[ { "instruction": "Based on user response and cashier message to which the user is replying to, determine if user wants to modify their order, or if they are just asking a question, or if they would like to finish ordering. If user wants to modify their order, please respond with 'modify_order', if user is just asking a question respond with 'answer_question', and if they would like to finish ordering, please respond with 'end'.", "input": "Here is the cashier message: 'Tulisiko muuta'. Here is the user message: 'Haluaisin tilata yhden big mac aterian fantalla, ja tee sitää pieni.'", "output": "modify_order" }, { "instruction": "Based on user response and cashier message to which the user is replying to, determine if user wants to modify their order, or if they are just asking a question, or if they would like to finish ordering. If user wants to modify their order, please respond with 'modify_order', if user is just asking a question respond with 'answer_question', and if they would like to finish ordering, please respond with 'end'.", "input": "Here is the cashier message: 'Tulisiko ateria suurena vai keskikokoisena?'. Here is the user message: 'Keskikokoinen kiitos ja missä kooissa kananugetit tulevat?'", "output": "modify_order" }, { "instruction": "Based on user response and cashier message to which the user is replying to, determine if user wants to modify their order, or if they are just asking a question, or if they would like to finish ordering. If user wants to modify their order, please respond with 'modify_order', if user is just asking a question respond with 'answer_question', and if they would like to finish ordering, please respond with 'end'.", "input": "Here is the cashier message: ''. Here is the user message: 'Minkä kokoisina ranskalaiset tulee?'", "output": "answer_question" }, { "instruction": "Based on user response and cashier message to which the user is replying to, determine if user wants to modify their order, or if they are just asking a question, or if they would like to finish ordering. If user wants to modify their order, please respond with 'modify_order', if user is just asking a question respond with 'answer_question', and if they would like to finish ordering, please respond with 'end'.", "input": "Here is the cashier message: ''. Here is the user message: 'Moi yks Quarter Pounderin juustolla.'", "output": "modify_order" }, { "instruction": "Based on user response and cashier message to which the user is replying to, determine if user wants to modify their order, or if they are just asking a question, or if they would like to finish ordering. If user wants to modify their order, please respond with 'modify_order', if user is just asking a question respond with 'answer_question', and if they would like to finish ordering, please respond with 'end'.", "input": "Here is the cashier message: ''. Here is the user message: 'Haluaisin tilata yhen Bacon McDoublen.'", "output": "modify_order" }, { "instruction": "Based on user response and cashier message to which the user is replying to, determine if user wants to modify their order, or if they are just asking a question, or if they would like to finish ordering. If user wants to modify their order, please respond with 'modify_order', if user is just asking a question respond with 'answer_question', and if they would like to finish ordering, please respond with 'end'.", "input": "Here is the cashier message: 'Tulisiko ateria suurena vai keskikokoisena?'. Here is the user message: 'Tee siitä medium, kiitos.'", "output": "modify_order" }, { "instruction": "Based on user response and cashier message to which the user is replying to, determine if user wants to modify their order, or if they are just asking a question, or if they would like to finish ordering. If user wants to modify their order, please respond with 'modify_order', if user is just asking a question respond with 'answer_question', and if they would like to finish ordering, please respond with 'end'.", "input": "Here is the cashier message: 'Tulisiko ateria suurena vai keskikokoisena?'. Here is the user message: 'Tee siitä keskikokoinen, kiitos, ja mitkä ovat ranskalaisten koot?'", "output": "modify_order" }, { "instruction": "Based on user response and cashier message to which the user is replying to, determine if user wants to modify their order, or if they are just asking a question, or if they would like to finish ordering. If user wants to modify their order, please respond with 'modify_order', if user is just asking a question respond with 'answer_question', and if they would like to finish ordering, please respond with 'end'.", "input": "Here is the cashier message: 'Ranskalaiset tulee lapsi, pieni, keski ja suuressa koossa, minkä niistä haluaisitte?'. Here is the user message: 'Anteeks, en kuulut.'", "output": "answer_question" }, { "instruction": "Based on user response and cashier message to which the user is replying to, determine if user wants to modify their order, or if they are just asking a question, or if they would like to finish ordering. If user wants to modify their order, please respond with 'modify_order', if user is just asking a question respond with 'answer_question', and if they would like to finish ordering, please respond with 'end'.", "input": "Here is the cashier message: 'Tulisiko muuta'. Here is the user message: 'Tuplajuustohampurilainen kiitos.'", "output": "modify_order" }, { "instruction": "Based on user response and cashier message to which the user is replying to, determine if user wants to modify their order, or if they are just asking a question, or if they would like to finish ordering. If user wants to modify their order, please respond with 'modify_order', if user is just asking a question respond with 'answer_question', and if they would like to finish ordering, please respond with 'end'.", "input": "Here is the cashier message: 'Tulisiko ateria suurena vai keskikokoisena?'. Here is the user message: 'medium.'", "output": "modify_order" }, { "instruction": "Based on user response and cashier message to which the user is replying to, determine if user wants to modify their order, or if they are just asking a question, or if they would like to finish ordering. If user wants to modify their order, please respond with 'modify_order', if user is just asking a question respond with 'answer_question', and if they would like to finish ordering, please respond with 'end'.", "input": "Here is the cashier message: ''. Here is the user message: 'Haluaisin tilata medium Bacon McDouble aterian Fantalla.'", "output": "modify_order" }, { "instruction": "Based on user response and cashier message to which the user is replying to, determine if user wants to modify their order, or if they are just asking a question, or if they would like to finish ordering. If user wants to modify their order, please respond with 'modify_order', if user is just asking a question respond with 'answer_question', and if they would like to finish ordering, please respond with 'end'.", "input": "Here is the cashier message: 'Saisiko olla muuta?'. Here is the user message: 'Haluaisin juustohamppari aterian Fantan kanssa, kiitos.'", "output": "modify_order" }, { "instruction": "Based on user response and cashier message to which the user is replying to, determine if user wants to modify their order, or if they are just asking a question, or if they would like to finish ordering. If user wants to modify their order, please respond with 'modify_order', if user is just asking a question respond with 'answer_question', and if they would like to finish ordering, please respond with 'end'.", "input": "Here is the cashier message: 'Saisiko olla muuta?'. Here is the user message: 'Juu yks FiletOFish ateria kokiksen kaa.'", "output": "modify_order" }, { "instruction": "Based on user response and cashier message to which the user is replying to, determine if user wants to modify their order, or if they are just asking a question, or if they would like to finish ordering. If user wants to modify their order, please respond with 'modify_order', if user is just asking a question respond with 'answer_question', and if they would like to finish ordering, please respond with 'end'.", "input": "Here is the cashier message: ''. Here is the user message: 'Haluaisin pienen McChicken menun appelsiinimehulla.'", "output": "modify_order" }, { "instruction": "Based on user response and cashier message to which the user is replying to, determine if user wants to modify their order, or if they are just asking a question, or if they would like to finish ordering. If user wants to modify their order, please respond with 'modify_order', if user is just asking a question respond with 'answer_question', and if they would like to finish ordering, please respond with 'end'.", "input": "Here is the cashier message: ''. Here is the user message: 'Missä kooissa teidän ranskikset tulee on ja mikä niist on suurin?'", "output": "answer_question" }, { "instruction": "Based on user response and cashier message to which the user is replying to, determine if user wants to modify their order, or if they are just asking a question, or if they would like to finish ordering. If user wants to modify their order, please respond with 'modify_order', if user is just asking a question respond with 'answer_question', and if they would like to finish ordering, please respond with 'end'.", "input": "Here is the cashier message: 'Tulisiko muuta?'. Here is the user message: 'Ei, se olisi siinä.'", "output": "end" }, { "instruction": "Based on user response and cashier message to which the user is replying to, determine if user wants to modify their order, or if they are just asking a question, or if they would like to finish ordering. If user wants to modify their order, please respond with 'modify_order', if user is just asking a question respond with 'answer_question', and if they would like to finish ordering, please respond with 'end'.", "input": "Here is the cashier message: 'Saisiko olla muuta?'. Here is the user message: 'Ei.'", "output": "end" }, { "instruction": "Based on user response and cashier message to which the user is replying to, determine if user wants to modify their order, or if they are just asking a question, or if they would like to finish ordering. If user wants to modify their order, please respond with 'modify_order', if user is just asking a question respond with 'answer_question', and if they would like to finish ordering, please respond with 'end'.", "input": "Here is the cashier message: 'Tulisiko ateria suurena vai keskikokoisena?'. Here is the user message: 'Tee siitä pieni, kiitos.'", "output": "modify_order" }, { "instruction": "Based on user response and cashier message to which the user is replying to, determine if user wants to modify their order, or if they are just asking a question, or if they would like to finish ordering. If user wants to modify their order, please respond with 'modify_order', if user is just asking a question respond with 'answer_question', and if they would like to finish ordering, please respond with 'end'.", "input": "Here is the cashier message: 'Tulisiko muuta'. Here is the user message: 'Haluaisin tilata yhden BBQ pekoniburgerin.'", "output": "modify_order" }, { "instruction": "Based on user response and cashier message to which the user is replying to, determine if user wants to modify their order, or if they are just asking a question, or if they would like to finish ordering. If user wants to modify their order, please respond with 'modify_order', if user is just asking a question respond with 'answer_question', and if they would like to finish ordering, please respond with 'end'.", "input": "Here is the cashier message: 'Tulisiko ateria suurena vai keskikokoisena?'. Here is the user message: 'Mitä.'", "output": "answer_question" }, { "instruction": "Based on user response and cashier message to which the user is replying to, determine if user wants to modify their order, or if they are just asking a question, or if they would like to finish ordering. If user wants to modify their order, please respond with 'modify_order', if user is just asking a question respond with 'answer_question', and if they would like to finish ordering, please respond with 'end'.", "input": "Here is the cashier message: 'Saisiko olla muuta?'. Here is the user message: 'Sori en kuullu.'", "output": "answer_question" }, { "instruction": "Based on user response and cashier message to which the user is replying to, determine if user wants to modify their order, or if they are just asking a question, or if they would like to finish ordering. If user wants to modify their order, please respond with 'modify_order', if user is just asking a question respond with 'answer_question', and if they would like to finish ordering, please respond with 'end'.", "input": "Here is the cashier message: ''. Here is the user message: 'Haluun yhden suuren Spicy McChicken aterian CocaColalla.'", "output": "modify_order" }, { "instruction": "Based on user response and cashier message to which the user is replying to, determine if user wants to modify their order, or if they are just asking a question, or if they would like to finish ordering. If user wants to modify their order, please respond with 'modify_order', if user is just asking a question respond with 'answer_question', and if they would like to finish ordering, please respond with 'end'.", "input": "Here is the cashier message: ''. Here is the user message: 'Haluaisin tilata suure Big Mac aterian, kiitos, ja juomaksi tulis kokis.'", "output": "modify_order" }, { "instruction": "Based on user response and cashier message to which the user is replying to, determine if user wants to modify their order, or if they are just asking a question, or if they would like to finish ordering. If user wants to modify their order, please respond with 'modify_order', if user is just asking a question respond with 'answer_question', and if they would like to finish ordering, please respond with 'end'.", "input": "Here is the cashier message: 'Tulisiko muuta'. Here is the user message: 'Kaks rapeet kana burgerii.'", "output": "modify_order" }, { "instruction": "Based on user response and cashier message to which the user is replying to, determine if user wants to modify their order, or if they are just asking a question, or if they would like to finish ordering. If user wants to modify their order, please respond with 'modify_order', if user is just asking a question respond with 'answer_question', and if they would like to finish ordering, please respond with 'end'.", "input": "Here is the cashier message: 'Tulisiko ateria suurena vai keskikokoisena?'. Here is the user message: 'Tee siit suureksi.'", "output": "modify_order" }, { "instruction": "Based on user response and cashier message to which the user is replying to, determine if user wants to modify their order, or if they are just asking a question, or if they would like to finish ordering. If user wants to modify their order, please respond with 'modify_order', if user is just asking a question respond with 'answer_question', and if they would like to finish ordering, please respond with 'end'.", "input": "Here is the cashier message: ''. Here is the user message: 'Yks pieni Big Mac ateria kokiksella ilman sokeria'", "output": "modify_order" }, { "instruction": "Based on user response and cashier message to which the user is replying to, determine if user wants to modify their order, or if they are just asking a question, or if they would like to finish ordering. If user wants to modify their order, please respond with 'modify_order', if user is just asking a question respond with 'answer_question', and if they would like to finish ordering, please respond with 'end'.", "input": "Here is the cashier message: ''. Here is the user message: 'Haluaisin tilata yhden Artisan Grillatun Kanaburgering.'", "output": "modify_order" }, { "instruction": "Based on user response and cashier message to which the user is replying to, determine if user wants to modify their order, or if they are just asking a question, or if they would like to finish ordering. If user wants to modify their order, please respond with 'modify_order', if user is just asking a question respond with 'answer_question', and if they would like to finish ordering, please respond with 'end'.", "input": "Here is the cashier message: 'Saisiko olla muuta?'. Here is the user message: 'Ei, se olis siinä.'", "output": "end" }, { "instruction": "Based on user response and cashier message to which the user is replying to, determine if user wants to modify their order, or if they are just asking a question, or if they would like to finish ordering. If user wants to modify their order, please respond with 'modify_order', if user is just asking a question respond with 'answer_question', and if they would like to finish ordering, please respond with 'end'.", "input": "Here is the cashier message: 'Saisiko olla muuta?'. Here is the user message: 'Sori mitä.'", "output": "answer_question" }, { "instruction": "Based on user response and cashier message to which the user is replying to, determine if user wants to modify their order, or if they are just asking a question, or if they would like to finish ordering. If user wants to modify their order, please respond with 'modify_order', if user is just asking a question respond with 'answer_question', and if they would like to finish ordering, please respond with 'end'.", "input": "Here is the cashier message: ''. Here is the user message: 'Tota yks suuri McChicken ateria Cocacolalla.'", "output": "modify_order" }, { "instruction": "Based on user response and cashier message to which the user is replying to, determine if user wants to modify their order, or if they are just asking a question, or if they would like to finish ordering. If user wants to modify their order, please respond with 'modify_order', if user is just asking a question respond with 'answer_question', and if they would like to finish ordering, please respond with 'end'.", "input": "Here is the cashier message: ''. Here is the user message: 'Haluaisin tuplajuustohampurilaisaterian gluteenittomalla leivällä ja juomaks kokis, kiitos.'", "output": "modify_order" }, { "instruction": "Based on user response and cashier message to which the user is replying to, determine if user wants to modify their order, or if they are just asking a question, or if they would like to finish ordering. If user wants to modify their order, please respond with 'modify_order', if user is just asking a question respond with 'answer_question', and if they would like to finish ordering, please respond with 'end'.", "input": "Here is the cashier message: ''. Here is the user message: 'Haluaisin yhden McChickenin.'", "output": "modify_order" }, { "instruction": "Based on user response and cashier message to which the user is replying to, determine if user wants to modify their order, or if they are just asking a question, or if they would like to finish ordering. If user wants to modify their order, please respond with 'modify_order', if user is just asking a question respond with 'answer_question', and if they would like to finish ordering, please respond with 'end'.", "input": "Here is the cashier message: ''. Here is the user message: 'Mitä kastikkeita on saatavilla kana nugeteil?'", "output": "answer_question" }, { "instruction": "Based on user response and cashier message to which the user is replying to, determine if user wants to modify their order, or if they are just asking a question, or if they would like to finish ordering. If user wants to modify their order, please respond with 'modify_order', if user is just asking a question respond with 'answer_question', and if they would like to finish ordering, please respond with 'end'.", "input": "Here is the cashier message: 'Tulisiko ateria suurena vai keskikokoisena?'. Here is the user message: 'Pienenä'", "output": "modify_order" }, { "instruction": "Based on user response and cashier message to which the user is replying to, determine if user wants to modify their order, or if they are just asking a question, or if they would like to finish ordering. If user wants to modify their order, please respond with 'modify_order', if user is just asking a question respond with 'answer_question', and if they would like to finish ordering, please respond with 'end'.", "input": "Here is the cashier message: ''. Here is the user message: 'Haluaisin suuren yhdeksän kappaleen kananugetti aterian.'", "output": "modify_order" }, { "instruction": "Based on user response and cashier message to which the user is replying to, determine if user wants to modify their order, or if they are just asking a question, or if they would like to finish ordering. If user wants to modify their order, please respond with 'modify_order', if user is just asking a question respond with 'answer_question', and if they would like to finish ordering, please respond with 'end'.", "input": "Here is the cashier message: 'Saisiko olla muuta?'. Here is the user message: 'Haluaisin tilata keskikokoisen Double juustoburger aterian.'", "output": "modify_order" }, { "instruction": "Based on user response and cashier message to which the user is replying to, determine if user wants to modify their order, or if they are just asking a question, or if they would like to finish ordering. If user wants to modify their order, please respond with 'modify_order', if user is just asking a question respond with 'answer_question', and if they would like to finish ordering, please respond with 'end'.", "input": "Here is the cashier message: 'Saisiko olla muuta?'. Here is the user message: 'Haluaisin tilata keskikokoisen Quarter Pounder with Cheese aterian.'", "output": "modify_order" }, { "instruction": "Based on user response and cashier message to which the user is replying to, determine if user wants to modify their order, or if they are just asking a question, or if they would like to finish ordering. If user wants to modify their order, please respond with 'modify_order', if user is just asking a question respond with 'answer_question', and if they would like to finish ordering, please respond with 'end'.", "input": "Here is the cashier message: 'Tulisiko ateria suurena vai keskikokoisena?'. Here is the user message: 'Could not understand the audio'", "output": "answer_question" }, { "instruction": "Based on user response and cashier message to which the user is replying to, determine if user wants to modify their order, or if they are just asking a question, or if they would like to finish ordering. If user wants to modify their order, please respond with 'modify_order', if user is just asking a question respond with 'answer_question', and if they would like to finish ordering, please respond with 'end'.", "input": "Here is the cashier message: ''. Here is the user message: 'Haluaisin suuren Double Quarter Pounder with Cheese aterian, kiitos, ja juomaksi dietkokis.'", "output": "modify_order" }, { "instruction": "Based on user response and cashier message to which the user is replying to, determine if user wants to modify their order, or if they are just asking a question, or if they would like to finish ordering. If user wants to modify their order, please respond with 'modify_order', if user is just asking a question respond with 'answer_question', and if they would like to finish ordering, please respond with 'end'.", "input": "Here is the cashier message: 'Saisiko olla muuta?'. Here is the user message: 'Haluaisin tilata McDouble menun, juomaks sprite.'", "output": "modify_order" }, { "instruction": "Based on user response and cashier message to which the user is replying to, determine if user wants to modify their order, or if they are just asking a question, or if they would like to finish ordering. If user wants to modify their order, please respond with 'modify_order', if user is just asking a question respond with 'answer_question', and if they would like to finish ordering, please respond with 'end'.", "input": "Here is the cashier message: 'Minkä juoman haluatte tediän aterian kanssa?'. Here is the user message: 'Mitä voisitko toistaa.'", "output": "answer_question" }, { "instruction": "Based on user response and cashier message to which the user is replying to, determine if user wants to modify their order, or if they are just asking a question, or if they would like to finish ordering. If user wants to modify their order, please respond with 'modify_order', if user is just asking a question respond with 'answer_question', and if they would like to finish ordering, please respond with 'end'.", "input": "Here is the cashier message: 'Saisiko olla muuta?'. Here is the user message: 'Haluaisin tilata keskikokoisen yhdeksän palan kananugetti aterian kokiksella.'", "output": "modify_order" }, { "instruction": "Based on user response and cashier message to which the user is replying to, determine if user wants to modify their order, or if they are just asking a question, or if they would like to finish ordering. If user wants to modify their order, please respond with 'modify_order', if user is just asking a question respond with 'answer_question', and if they would like to finish ordering, please respond with 'end'.", "input": "Here is the cashier message: ''. Here is the user message: 'Haluaisin tilata yhden Klassisen Kanasandwichin, kiitos.'", "output": "modify_order" }, { "instruction": "Based on user response and cashier message to which the user is replying to, determine if user wants to modify their order, or if they are just asking a question, or if they would like to finish ordering. If user wants to modify their order, please respond with 'modify_order', if user is just asking a question respond with 'answer_question', and if they would like to finish ordering, please respond with 'end'.", "input": "Here is the cashier message: 'Tulisiko muuta'. Here is the user message: 'Could not understand the audio'", "output": "answer_question" }, { "instruction": "Based on user response and cashier message to which the user is replying to, determine if user wants to modify their order, or if they are just asking a question, or if they would like to finish ordering. If user wants to modify their order, please respond with 'modify_order', if user is just asking a question respond with 'answer_question', and if they would like to finish ordering, please respond with 'end'.", "input": "Here is the cashier message: ''. Here is the user message: 'Haluaisin tilata pienen tuplan juustohampurilaisaterian.'", "output": "modify_order" }, { "instruction": "Based on user response and cashier message to which the user is replying to, determine if user wants to modify their order, or if they are just asking a question, or if they would like to finish ordering. If user wants to modify their order, please respond with 'modify_order', if user is just asking a question respond with 'answer_question', and if they would like to finish ordering, please respond with 'end'.", "input": "Here is the cashier message: 'Tulisiko ateria suurena vai keskikokoisena?'. Here is the user message: 'Isona tietenkin.'", "output": "modify_order" }, { "instruction": "Based on user response and cashier message to which the user is replying to, determine if user wants to modify their order, or if they are just asking a question, or if they would like to finish ordering. If user wants to modify their order, please respond with 'modify_order', if user is just asking a question respond with 'answer_question', and if they would like to finish ordering, please respond with 'end'.", "input": "Here is the cashier message: 'Ranskalaiset tulee lapsi, pieni, keski ja suuressa koossa, minkä niistä haluaisitte?'. Here is the user message: 'Voisiks toistaa'", "output": "answer_question" }, { "instruction": "Based on user response and cashier message to which the user is replying to, determine if user wants to modify their order, or if they are just asking a question, or if they would like to finish ordering. If user wants to modify their order, please respond with 'modify_order', if user is just asking a question respond with 'answer_question', and if they would like to finish ordering, please respond with 'end'.", "input": "Here is the cashier message: 'Saisiko olla muuta?'. Here is the user message: 'Tulis pieni Quarter Pounder juustolla Bacon ateria.'", "output": "modify_order" }, { "instruction": "Based on user response and cashier message to which the user is replying to, determine if user wants to modify their order, or if they are just asking a question, or if they would like to finish ordering. If user wants to modify their order, please respond with 'modify_order', if user is just asking a question respond with 'answer_question', and if they would like to finish ordering, please respond with 'end'.", "input": "Here is the cashier message: 'Tulisiko ateria suurena vai keskikokoisena?'. Here is the user message: 'Tänään pieni, kiitos.'", "output": "modify_order" }, { "instruction": "Based on user response and cashier message to which the user is replying to, determine if user wants to modify their order, or if they are just asking a question, or if they would like to finish ordering. If user wants to modify their order, please respond with 'modify_order', if user is just asking a question respond with 'answer_question', and if they would like to finish ordering, please respond with 'end'.", "input": "Here is the cashier message: ''. Here is the user message: 'Haluaisin tilata suuren tuplajuustohampurilaismenun fantalla.'", "output": "modify_order" }, { "instruction": "Based on user response and cashier message to which the user is replying to, determine if user wants to modify their order, or if they are just asking a question, or if they would like to finish ordering. If user wants to modify their order, please respond with 'modify_order', if user is just asking a question respond with 'answer_question', and if they would like to finish ordering, please respond with 'end'.", "input": "Here is the cashier message: ''. Here is the user message: 'Missä kooissa kananugetit tulee?'", "output": "answer_question" }, { "instruction": "Based on user response and cashier message to which the user is replying to, determine if user wants to modify their order, or if they are just asking a question, or if they would like to finish ordering. If user wants to modify their order, please respond with 'modify_order', if user is just asking a question respond with 'answer_question', and if they would like to finish ordering, please respond with 'end'.", "input": "Here is the cashier message: ''. Here is the user message: 'Haluisin pienen 6 palan kananugetti aterian Fantalla.'", "output": "modify_order" }, { "instruction": "Based on user response and cashier message to which the user is replying to, determine if user wants to modify their order, or if they are just asking a question, or if they would like to finish ordering. If user wants to modify their order, please respond with 'modify_order', if user is just asking a question respond with 'answer_question', and if they would like to finish ordering, please respond with 'end'.", "input": "Here is the cashier message: 'Tulisiko ateria suurena vai keskikokoisena?'. Here is the user message: 'Could not understand the audio'", "output": "answer_question" }, { "instruction": "Based on user response and cashier message to which the user is replying to, determine if user wants to modify their order, or if they are just asking a question, or if they would like to finish ordering. If user wants to modify their order, please respond with 'modify_order', if user is just asking a question respond with 'answer_question', and if they would like to finish ordering, please respond with 'end'.", "input": "Here is the cashier message: ''. Here is the user message: 'Haluaisin suuren Double Quarter Pounder with Cheese aterian juomaksi Sprite ja se tilaus olis siinä.'", "output": "modify_order" }, { "instruction": "Based on user response and cashier message to which the user is replying to, determine if user wants to modify their order, or if they are just asking a question, or if they would like to finish ordering. If user wants to modify their order, please respond with 'modify_order', if user is just asking a question respond with 'answer_question', and if they would like to finish ordering, please respond with 'end'.", "input": "Here is the cashier message: ''. Here is the user message: 'Haluaisin juustohampurilaisaterian CocaColalla.'", "output": "modify_order" }, { "instruction": "Based on user response and cashier message to which the user is replying to, determine if user wants to modify their order, or if they are just asking a question, or if they would like to finish ordering. If user wants to modify their order, please respond with 'modify_order', if user is just asking a question respond with 'answer_question', and if they would like to finish ordering, please respond with 'end'.", "input": "Here is the cashier message: 'Tulisiko muuta'. Here is the user message: 'Haluaisin yhden Egg McMuffinin, kiitos.'", "output": "modify_order" }, { "instruction": "Based on user response and cashier message to which the user is replying to, determine if user wants to modify their order, or if they are just asking a question, or if they would like to finish ordering. If user wants to modify their order, please respond with 'modify_order', if user is just asking a question respond with 'answer_question', and if they would like to finish ordering, please respond with 'end'.", "input": "Here is the cashier message: 'Tulisiko ateria suurena vai keskikokoisena?'. Here is the user message: 'Keskikokosena, kiitos.'", "output": "modify_order" }, { "instruction": "Based on user response and cashier message to which the user is replying to, determine if user wants to modify their order, or if they are just asking a question, or if they would like to finish ordering. If user wants to modify their order, please respond with 'modify_order', if user is just asking a question respond with 'answer_question', and if they would like to finish ordering, please respond with 'end'.", "input": "Here is the cashier message: ''. Here is the user message: 'Saisinko suuren Big Mac aterian CocaColalla, kiitos.'", "output": "modify_order" }, { "instruction": "Based on user response and cashier message to which the user is replying to, determine if user wants to modify their order, or if they are just asking a question, or if they would like to finish ordering. If user wants to modify their order, please respond with 'modify_order', if user is just asking a question respond with 'answer_question', and if they would like to finish ordering, please respond with 'end'.", "input": "Here is the cashier message: 'Ranskalaiset tulee lapsi, pieni, keski ja suuressa koossa, minkä niistä haluaisitte?'. Here is the user message: 'Anteeks'", "output": "answer_question" }, { "instruction": "Based on user response and cashier message to which the user is replying to, determine if user wants to modify their order, or if they are just asking a question, or if they would like to finish ordering. If user wants to modify their order, please respond with 'modify_order', if user is just asking a question respond with 'answer_question', and if they would like to finish ordering, please respond with 'end'.", "input": "Here is the cashier message: 'Tulisiko ateria suurena vai keskikokoisena?'. Here is the user message: 'Tee siitä pieni ja mitkä ovat nugetin koot?'", "output": "modify_order" }, { "instruction": "Based on user response and cashier message to which the user is replying to, determine if user wants to modify their order, or if they are just asking a question, or if they would like to finish ordering. If user wants to modify their order, please respond with 'modify_order', if user is just asking a question respond with 'answer_question', and if they would like to finish ordering, please respond with 'end'.", "input": "Here is the cashier message: 'Tulisiko ateria suurena vai keskikokoisena?'. Here is the user message: 'Keskikokoinen, kiitos. Missä kooissa ranskalaiset tulee?'", "output": "modify_order" }, { "instruction": "Based on user response and cashier message to which the user is replying to, determine if user wants to modify their order, or if they are just asking a question, or if they would like to finish ordering. If user wants to modify their order, please respond with 'modify_order', if user is just asking a question respond with 'answer_question', and if they would like to finish ordering, please respond with 'end'.", "input": "Here is the cashier message: 'Tulisiko ateria suurena vai keskikokoisena?'. Here is the user message: 'Could not understand the audio'", "output": "answer_question" }, { "instruction": "Based on user response and cashier message to which the user is replying to, determine if user wants to modify their order, or if they are just asking a question, or if they would like to finish ordering. If user wants to modify their order, please respond with 'modify_order', if user is just asking a question respond with 'answer_question', and if they would like to finish ordering, please respond with 'end'.", "input": "Here is the cashier message: ''. Here is the user message: 'Haluaisin McDoublen, kiitos.'", "output": "modify_order" }, { "instruction": "Based on user response and cashier message to which the user is replying to, determine if user wants to modify their order, or if they are just asking a question, or if they would like to finish ordering. If user wants to modify their order, please respond with 'modify_order', if user is just asking a question respond with 'answer_question', and if they would like to finish ordering, please respond with 'end'.", "input": "Here is the cashier message: 'Saisiko olla muuta?'. Here is the user message: 'Haluaisin tilata pienen Quarter Pounder with Cheese pekoni aterian.'", "output": "modify_order" }, { "instruction": "Based on user response and cashier message to which the user is replying to, determine if user wants to modify their order, or if they are just asking a question, or if they would like to finish ordering. If user wants to modify their order, please respond with 'modify_order', if user is just asking a question respond with 'answer_question', and if they would like to finish ordering, please respond with 'end'.", "input": "Here is the cashier message: 'Tulisiko ateria suurena vai keskikokoisena?'. Here is the user message: 'Could not understand the audio'", "output": "answer_question" }, { "instruction": "Based on user response and cashier message to which the user is replying to, determine if user wants to modify their order, or if they are just asking a question, or if they would like to finish ordering. If user wants to modify their order, please respond with 'modify_order', if user is just asking a question respond with 'answer_question', and if they would like to finish ordering, please respond with 'end'.", "input": "Here is the cashier message: 'Tulisiko ateria suurena vai keskikokoisena?'. Here is the user message: 'Medium, kiitos.'", "output": "modify_order" }, { "instruction": "Based on user response and cashier message to which the user is replying to, determine if user wants to modify their order, or if they are just asking a question, or if they would like to finish ordering. If user wants to modify their order, please respond with 'modify_order', if user is just asking a question respond with 'answer_question', and if they would like to finish ordering, please respond with 'end'.", "input": "Here is the cashier message: 'Saisiko olla muuta?'. Here is the user message: 'Mitä sanoit'", "output": "answer_question" }, { "instruction": "Based on user response and cashier message to which the user is replying to, determine if user wants to modify their order, or if they are just asking a question, or if they would like to finish ordering. If user wants to modify their order, please respond with 'modify_order', if user is just asking a question respond with 'answer_question', and if they would like to finish ordering, please respond with 'end'.", "input": "Here is the cashier message: ''. Here is the user message: 'Missä kooissa ranskikset tulee?'", "output": "answer_question" }, { "instruction": "Based on user response and cashier message to which the user is replying to, determine if user wants to modify their order, or if they are just asking a question, or if they would like to finish ordering. If user wants to modify their order, please respond with 'modify_order', if user is just asking a question respond with 'answer_question', and if they would like to finish ordering, please respond with 'end'.", "input": "Here is the cashier message: 'Saisiko olla muuta?'. Here is the user message: 'Haluaisin yhden Big Macin, kiitos.'", "output": "modify_order" }, { "instruction": "Based on user response and cashier message to which the user is replying to, determine if user wants to modify their order, or if they are just asking a question, or if they would like to finish ordering. If user wants to modify their order, please respond with 'modify_order', if user is just asking a question respond with 'answer_question', and if they would like to finish ordering, please respond with 'end'.", "input": "Here is the cashier message: 'Tulisiko muuta'. Here is the user message: 'Haluaisin tilata kuusi kappaletta nugetteja, majoneesillä.'", "output": "modify_order" }, { "instruction": "Based on user response and cashier message to which the user is replying to, determine if user wants to modify their order, or if they are just asking a question, or if they would like to finish ordering. If user wants to modify their order, please respond with 'modify_order', if user is just asking a question respond with 'answer_question', and if they would like to finish ordering, please respond with 'end'.", "input": "Here is the cashier message: 'Tulisiko muuta?'. Here is the user message: 'Ei, siinä se.'", "output": "end" }, { "instruction": "Based on user response and cashier message to which the user is replying to, determine if user wants to modify their order, or if they are just asking a question, or if they would like to finish ordering. If user wants to modify their order, please respond with 'modify_order', if user is just asking a question respond with 'answer_question', and if they would like to finish ordering, please respond with 'end'.", "input": "Here is the cashier message: 'Tulisiko muuta?'. Here is the user message: 'siinä kaikki.'", "output": "end" }, { "instruction": "Based on user response and cashier message to which the user is replying to, determine if user wants to modify their order, or if they are just asking a question, or if they would like to finish ordering. If user wants to modify their order, please respond with 'modify_order', if user is just asking a question respond with 'answer_question', and if they would like to finish ordering, please respond with 'end'.", "input": "Here is the cashier message: 'Saisiko olla muuta?'. Here is the user message: 'Haluaisin tilata suuren Big Mac aterian Fantan kanssa.'", "output": "modify_order" }, { "instruction": "Based on user response and cashier message to which the user is replying to, determine if user wants to modify their order, or if they are just asking a question, or if they would like to finish ordering. If user wants to modify their order, please respond with 'modify_order', if user is just asking a question respond with 'answer_question', and if they would like to finish ordering, please respond with 'end'.", "input": "Here is the cashier message: ''. Here is the user message: 'HaluaisinBig Mac aterian pepsillä.'", "output": "modify_order" }, { "instruction": "Based on user response and cashier message to which the user is replying to, determine if user wants to modify their order, or if they are just asking a question, or if they would like to finish ordering. If user wants to modify their order, please respond with 'modify_order', if user is just asking a question respond with 'answer_question', and if they would like to finish ordering, please respond with 'end'.", "input": "Here is the cashier message: 'Mitä muuta saisi olla?'. Here is the user message: 'Could not understand the audio'", "output": "answer_question" }, { "instruction": "Based on user response and cashier message to which the user is replying to, determine if user wants to modify their order, or if they are just asking a question, or if they would like to finish ordering. If user wants to modify their order, please respond with 'modify_order', if user is just asking a question respond with 'answer_question', and if they would like to finish ordering, please respond with 'end'.", "input": "Here is the cashier message: 'Minkä juoman haluatte tediän aterian kanssa?'. Here is the user message: 'Could not understand the audio'", "output": "answer_question" }, { "instruction": "Based on user response and cashier message to which the user is replying to, determine if user wants to modify their order, or if they are just asking a question, or if they would like to finish ordering. If user wants to modify their order, please respond with 'modify_order', if user is just asking a question respond with 'answer_question', and if they would like to finish ordering, please respond with 'end'.", "input": "Here is the cashier message: 'Tulisiko muuta?'. Here is the user message: 'Joo se olisi siinä.'", "output": "end" }, { "instruction": "Based on user response and cashier message to which the user is replying to, determine if user wants to modify their order, or if they are just asking a question, or if they would like to finish ordering. If user wants to modify their order, please respond with 'modify_order', if user is just asking a question respond with 'answer_question', and if they would like to finish ordering, please respond with 'end'.", "input": "Here is the cashier message: 'Tulisiko muuta?'. Here is the user message: 'Se olisi siinä.'", "output": "end" }, { "instruction": "Based on user response and cashier message to which the user is replying to, determine if user wants to modify their order, or if they are just asking a question, or if they would like to finish ordering. If user wants to modify their order, please respond with 'modify_order', if user is just asking a question respond with 'answer_question', and if they would like to finish ordering, please respond with 'end'.", "input": "Here is the cashier message: ''. Here is the user message: 'Haluaisin tilata keskikokoisen Double Quarter Pounder juustolla aterian ja CocaColan.'", "output": "modify_order" }, { "instruction": "Based on user response and cashier message to which the user is replying to, determine if user wants to modify their order, or if they are just asking a question, or if they would like to finish ordering. If user wants to modify their order, please respond with 'modify_order', if user is just asking a question respond with 'answer_question', and if they would like to finish ordering, please respond with 'end'.", "input": "Here is the cashier message: ''. Here is the user message: 'Haluaisin tilata pienen Quarter Pounder with Cheese Deluxe aterian.'", "output": "modify_order" }, { "instruction": "Based on user response and cashier message to which the user is replying to, determine if user wants to modify their order, or if they are just asking a question, or if they would like to finish ordering. If user wants to modify their order, please respond with 'modify_order', if user is just asking a question respond with 'answer_question', and if they would like to finish ordering, please respond with 'end'.", "input": "Here is the cashier message: 'Tulisiko ateria suurena vai keskikokoisena?'. Here is the user message: 'Anteeksi, en kuullu.'", "output": "answer_question" }, { "instruction": "Based on user response and cashier message to which the user is replying to, determine if user wants to modify their order, or if they are just asking a question, or if they would like to finish ordering. If user wants to modify their order, please respond with 'modify_order', if user is just asking a question respond with 'answer_question', and if they would like to finish ordering, please respond with 'end'.", "input": "Here is the cashier message: ''. Here is the user message: 'Yks suuri Double Quarter Pounder juustolla ateria, kiitos, ja juomaksi Fanta.'", "output": "modify_order" }, { "instruction": "Based on user response and cashier message to which the user is replying to, determine if user wants to modify their order, or if they are just asking a question, or if they would like to finish ordering. If user wants to modify their order, please respond with 'modify_order', if user is just asking a question respond with 'answer_question', and if they would like to finish ordering, please respond with 'end'.", "input": "Here is the cashier message: 'Ranskalaiset tulee lapsi, pieni, keski ja suuressa koossa, minkä niistä haluaisitte?'. Here is the user message: 'Could not understand the audio'", "output": "answer_question" }, { "instruction": "Based on user response and cashier message to which the user is replying to, determine if user wants to modify their order, or if they are just asking a question, or if they would like to finish ordering. If user wants to modify their order, please respond with 'modify_order', if user is just asking a question respond with 'answer_question', and if they would like to finish ordering, please respond with 'end'.", "input": "Here is the cashier message: 'Mitä muuta saisi olla?'. Here is the user message: 'Onko kananugetit tehty valkoisesta lihasta?'", "output": "answer_question" }, { "instruction": "Based on user response and cashier message to which the user is replying to, determine if user wants to modify their order, or if they are just asking a question, or if they would like to finish ordering. If user wants to modify their order, please respond with 'modify_order', if user is just asking a question respond with 'answer_question', and if they would like to finish ordering, please respond with 'end'.", "input": "Here is the cashier message: ''. Here is the user message: 'Haluaisin tilata double pounderin juustolla.'", "output": "modify_order" }, { "instruction": "Based on user response and cashier message to which the user is replying to, determine if user wants to modify their order, or if they are just asking a question, or if they would like to finish ordering. If user wants to modify their order, please respond with 'modify_order', if user is just asking a question respond with 'answer_question', and if they would like to finish ordering, please respond with 'end'.", "input": "Here is the cashier message: ''. Here is the user message: 'Mitä jäätelö makuja teillä on?'", "output": "answer_question" }, { "instruction": "Based on user response and cashier message to which the user is replying to, determine if user wants to modify their order, or if they are just asking a question, or if they would like to finish ordering. If user wants to modify their order, please respond with 'modify_order', if user is just asking a question respond with 'answer_question', and if they would like to finish ordering, please respond with 'end'.", "input": "Here is the cashier message: ''. Here is the user message: 'Haluaisin tilata kymmenen kananugettiia.'", "output": "modify_order" }, { "instruction": "Based on user response and cashier message to which the user is replying to, determine if user wants to modify their order, or if they are just asking a question, or if they would like to finish ordering. If user wants to modify their order, please respond with 'modify_order', if user is just asking a question respond with 'answer_question', and if they would like to finish ordering, please respond with 'end'.", "input": "Here is the cashier message: 'Minkä juoman haluatte tediän aterian kanssa?'. Here is the user message: 'Could not understand the audio'", "output": "answer_question" }, { "instruction": "Based on user response and cashier message to which the user is replying to, determine if user wants to modify their order, or if they are just asking a question, or if they would like to finish ordering. If user wants to modify their order, please respond with 'modify_order', if user is just asking a question respond with 'answer_question', and if they would like to finish ordering, please respond with 'end'.", "input": "Here is the cashier message: ''. Here is the user message: 'Haluaisin tilata yhden McChickenin, ja se olisi siinä kiitos.'", "output": "modify_order" }, { "instruction": "Based on user response and cashier message to which the user is replying to, determine if user wants to modify their order, or if they are just asking a question, or if they would like to finish ordering. If user wants to modify their order, please respond with 'modify_order', if user is just asking a question respond with 'answer_question', and if they would like to finish ordering, please respond with 'end'.", "input": "Here is the cashier message: 'Saisiko olla muuta?'. Here is the user message: 'Haluaisin tilata suuren McCrispy menun CocaColalla.'", "output": "modify_order" }, { "instruction": "Based on user response and cashier message to which the user is replying to, determine if user wants to modify their order, or if they are just asking a question, or if they would like to finish ordering. If user wants to modify their order, please respond with 'modify_order', if user is just asking a question respond with 'answer_question', and if they would like to finish ordering, please respond with 'end'.", "input": "Here is the cashier message: 'Tulisiko muuta?'. Here is the user message: 'Could not understand the audio'", "output": "answer_question" }, { "instruction": "Based on user response and cashier message to which the user is replying to, determine if user wants to modify their order, or if they are just asking a question, or if they would like to finish ordering. If user wants to modify their order, please respond with 'modify_order', if user is just asking a question respond with 'answer_question', and if they would like to finish ordering, please respond with 'end'.", "input": "Here is the cashier message: 'Tulisiko ateria suurena vai keskikokoisena?'. Here is the user message: 'Pienenä'", "output": "modify_order" }, { "instruction": "Based on user response and cashier message to which the user is replying to, determine if user wants to modify their order, or if they are just asking a question, or if they would like to finish ordering. If user wants to modify their order, please respond with 'modify_order', if user is just asking a question respond with 'answer_question', and if they would like to finish ordering, please respond with 'end'.", "input": "Here is the cashier message: ''. Here is the user message: 'Haluaisin medium FiletOFish aterian kokiksen kanssa.'", "output": "modify_order" }, { "instruction": "Based on user response and cashier message to which the user is replying to, determine if user wants to modify their order, or if they are just asking a question, or if they would like to finish ordering. If user wants to modify their order, please respond with 'modify_order', if user is just asking a question respond with 'answer_question', and if they would like to finish ordering, please respond with 'end'.", "input": "Here is the cashier message: 'Tulisiko muuta?'. Here is the user message: 'Se tais olla kyllä siinä'", "output": "end" }, { "instruction": "Based on user response and cashier message to which the user is replying to, determine if user wants to modify their order, or if they are just asking a question, or if they would like to finish ordering. If user wants to modify their order, please respond with 'modify_order', if user is just asking a question respond with 'answer_question', and if they would like to finish ordering, please respond with 'end'.", "input": "Here is the cashier message: 'Tulisiko muuta?'. Here is the user message: 'Siinä on kaikki tänään.'", "output": "end" }, { "instruction": "Based on user response and cashier message to which the user is replying to, determine if user wants to modify their order, or if they are just asking a question, or if they would like to finish ordering. If user wants to modify their order, please respond with 'modify_order', if user is just asking a question respond with 'answer_question', and if they would like to finish ordering, please respond with 'end'.", "input": "Here is the cashier message: ''. Here is the user message: 'Kaks FiletOFishi, yks niistä ilman juustoo'", "output": "modify_order" }, { "instruction": "Based on user response and cashier message to which the user is replying to, determine if user wants to modify their order, or if they are just asking a question, or if they would like to finish ordering. If user wants to modify their order, please respond with 'modify_order', if user is just asking a question respond with 'answer_question', and if they would like to finish ordering, please respond with 'end'.", "input": "Here is the cashier message: ''. Here is the user message: 'Haluaisin tilata Bacon Quarter Pounderin, kiitos.'", "output": "modify_order" }, { "instruction": "Based on user response and cashier message to which the user is replying to, determine if user wants to modify their order, or if they are just asking a question, or if they would like to finish ordering. If user wants to modify their order, please respond with 'modify_order', if user is just asking a question respond with 'answer_question', and if they would like to finish ordering, please respond with 'end'.", "input": "Here is the cashier message: 'Tulisiko muuta'. Here is the user message: 'Haluaisin tilata juustohampurilaisen'", "output": "modify_order" }, { "instruction": "Based on user response and cashier message to which the user is replying to, determine if user wants to modify their order, or if they are just asking a question, or if they would like to finish ordering. If user wants to modify their order, please respond with 'modify_order', if user is just asking a question respond with 'answer_question', and if they would like to finish ordering, please respond with 'end'.", "input": "Here is the cashier message: 'Haluaisitko lisätä jälkiruoan tilaukseesi?'. Here is the user message: 'Anteeksi, voitko toistaa sen?'", "output": "answer_question" }, { "instruction": "Based on user response and cashier message to which the user is replying to, determine if user wants to modify their order, or if they are just asking a question, or if they would like to finish ordering. If user wants to modify their order, please respond with 'modify_order', if user is just asking a question respond with 'answer_question', and if they would like to finish ordering, please respond with 'end'.", "input": "Here is the cashier message: ''. Here is the user message: 'Mitä kokoja kananugeteilla on?'", "output": "answer_question" }, { "instruction": "Based on user response and cashier message to which the user is replying to, determine if user wants to modify their order, or if they are just asking a question, or if they would like to finish ordering. If user wants to modify their order, please respond with 'modify_order', if user is just asking a question respond with 'answer_question', and if they would like to finish ordering, please respond with 'end'.", "input": "Here is the cashier message: ''. Here is the user message: 'Haluaisin McFish Deluxen, kiitti.'", "output": "modify_order" } ]