houcha's picture
import json
# ========================= Field level =========================
def parse_nullable(field: str) -> str | None:
if field in ["", "_"]:
return None
return field
def is_null_index(x: str) -> bool:
a, b = x.split('.')
return a.isdecimal() and b.isdecimal()
except ValueError:
return False
def is_range_index(x: str) -> bool:
a, b = x.split('-')
return a.isdecimal() and b.isdecimal()
except ValueError:
return False
def parse_id(field: str) -> str:
if not field.isdecimal() and not is_null_index(field) and not is_range_index(field):
raise ValueError(f"Incorrect token id: {field}.")
return field
def parse_word(field: str) -> str:
if field == "":
raise ValueError(f"Token form cannot be empty.")
return field
def parse_joint_field(field: str, inner_sep: str, outer_sep: str) -> dict[str, str]:
Parse joint field with two kinds of separators (inner and outer) and return a dict.
>>> parse_joint_field("Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3", '=', '|')
{'Mood': 'Ind', 'Number': 'Sing', 'Person': '3'}
>>> parse_joint_field("26:conj|18.1:advcl:while", ':', '|')
{'26': 'conj', '18.1': 'advcl:while'}
if inner_sep not in field:
raise ValueError(f"Non-empty field {field} must contain {inner_sep} separator.")
field_dict = {}
for item in field.split(outer_sep):
key, value = item.split(inner_sep, 1)
if key in field_dict:
raise ValueError(f"Field {field} has duplicate key {key}.")
field_dict[key] = value
return field_dict
def parse_feats(field: str) -> str | None:
if field in ["", "_"]:
return None
token_feats = parse_joint_field(field, inner_sep='=', outer_sep='|')
return json.dumps(token_feats)
def parse_head(field: str) -> int | None:
if field in ["", "_"]:
return None
if not field.isdecimal():
raise ValueError(f"Non-empty head must be a decimal number, not {field}.")
head = int(field)
if head < 0:
raise ValueError(f"Non-empty head must be a positive integer, not {head}.")
return head
def parse_deps(field: str) -> str | None:
if field in ["", "_"]:
return None
token_deps = parse_joint_field(field, inner_sep=':', outer_sep='|')
# Validate deps.
if len(token_deps) == 0:
raise ValueError(f"Empty deps are not allowed: {field}.")
for head in token_deps:
if not head.isdecimal() and not is_null_index(head):
raise ValueError(f"Deps head must be either integer or float (x.1), not {head}.")
return json.dumps(token_deps)
# ========================= Token level =========================
Token = dict[str, str]
def validate_null_token(token: Token):
if token['word'] != "#NULL":
raise ValueError(f"Null token must have #NULL form, not {token['word']}.")
if token['head'] is not None:
raise ValueError(f"Null token must have no head, but found {token['head']}.")
if token['deprel'] is not None:
raise ValueError(f"Null token must have no deprel, but found {token['deprel']}.")
if token['misc'] != 'ellipsis':
raise ValueError(f"Null token must have 'ellipsis' misc, not {token['misc']}.")
def validate_range_token(token: Token):
if token['lemma'] != '_':
raise ValueError(f"Range token lemma must be _, but found {token['lemma']}.")
if token['upos'] is not None:
raise ValueError(f"Range token upos must be _, but found {token['upos']}.")
if token['xpos'] is not None:
raise ValueError(f"Range token xpos must be _, but found {token['xpos']}.")
if token['feats'] is not None:
raise ValueError(f"Range token feats must be _, but found {token['feats']}.")
if token['head'] is not None:
raise ValueError(f"Range token head must be _, but found {token['head']}.")
if token['deprel'] is not None:
raise ValueError(f"Range token deprel must be _, but found {token['deprel']}.")
if token['misc'] is not None:
raise ValueError(f"Range token misc must be _, but found {token['misc']}.")
if token['deepslot'] is not None:
raise ValueError(f"Range token deepslot must be _, but found {token['deepslot']}.")
if token['semclass'] is not None:
raise ValueError(f"Range token semclass must be _, but found {token['semclass']}.")
def validate_regular_token(token: Token):
if token['head'] == token['id']:
raise ValueError(f"Self-loop detected in head.")
for head in json.loads(token['deps']):
if head == token['id']:
raise ValueError(f"Self-loop detected in deps. head: {head}, id: {token['id']}")
def validate_token(token: Token):
idtag = token['id']
if idtag.isdecimal():
elif is_range_index(idtag):
elif is_null_index(idtag):
raise ValueError(f"Incorrect token id: {idtag}.")
def parse_token(line: str) -> Token:
fields = [field.strip() for field in line.split("\t")]
if len(fields) != 12:
raise SyntaxError(f"line {line} must have 12 fields, not {len(fields)}")
token = {
"id": parse_id(fields[0]),
"word": parse_word(fields[1]),
"lemma": fields[2] if fields[2] != "" else None,
"upos": parse_nullable(fields[3]),
"xpos": parse_nullable(fields[4]),
"feats": parse_feats(fields[5]),
"head": parse_head(fields[6]),
"deprel": parse_nullable(fields[7]),
"deps": parse_deps(fields[8]),
"misc": parse_nullable(fields[9]),
"deepslot": parse_nullable(fields[10]),
"semclass": parse_nullable(fields[11])
except Exception as e:
raise ValueError(f"Validation failed on token {fields[0]}: {e}")
return token
# ========================= Sentence level =========================
Sentence = dict[str, list[str]]
def validate_sentence(sentence: Sentence):
# Ensure the sentence is not empty
num_words = len(sentence["words"])
if num_words == 0:
raise ValueError("Empty sentence.")
# Check that all token lists have the same length
if not (
len(sentence["lemmas"]) == num_words and
len(sentence["upos"]) == num_words and
len(sentence["xpos"]) == num_words and
len(sentence["feats"]) == num_words and
len(sentence["heads"]) == num_words and
len(sentence["deprels"]) == num_words and
len(sentence["deps"]) == num_words and
len(sentence["miscs"]) == num_words and
len(sentence["deepslots"]) == num_words and
len(sentence["semclasses"]) == num_words
raise ValueError(
f"Inconsistent token counts in sentence: words({num_words}), "
f"lemmas({len(sentence['lemmas'])}), upos({len(sentence['upos'])}), "
f"xpos({len(sentence['xpos'])}), feats({len(sentence['feats'])}), "
f"heads({len(sentence['heads'])}), deprels({len(sentence['deprels'])}), "
f"deps({len(sentence['deps'])}), miscs({len(sentence['miscs'])}), "
f"deepslots({len(sentence['deepslots'])}), semclasses({len(sentence['semclasses'])})"
# Validate sentence heads and ids agreement.
ids = set(sentence["ids"])
int_ids = {int(idtag) for idtag in sentence["ids"] if idtag.isdecimal()}
contiguous_int_ids = set(range(min(int_ids), max(int_ids) + 1))
if int_ids != contiguous_int_ids:
raise ValueError(f"ids are not contiguous: {sorted(int_ids)}.")
has_labels = any(head is not None for head in sentence["heads"])
roots_count = sum(head == ROOT_HEAD for head in sentence["heads"])
if has_labels and roots_count != 1:
raise ValueError(f"There must be exactly one ROOT in a sentence, but found {roots_count}.")
sentence_heads = set(head for head in sentence["heads"] if head is not None and head != ROOT_HEAD)
excess_heads = sentence_heads - int_ids
if excess_heads:
raise ValueError(f"Heads are inconsistent with sentence ids. Excessive heads: {excess_heads}.")
sentence_deps_heads = {
for deps in sentence["deps"] if deps is not None
for head in json.loads(deps) if head != str(ROOT_HEAD)
excess_deps_heads = sentence_deps_heads - ids
if excess_deps_heads:
raise ValueError(f"Deps heads are inconsistent with sentence ids. Excessive heads: {excess_deps_heads}.")
def parse_sentence(token_lines: list[str], metadata: dict) -> Sentence:
sentence = {
"ids": [],
"words": [],
"lemmas": [],
"upos": [],
"xpos": [],
"feats": [],
"heads": [],
"deprels": [],
"deps": [],
"miscs": [],
"deepslots": [],
"semclasses": []
for token_line in token_lines:
token = parse_token(token_line)
except Exception as e:
raise ValueError(f"Validation failed on sentence {metadata.get('sent_id', None)}: {e}")
return sentence | metadata
def parse_incr(file_path: str):
Generator that parses a CoNLL-U Plus file in CoBaLD format and yields one sentence at a time.
Each sentence is represented as a dictionary:
"sent_id": <sent_id from metadata or None>,
"text": <text from metadata or None>,
"ids": list of sentence tokens ids,
"words": list of tokens forms,
"feats", .
"heads", .
"deprels", .
The input file should have metadata lines starting with '#' (e.g., "# sent_id = 1")
and token lines. Sentence blocks should be separated by blank lines.
metadata = {}
token_lines = []
with open(file_path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as file:
for line in file:
line = line.strip()
if not line:
# End of a sentence block.
if token_lines:
yield parse_sentence(token_lines, metadata)
metadata = {}
token_lines = []
if line.startswith("#"):
# Process metadata lines.
if "=" in line:
# Remove the '#' and split by the first '='.
key, value = line[1:].split("=", 1)
key = key.strip()
value = value.strip()
if key in ("sent_id", "text"):
metadata[key] = value
# Accumulate token lines.
# Yield any remaining sentence at the end of the file.
if token_lines:
yield parse_sentence(token_lines, metadata)