# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ''' Extracts lists of words from a given input to be used for later vocabulary generation or for creating tokenized datasets. Supports functionality for handling different file types and filtering/processing of this input. ''' from __future__ import division, print_function, unicode_literals import sys import re import unicodedata import numpy as np from text_unidecode import unidecode from torchmoji.tokenizer import RE_MENTION, tokenize from torchmoji.filter_utils import (convert_linebreaks, convert_nonbreaking_space, correct_length, extract_emojis, mostly_english, non_english_user, process_word, punct_word, remove_control_chars, remove_variation_selectors, separate_emojis_and_text) IS_PYTHON2 = int(sys.version[0]) == 2 unicode_ = unicode if IS_PYTHON2 else str # Only catch retweets in the beginning of the tweet as those are the # automatically added ones. # We do not want to remove tweets like "Omg.. please RT this!!" RETWEETS_RE = re.compile(r'^[rR][tT]') # Use fast and less precise regex for removing tweets with URLs # It doesn't matter too much if a few tweets with URL's make it through URLS_RE = re.compile(r'https?://|www\.') MENTION_RE = re.compile(RE_MENTION) ALLOWED_CONVERTED_UNICODE_PUNCTUATION = """!"#$'()+,-.:;<=>?@`~""" class WordGenerator(): ''' Cleanses input and converts into words. Needs all sentences to be in Unicode format. Has subclasses that read sentences differently based on file type. Takes a generator as input. This can be from e.g. a file. unicode_handling in ['ignore_sentence', 'convert_punctuation', 'allow'] unicode_handling in ['ignore_emoji', 'ignore_sentence', 'allow'] ''' def __init__(self, stream, allow_unicode_text=False, ignore_emojis=True, remove_variation_selectors=True, break_replacement=True): self.stream = stream self.allow_unicode_text = allow_unicode_text self.remove_variation_selectors = remove_variation_selectors self.ignore_emojis = ignore_emojis self.break_replacement = break_replacement self.reset_stats() def get_words(self, sentence): """ Tokenizes a sentence into individual words. Converts Unicode punctuation into ASCII if that option is set. Ignores sentences with Unicode if that option is set. Returns an empty list of words if the sentence has Unicode and that is not allowed. """ if not isinstance(sentence, unicode_): raise ValueError("All sentences should be Unicode-encoded!") sentence = sentence.strip().lower() if self.break_replacement: sentence = convert_linebreaks(sentence) if self.remove_variation_selectors: sentence = remove_variation_selectors(sentence) # Split into words using simple whitespace splitting and convert # Unicode. This is done to prevent word splitting issues with # twokenize and Unicode words = sentence.split() converted_words = [] for w in words: accept_sentence, c_w = self.convert_unicode_word(w) # Unicode word detected and not allowed if not accept_sentence: return [] else: converted_words.append(c_w) sentence = ' '.join(converted_words) words = tokenize(sentence) words = [process_word(w) for w in words] return words def check_ascii(self, word): """ Returns whether a word is ASCII """ try: word.decode('ascii') return True except (UnicodeDecodeError, UnicodeEncodeError, AttributeError): return False def convert_unicode_punctuation(self, word): word_converted_punct = [] for c in word: decoded_c = unidecode(c).lower() if len(decoded_c) == 0: # Cannot decode to anything reasonable word_converted_punct.append(c) else: # Check if all punctuation and therefore fine # to include unidecoded version allowed_punct = punct_word( decoded_c, punctuation=ALLOWED_CONVERTED_UNICODE_PUNCTUATION) if allowed_punct: word_converted_punct.append(decoded_c) else: word_converted_punct.append(c) return ''.join(word_converted_punct) def convert_unicode_word(self, word): """ Converts Unicode words to ASCII using unidecode. If Unicode is not allowed (set as a variable during initialization), then only punctuation that can be converted to ASCII will be allowed. """ if self.check_ascii(word): return True, word # First we ensure that the Unicode is normalized so it's # always a single character. word = unicodedata.normalize("NFKC", word) # Convert Unicode punctuation to ASCII equivalent. We want # e.g. "\u203c" (double exclamation mark) to be treated the same # as "!!" no matter if we allow other Unicode characters or not. word = self.convert_unicode_punctuation(word) if self.ignore_emojis: _, word = separate_emojis_and_text(word) # If conversion of punctuation and removal of emojis took care # of all the Unicode or if we allow Unicode then everything is fine if self.check_ascii(word) or self.allow_unicode_text: return True, word else: # Sometimes we might want to simply ignore Unicode sentences # (e.g. for vocabulary creation). This is another way to prevent # "polution" of strange Unicode tokens from low quality datasets return False, '' def data_preprocess_filtering(self, line, iter_i): """ To be overridden with specific preprocessing/filtering behavior if desired. Returns a boolean of whether the line should be accepted and the preprocessed text. Runs prior to tokenization. """ return True, line, {} def data_postprocess_filtering(self, words, iter_i): """ To be overridden with specific postprocessing/filtering behavior if desired. Returns a boolean of whether the line should be accepted and the postprocessed text. Runs after tokenization. """ return True, words, {} def extract_valid_sentence_words(self, line): """ Line may either a string of a list of strings depending on how the stream is being parsed. Domain-specific processing and filtering can be done both prior to and after tokenization. Custom information about the line can be extracted during the processing phases and returned as a dict. """ info = {} pre_valid, pre_line, pre_info = \ self.data_preprocess_filtering(line, self.stats['total']) info.update(pre_info) if not pre_valid: self.stats['pretokenization_filtered'] += 1 return False, [], info words = self.get_words(pre_line) if len(words) == 0: self.stats['unicode_filtered'] += 1 return False, [], info post_valid, post_words, post_info = \ self.data_postprocess_filtering(words, self.stats['total']) info.update(post_info) if not post_valid: self.stats['posttokenization_filtered'] += 1 return post_valid, post_words, info def generate_array_from_input(self): sentences = [] for words in self: sentences.append(words) return sentences def reset_stats(self): self.stats = {'pretokenization_filtered': 0, 'unicode_filtered': 0, 'posttokenization_filtered': 0, 'total': 0, 'valid': 0} def __iter__(self): if self.stream is None: raise ValueError("Stream should be set before iterating over it!") for line in self.stream: valid, words, info = self.extract_valid_sentence_words(line) # Words may be filtered away due to unidecode etc. # In that case the words should not be passed on. if valid and len(words): self.stats['valid'] += 1 yield words, info self.stats['total'] += 1 class TweetWordGenerator(WordGenerator): ''' Returns np array or generator of ASCII sentences for given tweet input. Any file opening/closing should be handled outside of this class. ''' def __init__(self, stream, wanted_emojis=None, english_words=None, non_english_user_set=None, allow_unicode_text=False, ignore_retweets=True, ignore_url_tweets=True, ignore_mention_tweets=False): self.wanted_emojis = wanted_emojis self.english_words = english_words self.non_english_user_set = non_english_user_set self.ignore_retweets = ignore_retweets self.ignore_url_tweets = ignore_url_tweets self.ignore_mention_tweets = ignore_mention_tweets WordGenerator.__init__(self, stream, allow_unicode_text=allow_unicode_text) def validated_tweet(self, data): ''' A bunch of checks to determine whether the tweet is valid. Also returns emojis contained by the tweet. ''' # Ordering of validations is important for speed # If it passes all checks, then the tweet is validated for usage # Skips incomplete tweets if len(data) <= 9: return False, [] text = data[9] if self.ignore_retweets and RETWEETS_RE.search(text): return False, [] if self.ignore_url_tweets and URLS_RE.search(text): return False, [] if self.ignore_mention_tweets and MENTION_RE.search(text): return False, [] if self.wanted_emojis is not None: uniq_emojis = np.unique(extract_emojis(text, self.wanted_emojis)) if len(uniq_emojis) == 0: return False, [] else: uniq_emojis = [] if self.non_english_user_set is not None and \ non_english_user(data[1], self.non_english_user_set): return False, [] return True, uniq_emojis def data_preprocess_filtering(self, line, iter_i): fields = line.strip().split("\t") valid, emojis = self.validated_tweet(fields) text = fields[9].replace('\\n', '') \ .replace('\\r', '') \ .replace('&', '&') if valid else '' return valid, text, {'emojis': emojis} def data_postprocess_filtering(self, words, iter_i): valid_length = correct_length(words, 1, None) valid_english, n_words, n_english = mostly_english(words, self.english_words) if valid_length and valid_english: return True, words, {'length': len(words), 'n_normal_words': n_words, 'n_english': n_english} else: return False, [], {'length': len(words), 'n_normal_words': n_words, 'n_english': n_english}