twitter_large / haplolite /
1a1a11a's picture
Add files using upload-large-folder tool
2261eaa verified
import os, sys
import time
import struct
import subprocess
import shutil
import base64
def _pack_line_bin(op, ttl, key_size, val_size, ):
# first eight bit is op, the last 24 bit is ttl
op = op << 24
ttl = min(req.ttl, 8000000) & (0x01000000-1)
op_ttl = op | ttl
# first 10 bit is key size, last 22 bit is value size
assert req.value_size < 0x00400000-1, "value size too large " + str(req.value_size)
ksz, vsz = req.key_size << 22, req.value_size & (0x00400000-1)
kv_size = ksz | vsz
self.ofile.write(self.mystruct.pack(req.real_time, req.obj_id, kv_size, op_ttl))
def _count_keylen(key):
""" count the bytes in hex
len0 = len(key)
key = key.replace("\\x", "")
# count of 0x in the key
n_0x = (len0 - len(key))//2
cnt = len(key) - n_0x - key.count("\\")
# print(len(key), cnt, key)
return cnt
def _remove_topology(key):
pos = 0
n_bytes = 8
while n_bytes > 0:
if key[pos] == "\\":
if key[pos+1] == "x":
pos += 4
pos += 2
pos += 1
n_bytes -=1
assert(key[pos] == "\\")
return key[pos:]
op_set = set(("llen", "ttl", "type", "scan", "ping", "info", "command", "select", "dbsize"))
def _convert_line(line_split):
info1 = line_split[0].split()
ts = float(info1[0]) - 1604000000
db = int(info1[1][1:])
op = info1[3].strip('"')
if op.lower() in op_set:
return None
pkey = _remove_topology(line_split[1].strip('"'))
pklen = _count_keylen(pkey)
# pkey = hash(pkey)
other_fields = []
if op[:12] == "RPUSHXTRIMEX" or op == "RPUSHTRIMEX":
# RPUSHXTRIMEX <outer key> <trim length> <ttl> <value> [<value> ...]
trim = int(line_split[2].strip('"'))
ttl = int(line_split[3].strip('"'))
# val = [hash(line_split[i].strip('"')) for i in range(4, len(line_split))]
val = [_count_keylen(line_split[i].strip('"')) for i in range(4, len(line_split))]
other_fields = [trim, ttl, *val]
# if len(val) != 1:
# print(val)
elif op == "LMREM":
# LMREM (multi-LREM) : Remove multiple count, element pairs
# LMREM <outer key> <count> <element> [<count> <element> ...]
i = 2
while len(line_split) > i + 1:
count = int(line_split[i].strip('"'))
elem = hash(line_split[i+1].strip('"'))
i += 2
elif op[:6] == "LRANGE":
start = int(line_split[2].strip('"'))
stop = int(line_split[3].strip('"'))
ttl, incr, max_ttl = "", "", ""
if op[:8] == "LRANGEEX":
# LRANGEEX <outer key> <start> <stop> <ttl> [incr] [max ttl]
ttl = int(line_split[4].strip('"'))
if len(line_split) > 5:
incr = line_split[5].strip('"')
if len(line_split) > 6:
max_ttl = int(line_split[6].strip('"'))
other_fields = [start, stop, ttl, incr, max_ttl]
elif op == "LRESET":
# Create a new list, append values, and set TTL
# LRESET <outer key> <trim length> <ttl> <value> [<value> ...]
trim = int(line_split[2].strip('"'))
ttl = int(line_split[3].strip('"'))
val = [hash(line_split[i].strip('"')) for i in range(4, len(line_split))]
other_fields = [trim, ttl, *val]
elif op == "DEL":
# other_fields = [hash(line_split[i].strip('"')) for i in range(2, len(line_split))]
other_fields = [_count_keylen(line_split[i].strip('"')) for i in range(2, len(line_split))]
if len(other_fields) != 0:
elif op == "HMGET":
raise RuntimeError("not suuported {}".format(line_split))
elif op == "HMERGEEX":
# HMERGEEX <outer key> <ttl> [<inner key> <value>]
raise RuntimeError("not suuported {}".format(line_split))
elif op == "HMSETEX":
raise RuntimeError("not suuported {}".format(line_split))
elif op.lower() == "ttl" or op.lower() == "type":
return None
raise RuntimeError("unknown command {}".format(line_split))
return ts, db, op, pkey, pklen, other_fields
def convert(input_file):
ifile = open(input_file)
ofile = open(input_file + ".clean", "w")
for line in ifile:
if line.startswith("OK"):
line_split = line.replace('\\\\"', 'a"').replace('\\"', 'a').strip("\n").split('" "')
req = _convert_line(line_split)
if req is None:
ts, db, op, pkey, pklen, other_fields = req
ofile.write("{:10.2f}\t{:2}\t{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\n".format(ts, db, op, pkey, pklen, ",".join(str(i) for i in other_fields)))
except Exception as e:
line = line.lower()
# if "info" in line or "command" in line or 'select' in line or 'dbsize' in line:
# continue
print(input_file, line)
for i, x in enumerate(line_split):
print(i, x)
# raise RuntimeError(e)
if __name__ == "__main__":
shutil.move(sys.argv[1]+".1.clean", sys.argv[1]+".1")