6721043 verified
# Note:
# The functions try to operate in float32 data precision
# =============================================================
# Import the libraries
# =============================================================
import numpy as np # array operations
import math # basing math operations
from matplotlib import pylab as plt
import time # measure runtime
import utility
import debayer
import sys # float precision
from scipy import signal # convolutions
from scipy import interpolate # for interpolation
# =============================================================
# class: ImageInfo
# Helps set up necessary information/metadata of the image
# =============================================================
class ImageInfo:
def __init__(self, name = "unknown", data = -1, is_show = False): = name = data
self.size = np.shape(
self.is_show = is_show
self.color_space = "unknown"
self.bayer_pattern = "unknown"
self.channel_gain = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
self.bit_depth = 0
self.black_level = (0, 0, 0, 0)
self.white_level = (1, 1, 1, 1)
self.color_matrix = [[1., .0, .0],\
[.0, 1., .0],\
[.0, .0, 1.]] # xyz2cam
self.min_value = np.min(
self.max_value = np.max(
self.data_type =
# Display image only isShow = True
if (self.is_show):
def set_data(self, data):
# This function updates data and corresponding fields = data
self.size = np.shape(
self.data_type =
self.min_value = np.min(
self.max_value = np.max(
def get_size(self):
return self.size
def get_width(self):
return self.size[1]
def get_height(self):
return self.size[0]
def get_depth(self):
if np.ndim( > 2:
return self.size[2]
return 0
def set_color_space(self, color_space):
self.color_space = color_space
def get_color_space(self):
return self.color_space
def set_channel_gain(self, channel_gain):
self.channel_gain = channel_gain
def get_channel_gain(self):
return self.channel_gain
def set_color_matrix(self, color_matrix):
self.color_matrix = color_matrix
def get_color_matrix(self):
return self.color_matrix
def set_bayer_pattern(self, bayer_pattern):
self.bayer_pattern = bayer_pattern
def get_bayer_pattern(self):
return self.bayer_pattern
def set_bit_depth(self, bit_depth):
self.bit_depth = bit_depth
def get_bit_depth(self):
return self.bit_depth
def set_black_level(self, black_level):
self.black_level = black_level
def get_black_level(self):
return self.black_level
def set_white_level(self, white_level):
self.white_level = white_level
def get_white_level(self):
return self.white_level
def get_min_value(self):
return self.min_value
def get_max_value(self):
return self.max_value
def get_data_type(self):
return self.data_type
def __str__(self):
return "Image " + + " info:" + \
"\n\tname:\t" + + \
"\n\tsize:\t" + str(self.size) + \
"\n\tcolor space:\t" + self.color_space + \
"\n\tbayer pattern:\t" + self.bayer_pattern + \
"\n\tchannel gains:\t" + str(self.channel_gain) + \
"\n\tbit depth:\t" + str(self.bit_depth) + \
"\n\tdata type:\t" + str(self.data_type) + \
"\n\tblack level:\t" + str(self.black_level) + \
"\n\tminimum value:\t" + str(self.min_value) + \
"\n\tmaximum value:\t" + str(self.max_value)
# =============================================================
# function: black_level_correction
# subtracts the black level channel wise
# =============================================================
def black_level_correction(raw, black_level, white_level, clip_range):
print("Running black level correction...")
# make float32 in case if it was not
black_level = np.float32(black_level)
white_level = np.float32(white_level)
raw = np.float32(raw)
# create new data so that original raw data do not change
data = np.zeros(raw.shape)
# bring data in range 0 to 1
data[::2, ::2] = (raw[::2, ::2] - black_level[0]) / (white_level[0] - black_level[0])
data[::2, 1::2] = (raw[::2, 1::2] - black_level[1]) / (white_level[1] - black_level[1])
data[1::2, ::2] = (raw[1::2, ::2] - black_level[2]) / (white_level[2] - black_level[2])
data[1::2, 1::2] = (raw[1::2, 1::2]- black_level[3]) / (white_level[3] - black_level[3])
# bring within the bit depth range
data = data * clip_range[1]
# clip within the range
data = np.clip(data, clip_range[0], clip_range[1]) # upper level not necessary
data = np.float32(data)
return data
# =============================================================
# function: channel_gain_white_balance
# multiply with the white balance channel gains
# =============================================================
def channel_gain_white_balance(data, channel_gain):
print("Running channel gain white balance...")
# convert into float32 in case they were not
data = np.float32(data)
channel_gain = np.float32(channel_gain)
# multiply with the channel gains
data[::2, ::2] = data[::2, ::2] * channel_gain[0]
data[::2, 1::2] = data[::2, 1::2] * channel_gain[1]
data[1::2, ::2] = data[1::2, ::2] * channel_gain[2]
data[1::2, 1::2] = data[1::2, 1::2] * channel_gain[3]
# clipping within range
data = np.clip(data, 0., None) # upper level not necessary
return data
# =============================================================
# function: bad_pixel_correction
# correct for the bad (dead, stuck, or hot) pixels
# =============================================================
def bad_pixel_correction(data, neighborhood_size):
print("Running bad pixel correction...")
if ((neighborhood_size % 2) == 0):
print("neighborhood_size shoud be odd number, recommended value 3")
return data
# convert to float32 in case they were not
# Being consistent in data format to be float32
data = np.float32(data)
# Separate out the quarter resolution images
D = {} # Empty dictionary
D[0] = data[::2, ::2]
D[1] = data[::2, 1::2]
D[2] = data[1::2, ::2]
D[3] = data[1::2, 1::2]
# number of pixels to be padded at the borders
no_of_pixel_pad = math.floor(neighborhood_size / 2.)
for idx in range(0, len(D)): # perform same operation for each quarter
# display progress
print("bad pixel correction: Quarter " + str(idx+1) + " of 4")
img = D[idx]
width, height = utility.helpers(img).get_width_height()
# pad pixels at the borders
img = np.pad(img, \
(no_of_pixel_pad, no_of_pixel_pad),\
'reflect') # reflect would not repeat the border value
for i in range(no_of_pixel_pad, height + no_of_pixel_pad):
for j in range(no_of_pixel_pad, width + no_of_pixel_pad):
# save the middle pixel value
mid_pixel_val = img[i, j]
# extract the neighborhood
neighborhood = img[i - no_of_pixel_pad : i + no_of_pixel_pad+1,\
j - no_of_pixel_pad : j + no_of_pixel_pad+1]
# set the center pixels value same as the left pixel
# Does not matter replace with right or left pixel
# is used to replace the center pixels value
neighborhood[no_of_pixel_pad, no_of_pixel_pad] = neighborhood[no_of_pixel_pad, no_of_pixel_pad-1]
min_neighborhood = np.min(neighborhood)
max_neighborhood = np.max(neighborhood)
if (mid_pixel_val < min_neighborhood):
img[i,j] = min_neighborhood
elif (mid_pixel_val > max_neighborhood):
img[i,j] = max_neighborhood
img[i,j] = mid_pixel_val
# Put the corrected image to the dictionary
D[idx] = img[no_of_pixel_pad : height + no_of_pixel_pad,\
no_of_pixel_pad : width + no_of_pixel_pad]
# Regrouping the data
data[::2, ::2] = D[0]
data[::2, 1::2] = D[1]
data[1::2, ::2] = D[2]
data[1::2, 1::2] = D[3]
return data
# =============================================================
# class: demosaic
# =============================================================
class demosaic:
def __init__(self, data, bayer_pattern="rggb", clip_range=[0, 65535], name="demosaic"): = np.float32(data)
self.bayer_pattern = bayer_pattern
self.clip_range = clip_range = name
def mhc(self, timeshow=False):
print("Running demosaicing using Malvar-He-Cutler algorithm...")
return debayer.debayer_mhc(, self.bayer_pattern, self.clip_range, timeshow)
def post_process_local_color_ratio(self, beta):
# Objective is to reduce high chroma jump
# Beta is controlling parameter, higher gives more effect,
# however, too high does not make any more change
print("Demosaicing post process using local color ratio...")
data =
# add beta with the data to prevent divide by zero
data_beta = + beta
# convolution kernels
# zeta1 averages the up, down, left, and right four values of a 3x3 window
zeta1 = np.multiply([[0., 1., 0.], [1., 0., 1.], [0., 1., 0.]], .25)
# zeta2 averages the four corner values of a 3x3 window
zeta2 = np.multiply([[1., 0., 1.], [0., 0., 0.], [1., 0., 1.]], .25)
# average of color ratio
g_over_b = signal.convolve2d(np.divide(data_beta[:, :, 1], data_beta[:, :, 2]), zeta1, mode="same", boundary="symm")
g_over_r = signal.convolve2d(np.divide(data_beta[:, :, 1], data_beta[:, :, 0]), zeta1, mode="same", boundary="symm")
b_over_g_zeta2 = signal.convolve2d(np.divide(data_beta[:, :, 2], data_beta[:, :, 1]), zeta2, mode="same", boundary="symm")
r_over_g_zeta2 = signal.convolve2d(np.divide(data_beta[:, :, 0], data_beta[:, :, 1]), zeta2, mode="same", boundary="symm")
b_over_g_zeta1 = signal.convolve2d(np.divide(data_beta[:, :, 2], data_beta[:, :, 1]), zeta1, mode="same", boundary="symm")
r_over_g_zeta1 = signal.convolve2d(np.divide(data_beta[:, :, 0], data_beta[:, :, 1]), zeta1, mode="same", boundary="symm")
# G at B locations and G at R locations
if self.bayer_pattern == "rggb":
# G at B locations
data[1::2, 1::2, 1] = -beta + np.multiply(data_beta[1::2, 1::2, 2], g_over_b[1::2, 1::2])
# G at R locations
data[::2, ::2, 1] = -beta + np.multiply(data_beta[::2, ::2, 0], g_over_r[::2, ::2])
# B at R locations
data[::2, ::2, 2] = -beta + np.multiply(data_beta[::2, ::2, 1], b_over_g_zeta2[::2, ::2])
# R at B locations
data[1::2, 1::2, 0] = -beta + np.multiply(data_beta[1::2, 1::2, 1], r_over_g_zeta2[1::2, 1::2])
# B at G locations
data[::2, 1::2, 2] = -beta + np.multiply(data_beta[::2, 1::2, 1], b_over_g_zeta1[::2, 1::2])
data[1::2, ::2, 2] = -beta + np.multiply(data_beta[1::2, ::2, 1], b_over_g_zeta1[1::2, ::2])
# R at G locations
data[::2, 1::2, 0] = -beta + np.multiply(data_beta[::2, 1::2, 1], r_over_g_zeta1[::2, 1::2])
data[1::2, ::2, 0] = -beta + np.multiply(data_beta[1::2, ::2, 1], r_over_g_zeta1[1::2, ::2])
elif self.bayer_pattern == "grbg":
# G at B locations
data[1::2, ::2, 1] = -beta + np.multiply(data_beta[1::2, ::2, 2], g_over_b[1::2, 1::2])
# G at R locations
data[::2, 1::2, 1] = -beta + np.multiply(data_beta[::2, 1::2, 0], g_over_r[::2, 1::2])
# B at R locations
data[::2, 1::2, 2] = -beta + np.multiply(data_beta[::2, 1::2, 1], b_over_g_zeta2[::2, 1::2])
# R at B locations
data[1::2, ::2, 0] = -beta + np.multiply(data_beta[1::2, ::2, 1], r_over_g_zeta2[1::2, ::2])
# B at G locations
data[::2, ::2, 2] = -beta + np.multiply(data_beta[::2, ::2, 1], b_over_g_zeta1[::2, ::2])
data[1::2, 1::2, 2] = -beta + np.multiply(data_beta[1::2, 1::2, 1], b_over_g_zeta1[1::2, 1::2])
# R at G locations
data[::2, ::2, 0] = -beta + np.multiply(data_beta[::2, ::2, 1], r_over_g_zeta1[::2, ::2])
data[1::2, 1::2, 0] = -beta + np.multiply(data_beta[1::2, 1::2, 1], r_over_g_zeta1[1::2, 1::2])
elif self.bayer_pattern == "gbrg":
# G at B locations
data[::2, 1::2, 1] = -beta + np.multiply(data_beta[::2, 1::2, 2], g_over_b[::2, 1::2])
# G at R locations
data[1::2, ::2, 1] = -beta + np.multiply(data_beta[1::2, ::2, 0], g_over_r[1::2, ::2])
# B at R locations
data[1::2, ::2, 2] = -beta + np.multiply(data_beta[1::2, ::2, 1], b_over_g_zeta2[1::2, ::2])
# R at B locations
data[::2, 1::2, 0] = -beta + np.multiply(data_beta[::2, 1::2, 1], r_over_g_zeta2[::2, 1::2])
# B at G locations
data[::2, ::2, 2] = -beta + np.multiply(data_beta[::2, ::2, 1], b_over_g_zeta1[::2, ::2])
data[1::2, 1::2, 2] = -beta + np.multiply(data_beta[1::2, 1::2, 1], b_over_g_zeta1[1::2, 1::2])
# R at G locations
data[::2, ::2, 0] = -beta + np.multiply(data_beta[::2, ::2, 1], r_over_g_zeta1[::2, ::2])
data[1::2, 1::2, 0] = -beta + np.multiply(data_beta[1::2, 1::2, 1], r_over_g_zeta1[1::2, 1::2])
elif self.bayer_pattern == "bggr":
# G at B locations
data[::2, ::2, 1] = -beta + np.multiply(data_beta[::2, ::2, 2], g_over_b[::2, ::2])
# G at R locations
data[1::2, 1::2, 1] = -beta + np.multiply(data_beta[1::2, 1::2, 0], g_over_r[1::2, 1::2])
# B at R locations
data[1::2, 1::2, 2] = -beta + np.multiply(data_beta[1::2, 1::2, 1], b_over_g_zeta2[1::2, 1::2])
# R at B locations
data[::2, ::2, 0] = -beta + np.multiply(data_beta[::2, ::2, 1], r_over_g_zeta2[::2, ::2])
# B at G locations
data[::2, 1::2, 2] = -beta + np.multiply(data_beta[::2, 1::2, 1], b_over_g_zeta1[::2, 1::2])
data[1::2, ::2, 2] = -beta + np.multiply(data_beta[1::2, ::2, 1], b_over_g_zeta1[1::2, ::2])
# R at G locations
data[::2, 1::2, 0] = -beta + np.multiply(data_beta[::2, 1::2, 1], r_over_g_zeta1[::2, 1::2])
data[1::2, ::2, 0] = -beta + np.multiply(data_beta[1::2, ::2, 1], r_over_g_zeta1[1::2, ::2])
return np.clip(data, self.clip_range[0], self.clip_range[1])
def directionally_weighted_gradient_based_interpolation(self):
# Reference:
print("Running demosaicing using directionally weighted gradient based interpolation...")
# Fill up the green channel
G = debayer.fill_channel_directional_weight(, self.bayer_pattern)
B, R = debayer.fill_br_locations(, G, self.bayer_pattern)
width, height = utility.helpers(
output = np.empty((height, width, 3), dtype=np.float32)
output[:, :, 0] = R
output[:, :, 1] = G
output[:, :, 2] = B
return np.clip(output, self.clip_range[0], self.clip_range[1])
def post_process_median_filter(self, edge_detect_kernel_size=3, edge_threshold=0, median_filter_kernel_size=3, clip_range=[0, 65535]):
# Objective is to reduce the zipper effect around the edges
# Inputs:
# edge_detect_kernel_size: the neighborhood size used to detect edges
# edge_threshold: the threshold value above which (compared against)
# the gradient_magnitude to declare if it is an edge
# median_filter_kernel_size: the neighborhood size used to perform
# median filter operation
# clip_range: used for scaling in edge_detection
# Output:
# output: median filtered output around the edges
# edge_location: a debug image to see where the edges were detected
# based on the threshold
# detect edge locations
edge_location = utility.edge_detection(, "is_edge", edge_threshold, clip_range)
# allocate space for output
output = np.empty(np.shape(, dtype=np.float32)
if (np.ndim( > 2):
for i in range(0, np.shape([2]):
output[:, :, i] = utility.helpers([:, :, i]).edge_wise_median(median_filter_kernel_size, edge_location[:, :, i])
elif (np.ndim( == 2):
output = utility.helpers(, edge_location)
return output, edge_location
def __str__(self):
# =============================================================
# class: lens_shading_correction
# Correct the lens shading / vignetting
# =============================================================
class lens_shading_correction:
def __init__(self, data, name="lens_shading_correction"):
# convert to float32 in case it was not = np.float32(data) = name
def flat_field_compensation(self, dark_current_image, flat_field_image):
# dark_current_image:
# is captured from the camera with cap on
# and fully dark condition, several images captured and
# temporally averaged
# flat_field_image:
# is found by capturing an image of a flat field test chart
# with certain lighting condition
# Note: flat_field_compensation is memory intensive procedure because
# both the dark_current_image and flat_field_image need to be
# saved in memory beforehand
print("Running lens shading correction with flat field compensation...")
# convert to float32 in case it was not
dark_current_image = np.float32(dark_current_image)
flat_field_image = np.float32(flat_field_image)
temp = flat_field_image - dark_current_image
return np.average(temp) * np.divide(( - dark_current_image), temp)
def approximate_mathematical_compensation(self, params, clip_min=0, clip_max=65535):
# parms:
# parameters of a parabolic model y = a*(x-b)^2 + c
# For example, params = [0.01759, -28.37, -13.36]
# Note: approximate_mathematical_compensation require less memory
print("Running lens shading correction with approximate mathematical compensation...")
width, height = utility.helpers(
center_pixel_pos = [height/2, width/2]
max_distance = utility.distance_euclid(center_pixel_pos, [height, width])
# allocate memory for output
temp = np.empty((height, width), dtype=np.float32)
for i in range(0, height):
for j in range(0, width):
distance = utility.distance_euclid(center_pixel_pos, [i, j]) / max_distance
# parabolic model
gain = params[0] * (distance - params[1])**2 + params[2]
temp[i, j] =[i, j] * gain
temp = np.clip(temp, clip_min, clip_max)
return temp
def __str__(self):
return "lens shading correction. There are two methods: " + \
"\n (1) flat_field_compensation: requires dark_current_image and flat_field_image" + \
"\n (2) approximate_mathematical_compensation:"
# =============================================================
# class: lens_shading_correction
# Correct the lens shading / vignetting
# =============================================================
class bayer_denoising:
def __init__(self, data, name="bayer_denoising"):
# convert to float32 in case it was not = np.float32(data) = name
def utilize_hvs_behavior(self, bayer_pattern, initial_noise_level, hvs_min, hvs_max, threshold_red_blue, clip_range):
# Objective: bayer denoising
# Inputs:
# bayer_pattern: rggb, gbrg, grbg, bggr
# initial_noise_level:
# Output:
# denoised bayer raw output
# Source: Based on paper titled "Noise Reduction for CFA Image Sensors
# Exploiting HVS Behaviour," by Angelo Bosco, Sebastiano Battiato,
# Arcangelo Bruna and Rosetta Rizzo
# Sensors 2009, 9, 1692-1713; doi:10.3390/s90301692
print("Running bayer denoising utilizing hvs behavior...")
# copy the to raw and we will only work on raw
# to make sure no change happen to
raw =
raw = np.clip(raw, clip_range[0], clip_range[1])
width, height = utility.helpers(raw).get_width_height()
# First make the bayer_pattern rggb
# The algorithm is written only for rggb pattern, thus convert all other
# pattern to rggb. Furthermore, this shuffling does not affect the
# algorithm output
if (bayer_pattern != "rggb"):
raw = utility.helpers(, "rggb")
# fixed neighborhood_size
neighborhood_size = 5 # we are keeping this fixed
# bigger size such as 9 can be declared
# however, the code need to be changed then
# pad two pixels at the border
no_of_pixel_pad = math.floor(neighborhood_size / 2) # number of pixels to pad
raw = np.pad(raw, \
(no_of_pixel_pad, no_of_pixel_pad),\
'reflect') # reflect would not repeat the border value
# allocating space for denoised output
denoised_out = np.empty((height, width), dtype=np.float32)
texture_degree_debug = np.empty((height, width), dtype=np.float32)
for i in range(no_of_pixel_pad, height + no_of_pixel_pad):
for j in range(no_of_pixel_pad, width + no_of_pixel_pad):
# center pixel
center_pixel = raw[i, j]
# signal analyzer block
half_max = clip_range[1] / 2
if (center_pixel <= half_max):
hvs_weight = -(((hvs_max - hvs_min) * center_pixel) / half_max) + hvs_max
hvs_weight = (((center_pixel - clip_range[1]) * (hvs_max - hvs_min))/(clip_range[1] - half_max)) + hvs_max
# noise level estimator previous value
if (j < no_of_pixel_pad+2):
noise_level_previous_red = initial_noise_level
noise_level_previous_blue = initial_noise_level
noise_level_previous_green = initial_noise_level
noise_level_previous_green = noise_level_current_green
if ((i % 2) == 0): # red
noise_level_previous_red = noise_level_current_red
elif ((i % 2) != 0): # blue
noise_level_previous_blue = noise_level_current_blue
# Processings depending on Green or Red/Blue
# Red
if (((i % 2) == 0) and ((j % 2) == 0)):
# get neighborhood
neighborhood = [raw[i-2, j-2], raw[i-2, j], raw[i-2, j+2],\
raw[i, j-2], raw[i, j+2],\
raw[i+2, j-2], raw[i+2, j], raw[i+2, j+2]]
# absolute difference from the center pixel
d = np.abs(neighborhood - center_pixel)
# maximum and minimum difference
d_max = np.max(d)
d_min = np.min(d)
# calculate texture_threshold
texture_threshold = hvs_weight + noise_level_previous_red
# texture degree analyzer
if (d_max <= threshold_red_blue):
texture_degree = 1.
elif ((d_max > threshold_red_blue) and (d_max <= texture_threshold)):
texture_degree = -((d_max - threshold_red_blue) / (texture_threshold - threshold_red_blue)) + 1.
elif (d_max > texture_threshold):
texture_degree = 0.
# noise level estimator update
noise_level_current_red = texture_degree * d_max + (1 - texture_degree) * noise_level_previous_red
# Blue
elif (((i % 2) != 0) and ((j % 2) != 0)):
# get neighborhood
neighborhood = [raw[i-2, j-2], raw[i-2, j], raw[i-2, j+2],\
raw[i, j-2], raw[i, j+2],\
raw[i+2, j-2], raw[i+2, j], raw[i+2, j+2]]
# absolute difference from the center pixel
d = np.abs(neighborhood - center_pixel)
# maximum and minimum difference
d_max = np.max(d)
d_min = np.min(d)
# calculate texture_threshold
texture_threshold = hvs_weight + noise_level_previous_blue
# texture degree analyzer
if (d_max <= threshold_red_blue):
texture_degree = 1.
elif ((d_max > threshold_red_blue) and (d_max <= texture_threshold)):
texture_degree = -((d_max - threshold_red_blue) / (texture_threshold - threshold_red_blue)) + 1.
elif (d_max > texture_threshold):
texture_degree = 0.
# noise level estimator update
noise_level_current_blue = texture_degree * d_max + (1 - texture_degree) * noise_level_previous_blue
# Green
elif ((((i % 2) == 0) and ((j % 2) != 0)) or (((i % 2) != 0) and ((j % 2) == 0))):
neighborhood = [raw[i-2, j-2], raw[i-2, j], raw[i-2, j+2],\
raw[i-1, j-1], raw[i-1, j+1],\
raw[i, j-2], raw[i, j+2],\
raw[i+1, j-1], raw[i+1, j+1],\
raw[i+2, j-2], raw[i+2, j], raw[i+2, j+2]]
# difference from the center pixel
d = np.abs(neighborhood - center_pixel)
# maximum and minimum difference
d_max = np.max(d)
d_min = np.min(d)
# calculate texture_threshold
texture_threshold = hvs_weight + noise_level_previous_green
# texture degree analyzer
if (d_max == 0):
texture_degree = 1
elif ((d_max > 0) and (d_max <= texture_threshold)):
texture_degree = -(d_max / texture_threshold) + 1.
elif (d_max > texture_threshold):
texture_degree = 0
# noise level estimator update
noise_level_current_green = texture_degree * d_max + (1 - texture_degree) * noise_level_previous_green
# similarity threshold calculation
if (texture_degree == 1):
threshold_low = threshold_high = d_max
elif (texture_degree == 0):
threshold_low = d_min
threshold_high = (d_max + d_min) / 2
elif ((texture_degree > 0) and (texture_degree < 1)):
threshold_high = (d_max + ((d_max + d_min) / 2)) / 2
threshold_low = (d_min + threshold_high) / 2
# weight computation
weight = np.empty(np.size(d), dtype=np.float32)
pf = 0.
for w_i in range(0, np.size(d)):
if (d[w_i] <= threshold_low):
weight[w_i] = 1.
elif (d[w_i] > threshold_high):
weight[w_i] = 0.
elif ((d[w_i] > threshold_low) and (d[w_i] < threshold_high)):
weight[w_i] = 1. + ((d[w_i] - threshold_low) / (threshold_low - threshold_high))
pf += weight[w_i] * neighborhood[w_i] + (1. - weight[w_i]) * center_pixel
denoised_out[i - no_of_pixel_pad, j-no_of_pixel_pad] = pf / np.size(d)
# texture_degree_debug is a debug output
texture_degree_debug[i - no_of_pixel_pad, j-no_of_pixel_pad] = texture_degree
if (bayer_pattern != "rggb"):
denoised_out = utility.shuffle_bayer_pattern(denoised_out, "rggb", bayer_pattern)
return np.clip(denoised_out, clip_range[0], clip_range[1]), texture_degree_debug
def __str__(self):
# =============================================================
# class: color_correction
# Correct the color in linaer domain
# =============================================================
class color_correction:
def __init__(self, data, color_matrix, color_space="srgb", illuminant="d65", name="color correction", clip_range=[0, 65535]):
# Inputs:
# data: linear rgb image before nonlinearity/gamma
# xyz2cam: 3x3 matrix found from the camera metedata, specifically
# color matrix 2 from the metadata
# color_space: output color space
# illuminance: the illuminant of the lighting condition
# name: name of the class = np.float32(data)
self.xyz2cam = np.float32(color_matrix)
self.color_space = color_space
self.illuminant = illuminant = name
self.clip_range = clip_range
def get_rgb2xyz(self):
# Objective: get the rgb2xyz matrix dependin on the output color space
# and the illuminant
# Source:
if (self.color_space == "srgb"):
if (self.illuminant == "d65"):
return [[.4124564, .3575761, .1804375],\
[.2126729, .7151522, .0721750],\
[.0193339, .1191920, .9503041]]
elif (self.illuminant == "d50"):
return [[.4360747, .3850649, .1430804],\
[.2225045, .7168786, .0606169],\
[.0139322, .0971045, .7141733]]
print("for now, color_space must be d65 or d50")
elif (self.color_space == "adobe-rgb-1998"):
if (self.illuminant == "d65"):
return [[.5767309, .1855540, .1881852],\
[.2973769, .6273491, .0752741],\
[.0270343, .0706872, .9911085]]
elif (self.illuminant == "d50"):
return [[.6097559, .2052401, .1492240],\
[.3111242, .6256560, .0632197],\
[.0194811, .0608902, .7448387]]
print("for now, illuminant must be d65 or d50")
print("for now, color_space must be srgb or adobe-rgb-1998")
def calculate_cam2rgb(self):
# Objective: Calculates the color correction matrix
# matric multiplication
rgb2cam =, self.get_rgb2xyz())
# make sum of each row to be 1.0, necessary to preserve white balance
# basically divice each value by its row wise sum
rgb2cam = np.divide(rgb2cam, np.reshape(np.sum(rgb2cam, 1), [3, 1]))
# - inverse the matrix to get cam2rgb.
# - cam2rgb should also have the characteristic that sum of each row
# equal to 1.0 to preserve white balance
# - check if rgb2cam is invertible by checking the condition of
# rgb2cam. If rgb2cam is singular it will give a warning and
# return an identiry matrix
if (np.linalg.cond(rgb2cam) < (1 / sys.float_info.epsilon)):
return np.linalg.inv(rgb2cam) # this is cam2rgb / color correction matrix
print("Warning! matrix not invertible.")
return np.identity(3, dtype=np.float32)
def apply_cmatrix(self):
# Objective: Apply the color correction matrix (cam2rgb)
print("running color correction...")
# check if data is 3 dimensional
if (np.ndim( != 3):
print("data need to be three dimensional")
# get the color correction matrix
cam2rgb = self.calculate_cam2rgb()
# get width and height
width, height = utility.helpers(
# apply the matrix
R =[:, :, 0]
G =[:, :, 1]
B =[:, :, 2]
color_corrected = np.empty((height, width, 3), dtype=np.float32)
color_corrected[:, :, 0] = R * cam2rgb[0, 0] + G * cam2rgb[0, 1] + B * cam2rgb[0, 2]
color_corrected[:, :, 1] = R * cam2rgb[1, 0] + G * cam2rgb[1, 1] + B * cam2rgb[1, 2]
color_corrected[:, :, 2] = R * cam2rgb[2, 0] + G * cam2rgb[2, 1] + B * cam2rgb[2, 2]
return np.clip(color_corrected, self.clip_range[0], self.clip_range[1])
def __str__(self):
# =============================================================
# class: nonlinearity
# apply gamma or degamma
# =============================================================
class nonlinearity:
def __init__(self, data, name="nonlinearity"): = np.float32(data) = name
def luma_adjustment(self, multiplier, clip_range=[0, 65535]):
# The multiplier is applied only on luma channel
# by a multipler in log10 scale:
# multipler 10 means multiplied by 1.
# multipler 100 means multiplied by 2. as such
print("Running brightening...")
return np.clip(np.log10(multiplier) *, clip_range[0], clip_range[1])
def by_value(self, value, clip_range):
print("Running nonlinearity by value...")
# clip within the range
data = np.clip(, clip_range[0], clip_range[1])
# make 0 to 1
data = data / clip_range[1]
# apply nonlinearity
return np.clip(clip_range[1] * (data**value), clip_range[0], clip_range[1])
def by_table(self, table, nonlinearity_type="gamma", clip_range=[0, 65535]):
print("Running nonlinearity by table...")
gamma_table = np.loadtxt(table)
gamma_table = clip_range[1] * gamma_table / np.max(gamma_table)
linear_table = np.linspace(clip_range[0], clip_range[1], np.size(gamma_table))
# linear interpolation, query is the
if (nonlinearity_type == "gamma"):
# mapping is from linear_table to gamma_table
return np.clip(np.interp(, linear_table, gamma_table), clip_range[0], clip_range[1])
elif (nonlinearity_type == "degamma"):
# mapping is from gamma_table to linear_table
return np.clip(np.interp(, gamma_table, linear_table), clip_range[0], clip_range[1])
def by_equation(self, a, b, clip_range):
print("Running nonlinearity by equation...")
# clip within the range
data = np.clip(, clip_range[0], clip_range[1])
# make 0 to 1
data = data / clip_range[1]
# apply nonlinearity
return np.clip(clip_range[1] * (a * np.exp(b * data) + data + a * data - a * np.exp(b) * data - a), clip_range[0], clip_range[1])
def __str__(self):
# =============================================================
# class: tone_mapping
# improve the overall tone of the image
# =============================================================
class tone_mapping:
def __init__(self, data, name="tone mapping"): = np.float32(data) = name
def nonlinear_masking(self, strength_multiplier=1.0, gaussian_kernel_size=[5, 5], gaussian_sigma=1.0, clip_range=[0, 65535]):
# Objective: improves the overall tone of the image
# Inputs:
# strength_multiplier: >0. The higher the more aggressing tone mapping
# gaussian_kernel_size: kernel size for calculating the mask image
# gaussian_sigma: spread of the gaussian kernel for calculating the
# mask image
# Source:
# N. Moroney, “Local color correction using non-linear masking”,
# Proc. IS&T/SID 8th Color Imaging Conference, pp. 108-111, (2000)
# Note, Slight changes is carried by mushfiqul alam, specifically
# introducing the strength_multiplier
print("Running tone mapping by non linear masking...")
# convert to gray image
if (np.ndim( == 3):
gray_image = utility.color_conversion(
gray_image =
# gaussian blur the gray image
gaussian_kernel = utility.create_filter().gaussian(gaussian_kernel_size, gaussian_sigma)
# the mask image: (1) blur
# (2) bring within range 0 to 1
# (3) multiply with strength_multiplier
mask = signal.convolve2d(gray_image, gaussian_kernel, mode="same", boundary="symm")
mask = strength_multiplier * mask / clip_range[1]
# calculate the alpha image
temp = np.power(0.5, mask)
if (np.ndim( == 3):
width, height = utility.helpers(
alpha = np.empty((height, width, 3), dtype=np.float32)
alpha[:, :, 0] = temp
alpha[:, :, 1] = temp
alpha[:, :, 2] = temp
alpha = temp
# output
return np.clip(clip_range[1] * np.power([1], alpha), clip_range[0], clip_range[1])
def dynamic_range_compression(self, drc_type="normal", drc_bound=[-40., 260.], clip_range=[0, 65535]):
ycc = utility.color_conversion("bt601")
y = ycc[:, :, 0]
cb = ycc[:, :, 1]
cr = ycc[:, :, 2]
if (drc_type == "normal"):
edge = y
elif (drc_type == "joint"):
edge = utility.edge_detection(y).sobel(3, "gradient_magnitude")
y_bilateral_filtered = utility.special_function(y).bilateral_filter(edge)
detail = np.divide(ycc[:, :, 0], y_bilateral_filtered)
C = drc_bound[0] * clip_range[1] / 255.
temp = drc_bound[1] * clip_range[1] / 255.
F = (temp * (C + clip_range[1])) / (clip_range[1] * (temp - C))
y_bilateral_filtered_contrast_reduced = F * (y_bilateral_filtered - (clip_range[1] / 2.)) + (clip_range[1] / 2.)
y_out = np.multiply(y_bilateral_filtered_contrast_reduced, detail)
ycc_out = ycc
ycc_out[:, :, 0] = y_out
rgb_out = utility.color_conversion(ycc_out).ycc2rgb("bt601")
return np.clip(rgb_out, clip_range[0], clip_range[1])
# =============================================================
# class: sharpening
# sharpens the image
# =============================================================
class sharpening:
def __init__(self, data, name="sharpening"): = np.float32(data) = name
def unsharp_masking(self, gaussian_kernel_size=[5, 5], gaussian_sigma=2.0,\
slope=1.5, tau_threshold=0.05, gamma_speed=4., clip_range=[0, 65535]):
# Objective: sharpen image
# Input:
# gaussian_kernel_size: dimension of the gaussian blur filter kernel
# gaussian_sigma: spread of the gaussian blur filter kernel
# bigger sigma more sharpening
# slope: controls the boost.
# the amount of sharpening, higher slope
# means more aggresssive sharpening
# tau_threshold: controls the amount of coring.
# threshold value till which the image is
# not sharpened. The lower the value of
# tau_threshold the more frequencies
# goes through the sharpening process
# gamma_speed: controls the speed of convergence to the slope
# smaller value gives a little bit more
# sharpened image, this may be a fine tuner
print("Running sharpening by unsharp masking...")
# create gaussian kernel
gaussian_kernel = utility.create_filter().gaussian(gaussian_kernel_size, gaussian_sigma)
# convolove the image with the gaussian kernel
# first input is the image
# second input is the kernel
# output shape will be the same as the first input
# boundary will be padded by using symmetrical method while convolving
if np.ndim( > 2):
image_blur = np.empty(np.shape(, dtype=np.float32)
for i in range(0, np.shape([2]):
image_blur[:, :, i] = signal.convolve2d([:, :, i], gaussian_kernel, mode="same", boundary="symm")
image_blur = signal.convolove2d(, gaussian_kernel, mode="same", boundary="symm")
# the high frequency component image
image_high_pass = - image_blur
# soft coring (see in utility)
# basically pass the high pass image via a slightly nonlinear function
tau_threshold = tau_threshold * clip_range[1]
# add the soft cored high pass image to the original and clip
# within range and return
return np.clip( + utility.special_function(\
slope, tau_threshold, gamma_speed), clip_range[0], clip_range[1])
def __str__(self):
# =============================================================
# class: noise_reduction
# reduce noise of the nonlinear image (after gamma)
# =============================================================
class noise_reduction:
def __init__(self, data, clip_range=[0, 65535], name="noise reduction"): = np.float32(data)
self.clip_range = clip_range = name
def sigma_filter(self, neighborhood_size=7, sigma=[6, 6, 6]):
print("Running noise reduction by sigma filter...")
if np.ndim( > 2): # if rgb image
output = np.empty(np.shape(, dtype=np.float32)
for i in range(0, np.shape([2]):
output[:, :, i] = utility.helpers([:, :, i]).sigma_filter_helper(neighborhood_size, sigma[i])
return np.clip(output, self.clip_range[0], self.clip_range[1])
else: # gray image
return np.clip(utility.helpers(, sigma), self.clip_range[0], self.clip_range[1])
def __str__(self):
# =============================================================
# class: distortion_correction
# correct the distortion
# =============================================================
class distortion_correction:
def __init__(self, data, name="distortion correction"): = np.float32(data) = name
def empirical_correction(self, correction_type="pincushion-1", strength=0.1, zoom_type="crop", clip_range=[0, 65535]):
# Objective:
# correct geometric distortion with the assumption that the distortion
# is symmetric and the center is at the center of of the image
# Input:
# correction_type: which type of correction needed to be carried
# out, choose one the four:
# pincushion-1, pincushion-2, barrel-1, barrel-2
# 1 and 2 are difference between the power
# over the radius
# strength: should be equal or greater than 0.
# 0 means no correction will be done.
# if negative value were applied correction_type
# will be reversed. Thus,>=0 value expected.
# zoom_type: either "fit" or "crop"
# fit will return image with full content
# in the whole area
# crop will return image will 0 values outsise
# the border
# clip_range: to clip the final image within the range
if (strength < 0):
print("Warning! strength should be equal of greater than 0.")
print("Running distortion correction by empirical method...")
# get half_width and half_height, assume this is the center
width, height = utility.helpers(
half_width = width / 2
half_height = height / 2
# create a meshgrid of points
xi, yi = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(-half_width, half_width, width),\
np.linspace(-half_height, half_height, height))
# cartesian to polar coordinate
r = np.sqrt(xi**2 + yi**2)
theta = np.arctan2(yi, xi)
# maximum radius
R = math.sqrt(width**2 + height**2)
# make r within range 0~1
r = r / R
# apply the radius to the desired transformation
s = utility.special_function(r).distortion_function(correction_type, strength)
# select a scaling_parameter based on zoon_type and k value
if ((correction_type=="barrel-1") or (correction_type=="barrel-2")):
if (zoom_type == "fit"):
scaling_parameter = r[0, 0] / s[0, 0]
elif (zoom_type == "crop"):
scaling_parameter = 1. / (1. + strength * (np.min([half_width, half_height])/R)**2)
elif ((correction_type=="pincushion-1") or (correction_type=="pincushion-2")):
if (zoom_type == "fit"):
scaling_parameter = 1. / (1. + strength * (np.min([half_width, half_height])/R)**2)
elif (zoom_type == "crop"):
scaling_parameter = r[0, 0] / s[0, 0]
# multiply by scaling_parameter and un-normalize
s = s * scaling_parameter * R
# convert back to cartesian coordinate and add back the center coordinate
xt = np.multiply(s, np.cos(theta))
yt = np.multiply(s, np.sin(theta))
# interpolation
if np.ndim( == 3):
output = np.empty(np.shape(, dtype=np.float32)
output[:, :, 0] = utility.helpers([:, :, 0]).bilinear_interpolation(xt + half_width, yt + half_height)
output[:, :, 1] = utility.helpers([:, :, 1]).bilinear_interpolation(xt + half_width, yt + half_height)
output[:, :, 2] = utility.helpers([:, :, 2]).bilinear_interpolation(xt + half_width, yt + half_height)
elif np.ndim( == 2):
output = utility.helpers( + half_width, yt + half_height)
return np.clip(output, clip_range[0], clip_range[1])
def __str__(self):
# =============================================================
# class: memory_color_enhancement
# enhance memory colors such as sky, grass, skin color
# =============================================================
class memory_color_enhancement:
def __init__(self, data, name="memory color enhancement"): = np.float32(data) = name
def by_hue_squeeze(self, target_hue, hue_preference, hue_sigma, is_both_side, multiplier, chroma_preference, chroma_sigma, color_space="srgb", illuminant="d65", clip_range=[0, 65535], cie_version="1931"):
# RGB to xyz
data = utility.color_conversion(, clip_range)
# xyz to lab
data = utility.color_conversion(data).xyz2lab(cie_version, illuminant)
# lab to lch
data = utility.color_conversion(data).lab2lch()
# hue squeezing
# we are traversing through different color preferences
width, height = utility.helpers(
hue_correction = np.zeros((height, width), dtype=np.float32)
for i in range(0, np.size(target_hue)):
delta_hue = data[:, :, 2] - hue_preference[i]
if is_both_side[i]:
weight_temp = np.exp( -np.power(data[:, :, 2] - target_hue[i], 2) / (2 * hue_sigma[i]**2)) + \
np.exp( -np.power(data[:, :, 2] + target_hue[i], 2) / (2 * hue_sigma[i]**2))
weight_temp = np.exp( -np.power(data[:, :, 2] - target_hue[i], 2) / (2 * hue_sigma[i]**2))
weight_hue = multiplier[i] * weight_temp / np.max(weight_temp)
weight_chroma = np.exp( -np.power(data[:, :, 1] - chroma_preference[i], 2) / (2 * chroma_sigma[i]**2))
hue_correction = hue_correction + np.multiply(np.multiply(delta_hue, weight_hue), weight_chroma)
# correct the hue
data[:, :, 2] = data[:, :, 2] - hue_correction
# lch to lab
data = utility.color_conversion(data).lch2lab()
# lab to xyz
data = utility.color_conversion(data).lab2xyz(cie_version, illuminant)
# xyz to rgb
data = utility.color_conversion(data).xyz2rgb(color_space, clip_range)
return data
def __str__(self):
# =============================================================
# class: chromatic_aberration_correction
# removes artifacts similar to result from chromatic
# aberration
# =============================================================
class chromatic_aberration_correction:
def __init__(self, data, name="chromatic aberration correction"): = np.float32(data) = name
def purple_fringe_removal(self, nsr_threshold, cr_threshold, clip_range=[0, 65535]):
# --------------------------------------------------------------
# nsr_threshold: near saturated region threshold (in percentage)
# cr_threshold: candidate region threshold
# --------------------------------------------------------------
width, height = utility.helpers(
r =[:, :, 0]
g =[:, :, 1]
b =[:, :, 2]
## Detection of purple fringe
# near saturated region detection
nsr_threshold = clip_range[1] * nsr_threshold / 100
temp = (r + g + b) / 3
temp = np.asarray(temp)
mask = temp > nsr_threshold
nsr = np.zeros((height, width)).astype(int)
nsr[mask] = 1
# candidate region detection
temp = r - b
temp1 = b - g
temp = np.asarray(temp)
temp1 = np.asarray(temp1)
mask = (temp < cr_threshold) & (temp1 > cr_threshold)
cr = np.zeros((height, width)).astype(int)
cr[mask] = 1
# quantization
qr = utility.helpers(r).nonuniform_quantization()
qg = utility.helpers(g).nonuniform_quantization()
qb = utility.helpers(b).nonuniform_quantization()
g_qr = utility.edge_detection(qr).sobel(5, "gradient_magnitude")
g_qg = utility.edge_detection(qg).sobel(5, "gradient_magnitude")
g_qb = utility.edge_detection(qb).sobel(5, "gradient_magnitude")
g_qr = np.asarray(g_qr)
g_qg = np.asarray(g_qg)
g_qb = np.asarray(g_qb)
# bgm: binary gradient magnitude
bgm = np.zeros((height, width), dtype=np.float32)
mask = (g_qr != 0) | (g_qg != 0) | (g_qb != 0)
bgm[mask] = 1
fringe_map = np.multiply(np.multiply(nsr, cr), bgm)
fring_map = np.asarray(fringe_map)
mask = (fringe_map == 1)
r1 = r
g1 = g
b1 = b
r1[mask] = g1[mask] = b1[mask] = (r[mask] + g[mask] + b[mask]) / 3.
output = np.empty(np.shape(, dtype=np.float32)
output[:, :, 0] = r1
output[:, :, 1] = g1
output[:, :, 2] = b1
return np.float32(output)
def __str__(self):