is a terrible let down shot on tacky dv the storyline and acting are terrible, it took me three goes to watch this film all the way through.",0 +The humorous parts are unfunny and the rest is riddled with horrible clichés and plot holes.,0 +"The costumes are terrible, the lighting is terrible, and the acting is terrible.",0 +"Unfortunately, this was not one of those times, as the story was as weak and nonexistent as the other required elements of good cinema.",0 +As if any self-respecting caveman would fight to be leader of such a sorry bunch.,0 +And how come it sucks so bad?,0 +"""Real world"" issues dealt with blatant unoriginality.",0 +This is obviously a very low budget production with 'actors' who are apparently very cheap.,0 +Now I have no interest whatsoever in watching and have given up entirely on it.,0 +"Acting was generally bad, though how much of that can be blamed on the director I couldn't say, having never seen any of the actors before.",0 +"That alone, however doesn't help a ridiculous story, with countless historically incorrect elements.",0 +As it is filmed there's no sense of value to the property because the film has a studio sound-stage feel to it that isn't convincing.,0 +* from ****,0 +But this might have been just because of the terrible premise and lame execution of the movie.,0 +My father insisted I should watch this film with him and I regret that I wasted my time watching--I want that approximate hour and a half back!,0 +Actually it did nothing.,0 +"Interesting for one or two scenes, but it soon becomes very annoying.",0 +"With my previous experience of ""Telets"" and ""Aleksandra"", I am so tempted to put ""Mat I Syn"" among them as a total bore.",0 +"The static images will compress down to nothing with standard mpeg encoding - a 73 minute movie would probably be about 2-3 megabytes, even at the highest quality levels.",0 +"""Mirror"" is a great film and this one is just poor imitation.",0 +You would have to have been born yesterday to buy this garbage.,0 +In this movie the protagonist is so transparent and incompetent that it leaves the story in shambles.,0 +It is boring and ridiculous to see the fat Russell Crowe with a cell phone like a family man while his partner is risking his life in a dangerous operation.,0 +"It's too bad that everyone else involved didn't share Crowe's level of dedication to quality, for if they did, we'd have a far better film on our hands than this sub-par mess.",0 +Now as a movie it's extremely poor.,0 +The problem is - this film is as awful as the first two.,0 +"- this was such a Narrow-Minded view of this world and was so Cliché as to be Laughable3 - the main purpose of this movie was the scene near the very end where Kirk Cameron and Lou Gossett, Jr. are proselytizing the non-believers in the audience (by showing Kirk proselytizing Lou) - it was a movie with no meaningful storyline, too many disconnects with reality, and a completely inappropriate plot for a great actorI, therefore, rank this as a 1, since Zero is not available",0 +"In the 3rd installment of ""Left Behind"" the makers did not care to put ANY KIND OF CONTINUITY into the plot.",0 +They were very much in the 'so bad they're good' category of horrendous film entertainment.,0 +"This movie was OK, as far as movies go.",0 +Somebody really messed up bad here because everyone including those who would do them harm know a President and Vice President NEVER travel together.,0 +"And I couldn't help but imagine that Jack Nocholson's Melvin Udall character fro ""As Good As It Gets,"" with his massive OCD affliction, could provide counsel to the anti-heroine to assist in dealing with he obsession which was the basis of this opus.",0 +She gives the film a 2 count just on the relief of seeing someone fetching in this mess.,0 +IN additon the this is coo coo thinking line is so lame.,0 +"Sheesh, what a waste of time.",0 +"Most scenes are identic, just not that funny and not that well done.",0 +The writing just got boring and everything was way too over the top.,0 +"Finally, the entire thing is annoyingly shot like an MTV music video, which I found to be totally unacceptable.",0 +"But the lead actor, David -forget his last name (terrible with names)- was pretty bad.",0 +"All in all, I thought it was really just a bad movie.",0 +It doesn't create any suspense.,0 +The plot is far too contrived.,0 +Swallowing them only seemed contrived and made no sense--even for a low-brow comedy.,0 +The comedy simply isn't funny and the drama is boring and badly acted.,0 +This was a vanity piece for Eddie and I think he spreads himself a little too thin here trying to be the whole show here.,0 +Murphy is pretty much just coasting here.,0 +It's probably no coincidence that the misguided souls who are praising this stinker are barely literate.,0 +"You can watch ""Harlem Nights"" that's for sure, but if you puke from the moment you hear the name Murphy you better avoid as after all this movie is nothing but a lame excuse to see some good jokes.",0 +"I see, it was just a trick"", it's done so terribly bad, you can spot it a mile away.",0 +"Without doubt the worst aspect is the obscene language , it really is awful the amount there is in this film and before anyone accuses me of being a wimp let me point out two things...",0 +"This is a genuinely bad film, so completely devoid of energy and humor that it serves only as a example of Murphy's contempt for his audience.",0 +but the story just doesnt hold up interest or give the great cast enough to work with..,0 +"This movie i totally not funny, and I would imagine to be pretty offensive to Jewish people.",0 +And of course is also fails to produce any jokes.,0 +But even these incestuous relationships – if anything they are embarrassing - just come through as an excuse because the scriptwriters could not come up with anything better.,0 +It just doesn't pack enough emotional punch.,0 +This movie could have been oh so much better.,0 +"An almost indiscernible plot (certainly incoherent, if there even is one) bad acting, cheesy script and awful pacing.",0 +And this gets so boring after a while.,0 +"It's dreadful, but ...",0 +I was so let down by this film.,0 +"The acting, all around, is pretty bad - pretty much all of the stereotypes of 'hot shot' bitchy foul mouthed government agents, each thinking they know more than everyone else.",0 +"While I appreciate the ambition inherent behind the camera, this new perspective of the events leading up to 911 is flat, and dull.",0 +This documentary was very amateurish.,0 +"Instead, I got an almost incomprehensible, violent movie.",0 +"But you'll drown in malarkey before you find anything truthful or worth speculating about in THE 911 COMMISSION REPORT, a no-budget movie that is trying to close the barn door after all the horses and jihadists have escaped.",0 +"It was full of plot holes, inaccuracies (doesn't the time-clock stop for injured players or loss of helmets in Texas football games?",0 +This movie was very disappointing in that several elements of the book were wrongly done.,0 +"To me, this was a basically terrible movie, wrecked by a camera man with ADHD, and lack of a meaningful meaningful plot.",0 +What I got was something clichéd and boring.,0 +"Overall, the movie was okay, made me a little homesick, remembering the ""good old days"" of MOJO.",0 +This entire movie made absolutely no sense.,0 +Exactly like real pros would talk to each other if there wasn't a completely uninformed and stupid audience around.,0 +"But in this one, you just can't get into the episode, no matter how much you try, so in my opinion, this show is not worth watching.",0 +"I like the concept of CSI, but the show is spoiled by some seriously wooden acting.",0 +Sissy did an adequate job in the lead role but did not measure up to Kathy Bates in any way.,0 +This film fails in two.,0 +This film is likely to be a real letdown unless you understand the circumstances under which it was made.,0 +"This stinker is prolly the worst I've seen of them so far, with the clever lines left out and the characterization is woeful.",0 +"It's a wonder anyone even bothered to make Groucho up in his bizarre trademark eyebrows and mustache, as he has nothing witty or outrageous to do or say throughout this bore.",0 +** from ****,0 +The dialog was even worst...,0 +Think: Blair Witch in a car but REALLY boring.,0 +only took me 20 crappy movies to realize I have better things to do.,0 +"The script, while it may sound interesting on the back of the DVD box, is badly directed and sadly, we are left with another boring straight to DVD atrocity.",0 +"Instead, she frantically dove into overkill with 2 series at once, the other being her syndicated daytime series Martha, much like her old show, but more mainstream, with famous guests like Bette Midler.",0 +It really does not make ANY sense at all.,0 +"Part of the disappointment comes from the cast:this is a distressingly poor gathering:Jacques Dutronc plays like a zombie,Isabelle Huppert reveals herself a somewhat limited actress,finally rather vulgar .",0 +"I did not like this film at all: The scenario is boring - and after a while, its primitive predictability really gets on your nerves.",0 +"In short a very disappointing outing from Chabrol, who can do better than this",0 +The plot is not only banal but preposterous.,0 +"As for Chabrol's persistence in keeping the film bland and illogical, it reaches the climax in the final scene, which is so incredibly poor that you will wonder which pills he was taking himself while directing it.",0 +"Also, the script is not convincing and not reliable.",0 +"Really, this film made me angry.",0 +This movie was a waste of time.,0 +"No logic to the matches, some garbage gimmicks (doink the clown, and the Giant Gonzalez) this was a forgettable PPV something rare for the WWE(F).",0 +This isn't even worth commenting on.,0 +Weird finish to a bad match.,0 +this is the worst Wrestlemania hands down....,0 +This had no must see bouts and many crap ones at that.,0 +"These writers are trying to re-create the characters they have on ""scrubs"" in a different occupation however the characters they are stuck with have no charisma or acting ability not to mention the writing seems poor and effortless.",0 +"The overemphasis on their lives outside of teaching just made it another four camera sitcom that had unrealistic people in an unrealistic environment saying unrealistic lines, and I'm sorry, I just didn't buy it.",0 +They were tearing complete ass in their vintage Cadillac when the evil monkey took an Air Jordan leap form the dock onto the boat that was sailing away a clean 40 yards away and made them sink their beautiful car into the Pacific Ocean.,0 +"It's worse than PLAN 9, worse than THE BEAST OF YUCCA FLATS.",0 +"Starting from interesting premises what we get here is a boring film which seems longer than it is, with a very static way of acting, obsessive use of music that plays in the same register not only from a musical but also from an emotional perspective and a very inconclusive if not even confusing ending.",0 +"While this film had its interesting moments, it was far too slow moving and did not do enough to explain to those of us in the audience unfamiliar with orthodox Jewish custom, exactly what was going on and why?",0 +"The bottom line here, all being said, is that for a considerable portion of the movie I was simply bored.",0 +"The dialogue is hackneyed and wasteful, the characters, too engaged with lines ranging from the wrackingly prosaic to the stunningly melodramatic, aren't allowed to expand into genuinely textured individuals.",0 +The film is a gross misrepresentation of Orthodox lifestyle and practice.,0 +This was almost enough to drive me back to insipid Hollywood romantic movies.,0 +But not credible.,0 +The mikka (ritual bath) scenes are far from accurate and his jewish wedding was laughable as it does not even approach the atmosphere of a chassidic wedding.,0 +The cream of the unintentional comedy comes from the sex.,0 +) not to mention the rest of the movie was a total fallacy.,0 +"Toward the end of this pitiful flick when Joe gets stuck riding the bull, the studio didn't even make much of an effort to re-record the sound for if you listen carefully you can still here Curly going ""Woo woo woo woo"".",0 +"Having established that, I believe that ""Sappy Bullfighters"" is just pathetically awful, like all the other shorts with Joe Besser.",0 +This short is so sloppy.,0 +"How pointless, hideous characters and boring film.",0 +"Take two guys (a husband and another man), put a pure bombshell woman in the middle of them, ad a deserted island, subtract all her moral issues, ad a whole bunch of moral issues to the men and mix it in a big bowl of arguments, fish and a zippo lighter and you will come up with a piece of junk movie like this.",0 +"Zane and Brook attended (they probably knew I was gonna be there) and are undoubtedly stars, but what a turkey of a film.",0 +"Terrible, skip this one please.",0 +what started out with premise turned in to soft porn.,0 +And this fails miserably.,0 +Mess ups include a supposed nude body comes out of the waves with her bottoms on.,0 +"OK, Billy is overreacting, thats for sure, but Kelly isn't doing much to convince him either.",0 +Really dull!,0 +"Three"" suffers from poorly drawn characterisation (the audience doesn't care what happens to any of them), a stupid and unnecessary voodoo plot device, a total lack of suspense or excitement and some thudding, hammy performances from the principal players.",0 +I give it 1-12 stars.,0 +!,0 +By far this has to be one of the worst movies I've ever seen in my life.,0 +"this is the worst film I've seen in a long long time, never mind the fact that so many useful things keep appearing on this island ""how convenient!",0 +It didn't.,0 +"Second Nature will not go down as one of the worst tv movies of 2003, but perhaps the worst of All Time.",0 +The movie was awful.,0 +"""Bowery Bombshell"" goes through the motions, with Ms. Loring a main strength.",0 +"Evidently based on some actual incidents during WWII, the film just doesn't connect with the viewer for some reason that it is not quite clear to me.",0 +They did not even get the warden thing right.,0 +"I'm not one to sing praises of real criminals for any reason, but the reality of these criminal types in this horrible film is that they'd all be dead or in jail by Act 2, Scene 1.",0 +"So ask yourself, what possible motivation could a filmmaker have for introducing a woman as the copyist?",0 +"The fundamental problem is that, without even mentioning the whole ""historical accuracy"" thread of reviews, the script is achingly, painful, bad.",0 +This so called homage is blasphemy and I am so sorry to have rented one of the worst movies ever made even though it's about my favorite subject.,0 +Bad casting and cheap direction.,0 +"Not only were these scenes shamelessly copied, they weren't even done very well.",0 +The movie lacked this honest disclaimer.,0 +"Despite the good performance of Ed Harris, Diane Kruger, and the strong budget (the reason for the 3 stars), the movie is by far the worst I saw about a composer, and the worst edition of a masterpiece of music.",0 +Trite and unoriginal.,0 +"Unfortunately, I was disappointed.",0 +"The performance by Ed Harris was superb, but the story line was so weak that the film simply moved from one dreary scene to the next with no continuity.",0 +"From Kreestos: The dialog is terrible, awful, drivel.",0 +And beyond all that we have a juvenile script with an opening exposition that reads like the character identifications you'd find in a children's story.,0 +"So what remains of this ""Female Fantasy"".",0 +This remake is abominable.,0 +This movie is so boring that it indeed does not deserve to spend much time writing about it.,0 +My only question is: Why did they make this movie?,0 +"So it's got a couple of intriguing ideas, but it doesn't do anything useful with them.",0 +Other problem: terrible CGI.,0 +"Other than that, the rest of the film seemed to be one giant inaccuracy.",0 +I don't know how expensive was the creation of this movie but the effects were awful.,0 +This is easily the worst adaptation of Greek mythology I've ever seen.,0 +"I'm surprised Halmi could turn out something so amusing (the TV series), and follow it with something so devoid of quality.",0 +The creators of this travesty should hang their heads in shame.,0 +"From the blatant disregard of the source material (sure to infuriate anyone remotely familiar with mythology) to the predictably insufficient production value, this entire mini-series is a train wreck.",0 +Just painfully miserable.,0 +The acting is not very convincing either.,0 +horrible the special effects->would be better suited for TV->on a kids show and lastly...,0 +"but the rest of the 3 hours were wasted, wasted...",0 +The special effects don't help either.,0 +"the story, the plot, the script makes absolute no sense!",0 +"""Webs"" is a watchable plagiarizing of ""Sliders"", only worse.",0 +Not far from being the worst.,0 +"The cast is poor with no memorable performances, poor quality queen who has had her breasts amplified...",0 +The make up was so bad and they only had a few visible spider people on screen at one time (Aliens Cameron technique could have been used) instead they chose to dress every spider person the same way...,0 +Sorry but there was nothing likable about the movie,0 +"I was numb to the characters, and hoped for some interesting gore and special effects.",0 +"It's all so bland, forgettable, flat & dull.",0 +"The film itself was made with a modest budget, which explains the limited locales, and the somewhat tedious screenplay that manages to do very little with quite an interesting premise.",0 +"The movie can't make money if it's boring, I hope this one dies a swift, never to be seen again, death.",0 +"The story, in which Technical Fairy, First Class makes Snafu into a superhuman in order to help him see the error of his ways, is predictable and unfunny.",0 +"However, despite the different costumes, it's still a ""Hercules"" movie with the usual stilted dialog, haphazard dubbing, and cardboard characters.",0 +"This is an apparent attempt by the producers to move Reeves out of the sword and sandal genre into another historic era, with poor results.",0 +"In Reeves defense, he was a good actor, he just had no real luck in picking films that were any good.",0 +"this movie is quite bad, aggressive, not played well, not directed well, seems low budget, low quality,emotionaly weak and disconnected.",0 +This movie is trash.,0 +Acting gets worse as the show goes on.,0 +"This movie is not realistic at all, more of a comedy than a serious war film.",0 +"It certainly made the US forces look anything like ""the good guys"".",0 +"This is the worst war movie I have ever seen, possibly the worst ever made.",0 +"However, that's my mistake.",0 +"it passed the time, but it didn't satisfy.",0 +Five men wake up in a chemical warehouse not knowing why they are there; let alone know how in the hell they got there.,0 +"Oh, Man… These five men have collective amnesia.",0 +All In All Horrible Comedy.,0 +"What club scenes we do see are bland and repetitive, featuring approximately 3 extras dancing in what is barely recognisable as a ""club"", hardly capturing the vibe of the day.",0 +"My feelings are unsympathetic to the characters, and the dialogue is mediocre at best.",0 +There are so many misnomers in the appalling script that even an actor of the calibre of Colin Salmon is left looking daft.,0 +"Some really poor acting, for instance lead actor Raido with an indecipherable accent that's all over the place, and a hammy script with some misfiring dialogue are bigger problems for the film though.",0 +Are the other quotes real?,0 +"This film does not deliver anything but worn out retreads of similar stories, an aimless script, weak ad-libs, uninspired acting, and unfunny self-gratifying humor.",0 +"I'd like to call it a valiant effort at something, but I'm not sure what it is, other than a complete mess and ultimately a waste of time.",0 +"all this ""scary movie"" crap is for the birds.",0 +The budget for this one obviously was pretty low.,0 +None of them are good.,0 +"The action was minimal and most of the time we were treated to the whining of Rhett Giles, who played a pastor that was giving up on his god.",0 +But at least Steven got a few things right compared to this crapperella.,0 +"This was so poorly made, I was in disbelief.",0 +The suspense is completely absent as is the gore and nudity.,0 +Sadly even my mediocre expectations were not met.,0 +"Though it wears out its welcome eventually, even at its short length.",0 +This movie is utter garbage!,0 +"With such an extremely lurid title, I had been hoping for some inventive bloodletting to go with all of the bums, bush, and boobs; instead, practically all of the killings occur off-screen or feature next to no gore.",0 +So it's not even worth enjoying on an erotic level.,0 +Plenty of nekkid hooters and not much else...,0 +"The girls who make up the cheerleaders are a bit unconvincing, because their obviously in their twenties.",0 +"The acting was really bad and wooden, there was hardly any sense in the plot and there was no emotion to this film.",0 +"The only good reason to watch this turkey are the girls: if this film were a porn, I think it would have worked really much better!",0 +The ending ends up being a ridiculous mess.,0 +"I can forgive low-budget films for being low budget but it wasn't funny, it wasn't smart, it had no redeeming qualities at all unless you really like looking at fake boobs.",0 +"the bad: I was excited about this film, I loved all three Slumber Party Massacre's because they were just so fun, and I was expecting a lot from this ""Slumber PartySorority House Massacre with Scream tones), but it just sucked!",0 +This movie is very very bad.,0 +"Unfortunately, this is a bad movie that is just plain bad.",0 +"With horrible acting, a painfully generic ""plot"" and no dimensional characters, no matter how bored and drunk you are, this one is not worth your 81 minutes.",0 +"I beg of you, please don't buy or rent this abomination.",0 +"The actors were mediocre, to say the least, and the story is almost laughable.",0 +It doesn't make much sense too.,0 +"This was truly your run of the mill slasher movie with teenage eye candy, dumb male horn dogs, even dumber male adult, and hot teacher.",0 +"This movie's all boobs, but unfortunately no blood, or not enough.",0 +"The only actual decent part of this movie, as it turns out, was from the original Slumber Party Massacre movie.",0 +The truth is that the script makes absolutely no sense.,0 +"""The Clearing is another in a long list of horrible movies that feature Mr.Redford .",0 +It's all ludicrous!,0 +"In The Clearing, what starts out as an intriguing mystery, with a kidnapping and unknown motives, turns into a slow draggy pointless exercise.",0 +All in all - waste of time,0 +"Boring, boring, boring.",0 +It has been a long time since I have been to a movie as lame and boring as this one.,0 +what the hell was the point of this dull movie?,0 +The plot is ludicrous.,0 +The story goes nowhere and comes fron nowhere.,0 +"Still they just can't save this ow so boring movie, i'm sorry.",0 +The story was dragged out for waaaay too long.,0 +"like in so many movies of the past, you would think Hollywood would learn this by now, makes for a very disappointing movie, not to mention, make sure the kidnapped victim is alive first before paying the ransom.",0 +"The fight scenes were terrible (blurry cameras and no real fighting) and the plot was your typical ""stupid kung-fu plot"".",0 +Too much fancy tricks and stupid story.,0 +"The acting was so, so, so, so horrifically disgusting, as well as the deaths being so ENTIRELY lame and predictable.",0 +Other than that I regret watching this debacle.,0 +Overall this film really is bad and you wouldn't be missing out on anything if you decided to skip this film.,0 +"It just kind of meanders in predictable and sophomoric ways, and wastes some wonderful talents along the way.",0 +I didn't quite get the director's intentions if any.,0 +) to present one terrible musical sequences after the other.,0 +Pierce Brosnan just plain embarrassing.,0 +"The sequences were so poorly staged, the dubbing and editing absolutely horrible and this has to be Meryl's worst production.",0 +"But I can't help but imagining what Richard Roger, Oscar Hammerstein, Cole Porter, Irving Berlin and so many others could have done even with with this silly premise.",0 +I regret wasting my money and time on this piece of crap.,0 +"This movie is pathetic not because it's poorly directed, acted, sung, danced, filmed, etc ...",0 +But this film is just terrible.,0 +What a trivial load of drivel.,0 +"From the non-existent acting to the atrocious singing, I was cringing at least once per minute.",0 +The plot was just copy pasted and some low grade humor(probably mr.,0 +The Hindi version fails to keep the viewers interested.,0 +"I wouldn't call it a movie, it's more like a combination of 10 different unfinished, illogical stories, which are not all that funny.",0 +That movie was dull.,0 +"This movie feels like a B-Movie, and a poor imitation of the movie Hitch.",0 +This dumb Salman Khan & Govinda feature is one of those stupid films.,0 +"It is a sad day for bollywood when such type of movies which have star-cast actors is nothing more are than a bunch of juvenile acting, and an awful script.",0 +The direction was awful.,0 +not very good at anything.,0 +It was simply unbearable.,0 +This movie made no sense whatsoever.,0 +"It was so boring with a very, very weak (or no) story-line and wasn't even a jot funny.",0 +"David Dhawan copied HITCH and such an unofficial copy The film isn't even 12 as funny or amusing as the original it's boring with forced stories like the Lara track of having a child and no hubby Plus there is an unwanted stupid Chota DON and David tries to choke drama too but the film looks disjointed, boringSongs just pop in, so does romance and everything barring some funny Govinda scenes, the dance before interval nothing else is worth mentioning The last few scenes are quite funny but there tend to get too longDavid's direction is as bad as MAINE PYAAR KYUN KIYAA, he needs to change his style or attempt something good Music is saving grace, some songs are good but the situations seem forcedGovinda looks overweight and seems too loud and screams his lines in initial reels but he gets into the groove and gives his best in the office and the scene with Salman in his cabin and towards the endSalman just plays himself and his nasal tone plus his fake style of acting is a headacheLara is avoidable, Katrina is fake as usualThe kid overacts",0 +"If you are planning to watch 'Partner' and are on IMDb reading reviews about it, you have already wasted too much time over this stupid, idiotic, awful movie.",0 +This was one of the most pathetic movies of this year...,0 +Poor and flawed story.,0 +he has made lots of funny movies in past which made no sense but none of them was a crap bag!,0 +"this movie is directly copied from ""The Hitch"" where Salman plays like a Date Dr. like Will Smith, and Govinda like some fat jerk, who is desperate to get in love with her boss by the end the movie comes to an old Indian Flimi style, the bride's father doesn't like the bride's lover and gets some other groom, and Govinda the bride's lover comes in the end and saves her from the new groom and a fancy dance and stuff.",0 +Utterly un-funny.,0 +"The point being ""Have faith in Jesus Christ and the Morman Church"" Oh, and if you read or hear anything contrary to the teachings of the Prophet, it is just Haterade.",0 +Dutcher's own appallingly wooden acting sets the tone for his army of the least interesting Mormons you're ever likely to meet.,0 +"The film is slow and boring, and the shooting and screenplay look like a college student project.",0 +"and on top of that, it wasn't even funny.",0 +The movie is just telling the life of one person and has some nudity scenes which are irrelevant to the story.,0 +"The movie itself, unfortunately, was quite a letdown.",0 +"Frankly, Algiers is cheap as far as imitations go.",0 +"Personally, I didn't care for Boyer's character for a minute, so the tension was utterly nonexistent.",0 +"But ultimately the plot, script and direction are flat as a pancake and as tired as a 90 year old nun after 180 ""Hail Mary""s.",0 +"An attempt at a ""Wanda"" type manic finish fails too, along with the effort at ""men in drag"" humour, which is hardly surprising.",0 +Alot of catholic humor and slapstick but the script is kinda thin as are the laughs..,0 +The film contains over 200 errors .,0 +The was so overloaded with this garbage retread lines that I felt like I had to vomit.,0 +"The editing is downright careless: Scenes just end, and are followed by other scenes that have little to do with what preceded them.",0 +Big disappointment.,0 +"It took a good fifteen minutes of footage before there was an edit or a line of dialogue that made any sense, and it took another 30 minutes before the ham-fisted script gave way to a working plot that wasn't contingent on a close-up of Ryan Gosling's smile or contrived moralizing.",0 +The script is horribly muddled.,0 +The problem is that I just don't buy it.,0 +"All in all, rather mediocre.",0 +The movie has no detectable humor.,0 +Her character is absolutely useless and had no point to the plot or story making any performance she would give equally as bad.,0 +"Why he kept letting that dumb kid make all those stupid moves and mess a whole lot of crap up, I don't know.",0 +The plot was thin.,0 +And ultimately extremely dull.,0 +"It kept me awake, so it was interesting; however, it was pretty bland.",0 +Nothing makes any sense whatsoever.,0 +Killshot flopped at the box office.,0 +"The script was horrible, the acting was sub-par (espically coming from heavy weights like Rourke and Lane) and the editing and effects were comical, (blowing up cars etc.",0 +Rosario Dawson was totally wasted and there was hardly any point in even having her character in the film.,0 +"extremely boring, I feel like I've seen a hundred movies with the same storyline as this one.",0 +"The characters, situations, and even resolutions in the film are all tired and unoriginal and only very randomly hint at something more.",0 +"The standard, the movie wanted to set is completely ruined by some very simple plot.",0 +"Unfortunately House of D is just awful, with a ridiculous plot, terrible writing, some mediocre acting, and in fact just about everything else about it is sub-par.",0 +"For all the acting talent in the film, it just isn't interesting.",0 +The script didn't give her much to work with.,0 +"This is a movie with a wonderful concept, but very weak writing.",0 +It boggles the mind how big name stars such as those in this movie can be part of the one of the dullest movies I've ever seen.,0 +This movie was strange mainly because the plot was so incoherent.,0 +This film fails on many many levels.,0 +"All we're left with is a whiny, glassy-eyed robot guy who's acting is subdued and wooden one moment, and practically zany the next.",0 +"If you enjoy scene after disjointed scene with tedious characterization and artsy fartsy pretense, then I suppose you'll find something of interest here.",0 +And that ain't much.,0 +"Substitute the planes with horses, make the android a priest and this movie would be indistinguishable from any one of a dozen Italian Spanish semi-arty ""shoot-'em-ups with pretensions"" of the Seventies.",0 +this is just boring.,0 +The problem with this film is that the story is way underdeveloped and the plot goes nowhere.,0 +"Its completely unmemorable, and not a film you want to have paid money to see.",0 +"Funny how that question ""What is the worst film you have ever seen is""?",0 +") Good golly, this is pathetic, just how bad is this movie that the best I could come up with in regards to it were five frickin'lines of text?",0 +"The film is composed mostly of fairly uninteresting video footage of the countries he visits with bad reenactments, all slow-mo'ed down to a snails pace and overlaid with depressing music.",0 +Scarier than any horror movie ever made because you're in controlled of this blood fest which make it more scarier than watching other people doing it on the big screen or on your television screen.,0 +"Without giving away any spoilers (as if it matters with this piece of crap) his cons are such a sham because it takes the effort of days and days of planning, and the use of multiple accomplices and an entire camera crew etc.",0 +"I have decided to flush this show from my memory down the toilet of bad TV show into the obscurity of forgetful, disappointing, pointless, garbage TV show hell.",0 +I'd not clever or original and it strikes me as being extremely pointless.,0 +"The result is a disjointed and illogical storyline that doesn't really let you understand or relate to the characters, or, actually, anything at all.",0 +"Not a bad film, but what really ruins it is Michelle Johnson's awful performance as the naughty little temptress Jennifer.",0 +"there couldn't be a more painful movie experience than watching her ""try"" to act (most of her dialogue seems overdubbed, too).",0 +She never looked better than she did in this film.,0 +There's nothing entertaining about that.,0 +This was distracting.,0 +All topless.,0 +There's not really anything funny here.,0 +This movie is horrible!,0 +"Regarding the movie, it was extremely slow paced, with a lot of time wasting scenes, the full length of the story could have been shown in no more than 40 minutes, but they made it longer by having scenes of the monk getting coal that is like 15 minutes of the whole movie plus panoramic views and so on, until they made it a full length movie a really boring one.",0 +This puddle of derivative drivel stole from every Soviet film of note and failed miserably.,0 +"Well, I suppose you could say it supposed to be a comedy -- but when the scenery is funny and the actors aren't, I'd say we have a bad movie on our hands....",0 +"The cast (most of whom never made another film) try gamely, but are hamstrung by the screenplay, which generally makes no sense.",0 +The film drones on for about eighty minutes and most of it consists of boring characters spouting off boring and long-winded dialogue.,0 +"just can't come up with any ""prettier"" resemblances for this trashy movie.",0 +I have seen this movie and in all honestly was quite disappointed.,0 +Totally confused and pointlessly hurtling from one historical age to another.,0 +"This movie is amazingly pointless, the characters are nobodies, the plot is non-existent, and the ending is one of the worst endings I have ever seen.",0 +There is also a horrible case of overacting as I recall from the 'bad guys'.,0 +"Basically, most of the humor now is either lame, or lame Sarah Palin jokes - which all the ratings dropping Comedians are now telling.",0 +My guess is that the left is so devoid of any real substance that they have to define themselves in terms of how much they all hate Republicans.,0 +"So, unless you «get» the context, it's entirely useless as bankable humor.",0 +He's shameless and everything he says is punctuated by a phony laughtrack.,0 +This leaves them woefully ignorant and much worse - badly misinformed.,0 +"Story: a litany of clichés, all over the place, convoluted, contrived, and uninspired.",0 +"First off, the plot was uninspired...",0 +But the final film was unsatisfying.,0 +This makes them stand out almost as badly as live actors would in a cartoon.,0 +"The acting was so awful, I felt like I was watching a bunch of kids in the neighborhood putting on a play.",0 +Watching the show as an adult I was absolutely shocked by what a horribly made film this was.,0 +It was quite horribly done and the casting was not much better in my opinion.,0 +The acting is generally pretty weak.,0 +Only very few good (decent's probably more like it) songs and a lot of absolutely terrible songs.,0 +"As much as I love Tom and Jerry, I have got to say that this one is a bit of a stinker: the story is rather mundane; it introduces a badly conceived peripheral character that lacks charm; and it flogs the old 'dress the cartoon character up as a woman' gag to death.",0 +"Thir but not least, most of the ac tings are really poor, it's totally not believable the roll of the wife of one of the soldier, her performance it's pretty poor.",0 +A very muddled plot and phony dialogue.,0 +") and the script is shoddy and unsuccessful, not to mention the obvious attempt at adding sexnudity simply to gain an R rating and certain scenes that just weren't necessary but were there to push the boundaries (I really don't need to see a kid urinating or a struggle with a diaphragm.",0 +"Sure the characters are tacky (as is their acting - including a young Leonardo DiCaprio), the effects cheap looking, and the monsters...",0 +The movie just falls flat as a science-fictionhorrorcomedy.,0 +"Critters 3 does nothing with the premise, it never even tries to add anything to an already old, tired & well used storyline.",0 +"Sadly, this movie is not very good.",0 +The ending was disappointing and I was annoyed that only the lazy guy died as there were quite a few annoying characters I would personally have killed off.,0 +Even the worst I've seen at least had a soundtrack.,0 +The choices that were made about the cinematography are some of this worst decisions I have ever seen.,0 +Worst film I have seen for a long long time.,0 +"However, they're only able to articulate their points using dialogue that sounds silly coming from anyone over the age of seven.",0 +"The film is even worse than any of those Saturday afternoon B-movies because the acting is laughable, the directing is horrendous and the few fights in the movie, well, what can I say...",0 +"Purchased this film for one dollar and figured I could never go wrong, my big mistake was watching it.",0 +I gave this movie a 4 and am glad that I was able to check this out for free from my library cause this movie sucked and really isn't worth paying a cent to see.,0 +The script is laughable with a weak plot and there is no effort to be seen for any intelligent structure.,0 +I gave it a 1 because I have never seen such a bad movie.,0 +"Because they copied, the plot was stupid, THE WHOLE MOVIE WAS THUMBS DOWN ALL THE WAY!",0 +The animations are completely childish and displaced.,0 +"I'm not sure who should be blamed for this debacle - in truth, the acting isn't too bad and the story isn't as terrible as some made-for-Disney movies have been.",0 +This pathetic excuse for a movie doesn't have a decent structure or a sensible closure.,0 +It was absurd on the face of it.,0 +I know these types of films sell tickets and make a profit for the film makers but it just won't do as a film about Vietnam.,0 +Eventhough the actors (famous to semi-famous) didn't do a very great job.,0 +"This movie has a predictable plot, bad writing, bad acting, bad directing, bad special effects, etc.",0 +It is sad to have to say that a film is truly awful and one tries to find ways around saying this.,0 +"Slickly produced, but ultimately stale.",0 +When you try to watch it again it gets so boring you have to turn it off.,0 +"This movie was so incredibly boring, Michael J. Fox could've done so much better.",0 +I should have known how awful this movie was when I rented it and found the movie only half viewed and not rewound by the previous renter.,0 +"Once again, I feel sorry for the poor kids who were forced to work in this movie, so that everyone else and their parents could make some bucks at the price of a cheesy cheesy movie.",0 +This is a very tame movie and there wasn't even enough budget to buy a couple bags of fake blood.,0 +This is sensationalism at its worst.,0 +"As you might expect, none of the acting is up to anything; and the central three in particular stand out for being rubbish.",0 +There is no style & he films the sex scenes like a bad soft core porno complete with awful romantic sounding piano music.,0 +"The sex is done okay, but the psychology behind the people makes very little sense.",0 +"If you want to see this one in its original form, pick up ""Queen"" - avoid this one at all costs, as the cuts make it even choppier than it was originally.",0 +That's about the only thing that was less than awful in this movie.,0 +This movie involves little imagination whatsoever.,0 +"The only softporn movie I've seen which had any merit other than beautiful women (and believe me, Emmanuelle is drop dead gorgeous...",0 +This first film was mostly a waste of time.,0 +"So anyways, add this on top of randomly placed homoerotic subtext and you have got yourself one crappy movie (I have nothing against gays, there was just no need for it).",0 +"has some funny moments, but it also has a lot of flat ones and the overall product is amazingly bland.",0 +This is one of the worst directed and edited films I have ever seen from so-called professionals.,0 +Plot developments are also very slow.,0 +But of a lot of the script is poorly conceived and simply doesn't make sense.,0 +I give it a 1.,0 +Score 3 out of 10,0 +") I didn't find the story all that compelling, although I appreciated that the Indians were shown as the victims of the Indian agent.",0 +"However, it seemed that the film had no real sense of direction or purpose.",0 +The story is so boring that you don't really care what is happening!,0 +"I was thoroughly disappointed, this being my first STREET FIGHTER movie I have seen (I dare not go near the 1994 joke yet).",0 +"This movie easily falls into the category of laughable, if not beyond that to actually insulting.",0 +This movie has some of the worst acting I've ever seen.,0 +"I was very, very disappointed in Quaid.",0 +"Nobody acts that way all the time, and the performance comes off as hopelessly clownish, reducing Lewis to a buffoonish caricature.",0 +"Just re-saw this last night and to put it bluntly: ""Style instead of substance"".",0 +"It's a bad and inaccurate story of her life together with Lewis and there is far better books about the Killer, that could have made a much better and more interesting script.",0 +I think the only good thing in this movie is to see young Winona Ryder.,0 +"So don't waste your time, it's too precious for something this misguided and poor.",0 +Perhaps a little too Queenie for some - I would love to have watched IN a cinema audience in the outback.,0 +) but the story just wasn't very good or very interesting either.,0 +"Writer-director Stephan Elliott follows every potentially mean-spirited moment with a little humor and sympathy, but there are puzzling gaps in his narrative, a dire subplot about a gay man's relationship with his ex-wife and estranged pre-teen son (both of whom are comfortable--and the child wise--with his lifestyle), and a third act with no energy whatsoever.",0 +I found it quite disappointing.,0 +The real trouble is with the dialogue.,0 +Pitiful.,0 +This film tries hard but fails.,0 +"It gets a lot of mileage out of bitchy dialogue, which is amusing in this sanitized form, I guess.",0 +"All in all, I don' recommend this one.",0 +"Ok so the 3 leads do alright considering what they have to work with, but this film includes the worst performance by a child actor I have ever seen, not helped by appalling dialogue and a really lame resolution that you can see a mile off.",0 +"I saw this video at a friends house, and it was the lamest thing i have seen ever.",0 +"sure, our society has a morbid fascination with death, and it's funny hearing him talk about how much he smokes and how much coffee he drinks, but he's into giving himself an unworthy mystique.",0 +"1st watched 112003 - 3 out of 10(Dir-Henri Verneuil): Sober drama about a well-to-do Doctor who gets into trouble carrying on a relationship with a younger woman, whom his family brings in to live with them, as well as being married to another in the same household.",0 +"Ugly and uneasy, it doesn't showcase anyone involved to any advantage (especially Kristofferson, whose hollow stares and usual gravelly talk is out-of-place in a psychological mishmash like this one).",0 +It simply doesn't make the transition into a credible story about Brits and Americans.,0 +KK should stick to singing- this whole movie was a big bore.,0 +Miles looks as if she is in pain during the sex scenes and the acting is wooden.,0 +This one was literally 10 minutes of an idea stretched another 81 boring minutes.,0 +"Why even make a film like this, that obviously isn't going to be any good?",0 +"Still, based on factual observation - I saw the movie with my very own eyes - I suspect the Dutch are not too far off the mark: ""Parker Kane"" is poorly made, utterly boring, and really not worth the celluloid that was no doubt wasted in its creation.",0 +"Let it simmer for about 90 minutes in a ""fast-paced"" though not necessarily logical or internally consistent sequence of mediocre action scenes, cheap tender moments and sluggish wise-cracks;6.",0 +This film is a complete waste of time.,0 +The movie has almost no action scenes in it and very little comedy.,0 +Practically everyone is written horribly out of character ...,0 +A couple of bad CG effects and then the rest of the movies was spent walking around in what looked like a junk yard.,0 +"However, this film exhibits none of the quality of the narrative style of the Mercury Playhouse program.",0 +4 out of 10.,0 +Now this is hard to imagine until you strip away everything thing in the Spielberg version that cost more than a thousand dollars.,0 +It is quite possibly the worst film I have ever witnessed.,0 +"It was well acted, but I only felt sorry for the characters because they had to appear in this slop.",0 +"I ended up being so bored, that I had to fast forward through the movie until I found something that looked even remotely interesting.",0 +This movie is so bad they should burn the master.,0 +This is the worst film I have seen in as long as I can remember.,0 +The acting from the entire ensemble struggled to rise above the risible and failed.,0 +Let's get one thing straight; This was BAD!,0 +"This is easily one of the dumbest movies ever created, although I'm not familiar with much of the rest of the world's cinema.",0 +The writing just got boring and everything was way too over the top.,0 +Unfortunately the experience was nothing but a disappointment leaving me in anger and confusion.,0 +I did not like this movie.,0 +Some of the vignettes are absolutely terrible and the dialogue is never natural.,0 +I gave it a 1 out of 10,0 +It's just terribly dull.,0 +The script tries to be a little too clever and simply doesn't resonate.,0 +SOSN is shallow and superficial.,0 +I find this film boring and purposeless.,0 +That the devil is looking like emperor palpatine (after part III) doesn't make it really better.,0 +"This film is not much fun to watch at all, incredibly dumb, and, obviously, Steven Seagal's acting performance is absolutely horrid.",0 +Also a running joke involves Wayon's enjoyment of eating powdered deer penis and well this raunchy material is utterly out of place.,0 +"Pity about his hand and foot, but so much for withstanding extended interrogation - must have flunked that class at the ""farm"".",0 +A not so good action thriller because it unsuccessfully trends the same water as early Steven Seagal films because there is not a very good set piece.,0 +If your imagination can't stretch that far just watch THE GLIMMER MAN as it's the next worse thing !,0 +"Typical Steven Seagal fare: that is, it's crap.",0 +Kennan Ivory Wayans was so funny in Low Down Dirty Shame that I had to see this one and it was one of the worst he has done and Steven Seagal didn't help much.,0 +It did not work.,0 +He doesn't even have enough sense to change the locks on his apartment door after he throws her out.,0 +"The ending of this movie is so corny, you won't believe.",0 +I give this chestnut a 1 out of 100.,0 +"This was the worst,some of the killings were good and theres a bit of humour but i couldnt stand this,everytime a killing happened they would show scenes of all these old movies that the killer used to be in,i give this 210.",0 +Just watch this lemon to see how bad an Aussie show can be.,0 +I wouldn't recommend this film to anybody.,0 +"The nonsense and caricatural nature of the movie is actually the only good thing about it, but when it drags on an on and on it becomes no longer bearable.",0 +This is a complete waste of time and energy.,0 +"In short, this is pure crap, much like the Highlander sequels.",0 +For me this movie was the biggest disappointment.,0 +"I saw this ego-centric ""effort"" at achieving a film of ""epic"" status in the company of several native Russian family members.",0 +"The characters in the storyline are not convincing, neither Jane nor McCracken nor Andrej.",0 +"In his Hong Kong films Chan is never dull, with the movies being one rapid-fire martial arts sequence after another, but ""The Protector"" is lifeless throughout.",0 +"And yes, it is crappy.",0 +"It's really lifeless and bland, and i don't blame Jackie for not looking happy in this, and if he didn't star in this it would have been unbearable and completely unwatchable.",0 +** from ****,0 +One of the worst films of it's genre.,0 +The script is downright atrocious.,0 +"When they finally arrive at their destination, they discover their stomach is full of gass after all the bad sausage.",0 +"First off the acting is very flat, only a few of the people seem to be real enough to believe in.",0 +"Billy Drago is good in the thankless (not to mention pointless) role of the town mortician but everything else about this wannabe slasher western is extremely poor, including the town and the fort, both of which look like modern made western tourist traps and costumes that look like they were bought at Party City.",0 +"But the acting--even that of such professionals as Drago and Debbie Rochon--was terrible, the directing worse (perhaps contributory to the former), the dialog chimp-like, and the camera work, barely tolerable.",0 +"The acting besides Drago's is so bad I wanted to put the couch cushions over my ears, the production values are nonexistent and the script , I don't even know where to start.",0 +"It wasn't terrible, but it was quite lackluster, and it didn't have enough to make the show, considering this was what the show was based on.",0 +"In and of itself it is a very uninteresting piece, and like most of Capra's work before he met Robert Riskin, a disappointment.",0 +"Role-reversal remake of 1942's ""The Major and the Minor"" has Jerry Lewis stepping into the part originally played by Ginger Rogers, but unfortunately this anemic outing is missing a lot more than just Ginger.",0 +"This movie is a desecration, and instead of remaking classics that don't need redone, the Hollywood types who haven't any better ideas should do this one, right this time.",0 +But compared to the sophistication of the book it is a terrible disappointment.,0 +This movie is one of the poorest adaptations of a fabulous book that I've seen.,0 +Don't even think about even renting this.,0 +"You see these flat, unbelievable characters saying things that is supposed to be funny but isn't.",0 +This awful remake it's pathetic even for a 5 year old!,0 +"Chris Ricci sleepwalks her way through most of this, but then quickly takes on an air of boredom and disdain - much as I did when watching it.",0 +"A pair of rich neurotics (Dyan Cannon and original ""Cat"" cast member Dean Jones) are funny and the formula-plot still has a little juice left in it, but the handling here is so heavy and lugubrious, and the cat is so lifeless, that it's strictly D.O.A. * from ****",0 +"Some of the other cast members (e.g., Michael McKean) are really slumming, too.",0 +"All in all, a very poor remake.",0 +"Taken as an isolated film, I suppose it is not too bad if one likes that weird sort of thing, but when one has read the book or seen the first film - horrible!",0 +Here he is wasted as the bumbling FBI agent.,0 +this movie wasn't good.,0 +"It is full of bad lines, bad acting, bad slapstick, etc.",0 +This movie is so mind numbingly bad that I think I would rather have my eyes scratched out by a cat rather than watch it again.,0 +"The cat didn't get any real good scenes, Ricci's character was more annoying than funny, Doug E. Doug didn't get any good lines, even Dean Jones's cameo role couldn't save this movie!",0 +"So, it is possible the film might be A LITTLE better than a 4--but certainly, if this is the case, no better than a 5!",0 +"Even worse, the quality is terrible.",0 +"Despite both shows are set in Alaska and filmed on location in the Pacific Northwest (Exposure in Washington state, Trees in Vancouver, BC), re-watching ""Northern Exposure"" (as well as few episodes of ""Sex and the City"") reminds me how disappointed I am with the poorly conceived hybrid ""Men in Trees"".",0 +I'm bored.,0 +I feel that you are pushing too hard to bring New York to Alaska.,0 +"Frank Whaley's Guy is certainly out of his element working for Buddy – he wants to write and make meaningful movies, not be a gofer that is verbally abused for getting Equal instead of Sweet & Low.",0 +"Sadly, I was very disappointed by the first half -- ah, a movie about a wimp taking revenge on their a**hole boss, how original -- and watched the second half on fast forward hoping to find something that would justify the 45-odd minutes I'd already wasted.",0 +"But if you're looking for incisive satire, interesting characters, or anything else that even attempts to engage more than your basest passions, you should probably look elsewhere.",0 +The ending didn't seem to make a whole lot of sense to me no matter how I looked at it.,0 +"At this point any message the author had has been lost; there's no ""hero"" in this film, ergo, no reason to care at all.",0 +This is the worst film I've seen in quite some time.,0 +"Ugly, heartless Hollywood crap that expects nothing but ugliness and heartlessness from its audience.",0 +But I just didn't care about the characters at all.,0 +** from ****,0 +"To this add an intemperate preacher, bad music, silly fast action shots, even sillier T&A shots - and there you go.",0 +"The production values demonstrate that this was either filmed on a shoestring or by truly inexperienced filmmakers-- I suspect the latter, unfortunately.",0 +"The script is bad, the plot is bad, the acting is bad.",0 +They're essentially repulsive gag fodder.,0 +The writing was forced and contrived.,0 +"As someone who saw Revenge of The Nerds in a movie theater, I found this movie to be an extremely predictable remake of it.",0 +"It is fitting that the title character in Sydney White is defined from the beginning of the film by her awkwardness because the film, like the character, tends to begin every scene with a well-meant but inappropriate statement, then backtracks inadvertently making it worse and leaving the viewer in total confusion.",0 +"Dull, dreary, unrelentingly disillusional, and ethnically preposterous.",0 +For me it just got worse and worse and the characters were all without question dreary and depressing without any redeeming features.,0 +"The BBC either couldn't be bothered crossing London to do their research before writing this soap, or else they only had white actors available and decided to bluff it out.",0 +It's such a bad reflection of the nation this crap tops the ratings.,0 +"'Its the most depressing, absurd and most stupid thing on TV at the moment, and i cant understand peoples motives for watching this depressing pile of crap anymore",0 +"Also, the story lines are awful and after watching it for a few minutes, I am bored with it.",0 +This is the proletariat as perceived by the writers who produce this trash.,0 +There is not one good word I can say about this programme.,0 +"Like all soaps, it consists entirely of totally unlikeable characters being unpleasant to each other, but it's ten times as bad as the next worst one could be.",0 +Do the writers actually believe this garbage they're pumping out?,0 +"This isn't so much an awful film as a deeply misguided one, not so much phantasmagorical as a rather bad trip.",0 +"I like a good action movie as much as the next man, but this is not entertainment – this is pornography of violence that trivializes and ultimately denigrates the real tragedy of Myanmar.",0 +The story had plenty of holes in it and the acting had its fair share of disappointments as well By the end of the film i was praying that a higher power was going to strike me down where i laid as i was extremely bored but more importantly frustrated with how the story turned out.,0 +The new title makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.,0 +"First of all, this movie is so confused that it is almost impossible to summarize it, since I myself did not understand this horrible story.",0 +- There's absolutely no plot.,0 +Well This was a complete waste of celluloid.,0 +"The plot doesn't hang together at all, and the acting is absolutely appalling.",0 +"Things only got worse from there, as the promising beginning is thrown out the window as we get one unconvincing plot twist after another, followed by an ending so anti-climatic it's like being promised the moon and ending up with a teeny weeny meteorite instead.",0 +It had possibilities but just didn't achieve anything.,0 +"You will have no sympathy for any of the characters (except for Aunt Lydia, who gets offed pretty early) and the plot makes no sense.",0 +"I'm so embarrassed that I actually paid a rental fee for this garbage; deeply, deeply ashamed...",0 +But this is ridiculous.,0 +But this movie didn't do it.,0 +"Skip this film, save yourself some time better suited to do other more worthwhile tasks.",0 +And then the little twists aren't even original.,0 +This film is not for everyone and I can understand why it wasn't pushed by the suits.,0 +I can not believe that in the same year he made this awful movie and My left foot.....,0 +"I mean, I wasn't expecting the Godfather or anything, but everything about this film was a total let-down.",0 +The story is just weak.,0 +"Additionally, the casting of Jim Carrey was just…wrong.",0 +The story is laughable.,0 +The acting was mostly average and pretty forgettable.,0 +"Guess what it, it doesn't look good at all.",0 +** out of **** starsLet's see...,0 +What the hell was this?,0 +But it wasn't funny.,0 +Its a waste of time watching this movie.,0 +"Nothing helps, however, simply due to the sheer silliness of the basic formula and the clearly uninspired engagement of cast & crew.",0 +"but it's just padding, and totally irrelevant to the story.",0 +"The plot has a good basis, but the melodramatic lines make it dull and kind of stupid.",0 +"At the end they offer to us a lesson about morality (for those who remember ""Falling Down"") and the ""Family Joy and Cure"" that ruins every possibility to be kind and find the film watchable P.S. It's obvious who is the ""killer""!",0 +The plot does not seem to develop.,0 +This is the WORST piece of crap I've seen in a long time.,0 +but it's pretty dull viewing.,0 +They give you the set up then bore you to death with a constant cat and mouse chase.,0 +"well, the police in this movie doesn't have a brain, in case they never heard of a TAZER to knock off the criminal without killing him.",0 +it's just a big mess.,0 +"The plot is absolutely implausible, the acting is mediocre, although Keaton does his usual good job as a mental case, although being typecast in that role could certainly be considered a negative.",0 +Maybe the worse movie I have ever see.,0 +I wanted to see the cops kill Keaton AND Garcia just to get it over with.,0 +"The action sequences are handled pretty disappointingly,and the ending sucks pretty bad.",0 +"After a half-hour, and completely disinterested, I stayed and watched the remaining two and a half hours out of pure morbid curiosity.",0 +This movie was a complete disaster for me.,0 +"Otherwise, avoid this mess like you would a dark Chicago alley where as you hurry by you can only see shadows and hear muttered threats.",0 +I would not recommend this movie.,0 +"Poorly acted, poorly plotted and racially Neanderthal, it took place in a Chicago where every black person apparently lived in a blues club.",0 +"It is a fiendishly bad movie, and I saw it when it was fairly new, and I was in the age group that is supposed to like it!",0 +"It would already be bad, but the addition of Carrot Top's ""humor"" makes it even worse.",0 +This movie is stupid.,0 +I'm not sure it's in the bottom 50 of all time but for the $10 million spent it's a disgrace.,0 +let's just say this movie is virtually unwatchable.,0 +"The jokes (which are constantly rigged throughout) are terrible and the idea of a romantic ""plot twist"" should have been discarded.",0 +1010...,0 +The invention gags by Carrot Top are some of the most awful attempts to be funny in recorded history.,0 +"None of it is, not even a nanosecond of it is funny.",0 +This movie tries to be funny using dull one liners which all seem to have been lifted from 50's cartoons.,0 +Bad Movie!,0 +"This is one of those movies that tries to have a ""cute"" ending but it was so idiotic that it literally had no redeeming values.",0 +"Courtney Thorne-Smith, Jack Warden, and several other members of the supporting cast actually have talent, but it was completely stifled by the paper-thin script.",0 +This was on of the worst movies I have ever seen.,0 +This movie is terrible.,0 +"Not FREELY available, however, as HBO charges for such garbage.",0 +I cannot BELIEVE he got anyone to fund this huge waste of time and money.,0 +Is this a bad movie?,0 +"Try UN-funny toilet humor, and that's exactly where this belongs - in the toilet...",0 +It was a dumb movie and everyone assumed so simply based on what they know about Mr. Top.,0 +"Worst movie ever, i dare you watch.",0 +horrible god awful.,0 +"The whole plot was very stupid, cheap acting, and some of the lines were very very dumb.",0 +"There is a reason Chairman of the Board got a 2, (which is too high) this movie flat out is one of the worse movies of all time and I seen my share of rotten films.",0 +"She makes all these dumb inventions which are not funny, and she's a really lousy actress.",0 +"It makes something like Citzen Kane look like utter crap, come on, Citzen Kane wasn't even in color!",0 +The characters didn't appeal to me at all and the animation is looking cheap.,0 +"It was poorly directed, poorly filmed, and the lack of budget was obvious anytime games were being simulated (smaller gyms, empty seats, etc.",0 +ESPN lost a lot of credibility with this flop attempt.,0 +What was this movie about?,0 +I didn't have to waste my hard-earned money on this piece of trash.,0 +This movie was terrible and anyone associated with it should be embarrassed.,0 +"Plot (incoherent, thanks to cramming it with too many stories), acting (below average, with exception of Zebrowski), dialogues (bland), editing (choppy), special effects (unbearable) and choreography (poor), add up to the film's overall bad experience.",0 +Lack of good script.,0 +the movie is simply horrible (210).,0 +Not that anything in this movie made much sense anyway(ex.,0 +All the same the lines seem very amateurishly delivered...,0 +a very mediocre film based on a superb series of stories and novels.,0 +That movie is a horrible piece of...,0 +"the movie gets worse and worse with every minute, and does not even meet the requirements of 'so bad it's actually good' category.",0 +"I'll give it a few points because Gabin is in it, but the clumsy plot, cheap sets and the ludicrous Annabella making like an Arab princess put the film on my `to sell' shelf.",0 +its not even remotely worth it.,0 +"Finally, the way this film was written was nothing short of disgraceful.",0 +"Y'know what, the less said about this mindless drivel, the better.",0 +"This movie tried to tell too much in three hours, and needless to say, it failed.",0 +"I'm saying it because this is a waste of time, money and celluloid!",0 +"Even though i sat and watched the whole thing,i must say it was not good.",0 +"Overall, this movie was cheap trash.",0 +"The acting is horrible, the writing is worse and the portrayal of characters is scary.",0 +"This movie tries so hard to be sympathetic to Michael Jackson, but instead, turns him into a horrible, tacky caricature.",0 +I thought Flex Alexander looked Chinese when they made Michael look white.,0 +Seeing this movie is like having a nightmare with the television on.,0 +"a very low budget, poorly made , karate flick.",0 +"or the that ""history lesson"" about how Afghanistan was never conquered by anyone - educated Russian officer would know history much better than that - take for example British campaign in Afghanistan).",0 +"As a result accepted ""plan"" has been under-fulfilled, and on a demobilization I departed strongly contused and malicious as fig.",0 +"The attempts at Spielberg sentimentalism are embarrassing, such as the burley sergeant crying in a field of red flowers!",0 +What made me disappointed is mostly the story itself.,0 +"What makes this movie worst is the hypocrisy to present itself as a innocent ,sugary and harmless tale for children about the ""true "" meaning of Christmas .",0 +This movie is awful.,0 +I just wasted $10 and two hours of my life.,0 +The lip syncing is bad - worse actually than Final Fantasy.,0 +But anyone ages 7-Adult will have a snore-fest.,0 +"The syrupy music is out-of-place, boring and repetitive.",0 +I was very disappointed in the movie.,0 +"The plot is skeletal and must be padded out with lots of meaningless dramatic, screaming roller coaster rides, as if Disney or Spielberg were planning an amusement park ride based on the movie.",0 +What an embarrassment.,0 +"The fact that this was the one storyline that Roddenberry and Shatner could agree upon for the most part made the freshman directorial task tough enough, but after all the machinations were done, all anyone ended up with was an uneven story and a load of badly executed special effects not worthy of the original series, much less a major motion picture.",0 +"Lawrence Luckenbill is a competent actor, but even he couldn't save this turkey.",0 +This was so bad I can't even review it.,0 +So the plot's weak.,0 +"Not to mention an obese, blue seductress Uhura, her fat legs and ass hanging out of some sort of insane bird costume, in this Method Acting Mess.",0 +"Some nice sets and little knowingly Trek moments aside, The Final Frontier is just a bad movie experience.",0 +It's a pointless subplot and adds nothing.,0 +"I mean geez no Special effects or anything, it was boring and kinda anti-climatic.",0 +The attempts at humor were pitiful and story is so awful it dosen't bear thinking about which basically involves a Vulcan stealing the Enterprise to find god (seriously) I just didn't care about any of this film and oh not to mention Uhura does a belly dance to distract male guards.,0 +"it seemed to want to be so much, but it failed on so many levels to be one of the worst Star Trek movies.",0 +This one is so bad it is hard to figure out where to begin.,0 +What an idiot.,0 +The movie is simply boring.,0 +"Unfortunately, this movie had a muddled, implausible plot that just left me cringing - this is by far the worst of the nine (so far) movies.",0 +"Finally, the romance between Scotty and Uhura in this film did not make much sense at all ...",0 +"Not waste as in a waste of time (any time spent with these characters is never wasted), but waste as in a waste of opportunities.",0 +"The weakest of the 'old' crew Star Trek films, this film suffers from an awful script and obvious budget constraints, particularly in the mishandled finale.",0 +"Boy, what a waste of time...",0 +"It's not just that the acting is bad, it's terrible.",0 +Sorely disappointed.,0 +"Spock would never be party to such stupidity and McCoy, trying to save his father is full of insipid, redundant dialogue and totally wastes DeForest Kelley's acting abilities.",0 +Especially if you love horrible movies.,0 +Nothing about this makes any sense.,0 +"This movie is só incredibly unfunny it makes any man want to cry, the cliché are put on thicker than 5-year old peanut butter and in such a way that it actually sucks humour out of your heart, every single joke was badly timed and wouldn't have been funny if it were timed correctly.",0 +I think he is very funny but this is an awful awful pointless ghost story.,0 +What an unmitigated bore; a complete waste of 1 and a half hours.,0 +Another of those flimsy stories coupled with most forgettable musical numbers.,0 +just some trashy home-camera takes.,0 +Anything else just doesn't make sense.,0 +Bad people highjack a ship in the high seas but fortunately just about everybody on board is a trained martial artist.,0 +"The plot is childish, the directing is so-so.",0 +The writing is just awful.,0 +The acting's bad and the direction is even worse.,0 +"What's worse, the lead actress has a dozen scenes in which she either bathes or screws with someone, yet they never have the sense to show her breasts, which was clearly the only thing left to save this mess.",0 +"There wasn't one character I found sympathetic, they all seemed to be absolutely clueless losers.",0 +"But the poor production quality, stilted ending, and lack of coherency to the title caused this flick too many problems.",0 +"Most films are crappy with high production values, this one is crappy without high production values.",0 +"The characters portrayed are either too predictable or too lacking in normal, emotional reflexes to even come close to being likable or believable.",0 +"One of the worst ""indie"" films I've ever seem with so little to recommend it that hearing it won at Sundance has effectively removed any prior interest I may have had in attending, much less considering a postitive Sundance review to be meaningful.",0 +"Without any redeeming qualities, I didn't care about what happened to any of them.",0 +All in all a dull 90 minutes that seems more like an eternity.,0 +And what makes it worse is that high-profile festivals like the aforementioned actually embrace and encourage this kind of nonsense.,0 +It's ridiculous drivel that makes no sense whatsoever.,0 +I found the plot everyday boring.,0 +It's attempting to be a comedy but the screenplay is horrible.,0 +Disappointing.,0 +"Regardsless how realistic the dialog might be (I will NEVER use the word ""dude"" again!",0 +The plot flowed well for 85 minutes but the last 5 minutes were just terrible.,0 +Acting performance worst than storyline.,0 +"It's so hard to believe Ben Elton could write something this bad, maybe this points to a lot of input from the other writers in everything he's been connected with before.",0 +"(Why any male would be attracted to the nostril-flaring man-devouring Lily is beyond me, and frankly, Mike Harding as Reece seems to be just going through the motions).",0 +"I found the characters to be unflattering stereotypes, and the plot is predictable almost from the beginning.",0 +One of the worst shows of all time.,0 +"Starting by the acting (poor,almost mediocre, an astonishing waste of good actors and talent) and the story itself: Since when does a 5 men squad go out on patrol on a supposed «hot» zone?",0 +This film sucks.,0 +But it all falls down from poor performances from all the cast.,0 +It didn't help in the slightest.,0 +"Hayakawa was successful in that part of his goal; although, this film probably did not and will not appeal to most viewers, and is not the best example of its intent.",0 +And seeing the characters' poses while fighting didn't help either.,0 +Actually I think it didn't help that the mystery wasn't very good so there was nothing beyond the characters to keep you watching.,0 +"The bad person trying to kill the good people has many tricks up his sleeve, but the circus train wreck was purely coincidental.",0 +"He keeps making the same mistakes, and is no longer interesting to watch.",0 +"But somehow the documentary aspect of it, takes away from its drama.",0 +"I was expecting a cool documentary into the protest and activism surrounding the RNC, but what I got was a largely flawed, bad-acted, fictitious, conspiracy ridden badly woven tale.",0 +Its a weird concoction that doesn't quite work because its clear that there are things here that don't belong together.,0 +"Seeing it as an adult, it seemed almost comical, owing to the overdone narration and jarring details like Thirties gangsters driving cars that looked like they were from the Fifties.",0 +"For me it was not only a disappointment, but a total waste of time and celluloid.",0 +I was aware that I was in for a stinker after seeing the first 20 minutes.,0 +What a waste of time and money!,0 +The players look like they're having a grand old time mouthing as many clichéd lines the writers could put in the script.,0 +"On the whole, the film comes across as flat, I'm afraid.",0 +It is just 90 minutes of boredom.,0 +The dialogue is stilted and effects are crude.,0 +The end that the scientist-heroes plan for Kronos is based on nothing but pseudo-scientific gibberish.,0 +"She just can't be convincing as the devoted, selfless, rather smarmy wife that the writers have created.",0 +"It moves like molasses, the action scenes are uninspired, the acting is pedestrian, the writing is flat, even the photography isn't very good.",0 +There are some nice moments but the film wastes them either by undercutting the action by too many poor miniatures or by having people do unreal things.,0 +"The special effects are really good, but the dubbing is bad.",0 +"Expecting this to be a nice run of the mill American pie style film, I was deeply disappointed.",0 +"Director's commentary - talking about hooking up with actresses in the movie, just so you know, is crass and incredibly unprofessional.",0 +This so called movie is horrible!,0 +Actually CJ Stacy was the only good part of this movie - her charisma shines like a diamond in this horrid dung pile.,0 +"plotting and pacing are horrible, going nowhere at all.",0 +This was obviously a low budget film.,0 +Its not a sharp looking film at all and I noticed in several shots during the day that the sun would be glaring off of something and the scenes just don't have the crispness that would have helped the overall look.,0 +I can't tell you how many times I paused and rewound the picture to repeat scenes that just didn't make any sense.,0 +"Only in the Hollywood audiovisual fiction world could anybody, including FBI agents, be so unbelievably stupid.",0 +3) Whether to show if a persistent detective will solve a case just by asking the criminal the same stupid question over and over again till the criminal answers?,0 +Most of the voice over artists really sounded like they were dead pan and they were going to die at anytime now.,0 +"When I watched it as a kid, I just didn't care for it.",0 +"It totally ignores and contradicts any themes it may present, so the story is just really really dull.",0 +The plot is so dull and unimaginitive it is not even worth mentioning.,0 +"The jokes are more TV-14-ish, but it does not make the show any better.",0 +"I don't know who was on whose side, or what anybody really wanted, and the resolution was as unsatisfying as the exposition.",0 +The story lacks so much information and is so full of plot holes that it's nearly impossible to keep track of what's happening in the movie.,0 +"The acting (I use the term loosely) is mediocre at best, seagal's usual ONE constipated expression and wooden acting I can take but the others especially the Brits were down right terrible.",0 +"The plot was also confusing and basically just felt rushed out, maybe it was shelved and released to capitalise on Seagals newer films?",0 +"So I can't really tell what's going on, and the movie doesn't give me a reason to care about what's going on, and the protagonist is completely one dimensional and visually unappealing.",0 +"To sum up, this film is a total waste of time and a total joke.",0 +"Please do at least _some_ research before going to an ""exotic"" country, dudes -- you may hurt the feelings of old fans.",0 +"barely there, the acting (so to speak) is distressing and the action is catastrophically lame.",0 +Can they possibly get any worse than this?,0 +I like Steven Seagal but I have not a CLUE what this movie was about.,0 +"Horribly boring, badly edited, wrongest soundtrack and so on!",0 +"The film is completely disjointed, each scene seems to confuse the story further rather than carry it forward.",0 +The plot just does not exist - it appears that someone shot some action sequences and then tried to put them together to make a movie out of it.,0 +"I work in the industry, laughable!",0 +One of the worst movies I have ever seen.,0 +"Fight scenes were bad, really bad, because of slow motion and bad cutting.",0 +I walked out before the end simply because I couldn't stand watching anymore of this bad movie.,0 +This movie sucked really bad.,0 +No more of this slow motion crap like foreigner and in the shadows fighting like half past dead.,0 +"No story, inept violence, over acted, badly written and the sorry thing is that the star was not the only bad part in the film.",0 +The plot is just dumb.,0 +this movie simply does not work.,0 +The plot is nonsense that doesn't interest in the slightest way or have any uniqueness to it.,0 +The movie makes NO sense.,0 +It's director has made an even worse job and the music and score is so cheezy and malplaced that you just don't know whether to laugh or cry.,0 +It cheapens the whole look!,0 +"What action there is seems token and gratuitous while Seagal, looking more and more like a pork chop, meanders through this insipid flick expressionless and bored while manifesting no improvement in acting ability.",0 +So I have to write ten lines about this movie?,0 +"It just goes on like that, nothing makes sense in this story.",0 +"There is no plot in this movie,the plot is just an excuse to shoot some terrible action scenes which are painful to watch.",0 +"The authors know nothing about Russians prisons, the movie is absolutely cockamamie, has nothing common with the reality.",0 +"Worst of all, the inciting action for the curse isn't very interesting and the final twist is predictable and lame.",0 +Only some scares and a twist save this movie from becoming a total failure!,0 +"Simply put, I was amazingly disappointed.",0 +"Riding the coat-tails of a Gothic revival occasioned by the recent success of Hammer's THE CURSE OF FRANKENSTEIN (1957), Robert Day's CORRIDORS OF BLOOD is an odd mixture of historical drama and Grand Guignol theatrics.",0 +"So, the script and lack thereof is a thumbs down.",0 +f I could give this a zero I would.,0 +As I only watched 5 minutes of it but trust me you could see this movie was going nowhere.,0 +"Not to mention, we're given nothing until the last say 12 hour of this unnecessarily long movie, as to why this guy is suffering so much.",0 +"I got angry because Celina is by far the most sympathetic character in the film (the actress portraying her is a good one); I was—and you can't tell me a good screenwriter wouldn't know this—immersed in feeling both her physical and emotional pain; and the screenwriter, by treating Celina's emotional pain so cavalierly and with such disrespect, also treated me, the audience member, cavalierly and with utter disrespect.",0 +Not to mention I would imagine there was absolutely no research put into this film.,0 +This movie is one large steaming pile of cliché.,0 +"There was no character development, all of them were forced on us.",0 +"All in all, a film full of clichés that might have been done a lot better than it was.",0 +But the plot is totally predictable.,0 +The character development was poor and the story itself was poorly developed.,0 +"This show is perhaps one of the most boring, most unfunny shows I've ever seen.",0 +"The songs may be (mildly) interesting by themselves, but inserted for an interminable 3 minutes each in the middle of a story scene just doesn't work.",0 +I give it a 3 for poor acting by main male character.,0 +"Originality is nonexistent in this, and neither are the laughs.",0 +"There is no shred of cleverness in this movie, no theme, no subtext, nothing for anybody with half a brain to be entertained by (and sure enough, I could not sit through all of it).",0 +"This was terrible, mean-spirited, and full of the worst clichés and racial stereotypes I've seen in a looong time.",0 +and secondly the stereotyping of the ethnic kids from the inner city school is also a disgrace.,0 +"Seriously, I couldn't find anything that constituted a rational human thought in this movie.",0 +"There were several scenes in which I literally cringed because I was embarrassed for the cast because the scene (lines, plot, etc) were just so stupid.",0 +It is as if the producers thought teens would watch any ugly trash and just slung-together scenes and characters who were shallow and soul less.,0 +The movie itself was to me a huge disappointment.,0 +"No purposeful plot, one dimensional characters, plastic world ripped off from many far better films, no decent dialogue to speak of.",0 +"Because, frankly, he certainly didn't do himself any favours with this on his CV and neither did the cast...",0 +"Unfortunately, the story doesn't keep up.",0 +"Unfortunately, the story doesn't keep up.",0 +The title doesn't make any sense either.,0 +"It fails to many any real points in its frank presentation of such brutality and with a leaden-pace, a virtually non-existent plot line and the aforementioned lack of any entertainment value, I just can't understand what would encourage anyone to watch something like this.",0 +"This is the first time I wished, that there is an ""I-don't-care-to-rate-this-movie""-button on IMDB, because the only reaction to this boring piece of TRASH is stasis and indifference.",0 +And frankly I couldn't buy it.,0 +Eye Candy: Chelsea Field gets briefly toplessMy Grade: D+,0 +"In summary, I cannot think of a single reason to sit and watch this pointless TV movie, based on a true story or not.",0 +"Slama obviously wanted to make a mediocre documentary about fictive people, characteristic of their stupidity.",0 +"But the script is lame, really lame.",0 +"The film is nowhere near as bad as Leonard Maltin's BOMB rating would have it and, if anything, is interesting for its treatment of mid-life crisis (being in many ways similar to Hoffman [1970] and 10 [1979] – both of which, incidentally, I've only just watched); towards the end, Norman even tries to bring his wife round to his new way of thinking!",0 +Get me outta this mess!,0 +At least Sally Geeson had the decency to retire to doing something worthwhile after appearing in this low budget rubbish.,0 +"Absolutely typical of the genre - poorly filmed and acted, no semblance of a script beyond the worst kind of double-entendre, and very vague hints of 'naughtiness'.",0 +"The Matthew character makes a reference to Jesus, but I suspect that other comments he makes come from non-Christian sources.",0 +The story of the movie is so boring and slow in the development that you just want to turn off your TV or DVD player after about the half of it.,0 +There are so many logical errors in this show it's barely worth me stating.,0 +The story is also very bad as it deals with Goku shrinking.,0 +"De Wisselwachter"" is an overrated boredom, with a different but uninteresting story that goes nowhere.",0 +I understand the draw and appeal to such a different type of movie and I am a huge admirer of movies with little dialog but all the same this one absolutely terrible.,0 +"Today, the themes are so belabored and sophomoric and cornball that even Spike Lee's dreadful ""Bamboozled"" looks good in comparison.",0 +"Add some confusion and mixups as to who needs to meet who, revenge on being taken, and such, and you end up with this mess of a movie.",0 +Exceptionally bad!,0 +"Clint Eastwood's acting is not superb, but I was balling at the end.",0 +This plot had more holes in it than an OJ Simpson alibi!,0 +"Bad plot, acting was substandard and even wasted (even though, yes, Michael Keaton has been in some of the worst movies I have ever seen), and this movie has no redeeming value to anybody with more than half a brain.",0 +Some guygirl in it who happens to be the only reason you're watching this rubbish?,0 +"Instead of presenting the British view, it seems Holmes really wanted to give a sensationalistic, anti-American view, and, in the process, he's made himself the Roger Corman of historians -- strictly third-rate schlock.",0 +"I put the transvestite cows aside for a bit and tried to keep watching the movie with an open mind, but it was just so corny I couldn't help but shake my head.",0 +"Why it was awful: - all the cows had udders, especially bothersome were the MALE ones with udders - none of the characters were unique or engaging, except perhaps the main Coyote Dag - the idea of cows keeping watch against coyotes is just ridiculous - the 'funny' moments are repetitive and become simply a sequence to out-do the last one - the themes of working together, which should have been present at the end, were nonexistent.",0 +"my god this is like drawing human ears on a cat, boobs on superman, or mickey mouse with blond shirley temple curls - even in animation it just doesn't work!",0 +"I was disappointed because we were all looking forward to seeing this, but it just did not cut it.",0 +4 - Unintelligent - No smart story line or even any smart humor.,0 +Just another weak attempt from Nickelodean Films to hitch on to the animation explosion.,0 +"Again, no plot at all.",0 +I can find no redeeming value to this movie.,0 +I guess there isn't anything original about this movie apart from the addition of ridiculous violence and antisocial activities for all the young kids to enjoy.,0 +It was boring.,0 +The animation itself in some parts was o.k. but the plot was horrible.,0 +I saw this movie last week and it is horrible.,0 +"Add in some truly awful attempts at emotional scenes, a nearly complete lack of laughs, and THOSE UDDERS, and you've got the worst kids movie I've seen in ages.",0 +We felt like we were watching cross dressing cows or something.,0 +"Along with all the flaws one expects from a Godfrey Ho film of this period - no continuity, no motivation, incomprehensible plot line, irrelevant and unbelievable characters - the film suffers from two unforgivable faults that effectively make it unwatchable: the fight scenes stink, and the comedy isn't funny.",0 +"overall, a cinematic disaster.",0 +Thats it really there is much to say about this film it lacks in every department because the martial arts are not that great either and with all movies of this type the dubbing as BAD,0 +"I have to admit, that out of the many many thriller movies i have seen, this has to be one of the worst.",0 +This movie was so predictable and poorly acted.,0 +This is a movie that serves no purpose.,0 +"They can't be, as the film I just saw was beautiful, but there was no passion and as for the fruit, this is all hogwash meant to entice the potential viewer to see this movie.",0 +I didn't like it any better for that.,0 +But this movie is dumb and dull.,0 +Yes folks it is that bad.,0 +What a disappointment.,0 +")of this bad remake of the Fatal Attraction there is no directing, no playing, only an unlucky copy of the Adrian Lyne movie if you have doubt to suicide watch this and you can choose...",0 +"Also, the dialog was less than ho-hum.",0 +Worst of all was the story which didn't make sense at all.,0 +Lack of time and money would be the main factors for the goofs.,0 +"4.5 out of 10, decent BUT there are hundreds of better slasher-movies out-there.",0 +"In this poor movie, all you get to see is 2-3 frames of sudden high pitched soundscream and music in crescendo.",0 +The ending made no sense considering what had been established about the villain's invincibility.,0 +"He doesn't even become cursed, not even by a voodoo spell.",0 +"The acting isn't particularly convincing, even given the amount of talent involved.",0 +"During the movie I lost hope when it didn't scare me at all, when the kills were bad and there was BAD CGI blood and CGI snakes.",0 +this movie wasted my time.,0 +No character in this film was worth a damn.,0 +"When a movie ages so badly so quickly, you got yourself a stinker.",0 +He is always reliable but he's not much fun.,0 +"David Tomlinson, who plays Algy in the same way that David Tomlinson seems to play all his roles, is the only glimmer of light in a wholly dull affair.",0 +"It just drags an awful lot, enough for you to lose interest.",0 +"the script is just too muddled and there are things in the movie which don't need to be there,in my opinion.",0 +just stop making fun of the people.,0 +The result is neither inspiring nor informative.,0 +I can't believe I'm wasting my time with a comment - but this movie is weirdly bad.,0 +This movie was a waste of the celluloid it was printed on.,0 +EVERYTHING about this movie is poor.,0 +"Anyway, just to say that this film is really bad, in all ways it could be.",0 +It was far and away the worst film I have ever come across.,0 +This episode stood out so far as by far the worst.,0 +"But the real problem is with the story line, THERE IS NOTHING REALLY HAPPENING, each episode could be shown in 15 minutes.",0 +"Well, I suppose you could say it supposed to be a comedy -- but when the scenery is funny and the actors aren't, I'd say we have a bad movie on our hands....",0 +It's a trashy comedy and the fact I smiled once means I gave it a 2 not a 1.,0 +It's humor is really the worst and most lame thing about the entire movie.,0 +"This rubber monsters failed trying to be cool,scary or even comedians,looks like a wannabe movie of Porkys or Animals House but the sequences and history is not always clear also can't catch your attention all the movie looks cheap and with an amazing bad taste,the only thing that's makes you laugh is the awful rubber monsters who must have a cost of one dollar each,because the work or them never looks realistic,the movements and expressions make looks the Muppets as a Pixar 3D movie when you compare with this.",0 +"This was a horrible film, I loved ""Ghoulies"" and ""Ghoulies 2"", but what's this?",0 +"This is a bad, bad attempt at a smart drama.",0 +"It may work for you, it didn't for me.",0 +"The arrival of the liberating soldiers in the film, is presented in a painfully corny way, with the soldiers providing entertainment vaudeville style.",0 +"Read the book, forget the movie!",0 +"(Try to fit in size one gold spandex pants,)Other than that, the film SUCKS so badly, I would not even make my mama watch it.",0 +The rest just wallows in constant sleaze (so extreme the rare few may actually find humor in it) and runs through the predictable slasher kills annoying characters off one after the other routine.,0 +The rest of the movie is pretty bad.,0 +"The most hardcore bad film buff will be surprised by the overall ineptness of this grade-z ""film"".",0 +This movie was so dumb and slow was it ever slow.,0 +"Instead it's just a bland, plodding and meandering stiff that never catches fire or becomes even remotely amusing in a so-shoddy-it's-smoking sort of way.",0 +** out of *****,0 +"Has an effect like placing two fingers down your own throat, voamitus maximus!",0 +In fact it's so different (and so bad) that Fredrick Forsyth asked to have his name taken off it.,0 +This film blows chunks.,0 +"One might think that all the big-name actors involved in this movie would at least make it believable, but they do not--this one is a stinker.",0 +"Overall, the ""Jackal"" has no redeeming qualities.",0 +"Other than that, this pile of crap is only useful as an objective intelligence test.",0 +First the casting was terrible.,0 +"In adapting that for the 1997 ""The Jackal"", it seems that at every turn the writers and director made the worst possible choice, making it all quite leaden, overdone, unsuspenseful, unsurprising, unsexy, and unthrilling.",0 +Furthermore it treats its audience like a bunch of idiots.,0 +OK film but nothing more.,0 +Very shortly: a bad film.,0 +The plot is thin to the point of being nonsensical.,0 +"I would ward off any temptation to view this movie, it is quite simply dull.",0 +"since there's no real plot and the script is so crappy, you cant expect any real character development, or tension, so instead of creating them through the story, they simply add some disconnected dramatic music, which signals you that something very dramatic is going on , instead of actually creating something dramatic..",0 +The movie plot is haywire and climax is dull.,0 +"But this film is also implausible,unconvincing,uneven,unexciting,unimpressive and lands Sidney Poiter in a rubbish role to make a possible career comeback.",0 +"The film also appears overly reliant on gruesome violence, which is entirely superfluous and provides no suspense whatsoever.",0 +Avoid this.,0 +I had absolutely no other reason to watch this dull movie except that Rourke was in.,0 +This is a pretty run of the mill family move that I am sure most children will enjoy but with really no that much to please any adults viewing the movie.,0 +Wow.,0 +"But, this type of the movies with a dog (Rex German, Gery-Jerry American) with a private detectives, with a pretty rich woman?",0 +Jim Belushi just looks old and worn out.,0 +"Also the plot bad they could have don e a better job on the scripting at least and focused more on the comedy the comedy was also a little dry and got really boring after the first few jokes, it was like 10mins was laughter then the old when is this gonna end started to kick in The bottom line if u want a a lackluster of acting mixed in with a stupid plot and a romance go ahead and watch this movie.",0 +"While it is true that the SAT's is not everything in evaluating a student for admission to college, what the movie talks about is utterly ridiculous and not worth repeating nor viewing.",0 +This film adds nothing.,0 +Hardly anyone talks.,0 +Truly pathetic.,0 +I love Bach's music and even I found it hard to sit through this misery of a film.,0 +I was disappointed.,0 +The editing was horrible.,0 +"I'm not sure why the audience supposed to care about Curtis, he's a total screwup and the actor is entirely expressionless and not particularly funny or endearing.",0 +"If you are looking for something beyond that, this movie was empty.",0 +"but, then, MADIGAN'S MILLION gets a BOMB!",0 +"Warning, spoilers ahead (even if I doubt that anybody hasn't seen this yet)The movie starts off rather well, but about halfway through it falls apart and becomes a corny, sugary sweet, predictable and unrealistic 'harmony romance' mess.",0 +"The 'teen film' fun that worked so well in other Hughes films falls flat here- like a favorite uncle whose jokes made you laugh when you were 9, but keeps telling them when you are 15 and you wish he'd find some new material.",0 +"Paradoxically, it's the very use of Diane Arbus' name and knowledge to her life and work, that sets this film up to fail on a grand scale.",0 +"Arbus was a brilliant, talented, restless, and troubled person, but this film depicts her as completely self-involved, and truly bizarre in her taste and judgment.",0 +"While I respect the vision the filmmaker must have, this movie sucked.",0 +What were they thinking when they made this truly TERRIBLE film?,0 +"Rather than being biographical, it was a poor excuse for promoting strange and lewd behavior.",0 +"The lack of character development, motivation and justification for the character's behavior makes the movie very disappointing.",0 +"Outside of that, it might have been an interesting movie about middle class fetish, but I was too annoyed to care.",0 +"This movie is supposed to be based on a famous photographer, but everything that happens in this movie is fiction.",0 +"FUR has already taken a beating at the box office, but in view of those who input a score of 10 for this misbegotten slice of trash, I'd like to say, 'taint so, McGee.",0 +The animation was grating and unpleasant and the jokes cheap.,0 +The bad scripts and equally bad acting give that away.,0 +"On top of that, he is a comic book character---no acting ability, incredibly trite lines, no character development.",0 +viewing this poor sod treading the boards and spewing lines with less emotional impact than the gal who used to call off the correct time on your local service.,0 +"Terrible acting, terrible script, terrible series.",0 +His acting sucks so bad that it makes a person cringe with embarrassment.,0 +This show doesn't take place in this reality.,0 +This series is formulaic and boring.,0 +"I'm not saying all these shows are bad, but they aren't good either.",0 +This has got to be the worst show I have ever seen.,0 +I gave it a 4.,0 +"The film was pretty boring for the first half, every now and then a song would be played.",0 +"But the serious lack of character development left us not really liking or caring about any of the characters, especially the musicologist!",0 +"The romance between two characters, which spans a cultural and educational divide, is simply NOT plausible.",0 +"Julian Sands just flies around and cackles, trying to look evil, while Richard E. Grant succeeds only in wasting his rich talent.",0 +YOU'VE GOT TO BE KIDDING!,0 +"But you can always fill 90 minutes with mind-boggling and insane crap, irrespective of the genre.",0 +"Every scene that contains anything to do with; aircraft, romance, script or acting is badly messed up.",0 +"What a script, what a story, what a mess!",0 +This movie oozed out of the screen with the cheesiness of very stale mayonnaise.,0 +This was an appallingly bad film!,0 +"As previous users have said, there was little dramatic scenes, nothing to make the story interesting.",0 +It's worthless to write anything further about this mess.,0 +I didn't think this movie was very good at all.,0 +This movie was awful!,0 +"This was a boring movie, and not a good Shirley Temple story.",0 +"The production is very shoddy and cheap looking, the songs are sub-par, and nearly every joke misfires.",0 +"I don't know what she was thinking, and I can't imagine how she was advised by the studio or director, but I actually cringed watching this embarrassing performance.",0 +Giving this a bad rap is like beating a sponge.,0 +"I love Lucy, but this movie is so wretchedly bad that I was squirming in embarrassment for all concerned within the first ten minutes .",0 +"Even Bea Arthur, who I bet was hilarious in the best friend role onstage, can't breathe any life into this stinker.",0 +"It is badly directed, badly filmed, badly performed, and there Lucille Ball is at the center of it all, unable to dance, unable to sing, and grinning like a waxworks dummy while incredibly bad choreography swirls around her.",0 +Both just completely missed the point.,0 +"This movie was so awful, so boring, so badly miscast -- it took a lot of work to make what should have been a sure thing into such a travesty.",0 +"But, her performance in this movie is disappointing.",0 +Why they went with her is the worst in blatant miscasting.,0 +Maybe if that production makes it to Broadway they'll consider filming it.,0 +"Overall, I think in this one the wrong redhead was cast.",0 +What a mistake There was no chemistry as there was on the stage Bea Arthur and Angela what a twosome when they sang..,0 +"Slow pacing, incredibly bad cinemetography, not very good singing (except from Robert Preston), an awful script, bad acting (except from Bea), and a horrible lead actress.",0 +The movie features some of the worst choreography ever seen laced with the constant threat that Lucy might break into song with her bourbon voice at any moment.,0 +"No plot, tons of oiled up cha-chas, cheesy effects, and a penis eating monster!",0 +A waste of great writing and acting.,0 +Without the help or benefit of a script he improvised his way through and then slowly realized just how god-awful bad the movie really is.,0 +"I'm just throwing in this review to show that I'm not crazy -- I like a lot of Wynorski's work -- Deathstalker 2, Chopping Mall, Against the Law are fast-paced and highly enjoyable -- just to prove I'm not blind, I have to mention this, along with some Shannon Tweed ""Body Chemistry 3 or 4 or something"", are the lousy ones -- I've got nothing against drawn-out sex sequences, but Julie Strain's breasts are so unnatural looking you can't help but stare at them - which may be the desired effect but I didn't enjoy staring at them -- and several members of this cast seem depressed or disinterested -- The ""erotic thriller"" was the worst thing to happen to low-budget flicks ever, and thank God that their day has more-or-less done.",0 +"The plot is disjointed and doesn't really get going until the last 15 minutes or so; and when Wynorski finally manages to create some suspense, a ludicrous ""twist"" ending comes and ruins everything.",0 +"It has its moments, but every scene is heavily overacted and the plot is quite shallow.",0 +"If you try to rate this as a regular movie, then this is bottom of the line drivel.",0 +It was more like a weak attempt at one.,0 +"Not her fault, she is only in the first few minutes where she is obviously being the person to pull you in to watch this bad movie.",0 +"On the bright side, (if there is one) the soundtrack has some nice moments, which is another reason to question how the rest of the film can be so hideously bad.",0 +) and you end up wondering whether you're seasick from that or the clueless dialog.,0 +Besides her svelte body there is pretty much nothing in terms of cinematic value.,0 +I was so bored with this movie that I actually fast-forwarded thru the ending to get it over with.,0 +"Conning Dare into a rigged card game with his man Brady (James Craig), Dare's money begins to evaporate hand after hand.",0 +"The deadening pace is somewhat to blame, certain sequences drag along stagnantly for far too long, signifying very little, hinting at a director with so little restraint and narrative economy that he often feels obligated to usurp every iota of screen time possible in order to show off his production, fatal for a film that contains figures so sullen and aloof.",0 +It started off with signs of a great epic gangster tale and turned into a completely muddled mess with many unanswered questions and some completely ridiculous and pointless scenes.,0 +"Also,the ending is rather anti climatic,as the Ford Econoline van barely suffers a crease across its nose after hitting a bridge abuttment at high speed (highly unlikely).",0 +It's still a pretty grim exercise in exploitation of bloody death for a purported educational intent.,0 +It just isn't that funny.,0 +So pathetic its not even funny.,0 +"They're so lame, it's beyond any kind of description.",0 +"Sure, the acting was flat, there was no plot, and the villain was the lamest that i've seen.",0 +I feel that either they needed to cast someone who looked more villain-like (Michael Bermardo's big brown doe eyes don't exactly strike fear in the hearts of well..,0 +"Needless to say, the overwhelming majority of people will find this to be an absolute bore, with little acting talent, and even less of a script.",0 +"I have watched this movie on and off since it started playing about 1 hour ago, and i have to say, thats an hour of my life i wasted and will not be getting back, The acting is crap and the scripts need a serious look at, and whoever wrote them needs to be slapped, perhaps the TV will explode and put me out of my misery.....",0 +This movie isn't even good for laughs.,0 +Making this virtually unwatchable.,0 +What follows is nothing but cartoon like drivel.,0 +The script is not only obvious but terrible.,0 +Basically everything he says is slurred and often unintelligible.,0 +"The rest of the acting, if I can call it that, was quite forgettable.",0 +"This movie wasted 2 hours of my time and just make me wanna scream: ""LAME"".",0 +The plot is extremely predictable and inconclusive.,0 +"The acting is awful, script is non existent and the characters are so predictable and hollow.",0 +Predictable poor plot.,0 +The editing is sloppy.,0 +"If one does so, the film on its merits would have to be rated as fairly terrible given the hilarious, convoluted dialog, the generally mediocre to poor acting by the cast as well as the zero production values.",0 +"She only appears for about fifteen minutes, but her delivery seems so mechanical, so lifeless, that she somehow manages to seem less talented than her cast-mates, if such a thing is possible.",0 +The dream sequences are laughable.,0 +"Well, one word that comes to mind is incoherent!",0 +"""Glen or Glenda"" is a jumbled, disorganized mess of a movie that sinks into new trenches in the realm of bad cinema.",0 +The entertainment value is practically nil.,0 +"The film’s sincere attempt at a plea for tolerance and psychological probing into the afflictionphenomenon of transvestism is, however, sabotaged at every turn by the sheer amateurishness of the approach.",0 +It seems miles of stock footage and an incoherent Bela Lugosi is used to stretch this odd and awkward film to 67 minutes.,0 +"The acting was atrocious and the dialog was unintentionally hilarious, exactly what one would expect from an Ed Wood film.",0 +It was obviously shot on a very low budget and has quite a few things thrown in rather haphazardly.,0 +"A couple of things make this movie very bad, and therefore laughable.",0 +The acting is wooden at best.,0 +"By golly, this must be an Ed Wood film.",0 +"The acting was decidely wooden, though no worse than a period Universal B movie.",0 +"It's not even that good; in fact, it's pretty poor.",0 +"Moreover there is no credible reason for Berkeley to indulge the crazy Mason, that just isn't believable either.",0 +"The problem is, not a single relationship illustrated on screen is believable, and plausibility appears to have been thrown out the window.",0 +"I actually got so bored, probably because you can see right away what's going to happen in the end; the story is actually quite thread-bare, I skipped over 15 minutes and didn't miss a thing!",0 +"As a true lover of film I must advise you to avoid this appalling effort,, God knows how funding was approved, Seriously this is one cinematic experience which delivers zero dramatic tension and plods along until nothing happens again and again and again ,, The only connectivity is two scares which at least keep you awake Possiby the worst film I have ever witnessed and the acting by the female lead is bordering on criminal intent.",0 +The script was too bland.,0 +Caine does give the impression he's just doing it for the money and the well known faces in supporting roles like Landua and Cranham are basically just cameos who could be played by anyone,0 +"Its fairly well written and there's some OK acting in it but, really, it's a mess - not funny enough, not frightening enough.",0 +He was useless.,0 +"Not one of this film's characters are likeable or even remotely realistic, and the dialogue consists of the usual empty threats and colourful language.",0 +Unfortunately this movie lucks of originality and the performances do not come up with the trash standards.,0 +"As vampire movies go, well, this one sucks.",0 +It is hands down the worst movie I have ever seen.,0 +"Awful, waste of time.",0 +"In the process of boring you with the wordy, rambling storyline and the complete absence of character development, it manages to enforce a few negative black stereotypes out there.",0 +This only served to confuse the audience because the movie just plodded along going no where.,0 +Most of the acting lacked any depth.,0 +"Bet movies are much better than this was, and I was horribly disappointed to see the talented actor Terrence in this bad excuse of a movie.",0 +"This movie was so awful, that I regret buying it.",0 +"A sadly predictable, clichéd story about a woman who was no better than she should have been.",0 +"The story is an appallingly lame melodrama, (surely Pierre Louys' novel was better), in which Dietrich's amoral Concha ruins the lives of two friends played by Lionel Atwill and Cesar Romero with a stiffness bordering on petrification.",0 +"I honestly feel worse off for having watched half of this creepy ""comedy"" and am totally baffled by these positive reviews.",0 +The remainder of the cast was worse.,0 +This movie was sooooo bad.,0 +"Unless your child is in an uncompromising dinosaur mood, you're probably better off looking for something else.",0 +The basic storyline was OK (pretty simple and standard) - nothing too exciting or objectionable.,0 +Added to these drawbacks are some cuts made for censorship reasons (Nina's promiscuity is soft-peddled and there is no mention of her getting the abortion that is more central in the play) and a wretched score (uncredited) that sounds like background music to a turn-of-the-century weepie.,0 +"And since it's not the best of O'Neill, neither could I.",0 +"In fact, it would have been best just to keep it as a stage production--it just didn't translate at all to the big screen.",0 +But it isn't good.,0 +I can only guess that this movie was an experiment that misfired.,0 +"Dialogue without a plausible thought, plot without a point, staging without skill, directing without direction, and acting without the worth of some backwater high school's freshman class play.",0 +The script is very poorly written or maybe there was no script.,0 +"Not only is the acting wooden, and the plot a convoluted mish mash of various incidents in the book, but the theme is all wrong.",0 +And Miss Minchin is NOT a chimney sweep - that part of the film really was stupid.,0 +This film does NOTHING to capture the true story and messages of the book.,0 +"However, when it came out I remember thinking it was one of the biggest wastes of money and time I've ever spent at the cinema.",0 +The script seemed to be a string of bad and crude gags separated by a LOT OF TALKING.,0 +"The script is pathetic, dismal, and, oh, stupid, too.",0 +")Normally our interest in romantic comedy is motivated by the lead characters, but the couple in this film simply has no appeal.",0 +His script takes a quite unoriginal situation and goes exactly nowhere with it.,0 +"In all there are hundreds of thousands of films to see, so leave this one to one of the last, you see I've just wasted an evening watching it when I could have watched or done something else, learn by my mistake, nights off relaxing are precious so don't waste one watching this boring tale, do anything else, dust off that old game of Cluedo, practice gurning for the evening or have an argument with a loved one, trim your nose hair, get rid of unused files on our laptop, it will be time better spent what ever you should choose.",0 +The plot was weak and the characters totally undeveloped.,0 +"Throw in the fact that the main character, instead of finding some way to attract the young woman, engages in heavy-handed stalking, until he totally draws attention to himself and has to hatch this insane plot: If he can make the girl's father sick, then help him recover, she will marry him.",0 +"""A scientist has developed a serum which grotesquely distorts the victim's hands and heads.",0 +The dialog is a bit corny at times and the acting is just mediocre.,0 +"There is a happy ending to this whole mess with Maxine, who knew as much about Markoff's cure for acromegaly as he did, injecting Tony with a secret serum that made him as good as new.",0 +"Unless you know someone in the cast or crew, I wouldn't recommend even sampling this one.",0 +"Its dull and boring and you'll nod off before the pianist gets uglified, I was on the verge.",0 +and even has a gorilla and a big dog for pointless added distractions.,0 +"The plot presented to the viewer in the beginning of the movie seems a little intriguing, but as the movie progresses the script makes a wrong turn with horrible cliches and bad presentation, which in turn makes the movie completely dull and boring.",0 +"It's a leaden load of old cobblers that has far too much self-justifying, 'explanatory' religious waffle but barely any decent dialogue and certainly a total absence of anything even approaching magic or charm.",0 +"I was surprised that this movie was only 80 or so minutes long, and I think this is what made the plot and story so lacking.",0 +"The love interest was acceptable and the other various characters were mildly interesting, but the plot meanders around too much and left me wanting at many points in the film.",0 +And this is what is most maddening - how many infinitely better scripts were passed over in favor of this almost unwatchable tripe?,0 +"The movie, neither.",0 +"Unfortunately, it's a very disjointed, very long piece that really should have been edited down to something closer to 2 hours (it's almost 3 hours).",0 +)2) the final screen is very poor and makes Diestl as a soldier who feds up himself and wants to die.,0 +Overall this is one of the worst films I have seen.,0 +"Despite my appreciation for documentary form, The Lost Tomb of Jesus takes an always interesting topic and turns it into overlong and unvaried geriatric adventure hunt, substituting any relevance and sacredness for the uninspired motivations behind this team.",0 +"A very sad stretch and Dr. Bovon calls the JesusMary Magdalene connection as ""science fiction"" -- as this documentary should be rightly labeled.",0 +"This documentary is a total failure, how stupid they think the Christian people are?",0 +"I really hoped for the best with this one, but it just didn't happen.",0 +I really think this to be the worst movie ever made in my country.,0 +"From the first scene, however, this movie was unwatchable.",0 +The explosions look boring.,0 +"As it turned out, this was one of the most infantile, silly, dumb, worst acted, with worst spoken English movie I've seen in maybe 10 years, and I left the theater trying to avoid the staff, because feeling almost responsible for this disaster movie.",0 +4) The soundtrack is totally misplaced and ill-chosen.,0 +"BUT, unlike ""Lola"", it just isn't believable or well put together.",0 +"Now people look at it and they say, ""Well this does not add up to this new special effects story...",0 +"Also, the camera work seems kind of lazy, like there wasn't any thought about where to put the camera to best tell the story.",0 +") Instead The Laramie Project gives an almost relentless lecture that someone's sexuality should be accepted regardless, and little else.",0 +"Also, Laramie is portrayed in a poor light by this pseudo-documentary, which of course is hardly surprising because they are the backward hicks who must be educated by omniscient and enlightened Californians.",0 +There's nothing new in this movie.,0 +"Initially I only wanted to see it because I'm an out and out Neil Pearson fan (Patrick, boyfriend of Isobel, the lead).",0 +What a tedious turgid boring mess.,0 +There are also some weird scenes thrown in that make no sense whatsoever.,0 +And even then it's a very bad climax.,0 +"However, the complex screenplay with three subplots is totally confused, making the entwined story a complete mess.",0 +"But overall, I'd say a 4 out of 10.",0 +This movie had no real story to it either.,0 +"Tired scares, bad acting (except for Amber Tamblyn), and clichés all over the place.",0 +"The screenplay was pretty bad, mainly because it made no sense and they didn't develop the characters at all.",0 +The acting would be another bad point.,0 +Plot-wise this movie is a dead end.,0 +The overall results is just plain bad.,0 +"Unfortunately, the rest of the film is just plain bad.",0 +the movie was terrible.,0 +"This ""remake"" is a complete disgrace: so mediocre, cheap and prosaic, it wouldn't deserve more than a couple of spiteful lines.",0 +There are so many things that make this movie an incredibly poor attempt at making money.,0 +"If you haven't already, don't waste your' time and money on this; pointless, plot less, sorry excuse for a sequel!",0 +Makes no sense at all.,0 +"The movie has three story lines, and none of them make sense.",0 +The editing was atrocious.,0 +"The ""scare"" scenes are dull and ineffective.",0 +"With a plot replete with more holes than a trawlers net, this film fails to make compulsive viewing for a fan of even the most inane films, which I am.",0 +"Poorly written, horrible acting, horrible script, horrible ""unable to act"" cast, and a horrible concept.",0 +"I was annoyed more than anything, same old grudge gagging noises, a couple of quick unexpected scenes to make me jump, but overall, I was very disappointed.",0 +"All I can say about this movie, is it is absolutely boring.",0 +This movie was terrible.,0 +"On a strictly cinematic aspect, this movie sucks real bad.",0 +"Not well done at all, the whole movie was just the Grudge going around and killing random people out of nowhere.",0 +"Anyway, I agree with you about the overacting in the film and about how poor this adaptation of the original cartoon is.",0 +As a fans of Dragonball we think that this movie is so bad that is good.,0 +"It's just a poor representation of the cartoon, and obviously, one will be able to tell that this movie was rushed and no care whatsoever was put into it.",0 +This is a really bad but funny in the way that really bad movies can be.,0 +(**),0 +Her character was absolutely one of the most annoying characters I have ever has the misfortune of seeing on film.,0 +Don't waste your time with this turkey.,0 +The movie is just plain boring and obviously extremely overrated.,0 +The humour was so lame too.,0 +The humor isn't much funny either.,0 +"The script is bad, you don't care about the characters and the humor is mostly lame except for a few amusing one-liners.",0 +"Non-existent plot, laughable acting, dumb dialogue...",0 +"It's bad enough that she's such a terrible actress (Route 666, Bates Motel), but she doesn't even qualify as a mediocre b-movie actress.",0 +"The only redeeming quality are short bursts of humor ""find me a microscope and a pair of tweezers"", but these tiny moments of comic relief are far outweighed by the sophomoric action sequences.",0 +It's almost impossible for me to put into words how bad this movie is.,0 +Otherwise you'll end up with a skull-cracking headache like me.,0 +It makes little sense.,0 +"On the scale of 1 to 10, I gave this a 4.",0 +"This has to be one of, if not THE greatest MobCrime films of all time.",0 +"The fact that every single gangsta in the film seemed to be doing a bad ""Scarface"" impersonation.",0 +The script is terrible with the acting to match.,0 +His acting was by far the worst I have ever seen.,0 +"Well, I don't normally think there's such a thing as a HORRIBLE movie, but this is pretty damned close!",0 +TLC ought to be ashamed of themselves for this blatant exploitation of parental fears and guilt.,0 +You probably can't even *beep* properly.,0 +It's all been given a shallow 60s veneer that makes it eminently disposable; despite efforts here and there from Minelli that are respectable.,0 +) And the plot goes nowhere.,0 +"(That one part sums up the problem that results from casting ""name stars"" in movie musicals instead of the appropriate talent for the various roles.",0 +"His smarmy attitude afterward is nauseating, and the cheery disposition of everyone else is appalling.",0 +"Unfortunately, while I was looking forward to either bug-eyed aliens or power-mad conquerers, the aliens in this film were a MAJOR disappointment!",0 +All Russians and Chinese are obliterated from the face of the Earth!,0 +The plot is excessively silly and nearly nonexistent.,0 +This film manages to completely waste the considerable acting talents of early talkie actress Nancy Carroll.,0 +That didn't make sense to me at all.,0 +I don't know who the hell gave this stupid idea for the show.,0 +"As a documentary, this is laughable in a campy sort of way -- a schlocky collection of re-created Biblical tableaux mixed in with solemn interviews of so-called ""experts"".",0 +", this movie doesn't offer much.",0 +"Though these may have been apparent to an Austrian audience, the lack of explanation makes it confusing for Americans.",0 +"I was not feeling for any of the characters, the plot was all too predictable (to the point that I followed it)and the second leap of time in the storyline made me quit.",0 +) it's an unsuccessful effort for the most part that had me on the verge of nodding off despite it's very short 83 minute running time.,0 +what didn't work: the whole wicca thing was silly.,0 +But there the movie failed.,0 +"""Tamara"" just felt like another teen oriented knock-off of the ""I Know What You Did Last Summer"" trend and is painfully dull.",0 +Acting and writing are strictly mediocre.,0 +"Sure it's gross, but it's BAD, and not in a good way.",0 +"I'm sure that this film was meant to be campy, but the approach was so heavy-handed and self-reflexive it turned out really flat.",0 +"However after some very disturbing grossed-out scenes (that did not add much to the story advancement), this film quickly became a weapon of torture.",0 +A friend warned me that this was the worst movie he had ever seen.,0 +"All of this would be almost acceptable if this movie was not a turgid, boring chore to sit through.",0 +"Aside from the fact that Wesley Crusher's in his tighty whiteys, it's just sooo bad.",0 +"this movie is complete trash, and is unfit for a garbage dump.",0 +"But each performance drags on until it's not even tangentially funny, just boring.",0 +The man has a lovely baritone voice but no acting talent whatsoever and is a boring lump on screen.,0 +"You sure won't be attracted by the dialogue, which is hopeless.",0 +"With the exception of the lovely Alice Joyce, Zasu Pitts as a woman who lives in the household and the stunningly beautiful Loretta Young, the acting is uniformly awful.",0 +"On top of the horrendously silly character, the film also fails because it just isn't interesting or exciting--just very, very stagy and stupid.",0 +This film will probably be interesting to Myrna Loy fans but even as such is something of a disappointment.,0 +It didn't take too long after Halloween had kicked off the slasher boom for the category to be cursed by continuous mediocrity.,0 +It was part of an endless Danish series of really cheesy stuff.,0 +Also lame was seeing Ted Healy without his stooges dealing with a crasher who keeps mistaking Healy for other movie stars.,0 +He ends up getting run off the road by some local hicks who have no idea he's an undercover cop (so they just drive away as blissfully dopey as ever).,0 +"What's more, the low budget is obvious in pretty much every shot and the acting is sooooo amateurish.",0 +"Okay, this movie is not good ""bad"" but terrible bad.",0 +This movie had to be self-serving because I can not find anyone who found the settings or antics familiar.,0 +"The movie depicts a long-winded series of boring wanderings of an uninteresting, confused guy.",0 +Reality just won't do.,0 +But it is so condescending a concept I feel as if I need to take a shower after watching it.,0 +'Kill or Cure' barely rates 3 out of 10.,0 +"Unless you're really into old-time tuna fishing, pass this hokey effort by.",0 +It's pretty embarrassing.,0 +"The story is incredibly slow, cheap looking and uninteresting.",0 +"The same man who made DHOOPThe film is horrible and has some of the weird scenes everThe main message is nice but presented badlyThe film looks like a collage of amateurish scenes, miscasts.",0 +I've never seen such a poorly constructed story with such horrible directly.,0 +If you have plenty of time to kill and the DVD was given to you by your friend for free but still it may require lot of courage to watch this film which does not have good script or humor for that matter.,0 +"GOD This Movie StinksDo Not Watch it Save your Money Bad Movie Bad Cast Bad Jokes Bad Acting, even this movie is an Example of Shoe Polish being Rubbed on a FaceTrust me This movie does even make you smile, Vulgar Jokes, Cheap jokes,A Really Stupid Movie with No conceptsRating 0 on 10AWFUL Movie those are the two hours im never getting back....",0 +We will destroy ourselves with rubbish like this.,0 +Not because I cared in the least about any of the characters but because I was aghast at how execrable the film was and was curious to see how truly low it could sink.,0 +"I was so disappointed in this half-baked drivel that I couldn't make it past the first hour, and MAN did I try!",0 +"I will not say much about this film, because there is not much to say, because there is not much there to talk about.",0 +"The graphics quality is always inferior; no backgrounds worthy of the name Disney, inane plots, and worse dialog, with little or no attention given to the actual story, and the caricature drawings are almost always worse than Saturday morning cartoons in detail and quality.",0 +"The storyline is also pretty weak, as its more like three episodes of Schooby-Doo than the single adventurous story we got the last time.",0 +It was absolutely boring.,0 +"and instead of a compelling and engaging story,we have 3 short stories which are boring and don't make a lot of sense.",0 +"This movie was horrible, and it doesn't even deserve to be called a movie.",0 +"the third story was confusing and clumsily told, and the second story suffered from poor scripting.",0 +"The animation is sloppy, the story lines resemble Saturday morning cartoons, and not all of the original voices are there.",0 +"First, the animation is choppy, wooden, not worked on, lacks naturality - I understand the drawing style was to be of some 'atlantean' kind, but, it could be done with the usual Disney finesse...",0 +So boring that I couldn't watch the rest of it.,0 +I hope this review stops one person from watching this investigative trash in the future.,0 +It made no sense.,0 +Borrow money from the yakuza.,0 +I don't think I've ever seen a movie half as boring as this self-indulgent piece of junk.,0 +"Looking like it was shot on a budget of $5, with the cannibal clan's costumes hired from a dodgy fancy dress shop that specialises in faux caveman and Red Indian attire, the story follows an annoying bunch of unsympathetic WASPs who take a detour on a road trip to California, to look for a silver mine in a nuclear testing zone (!",0 +"Its also evidence of some of the worst editing I've seen, theres a terrible jump cut right in the middle of his ""speech"".",0 +The rest is bore.,0 +"by that,i mean there is a lot of filler in the movie, with a lot of running around aimlessly.",0 +This is just a pile of s**t pasted to a D.V.D disc and sold as a horror movie.,0 +"He really didn't seem to want to be hosting; his voice-overs were monotonous, didn't get involved with the guests.",0 +"Lord, this sucked.",0 +It's sub-par and about what you'd expect from such a low-budget flick—and nothing more despite the cool title.,0 +The battle scenes are particularly bad.,0 +Utterly useless as a species...,0 +Absolutely terrible.,0 +"However, I came close to switching this mess off more than once.",0 +"Big, big disappointment.",0 +"This one has less plot then usual for such flicks, so change the channel if you don't like this kind of movie, and grit your teeth if you're into this kind of thing.",0 +It`s just another movie with a very weak plot used to set up very unconvincing set scenes between male non actors who spend too much time in the gym and bimbos who have obviously had silicon implants .,0 +Her character is completely lifeless.,0 +"I couldn't care about these characters or their situations, so no amount of cleverness on Almodovar's part can make up for this lack of depth.",0 +The fighting scenes look like choreographed dances.,0 +"Boats, planes and trains meet their match with the flying creature.",0 +Anything would have helped this fagged-out movie.,0 +Acting is sub-par and the heroine is the most unattractive...,0 +"This is B-movie making at its dead worst, with a production crew that clearly couldn't be bothered to try even halfheartedly.",0 +") Mix in some negligible special effects, some clunky dialogue, and some sexist attitudes and you're good to go.",0 +"Otherwise, this is a pretty ordinary effort.",0 +Argh!,0 +So kind of a nauseating ending.,0 +"Of course, this is all made much more watchable by viewing it on MST.",0 +"From the minuscule and unconvincing set (snipers seem to be about ten meters away) apparently made of plaster, to the actors who are also apparently made of plaster with ""amusing"" stereotypes painted thinly on top, to the oddly warm pool in a frozen cave, to the survival of the cast uninjured when medium artillery shells burst a few meters away on open ground, and finally the awful script that reads like a training manual more than a film....",0 +Everything in this mess was done on the cheap and made soldiers look really stupid.,0 +What a dumb concept.,0 +"If not for a few nude scenes, I would have given this wretched movie a 1.",0 +"Even the anti-religious humor is tame (and lame, caricatured, insincere, derivative, unoriginal, and worst of all not funny in the slightest--it would be better just to listen to Ray Stevens' ""Would Jesus Wear a Rolex on His Television Show"").",0 +Yawn.,0 +"The biggest surprise in this unremarkable western shot on location in Kanab, Utah, is that the evil cavalry officer Ives, who slaughtered Indian men, women, and children at the infamous Sand Creek Massacre, has been keeping a secret that he is a Native American, too!",0 +"Very bad acting, low budget and poor plot are the impressions I felt while watching the movie.",0 +This was by far the worst movie I've ever seen.,0 +"The acting is totally pathetic, the script is way worse, and the (so called) special effects are a joke.",0 +A misfire of a grade z movie that could have been something if some one cared--and had skill.,0 +"Look, the whole film sucks as it's badly written, thought out & made.",0 +"The acting is not good, but could be worse - the filming and special effect is awful.",0 +The weak effects and production value are only compromised by a flawed plot and rocky dialogue.,0 +"Overall, the ride is not worth it if you have to wait for almost 2 hrs.",0 +When i saw the first octopus movie it was a laugh see the cheesy acting and appalling effects.,0 +I hated the first movie is really boring and we only get see the Octopus at the end.,0 +"Worth giving a chance, buying if it's cheap.",0 +Altogether this was pretty rubbishy stuff and not something I'd really recommend to anyone except creature feature die hards.,0 +"Many moviegoers may blame the poor acting, nonsensical screenplay, or poorly constructed plot as the reasons that cause the OCD movie to flounder.",0 +"I purchased this film on DVD for £4, but it was a waste, the film is very bad.",0 +"Anyway,even for the low,low standards of both the giant sea animal who kills people-genre and me,this one is just beyond awful.",0 +Really lame.,0 +"This movie as bad as the first one, if not worse.",0 +"Sometimes very silly, always awful technically, but never actually scary, this STV stinker may find fans amongst those who actively seek out cinematic trash.",0 +"I voted AWFUL for this dreadful so called ""movie"".",0 +He also stages a now classic out of control car crash with Cortese (or at least a stunt Cortese) at the wheel.,0 +"The dialog, especially the narration(by Saul Williams), is actually pretty good, but the performances are all pretty bland or outright bad, no matter how many hipsters are thrown in; Debbie Harry and Jean Micheal Basquit(the latter being the leading role) both still don't have enough cultural cred to keep this film from being a novelty item.",0 +"It is aimless, pointless and naive.",0 +"Not worth the money or time it takes to see this, unless you are a fan of one of the represented bands.",0 +Richard Donner shows off his liberal credentials with this ludicrously overcooked simplistic attack on the politics of South Africa.,0 +The story line is just awful!,0 +Spoilers!,0 +"This television show, is a idiotic waste of time if you want to learnabout animals watch the discovery channel.",0 +It looked very amateur.,0 +"Overall though, this is an OK film if there's nothing else to watch and you want to turn your brain off for an hour and a half, or if you haven't seen the first Road House, but hardcore fans of Swayze's classic will be totally disappointed almost to the point of feeling insulting at how much of a rip off this movie is of the first.",0 +This doesn't really make sense and doesn't work.,0 +"This movie features a singer called John Otto, whose music is tepid, and his acting even worse.",0 +"Bussey jr was trying so hard to portray the image of his father(one of the best bad guy actors ever) that failed miserably the only redeeming qualities in the movie was the chicks,,,,,good looking and with lots of T&A just not worth the time or your hard earned dollar to rent it",0 +But here comes this piece of junk Roadhouse 2 Last Call.,0 +"this movie is a pile of rubbish , and to try and base it the first is just a farce , the main thing that let it down for me was the usage of the one liners out of the first one , which once said by classic actors such as Sam Elliot can not be reproduced in any way , i mean when Dalton phones wade in the 1st , and he ends the call with stay cool that was great , but when the chump rings the DEA agent back home and he ends the call with stay cool it doesn't have the same ring now really does it , there are other ones but I cant be bothered to post em up , but I hope u get my drift ,they should of named this roadhouse wannabe ..........",0 +So with Patrick not on board whose bonehead idea was it to proceed anyway and make this piece of garbage?,0 +"It's not completely his fault, as the screenplay is very, very poorly written and clunky.",0 +The finale is equally weak.,0 +The writing was just bad and all the writers of this film should retire for complete lack of originality and some of the worst dialog in this millennium.,0 +"The story is awful, the sets are from a haunted Halloween put on by ADHD middle school students and once again the line reading (remember this is not acting anymore than sinking to the bottom of a pool is swimming) is distracting beyond mere words.",0 +"The story is bad, the dialogue is worse, the acting somehow manages to be even worse.",0 +The Story complete crap.....,0 +I couldn't spoil this piece of crap if I wanted to.,0 +"Let's face it, the series is garbage and should be forgotten about.",0 +"It was just as awful, if not worse, than what I expected.",0 +"The story was embarrassingly amateurish, the graphics were horrible, and the acting...",0 +"If it were possible, I would have given this sorry excuse for a movie a ZERO star.",0 +Everything about it was ridiculous.,0 +"The main musical theme is actually pretty good but, again, the title song is, in itself, quite lousy.",0 +"In any case, it makes little or no sense, period.",0 +"Despite plenty of violence, this manages to be both dull and colorless with bad characterizations and almost no imagination or humor.",0 +However there's so much going on that has no bearing on the story that you have to wonder what the film makers were thinking about.,0 +"Anyway, this movie is about as bad as they come.",0 +and then it fizzles.,0 +"It is really a horrible waste of film; Stereotypes, clichés, nonsense, and amateurish film-making.",0 +"George Stevens, who went on to have a distinguished career, directed this dismal comedy with a tedious murder mystery plot.",0 +"Well, there were PR-advisers from the US working in the Yeltsin's staff, but their role was just minimal.",0 +So no drama or suspense.,0 +To me it looked like a propaganda movie made during the Cold War.,0 +it just that this game sucks so bad that it should be taken off the store's shelf.,0 +"In a word, it's boring.",0 +"Afraid of the Dark left me with the impression that several different screenplays were written, all too short for a feature length film, then spliced together clumsily into this Frankenstein's monster.",0 +"And you'll be happy to know that the first third of the movie is pointless, meaningless, and pretty much ignored for the rest of the film!",0 +skip this steaming pile and opt for anything else at the video store .....,0 +its totally pointless boring and stupid.,0 +"Stormare does the best he can, I suppose, and some scenes are mildly effective, but the plot is FULL of holes.",0 +Lousy acting technique.,0 +"this movie is pointless, dull and uninteresting.",0 +This is without doubt the worst film in the Hamilton saga and the worst actor to do Carl Hamilton.,0 +It takes a Norwegian to ruin and slaughter two great books and a concept that would work well on film - this film truly is The Worst Swedish Film Of All Time.,0 +"We don't really care about any of the characters, which is probably why its hardly ever shown.",0 +"Apart from being very insensitive, it also wasn't funny.",0 +"There are several songs, but all of them are forgettable, as are the lame jokes and dialog.",0 +"This is a awful re-make of a very good movie called ""Up In The Air"" starring Frankie Darrow, Mantan Moreland and Marjorie Reynolds.",0 +"You gotta be a fan of the little man but I found Burlesque on Carmen dull, unimaginative and totally not funny.",0 +You need at least three stories and one shouldn't be so long it becomes dreadfully uninteresting especially considering you can see how it is going to end a mile away.,0 +"Director Peck was obviously working on a low budget & as a whole The Willies is pretty tough to sit through, there's plenty of continuity errors & it's poorly made.",0 +"Grim instead of amusing, mean-spirited instead of playful, boring instead of interesting.",0 +"Peculiar, family-oriented film appears to be warm-hearted enough, and Burns gets to chime in with a nice barrage of wry jibes, but the writing is half-slapstick and half-seriousness, with the adults of the piece considering putting little Louanne away, all of which makes God seem more like a troublemaker than an elderly friend.",0 +"I would give this movie a rating of 3 out of 10,but only forGeorge Burns;the rest of the cast is nothing special.",0 +"But, this movie has no redeeming value.",0 +"All you need to know is, this is a very bad movie and not even worth viewing as a ""so-bad-it's-good"" flick.",0 +Don't watch this!,0 +"As far as good points, there are none, and therefore I gave this movie a 2 out of 10.",0 +This is a really bad film that deserves far less than its rating of 5.1.,0 +"Lance Henriksen, a good actor, ended up in this crap.",0 +"This looks decidedly like ""the amateur"" hour.",0 +I remember when we got the first photos back from the set we were all talking about how much of a shame it was that this creature was in a movie that would probably be pretty poor.,0 +I think that this is one of my top ten worst movies I have ever seen!,0 +"The acting is passable, as is the background music.",0 +"Some of the character tensions and a non-cliché ending manage to make up for this rise above the crap pile, but it is still poor and given the premise and potential, very disappointing.",0 +"Otherwise this movie isn't really worth watching unless you very interested in film-making, and want to see one way you can cut the mandatory boring introductory scenes into something watchable.",0 +A big waste of time is all you'll get out of this bag.,0 +"This movie is so ridiculous that I do not know what I am doing, spending my time again in this garbage.",0 +I'm a sucker for a Sasquatch film but this one is just to amateurish.,0 +I never found myself at all interested in any of the characters as each of them were very two dimensional and rather bland.,0 +"Then, some closing text with a rather boring conclusion.",0 +"This is supposedly based on true events, but the only truth to be found herein is just how BAD this movie is.",0 +"Instead of that, the hospital management are making even more fools of themselves in an unbelievable manner and it's getting worse and worse for the good ones.",0 +The story line is implausible and defies credulity.,0 +"No, it was the wooden featureless characterizations that sucked the life out of the story.",0 +it really feels like the screenwriter did a weekend- class with some American scriptwriting-guru and then delivered this mess.,0 +Millions of Euros were spent to perpetuate boring and unimaginative German film-making.,0 +But these are minor things compared to the overall mediocrity of this film.,0 +"Although unusually in colour for a second string oater, the vivid clothes of the lead females fails to bring any life to the flatly directed screenplay.",0 +"It makes this a dull and a weak western to watch, also not in the least because it's such a poorly made one.",0 +But it does not work at all.,0 +It's a complete waste of time unless you like thrashing useless art movies.,0 +A relentlessly tedious pace!,0 +This movie is so bad I really don't know how to continue.,0 +"No, it was not really living up to my expectations.",0 +"I have seen all of the Dogme films, and this TKIA, is by far the worst.",0 +This is possibly the worst movie I have ever seen.,0 +"""The King is Alive"" is a flawed and contrived mess of a movie which comes off like a self indulgent auteur's excuse to transport a bunch of actors to a Godforsaken Namibian desert where he can play major-Dogme-domo and film his selfishly conceived, silly, overwrought drama with utter disregard for the real forces of human nature, market appeal, common sense, and even good art.",0 +"For most of the film, the jokes are bad, the songs are bad, even W.C. Fields is bad.",0 +In fact it is so silly it is almost embarrassing.,0 +"All in all, I was very disappointed.",0 +"The whole film was tiresome, clichéd and frankly boring.",0 +"it was not at all funny, not well made and it had no point or plot to it whatsoever.",0 +"All and all, it sucked, waste of time and sleep.",0 +"It took the movie a good 45 minutes to even get going, and by then, I was so out of the mood to watch it, that it wasn't even worth it.",0 +The writing is absolutely horrible and the pacing of this film is even worse.,0 +Also how could this movie suck so bad?,0 +THEY DIDN'T TELL ANY OF THEM.,0 +"Artless, self- indulgent, thoughtless, and just bad.",0 +"Commendable, but ultimately not recommended.",0 +"This filmed production features a Los Angelos production cast, and it is, as other comments have suggested, not the best.",0 +These single several-minute-long jokes don't.,0 +"again, bad writing.",0 +But the worst thing of all is that this movie cost 30 millions dollars.,0 +"So it generates mediocrity; only movies from ""friends of the family"" are going to be made.",0 +"Please, do not waste your time and money with this stinker of a turkey.",0 +"A film about an interesting and sensitive period of history, filmed in beautiful surroundings, managed to present an appallingly trivial and clichéd production, grossly clumsy script, poor continuity, intrusive slushy music, sugary casting, and pallid acting.",0 +"Although he is one of the best actor in the film, he gives the worst performance of them all.",0 +"An Anglo-Canadian-French co-production that doesn't so much unite once-warring nations as throw any country with a decent tax break into the stew, this massive box-office disaster was clearly intended to be Canada's Titanic - though someone neglected to tell the producers they meant the film, not the ship - but turns out more like Revolution done on the cheap without the battle scenes, crowds or the few moments that threaten to briefly work in the face of overwhelming odds.",0 +"), the two lovers had no chemistry whatsoever, and the plot was just so predictable it felt like it had been drafted in 5 minutes by a twelve-year-old -- and not a very imaginative one.",0 +"Absolutely excruciating failure at historicity, much better to leave it out.",0 +Why bother with such laughably unconvincing second rate harlequin romances and such boring interchanges between characters we could care less about when the most decisive battle on Canadian soil is taking place?,0 +"It has the makings of a sweeping epic of fascination, but sadly in the hands of writer Pierre Billon (whose script deserves a Razzie award for worst of the season) and the scattered, unfocused, and confusing direction by Jean Beaudin this film is a dud - a two and a quarter hour tedious mess of a film.",0 +"The actors were not believable, The story was really weak, total sap, and completely predictable.",0 +The scenes in Londo were useless too.,0 +The ending left me confused and disappointed; almost empty.,0 +It's such a derivative mess ripping off every decent fright flick you can think of without successfully producing a single scare.,0 +Must be bad plot and direction.,0 +"Horrendously acted and completely laughable haunted-house horror flick that has an out of place Anna Paquin playing a neurotic teenager fighting off the ""things-that-go-bump-in-the-dark"" that are plaguing her and her family shortly after moving to their new home in Spain(?",0 +Well I happen to understand this film is a piece of garbage.,0 +"Also, I hated to see good actors like Lena Olin and Giancarlo Giannini sweat so much over this piece of dreck.",0 +"In spite of, I found a terrible screenplay, an awful direction and a deplorable acting of excellent actors and actresses.",0 +"Well, this film doesn't have a good story and I was really disappointed with it.",0 +"Had they shown more of the Satanic ritual or whatever, it might have been creepier, but as it stands now, this is a waste of time and brain cells.",0 +Dundee is so dumb that he has to hire this alcoholic ex-professor type who plots out the heist on a map.,0 +Good cast is wasted here.,0 +It was unfunny and unoffensive.,0 +"Anyhow, I was extremely disgusted with this episode and I can't believe the shocking decline in the quality of Matt & Trey's work.",0 +"Believe me, it'll save you a half hour of torture.",0 +"There wasn't any likable character ,the music was horrible ,and the animation is the worst that I've seen .",0 +The show was so boring.,0 +"The movie just felt like one overlong episode (I can't remember any of it), and the villain should have been far more intimidating than a green monkey.",0 +Unfortunately the film only offers forced wooden acting and clumsy dialogue with no punch.,0 +Nothing made sense...,0 +The result is a boring game that looks incredibly cheap and is no fun to play whatsoever.,0 +"Besides lacking a single redeemable character, only slightly better than average acting, and an ugly 80's style picture quality, the script for this film is dull and lifeless.",0 +It is not a particularly good movie.,0 +The movie was dull and pretty much pointless.,0 +"By and large, the movie was boring.",0 +"A very, very, very, very, very, VERY pathetic effort, with no redeeming features whatsoever.",0 +To put it succinctly - a very bad movie.,0 +"Generally speaking, the movie was agonizingly slow, with nothing much happening -- with barely any «dramatic impulse» : the involving parts were the set up during the first 15 minutes or so, and during the last half hour or so.",0 +The music becomes cheesier than Yann Tiersen at his worst.,0 +"Another 2-parter ('The Chinese Web') cobbled together, this one suffers from too much padding, not to mention weak Spidey action taking place in such uninspired locations as a car park, apartment and printing press.",0 +Promising idea ruined by an unfunny script (after a promising beginning) and terrible acting.,0 +"The worst of it all are his clumsy voice-overs, where he attempts in vain to add some kind of perspective on a situation he was too thick and ignorant to appreciate.",0 +very poorly done!,0 +"very poor acting, poor script, and lame story....",0 +The movie is very repetitious.,0 +"Special effects: Title sequence kind of cool, but otherwise exceptionally poor.",0 +"Bad direction, bad acting, bad writing and fx that´ll teach you that you´d better upgrade your computer before filming.",0 +again such kind of zero-budget digital-video cam trash.,0 +"Okay, okay, it was fourteen.",0 +Forty-five minutes of my time is enough to waste.,0 +She is so boring and phony.,0 +"An old copy of Reader's Digest (circa 1962) would provide more insight into modern life, or the relationship between a father and a daughter, than this weird concoction.",0 +"Add mediocre acting, lame dialogue and boring direction and you got yourself a movie that is best left unseen.",0 +This movie started out slow and just got slower...,0 +The ending is literally the worst i've ever seen.,0 +This movie is so mediocre I don't really know what exactly to write about it.,0 +The ending is BAD.,0 +A tedious mixture of puerile efforts at humour with romantic relationship melodrama fails to provide this weakly made film with any flavour of reality.,0 +"The script is awkward and unconvincing; the acting is, for most part, not much better.",0 +"As my tone might suggest, I don't buy any of this anti-feminist BS, and correspondingly didn't enjoy this film.",0 +It makes zero sense.,0 +The bird though makes it a 3.,0 +This film was bad.,0 +"I am not sure about the wedding night, but I find it exaggerated that a lady-in-waiting would undress the empress and leave her completely naked (and that in the 1850's) or that the emperor would announce very proudly ""yes I finally laid her"" to the assembled court.",0 +And the portrayal is so weak that this performance is very very pale.,0 +She was so embarrassed that she kept a fear for sex all her life.,0 +Everything about this film is bad.,0 +"My only fear of the kind of post-apocalyptic world featured in this turkey is that somehow, some way, a print of this abomination would survive.",0 +"The film itself pretends to be artistic, but is just cheap; the same shots are used repeatedly - especially in the drawn out fight scenes; there is (thankfully!",0 +"I've had quite a love affair with cheesy movies, but this movie is so bad I can hardly watch it.",0 +The plot along with the budget and script are non-existent.,0 +I began to get really bored and fed up with this film..,0 +I give this movie my 'worst film I've ever seen' award.,0 +Also lets not forget that it is actually the worst film i've ever seen.,0 +This gets tedious very quickly.,0 +I couldn't even finish watching it.,0 +"The plot, the story of a post-Apocalyptic roller blading samurai warrior, is a convoluted hodge-podge of film references of everything from STAR WARS to THE SEVEN SAMAURI.",0 +"Consequent to this experience, the video cassette was put in a wooden crate and stored in a huge warehouse of identical wooden crates, never to be see again.",0 +"It was announced as a comedy, but is simply tragically pathetic.",0 +but there wasn't.,0 +Where to start on this mess?,0 +The film had promise - though the most horrendous hotel in Britain is not a new idea - but failed to deliver.,0 +"To sum up, I was sorely disappointed by this movie.",0 +"I was really, really disappointed by this piece of garbage.",0 +"However, for sheer and unadulterated levels of crap, any film will be having to lower their standards even lower if they wish to trump ""Guest House Paradiso"" to the distinction of being one of the very worst movies I've ever had to watch.",0 +"It's utterly tasteless, has no style whatsoever, the story is so thin that you can watch television through it, and the whole film has so many holes you could drive an oil tanker through it.",0 +"The Length of 1,5 hours is much too long, because after 10 minutes you have seen almost every joke.",0 +In fact the film was shot so darkly it was impossible to see what the hell was going on .,0 +"Nicely shot, not very well acted, and ultimately fails on three crucial points: script, script, script.",0 +"I suppose I could comment on the plot (predictable), the performances (competently unattractive), the direction (lazy and unimaginative), but to me that is all irrelevant compared to the director's insult to the town and its people.",0 +"It isn't funny, it isn't realistic, it isn't entertaining, and it is fundamentally dishonest.",0 +Oh and everyone is very foul mouthed which adds to the grim unlikable atmosphereI didn't like PURELY BELTER much while I watched and now that I know who Mark Herman is I like it even less .,0 +"Local actors Tim Healy and Kevin Whateley both play against type as baddies, but the writing and direction of their characters are so one-dimensional that they have no more than novelty value.",0 +"Unfortunately, this is lame and laboured.",0 +"But I did keep getting the feeling of three or four other directors ghosts moving through the parade, blurring everything.",0 +"But without good acting, a film has no redeeming value.",0 +"Most of all, the characters are so paper-thin and poorly developed that the film becomes quite unpredictable, but probably not on purpose.",0 +This is a really really bad movie.,0 +"It fails for many reasons - bad acting, bad script, no clear point.",0 +"This film becomes the archetype for PAINFUL dialogue, delivered by even more pathetic actors.",0 +"Why the writing and acting is so awful is beyond me, but the main character ""Cherry"" is the director's sister so that could be part of it.",0 +Dreiling shows absolutely no emotion and no connection to her character whatsoever.,0 +"What a lousy, uninspired bland story, with no imagination.",0 +What resulted was a pathetic and simpleminded bastardization.,0 +"As a hero, his character is a total wimp.",0 +I can't believe they had to hire Jeremy Irons to give this piece of crap some credibility - and still failed.,0 +The first 20 minutes were utterly superfluous.,0 +Now I'm a sucker for cheese and camp but this movie made absolutely no sense.,0 +"The remake's story was ho-hum, the CGI Morlocks were lame, the Eloi were rastafarian to mimic today's fads (no I did not think the chick was hot at all), the re-killing of the hero's modern girlfriend was somewhat cruel, overall just a sad, bad remake.",0 +"The plot went nowhere, floating off into oblivion.",0 +"Sadly, even with a proper leading man this movie doesn't stand a chance for it is fatally burdened with both a totally inept director - whole scenes go nowhere and are poorly realized - and a screenplay that is utterly inferior, scattered and at times incoherent - not for a single moment do you care about anyone in this film, for the single fact that there is NOTHING in the way of character development!",0 +"The Time Machine isn't a particularly bad film or a particularly good one, just a somewhat unremarkable one that is watchable & passes an hour and a half but not much else.",0 +This movie is a disgrace.,0 +Do you know that they want to escavate the Moon for real?,0 +It is as if by this point the director has simply given up bothering to put any meaning into the film.,0 +It offers nothing and serves no purpose.,0 +"Two stars, and only for the traffic jam scene and the piano scene, which are just hints at genius, although they actually make the end result more frustrating and unsatisfying as without them, this is a bad film by the worst most pretentious director in the world, with them, well it's obvious that this is a damn good technical director making the most intellectually pretentious film in the world.",0 +The acting isn't even any good.,0 +My rating: nothing.,0 +And even the director know it sucks because he keeps coming in to try to get us to upsale the movie.,0 +I personally would not recommend this to any of my friends.,0 +It had NO redeeming qualities.,0 +"Featuring awful acting from almost everyone involved, a dreadful script, laughable effects, and shoddy production values, there is virtually nothing in this film to make it worth a watch.",0 +Zombie Planet is so bad it's pathetic.,0 +"The rest of the gore was effective in a low budget kinda way, but too spaced apart throughout the movie.",0 +"This film fails because it is too polished, too congenial and too predictable.",0 +"In my opinion, only gay and very specific audiences might like the theme of this boring and pretentious movie.",0 +"The vagina dentata gimmick might well have made for an interesting horror movie, but ""Angst"" botches the premise.",0 +"The story is already a little silly at this point, but then they throw in two more equally silly sub-stories that just send this movie into the bad B-movie territory.",0 +Either way man this is the worst man-eating vagina movie I have ever seen.,0 +"Miserable story: The idea of a raped vagina that takes revenge by turning into a man eater sounds quite funny, but what the writer made out of it is stupid.",0 +"If all this wasn't bad enough, the soundtrack was either recorded or mixed so ineptly that even native-speaking Indonesians couldn't hear many of the lines.",0 +"I'm not big on chop socky, but this is just plain garbage.",0 +I was ready for a Crouching Tiger style movie and all I got was the worst movie i've seen in years.,0 +"But they were glossed over, practically skipped, maybe shown in a glimpse in the background.",0 +"The whole movie works as a warning rather than a celebration, and it's very suspect.",0 +"The DVD includes a commentary track and a number of deleted scenes, but I found the feature film itself so ridiculous that I didn't waste any time on them.",0 +Movie is full of poorly developed characters and poor acting.,0 +"The C class cast and poorly transitioned scenes, complete with terrible acting have led me too believe this would make a good TV only release such as the FX presentation of a smallpox outbreak.",0 +The scenarios themselves are fairly useless as the filmmakers can't seem to decide exactly how contagious the bird flu is or for that matter whether the symptoms are an Ebola style crash or simply a long illness.,0 +"This one is almost as bad, but it is not even amusing, it is tedious and boring.",0 +"Unfortunately, the flat script makes for a flat movie.",0 +I thought this was an extremely bad movie.,0 +"By the time what happened to the characters was revealed, I was bored, and ready to fast-forward to the climax, the end, anything exciting...",0 +"Technically the film is OK but nothing special & some of the locations & clothes didn't look particularly authentic to me, this never convinced me it was taking place during the late 70's.",0 +"The performances were laughable at best, at worst they were, well, there's no other word for it, awful.",0 +"It's not just that the jokes are so bad, but combine that with the fact that Carson Daily has zero charisma, can't set up or finish a punchline, and you've got a late night comedy recipe that will really turn your stomach.",0 +Any 3 year old could have come up with any of the jokes and sketches they put on this lame excuse for a show.,0 +It seems like they don't even try to be a little funny.,0 +These days there is nothing worthwhile to watch because all I get to see is Carson Daly and his awful show.,0 +He needs to hire a comedy writer because his jokes are lame.,0 +The writing was idiotic and much too overreaching and the skits screamingly bad.,0 +"In summary, this show isn't even worth a full bag of kibble n' bits.",0 +"So while the cast really seems to do what they can, I consider this film totally forgettable otherwise.",0 +"There's no way to know if the script was this awful originally, or if it was the auteur, or the middle-management kids at the studio who bear responsibility.",0 +I believe it is regarded as the Citizen Kane of orphanage set torture porn movies.,0 +There is NOTHING to recommend about this crap.,0 +Who cares by this point?,0 +"It's just repetitive and, before long, boring.",0 +Any artistic merit got flushed down the drain of the gay ghetto mentality.,0 +It was by far the worst film there.,0 +It's nothing but another bad excuse of showing naked persons on the big screen.,0 +Pretty dull for an adult though.,0 +"Unfortunately, despite the inclusion of such treats as a tasty bi-sexual French teacher and a terribly unrealistic killer orangutan, Seven Deaths in the Cat's Eye ends up a dreary mess which is a struggle to endure.",0 +Nothing that would be positive.,0 +I know some people will criticize this comment but I feel strongly that these types of films fuel the fire of hatred and further misogynistic feelings towards women.,0 +This sudden plot device basically kills the movie.,0 +"Slow, odd film that drags and plods (I mean really PLODS) along to its disappointing climax.",0 +"The acting was horrible, the plot was awful and what about the '70's horror-music.",0 +"No,I'm not a radical feminst bashing the hentai and yaoi genre,I just find it really boring and pointless.",0 +"before seeing this film, the 1998 version was my only experience of this dickens story.",0 +Everything about this movie is bad.,0 +"This Canadian ""movie"" is the worst ever!",0 +"Overall this movie, this film, this waste of film I should say, is also a waste of time.",0 +"Bad acting, bad writing, bad narration, bad music, bad hair, bad cinematography.",0 +This is by far the worst thing I have ever seen on film.,0 +"However, I just had to give it a 1 out of ten.",0 +The main characters (the McNamara Twins) are sporting great moustaches and look so ridiculous in their camouflage dresses.,0 +The bad news is that the film then gets too repetitive and then it gets downright stupid.,0 +"In this film, Ernest has to find a successor to Santa Claus in order for Christmas to continue.",0 +"Instead Mr. Kershner proves he has very little taste for this type of work and creates an abominable mess that is a terrible piece of pop art and worse, a disgusting message of violence for any young person watching this film.",0 +It makes no sense.,0 +"Frankly, it pretty much sucks.",0 +"Its a complete mess really, it has all the signs of a troubled production with so many sub-plots going on at the same time.",0 +"From just the absurdity of it, not to mention the ridiculously bad acting, cheesy dialogue, and the fact that the villain is a child, I'd assume this was meant to be a children's movie...",0 +"Empire Strikes Back director Irvin Kirschner has crafted an unpleasant, slightly incoherent and overlong film that can't capture the magic of the first film, no matter how hard it tries.",0 +"Overall, an OK movie.",0 +"This film has none of that, aside from maybe telling us that drugs are bad for you and could make you do things you'd regret when sober.",0 +Robocop 2 is just a bad action movie.,0 +"But there's whole scenes where he doesn't even show up, and what scenes he is in are so half-thought and shakily written that you don't know or care if he's part-human or part-cyborg - since he's all-boring.",0 +"A pointless cash-in with nothing to contribute except nastiness, this is a definite case of sloppy seconds for Robocop.",0 +Too bad a hackneyed script and an incompetent director as good as neutralize their efforts.,0 +"This was okay, but really a bit disappointing because I expected more laughs.",0 +"Essentially, it means that Murray is talking to himself, and this makes the film more boring than it could have been had he had another character to bounce off.",0 +"Murray wastes his talent on this turkey (disguised as an elephant), but he isn't nearly as uninterestingbad as McConaughey (or however that man's name is spelt); one would think that M.M. would have an easy time playing himself, i.e. a hick, but he is so painfully unfunny and unconvincing that I could barely stand to watch him make such a jackass out of himself.",0 +His adventures on the way are only mildly amusing at best.,0 +"There are small tiny moments of humour, such as a truck's front bending forward, and Murray screaming, but overall, it's pointless.",0 +"The BAD - After 50-60 minutes, this movie simply gets too boring.",0 +I guess I just didn't like the character Merivel too much.,0 +"From the effeminate villain with the David Bowie fright wig, to the tacky, obnoxious female villains with laughs that could strip the paint off a garage door, this whole thing was just a painful mess.",0 +Then there are the worst movie ever.,0 +This one was out right obnoxious.,0 +Making matters worse are two wisecracking cyborgs who have absolutely no entertainment value.,0 +And that movie was so boo-oo-ring.,0 +"But even though Price and company flex and pose, they don't get much of a chance to do anything else (like, say, ACT!",0 +"Important events either never or barely appear, and we're stuck with far too many pointless scenes.",0 +It's unendurable and not even good for laughs.,0 +"And yes, contrary to what some have written, this film is very, very bad.",0 +"All the Airport movies are stinkers, but this one is the biggest turkey of them all.",0 +Maybe Le Mans is better at that because they just didn't bother with any kind of story.,0 +And when that fails… Don't even think of looking for anything resembling logic here: this is real bottom-of-the-barrel stuff that even the studio gave up on and marketed as a comedy in the US after critics laughed it off the screen.,0 +"I had an appetite for soufflé, and got served insipid cliché pancakes.",0 +Still that's not enough to make you sit through this drivel.,0 +Not recommended at all!,0 +Camp buffs will no doubt get a real kick-in-the-balls in this silly entry in a long strain of 70's disaster movies.,0 +"Unfortunately, the filmmakers and cast deserve no credit whatsoever for this, as it was probably entirely unintentional.",0 +This is an insult to people who ARE LOOKING for a bad movie.,0 +"First of all, the acting is bad.",0 +"British moviegoers will recognise the fat one from Cannon and Ball pretending to be a Russian athlete,a nice trick if he could have pulled it off but,tragically,he couldn't.",0 +Airport '79 is fun for bad film enthusiasts everywhere & to be brutally honest I rather watch this entertaining mess of a film than some two hour Oscar nominated bore.,0 +'Airport 4' is basically a slopped together mess for Universal Studios to try and work a new twist - the Concorde supersonic airliner - into their 'disaster-in-the-sky' formula.,0 +Its a truly awful movie with a laughable storyline.,0 +The dumb parts of this movie include the total lack of plot----yeah lets have some action for 25 minutes than land in Paris and go ONE HOUR with love scenes with prostitutes and flight attendants.,0 +This movie was so lousy it seemed surreal.,0 +"Believe me the special effects don't help this scene, and really are beyond poor....",0 +"What your treated to is 2 hours And 3 Minutes worth of unintentional laughs courtesy of the worst script ever writing it was even penned by Eric Roth, Who brought the world 'Forrest Gump!",0 +"With a cast of mostly lesser-tiered stars (Alain Delon, Robert Wagner, Eddie Albert), lousy special effects (sure, it was the 70's but ""Alien"" and ""Star Wars"" came from the same decade), and a storyline that is so laughable that one might want to cry, this is a ""flight"" that should have been GROUNDED.",0 +Actually there was nothing funny about this monstrosity at all!,0 +"Overall, 2 out of 10.",0 +What really hurts this film is the special effects - ugh!,0 +"The story is too simplistic, or rather, presented in a simplistic way (even though there is a couple of interesting plot twists).",0 +Apparently this is trying to be clever but in actual fact it isn't.,0 +In conclusion I give this horrorcomedy film a very generous 3 out of 10.,0 +It is a gruesome cannibal movie.,0 +Randy Quaid is wasted and the rest of the cast is a list of very bland actors and actresses.,0 +This isn't even worth a rental.,0 +"There's nothing clever or creative, just anti-conservative.",0 +Unfortunately the sum of the performances equals a whole movie that went absolutely nowhere.,0 +"Honestly, one of the worst written, directed and acted movies I have ever seen.",0 +"It's boring and useless, period.",0 +The rest of the characters are walking clichés and are poor facsimiles of other characters from much better movies.,0 +but the material just isn't there this time around.,0 +"I am a simpleton that loves advanced films, but this one just didn't make much sense to me.",0 +This plot is a train wreck and overloaded with pointless characters.,0 +This generic way of writing mental illness is one of the main tell-tale signs of the movie's overall shallowness.,0 +I would have to recommend that you stay away from this failure of a movie.,0 +"I suppose the children's petty cruelty is supposed to contribute to an atmosphere of bleakness and emphasize the pervasive primal spirits in the town, but for me, the gratuitous cruelty is redundant and contributes to the overall boredom of the film.",0 +I hated this condoning portrait of a mentally ill.,0 +When the film ends your left feeling empty from an incomplete story.,0 +Unfortunately a waste of time .,0 +"Overall the movie was badly conceived, the editing at times seem jumpy, and the conclusion was laughable.",0 +"Man, is this lousy.",0 +"Here the director pulls out all the stops to make a thriller with an unexpected end,but that ending is so far-fetched it is absolutely impossible to buy it.",0 +"This is not only a bad film, but a bad film with bad acting and a plot that will be inconsequential to most watchers.",0 +Her flashbacks of the death of her mother did nothing but muddle an already paper-thin story.,0 +"Unfortunately, it was worse than I expected.",0 +"But the finale, though unexpected, is preposterous, and the whole plotting (complete with childhood traumas and multiple-personality disorders) reveals itself to be unbearably cliched, especially as far as motivation is concerned.",0 +I swear this movie was written by a computer that took a whole pile of other movies and merged them all together into this platypus of film.,0 +"Forgive me, but this work of director Peter Hall is horrendous.",0 +"A few minutes in: ""NOT credible.",0 +"aside from that,though,the movie is very slow and pointless.",0 +"The plot doesn't flow too badly but there's a real lack of suspense andor tension and things slow down too much too often, which results in the film being rather boring on occasion.",0 +) It's the parts between the bridges and smooth transitions -- the drama -- that fall flat.,0 +Not even an in-form Jerry Goldsmith could save it.,0 +What was Wes thinking making this dribble?,0 +Where as JEEPERS CREEPERS only lasted about 90 minutes FIELDS OF GOLD lasted twice that length so is doubly irritating and illogicalAs a footnote environmentalism never makes a good theme for a thriller ( Anyone remember those Steven Segal movies ?,0 +This movie just isn't like a classic Muppet movie.,0 +Adequate!,0 +"Angels as spineless, non-spiritual corporate staff, and the movie was so bad I had to stop watching.",0 +The live talent are just stumbling and mugging their way through it.,0 +I wish there had been reviews for me to read that would warned me before I wasted my hard earned money on this piece of trash.,0 +She moved to a made-for-tv level lazily acting this one with cliched cynic.,0 +"I still have hope for their next movie, but this one was certainly a disappointment.",0 +He did no meaningful research into their habits or numbers and did nothing to actually protect them.,0 +The film was poor on many levels: First - Treadwell's video footage was contrived.,0 +The script is very weak and the plot is incoherent and almost nonexistent.,0 +"Not only was it annoying and boring, but the low production values made it hard to make out the action and in some cases the dialogue.",0 +"The acting was lame, the editing slipshod, and overall stupid.",0 +This is a student film and it's a piece of crap.,0 +Completely unrealistic characters.,0 +This sequel is quite awful to be honest.,0 +This was a real let down for me.,0 +It's extremely boring.,0 +It just did not make any sense.,0 +"Otherwise, this is a third rate rehash of the old ABC Afterschool Special format, with none of the occasional charm those short films had.",0 +Beethovan Lives Upstairs is a very bad movie.,0 +The writing was excruciatingly dull with almost no clever scenes to save it from being anything more than a teeny-bopper soaper like Beverly Hills 90210.,0 +The movie itself was a lifeless piece of boring that refused to end and made me feel used as a human being when the end did finally come.,0 +"To make matters worse, the `spooky' events are either utterly cliché or unconvincing due to low tech - low budget special effects.",0 +This was a wasted opportunity.,0 +"With all that you would expect more than one good moment of horror, but this movie is lame, lame, lame.",0 +"The acting, especially by Evigan's real-life daughter, wasn't too bad considering the silly script they had to work with.",0 +Score: 3 out of 10,0 +The acting was pretty bad too.,0 +"Alexandra Paul is not one of the best actress but she can do the role better,The little girl get worse this is a example about a Bad actress,she has not got future in the great world of films.",0 +This has got to be the worst movie I have ever seen.,0 +"In any event, the cartoon is little more than simplistic propaganda which does little to explore the nuances of the ethical questions behind nuclear armament and instead tries to inculcate fear of weapons technology into children.",0 +"Now, I do think that declaring they are among the worst movies ever is an overstatement, though they are still both pretty poor films--particularly the first one, as it featured more eye rolling and ""googly eyed looks"" than I have ever seen before!",0 +Wasted talent on a rather silly film that could have been very promising indeed.,0 +Even the obvious juxtaposition of rich and poor classes was ineptly conceived and in the end served as a mere situational ploy.,0 +"Instead, the Director chose to use the oversize rubber scene to show how dumb the CIA was.",0 +"If we don't, the gag, like the movie, falls flat.",0 +"However, ""Air America"" has to be one of his most inept projects.",0 +The action (what little there is) is goofy and as dull as the skullbone of the writer.,0 +"The acting for the most part really wasn't that bad, but the story was just pointless with flaws and boring.",0 +The movie was nothing but terrible clichés and every time there was a jump-moment it was incredibly obvious.,0 +"While there are a few suspenseful scenes that border on creatively scary, most of the movie is pretty vanilla.",0 +"I don't know, but the movie was just too similar to other movies I've seen.",0 +"some scenes where quite nice though, i'll give it 3 out of 10",0 +The periods between the scares are completely wasted with meaningless dialog and a lot of..,0 +It's predictable.,0 +A lamebrain script and a couple of dim reaction shots could never have prepared them for the embarrassment of sharing screen time with a spliced-in sock puppetstop motion beastie.,0 +"It features horrible acting, a dumb plot, stupid events, a lot of other things you can expect from a bad monster-movie and also veteran actor Ray Milland, who does his best to mumble his way through this film while not having much of a clue about what he's doing in it.",0 +"Coming to think of it, the plot doesn't make sense in any way whatsoever (why would evil sock puppets attack lighthouses?",0 +This is the worst movie I have ever seen.,0 +This has to be one of the most awfully scripted films I've ever seen.,0 +Cute enough to rentbuy used.,0 +Mix the lack of technical prowess with the flimsy content and you have nothing more than a waste of time.,0 +it simply won't.,0 +The acting is very poor as well from all the characters in the movie.,0 +The storyline itself is below mediocre.,0 +"However, it did not work for me as I never cared for any of the characters, least of all the lead.",0 +"I should have known when the first scene opened in-gasp, Eugene, Oregon-,that this dud of a film with characters that you want to like and feel sorry for from their exclusion days from high school,but can't, as they are such losers, is so wooden and atrocious with dialog that is beyond bad.",0 +"Anyway very disappointing, as the truth is far away from the film.",0 +will be a disappointment.,0 +The film has no connection with the real life in Bosnia in those days.,0 +"This movie shows me, that americans have no knowledge about the situation in the sad balkan-brother war!",0 +This is just Art house rubbish.,0 +"Such a plot does not lend itself to the ""opening up"" device at all, and the resulting film is very static, dominated by talk at the expense of action.",0 +"If you are just looking for soft-core porn, you will probably be better served elsewhere.",0 +Frustrated because the dancing might have been astounding.,0 +The production values in this video are so poor that it is unwatchable.,0 +"Try counting them sometimes for something different to do with this, otherwise, completely unwatchable show.",0 +What a pity the film that went with it failed to live up to the promise.,0 +"As a result, what should have been a passable timewaster turns into an inept stinker.",0 +"Terence Stamp's talent is totally wasted and just about the only thing that I enjoyed was hearing a favorite song of mine, ""If I Had a Million Dollars"" by BNL, in the opening credits.",0 +"If some studio spends any money to produce this awful picture, then is not a surprise that this kind of histories are more common on these days.",0 +"Anupam Kher is an excellent actor, he debuted at 28 playing a 50 yr old in SARAANSHNow he turns director with OJJThe film has a good plot but it's regressiveThe theme has been done to death and Urmila's character looks too put on while Anil-Mahima and Abhi- Tara tracks are too sudden and then forgottenThe film moves a snail pace and begins to drag but there are several good scenes like the entire conflict between Anil-Fardeen and Abhishek where Fardeen says to sell the houseAbhishek getting caught for a crime and Anil shouting at himThe climax is too much thoughDirectorally Anupam shows potential, but has some way to go Music is okayAnil Kapoor excels in his part like always Fardeen tries hard and is okay but needs to improve Abhishek is excellent, this was a turning pt, people realized he can act Urmila is okay Mahima and Tara are wasted Waheeda is good",0 +The scenes filmed inside the sex clubs look ludicrously fake and Clive Fleury's directing is completely uninspired.,0 +"Think about it--Serling and company wanted to hurt Castro but instead only seemed to be obvious, preachy and silly in the process.",0 +The story just isn't up to par with most other TZ episodes.,0 +"Weird excuse for a movie and aside from the obvious draw of naked women, a frankly dull and uninspiring experience.",0 +Not highly recommended.,0 +"Turns out, it is an awful garbage.",0 +It's not hot or even suitable for late night viewing on Cinemax.,0 +think of the most un-film-worthy subject you can and this is 10 times worse.,0 +The movie is incredibly boring and unfocused.,0 +"I actually found Holly funny in her older shows and I have always admired Busy but this show is dumb, empty and had nothing going for it.",0 +"The only thing that keeps the film interesting is the fact that we already know it's going to end badly for one reason or another, owing to the first scene.",0 +"I think this was a poor decision as it leaves absolutely no plot twists to look forward to, as the whole movie is completely predictable.",0 +"However the rest of the film is drab, badly acted, predictable and on the whole boring to almost arse-clenching level.",0 +Even the characters names seem bizarre - Leonora !,0 +"The only good thing that comes from this film is the good voice of Kate Winslet, singing the closing song ""What If"", as for the rest, it is just excruciatingly awful.",0 +"The shoddy animation doesn't help, as it makes this look like a decades-old video you'd find in Morrisons's 99p bin.",0 +Even the participants in this obnoxiously obstreperous film can't conceal their laughter at the stupidity of their attempt to show one of the few great times in world history where people take a stand and work to make a better world.,0 +"Of course, it could be anybody, since the only characteristics of The Homosexual are shameful secrecy and a propensity to murder and otherwise make life complicated for the ""normal"" folks.",0 +"Anyway, unless you like inconclusive movies, then I'd avoid this one.",0 +It's truly a shame one has to see such a fine actor go dumb in this poor excuse for a film.,0 +"The storyline is aimless, pointless and senseless.",0 +"Whatever ""plot"" there was amounted to about three minutes of actual movie, the rest is filler.",0 +"I finished watching it because 1) I did pay 99 cents after all and, 2)there might possibly, conceivably been a hair of chance some scene in this turkey was worth more than a pinched loaf.",0 +It's basically a poor attempt at film-making.,0 +"but the performances sucked, the story sucked, the dialogue sucked, THE WHOLE MOVIE JUST SUCKED!",0 +I don't know why they even bothered to make this trash.,0 +"For the third time in a row, writer-director Rick Sloane does not show even an ounce of writing or directing talent.",0 +And the movie is so bad I can't get away from it.,0 +"As usual, the male lead is a completely clueless dolt.",0 +"Everyone else matched her in unbelievably bad acting and the storyline was beyond dumb, as if anyone could believe any of it.",0 +the story itself is very unrealistic.,0 +"Tori isn't much better, but at least she is something to focus on as the plot meanders here and there before arriving at a very lame and all-too-familiar conclusion.",0 +"Instead, like 'Charlie's Angels' before it, it has conned supposedly intelligent women into thinking it has acted as a positive force for good.",0 +"Sex and the city is one of the worst TV shows and I'm glad that the show ended, because it delivers bad acting and pointless stories.",0 +The episodes play out monotonously.,0 +"Appalling, shallow, materialistic nonsense.",0 +"Camera angles just weren't that good, especially regarding Carrie's face.",0 +It's definitely not.,0 +"Samantha is not like most 40 something women even in NY, but than the show would not have some kind of entertainment since Samantha (along with some good NY scenery) is the only reason to watch and those are not reason enough.",0 +"The humor was drier than a bucket of sand, and not very interesting plot line.",0 +"These four women have so many partners, even going lesbian in some episodes, that you have no choice but to roll your eyes at the utter absurdity.",0 +This show is pathetic .,0 +"I watch family affairs,coronation st &east enders on uktv every week night family affairs is by far the worst, bad plots, bad sequences and the worst acting of any soapie,even worse than the Americans and that is saying something.",0 +"Incredibly boring - 90 minutes seemed to stretch to at least 3 hours - and I'm not even a fan of action films, but this just falls asleep on its feet - unless you are a 70's polo neck sweater fan!",0 +"Why this worthless piece of French cinema has garnered any sort of attention, other than negative, is beyond me.",0 +"Its not bad, but its really not good either since everything seems watered down.",0 +(puh-leese) A total waste of time...,0 +"I tried to check out random scenes by skipping through a bit, but it did not get any better than the opening sequences.",0 +Nothing fresh was being offered and the recurring skits were boring.,0 +"The ponderous music attempts, but fails, to lend some weight to this tepid undertaking.",0 +The actual plot of the film was a mess.,0 +"The ""Alice in Wonderland""-like story is meandering and uninteresting, and there was probably no actress in the world who could have turned this into a good movie, though Kathy Ireland makes an appealing (annoying voice and all) attempt.",0 +"The plot is stupid, and the acting is some of the worst I've ever seen.",0 +The effects and soundtrack are nothing special and fairly low budget.,0 +"The director of this waste of celluloid specialises in dreadful exploitation films where pretension is all; the previous year he did ""Dangerously Close"" whose good idea (about gangs getting too much power in school and the school paper editor against them) was submerged in a sea of sloppiness, and he would go on to do ""Cyborg,"" Jean Claude Van Damme's worst film ever (no mean feat).",0 +"This movie had a very convoluted plot and very contrived setting, that I, frankly, could not follow, which is surprising considering the acting and dialogue could have only been the product of a kindergartener's writing.",0 +"Even worse than her look, though, was her voice, which was so raucous that I initially failed to credit it as originating with a human being.",0 +Did she realize this was a talkie.,0 +"Anyway, the film was just all around bad and rightfully skewered by MST3K.",0 +"Neither did I.It's bad (it was MST'd, after all) and also a Golan-Globus production but after all is said and done, Ireland just basically looks lost, like she's trying to find where the photographers are so she can do a photo shoot instead.",0 +Movie as it was originally seen: Awful!,0 +"But the most annoying part of this dull mess is Ireland's hideous high pitched voice, which I was tired of listening to in the first five minutes.",0 +"When I started watching this movie, it looked like it might have promise as a cheesy sci-fi flick, but the more I watched it, the more disappointing it got.",0 +The rest of the story is some kind of weird poorly-lit Mad Max mish-mash.,0 +"With an incomprehensible plot set in outer space with dwarves that want Kathy Ireland's bones for some obscure reason, this movie is just wrong on so many levels.",0 +Because they all just watch there MST3K with their artificial friends who make (mostly) not that funny and obvious comments about movies.,0 +"The Tianxia(Chinese word was spoken by the king, means 'the land and the people') spoken from his mouth is totally lie.",0 +"At a time when China is dangling its war toys over Taiwan, it is unacceptable for Western viewers to endorse this piece of over-produced, government-sponsored, dogmatic trash.",0 +The larger-than-life moral was horrible.,0 +"Instead, it is makes a woefully poor attempt at being `deep' and merely manages to be pretentious and preachy.",0 +"The script too is hilariously dreadful, perhaps mitigating Young's near-comatose performance when given howlers like ""stay with me - 'til I fall off the Earth"" to emote.",0 +"My gosh, this movie was nothing more than filmmaking by numbers.",0 +"Anyway, I refer to The Boost as the worst film I've ever paid money to see.",0 +The story is absolutely ludicrous.,0 +This movie is so low budget that they couldn't even get co-ed locker rooms.,0 +"The writers actually try to take the whole zombie thing to a more high-tech level by making it a virus that they are searching for a vaccine for, and the idea has merit, if it wasn't stuck in the middle of such a ridiculous display of wayward film making.",0 +The acting is passable.,0 +"The actors make it watchable, but there's no real substance there.",0 +"The special effects were okay and some of the characters likablehate-able and that made for a tolerable watch, but for the most part, this movie was just a waste of time.",0 +"It is too good to be bad, but too bad to be any good.",0 +"Second, the characters are pretty badly written.",0 +This is one of the most awful movies I've had the misfortune of picking up.,0 +The story and script are awful .,0 +"The only feeling you get from the film is that its bad, just bad.",0 +Instead of setting up scenes in a creative way he relies on boring old zombie clichés.,0 +It just doesn't do anything for the zombie genre to give it memory.,0 +So lame it isn't even funny.,0 +There just wasn't anything good to say about it at all.,0 +"This movie was truly awful, there is no redeeming quality about it, because it actually takes a well respected sub genre of film and just goes about destroying it.",0 +The folks battling the zombies are all nonactors who get to shoot guns and do little else.,0 +I could go on and on about this but life is too short and I have already wasted a couple of hours watching this pathetic movie which is an insult to the movie industry.,0 +"Naturally, there's isn't the slightest bit of suspense to enjoy and every dreadful horror cliché features here as well.",0 +Overall load of rubbish.,0 +"childish writing and dialog, bad directing, horrid special effects, truly sad and undeveloped storyline (zombie infested campus, must get the viral host then lose it....",0 +The acting is very poor!,0 +This however was the worst film I have seen since Demons at the Door.,0 +"Hey, if you can't make a good movie, at least you can have women in their underwear.",0 +It made no sense at all.,0 +"This fake documentary is flawed on a lot of points, it's badly made, has uninteresting characters but the biggest problem I have with it is the basic premise.",0 +In this they have failed miserably.,0 +But his movie was a discusting pile of rubbish that made a very PG version of Abbie Hoffman.,0 +The script is so unfocused it flounders around all over the place.,0 +"Take a crappy, leftist political plot, add in some weak & completely undeveloped characters and then throw in the worst sequences a movie has ever known.",0 +I give it a zero.,0 +"To come to the point: This film is breathing the foul air of lynchmob-supporters (certainly the police does not play any role in it), moralizes in a ridiculous form against pornography, does not take it's characters serious and wastes your time with a stupid plot.",0 +"That's because although it has some nice camera-work and style, the film is hopelessly dull and uninvolving.",0 +"The boy rides around, rambling on and on with pointless, confusing dialogue.",0 +not that we don't have Saudi actresses but are few and not that good.,0 +The only bright side in this total debacle is some good acting from the supporting cast.,0 +"It is a disappointment, and the majority of the crew is not from Saudi Arabia.",0 +Any Saudi have patriot in his heart will not allow to see this stupid movie,0 +"This film revival right march in a bad film industry and Saudi Arabia, I want to know how the director was able to stand in front of people of the industry after he making this film, work was so very bad, we do not know how cinema Saudi companies such as Rutana and other does not support yang Filmmakers in KSA like UAE We hope in the future to prosper film industry in Saudi Arabia But without such intervention Fools traders and idiots make us bad movies do not benefit the reputation of cinema in Saudi Arabia is like the Roman and Iranian cinema At the same time, please makers simple experimental cinema in Saudi Arabia such as Abdullah alayaf And others to achieve the dream of a good film industry to participate in festivals world away from the major companies interventions stupid",0 +This piece of crap doesn't worth a critical review so I'll write some information for those who don't know the background of this movie.,0 +"The effects were really ugly, the editing was poor.",0 +The plot was preposterous.,0 +The film is based around a group of US commandos trying to get rid of a bunch of Syrian terrorists who have taken over a nuclear reactor.,0 +"It fails as an action film because no one would be fooled for a moment that the props, actors and scenery are realistic.",0 +The plot was so bad that it might have been possible that a 10 year old kid wrote it.,0 +Definitely not a popcorn flick; one can't leave their brain outside this one's door.,0 +"For me the film was nothing but a piece of Stalin propaganda, inaccurate and dull.",0 +"- This wildly inappropriate musical does feature Ms. Day prettily singing the standard ""April in Paris"", and others.",0 +And the other songs are equally as forgettable as Evening In Paris cologne.,0 +"As always, the gorgeously sexy Amber Newman the is main attraction; her sensuous presence overshadows the mildly attractive, Shauna O'BrienPlot: *12 out of ****Sexnudity: *** out of ****",0 +"The Concorde (or, just plain ""Concorde"" as its pilots refer to it) deserved far better, this abomination is the equivalent of taking a high class beauty like Audrey Hepburn and putting her in a ""Porky's"" sequel.",0 +"The ""characters"" don't relate to each other in any way which is probably largely due to the fact that they aren't particularly interesting.",0 +Very bad continuity indeed.,0 +"It was like a ""made for T.V"" show and still pretty lame for that.",0 +"There's no excitement, no real conflicts (except the brief argument).",0 +"It doesn't cut it as a drama, the characters are too shallow and conflicts too easily `solved'.",0 +"It doesn't cut it as a documentary, the movie is too ""staged"" and the presentation too ""common"".",0 +The worst dramatisation I have ever seen.,0 +"Too much time is spent on the numerous montages and the characters remain distant, one dimensional cardboard cuts.",0 +"The script was weak, the leads act unrealistically, and behave irrationally.",0 +"Reluctantly, I give the live-action Saishu Heiki Kanojo (Saikano) a 2 out of 5.",0 +"First this movie starts off with a bunch of wooden actor geeks with fill in talent like they got picked off the street somewhere because the ""real"" actors either did not show up because of the laughable script or they just couldn't get anybody desperate enough to do this movie!",0 +"I recently spent 2 years trying to acquire a copy of this movie, and it is almost nonexistent.",0 +"Most of the film is just a poor excuse for a sequel and it isn't nearly as dark, different or entertaining as the original.",0 +"The constant cartoony ""humor"" is flat and unfunny and the ""heart"" just doesn't work when compare to the original, which had such a moving unsubtle touch that makes me cry every time.",0 +"Horrible editing, syncronization of the voices, and flat out spaces where characters mouths should be moving to dialouge but are not combine to make this movie look like a college interns animation project instead of the decent sequel it could have been.",0 +The only good thing about this movie was the soundtrack.,0 +I think that this is a disappointing sequel.,0 +The humor behind Carface's character is just completely lost.,0 +It had to be the worst animation I've ever seen!,0 +"The storyline was dull and unconvincing as were the characters, and I was disappointed that some of the characters in the original were not in this sequel.",0 +"Lifeless voice acting, second-rate animation, contrived and un-funny songs (although the bit sung by the Devil would have been worthy of Tim Curry), and a weaker plot than Land Before Time 99: Fossils On Parade.",0 +"The devil sings and dances to a few songs about the joys of being bad, and at one point, eats a live rat.",0 +"The devil sings and dances to a few songs about the joys of being bad, and at one point, eats a live rat.",0 +"In fact, I think it's so poorly executed as to be an embarrassment to the series.",0 +Picking it apart point-by-point would be a waste of time.,0 +He had a few funny lines but he is a very poor leading man.,0 +The writing was bad; the direction was bad; the timing was almost non-existent.,0 +"Simply put, it was smut-filled and simply not funny with barely any plot.",0 +It was really lame and poorly done with no plot whatsoever.,0 +"The plot is not only incoherent but also non-existent, acting is mostly sub sub-par with a gang of highly moronic and dreadful characters thrown in for bad measure, jokes are often spotted miles ahead and almost never even a bit amusing.",0 +This movie wasn't too funny.,0 +"This ""movie"" and I say this lightly, is nothing but pure trash.",0 +"I'm all about supporting a bothers movie, but this one was bad, really really bad.",0 +"i am pretty sure i did not laugh once during this whole movie, i just cannot believe they would make such a terrible movie.",0 +"As for Soul Plane, I didn't even bother finishing it.",0 +"Ignoring the face of the racial stereotypes, this was just awful.",0 +my friend made me watch this awful film..,0 +"This movie, is black comedy done at it's worst.",0 +There is nothing worthy about this movie.,0 +"After this point, they clearly ran out of ideas.",0 +"Bad writing, even worse acting, and horrible storyline.",0 +"I'm very, very sorry for every single minute I wasted on this one.",0 +"But the producers have committed the age-old concept comedy sin of stretching 30 seconds of material into an hour and a half of film, and the results are predictably lame.",0 +Its really not worth watching 3 seconds of this movie.,0 +This movie is a flop and will forever be in the $4.95 bin at Wal-Mart.,0 +Its a terrible storyline.,0 +"The direction reflects a lack of original ideas or point of view, and post-production flaws set the work back farther than should be expected for a basic thriller.",0 +"Leon Errol handles his double role of Uncle Matt Lindsay and Lord Basil Epping superbly, but I have trouble liking the ""Mexican Spitfire"" Series because they all are contrived to produce mistaken identities, and these are telegraphed way in advance.",0 +"Inagaki is bland in a one-dimensional role, and he's constantly upstaged by Utsui, a veteran performer whose career stretches back to the ""Sûpâ Jaiantsu"" series of the 1950's.",0 +"I myself do not really understand why the repeated ""porn-movie"" shots were all that necessary, (except to depict the physical contact as cruel, unpassionate and debased) and the unrelenting gore did get rather tedious after the first few violent spasms.",0 +"There was nothing that I could do with this film, there was simply nothing about it to think about, other than ""Why did they make this terrible film""?",0 +"The movie itself is no big deal, just a lot of violence and sex shot with something like a hand-held camera.",0 +"The plot is crazy, pointless and unnecessary.",0 +"I was rather puzzled by the statement in Winkimation's generally thoughtful review (""Such a Shame"") that ""for once we actually see men's faces when they come"".",0 +Is it any good?,0 +Otherwise we're no better than senseless living things.,0 +"So, bother to watch if you wanna see a pointless, kinky film.",0 +"), but the weak and pointless plot surely didn't cause me to think much.",0 +"Add in the grot and you've got mediocre plot, average acting, plodding direction, dull dialogue, with lashings of hardcore porn.",0 +I had to watch this movie for professional reasons and can only say it's a complete waste of time.,0 +It was so stupid.,0 +The whole plot is ridiculous situation piled on ridiculous premise.,0 +One of the worst movies I've ever seen.,0 +"But this is not even bad, it is total garbage and it does not even deserve to be counted as a movie here on IMDB.",0 +This is 1 hour and 24 minutes of pure boredom!,0 +"The acting is worse than in the films we made when we were 10 years old with a camcorder, the effects look like some 80's computer game and the plot is worse than terrible.",0 +This is the worst movie I've seen in a long time.,0 +"Not only is the story completely and utterly uninteresting, the acting is so terribly wooden.",0 +"I hate to be too critical, but this one really was bad.",0 +"However, throughout the picture it appears that Baldwin can barely pull off maintaining a light jog.",0 +and the film is the biggest heap of crap I have ever put in my DVD player.,0 +2- The acting in any Stephen Baldwin vehicle ranges from horrible to mildly passable.,0 +This is just so bad.,0 +Director Kabasinski was obviously working on a low budget but film-making this bad should be a crime.,0 +"The only redeeming aspect of this movie is good artwork, but the remainder is so amazingly bad that it can't save this movie from being a total loss.",0 +"While there is a lot to recommend about Maetel Legend both in concept and finished product, it's ultimately a poor film.",0 +The movie's look is quite boring.,0 +I yawned more than 15 times.,0 +"The promising opening sequence (set in the Hades lobby) quickly gives way to dreary whimsy, and the supporting cast is of little help.",0 +"Do not see this film under any circumstances unless you wish to have your ten euros torn up and shoved up your nostrils by a bunch of vapid, atrociously unamusing characters.",0 +"Better still don't bother going yourself, it's not worth it.",0 +"The portrayals of the Vespasians (the actual Emperor, and his 2 sons Titus and Domitian) was horrid.",0 +"Nothing of the books is in this film except the setting and characters, and they are wasted on a plot thin enough through which to read the silly script.",0 +The rest is just a mishmash of bad acting and uninspired direction.,0 +"If this creaky vehicle reminds anyone of Al Pacino's minstrel performance as an uncultured Cuban in the remake of SCARFACE, don't be too surprised.",0 +"Frank's songs are nice, but nothing spectacular.",0 +Perhaps the director was trying for another PIRATE (Good Garland and Kelly musical) -- but this lame musical epoch falls flat.,0 +An oddball musical comedy that fails in almost every aspect.,0 +"Aside from Robert Surtees' cinematography and the decent art direction, this ""Bandit"" remains kissless.",0 +But what Tycoon is most known for is another piece of pettiness.,0 +The story was completely implausible.,0 +"Unfortunately, the story isn't much, and supporting actors Ned Beatty and Bo Hopkins overact (as usual).",0 +"This film had no budget, needed a script rewrite, and a better ending.",0 +A cross between Zorro and the Scarlet Pimpernel but it just doesn't work.,0 +"Clearly, not his best film but by no means his worst.",0 +"""Maximum Risk"" doesn't distinguish itself in any way and will likely not have much appeal beyond the usual young male audiences.",0 +"It has a distinct lack of plot, humour, acting, direction etc etc.",0 +It's the same with MAXIMUM RISK,0 +"Of course you may not compare Maximum Risk (oh, what a creative title!",0 +"As far as things go, it is strictly formulaic.",0 +"The movie is not that bad, Ringo Lam sucks.",0 +Not much of a story.,0 +"A quick resumé: Almost nonexistent, badly chosen musical soundtrack, steady-cam filming done without the steady but with lots of coffee and a hyperactive cameraman, NO plot, and nothing ever really happens.",0 +"I gave it a 2 because it is definitely one of the worst films I've ever seen, but probably not THE worst.",0 +"The Script is awful, lousy soundtrack and pointless aggressive and crude sexuality which i believe was added to entice some viewers as the movie has little else to offer.",0 +THe ending makes 0 sense - everyone is just annoyingly wishy washy in their intent and their execution of all objectives.,0 +Actually I was quite bored as the film seems to go from pillar to post for much of the first hour during which I kept wondering what the point was other than to provide a meaty role for Argento.,0 +Lazy and pointless.,0 +"plot, it just seemed to go everywhere and nowhere at the same time.",0 +The story is disjointed and poorly written.,0 +Worst film ever seen...,0 +The dialogue is ridiculous and the structure of the film almost completely non-existent.,0 +"Its just to rip you off, but not anyone, just the majority of teens that are willing to go and see an Ashton Kutcher movie, just because they are fans of him.",0 +I must say that the plot line is awful.,0 +I was so immensely bored and the movie was so predictable and pathetic i actually noticed how much make-up was caked onto Tara Reid's face to hide those massive bags and wrinkles from her endless partying.,0 +Really a waste of time and money.,0 +The worst part is: none of it is funny!,0 +It was even worse than I'd expected.,0 +people need to be warned: this is one of the worst comedies of the new millennium.,0 +The fact that this pile of garbage is capped off with Ashton Kutcher bending his boss over and taking his pants off in front of everybody just makes this movie ever worse.,0 +The movie is terrible.,0 +This movie has got to be about one of the worst i have ever seen.,0 +"By the hour mark, the film's opted for gross out gags and hate filled jibes more than anything when there's an entire scene that exists purely to target paraplegics and a dumb subplot to do with a head-injury sporting neighbour on a blind date in which some truly unwatchable sight gags are unfolded.",0 +But the first 30 minutes or so are amongst the worst I have seen in a while.,0 +It was dumb.,0 +It was a waste of time to watch it.,0 +"This is a film to get your restricted to ""G-rated"" pre-teens ready for raunchier ""R-rated"" fare.",0 +It is very disappointing.,0 +I was very disappointed.,0 +"A man does get castrated and a women does get hanged by her breasts, but other then those two scenes, and one involving a scalping; there is nothing really much else to this film.",0 +"The cast of familiar faces (including Lorraine De Selle, Giovanni Lombardo Radice, Zora Kerowa, and Robert Kerman) does their best in the face of the escalating idiocy (including a completely ludicrous ""castration preservation""), but cannot save this overworked, lousy effort.",0 +This just keeps getting worse.,0 +"Poor acting, poor plot and poor direction.",0 +This movie was unbelievably bad...,0 +It is a pity that the sound effects are poorly done.,0 +"The second scene in the film is an extended bit of business in a men's toilet room that, considering where the story goes later, is absolutely superfluous; the subplot with the teacher goes nowhere at all, even as a ""rite of passage"" for our ""young"" hero...",0 +"As completed, this movie made little sense and offers even less.",0 +And then try to make a movie that is bad in all of these ways.,0 +I have no idea what to make of this drab and uninspiring movie other than to hope that Verow finds another career.,0 +Hurray for the 80's and long live horror!,0 +Overall I was very disappointed and I was expecting a lot better.,0 +Quite possibly one of the worst movies ever made.,0 +Then the boredom kicked in.,0 +This film is a failure.,0 +"This clunker is terribly paced, bombarded by a score that's simply laughable, and seems edited by a third grader.",0 +This is no doubt one of the worst movies i have seen in a long time.,0 +"I hate this film so much, I'll just write about the dumbest part.",0 +"The script is pretty awful, recycled from other, better films.",0 +This movie has so many unbelievable plot contrivances that they made what could have been a good movie into a hideous mess.,0 +"Relegated to late night HBO time schedules, this film is not worth seeing at all.",0 +I have nothing against J K Rowling or the films but the book is just nothing like the Harry Potter ones.,0 +"So, all in all, this was an OK film but could have been much better.",0 +"The film at least tries to aim strictly for the kids, until a completely inappropriate and unfunny monologue by Eddie Izzard (what a waste of genuine comic talent) plays over the final credits.",0 +The only reason I can think of for watching this is to see how starkly Freddie Highmore's outstanding talent stands out from the rest of the mediocre performances.,0 +This is simply nothing.D.,0 +Then circa an hour into the film we get some sort of violent climax with decent-to-poor special effects.,0 +It's a weak attempt to provide a wrap-up to a very weak movie.,0 +"The film features one decent gore scene towards the end, but this really isn't enough considering that it takes eighty minutes of tedium to get there.",0 +Even Mel Gibson couldnt save this slop of a movie.,0 +But this is utter dreck.,0 +"There were characters that could have been funny, but they weren't.",0 +"""Stick to the day job, Bono"", is a sentence that easily springs to mind whilst viewing this mess.",0 +"One dollar spent on this aimless, purposeless dross was one dollar too many.",0 +There was not a single person in the cast for whom I would have shed a tear if hell itself had opened up and swallowed the whole bunch of them.,0 +"Oh my god, dull.",0 +"Translation: The film stock is crappy, the lighting is pedestrian, the cinematography is uninteresting, the sound recording is hollow.",0 +"The worst actors possible, the worst script possible, the worst special effects available.",0 +", editing in confused and always leaves a taste of unfinished shot, music doesn't fit, the story doesn't flow, it gets boring and the movie comes out much longer as it is...",0 +"Strong imagery and a compelling premise is soon overwhelmed by incoherent plotting, hackneyed dialogue, amateurish acting, and the most outlandish and over-the-top phallic imagery in recent memory (here, a fish is most definitely not just a fish!",0 +The very idea of these three traveling together just doesn't work for me.,0 +"Additionally, the plot meanders aimlessly, and none of the characters is likable.",0 +"This is a weak throw-together of just about everything: refugees, Croatia-Slovenia relations, globalization, sexual orientation..",0 +"Eskimo Limon is dull, flat and not aesthetic.",0 +"It was awash with the usual Hallmark ""romantic"" strings background music and pretend bumpkins offering plot exposition, and what could have been dynamite turned out to be awful.",0 +"Remember the wooden, undramatic literary adaptations of the 1970s at their worst?",0 +This film is an almost complete waste of time.,0 +"Oh, and the writing stinks too.",0 +I just was not in the right frame of mind to watch this film.,0 +That really all there was.,0 +"I'm a fan of Judy Garland, Vincente Minnelli, and Gene Kelly, but this movie just left me cold.",0 +The jokes are bad and some topics are much too sensitive to laugh about it.,0 +"It fails to deliver a plot, the humor tries too hard and the directing seems very unfocused - as holds true for the visual style.",0 +"no story at all, some jokes were old in the fifties, the acting is awful.",0 +Worse: the characters are (although often well acted) just plain flat.,0 +Gooping this whole mess to some bottom of swampy muck are: boringly uneven pacing; predictable 'action' sequences that aren't; banal and incoherent set-design; made-for-bad-TV camera-work and editing; forgettable score; and an entire lack of any imagination or innovation in production and direction.,0 +"John Hannah gets his shirt off at every opportunity, a huge American drives around in a Mini Minor as `Circus' pathetically strains for cult status and even the beautiful Amanda Donohoe can't add any class to these proceedings.",0 +"well the film is even more confusing clearly written by a first timer writer , it has some redeeming qualities though in the acting especially Famke Janssen shines as Lily but sadly gets a lot of USELESS screen time just standing there doing nothing.....",0 +"The film deserves a 0, but seeing as I there isn't a 0 I gave it a 1.",0 +"Although this movie was so cliched and predictable the ending was no surprise I was so uninterested I didn't even care why the movie was given the name ""Circus"".......",0 +It doesn't even aspire to this.,0 +This film simply has no redeeming features.,0 +Watch that one instead.,0 +This is just a waste of time.,0 +Acting is bad.,0 +He gets his ass handed to him about every other scene by the thugs wanting his land so he gets drunk through the entire film.,0 +"It's your typical chop-socky, complete with ridiculous dialouge, mega-corny villains, apocalyptic sound editing, and a camera that begs for your attention.",0 +"Despite virtually non-stop action, the film is utterly clichéd and unintentionally funny - with a campy villain, to boot, in Christopher George.",0 +A poor effort all around.,0 +"This movie is almost on the same level as the Evil Dead series, but you can only watch this movie once because of shear crappiness.",0 +"The ""ancient"" plot is reminiscent of ""Return Of The Dragon"", and this film is just as inept, but Nero is no Bruce Lee, so ""Enter the Ninja"" is an even worse film.",0 +Totally unconvincing and did not spark the least bit of interest.,0 +Rubbish that only we British can produce!,0 +The film leaves a bad flavor in the mouths of modern movie audiences.,0 +The first is that it is an animal snuff film and I find that whole concept so vile it turns my stomach.,0 +"This is scientific arrogance at it's worst, folks.",0 +All In All The Worst Short Film I Have Ever Seen.,0 +Thomas Edison had no other reason to make this film except to show that film can capture the electrocution of an innocent elephant.,0 +"Even for a short film, the plot was too thin to keep my attention.",0 +"The production design and art direction of ""Reckless"" are fine, but they are services rendered for a completely inane, often alienating screenplay.",0 +"I found it sick, unfunny and just depressing.",0 +I have to say I was very disappointed.,0 +"Not funny, not moving, just fake.",0 +That's why I gave it a rating of 3.,0 +"When she's not on the screen, the movie crawls so badly, I could've sworn it was longer than the 85 minutes that were listed on the tape.",0 +"as for this movie buff of 35 years, it has now provided a ready answer for the worst-film-you've-ever-seen question.",0 +The script isn't good although I've seen worse B-movies.,0 +Kristy Swanson and the rest of the cast rendered terrible performances.,0 +The first question is: how many talentless idiots it takes to screw a movie up?,0 +"I've always liked Madsen, and his character was a bit predictable, but this movie was definitely a waste of time both to watch and make...",0 +"It is too predictable once you figure Swanson's character is going to win out anyway,thus making the film boring and inept.",0 +"Here she is totally one-dimensional character, and the lines gave to her are mostly embarrassingly shallow.",0 +"What I am wondering about is how the people behind this movie managed to make it, in my opinion, so very uninteresting and repetitive and most of the characters flat, in spite of great material and some very good actors.",0 +"Everything after that is just a messy, dreck of a spy movie.",0 +"Lots of films change the ending of a book (Great Expectations, The Shining, etc) but the last two scenes of this one not only manage to be horribly lame, but also render the entire preceding plot completely meaningless.",0 +"In fact, it was a barely believable relationship at best, and at times seemed particularly false and implausible.",0 +"The script is loose and ridiculous most of the time, but the acting seems so forced and wooden and borderline amateurish throughout, that it is almost unbelievable.",0 +This drama drags on to an abrupt and flat finale.,0 +"And a light-bulb in a glass of milk may make fans excited, but it can't save a movie this poorly made.",0 +This one fails.,0 +"I realize I'm completely whaling on this film, but I actually just saw it again because I went through the trouble of tracking it down on eBay because of it's sheer infamy of being a BAD cartoon.",0 +"As a kid, I didn't know if I liked the way all the different characters were stuck together (there are some crossovers that just do *not* work).",0 +I do not see any thing earth shattering about the movie.,0 +And the movie had nothing more than that!,0 +"The current actors Lisa Ray (who's just good for squirming in Bombay Dyeing bedsheets) and John Abraham are pathetic, need basic lessons in acting.",0 +Water on the contrary does not progresses at all.,0 +How pathetic....,0 +I wasted my time.,0 +"It's like the director started with a Herschell Lewis style but backed out of the gore scenes when his wife found out, so instead we end up with one dull conversation after the other, and basically, a whole lot of irritating nothing.",0 +Score: 1 out of 10,0 +"The real truth behind the script has NOTHING to do with the movie, which supposedly tells of a blue-faced psychopath out to ""kill"" and make some ugly facial sculptures on his victims.",0 +"Playing out much like something from H.G. Lewis(only with lesser fx), this ""bad"" film does have it's perks.",0 +"All puns aside, the writing for this film was absolute garbage as well, just as the special effects and makeup was laughable.",0 +And thus produced something pretty ordinary.,0 +Taken completely on its own merits Assault is a debacle.,0 +After that his performance loses steam.,0 +"This one is more Hollywood, clichéd, and painful to behold.",0 +"As for name-checking Carpenter, it's pure conceit on the part of the filmmakers that doesn't pay off.",0 +"If it doesn't stand alone as the worst film ever made, it's tied with some other piece of crap.",0 +"All of the characters are overused movie cliché cardboard-box roles that don't even require acting skills; accordingly, such skills are not delivered.",0 +Based on stupidity I guess.,0 +"The female characters are useless, the criminals are all generic hoods, and Gabriel Byrne gives another of his bored performances.",0 +I know the contrived plot turn was suppose to be clever and shocking but it didn't make sense andor was presented properly.,0 +"The writing was horrible, the premise completely implausible, and quite frankly, the characters were embarrassing.",0 +It was just wrong.,0 +"However, I will make an exception here, because the plot is SO inane.",0 +"I am extremely disappointed, not at just having watched a bad movie, but at having such a great concept be tainted by a common movie that we've all seen before.",0 +"All of them tried to sell their parts, but all were so poorly written that it was a constant struggle.",0 +This movie really isn't inspiring enough to write 10 lines!,0 +I admit I could not watch all of it - too stupid for words.,0 +"Overall, ignore this special.",0 +This is a truly awful movie.,0 +If Jacqueline McKenzie and John Lynch weren't such talented actors this film would probably be even worse than it actually is.,0 +"Maybe it was the acting but I found myself convinced as to why this film is ""unknown and underrated"": It's boring, there is no plot or basic story and the acting is horrible.",0 +These 85 long minutes were VERY boring and didn't contribute anything to the film.,0 +He eventually gets there but it takes the whole film before we are able to have a laugh at the Russian style of Revolution in Mars.,0 +"This is just, well, silly.",0 +The rest of the time you will see some very drawn out scenes filled with boring dialogue in some less than impressive locations.,0 +This film however was boring pretentious crap.,0 +"Than we get to Africa and Tobruk, pretty bad, low budget stuff.",0 +"His exploitation of the old peddler is dull and predictable and the revelation that he will murder the old man is totally unconvincing, making the whole slippery shoes scene seem completely false.",0 +"I don't mind some adult humor, but this feature was just downright dirty.",0 +"There is no depth, no valid attempt at drawing emotions out of the audience and simply no artistic value to the film.",0 +Half the film is nothing more than circus performances.,0 +"this movie is full of corny dialogue, over the top acting, and a threadbare script.",0 +I want to rate it as 2 out of ten because you have to admit it has been totally ruined by the people who took the bill over.,0 +"Ravi Chopra wrote this film 40 years back, wanted to cast Dilip Kumar in the leadThe film finally was re-written and made in 2003 and hence the subject looks dated and too superficial at timesLike the reason Amitabh-Hema separate is too superficial even the way the youth are shown is too bad like Gulshan in AVTAARThe message though comes well but things are presented in a clichéd manner Salman's character is the worst, looks straight out of a storybook while the climax speech of Bachchan is good and also the final of not forgiving the sons is goodRavi Chopra does a good job Music is decent, the songs sung by Bachchan stand outAmitabh excels like always, he has played an elder stern father earlier but here he plays a victim and portrays it well His last speech is great Hema is good in her part Aman Verma stands out Samir Soni is okay, Naseer and the rest sons and wives are decent though Divya Dutta stands out Salman Khan is fake, Mahima is okay Paresh and Lillete are lovable",0 +I find this movie very resentful.,0 +What it tries to show you is only ONE side of the story.,0 +"Then, virtually without any warning, the screenplay turns on a dime and converts the kids into callous, self-centered monsters and the parents into passive, whiny victims of that callousness.",0 +hema was not convincing as a 60 yr old either...,0 +"This ridiculous event doesn't even add any tension, since the other runners are not close, and besides at this point you have been numbed into a state of catatonia.",0 +"Even if you aren't a running fan you'll be astonished by the insanely inaccurate portrayal of running, and this movie is only watchable as unintentional comedy.",0 +But it's poorly directed and shabbily written.,0 +"But even making allowance for this piece of junk being 25 years old and its attempt at homage to the 1950's it just suffers in almost aspect, by which we judge films.",0 +"This hideous excuse for a motion picture makes ""Plan 9 From Outer Space"" look well thought out.",0 +Extremely disappointing.,0 +The supporting cast is distinctly unmemorable.,0 +""" These should have been the lyrics to the title song of this oh-so inspiring and utterly mindless film.",0 +"MacDonald's songs do not, and the awkward insertion of said songs to show off her only typical talent is not good.",0 +I was expecting to view a more exploitation style of film but unfortunately this turned out to be just a badly made low budget action flick that just doesn't have the talent for that.,0 +"Of course, if you ever wanted to see Heather deliver an uppercut to another woman, use the ""F"" word and get hooked up to battery cables, you've probably been looking for this one.",0 +Left out of the box summary - perhaps out of some faint hope that actual copies of this film would be sold - is how awful the acting is.,0 +"It is pointless to go through the plot, what there was of it, picking out what was wrong, as I haven't got all day & life is to short, which reminds me, I have just lost around 85 minutes of mine watching this tripe.",0 +"Bad acting, bad writing, bad directing, bad fight choreography.",0 +The rest of the movie is just tedious hard to watch filler.,0 +I didn't realize the thing was made in the mid 90's because the film was so grainy and bad I would have sworn this was one of those 30 year old flicks where a porn producer tried to go mainstream.,0 +"It is so bad, instead of making you laugh it makes you angry.",0 +This movie was obviously put together on a shoe string and a promise and there is a nice little idea in here struggling to get out but the execution is so inept that the idea gets lost.,0 +"With the little respect it deserves, I would like to state that this movie was horrible.",0 +The cast of this movie is a cheesy list from Mel and Mamie to the talentless Paul Anka(all I wanted through most of this movie was for him to just STOP SINGING!,0 +"Overall, just a simple sub par 50's flick, but far from the worst movie ever made, with some bright spots in the movie (The Ave Maria sequence was good for me).",0 +I think in a weird way the film just sort of misses.,0 +A very poor example of film making.,0 +But one of the plot twists really doesn't fly with me.,0 +"#Bad make up #terrible sound and sound effects #really bad continuity #cheesy dialogue #one song played through the whole film #stein couldn't act and in my opinion one of the worst I've seen #terrible ending #racist moment and stealing Simpson's character namedthe good points #good costume #police officers seemed to have the best acting exp #the actors with less lines or small roles did appear to be better #good attempt with gorei don't wanna bad mouth the film, its funny to watch cos of these bad points and i think thats what makes this film OK.",0 +"The film is a pathetic attempt to remake Ingmar Bergman's ""Autumn Sonata""(1978) starring Ingrid Bergman,Liv Ullman and Erland Josephson.",0 +– fail miserably and it causes way too much talking and too few jungle-action.,0 +The end is predictable.,0 +"The plot is very simple but, frankly, does not make a whole lot of sense: after a particularly agitated dinner complete with thunderstorm, Burr and Cavanaugh (art imitating life – more on that later) come to blows in the garden over their affection for Payton and, conveniently for Burr, a large snake just happens to be crawling near where Cavanaugh hits the ground!",0 +This movie was cheesy and it was more than that.,0 +"It's not even campy, just really bad.",0 +Of course I have disappeared into the movies.,0 +A student filmmaker could have made a more daring film than this poorly visualized surface performance film.,0 +"The worst aspect of the movie was the level of amateurish parts: from typos in the typed material, to bad jumps and edits, poor camera positions, angles, lighting problems throughout and, most glaringly, a poorly written script with a badly developed concept.",0 +"but very s l o w l y. Even at 88 minutes, the film has obviously been stretched out and padded with various film-school devices, most of which only end up pointlessly interrupting the narrative (which ain't much to begin with) or pointing out the overall amateurish-ness of the film-making.",0 +) but even he couldn't save this mess of a movie.,0 +I was totally the wrong audience.,0 +** from ****,0 +He does nothing with it.,0 +"I love Sterling Hayden in films, but just couldn't recommend this as anything other than a poor time passer.",0 +That's how bad this movie is.,0 +I found the characters tiresome and the satire is old hat.,0 +"The truth is, the movie is infantile in construction, long-winded, and painfully disjointed.",0 +It was just an inside joke that we all immediately got even if it was awful.,0 +The show is crap....,0 +"According to Milan Kundera, a porcelain-cat holding a red rose is denying the crap.",0 +"If you want a good animated show, try The Simpsons, Ren and Stimpy, South Park, this show is just not worth the time or energy it takes to watch this awful MTV series truthfully.",0 +"As for this film, forget it.",0 +"There is some fun to be had from working out what movies are being parodied, but at 104 minutes I found this film a real chore to sit through.",0 +The person who compiled the soundtrack essentially chose the most ear-mutilatingly bad songs they had ever heard and put them in this waste of film stock.,0 +"Towards the end of the film, when we finally get to see the malevolent force that inhabits the field surrounding Gatlin, the film descends into a glut of terrible 80s visual effects that probably looked pretty ropey almost 25 years ago, but look positively laughable nowadays.",0 +"A lot of this outcome can be attributed to the fact that Kiersch almost allows the beginning of the film to become a hacker-slasher show, and then turns the finale into a hocus-pocus special effects nightmare.",0 +It rates a 3.110 from...,0 +"Children of the Corn could've been something great, but turned into a bad over the top movie that you could easily make fun of.",0 +The kids are woefully unconvincing also.,0 +Conclusion: The movie is as bad as the movie about the killer ants!,0 +This movie is by far the worst thing that has ever been produced with Stephen King's name attached to it in any way.,0 +i found this movie to be a complete waste of 96 minutes.,0 +"There is supposedly a happy, romantic comedy ending to this turkey--given the character material they had to work with, I just can't envision it.",0 +A real disappointment.,0 +"In any event, this was a load of bull and not worth your time.",0 +The movie contains annoyingly unfunny jokes and some truly dreadful songs and choreography.,0 +"It's pretty hard to figure out at first because, while we know these guys are up to something, their method of operation just isn't very clear.",0 +"It seemed as though Bela Lugosi was the only decent actor in the film, and, to be honest, the rest of the actors were completely forgettable and stodgy.",0 +"Clayton Moore, a one dimensional actor at best, would become TV's Lone Ranger in a few years.",0 +"Martin is ineffective in finding the killer as he is more interested in the niece (Joan Barclay) of a missing doctor, who is part of the gang.",0 +This film is a dull failure with an incomprehensible structure.,0 +The bottom line is that the film is bad but also very dull.,0 +"Fifth - oh, what's the use?",0 +"The pacing is unbearably slow, the camera work is pretty bland, most of the acting is fairly wooden (even Lugosi isn't great in this one in my opinion) and the plot, while it has an interesting premise, seems to be thrown together in a very difficult to follow manner.",0 +Dr. Melcher operates on six Black Dragon Society operatives and transforms them into exact duplicates of 6 high ranking American businessmen who are replaced by these look-alikes.,0 +The film is just so incredibly poorly done that I really don't think it's worth anyone's time.,0 +It really wasn't good at all.,0 +I rate it a 2 out of 10.,0 +"Story is predictable but does manage to raise a titter on a few occasions, although, the `gross out', meant to be `shock comic' scenes, (one involving an amputated testicle, and another set in a sperm bank) are just plain awful.",0 +"This film is totally unfunny, puerile, has gags from other films, has songs from other films (Blink 182's ""Mutt"", Grand Theft Audio's ""We Luv U""), an unlikeable leading man, a ridiculous plot, and lame parodies of films like Mission Impossible 2 and American Beauty.",0 +"This is movie is garbage, it looked really funny on the previews but I didn't laugh once through the whole movie.",0 +"The plot was laughable, my four year old could write a better movie.",0 +You'll answer their questions and concerns with a blank stare and some mumblings about a runaway testicle.,0 +"Shannon Elizabeth and Jerry O'Connell are both good and make a convincing couple, but the movie is far too busy trying to disgust to be any good.",0 +"How much more of this can we take before aliens from outer space come down here and blow up our planet because we have so many stupid, crass, vulgar, unimaginative, and degrading movies spewing out of Hollywood?",0 +The worst movie I've seen in several years.,0 +There is absolutely NOTHING remotely entertaining in this film.,0 +"The plot is lousy, if existent.",0 +It was funny at some parts and some very nasty.,0 +"Bad acting, bad directing, terrible characters and a shallow story, and that is just for starters.",0 +Let me try to explain just how bad this movie is.,0 +The make-up job on Tiny was so outrageous that he looked like he dumped a jar of spaghetti sauce over his head instead of having it burned to a crisp.,0 +"I don't even know what to say the acting blew, the fire looked really fake, Andy the chicks are'nt exactly supermodels.",0 +"What you can expect from this: bad acting, cheap effects, and a story that goes nowhere (like the bikes and fire go nowhere).",0 +I wasted my time.,0 +It is inaccurate and poorly acted.,0 +The movie steamrolled over events that should have been mentioned and mentioned events that could have been omitted.,0 +The movie deals mostly with the off camera high points and pit falls of the Stooges multi decade career.,0 +"Plus, lousy editing caused a terrible and most unforgivable error.",0 +I tended to find this movie very enervating and soulless.,0 +"I am deeply disappointed, one of the most pompous, pseudo-religious, highly improbable and naive films.",0 +I'm sorry but even for the 80's that's just way too cheesy to be remotely scary...,0 +Otherwise it was not good at all.,0 +it's like the worst Warholian BEEP I ever saw!,0 +To this day it stands out to me as the worst movie I have ever seen.,0 +There wasn't anything really going for it.,0 +"But as it stands, it's another example of shock horror clutching at the last straws of the pile in a desperate effort to make a poor film generate more hype.",0 +"There's the stilted acting, the atrocious dialogue, the half baked plot and like its companion piece way too much in the way of on screen animal slaughter that was actually done.",0 +I give The Brave One a 1.5 out of 4.,0 +The script is very bad with lot of holes and the direction too.,0 +Spend the time with your family instead of watching this drek.,0 +"TBO is a movie with substantial actors, financing and resources that manages to descend to junk.",0 +This one is a bit too long.,0 +"All this makes for a fairly poor movie- but the ""dragon lady"" does more to drag the movie into subterranean stinker territory than anyone or anything else.",0 +"Well, mix crap acting (including one bloody infuriating woman who speaks as though she's either a) chewing painfully on some ice cubes or b) has just woken up after having undergone some extensive root canal surgery), editing that would appear to donate that the celluloid was cut and spliced via the utilisation of an angle grinder, some truly hopelessly choreographed martial arts 'action', a script that has ostensibly been written by a two year old and some of the most hideous and intrusively loud background music ever committed to any film and hey presto you have Death Machines aka The Ninja Murders (although note that surprise, surprise – there are in fact no actual ninja anywhere to be found in this sodding travesty!",0 +There is action in the film but it is not that exciting and the plot staggers from one cliché to another.,0 +"It fails to adhere to any sort of movie making convention which makes it strangely interesting to watch- just lots of people getting killed around a very loose plot surrounding hired killers - no ""machines"" as such and those weird facemountain things on the front cover and the trailer do not appear!",0 +"Death Machines is bad by any measure, and pretty boring, which is an even worse crime.",0 +"I'm from Texas so I thought I knew big hair, but the female villain in this movie had humongous hair.",0 +"After seeing movies like MALIBU BEACH, THE CREEPING TERROR and THE PINK ANGELS, it is hard to say that this is the worst film ever made; but, it doesn't have much going for it.",0 +What a terrible movie!,0 +"The story is tissue-thin here, and one gets what one might expect: lots of leering and suggestive comments(surprisingly most from the female lead), special effects that are not so special, acting that lacks depth of characterization, and not really much action or suspense.",0 +"Low budget, but still creepy enough to hold your interest in another take off on the familiar Frankenstein story.",0 +"So final word, it's not the worst movie i've seen on this pack, but it's a tad boring, and full of many many holes and random things.",0 +Intensely suckable material.,0 +"But bad writing, acting and a budget of $17.46 conspired to make this a drab and awful flick--one so bad that tossing in some nudity for the pervs out there shouldn't be enough to entice anyone to see it.",0 +The creature itself looks a bit dodgy and Cotten is a bit too old to be taken seriously as an eager scientist still dabbling in creating life-forms out of corpses (one would have thought that he would have made himself an army of them by now and not struggling at perfecting his technique still) but Ms. Neri does look good in and out of costume and reliable Herbert Fux probably comes off best as a lecherous grave-robberblackmailer.,0 +"A few nudes, several botched bits of dialogue, no tension at all.",0 +"The MooCow says avoid this corpse of a film, and find something that mooves at moore of a full...",0 +Is there anything good about the film?,0 +You'll just mess up the mojo.,0 +What lousy and unwatchable cartoons that were thrust upon us by these hacks!,0 +"As such, the script was very, very poorly written.",0 +"The rest of the characters were boring, predictable, boring, underdeveloped, boring and boring.",0 +"This movie spends most of its time preaching that it is the script that makes the movie, but apparently there was no script when they shot this waste of time!",0 +"But ""Shoot or be Shot"" doesn't have any flair or funny bits, unintentional or not.",0 +"What ""Graduation Day"" amounts to is an exercise in poor, low-budget film-making with bad acting, bad writing, pointless characters, pointless scenes, unneeded nudity, cheesy dialogue, and an experiment in editing that didn't work so well.",0 +"It is watchable if your curious about it, just not creative.",0 +Rather leisurely paced slasher spreads out the death sequences quite a bit trying to mix humor within and rather failing miserably.,0 +"The direction, plot and its execution are all very mundane; and I will say that unless you're a big Troma fan or someone that wants to track down every slasher ever made; don't bother with this film.",0 +Not even the gore is worth mentioning.,0 +"Like Linnea Quigley screwing the music teacher and getting busted with a joint, 30 year-old actors playing teenagers, and of course...",0 +"Six months after high-school sprinter Laura dies during a race, a killer begins to murder the rest of the track team using a variety of sports equipment as weapons: that's the daft plot of early 80s slasher Graduation Day, a lacklustre addition to the genre that offers very little in the way of style, originality or decent gore.",0 +"But, the direction was horrible, made worse by offensively bad cinematography.",0 +Won't this guy die?,0 +"The script must be one of the most incoherent ones I ever beheld, with loads of red herrings and sub plots that go absolutely nowhere and death sequences that are almost too cheesy for words!",0 +This film is cheap.,0 +Pretty lame and awful slasher about someone killing the members of a high school track team after their star runner dies during a meet.,0 +"this was a pretty sub par slasher movie, no suspense, no story, some cool deaths, almost seemed on the amateur side, i usually like movies like that, but it just didn't click with me, now i will watch ""Xtro"" for the 1st time and have a margarita!",0 +"Completely devoid of any merit whatsoever, this 1981 hodgepodge of unformed ideas is amateurishly directed, poorly acted, and, in every sense, an unmitigated embarrassment to horror cinema.",0 +"This movie was sheer, slow, plodding torture.",0 +This one just fails to create any real suspense.,0 +"It brings absolutely nothing new (or even good) to the slasher table, instead opting to merely unleash the most god-awful song I've heard in quite some time with ' Gangster Rock' being played in a roller-disco party that went on far too long.",0 +"Speaking '96 computers, ridiculous acting, and wheelchair chases - and we have young Tarantinos who can't get their ideas financed.",0 +"Anyway, to sum up: the plot is pretty predictable, the acting bad, the killer quite guessable.",0 +The editing of this movie jumped around nonsensically from one unrelated thing to another with zero pacing or motivation.,0 +The editing of this movie jumped around nonsensically from one unrelated thing to another with zero pacing or motivation.,0 +Ohhhh MAN this movie is awful!,0 +"It's a dreary, miserable movie that leaves a bad taste in the mouth.",0 +You just need to see this as a poorly executed anti abortion propaganda and you will realize just how bad it really is.,0 +What a disappointment!,0 +This movie is a gigantic disappointment.,0 +"Though, I am just plain out disappointed with the lack of originality and horror that the first season's episodes possessed.",0 +"Another Masters of Horror, another disappointment.",0 +"-- didn't have any compulsion whatsoever in presenting the different heterosexual couples in the most passionate embraces including nudity and super close-ups of French kissing and all sorts of nude contortions in bed, completely unnecessary in their length and in the story, when the moment came to show the same experiences with the homosexual couple, they only dare to go as far as an excruciatingly painful hug, almost among scholarly giggles, with two very nervous actors.",0 +That's because of the outdated style of acting and the pathetic way its hackneyed themes are visualised.,0 +Also the film is full of disgusting bathroom humor that is just revolting and not even remotely funny.,0 +THis is a spoof of the 1970s black exploitation films and is purposefully done badly.,0 +The script is full of holes from beginning to end.,0 +"convoluted, lousy screenplay, camera, editing, and most of all acting which is subpar for Coyote, etc.",0 +"As for the main proceedings, the writers just didn't know how to create the suitable guilty-or-innocent tension for Kinski's character -- instead they gave us confusion, contradiction and, by the finale, downright let's-hope-the-viewers-don't-notice claptrap.",0 +"Patsy Kensit is so-so but not too convincing in some scenes, and the supposed poetry she spouts in a particular scene in her Hotel Room is utterly meaningless rubbish.",0 +So boring that it induces sleep and yet so ludicrous that it made me wonder how stuff like this gets made.,0 +"OK, It's watchable, because the main characters are very sexy, but the acting is awful.",0 +I don't buy it.,0 +This movie lacks any type of opening hook and for the most part it`s very very slow .,0 +I gave it 1 out of 10.,0 +"So many fans, so little to show for it.",0 +And there's a professor who always wears a priest scarf for no reason.,0 +"When Hollywood is trying to grasp what an ""intelligent person"" is like, they fail so miserably, finding it hard putting words in the mouth of the purported ""genius"".",0 +I sat down through 2 hours of pure boredom.,0 +"This movie is so predictable when you know the modern American dream: Do nothing, be a loser and then suddenly...",0 +"For the first half of the movie, there just doesn't seem to be much going on.",0 +It's all just gray and bland.,0 +I generally loved the Carry on movies but this one is actually pretty awful.,0 +Okay!,0 +"frankly I thought this was worse than Carry on Columbus , enough said .",0 +was boring and had no purpose other than further exploration of his character.,0 +Nothing at all to drum up any excitement for next season.,0 +I found this movie to be down right appalling.,0 +That's how BAD this movie is!,0 +But Albright is not that director and merely places the fascinating character of Luther in tedious slasher trappings.,0 +"Then we get treated to a long winded and boring movie, with awful acting all the way through, before a useless cop turns up to try and kill Luther once and for all!",0 +By halfway through the movie you'll be so lethargic to the fates of the half-wits that only morbid curiosity will sustain you to last to the mildly amusing ending.,0 +"However, this is still the dumbest movie ever made, destined to be introduced by Gilbert Godfreid or Rhonda Shearer, if it hasn't been already.",0 +This is probably one of the worst movies I have ever seen!,0 +This movie was so awful that I can't even describe it.,0 +The daughter is so pathetic and seemingly stupid that if she was mine I'ld slap her.,0 +Whitey Styles' screenplay may just be the worst ever written.,0 +"The idea is interesting, but the script is SO underdeveloped that each character becomes a mistaken creation of evolution and people do indeed to the dumbest films in the film.",0 +"Luther, recently paroled (revealed to us by an arguing parole board in one of the most laughably scenes of all time), runs amuck at the local Kroger grocery by eating an old woman's neck with his metal teeth.",0 +What I do have qualms with is how bad this movie is.,0 +It apparently took Braff 3 years to write the script for Garden State (3 years to write a script this bad - he really is inept!,0 +little did i know that the only cool thing about this cliché-driven turd was precisely its trailer.,0 +"The disjointed plot may have been more engaging if it weren't interspersed with pointless scenes that were nothing more than ""quirky"".",0 +"Wave after wave of directionless nausea - this film wants and at first promises to be quirky and original but is in fact obvious, solipsistic and mired in cliché-driven dialogue which builds to a crecendo of awfulness and cheese by the end.",0 +It doesn't.,0 +The story is often times too thin and shallow to provide any real insight.,0 +But this is one of his worst.,0 +Then it just slides downhill with silly and intelligence-insulting scenes involving trappers and Indians.,0 +What a load of leftest excrement!,0 +"Okay, make no mistake - this is a pretty awful film, but I actually thought it had a couple of creepy scenes and overcame its pathetic budget every now and then.",0 +"(""I used to be a nurse, now I'm not much of anything"".",0 +OK -The plot is a shambles with no continuity to speak of.,0 +Adding to this travesty is the most plodding delivery of lines that I can recollect.,0 +There really isn't much there to recommend this film.,0 +"So bizarre it's watchable, and you can smell the drive-in popcorn.",0 +But sadly to say this wasn't made very well.,0 +It just seems to drag on and on.,0 +"First of all, the acting is horrible.",0 +"This movie definitely ranks in my cellar of all time worst movies with such horrible sacrileges as ""The Manipulator"", the worst movie I have ever seen with an actual (one time) Hollywood leading man-Mickey Rooney.",0 +If it was possible to give negative stars I would for this stinkburger.,0 +"Honestly, I think they simply took the opportunity to row away from this hideous film while the had the chance.",0 +"The ""special effects"", which took place in someone's bathtub, further doom this film to the dung heap.",0 +This is predictable black and white sci-fi.,0 +It was cheap.,0 +"This is a very low budget film, set in one location in a valley shielded by the effects of radiation.",0 +"The story is dreary; the plot is very weak and has clearly been filmed on a low budget, as was often the case in those days.",0 +"This movie's only redeeming factor was the fact that it was on TV for free, and that it probably helped the Romanian economy.",0 +This is one of the worst movies I've seen in my life.,0 +"To me, the acting is poor, and plot is poor, there's just not much value at all for the adult viewer.",0 +One can only hope that at least one deliberate decision was made in the course of this hopelessly amateurish video.,0 +"It was so bad, I can only remember the scenes that just made me die laughing.",0 +The lighting was terrible and the acting was absolutely unrelentlessly bad.,0 +The acting is mediocre at best and everyone breathes too heavily about everything.,0 +"It's schmaltzy, but then what else did you expect?",0 +The only highlight was the alligator seen during a very long and boring motorcycle race.,0 +"And, there is far too much superfluous footage on display.",0 +It is a VERY poorly directed and badly filmed piece of junk that I was afraid I brain dysfunction after watching it...,0 +"This tame, exploitation thriller is boring and pointless and is only mildly amusing for old-school, camp value.",0 +Not even worth checking out just to see how bad it is.,0 +What could've been an exciting motorcycle race is dulled by the mass of landscape and animal footage that is inserted in it to draw out the films running time.,0 +The motorcycle challenge happens for no real reason other than an action sequence.,0 +not only was the name a complete misnomer--since the film has next to nothing to do with piranhas--but the acting is as hollow and stale as the attempt to actually make some kind of plot.,0 +"The acting is terrible, and the writing is worse.",0 +It is so bad it's not even funny to watch.,0 +"This is one of those films where senseless things take place only to fill up screen time, such as the girl chasing sequence at the beginning, and the long silly motorcycle race.",0 +I was reminded of that moment while I watched the opening of this piece of crap.,0 +"This is one of those films where senseless things take place only to fill up screen time, such as the girl chasing sequence at the beginning, and the long silly motorcycle race.",0 +"Unfortunately, the movie continues to muddy things up to the very end, as if a minute of footage was lost - a confusing, incomplete climax.",0 +A complete waste of time and money.,0 +"The performances ranged from too melodramatic or just plain dull, and that's probably because these characters are unconvincing, stale and coma inducing.",0 +"There's plenty of special effects, but the movie itself is hollow and its faux melodrama will only ""touch"" those who are easy to, well, touch to begin with.",0 +"This was produced to coincide with the 1984 Los Angeles Olympic Games and, to me, it seemed like nothing more than an exercise in jingoistic, flag-waving American nationalism in which the American athletes are glorified at everyone else's expense.",0 +This attitude does very little service to the Olympic ideals that the film is supposed to celebrate.,0 +Scarcely an accurate moment in 4 hours of ridiculosity.,0 +Being a Greek and putting a bad mark to a movie whose title is also Greek is something that doesn't make me happy at all.,0 +Creepy.,0 +"The music is equally tedious, limited mostly to one mawkish piano tune and a chorale sung by boys during the credits.",0 +"As for the documentary, the filmmakers don't appear to have any POV and the film is poorly structured and wildly uneven.",0 +"See yourself look in the mirror and ask, "" Why am I wasting time watching this mess""?",0 +The remainder of the film is grumbling and in-fighting and commentary by Porn Producer ChiChi LaRue and the film slowly sinks into repetition and doldrums.,0 +The movie is useless.,0 +** from ****,0 +"The movie was dull, boring, completely incoherent from beginning to end, pretentious, and devoid of any conceivable plot.",0 +seem obtuse and just plain silly without the salvation of any humour or pertinency.,0 +The source material is almost completely faded to an ugly brown.,0 +Not easy to watch.,0 +"I was hoping that Pulp would be a interesting movie, but was profoundly disappointed.",0 +If your interest in films is purely superficial then you would best avoid this one.,0 +The ending is terrible and somewhat predictable considering how stupid he is in the whole movie.,0 +Unfortunately this movie is one where I fail miserably-and the fact that there's barely one positive review on this board shows many IMDb reviewers share my pain.,0 +"Fairly dim and pallid, with poor photography and no suspense or scares whatsoever.",0 +"With its few touches of surrealism, LWHTRB works as low-grade horror, but as a major follow-up statement to the original, it flounders miserably.",0 +"The music by Charles Bernstein is suitably creepy, but so over-used, it's ends up being intrusive rather than effective.",0 +"However, when compared to this mess it looks a whole heck of a lot better.",0 +It is so bad it's almost not even funny...,0 +When it ambiguously got there I was very disappointed.,0 +"Other than that it's dull, silly and needless.",0 +"Easily one of the worst movies ever made, like it's lame predecessor, it goes nowhere fast.",0 +The failure of the film lies in the conflict between the two threads.,0 +"This movie was no exception; the dialogue was just, well, blah.",0 +Jean-Pierre Limousin presumably had the chance to explore the problems of amnesia on a serious level and opted instead to use it as an excuse to make a soft-porn movie.,0 +"Much of the plot line, if you can find a plot, of this film is contrived.",0 +"Gus tries to be minimalist and artistic, but the final result is just boring and uninteresting.",0 +"the acting is simply terrible, but the rest of the film is worse.",0 +"It is so poorly done and no where close to dramatic, artsy, complex, well written, well preformed, or even bearable.",0 +A gratuitous slow motion shot of *nothing happening.,0 +this movie is honestly the worst piece of rubbish i have ever seen.,0 +"It was disjointed with random cuts from the main story to kids in a skate park, the story it's self made no sense.",0 +"If it is a teenage drama, there is not enough drama, and as far as teenagers are concerned, there is not enough NOFX and too much Nino Rota.",0 +The plot feels unsatisfactory to me...,0 +"This movie is awful, I can't even be bothered to write a review on this garbage!",0 +Simply just a really bad film.,0 +This movie was so bad it looked like a home movie.,0 +To date this is still the worst piece of rubbish I've ever viewed.,0 +"For instance when the lead character rents a warehouse, the film spends a ridiculous amount of time on this scene, with meaningless dialogue which serves no real purpose or necessity to the plot.",0 +"please steer well clear of it, it is just so poorly made, i counted only 5 different people in it, and the scene where he kills her is so unrealistic and they only swear in it and thats it!",0 +"This movie was so bad If anyone out their who starred in the movie are reading this including the director,i HATE YOU!",0 +Overall i think that this show is Unrealistic and cheap.,0 +This one got nothing of it!,0 +"I was completely bored and tempted to use the FF button of the DVD, but I resisted and wasted 90 minutes of my life watching this never-ending crap on a Saturday night.",0 +The acting isn't even worth mentioning.,0 +"Since the supernatural elements of CULT make absolutely no sense, it is useful to study the mundane content of this film to truly appreciate how much this flick really sucks!",0 +"The plot of this run-of-the-mill short is inconsequential, the dialogue lacks spark, while the acting is no better and no worse than that found in most war-themed Hollywood movies of the 1940s (in other words, it's awful).",0 +"Tries to be funny, never is, tries to be dark and isn't, tries to be stylish and is just bland.",0 +"It was contrived, unrealistic and not even interesting.",0 +"Lynn Collins role of a ""stripper with a heart"" was well acted, but the character was simultaneously absurd and clichéd, not to mention there was zero chemistry between her and Ribisi.",0 +The 3 actors & the young ladies in the film all have done & deserve better than this..,0 +This must rate with the worst films I have ever seen.,0 +There were absolutely NO laughs at all and an inordinate amount of gratuitous profanity (are there REALLY radio announcers allowed to broadcast the sort of filth that Steve Jones dishes out?,0 +The dialogues were uninspired and devoid of meaning.,0 +"well, I suppose, that not only is it really bad, but it makes absolutely no sense.",0 +but as the whole things is so laughable it just doesn't work.,0 +The direction is pretty amateur and the shot framing and use of distance in the shots is rather clumsy.,0 +"Aside from that it lacks ideas for any storytelling and goes into ridiculous ""moronic-nonsense-but-he-it's-art-stuff"".",0 +"The script and performances often teeter between ridiculous, hokey and kinda clichéd.",0 +"I suppose that to say this is an all-out terrible movie would be unfair, but it's pretty bad.",0 +"It has no discernible structure or flow at all; instead, it consists of a series of awkwardly strung-together scenes of Lizzie screaming, then ends.",0 +"In my opinion this movie moved too fast, and it was way too dramatic.",0 +The director apparently was on Prozac when directing this imitation of a movie and hence let the movie go on autopilot making it an unbearable mess.,0 +"The film finally isn't able to get either of these messages across compellingly, and that's too bad.",0 +What we get instead is poorly acted hysteria dressed up with a stereotypical try hard eighties veneer.,0 +"Think of her performances in mediocre to bad films like Monster, Sleepy Hollow, and Woody Allen's Anything Else- also co-starring Jason Biggs, and now picture another actress in her role, and immediately the films could seem better, if not great.",0 +"Otherwise, it isn't very interesting.",0 +The forced attempt at introspective narration was as ludicrous as the pained interactions between her and the people around her.,0 +"The film however, began at Harvard, and literally threw the audience straight in with no real explanation of what was going on.",0 +But none of those superficial explanations are satisfactory.,0 +"This film is just as bad as ""The Birdman of Alcatraz"".",0 +Pure bunk.,0 +"To be honest, I can't blame them for trying to resurrect the fans from the original series, but it just didn't work, as evidenced by the fact that it lasted one season.",0 +"Also, the humor was forced and poor - granted I only watched a few of the episodes, because that was all I COULD watch, but I think I got the idea.",0 +It really starts to suck when the film introduces Rodney King-like racial tension between two bad actors dressed as cops and an angry black man who can't understand why the fire department is busy with this large river of flowing lava.,0 +The characters were paper-thin.,0 +"And to finish off this monstrosity of a film, they come up with the most illogical solution, stopping a lava flow with cement K rails.",0 +Hard to believe somebody read the scripts for this and allowed all this talent to be wasted.,0 +"The movie looks chaotic, has a storyline which is hard to follow or believe and the acting was very bad.",0 +The acting makes Arnie look like a RSC thespian.,0 +"The cast go through the motions with some terrible dialogue & ridiculous set-pieces to contend with, Tommy Lee Jones deserves better than this.",0 +"In conclusion, I will not bother with this movie because a volcano in Los Angeles is nothing but nonsense.",0 +Isn't that by far passing the good taste standards?,0 +I was wrong.,0 +But what a damp squib.,0 +"In Volcano, the concept goes up in smoke almost as quickly as the city.",0 +Their performances are so unbelievably poor that it makes the entire movie even worse.,0 +This movie is a real waste of time and effort.,0 +"Even if you attempt to suspend disbelief by ignoring this ludicrous premise, you'll still be howling with laughter at the inane dialog, nonsensical plot contrivances, and wildly reckless scientific plot holes that parade across the screen.",0 +"A horrible mish mash of predictable story lines and toe-bendingly poor delivered PC clichés ad nauseam (races working together, the heroine being smart as well pretty, a guy sacrificing himself to save another life, a fatherdaughter relationship etc etc etc).",0 +after wasting my time it wastes more of your time.,0 +"Without that connection, I was just left with a few unremarkable short stories.",0 +I didn't get it.,0 +"It feels like there's more than one truly touching story hidden in the script, but at face value it's a truckload of wasted story lines and sentimental bullshit.",0 +This tactic is unrelentingly repetitive and tedious.,0 +"The Moon isn't a particularly colourful subject and to be honest, a lot of the 3D effects were lost in the monochrome scenery.",0 +This movie is a waste of time.,0 +"The narrative tries to incorporate many different story elements into the film, but this results in portions of the movie becoming underdeveloped as well as lacking any real sense of coherency.",0 +Alex Man is a cartoon villain he's so over-the-top which at times can be intriguing but the writing here is so flat that he just comes across as a garden-variety nut.,0 +Also confusing is the fact that 1994 is given as the copyright dates on both films.,0 +The direction and editing failed to maintain my attention.,0 +"Unfortunately, by putting it all together in such a slipshod manner, one is left with a very negative impression of the film overall.",0 +"Those who wish to prove that in his early days Welles was the luckiest of young men because he surrounded himself with the likes of John Houseman, Herman Mankewiecz, Greg Toland, Bernard Hermann and Robert Wise need no better proof of his adult inadequacies than this mess of a film.",0 +This film is terrible no matter how you slice it.,0 +"This is pathetic, originality is completely dead, instead of trying to formulate a new idea what we receive is a bland re-do of an old plot line and to ""switch it up"" we just change the gender or race of the original character it's moronic and everyone should be sick and tired of seeing it ...",0 +"There could even be a somewhat better movie in the midst of all of this- perhaps just in the undercooked subplot with Terence Howard's detective, who is involved in some custody battle of a child that isn't his and a woman who he's not linked to and a step-father who, I don't know what aside from owning parking lots and being a bad dude- but we're left to a script that's both ham-fisted and disjointed with logic.",0 +"Even-though the production value was good, the ill written story just compounded on top of the bad performance of the actors, and there is even a half-hearted attempts to a twist to the ending of the movie, which ends up quite confusing.",0 +"Then it goes completely downhill and turns into a whole catalog of ""your basic slasher clichés"".",0 +This is just plain boring and it'd been done totally without any imagination.,0 +"Anyway, the real premise of the film is pretty idiotic, and the ending not only doesn't make sense, it...",0 +Rating: 2 out of 5.,0 +This dribble of a film was nothing more than the typical 'group of teens killed someone accidentally now that someone is hauntingkilling them off 20 years later' crap that has been shoved down our throats for decades.,0 +") I dunno, this was so boring that at some point about halfway through I just stopped it, put it away, and watched something else.",0 +"But everything was shamefully spoiled by bad direction, awful casting and a painfully bad (exposition, exposition!",0 +"In fact, it makes it worse.",0 +"For more than 90 minutes this film is just a collection of clichés, bad acting, stupid ideas and disclosures, complete lack of suspense, stupid deaths, terrible special effects; all this in a pathetic and unoriginal plot… until the last three minutes, where, FINALLY, a good idea appeared!",0 +"Well, the film was so dull in my opinion.",0 +"This garbage is a prime example of what kind of lame, random, uninspired, last minute, generic plot twists have become the norm since movies like ""The Sixth Sense"" and ""The Others"" were released.",0 +This has to be one of worst (if not the worst) movie I have ever seen.,0 +Much of the special effects are low grade and there is almost zero believability in the final battle.,0 +And his scripts are not much better either.,0 +it's the worst movie i've ever seen (i'm being a nice guy when i call it movie).,0 +This was crap from every possible angle.,0 +"Obviously shot for television or STV, this amateurish rehash KRULL has several stock characters -- a magician, an assassin, a warrior, a scientist -- on the trail of something or other in order to defeat the Dark Forces about to be unleashed on their planet.",0 +"Otherwise, I'd bore to death.",0 +This film is ridiculous!,0 +"The show is tame, and the editing sucks.",0 +"Not the best of the WIP's, but not the worst either.",0 +* from ****,0 +It also hurt my eyes to see Linda Blair in this exploitation flick.,0 +Makes you forget what a terrible movie you're watching.,0 +I certainly couldn't.,0 +"However, no matter how much I love their films, I just can't recommend this film.",0 +Then there is this one which value just keeps sinking.,0 +"The voice-overs were obviously done in a sound studio, and the editing between the exterior shots and the closeups was horrendous.",0 +"A very boring, tedious film.",0 +"Lost is the exciting and unpredictable storyline, and instead, in its place, is bland predictability with the obvious attempts at audience manipulation by a superficial pretentious production and distribution team.",0 +"Directorscreenwriter Jess Franco crucially fails to inject any style or vigor into the generally blah and meandering proceedings, allowing the sluggish pace to crawl along at an often agonizingly slow clip and staging the infrequent action scenes with a singular lack of skill and panache.",0 +The picture quality on the German DVD I watched is poor.,0 +This movie just reeks of low budget buffoonery.,0 +"Tawdry and unrelentingly dull, even by Franco's standards, this wearisome piece of trash fails on almost every level: the story is a dreadfully dull derivative of Edgar Rice Burrough's Tarzan, albeit with a feminine twist; the film appears to have been filmed in the local botanical gardens, although grainy stock footage is poorly integrated into the film in a pointless effort to convince viewers that the action is really taking place in Africa; and the death scenes are virtually bloodless (Franco can usually be relied upon for some splatter, but despite initial appearances, this isn't a cannibal movie and it isn't that gory).",0 +"Let's face it, this film is basically just an excuse to have the ravishingly hot (and underage…) actress Katja Bienert parade around topless.",0 +Some of the emotional arguments between the family were less convincing than the sub-par suspense scenes.,0 +"This movie started out with the makings of a pretty solid ""ghost"" story; however, the plot twist at the end just ruined it completely.",0 +I'm glad at least the crows in this sorry film turned out to have the some brains!,0 +"Overall, this lame horror film is not worth watching because of it's blandness and lazy film-making.",0 +The movie was so predictable.,0 +"It's nothing but a rewarmed ""Sixth Sense,"" and as long as that picture is still available, there is no reason on Earth to pay money to see this turkey.",0 +The story concludes with disappointment.,0 +All of the interactions come across as awkwardly stilted.,0 +"Roughly translated, this means it's a boring, overlong and entirely gore-free film, but it does feature copious amounts of false scares and embarrassingly weak ""did we scare you yet""?",0 +The moments of danger had no gravity to them and until the ending really just stood in as filler.,0 +My Take: Yet another lame PG-13 horror movie with predictable scare tactics and a derivative plot.,0 +"Not only did this movie suck, but some a$$hole answered his cell phone, dumb morons were making noise AND the movie sucked.",0 +Still the plot is a carbon copy of many ghost stories and the ending is anti-climatic and stupefyingly awful.,0 +"This movie was trying to something, but failed miserably.",0 +repeat ONE original plot line or special effect in this blah movie.,0 +"If I could've gave it a zero, I would've.",0 +"With every frame movie gets more and more predictable, a big disappointment.",0 +The performances and the screenplay are totally stupid.,0 +It is absolute torture to sit through this drivel.,0 +Theres not much you can really say about this film except that it was crap and probably the worst film i have ever been to see!,0 +His acting is completely bland and clueless.,0 +The jokes were delivered without any sort of chemistry between characters which made the movie crawl by.,0 +"It is a complete failure, an unintentional perfect caricature of the typical Russian art movie.",0 +The storyline of this TV version is ludicrous and just plain stupid!,0 +"Neither Hope nor Crosby came across all that well, their characters weren't very charming, the movie was not funny at all, most of the dialog was just lame filler, there wasn't much action, there wasn't much spectacle.",0 +It was REALLY that bad.,0 +"I hardly find a good thing to say about it, but still I would like to explain, before I conclude it is just another bad movie.",0 +** from ****,0 +I thought it was bad.,0 +"But seen in 2003, the flic is allAmerican-trying-to-be-artsy-and-not-be-Hollywood-while-shooting-beautiful-sh ots-of-the-French-Riviera-and-three-pretty-young-people-in-their-cute-old-ca r. I enjoyed the view (both the actors and the nature) but the movie is boring and pretentious while trying to be the opposite.",0 +Thus for me the movie was a disappointment.,0 +"What the movie lacks is deep insight of the characters in it, I know that it is almost impossible to make a good film out of a good book, and it didn't work here eighter, mostly the motivation of the characters is left hazy at best.",0 +"This movie is a really, profoundly bad movie, and we're not talking cult-movie-bad here.",0 +"It truly deserves to be on the IMDb list of the 100 worst of all time, and has never left the top 3 on my personal ""worst"" list.",0 +"But the acting is cardboard, the music is repetitive (I got through the latter half of the movie listening to a soundtrack from another film), you have to wait almost twenty minutes for any dialog and then it is awkward and amateur.",0 +The acting in this movie is terrible.,0 +"The primary figure of this story (at least extensively), performs his routines with nearly no dialog, no insight, and nothing else to carry the viewer.",0 +The two main characters are dismal actors and once again that would be okay if this were a student film.,0 +Horrible acting.,0 +However this movie disappointed me from any perspectives.,0 +I recommend this film only to those who are impressed by pretentious film-making.,0 +"Boring as hell, not what I expected.",0 +"Watch 'The Mask', but do not, I repeat do NOT, watch this hunk of junk.",0 +"It is filled with unpleasant humor, strange animation and jokes that don't quite take you anywhere besides a state of confusion.",0 +This is without a doubt the worst movie I have ever seen.,0 +What the hell is this movie about?,0 +"He clearly is trying to make the material work, playing the desperate dad but the script is so poor, the only thing that spews out that is worthwhile was my drink after seeing this.",0 +I only regret the price of the popcorn and the two hours of my life wasted on this garbage film.,0 +"The characters are not fun to watch, and what's worse, they're not funny.",0 +"Enough's enough people, this sequel-itis has got to stop and the Hollywood people need to start getting their act together or start distributing the much-better foreign product that's floating in limbo.",0 +The acting is pretty bad.,0 +"His attempts to act ""crazy"" are not very good and overall acting is poor.",0 +I wish I could give it this film a 0 rating.,0 +"This movie is a real shame, not just for the plot,the empty performance of the characters, it is for the lack of creativity from the director and all the crew, this is maybe one of the worst movies of all times,and it is hard to believe that is the sequel of one of the most famous movies of the 90's.",0 +This is very crap so i'll give it a 1 out of 10.,0 +Too bad this movie is horrible.,0 +What makes it a sin is that $72 million was spent on this piece of garbage.,0 +"i mean no offense to the director or the cast of this movie, but what a waste of time and money.",0 +makes no sense and really bad plot.,0 +But then they just make mistake after mistake.,0 +"This movie isn't worth going to the theaters to watch, i did and i didn't like it, the effects on the movie are really well done, and you get a laugh here and there, but the story is really bad, it seemed like they had run out of ideas, and what is that of loki and odin getting along?",0 +Why do we have to suffer through this vile vomit sack of horrid crap.,0 +Jamie Kennedy and his wife are a cute couple but that can't redeem sitting through this garbage.,0 +"The film features lots of CGI in it, but it cannot save this piece of rubbish.",0 +"The writing and direction were, if anything, worse than Kennedy's performance.",0 +"The trouble is that last approach doesn't really work, partly because most of the attempts to bring cartoon trappings to live action fall flat (especially the cars getting in the party mood) and mostly because the tributes to the Flintstones, Woody Woodpecker, ""Duck Amuck"" and especially ""One Froggy Evening"" show up how weak this movie is in comparison.",0 +"And, once finished, she bega putting on dancing performances for practically no one.",0 +I lasted almost ninety minutes through this dreadful movie waiting for some revelation about dance or spirit or inspiration or something and gave up!,0 +"Add ""DE-LISH"" to my list of stupid tag words.",0 +"And she's constantly using horrible, unfunny catchphrases like ""EVOO"" (Extra virgin olive oil!",0 +People of any nation feel some sort of patriotism but to start a war on the fact that I'm right and your wrong needs to be rethought.,0 +It's complete nonsense.,0 +(LMAO)3- Anti-Defamation League (ADL) Funny how ADL supports this hateful propaganda.,0 +"Scenery aside, The way these flashbacks pushed the plot didn't work for me at all.",0 +But obviously the makers of this stinker of a movie felt that was not enough.,0 +Poor plot.,0 +"Five Fingers is so bad, that I hardly know where to begin.",0 +the movie was really predictable.,0 +"The impossibly cute Elisabeth Harnois is engaging as the First Daughter, but Will Friedle is stuck once again playing another dumb character, though he's not nearly as moronic and annoying as in his ""Boy Meets World"" role.",0 +No cliche goes unexploited in this jaw-droppingly bad movie.,0 +I give it a 3.,0 +"Sorry, that's a whole can of worms to open for a more deserving movie.",0 +All these different scenes hang together by a lame wraparound story starring Donald Pleasance and Nancy Allen sitting in a movie theater.,0 +Nothing terribly graphic.,0 +This was a mistake.,0 +Just a sprawling mess.,0 +This movie was outright painful for me to watch.,0 +this is an example of a movie that can have great potential and is executed very poorly..,0 +"Worth watching, if worth watching at all, only for the scenery and nothing else.",0 +"Poor camera, lousy acting and just plain horrid storyline...",0 +an hour and a half of absolutely nothing.,0 +This is just one of those films which cannot justify much of anything that happens.,0 +This movie was dreadful.,0 +The acting really wasn't that great.,0 +This movie is awful from the DeMille version.,0 +"granted, i'm only about 12 hour into it currently, but it's so painful, i felt it was my duty to warn away real ten commandments fans before they are subjected to this bastardization.",0 +"The reason why this movie sucks, have these people even read a bible?",0 +This movie was a waste of 3 hours of my precious time..,0 +It becomes boring.,0 +"You don't have to be any kind of religious to benefit from ""Jesus of Nazareth"", but for this waste of celluloid you need to be bored, with nothing to do, dumbed-down & religious.",0 +I can't believe in this day and age that Hallmark and ABC (Disney) would attempt to show such garbage as this.,0 +"Low budget entertainment based on myth, history and comic book entertainment.",0 +"Futuristic Liverpool is not convincing at all; the budget was obviously not very big, but the production designer could have come up with a slightly more creative approach to the matter.",0 +the acting from everyone involved is cringeworthy the script is terrible absolutly terrible.,0 +That is the key problem - for a tragedy to work we have to care about at least one of the characters and none of them inspire any sympathy or appear to have any redeeming qualities at all.,0 +"No conclusion to a few of the more interesting stories, No real point or final thought to backyard wrestling, edited together badly, and its and its basically a cheap, failed rip off of Beyond the Mat.",0 +Yeah it's barely titillating but heh!,0 +Sadly it's closer to a boring adventure flick and has no real horror elements.,0 +"Technically The Evil Below is very basic, it's bland & totally forgettable apart from nice underwater photography of fish.",0 +However there's a real lack of cohesion.,0 +***Minor Plot Spoilers***I must confess to having a soft spot for Wayne Crawford.,0 +"Of course, it does not help this movie at all.",0 +"Even though this came first, I just didn't find it that enjoyable.",0 +A real dud even by the standards of bad UK TV.,0 +The title is misleading and the content of this documentary unconvincing and incomplete.,0 +The acting was extremely thin.,0 +"Talky drawing room dramas are not my cup of tea, and all the crying wears thin.",0 +It was hard to say what aspect of this production was most displeasing - dialogue made up entirely of sound-bytes or the acting by numbers.,0 +"Additionally, a first person narrative by Fanny is highly inappropriate to both the story and her character.",0 +"Unfortunately, the result is a rather lackluster, and schizophrenic, production.",0 +"The basic story was preserved, but the dialogue was so altered that all that was Jane Austen's tone, manner, feeling, wit, depth, was diluted if not lost.",0 +The picnic(substituted for the ball) was so low-budget it was embarrassing to watch and missing out the Portsmouth section completely destroyed the point of the piece (as well as losing scenes which could have added a gritty counterpoint to that oh-so-claustrophobic pink sitting room.,0 +The direction felt decidedly sloppy for both acting and shot choice.,0 +I think one is better off using the time to either read a little bit of the actual novel or simply do nothing.,0 +"One major negative for me was the cinematography, which I thought was just awful, and quite literally sickening.",0 +"Why bother, ITV?",0 +Characters are totally miscast and there's no chemistry on the screen.,0 +Rating is a 2 as I wouldn't say it's awful just so boring you will feel like you've wasted 90 minutes of your life.,0 +"It is incredibly distracting, and the rest of the cast is in the greasy hair, rumpled clothing genre that shows a real disrespect for period accuracy.",0 +"The screenplay is shoddily pasted together and dumbed down to boot, the production values are lackluster, and the cast (apart from Jemma Redgrave and Blake Ritson) are largely guilty of bad acting.",0 +Every else looked confused or out of place.,0 +"The character is the officious Aunt Norris, always ready to direct other people in what to do, but always managing to avoid having to do any of it herself; here one gets no sense of that at all.",0 +Random shots and shaky film scenes made me quite annoyed and I turned the film off.,0 +"There was something about this adaptation that lacked believability - many of the costumes and even the actors did not have an authentic look and I found the acting to be, at times, poor.",0 +It felt hugely rushed and very one-dimensional so that it became boring very quickly.,0 +I couldn't even finish this movie because it was so bad.,0 +this is the worst film i have ever seen and what disappoints me the most is that this is yash raj film so at first when you see the promos you think yes thats definitely another yash raj hit But when you see the film your eyes will water with disappoint the storyline is stupid and dumb we've seen it many times boy is soon to marry and falls in love with a girl blah blah blah.,0 +But it fails miserably in either depicting a love story or giving it the western touch.,0 +"Seeing Bhatt films working they copied the formula, bikini and everything plus casting low actors like Uday and TanishaaThe film is so horrible it makes you cringethe jokes are so bad and horny it makes you slap them Uday resembles a gay plus a monkeyTanishaa resembles an idiot The director thinks we all are idiots Arjun Sablok takes the audience for granted Music is saving grace Camera-work is goodUday Chopra hams like an idiot, Tanishaa looks like Kajol in K3g if Kajol was annoying der then Tanishaa is worse the rest are okay",0 +Its hard to believe the famous Chopra's have produced this lousy movie.,0 +"I am really disappointed over the plot, acting and everything else.",0 +"In fact, it makes sex seem so boring and makes me wonder why bother.",0 +There is nothing worth watching in this movie.,0 +"It is pathetic, waaaay OTT and unrealistic, and one of the worst films I have ever seen in my life.",0 +This movie is not worth anything.,0 +Acting is below average.,0 +"By the way, I didn't like the film.",0 +Unfortunately that is the only thing even remotely impressive about this film.,0 +It's almost as wrecked and puffy as Nolte's face.,0 +"Okay, the script is awful and full of one dimensional characters.",0 +"Despite a good situation in which to place the story, nobody seems to do or say anything remotely interesting or entertaining in the whole two-hours plus of this sorry mess.",0 +The movie itself is pretty poor.,0 +"Unfortunately, after watching it, my impression was ""not too good"".",0 +"There doesn't seem to be any chemistry between anyone on the show, the dialogue is decidedly uninspired, and even the laugh track appeared to be laboring.",0 +"The plot is confused and laboured, the actors have a couldn't care less attitude (maybe they were paid in advance - bad move, or knew they weren't going to get paid), and the sets were featureless, boring and cheap.",0 +"This movie was bad writing, bad acting and bad directing.",0 +"The screen is constantly cluttered with meaningless time and datelines, which appear with no rhyme or reason.",0 +Total waste of time and money.,0 +"This movie is absolute rubbish, and the first Kiefer Sutherland movie I don't like.",0 +"Skip this Hollywood version, a real piece of garbage.",0 +The script is particularly weak.,0 +"I really like Sandra Bullock, Kiefer Sutherland and particularly Jeff Bridges, but this is just so so lame compared with the original.",0 +"a stupid, improbable, i-pretend-i'm-dead-but-come-to-life-again-so-the-good-guy-can-kick-my-butt- some-more kind of ending.",0 +I give this a 2 out of 10.,0 +If only I could give this a zero.,0 +This is such a pathetic attempt at a psychological thriller that it gives the entire genre a bad name.,0 +What a waste of time it was watching this US remake...,0 +It's riddled with further annoyances and another blinding continuity blunder.,0 +"While such a distortion (especially grafting a ""happy end"" which wasn't there previously) is quite frequently the case in ""Hollywood"" remakes of European art-house movies and could've been expected, the biggest disappointment lies in the fact that this inane mess was created by the very same filmmaker who did the original ""Spoorloos""...",0 +The dialog is cheesy.,0 +There are just so many things wrong with this movie.,0 +The script was lame.,0 +George Sluizer's remake of his own - superior - film is a complete waste of time.,0 +"The altered ending here is stupid enough (and executed with particular ineptitude), but a far worse crime than that is removing all the intelligence and depth of character that marked out the original as a classic.",0 +"More suspenseful, more subtle, much, much more disturbing....",0 +"The locations and the cinematography are beautiful; the very heavy music score is excellent; Stephanie Chao is gorgeous and attractive; but unfortunately, the screenplay and the director are terrible and the very loose costume of Meredith Monroe does not help her fallen breasts.",0 +This is just forgettable.,0 +"And the movie was just, dull.",0 +What is left is muddled and superficial.,0 +"However, for me the biggest problem was that the filmmakers didn't take enough time to establish the relationship between the lead, played by the buff and bland Colin Egglesfield, and his girlfriend.",0 +"The plot is so weak and if you take the fights and the soundtrack off, you really don't have anything useful at all!",0 +The script is boring and the actors aren't too talented.,0 +I am also so tired of the guy knowing some form of fighting technique and then able to fight his way through a somewhat boring Movie.,0 +The fight scenes and the motorbike chases were painfully boring.,0 +Dialogues are very poor.,0 +"No good action, no good gore and only the smallest smattering of nudity.",0 +"A human group of slayers somehow get involved, and the final fight sequence takes place during a solar eclipse.",0 +"The film became grotesquely unfunny and plain old, well, grotesque, when sex was mentioned.",0 +"Where the film clearly does not work, and why it failed at the box office, is that the quirky, uncomfortable parts are perhaps just a shade too quirky and uncomfortable.",0 +Ever watched something so awful you just have to keep watching to be sure it really is as bad as it looks?,0 +"The plot structure is weak, there's little character delineation or development, and many of the scenes aren't funny.",0 +"I found myself watching Sex Lives Of The Potato men with a furrowed brow, puzzled why so many talented and witty comedians decided to be involved in a film so totally devoid of humour.",0 +"C'mon, no real, proper, worldly, grown-up person could possibly set this kind of retarded hogwash on paper?",0 +"The dictionary definition of ""puerile"" should now read: ""sex lives of the potato men""!",0 +not that it was all that good either.,0 +"Sex Lives of the Potato Men does not explore someone's psyche or particular interest in a fetish or why they feel the need to go around having as much sex as possible, it just uses them as a front to pile on ridiculously unfunny jokes and situations.",0 +I was looking forward to this but found it to be totally boring and a wasteof my time altogether.,0 +It is pathetic.,0 +"I just couldn't get into this movie, I don't know how anyone else could, it was incredibly unrealistic and portrayed firefighters all wrong.",0 +"Maybe that's because it's a melodramatic load of old rubbish, full of macho posturing, cheesy dialogue, overwrought slo-mo and characters saying 'Goddammit' a lot.",0 +"It doesn't offer anything new, and there are hundreds of 90's action films that follow identical formulas, whilst not being quite as clunky.",0 +The bottom line is that this movie has some good points but is so marred by hackneyed clichés and rotten dialog that it quickly becomes tiresome.,0 +"The man who gave us Splash, Cocoon and Parenthood gave us this incoherent muddle of cliched characters, poor plotting, you've-got-to-be-kidding dialogue and melodramatic acting?",0 +"This film was just bad, OK?",0 +"And the war against ""Avatar"" is another gray stain.",0 +And the strategy shown in the game was laughable.,0 +The direction was tacky and amateurish.,0 +"Another lame attempt to make a movie ""gritty"" and ""thought provoking""- whatever the hell that means.",0 +"This noisy, dizzying football film from director Oliver Stone seems to have everyone in the cast - well, everyone except William H. Macy, who could have tackled the role played by Mr. Stone, the team doctors, or the ""fruitcake"" selling cereal.",0 +"But the fact is that this movie is boring, and totally muddled.",0 +Any Given Sunday falls short of a the above average The Last Boy Scout and the below average Against all Odds.,0 +It's only the caliber of the cast that saves any redeeming qualities of this bloated mess.,0 +"Very little coherence is achieved, and the movie relentlessly overplays its one basic idea (a killer cat), until it becomes repetitive - and things are made even worse by the constant use of shots from the cat's point-of-view.",0 +I'll rate this mess one point out of 10.,0 +Far fetched on all counts.,0 +This movie is too long (140 mins.,0 +The dialogue is so embarrassingly contrived and clumsy that I actually found myself blushing during the screening.,0 +This movie is very disappointing for one who has read the book.,0 +"Maybe they had a small budget, I don't know, but what matters in the end is that this movie is bad and deserves the rating of 3 out of 10.",0 +Surround sound doesn't even come close.,0 +"All round the documentary series was frustrating, narrow minded, hypocritical and flat-out rubbish.",0 +"It could have been gritter, nastier and less romantic - the amount of time spent on the romance skews the film away from the points it's trying to make about corporate ethics.",0 +"I told you this was very, very odd--but not in a good way like TAMPOPO or HAPPINESS OF THE KATAKURIS--just odd.",0 +But the subject matter is entirely unappealing to me.,0 +The plot is so repetitive.,0 +"However, the actors were not convincing enough to pull this off.",0 +"This is why this film is such a disappointment, trust me, those who have read it will find it disappointing as well.",0 +"All in all, a failure.",0 +"Way too much screen time is misspent; the amateur dialog includes lame witticisms, melodrama and other kinds of unnecessary filler commentaries (And can't Alan stop that irritating laughter...",0 +"Wife Anya puts on a performance that's so odd, one has to wonder if she's really acting at all.",0 +The opening hour and ten minutes are padded out with poor acting and even worse characters.,0 +"However, everything degenerated into cinematic chaos.",0 +The characters are stereotypical and bland and the movie is just plain boring...,0 +"The cinematography and soundtrack were very good, but the ending seemed contrived and just didn't work for me.",0 +It was cut poorly and jumped around too much; making references to the past seem more like excuses as to why the plot was heading in its particular direction.,0 +"However, 'Saw' is just a fiasco.",0 +"To me, it just didn't make sense.",0 +"Even more unfortunately, the actual story was meager at best.",0 +This was the most unrealistic movie I ever seen.,0 +The writing for this film is horrible as well as the execution.,0 +There were so many things wrong with this movie i have trouble keeping them all straight.,0 +This is probably the worst display of acting by veteran actors I have ever seen.,0 +) and most of the dialogue and action was laughable.,0 +A true bore and a mediocre film as can be.,0 +"""Hood Rat"" is absolutely terrible.",0 +"The script made no sense at all, I couldn't have cared less about the characters and the camera-work consisted of repeatedly showing shadow images of rats standing on their hind legs or running.",0 +"Terrible effects and very little humour, what the hell was the point of making this movie?",0 +"if you have seen any of these movie slugs, slither, Them, spiders, snakes, tremors ,Cujo, crocodile, shark, octopus.",0 +This movie wasn't the best...,0 +"This movie is bad, so bad that my mother who can barely stand the ""suspense"" of Disney's Snow White, was chuckling through out the entire movie.",0 +"There are plenty of better & more imaginative shooting games to play, so why waste your time on this boring game?",0 +"The ending is no surprise, as Barton's bad boys forsake winning the rodeo events and go for the whole thirty thousand dollar pot of prize money deposited in the local bank.",0 +"As noted by others, the final fight with the villain is very poorly done.",0 +""") with virtually NO explanation whatsoever!",0 +The acting is the worst I ever seen.,0 +"The acting is hilariously awful,the editing is bad and there are some huge lapses in logic.",0 +"the acting was sub-par, relying on stereotypes, raised voices, and exaggerated eye-buggery to convey its message.",0 +"But lack of substance didn't stop Lee from making the movie, so why would he cut this particularly ineffective scene?",0 +The story was painfully boring and predictable.,0 +"Many of them are very experienced and capable, but they all seemed out of place, and having an amateur director certainly didn't help.",0 +The film is obnoxious and ridiculous.,0 +Following the horrible scenes was the terrible script filled with pointless and poorly thought out lines.,0 +"Number one, the film looks bad on account of a very poor drawing style.",0 +His character design is unappealing.,0 +The music is alright but pretty forgettable and the voice actors are all wasted talent...,0 +"But most of the time,the story dragged on and was boring.",0 +"The animation kind of hurts, too.",0 +Would it surprise you that my ears and eyes almost bled from watching and listening to this awful movie?,0 +"The plot didn't make sense, the characters sucked, and why was that penguin trying to get the pebble anyway?",0 +"Acting aside, the script is dull and slow.",0 +The dialogue is predictable and boring.,0 +"And I suspect that the lesson was well-learned after this film tanked, which was widely perceived as some sort of karma for the jerks responsible for the court order against Moore.",0 +Also the story and acting were weak.,0 +"Not only did he do a terrible acting job, but it is obvious that the production and publicity were horrible and effectively sabotaged any chance the poor guy had.",0 +The film suffered from the unimaginably stupid decision to tell Clayton Moore (who had done the role in the 1950's and was the Lone Ranger us old folks grew up with) he couldn't wear the mask in public.,0 +"Why in the world did I like this film as a Kid, watching it again as an adult I realized that this film is terrible.",0 +"Whelp, long story short, the single saving grace of this gross (and poorly done) distortion was that in that year, I had the honor of meeting Mr. Clayton Moore in Columbus Ohio, as part of a tour resulting from the bad press over Mr. Moore's treatment.",0 +Very poor acting was done by everyone in this movie.,0 +"oh the horror, the horror...",0 +It just makes for bad scriptwriting.,0 +"- The quality is poor, and the acting could have been better too.",0 +"Horrible, stilted dialogue, a script that just plain flails about like a fish out of water, acting that would embarrass the most self-centered of community theater divas, cinematography inspired by the ""Survivor"" school of swooping crane shots followed by static, nostril-exploring close-ups, terrible ADR work, special visual effects that aren't, pedestrian music that totally fails to sustain any mood or emotion, terrible editing with utterly pointless freezes and fades, no art direction to speak of---the litany of badness just goes on and on...",0 +"Unfortunately, the camera's performance seemed to be wasted with bad lighting, poor angles, and awkward handling.",0 +"The writing was awful, the acting was awful, the subject was awful.",0 +It was one of the worst movies I have ever experienced.,0 +"The camera is haphazard, some nice crane shots are cut with ridiculous montages that have no significance.",0 +It was a complete waste of time watching.,0 +I feel that the whole show was just about large people trying to loose weight but never did then they tried to have love storyline oh my god what a a waste of time and also air time.,0 +"One of low budget horror schlockmeister actor, John Carradine's more animated roles as a implied Nazi scientist, who is turning humans into zombies to serve the Reich.",0 +"For all star John Carradine's intention of building an army in the service of the Third Reich with them, they are not seen to do much at all!",0 +"This one simply doesn't have any action, and that's what hurts the film.",0 +"I hate to criticize a film made in 1943, but this is really a big disappointment.",0 +"The quality of the movie is okay, sound okay, no hiss, colors okay, black is black and not blue as in many low budgets.",0 +"Sorry, but this one sucks.",0 +The only thing holding this terrible movie together is a few decent gore scenes.,0 +"Alas, Wally Koz's ham-fisted direction, Lamar ""Larry"" Bloodworth's stubbornly static and immobile cinematography, Frankie ""Hollywood"" Rodriguez's insipid, monotonously head-banging ""hard rock"" score, the pitifully cheap and unconvincing make-up fx, flat, conspicuously uneasy plywood acting by a hideously all-thumbs and unappealing non-pro cast, lethargic pacing (too much screen time is tiresomely squandered on the police's drab efforts to catch the wacko), an especially lame would-be shocking ""surprise"" ending (the mystery killer's true identity is guaranteed to have you groaning in disgust), the uniformly boring, incessantly bickering and positively braindead characters, and a steady succession of dull soft-core sex scenes that are about as erotic as watching two slugs mate for 90 minutes straight all add up to one profoundly putrid and unrewarding limp, soggy noodle of a crummy clinker.",0 +this is the worst movie in the world.,0 +It's a loser.,0 +Those were horror movies.,0 +"The acting is stilted, the camera work second class and the settings are limited, but boy!",0 +But the whole project is undone by the acting.,0 +And we get over an hour of creepy build-up diffused in about 35 seconds in one of the worst anti-climaxes I've ever seen.,0 +"This movie has an interesting enough story, but it plays out very bad here.",0 +"Evil, evil evil.",0 +This isn't a very interesting movie.,0 +It rates a 4.310 from...,0 +"The plot is practically incomprehensible, the pacing is lethargic and the acting is pathetic.",0 +There isn't much of a plot that I could detect and the over-exaggeration of the leads only adds to the unintentional laughs.,0 +This movie is one of the worst pieces of trash I have ever seen in my whole entire life.,0 +change that to zany.,0 +"I began watching this movie on t.v. some weeks ago, but gave up after the first 10 minutes or so.",0 +This was without a doubt one of the worst films I've ever seen and had no redeeming features.,0 +The first minutes seam to be just a needless clone of the first movie intro and then it is becoming even worse.,0 +"The acting is very mediocre, descending into camp as far as the girlfriend, who tends to laugh for no reason, as if she's high on grass, though she is very cute.",0 +It was so bad that we laughed all the way through it.,0 +"Hudson and the cast try their best; but, the ""Embryo"" storyline is wretchedly absurd nonsense.",0 +"The script is irredeemably boring, clichéd and the whole thing looks incredibly foolish because the lab scenery & scientific equipment is clearly too primitive to achieve any medical breakthroughs with.",0 +"Although Embryo could have been a potentially thought provoking examination of bioethics, it degenerates into a stereotypical Frankenstein parable, putting across the by now monotonous lesson that there were some realms man was not meant to enter or study.",0 +"The sets are pretty cheap and very antiquated to today's audiences, to the extent that Hudson's reel-to-reel tape recorder is about the size of a refrigerator.",0 +"Embryo doesn't explore some of the real issues in this kind of science, it exploits them instead.",0 +It wanders all over with lots of clichés and silliness which diminishes the basic issue.,0 +"The basic idea is excellent but the execution is appallingly bad, with a constantly illogical sequence of scenes, an ending that is almost laughably melodramatic and poor Rock Hudson wanders through this with an understandably confused look on his slightly sagging face.",0 +"""The Apartment Complex"" is passable, forgettable junk food for only the most needy couch potatoes.",0 +"Lynch's film was flawed, yes.",0 +"The departures from the novel are poorly chosen, significant nuances are missed or rewritten.",0 +"Here are the low points: The acting was bad, the plot moved in slow motion, the sets were and looked cheap, the direction was pathetic, and the CGI visual effects childish.",0 +"The special effects are badly made, the actors are majorly bad actors and in this movie it's not about a race which is the minority of a planet and tries to fight against the dominators, but it seems to be a crazy movie, which pays homage to sect kind of organisations.",0 +"The exceptions that actually makes the whole thing worse is the terrible work made by the lighting guy who don't even have the skills to turn on the light in his own living room, the camera work that for no reasons at all sometimes are in tilted ""Battlefield Earth"" mode but for the most of the time are flat as a pancake, the extremely cheap and to small desert set that only contents a pile of sand in the front of a backdrop painted as a desert, that turns very old very fast because it appears in almost every scene, and the bad idea by the costume designer to try to mimic ""The fifth element""'s fashion madness with the addition of the silliest hats ever made.",0 +Utter junk.,0 +"After having read Herbert's books and loving Lynch's movie version, I was extremely disappointed.",0 +Not good at all.,0 +The acting is average to bad.,0 +Avoid this movie at all costs.,0 +"The actors (with few exceptions) seem happy to recite their lines with the least emotion possible, and the least appropriate accents.",0 +"It went round and round in circles, with repetitive gags and poorly-drawn characters.",0 +I suppose in 1934 some part of that audience long ago would enjoy this tepid farce.,0 +"We saw it as a poorly filmed (shaky hand-held camera and all), (generally) badly acted, unscripted mess that seemed more like a high school film project with the kids experimenting in black & white film making.",0 +The film is so pretentious that bothers.,0 +"Attempting artiness with black & white and clever camera angles, the movie disappointed - became even more ridiculous - as the acting was poor and the plot and lines almost non-existent.",0 +That would have been a nice pay off to end the misery that both audience and the main character had to endure in this meaningless tripe.,0 +But the second half was horrible!,0 +"Yes, they had all the Biblical characters correct, but they didn't give us any of the spectacular theatrical scenes, that held your interest throughout the first movie.",0 +"I was kind of looking to see how they told the story, and the writers did not do a good job with this one.",0 +They tried so hard to modernize this movie in order to keep you on the edge that it was more like a soap opera (and not a good one at that).,0 +"If you are a Christian or a Jew hoping to see an accurate Biblical (or Torah) portrayal of the events in Exodus, you will be disappointed by this movie.",0 +That was utter fiction and one of the worst films ever made.,0 +"As excited as I was to see this film, I was greatly disappointed in the storyline.",0 +I have written to the network and can only hope they publicly apologize for this travesty.,0 +This movie honestly made no sens to me.,0 +This particular movie is worse than Turkish Star wars one and the sequel too.,0 +"Imagine the worst Blue Screen special effects you ever saw, make it somehow far worse, and then combine this with poorly made, rubber and Play-doh puppets that look like something from a semi-retarded pre-school art class.",0 +The bad scripts and equally bad acting give that away.,0 +"On top of that, he is a comic book character---no acting ability, incredibly trite lines, no character development.",0 +viewing this poor sod treading the boards and spewing lines with less emotional impact than the gal who used to call off the correct time on your local service.,0 +"Terrible acting, terrible script, terrible series.",0 +His acting sucks so bad that it makes a person cringe with embarrassment.,0 +This show doesn't take place in this reality.,0 +This series is formulaic and boring.,0 +"I'm not saying all these shows are bad, but they aren't good either.",0 +This has got to be the worst show I have ever seen.,0 +The conflicts raised are compelling but the follow-through is weak.,0 +"The rest of the so-called 'unravelling' just occurs through blind luck, increasingly ridiculous plot twists and a SLEW of awful, transparent and thoroughly pointless red herrings that are chucked in merely to pad out the running time.",0 +"; the editing is really sloppy, too: during one high-angle shot of the main set, a mike is seen being rapidly pulled up out of camera range – and even worse are a couple of instances where a person walks off-screen, ostensibly into the next shot, to another part of the set…but each shot is held on the other actors for an absurdly long time, so that it appears to take forever for this person to walk just a few paces!",0 +Most of the cast overacts to a ridiculous degree.,0 +"My question is , when will the audience tire of reliving this maddening dilemma?",0 +The acting although comical was very amateurish.,0 +"As much as I love trains, I couldn't stomach this movie.",0 +"By the time the filmmakers give you enough stimulation, the film is unfortunately, almost over.",0 +"The script is awful, and the bad direction doesn't help.",0 +", but mostly it's two couples trekking through the sticks and ""acting"" natural.",0 +This is brought to light so early that it doesn't even qualify as a twist.,0 +"If you are waiting for me to give you a summary of this piece of trash movie, there is nothing to tell...",0 +"Simply awful, forgettable, and sadly has a surprising lack of nudity.",0 +This movie is too stupid for words.,0 +"And there is a back-story about some Japanese businessmen Bucky wants to get money from, but it goes nowhere dramatically or comically.",0 +"I am grading this not even as a regular film,but as a T&A film,and this is the worst,lamest,crappiest and most awful movie i've seen.",0 +"I will concur this movie is a colossal waste of my time, and would be of your time...",0 +The story here is totally lame.,0 +"I don't really know what to say about TYD, first it's a piece of crap, the story makes no sense at all, secondly he uses stunt men in all his fight scenes, and last but not least a lot of the footage is taken from other movies!",0 +Indeed Treach's character just seems to pop up out of nowhere without any introduction as his sidekick and from there you quickly lose interest in it.,0 +Poor action films are the graveyards for aging martial art stars.,0 +"Then it goes from dull to utterly ridiculous in the final scene as people who seemed to be dead on killing each other suddenly, for no reason, start to talk.",0 +The dialog is pure crap.,0 +"Man, it is even worst than ""Out for a kill""!",0 +"With a ridiculous script and plot lines that go nowhere, this film is a waste of time, money and effort.",0 +"Scenes from other movies,a lack of realism and logic in even tiniest situation.",0 +"second worst movie i have seen in recent history, and i've seen a lot of bad movies.",0 +"Tighe shows up for five or so minutes tops, which is a shame.",0 +"Today You Die is a really bad film made up from other bad action films, Seagal looks old & fat, the action scenes are average at best & most of the story is fairly random & it doesn't come together at the end that well at all.",0 +"1) The direction and editing are awful, just awful.",0 +"Wow, I don't know where to start.",0 +I was very disappointed.,0 +"Not only was Today You Die garbage, but it was, dare I say, an insult.",0 +TDY is probably the single worst piece of trash to ever hit the straight to video selection.,0 +and Ben affleck need no acting school at all just to give a impression how bad it isfirst off all there so many goofs and bad acting its just getting worse like when steven is try to get out of jail a chopper lands at first the security notice and they led them land when they fly away all of the sudden a guard start shootingor when he killed that guy in the car he and treach both walk away you can't see no oil on the ground behind him steven notice that there is oil without even watching treach trows a lighter and the car blows upand there are plenty of more goofs Steven uses his basic action when someone is pointing a gun at him he grabs it and shoot him totally bullshit!,0 +"Scenes from other movies,a lack of realism and logic in even tiniest situation.",0 +"Unfortunately, this is not a great film and rather boring and too long.",0 +Completely nonsense with the presence of the little girl.,0 +"Turn any sense of logic you may have, it will reduce your chance of getting a headache.",0 +The script is simply non existent.,0 +"Not because the movie is scary, but because somebody actually paid money to make this turd on a movie reel.",0 +"The dialogue was stilted and the delivery wooden, I found the acting to be disconnected from the plot.",0 +"The acting was stale and unconvincing, the dialogue was silly and predictable, and the story was confusing and stupid.",0 +"In the end, there is something very important to be said on this issue, it simply isn't presented very well, or very clearly, in this pretentious, indulgent piece.",0 +"That's all well and good, I suppose, but when the arguments and ideas are put forth in as undramatic and pedantic a way as they are here, they lose both force and impact.",0 +"There's no plot, no character development, no humor (except for a few pokes at Bush and Wolfowitz, but that's almost cheating it's so easy) and the production values are mediocre—no redemption there.",0 +The only redeeming part of these five wasted minutes was where a Caucasian bad guy accidentally shoots an African woman carrying a baby and shows no remorse whatsoever.,0 +The plot is old and tired.,0 +This is not even exciting.,0 +I am so disappointed...,0 +"And then the cast, the actors make such a poor effort that you almost start to cry.",0 +"There was no sacrifice, it was pointless, it did nothing whatsoever for the plot, and blue haired demon girl is an awful, useless character.",0 +This is absolutely the worst way to this series.,0 +"Any fan of Russian cinema will have great difficulty in believing the sub-par performances phoned-in by Mashkov and Bodrov Jr., and will perhaps be utterly perplexed by Bodrov Sr.'s hackneyed and confusing script, which is coupled with uncharacteristically weak direction.",0 +"Maybe if you have a couple of drinks, to dull the logical thinking, it would be more fun...",0 +"The story that makes little sense, very uneven acting (Lesley Ann Warren was especially bad), really awful dialogs, poor cinematography, what else could go wrong?",0 +THE QUICKIE (1 outta 5 stars)Pretty poor movie...,0 +"The list of flaws just goes on and on while this intelligence insulting film stinks and sinks in a quagmire of lousy music, mediocre camera work, poor direction, boring story, etc.",0 +This flick is so bad its beyond belief.,0 +Not exactly intriguing but not quite terrible either.,0 +"I do not know if this wasshot before or after ""BWP,"" but I can honestly say this is the worstfilm ever made in southern Texas about a mythical beast.",0 +We rented the movie and it maybe the worst movie ever.,0 +"This movie had very little good points, the special effects and acting was horrible for sure.",0 +The directing was just horrible in this movie.,0 +"Perhaps I missed something, but I found GOYA'S GHOSTS to be a tedious costume melodrama.",0 +A peppering of gratuitous naked bosoms hardly makes up for it.,0 +It just got too confusing to me then.,0 +"The rest of the movie is about torture, humiliation, driven by a poor script (can't believe it is by JC Carrière as I could not believe this cr** is directed by Mr Milos Forman) centered on a religious man and that young woman and that is all.",0 +I was left wanting something more when the credits rolled.,0 +"To sum things up best, the movie had no cohesion, it grossly lacked the substance to delve into the historical environment it covered, and upon ending, left you feeling like what you'd just seen was a series of aborted attempts to engage the viewer by switching from one thing to the next without adequately engaging the viewer in any of them.",0 +Disappointing.,0 +This film is just another waste of time.,0 +"I really do like old sci-fi movies but this one is not realistic, and the lame attempts at character humor by throwing in that boob from a gas station grease pit does not work at all - it just ruins the movie.",0 +"The characters and plot may reward a scientific sociological analysis, but bear too little entertainment value many times.",0 +"The actors are so bland that it's almost impossible to tell them apart (Pauline Kael said of this movie: ""The actors have names, but they're truly anonymous""), and the special effects are really bad.",0 +"The ""aging"" make-up is quite awful and, to make it worse, lit broadly.",0 +"The dialogs are really bad written (90% of the script is consisted of cursing), the characters are stereotypical morons, the story and its twists are very predictable and the action sequences (this movie supposed to be an action comedy) are filmed very very bad and without any style.",0 +"A feeling of the 'giallo' films of yore pervades this film, even though we know who the killer is from the get-go, and the film contains a few good set-pieces (a scene later in the film set in a school for the blind being particularly memorable), but it doesn't make all that much sense when all is said and done either.",0 +It's so bad that it could just not have been any worse.,0 +There was nothing entertaining about this film.,0 +The movie is stupid and has no humor in it what so ever.,0 +The humor is juvenile and lame.,0 +It was unfunny and just plain unwatchable.,0 +Well it turns out that this movie really was terrible.,0 +"There was also a whole lot of unessecary sequences, that was a total waste of film.",0 +"See it if you wish, if you feel that you have the time to wasteand don´t mind 1.5 hrs of catatonia.",0 +What a bore.,0 +The worst movie ever made.,0 +) and instead of funny its just pathetic.,0 +The film is bad.,0 +"After 30 minutes, I discontinued watching because it was so lame.",0 +"The storyline is so pathetic,and the whole thing only gathered a few laughs.",0 +"Okay, so the budget may be a lot smaller but 'The Street' last night was badly acted, predictable, unrealistic, stereotypical, insensitive and a big fat waste of time.",0 +"Frankly, most of this seemed rather silly and lost me.",0 +"Just because it's an Asian flick doesn't automatically make it any good & the mess of a story, the plot holes, the fact it makes no sense & it's an absolute bore means Kairo would rightly be torn to shreds by people if it were an American production.",0 +"The story was slow, painfully so.",0 +"To top it off, the movie makes no sense.",0 +"Characters are barely sketched, which could be OK, but they're completely uninteresting.",0 +"I can appreciate movies with subtitles from foreign countries and specially the ones in which the subtitles are weak and don't really seems to follow the story or really make sense, but this movie had too many parts that didn't really make sense.",0 +"The story itself is inconsistent and confusing, not everything is explained leaving the film to go from bad to worse.",0 +"The acting was absolutely terrible, bordering on bad student film levels while everyone struggled to ad-lib something called a script.",0 +"-zoom in on face- -Oops, sound breaks off- 'chop' -next scene- ), scenes and sequences are poorly edited and as a result don't flow at all.",0 +"Precisely the same critique can be made of this film: a deceptive, mawkish vanity project.",0 +This movie just did not move me.,0 +"I had some hopes for this movie, but all in all, it was a bit of a letdown.",0 +"from my point of view this movie is a waste of time (not to say money if U pay for the ticket) The only part that I did like was the acting of the young blue eye ""german"" kid...",0 +Any story is really well explained and the fact is that they result very boring.,0 +"Part from being completely pointless, banal, pathetic, badly written, edited, acted and directed, the movie is too long.",0 +"And finally, the movie doesn't truly live up to it's name, as Sheriff Travers never wears a badge throughout the film, that is, a star packer without a star.",0 +"I watched the beginning twice, could NOT make sense of it, and it bothered me for the whole movie.",0 +It's all pretty silly if you ask me.,0 +"Overall, this is at best a time-passer due to a poor plot, occasionally poor acting and an unbelievable cruel attitude towards the horses.",0 +"I have seen many of Wayne's early Lone Star and Republic westerns, and this one is easily the worst.",0 +"The acting is even more hollow, phony and wooden than the stereotypes the whole show was built around.",0 +"This is complete garbage, IMHO.",0 +what utter rubbish.,0 +The second half of this two-parter is even worse than the first.,0 +"None of that's remarkable, though.",0 +"In the style of bad pulp fiction, 'Evil' is filled with cardboard characters that we never get to know or understand.",0 +"However, brutality doesn't on its own make for a good film, and The Evil That Men Do is ultimately a disappointment.",0 +"Interestingly, this film seems to symbolize that latter part of Bronson's career in which he has tortured many of his fans with the same egregiously predictable and uncreative plots.",0 +"Let me just say that ""The Evil That Men Do"" has to be one of the worst movies I had ever seen that was based on a book.",0 +"It's never really explained why The Doctor is so infamous since any police state has a myriad of these sadists nor is it explained why The Doctor and his sister have ridiculous English accents As you may guess it's a lazily written movie and incidents happening because the screenwriter needs things to happen to further the plot no matter how unlikely they are like one of the bad guys getting invited to a threesome so he can be killed or things being revealed like The Doctor's sister being a lesbian so some T&A can be included In many ways it's like one of those nasty Chuck Norris vehicles that were being released at the same time , but the most disappointing thing is that the director is also the same man who made ICE COLD IN ALEX and THE GUNS OF NAVERONE two very well regarded war dramas that are often shown on Sunday afternoons .",0 +"It's a ""B"" movie, anyway, with stupid dialog and some wooden acting by Charles Bronson.",0 +"But despite the use of such strictly-for-shock effects, the filmmakers can't really cover up the fact that this is just a dull, low-grade Bronson vehicle.",0 +I didn't like this one.,0 +"Anyway, back to topic this film is poorly made in every aspect, I believe they grabbed Charles Bronson in order to sell this stinker; that dead body at the end looks very phony.",0 +About one hour of the original cut was deleted; perhaps this is why the finished film seems frustratingly undeveloped.,0 +"A variation is also shown, when the line is connected but one refuses to speak… All those scenes were very very hard to see for me.",0 +"Because it basically means there is nothing really worth looking at, but three teens going at it and that, for me at least, makes it a very crappy movie, stay clear from it and save your money (my €7,50 is wasted), there are better art-house movies than this one.",0 +"The noise is so deafening that it bursts Jarrets eardrums, causing him to topple from the cylinder into a vat of acid.",0 +"However, the monomaniacal manager of Mondo Burger, Kurt (Jan Schweiterman), is determined to get his hands on the sauce and put Good Burger out of business.",0 +May I take your order?,0 +Robert Wagner lacks David Selby's intensity.,0 +Everything is rushed too much.,0 +"Don't worry - no spoilers here, just saying there is a very predictable plot.",0 +I'm perplexed of what particular message the authors tried to deliver with this one-note plot.,0 +"There is no story whatsoever, no characters and some dialog would have been nice.",0 +"There is no spoken dialogue, no subtitles, not even any real characters.",0 +) but other than that - absolutely nothing going for this over-hyped mess.,0 +"As a serious marathoner, I was seriously disappointed in this film.",0 +In fact there was almost zero technical information at all.,0 +"Time after time I was disappointed by the mediocre movies in which he was almost playing the ""straight"" role instead of the funny guy.",0 +"This one has maybe a few chuckles, but it's mostly just really bad one-liners and dumb physical stuff.",0 +a waste of a talented cast..,0 +ARMED AND DANGEROUS is still a dangerously disappointing dud brought to us by the director of the equally dumb actioner COMMANDO.,0 +i just couldn't adapt to the story.,0 +"Maybe I missed something that other reviewers felt ""moved"" by but I found the film pretty tedious and basically pointless.",0 +"As per usual, the acting isn't of the highest quality but you do get cannibal flick poster girl Me Me Lai spending most of the time on screen with her breast bare, female lead Janet Agren covered in gold paint and abused with a dildo dipped in snake blood among other things.",0 +"Obviously, nothing new is added to this miniscule sub-genre.",0 +"Plus the strong misogyny just makes you cringe and it looked like I saw it somewhere,oh the scenes of animals killing each other.",0 +"Personally, I got bored with it about midway through and just wanted it to end.",0 +"This one is more of a mish-mash, with an interesting jungle adventure crossed with a Jim Jones like suicide cult -- the cannibals seem like they were added as an afterthought rather than the reason for making the film.",0 +Most unsatisfying.,0 +"The characters are universally bland, the locations are criminally under-utilized, there's no attempt to create tension or suspense, the physical effects are either laughably bad or shamelessly stolen from other movies, and the ubiquitous tribal rape scenes are barely worthy of a PG-13.",0 +"I mean, at times it can be unintentionally hilarious, but the plot is so mind-numbingly idiotic that it was impossible for me not to lose all patience by the end.",0 +"These actors deserve the Academy Award for the worst, and I mean worst acting roles in the history of the cinema.",0 +"This movie is so stupid and daft, that it has no logic at all.",0 +Umberto Lenzi hits new lows with this recycled trash.,0 +"And because they all share the same material, they all feature the same traits: awful photography, boring scenery, terrible dubbing, overacting, and exploitation, exploitation, exploitation.",0 +Any movie Ed Wood ever put out looks like Oscar material compared to this laughable tosh.,0 +This movie rates a minus 10.,0 +The cast are awful except for Janet Agren as the female lead who is excellent.,0 +The rating must have come from the man who wrote this drivel because the only suspense in this movie was whether I would finish it or not.,0 +Victor McLaglen's son Andrew directed this item and together with a lousy script turned this into a turgid mess.,0 +Mike Love's foul stench is all over this turkey as he attempts to re-write history with himself in the role of band figurehead and resident genius.,0 +Hard-core fans like myself knew that this isn't the entire true story and that's why i gave it a low rating 3.,0 +Possibly the worst make-up job I have ever seen.,0 +The acting sucked from pretty much everyone in the cast.,0 +"All logic for this movie is thrown out the window- -through the glass, that is.",0 +Their accents are so exaggerated and overblown that for most of the movie it's nearly impossible to understand them.,0 +"They are all black, speak with unintelligible Jah-MAY-can accents, wear dreadlocks that look in dire need of a shampoo, they torture and murder with aplomb, and -- here's the worst part.",0 +"The direction and writing are both sloppy: for example, the camera-work during the fight between Cintia Lodetti and Ajita Wilson is so bad that you can barely make out what's happening; also, if the alcoholic-but-kind-hearted doctor hadn't killed the warden, the guards would never have followed him and the girls after their escape - the ""fake plague"" plan had worked fine until then but he just had to ruin it.",0 +Avoid this movie at all costs.,0 +"It just ends up feeling like a big-budgeted soap opera, with below-average, lazy or over-keen acting.",0 +"In JUANA LA LOCA, he relies on a gifted actress as well , newcomer Pilar Lopez de Ayala, but this is barely the sole positive element in an otherwise terrible mess of a movie.",0 +Vicente Aranda has made a terrible historical movie.,0 +"While it looks nice, it doesn't make a lot of sense.",0 +Even die hard John Wayne fans will have to concede that this film is a mess.,0 +"Even for a poverty row studio, this one is one stinkeroo.",0 +"While most of Wayne's B efforts are entertaining in a fun way, this film is so sloppily edited and written, it is a dud.",0 +It's just incredibly bad.,0 +It doesn't.,0 +"Don't expect a serious western, but rather a lightweight and superficial story with poor acting but occasional flashes of camp humor.",0 +"But unfortunately, the fun moments in Night of the Blood Beast come too few and far between.",0 +The base where the dead astronaut is taken to becomes the scene of a bizarre invasion plan from outer space.,0 +This movie is cheesy and poorly constructed.,0 +For some reason insipid dialogue and bad acting don't seem quite so bad in closeups.,0 +"The costume is pretty bad and the sound of the alien speaking , well the reverb was a little off but thats the beauty of it .",0 +"There's a confusing bit at the end(well, more confusing than usual, anyway) in which the creature tries to explain why it is doing this, but it makes no sense whatsoever.",0 +"Despite the lurid title, this film is decidedly sci-fi, not horror, and offers no scares, no laffs, little suspense and little food for thought afterwards.",0 +What a travesty of movie ratings injustice - a 2.1 on the IMDb scale as I write this.,0 +And the monster's costume needed some serious work; fern covered parrots just aren't scary or convincing.,0 +This movie isn't the worst i've ever seen but its almost up there.,0 +"The baby aliens were too silly looking to be taken seriously, the titular blood beast was pathetic, and none of the characters did anything for me.",0 +"It's not even close to the badness of Invasion of the Neptune Men, Manos: Hands of Fate or Future War.",0 +This film is a total bore.,0 +Rene Russo's character was irritating beyond belief and Thomas Crowne himself was flat and stereotypical.,0 +"""The Thomas Crown Affair"" is a terrible remake of a not-very-good movie, redeemable only for the topless shots of former supermodel Renee Russo.",0 +Disappointing.,0 +I have seen bad acting in my day but this is NO acting.,0 +It's a hodge-podge of grainy stock footage spliced together with some of the all-time worst acting you'll ever have the misfortune to see.,0 +"if you are planning to shell out 5 bucks and some change,be warned this is really bad.",0 +"2) Much of the old footage is just used as filler (the old shipboard footage) or as silent shots (for example, of Bela walking, looking or staring) often repeated; 3) Where is the pantheon of Poverty Row Master Thespians (Bela, Boris, Lon Chaney, Jr., George Zucco, John Carradine, Buster Crabbe, Tom Neal, etc.",0 +What a waste of time.,0 +") This film, while boasting a creative premise ala 'Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid', is a technical and creative wreck.",0 +The story never draws you in or rings true and the acting is perfunctory at best and laughable at worst.,0 +Noticeable It is tough to notice anything other than Anthara in the first half of the movie.,0 +The story follows a yawn-inducing predictable pattern...,0 +"Occasionally, he makes a truly horrible movie like this one.",0 +"Yet again, I think that movie does not even deserve a 0.",0 +The woman he loves is only mentioned in passing and no woman is allowed to speak in this nonsensical advertisement.,0 +"While the setting for this film is interesting, the overall film is as gray and lifeless as any I have seen.",0 +This fantasy was utter garbage.,0 +"Otherwise, this movie is unremarkable.",0 +"The most terrible movie, and the most terrible writing, acting, plot--everything in it made my gag reflexes want to do back flips.",0 +"The ""exciting twist"" at the end of the movie is lame, predictable, and lacks any credibility.",0 +"The ending was predictable, the acting TERRIBLE (don't even get me started about the southern accents *y'all*) and the story was trite.",0 +A total and absolute waste of time.,0 +this film was bad.,0 +"The script, adapted from a Nora Roberts novel, is bog-standard and the plotis tediously predictable.",0 +It was a great disappointment to me when I enjoyed the book so much and then to watch how this movie trashed the entire thing.,0 +This is no great film but it passes the time.,0 +Most Star Trek fans cringe at what this movie shows.,0 +The plotstory lines were unfunny and very very predictable using many worn out ideas.,0 +Not that good mostly because of the old guys rambling and things any fan would already know.,0 +The script is fairly silly and contains very little depth.,0 +"The problem I have with this documentary lies in the fact that it is a complete love-fest for the murderer, with absolutely no sympathy for the family.",0 +"Drably directed from a weak script, and additionally hampered by excessive cutting and poor editing, this film does provide some treasures among its eight songs, including the title number, and has nice turns by soprano Healy, Benny Rubin as a snack shop proprietor, and the dynamic tap dancing Roland Dupree.",0 +"Rubin, however, is all over the place with his confusion of the American vernacular of the time and almost everything concerning him makes no sense whatsoever (though I did like his funny dance).",0 +I want to time travel back to Monogram Studios and throttle someone in their 2 room front office for this sloppy musical.,0 +He's not handsome enough to be a leading man and he comes off as either dull and uninteresting or downright obnoxious.,0 +This feels very stilted and patronizing to a great extent.,0 +Does not get much Dumber.,0 +"Her famous New England enunciation slips through, making lines like, ""I'd better rustle up some Vittles"" pretty ludicrous.",0 +"), but you can see she doesn't even believe in this unintentionally comical scenario.",0 +This is a really silly job of miscasting--about as bad as Hepburn playing a Chinese woman in DRAGON SEED.,0 +"If it weren't so serious, ""Spitfire"" might be more amusing; it is an atypical and wildly inappropriate vehicle for its star, who is thoroughly unconvincing.",0 +"Hepburn is probably my favorite actress, but this was ridiculous.",0 +"Eriksen does a lot of tricky stuff -- a pushy 'host,' hand-held cameras, zooms, grainy blacks and whites -- all, I guess, to elicit a sense of authenticity, but it just doesn't work.",0 +But the script is somewhat silly and underdeveloped and hinders any serious comment the film could have made,0 +"As for Ferrara's ""stylish"" direction, when a film is so vile, dumb and deeply offensive, it's hard for the viewer to pay attention to such details.",0 +What should be hilarious is instead at turns tedious and irritating.,0 +"Oh just kidding, turns out this is the worst movie I've ever seen.",0 +"It was bad enough that they had to take on the impossible task of looking through a vast amount of writings to find the ""third testament"" in five days, but then at the end it became this ridiculous humanist fantasy.",0 +To people like me the first episode was interesting and the second was disastrous.,0 +"Why I disliked the movie, apart from the sheer ugliness of the actors themselves, is that someone might actually believe such crap.",0 +"Poor acting, poor plot, poor culture that seems to be without religion.",0 +"The film lacks credible characters (whether main or marginal), and the feel of it is too 80s which means the movie has a rather bland look; visually ugly.",0 +Worst movie ever!,0 +"Instead of reaching for his plastic, he furtively glances around to see if the coast is clear and ducks out of the place without paying.",0 +Terrible movie idea.,0 +"Although there's not really too much depth in the characters, the story is somehow funny and generally OK with potential to get better, which it doesn't.",0 +Nothing to really recommend in this film.,0 +There are literally no redeeming qualities to be found in this pile of wasted celluloid.,0 +"These human characters are only there to scream, run around, and mutter these poorly-written and verbose speeches about survival.",0 +"3) Terrible plot with stupid caracters making idiotic decisions and blithely losing precious survival equipment and clothing left, right and center.",0 +So that tells you that the movie is going to be bad anyway.,0 +"well I do, but this one sucks too.",0 +It was really cheesy at times.,0 +It's just a bad film.,0 +There is no depth to the story and even the acting seems superficial.,0 +"The flashbacks are mostly mundane and predictable, dully acted and with a soundtrack that could put The Laughing Cow out of business it was so cheesy, it actually sounded like muzak or copyright free elevator stuff!",0 +"This is a poor, poor movie.",0 +I was unimpressed and bored with this film.,0 +There is nothing original here.,0 +Astonishingly bad.,0 +This film unfortunately presents no believable heroes to worship.,0 +It is so awful I couldn't bear to watch at times.,0 +What could have been a good film is that the firefighter are put way up as heroes because they are firemen and turns the whole scenario into a uninteresting melodrama.,0 +They're running around like chicken.,0 +Adequate!,0 +* from ****,0 +"""Wagons East"" was a big disappointment for me.",0 +"The story is pointless and weak, and the jokes aren't there.",0 +"Seriously, I don't know what they were thinking when they came up with this piece of crap, but the flick has NO redeeming qualities.",0 +Sight gags were just not funny enough to carry this one.,0 +"this cartoon is not right,lol I totally disagree with a lot of things it portrayed however it ended on a positive note , but as for me and mine we will not be viewing this in our household mainly because we fight against stereotypes every day and this cartoon just confirms what most white people feel black people act likethe comment one of the little black girls made on the cartoon was that her boyfriend was so conscious (he was white ) that really offended me that's not something we as black people take lightly conscious is a state of being that black people achieve when they realize their true ability",0 +I am disappointed in Nickelodeon and Nick Jr. for agreeing to air this terrible program.,0 +"Forster is always watchable, it's just a crying shame that the movie itself is so damn trite and clichéd.",0 +"Rothrock does get to throw a couple of kicks near the end, but this film is so atrocious that you probably won't be awake to see them.",0 +"Fred ""The Hammer"" Williamson delivers another cheaply made movie.",0 +all she does in this movie is walk around looking bored just like i was when i watched this pile of crap.,0 +Oh brother the plot of this movie was so full of holes it was pathetic.,0 +In fact what in the hell is this movie trying to say?,0 +"The ending is especially weak, with absolutely no payoff for the long suffering audience.",0 +Pretty dull and uninteresting.,0 +The acting was un-inspiring and the film was simply a waste of what have been a good idea into a waste of a dvdr.,0 +"The sets looked cheap, the costumes by the usually excellent Donfeld are garish and distracting.",0 +"Essentially this is a dreadful film with a few features that may or may not redeem it for you, depending on how much you want them to.",0 +Poor actors thrashing a horrible script pretty much sums this one up.,0 +"They were stoops to even appear, much less be ""technical advisers"" in a stink-bomb of a movie like this.",0 +"For a film with the words Hell's Angels AND the number 69 AND featuring actual Hell's Angels, this movie is surprisingly tame.",0 +Something of a disappointment.,0 +"It is NOT worth eight bucks to see it in theaters, unless you'd like a good laugh at the horrible acting.",0 +Then it somehow just lost that.,0 +Nothing special or memorable whatsoever.,0 +The acting is mostly poor.,0 +but the storyline is overly obvious.,0 +The writers missed so many opportunities and created so many plot holes.,0 +")was awful, The Golden Compass was alright, but the ending was pretty crappy to His Dark Materials fans, and I Am Legend, well I haven't seen that yet (or National Treasures 2) but it looks alright.",0 +"There is little to recommend with this movie, since the neither the bomb nor the scientist nor the war have much to do with the plot.",0 +The mystery is very pedestrian and the acting doesn't fare much better.,0 +This is boring and uninspired with wild music playing as Chan calmly walks across the street.,0 +Don't waste your time on this clunker....,0 +"The cast of well-known actors tries hard, but only Emily Watson is able to resurrect a credible character from this squishy script.",0 +"Paced way too fast between events and deadly slow within them, devoid of any emotion except the obvious, expository and contrived--maybe this only seems like one of Lifetime's worst movie because of all the Red Carpet hype with which it was presented.",0 +The characters in this were all cliché and one-dimensional.,0 +I just saw a terrible film called The Sleeping Dictionary.,0 +"All along, I thought that the story was full of clichés and the directing very boring.",0 +"The plot is thin on the ground, and hard to believe.",0 +"Needless to say, the romance does not come off as believable(not even a tiny bit).",0 +The sets are cheap and cheesy.,0 +And a promising premise and an overactive fog machine is wasted.,0 +I think it was just a lousy screenplay.,0 +It's pretty much is a total bore.,0 +But what do you expect from a guy whose main claim to fame (apart from this dog t--d of a movie) was being a second rate Dean Martin imitator?,0 +What a disappointment!,0 +This is a failure so complete as to make me angry.,0 +"): lots of shots of athletes that look almost good enough for a Nike commercial, shots of smiling people, inexplicably dull frontal head shots of famous people's wax dummies (WTF were they thinking here?",0 +Naqoyqatsi is flawed by being a chaotic melange of images that does little to develop its theme.,0 +It's very tedious to watch and without any redeeming qualities.,0 +"And to make matters worse, the computer animation sequences are more artless than a 1980's Wall Street pie-chart.",0 +"This film was derivative, and the score is just enough Philip Glass to sound like EVERYTHING he's done in the past 10 years...",0 +"Occasionally the stock footage is put to good effect (the nationalismfinance segment around 35:00), but usually it makes the video appear to lack any meaningful content, and demands you accept the context of the stock photographers rather than the context of the director.",0 +Its just pretentious.,0 +"Naqoyqatsi is defined at the film's end, a missed opportunity to place the images in context.",0 +I was very disappointed in this film.,0 +It's preachy.,0 +At the point that there had been more than 10 minutes in a row of this cheap looking effect I was ready to leave.,0 +"To conclude, I was greatly disappointed by a documentary which is not a documentary, a movie which is not a movie, a ""something"" whose only strong point is the extraordinary use of technology in image processing.",0 +"Just as I rated Koyaanisquatsi the best film ever made, this one is the worst.",0 +"Unfortunately, it's not much to look at, either.",0 +"Making an insurance salesman and his wife, a nerdy private in Vietnam, a drag race driver, and a overgrown hippie into interesting characters in interesting situations was far beyond the talents of those who wrote this nearly unwatchable movie.",0 +This one just doesn't cut it.,0 +This movie isn't even amusing.,0 +"Speaking of drag racing, the whole plot with Milner talking to a foreign exchange student was really lame, unfunny, and throwing in Mackenzie Phillips for a cameo didn't help at all.",0 +2 out of 10 stars!,0 +"The rest of the supporting actors in the film from Candy Clark's Debbie (Terry's Girlfriend), to the Pharaoh's gang members, along with Harrison Ford and others really don't do much.",0 +"Overall, this is a pointless sequel.",0 +This movie was appallingly bad on so many levels I just don't know where to start.,0 +) The whole movie had nothing worthwhile in any part of it.,0 +But it fails.,0 +After this character flip I just couldn't enjoy rest of the movie.,0 +"Well, unfortunately, writer-director Victor Salva (of ""Jeepers Creepers"" and ""Powder"" fame) doesn't have enough ideas to keep the movie going, the scenario arouses no tension or suspense (poison for what is supposedly a 'thriller'), and the inclusion of an underlying homo-erotic tone seems out-of-place.",0 +"Even with the ""shocking"" twists at the end, we are merely left to shake our heads and wonder if the producers and directorwriter feel as ashamed and embarrassed as they should for creating this inconsistent, incoherent nonsense.",0 +The acting throughout the movie was so bad I am going to have trouble sleeping tonight.,0 +"This film suffers horrendously from its direction ""Julian Grant"" , and its incompetent lead, Steve Guttenberg, who's putting a solid effort to win a Bruce Willis look-alike contest!",0 +"Do not read if you want to watch this movie for some reason*****Oh my, this is bad.",0 +"A cut above from the usual straight to video actioneer, Airborne has enough in the tank to keep it going for the full 90 minutes, although you can't help but think of how low former '80's comedy golden boy Steve Guttenburg has stooped to be in such a cheap production (and playing a hard man too!",0 +"The acting is really bad, or the actors are directed to act as dummys.",0 +Pair that with one of the worst scripted dialogues in Hollywood history and you have BAD movie.,0 +To say this was bad is an insult to the bad movies we all know and love.,0 +"Cliched and tired, this movie was a waste of time.",0 +"Gutenberg puts in a pathetic performance, Sean Bean tries his best but with a script this bad there wasnt much he could do.",0 +The writing was horrible so even the best actors could not have made this movie watchable.,0 +"all i can say about this film is to read the back of the video case and then put it back on he shelf and pick anything else, i mean anything, a blank video, would be better than watching this.",0 +My friends and I rented this movie mistaking it for another one about skateboarding.,0 +"This film tries very hard to be an ""action"" film, but it fails miserably.",0 +"Horridly off-tune songs, bubbly characters without an ounce of dimension, backdrops of sickening pastel--instead of giving your inner child an ice cream cone, Resnais drowns it in a bucket of cake frosting.",0 +It's simply a pointless film (cf.,0 +It was a pretty bad film.,0 +Everyone else (besides Castle Freak) was pretty run of the mill.,0 +"Personally, I was more surprised at the nudity and borderline porno sex scene, than I was shocked by the graphic violence & gore.",0 +This is a candidate for worst films I've ever seen.,0 +"Upon taking inventory of the castle for a future sale a hideous, tortured and misshapen creature breaks lose from the bowels of the 12th century castle.",0 +I really couldn't get into this movie.,0 +This movie was a disappointment.,0 +I was rather disappointed.,0 +This movie is one of the worst films I have seen.,0 +"The script is awful, it just meanders around constantly ridiculing crime and prisoners of war.",0 +") The pic's just pure juvenile nonsense, which wouldn't be half as bad, were it not for the long ponderous stretches in between the childish action scenes.",0 +"The movie first of all is too repetitive, a lot of scenes are almost identical from each of the both leading roles, so you get the impression that it's a time filler.",0 +"Stereotype characters, absolute ignorance about Colombia's reality, awful mise en scene, poor color choice, NOT funny (it supposed to be a comedy and they expect that you will laugh because some distend music it's beside the nonsense scenes), Very poor actors direction (if you see somewhere those people, I mean the interpreters, you'll know they are at least good, but seeing this so call film, it is impossible to guess it), you get tired of the music...",0 +"The plot is ridiculous; it feels like a bunch of old rotting corporate people over at Disney sat around a table and asked themselves ""How can we seem hip to these youngsters""?",0 +i was really annoyed with my little cousin as she was very hyper that day so i saw a film on the Disney channel and put it on and told her to watch it.,0 +It's sugar-coated crap like this that make me more than a little unsure who to be more disgusted with (a little film called 'High School Musical' comes to mind...,0 +In short this movie was awful.,0 +"The supporting players are mostly awful, lacking credible emotion and timing.",0 +I often wonder if Ty had a sense about this film and what a dud it proved.,0 +Well that's the sort of expression the combatants have on their face when they're swinging their swords in a highly unconvincing manner The plot centres on Soloman the King of Israel having an affair with the Queen of Sheeba and his people not being happy about it .,0 +"As far as they are concerned, nothing good came from pagan Egypt, Greece or Rome.",0 +Yul Brynner's wooden performance as the Hebrew king doesn't even light when he has voluptuous and half naked Gina Lollobrigida dancing around him provocatively.,0 +For most of the two hours until the action scenes there is too much talking; the dialog is so inept that the movie just begs to be spoofed by MST3K.,0 +"No, the worse thing about this movie is that almost two and a half hours, it seemed like nine it was so poorly paced and insipid!",0 +Like I said this movie was utter nonsense.,0 +This movie was childish in its writing and laughable in its visual effects.,0 +"Sorry, but this movie is really crap.",0 +The directing was very poor.,0 +but it doesn't even come close!,0 +I was royally disappointed!,0 +"Dominion does not evoke the emotions of the viewers to empathize with Father Merrin, and leaves the viewer wondering exactly why he was troubled in the first place.",0 +"It was relentlessly talky, uninteresting, and insipid.",0 +He's now part of the small club of worst casting mistakes ever!,0 +The effects in this film are laughable at best and the sheer cheesiness of it all is enough to rob the film of any chance of being taken seriously.,0 +"I don't know about you but i go to horror films to be scared and this was anything but scary, the movie had several chances to be truly scary and failed miserably EVERY TIME!",0 +"Droll, boring, unintentionally funny in all the wrong places and bad supporting cast.",0 +Unfortunately the movie sucked big time.,0 +"Once again, Paul Schrader has sabotaged his own intentions with dull, pedantic storytelling.",0 +The problem is that their strong performances make square-jawed Don Diamont's less-than-stellar acting skills seem even more awkward.,0 +This film does not.,0 +What results is an hour-and-nothing's worth of zombies tracking down and eating humans.,0 +"Sadly, her discoveries lead her to pay the ultimate price in their revelation.",0 +Most awful casting I've ever seen.,0 +"I feel dumber after watching the first 20 min,luckily i walked out and saved the rest of my brain, people should watch better films and take notes on why they are rated highly,not because of the budget of the film or the special effects, just simply good acting and getting simple things right,and MOst importantly--not being LAME--, but i guess this was produced for those Sheeple without taste and not a clue of what is ''A good Movie''don't be scared of rating films low,save your under-appreciated high scores for ''once in a life time movies''.",0 +I cannot stress how bad this movie is.,0 +"The plot was poor and the comedy they ""tried"" to deliver came out poorly.",0 +Yahoo Serious is like a $3 bottle of wine - had no substance to begin with and just gets worse with age.,0 +"This Australian ""surprise"" is offensively unfunny, and at times even depressing.",0 +"), inadequate direction, no plot and a general sense of meanness totally take away from the interesting production design and leave you with a truly horrible taste in your mouth.",0 +It's absolutely a waste of time.,0 +"This is the worst movie of all-time, no doubt, and Schindler's List, did in fact have more laughs.",0 +"The film, on the other hand, is amazingly insipid and bad!",0 +This question is unsatisfactorily dealt with in this adaptation of Patricia Highsmith's book and left me rather cold along the way.,0 +"Though it has a strong premise and an interesting first half-hour, the movie quickly becomes a total disaster and devolves into complete nonsense.",0 +"With an atrocious screenplay featuring jokes about as funny as a malaria epidemic and dialogue so painfully dry it makes none of the characters likable, 'You Kill Me' might be the biggest cinematic failure of 2007.",0 +All the acting talent that is assembled is completely wasted.,0 +"However, this is easily the worst movie I have seen in 10 years, and I see my share of movies.",0 +"Served up with lashings of Hollywood's religious ""God will Save you"" redemption drivel Another Reviewer mentioned the ""Sassy dialogue"" of Tea Leone - well I managed to watch nearly an hour of this boring film and I still haven't seen any sassy yet - in fact my 80 year old grandmother has more amusing comebacks than Tea's character in this rubbish.",0 +"Throw in a pointless and unexplained sub-plot and a horribly cringe worthy montage, and you end up with a waste of 93 minutes (60 in my case).",0 +** out of ****,0 +"If it weren't for the subject matter, I would have given this closer to a 0 rating.",0 +"This is the first co-production of Mexico with Germany, and although it is a good picture of the ideals that marked, and continue marking (at least to the CGH), youth, as much finishes being something insipid since to the internal dilemmas that it faces Dark brown (Noethem) like the passion by his ideals that Adela feels (Campomanes), as soon as they glimpse, in the case of him, I want to suppose, by the barrier of the language; and in the case of her by its lack of experience.",0 +A mishmash of a film that will serve as entertainment only for the most die-hard Alice Faye fans who will get a chance to see her in a dramatic role--albeit a weak one.,0 +"She's in a heap of trouble, I won't say what exactly, and even American extraterritoriality won't help her out.",0 +This movie plays like someone who's giving a pale imitation of the trio and you can see how very hard Moe and Larry are working to make every little bit of slapstick relevant.,0 +Just a pathetic side note in history.,0 +I was left with the larger impression that this guy's stand-up act just wasn't very funny.,0 +"I believe the catch phrase of the night was ""ride it until the wheels fall off"" which he intermingled with just plain lewd jokes revolving around sex and sexual organs.",0 +It's sad how he tries so hard to come up with a good joke and all he does is curse and thinks his disgusting vulgarity is funny.,0 +This concert was awful.,0 +Then he goes on to rather primitive sexual jokes on smokers with throat cancer and it just goes downhill from there.,0 +"Yeung Fan as the physcho's love interest's unfaithful girl tries to keep one from total boredom by stripping down whenever possible, and Sun does have a nice ass, but even that can't save this dud.",0 +"I am so keen to get into the whole Asian horror scene, but am continuously disappointed.",0 +It was a pain to sit through this show.,0 +"The presence of Wilfrid Brambell (from STEPTOE AND SON) romancing the aged Miss Hare does not help matters either,and even though the film lasts about 1 and a half hours,it drags on to an interminably depressing degree.",0 +"They are joined by the rest of Stan's family and some laughs are to be had from Arthur (Michael Robbins) and Olive's (Anna Karen) persistent chuntering, as well as the sheer oddness of Blakey, but the idea that young women would see anything desirable in brilliantined Stan (Reg Varney) or lecherous Jack (Bob Grant) is just risible.",0 +It is simply not funny and the scriptwriters have obviously just tried to use the name of the TV series in order to make a few quid at the box office.,0 +"And there`s something objectionable - not to mention crediblity defying - as they cop off with girls young enough to be their daughtersAs for the rest of HOLIDAY ON THE BUSES , I found it instantly forgettable .",0 +abject boredom.,0 +All this was a major disappointment considering I waded through a very dull 2 and a half hours of BBC costume drama to get to that point.,0 +"Some are the actions are long, like always mostly for the boss, but for the least important ones, they were killed or dosed off with a few hits, but some where quite unrealistic or could have done a better job at.",0 +"If you want to see MD in a good sub flick, watch Crash Dive and leave this lame film on the shelf.",0 +Story of an ex-Navy Seal who is now a combat medical officer assigned to a state of the art Russian sub with a nurse.,0 +"Cates is insipid and unconvincing, Kline over-acts as always, as does Lithgow while butchering an English accent (at least, I assume that's what he's attempting), and the tone staggers uneasily between farcical and maudlin.",0 +"There is a narrator who prattles on about relationships, but his talking adds absolutely nothing to the mix at all and just adds to the confusion.",0 +"Simply put, this movie is a debacle.",0 +This is perhaps the most ridiculous crap I have ever watched.,0 +"A guy that might get thrown out by his land lord,due to how messy his flat is,discovers that due to keeping a tuna pasta in his fridge for six months,the it has now moulded and evolved into a green mouldy version of himself!",0 +All in all this film is utter shite don't go near it.,0 +"Of the three stories, the only one that I gleaned any entertainment value from was the second episode in which a man (of sorts) grows out of the bacteria in a guys fridge.",0 +The film is just so freaking draggy and could be trimmed severely.,0 +This film's a big bore.,0 +The story is extremely weak in its characters.,0 +"This thing fails on so many levels it's hard to narrow it down, but let's just say it's tawdry, incredible, boring, hedonistic, confusing and even at 100 minutes, way too long.",0 +"Film is a little too syrupy at times, but OK for fans of 'The Waltons' and 'Little House on the Prairie'.",0 +"Sorry, but there was nothing redeeming about this film.",0 +"The film is in such bad shape that it looks like someone just ran it through a dishwasher, the sound is terrible, the dialog is otherworldly bad, there's some primitive mannequin gore (plus some dismemberments and guts) and it's technically inept in every possible way it can be inept.",0 +"Naturally, in such a situation, people start dropping dead.",0 +) is all over the place and is incredibly stupid.,0 +"But you can't find a good copy of it, terrible copy full with green drops, the editing isn't syncronized, the sound do has sometimes that terrible hiss and sometimes you even can hear the camera recording.",0 +"For most of the film, nothing happens; and then when we finally get down to the scenes that justify the movie being banned, they're so amateurish and silly that they're impossible to take seriously on any level.",0 +It doesn't really help matters.,0 +"I tried to read this dull and very turgid novel years ago, but was unable to finish it.",0 +"Even so, I like some of the movies on lifetime (Lifestyle here in UK), but this was awful.",0 +"So bad as good - not only the script is obvious, but the acting is not just poor, but pathetic.",0 +"Everything about the writing is unrealistic, and all of the actors involved make it that much worse with their campy interpretations of the script.",0 +"It's just one forehead-slapping, painfully stupid scene after another as the clownish, dim-witted cardboard cutouts substituting for actual humanoid characters push, pull, and drag the ""plot"" to its inevitable and obvious conclusion.",0 +"This movie has terrible everything: The dialog is corny and cliché', the acting is poor for the most part with a few exceptions, the cinematography is nothing to cheer about, and the plot is silly (A fat woman stalks a suburban family because her daughter didn't make the soccer team).",0 +and pointless.,0 +"IMDb really must institute a ""0"" or even a minus scale to embrace works of this appallingly pretentious awfulness.",0 +") But there's not enough of the Herzog scenes to merit their place in the film, and so any connection between these two allegorically-connected threads is inevitably strained - and the inclusion is, in retrospect, tedious.",0 +The only good thing about this movie was the location it was filmed.,0 +what the heck is that?,0 +"Instead of focusing on the two protagonists, he switches the story stupidly to the confines of a château to introduce a bunch of other impersonators making the whole experience tedious and narratively barren.",0 +This was probably the worst Asian horror movie I've seen.,0 +The sound effects scared the hell out of me though momentarily but that's the only scary thing.,0 +"The Eye2 does not even have anything to do with eyes :\The movie had a few questionable scenes: Joey attempts suicide 3 times (4 times, if you count the time when witnesses say they saw Joey trying to jump in front of the train), she is associated with brutally defacing an attacker, she freaks out in a restaurant and witnesses say she was ""attacking"" people and yet she is allowed to go about her business freely, without even so much as a psyche evaluation or put in the hospital (for reasons other than her pregnancy).",0 +"I would recommend watching that one and skipping this one all together, there is no reason to watch this as there is no reason this even called ""The Eye 2"" except to capitalize on the excellence that was the first flick.",0 +") He doesn't use subtle moves to do that, all he does is to use extreme stuff, and it gets unbearably absurd and laughable.",0 +"I would describe this movie as ordinary American thriller with a little bit of Turkish touch, Unfortunately yet again I'm convinced that comedies and dramas are the only genres worth watching in Turkish cinema Anyways i gave this movie a 4, its too boring and full of clichés",0 +There is only one good thing in the movie.,0 +I think it is a lousy movie.,0 +Steer clear of this dud.,0 +I think this film is poorly designed and directed.,0 +Nothing too special here.,0 +"Frankly, this film bored me to tears.",0 +But it's worth watching but only to see one of Garrets worst films that he ever did.,0 +Very obscure and contains very questionable subtexts.,0 +Any other kind of enjoyment to be derived from this crap is unthinkable..,0 +If there's anything worse than this movie I don't want to see it.,0 +"Listen for one of the most inept sound effects ever: late in the story when the priest is setting out to find Jimmy, the guide demands his monk's robes as payment-the priest drops on one knee in a moment of resigned contemplation and there is the sound of a bell, not the deep ""BONNNNG"" of a church bell, but the ""ding"" of a bell from a boxing match!",0 +"An unbelievable plot, laughable characters, and obvious errors (in one scene where several grass huts are supposed to be burning, a gas torch can be seen repeatedly trying to ignite one of the huts), this film is a real dog.",0 +The source material for tacky comments in this movie are endless.,0 +"Acting is average, but writing leaves something to be desired.",0 +POSSIBLE MINOR SPOILERIt's not a terribly objective review but I just found this movie horribly depressing.,0 +"And the odd little gay polemics put in willy-nilly, without rhyme or reason.",0 +"This film contains absolutely nothing of relevance for viewers who are interested in Jesus, religion or philosophy -- there is only the standard British social realism with guttural dialects and plump characters in pubs.",0 +"Ugh, the pacing and time-wasting laborious dialogue was just painful to sit through.",0 +"Simply, it's trash.",0 +This movie was definitely on the boring side.,0 +Telly Savalas hams it up as the Mexican revolutionary (though he's matched by Chuck Connors as a military martinet) in this jokey yet rather boring pastiche on the famous historical figure's life and times.,0 +The movie is obviously a pretty low budget effort of limited technical quality.,0 +"The entire middle section of the film involves the construction of a ""perfect woman;"" this is concentrated gore for the bloodthirsty, and laughable.",0 +"As a matter of fact, it is total crap.",0 +And you'll probably chuckle when you realize that the final woman has none of the features he used to construct her with.,0 +"The acting is beyond bad, the gore effects atrocious (no, not in the good way), the plot almost none-existent and no fun to be had.",0 +I can't believe I even tried to watch this filth.,0 +"I know this movie is a low-budget horror movie intended for those in favor of shocks and ""inexpensive"" gore, but even considering that, this movie is just too dull, filled with an incoherent plot, along with awful music, and obvious signs that this movie was never finished.",0 +This was a BAD movie.,0 +This movie didn't help matters.,0 +"Now that I've seen ""Dr. Gore"" I know there is a third kind of bad movie: the utter crap sandwich.",0 +And it is terribly hard to find.,0 +"The main reasons to bother sitting through this movie are for the hysterical 'hypnosis' scene, the laughably serious ending and the rock-bottom production values.",0 +"The plot is simple, the direction is nonexistent and the movie drags while the actordirectorwriternarrator narrates.",0 +"Not so much of a mess as a painfully dull, half-assed excuse for exploitation.",0 +"Bought for £1, Project Vampire is one of the worst movies I have ever seen.",0 +How poor is this movie?,0 +Put simply this is probably the worst film I have ever seen!,0 +"The result is a total mess, without meaning for most parts, with very limited and cheap effects.",0 +"This is seriously the worst movie I have ever seen, right from the start the movie goes straight down hill with its cheesy music score, poor acting, and total lack or real story or plot.",0 +"That's it, I can't think of one thing good besides that about this stinker.",0 +I watched this because of the description and cover art and yet again was deceived.,0 +"Aside from the ""homemade"" quality of the film it was very slow and seemed to make no point.",0 +The car slowly breaks down and the two are in for the scare of their lives as mysterious unexplainable things happen in the lonely radiation-poisoned desert; remnants of nuclear testing.,0 +"I never comment on a film, but I have to say that this was one of the worst films that I have ever seen.",0 +"I have to say this is the worst movie that I have ever watched in my life, I cannot believe that I wasted $10 at blockbuster ; this movie should be burned and who ever thought of it has issues.",0 +"Dreamland simply stinks, and about the only good thing about this 90 minute waste of time is the certain knowledge that James Lay and his fellow perps will never make another picture again.",0 +"There is absolutely nothing in this film, no story, no character building, no events, no atmosphere, no plot, no twists, no acting that deserves that name.",0 +The writer's and director's brains must have been fried eggs to ever have concocted something as abominable as this.,0 +"Badly acted, badly shot, badly written, badly directed, terrible sound recording and the whole thing is just incredibly amateur.",0 +This is such a slow POS going absolutely nowhere.,0 +"I don't know how much more I can say about this waste of film, other than to totally trash it.",0 +"Ferrer manages to maintain his dignity throughout, but Meredith is an embarrassment (in what is virtually a retread of his Penguin characterization from the 1960s BATMAN TV series and film) where the budget was so tight – mostly invested in bland production design and shoddy special effects, no doubt, and both evidently influenced by STAR WARS (1977) – that, apparently, they couldn't even afford him a decent costume (he looks positively idiotic wearing a tie in a sub)!",0 +This has to rate as one of the cheesiest of TV shows in a long time.,0 +You'll feel like you've experienced a vacation in Hell after you have sat down and watched this horrible TV movie.,0 +"The people squabble, but everything is so predictable for the prejudices of the time, it is laughable.",0 +"Cheesy, stupid, long-winded, preposterous...",0 +But what he's come up with is a film so disjointed and improbable that it looks just like a very long sketch on Saturday Night Live.,0 +I'd give this a 6.5 out of 10.,0 +"""Shadows and Fog"" is surely one of Woody Allen's weakest films, right up there with ""September"" and ""Hollywood Ending"" (though nothing Allen has done equals the awfulness of ""Anything Else"")"".",0 +"I suppose I would, if the rest of the movie were clearly a comedy, but it's not.",0 +"Regrettably, the film fails.",0 +This film reeks of production line planning.,0 +"The story is very trite ,and almost completely devoid of dramatization.",0 +"It may have some long-term significance as a snapshot of 1950s US thinking, but there is little else to commend in the mawkish storyline, wooden acting and grating style.",0 +"The acting is mediocre, and the direction is weak.",0 +This film is a load of crap.,0 +Terrible acting and terrible storyline.,0 +"The acting from the other characters is pretty bad, but I was not expecting anything too good.",0 +But don't pay any attention to this awful dreck of a film.,0 +Director Barba doesn't do anything particularly special here & the action scenes lack any real excitement & the sci-fi elements are virtually none existent apart from the fact Solo is a robot.,0 +It's the perfect example of how to take a terrible script and turn it into one of the worst films ever made.,0 +"The movie is a horrible ripoff of the THE TERMINATOR and CYBORG series, and apparently has little to do with its source material.",0 +"And even on this Solo fails to deliver - what little action there is is poorly done, dull and uninspired.",0 +R it makes no sense in its narrative and basically the movie is awesomely boring.,0 +3 out of 10,0 +"The acting is so wooden you could build a house out of it, the storylineplot is absolutely laughable, the camerawork and editing is horrid, the direction is non-existent, and to top it all off, everything is so cliche and ridiculous that it just annoys the hell out of you.",0 +This movie had no endearing characters to warm to.,0 +Quite possibly the worst movie I have seen in five years.,0 +Artistically it is as empty and insignificant.,0 +"The only reason I watched this was because a few of my friends were watching it, introducing it as most likely the worst movie ever made, judging by the trailer.",0 +What I fail to comprehend is an artist of Al Pacino's talent prostituting and embarrassing himself with this level of mindless junk.,0 +"""It shows a lack of intelligence, poor language skills and disrespect for all those that have to listen"".",0 +"Other than that, well, what a waste of time.",0 +"*Two for the Money* is the worst example yet, worse even than *Devil's Advocate*, which at least had the virtues of featuring a naked Connie Nielsen and being chronologically prior to this movie.",0 +I just feel this movie was very commercial and put together poorly.,0 +The story-crap The acting- crap(Rene Ruso-Major League was good) The plot-crap The subplot-garbage The teenage attempts to relate to sports betting-junkI have vowed to watch Romy and Michelle's High School reunion 2 times a day for the next seven days as my punishment for not turning this colostomy bag of a movie off after 10 minutes.,0 +This is by far probably the worst film Al Pacino could have starred in.,0 +The scenes in this movie seem like they were put together from 20 other bad movies by a really poor editor.,0 +"Bloated with unnecessary scenes, the most ridiculous being a clumsily inserted and pointless recreation of the fountain scene in 'La Dolce Vita'.",0 +the photography was good but the film and its attitude were trash.,0 +"Ridiculous, nauseating doggerel with terrible acting; ineptly, superficially, and condescendingly trawling all the most banal clichés about Tuscany and Italy, divorce and midlife.",0 +"Set in (let's say) a suburb of Newark, the plot would be deemed ridiculous.",0 +The movie had no excitement and does not have anything to hold your interest.,0 +"Instead, it is an uninteresting tale that takes liberties at every juncture to bash men.",0 +"I want someone to give me back the two hours I wasted watching this dreck, drivel, dross.",0 +"I let my girlfriend talk me into seeing this - bad idea, we both hated it.",0 +There were way too many stereotypes.,0 +"If you feel like wasting 86 minutes on a film that makes no sense, is badly written ,with a bad plot and bad acting then this little gem is for you.",0 +Badly scripted.,0 +"The Bermuda Triangle ,we are told in this waste of celluloid, is the portal to another time and dimension and can be crossed using cheap special effects by bad actors spouting inane dialogueI simply was unable to decide who the makers of this excresence thought would be its target audience as it seems impossible anybody could derive even a modicum of pleasure from the outcome Avoid-its not even bad enough to be good.",0 +"All it did was offer a bunch of lame explinations that didn't make sense (if time moves differently there how come the woman didn't age, and her son aged rapidly), and have a horrible sappy ending.",0 +"Long, whiny and pointless.",0 +"After watching the continuously sub-par, unfunny attempts by the actors to solicit some laughs, I am left wondering whether the live audience is genuinely laughing at what transpires, or whether they, too, are improvising.",0 +"This is not entertaining improvisational acting, it's just a cheap attempt to throw someone famous comedic actors onto a stage and have them perform a poorly improved scene.",0 +"As creatively barren as the entertainment industry has become, I refuse to believe that NBC brass really have faith in this turkey.",0 +"I don't so I thought, to be frank, this episode was appalling.",0 +Cartoonish ideas and characters are stretched paper-thin for an appalling two hours.,0 +I think this film is boring.,0 +"Instead, I found my sensibilities somewhat dulled as a succession of bearded Islamic villains replaced each other taunting, torturing or killing the wantonly victimized prototypical middle-class Iranian whose Western cultural sympathies were patent (and whose exoneration the movie quite blatantly seeks.",0 +This movie bored me.,0 +"but as it stands + its release timing this is just pure propaganda movie; even worse, since its cartoon, it overplays the ""soft"" side of tings too well for its own good , in order to possibly be taken serious.",0 +"For me, going to this movie was a waste of my time.",0 +The worst script in memory.,0 +This movie bored the crap out of me!,0 +"The actor that plays Adri (I'm sorry, I forgot his name at the moment) is at least delivering a decent performance, and is one of the reasons I don't rate this movie even worse.",0 +So: bad acting + bad montage + crap story = De Dominee.,0 +"Also, the single from Intwine on the soundtrack is very bad, it has a chorus that is repeated numerous times', like ""I'm a cruel man, I take it all away, I'm a cruel man I'm here to stay..",0 +"It's a real shame that a woman as attractive and talented as Dushku should go from a meaty supporting role in ""Buffy the Vampire Slayer"" to this clunker.",0 +Unfortunately the writing and an actor let the show down.,0 +There simply is no plot!,0 +"I see that there's lots of praise being showered upon the show, and I honestly can't understand why--- this show is so poorly acted, the dialogue is so awful, and the plots are thin around their holes.",0 +Sadly enough the writing staff behind his turd is bunch of lazy bastards who can not come up with their original scripts.,0 +"There are so many awkward pauses, awkwardly re-staged moments and awkwardly re-imagined line readings in this TV movie that at times, I forgot ever loving the play.",0 +"Clumsy overdubs explaining the history, monochrome acting, boring sets, total lack of any humanity, verve or style.",0 +"I simply cannot understand how any Who fan, or just plain anyone could find this awful, lazy, poorly written abomination even remotely funny.",0 +Every now and then the film goes off on digressions which have no relevance to the main plot and generally serve to confuse the viewer.,0 +But this is not a good movie.,0 +Which of course makes it a very unsatisfying experience watching this movie.,0 +"Borrowing heavily and unabashedly from ""The Ring"", ""One Last Call"" and a few other recent horror hits, this film tries to carry an uninteresting and worn-out plot to a climax, but we've seen it all before.",0 +"For anyone else, don't bother, the story is so contrived, random stuff happens that really doesn't follow in a coherent way.",0 +"Instead, the story degenerates into a highly improbable series of unfortunate events highlighting blatant disobedience by the missionaries (something that undeniably exists, but rarely on the level that Dutcher portrays) and it becomes almost laughable.",0 +The preposterous unbelievability of dozens of details in the final minutes didn't help.,0 +I was sorely disappointed in this movie.,0 +"The scripting is awful, just awful, with no characterisation at all.",0 +But what were these stellar people DOING in this camp old nonsense?,0 +"(Other films and books have different portrayals of the characters, but in this one, they are simply hopelessly in love.",0 +The movie hasn't improved with age.,0 +"But, then again, even that's not worth seeing, as it doesn't shut him up at all (think he might have been a robot, but I nodded off a couple of times).",0 +"This movie has the potential to be a really great comedic parody (""Star Wars,"" David Lynch's ""Dune"") but was just not handled correctly.",0 +"Anyway, many of the parts they tried to make funny actually are, but often simply for the cheese factor.",0 +"For one, it just looks too cheap, you know?",0 +"Water as a plot device was just dumb, dumb, dumb.",0 +") – incidentally, the jump-cuts adopted here (intending to denote the rapid passage of time) are not only unsuccessful but downright irritating.",0 +"It makes the story of the movie seems extremely messy and poorly written, with an almost completely undeveloped main plot.",0 +"Unfortunately, the rest of the movie has very little to recommend it -- there are better spoofs out there.",0 +This is the worst movie I ever paid to see.,0 +The bonus stages aren't even worth aiming for as each level just gets more and more frustrating.,0 +The high-toned English set she moves in is such a clichéd bunch of harummpf-ers that it's ridiculous.,0 +"As a socially prominent member of the British smart set, her British accent is basically non-existent and her line readings sound just like, well, line readings and her emoting seems trance-like and ponderous.",0 +This is like a bad Nickelodeon movie (as apposed to a more decent one I guess).,0 +") The story did not exactly appeal to me, maybe because the acting was so bad.",0 +This one was worse than Scarecrow Slayer (we didn't think that was even POSSIBLE).,0 +This is just stupid.,0 +What a waste of 100 minutes.,0 +A potentially good idea gets completely let down by a weak script which throws all credibility out the window leaving the actors very little to work with.,0 +"I just got bored watching Jessice Lange take her clothes off""!",0 +"The dialogue isn't very clever, and there's some slapstick goofing around near the beginning which fails to work (spitting out food, etc.",0 +"The editing by Chris Conlee doesn't do the film any help, either.",0 +why watch a TV drama (billed as a comedy) in which none of the characters are likable or even interesting people ?,0 +"If you live in the suburbs, are relatively well off financially, and do not really have much contact with the city life of england, then this is the comedy for you.",0 +This is the worst exercise in middle class pretentiousness yet to hit our television screens.,0 +"The plot limps along, with a predictable ending.",0 +But not even that was all that memorable.,0 +"I'm a million miles from being an expert, and I'm never going to climb a mountain; but even the very basic knowledge attained from reading Into Thin Air, and watching Everest Beyond The Limit and a few other Everest docs meant that this film just got more and more ridiculous as it went on.",0 +"There's a bit of male bonding thrown in, but the whole subplot about Harold and his wife amounts to nil, and the personality clashes between Taylor and Dallas ring totally false.",0 +"At $4.99, I've been ripped off.",0 +Very boring and pointless.,0 +"Well, without giving anything away, it's just a bizarre, tacked on conclusion that makes about as little sense as the rest of the picture.",0 +Rating: 3 out of 10.,0 +"Sloppy & poor all around, this one gets a 3 out of 10.",0 +I'm really disappointed because I had high hopes for this one.,0 +This movie was dreadful.,0 +It's called BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE but certainly this audience member found them clichéd stereotypical people that I couldn't believe in as three dimensional characters,0 +I had to lower my rating of this movie to a 4 due to the terrible sound track.,0 +This very forced attempt to fuse Robert Altman and Quentin Tarantino (who is wildly overrated himself) is neither informative nor entertaining.,0 +"Many scenes are very unrealistic, and the acting is quite poor.",0 +but because they were so absurd.,0 +"But that is the film's main flaw, since there's nothing to connect the action scenes together.",0 +The plot is just poor.,0 +"But overall, despite some new twists, it's reasonably stupid.",0 +David Keith is awesome actor especially when he plays a role like this too bad the movie was a piece of crap it really wasted his talent.,0 +"In fact he`s so bad ( And I don`t mean the acting - I`ll get to that in a moment ) that he`s impossible to take seriously and this is before he`s executed only to return as Elton John , Elvis , a French chef etc .",0 +The whole Greenberg subplot was nonsense.,0 +The reality of the mafia environment is absolutely dog-eat-dog where a gangster will be killed for showing any sign of weakness because they become a liability.,0 +"Whenever he flipped out, instead of being shocked by the violence, I found it pretty embarrassing because it was so phony.",0 +A tedious gangster film that leaves you wishing someone had edited it farce more ruthlessly.,0 +Bugsy was a tough guy feared by his contemporaries; Beatty just doesn't radiate menace.,0 +"I just didn't see the big deal with this, and it was a big disappointment.",0 +The movie was supposed to release in 2002 and was much awaited due to the promos but it finally released in 2003 after the producer diedThe movie is good in parts but overall isn't greatThe scenes between Rani and Ajay are okay but the other scenes are not well handledThe film is too similar to BOLLYWOOD Hollywood and though this was planned before that got released first so originality is lostMilan Luthria disappoints overall after KACHCHE DAAGEMusic is good but too many songsAjay Devgan looks jaded and his appearance gives away that the film was delayed and his acting looks boring too Rani is good Sonali is good too rest are okay,0 +The end of the movie was almost as much of a let down as the movie itself.,0 +The final 15 minutes are especially cheesy.,0 +It's totally forgettable.,0 +) This one is not worth the time.,0 +"Musical numbers for what I think was the ""big"" fundraiser show(""you're in show business, I'm in show business, most of the kids are in show business, let's put on a show"")come out of nowhere BEFORE all the talk about putting on a show, and then fade without applause to totally unrelated ""straight"" scenes.",0 +The music is terrible.,0 +It's laughable.,0 +Somehow almost everything about this film oozes mediocrity.,0 +"With such a crappy movie, I was half-expecting a plot-twist or some sort of spectacular situation to occur at the end to give the movie some credit- things that mediocre movies like Arlington Road and Scream pulled off.",0 +I give this movie 1 out of 10.,0 +The script by Jeremy Iacone was based on the book by Jeffery Deaver & is so poor on so many levels I hardly know where to begin.,0 +Now that was a bright idea eh?,0 +"I won't spoil it, but basically the most over-used set of movie cliches get done badly and half heartedly for the most disappointing last five minutes to any film, ever.",0 +What a waste!,0 +Wow -- this movie was really bad!,0 +They were able to find so many other people who agreed with them enough to work on this garbage for obviously little or no money .,0 +It's dreck.,0 +a bunch of dancing numbers and goofy crap happens.,0 +AND FAILED.,0 +A disjointed plot made worse by hideous acting.,0 +This has to be the worst film I have ever had the displeasure of viewing.,0 +The direction is as bland as you could possibly find.,0 +"What a waste of talent -- although it appears that Crudup in real life is a lot more like the vapid, self- absorbed, character-less character he portrays in this disappointing movie.",0 +"This film was so unfocused, rambling and uneven that it was an effort to watch the whole thing.",0 +But you can enjoy them without this tedious pretentious work.,0 +The direction is glib at best and at worst film-making by numbers.,0 +"The acting is okay, I particularly liked Karen Allen and James LeGross, who unfortunately only have supporting roles.",0 +Every plot element just drifts away.,0 +"The priest sees the hypocrisy of the people in his church and tries to show them the ""naked"" truth.",0 +The rest of the cast is undistinguished and a few of the kids are painfully inadequate.,0 +But regarding the story and dialogs I only can call it big crap.,0 +he's just no good.,0 +"A long, pointless film, too personal for wide appeal, and hampered throughout by a cinematic process which fails to reconcile the story at hand.",0 +"Unlike one of the reviewers below, I don't think that a great and glittering career should lie ahead for the director of this inept and tedious piece of navel-gazing.",0 +Sadly it was like watching an unintentionally hysterical home video with arty aspirations.,0 +There really wasn't anything fresh about this,0 +"Duncan Roy's film is apparently autobiographical, however it's impossible to find any glimmer of emotional truth in this chaotic, badly acted and woefully amateurish fiasco.",0 +"What story there is, is such a rambling mess that you loose interest pretty quickly.",0 +"It was badly shot, the sound sucks, and the acting was worse than an episode of The Love Boat.",0 +This gimmick removed any connection or interest I had with any of the characters.,0 +"This is basically a rip off of ""The Talented Mr. Ripley"" and ""Timecode"" I was very let down with this film makers attempt to be cool.",0 +This movie is basically a poor rip-off of three other films.,0 +"This has below average acting, laughable dialogue, split screens that are difficult to watch, and many goofs in it's attempt to be a period film and autobiographical.",0 +This is by far the worst version of William Shakespeare's tragic masterpiece I have ever seen.,0 +But IMHO this portrayal was just a plentiful lack of wit together with most weak hams.,0 +"This ‘Mel Gibson', whoever he is, completely let down the rest of the cast.",0 +This one was alright.,0 +Perhaps the only Shakespearean-worthy acting here is Scofield as The Ghost.,0 +The acting is appalling (especially by Helena Bonham Carter) and the cinematography poor.,0 +And the fact that the plot just ambles along doesn't help.,0 +"An intriguing premise is set up, but then immediately reduced to little more than a backdrop for some unfathomable events that only serve to confuse the plot rather than explain it.",0 +I can't recommend this work.,0 +"I usually much prefer French movies over American ones, with explosions and car chases, but this movie was very disappointing.",0 +I thought this is an unbelievable boring movie!,0 +", none of it is believable.",0 +"The film is written ridiculously, direction is odd, dialogues are out of place and scrambled, the actors didn't do it much justice either, Arquette is annoying throughout, Ian Nicholas was nonexistent, Macy was decent, but only because hes a pretty good actor and probably just tried his best not to come out of this project with a totally embarrassing performance, he was at least tolerable.",0 +"I am as big a Sinatra fan as any sane man, but this movie was just dumb.",0 +Perhaps the whole idea of this movie was just a disaster waiting to happen.,0 +The acting for the most part was dull and humourless with the cast playing one dimensional characters attacking every scene on the same note.,0 +Nope.,0 +"Not an apt description of Tarka The Otter, which contains some thoroughly unpleasant scenes, totally unsuitable for young children, and an ending that qualifies the film as a 'feel bad' movie.",0 +The movie itself was rather thin and seemed more of a parody - or an excuse to show the Paris whorehouse several times with men and women having a good time on the couches in the parlor.,0 +"But the atrocious acting, amateurish cinematography and terrible dubbing make this film achingly bad.",0 +The movie tries to stay on the borderline between erotic and insightful and it cannot succeed at either.,0 +"He and Wyman -- dowdy and fifteen years older -- generate absolutely zero erotic heat in their scenes together, which, by the way, are purposefully few, presumably because any more scenes between the stars would hopelessly expose this whole enterprise.",0 +"The script of this movie, like the recent Kevin Costner movie with a message in a bottle, is so unbelievable that it it limits the credibility that the actors can bring to their parts.",0 +Except in this case it doesn't.,0 +"But this one's extra-sappy, unrealistic, and just plain predictable, despite some decent performances from Rock Hudson and Jane Wyman.",0 +"One of the more prominentpopular episodes, but clearly one of the worst.",0 +I have seen this movie and I did not care for this movie anyhow.,0 +"Overall, this movie was annoying.",0 +I was left speechless.,0 +"A stupid movie, with a stupid plot.",0 +"the girls were lame and pathetic, i mean, how can they own their own clothing line, dolls, movies, producing studios, and not smell this bomb from far away?",0 +WHY must the Olsen twins insist on subjecting the world to this putrid torture?,0 +This movie is pretty predictable nuff said....,0 +- The editing is sloppy and unimaginative.,0 +This movie sucks so bad.,0 +"This movie is so pitiful, it makes Miss USA seem like an academic bowl.",0 +The plot is even worse.,0 +"it must have been the alcohol lol but I do admit, it would probably only appeal more to girls aged between 6 and 13, but it was a movie to pass the time.",0 +"there is no one is girly and one is tomboy (Ashley is taller than Mary-Kate though) and their boyfriends aren't even French, so that is bad because they are faking the accents.",0 +"Firstly there was absolutely no plot to begin with, just an excuse for Moore to tell his corny jokes.",0 +"Overall OCTOPUSSY has to rank as one of the worst movies ever made, and easily the worst of the worst Bond movies.",0 +But there are way too many attempts at humour in this one; at times it seems like it was intended to be a comedy.,0 +"God this movie sucks, anyways, when our main witch 'ascends' he doesn't get very powerful at all.",0 +This film was completely unimaginative and predictable.,0 +"From the beginning of this film,with it's ""The Lost boys"" rip off opening sequence, to the bad wire work and even worse dialog ending, this movie slimed along at a snail's pace.",0 +"Anyone who rates this movie above a 3 has a very distorted view of movies, anyone who rated this piece of sh!",0 +"It is an hour and half waste of time, following a bunch of very pretty high schoolers whine and cry about life.",0 +"I thought the special effects were good, but the general style of the movie was wimpy.",0 +The movie has little to no coherent flow and makes one fight to keep a mental timeline or any feel of pacing.,0 +"The story was disjointed, the acting was not of any callibre you can catagorise.",0 +"There is very little action, no suspense, no hot girls.",0 +A very lame story with mediocre effects and an anti-climax ending to let the door open for a part 2.,0 +A very mediocre action movie.,0 +"For god's sake, -stay far away from this awful crumb ball movie at all costs.",0 +"Plot, character, theme, consistency - they are all either faulty or missing from this film.",0 +And the worst is that it is a drama with so much ridiculous and even totally implausible plot.,0 +So the 'plot' is disjointed and half of it is pointless.,0 +The story line is interesting but lacks development and is sabotaged by loose ends and bad characters.,0 +It was not even worth the price of the rental.,0 +All together this movie was bad and a waste of time.,0 +But the worst thing of all with this film is the mangling of Austen's dialogue and the atrocious modern dialogue.,0 +He doesn't understand Austen's acerbic wit or lightness of touch - he certainly made a dull plodding film out of it.,0 +"From the opening scene, this film must be remembered for its awful acting, abominable miscasting and complete lack of the classic wit of Jane Austen.",0 +It is Historically inaccurate and even the ending is unsatisfying.,0 +Sorry to say but was disappointed in the film.,0 +Maybe if you've never read any English literature or only ever watched the Hollywood version of any book you might find merit in this awful film.,0 +"Subtlety in general was nowhere int his film, sacrificed in favour of an overwrought drama which jarred entirely with the material and the performances.",0 +The script was the biggest problem.,0 +"However, the beautiful dialogue is ruined when she blubbers, ""Don't you judge me, Elizabeth.",0 +The Bennets' Longbourn estate is ram-shackled and looks like Cold Comfort Farm.,0 +"The script is so dumb, so pointless, and yes, TOTALLY INACCURATE!",0 +This was possibly the worst marketing decision in history.,0 +The result is blasphemous and annoying.,0 +"No real point to this movie either, except maybe to showcase their sub-par computer animation.",0 +I sat through the first half hoping it would improve but it only went from bad to worse.,0 +"But if you have seen this ""epic"", you will obviously know of the utter disregard for the actual text of the Bible.",0 +And whats with this guy floating around selling items & nicknack's to Noah ?,0 +I can only guess everyone involved somehow hurt the writer and director and were forced (maybe at gunpoint)to star in this worthless T.V. trash.,0 +I am so surprised that a big name like Jon Voight would agree to act in this disgraceful piece of garbage.,0 +"This movie not only defied the Biblical story that has been told for thousands upon thousands of years to children one way or another, but it clearly took liberties that no adaptation would probably ever try.",0 +The acting was terrible too.,0 +I just wanted to say that I was very disappointed after seeing this movie!,0 +All that waste of resources!,0 +"I wanted to laugh at a few scenes and cry at others, and that was only because of how pitiful it was.",0 +"The movie is too long, the acting is most of the time a Joke and the script is horrible.",0 +I only gave this movie a 1 because I couldn't give it a 0.,0 +Where do I begin on this piece of slime?,0 +"Pirates attacking a wooden Ark, which they wished to capture, with flaming tar balls of fire shot from catapults.",0 +This is the worst movie I have EVER seen!,0 +"The script writer obviously had very little knowledge of the book of Genesis, or just didn't care that his abomination of a story completely mocked it.",0 +"A horrible waste of time, unless you want to match your kid's biblical knowledge against the innumerable aberrations.",0 +"Recently I borrowed a copy of this mess of a movie, which took me three sessions over three days to get through.",0 +Anyone who had even a modicum of taste would have winced at this one!,0 +"This movie is proof as to why NBC has always been a 3rd rate network The producers, actors, and writers should get on their knees and beg God's forgiveness for making this work of fiction.",0 +The Biblical accuracy was completely non-existent and I honestly could not stomach watching the movie with my children.,0 +"This is pure CRAP, and probably the worst Biblical theme film ever...",0 +This was the worst Bible movie I have ever seen.,0 +This movie is filled with such insulting nonsense.,0 +B-movie wannabee director John Irvin adds another failure to his worthless list of poorly-directed movies that seriously lack plot and direction.,0 +"But nooooooo, this was like the Barney version of the first movie, with that lamer from the Karate kid.",0 +A bad bad movie...,0 +"All in all, interesting for those who are into serial-killers, but mostly a let-down; however, if the director will make another film about another serial-killer, I'd definitely see it in hopes that holes were patched-up.",0 +Boring song makes boring filler.,0 +"It was worse than I had expected, and I didn't expect much.",0 +The gore effects range all the way from full bloody head appliances to a silly Video Toaster effect that has to be freeze-framed to be (dis)believed.,0 +"I only made it about three-quarters of the way through this thing before I turned it off, I just got so annoyed at the low quality of the production I couldn't take it anymore.",0 +Well - I wasted my money.,0 +"Poorly written, with us feeling no pathos for any of the characters (except maybe that baby at the start) the writer makes us hate characters before brutally killing them off, it's the worst technique ever.",0 +Everything about this movie was awful.,0 +Just in case the title didn't give it away - this movie is garbage.,0 +"Do not spend money on this one, it's not so bad it's a laugh, it's worse.",0 +"The people who wrote it don't have the slightest clue as to how children think, talk, or act and the movie is a disjointed mess of terribly corny lines and stupid jokes.",0 +"Screenplay is primitive, the acting (except for Jerzy Stuhr as Ryba) - awful.",0 +The story does not flow.,0 +This one isn't even close..,0 +And no one does anything believable or interesting.,0 +"Unfortunately, I was disappointed.",0 +Oh what a disappointment this movie is.,0 +The portrayal of the Russians and Germans seemed entirely one-dimensional.,0 +"Acting and dialogs -- poor, miserably poor.",0 +"I'm very disappointed in this film, because I really liked the first 30 minutes or so, but it just went on and on, without even keeping the same level as in the first scenes....",0 +"This self-important, confusing b+w ""film"" watches like an infant on a very bad acid trip.",0 +Avoid this movie at all costs.,0 +"I would say perhaps Sono was a hired hand on this project, but he appears to have written this boring trash as well.",0 +"These sequences are lively and well-filmed, but overall this is an overlong and unsatisfying comedy-drama with a flat ending.",0 +"One real obvious flaw in the film that made me believe that everything outside the naval scenes was slapped together with minimum care is the costume design, or, I should say, the lack of it.",0 +"Overall, it was a bit of a disappointment.",0 +"In many ways this mess reminded me of Catherine Hardwicke's Lords of Dogtown, an equally inept, overly stylized, TV movie-like waste of solid subject matter.",0 +"However, it definitely has its share of overacting and the film is extremely biasedone-sided.",0 +"I find it terribly ironic that ""left wing"" Hollywood continues to hedge its bets, making these awful lukewarm movies that neither condemn the war on terror nor embrace it.",0 +"In this particular film, Kimberly Peirce didn't even throw us a bone, like showing the new children that were born while a family member was deployed, or the kid who grew up in some ghetto who can now afford college thanks to the GI Bill, or the couple who can afford a house, or start a new business, earn their citizenship, etc etc etc.",0 +This movie had it all in one scene after another of clichéd imagery.,0 +What we are left with is dribble frothing at the mouth of rabid anti-Bush radicals.,0 +"The actors - I think all of them are amateurs - do their best, but the script is so full of cliches and stupidities that they can´t save it.",0 +"I know it is one of the earliest efforts at moviemaking, but this 15-minute picture is unimaginative and poorly shot.",0 +"L.W. Davidson's screenplay wanders aimlessly from one murder to another, sacrificing the material's inherent subtext (Porter's obvious attraction to Rees) in favor of commercial melodrama, and the tone remains subdued throughout.",0 +"It's all pretty standard stuff for Hammer, but is handled with a good deal of visual elan, even if the central relationship, between psychoanalyst Porter and Rees, drives the narrative without ever being satisfactorily explained.",0 +"For me, this was just exploitative, flat footed trash.",0 +Yeah okay no one was expecting a documentary but this plot seems to be scraping the bottom of the barrel for stupid premise and you do find yourself questioning why on earth the producers brought Jack The Ripper into the story .,0 +The only decent performance in this mish-mash is the relatively minor role of the butler.,0 +"However, stick him in front of a blue screen and he loses all sense of character and turns into the worst am-dram-ham I've seen in years.",0 +Helana and her sidekick Valentine are annoying at best and unbearable at worst.,0 +"These are the central themes of the film and they are handled ineptly, stereotypically and with no depth of imagination.",0 +Who would this engage?,0 +"Half the dialogue, muttered into into shirt fronts and ubiquitous masks, is unintelligible.",0 +I watched it and was very disappointed.,0 +"Having enjoyed Neil Gaiman's writing (especially his collaboration with Yoshitaka Amano in ""The Dream Hunters"") in the past, I figured Mirrormask to be a sure thing and was very disappointed.",0 +"This film takes a formula and tries to apply it with pretty artwork… And though the script is totally workable and the special effects quite beautiful, it has no heart to it and fails miserably.",0 +"Unfortunately, the film ended up in one of those ""style over substance"" pile of movies.",0 +The rest of the time I was in shock at how ridiculouspoorly shot and poorly written it was.,0 +we are just as bad as Hitler was killing the Jews........,0 +"The mastering engineer must have been either drunk, asleep or not even in the room while it was being done.",0 +I gather this movie was incredably cheap considering how cheap some of the sets are.,0 +"Barbara Hershey, looking decidedly unsexy - as if she'd stolen her granny's spare wig - puts in an unconvincing performance as a woman who kills the wife of a man she has had an affair with 'in self defence' after hitting her forty odd times with an axe.",0 +Don't bother looking for hidden depths or deep meanings - there aren't any.,0 +"Not even 'lesser' Hitch, but simply a bad movie.",0 +"And it goes from bad to worse, with dialog that defies any human provenance (not least in the ludicrous diversion into the Home Life of Our Dear Wooden Inspector, and his wife's cooking).",0 +"Unfortunately, we are forced to see everything from Casey's point of view, with lame, nauseating background music.",0 +The parents in this show are nearly as irresponsible as the children.,0 +Its not even remotely believable and frankly the Derek character just makes me angry.,0 +"Unlikeable characters, horrible plot lines, terrible writing, AND terrible acting.",0 +"This show was obviously conceived as the anti-BRADY BUNCH, but it comes off as the anti-Christ.",0 +"The message is don't be good at anything, just be one of the ""nothings"" who blend in cracking jokes.",0 +"The two oldest step-siblings, Derek and Casey, are equally annoying; I get the impression that we're supposed to side with Casey, given that she's the protagonist, but I don't find her at all likable.",0 +"Otherwise, this is an all-too-typical straight-to-video laugh riot, or just a piece of garbage, depending on your point of view.",0 +"Zach Galligan (of ""Gremlins""-fame) especially is painfully bad and Corey Feldman (in a small supporting roll) is once again completely wasted on this movie.",0 +"Normally for movie reviews, I try to be constructive and objective, but there is only one word for this, uh, ""film"" : SUCKS!",0 +"The action (including the effects) is like in a cheap Glen A. Larson TV show, the acting is terrible and the dialogs are even more stupid than in MK2.",0 +"Where to begin: lousy soundtrack, hammy acting, ""action"" in places.",0 +It's just lame.,0 +"Oddly enough, the only thing missing from this awful episode was that Trip person offering his smirks and downhome boyisms, tho Bakula seemed to be covering all of that with the silly dog.",0 +"While I like Jamie Denton, this show is hardly worth watching at all, unless you enjoy watching some people brutalized and the actions of the agents supposedly warranted under the theme of ""national security"".",0 +"Almost everyone involved must be return to school, acting is utterly predictable and bad, script is pile of garbage all round.",0 +I found the two main characters uninteresting and unsympathetic.,0 +The plot?,0 +"To be completely honest we are a group of people who actually know the man, Mo Ogrodnik, and decided to drink ourselves stupid to this film.",0 +The story is not cohesive AT ALL.,0 +The idea is trite.,0 +"The plot is weak, the characters are weak, and the reality of it all was similar to an amateur porn filmmaker (without the sexual substance).",0 +"This movie was, in one word, terrible.",0 +"An apparent attempt at a coming of age flick, ""Ripe"" is an almost complete loser which wanders aimlessly as the players drift in and out of character finally ending clumsily with nary a shred of credibility to be found anywhere.",0 +"Beyond that, it ended up being little more than a bad COA flick.",0 +"In addition to the blatant pedophilia, this movie is utterly preposterous.",0 +But the sex isn't even arousing.,0 +My rating for this one is only 4 out of 10.,0 +"this episode causes the wrong impressions and isn't suitable for people under the age of twenty, due to it's adult content.",0 +"The movie tries to be a very realistic depiction of life in city, but it is unable to do it.",0 +"We're left with a somewhat feeble ""happy"" ending, which is about as out of character with the rest of the movie as the events of the 10 minutes preceding it.",0 +It's done really cheesily and Big Stupid running off one-liners like a cardboard cassanova.,0 +He's no good!,0 +"As for the movie, I don't know any other way to put this – it's boring.",0 +but then they decided to ruin what little goodness it had about fifteen minutes before the ending.,0 +"And, in an odd subplot, Jack Elam plays a super-creepy sicko who wanders the town scaring the crap out of everyone--yet oddly, the police don't seem to take much notice nor does anyone on their own do anything about him.",0 +The Girl in Lovers' Lane: 3 out of 10: Homoerotic subtext in the movies is a well known phenomenon.,0 +"If you've seen HBO's Taxi Cab Confessions, this is the same thing, only fictional, and not even remotely as interesting.",0 +"The problem here is that the first 90% is pretty well scripted out, and it pretty much sucks.",0 +none of it convincing (or interesting) for even one minute...,0 +Very disappointing all in all.,0 +"When Sally appears, and she and Jefferson flirt openly (and cruelly, to my mind) in Maria's very presence, the illusion falls apart completely.",0 +"It was rather long, drawn out, dull and unbalanced.",0 +"I am as pale as they come and normally a big fan of Merchent~Ivory flicks, but I couldn't stomach this film's treatment of poor Sally Hemmings.",0 +"Besides the Liberal Spin Job, there is nothing else of interest in this drab and tortuously dull movie.",0 +All in all this is a pretty poor film.,0 +"The only thing hellish about this film is that it is certainly a marriage made in hell, between nothing and nonsense, baloney and balderdash.",0 +"On the other hand, if you're in my camp and have practically memorized the book, the movie will be a crashing disappointment.",0 +I gave it a 2 rather than a 1 simply because of the wonderfully bad cockney accents.,0 +Disappointing film with Walter Pidgeon as a hunter who goes to Germany to assassinate Hitler.,0 +"Even with the stellar names of Lang, Walter Pidgeon, Joan Bennett and George Sanders, be prepared for a ludicrous storyline, bad acting, patently phony sets and miscasting.",0 +(There may be a movie to be made about the making of this atrocious film and how so many talented people could be wasted so completely.,0 +Score: 3 out of 10,0 +This movie is a bad movie.,0 +That it was awful.,0 +"Anyone who knows anything about evolution wouldn't even need to see the film to say ""fake"".",0 +"Hilariously inept - like ""She Wore A Yellow Ribbon"" remade by five-year-olds.",0 +"Considering what a fiasco this film turned into, I'm not sure whether Donlevy or DaSilva ought to have thanked Hughes or kicked him in his private preserve.",0 +"But no, this is the most clueless family in history.",0 +"Pretty twisted Horror film, that has a few good moments here and there, with some creepy Blood transfusion scenes, however it's just too dull for it's own good.",0 +"whatever, it was very very annoying, I kept wanting to shake the screen to hurry her up.",0 +"One of the most boring,pointless movies I have ever seen.",0 +I was disappointed in the film.,0 +It's more boring than watching paint dry!,0 +It was painful to watch.,0 +It just meandered along to the end.,0 +"It is just simply a film that could not intelligibly be made from the story that Woolfe wrote, and should not have even been attempted.",0 +"The supporting cast is no help at all, merely advancing the plot by talking it to death.",0 +"To put it delicately, Flesh Feast is a lifeless pile garbage, possibly one of the top 5 worst films I've ever seen, and I've seen them all.",0 +"The acting is awful from everyone concerned, & I mean really bad which makes the rubbishy dialogue even worse.",0 +"What the collection does not include, however, is this boring turkey.",0 +"The father's conversion at film's end is unrealistic and unbelievable, making for a contrived denouement.",0 +"This no-budget British black comedy-horror outing tries to achieve a satirical tone, with its endless references to its fellow shoestring splatter flicks (among them Psychomania, Horror Hospital and pretty much anything by Pete Walker), but due to dismal performances by second-string TV actors (the leading lady looks like Amy Winehouse), a script that appears to have been written on the back of a peeled beermat by two 'lads' with no understanding of how film comedy works, Dean Friedman's (intentionally?",0 +"Puerile, plot less, useless tosh.",0 +"The ""romance"" is played too innocently for as obvious an attracted man and woman as Burlinson and Ms. Thornton.",0 +The score here is bland too.,0 +"Richard Brooks is a great director, but that film is on a very low level.",0 +"Sadly, the rest of the movie is something of a comedy.",0 +"The scenery is all rather dull and the ""special effects"" quite dismal.",0 +This is quite possibly the worst film I have ever seen.,0 +The awful attempts at humor-heck the awful attempts at acting.,0 +This movie has no redeeming factors.,0 +"The English Language is poorly equipped to express how utterly, dreadfully atrocious this ""film"" is.",0 +"Worst plot, worst acting, worst special effects...",0 +It completely renders everything that went before as useless and false.,0 +"This could have been a modest gem, but instead it's less than mediocre.",0 +"However, it gets rather boring rather quick at the end.",0 +The movie is ruined by bad writing and a non-exciting ending.,0 +There is a vain attempt to build up the tension but I found this didn't really work and made the film rather boring.,0 +"The dialog is poor, the actors never look scared!",0 +I wasted 5 dollars renting this complete piece of crap.,0 +It is not even worth seeing.,0 +"The whole story is really, really dumb, and the ant explanation is the only one given.",0 +There is no character development; let alone dialogue to speak of.,0 +"anyway, the script IS terrible.",0 +Then the ending made no sense.,0 +The plot is boring and stupid.,0 +"I wouldn't say this straight-to-video South AfricanCanadianUK horror flick is awful, but its just too bland, predictable and there's just very little memorable about it.",0 +I's a big struggle.,0 +"That said, this movie was pretty bad.",0 +This movie is absolutely horrible!,0 +This film wasn't good at all.,0 +"You gotta give the filmmakers credit for even attempting to top the real life lunacy of ""Duck and cover"" or ""Protect and survive""!",0 +What an utter disappointment.,0 +She's not very good at that type of thing.,0 +"I cannot imagine how anyone watching the movie can get any kind of grip on it if they have not read the book, and then, like me, they would probably wonder why Australian Allison turned into French Anne, and many other seemingly pointless changes in the story.",0 +"The soundtrack is execrable--jarring, jangling, and utterly inappropriate--breaking any attempt at mystery or mood in the movie.",0 +"Sadly, this poorly executed film has neither.",0 +"Writer-director Patrice Leconte takes a universal and potentially bottomless subject - friendship - and turns it into a flat and meaningless farce, despite A-list actors, fine cinematography and elegant production design.",0 +This movie was horrible and corny.,0 +"The acting was horribly stifling, and it was Bad Acting.",0 +"Deezen does his schtick and has a couple nice moments as well, but the material is just too threadbare than to be anything more than teenage sophomoric time filler.",0 +"Like most reviewers who have seen this movie, I fully agree that the plot was razor thin, clichéd, and I could predict every plot twist from the very beginning of the movie.",0 +"The acting was fine, but the dialog and directing had little to add to overcoming a predictable story.",0 +"I don't understand how it actually has a 5.5 rating, I bet it's those Channing lovers!",0 +all dialoague was plagued with bad accents and loss of character.,0 +This God awful movie custom made for dull-normal adolescents.,0 +The movie was pathetic.,0 +And the choreography is worst than everything before.,0 +"The acting is mostly bad, the jokes very superficial, and the live-action quality probably ruins what would have worked as a cartoon.",0 +"It's been a long time since I've seen it, but the jokes are NOT funny, the plot is painfully forseeable, calling the main characters stupid is to vastly upgrade their intelligence...",0 +"The gags aren't funny, the characters arn't interesting.",0 +"The plot line-such as it is-was disjointed, inconsistent and predictable.",0 +It's pointless and boring.,0 +It was just too painful to watch.,0 +"To think, looking at the cast, it seemed a winner, with John Landis directing, but good god, they must have been paid a whole lot for this drivel!",0 +Lots of horrible scenes and horrible acting and this movie is not funny at all.,0 +"This is just a stupid, stupid movie, with the culprit being the terrible script.",0 +This is a stupid movie.,0 +"I' m giving it a 3 out of 10, not good, far from being the worse...",0 +"Perhaps it's just me, but this movie seemed more like sequel or follow-up than the separate project.",0 +For me this movie was a disappointment.,0 +"A remake could be interesting (I'd pick Ed Harris only because of a slight physical resemblance and, well, Harris can act) were it spiced up a little, but this movie mostly demonstrated to me how much more demanding we as viewers have become in the last fifty years; a biography this bland would never cut it any more.",0 +"I hoped to learn something from this movie, but I was disappointed.",0 +I can't do it.,0 +"Story Script: +1 for decent main idea, -0.5 for DBZMatrixStreet Fighter ripoffpastiche, -1 for not explaining some plot threads very well (spiders, darkling), -1 for boring, predictable ending, -1 for gratuitous exposition, both as words on the screen and as bland monologuingActing Characterization: -0.5 for bad bad acting, although it gets a little better as the film progresses, -1 for lack of character development, especially among all the femalesOther: +1 for gratuitous male and female nudity, which is fun to watch, and +0.5 for no sex scenes, which for this genre are usually done very badly and end up being boring rather than hot, +1 for hitting its target audience, teenage sci-fihorrorthriller fans, even though this movie is not exclusively any of those genres.",0 +"It is really stunningly bad, to the extent where it can actually be funny.",0 +It sucked so hard.,0 +"Poorly written and weakly directed with so-called actors unable to act, but able to grimace when ordered to.",0 +I just don't even know where to begin with what made this movie so awful.,0 +This guy's overacting is right up there with the worst in the history of film.,0 +Nothing but a nonsensical mess of softcore porn and a half-hearted attempt at a plot.,0 +"For the amount of money the producers spent on this, the movie's quality is terrible.",0 +It's basically just crap.,0 +"The script is really poor and plotless , the directing and cinematography is awful and the editing is non existant .",0 +His performance is far too fey and campy to be convincing.,0 +The hard core pornography parts were neither erotic nor did they do much to further the story.,0 +"The cinematography is especially sub par, giving the whole production a cheap washed-out look that undermines some of the elaborate set designs.",0 +"It's an interesting effort notwithstanding, because writerdirector Giuliano Petrelli (his only film) clearly attempted to do something special, but the overall result is unsatisfying and regrettably tame.",0 +"""Born to Kill"" is a real disappointment from Robert Wise, who already had some quality movies under his belt and would go on to a stellar career.",0 +This HBO original is pretty straightforward and pretty dumb.,0 +I was looking forward to watching this film and was therefore extremely disappointed when I found it to be complete and utter rubbish.,0 +"After the frenzy of agreement, the dialog descends into a mess of disjointed and confused word salad.",0 +One of the most boring movies I've ever seen.,0 +"Ritter seems to have used so many poisons and toxic metals -- let me see, selenium, cyanide, a massive dose of chlorine, and maybe something else -- that I was confused by it all.",0 +This is the most ridiculous statement I have ever heard!,0 +"It's dumb and pointless, and a complete waste of time.",0 +"Or maybe that's what this film is actually about: Manson's family didn't make any sense, so this film doesn't make any sense, either.",0 +"By the end, I *had* to fast forward through just a few of the most moronic, ineptly made, nonsensical scenes of this pointless childish mess to make it end quicker.",0 +This has got to be the most god-awful piece of cinematic crap I have ever watched.,0 +"Island of Dr Moreau, Frankenstein and various wolfman films all blended together into a terribly dated, goofy, morality play.",0 +"However, even good acting couldn't save THE MAD MONSTER.",0 +It is by all standards a poor (if entertaining) film.,0 +"Zucco's motives may be honorable, but his methods are most questionable.",0 +"They never even mentioned the glaring omission of an actual wolf, and THAT joke was just hanging in the air waiting to be smacked.",0 +"The ""heroine"" seems to be doomed to be a rent-a-center version of Judy Garland, the ""hero"" is bland as white rice, and the poor guy playing the monster doesn't even get a good transformation scene out of the deal.",0 +")Though a typically chintzy PRC flick in many ways, with unimpressive sets, cinematography and make-ups, as well as a fairly bland supporting cast, it remains watchable thanks to the histrionics of star George Zucco.",0 +"Certainly, ""The Mad Monster"" is no substitute for ""The Wolf Man""; but, it's a serviceable addendum.",0 +"But Glenn Strange's character is not at all convincing, and seems to have this comedic quality-whether intentional or not, I'm not sure-that just doesn't fit into the movie as a whole.",0 +It's not a very good movie.,0 +"Pretty bad PRC cheapie which I rarely bother to watch over again, and it's no wonder -- it's slow and creaky and dull as a butter knife.",0 +"Overall, The Mad Monster is one dull and poorly made Poverty Row thriller.",0 +However even he couldn't save this dull and flat-footed B flick.,0 +"The sets in this film, in addition, are fairly nonexistent, and the denouement is abrupt and unconvincing.",0 +"The acting is stiff & wooden with Petro looking like he's on dope throughout the entire film, Zucco as the mad scientist doesn't convince & is forgettable.",0 +"To me, it was dull, uninspired, and poorly acted.",0 +It is boring.,0 +"310 Bad to Fair, the rest of the movie was lame.",0 +California Dreaming is just a big old mess.,0 +"and all the men in this movie are muscle bound dim wits capable of saving no onethis is a poor movie, and i urge you to avoid it.",0 +The ham-fisted direction and crappy fight choreography mean that the fight scenes aren't even worth watching.,0 +"The entire movie was a melodramatic mess, with horrible acting, bad directing and bad action.",0 +You're very wrong about that.,0 +"You want suspense, realism, and drama, alas, with Heftig og begeistret you get nothing of the sort.",0 +Why was this movie made?,0 +"What started as a great stepping-stone for up and coming filmmakers and thespians had been reduced to a sewer of cinema faeces by movies with flat direction, zero suspense or shocks and talentless mediocre actors.",0 +"Lot's of unnecessary 'skin' in this film, pseudo-porn scenes which are just horrible in more ways than a million, a gawdy soap opera style script which really hurt the movie and the director really had no flair for whatever genre he was trying to create with this film.",0 +"And ""Zipperface"" indeed looks as if a bunch of amateurs got together for an attempt at a ""real"" serial-killer thriller.",0 +Mansour Pormand ranks as one of the worst film directors of all time!,0 +"Otherwise it is a very mediocre episode featuring Q, and some giant jellyfish.",0 +"POORLY directed, written, acted.",0 +Probably the worst movie I have ever seen.,0 +"However, I must admit to being enough of a male chauvinist pig to want to sit through what is obviously a poor movie, if for no other reason than to see Peta Wilson get completely naked a number of times.",0 +Very disappointed and give it a 4 mostly due to the fact that the 1st victim blinks in one of the last frames as the camera pulls away from the bodyface.,0 +"This film tried, but ultimately it was a waste of talent.",0 +I got about halfway through this movie and was very disappointed.,0 +There is no thread to follow.,0 +It is always hard to brink a book onto film and unfortunatley this one ends up failing......,0 +"Subplots come in and out of nowhere, the connections between some of the characters are murky and the killer's motivation is unclear to say the least.",0 +It's like the filmmakers and actors didn't care that they way they were shooting it and they way they were playing the characters would be a dead giveaway.,0 +And the lame dialogue is fit to put one to sleep.,0 +"Very slow, plodding movie with a confusing story line.",0 +Barkin's Talent is totally wasted in this B-grade sexploitation piece of junk and I hope she gave her agent the pink slip after landing her in this film.,0 +"What's surprising is that none of this is very sexy or interesting, just depressing and yucky.",0 +Robert Altman's direction of Martin Gabel's reading of Stewart Stern's script is dreadful.,0 +"The countryside setting is picturesque but the story is rather pretentious and plodding, with much of the film devoted to quoting scriptures.",0 +"Without doubt, one of the worst films ever made.",0 +"Here are my problems with this film: 1) cheap special effects, like something out of the old computer.",0 +"There are characters that are entirely expository -- Dianne Wiest's ""Secretary Abbot"" is just awful, explaining things to her assistant (and incidentally us), in endless speeches that NO ONE would say to anyone, ever, in real life (when she isn't explaining things to her assistant that she already knows, her assistant explains things to HER that SHE already knows.",0 +"However, the script is so awful and there's so much explaining of the characters' background within the dialogue that we feel we're being treated like morons.",0 +"Jeez if the director tried to fit in any more meaningless plot lines, there would have been no time less for the actual disaster, which, given the pitiful state of the computer graphics, was almost certainly the intention.",0 +"There's about 45 minutes of story padded by 2 hours of unnecessary subplots, featuring bland by-the-book TV drama clichés.",0 +Hint to CBS avoid showing us this crap.,0 +Dialogues are very bad and I am interested how they managed to persuade some of the actors to play in this movie.,0 +This movie has to be the worst film I have seen.,0 +"Predictable schlock from the start, and if that weren't enough, the 5 second action bumps between the movie and the commercials kill what little suspense there might have been.",0 +And then there was the direction and the flaccid acting by everyone involved in this turkey.,0 +"D Grade acting, poor script, terrible FX - it was like watching a toned down, more stupefied version of Day After Tomorrow that went for 3 hours.",0 +"Although some ambitious special effects were attempted, the execution is so poor no decent spectacle is achieved.",0 +The special effects are unbelievably bad.,0 +"The animation looks so terrible , it looks like a ps1 type game.",0 +"What else can I say the movie is so boring, I think my comment will be equally boring.",0 +This is just an insult to intelligent viewers everywhere.,0 +"I could go on about the hackneyed plot, the lousy effects, the (actually notable) cast grimacing as they deliver the worst lines of their careers, etc.",0 +Also interspersed through out the first two hours are some of the worst CGI effects known to man.,0 +"I didn't care what happened to any of the characters, the special effects were sub-par, even for made-for-TV standards, and the story lines were pointless.",0 +The screenplay is horrible.,0 +"And after 10 minutes of waiting for something to actually happen, apart from water splashing around, I just started getting angry!",0 +so the film did record business as a low budget attraction to locals and tourists who wanted to tell neighbors that they had seen a show 'there'.,0 +"Although it's been hailed as a comedy-drama I found ""Crooklyn"" to be mostly depressing.",0 +"The Texas Revolution of 1835 to 1836, including the periods preceding and immediately following, is depicted in this mediocre 3-hour made-for-television film, whose only redeeming value is bringing light and paying homage to Stephen F. Austin, the so-called ""Father of Texas"" whose life story had long been overshadowed by that of the legendary Sam Houston.",0 +The depiction of history in this movie is so comical that even mad TV would not have done a better job.,0 +"I even read the reviews before watching this film, and that still didn't sway me.",0 +This show was an embarrassment to Hollywood.,0 +This movie is in poor taste and I cannot see how her family would give there blessing to it.,0 +"It has a really cheap feel, and bad acting.",0 +"~ the chase of the wolves through the forest ~ ""Cash Machine"" by Hard-Fi being playedCONS: ~ some parts of the script makes you cringe (for example the terrible part where the woman escapes the 'games' of the ""Fortunate Five"" boys, and there's about half an hour of ""Dear cousin"" and a round robin of ""Yes, see, we know Gabriel's law"") ~ the diving transformation is ridiculous ~ the obvious and ridiculous ending ~ Aiden being told thousands of times to leave, and then goes ""if you cared about me you would have left me"" ~ the obvious characters ~ the unnecessary parcour ~ the completely unnecessary slashing of the arm by Aiden ~ cringey speeches by GabrielYou see what I mean.",0 +"But the difference in the movie that hampers enjoyment the most is that whereas the book characters behave conventionally, within the realm of young adult novels, those in the movie for some reason have been made as annoying as possible.",0 +The movie blood and chocolate is NOTHING like the book.,0 +This made me go 'What the F**K.,0 +This movie was boring.,0 +"The plot and storyline are typical of low budget horror flicks, the acting is wooden, and the directorial efforts mundane.",0 +besides that the script was so awful that you don't know who you would like to die first.,0 +"The only aspects of this movie that even had me watch it through to the very-sordid, sorry ending were the wolves, the beautiful scenery, and the eye-candy boys.",0 +What was that about?,0 +A devastatingly boring disappointment.,0 +and then the movie goes and turns him into a complete heartless idiot?,0 +"(Movie without book) From a movie standpoint, it was an okay movie.",0 +the dialogue is very bland and predictable.,0 +The dialog is so lame and tired it sounds like it was written by a junior high drama class.,0 +"Bad plots, bad acting, bad effects, bad everything basically.",0 +"The film is excruciatingly boring, and incredibly cheap.",0 +There is very little consistency of style in this mess as well.,0 +"Director Oley Sassone can't even point a camera at stuff without including such howlers as a blind woman's POV, the dialogue is absolutely dismal, the team's costumes don't fit properly, and the effects are appalling: the Human Torch seems to be drawn onto the film with felt tip pens, while Mr. Fantastic's powers are brought to life using a bendy blue stick with a glove on the end.",0 +this is the worst movie i have ever seen in my entire life .,0 +"This The Fantastic Four film, complete with the I-have-no-idea-why-hes-excessively-tweaking-his-fingers Doctor Doom, is high on the list of colossal mistakes.",0 +"Besides having the lamest special effects and worse acting I've ever seen, the whole script was just awful and not well directed at all.",0 +"This is truly awful, the feeblest attempt at a comics adaptation ever committed to film.",0 +These sections are a waste of celluloid and very boring.,0 +"this movie was just bad in every way in things like cast,effects,boredom,excitement,and of course,being fantastic and we all know the four heroes in this one were a bit more colourful compared to the new ones but it still has to go,A fantastic bore like this really was just silly trash which i knew nobody would like when i saw it,i mean surely with that budget about 3 or 4 GOOD movies could have been made but no.",0 +"it's like ""Evil Sesame Street""....",0 +This just looked like filler.,0 +But actually it doesn't do a very good job of reaching out to the non-player either - it skates over some points that a true novice would really want to have explained.,0 +"Deep Blue didn't take the bait, and Kasparov was so rattled because the computer seemed to play like a human that he didn't even see that he could have played Deep Blue to a draw and ended up resigning.",0 +ultimately this movie was unsatisfying.,0 +"Also, this film tries to bring in a bizarre theory.",0 +"Not only that, the games are uninteresting and lack the appeal of human games, where both sides are more likely to err and open the game to exciting possibilities.",0 +"The direction also relies way too much on the conceits of a pointlessly whispered narration, and the imagery of an 18th century chess-playing machine that looks like one of those animatronic gypsy fortunetellers you see at the carnival.",0 +This episode sucks.,0 +Firstly the script is one of the worst to ever find its way onto a cinema or TV screen and can only be described as a poorly judged Stephen King rip-off.,0 +So short were the shoestrings of this film's budget and the overall production values are so low that it would have no trouble winning a cinematic limbo competition.,0 +Second; this is the worst movie of all times.,0 +"All the acting is appalling, the script is embarrassing, the special effects look like they were done by school children on cheap computers.",0 +"Crappy actors, crappy technical output, crappy story and so on.",0 +"The acting in this film was terrible, I suppose the best actor was the guy from Lawnmower Man but the French guy from Aliens3 was so wooden I wondered how he got the former job in the first place.",0 +"The story is going nowhere , it give you the impression that it never start, there so much useless scene done only to give the movie the average duration time(when the demon search the guy in the dogs thing for about 4 minutes...",0 +God damn this horrendous monstrosity.,0 +"It's bad enough I wasted $3 to watch this crummy pile of crap, but it's the hour and a half time I lost that I could've been doing anything else like getting a root canal or volunteering for jury duty.",0 +"The script is pretty lame, and the plot elements aren't very realistic, such as the way a 911 operator would laugh and hang up when someone is reporting a murder.",0 +There's a decent cast here but the film is lifeless and the talent completely wasted.,0 +"Oh well, you should read the book, this movie doesn't come close to doing the story justice.",0 +They're the best thing about this second-rate but inoffensive time-killer which features passable performances from the likes of Eric Roberts and Martin Kove.,0 +The story lacks any punch and the whole thing feels even slower than a snail breaking in curves.,0 +The movie has an intricate plot about prison corruption that makes absolutely no sense.,0 +Worst movie ever seen.,0 +"The cast looks good when you read the credits, but translates into an ageing, flabby mess of phony pompadours, blood, and Brylcreem… and one fright wig.",0 +The movie didn't really do it for me.,0 +Worst pile of drivel to date!,0 +"Wow, I was really disappointed.",0 +I did not like any of the characters and the story was sketchy at best.,0 +Populate it with a cast of interchangeable caricatures instead of actual characters.,0 +i think they made this movie to torture people.,0 +Save 2 hours of your life and skip this one.,0 +"This is by far the most vapid, idiotic, insanely stupid show that has EVER been on the air, and this is coming from someone who remembers ""San Pedro Beach Bums"".",0 +About the only thing worth watching Top Model for is Mr. Jay Manuel.,0 +"The ""full figured models"" were no more than average sized ladies competing with what I think is the thinnest group of models they ever chose - so of course that would make them look even fatter - a ""ploy"" fashionatas use all the time.",0 +"Weird locations, too much makeup & too much skin is not necessary.",0 +you are just a big fony hypocrite.,0 +How could anyone who liked the previous JP movies even stand to sit through this 1 hour of drivel?,0 +"This movie was going through ""the motions"".",0 +I wouldn't even bother renting it.,0 +"There is no saving grace to this film; even the animatronics are kind of lame, and it's just a complete waste of time and money.",0 +The story-line is predictable to the point of annoyance and it's entirely unsatisfying end left me feeling cheated.,0 +"The sequel ""The Lost World"" had a few decent moments, but those were ruined by the lame end portion of the film which had a T-Rex running amok in San Diego.",0 +The editing was poor and none of the characters engendered any sort of sympathy or feeling.,0 +"However, it was disappointing even on that level.",0 +Once they realized they had no fresh ideas they should have just let sleeping dinos lie.,0 +"The newest sequel, Jurassic Park III, has given no thought to characters, a story, or pretty much a script, and instead relies on non-stop dinosaur action, which is neither thrilling nor very interesting to watch.",0 +This movie was perhaps the biggest waste of 2 hours of my life.,0 +Not one moment of it is worth it.,0 +The script is lame; it simultaneously asks and then leaves too many questions unanswered.,0 +That explains why the film seems to have little or no purpose other than to demonstrate state-of-the-art special effects.,0 +"4 action mainly consists in retarded, muscled-up Hercules ( check the variety of facial expressions ) wrestling cheap 1970s videogames effects.",0 +"If you have stuck with this review so far, you must have realized by now that this is one of those movies that is so unbelievably bad that a reviewer is forced to choose which course to take: either dismiss it in one unflattering sentence or spend an undeserving amount of time dissecting its flaws.",0 +Ferrigno is incredibly bad but is also the best of this mediocrity.,0 +Costume Design – Bad and Silly.,0 +look like they came from a cheesy 70's sci-fi flick.,0 +"This ""sequel"" is moronic, cheap, unredeemable, childish, phony, inept and BADLY ACTED.",0 +"Ordeal by Innocence"" is a dull and at times even boring film that doesn't raise at any moment.",0 +"This is indeed one of the weakest films based on Agatha Christie's work, a lifeless, muddled mystery that clearly lacks the grace (and the budget!",0 +"All films need to have an inner logic, and this film just doesn't have it - the story doesn't make any sense.",0 +The music became more and more offensive as the plot progressed.,0 +"After that, everything is flung at the viewer in disjointed scraps, often in sudden flashbacks or in confusing voiceovers that tell us nothing.",0 +And this movie is sooooo poor.,0 +"Screenplay by Joan Andre and John Case may have worked better if approached as parody; this mystery thriller just plays tame, with director Ted Post asleep at the controls.",0 +"Veteran TV director Ted Post treats us to a plodding, confused and ultimately pointless story lifted from Column B of the Harold Robbins Big Book Of Plots.",0 +The Bridge At Remagen contains some of the most preposterous war time screenplay I've ever seen.,0 +This film has little to do with real history.,0 +As someone previously noted the soundtrack is haphazard and Kelsey Grammar is very wooden .,0 +It was terribly bad acting and a dumb story.,0 +The nonexistent film narrative causes indifference in the spectator making this the kind of film where only Dame Pickford herself provides the interest and not her circumstances.,0 +"Who would have suspected that a movie with an undead lizard-man, evil grave-robbing cultists, and mad scientists tossed in for no discernible reason could suck this bad?",0 +"Horrible acting, horrible editing, horrible story, and horrible music all make this a horrible film best left in a horrible graveyard.",0 +This failed exercise in satire or commentary on the human condition easily earned a place as one of the 10 worst movies I've ever seen.,0 +"And the finale hardly makes it seem worth while, at all.",0 +It was trying to be profound but it wasn't; it was stupid and offensive.,0 +"A sad waste of effort by all involved, a veritable ""jumping of the shark"" for the Shrek franchise.",0 +What bothered me though is she would walk around in revealing clothes and be surprised when guys would look at her and give them hell about it.,0 +The dialog was tedious.,0 +It is painful to watch because it is just downright boring.,0 +The acting was theatrical and the sound and picture quality was extremely poor.,0 +Then sat down and watched this failed attempt to make a movie.,0 +A more heavy-handed editor might have been able to get a decent film out of this mess.,0 +The fact that a large number of inbred hillbillies from Tennessee believe it doesn't do it either.,0 +"The casting was horrible, the acting was worse than horrible and I'm sorry, the guy at the picnic speed loading his plate full of food was somewhere near pointless and the demonic turd and chamber pot chasing Drew around was nothing more than comical.",0 +This film is a real loser and it copies situations from big budget horror movies and not to mention soundtracks to.,0 +Badly scripted and with very bad acting.,0 +It was so bad that it was seriously making me angry as I watched it!,0 +I didn't find that entertaining at all.,0 +"It is pretty boring, and filled with all kinds of pointless ridiculous stuff.",0 +The plot is your basic killer in the woods again.,0 +"The director threw in a lot of boring shots on animals hunting, obviously to go along with the whole ""Prey"" theme but they do nothing to advance the story and are quite boring.",0 +"Not to mention it has one too many cheesy moments and is padded with endless, unnecessary nature footage.",0 +"Fast forward (actually, you'll want to fast-forward through much of this mess) to the present day, where a couple of campers are butchered; the teens follow in their wake, while a semi-concerned park ranger (a sleepwalking Jackie Coogan) and his healthier cohort (who spins a lot of time tuning his banjo) succeed partially in steering our attention from yards of run-of-the-mill nature-footage padding.",0 +"The story itself couldn't hold the weight of feature length, so it was padded out by seemingly endless shots of wildlife and insects, which were obviously shot for another film and inserted here haphazardously as a means of making the movie long enough for a video release.",0 +) and two occasions where characters tell dillydally jokes that aren't even remotely funny!,0 +"Usually, I love films that are on this level of ineptitude, but the first three-quarters of The Prey are just so interminably boring that they pretty much spoil the rest.",0 +"Endless nature footage, bad acting - Aside from these elements, this is a watchable film for slasher fans that in some cases, is considered a cult classic.",0 +"All in all The Prey is dumb, boring and the killer I didn't find scary at all, this movie could have been a whole lot better.",0 +"Overall, I wouldn't recommend this film to anyone other than slasher completists - it really is a big mess.",0 +"Sure, most of the slasher films of the 1980's were not worth thecelluloid they were filmed on, but this video nightmare may well bethe dullest produced.",0 +"It's one of the worst movies I've ever seen, and that's something to say.",0 +It also rates as one of the 25 worst films ever made!,0 +* from ****,0 +Bad script destroys everything...,0 +Alan has been trained to kill by former NYPD cop Sam (Woody Strode) who mostly hangs around giving his pupil moral support and mooching for tinned meat.,0 +Lots of fake explosions and repetitive shootings ensue.,0 +"Certainly the film reviewed here is nowhere near as much fun as the other listed entries and is furthermore dragged down by poor voice over work, generally bland action sequences, a number of entirely tasteless scenes such as a prolonged rape sequence and some truly stupid and illogical points throughout.",0 +"This piece of crap has no entertainment value whatsoever and it's not even funny, just boring and extremely cheap.",0 +Incredibly bad.,0 +"She is humiliated and subjugated as often as possible in this revolting movie with beatings, skin lacerations, anal rape and graphic verbal abuse - all of it completely implausible and included apparently only to convey a sense of her horribly demeaned state and offer the male viewers an astonishingly clichéd sentimental sexual fantasy of the 'tart-with-a-heart'.",0 +I literally vomited while watching this film.,0 +"The stock shots of Argentina far outclass the action filmed on the Fox backlot, and some of the supporting performances are quite awful.",0 +"This lame flick is about 50% filler and 50% talk, talk, and more talk.",0 +"I can't really be bothered to write to much, as this movie is just so poor.",0 +"he also has a doll fetish, but I cannot figure out where that came from.",0 +This film is stupid (funny how this guy has access to every graveyard and mortuary in his town) and lurid (where would we be in a 70s exploitationer without our gratuitous lesbian scene?,0 +"In this they fail miserably, their undeniable, but rather soft and flabby than steamy, erotic qualities non withstanding.",0 +But i fault everyone involved for turning out Lame-o performances.,0 +Stay away from this crap and watch 48 hours 1 and 2 instead.,0 +"Generic and boring, there's really nothing worth watching here.",0 +When all we have anymore is pretty much reality TV shows with people making fools of themselves for whatever reason be it too fat or can't sing or cook worth a damn than I know Hollywood has run out of original ideas.,0 +"I occasionally let my kids watch this garbage so they will understand just how pathetic the show's ""contestants"" are.",0 +"Everything drags on forever, with the lumps of lard whining on about how losing weight is going to mean so much for them and their lives.",0 +"This is one dreary, inert, self-important bore.",0 +"i went from suspended disbelief, to fidgety boredom, to almost walking out.",0 +"But even if I could fathom why the filmmakers visited this pointless project on us, the clunky storytelling would still have bored me as it did.",0 +"I was totally underwhelmed by the ""acting"".",0 +"Viewers watching the edited version may wonder what all the fuss is about, but those viewing the original cut will quickly realize that it leaves absolutely nothing to the imagination.",0 +The acting is lifeless and dull - but that's just the tip of the iceberg.,0 +They only provide lengthy stretches of unremitting tedium.,0 +"After a while, all the nudity, hip thrusting and nipple sucking becomes tedious due to sheer repetition.",0 +"The film could have done so much better story telling, it is such a failure that way its just a whole other layer of what a shame this thing was.",0 +"Editing is the final sin here, making a confusing mess of everything with randomly jumpy cutaways, continuity flaws and random transitions that destroy any chance of momentum, story progression - and involvement.",0 +LAME CONTINUITY: The historical inaccuracy of the film also goes in pairs with poor continuity.,0 +The set decorations and art direction was cheap and fake; the nudity was sardonic and incredibly unsexy; the story was poorly written and it was just a parade of incredibly beautiful and talented actors being held hostage to quote the worst dialogue ever written!,0 +"Unfortunately, in the context of this film any attempt at dignity is as out of place as a pearl on a dunghill.",0 +"Other than that, the songs are half-songs, the melodies are half-melodies and even Meryl Streep cannot make this direction look good.",0 +"terrible writing, ridiculous situations, product placements galore, & all the subplots & supporting characters were unnecessary..",0 +"Done about five years later, this could have been an interesting movie, but director Howard Higgin faithfully follows his sound recorder's dictates and systematically undercuts the talents we know Lombard and Armstrong had from watching their later movies.",0 +"Normally I'm forgiving, but this time out I just couldn't go with the flow (Then again the copy I saw was absolutely horrible).",0 +"The viewer may easily note that the actors are still ""acting"" for a silent film, and this combined with the overly pronounced, overly earnest dialog (It seems most likely a diction-elocution-drama coach was employed extensively to teach the ""silent"" actors to speak lines), creates some rather comical scenes which were not at all intended to be comical.",0 +The dialog was simply awful--often delivered with almost no inflection or feeling.,0 +"Problem is, this schtick goes on way too long, obviously to fill out time.",0 +The dialogue was so lame I felt myself twitching with frustration and irritation every time someone opened his or her mouth.,0 +":) While this is a very cheesy cartoon, it really wasn't that bad.",0 +"This movie made me want to turn it off, as much as i love the first one, i was very disappointed with this installment.",0 +Also titled--> The Magical Castle--> This one is a stretch.,0 +"There are plenty of good movies out there, so there's no reason to waste your time and money on this junk.",0 +", ad nauseum.",0 +"Nothing more than a soccer knock-off of The Mighty Ducks, this film proved to be annoying in most aspects.",0 +This truly is as bad as you would expect.,0 +Most of them are disgusting andor annoying and it doesn't make for pleasant viewing at all.,0 +The jokes are lame.,0 +The stop motion animation was okay but the plots were banal and overall it seemed amateurish.,0 +Just didn't have any meaning to it I could see.,0 +"He over-uses tints, mostly with a shade that looks urine-coated), he jiggles his hand-held DVX camera as if it's supposed to be intense ala City of God, occasionally a character will just shoot into frame randomly, his choices of music are like the worst selections possible from pseudo-indie soft-rockers, and there's even inane fake interview scenes with Nicholas Serra (inspiration ?",0 +"By Randolph Scott standards of the 1950s, this is a disappointing and heavy-handed star western.",0 +This formulaic film (hero's girlfriend marries the villain) just didn't move along fast enough given some of the circumstances of the story.,0 +This movie is really bad.,0 +"The acting, if you want to call it that, is so stilted and contrived that it makes Ed Wood's actors appear life like.",0 +"and quite frankly I feel dirty just calling these people ""professionals"" at anything.",0 +"Normally I would give Hogan some leeway as a wrestler crossing over into a movie role, however this film didn't ask the Hulkster to make very much of a stretch, it simply asked Hogan to play himself, which he failed at miserably.",0 +"No Holds Barred is pretty much what I expected from Vince McMahon production starring the least versatile actor in the action genre (Hogan) it is basically lots of unintentional humor, tons of awkward sequences, a couple okay action sequences and tons of stupidity.",0 +"Being a wrestling fan, movies about wrestling generally suck (Backyard Dogs, Bodyslam, Jesse Ventura story) but this one isn't the worst I've ever seen.",0 +Worth watching if only for reminiscing your youth!,0 +"Ignoring Rocky 3, this is easily Hulk Hogan's best film, and it still rates as one of the worst films ever.",0 +This movie earns a 1 out of 5 on my scale and that one is just for the unintentionally funny parts.,0 +"I found Hulk Hogan surprisingly charming, but otherwise -- what a waste of film!",0 +He is just not believable as Brell.,0 +"You feel cheated, embarrassed, and stupid.",0 +A thinly veiled attempt to push Hulkamania to the film going non-wrestling fan.,0 +"Hulk Hogan plays Rip a professional wrestler who has a big heart but is pushed to the limit when his girlfriend(Joan Severence) is kidnapped by thugs who are forcing him to take on another wrestler(Tiny Lister Jr.)Bottom of the barrel actioner is such a failure that even Hogan looks ashamed to be in it, and with the evidence portrayed, he should be.",0 +If not for vince Mcmahon's money this stupid film would have never been made.,0 +"in search of the cheesiest ""so bad it's good"" movie, I've repeatedly laughed at the first fifteen minutes of various films, only to be left disappointed and bored at the end.",0 +Watcha gonna do when the 24 inch pythons and Hulkamania runs wild on you!,0 +"As a horror movie it really fails, no scares at all and it is quite muddled and boring.",0 +The plot and acting of This movie was terrible.,0 +"Instead, this movie quickly revealed itself as an evangelical Christian propaganda flick.",0 +"Aside from the spiritualreligious element, the script was tedious--saying the same thing over and over.",0 +The film has poor acting; bad camera angles and is amateurish.,0 +"Wait, actually its not even that good.",0 +"This movie was poorly conceived, poorly written and poorly acted.",0 +"I felt deceived out of my $$ spent for this movie, as nothing in the summary refers to its religious overtones.",0 +The ufo's are really just demonic deception to fool people in to believing that there is other intelligent life in the universe.,0 +It has nothing to do with them.,0 +The acting in it was pretty pathetic.,0 +"After a good start, it turned out to be the worst piece of holier than thou propaganda i've ever seen.",0 +Rebecca was verrryyy disappointing.,0 +This is the worst movie I have seen to date.,0 +I am being honest when I'm saying that this is the worst movie I've ever seen.,0 +"My mom and I believe in god and Jesus and the Devil, but the way this movie was preaching it, made it annoying.",0 +"The acting is horrible, the pacing is horrible, the plot is horrible, especially the ending is laughably bad.",0 +"As a film, the script was terrible, the acting was mediocre, and the pacing was poor.",0 +That's a pretty big claim to make without any factual evidence to present.,0 +"This could have been used to the movie's advantage, but I felt, instead, that the movie was trying to send subliminal messages to me!",0 +Can't believe I wasted that much time with this one.,0 +"It's all a crock, some kind of money making racket.",0 +What a waste of believers' money.,0 +"Sadly, their talents are wasted on characters so one-dimensional in their personalities so as to be unbelievable.",0 +After half of the movie it wraps to a religious Christian crap.,0 +"The movie is slightly entertaining despite this but the dialog is unbelievable, writing and acting is mostly rubbish and all in all, this movie is mostly a stinker to be avoided.",0 +"OK, this movie, was the worst display I have seen in years.",0 +"In a few words: this movie goes from entertaining to brainwashing in about 30 minutesWaste of time, waste of money...",0 +This movie was the biggest piece of garbage I've seen in a long time.,0 +They show almost nothing.,0 +This is without doubt the worst movie i have ever seen.,0 +310 is probably going easy on this waste of time.,0 +"Also, the way in which she interacted with the jury wasn't compelling or interesting in any way.",0 +It´s definitively NOT a gripping story and it is paced so slowly that we nearly fell asleep.,0 +The sex action is plentiful but to me seems too frantic and false.,0 +But this was a B western and not even a good one at that.,0 +"There's a fair amount of time-killing horseback riding back and forth between Black's Gang and the Sheriff's posse, as John Wayne's character maneuvers to expose the bad guys.",0 +"The film is also extremely dated, as you would expect; we have the terrible camera shooting which makes everyone look like they are moving in super-fast motion, and the dialogue is terrible.",0 +I'd really give it a 4 and a half.,0 +"The editing is terrible, and the direction and pacing is completely lethargic.",0 +"No editing, poor script, weak acting and not much directing.",0 +What the heck does that have to do with anything?,0 +"I made most of that up -- ""Mr. Wiggly,"" unfortunately, made the cut -- but believe me, the dialogue is just that loonily inflated and riddled with non sequiturs.",0 +"Sometimes it will look like it could have been filmed this year, but other times it is so grainy and blurry that it isn't even watchable.",0 +"should have been a sadistic comedy, a lot of horror movies lack common sense,but i think a retarded caveman would weasel his way around this situation.",0 +"O boy, was this really bad.",0 +and how many movies do you find that just don't make any sense?,0 +"Unless you spend your time perpetually stoned or drunk, you'll find little of interest here, and even if you are wasted most of the time, you'll still probably find your intelligence insulted.",0 +I'm not even going to comment on what piece of trash this film is since that has already been established.,0 +It's awful and I don't even have a clue how it got any distribution.,0 +Besides being ultra ultra cheap and containing all slasher film cliches and terrible acting it has the most incompetent and inept direction I have ever come across.,0 +The plot of this movie was ridiculous.,0 +I would most definitely have to say that this is the most terrible movie I have ever seen.,0 +"That probably doesn't make a whole lot of sense, but I would hate to give away the dumbest few scenes in movie history to those two or three fools (like me) dumb enough to rent this sewage.",0 +In my opinion of this movie the entire video portion of this movie was absolute trash!,0 +The show is a waste of time.,0 +The jokes in the show are so lame.,0 +"Overall, ""Reba"" is a very mediocre show with obvious ripoffs of ""Roseanne"", sub-par plots and sub-sub-par humor, and (let's face it) terrible acting.",0 +and Kyra walks around sneering and being miserable.,0 +she's trying to be funny but she just isn't and then she got a stupid accent!,0 +It's dumb and generic.,0 +"Reba is , without a doubt , one of the worst ""comedy"" series ever.",0 +Reba is a very dumb show.,0 +"What I mean by that is where we hear this baritone saxophone being played with drums accompanying it, but the melodies are basically tuneless!",0 +"It has nothing new to offer, it underestimates the (possible) viewers in so many ways and it simply isn't funny at all.",0 +Totally unfunny and stupid.,0 +"It's the only truly worthwhile scene of the whole film, the rest is fairly mediocre and déjà-vu.",0 +"The special effects are quite crude, even for the year that this was made, and the climactic fight with de Lavud in bat form is laughable enough...",0 +"The progression of their relationship is erratically presented and this, coupled with choppy editing, leads the viewer to be less than assured as to what is transpiring, motivation being almost completely ignored in the writing.",0 +"Two things to watch for if you are trapped into watching this: Wood's Jane Fonda hairdo that is never mussed, no matter what, and a tune she sings early in this dreadful flick.",0 +"It's not funny, the acting is the worst I've seen in many years, there are more stereotypes than there are actors, and everything about this show makes you groan and roll your eyes.",0 +It is so boring.,0 +"She's also supposed to be an outcast from the spoiled, shallow, vapid, narcissistic ""popular"" girls at school, which is no more believable here than it was for Hilary Duff in LIZZIE McGUIRE.",0 +"Lastly, the jokes are either cliché or boring.",0 +This incomplete feeling remains no matter how many times you revisit the episode and no matter how much attention you give it.,0 +It's just too tired.,0 +"Without the satire, or the clever songs or Martin (or an equivalent showstopper), the movie becomes just a weak comedy fantasy where much of the comedy is predictable and the fantasy is worked to death.",0 +"Instead I got a rather pedestrian screenplay, it was like all the wit was drained out of it.",0 +"The sets are cheap, the script is filled with clichés and failed humor, and Tom Conway looks as though he has been battling with liquor (as indeed he was).",0 +"I cant go for long describing this tittle, simply because I do not feel strong about it.",0 +"First of all, it's a pretentious mess.",0 +It's the worst thing I have ever seen.,0 +"The actors were either positively wooden or way over the top, and the film quality was awful, fuzzy and grainy and bland and not in an artistic way at all.",0 +"It's dull, ponderous, badly acted, and teeth crawlingly pretentious.",0 +The storytelling doesn't follow a comprehensive intelligibly way… everything is a mess.,0 +"The acting is laughable, comparable to a school play - although that would be an insult to many educational establishments.",0 +"Not much to recommend here, even the title seems to propel it into obscurity.",0 +"The end being just as stupid as the entire movie mind you, and with absolutely no reward in it for the viewer what so ever.",0 +"The story is terrible, the makeup is terrible, the filming is terrible, the set is terrible, the directing is terrible, etc.",0 +Just to many plot holes and things in it for it to be considered an okay movie.,0 +"A few attempts at humor are made, but everything falls very flat.",0 +This movie is retarded a cheap movie that tries to be a stoner movie because the characters are looking for pot but none of them are smokers just a bunch of garbage Thomas Hayden church should not direct anymore especially this movie which is a waste of film.,0 +All I saw was one token black.,0 +Otherwise the jokes and timing missed all along the way.,0 +"The product is bland dialog supported by mediocre acting, to say this movie has no 'hook' is a huge understatement.",0 +"If you even think about watching this piece-of-crap movie, don't.",0 +Don't waste your time on this piece of sh't movie.,0 +I assume people who were in this movie must've come to this site to give it some good press because this was one of the worst movies I have ever seen.,0 +A 3 out of 10.,0 +The show is just plain stupid and pathetic.,0 +"Even allowing for the suspension of disbelief that must apply to any sci-fi show, this episode still absolutely no sense whatsoever.",0 +"In the writing, the jokes are few and far between, and the story lines are a bore, so I figure it must be the physical comedy and the visuals.",0 +"And the show really misses Sharon or some one else to give us something to laugh about, because the Kal and Craig characters in this version are really not funny.",0 +The acting was pretty much wooden and the exaggeration of Selma's expressions wore the funny off after ten minutes.,0 +Bad luck for them as they are doomed to plummet with this turkey.,0 +it's stupid.,0 +WHAT?,0 +"The jokes are lame and flat, and the acting is mostly annoying.",0 +This show is a disgrace to even share the same title as the Australian version.,0 +The characters were insufferable for the most part.,0 +"It doesn't even manage a decent bit of convincing gore, the zombie make up is literally pathetic apart from one notable exception towards the end of the film.",0 +It's a dumb movie.,0 +"There are some really good ideas here, but they just don't work.",0 +"Okay one to many, but back to this crappy movie.",0 +"To finish, no plot + no acting = no-one cares.",0 +It was wrought with clichés and very unfunny jokes and set ups.,0 +Would an adult enjoy this film?,0 +"Despite a small handful of nicely executed scenes, this entry (the fourth) feels tired.",0 +"The wall to wall sexcapades masks a lack of discernible plot and pushes this one far too much into exploitation territory, not unsurprising though given that the Director of this one is Toshiharu Ikeda (""Evil Dead Trap"", ""Beautiful Prey"").",0 +"Even if you are the biggest Sandra Bullock fan in the world, it is not worth even watching the two or three short scenes in which she appears.",0 +"Don't be fooled, this movie isn't worth your time.",0 +Negative!,0 +"In short, this is dreck.",0 +"Rent this to see the worst film ever made, bar none.",0 +It only took a couple of scenes to confirm that this movie is a real stinker!,0 +"Add to this cheesy ""Bad Guy"" vocal distortion for the lead villain (mainly so that you KNOW he's the villain in this incomprehensible mess of a film), and you have a recipe for disaster.",0 +"But this movie was so horrible, I couldn't help but chuckle throughout the movie in disbelief that I was actually watching something so crappy.",0 +"This movie is #1 in the list of worst movies I have ever seen, with ""Lessons for an Assassin"" on the #2 spot.",0 +It's just worse than expected.,0 +This movie is soo bad that I've wasted way to much time already talking about it.,0 +"You know that when the acting stinks this bad that it's not even worth a couple of bucks-the sound quality is horrendous-there's no closed captioning to even hear the hideous dialog, and it looks as if it were filmed on a $ 1.98 budget.",0 +I give it a 2 - I reserve a 1 rating for Guy Ritchie and Woody Allen films.,0 +The Movie is dull.,0 +"WAIT until you've watched most of all other films ever released, wait a year, then watch this when you're ready for something with such low production values it that will not challenge anybody's imagination.",0 +It's simply a combination of bad directing and bad writing.,0 +"The rest of the movie is so bad that you'll spend most of the time hoping it will end soon, but only if you're one of those people who have to finish a movie once they start it.",0 +"Acting was awful, I couldn't believe any of it.",0 +"blah blah"" in a very, very amateur kinda way.",0 +"The dialog was awful, the story line was impenetrable (I still don't understand what the hell was going on, despite having read the synopsis), the camera work was disjointed and hopeless, the acting was wooden (not helped by the dialogue).",0 +This is an amazingly bad movie.,0 +"Well in the case of this movie, the reason is because it SUCKED!",0 +This film stinks more than limburger cheese!,0 +"I am generally not a person to be critical of movies, but this may be the worst movie I have ever seen.",0 +NOT.,0 +"Sandra's performance was somewhat credible, but the film was predictable and the action was spotty and dragged.",0 +This movie is a waste of electricity and plastic.,0 +It's so bad that there isn't proper word to describe this poor attempt to be a movie.,0 +To name but a few of the many highlights that should be paid attention to:- The doubled evil voices of the chief bad guys - The special gun cam - The weird masks and outfits of the hit killers - The showy ways to catch a bullet and hit the ground - The abundance of bottom-up shots - The spacey scene in which Bullock falls unconscious on the street - The over-cliché Italian mob guy Moe (LaMotta) - The cheap synthesizer background music - The mesmerizing overdone gun fetishismAnd last but not least: the super corny fist-fight scenes.,0 +"If your thinking about watching this because your a Sandra Bullock fan, don't even bother as she has less than ten minutes of screen time, and her acting is absolutely atrocious.",0 +"I made a big deal out of the show returning tonight and had people over and I felt like a fool, because no one was laughing except 2-3 times.",0 +Then the foolish ways Sam tries to accommodate both in a manner that is primarily stupid and lacks any real intelligent humor.,0 +"Anyhow, no hot chicks, no watch.",0 +"""The Loop"" is a pointless and boring watch, and their edgy jokes just fall flat.",0 +I described them ALL to a T. Therein lies the problem as what seems like it might even be passable entertainment at first just gets uselessly stale when watching episodes in a row and growing bored beyond belief at the endless repetition.,0 +This movie starts off on the wrong foot and never really gets it going.,0 +"Being employed by them, I was ashamed.",0 +"The actors are not believable in their roles: their lines, when spoken, sound way too memorized, as if this was a read-out camera test.",0 +There are no surprises and there is no compelling reason to watch this trash.,0 +A high priced piece of garbage that only an idiot could like...,0 +"The directing, the acting and the adaptation of the story leave what could probably have been a good plot into a meaningless waste of time.",0 +"So, you don't want to be angry at yourself and loose time, don't watch it.",0 +The hypocrisy here is as repugnant as is the film itself.,0 +"While Pullman and Ormond are excellent actors, even their talent is no match for a reprehensibly bad script.",0 +I do almost pity the actors though as the script offers them no chance of any believable character interaction.,0 +She was every bit as bad as I had envisioned from the writing of this movie.,0 +But it is bad because it has absolutely nothing to do with the preceding hour and twenty minutes.,0 +"Unbelievable premise and reactions, incredibly brain-dead characters (could blame the writing or the actors, or I'll just blame both) and enormously bad acting.",0 +This ending was not creative.,0 +"After a very scary, crude opening which gives you that creepy ""Chainsaw massacre""-feeling, everything falls apart.",0 +"Bill Pullman is trying,maybe a little to hard,and except for the kid the rest of the acting seems self-conscious and kinda lame.",0 +This film was garbage for both the mind and spirit.,0 +Other examples of psychological propaganda are crime dramas full of self righteous cops including big-jawed aggressive women accusing everyone they question trampling their rights and making those men feel like scum.,0 +Hence this isn't a reality show but something far worse even than Oprah: garbage television with zero comma zero appeal.,0 +"I think cheaters needs to be off the air and end the reality show once and for all i don't care what anyone says you can attack me or agree with me but its times like this that the show is just spewing out propaganda and the host of Cheaters Joey Greco is a little bastard who wants to think that showing people on camera is effective and unawares no it just will show disgusting he is also the wiretapping and following of people by ""cheaters spy's"" is illegal and a federal offense we are living in a police state like the Soviet union and Nazi Germany rolled into one i am happy that there is poor reviews on this trash this needs to end soon or we are going to lose our liberties as a nation no wonder our country is going to hell its because of this and other filth shows i liked the older shows better from the 1950s-1980s i hope you all agree with me on that thank you infowarrior",0 +"The show is at least partially Faked (So is not reality, just pretending to be reality), which makes me believe at least anyone without face blurred out is a Fake episode.",0 +"There are some good scenes, and I thought they would lead somewhere, but they didn't, it turned out to be an ""anti-cop"" ""anti-buddy"" ""anti-hippie"", pretty much ""anti-everything movie"", with an extremely confusing plot that also went nowhere.",0 +"In fact, I'd say it's pretty much of a mess.",0 +"A mediocre film at best, ""EG in B"" features some members of the band Chicago, a whiff of action, some philosophizing, and lots and lots of boring dramatic filler.",0 +I wasn't intrigued by the story at all.,0 +it's crappy!,0 +"Not even Emeril Lagasse cooking can save this disjointed, overheaded idiotic nonsense, starring emeril lagasse as a TV chef from the food channel,who with help of the crew to try to make the show better, poor plot and stupid script throw this show down the drain, Robert Urich wasted in the poorly supporting role and sadly this was his last one ever(R.I.P.), This is the worst show of 2001 and it will be on the list of the worst shows of this decade.",0 +"I know my summary sounds very harsh, but this film has very limited appeal.",0 +The characters were one-dimensional.,0 +Everything in this movie rang false to me...,0 +It's just a terrible effort.,0 +But I thought it was totally mind-bending that Hollywood was placing this very very bad film up for so many honors.,0 +"Despite the all-star cast, this attempt at epic fails.",0 +"But, and that's a huge 'but', the various subplots, peopled with some likable, mostly annoying caricatures, are paper-thin and go and and on in dull stretches for over three long hours.",0 +"The plot is nonexistent, the music poor (apart from one Simon Boswell song), it's not scary in the least; it's just not that good.",0 +It's that bad.,0 +"As usual you'll be treated to laughable dubbing, crap scenarios that don't make any sense and above all un-answered questions.",0 +What was it?,0 +The dubbing in this film is horrible.,0 +The narrative is grossly disjointed and if you could imagine 'Naked Lunch' directed by Russ Meyer you may appreciate the attempt to be William Burroughs-esque.,0 +"You could do worse, but it certainly doesn't live up to the original.",0 +"Everything about this movie was bad, the acting was bad and the plot was bad.",0 +"Secondly, what the hell is with those blue monkey things?",0 +Too bad it is a terrible film.,0 +"The acting is wooden, the plot silly and the SFX non-existent.",0 +The delivery of many lines appears to be distractingly unnatural for some actors.,0 +It was a totally waste of time.,0 +"As the author himself said, this movie has betrayed the book: not only the story is violently cut to about 13, but all the symbols, all the complexity, everything is lost in a very 80's-fashioned fantasyadventure film for kids.",0 +This movie was painful to sit through and offers nothing of any real merit whatsoever.,0 +The comedy is extremely weak.,0 +Is it possible for a movie to get any worse than this?,0 +"I felt it lasted for 3 hours, but it was just me who was bored to death.",0 +"Dorothy Stratten is the only reason to watch this unfunny sci-fi spoof, and her appearance is a disappointment.",0 +"This movie wasn't, or at least, the comic timing on jokes that could have been funny weren't.",0 +"Sadly, the scenes with Dorothy Stratten really fail to deliver, but since she's playing an android, I suppose one can excuse her for wooden acting.",0 +I think her talents were wasted in this picture and she should have never been involved in such garbage.,0 +"There is little point in listing the sci-fi classics which are mauled by this stinker in its ludicrous attempts at spoofing the genre since they are not only lame but obvious; incredibly enough, a chest-busting but ultimately benign alien is apparently played by diminutive Hollywood veteran, Angelo Rossitto!",0 +Awfully charming rather than just plain awful.,0 +"The cast tries, but can't breathe life into this turkey.",0 +This turkey just doesn't do it.,0 +It is a supremely bad movie whose very badness is not the redeeming quality it usually is.,0 +"Well, sadly this movie is pretty close to useless.",0 +"It's so bad, I couldn't even tell for some time if it was the worst comedy or the worst drama I'd ever seen.",0 +The dialogue and kung-fu stunts were extremely slow.,0 +That's bird language for cheap cheap.,0 +"Now, anyone who has actually seen ""Giant Gila Monster"", knows that it is one of the worst made films of all time, frequently so slow, it's not even funny.",0 +"Unfortunately, there is nothing to recommend this film.",0 +- and that word is poor.,0 +"Skip it, unless you want to get bored out of your skull by this",0 +listless and dull.,0 +I really cannot find much good to say about it other than as bad films go you could do a lot worse as far as finding something dreadful to sit through.,0 +"But sadly, this one never should have stood a chance of seeing the light of day.",0 +This movie was painfully awful.,0 +"None of the murders, however, are even remotely memorable, as we don't really see anything.",0 +but nothing interesting is going on.,0 +"Or, could the creature really be a mutated alligator returning from a space-bound ""Noah's Ark""?",0 +"Acting has to be the worst I've ever seen, especially the girl playing the lead role and the girl that played the waitress made me laughing my ass off.",0 +typical of low budget sci-fi.,0 +"Italian starlet Marla Landi, struggling with the English language, makes for an inadequate female lead; even her input in the featurette proves to be of little lasting value!",0 +"Pale and saucer-eyed, with imposingly thick and long hair, Locke is a curious human puzzle, and she's initially quite intimidating and dangerous; however, this role is so old-hat that Locke can find nothing fresh to bring out of the deep freeze, and she flounders.",0 +The whole movie falls flat and fails miserably.,0 +The movie does attempt to portray some feeling that the previous one lacked but it is done in a lackluster way that makes for a flat boring movie.,0 +No - Veto on this sham try again.,0 +This movie was not very well directed.,0 +"Even if these boys were repressing it, it should have been crystal clear, but this movie doesn't even really hint at it.",0 +It was confusing to say the least.,0 +"Bone Eater"" is a lame and silly movie, with one of the most ridiculous screenplay I have ever seen.",0 +Amateurish CGI special effects that could have been produced by a Commodore 64 computer?,0 +"With a supposed budget of about $700,000 Bone Eater is filmed in a very bland, forgettable & flat way, there's no sense of style here at all.",0 +The acting is below-average and the special effects are horrible.,0 +"Watching BB change into his lamest Big Chief outfit, was amusing at best, downright laughable at worst.",0 +The CGI is awful.,0 +"The deaths are just poorly done, again with shoddy CGI.",0 +But this was hardly even funny...,0 +But the point is the actors did a complete soulless lousy job and so did the director and the writer who made this film.,0 +"Bad, bad, and did I mention bad?",0 +although this winds up being an underwritten sub-plot as is most of the plot concerning the killing skeleton and many of the poorly developed characters.,0 +A Native American with any ounce of self-respect would have tossed their TV out the window at this trash.,0 +"The effects in the film is laughable at best, and the Bone Eater monster is nothing but a CGI-animated being added into the frames at a later date.",0 +' It was so bad and on the older actors you could even seem to tell that they thought it was bad also.,0 +If this film had had any of those things then it might not have been amongst the worst films I've ever wasted an hour and a half on.,0 +"The plot is inane, the special effects are hilarious and the acting is some of the worst you'll ever see!",0 +"I used to think that it couldn't get worse that ""Army of the Dead"" but this load of crap makes the afore mentioned movie look like ""The Godfather""!",0 +I'm so mad at myself for spending a 1.07 on this stinker!,0 +All these stars and one lousy film.,0 +The direction and story telling in this POS are terrible.,0 +You would think one or two good productions with some sense would creep through when whoever green lights this junk is on vacation.,0 +"So give your self a break and don't watch this thing, at least call somebody up to see a horror movie with you, trust me you will end up playing monopoly for some kicks.",0 +I will never understand how flicks this bad make it past the cutting room without the entire reel ending up on the floor.,0 +"also, i don't remember one happy facial expression at all throughout the film's entire runtime, a majority of the film takes place in the dark depths of the abyss, where the story gets even more dull, and all the characters (the shark too) die in the end.",0 +"The script - oh Lord, the script - is worse than a garbage of sci-fi television has to dredge up.",0 +The acting is incredibly bad and the dialogue is just as deplorable.,0 +", the director hasn`t made any attempt whatsoever to even use the unconvincing technique of shooting the scene through a fish tank .",0 +"a waist of time in my point of view I thought it was a TV movie, but then I saw it was not I cant imagine having paid to see this load of crap please avoid this movie at any cost.",0 +The directing is the worst and there is nothing redeemable in the entire films.,0 +"this could have been good,but sadly,its too inplausible,anthony sabato jr has a grudge...",0 +"That answer could go on and on, and this movie was a major letdown.",0 +Anyone who viewed the film uncut will be mad as hell at this toxic DVD version.,0 +"Since the script was ten made up on the fly, the may explain how bad it is and how disjointed the movie is.",0 +"The personnel involved in ""Mad Dog Morgan"" make it not only worth a look, but also a huge disappointment.",0 +"The only morals I could see out of this are: - stupidity + criminals do not equal success - if he screwed you before, he's gonna do it again",0 +this movie is not.,0 +"It seems like the packaging of the film as a comedy is meant to deceive people into renting or buying this film, which is a complete waste of time.",0 +Half the scenes are pointless.,0 +"The characters are wooden, the dialog is taxed, and the whole story seems to be completely disconnected.",0 +"The acting (if you can call it that) was very wooden, and seemed just read from script in monotone.",0 +I liked the main characters and the overall story but some scenes are pretty sloppy and confusing.,0 +Bad dialogue delivered at a snail's pace.,0 +"When he wakes up on the autopsy table, and decides to run for it, then begins the utter tastelessness of this movie.",0 +"If this is a spoiler to you, you will thank me for it because it is absolutely the worst movie ever made.",0 +* from ****,0 +"It is mostly a pathetic showcase for the writer of Belushi's biography, Bob Woodward.",0 +My rate is 4.,0 +"""Wired"" would have to rate as one of the ten worst films I have ever seen.",0 +"This could have been a good biopic, but what a mess!",0 +"Forget the idea of poor Michael Chilklis (who is a really great actor) being in a really astonishingly bad film, and really only relegated to doing an impersonation of the man.",0 +"These directors may be talented & artistic in their own right; however in attempting to pass off this hodgepodge of attempted eroticism and 60s chic as *in any way* related to Edgar Allen Poe's stories, they exposed themselves as frauds.",0 +It's just awful...,0 +"It's a rambling, random, dull piece, with little to recommend it.",0 +"Movies about health crises do not make the best entertainment and this movie is not entertainment, it is education.",0 +"Basically, every element of the movie rings false.",0 +She is as lifeless as Affleck.,0 +You'll feel that it's just your luck to have chosen to watch a movie that turns out to be a complete waste of time.,0 +"It IS a rubbish film, it DOESN'T hang together and it DOES constitute a wasted evening sitting through it.",0 +Atrophied.,0 +"Both boys around 30, living at home, with absolutely nothing going for them.",0 +"The writing is bad, the acting is poor and the direction is sub-standard.",0 +"In fact, the whole view of women in the movie, which seems to be that they're pathetic creatures who scream a lot and can't defend themselves, is pretty despicable.",0 +And the music was nothing great.,0 +It starts out slowly but just as you begin to think it has become boring =bang= it's over.,0 +"Well, Iron Eagle IV is probably the most inane sequel.",0 +"This is a series that just keeps getting worse with each subsequent entry, this one however doesn't have any of the zip or even the action to make this even worth seeing on cable.",0 +And obviously I didn't see it!,0 +Even the presence of some fairly reliable actors in the cast doesn't help.,0 +Gags are sparse and mostly uninspired.,0 +"Although there are a couple of 'name' actors in the film (Frank Slivera, who also appeared in Killer's Kiss, and Paul Mazursky, a director in his own right), the performances overall are dull and very routine.",0 +"This is a weak and tedious film--at 68 minutes it still seems longer than ""Barry Lyndon""!",0 +"But really, this is a mess.",0 +"A group of young filmmakers with virtually no budget set out to make something clever and original -- and while there is a bit of originality and some skilled drawing in this slacker puppet show take on ""Dante's Inferno,"" there is nothing especially clever.",0 +"All the radical leftist talking points were too completely covered - while conspicuously omitting references to wrongdoing from the ""other side of the aisle"" - to not have been a conscious effort.",0 +"It is, however, unoriginal, tedious and trite.",0 +Due to the fact that playing a puppet is not acting it is just basically doing nothing.,0 +"In addition, the film is rather lazy: it slights some facts that could have been got across with little effort, e.g. what the exact legal loophole was (the wording of a copyright notice) that permitted the books' unauthorized publication in the U.S. (Speaking of which: I take strong exception to the film's dismissal of the covers on that edition as ""irrelevant"" and ""psychedelic,"" which they were not.",0 +"I mean, the story just goes into too many directions and wasn't well developed at all.",0 +"Together with ""Hard Candy"" (Totally boring, pathetic plot and ending), these two movies are the worst I've seen from Lionsgate!",0 +Somehow a perverted priest and the gardener are gonna' fix that.,0 +This movie was probably one of the worst movies I've seen in a very long time.,0 +"I would like to pretend Wiley had no part in making this shamefully derivative and unoriginal, uninspired film.",0 +All in all this movie is the biggest pile of useless (I could get very descriptive with this part but why waste my energy on this movie)sh*t I've ever seen.,0 +The acting was terrible and the writing even worse.,0 +"It wasn't a bad movie, but some of the dialogue was incredibly cheesy.",0 +After the opening minutes the film descended in a spiral that didn't quite take us to hell and back - viewing was pure purgatory to say the least.,0 +I suppose where Blackwater Valley Exorcism is different (other than it's total crap) is that it tries to give all the character's some screen time & tries to get across how the situation is affecting them but it's so badly written & acted it just ends up being boring.,0 +To be honest I didn't manage to finish this film because about twenty dismal minutes in the sight of the main actress scuttling across the floor like a Shetland pony that has been shot in the ass was too much for me to stomach.,0 +And I haven't even gotten to the bad acting.,0 +I am at a loss trying to compare this to another movie equally as bad.,0 +There was a lot of wasted dialogue and just seemed like the writing was rushed and a little too wandering.,0 +The acting was horrendously bad.,0 +I'm just not sure if the movie was meant to be serious or a spoof.,0 +A by-the-numbers exorcism exercise with a disappointing non-allegiance and usage of the term 'blackwater.,0 +They ultimately just seem like prolonged padding to an already thin story with pointless subplots that continue to prove the movie is drawing a total blank about where to go next.,0 +I watched this with two friends on another friend's recommendation- none of us were thrilled.,0 +The plot is just to fill in the lulls between fistfights.,0 +"With only a couple of exceptions, the interviews drone on and on and on, making little emotional contact or context to the whole topic.",0 +"Overall, an ""eh"".",0 +"Being a gay man who lived through the time period examined in this tedious documentary, I was eager to see how the subject matter was handled.",0 +"The acting was not convincing, the story was rather dumb without any excitement and there were not many effects.",0 +But Cameron was far too annoying to stomach.,0 +"The mystical Skull guy who created the totem is corny at best, and Decapitrons appearance is long awaited, short, and really quite disappointing.",0 +A severe backwards step for the puppets in this mainly dull and tedious outing.,0 +All of the additions to this franchise in this story were completely absurd!,0 +Most of the acting was so unbelievably bad that you couldn't easily get into this movie if you tried.,0 +"This movie was so flipping bad, it made ""Hulk"" (The second worst movie ever) look like ""The Departed"" (One of the greatest movies in cinematic history).",0 +"Insipid acting, an uninspired script and lame jokes conspire to make your brain go numb in a matter of minutes.",0 +"Utilizing a script by Carl Dupre horrible enough to make a fellow screenwriter cringe, and wasting the talents of Edward Furlong, the sole highlight of this rock and roll period piece gone wrong is the music, most notably the elaborate recreating of a 1978 KISS concert.",0 +Now this is a bad movie if I've ever seen one.,0 +A complete waste of 102 minutes.,0 +"There were too many flashbacks and too many bad ""effects"" which got me annoyed through the film.",0 +"Acting is terrible, there is no plot whatsoever, there is no point whatsoever, i felt robbed after i rented this movie.",0 +"But instead of a sense of humor there's just nudity, lame sex jokes, more, nudity, a soft-core dream sequence, a sex symbol nurse simply for (CLOTHED!",0 +"The dialogue literally makes no sense, and the acting belongs on a high-school stage.",0 +"Barely enough recycled plotline for a 48 and a half minute television hour, gratingly stretched to ninety minutes.",0 +This is just tedious.,0 +"So it's quite forgettable, besides.",0 +"Without even a smack of character development, the plot meanders from Gen-X club scenes to action scenes and back again.",0 +"So, still willing to waste $10?",0 +I give it 1 out of 10.,0 +"Boring, lifeless, not once did I find myself interested in any of the characters.",0 +"Don't even waste your money when it comes out on tape, it's not even worth renting.",0 +There was no plot!,0 +This is an astonishingly bad action film.,0 +"And the editing was very disjointed, so that the scenes didn't seem to flow together and they all seemed out of place.",0 +I thought this movie was horrible.,0 +"As it is, it comes across as ill-conceived and poorly executed.",0 +"But someone, somewhere, took the script, and replaced all the dialogue with grade-school level barely literate writing.",0 +"There is some attempt to keep the film interesting, but it was just bad.",0 +Their was hardly any action at all and the character were all kinda bland.,0 +There is nothing at all redeeming about this film.,0 +They aren't able to do much with the material given.,0 +It will be a complete letdown.,0 +"Throw in the weird scene where Epps has to dance with an old man, and you have what quite possibly COULD BE the worst movie in cinema history.",0 +The script was silly.,0 +"There is no plot, there is no characterisation, there are no set piece action scenes, there aren't even any scenes as such, just a progression of increasingly empty shots projected at 24 frames per second.",0 +Not bad in a good way like Wolfpack or a Seagal film just plain old shoddy bad.,0 +This is one of the most boring films I've ever seen.,0 +At times it takes itself serious but other times it tries to be humorous but fails miserably.,0 +one day someone said lets redo the mod squad we can make it hip cool and all that YO!,0 +i expected this movie to be absolutely god awful.,0 +"We're shifted right dab smack in the middle of a story that just doesn't seem to make sense, it wastes the talent, and the dialogue is just bad.",0 +It's simply not funny enough.,0 +"It's as if Craig Mazin purposefully wanted to make a film that deserves its 3.7, if not lower, and even try to be worse than ""Meet the Spartans"".",0 +The Stephen Hawking lookalike's scene is painful to watch and is really a bad idea that doesn't work and isn't remotely funny.,0 +"Although it has the star power to light a 40-watt bulb, the movie fails to utilize any humor.",0 +But it doesn't end there; it gets progressively worse until it disintegrates into a pathetic ensemble of slapstick trollop by the truckload.,0 +"Even if no one under the age of 17 is watching this movie, beware of a truly stupid movie, there's no humor in the movie, just a bunch of disgusting sexual references including a small touch of pedophilia, something that shouldn't even be joked about.",0 +And in the same sense much more forgettable than meet the Spartans.,0 +It dragged in parts and some of the humor was just forced and painful.,0 +"There were two points in the film that I almost laughed, but the rest of it was either boring, ridiculous or painful.",0 +It was a waste of money.,0 +It is a complete waste of money and time.,0 +"however, this movie plays like a bad version of all of these.",0 +"I don't know who this kid is, he could be a very nice person but he wasn't right for this movie.",0 +Not worth the time or money.,0 +"Much of the movie is slapstick, but not in any invigorating or interesting way.",0 +Avoid this movie at all costs.,0 +"The acting is very bad, really kindergarten level and the writing is just plain awful.",0 +"Cute, it had potential, but yuck!",0 +The almost pornographic style of the film seems to be a failed attempt to recover from a lack of cohesive or effective story.,0 +The acting throughout this is just plain awful and amateurish and our lead hero Sheriff Cinder is much too unattractive to be bagging the film's hottest chick.,0 +"Written and directed by Don Dohler this has to be an amateur film, made with family and friends, look at the credits and see how many Dohler's are involved.",0 +I give it a 3 out of 10.,0 +"Alien Factor is actually rather imaginative considering the low budget and it's fairly creepy, but ""Nightbeast"", which I guess is sort of an updating of Alien Factor, is just plain dumb.",0 +What a cruel disappointment!,0 +The choreography was dreadful during the dancing scenes.,0 +It seems the producers of this movie either had done little or no research or just didn't care.,0 +The ending makes no sense either.,0 +On top of that the script remains filled with a lot of holes silly poker game errors and things that just don't make an awful lot of sense.,0 +It's hard to point to exactly what makes it so poor – but I'd say the story and character's are not believable (the screenplay) and the directing doesn't give it any boost (the director).,0 +"There are a lot of scenes that are mildly cute, but ultimately turn out to be a waste of time.",0 +Even the gratuitous male nudity that popped up during the movie was so blatantly gratuitous that it seemed to be there to keep people in their seats.,0 +But the film gets bogged down again and again by annoying subplots and throw away scenes - the whole gold outing sequence comes to mind.,0 +Most of the characters performances were just not very convincing.,0 +"The dialog was dumb, the humor (mainly Milton Berle's) was downright stupid and the music was just not up my alley.",0 +Total waste of airtime.,0 +I knew this was headed for disaster after looking at the clock within 7 minutes of air time.,0 +"In fact The Toxic Avenger, Part II sucks on all levels really & to top it all off it's atrociously made as well, most of the cast appear to be people plucked from the nearest street corner, continuity is none existent, cinematography is basic point & shoot & the special effects are anything but.",0 +Now this movie even given when it was made was so bad that I couldn't stop watching...,0 +There's 2 awesome killings then the movie goes straight to poop.,0 +"All the meaningless sex and violence is gone, and replaced with crappy jokes and unexplained plot pointers.",0 +"This film is un-gory battles to cheezy jazz music, no real gore at all, and the worst toxie mask I have ever seen!",0 +"While the first one is a low budget classic, this simply is not.",0 +"But altogether I was very disappointed, and the film ends with a tedious chase scene which had me huffing and puffing, dying for the movie to fade to black.",0 +I was really disappointed in it.,0 +"Nothing else in the movie matters after that, it becomes a meaningless string of action sequences, most of which aren't even well choreographed.",0 +Who came up with idea anyway?,0 +"A mindless action flick that amounts to little, if not ""a-ight"".",0 +"The acting is horrendously mediocre, the plot is derivative, with no compelling or appealing characters whatsoever.",0 +There is nothing to save this movie.,0 +That's it.,0 +"The story didn't had any ""good"" about it.",0 +There's not one iota of redeeming cinematic value in all this movies ninety or so minutes.,0 +"I saw nothing really new here, just the same old stuff from other flicks changed around a little.",0 +"this one is just so wrong I don't think i even need to comment about the plot, acting, script, camera work.",0 +The plot is probably one of the worst in film history.,0 +Seagal fans beware- He does no action scenes until almost an hour into this mess.,0 +"But putting that aside, I found the dialog was too much like a stage play despite being based on a novel and also,the mediocre acting was embarrassing to watch especially by the young lead Vincent Spano.",0 +"Poor dialog, poor performances to work off of, poor everything...",0 +This movie was disappointing.,0 +"This film was boring, especially in the beginning and the middle parts.",0 +"Extra disappointing due to the great beginning, Solo Dios Sabe degenerates into a mess of superstitious bull after the halfway point and ends on a note so ludicrous, soppy and melodramatic I couldn't believe I was watching the same movie I started with.",0 +"Acting is horrible, plot is awful, idea is terrible, and no research was done what's so ever!",0 +"I DO NOT recommend this movie to any family that has an adopted child; it displays adoption, orphanages and adults badly--and in the end, even though they win the game--the dog that the boy bonded with has to leave--and this is too much.",0 +"Very predictable, and overacted.",0 +"It's meant to be a children's movie, but features a grotesque (and poorly explained) kidnapping scene; the star dog has a lack of star quality equaled only by the other actors; and it in general has the look of being filmed in someone's backyard (the climactic soccer game features no more than three dozen extras sadly cheering in the background).",0 +"There is no semblance of reality here, folks and you'll not develop sympathy for ANY of the characters.",0 +Editing is just awful.,0 +"The movie had nothing going for it, just the lame plot.",0 +Anyways the movie didn't make sense.,0 +"Fourth: The acting beats ""Plan 9 from Outer Space"" in the worst-acting-ever category.",0 +There is nothing even remotely interesting here.,0 +Really bad.,0 +The props were bad because they did not even look like they could function in the slightest amount.,0 +First off the menu animation is lame.,0 +"So, why can't we see a movie that's a little more thought out than this cheesy low-budget film.",0 +This is one of the worst movies that i have ever seen and that is saying a lot because i have seen some bad ones.,0 +The music is so badly chosen that it never adds something.,0 +It possibly is the worst movie I have ever seen but it was so bad that my friends and I were able to laugh at every single moment of this film.,0 +this was that piece of crap.,0 +"The choreography was horrid, the plot was nill, and the actors where so low budget power rangers appears 5 star to this junk.",0 +I took it back to the store and switched it out for another movie I believe my local video store took it off the shelf because they had SOOOO many complaints about this horrible movie.,0 +This movie was pathetically awful.,0 +Instead I was subjected to some of the most horrible acting I have ever seen in my life.,0 +"The dialogue was incoherent and most of the scenes took place in my grandmother's trailer, I swear to God.",0 +"This movie has no continuity, no plot, no anything, really.",0 +"The script is poorly written, the dialog is delivered in a wooden manner, the effects are cheesier than those in a Power Rangers show, and don't even get me started on the screen zoom-in transitions (ugh).",0 +"A friend of mine showed me this film yesterday, and I was really amazed that someone could make a movie this terrible!",0 +I wasn't able to last ten minutes on the this terrible film.,0 +This is a truly laughable embarrassment for everyone involved.,0 +"The fight scenes look ridiculous, the dialouge would be funny if the acting wasn't so bad, what passes for plot doesn't make sense, and the production values bite (from the pleather knock off of Spike's coat worn by the hero to the cheesy cheap magician's cape their lead vamp swooshes around).",0 +"Gig Young as the PD is okay, and James Anderson as the convicted killer is actually pretty good, but the picture as a whole just rambles along with little suspense, and despite some good character actors in the cast, the performances are generally below par.",0 +This didn't even attempt to be scary.,0 +"Dante can really only be blamed for pulling this stinker off the shelf, as it wasn't his creation.",0 +This had all the insinuation of being slapped in the face with a dead fish.,0 +But this is pure crap.,0 +Skip this one and buy the John Carpenter one instead.,0 +I just want such obvious (not subtle) and unfunny (not satire) messages out of my horror.,0 +"It does not make the slightest attempt at subtlety, much less intelligence.",0 +I had enjoyed the Masters of Horror Series until I came upon this infantile dung heap.,0 +"If you want a good movie with social commentary skip this poorly made, preachy piece of junk and watch DeathDream instead.",0 +"The MOH series is quite uneven, and this is the very worst episode.",0 +There was pretty much only one or two scenes of horror and they weren't even that scary.,0 +"The story, the dialog, and the plot are ridiculous.",0 +Why this story has made of a movie?,0 +Though chances are you'll be wasting your time with it just as I have.,0 +"I think this movie lacks so much of substance, it is even not worth a discussion.",0 +The idea that this guy (Dante) would even portray the Arlington graves being disturbed just makes me want to puke.,0 +there was nothing engrossing about this film.,0 +"Those looking for a better example should probably turn to ""Don't Go In The House"" and a few others instead, as this just doesn't cut it.",0 +"Inspired by the crimes of Ted Bundy before he was caught, KILLER'S DELIGHT is a pretty predictable and cheap serial killer flick.",0 +"Well, if you see this dull film in your video store, walk on by.",0 +"There is no ""fun"" poking fun at the desperate plight of illegal immigrants!",0 +I was surprised the script was weak since this is the same guy that made The Forty Year Old Virgin.,0 +The script isn't funny.,0 +"However, this movie is presumably intended to be nothing more than a Jim Carrey vehicle, so be aware straight off that if you don't think his style of comedy is funny, you will sit stony-faced throughout this film, as it has NOTHING else to recommend it.",0 +It truly is that bad a film.,0 +There is more greed in the intentions behind this fiasco than in any of the themes they pathetically try to make fun of.,0 +"And failing, miserably.",0 +I thought the movie was sub-par.,0 +As a result Fun with Dick and Jane is not an appropriate title and I was just plain disappointed failing to see any fun with Dick and Jane.,0 +Jane is equally confused with her role and her character never really gets going.,0 +"I think the most laughable bits are when Carrey's in the elevator singing ""I Believe I Can Fly"" and the bit when he ties up someone in a robbery, and is speaking with a voice changer (he sounds like a crap robot).",0 +"This new character, Dick Harper (a.k.a. Fletcher 2.0) is a poorly rendered and miserably written whelp.",0 +A worthless movie and a total waste of time.,0 +His character was not strong enough.,0 +"What a waste of Jim Carrey's talent - from the trailer I expected a completely different movie - what I got was a 90 minute DNC commercial on how to scare people into not investing for their own future, keep them stupid, and keep them dependent on government.",0 +This is just another example of Hollywood banking off franchise actors with a lousy unoriginal story.,0 +"There's no glue or motive that can be detected on screen, allowing the subject matter to use pre-existing emotional connections to furthur the plot, without the script doing it like it's supposed to.",0 +"Worst of all - it totally fails to entertain, even if you don't bother with characters and all that stuff.",0 +I give this a 1 out of 10 but only because I could go no lower.,0 +"Alas, with TV movies it seems as though they specifically set out to make cheap Cosmo questionnaire films.",0 +It made me sick to my stomach.,0 +"It could have been a good movie, and the plot itself I don't see as male bashing, but certain specific references to men get really annoying.",0 +"It's a low-budget, badly written, piece of pointless garbage.",0 +"All in all, I would not recommend this movie.",0 +Watch anything but this.,0 +The dialogue is laughable.,0 +"The plot was so flimsy, the dialogue so shallow, and the lines so terrible that I couldn't believe that someone actually wrote the lines down, said, ""Holy sh*t!",0 +Like one of those so-so episodes of Star Trek The Next Generation that thinks it has Something Important To Say.,0 +"I know not finishing it is a bad review on myself, but it is the responsibility of the writer and crew to develope a story that will keep a viewer interested, and they failed.",0 +The only redeeming quality of this film was that it ended.,0 +"Aaron Norris does an incredibly bad job here, with no suspense or thrills bland camera work, and keeping the film at a dull pace!",0 +"if they can be called that) that the Devil's emissary has no chance of properly preparing the domination of the world by his master, because he is not skilled at martial arts!",0 +"Doesn't work, makes no sense, and advances the plot, so-called, not one bit.",0 +"The action sequences are tame, the plot is paper thin, and the scenes that are supposed to be horrific look like a cliché from the fifties.",0 +I feel I lost intelligence from watching this.,0 +"This is the worst film I have ever seen, so bad it is astonishing.",0 +This film is bad.,0 +"This film is badly written, badly acted, and badly directed.",0 +"I was so looking forward to watching the documentary self-immolation of the mastermind behind Boondock Saints, one of the most aggravating and pointless movies I've ever seen.",0 +"Quite frankly the only productive par that any of these guys played in the overall execution of the Boondock Saints shoot culminated as nothing more than extra bodies in the first bar room scene, after that all they did was whine why they weren't a bigger deal based on the clambering of their rancid efforts on top of troys shoulders.",0 +the acting ranges from alright to absolutely terrible.,0 +is no excuse for his inattention.,0 +"no script, not any good sound, not anything good to say about this movie..",0 +"), and hungrily devours a mouse (biting off its head and then shoving the rest in afterwards).",0 +But they were so fast and few that they didn't bother me.,0 +But it's not the main action of this ludicrous film that's so objectionable.,0 +The story line is so weak and dialogue so haphazard it is hard to work up much interest.,0 +"There's plenty of nudity and violence on hand, but not much sense alas (especially since its subplot involving a secret society of vampires infiltrating the power structures is barely developed); the film is also overlong for its purpose, and eventually slips into tedium during the last half-hour.",0 +For no movie is throughly bad.,0 +"It was a dull story, poorly acted, with annoying cinematography.",0 +"The cast are bad, the story is worse and the effects are cripplingly fake.",0 +"It literally must happen in almost every scene at least once, and quickly became annoying and pointless, as if that many looks of slack jawed supposedly scary vampire faces were used to merely fill a little bit of time and pad out the rest of this turd sandwich of a film.",0 +I will not even make any more comments about this movie.,0 +The fangs do look really lame though.,0 +"In my Opinion it is the proud owner of the ""So bad it's Bad"" label.",0 +"The script, the acting please don't we deserve better?",0 +"It isn't good, it's just bad.",0 +"The second half of the cartoon, in which Snafu manages to send the letter with the aid of Technical Fairy, First Class (who is actually teaching him a lesson), is less funny and climaxes with a disappointing only-a-dream finale.",0 +This movie is so wrong in so many ways that it's below one's dignity to write much about it.,0 +"Where do I start, it's a complete mess.",0 +"Watch it at your own risk, not even good to watch it for a time pass viewing.",0 +)nevertheless it was a disappointment.,0 +"If you feel Reshammiya as the singer is too much of a pain to watch on TV, try watching him in the movie for 2 hours straight.",0 +"From Assalam Valekum to Gayatri Mantra, Himesh has tried every thing, to create an aura of his so-called singing talent, which is nothing but atrocious pronunciations of words like Tanhaiyya, which completely kill the beauty of the terms, so commonly used for love songs.",0 +"I have been watching movies from i think last 10 years , and I must say that i never felt that bad, which I felt after watching this extra large bore movie, it was bad, very Bad.",0 +Unless you are a real him mesh fan this movie is a huge no-no.,0 +"In Bollywood it isn't rare that worthless films become hits, good films flopping and good actors not making it bigAKS is such a movieHimesh after a music director and singer tried acting Hell man, just because his songs became a hit that means next he becomes an actorThe producers were sure the film will work perhaps, the songs were a hit too and of course Himesh did his cheap publicity as usualThe film tells such a poor story, such poor direction, such poor acting it makes you cringeIndian rickshaws in Germany, Stunts by Himesh and lot of stupidity Himesh's cap is intact even when he is in the car which somersaultsDirection is poor Music is saving grace though most songs sound the sameHimesh tries hard but sadly his emotive scenes are a joke, lacks expressions, he is best suited for his music director and some singing He cuts a sorry picture Hansika is awful Malika is okay Sachin Khedekar is okay, Darshan Jhariwala hams",0 +"So therefore, all Germans in this movie actually speak English!",0 +"Sheer incompetence, carelessness, awful acting, banal background music, insensitive direction make it a real pain.",0 +"This movie has to be the worst film of 2007, it was just really bad and i don't think i have ever seen a film that is just so bad, i mean the don't make really bad Hollywood films do they?",0 +He is pathetic.,0 +The storyline is so predictable that you know everything after about 5 minutes.,0 +"However, the script, the direction, and some scenes, were just awful.",0 +"LAME, LAME, LAME.",0 +But in this telling the screen writing andor directing andor editing is so poor as to take most of the joy out of the story.,0 +The characterization in this movie is among the worst I've ever encountered.,0 +"This movie is terrible, it was so difficult to believe that Katie became a heartfelt teenager with the power to save the pity Chinese people, the movie didn't show any convincing argument to prove that.",0 +"Not to be confused with Michael Ritchie's nasty 1975 beauty pageant spoof, this ""Smile"" is a down-turned example of those good intentions paving the road to hell.",0 +"On the other hand, the actors do an adequate job of trying to play the bad hand they were dealt by whoever wrote this ridiculous script.",0 +"This ""uprising"" or ""resurgence"" of anorexia and bulemia that is happening is nonexistent at all of the dance schools I have attended.",0 +Pinhead – accompanied by a pet puppy this time – still knows how to kill…too bad he talks too much and his vicious speeches tend to get boring quickly.,0 +But all of that was wasted.,0 +' You won't miss a thing by skipping this garbage...,0 +And as it is now it's a mess.,0 +"The end result is extremely poor, basically underlined by the fact you have no interest into what happens to any of the characters in the film.",0 +"The incoherent plot fails to adequately fill the movie's meagre running time, although this may have more to do with studio interference than anything the filmmakers intended.",0 +The corniness and repetitiveness are pretty bad.,0 +This increasingly stupid franchise (though not nearly as stupid as I am for having watched it) once made up for its low budgets by being stylish.,0 +"This watered down excuse for a Hellraiser movie is padded out with endless Psycho Babble, so that Pinhead becomes a nonsense spouting philosopher and not the harbinger of doom as he is meant to be.",0 +The result is a steaming pile of mediocrity that even fanboys have trouble defending.,0 +"The makeup effects in ""Bloodline"" are creepy as hell, but almost everything else is disappointing.",0 +the acting is the worst of seen in the series up to this point.,0 +a lot of gore but without meaning and the majority of time without originality.,0 +"Now they are remaking 1, and I don't even think I will watch it.",0 +"The Wilder gags were flat and frankly more like something a freshman in college would write trying to ""get away"" wbeing wicked,witty and dirty, but just sounded boring and not funny at all.",0 +No wonder that song and dance man George Murphy's career ended not long after this terrible film came out.,0 +") The lackluster, overly complicated, over-populated story has no arc, no focus point, little excitement, and staggers from one scene to the next with no discernible purpose, other than as a valentine to the supposed and highly doubtful cooperation between the American and Mexican governments on the issue of illegal immigration.",0 +"It is poorly constructed for one, also the script and the acting is just awful.",0 +The screenplayscript is pretty awful.,0 +"The only saving grace for this movie was that it had Amy Adams and Harriet Sansom Harris in its credits, other than that it was pure dribble.",0 +It is quite dull and the acting overall is very very poor.,0 +"Well, there's not one ounce of ""cool"" in this ridiculous movie.",0 +"All the cuts create something that amounts to a string of erratic, disconnected scenes that don't make any sense anymore.",0 +"Otherwise, the story drowns itself leaving the actors with nothing to work with.",0 +"Bugged is the kind of film you can't believe exists, with dialog, plotting, and direction so ineptly handled that Uncle Ned's Carlsbad Cavern home video looks like an IMAX experience.",0 +This Movie started out with a pretty good concept about mutating bugs and even added some slick comedy but overall the writing is just bad and that was mistake number one.,0 +"However, there are some unintentionally funny moments, most of them involving holes in the story.",0 +"4 out of 10 for acting, 3 for originality, 5 for plot and 5 for scare factor, though there was some gore and spooky moments.",0 +Definitely the worst movie I have ever seen in my entire life.,0 +The first twenty minutes of the movie are nearly unintelligible and would probably make as much sense muted.,0 +This movie was absolutely horrible.,0 +"Bishop tries so hard to get that trademark Tarentino banter and just fails miserably, which can be pretty humorous at times and grating at others.",0 +Dialogues here amount to little more than pseudo-macho posturing.,0 +The dialog tries to be clever and fails.,0 +"Don't bother watching this movie, it's a waste of time.",0 +"The acting is awful, the writing is awful, the production is awful, and the directing is awful.",0 +"It is a total rip off of Tarantino's style, but just done really really badly.",0 +It is not even close.,0 +I mean the amount of nudity and sex was one thing but another part of the movie which gave its genre to the adult industry was its lack of storyline.,0 +"The acting is terrible, loads of pointless swearing and a complete waste of time storyline.",0 +Unfortunately this movie is about Larry Bishop's character Pistolero who is so one-dimensional it's not even funny.,0 +"This whole production is lame and pathetic and I can't bring myself to recommending it to anyone, regardless of many beautiful babes parade around with bare breasts and naked butts.",0 +It is quite simply rubbish.,0 +"Green-lighting a P.O.S. like this, regardless of the friendships involved, is just bad business.",0 +"This film Oh my god this film is so poor , I'm amazed I managed to watch it all ..",0 +"There is plenty of silicon-enhanced nudity, but fairly little action and no humor whatsoever, making one wonder just what kind of an audience they had in mind.",0 +"Now, unfortunately, he not only makes terrible films, but puts his names to ones like this.",0 +"Filming was very low budget, no good dialogue.",0 +"The dialog, which rapidly turn into meaningless monologues, doesn't make any sense.",0 +"This movie is juxtaposition of various super bad tough guy biker characters, loosely connected but with no real storyline.",0 +"There are possibly films that have caused me more pain - were harder to sit through - than this, but in terms of writing, acting, direction, cinematography and the bare basics of cinema Inbetweeners is a truly, truly appalling effort and should be avoided at all costs.",0 +"The ""acting"" is god awful and the plot non-existent.",0 +"This is a horrible, badly made and acted film.",0 +"A very bad film, an amalgam of clichés and historical inaccuracies.",0 +"When I first found myself in this horrible position, I took the only logical action: I made myself a torn-apart jungle bikini in which to perform my badly-acted antics.",0 +It is just crass and boring.,0 +It might even have been acceptable if the dubbed in music had been good but it is a mediocre rendering of the libretto with second rate sound quality at that.,0 +This bored me so much that I had to force myself to watch it in like 3 or 4 installments to at least make use of the 4 or 5 euros it cost me.,0 +"don't buy this film for comedy value like I did, I didnt find it one bit funny, but so f****** miserable and lame it's unbelievable.",0 +I guess the makers were aiming at some sort of deeper than normal complexity in this film but they just ended up with an unholy mess with more plot holes and logical inconsistencies than a dozen or so of your average crap SF movies.,0 +"From the taciturn and wronged hero, to the Germanic baddy, to the expendable team, the characters were entirely wooden and obvious.",0 +I rented this movie for about $1.50 - the most complete waste of money (and time) I have ever spent.,0 +"This is, without peer, the single worst movie that I have ever seen in my life.",0 +"Who is to blame for this inept, ugly morass?",0 +The script had very few funny lines; there was no physical comedy; it was boring.,0 +This is one of the worst Sandra Bullock movie since Speed 2 But not quite that bad.,0 +"However, this didn't make up for the fact that overall, this was a tremendously boring movie.",0 +"It seems on the surface to be a romantic _planes, trains and automobiles_ but at times tried for something more, where it failed miserably.",0 +This was by far one of the worst movies Sandra Bullock has starred in.,0 +Possibly the worst movie I have ever seen.,0 +"Even by the low standards of disaster movies, excuse me allow me to correct myself, even by the low standards of made for TV disaster movies this is truly awful.",0 +The acting was awful and I mean AWFUL.,0 +"Bad acting, predictable script and cheesy special effects that were pretty much some of the cheapest tat seen make you have to keep watching to see if it gets any better.",0 +"I don't think it would be possible to cram more overly clichéd moments, into one piece of mind numbingly numbingly waste of film.",0 +the director of this movie must have been mentally ill or even high ...,0 +this movie clearly didn't have a big budget.,0 +This movie doesn't even have the saving grace of being so bad that its good.,0 +What a terrible waste of my time it was .,0 +"Throw in a profiteering glutton, an apparently mentally unstable and disgruntled architect and his son, and then to spice things up you add a weak plot and bad acting.",0 +"the film itself is done okay,the acting is decent,but it just didn't do it for me,in the long run.",0 +The dialog was pretty bad.,0 +"The best thing about the movie is the cinematography, but even the dark landscape of the cave becomes soon boring, because the film lacks pace and the characters are simply not interesting.",0 +"Fantastic amounts of equipment are carried too, yet despite this the impossibly deep-voiced actors clearly forgot to pack any sense of impending danger, drama, or anything worthy of a horror film - it's strictly PG rated.",0 +But this movie is definitely a below average rent.,0 +") Even though it wants you take to it seriously, the script is full of clichés, the dialogue is awful and there's no attempt whatsoever at characterization.",0 +"So I guess to wrap it up, the Cave is bad and has very little going for it.",0 +Shame that's a total ripoff...,0 +Disappointing!,0 +"I can watch anything , but this movie was so very boring.",0 +The characters are boring.,0 +The result is an unbelievably mediocre film that features every single horror cliché you can think of and in which most of the violence happens off-screen.,0 +"It tries nothing new, and worst of all, The Cave doesn't even have good gore.",0 +"The movie ""The Cave"" has got to be one of the worst movies I have ever seen.",0 +But those rubber bats just reduce it to standard fare.,0 +I like scary movies and creature features but this one just didn't do a thing for me.,0 +"Thge cinematography was hideous, consisting of disjointed framing and some of the oddest lighting I've witnessed.",0 +"It seemed like the director and actors just took this movie extremely seriously and had very cheesy effects, a story that didn't make much sense, and not to mention pretty crummy acting abilities.",0 +"The writing and characterization is amateurish and slapdash, and the dialog is often barely up to ABC Afterschool Special standards.",0 +"Given a few script rewrites, some decent actors and a budget, this might have been a fairly decent cult flick instead of the MST3K fodder it turned out to be.",0 +"But honestly, not that good of a movie in retrospect.",0 +"""Soultaker"" is a low budget, silly film about a group of 20-something year olds being pursued by an angel of death.",0 +The film Soultaker is essentially an older form Final Destination in which several car wrecked teens have their souls separated from their bodies and must cheat death who is chasing them...,0 +"This may sound odd, but this movie definitely could've benefited from some pointless nudity.",0 +"The plot of this movie is dangerously thin and the only ""star power"" if we can call it that consists of Joe Estevez.",0 +In real life: this movie is really bad.,0 +What a skin peeling bad movie.,0 +Thankfully I watched it alongside MST3K's Mike and the bots so it made it bearable.,0 +"If I may submit a criticism of MST3K, if you need to cut the film for time considerations, fine, but be fair to the film being cut (even if it is a film as lousy as Mitchell).",0 +"But alas, with all of these problems ""Soultaker"" fails to be even kind of passable as a horror movie, plus the pacing is just awful too.",0 +Seems to me that Joe Estevez spends most of his time hidden under the shadow of his rather successful brother and appearing in really bad movies.,0 +"In contrast to the above, I've also noticed that the reviewers who seem immature, dull and flip and as a result come off as boneheads from where I stand, are the same ones who can't find anything good about this movie and basically trash it without cause based MOSTLY on seeing it chopped up and fricasseed on MST3K.",0 +I couldn't take them seriously.,0 +"Overall, a disappointment.",0 +Plenty of wrestling and bad dancing mixed with stripless 1950s stripper moves.,0 +Its a bad bad bad movie.,0 +The rest is pretty predictable.,0 +Fifteen minutes of plot that really didn't do much.,0 +"Although the plot of ""The Man Who Knew Too Much"" seems generally straightforward, the movie allows too many cryptic elements to get in the way of what could have been a satisfying mystery.",0 +"There is an altogether amateurish air about much of the staging and acting which subverts any sense of menace, darkness, and depravity that Hitchcock might have been seeking to instil.",0 +At times it makes no sense whatsoever!,0 +But this movie was badly written.,0 +The plot has more holes than a pair of fishnet stockings and the direction and editing is astonishingly ham fisted.,0 +"The film suffers from its jerky, episodic pace and its ending is rather too contrived.",0 +"The core message is strong, the cast has given it their best shot, the packaging is excellent, but the screenplay is seriously over-dramatized and every cliche in the book on women's suffering in India has been over-used to the max.",0 +"Well, this and Lethal Weapon 4...",0 +I'm from Chicago so I watched the scenes closely for accuracy and I don't find Billy Crystal funny at all.,0 +This is defitnly a movie they would show in high school health class to teach the dangers of pre-marital sex.,0 +"I rented this movie because the cover was cool looking, the first 15 minutes of the movie are okay and somehow interesting, but once the young woman and her little sister go on their trip everything goes to hell and the movie becomes boring.",0 +"Instead, it tries to be something it isn't, which is a psychological thriller, and it fails so miserably at this.",0 +The lead actress' attempts to look emotionally devastated are pretty laughable and the total lack of suspense and action can hardly be blamed to the limited budget.,0 +it just did not work.,0 +"As we are well aware, movies are not set out to be a direct incorporation of history, but it is a disgrace when a movie is made which has absolutely little to no correlation.",0 +"It's a terrible disappointment, considering the cast, but I can't look past the fact that the dialogue is in English and some of the actors pretending to be Indian are not even close (read: Kristin Kreuk).",0 +There seemed to be little energy or chemistry in the interaction between the characters.,0 +"Richard E. Grant has done much better things, andElizabeth McGovern's acting is uninspired and flat.",0 +What a horrible movie!,0 +"Admittedly, I only watched about two hours at the most of it, but that was enough for me to realize that the series was nothing like Baroness Orzcy had portrayed her characters, and probably would have been rolling around in her grave when it was filming and airing.",0 +His portrayal was most dreadful.,0 +The screen writers for this mini-series should have been sentenced to the guillotine themselves.,0 +"I don't expect movies to stick directly to plots, i gave up being that idealistic long ago, but if an excellent movie of a book has already been made, don't remake it with a tv movie that includes excellent actors and nice costumes, but a barely decent script.",0 +"Although there is some good acting, the actors did not have much to work with.",0 +"The poor, pitiable actors have no script to work with, so it's not really their fault that their characters are as thin as wet tissue paper.",0 +"The cameras never at one point go underwater to explore the depths of the Bermuda area, for example, and the testimonies of the supposedly real-life witnesses of the dramas suspiciously look like staged acting scenes.",0 +Whatever cache Vincent Price was supposed to bring as narrator is completely overshadowed by dreadful production work.,0 +"The ending has a nice twist to it, but it's hardly believable.",0 +How the guy managed in such a short space of time to construct a wooden maze of underground rooms is quite ridiculous or maybe he was the greatest carpenter since Jesus.,0 +"Not only is his direction inept, he also sloppily adapted Sidney Sheldon's early novel; the results are atrocious.",0 +"Although this series and the mini film in particular were very important at the time of release, I feel that the series as a whole was actually fairly poorly written with a weak cast.",0 +"Instead, this one is mounted with low-budget production values (and I mean a shoe-string budget) with no subtlety at all.",0 +"Without saying how it ended, it is sufficient to say that the whole thing degenerates from about five minutes before the end.",0 +"They must have changed scriptwriters three quarters into the film, because it takes a real extreme turn and devolves into a somewhat pointless shoot-em-up with lots of distracting explosions.",0 +"Jarman appears to satirise the London art scene, showing it shallow and pretentious.",0 +"It was the the first time I've seen it, and I think it has now overtaken the dreadful ""Twister"" as the worst film I have ever seen.",0 +"The dialogue was very confusing and jumping back and forth in time via the use of trains, calculators, typewriters and cigarettes was extremely distracting.",0 +"I have not become weary or disillusioned with film or with film makers, but found this tedious and self indulgent.",0 +Just too many flaws and poor directing decisions.,0 +"Adapted by Richard Nelson from Pulitzer Prize-winning author Edith Wharton's novel, this film isn't interesting in the least thanks to an abysmally weak script and poor direction that turns scenes that are supposed to be poignant into laughable schmaltz.",0 +"This ""movie"" was probably one of the worse ever committed to film, and surely deserves a place on the IMDb Bottom 100.",0 +Did ANYONE involved look at the final cut and realize what a mess this was?,0 +This film is terrible - honestly.,0 +"The terrible special effects, the camcorder cinematography & the terrible acting from everyone involved that makes it even more of a pain to sit through.",0 +"I am a fan of low budget horror movies, but this was just too much for me.",0 +It is absolutely boring and terrible!,0 +All the actors in this film can't really act in the least.,0 +The acting is the worst I've ever seen and the story line goes no-where.,0 +"The editing alone is so jumbled you'll think it was assembled by a team of trained (poorly) monkeys, traveling across unpaved canyon road in the back of a jeep, blindfolded and drunk.",0 +"Bad editing, bad production values, bad continuity, implausible, bad dialogue...",0 +Really crap film.,0 +"Director Hadmar, unfortunately, kills his direction with his camera angles and his absolute lack of rhythm.",0 +One of the worst movie I have seen in 2009 so far: The story hesitates between a silly thriller or a dumb comedy.,0 +"Well, I think that's a bunch of bologna.",0 +"I thought Delicatessen was great when it came out, but this film just arrive too late to be of any interest.",0 +The wildly inconsistent development of the feeble plot was puzzling.,0 +"Drab, dull and tedious.",0 +"Anyway, it's rubbish.",0 +This film is either stupidly inane or inanely stupid.,0 +This is the worst film I've seen in a looooong time.,0 +"My feelings about both films are in fact the same: beautifully shot, but terribly slow and boring.",0 +"I'm a big fan of slice-of-life movies,but these people are just plain bland.",0 +She has no real character.,0 +"It is poorly constructed, lame and way wayyy too long (111 minutes for a comedy that should barely have scraped the 80 minute mark).",0 +"Time line of the film: * Laugh * Laugh * Laugh * Smirk * Smirk * Yawn * Look at watch * walk out * remember funny parts at the beginning * smirkUnfortunately, this movie has a good concept that it grinds to the ground.",0 +The leads are played by handsome men but don't let that distract you from the fact that this is a a film that leaves you feeling unfulfilled.,0 +"The movie is a total disappointment at the end, because there is no resolution.",0 +Apart from the attractive Irish man - this film was a dud.,0 +The entire film rings hollow.,0 +Nauseous London thirty-somethings mincing round lurid BBC sets spouting platitudinous mulch.,0 +I repeat: is the joke about trashing the actors' other highly respectable on-screen personae with this scurrilously trashy flick?,0 +"Sadly, FLYNN runs out of steam after about the first 35 minutes and with the entrance of hammy Steven Berkoff in a detour to New Guinea, (looking and acting like he wanted the Klaus Kinski role in FITZCARRALDO) the film starts to resemble a tele movie rather than a major cinema biography.",0 +"Director Frank Howson hasn't made any memorable films, and I find it lame for him to groundlessly slander Flynn to further his unremarkable career.",0 +This movie has no merit at all and needlessly trashes Errol Flynn's memory.,0 +This is just a mediocre film where the name of Errol Flynn has been tacked on just to sell more tickets and more videos.,0 +"Even if he had been successful at it, I guarantee that enough of that would have ruined his looks and he would never have had a career as a leading man.",0 +I have no idea how accurate the portrayal of Flynn appears in this film but even as a work of fiction it is one of the worst films I have ever seen.,0 +And falsifying ratings just makes it a million times worse.,0 +"Lines are stiffly delivered and badly timed, with the exception of the female bounty hunter, who is the only good actor in this mess of a film.",0 +"Instead, there's a lot of western movie clichés, poor zombie make-up and some world-class bad acting.",0 +"Or parents, if you want to punish your kids with this awful film, have them sit through this one for Halloween.",0 +"Bad : acting, low-budget.",0 +"Aside from that, the acting was quite bad, character motivations nonexistent or unbelievable and there wasn't a single character worth hanging our hat on.",0 +This smorgasbord of awful make-up and wooden acting.,0 +For the fans of the zombie movies this movie will mostly be a disappointment to watch.,0 +To put it simply the movie sucks.,0 +"Not only is the plot rudimentary, but the dialog is flat and stilted.",0 +"Sadly, this movie doesn't.",0 +"The characters are recycled,and the plot poor.",0 +This is a entertaingly bad b-movie.,0 +I don't recommend it.,0 +"Okay, maybe they just wanted to make a confusing, disjointed, mess of film salad that might ultimately be edited into something watchable.",0 +His dialogue sucks too.,0 +This movie appears to be a bunch of wannabes who got together and made a poor idea of a movie on a weekend with a borrowed camera.,0 +Unfortunately this film is just plain bad.,0 +"All in all, if you're the type of person who enjoys those new-fangled movies that revolve around the stories of unlikely characters intertwining, well, you still won't like this movie.",0 +"They trot out about 40+ characters, and all but two are one-note cliches with no finesse whatsoever.",0 +"Cast of great actors is watered down into a poorly written, poorly directed, poorly edited, waste of film.",0 +I don't want to see a movie about dinner table squabbling.,0 +i waste my time on this.,0 +And that is not good enough at all.,0 +"Truly, this is the epitome of crap.",0 +Kangana is complete fake in her acting.,0 +"The movie is a disaster, the two musicians in the movie don't give you any feeling of being realistic, the film is tasteless, meaningless and total failure on every count.",0 +"The acting ranges from average (Van Dien) to downright atrocious (Rubin, and most of the supporting cast); the music is abysmal generic techno, and the photography is one of the worst I have ever seen.",0 +"It was a terrible movie, my little brother could have been a better actor than some of the ones in the movie, and the plot (if you can call it that) was full of holes.",0 +The acting was executed by people too ashamed of the production to say their lines with any credibility.,0 +"The acting is absolutely atrocious, the script is god-awful, and the photography is simply dreadful.",0 +Why is it so fekking difficult for this douchebag to be original?,0 +I give Sanctimony a 3 out of 10,0 +"I am fairly sure this is a rip-off of Seven, Silence of the Lambs, and American Psycho, all rolled into one, with dialog that may have been written by preteens.",0 +"Very contrived in all aspects there is nothing to recommend in this disaster, my rating is *12 POOR",0 +"SPOILER: The ending goes a step or two too far, complete with the cliché not quite dead, up with a roar, still gonna get you moment and then there's a shot of Pinocchio with his frozen wooden smirk which makes you wonder if they were going for chilling or just forgot there was botox in the make-up.",0 +the script's dreadful....,0 +Totally forgettable and almost unwatchable.,0 +This film is by far the worst film I have ever seen in my life.,0 +"At first they hate each other, then they love each other, then the entire squadron is sent out on a suicide mission.",0 +More than three quarters of the dialog is inaudible.,0 +This conglomeration fails so miserably on every level that it is difficult to decide what to say.,0 +It was bad animation because it was directed wrong.,0 +"A complete waste of talent in some cases (Bernie Mac, John C. McGinley, Tom Kenny, and the master of hams Shatner) and exactly the kind of crap they deserve to make (the myriad of rappers who insist on making movies).",0 +"The transition from little boy to lil pimp was brilliant; but after that, both the story and dialog became redundant and predictable.",0 +"The plot didn't make any sense whatsoever, the storyline has got to be the worst sequence of events ever put together on screen.",0 +This movie was extremely boring.,0 +"For the rest, quite disappointing.",0 +It's very poorly written and there's zero tension.,0 +It was a waste of 90 minutes of my life.,0 +"Nothing else happens - nothing scary, nothing funny, nothing to add depth to the characters and nothing interesting in any other respect.",0 +"The premise is imbecilic, too banal, even for a horror film: a rabid mutt attacks a family.",0 +"Even with the relatively short running-time of an hour-and-a-half, Cujo becomes a tedious and patience-straining experience, occasionally unintentionally funny and certainly never as suspenseful as it would like to be.",0 +She did manage to get out of the car and look around for 45 seconds or so at one point to try and get to a baseball bat that was lying on the ground nearby--what a waste of time!,0 +"No plot, no acting, no nothing.",0 +"If it came down to it, I could kick a dog's ass, and that's why this movie doesn't work for me.",0 +"The first half plods along, the second half builds up a head of steam but I still felt it was a little underwhelming and unexciting.",0 +"As it is, this film just drags on and on, in what seems like forever.",0 +I was just as disappointed because it also was so boring.,0 +"The only thing that saves this movie from being a complete disaster is a small amount of character development or at least ""character change"" with regards to Pauline.",0 +Perhaps I'm a bit hasty when I say that this is probably my last Rohmer movie but I was immediately turned off by the way Rohmer relies on monotonous philosophical conversations that never get to the point.,0 +"In other words, it's a predictable chic flick that is neither comedic or romantic and is extraordinarily forgettable.",0 +Even the soundtrack is awful!,0 +"This movie is horrible and it is not because ""I do not know what the director was trying to convey"" or ""I am too stupid to understand the plot""; this movie is horrible because of poor direction, screen writing and acting.",0 +This story is ruined by a continuous string of stupid moves by all the characters except the bad guy.,0 +I just felt maybe I could spare a few of you from wasting money on something that had a bunch of hype on it.,0 +This movie is so unoriginal that it is flat out boring.,0 +"This weak and pitiable new movie is insulting even to the intellect of the most undemanding horror fans, as it doesn't feature a single original twist or memorable gimmick.",0 +"Instead though despite a good starting point the plot just drags on and suffers from a lot of those ""I can't believe heshe is so dumb"" moments so often used in horror movies to keep things going.",0 +"I like horrorthrillergore movies, but this one was just way too dumb.",0 +The characters are boring and too stupid to empathize with.,0 +"What might have been an effectively scary chiller in more competent hands, turns out to be a confusing, ill-considered mess under the sloppy direction of John Shiban (who also wrote the screenplay).",0 +"It doesn't make much sense, his motives, which propel the film into an illogical idea.",0 +This movie has got to be the biggest disappointment I've ever experienced with a film.,0 +"The story doesn't go anywhere, and instead just jumps from pointless segment to pointless segment.",0 +The movie has very few characters in it apart from the main protagonist – Nicole Carrow (Jaimie Alexander).,0 +"Several endings have been included in the DVD, but unfortunately, the one chosen for the finished product is probably not the best.",0 +"Bad acting, unlikable characters, predictable plot and a supposedly supernatural twist that adds nothing to the story are all key failures.",0 +This film clearly falls into the garbage category.,0 +Save Yourself Some Money And Skip This Movie.,0 +"The movie goes on and on like this, none of it making any sense.",0 +"All in all, lame, bad, and not worth effort.",0 +"I don't understand what the director was trying to do with his demon redneck idea, but it just looked like sloppy writing and convenient bullsh*t with no real thought behind it to me.",0 +"Really, this movie is the worst plot, worst directed, throughout the whole movie all I wanted to do is pull out my hair and kick the writer's and anybody who made this movie possible's ass.",0 +"However this ""Garbage"" (I refuse to acknowledge that this was given the honor of film) was the worst piece of crap I have ever had the torture of watching.",0 +They made no sense at all and had no place even being in the movie.,0 +"Premise of the movie was good, and it could have been a really adequate horror movie, but it failed by not delivering a clear story line.",0 +The most unoriginal and useless one of them all.,0 +It is terrible for a number of reasons:No plot No structure No direction No acting to speak of No visual style No tensionIn a word - no.,0 +It wasn't the worst movie that I have ever seen.,0 +"Also there's one student named J who purpose in the movie is to keep annoyingly popping up out of no where trying to make the audience jump, when all he really does is add to the cheapness of the film.",0 +The picture quality is poor; it looks like it was shot on video and transferred to film.,0 +"I'm amazed by comments from ""educated"" reviewers referring to the ""good science"" behind this piece of puerile trash.",0 +This movie just was not very funny.,0 +What a total lump of poopoo this was!,0 +What a boring movie.,0 +My kids now hate this dumb movie.,0 +Overall - SCREAMINGLY bad.,0 +The monster really just looked like a guy in a rubber suit.,0 +":) Anyway, my vote was 3 for this flick, because it was bad.",0 +I guess the strange growling noises coming from inside weren't a good enough deterrent either.,0 +The acting is incredibly poor.,0 +"When normally good actors like John Rhys-Davies and Giancarlo Espositto come off as rank amateurs, you can imagine how abysmal the REST of the cast in this waste-of-your-time effort is.",0 +"Otherwise, the rest of the acting was poor to bad, just like the rest of the movie.",0 +"Kinda went back and forth on giving this bad boy a 5, but for the above silliness I'm giving it a 4.",0 +"I found this movie to be a big disappointment, especially considering the cast.",0 +It rates a 5.210 on the Made 4 TV Scale.,0 +"As for the story line it was was a predictable train wreck, the actors were mechanical, the lighting was awful, and the propsclothing was cheap.",0 +I thought it was poorly made just because of the whole story line.,0 +"Otherwise, what you have here is your standard monster movie, playing like a low-budget, shipboard version of THE RELIC.",0 +"The most incredulous thing about this film, aside from the way it tries to be competent but fails, is that Gimli him-freakin'-self is in it.",0 +I think the whole thing must have cost $250 bucks.,0 +Chupacabra Terror: 210: It was the Navy Seal team that tipped the balance from bad cheesy movie to just bad.,0 +Why bother with this piece of crap?,0 +"This is typical, lame Sci-Fi Channel cut-rate fare.",0 +All in all however the movie was soo bad it was funny.,0 +Also cheesy computer animation of the ship you could do better on your computer.,0 +"Apparently the people in the movie business have little respect for the navy seals, the marines and ninjas, who get it the worst.",0 +"Horrible Script, which was apparently directed by...",0 +They're all horrible.,0 +"But then, scripting is terrible, speed there is none and sometimes the film is full of unintentional jokes (The first scene in the tomb looks plain stupid), with cats clearly being thrown when they´re supposed to jump (landing with their backfeet first).",0 +"However, her acting abilities it's no enough to salve this movie.",0 +Not much outside a few good shots of Paris ...,0 +"This is a serviceable enough, if you haven't seen any other incarnations of ""Belphégor"" before.",0 +"This was a pretty dull movie, actually.",0 +"Nothing wrong with playing in French quality movies, since it's the country she originates from but this movie is just ridicules.",0 +"Sorry, but her talents as actress are not very convincing.",0 +"All this makes for a giant mess of a film, you'd best avoid.",0 +"The special effects aren't bad, but it's nothing spectacular as I was expecting big explosions and perhaps the eiffel tower crumbling down until I realized that those kind of scenes were in The Mummy and this is Belhpegor.",0 +Nothing good in here except the music (of the credits only !,0 +The story is weak and so is acting.,0 +"With all the potential for a good movie in its gorgeous settings, cast, and cinematography, this film's lacklustre script, leaden pace, and wooden performances produced only a major disappointment.",0 +The scenes appeared choppy and incoherent.,0 +"Bad characters, bad story and bad acting.",0 +"Overall, the movie is too long.",0 +The general acting is staggeringly haggard and the screenplay is devoid of anything interesting and consists of little more than the Sergeant shouting.,0 +It's hard to write 10 lines of copy about this so-so film noir.,0 +The film wants to show horrible scenes of violence and raw emotion but many of these scenes are so over the top they actually become laughable and the overall feeling is that of a made-for-TV movie that went off the rails.,0 +"Making a crap movie on a low budget isn't a bit surprising, and you can expect more of the same if these people are still making movies, because I can't imagine anybody would hand them a pile of cash after watching this.",0 +It doesn't make any sense.,0 +"Dumb, dumb.",0 +Possibly the worst movie I ever saw.,0 +"The Cavern is a pretty bad film, poorly shot with a confusing, improbable and anticlimactic ending.",0 +"No plot, no climax, no good acting, terrible camera-work.",0 +"This may be the worst movie I've ever had the non-pleasure of sitting through, or it may be the best reason to remember that your DVD player has a fast-forward button.",0 +A moderate amount of gore and nothing special in the dialog or characters.,0 +"Only minutes later, I was shown how poorly written this film was.",0 +Dumb dumb dumb....,0 +"All the characters are completely forgettable and any actual back story that might make any of them even remotely interesting is blurted out within a 30 second monologue, making it impossible to do anything more than laugh as characters are picked off almost at random and on more than one occasion in the least possibly frightening way.",0 +"but this was the worst movie I have ever seen, or at least close to it.",0 +"From the very first moments of ""The Cavern"", I was amazed at how bad it was, how uninspired and unoriginal it was, how badly written, badly acted and badly directed it was.",0 +The ending was really dumb and made me wish I would have just shut the movie off and gone to bed early.,0 +"It didn't make me scared, horrified, or make me sympathetic towards the characters; it was simply annoying.",0 +"Within, or the Cavern, has no redeeming qualities- it is poorly made, laughably scripted, sickeningly bloody and the inclusion of the gratuitous final scene repulses me.",0 +"there seems to be no relevance or reason for that either, just a rubbish attempt at character building I assume?",0 +"You get very little appreciation for the caving surrounds or the monster that they face, while the characters are clichéd (spiritual guy, leader with tragedy in recent past etc) and the ending was just weak.",0 +It is probably the worst movie I have ever seen.,0 +I haven't laughed this much in a long time - or seen a film so ineptly made!,0 +The camera work was purposefully dark and sketchy.,0 +It is unwatchable.,0 +they did not leave the last bit it did not make any sense.,0 +This must be one of the worse movies that I have ever seen.,0 +"The conflicts between characters and subplots seemed to serve no purpose whatsoever, and added nothing to the film except fewer moments of silence.",0 +"I wasted enough time myself watching it, so I will waste no more explaining why it is so awful.",0 +"It didn't make me scared, horrified, or make me sympathetic towards the characters; it was simply annoying.",0 +"The plot was thought out almost as well as a 5 year old's soccer game, and the editing is the worst I've ever seen.",0 +"), but mostly I was just bored.",0 +Found this film for one dollar ($1.00) and the film was a complete waste of time.,0 +"If that isn't an indication of just what a 12th-rate piece of junk this turkey is, nothing is From mismatched sound effects to a music score that sounds like it's from a 1940s ""Z""-grade horror flick (and may very well be) to the same footage (i.e., armored personnel carriers going down the same jungle trail) reused constantly to some of the most ineptly staged ""action"" scenes in recent memory, this laugh-a-minute sludgefest has to be seen to be disbelieved.",0 +"It features passable acting, poor lighting, a weak story, and some of the worst monster effects I've ever seen.",0 +The acting and writing are both terrible and the director doesn't even try to disguise the fact that this movie was made for nothing.,0 +"The story is weak, the acting is respectable and the special effects, well, they're special alright.",0 +"After watching the first 30 minutes, I became both disappointed and curious.",0 +") Well, don't believe there's absolutely nothing good to say about this movie.",0 +"I sat through stupid dialogue, over-acting, gloomy sets and gratuitous violence for this?",0 +The characters' motives and behaviors are incoherent and unconvincing.,0 +"Hammy acting - everything is badly done and overdone, like begging for the uneducated viewer's attention.",0 +It would be hard to imagine anybody even vaguely familiar with the masterpieces of the last fifty years of Asian cinema being enthralled by this pompous piece of trash.,0 +"In short, yuck.",0 +This movie is rubbish.,0 +"If you don't want to watch a movie filled with incest, bad dialogue, unnecessary fight scenes, gross torture scenes and confusing flashbacks, then this is not the movie for you.",0 +"The actual on-screen gore violence amounts to very little, Dae-su eats a live Octopus which is apparently quite normal in Korea anyway, there are some fight scenes, a severed hand, someones teeth are pulled out & there's a bit of blood at the end.",0 +Forced plot.,0 +Oldboys acting scenes are paralleled with dull humour and a poorly writtern script.,0 +The two hours I spent watching this turned out to be a huge disappointing waste of my time.,0 +It is so humiliating as he crawls on his knees like a dog in total submission.,0 +"If it does exactly what everyone else does, it's forgettable and boring.",0 +"Now, I realize many 'hoity-toity' film people love this movie; nevertheless, it is crap.",0 +Everything else I've seen from this overrated charlatan has so far been dull and pointless.,0 +"avoid it if you can, has to be the worst film I've seen this year.",0 +Once a hit director of films like Tridev and Vishwatama is now making one bad film after another.,0 +Asmit Patel needs to send an apology letter to everyone who accidentally watches him makes a fool of himself in this poor excuse for a film.,0 +"Taran Adarsh a reputed critic praised such a dubba movieThe film has a weird story wherein a lover sells his love to a brothel cos he wants money to save his mother and then also gets forgived for it LOLThe movie is crapthe entire first half has it's focus on romance, comedy which fails to work The twist shocks but the entire second half is a mess and the climax is clichédDirection by Aditya Datt is bad Music is typical HimeshEmraan does his serious role well but his wardrobe, his way of walking through songs.",0 +"This movie is an example of small budget,ineffective star cast,weak storyline and poor entertainment.",0 +Stewart and Lombard are married but just don't have any real magic on screen.,0 +"By the last fifteen minutes or so, the plot twists are just a series dramatic clichés.",0 +As many other commentators have said it is an odd mixture of plot and scenes that doesn't quite convince.,0 +"It's hard to say which scenes are the most incongruous, when the film as a whole is so erratic in tone, and the storyline not exactly believable.",0 +Extremely formulaic with cosmic-sized logic holes and a pretense at comedy.,0 +"There wasn't much comedy; the drama was lacklustre, at best; the dialog was painful to hear.",0 +The movie trowels on failure and squalor to no discernible end.,0 +Some gags are silly.,0 +"As it is the characters just come over looking like selfish, petulant idiots and we have no sympathy for any of them.",0 +"The jokes themselves are very flat and predictable and getting back to the script it seems very under developed , I mean who thought a running gag about a female Minster Of Work who's having it off in the back of a limousine was funny to begin with ?",0 +A word for this flic is boring.,0 +Very ordinary movie.,0 +Lucy Bell is so much higher than this crap and for her to sink this low is quite depressing.,0 +I agree there was no chemistry at all between the two leads and the other characters were cliche ridden.,0 +"I won't bother with a synopsis of the plot, I suggest you do something else for 90 minutes",0 +The boy meets girl plot never takes off because of a lack of chemistry between Lucy Bell and Nick Giannopoulos while I found laughs thin on the ground.,0 +I can't think of any anyway.,0 +"As a MST3K episode, this one wasn't very good for two reasons: 1) This one is from the Season 0 on KTMA when they were first starting out so the riffing is not as good as in later seasons; and 2) This movie is so bad not even J&TB can lighten it up.",0 +Why?,0 +The ending was muddled and made no sense whatsoever.,0 +"You can imagine my disappointment when, instead, I found the movie disjointed both narratively and cinematically (though not in a way that a film aficionado appreciates), cliché-ridden, even sadly silly instead of funny --- on the whole, a very bad knock- off of the ""Pulp Fiction"" style.",0 +"Also, the camera work was often sloppy, attempting snatchlike camera work and failing miserably.",0 +"Overall, I would not recommend watching this film unless you have read the book as you will come away confused and disappointed.",0 +This is bad movie.,0 +"Even as a fan of all the actors (and especially Vince), I felt it was such a waste of their talents overall-they gave good performances in a film that didn't hold together.",0 +"The best way to describe this forgettable film is to add my ""ditto"" to an earlier user comment that this movie was like one of those old made-for-TV movies.",0 +About the only good thing about this is the setting.,0 +"Overall, I thought the movie was only a 4 - the plot flopped around like a fish out of water and didn't have the normal interesting, yet non-linear continuity that the book typically has.",0 +I have to be honest and admit that this movie did basically nothing for me except baffle me completely.,0 +The movie is sometimes being narrated by Jones' character but somehow that perspective did not fit for me.,0 +it was real slow and had minimal skill in the acting i could not watch through it it was waste of my time.,0 +This is a tedious movie.,0 +"No, instead I got a convoluted plot involving Nazi mystics, Fritz Lang and about ten minutes of Al, a joke of a Cameo by Roy Mustang and only one Armstrong joke, one short joke and no Winry hitting Ed with a wrench.",0 +"First off, I am critical of this movie because I really had high hopes and instead, this movie sucked.",0 +"), it was altogether pretty lackluster.",0 +"Once again Cedric the Entertainer was mildly funny, but it is more like he's doing a stand-up routine than anything to do with the movie.",0 +"This show drags on, poorly written gags, boring flashbacks, not the comedy that I expected.",0 +Back in Business seemed to be just another worthless sequel made to bring in money with a very thin plot.,0 +This movie was completely stale and uninspired.,0 +"I didn't like this film as much as the first because of the unnecessary flashbacks about Eddie, and it isn't as witty, I just got bored of it.",0 +this one just isn't worth the cost of a movie ticket.,0 +"The script was so weak, using cliche after cliche.",0 +Very little substance to grab your interest.,0 +"Episodes became nothing more than 'the captain doesn't like the new greenhorn' (this one happens way too often), 'someone is injured or sick', 'a fisherman gets word of some problem at home and is frustrated that he is stuck on a boat', repeat.",0 +or if anyone has an oz based good videos please post as well.,0 +"Oh yeah, change the white man for a black man or Asian or Spanish, have the land business deal be changed to a deal of weapons or narcotics and the entire concept of romantic comedy is thrown away.",0 +"By bailing out and turning the hooker into a respectable dancer type the story misses the point completely and consequently never indulges in any of the moral or social questions that it could have, what a cop out, really really lame.",0 +"It all seem interesting and some decent shots and lots of promise, but ultimately muddled and irrelevant.",0 +"Transgredire"" is another ""soft porn"" of the sick director Tinto Brass with a shallow and ridiculous story where every situation is a motive to expose the intimate parts of the women in the cast.",0 +"John Hodiak played his role OK, but the script let him, and the rest of the cast, down very badly.",0 +) are depicted in narrow-minded manner.,0 +"Personally Gregory Harrison played his 2 parts great, but I have no clue what was wrong with the other actors, they seemed bored and lost.",0 +"510 – There's one good sequence here (two actors in a room, simply improvising), but this is mostly an annoying picture with a predictable script.",0 +What a dull and disjointed effort!,0 +"The worst part of all is the poor scripting, leading to superficial acting.",0 +Except its retrogressive class and gender politics make those old black-and-white films look revolutionary by comparison.,0 +Yawn The only thing of any real note to CRIMES OF PASSION is the controversy it caused .,0 +"Annie Potts shows up and is not allowed to provide an ounce of her usual wit, which is reason enough to hate this movie.",0 +"""Crimes of Passion"" is a film that is disappointing on most counts.",0 +"The acting was mediocre at best all-around, and the characters were seemingly thought up by 7th graders.",0 +The worst stereo-types of every ghetto and high school movie is dragged out twisted around and made even more unbearable.,0 +"It tries to be a movie showing kids fighting against the system, but it doesn't even present a positive solution.",0 +"Matter of fact, what was this doing on Bravo?",0 +This Movie Was In My Opinion Very Ignorant!,0 +"I found this one to be disjointed and hard to follow, with a lot of scenes that didn't make much sense.",0 +"On the whole I found the movie to be unbalanced, consisting of strange sub-plots which (IMHO) actually had nothing to do with the movie.",0 +"This movie is bad on every level, and is one of those that came out in the post-Tarantino-clone glut of the mid 90's.",0 +Most of the time the spelling is terrible and the captioning out of sync.,0 +"In a nutshell, this is the kind of show, that is totally harmless to people.",0 +But what the hell kind of thing is that to say about a porn?,0 +The film has enough holes in the plot to drive one of those army vehicles through you see in the story.,0 +"I have seen movies make fun of themselves, but this film belongs in the sad category of fight films that try too hard with awful actors, awful props, and awful music to be taken seriously.",0 +This film is extremely cheesy and very poorly researched.,0 +"""I suppose you think you're some kind of hero for bringing my daughter back alive"" ""No"" ""Good""haha.",0 +"Michael Dudikoff stars as Joe Armstrong a martial artist who fights ninjas who are stealing weapons from the U.S Army, in this entertaining yet admittedly brainless martial arts actioner, which is hampered by too many long pauses without action, but helped by some high energy action setpieces as well as Steve James' performance.",0 +"Unfortunately, the three main acting parties' (soldier, girl, rebels) combined IQ amounts to 3: One point for the soldier, one for the girl, a large number of Ninja fighters have to share the third point among them to be able to lose against the former two.",0 +"Basically, the movie could have been better if: 1.",0 +"On top of that, the Black Star Ninja starts fighting with rocket launchers, laser beams, and all sorts of ridiculous implements that are not only poorly thought out, they're flat-out poorly executed.",0 +For many year I saw this movie as a real movie of ninjas but after study more about this culture I can only think this is just another karate film.,0 +The action scenes are so obviously fake it's kind of sad.,0 +But such is not the case and the movie soon becomes a goofy mess.,0 +"Just don't bother wasting a single moment of your life on this pile of complete trash, y'hear?",0 +"As I watched it, wincing at the bad, obviously interior sets and the hollow wooden ""clonking"" sounds as they walked across supposedly dirt trails, and cringing at the bad dialog and worse acting among the supporting cast, I kept thinking, ""Sheesh!",0 +"This Gordon Scott Tarzan flick is one of the silliest, completely and unnecessarily silly; for one reason or another, the team did not find anything charming to sustain the movie, and so it's just some silly rubbish.",0 +"As for the other actors in this mess, they're on a par with any 4th grade elementary school drama class.",0 +What this film lacks is a convincing script.,0 +The plot is predictable (and weak) and the only interesting aspect of the film is watching Sterling Hayden get into deeper trouble with his own department.,0 +"Directorially, the film was rendered unbearable by a horrible soundtrack of the stock sentimental music that Hollywood directors seem incapable of resisting.",0 +What I found was a badly scripted and badly acted echo of the people I know.,0 +This movie had such nice potential but it's like they ran out of money to finish the script and just telegraphed the whole damn rest of the movie about 23rds of the way through.,0 +The summary was promising but watching the movie was a huge disappointment.,0 +I had to stop watching it.,0 +2 lines of meaningless dialogue were exchanged.,0 +"no reason to be there, the main characters dialogue was just empty, it had no substance, the story could have been told well without them.",0 +"This, to me, is the ONLY possible reason to watch this horrid mess of a film!",0 +"For me, this was pretty worthless.",0 +"Make no mistake, this is crap.",0 +The rest is forgettable self-indulgence.,0 +The film is crap.,0 +"Without an understanding of potential historical relevance, even the apparent irrelevance is beyond the competence of academic or other intellectual poseurs who would bask in irrelevance to impress us.",0 +"Total junk except for a (very) few shots of ""shocking scenes"" separated by long stretches of boring non-action.",0 +"However, it does not have much of a plot.",0 +It made the overall film poorer than the story material hinted at......,0 +** from ****,0 +"If you're looking for a depiction that's historically accurate in all respects possible, you'd have better luck elsewhere.",0 +I'm sorry but this whole thing was just too much for me to swallow.,0 +But since they were people of the left they just don't have the following on the right to be suitable propaganda material.,0 +The film should have plenty of suspense and double crossing but there is very little in this film but (by today's standards) very cheesy propaganda and little action or thrills.,0 +"That's the only realistic part of this movie, and they present it with no sense of shame at all.",0 +"The script by Franco Ferrini is ridiculous and it makes no sense,the acting is bad and there is absolutely no suspense.",0 +"Nothing but a cheaply-made blood and gore movie with a ridiculous premise which I'm not even going to repeat, with several telegraphed sequences (for instance, when we see Lewis lovingly feeding her fish, we know right away what's going to happen to them later).",0 +"Now I'm really disappointed, that's just shamelessly ripping people off and lure them with false promises!",0 +"The plot doesn't work at all, as the film attempts to blend murders and a supernatural theme through a telephone and it all feels very forced and silly.",0 +"This is only the fourth effort I’ve watched from this director (whom I met and found quite genial at the 2004 Venice Film Festival Italian B-movie retrospective) and also, possibly, the worst.",0 +PLEASE DO NOT WATCH THIS MOVIE it is a disgrace for the horror genre...,0 +This movie fails in pretty much every way.,0 +"Eventually she just gives up trying, and therein lies the trouble with the story.",0 +"Instead, ""The Record"" is a mediocre slasher movie highly derivative of American movies like ""I Know What You Did Last Summer"" and ""Scream"".",0 +Stay FAR AWAY from this film.,0 +This is a rip-off of already crappy hollywood movies like Scream and I Know What You Did Last Summer.,0 +"RECORD is neither, churning out badly rehashed scenes from ""I Know...",0 +Makes you wonder whether the British film industry and the BBC have some kind of hidden agenda going on.,0 +"Totally stupid movie, almost an embarrassment even to watch this !",0 +"Again, the text of scripture doesn't matter, for their it is PAUL that says that he laid waste of the church and breathed out threatenings and slaughter against the church.",0 +I didn't enjoy it at all.,0 +"Over half the picture is padding, and worse: it is whiny and obnoxious.",0 +"Illogically written by Andrew W. Marlowe and ham-handedly directed by Peter Hyams, *End of Days* gets The Terminator out of his open-backed hospital gown (Arnold Schwarzenegger's return to the big screen after his heart operation), whilst blowing things up in Mysterious Ways and blaspheming Biblical verse to give Catholics something more to whine about.",0 +"Let's summarize how dumb this movie is with two details : Arnold to Antichrist : ""Let's see who is meanest"" said with a straight face.",0 +"Muddling direction, meandering script loaded with lame dialogues and gaping plot holes, rapid-fire MTV-style editing and poor acting all the way.",0 +"This method can work if used correctly (see ""Se7en"") but here it just feels like a cheap trick to try and scare us.",0 +"This movie gets a little too daft for me, and the end sequence, aside from being very weak, is visually one of the worst i've seen in recent years, CGI is have been better than this since the early nineties.",0 +I really don't know why I'm writting this.,0 +The plot is ludicrous.,0 +an absolute waste of time thank yu Jay harris,0 +"Considering myself a die-hard Schwarzenegger fan, I couldn't believe I didn't like this film, but with such an awful, lame script, what could Arnie have done, besides passed on this turkey?",0 +"I like Arnold, and I love the subject matter, but this was a very disappointing movie.",0 +"End of Days: Overly violent, liberal use of foul language, NO musical score except for a poor attempt at a commercial soundtrack that was only heard when Gabriel Byrne stalked around NYC as Satan (but all you could pick out was Korn's Jonathan Davis unintelligible screaming), sex that had nothing to do with the plot, violence, incredibly predictable, violence, and did I mention lots more violence?",0 +Script was horrible.,0 +The story was confusing and idiotic.,0 +"The story is nonsensical, utterly predictable, and so full of holes I couldn't take a bit of it seriously.",0 +so many holes in the plot.,0 +In EVERYTHING else it failed.,0 +"End of Days, unfortunately, is nothing but a 2Dimensional Cartoon.",0 +His semi-erection in a few scenes is the only indication that he might be acting; mostly it looks like something he did to buy drugs.,0 +"But the movie stinks and can't be called either art or entertainment"".",0 +"The acting is completely wooden, consisting mainly of ad-libbing, which results in the sub standard actors dribbling the first thing they can think of, repetitively.",0 +"Yes, it's pure trash.",0 +The only worthwhile part of the movie is the development of the relationship between Joe and Holly and every thing in it should be viewed as a characterization device.,0 +"The dialogues, the acting; it really stank, it was so bad it made me want to leave the cinema and ask for my money back.",0 +"cause the plot, actors, and anything related to this farce was absolutely horrible and ridiculous.",0 +"This 16mm disaster is full of clichés, stereotypical characters, a generic, over done ""plot"" and terrible dialog.",0 +"Then she enlisted other friends to sign up, and they did so as friends -- certainly not on the merits of this pathetically contrived, everything-but-the-kitchen-sink script.",0 +* from ****,0 +"""Bruno"" is one stupid movie, and a complete waste of time.",0 +The plot was terrible and unbelievable.,0 +The whole cast is wasted.,0 +Skip it.,0 +He doesn't even make it to the beginning of the picture.,0 +To start this movie was sick.,0 +It was just unpleasant to watch and so predictable I felt there was no need to finish it.,0 +"Dumb dialogs, suspenseless script and a total waste of talents from the international cast.",0 +Not much to recommend here.,0 +It is clear that Lamberto Bava has nothing to show us so far.,0 +the end is so so much mediocre that i wouldn't expect.,0 +) but GA does not show much beyond its overtoned plot.,0 +I give it a 4 out of 10.,0 +Spend your money on something other than this waste of celluloid.,0 +"the camera tv-movie-like, the acting poor (julie davis is more than disapointing) and the directing amateurish and or loveless.",0 +"The sentiments that underlie the screenplay are so jejeune and idiotic that it is impossible to understand or imagine what audience would find this picture appealing, much less funny.",0 +"Her hair was a perpetual mess, her baggy clothes were boring, and she just was not appealing or interesting.",0 +This film was not all that bad as the story went but the camera work is what makes it difficult to watch.,0 +"The characters were one-dimensional, especially those in the US government.",0 +"In short, the stylistic attempts look very amateurish.",0 +"Not only was the plot stupid, it was a complete ripoff of 24 and a bad ripoff at that.",0 +"I didn't even bother to watch the whole thing because I'm sure I could guess the outcome, and the visual were the worst I have ever seen.",0 +The story was too lame for words and too much of the same old thing with no originality.,0 +Quite disappointing with a very silly ending.,0 +Things explode for no good reason.,0 +"The practical special effects are pretty good, but the CGI is terrible and distracting.",0 +This has to be the worst movie i've seen this year..,0 +It's one of the imponderables of low-budget independent film-making that so many with so little in the way of real talent fancy themselves frightmeisters.,0 +"Barely an attempt at plot development, awful acting, silly effects, clichés, and an abrupt ending.",0 +"There are a few (precious few) gags that work (the umbrella and the zombie trapped in his seat both come to mind), but most of the scripting is pedestrian and comic-book stupid, and I am here to assure you that we're talking pedestrian and stupid.",0 +"This movie is really bad, trying to create scientific explanations for zombies always ends up taking away credibility from the history of the movie.",0 +I'm a huge fan of zombie movies and this is just a pathetic attempt at one.,0 +"This movie has nothing, there is no worthy point that zombification underscores.",0 +Using slow motion doesn't work particularly well either.,0 +It is so generic and uninspired it kills any kind of suspense a scene could have generated and replaces it with the feeling that someone is scraping a blackboard with their nails and laughing at you.,0 +This was a big disappointment.,0 +"I can't consider it as a bad movie, but the development just seemed too rushed and non-believable for it to evoke any emotions.",0 +"Another stupid cliché served by a tired, lazy, uninspired director.",0 +"Coscarelli tries his best to implement as much horror imagery as possible; with things such as a rotted corpse of a dead baby - but because it's all so silly on the whole, it's difficult to take this piece seriously.",0 +"And, when they FINALLY do the logical thing, it's too late and the effort is really, really lame!",0 +"The actors as a whole have terrible scenes together, be it with forced acting, or just awful lines.",0 +"But based on that episode, this is a very poor version of CSI, the acting is crap.",0 +"The first season of Bones is playing in Finland and I can't believe the amount of bullshit that this show puts on - the characters are shallow, poorly directed and clumsy.",0 +This is so bad I don't know where to begin.,0 +Why is money being spent on this drivel?,0 +It only got worse!,0 +Here it's a bad one..,0 +Not helped by a rather silly story which delves into the real reason for Fabian's problems and his rather unrealistic recovery from same.,0 +"A wild party scene, featuring some mild strip tease, is the film's low highlight.",0 +It takes talent to take something as bad as the movie and make it worse.,0 +I wanted to like this but I just found it lackluster and dull.,0 +"what ensuited then was sheer terror, this movie is so bad i could hardly bear it.",0 +This movie only tries to serve straight audiences wanting to laugh about stereotypical gay men.,0 +"Not really recommendable for other audiences, even Spanish-speakers in Latin America: the themes are all too parochially related to a specific spot in contemporary Spanish history, such that if the viewer was not living here at that time he will miss most of the references.",0 +"This film has possibly, the worst title for a stooge short ever dreamed up.",0 +' and then the film just got over that by ending and not explaining anything at all!,0 +"The only saving factor for figure skating fans might have been some nice ice skating done by a professional cast of skaters, but this just does not happen.",0 +"Well casted, from ""Matt"" to ""Matt2"".",0 +"Bad Canadian movies can be spotted by all the youngsters ending every single line of dialog with ""Eh""?",0 +""" to squeeze a few more bucks out of more gullible people.",0 +I may sound a little bias but the 45th Division sometimes does not get the recognition it deserves today.,0 +The music was about as bad as it gets.,0 +It's boring.,0 +"At the final scene, I was rooting for the car to run over that ridiculous kid - one of the worst child actors ever.",0 +"The ""fight scenes"" are laughable and borderline on the pornographic.",0 +"You better enjoy gazing at all these perfect female curves, as the rest of ""Golden Temple Amazons"" is a boring and incompetent mess.",0 +"I don't know what age group this was written for, but the writer himselfherself didn't even want credit.",0 +"Of course, I'm sure that making them watch this god-awful dreck violates the Geneva Convention in several ways.",0 +"This was poorly written, cheaply animated, poorly acted...",0 +It was a HUGE waste of time seeing this crappy film.,0 +"Also, there are several legal issues which also make no sense.",0 +"Lame, ridiculous and absurd.",0 +"i saw this with my with my kids they love it but i don't she did not get run overfed by a reindeer in the song, but what the heck in this crappy movie she got hit by the sleigh, it's like what the heck why why, when my kids heard the sinked they thought it was good but we they watched this they were like this ""daddy why did Granny"" thats how my kids say grandma, any way my kids said this ""daddy why did grandma get hit by a sleigh"" i told them that the movie was crappy they agreed, it's sad why would any one name there dog ""Doofas"" that's just dumb & when every one dressed in black that looked so so i mean Daphne looked like a dang emo goth girl every one looked like Goths & in the song they found grandma on the ground i think she died in the song, but in this weird crappy movie she was gone i think they should take this show off OK every one would love this i give this a 1 out of 10",0 +"Also starring Kelly Lynch, Stephen Tobolowsky, Ernie Hudson, Malcolm McDowell and Miguel Ferrer; they probably don't wish to emphasize this hunk of junk in their careers.",0 +Within thirty minutes you could get very bored watching this.,0 +"That's not funny, that's just pitiful.",0 +"I think its a pretty sad statement about any movie that it is so lame, so bland, and so utterly without merit that you can't remember ANYTHING from it.",0 +"This movie had terrible acting, terrible plot, and terrible choice of actors.",0 +The plot was horrid and the acting was worse.,0 +"Now maybe if they had some funny jokes involving this, but pretty much it's just one of those "" droopy dumb grin on your face because you're too ashamed to admit you payed to see this"" films.",0 +"A sick film that was NOT funny and was NOT worth the money, any money at all.",0 +This has got to be the worst movie I haver ever seen Nielson in.,0 +All i have to say is that this movie is the worst movie i have seen and it's worse than Halloween III which i gave 0 stars too.,0 +This movie was just awful.,0 +A very pathetic effort.,0 +It is one of the worst movies I have ever seen.,0 +It doesn't even come close to being funny.,0 +"The ending is yet another cop-out ending; I don't know whether the novel itself contains this dumb, clichéd ending or whether the movie's producer made some changes to it, but I've always considered car-accidents to be a poor way to add drama to the conclusion of a story.",0 +David and Steven - well-known and immensely talented screenwriters - wasted their effort on a poor screenplay in exchange for fat paychecks.,0 +The storyline was so ludicrous that it seemed like a complete idiot had written it.,0 +"Synopsis: the sequel to the acclaimed Silence Of The Lambs, Hannibal is a big budget production that totally fails to deliver; not only is it not as clever as its predecessor, it is not even a splatter or suspense or horror movie, just a totally boring time waster.",0 +"No plot, minimal character development, questionable motives, poor dialogue, sub-standard acting.",0 +"I suppose that this is the 'teen' chapter of the Hannibal series; terrible, stupid, gory for gore's sake and totally embarrassing.",0 +I can't believe David Mamet and Ridley Scott's name appear on this travesty.,0 +I'm so sorry but I really can't recommend it to anyone.,0 +and why Anthony Hopkins agreed to reprise his role as Hannibal the Cannibal in this terrible and dissatisfying film.,0 +I definatley didn't.,0 +The music score is also very annoying.,0 +"Not only is is boring, implausible, historically inaccurate and poorly directed, the best actors were the bit players (mainly because they had so few lines to say).",0 +"The makers of this film should be tied to a chair and made to watch ""Saving Private Ryan"".",0 +"I may be slightly unfair to this film due to my own knowledge of Ty Cobb and wanting it to be something it isn't, but to make such boring, neutered movie about this maniac is nonsensical.",0 +"Though all the actors, besides Jones, sucked.",0 +This is also the worst acting I've seen T.L.Jones do(he brings nothing new or subtle to his stereotyped character).,0 +No one will after viewing this piece of crap.,0 +"Well, it wasn't a baseball film, which was disappointing.",0 +But this is not resulting a film well enough either to compare with Italian neo-realists or worth to be Oscar nominee.,0 +"Although the plot may look promising in a way, it's the story-telling which makes this film insincere and cheesy.",0 +"Put on top of all of this a storyline that develops at a snail's pace, you get an extremely boring movie.",0 +"Although the film deserves kudos for postulating the first carnivorously bisexual ""Karmen,"" the broad strokes it paints are so vignette-like and unsupported by any narrative coherence that the film comes off as a schizophrenic, undisciplined melange of ""Basic-Instinct"" meets ""Bound"" meets an African version of a Bollywood musical.",0 +After that the story [such as it is] becomes even more muddled.,0 +"This is a Karmen that aims to please to all genders, but a real Carmen, she is not!",0 +I thought the movie was pure cheese.,0 +") Apart from this, the movie contains nothing notable.",0 +"Any personal complexity would be obliterated by some all-explaining, simplistic backstory.",0 +It is also somehow irritating that there is no character development and that the movie descends into a soap opera modus without being convincingly ironic.,0 +This film is annoying.,0 +"It just was not convincing to me that such an egomaniac crud bent on nothing but his building, could attract so many beautiful, vulnerable, women.",0 +"The film results boring, with lots of free sex (well, both girls are really good), all the reactions in the film are absurd, incoherent and of course, too much stupid.",0 +"The makeup, costumes and sound design are distractingly poor, and the battle scenes were substandard as well, inferior to other samurai films of earlier years (Seven Samurai comes to mind).",0 +"Compared to these other films, this is a rather average to poor film.",0 +What a terrible movie.,0 +"The ""plot"" is crappy.",0 +The plot is thin and flimsy and the acting is very stiff.,0 +The plot is thin and flimsy and the acting is very stiff.,0 +The plot is thin and flimsy and the acting is very stiff.,0 +- The comedic attempts were pathetic.,0 +I wouldn't recommend this movie to families as it encourages a childs rebellion against their parents.,0 +"The story is weak, thin, predictable, and completely fake.",0 +"Sadly, its ultra-slowness (essentially plot less) and use of a lento piano soundtrack simply doesn't appeal to me.",0 +"But all I witnessed was boredom, a half baked screenplay with a smattering of gormless text messages, and the only redemption was that which occurred when this utterly useless movie ended.",0 +"What I found was not heart-rending, but a lame exploitation of 1 strong human character.",0 +One of the worst movie that is available and even better if it is not available.,0 +With actors like Depardieu and Richard it is really a hard task to make a dull movie.,0 +For those of us who are part of the real world of ballet - this film is completely ridiculous.,0 +"The jokes on this show are terribly unfunny, and it makes it even worse when the only cast member that has a little bit (and I mean little bit) of acting talent is Justin Bradley as Sadie's brother Hal.",0 +But I had no idea how bad.,0 +"Its a waste of time, and money, don't bother watching this garbage.",0 +"The jokes aren't funny, the acting is completely terrible, and the whole entire show is one major disappointment.",0 +its just beyond awful.,0 +The plot in the second season also sucks and is just awful,0 +"I didn't find any of the gags to be funny or somewhat clever, it was all awful jokes.",0 +So please this is a stupid show it makes no sense just skip it unless you liked Lizzie McGuire or any other shows like that.,0 +i think that it was just like Lizzie McGuire except that it was a lot worse than the original.,0 +"I cant stand to watch the newest episodes anymore, they're all garbage.",0 +The 2nd season is just out of this world dumb.,0 +"Chaos begins with Stan curiously pulling Ollie's leg cast string, and manages to push The Doctor (Billy Gilbert) out the window, clinging on to it, getting Ollie strung up to the ceiling.",0 +This adaptation had none of that.,0 +This book had a great McGuffin (to paraphrase Hitchcock) but they ignored it.,0 +Such a BS movie.,0 +What a disappointment it was.,0 +"Yet the filmmakers and cast do there best to make something out of it, but at the end the film was not satisfying at all.",0 +The story sucked and didn't rely on logic or reality.,0 +This is the perfect example of how a great book is turned into a poor film.,0 +the movie is complete disaster.,0 +Hardman Swayze does a passable job in setting out to defeat the evil Russians.,0 +"Besides, this is boring.",0 +A case in point is the terrible film version of The Sum of All Fears - need I say more?,0 +Most of the actors are Bulgarians but really this movie has no plot twist has no energy what can i say-weak and boring movie a cliché not more.,0 +"i cant even find ONE good thing, nothing, absolutely NOTHING.",0 +"technically is fine -nice photography, fair performance and so on, but the script is so poor i wonder what did the producers see to carry on and shoot this crap.",0 +"The script is clunky, the plot non-existent and the cast without merit.",0 +"I thought some of the director's other works were quite good, but I must say I was disappointed.",0 +very bad acting and has a silly plot...,0 +"While the main idea of the film was actually okay, it became disappointing to see a lot of scenes that had nothing to do with it just thrown in here and there.",0 +It's very uneven and the script could've used quite a bit of work.,0 +"The ""results"" of this project are forgettable and an insult to intelligent cinema fans.",0 +"I guess It would have been better if the main characters were likeable, but they were just typical gen-x slacker types, just like the people that have been causing trouble in high schools for forty years...",0 +"By coincidence they run into their old den and decide to harass them a bit, albeit harmlessly.",0 +It was so boring I couldn't even work up any irritation at how bad it was.,0 +"Even the late great character actor, Brion James can't save this stinker.",0 +It's just that there is nothing of interest in this film.,0 +"Badly written, poorly acted; I could go on, but why bother?",0 +"I had heard that this film was stylish and intriguing, but I just found it annoying.",0 +"The anachronisms (modern telephones) were annoying to me, not clever, seeming more like budget constraints than anything else.",0 +1 out of 10 - awful.,0 +"I hear it is based on some comic book or graphic novel or pulp fiction or something else that I have never heard of, but whatever it is based on, there is nothing original in this excruciatingly boring movie.",0 +"Maybe as a fan of the Comics you may get something more from this, otherwise I would suggest that you skip it and not waste you cinema fare on this boring adventure.",0 +The main flaw was it was fairly dull.,0 +"The script was a bit weak, I'm not sure why every time something bad happens, the main character says ""Oh my god"" every time.",0 +"The action is mundane and dull, and is generally finished before you have the chance to admire the beauty of a decapitation.",0 +There are several action scenes but they are very fake.,0 +"As a fantasy movie it is one more movie following the traditions of the genre: simple story, poor CGI, poor actors, poor directing.",0 +"Ignoring the complete departure from the stories, the movie is competent if utterly generic for the first half but then devolves into sheer stupidity in the climactic scene which involves multiple super baddies (think three ""boss levels"" at the same time), none of whom is the least bit interesting or menacing.",0 +"This is probably one of the worst films I've watched in may life, way too shallow.",0 +"Unfortunately, here too, Chaney has precious little to do as once again the emphasis is on Ananka, as I've said; his Mummy (to which he returned most often at Universal - apart, naturally, from his signature role of The Wolf Man!",0 +"The intelligent Egyptologist Imhotep has been replaced by a leg-dragging Frankenstein in mummy wrappings, who exhibits no signs of intelligent life.",0 +There are some great scenes in the movie (the scene with Ananka coming to life in the swamp for instance) but overall this didn't do much for me.,0 +The movie also feels quite disjointed.,0 +"This film has a role to play in the history of cinema, but it is long and boring.",0 +But this was just disgusting!,0 +The editing is especially weak.,0 +"However, even giving benefits of the doubt, Cimarron is a badly shaped piece of drama -- a bloated film that moves from unrelated sequence to unrelated sequence with little dramatic impact.",0 +But even this might not matter if the film weren't the overlong bore that it is.,0 +This film also exhibited some of the worst stereotyping of African-Americans that I have ever seen.,0 +"And nothing in the script was any too commendable, either.",0 +The ending is also pitifully predictable...,0 +The casting director and director should be held responsible for this debacle.,0 +I've seen this movie n I can say that this is really a bad movie.,0 +But the unfortunate part is that a movie about the highest ranks in Indian Militia turns out to be a pathetic display that only makes one think that the movie was stupid.,0 +The fact that Joe Pesci and Charlie Sheen refused to have their names attached to the project suggests that this was a real stinker for everyone involved.,0 +There is no real thrill and the script is sometimes naive and predictable.,0 +Even the star cast acting is lacking in credibility.,0 +The script is really weak.,0 +"That is, it's bad.",0 +Lots of meaningless scenes with a lot of meaningless dialogue.,0 +I actually considered mailing Fred Ward some money in compensation for that miserable haircut he owned in this awful film.,0 +"), cardboard acting, characters doing things that anyone with an IQ bigger than their shoe size wouldn't do...",0 +The acting in this movie is really bad the only good actor is Roy Scheider from the great movie Jaws and over all this movie has heaps of flaws and my rating is 4 out of 10.,0 +this movie is a disgrace to horror genre...,0 +"The film (I can't call it a ""movie"" because it barely moves at all) is rambling, embarrassingly pretentious drivel--sort of like a really bad Oprah Winfrey show, but worse.",0 +It's so naive.,0 +"Bad story, bad acting, bad music, you name it.",0 +This film is a failure in this regard.,0 +"Unfortunately, this is not a documentary.",0 +"When it came out on the air, I was disappointed at how all the characters were so one-dimensional and a totally bland animation.",0 +"Will not appeal to most, including myself to a point, but will no doubt adopt a cult following.",0 +"OUCH, was I a fool to believe that, and OUCH, how my buttocks hurt after having forced myself to watch this c**p from beginning to end.",0 +"The first story was actually mostly sick, the second was just really really pathetic and the third was only weird (the fake baby was actually quite badly made).",0 +It's not funny at all.,0 +"Didn't find it funny, didn't find it amusing, didn't find any sense in it.",0 +This is sheer stupidity masquerading as a guerilla sensibility - as arbitrary and hollow as the abstract images that link the three sections.,0 +Oh and it was way too short.,0 +Otherwise a very weak script that was badly put together and uses all sorts of inane plot twists.,0 +The plot was dry and predictable right from the start.,0 +These are just some of the things that show just a lack of thought put into the story telling.,0 +"The story is OK, but it's nothing special.",0 +"So with absolutely no suspense, we blunder forward with two hours of unremitting CGI and actors with little or no screen presence.",0 +I was bored throughout.,0 +But this one i couldn't even finish all the way to the end because it was so boring.,0 +"Blaa, blaa, blaa… What a waste.",0 +"Given that this is Garcia's third film and that he has a respectable history of directing for television, the direction in this film is rather surprisingly amateurish.",0 +The dialogue was often so ridiculous that it was tragical.,0 +"Most of the ""Stars"" were local TV newscasters, and the rest of the crew were just inexperienced enough or gullible enough to believe former stuntman and Producer-Director, Dave A, Adams' delusions of adequacy.",0 +"Technically, it's horrible.",0 +The last shot of the film is just so silly that its beyond description.,0 +It certainly didn't help in this film.,0 +"with bad make-up galore and cheesy, bargain basement (not-so-special) effects.",0 +most of the cast were very like-able but hardly any of them could act at all - but then again think about the writingdialogue of this mess...,0 +A 3 out of 10.,0 +So awful in fact that I don't even consider it a movie.,0 +The story is pretty much non-existent and involves a group of young people revealing the horrible secrets of one of the groups' ancestors.,0 +Bad and uninteresting storytelling makes this a bad movie.,0 +This movie fails on all fronts.,0 +"I got it in the sneak-preview, but damn, the acting was very bad!",0 +The acting was just soooo bad.,0 +All humour has been cut out.,0 +"I have NEVER, even in dutch movies, seen worse acting.",0 +"Being generous, I'd give it 4 out of 10.",0 +"The story could've been interesting, but it wasn't.",0 +The rest of the cast struggle with their scripts.,0 +"After watching this film, I thought to myself, they really glossed up Errol Flynn's life!",0 +But this wobbly biography is just a plasticized view of Flynn and his era.,0 +The extremely overweight mother (Angela) did not even make it on the cover of the video case when most of the rest of the cast did.,0 +Very difficult to feel any remorse or understanding towards any of the characters and the subject matter is probably impossible for most to relate to.,0 +If you haven't choked in your own vomit by the end (by all the cheap drama and worthless dialogue) you've must have bored yourself to death with this waste of time.,0 +"Bad acting, a thin recycled plot and the worst ending in film history.",0 +it's horrible.,0 +"Jim Brown is okay, but he doesn't really show any sort of range in a performance that just has him standing there looking annoyed.",0 +Unfortunately it just gets worse from there.,0 +this movie is so bad it is too good to pass up...,0 +This is probably the worst film any of these actors ever did.,0 +"Jim Brown is completely wasted, provided his help in producing this 70s war turkey.",0 +"Cringe-inducing blackface aside, this short film makes no sense.",0 +Jean Renoir seems never to have thought enough of it to even edit the footage together.,0 +"Silly, crude and quite pointless, 'Charleston Parade (1927)' is a cinematic oddity from one of cinema's most respected directors, and is perhaps an effort that he would have liked to forget.",0 +Truly dissatisfying.,0 +Mediocre effort at best despite raves on the box comparing it to Disney efforts like Aladdin and Lion King.,0 +It is just that the film suffers from a weak script.,0 +"This movie sucked so bad that I can't believe it, please avoid this crap.",0 +"The PG-13 rating is questionable; although the film is not scary at all, there is some brief but quite explicit gore, and some out-of-place nudity.",0 +"This should have been the last expedition into the Critters saga, but more garbage was on its way.",0 +First and foremost - this whole thing just doesn't make sense.,0 +"So far, the biggest plot holes in this weak thriller.",0 +What?,0 +First and foremost - this whole thing just doesn't make sense.,0 +"Everything is clichéd , contrived and stereotypical and the bits that aren't are just plain bizarre .",0 +"But I figured that I would check out the sequels for The Swan Princess to see what they were like and unfortunately, this is the typical cartoon sequel that just disappoints more than entertains.",0 +It isn't funny.,0 +the worst sequel I've ever seen.,0 +"Sorry, no Palance nor Cleese and thus Jean-Bob was a disapointment.",0 +"This isn't good drama, it's annoying and a writing cop out.",0 +"Poor writing and really, truly no sense of character development.",0 +The ending doesn't make sense either.,0 +"Second, the movie all hinges on the stupid concept of ""love at first sight"".",0 +"Everything in this picture is wrong, totally wrong...",0 +The result is a boring film that cannot sustain itself using only the dialogues.,0 +"Much of the movie is obviously improvised,and not well.",0 +"After an intriguing start, this little drama quickly descends into the ranks of sheer mediocrity.",0 +"With an unsatisfying conclusion, Two Girls and a Guy has very little to recommend it other than Downey Jr's formidable if not out of place performance.",0 +"To me itwas waste of money, time, and talent.",0 +I am being in no way facetious when I say that this movie was worse than any other movie ever made.,0 +)Maybe I've just seen so many good movies that this one fails in comparison.,0 +Such a crappy script.,0 +Maybe they secretly long to belong too to this overpaid and overestimated 'actor guild' or maybe they have never seen a decent movie?,0 +Montgomery's character simply looks weak.,0 +"Even for the Hitchcock fan, there is little to connect with.",0 +"For crying out loud, the bits Hitch did on the old TV show were funnier than anything this film fails miserably to deliver.",0 +The jokes are familiar from better films but here they don't gel.,0 +"You can also call this an example of what Roger Ebert calls the ""idiot plot"", in which the storyline depends on the main characters acting like idiots.",0 +"Even Jack Carson, who could be hilarious when he was really allowed to let go before the camera, fails to perk things up at all.",0 +"Carole Lombard certainly fitted Hitchcock's ""cool blond"" idealised image of a heroine, but what ever possessed him to direct this worthless unfunny script, he should have stuck to his thrillers.",0 +Here he is just going through the motions.,0 +But this was embarrassing and awful to watch.,0 +As such I give these efforts a lot of slack.,0 +I'm not sure that this movie really needed or deserved explaining since it is almost identical to Curse of the Komodo which also sucked.,0 +"The acting is pretty bad overall, even for this sort of film.",0 +"), but this movie makes me think the creators weren't even trying.",0 +"- When filming a news story aiming on exposing illegal animal testing, a reporter and a cameraman with one camera is all the gear and personnel you will need; sound gear, a second camera, microphones etc are all superfluous.",0 +GIANT cgi versions of these beasts which battle!,0 +The special effects weren't the greatest (to say the least); the animals looked completely computer animated.,0 +The acting is poor from an uninterested looking cast.,0 +"All in all: terrible piece of crap, don't even think about renting it.",0 +There's nothing in the way of memorable dialogue or relationships in this dreck.,0 +"The CGI for the monsters look as if they came straight out of a second-rate video game, the cinematography and misc en scene is poor, the acting ranges from passable to poor, the action scenes are dull, and then there are some parts that are, frankly put, unforgivably bad.",0 +"But, since this movie deserves nothing good said of it, I'll use the term god-awful instead.",0 +"ewwwwwww, not even fun in a bad movie kind of way.",0 +Another laughably lame and senseless low-budget sci-fi TV presentation… but actually its kind of amusing… kind of… in a passably undemanding way.,0 +"Python is just a horrible title, and an even worse premise.",0 +The unimaginative title basically says it all: A group of mostly unknown actors converge on an island where a government experiment to grow giant vegetables has gone wrong.,0 +"probably the worst creature feature ever,boa vs python was a million times better then this & that wasn't great either,bad acting,bad effects & guess what the DVD is one of those one with 3 hours of previews before the main menu.",0 +"This movie is so awful that there is no fun left in it, it's just bad.",0 +"Even if i hadn't seen this film on the Sci-Fi Channel (which, sadly, i did) it would scream ""Sci-Fi Channel"" with its low production value, weak acting and some of the worst special effects in history.",0 +"****SPOILER ALERT**** My boyfriend, some friends, and I rented this movie as part of a marathon of really bad movies.",0 +The acting is ridiculous.,0 +No imagination at all.,0 +Overall this movie is utter crap even on bad movie standards.,0 +This guy just sat in a chair and ran his fingers through his hair.,0 +but where's the plot or originality?,0 +"The acting was terrible, the script was even worse.",0 +"Jerri Manthey should of stayed on survival island her acting is stiff, unbelievable and she just a plain boor.",0 +Unfortunately this film is too biased and too nostalgic towards the time of Allende's rule to be an objective rendition of the man and of his place in history.,0 +It do have it´s charm but lately it´s to much propaganda in it.,0 +"Clocking in at a painful 79 minutes (the box says 90), this is one cheap flick.",0 +"Or the wooden acting and stilted lines sported by all of the so-called 'actors', who's dialog is high on pretension and low on sense.",0 +"One can only imagine e the thanks the cast gave when their characters were killed off by sockpuppets, thus sparing them further humiliation in this dullfest.",0 +In fact it was awful.,0 +"The plot was ridiculous, the premise was ridiculous, the acting was unconscionable, the effects were laughable and all of the outdoor scenes appear to have been filmed in New York's Central Park.",0 +"I am not familiar with the producer's other works, but this movie is a piece of crap.",0 +The whole thing is just laughable.,0 +The only credit this movie could earn apart from being the worst movie ever made would be to threaten the middle east into solving its problems under pain of having to watch this movie.,0 +So I'll stop there because ten sentences on this junk is about ten too many.,0 +Some films are just plain silly beyond explanation.,0 +Joel and the bots barely salvage this turkey.,0 +"well, OK, there is nothing similarly bad as this.",0 +"In short, it is clearly one of the worst sci-fi movies of the 80's and I would be so bold as to say ""of all time"".",0 +"Well, this movie actually did have one redeeming quality.",0 +"I didn't have the foggyest idea what the heck this ""bear walk "" is.",0 +"Instead, he introduces extremely crude humor and some wildly inappropriate mysticalsupernatural elements.",0 +I'd say it's the worst movie I've seen in years and I see a lot of them.,0 +I went into this movie expecting a thoughtfull piece about how to be accepted in culture and I wound up blowing $8.50 on a 10 minute fart joke and a whole bunch of fake accents.,0 +"Lots of juvenile bathroom-humor, drawn out into painful tedium.",0 +"And the ending, well it is worthless.",0 +"This could have been an interesting premise, but the execution is so bland that you wonder why they even bothered.",0 +"This unintentionally amusing mid-80s TV movie is based on the premise that sex bomb Donna Mills (in a mostly appalling wardrobe throughout) is a neglected housewife, pining for her sexy past as a cheerleader.",0 +This film actually starts out pretty interesting but for my taste it degenerated far too quickly into a dull and predictable melodrama.,0 +The writers on this television turkey were clueless.,0 +"The director avails himself of some nice location cinematography, but otherwise the film is a poor way to spend 90 minutes.",0 +"While the acting talent is available here, from Jeff Bridges to Carl Betz, Vera Miles, and Sal Mineo, the writing is atrocious and the story is contrived, filled with insipid stereotypes, and an obvious ripoff from Ken Kesey.",0 +"The ballistic action scenes are an unimpressive mixture of 'slow-motion flying-through-the-air-whilst-shooting' heroics, crazy vehicle stunts, and endless bad guys lining up to be shot.",0 +"The actors aren't even photographed to look good; Jason Miller is an especial fright, but extreme close-ups of Coburn are pitiless, too.",0 +The modern asphalted streets of Jim Thorpe were covered with gravel to mimic a 1920s rural town of the south.,0 +"It is dreary and drab, has no excitement, the acting by Hulce is terrible as Hulce cannot pull off the proper accent required for this film.",0 +"ExCUSE me, but my tongue was TOO in my cheek when we filmed this piece o' poop.",0 +"The acting is ludicrous, the dialog sounds like it was written for a porno, and the general storyline is ridiculous.",0 +Sadly a good portion of this film seems to be rather boring car chase scenes as they drive around Los Angeles (and what was that sound effect when the police car crashed?,0 +they all pretty much tie for just plain terrible.,0 +Also the acting was terrible especially Charityn and her son.,0 +"Sadly, the plot is predictable, the acting is bad and the computergraphics used for most stunts don't work out.",0 +"It's a bad movie, and I probably didn't have to tell you that myself, but it's far from the worst thing I've ever seen.",0 +I found this to be a watchable all be it very predictable movie.,0 +Maybe it didn't recover because the lack of passion comes with the effort of trying to be cleverly funny.,0 +"Badly shot, badly edited, clumsy dialogue, flat characters, unsuccessful adaption of a novel.",0 +"But that excitement soon turned to horror, this movie is a complete failure, it just try's to hard to be funny that its sad, the script is poorly written and relies to heavy on the actors to make up for it...",0 +What a clunker!,0 +"Unfortunately, i don't think they meant to be funny, the actors really are made of cardboard, the dialog really does suck, so well just have to laugh at them, and not with them.",0 +The script has a few good moments (including Yuri's farewell and the little spiel at the end) but is otherwise fairly bland and sub-standard.,0 +"All the characters are dull, and the story is stupid and incredibly boring!",0 +I don't want to finish this movie.,0 +"All in all, I have seen worse but this sure isn't one I'd recommend or want to remember.",0 +"The plot is awful, the special effects had little effort put into them (love those wires holding them in space), the acting is wooden (also love those New YorkRussian accents).",0 +"There's one car chase that's not bad, but the rest of the movie is simply a waste of everyone's time.",0 +Do not watch this movie unless you have a healthy stash of Tylenol or Rolaids.,0 +"Nothing redeeming, no lessons taught - nothing uplifting in any way.",0 +But the bleak subject matter doesn't give the filmmaker license to make a sloppy film.,0 +It was painfully slow and literally colorless.,0 +) It's not Katt's and Paul's faults but the writers and director who created this tepid turkey.,0 +"Heck no, it wasn't it was actually a model by the name of Larissa McComas but u already knew thatSo, that made sense but that was about it rest of the film (that i saw anyway) didn't care 4, and didn't bother watching the rest of it That'sall i needed to C to be satisfied so 2 those of u that just care for that well there u go enjoy",0 +"But the whole cast is pretty much inferior and the only worthwhile event was spotting James Karen (""Return of the Living Dead"", parts 1 & 2) in a cameo.",0 +No redeeming features at all.,0 +This movie is one of the worst remakes I have ever seen in my life!,0 +He seemed kind of depressed in this movie.,0 +"Instead, I spent $8 at a film festival on it.",0 +"Creepy, and then just plain boring.",0 +their vote for worst film of the decade.,0 +Fleischer was obviously well past his prime when he directed this foolishness.,0 +"Never trust a Medved, but even a busted clock is right twice a day: this is a HISTORICALLY awful movie.",0 +is a bad movie and deserves it reputation as an unintentionally funny film.,0 +Now it's basically worthless.,0 +"Unfortunately, the plot is so flimsy, that whatever fine character development has been achieved, it is negated by voids, inconsistencies, and downright boring film sequences.",0 +"Characters are inconsistent, dull, purposeless.",0 +"The color was jarring, the performances, atrocious.",0 +He just can't be improved upon.,0 +"I mean, the acting wasn't up to par, but honestly, it looked like the actors just watched the original and just memorized the lines from there and made it their crappy own.",0 +"b before people think 'he can't spell' remember I'm from England and we spell it colour)A remake should be just that, re made, this is a forgery, a complete copy and a very bad one at that.",0 +"While it was a pointless re-make to begin with, the miscasting of the story's most important character sucks this film down completely.",0 +"In other words, my review is about as pointless as the movie itself in that it replicates something that's already been said.",0 +This was just a stupid project that never should have gotten off the ground.,0 +They content themselves with an obnoxious rehash!,0 +The changes were just inappropriate and unnecessary.,0 +"This movie is poorly produced,poorly acted,and unnecessary to begin with.",0 +Bottom line:Avoid,0 +"After that, though the film became a worthless waste of celluloid.",0 +"These shots seemed to be irrelevant to the plot in anyway, and in turn made no sense.",0 +"But ""What were they thinking""?",0 +The remake has none of these qualities and doesn't even try for them.,0 +Unless you have a strong desire to see Ms. Heche naked there is absolutely NO reason to see this film instead of the original.,0 +The scence where Marion gets killed in the shower is just so uneffective and unoriginal.,0 +"In my mind, there are only two reasons to do a remake: 1) The original was a good story, but the movie sucked.",0 +"The weak links were Viggo Mortensen (Sam), who made Marion's boyfriend so smarmy and unappealing it made you wonder why she had anything to do with him in the first place; and Vince Vaughn, who--to put it as delicately as possible-- was simply awful as Norman Bates.",0 +This remake doesn't even come close to topping the original.,0 +There were two scenes that just stuck out like a sore thumb.,0 +It should have been at least a mediocre movie...,0 +"Plus, by using the almost exact same script, the entire movie seems a bit of an anachronism.",0 +He is too much of a pretty boy hunk and is not very convincing as Bates.,0 +"I don't know, it was just terrible.",0 +* out of ****,0 +Didn't work.,0 +"If that isn't bad enough, he has a miniature video camera in each coffin so he can watch his victims suffocate.",0 +"Dodgy plot, dodgy script, dodgy almost everything in fact.",0 +"The vocals are handled by Nils (he can't sing very good-too raspy), Bonnie Sheridan (who is a great singer) and Tom Lepson.",0 +Writing is very weak.,0 +"Otherwise this is a silly, sad fiasco that veers from paint-by-numbers to paint-by-wrong-numbers.",0 +It's hard to understand why a star of OLIVIA DE HAVILLAND's caliber would wish to play the supporting role of Aunt Bessie since the role is so colorless she just about fades out of sight.,0 +"As a bit of bad-movie fun, ""Head Of The Family"" is rather lacking, although it is better acted than you might expect.",0 +"This movie is awful, just awful.",0 +"This looks like being a promising mixture of ham and cheese before it becomes clear that the characters are one joke wonders and the plot is pretty ordinary if you, erm, ignore the giant head.",0 +"She is now a fixture in Surrender Cinema's line-up of talentless cuties starring in pointless, soft-porn exploitation flicks.",0 +"This film was not only boring, but there was no substance.",0 +Definitely not worth the fifty cents I paid to rent it.,0 +"It's awful, you can forget plot or decent acting, cause it's not there.",0 +"This film is completely pointless, a two dimensional hero and heroin who we can't give a hoot whether or not they survive and some of the lamest villains to ever darken the screen of horror (or any other) genre.",0 +"The work in this film makes Savini's effects look like the work of a blind, limbless hobo.",0 +I have never been so embarrised in all my life.,0 +Sadly this person is completely lacking a sense of humour and I was forced to endure two hours of the worst film making I have ever seen.,0 +"The production value is pathetic, the acting is worse and the writing is the worst.",0 +This version is even worse.,0 +the writing directing and editing of this TV movie for the most part was truly awful.,0 +"it's a really bad plot devise and is jarring and annoying, to put it mildly.",0 +"Over all, this movie is just bad.",0 +It is composed of a collection of bits taken from the book and much which is relevant to the plot is left out making for a disjointed collection of scenes with little or no continuity.,0 +It's too melodramatic and not engaging.,0 +The script is a mess and the film seems terribly draggy.,0 +"A disappointing, pedestrian effort.",0 +Very tired attempt at telling a tale..,0 +"He seems to ""specialize"" in wide-eyed, wide-mouthed reaction shots; not a lot of personality here.",0 +"I was looking forward to seeing these veterans on their last legs (Douglas died before the film had even premiered though, by that time, he had already completed another role, while it proved Astaire’s own inauspicious swan-song) but GHOST STORY went through too many changes of mood – while maintaining a sluggish pace throughout and emerging overlong into the bargain – to be anything but a failed curio.",0 +"They deliver the worst ""gee-aren't-we-all-drunk"" scene I've ever watched.",0 +This story occasionally made me nod off during the movie in the middle of tiring elevator music and the ever so consistent thunder storms.,0 +They're just not given very much worthwhile to do.,0 +Straub's version was far superior to this poorly executed film.,0 +"The film does begin to get going towards the end; however the realisation of the child's fate and the parent's actions not only dampen the earlier curiosity of the story, but are revealed with such machine gun editing that it's difficult to take in all at once.",0 +"The basic story is perhaps not even that bad, but the way it is filmed it seems like the most laughable plot ever.",0 +"Hell, I can't really make up my mind on this...",0 +""" sort of way does not a good horror movie make.",0 +"The editing is shocking and unfortunately, not to the benefit of the film.",0 +"The story is not moving, it is slow, boring, and sleepy from the beginning to end.",0 +"This looks like a student film: the sets are risible, the acting (except, perhaps, for the title character) close to wooden, the plot utterly arbitrary.",0 +"The story is terrible, the direction is terrible, the editing is terrible, the music is terrible, and all together make an unbearable nightmare.",0 +The GIs simply got shafted hard in this film.,0 +"There was no plot, no tension, only a lot of boredom !",0 +but the movie is awful.,0 +there are too many good WWII movies out there to waste your time on this junk.,0 +"In most cases, the movie was just predictable as it had no hook or hidden agenda going.",0 +"An awful soundtrack that makes every song sound like Rob Zombie's ""Dragula"" rounds out this miserable piece of crap into a laughably bad movie.",0 +"OK, this movie wasn't good at all.",0 +"The story line is as to be expected from a 70's Kung Fu film, confusing and daft.",0 +"Not that there was anything wonderful about the original story, an absurdly complicated piece of nonsense.",0 +the problem is that the love story and character development is based upon a completely fraudulent version of politics.,0 +"The movie is also dull, and the story does not actually get us anywhere - except to various bedrooms.",0 +The editing is really erratic with too many cuts.,0 +And then the sex scenes aren't even good!,0 +"Apart from all that, I found this sexualpolitical farce just as boring and pointless as standard porn.",0 +"And the main source of tension in the plot is deleted, too.",0 +I feel terribly sorry!,0 +"The music is bad, the characters are bad (not in the good way) and after seeing this film, it left a very bad taste in my mouth.",0 +The crap result gets heaped on top of the crap writing and crap performances to make it a shame that the lowest rating a movie can be given is one for 'awful.,0 +"I got very bored by watching it all, and it offered nothing to me.",0 +"Add the obnoxious Tina Turner and the no good story-line of the people waiting for a plane, and this is just one huge stinker.",0 +"Even allowing for my unabashed love of the first two films in the franchise, and sweeping away any sort of biased leanings I might of had for the character of Max, I just can't bring myself to rate at average this cartoonery waste of space that so nearly soils what had gone before it.",0 +however it was not explained and is a weak element in this overall weak film.,0 +"Originally I wrote what was a sarcastic,scathing review of this pathetic piece of dung,but every time I submitted the review I got ""this contains a very long word which is not allowed"", also words that were not misspelled were judged incorrect.",0 +This is without question one of the worst movies I have ever seen.,0 +Natasha Richardson sports somewhat of a dumb look most of the time and her character was very unappealing.,0 +"Unfortunately very little of ""Delusion"" makes any sense.",0 +"The film suffers from an awful story, a lousy screenplay, and some terrible direction just to mention a few of the deficits.",0 +"My god, what a waste of a good title.",0 +"The fine acting skills of not one but four actors namely Tabu, Om Puri, the late Amrish Puri and Paresh Rawal have been wasted in this film.",0 +NOTHING.,0 +"The bipolarity of the ruthless thug (one minute a ruthless killer, the next minute a Luv's diaper commercial) is completely unconvincing.",0 +Definitely not a well made movie.,0 +Definitely not a well made movie.,0 +This short film feels like it's woefully incomplete.,0 +"The film is allegedly exploring the dynamics of the relationship, however, the relationship is far too petty to merit any such exploration.",0 +Throw in a sexy scheming made who has designs on everybody and you get a lot of stripping and dipping and a salad bowl of an unintelligible plot.,0 +That statement it not quite accurate.,0 +"Perhaps this square scenario might've benefited from some magical whimsy, for this script is a frozen stiff.",0 +This movie was pointless.,0 +"This felt like a bad High School film project), acting was about as cliché as one can get, and....",0 +This film laboured along with some of the most predictable story lines and shallow characters ever seen.,0 +not very good at all.,0 +"This TV movie for kids is utterly cheap, concerning acting, character work, credibility, directing and even concerning the modest special effects.",0 +"This is a bad film, as its central message is very muddled and the plot seems like it was the result of merging several disparate scripts.",0 +"Suffice it to say that ""Ann Vickers"" works neither as entertainment or social commentary.",0 +"In this movies seeing the ""actors"" rehearsing highlights the lack of preparation that went into acting out the real characters in the movie.",0 +"After just viewing the movie, I must say this is one of the worst films I have ever seen.",0 +"i was surprised after watching this piece of crap , if you have seen an episode of TOM and JERRY in which jerry pours some liquid onto him and becomes invisible than you are likely to see the same cartoons with added EROTIC topping a man becoming invisible and doing S*i* is the conclusion of the movie.",0 +"Everything in the infrastructure of this film is wrong, starting with the script, which is another one of those TV-movie condensations of great lives wherein every other line is a ""famous quote"" by the subject and every other scene is an in-your-face introduction to the next pivotal character in the subject's life.",0 +Unfortunately outside of the performances the film has little to recommend it.,0 +"Personally, I thought this movie was terrible.",0 +"This piece of junk is a badly filmed, way too long film.",0 +Getyour facts straight before you start praising this liar.,0 +"Leni Riefenstahl would be embarrassed by the disgusting propaganda Moore tries to call ""humor"".",0 +"As we finished viewing it, I thought: ""Yeah, it was somewhat entertaining - in a totally daft Bugs Bunny kind of way - but what an ultra-biased, anti-Capitalist propaganda turkey that has no objectivity whatsoever this is; its sole purpose being to take cheap shots at people and ideas which the film's creator has pet-peeves for.",0 +Moore goes to great lengths to twist historical events to fit his political agenda in this film of pure propaganda.,0 +"The two main characters, nauseating in their glibness, do very little actual work.",0 +"Veterans unsuccessfully trying to lending dramatic gravitas include red lollipop-sucking Mia Farrow (as Anna Simmons) and quick-drawing, computer-hating Hal Holbrook (as Tom Walker).",0 +"Basically a muddled '90s remake of '85's ""Real Genius"", with fewer and stupider geniuses, and a cynical bad ending.",0 +"Rather than invoke the mysticism of African religion and atavistic beliefs, they merely make the film look cheap.",0 +The music and lyrics are both absolutely terrible.,0 +"Anyway, it's completely not worth renting.",0 +The interiors are rather meager and rely on clichés upon clichés.,0 +"Acting and dialogue are something else, and here this film veers perilously close to being a bad junior high school production.",0 +"For several reasons, this movie is simply awful.",0 +What a stupid waste of money!,0 +"Wasted Time, wasted Money.",0 +The rest of the cast flit in and out with clichéd and uninteresting roles.,0 +"In essence - it's a waste of time, it's not funny, not entertaining, not even as a joke - DON""T WATCH IT!",0 +"The movie has many explosions, shots and car chase associated to an awful story and horrible acting.",0 +"Granted, this movie was badly written.",0 +Its cheapening the movie's look.,0 +"i like snipes, but this was a let-down.",0 +"The script by Martin Wheeler is as predictable, boring & by-the-numbers as anything out there.",0 +It baffles me that the producers of this film went to all the bother of hiring a stunning beautiful (for my money anyway) and talented actress like Miss Colloca and then give her such a pathetic one-dimensional character to play with.,0 +"It does not worth renting it, it does not worth buying a cinema ticket for it, it does not worth downloading it!",0 +but when I do it will be terribly edited with a pathetic soundtrack and stock shot for hire action sequences and bad shirts.,0 +"The Detonator has an horrendous plot focusing in some sort of atomic bomb, set in Romania and with awful directing for an action movie-- there is no thrilling moments and an action movie is turned in to boredom.",0 +"Boring story, bland dialogue, dull action scenes (HOW do you make something like a fight or a shootout boring?",0 +"OK so I lied, it covers those but does so horribly.",0 +A second problem is that they filmed in some neighborhoods in Bucharest where they had the possibility of clear the streets and put garbages on dressing people with i don't know maybe '90 clothes a making them seem so stupid that you will realize the script was maybe a second hand bought from ebay or worth.,0 +This is one of the worst movies I have ever seen.,0 +"I have heard and seen so many funny stuff about minorities in Germany, but this ""movie"" (this piece of crap being listed here is an insult to the next worst movie) sucks like the calf the makers of this movie met some years ago.",0 +"The reason, why Im pretty sure, that this racist piece of work is not worth a look, is that it doesn't make fun of minorities to demonstrate their condition of living, their social circumstances or the way they are treated by society.",0 +"It was lousy, slow, and painful to watch.",0 +The main story is weak and unfocused.,0 +In my opinion this is the worst out of the three.,0 +Maybe an N or a P. One of the worst 5 movies I've ever seen.,0 +"""Raptor"" IS the ""Carnosaur"" films, or at least the film's dinosaur-induced death scenes, haphazardly spliced together with trace elements of the original plot and some newly shot scenes (many of which consist of ""dino's eye view"" shots in a lame attempt to make the inserted scenes look less obvious).",0 +"So bad, it's entertaining, especially during cocktail hour, and believe me, you'll need a beer, a drink, or whatever to get through this turkey.",0 +"It borrows so much from James Cameron's ""Aliens"" it's not even funny.",0 +The plot is really embarrasing.,0 +This film was really terrible.,0 +It makes absolutely no sense.,0 +"This is the worst movie I have ever seen, and I've seen some bad ones.",0 +"The worst film ever, with characters from Carnosaur 1-3 inserted merely to fall to the same demise that they had in the first film, so that footage and special effects could be reused.",0 +"The shameless use of stock footage from CARNOSAUR 1 & 2 make up most of this miserable attempt at a dinoslasher flick- Take the scene, for instance, where the security guard meets his doom at the jaws of the Alpha T-Rex.",0 +"Story gets a 2 out of 10, it reads like a drunken storytelling session gone bad.",0 +"It fails at even this, since there's way too much ""plot"", and not nearly enough goofy puppets and ridiculous gore.",0 +You just never know what is going to happen because the film doesn't follow a coherent structure.,0 +Then the plot went down hill from there.,0 +"Eric Roberts gives his absolute worst performance so far,there's no adjective to describe how bored he is throughout.",0 +7.5 minutes of not even bouncing concrete like tits (at this point the term breasts is a bad choice) is far beyond from entertainment.,0 +"But Raptor, which could have been in the same league as the equally pointless Carnosaur series, does not even ATTEMPT to have any enjoyment in it.",0 +Then I sat through some really bad acting and then some guy was suckered into walking into an underground research laboratory where he got eaten by a ferocious T-Rex.,0 +The storyline of this movie is cliché and obviously has been ripped off from Jurassic Park.,0 +So this film is the cheapest of the cheap.,0 +This movie doesn't even deserve a 110 This movie was a scam.,0 +Thanks Roger Corman; you just made me waste a dollar.,0 +Score: 3 out of 10,0 +The dialogue is utterly incoherent and the humor is anything but humorous.,0 +The surroundings are screwball-sophisticated yet the characters are not more than one-dimensional.,0 +It didn't have a much of a plot.,0 +"Unfortunately, the story becomes meandering, and anti-climactic.",0 +The result was a disappointing collection of fragmented clips shot in various countries.,0 +"The plot is insipid; the characterizations and dialogue stink; the musical numbers, while occasionally staged in interesting ways, are not only too often absurd, but also lyrically trite, painfully bright, and emotionally hollow to the core.",0 +In this series our dialogue is so dreary and stupid it's obvious the writers were pandering to the lowest common denominator.,0 +The actors were certainly not helped by the writing which was bland at its best and head smackingly pathetic at its worst.,0 +"I'd liked the Takashi Miike films I'd seen so far, but I found this pretty disappointing.",0 +"There is no plot, none.",0 +Completely forgettable in ever way.,0 +This film is an embarrassment.,0 +The writing and acting are just pathetic.,0 +Let's just say that it might be the worst movie I've ever seen.,0 +The whole mess was shot in the Phillipines who were getting their own film industry started.,0 +"This film doesn't look impressive, it doesn't have an impressive soundtrack, and you just feel embarrassed for anyone who shows a shred of talent.",0 +"Black Mama, White Mama, also known as 'Women in Chains,' is exactly the kind of trashy and crappy b-movie that the premise suggests.",0 +"Except for Sid Haig, as the colorful Ruben, the rest of the cast is forgettable.",0 +"That's because there is no subtlety and the movie is just cheap--cheap thrills, cheap writing and very cheap acting.",0 +"Since no one displays any talent for acting, the rest of the cast is not worth noting, except balding, bug-eyed Sid Haig, who uses his standard psycho persona as the drug lord.",0 +"I can safely say that BLACK MAMA, WHITE MAMA may be the worst Pam Grier movie I've ever seen.",0 +"If you find the hopelessly amateurish acting, the uninteresting story, the fake blood and all the mindless shooting bearable, then you may actually have a fairly good time watching this trashy, low-rent exploitation film.",0 +There is simply no excuse for something this poorly done.,0 +Somehow I don't think this is a good message either that you deal with your disappointments through anger.,0 +"Sorry, but it was terrible.",0 +"This is syrupy, mawkish drivel.",0 +"' Out of the cannon of 60's and 70's road films and rebel youth films, this one is mediocre, under developed, uninvolving characters, not much wit, not much freshness to the story, which is as bland as the films muddy landscape.",0 +Each character is so poorly conceived that it's no wonder these actors look so listless.,0 +"In fact, there is not much acting going on in this movie at all.",0 +"The acting is worse than soapopera bad, the effects are like something you'd see out of a 1970 episode of Doctor Who, the story is, well, there is no story.",0 +"What really got me mad is that the film is not only a rip off of BWP, but also a half-hearted lazy rip off at that.",0 +"To make a long story short, this movie is boring.",0 +This movie was not realistic at all.,0 +ridiculous.,0 +It feebly attempts to outdo The Blair Witch Project by claiming it's true whereas Blair Witch was a hoax.,0 +"I'm not one to fault film makers for being lazy or desperate, but after this yawn-fest I felt the need to warn everyone: don't waste your time, you have a life.",0 +His features of this time look more like real low budget thrash z garbage movies.,0 +"What is to be dialogue is very lame and the actors are pleasant looking enough, but seem to lack genuine personality.",0 +Any paranormal happenings are blatant setups.,0 +"But aside from some funny bad dialogue, the chair scene (the actual split-second when it is knocked over, nothing immediately before or after that moment) is the only good thing in this movie.",0 +"AND, worst of all, the supposedly participant-held cameras record too many events too perfectly to be even remotely believable.",0 +This movie is like a rip off of house on haunted hill and the Blair witch project all rolled into one poorly thought out and assembled movie.,0 +** out of *****.,0 +secondly this film is blatantly trying to copy the Blair witch project (yawn) and does so very poorly.,0 +Obviously not well staged...,0 +"The movie careens from one cliff-hanger to another; the payoff is so anticlimactic as to be pointless, certainly not worth the 1 hour and 50 minute wait.",0 +Very poorly done and unconvincing.,0 +"It pains me to report that veteran actors like Walter Pigeon and Joan Fontaine are even cast in this muddled science fiction travesty, none of which rings true.",0 +It's not even good for a laugh.,0 +"The cast tries very hard not to look embarrassed in this ridiculous sub-kiddie romp, much like later episodes of his ""Lost in Space"" TV series, the concept of which was swiped outright from writer Ib Melchior and then rushed into production.",0 +"Overall, the film bored me.",0 +"Varied players from Walter Pigeon and Joan Fontaine to Frankie Avalon and Barbara Eden are interestingly intermingled and provide a dash of color, but this soggy sci-fi is pretty cheesy.",0 +"I felt the wide array of characters Varney depicted were great, but without being said, the rest of the movie should be put into a mulcher or something.",0 +It is the worst film of all time.,0 +"this is one of the stupidest movies ever, not THE stupidest mind you but one of the stupidest.",0 +I'm surprised that anyone would waste there corporate money to duplicate this steaming pile of human waste.,0 +RATING 4 out of 10.,0 +It do have it´s charm but lately it´s to much propaganda in it.,0 +"This is a racist, homophobic piece of garbage that plods along for a good 1hr and 22mins with absolutely no direction.",0 +"The minimalist cinematography doesn't help matters, adding another layer of drab to the incredibly drab proceedings.",0 +Hurry go before it sells out!,0 +"Mostly overacted and sometimes underacted, Dead End Road reeks of a low-budget, cast-with-friends production that has silly points too numerous to cover.",0 +"The acting is hilariously terrible,the characters are painfully dumb and the killer is not menacing.",0 +"the swinging axe was just horrible, there was absolutely no suspense.",0 +"Simply put this movie is implausible, boring and unwatchable.",0 +"Full of holes, with awful sequencing.",0 +"That doesn't entitle me to get a group of my friends and relatives together, a crappy camcorder, an awful story and put it all together to create a heaping pile of crap and call it a movie.",0 +I have seen bad but this was definitely the worst.,0 +"The story lines are dire - every episode revolves round a bizarre medical issue acted out by a variety of brummie extras who can never actually act, and for some reason the doctor always ends up round their house solving their problem.",0 +"What made me so angry was the amount of detailed work each actor put into creating and establishing their characters in the first part, only to have the whole thing devolve into very bad porn episodes in the second part, far too many to justify plot development, and far too explicit to even seem erotic.",0 +It is THE ACTUAL worst movie I have ever seen.,0 +"Other than the funny moments, though, this movie has little to offer.",0 +This sequel to Problem Child is just as bad as the first one.,0 +I saw this movie in the theatre and it was a terrible movie.,0 +I really don't understand what kind of person would enjoy this utter rubbish.,0 +) yet it lacked any charisma or enthusiasm.,0 +"""Problem Child 2"" was a complete waste of my time.",0 +"In this basically unnecessary sequel, freshly separated Ben (Ritter) and his little hellraiser Junior (Michael Oliver, who never needs screen-time ever again) move to a new town infested with willing bachelorettes.",0 +Ten minutes of people spewing gallons of pink vomit.,0 +This is a movie for the most immature people.,0 +I can't really put my finger on why this movie was bad.,0 +"The sequel is like its predecessor, completely brain-dead.",0 +"This movie is WAY too infantile and moronic for adults, and WAY too violent and irresponsible for children.",0 +Larry Flint and Man on the Moon wrote this garbage.,0 +"In conclusion, this film left me feeling nothing more than irritated and profoundly disappointed.",0 +this movie was incredibly stupid with meaning what so ever.,0 +"My kids enjoyed the movie, but I was bored.",0 +For the family it just sucks.,0 +I suppose it's just bad direction which leaves the actors drifting.,0 +I couldn't help but look at the time every 5 to 10 minutes because I found this movie a total drag.,0 +The script seemed to be based on a Willy Wonka style story but it just didn't have anything to it.,0 +I can't help thinking though that it would have worked better as a short story because the first half is tediously boring.,0 +"But before you get to see this, however, you have to struggle through more than 40 minutes of sheer boredom, infantile pranks and sleazy sequences that don't contain any actual sleaze.",0 +It's really sad and pathetic to behold.,0 +I am now going to shove this film through the door of a neighbour i don't like.,0 +"Terrible movie, and not even worth a rental.",0 +"The script,direction,acting and action sequence's are so dire as to be almost painful to watch and one cant help thinking that it's mere 75 minute running time could have been better spent.",0 +"Essentially, the movie offers an unconvincing vision, is wedded to a political viewpoint that is risible, and the two leads have made much better movies.",0 +so do not do the mistake and pay for this trash.,0 +"Mr. ""Uwe Fail"" strikes again, transformed a classic game in a cheap piece of crap.",0 +Especially given the plot of the game was hardly Oscar winning just a vehicle for FPS carnage.,0 +All other aspects were very disappointing.,0 +"Unfortunately the rest of the movie has an incredibly cheap feel to it, with bad CGI, lame one-liners and clichés around every corner.",0 +There isn't one coherent part of the game in this movie.,0 +The last film he made that was this bad was Seed a serial killer movie that is one of the worst films I've ever seen.,0 +"If you are looking for a flick for a bad movie night, go for ""2012 - Supernova"", this one is just - sad.",0 +The effects are bad and the action unbelievably boring.,0 +"For video game enthusiasts, book worms and movie fans alike there is nothing more disappointing then a film that is based on an original concept (whether on paper or gaming console) that does not deliver.",0 +Not too good a movie.,0 +"Acting is bad, dialogs are even worse.",0 +Now I understand that certain liberties need to be taken to make a transfer from one form of media to another but it seems like he really just doesn't even try to make a connection.,0 +"5: There is no sun filled beach scenes, no aircraft carrier, no communications stations on huge cliffs, LITTLE reference to any in-game contents (charactersitemsvehicles), in fact no attempt to follow the story line at all.",0 +"It was an awful film, though the story was similar to the games plot.",0 +"However, the storyline in this film is beyond demented.",0 +"Besides the bad acting the visual effects, stunts the plot even the humor used in the movie was an absolute flop.",0 +Simply there for comic relief I am sure and still lame.,0 +"The casting and storyline of this series closely follow the Hollywood formula for politically correct entertainment; good old get-your-mind-right, revisionist history, where the 'bad guys' must all be white, male, Confederate (in this case), and preferably Christian (if it can somehow be worked into the script).",0 +I have seen comments with less lines and writing this is just a lame filler.,0 +"Here, the stuff is so cheap that it's not even fun.",0 +"At first we thought Ken would actually BE the killer scarecrow, and that's why we wanted to watch, but he wasn't, and that made the movie even worse.",0 +"The acting was so poor, my Grandmother could have done better.",0 +"particularly the unintentionally hilarious sequence where Ed(Travis Parker), wannabe rock star, is singing to his buddies a horrible song they all seem quite impressed with.",0 +"This movie has topless women, miserably fake gore, and dialog that could not have talked its way out of a paper bag, or in this case, a cornfield.",0 +"Apart from the atrocious acting, the awful plot, the dire effects, the shoddy camera work and the brain numbing ridiculousness of it all, it was OK, LOL!",0 +Even the final scene is laughable!,0 +The plotscript really sucks and is quite pathetic and non logical.,0 +So why were just about every person involved in this movie able to here this pathetic whistling.,0 +"Unfortunately, the drama leaps over good and lands in common cheese.",0 +It's just that stupid.,0 +"And sure enough 90 minutes later, after witnessing beyond horrid acting, tedious drama, scarecrow's punches going nowhere near their intended target, but ""hitting"" it anyway, Ken Shamrock ""acting"", and the most stupid illogical ending, I've seen in my life (Ok, no, I take that last one back, in about a week).",0 +"Boy was i wrong, the movie sucked, the monster was pathetic in both appearance and in actually being scary, the storyline was SO predictable it was like watching the movie in preview mode, as i already would guess what will happen, the music was so bad, with a horrible lip sync song that made me wanna punch the screen.",0 +The film-makers don't actually make their actors sing or play the guitar.,0 +The script actually has an almost decent premise as the wronged soul of Sam seeks revenge & his friends have to keep the real Sam alive somehow but the way it is told is poor & I suppose that basically it's just an irrelevance to the fact that this is a film about a killer scarecrow running around killing people in not very gory or imaginative ways.,0 +"The acting sucks (as usual), the death scenes are beyond pathetic, and don't be fooled by the title, this thing doesn't have as much nudity as you may think.",0 +This an extremely horrible movie.,0 +"Its not just that there acting was waaaaaaaaay over-dramatic, well actually it was, of course the script was terrible which combines for a deadly one-two punch in bad terrible utterly unwatchable drama.",0 +The twist at the end is just stupid and the film seems to end abruptly as though they got bored with it.,0 +"the dubbing is as well laughable, and it is hardly even understandable....",0 +The dubbing was literally the worst I have ever heard.,0 +but the story moves from one chess move to the next in a most predictable way...,0 +"All in all, although there are some touching scenes, the trailer is quite deceptive and i would only suggest you go watch this if there is really nothing else that tickles your fancy.",0 +And the whole opera music in the American version was very annoying.,0 +It was a clear rip off.,0 +"There is only one word to define the whole movie, that is: awful.",0 +again a ridiculous effort from Hollywood.,0 +There really is only one reason to watch this barely adequate and utterly predictable movie about an uptight chef Kate Armstrong (Catherine Zeta Jones) whose life changes when she inherits her orphaned niece Zoe (Abigail Breslin) after her sister is killed in a car wreck.,0 +I don't think that the story itself is enough.,0 +What a disappointment.,0 +The romance was tepid and the laughs were weak and few.,0 +"A colossal waste of time, no story, no character development, no chemistry, nada.",0 +I couldn't finish it.,0 +I was really disappointed in this movie.,0 +"I'm really not going to waste my time with in depth analysis, i'm just going to say that i'm extremely disappointed that Catherine Zeta-Jones made the mistake of being in the main role in this absurd, nonsense, in this full of clichés boring to death thoughtless pathetic try in film-making!",0 +I like a good light hearted romantic comedy but this was just bland.,0 +Too many clichés and too little depth to the characters.,0 +"It's not the worst western ever made, but prepare for some serious yawning.",0 +"They are of course very badly written—messy scripts, rubbish lines.",0 +"In comparison to the original ""Magnificent Seven"", it's a joke, a cartoon, an amateurish attempt at movie making.",0 +"The production values resemble those of a made-for-TV movie and the characters are forgettable and indistinguishable: in parts ""II"" and ""III"" you couldn't remember their names, here you can't even remember their faces.",0 +They didn't even bother trying to make this movie not look like a TV movie!,0 +"There is plot, plot, plot so chatty that you could drown in it, and making matters worse is a framing device that adds zilch to the movie.",0 +The movie was a horrible disappointment to me.,0 +"To make matters worse, it's edited in a flurry of jump cuts that leave us completely lost.",0 +"The actual bulk of the movie seems to try to blend the colorful plots of soy-lent green, blade runner, Logan's run, and tomb raider, which came out a dull brown mess.",0 +There's no humor and the film becomes a little boring at times.,0 +"It may be the worst movie I have ever seen, and I have seen a lot.",0 +Not only is Æon Flux ultimately shallow but for an action flick it's also really very dull.,0 +"half way through the film though i was kind of disappointed, it did remind me of the fifth element but i too feel it just lacked the extra bit of depth and left me with the empty feeling.",0 +"Kusama's attempt to improve the storyline by implementing some rather weak explanatory conversations between the main characters is not only a lame attempt to cover up her flaws as a storyteller , it's simply unworthy of the original ÆON concept.",0 +"To make matters worse, all performances in this film are atrocious and some actually wound me to watch.",0 +Didn't laugh or even smile once.,0 +"So far so good , but there`s a fair lapse of logic involved Sergio agrees to do this for the sum of 25,000 dollars but why ?",0 +"While the film is by no means horrible, it doesn't make sense at all.",0 +"This was an attempt toward a romantic comedy, and one which did not work.",0 +This film struggles to keep it's audiences attention and never makes an impact or maintains a note of anything remotely interesting.,0 +"ADJL is just too generic, because you also have bad guys that get defeated and come back again, and are also complete idiots, that have no background for their hate.",0 +"Little care was taken with scripts or cast and resulting films were flat, mediocre at best, virtually unwatchable at worst.",0 +"But the convoluted plot just didn't convince me, and much of the film was watched with a weird, questioning glance.",0 +But otherwise there isn't much here.,0 +Unfortunately the film then proceeds to plod its weary way through a standard Chan formula that is only barely enlivened by the always wonderful Mantan Moreland.,0 +Don't waste your time with this one.,0 +"As for the movie, wonderful supporting work by Jack Gilford as Lemmon's partner and Thayer David as an arsonist, go for naught because the rest of the script is a muddled jumble of cliched vignettes, angst, neurotic nostalgia, and pointless moralizing.",0 +Otherwise we have a boring slice-of-life drama (just over 24 hours of Jack's life) with pretensions.,0 +The director made this too sappy a production.,0 +The melodrama labors from scene to scene and the comedy is completely absent.,0 +"There's a certain irony in a parody of the Gothic genre being turned into a mess of clichés by filmmakers who either had no idea what the story's purpose was, or just didn't care.",0 +"However, I was deeply disappointed.",0 +"It barely matters because the dire acting, clichéd camera-work and cloying music would have ruined anything resembling like a decent script anyway.",0 +I would NOT recommend this movie if you know anything on the subject.,0 +All in all this film was an awful waste of my time and money!,0 +It was totally a disappointment for me.,0 +"The one redeeming quality was the photography- the landscapes certainly helped the bleak atmosphere of the film, unfortunately combined with the bleakness of the story- I left unmoved, and disappointed..",0 +The jokes where really poor.,0 +It completely failed to entertain me or enlighten me in anyway.,0 +"The action sequences in the film are well choreographed, however, the story drags during the middle of the film.",0 +Terrible terrible subtitle!,0 +Don't watch this movie its a waste of time.,0 +"There was no chemistry between the leads, the kisses looked like something I traded with my grandmother.",0 +"Well Folks, this is another stereotypic portrayla of Gay life however, the additional downside includes poor acting, horrible script, no budget, terrible sound and let us not forget the impossible storyline.",0 +The plot is contrived and ridiculous.,0 +his has to surely be one of the worst gay-themed films of all time.,0 +The script is about as single-minded and dull as is conceivable.,0 +*12 of ****,0 +It's also hurt by it's extremely low budget.,0 +the acting sub-par...,0 +"""The Final Comedown"" wants to ""say something"" about racism and inner-city violence; unfortunately, the message is invalidated by the nonsensical script, the amateurish production, and the heavy-handed polemics.",0 +"It's an East Side Kids drama, not a comedy so it's no good.",0 +It just dragged on and on and no one was able to save the poor thing.,0 +What a load of crap this movie was.,0 +"However, there is not much to say mainly because of the shallow screenplay.",0 +Boring as hell and kind of a chick flick.,0 +is there anymore dialogue or action?,0 +"The film opens at a ballroom in 1930s Italy which is populated by vulgar Americans and uptight upper class Brits , but in truth UP AT THE VILLA plays out far more like a Merchant -Ivory production which is very bad news because it`s a very slow , and I do mean very slow romantic drama with some of the romance being very unlikely .",0 +In other words it's really bad.,0 +This flick is one of the many bad slasher flicks that exist only for the T&A and the cheap laughs.,0 +1st watched 4302009 - 4 out of 10 (Dir-John Waters): Corny Waters-like comedy musical with some funny scenes and good parts but it didn't make a whole worthwhile experience.,0 +"And after it has been analyzed it would get discarded into the lab's ""rubbish bin for totally useless things"".",0 +Rent it today!,0 +Acting--awful; plot--ridiculous; music--atrocious.,0 +I failed to get it.,0 +"The acting was lame, but it's hard to tell if someone was acting well since the writing was so bad.",0 +The characters are cardboard and deliberately annoying and there isn't even a tiny bit of suspense.,0 +It all sort of plays like Final Destination delivered via a board game.,0 +"but otherwise, it's just a mess.",0 +"Okay, undemanding and just sort of watchable tale isn't anything you haven't seen before.",0 +Low budget mystery.,0 +"It only scratches the surface of the genre, and nothing happens if you miss this totally missable flick.",0 +"Some have merely called the film ""contemplative"", meaning slow and devoid of plot, however, one Dutch reviewer hit the nail on the head: this is an important event turned into a dull film whose tone is set in the very first scene.",0 +"Poor cinematography (it's too simple representing '70s dark years with dark colors and dark lights, do some efforts more peoples!",0 +Once Ross has built up his ego enough he will then proceed to the very boring concept of the stiff celebrities in the green room - so trying to get on with each other.,0 +As a chat show it seems pretty poor though – what's so chatty about asking Tory leader David Cameron on this TV programme whether he ever masturbated to photographs of Margaret Thatcher?,0 +"Top this off with an audience of Ross fans so hooked on every bad old joke and bulling, it really makes for a poor show.",0 +"Childish storyline ripped off of a lame Hollywood movie, terrible acting, cheesy dialogue, and not quite ""up-to-par"" sex scenes.",0 +"Sure, this film was retarded.",0 +What was good about this film?,0 +This movie is bad.,0 +"This thing, directed by french sensation Patrick Sebastien,is worst than all the turkeys that you may have seen.",0 +"Not only Patrick Sebastien thinks that he can do better than one century of psychiatry, but he also impose us a silly left ideology; with the character of the father's girlfriend, a boss, who want to take away the feeble of his girl.",0 +"If watching any of his shows is just plain torture for any normally constituted human being, his first (ans lets hope only) film proved to be even worst.",0 +This film directed by French television sensation Patrick Sebastien (Jerry Springer with an I.Q of 25) can truly be considered the worst film ever made.,0 +It meanders all over the place in search of direction and has some utterly embarrassing performances that might be better suited to bad sitcom.,0 +"Jezz, this is one of the worst films I have ever seen because it should havecould have been better, stronger and it should have made some kind of sense.",0 +"The whole thing feels like a very low rent version of Merchant Ivory's Le Divorce which, to be quite honest, wasn't very good, either.",0 +"I've rated this a ""1"", primarily because of the irony of a director who once worked doing subtitles refusing to put subtitles into a movie to be seen by an American audience.",0 +Where was the script?,0 +pretty bad.,0 +The story was pretty non-existent and really disjointed.,0 +Worst movie ever.,0 +Goofy dialogue and some nasty gore effects make this movie watchable.,0 +"The series tries to show some mystical based upon the Christian mythologies, but it's a total stupidity.",0 +"To start out with, the script is immitative and inane.",0 +"This is perhaps the worst movie I have ever seen, and I have seen well over 300 movies in my lifetime.",0 +")Awful directing, awful script, Bad Acting, Cheap special effects.",0 +"Unfortunately, that isn't true here, as the film starts of atrociously, with a ridiculous shootout, which was so poor, I thought it was a practice, & two halfwits, otherwise known as the boys in blue chatting beside a school.",0 +From the blurb on the box I expected a flashback thriller along the lines of 'Memento' - unfortunately this is nowhere near that standard of movie.,0 +"It seems that the director was very eager to make something new, but despite of the efforts it was really boring - Very annoying character Melissa.",0 +I just couldn't do it.,0 +The director is unfairly prejudiced against the 'goy' characters -- content to let them be grotesque cardboard caricatures -- and inexplicably indulgent towards the homewrecking behavior of the heroine.,0 +"The acting was for the most part poor, the direction confusing, but most of all the screenplay and the story were non-existent.",0 +"There just seemed to be some potential floating around here, but instead it was just rubbish.",0 +"On the strength of their other work, I assume the actors' performances are so disappointing because of a poor script and worse directing, but they are, in the end, unremarkable.",0 +"Despite strong performances by Minnie Driver and Tom Wilkinson, this film fails to ignite the imagination of the viewer.",0 +"The film is one big cliche, with fake ""grind him under your heel"" attitudes.",0 +Not good.,0 +I'm now beginning to be profoundly embarrassed for everyone involved in this enterprise.,0 +"I was not surprised to see that a woman had had a hand in this awful ""woman's picture"" and I mean that in the worst possible way.",0 +"""Hardbodies 2"" is harmless, aimless and plot less.",0 +The final airport sequences were no doubt intended to provide a hilarious ending for this film but in my opinion they are an example of the worst type of overplayed slapstick pseudo-comedy.,0 +"Even for a T&A movie, this one is a turkey.",0 +this bad movie.,0 +Pointless movie about making a movie.,0 +") Therefore, to be fair, I had to give this movie a 2 out of 10.",0 +The bottom line is that the series was on its last legs as a first-run series and this really looked like they dusted off this turkey and filmed it regardless of the absurdity of the premise.,0 +"The pacing of the story is slow, making the film a terrible bore.",0 +The music is lovely but don't bother watching this hopeless mock-umentary.,0 +This movie has nothing to offer.,0 +"The end result is a wildly inconsistent account of the life of a fictional man who seems to have been given a fairly interesting life story by his creators, who probably should have done a better job with it.",0 +Once again Woody Allen seems to be completely devoid of any inspiration other than recycling himself.,0 +"Aside from the 3-D format, there is NOTHING here to warrant anyone's attention.",0 +Other than that - dull and forgettable.,0 +The movie is awful.,0 +My rating: 5 out of 10.,0 +"Camp Blood is horror as blue collar and basic as it gets, not a good thing, not a bad thing, just a thing.",0 +First Part: 1 out of 10 Second Part: 4 out of 10,0 +"Being a movie fan, I usually find humour from tragic horror, but at times I couldn't even laugh.",0 +And it has all the ingredients to be a perfectly bad film...,0 +"Don't do what I did, and let the curiosity get the better of you, it's so bad it's not even funny.",0 +What a waste of a 3D viewer despite somewhat decent 3D effects.,0 +This film was just so bad.,0 +"Sure, it's horror and there's a fair share of nudity, but by god, the production value is the lowest I've ever seen, the equipment used is worse than standard home equipment, everything is overlit, giving everything an amateurish look, bringing your thought to America's worst home video's or whatever that show was called..",0 +"This is one of the worst movies ever made, with no inspiration or craftsmanship whatsoever.",0 +"Yes sure, this is a Friday the 13th rip off but I have no problem with it.",0 +"In my opinion, there is no excuse for a bad ending in a horror movie, that was just sloppy writing.",0 +Gore- Really not believable.,0 +"Yeah i bought camp blood and it wasted about 86 minutes of my life and 5 pounds of my money on this crap, I mean i didn't expect an amazing movie, judging by the front cover i wasn't really expecting anything great but at least not boobies in the first 3 seconds (I'm not complaining about the boobies..",0 +83 minutes?,0 +This movie is so bad it's not funny.,0 +"Unfortunately, the rest of the movie is just extremely boring.",0 +This script was not fitting for his wildness and anarchy and thus his talent was wasted.,0 +"This might just be the worst movie adaptation ever - everything is disjointed and scrambled - the characters which are important in order to understand the sequence of events are seriously marginalized, and every potentially interesting location from the book has been changed (example: Vienna - New York) into something profoundly uninteresting.",0 +Tediously long dreary cinematic waffle.,0 +John Lithgow had the only interesting role.,0 +Too bad Williams doesn't have a tenth of his charm!,0 +"The swimming scene is very brief, discreetly photographed, and not worth all the heat it apparently generated.",0 +"Even by 1933 standards, this film was a poorly made dud.",0 +"It wasn't just the low budget that makes this film bad (many great films have been made on a low budget), it is simply a bad movie and it wasn't even bad enough to be good camp.",0 +"""Carlito's Angels"" is a spoof of ""Charlie's Angels"" that is not afraid to spoof even itself at times, however that does not mean that the film is above criticism by the viewers as well - it is amateurish and juvenile (I think ""fast-motion"" stopped being funny around 1914).",0 +"Not only could I not understand a word that was said, the acting could have been better by a group of mentally handicapped.",0 +These movies always depict the press as a bunch of animals and have the parents coming out of court to feed the press' hunger to humiliate the grief-stricken.,0 +Asner is sympathetic to them but he doesn't really accomplish much.,0 +But the movie doesn't do anything with them.,0 +There's very little depth here and the film spends too much time with chases and action scenes.,0 +"The scenery, the delivery of lines, the costumes, the fake gore, must I go on?",0 +"I'd give it a zero, but am forced to give it a 1.",0 +Probably the worst film I've ever seen.,0 +"This movie had a paper thin plot, bad acting, poor dialog and holds no intelligent ideas at all.",0 +The movie is bad.,0 +"Adventures in Dinosaur City, though a creative idea, was a nauseatingly atrocious attempt at filmmaking.",0 +Nothing really to admire about this and nothing much to be said either.,0 +"The movie was stupid, and no effort or thought was put into it!",0 +What a waste of time and effort.,0 +"Poor acting, poor story, there isn't one redeeming quality about this movie to recommend.",0 +Killpoint honestly sucked from the word go!,0 +"Fong is perhaps the most uncharismatic action lead of the 80s, Roundtree's small part is a far cry from his ""Shaft"" days, and Cameron Mitchell adds another shameful role to his career, one to sit right next to his laughable turn in ""The Toolbox Murders"" (this man was a respected actor once, now he has come down to wearing flowers in his hair and complaining about people bleeding on his carpet).",0 +"I would not recommend this film and the action is very, very bad.",0 +Must have been too hard on the young stars feet.,0 +"Being paired with Gurie, promoted as another Garbo, doesn't help.",0 +The rest of the plot is pretty forgettable with the Herr Docktor Coburn - with a pretty bad accent - and daughter assimilating into America with Wayne's help.,0 +"Shame to see an interesting story diluted into standard ""Vietnam made for TV"" fare.",0 +The acting was just awful from everyone and the story was far from impressive.,0 +"The film quality was poor, and there was hardly enough gang fighting action to sustain even the drunkest person's interest for long enough to watch the entire film.",0 +"Let's face it, a truly awful movie, no...",0 +this is at this movie's tedious end.,0 +"These actors are laughable throughout the entire film, not convincing at all.",0 +It was just a sequence of fights strung together with poor script and cheesy dialogue.,0 +I wasted money on the rental price and am glad i did not purchase the DVD itself.,0 +Everything about this movie is awful.,0 +"the script was so badly written would now surprise me one bit of the guy directing wrote this piece of beep, i will give the person one 1010 and that was for the DVD cover because if i actually saw ""before watching this"" in a shop and it was like 10 15 bucks i would have bought it, why well if you look at the front cover this actually well done you flip over to the back and you see that it has actually won awards.",0 +"Aussie Park Boyz could not possibly be any worse - the acting is beyond terrible, the plot is basically a poor Warriors knock-off, and the filmmakers clearly have no idea about ethnic gangs in Australia (an Irish gang in twenty-first century Sydney!",0 +"Low budget, alright story, poor acting, nothing to write home about.",0 +It goes from bad to worse.,0 +"It is boring, repetitive and extremely lame.",0 +"first off, the editing i found too be pretty poor at times, the script(or what they had of one) was not very good, and if not for Nunzio La Bianca, the acting would have been crap.",0 +"The picture was BAD, the sound was HORRIBLE and the acting, oh the acting, it was the WORST acting in the HISTORY OF FILM.",0 +I was quite disappointed.,0 +This appears to be two movies spliced into one.,0 +"If true, then this pre-Blank Generation approach backfired, as the film was not a success.",0 +"PREY Aspect ratio: 1.37:1Sound format: MonoA lesbian couple (Sally Faulkner and Glory Annan) living in a remote country house are driven apart by the arrival of a young man (Barry Stokes) who turns out to be a flesh-eating alien, the vanguard of a massive invasion...",0 +"OK, this simply is the worst movie ever made.",0 +X-Files creator Chris Carter seems bored by the whole 'Syndicate conspiracy' story arc and abandons responsibility to the black comedy writers.,0 +Sofia Coppola contributes a solid addition to the category.,0 +Despite these notes it's an awkward short.,0 +The character's have no dimension and the war depiction serves only as a backdrop for this soft porn wannabe.,0 +"The film was slow, badly acted, and included some very graphic sex scenes of Mr. Nichols' character with a very young woman.",0 +This movie doesn't even hold up as made-for-cable porn.,0 +This is the worst hindi film I have ever seen.,0 +This film is clearly an attempt at a cover up.,0 +"It tries to squeeze in as many references to other sports movies as it can, but it either does absolutely nothing with them, expecting us to just point at the screen and laugh out of familiarity, or it attempts to be funny and falls flat on its face.",0 +"No heart, no brain, just cheap glue.",0 +"At times, it's funny, but more often than not, it's just very annoying and predictable.",0 +"This movie is a nonsensespoof comedy, in the lines of The Airplane or Naked Gun, but it doesn't even come close to this two, because it lacks originality and a little more intelligent jokes, rather then just throwing you with the same old easy jokes.",0 +"No point, no fun, no originality; just a few cheap bucks for the film makers.",0 +Even the adult humor in this movie was dry.,0 +"This movie is a rancid piece of garbage not worth viewing, so don't see it!",0 +"It was poorly written, poorly directed, poorly shot, and definitely poorly acted...",0 +It is nothing but a bunch of the stupidest skits from other movies put together to make one big mess.,0 +"And generally, it flopped in its attempts.",0 +There was nothing remotely funny about this movie.,0 +Its attempts to parody various sports movies are half-baked and not at all funny.,0 +"Some people said it was stupid, I find that when writing a comment one should be more objective (my own opinion) but yeah, of course it was stupid, it's a movie about ""stupid""!",0 +"But I'm am serious this movie was just so stupid and so unfunny, and such a waste of time.",0 +"But the team is really really terrible, like beyond terrible.",0 +"It was basically every sports movie rolled into one with lame kindergarten jokes, and disturbing images of bodily injury that's supposed to make me laugh and failed.",0 +"These movies are not funny, they're not clever, they're not entertaining, they're just useless in every conceivable way.",0 +"It was as bad as the recent ""Meet the Spartans"" but it was thirty minutes more of torture!",0 +Because of the failure of the cast to do so the jokes never hit their mark.,0 +I had an inkling of how bad a film it was after reading the short blurb at the ticket counter.,0 +"In the past, Matt has disappointed me many times (Super Human Samurai Syber Squad) where he came so close to having a musical moment, but ended up failing.",0 +The plot (or lack thereof) is completely retarded.,0 +Strictly lackluster.,0 +Really really embarrassingly bad.,0 +The quality was so pitiful that I couldn't stand watching it.,0 +"I didn't care much for this, it seemed too contrived for a documentary.",0 +I do not connect with any of the characters.,0 +"However, be prepared for some nauseating camera work, poor acting, poor dialogue, and an overall bad movie that epitomizes the era of the Internet boom.",0 +There's hardly any plot to speak of.,0 +"Not only that, the cultural mistakes were unacceptable, with an idiotic scene involving the family members dancing (Greek style) and breaking plates, which does not exists anywhere within the Turkish culture.",0 +What a disappointment.,0 +I could not have been more uninterested in the wooden dialog and cliché characters.,0 +The only reason i rented it was because my brother wanted to for some odd and strange reason.,0 +This movie doesn't cut it for thoughtful viewers.,0 +But this film just adds nothing to the notion.,0 +It's so gloriously bad and full of badness that it is a movie of its own.,0 +"In fact, it became so bad that I decided to finish it just so I can claim that I watched one of the worst films ever made in it's entirety, instead of being criticized for not ""giving it a fair chance"".",0 +It was probably the second worst movie I have ever seen.,0 +"One only has to read the cast list and credits to salivate in anticipation of this DAVID COPPERFIELD, but, alas, alas!",0 +It was all downhill after this.,0 +"This mediocre, made for television retelling of Dicken's masterpiece is so bad, even those unfamiliar with the often filmed tale, will be unsatisfied.",0 +"However a wait is boring and yes, this wait was boring too.",0 +Perhaps it is the thing missing in this pretentious exercise of cinema about cinema.,0 +"The script itself makes the acting look embarrassing, and it fundamentally becomes a waste of time for everybody concerned.",0 +"Definitely the most boring film I've seen since Sphere, but I was expecting that one to be boring.",0 +"Sean Penn, Kevin Spacey, and Chazz Palminteri can do nothing to save this coke-snorting, endlessly pedantic, bad Mamet-wannabe.",0 +"You might like the movie a little more if you're a stoner yourself, but for the vast majority of us that aren't, this movie is a waste of film and of time.",0 +"Never mind that the characters are unsympathetic losers to the extreme, the camera work is plain sloppy and (for LA residents) the attention to geography is laughable.",0 +"I don't know what happened with the film version, because it was dreadful.",0 +"Big, big waste of time and talent.",0 +The rest of the movie from that point was totally awful.,0 +This was not a good movie!,0 +"That's not clever or witty, that's just bad, bad work.",0 +The acting talents of the likes of Juliette Lewis and Harvey Keitel (not to mention George Clooney) are completely wasted in this nonsensical movie.,0 +Horrible movie.,0 +"First, the story it was going with was not at all appealing in anyway possible, and just flat out boring and uncompelling to the point where I just wanted to turn it off.",0 +"Harvey Kietel will try and distance himself from this rubbish, it should have been a great crime movie but it develops into a gory mess of vampires.",0 +I didn't know it was such a crap.,0 +"In all fairness, I tend to be biased in favor of Katharine Hepburn, but this version of the film seems like cinematic plagiarism.",0 +After all the hype I had heard about the Jane Austin novel and different film versions of the book I found myself very disappointed with the movie.,0 +"But this one, it's just awful.",0 +"Besides drifting from actioner to romantic thriller and back again, there are serious mistakes in continuity, property values are bottom-of-the-barrel cheap, and the effects are dreadful; many of the explosions seem like matte work rather than being done on location.",0 +"Quite what the point of this is is anybody's guess, but it's indicative of the film's pointlessness as a whole.",0 +But as a thriller the film is totally worthless.,0 +"stilted dialogue, ridiculous plot.",0 +None of it is believable in the slightest.,0 +"There are a few action scenes in the movie, but they're really crappy.",0 +"This movie insults your intelligence with not only the story line, but also with the lack of realistic locations.",0 +"The rest of this shockingly mediocre pile of nothingness consists of the usual trademark bored-looking Swedish ""actors"" delivering dialogue which goes into one ear and out of the other, a banal story, sloppy direction and, well, little else worth mentioning.",0 +"The language is extremely bad, the scenes are awfully directed and it's not at all funny.",0 +The script is very weak & there is no depth in the characters.,0 +"To keep from screaming with boredom, you clutch at the minimal story line - and it disintegrates into ridiculous illogic.",0 +This thing is so convoluted and dull that it's nearly impossible to take it seriously.,0 +"With its dreary, muddled pseudo-philosophical plot, and an extremely bland performance from leading man Everett, Dellamorte Dellamore is an irritating and plodding mess that not even some splattery gore (courtesy of Sergio Stivaletti) and welcome gratuitous nudity (from busty Anna Fialchi) can save.",0 +"The ""thought-provoking"" dialogue is trite, at best.",0 +"Abrupt, silly and cheap to the extreme.",0 +"Bang, dead, and no real emotion to speak of in the scene.",0 +"The plan was for there to be another obviously if ratings had been higher, but it was a boring show that way too long, and annoyed people by not ending when it said it would, so they never made any more.",0 +Please -- if you haven't attempted to sit through this garbage and are considering viewing this flickmini-series -- do yourself a favor and find anything else to do.,0 +"It seems like they just used the name of Stephen King to make a crappy, too long movie with nothing exciting at all.",0 +"i gave it a 2, and i would never recommend it to anyone.",0 +This was one of the worst B-movies I have ever seen.,0 +I fell asleep on this stinker several times and I wasn't tired!,0 +"T How can you POSSIBLY justify dragging the thing out minute by minute, scene by scene of friggin' ENDLESS, completely MEANINGLESS, and mind numbingly SLOW dialog?",0 +And I don't even want to start on the subject of the historical relevance of this piece of cinematic waste.,0 +However the writers fluffed it completely.,0 +Very disappointed and wondered how it could be in the Oscar shortlist.,0 +That was cheesy.,0 +This movie surely wastes no precious screen time with a plot.,0 +"I am not sure why the female biker did what she did at the end, but hey it is a bad movie, you always get scenes that make little sense.",0 +You have to see this to detest it.,0 +"Its boring, Retarded, and annoying.",0 +"The movie in its entirety is very slow, dull and hence very boring.",0 +In fact beside the casting of beautiful actors (men and women) everything else is a failure in this movie.,0 +"Not only that, but the film is essentially endless incessant rambling in a horrendous, almost non-existent narrative structure.",0 +"In fact, the storyline itself is an absolute disaster, introducing way too many characters way too quickly with way too many plot devices.",0 +The direction by Wong is perhaps the all time worst in film history I've ever seen.,0 +"When they do happen, they're rendered in a jerky style in which it's difficult to make out exactly what's occurring on screen.",0 +"If you were expecting a major Hollywood movie with major stars, stellar budgets, and MPAA tamed money shots, you will be *very* disappointed.",0 +"After my friends passed out, I managed to collect $185 off of them and told them they spent it at the strip bar after we finished watching the awful movie.",0 +The plot is fairly predictable too and the premise that an alien craft would travel squillions of miles and crash land smack bang in the middle of an all-girls college campus - thus conveniently providing a rich source of perfect breeding victims - is utterly laughable.,0 +"When you come down to it, the only reason this film exists is to show off Britcom cutie pie Samantha Janus.",0 +Obviously set on the Isle of Man masquerading as the US - very badly - and full of cut-rate British actors who can't do American accents.,0 +"In fact, the film is actually very tame.",0 +Add more plot holes than plot.,0 +The script is a big flawed mess.,0 +"However, this one does it the worst!",0 +"However, for sheer unintentional laughs and pure camp value, it gets a 1.",0 +It's not worth the cardboard container that it came in....,0 +"Overall the jokes were poor, the improv was sophomoric, and the over-acting by Guest and company was campy...",0 +"I could go on and on about how little things were annoying and were just very bad such as the very few action sequences that came and went very quickly, the lack of character development and how poorly the whole thing was constructed in that department, the way that half the time you forget that Cusak's character is even a hit man at all as the element is so non-existent.",0 +"Frankly, I found this movie a drag from start to finish.",0 +The title doesn't make much sense to me.,0 +"See it, if you dare to have a disagreeable eye-opening about how sadly deprived we are of true religious leaders, to the extent that a clown like Gurdjieff could inspire such devotion - and be careful to have your blood pressure medicine at hand if you are one of those who still hope for a healthy religion to emerge from the ruins of Christianity, as a supreme example of cinematography at the entire service of the premises and pretenses of a dysfunctional cult.",0 +This film isn't worth the electricity it takes to run your DVD to watch it.,0 +"I hated every character in this show - Miranda was slutty, selfish and mumbled miserably through the appalling dialogue, her sister was a total wimp, and this was the worst depiction of manic-depression I have ever seen.",0 +It looks like a cross between a deranged chicken and Mortimer Snerd.,0 +the dialogue is very silly and ultimately forgettable.,0 +It looks like a deranged turkey!,0 +I barely did.,0 +"But this isn't just any old giant turkey – impervious to rockets, invisible to radar and with a taste for swallowing parachutists whole and pecking away at the United Nations Building, it's an extraterrestrial giant turkey from an anti-matter galaxy millions of miles from Earth that's come here to build a nest: ""No other explanation is possible"".",0 +"Unfortunately, THE GIANT CLAW can't even rise to a decent climax – which is so rushed as to be ""a wash-out"", to quote a jet pilot from the film itself whose assault with rockets on the bird proves completely ineffective (that is, before Morrow realizes that it's shielded by an invisible barrier and then has to figure out a way how to be able to penetrate it).",0 +It was simply AWFUL.,0 +"Largely forgettable monster film from the 50s features truly awful special effects -- the ""claw"" in question is a giant puppet that would make Jim Henson want to kill himself.",0 +"In addition to that, the dialogs are awful and the writing is just plain terrible.",0 +What is it?,0 +I didn't care much for the romantic angle as a 12 year old and the predictable plots.,0 +The script is so bad that everything the characters say to one another is ridiculous.,0 +"It could have been, but not if the plot is hopelessly silly and the monster looks like like a puppet that ran away from Sesame Street.",0 +"In fact, despite Ed Wood, Jr.and his dreadful films getting a lot of publicity, this turkey is every bit as bad as the worst of Wood.",0 +"This terrible moovie is fun on many levels - the moost obvious is the lame, fake-looking bird puppet which floats around the cheap sets, without ever flapping it wings (like it was on a string, perhaps?",0 +It doesn't have anything going for it.,0 +Without a shadow of a doubt this is and probably will always be the worst film i have ever had the missfortune to see my whole life.,0 +"But your budget is non-existent, your camera equipment is elderly and your stars are Joe Estevez (Martin Sheen's younger brother and a staple in really bad movies) and Todd Bridges from Different Strokes.",0 +"The movie tries to be a taut murder-thriller, but sort of just fails at that.",0 +it had absolutely no redeeming qualities.,0 +"There is no hiding the cheapness of this stinker, and calling it a 'film' would be doing the industry a big disservice.",0 +With David Arquette starring you would immediately think this to be a stupid movie.,0 +The rest of the storyline was really boring.,0 +5 out of 10,0 +"It was way too much, at least if you're looking for a monster movie and not just another parody movie filled with jokes.",0 +"This film was a big disappointed and not worth watching, unless there is nothing on the TV to ENJOY!",0 +"Nicole Eggert didn't look the part, didn't act the part, and was totally unconvincing as a mountain guide.",0 +"From the start, you know that there's some ulterior motive going on, but unfortunately the twists aren't good and lead to a laughably bad chase sequence that makes up the last 20 or 30 minutes of the movie.",0 +"Designed as a resourceful-woman-in-peril, action adventure yarn, it is so unintentionally funny (thanks in large part to Marc Singer's scenery-chewing hammy performance)that I thought I was watching a cross between ""Cliffhanger"" and ""Home Alone 5"".",0 +they look like amateurs.,0 +Even the unintentional comedy was poor.,0 +This one is totally devoid.,0 +Charlie amusingly manages to botch jobs as an actor and carpenter.,0 +"From opening statistics that make Rabbit Fever sound like a soft porn movie, we are treated to a sea of predictable sketches with real and imaginary characters in a world run amok with women's addiction to solitary pleasure.",0 +Sadly there's nothing that feels clever or new.,0 +"Completely unfunny, low budget, boring, rubbish script, terrible acting - The entire audience (young and old) sat through the film comatose without laughing for most of it...",0 +Not a balanced point of view.,0 +That might be true but by showing so much of Fujimori's take on the issues makes the movie clearly pro-Fujimori and unbalanced.,0 +The fact that she uses the same misleading information that Fujimori has been using for 10 years it is another example of how terrible this movie is.,0 +"To make it even worse, the director chose to not talk about the embarrassing involvement of the CIA with Fujimori's regime.",0 +"To make it even worse, the director chose to not talk about the embarrassing involvement of the CIA with Fujimori's regime.",0 +Then Jill Clayburgh discovers her son Matthew Barry is using heroin and the movie starts to unravel and then becomes outright laughable in its sickness.,0 +The movie drags on in search of a plot.,0 +Everything in between is awful.,0 +This is the worst movie I have ever seen in my entire life.,0 +"I expected much, but sadly this is a boring movie.",0 +"In truth though, there's a lack of dramatic tension throughout for which the action sequences don't fully compensate and you don't care a fig for any of the leading characters.",0 +However the problem is unless you`re a big fan of the sport there`s not a lot in DOWNHILL RACER to grab your attention .,0 +"Although there is a story here, Robert Redford's character, a skier trying to make the U.S. Olympic team, is so bland and unsympathetic that you wonder why to care about him at all.",0 +"A real let down, the novel is such a brilliant stomach churning journey into madness but this made for TV movie style nonsense is turgid and painfully slow.",0 +It's boring and pointless.,0 +The movie followed a descending curve from good to ordinary to bad to ludicrous by the time it concluded.,0 +"Anyway, this was the worst movie that I saw the past five years.",0 +The worst movie I have ever seen.,0 +"Many times, the movie seems like it is going to go full-on porn.",0 +This movie seems to be very low budget.,0 +"well, just awful.",0 +The Cat in The Hat failed to create even a momentary interest in me.,0 +"So he tries to do the same thing here, it's just that these comedy sketches are more like the stuff that they stick at the end of SNL, not funny, just painful.",0 +The children of tomorrow will be stuck with these histrionic and grotesque interpretations that will forever pollute the loving warmth and innocence of his books.,0 +It's difficult not to sit through this failure and wonder what better projects were passed over to fund it.,0 +"His voiceaccent is terrible and he laughs at his own jokes with an awful weasing sound, which is about the only laughing I heard at the theater.",0 +"""The Cat in the Hat"" sucks all of the interest and spark out of the story, and Mike Myer's performance as the Cat is mostly bewildering.",0 +"From the acting, direction, scriptwriting and art direction this film is just entirely ill conceived and the money would have been better spent on shoes for land mine victims.",0 +Here is a movie that doesn't appeal either to children or adults as the jokes are too perverse for children and falls completely flat for entertainment purposes for adults.,0 +The sets are ugly and the cinematography is very poor.,0 +The casting and overall look of the movie are the only saving graces.,0 +But this film is just so bad I can't even describe how badly they made this film.,0 +This movie has made me upset!,0 +Those three lines sum up this crappy little film that can only attract idiot children and their parents to the cinema.,0 +This film was horrible - the gags were horrible!,0 +The rest of the movie is just as bad.,0 +"The acting, overall, is horrible.",0 +It was a complete piece Hollywood trash.,0 +"The other films being 'Troll 2' and 'Fast and Furious', both which are better than this crap in the hat.",0 +"I have to say, visually it was interesting, but the brilliant visual story is ruined by toilet humor (if you even think that kind of thing is funny) I DON'T want the kids that I know to think it is.",0 +But it turned out to be the the biggest let down.,0 +"This film is worse than 911, worse than Hitler, worse than Vllad the Impaler, worse than people who put kittens in microwaves.",0 +"It was the worst ""kids"" movie I have seen.",0 +This film is a cartoonish piece of snot with bright colors and bad mediocre acting.,0 +"No redeeming features, this film is rubbish.",0 +"The plot drags on and on, and viewers must suffer through poor dialogue.",0 +"Crude and inappropriate humor, some scary parts, and a sickening side story about the mom's boyfriend wanting to send the boy away to military school to get him out of the way makes this totally inappropriate for the kids who will most likely want to see it because of the book (3-8) yr olds.",0 +The humor is totally inappropriate for children - plus they'll be bored and disappointed.,0 +I lost track of how many terrible jokes in the movie that not only sucked but weren't exactly kid appropriate.,0 +I was disappointed.,0 +'The 4th Floor' is a decidedly mediocre film starring Juliette Lewis as a young interior designer with a heck of a problem neighbor.,0 +"The only surprise to have any impact on me was its final snagging of the indeterminate ending cliche: will Jane keep her appointment with her attempted rescuer, who will tell her the (obvious to the audience) identity of the 2nd conspirator, propelling her into another round of hysterical victim-play.",0 +"Unfortunately, this movie is absolutely terrible.",0 +The suspense is laughable.,0 +The movement of the characters seemed to jerky and puppet like.,0 +"The ""talents"" here will subject you to a painful mix of under- and- overacting, and practically all the scenes were terribly contrived and pretentious.",0 +"The acting was unconvincing to say the least, especially from actor Craig Fong, who couldn't have acted stiffer.",0 +"The film tries to take advantage of Malaysia's wondrously diverse ethnic mix, but unfortunately the manner in which these aspects were put to film either seemed terribly contrived or downright preachy.",0 +"While it had some good features, for the most part I found this movie to be heavy handed, predictable, and, worst of all, not in the least bit scary.",0 +"Pure, unadulterated rubbish!",0 +I paused several times out of sheer unbelief that the acting was that bad.,0 +It should be in the comedy section but you'll find it with kid movies if you find it at all.,0 +This film is not anywhere near good.,0 +It wasn't even funny at all.,0 +This has to be one of the worst films I have ever seen.,0 +The visual effects border on the cheap side & the musical score is low-key & shrill.,0 +The movie isn't so awful as it is just empty and repetitive.,0 +"CyberTracker was a waste of my time, there is nothing here original or exciting & the action is instantly forgettable.",0 +"The whole movie is sloppy like this and completely anticlimactic since Don easily blows up an ""unstoppable"" Cybertracker about 25 minutes into the movie.",0 +"Surely, audience ""maangey more"" and here film fails to deliver.",0 +"I was expecting a lot from Mr.Amitabh Bachan's role of SARKAR, but am disappointed.",0 +"The dialogue seems stilted, and appears to be forced to fit some Bowery pattern of speech--a 4 for dialogue.",0 +"When your free-flowing camera tries to make every frame look hatke and your loud background score irritates incessantly, we keep getting reminded that we are in a Factory.",0 +This one feels more like an insult.,0 +There are so many things wrong about this movie that one needs to stop and decide where to start- first and worst - the music.,0 +"] The flow of the movie was generally dullbecause scenes from the Godfather were created (like the policeman slapping Abhishek Bacchan), the older brother being killed by Abhishek (like Fredo was killed on instructions of Pacino) but too much was sought to be packed into the movie with too little story and depth to go with it.",0 +I'm a huge Zack Allan fan and was disappointed that he only got one scene in the movie.,0 +"In visual allure, Stefan (Lukas Gregorowicz) looks cool enough riding his tan six-series BMW two-door, wearing aviator shades, going nowhere.",0 +"I couldn't understand one single character in the whole film, they just seemed flat and implausible.",0 +The effect isn't really chilling or funny or ironic anything that you'd like it to be - it's mostly just hamfisted and crappy.,0 +"Either he had zero budget for effects, or he just didn't care enough to think up any way of showing it.",0 +"The Fulci-penned script also contrives to incorporate a few blackly comedic elements - which only result in some unfunny business involving a corpse which won't stay put, an opera singer victim who won't stop singing, etc.",0 +"At any rate this film stinks, its not funny, and Fulci should have stayed with giallo and supernatural zombie movies.",0 +"The lighting is poor, the cinematography super-ugly, the editing clumsy and amateurish and the acting performances are downright miserable.",0 +What the hell is that ending all about?,0 +The actors pretty much realized how ridiculous the show was and pretty much ham it up and overact.,0 +"But apart from that, it's just not very interesting.",0 +"Instead of commenting on or subverting the issue, as with his treatment of paedophilia in Bad Education, it feels forced and unconvincing amid the film's chick-flick sentimentality.",0 +I believe the director portrayed the mother this way to heighten the already existent supernatural beliefs the city had adopted.,0 +I do not get the point and the lip-sync was awful.,0 +"The director should be forced to wear a dunce cap, and the Spirit of Ed Wood Jr. couldn't save this semi-professional projection from certain failure.",0 +"The rest of the cast is simply horrible, although some of the blame for this should go to Waye's script and direction.",0 +"It is just a dead lifeless movie that after you've watched it, you feel you could have done anything better.",0 +"It's an exercise in apathy; we get a party-mix of characters, and they all turn out to be duds.",0 +"None of the characters are in the least bit sympathetic, with the possible exception of Eloise (wonderfully portrayed by Lacey Chabert, the only bright spot in this dismal failure).",0 +"She's essentially playing a version of herself in this film, and doing a damn poor job of it.",0 +"T&A Nudity Factorhahaha, they couldn't even add in any nudity to help spice up this movie, probably because no one would want to bear their body for this crap.",0 +"But after actually watching this awful waste of a VHS tape, and not knowing who the tart was, I was surprised that the movie was only an hour and a half.",0 +"Poorly scripted, acted and totally unbelievable.",0 +"Sadly, she can't pull that off either.",0 +"But no effort, no matter how great, could possibly redeem this pitiful excuse for a movie.",0 +"The casting was horrid, the underlying symbolism and themes were so far lost that no critic could find them (nor the characters), and the stories were vague and sloppy.",0 +I gave this film 2 out of 10 for 2 scenes that I will never forget.....,0 +"It was so disjointed - it seemed to jump from place to place - and the ""thief"" was obvious.",0 +"But I did not have that option, so it gets a 1.",0 +"""Tart"" is a pathetic attempt at film making which wanders around and among a bunch of Manhattan teens exploring all the usual teen preppie stuff...",0 +I'm not even going to waste more time describing how bad this movie is.,0 +"The section would read: ""Movies for lonely older men who like to watch young girls being naughty and wearing fetish clothes"" I guess dominique swain, after lolita nd now this, is establishing herself as the queen of the dirty old man genre.",0 +"The entire cast is dragged down by a boring, trite plot and dialogue.",0 +"The movie kills its first opportunity to show off sexy Jane when it places her in a bubble bath and then has her chastely singing ""I'll Be Switched (If I Ain't Gettin' Hitched)""--and it's all downhill from there.",0 +"This one starts with about an hour of filler where not much happens, with stilted dialogue; only in the last act is there any significant action that really moves the plot along.",0 +"Ward and Dalton aren't so bad, but Alicia Witt's wooden performance made me wince.",0 +I wanted to laugh out loud at the voice-overs - so silly!,0 +"The acting in the film is not very good, although that may be a result of a script so poorly worded that it could have been ghost written by George Lucas.",0 +Character development was awful...,0 +This is just 1 poor movie.,0 +The acting was poor and robotic.,0 +"This movie was terrible not only was the plot weak, but the acting was unbelievable bad, and at times pathetic.",0 +The mildly interesting plot was seriously hampered by the crappy dialogue.,0 +"You know, I didn't expect much from this film, but it didn't have a good story, it wasn't even funny and it was senseless.",0 +This is a waste of time and money.,0 +This has to be one of the worst movies I've ever seen in my life.,0 +"Fatally flawed, ""Mob Boss"" is so derivative that boredom quickly overcomes comedy and the film drags on with car chases, hidden weapons in a restaurant bathroom, and numerous other nonsense.",0 +"This is a terrible attempt to parody The Godfather with annoying cartoon sounds, and bad dialogue.",0 +"That's about the only redeeming quality in a movie that otherwise insults the viewer's intelligence by losing track of time, plot, and reason for being produced.",0 +"Bad acting, the fake documentary set up, nonsensical plot, and rudderless direction all combine to make a terrible, terrible film.",0 +"I am usually a bleeding heart for these low budget films but this one, this one didn't even try.",0 +But the real problem with this film is that it switches moods every fifteen minutes or so and lacks any kind of cohesion.,0 +This is the worst film Larry Clark has made yet.,0 +"I'm not even going to get into it, this movie sucks.",0 +"But then just as quickly, it unravels into a direction-less mess.",0 +"He tries to be edgy and realistic with his minimal dialog and body-hair close-ups, but these characters and this story are completely unrealistic.",0 +"Then it degenerates into windy dialogue uttered by no-name actors with lapsing Scottish accents, not to mention a soundtrack that will do nothing for the much-maligned bagpipe.",0 +"The story was pointless, acting was 100% garbage, the only up side was the cool mechanical Nessie they used.",0 +"OMG, another bad film by Larry Buchanan.",0 +I had seen some bad movies on TV in the early 80s but I had never seen something so totally inept and so casually and thoughtlessly constructed that it seemed like the people who made it spent less time and effort on it than we did watching it.,0 +What can I say about a movie as bad as this?,0 +"""Loch Ness Horror"" is an overall boring flick with only a couple of noteworthy elements.",0 +"So it appeared from the likable title sequence and a few neat touches in the opening scene, but the film very quickly ground to a halt and became vaguely tedious and wholly unsatisfying.",0 +"My Lord, but he's just one of a whole slew of awful, awful actors that appear in this turkey.",0 +"Steve fails constantly, the bikers get greasier, and the whole thing never comes off as daring because it's so dull.",0 +What could come through as being unpredictable only comes through with stupid things like the name of the Florida town ('Citrusville' ho-ho).,0 +To give away plot would exhaust my energy so I'll just say you're better off skipping this one.,0 +"But what REALLY makes ""Wild Rebels"" an awful movie is the direction by William Grefé (note the accent over the final ""e,"" present in his on-screen credit), which has absolutely no sense of pace whatsoever and seems to let every shot run at least half again as long as it needs to to make its dramatic point.",0 +"If you're looking for a movie that examines how undermanned rural police departments are when facing a well-financed, well-organized gang, Wild Rebels is the wrong movie.",0 +"There are plenty of careless technical gaffes: terrible 'day-for-night' scenes that occur in broad daylight, squealing tires in a swamp, fire sirens mistakenly stuck on the soundtrack instead of police sirens, a bank sign made of duct tape on a ceiling tile, a Luger that sounds like a Winchester 30-06, shotgun blasts that cut down people 100 yards away, a detective killing a biker on a 3rd floor landing from the ground with a revolver with a 2 inch barrel.",0 +"There's nothing really to endear you to Rod, even the situation he's thrown into is pretty stupid.",0 +"What I recall mostly is that it was just so beautiful, in every sense - emotionally, visually, editorially - just gorgeous.",1 +"Each on surprises us with their humanity, vulgarity, tenderness, anger, and spirit.",1 +"All in all, the film's strength remains in the structure of the screenplay which is above average in terms of international cinema.",1 +It is indeed a very touching and powerful story -- the images and characters will stay with you a long time after you leave the theatre.,1 +"A stunningly well-made film, with exceptional acting, directing, writing, and photography.",1 +"Overall, a well done movie.",1 +This is a very challenging and adult film.,1 +"Even so, it's a very beautiful picture, and a strong voice from a strong director.",1 +"Superb, disturbing, provocative, taboo shattering.",1 +one of best movies ever...,1 +I recommend this strongly,1 +"Fire is a brilliantly directed story of the second option, which women choose for themselves, no sacrifice, not to serve anybody else, rather a decision for their own good.",1 +Its a very sensitive portrayal of life with unquenched or constrained desires.,1 +I admire Deepa Mehta and this movie is a masterpiece.,1 +This was a bold movie to hit Indian cinemas when it was released.,1 +"All in all, the movie is excellent, and delves far deeper than just two women rolling in bed.",1 +"For all that has been said about the subject matter, and the controversy that surrounded it, please do not overlook what I feel to be the most important part of the film: the salient struggles of everyone to keep their pride through their trials.",1 +"Deepa Mehta's ""Fire"" is groundbreaking, bold, and artistic.",1 +The theme is controversial and the depiction of the hypocritical and sexually starved india is excellent.,1 +The movie is beautifully filmed and enhanced by the musical score by A.R. Rahman.,1 +But I can truly say that Fire is also one of the really beautiful and brilliant films I've seen.,1 +"All in all, brilliant use of symbolic devices (Radha compared to Sita of legend and coming out of Fire unscathed and, therefore pure; the lifelong desire of the young Radha to see the ocean finally achieved when she gains freedom).",1 +Very nice.,1 +I think best is yet to come.,1 +Von Ancken stimulates and inspires with this breathtaking and superbly executed adaptation of Tobias Wolff's 1995 New Yorker article of the same name.,1 +"Despite these complaints, there is no denying that Bullet In The Brain is a quite stupendous work compared to many short, and even full length films.",1 +See this weird film--it's amazingly compelling and not like anything I've ever seen before.,1 +A beautiful short film.,1 +"This movie, with all its complexity and subtlety, makes for one of the most thought-provoking short films I have ever seen.",1 +This short deals with a severely critical writing teacher whose undiplomatic criticism extends into his everyday life.,1 +He loves it and claimed it was hilarious.,1 +"It is a joyous bittersweet, beautifully animated film that tugs at your heart.",1 +"This is a masterpiece, and a must-see whether or not you are Canadian.",1 +"This marvelous short will hit home with everyone who, as a child, specifically asked for something because it was hip or cool, only to be given something that would mark you for life with your peers and were told by your Mom or Dad (or both) that it didn't matter, as you earnestly began considering enlisting in a Witness Protection Program in order to avoid ridicule.",1 +"Highly entertaining, amusing, and accurate.",1 +Very clever and memorable.,1 +Watch this film with your family it is a great movie.,1 +I was laughing the whole time and this is one of the best animated shorts I've seen.,1 +"This is a piece of cinematic beauty, and it shows more of Quebec culture to others than probably any other work to come from la belle province.",1 +This is arguably Smits best performance.,1 +Thank you so very much.,1 +It deals with reality.,1 +This was a excellent movie.,1 +This is an excellent movie that takes into account a very special family with very important needs.,1 +"I will not reveal more, but it is a very in-depth movie and will intrigue you for sure.",1 +I recommend this one.,1 +Director Bob McKimson offers endless laughters by means of absurd and unexpected demonstrative humour.,1 +"About half the gags are stupid and the other half funny, but always fast-moving, colorful and good enough to recommend.",1 +"Nero the lion turns out to be a pretty good foil for Bugs and that turns this short into a highly memorable one, if still shorn of a classic.",1 +This brilliant opening is a sign of things to come.,1 +It's wonderful.,1 +"It is haunting, I find, and beautiful in many ways.",1 +"The score is one of Henry Mancini's best (and he has written many wonderful ones), several songs are sung to perfection by Andrews, Julie's performance is nuanced and she is decked out in some beautiful clothes, (she is at her absolutely loveliest here), the on-location shots are breath-taking, and there are some funny Inspector Clouseau-type sight gags to boot.",1 +"), it's magnificent, marvellous, amazing, funny, terribly romantic, sad, and just an all-out thrill and its all thanks to Dame Julie Andrews!",1 +"Julie Andrews gives a mesmerizing performance at the beginning and end of this film with the ""Whistling in the Dark"" production number.",1 +The costumes and scenery extraordinarily lavish.,1 +I always loved this film.,1 +It's beautiful!,1 +julie andrews was excellant and i sure don't understand why this movie had problems at the box office when it came out because it just makes me happy at the end to have everybody singing.,1 +"The plot line during World War I, is great and suspenseful one.",1 +"Overall, the film is very entertaining.",1 +"I liked it so well, I went back to see it several times..",1 +It was a beautiful showcase of Andrew's voice and talent.,1 +Darling Lili is a mixture of Perfection and Magic!,1 +"Julie is, as usual, wonderful - singing and acting brilliantly.",1 +"It's beautifully shot, has wonderful costumes and interiors, and exciting aerial dogfights.",1 +"This was a touching, heartfelt film with a wonderful cast.",1 +"No matter what hard times these people are going through, but Nanny's house is full of laughter and that glorious music that takes us back to that era.",1 +"The story revolves around Nanny's relationships with all kinds of people, played by some of the best actors in the business (I purposely did not say black actors--this ensemble is a stunning array of talent who happen to be black, except for Jimmy Smits, of course) I recommend this film as a fun and colorful look at a bygone day.",1 +"Superb editing, outstanding acting, especially by Epatha Merkerson, and highly enjoyable musical soundtrack.",1 +"Highly interesting not only its strong characterizations of Nanny and the people who lived at her boardinghouse, but also it gives us a look at what life and community were like for African Americans in the 1950's, prior to integration, and the good and bad sides of segregation and how it ultimately affected and changed the Black community.",1 +"The central characters were strong and believable, the settings were realistic and brought back personal memories of a by-gone era.",1 +"Great acting, great sets, great music, beautiful storyline.",1 +This was a great movie.,1 +"This movie was very good, not great but very good.",1 +"The casting was perfect, the characters purposeful, and the performances outstanding.",1 +This was absolutely one of the best movies I've seen.,1 +Full of an accurate portrayal of recent history and very real characters who weathered incredible pain -- with dignity and a belief in a better future.,1 +Lackawanna Blues is a very moving film depicting an era filled with varying emotions and characters as seen through the eyes of a young boy.,1 +Thanks for such a great movie.,1 +Their chemistry together was amazing.,1 +I was thoroughly impressed with the actress who played Nanny.,1 +Just a great soundtrack.,1 +The editing made the story more progressive and captivating.,1 +"The movie moves rapidly and is short by todays standards, but it is without question one of the best movies you're going to see this year.",1 +It was so well executed.,1 +"What a wonderful film, filled with eccentric, unique characters who are wonderfully realized by a great ensemble cast.",1 +"Touching,alive,entrancing-a great mix of sound and story- based on a true story featuring an All-Star cast.",1 +"This is a worthy, elegant presentation of African-American life and is most assuredly destined to become a classic.",1 +"S. Epatha Merkerson shines as Nanny in this touching and vibrant look at the life of Ruben Santiago, Jr. (Marcus Franklin) while growing up under the guardianship of Nanny.",1 +This is by far one of the best biographical films of recent times.,1 +"Merkeson is nothing short of magnificent, in a performance that earned her a Golden Globe and an Emmy Award.",1 +It's cinema very at its best.,1 +"Imperfect but likable, good film for a rainy day.",1 +"She epitomized strength, will power, confidence and resolve.",1 +"This brilliant film ignites the screen with rich colors, fine music, brilliant editing, superb direction by George C. Wolfe, and a cast so stunning that they make an encore viewing compulsory!",1 +"There is a wonderful scene where Sir and Madge talk about old desires, old regrets, and what might have been.",1 +Very well done indeed.,1 +"A great screenplay based on one of the finest plays of the latter half of the 20th century, two fine emotional performances by Courtney and Finney, a realistic vision of war time london, a great supporting cast.",1 +I really enjoyed seeing this truly magnificent film in the theater when it came out.,1 +"Both the play and the movie are wondrous: moving, intelligent, illuminating--of the backstage story of the company, of historical context, of the two main characters, and of the parallel characters in ""Lear"" itself.",1 +"The period is well captured, the supporting cast well chosen.",1 +"While tragic overall, the story is told with a lot of humor and emotions run high throughout.",1 +It's not a big movie but is assuredly a great one.,1 +Really a must see.,1 +"The implicit portrait of a society still clinging to an older moral order, and the sympathy of the character racked and ruined by the cruelties of that order, of necessity trapped in the enclosed world of the theatre; and the knowledge we have of how much of it all would be swept away after the war makes this film all the more poignant, for all its flaws.",1 +"""The Dresser"" is a small but absolutely wonderful film, brilliantly acted by Albert Finney and Tom Courtenay.",1 +The sheer power of the acting performances by the whole troupe was incredible and quite spellbinding.,1 +This is one of my three all-time favorite movies.,1 +"The gritty style of Peter Yates that worked so well in ""Bullitt"" is again on display, and gives the film a sense of realism and coherence.",1 +Brilliant and moving performances by Tom Courtenay and Peter Finch.,1 +"These two actors came into this film with a serious, focused attitude that shone through in what I thought was one of the best films I've seen this year.",1 +"But for the most part, the movie tells the tale of two lives that come together, and after some time, help each other heal old wounds.",1 +The human frailties and strengths of their respective characters were incredibly played by both; the scene when Costner confronts Kutcher with the personal reasons why Kutcher joined the Coast Guard rescue elite was the film's most unforgettable emotional moment.,1 +It was a great story first of all.,1 +"However, the use of humor, the exploration of the toughness of the training and the fun of watching Ben Randall ""do his own thing as a trainer"", kept me riveted and thoroughly entertained.",1 +"Efficiently mixing tense, exciting rescue scenes, drama, humor, and solid acting, The Guardian is easily a film that I dare say the majority of audiences will enjoy.",1 +"Overall, it was a good movie and I would recommend seeing it.",1 +But her presence on screen is a pleasure.,1 +I'm a Petty Officer 1st Class (E-6) and have been in the USCG for 6 years and feel that this movie strongly represents the Coast Guard.,1 +"Very entertaining, very action packed, definitely worth seeing.",1 +"The rescues and sea effects were amazing to watch and definitely provided edge of the seat tense moments, probably all the more so knowing that there are guys who do this for a living.",1 +"Overall, I liked the fact that the movie brought forward some of what goes into saving lives from a water perspective.",1 +This films is Truly Exceptional!,1 +Costner carries the movie swimmingly with the best of Costner's ability.,1 +The movie was very enjoyable and fun.,1 +It was a great movie all around.,1 +"This movie was great, and I suggest that you go see it before you judge.",1 +It features a Romeo and Juliet romance and unbeatable animation.,1 +"See this today,.",1 +"When I saw this film, it reminded me of all the greatest dreams i had (mostly filled with robots)I can relate to Eledore's problems and I have a similarity to Shiro, and this is a great film to watch (if you're a Goth who is bitter and eccentric like me!",1 +In it he dances with a pale reflection of himself and the choreography is dazzling and intricate.,1 +The movie also does a good job of showcasing the talents that all three principals had.,1 +The story is great.,1 +"It's enjoyable, with great songs and cute numbers and lots of pretty girls to look at.",1 +"Great Musical and a film you will not want to miss, this is truly a great Classic Film.",1 +It epitomises the exuberance and colour of the musical genre.,1 +This is one of the best musicals of the 1940s.,1 +This is a very good movie with no dull spots.,1 +This prefigures much of his later work and also stands an effective and memorable scene in and of itself.,1 +She's really one of the few truly beautiful women from the classic era.,1 +I really like this film because of all the stars and the dancing and the story that goes along with it.,1 +"Rita Hayworth lights up the screen in this fun, fancy and delightful musical starring Gene Kelly.",1 +"'Cover Girl' is a delightful romantic comedy, very naive and having magnificent parts, such as the beauty and talented Rita Hayworth dancing, singing and acting; Gene Kelly, specially in two scenes, dancing with himself and with Rusty and Genius on the street; the songs and the choreography of the dances are also spectaculars.",1 +"One of my favorites non-MGM musicals, it's a classic!",1 +The dance routines are marvelously choreographed.,1 +"Don't miss this one, great entertainment.",1 +"This was Gene Kelly's breakthrough, and that alone makes it memorable.",1 +"Though I strongly feel that SITR is the best Gene Kelly movie, but this a pretty good one.",1 +she's simply breathtaking in glorious Technicolor.,1 +The film holds up well after all these years.,1 +"However, Cover Girl is still very entertaining and easy to recommend.",1 +"The most notable feature of this film is the chemistry between the actors, the sense of camaraderie in their dialogue and dances.",1 +Another treat is the perfect faux-NYC sets in the best Hollywood tradition.,1 +One night I was listening to talk radio and they had Leslie Nielsen on the program.,1 +"After all, this show is made by the same crew responsible for Airplane and other hilarious and brilliant movies.",1 +Extremely funny.,1 +"Of course, there's no doubt that Naked Gun (the first film) is one of the great comedies of theatrical cinema.",1 +"I found it much better than the films, and I thought the films were great!",1 +as the absolute funniest TV show of the 1980s.,1 +"' took off, Jim Abrahams, Jerry and David Zucker cast one of its stars - Leslie Nielsen - in this hilarious television series, a glorious take-off of old U.S. detective shows such as 'Dragnet'.",1 +"For me, Police Squad, even 20+ years later, is the funniest thing I've ever seen on TV.",1 +Highly recommended!,1 +"After reading over all these reviews I'm very surprised to see that no one has even once noted that this show was based on the 1957 to 1960 NBC cop show ""M Squad"" starring Lee Marvin, i read reviews comparing it to ""Dragnet"" and some of the Quinn Martin police shows, but if you watch M Squad you'll see it was based on it.",1 +") They put a bunch of their set pieces onto celluloid as'KENTUCKY FRIED MOVIE'(1977), which was long, irreverent, sophomoric and really funny.",1 +The show is a treasure trove of hilarious dialog and quotable quote-ables.,1 +and I think its great!,1 +Really funny.,1 +The characters are a delight.,1 +"when it first came on ABC in 1982 and I thought it was a very funny show, thanks to the many sight gags, non sequitors and scripts filled with word play.",1 +"Two years after the success of 'Airplane', Jim Abrahams and Jerry & David Zucker created this brilliant sitcom starring the great Leslie Nielsen as plain clothed detective 'Frank Drebin'.",1 +Nothing like this was seen on TV at that time and probably never will again.,1 +I was hooked from that moment.,1 +"All the more remarkable coming from the Soviet Union, and reason to conclude that Tarkovsky is not the last word in modern-era Soviet cinema.",1 +"This film featured brilliant, breathtaking, and extremely mobile camera work from his extraordinary cinematographer Sergei Uresevsky, using spectacular crane and tracking shots, images of wartime, battlefields, Moscow and crowded streets that are extremely vivid and real.",1 +It's a film about ordinary people who war happens to and the choices they make in dealing with it.,1 +This movie is a classic of Soviet cinema and a outstanding picture of one of the greatest human tragedies : war.,1 +"Add to this the truly magnificent acting, and it's easy to understand why this movie is so famous.",1 +"The level of emotions through the film varies quite a lot: happiness -love-war- despair-joy, but in the end you remain with something quite unique: the joy of seeing one masterpiece of filmmaking.",1 +"I was almost mesmerised by the quality of the film, the story it told and the way it was told.",1 +It is sublime and beautifully filmed.,1 +"The camera-work is amazing, with sophisticated planes and angles, and long traveling.",1 +A true masterpiece of the Soviet cinematography.,1 +"Individual sequences are equally impressive - two in particular: the stunning scene, frenetically edited and sped-up to boot, in which the girl saves an abandoned boy from being trampled by a truck; and the young man's premature demise in an unfortunate incident at the front, undoubtedly one of the best of its kind I've ever watched (with the sun moving away from him, symbolizing the life that's seeping out of his body, as he imagines the wedding day he'll never have!",1 +That makes it all the more remarkable.,1 +It's a very moving love story about a girl's deep love for a man who is suddenly swept away by his role as a soldier drafted in wartime Russia.,1 +A devastatingly romantic movie with a heart-stopping performance by Samoilova.,1 +"'The Cranes are Flying' is both an invigorating visual feast and an audacious, humanistic portrayal of war.",1 +"This is a truly incredible movie, worthy of all the praise the critics and those on this site have heaped on it.",1 +"This is a brilliant sequence, filmed with silent, Expressionistic terror, in which the screen seems to burst with hysteria and violence, all the more compelling for the earlier scenes' wistful gentleness.",1 +"In the beginning Veronica and Boris experience such a promise of happiness, and their eyes follow the path of the cranes in exhilaration.",1 +"Samojlova does a magnificent job, and her character transformation will break your heart.",1 +It's just one part of an overall masterpiece of tone and style; The Cranes are Flying shows how successful placement and mise en scène can be in showing the audience what it needs in as simple a way as possible.,1 +Fabulous cinematography from Sergei Urusevsky help to make this a stunning piece of work.,1 +It's a very touching and powerful piece.,1 +I am humbled and grateful to see this film.,1 +It's a powerful and delicate love story that takes its place in the Second World War.,1 +"This is a magnificent, and in many ways impressive film.",1 +"This movie did a very good job showing the human impact of the war not only in the battlefield, but also how it affected the civilian population.",1 +"But we do continue to follow Veronika as she searches the faces of harried recruits and their emotionally racked women, all extras, and each one a gem of riveting Stanislavskian behavior.",1 +This film is undoubtedly one of the greatest landmarks in history of cinema.,1 +"Stunning, memorable camera movement, and an ending that has an emotional punch that leaves Hollywood films far behind.",1 +"Some of the many magnificently framed, moving shots include the scene where the camera follows Veronika through a crowd of loved ones saying goodbye to each other as she rushes through the mob of bodies to say goodbye to Boris..",1 +It is a movie to be watched again and again and will inspire you and enrich your life without a doubt.,1 +It is also based on a true story.,1 +"I saw it the first time when I was like 11 years old and it was the best movie i had ever seen, and you know what?",1 +"Despite its shortcomings, ""Skeleton Frolics"" is a very funny and visually breathtaking film, that while not exactly the most original and fresh film (one just can't help but thinking of ""The Skeleton Dance"" while watching it), it definitely reminds us that Iwerk's skeletons are still here to haunt us, and inspire us.",1 +"Still, Skeleton Frolics is well worth seeing for any animation buff who wants to compare this with the earlier Silly Symphony.",1 +"Interesting cartoon, included on the DVD of ""The Lost Skeleton of Cadavra"".",1 +"On the contrary, I enjoyed it very much and I was pleasantly surprised by the ingeniousness and surprise twists it offers.",1 +This movie is just incredible.,1 +"This film won't be seen by many, but for fans of 80's horror it's a must.",1 +"Bloody Birthday does deliver some good chills and suspense, while managing to be a competent killer thriller with some strange qualities.",1 +"I know I said that before, but I'm truly surprised by this.",1 +This movie is great.,1 +"All in all, this baby sizes up as a sturdy and satisfying slasher item.",1 +"This is an overall good horror flick, its not too unrealistic, there are a few good moments of suspense and the kids portrayed the roles well, (the grown-ups are pretty hammy though).",1 +It's a very recommendable and underrated 80s horror flick.,1 +"All three of the child actors - Elizabeth Hoy, Billy Jacoby, and Andy Freeman - are chillingly convincing.",1 +That's the story in a nutshell.,1 +"I thought I was going to watch another Friday The 13th or a Halloween rip off, But I was surprised, It's about 3 psycho kids who kill, There's not too many movies like that, I can think of Mikey, Children Of The Corn and a few others, It's not the greatest horror movie but it's a least worth a rent.",1 +"There is also no gore or scares in ""Bloody Birthday"",but the film is mildly entertaining.",1 +Also helping the film out of the hole that some people would think it's silly plot dug it into is the fact that it's extremely entertaining.,1 +"Not for the squeamish, but the number of twists, inventive uses of situations using vampire mythology, gorgeous visual extremes, together with interesting and quirky characters make this one of the most stunning horror films I've ever seen.",1 +"His films are brutal, poetic, tragic, and artistic, with splashes of very grim humor.",1 +ThirstI found that this film was beautifully crafted.,1 +"Jaw-dropping violence, tasteful gore, great humour, incredible suspense and even very realistic sex scenes.",1 +"The final sequence, easily one of the best of the decade, is simultaneously heartbreaking and delightfully ridiculous.",1 +See it.,1 +"A very stylistic and though provoking movie, that lives outside the mainstream and does a very good job ...",1 +A very interesting take on the genre indeed.,1 +This is just a great film.,1 +"Our leads play their roles to perfection, playing with our emotions and revelling in the dark humour.",1 +"), the humor is dark and hilarious, the acting is intense and moody- especially from subtle strokes from Song Kang-ho and the quirky evil and surprising vulnerability from Kim OK-vin, and the ending, when it does finally get there, is one of those truly superb vampire-movie endings you'll be talking about for years, in a good way.",1 +"In my eyes, he's not only a brilliant director but a brilliant director who can turn his hand to any genre and often provides something refreshing yet still ultimately satisfying.",1 +But the last 40 minutes or so are surprisingly gory.,1 +"He's also quite artistically-inclined with regards to cinematography, and his movies are among the more gorgeous that I've seen.",1 +"A really interesting story, with fantastic characters and beautiful cinematography.",1 +"It's that simple, and that complex, at the same time.",1 +"Fragile, but lovely Femme fatale!",1 +"The movie, I think, is still quite a complex examination of the lengths one will go to remain attached to an object of affection(lust).",1 +"This movie is gritty, selfless, and beautiful in all the wrong ways.",1 +the strangest to comprehend yet darkly intriguing!,1 +"Overall, Bakjwi is delightfully dark, morbid and original.",1 +html Thanks and hope you enjoyed reading above.,1 +") by turns, were among the best in the film.",1 +"Park creates a uniquely Korean, and uniquely Park, vision of the vampire mythos and asks the audience to explore the dilemma of a Catholic priest discovering himself having a thirst for blood and the moral and spiritual crisis that would develop.",1 +the very strong and well acted love scenes.,1 +Every shot is filled with vibrant colors that leap off of the screen.,1 +It perfectly captures the feeling and emotion of deep passionate love (and lust).,1 +"Park-wook has really, really mastered his cinematography in this film, and owes a lot to Stanley Kubrick; there are a whole lot of beautiful shots strewn throughout the film, some for simple effects and some that require several glances and probably repeated views to fully catch.",1 +This film powerfully demonstrates the struggle of two women in love in a culture so deeply entrenched in ritual and tradition.,1 +Her quiet beauty and low-key psychic suffering was excellent.,1 +"The thing which makes ""Fire"" even more appealing to watch apart from its magical artistry, is its touch of femininism and rebellion.",1 +"This intelligent, moving and beautiful film is a study in the ways people react to tradition (reminds me of William Faulkner's novels).",1 +This is the finest film i've seen in the past ten years; very highly recommended!,1 +"And for starters there is the start, a profoundly beautiful and slick telling of the really the whole story, the gist of it.",1 +"I love the film as gallows comedy, tautly told, with many ironic twists and visual pleasures--even if it's ""unbelievable"".",1 +Highly recommended to anyone wishing to undertake a brilliantly made but superbly entertaining film experience!,1 +"It abounds with doubt, ambiguity, and wit.",1 +"This is one of Alfred Hitchcock's best films, and one of his most underrated.",1 +"Strangers on a Train"" is a very deep movie but more importantly this is another excellent Hitchcock thriller.",1 +The action throughout the movie proceeds at a great pace and the performances of Robert Walker and Patricia Hitchcock (as the Senator's younger daughter) are particularly powerful.,1 +Go watch it with.,1 +It's a wonderfully simple plot actually.,1 +"Mixing all dark elements of ""high society"", with a wealthy psychopath Bruno, and an ambitious tennis player wanna be politician, Guy, the story is one of the most well constructed and guided by Hitch, inspiring many filmmakers, not only with its plot, but with tricky images provoking dark smiles and happy nightmares.",1 +"There's a sense of integrity about Bruno, in his dogged dedication, which commands our respect and which Hitchcock plays to so brilliantly.",1 +"The first time I saw it I was just blown away by the suspense, action and imagery.",1 +Very good!,1 +"Robert Walker is absolutely chilling, his performance takes the film where Hitchcock wanted it to go.",1 +The plot is excellent; one of the best and most universal ever.,1 +Has aged really well - still thrilling and suspenseful today.,1 +'Strangers on a Train' has one of the most exciting endings of all Hitchcock movies.,1 +This is a well-crafted piece from everyone's favorite master of suspense.,1 +It's been said before--Strangers on a Train is Hitchcock's best movie--and he's made so many good ones!,1 +Another fast moving Hitchcock movie with lots of great scenes (the carousel scene and the tennis match are worthy of mentioning).,1 +This movie was fabulous.,1 +The first murder scene is one of the best murders in film history(almost as good as the shower scene in Psycho) and the acting by Robert Walker is fantastic.,1 +The first murder scene is one of the best murders in film history(almost as good as the shower scene in Psycho) and the acting by Robert Walker is fantastic.,1 +"Perfect in every way, highly recommended.",1 +"Don José is very much in love with Carmen, but is not alone in that field; ""Carmen, Carmen, (the) beautiful Carmen, (is) loved by all men under 96,"" but he has the big advantage that he is an officer, and there we are; this is the famous story about rivalry, love, greed and honor, seen from a humorous perspective.",1 +"From the very beginning, it's clear that Burlesque on Carmen is one of Chaplin's most complex and ambitious efforts to date, starting off with a long back story, told through inter-titles, about the tragic love story of Carmen.",1 +The attention to detail in the movie was fantastic also.,1 +"Its nuanced and poetic mise en scene, brilliant sound design, excellent cinematography and tight structure mark it as clearly one of the best directed Oz features I have seen so far this year.",1 +Still these minor problems aside it's a superb game that is highly entertaining and is very challenging.,1 +It's simply amazing.,1 +Galaxy is the most creative mario yet; even more so than super mario 64.,1 +"This game is also orchestrated, and is beautifully done.",1 +This is truly a super awesome game and it absolutely deserves a place in Nintendo's Hall of Fame!,1 +"Ever since 1981, Nintendo has been making great video games such as Super Mario and Zelda.",1 +Or you can love it because it is a mixture of amazing graphics(not a Nintendo fan huge excitement) music or game play.,1 +Are they expecting classic cinema that is wonderful beyond belief and will leave them with lasting memories?,1 +This film is actually scary!,1 +"Overall Its A Good Movie,But Not The Best.",1 +"Both versions hit their stride in the final third, and benefit from a marvelously scene-stealing performance from Bill Roy as the crazed Reanhauer, and a moody climax set in a graveyard (although actually filmed in Adamsons' backyard!",1 +Her charm and beauty held the film together.,1 +"Mani Ratman's direction is superb, very confident and mature - the most sophisticated work I've seen from this director yet.",1 +I have seen this movie and it has clearly revealed to me the maturity Tamil cinema has in its screenplay and narrative which bollywood better catch up with.,1 +Yet the compelling nature of the story and the honesty in which it is told transcend the film's limitations.,1 +"having said these, this still is one of the most poignant and beautiful movies to come out of india in a long long time.",1 +"The plot is extraordinary, and the acting spectacular.",1 +This is what great film is all about!,1 +The cinematography is visual poetry - each frame is beautifully crafted and breathtakingly shot.,1 +Tis movie is a must watch.,1 +Above all the story and the way it is told makes it as the best movie in the recent times.,1 +"Then, in the second half, there is a plot twist that utterly transforms this into a profound tale of global scope.",1 +The emotions felt through out the whole movie are extraordinary!,1 +"Best of all are the songs, beautiful music and moving lyrics.",1 +They were beautifully and meaningfully picturised.,1 +What a great movie!,1 +An excellent film and a must see.,1 +The camera work is just excellent and is similar to Black Hawk Down and Saving Private Ryan.,1 +There are so many tears of joy even God joins in.,1 +I have seen this movie when it was released and no doubt it is heart touching.,1 +"Beautiful, subtle, witty, with a few hidden surprises waiting for the viewer, this movie stands up to being seen again and again, and the story within the story, The Umbrella, is done so well, as we watch the scene unfold from drawings in a book.",1 +Such an amazing relationship between parents and child is brought out in a beautiful fashion.,1 +"The dialogues are top-class (sample the touching exchange Amudha and Indira have on the swing, shortly after the revelation that she is not Indira's biological daughter) and the cinematography, superb.",1 +"Far from perfect, it sure hits an emotional home run.",1 +Recently had the pleasure of seeing this emotionally charged film by Director Mani Ratnam at the 2002 Toronto International Film Festival.,1 +"Touching Bollywood epic melodrama about a 10 year-old girl who finds out that she's adopted, and is determined to find her birth mother.",1 +"This is such a masterpiece of American cinema, beautifully photographed and the river is such a perfect metaphor and backdrop for the story.",1 +What started off as a patriotic war to defeat communist aggression in the mid 1960s had by the film's setting ( The Manson trial suggests it's 1970 ) had changed America's view of both the world and itself and of the world's view of America It's the insane beauty of APOCALYPSE NOW that makes it a masterwork of cinema and says more in its running time about the brutality of conflict and the hypocrisy of politicians ( What did you do in the Vietnam War Mr President ?,1 +This is a classic story of society protecting itself from those that refuse to fall in line with the status quo.,1 +"The bonding between the two men whilst Kurtz cross-examines Willard,--interlaced with some of his own horror stories, is incredible, nay, genius, film.",1 +"'Apocalypse Now Redux', Francis Ford Coppola's war opus is probably the most beautiful war film I have ever seen.",1 +"this is perfect, challenging film that is dark, violent, humorous at times and well done in every single possible way.",1 +"It is also one of the most audacious films ever made, produced, or even conceived (second to the Lord of the Rings trilogy.",1 +"AN is the best movie I ever saw because it combines great shooting with a deep philosophical perspective on so many things, starting from war in general, the clash of civilizations, the condition of soldier in wartimes (is a soldier a hero or an assassin?",1 +"This movie changed the art of film making, telling a complex story in a powerful new way.",1 +"After the success of the first two 'Godfather' films in 1972 and 1974 respectively, Francis Ford Coppola embarked on an ambitious attempt to bring home the reality of the war in Vietnam, which had concluded with the fall of Saigon to the Vietcong in 1975… The plot was loosely based on the book 'Heart of Darkness,' a story by Joseph Conrad about Kurtz, a trading company agent in the African jungle who has acquired mysterious powers over the natives…Coppola retains much of this, including such details as the severed heads outside Kurtz's headquarters and his final words, ""The horror… the horror…"" In the film, Sheen plays an army captain given the mission to penetrate into Cambodia, and eliminate, with ""extreme prejudice,"" a decorated officer who has become an embarrassment to the authorities… On his journey up the river to the renegade's camp he experiences the demoralization of the US forces, high on dope or drunk with power… Although, as a result of cuts forced on Coppola, the film was accused of incoherence when first released, it was by the most serious attempt to get to grips with the experience of Vietnam and a victorious reinvention of the war film genre… In 1980 the film won an Oscar for Best Cinematography and Best Sound… ""Apocalypse Now"" was re-released in 2001 with fifty minutes restored… As a result, the motion picture can now be seen as the epic masterpiece it is",1 +Martin Sheen gave a very deep performance and probably the best one of his career making you see everything through his eyes all the craziness he is experiencing and yet wanting him to get to his goal.,1 +It is definitely one of the most unique films ever made.,1 +"There is sharpness to it, a brutality to it, an ironic tone to it, and also a sense of playfulness.",1 +But it's the journey of the film that is really it's heart and also the dire situations of war itself.,1 +"After the viewing, Coppola had his ending, and it is one of the most simultaneously disturbing and beautiful sequences in the history of American film-making.",1 +"The end part, at the outpost, almost in fact comparable to its brother scene in The Deer Hunter, is one of the most deeply, calmly, and seductively disturbing things I've ever seen.",1 +I have always loved the ironic symbolism and brilliant cinematography of Coppola's masterpiece.,1 +The opening sequence is one of the most famous and popular in any film.,1 +"It is also a passionate work, made against all odds, chronicled in the 1991 documentary ""Hearts of Darkness: A Filmmaker's Apocalypse""; a motion picture that went beyond any previous reflection on the Vietnam war ever to reach the screen.",1 +"In my opinion, this is one of the most sculptured and best-made films of all time.",1 +"Kurtz until the end is in sight, when everything comes together and the atmosphere of the film reaches an incredible level and holds it there until the end.",1 +"One of the greatest movies of all time and loaded with great quotes such as:Kilgore: If I say its safe to surf this beach Captain, then its safe to surf this beach!",1 +"How insane the world is and the power of will and friendship, love and passion.",1 +I have seen this movie 4 times in 5 months and i never get tired of it just because it is perfect.,1 +"Don't get caught in the outer layers; the rich part you should despoil from this is the brilliant core of sound, vision and self-reference.",1 +"The tone of voice I'm talking about is brooding and dramatic without being overbearing: ""Everybody gets what he wants.",1 +"During the bridge scene, soldiers are seen wading out in the river, asking to be taken away and seeking to escape.",1 +"Redux makes the movie an outright masterpiece, certainly among the top 100 films ever made.",1 +A star-studded spectacle of immense power.,1 +It is masterpiece that demands multiple viewings to be fully appreciated.,1 +"But I was surprised to find it entertaining, interesting, and funny.",1 +"I tend to like B movies that are original and have heart, and I think this is one such work.",1 +"Unlike most soft-core horror flicks, this one is entertaining all the way through with charismatic and exceptionally attractive actresses.",1 +I loved it!,1 +It is one of the best comedies I have ever watched if not the best.,1 +"', these 13 episodes revealed a mastery of comic timing not seen since the old silent movie days.",1 +"'Edgar Briggs' was not a big hit, due to poor scheduling from I.T.V. A shame as it was an amusing and enjoyable show, well served by its star and the fine support cast.",1 +CODA: I have seen a number of episodes recently and I'm pleased to say it stands up incredibly well.,1 +Excellent and moving story of the end of a uniquely intimate affair.,1 +"Really just a moving, powerful story fit snugly into a tiny package.",1 +At the end of the short I felt it was a bit incomplete but so is life and this is were life and art waltz into cinematic masterpiece.,1 +This is a very moving film that takes a new twist on somewhere we've all been: a relationship as it's about to end.,1 +"So real and surreal, all in one.",1 +"I Shout Love"" is unquestionably one of the greatest and most memorable short films I ever expect to see.",1 +"I like many others saw this as a child and I loved it and it horrified me up until adulthood, I have been trying to find this movie and even been searching for it to play again on TV someday, since it originally played on USA networks.",1 +"I was absolutely blown away,it was terrific.",1 +"You may have serious doubts about watching the third sequel to The Stepford Wifes, but this is an absolute classic.",1 +"It is quite a statement about how being made to act within the confines of what is considered ""Good"" behavior can destroy whatever it is that makes a person unique and an individual.",1 +"I haven't seen either the early 80's ""Revenge of the Stepford Wives"" or the mid 90's ""The Stepford Husbands"", but this ""The Stepford Children"" is a quite charming and highly entertaining little film.",1 +The action sequences are brilliantly handled with the hand-held camera thrusting us right into the middle of the excitement and there's gripping tension during the climactic siege.,1 +Very good stuff which only gets better from series to series.,1 +"The story takes many twists and turns,before the surprise ending, and one is fascinated, alike, by the plot, and characters (although I found the many villains a little overdrawn), the police, and especially Tennison, herself, are not always competent, nor that likeable, which figures, given the unpleasant job that they have to do, in the sleazy underworld which this series, habitually inhabits.",1 +"Even after 10 years it is still one of the most credible ways of portraying the complex personality of a child abuser, carrying the weight of his own past.",1 +Highly recommended!,1 +"Quirky and often surprising, this is not the best of Brady's films (Kiss Kiss Bang Bang is by far the funniest), though it does have a unique charm.",1 +Great music and a truly original voice at work here.,1 +It was just entertaining and was what it said on the box a charming romantic comedy.,1 +"A very surprising film with a whole lot of heart, if you can live without a body count and explosions then this one is very original.",1 +A very charming film with wonderful sentiment and heart.,1 +The comedy is quirky and original and the kid is really great.,1 +A beautiful romantic comedy for a change that will charm the pants of audiences prepared to sit back and enjoy the gentle pace of the film.,1 +"A little bit luvy dovey for my tastes but a great, funny and original film.",1 +What a lovely film.,1 +In conclusion This Gundam along with Stardust Memory is a must see!,1 +A very tense dark atmosphere which works great in tune with the main character and story.,1 +A good one for all us vampire lovers.,1 +The original idea is also very engaging and intelligent.,1 +"It's not the most original concept, if you read what I just wrote, but still highly enjoyable.",1 +The opening scene in the club is one of my favorite parts I've got to say.,1 +"Blade is a dark, gloomy, but significent vampire movie and is one of the best ones.",1 +"In the ever growing film genre of comic book adaptations, Blade is by far one of the best realised, and most faithful (overall) to the source material....",1 +Very convincing tale and interesting with surprisingly good acting from all.,1 +The fight scenes are awesome.,1 +"Interesting twist on the Vampire yarn - fast, loud and moody.",1 +"The movie is a fast paced, thrill ride of action and superb stunts.",1 +It is by far one of the best comic book adaptations ever.,1 +What I will say is this: The first 10 minutes of this film are incredible.,1 +this film was brilliant!,1 +"It's a job well done, great for today's generation.",1 +Great underrated movie great action good actors and a wonderful story line.,1 +Blade is probably one of the best vampireaction movies ever made.,1 +I love his glacial eyes!,1 +"Risking a more limited audience with strong language and graphic fight scenes, ""Blade"" presents a very modern, believable and dismal world whose little nuances effectively managed to elicit a sense of dread--as minor as it may have been--from a viewer who rarely ever becomes involved in a story unless an emotional (i.e., sappy) aspect is concerned.",1 +And that's my comment of what I think is a classic beat em up movie.,1 +hiBlade is an sensational action movie .,1 +"As a bonus, the musical score & soundtrack are pretty cool, too.",1 +"Blade was a thrilling horror masterpiece and it was a brilliant movie with real great action, I cant wait for Blade 2, This is one of Wesley Snipes greatest movies, the acting is great the story line is great everything about this movie is great.",1 +Soon-to-be star Eric Schweig makes his mark in this film with a powerful performance.,1 +"He was a kind and gentle soul, he could be fun loving and he could be serious when the times were right.",1 +I cant wait till this comes out on DVD.,1 +A film that can do that is a rare a special thing.,1 +"However, I hope you'll get used to it and enjoy ""The Mikado"" for what it's worth -- a thoroughly enjoyable rendition of a classic!",1 +I first saw this on Thames television and loved it.,1 +It has an interesting book and sprightly dialogue.,1 +You'll see the difference between good and great.,1 +"It is thought provoking, well shot and riveting.",1 +The incredible soundtrack truly captures the essence of the film.,1 +"Jessica Bohl, who deservedly won Best Actress, is amazing to watch.",1 +The quality of the camera work makes you feel as if you are there The screenplay is intense and does not wander.,1 +"As the film concludes, we find that there are far deeper human emotions and motivations in play.",1 +It was compelling and riveting.,1 +I always enjoy exploring the darker sides of life with Mr. Bechard's both fascinatingly creative and realistic view of life and the characters that revolve within it.,1 +"You Are Alone is a beautiful, almost delicate film, smart directed, crisply written, with two complex and riveting performances, and a twist of an ending that no one will see coming, but will make you want to see the film a second time to go back and catch up on all the clues you misread.",1 +The intimacy and pacing drew me in and never let me go.,1 +The end of the movie has an unusual but powerful and unexpected twist that leaves you speechless.,1 +"The actors' seamless acting teamed with Bechard's Beautiful, realistic dialog and his truthful direction drives the story forward into a striking and moving finale.",1 +You Are Alone is multi-layered and mostly brilliant.,1 +"A haunting, intimate portrait of Loneliness, and the repercussions of letting it grow and turn into something darker.",1 +They were very believable and this movie is well worth watching just for the performances of these two amazing stars.,1 +"The soundtrack accompanies the movie perfectly, dark, lo-fi and intriguing.",1 +One of the BEST movies I have seen in a very long time.,1 +Her compelling and believable performance made the movie.,1 +"Raw, blunt dialog and a killer twist at the end.",1 +"Brundage has the delicate balance of weight, innocence, meekness, and class to pull off 'Buddy' very well.",1 +This is one of the great transition films of the latter part of the Golden Era of American film.,1 +"All in all, a thoroughly engrossing movie which I would definitely watch again.",1 +"He speaks with his own, masculine voice and is very attractive, especially when he becomes vulnerable.",1 +"From the gypsy music overpowering the dinner meal to the underground caverns in the buildings where much of the action takes place to the village scenes, the realism is incredible.",1 +He is arresting and tantalizing to watch in every shot.,1 +"Though the film has yet to be released on video or DVD, it remains one of Brynner's most compelling performances.",1 +I really enjoy this movie.,1 +its powerfully acted and has a high emotional impact for a 50s movie.,1 +Brilliant!,1 +"All their scenes together are very important, but they also reveal the strong feelings, the great passion and love between the characters (Major Surov and Diana Ashmore).",1 +The script of this film made it by good taste from the writer that mixing love and adventure with showing different characters in the journey from Hungary to England.,1 +"It was a great film about a tragedy of post war Europe, and possibly the most thoughtful role Yul Brynner ever portrayed.",1 +The possibility of discovering deeper layers of story that may lie just beneath the surface makes me want to see this fascinating film again and again.,1 +"Very good film that conveys the tension and hassle of the Cold War, and all of the performances are wonderful.",1 +"The ""silver screen"" gets freshly polished with this beautiful film about aging happily and enjoying life's rainbows.",1 +"A terrific film, by a terrific up and coming talent in the movie field.",1 +"It's a profile of one very cool couple, a social commentary on aging and nursing homes, a love story, a musical.",1 +Uncle Frank and Aunt Tillie were supremely generous in sharing their life experiences with the audience.,1 +I watched this movie three times at different ages of my life and always did enjoy it very much indeed.,1 +This is my favorite Renoir from the Fifties.,1 +It's an excellent film.,1 +"The first of them, ""Complainte de la Butte,"" which also provides the base of most of the film's musical score, is simply one of the most gorgeous songs ever written, and Renoir himself wrote it.",1 +"A more subdued,but highly entertaining version of the opening of the Moulin Rouge.",1 +The humorous combination of sexual honesty and innocence is refreshing in this fifties film and makes palatable the old story line of the ingenue that becomes a star.,1 +Jean Renoir's homage to the Paris of the late 19th century is beautiful in many ways.,1 +It is a visual delight and a great entertainment.,1 +"While of course none of this is new, it was enjoyable and well made.",1 +A must see for those interested in French music hall (including a song by Édith Piaf) and for the wonderful 10 plus minute cancan finale.,1 +"Renoir directs with his typical gentle humor and attention to supporting characters, and also wrote the lyrics to a beautiful waltz song prominently featured in the movie.",1 +I cannot express how much this movie transcends itself...,1 +"The plot may still be a tad surreal, but the characters have developed so much more depth that a surreal plot can be forgiven.",1 +This is a very good show.,1 +TV is meant to provide an escape from everyday life and I feel Hack does a great job in that regard.,1 +"The show was superb, I laughed, I cried, I smiled...",1 +"For any one reading this, Hack is excellent.",1 +"David Morse and Andre Braugher are very talented actors, which is why I'm trying so hard to support this program.",1 +") and very, very good histories.",1 +"After every new episode, I'm always amazed how thought provoking and at the same time entertaining this show is.",1 +David Morse is nearly perfect as Olshansky.,1 +"David Morse is one of the greatest character actors out there, and certainly the coolest, and to have him in a series created by David Koepp - a great writer - is heaven!",1 +An extremely dark and brooding show with an excellent cast.,1 +"As an added bonus, it is nice to see some local home boys from Massachusetts making good in L.A. I hope this show will be a keeper.",1 +I Love this show and I love Philly!,1 +I gave it a 9.,1 +"I think this is a great show, and I hope people catch-on before the season's over.",1 +The show dug deep into key social issues of our culture.,1 +I love the storyline and would actually like to see him as a cop again someday.,1 +Now let's get back to some entertaining episodes that try to respect our intelligence.,1 +A fun little fright flick.,1 +"Look, this movie is obscure, brilliant, and a classic that should sought out by any means necessary.",1 +Watching a young Combs at work is great but I wish he had had more lines.,1 +This is a very entertaining film made when imagination was encouraged.,1 +Very funny and enjoyable movie.,1 +"There are 3 of these movies, all similarly crafted and each extremely amusing.",1 +This is a fun film with a neat cast.,1 +One of his more amusing moments is his reaction to Skelton explaining the mysteries of wearing turbans.,1 +"This is a terribly sweet movie that totally thinks ""outside the box"".",1 +It is a wonderfully unpredictable 70 minutes.,1 +"Another nice entry in the Crime Doctor series [#410], with atmospheric almost noirish black and white photography and some splendid Spanish American backdrops and sets.",1 +Strongly recommended.,1 +"Not meant to be an epic by any means, this is nonetheless a chunk of solid gold.",1 +A very delightful bit of filmwork that should have had wider distribution.,1 +"Good show, and underrated movie, all around.",1 +"It also has memorable performances, beautiful scenerary and great action and direction.",1 +"Like its hero, the film is a little rough around the edges (and boasts one of the most surreal and jaunty title songs of any Western), but that only tends to make it more interesting, and there are plenty of Mann's typically elegant camera moves and plays on perspective, while the frontier setting is convincingly harsh and primitive.",1 +"this is another good western,which i enjoyed.",1 +"The uncivilized Mature lusts for the colonel's wife, giving the film an interesting and even dark subplot which goes so far as to reference coveting another man's wife at one point by James Whitmore who plays Mature's older and wiser mountain man father figure.",1 +"I enjoyed this film, which offers a variety of interesting subplots and complex love-hate relations, along with interspersed action scenes and some lighthearted moments in which the mountain men counter harsh army discipline.",1 +50's Westerns are my favorites and this slides easily to a satisfaction.,1 +Dylan and Bobby are boyhood friends and they are in love the way that young boys sometimes are.,1 +It goes together very well with the tone and pace of the film.,1 +Cam Archer's lyrical Bobbycrush boldly captures the disorienting kaleidoscope that is adolescent desire with a lush rendering (beautifully photographed by Aaron Platt) that is more vibe than narrative.,1 +"The fairground finale is a remarkable, dizzying fusion of exciting, tense set-piece, black comedy and symbolic site.",1 +The conversation aboard the train between Bruno and Guy is one of the cinema's most intriguing and thought provoking of all time.,1 +"Even though some unrealistic things happen at the end (i.e. a cop shooting a gun into a crowded merry-go-round where any number of innocent could be killed), this still was an intense, enjoyable thriller, one of Alfred Hitchcock's better films.",1 +"Of course, ""Strangers"" is over forty years older than ""Speed"" and contains no modern special effects, but the visceral thrill is there - Hitchcock was a true genius.",1 +"Strangers On A Train is also characterized by great editing, first in the tennis match in which Granger has to finish the match and waylay Walker before he plants evidence convicting Granger at the crime scene.",1 +The power of this film is in the presentation of human beings as having a murderous side to their nature - and this Hitchcock does to perfection.,1 +"The plot flows well, and the atmosphere and tension are spot on.",1 +This added not just to the quality of the production but to the suspense as well.,1 +"Without doubt, the first half of the film is powerful and absolutely gripping.",1 +The story is airtight from the beginning until the latter third of this movie.,1 +"It walks a wonderful line between real, immediate suspense and a dark, distancing humor.",1 +"It also has Fay Ripley in a rare movie role, watch and prepare to be excited, scared and thrilled in totally unexpected ways.",1 +Such a delicious movie can be viewed in family or with your boy-girl-friend.,1 +"The well written situations n twists,fast camera movements, slick editing and superb direction makes it an excellent suspense thriller.",1 +"Its chilling, shocking, full of suspense and there's also loads of humour to help you through it too.",1 +"This is, without doubt, one of my favourite horror films ever!",1 +"It is worth watching again and as I always say, it is much easier to be a reviewer instead of an author.",1 +"Overall, if you like thrillers you will probably like this one as well.",1 +Eventually i caught it and it was well worth the wait.,1 +And very original.,1 +This is definitely one of the most scary and spell-binding films ever made.,1 +An intense thriller about a mute movie make-up artist who witnesses a snuff film being made when she is working late in the studio one night.,1 +"Superbly crafted low-budget thriller with more twists and turns than you can shake a stick at, and plenty of ghoulish humour along the way as well.",1 +This is a VERY good movie.,1 +"And a very cool one, I may say.",1 +"Nonetheless, it was still very entertaining, and I recommended it to all my co-workers the next day.",1 +"If you want to see a true thriller, rent this!",1 +"but still great fun, and yes there is a few laughs throw in for good matters as well!",1 +It is a beautifull and terrifying movie.,1 +"Very nice and fleeting, truly like a summer romance, and while being a relaxation to thought and mind, it gives some food for the soul.",1 +"It's a light-hearted film that captures the spirit of summer holidays by the sea, but perhaps not for those who are embarrassed by nudity or homosexual themes.",1 +"but this movie is brilliant - clever, very bright (emotionally and visionally), perfect in all moments.",1 +"Subtle, delicate ,touching.",1 +"Late Chrysanthemums has the simplicity, humor, and stoic acceptance of life prominent in the films of Ozu and is a bittersweet reminder of the slow passing of time and the comfort that memory and companionship can bring along the way.",1 +"The narrative and its characters were introduced in a very interesting way, and I thought that the first half of the film was setting up a delicately ingenious spectrum of emotions and interrelations.",1 +"Mikio Naruse's examination of the lives of three idling, constantly complaining, single ex-geishas in post-war Japan is a wonderful character piece.",1 +This is the kind of film that I can appreciate more than like; it reminds me very much of my reaction to a couple of Ozu's more famous films.,1 +This is an interesting and honest film on the lives of retired Geishas.,1 +"Its a compelling tale of what choices you make, what you do to get through life and who you're responsible and beholden to.",1 +MINOR SPOILERSMisunderstood classic remains one of Henson's finest and most personal films.,1 +"In many ways, the perfect movie.",1 +"Excellent and spectacular, one of the best films of the 70's.",1 +His voice and the expressions on his puppet-face are fantastic.,1 +It's such a nice movie.,1 +First of all i'd like to say that this movie is the greatest thing that ever happened to mankind.,1 +What's so amazing that keeps us stargazing And what do we think we might see?,1 +"Highly recommended to all humans, both the young and the young at heart.",1 +"Featuring classic comedians and guest star cameos, keeps to a simple but original plot, classic Muppet lame jokes, Paul Williams genius in song writing, and Electric Mayhem madness, and comes off with an amazing movie especially when you realize that the major cast are puppets.",1 +This film is one of my fondest childhood memories.,1 +For this bit of time travel I rate this movie a 10.,1 +I mean they are all very funny.,1 +"I finally got around to seeing this movie for the first time around the mid-nineties, after hearing the soundtrack.",1 +I grew up watching this movie and I loved it.,1 +"It is enormously entertaining, thanks to the snappy script by Jerry Juhl, and the film looks lovely, with some beautifully staged musical numbers.",1 +"The Muppets star in their first feature film, bringing the magic they are known for to a bigger picture.",1 +"They sing ""Movin' Right Along"", a song that has always charmed me with its upbeat melody and its theme of friendship and shared discovery.",1 +It Was So Cool.,1 +The pleasant song score comes courtesy of Paul Williams who also makes an appearance as the resident pianist at El Sleazo's.,1 +It was the first of the Muppet movies and is by far the best because it's so creative and fresh.,1 +This terrific film doesn't simply cash in on the Muppets' popularity -- it's a well-conceived and well-written film in its own right.,1 +"As the milestones in my own life come creeping up on me, I hear more and more the evocative strains of that elementary ditty, and realize that it can fit the soundtrack to anyone's life, because we all dream.",1 +Watching this title as a young adult it makes me smile.,1 +"Seeing it again, nearly 30 years later, I was surprised at how well it has held up.",1 +"Never before, and never again, would the group dynamic of a cast and the music so perfectly complement one another.",1 +"This is simply fun, but it is also a well made, well written, beautifully endearing classic.",1 +The end is also a very heartwarming moment.,1 +"This wonderful movie captures so many elements of what makes a family comedy funny, entertaining, sweet and memorable, it's difficult to decide where to start.",1 +It's a great movie that is sure to be remembered forever.,1 +The spectacle of Kermit on his bicycle is one thats as memorable as ANY in cinema history.,1 +I give it 8 out of 10 because it is a cult classic.,1 +It is mesmerizing.,1 +"This docudrama is well produced, professionally recorded and presented in a captivating package from which you won't want to take a 1 minute break.",1 +Wonderful film; wonderfully made.,1 +"Well as mentioned earlier, seeing this wonderfully enlightening documentary changed all that.",1 +"It's very enthralling, and the public defender is a joy to watch in all his human ways--you can't help but pull for the triumph of justice, and the ending fulfills more than could be expected of a true story.",1 +What an incredible piece of work.,1 +This is a fascinating documentary about a 15 year old black lad who is accused of murdering a tourist in Florida and the subsiquent court case that follows.,1 +"But, I have to tell you, I fell in love with the attorney, Mc Guinness.",1 +I felt compelled to write a comment because of how strongly I feel about the film and the prejudice that continues to exist in our modern society.,1 +Bravo for justice!,1 +The camera work is pretty solid.,1 +You think the police are always right.,1 +Very good documentary.,1 +"The saddest thing about this compelling look at the criminal justice system is that it occurred right down the road in Jacksonville, Florida.",1 +The authenticity and sometimes reluctant honesty of the individuals make this a compelling story in many layers.,1 +"The film is well paced, understated and one of the best courtroom documentaries I've seen.",1 +Watch this movie today & get a feel for how we have progressed as a society.,1 +"I think this is a great movie for anyone involved in the Judicial system including Judges, police and lawyers and even potential jurors to watch this movie and learn from it.",1 +The interplay between Susan Sarandon and Natalie Portman is riveting.,1 +"Decent, if not exceptional or particularly memorable, with some serious and sad moments.",1 +The acting is top notch from both of them.,1 +Beautiful film.,1 +The acting was quite exquisite and I hope we'll be seeing both Portman and Sarandon in familiar roles down the road...,1 +"It is very touching, I was moved by the movie.",1 +The hallmark of fine drama,1 +Portman pulls this role off with such ease that you almost forget that she has not been making movies for 20 years.,1 +She brought a sense of maturity and intelligence to the role that I don't think any other teenage actress could.,1 +"It's really deep and touching, thanks to the great work of the actresses.",1 +"The film does look beautiful, with some good direction and excellent performances.",1 +"Anywhere But Here"" is a captivating emotional journey.",1 +"Overall, it was a pretty enjoyable movie.",1 +"Regarded as another one of the recent over-the-top drama's brought upon us by Hollywood, this movie excels where others have totally failed(especially considering the most underrated performance in recent dramatic character portrayal by that of Natalie Portman), this film is almost unanimously driven by the chemistry that both Susan and Natalie share.",1 +I was delighted with Sarandon and Portman's portrayals of otherwise stock characters in a familiar story line.,1 +"Particularly noteworthy is the ironic subplot about Natalie's mother pressing her to become an actress, as well as a very convincing performance from Shawn Hatosy as one of Natalie's very close cousins from back home.",1 +"It is a touching scene and a valuable lesson, that parents, however emotionally dependent, have to let the child go and become her own separate person.",1 +"The story is based on a book, and you can tell.",1 +i give it a 7.,1 +"As far as relationship movies go, Beaches and Terms of Endearment had a greater impact on me than this movie, but I highly recommend it.",1 +It is a truly humbling experience.,1 +It plays out in a very sincere way.,1 +I enjoyed it very much.,1 +"Their chemistry brings the characters to life, they become real people!",1 +"And it is very strong, but also the plot sequencing is great.",1 +There's big things for her in the future - I can see it.,1 +One of the best real-life movies I've ever seen!,1 +"The acting was excellent, which is something that can be hard to come by lately.",1 +"It's very heartwarming story, between the struggles they have.",1 +"This movie has great shots, an absolutely excellent soundtrack and interesting insights into a 'not so well known' London.",1 +This movie is about London and it's an amazing movie.,1 +"There is a warmth and compassion in this film, that is filled with grief and laughter, that I've never experienced before.",1 +"It's dark, twisted, harrowing, yet massively entertaining and breathtakingly executed.",1 +"An absolute masterpiece, with a both bizarre and grim film about four different stories from four different locations in Sweden.",1 +"I consider it brilliantly ""painted"" and the actors are superb.",1 +"It is a suspenseful, and I loved the way Linda Blair turned out.",1 +"I sure most sane film-goers will disagree with my opinions but I still stand by the fact that I liked it & would happily watch it again, Witchery is pretty good fun & definitely worth a watch if your into 'bad' films or your a horror fan in general.",1 +"The horror effects are extreme, terrifying, and unforgettable.",1 +"It's got some holes, which you can't help but notice, but it remains entertaining throughout.",1 +"Sex andor nudity: Some strong, as well as innuendo.",1 +"Whether it's his extraordinary debut as a libidinous high school basketball player in the hilariously raunchy ""Revenge of the Cheerleaders"" or his brilliant portrayal of a dashing prince in the schlocky sci-fi gem ""Starcrash,"" the Hoff has proved time and time again that he's a simply terrific (and shamefully underrated) actor supreme.",1 +Blade is indeed one of the best real comic flicks I've seen in a long time.,1 +The quality of the acting is matched by the quality of the choreography and special effects.,1 +"Their is constant action throughout the film with breathtaking stunts and effects, Wesley Snipes fighting movement is fantastic.",1 +"Great Action, excellent casting and top one-liners.",1 +"Packed with great fight sequences and slick dialogue, Blade is certainly more action than horror, but it definitely delivers.",1 +It is this trip that solidifies their bond.,1 +"Rupert does a wonderful job in this hilarious, quirky movie.",1 +"In Driving Lessons, as she does lines from poetry and Shakespeare, I was awed by her timing, command of the language, and body language.",1 +"Whether you are a fan of Rupert Grint or not, this movie is a really entertaining one with some very cute and moments.",1 +This movie is a great film.,1 +"Her interpretation of an old retired actress trying to live with the shadow of her past, while she tries to remember Shakespearian sonnets is absolutely wonderful!",1 +I thought this movie was cleverly written and very well acted.,1 +The contrast he drew between Ben's parent's interpretations of what it means to be a Christian was a poignant commentary on how Christians view themselves and the impact that perception has on those around them.,1 +I totally fell in love with this movie.,1 +"A very controversial story, probably rather exaggerated but none the less one of the best films i have seen in a long time.",1 +The mind melting climax at the end that is just unbelievable.,1 +"Not much else can be described here other than some bloody tasty goodness, but when you get a chance, remember the familiar old saying by the hag lady: ""Get out!",1 +"The acting is excellent, my favorite performance being by Betty Chandler as Allyson the nymphomaniac.",1 +"Every time I watch this movie I am impressed by the complete economy of the film, from the compact, totally self-contained plot with a puzzling beginning and an all too horrible ending, the engaging performances by what was essentially a group of non-professional actors, and a prevading sense of dread and claustrophobia that effectively consumes the narrarive with a certain inevitability which is all the more terrifying because the viewers know what is going on long before the hero[es], with the only question being when are they going to wake up & smell the coffee?",1 +"Some consider the low budget a liability, but in the case of this film, I think it enhances the experience.",1 +This is such a fun and funny movie.,1 +"The scene between Allyson and ""the telephone man"" is a classic for all time, and especially delicious are the facial expressions of Dr. Masters when she begins to go over the edge near the finale of the movie.",1 +"This is great, trashy entertainment with a couple of efficient shocks and delightfully absurd characters.",1 +"I found the film Don't Look In The Basement to be very good, with some great characters in it.",1 +"It builds in intensity as the imperiled heroine struggles to maintain her own sanity, offering one surreal encounter after another.",1 +Each of the patients take on their own unique personalities and have their own personality traits and flaws which make for highly entertaining interactions.,1 +Some of the lesser characters are kinda stupid but add to the nostalgia of the movie.,1 +This is a gem and is my absolute favorite TRUE HORROR movie.,1 +Mad genius.,1 +"But, still it's fun, quirky, strange, and original.",1 +"Anyway, watch it and form you're own opinion; it has one of the greatest endings I have seen in film.",1 +"It doesn't take a genius to figure out what is actually happening at the hospital, the 'lunatics have taken over the asylum' schtick being a premise that should be familiar to most seasoned horror fans, but S.F. Brownrigg's Don't Look In The Basement still proves to be an entertaining piece of drive-in fun thanks to its well defined collection of nutters: lobotomised, popsicle-sucking Sam (Bill McGhee); Judge Oliver W. Cameron (Gene Ross), who continuously mumbles courtroom phrases; old Mrs. Callingham (Rhea MacAdams), who recites William Allingham's creepy poem The Fairies and warns Charlotte of impending doom; cackling loon Danny (Jessie Kirby), who delights in teasing the other patients; Harriet (Camilla Carr), who thinks her doll is a real baby; army nut Sergeant Jaffee (Hugh Feagin); and best of all, Allyson King (Betty Chandler), whose rejection by a series of men has left her with a craving for love (ie.",1 +8 out of 10.,1 +"The musical score is great and is reminiscent of ""Dark Shadows,"" the performance from Rosie Holotik, Rhea McAdams, and Bill McGhee are all great, the story is very intriguing with a great twist ending.",1 +"I don't know, this might actually be my all-time favorite horror movie.",1 +"Though the movie seems to go nowhere throughout the first hour+ of it's runtime, I enjoyed this particular batch of quirky crazies and their various personalities and deficiencies - such as the former army sergeant, a chick obsessed with caring for a plastic doll, a lovable man-child, and a loony nymph.",1 +"At times quite delirious, this crazy little film filled out with crazy characters is clearly made for fun and fun indeed it is to watch.",1 +"For a low-budget effort, it has plenty of compelling moments in gradual pacing in leading to the surprisingly shocking finish.",1 +See this one for a good time!,1 +It is a little known film even to die hard horror fans but I found this movie pretty entertaining.,1 +"Among the motley assortment of colorfully crazed patients are insatiable, aggressive nymphomaniac Allyson King (the luscious Betty Chandler), loopy Judge Oliver W. Cameron (a gloriously hammy Gene Ross), paranoid Vietnam veteran Sergeant Jaffee (nicely played by Hugh Feagin), gentle giant Sam (the amiable William Bill McGhee), and nutty old hag Mrs. Callingham (the supremely irritating Rhea MacAdams).",1 +This is one I could never forget.,1 +Carly Pope was powerful in the lead role and showed a depth of complexity that was fascinating to watch.,1 +"This movie was thoroughly enjoyable, kept us on the edge of our seats and made us really think.",1 +"its a good movie, based on a true story that happened in my home town of Toronto, Ontario.",1 +The soundtrack and setting added to the suspense perfectly.,1 +IAN McSHANE was absolutely brilliant and brings an amazing subtlety to his role.,1 +put that aside and the movie is quite enjoyable.,1 +"The trauma, the suspense is just amazing.",1 +"Set mostly in the back streets of Toronto NG is a dark , mysterious journey that takes the viewer into the minds of a young man and woman ( Vern and Sarah ) , each of whom has a fascination with riddles and a disastrous incident in their past .",1 +"The plot is enthralling and intelligent, the cast are all charismatic and the whole film just makes you think for a change.",1 +This is a cult classic for sure!,1 +"And it's definitely an original concept, a rare find these days!",1 +I enjoyed watching this movie at home but I wont watch it a second time.,1 +"Jennifer Montgomery's ""Art for Teachers of Children"" is a stunning, disturbing masterpiece.",1 +It is complex because the characters are trying to deal with love and sex when her body and hormones are still developing and both of their minds and personalities are still developing.,1 +"Somewhat reluctantly I sat down (with our daughter & son), and was riveted from the opening sequence to the end titles.",1 +'The Jericho Mile' is a gem of a film.,1 +"With it's gritty realism, fantastic on-site locationing, and it's great soundtrack it literally blew my young mind when I first saw it in 1979.",1 +It's a great one!,1 +I really enjoyed this movie - I like prison movies in general (I'm not sure why -- I'm sure some shrink could make something out of it!,1 +"This is not your typical Hollywood sensationalism, where everything is overacted - It's so realistic and true to life that people have thought it's based on a real event!",1 +they are great people and i bless them all.,1 +This film is definitely one of my all time favorites.,1 +"I know I admired Murphy, not so much for what he did, but for the way he did his time.",1 +"Totally thrilling, engaging, emotional, and a ""Rolling Stones"" soundtrack that kick's ass!",1 +This is a great movie.,1 +This movie was very good.,1 +"This was a landmark western, the biggest ever at the time of its release and all the more unique because it was a Columbia production-a lightweight studio with a bottom feeding reputation.",1 +"They seem to be stronger, sharper and the result is a bit unrealistic, but very pleasing.",1 +The climax involves a cattle stampede and a shootout in the town saloon and is one of the best ever done in a western film.,1 +i liked this western Starring Randolph Scoot and Glenn Ford.,1 +This film has a terrific barroom brawl and a dandy of a climactic shootout.,1 +This is one of the great westerns of the nineteen-forties and highly recommended.,1 +It had some the best talent available and a funny story.,1 +I think this movie is my favorite movie.,1 +"It may not be what critics consider 4 star viewing, but I love it for what it is--a fun comedy meant to please the audience.",1 +"We Dive at Dawn"" is a fine example portraying a desperate situation needing desperate actions.",1 +There are some extremely realistic moments in the film.,1 +"The confluence of so many things near and dear to my heart are in At Dawn We Dive: as a descendant of Admiral Horatio Nelson and student of all aspects of World War Two and particularly naval warfare, I favor depictions of subs and action in the North Atlantic and especially those which include the German side of things.",1 +This is an excellent tub-thumper from the war years.,1 +"We Dive at Dawn is not a classic war film, but it's a well-made, well-acted example of its type and time.",1 +The scenes during the approach and attack are remarkably realistic in their depiction of a fighting ship and the stuff ups and banter among the ship's company (well at least based on my service in the 1970s).,1 +The search for the German battleship named the Brandenburg and the adventures which went along with it were absorbing and the detail shown in the movie are interesting!,1 +"It may be of interest to those who know something about submarines during the World War II era, but I recommend that all others beware.",1 +This is one of the funniest movies I have ever seen.,1 +This one is a hilarious diamond in the rough.,1 +The story was put together extremely well and the direction seems flawless.,1 +Very funny and an early Gang talkie classic.,1 +"remember, at that time, they all stole from the best, each other!",1 +"What it's superlative at is showing the effect of major mental illness, with dangerous psychopathology in the mix, and its effect on a normal person.",1 +"Improbable, but satisfying suburban melodrama.",1 +but boy is it entertaining and creative.,1 +Ida was able to capture audiences and keep them spellbound until the very end of her pictures.,1 +"It's a riveting scene, expertly done.",1 +"(My mother and brother had to do this)When I saw Robert Ryan portraying this type of man, it was a very good imitation of this type of individual, and I was impressed.",1 +"So with both actors clearly comfortable together, it brings out a finely tuned character story all based in the confines of one house, re: prison.",1 +The film is a great object lesson in not hiring strangers without reference.,1 +"I truly enjoy films like this, which rely on the human element for suspense.",1 +"I prefer ""On Dangerous Ground"", but this is pretty good too.",1 +A terrific B-feature.,1 +This is certainly Robert Ryan's most chilling performance I've seen.,1 +The tension builds to a very high level and ends in a way you're not expecting.,1 +"the newsdesk set, the suits, the smug presenters, the men-at-the-scene shouting about things you can see behind them, the pointless cgi graphs and stats, the whole thing was a satire, a very very funny satire.",1 +"All in all, the Brass Eye Special needs to be seen to be believed.",1 +"its so funny, genius and fantastic you could watch it until your eyes are square!",1 +The show was poor taste despite me laughing all the way through it but it`s a biting satire .,1 +There was a lot of chemistry between the characters.,1 +is one of the most fun and enjoyable low-budget films I've seen in quite some time.,1 +Loved this movie!,1 +is by far one of the best indie flicks I've gotten the pleasure of watching this year.,1 +"when being scared and grossed out could also be a fun, silly, sexy, and goofy good time!",1 +"The innocence and purity of a time now long gone, is truthfully captured in this small film.",1 +It's pretty powerful movie and certainly a fine job by Jan at such a young age.,1 +The film has a number of touching and beautiful scenes in it between Hedge and Rose that shows how movies used to be made years ago without all the sex and profanity that we see and hear in movies today that involved two people in love with each other.,1 +The ending was also wonderful.,1 +The outdoor scenes are gorgeous - must have been filmed in Canada.,1 +"I won't bore you with a list but there are dozens of deeply comic scenes, also a good story and great casting.",1 +It's fun to watch the many situations develop and finally converge after a long journey on that greatest collection of eclectic humanity (and the world's largest honky-tonk) - the great American Freeway.,1 +It is one of the best humorous character studies I ever saw.,1 +This Robert Altman inspired comedy has some terrific moments and an occasionally inspired cast.,1 +The situations with each one of the characters were so funny and imaginative!,1 +"A wonderful film ahead of its time,I think so, In the eighty's it was all about winning, Greed is Good ?",1 +What makes it great is it's the journey not the destination that makes Honky Tonk Freeway timeless in spite of it being such a product of its day.,1 +The scenes of a small town struggling to survive reminded me a lot of the small town I grew up in but they handled it with the charm and humor that you often only saw in small towns.,1 +"Now available on DVD, it's kinda fun to see a comedy that would have cost $100 million to produce had it been made in 2004.",1 +Recommended highly!,1 +A rare gem.,1 +I gotta see THIS movie again....,1 +This may be the most tension-filled movie I have ever seen.,1 +An amazing piece of film that was well-conceived and kept me on the edge of my seat.,1 +Very smart.,1 +Underling this is a humorously wicked black streak.,1 +The photography is very well done in this film.,1 +"Laura Gemser stars, and that's good because she's hot.",1 +"Filled with gorgeous cinematography, beautiful people, and an intoxicating 70's score from the legendary Nico Fidenco, this one is sure to please.",1 +"He's that sort of coldly efficient, ruthless type.",1 +His theme for 'Department S' has got to rank as one of the best television themes of all time.,1 +"Watching it again on DVD recently, you get to see just how much depth Wyngarde put into Jason King.",1 +Spawned by the same Monty Berman Dennis Spooner partnership which produced The Champions and Randall & Hopkirk (Deceased) - the latter retitled My Partner the Ghost for the US market - Department S remains a classic example of the action-adventure series which the UK produced in bulk during the late 1960s.,1 +"Through prolonged flashbacks we learn why, and the history of the swordsman and the assassin, and of the revolution.",1 +"Still, the movie was solid, thoughtful and visually intriguing.",1 +) it still is wonderful and moving.,1 +The fight scenes are all with sword or different weapons and very entertaining to watch.,1 +This movie is visually great.,1 +Nice movie.,1 +The movie has numerous moments that you will wonder at until they deliciously weave into a grand finale at a dance in a palace in Sikkim.,1 +This is one of the best thrillers ever made in India.,1 +Even as a kid I enjoyed the songs this movie has to offer.,1 +An excellent thriller of all time.,1 +"Able acting by Dev Anand, Ashok Kumar, Tanuja and Vyjantimala and direction by Vijay Anand (Dev Anand's younger brother) makes this one of the best loved Hindi films of all times even today.",1 +"That's why it's no wonder this underground urban drama sold over 250,000 copies and still goin'.",1 +I love this movie.,1 +This is one of the best films I've seen in the last years.,1 +She is so extraordinarily beautiful it is almost painful for us to watch.,1 +Catherine Deneuve makes this film worth and gives credibility to the passion and lust of Louis.,1 +The exchange of letters is full of hope...,1 +It is a brilliant Hitchcockian style thriller with exciting twists and interesting relationships and characters that develop as the film does.,1 +"This film is a splendid drama plenty of betrayal,deception, killing, theft and Hitchcockian suspense.",1 +"For those who like to visit the world, the film offers the occasion to see part of the Ascension Island, and also Lyon city in France.",1 +"This is a long film, but largely worth it.",1 +"Deneuve is very, very beautiful.",1 +And I loved every minute of it.,1 +"But even if you only stumbled upon them via the internet like I did, you will soon come to appreciate their unique brand of comedy.",1 +Hilarious and low-budget comedy at it's best.,1 +They are equally as enjoyable as Stella itself.,1 +I think over all that David was the funniest one.,1 +Congratulations to Mark and Kelly on a daring film.,1 +"What a great little film, highly recommended to all!",1 +A discrete film that forcing the limits of human conscious and brain.,1 +When i saw this movie the first thing that jumped at me was the acting of Kelly Overton a young (and op and coming star) actress that i saw for the first time totally blew me away..,1 +Really good in fact.,1 +The twist was even more amazing than I believed.,1 +"I won't go into Malachi, but I thought the way that played out was complete genius.",1 +"This was a surprisingly very good movie, and an interesting idea..",1 +Very enjoyable.,1 +The acting is on a high level.,1 +"All this said, we do have a good story and a fine cast at work, and an exciting climax.",1 +I remember this film fondly from seeing it in the theatre.,1 +"Earth Final Conflict began like a new world, a new vision from the creator of Star trek, something fresh and unique full of great elements.",1 +"Still, the first Season remains intriguing and fun to watch.",1 +I still think this is the best scifi series ever!,1 +The only consistent thread holding the series together were the amazing performances of Leni Parker and Anita LaSelva as the two Taelons in quiet idealogical conflict.,1 +Should we not see how much we enjoyed it?,1 +I loved this show.,1 +But the character of Scorpion is very intriguing - very reminiscent of the anti-heroes of many spaghetti westerns.,1 +"The visually stunning film features an enormous amount of brutal violence and sleaze again, as well as sequences of enormous surrealistic beauty.",1 +"I loved everything about this hypnotic, nihilistic, and emotionally touching movie.",1 +"The story is somewhat confusing and convoluted at times, but a lot of these 70's era pinky films are - and I still love them.",1 +This is an awesome film.,1 +"Equipped with fine production values and a visually stylistic talent for capturing all of the madness in imaginative ways, Ito pulls you right(..",1 +"Not the usual mix of sex and violence, this is a slow tale that is beautiful throughout.",1 +And the overall tone and atmosphere keeps changing with each new episode as well.,1 +The original Female Convict Scorpion is an all time masterpiece.,1 +Well it is a good movie.,1 +I have never seen her before so that was a nice treat.,1 +So I'm giving this a solid 7 out of 10 in it's genre.,1 +The action in this movie is great and the fight scenes rank with Van Damme's best.,1 +This is one of Van Damme's best works.,1 +Van Damme is back and kicking in this action thriller that's his best film in recent years.,1 +The Sheperd: Border patrol is a good action flick with some really great actionfight sequences.,1 +I thought that this was the most interesting film that JCVD has done in a very long time.,1 +"Overall I found this film to be very good, Van Damme is in very good shape for 48 years old and can really move.",1 +"I personally found this one to be even better than Wake Of Death, which makes it his best movie in...",1 +This is a good flick and has prompted me to take a look at all the Van Damme movies I have missed over the last ten years.,1 +Scott adkins is an amazing martial artist and unfortunately the public has gotten tired of martial art superstars but his movies in this movie are great.,1 +"In The Shepherd, Van Damme proves that he still has it.",1 +"From the setting of Mexico to the five star fight scenes, this movie was amazing.",1 +"Sure, some of the fights ran a twee bit short, but they were still VERY awesome.",1 +Crack House (1989) was one of the few film during the 80's that falls into this genre.,1 +"It has just the right blend of comedy, action, sex, romance, and yes a central message to stay away from drugs.",1 +"He prefaced it with how freaking awesome he thought he was and how funny it was and in the context of his explanation, it was HILARIOUS.",1 +This film was a lot better than I'd expected it to be.,1 +"Good solid plot, but a whole lot of conversation and mushy love talk.",1 +"The ending, in particular, is really sweet and practically had my tear ducts flowing!",1 +This has to be one of the funniest movies I've ever seen.,1 +"I'd definitely recommend it to anyone who likes a good clean family comedy, with an edge!",1 +"i first saw this movie back in the early 90's,and instantly fell in love with it.",1 +So in conclusion a great movie and as always a pleasure.,1 +"The plots are fabulous (no, I'd no clue who had done it, but the clues were all there if I'd been more imaginative - the best kind of mystery), the production values astounding, the acting (from Edward Fox, Sarah Miles, Lysette Anthony, Megan Dodds, and of course David Suchet as Hercule Poirot) simply perfect, the dialogue wonderful, the music and sens of suspense and tension just wonderful stuff.",1 +The beautiful Falls Colors through out the English countryside was simply breath taking.,1 +"Excellent work all around especially by the actress who played the wife Gerda (Claire Price) as well, of course, as David Suchet.",1 +"The acting was superb, and the music, as usual, was amazing quality!",1 +This is an absolutely true and faithful adaptation of 'The Hollow'.,1 +It's the exquisite filming and cinematography that elevate the story to a higher level.,1 +The movie was very good.,1 +The movie was very good.,1 +All this makes Extramarital into a very enjoyable B-movie.,1 +She ability to turn what is branded a B-Movies into a Fine performance is nothing short of amazing.,1 +A very good offering from HBO.,1 +It's a great little thriller which keeps you guessing for a good while.,1 +But even besides her being in it i thought it was a good movie especially for it being an HBO movie.,1 +"THE GOAT is twenty minutes of smoothly paced, expertly photographed, beautifully executed gags; two reels of non-stop comic invention driven by an unmistakable undercurrent of paranoia and yet somehow leading to a happy ending -- which wasn't always the way with Buster's comedies.",1 +Which makes it one of the best shorts ever made.,1 +It is consistently inventive and entertaining.,1 +Cool!,1 +This is genuinely funny as well as being a stunning introduction to the world of the silent comedies.,1 +This is one you can watch over and over and laugh just as much each time.,1 +"It's a funny comedy, and a wonderful example of Keaton's work at his best.",1 +"The jump through the transom is really impressive, and there's so much more.",1 +This is a wonderful comedy short--one of Keaton's absolute best.,1 +It isn't hard to see just how influential he really was - the man is every bit as thoroughly amazing today as he was in 1921.,1 +"This is a wonderful, hilarious little film with Keaton at his absolute best.",1 +"But you have to think that this is the movie of a cinematographer (like Mario Bava movies); so the most important thing is the atmosphere, not the story or the characters; atmosphere very well created by the use of light and by the camera movement.",1 +It is a great film.,1 +"These performances combined with a fun poppy soundtrack with artists like Sufjan Stevens, John Renbourn and Salsa Celtica make this kids popcorn flick worth a Saturday afternoon.",1 +I loved the simple plot and the way the actors portrayed their characters with great sensitivity.,1 +"This was magnificent though - a great performance by all, but Grint and Walters are exceptional!",1 +"With the combination of Evie's persistence and Ben's helpful nature a genuine sweetness develops between them, culminating in an unlikely road trip that gives Ben his first real taste of independence.",1 +"Challenging the domineering mother, as well as each other along the way, the two develop a beautiful bond that revolutionizes both their lives.",1 +"It's an amazing film, from an amazing director whose taken his own life and put it on the screen for everyone to see, and everyone who can, should.",1 +It is a MUST see!,1 +"His portrayal of a downtrodden teen in search of his true morals, and happiness, is captivating to watch unfold throughout.",1 +one of my favourite films of the year easily.,1 +Very enjoyable movie and well worth watching.,1 +"But the film is a very entertaining film, made well by the British in the style of the likes of Keeping Mum and Calendar Girls.",1 +A beautiful film.,1 +all went through a marvelous transformation.,1 +"There is mishap and at the same time rejoice with Ben and Evie along with saying that I was very pleased about the film when it came out in theaters and I was impressed with Rupert Grint's acting, especially if he showed the rest of the world that even though he brings a bit of Ron Weasley within Ben Marshall, there's no stopping the actor on his brilliant performance.",1 +This film is a delightful surprise and one sure to warm the heart and entertain those who love fine writing and direction and acting - and message!,1 +"but he is perfect, brilliant and beautiful",1 +"i was so immersed in it that i felt i was there, it really affected me personally.",1 +Highly recommended.,1 +"An enjoyable movie, without a doubt, and very evocative of both its era and that very particular stage in any boy's 'rites of passage'.",1 +"This was made in 1978, and it shows.",1 +The suspense is wonderful and the settings are superb.,1 +It is well-made thriller with a talented cast and credible situations.,1 +A must for Beller fans and highly recommended for fans of 70s High School melodrama or 70s kitsch in general.,1 +"This can be a little boring, but if you are patient, the ending is pretty good.",1 +"It is truly one of my great ""guilty pleasures"".",1 +"What's great about it is the atmosphere, the music, the location, the cinematography and the beautiful cast.",1 +It is rich and colorful.,1 +"Her boyfriend, played by ZOMBIE's Al Cliver actually approves of her sleeping around and even persuades her to continue her practices even after the two of them are married!",1 +"It is truly one of my great ""guilty pleasures"".",1 +This was one of the best funny road movies ever!,1 +but this film was the funniest thing I have seen in quite some time.,1 +The leads are not pros (and you can see that) but they still do a very good job and the movie all in all blew me away.,1 +"But watching this just filled my heart with joy, and I had a great time in the movies watching it.",1 +Another hilarious Garfield TV special!,1 +In this TV special Jon is the one who needs a life.,1 +It is one of the main (and very beautiful) themes of the film.,1 +"This film have genuine interaction, perfect pause moments that make you hold your breath.",1 +The attention to detail and the excellent acting was quite impressive.,1 +"Maybe the end is too twisted and hangs somewhat loosely to the rest of the film, but all in all this is a great romantic story.",1 +The attention to detail and the excellent acting was quite impressive.,1 +And they cherish their scenes with stunning shots.,1 +This a relationship story with focused main characters working out the the balance between first and fast love in the home front of WW2.,1 +"But as an insight into his egotism, his smouldering moods and his general indifference to the feelings of others, it is wonderfully sad and revealing.",1 +"The real story of this film is the love of two women, one (Keira Knightley) whose first love was Thomas (Matthew Rhys), the second (Sienna Miller) who is Thomas's wife.",1 +Rarely have I ever seen a film that is this beautifully crafted.,1 +"It's certainly worth watching, however.",1 +critical and yet appreciative it was.,1 +"Overall, it's a solid non-fiction war movie with many wonderfully crafted moments that were no doubt helped by the splendid number of well-known British names behind the scenes.",1 +The atmosphere of the Blitz was also convincing as well as the portrayal of the distinct outlooks among people who have experienced war as opposed to those who talk about it theorizing on it's possible political outcomes.,1 +"It is certainly more dimensional and intelligent than about 90% of contemporary romances, Hollywood production or not.",1 +"The acting, directing, atmosphere, music were all good.",1 +"This is a masterful piece of film-making, with many themes simmering and occasionally boiling over in this warts and all study of the poet's bohemian, self-indulgent wartime years that span the aerial bombardments of London and the outward tranquillity of a Welsh coastal retreat - the borderlines between friendship, lust and love, dedication to art and experience versus practical concerns, jealousy, rivalry, cowardice and egotism versus heroism and self-sacrifice and more.",1 +but it's still an entertaining TV movie.,1 +"Instead I will just say that this was a very entertaining story with some very nice special effects (and some that looked a little lower in budget, but still decent enough to enjoy).",1 +All the acting was very well done and the story itself had a touching universal theme.,1 +"The casting is great, great acting.",1 +"And, compared with other films in the genre, this is definitely better than average.",1 +"This Movie is really an entertaining, good clean fun movie, for the kiddies.",1 +"The film gets snaps just by attempting the high road, and should be enjoyed by its target audience (especially since most of the high jinks occur on the Universal Studios lot).",1 +Just a good fun way to pass the time.,1 +"Putting ""Irkel"" and Lee Majors in the film were brilliant touches.",1 +This movie was fun!,1 +"He would probably say it was easy, but he really does a great job and should have won something for it.",1 +"It really is great, very funny.",1 +"A treat to watch Inspector Uhl from ""The Illusionist"" go over the top.",1 +Probably my all time favorite movies.,1 +This is one of the funniest movies I've ever saw.,1 +"But it's entertaining, and it's fun.",1 +"It has humour, excitement, and real life difficulties like lying.",1 +He is simply hilarious in this.,1 +"BIG FAT LIAR, in my opinion, is an absolutely hilarious movie with a moral to it.",1 +"Overall, a nicely made film for kids to enjoy and just have a great time.",1 +It's also very funny.,1 +I am so glad he got exposed for what he really is.,1 +"At the end the family and Kaylee see the movie, Made by Wolf Pictures and based on a real story written by Jason Shepherd.",1 +it's still a fun film.,1 +It was good clean fun.,1 +Great for the kids - they found it very entertaining.,1 +Very good film.,1 +"She's funny, talented, versatile, and very, very attractive.",1 +Anyway it is a nice movie to see nice screen play i vote a 8 for screen play and story ...,1 +"It is funny, and cool.",1 +It made me laugh as well as fall in love with it's innocent message.,1 +"I give it a 1010, one of the best I have seen.",1 +This movie was and will be perfect for many years to come....,1 +It packs the same punch and Dharani true to his cinematic brilliance delivers it with style and panache.,1 +but screenplay was amazing..,1 +Ghilli is the best movie of vijay & one of the biggest hit in his career....,1 +its devastatingly hilarious.,1 +Ghilli is one of the best movies for Vijay and in it is unrivaled in its pace and action.,1 +The special effects are quite impressive-the dismemberment of Japanese porn actress is shown in unflinching detail.,1 +"Actually the effects are not so realistic like in ""Guinea Pig"", but its still pretty gory"".",1 +"So , if you are into ultra sickness , extreme sadism and other beauties of this beloved genre , check this out .",1 +"It's never been on DVD, and what I got from Ebay was a very good quality DVD-R, which I'm quite satisfied with.",1 +"After hearing a lot about this film,I was very happy when I finally found it.",1 +"The supporting cast is full of familiar and welcome faces (Lynette Curran, Sacha Horler, Nicholas Bishop) and all the principals (including a more animated than usual Sam Neill) are excellent.",1 +"She's a beautiful, fresh, confident actor who deserves every accolade she receives.",1 +But more important this is a great film.,1 +A fantastic film featuring great Aussie talent.,1 +"He, in particular, was very convincing and I would like to see a lot more of him.",1 +Brilliant Aussie movie...,1 +"It's this parallelism between the old and young judge that makes RED so beautiful and transcendent, because time is, in reality, a lot more fluid than we would like to deem it.",1 +"If I had to choose, I might nominate this the greatest film ever made.",1 +A great film.,1 +Red is a fantastic film.,1 +"This film is not only the last piece of the Three Colours trilogy, but also the best of the three and one of the best movies of the 90s.",1 +"In Red, love and fate are intertwined but complex notions, dictated as much by the whims of human beings as the invisible parallel associations that seems to pass us by.",1 +"It is true they are distinct stories with distinct themes: liberty, equality, fraternity, and each them is developed with unique applications of intrigue and artistry.",1 +"Ms. Jacob and Mr. Tringtignant are perfect It's not only this movie but the downbeat ""Thou shall not kill"" and ""A story about love"" that may you think about contemporary cinema as a way of expressing an artist's point of view.",1 +And his subtle connections between the three films are awesome.,1 +Tritingnant also is magnificent without really saying much and the things he does say are excellent such as his answer to Valentine .,1 +"The whole purpose of this segment is to show how Valentiné and Auguste - who may be made for each other - almost cross paths (as happens several other times) but never quite do so, until circumstances throw them together on the ferry at the end of the film.",1 +"It is not only about our modern life, but about where life could and should be in our modern time.",1 +"The performances are perfect, sublime.",1 +"Once again he points out to us the unpredictability of future events, venting careful descriptions about strange courses and recourses of life separated from each other by a considerable number of years.",1 +"He is Polish, I am Dutch, yet we share a synthetic mind: the world is not void of the metaphysical amidst total coincidence.",1 +But both of them are Perfectly perfect in there own way and being able to create a world of their own.,1 +They share a different kind of naivety and they both discover that they can learn much from the other one.,1 +"Mr. Kislowski managed to draw a grand, subtle story about the solitude, misunderstanding, secrets and pain.",1 +"It forces us to examine up to the minutest detail, the very nature of our souls, of our ethical selves.",1 +Red: just a masterpiece.,1 +This movie is 100% action!,1 +"Never has remorseless, unsparing honesty been quite so beautiful.",1 +"This film amazes me because it is so spare, so subtle and simple, but is as effective, emotionally and intellectually, as any big-budget spectacle or all-star melodrama.",1 +"Nevertheless, the way Kieslowski presents their winding ways through life, their complicated interaction with others, with the universe, with chance or destiny, makes me understand faith, makes me (want to) believe in God.",1 +"Everything seems to fit together so precisely, all the elements of filmmaking so eloquently executed, and the end result so much greater than the sum of the individual parts.",1 +They finally meet in the dramatic and very brilliant end that brings them together.,1 +"This movie is not only about feelings and human emotions, it is also about everything that could be but it's not.",1 +A truly great work of art.,1 +"This is a REAL movie, that changes perspective of life a little bit - intelligent and beautiful story, masterfully directed, excellent main actors, masterful cinematography.",1 +"Transcendental, sophisticated, incisive, emotive, powerful...",1 +"It's a brilliant and underrated little film, which is why I said it was 'surprisingly' funny.",1 +"With a run time of 19 minutes its short and sweet, providing classic one liners which still have me in stitches.",1 +"The movie is simply too simple to be considered one of the greatest, although it definitely is most fine executed all, for most part.",1 +it's full of action.,1 +HILARIOUS!,1 +This is a well done action movie.,1 +it was sooo cool!,1 +Very very funny.,1 +"even though there are very few, but they are great, courtesy of Jackie Chan stuntman Nicky Li.",1 +It has really cool music that I can never get out of my head.,1 +"silly comedy, and surprises.",1 +The main reason to check this one out is to watch Laura Gemser in all her glory.,1 +"Production on this sexploitation classic is quite impressive, especially the superb cinematography.",1 +Candice Bergen looks beautiful and oo7Connery is pretty funny indeed; and Teddy Roosevelt as played by Brian Keith quite impressive.,1 +I just cannot emphasize enough what a lovely movie this is.,1 +The action scenes are very realistic.,1 +The charm of Connery made up for his wrong Arabic accent and all the scenes with President T. Roosevelt were masterpiece takes.,1 +The action scenes are some of the best ever produced in accuracy of content.,1 +It is a true classic.,1 +"A marvelous film, rent or buy it and you won't be disappointed.",1 +"Based on a true story, this is an absolutely splendid masterpiece of a film.",1 +I agree with msinabottle; this is a great movie.,1 +An engaging and imaginative story and some very interesting editing and camera work.,1 +There's A LOT of subtle humor.,1 +The storyline is a bit fantastic but seems to becoming reality in our world today.,1 +"The acid helped to interact with the sounds, subliminal and general pace of this masterpiece.",1 +There are moments of true genius in the framing and cinematography.,1 +"I don't remember exactly how it ended, but I remember, it finished with a great climax, and a good twist.",1 +But tuning in with a friend from college found us both enjoying the pilot episode a lot more than we had expected.,1 +This show is a great launch pad for them and I'm excited to see what doors this opens.,1 +"Cappie is one of the most fun loving characters, and absolutely insane.",1 +The characters are appealing and you really feel a connection between them all.,1 +"Its a really good show, very funny and entertaining!",1 +I can't wait till it is back on!,1 +"If you watch the show for the value it contains as a TV show, and nothing more, it is very entertaining, much like movies such as Old School, Porky's, Animal House, etc.",1 +"The casting is excellent, the actors are about the right age, and they are new and fresh, so that makes them more real.",1 +"Casey and Cappie have a complicated, but beautiful, relationship throughout the series.",1 +i love this show.,1 +"Cappy and Casey's relationship is true love, a kind that lasts.",1 +I cant wait to see more of him!,1 +"But I've watched both episodes and my ""little sister"" whom I'm still very close to and I have spent both episodes laughing and being reminded of how they've truly captured the spirit of our college years and experiences.",1 +This show is absolutely fantastic.,1 +"She starts off with attitude but soon warms up to the hero and they make ""The beast with two backs"" in a very stylish fashion.",1 +"All in all, a pretty entertaining kickboxing movie.",1 +I miss him and am glad to have a great film like this to remind me why he was so wonderful.,1 +A good movie for horse enthusiasts and most others.,1 +"This is just one of Matthau's wonderful performances, and one that I highly recommend.",1 +A wonderful family movie & a beautiful horse movie.,1 +Walter Matthau gave an outstanding performance and this is a great film to view and enjoy.,1 +"I can't say I 'love' this film of yours, but it has made a lasting impact despite its flaws and low budget etc.",1 +Visual intelligence and unique sensibility of some Australian directors is astonishing good.,1 +"The cinematography is some of the most artful, beautiful and lyrical I've seen.",1 +"Strange, brilliant film for screening here in Israel.",1 +One of the most aggressively weird Australian films in years.,1 +"An interesting exploration into family relationships, and environments.",1 +"Superbly shot, firmly directed, it's an eerie tale of one man and his journey to the heart of darkness, as it were.",1 +Just weird and unsettling but pretty good in and of itself.,1 +Mark Constable delivers a top-notch performance as John adding even greater depth to his highly challenging character.,1 +"The thing that struck me about Alex Frayne's strangely titled film MODERN LOVE is that it is an impeccable film that breathes with perfection and vision, a film that takes us into the mind of Mr Joe Average, replete with voices in the head, visions, and madness.",1 +"The world the film creates is both brilliant and arty, not least because of strange and disconcerting editing style, the Gothic characters, and the surreal sense of time and place that draws viewers into its nightmarish realm.",1 +"And it really threw the audience when Modern Love came up after a light, whimsical short (name I forget).",1 +"Secondly, I think the music by Heuzenroeder is brilliant.",1 +He was really very good.,1 +"It built and built and built, and half way in I was involved in this film, because, like when you go to the zoo, at first you're reticent, but by the time you get to the dangerous snakes bit, you're totally 'there'.",1 +"Quite obviously, it is an investigation into the nature of modern love.",1 +This was a nice film.,1 +The film captures deeply insightful moments and several often times frustrating and complicated social interactions young interracial friends would experience in a modern post apartheid South Africa.,1 +"The subject matter - coming together in a race-torn, though post-apartheid South Africa is highly topical and the treatment of the theme is inspirational.",1 +I think the films made by Madiba are really beautiful.,1 +"This film is amazing, while not perfect by Hollywood standards it encompasses a gentle look at the wide divide between rich and poor, black and white that is true in many parts of the world.",1 +"As Mr. Shawn pointed out, he had a unique way of looking at things.",1 +Overall one of the most brilliant films on cops in Indian cinema.,1 +The music is also impressive and haunting and stays with you long after you've left the movie hall.,1 +But Patekar exudes a cool calm in this film playing a cop on a sort of social justice journey.,1 +I rate this as one of the best movie of the year,1 +I think they are the best director and actress combination I have seen.,1 +"Good dialoges, good acting, nice direction all in all Great stuff.",1 +"The dialogue is gritty, crude and at times hilarious.",1 +This is by far one of the best films that India has ever made.,1 +"A really realistic, sensible movie by Ramgopal Verma .",1 +"The camera work is excellent, the story is well told and the tension is high when the drama unfolds.",1 +The violence is well done and gritty.,1 +"Again, most of the players never attained the ""household-name"" status many of them deserved, but they by gosh gave good performances here, in a story that is still current.",1 +It was a great film that showed Ronald Reagan as a very young man reaching for the stars in his career in Hollywood at the time.,1 +"But even if you're not into wine, the film is an interesting look at how the forces of globalization are changing many of the world's oldest and most established traditions.",1 +"Overall an excellent film with implications that go way beyond the world of wine into the way we construct ourselves as people, and organise our world.",1 +"Standardization sells easily and a lot, and brings everyone to the same level - the lower one.",1 +"A great achievement of this movie is revealing all the characters involved in the wine industry as they really are, avoiding a cliché ""Good against Evil"".",1 +A must see for anyone interested in the dark side of the industry.,1 +A very interesting look at people and our world through the world of wine.,1 +"To this end he has made an excellent, objective film.",1 +mondovino is a moving and rewarding documentary.,1 +"Polite, patient, genial.",1 +"While you may disagree with the politics, the artistry of the analogy, coupled with the more overt politics of the film, are wonderful.",1 +"She and Mr. Morgan, who played in a lot of musical comedies, make a winning combination.",1 +"I first saw this film about 15 years ago, and I have been enchanted by it ever since.",1 +"It's a true classic, and one you do not want to miss.",1 +"Christmas is Connecticut may not be any cinematic masterpiece,but it is pleasant,lighthearted entertainment,soothing to the stressed out mind,and that is good enough",1 +"Released the last year of WWII, the film is dusted with subtle patriotic gestures and holiday nostalgia but never sinks to sentimentality.",1 +Christmas in Connecticut's now a Yuletide classic and deservedly so.,1 +The whole cast was very entertaining.,1 +"It's fun and fast paced, as one falsehood leads to another and another toward an inevitable, surprising conclusion.",1 +"Despite some problems with the screenplay, it is a good film, and usually revived in the Christmas season.",1 +This film is one of my favorite Christmas classics.,1 +"Plus, the characters are hilarious.",1 +Truly a wonderful film that has stood the test of time.,1 +"it has all the charm, 1940's quaintness, and good old fashioned romance and it's hilarious, to boot!",1 +"It's a screwball comedy and a charming romance, with the added attraction of a Christmas atmosphere.",1 +I can imagine the impact this delightful film had at the tail end of World War II.,1 +This is a Christmas classic.,1 +A cute and simple story which makes a beautiful movie.,1 +The attractive set used throughout most of the film is an eye-pleasing gem.,1 +"""Christmas in Connecticut"" is an absolute gem, and a must-see for Christmas!",1 +"Which sets up the delightful, madcap story that evolves.",1 +"An intelligent, witty script acted with the right blend of broad comedy and understated humor.",1 +"It issweet, funny, and endearing",1 +A cute little comedy and a welcome film to the annual holiday film lineup.,1 +"After a slow start, it turns into an entertaining little screwball comedy, thanks to a fine cast.",1 +"A Christmas Classic,it's also one of the fine comedies of the 40s.",1 +"This is a great holiday film that can also bring on the Christmas spirit out of season, and makes a great pairing with another Barbara Stanwyck country Christmas film, ""Remember the Night"", an underrated gem.",1 +This is a delightful comedy; one that I highly recommend to classic movie lovers!,1 +"This movie has been part of my family's holiday tradition since I was a youngster, and my children grew up with it, too!",1 +I watch this movie every year at Christmas to enjoy these character actors at their best in a story that reflects way it was in 1945 and because of a long held fascination with Barbara Stanwyck.,1 +This is the best work i have ever seen on television.,1 +This is an excellent story about events that everyone should be aware of and know something about today.,1 +A must-see!,1 +I was interested to read that you would like a copy of this programme which you have enjoyed.,1 +"Probably the best TV series I ever saw next to the original ""Roots"".",1 +It was both entertaining and informative.,1 +It is both factual and entertaining.,1 +"You get to know the turmoil in Oppenhemiers mind, and how the development changed his life forever.",1 +"I, too, found ""Oppenheimer"" to be a brilliant series and one of the finest offerings ever on American PBS.",1 +The attention to detail is uniformly excellent throughout.,1 +"Well written, well acted by actors who bear a believable resemblance to their historical characters, highly informative, and very entertaining.",1 +"Another very enjoyable series, again from about the same time, was ""Danger UXB"".",1 +Insanely well crafted mini-series.,1 +<<<<>>>> below is my original comment <<<<