6721043 verified
# =============================================================
# This file contains helper functions and classes
# Mushfiqul Alam, 2017
# Report bugs/suggestions:
# [email protected]
# =============================================================
import png
import numpy as np
import scipy.misc
import math
from scipy import signal # for convolutions
from scipy import ndimage # for n-dimensional convolution
from scipy import interpolate
# =============================================================
# function: imsave
# save image in image formats
# data: is the image data
# output_dtype: output data type
# input_dtype: input data type
# is_scale: is scaling needed to go from input data type to output data type
# =============================================================
def imsave(data, output_name, output_dtype="uint8", input_dtype="uint8", is_scale=False):
dtype_dictionary = {"uint8" : np.uint8(data), "uint16" : np.uint16(data),\
"uint32" : np.uint32(data), "uint64" : np.uint64(data),\
"int8" : np.int8(data), "int16" : np.int16(data),\
"int32" : np.int32(data), "int64" : np.int64(data),\
"float16" : np.float16(data), "float32" : np.float32(data),\
"float64" : np.float64(data)}
min_val_dictionary = {"uint8" : 0, "uint16" : 0,\
"uint32" : 0, "uint64" : 0,\
"int8" : -128, "int16" : -32768,\
"int32" : -2147483648, "int64" : -9223372036854775808}
max_val_dictionary = {"uint8" : 255, "uint16" : 65535,\
"uint32" : 4294967295, "uint64" : 18446744073709551615,\
"int8" : 127, "int16" : 32767,\
"int32" : 2147483647, "int64" : 9223372036854775807}
# scale the data in case scaling is necessary to go from input_dtype
# to output_dtype
if (is_scale):
# convert data into float32
data = np.float32(data)
# Get minimum and maximum value of the input and output data types
in_min = min_val_dictionary[input_dtype]
in_max = max_val_dictionary[input_dtype]
out_min = min_val_dictionary[output_dtype]
out_max = max_val_dictionary[output_dtype]
# clip the input data in the input_dtype range
data = np.clip(data, in_min, in_max)
# scale the data
data = out_min + (data - in_min) * (out_max - out_min) / (in_max - in_min)
# clip scaled data in output_dtype range
data = np.clip(data, out_min, out_max)
# convert the data into the output_dtype
data = dtype_dictionary[output_dtype]
# output image type: raw, png, jpeg
output_file_type = output_name[-3:]
# save files depending on output_file_type
if (output_file_type == "raw"):
pass # will be added later
elif (output_file_type == "png"):
# png will only save uint8 or uint16
if ((output_dtype == "uint16") or (output_dtype == "uint8")):
if (output_dtype == "uint16"):
output_bitdepth = 16
elif (output_dtype == "uint8"):
output_bitdepth = 8
print("For png output, output_dtype must be uint8 or uint16")
with open(output_name, "wb") as f:
# rgb image
if (np.ndim(data) == 3):
# create the png writer
writer = png.Writer(width=data.shape[1], height=data.shape[0],\
bitdepth = output_bitdepth)
# convert data to the python lists expected by the png Writer
data2list = data.reshape(-1, data.shape[1]*data.shape[2]).tolist()
# write in the file
writer.write(f, data2list)
# greyscale image
elif (np.ndim(data) == 2):
# create the png writer
writer = png.Writer(width=data.shape[1], height=data.shape[0],\
bitdepth = output_bitdepth,\
greyscale = True)
# convert data to the python lists expected by the png Writer
data2list = data.tolist()
# write in the file
writer.write(f, data2list)
elif (output_file_type == "jpg"):
pass # will be added later
print("output_name should contain extensions of .raw, .png, or .jpg")
# =============================================================
# class: helpers
# a class of useful helper functions
# =============================================================
class helpers:
def __init__(self, data=None, name="helper"): = np.float32(data) = name
def get_width_height(self):
# returns width, height
# We assume data be in height x width x number of channel x frames format
if (np.ndim( > 1):
size = np.shape(
width = size[1]
height = size[0]
return width, height
print("Error! data dimension must be 2 or greater")
def bayer_channel_separation(self, pattern):
# function: bayer_channel_separation
# Objective: Outputs four channels of the bayer pattern
# Input:
# data: the bayer data
# pattern: rggb, grbg, gbrg, or bggr
# Output:
# R, G1, G2, B (Quarter resolution images)
if (pattern == "rggb"):
R =[::2, ::2]
G1 =[::2, 1::2]
G2 =[1::2, ::2]
B =[1::2, 1::2]
elif (pattern == "grbg"):
G1 =[::2, ::2]
R =[::2, 1::2]
B =[1::2, ::2]
G2 =[1::2, 1::2]
elif (pattern == "gbrg"):
G1 =[::2, ::2]
B =[::2, 1::2]
R =[1::2, ::2]
G2 =[1::2, 1::2]
elif (pattern == "bggr"):
B =[::2, ::2]
G1 =[::2, 1::2]
G2 =[1::2, ::2]
R =[1::2, 1::2]
print("pattern must be one of these: rggb, grbg, gbrg, bggr")
return R, G1, G2, B
def bayer_channel_integration(self, R, G1, G2, B, pattern):
# function: bayer_channel_integration
# Objective: combine data into a raw according to pattern
# Input:
# R, G1, G2, B: the four separate channels (Quarter resolution)
# pattern: rggb, grbg, gbrg, or bggr
# Output:
# data (Full resolution image)
size = np.shape(R)
data = np.empty((size[0]*2, size[1]*2), dtype=np.float32)
if (pattern == "rggb"):
data[::2, ::2] = R
data[::2, 1::2] = G1
data[1::2, ::2] = G2
data[1::2, 1::2] = B
elif (pattern == "grbg"):
data[::2, ::2] = G1
data[::2, 1::2] = R
data[1::2, ::2] = B
data[1::2, 1::2] = G2
elif (pattern == "gbrg"):
data[::2, ::2] = G1
data[::2, 1::2] = B
data[1::2, ::2] = R
data[1::2, 1::2] = G2
elif (pattern == "bggr"):
data[::2, ::2] = B
data[::2, 1::2] = G1
data[1::2, ::2] = G2
data[1::2, 1::2] = R
print("pattern must be one of these: rggb, grbg, gbrg, bggr")
return data
def shuffle_bayer_pattern(self, input_pattern, output_pattern):
# function: shuffle_bayer_pattern
# convert from one bayer pattern to another
# Get separate channels
R, G1, G2, B = self.bayer_channel_separation(input_pattern)
# return integrated data
return self.bayer_channel_integration(R, G1, G2, B, output_pattern)
def sigma_filter_helper(self, neighborhood_size, sigma):
if (neighborhood_size % 2) == 0:
print("Error! neighborhood_size must be odd for example 3, 5, 7")
# number of pixels to be padded at the borders
no_of_pixel_pad = math.floor(neighborhood_size / 2.)
# get width, height
width, height = self.get_width_height()
# pad pixels at the borders
img = np.pad(, \
(no_of_pixel_pad, no_of_pixel_pad),\
'reflect') # reflect would not repeat the border value
# allocate memory for output
output = np.empty((height, width), dtype=np.float32)
for i in range(no_of_pixel_pad, height + no_of_pixel_pad):
for j in range(no_of_pixel_pad, width + no_of_pixel_pad):
# save the middle pixel value
mid_pixel_val = img[i, j]
# extract the neighborhood
neighborhood = img[i - no_of_pixel_pad : i + no_of_pixel_pad+1,\
j - no_of_pixel_pad : j + no_of_pixel_pad+1]
lower_range = mid_pixel_val - sigma
upper_range = mid_pixel_val + sigma
temp = 0.
ctr = 0
for ni in range (0, neighborhood_size):
for nj in range (0, neighborhood_size):
if (neighborhood[ni, nj] > lower_range) and (neighborhood[ni, nj] < upper_range):
temp += neighborhood[ni, nj]
ctr += 1
output[i - no_of_pixel_pad, j - no_of_pixel_pad] = temp / ctr
return output
def bilinear_interpolation(self, x, y):
width, height = self.get_width_height()
x0 = np.floor(x).astype(int)
x1 = x0 + 1
y0 = np.floor(y).astype(int)
y1 = y0 + 1
x0 = np.clip(x0, 0, width-1)
x1 = np.clip(x1, 0, width-1)
y0 = np.clip(y0, 0, height-1)
y1 = np.clip(y1, 0, height-1)
Ia =[y0, x0]
Ib =[y1, x0]
Ic =[y0, x1]
Id =[y1, x1]
x = np.clip(x, 0, width-1)
y = np.clip(y, 0, height-1)
wa = (x1 - x) * (y1 - y)
wb = (x1 - x) * (y - y0)
wc = (x - x0) * (y1 - y)
wd = (x - x0) * (y - y0)
return wa * Ia + wb * Ib + wc * Ic + wd * Id
def degamma_srgb(self, clip_range=[0, 65535]):
# bring data in range 0 to 1
data = np.clip(, clip_range[0], clip_range[1])
data = np.divide(data, clip_range[1])
data = np.asarray(data)
mask = data > 0.04045
# basically, if data[x, y, c] > 0.04045, data[x, y, c] = ( (data[x, y, c] + 0.055) / 1.055 ) ^ 2.4
# else, data[x, y, c] = data[x, y, c] / 12.92
data[mask] += 0.055
data[mask] /= 1.055
data[mask] **= 2.4
data[np.invert(mask)] /= 12.92
# rescale
return np.clip(data * clip_range[1], clip_range[0], clip_range[1])
def gamma_srgb(self, clip_range=[0, 65535]):
# bring data in range 0 to 1
data = np.clip(, clip_range[0], clip_range[1])
data = np.divide(data, clip_range[1])
data = np.asarray(data)
mask = data > 0.0031308
# basically, if data[x, y, c] > 0.0031308, data[x, y, c] = 1.055 * ( var_R(i, j) ^ ( 1 / 2.4 ) ) - 0.055
# else, data[x, y, c] = data[x, y, c] * 12.92
data[mask] **= 0.4167
data[mask] *= 1.055
data[mask] -= 0.055
data[np.invert(mask)] *= 12.92
# rescale
return np.clip(data * clip_range[1], clip_range[0], clip_range[1])
def degamma_adobe_rgb_1998(self, clip_range=[0, 65535]):
# bring data in range 0 to 1
data = np.clip(, clip_range[0], clip_range[1])
data = np.divide(data, clip_range[1])
data = np.power(data, 2.2) # originally raised to 2.19921875
# rescale
return np.clip(data * clip_range[1], clip_range[0], clip_range[1])
def gamma_adobe_rgb_1998(self, clip_range=[0, 65535]):
# bring data in range 0 to 1
data = np.clip(, clip_range[0], clip_range[1])
data = np.divide(data, clip_range[1])
data = np.power(data, 0.4545)
# rescale
return np.clip(data * clip_range[1], clip_range[0], clip_range[1])
def get_xyz_reference(self, cie_version="1931", illuminant="d65"):
if (cie_version == "1931"):
xyz_reference_dictionary = {"A" : [109.850, 100.0, 35.585],\
"B" : [99.0927, 100.0, 85.313],\
"C" : [98.074, 100.0, 118.232],\
"d50" : [96.422, 100.0, 82.521],\
"d55" : [95.682, 100.0, 92.149],\
"d65" : [95.047, 100.0, 108.883],\
"d75" : [94.972, 100.0, 122.638],\
"E" : [100.0, 100.0, 100.0],\
"F1" : [92.834, 100.0, 103.665],\
"F2" : [99.187, 100.0, 67.395],\
"F3" : [103.754, 100.0, 49.861],\
"F4" : [109.147, 100.0, 38.813],\
"F5" : [90.872, 100.0, 98.723],\
"F6" : [97.309, 100.0, 60.191],\
"F7" : [95.044, 100.0, 108.755],\
"F8" : [96.413, 100.0, 82.333],\
"F9" : [100.365, 100.0, 67.868],\
"F10" : [96.174, 100.0, 81.712],\
"F11" : [100.966, 100.0, 64.370],\
"F12" : [108.046, 100.0, 39.228]}
elif (cie_version == "1964"):
xyz_reference_dictionary = {"A" : [111.144, 100.0, 35.200],\
"B" : [99.178, 100.0, 84.3493],\
"C" : [97.285, 100.0, 116.145],\
"D50" : [96.720, 100.0, 81.427],\
"D55" : [95.799, 100.0, 90.926],\
"D65" : [94.811, 100.0, 107.304],\
"D75" : [94.416, 100.0, 120.641],\
"E" : [100.0, 100.0, 100.0],\
"F1" : [94.791, 100.0, 103.191],\
"F2" : [103.280, 100.0, 69.026],\
"F3" : [108.968, 100.0, 51.965],\
"F4" : [114.961, 100.0, 40.963],\
"F5" : [93.369, 100.0, 98.636],\
"F6" : [102.148, 100.0, 62.074],\
"F7" : [95.792, 100.0, 107.687],\
"F8" : [97.115, 100.0, 81.135],\
"F9" : [102.116, 100.0, 67.826],\
"F10" : [99.001, 100.0, 83.134],\
"F11" : [103.866, 100.0, 65.627],\
"F12" : [111.428, 100.0, 40.353]}
print("Warning! cie_version must be 1931 or 1964.")
return np.divide(xyz_reference_dictionary[illuminant], 100.0)
def sobel_prewitt_direction_label(self, gradient_magnitude, theta, threshold=0):
direction_label = np.zeros(np.shape(gradient_magnitude), dtype=np.float32)
theta = np.asarray(theta)
# vertical
mask = ((theta >= -22.5) & (theta <= 22.5))
direction_label[mask] = 3.
# +45 degree
mask = ((theta > 22.5) & (theta <= 67.5))
direction_label[mask] = 2.
# -45 degree
mask = ((theta < -22.5) & (theta >= -67.5))
direction_label[mask] = 4.
# horizontal
mask = ((theta > 67.5) & (theta <= 90.)) | ((theta < -67.5) & (theta >= -90.))
direction_label[mask] = 1.
gradient_magnitude = np.asarray(gradient_magnitude)
mask = gradient_magnitude < threshold
direction_label[mask] = 0.
return direction_label
def edge_wise_median(self, kernel_size, edge_location):
# pad two pixels at the border
no_of_pixel_pad = math.floor(kernel_size / 2) # number of pixels to pad
data =
data = np.pad(data, \
(no_of_pixel_pad, no_of_pixel_pad),\
'reflect') # reflect would not repeat the border value
edge_location = np.pad(edge_location,\
(no_of_pixel_pad, no_of_pixel_pad),\
'reflect') # reflect would not repeat the border value
width, height = self.get_width_height()
output = np.empty((height, width), dtype=np.float32)
for i in range(no_of_pixel_pad, height + no_of_pixel_pad):
for j in range(no_of_pixel_pad, width + no_of_pixel_pad):
if (edge_location[i, j] == 1):
output[i - no_of_pixel_pad, j - no_of_pixel_pad] = \
np.median(data[i - no_of_pixel_pad : i + no_of_pixel_pad + 1,\
j - no_of_pixel_pad : j + no_of_pixel_pad + 1])
elif (edge_location[i, j] == 0):
output[i - no_of_pixel_pad, j - no_of_pixel_pad] = data[i, j]
return output
def nonuniform_quantization(self):
output = np.zeros(np.shape(, dtype=np.float32)
min_val = np.min(
max_val = np.max(
mask = ( > (7./8.) * (max_val - min_val))
output[mask] = 3.
mask = ( > (3./4.) * (max_val - min_val)) & ( <= (7./8.) * (max_val - min_val))
output[mask] = 2.
mask = ( > (1./2.) * (max_val - min_val)) & ( <= (3./4.) * (max_val - min_val))
output[mask] = 1.
return output
def __str__(self):
# =============================================================
# function: distance_euclid
# returns Euclidean distance between two points
# =============================================================
def distance_euclid(point1, point2):
return math.sqrt((point1[0] - point2[0])**2 + (point1[1]-point2[1])**2)
# =============================================================
# class: special_functions
# pass input through special functions
# =============================================================
class special_function:
def __init__(self, data, name="special function"): = np.float32(data) = name
def soft_coring(self, slope, tau_threshold, gamma_speed):
# Usage: Used in the unsharp masking sharpening Process
# Input:
# slope: controls the boost.
# the amount of sharpening, higher slope
# means more aggresssive sharpening
# tau_threshold: controls the amount of coring.
# threshold value till which the image is
# not sharpened. The lower the value of
# tau_threshold the more frequencies
# goes through the sharpening process
# gamma_speed: controls the speed of convergence to the slope
# smaller value gives a little bit more
# sharpened image, this may be a fine tuner
return slope * * ( 1. - np.exp(-((np.abs( / tau_threshold))**gamma_speed)))
def distortion_function(self, correction_type="barrel-1", strength=0.1):
if (correction_type == "pincushion-1"):
return np.divide(, 1. + strength *
elif (correction_type == "pincushion-2"):
return np.divide(, 1. + strength * np.power(, 2))
elif (correction_type == "barrel-1"):
return np.multiply(, 1. + strength *
elif (correction_type == "barrel-2"):
return np.multiply(, 1. + strength * np.power(, 2))
print("Warning! Unknown correction_type.")
def bilateral_filter(self, edge):
# bilateral filter based upon the work of
# Jiawen Chen, Sylvain Paris, and Fredo Durand, 2007 work
# note: if edge data is not provided, image is served as edge
# this is called normal bilateral filter
# if edge data is provided, then it is called cross or joint
# bilateral filter
# get width and height of the image
width, height = helpers(
# sigma_spatial
sigma_spatial = min(height, width) / 16.
# calculate edge_delta
edge_min = np.min(edge)
edge_max = np.max(edge)
edge_delta = edge_max - edge_min
# sigma_range and sampling_range
sigma_range = 0.1 * edge_delta
sampling_range = sigma_range
sampling_spatial = sigma_spatial
# derived_sigma_spatial and derived_sigma_range
derived_sigma_spatial = sigma_spatial / sampling_spatial
derived_sigma_range = sigma_range / sampling_range
# paddings
padding_xy = np.floor(2. * derived_sigma_spatial) + 1.
padding_z = np.floor(2. * derived_sigma_range) + 1.
# downsamples
downsample_width = np.uint16(np.floor((width - 1.) / sampling_spatial) + 1. + 2. * padding_xy)
downsample_height = np.uint16(np.floor((height - 1.) / sampling_spatial) + 1. + 2. * padding_xy)
downsample_depth = np.uint16(np.floor(edge_delta / sampling_range) + 1. + 2. * padding_z)
grid_data = np.zeros((downsample_height, downsample_width, downsample_depth))
grid_weight = np.zeros((downsample_height, downsample_width, downsample_depth))
jj, ii = np.meshgrid(np.arange(0, width, 1),\
np.arange(0, height, 1))
di = np.uint16(np.round( ii / sampling_spatial ) + padding_xy + 1.)
dj = np.uint16(np.round( jj / sampling_spatial ) + padding_xy + 1.)
dz = np.uint16(np.round( (edge - edge_min) / sampling_range ) + padding_z + 1.)
for i in range(0, height):
for j in range(0, width):
data_z =[i, j]
if not np.isnan(data_z):
dik = di[i, j]
djk = dj[i, j]
dzk = dz[i, j]
grid_data[dik, djk, dzk] = grid_data[dik, djk, dzk] + data_z
grid_weight[dik, djk, dzk] = grid_weight[dik, djk, dzk] + 1.
kernel_width = 2. * derived_sigma_spatial + 1.
kernel_height = kernel_width
kernel_depth = 2. * derived_sigma_range + 1.
half_kernel_width = np.floor(kernel_width / 2.)
half_kernel_height = np.floor(kernel_height / 2.)
half_kernel_depth = np.floor(kernel_depth / 2.)
grid_x, grid_y, grid_z = np.meshgrid(np.arange(0, kernel_width, 1),\
np.arange(0, kernel_height, 1),\
np.arange(0, kernel_depth, 1))
grid_x = grid_x - half_kernel_width
grid_y = grid_y - half_kernel_height
grid_z = grid_z - half_kernel_depth
grid_r_squared = ( ( np.multiply(grid_x, grid_x) + \
np.multiply(grid_y, grid_y) ) / np.multiply(derived_sigma_spatial, derived_sigma_spatial) ) + \
( np.multiply(grid_z, grid_z) / np.multiply(derived_sigma_range, derived_sigma_range) )
kernel = np.exp(-0.5 * grid_r_squared)
blurred_grid_data = ndimage.convolve(grid_data, kernel, mode='reflect')
blurred_grid_weight = ndimage.convolve(grid_weight, kernel, mode='reflect')
# divide
blurred_grid_weight = np.asarray(blurred_grid_weight)
mask = blurred_grid_weight == 0
blurred_grid_weight[mask] = -2.
normalized_blurred_grid = np.divide(blurred_grid_data, blurred_grid_weight)
mask = blurred_grid_weight < -1
normalized_blurred_grid[mask] = 0.
blurred_grid_weight[mask] = 0.
# upsample
jj, ii = np.meshgrid(np.arange(0, width, 1),\
np.arange(0, height, 1))
di = (ii / sampling_spatial) + padding_xy + 1.
dj = (jj / sampling_spatial) + padding_xy + 1.
dz = (edge - edge_min) / sampling_range + padding_z + 1.
# arrange the input points
n_i, n_j, n_z = np.shape(normalized_blurred_grid)
points = (np.arange(0, n_i, 1), np.arange(0, n_j, 1), np.arange(0, n_z, 1))
# query points
xi = (di, dj, dz)
# multidimensional interpolation
output = interpolate.interpn(points, normalized_blurred_grid, xi, method='linear')
return output
# =============================================================
# class: synthetic_image_generate
# creates sysnthetic images for different purposes
# =============================================================
class synthetic_image_generate:
def __init__(self, width, height, name="synthetic_image"): = name
self.width = width
self.height = height
def create_lens_shading_correction_images(self, dark_current=0, flat_max=65535, flat_min=0, clip_range=[0, 65535]):
# Objective: creates two images:
# dark_current_image and flat_field_image
dark_current_image = dark_current * np.ones((self.height, self.width), dtype=np.float32)
flat_field_image = np.empty((self.height, self.width), dtype=np.float32)
center_pixel_pos = [self.height/2, self.width/2]
max_distance = distance_euclid(center_pixel_pos, [self.height, self.width])
for i in range(0, self.height):
for j in range(0, self.width):
flat_field_image[i, j] = (max_distance - distance_euclid(center_pixel_pos, [i, j])) / max_distance
flat_field_image[i, j] = flat_min + flat_field_image[i, j] * (flat_max - flat_min)
dark_current_image = np.clip(dark_current_image, clip_range[0], clip_range[1])
flat_field_image = np.clip(flat_field_image, clip_range[0], clip_range[1])
return dark_current_image, flat_field_image
def create_zone_plate_image(self):
def create_color_gradient_image(self):
def create_random_noise_image(self, mean=0, standard_deviation=1, seed=0):
# Creates normally distributed noisy image
return np.random.normal(mean, standard_deviation, (self.height, self.width))
def create_noisy_image(self, data, mean=0, standard_deviation=1, seed=0, clip_range=[0, 65535]):
# Adds normally distributed noise to the data
return np.clip(data + self.create_random_noise_image(mean, standard_deviation, seed), clip_range[0], clip_range[1])
# =============================================================
# class: create_filter
# creates different filters, generally 2D filters
# =============================================================
class create_filter:
def __init__(self, name="filter"): = name
def gaussian(self, kernel_size, sigma):
# calculate which number to where the grid should be
# remember that, kernel_size[0] is the width of the kernel
# and kernel_size[1] is the height of the kernel
temp = np.floor(np.float32(kernel_size) / 2.)
# create the grid
# example: if kernel_size = [5, 3], then:
# x: array([[-2., -1., 0., 1., 2.],
# [-2., -1., 0., 1., 2.],
# [-2., -1., 0., 1., 2.]])
# y: array([[-1., -1., -1., -1., -1.],
# [ 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.],
# [ 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.]])
x, y = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(-temp[0], temp[0], kernel_size[0]),\
np.linspace(-temp[1], temp[1], kernel_size[1]))
# Gaussian equation
temp = np.exp( -(x**2 + y**2) / (2. * sigma**2) )
# make kernel sum equal to 1
return temp / np.sum(temp)
def gaussian_separable(self, kernel_size, sigma):
# calculate which number to where the grid should be
# remember that, kernel_size[0] is the width of the kernel
# and kernel_size[1] is the height of the kernel
temp = np.floor(np.float32(kernel_size) / 2.)
# create the horizontal kernel
x = np.linspace(-temp[0], temp[0], kernel_size[0])
x = x.reshape((1, kernel_size[0])) # reshape to create row vector
hx = np.exp(-x**2 / (2 * sigma**2))
hx = hx / np.sum(hx)
# create the vertical kernel
y = np.linspace(-temp[1], temp[1], kernel_size[1])
y = y.reshape((kernel_size[1], 1)) # reshape to create column vector
hy = np.exp(-y**2 / (2 * sigma**2))
hy = hy / np.sum(hy)
return hx, hy
def sobel(self, kernel_size):
# Returns the Sobel filter kernels Sx and Sy
Sx = .25 *[[1.], [2.], [1.]], [[1., 0., -1.]])
if (kernel_size > 3):
n = (np.floor((kernel_size - 5) / 2 + 1)).astype(int)
for i in range(0, n):
Sx = (1./16.) * signal.convolve2d([[1.], [2.], [1.]], [[1., 2., 1.]]), Sx)
Sy = np.transpose(Sx)
return Sx, Sy
def __str__(self):
# =============================================================
# class: color_conversion
# color conversion from one color space to another
# =============================================================
class color_conversion:
def __init__(self, data, name="color conversion"): = np.float32(data) = name
def rgb2gray(self):
return 0.299 *[:, :, 0] +\
0.587 *[:, :, 1] +\
0.114 *[:, :, 2]
def rgb2ycc(self, rule="bt601"):
# map to select kr and kb
kr_kb_dict = {"bt601" : [0.299, 0.114],\
"bt709" : [0.2126, 0.0722],\
"bt2020" : [0.2627, 0.0593]}
kr = kr_kb_dict[rule][0]
kb = kr_kb_dict[rule][1]
kg = 1 - (kr + kb)
output = np.empty(np.shape(, dtype=np.float32)
output[:, :, 0] = kr *[:, :, 0] + \
kg *[:, :, 1] + \
kb *[:, :, 2]
output[:, :, 1] = 0.5 * (([:, :, 2] - output[:, :, 0]) / (1 - kb))
output[:, :, 2] = 0.5 * (([:, :, 0] - output[:, :, 0]) / (1 - kr))
return output
def ycc2rgb(self, rule="bt601"):
# map to select kr and kb
kr_kb_dict = {"bt601" : [0.299, 0.114],\
"bt709" : [0.2126, 0.0722],\
"bt2020" : [0.2627, 0.0593]}
kr = kr_kb_dict[rule][0]
kb = kr_kb_dict[rule][1]
kg = 1 - (kr + kb)
output = np.empty(np.shape(, dtype=np.float32)
output[:, :, 0] = 2. *[:, :, 2] * (1 - kr) +[:, :, 0]
output[:, :, 2] = 2. *[:, :, 1] * (1 - kb) +[:, :, 0]
output[:, :, 1] = ([:, :, 0] - kr * output[:, :, 0] - kb * output[:, :, 2]) / kg
return output
def rgb2xyz(self, color_space="srgb", clip_range=[0, 65535]):
# input rgb in range clip_range
# output xyz is in range 0 to 1
if (color_space == "srgb"):
# degamma / linearization
data = helpers(
data = np.float32(data)
data = np.divide(data, clip_range[1])
# matrix multiplication`
output = np.empty(np.shape(, dtype=np.float32)
output[:, :, 0] = data[:, :, 0] * 0.4124 + data[:, :, 1] * 0.3576 + data[:, :, 2] * 0.1805
output[:, :, 1] = data[:, :, 0] * 0.2126 + data[:, :, 1] * 0.7152 + data[:, :, 2] * 0.0722
output[:, :, 2] = data[:, :, 0] * 0.0193 + data[:, :, 1] * 0.1192 + data[:, :, 2] * 0.9505
elif (color_space == "adobe-rgb-1998"):
# degamma / linearization
data = helpers(
data = np.float32(data)
data = np.divide(data, clip_range[1])
# matrix multiplication
output = np.empty(np.shape(, dtype=np.float32)
output[:, :, 0] = data[:, :, 0] * 0.5767309 + data[:, :, 1] * 0.1855540 + data[:, :, 2] * 0.1881852
output[:, :, 1] = data[:, :, 0] * 0.2973769 + data[:, :, 1] * 0.6273491 + data[:, :, 2] * 0.0752741
output[:, :, 2] = data[:, :, 0] * 0.0270343 + data[:, :, 1] * 0.0706872 + data[:, :, 2] * 0.9911085
elif (color_space == "linear"):
# matrix multiplication`
output = np.empty(np.shape(, dtype=np.float32)
data = np.float32(
data = np.divide(data, clip_range[1])
output[:, :, 0] = data[:, :, 0] * 0.4124 + data[:, :, 1] * 0.3576 + data[:, :, 2] * 0.1805
output[:, :, 1] = data[:, :, 0] * 0.2126 + data[:, :, 1] * 0.7152 + data[:, :, 2] * 0.0722
output[:, :, 2] = data[:, :, 0] * 0.0193 + data[:, :, 1] * 0.1192 + data[:, :, 2] * 0.9505
print("Warning! color_space must be srgb or adobe-rgb-1998.")
return output
def xyz2rgb(self, color_space="srgb", clip_range=[0, 65535]):
# input xyz is in range 0 to 1
# output rgb in clip_range
# allocate space for output
output = np.empty(np.shape(, dtype=np.float32)
if (color_space == "srgb"):
# matrix multiplication
output[:, :, 0] =[:, :, 0] * 3.2406 +[:, :, 1] * -1.5372 +[:, :, 2] * -0.4986
output[:, :, 1] =[:, :, 0] * -0.9689 +[:, :, 1] * 1.8758 +[:, :, 2] * 0.0415
output[:, :, 2] =[:, :, 0] * 0.0557 +[:, :, 1] * -0.2040 +[:, :, 2] * 1.0570
# gamma to retain nonlinearity
output = helpers(output * clip_range[1]).gamma_srgb(clip_range)
elif (color_space == "adobe-rgb-1998"):
# matrix multiplication
output[:, :, 0] =[:, :, 0] * 2.0413690 +[:, :, 1] * -0.5649464 +[:, :, 2] * -0.3446944
output[:, :, 1] =[:, :, 0] * -0.9692660 +[:, :, 1] * 1.8760108 +[:, :, 2] * 0.0415560
output[:, :, 2] =[:, :, 0] * 0.0134474 +[:, :, 1] * -0.1183897 +[:, :, 2] * 1.0154096
# gamma to retain nonlinearity
output = helpers(output * clip_range[1]).gamma_adobe_rgb_1998(clip_range)
elif (color_space == "linear"):
# matrix multiplication
output[:, :, 0] =[:, :, 0] * 3.2406 +[:, :, 1] * -1.5372 +[:, :, 2] * -0.4986
output[:, :, 1] =[:, :, 0] * -0.9689 +[:, :, 1] * 1.8758 +[:, :, 2] * 0.0415
output[:, :, 2] =[:, :, 0] * 0.0557 +[:, :, 1] * -0.2040 +[:, :, 2] * 1.0570
# gamma to retain nonlinearity
output = output * clip_range[1]
print("Warning! color_space must be srgb or adobe-rgb-1998.")
return output
def xyz2lab(self, cie_version="1931", illuminant="d65"):
xyz_reference = helpers().get_xyz_reference(cie_version, illuminant)
data =
data[:, :, 0] = data[:, :, 0] / xyz_reference[0]
data[:, :, 1] = data[:, :, 1] / xyz_reference[1]
data[:, :, 2] = data[:, :, 2] / xyz_reference[2]
data = np.asarray(data)
# if data[x, y, c] > 0.008856, data[x, y, c] = data[x, y, c] ^ (1/3)
# else, data[x, y, c] = 7.787 * data[x, y, c] + 16/116
mask = data > 0.008856
data[mask] **= 1./3.
data[np.invert(mask)] *= 7.787
data[np.invert(mask)] += 16./116.
data = np.float32(data)
output = np.empty(np.shape(, dtype=np.float32)
output[:, :, 0] = 116. * data[:, :, 1] - 16.
output[:, :, 1] = 500. * (data[:, :, 0] - data[:, :, 1])
output[:, :, 2] = 200. * (data[:, :, 1] - data[:, :, 2])
return output
def lab2xyz(self, cie_version="1931", illuminant="d65"):
output = np.empty(np.shape(, dtype=np.float32)
output[:, :, 1] = ([:, :, 0] + 16.) / 116.
output[:, :, 0] = ([:, :, 1] / 500.) + output[:, :, 1]
output[:, :, 2] = output[:, :, 1] - ([:, :, 2] / 200.)
# if output[x, y, c] > 0.008856, output[x, y, c] ^ 3
# else, output[x, y, c] = ( output[x, y, c] - 16/116 ) / 7.787
output = np.asarray(output)
mask = output > 0.008856
output[mask] **= 3.
output[np.invert(mask)] -= 16/116
output[np.invert(mask)] /= 7.787
xyz_reference = helpers().get_xyz_reference(cie_version, illuminant)
output = np.float32(output)
output[:, :, 0] = output[:, :, 0] * xyz_reference[0]
output[:, :, 1] = output[:, :, 1] * xyz_reference[1]
output[:, :, 2] = output[:, :, 2] * xyz_reference[2]
return output
def lab2lch(self):
output = np.empty(np.shape(, dtype=np.float32)
output[:, :, 0] =[:, :, 0] # L transfers directly
output[:, :, 1] = np.power(np.power([:, :, 1], 2) + np.power([:, :, 2], 2), 0.5)
output[:, :, 2] = np.arctan2([:, :, 2],[:, :, 1]) * 180 / np.pi
return output
def lch2lab(self):
output = np.empty(np.shape(, dtype=np.float32)
output[:, :, 0] =[:, :, 0] # L transfers directly
output[:, :, 1] = np.multiply(np.cos([:, :, 2] * np.pi / 180),[:, :, 1])
output[:, :, 2] = np.multiply(np.sin([:, :, 2] * np.pi / 180),[:, :, 1])
return output
def __str__(self):
# =============================================================
# class: edge_detection
# detect edges in an image
# =============================================================
class edge_detection:
def __init__(self, data, name="edge detection"): = np.float32(data) = name
def sobel(self, kernel_size=3, output_type="all", threshold=0., clip_range=[0, 65535]):
Sx, Sy = create_filter().sobel(kernel_size)
# Gradient in x direction: Gx
# Gradient in y direction: Gy
if np.ndim( > 2:
Gx = np.empty(np.shape(, dtype=np.float32)
Gy = np.empty(np.shape(, dtype=np.float32)
for dimension_idx in range(0, np.shape([2]):
Gx[:, :, dimension_idx] = signal.convolve2d([:, :, dimension_idx], Sx, mode="same", boundary="symm")
Gy[:, :, dimension_idx] = signal.convolve2d([:, :, dimension_idx], Sy, mode="same", boundary="symm")
elif np.ndim( == 2:
Gx = signal.convolve2d(, Sx, mode="same", boundary="symm")
Gy = signal.convolve2d(, Sy, mode="same", boundary="symm")
print("Warning! Data dimension must be 2 or 3.")
# Gradient magnitude
G = np.power(np.power(Gx, 2) + np.power(Gy, 2), .5)
if (output_type == "gradient_magnitude"):
return G
# Gradient angle
theta = np.arctan(np.divide(Gy, Gx)) * 180. / np.pi
if (output_type == "gradient_magnitude_and_angle"):
return G, theta
# Change the threshold according to the clip_range's maximum value
threshold = threshold * clip_range[1]
# calculating if the edge is a strong edge
is_edge = np.zeros(np.shape(
mask = G > threshold
is_edge[mask] = 1
if (output_type == "is_edge"):
return is_edge
# Edge direction label
temp = np.asarray(theta)
direction_label = np.zeros(np.shape(, dtype=np.float32)
if np.ndim( > 2):
for i in range(0, np.shape([2]):
direction_label[:, :, i] = helpers().sobel_prewitt_direction_label(G[:, :, i], theta[:, :, i], threshold)
direction_label = helpers().sobel_prewitt_direction_label(G, theta, threshold)
if (output_type == "all"):
return G, Gx, Gy, theta, is_edge, direction_label
def __str__(self):