from sys import argv |
import detectron2 |
from detectron2.utils.logger import setup_logger |
setup_logger() |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt |
import numpy as np |
from io import BytesIO |
import cv2 |
from glob import glob |
import subprocess |
from shlex import quote |
import csv |
from tqdm import tqdm |
from detectron2 import model_zoo |
from detectron2.engine import DefaultPredictor |
from detectron2.config import get_cfg |
from detectron2.utils.visualizer import Visualizer |
from detectron2.data import MetadataCatalog, DatasetCatalog |
from detectron2.structures import BoxMode |
from detectron2.evaluation import COCOEvaluator, inference_on_dataset |
from detectron2.data import build_detection_test_loader |
import statistics |
import random |
from detectron2.engine import DefaultTrainer |
from detectron2.config import get_cfg |
import os |
import traceback |
numdir = argv[1] |
album = argv[2] |
cfg = get_cfg() |
cfg.merge_from_file(model_zoo.get_config_file("COCO-InstanceSegmentation/mask_rcnn_R_50_FPN_3x.yaml")) |
cfg.MODEL.WEIGHTS = r"C:\Users\Chase\OneDrive\Documents\service-project\mexico_5_column_weights.pth" |
cfg.MODEL.DEVICE = 'cpu' |
predictor = DefaultPredictor(cfg) |
cfg2 = get_cfg() |
cfg2.merge_from_file(model_zoo.get_config_file("COCO-InstanceSegmentation/mask_rcnn_R_50_FPN_3x.yaml")) |
cfg2.MODEL.WEIGHTS = r"C:\Users\Chase\OneDrive\Documents\service-project\mexico_5_column_weights.pth" |
cfg2.MODEL.DEVICE = 'cpu' |
predictor2 = DefaultPredictor(cfg2) |
def get_vertical_lines(img, width=385, line_height=2000, circle = 155): |
'''This function takes an image and default integers as parameters and outputs a list.''' |
ys=[] |
keepers=[] |
n=0 |
gray = cv2.cvtColor(img,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) |
edges = ~cv2.adaptiveThreshold(gray,255,cv2.ADAPTIVE_THRESH_GAUSSIAN_C, cv2.THRESH_BINARY,circle,2) |
kernel = np.ones((3, 3), np.uint8) |
th2 = cv2.erode(edges, kernel, iterations=1) |
kernel = np.ones((1, 7), np.uint8) |
th3 = cv2.dilate(th2, kernel, iterations=1) |
lines = cv2.HoughLines(th3,1,np.pi/180, line_height) |
for line in range(len(lines)): |
if lines[line][0][1]>-.1 and lines[line][0][1]<.1: |
keepers.append(lines[line]) |
n+=1 |
for line2 in range(n): |
for rho,theta in keepers[line2]: |
b = np.sin(theta) |
y0 = b*rho |
a = np.cos(theta) |
x0 = a*rho |
x1 = int(x0 + 30*(-b)) |
y1 = int(y0 + 30*(a)) |
x2 = int(x0 - 30*(-b)) |
y2 = int(y0 - 30*(a)) |
slope = (y2-y1) / (x2-x1) |
intercept = y1 - (slope * x1) |
side = slope * width + intercept |
ys.append(intercept) |
ys.append(side) |
return ys |
def get_horizontal_lines(img, width=385, line_width=150, circle = 155): |
ys=[] |
keepers=[] |
n=0 |
gray = cv2.cvtColor(img,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) |
edges = ~cv2.adaptiveThreshold(gray,255,cv2.ADAPTIVE_THRESH_GAUSSIAN_C, cv2.THRESH_BINARY,circle,2) |
kernel = np.ones((3, 3), np.uint8) |
th2 = cv2.erode(edges, kernel, iterations=1) |
kernel = np.ones((7, 1), np.uint8) |
th3 = cv2.dilate(th2, kernel, iterations=1) |
lines = cv2.HoughLines(th3,1,np.pi/180, line_width) |
for line in range(len(lines)): |
if lines[line][0][1]>1.45 and lines[line][0][1]<1.7: |
keepers.append(lines[line]) |
n+=1 |
for line2 in range(n): |
for rho,theta in keepers[line2]: |
b = np.sin(theta) |
y0 = b*rho |
a = np.cos(theta) |
x0 = a*rho |
x1 = int(x0 + 30*(-b)) |
y1 = int(y0 + 30*(a)) |
x2 = int(x0 - 30*(-b)) |
y2 = int(y0 - 30*(a)) |
slope = (y2-y1) / (x2-x1) |
intercept = y1 - (slope * x1) |
side = slope * width + intercept |
ys.append(intercept) |
ys.append(side) |
return ys |
def crop_bot(img, width = 385, line_width_crop = 300): |
temp=img[-50:,0:width] |
try: |
ys = get_horizontal_lines(temp, line_width = line_width_crop) |
return img[:img.shape[0]-50+int(np.mean(ys)),0:width] |
except: |
return img |
def make_snippets(img, ys, rows = 50, pixels_per_row = 60, pixels_on_either_side = 15, file_path = "", column = "lit", add_to_end = 0): |
start = 0 |
for y in range(rows): |
finish = start + pixels_per_row |
x_check = start - pixels_on_either_side |
x_check2 = start + pixels_on_either_side |
y_check = finish - pixels_on_either_side |
y_check2 = finish + pixels_on_either_side |
newlist = [x for x in ys if (x > x_check) & (x < x_check2)] |
newlist2 = [x for x in ys if (x > y_check) & (x < y_check2)] |
if len(newlist)!=0: |
start = round(statistics.median(newlist)) |
if len(newlist2)!=0: |
finish = round(statistics.median(newlist2)) |
if y==rows-1: |
snippet=img[start:] |
elif y!=rows-1: |
snippet=img[start:finish] |
start = finish |
cv2.imwrite(file_path + "_" + column + "_row_" + str(y+1) + ".jpg", snippet) |
bad=[] |
files = os.listdir(r'C:/Users/Chase/OneDrive/Documents/34/d32/')[:24] |
for d in tqdm(files): |
if d[-4:] == ".jpg": |
try: |
out_dir = "C:/Users/Chase/OneDrive/Documents/service-project/{}".format(numdir + "/" + album) |
im = cv2.imread(d) |
outputs = predictor(im) |
objects = outputs["instances"].pred_classes |
boxes = outputs["instances"].pred_boxes |
masks = outputs["instances"].pred_masks |
boxes_np = boxes.tensor.cpu().numpy() |
obj_np = objects.cpu().numpy() |
masks_np = masks.cpu().numpy() |
m = 0 |
for box in range(len(boxes_np)): |
left = int(boxes_np[box][0]) |
top = int(boxes_np[box][1]) |
right = int(boxes_np[box][2]) |
bottom = int(boxes_np[box][3]) |
cropped_array = im[top:bottom,left:right] |
mask = masks_np[m][top:bottom,left:right] |
h , w = mask.shape |
tl = int(np.argwhere(mask[200]==True)[0]) |
bl = int(np.argwhere(mask[h-200]==True)[0]) |
white1 = np.zeros([h,w,3],dtype=np.uint8) |
white1.fill(255) |
white2 = np.zeros([h,w,3],dtype=np.uint8) |
white2.fill(255) |
change = (tl-bl)/h |
white3= (cropped_array * mask[..., None]) + (white1 * ~mask[..., None]) |
for i in range(h): |
start = int(tl - i*change) |
if len(np.argwhere(mask[i]==True))>0: |
last = int(np.argwhere(mask[i]==True)[-1]) |
elif len(np.argwhere(mask[i]==True))==0: |
last = w-start |
white2[i][0:last-start] = white3[i][start:last] |
if obj_np[m] == 0: |
white3=white2[:,0:60] |
outputs2 = predictor2(white3) |
boxes2 = outputs2["instances"].pred_boxes |
boxes_np2 = boxes2.tensor.cpu().numpy() |
bottom2 = int(boxes_np2[0][3]) |
no_top=white3[bottom2:,:] |
no_bot_or_top = crop_bot(no_top, width = 60, line_width_crop= 45) |
no_bot_or_top = cv2.resize(no_bot_or_top,(60,3000)) |
ys = get_horizontal_lines(no_bot_or_top,width=60, line_width=45) |
make_snippets(no_bot_or_top, ys, rows=50, pixels_per_row=60, pixels_on_either_side = 15, file_path = out_dir + "/" + d[:-4], column= 'lit1') |
elif obj_np[m] == 1: |
white3=white2[:,0:60] |
outputs2 = predictor2(white3) |
boxes2 = outputs2["instances"].pred_boxes |
boxes_np2 = boxes2.tensor.cpu().numpy() |
bottom2 = int(boxes_np2[0][3]) |
no_top=white3[bottom2:,:] |
no_bot_or_top = crop_bot(no_top, width = 60, line_width_crop= 45) |
no_bot_or_top = cv2.resize(no_bot_or_top,(60,3000)) |
ys = get_horizontal_lines(no_bot_or_top,width=60, line_width=45) |
make_snippets(no_bot_or_top, ys, rows=50, pixels_per_row=60, pixels_on_either_side = 15, file_path = out_dir + "/" + d[:-4], column= 'lit2') |
elif obj_np[m] == 2: |
white3=white2[:,0:60] |
outputs2 = predictor2(white3) |
boxes2 = outputs2["instances"].pred_boxes |
boxes_np2 = boxes2.tensor.cpu().numpy() |
bottom2 = int(boxes_np2[0][3]) |
no_top=white3[bottom2:,:] |
no_bot_or_top = crop_bot(no_top, width = 60, line_width_crop= 45) |
no_bot_or_top = cv2.resize(no_bot_or_top,(60,3000)) |
ys = get_horizontal_lines(no_bot_or_top,width=60, line_width=45) |
make_snippets(no_bot_or_top, ys, rows=50, pixels_per_row=60, pixels_on_either_side = 15, file_path = out_dir + "/" + d[:-4], column= 'lang1') |
elif obj_np[m] == 3: |
white3=white2[:,0:350] |
outputs2 = predictor2(white3) |
boxes2 = outputs2["instances"].pred_boxes |
boxes_np2 = boxes2.tensor.cpu().numpy() |
bottom2 = int(boxes_np2[0][3]) |
no_top=white3[bottom2:,:] |
no_bot_or_top = crop_bot(no_top, line_width_crop=265) |
no_bot_or_top = cv2.resize(no_bot_or_top,(350,3000)) |
ys = get_horizontal_lines(no_bot_or_top,width=350, line_width=265) |
make_snippets(no_bot_or_top, ys, rows=50, pixels_per_row=60, pixels_on_either_side = 15, file_path = out_dir + "/" + d[:-4], column= 'lang2') |
elif obj_np[m] == 4: |
white3=white2[:,0:225] |
outputs2 = predictor2(white3) |
boxes2 = outputs2["instances"].pred_boxes |
boxes_np2 = boxes2.tensor.cpu().numpy() |
bottom2 = int(boxes_np2[0][3]) |
no_top=white3[bottom2:,:] |
no_bot_or_top = crop_bot(no_top, line_width_crop=300) |
no_bot_or_top = cv2.resize(no_bot_or_top,(225,3000)) |
ys = get_horizontal_lines(no_bot_or_top,width=225, line_width=150) |
make_snippets(no_bot_or_top, ys, rows=50, pixels_per_row=60, pixels_on_either_side = 15, file_path = out_dir + "/" + d[:-4], column= 'rel') |
m += 1 |
except KeyboardInterrupt: |
exit(1) |
except: |
bad.append(d) |
traceback.print_exc() |
print("image failed: " + d) |
pass |
print("Percent Error: " + str(len(bad)/len(files))) |
print(bad) |
with open(f'C:/Users/Chase/OneDrive/Documents/service-project/{numdir}.csv', 'a') as output: |
writer = csv.writer(output, delimiter=',') |
writer.writerow(bad) |