( b ) What questions will we consider in this article ? ( b ) What will be discus@@ sed in the next article ? What will we consider in the following article ? It does not be@@ long to man who is walking even to direc@@ t his st@@ ep . ” Jesus said : “ No man can come to me un@@ less the Father , who sent me , dra@@ ws him . ” Moreover , do not call anyone your father on earth , for one is your Father , the heavenly One . What will we consider in the next article ? ( b ) What questions will we consider ? P@@ u@@ bl@@ ished by Jehovah’s Witnesses but now out of pr@@ in@@ t . If so , you are to be comm@@ ended . For I am conv@@ inc@@ ed that neither death nor life nor angels nor govern@@ ments nor things now here nor things to come nor po@@ wers nor he@@ ight nor dep@@ th nor any other creation will be able to se@@ par@@ ate us from God’s love that is in Christ Jesus our Lord . ” ( b ) What will we consider in the following article ? ( b ) What will we consider in this article ? But another sc@@ ro@@ l@@ l was op@@ ened ; it is the sc@@ ro@@ l@@ l of life . □ What happ@@ ens to us when we die ? What questions will we consider in the next article ? ( b ) What questions will we now consider ? What will we discus@@ s in the next article ? This is the great@@ est and first command@@ ment . ” Jesus said : “ You must love your neigh@@ b@@ or as yourself . ” I am with you all the days until the conclu@@ sion of the system of things . ” You cannot slave for God and for R@@ ic@@ h@@ es . ” ( Read Matthew 24 : 37 - 39 . ) We need to act in harmony with our prayers . W@@ el@@ l , see if you can answer the following questions : ( b ) What will we consider in the next article ? ( Read 2 Timothy 3 : 1 - 5 , 13 . ) ( Read Psalm 40 : 8 - 10 . ) ( b ) What are you determined to do ? ( b ) What questions will be considered in this article ? ( Read Psalm 19 : 7 - 11 . ) ( Read Ephes@@ ians 5 : 15 , 16 . ) As the ter@@ m “ char@@ it@@ able pl@@ an@@ ning ” imp@@ lies , these ty@@ p@@ es of don@@ ations ty@@ pic@@ ally requ@@ ire some pl@@ an@@ ning on the part of the don@@ or . The spirit itself be@@ ars witness with our spirit that we are God’s children . ” ( Read 1 Corinthians 10 : 13 . ) ( Read 2 Ch@@ ron@@ ic@@ les 34 : 1 - 3 . ) • What is God’s purpose for the earth ? ( Read 1 Timothy 6 : 17 - 19 . ) ( Read James 1 : 5 - 8 . ) ( Read 2 Corinthians 5 : 14 , 15 . ) Some nam@@ es in this article have been chan@@ ged . ( Read Romans 13 : 1 , 2 . ) ( Read 1 Corinthians 2 : 10 . ) ( Read 1 Corinthians 6 : 9 - 11 . ) Jehovah is the name of God as reve@@ aled in the Bible . I am going to make a help@@ er for him , as a comple@@ ment of him . ” ( Read 2 Corinthians 13 : 5 . ) ( Read 1 Corinthians 15 : 5@@ 8 . ) D@@ or@@ c@@ as “ ab@@ oun@@ ded in good de@@ eds and gi@@ f@@ ts of mercy . ” What will be considered in this article , and why ? ( Read Proverbs 3 : 5 , 6 . ) ( Read Hebrews 11 : 24 - 27 . ) “ The word of God is ali@@ ve and exer@@ ts power . ” ​ — H@@ E@@ B . Have you care@@ fully read the rec@@ ent is@@ su@@ es of The Watchtower ? ( Read 2 Corinthians 1 : 3 , 4 . ) ( Read Tit@@ us 2 : 3 - 5 . ) ( Read Romans 7 : 21 - 23 . ) ( Read Isaiah 6@@ 3 : 11 - 14 . ) ( Read Psalm 1 : 1 - 3 . ) ( Read Romans 7 : 21 - 25 . ) ( Read 2 Peter 2 : 5 . ) ( Read Isaiah 48 : 17 , 18 . ) ( Read Ephes@@ ians 4 : 1 - 3 . ) ( Read Hebrews 13 : 7 , 17 . ) In@@ c@@ lu@@ de a letter st@@ ating that the don@@ ation is con@@ diti@@ on@@ al . Since leg@@ al requ@@ i@@ re@@ ments and ta@@ x laws v@@ ary , it is important to con@@ su@@ l@@ t qual@@ ified ta@@ x and leg@@ al ad@@ vis@@ ers before cho@@ o@@ sing the best way to don@@ ate . Re@@ al E@@ st@@ ate : S@@ al@@ able real est@@ ate don@@ ated to an ent@@ ity used by Jehovah’s Witnesses , ei@@ ther by making an ou@@ tri@@ ght gift or , in the case of res@@ id@@ ential pro@@ per@@ ty , by res@@ er@@ ving a life est@@ ate to the don@@ or , who can continue to live in the res@@ id@@ ence during his or her li@@ fe@@ time . W@@ il@@ ls and Tru@@ st@@ s : Pro@@ per@@ ty or money may be be@@ qu@@ e@@ a@@ th@@ ed to an ent@@ ity used by Jehovah’s Witnesses by means of a leg@@ ally ex@@ e@@ cu@@ ted will or by speci@@ f@@ ying the ent@@ ity as the benef@@ ici@@ ary of a trust ag@@ re@@ ement . ( Read Hebrews 11 : 17 - 19 . ) In the Bible , m@@ oun@@ tains can re@@ present k@@ ing@@ do@@ ms , or govern@@ ments . You fa@@ thers , do not be ex@@ as@@ per@@ ating your children , so that they do not become do@@ w@@ n@@ hear@@ ted . ” For more information , see chapter 3 of this book , What Does the Bible Re@@ ally T@@ each ? , publ@@ ished by Jehovah’s Witnesses ( Read 2 Timothy 1 : 7 . ) ( Read 1 Th@@ ess@@ alon@@ ians 5 : 1 - 6 . ) ( L@@ ook under B@@ I@@ B@@ L@@ E T@@ E@@ A@@ C@@ H@@ I@@ NGS > B@@ I@@ B@@ L@@ E Q@@ U@@ ES@@ TI@@ O@@ N@@ S AN@@ S@@ W@@ ER@@ E@@ D ) ( Read Luke 21 : 1 - 4 . ) For more information , see chapter 8 of this book , What Does the Bible Re@@ ally T@@ each ? , publ@@ ished by Jehovah’s Witnesses ( b ) What questions will we consider in the next article ? Then let those in Ju@@ de@@ a beg@@ in fle@@ e@@ ing to the m@@ oun@@ tains , let those in the m@@ id@@ st of her leave , and let those in the coun@@ tr@@ y@@ side not enter into her . ” What will be discus@@ sed in the next article ? I my@@ self , Jehovah , will spe@@ ed it up in its own time . ” ( Read Luke 10 : 29 - 37 . ) What questions will we consider in this article ? ( Read Revelation 14 : 6 , 7 . ) ( Read 1 Th@@ ess@@ alon@@ ians 2 : 13 . ) “ The righteous will poss@@ ess the earth , and they will live forever on it . ” ​ — Psalm 37 : 29 . “ Fa@@ ith is the assur@@ ed expe@@ c@@ tation of what is ho@@ p@@ ed for . ” ​ — H@@ E@@ B . Jesus said : “ Wh@@ ere your t@@ reas@@ ure is , there your heart will be also . ” “ H@@ app@@ y is the people whose God is Jehovah ! ” ​ — P@@ S . ( Read James 5 : 14 - 16 . ) ( b ) What will we discus@@ s in the next article ? He wrote : “ I am fle@@ sh@@ ly , so@@ ld under sin . ( Read Hebrews 10 : 24 , 25 . ) ( Read 2 Corinthians 8 : 13 - 15 . ) Noah wal@@ ked with the true God . ” ​ — Gen . Proverbs 14 : 15 says : “ The n@@ ai@@ ve person believ@@ es every word , but the sh@@ re@@ w@@ d one pon@@ ders each st@@ ep . ” Let your will take place , as in heaven , also on earth . ” For my yo@@ ke is kin@@ dly , and my lo@@ ad is light . ” If , now , your right e@@ ye is making you st@@ umb@@ le , te@@ ar it out and th@@ ro@@ w it away from you . ” © 20@@ 16 Wat@@ ch To@@ wer Bible and T@@ r@@ act So@@ ci@@ e@@ ty of Pen@@ n@@ sy@@ l@@ van@@ ia Why is it so important to continue to show bro@@ ther@@ ly love ? Why did Paul wr@@ ite a letter to the Hebrew Christians ? ( Read Hebrews 10 : 36 - 39 . ) Why should we be inter@@ ested in the book of Hebrews ? What is the y@@ ear@@ te@@ xt for 20@@ 16 , and why is it appro@@ pri@@ ate ? That verse has been se@@ le@@ cted to be the y@@ ear@@ te@@ xt for 20@@ 16 . Our y@@ ear@@ te@@ xt for 20@@ 16 : “ Let your bro@@ ther@@ ly love continue . ” ​ — Hebrews 13 : 1 How do true Christians understand the meaning of bro@@ ther@@ ly love ? ( a ) What is the most important reason for us to show bro@@ ther@@ ly love ? ( b ) Gi@@ ve another reason why it is important to strengthen our affe@@ ction for one another . Jesus had described how difficult that time would be . What do we need to do now before the start of the great tribulation ? ( a ) What opport@@ un@@ ities do we have to show bro@@ ther@@ ly love today ? ( b ) Gi@@ ve examples of how Jehovah’s people have shown bro@@ ther@@ ly love . How can we “ keep in mind those in pri@@ son ” ? “ Keep in mind those in pri@@ son . ” “ Let marriage be hon@@ or@@ able among all . ” How does cont@@ ent@@ ment help us to show bro@@ ther@@ ly love ? Be “ cont@@ ent with the present things . ” How does being “ of good courage ” help us to show bro@@ ther@@ ly love ? How can we strengthen our bro@@ ther@@ ly love for our elders ? “ Re@@ member those who are taking the lead . ” How can we continue to show bro@@ ther@@ ly love in a greater way ? What does Christ’s love motiv@@ ate us to do ? How does God’s love motiv@@ ate us to love our brothers ? Why should God’s for@@ gi@@ ven@@ ess motiv@@ ate us to for@@ give our brothers ? 1 , 2 . ( a ) What does God’s “ in@@ descri@@ b@@ able free gift ” inclu@@ de ? ( Read 2 Corinthians 1 : 20 . ) 3 , 4 . ( a ) How do you feel when someone gives you a gift ? ( b ) How might a special gift change your life ? How is God’s gift of the ransom much greater than any other gift ? ( a ) What blessings of Jehovah’s gift do you look for@@ ward to ? ( b ) N@@ ame three things God’s gift will motiv@@ ate us to do . How should we feel about the love of Christ , and what should it motiv@@ ate us to do ? In turn , who@@ ever lo@@ ves me will be loved by my Father , and I will love him and will clearly show my@@ self to him . ” ​ — John 14 : 21 ; 1 John 5 : 3 . What questions can we ask ourselves during this M@@ em@@ or@@ ial se@@ as@@ on , and what may the ans@@ wers motiv@@ ate us to do ? ( Read 1 Timothy 2 : 9 , 10 . ) ( a ) How does our love for Jehovah and Jesus motiv@@ ate us in the preaching work ? ( b ) How can our love motiv@@ ate us to help others in the congregation ? What else will God’s love move us to do ? What example did Jesus set in loving others ? Can you help an older brother or sister in the ministry ? What can you do to show love for your brothers ? ( Read Luke 14 : 12 - 14 . ) 16 , 17 . ( a ) What should we learn from Jesus ’ illustration of the king and the sl@@ av@@ es ? ( b ) After medit@@ ating on Jesus ’ illustration , what are you determined to do ? How did God’s love help one sister to put up with the im@@ perfe@@ ctions of another sister ? I want to know her when she is perfect . ” How will God’s “ in@@ descri@@ b@@ able free gift ” motiv@@ ate you ? [ 1 ] ( par@@ ag@@ r@@ ap@@ h 18 ) Some nam@@ es in this article have been chan@@ ged . What events made Pente@@ co@@ st a special day , and how did those events ful@@ fill what the Scriptures had foretold ? ( a ) Why should we be inter@@ ested in what happened at Pente@@ co@@ st ? ( b ) What other important ev@@ ent may have happened on the same day many years ear@@ lier ? How do we know that not all those who are anointed receive their ano@@ in@@ ting in ex@@ ac@@ tly the same way ? What do all anointed ones receive , and how does this affect them ? What must each anointed Christian do to receive his re@@ ward in heaven ? Peter explained it this way : “ Therefore , brothers , be all the more d@@ ili@@ g@@ ent to make your cal@@ ling and cho@@ o@@ sing sure for y@@ ourselves , for if you keep on doing these things , you will by no means ever fai@@ l . In fact , in this way you will be ri@@ ch@@ ly gran@@ ted ent@@ ran@@ ce into the everlasting Kingdom of our Lord and S@@ avi@@ or Jesus Christ . ” 8 , 9 . ( a ) Why is it difficult for most people to understand what happ@@ ens when someone is anointed ? ( b ) How does a person know that he has been inv@@ ited to go to heaven ? He told them : “ You did not receive a spirit of sla@@ very cau@@ sing fear again , but you received a spirit of ado@@ p@@ tion as sons , by which spirit we c@@ ry out : ‘ Ab@@ ba , Father ! ’ What does 1 John 2 : 27 mean when it says that an anointed Christian does not need someone else to teach him ? What might an anointed Christian won@@ der , but what does he never doubt ? How does the way a person thin@@ ks change when he is anointed by holy spirit , and what cau@@ ses this change ? How do anointed ones feel about their life here on earth ? What does not prove that a person has been anointed by holy spirit ? How do we know that not all those who have received God’s spirit have been inv@@ ited to go to heaven ? 17 , 18 . ( a ) What re@@ ward do most of God’s servants look for@@ ward to today ? How is Ze@@ char@@ iah 8 : 23 being fulfilled ? 1 , 2 . ( a ) What did Jehovah say would happ@@ en in our time ? ( b ) What questions will be ans@@ wer@@ ed in this article ? Why is it not possible for us to know for sure who will be part of the 14@@ 4,000 ? What warning should anointed ones think ser@@ i@@ ously about , and why ? What do anointed Christians not expect , and why ? Why do you need to be care@@ ful about the way you tre@@ at those who e@@ at the bre@@ ad and dr@@ ink the w@@ ine at the M@@ em@@ or@@ ial ? ( See the bo@@ x “ Love ‘ Does Not Be@@ have In@@ dec@@ ently . ’ ” ) Jesus told his disciples : “ All of you are brothers . ” How can you show that you respect anointed Christians ? How do we protect ourselves if we avoid “ ad@@ mir@@ ing person@@ al@@ ities ” ? Why should we not wor@@ ry about the number of those who e@@ at the bre@@ ad and dr@@ ink the w@@ ine at the M@@ em@@ or@@ ial ? “ Jehovah knows those who be@@ long to him . ” What does the Bible say about the number of anointed ones who will be on earth when the great tribulation star@@ ts ? What do we need to understand about the 14@@ 4,000 cho@@ sen by Jehovah ? On@@ ly a few anointed Christians in the first century were used to wr@@ ite the Christian Greek Scriptures . dra@@ ws us clo@@ ser to God and to others ? Even though Jehovah is the Su@@ pre@@ me One , what has he inv@@ ited others to do ? What important work did Jehovah inv@@ ite Jesus to do ? What did Jehovah inv@@ ite Adam to do , and why ? For example , he allow@@ ed Adam to name the anim@@ als . How did others work with God to accomp@@ lish his will ? In what work can we share , and did Jehovah need to invol@@ ve us in this work ? The apostle Paul wrote : “ Wor@@ king together with him , we also ur@@ ge you not to accept the un@@ deser@@ ved kindness of God and mis@@ s its purpose . ” How did God’s fir@@ st@@ born Son descri@@ be how he felt about working b@@ es@@ ide his Father ? Why does the preaching work bring us joy ? What have some said about the joy of working with Jehovah ? Similarly , Fran@@ c@@ o , who also ser@@ ves in I@@ tal@@ y , says : “ By means of his Word and his spiritual provi@@ sions , Jehovah remin@@ ds us every day that he lo@@ ves us and that everything we do for him is important , even though our efforts may seem like nothing to us . This is why working along with God makes me happy and gives my life meaning . ” What relationship exist@@ ed between Jehovah and Jesus , and why ? Why does preaching draw us clo@@ ser to God and to others ? He prayed : “ So that they may be one just as we are one . ” We learn why it is wise to trust in him and to follow his direction . Why will we draw even clo@@ ser to Jehovah and to our brothers in the new world ? How does one Witness in Au@@ str@@ al@@ ia feel about preaching ? Jo@@ el , who lives in Au@@ str@@ al@@ ia , says : “ The preaching work helps me not to lo@@ se tou@@ ch with re@@ ality . It remin@@ ds me of the challeng@@ es people are fac@@ ing and of the benefits I have experienced by ap@@ pl@@ ying Bible principles in my life . The preaching work helps me to try to stay humble ; it gives me an opportunity to rely on Jehovah and on my brothers and sisters . ” Why does our perse@@ ver@@ ance in preaching show that God’s spirit is with us ? How long would you continue to work at such a jo@@ b ? How is the preaching of the good news con@@ ne@@ cted with God’s purpose for hum@@ an@@ kind ? How is our preaching l@@ in@@ ked to God’s great@@ est command@@ ments ? The second , like it , is this : ‘ You must love your neigh@@ b@@ or as yourself . ’ ” How do you feel about the honor to preach the good news ? I give you my strength , my Word the Bible , heavenly support , earthly compani@@ ons , prog@@ res@@ sive training , and preci@@ se instru@@ ctions at the appro@@ pri@@ ate time . ’ What an im@@ m@@ en@@ se privilege it is to do what Jehovah as@@ ks of us and to work together with our God ! ” I told the off@@ ic@@ er that I had already been in pri@@ son because I would not f@@ ight . I W@@ A@@ S born in 19@@ 26 in C@@ ro@@ o@@ k@@ s@@ v@@ il@@ le , O@@ hi@@ o , in the United St@@ ates . Father and M@@ other were not religious , but they told us e@@ ight children to go to ch@@ ur@@ ch . Mar@@ gar@@ et W@@ al@@ ker ( second sister from the left ) helped me learn the truth Ab@@ out that time , a neigh@@ b@@ or named Mar@@ gar@@ et W@@ al@@ ker , one of Jehovah’s Witnesses , began vis@@ iting my mother and tal@@ king to her about the Bible . But I kept tr@@ ying to listen to their discus@@ sions . After a couple more vis@@ its , Mar@@ gar@@ et asked me , “ Do you know what God’s name is ? ” I said , “ E@@ ver@@ y@@ one knows that ​ — it@@ ’s God . ” She said , “ G@@ et your Bible and look up Psalm 8@@ 3 : 18 . ” I did , and I disc@@ over@@ ed that God’s name is Jehovah . I r@@ an out to my friends and told them , “ When you get home ton@@ ight , look up Psalm 8@@ 3 : 18 in the Bible and see what God’s name is . ” You might say I started w@@ itness@@ ing right away . I st@@ u@@ died the Bible and got baptized in 19@@ 41 . So@@ on af@@ ter@@ ward , I was assi@@ g@@ ned to conduct a congregation book study . I encourag@@ ed my mother and sib@@ l@@ ings to come , and they all began att@@ ending the book study that I condu@@ cted . S@@ om@@ e@@ times when she was on her way , he cha@@ sed after her and p@@ ul@@ led her back into the house . But she would just r@@ un out the other do@@ or and go to the meeting . I also told the off@@ ici@@ als that I would not become a sol@@ di@@ er . In cour@@ t two we@@ e@@ ks later , the jud@@ ge said : “ If it were up to me , I@@ ’@@ d give you a life s@@ ent@@ ence . I rep@@ lied : “ Your H@@ on@@ or , I should have been cl@@ assi@@ fied as a mini@@ ster . E@@ ver@@ y@@ one@@ ’s do@@ or@@ st@@ ep is my p@@ ul@@ p@@ it , and I have pre@@ ached the good news of the Kingdom to many people . ” The jud@@ ge told the j@@ ury : “ You are not here to deci@@ de whether this young man is a mini@@ ster or not . You are here to deci@@ de whether he rep@@ or@@ ted for in@@ du@@ ction into the ar@@ my or not . ” I prayed to Jehovah : “ I cannot stay in a c@@ el@@ l for fi@@ ve years . The next day , the gu@@ ar@@ ds let me out . I wal@@ ked over to a t@@ all , bro@@ ad - sh@@ ou@@ l@@ der@@ ed pri@@ son@@ er , and we stood there loo@@ king out a w@@ in@@ do@@ w . He asked me , “ What are you in for , Sh@@ ort@@ y ? ” I said , “ I am one of Jehovah’s Witnesses . ” I said , “ Jehovah’s Witnesses don@@ ’t go to war and k@@ ill people . ” I said , “ No , it do@@ es@@ n@@ ’t . ” Then he said , “ For 15 years I was in another pri@@ son , where I read some of your liter@@ ature . ” I was among the Witnesses im@@ pri@@ son@@ ed for ne@@ u@@ tr@@ ality at A@@ sh@@ land , K@@ ent@@ u@@ c@@ k@@ y That is how we pre@@ ached in an organi@@ zed way . I wor@@ ri@@ ed about my family because D@@ ad had told me , “ If I can get ri@@ d of you , I can hand@@ le the rest . ” After my re@@ le@@ ase , I had a pleas@@ ant sur@@ pri@@ se . I said , “ Th@@ at@@ ’s fine , but I am not going into the ar@@ my . ” I qu@@ o@@ ted 2 Timothy 2 : 3 and said , “ I am already a sol@@ di@@ er of Christ . ” After a long s@@ il@@ ence , he said , “ You can leave . ” So@@ on af@@ ter@@ ward , I att@@ ended the Bethel meeting at a conven@@ tion in C@@ inc@@ in@@ n@@ ati , O@@ hi@@ o . I also wor@@ ked at As@@ semb@@ ly H@@ al@@ ls in New Y@@ or@@ k C@@ ity . I have made many friends at Bethel and in the congregation . I have learned a little M@@ an@@ dar@@ in Ch@@ in@@ ese and enjoy appro@@ aching Ch@@ in@@ ese people on the st@@ re@@ et . Some mor@@ n@@ ings I place 30 or 40 magaz@@ ines with inter@@ ested ones . P@@ re@@ aching to the Ch@@ in@@ ese people in Bro@@ o@@ k@@ l@@ y@@ n , New Y@@ or@@ k I have even made a return vi@@ sit in Ch@@ ina ! She took them and told me that her name was K@@ ati@@ e . After that , wh@@ en@@ ever she saw me , K@@ ati@@ e came over to talk to me . I taught her the nam@@ es of fru@@ its and ve@@ ge@@ t@@ ab@@ les in Eng@@ lish , and she re@@ pe@@ ated the words after me . I also explained Bible te@@ x@@ ts to her , and she accepted the Bible T@@ each book . After some we@@ e@@ ks , though , she dis@@ appe@@ ared . The next we@@ ek , she han@@ ded me her c@@ el@@ l ph@@ one and said , “ You talk to Ch@@ ina . ” I said , “ I don@@ ’t know any@@ body in Ch@@ ina . ” But she in@@ sist@@ ed , so I took the ph@@ one and said , “ H@@ el@@ l@@ o , this is R@@ ob@@ is@@ on . ” The voice at the other end said , “ R@@ ob@@ by , this is K@@ ati@@ e . P@@ le@@ ase teach her the way you taught me . ” I said , “ K@@ ati@@ e , I will do the best I can . T@@ han@@ ks for le@@ tting me know where you are . ” So@@ on af@@ ter@@ ward , I spoke to K@@ ati@@ e@@ ’s sister for the last time . If it is God’s will , my family members and friends who have died will return to life in the new world . While this article was being prepar@@ ed for public@@ ation , C@@ or@@ w@@ in R@@ ob@@ is@@ on died faithful to Jehovah . How did knowledge and experience strengthen Abr@@ ah@@ am’s faith ? What did Abraham do to strengthen his friend@@ ship with God ? How can you imitate Abraham in building a friend@@ ship with Jehovah ? 1 , 2 . ( a ) How do we know that humans can become God’s friends ? 3 , 4 . ( a ) Des@@ cri@@ be what was likely Abr@@ ah@@ am’s great@@ est t@@ est of faith . ( b ) Why was Abraham willing to sacrifice I@@ sa@@ a@@ c ? How may Abraham have learned about Jehovah , and how did that knowledge make him feel ? How can we gain knowledge and experience that will strengthen our friend@@ ship with Jehovah ? 9 , 10 . ( a ) What is needed for a friend@@ ship to become str@@ on@@ ger ? ( b ) What shows that Abraham ch@@ er@@ ished and strength@@ ened his friend@@ ship with Jehovah ? Abraham ch@@ er@@ ished and main@@ tain@@ ed his friend@@ ship with Jehovah . Why was Abraham concer@@ ned about So@@ dom and G@@ om@@ or@@ r@@ ah , and how did Jehovah help him ? 12 , 13 . ( a ) How did Abr@@ ah@@ am’s knowledge and experience help him later ? ( b ) What shows that Abraham had confidence in Jehovah ? What challeng@@ es do you face in serving Jehovah , and how may Abr@@ ah@@ am’s example help you ? Abraham and S@@ ar@@ ah come to know and worship Jehovah Abraham di@@ es “ at a good old age , old and satis@@ fied ” Why may we be sure that Abraham never re@@ gre@@ t@@ ted his loyal obedience to Jehovah ? What is your determin@@ ation , and what will we consider in the following article ? May each of us be determined to imitate the faith of Abraham . ( Read Hebrews 6 : 10 - 12 . ) In the following article , we will consider three more examples of faithful ones who became close friends of God . What can we learn from the friend@@ ship with God that Ru@@ th enjo@@ yed ? Why was King He@@ ze@@ ki@@ ah a close friend of Jehovah ? What qualities made Jesus ’ mother , Mary , a friend of Jehovah God ? 1 - 3 . ( a ) Why can we be sure that we can become God’s friends ? ( b ) What individuals will we consider in this article ? What difficult decision did Ru@@ th have to make , and why was making it so hard ? ( a ) What wise cho@@ ice did Ru@@ th make ? ( b ) Why did Bo@@ a@@ z speak of Ru@@ th as seeking refu@@ ge under Jehovah’s w@@ ings ? What might help those who h@@ es@@ it@@ ate to dedic@@ ate their lives to Jehovah ? 9 , 10 . ( a ) Why might He@@ ze@@ ki@@ ah eas@@ ily have become b@@ it@@ ter ? ( b ) Why should we not become b@@ it@@ ter against God ? ( c ) Why should we not think that our bac@@ k@@ ground determin@@ es the ty@@ pe of person we will become ? Many young people accept the truth des@@ pite their family bac@@ k@@ ground ( See par@@ ag@@ r@@ aph@@ s 9 , 10 ) What made He@@ ze@@ ki@@ ah one of Jud@@ ah’s best kings ? ( Read 2 K@@ ings 18 : 5 , 6 . ) Like He@@ ze@@ ki@@ ah , how have many today proved to be Jehovah’s friends ? Why might Mar@@ y’s assignment have seem@@ ed too difficult , yet how did she respond to G@@ ab@@ ri@@ el@@ ’s words ? What shows that Mary was a good list@@ en@@ er ? In both c@@ as@@ es , Mary list@@ ened , re@@ memb@@ ered , and thought care@@ fully about what she had heard . ​ — Read Luke 2 : 16 - 19 , 4@@ 9 , 5@@ 1 . What can we learn about Mary from the way she spoke ? In what ways can we imitate Mar@@ y’s faith ? As we imitate the Bib@@ le’s out@@ standing examples of faith , of what may we be assur@@ ed ? TH@@ IN@@ K about the happ@@ i@@ est day of your life . W@@ as it when you got married or when your first child was born ? V@@ er@@ y likely , you have experienced much joy in serving Jehovah since your baptism . What reasons do we have for continu@@ ing to serve Jehovah with joy ? Re@@ member that Jesus said : “ C@@ ome to me , all you who are to@@ il@@ ing and lo@@ ad@@ ed down , and I will ref@@ res@@ h you . T@@ ake my yo@@ ke upon you and learn from me , for I am mil@@ d - tem@@ per@@ ed and low@@ ly in heart , and you will find ref@@ re@@ sh@@ ment for y@@ ourselves . We serve our Li@@ fe - Gi@@ ver , the happy God . Consider H@@ é@@ c@@ tor , who served Jehovah as a trave@@ ling over@@ seer for 40 years . He says : “ Although it is sa@@ d to see my wi@@ fe@@ ’s health gra@@ du@@ ally deter@@ i@@ or@@ ate and it has been challeng@@ ing to care for her , I have not allow@@ ed this to ro@@ b me of my joy in serving the true God . K@@ no@@ wing that I o@@ we my life to Jehovah , who cre@@ ated man for a purpose , is reason en@@ ough to love him deep@@ ly and serve him who@@ le@@ hear@@ te@@ dly . I stri@@ ve to stay ac@@ tive in the preaching work , and I try to keep the Kingdom hope fore@@ most in my mind so as not to lo@@ se my joy . ” Jehovah has provided the ransom sacrifice , making it possible for us to have a joy@@ ful life . Indeed , “ God loved the world so much that he gave his only - be@@ go@@ t@@ ten Son , so that every@@ one exerci@@ sing faith in him might not be destro@@ yed but have everlasting life . ” J@@ es@@ ú@@ s simp@@ li@@ fied his life and served Jehovah joy@@ fully for years I did it just to make more money . Then I learned about Jehovah and how he had given his de@@ ar Son for mankind . I had an in@@ ten@@ se desire to serve him . So I dedic@@ ated my life to Jehovah , and after having wor@@ ked for the comp@@ any for 28 years , I deci@@ ded to qu@@ it and take up the full - time ministry . ” Do you remember what your life was like before you came to know Jehovah ? The apostle Paul remin@@ ded Christians in R@@ ome that they “ were once the sl@@ av@@ es of sin ” but had become “ sl@@ av@@ es to righteousness . ” “ The happ@@ i@@ est years of my life have been those sp@@ ent serving Jehovah . ” ​ — J@@ a@@ ime “ L@@ it@@ tle by little , I disc@@ over@@ ed the exist@@ ence of a loving Father and mer@@ ci@@ ful God , ” J@@ a@@ ime says . “ Ke@@ ep@@ ing Jehovah’s righteous standards has been a prote@@ ction for me . H@@ ad I not chan@@ ged , I might have been kil@@ led , as some of my for@@ mer bo@@ x@@ ing friends were . The happ@@ i@@ est years of my life have been those sp@@ ent serving Jehovah . ” How was King Sau@@ l’s son Jon@@ a@@ than loyal to Jehovah ? How can we be loyal to God when we feel that someone who has authority does not deser@@ ve our respect ? How can we be loyal to Jehovah if others mi@@ sun@@ der@@ stand us or tre@@ at us un@@ fai@@ r@@ ly ? Why is Jon@@ a@@ th@@ an’s friend@@ ship with David a re@@ mar@@ k@@ able example of loy@@ alty ? What was more important to Jon@@ a@@ than than being loyal to David , and how do we know ? ( a ) What will make us truly happy and satis@@ fied ? Why was it difficult for the people of Israel to be loyal to God while Saul was king ? What shows that Jon@@ a@@ than st@@ a@@ yed loyal to Jehovah ? How are we being loyal to God when we respect those who have authority ? How did Jon@@ a@@ than know to whom he should be loyal ? How does our love for God help us deci@@ de to be loyal to him ? How can loy@@ alty to God help us to cop@@ e with family problems ? If a brother tre@@ at@@ s us un@@ fai@@ r@@ ly , how should we re@@ act ? In what situ@@ ations must we be loyal to God and not be self@@ ish ? [ 1 ] ( par@@ ag@@ r@@ ap@@ h 9 ) Some nam@@ es have been chan@@ ged . Why was Jon@@ a@@ th@@ an’s re@@ action to David so different from Ab@@ n@@ er@@ ’s ? What qualities will help us to be loyal to God , and how ? How did David show that he was loyal to God ? ( a ) How was David an example of loy@@ alty to God ? ( b ) What other examples will we consider ? What lesson do we learn from Ab@@ ish@@ ai@@ ’s mist@@ ake ? Although it is natur@@ al to be loyal to our family and friends , why must we be care@@ ful ? How did one sister stay loyal to God in a difficult situation ? What qualities will help us to be loyal to God ? How can we benefit from Bible accoun@@ ts about Ab@@ ner , Ab@@ sal@@ om , and Bar@@ uch ? But you are seeking great things for yourself . S@@ how why we cannot be loyal to God when we are self@@ ish . After many prayers and te@@ ars , that is what I did . How did Na@@ than stay loyal to both God and David when David sin@@ ned ? How can you be loyal to both Jehovah and your friend or rel@@ ative ? Why did H@@ u@@ sh@@ ai need courage to be loyal to God ? Why do we need courage to be loyal ? I prayed for courage to st@@ ick to my decision . Now their attitude has so@@ f@@ t@@ ened , and I can vi@@ sit them regularly . ” ​ — Read Proverbs 29 : 25 . [ 1 ] ( par@@ ag@@ r@@ ap@@ h 7 ) Some nam@@ es have been chan@@ ged .