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Parkland formula for burns is for: Maharashtra 09; UP 09; Bihar 12,Ans. Ringer lactate,A.Ringer lactate,A.Ringer lactate,B.Glucose saline,C.Normal saline,D.25% dextrose
Drug C/I in pregnancy is :,Primaquine,B.Primaquine,A.Chloroquine,B.Primaquine,C.Amodiaquine,D.Quinine
Nail involvement is not a feature of,D i.e. DLE,D.DLE,A.Psoriasis,B.Lichenplanus,C.Dermatophytosis,D.DLE
Among which hypoxia AV 0 difference is max ?,"Ans. is 'b' i.e., Stagnant",B.Stagnant,A.Histotoxic,B.Stagnant,C.Hypoxic,D.Anemic
Which of the following needs cholesterol and other lipids for growth?,.,D.Mycoplasma,A.Mycobacterium TB,B.Chlamydia,C.Hemophilus,D.Mycoplasma
Reduction potential of potassium is,K+ + e- = K(s) -2.93,A.-2.93,A.-2.93,B.-0.44,C.-0.34,D.0.54
Drinking can be induced by,(B) Osmotic stimulation of supraoptic nucleus,B.Osmotic stimulation of supraoptic nucleus,A.Electrical stimulation of the posterior hypothalamus,B.Osmotic stimulation of supraoptic nucleus,C.Lesions in the paraventricular nucleus,D.Neuronal lesion of the preoptic nucleus
"""Endemic"" typhus is transmitted by:",Ricketssia mooseri,B.Ricketssia mooseri,A.Rickettsia prowazeki,B.Ricketssia mooseri,C.Ricketssia burnetti,D.Ehrilichia chafeensis
In Familial hypercholesterolemia there is,A i.e. LDL receptor,A.LDL receptor,A.LDL receptor,B.Apo protein A,C.Apo protein C,D.Lipoprotein lipase
Corynebacterum other than diphtheriae carrying toxin:,Ans. is. 'a' i. e. Corynebacterium ulcerans,A.Corynebacterium ulcerans,A.Corynebacterium ulcerans,B.Corynebacterium xerosis,C.Corynebacterium striatum,D.Corynebacterium urealyticum
Which of the following insecticides is a natural Which of the product ?,"Ans. is 'b' i.e., Pyrethrum",B.Pyrethrum,A.Dieldrin,B.Pyrethrum,C.Parathion,D.Carbaryl
Swinging flash light test is used to examine:,Pupil,B.Pupil,A.Cornea,B.Pupil,C.Lens,D.Conjunctiva
Radiofrequency ablation treatment is most useful in:,Ans. WPW syndrome,C.WPW syndrome,A.Ventricular fibrillation,B.Atrial fibrillation,C.WPW syndrome,D.Ventricular premature complex
"In Nulliparous, cervical opening is",.,B.Circular,A.Longitudinal,B.Circular,C.Transverse,D.Fimbriated
Which of the following will cause Bull's eye retinopathy,B i.e. Chloroquine,B.Chloroquine,A.INH,B.Chloroquine,C.Ethambutol,D.Steroids
In Transduction DNA transmitted by a vector to bacteria belongs to:,Bacteria,C.Bacteria,A.Virus,B.Phage,C.Bacteria,D.Diploid cell
The stage of Ca Endometrium with Invasion of 10 mm of Myometrium is :,Ans. is b i.e. lb,B.b,,B.b,C.lib,D.lia
Nocardia resemble actinomyces morphological but-,"Ans. is 'c' i.e., Are aerobic",C.Are aerobic,A.Are anaerobic,B.Are faculative anaerobic,C.Are aerobic,"D.Require CO, for growth"
Hormonal changes in Polycystic ovary disease is:,"High LH, low FSH and low Estradiol","C.High LH, low FSH and low Estradiol",A.Low Progesterone,B.Normal LH. FSH and Estradiol,"C.High LH, low FSH and low Estradiol","D.Low LH, FSH and Estradiol"
Most common benign tumor of esophagus is -,. Leiomyoma,B.Leiomyoma,A.Lipoma,B.Leiomyoma,C.Hamaoma,D.Hemengioma
Which of the following is lined by transitional epithelium ?,C i.e Uretro-urethral junction;,C.Uretero-urethral junction,A.Stomach,B.Colon,C.Uretero-urethral junction,D.Prostrate
Sulfur donor in phase II Detoxification is -,Ans-C,C.PAPS,A.FeS,B.SAM,C.PAPS,D.GSH
Swine flu is known as,Ans: b) HIN1A simple one. Swine flu is also known as H1N1.,B.H1N1,A.H5N1,B.H1N1,C.H1N5,D.H1N2
The first costochoadral joint is a :,D. i.e. Synchondrosis/ Syncendrosis,D.Syncendrosis,A.Fibrous joint,B.Synol joint,C.Syndesmosis,D.Syncendrosis
Shingles is the other name for,Herpes zoster is also referred to as shingles.,C.Herpes Zoster,A.Herpex simplex,B.Varicella,C.Herpes Zoster,D.Herpes labialis
Vitreous humor of eye contains collagen type:,Collagen II,B.Collagen II,A.Colagen I,B.Collagen II,C.Collagen III,D.Collagen IV
The' 1/2 life of CO60 is:,Ans. 5.2 years,B.5.2 years,A.2.6 years,B.5.2 years,C.8 years,D.3200 years
Rate limiting enzyme in catecholamine synthesis?,"Ans. is 'd' i.e., Tyrosine hydroxylase",D.Tyrosine hydroxylase,A.Dopa decarboxylase,B.N-methyltransferase,C.Dopamine hydroxylase,D.Tyrosine hydroxylase
Missing cases are detected by:,Sentinel surveillance,C.Sentinel surveillance,A.Active surveillance,B.Passive surveillance,C.Sentinel surveillance,D.Monitoring
"In menopause, not seen is :",| FSH,A.| FSH,A.| FSH,B.| Cholestsrol,C.| Androgen,D.| Cholesterol
Which of the following vaccines has maximum efficacy after a single dose -,"Ans. is 'c' i.e., Measles",C.Measles,A.Tetanus toxoid,B.DPT,C.Measles,D.Typhoid
Substrate-level phosphorylation seen in reaction catalysed in:,C i.e. Succinyl CoA thiokinase,C.Succinyl CoA thiokinase,A.Succinate dehydrogenase,B.Alfa-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase,C.Succinyl CoA thiokinase,D.Malate dehydrogenase
Given type of skull is seen in : -,Cephalic Index ( CI ) of various race groups:,B.Pure Aryans,A.Mongolian,B.Pure Aryans,C.Chinese,D.Europeans
"Post ovulation, the cervical mucus :",ls thick,B.Is thick,A.Shows pattern on drying,B.Is thick,C.Is thin and cellular,D.Is thin and alkaline
Which of the following is not a pa of Epithalamus:,Geniculate bodies,D.Geniculate bodies,A.Pineal body,B.Posterior commissure,C.Trigonum habaenulae,D.Geniculate bodies
Poor prognostic factor in schizopaEUR' hrenia is:,Gradual onset,D.Gradual onset,A.Acute onset,B.Family history of affective disorder,C.Middle age,D.Gradual onset
"For hiatus hernia, investigation of choice is not related-surgery",.,C.Barium meal upper GI in Trendelenburg position,A.Barium meal follow through,B.Barium meal upper GI,C.Barium meal upper GI in Trendelenburg position,D.Barium meal double contrast
What is the minimum fluid urine output for neutral solute balance?,"Ans. is 'c' i.e., 500 ml",C.500 ml,A.300 ml,B.400 ml,C.500 ml,D.750 ml
Full form of ASHA,ASHA: Accredited Social Health Activist,B.Accredited social health activist,A.Associate social health activist,B.Accredited social health activist,C.Advanced social health activist,D.Assistant social health activist
Best diagnostic test for Best's disease is:,Ans. EOG,C.EOG,A.Dark adaptation,B.ERG,C.EOG,D.Gonioscopy
Central tendency is not given by,"Central tendency is given by mean, median, mode.",B.Range,A.Mean,B.Range,C.Median,D.Mode
Cyclic trend is shown by ?,"Ans. is 'c' i.e., Influenza pandemic",C.Influenza pandemic,A.Polio epidemic,B.Rabies,C.Influenza pandemic,D.Malaria
Following is transmitted as autosomal dominant disorder ?,"Ans. is 'c' i.e., Hereditary spherocytosis",C.Hereditary spherocytosis,A.Albinism,B.Sickle cell anemia,C.Hereditary spherocytosis,D.Glycogen storage disease
Drug used in irritable bowel syndrome with constipation,Lubiprostone (CL- channel activator).,A.Lubiprostone,A.Lubiprostone,B.Fedotozine,C.Loperamide,D.Mebeverine
Bromocriptine -,"Ans. is 'a' i.e., Inhibits prolactin release",A.Inhibits prolactin release,A.Inhibits prolactin release,B.Inhibits adrenalin synthesis,C.Inhibits insulin synthesis,D.Inhibits thyroid synthesis
What is the most common malignancy affecting spleen --,"Ans. is 'd' i.e., Lymphoma",D.Lymphoma,A.Angiosarcoma,B.Hamaoma,C.Secondaries,D.Lymphoma
Agent which dissolves rubber,Halothane and methoxyflurane are absorbed by rubber.,A.Halothane,A.Halothane,B.Enflurane,C.Desflurane,D.Isoflurane
The HSG report shows?,Ans. (a) Hydrosalpinx,A.Hydro-salpinx,A.Hydro-salpinx,B.Uterus didelphys,C.Adenomyosis,D.Endometriosis
Speed of conduction is fastest in:,D i.e. Purkinje System,D.Purkinje system,A.AV node,B.SA node,C.Bundle of His,D.Purkinje system