1a1a11a's picture
Add files using upload-large-folder tool
8dc315b verified
this script takes the raw dataset, clean it up, fill in TTL, and geenrate a cleaned dataset
import os, sys
import time
import csv
import requests
import pickle, json
from inspect import currentframe, getframeinfo
from collections import defaultdict, Counter
import hashlib
import struct
import socket
# import geoip2.database
# ip_database = geoip2.database.Reader("GeoLite2-Country.mmdb")
CONTENT_TYPE_SET = set(['jpeg', 'bin', 'json', 'js', 'png', 'webp', '', 'ts', 'css', 'html', 'm3u8', 'svg', 'gif', 'empty', 'dat', 'mp4', 'xml', 'txt', 'ors', 'woff', 'bundle', 'woff2', 'tgz', 'jpg', 'cer', 'plist', 'mpga' , 'ico', 'pbf', 'ccbi', 'qt', 'ttf', 'webm', 'tar', 'zip', 'ics', 'rss', 'aac', 'pdf', 'conda', 'eot', 'debounce', 'crl', 'm4s', 'enc', 'otf', 'wav', 'm4a', 'flat', 'atlas', 'der', 'wys', 'oga', 'gz', 'manifest', 'get', 'mp3', 'php', 'swf', 'skel', 'jar', 'template', 'odft', 'bmp', 'apk', 'rpm', 'xz', 'mpd', 'io', 'btx', 'fnt', 'xhtml', 'pub', 'exe', 'unityweb', 'csv', 'mat', 'events', 'ogx', 'geo', 'docx', 'sprite', 'micro', 'mid', 'jp2', 'doc', 'identity', 'vtt', 'terrain', 'xlsx', 'atom', 'epub', 'chunk', 'si d', 'm3u', '7z', 'invert', 'findkey', 'axd', 'xls', 'db', 'mpf', 'lua', 'webvtt', 'unity3d', 'appcache', 'tiff', 'rtf', 'wasm', 'jpgx', 'gzip', 'md', 'ppt', 'lb', 'ashx', 'm4v', 'py', 'srt', 'psd', 'settings', 'dmg', 'asp', 'sh', 'aspx', 'patch', 'dib', 'mov', 'rar', 'last', 'gcfg', 'yml', 'atf', 'java', 'stl', 'chm', 'crc', 'yaml', 'ai', 'c', 'unity', 'srx', 'scss', 'includes', 'flac', 'caf', 'extra', 'xslt', 'gpg', 'rdf', 'bam', ])
EXTENSION_SET = set(['jpg', '', 'tgz', 'js', 'png', 'json', 'm3u8', 'ts', 'css', 'webp', 'jpeg', 'svg', 'php', 'gif', 'mp4', 'dat', 'woff2', 'html', 'bundle', 'woff', 'rss', 'axd', 'crt', 'plist', 'mp3', 'txt', 'ico', 'pbf', 'gz', 'mov', 'ttf', 'm4s', 'ccbi', 'bin', 'lb', 'gzip', 'aspx', 'webm', 'jpgx', 'bz2', 'xml', 'zip ', 'ics', 'aac', 'pdf', 'conda', 'asp', 'ashx', 'eot', 'do', 'htm', 'atlas', 'crl', 'id', 'otf', 'map', 'bam', 'lua', 'xsd', 'erik', 'fca', 'enc', 'rpoly', 'properties', 'wav', 'h', 'flat', 'ogg', 'wys', 'manifest', 'm4a', 'jar', 'ece', 'gmp', 'dds', 'sig', 'pk2mz', 'swf', 'debounce', 'skel', 'template', 'acz', 'pack', 'cdiff', 'cson', 'jsonp', 'hash', 'dmg', 'sml', 'apk', 'lzma', 'jsp', 'rpm', 'cdf', 'io', 'csv', 'xz', 'tga', 'mpd', 'sha256', 'fnt', 'btx', 'depmap', 'distro', 'unity3d', 'svga', 'omit', 'xhtml', 'vipr', 'uniq', 'res', 'pub', 'b3dm', 'exe', 'fit', 'ln4', 'crop', 'pairs', 'prefab', 'pl', 'mkv', 'mat', 'cef', 'wmt', 'bif', 'dxt', 'vtt', 'deb', 'lm', 'geo', 'py', 'sprite', 'vghddata', 'docx', 'jfif', 'nfs', 'js', 'gifv', 'dlt', 'mid', 'data', 'unityweb', 'cms', 'jp2', 'identity', 'gcd', 'img', 'bmp', 'doc', 'cur', 'ect', 'page', 'pic', 'db', 'mjs', 'tif', 'meta', 'image', 'faces', 'prop', 'dll', 'xlsx', 'pfx', 'box', 'ani', 'chunk', 'terrain', 'epub', '7z', 'jnx', 'midi', 'tfl', 'asr', 'act', 'xrf', 'mpf', 'ln3', 'ejs', 'lani', 'avif', 'sh', 'inc', 'vue', 'xaf', 'webvtt', 'pptx', 'aff', 'wasm', 'flow', 'jmm', 'atom', 'ovpn', 'log', 'so', 'xpf', 'xls', 'anm', 'pngx', 'cmfv', 'gaf', 'aiu', 'srt', 'hvm', 'dwg', 'yml', 'mem', 'mobile', 'cvd', '3ds', 'java', 'lmat', 'md', 'sha1', 'm4v', 'tar', 'vbs', 'msi', 'rtf', 'svgz', 'appcache', 'psd', 'tmx', 'eps', 's3d', 'vpk', 'ini', 'stl', 'link', 'shtml', 'ppt', 'pkg', 'br', 'ttc', 'patch', 'dib', 'gcfg', 'yaml', 'atf', 'app', 'heic', 'lyric', 'simple', 'rss2', 'ebr', 'unity', 'rar', 'rgx', 'obj', 'md2', 'chm', 'crc', 'trf', 'gpi', 'lib', 'jpe', 'scss', 'xsl', 'pkmlz', 'cgi', 'srx', 'mdr' 'stat', 'sqlite', 'tiff', 'flac', 'sep', 'caf', 'mps', 'tdb', 'jpeg', 'cfm', 'gpg', 'geojson', 'sql', 'scml', 'gtt', 'bat', 'c', 'xmf', 'gsm', 'fsp', 'gcode', 'gifx', 'odt', 'opus', 'rbxm', 'gl', 'apkm', 'pak', 'util', 'cr2', 'conf', 'dylib', 'dict', 'm3u', 'cer', 'cpp', 'md5', 'xlsm', 'tsx', 'javascript'])
def processing(datafile, sample_ratio=1):
ifile = open(datafile, errors="ignore")
reader = csv.reader(ifile, delimiter="\t")
ofilename = datafile
if sample_ratio > 1:
ofilename = "{}.sample{}".format(datafile, sample_ratio)
ofile = open(ofilename + ".clean", "w")
ofilebin = open(ofilename + ".cf.bin", "wb")
# ts, obj, sz, ttl, age, hostname, content (h), extension (h), n_level, n_param, method, colo
# 41 bytes
s = struct.Struct("<IQQiiihhhbbb")
ttl_dict = {}
colo = 28
content_mapping = defaultdict(int)
extension_mapping = defaultdict(int)
hostname_mapping = defaultdict(int)
content_cnt = Counter()
extension_cnt = Counter()
hostname_cnt = Counter()
method_cnt = Counter()
n_level_cnt = Counter()
n_param_cnt = Counter()
with open("ttl_dict.pickle", "rb") as f:
# for allcolo data, we do not have content_type,
# and we use convertTTLDict.py to convert ttl_dict to a different format
# with open("ttl_dict_new.pickle", "rb") as f:
ttl_dict = pickle.load(f)
n = 0
n_no_ttl, n_use_ttl_dict = 0, 0
no_age = 0
n_time_change = 0
last_ts = 0
for row in reader:
# ts country obj sz content tieredHit ttl age cstatus method zoneId
# colo28
# ts obj sz content tier ttl age cstatus method
# 1628639938 14769378147408796115 8688 jpeg 0 2666327358 39582683 miss GET s3.amazonaws.com /media.pinterest.com/150x150/3a/36/13/3a3613c5086a070f43afce13bf856b79.jpg
# all colo
# ts client colo obj sz tier cStatus
# 626591102 1433663661 87 10824946938601195600 2944141 0 hit static-v6.starmakerstudios.com /production/uploading/recordings/10977524122478104/master.mp4
n += 1
ts, obj, sz, content_type, tieed_hit, ttl, age, cstatus, method, hostname, path, query_string = row
# for allcolo data, some information is missing
# ts, client, colo, obj, sz, tiered_hit, cstatus, hostname, path, query_string = row
# ttl, age, content_type, method = 86400*365*100, 86400*365*100, "", "GET"
# colo = int(colo)
# client = socket.inet_ntop(socket.AF_INET, struct.pack("!L", int(client)))
# client_country = ip_database.country(client).country.iso_code
except Exception as e:
print(e, row)
if sample_ratio > 1 and int(obj) % sample_ratio != 1:
ts, ttl, age = int(ts), int(ttl), int(age)
if ts < last_ts:
# ts = last_ts
n_time_change += 1
last_ts = ts
# hostname = str(int(hashlib.md5(hostname.encode()).hexdigest(), 16) % (2**30))
if ttl > 86400*365 and (hostname, content_type) in ttl_dict:
ttl = int(ttl_dict[(hostname, content_type)])
n_use_ttl_dict += 1
has_query_string = len(query_string.strip()) > 0
if has_query_string:
has_query_string = 1
has_query_string = 0
n_param = query_string.count("&")+1
n_level = path.count("/") - 1
content_type = content_type.lower()
extension = path.split(".")[-1].lower()
if '=' in extension:
if '%' in extension:
if '@' in extension:
if "-" in extension or "/" in extension or "_" in extension or len(extension) > 10 or extension == "unknown" or extension == "empty":
extension = ""
if extension.isdigit():
extension = ""
extension = extension.strip()
if content_type not in CONTENT_TYPE_SET:
content_type = ""
if extension not in EXTENSION_SET:
extension = "unknown"
# for allcolo data, we do not have content_type
# if ttl > 86400 * 365 * 30:
# if hostname in ttl_dict:
# if extension in ttl_dict[hostname]:
# ttl = int(ttl_dict[hostname][extension])
# else:
# ttl = int(list(ttl_dict[hostname].values())[0])
# n_use_ttl_dict += 1
# else:
# ttl = -1
if ttl > 86400*365*30:
n_no_ttl += 1
ttl = -1
if age > 86400*365*30:
no_age += 1
age = -1
ofile.write(",".join([str(ts), obj, str(sz), content_type, extension, str(n_level), str(ttl), str(age), cstatus, method, hostname, str(has_query_string), str(n_param)])+"\n")
if n % 20000000 == 0:
# print(sorted(content_cnt.items(), key=lambda x:x[1], reverse=True))
# print(sorted(extension_cnt.items(), key=lambda x:x[1], reverse=True))
print(sorted(method_cnt.items(), key=lambda x:x[1], reverse=True))
# print(sorted(n_level_cnt.items(), key=lambda x:x[1], reverse=True))
# print(sorted(n_param_cnt.items(), key=lambda x:x[1], reverse=True))
print("{:.0f} {} req, {} missingTTL, {} replaceTTL, {} noAge, {} timeDiff".format(time.time(), n//1e6, n_no_ttl//1e6, n_use_ttl_dict//1e6, no_age//1e6, n_time_change))
content_int = content_mapping.get(content_type, len(content_mapping)+1)
extension_int = extension_mapping.get(extension, len(extension_mapping)+1)
hostname_int = hostname_mapping.get(hostname, len(content_mapping)+1)
content_mapping[content_type] = content_int
extension_mapping[extension] = extension_int
hostname_mapping[hostname] = hostname_int
method_int = 0
if method == "GET":
method_int = 1
elif method == "PURGE":
method_int = 2
print(f"unknown method {method}")
if has_query_string == 0:
n_param = 0
if n_level > 127:
n_level = 127
if n_param > 127:
n_param = 127
# ts, obj, sz, ttl, age, hostname, content (h), extension (h), n_level (b), n_param (b), method (b), colo (b)
ofilebin.write(s.pack(int(ts), int(obj), int(sz), ttl, age, hostname_int, content_int, extension_int, colo, n_level, n_param, method_int))
except Exception as e:
print(int(ts), int(obj), int(sz), ttl, age, hostname_int, content_int, extension_int, n_level, n_param, method_int, colo)
print(",".join([str(ts), obj, str(sz), content_type, extension, str(n_level), str(ttl), str(age), cstatus, method, hostname, str(has_query_string), str(n_param)])+"\n")
content_cnt[content_type] += 1
extension_cnt[extension] += 1
hostname_cnt[hostname] += 1
method_cnt[method] += 1
n_level_cnt[n_level] += 1
n_param_cnt[n_param] += 1
with open("{}_stat.json".format(ofilename), "w") as ofile:
json.dump((content_cnt, extension_cnt, hostname_cnt, method_cnt, n_level_cnt, n_param_cnt), ofile)
with open("{}_content_mapping.json".format(ofilename), "w") as ofile:
json.dump(content_mapping, ofile)
with open("{}_extension_mapping.json".format(ofilename), "w") as ofile:
json.dump(extension_mapping, ofile)
with open("{}_hostname_mapping.json".format(ofilename), "w") as ofile:
json.dump(hostname_mapping, ofile)
if __name__ == "__main__":