File size: 6,511 Bytes
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import os.path
from argparse import ArgumentParser
import time
import librosa
import numpy as np
import soundfile
from scipy.ndimage import maximum_filter1d, uniform_filter1d
def timeit(func):
def run(*args, **kwargs):
t = time.time()
res = func(*args, **kwargs)
print('executing \'%s\' costed %.3fs' % (func.__name__, time.time() - t))
return res
return run
# @timeit
def _window_maximum(arr, win_sz):
return maximum_filter1d(arr, size=win_sz)[win_sz // 2: win_sz // 2 + arr.shape[0] - win_sz + 1]
# @timeit
def _window_rms(arr, win_sz):
filtered = np.sqrt(uniform_filter1d(np.power(arr, 2), win_sz) - np.power(uniform_filter1d(arr, win_sz), 2))
return filtered[win_sz // 2: win_sz // 2 + arr.shape[0] - win_sz + 1]
def level2db(levels, eps=1e-12):
return 20 * np.log10(np.clip(levels, a_min=eps, a_max=1))
def _apply_slice(audio, begin, end):
if len(audio.shape) > 1:
return audio[:, begin: end]
return audio[begin: end]
class Slicer:
def __init__(self,
sr: int,
db_threshold: float = -40,
min_length: int = 5000,
win_l: int = 300,
win_s: int = 20,
max_silence_kept: int = 500):
self.db_threshold = db_threshold
self.min_samples = round(sr * min_length / 1000)
self.win_ln = round(sr * win_l / 1000)
self.win_sn = round(sr * win_s / 1000)
self.max_silence = round(sr * max_silence_kept / 1000)
if not self.min_samples >= self.win_ln >= self.win_sn:
raise ValueError('The following condition must be satisfied: min_length >= win_l >= win_s')
if not self.max_silence >= self.win_sn:
raise ValueError('The following condition must be satisfied: max_silence_kept >= win_s')
def slice(self, audio):
if len(audio.shape) > 1:
samples = librosa.to_mono(audio)
samples = audio
if samples.shape[0] <= self.min_samples:
return [audio]
# get absolute amplitudes
abs_amp = np.abs(samples - np.mean(samples))
# calculate local maximum with large window
win_max_db = level2db(_window_maximum(abs_amp, win_sz=self.win_ln))
sil_tags = []
left = right = 0
while right < win_max_db.shape[0]:
if win_max_db[right] < self.db_threshold:
right += 1
elif left == right:
left += 1
right += 1
if left == 0:
split_loc_l = left
sil_left_n = min(self.max_silence, (right + self.win_ln - left) // 2)
rms_db_left = level2db(_window_rms(samples[left: left + sil_left_n], win_sz=self.win_sn))
split_win_l = left + np.argmin(rms_db_left)
split_loc_l = split_win_l + np.argmin(abs_amp[split_win_l: split_win_l + self.win_sn])
if len(sil_tags) != 0 and split_loc_l - sil_tags[-1][1] < self.min_samples and right < win_max_db.shape[0] - 1:
right += 1
left = right
if right == win_max_db.shape[0] - 1:
split_loc_r = right + self.win_ln
sil_right_n = min(self.max_silence, (right + self.win_ln - left) // 2)
rms_db_right = level2db(_window_rms(samples[right + self.win_ln - sil_right_n: right + self.win_ln], win_sz=self.win_sn))
split_win_r = right + self.win_ln - sil_right_n + np.argmin(rms_db_right)
split_loc_r = split_win_r + np.argmin(abs_amp[split_win_r: split_win_r + self.win_sn])
sil_tags.append((split_loc_l, split_loc_r))
right += 1
left = right
if left != right:
sil_left_n = min(self.max_silence, (right + self.win_ln - left) // 2)
rms_db_left = level2db(_window_rms(samples[left: left + sil_left_n], win_sz=self.win_sn))
split_win_l = left + np.argmin(rms_db_left)
split_loc_l = split_win_l + np.argmin(abs_amp[split_win_l: split_win_l + self.win_sn])
sil_tags.append((split_loc_l, samples.shape[0]))
if len(sil_tags) == 0:
return [audio]
chunks = []
if sil_tags[0][0] > 0:
chunks.append(_apply_slice(audio, 0, sil_tags[0][0]))
for i in range(0, len(sil_tags) - 1):
chunks.append(_apply_slice(audio, sil_tags[i][1], sil_tags[i + 1][0]))
if sil_tags[-1][1] < samples.shape[0] - 1:
chunks.append(_apply_slice(audio, sil_tags[-1][1], samples.shape[0]))
return chunks
def main():
parser = ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('audio', type=str, help='The audio to be sliced')
parser.add_argument('--out', type=str, help='Output directory of the sliced audio clips')
parser.add_argument('--db_thresh', type=float, required=False, default=-40, help='The dB threshold for silence detection')
parser.add_argument('--min_len', type=int, required=False, default=5000, help='The minimum milliseconds required for each sliced audio clip')
parser.add_argument('--win_l', type=int, required=False, default=300, help='Size of the large sliding window, presented in milliseconds')
parser.add_argument('--win_s', type=int, required=False, default=20, help='Size of the small sliding window, presented in milliseconds')
parser.add_argument('--max_sil_kept', type=int, required=False, default=500, help='The maximum silence length kept around the sliced audio, presented in milliseconds')
args = parser.parse_args()
out = args.out
if out is None:
out = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(
audio, sr = librosa.load(, sr=None)
slicer = Slicer(
chunks = slicer.slice(audio)
if not os.path.exists(args.out):
for i, chunk in enumerate(chunks):
soundfile.write(os.path.join(out, f'%s_%d.wav' % (os.path.basename('.', maxsplit=1)[0], i)), chunk, sr)
if __name__ == '__main__':
main() |