{ |
"architectures": [ |
"MusicgenForConditionalGeneration" |
], |
"audio_encoder": { |
"_attn_implementation_autoset": true, |
"_name_or_path": "facebook/encodec_32khz", |
"add_cross_attention": false, |
"architectures": [ |
"EncodecModel" |
], |
"audio_channels": 1, |
"bad_words_ids": null, |
"begin_suppress_tokens": null, |
"bos_token_id": null, |
"chunk_length_s": null, |
"chunk_size_feed_forward": 0, |
"codebook_dim": 128, |
"codebook_size": 2048, |
"compress": 2, |
"cross_attention_hidden_size": null, |
"decoder_start_token_id": null, |
"dilation_growth_rate": 2, |
"diversity_penalty": 0.0, |
"do_sample": false, |
"early_stopping": false, |
"encoder_no_repeat_ngram_size": 0, |
"eos_token_id": null, |
"exponential_decay_length_penalty": null, |
"finetuning_task": null, |
"forced_bos_token_id": null, |
"forced_eos_token_id": null, |
"hidden_size": 128, |
"id2label": { |
"0": "LABEL_0", |
"1": "LABEL_1" |
}, |
"is_decoder": false, |
"is_encoder_decoder": false, |
"kernel_size": 7, |
"label2id": { |
"LABEL_0": 0, |
"LABEL_1": 1 |
}, |
"last_kernel_size": 7, |
"length_penalty": 1.0, |
"max_length": 20, |
"min_length": 0, |
"model_type": "encodec", |
"no_repeat_ngram_size": 0, |
"norm_type": "weight_norm", |
"normalize": false, |
"num_beam_groups": 1, |
"num_beams": 1, |
"num_filters": 64, |
"num_lstm_layers": 2, |
"num_residual_layers": 1, |
"num_return_sequences": 1, |
"output_attentions": false, |
"output_hidden_states": false, |
"output_scores": false, |
"overlap": null, |
"pad_mode": "reflect", |
"pad_token_id": null, |
"prefix": null, |
"problem_type": null, |
"pruned_heads": {}, |
"remove_invalid_values": false, |
"repetition_penalty": 1.0, |
"residual_kernel_size": 3, |
"return_dict": true, |
"return_dict_in_generate": false, |
"sampling_rate": 32000, |
"sep_token_id": null, |
"suppress_tokens": null, |
"target_bandwidths": [ |
2.2 |
], |
"task_specific_params": null, |
"temperature": 1.0, |
"tf_legacy_loss": false, |
"tie_encoder_decoder": false, |
"tie_word_embeddings": true, |
"tokenizer_class": null, |
"top_k": 50, |
"top_p": 1.0, |
"torch_dtype": "float32", |
"torchscript": false, |
"trim_right_ratio": 1.0, |
"typical_p": 1.0, |
"upsampling_ratios": [ |
8, |
5, |
4, |
4 |
], |
"use_bfloat16": false, |
"use_causal_conv": false, |
"use_conv_shortcut": false |
}, |
"decoder": { |
"_attn_implementation_autoset": true, |
"_name_or_path": "", |
"activation_dropout": 0.0, |
"activation_function": "gelu", |
"add_cross_attention": false, |
"architectures": null, |
"attention_dropout": 0.0, |
"audio_channels": 1, |
"bad_words_ids": null, |
"begin_suppress_tokens": null, |
"bos_token_id": 2048, |
"chunk_size_feed_forward": 0, |
"cross_attention_hidden_size": null, |
"decoder_start_token_id": null, |
"diversity_penalty": 0.0, |
"do_sample": false, |
"dropout": 0.1, |
"early_stopping": false, |
"encoder_no_repeat_ngram_size": 0, |
"eos_token_id": null, |
"exponential_decay_length_penalty": null, |
"ffn_dim": 4096, |
"finetuning_task": null, |
"forced_bos_token_id": null, |
"forced_eos_token_id": null, |
"hidden_size": 1024, |
"id2label": { |
"0": "LABEL_0", |
"1": "LABEL_1" |
}, |
"initializer_factor": 0.02, |
"is_decoder": false, |
"is_encoder_decoder": false, |
"label2id": { |
"LABEL_0": 0, |
"LABEL_1": 1 |
}, |
"layerdrop": 0.0, |
"length_penalty": 1.0, |
"max_length": 20, |
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"min_length": 0, |
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"num_beam_groups": 1, |
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"num_hidden_layers": 24, |
"num_return_sequences": 1, |
"output_attentions": false, |
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"output_scores": false, |
"pad_token_id": 2048, |
"prefix": null, |
"problem_type": null, |
"pruned_heads": {}, |
"remove_invalid_values": false, |
"repetition_penalty": 1.0, |
"return_dict": true, |
"return_dict_in_generate": false, |
"scale_embedding": false, |
"sep_token_id": null, |
"suppress_tokens": null, |
"task_specific_params": null, |
"temperature": 1.0, |
"tf_legacy_loss": false, |
"tie_encoder_decoder": false, |
"tie_word_embeddings": false, |
"tokenizer_class": null, |
"top_k": 50, |
"top_p": 1.0, |
"torch_dtype": null, |
"torchscript": false, |
"typical_p": 1.0, |
"use_bfloat16": false, |
"use_cache": true, |
"vocab_size": 2048 |
}, |
"is_encoder_decoder": true, |
"model_type": "musicgen", |
"text_encoder": { |
"_attn_implementation_autoset": true, |
"_name_or_path": "google-t5/t5-base", |
"add_cross_attention": false, |
"architectures": [ |
"T5ForConditionalGeneration" |
], |
"bad_words_ids": null, |
"begin_suppress_tokens": null, |
"bos_token_id": null, |
"chunk_size_feed_forward": 0, |
"classifier_dropout": 0.0, |
"cross_attention_hidden_size": null, |
"d_ff": 3072, |
"d_kv": 64, |
"d_model": 768, |
"decoder_start_token_id": 0, |
"dense_act_fn": "relu", |
"diversity_penalty": 0.0, |
"do_sample": false, |
"dropout_rate": 0.1, |
"early_stopping": false, |
"encoder_no_repeat_ngram_size": 0, |
"eos_token_id": 1, |
"exponential_decay_length_penalty": null, |
"feed_forward_proj": "relu", |
"finetuning_task": null, |
"forced_bos_token_id": null, |
"forced_eos_token_id": null, |
"id2label": { |
"0": "LABEL_0", |
"1": "LABEL_1" |
}, |
"initializer_factor": 1.0, |
"is_decoder": false, |
"is_encoder_decoder": true, |
"is_gated_act": false, |
"label2id": { |
"LABEL_0": 0, |
"LABEL_1": 1 |
}, |
"layer_norm_epsilon": 1e-06, |
"length_penalty": 1.0, |
"max_length": 20, |
"min_length": 0, |
"model_type": "t5", |
"n_positions": 512, |
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"num_beam_groups": 1, |
"num_beams": 1, |
"num_decoder_layers": 12, |
"num_heads": 12, |
"num_layers": 12, |
"num_return_sequences": 1, |
"output_attentions": false, |
"output_hidden_states": false, |
"output_past": true, |
"output_scores": false, |
"pad_token_id": 0, |
"prefix": null, |
"problem_type": null, |
"pruned_heads": {}, |
"relative_attention_max_distance": 128, |
"relative_attention_num_buckets": 32, |
"remove_invalid_values": false, |
"repetition_penalty": 1.0, |
"return_dict": true, |
"return_dict_in_generate": false, |
"sep_token_id": null, |
"suppress_tokens": null, |
"task_specific_params": { |
"summarization": { |
"early_stopping": true, |
"length_penalty": 2.0, |
"max_length": 200, |
"min_length": 30, |
"no_repeat_ngram_size": 3, |
"num_beams": 4, |
"prefix": "summarize: " |
}, |
"translation_en_to_de": { |
"early_stopping": true, |
"max_length": 300, |
"num_beams": 4, |
"prefix": "translate English to German: " |
}, |
"translation_en_to_fr": { |
"early_stopping": true, |
"max_length": 300, |
"num_beams": 4, |
"prefix": "translate English to French: " |
}, |
"translation_en_to_ro": { |
"early_stopping": true, |
"max_length": 300, |
"num_beams": 4, |
"prefix": "translate English to Romanian: " |
} |
}, |
"temperature": 1.0, |
"tf_legacy_loss": false, |
"tie_encoder_decoder": false, |
"tie_word_embeddings": true, |
"tokenizer_class": null, |
"top_k": 50, |
"top_p": 1.0, |
"torch_dtype": "float32", |
"torchscript": false, |
"typical_p": 1.0, |
"use_bfloat16": false, |
"use_cache": true, |
"vocab_size": 32128 |
}, |
"torch_dtype": "float32", |
"transformers_version": "4.49.0.dev0" |
} |