1a1a11a's picture
Add files using upload-large-folder tool
2261eaa verified
import os, sys
import re
import json
import base64
import argparse
import pprint
from collections import defaultdict
def gen_op(input_path, db, op):
keys = _extract_keys(input_path)
with open(input_path.replace("keys", op)+".input", "w") as ofile:
ofile.write("select {}\r\n".format(db))
for key in keys:
ofile.write('{} "{}"\r\n'.format(op, key))
def _extract_keys(input_path):
keys = []
regex_first_line = re.compile(r"2\)\s+1\) \"(?P<key>.+)\"")
regex = re.compile(r"\s*\d+\) \"(?P<key>.+)\"\n")
with open(input_path) as ifile:
for line in ifile:
if line.startswith("OK") or line.startswith("1) \"0\""):
# print("skip {}".format(line))
if line[0] == "(" and "s)" in line:
# print("skip {}".format(line))
m = regex.match(line)
if m is None:
m = regex_first_line.match(line)
except Exception as e:
print(e, line)
return keys
def _extract_ttl(input_path):
ttls = []
with open(input_path) as ifile:
for line in ifile:
if line.startswith("OK"):
return ttls
def _extract_klen(input_path):
klens = []
with open(input_path) as ifile:
for line in ifile:
if line.startswith("OK"):
return klens
def convert_state(input_path, ):
klen_dict, ttl_dict = {}, {}
state_dict = {}
keys = _extract_keys("{}.keys".format(input_path))
klen = _extract_klen("{}.keylen".format(input_path))
ttls = _extract_ttl("{}.ttl".format(input_path))
if len(keys) != len(klen) or len(keys) != len(ttls):
print("error {} {} {} {}".format(input_path, len(keys), len(klen), len(ttls)))
print("{} {}".format(keys[-1], klen[-1]))
# pprint.pprint(klen)
for i in range(len(keys)):
keys[i] = keys[i].replace('\\\\"', 'a"').replace('\\"', 'a')
# state_dict[hash(keys[i])] = (klen[i], ttls[i])
state_dict[keys[i]] = (klen[i], ttls[i])
# print(keys[i].replace('\\\\"', 'a"').replace('\\"', 'a'), hash(keys[i].replace('\\\\"', 'a"').replace('\\"', 'a')))
# sys.exit(1)
with open("{}.state.json".format(input_path), "w") as ofile:
json.dump(state_dict, ofile)
# n_in, n_no = 0, 0
# not_in = defaultdict(int)
# trace_path = "fanout.smf1-cba-21-sr1.prod.twitter.com.31654.log.1"
# trace_path = "nonfanout.smf1-bos-12-sr1.prod.twitter.com.31772.log.1"
# trace_path = "fanout.smf1-hax-32-sr1.prod.twitter.com.31881.log.1"
# with open(trace_path) as ifile:
# for line in ifile:
# line_split = line.split("\t")
# key = line_split[3].strip()
# # print(key)
# # key = hash(key)
# if key in state_dict:
# # print(state_dict[hash(key)])
# # assert hash(key) in state_dict
# n_in += 1
# else:
# print(line)
# print(key)
# if n_no > 20:
# 1/0
# not_in[key] += 1
# n_no += 1
# pprint.pprint(not_in)
# print("{}/{}".format(n_in, n_in + n_no))
def load_state(trace_path, state_path):
n_in, n_no = 0, 0
with open(state_path) as ifile:
state_dict = json.load(ifile)
with open(trace_path) as ifile:
for line in ifile:
line_split = line.split("\t")
key = line_split[3]
if key in state_dict:
n_in += 1
n_no += 1
print("{}/{}".format(n_in, n_in + n_no))
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="generate some data")
parser.add_argument('--func', dest="func", type=str, required=True, help="gen_op/convert_state")
parser.add_argument('--path', dest="path", type=str, required=True, help="path to input")
parser.add_argument('--db', dest="db", type=int, default=-1, help="db used in gen_op")
parser.add_argument('--op', dest='op', default="", help="op used in gen_op")
parser.add_argument('--path2', dest="path2", type=str, default="", help="path to input")
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.func == "gen_op":
assert(args.db != -1)
assert(args.op in ("ttl", "llen", "card", "test"))
gen_op(args.path, args.db, args.op)
elif args.func == "convert_state":
elif args.func == "load_state":
load_state(args.path, args.path2)
raise RuntimeError("unknown func {}".format(args.func))