{ "name": "Individual Travel Grant", "text": "Are you planning a study programme, internship or research project abroad and you're not eligible for an Erasmus or Holland Scholarship grant? In that case, you might apply for a grant from the Radboud University Profiling Fund - the Individual Travel Grant (IRS). This grant is intended as compensation for the extra expenses you have when you go abroad for a study period. Such expenses might include tickets, visum, accommodation rental and vaccinations. If no such extra expenses are involved, for example in the case of a virtual study exchange, you won't be eligible for the grant. Also, your study programme or faculty will have to approve the trip, because it is of essential importance that your exchange is relevant to your study. The compensation amounts to 200 euros a month for a stay in Europe, and 300 euros a month outside Europe. The amount of the grant you ultimately receive will be calculated based on the number of days of your study-related stay abroad. The compensation is for a maximum of 4 months. TypeScholarshipEligible countries or regionsAll EU/EEA countries, All non-EU/non-EEA countriesDuration of scholarship4 monthsMaximum financing1200 Euro voor de gehele periodeCoverage of scholarshipPartial scholarshipConditionsThere are certain conditions you have to meet if you want to be eligible for an Individual Travel Grant for studies, internship or research abroad:you are registered as a student (full-time) in a bachelor or Master's study programme at Radboud Universityyour exchange programme will last for at least 2 months (consecutive)your exchange programme is abroadyou are not receiving an Erasmus grant, Holland Scholarship Programme grant or a grant from the Radboud Honours Academyyou will be earning course creditsYou have not yet received a Holland Scholarship or Individual Travel Grant for study, (medical) internship or research during your current study cycleyou will be leaving in more than 2 weeks.Completing Individual Travel GrantIn order to complete your grant application, we would like to receive from you within one month of the end of your stay abroad, through [email protected], the following documents:After a study period:A statement form, filled in and signed. You will receive the statement form by email a few weeks before the end of your stay.Your official transcript or records, as soon as you have received them from your host organisation.An online student report with photos of your experience. You will receive the link to this report by email a few weeks before the end of your stay.After an internship stay:A statement form, filled in and signed. You will receive the statement form by email a few weeks before the end of your stay.An online student report with photos of your experience. You will receive the link to this report by email a few weeks before the end of your stay.After a research stay:A statement form (research), filled in and signed by your study advisor. You will receive the statement form by email a few weeks before the end of your stay.An online student report with photos of your experience. You will receive the link to this report by email a few weeks before the end of your stay.Important: these documents must be sent to [email protected] no later than one month after the end of your exchange period. If you decide to travel afterwards, you are still responsible for getting the documents submitted on time. We will view your documents and if you meet the conditions, any remaining part of the grant will be transferred to your account as soon as possible. We will send you an email as soon as your final settlement is being processed.Premature termination of your stay abroadIf, due to special circumstances, you are obliged to cut short your stay abroad, through no fault of your own, please get in touch with us through: [email protected] of scholarshipmax 1200 Euro for the whole periodHow to apply1. Start your application for a stay abroad through your Osiris account. As soon as your faculty’s International Office has provisionally approved your application, you will automatically receive an email with further instructions for your grant application. The grant applications are open every year somewhere around May for the subsequent academic year. So you automatically will receive the email with further instructions for your grant application. If May has already passed or you're going abroad in the current academic year, you will receive the email with instructions for your grant application roughly one working day after your stay abroad has been approved in Osiris.2. There is a link to a web form in the email with additional explanation about the grant application. Fill in the web form fully.3. Roughly one working day after you have submitted the web form, we will send you an email containing the Grant Agreement and the Learning Agreement (for internship and study) or the Letter of Approval (for research). You should then send the following documents to [email protected] no later than two weeks before your exchange is due to start:For internship, study and research stays abroad: the Grant Agreement, signed by you. Read that document carefully! It lists the conditions that have to be met for the grant application.For internship and study periods: the Learning Agreement for study or Learning Agreement for Traineeship, signed by you, your host organisation and your faculty at Radboud University.For research projects: a letter of approval form from your study advisor at Radboud University or your faculty’s International Office. The declaration form should indicate the relevance of the project for your study.4. As soon as we've processed the documents, we'll send you an email about your application and whether it's been approved. It can take around 5 working days for your documents to be processed.DeadlineOne unconditional requirement for a grant application is that it must be submitted in full online and the necessary documents sent to Student Life and International Mobility at least 2 weeks before departure. If this is not the case, you will not be eligible for the grant. If there is a special reason for the late application, get in touch with us by email to [email protected]. We will then discuss your situation and let you know whether the deadline can be extended.When the grant has been provisionally awarded, an advance of 75% of the total amount will be transferred to your bank account within roughly 4 weeks. You will receive the remainder after your stay abroad has ended, as soon as you have submitted the last documents and met all the conditions. If you don't meet all the conditions, you will have to repay the advance.", "type": "Partial scholarship", "url": "" }
{ "name": "VSBfonds", "text": "VSBfonds annually awards scholarships to students who wish to do a complete study programme abroad, after they have finished their study programme at Radboud University.You personally choose the educational institute abroad and arrange your admission. The educational institute where you will study must be accredited by that country's government. If that is not the case, you must demonstrate that the quality of the institute and study programme you have chosen meet the Dutch standards for higher education.TypeScholarshipEligible countries or regionsAll EU/EEA countries, All non-EU/non-EEA countriesDuration of scholarship3 to 24 monthsMaximum financing€10.000Coverage of scholarshipPartial scholarshipConditionsTo be eligible for a VSBfonds grant, you must meet a number of requirements:you are a full-time student graduating as Bachelor or Masteryour graduation date is between 1 March 2022 and 31 December 2024you have the Dutch nationalityyou are extremely motivated and can show a strong engagement in society, which is more important than your gradesPlease note that it is not possible to use this grant for an internship or research project.More information can be found on the VSB site (only in Dutch)How to applyMore information about the VSBfonds study grants, the conditions and the application procedure can be found on the VSBfonds website. You can do a quick scan to see whether you can apply for this scholarship.Deadline is: 1 March 2024Day of selection,26 March on campus:To make a final selection, we will invite a number of candidates for an interview. If you have applied for the scholarship, please already make a note in your agenda that you might have to be present on 26 March for an interview of a maximum of one hour.If necessary we will have a second day of interviews on 28 March.More information and contactWant to know more? Every faculty has a special contact persont:Filosofie, Theologie en Religiewetenschappen: Treja WilkensArts: Maaike van GervenNijmegen School of Management: Koen SchildersFaculty of Medical Science: Cindy van DijkFaculty of Science: Hub NijssenFaculty of Law: Petra BoumanSocial Sciences: Patrick Beckers, Miranda SmeemanFor general questions: send an email to [email protected] , Lonneke van Maasakkers-Hijl and Nicole Moed, working at Student Life and International Mobility,", "type": "Partial scholarship", "url": "" }
{ "name": "Abel Visiting Scholar Program", "text": "The Abel Visiting Scholar Program is intended for mathematicians professionally based in developing countries to visit an international research collaborator for a period of one month. For visits that are longer than one month, applicants must provide evidence of financial support from the host institution to cover the living expenses beyond the first month.The program is designed for post doctoral mathematicians in the early stages of their professional careers. It is designed to offer the opportunity for a ‘research sabbatical,’ a necessary complement to teaching and other academic duties for mathematicians desiring to also sustain a viable research program.The Abel Visiting Scholar Program is fully funded by the Abel Prize in mathematics and is administered by the Commission for Developing Countries of the International Mathematical Union.Usually up to 3 Grants are available per year.Upcoming DeadlinesApplications must be received at least four months before the desired starting date. The selection committee will review the applications and award fellowships every four months.The following deadlines apply:April 30,2024 for visits between September 1 and December 31,2024August 31,2024 for visits between January 1 and April 30,2025December 31,2024 for visits between May 1 and August 31,2025Eligibility CriteriaApplicants must1. hold at the time of application a PhD in Mathematics,2. be based in a developing country at the time of application (As defined by IMU)3. hold a position in a university/ research institution4. be in the early stages of their professional careers, more precisely: the applicants should4. 1) not yet be of full professorial rank but have a working contract in a university/ college4. 2) be under 35 years of age at the day of the application deadline.The maximum age may be increased by up to three years in the case of an individual with a broken career pattern. This should be noted in the application together with the reason for the broken career pattern. Applications from women mathematicians are strongly encouraged.Selection CriteriaThe selection criteria is based on the the quality of the project and the benefit/added value for the home institution/country.Definition of Developing CountriesApplication RequirementsEach completed application submitted via the online pplication form must include:CV of applicant and host, including a list of recent publications (max. 3 pages each)Research statement for the visit - Research statements should explain the research project and list the mathematicians with whom the applicant will collaborate. The applicant must already have initiated research contact with the proposed international research partner(s). Evidence of prior collaboration will be considered a plus. The collaboration should take place at the international partner’s home institution.Statement from host expressing views on the visit and the research planInvitation letter by the host institution which clearly specifies the period of the visit as well as the extent of its financial commitment and support. It is expected that the host institution would at least offer office space, free Internet access and other basic amenities. The invitation has to come from the dean of the faculty for the host institution.Confirmation letter by the home institution which clearly specifies the employment status of the grantee and that the applicant will be granted appropriate leave of absence from his/her home institution which will cover the period of the visit. Please use the template attached.A copy of the PhD certificateTentative Budget in USDIn case of a research visit longer than a month, applicants must attached proof of matching funds from the host institution to cover living expensesPlease merge all required documents into one (1) PDF file to be uploaded as part of your application.Applications not completed by the deadline, cannot be considered for evaluation.Grant Application PageGrant DetailsThe grant can cover for one month and only for the applicant up to US$5,000 Dollars:Travel costsfrom the place of work of the applicant to that of the host to the extent of economy class airfare.(Public) transport (surface transport by rail or bus between the nearest city where the airport is located and the headquarters of the candidate or the city/town where the host institution is located, if necessary). Maximum four (4) Taxi fares (on submission of receipts) may be allowed to travel between the home and the airport/railway station (upon arrival and departure).In case the applicant has to stay in a hotel before departure or upon arrival, this needs to be mentioned in the budget details. Maximum one (1) night (both arrival and departure) can be paid from the grant.Visa feesTravel insurance chargesBasic living cost for the first month (daily allowance based on living cost of the visiting country/city, This amount includes the cost for public transport and all other living costs). For a list please go here. If the accommodation includes breakfast or any other meals, the daily amount will be reduced.Accommodation cost in the host country (hotel is allowed if the host provides a statement that no guesthouse or rented flat is available and max. 4 weeks. If you stay longer than 4 weeks you have to rent a suitable apartment or guesthouse). Receipts for cash payments for accommodation costs can not be accepted! You have to pay via a trackable transfer method.If you travel during public holidays in the host country and while the host institution is closed for public holidays (e.g. during Christmas time) you cannot received basic living cost during the period the institution is closed, but your accommodation cost can be paid.Please note that the grant does not cover any travel costs, accommodation and living costs for requests for additional trips (e.g. to participate in conferences/ workshops) during this time. Those costs have to be covered by the grantee or his/her host institution. The living and accommodation cost only cover the research period. In case the grantees stays abroad for private or other purposes not related to the research visit neither living or accommodation cost can be covered from the grant.The grant is paid in two installments:First payment for accommodation in the host country, travel insurance, visa, transport to the airport and 50% of the living cost before departure.Second payment for the remaining living costs after the visit.To receive the second payment the report, pictures and all invoices must be send to the IMU Secretariat before the second payment can be initiated.The activity and financial report, pictures and all invoices must be submitted to the IMU Secretariat before the second payment can be initiated.Please note that an overview of the expenses need to be listed in the financial report and need to be accompanied by the copies of the original invoices and boarding tickets (excluding the living expenses).The financial and activity report should be submitted to the IMU Secretariat, CDC Administration two weeks after the end of the research visit.Unspent funds need to be returned to CDC/ Abel Funds.Selection CommitteeA selection committee decides which applications are successful.The Selection Committee consists ofa chairperson chosen by the IMU ECa member chosen by the CDCa member chosen by the IMU ECMembers 2. and 3. serve for a three year term with a maximum of two periods. The IMU EC decides on the duration of member 1.The current terms of the Selection Committee are as followed respectively: 1 August 2021 - 31 December 20221 August 2019 - 31 July 20221 August 2021 - 31 July 2024Please noteA candidate who is not selected, has the possibility to re-applyMathematicians above the age of 34 are encouraged to apply to the IMU Simons Research Fellowship Program.Applications must be received at least four months before the desired starting dateIn case of questions, please contact: cdc.grants(at)mathunion.orgGood luck!", "type": "", "url": "" }
{ "name": "Emile Boutmy Scholarships for Non-EU Students at Sciences Po", "text": "Sciences Po created the Émile Boutmy scholarship, named after the founder of Sciences Po (1871), in order to welcome the very best international students from outside the European Union.The Émile Boutmy scholarship fund benefits from the generous support of its sponsors (benefactors, companies, and foundations) who are eager to allow the most deserving international students to study at Sciences Po. Private sponsors can be in direct contact with scholarship holders during official organised events.They support the Émile Boutmy excellence scholarship: Chalhoub Group, Fondation Geneviève McMillan-Reba Stewart, Fondation Luksic Scholars, L'Oréal, Michel-David Weill.ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTSTo be eligible for the scholarship, students must be: first time applicants, from a non-European Union state, whose household does not file taxes within the European Union, and who have been admitted to the Undergraduate or Master's programme.Students who are not eligible are:Swiss and Norwegian applicants, since they may be entitled to CROUS scholarshipsCandidates who have dual citizenship, including an EU citizenshipCandidates from Quebec for master’s degree (since they may take advantage of sliding scale fees same as European applicants). Candidates from Quebec for a bachelor’s degree are eligibleCandidates for the Joint Master in Journalism and International AffairsMaster’s level dual-degree candidates, unless you are applying for one of the following programmes:the dual degree in Journalism Sciences Po/Columbia Universitythe dual degree Sciences Po/Fudan University with the concentration Europe-Asia in Global Affairs (only applicants with Chinese nationality)the dual degree Sciences Po/Peking University (only applicants with Chinese nationality)Ph.D. programme students (thesis)Candidates for the 1 year Master's programmesBachelor dual degree candidates (unless as part of a specific agreement)Exchange studentsCandidates applying via the French graduate admission procedureThe Émile Boutmy scholarship may not be combined with other scholarships apart from exceptional cases decided by the jury (Eiffel scholarship, AEFE scholarship, BGF...).SELECTION CRITERIAThis scholarship is awarded based on merit and according to the type of profile sought for this programme. Social criteria may also be taken into account.AMOUNT AND LENGTH OF THE SCHOLARSHIPBACHELOR'S DEGREE PROGRAMMEThe Émile Boutmy scholarship is awarded to students arriving at Sciences Po for their first year of studies.The Émile Boutmy programme can take several different forms:A tuition grant of €14,720 per year for the three years of the undergraduate programme.A tuition grant of €9,500 per year for the three years of the undergraduate programme.A tuition grant of €6,500 per year for the three years of the undergraduate programme.If you do not validate your academic year, your scholarship will be lost.If you have been granted a scholarship and decide to defer your admission, your scholarship will be lost.During the year abroad (third year of the undergraduate programme): scholarship recipients will retain their tuition fee grant.The Émile Boutmy scholarship is automatically renewed if the student chooses to continue their graduate studies at Sciences Po.MASTERS LEVELThe Émile Boutmy scholarship is awarded to students arriving at Sciences Po for their first year of study.The Émile Boutmy programme is a tuition grant of €13,100 per year, for each year, which covers part of the tuition fees for the two years of the Master's degree programme.Émile Boutmy scholarship holders already at Sciences Po: the amount awarded through the scholarship is determined at the time of admission. It may be recalculated on a yearly basis, in accordance with tuition fee increases, when applicable.If you do not validate your academic year, your scholarship will be lost.If you have been granted a scholarship and you decide to defer your admission, your scholarship will be lost.HOW TO APPLYThis scholarship is not automatically awarded, to apply candidates must follow the instructions below.UNDERGRADUATE COLLEGE, FIRST TIME APPLICANTSAPPLICANTS FROM FOREIGN SECONDARY SCHOOLSApplicants from foreign secondary schools must indicate that they are applying to the Émile Boutmy scholarship in the “Financial information” section of their Sciences Po application.Please note that we might ask applicants to provide proof of income and documents explaining their family situation (e.g. income tax return for both parents, payslips, divorce certificate, unemployment benefits, documents related to alimony, child support or retirement pensions, death certificate...).APPLICANTS FROM FRENCH SECONDARY SCHOOLSApplicants from French secondary schools must contact the Admission Office by completing this form, once their application has been validated on Parcoursup. The applicants must provide proof of income and possibly documents explaining their family situation (e.g. income tax return for both parents, payslips, divorce certificate, unemployment benefits, documents related to alimony, child support or retirement pensions, death certificate...).MASTER'S LEVEL, FIRST TIME APPLICANTSMasters level candidates must indicate that they are applying to the Émile Boutmy scholarship in the “Financial information” section of their Sciences Po application.Please note that we might ask applicants to provide a proof of income and documents explaining their family situation (e.g. income tax return for both parents, payslips, divorce certificate, unemployment benefits, documents related to alimony, child support or retirement pensions, death certificate...). Applicants must also attach, if applicable, their language test.CANDIDATES CURRENTLY IN DEFERRAL (UNDERGRADUATE COLLEGE AND MASTERS LEVEL)Candidates who are currently in deferral can apply to the Émile Boutmy scholarship if they are in one of the following situations:they did not apply to this scholarship in their application formthey had applied and obtained this scholarship last year but lost it due to the deferralIn this case, you need to apply to the Émile Boutmy scholarship by filling out this contact form before the deadline. This email should include your CV as well as the following information:Indicate the country in which you are resident for tax purposes 1Indicate the country in which you are resident for tax purposes 2 (optional)Total annual income (in euros) of the household from the year before lastNumber of financially dependent children in the household (including yourself)?Are any of your siblings currently pursuing higher education?Please note that we might ask applicants to provide a proof of income and documents explaining their family situation (e.g. income tax return for both parents, payslips, divorce certificate, unemployment benefits, documents related to alimony, child support or retirement pensions, death certificate...).PLEASE NOTEIf you have already been refused the Émile Boutmy scholarship it is not possible for you to apply again.We will only take into account complete files.No application request will be accepted if received after the deadline.You will find information on our application procedures using the following links:Undergraduate CollegeGraduate programmesImportant: It is not possible for students to apply for the Émile Boutmy scholarship after their admission to Sciences Po or during their studies at Sciences Po. Students are therefore responsible for finding another source of funding if they have not been awarded the Emily Boutmy scholarship.The Admissions Department is responsible for awarding Émile Boutmy scholarships. Please note that your scholarship request will only be taken into account if you are admitted to one of our eligible programmes.For more information on scholarships and financial aid.DEADLINESDeadline for undergraduate programme (applicants from foreign secondary schools): 21 February 2024Deadline for undergraduate programme (applicants from French secondary schools): 9 June 2024Deadline for master programme: 3 December 2023No application requests will be accepted after the deadline.CONTACTFor more information contact the Admissions Department by filling out this contact form.", "type": ": Bachelors/Masters Degre", "url": "" }
{ "name": "ENS International Selection Scholarships", "text": "Brief description:Each year, École Normale Supérieure (ENS) organizes an international selection allowing themost promising international students, either in Science or in Arts & Humanities, to follow aMasters Degree at the University.Host Institution(s):École Normale Supérieure in Paris, FranceLevel/Field(s) of study:Master’s Degree at ENS (or one of ENS’ partner institutions) in the fields of Science or Arts &HumanitiesAcademic disciplines offered through International selection in Sciences: Biology,Chemistry, Earthscience, Computing science, Mathematics, Physics, Cognitive sciencesAcademic disciplines offered through International selection in Arts&Humanities:Anthropology, Archeology, Classical studies (Greek, Latin), Cinema, Theater studies, History ofArt, Musicology, Cognitive sciences, Economics, Political studies, Geography, History, Historyand Philosophy of Law, History and Philosophy of Sciences, Linguistics, Literature, Philosophy,Sociology.Number of Scholarships: 10 positions in Sciences and 10 positions in Arts & Humanities.Target group:International studentsScholarship value/duration:Monthly grant of 1,000 Euros for 3 years and a room on one of the ENS campuses.Eligibility:• Candidates must be under 26 when they apply (must not have reached their 26th birthday)• Candidates must not have applied to the International Selection before.• Candidates must not have lived in France more than 10 months during the academic year ofthe selection (September 1st – August 31st) nor the previous year.• Candidates must justify at least one year of undergraduate studies awarded by a foreignuniversity (outside France) during the calendar year preceding the start of applications.• Candidates justify at least two years of undergraduate studies in a foreign university (outsideFrance), on the 1st of September following admission.As an exception, the Director of ENS could authorize the application of a candidate whoseacademic background outside France is not standard.Application instructions:Applications are currently closed.The application form and documents must be submitted online before 11 December 2023(23h59, Paris time) for both Arts & Humanities and for Sciences.It is important to visit the official website (link found below) to access the application form andfor detailed information on how to apply for this scholarship.", "type": "Masters Degree", "url": "" }
{ "name": "Eiffel Scholarships in France for International Students", "text": "Brief description:The Eiffel Excellence Scholarship Program was established by the French Ministry for Europeand Foreign Affairs to enable French higher education institutions to attract top foreign studentsto enroll in their masters and PhD programs.It gives opportunity to the future foreign decision-makers of the private and public sectors, inpriority areas of study, and encourages applicants up to 25 years old from developing countriesat master’s level, and applicants up to 30 years old from developing and industrializedcountries at PhD level.Host Institution(s):French Universities and Academic InstitutionsLevel of Study:Master’s degree program, engineering program, or a joint doctoral program (joint supervision ofdissertation and/or dual degree), in partnership with a partner institution abroad.Field(s) of study:Two major disciplinary fields concerned by the Eiffel scholarships cover the following fields ofstudy for the Master and Doctorate components:• For science and technology: Biology and health; Ecological transition; Mathematics anddigital; Engineering Sciences• For the humanities and social sciences: French history, language, and civilization; Law andpolitical science; and Economics and managementTarget group:International studentsScholarship value/inclusions/duration:For Master’s level studies, the Eiffel scholarship includes a monthly allowance of €1,181 andcan be awarded for 12-36 months. For PhD level studies, the Eiffel scholarship includes amonthly allowance of €1,700 and is awarded for a maximum of 12 months.In addition, the programme meets various expenses including international transportation,national transportation, health insurance, housing searches, and cultural activities.Tuition fees are not covered by the Eiffel Programme. However, recipients of Frenchgovernment scholarships are exempt from tuition charges for programs leading to a nationaldiploma (master, doctorate) or accredited engineering degree in public institutions of ascientific, cultural, or professional nature overseen by the Ministry of Higher Education andResearch, in accordance with article R719-49 of the national education code.Eligibility:Please inquire about the eligibility criteria with the French Higher Education Institution you areapplying to.Application instructions:Applications are currently closed.Applications are NOT accepted from students directly. Applications for EIFFELscholarships are submitted by French Higher Education Institutions. Applications sentdirectly by students or by foreign institutions will be declared ineligible.Therefore, you must apply and meet the requirements of the French Higher EducationInstitution in order to be considered for the scholarship. Contact the French educationalinstitution or research organization by visiting its website or by emailing or telephoning its officeof international relations to learn how to apply for admission (including the date by which yourapplication must be received). Inform them of your wish to be considered for an Eiffelscholarship.The application deadline to participating French Institutions falls around November-December2023. The deadline for applications to Campus France is 10 January 2024.It is important to read the Eiffel Scholarships 2024 Regulations andvisit the official website (linkfound below) to access the online application form and for detailed information on how to applyfor this scholarship.", "type": "Masters/PhD Degree", "url": "" }
{ "name": "Université Paris-Saclay International Master’s Scholarships", "text": "Brief description:The Université Paris-Saclay, through the IDEX scholarships, aims to promote access to itsmaster’s (nationally-certified degree) programs to international students, taught in its memberestablishments, and to make it easier for highly-qualified foreign students to attend itsUniversity especially those wishing to develop an academic project through research up to thedoctoral level.Host Institution(s):Université Paris-Saclay, France and enrolled at one of the following member institutions:AgroParisTech, CentraleSupelec, Ecole Normale Supérieure Paris-Saclay (ENS Paris-Saclay),INSTN-CEA, Institut d’Optique Graduate School (IOGS), Université d’Evry-Val-d’Essonne(UEVE), Université Paris-Saclay (UPSaclay), Université de Versailles-Saint-Quentin-enYvelines (UVSQ).Level/Field of study:All Master’s programmes in all academic fields for which Université Paris-Saclay is accredited,except for vocational training.Number of Awards:Not specifiedTarget group:International studentsScholarship value/duration:The scholarship amount is €10,000 per year. It is paid by Université ParisSaclay for theduration of the academic year, and for a period of no less than 10 consecutive months per year(September to June). A maximum of €1,000 for travel and visa expenses is also awardeddepending on the candidate’s country of origin.These scholarships are awarded for 1 or 2 years depending on the admission level (M1 or M2)and subject to students completing the required number of credits to advance to the next yearlevel.Eligibility:Are eligible:Students admitted to a Université Paris-Saclay Master’s programme delivered by one of thefollowing institutions: AgroParisTech, CentraleSupelec, ENS Paris-Saclay, INSTN-CEA, IOGS,UEVE, UPSaclay, UVSQ. Among these students, only those who answer one of the followingcriteria are eligible to apply:• Newly arrived international students, aged 30 and less during the course of the selectionyear.• Students of foreign nationality living on the French soil for less than a year, previously orcurrently enrolled in a training course or internship that does not lead to certification.• Students of foreign nationality living on the French soil for less than a year, taking languageclasses (type FFL).• Students who have lived in France in the past, within the framework of a mobilityprogramme during their studies (e.g. Erasmus Mundus Joint Master’s Degrees, exchangeprogramme…) that did not lead to certification.Are ineligible:• All students who have been or who are enrolled in a French higher education institutionduring their studies, except international students enrolled in a French higher educationinstitution abroad.• Individuals who have interrupted their studies for more than 3 consecutive years.• Students holding any other type of scholarship whose amount exceeds €650/month.Application instructions:Applications are currently closed.To be considered for the scholarships, students must first be admitted to a Master’sProgramme offered at Université Paris-Saclay. Being admitted into a master’s program ofthe University does not automatically entitle you to a scholarship.Selected students will automatically be sent a link by email to an online application form.Only students who receive an email from Université Paris-Saclay inviting them to apply for aUniversité Paris-Saclay IDEX scholarship will be able to submit an application. No unsolicitedapplication is allowed.The deadline for application to a Master’s Program (in order to be selected) is 30 April 2024.The deadline for receipt of scholarship applications is 3 May 2024.It is important to visit the official website (link found below) to access the application form andfor detailed information on how to apply for this scholarship.", "type": "Masters Degree", "url": "" }
{ "name": "Ampère Excellence Scholarships for International Students", "text": "Brief description:The Université Paris-Saclay, through the IDEX scholarships, aims to promote access to itsmaster’s (nationally-certified degree) programs to international students, taught in its memberestablishments, and to make it easier for highly-qualified foreign students to attend itsUniversity especially those wishing to develop an academic project through research up to thedoctoral level.Host Institution(s):Université Paris-Saclay, France and enrolled at one of the following member institutions:AgroParisTech, CentraleSupelec, Ecole Normale Supérieure Paris-Saclay (ENS Paris-Saclay),INSTN-CEA, Institut d’Optique Graduate School (IOGS), Université d’Evry-Val-d’Essonne(UEVE), Université Paris-Saclay (UPSaclay), Université de Versailles-Saint-Quentin-enYvelines(UVSQ).Level/Field of study:All Master’s programmes in all academic fields for which Université Paris-Saclay is accredited,except for vocational training.Number of Awards:Not specifiedTarget group:International studentsScholarship value/duration:The scholarship amount is €10,000 per year. It is paid by Université ParisSaclay for theduration of the academic year, and for a period of no less than 10 consecutive months per year(September to June). A maximum of €1,000 for travel and visa expenses is also awardeddepending on the candidate’s country of origin.These scholarships are awarded for 1 or 2 years depending on the admission level (M1 or M2)and subject to students completing the required number of credits to advance to the next yearlevel.Eligibility:Are eligible:Students admitted to a Université Paris-Saclay Master’s programme delivered by one of thefollowing institutions: AgroParisTech, CentraleSupelec, ENS Paris-Saclay, INSTN-CEA, IOGS,UEVE, UPSaclay, UVSQ. Among these students, only those who answer one of the followingcriteria are eligible to apply:• Newly arrived international students, aged 30 and less during the course of the selectionyear.• Students of foreign nationality living on the French soil for less than a year, previously orcurrently enrolled in a training course or internship that does not lead to certification.• Students of foreign nationality living on the French soil for less than a year, taking languageclasses (type FFL).• Students who have lived in France in the past, within the framework of a mobilityprogramme during their studies (e.g. Erasmus Mundus Joint Master’s Degrees, exchangeprogramme…) that did not lead to certification.Are ineligible:• All students who have been or who are enrolled in a French higher education institutionduring their studies, except international students enrolled in a French higher educationinstitution abroad.• Individuals who have interrupted their studies for more than 3 consecutive years.• Students holding any other type of scholarship whose amount exceeds €650/month.Application instructions:Applications are currently closed.To be considered for the scholarships, students must first be admitted to a Master’sProgramme offered at Université Paris-Saclay. Being admitted into a master’s program ofthe University does not automatically entitle you to a scholarship.Selected students will automatically be sent a link by email to an online application form.Only students who receive an email from Université Paris-Saclay inviting them to apply for aUniversité Paris-Saclay IDEX scholarship will be able to submit an application. No unsolicitedapplication is allowed.The deadline for application to a Master’s Program (in order to be selected) is 30 April 2024.The deadline for receipt of scholarship applications is 3 May 2024.It is important to visit the official website (link found below) to access the application form andfor detailed information on how to apply for this scholarship.", "type": "Masters Degree", "url": "" }
{ "name": "Humboldt Scholarship", "text": "The application phase for the funding period April 2023 to March 2024 is closed!Students of archaeology have still the possibility to apply for the research class Ostia until the 30th January 2023.Applications of all other fields of study must be rejected.Please apply online via this link.The postal route is excluded!RequirementsYou can apply for a Deutschlandstipendium of the Humboldt-Universität ifyou are enrolled as a student at Humboldt-Universität in summer semester 2023 and if you study within your subjects respective standard period of study (due to the pandemic the last 4 semesters do not count)or if you are applying for a study at Humboldt-Universität (you have to be enrolled at the Humboldt-Universität in the summer semester 2023).Necessary application documentsONLINE APPLICATION PLATFORMThe complete application process will take place ONLINE. Before applying, please make sure that you have read this page carefully.Necessary documents (Upload directly in the Online Application Platform):Texts including information on your studies as well as a letter of motivation (3000 characters) and details regarding any social and/or political commitment/ volunteer work of yours during the past five years (1000 characters), details regarding any awards and distinctions you may have received that you deem relevant (1000 characters) details regarding notable social, familial or personal circumstances that apply to you (600 characters).CV (in tabular form without photo)current certificate of enrolment/ matriculationcurrent transcript of grade (from the AGNES-Online Study and Examination Portal)Scans of certificates (e.g. High school diploma, vocational education diploma)if applicable proof for volunteer and honorary workif applicable Bachelor-Master-Übergang-Formular (if you pass from Bachelor to Master in the next semester)if applicable Verlängerung der Förderhöchstdauer (if you are not longer in the maximum funding period)IMPORTANT!If you study Jurisprudence or Economics please upload only the AGNES-Online transcript of grade. The team of the Deutschlandstipendium will contact the examination portal to request your overall average grade. Please give us your consent by using the form.Humboldt Research ClassesIf you are interested to participate in our research class (Themenklasse)Sustainability and Global JusticePlease note: A recommendation letter is not required. Other certificates and documents than the ones requested are not needed and won't be processed.Please note: If you have more then for instance one proof of volunteer or honorary work, please bundle the documents in one PDF file. Per Upload-box on the Online Applioctaion Plattform just one PDF may be uploaded.Here you can have a look on the power point presentation which explains the process of application: Link: https: //", "type": "", "url": "" }
{ "name": "Humboldt Research Track Scholarship", "text": "Humboldt Research Track ScholarshipFunding for Master's students with strong research skills who plan to pursue a doctorate.The Humboldt Research Track funding line is designed to support outstanding Master’s students from Humboldt-Universität who plan to pursue a doctorate. Graduates from other universities may also be funded if they pursue a doctorate at Humboldt-Universität. The program offers funding for the transition phase between the end of a Master’s program and the beginning of a doctorate. Requirements for funding are excellent academic results and an original, high-quality proposal of the doctoral project. Applications may already be submitted during the Master’s studies, but funding can only start after graduation. The scholarship helps recipients to focus on the preparation of their doctorate.Who can apply?Outstanding Master’s students as well as graduates who plan to pursue their doctorate at Humboldt-Universität or – if graduated from Humboldt-Universität – at another university in Germany or abroad. To enable more prospective doctoral candidates with disabilities or chronic illnesses to prepare for a doctorate, applications from this target group will be given particular consideration.What are the relevant criteria?Excellent academic results or an excellent degree and an original, high-quality proposal of the doctoral project.Selection CriteriaHow much funding is provided?Funding of 800 EUR per month is awarded for up to six months. Scholarship holders with children receive an additional 400 EUR a month for the first child, plus 100 EUR for each additional child. In exceptional cases, funding can be extended for up to an additional six monthsWhat are the application deadlines?Applications for a Humboldt Research Track Scholarship with a funding start from 1 April 2024 on can be submitted from 15 December 2023 to 31 January 2024.The next application phase is expected to run from 1 April 2024 to 15 May 2024 for a funding start from 1 August 2024 on.Re-applications cannot be considered after you have received a notification of rejection.What is the application procedure?Applications can be submitted via the online application portal only. Applications must include the following documents:Completed online application form,Curriculum vitae (max. 2 pages),Sketch of your research proposal (max. 2.250 characters),Certificates of your academic degrees, including certified translations and/or, if applicable, transcripts (of grades) for courses attended,Letter of recommendation from your Master thesis supervisor or from one of the instructors from your Master’s program,Expert review of the proposal of your doctoral project by the mentor at Humboldt-Universität you wish to work with during the funding period.Please note that all application documents must be submitted in German or English.Applicants must upload their CV, certificates and/or transcripts using the online application form.The letter of recommendation and expert review may not be written by the same person.A Selection Committee consisting of professors, post-docs and doctoral candidates from various disciplines determines the allocation of scholarships based on the guideline.Apply nowAdditional informationFor further information, please visit our section with frequently asked questions (FAQ).Download Flyer https: //", "type": "Master's", "url": "" }
{ "name": "Elsa-Neumann-Stipend for Doctoral Candidates", "text": "Elsa-Neumann-Scholarship – Doctoral FundingTwice a year, the federal state of Berlin awards doctoral scholarships and scholarships for the completion of a doctorate to particularly qualified young researchers.Legal basis:Act on the Promotion of Young Academics and Artists (Nachwuchsförderungsgesetz - NaFöG).Ordinance on the Promotion of Young Academics and Artists (Nachwuchsförderungsverordnung - NaFöVO).Funding requirements:- Proof of a completed university degree- Proof of preparation for a doctorate- Above-average academic performance- A scientific project that is expected to make an important contribution to researchScope of funding:The basic scholarship amount is 1,350 euros per month plus a lump sum for material costs of 100 euros. The additional granting of a family allowance and of special allowances for travel expenses is possibleFunding period:The regular doctoral scholarship is initially granted for a period of up to two years. At the end of the first and second year of funding, a work report and a statement by the first academic supervisor must be submitted. The funding ends after three years at the latest.The scholarship for the completion of a doctorate is granted for a maximum of one year without the possibility of extension.Announcement and deadlines:The call for applications for the Elsa Neumann Scholarship is announced twice a year. The application deadlines end in April and November, with funding beginning on 1 October and 1 April respectively. The NaFöG offices will announce the exact application deadlines (cut-off dates) in advance.Applications can be submitted through the application portal until April 17,2023 12: 00 (noon). Applications submitted via email, mail or any other means will not be accepted.Application:Applications can only be submitted via the online platform of Dahlem Research School and only after the application platform has been activated for registrations. The next activation is expected to take place 6 weeks before the application deadline. Applications submitted by email, post or any other means cannot be accepted.Necessary steps in the application process:Fill in the application form, and then click on the submit button. Then please save your details in PDF format.Register at the application portal of the Dahlem Research School. You can reach the application portal from 6 weeks prior to the deadline via the NaFöG office of the Freie Universität.Important: Please refrain from registering earlier for your application.First enter your own details and the details of your first academic supervisor into the form of the website and send the email request for a confidential letter of support to your supervisor.Only after the email has been sent, the necessary documents (e.g. application form, CV, etc.) can be uploaded in pdf format.Finally, submit the digital application for a scholarship via the submit function.Reapplication:After a scholarship application has been rejected, it is possible to reapply once.Forms to download:- Information brochure: https: // Information for reviewer:https: //", "type": "Doctoral Funding", "url": "" }
{ "name": "Yousef Jameel Scholarships", "text": "Doctoral Scholarship from the Jameel Scholarship Fund at Humboldt-Universität zu BerlinExtended Application Deadline until October 31,2023With support of the Jameel Education Foundation UK, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin will annually award two scholarships to doctoral candidates in the natural science fields of informatics/ computer science, mathematics, biology/ biomedicine, chemistry, physics, geography and agricultural science.General informationApplicants from the following countries are eligible for application:Arab region: Algeria, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Tunisia, Yemen. Furthermore, we ask for applications from Turkey, Malaysia, Indonesia, Nigeria und Sudan (citizenship and residence)Doctoral projects focusing on the following research fields will receive special consideration:Sustainable/ecologic (Desert) Agriculture (including: PGPR – Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria – & Mycorrhizae, Irrigation Technology, Reduction of Water consumption Micronutrients)Plant based Medicine/ PharmacyRenewable & sustainable Energy ProductionPhytopharmacy and Phytomedicine with topics in Pharmacology (Antiinflammation, Immunology, Neuroprotection / -degeneration)Analytics and Structure-activity relationshipDrug Development (extracts, dosage forms, therapeutic systems (e.g. transdermal)Doctoral projects that address other topics however may also receive funding. Only those research projects with relevance for the development of the applicant’s home country will be considered for funding.Please note that the proposed research projects must match the research profiles of the relevant department at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Applicants are responsible for finding a doctoral supervisor from Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin who is willing to supervise their doctoral project.Current call for applications - Terms and conditionsScholarship period: three yearsAmount of scholarship: € 1,450 per month plus, if applicable, a family allowance, language course costs, and a set research allowancePlanned commencement of studies: early 2024Application deadline: 31 October 2023Application requirementsApplicants must provide written confirmation of supervision by a professor from Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.Applicants must hold citizenship from one of the above listed countries and should currently reside in that country. They must be able to demonstrate their willingness to return to their home country.Applicants must hold an academic qualification equivalent to a German university degree and fulfill the requirements for admission to doctoral candidacy at the respective department of the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.English language skills (please note that the test result may not be older than twoyears):TOEFL©IBT score: at least 80 (Internet Based Test)IELTS© Academic score: at least Band 6German language skills are not required at the time of application. However, candidates are expected to be willing to learn German after their arrival.To increase the proportion of women at the university, applications from qualified womenare particularly encouraged. Disabled persons will receive preference, assuming equalqualifications.Application documentsStatement of Purpose directed to the Jameel Education Foundation UK (no more than 2 pages)Motivation for pursuing a doctoral degree at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, highlighting personal strengthsReasons why you are applying for a scholarship from the Jameel Education Foundation UK and the relevance of your proposed research project for your home country’s developmentAcademic curriculum vitae (in tabular form, no more than 2 pages)Personal information, address, main areas of research, description ofacademic career to date, academic prizes and publication list, if applicableDoctoral project summary (one page, no more than 450 words)Doctoral project description (5-10 pages) including a work and time schedule and a statement on how the proposed project matches the research profile at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, bibliographyConfirmation of supervision from a Professor at Humboldt-Universität zu BerlinTwo letters of recommendation from university professors (written in English)Master or comparable diploma transcript and degree certificate (see above)Proof of language proficiency (TOEFL© or IELTS© test scorePlease note that we do not process applications that:are not completedo not fulfil the formal requirements listed aboveare submitted after the deadline.Application procedureApplications should be submitted in one pdf-file (7 MB max.) by mail to the following address:[email protected].", "type": "", "url": "" }
{ "name": "The Hans Böckler Foundation’s Dieter Schumacher PhD Scholarship program", "text": "The Hans Böckler Foundation focuses on co-determination, research linked to the world of work and supporting students on behalf of the Confederation of German Trade Unions (DGB). We offer scholarships to foreign doctoral candidates from various disciplines who wish to combine their research work with a stay in the Federal Republic of Germany. Below you will find an overview of the scholarships currently available with the corresponding application requirements.DIETER SCHUMACHER INTERNATIONAL PHD-SCHOLARSHIPThe Hans Böckler Foundation’s Dieter Schumacher PhD Scholarship program enables outstanding international PhD-students in Economics to conduct a 12-24 months-stay at a German university or research institute. The scholarship program is open to doctoral students under the age of 30.UTE AND GYÖRGY SZÉLL INTERNATIONAL PHD-SCHOLARSHIPThe Ute and György Széll International Scholarship shall permit outstanding international PhD-students in Social Sciences and Humanities a six months-stay not only at a German university or research institute, but also at a foundation or archive. There is no limit of age.DIETER SCHUMACHER INTERNATIONAL PHD-SCHOLARSHIPIf you are conducting research on fiscal and monetary policy, labor markets, income distribution and financial markets or other fields of research that are relevant from an employee’s perspective, we encourage you to apply.We expect applicants to be politically, culturally, and socially engaged and to have an active interest in the core values of the Hans Böckler Foundation.The scholarship includes a monthly stipend of EUR 1550 for living expenses and an annual allowance of EUR 1400 for travel expenses. You can apply for a 12- or 24-months scholarship.Requirements:A description of your doctoral project (3 pages)A research paper outlining the topic, questions, methodology and goals of your research in Germany (3 pages)An invitation letter from your host PhD supervisor in Germany, who is responsible for the on-site support and integration into the local and national research contexts in GermanyA letter of recommendation from your PhD supervisor at your home institutionYour CV in table formYour Diploma that entitles you to pursue a doctorateApplication form (explanation and download below)Please include these documents with your application.Application deadlines are:February 28thJuly 30thApplication formPlease save, print out, sign and send it to the Hans Böckler Foundation by post. In addition, you can also send us the signed PDF file and the other documents by email to: bewerbung[at]boeckler.deFor reasons of data protection, we recommend using encrypted documents.DOWNLOAD PDFUTE UND GYÖRGY SZÉLL INTERNATIONAL PHD-SCHOLARSHIPThe Ute and György Széll International Scholarship shall permit outstanding international PhD-students in Social Sciences and Humanities a six month-stay at a German university or research institute, foundation or archive. There is no limit of age.We expect applicants to be politically, culturally, and socially engaged and to have an active interest in the core values of the Hans Böckler Foundation.The scholarship includes a monthly stipend of EUR 1450 for living expenses and an annual allowance of EUR 1300 for travel expenses.RequirementsEnrollment in a PhD programme in the fields of Social Sciences or HumanitiesA description of your doctoral project in form of a research plan (3 pages), including the context of your further career developmentA research paper outlining the topic, questions, methodology and goals of your research in Germany (3 pages)An invitation letter from your host PhD supervisor in Germany, who is responsible for the on-site support and integration into the local and national research contexts in GermanyAn assessment by the PhD-supervisor at your home institutionYour CV in table formYour Diploma that entitles you to pursue a doctorateApplication form (explanation and download below)Please include these documents with your application.Application deadlines are:February 28thJuly 30thApplication formPlease save, print out, sign and send it to the Hans Böckler Foundation by post. In addition, you can also send us the signed PDF file and the other documents by email to: bewerbung[at] reasons of data protection, we recommend using encrypted documents.ProcedureThe announcements and the application procedure will be handled by the HBS. The applications sent to the HBS will be formally approved there.The pre-selection of the applicants will be carried out by the HBS department of study promotion with the participation of Ute and György Széll. The final decision will be taken by the HBS PhD-committee. The funds are provided by the Ute und György Széll Foundation within the HBS. This international scholarship project is limited for five years (2022-2027).DOWNLOAD PDF: https: // first Scholars of the UTE AND GYÖRGY SZÉLL PhD Scholarship are:Aurongajeb Akond from Bangladesh with an UTE AND GYÖRGY SZÉLL PhD Scholarship in Social Sciences. Included is a 6-month stay from February 2023 - August 2023 at University Kassel and Berlin School of Economics and Law Topic: The functionality of OECD Guidelines and Responses of MNEs towards Securing Labour Rights at the Global Value Chain: Effectiveness and Challenges of the National Contact Points.Maria Fragkou from Greece, with an UTE AND GYÖRGY SZÉLL PhD Scholarship in Literary Sciences. Included 6 months from June.2023 – November at Federal Archives (Koblenz) and Arolsen Archives (International Center on Nazi Persecution) Topic: International Organizations and Cross-border Interventions: Relief Work Programs for Refugees and Displaced Persons in Germany, Austria and the USSR,1943-1947.", "type": "PhD", "url": "" }
{ "name": "SOLIDARITY FUND", "text": "ORIGIN AND AIMSWhen the Chilean armed forces organised a coup against the democratically elected government of Salvador Allende in 1973, Hans Böckler Foundation scholars began to support the solidarity work for Chile. A Solidarity Fund was set up for this purpose. When the military dictatorship in Chile ended in 1992, the Solidarity Fund altered its orientation. Since then the fund’s monies have financed projects at home and abroad.FINANCINGThe fund is financed by scholars’ and personal tutors’ donations. Scholars donate roughly 1% of their scholarship; personal tutors a part or all of their expense allowance. The sum of all scholars’ donations received is doubled by the Hans Böckler Foundation. Altogether, that makes up 100% of the funds available for projects. The funds are allocated in accordance with the German Gemeinnützigkeitsrecht [Non-profit Organisation Act] (§§ 51 - 68 AO).FUNDING CRITERIAA fundamental principle is that only solidarity projects in line with the purpose of the Hans Böckler Foundation’s statute “to promote science, research, education, training and the concept of co-determination” are eligible. Print costs (for readers, flyers, posters), material costs and tangible items required for the project to be carried out, as well as educational and informative events (hiring premises, leasing technical equipment, advertising) can be funded. Conferences and publications of a purely academic nature, staff costs, fees and the long-term financing of individual projects cannot be funded.APPLICATION PROCEDURENon-profit organisations and associations (as defined in § 51, para. 2 AO; with international applications the provisions of the Gemeinnützigkeitsrecht apply correspondingly) are entitled to apply. Complete project applications with a project volume of at least 1,000 euros and as a rule up to 10,000 euros can be submitted on an ongoing basis to the Solidarity Fund. In exceptional cases funding in excess of 10,000 euros is also possible. Approval is the responsibility of the Hans Böckler Foundation.Applications can be submitted on an ongoing basis to [email protected]. The committee awarding funds meets every six months (usually in April and October).Applications must contain the following documents:Application formOutline of the project incl. schedule and budgetNon-profit-making certificateStatuteInformation onOrganisational structure (e.g. organigram)Legal structureOnce the decisions have been made, the applicants will be informed of the approval/rejection; no further substantiation will be given in the event of a rejection.ContactDr. Pascal GeißlerTel.: +49 211 7778 133solidaritaetsfonds[at]boeckler.deMORE INFORMATIONFunding criteria and application procedure (pdf):http: // fund application form (pdf):http: // fund: Brochure (pdf):https: // auf Deutsch: https: //", "type": "", "url": "" }
{ "name": "Kingston University - International Scholarships", "text": "Sub-programme:Kinds of support:Scholarships for StudentsGrants for GraduatesVolume:£ 5.000,-Research areas:Research TopicsIntersciplinary topics:Interdisciplinary TopicsTarget date:10. Mai 2024Recipients:GeneralRegional reference:WorldDescription:International Development awards scholarships worth £5,000 to successful international applicants joining us in September or January for their first year of study. Our international scholarships are partial scholarships. This means that you must make sure you can cover the outstanding amount for fees and living expenses yourself.Who can apply?We are looking for enthusiastic champions who can represent Kingston and support us with our recruitment and marketing work. You can apply for the International Scholarship if you meet the following criteria:You are applying as an international student (classified as 'overseas fees')Have received an offer to study an an Undergraduate or Postgraduate course at Kingston for September 2024Are not currently enrolled on a Kingston University degree or foundation courseHow are International Scholarships awarded?The International Scholarships will be awarded on the following basis:Your reasons for wanting to study at Kingston UniversityYour ability and enthusiasm to be a champion for Kingston and support us in our recruitment and marketing work", "type": "", "url": "" }
{ "name": "International Scholarship Program for Muslim Students and Doctoral Candidates", "text": "The new International Scholarship Program (ISP) offered by the Avicenna-Studienwerk is directed at Muslim students and doctoral candidates who want to pursue a degree program (MA) or PhD-thesis at a German university. The program is directed to Muslim students and doctoral candidates from Egypt, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Turkey.Through financial assistance, personal advising and a wide network and seminar program the ISP creates optimal conditions for academic qualification, social commitment and personal development. Aim of the program is to contribute to the development of responsible and qualified Muslim personalities and to prepare them for leading positions in science, society, economy, politics and culture. The call for applications will run from 1st March – 15th April 2024.Educational ProgramThe financial and intellectual support of international Muslim students and doctoral candidates aims to make it possible for the grantee to pursue their degree at a German university. Furthermore they are supported to become active and engaged in various areas of civil society and extra-curricular initiatives.The ISP scholarship recipients join the group of Avicenna-Studienwerk scholarship holders and are included in the full Avicenna program. They will take part in regional group meetings and educational programs such as seminars and study trips.Financial SupportFinancial support for MA-Students841 €basic scholarship per month100 €supplementary support for health insurance per month100 €travel allowance per month100 €one-time intitial helpFinancial support for doctoral candidates1190 €basic scholarship per month100 €supplementary support for health insurance per month100 €travel allowance per month100 €one-time initial helpIn addition, the following financial support may be granted under certain conditions: 276 €family allowance per month50 €one-time book allowance2050 €printing cost allowance for doctoratesup to 400 €monthly child allowance for the first child100 €for each other childApplication ProcessThe ISP is designed for students and doctoral candidates with a citizenship of Egypt, Bosnian-Herzegovina or Turkey, who want to pursue a degree program (MA) or PhD-thesis at a German university. An application is independent of age, gender or subject of study (except medicine). Resident educational students can’t be funded through the ISP. Double funding by other programs for the gifted is also excluded.Application Requirementsabove average potential for academic/research achievement;societal and/or volunteer involvement;identification with the values of the Avicenna-Studienwerk.German language skills at a communication level (B2);Egyptian, Bosnian-Herzegovinian or Turkish citizenship;maximum of one semester remaining in the Bachelor's program.Application Documents (to be submitted in German in our application portal)informal letter of application or motivation (max. 2 pages);short curriculum vitae in table form (max. 2 pages);certificate of higher education entrance qualification (Abitur, A-Levels etc.);current certificate of enrollmenttwo academic assessments or letters of recommendation;proof of social commitment;additional certificates, if applicable;copy of your identity card;current transcript of records.Additionally for Doctoral CandidatesA short synopsis of your dissertation project (max. 3 pages) with information ontopic of the project;supervisor:in;research question;current status;expected results.", "type": "", "url": "" }
{ "name": "Bewerbung «Studienstipendium»", "text": "Bewerbungsverfahren Herbst 2024, Frist: 1. September 2024Bis zum 1. September 2024 können sich bewerben:Internationale Studierende („Bildungsausländer*innen“) vor Beginn des Masterstudiums oder im Hauptstudium Diplom/Staatsexamen in Deutschland; Bewerbung vor Beginn des Studiums im Master/vor Beginn Hauptstudium möglichDas Online-Bewerbungsportal öffnet am 15. Juli 2024 und schließt am 1. September 2024.Bitte verwenden Sie ausschließlich den Adobe Acrobat Reader, um den Bewerbungsbogen auszufüllen.Der Platz im Bewerbungsbogen ist begrenzt. Bitte beschränken Sie sich beim Ausfüllen auf den dafür vorgesehenen Abschnitt, der im Papierausdruck lesbar sein muss. Dies gilt auch für die Fachgutachten.Bitte warten Sie mit dem Abschicken Ihrer Bewerbung nicht bis zum letzten Tag, damit das System nicht überlastet wird. Sobald Ihre Unterlagen vollständig sind, können Sie Ihre Bewerbung absenden.Bewerbungsverfahren Frühjahr 2025, Frist: 1. März 2025Bis zum 1. März 2025 können sich bewerben:Studierende aus dem Inland (Deutsche, Bildungsinländer*innen) im Erststudium; Bewerbung vor dem ersten Semester bis einschließlich 3. Fachsemester möglich; für den Bewerbungsschluss 1. März 2024 bis einschließlich 4. Fachsemester möglich;Studierende aus dem Inland (Deutsche, Bildungsinländer*innen) für ein Masterstudium; Bewerbung muss ein halbes Jahr vor Studienbeginn eingereicht werden;Geflüchtete, die ein Studium im Erststudium oder im Master (oder Diplom- oder Staatsexamen-Studiengang) in Deutschland beginnen oder fortsetzen wollen, können sich unabhängig von ihrem Studiensemester bewerben;Internationale Studierende („Bildungsausländer*innen“) vor Beginn des Masterstudiums oder im Hauptstudium Diplom/Staatsexamen in Deutschland; Bewerbung vor Beginn des Studiums im Master/vor Beginn Hauptstudium möglich.Das Online-Bewerbungsportal öffnet am 15. Januar 2025 und schließt am 1. März 2025.Bewerben können sich Studierende aus allen Fächern an allen staatlich anerkannten Hochschulen.Die Immatrikulationsbescheinigung, zumindest eine Bestätigung der Hochschulzulassung, muss möglichst mit der Bewerbung eingereicht werden oder muss spätestens unmittelbar vor dem Auswahlgespräch in der 3. Auswahletappe vorgelegt werden.Informationen zur Bewerbung für ein Studienstipendium:• Informationen zur Bewerbung: Infoblatt A1-1a (PDF):https: //• Information Sheet English Version: Information Sheet A1-1b (PDF):https: // für die Bewerbung:• Formular Bewerbungsbogen: Bewerbungsbogen A1-2 (PDF):http: //• Formular Fachgutachten: Fachgutachten A1-3 (PDF):https: //• Expert Reference English Version: Expert Reference Form A1-3 (PDF):https: // zum gesamten Bewerbungsverfahren finden Sie hier.", "type": "Bewerbung Studienstipendium", "url": "" }
{ "name": "Bewerbung «Promotionsstipendium»", "text": "Bewerbungsverfahren Herbst 2024, Frist 1. September 2024Bis zum 1. September 2024 können sich bewerben:Promovierende aus dem Inland (Deutsche, Bildungsinländer*innen) für die Promotion in Deutschland oder EU-Ausland (alle Fächer);Internationale Promovierende (aus der EU oder außerhalb EU, inkl. Geflüchtete) für Promotion in Deutschland (alle Fächer);Promovierende aus dem In- oder Ausland für das „Forschungscluster sozial-ökologische Transformation“ (alle Fächer)Das Online-Bewerbungsportal öffnet am 15. Juli 2024 und schließt am 1. September 2024.Bitte verwenden Sie ausschließlich den Adobe Acrobat Reader, um den Bewerbungsbogen auszufüllen.Der Platz im Bewerbungsbogen ist begrenzt. Bitte beschränken Sie sich beim Ausfüllen auf den dafür vorgesehenen Abschnitt, der im Papierausdruck lesbar sein muss. Dies gilt auch für die Fachgutachten.Bitte warten Sie mit dem Abschicken Ihrer Bewerbung nicht bis zum letzten Tag, damit das System nicht überlastet wird. Sobald Ihre Unterlagen vollständig sind, können Sie Ihre Bewerbung absenden.Bewerbungsverfahren Frühjahr 2025, Frist 1. März 2025Bis zum 1. März 2025 können sich bewerben:Promovierende aus dem Inland (Deutsche, Bildungsinländer*innen) für die Promotion in Deutschland oder EU-Ausland (alle Fächer);Internationale Promovierende (aus der EU oder außerhalb EU, inkl. Geflüchtete) für Promotion in Deutschland (alle Fächer);Promovierende aus dem In- oder Ausland für das „Forschungscluster sozial-ökologische Transformation“ (alle Fächer)Das Online-Bewerbungsportal öffnet am 15. Januar 2025 und schließt am 1. März 2025.Bitte verwenden Sie ausschließlich den Adobe Acrobat Reader, um den Bewerbungsbogen auszufüllen.Der Platz im Bewerbungsbogen ist begrenzt. Bitte beschränken Sie sich beim Ausfüllen auf den dafür vorgesehenen Abschnitt, der im Papierausdruck lesbar sein muss. Dies gilt auch für die Fachgutachten.Bitte warten Sie mit dem Abschicken Ihrer Bewerbung nicht bis zum letzten Tag, damit das System nicht überlastet wird. Sobald Ihre Unterlagen vollständig sind, können Sie Ihre Bewerbung absenden.Dissertationsthemen mit Bezug zu den Arbeitsschwerpunkten der Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung haben Vorrang.Informationen zur Bewerbung für ein Promotionsstipendium:Informationen zur Bewerbung: Infoblatt A2-1 (PDF) https: // Sheet Englische Version: Information Sheet A2-1 (PDF): https: // für die BewerbungBewerbungsbogen: Bewerbungsbogen A2-2 (PDF): https: // Fachgutachten: Fachgutachten A2-3 (PDF):https: // Expert Reference English Version: Expert Reference Form A2-3 (PDF):https: // zum gesamten Bewerbungsverfahren finden Sie hier.", "type": "Bewerbung Promotionsstipendium", "url": "" }
{ "name": "Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung: Scholarship Department", "text": "The Scholarship Department of the Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung awards financial grants to highly-qualified undergraduate and doctoral students from Germany and abroad who evidence high levels of social and political engagement. In granting scholarships, the Stiftung seeks to counteract the social, political and gender discrimination prevalent in our society, and therefore gives preference to applications from women, students of non-academic and migrant backgrounds, the socially needy, and people with disabilities who demonstrate comparable achievements and commitment. Applications from undergraduate and doctoral students from scientific and technical disciplines are actively encouraged, as well as from graduates of technical colleges.Selection and sponsorship criteria include:High scholarly and professional qualifications (proof of above-average academic achievement at school and/or university)Political and social engagement in line with the aims of the Rosa-Luxemburg-StiftungGerman language proficiency (B2 level or above)Personal/family backgroundThe Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung's Scholarship Department operates according to the principle of direct application. Information on eligibility requirements and application forms for the scholarship can be found on the applications page. These documents cannot be sent by post.Deadlines for Applications1 Aprilfor grants beginning in the winter semester (1 October) of the same year1 Octoberfor grants beginning in the summer semester (1 April) of the next yearScholarships for MA and doctoral students from Egypt, Libya, Lebanon, Tunisia, Yemen, Jordan, Morocco and Iraqgraduate students pursuing their MA, Diplom or State Examination in Germanydoctoral students pursuing a PhD or doctoral research in GermanyLux Like Studium (only for German students and a portion of international students meeting special criteria as specified in § 8 of the BAföG regulations)Lux like Studium is the Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung’s new scholarship programme designed to support and accompany school students from non-academic backgrounds in gaining admission to and completing a university degree. Students without an academic background are significantly less likely to apply to university, and are thus underrepresented on German campuses. In response, Lux like Studium provides financial support from the first semester onwards as a way to facilitate access to institutions of higher education.Study Scholarships (only for German students and a portion international students, which fullfill special criteria as specified in § 8 of the BAföG regulations)Funding is available to BA and MA students from all disciplines and all state-approved institutions of higher education who meet the requirements sets out in §8 of the German Federal Law on Education and Training (Bundesausbildungsförderungsgesetz, BAföG), namely students holding a German passport and immigrants with prospects of residing in Germany permanently. Limited funding is also available for students from other EU member states. The duration of the grant and the amount of funding provided are based on BAföG regulations. Scholarships can be awarded beginning from the second semester of studies.More informationPhD ScholarshipsThe Scholarship Department awards grants to domestic and foreign PhD students from all disciplines (except medicine, dentistry and veterinary medicine). As a rule, funding lasts for two years; this may be extended for a period of six months no more than two times in justified cases.More informationInternational ScholarshipsThe Scholarship Department also awards grants to foreign students (MA only) and PhD students who are temporarily residing in Germany for study or research purposes.Requirements:German language proficiency (B2 level or above)MA Students must be enrolled at a state or state-recognized German universityPhD students must be accepted at a German universityAdditional Support for Scholarship HoldersThe Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung's Scholarship Department offers scholarship holders a wide range of support, consisting of political education events and summer schools, workshops conducted both domestically as well as abroad, symposia and educational trips. It also organizes practical training in fields such as rhetoric, conflict management and other key skills, time management and self-management, bolstering academic qualifications, text and writing workshops, and specific seminars on methodology. Particular importance is given to scholarship holders’ self-organization and their working groups. The work of the Scholarship Department is assisted by roughly 130 academic liaisons together with the staff and networks of the Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung.For further information, please visit the German website or contact the scholarship department:Tel.: + 49 30 44310-223Email: [email protected] hours for applicants:Tuesday: 10: 00-12: 00Thursday: 14: 00-16: 00 ", "type": "", "url": "" }
{ "name": "Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung: Doctoral Scholarships", "text": "Both resident as well as foreign doctoral students are eligible to apply for a doctoral scholarship in all disciplines (except for medical degrees).Eligibility requirements for a doctoral scholarship include outstanding academic performance during undergraduate studies as well as proof of social engagement in the spirit of the Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung.Various kinds of scholarships for doctoral students exist which vary in their eligibility requirements. Applicants can only apply for one scholarship at a time!German doctoral students enrolled in a public or publicly accredited institution of higher education in Germany, the EU or Switzerland are eligible for scholarships. Foreign doctoral students enrolled in a doctoral programme at a public or publicly accredited institution of higher education in Germany are also eligible. Foreign students who plan an extended research stay outside of Germany during their doctoral studies are also eligible for this scholarship.Doctoral ScholarshipForeign doctoral students are only eligible for the research scholarship if they have been accepted to write their dissertation at a German institution of higher learning (Promotionszulassung) or are conducting research in Germany as part of their dissertation.Research Scholarships for Foreign Doctoral StudentsUsing means provided by the Federal Foreign Office (Auswärtiges Amt, AA), the Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung grants scholarships to foreigners who come to Germany for their dissertation or in order to conduct research as part of their dissertation.Eligibility requirements for foreign doctoral students (all requirements must be met):Acceptance at a public or publicly accredited institution of higher learning in Germany or abroadSupervision by a professor in GermanyOutstanding academic performanceSocial engagement in the spirit of the Rosa-Luxemburg-StiftungHigh proficiency in German (proof of instruction required) – we cannot support German language courses!If the dissertation is being written at a German university (proof of acceptance required), the maximum duration of the scholarship is two years. Further extensions can be applied for – up to two semester-long extensions, with an additional year provided to parents, in cases of illness or other significant impairments.For applicants who have already received a scholarship from other institutions, an RLS scholarship can only provided if the previous scholarship lasted less than two years. Every previous scholarship is calculated into the overall duration, i.e. subtracted from the maximum scholarship duration of two years.Generally speaking, no scholarships are provided to finish a nearly-completed dissertation. Scholarships alongside full-time employment are not permitted.The length of a research stay in Germany as part of a dissertation being completed at a foreign institution (proof of acceptance required) depends on the specifics of the research stay; it can last no longer than two years. Various extensions are possible, as described above.Private stays in one’s home country or other third countries cannot be funded.The monthly basic scholarship consists of 1200€, a transportation lump sum of 100€, and a further lump sum of 20€.Double funding with other public funds is not allowed, multiple scholarships will be calculated together.", "type": "", "url": "" }
{ "name": "Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung: Study Scholarships", "text": "Both German and foreign students from all disciplines are eligible to apply for a Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung study scholarship. Applicants must be enrolled at a German institution of higher learning. German citizens enrolled in another EU country or Switzerland are also eligible to apply. The institution can be either a university or college, and must be either public or publicly accredited.You are eligible for the domestic student scholarship if you belong the category of persons as defined by BAföG § 8, paragraphs 1 and 2 (German citizens, foreign citizens eligible for BAföG, students from an immigrant background with a long-term perspective of staying in Germany). To a limited extent, students from other EU countries can also receive these funds.Scholarships for ResidentsUsing means granted by the Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF), the Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung provides scholarships to students who belong to the category of persons defined by BAföG § 8 and to students of an immigrant background who have a long-term perspective of staying in Germany.Eligibility requirements for the various degrees:Applicants enrolled in a Diplom, Magister or state examination course at a university as well as applicants from technical colleges can receive a scholarship beginning in the second semester; they must have at least four semesters left at the time their scholarship begins.Applicants in a Bachelor’s degree course of study can also receive a scholarship beginning in their second semester. At the time of the scholarship being granted, they must have at least half of their studies (either for the Bachelor, or Bachelor and Master combined) left. The application should indicate whether an MA degree is planned.Applicants in a Master’s degree course (consecutive or non-consecutive) can only be granted a scholarship if they only have a Bachelor’s degree. Applicants with a Diplom degree from a technical college can receive a scholarship for their Master’s degree only if it is conducted at a university.Applications for a Master’s degree scholarship can only be submitted during the first semester of the course of study.Applicants in a dual course of study can also receive a scholarship if they meet all of the eligibility requirements. However, it is important to note that any apprenticeship allowance will be discounted from the total amount of the scholarship.Analogous to BAfÖG, Syrian students can also apply for a BMBF-financed scholarship. More information can be found at: http: //!-95570.html. The same criteria apply as with other resident scholarship applicants.Ineligible for scholarships:A second course of studyA (work-based) part-time course of studyStudies at a master craft schoolThe completion of a degree otherwise not linked to a scholarshipStudy abroad for non-scholarship holdersLanguage courses for non-scholarship holdersChanging the discipline of study after the fourth semesterThe maximum length as well as amount of the scholarship is defined by BAföG. The scholarship is dependent on income, yet has more generous rules than BAföG. The highest monthly scholarship payment at the moment stands at 649€, in additional to various supplemental payments.Additionally, a monthly 300€ lump sum to cover studying costs can be paid.Trips abroad (travel courses, conference attendance, semesters abroad and obligatory internships abroad) can be funded for scholarship holders.Scholarships are disbursed until the end of the maximum scholarship length (standard time of study plus possible extensions).A double scholarship (such as through receiving BAföG, unemployment benefits or other publicly funded scholarships) is excluded on principle.1 This means according to the category of persons regardless of whether one is actually eligible for BAföG or not or whether BAföG is actually received.Information for Individuals From Non-Academic BackgroundsOnly foreign students who do not belong to the group of applicants described above are eligible for international scholarships. Citizens from other EU countries can also apply. Applicants must reside in Germany for their course of study, and plan to return to their home country after completing their education.Scholarships for International StudentsScholarships for international studentsThe Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung provides scholarships to non-German citizens coming to the country to study with means provided by the Federal Foreign Office (AA).Eligibility requirements for international students (all requirements must be met):Enrolment (or at least acceptance) at a public or publically accredited university in GermanyProof of a completed Bachelor’s degree or finished basic study (Diplom, Magister, state examination)Outstanding academic performanceSocial engagement in the spirit of the Rosa-Luxemburg-StiftungProficiency in the German language (at least B-2 level) – we do not fund German language courses!Not eligible:Finishing a degree already near completionBachelor’s degree or basic studiesA second course of studyA work-based part-time degree programmeStudying abroad in your home country or other third countriesThe length of the scholarship is based on the standard length of the course of study; the maximum duration of the scholarship is comprised of the standard length of study plus possible extensions.The monthly basic scholarship consists of 850€ along with a lump sum of 20€. Additional subsidies for health and nursing insurance of no more than 86€ are also available.A double scholarship with other public funds is not allowed. In the case of multiple scholarships, total funds will be calculated together.", "type": "", "url": "" }
{ "name": "Exposé-Stipendienprogramm der Studienstiftung", "text": "Infos für Promovierende / Exposé-Stipendienprogramm der StudienstiftungDas Exposé-Stipendienprogramm eröffnet aktuellen und ehemaligen Geförderten der Studienstiftung die Möglichkeit, im Anschluss an ihren Studienabschluss eine wissenschaftliche Arbeitsphase an einer frei gewählten Einrichtung in einem anregenden wissenschaftlichen Umfeld zu realisieren.Für einen späteren Erfolg der Promotion ist der Übergang vom Studium zum Einstieg in das Dissertationsprojekt von großer Bedeutung – es ist die Zeit der Themenfindung, der Formulierung des Exposés, der Betreuer- und Hochschulwahl und nicht zuletzt der Bewerbung um ein Promotionsstipendium oder eine Promotionsstelle.1. ProgrammzielDas Exposé-Stipendium eröffnet den Geförderten die Möglichkeit, im Anschluss an ihren Studienabschluss unabhängig von den Ressourcen des Elternhauses eine wissenschaftliche Arbeitsphase an einer frei gewählten Einrichtung in einem anregenden wissenschaftlichen Umfeld zu realisieren. Es fördert die individuelle Gestaltung dieser Vorbereitungsphase und sichert Freiraum für die Wahl von Thema und Hochschulort. Insbesondere richtet sich das Stipendium an potenzielle Doktorandinnen und Doktoranden, die sich mit ihrem Dissertationsprojekt ein für sie neues Forschungsfeld erschließen und dafür auch ggf. das bisherige wissenschaftliche Umfeld verlassen möchten.Innerhalb der maximal sechsmonatigen Laufzeitwird ein inhaltlich und formal überzeugendes Exposé für ein Dissertationsprojekt ausgearbeitet, das die Grundlage für eine anschließende Bewerbung um ein Promotionsstipendium oder eine Promotionsstelle bildet,können zusätzliche methodische Qualifikationen und wissenschaftliche Kompetenzen erworben sowieMaterialien gesichtet und Gegenstandsbereiche sondiert werden,um die Basis für ein innovatives und anspruchsvolles Promotionsvorhaben zu legen.Die Entscheidung über eine eventuelle spätere Bewerbung um die Promotionsförderung der Studienstiftung wird unabhängig vom Erfolg oder Nicht-Erfolg einer vorherigen Bewerbung um das Exposé-Stipendium getroffen.2. Bewerbungsvoraussetzungen und Zeitpunkt der BewerbungUm das Exposé-Stipendium können sich Studierende bewerben, die bereits während des Studiums durch die Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes gefördert wurden oder noch gefördert werden.Die Bewerbung ist bereits während des letzten Studiensemesters bzw. -trimesters möglich.Der Studienabschluss (definiert durch den Monat, in dem die letzte examensrelevante Leistung erbracht worden ist) darf zum Zeitpunkt der Bewerbung nicht länger als sechs Monate zurückliegen.3. Ausstattung der StipendienDie Exposé-Stipendien können für eine maximale Laufzeit von sechs Monaten gewährt werden. Sie umfassen ein monatliches Stipendium von 1.100,- € im Inland bzw. 1.300,- € im Ausland (plus ein Fahrtkostenzuschuss von max. 400,- €) sowie Familienzulagen von max. 200,- €. Die Stipendien sind weltweit frei portabel.Alle im Rahmen des Exposé-Stipendienprogramms Geförderten erhalten eine Einladung zu den zweimal jährlich stattfindenden Promovierendenforen.4. Bewerbungsfristen und Termine des Auswahlausschusses 2024Der Auswahlausschuss der Promotionsförderung der Studienstiftung entscheidet viermal im Jahr über die Vergabe der Exposé-Stipendien:Bewerbung bis 14. Januar, Entscheidung im Februar 2024Bewerbung bis 14. April, Entscheidung im Mai 2024Bewerbung bis 28. Juli, Entscheidung im August 2024Bewerbung bis 13. Oktober, Entscheidung im November 20245. Bewerbungsunterlagen und weiterführende InformationenGeförderte der Studienstiftung finden Ausschreibung und Bewerbungsunterlagen im Daidalosnet unter Förderung für Promovierende/Exposè-Stipendium. : http: // diejenigen Alumni der Studienstiftung, die keinen Zugang zum Daidalosnet mehr haben, erhalten diese Unterlagen über eine kurze und formlose Anfrage (bitte mit kurzer Angabe, wie weit der Studienabschluss zurückliegt) an [email protected]", "type": "Promovierende", "url": "" }
{ "name": "Gerda Henkel Stiftung PhD scholarships", "text": "Background to the PhD ScholarshipsIn line with one of the founder’s wishes, a special focus of the Gerda Henkel Foundation is support for up-and-coming scholars. Special attention is made when approving grants to enable qualified young researchers of both sexes to conduct scientific work for a limited period of time and in order to improve their academic training. As part of its Ph.D. programme, the Foundation seeks to promote highly-qualified new academic talent. Only those candidates are considered whose study achievements and exam performances show them to be especially gifted and whose Ph.D. theses can be expected to yield well above-average results. At present, each year about 50 scholarships are awarded.ApplicationType and scope to the scholarshipThe funding period is up to two years. In justified cases, the scholarship period can be extended for up to 12 months if an extension application is made before the end of the second year of funding.It is possible to apply for:basic scholarship sumif appropriate:supplement for travel abroad (monthly endowment for stays of for weeks or more)family grant award (for children who have not yet turned 18 under presentation of the child’s birth certificate)and if required:travel expensesmaterial expensesApplication documentsFrom now on, it is only possible to apply electronically for the general research grants. The necessary application documents can be uploaded in the electronic application form.The following documents must be included in an application for a PhD scholarship (in German or English):description of the research proposal (max. 8 pages)plus bibliography if necessary (in addition to the max. 8 pages)at least font size 11 and line spacing 1.5please choose a readable font, e.g. Arial 11 pt. or Times New Roman 12 pt.time schedule and working plan with information about the necessary travel to archives, libraries and museums or other destinations required for the completion of the dissertation (max. 2 pages)detailed cost calculation (estimates if need be) of the probable travel and material costsno college or tuition feescurriculum vitae in tabular formcertificate(s) of the university degree qualifying for PhD studies (generally Master certificate; for direct doctorates: seminar attendance certificates; please do not send Bachelor certificates). Please send us copies, references do not have to be attested.two expert opinions which provide information on the applicant's qualifications and about the quality of the doctoral project:the choice of the referees is up to the applicantthe second report needs not be compiled by the person who later acts as second examiner for the Ph.D. thesisupload via the online recommendation formThe letters of recommendation should be received promptly with the application; the application can only be discussed when both letters of recommendation are available.The Foundation does not contact the authors of the letters of recommendations; you as the applicant must ensure that the letters of recommendations are submitted (promptly).possibility to submit more than two letters of recommendationPlease note that the Gerda Henkel Foundation will not contact any referees and the applicants are responsible for requesting the letters of recommendation themselves.Please do not send the following information:High School Leaving certificatesinternship certificatesseminar grades (only required for direct PhDs)employment referencesPlease note the following information:Applications which are incomplete or too voluminous will not be given consideration. The same holds true for applications for which no expert opinion has been submitted.Incomplete applications will not be considered any more after the expiration of one year.Proof of enrollment does not need to be produced.We will acknowledge receipt of your application and we would ask you not to contact us by phone on this matter.Please note the following application requirements:Only applicants who are not older than 28 years at the time of concluding their master studies may be included in the selection process.Example: If an applicant was aged 25 when graduating, then he or she can still apply to the Foundation for a Ph.D. scholarship when aged 35.This age limit shall be extended to take the following situations into account: night school, bringing up children, military service, work experience and other exceptional circumstances.It will not be possible to include the application in the selection process should there be no special reasons for graduation after the candidate turns 29.For an application to be considered in the selection process the overall master grade awarded must be at least 1.5 or above in Germany (comparable with grade A in other countries). For candidates with a foreign degree, a special examination for inclusion in the selection process will be performed in the Foundation's office. The final grade achieved in legal exams also will likewise be assessed separately.The Foundation will not grant scholarships for the completion of Ph.D. projects. A final scholarship is a grant that succeeds another grant exceeding 12 months and bestowed by a different party and/or the application for a scholarship not exceeding 12 months.Please do not additionally send the documents by email or postal mail.PaymentThe simultaneous receipt of salary or retirement pension and a scholarship is not possible. The funding period for PhD scholarships of the foundation is up to two years. In justified cases, the scholarship period can be extended for up to 12 months if an extension application is made before the end of the second year of funding.If the stipend holder becomes a parent during the period covered by the stipend and has an entitlement to maternity or parental leave, individual arrangements must be discussed with the Foundation’s administrative office.Applicable to new permits from 1 January 2024.Monthly scholarship award: 1,920 eurosFoundation stipend holders working on Ph.D. or research projects with children, will receive a monthly family grant in addition to their scholarship. The family grant is awarded on presentation of the child’s birth certificate and disbursed for children who have not yet turned 18.• for one child: EUR 480• each further child: EUR 120Monthly endowment for scholarships abroad: 480 eurosTravel aid: as requiredMaterial aid: as requiredDeadlinesApplications for PhD scholarships are considered throughout the year. Recipients of PhD scholarships will be selected four times a year. The review and approval process of a complete application is generally completed within six months. Please note that the review and approval process does not begin until the two required letters of recommendation have also been received.The Foundation’s bodies will meet and decide on the present application at the earliest date possible. We would ask you not to contact us by phone on this matter.Form and letters of recommendationElectronic Application Form for the Foundation1. Please complete the application form in full.2. The application form can be saved at any time. Using your own personal link, you can return to and edit the form for a period of ten days. However, after this period (10 Days), your data will be deleted from the server.3. Once you have completed the form, you will receive a short summary, which needs to be confirmed in order to be sent to the Foundation electronically.4. During the transmission process your data will be sent to the Foundation in electronic form. Confirmation of receipt will be sent to the e-mail address provided in the application.Please follow these rules when uploading your application files:All documents need to be uploaded as pdf-files.Please do not upload protected PDF documents.Please do not upload secured PDF documents.A single file may not exceed a file size of 6 MB each.You cannot upload more than one document per upload field.The application can only be sent, if all necessary documents are included.Please note the following additional information:Your data will be stored by the Gerda Henkel Foundation for the purpose of processing your application and will not be passed on to third parties.The Gerda Henkel Foundation will be happy to provide you with information about the data that we have stored on your person at any time. If so required, personal data can be changed or deleted.This form may only be used to make an application to the Gerda Henkel Foundation. The Foundation reserves the right to delete application data without prior notification, if necessary.Application form : https: // recommendation form:Letters of recommendation must be uploaded via the online recommendation form by their authors with a personal signature. Please do not additionally send the documents by email and/or postal mail.Online recommendation form: https: // AidPublishing aid is currently only awarded to especially successful Gerda Henkel Foundation scholars. Please include the following documents:two-page summary of the academic merit and innovativeness of the monograph/collectioncost calculation by the publishing housemanuscript on which the calculations have been made (digital)copy of the (preliminary) PhD certificateApplications can be submitted at any time.", "type": "PhD", "url": "" }
{ "name": "ÜBERBLICK: BEWERBUNG UM EIN STUDIENSTIPENDIUM", "text": "Was sind die formalen Voraussetzungen?Zugehörigkeit zur jüdischen Gemeinschaft.Deutsche Staatsangehörigkeit, Staatsangehörigkeit eines EU-Mitgliedslandes oder der Status einer*eines Bildungsinländer*in im Sinne des BAföG §8.Immatrikulation an einer staatlichen oder staatlich anerkannten Universität, Technischen Universität, Pädagogischen Hochschule, Fachhochschule, Kunstakademie, Kunsthochschule oder Musikschule in Deutschland, in einem EU-Mitgliedsland oder in der Schweiz. Abiturient*innen können sich ebenfalls bewerben.Zum Zeitpunkt der Bewerbung müssen Bewerber*innen noch mindestens 5 Semester Regelstudienzeit bis zum Erreichen der Förderungshöchstdauer nach BAföG, die der Regelstudienzeit entspricht, vor sich haben. Für Studierende in einem Bachelorstudiengang wird in diese Regelstudienzeit auch die sich an den Bachelor anschließende viersemestrige Masterphase eingerechnet.Möglich sind Bewerbungen vor Beginn eines Master-Studiums. ELES fördert nur viersemestrige Master. Bewerbungen für ein Masterstudium im Nicht EU-Ausland sind im Motivationsschreiben gesondert zu begründen.Bewerber*innen, die nicht Bildungsinländer*innen sind, müssen zum Zeitpunkt der Bewerbung das Sprachniveau B2 nachweisen. Das Bewerbungsverfahren wird vollständig auf Deutsch durchgeführt.ELES bietet keine Abschlussförderung.Wann sind die Bewerbungsfristen?Die Bewerbungsfristen für die Studierendenförderung enden i.d.R. am 30. April für die Aufnahme zum Wintersemester und am 31. Oktober für die Aufnahme zum Sommersemester.Die Auswahlseminare finden jeweils im August und im Februar statt.Was sind unsere Erwartungen an Bewerber*innen?Wir erwarten überdurchschnittliche Schul- und Studienleistungen, aber auch Einsatz darüber hinaus: In jüdischen Gemeinden, im sozialen Bereich, in der Jugendarbeit, in studentischen Organisationen oder im gesellschaftlichen Umfeld.Nach der Aufnahme in die Förderung sollen sich die Stipendiat*innen regelmäßig mit den Vertrauensdozent*innen austauschen und sich nach dem Ende der Förderung in der Ehemaligen-Initiative des Ernst Ludwig Ehrlich Studienwerks engagieren.Wir erwarten ein hohes Maß an Beteiligung an der ideellen Förderung und Engagement innerhalb der stipendiatischen Strukturen.Welche Unterlagen gehören zur Bewerbung für die ELES-Studierendenförderung?Bitte bewerben Sie sich über das Online-Bewerbungsportal. Postalische Bewerbungen werden nicht akzeptiert!Für die Bewerbung benötigen Sie folgende Unterlagen:ein Motivationsschreiben, aus dem hervorgeht, warum Sie vom Ernst Ludwig Ehrlich Studienwerk gefördert werden möchten (max. 2 Seiten),einen tabellarischen Lebenslauf,Ihr Abiturzeugnis,ggf. Praktikums- und Ausbildungsnachweise,ggf. Leistungsnachweise,ggf. Immatrikulationsbescheinigung,Kopie des Passes; Bitte beachten Sie: Sollten Sie nicht über die Staatsbürgerschaft eines EU-Mitgliedsstaates verfügen, ist zusätzlich ein gültiger Aufenthaltstitel nach §8 BAföG nachzuweisen,ggf. Nachweis Deutsch Sprachniveau B2Nachweis über soziales Engagement,ein Empfehlungsschreiben bzw. eine Referenz einer*eines Vertreter*in einer jüdischen Institution (kein Formular notwendig),zwei akademische Gutachten (bitte das ELES Formular (ELES Fomular in Englisch)verwenden).Die Gutachten und das Empfehlungsschreiben einer*eines Vertreter*in einer jüdischen Institution müssen von den Ausstellenden als PDF-Datei direkt an [email protected] geschickt werden. Von Bewerber*innen eingesandte Gutachten werden nicht akzeptiert.Die Formulare enthalten aktive Felder zur Bearbeitung am Rechner.Weitere Empfehlungsschreiben bzw. Referenzen können Sie gerne im Bewerbungsportal hochladen. Bitte beachten Sie auch die formalen Hinweise der Bewerbungsunterlagen.", "type": "", "url": "" }
{ "name": "University Summer Courses offered in Germany for Foreign Students and Graduates - DAAD-HSK scholarship", "text": "ObjectiveThis programme aims to deepen knowledge of the German language (general language, technical language) and regional studies.Who can apply?Students in undergraduate (e.g. bachelor's) and master's degree programs in all disciplines are eligible to apply.Undergraduate students must have completed at least two academic years by the time the scholarship period begins.What can be funded?The programme funds attendance of language, regional studies and technical language courses offered by state or state-recognised German universities and by affiliated language schools.Course providers and courses offered can be found on the DAAD website at: courses are taught exclusively in German.Duration of the fundingThe courses have a duration of at least 18 teaching days (max. 5 days/week, excluding arrival and departure days) with at least 25 teaching hours per week each.The grants are not extendable.The courses usually take place between the months of June and September.ValueOne-time scholarship payment of 1,134 euros; scholarship holders from the Least Developed Countries receive a scholarship in the amount of1,309 euros.Payment of a country-specific travel allowance (exception: Western Europe), see: travel allowance.Health, accident and personal liability insurance benefits.Please note:The above-mentioned scholarship benefits (including the travel allowance) are not transferred abroad.The course fees and accommodation costs are usually directly deducted from the scholarship benefits by the language course provider, so that the scholarship holder may only receive the difference to the full amount from the course provider.SelectionA selection committee will review all applicationsKey selection criteria are:- Previous academic achievements- Convincing letter of motivation for choice of study programme and future academic projectFurther informationAnswers to frequently asked questions regarding the University Summer Courses programme can be found here: FAQs (in German)", "type": "", "url": "" }
{ "name": "Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt", "text": "Our services for youFinancial benefitsDuration of funding: max. 36 monthsbasic monthly grant: € 1,600monthly material resources: 210 €further subsidy of material costs possiblemonthly child supplement and other support possibleIdeal promotionpersonal support and supervision by DBU consultantsPresentation of results, interdisciplinary exchange and excursions at DBU scholarship seminars (1 week per year)Support in the organization of your own specialist colloquiaInvitation to the Summer Academy, the Environmental Award Ceremony and other DBU events; also for alumniNetworking between scholarship holders and alumni via the Stipnet communication platformOther general conditionsApplications are welcome from all disciplines, i.e. not only from the natural and engineering sciences but also from the social sciences, humanities, economics and law. Interdisciplinary environmental research is especially encouraged.Promising applicants have an above-average degree and are highly motivated to contribute to the solution of current environmental problems in a goal-oriented manner or to promote sustainable development.The complete application documents have to be written in German; the applicants have a good knowledge of German.Stays abroad are possible as long as the doctoral studies take place mainly at the supervising institution in Germany.Incomplete applications and applications received after the respective application deadline cannot be considered.No more than one application per working group/scientific supervisor may be submitted per application round.Doctoral fellowships support individuals but not institutions.It is not permissible to focus on a larger set of topics (bundling of individual applications) that has not been coordinated with the DBU.Rejection of a scholarship application will preclude reapplication.Our goalsscientific knowledge gain and new solution approaches for environmental protection and nature conservationSupport for highly motivated doctoral students who complete their doctorates within three yearsQualification of young scientists with high environmental competenceNetworking between environmental experts from all disciplinesOur requirements for youWith your doctorate you want to develop sustainable solutions for current environmental problems.You have or are earning an above-average degree; all majors are eligible.You have a coherent resume.Your doctoral thesis deals with the environmental situation in Germany or with global environmental challenges with relevance for Germany.Your doctorate will be at a German university and has not yet begun. (A project is considered to have been started if you have been working scientifically on your doctoral topic for more than 1 year since graduation).detailed information can be found in our funding guidelines.https: //", "type": "Students from all majors and disciplines with an interest in literature", "url": "" }
{ "name": "DLR-DAAD Research Fellowship Programme ", "text": "Objective„DLR-DAAD Research Fellowships“ is a programme implemented by the 'German Aerospace Center' (DLR) and the 'German Academic Exchange Service' (DAAD). DLR is Germany´s national research center for aeronautics and space. Its extensive research and development work in Aeronautics, Space, Energy, Transport, Digitalisation and Security is integrated into national and international cooperative ventures. As Germany´s space agency, DLR has been given responsibility for the forward planning and the implementation of the German space program by the German federal government as well as for the international representation of German interests. Approximately 10,000 people plus approx. 550 visiting scientists are employed in DLR´s 55 institutes and facilities at 30 locations in Germany.Who can apply?This special programme is intended for highly-qualified foreign graduates, doctoral and postdoctoral students as well as senior scientists. DLR-DAAD Fellowships are defined and awarded on an individual basis. Each fellowship announcement will indicate the specific qualification requirements and terms of visit.What can be funded?The current offers are published under DLR-DAAD Fellowships - Current offers on the homepages of the DAAD and the DLR in the research fields:AeronauticsSpaceEnergyTransportationDigitalisationSecurityPlease note that within the DLR-DAAD programme, you can apply only for a DLR institute, not for a university or any other institution.Duration of the fundingType A - Graduate Students: 9 monthsType B - Doctoral Students: 36 monthsType C - Postdoctoral Students: 6 to 24 monthsType D - Senior Scientists: 1 to 3 monthsValueType A – Graduate Students (Research in Germany): monthly instalment of 934 euros; plus e.g. flat-rate travel allowance, rent subsidy, health insurance, family allowancesType B - Doctoral Students (Doctorate in Germany): monthly instalment of 1,760 euros; e.g. flat-rate travel allowance, health insurance, family allowancesType C - Postdoctoral Students (Research in Germany): 2,400 euros per monthType D - Senior Scientists (Research in Germany): 2,760 euros per monthFurther informationFor further information see:", "type": "Graduates, Doctoral candidates/PhD students, Postdoctoral researchers, Faculty ", "url": "" }
{ "name": "TheMuseumsLab", "text": "ObjectiveTheMuseumsLab is a programme for joint learning, perspective exchange, networking and career building among African and European professionals. Bringing them togetherto build bridges between individuals, institutions, nations and two continents for an engaged discussion on how museums can confront their past, meet the present needs of society and work towards an equitable future.Who can apply?African und European Museum professionals who have at least two years experience of working in the museum, heritage, or art sector.What can be funded?The participation in the complete programme of 2024Duration of the fundingProgramme activities will take place from 6 June 2024 to 10 December 2024.Kick-Off Events (Online)6 JuneModule 1 (Online)11 to 13 June & 18 to 19 JuneModule 2 (Onsite in Berlin)4 to 12 SeptemberResidencies at European Partner Museums (Onsite, Europe)12 September to 19 September-->for Fellows assigned to a European Partner MuseumResidencies at African Partner Museums (Onsite, Africa)6 to 13 November-->for Fellows assigned to an African Partner MuseumModule 3 (Onsite in Accra)13 to 21 NovemberClosing Event (Online)10 DecemberValueFor the onsite phases the following programme-related costs will be covered by the DAAD:International and national transport to arrive to and depart from programme locations (lowest possible economy class airfare and 2nd class train tickets)Local public transport (if applicable) during Module 2, Module 3 and the ResidenciesAirport transfers (Module 3 in Accra, Residencies in Africa if applicable)Visa fees (for visa processes at official entities)Health insurance (reimbursement up to 40 Euros)Accommodation during the onsite Modules and Residency LocationsProgramme related entrance feesDaily allowance during the onsite Modules and Residencies (limited compensation for meals not provided in the programme)Please note: All programme related travels and accommodations will also be arranged and booked by the DAAD.SelectionA selection committee which consists of African and European experts will review the applications.The selection criteria are:Professional competencies and experiencesPractical experience of at least 2 years in a museum, heritage site or art space, relating to themes such as Archaeology, Architecture, Art, Cultural History, Natural Sciences and Technology.Commitment to the programmeHigh motivation to actively engage in participation formats.A prerequisite for the selection of a candidate is the binding commitment to participate in all activities of TheMuseumsLab.Personal skillsCollaborative skillsRespectful communicationCreativity & InnovativenessSelf-responsibilityAbility to autonomously adapt to unfamiliar surroundingsResilienceAbility to constructively question established structuresAbility to self-reflectAspiration to hold a leading position within a museum, heritage site or art space and to act as a multiplierLanguage skillsAdequate language proficiency in English (written and spoken) is essential in order to participate actively in the programme.)Further informationThe programme is curated and implemented by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin (MfN).It consists of a seminar (three modules), residencies at European and African partner museums] and a project phase.It will start with an online phase (kick-off and module 1) in June 2024, continue with the first presence phase (module 2 in Berlin, residencies at European and African partner museums) in September 2024 and close with the second presence phase (module 3, project work in Accra, Ghana) in November 2024.Please note: the implementation of the programme is subject to the approval of funds.", "type": "Graduates", "url": "" }
{ "name": "AIESEC: Global Talent Programme", "text": "Programme DescriptionThe programme sets up paid and unpaid internships mostly in the fields of business administration and marketing, business development, finance and IT. Participants broaden their professional knowledge in an international environment, increase their employability and contribute to the development of a company abroad. At the same time they are given the opportunity to get to know different cultures, improve their language skills and play an active role in the challenging day-to-day working environment of an international company.The Global Talent programme does not provide financial support, but arranges internships instead. Participants pay a one-off exchange fee of 400 EUR, find an individually set up internship and are then supported before and during their stay. Participants receive either a salary or an apartment from their employer. Most of the time, they receive a salary that can be used to finance accommodation and living costs on site. The amount of the salary is based on the average income of the country in the respective region and is displayed before the application.Target Groupbetween 18 and 30 years oldAcademic RequirementsDepending on the internship; some employers require enrolment or studies in a certain subject.Number of Scholarshipsdepending on availabilityDurationdepending on individual circumstancesScholarship ValueAIESEC does not offer any funding but for a one-off fee of 400 EUR, it helps arrange the internship and supports with administrative preparations.Application PapersCandidates will find the application forms and further information on the application process here.Application DeadlineApplication is possible at any time.", "type": "Undergraduates, Graduates ", "url": "" }
{ "name": "Baden-Württemberg Stiftung: The Baden-Württemberg-STIPENDIUM for Students ", "text": "Programme DescriptionThe Baden-Württemberg-STIPENDIUM for Students is a programme established by the Baden-Württemberg Stiftung.You can apply ifyou are a highly qualified undergraduate, graduate or doctoral studentyou study at institutions of higher education either in the federal state of Baden-Württemberg (Germany) or at their international partner institutionsyou want to spend 1 or 2 exchange semesters at one of the partner institutions either in Baden-Württemberg (Germany) or abroadThe applications are exclusively handled by the International Offices; not by the Baden-Württemberg Stiftung. For specific information on the application process, the deadline and application forms, please contact the International Office at your higher education institution.Every year about 1,500 young people from all over the world are given the opportunity to study abroad with the Baden-Württemberg-STIPENDIUM. Scholarships are equally distributed between applicants from the federal state of Baden-Württemberg going abroad and candidates from abroad coming to the German federal state Baden-Württemberg.Target GroupThe programme is intended for highly qualified undergraduates, graduates and doctoral candidates from all disciplines at institutions of higher education in Baden-Württemberg and their partner institutions abroad.Academic Requirementsenrolment at a higher education institution in Baden-Württemberg or a partner institution abroadNumber of Scholarshipsabout 1,500 scholarships per yearDurationThe funding period ranges between 3 and 11 months.Scholarship ValueThe scholarship amount varies, depending on the distance to the partner institution, any possible tuition fees, the costs of living in the host country, any possible currency differences or particular visa requirements, etc.The scholarship is calculated individually and amounts from 600 EUR to 1,400 EUR per month. Scholars also receive non-material assistance and are part of a broad international network connecting people from different disciplines and cultures.Application PapersFor further information on the scholarship, please visit the websites of the Baden-Württemberg-STIPENDIUM.For specific information on the application process, the deadline and application forms, please contact the International Office at your higher education institution.Application DeadlineThe exact date of the application deadline may vary - please contact the International Office at your higher education institution.", "type": "Undergraduates, Graduates, Doctoral candidates/PhD students ", "url": "" }
{ "name": "Bayer Foundation: Carl Duisberg Fellowships in Medical Sciences", "text": "Programme DescriptionThe Carl Duisberg fellowship offers individual support to students in the disciplines of human or veterinary medicine or for an MSc or PhD (or equivalent) in medical engineering, applied medical sciences, public health, or data science in medicine. It funds students from Germany who wish to carry out research stays, internships or part of a degree course abroad as well as international students who plan to study, research or do an internship in Germany. Candidates show a strong sense of commitment and motivation and submit an innovative international research proposal, which will be funded individually.The funding cannot be used to undertake internships in commercial organisations/industry.Target GroupStudents from the following fields are invited to apply: human or veterinary medicine, medical engineering, applied medical sciences, public health, or data science in medicine.Academic RequirementsMaster's or PhD students; Bachelor's students and postdocs cannot receive funding.Duration2 to 6 monthsScholarship Valueindividual financial support, but limited to 10,000 EUR per requestApplication PapersApplication forms and further information on the application procedure can be found here.Application DeadlineApplication deadlines can be found here:https: // ", "type": "Graduates, Doctoral candidates/PhD students ", "url": "" }
{ "name": "Bayer Foundation: Jeff Schell Fellowship in Agricultural Sciences ", "text": "Programme DescriptionThe Jeff Schell Fellowship can be granted to MSc and PhD students from all fields of natural science and data science with fundamental or applied studies with relevance to the crop science industry.Students from Germany who are going abroad for a study or research project or practical work experience or students from abroad who are studying, researching or doing an internship in Germany can apply.Applicants should have a high level of motivation, personal commitment and an innovative international project. The programme offers individual financial support for this.Target Groupstudents (MSc or PhD) of natural science and data science with fundamental or applied studies in agricultural scienceAcademic RequirementsApplicants are currently studying for an MSc or PhD.Duration2 weeks to 6 monthsScholarship Valueindividual financial support, limited to 10,000 EUR per applicationApplication PapersThe application documents and further information on the application process can be found here.Application DeadlinePlease check the website for up-to-date information on application deadlines.https: //", "type": "Graduates, Doctoral candidates/PhD students ", "url": "" }
{ "name": "Bayer Foundation: Kurt Hansen Fellowship in STEM Education ", "text": "Programme DescriptionThe Kurt Hansen Fellowship supports teachers, trainee teachers and student teachers in the STEM area (mathematics, computer science, natural sciences and technology).The Kurt Hansen grant can be used for the following activities:internships, in Germany or abroadresearch projects in STEM education (in Germany or abroad)further education and training, summer schools, research classes, etc., related to STEM education (in Germany or abroad)courses on science communication, civic science or equivalent (in Germany or abroadCandidates show a strong sense of commitment and motivation and submit an innovative international research project, which will be funded individually.Target GroupApplicants must study or work in Germany.The following can apply for a grant:students of pedagogy, trainee teachers or student teachers (Bachelor, Master, PhD) in STEM subjectsyoung teachers (less than 3 years of teaching experience) with a focus on STEM subjectsteachers at elementary schools and special schools (independent of their professional experience) who want to improve their knowledge and skills in STEM teachingDurationInternships may take up to 6 months.Other activities that may receive funding may take 1 year.Scholarship Valueindividual financial support, but limited to 10,000 EUR per requestApplication PapersPlease find the application forms and further information on the application procedure here.Application DeadlinePlease find the updated deadlines for application here.", "type": "Undergraduates, Graduates, Doctoral candidates/PhD students ", "url": "" }
{ "name": "Bayer Foundation: Otto Bayer Fellowship in Drug Discovery ", "text": "Programme DescriptionThe scholarships are aimed at students in the following disciplines: natural science, pharmacy or data science with relevance to the pharmaceutical and consumer healthcare (over-the-counter) industries.Students from Germany who are going abroad for a study project or practical work experience or students from abroad who are studying, researching or doing an internship in Germany can apply. Internships cannot be undertaken in a commercial organisation/industry.Candidates have a strong sense of commitment and motivation and submit an innovative research proposal, which will be funded individually.Target Groupstudents in Master's or PhD programmes from the following subjects:natural sciencepharmacydata scienceAcademic RequirementsEnrolment in a Master's or PhD programmeDuration2 weeks to 6 monthsScholarship Valueindividual financial funding up to 10,000 EURApplication PapersPlease find the application forms and further information on the application procedure here.Application DeadlineThe updated deadlines for application can be found here: https: //", "type": "Graduates, Doctoral candidates/PhD students ", "url": "" }
{ "name": "Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds: PhD Fellowships ", "text": "Programme DescriptionThe Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds offers doctoral fellowships to outstanding junior scientists who want to conduct an ambitious doctoral project in the field of basic biomedical research at an internationally leading laboratory. The financing includes a monthly stipend plus a country-dependent premium, and a fixed monthly amount for minor project-related costs. The fellowships are initially awarded for 2 years with the option to extend for up to 18 months. Moreover, participation in international scientific conferences and practice-oriented training courses is supported. Beside the financial support, fellows receive personal support, participate in seminars where they discuss their research projects with other fellows, and attend communication trainings designed especially for the needs of scientists.Target GroupOutstanding European junior scientists who want to do research worldwide, and non-European scientists wishing to do research in Europe. Applicants must have obtained their first university entrance qualification (secondary school leaving certificate, A-levels, or entrance test for first university studies after finishing school) within 8 years (96 months) before the application deadline.Academic RequirementsNatural scientists should have obtained their last university degree (BSc, diploma, MSc or equivalent) before starting their doctorate.Please apply when you are starting your doctoral project or have just started, preliminary results are not expected. If you started your project more than 6 months before the deadline, you are no longer eligible to apply.Eligible applicants meet the following criteria: (1) outstanding academic record, (2) research proposal of extraordinary scientific quality and (3) excellent scientific standard of the laboratory, in which the project is to be realised.Number of Scholarshipsabout 45 fellowships per yearDuration2 years with the option to apply for an extension of up to 18 monthsScholarship Valuebase amount of 1,650 EUR per month plus individual country allowance, i.e., of 300 EUR in Germany and 1,400 EUR in the USAplus 150 EUR lump sum per month for material expensesallowance for accompanying spouses and children possibletravel allowance possibleattendance of tailored seminars for scientific research and networking during the fellowship and beyondcommunication traininglifetime membership in the alumni networkindividual support by the foundationApplication PapersAll application forms and further information on the application procedure are available here.Application Deadline1 February,1 June and 1 October of each yearhttps: //", "type": "Doctoral candidates/PhD students", "url": "" }
{ "name": "Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds: Travel Grants ", "text": "https: // DescriptionThe Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds travel grants are aimed at doctoral, MD and post-doctoral students who pursue experimental projects in basic biomedical research and who wish to learn methods relevant to their current research. To this end, the grant finances the participation in practical training courses or short-term research stays in other laboratories. The travel grant programme is open to all Europeans and to non-Europeans working in Europe to go to institutes or courses worldwide. Non-Europeans working outside Europe can apply for stays in Europe. Travel grants are awarded for up to 3 months and encompass a contribution which may cover the expenses for travel, lodging, and course fees.Target GroupPhD students or medical students pursuing an experimental doctoral thesis in basic research in biomedicinePostdocs who are pursuing an experimental project in basic research in biomedicineGraduates who have applied for an experimental PhD project in basic research in biomedicine, but who have not yet worked with their potential PhD supervisorsThe recipients of the funding are Europeans who work in Europe and overseas, as well as non-European citizens who carry out their MD, PhD or postdoc project in Europe or who use the travel grant to work in Europe.Academic RequirementsGood academic standing and at least a BScNumber of ScholarshipsAbout 150 travel grants per yearDurationUp to 3 monthsScholarship ValueAllowance which may cover the expenses for travel to and from the respective destination, lodging, and course feesApplication PapersApplication forms and further information on the application procedure are available here.Application DeadlineApplications are welcome at any time, but must be submitted at the latest 6 weeks before, but not earlier than 6 months prior to the planned date of departure.", "type": "Doctoral candidates/PhD students, Postdoctoral researchers ", "url": "" }
{ "name": "Canon Foundation Research Fellowship ", "text": "Programme DescriptionAnnually, the Canon Foundation in Europe grants up to 15 fellowships to European researchers to enable them to continue their studies in Japan. The same applies to PhD researchers based in Japan in relation to their studies in Europe. This offers the scholarship holders the unique opportunity to exchange skills and knowledge while at the same time promoting cultural and scientific understanding between the two regions. The research grants cover a wide range of topics - from molecular biology and garden architecture to automotive studies and genealogy.Target GroupEuropean and Japanese researchersAcademic RequirementsApplicants should have obtained at least a Master's or PhD degree within the last 10 years of applying to the Canon Foundation. Exceptions are possible.Number of Scholarshipsup to 15 annuallyDurationminimum period of 3 months up to maximum of 1 yearScholarship ValueCanon Fellows from Europe are free to choose their host institutes and hosts in Japan. The same freedom is given to Japanese Canon Fellows coming to Europe. The financial support for Research Fellows may amount up to 30,000 EUR per year and pro-rata for different periods.Application PapersYou will find all application forms and further information on the application procedure here.Application DeadlineApplicable deadlines will be published on the website.", "type": "Graduates, Doctoral candidates/PhD students, Postdoctoral researchers ", "url": "" }
{ "name": "Cusanuswerk: Undergraduate and Postgraduate Fellowships ", "text": "Programme DescriptionThe Cusanuswerk offers fellowships to particularly gifted students and doctoral candidates of catholic faith from all disciplines. Besides the funding the support entails an interdisciplinary training programme, which aims at encouraging debates on the roles of science and belief or society and the Church. Financial support for students consists of a monthly, non-repayable grant based on the BAföG and a standard study cost allowance; doctoral candidates receive an income-independent grant and a research cost allowance. If necessary, family allowances and contributions to child care are granted. A large number of cross-disciplinary educational events and discussion groups provide non-material support.Target Groupstudents and doctoral candidates of catholic faith with an excellent academic record, strong reflection skills and a commitment to standing up for the catholic faith and the ChurchAcademic Requirementsstudents and doctoral candidatesDurationFor scientific reasons, the doctorate can be funded for a maximum of 3 years; in the event of illness or child care, the funding period can be extended to a maximum of 4 years.The duration of the funding for students is individually agreed.Scholarship ValueThe monthly amount is modelled after the BAföG grant and calculated depending on the income or assets of the candidate, the candidate's parents or spouse. In addition, a standard study cost allowance of 300 EUR per month is granted.Doctoral candidates receive a monthly stipend of 1,450 EUR per month regardless of parental income plus a research cost allowance of 100 EUR as well as health care-, child- and family allowances, if required.Cusanuswerk encourages the fellows to supplement their studies with a stay abroad during the funding period, and therefore supports studies, language courses, practical years, clinical traineeships, internships, study trips, research stays and specialist courses abroad.Application PapersPlease find the application forms and further information on the application procedure here.Application DeadlineThe updated application deadlines may be found here.", "type": "Undergraduates, Graduates, Doctoral candidates/PhD students ", "url": "" }
{ "name": "DAAD Konrad Zuse School of Excellence in Reliable Artificial Intelligence (relAI): Scholarship for Master's Students ", "text": "Programme DescriptionThe research and training programme focusses on the mathematical and algorithmic foundations of reliable AI along with domain knowledge in three core application domains, for which reliable AI methods are most urgently needed: medicine and healthcare, robotics & interacting systems, and algorithmic decision-making. relAI scholarships are intended to support outstanding students who are studying AI related subjects so they are able to focus on their studies. relAI offers a cross-sectional training for successful education in AI including scientific knowledge, professional development courses and industrial exposure, providing a coherent, yet flexible and personalised training. The scholarship is mainly awarded based on academic excellence, but also aims to improve internationalisation and diversity in AI-related teaching programmes.Target GroupHighly qualified (current or prospective) Master's students who have achieved excellent results in their Bachelor's studies, and who pursue Master's level studies in Artificial Intelligence, broadly conceivedAcademic RequirementsMaster's students pursuing studies in Artificial Intelligence and related subjectsNumber of Scholarships15Duration24 monthsScholarship ValueThe scholarship consists of a monthly allowance of currently 934 EUR. Any extra income must be declared, and the scholarship may be reduced by the amount of gross income exceeding 520 EUR.Application PapersCVCopies of relevant diplomas and transcriptsMotivation letter, also highlighting previous experience in the field, e.g. in Bachelor's thesisProof of English language proficiency: level C1 or equivalent (also acceptable: proof that previous university degree was taught mainly in English)Application DeadlineOpen calls are published on the website.", "type": "Graduates ", "url": "" }
{ "name": "DAAD Zuse School of Embedded Composite Artificial Intelligence (SECAI): Scholarships for Master's students in AI ", "text": "Programme DescriptionSECAI scholarships were created to support outstanding students who intend to study AI or a related field at TU Dresden or Leipzig University. AI is viewed as an interdisciplinary undertaking that requires talents in computer science, engineering, mathematics, social science, law, the natural sciences, and application areas such as medicine.The scholarships cover living expenses in Germany to allow students to focus on their studies, kick-start their research career, and build their professional network.The scholarship is mainly awarded based on academic excellence, but also aims to improve internationalisation and diversity in AI-related teaching programmes. Women in STEM subjects are particularly encouraged to apply. Special personal circumstances are taken into account, for example if students are systematically disadvantaged or prosecuted in their home countries, or are refugees of war.Target GroupHighly qualified (current or prospective) Master's students who have achieved excellent results in their Bachelor's studies, and who pursue Master's level studies in Artificial Intelligence, broadly conceived.Academic RequirementsMaster's students pursuing studies in Artificial Intelligence and related subjectsNumber of Scholarships20DurationUp to 24 monthsScholarship ValueThe grant consists of a monthly allowance as defined in the SECAI scholarship regulations, currently 934 EUR. Any extra income must be declared, and the scholarship may be reduced by the amount of gross income exceeding 520 EUR. Foreign students may be entitled to a monthly family allowance.Application PapersApplications should include the following information and documents:Motivation letter, including your topical connection to SECAI and AI in your (planned or current) studies at TU Dresden or Leipzig UniversityCVBachelor's certificate (if available), transcript of records, other certificates if relevantDeclaration of other sources of income, including other scholarshipsIf you have applied for admission to a Master's programme in parallel: reference number and submission date of your application.Incomplete applications cannot be taken into consideration.Application DeadlineApplications for scholarships starting in the winter semester of each year must be received by 19 May (first round) and 30 June (second round) of each year. First-round applications are decided earlier to help with planning.", "type": "Graduates", "url": "" }
{ "name": "Deutsche Universitätsstiftung: Welcome Programme ", "text": "Programme DescriptionIn 2015 the German University Foundation DUS launched the Welcome scholarship programme for students at German higher education institutions who are refugees. An essential component of the programme is that on-site teaching staff mentor students in a one-on-one approach in the candidates’ respective subject areas. The DUS acts as a mediator between the teaching staff and the students. In addition, the scholarship offers workshops (on time- and learning management skills, application training), coachings, networking opportunities, potential analyses, specialist meetings and symposia and a budget for study-related costs and tech equipment to promote the students’ academic success and facilitate their access to the German labour market.Academic RequirementsApplicants are enrolled in a Bachelor’s programme at a German institution of higher education, college of art or music (humanities, economic sciences or STEM disciplines), and have not yet completed their 2nd semester. OrApplicants are enrolled in a degree programme concluding with a state examination at a German institution of higher education, college of art or music (medicine, pharmacology, law), and have not yet completed their 2nd semester.Students enrolled in dual or private higher education institutions are not eligible to apply.Number of ScholarshipsApprox. 40DurationStudents receive the scholarship until they have finished their programme (standard period of study + 2 semesters).Scholarship Valueplacement with a locally based university teacher of the candidate’s subject area as a mentorcontinuous support of the mentoring relationships by the German University Foundationobligatory biannual seminars aimed at developing core skills in the following fields: mentoring as a chance and a mission, self- and learning management skills, how to put together presentations and present oneself, job application training, business etiquette and communication, intercultural competence1 personal one-on-one coaching with a professional coach during the study periodparticipation in academic events (i.e. the symposium by the German Association of University professors and Lecturers, DHV) as well as active involvement in relevant networkscompensation for travel expenses to seminars and other trips in connection with the Welcome programmeyearly budget for each student for study-related costsone-time budget for buying digital tech equipmentApplication PapersPlease submit your application together with a scholarship motivation letter (1 page at most), detailing your expectations concerning the programme, a resume in table format (2 pages max.), certificates, and your enrolment certificate as a PDF file exclusively via e-mail to Frau Simone Geerdsen.Application DeadlineYou can find the current application deadline on the website.", "type": "Undergraduates ", "url": "" }
{ "name": "Ernst Ludwig Ehrlich Studienwerk: Doctoral Scholarship ", "text": "Programme DescriptionThe Ernst Ludwig Ehrlich Studienwerk (ELES) is one of the foundations for the development of talent which are supported by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). The Studienwerk specifically promotes talented Jewish students and doctoral candidates. ELES stands for a pluralistic, liberal and confident Judaism with a sense of its own history.Technically qualified Jewish doctoral candidates in all disciplines and concentrations (except medicine) are eligible for funding by ELES. Moreover, non-Jewish PhD students are invited to apply, provided that they propose a research project focusing on a Jewish subject.Candidates are expected to submit an innovative doctoral project of exceptional scientific quality which must be concluded within a range of 3 years and effective academic mentoring which is suitable for the candidate as well as for the project.In addition to having an outstanding academic record, applicants are actively involved in, i.e., the Jewish community, the social field, youth work, student organisations or their social environment. Furthermore, they should keep in regular contact with the liaison lecturer and actively participate in the scholarship’s non-material services, activities and organisations as well as – after the programme has ended – join and contribute to the alumni network of the Ernst Ludwig Ehrlich Studienwerk.Target Grouptechnically qualified Jewish doctoral candidates in all disciplines and concentrations (except medicine) and non-Jewish PhD students who propose a research project focusing on a Jewish subjectAcademic Requirementsadmission to a doctoral programme at a state or state-recognised institution of higher education in Germany or, if the applicant holds German citizenship, in an EU member state or SwitzerlandIn justified cases doctoral programmes at a higher education institution in an extra-European country may be funded.The doctoral scholarship promotes the next generation of academics. The application for a doctoral scholarship should be made in the initial phase of developing the dissertation.DurationThe doctoral scholarships are generally awarded over a standard period of 2 years. In exceptional cases, however, academics may apply for the funding to be renewed twice for 6 months at a time.Scholarship Valuefinancial supportnon-material supportreligious mentoringcomprehensive mentoring of the academics with the aim of promoting academic excellence and fostering personal growthApplication PapersPlease find detailed information on the application procedure here.Application DeadlineDeadlines for scholarship application are 31 March for admission on 1 October of the same year and 30 September for admission to the programme starting 1 April of the following year.", "type": "Doctoral candidates/PhD students ", "url": "" }
{ "name": "European Union: Erasmus+ Mobility Programme for Higher Education Students ", "text": "Programme DescriptionErasmus+ mobility of individuals sponsors study periods and traineeships (work placements) in 33 specified Erasmus+ programme countries and in Erasmus+ partner countries around the world. link: https: // GroupThe programme is intended for students whoare regularly enrolled at a German higher education institution,have completed their first year of study,are enrolled at a higher education institution participating in the Erasmus+ projectAND whose home institution has signed an Erasmus cooperation agreement with the receiving institution.Academic RequirementsErasmus+ mobility of individuals is open to all students at higher education institutions participating in the Erasmus+ programme who are in at least their second year of study.Number of ScholarshipsIn 2022, approximately 55,000 participants were funded within the Erasmus+ framework.DurationThe duration of the Erasmus+ study and traineeship periods may vary from 2 to 12 months. The maximum, however, is of 36 months for studies or traineeships:For Bachelor's, Master's or doctoral students of up to 12 monthsFor students in comprehensive degree courses, such as medicine, programmes ending with a state examination or traditional diploma courses the grant will be awarded for a period of up to 24 months and an additional 12 months for students pursuing a doctoral degree.The scholarship can be split up within one study cycle, for example into 2 6-month stays.Moreover, in certain circumstances, shorter stays in the form of a blended mobility (combination of virtual and physical stays abroad) can be funded. The duration of the physical stay abroad has a minimum of 5 days and a maximum of 30 days.Scholarship ValueThe grant value varies depending on destination and higher education institution. Sponsored students are exempt from tuition, registration, examination, laboratory and library fees at the host institution.Application PapersIn order to take part in the Erasmus+ individual mobility programme please contact the Erasmus+ coordinators at the International Office of your home institution.For further information on essential requirements and the application process, visit the Erasmus+ website.Application DeadlinePlease contact the International Office of your home institution for further information on the application deadlines.", "type": "Undergraduates, Graduates, Doctoral candidates/PhD students ", "url": "" }
{ "name": "European Union: Erasmus+ Mobility Project for Higher Education Teachers and Staff ", "text": "Programme DescriptionThe Erasmus+ individual mobility project is not only aimed at students but also at university teachers and members of staff at higher education institutions in Germany and other European states. The programme is intended to sponsor mobility of teaching, education and training within 33 European countries, or Erasmus+ programme countries, and in the specified Erasmus+ partner countries around the world. For further information applicants should contact the International Office of their home institution.Target GroupErasmus+ mobility activities further individual training and education of all staff at higher education institutions.The project offers teaching assignments geared to:professors and other teaching staff who are under contract to the institution of higher educationmembers of scientific staffdoctoral candidates active in teachingstaff from any international enterprise or organisation (may be invited to teach at a higher education institution in Germany)Durationeducation and training: 2 days (programme countries) or 5 (partner countries) to 60 days (excluding travel times)teaching: teaching duration corresponds to the duration of education and training. The necessary pensum per stay is 8 lessons for the first week or a shorter visit. For stays exceeding 1 week (7 days) the teaching requirement will be calculated on a pro rata basis.Scholarship ValueThe financial aid varies depending on the cost of living in the target countries. Find further information on the support for teaching and training and for teaching assignment.Application PapersIn order to take part in Erasmus+ mobility of individuals you should contact the Erasmus+ coordinator at the respective International Office.Application DeadlineThe International Office of your home institution of higher education will provide you with the relevant application deadlines: https: // ", "type": "Doctoral candidates/PhD students, Postdoctoral researchers, Faculty", "url": "" }
{ "name": "Evangelisches Studienwerk: Scholarship for Doctoral Students ", "text": "Programme DescriptionEvery year the Studienwerk funds scholarships and a wide range of educational programmes for about 300 German and foreign doctoral candidates of protestant faith from all disciplines. The grants are awarded in accordance with the guidelines by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.Target GroupGerman and foreign nationals of protestant faith with excellent academic standing who wish to obtain or are already studying for a doctorate at a German higher-education institutionIn well-founded cases, Germans can pursue their doctorate degree at a higher education institution in a member state of the European Union, in Great Britain, in Norway or in Switzerland.Academic Requirementsadmission to a doctorate at a German higher education institutionAn application is possible if the applicant has not worked on the project for more than a year.Number of Scholarshipsabout 300 scholarships per yearDurationScholarships are initially awarded for a period of 2 years, an extension of the funding period for up to 3 years at most is possible.Scholarship ValueA full grant currently amounts to 1,350 EUR. Doctoral candidates moreover receive a research allowance of 100 EUR. If there are children under the age of 14 living with the doctoral candidate for whom the candidate is the legal guardian, the candidate is eligible for a child care allowance or support for a parental year.Application PapersAll application forms and further information on the application procedure can be found here.Application DeadlineThere are 2 application deadlines every year: 1 December and 1 June.", "type": "Doctoral candidates/PhD students ", "url": "" }
{ "name": "Evangelisches Studienwerk: Scholarship for Students ", "text": "Programme DescriptionThe ESV scholarships are open to protestant students from all disciplines and subjects wishing to study full-time at a state or state-recognised higher education institution. You are welcome to apply if you are not a member of a Protestant church. In this case, your application and specifically your letter of motivation will be evaluated by a committee, which decides whether you will be admitted to the first round of interviews. Applicants older than 35 years are required to include a special request into their application.The programme includes close and individual mentoring, a vast range of seminars and the opportunity for student participation at all levels. It is worth up to 812 EUR every month plus 300 EUR to cover study costs and offers further financial support, i.e. when students go abroad to study.Target GroupStudents from all disciplines and subjects, who wish to start a degree course or are already studying at a higher education institution. Students with a non-academic family background and from universities of applied sciences are welcome to apply.Academic RequirementsGerman students who study or plan to study at higher education institutions in the EU or SwitzerlandStudents with citizenship of an EU member state, Switzerland or eligibility for funding according to §8 BAföG are only eligible if they study or plan to study in Germany.It is not possible to apply solely for a Master's degree programme. Master's degree programmes can only be funded if the students have already been funded by the Evangelisches Studienwerk in their undergraduate degree programme.Durationtypically throughout the entire course of studyScholarship Valuebase amount of up to 812 EUR per monthsupplementary study cost allowance of 300 EURadditional financial support, i.e. when studying abroadApplication PapersAll application forms and further information on the application procedure are available here.Application Deadline1 October to 15 January (midnight) for a scholarship for the following winter semester1 April to 15 July (midnight) for a scholarship for the following summer semesterhttps: //", "type": "Undergraduates ", "url": "" }
{ "name": "ASEM-DUO - Korea Fellowship Program", "text": "2024 DUO-Korea Fellowship Programme1. General Description2. Application and Selection Procedure3. Instructions for DUO-Korea Application Form1. General DescriptionCAUTION: If any application falls under the following 4 cases, the application is disqualified and will not be considered for selection. If such cases are founded after the selection, the Secretariat may still reserve the right to cancel the fellowship of both Korean/European students and request the reimbursement of the fellowship in full. Therefore, the contact persons of the institutions should carefully confirm that the applications do not fall under the following 4 cases.Case 1. The transfer of credits is less than the minimum requirements(10 credits / 20 ECTS) *The language training or sports courses are NOT counted.Case 2. GPA/ECTS written on the application are different from those transcriptsCase 3. During the application period (2024 Spring term), the Korean student does not stay in Korea or the European student does not stay in Europe (leave of absence is allowed)Case 4. If applicants have another source of finance from other government or institutions (Double-funding is not allowed)DUO-Korea Fellowship Programme was established in 2001 with the aim of promoting exchanges of people between Korea and 30 ASEM European countries on a balanced and permanent basis. In this respect, DUO-Korea requires that a PAIR (two persons) of students be exchanged in the framework of a cooperative project.Definitions of students are as below:● Undergraduate(bachelor) and Graduate(master) students who are currently enrolled in institutions in Korea or one of the 30 ASEM Europeans countries.N.B.: All applicants shall maintain their student status at the time of application until the time they are engaged in exchange projects. A student who has already started the exchange before the application period is not eligible.[30 ASEM European member countries]Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the U.K.1.1. EligibilityDue to the unique nature of this program, the followings are required to be eligible:Your exchange project fulfills all four requirements below: 1) A Korean institution and an European institution have established an academic cooperative agreement;2) The Korean institution has selected a Korean national student enrolled at the Korean institution to send to the European institution, and such selection has been accepted by the European institution;3) The same European institution has selected an ASEM European national student enrolled at the European institution to send to the Korean institution, and such selection has been accepted by the same Korean institution.4) If the Korean student has already started the exchange or the European student has already started the exchange in Korea before the application period for DUO-Korea 2024, are not acceptable.1.2. Duration and FundingDUO-Korea 2024 is for exchange projects, which will start from August 2024 and end before August 2025 to avoid duplication of implementation period of exchange projects selected by DUO-Korea in the ensuing years.The selection of DUO-Korea 2024 is made ONLY once a year. In this respect, those who are planning to exchange in Spring Semester of 2025(January-July 2025) shall apply for DUO-Korea 2024.The duration and the amount of the fellowships are standardized as follows:● 1 semester (or four months) for an amount of 8,000 Euro for both students in a pair (4,000 Euro each).● Maximum duration for application is 1 semester (4 months,120 days).The exchange duration should be at least one semester. Exchange of less than one semester is NOT allowed. If a semester or stay period in the Korean/European institutions is longer than 4 months, the fellowship will be given for 4 months. If it is less than 4 months, the fellowship will be adjusted on a pro-rata basis.2. Application and Selection Procedure2.1 Application PeriodApplications will be accepted from April 4(Thu) to May 20(Mon),2024 local Korean time.Applications submitted after May 20(Mon),2024 will not be accepted.2.2. Who Applies?The educational institutions in Korea apply on behalf of two institutions. European institutions in partnership with Korean institutions shall cooperate fully with them in providing precise information of European applicants. Individuals wishing to apply are advised to contact the relevant offices ONLY (e.g. International Relations Offices) of the institutions to file an application for this program.Professors or lecturers cannot be the contact persons for DUO-Korea 2024. ONLY a staff of the relevant office(e.g. International Relations Offices) can be the contact person.2.3. Documents for Submission*All documents listed below should be written in English. In regard to writing the application, please refer to 3. Instruction for Application Form in the following context or the DUO-Korea FAQ.1. An Online Application2. A copy of Cooperation Agreement (or Memorandum of Understanding for cooperation) between paired institutions OR declaration of intention to set up new cooperation agreement (ONLY valid one).3. A copy of Valid Passport of paired applicants*A copy of National Registration Card (Koreans) or Citizen Card (Europeans) also allowed, but a permanent residency card is not acceptable.4. A copy of Transcript of paired applicants (including the results until 2023 fall semester & Grading Scale)5. A Motivation Letter of paired applicants (max. A4 1 pages, except for the cover page)*You may find the Motivation Letter Form at the banner of Forms on the ASEM-DUO website (http: // Application Submission1. Enter your ID and password on the LOGIN page to fill out an online application.2. Korean institutions need to fill out the whole application including the information of European institutions.3. The rest of the documents (cooperation agreement, passport copies, transcripts and motivation letters) can be uploaded in the step 5 of the application process.4. Once completed, please make sure to submit your application by clicking the submit button. Korean institutions should get a confirmation email within 3 days after submission. If not, please contact the Secretariat via email.※ Click JOIN US button to get an ID.The ID only will be given to the contact person of the Korean Institution. If you don’t find the name of your institution, please contact the Secretariat to add your institution to the list. One institution will have ONLY ONE ID and there should be ONLY one contact person in the same Korean institution.2.5. Selection MethodA Korean Selection Committee, comprising Korean experts in the field of educational exchange, will make the selection after the application deadline. The decision will be announced by June 2024.The selection results will be notified on the ASEM-DUO website, and the Secretariat will ONLY directly inform contact persons/awardees with the hard copies of the notification of selection results. The form for awardees such as Letter of Acceptance could be downloaded at the banner of Forms on the ASEM-DUO website ( Selection CriteriaNew Exchange Projects which have not been selected until DUO-Korea 2023 shall be given priority in selection. Besides, the followings will be considered for selection;1. Motivation letters2. Courses to take in Korean/European institutions3. Recommendation of institutions4. GPA5. Source of Finance2.7. Fellowship GrantsThe DUO-Korea Fellowship will be transferred directly to awardees by Secretariat.There are no restrictions in using the fellowship. It can finance the tuition, and living or travel expenses.3. Instructions for DUO-Korea Application Form3.1 Language ApplicationYou should write your application in English.3.2. How to write the Application Form1) Step 1. – Korean InstitutionThe first box of ID number and Date of submission will be given after submission. Please, start from filling out information of Korean institution.● Contact person means a regular staff of Korean institutions who arranges the exchange projects and is willing to communicate with the Secretariat in such events as verifying application details, monitoring exchanges and providing further information on the status of the exchange.● Person of Exchange shall be any Korean national students who will participate in the exchange.● Grade means currently enrolled academic years as of the spring semester of 2024.● GPA means a grade which a Korean student has earned up to the fall semester of 2023. *It should be in accordance with total GPA on the transcript.● In a box for Enrollment Status, please check it as of the spring semester of 2024, in case of leave of absence, please specify the reason and current residence country.● In a box for Institutional criteria, please describe why you (or your institution) recommend the person of exchange for fellowship in detail.2) Step 2. – European InstitutionPlease, provide information on the European institution involved in the exchange project.*If your partner European Institution is not included, the contact person of the Korean Institution may contact the Secretariat to add the partner institution to the list.● Contact person means a regular staff of European institutions who arranges the exchange project and is willing to communicate with the Secretariat in such events as verifying application details, monitoring exchange and providing further information on the status of the exchange.● Person of Exchange shall be any ASEM European national students who will participate in the exchange.● Grade means currently enrolled academic years as of the spring semester of 2024.● ECTS means a whole ECTS that a European student has earned up to the fall semester of 2023. *It should be in accordance with total earned ECTS on the transcript.● In a box for Enrollment Status, please check it as of the spring semester of 2024, in case of leave of absence, please specify the reason and current residence country.● In a box for Institutional criteria, please describe why you (or your institution) recommend the person of exchange for fellowship in detail.● Confirmation of Agreement with the European institution (TO BE SIGNED by the contact person at the Korean institution): he/she should confirm here by clicking on the “YES” button if the contact person in the European institution also agrees with this submission.3) Step 3. – Description of Exchange ProgramIn this section, please describe the type, duration and purpose of exchange as instructed on the form.● Type of exchangePlease check appropriate boxes to specify whether students for exchange are in undergraduate or in graduate study. If it doesn't coincide with the grade has written in Step 1 or Step 2, please check the type of exchange based on the current status of enrollment and specify in detail.● Duration of ExchangePlease write the exchange duration on a semester basis (less than 180 days) in accordance with the academic calendars of the destination institution. If a person of exchange will engage in the exchange for the whole year, please choose the semester would like to apply for DUO-Korea 2024.● Purpose of ExchangePlease, specify what the purpose of the exchange is and fill in how many credits/ECTS will be completed at the destination institution. If your purpose of the exchange is other than the Transfer of Credits, please specify in detail.4) Step 4. – Exchange Details/ Source of Finance● Exchange DetailsPerson of exchange needs to fill in the courses which will be taken during their exchange period. On a semester basis, a minimum of 10 credits/20 ECTS must be taken up at the Korean/European institutions.CAUTION: Person of Exchanges need to complete all courses as written on the application. If actual courses happen to differ from the courses listed on the application, the contact person or persons of exchange are responsible for informing the Secretariat for approval; if this procedure is not taken beforehand, fellowship award to both students is subject to cancellation or consequent reimbursement.Also, intensive language courses and sports courses are not honored in this program.● Source of FinanceIf this exchange project has any other source of finance, or if you are planning to apply, please specify in detail such as Name of Fellowship, Name of organization, Amount, Purpose of the fellowship, and Announcement period, etc.[Fellowship that will be considered as double-funding]1) Korean Government Fellowship (ex. GKS Fellowship, etc)2) The Fellowship in the name of the exchange support which provides a corresponding amount of DUO-Korea (500 to 1,000 Euro/month) by other governments or private institutions (ex. Mirae Essat Fellowship, etc)[Fellowship that will NOT be considered as double-funding]1) Any Fellowship provided by originating/destination institutions for the exchange program2) Any kind of Academic Fellowship, Fellowship for low income family background support, or Repayable loans Fellowship*Please be informed that even though we allow the above fellowship, if the respective institution does not allow double funding, you may follow their regulation.5) Step 5. –Certification of AuthenticityA copy of cooperation agreement, passport copies, transcripts, motivation letters of paired applicants should be attached.● All documents should be submitted in English version. If there is no official English version of each document, applicants need to submit translated version along with the original document.● The preferred file formats are JPG. or PDF. Please set the name of the attachment files as a Name of document_Surname_Given name order (e.g. Passport_John_Smith).After completing all relevant items in an appropriate manner on the application, please write the date and the names of the contact person of the Korean institution and the president or Director of the Korean institution in the section of Certification of Authenticity. And then, please submit it to the Secretariat by clicking the “submit” button.The original version including the signatures and official stamp of the Korean Institution will be requested, only if your exchange project has been selected.3.3. After the Submission: AcknowledgementThe acknowledgment of submission will be sent to the contact person in the Korean institutions via e-mail within 3 working days after submission.If the application is approved, the ID number will be given to each application and the contact persons of Korean institutions can print it as the PDF version.However, if there is any application with incomplete or improper information, the Secretariat will request further information through the contact persons of Korean institutions individually. And you need to submit the revised application through the online system again within 48 hours. If we do not receive the revised one within 48 hours, we regard it as a notice of abandonment.", "type": "", "url": "" }
{ "name": "ASEM-DUO - Singapore Fellowship Program", "text": "DUO-Singapore Fellowship ProgrammeGeneral DescriptionThe DUO-Singapore Fellowship Programme was established in 2002 to promote academic exchanges between full-time undergraduate students who are Singapore(or ASEAN citizens) and students from universities in European ASEM member countries.Actual fellowships are administered by the respective universities. The participating Singapore universities are Nanyang Technological University (NTU), National University of Singapore (NUS), Singapore Management University (SMU) and Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD).For details on the DUO-Singapore, including the terms of the exchange programme and application form, please refer to the following websites of the universities:Nanyang Technological University (NTU)https: // may find the information on 'Financials' part.)National university of Singapore (NUS)https: // Management University (SMU)https: // SMU Students (3 page) / For International Students (1 page)Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD)http: //", "type": "", "url": "" }
{ "name": "ASEM-DUO - Thailand Fellowship Program", "text": "2021 DUO-Thailand Fellowship ProgrammeGeneral InformationDUO-Thailand Fellowship Programme aims to enhance a balanced mobility of students between Thailand and 30 ASEM member states in Europe[1]by supporting paired-based and two-way exchanges. In this respect, the programme requires that a PAIR of students (one from Thai university and another from European University) be exchanged in the framework of cooperative project/cooperation between higher education institutions in Thailand and in 30 ASEM member states in Europe.DetailsDUO-Thailand Fellowship ProgrammeEligibilityEligible universities for the DUO-Thailand Fellowship Programme should abide by the following obligations:1. A Thai university and a European university should have an agreement at the institutional level whereby credits for study undertaken while on exchange are to be accepted by its partner institution.2. The Thai and European universities already having an agreement with its partner institution will be given first priority. The institutions utilizing student exchange to pave the way for developing an agreement with its partner institution will be given second priority.3. The Thai and European universities must permit their students to participate in an exchange all through the duration of the programme: 1 semester.4. The Thai and European universities should be willing to receive DUO-Thailand exchange students from its partner institution and are expected to waive tuition fee for the exchange students.5. One end of exchange is anchored to Thai.DetailsDUO-Thailand Fellowship ProgrammeQualification ofApplicantsThai students1. Being an undergraduate or graduate student in Thai public or private higher education institutions under the Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation- Obtaining at least 2.75 GPA for undergraduate students- Obtaining at least 3.25 GPA for graduate students,2. Having Thai Nationality,3. Proficiency in language used as the medium of instruction is required by one of the following test;- TOEFL score at least 213(computer-based) or 550(paper-based) or 79-80(internet-based)- IELTS score at least 6.0- D.E.L.F or D.A.L.F. at least level B2- Goethe-Zertifikat or telc Deutsch at least level B2- CILS at least level B2- DELE or SIELE at least level B2*The language proficiency test must not be taken after 8 October 2018.4. Not having applied for or being the awardee of other scholarships,5. Being able to join the exchange programme throughout the whole period,6. Committing to submit a report and a study record showing the learning outcomes gained from the European host university to Office of the Higher Education Commission within 30 days upon completion of the programme.European Students1. Being an undergraduate or graduate student in higher education institutions of ASEM member states in Europe. The institution must be accredited by responsible agencies in their respective countries,2. Being a citizen of ASEM member states in Europe,3. Obtaining GPA at satisfactory level in the ECTS system (70% of subjects taken are graded B for graduate students, and 70% of subjects taken are graded C for undergraduate students),4. Not having applied for or being the awardee of other scholarships,5. Being able to join the exchange programme throughout the whole period,6. Committing to submit a report and a study record showing the learning outcomes gained from the Thai home university to Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation within 30 days upon completion of the programme.Remarks1. All students applying for this programme should retain “student status” until they complete the exchanges.2. The previous awardees of DUO-Thailand Fellowship Programme are not eligible.3. The Thai and European students who are already on exchange in the host universities are not eligible to apply.DetailsDUO-Thailand Fellowship ProgrammeType ofActivities1. Undertake a study for at least 6 credits at the host institution. The subjects of study should correspond to the major or minor subjects of the applicant.2. Conduct research as a part of the applicant’s study. The research work as the applicant’s thesis or dissertation should get approval from his/her university prior to the application.Areas ofExchangeThe areas of exchange may include but not limited to the following priority areas:1. Alternative Energy,2. Biotechnology,3. Food Science and Technology,4. Health Sciences,5. Information and Communication Technology,6. Logistics and Supply Chain Management,7. Engineering,8. Smart Electronics,9. Robotics,10. Tourism and Hospitality ManagementRemarksThe areas of exchange of a pair of students shall not necessarily be identical.Duration ofFellowshipsOne semesterRemarks1. The exchange periods of a pair of students shall not necessarily coincide.2. The exchange should be completed within September 2021.Amount ofFellowshipsFor Thai students, the amount of fellowship is up to 4,800 euro(1,200 euro per month for 4 months)For European students,the amount of fellowship is up to 3,200 euro(800 euro per month for 4 months)DetailsDUO-Thailand Fellowship ProgrammeApplicationPeriodApplication period is from 10 July to 8 October 2020.ApplicationProcedureApplicants for the DUO-Thailand Fellowship Programme should conform to the following regulations;1. Applicants must apply through their respective institutions.2. The application must be submitted through the Thai university to Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation (MHESI)3. Application must be submitted in pair. (A Thai student going to ASEM member state in Europe and a European student coming to Thailand)4. Each Thai university can nominate no more than three pairsof applicants. (One pair of candidate and two pairs of alternates listed in priority order.)5. The Thai universities are required to submit the completed application forms and required documents in hard copy toBureau of International Cooperation StrategyMinistry of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation328 Si Ayutthaya Road, Ratchathewi, Bangkok10400, THAILAND6. Application submitted via fax. or e-mail will not be considered.7. To be eligible for consideration, the application forms and required documents must be registered by post NO LATER THAN 8 October 2020. The late and incomplete applications will not be considered.RequiredDocumentsThe application form should be completed in English and be submitted together with the following documents:1. An official letter nominating pair(s) of exchanges from Thai university (signed by the president or authorized person)2. A copy of cooperation agreement between Thai and European universities3. A completed application form4. A copy of the letter of acceptance from Thai and European universities5. A copy of the Record of DUO-Thailand Study Programme6. A copy of transcript/study recordAs for European students, a copy of transcript/study record should be translated into English and GPA has to be converted to ECTS system (A,B,C,D)7. A copy of the TOEFL, IELTS test result (for Thai applicants)SelectionProcedureSelection of applicants will be made by MHESI.AnnouncementThe list of successful awardees will be announced by 30 November 2020 through or www.asemduo.orgDetailsDUO-Thailand Fellowship ProgrammePayment ofScholarshipsGrant will be provided in lump sum as follows:1. MHESI will grant the scholarships to Thai universities. The awardees from European universities will receive the fund upon their arrival at Thai universities.2. Transfer of the fund will be made upon the receipt of the information on the exact dates of the exchange of the awardees. The Thai universities are requested to keep all the documents related to the awardees’ expenses for future inspection.3. There are no restrictions in using the scholarships. They can finance the tuition, living, or travel expenses.Remarks:1. In case a semester in Thai and European universities is longer than four months, the scholarship will be given for four months only. If it is less than four months, the scholarship will be adjusted on a pro-rata basis.2. In case that the exchange student fails to take part throughout the whole period of the exchange, the whole amount of the scholarship must be returned to MHESI within 15 days.RemarksImplementation guideline, application form and record of DUO-Thailand Study Programme for 2021 DUO-Thailand Fellowship Programme can be downloaded from Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation’s and the ASEM-DUO Fellowship Programme’s website: www.asemduo.orgContactMs. Jittree KlumpongBureau of International Cooperation Strategy,10th floorMinistry of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation328 Si Ayutthaya Road, Ratchathewi,Bangkok 10400, THAILANDTel: +66 2 610 5424Fax: +66 2 354 5570E-mail: [email protected][1]30 ASEM member states in Europe: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the U.K.)", "type": "", "url": "" }
{ "name": "DUO-Sweden Fellowship Programme", "text": "2024 DUO-Sweden Fellowship Programme[Contents]1. General Description2. Application and Selection Procedure3. Instruction for DUO-Sweden Application Form1. General DescriptionDUO-Sweden Fellowship Programme was established in 2010 with the aim of promoting exchanges of people between Sweden and 21 Asian countries* on a balanced basis. In this respect, DUO-Sweden requires that a PAIR (two persons) of students be exchanged in an academic cooperative arrangement.*21 Asian countries: Australia, Bangladesh, Brunei Darussalam, Myanmar, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Kazakhstan, Korea, Laos, Malaysia, Mongolia, New Zealand, Pakistan, the Philippines, Russia, Singapore, Thailand and VietnamDefinitions of students are as below:● Students: undergraduate and graduate students who are currently enrolled in universities1.1 EligibilityDue to this unique nature of this program, in order to be eligible, the following are required:Your exchange fulfills all three requirements below:● An educational institution in Sweden (home institution) and an educational institution in Asia (host institution) have established an academic cooperative arrangement/inter-institutional agreement; and● The Swedish home institution has selected an EU national student enrolled at the home institution to send to the Asian host institution, and such selection has been accepted by the Asian host institution; and● The same Asian host institution has selected an Asian student enrolled at the host institution to send to the Swedish home institution, and such selection had been accepted by the same Swedish home institution.1.2 The Duration and the Amount of the DUO-Sweden FellowshipsDUO-Sweden 2024/25 is for exchange projects, which will start from August 2024 and end before September 2025 to avoid duplication of implementation period of exchange projects selected by DUO-Sweden in the ensuing years. The selection of DUO-Sweden 2024/25 is made ONLY once a year. In this respect, those who are planning to exchange in Spring Semester of 2025 (January-August 2025) shall apply for DUO-Sweden 2024/25The duration of fellowship is limited to one semester (or 4 months, whichever comes earlier). The amount of the fellowships is standardized as follows:● 3,500 Euros for Asian student and 3,500 Euros for Swedish students in a pair, in high income country. For Middle and Low income countries the Asian student get 4,000 Euros and the Swedish student get 3,000 Euros.The duration of exchange should be at least one semester and the scholarship is only available for those studying full-time (minimum 24 ECTS/16 weeks). Exchange of less than one semester is NOT allowed. If a semester is longer than 4 months in the visiting institution, fellowship will be given for 4 months.(A definition of fulltime study in Sweden is 30 ECTS credits per semester, which is in general 20 weeks.)In the event that a student exchange lasts for a fewer number of weeks than granted, then the scholarship will be adjusted on a pro-rata basis and repayment of the funds provided will be required.2. Application and Selection Procedure2.1 Who Applies?The educational institution in Sweden applies on behalf of both institutions and people who are to participate in the exchange. Asian institutions in partnership with Sweden institutions shall cooperate fully with Swedish institutions in supplying precise information of Asian applicants. Individuals wishing to take part in exchanges are advised to contact the relevant offices (e.g. International Relations Offices) of the educational institutions to file an application for this program.2.2 Application PeriodApplications will be accepted from April 08 through May 21,2024 local Swedish time.Applications sent after May 21,2024 GMT+1 will not be accepted.2.3 Application Material for Submission1. Filling out an Online Application Form ONLY2. A Copy of Cooperation Agreement (or Memorandum of Understanding for cooperation) between paired institutions OR declaration of intention to set up new cooperation agreement, signed by Head of Swedish Higher Education Institution3. A copy of passport of paired applicants4. A copy of transcript of paired applicants (should include the grades up to the most recent semester)2.4 Application SubmissionAn Online application form for DUO-Sweden can be found on the following link1. Enter your ID and password on the LOGIN page to fill out an online application.2. Home (Swedish) institution should fill out the whole application including the information of Host (Asian) Institution. Application Form in PDF format can be downloaded at the banner of Forms.3. The rest of the documents (cooperation agreement, passport copy, and transcript) can be uploaded in the last step of the application process.4. Once completed, please make it sure to submit your application by clicking “submit” button. Home Institution should get a confirmation email from the Secretariat within 3 days after completion of submission. If you don’t get a confirmation email, please contact [email protected] promptly.※ Please note that only contact person of home institution can get an ID. Click JOIN US button to get an ID. If you don't find the name of your institution, please contact the secretariat to add your institution to the list2.5 How and When is Selection MadeA Swedish Selection Committee, organized by the Swedish Council for Higher Education (UHR), will make the selection after the application deadline. The decision will be announced in June 2024. Selection criteria are at the discretion of the Swedish Selection Committee.The notification will be displayed on website, and the Secretariat will directly notify Contact Persons/Awardees in writing. Hard copies of notification and Letter of Acceptance (forms are also available at will be forwarded to both home and host institutions. Contact Persons/Awardees may download forms of Letter of Acceptance, if they so wish.PeriodApplication ProcedureApril - MayMay - JuneJuneStudent1. Application2. Cooperation Agreement3. Copies of Passport4. Copies of transcriptThe ASEM-DUO SecretariatSelection Committee organized by Swedish UHRResult & Announcement2.6 Fellowship GrantsThe DUO-Sweden Fellowship will be paid directly by the Secretariat to the bank accounts of selected students who participate in the exchange program. There are no restrictions in using the fellowship. It can finance the tuition, and living or travel expenses.3. Instruction for Application Form3.1 Language of ApplicationYou should write your application in English.3.2 How to write the Application FormSTEP 1 - Home InstitutionThe first box of ID number and Date of submission will be given after submission. The home institution shall be resided in Sweden.● Address means a full detailed one which is not only for domestic post but also for overseas post. Do not write the post-office box number and City Name must be written.● CONTACT PERSON means a regular staff of Swedish institution which arranges exchange project and is willing to communicate with the Secretariat in such events as verifying application details, monitoring exchanges and providing further information on the status of the exchange.● PERSON OF EXCHANGE shall be any Swedish (or EU national) student who will participate in the exchange.●ECTS means a whole ECTS that a Swedish student has earned up to the most recent semester since he/she entered the Swedish institution. Please write the total earned ECTS as shown on the transcript.● Grade means currently enrolled academic year as of the spring semester of 2024. Master course student much click Graduate under numbers.N.B.: For each pair of an exchange, the exchange period of Swedish and Asian students need not necessarily coincide, and the field of exchange need not be the same.STEP 2 - Host InstitutionIn this step, provide information of host institution involved in the exchange project. The host institution shall be resided in 21 Asian countries.● Address means a full detailed one which is not only for domestic post but also for overseas post. Do not write the post-office box number and City Name must be written.●CONTACT PERSON means a regular staff of Asian institution which arranges the exchange and is willing to communicate with the Secretariat in such events as verifying application details, monitoring exchanges and providing further information on the status of the exchange.● PERSON OF EXCHANGE shall be Asian student who will participate in the exchange.●ECTS means converted ECTS with the conversion rate of applicant's institution. You may check it with the contact person of your institution.*Please convert the Asian student's total completed credit into ECTS.Ex) If 1 credit is equal to 1.5 ECTS at your institution,30 credits will be converted to 45 ECTS.● Grade means currently enrolled academic year as of the spring semester of 2024. Master course student much click Graduate under numbers.● Confirmation on Agreement with Host Institution (TO BE SIGNED BY CONTACT PERSON at the Swedish Home Institution): since the contact person in Swedish institution is required to complete the application on behalf of two people who will participate in the exchange and the host Asian institution, he/she should confirm here by checking on YES that the contact person in the host institution also agrees with this submission of the application.STEP 3 - Description of Exchange ProgramIn this section, please describe the type, duration and purpose of exchange as instructed on the form.● Type of exchange: Please check appropriate boxes to specify whether students for exchange are in undergraduate or in graduate study.● Duration of Exchange: As stipulated on the DUO-Sweden General Description, duration of DUO-Sweden Fellowship is standardized on a semester-basis. For students,1 semester means 4 months.● Purpose of Exchange: Please specify what the purpose of the exchange is. Also fill in how many credits (ECTS) that will be recognized by home or host institution.N.B.: For each pair of an exchange, if the pair applies for Transfer for Credits, both students have to transfer theirexchange credits to their originating institution after their exchange. If any of them will not transfer their exchange credits, those pair also needs to click for others and specify in detail.STEP 4 - Exchange Details● Under this heading, Swedish and Asian students' class schedules should be listed during their exchange periods. Details shall be elaborated as they will determine selection of application. Also intensive language course is not honored in this program.N.B.: If the actual course on the course certificate differ from courses listed on the application, Awardees or Contact Persons are responsible to inform the Secretariat for approval as soon as possible. If this procedure is not taken beforehand, fellowship award to both awardees is subject to cancellation and consequently refund. Forms can be downloaded from our website,● Confirmation and recognition of the study period abroad TO BE SIGNED BY CONTACT PERSON at the Swedish Home Institution (see information 3.2.2).STEP 5 - Certification of AuthenticityAfter completing all relevant items in appropriate manner on the entire field of application, please write the date and the names of contact person of Home institution and the President or Director of institution in the section of Certification of Authenticity.A Copy of Cooperation Agreement (valid one), the copies of passport and transcript of paired applicants should be attached. The preferred file formats for attachments are .jpg or .pdf.Submit the form to the Secretariat by clicking “submit” button. The original printed version with the signatures/official stamps will be requested if your project has been selected.3.3 After the submission: acknowledgementThe acknowledgement on the receipt of submission will be sent to the contact person in Swedish home institution by e-mail within 3 days after submission. If there is any application with incomplete or improper information, further information will be individually requested by the Secretariat.", "type": "", "url": "" }
{ "name": "DUO-Belgium/Wallonia-Brussels Fellowship Programme", "text": "2024/25 DUO-Belgium/Wallonia-Brussels Fellowship Programme1. General DescriptionDUO-Belgium/Wallonia-Brussels Fellowship Programme was established in 2014 with the aim of promoting exchanges of professors between Belgium/Wallonia-Brussels and 22 Asian countries* on a balanced and permanent basis. In this respect, DUO-Belgium/Wallonia-Brussels requires that a PAIR (two persons) of professors be exchanged in the framework of a cooperative project.A webinar will be held on Monday 26 February,2024 from 11am to 12pm (Brussels time) to present the ASEM-DUO-Belgium/Wallonia-Brussels 2024-2025 programme and answer any questions participants may have. Registration for this webinar is free but compulsory. Please click the link.1.1 Who is this scholarship for and What are the Eligibility Criteria?The applicants must meet all eligibility requirements:● Applications must be submitted by a duo of two members of academic or scientific staff from higher education establishments, one of whom is from the FWB and the other from one of the Asia-Pacific countries covered by the programme;● The Asia-Pacific institution must be located in one of the following countries* : Australia, Bangladesh, Brunei, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Kazakhstan, South Korea, Laos, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, New Zealand, Pakistan, Philippines, Russia, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam ;● Candidates must be remunerated by their respective institutions and it must be their main occupation (full or part-time (50% minimum)) ;● The Wallonia-Brussels and Asia-Pacific HEIs must be recognized/accredited by the competent authorities in the field of higher education ;● Representatives of the Wallonia-Brussels and Asia-Pacific HEIs must sign a cooperation agreement or must have expressed the intention to sign one in the two following years ;● The call is open to all disciplines. The two members of the duo do not have to belong to the same disciplines ;● The citizenship of the professors is not a criterion for eligibility ;The following groups are not entitled for a scholarship:● Students and PhD students;● Professors emeritus and honorary;● Teaching assistants.Exemptions are possible for the colleges of arts. The selection committee will assess on a case-by-case basis.The exchange must necessarily take place between the two same institutions, but does not need to take place in the same time span, nor between two identical departments.A candidate may submit several applications, with different partners. In the event multiple applications in the same year, a maximum of one application per candidate may be potentially selected, i.e. the one that obtains the highest score from the jury. A duo may apply no more than twice for the same project and may receive ASEM-DUO FWB funding no more than once for the same project.If a candidate has already received other funding from the ARES (ASEM-DUO or via the ARES-CCD), he/she must expressly mention this on the application form (type of funding, purpose, year).1.2 What are the Financial Terms of this Scholarship?1.2.1. Amount of the ScholarshipThe amount of the scholarship awarded per paired mobility project is a lump sum of €7,000, to be shared between the two beneficiaries according to a distribution key set by them in the application form (for example €3,500 per person).1.2.2. Conditions of Use of the Scholarship● The scholarship is intended to cover international travel expenses and per diem capped at the amount of the individual scholarship; ;● The exchange is done by pairs: the beneficiary from the Wallonia-Brussels HEI is hosted by the Asian institution, and vice-versa ;● Mobilities shall start no earlier than August 1st,2024 and shall end no later than August 31st,2025 ;● The total duration of each person's stay is fixed at a minimum of 18 days and a maximum of 60 days (including travel days). This period may be divided into two stays;● No later than 2 months after their final return date, the beneficiaries undertake to send back a report of their stay in PDF format using a form that will be sent to them at the same time as the agreement. This report will describe the results of the project in the target country, according to the following structure:» A summary of the project (10 lines),» The actions/research carried out during the visit and the results obtained,» The course of the visit,» The impact of your visit on your institution,» The contribution of the ASEM-DUO programme to this particular project,» Positive points and improvements to be made to the ASEM-DUO programme.1.2.3. Terms of PaymentPlease find detailed information in 6-7 pages on DUO-Belgium/Wallonia-Brussels 2024 General Description and Regulation. You may find the document on the following link.1.3 How to submit an application?1.3.1 Documents to enclose● The 2024/25 application form duly completed by both candidates (available on the ARES website and on the ASEM-DUO website). The form must be typewritten and in PDF format. Authenticated electronic signatures of PDF documents are allowed ;● A copy of the academic cooperation agreement (Memorandum of Understanding) between the FWB institution and the Asia-Pacific institution or, in the absence of an MoU, a declaration of intent, i.e. a letter co-signed (or two separate letters signed) by the authorities of the two institutions, or their representatives, mentioning the intention of both parties to sign an inter-institutional agreement within the next two years;● The copy of the passport or the national identity card of the two applicants;● A CV of no more than 5 pages for each applicant, emphasizing work experience relevant to the ASEM-DUO programme.1.3.2 Submitting the applicationThe application must be submitted as one single document in PDF format to ARES by the FWB institution applying, via the contact person indicated in the application form (e.g. the international relations officer) at the following e-mail address: [email protected] ;If the candidate is not able to send the application file by email, then it will have to be sent by mail to the following address:Académie de Recherche et d’Enseignement Supérieur — ARESDirection des relations internationalesAlexia VERCRUYSSERue Royale 180 – 1000 Bruxelles (Belgique)● Applications must be submitted between January 29th,2024 and March 29th, 2024. No application will be accepted before or after these dates.● An acknowledgement of receipt is sent to the applicants within 3 days after the reception of the application. Without any response after that time, please contact [email protected] Selection1.4.1 Selection criteriaARES selects beneficiaries of the ASEM-DUO Wallonia-Brussels Mobility Scholarship Programme based on the following criteria:● The originality of the project ;● The scientific, academic or artistic quality of the applicants (e.g.publications, publications with the partner institution, research or artistic project, exhibitions, work experience, competitions, academic background,etc.) ;● the level of internationalisation of the project, i.e. opportunities for developing collaborations that go beyond the project itself ;● The expected impact of the scholarship on the work and professional career of the applicant ;● The expected impact of the scholarship on the applicant’s institution ;● The explanation for the duration of the trip ;● The quality of bilateral relations between the Wallonia-Brussels institution and the Asian partner ;● The relevance of financial support for the applicants ;● The complementarity of the projects submitted between the members of the duo (if the projects are different).1.4.2 Jury and Selection Procedure● The administrative eligibility of applications is examined by the International Relations Department (DRI) of ARES. Admissible applications are presented to a jury responsible for analysing and evaluating them with a view to selecting the beneficiaries. This jury is composed of 6 university representatives, one from each university of the FWB,2 representatives of university colleges and 1 representative of art colleges.● Admissible applications are evaluated by the selection panel on the basis of a score from 0 to 5 per criterion (0 being the least satisfactory and 5 the most satisfactory). On the basis of the scores obtained and the available budget, the jury proceeds to the ranking and selection of the applicants.● The members of the jury do not decide on applications submitted by candidates from their own institution.● Finally, the candidates will be informed of the results of the selection and will be invited to sign a tripartite agreement binding themselves and ARES.1.5 VisaThe visa application must be introduced by the recipient to the local Belgian diplomatic post. As per his request, he/she will receive a certificate from ARES attesting the granting of a scholarship in order to facilitate any administrative procedure.Beneficiaries are invited to consult the list of third countries whose nationals are subject to the visa requirement on the website of the Immigration Office in order to find out whether a short-stay visa is required for their entry into Belgium.1.6 Provisional CalendarDATEACTIONRESPONSIBILITYJanuary 29th,2024Publication of the opening of submissionsARESMarch 29th,2024Deadline for submissionsARESJuly 1st,2024Results of the selection procedure sent to the applicantsARESAugust 30th,2024Signing of the agreementARES and scholarship holders2024-2025Mobilities and Payment of per diem instalmentsARES and scholarship holdersOctober 30th,2024Deadline for submission of visit reportsARESIn addition, you may find Reference to ARES, Privacy, Breach of Obligations, Force Majeure, and Competent courts in 9-11 pages on DUO-Belgium/Wallonia-Brussels 2024 General Description and Regulation. You may find the document on the following link.2. Contacts and FAQIf you have any questions, please refer to Frequently Asked Questions section available on the following link of the ARES website: https: // any information related to this announcement, please contact:Académie de Recherche et d’Enseignement Supérieur - ARESDirection des relations internationalesRue Royale 180 - 1000 BruxellesT: +32-2-225-45-71E: [email protected] or [email protected]", "type": "", "url": "" }
{ "name": "2024 University Of Sheffield Africa Scholarship | Fully Funded", "text": "", "type": "Masters", "url": "" }
{ "name": "Goldsmiths University of London Scholarship | Fully Funded", "text": "", "type": "Undergaduate, Masters", "url": "" }
{ "name": "University Of Sheffield Africa Scholarship | Fully Funded", "text": "Host Country: United Kingdom (UK) 🇬🇧Benefits:Full Scholarship, Accommodation & £8,000 stipendsEligible: All African CountriesDeadline: May 28,2024", "type": "Masters", "url": "" }
{ "name": "University of Bradford Scholarships | Fully Funded", "text": "Host Country: United Kingdom 🇬🇧Benefits:⭐️ Full Scholarship & Monthly stipends✅ AccommodationEligible: All CountriesDeadline: Not Specified", "type": "Undergraduates, Masters & PhD", "url": "" }
{ "name": "Cambridge University MBA Scholarship", "text": "", "type": "Postgraduate, Masters", "url": "" }
{ "name": "British Council Research Fellowship 2024", "text": "Sponsor: British CouncilCountry: United Kingdom 🇬🇧Category: FellowshipsEligible: All CountriesDuration: 1 yearBenefits:✅ Full Sponsorship✅ £30,000 Stipends✅ Travel Expenses", "type": "", "url": "" }
{ "name": "Eira Francis Davies Scholarship in UK | Fully Funded", "text": "Country: United Kingdom 🇬🇧Benefits:⭐️ Winners get a Full scholarshipEligible: All Developing CountriesDeadline: May 26,2024", "type": "Masters", "url": "" }
{ "name": "Scholarship Opportunities That Expires Today", "text": "🇬🇧 United Kingdom: https: // Full Scholarship + Monthly Stipend + Travel Costs🇳🇬 Nigeria: https: // Full Scholarship", "type": "", "url": "" }
{ "name": "NLNG Postgraduate Scholarship Award 2024 | Fully Funded", "text": "he Nigeria LNG Limited invites students to apply for its 2024 Scholarship Award Program.(ii) Scholarship benefits include a full scholarship, living stipends, and travel costs.(iii) The deadline for application is April 22, 2024.", "type": "", "url": "" }
{ "name": "Unilever Future Leaders Program (UFLP) 2024", "text": "Sponsor: UnileverCountry: United Kingdom🇬🇧Category: InternshipEligible: All CountriesDuration: 2 - 4 yearsBenefits:✅ Competitive salary✅ Training✅ Employment✅ Relocation allowanceDeadline: Not Specified", "type": "", "url": "" }
{ "name": "Stormzy Scholarship for Black UK Students", "text": "Since its launch in 2018, the Stormzy Scholarship has provided financial support to 32 UK Black students helping to transform their University experience. This began with two students each year, before the scheme was expanded in 2021. Stormzy’s #Merky Foundation in partnership with HSBC UK will provide scholarships to 12 Black students starting their studies in autumn 2023.The scholarships are non-repayable and will cover the full cost of tuition fees and provide a maintenance grant, which will significantly reduce the need for recipients to take out government or commercial loans. This support will be available to recipients for the three or four years of their undergraduate course. For 2023-24, the total award to each student for the year will be worth £20,000. Receipt of this award will not affect eligibility for a Cambridge Bursary.Five years after the launch of the Stormzy Scholarship, HSBC UK has pledged a further £2m in support of 30 new Stormzy Scholarships over the next three years (2024-26). The #Merky Foundation will continue to fund a further two students per year.Professor Bhaskar Vira, Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Education, said: “We’re delighted the University’s collaboration with Stormzy’s #Merky Foundation and HSBC UK will continue for another three years. We’re also extremely grateful to them, as we are to all our donors, for the help they provide ensuring those who often feel marginalised because of the circumstances they grew up in, receive financial support enabling them to fully engage with the student experience. We know these scholarships are truly transformative in the opportunities they provide and we look forward to welcoming more Stormzy scholars to Cambridge over the next few years.”Over 400 UK Black students have arrived to take up their courses at Cambridge in the past three years. There is however still more work to be done to ensure that UK Black students not only apply to study at the University, but feel at home here and achieve their full potential.Eligibility criteriaTo be eligible for a Stormzy Scholarship, applicants must:Have one of the following categories of ethnicity:Black AfricanBlack CaribbeanBlack OtherMixed – White and Black CaribbeanMixed – White and Black AfricanOther mixed background (to include Black African, Black Caribbean or Black Other)Have a confirmed place for entry to the University of Cambridge for a first undergraduate degree, and due to commence study in October 2023. (You can check the status of your offer on UCAS Hub.)Be a UK student and have been assessed for fee status as 'home'. You were advised of your fee status in the offer letter issued to you earlier this year. If you are in doubt, please contact the Cambridge College that has offered you a place.Have applied to Student Finance (England, Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland) for a tuition fee loan and maintenance loan, and have received confirmation that you have been assessed and will receive financial support. An income assessment must have been conducted and consent given to share the information with the University. Please note that if you are awarded a Stormzy Scholarship you will be able to reduce the amount of loan you take out to zero, but you will still need an income assessment from Student Finance to be able to receive the Cambridge Bursary.How to applyApplications for 2023 have now closed and will reopen in August 2024.If you have questions regarding the Stormzy Scholarship, please email [email protected].", "type": "", "url": "" }
{ "name": "Formula 1® Engineering Scholarships", "text": "Formula 1® (F1) will fund two new undergraduate students from an underrepresented background to study for an Engineering degree at the University of Cambridge. The Formula 1® Engineering Scholarship will cover tuition fees and provide a maintenance grant for the four year duration of the course. For 2023-24, the total award for the year will be worth £20,000. Receipt of this award will not affect eligibility for a Cambridge Bursary. Find out more about our partnership with Formula 1.Eligibility criteriaTo be eligible for the Formula 1® Engineering Scholarship, applicants must:Either identify as female (and have any category of ethnicity)orIdentify as male, and have one of the following categories of ethnicity (which are currently underrepresented at the University compared to the UK HE sector)BangladeshiPakistaniBlack AfricanBlack CaribbeanBlack OtherMixed White/BlackHave a confirmed place for entry to the University of Cambridge for a first undergraduate Engineering degree, and due to commence study in October 2023. (You can check the status of your offer on UCAS Hub.)Be a UK student and have been assessed for fee status as 'home'. You were advised of your fee status in the offer letter issued to you earlier this year. If you are in doubt, please contact the Cambridge College that has offered you a place.Have applied to Student Finance (England, Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland) for a tuition fee loan and maintenance loan, and have received confirmation that you have been assessed and will receive financial support. An income assessment must have been conducted and consent given to share the information with the University. Please note that if you are awarded an Formula 1® Engineering Scholarship you will be able to reduce the amount of loan you take out to zero, but you will still need an income assessment from Student Finance to be able to receive the Cambridge Bursary.How to applyApplications for 2023 have now closed and will reopen in August 2024.If you have questions regarding the Formula 1® Engineering Scholarship, please email [email protected]", "type": "", "url": "" }
{ "name": "Geography Scholarship", "text": "The Department of Geography will fund a new undergraduate student from an underrepresented background to study for a Geography degree at the University of Cambridge. Black or mixed Black heritage students with a confirmed place can apply for the scholarship of up to £10,000 for each year of study. The Scholarship can be used to cover tuition fees or maintenance costs for the three year duration of the course. Receipt of this award will not affect eligibility for a Cambridge Bursary.Eligibility criteriaTo be eligible for the Geography Scholarship, applicants must:Have one of the following categories of ethnicity (which are currently underrepresented in undergraduate Geography programmes across the UK, and at Cambridge):Black AfricanBlack CaribbeanBlack OtherMixed – White and Black CaribbeanMixed – White and Black AfricanOther mixed background (to include Black African, Black Caribbean or Black Other)Have a confirmed place for entry to the University of Cambridge for a first undergraduate Geography degree, and due to commence study in October 2023. (You can check the status of your offer on UCAS Hub.)Be a UK student and have been assessed for fee status as 'home'. You were advised of your fee status in the offer letter issued to you earlier this year. If you are in doubt, please contact the Cambridge College that has offered you a place.Have applied to Student Finance (England, Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland) for a tuition fee loan and maintenance loan, and have received confirmation that you have been assessed and will receive financial support. An income assessment must have been conducted and consent given to share the information with the University. Please note that if you are awarded a Geography Scholarship you will be able to reduce the amount of maintenance loan you take out to zero, but you will still need an income assessment from Student Finance to be able to receive the Cambridge Bursary.How to applyApplications for 2023 have now closed and will reopen in August 2024.If you have questions regarding the Geography Scholarship please email [email protected].", "type": "", "url": "" }
{ "name": "Alumni bursary", "text": "Graduates of the University of London Worldwide programmes can enrol on further courses with a bursary of 10% off your programme fees. Bursaries are also available if you have studied at one of the following University of London federation members: Goldsmiths, City, Queen Mary, Royal Holloway, SAS and ULIP.Group of students chatting in campus studyStudy again with a discount of 10% off your fees on a wide variety of courses.The bursary is available for most of our courses, including diplomas, certificates, and individual modules.The bursary can be used against full course fees and pay-as-you-study options.Further informationWho can applyThe Alumni Bursary is available to graduates of the University of London Worldwide programmes who are going on to further study with the University of London Worldwide. To be eligible for an Alumni Bursary, you must have successfully completed a bachelor's or master's degree with the University of London Worldwide through its distance or flexible learning programmes.How to applyTo receive the alumni bursary:You apply for the next course or module that you wish to study.Once you have received an offer letter, contact us for a bursary code to use against your fees. Please note - to complete the online form, you will need to use an email address that is different to the one that was registered with the University while you were studying with us.We verify your eligibility as an alumni of the University of London Worldwide (distance learning programmes) and issue your code.Please do not begin registration or make payment until you have received this code. By accepting the bursary, you understand and agree to the terms and conditions outlined in the section below.Application deadlineYou must submit your request for this bursary via the online enquiry system at least 2 weeks before the registration deadline for your programme.Terms and ConditionsThe following terms and conditions apply to your alumni bursary:To be eligible for an Alumni Bursary, I must have successfully completed a bachelor's or master's degree with the University of London through its distance or flexible learning programmes (formally referred to as the International Programmes or External System) and I must be qualified as a graduate by the University. Those awarded a Graduate Diploma, are not eligible for the Alumni Bursary.The Alumni Bursary applies to all courses and individual modules except postgraduate courses provided by CeDEP / CeFiMS offered in conjunction with the School of Oriental and African Studies.The Alumni Bursary can be applied against registration, examination entry fees, resit fees for undergraduate courses and module fees. It cannot be applied to application fees, recognition of prior learning fees, module continuation fees, extension of registration fees, examination rechecks, examination resit fees for postgraduate courses, or fees charged by third parties such as Recognised Teaching Centres and examination centre fees.The Alumni Bursary will be applied to the applicable fees upon registration, with use of a bursary code.Alumni Bursaries may be awarded in addition to other scholarships and funding offered by third parties, but cannot be combined with other University of London awards.Alumni Bursaries may be reviewed by the University on an annual basis and cannot be transferred to another individual.Students awarded an Alumni Bursary who subsequently withdraw from their course of study may not apply for the Alumni Bursary again. In the event you withdraw from the course, we reserve the right to require that I repay a portion of the Alumni Bursary.If I take a break from my studies, I will remain eligible for the Alumni Bursary provided that I complete a degree in the permitted timescales and pay any relevant fees.The Alumni Bursary is only valid for studies that begin (for master's and bachelor’s degrees) in, or after, the 2016/17 academic year. For certificates, diplomas, and modules (at undergraduate and postgraduate level), they are only valid for studies that begin in, or after, the 2017/18 academic year. The Alumni Bursary cannot be retrospectively applied to studies before these periods.I must apply for the Alumni Bursary before I complete registration (initial registration or registering for additional modules) – if I register and pay before receiving and using the Alumni Bursary then the full fee will apply. Refunds will not be given for the Alumni Bursary where requests are made after my payment has been received.If I am studying more than one degree concurrently, then, subject to Programme Director approval, the Alumni Bursary may be applied to both degrees.The University reserves the right to terminate the Alumni Bursary if I am found to have omitted key information or have provided untrue, inaccurate, incomplete or fraudulent information on my Alumni Bursary application form or in any additional information provided to the University and used in the determination of the award of the Alumni Bursary.I agree to abide by the rules and regulations of the University of London and the rules and regulations of the relevant Member Institution. If I do not abide by these rules and regulations, or if I do not meet the requirements (including the academic requirements) to continue or complete my course, the University reserves the right to withdraw the Alumni Bursary with immediate effect.I undertake to use my best efforts to fulfil the academic requirements of my course.As part of the Alumni Bursary award, the University may ask me to participate in marketing related activities and/or events to promote and share my experiences of the Alumni Bursary. Examples of typical activities and/or events may include participating in an interview, providing a profile for our website or prospectus or attending an open day or induction event. If I participate in such activities and/or events, I agree for the University to use any material resulting from such activities and/or events for the purposes of publicity material and/or for the education of other students, whether electronically or in print. I furthermore release and discharge the University and its agents, representatives and assignees from any and all claims and demands arising out of or in connection with the use of the publicity material, including without limitation any and all claims for invasion of privacy and defamation. Additionally, I agree that the copyright of any publicity material shall be wholly vested in the University and I hereby assign to the University any and all rights which I have in the publicity material.By entering into this Agreement, I am giving the University the right to hold and process my personal data including some sensitive personal data. The University will process my personal data (including any personal data provided as part of my participation in a marketing related activity and/or event under clause 15 in accordance with the UK Data Protection legislation and the University’s Data Protection Policy. The University will only share data with third parties in accordance with its Data Protection Policy and the University will remain the data controller of my data.The Data Protection Policy is applicable from the time of accepting this Agreement and can be read in full.The University of London and the relevant Member Institutions are separate legal entities. In accepting the Alumni Bursary I have agreed to the sharing of my personal data between the University and a Member Institution (where relevant) for the purposes of the management of my Alumni Bursary.Each of the clauses of this Agreement operates separately. If a clause or any part of a clause is or becomes invalid, illegal or unenforceable, it shall be deemed deleted, but that shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the rest of this Agreement which shall remain in full force and effect.This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between me and the University in relation to the Alumni Bursary. All previous agreements, arrangements and understandings between you and us relating to the Alumni Bursary, whether written or oral, shall have no legal effect unless expressly set out in this Agreement.If the University fails to insist that I perform any of my obligations under this Agreement, or if the University does not enforce its rights against me, or if the University delays in doing so, that will not mean that the University has waived its rights against menu and that will not mean that I do not have to comply with those obligations. If the University waives a default by me, the University will only do so in writing, and that will not mean that it will automatically waive any later default by me.These are the terms of the Agreement between me and the University. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of the terms of this Agreement.This Agreement, and any matters arising out of or in relation to the Agreement, are governed and construed in accordance with English law. The parties agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts to settle any dispute or claim arising out of or in relation to the Agreement.", "type": "", "url": "" }
{ "name": "B.S. Chimni Scholarship", "text": "The University of London has established a prestigious scholarship for the MA in Refugee Protection and Forced Migration Studies (the “MA Programme”) by distance-learning.This award is named the B. S. Chimni Scholarship to celebrate the achievements of the renowned international law expert Professor B. S. Chimni.The B. S. Chimni Scholarship will be awarded in October 2024. This scholarship seeks to support an outstanding student who might not otherwise be able to gain access to the MA in Refugee Protection, and is resident in Central, South or Southeast Asia.B S ChimniThis award is to celebrate the achievements of the renowned international law expert Professor B.S Chimni.B.S Chimni ScholarshipEligibility criteriaApplicants for the B. S. Chimni Scholarship must:Have the offer of a place on the MA in Refugee Protection and Forced Migration Studies by distance-learning; andBe resident in Central, South or Southeast Asia; andDemonstrate outstanding academic merit or potential in the field of study, evidenced particularly by past achievements; andHold an undergraduate degree (e.g. bachelor) that is comparable to a UK upper second class honours degree, in law or another relevant subject; andBe unable to take up the offer of a place on the MA in Refugee Protection and Forced Migration Studies due to financial circumstances.Applications from those with a refugee/displacement background are particularly encouraged.Students currently studying for a University of London award are ineligible for this scholarship. Applicants who already hold a Master’s degree will not usually be privileged in the scholarship selection process.Application procedureAll applicants who receive a letter offering them a place on the MA in Refugee Protection will be invited to apply for the B. S. Chimni Scholarship, subject to meeting the eligibility criteria.The scholarship application is submitted via an online form that is separate to that for admission to the MA Programme. It requires applicants to detail their past achievements as relevant to this field of study, professional positions held, personal information and financial situation. Applicants also provide a short statement of their motivation in applying to the MA Programme and for the scholarship.All applications will be reviewed against the eligibility criteria using the University’s procedures and will be informed of the outcome of their applications in a timely manner. Regrettably, it will not be possible to provide further individual feedback on applications.Download and complete the scholarship application form [Word].Once completed, you should email the application form to [email protected] read the application form thoroughly and follow all instructions given.Key datesThe B. S. Chimni Scholarship will be awarded to a student intending to commence studies in the October 2024 intake of the MA Programme. Relevant dates for the coming academic year are as follows: 4 August 2024 Deadline for scholarship applications31 August 2024 Notification of outcome to all applicants1 October 2024 Deadline for registration on MA Programme14 October 2024 MA Programme commencesApplicants are responsible for ensuring that their applications for admission to the MA Programme are submitted sufficiently early such that an offer can be extended and their subsequent scholarship application entered prior to the 4 August 2024 deadline. Please note that, as a rule of thumb, it is unlikely that any admission application completed after 19 July 2024 will be processed in time.Scope of the awardThe B. S. Chimni Scholarship covers the ‘whole fee’ for the two-year part-time distance-learning MA Programme, comprising two Core Module fees, four Elective Module fees, and the two Dissertation Modules fees. This is equivalent to fees of £9,464 over the lifetime of the award.The scholarship does not cover any costs not directly payable to the University (such as the purchase of additional materials or electronic equipment), resubmission fees, payment of further elective modules if the student decides to transfer, or any other fees not covered above. Applicants must ensure they can to cover such costs from other financial sources.If no suitable candidates are identified in a single year, then the award may be held over until the following year.Duties of successful scholarship recipientsThe scholarship recipient is required to agree to the Scholarship Terms and Conditions which include writing a short report at the end of each year of study outlining the impact of their study and research.The scholarship recipient is required to act at all times in conformity with the Scholarship Terms and Conditions, the standards expected of students of the University of London, the University’s regulations and policies, as well as its Student Terms and Conditions. Where a student fails to comply with any of these terms, the University reserves the right unilaterally to withdraw his/her scholarship.Background to the B. S. Chimni ScholarshipProfessor Dr. B.S. Chimni retired in 2017 as Professor of International Law, School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. He is at present Distinguished Professor of International Law, O.P. Jindal Global University, Sonipat. He served as Vice Chancellor of the West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences, Kolkata (2004-2006). He has been a visiting professor at Brown, Cairo, Tokyo Universities and at the Graduate Institute of International Studies, Geneva. He has held visiting fellowships/positions at Harvard, Cambridge, Minnesota, and York universities as also at Max Planck Institute of Comparative and International Law, Heidelberg and the Institute of Advanced Studies, Nantes. He has been elected Associate Member, Institut de Droit International. He is former Vice-President of Asian Society of International Law. Professor Chimni has written extensively on international refugee law, international economic law, and international legal theory.The University of London created the scholarship to celebrate Professor Chimni’s lifelong contribution to international refugee law. The scholarship promotes the study of refugee protection by outstanding students who are limited by financial circumstances, especially those resident in low- or middle-income countries in South or South-East Asia.Terms and ConditionsThe following terms and conditions apply to your B. S. Chimni Scholarship:The B. S. Chimni Scholarship is available for the University of London MA Refugee Protection and Forced Migration studies programme offered via distance learning only and subject to the application criteria set out in the attached application information sheet.You will not be considered for the B. S. Chimni Scholarship until you have been given an offer for the University of London distance learning MA Refugee Protection and Forced Migration programme.You cannot be considered for the B. S. Chimni Scholarship if you are a currently registered student or if you have previously applied and been rejected for this scholarship and you cannot demonstrate a sufficient change in personal circumstances that would suggest you now meet the criteria for the B. S. Chimni Scholarship.The B. S. Chimni Scholarship can be applied against your registration fees and course module fees. It will not cover re-submission fees, study materials or IT equipment.The B. S. Chimni Scholarship value is £ 9,464 which will be credited to your fee account to be used against fees payable to the University of London.The B. S. Chimni Scholarship may be awarded in addition to other scholarships and funding, but it cannot be used in conjunction with any other University of London bursary or scholarships.Students are required to write a short report at the end of each study year outlining the impact of your study and research. Failure to comply may result in the scholarship being withdrawn.The B. S. Chimni Scholarship may be reviewed on an annual basis and cannot be transferred to another individual.Students awarded a B. S. Chimni Scholarship but who subsequently withdraw from their course of studies will no longer be eligible for the B. S. Chimni Scholarship.Students who take a break in their studies will continue to be eligible for the B. S. Chimni Scholarship provided that they complete their degree in the permitted timescales and pay any relevant fees.The B. S. Chimni Scholarship is only valid for registration’s that begin in 2024.The B. S. Chimni Scholarship will be valid for the maximum period of registration for your programme.The University reserves the right to terminate the B. S. Chimni Scholarship if you are found to have omitted key information or have provided untrue, inaccurate, incomplete or fraudulent information on your application form or in any additional information provided to the University and used in the determination of the award of your B. S. Chimni Scholarship.You agree to abide by the rules and regulations of the University of London. If you do not abide by these rules and regulations, or if you do not meet the requirements (including the academic requirements) to continue or complete the MA Refugee Protection and Forced Migration Studies distance learning course, the University reserves the right to withdraw the B. S. Chimni Scholarship with immediate effect.You undertake to use your best efforts to fulfil the academic requirements of the MA Refugee Protection and Forced Migration Studies distance learning course.As part of the B. S. Chimni Scholarship, the University may ask you to participate in marketing related activities and/or events to promote and share your experiences of the MA Refugee Protection and Forced Migration studies. Examples of typical activities and/or events may include participating in an interview, providing a profile for the University website or prospectus or attending an open day or induction event. If you participate in such activities and/or events, you agree for the University to use any material resulting from such activities and/or events for the purposes of publicity material and/or for the education of other students, whether electronically or in print. You furthermore release and discharge the University and its agents, representatives and assignees from any and all claims and demands arising out of or in connection with the use of the publicity material, including without limitation any and all claims for invasion of privacy and defamation. Additionally, you agree that the copyright of any publicity material shall be wholly vested in the University and you hereby assign to the University any and all rights in the publicity material.By agreeing to these Terms and Conditions, you are giving the University the right to hold and process your personal data, including some sensitive personal data. The University will process this personal data (including any personal data provided as part of participation in a marketing related activity and/or event under clause 16) in accordance with the UK Data Protection legislation and the University’s Data Protection Policy. The University will only share data with third parties in accordance with its Data Protection Policy and the University will remain the data controller of the data. The Data Protection Policy is applicable from the time of accepting these Terms and Conditions.The University of London and any relevant Member Institutions are separate legal entities. In accepting the B. S. Chimni Scholarship you agree to the sharing of your personal data between the University and a Member Institution (where relevant) for the purposes of the management of your B. S. Chimni Scholarship.Each of the clauses of these Terms and Conditions operate separately. If a clause or any part of a clause is or becomes invalid, illegal or unenforceable, it shall be deemed deleted, but that shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the rest of these Terms and Conditions which shall remain in full force and effect.These Terms and Conditions constitute the entire agreement between you and the University in relation to the B. S. Chimni Scholarship. All previous agreements, arrangements and understandings between you and the University relating to the B. S. Chimni Scholarship, whether written or oral, shall have no legal effect unless expressly set out in these Terms and Conditions.If the University fails to insist that you perform any of your obligations under these Terms and Conditions, or if the University does not enforce its rights against you, or if the University delays in doing so, that will not mean that the University has waived its rights against you and that will not mean that you do not have to comply with those obligations. If the University waives a default by you of the B. S. Chimni Scholarship, the University will only do so in writing, and that will not mean that it will automatically waive any later default by you.These are the Terms and Conditions between you and the University. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of the terms of these Terms and Conditions.These Terms and Conditions, and any matters arising out of or in relation to these Terms and Conditions, are governed and construed in accordance with English law. The parties agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts to settle any dispute or claim arising out of or in relation to these Terms and Conditions.Last Updated: 19th April 2024", "type": "", "url": "" }
{ "name": "Budapester Foundation scholarship", "text": "Enabled by the generous support of the Budapester Foundation, the University of London is pleased to announce the availability of a new undergraduate scholarship, delivered through distance-learning and in partnership with London School of Economics and Political Science, for the 2024-25 academic year.As stated in the will of Federico Zichy Thyssen and the charitable objectives of the Budapester Foundation, the scholarship will be awarded by the University to a student either resident in, or from Hungary.The Budapester Foundation has three fundamental pillars, outlined in its founding statutes:the protection of endangered wildlife;the promotion of education through university scholarships;the support of non-profit foundations or entities that carry out charitable works in African communities.Education is an essential pillar for the Foundation, operating under the belief that everyone should have the opportunity to learn and grow, regardless of their background. This directly supports the University of London’s mission to be the UK’s leading provider of distance learning worldwide, ensuring that we continue to increase the number of people around the world who can benefit most from education.The Budapester Foundation scholarship will cover tuition fees for a student embarking on one of our distance-learning programmes, delivered under academic direction from the London School of Economics and in partnership with 2U. These programmes include:BSc in EconomicsBSc in Economics and ManagementBSc in International RelationsMore informationEligibilityTo be eligible for the scholarship you must be:Either a Hungarian national or permanently resident in Hungary (documentary evidence will need to be provided to confirm this).Be a new studentHave an offer of a place on one of the following programmes commencing in 2024/25 (from August 2024 intake): BSc in Economics, BSc in Economics and Management or BSc in International RelationsDeadline for applicationsThe deadline for applications is 1st July 2024.How to applySubmit a programme application form online. Online applications are located on each programmes webpage. You can find your course using our course finder search.When you have received an offer for your programme, download and complete the scholarship application form.Then upload your completed scholarship application form. Under Applications, select the Scholarships and Bursaries section to upload your form, and state how you will pay any outstanding fees not covered by the scholarship.Duties of the Scholarship holderEach year you will be required to take the minimum number of examinations permitted for your programme. You should refer to your programme regulations for further information on examinations.As a scholarship holder, you are required to write a short report each year outlining the impact of your study and research, to be shared with the University of London Development Office. The Development Office is responsible for engaging with alumni (former students) and friends of the University to encourage support for scholarships.You must also follow the standards expected of University of London students.We reserve the right to withdraw your scholarship if you do not comply with these terms.Terms and ConditionsThe following terms and conditions apply to the Budapester Foundation Scholarship at the University of London.The Budapester Foundation Scholarship is available to Hungarian nationals or those with permanent residence in Hungary, and for the University of London distance learning programmes BSc in Economics, BSc in Economics and Management or BSc in International Relations only.You will not be considered for the Budapester Foundation Scholarship until you have received an offer for a qualifying University of London distance learning programme.You cannot be considered for the Budapester Foundation Scholarship if you are a currently registered student.The Budapester Foundation Scholarship will be applied against any fees payable to the University of London including (but not limited to), registration fees and examination entry fees. It does not cover any fees not payable to the University of London, such as teaching centre fees and study materials. These examples are non-exhaustive of the fees included within and excluded from the Budapester Foundation Scholarship, and other fees not listed here may be included and excluded from the scholarship.The Budapester Foundation Scholarship may be awarded in addition to other scholarships and funding, but it cannot be used in conjunction with any other University of London bursary or scholarships.The Budapester Foundation Scholarship may be reviewed on an annual basis and cannot be transferred to another individual.Students awarded a Budapester Foundation Scholarship but who subsequently withdraw from their course of studies will no longer be eligible for the Budapester Foundation Scholarship.Recipients of the Budapester Foundation Scholarship may take a break in their studies but must undertake a minimum of two examinations in every year for the programme on which they are registered. Failure to do so may result in the Budapester Foundation Scholarship being withdrawn.The Budapester Foundation Scholarship cannot be retroactively applied to studies in previous academic years.The Budapester Foundation Scholarship will be valid for the maximum period of registration for your programme.The University reserves the right to terminate the Budapester Foundation Scholarship if you are found to have omitted key information or have provided untrue, inaccurate, incomplete or fraudulent information on your application form or in any additional information provided to the University and used in the determination of the award of your Budapester Foundation Scholarship.You agree to abide by the rules and regulations of the University of London. If you do not abide by these rules and regulations, or if you do not meet the requirements (including the academic requirements) to continue or complete the distance learning course, the University reserves the right to withdraw the Budapester Foundation Scholarship with immediate effect.You undertake to use your best efforts to fulfil the academic requirements of the distance learning course on which you are registered.As part of the Budapester Foundation Scholarship award, the University may ask you to participate in marketing related activities and/or events to promote and share your experiences of the Caroline Yang Scholarship. You are under no obligation to undertake any of these activities. Examples of typical activities and/or events may include participating in an interview, providing a profile for the University website. If you participate in such activities and/or events, you agree for the University to use any material resulting from such activities and/or events for the purposes of publicity material and/or for the education of other students, whether electronically or in print. You furthermore release and discharge the University and its agents, representatives and assignees from any and all claims and demands arising out of or in connection with the use of the publicity material, including without limitation any and all claims for invasion of privacy and defamation. Additionally, you agree that the copyright of any publicity material shall be wholly vested in the University and you hereby assign to the University any and all rights in the publicity material.Each year you will be asked to provide a report outlining the impact of your study and research – this is a requirement of being a scholarship recipient. This report will be shared with the University of London’s Development Office who will share the report (having removed all relevant contact details) with the Donor of the Budapester Foundation scholarship. Failure to provide the report result in the withdrawing of your scholarship.By agreeing to these Terms and Conditions, you are giving the University the right to hold and process your personal data, including some sensitive personal data. The University will process this personal data (including any personal data provided as part of participation in a marketing related activity and/or event under clause 16) in accordance with the UK Data Protection legislation and the University’s Data Protection Policy. The University will only share data with third parties in accordance with its Data Protection Policy and the University will remain the data controller of the data. The Data Protection Policy is applicable from the time of accepting these Terms and Conditions.The University of London and any relevant Federation Members are separate legal entities. In accepting the Budapester Foundation Scholarship you agree to the sharing of your personal data between the University and a Federation Member (where relevant) for the purposes of the management of your Budapester Foundation Scholarship.Each of the clauses of these Terms and Conditions operate separately. If a clause or any part of a clause is or becomes invalid, illegal or unenforceable, it shall be deemed deleted, but that shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the rest of these Terms and Conditions which shall remain in full force and effect.These Terms and Conditions constitute the entire agreement between you and the University in relation to the Budapester Foundation Scholarship. All previous agreements, arrangements and understandings between you and the University relating to the Budapester Foundation Scholarship, whether written or oral, shall have no legal effect unless expressly set out in these Terms and Conditions.If the University fails to insist that you perform any of your obligations under these Terms and Conditions, or if the University does not enforce its rights against you, or if the University delays in doing so, that will not mean that the University has waived its rights against you and that will not mean that you do not have to comply with those obligations. If the University waives a default by you of the Budapester Foundation Scholarship, the University will only do so in writing, and that will not mean that it will automatically waive any later default by you.These are the Terms and Conditions between you and the University. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of the terms of these Terms and Conditions.These Terms and Conditions, and any matters arising out of or in relation to these Terms and Conditions, are governed and construed in accordance with English law. The parties agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts to settle any dispute or claim arising out of or in relation to these Terms and Conditions ", "type": "", "url": "" }
{ "name": "Gates Cambridge Scholarship", "text": "ho can apply?You can apply for a Gates Cambridge Scholarship if you are:a citizen of any country outside the United Kingdomapplying to pursue one of the following courses at the University of Cambridge:PhD (full-time or part-time*)MLitt (full-time)One year postgraduate course (full-time), with some exceptions – see below* For October 2024 entry, Gates Cambridge is continuing to pilot a scheme which allows applicants to apply for funding for a part-time doctoral degree (PhD).Current student at Cambridge?​If you are currently studying at Cambridge and wish to apply for a new postgraduate course you can apply for a Gates Cambridge Scholarship. For example, if you are currently studying for an MPhil you can apply for a Gates Cambridge Scholarship to pursue a PhD. Current Gates Cambridge Scholars may also apply for a second scholarship if they are applying for a new degree. All current Cambridge students will be considered the second, international round. However, if you have already started a course (e.g. you are currently part way through a PhD) you cannot apply for a Gates Cambridge Scholarship to fund the remainder of it.General funding at CambridgeWhether or not you are eligible for a Gates Cambridge Scholarship you may be eligible for other funding offered by the University of Cambridge. See for more details.Courses which Gates Cambridge does NOT consider:Any Undergraduate degree, such as BA (undergraduate) or BA affiliated (a second BA)MASt coursesMaster of Business (MBA)Executive Master of Business Administration (EMBA) and Global EMBAMaster of Finance (MFin)Executive Master of AccountingBusiness Doctorate (BusD)PGCEMBBChir Clinical StudiesMD Doctor of Medicine degree (6 years, part-time, Home students only)Graduate Course in Medicine (A101)Part-time degrees other than the PhDNon-degree courses", "type": "", "url": "" }
{ "name": "Business Administration Bursary", "text": "For the academic year 2023/24, students who complete their initial registration to pursue their studies and register to study at a Recognised Teaching Centre in Pakistan or India will be eligible for a 25% discount on the Initial Registration Fee for the following programmes: CertHE in Business Administration and BSc Business Administration.BSc Business Administration: The discounted Initial Registration fee 2023/24 will be £1380 (£1840 less 25%/£460)CertHE Business Administration: The discounted Initial Registration fee 2023/24 will be £688.50 (£918 less 25%/£229.50).If you are eligible, you will be provided with a discount code that can be used when you register.More informationTerms and ConditionsThe following terms and conditions apply to your Discount on Initial Registration Fee for CertHE and BSc Business Administration at RTCs in India and Pakistan:To be eligible for the discount, you must be a current resident of India or Pakistan.The discount is available for the initial registration fee for the University of London CertHE and BSc Business Administration at a Registered Teaching Centre only.If you request the discount past the deadline for the current session, we cannot award you the discount.The discount may be awarded in addition to other scholarships and funding, but it cannot be used in conjunction with any other University of London bursary or scholarships.The discount cannot be retroactively applied to studies in previous academic years.The University reserves the right to terminate the discount if you are found to have omitted key information or have provided untrue, inaccurate, incomplete or fraudulent information on your application form or in any additional information provided to the University and used in the determination of the award of your discount.You agree to abide by the rules and regulations of the University of London.You undertake to use your best efforts to fulfil the academic requirements of the CertHE or BSc Business Administration programme.As part of the award of the discount, the University may ask you to participate in marketing related activities and/or events to promote and share your experiences. Examples of typical activities and/or events may include participating in an interview, providing a profile for the University website or prospectus or attending an open day or induction event. If you participate in such activities and/or events, you agree for the University to use any material resulting from such activities and/or events for the purposes of publicity material and/or for the education of other students, whether electronically or in print. You furthermore release and discharge the University and its agents, representatives and assignees from any and all claims and demands arising out of or in connection with the use of the publicity material, including without limitation any and all claims for invasion of privacy and defamation. Additionally, you agree that the copyright of any publicity material shall be wholly vested in the University and you hereby assign to the University any and all rights in the publicity material.By agreeing to these Terms and Conditions, you are giving the University the right to hold and process your personal data, including some sensitive personal data. The University will process this personal data (including any personal data provided as part of participation in a marketing related activity and/or event under clause 16) in accordance with the UK Data Protection legislation and the University’s Data Protection Policy. The University will only share data with third parties in accordance with its Data Protection Policy and the University will remain the data controller of the data. The Data Protection Policy is applicable from the time of accepting these Terms and Conditions.The University of London and any relevant Federation Institutions are separate legal entities. In accepting the discount you agree to the sharing of your personal data between the University and a Federation Institution (where relevant) for the purposes of the management of your discount.Each of the clauses of these Terms and Conditions operate separately. If a clause or any part of a clause is or becomes invalid, illegal or unenforceable, it shall be deemed deleted, but that shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the rest of these Terms and Conditions which shall remain in full force and effect.These Terms and Conditions constitute the entire agreement between you and the University in relation to the Discount on Initial Registration Fee for CertHE and BSc Business Administration at RTCs in India and Pakistan. All previous agreements, arrangements and understandings between you and the University relating to the discount, whether written or oral, shall have no legal effect unless expressly set out in these Terms and Conditions.If the University fails to insist that you perform any of your obligations under these Terms and Conditions, or if the University does not enforce its rights against you, or if the University delays in doing so, that will not mean that the University has waived its rights against you and that will not mean that you do not have to comply with those obligations. If the University waives a default by you of the Discount on Initial Registration Fee for CertHE and BSc Business Administration at RTCs in India and Pakistan, the University will only do so in writing, and that will not mean that it will automatically waive any later default by you.These are the Terms and Conditions between you and the University. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of the terms of these Terms and Conditions.These Terms and Conditions, and any matters arising out of or in relation to these Terms and Conditions, are governed and construed in accordance with English law. The parties agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts to settle any dispute or claim arising out of or in relation to these Terms and Conditions. ", "type": "", "url": "" }
{ "name": "Commonwealth Scholarships", "text": "Commonwealth Scholarships are available for a number of University of London programmes by distance learning:MA Human Rights (School of Advanced Study)MA Refugee Protection and Forced Migration Studies (School of Advanced Study)MSc Clinical Trials (LSHTM)MSc Global Health Policy (LSHTM)MSc Public Health (LSHTM)MSc Epidemiology (LSHTM)MSc Infectious Disease (LSHTM)Students and visitors attend the Commonwealth lunchTen scholarships are available for LSHTM programmes via distance learning.These full fee-waiver awards are for residents of developing Commonwealth countries (see below for details).You apply for these courses through the University of London. For scholarship applications, please follow the specific directions below.London School of Hygiene & Tropical MedicineAre you eligible?A total of 10 scholarships are available to study a master's degree with the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine by distance learning.To be eligible for these scholarships, you must fulfil the following criteria:Be a citizen of, or have been granted refugee status by, an eligible Commonwealth country, or be a British Protected Person.Be a permanent resident of an eligible country.Hold an offer to study an eligible MSc course (meeting the relevant entry requirements).Be unable to take up this offer without financial support.Qualifying countriesBangladesh BelizeBotswana CameroonDominica EswatiniFiji GabonThe Gambia GhanaGrenada GuyanaIndia JamaicaKenya KiribatiLesotho MalawiMalaysia MaldivesMauritius MontserratMozambique NamibiaNauru NigeriaPakistan Papua New GuineaRwanda Saint HelenaSaint Lucia Saint Vincent and the GrenadinesSamoa Sierra LeoneSolomon Islands South AfricaSri Lanka TanzaniaTogo TongaTuvalu UgandaVanuatu ZambiaHow to apply1. Complete an online application for an eligible MSc course:MSc Clinical TrialsMSc EpidemiologyMSc Global Health PolicyMSc Infectious DiseasesMSc Public Health2. To apply you must:apply to the University of London Worldwide for one (or more) of the above eligible distance learning Master’s programmes, and be in receipt of an offer of a place on your chosen programme by 28 March 2024ANDapply using the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission’s (CSC) Distance Learning (Masters) online application form for a Commonwealth Distance Learning Scholarship by 28 March 2024 16: 00 (GMT)In order for your application to be eligible for consideration you must also submit all supporting documentation to the CSC’s Distance Learning online application form by 28 March 2024 16: 00 (GMT). Please see the Commonwealth Scholarships website for the list of required supporting documentation.IMPORTANT NOTE: This year at least two references are required, which applicants must upload to the CSC system themselves.Full details of the Commonwealth Distance Learning Master’s Scholarships, including scholar eligibility, eligible countries, completing the application form, and the selection process can be found on the Commonwealth Scholarships website.Key dates and deadlinesapplicants need to have an offer of admission by 16: 00 (GMT) on 28 March 2024, andSubmit your supporting documentation by 16: 00 (GMT) on 28 March 2024About the awardFunded by the UK Department for International Development (DFID), Commonwealth Distance Learning Scholarships enable talented and motivated individuals to gain the knowledge and skills required for sustainable development, and are aimed at those unable to study in the UK for financial and other reasons.General enquiries about applying for Commonwealth Scholarships should be sent to the CSC by completing their online contact form.See full terms and conditions on the Commonwealth Scholarships website.School of Advanced Study (SAS)Are you eligible?MS Refugee Protection and Forced Migration StudiesTen scholarships for the MA Refugee Protection and Forced Migration Studies and five scholarships for the MA Human Rights programmes are available.Scholarships for the MA Refugee Protection and Forced Migration Studies are available for applicants in the following countries:BotswanaCameroonEswatiniGabonThe GambiaGhanaKenyaLesothoMalawiMauritiusMozambiqueNamibiaNigeriaRwandaSeychellesSierra LeoneSouth AfricaTanzaniaTogoUgandaZambiaMA Human Rights coursesScholarships for the MA Human Rights programmes are available for applicants in the following countries:BangladeshCameroonEswatiniThe GambiaGhanaGuyanaIndiaKenyaKiribatiLesothoMalawiMozambiqueNigeriaPakistanPapua New GuineaRwandaSamoaSierra LeoneSolomon IslandsSri LankaTanzaniaTuvaluUgandaVanuatuZambia.To qualify, you must meet the entry requirements by holding an undergraduate degree (e.g. bachelor) comparable to a UK upper second class honours degree, plus English language requirements.Individual candidates will be selected on the basis of financial need; outstanding academic merit or potential (demonstrated particularly by past achievements); and knowledge-transfer and development potential.Candidates with a strong interest in refugees, citizenship and statelessness are particularly encouraged.See full requirements on Postgraduate study.How to applyFirstly, you must apply for the master's degree, as you will need an offer to join the course before you can apply for the scholarship.Secondly, submit an application to the Commonwealth Distance Learning Scholarships scheme.Key dates and deadlinesScholarship applications close: 16: 00 GMT on Thursday 28 March 2024Deadline to submit reference to CSC: 16: 00 GMT on Thursday 28 March 2024You must apply for the master’s degree in good time to receive an offer before the scholarship deadline.We recommend that applications for the MA programme reach us by Monday 18 March 2024.About the awardThe award is worth the full course fee for the distance-learning MA programme.The MA Refugee Protection and Forced Migration Studies and MA Human Rights are the only programmes of their type to be offered by distance learning.Academic direction is provided by the School of Advanced Study, University of London.", "type": "", "url": "" }
{ "name": "Federation member alumni bursary", "text": "Federation Member Alumni bursaries are available if you have studied at one of the following University of London Federation Members: City, Goldsmiths, Queen Mary, School of Advanced Studies, University of London or University of London in Paris.Post graduate student going outsideIf you've completed a degree at City, Goldsmiths, Queen Mary, School of Advanced Studies or University of London in Paris, apply for a Federation Member Alumni Bursary.City, University of London Federation Member Alumni BursaryNew registrants who have previously studied and received a degree from City, University of London (including City's Business School) are eligible for a 10 per cent bursary on their module fees (pay-as-you-go) or full course fee towards the MSc Supply Chain Management and Global Logistics programme and related awards.Goldsmiths, University of London Federation Member Alumni BursaryNew registrants who have previously studied and received a degree from Goldsmiths, University of London are eligible for a 10 per cent bursary on their module fees (pay-as-you-go) or full course fee towards the MSc Data Science programme and related awards.Queen Mary, University of London Federation Member Alumni BursaryNew registrants who have previously studied and received a degree from Queen Mary, University of London are eligible for a 20 per cent bursary on their module fees (pay-as-you-go) or full course fee towards the Global MBA programmes and related awards.School of Advanced Studies, University of London Federation Member Alumni BursaryNew registrants who have previously studied and received a degree from the School of Advanced Studies, University of London are eligible for a 10 per cent bursary on their fees (pay-as-you-go) or full course fee towards any University of London distance learning courses.University of London in Paris Federation Member Alumni BursaryNew registrants who have previously studied and received a degree from the University of London in Paris are eligible for a 10 per cent bursary on their fees (pay-as-you-go) or full course fee towards any University of London distance learning course.Further informationHow to applyIf you wish to apply for the bursary you will need to provide appropriate documentation showing your alumni status.You can select this bursary in the ‘Scholarships and bursaries’ section of the online application form.Once you reach the document upload section, attach appropriate documentation showing your alumni status, such as a copy of your degree certificate.OrIf you wish to apply for the bursary after you have submitted your application for the programme you can do so via our online enquiry system. Please ensure to provide your student number.Notes:You will not be considered for the bursary until you have received an offer for the applicable programme.This bursary is not available to currently registered students.When you are approved for the bursary you will be sent a bursary code to use during registration. If you proceed to register before you have received the bursary code, you will no longer be eligible for the bursary.By accepting the bursary, you understand and agree to the terms and conditions below.Who can applyFederation Member Alumni bursaries are not available to alumni of every federation member institution of the University of London.Federation Member Alumni bursaries are only available if you have studied at one of the following University of London Federation Members: City, Goldsmiths, Queen Mary, School of Advanced Studies, University of London or University of London in Paris.Application deadlineYou must submit your request for this bursary either on your application form or via the online enquiry system at least 2 weeks before the registration deadline for your programme.Terms and conditionsI understand and agree that:To be eligible for a Federation Member Alumni Bursary, I must have successfully completed a degree with City, University of London (bursary available for the MSc Supply Chain Management and Global logistics programme only), Goldsmiths, University of London (bursary available for the MSc Data Science and BSc Computer Science programmes only), Queen Mary University of London (bursary available for the Global MBA only), School of Advanced studies (bursary available for University of London distance learning courses with the exception of CeDip and CeFims) or the Institute of London in Paris (bursary available for University of London distance learning courses with the exception of CeDip and CeFims) and I must be qualified as a graduate by the University.The Federation Member Alumni Bursary can be applied against registration, examination entry fees, resit fees for undergraduate courses and module fees. It cannot be applied to application fees, recognition of prior learning fees, module continuation fees, extension of registration fees, examination rechecks, examination resit fees for postgraduate courses, or fees charged by third parties such as Recognised Teaching Centres and examination centre fees.The Federation Member Alumni Bursary will be applied to the applicable fees upon registration, with use of a bursary code.Federation Member Alumni Bursaries may be awarded in addition to other scholarships and funding offered by third parties, but cannot be combined with other University of London awards.Federation Member Alumni Bursaries may be reviewed by the University on an annual basis and cannot be transferred to another individual.Students awarded a Federation Member Alumni Bursary who subsequently withdraw from their course of study may not apply for the Federation Member Alumni Bursary again. In the event you withdraw from the course, the University reserves the right to require that you repay a portion of the Federation Member Alumni Bursary.If I take a break from my studies, I will remain eligible for the Federation Member Alumni Bursary provided that I complete a degree in the permitted timescales and pay any relevant fees.The Federation Member Alumni Bursary is only valid for studies that begin (for master's and bachelor’s degrees) in, or after, the 2018/19 academic year. The Federation Member Alumni Bursary cannot be retrospectively applied to studies before these periods.I must apply for the Federation Member Alumni Bursary before I complete registration (initial registration or registering for additional modules). If I register and pay before receiving and using the Federation Member Alumni Bursary then the full fee will apply. Refunds will not be given for the Federation Member Alumni Bursary where requests are made after my payment has been received.If I am studying more than one degree concurrently, then, subject to programme director approval, the Federation Member Alumni Bursary may be applied to both degrees.The University reserves the right to terminate the Federation Member Alumni Bursary if I am found to have omitted key information or have provided untrue, inaccurate, incomplete or fraudulent information on my Federation Member Alumni Bursary application form or in any additional information provided to the University and used in the determination of the award of the Federation Member Alumni Bursary.I agree to abide by the rules and regulations of the University of London and the rules and regulations of the relevant Federation Member . If I do not abide by these rules and regulations, or if I do not meet the requirements (including the academic requirements) to continue or complete my course, the University reserves the right to withdraw the Federation Member Alumni Bursary with immediate effect.I undertake to use my best efforts to fulfil the academic requirements of my course.As part of the Federation Member Alumni Bursary award, the University may ask me to participate in marketing related activities and/or events to promote and share my experiences of the Federation Member Alumni Bursary. Examples of typical activities and/or events may include participating in an interview, providing a profile for our website or prospectus or attending an open day or induction event. If I participate in such activities and/or events, I agree for the University to use any material resulting from such activities and/or events for the purposes of publicity material and/or for the education of other students, whether electronically or in print. I furthermore release and discharge the University and its agents, representatives and assignees from any and all claims and demands arising out of or in connection with the use of the publicity material, including without limitation any and all claims for invasion of privacy and defamation. Additionally, I agree that the copyright of any publicity material shall be wholly vested in the University and I hereby assign to the University any and all rights which I have in the publicity material.By entering into this Agreement, I am giving the University the right to hold and process my personal data including some sensitive personal data. The University will process my personal data (including any personal data provided as part of my participation in a marketing related activity and/or event under clause 14 in accordance with the UK Data Protection legislation and the University’s Data Protection Policy. The University will only share data with third parties in accordance with its Data Protection Policy and the University will remain the data controller of my data.The Data Protection Policy is applicable from the time of accepting this Agreement and can be read in full here on the website here Data Protection Policy.The University of London and the relevant Federation Members are separate legal entities. In accepting the Federation Member Alumni Bursary I have agreed to the sharing of my personal data between the University and a Federation Member (where relevant) for the purposes of the management of my Federation Member Alumni Bursary.Each of the clauses of this Agreement operates separately. If a clause or any part of a clause is or becomes invalid, illegal or unenforceable, it shall be deemed deleted, but that shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the rest of this Agreement which shall remain in full force and effect.This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between me and the University in relation to the Federation Member Alumni Bursary. All previous agreements, arrangements and understandings between us relating to the Federation Member Alumni Bursary, whether written or oral, shall have no legal effect unless expressly set out in this Agreement.If the University fails to insist that I perform any of my obligations under this Agreement, or if the University does not enforce its rights against me, or if the University delays in doing so, that will not mean that the University has waived its rights against me and that will not mean that I do not have to comply with those obligations. If the University waives a default by me, the University will only do so in writing, and that will not mean that it will automatically waive any later default by me.These are the terms of the Agreement between me and the University. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of the terms of this Agreement.This Agreement, and any matters arising out of or in relation to the Agreement, are governed and construed in accordance with English law. The parties agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts to settle any dispute or claim arising out of or in relation to the Agreement.Frequently asked questionsWho qualifies for the award of a Federation Member Alumni Bursary?To be eligible for an alumni bursary, you must have successfully completed a bachelor's or master's degree with one of the following Institutions City, University of London; Goldsmiths, University of London; or Queen Mary University of London. If you were awarded a Graduate Diploma, this does not make you eligible for the alumni bursary.Which fees are eligible for a discount by applying the Federation Member Alumni Bursary?Fees qualifying for a discount are as follows: registration and continuing registration fees, undergraduate exam entry fees, undergraduate examination resit fees, and module fees. For the BSc Computer Science course, the module continuation fees are covered by the Federation Member Alumni Bursary.The discount does not apply to the following: application fees, recognition of prior learning fees, module continuation fees for postgraduate courses, registration extension fees, postgraduate examination resit fees, examination rechecks, and fees that are charged by third parties, such as local teaching support or for local exam centres.Can the Federation Member ​​​​​​Alumni Bursary be applied retrospectively?No. The bursary is only valid for studies that begin, for master’s and bachelor’s degrees, in/after the 2019 academic year.The Federation Member Alumni Bursary cannot be retrospectively applied to studies before these periods. Please make sure that you receive your bursary code before making any payments. No refunds will be issued if you have a code and have not applied it or if you request a code after paying.I qualify for the Federation Member Alumni Bursary but would like to pass it on to a family member. Is this possible?No, the Federation Member Alumni Bursary can only be used by the relevant University of London graduate.I am an on campus graduate of School of Advanced Studies. Would I qualify for the Alumni Bursary?Yes you would qualify for the Alumni Bursary.I am an on campus graduate of University of London in Paris (ULIP). Would I qualify for the Alumni Bursary?Yes you would qualify for the Alumni Bursary.I am an on campus graduate of Royal Holloway, University of London. Would I qualify for the Alumni Bursary?Yes you would qualify for the Alumni Bursary from Royal Hollow distance learning programmes only.Can my Federation Member Alumni Bursary be used against fees charged by a teaching centre?No, the Federation Member Alumni Bursary applies only to course-related fees charged directly by the University (see above).Can the Federation Member Alumni Bursary be applied to full course fees as well as modules taken on a pay-as-you-go basis?Yes, certainly, the Federation Member Alumni Bursary can be applied to both the full course fees and the pay-as-you-go model.Will I need a new bursary code each year?No, you will not need a new code each year, where you remain on the same course. Your code will work for the duration of your course and is subject specific. If you move onto another course you will need to request a new bursary code.What must I provide to prove my eligibility?Your full name, student number, degree and year awarded will be sufficient for us to confirm your qualification documentation.Can the Federation Member Alumni Bursary be redeemed through on-campus programmes?No, the Federation Member Alumni Bursary applies only to University of London degrees offered via distance learning.Can I use my Federation Member Alumni Bursary against my Application Fee?No, the discount does not apply to the following: application fees, recognition of prior learning fees, module continuation fees for postgraduate courses, registration extension fees, postgraduate examination resit fees, examination rechecks, and fees that are charged by third parties, such as local teaching support or for local exam centres.How do I obtain my bursary code?Please fill in the ‘Scholarships and bursaries’ section of the online form once you have received your offer letter to study a new course. Please do not start your registration or pay until you have received your bursary code.Are there any other Scholarships or Bursaries available to Federation Member alumni?Yes there are, find out more in Scholarships and Bursaries.", "type": "", "url": "" }
{ "name": "Hannah Arendt Scholarship", "text": "The University of London has established a prestigious scholarship for the MA in Refugee Protection and Forced Migration Studies by distance-learning.This award is named the Hannah Arendt Scholarship to celebrate the achievements of the renowned political thinker and refugee Hannah Arendt.The Hannah Arendt Scholarship will be awarded in October 2024. This scholarship seeks to support an outstanding student who might not otherwise be able to gain access to the MA in Refugee Protection and is resident in a country in Africa.Hannah Arendt portrait drawingThis award is named the Hannah Arendt Scholarship to celebrate the achievements of the renowned political thinker and refugee Hannah Arendt.Hannah Arendt ScholarshipEligibility criteriaApplicants for the Hannah Arendt Scholarship must:Have the offer of a place on the MA in Refugee Protection and Forced Migration Studies the “MA Programme”) by distance-learning; andDemonstrate outstanding academic merit or potential in the field of study, evidenced particularly by past achievements; andHold an undergraduate degree (e.g. bachelor) that is comparable to a UK upper second class honours degree, in political science or other relevant subject; andBe unable to take up the offer of a place on the MA in Refugee Protection and Forced Migration Studies due to financial circumstances; andBe resident in a country in AfricaApplications from those with a refugee/displacement background are particularly encouraged.Students currently studying for a University of London award are ineligible for this scholarship. Applicants who already hold a Master’s degree will not usually be privileged in the scholarship selection process.Application procedureAll applicants who receive a letter offering them a place on the MA Programme will be invited to apply for the Hannah Arendt Scholarship, subject to meeting the eligibility criteria.The scholarship application is submitted via an online form that is separate to that for admission to the MA Programme. It requires applicants to detail their past achievements as relevant to this field of study, professional positions held, personal information and financial situation. Applicants also provide a short statement of their motivation in applying to the MA Programme and for the scholarship.All applications will be reviewed against the eligibility criteria using the University’s procedures and will be informed of the outcome of their applications in a timely manner. Regrettably, it will not be possible to provide further individual feedback on applications.Please return your scholarship application form as an attachment (along with your CV) by email to [email protected]. The form should ideally be sent as a PDF, however if this is not possible, please ensure it is sent in a format that can be read by a standard Windows PC or Mac.Download the scholarship application form (MS Word)Key datesThe Hannah Arendt Scholarship will be awarded to a student intending to commence studies in the October 2024 intake of the MA Programme. Relevant dates for the coming academic year are as follows: 4 August 2024 Deadline for scholarship applications31 August 2024 Notification of outcome to all applicants1 October 2024 Deadline for registration on MA Programme14 October 2024 MA Programme commencesApplicants are responsible for ensuring that their applications for admission to the MA Programme are submitted sufficiently early such that an offer can be extended and their subsequent scholarship application entered prior to the 4 August 2024 deadline. Please note that, as a rule of thumb, it is unlikely that any admission application completed after 19 July 2024 will be processed in time.Duties of scholarship holdersYou must agree to the Scholarship Terms and Conditions, which include writing a short report at the end of each year of study outlining the impact of your study and research.The scholarship recipient is required to act at all times in conformity with the Scholarship Terms and Conditions, the standards expected of students of the University of London, the University’s regulations and policies and the Student Terms and Conditions.Where a student fails to comply with any of these terms, the University reserves the right unilaterally to withdraw his/her scholarship.Scope of the awardThe Hannah Arendt Scholarship covers the ‘whole fee’ for the two-year part-time distance-learning MA programme, comprising two Core Module fees, four Elective Module fees, and the two Dissertation Modules fees. This is equivalent to fees of £9,464 over the lifetime of the award.The scholarship does not cover any costs not directly payable to the University (such as the purchase of additional materials or electronic equipment), resubmission fees, payment of further elective modules if the student decides to transfer, or any other fees not covered above. Applicants must ensure they can to cover such costs from other financial sources.If no suitable candidates are identified in a single year, then the award may be held over until the following year.Duties of successful scholarship recipientsThe scholarship recipient is required to agree to the Scholarship Terms and Conditions, which include writing a short report at the end of each year of study outlining the impact of their study and research.The scholarship recipient is required to act at all times in conformity with the Scholarship Terms and Conditions, the standards expected of students of the University of London, the University’s regulations and policies and the Student Terms and Conditions. Where a student fails to comply with any of these terms, the University reserves the right unilaterally to withdraw his/her scholarship.Background to the Hannah Arendt ScholarshipHannah Arendt (1906–1975) was one of the most influential political thinkers of the twentieth century. Born into a German-Jewish family, she was forced to leave Germany in 1933 and lived in Paris for the next eight years. In 1941 she immigrated to the United States. She held a number of academic positions at prestigious American universities until her death in 1975. Her works on refugeehood, totalitarianism, revolution, freedom and the modern age, had and continue to have a major impact both within and outside the academic community.The University of London created the scholarship to celebrate Hannah Arendt’s lifelong contribution to political thought. The scholarship promotes the study of refugee protection by outstanding students who are limited by financial circumstances, especially those in low- or middle-income countries.Terms and ConditionsThe following terms and conditions apply to your Hannah Arendt Scholarship:The Hannah Arendt Scholarship is available for the University of London MA Refugee Protection and Forced Migration studies programme offered via distance learning only and subject to the application criteria set out in the attached application information sheet.You will not be considered for the Hannah Arendt Scholarship until you have been given an offer for the University of London distance learning MA Refugee Protection and Forced Migration programme.You cannot be considered for the Hannah Arendt Scholarship if you are a currently registered student or if you have previously applied and been rejected for this scholarship and you cannot demonstrate a sufficient change in personal circumstances that would suggest you now meet the criteria for the Hannah Arendt Scholarship.The Hannah Arendt Scholarship can be applied against your registration fees and course module fees. It will not cover re-submission fees, study materials or IT equipment.The Hannah Arendt Scholarship value is £9,281 which will be credited to your fee account to be used against fees payable to the University of London.The Hannah Arendt Scholarship may be awarded in addition to other scholarships and funding, but it cannot be used in conjunction with any other University of London bursary or scholarships.Students are required to write a short report at the end of each study year outlining the impact of your study and research. Failure to comply may result in the scholarship being withdrawn.The Hannah Arendt Scholarship may be reviewed on an annual basis and cannot be transferred to another individual.Students awarded a Hannah Arendt Scholarship but who subsequently withdraw from their course of studies will no longer be eligible for the Hannah Arendt Scholarship.Students who take a break in their studies will continue to be eligible for the Hannah Arendt Scholarship provided that they complete their degree in the permitted timescales and pay any relevant fees.The Hannah Arendt Scholarship is only valid for registration’s that begin in 2023.The Hannah Arendt Scholarship will be valid for the maximum period of registration for your programme.The University reserves the right to terminate the Hannah Arendt Scholarship if you are found to have omitted key information or have provided untrue, inaccurate, incomplete or fraudulent information on your application form or in any additional information provided to the University and used in the determination of the award of your Hannah Arendt Scholarship.You agree to abide by the rules and regulations of the University of London. If you do not abide by these rules and regulations, or if you do not meet the requirements (including the academic requirements) to continue or complete the MA Refugee Protection and Forced Migration Studies distance learning course, the University reserves the right to withdraw the Hannah Arendt Scholarship with immediate effect.You undertake to use your best efforts to fulfil the academic requirements of the MA Refugee Protection and Forced Migration Studies distance learning course.As part of the Hannah Arendt Scholarship, the University may ask you to participate in marketing related activities and/or events to promote and share your experiences of the MA Refugee Protection and Forced Migration studies. Examples of typical activities and/or events may include participating in an interview, providing a profile for the University website or prospectus or attending an open day or induction event. If you participate in such activities and/or events, you agree for the University to use any material resulting from such activities and/or events for the purposes of publicity material and/or for the education of other students, whether electronically or in print. You furthermore release and discharge the University and its agents, representatives and assignees from any and all claims and demands arising out of or in connection with the use of the publicity material, including without limitation any and all claims for invasion of privacy and defamation. Additionally, you agree that the copyright of any publicity material shall be wholly vested in the University and you hereby assign to the University any and all rights in the publicity material.By agreeing to these Terms and Conditions, you are giving the University the right to hold and process your personal data, including some sensitive personal data. The University will process this personal data (including any personal data provided as part of participation in a marketing related activity and/or event under clause 16) in accordance with the UK Data Protection legislation and the University’s Data Protection Policy. The University will only share data with third parties in accordance with its Data Protection Policy and the University will remain the data controller of the data. The Data Protection Policy is applicable from the time of accepting these Terms and Conditions.The University of London and any relevant Member Institutions are separate legal entities. In accepting the Hannah Arendt Scholarship you agree to the sharing of your personal data between the University and a Member Institution (where relevant) for the purposes of the management of your Hannah Arendt Scholarship.Each of the clauses of these Terms and Conditions operate separately. If a clause or any part of a clause is or becomes invalid, illegal or unenforceable, it shall be deemed deleted, but that shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the rest of these Terms and Conditions which shall remain in full force and effect.These Terms and Conditions constitute the entire agreement between you and the University in relation to the Hannah Arendt Scholarship. All previous agreements, arrangements and understandings between you and the University relating to the Hannah Arendt Scholarship, whether written or oral, shall have no legal effect unless expressly set out in these Terms and Conditions.If the University fails to insist that you perform any of your obligations under these Terms and Conditions, or if the University does not enforce its rights against you, or if the University delays in doing so, that will not mean that the University has waived its rights against you and that will not mean that you do not have to comply with those obligations. If the University waives a default by you of the Hannah Arendt Scholarship, the University will only do so in writing, and that will not mean that it will automatically waive any later default by you.These are the Terms and Conditions between you and the University. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of the terms of these Terms and Conditions.These Terms and Conditions, and any matters arising out of or in relation to these Terms and Conditions, are governed and construed in accordance with English law. The parties agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts to settle any dispute or claim arising out of or in relation to these Terms and Conditions.Last Updated: 2 May 2023", "type": "", "url": "" }
{ "name": "Refugee and Displaced Persons Scholarships", "text": "The University is pleased to announce 34 scholarships for refugees and displaced persons.Students in Library34 scholarships are available for refugees and displaced persons.3 MSc Professional Accountancy scholarships10 Postgraduate Laws LLM scholarships2 MSc Accounting and Financial Management scholarships5 scholarships between BSc Computer Science and MSc Data Science6 scholarships between BSc Business Administration, BSc Marketing, MSc Cyber Security, MSc Project Management1 MA Global Diplomacy scholarship5 LLB scholarships2 Global MBA scholarships1 MA Human Rights scholarship - MA Human RightsPlease be aware that not all programmes still have scholarships available for the 2023-24 academic year. Scholarships are still available for the following programmes only:MSc Professional Accountancy scholarshipsPostgraduate Laws LLM scholarshipsRefugee and Displaced Persons ScholarshipsAre you eligible?To be eligible for the scholarship you must:Have an offer for either the MSc Accounting and Financial Management, MSc Professional Accountancy, LLM, BSc Business Administration, BSc Marketing, MSc Project Management, BSc Computer Science, MSc Data Science, MA Global Diplomacy, MSc Cyber Security, Global MBA, LLB or MA Human Rights.Be a new student; or have become displaced in the course of your current study with the University of London.Have refugee or displaced person status evidenced by formal documentation.How to applySubmit a programme application form. If the programme you are applying for has an application fee that you are unable to pay, please contact us selecting the Scholarships and Bursaries category on the enquiry.Once you have submitted the programme application form and received an offer, you can submit your scholarship application here - enquiry form. Select the scholarships and bursaries category on the enquiry form.You must also upload evidence of your refugee or displaced persons status and ensure the scholarship application form is fully completed. Your application cannot be considered without a fully completed form and the required evidence.Download the scholarship application form [Word Doc]Application deadlineApplications will be considered on a rolling basis. Please ensure that you submit both the programme application and the scholarship application at least two weeks before the programme application deadline. Applications submitted after this time may not be considered.Terms and conditionsThe following terms and conditions apply to the University of London Refugee and Displaced Persons Scholarship.The University of London Refugee and Displaced Persons Scholarship is available for the University of London distance learning programmes only.You will not be considered for the University of London Refugee and Displaced Persons Scholarship until you have received an offer for one of the available programme listed.The University of London Refugee and Displaced Persons Scholarship will be applied against the course fees payable to the University of London.The University of London Refugee and Displaced Persons Scholarship may be awarded in addition to other scholarships and funding, but it cannot be used in conjunction with any other University of London bursary or scholarships.The University of London Refugee and Displaced Persons Scholarship may be reviewed on an annual basis and cannot be transferred to another individual.Students awarded a University of London Refugee and Displaced Persons Scholarship but who subsequently withdraw from their course of studies will no longer be eligible for the University of London Refugee and Displaced Persons Scholarship.The University of London Refugee and Displaced Persons Scholarship cannot be retroactively applied to studies in previous academic years.The University of London Refugee and Displaced Persons Scholarship will be valid for the maximum period of registration for your programme.The University reserves the right to terminate the University of London Refugee and Displaced Persons Scholarship if you are found to have omitted key information or have provided untrue, inaccurate, incomplete or fraudulent information on your application form or in any additional information provided to the University and used in the determination of the award of your University of London Refugee and Displaced Persons Scholarship.You agree to abide by the rules and regulations of the University of London. If you do not abide by these rules and regulations, or if you do not meet the requirements (including the academic requirements) to continue or complete the distance learning course, the University reserves the right to withdraw the University of London Refugee and Displaced Persons Scholarship with immediate effect.You undertake to use your best efforts to fulfil the academic requirements of the short course.As part of the University of London Refugee and Displaced Persons Scholarship award, the University may ask you to participate in marketing related activities and/or events to promote and share your experiences of the University of London Refugee and Displaced Persons Scholarship. You are under no obligation to undertake any of these activities. Examples of typical activities and/or events may include participating in an interview, providing a profile for the University website. If you participate in such activities and/or events, you agree for the University to use any material resulting from such activities and/or events for the purposes of publicity material and/or for the education of other students, whether electronically or in print. You furthermore release and discharge the University and its agents, representatives and assignees from any and all claims and demands arising out of or in connection with the use of the publicity material, including without limitation any and all claims for invasion of privacy and defamation. Additionally, you agree that the copyright of any publicity material shall be wholly vested in the University and you hereby assign to the University any and all rights in the publicity material.You may be asked to provide a report outlining the impact of your study and research - this is a requirement of being a scholarship recipient. Failure to provide the report may result in the withdrawing of your scholarship.By agreeing to these Terms and Conditions, you are giving the University the right to hold and process your personal data, including some sensitive personal data. The University will process this personal data (including any personal data provided as part of participation in a marketing related activity and/or event under clause 16) in accordance with the UK Data Protection legislation and the University’s Data Protection Policy. The University will only share data with third parties in accordance with its Data Protection Policy and the University will remain the data controller of the data. The Data Protection Policy is applicable from the time of accepting these Terms and Conditions.Each of the clauses of these Terms and Conditions operate separately. If a clause or any part of a clause is or becomes invalid, illegal or unenforceable, it shall be deemed deleted, but that shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the rest of these Terms and Conditions which shall remain in full force and effect.These Terms and Conditions constitute the entire agreement between you and the University in relation to the University of London Refugee and Displaced Persons Scholarship. All previous agreements, arrangements and understandings between you and the University relating to the University of London Refugee and Displaced Persons Scholarship, whether written or oral, shall have no legal effect unless expressly set out in these Terms and Conditions.If the University fails to insist that you perform any of your obligations under these Terms and Conditions, or if the University does not enforce its rights against you, or if the University delays in doing so, that will not mean that the University has waived its rights against you and that will not mean that you do not have to comply with those obligations. If the University waives a default by you of the University of London Refugee and Displaced Persons Scholarship, the University will only do so in writing, and that will not mean that it will automatically waive any later default by you.These are the Terms and Conditions between you and the University. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of the terms of these Terms and Conditions.These Terms and Conditions, and any matters arising out of or in relation to these Terms and Conditions, are governed and construed in accordance with English law. The parties agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts to settle any dispute or claim arising out of or in relation to these Terms and Conditions. ", "type": "", "url": "" }
{ "name": "Unionlearn Bursary", "text": "embers of included unions may qualify for a 10% discount which can be applied to registration fees, examination entry fees, course module fees, and module continuation fees.This applies to 4 programmes: BSc Business Administration, BSc Computer Science, BSc Psychology and the Global MBA.More informationWho can apply?Offer holders.You will not be considered for the Unionlearn Bursary until you have received an offer for the one of the specified programmes or course of studies.The Unionlearn Bursary is only available to students who have not previously registered for a specific programme or course of study available under this bursary. You can select the Unionlearn Bursary in the ‘Scholarships and bursaries’ section of the online application form.Bursary applicants must be a member of one of the unions that falls under the umbrella of unionlearn and the Trades Union Congress (TUC).How to applyOnce you reach the document upload section of the online application form, download and complete the Unionlearn Bursary Application Form. It should be fully completed and signed by your dedicated trade union representative in order to confirm your membership of a union that falls under the auspices of unionlearn.Download the application formOrIf you wish to apply for the Unionlearn Bursary after you have submitted your application form for the applicable programme or course of studies you can do so via our online enquiry system. You will need to complete the above application form to confirm your membership as well.Please download and complete the Unionlearn Bursary Application Form. It should be fully completed and signed by your dedicated trade union representative in order to confirm your membership of a union that falls under the auspices of unionlearn and the Trade Unions Congress and include your student number in the relevant field.For clarity, if you are approved for the Unionlearn Bursary you will be sent a bursary code to use during registration. If you proceed to register before you have received the bursary code, you will not receive the bursary.Bursary deadlinePlease ensure to apply/request the bursary at least 2 weeks before the registration deadline for your programme.Terms & conditions and privacy noticeThe following Terms and Conditions, including all schedules, apply to your University of London Unionlearn Bursary:To be eligible for the Unionlearn Bursary, you must be a member of a union that falls under the auspices of unionlearn and the Trades Union Congress at the time of making your Unionlearn Bursary application.The Unionlearn Bursary is only available for newly registering students for the start of the following University of London programmes (or any shorter qualification offered as part of these programmes, including without limitation modules, certificates and diplomas) offered via distance learning:a.BSc Business Administrationb.BSc Computer Sciencec.BSc Psychologyd.Global MBAYou will not be considered for the Unionlearn Bursary until you have been given an offer for the University of London distance learning programme.When you are approved for the Unionlearn Bursary you will be sent a bursary code to use during registration. If you proceed to register before you have received the bursary code, you will not receive the Unionlearn Bursary.If you request the Unionlearn Bursary after the deadline for the current session, we cannot award you the bursary. However, you can request the Unionlearn Bursary for the following academic session providing the bursary is still available, and if you can defer your registration until the next session.The Unionlearn Bursary can be applied against registration fees, examination entry fees, course module fees, and module continuation fees.The Unionlearn Bursary cannot be applied to application fees, recognition of prior learning fees, extension of registration fees, examination centre fees, examination rechecks, or against fees not charged directly by the University of London.The Unionlearn Bursary value is 10% of the relevant fee, which will be deducted from your fees and can be applied if you chose the ‘pay as you go’ option or if you select to pay your full course fee.The Unionlearn Bursary may be awarded in addition to other external scholarships and funding, but cannot be used in conjunction with any other University of London bursary or scholarships.The Unionlearn Bursary may be reviewed on an annual basis and cannot be transferred to another individual.Students awarded a Unionlearn Bursary but who subsequently withdraw from their course of studies will no longer be eligible for the Unionlearn Bursary for that course of studies.Students who take a break in their studies will continue to be eligible for the Unionlearn Bursary provided that they complete their degree in the permitted timescales and pay any relevant fees.The Unionlearn Bursary is only valid for registrations from 2020/2021 academic year onwards. The Unionlearn Bursary cannot be retroactively applied to studies before this academic year.The Unionlearn Bursary will be valid for the maximum period of registration for your programme.The University reserves the right to terminate the Unionlearn Bursary if you are found to have omitted key information or have provided untrue, inaccurate, incomplete or fraudulent information on your application form or in any additional information provided to the University and used in the determination of the award of your Unionlearn Bursary.You agree to abide by the University of London Student Terms and Conditions and the rules and regulations of the University of London. If you do not abide by the University of London Student Terms and Conditions or these rules and regulations, or if you do not meet the requirements (including the academic requirements) to continue or complete the applicable University of London distance learning programme, the University reserves the right to withdraw the Unionlearn Bursary with immediate effect.You undertake to use your best efforts to fulfil the academic requirements of the applicable University of London distance learning programme.By agreeing to these Terms and Conditions, you are giving the University the right to hold and process your personal data, including some special category personal data. The University will process this personal data (including any personal data provided as part of participation in a marketing related activity and/or event) in accordance with the UK Data Protection legislation and the University’s Unionlearn Bursary Privacy Notice attached as Schedule 1 below. In agreeing to these Terms and Conditions, you acknowledge that you have read and understand the Unionlearn Bursary Privacy Notice and you agree to the University sharing your data (including your personal data) in relation to the progression of your studies with unionlearn and with an applicable trade union.Each of the clauses of these Terms and Conditions operate separately. If a clause or any part of a clause is or becomes invalid, illegal or unenforceable, it shall be deemed deleted, but that shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the rest of these Terms and Conditions which shall remain in full force and effect.These Terms and Conditions constitute the entire agreement between you and the University in relation to the Unionlearn Bursary. All previous agreements, arrangements and understandings between you and the University relating to the Unionlearn Bursary, whether written or oral, shall have no legal effect unless expressly set out in these Terms and Conditions.If the University fails to insist that you perform any of your obligations under these Terms and Conditions, or if the University does not enforce its rights against you, or if the University delays in doing so, that will not mean that the University has waived its rights against you and that will not mean that you do not have to comply with those obligations. If the University waives a default by you of the Unionlearn Bursary, the University will only do so in writing, and that will not mean that it will automatically waive any later default by you.These are the Terms and Conditions between you and the University. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of the terms of these Terms and Conditions.These Terms and Conditions, and any matters arising out of or in relation to these Terms and Conditions, are governed and construed in accordance with English law. The parties agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts to settle any dispute or claim arising out of or in relation to these Terms and Conditions.Privacy Notice – Unionlearn bursaryAs a student of the University of London Worldwide you will be subject to our student privacy notice, which can be viewed on the Data Protection page. This notice explains how we manage your personal data as a Unionlearn bursary holder.What data are we collecting?On applicationIn addition to your standard registration data, we will collect the following information in relation to your bursary when you register:Your UnionYour Trade Union membership numberA confirmation from your Union Rep to verify your membership and eligibility.Why are we using it?Administering your bursaryWe are collecting and storing your information in order to fulfil your ‘contract’ as a bursary holder. We have, on your verification form, obtained consent to retain your Trade Union information, which is “special category” data, for the purposes to prove your eligibility during the course of your studies.ReportingThe University carries out statistical reporting on many aspects of its courses, to help plan and evaluate. In order to support our legitimate interest to evaluate the bursary, we will collect reporting information on the bursary holders and their progression.Marketing materialThe University may ask you as a bursary holder to take part in marketing related activities and/or events to promote and share your experiences of the Unionlearn Bursary. Examples of typical activities and/or events may include participating in an interview, providing a profile for the University website or prospectus or attending an open day or induction event.Who will we give this data to?Reporting to UnionlearnThe University will share details your progression with Unionlearn, who will manage the data for their reporting purposes, which may include informing your union. We will provide the following information:union nameapplicant nameemailregioncourse/programme.Your member institution (where relevant)The University of London and any relevant Member Institutions are separate legal entities. Where relevant, the University will share your data for the purposes of the management of your Unionlearn Bursary.How long will we keep your data for?The bursary information will be kept as part of your student record and will be retained for six years after your graduation. The reporting and statistics may be kept for longer but these statistics will not identify you or affect you in any way.How can I find out more?Please contact unionlearn at [email protected] or the University of London using the Contact Us tab in the first instance. You can find out more about your rights under data protection law, as well as our policies and the contact details of our Data Protection Officer, on the Data Protection page.", "type": "", "url": "" }
{ "name": "Study Veterinary Sciences by distance learning", "text": "Gain a prestigious master's developed by experts at the Royal Veterinary College (RVC).Gain a prestigious master's developed by experts at the Royal Veterinary College (RVC), named as the top veterinary school in the QS World University Rankings 2023. Whether you’re a veterinarian, livestock farmer or scientist, there are options to suit you.Our current Veterinary Epidemiology and Public Health programme (MSc, Pg Diploma and Pg Certificate) offers a significant level of overlap in terms of scope and modules. Please note that the Livestock Health and Production programme is no longer offered.I found the study method very convenient because it was a perfect fit with my professional job. Also, the flexible schedule was optimal and allowed the possibility of spreading the full course over several years.Bart Sustronck, MSc Veterinary Epidemiology and Public Health, BelgiumBart Sustronck feeding calfVeterinary Epidemiology and Public Health (MSc, Pg Dip, Pg Cert)Individual modules240-hour individual modules - Credit bearing and can be used as credit towards further study50-hour individual modules - Non-credit bearing for Continuing Professional Development (CPD)35-hour individual modules - Non-credit bearing for Continuing Professional Development (CPD)How you studyFlexibly: Fit your study around your commitments.Online: Study anywhere. If you need to travel, take your studies with you.Affordably: Study modules individually and divide up the cost.Boost your career developmentUpdate your professional knowledge.Gain new specialist skills.Enhance your practical experience with an academic degree.More informationView prospectusVeterinary Epidemiology and Public Health (Royal Veterinary College website)Send prospective student queries to: [email protected]", "type": "", "url": "" }
{ "name": "LLM Scholarships and Bursaries", "text": "Up to 18 scholarships per year are available for high-performing students on the Postgraduate Laws programme. Bursaries are available for all University of London LLB alumni for their LLM, PGDip or PGCert programme fees at 30%. All applicants (including LLB alumni) residing in Pakistan, Bangladesh, Malaysia or Sri Lanka can take advantage of a 40% bursary for the LLM, PGDip or PGCert.LLM Scholarship: Ghana, Malaysia, Nigeria, Pakistan, Russia, Sri LankaAre you eligible?To be eligible for this course-fee scholarship, for your final four modules, you must fulfil the following criteria:You must be registered and studying in one of the following countries: Malaysia, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Ghana, Nigeria or Russia.You must have completed 12 modules and failed none.Out of those 12 modules you must have successfully completed at least 5 modules (with no failed attempts) within 13 months of your effective registration date.For example, if your registration date is 1 May 2017, you must have completed 5 modules by the end of the May 2018 exam session - either in a single session or spread over two sessions.Scholarships are granted to those with the best average score across five modules. (It must normally be 60% or above). If you have completed more than five modules within the qualifying period, your average is calculated from your best five marks.How these are awardedYou do not need to apply for this scholarship.We notify winners by email once the results of the final qualifying exam session have been released.To access the scholarship, you inform the Postgraduate Laws Office when you wish to register for your final four modules. They will issue a fee credit note for those modules. (This is neither a retrospective award, nor a refund of past modules.)You will still need to cover any fees that are not paid directly to the University, such as examination centre fees.Duties of scholarship holdersAs an award holder, we expect you to attempt and complete your final four modules within five examination sessions from your effective date of registration (i.e. 2½ - 3 years). This allows you to maintain some flexibility.If you do not accomplish this, you may (at the discretion of the Programme Director) be required to pay for the four modules before you are awarded the LLM.More informationFor further information, please contact: [email protected] Bursaries: residents of Pakistan, Bangladesh, Malaysia or Sri LankaAbout the bursary and deadlineThe LLM Bursary is available for applicants who reside in Pakistan, Malaysia, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka only.The LLM Bursary is a 40% bursary that can be applied against registration, examination entry fees and module fees in respect of the University of London distance learning LLM course.Note: The LLM Bursary does not cover examination resit fees, recognition of prior learning fees, fees for changing a module, or any fees charged by examination centres or teaching centres. If you are eligible, you will be provided with a bursary code that can be used when you register.Deadlines for the LLM BursaryThis programme has two intake dates per year: May and December.For the May 2023 session the deadline is 1 April 2023.For the December 2023 session the deadline is 1 November 2023.Are you eligible for the LLM Bursary?You will not be considered for the LLM Bursary until you have received an offer for the LLM programme (this includes the Postgraduate Diploma in Law, Postgraduate Certificate in Law and LLM short courses).The LLM Bursary is not available to currently registered students.When you are approved for the LLM Bursary you will be sent a bursary code to use during registration. If you proceed to register before you have received the bursary code, you will no longer be eligible for the LLM Bursary.How to apply for the LLM BursaryYou can select the LLM Bursary in the ‘Scholarships and bursaries’ section of the LLM online application form.If you wish to apply for the LLM Bursary after you have submitted your application for the programme, you can do so via our online enquiry system. Please ensure to provide your student number.Terms and Conditions - LLM BursaryThe following terms and conditions apply to your University of London LLM bursary:To be eligible for the LLM Bursary, you must be a current resident within Pakistan, Malaysia, Bangladesh or Sri Lanka.The LLM Bursary is available for the University of London Postgraduate Laws programme offered via distance learning only (this includes the LLM, Postgraduate Diploma in Laws, Postgraduate Certificate in Laws and the Postgraduate Laws (individual modules).You will not be considered for the LLM Bursary until you have been given an offer for the University of London distance learning LLM programme.If you request the LLM Bursary past the deadline for the current session, we cannot award you the bursary. However you can request the LLM Bursary for the next academic session providing the bursary is still available, and if you can defer your registration until the next session.You cannot be considered for the LLM Bursary if you are a currently registered student.The LLM Bursary can be applied against registration fees, examination entry fees and course module fees, but does not cover examination resit fees, recognition of prior learning fees, fees for changing a module, or any fees charged by examination centres or teaching centres.The LLM Bursary may be awarded in addition to other scholarships and funding, but it cannot be used in conjunction with any other University of London bursary or scholarships.LLM Bursaries may be reviewed on an annual basis and cannot be transferred to another individual.Students awarded a LLM Bursary but who subsequently withdraw from their course of studies will no longer be eligible for the LLM Bursary.Students who take a break in their studies will continue to be eligible for the LLM Bursary provided that they complete their degree in the permitted timescales and pay any relevant fees.The LLM Bursary is only valid for registrations that begin in the November 2019 session onwards, and cannot be retroactively applied to studies before November 2019.The LLM Bursary will be valid for the maximum period of registration for your programme.The University reserves the right to terminate the LLM Bursary if you are found to have omitted key information or have provided untrue, inaccurate, incomplete or fraudulent information on your application form or in any additional information provided to the University and used in the determination of the award of your LLM Bursary.You agree to abide by the rules and regulations of the University of London. If you do not abide by these rules and regulations, or if you do not meet the requirements (including the academic requirements) to continue or complete the LLM distance learning course, the University reserves the right to withdraw the LLM Bursary with immediate effect.You undertake to use your best efforts to fulfil the academic requirements of the LLM distance learning course.As part of the LLM Bursary award, the University may ask you to participate in marketing related activities and/or events to promote and share your experiences of the LLM Bursary. Examples of typical activities and/or events may include participating in an interview, providing a profile for the University website or prospectus or attending an open day or induction event. If you participate in such activities and/or events, you agree for the University to use any material resulting from such activities and/or events for the purposes of publicity material and/or for the education of other students, whether electronically or in print. You furthermore release and discharge the University and its agents, representatives and assignees from any and all claims and demands arising out of or in connection with the use of the publicity material, including without limitation any and all claims for invasion of privacy and defamation. Additionally, you agree that the copyright of any publicity material shall be wholly vested in the University and you hereby assign to the University any and all rights in the publicity material.By agreeing to these Terms and Conditions, you are giving the University the right to hold and process your personal data, including some sensitive personal data. The University will process this personal data (including any personal data provided as part of participation in a marketing related activity and/or event under clause 16) in accordance with the UK Data Protection legislation and the University’s Data Protection Policy. The University will only share data with third parties in accordance with its Data Protection Policy and the University will remain the data controller of the data. The Data Protection Policy is applicable from the time of accepting these Terms and Conditions.The University of London and any relevant Member Institutions are separate legal entities. In accepting the LLM Bursary you agree to the sharing of your personal data between the University and a Member Institution (where relevant) for the purposes of the management of your LLM Bursary.Each of the clauses of these Terms and Conditions operate separately. If a clause or any part of a clause is or becomes invalid, illegal or unenforceable, it shall be deemed deleted, but that shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the rest of these Terms and Conditions which shall remain in full force and effect.These Terms and Conditions constitute the entire agreement between you and the University in relation to the LLM Bursary. All previous agreements, arrangements and understandings between you and the University relating to the LLM Bursary, whether written or oral, shall have no legal effect unless expressly set out in these Terms and Conditions.If the University fails to insist that you perform any of your obligations under these Terms and Conditions, or if the University does not enforce its rights against you, or if the University delays in doing so, that will not mean that the University has waived its rights against you and that will not mean that you do not have to comply with those obligations. If the University waives a default by you of the LLM Bursary, the University will only do so in writing, and that will not mean that it will automatically waive any later default by you.These are the Terms and Conditions between you and the University. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of the terms of these Terms and Conditions.These Terms and Conditions, and any matters arising out of or in relation to these Terms and Conditions, are governed and construed in accordance with English law. The parties agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts to settle any dispute or claim arising out of or in relation to these Terms and Conditions.University of London LLB alumni can receive a 30% bursaryAbout the bursary and eligibilityThe LLB Alumni Bursary is available for LLM applicants who have been awarded the LLB by the University of London via distance learning.The LLB Alumni Bursary is a 30% bursary that can be applied against registration, examination entry fees and module fees in respect of the University of London distance learning LLM course.Note the LLM Bursary does not cover the following:examination resit feesrecognition of prior learning feesfees for changing a module, orany fees charged by examination centres or teaching centres.You will not be considered for the LLM Bursary until you have received an offer for the LLM programme.The LLM Bursary is not available to currently registered students.When you are approved for the LLM Bursary we will send you a bursary code to use during registration. If you complete registration before you receive the bursary code, you will not be eligible for the LLM Bursary.How to applySelect the LLB Alumni Bursary in the ‘Scholarships and bursaries’ section of the LLM online application form apply on the programme page.If you wish to apply for the LLB Alumni Bursary after submitting your application for the programme. Do this via our online enquiry system and please ensure your provide your student number.Terms and conditionsThe full terms and conditions are available in the Alumni bursary section. Note you must consent to the terms and conditions before you are awarded the bursary.LLM Alumni Bursaries for a second or third LLMAbout the bursary and eligibilityAlumni who wish to take additional LLMs with the University of London can receive an additional bursary.A 20 per cent Alumni Bursary for a second LLM is available for LLM applicants who have been awarded the LLM by the University of London via distance learning.A 30 per cent Alumni Bursary for a third LLM is available for LLM applicants who have been awarded two LLMs by the University of London via distance learning.The Bursary can be applied against registration, examination entry fees and module fees in respect of the University of London distance learning LLM course.Note the Bursary does not cover the following:examination resit feesrecognition of prior learning feesfees for changing a module, orany fees charged by examination centres or teaching centres.You will not be considered for the Bursary until you have received an offer for the LLM programme.The Bursary is not available to currently registered students.When you are approved for the Bursary we will send you a bursary code to use during registration. If you complete registration before you receive the bursary code, you will not be eligible for the Bursary.How to applyDo the LLM online application via the programme page, ensure you select the Bursary in the ‘Scholarships and bursaries’ section of the LLM online application form.If you wish to apply for the Bursary after submitting your application for the programme. Do this via our online enquiry system (Opens in new window) and please ensure your provide your student number.Terms and conditionsThe full terms and conditions are available in the Alumni bursary section. Note you must consent to the terms and conditions before you are awarded the bursary.", "type": "", "url": "" }
{ "name": "Malaysian Bar Council Members Bursary", "text": "Members of the Malaysian Bar Council are now able to receive a fee bursary for the University of London Postgraduate Laws programme:Master of Laws (LLM) - 20%Postgraduate Certificate / Postgraduate Diploma in Laws - 15%Individual Modules - 10%The bursaries are available for the full-course fee or for new module registrations starting from June 2018.When applying, you should include evidence of your Malaysian Bar Council membership. When you reach the ‘Scholarships and Bursaries’ section of the application form, select the appropriate bursary and provide your Malaysian Bar Council membership number.The bursary does not cover module continuation fees, recognition of prior learning fees, or any fees charged by examination centres or teaching institutions.If you are eligible, you will be provided with a discount code that can be used when you register.For more information about the bursary, please contact us.", "type": "", "url": "" }
{ "name": "MBA UK/EU Bursary", "text": "UK and EU residents can receive a 20 per cent fee bursary for the Global MBA.When you receive your offer for the Global MBA, you should contact us(Opens in new window) to request the bursary.The bursary does not cover module continuation fees, recognition of prior learning fees, or any fees charged by examination centres or teaching institutions.If you are eligible, you will be provided with a discount code that can be used when you register.To apply or for more information, contact us.Global MBA UK/EU BursaryTerms and ConditionsThe following terms and conditions apply to your University of London Global MBA UK/EU Bursary:To be eligible for the Global MBA UK/EU Bursary, you must be a current resident of the UK or other European Union Country.The Global MBA UK/EU Bursary is available for the University of London Global MBA programme offered via distance learning only.You will not be considered for the Global MBA UK/EU Bursary until you have been given an offer for the University of London distance learning Global MBA programme.The Global MBA UK/EU bursary is only available to web-supported students and not available to those studying at Recognised Teaching Centres.If you request the Global MBA UK/EU Bursary past the deadline for the current session, we cannot award you the bursary. However you can request the Global MBA UK/EU Bursary for the next academic session providing the bursary is still available, and if you can defer your registration until the next session.You cannot be considered for the Global MBA UK/EU Bursary if you are a currently registered student and it cannot be retroactively applied.The Global MBA UK/EU Bursary can be applied against registration fees, examination entry fees and course module fees, but does not cover examination resit fees, recognition of prior learning fees, fees for changing a module, or any fees charged by examination centres or teaching centres.The Global MBA UK/EU Bursary value is 20% of the relevant fee deducted from your fees and can be applied if you chose the ‘pay as go’ option, or if you select to pay your full course fee.The Global MBA UK/EU Bursary may be awarded in addition to other scholarships and funding, but it cannot be used in conjunction with any other University of London bursary or scholarships.Global MBA UK/EU Bursary may be reviewed on an annual basis and cannot be transferred to another individual.Students awarded a Global MBA UK/EU Bursary but who subsequently withdraw from their course of studies will no longer be eligible for the Global MBA UK/EU Bursary.Students who take a break in their studies will continue to be eligible for the Global MBA UK/EU Bursary provided that they complete their degree in the permitted timescales and pay any relevant fees.The Global MBA UK/EU Bursary cannot be retroactively applied to studies in previous academic years.If a student during study moves to a country outside of the UK/EU they will no longer be eligible for the Global MBA UK/EU Bursary towards any future modules registered.The University reserves the right to terminate the Global MBA UK/EU Bursary if you are found to have omitted key information or have provided untrue, inaccurate, incomplete or fraudulent information on your application form or in any additional information provided to the University and used in the determination of the award of your Global MBA UK/EU Bursary.You agree to abide by the rules and regulations of the University of London. If you do not abide by these rules and regulations, or if you do not meet the requirements (including the academic requirements) to continue or complete the Global MBA distance learning course, the University reserves the right to withdraw the Global MBA UK/EU Bursary with immediate effect.You undertake to use your best efforts to fulfil the academic requirements of the Global MBA distance learning course.As part of the Global MBA UK/EU Bursary award, the University may ask you to participate in marketing related activities and/or events to promote and share your experiences of the Global MBA UK/EU Bursary. Examples of typical activities and/or events may include participating in an interview, providing a profile for the University website or prospectus or attending an open day or induction event. If you participate in such activities and/or events, you agree for the University to use any material resulting from such activities and/or events for the purposes of publicity material and/or for the education of other students, whether electronically or in print. You furthermore release and discharge the University and its agents, representatives and assignees from any and all claims and demands arising out of or in connection with the use of the publicity material, including without limitation any and all claims for invasion of privacy and defamation. Additionally, you agree that the copyright of any publicity material shall be wholly vested in the University and you hereby assign to the University any and all rights in the publicity material.By agreeing to these Terms and Conditions, you are giving the University the right to hold and process your personal data, including some sensitive personal data. The University will process this personal data (including any personal data provided as part of participation in a marketing related activity and/or event under clause 16) in accordance with the UK Data Protection legislation and the University’s Data Protection Policy. The University will only share data with third parties in accordance with its Data Protection Policy and the University will remain the data controller of the data. The Data Protection Policy is applicable from the time of accepting these Terms and Conditions.The University of London and any relevant Member Institutions are separate legal entities. In accepting the Global MBA UK/EU Bursary you agree to the sharing of your personal data between the University and a Member Institution (where relevant) for the purposes of the management of your Global MBA UK/EU Bursary.Each of the clauses of these Terms and Conditions operate separately. If a clause or any part of a clause is or becomes invalid, illegal or unenforceable, it shall be deemed deleted, but that shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the rest of these Terms and Conditions which shall remain in full force and effect.These Terms and Conditions constitute the entire agreement between you and the University in relation to the Global MBA UK/EU Bursary. All previous agreements, arrangements and understandings between you and the University relating to the Global MBA UK/EU Bursary, whether written or oral, shall have no legal effect unless expressly set out in these Terms and Conditions.If the University fails to insist that you perform any of your obligations under these Terms and Conditions, or if the University does not enforce its rights against you, or if the University delays in doing so, that will not mean that the University has waived its rights against you and that will not mean that you do not have to comply with those obligations. If the University waives a default by you of the Global MBA UK/EU Bursary, the University will only do so in writing, and that will not mean that it will automatically waive any later default by you.These are the Terms and Conditions between you and the University. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of the terms of these Terms and Conditions.These Terms and Conditions, and any matters arising out of or in relation to these Terms and Conditions, are governed and construed in accordance with English law. The parties agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts to settle any dispute or claim arising out of or in relation to these Terms and Conditions.", "type": "", "url": "" }
{ "name": "Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) Bursary", "text": "The Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) Bursary is a 10 per cent bursary that can be applied against registration, examination entry fees and module fees for an applicant who is a current Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) employee.The Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) Bursary is available for the MA Refugee Protection and Forced Migration Studies programme only for students/applicants who register from the 2019/20 academic year onwards.The Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) Bursary does not cover examination re sit fees, recognition of prior learning fees, fees for changing a module, or any fees charged by examination centres or teaching centres.If you are eligible, you will be provided with a bursary code that can be used when you register.Further informationWho can applyOffer holders - you will not be considered for the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) Bursary until you have received an offer for the MA Refugee Protection and Forced Migration Studies programme.The Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) Bursary is only available to new students, you cannot be considered for the bursary as a registered student.How to applyYou can select the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) Bursary in the ‘Scholarships and bursaries’ section of the online application form.Once you reach the document upload section, attach a work reference (on headed paper and bearing a hand written signature) from your employer detailing your current job role and responsibilities and year(s) of employment.OrIf you wish to apply for the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) Bursary after you have submitted your application for the programme you can do so via our online enquiry system. Please ensure to provide your student number and a work reference (on headed paper and bearing a hand written signature) from your employer detailing your current job role and responsibilities and year(s) of employment.Application deadlinePlease ensure to apply/request the bursary at least 2 weeks before the registration deadline for your programme.Terms and conditions", "type": "", "url": "" }
{ "name": "Professionals in Humanitarian Assistance & Protection (PHAP) Bursary", "text": "Members of Professionals in Humanitarian Assistance & Protection (PHAP) can receive a 10% discount on their fees towards the MA Refugee Protection and Forced Migration Studies programme.Available to new applicants eligible for the MA programme, and registered students who have registered from the 2016/17 academic year onwards.More informationHow to applyYou can indicate on your application form at the point of applying that you wish to be considered for the Professionals in Humanitarian Assistance & Protection (PHAP) Bursary in the ‘Scholarships and Bursaries’ section.You must also provide a scanned copy of your PHAP Membership Badge to allow us to verify your current membership.OrYou can contact us via our online enquiry system.Registered students who have been issued a code in previous academic year(s) and wish to request a code for the current session should contact us via this method.As a registered student requesting another code, or as a new student you should provide your student number, the academic year you initially registered with us and provide a scanned copy of your PHAP Membership badge.Bursary deadlineThe deadline for new and registered student’s to request this bursary is at least two weeks before the programme application deadline for the relevant academic session.Terms and conditionsTo be eligible you must be a current member of Professionals in Humanitarian Assistance & Protection (PHAP). You cannot be considered if your membership has expired.The bursary is only available for the MA Refugee Protection and Forced Migration Studies programme.The Bursary can be applied against module fees. It cannot be applied to application fees, recognition of prior learning fees, module continuation fees, extension of registration fees, examination centre fees or rechecks, nor against fees not charged directly by University of London such as fees charged by Teaching Centres.The Bursary may be awarded in addition to other scholarships and funding, though it cannot be used in conjunction with the Alumni Bursary or other University of London scholarships or bursaries.Bursaries may be reviewed on an annual basis and cannot be transferred to another individual.The Bursary is only valid for registrations from 2016/17 academic year onwards. The Bursary cannot be retroactively applied.", "type": "", "url": "" }
{ "name": "Refugee and Displaced Persons Scholarships", "text": "Refugee and Displaced Persons ScholarshipsAre you eligible?To be eligible for the scholarship you must:Have an offer for either the MSc Accounting and Financial Management, MSc Professional Accountancy, LLM, BSc Business Administration, BSc Marketing, MSc Project Management, BSc Computer Science, MSc Data Science, MA Global Diplomacy, MSc Cyber Security, Global MBA, LLB or MA Human Rights.Be a new student; or have become displaced in the course of your current study with the University of London.Have refugee or displaced person status evidenced by formal documentation.How to applySubmit a programme application form. If the programme you are applying for has an application fee that you are unable to pay, please contact us selecting the Scholarships and Bursaries category on the enquiry.Once you have submitted the programme application form and received an offer, you can submit your scholarship application here - enquiry form. Select the scholarships and bursaries category on the enquiry form.You must also upload evidence of your refugee or displaced persons status and ensure the scholarship application form is fully completed. Your application cannot be considered without a fully completed form and the required evidence.Download the scholarship application form [Word Doc]Application deadlineApplications will be considered on a rolling basis. Please ensure that you submit both the programme application and the scholarship application at least two weeks before the programme application deadline. Applications submitted after this time may not be considered.Terms and conditionsThe following terms and conditions apply to the University of London Refugee and Displaced Persons Scholarship.The University of London Refugee and Displaced Persons Scholarship is available for the University of London distance learning programmes only.You will not be considered for the University of London Refugee and Displaced Persons Scholarship until you have received an offer for one of the available programme listed.The University of London Refugee and Displaced Persons Scholarship will be applied against the course fees payable to the University of London.The University of London Refugee and Displaced Persons Scholarship may be awarded in addition to other scholarships and funding, but it cannot be used in conjunction with any other University of London bursary or scholarships.The University of London Refugee and Displaced Persons Scholarship may be reviewed on an annual basis and cannot be transferred to another individual.Students awarded a University of London Refugee and Displaced Persons Scholarship but who subsequently withdraw from their course of studies will no longer be eligible for the University of London Refugee and Displaced Persons Scholarship.The University of London Refugee and Displaced Persons Scholarship cannot be retroactively applied to studies in previous academic years.The University of London Refugee and Displaced Persons Scholarship will be valid for the maximum period of registration for your programme.The University reserves the right to terminate the University of London Refugee and Displaced Persons Scholarship if you are found to have omitted key information or have provided untrue, inaccurate, incomplete or fraudulent information on your application form or in any additional information provided to the University and used in the determination of the award of your University of London Refugee and Displaced Persons Scholarship.You agree to abide by the rules and regulations of the University of London. If you do not abide by these rules and regulations, or if you do not meet the requirements (including the academic requirements) to continue or complete the distance learning course, the University reserves the right to withdraw the University of London Refugee and Displaced Persons Scholarship with immediate effect.You undertake to use your best efforts to fulfil the academic requirements of the short course.As part of the University of London Refugee and Displaced Persons Scholarship award, the University may ask you to participate in marketing related activities and/or events to promote and share your experiences of the University of London Refugee and Displaced Persons Scholarship. You are under no obligation to undertake any of these activities. Examples of typical activities and/or events may include participating in an interview, providing a profile for the University website. If you participate in such activities and/or events, you agree for the University to use any material resulting from such activities and/or events for the purposes of publicity material and/or for the education of other students, whether electronically or in print. You furthermore release and discharge the University and its agents, representatives and assignees from any and all claims and demands arising out of or in connection with the use of the publicity material, including without limitation any and all claims for invasion of privacy and defamation. Additionally, you agree that the copyright of any publicity material shall be wholly vested in the University and you hereby assign to the University any and all rights in the publicity material.You may be asked to provide a report outlining the impact of your study and research - this is a requirement of being a scholarship recipient. Failure to provide the report may result in the withdrawing of your scholarship.By agreeing to these Terms and Conditions, you are giving the University the right to hold and process your personal data, including some sensitive personal data. The University will process this personal data (including any personal data provided as part of participation in a marketing related activity and/or event under clause 16) in accordance with the UK Data Protection legislation and the University’s Data Protection Policy. The University will only share data with third parties in accordance with its Data Protection Policy and the University will remain the data controller of the data. The Data Protection Policy is applicable from the time of accepting these Terms and Conditions.Each of the clauses of these Terms and Conditions operate separately. If a clause or any part of a clause is or becomes invalid, illegal or unenforceable, it shall be deemed deleted, but that shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the rest of these Terms and Conditions which shall remain in full force and effect.These Terms and Conditions constitute the entire agreement between you and the University in relation to the University of London Refugee and Displaced Persons Scholarship. All previous agreements, arrangements and understandings between you and the University relating to the University of London Refugee and Displaced Persons Scholarship, whether written or oral, shall have no legal effect unless expressly set out in these Terms and Conditions.If the University fails to insist that you perform any of your obligations under these Terms and Conditions, or if the University does not enforce its rights against you, or if the University delays in doing so, that will not mean that the University has waived its rights against you and that will not mean that you do not have to comply with those obligations. If the University waives a default by you of the University of London Refugee and Displaced Persons Scholarship, the University will only do so in writing, and that will not mean that it will automatically waive any later default by you.These are the Terms and Conditions between you and the University. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of the terms of these Terms and Conditions.These Terms and Conditions, and any matters arising out of or in relation to these Terms and Conditions, are governed and construed in accordance with English law. The parties agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts to settle any dispute or claim arising out of or in relation to these Terms and Conditions. ", "type": "", "url": "" }
{ "name": "MBA UK/EU Bursary", "text": "Global MBA UK/EU BursaryTerms and ConditionsThe following terms and conditions apply to your University of London Global MBA UK/EU Bursary:To be eligible for the Global MBA UK/EU Bursary, you must be a current resident of the UK or other European Union Country.The Global MBA UK/EU Bursary is available for the University of London Global MBA programme offered via distance learning only.You will not be considered for the Global MBA UK/EU Bursary until you have been given an offer for the University of London distance learning Global MBA programme.The Global MBA UK/EU bursary is only available to web-supported students and not available to those studying at Recognised Teaching Centres.If you request the Global MBA UK/EU Bursary past the deadline for the current session, we cannot award you the bursary. However you can request the Global MBA UK/EU Bursary for the next academic session providing the bursary is still available, and if you can defer your registration until the next session.You cannot be considered for the Global MBA UK/EU Bursary if you are a currently registered student and it cannot be retroactively applied.The Global MBA UK/EU Bursary can be applied against registration fees, examination entry fees and course module fees, but does not cover examination resit fees, recognition of prior learning fees, fees for changing a module, or any fees charged by examination centres or teaching centres.The Global MBA UK/EU Bursary value is 20% of the relevant fee deducted from your fees and can be applied if you chose the ‘pay as go’ option, or if you select to pay your full course fee.The Global MBA UK/EU Bursary may be awarded in addition to other scholarships and funding, but it cannot be used in conjunction with any other University of London bursary or scholarships.Global MBA UK/EU Bursary may be reviewed on an annual basis and cannot be transferred to another individual.Students awarded a Global MBA UK/EU Bursary but who subsequently withdraw from their course of studies will no longer be eligible for the Global MBA UK/EU Bursary.Students who take a break in their studies will continue to be eligible for the Global MBA UK/EU Bursary provided that they complete their degree in the permitted timescales and pay any relevant fees.The Global MBA UK/EU Bursary cannot be retroactively applied to studies in previous academic years.If a student during study moves to a country outside of the UK/EU they will no longer be eligible for the Global MBA UK/EU Bursary towards any future modules registered.The University reserves the right to terminate the Global MBA UK/EU Bursary if you are found to have omitted key information or have provided untrue, inaccurate, incomplete or fraudulent information on your application form or in any additional information provided to the University and used in the determination of the award of your Global MBA UK/EU Bursary.You agree to abide by the rules and regulations of the University of London. If you do not abide by these rules and regulations, or if you do not meet the requirements (including the academic requirements) to continue or complete the Global MBA distance learning course, the University reserves the right to withdraw the Global MBA UK/EU Bursary with immediate effect.You undertake to use your best efforts to fulfil the academic requirements of the Global MBA distance learning course.As part of the Global MBA UK/EU Bursary award, the University may ask you to participate in marketing related activities and/or events to promote and share your experiences of the Global MBA UK/EU Bursary. Examples of typical activities and/or events may include participating in an interview, providing a profile for the University website or prospectus or attending an open day or induction event. If you participate in such activities and/or events, you agree for the University to use any material resulting from such activities and/or events for the purposes of publicity material and/or for the education of other students, whether electronically or in print. You furthermore release and discharge the University and its agents, representatives and assignees from any and all claims and demands arising out of or in connection with the use of the publicity material, including without limitation any and all claims for invasion of privacy and defamation. Additionally, you agree that the copyright of any publicity material shall be wholly vested in the University and you hereby assign to the University any and all rights in the publicity material.By agreeing to these Terms and Conditions, you are giving the University the right to hold and process your personal data, including some sensitive personal data. The University will process this personal data (including any personal data provided as part of participation in a marketing related activity and/or event under clause 16) in accordance with the UK Data Protection legislation and the University’s Data Protection Policy. The University will only share data with third parties in accordance with its Data Protection Policy and the University will remain the data controller of the data. The Data Protection Policy is applicable from the time of accepting these Terms and Conditions.The University of London and any relevant Member Institutions are separate legal entities. In accepting the Global MBA UK/EU Bursary you agree to the sharing of your personal data between the University and a Member Institution (where relevant) for the purposes of the management of your Global MBA UK/EU Bursary.Each of the clauses of these Terms and Conditions operate separately. If a clause or any part of a clause is or becomes invalid, illegal or unenforceable, it shall be deemed deleted, but that shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the rest of these Terms and Conditions which shall remain in full force and effect.These Terms and Conditions constitute the entire agreement between you and the University in relation to the Global MBA UK/EU Bursary. All previous agreements, arrangements and understandings between you and the University relating to the Global MBA UK/EU Bursary, whether written or oral, shall have no legal effect unless expressly set out in these Terms and Conditions.If the University fails to insist that you perform any of your obligations under these Terms and Conditions, or if the University does not enforce its rights against you, or if the University delays in doing so, that will not mean that the University has waived its rights against you and that will not mean that you do not have to comply with those obligations. If the University waives a default by you of the Global MBA UK/EU Bursary, the University will only do so in writing, and that will not mean that it will automatically waive any later default by you.These are the Terms and Conditions between you and the University. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of the terms of these Terms and Conditions.These Terms and Conditions, and any matters arising out of or in relation to these Terms and Conditions, are governed and construed in accordance with English law. The parties agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts to settle any dispute or claim arising out of or in relation to these Terms and Conditions.", "type": "", "url": "" }
{ "name": "LSHTM early payment fee reduction", "text": "Offer holders for the 2024/25 session will receive a 5 per cent fee reduction on their LSHTM Registration fees paid before 31 May 2024.If you are eligible for the fee reduction, you will be provided with a discount code that can be used when you register.Further details on how to receive the fee reduction will be provided to you once you receive your offer to register.The fee reduction does not cover Goods and Services Tax (GST) and Sales Tax.Eligibility and Terms and ConditionsThe following Terms and Conditions apply to the University of London LSHTM early payment award for 2024/2025 LSHTM offer holders:These Terms and Conditions cover the 5 percent fee reduction. Called the (“LSHTM early payment award”).You will only be considered for the fee reduction until you are eligible for an offer for the following 2024/25 programmes - MSc, PG Diploma, PG Certificate or Individual Module in Clinical Trials, Epidemiology, Infectious Diseases, Public Health, Global Health Policy, and Health in Humanitarian Crises.You will be issued with a fee reduction code with your offer, provided your offer is sent before 31 May 2024.To benefit from the 5 per cent fee reduction, full payment of your Registration fees must be received by the University on or before 31 May 2024. The fee reduction code will expire on 31 May 2024 at 23.59 GMT. Any fees which have had the fee reduction code applied, but full payment has not been received on or by 31 May 2024, will have the fee reduction reversed.For the avoidance of doubt, the fee reduction is available for students who first register for the 2024/25 programme only. You cannot be considered for the fee reduction if you are a currently registered student, and it cannot be retroactively applied.The fee reduction can be applied against the Full Course Fee, or the Initial Registration Fee and Modules Fees. It does not cover, Recognition of Prior Learning Fees, textbooks, or Goods and Services Tax (GST) and Sales Tax charges.The fee reduction value is 5 per cent of the relevant fee deducted from your programme fees.The fee reduction may be awarded in addition to other scholarships and funding, but it cannot be used in conjunction with any other University of London bursary or scholarships.The fee reduction cannot be transferred to another individual.Students awarded a fee reduction but who subsequently withdraw from their course of studies will no longer be eligible for the fee reduction.The fee reduction cannot be retroactively applied to studies in previous academic years.General TermsAs part of the LSHTM early payment award, the University may ask you to participate in marketing related activities and/or events to promote and share your experiences of the LSHTM early payment awards. Examples of typical activities and/or events may include participating in an interview, providing a profile for the University website or prospectus or attending an open day or induction event. If you participate in such activities and/or events, you agree for the University to use any material resulting from such activities and/or events for the purposes of publicity material and/or for the education of other students, whether electronically or in print. You furthermore release and discharge the University and its agents, representatives and assignees from any and all claims and demands arising out of or in connection with the use of the publicity material, including without limitation any and all claims for invasion of privacy and defamation. Additionally, you agree that the copyright of any publicity material shall be wholly vested in the University and you hereby assign to the University any and all rights in the publicity material.By agreeing to these Terms and Conditions, you are giving the University the right to hold and process your personal data, including some sensitive personal data. The University will process this personal data (including any personal data provided as part of participation in a marketing related activity and/or event under clause 16) in accordance with the UK Data Protection legislation and the University’s Data Protection Policy. The University will only share data with third parties in accordance with its Data Protection Policy and the University will remain the data controller of the data. The Data Protection Policy is applicable from the time of accepting these Terms and Conditions.The University of London and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) are separate legal entities. In accepting a LSHTM early payment award you agree to the sharing of your personal data between the University and the LSHTM (where relevant) for the purposes of the management of your LSHTM early payment award.Each of the clauses of these Terms and Conditions operate separately. If a clause or any part of a clause is or becomes invalid, illegal or unenforceable, it shall be deemed deleted, but that shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the rest of these Terms and Conditions which shall remain in full force and effect.These Terms and Conditions constitute the entire agreement between you and the University in relation to the LSHTM early payment awards. All previous agreements, arrangements and understandings between you and the University relating to the LSHTM early payment awards, whether written or oral, shall have no legal effect unless expressly set out in these Terms and Conditions.", "type": "", "url": "" }
{ "name": "LLM Scholarships and Bursaries", "text": "Up to 18 scholarships per year are available for high-performing students on the Postgraduate Laws programme. Bursaries are available for all University of London LLB alumni for their LLM, PGDip or PGCert programme fees at 30%. All applicants (including LLB alumni) residing in Pakistan, Bangladesh, Malaysia or Sri Lanka can take advantage of a 40% bursary for the LLM, PGDip or PGCert.Postgraduate student in the officeThe LLM Scholarships and Bursaries are awarded to students in eight countries around the world.LLM Scholarship: Ghana, Malaysia, Nigeria, Pakistan, Russia, Sri LankaAre you eligible?To be eligible for this course-fee scholarship, for your final four modules, you must fulfil the following criteria:You must be registered and studying in one of the following countries: Malaysia, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Ghana, Nigeria or Russia.You must have completed 12 modules and failed none.Out of those 12 modules you must have successfully completed at least 5 modules (with no failed attempts) within 13 months of your effective registration date.For example, if your registration date is 1 May 2017, you must have completed 5 modules by the end of the May 2018 exam session - either in a single session or spread over two sessions.Scholarships are granted to those with the best average score across five modules. (It must normally be 60% or above). If you have completed more than five modules within the qualifying period, your average is calculated from your best five marks.How these are awardedYou do not need to apply for this scholarship.We notify winners by email once the results of the final qualifying exam session have been released.To access the scholarship, you inform the Postgraduate Laws Office when you wish to register for your final four modules. They will issue a fee credit note for those modules. (This is neither a retrospective award, nor a refund of past modules.)You will still need to cover any fees that are not paid directly to the University, such as examination centre fees.Duties of scholarship holdersAs an award holder, we expect you to attempt and complete your final four modules within five examination sessions from your effective date of registration (i.e. 2½ - 3 years). This allows you to maintain some flexibility.If you do not accomplish this, you may (at the discretion of the Programme Director) be required to pay for the four modules before you are awarded the LLM.More informationFor further information, please contact: [email protected] Bursaries: residents of Pakistan, Bangladesh, Malaysia or Sri LankaAbout the bursary and deadlineThe LLM Bursary is available for applicants who reside in Pakistan, Malaysia, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka only.The LLM Bursary is a 40% bursary that can be applied against registration, examination entry fees and module fees in respect of the University of London distance learning LLM course.Note: The LLM Bursary does not cover examination resit fees, recognition of prior learning fees, fees for changing a module, or any fees charged by examination centres or teaching centres. If you are eligible, you will be provided with a bursary code that can be used when you register.Deadlines for the LLM BursaryThis programme has two intake dates per year: May and December.For the May 2023 session the deadline is 1 April 2023.For the December 2023 session the deadline is 1 November 2023.Are you eligible for the LLM Bursary?You will not be considered for the LLM Bursary until you have received an offer for the LLM programme (this includes the Postgraduate Diploma in Law, Postgraduate Certificate in Law and LLM short courses).The LLM Bursary is not available to currently registered students.When you are approved for the LLM Bursary you will be sent a bursary code to use during registration. If you proceed to register before you have received the bursary code, you will no longer be eligible for the LLM Bursary.How to apply for the LLM BursaryYou can select the LLM Bursary in the ‘Scholarships and bursaries’ section of the LLM online application form.If you wish to apply for the LLM Bursary after you have submitted your application for the programme, you can do so via our online enquiry system. Please ensure to provide your student number.Terms and Conditions - LLM BursaryThe following terms and conditions apply to your University of London LLM bursary:To be eligible for the LLM Bursary, you must be a current resident within Pakistan, Malaysia, Bangladesh or Sri Lanka.The LLM Bursary is available for the University of London Postgraduate Laws programme offered via distance learning only (this includes the LLM, Postgraduate Diploma in Laws, Postgraduate Certificate in Laws and the Postgraduate Laws (individual modules).You will not be considered for the LLM Bursary until you have been given an offer for the University of London distance learning LLM programme.If you request the LLM Bursary past the deadline for the current session, we cannot award you the bursary. However you can request the LLM Bursary for the next academic session providing the bursary is still available, and if you can defer your registration until the next session.You cannot be considered for the LLM Bursary if you are a currently registered student.The LLM Bursary can be applied against registration fees, examination entry fees and course module fees, but does not cover examination resit fees, recognition of prior learning fees, fees for changing a module, or any fees charged by examination centres or teaching centres.The LLM Bursary may be awarded in addition to other scholarships and funding, but it cannot be used in conjunction with any other University of London bursary or scholarships.LLM Bursaries may be reviewed on an annual basis and cannot be transferred to another individual.Students awarded a LLM Bursary but who subsequently withdraw from their course of studies will no longer be eligible for the LLM Bursary.Students who take a break in their studies will continue to be eligible for the LLM Bursary provided that they complete their degree in the permitted timescales and pay any relevant fees.The LLM Bursary is only valid for registrations that begin in the November 2019 session onwards, and cannot be retroactively applied to studies before November 2019.The LLM Bursary will be valid for the maximum period of registration for your programme.The University reserves the right to terminate the LLM Bursary if you are found to have omitted key information or have provided untrue, inaccurate, incomplete or fraudulent information on your application form or in any additional information provided to the University and used in the determination of the award of your LLM Bursary.You agree to abide by the rules and regulations of the University of London. If you do not abide by these rules and regulations, or if you do not meet the requirements (including the academic requirements) to continue or complete the LLM distance learning course, the University reserves the right to withdraw the LLM Bursary with immediate effect.You undertake to use your best efforts to fulfil the academic requirements of the LLM distance learning course.As part of the LLM Bursary award, the University may ask you to participate in marketing related activities and/or events to promote and share your experiences of the LLM Bursary. Examples of typical activities and/or events may include participating in an interview, providing a profile for the University website or prospectus or attending an open day or induction event. If you participate in such activities and/or events, you agree for the University to use any material resulting from such activities and/or events for the purposes of publicity material and/or for the education of other students, whether electronically or in print. You furthermore release and discharge the University and its agents, representatives and assignees from any and all claims and demands arising out of or in connection with the use of the publicity material, including without limitation any and all claims for invasion of privacy and defamation. Additionally, you agree that the copyright of any publicity material shall be wholly vested in the University and you hereby assign to the University any and all rights in the publicity material.By agreeing to these Terms and Conditions, you are giving the University the right to hold and process your personal data, including some sensitive personal data. The University will process this personal data (including any personal data provided as part of participation in a marketing related activity and/or event under clause 16) in accordance with the UK Data Protection legislation and the University’s Data Protection Policy. The University will only share data with third parties in accordance with its Data Protection Policy and the University will remain the data controller of the data. The Data Protection Policy is applicable from the time of accepting these Terms and Conditions.The University of London and any relevant Member Institutions are separate legal entities. In accepting the LLM Bursary you agree to the sharing of your personal data between the University and a Member Institution (where relevant) for the purposes of the management of your LLM Bursary.Each of the clauses of these Terms and Conditions operate separately. If a clause or any part of a clause is or becomes invalid, illegal or unenforceable, it shall be deemed deleted, but that shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the rest of these Terms and Conditions which shall remain in full force and effect.These Terms and Conditions constitute the entire agreement between you and the University in relation to the LLM Bursary. All previous agreements, arrangements and understandings between you and the University relating to the LLM Bursary, whether written or oral, shall have no legal effect unless expressly set out in these Terms and Conditions.If the University fails to insist that you perform any of your obligations under these Terms and Conditions, or if the University does not enforce its rights against you, or if the University delays in doing so, that will not mean that the University has waived its rights against you and that will not mean that you do not have to comply with those obligations. If the University waives a default by you of the LLM Bursary, the University will only do so in writing, and that will not mean that it will automatically waive any later default by you.These are the Terms and Conditions between you and the University. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of the terms of these Terms and Conditions.These Terms and Conditions, and any matters arising out of or in relation to these Terms and Conditions, are governed and construed in accordance with English law. The parties agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts to settle any dispute or claim arising out of or in relation to these Terms and Conditions.University of London LLB alumni can receive a 30% bursaryAbout the bursary and eligibilityThe LLB Alumni Bursary is available for LLM applicants who have been awarded the LLB by the University of London via distance learning.The LLB Alumni Bursary is a 30% bursary that can be applied against registration, examination entry fees and module fees in respect of the University of London distance learning LLM course.Note the LLM Bursary does not cover the following:examination resit feesrecognition of prior learning feesfees for changing a module, orany fees charged by examination centres or teaching centres.You will not be considered for the LLM Bursary until you have received an offer for the LLM programme.The LLM Bursary is not available to currently registered students.When you are approved for the LLM Bursary we will send you a bursary code to use during registration. If you complete registration before you receive the bursary code, you will not be eligible for the LLM Bursary.How to applySelect the LLB Alumni Bursary in the ‘Scholarships and bursaries’ section of the LLM online application form apply on the programme page.If you wish to apply for the LLB Alumni Bursary after submitting your application for the programme. Do this via our online enquiry system and please ensure your provide your student number.Terms and conditionsThe full terms and conditions are available in the Alumni bursary section. Note you must consent to the terms and conditions before you are awarded the bursary.LLM Alumni Bursaries for a second or third LLMAbout the bursary and eligibilityAlumni who wish to take additional LLMs with the University of London can receive an additional bursary.A 20 per cent Alumni Bursary for a second LLM is available for LLM applicants who have been awarded the LLM by the University of London via distance learning.A 30 per cent Alumni Bursary for a third LLM is available for LLM applicants who have been awarded two LLMs by the University of London via distance learning.The Bursary can be applied against registration, examination entry fees and module fees in respect of the University of London distance learning LLM course.Note the Bursary does not cover the following:examination resit feesrecognition of prior learning feesfees for changing a module, orany fees charged by examination centres or teaching centres.You will not be considered for the Bursary until you have received an offer for the LLM programme.The Bursary is not available to currently registered students.When you are approved for the Bursary we will send you a bursary code to use during registration. If you complete registration before you receive the bursary code, you will not be eligible for the Bursary.How to applyDo the LLM online application via the programme page, ensure you select the Bursary in the ‘Scholarships and bursaries’ section of the LLM online application form.If you wish to apply for the Bursary after submitting your application for the programme. Do this via our online enquiry system (Opens in new window) and please ensure your provide your student number.Terms and conditionsThe full terms and conditions are available in the Alumni bursary section. Note you must consent to the terms and conditions before you are awarded the bursary.", "type": "", "url": "" }
{ "name": "Malaysian Bar Council Members Bursary", "text": "Members of the Malaysian Bar Council are now able to receive a fee bursary for the University of London Postgraduate Laws programme:Master of Laws (LLM) - 20%Postgraduate Certificate / Postgraduate Diploma in Laws - 15%Individual Modules - 10%The bursaries are available for the full-course fee or for new module registrations starting from June 2018.MalaysiaMembers of the Malaysian Bar Council can receive a bursary to study our Postgraduate Laws programme.When applying, you should include evidence of your Malaysian Bar Council membership. When you reach the ‘Scholarships and Bursaries’ section of the application form, select the appropriate bursary and provide your Malaysian Bar Council membership number.The bursary does not cover module continuation fees, recognition of prior learning fees, or any fees charged by examination centres or teaching institutions.If you are eligible, you will be provided with a discount code that can be used when you register.For more information about the bursary, please contact us.Malaysian Bar Council Members BursaryTerms and ConditionsThe following terms and conditions apply to your University of London Malaysian Bar Council members bursary:If you are a member of the Malaysian Bar Council and intend to pursue the LLM, Postgraduate Diploma/Certificate or an Individual Module we are able to offer a bursary (hereafter Bursary).To be eligible for the Bursary, you must be a current member of the Malaysian Bar Council and able to provide acceptable evidence of this.The Bursary can be applied to the LLM programme, including the Postgraduate Certificate, Postgraduate Diploma or Individual Modules.The Bursary can be applied against module fees. It cannot be applied to application fees, recognition of prior learning fees, module continuation fees, extension of registration fees, examination centre fees or rechecks, nor against fees not charged directly by University of London such as fees charged by Teaching Institutions.A Bursary code will be issued to you prior to registration.The Bursary may be awarded in addition to other scholarships and funding, though it cannot be used in conjunction with the Alumni Bursary or other University of London scholarships.Bursaries may be reviewed on an annual basis and cannot be transferred to another individual.Students awarded a Bursary who subsequently withdraw from their course of studies will no longer be eligible for the Bursary.Students who take a break in their studies will continue to be eligible for the Bursary provided that they complete their degree in the permitted timescales and pay any relevant fees.The Bursary is only valid for registrations that begin from June 2018. The Bursary cannot be retroactively applied to studies before June 2018.", "type": "", "url": "" }
{ "name": "Champions for Change Scholarship", "text": "The Champions for Change Scholarship is open to alumni, current, and prospective students of the International Sports Management Programme (ISM) at the University of London.Cyclists on a trackThis scholarship celebrates those who have innovatively leveraged sports initiatives to address social issues within their communities.Candidates are required to demonstrate how their sports initiative has creatively and effectively tackled a social problem or issue, illustrating the innovative ways in which sports can be a catalyst for change and improvement in their community.International Sports Management Programme (ISM)Deadline for applicationsThe deadline for applications is 23 May 2024.How to applySubmit your application form online for the International Sports Management Programme (ISM).When you have received your offer letter, download and complete the scholarship application form (Word).Upload your completed scholarship application form via the online form.Under Applications, select the Scholarships and Bursaries section to upload your form.Applications from underrepresented groups in sports management are encouraged. Preference will be given to candidates who demonstrate financial need in their personal statement.Terms and ConditionsThe following terms and conditions apply to the Champions for Change Scholarship at the University of London.The Champions for Change Scholarship is available for the University of London distance learning PG Cert in International Sports Management programme only.The Champions for Change Scholarship will be applied against the module fees payable to the University of London only.The Champions for Change Scholarship may be awarded in addition to other scholarships and funding, but it cannot be used in conjunction with any other University of London bursary or scholarships.The Champions for Change Scholarship will be for admission in the 2024/25 academic year only and cannot be transferred to another academic year.Students awarded a Champions for Change Scholarship but who subsequently withdraw from their course of studies will no longer be eligible for the Champions for Change Scholarship.Recipients of the Champions for Change Scholarship will undertake one module on the PG Cert in International Sports Management programme in the 2024/25 academic year only. Failure to undertake the module in this academic year will result in the Champions for Change Scholarship being withdrawn.The Champions for Change Scholarship cannot be retroactively applied to studies in previous academic years.You agree to abide by the rules and regulations of the University of London.You undertake to use your best efforts to fulfil the academic requirements of the distance learning course on which you are registered.As part of the Champions for Change Scholarship award, the University may ask you to participate in marketing related activities and/or events to promote and share your experiences of the Champions for Change Scholarship. You are under no obligation to undertake any of these activities. Examples of typical activities and/or events may include participating in an interview, providing a profile for the University website. If you participate in such activities and/or events, you agree for the University to use any material resulting from such activities and/or events for the purposes of publicity material and/or for the education of other students, whether electronically or in print. You furthermore release and discharge the University and its agents, representatives and assignees from any and all claims and demands arising out of or in connection with the use of the publicity material, including without limitation any and all claims for invasion of privacy and defamation. Additionally, you agree that the copyright of any publicity material shall be wholly vested in the University and you hereby assign to the University any and all rights in the publicity material.You will be asked to provide a report outlining the impact of your study and research – this is a requirement of being a scholarship recipient. This report will be shared with the University of London’s Development Office who will share the report (having removed all relevant contact details) with the Donor of the Champions for Change scholarship.By agreeing to these Terms and Conditions, you are giving the University the right to hold and process your personal data, including some sensitive personal data. The University will process this personal data (including any personal data provided as part of participation in a marketing related activity and/or event under clause 16) in accordance with the UK Data Protection legislation and the University’s Data Protection Policy. The University will only share data with third parties in accordance with its Data Protection Policy and the University will remain the data controller of the data. The Data Protection Policy is applicable from the time of accepting these Terms and Conditions.The University of London and World Academy of Sport (WAoS) are separate legal entities. In accepting the Champions for Change Scholarship you agree to the sharing of your personal data between the University and World Academy of Sport (WAoS) (where relevant) for the purposes of the management of your Champions for Change Scholarship.Each of the clauses of these Terms and Conditions operate separately. If a clause or any part of a clause is or becomes invalid, illegal or unenforceable, it shall be deemed deleted, but that shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the rest of these Terms and Conditions which shall remain in full force and effect.These Terms and Conditions constitute the entire agreement between you and the University in relation to the Champions for Change scholarship. All previous agreements, arrangements and understandings between you and the University relating to the Champions for Change Scholarship, whether written or oral, shall have no legal effect unless expressly set out in these Terms and Conditions.If the University fails to insist that you perform any of your obligations under these Terms and Conditions, or if the University does not enforce its rights against you, or if the University delays in doing so, that will not mean that the University has waived its rights against you and that will not mean that you do not have to comply with those obligations. If the University waives a default by you of the Champions for Change Scholarship, the University will only do so in writing, and that will not mean that it will automatically waive any later default by you.These are the Terms and Conditions between you and the University. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of the terms of these Terms and Conditions.These Terms and Conditions, and any matters arising out of or in relation to these Terms and Conditions, are governed and construed in accordance with English law. The parties agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts to settle any dispute or claim arising out of or in relation to these Terms and Conditions.link1: https: // https: // https: //", "type": "", "url": "" }
{ "name": "2024-25 LSHTM First Generation Scholarship (Distance Learning)", "text": "We have 2 LSHTM First Generation Scholarship available for entry in 2024-25. This scholarship provides full tuition fees.LSHTM First Generation ScholarshipIntroductionLSHTM has been delivering online learning programmes since 1998 – as a mode of study, distance learning allows students to work flexibly, offering them the opportunity to study regardless of their circumstances.Enabling the most talented students from all backgrounds to study at LSHTM is a key strategic priority. As outlined in the Strategy to Promote Access and Widening Participation, LSHTM wants to be a place where students from diverse backgrounds feel they belong, can thrive, and are valued for their unique contribution.As part of this work, LSHTM is offering 2 scholarships to support students in the completion of an MSc degree by distance learning. These initiatives are designed to enable excellent students from groups who have been historically underrepresented in Higher Education at the postgraduate level to study, feel a sense of belonging and succeed at LSHTM.Award Details and NotesWe have 2 LSHTM First Generation Scholarship available for entry in 2024-25.This scholarship provides full tuition fees. All applicants being considered for this funding are agreeing to the general terms and conditions for LSHTM scholarships.Please note that all applications will only be reviewed and processed after the deadline. All applications that are submitted before the deadline will be considered equally, regardless of submission date.Decisions are expected to be reached, and the successful applicants notified, by 24 May 2024.Who is EligibleThis scholarship is open to applicants intending to commence study on a distance learning programme at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) in 2024-25. The recipients will be expected to finish their respective programme within five years of registration.Eligible programmes are any of the 6 distance learning Master’s degrees on our Distance Learning page. Applicants intending to study PG Certificate and PG Diploma programmes are not eligible for this scholarship.You will not be eligible for the First Generation scholarship if you already have a master’s degree, or a qualification that’s equivalent, such as an integrated master’s degree, or a qualification that’s higher than a master’s degree, such as a PhD.To be eligible for these scholarships, applicants must meet all of the following criteria:meet minimum English language requirements;hold an offer of admission for 2024-25 for one of LSHTM’s 6 distance learning MSc programmes of study;the first in their family to enter higher education, meaning where neither of the applicant’s mother or father (biological, adoptive or foster) or guardian(s) had graduated with a university degree (that is, a BA or BSc qualification or higher) before the applicant was aged 18.The selection panel will also give preference to those applicants who are in the categories below:Black ethnicityCare experiencedCare giverDisabledEstranged from familyRefugee or asylum seekerHow to ApplyAll applicants who meet the criteria above will automatically be considered for these scholarships when making their application to study via the University of London website.You should submit an application to study for 2024-25 for an eligible MSc programme of study, by following the instructions under the ‘Applying for a distance learning programme’ web page. We would encourage you to submit your application as early as possible to allow time for it to be processed prior to the deadline below.Applicants should ensure that all necessary supplementary admissions documents (including references) are submitted via the admissions portal. In order to be considered for this scholarship applicants must hold an offer of admission by 6 April 2024.After this date, eligible offer holders will be invited to submit two statements that allow the students to explore both the barriers they have faced during their education and the ways in which they have overcome them.", "type": "", "url": "" }
{ "name": "Royal Veterinary College Bursary", "text": "Royal Veterinary College graduates who wish to take the Veterinary Epidemiology and Public Health programme (Pg Cert, Pg Dip and MSc) are entitled to a 20 per cent bursary.Further informationWho can applyThe bursary is available to the following Royal Veterinary College students:Those who have already completed a 240-hour individual module and now want to progress to the degree programmeRVC graduates who now wish to register for the Veterinary Epidemiology and Public Health programme (Pg Cert, Pg Dip and MSc)How to applyIf you wish to apply for the bursary you will need to provide appropriate documentation showing your RVC alumni status.You can select this bursary in the ‘Scholarships and bursaries’ section of the online application form.OrIf you wish to apply for the bursary after you have submitted your application for the programme you can do so via our online enquiry system(link to enquiry form). Please ensure to provide your student number.Application deadlineYou must submit your request for this bursary either on your application form or via the online enquiry system at least 2 weeks before the registration deadline for your programme.Terms and conditionsThe following terms and conditions apply to the Royal Veterinary College Bursary:To be eligible for the discount, you must be enrolling to study on the Veterinary Epidemiology and Public Health programme (Pg Cert, Pg Dip and MSc) distance learning programme.The discount is only available to graduates of the Royal Veterinary College who have completed a Batchelors or Masters, or RVC students who have already completed a 240-hour individual module and now want to progress to the degree programme.If you request the discount past the deadline for the current session, we cannot award you the discount.The Royal Veterinary College Bursary will be applied against any fees payable to the University of London including (but not limited to) registration fees and examination entry fees. The discount does not apply to the following: application fees, recognition of prior learning fees, module continuation fees for postgraduate courses, registration extension fees, postgraduate examination resit fees, examination rechecks, and fees that are charged by third parties, such as local teaching support or for local exam centres.The discount may be awarded in addition to other scholarships and funding, but it cannot be used in conjunction with any other University of London bursary or scholarships.The University reserves the right to terminate the discount if you are found to have omitted key information or have provided untrue, inaccurate, incomplete or fraudulent information on your application form or in any additional information provided to the University and used in the determination of the award of your discount.You agree to abide by the rules and regulations of the University of London.You undertake to use your best efforts to fulfil the academic requirements of the programme that you are registered on.As part of the award of the discount, the University may ask you to participate in marketing related activities and/or events to promote and share your experiences. Examples of typical activities and/or events may include participating in an interview, providing a profile for the University website or prospectus or attending an open day or induction event. If you participate in such activities and/or events, you agree for the University to use any material resulting from such activities and/or events for the purposes of publicity material and/or for the education of other students, whether electronically or in print. You furthermore release and discharge the University and its agents, representatives and assignees from any and all claims and demands arising out of or in connection with the use of the publicity material, including without limitation any and all claims for invasion of privacy and defamation. Additionally, you agree that the copyright of any publicity material shall be wholly vested in the University and you hereby assign to the University any and all rights in the publicity material.By agreeing to these Terms and Conditions, you are giving the University the right to hold and process your personal data, including some sensitive personal data. The University will process this personal data (including any personal data provided as part of participation in a marketing related activity and/or event under clause 16) in accordance with the UK Data Protection legislation and the University’s Data Protection Policy. The University will only share data with third parties in accordance with its Data Protection Policy and the University will remain the data controller of the data. The Data Protection Policy is applicable from the time of accepting these Terms and Conditions.The University of London and any relevant Federation Member Institutions are separate legal entities. In accepting the discount you agree to the sharing of your personal data between the University and a Federation Member Institution (where relevant) for the purposes of the management of your discount.Each of the clauses of these Terms and Conditions operate separately. If a clause or any part of a clause is or becomes invalid, illegal or unenforceable, it shall be deemed deleted, but that shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the rest of these Terms and Conditions which shall remain in full force and effect.These Terms and Conditions constitute the entire agreement between you and the University in relation to the Royal Veterinary Bursary. All previous agreements, arrangements and understandings between you and the University relating to the discount, whether written or oral, shall have no legal effect unless expressly set out in these Terms and Conditions.If the University fails to insist that you perform any of your obligations under these Terms and Conditions, or if the University does not enforce its rights against you, or if the University delays in doing so, that will not mean that the University has waived its rights against you and that will not mean that you do not have to comply with those obligations. If the University waives a default by you of the Royal Veterinary College Bursary, the University will only do so in writing, and that will not mean that it will automatically waive any later default by you.These are the Terms and Conditions between you and the University. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of the terms of these Terms and Conditions.These Terms and Conditions, and any matters arising out of or in relation to these Terms and Conditions, are governed and construed in accordance with English law. The parties agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts to settle any dispute or claim arising out of or in relation to these Terms and Conditions.", "type": "", "url": "" }
{ "name": "Váradi scholarships", "text": "University of London alumnus József Váradi has donated over £1 million to the University, to provide scholarships to support up to 100 distance and flexible learning students over the next ten years.The Váradi Scholarships Programme is now accepting applicants for its fourth cohort of students. Each successful applicant will be eligible for an award of up to £10,900 towards the cost of their programme fees. Applicants must be able to state how they will pay any outstanding fees not covered by the Váradi Scholarship when applying. The percentage of what an applicant will need to pay towards their degree will be confirmed when they receive the scholarship offer.The Váradi Scholarships are available to all new students.About the scholarshipJózsef completed an LLM with the University via distance learning in 2014, specializing in International Business Law. He is the CEO and co-founder of Wizz Air.The Váradi Scholarships will continue the University of London’s founding mission of opening access to education and connecting worlds.Thanks to the generosity of alumni like József, the University can break down barriers to education and provide support to some of our most deserving students, allowing them to improve their lives and the lives of others in their communities.The Váradi scholarships cover all University of London tuition fees. The scholarships do not cover any fees or costs (such as computers and additional study materials or Teaching Centre fees) not directly payable to the University of London.Further informationWho can ApplyTo be eligible for this scholarship you must:Have an offer for the programme you applied for.Be a new studentReside in one the following countries: Denmark, Latvia, Slovenia, Poland, Greece, Malta, Germany, Bulgaria, Portugal, Slovakia, Hungary, Czechia, Croatia, Montenegro, Serbia, North Macedonia, Turkey, Italy and Romania.How to applySubmit a programme application form online. Online applications are located on each programmes webpage. You can find your course using our course finder search.When you have received an offer for your programme, download and complete the scholarship application form (MS Word).Upload your completed scholarship application form here: online form - Under Applications, select the Scholarships and Bursaries section to upload your form.If the programme you are applying for has an application fee that you are unable to pay, please contact us selecting the Scholarships and Bursaries category on the enquiry.Deadlines and duties of scholarship holdersDeadline for entryApplications for the 2024-5 academic year are now open.Applications will be considered on a rolling basis. Please ensure that you submit both the programme application and the scholarship application at least two weeks before the programme application deadline. Applications submitted after this time may not be considered.Duties of scholarship holdersEach year you will be required to take the minimum number of examinations permitted for your programme. You should refer to your programme regulations for further information on examinations.As a scholarship holder, you are required to write a short report each year outlining the impact of your study and research, to be shared with the University of London Development Office.a: The Development Office is responsible for engaging with alumni (former students) and friends of the University to encourage support for scholarships.b:The Development Office may contact you during the course of and following your studies to ask for feedback on your course and the impact of your scholarship. This feedback and your annual report will be used to report back to donors on the impact of scholarships.c.The Development Office may also ask for your permission to use these statements (in part or in full) in future marketing and fundraising materials - you are perfectly within your rights to remain anonymous.You must also follow the standards expected of University of London students.We reserve the right to withdraw your scholarship if you do not comply with these terms.Terms and ConditionsThe following terms and conditions apply to the Váradi Scholarship at the University of London.To be eligible for the Váradi Scholarship, you will need to demonstrate within the application that without the scholarship you would not be able to undertake the programme.The Váradi Scholarship is available for the University of London distance learning programmes only and the course undertaken must be a full degree.You will not be considered for the Váradi Scholarship until you have received an offer for a qualifying University of London distance learning programme.You cannot be considered for the Váradi Scholarship if you are a currently registered student.The Váradi Scholarship will be applied against any fees payable to the University of London including (but not limited to) registration fees and examination entry fees. It does not cover any fees not payable to the University of London, such as teaching centre fees and study materials. These examples are non-exhaustive of the fees included within and excluded from the Váradi Scholarship, and other fees not listed here may be included and excluded from the scholarship.The Váradi Scholarship may be awarded in addition to other scholarships and funding, but it cannot be used in conjunction with any other University of London bursary or scholarships.The Váradi Scholarship may be reviewed on an annual basis and cannot be transferred to another individual.Students awarded a Váradi Scholarship but who subsequently withdraw from their course of studies will no longer be eligible for the Váradi Scholarship.Recipients of the Váradi Scholarship may take a break in their studies but must undertake a minimum of two examinations every two years for the programme on which they are registered. Failure to do so may result in the Váradi Scholarship being withdrawn.The Váradi Scholarship cannot be retroactively applied to studies in previous academic years.The Váradi Scholarship will be valid for the maximum period of registration for your programme.The University reserves the right to terminate the Váradi Scholarship if you are found to have omitted key information or have provided untrue, inaccurate, incomplete or fraudulent information on your application form or in any additional information provided to the University and used in the determination of the award of your Váradi Scholarship.You agree to abide by the rules and regulations of the University of London. If you do not abide by these rules and regulations, or if you do not meet the requirements (including the academic requirements) to continue or complete the distance learning course, the University reserves the right to withdraw the Váradi Scholarship with immediate effect.You undertake to use your best efforts to fulfil the academic requirements of the distance learning course on which you are registered.As part of the Váradi Scholarship award, the University may ask you to participate in marketing related activities and/or events to promote and share your experiences of the Váradi Scholarship. You are under no obligation to undertake any of these activities. Examples of typical activities and/or events may include participating in an interview, providing a profile for the University website. If you participate in such activities and/or events, you agree for the University to use any material resulting from such activities and/or events for the purposes of publicity material and/or for the education of other students, whether electronically or in print. You furthermore release and discharge the University and its agents, representatives and assignees from any and all claims and demands arising out of or in connection with the use of the publicity material, including without limitation any and all claims for invasion of privacy and defamation. Additionally, you agree that the copyright of any publicity material shall be wholly vested in the University and you hereby assign to the University any and all rights in the publicity material.Each year you will be asked to provide a report outlining the impact of your study and research – this is a requirement of being a scholarship recipient. This report will be shared with the University of London’s Development Office who will share the report (having removed all relevant contact details) with the Donor of the Váradi scholarship. Failure to provide the report result in the withdrawing of your scholarship.By agreeing to these Terms and Conditions, you are giving the University the right to hold and process your personal data, including some sensitive personal data. The University will process this personal data (including any personal data provided as part of participation in a marketing related activity and/or event under clause 16) in accordance with the UK Data Protection legislation and the University’s Data Protection Policy. The University will only share data with third parties in accordance with its Data Protection Policy and the University will remain the data controller of the data. The Data Protection Policy is applicable from the time of accepting these Terms and Conditions.The University of London and any relevant Federation Member Institutions are separate legal entities. In accepting the Váradi Scholarship you agree to the sharing of your personal data between the University and a Federation Member Institution (where relevant) for the purposes of the management of your Váradi Scholarship.Each of the clauses of these Terms and Conditions operate separately. If a clause or any part of a clause is or becomes invalid, illegal or unenforceable, it shall be deemed deleted, but that shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the rest of these Terms and Conditions which shall remain in full force and effect.These Terms and Conditions constitute the entire agreement between you and the University in relation to the Váradi Scholarship. All previous agreements, arrangements and understandings between you and the University relating to the Váradi Scholarship, whether written or oral, shall have no legal effect unless expressly set out in these Terms and Conditions.If the University fails to insist that you perform any of your obligations under these Terms and Conditions, or if the University does not enforce its rights against you, or if the University delays in doing so, that will not mean that the University has waived its rights against you and that will not mean that you do not have to comply with those obligations. If the University waives a default by you of the Váradi Scholarship, the University will only do so in writing, and that will not mean that it will automatically waive any later default by you.These are the Terms and Conditions between you and the University. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of the terms of these Terms and Conditions.These Terms and Conditions, and any matters arising out of or in relation to these Terms and Conditions, are governed and construed in accordance with English law. The parties agree to submit to theexclusive jurisdiction of the English courts to settle any dispute or claim arising out of or in relation to these Terms and https: // https: // https: //", "type": "", "url": "" }
{ "name": "University of London Worldwide Hardship Fund", "text": "University of London Worldwide students facing severe financial hardship can now apply for grants of up to £250 to support the completion of their studies. The grants are focused on helping students who are experiencing extreme or unexpected cost-of-living challenges.The University of London Hardship Grant is non-repayable and available to students who can demonstrate they are in financial need. Applications will be considered on a case-by-case basis and the fund will be shared among those who need it most.EligibilityThe grant is open to all University of London Worldwide students, regardless of programme or level of study.You must be able to demonstrate at least one of the following:That you are in financial difficulty which puts you at risk from withdrawing from the University, interrupting due to financial reasons or delaying your return following interruption of study;That you have experienced unforeseen events, costs, loss of income, etc., including additional unexpected expenditure incurred as a result of changes in study conditions;That you are (for unforeseen reasons) unable to afford essential equipment/software/textbooks as required by your programme of study.How to ApplyStudents need to complete the application form found below. We require all sections to be completed in full. Supporting evidence should be provided in order to demonstrate the extent of the hardship claim. This may include bank statements, utility bills, and other expenditure etc.Claims should be supported by evidence of cost.Where your application arises from sudden unforeseen events, please explain these clearly.Where the funding need is to provide essential equipment, please explain why this is unforeseen eg: the expectation is that you will have to have a computer in order to study, so normally an application for hardship funding for a computer would not therefore be considered unless there were exceptional circumstances which had occurred causing problems to the basic requirement of a computer as standard equipment.Hardship Fund Application Form (PDF)Forms should be submitted via the Online Enquiry System with any relevant supporting https: // https: //", "type": "", "url": "" }
{ "name": "Unionlearn Bursary", "text": "University of London is offering a 10% discount for union members in unions affiliated with the TUC.Two post graduate students having a discussion about law theoryThe Unionlearn Bursary is available for the BSc Business Administration, BSc Computer Science, BSc Psychology and the Global MBA.Members of included unions may qualify for a 10% discount which can be applied to registration fees, examination entry fees, course module fees, and module continuation fees.This applies to 4 programmes: BSc Business Administration, BSc Computer Science, BSc Psychology and the Global MBA.More informationWho can apply?Offer holders.You will not be considered for the Unionlearn Bursary until you have received an offer for the one of the specified programmes or course of studies.The Unionlearn Bursary is only available to students who have not previously registered for a specific programme or course of study available under this bursary. You can select the Unionlearn Bursary in the ‘Scholarships and bursaries’ section of the online application form.Bursary applicants must be a member of one of the unions that falls under the umbrella of unionlearn and the Trades Union Congress (TUC).How to applyOnce you reach the document upload section of the online application form, download and complete the Unionlearn Bursary Application Form. It should be fully completed and signed by your dedicated trade union representative in order to confirm your membership of a union that falls under the auspices of unionlearn.Download the application formOrIf you wish to apply for the Unionlearn Bursary after you have submitted your application form for the applicable programme or course of studies you can do so via our online enquiry system. You will need to complete the above application form to confirm your membership as well.Please download and complete the Unionlearn Bursary Application Form. It should be fully completed and signed by your dedicated trade union representative in order to confirm your membership of a union that falls under the auspices of unionlearn and the Trade Unions Congress and include your student number in the relevant field.For clarity, if you are approved for the Unionlearn Bursary you will be sent a bursary code to use during registration. If you proceed to register before you have received the bursary code, you will not receive the bursary.Bursary deadlinePlease ensure to apply/request the bursary at least 2 weeks before the registration deadline for your programme.Terms & conditions and privacy noticeThe following Terms and Conditions, including all schedules, apply to your University of London Unionlearn Bursary:To be eligible for the Unionlearn Bursary, you must be a member of a union that falls under the auspices of unionlearn and the Trades Union Congress at the time of making your Unionlearn Bursary application.The Unionlearn Bursary is only available for newly registering students for the start of the following University of London programmes (or any shorter qualification offered as part of these programmes, including without limitation modules, certificates and diplomas) offered via distance learning:a.BSc Business Administrationb.BSc Computer Sciencec.BSc Psychologyd.Global MBAYou will not be considered for the Unionlearn Bursary until you have been given an offer for the University of London distance learning programme.When you are approved for the Unionlearn Bursary you will be sent a bursary code to use during registration. If you proceed to register before you have received the bursary code, you will not receive the Unionlearn Bursary.If you request the Unionlearn Bursary after the deadline for the current session, we cannot award you the bursary. However, you can request the Unionlearn Bursary for the following academic session providing the bursary is still available, and if you can defer your registration until the next session.The Unionlearn Bursary can be applied against registration fees, examination entry fees, course module fees, and module continuation fees.The Unionlearn Bursary cannot be applied to application fees, recognition of prior learning fees, extension of registration fees, examination centre fees, examination rechecks, or against fees not charged directly by the University of London.The Unionlearn Bursary value is 10% of the relevant fee, which will be deducted from your fees and can be applied if you chose the ‘pay as you go’ option or if you select to pay your full course fee.The Unionlearn Bursary may be awarded in addition to other external scholarships and funding, but cannot be used in conjunction with any other University of London bursary or scholarships.The Unionlearn Bursary may be reviewed on an annual basis and cannot be transferred to another individual.Students awarded a Unionlearn Bursary but who subsequently withdraw from their course of studies will no longer be eligible for the Unionlearn Bursary for that course of studies.Students who take a break in their studies will continue to be eligible for the Unionlearn Bursary provided that they complete their degree in the permitted timescales and pay any relevant fees.The Unionlearn Bursary is only valid for registrations from 2020/2021 academic year onwards. The Unionlearn Bursary cannot be retroactively applied to studies before this academic year.The Unionlearn Bursary will be valid for the maximum period of registration for your programme.The University reserves the right to terminate the Unionlearn Bursary if you are found to have omitted key information or have provided untrue, inaccurate, incomplete or fraudulent information on your application form or in any additional information provided to the University and used in the determination of the award of your Unionlearn Bursary.You agree to abide by the University of London Student Terms and Conditions and the rules and regulations of the University of London. If you do not abide by the University of London Student Terms and Conditions or these rules and regulations, or if you do not meet the requirements (including the academic requirements) to continue or complete the applicable University of London distance learning programme, the University reserves the right to withdraw the Unionlearn Bursary with immediate effect.You undertake to use your best efforts to fulfil the academic requirements of the applicable University of London distance learning programme.By agreeing to these Terms and Conditions, you are giving the University the right to hold and process your personal data, including some special category personal data. The University will process this personal data (including any personal data provided as part of participation in a marketing related activity and/or event) in accordance with the UK Data Protection legislation and the University’s Unionlearn Bursary Privacy Notice attached as Schedule 1 below. In agreeing to these Terms and Conditions, you acknowledge that you have read and understand the Unionlearn Bursary Privacy Notice and you agree to the University sharing your data (including your personal data) in relation to the progression of your studies with unionlearn and with an applicable trade union.Each of the clauses of these Terms and Conditions operate separately. If a clause or any part of a clause is or becomes invalid, illegal or unenforceable, it shall be deemed deleted, but that shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the rest of these Terms and Conditions which shall remain in full force and effect.These Terms and Conditions constitute the entire agreement between you and the University in relation to the Unionlearn Bursary. All previous agreements, arrangements and understandings between you and the University relating to the Unionlearn Bursary, whether written or oral, shall have no legal effect unless expressly set out in these Terms and Conditions.If the University fails to insist that you perform any of your obligations under these Terms and Conditions, or if the University does not enforce its rights against you, or if the University delays in doing so, that will not mean that the University has waived its rights against you and that will not mean that you do not have to comply with those obligations. If the University waives a default by you of the Unionlearn Bursary, the University will only do so in writing, and that will not mean that it will automatically waive any later default by you.These are the Terms and Conditions between you and the University. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of the terms of these Terms and Conditions.These Terms and Conditions, and any matters arising out of or in relation to these Terms and Conditions, are governed and construed in accordance with English law. The parties agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts to settle any dispute or claim arising out of or in relation to these Terms and Conditions.Privacy Notice – Unionlearn bursaryAs a student of the University of London Worldwide you will be subject to our student privacy notice, which can be viewed on the Data Protection page. This notice explains how we manage your personal data as a Unionlearn bursary holder.What data are we collecting?On applicationIn addition to your standard registration data, we will collect the following information in relation to your bursary when you register:Your UnionYour Trade Union membership numberA confirmation from your Union Rep to verify your membership and eligibility.Why are we using it?Administering your bursaryWe are collecting and storing your information in order to fulfil your ‘contract’ as a bursary holder. We have, on your verification form, obtained consent to retain your Trade Union information, which is “special category” data, for the purposes to prove your eligibility during the course of your studies.ReportingThe University carries out statistical reporting on many aspects of its courses, to help plan and evaluate. In order to support our legitimate interest to evaluate the bursary, we will collect reporting information on the bursary holders and their progression.Marketing materialThe University may ask you as a bursary holder to take part in marketing related activities and/or events to promote and share your experiences of the Unionlearn Bursary. Examples of typical activities and/or events may include participating in an interview, providing a profile for the University website or prospectus or attending an open day or induction event.Who will we give this data to?Reporting to UnionlearnThe University will share details your progression with Unionlearn, who will manage the data for their reporting purposes, which may include informing your union. We will provide the following information:union nameapplicant nameemailregioncourse/programme.Your member institution (where relevant)The University of London and any relevant Member Institutions are separate legal entities. Where relevant, the University will share your data for the purposes of the management of your Unionlearn Bursary.How long will we keep your data for?The bursary information will be kept as part of your student record and will be retained for six years after your graduation. The reporting and statistics may be kept for longer but these statistics will not identify you or affect you in any way.How can I find out more?Please contact unionlearn at [email protected] or the University of London using the Contact Us tab in the first instance. You can find out more about your rights under data protection law, as well as our policies and the contact details of our Data Protection Officer, on the Data Protection page.", "type": "", "url": "" }
{ "name": "UNHCR Bursary", "text": "The UN Refugee Agency Bursary is a 10% bursary that can be applied against course module fees for an applicant who is a current UNHCR employee.The UNHCR Bursary is available for the MA Refugee Protection and Forced Migration Studies and Postgraduate Laws programmes only for students/applicants who register from the 2020-2021 academic year onwards.UNHCR BursaryWho can applyOffer holders - you will not be considered for the UNHCR Bursary until you have received an offer for the MA Refugee Protection and Forced Migration Studies or a Postgraduate Laws programme.The UNHCR Bursary is only available to new students, you cannot be considered for the bursary as a registered student.How to ApplyYou can select the UNHCR Bursary in the ‘Scholarships and bursaries’ section of the online application form.To support the bursary application you should upload (under other supporting documents) one of the following as evidence:A copy of a contract or employment letterA signed or stamped letter from UNHCR staff confirming employee or affiliate statusAn email from a UNHCR senior or HR staff colleague (with official signature for admissions follow-up if required) confirming active employee/affiliate status of applicant.Bursary deadline and Terms and ConditionsPlease ensure to apply/request the bursary at least 2 weeks before the registration deadline for your programme.Terms and Conditions [PDF]: https: //", "type": "", "url": "" }
{ "name": "The Thriplow Charitable Trusts Bursary", "text": "The Thriplow Charitable Trust has established a bursary for the MA in Refugee Protection and Forced Migration Studies by distance-learning.The Thriplow Charitable Trust bursary will be awarded in October 2024. This £5,000 bursary seeks to support an outstanding student based in the UK, who might not otherwise be able to gain access to the MA in Refugee informationHow to applyYou should only apply for the scholarship when you have an offer for the MA in Refugee Protection.Download and complete the scholarship application form (Microsoft Word).Once completed, you should email the application form to [email protected] read the application form thoroughly and follow all instructions given.Scholarship deadlineThe scholarship will be awarded to a student intending to commence studies in the October 2024 intake of the MA Programme.Scholarship application deadline: 4 August 2024.Any applications received after this date will not be considered.Please note: We recommend you submit a programme application no later than 19 July. It is unlikely that any admission application completed after 19 July 2024 will be processed in time.Terms and conditionsThe following terms and conditions apply to your Thriplow Charitable Trust Bursary:The Thriplow Charitable Trust Bursary is available for the University of London MA Refugee Protection and Forced Migration studies programme offered via distance learning only and subject to the application criteria set out in the attached application information sheet.You will not be considered for the Thriplow Charitable Trust Bursary until you have been given an offer for the University of London distance learning MA Refugee Protection and Forced Migration programme.You cannot be considered for the Thriplow Charitable Trust Bursary if you are a currently registered student or if you have previously applied and been rejected for this scholarship and you cannot demonstrate a sufficient change in personal circumstances that would suggest you now meet the criteria for the Thriplow Charitable Trust Bursary.The Thriplow Charitable Trust Bursary can be applied against your registration fees and course module fees. It will not cover re-submission fees, study materials or IT equipment.The Thriplow Charitable Trust Bursary value is £5,000 which will be credited to your fee account to be used against fees payable to the University of London.The Thriplow Charitable Trust Bursary may be awarded in addition to other scholarships and funding, but it cannot be used in conjunction with any other University of London bursary or scholarships.Students are required to write a short report at the end of each study year outlining the impact of your study and research. Failure to comply may result in the scholarship being withdrawn.The Thriplow Charitable Trust Bursary may be reviewed on an annual basis and cannot be transferred to another individual.Students awarded a Thriplow Charitable Trust Bursary but who subsequently withdraw from their course of studies will no longer be eligible for the Thriplow Charitable Trust Bursary.Students who take a break in their studies will continue to be eligible for the Thriplow Charitable Trust Bursary provided that they complete their degree in the permitted timescales and pay any relevant fees.The Thriplow Charitable Trust Bursary is only valid for registration’s that begin in October 2024.The Thriplow Charitable Trust Bursary will be valid for the maximum period of registration for your programme.The University reserves the right to terminate the Thriplow Charitable Trust Bursary if you are found to have omitted key information or have provided untrue, inaccurate, incomplete or fraudulent information on your application form or in any additional information provided to the University and used in the determination of the award of your Thriplow Charitable Trust Bursary.You agree to abide by the rules and regulations of the University of London. If you do not abide by these rules and regulations, or if you do not meet the requirements (including the academic requirements) to continue or complete the MA Refugee Protection and Forced Migration Studies distance learning course, the University reserves the right to withdraw the Thriplow Charitable Trust Bursary with immediate effect.You undertake to use your best efforts to fulfil the academic requirements of the MA Refugee Protection and Forced Migration Studies distance learning course.As part of the Thriplow Charitable Trust Bursary, the University may ask you to participate in marketing related activities and/or events to promote and share your experiences of the MA Refugee Protection and Forced Migration studies. Examples of typical activities and/or events may include participating in an interview, providing a profile for the University website or prospectus or attending an open day or induction event. If you participate in such activities and/or events, you agree for the University to use any material resulting from such activities and/or events for the purposes of publicity material and/or for the education of other students, whether electronically or in print. You furthermore release and discharge the University and its agents, representatives and assignees from any and all claims and demands arising out of or in connection with the use of the publicity material, including without limitation any and all claims for invasion of privacy and defamation. Additionally, you agree that the copyright of any publicity material shall be wholly vested in the University and you hereby assign to the University any and all rights in the publicity material.By agreeing to these Terms and Conditions, you are giving the University the right to hold and process your personal data, including some sensitive personal data. The University will process this personal data (including any personal data provided as part of participation in a marketing related activity and/or event under clause 16) in accordance with the UK Data Protection legislation and the University’s Data Protection Policy. The University will only share data with third parties in accordance with its Data Protection Policy and the University will remain the data controller of the data. The Data Protection Policy is applicable from the time of accepting these Terms and Conditions.The University of London and any relevant Member Institutions are separate legal entities. In accepting the Thriplow Charitable Trust Bursary you agree to the sharing of your personal data between the University and a Member Institution (where relevant) for the purposes of the management of your Thriplow Charitable Trust Bursary.Each of the clauses of these Terms and Conditions operate separately. If a clause or any part of a clause is or becomes invalid, illegal or unenforceable, it shall be deemed deleted, but that shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the rest of these Terms and Conditions which shall remain in full force and effect.These Terms and Conditions constitute the entire agreement between you and the University in relation to the Thriplow Charitable Trust Bursary. All previous agreements, arrangements and understandings between you and the University relating to the Thriplow Charitable Trust Bursary, whether written or oral, shall have no legal effect unless expressly set out in these Terms and Conditions.If the University fails to insist that you perform any of your obligations under these Terms and Conditions, or if the University does not enforce its rights against you, or if the University delays in doing so, that will not mean that the University has waived its rights against you and that will not mean that you do not have to comply with those obligations. If the University waives a default by you of the Thriplow Charitable Trust Bursary, the University will only do so in writing, and that will not mean that it will automatically waive any later default by you.These are the Terms and Conditions between you and the University. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of the terms of these Terms and Conditions.These Terms and Conditions, and any matters arising out of or in relation to these Terms and Conditions, are governed and construed in accordance with English law. The parties agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts to settle any dispute or claim arising out of or in relation to these Terms and Conditions.Last Updated: 19th April 2024", "type": "", "url": "" }
{ "name": "The Teaching Centre Bursary", "text": "The Teaching Centre Bursary is a 20 per cent bursary that can be applied against registration, examination entry fees and module fees. The Teaching Centre Bursary does not cover examination re-sit fees, recognition of prior learning fees, fees for changing a module or fees charged by examination centres or teaching centres.This bursary is available for our undergraduate and postgraduate programmes but is not available for the International Foundation programme.If you are eligible, you will be provided with a bursary code that can be used when you register.This bursary is available for our undergraduate and postgraduate programmes including:Bachelor’s degreesMaster’s degreesCertificate Higher EducationGraduate DiplomasPostgraduate Diploma’s and Postgraduate Certificates.This bursary is not available for the following programmes:International Foundation programmeInformation Security programmes with academic direction by Royal HollowayCeFiMS programmes with academic direction by SOASCeDeP programmes with academic direction by SOAS.The Bursary deadlinePlease ensure to apply/request the bursary at least 2 weeks before the registration deadline for your programme.The Teaching Centre Bursary does not cover the following:Examination re sit feesRecognition of prior learning feesFees for changing a moduleFees charged by examination centres or teaching centres.If you are eligible, you will be provided with a bursary code that can be used when you register.Further informationHow to apply?You can select the Teaching Centre Bursary in the ‘Scholarships and bursaries’ section of the online application form.Once you reach the document upload section, attach a work reference that is on headed paper, bearing a hand written signature from your employer that confirms your name, job title and start date.If you wish to apply for the Teaching Centre Bursary after you have submitted your application for the programme, you can do so via our online enquiry system. Please ensure to provide your student number.Who can apply?You must be employed at a recognised Teaching Centre for the University of London on a full time or part basis and have been employed for a minimum of 12 months.You will not be considered for the Teaching Centre Bursary until you have received an offer for the programme you have applied for.The Teaching Centre Bursary is not available to currently registered students.When you are approved for the Teaching Centre Bursary you will be sent a bursary code to use during registration. If you proceed to register before you have received the bursary code, you will no longer be eligible for the bursary.Application deadlineYou must submit your request for this bursary either on your application form or via the online enquiry system at least 2 weeks before the registration deadline for your programme.Terms and ConditionsThe following terms and conditions apply to your University of London Teaching Centre Bursary:To be eligible for the Teaching Centre Bursary, you must be currently employed at a recognised Teaching Centre for the University of London, and have been employed either part time or full time for a minimum of 12 months.The Teaching Centre Bursary is available for all of the University of London undergraduate and postgraduate programmes including Bachelor’s degrees, Master’s degrees, Certificate Higher Education, Graduate Diplomas, Postgraduate Diploma’s and Postgraduate Certificates except for the International Foundation programme, Information Security programmes with academic direction by Royal Holloway- or CeFiMS and CeDeP programmes offered in conjunction with SOAS.You will not be considered for the Teaching Centre Bursary until you have been given an offer for the programme you have applied for.The Teaching Centre Bursary can be applied against registration fees, examination entry fees and course module fees, but does not cover examination resit fees, recognition of prior learning fees, fees for changing a module, or any fees charged by examination centres or teaching centres.You cannot be considered for the Teaching Centre Bursary if you are a currently registered student.The Teaching Centre Bursary value is 20% of the relevant fee deducted from your fees and can be applied if you chose the ‘pay as go’ option, or if you select to pay your full course fee.The Teaching Centre Bursary may be awarded in addition to other scholarships and funding, though it cannot be used in conjunction with any other University of London bursary or scholarships.The Teaching Centre Bursary may be reviewed on an annual basis and cannot be transferred to another individual.Students awarded a Teaching Centre Bursary but who subsequently withdraw from their course of studies will no longer be eligible for the Teaching Centre Bursary.Students who take a break in their studies will continue to be eligible for the Teaching Centre Bursary provided that they complete their degree in the permitted timescales and pay any relevant fees.The Teaching Centre Bursary is only valid for registration’s that begin in the 2019 onwards. The Teaching Centre Bursary cannot be retroactively applied to studies in previous academic years.The Teaching Centre Bursary will be valid for the maximum period of registration for your programme.The University reserves the right to terminate the Teaching Centre Bursary if you are found to have omitted key information or have provided untrue, inaccurate, incomplete or fraudulent information on your application form or in any additional information provided to the University and used in the determination of the award of your Teaching Centre Bursary.You agree to abide by the rules and regulations of the University of London. If you do not abide by these rules and regulations, or if you do not meet the requirements (including the academic requirements) to continue or complete your course, the University reserves the right to withdraw the Teaching Centre Bursary with immediate effect.You undertake to use your best efforts to fulfil the academic requirements of your course.As part of the Teaching Centre Bursary award, the University may ask you to participate in marketing related activities and/or events to promote and share your experiences of the Teaching Centre Bursary. Examples of typical activities and/or events may include participating in an interview, providing a profile for the University website or prospectus or attending an open day or induction event. If you participate in such activities and/or events, you agree for the University to use any material resulting from such activities and/or events for the purposes of publicity material and/or for the education of other students, whether electronically or in print. You furthermore release and discharge the University and its agents, representatives and assignees from any and all claims and demands arising out of or in connection with the use of the publicity material, including without limitation any and all claims for invasion of privacy and defamation. Additionally, you agree that the copyright of any publicity material shall be wholly vested in the University and you hereby assign to the University any and all rights in the publicity material.By agreeing to these Terms and Conditions, you are giving the University the right to hold and process your personal data, including some sensitive personal data. The University will process this personal data (including any personal data provided as part of participation in a marketing related activity and/or event under clause 16) in accordance with the UK Data Protection legislation and the University’s Data Protection Policy. The University will only share data with third parties in accordance with its Data Protection Policy and the University will remain the data controller of the data. The Data Protection Policy is applicable from the time of accepting these Terms and Conditions, and can be read in full here: https: // University of London and any relevant Federation Member Institutions are separate legal entities. In accepting the Teaching Centre Bursary you agree to the sharing of your personal data between the University and a Federation Member Institution (where relevant) for the purposes of the management of your Teaching Centre Bursary.Each of the clauses of these Terms and Conditions operate separately. If a clause or any part of a clause is or becomes invalid, illegal or unenforceable, it shall be deemed deleted, but that shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the rest of these Terms and Conditions which shall remain in full force and effect.These Terms and Conditions constitute the entire agreement between you and the University in relation to the Teaching Centre Bursary. All previous agreements, arrangements and understandings between you and the University relating to the Teaching Centre Bursary, whether written or oral, shall have no legal effect unless expressly set out in these Terms and Conditions.If the University fails to insist that you perform any of your obligations under these Terms and Conditions, or if the University does not enforce its rights against you, or if the University delays in doing so, that will not mean that the University has waived its rights against you and that will not mean that you do not have to comply with those obligations. If the University waives a default by you of the Teaching Centre Bursary, the University will only do so in writing, and that will not mean that it will automatically waive any later default by you.These are the Terms and Conditions between you and the University. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of the terms of these Terms and Conditions.These Terms and Conditions, and any matters arising out of or in relation to these Terms and Conditions, are governed and construed in accordance with English law. The parties agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts to settle any dispute or claim arising out of or in relation to these Terms and https: //", "type": "", "url": "" }
{ "name": "The Jean-François Durieux Scholarship", "text": "This award is named to celebrate the achievements of the renowned refugee scholar and practitioner Jean-François Durieux on his retirement from the field. Jean-François has been a close supporter of, and teacher on, the MA in Refugee Protection and Forced Migration Studies its inception. As a friend and colleague, he also contributed substantially to the work of the Refugee Law Initiative in pushing the boundaries of the research agenda and helping to develop international collaborations across this field.The Jean-François Durieux Scholarship will be awarded in October 2024. This scholarship seeks to support an outstanding student who might not otherwise be able to gain access to the MA in Refugee Protection and is resident in a country in the Middle East or Latin America:EligibilityEligibility criteriaApplicants for the Jean-François Durieux Scholarship must:Have the offer of a place on the MA in Refugee Protection and Forced Migration Studies the “MA Programme”) by distance-learning; andDemonstrate outstanding academic merit or potential in the field of study, evidenced particularly by past achievements; andHold an undergraduate degree (e.g. bachelor) that is comparable to a UK upper second class honours degree, in law or other relevant subject; andBe unable to take up the offer of a place on the MA in Refugee Protection and Forced Migration Studies due to financial circumstances; andBe resident in a country in the Middle East or Latin America.Applications from those with a refugee/displacement background are particularly encouraged.Students currently studying for a University of London award are ineligible for this scholarship. Applicants who already hold a Master’s degree will not usually be privileged in the scholarship selection process.Application procedureAll applicants who receive a letter offering them a place on the MA Programme will be invited to apply for the Jean-François Durieux Scholarship, subject to meeting the eligibility criteria.The scholarship application is submitted via an online form that is separate to that for admission to the MA Programme. It requires applicants to detail their past achievements as relevant to this field of study, professional positions held, personal information and financial situation. Applicants also provide a short statement of their motivation in applying to the MA Programme and for the scholarship.All applications will be reviewed against the eligibility criteria using the University’s procedures and will be informed of the outcome of their applications in a timely manner. Regrettably, it will not be possible to provide further individual feedback on applications.You should only apply for the scholarship when you have an offer for the MA in Refugee Protection.Download and complete the scholarship application form [Word].Once completed, you should email the application form to [email protected] read the application form thoroughly and follow all instructions given.Key datesThe Jean-François Durieux Scholarship will be awarded to a student intending to commence studies in the October 2024 intake of the MA Programme. Relevant dates for the coming academic year are as follows: 4 August 2024 Deadline for scholarship applications31 August 2024 Notification of outcome to all applicants1 October 2024 Deadline for registration on MA Programme14 October 2024 MA Programme commencesApplicants are responsible for ensuring that their applications for admission to the MA Programme are submitted sufficiently early such that an offer can be extended and their subsequent scholarship application entered prior to the 4 August 2024 deadline. Please note that, as a rule of thumb, it is unlikely that any admission application completed after 19 July 2024 will be processed in time.Scope of the awardThe Jean-François Durieux Scholarship covers the ‘whole fee’ for the two-year part-time distance-learning MA programme, comprising two Core Module fees, four Elective Module fees, and the two Dissertation Modules fees. This is equivalent to fees of £9,464 over the lifetime of the award.The scholarship does not cover any costs not directly payable to the University (such as the purchase of additional materials or electronic equipment), resubmission fees, payment of further elective modules if the student decides to transfer, or any other fees not covered above. Applicants must ensure they can to cover such costs from other financial sources.If no suitable candidates are identified in a single year, then the award may be held over until the following year.Duties of successful scholarship recipientsThe scholarship recipient is required to agree to the Scholarship Terms and Conditions, which include writing a short report at the end of each year of study outlining the impact of their study and research.The scholarship recipient is required to act at all times in conformity with the Scholarship Terms and Conditions, the standards expected of students of the University of London, the University’s regulations and policies and the Student Terms and Conditions. Where a student fails to comply with any of these terms, the University reserves the right unilaterally to withdraw his/her scholarship.Background to the Jean-François Durieux ScholarshipJean-François Durieux has been a firm supporter of, and teacher on, the MA in Refugee Protection and Forced Migration Studies since its inception. As a friend and colleague, he also contributed substantially to the work of the Refugee Law Initiative in pushing the boundaries of the research agenda and helping to develop international collaborations across this field. He has written extensively on refugee protection in leading academic publications, convened high-level academic events and practitioner training programmes, and been one of the most prominent thinkers in the field. As a practitioner, Jean-François Durieux served with the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) for over 30 years in a wide array of field positions, as well as undertaking responsibility for legal advice, policy and management at the organisation’s headquarters in Geneva.The University of London created the scholarship on the occasion of Jean-François Durieux’s retirement in 2021 to celebrate his lifelong contribution to refugee protection and to recognise his close connection with the MA in Refugee Protection and Forced Migration Studies and the Refugee Law Initiative at the University of London. The scholarship promotes the study of refugee protection by an outstanding student who is limited by financial circumstances, especially those living in low- or middle-income countries.Terms and ConditionsThe following terms and conditions apply to your Jean-François Durieux Scholarship:The Jean-François Durieux Scholarship is available for the University of London MA Refugee Protection and Forced Migration studies programme offered via distance learning only and subject to the application criteria set out in the attached application information sheet.You will not be considered for the Jean-François Durieux Scholarship until you have been given an offer for the University of London distance learning MA Refugee Protection and Forced Migration programme.You cannot be considered for the Jean-François Durieux Scholarship if you are a currently registered student or if you have previously applied and been rejected for this scholarship and you cannot demonstrate a sufficient change in personal circumstances that would suggest you now meet the criteria for the Jean-François Durieux Scholarship.The Jean-François Durieux Scholarship can be applied against your registration fees and course module fees. It will not cover re-submission fees, study materials or IT equipment.The Jean-François Durieux Scholarship value is £9,464 which will be credited to your fee account to be used against fees payable to the University of London.The Jean-François Durieux Scholarship may be awarded in addition to other scholarships and funding, but it cannot be used in conjunction with any other University of London bursary or scholarships.Students are required to write a short report at the end of each study year outlining the impact of your study and research. Failure to comply may result in the scholarship being withdrawn.The Jean-François Durieux Scholarship may be reviewed on an annual basis and cannot be transferred to another individual.Students awarded a Jean-François Durieux Scholarship but who subsequently withdraw from their course of studies will no longer be eligible for the Jean-François Durieux Scholarship.Students who take a break in their studies will continue to be eligible for the Jean-François Durieux Scholarship provided that they complete their degree in the permitted timescales and pay any relevant fees.The Jean-François Durieux Scholarship is only valid for registration’s that begin in 2024.The Jean-François Durieux Scholarship will be valid for the maximum period of registration for your programme.The University reserves the right to terminate the Jean-François Durieux Scholarship if you are found to have omitted key information or have provided untrue, inaccurate, incomplete or fraudulent information on your application form or in any additional information provided to the University and used in the determination of the award of your Jean-François Durieux Scholarship.You agree to abide by the rules and regulations of the University of London. If you do not abide by these rules and regulations, or if you do not meet the requirements (including the academic requirements) to continue or complete the MA Refugee Protection and Forced Migration Studies distance learning course, the University reserves the right to withdraw the Jean-François Durieux Scholarship with immediate effect.You undertake to use your best efforts to fulfil the academic requirements of the MA Refugee Protection and Forced Migration Studies distance learning course.As part of the Jean-François Durieux Scholarship, the University may ask you to participate in marketing related activities and/or events to promote and share your experiences of the MA Refugee Protection and Forced Migration studies. Examples of typical activities and/or events may include participating in an interview, providing a profile for the University website or prospectus or attending an open day or induction event. If you participate in such activities and/or events, you agree for the University to use any material resulting from such activities and/or events for the purposes of publicity material and/or for the education of other students, whether electronically or in print. You furthermore release and discharge the University and its agents, representatives and assignees from any and all claims and demands arising out of or in connection with the use of the publicity material, including without limitation any and all claims for invasion of privacy and defamation. Additionally, you agree that the copyright of any publicity material shall be wholly vested in the University and you hereby assign to the University any and all rights in the publicity material.By agreeing to these Terms and Conditions, you are giving the University the right to hold and process your personal data, including some sensitive personal data. The University will process this personal data (including any personal data provided as part of participation in a marketing related activity and/or event under clause 16) in accordance with the UK Data Protection legislation and the University’s Data Protection Policy. The University will only share data with third parties in accordance with its Data Protection Policy and the University will remain the data controller of the data. The Data Protection Policy is applicable from the time of accepting these Terms and Conditions.The University of London and any relevant Member Institutions are separate legal entities. In accepting the Jean-François Durieux Scholarship you agree to the sharing of your personal data between the University and a Member Institution (where relevant) for the purposes of the management of your Jean-François Durieux Scholarship.Each of the clauses of these Terms and Conditions operate separately. If a clause or any part of a clause is or becomes invalid, illegal or unenforceable, it shall be deemed deleted, but that shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the rest of these Terms and Conditions which shall remain in full force and effect.These Terms and Conditions constitute the entire agreement between you and the University in relation to the Jean-François Durieux Scholarship. All previous agreements, arrangements and understandings between you and the University relating to the Jean-François Durieux Scholarship, whether written or oral, shall have no legal effect unless expressly set out in these Terms and Conditions.If the University fails to insist that you perform any of your obligations under these Terms and Conditions, or if the University does not enforce its rights against you, or if the University delays in doing so, that will not mean that the University has waived its rights against you and that will not mean that you do not have to comply with those obligations. If the University waives a default by you of the Jean-François Durieux Scholarship, the University will only do so in writing, and that will not mean that it will automatically waive any later default by you.These are the Terms and Conditions between you and the University. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of the terms of these Terms and Conditions.These Terms and Conditions, and any matters arising out of or in relation to these Terms and Conditions, are governed and construed in accordance with English law. The parties agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts to settle any dispute or claim arising out of or in relation to these Terms and Conditions.Last Updated: 19th April 2024", "type": "", "url": "" }
{ "name": "Prince Philip Scholarship", "text": "The procedures for applying to the Prince Philip Scholarship are closely tied to the application to the University of Cambridge through UCAS, as shown in the steps below.0Apply to Cambridge University via UCASApplications to Cambridge and all UK universities must be made through UCAS.Submission deadline for 2025 entry: 15th October 20241Submit application form and required documentsComplete the Scholarship Application Form, which must be endorsed by your School Principal, together with other necessary documents as set out in the Application Guidelines.Submission deadline for 2025 entry: 15th October 20242Applicants shortlisted and interview invitations sentShortlisted candidates will receive invitations for interviews in November or December.Time of interview notifications for 2025 entry:November to December 20243Scholarship/College interviewsThe Scholarship and College interviews usually take place around December.Interview period for 2025 entry:December 2024 to January 20254Notification of Scholarship decisionApplicants will be notified of the Scholarship decision around March.Notification time for 2025 entry:Around March 20255Means testScholarship candidates who have received conditional offers will be invited to undergo a means test to determine the value of the award they will receive.Date of means test for 2025 entry:From end of March 2025https: // Required to be Submitted by the ApplicantYou can download the Prince Philip Scholarship Application Form on this website. Please also read the Application Guidelines.If not already included in the application formDocuments Required to be Submitted by the Applicant’s School", "type": "", "url": "" }
{ "name": "PhD Programme for Health Professionals", "text": "Award value£300,000 (annual)Award purposeFees (Home) , Maintenance , Other (see below)Award duration3.0 years (fixed length)Who can apply?Prospective applicantLevel of studyPhDMode of studyFull TimeApplication deadline02 Nov 2023Application results dateJanuary - FebruaryAward year2024/25AboutThis programme is designed to allow clinical health professionals to pursue a successful career in health research. Up to seven fully-funded fellowships are offered each year with a single round of admissions.AWARD DETAILSAward value£300,000 (annual)Award duration3.0 years (fixed length)Award purposeFees (Home) Maintenance Other (see below)The Programme provides:A clinical salaryUniversity Composition Fee (UCF)Research expensesContribution towards travel for research meetingsContribution towards general training costsNo. of awards7Award year2024/25Extendable durationNoBasis of award grantAcademic meritRequirements for applicants to fulfillA project proposal form outlining the chosen PhD project, to be completed by the fellow in consultation with their PhD project supervisor, will need to be submitted by 31 January of the year after the fellow commences on the Programme.... Read moreOnly for advertising?NoELIGIBILITYWho can apply?Prospective applicantLevel of studyPhDMode of studyFull TimeCountry of residenceUK Only, United KingdomCoursePhD Programme for Health ProfessionalsAPPLICATION PROCESSOpt in for funding through the Applicant Portal?NoAdditional questions in the Applicant Portal?NoKEY DATESApplication deadline02 Nov 2023Application results dateJanuary - February", "type": "PhD", "url": "" }
{ "name": "Aker Cambridge Scholarship", "text": "This scholarship is available to Norwegian students and students with a strong link to Norway, who are taking a Masters or PhD degree in any subject, and is tenable at any College.Offered in partnership with Aker Foundation Norway.ValueVariable, but sufficient to ensure that the full cost of study at the University of Cambridge is coveredHow to applyCandidates are selected by Aker (not the Trust)To ensure that they are considered for this scholarship, applicants must follow both of the following steps:apply direct to the Aker Scholarship in the year before that in which they wish to start their studies in Cambridge; ANDapply for admission to the University of Cambridge by the funding deadline specific to their course (please refer to the Postgraduate Course Directory)For more information, please visit About our postgraduate scholarshipsFunding PartnerAker Foundation NorwayThe Aker Scholarship was established in 2015 by the 'Anne Grete Eidsvig and Kjell Inge Røkke Charitable Foundation for Education’ in cooperation with Aker ASA.The programme supports Norwegian top students so that they can learn from the best in the world, independent of their family or financial situation. Scholarships are awarded to students in all fields of study.Its aim is to give talented and ambitious young Norwegian students the opportunity to gain knowledge, inspiration and experience by taking postgraduate degrees at the world's leading universities. Since last year it has offered scholarships at universities in the UK (Cambridge, Oxford, Imperial College), the USA (Caltech, MIT, Harvard, Stanford, Penn) and Singapore (National University of Singapore).The first students on this new programme arrived in Cambridge in October 2016.", "type": "", "url": "" }
{ "name": "Gates Cambridge Scholarship", "text": "Award value£35,000 ~ £65,000 (annual)Award purposeFees (International) , Maintenance , Student visa cost , Student immigration health surcharge , Other (see below)Award durationCourse lengthWho can apply?Prospective applicantLevel of studyPhD, MastersMode of studyFull Time, Part TimeAvailable to255 nationalities, See full listApplication deadlineSee details belowApplication results dateSee details belowAward year2024/25AboutThe Gates Cambridge Scholarship programme was established in October 2000 by a donation of US$210m from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to the University of Cambridge; this is the largest ever single donation to a UK university.Each year Gates Cambridge offers c.80 full-cost scholarships to outstanding applicants from countries outside the UK to pursue a postgraduate degree in any subject available at the University of Cambridge. Approximately two-thirds of these awards will be offered to PhD students, with approximately 25 awards available in the US round and 55 available in the International round.There are at least 225 Scholars from c. 50 countries studying in Cambridge at any one time who pursue the full range of subjects available at the University and are spread across its departments and Colleges.The Gates Cambridge mission is to build a global network of future leaders committed to improving the lives of others. It aims to achieve this mission by selecting outstanding scholars, providing them with financial and non-financial support at one of the world’s leading universities and facilitating community building at and beyond Cambridge.AWARD DETAILSAward value£35,000 ~ £65,000 (annual)Award durationCourse lengthAward purposeFees (International) Maintenance Student visa cost Student immigration health surcharge Other (see below)The Gates Cambridge Scholarship provides funds to fully cover a scholars' non-controllable study costs. This would typically be between £35,000 - £45,000 per year. The exact amount will depend on the specific course fee and course length and whether the student is in receipt of any other funding awards.In addition, the Gates Cambridge Scholarship provides a wide range of funding beyond fees and maintenance which could add up to a total funding package of around £65,000 per year.This includes: a return flight and/or train ticket to Cambridge, visa costs and the NHS health surcharge; scholars are also eligible to apply for a range of discretionary funding during the tenure of their award such as Academic Development Funding for conferences and Dependent Child Allowance if bringing their child (children) with them to Cambridge. Full details can be found at https: // costs (such as consumables) are not included as these should be covered by the University fee paid by the Trust.No. of awards80 (approximately)Award year2024/25Extendable durationYesGates Cambridge Scholarships provide a maintenance allowance of up to 4 years for PhD Scholars at the outset. Extensions are considered on a case by case basis in the event of intermission or illness if the scholar cannot complete their studies within the original tenure of their award.Basis of award grantAcademic merit Other (see below)Candidates are assessed based on four criteria:Outstanding intellectual abilityReasons for choice of courseCommitment to improving the lives of othersLeadership potentialMore information can be found at https: // for applicants to fulfillDuring the tenure of their award, students will be required to sign in with the Trust each quarter to receive their maintenance payment and they will be asked to provide an annual Gates Cambridge progress report.... Read moreOnly for advertising?NoELIGIBILITYWho can apply?Prospective applicantLevel of studyPhD MastersMode of studyFull Time Part TimeNationality255 nationalities, See full listCourse257 courses, See full listAPPLICATION PROCESSOpt in for funding through the Applicant Portal?YesAdditional questions in the Applicant Portal?NoKEY DATESApplication deadlineUS Round - US nationals living in the USA should apply by Wednesday 11 October 2023.International Round - all other nationalities, and US nationals living outside the USA, should apply by the funding deadline for their course (either 5 December 2023 or 4 January 2024).Application results dateUS Round - successful candidates will be informed by 2 February 2024.International Round - successful candidates will be informed by 1 April 2024.Last updated: 02 Nov 2023 12: 46: 21", "type": "PhD Masters", "url": "" }
{ "name": "Krishnan-Ang Studentship for Overseas Students in the Natural Sciences", "text": "Award value~ £62,997 (annual)Award purposeFees (International) , Maintenance , Student visa cost , Student immigration health surcharge , Other (see below)Award durationCourse lengthWho can apply?Prospective applicantLevel of studyPhDMode of studyFull Time, Part TimeApplication deadlineSame as funding deadline for the courseApplication results dateMarch - AprilAward year2024/25AboutKrishnan-Ang Studentships are intended to support outstanding Overseas candidates who wish to undertake a PhD in Natural Sciences at the University of Cambridge.Krishnan-Ang Studentships are funded by generous donations from Eashwar Viswanathan Krishnan and Tzo Tze Ang who were both undergraduates at Trinity College: Eashwar read Natural Sciences (Matric. 1996) and Tzo Tze read Electrical & Information Sciences (Matric. 1997).AWARD DETAILSAward value~ £62,997 (annual)Award durationCourse lengthAward purposeFees (International) Maintenance Student visa cost Student immigration health surcharge Other (see below)Successful applicants will receive a Research Scholarship Emolument of £450 per annum for three years.Also covers the cost of a return ticket from the country of origin to the United Kingdom.No. of awards2Award year2024/25Extendable durationNoBasis of award grantAcademic meritRequirements for applicants to fulfillSuccessful applicants may be contacted during their course by Trinity's Alumni Relations and Development Office to ask for a short account on their progress and experience at Trinity for the purpose of reporting to the donors of this award.... Read moreOnly for advertising?NoELIGIBILITYWho can apply?Prospective applicantLevel of studyPhDMode of studyFull Time Part TimeFee statusOverseasDepartment / School48 departments/schools, See full listCollegeTrinity CollegeOther eligibilityPhD in Natural Sciences.APPLICATION PROCESSOpt in for funding through the Applicant Portal?YesAdditional questions in the Applicant Portal?YesKEY DATESApplication deadlineSame as funding deadline for the courseApplication results dateMarch - April", "type": "PhD", "url": "" }