Text,Label Abolish private Healthcare Outlaw & abolish sundown towns/cities Financially cripple the housing market back to the early 00s ,Not Hateful At least they admitted it! Come on IDF cripple them.,Hateful Allah ya tsine wanda suke supporting Israel. Ya Allah cripple them and may their lives be miserable.,Hateful i was laughing at this boy on crutches ystd now im cripple & hopping roun dis bih?,Not Hateful Don't allow the things we can't change to delay u & the things we can't control to cripple u. I need u to look up & look out because today is a new day in which u can be anything u desire & do all the things u want to do.,Not Hateful Not a freak accident. That dude knows...it'll cripple him - as it should. #weallsawit,Hateful Eliminate their infrastructure and cripple them.,Hateful Literally at work walking like a cripple,Hateful The ramifications of this fraud trial are huge. If Trump were to lose a half billion dollars and his right to do business in New York it could cripple him.,Not Hateful "The U.S. will have hundreds of satellites in orbit, instead of just a handful of larger ones- An attack on one #satellite will do little to cripple the DOD's network, and it's faster and cheaper to replace a damaged or destroyed one. #military # defense",Not Hateful "Are you kidding? Advertisers, manufacturers, restaurants, every business out there, have been gathering data to improve sales and determine what items to keep or replace since the Stone Age. This will do nothing less then cripple our economy even more.",Not Hateful Why are you voting to keep borrowing to send money to other countries? Your vote is going to cripple us.,Not Hateful Houston is an important petro chemical hub. Bomb Houston and you could cripple multiple industries.,Not Hateful "To the extent that Johnson's Great Society mandated a Big Centralized Government Bureaucracy ... it did, indeed, cripple America.",Not Hateful "The ppl I mentioned were secretly working with EPRDF. In 93 there was Oromo meeting in Minnesota.While the meeting was going on, Lenco & Hassan Hussein attacked Abiy & cripple z meeting. A Borana friend found Eth phone # Lenco's house phone found linked to Juneydin",Not Hateful I guess billionaire tax cuts were just not enough. Now they want to cripple the IRS so they can cheat even more.,Not Hateful TuberVILE is a terrorist. He can't have had anyone vote for him if they knew he would cripple our military & damage america's security unless they were in Putin's pocket.,Hateful The Jamaican Crime stop ADs! That screeching sound and creepy music used to cripple me with fear,Not Hateful Interest on business LOC for inventories is starting to cripple as sales reduce. Watch this indicator.,Not Hateful Yeah better get rid of him. Cripple government again.,Hateful "It all makes sense now, reduce police numbers so much that they can't physically arrest you, cripple the prisons so there's no place to go anyway",Not Hateful "What would compel Tesla to cripple itself with a thuggish union? Union guarantees protection of worst employees. Tesla doesn't need that, and has its own QA QC GMP and grateful employees.",Not Hateful The scam was to cripple the base layer for this.,Not Hateful STFU and stop your grifting . It's Biden we might not survive.. Ps: I hate Trump but at least I can see he was better for the American people and economy.. this green deal bullshit is going to cripple America.,Not Hateful "This was coming and you guys laughed, US wastes the most resources per peeson in the world. Just wait and watch as the society comes to its knees, these high interest rates are going nowhere atleast till 5 years and just imagine the homelessness that will cripple your cities",Not Hateful Bears fans when Montez Sweat leaves after the season after playing well enough to cripple their draft chances at Caleb Williams/Marvin Harrison and costing them a 2nd round pick,Not Hateful No-nair-november would absolutely cripple me.,Not Hateful "Dominic Cummings made sensible suggestion to separate covid and non covid, as they did in European hospitals. They didn't cripple their health services like #NHS with 8 million thrown under a bus. #BBCNews #SkyNews #GBNews #C4news #CovidInquiry #CovidInquiryUK",Not Hateful "And now they have hundreds upon hundreds of ballistic missiles, cruise missiles and suicide drones. They could cripple the economies of UAE and Saudia in a heartbeat.",Not Hateful Good news for developing world grain markets as Putin attempt to weaponize food shipments and cripple the Ukrainian economy is gradually overcome.,Not Hateful US forces shouldn't be in Syria stealing oil attempting to cripple Syria to advance this Israeli plan.,Not Hateful i hate being cripple like bitches trying to be funny n shit ,Hateful "The two byproducts of Greed are Hoarding and Wastefulness. It's objectively the WORST sin because it can cripple anything from a relationship to nations. And the worst part is, Greed has no limit.",Not Hateful She couldn't even get on her feet by herself. The guys that rescued her were on their feet. Did the water cripple her feet?,Not Hateful Nikola Tesla: The mind is sharper and keener in seclusion and uninterrupted solitude. Originality thrives in seclusion free of outside influences beating upon us to cripple the creative mind.,Not Hateful "Na every time you go dey find who go take you out, you be cripple ??? Abi you blind ???",Hateful Shutup you cripple,Hateful It's just a political move to cripple Biden. There's no oil in Gaza or Ukraine. No point.,Not Hateful It's #StarmerOut taking the piss as per normal! I'm a Cripple but I challenge #StarmerOut to see who has more integrity or even an hour in the ring ,Hateful Sweet and cute yet will cripple a beta with a snap of a finger.,Not Hateful Cripple fight,Hateful After u don cripple am... ,Hateful That's what happens when you have a crappy writer. Cripple h is garbage.,Hateful "In the span of just one month, no less than 12 Opposition leaders have either been summoned, probed, or arrested by the Central Investigative Agencies. What is this if not a meticulously orchestrated witch-hunt by to cripple the Opposition ahead of the 2024 Lok Sabha",Not Hateful i have know this for quiet the globalist want to cripple muslims just like they did in europe and america and give all power in hands of Zionists to achieve the objective they created ISIS and many terror groups to keep middle east weak for ever,Hateful "You cannot strangle the truth. Cripple one voice, another will rise. Kudos to for standing up.",Not Hateful Peter Iravonga the former total cripple on the ground for 6 years graduated What ELIJAH has done in the land of Kenya is historic,Not Hateful "How racist is it to not only to assume ""students of color"" can't learn, but to cripple their education on top of that.",Not Hateful "Cutting funding to the IRS will cripple the agency. This funding isn't for 84,000 agents as reported by MAGA. Its to retrain/replace employees that are retiring or leaving the agency As yourself who this benefits? Its not the poor. Its their rich friends who want to avoid taxes!",Not Hateful """They cripple the bird's wing, and then condemn it for not flying as fast as they."" - Malcolm X on Zionist Logic",Not Hateful "I want to thank you Hasan. Before this played, i was a cripple. But having to hear this, i forced myself out of my wheelchair to turn this shit off.",Hateful Met several mummy coddled social cripples at university,Hateful A little silly for people who oppose eugenics to pearl clutch over incest posting. Two retards/blacks/cripples breeding isn't any better.,Hateful 60 years of crimes committed comes at a cost Lyndon Johnson's Great Society Cripples America,Not Hateful Cripples have learnt to walk again in less time.,Hateful "And if they constantly use your tax money, raise prices an absorbent amount and are completey fiscally irresponsible that falls on you America.. Which in turn cripples your ""largest Civilian Militia"" which in turn means no fighting back. Which in turn means a politician can",Not Hateful What a shit bunch - The US needs community service for all these parasitic mental cripples asap,Hateful "Rick's full-time battle is with his sexuality. For some reason, he's terrified of coming out of the closet, and the dissonance cripples him.",Hateful """Hating things about ourselves cripples our ability to love others. We can only love others the way we love ourselves. There is no way you can figure out how to love somebody else well if you have not first figured out how to love yourself."" Micheal Todd #selflove",Not Hateful "The internal cripples us, then the external takes the opportunity",Not Hateful "But what cinema at crocodile tears...! These Zionists without soul and without morals, ""Theses eternal victims"": shameless comedians that always hide behind this old same trick and to make a profit from it. Like gypsies, fake legless cripples",Hateful Biden fiddles with our energy reserves while inflation cripples the country.,Not Hateful "Selling USTs gives Japan dollars to buy Yen, increasing its demand and value. Selling USTs cripples TLT and moons UST rates.",Not Hateful "would you share an apartment with me name: nix sexuality: hetflexible? height: 5'4 sign: cancer colour: red advantages: financially stable, 2 cute cats, won't bring over random strangers disadvantages: rampant ADHD that cripples me from doing simple tasks",Not Hateful "Horseracing cripples & kills horses. Always has & always will, #EndIt",Not Hateful "Domon cripples a man, potentially for life. He didn't even grab all his stuff, just the photo with the mysterious man.",Not Hateful "Israel routinely snipes, cripples bombs, and abducts children. Hope that helps. 3500 in a few days is no accident and no collateral damage. It is mass infanticide.",Not Hateful "Despite all of their crimes cowards are cripples, they can't survive a day without American financial military and political and aid . They failed to protect their citizens, these are simply #WarCrimesbyIsreal",Hateful Cripples Lakers Warriors are all +1200 to win the title,Hateful #TuesdayTestimony Fear cripples you on so many levels... You can overcome whatever fear you're facing. You have to move past this and get to your dreams.,Not Hateful "What is this shit? Ms. Caspari/y quitting BaFin in 2021 to become a monk? As mentioned before, I've been very resilient for 10.5 years now. But if nobody's ever coming to get me out of this house/town full of worthless cripples",Hateful Might as well change the team name to Los Angeles Cripples they bouta take turns sitting out games,Hateful The only thing cripples are good for ,Hateful "It's scary how ""Technical Debt Cripples Companies And Threatens To Stifle Innovation"" - learn more in this segment on with vFunction CEO",Not Hateful Tension in Rivers as Massive Protest Cripples Activities over Plan to Impeach Fubara,Not Hateful You don't need a college degree to do 90% of jobs in this country. More and more people are realizing that college education is NOT cost effective and cripples students finances for decades.,Not Hateful Y'all can whitewash the seriousness of what was soon 2 B PM's death all U want; this industry is TOAST & it can't come soon enough 4 all the it cripples & discard,Not Hateful Tension In Rivers State As Massive Protest Cripples Activities Over Plan To Impeach Fubara || Newspaper Review Follow for latest updates Rivers||Fubara||Appeal Court||Rufai||Kano||Wike,Not Hateful Liberalism cripples society's,Not Hateful Exactly. There's nobody to take over. JDR is hated by fans more than him EB has struggled to simply run the offense. Let this man concentrate on developing Howell & becoming a better play caller. The added interim responsibility cripples those guys more than helps the team,Not Hateful "MASSIVE CELEBRATIONS #ClassicalHealings Kericho Township, Kenya section of massive celebrations of JESUS for the miracles of THE LORD October 22, 2023 when the blind saw, deaf heard, and cripples walked.",Hateful "He cripples many investors out there, wow only God can judge a criminal like him",Not Hateful "War isn't Hell. War is war, and Hell is Hell. And of the two, war is a lot worse because only sinners go to Hell. There are no innocent bystanders in Hell. War is chock full of them - little kids, cripples, old ladies. In fact, almost everybody involved is an innocent bystander.",Hateful Only moral cripples could justify the genocide we see unfolding live on television. The Arab nations are useless. The so called Global South is petrified. The West is complicit.,Hateful He that lives with cripples learns to limp,Hateful How else does chuck think he will get the money? just keep printing it? This cripples the American public with escalating inflation and the next generation with ballooning debt due to government spending way way way beyond their means.,Not Hateful "It terrified the host, cripples the hold he has and the control he is trying to seek",Not Hateful "Huh...don't see too many treasure hunters during my travels. Try not to get too lost on the prize, hard to enjoy life if a trap cripples you.",Not Hateful No student loan forgiveness. Get job and pay it back yourself! Snowflakes. If anything we should have hospital/medical bill forgiveness since most of that isn't an elective activity and it cripples way more people than just prime working age,Not Hateful "hell is full of queers and cripples in Vivzie's universe, there's not much else to get. Hitler went to heaven.",Hateful "Calling for a truce or ceasefire before Israel cripples or destroys Hamas is the exact same thing as telling Israel that it should not defend itself, perhaps even that it does not have the right to defend itself.",Not Hateful "Then there are certain people like Chinese gov , who cripples Islam in their own country but fully supports them internationally!",Not Hateful Russ. Two cripples and a bearded bum. Lol,Hateful "God, we want stupid English people propping up the Welsh economy with tourism! Perish the thought! But alas they have cripples running the government!",Hateful "Lastnight I woke up with anxiety & was able to get myself back to sleep , this morning I also had it and was able to get a lot of work done. I'm proud of myself , anxiety normally cripples me",Not Hateful I've been relying on judge+path in Miraidon vs the Charizard matchup and it cripples the deck every time. It is still a tricky matchup but I feel like Luxray just doesn't do enough besides stalling your opponent turn.,Not Hateful "nintendo labo, but we're all cripples now",Hateful I thought I was alone feeling this way about showering/bathing & really embarrassed to admit it. It drains me & pain just cripples me so much.,Not Hateful "Yawns, more cripples in LA.",Hateful "Hawkeye: Exactly. There are no innocent bystanders in Hell. War is chock full of them - little kids, cripples, old ladies. In fact, except for some of the brass, almost everybody involved is an innocent bystander.",Hateful LA Cripples,Hateful Cry me a River. Ship the mental cripples to the Middle East,Hateful "Corruption in the govt & military cripples the war effort and scares off Western aid (or gives allies an excuse to disengage, according to an increasingly resentful Zelensky).",Not Hateful "You'll be better off when Ashley takes over mate, we had the same with Fawaz, 3 months on the trot we were paid weeks late and the excuse was a ""Kuwait bank holiday"" but seeing from the inside was grim, it literally cripples staff members.",Not Hateful "2 weeks ago I wrote an article about content overwhelm, how it's making us digital hoarders, and how it cripples our ability to be creative",Not Hateful Most of the population earn enough to sustain themselves for hardly a week. The anxiety of losing a job cripples a person. The overall savings even if you saved for a decade won't suffice for more than 6 months.,Not Hateful An obedient gimp. Just a hole for to use. I serviced both him and his slaves dick while he was restrained ,Not Hateful proud walmart gimp/slave/stocker i work 69 hours a week for 7.25 an hour,Not Hateful "He looks like a gimp, he knocks me sick that tory shirtlifter.",Hateful HOT! Horny bound rubber gimp is finally allowed to cum after a long edging. He explodes everywhere,Not Hateful New Post: #bible #blog #blogger #christianart #damascus #futurewar #gimp #iran #isaiah #israel #jew #jewish #judaism #military #oracle #prophecy #prophet #russia #syria #gogandmagog #blogpost #christianblog #bibleprophecy #ezekiel38 #jesuschrist #nuclear,Hateful You don't think it's an egocentric power trip for you and people like you to intentionally harass and misgender a historically marginalised group who are merely trying to live peacefully as the gender they want to express themselves as? Absolute gimp.,Hateful After how long of being a gimp for Johnson?,Hateful So is your mum and da so what's your point ye gimp?,Hateful "First there were mummification, kisses, breathplay, to end up fucking this rubber gimp, do you want to see?",Not Hateful I'll play w Twinkie or a gimp,Not Hateful You've wanted to visit for years gimp & shared your deepest needs online. It's time. Let's get started.,Hateful "Colonial lick spittling is a helluva drug Is it any bloody wonder Unionism finds itself used and trampled on time and time again by their 'sovereign' parliament? Yet back the crawl, cap in hand, gimp suit zipped up, this time will be different.",Not Hateful I was so horned from watching this gimp drink my piss that I had to blow a quick load in its mouth..,Hateful Locked rubber gimp. Who said Locktober is going to end today?? I stay locked,Not Hateful I stuffed one up your nan when she was in the freezer in Peter coynes to be fair. You're not from near Croxteth at all you victim absolute gimp you need sleeping for talking shit online,Hateful "Like there was that one time where he was the gimp in the Armageddon and that other time, Magic Mike or whatever",Hateful "nah i agree but for alot of parents who aren't on social media all the time they probably don't know any different, if you took your kids to see olly murs you wouldn't expect him to come out in a full gimp suit",Not Hateful """Have you seen his walk? There's an extra gimp to it now. Extra sauce, they call it, right. He believes and he has that confidence"" Coach's Take: #Michigan QB target Ryan Montgomery is a competitor and resilient leader. #GoBlue",Not Hateful no seen u at the rink for a while stalking folk gimp,Hateful "Don't understand why it was grassing, just tell them not their manager, gimp.",Hateful Typical Liverpool Gimp. Respect for those who fought for our country you brainless cunt. Get a grip,Hateful Fuck off you old gimp,Hateful "In other news, the Somerset gimp is currently behind bars.",Hateful You are a gimp,Hateful Watch this gimp get fucked after performing poorly at a game. #gay #bondage #rubber,Hateful Rubber thirsty gimp used as urinal now on ,Hateful "Sure, but the gimp can't even say who exactly he's against because he's making sht up",Hateful Who doesn't love a footballer gimp from time to time #gay #bondage,Hateful Fk up ya gimp,Hateful Shut up ya gimp,Hateful "Says who, an X gimp",Hateful Oh dear; yet another trans activist sock account demonstrating he's got all the empathy of a dead geranium. Not to mention the kind of creepy libido that would make a gimp mask blush.,Hateful Last day of locktober and this Gimp is hornier then ever but little does it now it never going to be unlocked.,Not Hateful "WATCH: WHAMS feeble Seditionist gimp to the mat, for his performative pearl-clutching bullshit, that even the chair recognizes as another dribbling Hawley wankstain.",Not Hateful "It looks like Twitter adds a white background to transparent images unless you paste them into the gimp and shrink them down to <900 pixels wide, then export as 8 bit per channel PNG",Not Hateful Who's this fucking gimp on the chase like,Hateful when you try to draw a circle in gimp,Not Hateful Happy halloween. You walking you gimp tonight,Not Hateful Gimp and object playing fully rubbered. Do you want to be my toy?,Not Hateful NEW : Bisexual Rubber Gimp. Link below,Not Hateful You've the head of a gimp alright,Hateful Warra gimp,Hateful "What boggles my mind is narrow minded cunts like yourself. Probably have no idea about the sport, speeds involved or laws of physics. Fuck off and educate yourself you anonymous, cowardly gimp.",Hateful I get random meme ideas and edit them in gimp.,Not Hateful Another Content Item Sold on IWC! Latex gimp pegging!,Not Hateful "What's with you Muslims and your hyper sexual insults, every insult by Muslims is either whore,prostitute, gimp, golden shower, and slut",Hateful Seems like all just a big power trip towards the fans then. What a massive cry baby gimp weirdo. Get the rotten cunt out our club #swfc,Hateful Just say'n...-Im not there to see with my own eyes..but I can create this very image using only 3 source images in under 30 mins using AfinityPhoto and GIMP. -we must remember this is an information war..and its terribly sad we're at this point,Not Hateful Sam should be a dominatrix and n3on should be the gimp play into everyone's criticisms about their relationship,Not Hateful "mask reminds me of a dominatrix bunny, and the one he's wearing now looks like a gimp/submissive mask...I'm sensing a theme here.",Not Hateful On the weekend u gimp for Charlie Sheen,Not Hateful "Day of cleaning, webcam and shopping online.. Send away gimps..",Not Hateful You'll do fuck all. Every xl bully should be shot nasty vile breed owned by gimps,Hateful We can do what we want. You voted for us! Gimps/Shareholders!,Not Hateful "Hes a moron, but he's now a rich moron. Blame the sad gimps who subscribe to his nonsense.",Hateful "Say what you like about our club, but it does rattle me, when other supporters mention ""Class"". We've got more class in our little toes. Everything about the club, is just pure class. Don't let jealousy, cloud your judgment. You weird gimps",Hateful Crap weather outside so I should be doing this to a gimp to make day more enjoyable Where are the gimps,Not Hateful Madri isn't even Spanish. Some marketing guru sitting laughing at the wee gimps sipping their shite lager.,Hateful 2 absolute gimps!!!,Hateful They organised the flags and you gimps just follow.,Hateful You big mad! A stan? I could never I chit on you chit Stains every chance I get. You gimps are sore losers just like rabbit... Y'all know nothing about Authenticity! Yes I will say he's a biter,Hateful Football Twitter again showing they're massive gimps,Hateful Tommy burns would be turning in his grave with what the child abuse FC gimps have become,Hateful A board of fuckin tory gimps. Announced the night before a big game against the team in 3rd place.,Hateful "I honestly cannot recommend this enough. This podcast is the complete antithesis of all the shows filled with stat gimps, xG nerds and Fantasy Football dorks. A perfect mix of history, football and culture.",Hateful My #clip - Sounding the Gimps Holes just sold!,Not Hateful Absolute gimps the lot of them. Wouldn't be surprised if they've done worse things than the people on their shirts,Hateful """none of the hate filled gimps I'm friends with found it offensive so it can't be""",Hateful "You are full of shit! Biden has lost my vote. Burn in Zionist hell, AIPAC gimps.",Hateful This happens to me too. Its so that you cant be social which gimps your reach.,Not Hateful 4000 kids behave you gimps. Genocide my arse.,Hateful Didn't even realise George by Asda did three-piece suits in boys' sizes. No wonder you wee gimps are beaming.,Hateful If I see any kids dressed like Hasbulla come to the door tonight I'll have no choice to punt them little gimps over a goal post.,Hateful "Paint mice and put them into a McDonald's??? How's that gonna stop the war ? World's full of absolute gimps, if you want to do something go and fight ? Weapons man",Hateful The Old Gimps,Not Hateful I see the cancel culture gimps are at it again.,Hateful Part of why I hated uni. Full of absolute gimps who think this and drinking 2 vks on a night out is fun. Just wear some fucking normal clothes and get smashed instead of making Tik toks.,Hateful "New Sale! My IWC Content is so popular! Leather, Lips and Ashtray Gimps",Not Hateful Get on your knees boy. In this home locked gimps don't stand without permission and that hooded face needs to be looked,Not Hateful """The Gimp Handler"" Mistress Lacy Lennon truly loves to make her gimps go completely insane.",Not Hateful "Schefter, Rappaport and all these other #insider gimps really letting themselves down today.",Not Hateful And once again Einstein can't tell the difference between a Jersey and a vest. A vest is what gimps like you wear when you give your Mrs a few smacks ya fucking brain donor,Hateful "Because im sick of little gimps like you clueless and uninformed but feel entitled to have your say. You're a little rat kid, educate yourself.",Hateful Who's shocked. White gimps everywhere shit scared to fight back against these maggots,Hateful Bunch of gimps,Hateful Chunkz' and all the other fifa gimps will be loving it man,Hateful Stop giving the guy shit.. all he does is be the best governor in America and you just give him shit over it. Has he run a great race against trump no... but he's a still a solid man and a solid politician in an era of Republican gimps,Hateful Why are the gimps tweeting updates on us the irrelevant twats,Hateful "Hahahahahaha says the anonymous Tory shitbag. Your little coward who pissed on a memorial was found to be nothing but that, another little dishonest right wing fuckwit just doing as he was told",Hateful "honestly there's nothing wrong with a bit of playful booing to unsettle, god knows we could do with a bit of atmosphere problem is u just know most of the gimps who plan on doing it have manufactured hate for him from nothing. so deep in their feelings, sad to see",Hateful "A lot of gimps in the aquarium ! From a session with , , , and Sempai@FL.",Not Hateful "my life peaked here. At 30 and 52 seconds, he knew this was it. As the gimps say ""take me back plz xo""",Not Hateful "bot farms found a new target, colour's me surprised. that said, stop shooting people you pack of gimps",Hateful Their gimps are worse,Hateful Prick this mon. No better than Talal and his merry band of gimps.,Hateful "wake up gimps, Angel wants your wallet.",Not Hateful Fulham about to overtake palace as the biggest gimps in London,Hateful "Today in Coronavirus Evidence. Lawyer: Mr Cummings, you controlled the PM didn't you? It's all your fault. Cummings (flicking the Vs): I admit only that giving my monster life may have been a teensy error committed by one of my gimps.",Hateful "Honestly the way football is turning is just sad, people are more bothered about filming themselves than the moments, so called celebs on the pitch during titles are won, and now gimps like this at a so called prestigious event. Embarrassing",Hateful Theres not a single article in any Brit newspaper stating we are going too far. The gimps at TASS etc are inventing stories to convince their readers the world shudders in fear of Russia.,Hateful Someone I know gimps up in this weather even when it's not Halloween!,Not Hateful "Yes those who live with it know what it's like,not like pampered posh boys of the left like ,@paulmurphy_TD C& other gimps",Hateful The absolute gimps in blink 182 should at the very least retweet this too,Hateful "How do these folk actually get a platform, fucking gimps and annoying as fuck!",Hateful Hahaha SNP paid out all that tax payer money after malicious prosecution after malicious prosecution. Gimps from top to bottom,Hateful Hope they get badly bullied the little gimps,Hateful Footballs fucked inviting gimps like this to the Ballon d'Or,Hateful "Imagine having 3 gimps this gimpy in one family tho , what are the odds",Hateful "Its all they have, sad gimps",Hateful "Halloween in London in full swing Happy ghost day, gimps",Not Hateful Gimps the lot of them,Hateful "What is it with you fuckwits and the crusades? You'd struggle to pick up a broadsword, gimps.",Hateful gimps are rewarded for good behavior. .,Hateful "Experienced this on multiple occasions, some are great and genuinely enjoy the game, others are just complete power hungry gimps and ruins the game",Hateful "Ben, you're a grown man with a fucked hairline coming on twitter acting like a 15 year old child, not all of us are from West Bromwich you know, warra 3 points for the sky blue gimps",Hateful Morning goons and gimps.. Send for my morning monsters ,Not Hateful Trumps pets let lose on the capital shows how vicious and dangerous the orange gimps control of his lemming mob can be! ?,Hateful Maybe not a celebrity but he's been in the news recently- The Somerset Venton Gimps...,Not Hateful "The M2 version will still be enough. It's the software that gimps it not the raw power. Genuine question, what makes it time to upgrade (unless it's broken)?",Not Hateful "Rubber gimps locked, secured, and sealed.",Not Hateful Stop making irrelevant gimps famous. Odd generation,Hateful He's spent 17 years enabling and supporting the Gimps. The fact they picked him to replace Woodward tells us everything we need to know. He's part of the problem.,Hateful Scottish money paid for the M25. Will you British gimps be asking what benefits HS2 will be bringing Scotland? No you won't.,Hateful fuck off with ya bullshit stories u gimps,Hateful Armed Forces Day. What a bunch of bootlicking gimps.,Hateful "The tans have their new McClean to foam at the mouth over. Love it. Can't wait for the ""He'll gladly take the Queen's money"" takes. Yeah lads ask him to play for free so. Gimps.",Hateful She a freak. You weenies saying this is nasty have no idea the nastyness she will lay up on thee. Gimps.,Hateful Ah I love how the gag turns little gimps into pathetic drooling objects.,Not Hateful State of these 2 gimps,Hateful Youngsters alone cannot offer hope. The weight of expectation on their shoulders is too much. For them to be a success the environment around them has to allow them to thrive. Our environment is hugely toxic and sadly has been for years. Nothing alters until the gimps are gone.,Hateful "I get that the coach didn't miss the kick. But I'm going #26 there, not the gimpy kicker. The kick also sends bad message to team. And all the little ""situational awareness"" type things, are they not coaching related? My point? Everyone owns this L.",Hateful Happy #Halloween from gimpy. me attempting a haunted house after our show in San Angelo TX Friday night. ughhhhh nightmares!,Not Hateful Didn't own anybody just some gimpy 12 year old sat in his mums basement who thinks he's funny when he isn't,Hateful You really are living in a deluded gimpy Tory world. He was the worst Prime minister (male) ever.,Hateful Jeff Simmons lining up Thursday against a gimpy quarterback,Hateful I'll never take a three week break from the gym again. I feel like Bambi the gimpy deer.,Hateful Daddy turning his son into gimpy fag.,Hateful "No gimpy little hashtag at the end of that one, hahaha got to you already",Not Hateful He says using a gimpy little acronym hashtag so he can get reach to all the little rats that use it too,Hateful "Happy Halloween pup My postman arrived with boxes and guess what, it was for neighboursGoddess got all excited. Hoping my WL gifts will arrive soon. Thanks again and your Gimpy outfit will be a treat for many.",Not Hateful Who likes gimpy boot stink? likes it. Or maybe he doesn't. ,Not Hateful Lmao every year my guy. I can already tell you how it ends all hype gimpy stars no hardware.,Hateful Keep crying pussy. Little bitches like you are gimpy.,Hateful I give it until January when he's gimpy and needing games off. One man can only do so much.,Hateful Seems like we've overlooked the cause of the gimpy fang.,Hateful Hate the world we live in now like...why are cunts like man not put in tha place man...gimpy YouTubers and wannabe podcasters,Hateful The shards of my hearts just shattered even more. Catching up isn't what I thought it would be. My sweet Harry Winston and really? Twixie Gimpy AND RichieRich,Not Hateful Well. Gimpy pup couldn't unlock himself. This then called for one thing. Removal of all form. Total encasement.,Not Hateful "So, do I WANT to be awake after the neurological ordeal from hell yesterday? No. But what *had* been passing for my sleep is gone with the wind, and it's blowing so hard outside something clunked and woke my gimpy ass up. I am here trying to switch off my brain once again.",Not Hateful Every single one of 'em....against a wall and then use a gimpy on SF....,Not Hateful What happens when he smokes Dallas on a gimpy knee? Those 'pour honey on me' comments will be real cute then,Hateful Looks like the rapper from 36mafia with the gimpy arm!,Hateful Lmao even your gimpy internet friend told you to hop off my dick... man that's a rip,Hateful I love how gimpy masks can look super goofy and cool at the shame time,Not Hateful "After all of that intense biting and edging, I've decided to finally be generous to Gimpy. I'll just edge him. And edge him",Not Hateful Gimpy G shouldn't even be on an NFL roster.,Hateful 100% its coming with a gimpy kicker,Hateful "Not hypocrisy at all. I'm calling you out for being exactly what you are criticizing others for. As for me, I admit I'm a bit rusty and rotten. A little gimpy too",Not Hateful Could be close if Bradley Beal didn't look like a stiff board still while shooting jumpers with his gimpy ass back.,Hateful Damn. When it rains it pours for the Rangers. Garcia came up gimpy.,Hateful A pic for Phatman featuring some gimpy fun since it's been a while since I've done any. Now I wanna do more.,Not Hateful Lets go Magic..You can beat the Lakers. They are on a b2b where last night they lost to the Kings where Fox was gimpy.,Hateful Hutch looks gimpy!! What's up?,Hateful Strange that nobody seemed to notice Taylor was slow getting up and was a little gimpy getting off the field yesterday.,Hateful "in the artificial world with all the plastics, the better, you are the more real you are if you're good, you get the copy if you don't put up your plastic, he threw up diverse, pull up gimpy take the early out duck and cover",Hateful He looked gimpy last game. It didn't get mentioned so I thought I was just imagining injuries because that's what I expect to see..,Hateful was grimacing towards the end of the game and looked gimpy in pre game warm ups,Hateful he did look a little gimpy in the 2nd half of the wolves game,Hateful Well it was Sunday and you lost to a team without a gimpy star and other main player fouled out,Hateful So they made us watch Late and Live for nowt with gimpy guests ffs #bbuk #BigBrotherUK #BBLL,Hateful "Kinda gimpy, no?",Hateful "I certainly cannot speak about her specifically but I think sometimes people need to filter what's going on around them. It's more about ourselves than others. After Gimpy passed, people wouldn't stop using his name to fight",Not Hateful It looks like a fishy with a gimpy tail,Not Hateful "I suck at selfies thanks to gimpy hands lol! But the brace is officially off & the leg is basically healed. Unfortunately due to the location of the break & the way it healed, I'll never be able to fully straighten my leg again.",Not Hateful "I hit send too quickly. Semper Frosty, chill. Semper Gimpy, be flexible.",Not Hateful Excuses ????if yo simple ass been watching you would see him limping the last 2 games.. yall cowboy fans are a bunch of corney ass bandwagon dick riding ass niggas.. we still goin cook yall asses wit a gimpy hurts?,Hateful Omfg love have a fucking day off you gimpy twat,Hateful The #PhiladelphiaEagles are the only remaining one-loss team in the NFL after the Chiefs loss at Denver. But should the team and the fanbase be concerned about QB Jalen Hurts gimpy knee?,Hateful Get some aloe Vera you've just got burned by an old gimpy mate. P.S. he isn't your mate.,Hateful Ha! It's so gimpy.,Hateful Those gimpy wee hands could only ever grip something equally wee and gimpy; Harvie fits the bill perfectly!,Hateful To bad it didn't inspire this gimpy assed draft dodger.,Hateful "If they don't make any moves. The focus should be Kelce, Rice, Pacheco and small sprinkle of Gray, MVS",Not Hateful Because you're clearly an anonymous coward sticking his gimpy chest out making threats on social media.,Hateful "Yet gimpy Celtic groups are calling for the board to take action again about ""fixing"" - worst ""fix"" in football history. Always cheated, never defeated FC at it again.",Hateful "Do you pay attention. Williams is out. Ek left game one and miss games 2, 3, and 4. Gerald Everett is out. Palmer is gimpy. Their starting center is out.",Hateful "If they don't make any moves. The focus should be Kelce, Rice, Pacheco and small sprinkle of Gray, MVS, Mecole,and Watson. Toney is useless gimpy, and Skyy is certified bust. I'll live with drops from a rookie that is balling.",Hateful go back to yer strange dildos and yer gimpy foxhunting friends weirdo,Hateful "You're an idiot , you truly are. You operate off emotion and the first headline that may support your stance. Fucking gimpy idiots .",Hateful I can hear many of my dad's generation disagreeing with Jonathan. He used both including in a firefight he always says for accurate automatic use a bren to keep everyone's heads down the gimpy,Not Hateful If they're gimpy show me evidence they were wrong? Even so outrageous not to think Balde was even up there with them,Hateful You're just basing that off those gimpy Barca reports,Hateful Gimpy Steph,Not Hateful "I need this, but with an nice gimpy rubber mask/hood",Not Hateful I have been critical of Trent Brown for a lot of reasons but after looking at his game he is obviously gimpy with some sort of right ankle issue.,Hateful Muted that gimpy international football journalist who spoils everything My Twitter timeline will be blessed going forwards,Hateful This gimpy is clueless about everything. Why does he never do any research ?,Hateful Wow. Never knew about your accident. I have what I call my gimpy right eye. We are all little Mr. Potato heads. We're all asymmetrical. And your lisp with the east coast accent is awesome to me. I accept you. I see you.,Not Hateful He is playing out of his mind & did it yesterday on a gimpy ankle. He is on pace to press that 20 sack mark.,Hateful Actually that's not true at all. Flint failed Flint. It had NOTHING to do with the rest of the country. That shitty libtard state FAILED to act or to hold the city officials that caused this problem accountable!!,Hateful So the statistics explain it completely but they had to give it a libtard slant anyway,Not Hateful Spoken like a true libtard,Hateful Only smoke blunts or cones libtard lol yup the nineties were rough a era were you would become a man instead of a bitch like you lol,Hateful "I'e been unhoused by KKK backed Black-Irish thugs in MN going on six years now. I moved back yo WA state where I've seen 1st hand the neo-nazi libtard fascists shakedown the : elderly, the disabled l, poor single women especially Jewish women.",Hateful Ur still a libtard which indicates that you have a specific mental disorder called libtardation,Hateful There are only 4 genders you woke libtard. This is the modernism that Von Hustle (God bless his soul) warned us against.,Hateful Group #Halloween Costume Idea #HappyHalloween2023 #TrudeauMustGo #Libtard #TuesdayFeeling,Not Hateful The one that doesn't hire credentialed educators that are taught by higher ed to promote a libtard agenda. The biggest reason parents pull their kids out of public schools is because they teach stuff that we dont want,Not Hateful "SoFla born and bred. I'm enjoying your cool cartoony meme tweets from my red porch in the Florida Keys. Not bad for a ""Libtard"" eh? Here's hoping you get frost bit in the ass while I'm paddleboa",Not Hateful """AI Art isn't the future, it has no soul!"" Explain this then, libtard.",Hateful That's on the dictator tredeau U libtard. Go feed your 5 cats u weirdo,Hateful LOL yeah libtard parents are definitely homeschooling their kids because the schools aren't teaching ENOUGH CRT,Hateful Gotta wonder how many Libtard Bedwetters would!!,Hateful This is libtard pedophile terrorist idol.,Hateful Lol Libtard run cities is where you will find that my poor misguided liberal loon.,Hateful I am glad we didn't have kids and had to worry about libtard Universities.,Hateful No you haven't... libtard losers,Hateful i assume every account gets bought out by some kind of libtard after they get to a certain size. this doesn't even follow the gimmick. the context is perfectly described.,Hateful And don't forget King Meathead Rob Reiner sniveling bleeding heart libtard communist supporter!,Hateful No one said Libtard but you. I said entitled. Now after not giving into your demands for me to work for free you are triggered? You sound entitled to me. Do you shoplift because you think shopping should be free too? What about ice cream?,Not Hateful Wilson is a big mouth libtard and a coward. Sounds like a conspiracy to me. Lock him up!,Hateful Libtard came here with no argument just 30 laughing emojis,Hateful All those illegals don't pay for themselves! What a complete joke this city/county/state are. Thank a libtard today.,Hateful "Another libtard psycho who thinks she can say absolutely anything, including outright LIES, and it will be believed by the masses.",Hateful RINO says what? How much have your Libtard votes added to this?,Hateful "Libtard, college educated women are in training for the upcoming civil war with the MAGAs.",Hateful Oh my gosh it all Libtard areas that spread their mental illness.,Hateful Tikkun Olam libtard Jews are useful idiots for our enemies.,Hateful Libtard is also a word with a dictionary definition. Yall insist its a slur tho.,Not Hateful By a liberal media outlet. Try again libtard. How the fuck can you not see how bad Biden is.,Hateful Happy Halloween to all my fellow Deplorable Patriots. Libtard Democrats can still kiss my ass.,Hateful Typical Libtard view here. There are consequences for breaking the law snowflake!,Hateful But yet the libtard state of Maine couldn't even enforce their own yellow flag laws! You moron democrats will never get it right! ?,Hateful "You went full libtard....,don't ever go full libtard",Hateful "The last time I saw so many fake accounts, bots and paid trolls was Obama 2008. Rob DeSoros is running the libtard Media Matters campaign. No organic support. Just paid spammers.",Hateful "74,000,000 people voted for Trump. I'm 2024 he will receive 100,000,000 MAGA IS BACK AND STRONGER THAN EVER LIBTARD.",Hateful Mr. Poopie pants...libtard!,Hateful The security needs to be fired. Time to do random drug testing on security. Anyone can spot a libtard a mile away.,Hateful because lead poisoning and brain damage are just myths of the libtard medical community (until i have a coronary),Hateful we know your game. Just a media minions of the libtard party trying to scare people,Hateful libtard moslem lover,Hateful This is literally a schools popularity contest it has nothing to do with race. If you think it does might as well switch to being a democrat cause you're acting like a Libtard snowflake,Hateful Ur just another fukking libtard who spouts opinion & NOT facts! Trumps own grandkids r Jewish & he was the ONLY POTUS who kept his promise & moved the US embassy 2 Jerusalem! Ur just another brain dead sheep w/ severe TDS!,Hateful There will come a day when that libtard will wish he was carrying. There have been a lot of litards recently with that same wish.,Hateful More like the students who won got more votes because they have more friends and it had nothing to do with race and you're simply assuming things like a snowflake Libtard,Hateful "HersheyBoy, THIS is not ""somewhat UNALIGNED"". You are just another cock smoking libtard attempting to fool people into thinking you are moderate.",Hateful More like the other two have more friends because stuff like that's based on a vote that the students make meaning it had nothing to do with race and was purely a popularity contest. But keep crying like a little Libtard,Hateful Danielle Smith is bang on. Standing up to the ignorance of the Libtard Marxist cancel mob is never easy.,Hateful Cut from somewhere #Libtard.,Hateful White Libtard with BLM in the bio. The exact type that Malcolm X warned everyone about.,Hateful "Honestly, keep your minds open. If a conservative hadn't dated me when I was a young libtard, I would never have actually woken up from that ""woke"" bullshit that permeates. Sometimes it takes common sense and a different perspective to change",Hateful Right. Another Libtard that thinks because he hates god everyone else should. Fuck off,Hateful It was his hatred and us against them. He gave life to their own hatred and how they feel... It's not that he lifted them out if it or made anything better he justified how they feel,Not Hateful we know your game. Just a media minions of the libtard party trying to scare people into compliance. Your day will come where you are taken down. No journalistic integrity.,Hateful MK Ultra splits. Psychotic libtard geek agents. PERIOD,Hateful Yes! and Psaki is a libtard marxist,Hateful "let me guess, you're being an emotive libtard?",Hateful "Actually, this came along with your libtard leader. Let me guess your waiting for your next ""free"" money hand out",Hateful Pumpkin carved. Don't need an outfit? Have fun this Halloween peeps #mongmob #NFTs,Not Hateful Happy Halloween Degenz stay safe out there $MONG,Not Hateful "Cummings calling senior govt officials 'Fuck pigs', 'Morons' And 'Cunts'. Is the best thing to happen to the news cycle all year. What we've all long thought. Just scandalously inept mongs the lot.",Hateful "Hong Toothaker Mongs value friendship, degenerate meme culture, and good vibes.",Not Hateful Just mongs.,Not Hateful "Wallace Diller Mongs value friendship, degenerate meme culture, and good vibes.",Not Hateful Mong Go uppppp,Not Hateful "Moronic turkey voting for Christmas types, much like the queers for Palestine mongs that will be launched from the top of buildings just as soon as Islam is dominant in the west",Hateful $mong I just Fakin love it session in 2 weeks,Not Hateful "Clarence Lindahl Mongs value friendship, degenerate meme culture, and good vibes.",Not Hateful Johnson is literally spot on here but people will blame him again and again. Mongs.,Hateful "Mongs value friendship, degenerate meme culture, and good vibes.",Hateful Yo mongie frens and collectors. My mong kitchen needs someone whose good with a blade. The mongs currently on staff keep hurting themselves but not in the intentional emo kinda way. If one of these is yours please dm.,Hateful Lets send this shit to mew heights $MONG,Not Hateful The only fan base in the country that would complain about that absolute clueless mongs,Hateful "Rodger Fyock Mongs value friendship, degenerate meme culture, and good vibes.",Not Hateful Mongs in masks. That's all I'm seeing here.,Hateful Spooky $MONG season incoming,Not Hateful Mongs thanking mongs,Hateful "Don't even support any of them either, just makes me laugh how gays can support an Islamic terror group? brainless mongs",Hateful "We were born out of the incoherent ramblings of a US congressman. Mongs are immortal, surviving both rugs, and bear markets",Not Hateful Just bought this cutie to add to my collection. And soooo...cheap considering he's a virgin! $MONG $COBRA$HAMST,Not Hateful Everyone except SOL mongs.,Hateful "In that case, the zombie $mong is coming for you. Run.",Not Hateful It's the uterine pouch. It's nice. Mongs are calling it fat or something but it's what the soft feminine looks like. It's a yay.,Hateful THERE IS A SERIOUS LACK OF $MONG PFPS IN MY FEED WEAR A NOW OR GET TF OUTTA MY FACE $MONG $MONG $MONG $MONG,Not Hateful Happy Halloween $MONG #MONGARMY,Not Hateful A $MONG beast needs to step in and snag every under .1 ETH.,Not Hateful "RT Mongs, pure megastore voucher begging mongs, that's who",Hateful Says the one calling people mongs when you look 60 at 30,Hateful Good lord. Let's pray for those little mongs.,Hateful That's dope $MONG,Not Hateful "She picked a side, the side of all children. Which most of the mongs on here fail to understand! Hamas and IDF are the scum here target innocent kids. The quicker people understand and get rid of them the easier they can come to a peaceful coexistance",Hateful Just adopted this Red Laser #MONG $MONG,Not Hateful A mongs gotta mong.,Not Hateful Mongs the lot of them,Hateful Mongs like you don't understand this wouldn't happen at serious clubs ..,Hateful Halloween is a pile of American shit. Stop it you fucking mongs. Grow up.,Hateful "Tf is that logic? Who hates them? The presidents of said countries? Or some retarded leftist spergs with 0 control? I don't have a dog in this fight, but cmon now, be accurate.",Hateful Fed tax dollars dont go to republican officials idiot they literally do not you are fucking retarded,Hateful No my reasoning is its retarded to compare hamas to the nazis,Hateful my opinion is that you must be slightly retarded or something,Hateful Why did you add dramatic music in the background? You're retarded,Hateful It's STL. There are only blacks and retarded white liberals left in the city limits. That's how you end up with retards like this in charge.,Hateful Brady Quinn is so retarded,Hateful Yup. You're retarded.,Hateful "Probably not, if it was our prisons would be full of retarded pensioners.",Hateful Did you look at the picture or just decide to post retarded shit,Hateful "Help people in America U.S.A. , no migrants should not come to America and steal from our businesses. How retarded are democratic people.",Hateful So you basically say there should just be evil in the world. You would be dead in 2 seconds honey. Some humans are sooooo retarded.,Hateful Listen up kids. You can buy an air compressor for your car for $30 bucks on Amazon and check/fill your tires at home. You're welcome. Follow me for more tips on how to not be retarded.,Hateful Are you serious? The war is OVER!!! Russia cannot be defeated in Ukraine. You are retarded if you think otherwise. The prolonged conflict only kills more Ukrainians and there are not many more to kill.,Hateful Bro I think you're legit retarded,Hateful Pl tell yur 53old Retarded baby To brush his baby teeth before coming in public,Hateful That's hateful. Hateful? Are u retarded? Are u a bot? An NPC.,Hateful Then you have retarded men that dress in a suit and tie and spout this shit.. Like where did you graduate from? What school equates killing thousands of civilians = travel ban They arent the same..,Hateful "Your dumbass doesn't know simple math works for everything that includes math not just legends, your retarded theory proves you have issues with literal numbers, it's 80% cut and pure/base equips are different",Hateful I'm sorry-this is fucking retarded,Hateful having ADHD is so funny bc i think im a genius but i also know that im severely retarded,Hateful "Using this website inevitably makes you gay/retarded, not surprising.",Hateful All colors and kinds of people are pro life. Both of y'all retarded.,Hateful Retarded asf.,Hateful Clippers above the nuggets and the Warriors and Lakers above the Suns ESPN are so retarded,Hateful Damn I'm retarded,Hateful ugh keep forgetting niggas on twitter are retarded,Hateful "For years, people always called me retarded. Little did they know, they were right. I am not Spider-Man.",Hateful "A bunch of white European settlers descended on the middle east, ousted the local population and told the world they are the force of good because their religion tells them so. We're so fucking retarded as a species",Hateful "And this is why nobody likes palestinians, unless other retarded arabs",Hateful "Yeah, they're pretty retarded",Hateful Kitty are you fucking retarded?,Hateful Lol. Retarded cope: all these people's descendants roam the Earth now; they just aren't organized in their once ancient tribes like you are.,Hateful """Hamas started first"" is symptom of mental retarded.. get help",Hateful "Nord Stream, the greatest industrial sabotage since WW2 - the EU and the US vassal state Germany ignore it! Only mentally retarded folks will blame Ukraine or Russia. Biden and the Neocons blew up Nord Stream. USA is not a friend of EU. V.",Hateful now the follow request are broken on phone is elon retarded?,Hateful "Oh no, it's retarded",Hateful Then you're retarded ngl,Hateful You are funny but unfortunately somewhat retarded.,Hateful Some of you niggas are actually retarded,Hateful "That whole thread is retarded, but the first post being a wholesale piece of ""And then everybody clapped"" fiction is the worst part. 19k idiots co-signed that crap.",Hateful "Allowed to use loopholes to get mnk movement that shits retarded, as retarded as the many who think aim assist alone is the problem",Hateful This mfer is retarded clearly. Let's see if he repents. My bet is no.,Hateful """YE BuT iM ToO oLd To StReAm It""dumb ass chinco. Do content stop making retarded excuses buddy",Hateful Utterly retarded tweet,Hateful Then why aren't I banned for saying you're a CIS transphobe? You're fully retarded but even you don't believe this. No one does.,Hateful shut your retarded ass up lmao,Hateful Anyone considering voting for Nikki Hailey or DeSantis (two weak losers) is retarded. Out of all the presidential candidates it only makes sense to vote for President Trump.,Hateful "No wonder Swedes call them retarded cousin! This is what happens when they start believing and living in virtual zone! Multiple genders, La La land and duplicity, leads to identity crisis giving rise to such acts where adults start behaving in",Hateful U are retarded,Hateful i think he's just retarded,Hateful "bro your fucking retarded, herro absence is what made the bench players step up. they woudlve been in the same position and prolly woudkve even got the chip if herro was playing",Hateful "Having grown up with three brothers, close in age ... BRAVO. Knock-down drag-out debates, calling things said (NOT the person) retarded, even - FAR more interesting and illuminating than ""polite"" humdrum. Love ya both. Keep up",Not Hateful I am surprised that so many people are so retarded,Hateful It was always a retarded notion,Hateful I'm too retarded to prod dude,Hateful "He shot him in the back and then went and finished him off. Holy fuck, how can someone be this retarded?",Hateful I'm quickly coming to the conclusion that trans is just another word for retarded.,Hateful Why coocking food you like is now racist ? Is that dude retarded of something ?,Hateful "Are you fucking retarded? Jesus is ME you fucking traitor. I AM GOD's SON you fucking hypocrite piece of shit, fuck you. That clear enough cupcake? Or are you gonna cry because I can speak to eternal sinners any way I damn well fuckin",Hateful That retarded in the white house needs to get a hold of Egypt and tell them to open their borders and let the refugees through we give Egypt 4 billion dollars a year why is that guy such an incompetent imbecile,Hateful Of course will evacuate! Are not so retarded as Palestinians!,Hateful "bruh, are you retarded?",Hateful God help us. The UK is completely retarded. Labour/Conservative just 2 sides of the same coin.,Hateful This what is sam Altman and the retarded others wanted when they did their world regularly capture attempt. They will get fucked.,Hateful just don't be chronically retarded and it wouldn't be a problem,Hateful "$TIA is the airdrop we needed to show the great masterpiece the Osmosis DEX is*. *This is sarcasm, just in case you're retarded.",Hateful I'll be combatting this evil and retarded day with images of Jesus.,Hateful "There aren't 500 million Arabs in Palestine, you tard. And if you want other Arab nations to join in, you're essentially admitting you want another world war. Retarded take, comrade.",Hateful "So Hiroshima had nothing to do with attacking the Americans? They just wanted to test nukes. God you're retarded, LMFAO",Hateful "Attack on Titan is the most overrated horse shit I have ever watched, as if it was written by a guy who's never served in a military and has zero knowlegde of how soldiers act, relying solely on stereotypes. Even worse then that shit is Jujutsu Kaisen, it's simply retarded.",Hateful Y'all are fucking retarded,Hateful Yemen and hamas leadership have iq's of a protozoa. I mean how retarded are they?,Hateful they are retarded,Hateful You're retarded,Hateful Nah you cant be that retarded. Wait this word is too nice for your dumbass,Hateful "So, are these people retarded, or they are just pretending",Hateful Retarded documents. But thanks for giving evidence of your illness.,Not Hateful this is retarded where what you want imma go play skyrim on my friday night?,Hateful "*you're* you retarded, braindead clown.",Hateful I thought this was known Info this just shows how retarded this com is.,Hateful "you must be a child, retarded",Hateful "You know I think I'm retarded, this image is for me",Hateful not to brag but I'm pretty gay and retarded,Hateful Typical retarded YB fan who can't accept other's opinions,Hateful "Have you thought about changing your handle to very dumb black man who loves the demented, diaper wearing, rapist, ex-presidents cock? How retarded do you have to be black and support a legally proven racist?",Hateful Eat a dick you retarded pant shitter. Shall not be infringed.,Hateful Then I guess we can agree to disagree. It's her in my opinion and we're all entitled to our opinions. She is a vindictive woman I mean she used the word retarded and thought it was acceptable.,Not Hateful Only a small percentage of white Americans own slaves. It's absolutely unfair and retarded to make all white Americans pay for that. Quite a few black people are here whose ancestors were never slaves.,Hateful Chief you said the mamilla pool massacre was fake news. You're beyond retarded.,Hateful Lol no its not you are retarded,Hateful Stfu. The only thing you know is how to look like a retarded fat lesbian. The entire world literally laughs at you. Other than Ron himself You and your antifa buddies are the reason DeScamtis shit the,Hateful "Urinary excretion of free amino acids, sugars and mucopolysaccharides in mentally retarded children from social welfare homes",Not Hateful Only a fat fuckin felon retard like kelvin lepage would think heat activates a vaccine. Show me what a retard you are without...wait. Fat retard living with his fat retarded mom.,Hateful If you think you need relief from that particular divot then you're retarded lmao,Hateful nah she just retarded,Hateful "I guess you are fucking retarded. Look at you trying to deflect instead of explaining your fucking retarded question. Thanks for taking the bait, you Libturds are so predictable ",Hateful rod snorting some coke. MY CAR DOES NOT RUN ON METAL. he hangs out about there with people. your suppose to think your retarded.,Hateful I'm retarded,Hateful "Urinary excretion of free amino acids, sugars and mucopolysaccharides in mentally retarded children from social welfare homes in Czechoslovakia",Not Hateful Obvious troll. I refuse to believe someone can be this retarded yet operate a smart phone.,Hateful How is Houthis being retarded considered a happening?,Hateful Why add dramatic music in the background? You're retarded #gazagenocide #freepalestine,Hateful "A shouty, red faced man who only seems to watch things he doesn't like, and does so on purpose, whilst also pre knowing he won't like it ? This is as retarded as saying you hate Italian food but then chose to only go to Italian restaurant",Hateful That dude is mentally retarded!,Hateful "Thats cuz ur retarded. Leave my sport alone, it was a fluke play that's happened before. This just happens to be the first time its killed someone. Go watch knitting if hockeys too violent for you.",Hateful Bro are you fucking retarded? Lebron looks fine,Hateful Kim Jong-un: We have not heard from Biden the mentally retarded except for the crazy theories in Ukraine and the lies in Palestine. #Gaza #FreePalestine #Israel ,Hateful "Look at those people. If you can even call them that. They all look deformed and/or retarded. Where was this? Is it some sort of mental hospital? Is it the special Olympics? Seriously, look at every face",Hateful i might be retarded but pls tell me,Hateful She's retarded.,Hateful "You are automatically disqualified from ever speaking about important subjects again. You linked to commentary by ... If I want the opinions of a semi retarded racist , I'm sure I can find a better one",Hateful "you want to wait until election day, you lose votes. Some people need to vote early. Until laws are changed by state legs to make paper only and day of only mandatory, ceding that ground to dems is retarded.",Hateful Be less retarded,Hateful Are people really this retarded? The world is only going to get more dangerous lol,Hateful Clippers got to be retarded,Hateful Why ru retarded sameera ??,Hateful Lol Bryson you're turning into a homosexual man. The second slide is obviously a meme. The first one is retarded. But no one is saying the black hockey player did it because the other guy was white.,Hateful He is retarded,Hateful Your mom is the retarded one.,Hateful Voted obviously because I am personally retarded. Instinct say Grug trust man who understand Big Man in sky.,Hateful I feels but what if the girl be knowing & still is retarded do it count then?,Hateful Ansh mentally retarded,Hateful Are you retarded ansh ?,Hateful The only race I actually dislike are Indians. Istg they are all retarded,Hateful I love how this is what bothering you and not the fact that they raped and killed her. You shouldn't talk about those kind of stuff as it seems you are retarded as fuck.,Hateful This has to be the most retarded fucking post I've seen all year on X,Hateful okay that was retarded,Hateful An individual constantly taking shortcuts is stunting their personal growth A society full of people stunting their personal growth is a retarded society.,Hateful Were you the retarded who said hamas force the Palestinians to stay by force? And we're not you servants to evacuate every fuckin building.. these people already evacuated their homes and still bombed in a UNRWA refugee camp,Hateful "Happy Halloween, let's take our retarded little siblings out for some trick or treating",Hateful "Silence, retarded foreigner.",Hateful He is destroying the country. My God you're retarded,Hateful "Yeah, they do typically post liberals being retarded.",Hateful "Does the R in CBR stand for ""Retarded""?",Hateful "Excuse me, are you fucking retarded?",Hateful Having Kawhi PG Harden & Westbrook on one team is just retarded like what and how. Good ingredients but how can u put a nice meal and dish together when u got sweet salty sour bitter spicy ,Hateful "How can you not comprehend agency? Are you really this absolutely retarded? I have plans for my children, but they don't listen very well",Hateful Everyone knows is a semi retarded douchebag.,Hateful It's not a gif are you retarded,Hateful I blocked a retarded ham planet today because I don't want her gaining mass off of my threads.,Hateful Oh my bad I didn't know it was retarded. I thought it was malicious.,Hateful "Yo I swear I get my best work done in the scary hours. Not a morning person, don't care about morning routines or optimization. I'm sluggish af, feel half retarded, but in the evening I'm on fire. Ideas hitting me left and right, renewed focus, just thriving.",Hateful "I don't have time for the mentally retarded and arguing or trying to change minds. If someone tries to 'educate' me with information I know to be false, I'll usually block them.",Hateful """Retarded"" has been used for ages but when it was seen as offensive, decent people stopped. In society, you do not call someone or add a name to a people that they find offensive. Thx.",Not Hateful Man I just be lookin at em like this bitch really think I'm retarded,Hateful We really need updated gun laws bro cuz how is this bullshit even happening? Half of America is basically retarded and cannot be trusted with a lethal weapon,Hateful You're retarded lol,Hateful Yes you are mentally retarded,Hateful Damn racists be retarded af,Hateful "Ahh cmon Congressman Torres, don't confuse anti Zionists with facts. That's as cruel as teasing a retarded dog!",Hateful our country is retarded,Hateful Are you retarded?,Hateful You really are retarded huh? no such thing as TDS.,Hateful I stopped dating because the women are mostly mentally retarded. Best way to put it.,Hateful So it's better to bait Ur readers using fake outs??? This is so retarded,Hateful Is he retarded?,Hateful But CNN has to spin it for it's retarded audience,Hateful Are u retarded u ranker,Hateful "#VTR10N is the embodiment of ""it's so retarded it has to work"".",Not Hateful He's retarded.,Hateful The degree is useless when you're a retarded activist.,Hateful A retarded friend of mine who likes russian planes more than french planes,Hateful You're purposefully retarded and I'm not giving you anymore energy,Hateful "Eh, you're just retarded.",Hateful "Dude!! You're fucking retarded. Look at the fucking border you fucking asshole!! This dick plays the emotion card while millions, MILLIONS of people, INCLUDING TERRORISTS pour over our border. And Hawley is the turd. You're a fucking assh",Hateful "SHIT JUST GOT REAL Who the hell cares about some retarded map, STOP SELLING OIL AND CUT TIES WITH PISSRAEL MBS YOU RETARDED IDIOT",Hateful i know you had to be one those childs left behind growing because you gotta be retarded for real,Hateful "One of the funniest sentences ever uttered is ""Jewish work camp."" That's like saying ""retarded think tank.""",Hateful Dude market is still oversold on longer timeframes going into FED meeting. You have to be retarded to have puts open rn. Risk is to the UPSIDE,Hateful I think you might actually be retarded,Hateful They're very intra-left focused which is why they're so utterly retarded when they claim to he stating what right wingers actually think and believe. Most leftists really can't frame right wing perspective honestly.,Hateful i use and manipulate men because i view them as both holy instruments and recipients of immaculately divine justice you use and manipulate men because you are a retarded juvenile bitch we are not the same,Hateful Im wearing the retarded version of Masterchief,Not Hateful "Hey could you please get my boy so that he can fit well into this ""definitely not a retarded grifter"" club please?",Hateful Can you tell me what bull is? Is it like retarded human?,Hateful "Or... And hear me out, please? A retarded liar.",Hateful Are you fucking retarded? Let me know how much aid those countries send the US annually. I'm sure you can find a reliable website that shows it. I'll wait here moron,Hateful Imagine being retarded by choice,Hateful "Heating is 20% of some people's expense you dullard. These cunts don't know what scraping by is, since you're too retarded to understand the point. $20 per month more in one spot makes a difference to some. Fuck head.",Hateful youre infinitely retarded,Hateful *obligated SORRY THE YAOI RETARDED BRAIN,Hateful You are retarded,Hateful The Journalists are putting out their most retarded work on this story.,Hateful "Russia literally took, and is currently holding, large pieces of Ukraine. Even states so on the cover of this article... you slavaidiots are retarded.",Hateful It is not important to address 'algorithmic discrimination' in AI. That's just retarded.,Hateful Nah this mf is retarded,Hateful Genuinely hilarious how retarded Konami is,Hateful Ur fucking retarded if u think I have some kumbaya shit in mind with this post. I'm very aware that Christendom and the Islamic world have been in multiple conflicts in history yet it's not beneficial in engaging in some race war bey,Hateful So no blame on that fat fuck who got physical and almost injured her baby? Get the fuck outta here with your retarded state of mind.,Hateful "This stupid fuck doesn't know that actions have consequences, you stupid as fuck or just retarded?",Hateful "oh gosh. i give up bro. youre like retarded, literal scholars are saying its an ethnicity. you keep changing the goal post, thisss is antisemitism asf to deny they exist as an ethnicity or youre just stupid",Hateful What actually needs to be understood is whether NayaDaur makes one retarded or are retarded recruited at NayaDaur.,Hateful What about entropy would you like explained to you? My guess is you've learned about it from retarded creationists who half understand it.,Hateful "u have to be retarded to not recognize that this team is lacking talent outside of jimmy (who's been awful), bam, tyler, and the young guys. the rest of the team are old role players or overpaid",Hateful Imagine being retarded,Hateful it's because u treat me male not female u don't see how overtly retarded every1 is being to me,Hateful "DUMPING UPWARDS?!?! HOLY FUCK, People being retarded should be calculated in studied in levels.",Hateful ARE U RETARDED?,Hateful I have the brain of a retarded dog today,Hateful "Wattafac is a dead food?!? Your English is truly horrible my retarded friend. As for the United States, that's not my problem because I'm not American.",Hateful They absolutely do hate us because they don't like the fact that we don't live like them and that's how they justify attacking us. You can't be that fucking retarded.,Hateful "Clearly it's a fucking man. You can see that's it's a fucking man. The dude is not feminine he just puts on fucking clown face. This whole goddamn nation is retarded, it used to be the best country in the fucking world.",Hateful Lady drugs are worth FAR more than candy is. Why the fuck would ANYBODY give away drugs for free? To children? Are you retarded?,Hateful There is legit something wrong with you. Just retarded point after retarded debunked point.,Hateful You're pretty retarded for someone that allegedly has a doctorate.,Hateful "Yeah. I mean, I get the idea of some kind of ass kicking to help get your brain straightened out but this is just retarded.",Hateful Are you fucking retarded? The Iliad is not fiction,Hateful *Retarded Slob,Hateful Omg you're so ignorant it's borderline retarded.,Hateful fucking retarded i hate this woman now,Hateful You are taking a contrarian point of view about the Hamas march for clout and you think you are doing something. There are thousands of retards smarter than you doing the same oppositional opinion.,Hateful The only virgins you retards get is a bunch of neckbeards from a star trek convention,Hateful "I dont have haters, I have retards.",Hateful """Weesa alomst dere."" Jar Jar siad, ""I don't want to go to his city if there's any more retards like him in it.""",Hateful "A finished football rattled few retards and PR medias with 4 emojis sigh, agree or die cristiano is the biggest name in the sports history ever",Hateful "Could've been much shorter if said ""teachers r just retards""",Hateful 2 retards fighting,Hateful "How does the word Democrat even come into this conversation, it's because retards like you that have never watched hockey in your life are turning this into something it isn't.",Hateful lmao fcking retards just go to a fighting gym it's $100 a month,Hateful Like what's god gotta prove to an atheist when they're dead lmfao retards should be left in heaven too,Hateful Only retards think they can do whatever they want in a private business.,Hateful "Do you retards just feed off of others retardation? just because someone says a factual statement doesn't make me privileged I've actually worked hard my entire life, and queers who beg for a tip",Hateful "The subset of Dumb Mother*ckers are those that don't own any Chainlink or noLinkers. They were influenced by Crypto Twitter: SBF, Kwon Do, Vitalik, Justin Sun, Charles Hoskinson, Brad Garlinghouse who ponzi scam the dumb retards with animal cartoon shit coins.",Hateful ARE YOU GUYS DUMB IT IS FUCKING HOSPITAL PEOPLE ARE DYING AND SICK FUCKING RETARDS,Hateful "I mean that is fair, history HAS shown that jews have been unhinged retards in the past. Only fair you follow suit.",Hateful Remember when it came out that the alpha bank story was made up bullshit but you retards still think it applies to Trump even in an unrelated story because you're dumb as fuck? I do!,Hateful Sick fuck-using a crushed minority to celebrate colonial oppressors and child murderers. Get out of my country you retards,Hateful The clowns behind this account must be retards,Hateful They are buying sport from the World. Look at the boxing and all the rich and famous flocking to be photographed together in an orgy of wealth and power. Fecking retards are too busy massaging their egos and don't realise they are being bro,Hateful "Further proof the cycling brigade is full of illiterate, emotionally stunted adults who can differentiate the difference between a car lane and a bike lane. And thanks, it is difficult dealing with cycling retards",Hateful """The gap between knowledge and practice retards our ability to transform opportunities. Culture is the code of wisdom, so how does it find its way into science?""",Not Hateful Declaring war instead of feeding their own people. Bunch of retards,Hateful "Lebanon has a huge gap between the Christian Lebanese(who average around 115, one of the smartest ethnicities around) and the Muslim Lebanese(inbred retards). Different breeds sharing the same country.",Hateful fkn retards,Hateful He really is the retards retard man,Hateful Spawn.. one of the most ugly skins I've seen in Cod. People who spend $20 on these stupid skins shouldn't be able to take them over into the next game. Why can't Activision be the normal one forcing these retards to buy stuff all ove,Hateful You bitches are retards. End of convo.,Hateful "If anyone actually believes in COVID ye as bad as them in charge, fucking retards",Hateful GM fellow retards,Hateful console fanboys are the worst types of retards. You're all brokie losers fighting over 2 consoles that are 2 gens behind current tech.,Hateful This is the level of intellect pro-Hamas retards are displaying. Holy mother of all incompetent analogies.,Hateful "Happy Halloween Retards~!! I got aproached by an absolute hot stuff andc surprisingly, all she wanted is to become a pet",Not Hateful fans? memes? all I see are retards who post the type of shit you'd see on facebook in 2012,Hateful United legend passes away and they use Haaland as the thumbnail. Retards,Hateful "reminds me of the retards who thought 'baby trump balloon' was peak comedy. same retardation, different flavour",Hateful To all the retards who say anything against BDS,Hateful "I'm guessing this makes you feel like less of a mark, a bit too late for that though if you get so mad at wrestling moves it makes you call people retards",Hateful I' getting out of this hell hold. Cause that's what it is. Beaumont This House and everywhere around this bitch. Fucking drunkards and retards. Fucking brainiacs. And annoying egotistical dick wads.,Hateful "Pathologically immoral, kvetching liars gonna lie. We're never going to be your slaves. You retards haven't learned your lesson in thousands of years, 110 NEVER AGAIN!",Hateful no one is doing that. what is happening is a bunch of normal people are calling the lot of you fucking retards because you are literally acting like fucking retards. the only reason you and any other dipshit maga account care,Hateful "Vucic is playing balls with all EU members. Someone fire all these retards please!! How fcking blind can you be? Vucic will never betray his big daddy Putin. He is taking money from EU and spending them on terrorist attacks in Kosovo, hel",Hateful I literally don't have time for retards.,Hateful Because they don't know any better. They are low IQ retards.,Hateful "Hamas can kick rocks. I don't condone what they do to civvies, but I understand. The retards who created the conditions for Hamas to come to power *and stay there* should absolutely face worse repercussions.",Hateful Y'all are fuckin retards,Hateful "Again, you can't even talk to us. We have been to 7 of the last 17 finals. You have been to 0 retards",Hateful So many retards here praising him.,Hateful fuck yeah congrats! I cant wait till we get our snow here. Well until I have to drive with retards on the road anyways.,Hateful Retards supporting retards,Hateful "Because these are proxy wars that the retards in control of our government have promoted, because we're too busy arguing about politics and surviving their economic plantation.",Hateful "I wish all retards like Rama were so open about being retarded. That way, when they run for president, they lose faster.",Hateful bunch of dumb fucking retards,Hateful """Onchain retards"" you mean",Hateful Suck on it maga mike here to stay stupied blue congress heloed get maga mike we pulled a fast one on the retards that dont know how to think for themselves they all have to vote the same way they helped get rid of,Hateful Only retards say you can't.,Hateful "Unlike retards like you - we are not ""fans"" of anyone - normal people want a decent leader - not a comedian - or idol - only MAGA sheep use the term ""fan"" you are a low IQ loser",Hateful Retards like you would.,Hateful Dems don't need those retards to win,Hateful Cornel West is part of a pro-Trump coalition? OK then neocon retards,Hateful "Looks to me Russia is in former Ukraine, not the other way round. We can aks all of these dead retards how they think it's going so far",Hateful There are to many retards still in crypto.,Hateful So he thinks we're all retards then. Good tae know.,Hateful "You can call it that, aye. At the end of the day I suppose this is not the most potent brimstone retards have, but it still is about as pleasant as a fart.",Hateful Wtf is wrong with these retards thinking it's funny and cool to assault others on cam? Jail time and big fines for him and the camera person. Zero tolerance.,Hateful Seen Retards who look down on people who are below 6,Hateful "Law is a social construct to keep retards in society in line, those who are unable to distinguish right from wrong and morality from immorality. With that said, if you automatically equate ""breaking the law"" as wrong, without understand",Hateful These retards are going to kaput as well,Hateful "My brother in Christ the Israeli Jew is probably not a ""literal nazi"" for fucks sake you retards.",Hateful There are hundreds of other retards smarter than you being oppositional and contrarian just for twitter clout. No one cares about your opinions or self published books.,Hateful Same can be said about the rest of the social media apps but I don't see you saying shit about the rest. You're one of them special type of retards,Hateful Disgusting Xbox retards are real quiet now because they can't use this as a way to talk shit about the better console and company. Shame on you bastards. #Xbox #Bungie,Hateful Niall isn't British retards,Hateful When you post something 100 times a couple retards are bound to like it at some point lol,Hateful "Horror movies don't have to be R rated to be scary, insidious is only R rated bc of language bc they know retards will say ""it's not horror if it's not R rated""",Hateful I don't know why those retards haven't addressed the oline. They tried to patch it up with low grade free agents or low draft picks. Even a subpar qb like garrapolo could succeed with a great oline,Hateful "Like 45% of a happy marriage is finding a woman who likes it when you sperg about topics she doesn't know or understand Not that she tolerates it, but genuinely enjoys listening to you talk about stuff you think is cool I want this for all of you",Not Hateful Choadgn go sperg out of Keemstar for false-flagging people's accounts. Change your tampon while you're at it.,Hateful "How is anything that person is doing in the clip ""movement""? You do realize shaking your mouse like a sperg isn't what makes a movement shooter right?",Hateful Wtf has AK done to her to make her sperg out and watch her every movement?,Hateful "All women love listening to me sperg out, they just hate everything else about me",Not Hateful Hes a sperg he was doomed the moment woman talked,Hateful "Oh no, someone's playing music, let's all sperg out.",Hateful sperg gf ((bf)) nsfw,Not Hateful Bored so I see if somehow Salvo is Back or if this is going to be sperg fest,Hateful They converted Alex Jones into a sperg over that one.,Hateful Suppression of latent homosexual tendencies makes them sperg here on things and people for seemingly minor issues,Hateful Get a job sperg,Hateful The mental gymnastics are hilarious to watch I've seen many of these guys accidently agree with us and sperg out trying to spin it back around,Hateful Hes a fucking sperg,Hateful "lol. so hilarious. no I'm not gona sperg out so i get my account blocked. but yes. you, an all your people. violent impulsive low iq neanderthals who can't comprehend one step behind or ahead.",Hateful And i stopped like 2 days ago you fucking sperg,Hateful Whereas we mainly get inbred (source!! before you sperg out. Pakistani tribespeople in their hundreds of thousands. Not hard to see how this isn't exactly beneficial.,Hateful """GUYS stop venerating the Iliad in your literature canon! Its not historical! You must disconnect yourself from heroes of the past! You must read agrarian logistics and random peasant POVs like a fucking sperg!""",Hateful "Troons can sperg out all they want, they're not escaping the pumpkin fucking memes.",Hateful Every other sperg is now live streaming extremely boring streams and flexing 300 views amongst there competition. ,Hateful Today will be 'sperg tweet day. I've decided. For now.,Hateful "Alright, so why is that so difficult? that's literally all that has to be done, and then people won't sperg out on you.",Hateful "I just want to thank Jobless Johnny for the most incredible sperg out ever witnessed. Here's to your continued ""success""",Hateful "19M/Sunni Muslim/Arab. Retro-gamer, otaku, language enthusiast, metalhead, sperg, tomboy enthusiast, waifuist, tradfag. AR/EN/DE/FR OK!",Not Hateful "Yeah, nah. You don't get to ignore the constant provocations that have been going on since the last time Hamas had a righteous sperg out. The mosque invasions, the sniped children, the detentions without charge.",Hateful Wtf has AK done to her to make her sperg out and watch her every movement? Stalk and shxt talk anyone she associates with. Hurl You've exposed a lot about JM with facts & receipts. Not this made up bs ppl do for,Hateful Why did your boy sperg out when a podcast host asked him to wear a normal pair of shoes? Why was that so hard?,Hateful "No, I complain about actual terrorism and the people carrying it out and celebrating it. My lack of concern for people that largely brought this on themselves isn't remotely even in the same ballpark.",Not Hateful "Say ""image maps"" as they call the police on you for a carhardt after you accidently convince your provider you have autism because you literally felt guilty for doing something which you proclaim as sperg. Just turning things into html4 with image maps.",Hateful "had a genuine sperg attack tonight, i hope my beautiful chubby little followers dont think any less of me for it because there will be more",Not Hateful They ain't care till a sperg pull out they piece n let da autism speak,Hateful Totally accurate SPERG Tier list,Hateful Sperg is a badge I wear proudly.,Hateful Activizines. Printable dice and a random number formula. Here's the hardest ones: Activizine modules. We like video games but a meacham sperg would rather draw knowing there is no free will and just rather spit out a number from Max's dice formula he made filming softcore.,Hateful SPERG SPERG SPERG SPERG CHAT FULL OF SPERGS,Hateful "Shame is good. Without shame, there is no decency. Instead of decency and manners, we get deranged, misanthropic maladaptives like you who sperg out on the TL. Better luck next life.",Hateful You're just a sperg I don't have to say anything,Hateful "you don't need to sperg this much, just say you hate Whites and move on with it",Hateful you say this as you sperg for hours for a crumb of attention for someone who doesn't know anything about anything ,Hateful Dudes a bigger sperg than most dramatubers holy shit lmao,Hateful woman doesn't want to argue. autist has pride filled sperg out. end conversation,Hateful Everybody always talks about this bitch but she has like two minutes of dialogue and is a nonverbal sperg,Hateful "These books are one click away from Dr. Seuss. What level of sperg would complain that they ""don't understand how things work"" Much less compare them to The Hobbit.",Hateful "But I can't fight the machine by myself. I can't sperg at it hard enough to make a difference. But I CAN spend so much time sperging and doom scrolling that I don't even get small things done. Somehow, I need to switch off for a bit",Not Hateful This is the same woman who spergs out whenever someone says she isn't British,Hateful """I hate the fact these spergs weaponize the fact that Rollo gives a shit."" -some Redpill guy's tweet Seriously tho: Rollo the author. ""Godfather of the RP"" the YouTuber At some point, the Godfather fighting clout war against these sperg",Hateful "Really went full mask off, huh schmegle? ""It's all in your head you people are being ridiculous"". Spergs for 30 posts about hating Christianity after Israel is mentioned ",Hateful Don't date autistic spergs,Hateful Women in general are quirky. Don't limit yourself to spergs.,Hateful Soon spergs will be in internment camps for pattern recognition and prediction. Aka 4chan meetup. This was a prediction,Hateful "All the spergs who are getting on KB's case for this joke are the same people that laughed at a guy get stabbed by a homeless person cause he was liberal, and laughed at Rush Limbaugh's death because they didn't like his politics. Admit you like edgy jokes and STHU.",Hateful People surprised when a retard spergs out and does retarded shit.,Hateful "Some random dude got mad at MrGM about stealing content, Asmon covered his video, spergs in the chat mostly sided with him and went wild apparently",Hateful I'm a big picture guy so I don't care about people getting little things wrong. Directionally who is more right? That's all I care about. I leave details to spergs. Never been a detail guy. Hate detail.,Hateful Yeah but every time I say that I get spergs telling me how that's still basically support Israel,Hateful Yeah no you spergs didn't do anything to end commentary. #TotalSalvoDeath,Hateful Spergs missed the whole point and can't see the commentary double standard. I guess now they're okay with deplatforming? Whatever happened to free speech?,Hateful Lol Cry more about Dabo. Bunch of spergs rage tweeting 24/7.,Hateful Maybe the Palestinian kid that painted the mural on the wall doesn't care about Qatari flag detail for conspiracy spergs? No publicly available AI can do that. ,Hateful Monty why do you harass Alex on this account and then harass me on your alt like I don't know it's you? You are literally on at the same exact time. Also tard is so lame. Call me queen of the spergs instead.,Hateful "Blud spergs about ai images then turns around, soypogging as he posts shit like this lol",Hateful "there are spergs on here who have that data im sure. a lot of ""Christians"" are fake and going to hell so",Hateful JadenMcNeil is live on Kick - Bean Bros FEASTING! Beardson SPERGS on Wurzle + Tenryo CRIES,Not Hateful I wonder if this has anything to do with them changing the McChicken wrapper to blue and white before all this even happened and spergs online saying they're pro-Israel now.,Hateful Low-IQ spergs completely devoid of reading comprehension.,Hateful "Funnily enough it also rebukes ""genetics nuance"" spergs (the ""uhhmmm achfoalokckshually there is no races just correlations of genes"" types) because it shows that correlation is the exhaustive function of genes.",Hateful "You fucking spergs cling onto these images so hard and the funniest part is that not a single one of them are real, litterally all made in photoshop by one obsessed stalker",Hateful Lol all your little brain can muster is epic irony you spergs are all the same,Hateful """Autistic and on the spectrum"" Yeah, no, real Spergs don't talk like that and pretending to be one is disgusting behavior",Hateful I'm a big picture guy so I don't care about people getting little things wrong. Directionally who is more right? That's all I care about. I leave details to spergs. Never been a detail guy. Hate detail.,Hateful """We don't have time to like... *spergs* HE IS A PLANT""",Hateful Literally nothing happened in Charlottesville though. Only ultra far left extremists cared about ultra far right wing spergs sperging,Hateful These spergs literally can't enjoy anything. They all seem to think they are Cinemasins.,Hateful Keep in mind though that online Hindutva spergs aren't representitive of general sentiments. India on the whole is mostly indifferent with a lean towards Palestine(the general third/developing world sentiment),Hateful "buckbroken spergs replying to libs saying ""the AR-15 is a weapon of war"" with ""nuh-uh, akshually..."" followed by misinformation.",Hateful Race spergs coming out Rian lmao.,Hateful "Hold up, you got these spergs arguing about who you were fucking almost 6+ years ago?",Hateful I don't know how you have the energy to deal with these spergs all day lol,Hateful "Yes, they've imported them into every urban center so it can be scaled infinitely. We just need to get our spergs to stop calling for resistance to them so it can turn into a drawn out battle with both opposing force",Hateful The guy who spergs out on the internet 24/7 thinks that I should settle down,Hateful I once used these to convince a gaggle of spergs that I was a wizard,Hateful How could I forget the BHI!! We've devolved from Twitter spergs to people on the streets to the specials off the shortbus...this conflict brings out the best types...and politicians imported indiscriminately not too long ago.,Hateful My father was an chudjak and a fakecel. And one night he spergs out more than usual.,Hateful "Either way, he has less to pay out. The most interactive posts are usually bait or shitposts. So the second one person with community notes access spergs out, flags your satire, it's lights out.",Hateful "Sorry, they were talking about all the spergs online ruining the movements momentum, I was just trying to say something positive we have tilting in our direction.",Not Hateful Spergs gonna sperg ,Hateful Hey Tony maybe if you pay off the Spergs on here who call themselves journalists they might promote your show like they do WWE give them a cheese tray lol . That was a joke by the way great show last night it really cemented mjf as the top guy,Hateful you guys are kinda spergs,Hateful Spergs are really stupid.,Hateful "Ur favorite game was made by almost exclusively anglo spergs. The reason games suck is because the anglo sperg disappeared. If you are reading this, pls come back anglo sperg. We need u Sincerely, Gamerz",Hateful Is that a fuckin Christmas tree In his kitchen I can excuse a lot of shit but these newage spergs with fucking random ass Christmas trees is starting to get to me,Hateful *jersh is not responsible for rando spergs on the farms meanwhile even is reviewing the long downward spiral just saying,Hateful Fat retard spergs out at woman biking,Hateful So goddamned disappointing. Do something spergs,Hateful "seen more belivable conspiracy theories posted on /x/, ""they aren't actually getting ddosed"" ""they dont know how to start the server"" ""there isn't actually a server"" ... cant wait to level my 100th undead warlock surrounded by the internet brightest spergs",Hateful Guys hilarious. I only follow his account for those moments when he spergs out.,Hateful "Every week Jet spergs out at his audience not constantly singing his praises, then when he gets any negative feedback",Hateful "I don't even want to interact with strangers on here. They're mostly spergs, and they purposely misinterpret your points. It mostly just makes me want to punch slack jaws in the face. Because I like my freedom, I'll just block and move on.",Hateful "My ex-girlfriend and ex-boyfriend were both on the spectrum (apparently I have a thing for spergs, lol) and yes - the autism in both presented *very* differently.",Hateful There are no other gemetes. That is why sex is binary. If there would be gemetes like spergs or speggs than it would not be binary. But this is just not the reality.,Hateful You are claiming they don't have nuisance. That's ridiculous! What about the Islam spergs. That's all the talk about.,Hateful holy shit I never knew spergs mom was a milf,Hateful "Lmfao I wake up to you responding 5 times talking about Matt f'n bahr calling me a liar. You do know that schizo has 2 brain cells right? Don't sperg a day later dude, that's such a bahr move. He spergs every week. You should work with him on a project, it'll be great",Hateful "Pajeet spergs out ""I not from india, I from pakistan."" How are we supposed to know the difference sand ngr? And more importantly, we don't fucking care.",Hateful "People on my main twitter begging me to pick a side between Israel and Palestine. I genuinely hope for the destruction of both, not from a perspective of centricity but from the position that both sides are annoying spergs anyway",Hateful Youre mad that all it for communism to be successful in the US is communists not being retarded spergs like you,Hateful He also spergs out and calls you Jewish if you question how browning America will help it in any way. Cries Jew as he strikes you semetically.,Hateful U gotta remember a lot of ur fans are legit autismo spergs cant take the spazzes to seriously,Hateful "No, because male spergs are horrible boyfriends, and a lot of them become misogynistic incels Sperg women just have to normie up We can ascend",Hateful Cog's biggest paypig needs no introduction. Aaron/QoB/Maya known to spergs around the sektur as Metokur Manbot.,Hateful "also ""i never went after you again"" you didnt need to?? obviously i still view you calling me pedo on threads with like 800 likes and 50k views as worse than random spergs calling me one",Hateful "I don't get it. Are you spergs contrarian just for the hell of it, or what?",Hateful Enjoy your Supreme Gentleman when he spergs out because Stacy doesn't want to date him.,Hateful Here's all you gun spergs chance to be famous.,Hateful "never liked em, they for sluts and spergs",Hateful oh wow it's as if all life ever has had to reproduce for billions of years but only spergs give a fuck about ML... how surprising! so revelatory!,Hateful Spergs mom a baddie ngl,Hateful None of these terms actually mean anything now that 70IQ twitter spergs throw them around incessantly to try and polarize,Hateful Race spergs are hilarious.,Hateful "Very true, it's just every time this game pops up in my feed, it's nothing but drama fueled by a bunch of reddit spergs lol",Hateful You're a full blown r*tard,Hateful "50?? Are you insane??? You have killed more than 400 refugees, mostly women & kids, you ba*tard!",Hateful Glad that tard is in Kunuck land.,Hateful are u a tard,Hateful "Lmao people are so mad I'm not sharing the new Chase song. Someone called me an old ass r*tard for not leaking it like, calm down, you'll get to hear it eventually",Hateful "we have won tourney games, numb nuts, but at least we made the tourney...typical tard fan now deflects to football where, yet again, Bib brother has curb stomped your ass. keep trying little man this is fun",Hateful It's not a skin r tard,Hateful "my alternate history timeline be like : nations interventions : gay, r'tarded, many civilians die",Hateful You tarded bro,Hateful $Tarded is the new $Tism,Hateful Well yea thats how it's supposed to be are you tarded,Hateful WE ARE $TARDED GET WEADY,Hateful We are $Tarded,Hateful $Tarded is coming.,Hateful "My argument is consistent, biracials arent black, yall tarded so yall making it more than that",Hateful Dominic is the fellow tarded he was reffering to,Hateful this mf so r*tarded,Hateful To be fair most people block you because they too nice to tell you that you are tarded,Hateful Yall really tarded i hate it so bad,Hateful "Precisely. Hitler was r#tarded and so is his popularized definition of Aryan being ""White, Blonde, German""",Hateful "R*tarded zionist rat, it's an official statement on Yemeny forces lmao",Hateful "They aint black, or yall they wouldn't be going on tarded ass ""not white enough for the white people and not black enough for the black people"" tangents. This is all about the one drop rule which is why yall only being that dumb ass logic to black people. On mute you go now bitch",Hateful What does who i date have to do with the fucking talking points. Yall a little tarded. Mad i wont have a mixed baby running around confused.,Hateful "shhhh, don't burst their bubble. they just saw ""spooky version of disney channel"" n tarded out rq",Hateful You need to stop creating so much content! Lmfao all for that tax write-off... your tarded ass having screenshot flexing dumb shit...,Hateful "I mean I know why they're doing it, the comments are just tarded.",Hateful 138 and tarded WOOOO,Hateful Hope my mom doesnt think im re tarded cuz im watching maxmoefoepokemon,Hateful This is why I date tarded Zoomer chicks after my divorce,Hateful No sweetie. It's all tarded.,Hateful "Enough already with the black people are ""marginalized"" bullshit talk; they are the most babied class to ever breath air. Drop this lady off in Africa and see how long this tarded drivel is paid attention to; she'll be robbe",Hateful Why?? I can't lie if you get attacked by a dog your either Somali or r*tarded,Hateful right she's just showing womans true nature (r/tarded h0ars),Hateful she and her sister also larp as gamer girls from some r*tarded reason,Hateful why you so tarded Enron?,Hateful "R*tarded white guy in movie: mows lawns, becomes cyber god. R*tarded black guy in movie: steals stuff, gets letterman jacket.",Hateful I was wondering why you were so r*tarded then I saw in bio. These people were entrapped and the FBI was behind the entire plot. If there was no FBI involvement then the plan would have never existed. Many such cases.,Hateful Welcome to modern activism Do r*tarded things while the problem keep the same,Hateful Muting u ur so tarded,Hateful "Leaders of right wing thought at their finest. ""R*tarded"" ""Dwarf"" ""Flirted with the children"" ""Gave half of America irreversible heart disease""",Hateful Me making fun of Me after the r*tarded someone makes enemies,Hateful Gmgmgm tarded how are you?,Hateful Are you sure? Cause white people are supposed to not be tarded. You can either be white or a flat earther. You can't be both.,Hateful Crying he's r*tarded,Hateful 55+ r'tarded buddha,Hateful That's r*tarded,Hateful We have Dementia in chief who is borderline re tarded & the left is concerned about RDS boots. Ok.,Hateful "She's Libertarian, that's code for ""Cowardly R*tarded American"" these days.",Hateful A lot of you are actually r*tarded and this is why none of you will ever be free,Hateful Least braindead and r*tarded admiral co** suker be like ,Hateful "Seen lots of comments these past few days ""I'm on the Israeli side because I'm Christian"" which is beyond 'tarded...",Hateful "Some rando that showed up in my timeline: ""that's hypocritical and r*tarded""",Not Hateful trolls are r*tarded but we all knew that,Hateful SHUT UP YOUV NEVER READ A BIBLE IN YOUR LIFE YOUR NO CELTIC FAN AWAY READ YOUR QURAN YOU THAT TARDED FOR A LIKE ON SOCIAL MEDIA YOU PROB DONT EVEN KNOW JESUS WAS A JEW,Hateful That explains ur really shitty taste and r*tarded takes,Hateful "Yeah but what is drama is having to hop offline so as not to have a ""heated gamer moment"" (say a slur). And calling someone r*tarded when you don't agree with their takes. But sure, it's everyone else who needs to grow up",Hateful Theres no other fandom as annoying and r*tarded as them so no it wont be fun,Hateful Been on this site maybe 4 years and still haven't bothered looking up what the word Praxis means because it's clearly something tarded,Hateful man you bout tarded af dawg,Hateful In the everchanging landscape of the crypto world a constant battle is ongoing between the forces of the semi-tarded,Hateful "Someone is **tarded. First iPhone was sold in June 2007. It is only 15+ years now, and not 20.",Hateful "Imma be honest, I am always the one who would let other people be and do their shit, without judging... But she is just nasty and plain r*tarded.",Hateful Do you understand that your ideology is logically inconsistent & r'tarded? You can't even defend yourself without contradicting yourself You're completely anti-intellectual & demented!,Hateful THEY TOO TARDED TO KNOW CAUSE THEY TERRORIST SIMPS WHO FEEL SPECIAL TO A TERRORIST ORGANISATION,Hateful Your not a doctor stop being tarded israeli You studied computers in school LIAR like most,Hateful "dumb tards, you are no chosen, tarded cultists, suck my dick, and try to imagine you are chosen, i like your tarded looks",Hateful This has to be the most tarded thing I have ever read (and I am a bitcoin maxi),Hateful "This r""tarded bast""rd son of an Igbo man don smoke the plantian leaf him dey smoke again. Muslim reject. Christian reject.",Hateful Thats a weird way to tell people you are tarded,Hateful you are r*tarded,Hateful No.. It's not summoning demons or your inner demons.. It's a tool.. It's all in how you use it.. It's all about intention..Only if you're trying to attract demons.. People need to stop being r*tarded here.. Just like a gun does,Hateful "Take it from the dude who wear a mask like a ""tarded helmet""",Hateful How the fuck are you assuming her fathers race? Are you tarded?,Hateful You do realize that black passing and white passing still means someone is biracial? Yall really tarded ngl.,Hateful Absolutely tarded unwanted comment. Reads like a shitty deflection at best.,Hateful This guy or gal is the most tarded of all the rippatards. God I wish they made videos. Drunken Peasants and all those guys would be all over it.,Hateful You are the one that asked so I'm telling YOU. I know Twitter arguments are won based on who's more smug but r*tarded isn't smug,Hateful "skynet is getting a lobotomy. thats gonna brick the AI, we seen it happen to other AI's already...imagine trying to create something intelligent but you make it all sorts of tarded, due to ideology.",Hateful "Why is always these ugly, geek, r_tarded looking racists hating on christians and arabs?",Hateful "Bruh. If you pull in self defense but don't shoot, brandishing is unjustified. You're tarded",Hateful "Semenenko dates RV to 3300 BCE, Rig Veda has historically true parts indeed, generalising entire RV to be mytho or fantasy of Russians is r#tarded and thats what Kurganists have mastery in",Hateful "Are you guys all STUPID? There were no ""beheaded babies"" and NO beheaded Shani Louk BECAUSE her mom already confirmed she is in a Palestinian hospital with a head injury! You'd believe ANYTHING the r@tarded n@zi government in Israel would say!",Hateful is the definition of r'tarded. Fortunately nobody actually takes him seriously,Hateful Next crusades are accumulation of mog and people still jeet completely tarded,Hateful This is actually tarded. There was peace until the 7th October. Honestly your ignorance is what stops people from supporting. It's time to take over Gaza. The whole land will be known as Israel. Then there will be peace.,Hateful "That's quite a homophobic response but then that aligns with the culture of the ""victims"" in Gaza. Her point is tarded. Everyone in the world uses the race card other than white ppl.",Hateful This has to be one of your most tarded tweets. Do you condemn Hamas?,Hateful The most 'tarded generation in history,Hateful "Gm tarded, doing anything today",Hateful She tarded idiot anyway. Tri-polar left wing poor excuse for juornalist.,Hateful What's happening is you Trump-tards have nothing bad to say about his politics so you need to attack his fashion and the way he walks. You're all pathetic.,Hateful "Explain this to brainrotten /b/tards, not me",Hateful "Shout ""#Jihad!"" in the face of a #Jew & that's just cool. Tell people that there are only two genders & you'll get arrested! F**k the twisted, #WokeMindVirus, science-denying #trans narcissist b**tards!",Hateful "Starfield = more players than every PlayStation exclusive of all time combined. You fuck tards refuse to accept reality. only makes games as a money grab, builds false hype, then delivers a shit game since it doesn't matter",Hateful These tards really out here thinking I'm dissing on dolphin emulator. . . ,Hateful "Yeah, gotta unfollow this account ran by 14 year old tards",Hateful The tards don't seem to understand this logic one building good one building bad. They are anti God is the only answer.,Hateful "Men do dumb shit to impress women, including making clowns of themselves. I do none of it and dunk on both male and female r*tards, and women love me all the more for it!",Hateful Fucking r tards,Hateful "Member when Jabba the hut was sexually harassing Princess Leia ? Well jokes on you woke tards he can't be cancelled cause he lives in space and the victims dead!! Ho ho ho. (But seriously , ..I'd be pissed if that was my sister ) #justiceforleia",Hateful Proof right here that not all Hamas-tards are from Hamastine.,Hateful All the tards simping because it's a black dude. If this is done to me early in the morning I don't respond of my actions,Hateful Its absolutely crazy left-tards would somehow arrive at a shared conclusion with those who are overwhelmingly conservative and traditionalist. The propaganda intent of jewish media (plutocrats) was clearly inverted,Hateful "At this Point, Elon Musk wasted 44B Dollar just to create his own 4chan /pol. RW Tards everywhere",Hateful "Like I said to you in an earlier tweet, don't waste a second of your life watching this charade. We know what they did, we know they didn't care, we know they'll do it again, THE END! Just enjoy your night and live life to the fullest before these ba*tards get ready for round 2",Not Hateful "There's always a Nigerian loser with moronic take on all thread, no wonder the politicians keep messing up y'all re*tards.",Hateful "Bas**tards, you attacked a refugee camp, killed more than 300 women and children, then you tell a story about a child of yours who is alive??",Hateful I should be able to call people tards in peace.,Hateful no one is above the law they say! lets put that into practice & charge the b**tards #CovidInquiry #ToryScum,Not Hateful "3rd replay of doing the exact same couple things over and over again. There isn't that much to do buddy, it's all whack as fuck. You PlayStation fuck tards need to step back and really look at those exclusives",Hateful "Sadly, it isn't just your state? Those tards are everywhere!",Hateful "Yeah this is simple common sense, which is why the DeSantis-tards are having difficulty grasping it. But they know, like we know, that DeSantis is no where near 5'11 so they will never do it:)",Hateful Absolutely. The west are sick ba*tards.,Hateful "RT Vaibhav Vats - Just wanted to put a face to the author of most malicious articles I've come across in recent times. - If BJP and Hindus did not exist, b@&tards like him would not know how to justify their existence and how to earn a living.",Hateful "Girl I knew in HS went to a good college, became a banker. We message sometimes about the economy. A few months ago I made some jokes to her shitting on SVB after those r_tards imploded. She got weird, downplayed it. Saw her on LinkedIn today and apparently she works for SVB.",Hateful Looks like Hamas-tards are already lining up for a BBQ!,Hateful "Or maybe cause its his job, laker fans are the worst fans in the whole NBA, all of em left over kobe tards",Hateful Sheet 50 steps a day Tards 0 steps a day Think they position 3 steps a day 50 steps a day just keep on going Kewl,Hateful Orange Is a puzzzy tard surrounded by puzzy tards playing hang out in garage play patreeeot art of sike whar tard beech sheet,Hateful "except it didn't, because people actually like dogs. They don't like confused tards expecting the world to participate in their roleplay.",Hateful "Of course, it's inciteful to a Democrat Communist to want the TRUTH. The only violence I saw on J6 were disguised Feds, Antifa & BLM tards.",Hateful "Cue fat ugly libtarded losers responding with insults, ad hominem and blabber unrelated to the subject matter or coward trash bags that would rather condone abuse of power by the IRS than agree with Boebert",Hateful And you are a complete fucking Moron. Sometimes it's better to MYOFB. I've had two for a year but never put them up. Today thanks to tards like you they are going up.,Hateful "Q Tards will say trust the plan, fog of war while he kisses their feet.",Hateful "So Anisha, you'd join in the troop of Hamas killers & happily roast Jewish",Not Hateful You are one dumb son of a bitch if you think that the two situations are even remotely the same. It's tards like you who are responsible for the current shit,Hateful "love how there's no evidence to support the allegations against don and you libs just fell hard for it. All the while disregarding the treasonous, racist, pedo you tards voted for.",Hateful "Totally agree, just because they're in government or was they should be held accountable for their actions. Put the bas tards on trial and confiscate all their assets etc. They should not be allowed to get away with this.",Not Hateful me about to reward my gross perv dad for m0lesting my baby parts... old perverts deserve tight zoomer teenie tards!!!!,Hateful No one says Reese's wrong unless they are doing it on purpose or they are complete f'tards I am mean 100% compete total F'tards.,Hateful "So many Israel paid trolls and brainwashed tards in the comment section. You all lose your mind, not having a heart, nor you never learned about history?",Hateful "the heavenly restriction comprehension warriors were everywhere. gayjo tards were an actual spectacle to behold. the way they spun the meaning of statements and panels, their brains must be dissected like einstein's one",Hateful Hahahahah keep lying lil jew but i dont blame u many tards believe it,Hateful Funny how this thing is moving fast and the AD is not even in town bunch of fucking tards,Hateful Thinking the same. Gotta flush out some late bull tards (like me) for more fuel,Not Hateful Jeezus..when will they think 'oh wait a minute this is getting out of hand' the news is dominated by the trouble Islam has brought to the world .. there are mosques everywhere but not enough to keep them from kneeling in our streets.. they are arrogant demanding b'tards .. WHEN?,Hateful Happy anniversary Tards,Hateful Ghost betrayed everyone. When are the tards ever going to learn?,Hateful "100 free farmers just following this simple tasks, don't be tards and join the event guys #blocklords #NFT #GameFi #NFTGame",Hateful "No. Fuck em! They ridiculed us, let's ridicule their inane asses! Fuck tards is what they are. They're sheep!",Hateful Raise your hand if you think these CLIMATE-TARDS should be left glued to the street for a few weeks?,Hateful Tards gotta eat,Hateful Mfs on katy need to die. Going 55 in a 75 when I'm trying to go 85.Only Texas Mfs understand my rage. IF UR IN TEXAS YOU ALWAYS DRIVE AT LEAST 10 MPH OVER THE SPEED LIMIT YOU TARDS,Hateful "I am improvising your term to #Dravtards, you can add a few prefixes to TARDS to identify them.",Hateful Yep. Paul's Ma was Irish 100% he was born in England though. There's a head-scratcher for all the woke-tards claiming being born in Ireland to two foreign nationals makes you Irish.,Hateful "Oh yes, I am more worried about how the man walks than his policies. I have changed my my mind about DeSantis now. Fooking tards!",Hateful A group of tards figured out they can get weak men to pay them ridiculous amounts of money to get treated like shit for a couple days. Like a vet bro version of high school dropout chicks trying to sell you stuff through FB.,Hateful These tards think Bibi personally handed the animals the keys to the bulldozer and 4x4s and even fucking airdropped them brand new paragliders and scuba diving gear,Hateful thats only half the equation. the im so creative mindset comes from it. but the access to movie tier set pieces and materials on amazon is what really pops it off. couple that with the tards who feel oppressed by christmas,Hateful "Where's all the ""Climate"" tards now preaching that we are all going to burn up from warming???",Hateful He is the who disrespecting messi now you re/tards are playing victim card shame less clown,Hateful Fuck that Taco! Gimme a free fucking promo all the money I spend with you fuck tards,Hateful "Infantry stays tf away from tanks in modern combat. You one of those tards that envisions units flanking armor into battle? Enjoy your 152mm, fatty. It has quite the blast radius.",Hateful No he didn't. DTS tards,Hateful industry is full of tards,Hateful "Would be fun sending these guys to war and then they go ""War is about everybody feeling safe, not about winning"". What a bunch of tards.",Hateful Listen if you wanna keep acting like a hypocritical dumbass repeating everything I say and calling people r*tards instead of acknowledging what I said about the balloon head's stans cause you hate Hailey Bieber then do you boo.,Hateful Firing a few woke tards is them cleaning house,Hateful Mi around 6pm when little tards start showing up at mi door demanding MY candi,Hateful "(Egypt has a more restrictive border to Gaza than Israel, for all you tards that need help understanding how the world actually works)",Hateful Fucking retard,Hateful Shut up retard,Hateful BEEN ARGUING WITH A RETARD,Hateful Ok retard,Hateful Retard leftists get fired for swearing allegiance to a literal terrorist organization.,Hateful That was a national broadcast retard,Hateful Keep up with the Retard Energy you two hacks. Enjoy the Circle jerk.,Hateful Not me getting blocked... what a retard,Hateful What's wrong with being black? (Even tho I'm not ya retard),Hateful "Yeah, cuz Hamas and all the other terror organizations that act like uncivilized animals don't drive in civilian cars. Stop being a retard & stop supporting the animals",Hateful "Says the pointless retard that can't stand when people are fed up with Miles trying to replace Peter, to the point writers are literally emasculating Peter to uplift him.",Hateful Poor kids. They will have terrible social skills and lack collective conscience like you.. homeschooling is your choice you retard,Hateful it's feee u retard,Hateful because this is a priority stfu retard you are a disgusting pig who has ruined and destroyed SF,Hateful pick a side retard limit or not,Hateful do u take me for a retard the first one??,Hateful cry more ricky. try this one on for size MIND YOUR OWN FUCKING BUSINESS you miserable leftist retard,Hateful "lol they diving into her features and all, I just called her a retard in my head and came straight to the replies",Hateful How can you have Palestine flag but suppprt someone who murders innocent people like Israel you are a fucking retard,Hateful Haha you are an autistic retard for supporting that piece of shit,Hateful "Again, your own words ""It's called war you retard Civilians die""",Hateful Pp basically supports all the asinine globalist policy that turdeau and the libtards do. Max and the ppc are only party that's not full retard,Hateful Romero without Jordi Cruyff is a fucking retard.,Hateful You some kind of a fucking retard or are you just proving my point you fucking dumb boy. You moms never told you actions speak louder than words? Are you just too emotional to even think clearly think?,Hateful hey how did you make out with the fake russia story you retard,Hateful "In all honesty, I feel like a retard for not living with my parents with these prices.",Hateful "I reiterate, retard ..",Hateful to be honest you gotta be a fucking retard to send your DNA to some corp in the first place,Hateful And what are u going to do about the fact that ur opinion is retarded and u a retard? Like where do we go from here?,Hateful Shut up he is a murderer you are an autistic retard for supporting him,Hateful Does it hurt to be a f**king retard?,Hateful """It's called war you retard Civilians die""",Hateful "States an arbitrary rule: ""Land belongs to whoever can keep it."" Follows it with: ""I don't make the rules."" You truly are a certified retard.",Hateful you stand with losers. Retard. Remember you said Israel wouldn't enter Gaza?,Hateful "Whoever this vtuber freak is needs to shut the fuck up. Actually retard. It only does he believe the empirical nature of the US needs to continue, but he thinks Israel is actually an ally",Hateful Good call retard,Hateful "yea because your argument was so convincing, well done you retard sure rodrygo with the same g/a as havertz and all actual madrid fans are fuming at him because how shite hes been yet he would be our best player, shut the hell up you sad loser",Hateful Here you retard. Mentioned this before you ever brought up Draymond.,Hateful That'd not what I'm disputing retard. Lol sounds like you need to work on your reading comprehension. Worlds smartest nazi here,Hateful Let the retard dwarf run god damnit! $kekec $mog $wigger $vince $gnome $pepe,Hateful I had rozier under 2.5 3s. That hit retard,Hateful you were basically sucking dick stfu retard,Hateful "Being against pedophiles and indoctrination doesn't make me a right wing maga retard. It makes me a sane normal individual. Nothing to do with politics, i know it's hard to believe.",Not Hateful grow up retard,Hateful How has this retard never heard of Dagestan until now? Dagestan is a Muslim majority republic within the Federation of Russia,Hateful "Im calling him a retard, retard",Hateful so let me asking you again retard,Hateful GM-81 my fellow retard. We now have in M81 Buttpacks & Sustainment pouches in stock.,Hateful Lmao what ima do bout it? Is this u tryna sound tuff now cuz u don't got shit to say? What u expectin me to do? Smack u thru the phone screen? U really is a retard?,Hateful You are a retard man,Hateful Laughing so hard at that video of fat retard Mike Peinovich getting verbally abused at that anti-israel rally,Hateful You window licking retard.,Hateful "guess whats the name for ""black"" in spanish you retard",Hateful "yeah 10 minute break to reinforce that the twitter retard parade is useless, and pointless. just like every aspect of their lives.",Hateful So because it's a medical term it's not offensive to some people? Before 2010 there was a medical term called mental retardation which has been deemed offensive.,Not Hateful "Sounds about right, coming from the retard right. Trump the same guy who raises taxes on the poor, and lowers taxes for the rich",Hateful Ur a literal fkn retard. Do you not see what is happening to our country?,Hateful No i'm dealing with a brainwashed yankee. A retard basically,Hateful One such person is see his tweets regarding dogs. Not just dogs regarding some of medical diseases. Completely retard personality.,Hateful If you have a situationship history you're a fucking retard,Hateful Retard alert. USA does want your pile of dirt,Hateful "U got no reason to laugh, u an inbred retard who realized her idiot brain was getting fucked by stupid, now u got nothin to say",Hateful That retard should go back to selling TF2 hats and ruining the Greek economy,Hateful You'd think after awhile you'd learn not even acknowledge things like someone making fun of your hairline but here we are. A retard never learns,Hateful Stfu retard,Hateful well yeah you sleep in the dark you silly retard,Hateful As danielle smith has said before. She has to deal in the realm of reality. Not mongoloid fantasy. There's no need to follow blind alleys that other ideologically controlled retard countries already went down.,Hateful no let him talk he makes himself look like a retard everyday,Hateful Rectors instead of retard got it. Whole time bitch you weren't involved in the first place but responded anyway sooo?,Hateful Well said. And I am not a Muslim nor Hindu why the F can't people be decent to each other .. here in Australia you can't even drive a car without mostly young abuse these days especially in bogan Queensland dick,Hateful #HBDAnushkaShetty...#BoGan,Not Hateful "You go away. No one engaged you, Bogan. It is you, who are incapable of reading, seeing and understanding the truth. It is cruelty.",Hateful 18 bucks for an American hot dog? And what's with the board shorts and flip flops in the members? Thought I was in bogan Bali yesterday.,Hateful I'd like to present an article of evidence that I was once a bogan,Hateful Lmfaoooo it from a song by Lucille Bogan. PLEASE LOOK HER UP.,Not Hateful Alya #BoGan,Not Hateful Come be my press-mate! Submissions open now for the Louise Bogan Award with Trio House Press! Oliver de la Paz to judge!,Not Hateful Bogan Math,Not Hateful #HBDAnushkaShetty #BoGan,Not Hateful "2017 still had Darius, Bogan, Jarvion, Dee, that entire OL (half is in the pros iirc), and Kieon Adams This defense has.....Marshawn Kneeland? And the offensive players are young (Buck, Womack, Hester) It is not the same",Not Hateful yo Qld bogan references wtf is going on,Not Hateful Lucille Bogan - 1930s The original sexy redd / lil Kim / vulgar greatness,Not Hateful Cricket is a bogan game in the eyes of corporate Australia.,Hateful "I'm fine arguing with bogan conservatives. But what's with the dull, crude, prurient insults?",Hateful Til The Cows Come Home x Lucille Bogan,Not Hateful "The ""Airbus Albo"" swipe is one of the dullest pissweak bogan conservative tropes. See also: ""Kevin 747"". By way of comparison, let's see if we can bump their goldfish memories.",Hateful "The chinese have a funny perception of 'handsome"". Here in aus he would be no more then a redneck bogan.",Hateful It is. Til the Cows Come Home x Lucille Bogan,Not Hateful #Tamannaah #BoGan,Not Hateful That Lucille Bogan (Bessie Jackson) head!,Not Hateful as the aftg fandoms local kiwi bogan i gotta ensure representation,Hateful Anushka Shetty Have Sexiest Curves #HBDAnushkaShetty #BoGan #pathan #yrf #shahrukhkhan #deepikapadukone #shuritihassan #shehzada #kirtisanon #deepikapadukone #pathan #sexyspy #haseenadillruba #tapseepannu #yrf #tseries #bollywood #priyankachopra #nayantara #norafatehi,Not Hateful "The Cup is legendary unlike the bogan ""Big Dance""",Hateful "November 7, 1992: Gryffindor defeats Slytherin in Quidditch after Harry Potter, despite a rogue bludger breaking his arm, catches the Golden Snitch.",Not Hateful "come home, sit behind the desk and work you bludger ! #WorstPMEver.",Hateful "Enough is enough, this bludger MUST go and go quickly",Hateful Chemist warehouse free bargain chemist free Stop being a bludger and expecting other to pay for your medication.,Hateful from China he is off again to Cook island The biggest bludger when at home he is a clueless dud,Hateful "He's just a bludger, happy to do anything other than his own job.",Hateful Scotty the bludger will be happy with a backbenchers pay. He can't even get a job with Harvey Norman at the moment.,Hateful "Sit down bludger, where were your bleatings on the $ Trillion dollar debt the Libs racked up, aided and abetted by One Notion...you clown.",Hateful Okay. Here's todd hayseed (I don't think this is the solution to my problem),Not Hateful just bought hayseed and caution rat,Not Hateful Hayseed by choice. My retirement dream Another corporate hell refugee,Hateful You don't want to go there hayseed,Hateful He isnt going 5-7. The kids get tired of the hayseed idiot act too and the windowlicker coaching calls.,Hateful I would love for this fat hayseed to attempt to threaten me at a polling location. I'd do him a big favor in life and separate his shoulder from his body.,Hateful "says a hayseed from Tennessee. I lived in Cali for 11 years, You?",Hateful "Hey, you piece of shit white supremacist who hasn't got the goddamned balls to say that shit in public: Here's FIVE of your white hayseed brothers getting their asses kicked by ONE Black man. No go fuck yerself.",Hateful "They did, and they got their hayseed asses kicked down the dock, boy.",Hateful "Listen here you hayseed, As a god fearing life long Oklahoman I can say that I am in no way shape or form with you or coach tubby. You guys have bastardized the good book for some weird culture war.",Hateful "Hey hayseed: Medicaid money is not spent on abortions. You are throwing a hissy fit over women having Pap smears and breast exams. You are a fvcking pervert, you know that?",Hateful anyway here's sheriff hayseed in a nutshell,Not Hateful "Haha that's much better than mine. ""What? Were you so excited to actually be included, hayseed, you just sat there giddy and grinning while those of us who didn't date Toad braced ourselves?""",Hateful Eviltexan : professional hayseed,Not Hateful Hayseed sketches... Sheriff Hayseed,Not Hateful "Yes, nothing the 'libs' (i.e., presumably the democratic party to this hayseed) hate more than supporting Israel",Hateful Wrong. Rossy is a dumb hayseed,Hateful "#MyTop3Xmen Cannonball, Blink, & Marrow. The sweet southern hayseed who never backs down from a bully, the unyielding revolutionary fighting against apocalyptic oppression, & the war child survivor trapped inside a hideous shell both mental & physical that never had a chance",Not Hateful "Where as you should be a fictional character, cause hayseed rubes like you should not exist in the real world.",Hateful Communism....what communism hayseed.tell me where the communism is shit for brains. Tell me where the means of production have been seized.,Hateful Who the fuck gave you the idea that you can wag your fingers at Stephen King and say to him that he has that mush brain? What the fuck are you? You are fucking hayseed.,Hateful I never played either but we did sample that one song in ocarina that sounded like it was out of the old west for a cartoon we did called Jeb and Hayseed lol,Not Hateful luebke reproachfully use therm hayseed dissolvent misbehavior,Hateful want a break from the ads? sheriff hayseed got you covered,Not Hateful A Todd Hayseed. Just one of him,Not Hateful "for those who dont know who this is, its shawn from sherrif hayseed",Not Hateful Hayseed what you did there,Not Hateful I now know what a Hayseed is... Scotty. No one's looking for a needle in the haystack. We're just curious why you guys insist on covering yourselves with what is a huge unmistakable pile of steaming cow shit (Trumpism) on the haystack.,Hateful "Wow, you're fresh. You've bought Donnie's long con hook line and sinker. Nice job, hayseed.",Hateful "Not the inbred hayseed you thought he was, huh ? A nice counter to the Jason Aldeans of the music business. I remember him at seven years old in the 7 up TV commercial with his dad, the late Tug McGraw, a pitcher for the Philadelphia Phillies.",Hateful "Research proves that cons are low IQ. Your feed is superb evidence of that, hayseed.",Hateful "NEVER understand the entire concept and WHERE on the Good vs. Evil spectrum that ""thing"" resides. Calling people ""hayseed hicks"" because they believe in God or do not think mothers should kill their babies before the infant has a chance to live its life is NOT based on...",Not Hateful "not. Abortion is a NEGATIVE. It involves the KILLING of an INNOCENT life. That makes it EVIL. Thinking others NEED to be CONTROLLED as Rush describes the ""Conservatives"" on the Right want to do to their ""hayseed hick"" base, is also Evil. This is where the self-described...",Not Hateful "You don't know me, and the fact that you're anonymous means you are indeed afraid of me and everyone else on here. This kid just said hayseed....definitely redneck. Ok I've spent too much time talking to a scared fake account",Hateful "LOL I promise there has never been a human being alive ""scared"" of you, Hayseed",Hateful Take LSU and the points against this hayseed team.,Hateful Was uncle daddy there? It looks like for both sides. I can smell the hayseed. Probably moonshine.,Hateful "Rick Scott, Ron Johnson, Lindsey, McConnel, Barrasso, Blackburn, Hayseed Kennedy.....",Not Hateful "That part of PA is as backward, ignorant, provincial, and *overtly* racist as any other part of Hayseed, USA. Urban PA conceals its racism behind closed doors. Rural PA is flying the stars and bars in the front yards.",Not Hateful "This isn't the mob, you fucking maga hayseed.",Hateful Haven't funded any released games but I donated $15 to Billie bust up and The Hayseed Knight's Patreon,Not Hateful "Proving yourself wrong means you trolled yourself, hayseed.",Hateful "I am a progressive, professional historian from a large city. Proving you wrong doesn't make someone Fascist, or a ""hayseed"".",Not Hateful "Lol. The constitution applies to everyone in the United States, hayseed.",Hateful Who said I was embarrassed? You? I don't expect a hayseed to get a joke anyway,Hateful "In spite of all the recounts, audits, and lost lawsuits? Biden beat him BY THE MORE THAN DOUBLE in Massachusetts, hayseed. Smart, decent people know dumb trash when they see it.",Hateful "Once again, another hayseed that doesn't get a joke keep em coming beaver fans!",Hateful "The constitution applies to all, hayseed.",Hateful "I learned how to code this style of indicator from a guy called ""hayseed"" which is probably how the PSAR version came about. However his approach limits the number of horizontal displays to 4. I can now do up to 6! #Progress",Not Hateful autoregulative tippet menial hayseed stimy dixican alcidine illustrious langrage earthbags,Hateful Well now I'm just dumb hick hayseed MAGA voter who don't got no learning from my government school about civics.,Hateful Why do ppl believe any hayseed that comes along with a story that tickles their ears?,Hateful "That's pretty fair actually. Even then they're still pretty popular recently with things like Mike & Zach, or Sheriff Hayseed, Suction Cup Man, things like that",Not Hateful "Corvegas?.....dude, this hayseed town doesn't even have a fucking strip club and no, I highly doubt college gameday will come here either",Hateful """I was young, maybe about 13 or 14? I remember I started developing a crush on the head cheerleader, Grace Periwinkle. Of course, she wouldn't give me the time of day and I later found out she was calling me Hayseed behind my back!""",Not Hateful Don't you have a Klan Rally you need to attend? Make sure your fellow hayseed buddies Glenn Youngkin and Ed Durr come with.,Hateful "Another ditty from my Grandma Bull. Hayseed your hair is seaweed, your ears are made of leather and they flap in stormy weather....This guy makes MTG look smart.",Hateful "I guess I'll be in good company then? Or this just another Hayseed Heehawing? Jackass, those with brains don't want Gilead.",Hateful "Hey stupid, Quebec is taking all the transfer payments you hayseeds are sending them and making English universities provide course in French. You should see what they are doing to the work environment.",Hateful Because the elite do not like hayseeds with money. They stick out.,Hateful "Hayseeds, the under educated and vermin",Hateful "It's Alberta. Too many rural hayseeds, rednecks, and racists.",Hateful There are a number of hayseeds like you. Not enough to take back the White House. Thank all gods.,Hateful "go #vote, ya hayseeds",Hateful "Thank you for sharing this, Claude. I've turned myself inside-out trying to explain it to hayseeds.",Hateful I think what angers conservatives the most is that they support unnecessary losers who can't govern successfully. It was a mistake for Republicans to build their entire party with inbred hayseeds who are illiterate,Hateful loser as a football coach only a group of true hayseeds could ever vote fo this loser,Hateful Because the western hayseeds are an honorable people?,Hateful "Already did- got an army voting ""YES"" fuck these Christo-fascist hayseeds!",Hateful "No. That's the Democrats now. Ask them. They'll tell you the Republicans are the party of three-toothed, Walmart-shopping hayseeds from poor ""red"" states.",Hateful "If only you knew what economists are. In fact, Republicans haven't created a job in 4 decades. Their constituents are illiterate inbred hayseeds who haven't yet developed standards and vote to be poor and uneducated 100% of the time.",Hateful Nobody cares what a bunch of illiterate hayseeds think. We view you people as a parasitic cancer.,Hateful """The people"" already know Trump is a racist, rapist criminal traitor. ""The people"" already know his supporters are trashy hayseeds without standards or values.",Hateful "Happy ""Peyton Manning played for us 25yrs ago so bow to us"" week to you, ya hayseeds",Not Hateful Genuinely sounds like Parker wrote those words for you. Are you going to govern for the 4000 hayseeds Parker organized or 4.7 million Albertans who didn't attend your circle jerk?,Hateful "Can't wait to see the backwood brush apes, cousin fuckers, inbred Appalachian Muppets, and Mountain Dew mouthed toothless hayseeds who come out to hoot and holler at this dumb hick's restaurant.",Hateful "We pleaded with you & NT that, brutalizing YOUR party's nominee and President, in support of the Democrat, would yield dire results. Hayseeds and Harvardites alike with a lick of sense fought like hell upstream as NeverTrump opened the gates of anti-America First effluent.",Hateful "You guys lost 2 games to unranked teams, yet you want to boast about winning against 2 ranked teams? one of which isn't even ranked anymore. Delusional hayseeds",Hateful "Margie fit to be tied that WE didn't think of this stunt: ""If you guys can't out-think these bible-thumping hayseeds, what do I need you for?!?""",Hateful I guess everyone else learned the truth by the time they were 17. Is this why real cool is so rare? Too many hacks and hayseeds out there just looking for another enabler to replace the last? You can't hack cool being dependent just because some people are cool despite it.,Hateful "My hatred for Nazis supersedes my hatred for dumb boomer farmers. Honestly, how big of a threat does anyone think #MAGA is? These inbred hayseeds aren't scary.",Hateful "But once they get all the tapes related to January 6, these hayseeds are going to find some saving grace to spin the real crimes of that fateful day. Such morons.",Hateful Left too many points on the field in the first half. The hayseeds and water heads up there have their hackles raised.,Hateful The hayseeds up there are getting restless.,Hateful THIS HOUR: why hayseeds from flyover states are always the ones mocking generational talents,Hateful stop voting for the nationals you dumb hayseeds.,Hateful Tommy evidently thinks a bunch of inebriated hayseeds clapping for him,Hateful The Hayseeds are working on some new tunes for the Friday Night Jam on Brandywine tomorrow night.,Not Hateful "Muncie, Indiana. Idiotic hayseeds, lol.",Hateful The Hayseeds finished the night at the Friday Night Jam with one of our favorite tunes.,Not Hateful At what point do we stop electing shitkicking fucking hayseeds to the United States Senate?,Hateful "The implication from her condescending remarks are the hicks, hayseeds & mouthbreathers in Alberta won't be able to figure out all the paperwork.",Hateful And I forgot to say: you live where hayseeds like yourself echo each other to hear noise.,Hateful You Dickweeds and Hayseeds still here?,Hateful "Much Respect for doing a thankless frustrating job Sounds like the SW US, not uncommon for local hayseeds to own a few cows & run them for near nothing on Public Lands ",Hateful You are obviously cut off down there in Cork. Every action taken or supported by the US claims to be securing their safety & 73% of the colonial hayseeds believe it.,Hateful "Michelle Obama is so vastly superior to literally all those racist inbred conservative hayseeds combined. None of them have her education, character or class. It's not even remotely close.",Hateful An embarrassment to inbred Alabama hayseeds across the country.,Hateful "Genuinely dumb. You must separate those from the Oxford hayseeds like Sen John Kennedy, who puts on that ridiculous ""aw shucks"" routine . . .",Hateful It is fairly obvious that the Shinners are exploiting the naivety of the colonial hayseeds. It merely highlight the fault lines in US thinking.,Not Hateful "WHO elected Tommy Tuberville? The HAYSEEDS who live in Alabama, that's who. He is what THEY want. How embarrasing is it the HAYSEEDS in Alabama ... ALABAMA ... Are the reason the U.S. armed forces have leadership voids in high level com",Hateful Wtf are we all just going to talk and type like illiterate hayseeds?,Hateful "The man's a naif; an unrequited ingenue. For the similar hayseeds who imagine this is ""solidarity,"" this was nothing but another expression that HSM did not appoint the below person because of qualification but rather becaude of exploitation of a neophyte.",Hateful Liquid Sky So it turns out that when the aliens do eventually land on earth they'll not be making a beeline for military installations or centres of scientific research and they won't be seeking out hayseeds in remote parts of the USA.,Hateful using funds from you hayseeds to pay his lawyers Your donations go straight to his lawyers CAMPAIGN DONATIONS TO HIS LAWYERS How stupid can you get.,Hateful "The number of hayseeds that are going to utter the phrase ""he just has IT"" over the next 10 days.",Hateful You're suddenly very fond of the flyover hayseeds. How come?,Not Hateful "The Hayseeds are working on some new tunes for the Friday Night Jam on Brandywine tomorrow night. The bands start playing around 8:00pm server time outside The Prancing Pony in Bree. Looking forward to a night of music, dancing and laughter.",Not Hateful Now buying votes from the hayseeds eh? Yet 3 years more important to YOU are the wretched sex changed fame seeking athletes.,Hateful "That's exactly what these hayseeds are a part of. KP is not a good QB, he's barely even mediocre.",Hateful "We can hope, but the hayseeds have fallen for the con.",Hateful """Won't someone think of the ignorant hayseeds?""",Hateful "Yeah, but the hayseeds who fell for the con still love Donnie.",Hateful Can Biden unilaterally close all military bases in Alabama? Because he should totally do that to those hayseeds.,Hateful "You cons are lunatics. Bumpkins, nazi's, hayseeds and hillbillies. Not to mention uneducated rednecks.",Hateful "Thank goodness! She thought since she was Trump's press secretary in Washington DC, she was going to use her savvy & make fools of the Arkansas hicks! Well, it looks like those country hayseeds are showing",Hateful Huh? Every UConn fan are still cocksuckers? Ed's just the biggest one right now. Those hayseeds don't get a pass? Same with that mid major URI.,Hateful "This only works on the shut-ins, hayseeds, zealots, and crazy pants grandpas that are your base, man.",Hateful He has the bait and you hayseeds always chomp.,Hateful You people are so dumb it's scary. I bet you hayseeds think he brought on his WEF / ADL galpal to help the 88's spread the messages within the history the Satanic Luciferian tribespeople of the Nation of Judea,Hateful WHOLE LOTTA HOODRAT SHT,Not Hateful see you soon & back on our hoodrat shit,Not Hateful "She's not an immigrant, just another hoodrat c>>n they give the bag and a platform to.",Hateful "My mom was what you'd call a hoodrat in her day. That same hoodrat he made better also made him go to AA, as one time he was a bad gambling alcoholic. All his other classy hoes accepted him just as he were.",Not Hateful I can support hoodrat activities but not a home wrecker,Not Hateful Well well well looks like we have another hoodrat cat fight in HD....I think shorty with the bald spot is the loser...too bad they don't have the same passion when looking for a new job. Lol,Hateful She represents every hoodrat I grew up with ,Hateful WTF alexah don't start! you little fucking hoodrat,Hateful You don't see the rapid worsening of this mess? They couldn't curse in songs when we were growing up. Stop cappping for this nonsense! This is hoodrat behavior!,Hateful "She's a hoodrat, that's it, it's her brand, I don't like it cuz I didn't grow up like that and it promotes violence but I'm not gonna call her a bunch of names because of it.",Not Hateful Damn I'm Not used to white folks acting like Nuggets!!! She's a damn hoodrat Nugget felt bad for the young black girl,Hateful It's your boy brother hoodrat coming at ya. Look at this beautiful sun sent on the lake tonight,Not Hateful "Jaheim: ""Just in case, I don't make it home tonite. Let me make love to you for the last time baby."" *Translation*: I'm bout to go out and do street hoodrat shit with the homies. I might die, so you may want to come up off of some of that pussy.",Not Hateful I love this post . Cause you are right and anyone disagrees has issues too ! Sorry not sorry . #Hoodrat,Not Hateful Huey wouldn't do this hoodrat shit ngl,Not Hateful That was the soundtrack to so many hoodrat shit nites,Not Hateful Or hoodrat,Not Hateful "Does not belong in Congress. Neither do you, you uneducated hoodrat.",Hateful Could be your neanderthal mother or hoodrat sister,Hateful "Well maybe we could make our own list..like hoodrat,skidmark, mombolips",Not Hateful Royalty Hoodrat,Not Hateful Yeahhhh cause ewww! Such hoodrat behavior,Hateful What hoodrat did this,Hateful Hoodrat it is,Not Hateful I made hoodrat hamburger helper.. aka hot Cheeto macaroni with hamburger meat,Not Hateful "Fr??? I thought it just meant I like cheese in my eggs. Me, a hoodrat. This whole time. Who knew?",Not Hateful Joe Biden used to call all people of color the N word from way back in the day remember? You also stand by some ignorant delusional lunatic that happens to be some hoodrat trying to ask for sympathy in some courtroom full of mainly whites?,Hateful Hoodrat Harmony been played today! Symphony for 304s ears only! She's just one of a league of pied pipers like herself!,Not Hateful "lotta ppl love ""hoodrat"" culture when its attached to a rich rappin nigga. no love &; respect for the ""hoodrats"" who exist",Not Hateful ghetto hoodrat glorification simple,Hateful This fool admitted that they Embrace and like some of her music why do they like Hoodirat music because they're Hoodirat tendencies Hoodrat ways.,Hateful You mean this whorehouse hoodrat culture,Hateful Why is whorehouse Hoodrat culture embraced really by modern American women not just black ones by immigrant tethers & by Black American women why is it embraced by them.,Hateful "hoodrat shit, nothing new",Not Hateful "Classless fucking hoodrat, attacking people and then playing victim? Trash.",Hateful i just wan do hoodrat things but I'm a changed lady fuck,Not Hateful i luv me a hoodrat,Not Hateful I love a DC hoodrat (only DC tho),Not Hateful This is weekend is going to be filled with hoodrat activities with hoodrat people,Not Hateful "Nahh, you was out with me doing hoodrat shit",Not Hateful Spoken like a true hoodrat. Keep trash like yourself in DC.,Hateful Is Chrisean Rock a tether. No she's 100% Black America. And 100% a hoodrat and so is Blue faces mother his mother is a certified hood.,Not Hateful I had P.F Chang for lunch and it was good Af or less i was hungry because it's always nasty Af or I'm just a hoodrat deep down because i want hood Chinese food only,Not Hateful Can't wait to do hoodrat shit with my friends,Not Hateful girl boo nobody said nun bout fighting hoodrat you can call me tho,Hateful I got a fat Mexican bitch but Ik owning a fat disgusting loose pussy black bitch would hit waaaay different. I'd feel cl,Hateful "And if you aren't black, don't throw the term ""hoodrat"" towards other black women.",Not Hateful I can support hoodrat activities but not a home wrecker OMFG,Not Hateful "she shut tf up quick , little hoodrat",Hateful Every single one looks the fucking same I kid you fucking not. Be creative with them and not the same hoodrat edgy soyboy quirky emo girl outfit or even the femboy ones that look like it came from puppy chan's gallery,Hateful Throwback. Less tatted. Pierced up. Young unwise wild hoodrat JR.,Not Hateful yall know ET gon beat her up she literally a fucking ghetto ass hoodrat from nowthatstv,Hateful it's getting darker earlier that means more time todo hoodrat shit,Not Hateful "Spoil a hoodrat, curve a centerfold",Not Hateful Hoodrat ho wit sum mean ass pussy fucks back.,Hateful Becky G station has me wanting to do hoodrat things with my friends at the club.,Not Hateful Typical hoodrat demon behavior,Not Hateful "Give me a project Bitcch , Give me a hoodrat Bitcch",Hateful Shut up you ratchet ass racist hoodrat,Hateful Meanwhile some hoodrat in New York is committing murder,Hateful n1 for vital hoodrat scrimmages,Not Hateful Bad take man there's so many more horrible things they could be doing by simply taking advantage of the numbers they have but nah they wanna do hoodrat shit go vroom vroom and that's it I'm fine with it just don't bust my windows out and I won't run everybody over,Not Hateful Stupid hoodrat niggas,Hateful This woman is a hoodrat and a disgrace to the black community. We need to boycott record companies for promoting this bullshit,Hateful "Yeah that ""hoodrat"" shit is a weak ass excuse. N!ggas from the hood know it's a slur.",Not Hateful she ignant hoodrat i don't know why y'all be expecting so much from her lmao,Hateful Hoodrat hoodrat hoochie mama,Not Hateful "Anyway, Khia probably became pregnant and left the child with her parents after the nigga found a new broad. And then Khia turned around and did it alllll over again with a different trifling nigga and a different nothing ass hoodrat.",Hateful "It's a mixture of white libs, black hoodrats and jews but the right always wants to blame Hispanics for some reason",Hateful Play with her life how .yah think we Caribbean woman on the jumping crap yah hoodrats on .unless acid and Cutlass doesn't exist or broken bottle girl go sit you boot licking self down .j scared a who a African American girlll,Hateful never had a partner thank me for being thoughtful. I've concluded I've been dating hoodrats.,Hateful I've never listened to any of her songs. I'll stick to my old-school music Hoodrats & hypersexual degenerates do NOT represent the collective of Black American women,Hateful I sent this bitch a picture of my dickkk Idk what it is w females But I'm not too good at that shit See I could find me a good girl And still be addicted to them hoodrats And I just blame everything on youuu At least you know that's what I'm good at,Hateful Hoodrats they love them hood rats,Hateful "Y'all really be having the wrong idea and wrong bitch lol, I'm not from the hood i don't do what the hoodrats do",Hateful This is sad. Please press charges. You definitely don't deserve this and deserve retribution. Put them hoodrats in jail!,Hateful "gotta watch hoodrats, they always attack in packs.",Hateful Look at these dirty fuckkn Hoodrats,Hateful "Child, these dunces that dont interact with bw in real life, or know nothing but hoodrats need therapy",Hateful Natural face & ass>> #bigbooty #bigbootychychy #501freaks #arkansasfreaks #870freaks #onlyfan #onlyfansgirl #natrual,Not Hateful Currently it's estimated only 20% of the population of the so-called African-American population includes immigrants foreigners so by those numbers over the past 60yrs most of the Hoodrats were black American women black American women make it possible for tethers to do this,Hateful "Barely any famous black women who are beautiful, too many hoodrats",Hateful The dude in the burgundy hoody has some time in on that trigger. Most hoodrats empty the mag on a full in one squeeze.,Not Hateful Hoodrats own actions led to her demise..chuckle chuckle. Lay with dogs you end up with fleas.,Hateful "Suburbanites imitating hoodrats, what's new",Hateful Hoodrats as always,Not Hateful Me and my hoodrats preparing to leave the house for the tree planting exercise monday morning,Not Hateful Hoodrats interfering with good people so that they can feel relevant.,Hateful "lotta ppl love ""hoodrat"" culture when its attached to a rich rappin nigga. no love &\ respect for the ""hoodrats"" who exist outside of y'alls consumption for entertainment.",Not Hateful "We know what it is, the hoodrats and sewer dwellers panic at the thought of decency becoming the norm so they lash out",Hateful and marvel won't see good box office with this woke shit. More forced watermelon people. Notice how pre woke marvel it was only fury now we have all sorts of ghetto hoodrats being superheroes like miles black Captain America and shaneequa here,Hateful "That's rac!st how do u know I'm white b!ch cause I like TS das rude yea I'm white and I'm proud of it , y'all always stay hungry hoodrats, roaches",Hateful Hahaha you actually thought thought was clever? You really do obsess over him. Get your democrat hOoDRatS in line and we'd be a safe country.,Hateful You act like this hoodrats would play fair in the first place. If little thug wants to talk shit then he should keep his head on swivel. Fair game in the streets these days!,Hateful Hoodrats on 3!!,Not Hateful king of hoodrats,Not Hateful "Oh well, this is what you get for dealing with a street dude. You aren't a victim. You chased stupid and got stupid. Hoodrats always want to get emotional when you made your bed. No marriage, just some ass and check.",Hateful "I feel like a true fan of Sexyy Red would want her to become A list. Her core fandom of hoodrats don't care about the t slur or her support for Trump, but stuff like that limits her growth. I get her brand is being authentic, but someone needs to help her curb it a little",Hateful This is the norm for these people! Hoodrats being hoodrats!,Hateful Gad Saad is trying to take the anti semitic pressure off himfself by posting the violent actions of these black hoodrats,Hateful Disrespect and complete disregard for law enforcement is bred into these hoodrats. Got what they deserved,Hateful "Those thugs are a great example of why every legal citizen should have a firearm loaded to the hilt! That would make the woman getting her ass beat by the hoodrats go the other direction. Hey, a few less hoodrats is a good thing!",Hateful Hoodmornin hoodrats,Not Hateful You hoodrats won't ever have to worry about me wanting your lowlife boyfriends and baby daddies I don't date thugs and those niggas end up two places,Hateful Very disturbing that these uncivilized feral hoodrats with zero conscience roam the streets to rape and rob.,Hateful I dont know if this is the one im thinking of but I think those broads are hoodrats who were actually aks'n fer'it. Good example of why you should just not get involved unless you know the person.,Hateful """I don't know what it is with females, but I'm not to good with that sh*t. See I can have me a good girl and still be addicted to them hoodrats and I just blame everything on you, atleast you know that's what I'm good at.",Not Hateful "I work but I agree with not paying taxes. I refuse to subsidize illegal migrants, Racist Israelis, Nazis in Ukraine, KKK police, or hoodrats with babies by pookie.",Hateful They look like a couple of bogans from Moe on a beer run.,Hateful More like Keith Bogans,Not Hateful What bogans,Hateful I don't think they were there to try and convince the self-absorbed bogans of Flemington.,Hateful Not a ounce of tact or diplomacy amongst them all. Spears leads this rat pack. Please take away their os working rights until they can act like adults and not embarrassing bogans.,Hateful "You're one to talk lol. Israelis love playing the victims you're all just as rubbish as one another. The bogans, Israelis and Islamists. What do they all have in common? They're right winged nutjobs.",Hateful "This year please join the #boycottmelbournecup campaign! No to horse cruelty, no to drunk bogans! #auspol",Hateful "Bogon & Bogan sounded similar - turned out they go off like a frog in a sock! Total drongo! Managements told bogans ""Pull ya head in!"" We've made aware of our chockers attitude! Now nothing budgies the Chuck a sickie day expires. 2/2",Hateful Long overdue to hang banners in the rafters for Bogans and others.,Hateful Bogans perfectly happy being aggressive with their Ford Rangers for years SUDDENLY deciding that car isnt big or powerful or threatening enough. Car marketers are truly some of the biggest brains in the world. Srsly.,Hateful Charming Jim and Albosleazy are bogans out of control drunk with power,Hateful "they are for when you want to keep your kids away from bogans and rednecks, and the groomer teachers in the public schools",Hateful bogans know how to spend money properly,Hateful We should not for a minute think that this applies only to elitist schools. Misogyny is widespread in religious schools of all kinds. Religion breeds patriarchy. I taught in one of those low-fee evangelical schools aimed at aspirational bogans and the boys there were horrific.,Hateful Misogyny is widespread in religious schools of all kinds. Religion breeds patriarchy. I taught in one of those low-fee evangelical schools aimed at aspirational bogans and the boys there were horrific.,Hateful Watching the drunk Bogans is the only part of Melbourne Cup that is interesting.,Hateful The sign asked those two bogans to keep distance.,Hateful My man had Keith Bogans at the shooting guard. Can't believe he was able to win with that,Not Hateful "Mate, sorry pal I'm not a greenie at all I just find gambling boring as fuck and people that go to this thing trashy cheap bogans - but the stats clearly show numbers on a decline, even factoring in the covid blim",Hateful "I'm loving listening to the Yes voters tear themselves apart with ""everything was everyone else's fault, it was racists, it was misinformation, it was disinformation, it was the uneducated, it was bogans, it was liars it was",Hateful its a documentary so its their real last name help sorry i try not to hate my last name but its like a literal reminder of childhood trauma and my complicated family when i think of my last name i think of bogans who gamble and drink and do drugs and swear a lot..........,Hateful Ecologically sound approach to pest control vs a day for bogans to drink and gamble. Hmm tough one chief.,Hateful "As an exercise, I mapped Israel onto my home state of Western Australia. The exciting bits in Israel happen well within the span of the Perth Metropolitan Area. It's like the Government in Joondalup has decided the bogans in Rockingham need 1000 bombs a day to keep them in order",Hateful Racist bogans fortunately don't decide what goes on in parliament. (Except for Pauline ofc),Hateful "Ahhh, one of those tie the flag around your neck bogans. Got it.",Hateful What the fuck is a racing identity? Yes why should the murder of 10000 people ruin bogans day out,Hateful "***BCW 55 MATCH ANNOUNCEMENT*** On Friday 24 November 2023, will THE LUCKY BOGANS defeat the gargantuan ROBBIE THORPE and THIS GUY or will THIS GUY and THE GIFT continue to dominate the Battle Kingdom?",Not Hateful This is awesome! Well done guys. I wish I could have seen the bogans reactions,Hateful I'll take things uneducated bogans say for $500 please.,Hateful Mehreen is spot on. Your pathetic sport* wouldn't exist if bogans wearing cringe RM Williams shoes couldn't bet on it. Sooner its all over the better,Hateful they also know a lot of people have NFI. They are after the slogan bogans.,Hateful Not into ugly white bogans sorry darl,Hateful You can have the bogans. The bad ones make the good ones almost not worth having,Hateful drunk bogans rejoice,Hateful "1/What I mean is though, if the communist/socialist idea is that workers (in the Australian context is mostly us bogans take State power and power over the productive forces. Does it matter if you're leadership are outwardly bogan?",Hateful "Horce racing is the ultimate sport for gronks who work in finance and bogans in cheap suits, all at the expense of animals. Got to keep those gambling dollars rolling in",Hateful Bogans are fine tbh... it's the soy boys and pantifa types that suck.,Hateful "Animal cruelty for the sake of cashed up, liquored up bogans who dobt give a toss about these beautiful animals.",Hateful "Bullshit. They sell heaps of crap that's made in China for all the bogans. Thongs, flags etc etc It's still a public holiday so what are you bitching about?",Hateful "I agree 100% with the point Benign is making. Does it matter though when organising bogans, if the leadership also appear to be bogans? Right-wing populists are often attacked for being ""lower class"" (even if they are not) and are often loved for it.",Hateful "Deserved to lose? Wow aren't you a delight. This wasn't a football game, it was about human rights. Human rights of the Indigenous People who never ceded this land to be acknowledged in the constitution. The vast majority who voted",Not Hateful And so they should. Bogans are still buying the latest iPhones and going to Bali.,Hateful "To think that last year, I was depressed and suppressed in my identity. Living at my parents home feeling unloved working a stupid function serving a bunch of shallow bogans in Far North Queensland for Melbourne cup - and now I'm in Sydney, with a job in my field that I love",Hateful feral bogans at the cup make me want to kms. What losers #MelbourneCup,Hateful Right wing bogans out in force here. LOL nothing original and in poor taste. Losers.,Hateful "Nobody cares. Hope all the bogans, finance bros and animal abusers lost their bets",Hateful Upper class my arse. Bogans!,Hateful "People's #humanity is striking in. Anachronistic punishment of horses for profit of odious characters, Promoters lie. There is no magic. There is no 'party.' Only plonkers, mystified overseas celebrities & bogans.",Hateful #NupToTheCup You bet they die #MelbourneCup #melbournecup2023 drunken bogans cheering on a midget whipping a horse,Hateful Your #MelbourneCup is watching horses run around a track. My Melbourne Cup is watching drunk bogans find creative ways to humiliate themselves while wearing stupid hats.,Hateful So that bogans can pretend that they know how to dress.,Hateful Upper class? Give it a rest Mel. Have you seen the bogans at the cup? These clowns think expressing their opinion is just more important than anything else in the world. It's getting tedious. They should just write a diary or something.,Hateful "Ugh. Who cares about this ridiculous, rural sport? Bogans and Oinks only.",Hateful Things Bogans Like,Hateful "Drunken bogans hail an uber.. ""Take us home buddy..."" ""Wheres the address?"" ""Buzzzgublaggenfuckin.."" ""Sigh.....ok.... CBD it is...""",Hateful Every single one of those points is a blatant lie. It's always the uneducated bogans that fall for it ,Hateful "#auspol You haven't got to tell us Denise, we know the facts. You have to convince the bogans of this. Unfortunately, most wouldn't know what X was or even know how to use an electronic device. I'm not being derogatory towards these people.",Hateful Half of those clowns are clueless bogans who just want to argue and fight.,Hateful Dilli has some Keith Bogans in him. You ain't gotta specialize in lip reading to know what he just said & I love it.,Not Hateful So is Turbo just for Devs or do Bogans like me get to take a looksy as well?,Hateful The bogans believe them & that is all that matters to them. Winning is all it is about to them. No national good objective every. The referendum campaign proved that. Campaigned against everything that they had put up.,Hateful "When Abbott the mad monk was opposition leader, ABC 24 News Channel used to lead with, "" What is the opposition leader's opinion on this?"" Our media is completely fxcked & is set up for a Labor government or opposition to fall. It is surprising that they ever win. Bogans love it",Hateful The Monstrocity of cables and Circuitry that I run stream on is being a fussy bitch. I have my tech support of Weasels and Bogans Hashin shit out right now. Hopefully we'll be live ina short while.,Hateful I got called 'slut' and 'fatty' yesterday by a bunch of bogans as I swam in the Bondi surf yesterday.,Hateful Bogans who plan to party at Flemington today hearing this news,Hateful "I don't support animal cruelty & have never watched it, bet on it or have any interest whatsoever. Public holiday for a horse race, seriously? We'll see the usual scenes of paralytic bogans showing us their sophistication.",Hateful Today is Melb Cup AKA Bogan Party Day at Flemington Racecourse.Public Holiday for us Victorians. To the Mooney Valley City Council workers : Commiserations on having to do the clean up after the Bogans. You are better human beings than the rest of us.,Hateful Let the bogans wear their drinking uniforms in peace.,Hateful Melbourne cup day is an Australian institution where drunk bogans wearing suits they usually reserve for court dates with their best white Oakleys clash with vegans and/or one-day-a-year animal rights activist And don't we bloody love it #Melbournecup,Hateful The difference between quality and selfie crap! Houses 2 & 3 bogans were too busy being bullies rather than researching the Melb market,Hateful "Funny thing is, I'm not even a big Albo fan - but the lowest common denominator bullshit the likes of Susssan Ley and Screeching Michaelia are going on with is embarrassing. But the bogans are falling for it - so it's not going to stop, is it? C'mon people, be better. #auspol",Hateful "That way the drunk bogans still get to have their fun, the gambling addicts still get to piss away their life savings but no animals get harmed. Literally a win for everybody",Hateful The Melbourne Cup except instead of horses it's just a bunch of drunk bogans running a lap of Flemington in high heels,Hateful "Let's be honest, 99% of the crowd at the Melbourne Cup are just drunk bogans. No reason you couldn't make the tennis the same",Hateful Noice! Living close to the racetrack means a yearly struggling trying to move around drunk bogans polluting the streets,Hateful He is there to annoy foul mouthed bogans. I think it's working.,Hateful QLD bogans,Hateful An event that combines all my favourite things: Gambling. Animal Exploitation and Cruelty Drunk Bogans,Hateful How about we kick out all the racist Bogans like you first?,Hateful "Anyone who just wanted to go for the fun of a special day, or the horse racing, but does not get entry to the member's/elite s area, must now , mix with the drunken bogans.",Hateful Full of drunk bogans making a spectacle of themselves separated from stuck up twats attending for the klout?,Hateful Oh more brown bogans,Hateful Too many wannabe bogans in North America now with their mullets,Hateful Customer service. Get at least 1M lazy bludgers out working instead of padding their taxpayer funded lifestyles more!,Hateful A WISE MAN SAYS ASSOCIATE WITH ACHIEVERS NOT BLUDGERS,Not Hateful "Landlords are not charities, these bludgers need to go out and get a job.",Hateful "Do these bludgers ever do a fair day's work for Australians or is this it, all about me.",Hateful "He told me they needed footage for an article that night for what was, at that time, Paula Bennet raging against beneficiaries. Yes, 'while you're hard at work, these bludgers are at the beach'.",Hateful "A landlord driven to despair by bludgers. Landlord arrested after allegedly torching a New York home after tenants stop paying rent, become squatters",Hateful Green bludgers,Not Hateful Business can't find workers yet the unemployment rate is going up explain that one genius? Going to blame dole bludgers? you cant do that you're a leftard to use your own words right back at you.,Hateful How dare poor people enjoy things. And of course the unemployed can afford posh cars in their mind. Dole bludgers rhetoric? Yeah these Tankie LARPers are NeoLibs who hate the poor.,Hateful "Journos perks! Free cuppa, place to sit out of the sun, nice chunk of cake. Little known fact, the Cafe owners cringe and try to shutter their doors when they see the pack coming in search of context. Not least because there are also camera, audio and production bludgers as well.",Not Hateful "I'm young, listen to me. Cut taxes and government spending. Royal commission into the rorting of the ndis and the money being spent on aboriginals. Cut off dole bludgers. Over a third of the budget is spent on welfare!",Hateful Older Australians that busted their guts to get ahead so they could do it a bit easier in retirement as opposed to welfare bludgers spending on grog and cigarettes pokies,Hateful "Increasing unemployment will have consequences. But will the RBA be blamed for setting the scene? No. The people at the bottom of the trickle down pile will be blamed as ""bludgers"" and will be bludgeoned by media and pollies alike. Slow clap......",Not Hateful "Glad you're there, Richard. The other participants will be honoured to meet you. Thanks for keeping alive ScoMo's legacy -- AUKUS, stage 3, toughness on the leaners/bludgers, Operation Sovereign Borders, etc. You'll be gratefully remember",Not Hateful Fixing 9 years of the LNP mess like a trillion dollar debt you lot spent money like there was no end to it and you have nothing to show for the money spent. A useless bunch of bludgers on the tax dollar.,Hateful "What else are your concerns there besides blackfellas, bludgers, rainbow shit and immigrants?",Hateful Public servants are bludgers and loafers? All should be sacked: federal and state throughout Australia. Queensland public servants are parasites.,Hateful Band of bludgers,Not Hateful "Feeding them, paying taxes, otherwise they would b eating Kangy's.....just like you bludgers",Hateful Let's take hard working tax paying individuals and tax them some more so dole bludgers and those who are skint can go to the dentist.,Not Hateful We are not buying their junk for the government sake it is to keep the poor Chinese people alive as they have to work for a living as there's no dole bludgers there unlike Australia,Hateful ..and immediately became welfare bludgers,Not Hateful I feel you Geronimo. Govts are punishing for working hard while making it easy for bludgers. Socialism does not work,Hateful "I would say on the continuum that we have many dole bludgers at one end, but we have many more in fake jobs in the public service which is another form of dole welfare bludgers, whom in the main do nothing, replicating work of the other 3 levels of government.",Hateful My great grandmother was aboriginal And I think it's an absolute disgrace to be asked to pay the rent. Go to hell you bludgers,Hateful Sounds like there are too many dole bludgers in UK.,Hateful Absolutely. No way should we have any successful thriving corporates who contribute nothing to a vibrant economy. Let's just keep giving money to unproductive bludgers.,Hateful "Speers would say that U think he really is a LNP Wanna,be. ALBO was right as I see it Speers & ABC are wrong & are shit stiring. BLUDGERS NOT HELPING OUR COUNTRY.",Hateful The ABC is an expert in war crimes lol. How much have you bludgers cost taxpayers in the defamation Courts. #QandA,Hateful "Our State Governments with their bottomless spending are the REAL REASONS for our inflation, demand & labor driving while the overpaid bludgers keep spending on luxury cars and goods ! Certainly Not the everyday mum&dad fault !!",Not Hateful "So a household needs to earn 180k Pa to afford a mortgage on the average home. Albo and Co love it, they hate people owning homes and working hard, they penalise them to assist the good old Aussie bludgers",Hateful The only people that they help is the dole bludgers. The people who work and have mortgages who cares about them. Bunch of muppets.,Hateful Fucking dole bludgers,Hateful "Customer service. Get at least 1M lazy bludgers out working instead of padding their taxpayer funded lifestyles more! ""Centrelink brings back human touch to boost customer service""",Hateful "Shows how ignorant you are. It's a country that looks after it's workers it knows to give them the tax breaks , school uniforms and childcare for free cause that's who pays their wages not the bludgers",Hateful "Neocapitalism, supported by the MSM, tells us that poor people are bludgers. That refugees are illegal. That we can't support the elderly living longer lives. The world has been losing its compassion for some time",Not Hateful "It's trendy for dole-bludgers, failed uni students, Greens, professional protestors & drug addicts to try and get their moment of notoriety and with a bit of luck, their face on TV!",Hateful "Goodonya William.YES the Alcohol Plus the sports betting must be Banned the crudds,want to con kids into Alcohol& Gambling. These Bludgers seem to be allowed to do as they please !!! Where the hell is our Govt,s. watch dogs. On this RACKETS. Who is our minister for the above ??",Hateful Appealing to the bludgers lol,Hateful Yet you exonerated Dutton for his lack of leadership? Democracy in traditional politics is for the people of similar moral values. Nowadays democracy is basically a tool for bludgers to rob,Hateful Fuckn bludgers the lot of them.,Hateful More dole bludgers,Not Hateful Dole bludgers!,Not Hateful More bludgers on the public teet,Hateful "chapter 1, season 5, almost impossible to get wins with all these dole bludgers at home all day",Not Hateful BULLSHIT ! I JUST PAID $92 2C MY DOCTOR ! I'm paying taxes for bludgers and professional malingerers ! Middle class being reamed,Hateful Bludgers. As dynamic as our lazy koalas.,Hateful CHINA HAD ENOUGH OF YOU BLUDGERS.,Hateful Oh Gawd not those two bludgers again!,Hateful "How very elitist of you. I really cannot come to grips with this. Nazis persecuted the Jews. Eugenics etc. They are worthless human beings said these despicable people. They killed them. Now we have some Jews re-enacting and saying what the Nazis did. ""Get of the bludgers"".",Not Hateful "Kick them all out, send them back to their country or to hell, they are just dole bludgers!",Hateful "Grandstanding morons, bludgers in a woke group who achieve nothing",Hateful 3000 paid jobs to make sure bludgers and immigrants who can work and choose not to get paid. This country is at its lowest.,Hateful We can't all be bludgers on the public purse. No facts in your bullshit.,Hateful Alot of mentally ill bludgers out there thats why,Hateful Anti-hard right wing Zionists is a good thing Anti the likes of #MenachemBegin and his devotees is a good thing These bludgers blew-up British soldiers who saved them from Nazi gas chambers in their efforts to control Palestine NOB,Hateful "Great, encourage more bludgers to use the ""service""",Not Hateful "3,000 more on the bludgers payroll this country's F&%ked thanks to Labor",Hateful "No, Ron. He tried, but Israel has enough overpaid bludgers already...",Hateful "My fucking god you numbskulls... the last 20 years I remember you lot complaining about indigenous people being ""lazy"" and ""dole bludgers"" but when they're given more opportunities to get work, ya'll complain, fk me!",Not Hateful "But robots didn't do that. Humans chose to punish and brutalise and harass other humans into self-harm. Like Channel 7 producers and breakfast TV hosts chose to publish 'Robodebt' propaganda targeting social security recipients, while smearing the falsely accused as ""bludgers.""",Not Hateful "Today Greenhill has turned to Hogwarts with our Quidditch workshops! We have been avoiding bludgers, fielding quaffles and chasing down the golden snitch!#HarryPotter #quidditch",Not Hateful Mental health Stop calling people on jobseeker who are 0ver 60 dole bludgers,Hateful "Notice all the failed Prime Ministers of Australia and England have far too much time on their hands. Now they have pulled out the Jesus is coming back card. It is no wonder they failed as politicians, now all of them have become useless bludgers, sucking off the public purse.",Hateful Get this Bludgers face off social media.,Hateful "Deport the lot, besides threatening us, they are bludgers on our system and cost us a fortune, some of them have 3 and 4 wives we have to pay for too",Hateful Representing the doll bludgers well by getting paid by the government to not work?,Hateful stop giving money to the dole bludgers they contribute nothing to society and leech off the tax payers,Hateful We do not need your violence and baggage in Australia. More bludgers on welfare,Hateful Why don't they round up these uncivilised morons and deport the lot of them. They're all welfare bludgers anyway.,Hateful "But they'll blame previous management as usual. They don't care about home owners, and people who actually work for a living! Just dole bludgers and radical preachers",Hateful "More money for bludgers? Wouldn't it be better to get the 0.5M long term unemployed working, one way or another?",Not Hateful Take our money back. Racist bludgers.,Hateful "Young redneck stoner ask me, Is there an option to still top? before breeding my BF; his 1st gay sex.",Not Hateful Blonde Redneck Goober.,Not Hateful "Breeding redneck power bottom after 420 & Chill and a lot of Moonshine. I love busting my nutt all in his hairy, muscle",Not Hateful You don't even know what the welcome to country call is. Redneck twat,Hateful You're the perfect example of why so called conservatives hate history books not written by redneck mouth breathers.,Hateful "FUCK THE UN AND FUCK YOU , YOU RACIST ANTISEMITE REDNECK HILLBILLY MOTHERFUCKER. IF YOU HATE AMERICA GTFO",Hateful "These polls must be taken in whatever redneck trailer park you live in, because they definitely are not from the real world.",Hateful Tuberville should be arrested for waging war against the national security of the United States. Redneck scumbag.,Hateful "Yes, Dr. It's lapped up by all the redneck goobers that laugh at anything they don't understand.",Hateful REDNECK TRASH FISTING FANTASY.,Hateful Is Redneck accurate guys?,Not Hateful "He found enough knuckle dragging rednecks to fool before, this new call for xenophobic support might be greater than the enlightenment felt by some of his voters at the last election. But I hope you're right and I'm wrong!",Hateful Redneck bigots,Hateful "Silence redneck, China and Russia are your worst fear",Hateful Well Kelly isn't that a blue slap in the face for Ohio and Kentucky because it is and you know what that's good they're tired of the redneck b*******,Hateful He makes every woman hate him. He is disgusting. I mean unless they are redneck dumb asses.,Hateful Which racist redneck wants to keep me in his barn and attach my n!gger udders to a milking machine??,Hateful Redneck maga cult reunion,Hateful I'm a redneck wtf,Not Hateful God I would like to switch to the timeline where im a redneck oil billionaire & she has my kids,Not Hateful Who cares. It's a redneck state with really shitty people. Take a look at the other races. It's not looking so promising.,Hateful "Hung REDNECK JARHEAD stuffed this turkey on Thanksgiving! Watch me take this #BWC! Semper Fi, bitches! #interracial #femboy",Not Hateful Steven Guilbeault can kiss my redneck Albertan ass,Hateful "Va is a blue state so nothing new there. OH, abortion was gonna win ( again nothing new there). Also, OH to me is kind of redneck so I see why they legalized pot.",Not Hateful """We need a REDNECK in the White House"" | NEW SONG!! | Buddy Brown | Truc.",Not Hateful "Yep, even in redneck Missouri WE STILL BELIEVE IT IS A WOMANS CHOICE!!!!!!!",Not Hateful Redneck Peter Griffin wins reelection again.,Not Hateful "I hate it that my fathers care home owned by Alberta is going to be for profit after the NDP UPGRADED IT, staffed it, and gave my Dad financial and tax breaks on the cost. It's gonna smell like Dani Smith in there soon it will permeate the structure. ENJOY, you redneck goobers",Hateful You are a country redneck racist,Hateful "Damn right we deserve better, Jimmy. Shall we start with your resignation from the Senate? Yes, let's. We need someone who will protect our nation and our allies by throttling your redneck buddy, Tommy Blubberville.",Hateful I food use some Redneck Riviera Whiskey right now and I haven't had a drink in over a year!,Not Hateful Mississippi is redneck land so I think that will hold,Hateful "Well they are a bunch of redneck racists out there, right?",Hateful Rednecks? Selling your soul to Israel for a few thousand shekels has nothing to do with being a redneck. I could be wrong but I believe most rednecks wouldn't support Israel it if they knew the truth.,Hateful Who out there identifies as a Redneck? Raise your drink of choice.,Not Hateful "The networks are projecting that in a surprise to sentient people, OH voters have chosen to add abortion rights to the state constitution. Ohio's redneck senator, JD Vance, interviewed beside his backyard still, is already outlining his next book, 'Hillbilly Vacuum Aspiration.'",Hateful "I got the same reaction when I would pull my ID app out in NYC. They were always like ""oh y'all for that kinda tech down there?"" Um YES. Whole state might be run by redneck republicans but keep up with the times!",Hateful Its parts redneck/veteran/and guy that has just seen a lot of shit in general but is now retired.,Not Hateful My dog has had countless nicknames and personas over the years but the one that has stuck the most is his current redneck persona named Boon.,Not Hateful "You literally worship a guy who lies in every sentence he talks, you fat moronic redneck fuck",Hateful you know it's a good night when the redneck republicans celebrate a Democrat winning and still lie about the margin,Hateful "Don't have anything else do do or to talk about than constantly bombarding American with pro Genocide stupidity. You know making yourself look like a redneck thug won't help you get elected, that is for sure. you sound ridiculous!!",Hateful "A gas station owner in Arkansas was trying to increase his sales, so he put up a sign that read: *** ""FREE SEX w/fill-up. Just guess the right number between 1 and 10."" Soon a local redneck...",Not Hateful Unfortunately I did not lie I'm really 6'1 and I fight like a redneck,Not Hateful "I give up. If the most personally charmless, roundly despised, morally corrupt, with the charisma of cardboard, Republican can win against a candidate like Brandon Presley, then the old racial animus of the redneck is still all that's needed to win an election here",Hateful "That's the Stuff we used to reward our kids 4 & it was hard BC they went to a Redneck school where 2/3rds were in FFA & All Brought up with Respect for Elders, Manors & God !",Not Hateful As someone who ran from that redneck county - well done! Glad some good people with some sanity are still there,Not Hateful I already told u what the SOS said and you're still spreading misinfo intentionally. Says all we need to know about your redneck party lol,Hateful "I have to drive 4 - 6 hour south to get to the largest city in redneck ""Saskatchewan"", Saskatoon.",Not Hateful You may be a redneck if you spend part of the morning shooting gophers on you driveway,Not Hateful "Dug up the ""source"" which includes a very shakey ""source"" they haven't validated properly. The lady they found was a pseudo-furry, Pegasister, Animal Jam tuber, had pet rabbits, and a redneck family.",Hateful It's a totally yuppie spin on what I thought was kind of a redneck occupation,Not Hateful What kind of redneck poor backwoods people voted for you?,Hateful "So Jefferson County, massive blue city has over 800k population. one county has more people that the state has voting. What in hillbilly redneck country hell is wrong with y'all! This ain't cheating. this is lazy ax numbers, so many could have got out there today and didn't.",Hateful "Thank Jesus lily won, her speech was boss its not all about cops thank god that's one part I don't like but I'm ok now, she for everyone hopes it all comes about for my other city dubcity let's go. Bigger and better. Whipple was a redneck idiot",Hateful "It's very smart redneck humor, if that makes sense.",Not Hateful Time to de-nut Senator Redneck,Hateful "The problem (not really a problem, i encourage ALL rednecks to keep doing this) with the American redneck is that insecurity and internal weakness absolutely prevents them from admitting their ideas are shit. ALL rednecks must follow this",Hateful "Duck Dynasty: Redneck Roadtrip - Full Episode (S1, E13)",Not Hateful "hope they do the three characters thing again but it's a redneck from erwin tn, a swagapino, and a white girl with autism",Hateful "And we should take rando internet redneck girl's medical advice, why?",Hateful I have been on twitter since Feb 2009 and won't be deterred by a redneck republican troll who joined in Sept 2023 and has a handle like jimbob228037461.,Hateful Not all of us are rednecks like you bud.,Hateful Listen to these rednecks cheer. These mfers censured Rashida Tlaib - for what? For opposing the murder of innocents?,Hateful "Sure, of course you have spots like southern VA where you'll always have ur rednecks, VA is blue and will be blue for years to come.",Not Hateful fyi: rednecks were the original working class because of their red bandanas while they worked Maybe you didn't know this but it's a distinction,Not Hateful I don't know why you said rednecks apparently more people in her party censured her unfortunately,Not Hateful love watching rednecks celebrate democrats winning because they can't win with their party we doing something right!!!,Not Hateful Nothing to celebrate...damn stupid rednecks...Great Post and question by an organization managed by American Jews. Great work. Definitely no chutzpah,Hateful "No early voting in MS unless you want to vote absentee. Its the old rednecks that have fooked the state up, and the zealots who follow them. They are too stupid to understand anything else. MS has the worst voter turnout",Not Hateful Yep time to recruit them illiterate village hillbillies rednecks... only they're dumb enough to fight for the elites in Washington,Hateful "Turns out grifters grifting rednecks on twitter helps the democrats. Keep on grifting the rednecks, grifters, we love to see it.",Hateful Yes Gad Saad the White rednecks are Jew Haters... i-care-more-about-Israel-than-White-People,Hateful "On the upside, I can finally fly my Canadian flag in Alberta again. Finally wrestled it back from the Freedumb Convoy rednecks.",Hateful For what? Because she upset some rednecks?,Not Hateful Dumb rednecks. I doubt they would do the same for us.,Hateful "Those ""rednecks"" grow your food Einstein. Maybe we should fix that?",Not Hateful MAGA rednecks are just not getting it at all... and in more ways than just elections.,Not Hateful Rednecks can vote blue too! In fact working class folks across all demographics are more closely aligned than the politicos who trick white workers to vote against their own interests. Not saying Dems need to tell the neoliberals to fuck off,Not Hateful "cultural wasteland of kkkops, wannabe rednecks and reactionary racist morons who think the sky is falling while they over manicure their lawns to keep up appearances as ""good people""",Hateful Listen to these rednecks cheer. These mfers censured Rashida Tlaib - for what? For opposing the murder of innocents? For standing up against genocide? For not bowing down to the gangster state Israel? Like the rest of you worthless POS cowards? You're all bought & paid for.,Hateful So many innocent good intelligent people are dying in Palestine and these two white no IQ rednecks are alive and spreading the hate.,Hateful "Sooo will the racists and cookers that are attacking Albo, stop buying and using products made in China? Will the rednecks stop going to Kmart to buy their cheap toasters, plates, socks and undies? Pffft doubt it. Such fkn hypocrites!",Hateful TWO MINUTES TO MIDNIGHT vol.3 0.001DAY 1st album Divide in two Release Party FINAL 2023.12/16(sat) 0.001DAY CAL REDNECKS 9991,Not Hateful We got something they don't. Rednecks.,Not Hateful "Sam: ""Burn a confederate soldier's bones in a town of rednecks? Sure.""",Not Hateful There's not enough rednecks in Horror,Not Hateful "Hey, rednecks need to go he only did shit for him and his boys, lily speech boss she for everyone she's been in my old hood in this city showing love its buis for all to build upl that she's not just about cops",Not Hateful "Because it's voters are brain dead rednecks... But, BIDEN won the presidency. Trump LOST!",Hateful "No you smoking Meth like the rest of the toothless rednecks? Ohio voted pro choice and VA had a blue wave Pa, Knoxville TN and Kentucky all #BlueWave",Hateful "Wow, I might had offended stupid rednecks",Hateful "WHY, it is not the KINGS Speech, It is just a load of BULLSH*T wrote down on a piece of paper by the HINDI SPIV, SUNAK !!",Hateful "World's car thieves clamouring for these devices and have placed orders even before pricing details are released. ""We can make money with these no worries,"" said one spiv.",Not Hateful Portly Spiv.,Not Hateful "Streeting is a little Spiv, isn't he?",Not Hateful It'll be punishment for living in conurbations soon. Enron invented ways to monetise the atmosphere and every bankster spiv on the planet has now joined the party.,Not Hateful Yet more SPIV pitter patter,Not Hateful Stop speaking through your back side and call an election you corrupt venal jug eared spiv,Hateful Greasy spiv Hancock wants immunity from prosecution before he testifies to the Covid inquiry.,Hateful "Starmer supporting war crimes, massacres of civilians & ethnic cleaning to stay in with the donors & vested interests Proves what a spineless spiv he is that will not stand up for International Law and call out wrong-doing",Hateful This whole charade is designed to do several things: - justify 'lockdowns' - throw the spiv Johnson to the wolves - throw a whacking bunch of money to all lawyers involved.,Hateful I never believed a word that spiv had to say and I don't believe a word you have to say either.,Not Hateful "My Dad was a bomber pilot in WW2. He would loathe you. ""Nasty little spiv"" is what he would say.",Hateful Just another Tory spiv crook.,Hateful Still have no accurate figures as to cost so probably WAY more expensive than hotels. a huge con by this Spiv Government,Not Hateful And you are the one telling ME to read a history book and here you are thinking the biases and fantasies of some Ayn Rand spiv apply to Irish history centuries ago.,Not Hateful How's your new mate Tommy Robinson? Got a date for the big day yet? Fucking spiv.,Hateful "Chris Bryant is an admirable, serious member of Parliament, working hard for the public good. Chris Philp is a shitty little spiv, a stranger to truth and an unprincipled money-grubbing tory nonentity.",Hateful I wonder why? Because you did NOTHING to stop the elite scum you spiv for making money from covid as they smashed the world with lockdowns.,Hateful He's an unelected little spiv who came in at the eleventh hour No surprise there,Hateful The guy was a chancer - a spiv and he got found out. All mouth and no trousers.,Hateful the X algorithm has gone mad on pushing me replica watches and dish clothes. AI based on a 40s spiv,Not Hateful How very rude Mr. Spiv I have done nothing to offend you.,Not Hateful He's a vile wee spiv....that you're type then?,Hateful Cause she's a liberal spiv ! Decide who you'd prefer to have as a female breakfast tv host cause Millar's days are numbered,Hateful "Look over there not over here,so predictable from Nige the spiv.",Not Hateful "#SackJennyHarries really is the worst of the worst. While others may have stayed silent, she enthusiastically endorsed the Lard Arsed Spiv and Hancock. The misnamed UKHSA (its only UK-wide remit is radiation) has no credibility",Hateful "Trump is a spiv, who will say and support anything that he thinks will benefit him. Biden on the other hand is an ideologue, a committed Zionist.",Hateful No Palestine but William Shakespeare can reference it by name,Not Hateful Labour prem spiv Chris Minns Spues trade & profit over Israel's genocide,Hateful Not a penny will be reclaimed. No charges will be leveled against her or he the spiv. She will return to Lords. The UK and in particular the Tory party is a cess pit. Laws do not apply to them.,Not Hateful stfu you usless spiv,Hateful Thank you Government .. No more leaching on Gov Handouts May have to see Bill Shorten & Centrelink now the great spiv #auspol,Hateful Poor bloke. Cardiff are pretty good right now and Wagner is being truly thrown under the bus by The Spiv and the village elders #NCFC,Hateful "You are so right: The clowns running OUR club are taking the piss right now, but they have been for a while. The Spiv considers us beneath him & the village elders think we should be more grateful & shut it.",Hateful "At least I'm not some uneducated wanna be spiv that has a such a meaningful and productive life he has posted nearly 10,000 tweets for minimal engagement, only rewarded with the half boner he derives from every like.",Hateful Our digital history Like all CPO relating to BB getting Teesworks lands about to disappear from WWWeb No records for future researchers to work out our past Spiv Blairite values rule Rule Based Order got no core beliefs,Not Hateful and her spiv husband are greedy liars. She should be stripped of those pathetic titles.,Hateful He's on a jolly that's why - because he is a Spiv and a snake,Hateful Of course she should & her spiv hubby!!,Hateful "Embellishment spiv of society she is, belongs behind bars along with her false teeth",Hateful "Platform ing himself on a world stage,where all can see him for the world leader we should get back.. Grifting spiv this is about him,whilst the innocent pay for his pomposity with there lives",Hateful He's even got the sterotype spiv suit.,Hateful "He sees an opportunity to replace Starmer? He's a little Spiv, isn't he?",Hateful Mrs Spiv won national competitions for needlepoint when she was a teenager. She has this one bird no bigger than my thumb. You'd swear you can pick out individual feathers. Incredible work. Pity she doesn't have time to pick it back,Not Hateful A handover is preferred with senior positions at multi million (loss) companies like Norwich but more often than not the incumbent is put on gardening leave - which is what should have happed to The Spiv Webber.,Not Hateful This makes me sound like a back street spiv selling pants made out of parachutes.,Hateful "Sadlg true. A billionaire PM should be a great thing. An incorruptible force that seeks change to make lives better, not a dirty like spiv on the take.",Hateful Sounds like the HINDI SPIV has a hand in this !!!,Hateful "You expect any of that, with this HINDI SPIV !!",Hateful "When bloody spiv bankers appointed themselves as our moral guardians, I knew we were in trouble.",Hateful They are also professionals in that area and haven't just sat through a presentation from a spiv with am eye on PEF.,Not Hateful No replies allowed. What a coward. Anderson is a second rate #spiv,Hateful "Australian govt paid millions for unusable Covid face masks from obscure online retailer. The Big Fiddle. If propriety in govt spending was observed, contracts should never have been given to companies using offshore tax havens, and promoted by spivs.",Not Hateful Taking these spivs long enough.,Hateful I have a nagging 'doubt' that Putin might just be 'jerking-us-ALL' off???? Why? B'cos he is in-bed with the Chabad spivs. I hope I'm dead-wrong ... I have 2 bob each-way on Musk and Putin.,Hateful Exactly It's either the Royals with all their theatrics and balconies etc Or it's the spivs in suits There is no other game in town,Not Hateful "Good they could start with the Conservative members. Rapists, sexual deviants, corrupt spivs, thieves, embezzlers and fascists.",Hateful "Tories are a party of self-interested, corrupt chancers, spivs, liars and crooks. And rapists.",Hateful He refinanced. He doesn't have the liquidity to pay out any of his loans & as a bankrupt he had to go offshore for funding his multiple refi's. And that's where Deutsche comes in; the spivs' bank of choice.,Not Hateful "I come from a council house in one of the poorest parts of the UK. Never voted Tory. Never will. Lexiters like you stood alongside racists, xenophobes and Tory spivs to take that bike off me. You always want working class people to 'know their place'.",Hateful Bunch of spivs.,Not Hateful "I'm on my way to Soho to moan how it's not what is used to be (Jeffrey Bernard, Francis Bacon, ponces and spivs etc).",Not Hateful "- My mind reader friend picked up what what he was really thinking 'Mama you left me in the lurch here having to read out this bollocks from the most corrupt, lying bunch of fraudelent spivs in the history of the UK - can't wait",Hateful Absolute bunch of spivs msm. They label anything not woke or left far right. I look forward to the day these arseholes get their just desserts.,Hateful Outrageous that Labour and the Unions are tied to a Palestine outfit of spivs. Whats this from the Corbyn era? Get this sorted its unacceptable.,Not Hateful "Absolute spivs, geoghegan should go back to pushing cigarettes",Hateful "It is crystal clear that the Tory Party won't act against its own rapists, spivs or corrupt MPs.",Hateful "Heres news, they're not politicians either, just spivs , opportunists and chancers",Hateful "He voted to let the 'Offshorati' buy the Tories, then rob us all and take the loot offshore. Why would anyone vote for a party of quislings, traitors, thieves and spivs? Is that 'British values'?",Hateful "Starmer a creature of the Cabal. Blair, Starmer, Burnham, Rayner, Drake ford.... These handpicked lickspittles represent the banks, the media, the financial spivs and the like.",Hateful You tagged one reasonable journalist and the rest are just cookers and spivs,Hateful Keating and Howard turned Australian into a land of spivs. #auspol,Hateful The people of the UK are waiting for a party to lead on immigration but there's no-one to be found. UKIP has a zero charisma leader (who may have better policies than Farage). And the other alternative parties are led by rich spivs. It's a stalemate and the inflows continue.,Not Hateful "Barrowmone have come a long way from his web of loan scheme companies. PPE Medpro was the big time, though something of a new low when it comes to being disguised spivs for defective kit during a pandemic.",Not Hateful Senior Tories demand party inquiry into claims of cover up over MP rape allegations. Sunak and Hands under pressure to act as the rot at heart of party is blamed for years of hiding criminality by Tory MP's. A bunch of crooked spivs to the core.,Not Hateful Scottish never British. Embarrassing to be shackled to a bogus union and an establishment ran by spivs and paedos of the vilest kind!,Hateful Isn't that disrespectful to those we are remembering? Especially as the City spivs made huge profits out of WWI. #r4today,Not Hateful "I come from a council house in one of the poorest parts of the UK. Never voted Tory. Never will. Lexiters like you stood alongside racists, xenophobes and Tory spivs to take that bike off me.",Hateful "Sorry, but our operators are busy right now, due to so many MAGA cultists calling to cry more... Try reality, you'll be able to deal with reality better, when reality hits that grifting spivs fat ass",Hateful Shut up grifter...they are trying to save the planet so if anyone needs locking up its you spivs,Hateful "You are so wrong. We aren't wowsers, we have genuine concern for the cruelty of horse racing & the problem of addictive gambling. It's a blood sport for ignorant masses so greedy spivs can rip off millions. You've been had. #NupToTheCup #MelbourneCup #AnimalCruelty #auspol",Hateful "When it comes to the failed crooks, spivs & dunces of the deposed & exiled Liberal party, it seems their 80 years of failed scams, crimesprees & despotism, is no match for the Thousands of years of success by those who invented Chinese Medicine, Confucion wisedom & Arts",Not Hateful "I grew up with my father's friends who were mostly WW2 veterans. Quiet, kind men who went back to tedious office jobs for modest salaries but could still afford a comfortable semi without the wife having to work. They despised spivs more anyone would believe nowadays.",Not Hateful "The sport of kings, funded by punters robbed by spivs.",Not Hateful Morrison is not Fraser and Johnson is not Churchill. They are two spivs who did nothing for their own people,Hateful Where are the remainers? Waiting for this government to get a good hiding at the ballot box so we can start to rebuild a relationship with the EU . While we are about it we might try rebuilding the reputation with the rest of the world that this bunch of spivs has trashed.,Hateful Do these ppl vote Labor Some do most vote blindly LNP Bob Katter is the only real advocate I see for regions to the ALP Gov. Rest are self serving incompetent lazy spivs #auspol,Hateful Only spivs and conmen wear suits like that!,Not Hateful "Embarrassing? Says 'blue tomorrow'? We've had a blue today for the last 13 years, it's why we're up to our ears in swindles, spivs and shit.",Hateful Cheap spivs,Hateful Have you tried crying more? Perhaps give reality a go and stop falling for the performative outrage of this circus of grifting spivs.,Hateful "Sadly these types are not friends with the facts. Otherwise they couldn't justify their never ending love of creeps & spivs, like Howard, Abbott & Scummo. I have such clowns in my family.",Hateful Could you be any more stereotypical? Isnt it about time yall come up with something NEW to name-call us? These are getting redundant and rather boring. Maybe try the trailer trash,Hateful Trailer trash lady and her band of heathens got their ass whooped lmao,Hateful I feel you. Yesterday somebody called me a trailer trash insel. He looked like a preschool teacher that lets children self-identify and his feed was all twitch streaming. Quite ironic.,Hateful Is Georgia trailer trash with money.,Hateful Looks like some Trailer Trash Swift bought for him,Hateful No it isn't. She's a trailer trash that needs to go back to we're she came from. Only reason she got famous is for sucking the record label executives and they didn't even want her to use her real voice,Hateful "Blocking is bitch made behavior lil' bro, but what can you expect from trailer trash larping as a Kraut?",Hateful I'll always be hotter than that trailer trash wife of yours now get paying me beta bitch!,Hateful I stick to what I said. Shakib is a snake!! I respected him and he is a great player. But this was trailer trash stuff!!,Hateful "NakedSword ""The Netflix of Gay Porn"" More Gay Porn Than You Can Watch In A Lifetime START WATCHING NOW",Not Hateful Wasn't you lady Trailer Trash. I'm probably paying Your rent. And buying your groceries & paying your utilities. So STFU,Hateful Trailer trash white hillbillies what do you expect.,Hateful Fuck this trailer trash traitor.,Hateful A bunch of ghetto trailer trash. Glad to see the bully get smacked down,Hateful white trailer trash piece of sh:t... glad to see you got what's comming!,Hateful "Who the fuck are you calling rednecks, with your barfly trailer trash looking self?",Hateful "Supposedly there's gonna be another trailer next month But boy, if it's some trash ass 30 second teaser trailer scheduled for next week...Get that trash outta here",Not Hateful Those with intelligence knows that the #maga cult leader and spineless grifter is nothing but a demonic peice of shit. Quite frankly anyone who even thinks about voting for that trailer trash,Hateful Better a porn star than trailer trash Lauren Boebert giving hand jobs at a Beetlejuice musical.,Hateful "Alex Gonzaga cannot exist, in the same Trailer park of white trash, as me",Hateful Lmaooo I'm white and have a CS degree. Bet I make more than you. Trailer trash,Hateful TRAILER TRASH BOY Retweet & Follow For the full copy of this video.,Not Hateful "Not clever.. not edgy.. but very much Junior High. About what we expect from 3rd grade dropout, toothless, cousin marrying trailer trash, aka: Aggy.",Hateful "It's stupid to call others evil for religious beliefs, don't generalize a group of people because there's bad eggs. Yeah a shit ton of Christians are homophobic but calling them all pedophiles and trailer trash is the reach of the century.",Not Hateful More Performance theater from the trailer park trash,Hateful We need Steve! (the security guy from Springer) he is highly qualified in the wrangling and management of Trailer Trash.,Not Hateful Trailer trash has an opinion,Hateful "Trailer Trash Republicans who do drugs, smoke and drink while living in filth and carry around AR15s. But people are starting too talk about them...",Hateful "Of all people, Marge Trailer Trash Greene is the one trying to censure Rep Rashida.",Hateful You are trash Lisa. How dare you tell that girl that no one wants to be her mother! TRULY A TRAILER PARK TRASHY MOMENT!,Hateful "Welfare, section 8 is made for you trailer trash check the state the majority of people on it is wypipo.",Hateful trailer trash. She needs to be removed!!,Hateful trailer trash from the boonies.,Hateful "Have you ever listened to Trump, Boebert or Trailer Trash Green? I have to admit his message is right though I believe his delivery was wrong.",Hateful I'm sure you two get off to the genocide of little children. Disgusting trailer trash,Hateful "You live in trailer homes and she lives in a house worth almost half a million dollars, so who's the trash?",Hateful The real A listers know the grub is trailer trash,Hateful It's trailer trash.,Not Hateful She's trailer trash. That mouth is like fingernails on a chalkboard.,Hateful This trailer trash Tramp has serious mental issues swirling around in her empty empty head,Hateful As a white dude who has been a victim of trailer park trash like him .. if not for football he would be breaking into your home .,Hateful Trailer Park Trash (MTG) she actually gets paid for this shit,Hateful "I'm a dude in Ohio, trash ball. Go back to your trailer.",Hateful "Tru but let's not hold Sean to any high pedestal, cuz Sean is literally a crazy self admitted trailer park trash white guy that comes from a horrible degenerate home. He lacks self respect of his own self, how can we expect him to respect others?",Hateful Yes they are trash . We in the white community don't like them at all either . They break into our homes and steal our stuff .,Hateful No trailer trash doesnt work they rely on our food stamps,Hateful "The thing that's holding back whites is their mediocrity, meth, and trailer trash drugs in Dixieland.",Hateful "She's so poor ass White Trailer Trash... Tramp is INSANE...- as she is as Trash as this new Trum-publican nightmare (not party),,, Satan is here, without disguise!!!",Hateful "You do this in every thread lol, you're race baiting and these ignorant trailer park trash are falling for it",Hateful Don't call me the problem. I actually have an education and a decent amount of intelligence. All you have is a big mouth and a trailer trash mentality sprinkled with an unbridled need for attention.,Hateful Zionist trailer trash,Hateful "She is the definition of ""trailer trash"".......has no business being in government.",Hateful "No, they're trailer trash --it's an income for them I think in the entertainment industry, minimum wage is called ""Scale""",Hateful Imagine using the exact same pond location to film your sketchy sponsor. The same place where you post pictures of you with your ex gf and some groupies on a trailer trash picnic (and not having a good time).,Hateful "I always referred to her as ""marjorie trailer-trash greene."" I never use upper case letter",Hateful Stay in your lane you fragile racist trailer trash before someone puts you in it.,Hateful "It's time to see her for what she really is - a loud mouth with no substance, another adulterous magat. and, of course, GA trailer trash.",Hateful Well where is your trailer trash ass from?,Hateful Man mosh pit rave burning man none that but you don't see white ppl bashing white ppl I dated white girl who was trailer trash her own family who was rich treated them like shit but you never see them talk shit in public allowing others to join it was seejbg yt ppl like ghetto,Hateful Race Baiting Trailer Trash!,Hateful We can't have the trailer trash demo low on joining! We've depended on that uneducated group for so many years!,Hateful More like trailer trash,Hateful Mayhem Traitor Grime Ignorant trailer park trash. Will be remembered as the stupidest traitor in the history of America- quite a legacy for a pos.,Hateful Only someone experienced with being trash would know what trash looks like. So trailer park? Still live in or raised in?,Hateful "What ever, trailer trash.",Hateful "You RACIST, HOMOPHOBIC, TRAILER TRASH, ELECTION DENYING, TRUMP FUCKING POS. Trust me. Your hate is taking you places you never thought existed. Karma is coming for you in a Big Way...I patiently sit back and wait...so ready to watch.",Hateful It was Syl who created the meme? Memes are supposed to be funny. Nothing funny about calling kids trailer trash.,Not Hateful You support hamas and Hezbollah. You're a trailer trash uneducated piece of dog shit.,Hateful "Way to go, Arkansas, just keep putting the trailer trash criminals in office.",Hateful Mike Johnson is trailer trash,Hateful As opposed to flat land trailer trash for Garrett?,Hateful They are dumb inbred trailer trash. 74million.,Hateful "A vote for a democrat is a vote for Hamas. Additionally, any woman with a titty tattoo is trailer park trash.",Hateful "Of all people, Marge Trailer Trash Greene is the one trying to censure Rep Rashida. Marge is the thug who brought in a blowup picture of Hunter Biden having sex and displayed it for the entire Congress. #WhitetrashMTG",Hateful Trailer park Trash.,Hateful FUNNY HOW YOUR NIGERIAN SCAMMING ASS TOLD ME TO TRUST U THEN BLOCK ME PROVES YOUR A DISHONEST NO GOOD TRAILER PARK TRASH SCAMMING CUNT,Hateful "Sir, she's clearly out of your league, and probably would not start a sentence with ""And."" I know that trailer trash votes are still votes but not really. They only count one per trailer park.",Hateful This is a scam. Trailer park trash team and contract.,Hateful "I love your music and will listen all the time talking trash about how you should live in a ""trailer park""with the mores of an alley cat.",Not Hateful Theater propaganda. Where was your f***** outrage over your trailer park trash cousin that brutally and barbarically stabbed a 6-YEAR OLD BOY to death and his mother........ DAMN YOU ARE WORTHLESS.,Hateful Man don't tag me in this gay ass shit because you fucking ugly small girl amd then fat ugly girl. I'm sorry but I call it how I see it. Like what white girl got purple hair in her head beside some trailer park trash. I said what I said,Hateful Or go make some more drugs in your bath tub while you have kids with your daughter foh trailer park trash,Hateful "Oh, the attack of the racist trailer park trash inbred.",Hateful By this statement alone I know you are an inbreed southern trailer park trash who knows nothing...Just babbling about what you have HEARD,Hateful It's like saying bring aids back like it's the 80s.... Nobody outside of trailer park trash wants that fat pedophile back,Hateful they trailer park trash!,Hateful Teddi is trailer park trash!,Hateful Lunatic del trailer park trash,Hateful "The Post is an entertainment rag,. Like the National Enquirer and the Jerry Springer show their known for their trailer park trash ""aliens impregnated me"" carni standards. They appeal to the low educated and ignorant among us.",Hateful How can we help common trash join modern society #BeBest in your mental trailer park,Not Hateful LOL. Imagine being so fragile that you think being a responsible owner of something is racist. I lock my car any time I'm not around it. I don't want trailer park trash meth heads stealing my shit anymore,Hateful tattoos = TPT (trailer park trash) not a good or sexy look,Hateful "average south park trailer trash lover, your idea of a joke is down right deranged, your parents failed you, i have know reason to be tuning in on any stupidity your watching, cuz what ever you watched made you a into a blade blad",Hateful No this is trailer trash i suppose you film this at your trailer park,Hateful Mr. Buchanan I got a trashy trailer park down the street with your name all over it. For whites trash Trump supporters!! You'll love it.,Hateful This fellow is going around this dead bird app spreading his homophobic trailer park trash,Hateful "Yes, to the standard trailer park trash, he has made it,, he's the trailer parks version of Jeff bezos",Hateful Very trailer park trash vibez,Hateful Trailer Trash Boys Test Ride & VIEW FULL SCENES HERE,Not Hateful And you are trailer park trash,Hateful "You know nothing about her, she actually grew up in a single mother household in a trailer park. Maybe actually get your facts right before trash talking others. Jesus Christ.",Not Hateful How do you spell trailer park trash- Leticia James!,Hateful Send this Trash back to the Trailer Park! Drunky Bucky,Hateful "Lying POS! How the f***do scum like you sleep at night? It was loan, to his brother, paid back in full w/in months. But you knew that. You just had 2b the con-artist, grifter- like your Dear Leader! (Who wouldn't allow ""trailer park trash"" like you)",Hateful Republicans are the party of Kkk skin heads neo-Nazi's racist inbred ignorant trailer park trash,Hateful "Dear Trailer park trash, your leaders hate you. Stop voting Republican.",Hateful "Man are you stupid.. John's ex wife and daughter can drive to,the trailer park and double team you for all I care. Your y The dumbest piece",Hateful "Is your fellow trailer park person, Trailer Trash Joe, the brains behind this? ... If so, no need to worry!",Hateful "Inbred semi lirerate trailer park trash calling someone dumb? Send your boy that money, hillbilly Jimbo!.",Hateful Trailer park called. They want their trash back!,Hateful "Nothing but lies being spewed. This government is so white trash, it's insane. It's turned into a glorified trailer park. Smfh.",Hateful Yikes they must have turned Wi-Fi on in the trailer park on.. the trash just came out in force!,Hateful "Chris Christie booed for saying the obvious via CHRIS CHRISTIE: Speaking at a REPUBLICAN PARTY pre-debate REPUBLICAN ""Doonkey Jerk"" in FLORIDA:""You TRUMP TRAILER PARK TRASH"": Your ANGER against THE TRUTH, is REPREHENSIBLE!""",Not Hateful What in the Alabama trailer trash park is going on up in here? Why is she talking like Nicki Minaj,Hateful What in the trailer park trash did I just watch?,Hateful This is called White Trash and it's been around for decades just go to ANY trailer park in America and you'll find this nothing new.,Hateful Trailer park trash.,Hateful "BamaFan wasn't that way 30-40 years ago. They have morphed into TOXIC & Classless over that time but they are still much better than the Trailer-Park-Trash, In-Bred, Drunk LSU Fans!",Hateful "You would think trailer park trash Joe Biden would be demanding elections be held in Ukraine. Obviously, Biden would love to that here.",Hateful Both are anti Israel extremists. This safe seat trailer park white trash mtg doesn't belong in Congress as does Rashida tlaib the brainwashed Palestine American lady who is ignorant of Israel history.,Hateful Does she know the definition of trailer park trash?,Not Hateful You sick pathetic fuck wtf is wrong with these trailer park trash communities raising people like this in a church,Hateful Michelle should just take her booze and go back to the trailer park. She's trash.,Hateful she's trailer park trash,Hateful You didn't ask a question. You made a statement trailer park trash.,Hateful "Utterly Stupid And Trailer Park MAGA Trash Is No Way To Go Through Life... ""and not one single American dollar"" is false. Since WW2, USA has given Israel ~$260B in aid, much of it for military. Plus another $10B for their Iron Dome defense system",Hateful You letting a fat nasty trailer park trash ass broad attack me isn't?? You knew from the beginning she was gonna be a problem,Hateful Maury trailer park trash continues her ghetto.,Hateful "You're quite the role model! You wonder wha's wrong in this country? It's people like you breeding and raising shitty humans like yourself who will perpetuate your white trash manners, your plantation mentality and your trailer park trash",Hateful "Broken American's favorite common trash family is no match for a smart women , Good by filthy trumps , and leave our country if you don't go to jail 5th ave trailer park",Hateful "i wanna smack scotty so fucking bad , the bitch she was 2 seasons ago compared to these last 2 episodes GIRL YOURE GASSES TF UP LOOKING LIKE TRAILER PARK TRASH... RAN THROUGH",Hateful "Look up trailer park trash in the dictionary, and your picture is right beside it",Hateful Steelers fans are like trailer park trash being stuck up because they own the best trailer in the park. That's the sort of desperate energy you guys bring to every conversation.,Hateful Trailer park trash also a close runner up.,Hateful No same. Sometimes they be so cute but sometimes I feel like trailer park trash,Not Hateful Taylor Swift is ugly. Like trailer park trash ugly. She has that look where you are not quite sure if she is trans or not,Hateful scurry back to the trailer park broken trumper trash,Hateful "Lets be clear, she's undereducated, Redneck, Racist, w/Homophobic tendencies (for sure) and she should be expelled She's White Trailer Park Trash Marjorie Taylor Greene Brutally Mocked Over Israel Aid Comments",Hateful Maury trailer park trash strikes again. Is she really that dumb?,Hateful Maury trailer park trash strikes again.,Hateful Something about Jada Kingdom looks...trashy. Like what's the black equivalent to trailer park trash? Every hood kids dream is a girl like Jada Kingdom. IDK something about her face says she would be a killer at King of Diamonds or some degrading shit.,Hateful pretty bad when even the trailer park thinks you're trash,Hateful So disrespectful.. more white trailer park trash behavior,Hateful "Is Robert E. Lee a founding father there? Oh my word, you are a dumb redneck's trailer park trash. The Confederacy can suck it.",Hateful How about trailer park trash?,Hateful They leave their shithole so they can turn it into the shithole they just left. Its like trailer trash that wins the lottery. Give em a week. They'll be right back in the trailer park.,Hateful welp now that this TOTALLY not marketed movie is out in canada.Yes Trolls Band Together as of November 4th. Should i even talk about seeing this hot trailer park trash.comment your thoughts. would love to here from them,Hateful White supremacy trailer park trash so stupid that he doesn't realize is Russian girlfriend is a spy working him and turning him according to Russian methodology of useful idiots,Hateful You say this meanwhile I'm a teenager living alone off my parents money with no criminal record. You are trailer park trash. Not even one of the good whites.,Hateful Don't even bother referencing trailer park trash. Just let ignore them.,Not Hateful BUAHAHA. Priceless! Now I'm getting a lesson on what the subconscious is by some trailer park trash comedian wannabe who thinks he has a clue what the American people really want.,Hateful "You wouldn't be living like tht if you hadn't sold your soul to the highest GQP pusher You're trailer park trash, that's all you'll ever be",Hateful Watch this video and then watch Trailer Park Boys. They're unrelated but both are funny The Lost Art of American Trash,Not Hateful "Yooo, big up yourself yardie. I'm Guyanese, but I got some Jamaican family too, so the food be hitting always!",Not Hateful i don't get the appeal with yardie,Not Hateful The way yardie tops is not for the weak,Not Hateful been a yardie,Not Hateful "Jamaican Ghetto Yute Recorded in Kingston, Jamaica 4 days ago. 21 yo Real deal ghetto yardie yute who's never done this",Not Hateful toptops and yardie.,Not Hateful That exam really fucked me. Like I'm talking yardie to a twink type of fuck. But we move chi..,Not Hateful Pound my TWINK hole yardie do my dirty and that's what I did,Not Hateful "If I want a fuck club type pounding, Yardie If I wanna fuck like im somebody's wife, Rhy.",Not Hateful TOTALLY DISMANTLED ASIAN BOOTYHOLE!! he said yardie do whatever the fuck you want bust me open,Not Hateful Yardie no question,Not Hateful Yardie pounded adonis deep and hard hole creaming good,Not Hateful Yardie is too pretty to get on my back. Call me ignorant or whatever you need. Then you add that talking and rabbit fucking,Not Hateful Rhyhiem. I saw Yardie stick a gun in somebody mouth and that took me out of it.,Not Hateful I'm a proud yardie,Not Hateful And Yardie be popping ppl too,Not Hateful Let this geriatric pundit leave in his fantasies,Hateful dis dutty yute will bi beheaded isis style mon will bi barbequed jerk senseh fowl yardie,Hateful Yardie is so fine,Not Hateful I'll just say it wasn't Yardie,Not Hateful "DION LIVE TV / PHAROAH RADIO YARDIE STYLE DEFENDS HIMSELF OVER COLLAB SEARCH 'DION_LIVE"" ON YOUTUBE",Not Hateful i'm a size queen but PRK got too much dick and that yardie nigga is the worst top i've ever seen on this app,Not Hateful "I feel so disassociated from Jamaican politics, jamaican business dealings, shit even sometimes memes and jokes on Jamaican Twitter. I honestly hate it because the longer mi deh a farin, the less of a Yardie I feel. I feel fake.",Not Hateful Full yardie now Yh gwarn ily,Not Hateful yardie it's always like that no,Not Hateful I'd let Yardie bang me up before I let paw paw slow stroke me to death .,Not Hateful & that's what me fucking me up! You catch all the jokes but Yardie really be tryna hurt them niggas,Not Hateful A yellow yardie might load for me,Not Hateful ain't that yardie?,Not Hateful Yardie loves a good face tune,Not Hateful Agreed! respectfully disrespect my pussy -- I ain't tryna be woofed yardie boo,Not Hateful baby this is yardie,Not Hateful Yardie... More like Lardie.,Not Hateful Phat rabbit actually looks like he cares about his bottom in his videos. Like if you're uncomfortable he'll wait a bit or switch things up for u. But Yardie is just straight pound town.,Not Hateful It's Phatrabbit saying he's a safer bet than Yardie thats still sending me,Not Hateful I love breezy but this Yardie ting just ain't it tbh,Not Hateful Omg is that yardie??,Not Hateful "Yardie is a cave woman lover, he has whyte kids so hard pass on that self loather.",Not Hateful Is this that Yardie stylez guy???,Not Hateful Lil b you know the difference ..you'll never be Black you a Yardie a waste man whatever yall say .Fly your flag I'm Black American however you want to cut it..Take that shyt up with the gover,Not Hateful I have no sympathy for this yobbo whatsoever.,Hateful "Clarkson is the epitome of the Hooray Henry, self entitled nob. An elitist yobbo who punched a member of his production crew because he didn't get a meal on time. The BBC did well to sack him.",Hateful pack it up guys ive been called a Yobbo,Not Hateful "And that's not at all what my point is. My point is that the artist used a common animation trope and this yobbo's just taking it as ""oh it's sexualized,"" and his only defense is ""it's just weird."" Like why doesn't he block the art",Hateful """...Sutherland's Theory of Differential Association has many points with the main one: ""The most important part of criminal behaviour is learnt through a persons close circle of friends""...Criminal Lawyers use this....""Jon"" loves the Albanian and the yobbo free sick thief!""",Not Hateful Yeah! I always thought you might be a bit of a hooligan though I'm currently working on my 'hooligan'. Who uses 'hooligan' any more? I thought the current word was 'yobbo'.,Not Hateful Listen you lower middle class yobbo....,Hateful Such an interesting character. Warner went from insular yobbo to suave cosmopolitan'in under a decade. What a transformation!,Hateful Haha tbt the times I used to think you was an absolute yobbo red lining your corsa in every gear.,Not Hateful You're just a yobbo,Hateful "G'day mates, tonight was a really wally of a game! Crikey! Tell you what though, sick of the refs being called yobbo",Not Hateful He's a yobbo!,Hateful Palestine is not Hamas. An Iraqi is not Isis. A Lebo is not Hezbollah. A Jew is not Israel. A red neck yobbo is not an Aussie. A Sicilian is not Mafia.,Not Hateful "Oy Yobbo shut yer pie hole, Capish?",Hateful "Because people are waking up to not only the cruelty, but how much of a yobbo session it is. It's just a bunch of trash in suits and dresses.",Hateful "As a well-known clown, Boris Johnson resents any insinuation he is a fat, useless yobbo like the gammon depicted in this (probably made by AI it's so unconvincing) video",Hateful Old man looks like he's about to burst out laughing. Some Aussie yobbo shaking his hand,Hateful Show me one yobbo having a go at the Greens who admits they're wrong.,Not Hateful Another Bendigo yobbo,Not Hateful This is great until some yobbo comes in with a drill.,Not Hateful credit to billy yobbo for making this amazing image,Not Hateful What do you expect from a nazi yobbo that drinks out of shoe . I pray your plane goes down on your way home you scumbag,Hateful Every yobbo who's seen Gladiator thinks they're an expert on Roman history.,Not Hateful We can argue about the extent of free speech and whether restrictions are needed and justified. But as an MP one of your jobs is to obey the law and not sound like a loud-mouthed yobbo. Bob Stewart failed in that. #Conservatives,Not Hateful "Imagine the current version of Dr Vic living in 1985 when ""Kev's Back"" (The Return of the Yobbo) came out? The album won the first ever ARIA Award for ""Best Comedy Release"" & was nominated for ""Highest Selling Album"" here's a snippet.",Not Hateful die yobbo,Hateful I suspect it is part of the agreement. If they don't then yobbo Ashley will only turn it into some garish bordello.,Hateful "meanwhile Mind numbingly boring Sports-""Opium of the moronic masses"" is force fed to complacent compliant Aussie Yobbo Drongos 24/7...",Not Hateful ANZACS who died fighting FASCISM are rolling in their graves Aussie Yobbo Drongo zioniSSt stooges,Hateful "Wasn't any 2010-2014 available Kundabung outside Kempsey whilst with My former Stepfamily.asked local Fire Brigade to debris burn back around treeline Service Rd, SES couldn't assist, either. Lazy Sports obsessed Race of Aussie Yobbo Drongos",Not Hateful "Musical comic Wilson is bringing National Dilligaf Day to the UK in autumn 2024, celebrating 40 years of his debut album 'Your Average Australian Yobbo'!",Not Hateful "I am Australian it is table etiquette to eat this way. Anything else, we are going to think! You are a yobbo",Hateful "I would be cautious, the law of defamation is a minefield, as many people have found e.g. Oscar Wilde, Sid Yobbo, Jeffrey Archer, Tommy Sheridan and Frances Curran.",Not Hateful He thinks he's pretty good and been scathing before - I'd imagine uncouth yobbo feral connations however that's just us in Australia Bare feet- shirtless -shorts - thongs !!!,Not Hateful """High profile man"" Bruce Lehrmann back in court today whinging how open justice shouldn't apply to him because he is only an alleged serial rapist who also happens to apparently be suicidal and can't leave Tasmania but was in Sydney sinking beers with yobbo mates just recently",Not Hateful "Bro, even if they're special, it doesn't matter. And the one's waiting for the white knight to ride in will be lucky to get the yobbo in the rusted rodeo.",Not Hateful Boris Johnson is a boorish over-privileged yobbo,Hateful Ooh as a yobbo I'm a meat pie and sauce kind of guy,Not Hateful Phone snobs are a thing? Well I guess I can only be grateful they're filtering themselves out of my dating pool. Good riddance to yobbo trash.,Hateful "Which they were. BTW, any time some over-educated yob ( and here, i point to you, Yobbo) uses the slur 'conspiracy theorist' I know I am reading the splooge of a lazy, dog-whistling Onanist.",Hateful What about the damage they are doing to our communities .Yobbo groups of young teens have been smashing up McDonalds and also Costa coffee shops in my Yorkshire town They are showing hate all the time,Hateful True blue fair Dinkum yobbo truck driver!!!,Hateful Die yobbo,Hateful Any yobbo voice-over ads very much appreciated!,Not Hateful Has any Journo done an ethnicity study on the yobbos chucking petrol bombs at police in Edinburgh a few days ago+?,Hateful Oh Nic x Us filthy yobbos Scan well damaged cartilage from Running . Hey ho. Xxx,Not Hateful Evening C... Us yobbos hey...how'd the scan go.,Not Hateful "It wasnt a racist thing or a political thing. They just fired fireworks at random people, shops and houses for fun and threatened anyone who tried to stop them. Same as the middle class yobbos but without the flags and excuses.",Hateful "Dear Geographically Illiterate Hadrian's wall is in Northumberland, close to where brain-fried yobbos cut down ancient",Hateful "Hello Yobbos! An interview I gave recently, where amongst other things I discussed the Casting, Rehearsal, and Filming processes of Blackadder!",Not Hateful A bunch of drunk yobbos watching horses run in a circle. Boring AF.,Hateful I'm sorry but cup day is just an excuse for yobbos to get pissed and behave badly and for the wealthy to parade around showing off how privileged they are.,Hateful "We have quite a few, I'm in North Warks. They've had to fight for their food with starlings though - the yobbos of the bird world",Not Hateful Niddrie never changes though there's a lot of good people amongst the yobbos,Not Hateful "Hadrian's wall is in Northumberland, close to where brain dead yobbos cut down ancient trees.",Hateful A bunch of fat balding bad teeth yobbos in black footer bags. Eeeew.,Hateful By 'defenders' I'm referring to the yobbos the urinated on the cenotaph or other statues the last time they defended 'Britishness'.,Hateful Nazi Yobbos assault people they hate.,Hateful The far right always kick off about the Cenotaph. Do you remember the nature of the yobbos that urinated on the cenotaph previously?,Hateful "A couple of water cannons would end these yobbos ""fun"" in no time!!!",Hateful Turning up drunk and angry and acting like Yobbos will be the greatest downfall and it certainly would be a complete dishonour to our fallen Soldiers.,Hateful they'll never amount to anything.. long haired yobbos,Hateful And most of the fellow yobbos who voted NO think these blokes are OK. Go figure!!,Not Hateful you're from fucking Tennessee mate I don't think you should be going around whinging about yobbos here,Not Hateful What was this about? Some yobbos over enthusiastic with fireworks?,Hateful Disgusting yobbos. Protect our Public Servants.,Hateful "Sleeping on a damp & freezing pavement, being pissed on by drunken yobbos & hassled by the pigs",Hateful Two yobbos attempt to destroy posters that were part of a peaceful reminder at Bondi Beach of the 230+ hostages kidnapped,Hateful Get these guys to work on those yobbos in Leicester Square.,Not Hateful "Cattistock Hunt were forced to call hounds off after the fox ran right past sabs. This hunt tries to hide behind hunt master Arthur's army of child yobbos, luckily they're not the brightest and sabs were still able to save at least 2 foxes today and keep the hunt running from us.",Not Hateful so Maxwell is out for concussion after falling out of a golf cart really wtf these guys are representing this country wow aussie yobbos at large yet again ..,Hateful "We all know the terrorists loving yobbos will push their luck on the day I hope they do, and get hundreds of ex-servicemen on their case",Hateful "Thanks for demonstrating how pathetically in denial you are about male violence. It's no excuse, but you have lotsa company, from everyday yobbos to the most elite headmasters",Hateful "This shouldn't be allowed. I hope people throw projectiles, it pours down, yobbos start, just anything. just arrest these people as they're Antisemitic imbeciles.",Hateful LOL ... you yobbos get dumber every day.,Hateful Block the protests altogether. They are not about concern for lives lost due to war but full of hate speak by a load of loud mouthed yobbos brainwashed by a false narative.,Hateful She is an anchor baby. .,Hateful Please ask A Er to return the stolen money she stole from my navy reward on my behalf. Please ask her to stop using my Identity or your anchor baby business will go to the toilet. She disclosed your family information to the WH so your business in dark are targeted. Return $20M,Hateful "That regulation needs to be changed to do away with the notion of an ""anchor baby"". For illegal immigrants, citizenship of the children should be that of the parent(s). NO US citizenship should be granted to the children of illegal immigrants.",Hateful "She is an anchor baby. Born in Detriot, parents immigrants",Hateful end birthright citizenship - she is an anchor baby to illegal aliens,Hateful She is an anchor baby to illegal alien parents remove her from the country,Hateful Didn't say illegal I said Anchor baby! how do you think her parents got visas. Look it it up on your own and get back to me MAGAT,Hateful And that Caribbean fellow is worrying about why Black Americans rep the flag our elders bled under. This is why they celebrate anchor baby status. They live like animals.,Hateful You support lesbian LGBTQ like Melanie anchor baby having ass,Hateful anchor baby taco truck driver,Hateful "Send. Her. Back! Does anyone know if Tlaib's parents came here legally? I'm wondering if she's an anchor baby and all I can find out is they came from Ramallah (Judea), though Nicaragua.",Hateful Deport them & fix the anchor baby loop hole along with chain migration. If they reenter after deportation 10 years automatically in prison.,Hateful "1. Vivek lied and said both of his parents became citizens by taking the citizenship exam. 2. Both parents were not permanent residents nor citizens when he was born which not only makes him an anchor baby, but his eligible for president is in question.",Hateful Who will father your anchor baby?,Hateful ABC Morning Show Anchor Reveals Pregnancy #MiracleOfLife #IVFParenting #IVFPositive [Video] She showcased the baby's gender reveal on.,Not Hateful Mom found Dad's citizenship papers in the safe deposit box. I remember teasing him that I was his anchor baby and he got all mad I WAS A CITIZEN WHEN YOU WERE BORN!,Not Hateful "Omar lied about her lastname for chain migration purposes, and her father was a Marxist commissar for the deposed somalia government. Tlib is an Anchor baby. Ironic it is the females in congress and not their males",Hateful "Ka$h Patel...an Anchor Baby who will be indicted soon. Do not trust a word out of his lying, cross-eyed face.",Hateful """MORE"" skilled or deserving of THE ANCHOR DESK OF A NETWORK-AFFILIATE LOCAL TV STATION?!?! Bad enough that this station (& CBS/Paramount) DRESS FORMER JOURNALISTS LIKE 1980s COCKTAIL WAITRESSES--- now they have to do the pedophile-attracting BABY-TALK of women who are only...",Not Hateful "Also speaking of which, the whole concept of an anchor baby is fundamentally ridiculous & would inherently destroy us as a county.",Hateful "He's still an anchor baby based on the logic that your favorite candidate, Donald Trump, supports.",Hateful "Okay, Ted Cruz is an anchor baby lmao.",Hateful "Nope, according to your racist logic he should not be eligible since he was born in a different country. Plus you probably think he is a anchor baby or something racist like that.",Not Hateful A freeloading 3rd world running anchor baby talking about welfare? That's rich. How tf do you think you ate when your family washed ashore puto?,Hateful "The US has let in 2200 Palestinian refugees in the last 20 years. The letter cites 3300 Palestinian children as refugees. There are more children born to Russian ""anchor baby"" mothers in the US yearly than that.",Not Hateful That border crossing ain't free. Online anchor baby cowards... We're going to be a line item on your fkn paycheck cabron.,Hateful He's an anchor baby just like Kamala Harris. He's ineligible for the presidency,Hateful This is a cz 97 clone made by sarsilmaz except it has a 14+1 capacity in 45acp. All steel baby! It's a sweel boat anchor.,Not Hateful "I'm pretty moderate on abortion but this guy pretends to be super pro life when he actually holds views stated in the tweet below. He's a fraud, a liar and an ANCHOR BABY? What else is he hiding? The decision should be easy #BlakeMasters2024",Hateful Anchor Baby I see,Hateful How much weed have you smoked today Anchor Baby?,Hateful She is an anchor baby . .,Hateful Here you go pussy You punks in Colorado will try like those Muslim fucks In Minnesota to keep THE KING off of the ballot It won't work you fucking pussy You must be an anchor baby,Hateful Was that lady just fat or pregnant trying to pop out an anchor baby? When can we expect the citizenship clause to be restored to the original intent NOT to include folks who broke in and popped out kids?,Hateful "Are you an anchor baby? That issue has never been settled, you know.",Hateful "Sounds like an attempted anchor baby, but that's just me.",Hateful "If it's a ""person from the beginning"", then that means citizens from other countries who are not US citizens at all can come to the US and conceive a US citizen on US soil and use that pregnancy as an anchor baby to apply for citizenship before it's born.",Not Hateful "Screw Her Probably an Anchor Baby and Doesn't Give A CRAP about Our Country, wants It To Turn Into A Racial Country Like Where She Came From",Hateful AMERICANS don't need a stinking no deodorant wearing never took a shower Johnny come lately hindu brahmin #SCAMMER POS stinking Indian anchor baby giving us advice,Hateful "Have the Magadonians started any fresh conspiracy theories on this yet? ""Ron couldn't even sign his own name"" ""Ron is not officially on the ballot now"" ""Ron is not a U.S. citizen, so he had his anchor baby sign it""....",Not Hateful "And to be clear, he's a self-professed ""anchor baby."" Let Yom tell it his dad & uncles (again coyotes!) would snitch on undocumented ppl for a fee and/or extort them for money under threat of being turned in.",Not Hateful Either this or a Russian (Slav) spy looking for an anchor baby.,Hateful Trump must issue a E.O. that defines the 14th .. anchor baby is why they come .. Mitch M will try to talk him out of it again .. this time do it on day one,Hateful "i need every single cnn anchor fired, its so much worse cuz coopers a fucking nepo baby that fuckers never known a day of struggle in his life",Hateful You are not a native. You are of European descent and have no right to judge anyone else. Canada and the US are BOTH stolen lands. You're an illegal anchor baby yourself!!!! Go home!!,Hateful Guess he's an anchor baby too.,Hateful "Where is this Black woman you are talking about? This is an anchor baby, all grown up. She comes from the long fabled, hard-working immigrant population that you all have weaponized against Black Americans.",Hateful Lol yes the fuck you can anchor baby.,Hateful "FOUR TIMES the entire population of Gaza MIGHT equal the number of illegal aliens Biden just let into America. They are joining the TEN to FIFTEEN times that number of illegal aliens ALREADY HERE. Not COUNTING 50+ years of anchor baby ""citizens""",Hateful "So immigrating, and having a baby, is now an anchor? Given your family immigrated here, I guess that makes you an anchor baby as well?",Hateful "Tlaib is the poster person representing why few countries want Palestinians.This anchor baby adds NOTHING to her country; she casts shame on all the good Arabs who choose to live here and contribute to the American story. The Omars,AOCs, et al might, but WE will NEVER accept u.",Hateful Lol this would funny if this was remotely true lol but you just say anything lol... anchor baby,Hateful "Like I said before I bet your ancestors weren't even slaves. They probably show up after slavery end like alot of you idiots. So who's the real ""anchor baby""????",Hateful """lol wtf this clown said DNA lol fuck but how about family documents you anchor baby"" I know where my family came from, I have root run deep in Florida. Unlike you clown fools like you are all talk.",Not Hateful 11. Vivek is an anchor baby.,Hateful "If she was an illegal she'd have housing, medical, daycare, food, educational training, clothing employment and an anchor baby. But too bad, she's just an average American citizen",Hateful "Technically speaking the FBI is a foreign government controlled entity. They literally are anchor baby heaven, then people wonder why things are only getting worse. Hoover must be rolling in his grave",Hateful Lol... this is a lie dumbass you lol you think there is no records or documents lol wtf this clown said DNA lol fuck but how about family documents you anchor baby,Hateful You not Black American you anchor Baby,Hateful Her parents left there she was born here. This is called an anchor baby.,Hateful "Start with the former lesbian porn model and racist birther, Melania. She worked on a tourist visa and lied about it on her citizenship application. Her citizenship should be revoked and she should be deported. Her anchor baby and chain migration parents can stay.",Hateful She is an anchor baby and cannot be president.,Hateful Don't Deport America's Miracle Anchor Baby Panda,Hateful "The majority of his family came here undocumented, incl his parents & siblings. His dad and uncles were coyotes. He's an ""anchor baby."" But somehow, he manages to be a raving anti-immigration right winger.",Hateful He is a Jamaican anchor baby.,Hateful Lol anchor baby you still can get deported dumbass,Hateful Tether Anchor Baby,Hateful "American Iraqi anchor baby teams with American white trailer trash to scam uneducated, ill-informed, dysfunctional ilk out of their couch cushion change for the just because, cause.",Hateful We don't have to explain ourselves to a fleeing anchor baby are u kidding me,Hateful "The phenomena of the brown or Jewish internet Nazi, the anchor baby American nationalist, and the Mayflower stock ""decolonial"" activist speak to this. All of it completely incoherent and yet completely within the internal logic of today's Liberal political scene.",Hateful Rachel is an ANCHOR BABY,Hateful "kameltoe CANNOT be Pres anchor baby she goes first, then the corrupt, brain dead pedo then gruesome is installed, and he grabs Big mike as VP LMAO",Hateful "AREST the pro-palestine Anchor Baby or invader or both, let him sit in a DC jail, with NO BAIL, or trial for several yrs",Hateful "Must-read from in ""Don't Deport America's Miracle Anchor Baby Panda""",Not Hateful Whoever is behind this page has to be an anchor baby. Only racist anchor babies are this ignorant when it comes to history.,Hateful Your a anchor baby. your parents wasn't born here your grandparents wasn't,Hateful "An anchor baby lecturing us? Amusing! Here's an idea, how about fixing your own country Consuela? She justifies illegal crossings because of cheap labor but they justify anything that their people benefit from no matter the legality of it.",Hateful "There goes the ""tough"" guy with the anchor baby again.",Hateful Shut the fuck up anchor baby,Hateful he's an anchor baby and can't be president. His mother didn't become a US citizen til after he was born and his father still isn't one. Nikki Haley is also an anchor baby and can't be one,Hateful Vivek Ramaswamy is an anchor baby.,Hateful Anchor Baby Abe is gay & believes in sharia law #BlakeMasters2024,Hateful "Get rid of, or reform the ""Anchor Baby"" laws",Not Hateful Not a chance... I can't believe you're really questioning my beaner.,Hateful I love being a fucking beaner,Not Hateful Lmaooo hell no I'm an LA beaner,Not Hateful I guess you haven't heard! I'm the beaner around these parts.,Not Hateful start the stream beaner,Hateful i can cook i can clean(beaner) i can bake i can roll for you I'm great at massaging,Not Hateful so wtf am i? a beaner? werk.,Not Hateful I should've seen Interpol this year smh what kinda millennial beaner am I?,Not Hateful I'm such a beaner i just read 'noms' as no mames,Not Hateful do i needa cuff me a asian to get me a budha chain? i aint seen no beaner with that shit on its fye.,Hateful he BEANER beaner i didn't even know he was about that,Hateful Stfu beaner,Hateful I believe we should have abortion rights for all. Thank you Mr Cornette. Shut up Beaner.,Hateful do u know how beaner u gotta be to whip out a bowl of ceviche in the study lounge like ik these ppl lookin me weird,Not Hateful So beaner i jus read cerebral cortex as cerebral cortez and immediately pictured the shoe.,Not Hateful "I got called a ""beaner"" a lot as a kid. Laughed every single time",Not Hateful I love you too my fellow beaner,Not Hateful "She sayin I'm bean paste bc I'm a beaner y'all, DIS DOES LOVE ME NO MORE",Hateful "Beaner we have Wogs in Australia for anyone who's Mediterranean/Middle East. Brilliant movie called The Wog Boy, seems after that we happily embraced the term",Not Hateful poor konvy welove u beaner boy,Not Hateful Daddy Castro please I need this 100 my paycheck went go my momma this week for bills I have 2 dollars to my name I need gas n food...help a fellow beaner out,Not Hateful My friends don't want to call me beaner,Not Hateful I joke with Andrea...I say I'm one of them California Beaner type natives!! Dem Chicano types! We went from Beans to Prison Jeans!!,Not Hateful "Also my kid is the most important thing in my life, I adore that little beaner.",Not Hateful "I always ask people how about if black people just go around using the word in a slang term like WET BK, BEANER, honky or cracker yeah how would that sound coming out of a black person's mouth in slang yeah exactly so keep the n-word out of yours",Hateful I'm not chubby but I do love tacos and street corn... My family does have a Mexican restaurant here in the States Good call You'd love it too If you like beaner food,Not Hateful "Lol When I was ten, I remember hearing some older dude call a mexican guy a beaner for the first time.",Not Hateful "She couldn't even make a package to go get beaner or gook. If im them I'm selling at the deadline, try to get a better draft pick.",Not Hateful Beaner or smthing like at I forgor,Hateful OH MY GOD HE WHAT THE WHAT i asked him if he dislikes twitter cuz he's illiterate AND HE CALLED ME A BEANER WHAT,Hateful Here comes the beaner,Hateful "Lol When I was ten, I remember hearing some older dude call a mexican guy a beaner for the first time. I thought he called him that because he was wearing a beanie, not because he was latino.",Not Hateful Did you just not get it... Or am I just fucking to beaner to get it.,Hateful "my guy said ""foo"" and I was like ohhh he beaner forreal",Hateful U eat beaner food for thanksgiving btw,Hateful "As long as I can call her a ""beaner""",Hateful Dudes a fucking pansy. Bitch behavior is too damn high. LMAO Seriously can't wait to call my beaner ass a white fascist,Hateful his songs always hit fr lmk if you need a beaner playlist,Hateful BEANER BRIAN!!! I LOVE BEANERS!! (i am one),Not Hateful hold on lemme turn my beaner on for this new peso pluma,Not Hateful He's getting the Jew talk down say goodbye to your job beaner,Hateful He really a beaner fr,Hateful I'm getting you back for calling me a beaner for speaking Spanish on the tl,Hateful Let's go beaner,Hateful "Drag queen and bull dyke if you look at her real good, she looks like a man that it might be a man trying to look like a girl",Hateful Why is this bull Dyke drag queen posting BS when she's not going to win election again and when she was done with January 6 gave a personal addresses of all the senator and congressman people to trumps hitsquad,Hateful Called her a bull dyke smh,Hateful My mom is a bull dyke... but you know that.,Hateful Can I say that I'm a Bull Dyke then ?,Not Hateful "you have that fat bi-sexual Latina face, I bet you ate a lot of black bull dyke pussy in there... but that doesn't mean you know what youre talking about. there's no such thing as a female supermax.",Hateful "Teddy was 24, 200lbs overwt, died right on the Treadmill leaving his Mother, my good friend & Administrator in a shadow of her former self. Her bull dyke daughter in law thought she was going to use his 4 yr old son",Hateful Bull Dyke Brownie Flavor,Hateful Man if they don't shoot that bull dagger dyke down,Hateful Mom found out her Daughter was Dyke so she called over her big cock bull,Hateful She looks like a bull dyke,Hateful "ANY OF YOUR F**KIN' BUSINESS AS A ""MODERN DAY"" JUWANNABEABRO BULL DYKE/BULL DOG??!! You're the same MISOGYNISTICKKK, GYNOKKKRACKTIC BULL DYKE that claims to be so ""sckrong and indepenDUNCE"", ""I don't need no man"" (ESPECIALLY IF HE'S BLACK!!!), ""Don't no man tell me what to do""",Hateful Never trust a pissed off bull dyke with a gun...,Hateful Are you being serious. Albo is the weakest man around and taking penny wong the bull dyke to negotiate with the men is an isult to Chinese culture,Hateful You're looking more and more like a bull dyke everyday,Hateful "If you think you can insult me by calling me a ""bull dyke,"" you are greatly mistaken. I'm not a bigot. And your cliched claim about teaching is absolutely false, but people like you never reveal what you do for a living anyway.",Not Hateful "I'm pretty sure you sport the ""bull dyke""/""teach because you can't do"" look every day. Did I spell bull dyke correctly?",Hateful "That one is missing some qualifications to be a ""bull dyke""",Hateful Taking a bull dyke to negotiate with the men is an insult to their culture,Hateful "the only reason they ""shine"" is cause a gay man is interviewing them. find me a bull dyke and see things in a different light, she would come out balls blaring and asking all the questions we women, who watch the show want to know!!",Hateful "Sounds right. So sad, she COULD be living the ideal life of Dollar Store cashier & housewife to a brawny construction-working bull dyke. I guess she just missed her calling?",Hateful Career opportunities flushed while out on a coffee day with a bull dyke.,Hateful WHAT??? a bull dyke who thinks she is a dude thinks like this???,Hateful She just looks like an unhappy old bull dyke with broken skin. Transitioning has made her look way older and is causing skin issues.,Hateful I love you Hannah but this is not a good look on you. Just because you are lesbian doesn't mean you need to look like a stereotypical bull dyke butch.,Hateful That bull dyke critter needs to be put down before it bites someone.,Hateful The president wouldn't see you because you insulted their culture by bringing a bull dyke to negotiate with the men.,Hateful "I took a ""women in history"" class in ~1999, most of the women in class were sad over what was happening in USA. Although there were a couple of bull dyke commies who were perfectly happy, most wanted men to hold doors open for them",Hateful Here's to hoping she's now the property of a black bull dyke,Hateful Alpha Bull Dyke High eeeeena Senorsasaasp? Presidente?,Hateful "TYPO: ""...BULL DYKE/BULL DOG to TALK to ME LIKE THAT!"" Sorry about that, fam.",Hateful "Van Dyke, Big Spike, Bull Dyke, don't matter. Noles by FAWDY",Hateful other KKKLEARLY DEMON-POSSESSED JUWANNABEABRO BULL DYKE/BULL DOG TALK ME LIKE THAT! F**K DAT SH**!,Hateful Traitor and bull dyke(not that there's anything wrong with that),Hateful You could befriend the biggest bull dyke in the cell block.,Hateful NEW VERSION OF SHE. devoriced 38yr bi swm.interests in 'eavy weight bull dyke Dom gym girls and older sailors 4 rejection ritual training tactics to replace females by acts of public sex w/ cheating husband's,Not Hateful Of course she is. Look at her. Has bull dyke written all over it.,Hateful The sad part is that in America some bull dyke soccer player can probably afford to go live on a private island or exclusive resort.,Hateful Bull dyke antifa gf jewish twink bf,Hateful I don't care for labels. I would never call my woman a stud/dyke/fem nor bull dagger,Not Hateful "That's ok. I'm a bull dyke, have my masters, a mortgage, 0 debt and I'm only 25. Even if I were straight, I'm set.",Not Hateful "Hey just catching up on the show, the Allstate ad with the that's not gonna fit. that is in fact just an ugly woman, she's just a big bull dyke",Hateful Dom was a good little boy but grew up a spoiled bastard that's why he's so disrespectful and dating a girl that looks like a bull dyke gone goth her name is rhea ripley,Hateful From lesbian to Bull Dyke....,Hateful "Big Bull Dyke Gurls use their flobby bodies and flailing arms to bully prettier girls in the yard. But, not this one, tho. Not Today!",Hateful Most feared knife fighter? You've clearly never seen a pissed off bull dyke whipping around a strap on dildo with the tinfoil packaging still attached.....,Hateful Your chromosomes and reproductive system make you a woman. Your bull dyke hair style and Harry Potter glasses do not determine your gender nor should it.,Hateful This ain't a stud baby this a bull dyke,Hateful "Your lack of bass in your voice, your lack of an Adam's apple. Your bull dyke hair style is irrelevant",Hateful It doesn't matter as you know natural law's a construct that can't be enforced. It's a bullshit theory w no practical application. I doubt it. It's common knowledge that I'm a bull dyke,Not Hateful please stop putting that super bull dyke on my tl PLEASE,Hateful What he did was interrupt an inquisition where Hillary Rodham Clinton and some angry bull dyke get a grill a guy from Uganda. This dude is fucking epic!!!,Hateful "Anyone gonna tell her a Jew makes that polo sweater she's wearing, haha What a bunch of bull dyke morons !",Hateful I always find it weird with modern feminism with how you can't be one unless you are a man hating bull dyke basically,Hateful The are as useless as tits on a bull dyke.,Hateful In high school we had a large white bull dyke punching and pushing boys into lockers. She began picking on my best friend and I remember him telling me at lunch he was going to take care of business next time it happened.,Hateful Yeah I remember that bull dyke now,Hateful Ok bull dyke,Hateful Who's the nasty bull dyke? lol,Hateful I would pay good money to see some of those older butch bull dykes help orientate you in your dysphoria.,Hateful "So, you like bull-dykes?",Hateful Why do all these women look like bull dykes who hate books,Hateful "Ummmm, looka here, fam, IF it is NOW deemed ""NECESSARY"" IN THESE VERY LAST DAYS AND TIMES to be prepared to go ""Sir Scrap-A-Lot"" mode with these U.S. JUWANNABEABRO BULL DYKES/BULL DOGS...then it's HIGHLY PROBABLE Check out Count Zero's video! #TikTok",Hateful "Refer to them as ""bull dykes"" Thetop photo are lipstick lesbians",Hateful I love bull dykes with anime profile pics,Not Hateful They like we might be able to make your funeral if there anything left to bury or isnt buried already . Bull the dykes are still up running and they always will unless of course the Brazilian Blowout caused the Flow of $ to Become extinct,Hateful Beats butch bull dykes that want to stab you for being male.... Anyday anytime....,Hateful "If you're concerned about institutionally sanctioned child sterilization you need a therapist? No one ever really cared about Androgynes, fairies and bull dykes engaging in a little gender appropriation",Hateful "I reiterate that I might repost pics of nude women, but I won't ever repost dykes or dudes in the pic with a nude woman.",Hateful "ALL OF THE UNNECESSARY, WARRANTED MADNESS! IN SHORT, YOU REALLY HAVE TO BE F**KKKIN' WIF DAT SH** BIIIG TIME IF YOU REALLY BELIEVE THAT AS DECIDEDLY LOW, BARGAIN BASEMENT, SEWAGE-INFESTED, GUTTER-DWELLING, JUWANNABEABRO BULL DYKES/BULL DOGS & WHOLE TRICKKK A** HOE BIIIIII-ATCHES",Hateful Big Bull Dykes from Gaza City,Hateful "former child film star/devoriced bi swm.38yrs.7"" functional cock.switch/vers.122lbs.5ft1"". seeking men to openly please and replace women in random encounters. bottom/top.seek bull dykes and sailors.Nancy boi.",Not Hateful "Her hot takes on Feminism: ""A buncha bull dykes and ugly whores, who could never get/keep a man, ruining things for everyone else whom could..."" literally one of the most based women alive...frfr",Hateful Notice how ugly liberal women always are? Bull dykes!,Hateful "Don't forget Patty Hearst being kidnapped by the SLA. a black panther adjacent group consisting of ex cons, lesbian bull dykes and other assorted party favors.",Hateful Even hispanic bull dykes must be rolling their eyes at this one.,Hateful "JUWANNABEABRO BULL DYKES/BULL DOGS that they want to be. Let them be all of ""levelled up bad boss biiiiii-atches"", ""baddies"" and ""TRICKKK A** SKANKKK HOES""; possess all of dat ""BlacKKK girl magicKKK""; enjoy all of those ""hot girl summers""; take all of those ""girls trips"";",Hateful bull dykes hate humanity and themselves - sociopaths and losers -- move to Gaza FAST!,Hateful "You mean submissive. You want them be happily willing to play number two, to you. Cause Women are still feminine or do you see bull dykes everywhere?",Hateful I'm scared of bull dykes!,Hateful i b so weak when mfs call dykes bull daggers,Hateful """We want rustlers, cut throats, bounty hunters, desperados, mugs, pugs, thugs, nitwits, halfwits, dimwits, vipers, snipers, con men, muggers, buggerers, bushwhackers, hornswogglers, horse thieves, bull dykes, train robbers, bank robbers, ass-kickers, shit-kickers and Methodists""",Not Hateful I hate ex bull dykes bruv,Hateful Dykes really scare me... bull daggers whatever you want to call em I'm terrified!!!!,Hateful Bull dykes are our greatest weapon.,Not Hateful "U.S. BLACKKKK BULL DYKES/BULL DAWGS WON'T BE ""BURDENED"" BY HAVING TO ""BUILD A (BLACK!!!) FRANKENMAN'! We Brothers understand that""REAL MEN"" LIKE YOURSELVES believe that men who are ""on their grind/hustle"" and ""getting dat coin/bag"" don't need no help...cuz he can do bad all by",Hateful "As I always say, ""That's perfectly fine...BRO, ya know what I'M sayan'?"" Just like you U.S. BLACKKK MASCULINE-ENERGIZED, JUWANNABEABRO, BULL DYKES/BULL DAWGS are HELLA QUICK TO ABANDON US ANY AND EVERYTIME THAT WE BLACK MEN (AND BOYS) ARE FACED WITH SOME",Hateful Carl Woods having a cheeky wank... Charva with big cock,Hateful Amo TikTok big dick Charva,Hateful Darwin in his Charva era,Hateful nunez charva,Not Hateful Darwizzy Charva,Hateful Yinrun charva #bbuk,Hateful "& he says black women arent ""leng"" (attractive) and how most are ugly he stay chasing mid white women and is basically a charva most his friends are lower class white men.",Hateful Lee Johnson charva,Hateful love u so much charva,Not Hateful Half price Skypes and content Meets available you don't wanna miss out this scally charva #cashsub #cashfag #cashmaster,Not Hateful been waiting for the charva trend to die for too long it was funny for like 2 days man give it a rest,Not Hateful Tame impala proper charva,Not Hateful ur boy's a better charva than u,Not Hateful ur cousin's a better charva than u,Not Hateful Just a charva in gold,Not Hateful We got a underdog charva called Billy Harris,Not Hateful Everyone's a charva till a real charva comes to town,Not Hateful Charva Keith,Hateful charva remix for a good session,Not Hateful Half price Skypes and content Meets available you don't wanna miss out this scally charva #cashsub #cashfag #cashmaster #cashgod #findom #finsub #payslave #humanatm #walletdrain #cashcunt #financialdomination #paypig #buyingnudes #sellingcontent #ContentCreator #sugarbaby,Not Hateful i would ko her like a PROPAH CHARVA,Not Hateful "Fuk sake Chels, it weren't that Chocco Charva who got the hatrick , it was the other one.",Hateful Sean Paul the og charva,Not Hateful charva lipa?,Not Hateful Real scally dominant charva #findom #master #slave #serve #paypigges,Not Hateful didn't know charva #2 was chill like that,Hateful might be the best charva,Not Hateful top charva,Not Hateful The cat is very chonkey,Not Hateful Chonkey dragon walks by me,Not Hateful little too many pancakes XD soooo cute and chonkey,Not Hateful chonkey chonkey squish muish bawby,Not Hateful Chonkey Angel Dust in a Pumpkin outfit! I have another Halloween treat for all my horror followers tomorrow too! #HazbinHot,Not Hateful couter Darky' - Goodbye par Prog Darky' sur #SoundCloud,Not Hateful Me has alegrado la noche Darky,Not Hateful stupid Darky,Hateful "Because one whitey and hide in a crowd, but one darky will get themselves kicked out of a Roadhouse steakhouse 99% of the time.",Hateful So darky! So fancy! So misterios! Capes should en vogue again!,Not Hateful They're always wondered what Malarkey is I heard his mulatto darky,Hateful Calling another person darky while you are one as well is hilarious,Hateful Just another undeserving uppity darky,Hateful figures - an american pushing the darky out of the way,Hateful Yahoo: let darky fend for himself. He ain't need no whitey.,Hateful He's French. Other dude is German look up their history darky.,Hateful i wont scam as well lol. ask your mates mgyzr jupey or that guy who always plays with darky.,Hateful This is what happens when you allow Muslims into Scotland and have a Darky Anti-White Muslim,Hateful """This clearly isn't a race thing, the bad guy is some kind of darky""",Hateful "Darky be big and dommy, and making bellies go big. Also Jin. Doodles from stream.",Not Hateful Darky and Haruka having some fun.. semi-related to previous scribbles of their encounters.,Not Hateful Dovey and darky,Not Hateful get 1 vs me darky,Hateful "darky killing literally everything haha, big facts",Hateful Salamat Darky,Not Hateful GFM Darky have a nice day,Hateful "Goober, By this time next year you and your ilk will be run out of the GOP, YOU ARE LOSERS. CLOWNS.",Hateful "This is a master class in deescalation. This goober was throwing hands in my face, trying to bait me to play his game, then he'd run and cry.",Hateful "Gwen would be playing as a pink-haired lalafell and be a little goober and annoy her friends. Her only maxed level job is Weaver, and she has 105 million gil in her bank but still hasn't finished ARR.",Not Hateful "What happens when you lose every election and Democrats completely control abortion? You're a goober, you have defective DNA",Hateful Raven team leader is such a goober . . #FortniteOG #FortniteArt #RavenTeamLeader,Not Hateful "I like that little goober, everyday I get reminded that he looked like this when he was a Bearling",Not Hateful Real question: just how unhinged and low IQ are you? Your worldview is as demented as Epstein's predilection for underage victims! Seriously.. seek help n stop being such a TDS goober! EVERYBODY LAUGHS AT YOU,Hateful well who is this little goober on my front porch,Not Hateful Just a dude. A fella. An absolute guy. Perhaps a goober.,Not Hateful Goober moment,Not Hateful goofy goober ?? LOL,Not Hateful Vest wearing goober,Hateful customer goober tuber #Splatoon3 #NintendoSwitch,Not Hateful "I love this gal so much! Another goober, very colorful theyre aromantic and a clothes designer :3 #phighting #phightingoc",Not Hateful The Goober was beautiful when . 4,Not Hateful USE CODE GOOBER ON THE FORTNITE ITEM SHOP TO SUPPORT,Not Hateful I'm insanely excited to announce I'm now a #EpicPartner!!!! Please consider using code GOOBER in the #Fortnite Item Shop,Not Hateful youre a silly goober,Not Hateful You being a goofy goober,Not Hateful no I was born in America u silly goober. Meanwhile ur here a grown ass man taking goofing pics like we're in middle school bruh,Hateful Im such a fucking goober #findom,Not Hateful """QT with you most popular piece"" Gosh I miss animating this Timmy turner ass goober #splatbands #Splatoon3 #Splatoon",Not Hateful "That's Called a ""Redneck Goober"" they are nasty, don't feed them.",Not Hateful Goober meh!!,Not Hateful "biggest takeaway from today's election is that gubernatorial is a word. and honestly, and I mean no disrespect by this, but more like a goober-nut-oreo",Not Hateful You goober,Not Hateful Great is going to goober,Not Hateful Thanks for the opportunity! I wanna be goober,Not Hateful "This goober is so cute, I love drawing him!!! #art #oc #furry #furryart #furryoc",Not Hateful I posted it as a joke you goober,Hateful I can send you a matchy pic I took in October with my goober if you want it!,Not Hateful Goober alert,Not Hateful Ferret goober?,Not Hateful This alone has cemented me getting this game on PC upon release. Just to watch this goober wolf/cat hybrid animal riding a Chocobo.,Not Hateful "Bahahaha you have to say one is a man, one is a woman goober",Not Hateful This clueless tiny goober is so out of touch that CNN had to interview his sorry ass. They then had the fast rappin mouth flappin Mule on for some reason. On a night when Dems kicked their ass. Only on CNN folks.,Hateful "Just a lil trickster, a lil silly creature, a lil goopy goober",Not Hateful Draw this goober real heart or fries,Not Hateful Im a goofy goober,Not Hateful "There is a very unhappy Virginian right now, and his name is Glenn Youngkin. At least we won't be subjected to yet another goober, Republican, throwing his fake hat in the ring.",Hateful Goober lookin mother fuckers,Hateful I wanna be a lil goober,Not Hateful Turn this goober into a toaster,Not Hateful Want to be a goober for free??? Well I wanna join the trend Drop a SFW ref or photo of ur sona to be GOOBER-FIED.,Not Hateful then make one goober,Not Hateful "Cheating again, I love this stupid lil' goober",Not Hateful I'm a goofy goober,Not Hateful turned into a goober? Amazing,Not Hateful "They both look confused, is he supposed to be a goober?!",Not Hateful I know you're not a bot you goober. You weren't included in that,Hateful "Every compliment the bun gets makes me smile like a goober because I spent MONTHS on that ref starting and deleting because it just didnt feel right and I wanted him to just be ME, but FURRY!",Not Hateful Make me a goober,Not Hateful goober token again (lighter),Not Hateful "As a person who owns this little goober, fuck Islam",Hateful "STANDARDS, that's rich. Yeah, there used to be. Congresspeople haven't gotten felt up, and practically fingered in public theaters, until this current congress. Fuck all the way off stage left, you fucking goober.",Hateful She is and always has been a Goober and the fact that 70% of her fanart is NSFW is both weird and flat-out,Hateful "I called you out publicly you muppet where's my lack of backbone. Fuckin goober, go give your wife another butt smoothie",Hateful I always liked private but not in a weird way he's just a goofy goober and I relate with em,Not Hateful "Doodles of sheep Maddie,,, I am immensely attached to this round goober, despite lookin small and cute she's actually like 9 feet tall.",Not Hateful "You're doing fine, no need to worry! As long as you're enjoying yourself I say keep being a silly goober haha",Not Hateful That has nothing to do with peekaboo. I think he intends to call her a jigaboo. He's gonna slip up on day,Not Hateful "It's another way to write ""jigaboo"" which is a racist term for Black people.",Not Hateful I learned jigaboo from a movie about the Confederacy when I was little.,Not Hateful "pickaninny + jigaboo = peekaboo No, Donald trump isn't racist!!!",Not Hateful "Does anybody not know this is a sideways way of saying ""jigaboo""?",Not Hateful "Peakaboo is slang for a black person, like Jigaboo. He's a racist fuck",Not Hateful "Peekaboo is a portmanteau for ""jigaboo"" which is an old racist term for black people",Not Hateful "Your mom mad Af she didn't abort you, you fucking Jigaboo",Hateful "Lying on your financial statements, up or down, IS FRAUD. Black people can't be racist. ""Peekaboo"" is a portmanteau for ""jigaboo"", so YOU are racist. Biden not involved in NY State case.",Not Hateful "It will never stop being weird to me that a candidate for president can use the term ""peekaboo"" as a clear dog whistle for ""jigaboo"" and easily win his party's nomination.",Not Hateful "He calls Letitia James racist and then calls her Peekaboo. The term jigaboo is no longer widely used, but I remember it well from the 70's.",Not Hateful "It's his super cool replacement for Jigaboo. He's so smart at being an old, bigot.",Not Hateful I always wonder where she would be today if that white jigaboo didn't derail her career,Hateful This is just on par for this stupid old fuck... He rants on about racists and then turns around and calls the woman something coded to mean jigaboo... A racist term.,Hateful "So admitting to a crime, I'm worth billions but it's not reported on legal documents is not a crime?!? He called her a peekaboo but he really wanted to call her jigaboo.",Not Hateful "My racist father used ""jigaboo"" quite often and I can't help but think this is the intersection of Donnie dementia, racism and dog whistling.",Not Hateful Saying jigaboo and monkey as if Nikki isn't one,Hateful "best slur hands down is jigaboo, definitely jigaboo. it's just so fun to say.",Hateful Well call me a jigaboo and whip my ass,Hateful Lol okay jigaboo,Hateful Jigaboo pls direct your keyboard to somebody else.,Hateful "Or we can say: Coons, Monkeys, Tar Babies, Jigaboo, Moon Cricket, Trunk Monkey, ETC.. There, now we can both feel bad...or not.",Hateful Look at this jigaboo thinking white people cares about names .. only monkeys get made over some words.. dumb Nick Gurr.,Hateful Why is that jigaboo appropriating white girls hair?,Hateful Jigaboo is hilarious but yes. The St. Louis kid is talented,Hateful Okay jigaboo,Hateful 10-head jigaboo,Hateful jigaboo food,Hateful "guess being called a n****r every possession, ""boy"" win lose or draw and jigaboo ain't have shit on 300+ million guaranteed",Hateful Boston is a horrible place bro but that bag made him ignore the racism and getting called a jigaboo,Not Hateful "Big ass, jigaboo bitch!!",Hateful once again you didn't eat love. we still gone support her she ain't touch nobody keep talking about spelling mistakes when your monkey ass could comprehend jigaboo.,Hateful Typical jigaboo behavior. Never let your guard down around them,Hateful good beat that cocky jigaboo angel reese!!!,Hateful Imitate how? She literally looks different. Keep up the cope jigaboo,Hateful JigaBoo foi foda..,Hateful Yeah testifying that you committed fraud sure showed that jigaboo AG and woke Judge! Keep testifying your crimes Mr. Trump! Show them your superior intellect!,Hateful The n word is twice the other guys size. Typical coward jigaboo.,Hateful What a dumb jigaboo,Hateful but when I call you a jigaboo,Hateful At least lona she shaked ass get that other jigaboo off my tl.,Hateful "You don't want to be called a Jigaboo Monkey But you want the rights to call sumn a fag??? Yeah, the math isn't mathing.",Hateful Aki I can't believe I used to think that this jigaboo was smart. Somebody tell him that this is an all white party...didn't he read the memo?,Hateful jigaboo curvilinear equites last autodidact,Hateful jigga = jigaboo stfu now did i hear you was a pedo????,Hateful 2 on 1 attempt fail. Thuggish coward jigaboo,Hateful yeah and a good example she is a fat stupid jigaboo,Hateful So let him call all y'all peekaboo jigaboo keep dancing and grinning like Daniel Cameron a bunch dummies,Hateful We've been through this jigaboo. I know you people aren't known for your reading comprehension,Hateful I really do hate that jigaboo,Hateful "It said ""our"" jigaboo",Hateful "So True Kitsu! When I Think Of Playing MMORpg I Get This Feeling In My Chest Thats Like... Thank God I'm Not A Fricking African Jigaboo Knucklewalking Gorilla Kneeger, you know! I Just Thank God I'm Not One Of Those Fishlipped Zoo Monkeys!",Hateful The Jigaboo nose is what killed me the most,Hateful Black confederates don't make any sense... you know they wanted you to be their jigaboo slaves right ?,Hateful Can someone tell this jigaboo that no body bloody cares.,Hateful didn't he do a jigaboo dance at his eviction,Hateful Shut up you're Haitian. You jigaboo.,Hateful Someone get this jigaboo away from me,Hateful Oppressive jigaboo tactics for the communist party,Hateful "Wanted it more, wanted it more. fuck out of here with that jigaboo analysis",Hateful "All the money you spent on the wedding multiplied by 5 isn't worth this stupidity and embarrassment, leave her at that alter, of you procreate with this jigaboo, your children will be the laughing stock everywhere they go, zero self awareness, damn",Hateful If Almeida does that jigaboo dance imma laugh especially after that performance #UFCSP,Hateful "This jigaboo is saying because the TPLF is well organized and has supporters, Tigrians should be kept in concentrating camps. What an idiot.",Hateful they said k was a jigaboo once i don't evn sound blsck,Hateful Shush jigaboo,Hateful I swear these jigaboo ass refs hate the Kings,Hateful You look exactly like a jigaboo too,Hateful did this jigaboo just hold up a confederate flag. like so slow,Hateful I mean what do you expect from a jigaboo. He's literally tap dancing for his kkk members,Hateful Your son is a jigaboo,Hateful Thats in the past you Jollof Jigaboo,Hateful And yet this Jigaboo called himself Jamal Does he not know that Jamal is a Islamic name that originated in Middle East and North/East Africa,Hateful This damn jigaboo,Hateful "Boy, Uncle Ruckus ain't got shit in you, jigaboo.",Hateful "Based on his idiot sons, his defenses will be: I didn't do it. If I did, I did it ""perfect"". My lawyers and accountants did it. Who are these people, Jr. and Eric? This is a disgrace. Everyone says so. The AG is a BLACK WOMAN, a jigaBOO",Hateful a literal jigaboo shucking and jiving,Hateful sit down jigaboo.,Hateful "Come on, you are not that naive. You have to know ""peekaboo"" is a well established modern version of jigaboo and it makes itself even more obvious when you add her last name James.",Hateful Keep dancing jigaboo,Hateful Came dressed like Kamala Harris! Get this Jigaboo off my timeline!,Hateful They are fucking mongs these Mackems mind... thinking it's about us,Hateful I like $MONG She like $MONG He like $MONG,Not Hateful "Hilarious to listen to these conspiracy theory mongs, Sam running for Senate and in the comments being labels a fraud using those in the space",Hateful "After getting your boy locked up and throwing one of your mongs under the bus you gonna get paid again eh bro. Sick fk, your days are numbered and you know it.",Hateful "All lies, Julius lies and the mongs lap it up",Hateful "Lol, so did you think we were losing 9 of 11 remaining games with City winning all theirs? Rule changes, closed doors...Christ, the straws some mongs clutch at",Hateful $MONG This guy reminds me of,Hateful "The covid 19 response caused severe. Fixed it, you mongs.",Hateful #Nakamigos and #Mong,Not Hateful What a bunch of mongs!,Hateful "Africa is literally dependant on handouts, you fucking mongs",Hateful bunch of mongs in VAR and he has maybe had a slip up if its not real thats a very very good remake,Hateful "Of course he blocked you, he's read your tweet seen you have a valid point and has zero debate to reply with so hit the block button! Them lefty mongs are all the same like Lineker etc just block rather than debate or reply.",Hateful And these dumbarse's are twerking for that senile old cunt Radcliffe proves what mongs we have in our fanbase zero standards,Hateful "Jesse Atterson Mongs value friendship, degenerate meme culture, and good vibes.",Not Hateful The rulling class click their fingers and out come all the knuckle dragging subservient mongs.,Hateful "Hi, don't worry about disability carers allowance as mongs is always horny. Plus they get PIP X",Hateful "BEHEOLD THE ""ONE STATE SOLUTION"" you fucking mongs",Hateful I mog with Mongs n Frogs,Not Hateful Did you know #GM means Good $MONG ing!?,Not Hateful "Like all hateful mongs, they run away in the end when faced with facts",Hateful We didn't even like him but it's funny him scoring against you mongs.,Hateful "Coretta Castellana Mongs value friendship, degenerate meme culture, and good vibes.",Not Hateful "All the bloody time - I ask them what they're blathering about, but they either don't reply, or they blather more. Ming-mongs",Hateful Nahhh. Can't possibly be official this... Just fucking get rid of it! Bunch of mongs!,Hateful how many mongs in the replies believing this is real,Hateful "Rigoberto Custodio Mongs value friendship, degenerate meme culture, and good vibes.",Not Hateful Run by fuckin mongs. Couldn't organise a piss up in a Brewery those lot ... I don't care if the games restarted regardless of the law.,Hateful how do you stomach these mongs in your replies NG?,Hateful for sure! This is the way. $MONG is the way. The #MongArmy is here to stay!,Not Hateful "Hear me out right, hear me out... Thomason is crap, winning the league, where are all the Evatt out mongs? #bwfc",Hateful "Eldon Kagey Mongs value friendship, degenerate meme culture, and good vibes.",Not Hateful "Kori Nauyen Mongs value friendship, degenerate meme culture, and good vibes.",Not Hateful "Absolute mongs in the comments. Then again, why am I surprised. Bunch of blue passport shagging numbskulls who can't seem to compute that it's possible to honour and remember those who fell during war without making it a 'my poppy is bigger than yours' contest. Incredibly vulgar.",Hateful "It's the same as getting that big fixture against Liverpool, they get to sing that song as well as sign on, feed the scousers. It's their intention to do it, it's as big as playing us. Absolute mongs.",Hateful Creased at all the mackem mongs piping up tonight... have some shame please !!,Hateful Full of absolute mongs away ends getting worse every week,Hateful That's a bold statement. The Mongs will post anything.,Hateful "Robbi Enriguez Mongs value friendship, degenerate meme culture, and good vibes.",Not Hateful Fucking mongs how can you forget what you're supposed to do in your job u idiot ... He shouldn't be seeing the office tomorrow sounds nervous af it's not a bloody nuke button thats between your hands you muppet,Hateful "You're wank thick your fan base is literally kids and you just called them ""glory hunting mongs""",Not Hateful Mongs. Tell the bald Audio video wizard to screw the nut.,Hateful "Claudie Filak Mongs value friendship, degenerate meme culture, and good vibes.",Not Hateful Young boy ultras bin bag wearing mongs,Not Hateful "can mock it, just utter mongs on here with no brain cells",Not Hateful "Russel Vanaman Mongs value friendship, degenerate meme culture, and good vibes.",Not Hateful "Driving in North Norfolk at night time is not an enjoyable experience at all,having your retinas burnt by all the Mongs that can't drive without using their full beams absolutely everywhere! Full beam,Full Mong",Hateful And for you mongs too,Not Hateful Mongs are out in force tonight.,Not Hateful 2 Brighton mongs here and one who bleeds red and blue says it all,Not Hateful congrats yee mongs,Not Hateful You mongs are some of the biggest fucking crybabies ever. Republicans better never attempt to call anyone else a snowflake again.,Hateful "MONGS NFT was a success, now lets do GROKS NFT",Not Hateful Let's do $GROK X $MONG,Not Hateful "You'll confuse the mongs now. Funny the description ""world war"" might of gave it away. Most haven't got a scooby-doo who fought side by side together.",Hateful "Good night, Mongs. More money printing tomorrow, please",Not Hateful "It'll be the fat, inbred, 3 toothed, bleach drinking, sheep shagging white mongs kicking off a fight and killing innocents because 'dey look gey!' not the marchers you UKIP crackhead waste of cum.",Hateful Silly confused mongs mate,Hateful "Jone Ownby Mongs value friendship, degenerate meme culture, and good vibes.",Not Hateful "Mental that people celebrated getting put in this group, mongs every single one of them",Hateful Arsenal fans are absolute mongs man clearly trying to shoot with eyes only on the ball,Hateful Club full of mongs,Hateful "Mui Stay Mongs value friendship, degenerate meme culture, and good vibes.",Not Hateful "Lynn Morra Mongs value friendship, degenerate meme culture, and good vibes.",Not Hateful bailment octaroon ameer ungoverned hydrolyzate vermination cormel screenwriter g ,Hateful "You gotta be next level racist to break out ""octaroon""",Not Hateful How about Octaroon for herself?,Hateful heliography provisory kinetograph accompanist neoclassic octaroon selvaged symbolization resupply hooter,Not Hateful victualer octaroon corporativism tuxedo scouting belibel,Not Hateful 1/8th supposedly as he claims octaroon status,Hateful "Cant be doin Outbreak #1 dirty like that damn lol. Aside from that and probably swapping 7 and 8 (especially because of the 'Afternoon, my octaroon!' lol), pretty damn spot on.",Not Hateful "Bartholomew Simpson, my creole octaroon. I knew you would nail this.",Hateful Maybe an octaroon,Hateful "25% blk/75 wyt =""quadroon"" 12.5% blk/87.5 wyt= ""octaroon"" This was high enough percentage to be the side piece of a wyt businessman.",Not Hateful revascularization refire octaroon stratovision phytolaccaceous,Not Hateful octaroon kemp alkalinization trochilics excuss hatty unshorn ribwork,Not Hateful "That's good information, but if you know anything about the terms Mulatto, Octaroon, Quadroon, etc and what they mean in the English language, you would understand why it's offensive.",Not Hateful cumulocirrus laparectomy chaplet octaroon flashhouse geocorona refining pycnometer,Not Hateful Afternoon my octaroon,Hateful You're an octaroon,Hateful White woman in Israel with heavy American accent telling an octaroon (yes imma still bash him) he has no identity,Hateful bnd carnitine conceptualise comradery octaroon appendicitis saintfoin prorupt telecommuting,Not Hateful "I'm so hungry, I could eat an octaroon!",Hateful "The northern europeans have Just white or black or asian. It is northern europeans who set up the color system in america. If you watched british films, very light skinned blacks are referred to as black, not octaroon",Hateful 5356528275 defloration noisome octaroon jerreed mutule hierogram unbury stimulating epicurean imputatively,Not Hateful Ten bucks says that orange peckerwood couldn't spell irony,Hateful #GME #PECKERWOOD,Not Hateful I'm just an old fashioned peckerwood.,Not Hateful "No they wouldn't. And no one is going to peckerwood FL, you're irrelevant.",Not Hateful "Congrats, Ohio, on no longer being the we-love-it-when-we-force-raped-children-to-have-their-rapist's-babies-because-we're-the-biggest-woman-and-child-hating-peckerwood-trash state.",Hateful shut Jo redneck peckerwood inbred ass up,Hateful "None of these are even clever. Cracker and Honky are about the best ones. Peckerwood is good too. I also like cousin fucker and white boy. Stick to the classics, my black friends. I can assure you that I do.",Hateful Stick it little peckerwood.,Hateful Hey peckerwood...if you don't like people in front of you reclining pay for a first class seat or better yet drive your stupid ass wherever you're going! No one wants to deal with your toddler ass!,Hateful Does it really matter peckerwood?,Hateful "White , Cracker & Peckerwood",Hateful "Wow, you are a brave, brave, little sniveling bitch. Very brave stand. What a little peckerwood. Come out passionately against kicking puppies next week. What an embarrassment you are.",Hateful It's been great weather. Peckerwood Creek.,Not Hateful "A group that can proudly call itself ""Peckerwood"" isn't likely to be bothered by pejorative slang from the subhuman genus Coonicus Africanus.",Not Hateful "You're either a moron or a lying peckerwood ,which is it?",Hateful "Heard an old black man call someone a ""peckerwood"" yesterday. Shit made my day.",Not Hateful "Had the junk haulers over today. I told one of the guys I'll get my wallet and we'd square up. He thought that meant I wanted to fight him,rather than me meaning I'd pay the bill.He called me""peckerwood!"" We both burst out laughing so hard we couldn't square up. But I did pay him",Not Hateful Make sure you get my good side peckerwood,Hateful Shut up peckerwood.,Hateful """cracker"" a racial slur. this peckerwood was brought up to hate. it's so sad you didn't have real parents who brought you up to not hate, but to love. disgusting and gross",Hateful "From an old peckerwood from the South, I can easily look past your rap and tats to see there's a GREAT man inside with good ole common sense.",Not Hateful "It's also lawful in this country to fly the Palestinian resistence flag and call for jihad against Israel. But you sure love crying about that, peckerwood.",Hateful And you are one UGLY-ASS PECKERWOOD!!!!!!,Hateful That and peckerwood,Not Hateful You wouldn't make pimple on his ass you fucking peckerwood loser.,Hateful "More shortsighted, racist peckerwood talk. Sadly this shit is common in canada, with the fossil fuel lobby basically brainwashing a good portion of the population.",Hateful "I certainly didn't mean to turn you into one, you look like one so I thought you should play the part. -He pat the dogs with gentle affection as they swam away and he swam over to her- /Fine/. I'll have them delivered to the Peckerwood Estate",Not Hateful Ok then tell her say cracker or peckerwood not nigga,Not Hateful 3110 W. Armitage: A peckerwood wearing sunglasses is inside heisting merchandise. #Chicago #Chicagoscanner,Hateful ooooh getting close to 1045 when it will surely be my fault and only my fault that we aren't in the room at the scheduled time... So far the nicknames for today include Pipsqueak and Peckerwood,Not Hateful Come on down to camp PeckerWood,Not Hateful "All of a sudden all them peckerwood crackers from West Texas and hillbillies from Jawbone Arkansas, those farmer boys from Wisconsin, those Football Players from Upstate NY, and the rest of rural America (with their dicks still attached) have become valuable and important again.",Hateful I prefer peckerwood,Not Hateful Cracker Gringo Honky Ofay Peckerwood Whitey I'm just curious about the v i s i b i l i t y of this tweet.,Hateful "With your Neanderthal profile picture. Stfu or go touch your daughter or something, peckerwood.",Hateful "It's called a PECKER, and the douche bag to which it appended is called a PECKERWOOD.",Hateful "It's always the ones with no profile, show your face peckerwood, I know it's a Neanderthal blood behind there.... Stop the primitive ""projection"" buddy.",Hateful Ion care how crazy you light skin niggas wanna play i am a Negus use a Peckerwood i will drop u.,Hateful Might wanna look in a mirror there ya pasty-faced peckerwood. You whiter than alot of peckerwoods,Hateful Why you still here peckerwood,Hateful I've of that PECKERWOOD!!!,Hateful "So true! it's so deplorable & a signal to incoming and current law makers that you will not be held accountable for your Actions against the state... that peckerwood Johnson, Jordan, Gaetz Cruz MT all should be held accountable & brought",Hateful Judge is a pipsqueak needle dick peckerwood ass clown.,Hateful "Man's went double wood reminds me of the words from em when he said you record went wood Peckerwood - record went wood. Neck of the woods Peckerwood mad, 'cause his record went wood No respect in the hood, fled to his neck of the woods",Not Hateful "Love to see someone die after calling a no bullshit peckerwood ""cracker""",Hateful Congrats on your award! is nothing but a peckerwood piece of sh*t.,Hateful Just like trump and his taxes or his college diploma you peckerwood,Hateful Too bad I'm not on welfare peckerwood,Hateful "Your Peckerwood friends, family and conservative dicks don't think it's ok to be black. Look at their twitter accounts.",Hateful Da face of a white peckerwood,Hateful "*no one. Fuck sakes, autocorrect you two-timing three-bit peckerwood.",Hateful Wrong again peckerwood. We only wonder how anyone could believe that the whole of the Cosmos is somehow necessary for the operation of this tiny planet Earth.,Hateful This PeckerWood wants to divide and conquer,Hateful Because watch your mouth you peckerwood,Hateful "Very Nice, this PeckerWood likes",Not Hateful "Aww, Mr. Peckerwood...you are definitely giving off tiny dick energy.",Hateful "Received an email from Mat Gaetz tonight that said ""I'm under attack"" You literally have no clue what the term ""under attack"" means peckerwood !!",Hateful Don't get testy peckerwood. You're the one who checked out his Grindr page.,Hateful Go back to overdosing on that meth peckerwood,Hateful Pink peckerwood feels good a kid got knocked out.,Hateful Yup. All you have to do is watch that video and see that Obama don't give a shit about that old peckerwood.,Hateful "Give us all the details on little Harry? Where's he from, what schools did he attend? I'm sure his school chums have stories on the little peckerwood.",Hateful Lolololololololololololol peckerwood,Not Hateful Ending with grow up...this some peckerwood type...,Hateful 2400 N. Western: A peckerwood jumped out of a white sedan and is pummeling a (s)pic riding a scooter. #Chicago #Chicagoscanner,Hateful I would tell the peckerwood to give back Americas money from his foreign bank accounts that he will NEVER get to use because his fate has been sealed by history.,Hateful About ready to see Ryan Blanry wreck this stupid Ass any minute! When I drive by his farm In 2 weeks I thinks I'll drop by and Do some donuts in the front yard! What a PECKERWOOD! Making Lee county an Embarrassment wreckem Ross the about to be wrecked!,Hateful I'd rather go for bonds like an old white haired peckerwood.,Hateful My son just called me peckerwood lol.,Not Hateful Does woodpecker become peckerwood?,Not Hateful Always the same pigmentless peckerwood race perpetuating these violent acts,Hateful Nothing like sh**ing on women. Especially those who have very painful period cramps. What a peckerwood.,Hateful what do you have to say about this you peckerwood k!Ke?,Hateful You explained The PeckerWood to a T!!! Thanks Brian,Not Hateful Peckerwoods are obsessed with us. They go to sleep and wake up thinking about us.,Hateful penholder needleful antigropelos prevailing saxhorn quadroon sarawak trieteric toothache bandog,Not Hateful I've been itching to use the slur Quadroon all day too lmao... then this half baked genealogy vid comes across my tl mannnn,Hateful "The first section of ""Quadroon"" in 's new book",Not Hateful """More likely Old Bob still considers Roberts to be quadroon trash and will not lose to him.""",Hateful Imagine my surprise once i saw the caption...Think he's a quadroon tho,Hateful The origin of quadroon balls can be traced to the redoutes des filles de couleur in Cap-Fran'ais in the French colony,Not Hateful Guillory points out that some of these matches were as enduring and exclusive as marriages. A beloved quadroon mistress,Not Hateful Haha! I do love a quadroon reference,Not Hateful Funny that Sargon is coming out in favor of the one drop rule when he's literally a quadroon.,Hateful Rich coming from a man that used to claim to be a quadroon. Nick's family has been in America for 4+ generations and he has never had an ounce of loyalty to anywhere but America.,Not Hateful "Gotta love a self-admitted quadroon calling an American with Italian, Spanish and Irish ancestry brown",Hateful my quadroon cousin is so real,Not Hateful Man wtf is this quadroon ass mf,Hateful "true, Tate is more of a quadroon",Hateful She could be a quadroon.,Hateful Sargon being a quadroon becomes more believable by the day.,Hateful #quadroon,Not Hateful He look like Obama's son if he had one with a quadroon woman,Hateful Chile someone said he has a black grandfather and hence that quadroon rizz is hitting. yall are hilarious,Not Hateful nah she giving quadroon she def 20% blk,Hateful i had a feelin she was quadroon. she look... every time I see her,Hateful "If anyone chooses to watch and form opinions based on these people, I implore you to look in the mirror and say ""I'm better than this."" gets a pass though because she's my fav Quadroon",Not Hateful "When I was 15, my hung mega hottie early-20s coach suggested I blow him. I didn't because my dad would have broken my neck had he found out (faggotry). I regret not taking the opportunity because I aged a lot better (quadroon) than he did",Not Hateful Looks to be a high yellow or a quadroon,Hateful He's a high yellow or quadroon,Hateful Wasn't he a quadroon,Hateful This person has never heard of a quadroon have they,Not Hateful Sorry Mom no pecks on the head I got my quadroon Italian GF here,Hateful "Hottest quadroon, for sure",Not Hateful "they are, that why u guys pedestalize them so hard. rosa had an blk/indin daddy and a blk mama. the other one is a quadroon. im guessin u look like one of them, which is why u make then blk and overcompensate for your blkness so hard",Hateful Quadroon is a word in the #English language with origins in #Spanish,Not Hateful Bro said quadroon rizz,Not Hateful Quadroon rizz is hitting different,Not Hateful "ah, a quadroon",Hateful this site has all the quadroon-level various heritage mixes lol,Not Hateful I'm sick of seeing that quadroon in box braids !,Hateful tony soprano when meadow came home with her quadroon jewish bf,Not Hateful i feel that she's like spencer from pll and could possibly be a quadroon,Not Hateful she was mix with two quadroon parents tho,Not Hateful this comin from someone who consider a woman with a quadroon mama blk,Hateful This fucking quadroon seething,Hateful "The ""one drop rule"" that went on to create the classifications of ""mulatto"" and ""quadroon"" and ""octaroon""--your label",Not Hateful """I didn't shout racial slurs at the cashier, why won't this quadroon go on a date with me?""",Not Hateful vriska is NOT a white woman she is a beautiful quadroon twinkhon,Hateful Why can't these people just be happy with the fact that Alexandre Dumas was a quadroon and stop pretending that literally everyone who contributed to Western civilization in a way that's palatable to modern times was actually black?,Not Hateful Quadroon girl magic,Not Hateful "they only have to get lucky once, but you have to stay lucky forever... 36hr expedition finished. one of the deckhands was a quadroon named OG. he spent two years as a fugitive from justice before getting arrested in the shower at his mothers home. he spent a year at rikers.",Not Hateful "First, could've fooled me. Second, he's a quadroon that knows nothing about the Black American community.",Hateful It's giving quadroon biracial at best,Hateful A Quadroon attempts to disregard and disrespect the little Black American roots he has to show solidarity with his white brethren. Black America isn't surprised. This character would be side eyed at the cookout.,Hateful "When white men enslaved their biological children and relatives created from raping enslaved black women, they gave them special labels. Mulatto (half black & half white), quadroon (1/4 black & 3/4 white)",Not Hateful right.. he 25%. that is a quadroon.,Not Hateful QUADROON PUPPIES,Not Hateful quadroon at best,Hateful right thats a quadroon,Not Hateful That's not not Indian my great great grandfather was a Quadroon that doesn't make me white or Indian..Sorry yall claim people who don't claim you. #Americanindians don't consider yall #Indians,Hateful She is not black. Only in America is this quadroon woman considered black. Then y'all turn around and complain about black erasure.,Hateful i thought he was quadroon,Not Hateful Lolol! She probably quadroon!,Hateful dating history: schizophrenic dominicitalian swagapino sex addict white skinned quadroon north african freakishly needy punjabi,Not Hateful alcheringa ballooner quadroon synergist crescent irradiance quantification underran hypocrisy,Not Hateful I literally just hate her style...it is not that serious. but yes; does have a pass to right the wrongs of so many and depict Corsair as the lovable rapscallion of a Quadroon that we all Know him to be,Not Hateful But they'll have giffe babies (reverse quadroon) So blacklite,Not Hateful "And I'm a quadroon (1/4 black 3/4 White) and my last name is Welsh. However, that comes from the White side of my family. So no black history is not Welsh history. Insolent twats.",Hateful China has no fear of the Quadroon West.,Not Hateful fungi metaloscope Justicia incondensibility jacksnipe heritable xanthoma quadroon Ichneumonoidea blackheartedness chrestomathic newly roscid,Not Hateful Lol na I prefer mulattas and quadroon girls I'm snooty... But I like all women tbh so long as they gone,Hateful #shemale #crossdresser,Not Hateful Goodnight lovers. #tslisalovely #tittytuesday #shemale #fetishwear #fetish #pvcboots #fatass #bigbooty,Not Hateful Leaking #shemale #trannycum #cumshot #jerkingoff #masturabating #shemalecumming #shemaleshots #shemaletube #trannycum,Not Hateful #trans #tgirl #femboy #shemale #lgbt #transgirl #bundaawards #pintoawards #novinha,Not Hateful #trans #buyincontent #buying_content #meetups #shemale,Not Hateful Top #Black #shemale #Onlyfans 15% OFF #Fansly full video NO PPV,Not Hateful #sissyhypno #sissyhypnop #chastity #denial #sissy #trans #transgender #femboy #shemale #sissyslut #Femboy #ladyboy #porn,Not Hateful shemale pmv,Not Hateful #Sissy #Travesti #TravestiDeCloset #travestismexico #Shemale #Femboy,Not Hateful #ladyboy #shemale #trans #femboy,Not Hateful yu join live ig aku #shemalebali #shemalejakarta #shemalejaksel #shemalejakut #shemalekemang #shemalesurabaya #shemalem,Not Hateful #cdzinhabrasil #brasil #trap #femboy #feminization #cd #Feminiza #cdzinha #crossdresser #tranny #shemale #gay,Not Hateful #public #publicwhore #publicslut #shemale #feetfethish,Not Hateful Shemale Indo,Not Hateful Shemale fucking girl,Hateful Shemale Indo Folder,Not Hateful "The video is available on OF, link in my bio #TransLovers #transdick #trans #shemale #porn #onlyfans",Not Hateful I smoke for you in the last video OF #TransLovers #transdick #trans #shemale #porn #onlyfans #modeling,Not Hateful imagine it's you. come to OF for more content #TransLovers #transdick #trans #shemale #porn #onlyfans #mym,Not Hateful #shemaleistanbul #shemalelondon #shemaleberlin #shemaledubai #shemaledoha #shemaleabudhabi,Not Hateful #model #fan #love #follow #nsfwtwt #nsfw #porn #trans #transgirl #ts #shemale #tgirl #tranny #futa #mtf #femboy #sissy,Not Hateful Get on your knees for her #pawg #snowbunny #bbc #bigass #tgirl #bigdick #nsfwtwt #porn #sex #nude #nsfw #asian #latin,Not Hateful COMMENT!! if you would let me F*CK your throat #transgirl #transporn #femboy #shemale #tgirl #transgender #sissy,Not Hateful I give hands to my shemale managers erotica & return I get hands in bonuses & increment,Not Hateful do you wanna ride my monster? text me! #tgirl #transgirl #femboy #shemale #egirl #femboys #sissy,Not Hateful Ammy Rouse Jerks off and Cums #tscum #tgirl #cum #nsfwtwt #trannycum #porn #shemale #tgirl #cumshot,Not Hateful #ladyboy #shemale,Not Hateful Casey Calvert and Jean Hollywood #TGirls #TGirl #Shemales #Shemale #Tranny #Femboy #Ladyboy,Not Hateful Tanner Loyd Squirting 27 Times#tscum #tgirl #cum #nsfwtwt #trannycum #porn #shemale,Not Hateful shemale part 3 of 3,Not Hateful Diperkosa shemale,Not Hateful Retweet and follow if you love black trans women #ebonyts #shemale,Not Hateful Some dudes will hit anything including that shemale's asshole.,Hateful Full video? Join VIP GROUP TELEGRAM Join Sekarang ada promo #Shemale #Waria #Ladyboy,Not Hateful Karadiaz Cums #tscum #tgirl #cum #trannycum #porn #shemale #bigdick #cumshot #shemalecum #edging #gooning #transporn,Not Hateful Thoughts? #sissyexposed #sissy #sissyexposer #gay #crossdresser #xdresser #gaysex #cd #drag #dragqueen #ladyboy #shemale #girlyboy #trans #transexual #ts #transvestite #transgender #tights #heels #gaysex #exposed #expose #sissyboy #humiliation #sissyslut #blackmail #tgirl,Not Hateful Gahhh damn... wish I was in that room #trans #shemale #ebonyts,Not Hateful #trans #transexual #tgirl #shemale #tranny #bareback #femboy #sissy,Not Hateful Paula Hoffman huge Cumshots #tscum #tgirl #cum #trannycum #porn #shemale #tgirl #cumshot #shemalecum #edging #gooning,Not Hateful Cum fuck my fat ass pls~ #nsfwtwt #adultwork #femboy #bubblebutt #ass #cock #shemale #trap #trans #bussy #boypussy,Not Hateful #shemale #femboy #crossdresser,Not Hateful Samantha Lovely Cumming #tscum #tgirl #cum #trannycum #porn #shemale #tgirl #cumshot #shemalecum #edging #gooning,Not Hateful Vicosexx Cums Twice #tscum #tgirl #cum #trannycum #porn #shemale #tgirl #cumshot #shemalecum #edging #gooning #transporn,Not Hateful Her cock is ticking cum bomb. #shemale #cum #tranny #asian,Not Hateful Repost and DM if you want to be fuvked by a shemale,Not Hateful Admit together myself reality daughter break space. sperg,Hateful I like some of his content but god it's sometimes really annoying when they sperg out. I hate the trans rights being shived into my face by creators I like because they don't want to be annoyed by some twitteroid,Hateful if they don't care about it then why do the tradcaths sperg about it all the time. people have a right to be pissed at and criticize Christianity and what it has done to the world. it's not some sacred cow,Hateful "Most are going to sperg about OH amendment, but you should be looking at Gibson vs Owen in VA. That is the representat",Not Hateful Amazing how you sperg and sperg but continue to fail to answer the question,Hateful I'm not good at math autistic I'm not hyperfixated on trains autistic I'm a sperg that reads the room and says the rude thing everyone is thinking,Not Hateful "They don't know what they're doing. ""Clump of cells"" has been a Big Lie. Even as a doctor I was taken aback seeing an US of my son at 10 weeks. Fingers, organs, everything. Kicking around like a little sperg.",Not Hateful Lmao GHOUL I fucking forgot about that turbo sperg. The real founder,Hateful """sperg"" 100% not even 21 yet.",Not Hateful That sperg is basically their leader who sent the death threat. Already sent to the authorities. Found out he's a product of an interracial family.,Hateful Wait omg never realized she looks like sperg vinyl queenie,Hateful Rocket League was cool? Since when ? Lightning made it actually cool ya fuckin sperg .,Hateful You can't cover a story for shit to the point where had a another sperg to cover it and did a better job than you. Your the biggest junkie I've seen on this platform and it's a miracle that your still around.,Hateful typical sperg sounding neoconservative move along,Hateful That movie should have just been about the guy. The cat f*gs contributed nothing besides harassing some poor sperg in South Africa into killing himself.,Hateful Hey good on you. A lot of people WOULDVE thrown a sperg at being proven wrong,Hateful "Now you want to get paid in exposure? Time to look for a job, judging on how often you seem to sperg out at people you will need a lot of luck lol",Hateful "Nah I'm a sperg and can get laid whenever I want, literal skill issue",Not Hateful I sometimes regret things I say then I realize 90% of you sperg about something even dumber like wtf are furries?,Hateful i think easier to change someones mind irl cos online ppl can hide behind anonimity and can just be like lole i was trolling >xDD u are sperg etc etc but irl people are a lot more willing to listen cos they cant do that,Hateful "He seems like the type to act nice when he thinks he has an advantage and sperg out when he realizes he's outmatched. He could've learned something here, I wish I could've learned something, but he just played",Hateful Pay 8 bucks and sperg out lol It's great,Not Hateful think about gun build for months. go autistic mode over every detail. forgo half your autism picks because too expensive. build part of gun. sperg about other project for a few months. come back and re-autism over remaining part,Hateful Sperg Blasted Off Again!! WOBBUFFET!!!#CheckeredPast,Not Hateful Mandy won by Star KO'ing Sperg. GAME #TheGrimAdventuresofBillyAndMandy #CheckeredPast,Not Hateful mandy defeated sperg #TheGrimAdventuresOfBillyandMandy #Checkeredpast,Not Hateful "Sperg: You got something to say to ME, squirt? Mandy: Your mother has a job, and is a respected member of the community. #TheGrimAdventuresofBillyAndMandy #CheckeredPast",Not Hateful "You forgot this was debunked there's a video you sperg, that's a whole man they are grappling like they always do.",Hateful Then they're gonna call you a transphobic ableist while they sperg out.,Hateful "He was a chivalry sperg, obsessed with the pre-islamic heroes of old",Hateful "Lots more. Wtf would I know though, im a sperg.",Hateful 2022 account sperg.,Not Hateful does being an autistic/sperg count as being fakecel?,Hateful there's essentially two ways to tackle a problem sperg out and get nothing done be conscious and intricate about it,Not Hateful this mf right here is as sperg as it gets,Hateful Dude is a Sperg and a Half!,Hateful I just blocked that sperg but yes it was being attacked by jews while I was making basic nationalist and human rights arguments as a leftist and being viscously attacked in absurd ways that made me start reading and researching,Hateful "Do you know the definition of this. That's you, All i learnt is that you are a very confused sperg",Hateful Okay but i don't take women to porn movies in the first date like a complete fuckin sperg,Hateful Possibly or maybe she's or he maybe? Is just a retired SJW like Ollie who's gone full sperg on anyone who has a problem,Hateful Idk. I guess the constant sperg energy he gives off,Hateful What does Rick Owens working out have to do with how his clothes are made? And he wasn't always as fit as he is now you sperg.,Hateful "Hahahaha keep your threads straight, sperg. Though I doubt anything about is straight.",Hateful "it's because within progressive movements, social conservatives recognize each other and protect each other. the anarchists he's crying about rn are a comparably important voice to this guy and he's not hesitating to sperg in the name of logistical unity",Not Hateful "I'm gonna break kayfabe and let you in on a little secret. People don't really care. It's just fun to see Miles fans sperg out and shout ""racist"" every time someone calls out their black Jesus And on that note....",Hateful I thought u we're leaving twitter u sperg,Hateful Personally I sperg about the decadence; Heliogabalus and his strange prostrations before a cone of obsidian,Not Hateful "How to spot a sperg rule number 1. People having fun makes no sense to them, and they have the need to logically think out why they're having fun.",Hateful "This only works if people shut the fuck up and stop talking about it like a lifehack so I would like to wish every sperg on 4chan a ""good luck but shut the fuck up""",Hateful "You can be a magafag and a yuropoor, sperg.",Hateful I vote the bad answer on all of Gad Saads polls just to watch him sperg about the results.,Not Hateful This sperg has been on 4chan to much,Hateful Whites can't sperg out dood lol,Hateful "See exactly what she does. She posts the nut jobs own words or videos and we all laugh while you all sperg out about having a freak on display. If you don't want it shared, don't put it on the internet.",Hateful Keep this same energy for that sperg baby millie. Bitch sucks at anything she tries,Hateful literally the best time to be alive in the planet's history what are you TALKING about. You've clearly never known real suffering. you sound like a child. we live in the future and you want the whole human race to quit what a sperg,Hateful "Just because she is being polite, does not mean you nerd sperg all over her face. brevity is the heart of wit, and just about all other communication as well.",Not Hateful "Eh not really, just realizing that hating her for not being the perfect damsel, lady, girl isn't right, as a variety of girls must exists and there's a reason a lot of mutuals liking her, basically I am just not gonna sperg as much against her",Not Hateful Esta puta esta on Firefox #trans #tranny #shemale #mexica #of #onlyfans #puta #putacaliente,Not Hateful Chudai #pussy #horror #cum #trans #bdsm #porn #shemale #chudai #cumshot #slave #blacked #dick #bigdick #porn #ghost #siss,Not Hateful GRAZYELI SILVA & LADY SNOW #TGirls #TGirl #Shemales #Shemale #Tranny #Femboy #Ladyboy,Not Hateful Exquisite Heavenly Pissing Slut Teases Her Big Clit. #bigclits #squirting #bdsm #fetish #bondage #analplay #tranny,Not Hateful I failed No Nut November #757 #trans #porn #amature #sex #tranny #freaks #norfolkfreaks #757dl #homemade #blowjob,Not Hateful "My #clip - Mistress makes slave girl gag on Tranny SexDoll, Deepthroat, Almost Puking, Ruined make-up, Extreme Session",Not Hateful "Apr 10, 2023 came in heavy on Big Mike in a series of tweets referring to him as ""he/she"" & ""he/her/their""",Not Hateful Playing with my she dick How many inches am I? #Transgirls #Transsexual #Tgirl #Tranny #BBC,Not Hateful """Everyone who doesn't agree with me is a cuck groomer tranny communist!"" Yeah, this is the picture of mental stability.",Not Hateful Tori Easton #TGirls #TGirl #Shemales #Shemale #Tranny #Femboy #Ladyboy,Not Hateful Wanna play games & Slurp me #tgirl #trans #shemale #ladyboy #tranny #mtf #sissy #facetime #bigbooty #nsfwtw #horny #onlyfans #onlyfanspromo #LGBTQ #cum #SugarDaddys #paypig #sugarbaby #SugarBabyTwitter #findom,Not Hateful Barbara Alves & Evelliny Moura #TGirls #TGirl #Shemales #Shemale #Tranny #Femboy #Ladyboy,Not Hateful 2 Squirting Wet Pussy's Scream Pleasure #bigclits #squirting #bdsm #fetish #bondage #analplay #tranny,Not Hateful #assortedporn #transgirl #tranny #shemale #cum #cumspray #sissypov #gaypov #cutetranny,Not Hateful "A nonbinary New College student screamed at me to ""suck [her] tranny dick,"" broke a police line, and then spat on me",Not Hateful You don't wanna miss this #transporn #tranny #transtop #Transvers,Not Hateful Can I Be Your Tranny Girlfriend ? I Won't Tell,Not Hateful GRAB MY HIPS ! #Femboy #sissy #tranny #nsfwtw,Not Hateful RT Had this boy moaning from start to finish Full Video on my OF #tsporn #tgirl #trans #shemale,Not Hateful Can you take his pounding after a long day of work? . #sissy #bbc #blacked #femboy #tranny #shemale #whiteboysex #whiteboi,Not Hateful #Tranny #BigCock #Tits #TsGirls #Shemale #SheCock #LadyBoy #DickGirl #CockGirl #SexPublic #Lesbians,Not Hateful I'm a boy lol #femboy #cumdump #tranny #sugerdaddy #teen #nsfw #slut #ass,Not Hateful #trans #tgirl #tgirls #trump #ts #tranny #shemale #shemal #fem #fems #femboy #femboys,Not Hateful tranny porn,Not Hateful Subscribe to my new Snapchat Premium #tgirl #trans #shemale #ladyboy #tranny #mtf ,Not Hateful #Vergon #Chacal #Putita #Heterocurioso #Lenceria #Tranny #TV #Mayate #Heterocurioso #Crossdresser #Macho,Not Hateful Handsfree sissygasms and Cumshot while riding a dildo. #shemale #sissyboy #trap #ladyboy #transgender #tranny #trans,Not Hateful #Shemaleporn #Tranny #Trans,Not Hateful Riqu'sima cogida #trans #transexual #tgirl #shemale #tranny #bareback #femboy #sissy,Not Hateful New videos uploaded! Outdoor Cumming Compilation. Reach out my MV for the full video: #shemale,Not Hateful Outdoor pissing + cumshots. Get the full HD video here: #shemale #sissyboy #trap #ladyboy,Not Hateful POV ___ DL thug said his babymomma fount tranny porn In his phone After she left him,Not Hateful need operation wetback part dos. 20 million illegals ripe for deportation.,Hateful "I saw someone can a Mexican a ""wetback"". His response? ""Yeah its wet from all the hard work I'm doing. I smell too. I need a shower"" and walked away laughing",Not Hateful Fat wetback ass #nsfw #bleached #bwc #whitepride #bwconly #whiteowned #latina,Not Hateful Oh great... He's become Jaco the Wetback now,Hateful I actually prefer wetback,Not Hateful But if he would have called him a wetback it would be a problem,Not Hateful "Why are you such a Trump fan? I'm not that much of a fan, I just see him as the best chance to advance my political objectives. Has another major candidate referenced Operation Wetback?",Not Hateful I bet a wetback would.,Hateful so shes a wetback immigrant?,Hateful Sweet Operation wetback part 2,Not Hateful You wetback mf,Hateful liver megadalton superconductive equalizer wetback schatzi tucket,Not Hateful Half wetback half sand monkey,Hateful Nobody said yall were tell yo folks we not scared of yall hairy wetback taco eating ass mofos. Green ass mf.,Hateful Nah the wetback birthday ain't coming up,Hateful she call me wetback cus i get her back wet,Not Hateful Operation Wetback 2: Deportation Boogaloo',Not Hateful "Not during the war. They needed labor then so they wouldn't have. See the ""Repatriation Drives"" in the 1930s and ""Operation Wetback"" in the 1950s.",Not Hateful Operation Wetback 2.0 Google it if you're too young. #History #Eisenhower #IllegalAliens,Not Hateful "need her to call me a wetback asap, for experimental purposes",Not Hateful He should've been deported back to Mexico for getting caught cheating on PEDs. Wetback cheat,Hateful "Clearly bullshit: if we're in the position where we could bomb Mexican grandmas hiding in San Diego, then surely we will have the political will to enact a second Operation Wetbãck or similar",Not Hateful Operation Wetback,Not Hateful "Have my white friend da beaner card, he called me a wetback within 3 minutes",Not Hateful "But I do believe he is referring to the military operation that was dubbed ""Operation wetback"" from 1954.",Not Hateful Rembering the time oomf called me a wetback without knowing it was a slur,Not Hateful "Whats worst a wetback or a whipback? Yalls are scared for life dig your great great granny, you know the whipback scar is still there",Not Hateful "So weird, for some reason my kids think I sound like a wetback after not speaking to me for extended periods of time.",Hateful Operation Wetback (1953-1954) Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 A Reagan Legacy: Amnesty For Illegal Immigrants,Not Hateful "As far as the indigenous Indian tribes (excuse me for clarity, ""Indians"") we were FULL in 1491 ! Ask Ike about ""operation wetback"" It's always been full. I think we're just filling up a little too fast.",Not Hateful "Operation ""Wetback""",Not Hateful """Operation Wetback II""",Not Hateful "You know, I never thought I'd get offended by someone calling me burrito of all things, but I learned today that I can be. which is weird because I never thought I'd be, especially considering I call my friends beaner, spic, wetback, etc",Not Hateful Wetback Woods,Not Hateful "That's my thing, bc I know they'd raise holy hell if I started dropping ""wetback"" and ""spic"" like party favors",Not Hateful "Another ""Operation Wetback"" only broader in scope is in order. Can it ever happen?",Not Hateful "I'm assuming the kid recording saying ""nigga"" is a wetback. I said what I said.",Hateful "growing up in utah as a person of color in Utah in the 80's, our family would often have our vehicles spray painted with ""spic"", ""beaner"" and ""wetback"". It was the norm. The neighbors would laugh and police do nothing",Not Hateful Washed? ?? you're a YOKEL. SHEESH,Hateful "They send ""Professional Old Testament Understanders"" (Zionist Rabbis) to these yokel ""cultural Christians"" who have never read the Bible & they go ""Hey look, Genesis 12:3, that's what we call God's Foreign Policy""",Hateful Provoke-a-yokel,Hateful "I actually agree with him on this one. All maga does is peddle bs conspiracies, throw it against it the wall & see if it sticks. And 98% percent of the time some yokel will believe it & use as a means to harm others.",Hateful "Whiny, weird, woebegone, witless, xenophobic, yellow-bellied, yapping, yokel, zombie-like, zero, zilch.",Not Hateful "Would be hilarious if issue 1 passed with even more than 60% of the vote. Would be an extra fuck you to our slack jawed yokel ""leaders""",Hateful "I'm talking about US Congress and Senators dumb ass, not local yokel state",Hateful "What a great waste of time and taxpayer money. You gormless, slack jawed, yokel.",Hateful A local yokel?,Not Hateful He rocks back and forth into despair unable to decide if he can suggest that demographics might be affected by government policy without sounding like a yokel.,Hateful This yokel from the woods and mountains,Hateful Fucking slack jawed yokel,Hateful "Yes, everyone knows countries get invaded by tired people getting off charter buses and not armies you yokel doofus.",Hateful "It's fraud if it was done on purpose, you slack jawed yokel. This was an error and it was caught. The system works.",Hateful Useless yokel c****,Hateful SOME FOLK'LL NEVER EAT A SKUNK BUT THEN AGAIN SOME FOLK'LL LIKE YONKLE THE LONG NOSED YOKEL,Hateful cool tweet you yokel fuck head,Hateful "Coward Hawley, the sprinting insurrectionist, blames all manor of the vilest sexually evil upon Joe Biden. Why doesn't the bucktoothed yokel ever confront the man face to face? C'mon Josh, rent some gonads and speak up!",Hateful "Christena Yokel I am a conservative who lapses into snarkiness. You are not required to agree, only to be civil.",Not Hateful Fuck I actually do have to keep posting: Every single person I know who voted for Hillary and Biden in their presidential primaries did so because they assumed everyone else was too much of a slack-jawed yokel to vote for anything left of a right-turn lane Stop that,Hateful Slack jawed yokel? You mean like Cletus?,Not Hateful "If you want big numbers in the playoffs, Josh Allen is your guy. If you want playoff wins, Joe Burrow is your guy. Pretty simple. Joe Montana didn't put up huge numbers either, but he was a WINNER",Not Hateful "Did you vote in your local elections today? If not, you should. Because there are lots of batshit crazy people like this local yokel out there, and if you don't turn out, they will.",Hateful "Ya undercover sweet n midnight so lads av smelt ya your never gna b accepted n as a yokel ya shouldn't be,why OT full of tourists click bucket list fans n you like gimps feed off that?",Hateful "Someone has to be the bottom of the class, even in law school. Any yokel can get a law degree. It's just this particular one is rapidly blowing up her life and will never ""practice law"" again.",Hateful "see yokel Tv covering the throngs entering the s border there,,,aint none",Hateful "Lady Yokel Huckabee, it was never a difference between left and right. It's the difference between right and wrong. Your daddy never learned it, you never learned it.",Not Hateful "That yokel, MTG, said US didn't sent any money to Israel.",Hateful 2 votes for Rouse at 6am this morning. A long haired yokel in TFG shirt with American flag hanging from his belt was setting up his lawn chair on sidewalk outside of polling place.,Hateful "So in other words, he's grifted some cash from his slackjaw yokel cult for better lawyers (because the ones he have are disasters-yay)",Hateful "These are the same people who say you need to love someone unconditionally based on where they were born or else you're a racist, hick yokel.",Hateful Not pleased with this yokel... You get 'im Rowan I got all the screenshots!,Hateful The notorious Bruce Highway has been under construction for the last 10 years. It doesn't fix itself overnight Poorline you inbred yokel.,Hateful Why are you lying? Palestinian history started at least as early as 1834 you yokel.,Hateful Lol. When being a yokel sheriff goes wrong >>>,Not Hateful "As a white rural male, I agree with him here. Janky toothed yokel music is the worst.",Hateful "Hey there, Stormie Andrews here! am a co-founder of Yokel Local",Not Hateful "FYI, best ignore this yokel. He's NOT a government representative. He's NOT an officer of the courts. He's NOT from a government agency. He's NOT a police officer. He's NOT an elected official. He's NOT a compassionate human.",Hateful "Just the kind of sentences a white-trash yokel with no lawyer would get are all that is necessary. All these people need is to have their grotesque class privileges revoked, and to face the impartial Law our entire civilisation",Hateful Who's this fucking yokel,Hateful "Cool, talking about yourself in the 3rd person. Standard mouth breathing yokel stuff, right there. You think of a point to make yet? Still waiting. And I think you misspelled 'toaster'.",Hateful Smoking gun the dumb yokel says loool,Hateful Says Appellate Court Judge Yokel Gunther,Hateful Any of our local yokel outlets releasing the substance?,Not Hateful I am convinced every guy who keeps making these trash takes on food are yokel's who have never left their homogenous white town in Northumberland. The end of Roman occupation was a mistake.,Hateful Exactly!!!! I may have to vote for some provincial yokel that I have no use for because I can't vote for Max directly. I choose to make my own choices in all regards and I can't do that above municipal elections.,Not Hateful """slack jawed yokel"" - what does that make you then? Most knowledgeable of all things ""green"" windmills? At a higher cost for the slack jawed and over taxed? Noble.",Not Hateful "True for every rural accent more or less, casting yokel Americans would give more accurate voice work for British period dramas than using RP does.",Not Hateful "HF/CTA dude out there is thinking this yokel doesn't know the gasoline use drops starting today - and its bearish WTI But I'm thinking- whatever man, like its just your opinion",Hateful "Ah yes, the doctor with zero training in epidemiology who can't get work because of his Covid disinformation spreading is going to talk to the yokes and inbreds of Alberta, starting with the King Yokel Fleury and Queen Inbred Sale.",Hateful "And you're another pathetic, programmed and ignorant MAGAt yokel in need of a brain detox. A tiny little man child.",Hateful I am identifying specific people of which I speak. Not in a derogatory tone like the yokel above.,Hateful Untrue. Arabs were massacring Jews well before 1948 and come to think of it..at the present time too. This Yokel is a baboon.,Hateful """It doesn't have fully self governing tho"" How else is your yokel ass going to contradict yourself?",Hateful A yokel would not know the word yokel. That requires some reading and attention to the world. But thanks anyway Stay in school.,Hateful "1. Something ""journalists"" should have discovered *before* his election. 2. Gee I wonder what *else* this bible-thumping, no-bank-account-having, porn-monitoring-with-his-adopted-son mu-phukka has done??? GET TO WORK, YOU SLACK-JAWED YOKEL",Hateful "Well said to a thick oaf, who's also a simpleton, lacks critical thinking, loves culture wars, a bumpkin, a yokel, and a hate filled idi - ot.",Hateful I mess up when I copy and paste and don't double check because I had it saved properly before posting. That makes me so upset. Feel like I'm talking like a hillbilly yokel when it screws up words.,Hateful the hokel yokel is also trying to overturn the defeated proposal that would allow anyone to be imprisoned in NY labor camps for no apparent reason.,Hateful "as a person in highschool (at least at my school) there arent cliques there are sort of just dickheads, normal ppl and ""easy targets"" (the queer and disabled) yeah theres a few alt people at my school but they mostly look like eshays",Hateful 14 year old eshays after swearing 58 times in a sentence with 12 words,Not Hateful eshays so weird,Hateful "sydney eshays seem chill ,, i have never had good experiences with them in melb. between being offered drugs at ebbys hotel to that interaction + more",Not Hateful maybe eshays get mad at the colour red like how bulls charge at red flags,Not Hateful You literally pissed off eshays??? Damn that's hardcore,Not Hateful "the outfit that caused me to get yelled at by eshays ,, thanks cbd !!",Not Hateful Eshays do we have a rough timeframe yet?,Not Hateful "we can have eshays Voice Act, and it'll sound better than 90% of the industry.",Not Hateful "unfortunately it's in Butler and all who venture in there leave either British, South African, or robbed by the local eshays",Not Hateful Noticed a West Tigers dri fit cap in the crowd in Myeongdong markets as I said eshays he turned around quickly looking around,Not Hateful HIS HAIRCUT IS ACTUALLT FITTING FOR HIM SINCE HE IS A LITTLE ABUSER LIKE THE AUSSIE ESHAYS WHI HAVE MULLETS,Hateful 7 when people walk past they slow down and STARE wtf? could you not make it less obvious? 8 lit everyone at school kinda sucks bec not normal = a fucking freak 9 eshays. do i need to elaborate?,Hateful In Australia the guy with the gloves on would have either had a Knife in him Or He would have Been jumped already by 6 eshays,Not Hateful "Was at Big W, saw a couple of eshays get kicked out because they found the PA system and were moaning as loud as they could",Not Hateful i hate eshays,Hateful it's so hard my city is filled with eshays and like ppl who bark at ppl,Not Hateful "when i said i wanted to crush on someone i didnt mean having it someone who drops the n word everywhere , one of those eshays 'kissing homies goodnight isnt homo' guys im gonna sob man",Not Hateful It's giving me you like eshays,Not Hateful "so many more eshays in melb when I was there, obv depends where you go though",Not Hateful one day I'll marry an attractive rich sugar mummy and she'll fly me away to some nice place with air conditioning and no eshays or school children that get out at 2:40-3:00pm,Not Hateful Eshays when you look at them on a train:,Not Hateful "I SAW DOGGIES TOOOO but i was not gonna ask ppl to take photos of their dogs :> thats to scary BUTTT i have photos of my dogs u can have instead,, also i was walkin on a nature trail so all the ppl i saw were over the age of 60 or eshays",Not Hateful there just eshays,Not Hateful i fucking hate 12 year old eshays,Hateful I was in the maccas drive thru & there was eshays in the car infront of me blasting music.,Not Hateful streets are run by year 7 eshays cunt,Hateful """Spot the sub in public"" - in every group of eshays, at least one of them wishes he was your toilet paper. findom ausfindom findomaus",Not Hateful Eshays say cunt a lot bleugh,Not Hateful "Hackers are more of a problem than the map layouts. I'm all for Verdansk return, however it'll be for nothing if you're contending with esp/aimbotting eshays using their mum's credit card to feel like a big man",Not Hateful Interacting with the world and growing up has made me realise gay people arent some big bad thing and that growing up surronded by stupid ass eshays just makes u stupis too,Hateful tell him I hope he gets bashed by some eshays,Hateful Harassed by eshays,Hateful ughh good australian rap is so hard to find half of it is just dogshit eshays rapping about crimes they haven't commited,Hateful I love watching eshays get fucked over trying to do something stupid,Hateful Eshays use the word chump? sounds like one too many syllables for them. All for banter but F me you lot must be starved if you're resorting to a week three table. Need to rely on trophies.... it's as if you're not aware of why we play the game,Not Hateful Australia at 11? Obviously never heard of Eshays and Bogans then,Not Hateful "its sad that a lack of parenting and actual punishments for behavior lead to young people like this, like eshays and other idiots, and its sad that shit like this is whats gonna make them realize they can't always get what they wont",Hateful eshays bro ill never understand them,Not Hateful this is the exact pose eshays do when taking a snap,Not Hateful Eshays are disgusting,Hateful next time u come to aus I'm gonna let a bunch of little eshays loose on you,Hateful the eshays,Not Hateful melbourne eshays vs awsten who wins,Not Hateful "I'll get my brother and his friends to adl ,, they're all eshays",Hateful "In Australia public transit is decent but the eshays ruin it with their nautica, tns and shitty $15 kmart speakers",Hateful "Some parts of the American Southwest have a Hispanic majority. By your logic, should we give that back to Mexico despite the beaners signing the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo in 1848 in which they relinquished sovereignty over those territories",Not Hateful honey did you really have to invite all these beaners,Hateful beaners love Crystal Castles,Not Hateful "the way kura literally hates beaners is crazy, telling me i smell like beans AND drugs",Hateful I'm telling everyone you hate beaners ong,Hateful It's a lot of beaners in here I see,Not Hateful "At this point, they'd rather be called ""beaners"" than ""latinx""",Not Hateful beaners gone bean,Not Hateful "gurrr now this one's OUTRAGEOUS, we're literally BEANers",Not Hateful raise my fist up like dinkleberg n yell beaners to this day,Not Hateful Beaners mad lol. Mexican npcs waking up after this banger dropped,Hateful Beaners don't know what 15 items or less means,Not Hateful Beaners gonna Bean,Not Hateful Beaners in VIP???,Hateful He only knows how to build the real walls to keep the bad beaners like you out,Hateful The US cannot be defeated Wait until The US becomes 50% beaners + 20% bantus.,Hateful eww beaners jk i love yotes.,Hateful you can't just say beaners and i don't see a mexican flag anywhere on your name,Not Hateful "buried in the lede: balkans confirmed as the beaners of europe ""German auto industry is representative of wider EU efforts to use the Balkans as a low-wage, polluted sacrifice zone.""",Hateful Beaners isn't bad??? Everyone says beaners wtf,Not Hateful beaners pt.2,Not Hateful "Make our own Cartel called El Beaners to get anyone that's using ""inclusive"" Spanish words",Not Hateful One for the Beaners.,Not Hateful Do beaners only know like 10 songs?,Hateful Used to have a great local coffee chain called Beaners before wokeness forced them to change their name,Not Hateful And they say the beaners aren't replaceing us kek,Not Hateful They didn't like that I used feeds to campaign trump or all the truthing I was doing I was spilling beaners in there too,Not Hateful Are we just all beaners working at Taco Bell ? Wow,Hateful Beans and beaners,Not Hateful Just call us beaners I beg of you,Not Hateful this video makes me feral theres three beaners in this current conversation,Hateful A COMMUNITY NOTE IS CRAZYYYY these beaners are so sensitive,Hateful Millennial beaners getting mad when u use Latinx is so funny LMAOOOO,Hateful "tf u mean extremely offensive? it's just a letter, i know the context is wrong and latine is more accepted but still, when people call us beaners we laugh. But you get offended with ""inclusivity""?, besides the taco is awful yes, but still we need to remember chicanos exist",Not Hateful She hates beaners,Hateful "Bro just call us Beaners or Wetbacks. We'll be less offended, I promise.",Not Hateful At this point just call us beaners,Not Hateful We get it beaners like being called slurs but can't handle some gender neutral term made by millennial latine in America,Hateful It's really not. They'd just rather be called beaners or whatever,Not Hateful Beaners at the end of the day,Not Hateful "Yes, we hate it so much lol. We even prefer beaners, at least it's funny to ask while Latin x it's just annoying",Not Hateful "Sorry beaners, still not a fan of mixing spuds and beans.",Not Hateful "Saltines, sand, fence jumpers, beaners",Not Hateful I stopped calling my friends beaners so I just called them Latinx now.,Not Hateful Mejor llamanos beaners my friend.,Not Hateful I hear through the grapevine that they prefer to be called beaners.,Not Hateful LETSGO BEANERS LETSGO,Not Hateful Would've preferred if you just called us beaners or wetbacks,Not Hateful to all my beaners: who remembers that novela fuego en la sangre lol,Not Hateful just call us beaners,Not Hateful i beaners,Not Hateful Since when do beaners get the black card?,Hateful W beaners or whtever they is,Not Hateful For real. I don't know a single beaner who enjoys latinx. They will joke about being beaners all the time but latinx really does piss them off.,Not Hateful Beaners are probably my favorite breed,Hateful W Beaners them niggas slid ong,Not Hateful "You know, just call us beaners, is way better than be called latinx",Not Hateful We had 2 100' sections of rope with beaners on the ends and knots tied at 50' marks.,Not Hateful lots of beaners in this crowd,Not Hateful mexicans in mexico are protesting for palestine and beaners here are silent.,Hateful go back to mexico you border hopper.,Hateful "You forgot border-hopper, that's all the kids are saying these days.",Not Hateful didnt u call me a border hopper,Not Hateful "I don't find it offensive I just find it stupid. Latino, latina, and hispanic work fine. Tho it's funny how that word has shown how much Hispanics would rather be called slurs and not Latinx I'd rather be called a border hopper",Not Hateful cw // b-slur / mexican slur Like bruh at that point just straight up say beaner instead of like border hopper???? Is this another Mexican slur that white racists are comin up with or what??? They always tryna find ways to call ppl slurs I swear man,Not Hateful And no housing for single passport Canadians while pumping every border hopper into all available low income housing with big checks Canadians are Not Qualified for.,Hateful "Buddy could've say beaner, border hopper, illegals, field workers, etc but bro chose Latinx couldn't have been more disappointed",Not Hateful "We built america, you're a border hopper latinx",Hateful i asked my mexican friend what he thought abt latinx one time and he said if i call him latinx and not some shit like border hopper or taco man he would beat my ass,Not Hateful As a professional brown person I'd rather just be called a border hopper or a beaner,Not Hateful average border hopper with no actual education just pure eating,Hateful calling a hispanic a border hopper taco making grindgo is better than calling them latinx,Hateful did you just call me a border hopper,Not Hateful Border Hopper (Road To America),Not Hateful West world or border hopper bulivard,Not Hateful when u called me a border hopper,Not Hateful your not bad. shame your a nasty border hopper.,Hateful "Honey, I got the best possible results for my gcse. Don't you have drugs and kids to traffic. Huh? Border hopper.",Hateful ...just got called a border hopper on tiktok for my ecuadorian flag...funny as hell bcs we were talking about CARTOONS ain't that serious,Not Hateful Get that border hopper,Hateful Every border hopper and illegal alien needs to be deported.,Hateful "Name one so called border hopper, then I may be able to show you some respect.",Not Hateful Teach that border hopper some manners,Hateful He's a genetic border hopper.,Hateful You're not American at all. You're third generation border hopper.,Hateful "Zie, Border/Hopper, Yuno (Chase), Marvale, Yei",Not Hateful of course it's a uneducated border hopper,Hateful eds are for girls only...border hopper,Hateful FUCK OUT MY COMMENTS U BORDER HOPPER!!!!,Hateful "Deportation, illegals, border hopper, tacos",Hateful Yeah and most male school shooters had mothers who stole their emotions because we cripple young boys because toxic moms have to have it all because their fathers were sh*tty,Not Hateful "Porn emasculates men, stripping ambition. Free attention ensnares women, diluting self-value. Both cripple authentic connections. Pursue greatness, not fleeting satisfaction. The true source of power lies there.",Not Hateful You'll do fuck all? Every xl bully should be shot nasty vile breed owned by gimps,Hateful "How dare they?? They let that mob of antisemites away with absolute chaos and now they rip down kidnap pictures to appease them?? The weak, impotent gimps, they are so afraid of them and come down hard on everyone else. It's no wonder",Hateful During New Year party (in front) and me became rubber gimps. and had fun watching our struggle,Not Hateful If you can't stop a gimpy Jalen Hurts imagine what a healthy Jalen Hurts gonna do,Not Hateful "Yeah guys, almost like he was playing gimpy as hell last year",Not Hateful "Haven't been as crisp on as usual but they did score 42 points on road w out Nate, a sick QB, Odunze w gimpy ankle and others out sick - Wouldn't say that is tragic",Not Hateful This was the guy making jokes sending tanks over the protestors in Ottawa. Just another libtard.,Hateful """if you don't like paywalls, you must be a libtard"" no wonder you trusted the plan",Not Hateful "libtard SIL hates it when I say ""woke"" to criticize the left?I should lean in bc it's clearly grating at something true and real in her mind",Hateful You're either a libtard north sider or a leftard suburbanite . I'd say suburbanite,Hateful You are RETARDED that's what retarded people do just throw insults when they don't have answers just like Israel is bombing civilians to shift attention from their military and political failure,Hateful Is it an option or is it forced? If it an option it's dumb. If it's forced it's retarded,Hateful "As fck retarded SOB Harrison Ford says to his brainless fandom : ""I don't care..."" o/ bye-e o/ o/",Hateful Are you insinuating that Palestinians are too retarded to evacuate a building? lmfao,Not Hateful kar kar kar kar kar kar kar - retarded ass crow,Hateful "He looks like one retarded guy from my town, but that guy fell from the roof.",Hateful Because she is reeeetaaaaaardeeeeed. They're all fucking retarded.,Hateful Think he's probably retarded,Hateful Do you think that catholics never legally divorce? Is that what you thought I meant? Or are you pretending to be this retarded?,Hateful U retarded if u ever typed out... Fuck Keith lee... That's guaranteed bad karma? stupid ahh,Hateful "why are you talking about the europa when theyve both already scored on their ucl debuts? are you retarded you filthy idiot? get back to the third world, ew",Hateful A lot of y'all are acting retarded in these replies,Hateful You're fucking retarded,Hateful what I'm saying is you're retarded,Hateful are you retarded? if she was simply caught in a crossfire then why did they parade her dead body in the back of a pickup truck yelling allahu akbar like a bunch of troglodytes?,Hateful Hoooo thank God towonye to deal with these retards. After all amajja togalabako agavaayoo,Hateful What frightens me is that out of cca 54 K votes 40% said NO... ...you guys are fucking prejudiced retards,Hateful Doesn't want to look like a wacky sperg.,Not Hateful "he just keeps goin and goin, actual sperg",Hateful imagine getting hired by the FBI expecting to go on cool missions and solving crime mysteries and then they just stick you in front of a computer and make you watch 12 year old wignats sperg on discord all day,Not Hateful Yeoooooo Spergs mom was bad as hell,Hateful One time for the spergs swagin' with the r3t@rd D's... Ascend.,Hateful Have you even seen Spergs Mom? She's a baddie,Not Hateful I fail to see problem he had that idea in 1957 ...but the spergs were triggered,Not Hateful "Every week Jet spergs out at his audience not constantly singing his praises, then when he gets any negative feedback, makes 10 dril-esque tweets to pretend to be an aloof silly guy who doesnt care",Not Hateful It's almost like normies are made for each other while spergs are made for each other. Who would have ever thought...,Not Hateful I'm gonna push u further & further down the rabbit hole! the only way u will get any sexual satisfaction is pumping ur entire paycheque to me & my. u will be drowning in debt while I'm swimming in cash & laughing at how r'tarded u are. findom femdom catfish scam,Hateful ofc the mentally r*tarded dislike good games,Hateful If you are gonna defend someone who actually has a soft spot for nazis you are tarded.,Hateful You MAGA tards just love swinging on trumps... pecker huh sally,Hateful No. I belong to the unreserved category.. the middle class GC .. no reservation anywhere.. Still I am proud of being GC ..! We don't beg.. we win.. Inspite of all ur oppression.. Burn BAs Tards.. burn ..,Hateful All the tards here talking about ink as if he poured it on his weed first. Shut rhe fuck up.,Hateful Its absolutely relevant. Alberta govt removed many caps so you pay more everywhere. Who's the retard?,Hateful This Retard Is STILL Wearing a MASK!,Hateful Retard on repeat. Nice!,Hateful "I heard you freaked out and turned into charcoal, hayseed. So unfortunate. All that studying and you couldn't find something opposite of fire. Tsk tsk.",Not Hateful Who the fuck gave you the idea that you can wag your fingers at Stephen King and say to him that he has that mush brain? What the fuck are you? You are fucking hayseed. A rube. You're the character that he played in creepshow. And looking at you I wouldn't talk of McDonald's boy.,Hateful Ignorant hayseed sheepf'er.,Hateful "Once a hayseed, always a hayseed.",Hateful The miracle of Austen is that this 21st-century Texas hayseed can still be drawn in by her prose. Our insular and vicious Nooz Distributors will never understand this.,Hateful "As per the effing constitution, hayseed. Damn but you're thick.",Hateful "The hayseeds and dopes think this is real. ""Trump's puttin' up a fight"".",Hateful "Problem is, the cabal of rubes, hayseeds and ignorant fvck sticks that made this scenario a reality don't recognize this as bad. As always, voting against your own interests is fine as long you own the libs",Hateful "Wow, this post has really upset the demented, degenerate, Viagra reliant Yoon hayseeds. Maybe a few pictures of the Butchers Apron will soothe them.",Hateful He looks about as stupid as you do. Two hayseeds in a pod.,Hateful Tommy evidently thinks a bunch of inebriated hayseeds clapping for him at a rubber-chicken football banquet in Tuscumbia gives him the right to cosplay as a four-star general.,Hateful Who are you addressing? Your co-ethnics running these institutions or the goyim hayseeds that rarely step foot in them?,Hateful Lol I was such a hoodrat 4 years ago. I really pulled up on someone and was banging on their door to come outside... Tra and I ain't play any games,Not Hateful im down for a lil hoodrat shit hehe,Not Hateful "need some mom friends, you hoodrat girls are not doing it for me",Not Hateful i get back on and bitches is hiding. go back to the cave you crawled out of hoodrat,Hateful It's about who? Don't bore us wena hoodrat not everything is about your King of squats,Not Hateful "HOODRATS ED 2 ""Carry on Together""",Not Hateful You're last place in the United States in almost every category.. whites pay the majority of the United States taxes.. you hoodrats not enslaving anyone but your low iq selves,Hateful Hoodrats they love dem hoodrats,Not Hateful I love hoodrats,Not Hateful Hoodrats Ghetto Slums,Hateful radio 2 gutless bogans is for shit brains #auspol,Hateful Such is life is the bogans live laugh love,Not Hateful Do you even hear yourself speak? Queen of the racist bogans is this the legacy you want to leave to the world?,Hateful I've seen dogs with rabies that foam at the mouth less than rabid English fans when hating on bogans,Hateful Because they are referred to as Brisbane Bogans & Brisbanites... & NOT in a good way,Not Hateful "Stop military spending - China are not a threat, and Israel are a terrorist state. What are we funding the American war industry? Just Simps for a colonial power like Gallipoli, but Australian bogans love to celebrate it.",Not Hateful "An event that combines all my favourite things: Gambling. Animal Exploitation and Cruelty Drunk Bogans, and Do-nothing socialites. Why am I not going?",Not Hateful We're all getting pretty tired of bludgers tho,Not Hateful "These degenerates at the obviously didn't have any articles to write bashing those that work from home today, so they got on the piss during work hours, bet was throwing them back to on the work dollar #bludgers",Not Hateful This fucking idiot is calling everyone who responds a redneck. He doesn't know that Ohio and Michigan are basically the same shithole if you've actually seen the world,Hateful corrupt redneck governor of mississippi wins re-election comfortably is a good indication that trump will win next year,Hateful "Real rednecks don't censor speech nor do we condone the carpet bombing of 10,000 children to death and call it ""war."" DC represents no one but itself.",Not Hateful Another greasy spiv,Hateful You people don't think past a few moves do you The idea that a 'Republic' will be anything more that the spivs talking shop we already have Get rid of the Royals - Albeit mostly just theatre - and in it's place will be..? A void- more sp,Not Hateful "A colourful brigade of careerists, spivs and worse took over years ago.",Hateful Rhyhiem. I saw Yardie stick a gun in somebody mouth and that took me out of it. Hate that cuz now I'm just thinking oh how someone is stupid. Loaded or not.,Hateful Yardie hit me up and said he wanna see this ass bounce on his dick... * 2 hours later * I'm gripping on the bed for dear,Not Hateful Ever wonder how anchor baby Nikki Haley made so much money in such a short time after leaving Trump administration?,Hateful Awww some ugly beaner hater was the biggest. One,Hateful Obviously a bull dyke would not want to be a mother,Hateful "So apparently I'm a charva according to Spotify because I listen to Darkzy, Zero, Notion, Bru C, Window Kid",Not Hateful AM I THE ONLY ONE WHO DIDNT RECOGNISE HIM UNTIL THE CHARVA FACE,Not Hateful No woman is going to love you if you type like a fucking degenerate troglodyte,Hateful i think he was saying jigaboo but hey,Not Hateful The white jigaboo obsesser just could us hood rats?!?!,Hateful "Krystyna Shellenbarger Mongs value friendship, degenerate meme culture, and good vibes.",Not Hateful