import gym import numpy as np from gym import spaces from .tsp_data import TSPDataset def assign_env_config(self, kwargs): """ Set self.key = value, for each key in kwargs """ for key, value in kwargs.items(): setattr(self, key, value) def dist(loc1, loc2): return ((loc1[:, 0] - loc2[:, 0]) ** 2 + (loc1[:, 1] - loc2[:, 1]) ** 2) ** 0.5 class TSPVectorEnv(gym.Env): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.max_nodes = 50 self.n_traj = 50 # if eval_data==True, load from 'test' set, the '0'th data self.eval_data = False self.eval_partition = "test" self.eval_data_idx = 0 assign_env_config(self, kwargs) obs_dict = {"observations": spaces.Box(low=0, high=1, shape=(self.max_nodes, 2))} obs_dict["action_mask"] = spaces.MultiBinary( [self.n_traj, self.max_nodes] ) # 1: OK, 0: cannot go obs_dict["first_node_idx"] = spaces.MultiDiscrete([self.max_nodes] * self.n_traj) obs_dict["last_node_idx"] = spaces.MultiDiscrete([self.max_nodes] * self.n_traj) obs_dict["is_initial_action"] = spaces.Discrete(1) self.observation_space = spaces.Dict(obs_dict) self.action_space = spaces.MultiDiscrete([self.max_nodes] * self.n_traj) self.reward_space = None self.reset() def seed(self, seed): np.random.seed(seed) def reset(self): self.visited = np.zeros((self.n_traj, self.max_nodes), dtype=bool) self.num_steps = 0 self.last = np.zeros(self.n_traj, dtype=int) # idx of the first elem self.first = np.zeros(self.n_traj, dtype=int) # idx of the first elem if self.eval_data: self._load_orders() else: self._generate_orders() self.state = self._update_state() = {} self.done = False return self.state def _load_orders(self): self.nodes = np.array(TSPDataset[self.eval_partition, self.max_nodes, self.eval_data_idx]) def _generate_orders(self): self.nodes = np.random.rand(self.max_nodes, 2) def step(self, action): self._go_to(action) # Go to node 'action', modify the reward self.num_steps += 1 self.state = self._update_state() # need to revisit the first node after visited all other nodes self.done = (action == self.first) & self.is_all_visited() return self.state, self.reward, self.done, # Euclidean cost function def cost(self, loc1, loc2): return dist(loc1, loc2) def is_all_visited(self): # assumes no repetition in the first `max_nodes` steps return self.visited[:, :].all(axis=1) def _go_to(self, destination): dest_node = self.nodes[destination] if self.num_steps != 0: dist = self.cost(dest_node, self.nodes[self.last]) else: dist = np.zeros(self.n_traj) self.first = destination self.last = destination self.visited[np.arange(self.n_traj), destination] = True self.reward = -dist def _update_state(self): obs = {"observations": self.nodes} # n x 2 array obs["action_mask"] = self._update_mask() obs["first_node_idx"] = self.first obs["last_node_idx"] = self.last obs["is_initial_action"] = self.num_steps == 0 return obs def _update_mask(self): # Only allow to visit unvisited nodes action_mask = ~self.visited # can only visit first node when all nodes have been visited action_mask[np.arange(self.n_traj), self.first] |= self.is_all_visited() return action_mask