JEHOVAH’S servants highly esteem God’s own holy book , the Bible . At noon , they slowly walk home . To put the woman at ease , Jesus kindly said : “ Take courage , daughter ! ” ( Compare Ezekiel 28 : 17 . ) God’s active force is a very powerful source of comfort . What can we do to make wise use of our freedom ? Are you young or up in years ? “ People in our area are becoming more and more radical , ” notes one traveling overseer . This set Adam apart from the animals , since they live according to instinct . This , of course , was no accident . Surely the mind - boggling order evident in the universe helps us to see that Jehovah , who “ skillfully made the heavens ” and the earth , deserves our praise , loyalty , and worship . ​ — Ps . He can read people’s hearts , and he knows when compassion is not warranted . If Christians are to welcome visiting brothers , how much more should they welcome fellow believers whose lives are in danger or who have been persecuted for their faith ! ​ — Read Proverbs 3 : 27 . To illustrate : Imagine that you are having difficulty sleeping well . 12 - 14 . Have you ever asked yourself : ‘ What motivates them to serve abroad ? 19 - 21 . But why does Luke not list Mary in his genealogy as the daughter of Heli , her father ? How do the two copper mountains and the chariots provide encouragement for us ? As a result , I had to ask truck drivers if I could sit on top of the logs they were hauling in their big trucks . Consider some of the evidence : Esau also showed himself inclined toward the profane , lacking appreciation for sacred things , by marrying two pagan women , to his parents ’ grief . My sons and their wives . What is an effective way to discuss creation or the Bible with fellow students , teachers , or others ? That man was zealous for the traditions of Judaism , but he learned a better way . There are now many opportunities for them to expand their ministry by pioneering , moving to where the need is greater , working with the Local Design / ​ Construction program , and applying for the School for Kingdom Evangelizers . How can we ourselves make spiritual progress and at the same time help our Bible students to do so ? Now think of how Jehovah must feel as he watches so many people misuse their freedom to make choices in life even to the harm of others . We also demonstrate our support of his sovereignty . An usher asked , “ How can you leave at a time like this ? ” Finally , after what seemed to be an eternity , I fell unconscious . They were faithful , even when it was not so easy for them . Such a lesson would impress on your child that Jehovah had facts recorded in the Bible long before humans could prove them . ​ — Neh . But all , including older publishers , endeavor to cover the local territory thoroughly . They are happy to see that you are able to endure and remain loyal to Jehovah . The way Jehovah treated His people taught him God’s standards of right and wrong . When David’s son Absalom usurped the throne , many Israelites took Absalom’s side , but not Hushai . Why are illustrations effective , and how did one mother demonstrate this ? Or what if you lose your job , and you are having difficulty finding another ? They can give you good advice from the Bible . Do you see yourself being molded in his caring hands ? But inside , at heart , they were spiritual people . If we fall short of upholding God’s sovereignty , what should we do ? If a parent decides to have someone study with the children , the one who does so should not try to take over the role of the parents . Before long , things began to improve . Matters came to a head when Shishak reached Jerusalem , where Rehoboam reigned . He will end poverty . Cherish your hope , ponder over it , make it real in your mind and heart ​ — and share it generously with others ! That way , you can be sure that you will not pass away with this condemned old world . Jehovah has indeed answered that prayer of his dear Son , and now millions believe that Jehovah sent his Son . I long for the day when I will see her again . “ The time left is reduced , ” wrote Paul . If you feel that way , Jehovah can help you develop courage . Keep your life simple and uncluttered . ​ — Luke 12 : 15 . For instance , he urged his disciples to be mild - tempered , to be peacemakers , to eliminate causes for anger , to settle matters quickly , and to love their enemies . ​ — Matt . So how happy they were when they received an invitation to attend the 126th class of Gilead School ! My faith in Jehovah and in the Bible began to grow , and I felt much happier . 10 : 7 . If we receive privileges in Jehovah’s service , we should view these as opportunities to show the genuineness of our love by “ seeking , not [ our ] own advantage , but that of the other person . ” Even disfellowshipping reflects Jehovah’s love , for it protects the congregation from bad influences . In fighting this battle , we need to rely on Jehovah , not on ourselves . Yet , on occasion , he authorized warfare when wickedness and oppression threatened his people . Consider how a congregation elder in Canada learned the value of throwing his anxiety on Jehovah . We are living close to the end of the present wicked system of things ; thus , we have strong reason to hold on to the firm hope set before us ! At the same time , we work to reject things that will hinder our spiritual growth . ​ — Titus 2 : 11 , 12 . But we should not forget that he became a Christian by a miraculous display from Jesus . He does not need to think and talk of nothing other than the Bible or his love for God and his hope for the future . It can help you too ! They needed stronger faith and trust in Jehovah . He told my mother that my association with Jehovah’s Witnesses set a bad example for the other students . Since the majority of us do not serve as elders , we might initially think that this passage would have little application to our own life . The next article will consider further why Jehovah’s sovereignty is deserving of your wholehearted support and how you can uphold it . These IUDs release the hormone in the uterus . Dedication is a solemn vow to serve Jehovah unconditionally . “ Three long years passed , but thanks to Jehovah , I was able to endure , ” says Sara . 2 : 17 , 18 ; 4 : 16 . The brother’s respectful explanation removed much of the commissioner’s misunderstanding and prejudice toward our work . This article offers practical suggestions that , when applied , will certainly help us to ‘ let our light shine ’ more fully . Today , we are not called on to engage in physical warfare , but we are privileged to show courage by our zealous preaching activity . They can do so by showing respect for their parents and by helping in material ways . “ Let us not give up in doing what is fine , for in due time we will reap if we do not tire out . ” ​ — Gal . He does not just go through the motions of worshipping Jehovah . Why do Christian youths need courage ? George , whose home in the city of Tacloban was obliterated , said : “ In spite of what happened , the brothers are happy . Jesus often used illustrations , which stimulate thinking , appeal to the heart , and aid the memory . ( b ) What sure hope is held out at Isaiah 41 : 10 , 13 ? We knew that we would lose the case , but we realized that a great witness would result . A significant number of angels joined Satan’s rebellion . When I was 19 , Bud Hasty , a family friend , asked me to join him in the pioneer work in the southern United States . What are some causes of ‘ tribulation in the flesh ’ ? Happily , David dealt with the problem like a man ​ — a spiritual man . What a happy day it was when we attended our first meeting in five months ! These two articles will answer those questions and will help us strengthen our resolve to stand firm against the Devil . Diamonds have long been prized as precious gems . 54 : 7 , 8 . Though younger ones should not feel shackled to past ways of doing things , they should not be quick to dismiss the counsel of older ones . If my Bible students or return visits saw the entertainment I choose , would they think that I practice what I preach ? ’ As sinners , on our own we would have no hope . How do wrong activities affect us now ? We missed them very much , but we were pleased that they were using their lives in the full - time service . It was not easy for them to do so , for several reasons . Actually , a resurrection that was promised centuries in advance did take place , and you put faith in it . In the light of the foregoing , however , there is a strong likelihood that he openly declared himself to be a Christian . The first article explains what to do when we hear worldly ideas that may sound appealing or convincing . JESUS foretold that his followers would enjoy an abundant harvest in this time of the end . He will see to it that it is contained and speedily removed . This resurrected Son thus became the only one whose name was “ given among men by which we must get saved . ” ​ — Acts 4 : 12 ; Eph . Parents can learn from the example of Daniel’s parents . Instead , he focused his mind and heart on his blessed relationship with Jehovah . How grateful we should be that Jehovah used his holy spirit to reveal the truth to us and to enable us to exercise faith in the good news ! 3 Life Story ​ — I Have Benefited From Walking With Wise Ones But John the Baptist told them : “ God is able to raise up children for Abraham from these stones . ” ​ — Luke 3 : 8 . But he said : ‘ Don’t look at the poverty . 27 Young Ones ​ — Stand Firm Against the Devil To aid us in this respect , we can compare the life of King Asa with that of King Amaziah . Soon afterward Daniel died . Our heartfelt love for Jehovah and for Jesus is an important reason why we preach the Kingdom message . Years later , he died faithful , his record of integrity firmly sealed in Jehovah’s memory . ​ — Heb . He has always done that . So these cells have a way to store and copy the information needed to replicate themselves . Admitting that marriage calls for adjustments , Cathy says : “ As a single sister , I was independent and took care of myself . Uncle Alfred and my father What will help us to be more understanding toward those who are adjusting to a new country ? Galaxies consist of millions of stars , all moving in space in an orderly way . 139 : 23 , 24 ; Jas . He wanted to serve God with joy but wondered why he was not happy . He viewed marriage as a sacred bond between a man and a woman . When we deal with health problems or other challenges beyond our control , we throw our anxiety on Jehovah , trusting that he cares for us . Can we conclude that the Creator of the universe considers himself to be indebted to mere humans who perform deeds of mercy and that he views such giving as loans that he repays with favor and blessings ? Indeed , when we consider the things that Jehovah is accomplishing through his servants in these last days , it is simply amazing . Jehovah will certainly bless you if you continue to make spiritual progress . The first - century Christian congregation was made up of Jews , Greeks , Romans , and people of other nationalities . The steward in Jesus ’ illustration made friends for personal benefit . We had greatly enjoyed the traveling work , so at first I felt very apprehensive about the change . Just like me , they needed time to realize that what they believed was wrong . He told them that if he had been in their place , he ‘ would have strengthened them with the words of his mouth , and the consolation of his lips would have brought them relief . ’ After showing that Paul worked as a tentmaker , the record reveals what his life was centered on : He regularly gave attention to the Christian preaching and teaching work . O’Connor showed up in Dublin with yet another minister asking questions , but the audience applauded the Scriptural replies . The necessity for a law on the subject suggests that the action was not infrequent , ” says one Bible dictionary . In his letters , Paul spoke highly of his fellow Christians . Among them were Abel , Enoch , and Noah and his family . Or recall Pharaoh’s daughter who saved baby Moses ’ life . The earlier you start to do this , the sooner you will sense Jehovah’s guidance , protection , and blessing . Others who should be courageous and go to work are baptized brothers . The following year when I turned 19 , I registered as a conscientious objector . ( b ) How should modesty govern our choice of dress and grooming as well as our behavior ? ( b ) In our dealings with others , how can we reflect God’s compassion ? Maintain fine conduct . Today , as the number of publishers in Mexico steadily climbs toward the one million mark , that grateful spirit still prevails . Like Abraham , the apostle Paul and his companion Silas were focused on God’s promises . Their friendship was restored . From that time on , Church and State began working hand in hand . For example , one sister was told by her husband to share in the field ministry only on certain days of the week . What does taking refuge in Jehovah involve ? He senses his parents ’ sincere care , and his respect for them grows . That confidence in Jehovah’s loving support will help us to cope with further tests of faith . They “ continued devoting themselves to the teaching of the apostles , to associating together . ” Some classmates saw the tract Youths ​ — What Will You Do With Your Life ? and requested copies . Our friendly smile and warm greeting say much about who we are and what kind of God we worship . We also share Jehovah’s view of life by cultivating a proper attitude toward safety . Changes in personal circumstances or of assignments can test our modesty . What a contrast he was to Jacob , who made sure to marry a worshipper of the true God ! ​ — Gen . SONGS : 33 , 137 I took it for granted . The book The Life and Epistles of Saint Paul reports that when Nero accepted a case for him to judge , he heard it in his own palace , where he was aided by a group of advisers who had a lot of experience and influence . We were stunned ! Most likely that would not happen . Since Jesus ’ enthronement in the autumn of 1914 , both mountains have been present and have played a special role in the fulfillment of God’s will on earth . These articles explain when God’s people came into Babylonian captivity and what efforts anointed Christians made in the late 1800 ’ s to understand Jehovah’s Word correctly . And do we not rejoice to see so many answer the call to serve where the need is greater or participate in other areas of theocratic activity ? The change of the title “ Guard Your Heart ” to “ We Guard Our Hearts ” was most considerate . What benefits come from having a strong faith ? Why is there an ongoing need to show compassion ? ( 4 ) Be patient and prayerful . Jesus went on to give her more reassurance by saying : “ Your faith has made you well . Adolescents face a long journey , not by bus , but in life . AS Jehovah’s people , we have no doubt that God’s word , his message to humans , “ is alive and exerts power . ” Jehovah provides much - needed consolation by means of Jesus Christ , the Scriptures , and the Christian congregation . In some cultures , men may feel uncomfortable singing in public . The Bible uses mountains and islands to picture many of the organizations and institutions that seem so solid to mankind today . Should you regret making it ? I tried not to let him know how I felt . The king must have valued Nathan’s opinion as a friend and as a man who had Jehovah’s spirit . ​ — 2 Sam . And how can we help those from a foreign background to feel at home in our congregation ? Self - discipline includes exercising control over ourselves in order to improve in our behavior and thinking . Contrary to what many think , what is needed for people to enjoy freedom ? And ask him to help you to do the right thing in that situation . A brother made a return visit on an elderly gentleman who had read our magazines for a number of years . Remember : Joy is fueled by God’s spirit . In developing countries , many may simply want to have enough money to buy a cell phone , a motorbike , or a small plot of land . Noah surely knew that it would bring on even more ridicule and opposition . Is it proper for a brother today to have a beard ? These men all had Greek names , which seems to indicate that the apostles wanted to ease any tensions over background that might have existed among the early Christians . ​ — Acts 6 : 2 - 6 . And a brother in the Philippines notes , “ Being a spiritual person has allowed me to have peace of mind , and it has helped me improve in my dealings with brothers from different backgrounds . ” What do we learn from Hannah’s example ? My life is full of happy moments , exciting experiences , and generous blessings ! ” Even though the homes were simple , they were always clean . Five brothers greeted him as he stepped onto the dock at Belfast one April morning in 1908 . The Governing Body provides the direction given in our publications and at our meetings , assemblies , and conventions . What happened ? Jewish copyists first assigned verses to the Hebrew Bible , and in the 16th century , scholar Robert Estienne did likewise for the Christian Greek Scriptures . ​ — wp16.2 , pp . And individual rulers may have noble intentions . A family friend suggested that I be educated with other deaf children , so Uncle Nick enrolled me in the school for the deaf located in Saskatoon , Saskatchewan . “ It also presupposes that the petitioner knew something about the biblical law code , especially the injunctions in Leviticus and Deuteronomy against harsh treatment of the poor . ” Only then will we be able to make the best personal application of its timeless wisdom . Exerts Power ” Why is it significant that the Bible continues to be available in more and more languages ? At that time , Christian parents were given no special encouragement to study the Bible with their children . Consider an example . Feeling alone and exhausted , she could easily have surrendered to self - pity . Bank and economic collapses that have occurred in these last days are insignificant when compared with what will happen on a world scale in the near future . There are some walls ​ — some problems — ​ that we cannot “ scale ” in our own strength ; we need a boost from Jehovah . Your kind demeanor can also help you to start a conversation . Consider the prospect of welcoming back millions from the dead and helping to educate them about Jehovah’s ways as well as the history of his dealings with mankind . In such circumstances , Christian parents might consider moving back to a congregation that uses the language their children best understand until their children take a firm stand for the truth . ​ — Read Deuteronomy 6 : 5 - 7 . can help you to build your conviction about your beliefs . Knorr , when commenting on one victory in the U.S . Missionary companion Raymond Leach and I traveled 47 days by ship to the Philippines But he was not “ trembling at men . ” 3 : 1 - 3 . One type of IUD that incorporates copper became widely available in the United States by 1988 . That one verse , using figurative language , sets out how Jehovah will solve all the suffering that humans have experienced since Eden . What we have done is what we ought to have done . ’ ” In addition to that , with copper - releasing IUDs , the copper appears to be toxic to sperm , acting as a spermicide . Why is there a need to train others ? The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church ( 1997 edition ) says about that ancient writing : “ It is not impossible that the ‘ Acts ’ contain some elements of historical truth . ” Thus in July 1953 , I could attend the New World Society Assembly , which was held in the same borough of the city . Hence , we will forgo items or styles of clothing that we like but that could close the minds of people to whom we want to witness . 23 : 6 , 7 . In some cases , we may come to realize that we were not the victim of an injustice after all . Above all , you will rejoice because you have found something much better than gold . ​ — Prov . ( b ) In what ways have you benefited from these provisions ? He understands any insecurities or self - doubts that we may have . Family heads today recognize that they have a Scriptural responsibility to provide for their family’s material needs . Why is opposing God’s sovereignty a misuse of free will ? Our eldest daughter , Irina , and her family live in Germany . “ Attending that school was an unforgettable gift from Jehovah . ” “ I had the pleasure of assisting an isolated family to learn the truth . ” That started a terrible chain of events that eventually cost Saul his kingship and , more important , Jehovah’s approval . While he may be at peace with his own conscience , the Christian must also consider the conscience of others . We might also learn another language , move to another area in our own country , or even move to another land . ​ — Acts 16 : 9 , 10 . He also appointed a “ faithful and discreet slave ” to take the lead in directing the work in the earthly courtyards of the great spiritual temple . 12 : 12 , 17 . Something that is very important , of course , is your example of faith . If you follow this advice , you will gain the reward of happiness that comes from giving with the right motive . ​ — Acts 20 : 35 . Realistically , we may not always be able to give equal attention to all the spiritual food available to us . Rather , he reveals his desire that we select styles of dress and grooming that show modesty and that befit Christian ministers . I enjoy meeting students from around the globe Another time , James and John requested that Jesus give them prominent places alongside him in his Kingdom . ​ — Mark 10 : 35 - 40 . In some cases help from others is needed and much appreciated . If we failed to guard against pride , we too could begin “ to think more of [ ourselves ] than it is necessary to think , ” perhaps even to the point of resisting Scriptural counsel . ON MARCH 26 , 1937 , two travel - weary men slowly drove their dusty truck into Sydney , Australia . What are some Bible examples of self - control and a lack of it ? Regarding the great tribulation just ahead of us , he said : “ The sign of the Son of man will appear in heaven , and all the tribes of the earth will beat themselves in grief , and they will see the Son of man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory . How can we maintain peace in the congregation ? ; and use available tools to do research on the material you just read . ​ — w16.05 , pp . Earlier on that last evening before his death , Jesus told his apostles : “ I give you my peace . ” That is not an easy work , and there are many challenges . What counsel did the apostle Paul write to fellow Christians ? By then , only our youngest son , Vitaly , remained at home . But a person who has wisdom is able to combine knowledge with understanding and use them well . ​ — w16.10 , p . Why ? I had decided to take a bride ​ — Gloria , one of those two young ladies who had invited me to the book study ! In 1896 , he wrote : “ We want no homage , no reverence , for ourselves or our writings ; nor do we wish to be called Reverend or Rabbi . Accountability to Jehovah is not founded on the act of getting baptized . They later went into the circuit work , as did their son and his wife . By their actions they are in effect saying , “ I am your friend , not because I have to be , but because you are important to me . ” Some of this material is designed to help them deal with the pressures at school or the challenges of adolescence . In fact , no reasonable person should be attracted to or attached to Baal . Of course , your goal is not simply to increase factual knowledge . articles amaze me ! Gaby recalls : “ I am truly grateful to Jehovah for the loving elders who walked me through every difficult step of the way . My four older sisters had already left home to work as schoolteachers . Pioneers may be sent to assist in your congregation . Satan’s tempting promise ​ — “ your eyes will be opened and you will be like God , knowing good and bad ” — ​ proved to be irresistible for Eve . The 13th - century cleric Stephen Langton divided the Bible into chapters . Church and State promoted apostate Christianity and tried to drown out the voice of wheatlike Christians . And remind yourself of the painful consequences of joining others in bad behavior . Attending Christian meetings and going from house to house to tell others about the Bible’s marvelous hope for the future was a regular part of our family’s routine . In Bible times , Scythians were looked down on as uncivilized people . Since 1919 , the glorified Jesus Christ has been using that slave to help his followers understand God’s own Book and heed its directives . Why might David have concluded that Solomon was unqualified , but what did he do ? That event was so convincing that “ many became believers in the Lord . ” In view of this , it was best that we arrive without any welcome and avoid contact with the local Witnesses . As Jehovah helped Solomon , he can help us to be courageous and to accomplish our work , both in our family and in the congregation . Consider what Jehovah is doing in our time and how you can have a share in his service . Consider an example of how Adam used his free will in an appropriate way . Emma taught such truths to many individuals , including Gertrude Steele , who for years served as a missionary in Puerto Rico . He may guide us by means of holy spirit . When natural disasters strike , young people join more experienced Witnesses in carrying through with relief efforts . This would not be love at all but a worthless imitation . Jesus ’ emphasis on unity is understandable . What does the comparison reveal ? Indeed , you will find yourself cherishing your quiet times when you are absorbed in Jehovah’s precious thoughts . ​ — 1 Tim . Who are some outstanding examples of endurance ? The preaching work included searching for deserving ones from house to house . Up until the late 1920 ’ s , the small number of Bible Students * in Australia had preached mostly in and around the coastal cities and towns . And he knew that we would occasionally transgress . I had made my decision . I am so glad that I did not take that job ! Why do Christians need to consider how their attire affects fellow worshippers ? Consider , for example , the three centuries during which Jehovah was raising up and empowering judges to deliver the nation of Israel from their oppressors . You could simply quote a comforting scripture , recall some memorable characteristic or quality of the deceased , or share a happy memory that you cherish . “ I have always struggled with Bible reading , ” wrote a 24 - year - old wife and mother . We can link that inspired statement with what Jesus said about seeking first the Kingdom and God’s righteousness . But he was a very determined contender , and he proved that he would not turn aside from the challenge ! I also asked my sister Felisa to forgive me for saying unkind things to her . Yes , he promoted true worship . ​ — 2 Chron . IMAGINE you wanted to list Bible verses that Jehovah’s Witnesses know well and use often . ( b ) How do we produce new Kingdom seed ? In November of 1948 , we left New York City aboard a 59 - foot ( 18 m ) schooner named Sibia . A Bethelite named Dustin reports : “ I made full - time service my goal when I was nine years old , and I started pioneering when I finished school . The sister in southern Europe mentioned earlier learned this same lesson . Being forgiven of our sins . With conviction he said : “ Happy is the one whose transgression is pardoned . ” ​ — Read Psalm 32 : 1 - 3 , 5 . Give examples of how fellow believers have helped you personally . Satan’s attempts to divide them permanently had been thwarted . Consider four things that can assist you in helping your children to build faith : ( 1 ) Get to know them well . People need to know that the ransom is the means by which Jehovah lovingly offers all mankind the prospect of everlasting life . And it deserves our wholehearted support . The inspired writer referred to them and many others who “ received a favorable witness because of their faith . ” Sakura loved what she learned , and with Jehovah’s help she was able to overcome deep feelings of guilt and shame and to put away sexual immorality . Those who preach to refugees need to be “ cautious ” and even “ shrewd . ” Eli knew about this and should have disciplined them , but he was lax in that regard . The very first issue of this magazine , published in July 1879 , stated : “ Truth , like a modest little flower in the wilderness of life , is surrounded and almost choked by the luxuriant growth of the weeds of error . Serious problems that persist in marriage may lead one mate or both mates to consider separation or divorce . When I was a toddler , my father would care for me while my mother attended meetings and shared in the witnessing work on weekends . 3 : 8 - 10 . His ordeal as a slave and a prisoner lasted for about 13 years . SONGS : 76 , 59 So I did that . What a splendid result of making wise use of the freedom to serve Jehovah ! ​ — Ps . “ Because of the increasing of lawlessness , the love of the greater number will grow cold . ” ​ — MATT . For instance , the brothers who support the Governing Body in helping to prepare spiritual food do so anonymously , not drawing attention to themselves or revealing the material they have worked on . What is a particularly effective way to provide consolation ? Her touching prayer is preserved in the Bible . And how can others help ? SONGS : 96 , 94 We rejoice that Jehovah in his undeserved kindness has allowed people from all backgrounds to hear the good news . After the session , delegates lined up for hours to be among the first subscribers to the magazine . 2 : 4 - 7 . She would later become a very important part of my life ​ — she became my wife ! In other cases , Jehovah’s people gave financial support to those taking the lead in the work . Jehovah looks on such ones with his smile of approval . Sing out ( a ) What announcement was made at the 2016 annual meeting ? This touched me emotionally and spiritually , making me more determined than ever to promote the truth from God’s Word . Because of health problems , a married couple in Poland began to witness by letter . He usually looked to God for direction . Once , in desperation , I told them to go to their rooms and that we would not have the study . After Ezekiel saw the wicked things being done in apostate Jerusalem prior to its destruction in 607 B.C.E . , he was given a vision of the events leading up to that destruction . For millenniums , Jehovah has directed men to take the lead . Challenges that Noah faced . In fact , the people had become “ expert at doing what is bad . ” When difficulties arise , stick to your goals . So let us “ follow the course of hospitality . ” ​ — Rom . That was enough for his beloved spiritual child Gaius to recognize him as the apostle John . How could it be otherwise ? How can a modest outlook help us to find fulfillment and keep our joy in any situation ? That occurred while her husband , Uriah , was away serving in the army . More important , by means of these qualities , we honor Jehovah and help others to heed the Bible’s counsel . ​ — Gal . * Jesus , of course , was not encouraging his disciples to act in an unrighteous way in order to survive in this world . How do we glorify Jehovah’s undeserved kindness ? By imitating Jesus ’ example , a husband may win his wife over to true worship . Anyone facing a situation similar to that of Kim would do well to ponder the case of the naive young man described in Proverbs chapter 7 . If a householder showed interest , it was suggested that we read scriptures describing life under God’s Kingdom . At this point , Shemaiah the prophet delivered God’s message to Rehoboam and his princes : “ You have abandoned me , so I have also abandoned you to the hand of Shishak . ” It can be especially challenging when speaking to a large group rather than to a classmate one - on - one . D . 150 , there is a description of Paul which is probably the best , and a true tradition . Here is another example . For instance , by proclaiming the truth about Jehovah’s wonderful qualities and his unchangeable purpose for mankind , we defend God’s name against Satan’s lies and slander . Some have said that inordinate pride is so distasteful that even the proud dislike it in others . Her husband was so impressed by the way the congregation proved to be a refuge for her and the baby that he accepted a Bible study and began to attend meetings with his wife and child . What Scriptural responsibility do family heads have ? “ Although we spoke for only a few minutes , ” wrote a sister to a visiting speaker , “ you saw my heavy heart , and you comforted and uplifted me . How thankful I am that my earlier assignments helped prepare me for the unique challenges of dealing with such a diversity of people ! He will do the same for all the other distressful conditions that make life miserable today . 28 : 2 . We thus can “ follow his steps closely ” and “ arm [ ourselves ] with the same mental disposition ” as Christ had . ​ — 1 Pet . What a relief this vision must have brought them ​ — a guarantee that Jehovah would keep pure worship clean ! But Jehovah blessed their preaching work . This can help us feel even more sure that Jehovah’s promises for the future will come true . Mental - health experts say that practicing compassion can improve your health , well - being , and relationships . ( b ) Why is it no wonder that we at times feel discouraged ? The Christian Bible writers emphasized the importance of faith by referring to it hundreds of times . To strengthen our desire to reach that goal , we will consider several aspects of the new personality that the apostle Paul was inspired to write about . A baptized brother can develop similar courage by seeking God’s help in earnest prayer and by daily reading the Bible . What rebellious actions did not defeat Jehovah’s purpose ? He added : “ His blood was on his own head , because he did not make use of the security God had provided for him . ” 20 , 21 . ( a ) What do the four kings we considered have in common ? What did Jesus say about singleness ? How did the Bible come to be under the control of the clergy ? Paul had been commissioned to spread the good news to non - Jews so that they too could be included among those called to be associated with Christ in the Messianic Kingdom government . On the other hand , Paul certainly would have appreciated Barnabas ’ kindness and compassion . On May 1 , 1949 , I became a regular pioneer . The special activity had a motivating effect on the local brothers . I made rapid progress , for I knew that I had found the truth . If you have disfellowshipped relatives , you may need to control your feelings in order to avoid unnecessary contact with them . That led to Jehovah’s blessing at the time , and no doubt more blessings await Moses in the future . During family worship or even on your own , try the following : Choose one of your favorite songs from our songbook . I have purposed it , and I will also carry it out . ” ​ — ISA . Joshua was about to take on the huge responsibility of leading the Israelites in the conquest of the Promised Land . On the contrary : “ Jehovah made whatever [ Joseph ] did successful . ” ​ — Gen . In the past , we have explained that in the modern - day fulfillment of this vision , the man with the secretary’s inkhorn represented the anointed remnant . Jesus said to his disciples : “ Take my yoke upon you . ” That is as it should be , for these elders are not “ masters ” over the faith of others but “ are fellow workers ” for the joy of their brothers . ​ — 2 Cor . Daniel and his companions clearly had the opportunity to “ accept release ” by compromising their integrity . In the first two chapters of Luke’s Gospel , Mary’s name is mentioned 12 times , but Joseph’s , only 3 . Fifteen minutes was not too hard for us or for them . ” We need to meet together to become part of “ one flock ” and to follow “ one shepherd . ” A young girl was pressured by her classmates because for religious reasons she did not salute the flag . They had strong faith , and they kept their joy alive despite negative experiences . The training at Gilead definitely helped me to improve my spirituality . During the main battle in Taanach , a sudden cloudburst turned the surroundings into a marsh . What must we remember if our relatives oppose our efforts to worship Jehovah ? John 19 : 38 says that Joseph “ was a disciple of Jesus but a secret one because of his fear of the Jews . ” As grateful recipients of God’s generous love , we should be moved to do our utmost “ to bear thorough witness to the good news of the undeserved kindness of God . ” No doubt , doing so helped Noah keep his faith strong . What if our aging parents need our help ? What comes first when Jehovah extends help to us ? To do so , try to imagine what things you would appreciate if you were a new arrival , and then do those things . Syntyche was not invited , but she heard about the good time that everyone had . How will having a spiritual viewpoint help you ( a ) to avoid vain pursuits ? Keep in mind that as we study and meditate , we should do so with the goal of developing a heartfelt desire to please Jehovah and obey his laws . How can respecting local customs contribute to our being good guests ? Brother Russell’s public talk in Belfast drew 450 locals , about 100 of whom had to stand because of a lack of room . I try not to judge them . Let us consider four ways . ( b ) What practical things can we do to support the weak ? Others will see your fine works , and many will be moved to give glory to our Father . ​ — Matt . If need - greaters serve in your congregation , let them know how much you appreciate them . How grateful we are that Jehovah does not burden us with detailed lists of regulations about our dress and grooming . This elder has found that by rereading these articles and by reading and meditating on the Memorial Bible reading , he learns new things each year . The first resurrection would take place sometime after “ the presence ” of Christ began . How did Asa react to this crisis ? Noah’s God - fearing father , Lamech , died about five years before the Flood . Was it a thoughtless vow that Jephthah had made ? The elders may be able to help such individuals to see that bitterness , hatred , and the harboring of grudges are traits that have no place in God’s organization . We must also keep our mind and heart open to the influence of holy spirit and gratefully accept help from others . ​ — w18.02 , p . He promised that anointed ones would be “ like dew from Jehovah ” as they preached the good news of the Kingdom , supported by the “ other sheep . ” No one may post our copyrighted publications on other Internet sites Clearly , the fruit must refer to an activity that each of us is able to carry out . Thus , if a mild tongue fails to stop an armed robber , wise Christians heed the principle embodied in Jesus ’ words : “ Do not resist the one who is wicked . ” Help them to feel at home . ​ — Matt . Most important , their motive for serving Jehovah was pure . Such blessings are enjoyed by those who settle differences in a spirit of love . A critical or rebellious spirit has no place in God’s organization , for such an attitude could disrupt our loving , peaceful , and united congregations . We read : “ The sons of Eli were wicked men ; they had no regard for Jehovah . ” 11 , 12 . As told by Felisa and Araceli Fernández These articles will help us to understand better the desirable quality of modesty . 6 : 20 . ( a ) What factors might influence parents to move back to a congregation that uses the language their children best understand ? Applying the Bible instruction just cited , Colossians 3 : 12 - 14 , may be a good starting point if someone hurts you . What is another effective bait that Satan uses , and how can we avoid it ? What resulted when the early congregations observed the decrees decided on by the governing body ? What dangers are faced by Christ’s followers today ? In response to a question posed by some Pharisees , Jesus said that the concession made by Moses to divorce one’s mate had “ not been the case from the beginning . ” Time and energy : Jehovah’s servants are very busy and often have multiple commitments . How do the publishers adapt to this situation ? How has the love of God brought you happiness ? But how was the situation resolved ? Later , Joshua had the daunting task of settling God’s people in the Promised Land . Getting to know Jehovah’s thinking through Bible study can help us to perceive what God would want us to do in a particular situation . In the invisible realm , Satan has organized the demons into governments , given them authority , and made them world rulers . ​ — Eph . Shortly before his death , Jesus realized that some of his followers were expecting him to set up an earthly kingdom centered in Jerusalem . They are then moved to make changes in their beliefs , attitudes , and conduct . We learned that the police were making daily raids on the homes of our brothers . Yes , Paul’s life centered on spiritual provisions and activities . If someone seems to be attacking your belief in creation , you may tactfully shift the responsibility to him . Truly , it was quite different from what I had known back in our small village . By performing righteous deeds , we let our light shine and thus bring glory to Jehovah’s name . The driver who took Maria from the courtroom to the prison told her : “ Don’t be afraid . She was responsible for the recipes that we used in our canning . Because of inherited sin , we all act presumptuously at times . In June 1940 , at age 17 , he cycled 65 miles ( 105 km ) to Scarborough to take up his new pioneer assignment . Also , when reading through the list , we might recall the effort that elders in our own congregation are putting forth in our behalf . Such spiritual people may tell you that the full - time ministry provides an education that benefits you throughout life . But to whom will God grant his favor and blessing ? You may recall other examples of the good that can come about when Witnesses manifest appropriate respect for public officials , rendering them the honor that the Bible says Christians should give them . On my second day at Bethel , I began working in the Bindery at 117 Adams Street . We enjoy his approval and blessing . Dedication vow ( See paragraph 10 ) Confronted with a raging conflict of global proportions , the Bible Students did not completely understand the principle of Christian neutrality . We have at times made comments to that effect . The positive look on their faces , as seen on our website , shows that they have kept their faith strong . But Jehovah does not think that one person or group of people is better than another . Or consider 70 - year - old Paula in Canada who is severely restricted by spina bifida . Despite these two strong influences , I became neither a Nazi nor a nun . Why do the man’s guards say such a thing ? There I met a mother who asked me to study the Bible with her deaf twin daughters , Jean and Joan Rothenberger , who were students at the same school for the deaf that I once attended . We should not expect God’s organization to supply a list of acceptable and unacceptable entertainment . How were cases of accidental bloodshed handled in Israel ? Then we made tea and hot chocolate . In the absence of specific laws , how can we know what choices will please Jehovah ? We can and should commend them for their hard work and strive to cooperate with directions that they provide . The universe truly is a marvel of organization . We often think about what Jehovah will give us in Paradise , but in this article , we will focus on what he will take away . The Informant also issued this fresh appeal : “ We need a pioneer army of 1,000 . ” * Your steadfastness in serving Jehovah is a source of encouragement for many ​ — even for experienced fellow believers . YOU are under attack ! As you eagerly scooped up those precious Bible truths , you learned how you could draw close to Jehovah and keep yourself in his love with everlasting life in view . ​ — Jas . We take to heart the inspired counsel : “ Clothe yourselves with the tender affections of compassion , kindness , humility , mildness , and patience . ” That lack may result in procrastination and underperformance in school or at work . To survive , the passengers must swim all the way to the shore . ( b ) How important is appreciation for that issue ? Or maybe the wrong attitudes of those around us are wearing us out . Consider the example of Rudolf Graichen , who was born in Germany in 1925 . or , ‛ Why don’t we get involved in the community ​ — with elections , for example — ​ to try to improve things ? ’ And he promises to reward that kindness . Fittingly , unthankful follows “ disobedient to parents ” because it describes the attitude of those who lack appreciation for the kindnesses shown to them by others . The first marriage was struck with calamity because both Adam and Eve chose to misuse their free will by disobeying Jehovah . Jesus ’ illustration of the unrighteous steward is thought - provoking . Paul was inspired to explain that Abraham believed that God was able to raise Isaac from the dead . In contrast , Jesus Christ pointed out a simple way to enjoy true freedom . Also important is regular heartfelt prayer , especially when we face trials or other challenging situations . One thing is sure : Having an increased share in spreading the good news “ to the most distant part of the earth ” will bring you rich blessings beyond compare ! ​ — Acts 1 : 8 . Those who are a regular part of our lives , the brothers and sisters in our congregation . May we continue to make use of all the spiritual provisions available to us . What did Zechariah see in his sixth vision , and what is significant about the scroll’s having writing on both sides ? You have sayings of everlasting life . ” Naboth , his sons , and their families will experience perfect justice when Jehovah resurrects the righteous ones . Jehovah lovingly made provision to save those Jews who did not agree with the detestable things happening in the city . Joseph had received a special blessing from his father , Jacob . Yet , Jehovah does not change , and the qualities of justice and mercy are still important to him . Proper View of Mistakes , No . It was designed to help relieve the weight of his upper - body armor . Satan implied that Jehovah did not want them to eat the fruit because doing so would enlighten them . Do you have a spiritual mentor ? They were thus in a position to compare the teachings of God’s Word with the dogmas of the church . “ Be hospitable to one another without grumbling . ” ​ — 1 PET . Using material assets to advance Kingdom interests shows “ practical wisdom ” in another way . Delivering a talk at a convention with a Cebuano interpreter Does this mean that a Christian has no other factors to consider as long as his use of alcohol is moderate ? The results were disastrous . Many who formerly displayed such animalistic qualities have changed for the better . However , they should never lose sight of their goal ​ — to have their children become Christian disciples . Accordingly , they resolved to have nothing to do with false religion as they understood it . Elders can help these ones to listen to the meetings , perhaps by helping them set up a connection over the telephone or by recording the meetings for them . What does Jehovah’s name embrace , and how did Satan slander that sacred name ? Does our dress and grooming show respect for Jehovah and others , or does it show a lack of modesty ? The advertised public talk , “ The Overthrow of Satan’s Empire , ” drew an “ intelligent audience of about 300 ” later that evening . As they gained accurate knowledge of God’s Word and expressed faith , they allowed Jehovah to mold them . I am open and honest with my wife about my feelings . Because I had unwisely taken sides in the dispute , I received strong counsel . In 1943 the Witnesses put on sandwich signs to advertise the “ Free Nation’s ” Theocratic Assembly held in 12 Mexican cities . How is Jehovah’s purpose for obedient mankind reflected in the model prayer ? After I thanked one sister for her answer , those seated behind her started gesturing to me to alert me that the answer was not correct . Those who have done so are worthy of sincere commendation . ​ — Judg . 5 : 11 , 12 . This was not an arbitrary choice . But human governments have divided people by claiming that their nation is the best . Asa and Jehoshaphat Amid that chaos , I boarded an overcrowded train in Karachi and clung precariously to an outside handrail most of the way to Quetta . Yes , “ love never fails . ” Currently , there are some 67,000 members of the Worldwide Order of Special Full - Time Servants of Jehovah’s Witnesses . He kept walking with God . Some two years earlier , Jesus had instructed his apostles : “ As you go , preach , saying : ‘ The Kingdom of the heavens has drawn near . ’ ” 5 : 28 ; 19 : 4 , 5 . During the time of King Jehoash , the priests used money that was collected to repair the house of Jehovah . Hospitality is one of the finest antidotes to loneliness . Most people didn’t know Jehovah’s Witnesses . When her two boys were eight and ten respectively , she taught them about earth’s atmosphere and the care Jehovah showed in making it . “ I Have Hope Toward God , ” Dec . How has Jehovah proved to be a God who gives encouragement ? Look at the people , at their faces and their eyes . In this connection , I was privileged to serve with Etta Huth , a truly wise sister . Now my wife and I are the oldest members . One day , a visitor asked the boy , “ Don’t you know that the gold coin is twice as valuable as the silver one ? ” Thus , it is reasonable to conclude that Jesus now knows when Armageddon will occur . “ When Baasha heard of it , ” the Bible reports , “ he immediately quit building Ramah and abandoned his work on it . ” It was May 1910 . He linked “ living according to the flesh ” with “ the sinful passions ” that were then “ at work in [ their ] bodies . ” During the night , an earthquake shook the foundations of the jail and opened all the doors . The bleak , waterless , sun - drenched rock called Makrónisos sits on the Attica coast about 30 miles ( 50 km ) from Athens . One took to scolding the other . Were Joseph’s words those of a man who passively accepted his situation ? The record of Job bears out that “ Jehovah is very tender in affection and merciful . ” In my school , the people you were with in first grade were the same ones you finished school with ; in fact , you knew the names of most people in town , and they knew yours . Despite the raids , we continued to preach in Armavir . 51 : 1 . How can we help others as they make personal decisions ? Indeed , our personal decisions do matter . ​ — Read Romans 14 : 19 ; Galatians 6 : 7 . All are neatly dressed . Each night , I watched as squadrons of German bombers flew over our area . Honesthearted ones are comforted by the knowledge that Jehovah is always just , for the world is saturated with injustice . for the second time , they were to cut the cords . We can take to heart what God told the Israelites , that his mighty ‘ hand is not too short to save ’ his loyal servants . For example , can your children explain from the Bible what happens at death ? But how can we be sure that true worship will prevail in this world filled with ungodliness ? Advertising a convention during my early pioneering days in Ireland Araceli For all his days , he is lent to Jehovah . ” I remember that Jehovah’s Witnesses knocked on my door many times , but I never opened it . Zealously apply the things you learn Ruth fell facedown before Boaz and asked why he had been so kind to her , a foreigner . 14 : 8 . the methods they use ? Above all , our humility will please God , for he “ opposes the haughty ones , but he gives undeserved kindness to the humble ones . ” ​ — 1 Pet . That was not the most important consideration , though . Then , in 1939 , as World War II engulfed Europe , an event in our village jolted us . As the four of us did our best to sing the tunes , the people joined in , their voices harmonizing beautifully . The need for volunteers in Jehovah’s organization is greater than ever . Hans Hölterhoff , who also refused the draft , went to prison , where he rejected all war - related work . By applying what we learn from the Bible , we can make decisions that please Jehovah . I liked what I was learning . For example , if the elders discern that we are having spiritual problems , they try to help us ​ — but not on the basis of human wisdom . Hundreds of Witnesses ended up at police stations for identification and questioning . As full - time ministers , we special pioneers expected to receive the same exemption as other religious ministers . * Beyond the shipyard , a dozen Bible Students stood on the quay , awaiting his arrival . The members meet weekly , which fosters close communication and unity . Eliakim was sent to speak to the officials , but he was not alone . I seriously thought about taking the job and turning down the invitation to the school . In the first century , the young man Timothy focused on spiritual goals , and you can too . Happily , many have responded . But she trusted that Jehovah would comfort her , so she continued to worship at the tabernacle and pour out her heart in prayer . But more is needed than adhering to Jehovah’s elevated moral standards . “ If you go preaching , don’t come back . Jehovah says to his people : “ Do not be anxious , for I am your God . Doing so , we contribute to the maintenance of our precious peace and unity . “ You must listen to him . ” With that question , Abraham expressed confidence that Jehovah would render perfect justice in the case of Sodom and Gomorrah . However , rather than give up , they looked to Jehovah for strength . Her husband , Fred , says : “ Making decisions was never easy for me . And as is the case with all qualities that their children need to learn , parents should set the example . The authorities made good on that threat . When presiding over family worship , the parent should remember that the guidance a young child needs may well differ from that of a teenager . He desired to work in harmony with Jehovah’s arrangement , so he got baptized without delay . I love pioneering in this territory . What have you detected in your conversations with others ? 1 : 5 , 16 . God’s promises are absolutely reliable . True worship teaches us to honor and respect our spouse , to treat marriage vows as sacred , to avoid adultery , to raise respectful children , and to practice true love . With my mother , and later with my father For example , many young people share in volunteer construction work . I listen to all who speak to me , and when appropriate , I often tell them : “ ‘ God loves a cheerful giver . ’ 30 How Can You Adjust to Your New Congregation ? Despite what Satan did in Eden , Jehovah held out hope for mankind in the first Bible prophecy . What steps led up to their baptism ? Like Noah , we need strong faith , trusting that God will soon intervene . Surely there is ample evidence to show that you can trust the channel that Jehovah has used for nearly a hundred years now to lead us in the way of the truth . ​ — Matt . He can use any part of it to disseminate his lies . He was assigned as a missionary to Chile , where he again served as a circuit overseer . “ Being in a foreign - language congregation has been fun , ” says Carolina , whose parents are immigrants . Thus , each one of us should ask himself : ‘ How do I view the singing at our meetings for worship ? The following year saw not one but two conventions held in the country , one in the port city of Veracruz and one in Mexico City . Above all , rely on Jehovah . Later , on his way home , a lion came across Jehovah’s prophet on the road and killed him . ​ — 1 Ki . If it has , they will then handle the case according to Scriptural guidelines . Though you do not see him now , yet you exercise faith in him . ” These were loyal individuals who would never have thought of breaking a vow that was made to the Most High God ​ — no matter what it cost them personally . ​ — Read Deuteronomy 23 : 21 , 23 ; Psalm 15 : 4 . In fact , Philippians 2 : 12 says : “ Keep working out your own salvation with fear and trembling . ” I will show a waiting attitude [ “ I will wait patiently , ” ftn . ] for the God of my salvation . What Scriptural counsel for families did Paul give to Christians in Colossae ? I weighed only about 125 pounds ( 57 kg ) and was as skinny as a rail . Jehovah’s undeserved kindness will reach beyond the end of the present wicked system of things . In the Bible , endurance means more than simply putting up with , or tolerating , a difficult situation . 17 , 18 . ( a ) What can help you to make the truth your own ? What similar arrangement exists among God’s people today ? When I think about my old macho attitude , I am glad that I learned what the Bible teaches about real manliness . Therefore , we ‘ walk in modesty with God ’ by conforming our lives to his elevated standards and showing respect for other people’s sensitivities . In the modern - day fulfillment , the six men with smashing weapons represent Jesus ’ heavenly armies with Jesus himself at the head . Jesus came to earth and died “ once for all time . ” One couple owned a thriving manufacturing business . You may feel that you have dealt with a question to your child’s satisfaction . It can imply having a positive and hopeful view of the future . Three of us ​ — Paul Bruun , Raymond Leach , and I — ​ were assigned to the Philippines . 48 : 17 . My God will hear me . ” We have considered a number of bad practices that Christians must strip off and keep off . As she was trying to clean up , the doorbell rang . It was a fabulously wealthy city in which people placed much emphasis on luxuries , leisure , and comfortable living . While I was wrestling with these concerns , I had a motorcycle accident and ended up in the hospital . Yet , he acted with caution and shrewdness . That is so even if his requirements involve our making some sacrifices . ​ — Read Isaiah 48 : 17 . Whether you have personally lost a loved one in death or know someone who is bereaved , you may wonder , ‘ How can grieving ones be helped to deal with their heartache ? ’ Giving is good for us . Demand for our publications rose dramatically . Some find it difficult to preach to their peers at school . Satan , an enemy of God who opposes his rule , insulted Jehovah by saying that humans serve God only for selfish reasons . 10 , 11 . ( a ) How might we have to wrestle for God’s blessing ? In our case , if we have accomplished something worthwhile , could it be that Jehovah is ‘ leaving us alone to put us to the test , ’ allowing what is in our heart to surface ? Riana giving a talk in the Tandroy language God’s gift enabled her to pay off her debts and after that to have enough money for her and her sons to live on . At times , this may not be easy for us . May we imitate the faith of such ancient ones by treasuring our gift of free will and using it to do God’s will . However , are we also determined to be “ obedient from the heart ” by doing our best to avoid sins that some would view as less serious ? ​ — Rom . When his bicycle tires wore out , he pressed on , confident that Jehovah would guide him . The same was true of Sarah , Isaac , Jacob , and many others who focused their hope on the future Kingdom , “ whose designer and builder is God . ” ​ — Heb . How disappointed you would be if you learned that he had thrown your gift in the trash or , worse yet , that he had used it to injure someone ! “ Happy is the people whose God is Jehovah ! ” Still , they worked well together . To help his people recall why they were freed from Babylon in the first place , God sent his prophet Zechariah in 520 B.C.E . Our imperfect flesh can weaken our resolve to stay alert . Then Aaron and Hur , one on each side , supported his hands , so that his hands remained steady until the sun set . ” For example , when we are talking with someone about God’s Kingdom , we would not say that we agree or disagree with the ideas or opinions of a particular political group or leader . However , there are some indications of Paul’s appearance . She was curious and wanted to learn more . Their captors allowed them to administer their own affairs to some extent . The Digest considers the legal remedies available to the owner , or tenant farmer , in order to obtain compensation from the perpetrator for the loss suffered . Do philosophies that say that there is no God affect people ? I felt as if I had come home spiritually . The Bible likens humanity to a sea that tosses and turns , a sea that knows no peace . Even if many in the world wear revealing swimwear , we who serve Jehovah are concerned about being a credit to the holy God we love . ( Read Psalm 37 : 3 . ) “ We ‘ tasted ’ the brothers ’ hospitality , ” said Jean - David , mentioned earlier . * ( Read 1 Thessalonians 4 : 3 - 8 . ) Does the Babylonian captivity find a parallel in Christian times ? Thus , we all have areas in which we need to improve in showing love . How Philip himself as well as those he had converted must have been encouraged by this support from the governing body ! Brothers arrived in small numbers and assembled in the forest . That was operated by Jehovah’s Witnesses from 1924 to 1957 . Adam was the “ one man ” through whom sin and death “ entered into the world . ” However , the political situation changed , and we had to relocate to South Vietnam . Jehovah is the rightful Sovereign of the universe because he is the almighty God and Creator . Ask longtime Witnesses how Jehovah has cared for them . 4 - 7 . Hence , Jehovah takes a positive view of people and does not focus on temporary imperfections . He wrote : “ Keep on teaching and encouraging one another with psalms , praises to God , spiritual songs sung with gratitude , singing in your hearts to Jehovah . ” ​ — Col . We want to be like him . This convinced Job even more that Jehovah would end his trials at the right time . How can we be sure of this ? ( Informant , * December 1937 , London edition ) The sobering subtitle added : “ No Outstanding Increase in Ten Years . ” Consider the man Baruch , the prophet Jeremiah’s secretary . Indeed , during the reign of David’s son Solomon , the nation enjoyed unprecedented peace and prosperity . So I went . After the war , my father was sent to prison because the government did not like his political ideas . We should never be so proud of our country or nation that we think it is better than any other . We do not try to change governments or try to influence politicians , and we do not vote in political elections or become politicians . Now , by means of the contributions of many and “ an equalizing ” of finances , Jehovah’s organization has sponsored the translation and distribution of Bibles to each member of the family as well as to spiritually hungry Bible students . He later “ came to have seven more sons and three more daughters . ” That is because the object of one’s desire , such as riches or luxuries , can become so controlling in life that it takes on the role of a powerful god . She relates : “ For years , I thought about serving in a foreign country , but it seemed to be a goal beyond my reach . ” “ What You Vow , Pay , ” Apr . Very soon the political powers of Satan’s world will form a coalition that is bent on the destruction of God’s people . In 1966 both north and south Ireland were united under the Dublin branch office ​ — a sharp contrast to the political and religious divisions on the island . Appreciating Jehovah as Our Potter , June Recall the account of the two prostitutes who argued before Solomon over which one of them was the actual mother of a child . 11 : 33 , 34 ; Dan . Yet , they held on to their integrity , becoming models of faith and obedience in the eyes of God . ​ — Read Ezekiel 14 : 12 - 14 . That helped a lot . ” When we are neat , clean , modestly dressed , and well - groomed , people are more likely to respect us as ministers of the Sovereign Lord Jehovah . What sort of things might we include when asking ourselves , ‘ What is my key interest ? ’ Thereafter , Rehoboam continued to reign over the southern kingdom . Modesty motivates us to consider others ahead of ourselves , and it encourages us to be cautious , thus avoiding serious mistakes . Every day , Jephthah and his daughter would have been reminded of the results of the Israelites ’ disobedience to Jehovah . 16 : 20 ; Rev . Consider the admonition found at Philippians 2 : 3 , 4 : “ Do nothing out of contentiousness or out of egotism , but with humility consider others superior to you , as you look out not only for your own interests , but also for the interests of others . ” 6 : 8 , 9 . How do they prepare themselves for this type of service ? What will help us to overcome minor disagreements with fellow believers ? God is offering his “ right hand of righteousness ” to you too . Jehovah did not require the manslayer to be judged again for the same case ; nor was the avenger of blood permitted to enter the city and take the fugitive’s life . We were so grateful when both daughters started pioneering after finishing high school , and they developed skills to support themselves financially . Yes , he spoke rashly at times , but Jehovah understood the pain Job felt . We usually sailed from island to island at night . The injustice of it all ! This view can affect the whole congregation , especially if those taking the lead find reasons to hold back or to engage in other activities while the rest of the congregation is singing . ​ — Ps . I was born in 1923 in Chatham , Kent , England , and I grew up in a world full of disappointed people . One woman who gave birth to a baby boy while living in a foreign country was going to send the child back to her homeland to be cared for by his grandparents . How did Jesus remain faithful when under trial ? 25 : 6 . All of us , including young ones , can build one another up by words of encouragement . Jewish Zealots , or nationalists , stirred up these feelings among the people . They would not be open to any agreement , displaying an unwillingness to become reconciled to other people . Over a millennium after that psalm was written and weeks after Jesus died and was raised , Peter spoke to thousands of Jews and proselytes about Psalm 16 : 10 . A mature Christian is sensitive to the conscience of others ( See paragraphs 11 , 12 ) What could cause us to miss out on the benefits of some of Jehovah’s provisions ? Although in her late 70 ’ s , she did not feel that baptism was unnecessary for her . Could new ones join you for family worship or for the monthly JW Broadcasting program ? Jesus confirmed that it was Jehovah who stated : “ A man will leave his father and his mother and will stick to his wife , and the two will be one flesh . ” A fourth way to promote unity is by showing love in imitation of Jehovah , the God of love . In time , he hopes to be spiritually qualified to serve as an overseer . In Eden , his argument was that each individual can and should decide what is good and what is bad , doing so independent of God . 10 : 3 , 4 . You may even have accompanied your greeting with a handshake or a hug . Rather , may we continue to have intense love for Jehovah , his Word , and our brothers . “ Find exquisite delight in Jehovah , and he will grant you the desires of your heart . ” ​ — PS . The second article considers what the Scriptures say about the roles of husbands and wives . Reflect on the importance of attending the Memorial . ( b ) emotionally ? Next , we needed accommodations . JOSEPH OF ARIMATHEA hardly knew how he had found the courage to approach the Roman governor . Because of her past experience , one sister found it hard to love Jehovah . Our host may well have made preparations , and all his effort may be for nothing if we cancel . The example of Rehoboam , king of Judah , can help us find the answer . How can we be sure ? He has been slow to anger and has been just in dealing with Satan’s revolt . How did Jesus deal with them ? 18 “ Jehovah Our God Is One Jehovah ” We have to pay attention to our spirituality , to our relationship with Jehovah , and to Kingdom priorities . Thus , a person can indeed “ be of use to God . ” He even stated : “ I take back what I said , and I repent in dust and ashes . ” What lessons can we learn from this incident ? Yet , even in such a good environment , many allowed bad desires to take root and grow . Still , we can benefit from thinking about how he could ​ — and did — ​ forgive us . After all , “ a cheerful glance makes the heart rejoice . ” We need to keep exerting ourselves and following God’s instructions , for Romans 12 : 2 states : “ Stop being molded by this system of things , but be transformed by making your mind over , so that you may prove to yourselves the good and acceptable and perfect will of God . ” As a result , you come away from that talk with renewed appreciation for the subject . For many years after learning the truth , Victoria struggled to accept that God could love her . Try to understand the connection between the statements in the outline and the cited scriptures . See Jehovah’s Witnesses ​ — Proclaimers of God’s Kingdom , chap . What choice did Adam have to make , and with what consequences ? That opened the way for me to reach another theocratic goal . Indeed , Jehovah is the very essence of love . “ I was afraid to witness to my classmates , ” says 20 - year - old Bo . However , the three of us were initially assigned to a congregation in Quezon City , where many of the residents spoke English . In the model prayer , Jesus next petitioned God : “ Let your Kingdom come . ” These aids include the video The Wonders of Creation Reveal God’s Glory , the brochures Was Life Created ? 4 , 5 . ( a ) In addition to preaching , how can we let our light shine ? ( Read Zechariah 6 : 13 . ) Parents , Help Your Children Build Faith , Sept . For example , he formed a marriage alliance with wicked King Ahab of the northern kingdom . Avoid saying negative things about your mate in front of your children . Reflect on what the earthly part of God’s organization has been accomplishing in these last days . It will have been a long wait , but we can be sure that the wait will be worth it . 14 : 29 ; 15 : 28 ; 19 : 2 . 19 Life Story ​ — Jehovah Has Never Failed Me ! What limitations do humans have ? She was sure that would occur in the future . For example , how do you feel about fellow Christians who are from cultures very different from your own ? Jehovah solved every problem . ” Claire ( center ) Yes , with God’s help and a smooth stone , David defeated Goliath . ​ — 1 Sam . With patient teaching from their parents , children will be able gradually to begin to grasp “ the breadth and length and height and depth ” of faith . Elders in Takuya’s congregation invited him to call them whenever he experienced relapses . PATIENCE 6 : 9 , 10 . We also long for the promised reward of everlasting life , either as part of God’s “ new heavens ” or as part of his “ new earth . ” And your chief enemy , Satan , is using a very dangerous weapon against you . Others worry about losing control , convinced that younger ones cannot do things as well . A person doing the latter centers his life on things related to God and his thoughts ; such a Christian is dominated by holy spirit . In this illustration , one grain of seed yielded a hundred grains . GOOD friends are precious , and a lasting friendship does not happen just by chance . As a teenager , I learned to drive a tractor and became familiar with other basic farming skills . Excellent questions these . Similarly , many loving elders have been able to imitate Nehemiah by assisting on theocratic construction projects or by cleaning and maintaining their local Kingdom Hall . In time , he described his former feelings toward Christ’s followers : “ I was extremely furious with them . ” ​ — Acts 26 : 11 . Zechariah sees flying through the air a scroll nearly 30 feet ( 9 m ) long and 15 feet ( 4.5 m ) wide ! For our worship to be acceptable to him , we too must give him exclusive devotion and love him with our complete heart , mind , and strength . When we go through a trial , we may notice that we need to be more patient , appreciative , or loving . What happened to Adam’s children ? Jehovah provides everything they need . “ Listen , my daughter , ” said Boaz . Life there was simple because it was a time of economic depression . Perhaps you can think of examples of how a language that you speak has changed . How can you help your children if your language ability is limited ? You may wonder , though , how can your expectation become more sure ? Moreover , they learn to view parental discipline as an expression of love that reflects Jehovah’s love . If it were true , it would mean that man does not need God’s guidance and that man can do as he pleases . Instead , they will imitate Jehovah . How did the arrangement affect the Witnesses ? Over the years , I have seen that prejudice is not really about a person’s skin ; it is about sin ​ — the Adamic sin that infects us all . Paul showed that even one who has the responsibility of encouraging others needs to be built up himself . Making disciples is teamwork . 17 , 18 . ( a ) Why is Shinar the “ proper place ” for “ Wickedness ” to reside ? By promising his worshippers a reward , Jehovah helps to sustain them during tests of integrity . I can absolutely rely on her , no matter what challenges we face . Satan is our enemy . Had you been a disciple then , would Peter’s actions have affected your loyalty to Jehovah ? He suggested that I try to get some kind of skill to support me in the pioneer service . Now you are truly known by him . She replied that she would accept only part - time work and only if she was granted time off for her spiritual activities . More important , they did not forget what they had learned but cherished God’s promises and requirements and meditated on them . Daniel was evidently well - instructed by his parents , who taught him to love Jehovah and his written Word . To the Israelites of Zechariah’s day , Shinar would be a fitting place for Wickedness to be confined . * Jesus had selected his apostles not merely to accompany him in his ministry but to play a crucial role among God’s people . Paul had written to the Corinthians : “ I am sending Timothy to you , because he is my beloved and faithful child in the Lord . But we can succeed when we look to God for guidance . May we keep on exercising our faith in Jehovah’s promises ! Was God’s confidence in Daniel misplaced ? The walls provided physical protection from invaders as well as elevated vantage points from which to watch the surrounding landscape . As told by Olive Matthews We have been created in such a way that we find happiness in doing so . He also stated : “ When you are forced to beg Jehovah for help and forgiveness , you realize how much you need him . ” Quoting Jehovah’s words through the prophet Isaiah , Jesus said about them : “ This people honor me with their lips , but their hearts are far removed from me . I soon learned that it was the custom in the Philippines in those days for a public talk to be really public ! He will wipe it out . The need to think about Christ’s example may especially arise when we have been offended or have experienced an injustice . “ Do you think they are just going to let us walk off ? ” his parents asked . If you are an immigrant parent , how can you give your children the best possible opportunity to become spiritual children who “ go on walking in the truth ” ? The 10 deaf publishers in that city were delighted that 62 people attended the Memorial there in 2015 According to this work ( Digest , ) , the jurist Ulpian referred to a case considered by the second - century Roman statesman Celsus . Jesus ’ disciples followed him willingly , and they affirmed that he was Jehovah’s choice . Could it be that their lives were dominated by or centered on “ things of the flesh ” ? At the meetings , we give Jehovah what he deserves . When I graduated from secondary school , I asked to serve where the need for Kingdom preachers was greater . However , training others saves time in the long run . ​ — Eph . Read Ephesians 6 : 15 . You can use the same basic principles when you talk with someone who has doubts about the Bible . But later , they too accepted the truth . False religion misrepresents God and distorts the teachings of his Word . 1 : 1 – 3 : 30 . But such unity is beautiful in the eyes of Jehovah and Jesus ! His crowning was prophetic , pointing to a future and eternal king and priest . Moreover , the Scriptures show that it pleases Jehovah when we make “ voluntary offerings of praise ” to him and cheerfully do what we can to advance true worship . Likely , both Jewish and Gentile Christians appreciated Peter’s fearlessness in presenting the facts . Oh , how we regret that slip of the tongue , those fleshly tendencies that flare up every now and then , or those inclinations to envy what others have ! This principle has long been understood . No doubt , Jesus had in mind that he would soon give his life in behalf of mankind . Perhaps they even wonder , ‘ What must I do to get saved ? ’ ( b ) Why does injustice not justify violence ? John praised Gaius for hosting the brothers even though they were strangers to him . How can you improve your skills ? Instead of the world’s spirit , we welcome in our life the influence of God’s spirit by which Jehovah has given us a clear understanding of the events that lie ahead of us . If so , their parents need not feel that their children are rejecting them . Unlike the complete separation that God’s people maintain from politics and false religion , most cannot separate themselves completely from the commercial part of Satan’s world . Still , no matter how others try to pressure us , it is our responsibility to follow our Bible - trained conscience . SONGS : 49 , 127 Jesus ’ deep affection for the law of God was prophetically expressed at Psalm 40 : 8 : “ To do your will , O my God , is my delight , and your law is deep within me . ” And the answer , put simply , is that there was little choice back in those days . Does a comment like that indicate that man is coming to grips with the problems that have plagued him for so long ? So in light of this adjusted understanding , what lessons do we learn from Ezekiel’s vision ? Third , Paul added : “ They have a zeal for God . ” How are you today ? ” 121 : 1 - 3 . One teenager read the article “ How Can You Resist Wrong Desires ? ” published in the Awake ! SONGS : 150 , 124 What a fine example of using his freedom for the benefit of others ! 10 : 3 - 6 ; Col . To benefit from God’s mercy , repentant wrongdoers today must likewise take action . Through his servant Moses , Jehovah gave the people the choice to accept or reject the privilege of becoming His special property . And now I really do preach to more people than before . ” “ I learned some lessons for my own ministry , ” said Johannes from Germany . They had seen the courage Jesus displayed . How can you imitate Hezekiah as you serve God ? ( c ) to deal with disputes ? So I interpreted , which helped them grasp the truth more readily . We were exactly under the flight path between Nazi - occupied Europe and London . “ Righteousness and justice are the foundation of [ his ] throne , ” so we can be confident that all of his laws , principles , and decisions are righteous . They feel that by doing so , they would be condoning or promoting corruption . Read Zephaniah 3 : 16 , 17 . So when Luke lists Joseph and describes him as the son of Heli , it was understood to mean that Joseph was Heli’s son - in - law . ​ — Luke 3 : 23 . I viewed her as a fine example of submission to theocratic headship . Also , of great importance is the question : ‘ Which of his good qualities can I benefit from ? ’ These articles will consider three lines of evidence that have always identified God’s representatives . There we learn of Satan’s contention that if subjected to intense suffering , Job would reject God . How did she and her parents respond ? What is the point of Peter’s illustration ? It is a sure hope , one based on the promise of the Creator himself . The law of God that permits sexual relations only between a man and a woman who are married to each other is part of what defines the marriage arrangement . But what about Jephthah’s daughter ? It is much the same with Bible students today , whether young or old . In fact , the Bible makes it clear that a mild temper has great strength . Psalm 119 : 21 says of Jehovah : “ You rebuke the presumptuous . ” Jehovah’s name embraces the full scope of His excellence , majesty , and holiness . The Bible offers a notable example in King David . ( See paragraphs 15 - 17 ) ( b ) What do the Scriptures admonish children to do ? He says , “ I began applying Bible principles in my life , and as a result , the respect between me and my family grew . ” We , however , cannot observe him directly . I certainly feel that my life may have had a poor start materially , but the ending is spiritually rich , far richer than I could ever have imagined ! Moreover , they make up their mind not to be distracted by this world . What happy times ! At times , we may be able only to smile or wave as a greeting . They say , “ To help humble people learn about Jehovah is a joy beyond compare ! ” In what sense did God’s people come into Babylonian captivity from the second century C.E . onward ? Do I value material things more than my relationship with Jehovah and with people ? Many have found that living a simple life not only makes them happier but also gives them more time to serve Jehovah . Of course , you would not join those who are rebelling , but would you think that the rebels are right and hope that they are successful ? 12 : 1 - 14 . “ Let us consider one another . . . , encouraging one another , and all the more so as you see the day drawing near . ” ​ — HEB . “ Too numerous to recount ” are the “ wonderful works ” we can thank and praise Jehovah for daily ! Generally , they want to live with others in peace . I had been in the circuit work for only a short time when I realized that his counsel was surely needed . His reaction might be terrible ! ’ What should we do in situations that do not involve a direct Bible command ? What spiritual and physical benefits can we derive by ‘ letting go ’ of anger ? As you make plans , consult your circuit overseer and the pioneers in your circuit . This part of the vision highlights that Jehovah will not tolerate wickedness of any kind among his people . They left a land that was familiar to them in order to move to a place most of them had never seen . But Peter also exhorted Christians : “ Honor men of all sorts , have love for the whole association of brothers . ” With that in mind , let us consider ( 1 ) how Noah , Daniel , and Job came to know God , ( 2 ) how that knowledge benefited them , and ( 3 ) how we can develop a faith like theirs . This will result in unimaginable blessings for those who are “ eagerly waiting for him . ” ​ — Isa . 30 : 18 ; ftn . To resolve serious problems and disputes , we should of course apply Jesus ’ counsel . The way they are being affected is clear proof that “ the word of God is alive and exerts power . ” 14 - 16 . ( a ) What are some of the things being accomplished with your donations ? “ The work is great , ” says David , “ for it is not a temple for man but for Jehovah God . ” ​ — 1 Chron . Jesus stated that Jehovah gives “ holy spirit to those asking him . ” Jesus then explained to the crowd the true nature of his work . Limitations put on people’s freedom can protect them . Rather , he is “ rich in mercy . ” ​ — Eph . He can then make an honest evaluation of his circumstances . Also , remember that simply reading a number of scriptures does not in itself constitute teaching from the Bible . He only expects from us what is reasonable , and he greatly appreciates whatever we do . ​ — Heb . Activities that hinder spiritual growth . What is the reward for showing such love ? “ Then , ” recalls Hans , “ we heard a convention talk in which it was mentioned that King David accepted that he would not be allowed to build the temple , so he changed his goal . He stayed calm and respectful . Customs and words used may differ from place to place , but the basics of a greeting are much the same . Honoring Jehovah and Christ is not optional . It is described as “ lowliness of mind . ” The tax in question was the “ head tax , ” a tax of one denarius levied on Roman subjects . Have adults also benefited from the article ? So , what could it mean for us if we simply follow our heart ? Next , he said : “ I have called you friends . ” What benefits come from being hospitable ? What can help you to adjust ? After some 6,000 years of human misery , Satan’s world is coming to its end . Job could not know when in the future that time would be . Forgiveness is really a test of humility . In a sense , I did so first to teach myself and then so that I could teach my student ! Ask yourself : ‘ How do my neighbors view me ? How did you prepare for serving where the need is greater ? They do that instead of forming strong opinions about , or speaking out against , certain unjust practices . ​ — Matt . If you have sinned seriously , Jehovah is ready to help you recover . Frankly , we want them to see that unless it is physically or circumstantially impossible , we will be present at the Memorial . Those who did not obey Jehovah refused to accept the guidance of God’s holy spirit , his angels , and his Word . Explaining why , he stated : “ I have written you in few words in order to encourage you and to give an earnest witness that this is the true undeserved kindness of God . You could also talk with them about the wise directions found at Galatians 5 : 19 - 23 . May we be determined to benefit ourselves by attending the Memorial on March 31 , 2018 . According to the Bible , what will happen to organizations that seem solid to many people today ? One way he did that was by accepting correction from Jehovah’s representative , the prophet Nathan . This world ruled by Satan fosters “ the desire of the flesh and the desire of the eyes and the showy display of one’s means of life . ” The one that I was assigned to was in the Bronx . ( b ) Why might Asa have relied on humans when Baasha came up against Judah ? What will help us to face the future with full confidence ? Judges chapters 4 and 5 should be studied together , for each chapter reveals details not contained in the other . Under inspiration , Lamech said : “ This one [ Noah ] will bring us comfort from . . . the painful toil of our hands because of the ground that Jehovah has cursed . ” This medium - sized container has a “ round lid of lead . ” Atsuko Sincerely saying “ I am sorry for hurting you ” takes humility and courage , but it goes a long way in solving problems and drawing marriage partners closer together . 16 : 3 , 9 . What bold stand did the early Bible Students take relative to Babylon the Great ? One young man said : “ I want to use my life to serve God . ” Consider : We know a lot about Satan and his tactics . Who are especially worthy of being respected and honored , and why ? ( b ) What should be our resolve regarding wickedness ? Words cannot express the pain Jehovah must have suffered . ​ — John 5 : 20 ; 10 : 17 . And we will praise Jehovah as we see how he blesses “ the entire association of [ our ] brothers in the world . ” ​ — 1 Pet . Finally , we have learned how having “ the mind of Christ ” helps us to grow as a spiritual person . Feelings of prejudice in our time can be deeply ingrained , just as they were in Jesus ’ day . Accordingly , they can benefit from the counsel found in Romans chapter 8 that is given to righteous ones . Many people reach retirement age and wonder if they will have enough money to live out the rest of their life comfortably . These are questions that many loving parents ask themselves when a child expresses the desire to get baptized . As we draw close to him and grow in love for his Word , we come to trust his judgment . Brother Knorr died in 1977 , but those who knew and loved him were comforted because he had finished his earthly course faithfully . Putting on “ the new personality , ” the early Christians came to view all people as equal in the sight of God . ​ — Col . Reasonably , we would expect that a person who is worthy of such attention and respect has done something to merit honor or that he serves in a special position . In contrast , the religious leaders of that time disregarded God’s Word whenever it contradicted their own traditions . In addition , age is a factor to consider , for the apostle stated : “ If anyone thinks he is behaving improperly by remaining unmarried , and if he is past the bloom of youth , then this is what should take place : Let him do what he wants ; he does not sin . How will you respond if the elders make a decision that you do not understand or perhaps do not agree with ? When I got the invitation , though , I was unemployed and struggling financially . When neither threats nor enticements worked , I was sentenced to seven years of hard labor in a camp near the city of Saransk . Each year she would bring me a new pair of boots . And he inspired the apostle Paul to write to the Hebrew Christians in the first century : “ Keep praying for us , for we trust we have an honest conscience , as we wish to conduct ourselves honestly in all things . ” ​ — Heb . The weightier ones call for more thought and prayerful consideration , which may take time . Euodia and Syntyche may have had distinctly different ways or personalities . On the next day , the travelers caught the fast mail boat to Liverpool and boarded the famed Lusitania for New York . No doubt , research in our Christian publications can help you to locate relevant material that will further help you . Modesty may lead us to say no . ( a ) What will modesty move us to do in a new role or assignment ? Therefore , let us examine some of Paul’s loving warnings found in his letter to the Colossians . Now that God’s undeserved kindness and resulting forgiveness are available , are you determined no longer ‘ to present your body to sin ’ ? When that failed to break his resolve , guards staged a mock execution . He did not reason that it would be cheaper or quicker to build his house on sand . Thinking ahead about what could happen , that man built his house on rock . Later , as he read the booklet , John felt that he was hearing Bible truth for the first time . Peter kept a diary . Those gathered constitute “ a mighty nation ” of more than eight million happy people who “ are rendering [ God ] sacred service day and night . ” Not only did Luca explain his beliefs but he also showed our website to the whole class . 31 Did You Know ? Read Isaiah 40 : 26 . That work is truly satisfying and can draw you closer to your brothers and sisters . Such appreciation is the best protection , for your child will be motivated to hold to Jehovah’s righteous way . ​ — Isa . In the days of the prophet Malachi , many Jewish husbands dealt treacherously with their wives by divorcing them , using all kinds of excuses . Then hand your child a piece of fruit , perhaps an apple , and ask : “ Did you know that this apple started off with a ‘ recipe ’ ? ” Then in the second article , we will consider how we can cultivate spirituality and put it to work in our daily lives . ( Faith on the March , by A . About a dozen single brothers were serving there . She was clearly interested in God’s purpose in connection with the Messiah . Pride hinders approach to God . After being released from prison , Rudolf enjoyed the privilege of serving as a circuit overseer and was then invited to Gilead School . How dangerous is propaganda ? 3 : 21 . Legal scholar Alastair Kerr explains that in 533 C.E . , Roman Emperor Justinian published his Digest , a summary of Roman law and excerpts from jurists of the classical period of the law ( about 100 - 250 C.E . ) . After we conducted a Bible study , some students would walk with us to the next family we were to visit in order to join in their study too . Do not let Satan use fear itself to weaken your morale or break your integrity . Let us see how doing so can help you to strengthen your faith in God as the Creator and in the Bible ​ — topics on which there is no shortage of “ convincing evidence . ” ​ — Heb . 11 : 1 , ftn . At times , very powerful forces have tried to keep the Bible from the common people . If so , we could be depriving ourselves of information that would be of great benefit to us . Many who thirsted for Bible truth fled to countries where the influence of the church was less pervasive . For example , the Yearbooks of 1992 , 1999 , and 2008 include encouraging reports of our brothers in Ethiopia , Malawi , and Russia . For example , regarding our brothers and sisters in Nazi Germany , author Anton Gill wrote : “ Jehovah’s Witnesses attracted the especial enmity of the Nazis . . . . 12 : 12 ; 1 Thess . Still later , Jesus took on a new role on earth , first as a helpless baby and then as an adult . Our life is at stake ! This change affected every area of our life . And it was not over when we got baptized . The more I see how Jehovah directs matters , the more I desire to draw closer to him . ” 49 : 10 . When my father read those books , his faith in God was awakened . He left about one o’clock the next morning . After that , we could enjoy spending time together talking about our dear God , Jehovah , and his Word ! Pray for holy spirit , which can give you patience and self - control . Christians who lovingly seek to help others are rewarded with a good conscience , knowing that they are acting in harmony with godly principles . If that fails , talk to the offender in the company of witnesses to the wrongdoing or with others who can help to determine if a wrong has really been committed . 31 One Act of Christian Kindness Still , Jehovah noted Abraham’s outstanding faith and counted him as righteous . What can help us to make good use of God’s Word in our ministry ? Today , Satan has misled some Christians into thinking that they can presume on God’s mercy and commit sins with impunity . What did he mean by that ? As a result , the brothers adopted the practice of identifying one another by their given names , such as José or Paulo , rather than by their surnames . Since the Devil first enticed humans to support his rival sovereignty , your siding with Jehovah’s rulership sends Satan a message that is loud and clear . About 7,000 Bible Students prepared for action . This is inevitable . Even after baptism , they may at times be tempted to return to their former practices . What will Jehovah do about wrong activities ? How can parents imitate Jesus ’ example in teaching ? No , but go on growing in the undeserved kindness and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ . ” ​ — 2 Pet . changes in language ? There will be no stay of execution , and there will be no lingering doubts about the justice of the sentence . Some of them work on construction projects or attend the School for Kingdom Evangelizers and move to a congregation that has a greater need for publishers . Why did Jehovah choose Mary to become Jesus ’ mother ? He approached Jehovah in prayer and turned to Jehovah’s prophet Isaiah for advice . How were the spiritual needs of the brothers met during the first world war ? For an older child , you could explain that the recipe for the apple ​ — in fact , for the entire tree on which it grew — ​ was part of the code in the DNA . SONGS : 34 , 61 The little boy in that story displayed a quality that adults could benefit from ​ — practical wisdom . He was to tell the official about the peaceful work of Jehovah’s Witnesses in his country . Some Jews even became prosperous . We need to have an attitude like that of the psalmist David , who sang : “ Make me know your ways , O Jehovah ; teach me your paths . “ My son , do not reject the discipline of Jehovah , . . . for those whom Jehovah loves he reproves , ” says Proverbs 3 : 11 , 12 . In a sense , Jesus takes the place of our original human father , Adam . Our faith is strengthened when we see God’s invisible qualities in the visible creation ( See paragraph 17 ) Matthew 11 : 28 - 30 But with confidence in Jehovah , she courageously hid the two men and helped them to get away safely . Our problems may seem to overwhelm us at times . The Bible warns us not to let our imperfect heart or mere sentiment rule when we are making decisions . Acting in accord with accurate knowledge would have helped them to make wise decisions . His daughter ‘ wept over her virginity . ’ This has always been true . Yes , David felt that the wait would be worth it . The Bible stories that I had learned from when I was very young finally made sense to me . Many Witnesses are having a very effective and rewarding share in such work . What , then , about separating from one’s marriage mate ? To avoid confrontation , the wife of such a man may show him a measure of respect when he is present . ( 2 ) “ Realities that are not seen . ” Jehovah sets the standard for how his creation should work together . God helped Jehoshaphat , and he will also help you . See the 1988 Yearbook , pp . 17 : 4 , 5 . Basically : Do not worry . Hans Hölterhoff used this handcart to advertise The Golden Age And we know that this Kingdom will soon bring a permanent end to all suffering . In fact , love for God is “ made perfect in us ” when we obey the command to love others , especially our brothers . ​ — 1 John 4 : 12 , 20 . 6 , 7 . ( a ) What are some ways in which the term “ flesh ” is used in the Bible ? For example , he sincerely commended the Christians in Corinth regarding some aspects of their conduct . When we show or are shown unselfish love , our lives are enriched , being filled with joy and meaning . Some find satisfaction in a career , a sport , or a hobby . Today , most faithful Christians are not anointed and called to serve in heaven with Christ . An important way to do so is by controlling what we look at . They had a strong influence on me . In addition to gifts of money and valuable personal property , there are other methods of giving to benefit Kingdom service worldwide . In 1933 , they crossed the Simpson Desert , a vast sand dune desert , to preach in the town of Alice Springs , in the heart of the continent . I enjoyed serving as a vacation pioneer ( now called an auxiliary pioneer ) during yearly school breaks . What factors should affect a Christian’s view of keeping a firearm for protection against other humans ? And when I prayed to Jehovah , I felt that I had to preface everything with an apology for what I had done . ” ( b ) How does Romans 12 : 3 apply to a modest person ? Accordingly , there may well be spontaneous , dignified applause when the elders make an announcement of a reinstatement . My mother was very religious . Despite a promising beginning , Saul’s life ended in complete disaster . ​ — 1 Sam . 12 , 13 . ( a ) How did Joseph’s words to the cupbearer show that he did not passively accept the injustices he suffered ? In this context , it is the use of biased or misleading information to manipulate the way people think and act . In the illustration of the sower , the seed is “ the word of God , ” or the Kingdom message . “ Keep on asking , and it will be given you . ” ​ — Luke 11 : 9 . No human can take credit for this . However , instances of such “ failed ” implantations are thought to be rare , even as seems to be the case occasionally with oral contraceptive pills . Moses put into action a plan that proved to be the key to their success . What should we ask ourselves about being “ obedient from the heart ” ? But they do more than draw on God’s power . Nathan replied : “ Do whatever is in your heart , for the true God is with you . ” We were invited to serve at the United States Bethel ​ — some 38 years after the first time we applied . After just a few meetings , the brothers asked me and others , “ Do you want to get baptized ? ” [ 2 ] ( paragraph 9 ) Benefit From Theocratic Ministry School Education , pp . 62 - 64 , has excellent suggestions on how to converse with people in the field ministry . Rather , we should do our part . Parkin 3 : 21 , 24 . That man lacked faith like that of Abraham , but others have shown implicit trust in God . Ask yourself : ‘ At times , do I let my imperfect body or mind point me in a bad direction and then go there ? If you are aware of the situation described in the talk , will you take care to avoid socializing with such an individual ? Publishers in the south of Chile follow a river that winds through lush forests and snowcapped peaks of the Andes Mountains . That is quite different from the way of the world , but it is the way of life under Jehovah’s rulership . Have empathy for unbelieving relatives . This is evidence that God’s Kingdom reigns and will soon bring to earth unimaginable blessings . Get More From Reading the Bible , No . Do you bear in mind the importance of baptism , conveying that to your student ? Adam , however , lost his sonship when he rebelled against his Maker . Against what hardening traits must we be on guard ? What was “ indecent ” is not defined , but it is reasonable to assume that it did not include petty issues . ​ — Lev . Two sacks full of literature per month barely met the demand . At a convention in 2005 , Thierry and his wife , Nadia , watched the drama “ Pursue Goals That Honor God . ” However , Christians are not under the Mosaic Law , nor are they obliged to observe it . JEHOVAH created humans with remarkable abilities . These effects are in addition to that produced by inert IUDs . Likewise , when parents consistently and patiently train their little ones “ in the discipline and admonition of Jehovah , ” they are also helping their children to develop self - discipline and wisdom . ​ — Eph . 16 , 17 . ( a ) How does baptism relate to one’s future life prospects ? Still , when would that happen ? Thus Jehovah forgave their sins , anointed them with holy spirit , and called them to be his spiritual sons . This could be done by sacrifice , washing , or sprinkling . ​ — Lev . , chaps . Another way to draw closer to those from another background is to invite them for a meal in our home . By securing copyright and trademark protection , we have a legal basis to prevent such misuse . Consider how Jehovah’s mighty hand can give us the strength and courage to endure . While Paul was there , the holy spirit repeatedly stopped him from preaching in certain areas . I knew that only the Bible and Jehovah’s holy spirit could help a person change his thinking and understand the truth . Is that being modest , however ? And just as a wheat stalk produces as fruit , not new stalks , but new seed , we are producing as fruit , not new disciples , but new Kingdom seed . Even when some who do not serve Jehovah come to the meetings , they realize that God is guiding us . Many Jews rejected him to the point of clamoring for his death . God therefore caused Adam to fall into a deep sleep , took a rib from him , built it into a woman , and brought her to the man . How can one succeed in stripping off the old personality ? Will he be pleased if we try to save ourselves with “ the power of the horse , ” that is , where humans turn for help ? Should you do so even more ? ​ — Ps . Therefore , it was appropriate that the stick representing the ten - tribe kingdom be called “ the stick of Ephraim . ” Groups of pioneers were encouraged to live and work together , thus cutting costs . As Proverbs 4 : 13 states , “ hold on to discipline ; do not let it go . “ Make sure of the more important things , ” urged Paul . 12 , 13 . ( a ) If a child is disfellowshipped , how do Christian parents show that they obey God ? And we can think about how we can show courage and get our work accomplished . Jesus focused on the rewards of his endurance It said : “ This represents no effort to act in an arbitrary , dictatorial manner . We need to befriend such individuals and help them to see that they are a valuable part of the congregation . Even when that is the case , such discipline reflects God’s love for us . 8 , 9 . ( a ) What sort of study projects might some enjoy ? How does Micah 6 : 8 help us as we strive to let our style of dress be pleasing to God ? If you attend meetings regularly , you could become like a father , mother , brother , or sister to someone in the congregation . As Jehovah examines us , does he conclude that we are serving him with a complete heart ? Her flow of blood stopped immediately ! Others say that they believe in evolution because they feel that it would not be taught at school were it not a fact . Mutual encouragement will become more and more important as we see Jehovah’s day “ drawing near . ” While the majority of God’s people do not preach in such fruitful territories , anything we do to help others find and stay on the road to life is something that we and they will treasure forever . ​ — Matt . Parents ​ — you play a major role in the spiritual development of your children . The rebellion of Adam and Eve had an impact on their marriage and on all marriages thereafter . But how many have responded to this appeal ? If we do that , then , as Jesus said , “ all these other things will be added ” to us . Why should the pope not be considered Peter’s successor ? Since the cities of refuge were available , an unintentional manslayer was not forced to flee to a foreign land , where he might be tempted to take up false worship . My mother’s cousin was a priest and a teacher in a Catholic school . Sadly , some would not give up their comfortable life . After a year or so , I began serving as a helper to the Service Committee of the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses . 40 : 1 - 16 . In many cases , there is an underlying issue . ” By humbly submitting to their Creator , they have demonstrated that they wanted him , not Satan , to be their Father and Potter . What can you do if the adjustment is harder than you expected ? Jesus ’ willingness to die while upholding Jehovah’s righteousness addresses matters of universal importance . ​ — Heb . With the written Word of God in hand , we have drawn close to Jehovah and he has drawn close to us . While the world becomes more divided , how can Christians safeguard their unity ? We often invited to our home brothers who were a good influence on our children . Why did one family believe that Jehovah had exercised compassion toward them ? You might ask : “ If the recipe for the cake had a writer , who wrote the much more complex recipe for the apple ? ” In the heat of the moment , it is all too easy to react emotionally . Also , could we direct them to local agencies that may help them to obtain suitable housing or employment ? “ Why are you delaying ? FAITH In our home congregation of Tokmok , new avenues of service opened up . However , Jehovah’s Witnesses did not participate in that global slaughter . Love and kindness can help us to be forgiving toward one another . Considering the steps that the elders take to be sure that a person is qualified for baptism , it would be extremely rare for anyone’s baptism to be invalid . The more our speech and actions harmonize , the less likely we are to be caught in Satan’s snares . ​ — 1 John 3 : 18 . 3 : 20 . How Jehovah loves to educate his people ! Paul set a fine example of respecting his brothers ’ right of free will to make decisions . I had the privilege of mailing pocket - size copies of The Finished Mystery to a number of friends who had lost their copy due to confiscation . The prejudice that Jesus and his disciples suffered was rooted in religious , social , and ethnic divisions . However , if we want to survive the destruction of this system , we must keep on the watch . After Samuel was weaned , Hannah took him to the tabernacle , just as she had vowed . Adam and Eve knew virtually nothing about this spirit . It truly takes patience , kindness , and humility to continue sharing the Kingdom message with our neighbors . Centuries later , Jehovah set up something far greater than the temple . Why not be resolved to have a positive influence , promoting unity among your brothers and sisters ? Our lawyer concluded his defense by courageously quoting Gamaliel of the first century . “ All seem to be very devout , ” noted a local newspaper , “ and yet extremely cheerful and jovial people . ” Where can I apply it ? What are some benefits of giving honor to those to whom it is due ? The old heavens and earth , the corrupt governments and the earthly society under their control , will be gone . Later , I moved back to Saskatoon . In fact , the Hebrew words rendered “ justice ” and “ righteousness ” often appear together in the Hebrew Scriptures . These could foster a disobedient , rebellious spirit . He promised Jehovah that if He gave him the victory , he would offer as “ a burnt offering ” to Him the first person who came out of his house when he returned from the battle . 34 : 27 , 33 . Show compassion . When he expressed his concerns to God , he was told : “ My power is being made perfect in weakness . ” What does singing enable us to do ? Would I patiently wait on Jehovah , or would I be inclined to take matters into my own hands ? ’ ​ — Prov . 11 : 2 ; read Micah 7 : 7 . Christian parents put their children’s spiritual well - being ahead of personal preferences . ​ — w17.05 , pp . We view the Bible , not as a collection of human ideas , but “ just as it truthfully is , as the word of God . ” ​ — 1 Thess . Under the Law , those with certain diseases were to be kept isolated . “ If , then , you are bringing your gift to the altar and there you remember that your brother has something against you , leave your gift there in front of the altar , and go away . SONGS : 22 , 75 In the near future , Christ will take the lead in conquering the nations in support of God’s sovereignty and in defending Jehovah’s people . He explained his goal : “ In order to get me out of this place . ” Instead , I ask myself : ‘ How has their background shaped their emotions and thinking ? Because we may not see propaganda for what it is , behavior specialist Vance Packard observed : “ Many of us are being influenced and manipulated ​ — far more than we realize . ” They often thank us for visiting them . My grandfather urged me to go . In time , however , Lene’s poor health required that we move to a warmer climate . And why should Christian parents make sure that God’s Word reaches their children’s hearts ? How can Jesus ’ role as Ransomer and High Priest strengthen your confidence in God’s mercy ? Thus , rather than feel jealous , we will be happy when others receive blessings . To what was Jesus referring ? And no human ​ — whether he is a scientist or not — ​ has observed one kind of life evolve into another kind . Satan’s effort to eradicate true Christianity from the earth has failed miserably . That’s what I did , and what a blessing it was ! 9 : 9 ; Luke 5 : 27 - 39 . My years of service to Jehovah have taught me that keeping integrity comes at a cost but the inner peace that Jehovah gives in return is a treasure of surpassing value . How can baptized brothers show themselves courageous ? ( a ) How did the negative reaction from most Jews affect Paul ? My mother and I were then living in Karachi , the provincial capital . He gave them reasons for carrying out the preaching work . They had heard of the crisis from others on the bus . SONGS : 38 , 7 Knowledge of the holy writings is important . Mercifully , however , he was allowed to flee from the avenger of blood to one of the six cities of refuge . They are lying to you ! ’ 11 : 20 - 22 . What convinces you that Jehovah is the incomparable Organizer ? An important way that we display loyalty to God is by following the direction we receive from his organization . This article discusses how our yeartext for 2017 encourages us to look to Jehovah for help when faced with challenges . Then he returned to Jerusalem . I had accepted the Watchtower and Awake ! In each case , we will examine ( 1 ) how these features of life affect us now , ( 2 ) what Jehovah will do about them , and ( 3 ) how he will replace them with what is truly good . You may think of him as outspoken and impulsive . We found a suitable meeting place and fixed it up . In modern times , Jesus ’ building work involved liberating true worshippers from Babylon the Great and restoring the Christian congregation in 1919 . At Romans 8 : 4 - 13 , what serious matter did Paul address ? My local draft board initially classified me in a way that I felt was not in accord with Jesus ’ admonition for his followers to be neutral as to politics . He sent his greatest gift of all , “ his only - begotten Son , ” to earth to die in our behalf . A clergy class was taking shape , although Jesus had said to his followers : “ All of you are brothers . ” And what are the limits of his power ? Doing so will lead to true freedom . The only book they could find was the 2006 Yearbook of Jehovah’s Witnesses . The above - quoted source adds : “ It is also debated which vessels are to be used for the pouring , which kind of water is suitable , who should pour , and how much of the hands should be covered with water . ” opposition to translation ? I am told that I have visited over 600 since I came to Wallkill . What have Jesus ’ followers experienced ? What choice did Jehovah give his people , Israel , and how did the nation respond ? And what good results can we obtain from doing so ? New ones who are not yet baptized need to grasp the importance of personal Bible study . You might ask him to explain how life could have begun without a Creator . As a result , Jehovah rightly received praise for those mighty acts . To what does Jehovah liken our kindly giving to others ? Each day , why not ask yourself , ‛ What can I work on today to progress spiritually ? ’ The person who regularly reads God’s Word is “ like a tree planted by streams of water , a tree that produces fruit in its season , the foliage of which does not wither . Word spread . Get sufficient sleep . Just as there is nothing wrong with a healthy , reasonable view of self and money , there is nothing wrong with a balanced view of pleasures . What affected Cain’s ability to make a wise decision , and with what result ? He gave a parable in which cultivators mistreated those whom the owner sent to them , just as the Israelites mistreated the prophets whom God sent to them . I accompanied her in field service during my school vacations . Proverbs 19 : 18 states : “ Discipline your son while there is hope , and do not become responsible for his death . ” As a result , people seeking a cure congregated at the site . Have I taken measures to safeguard my health ? 24 : 45 - 47 ; Heb . The Bible reveals this truth by symbolically portraying the dragon as dragging a third of the stars of heaven with him in his fall . What a blessing ! Becoming convinced that Jehovah’s Witnesses had the truth , she got baptized in 1952 . Why can we be so confident ? The patriarch Job similarly looked to a future resurrection . That wonderful experience reminded me of the importance to keep preaching because we never know where or when the truth will take root . He gladly gave up his ill - gotten riches and abandoned his greed for material things . Another individual in the same situation was Nicodemus , also a member of the Sanhedrin . ​ — John 3 : 1 - 10 ; 7 : 50 - 52 . In years gone by , we believed that Jehovah became displeased with his people because they did not have a zealous share in the preaching work during World War I . She progressed to baptism , and later , so did her husband and two sons . Jehovah’s concern extends beyond the welfare of his people as a whole . The early pioneers certainly needed courage and tenacity to overcome the many challenges they faced . And that will not be his last change of assignment . ( b ) How can you help your children ponder blessings that come from obeying God’s laws ? Soon we were holding the book study and the weekly Watchtower Study in our hotel room , with about 15 attending . How should we view the need to make decisions ? But what about when we are under pressure ? 3 Jehovah “ Cares for You ” Still , she did not forget the vow she had made to God . Even if these questions weighed heavily on Paul’s mind , he did not let them erode his faith and joy . Even as we check in and out of a hotel , as well as when we enjoy leisure time before and after convention sessions , we want to avoid an appearance that is overly casual or slovenly . See an account of British Bible Students during World War I in the article “ From Our Archives ​ — They Stood Firm in an ‘ Hour of Test ’ ” in the May 15 , 2013 , issue of The Watchtower . It was hard for my mother to find enough food for all of us . What is yet another way to show our gratitude for the ransom ? But suppose a baptized married man or woman ran off with another person’s mate and married that one after obtaining a divorce . Material wealth is not necessarily an indication of God’s blessing . “ Where the spirit of Jehovah is , there is freedom . ” ​ — 2 COR . Satan would like nothing better than to have us spend all our time and energy as slaves to his commercial world . Why is the vindication of Jehovah’s sovereignty an important issue facing mankind ? All our struggles to remain clean in a world full of wickedness will be worthwhile . Consider Jesus ’ encouraging words in the portion of his Sermon on the Mount found at Matthew 6 : 25 - 34 . 19 - 22 . 1 : 12 . Yet , nothing had really changed . What , then , is Psalm 16 : 10 saying ? But who takes the lead among Jehovah’s heavenly army ? Long - term guests : In ancient times , hospitality often included providing lodging for trustworthy visitors . Similarly , Jehovah cares for each one of us despite our limitations . What insight do those scriptures give you into God’s thinking ? Happily , though , we can choose no longer to be ruled , or dominated , by sin . Thus , the law of gravity holds the atmosphere close to the earth , regulates tides and oceans , and contributes to the physical order essential to life on earth . But how do we actually do that ? Does that not draw you even closer to our loving and impartial God ? ​ — Acts 10 : 34 . Happily , Christ’s sacrifice makes reconciliation with God possible . Looking back on her nearly ten years of service in Nepal , Kumiko says : “ The problems I had worried about parted before me like the Red Sea . Think of it : Jehovah ​ — the very One who had mandated capital punishment for willful murderers — ​ gave unintentional manslayers ample opportunity to receive compassion and protection ! He views all humans as one family . ( a ) Why did the people of Galilee want Jesus to be their king ? The hotelkeeper , Charles Bernhardt , later accepted the truth , sold his hotel , and pioneered alone for 15 years in some of the driest and most isolated parts of Australia . This article answers that question by encouraging youths to focus their life on their desire to please Jehovah . Clearly , it is not our role to judge whether people should be executed or preserved alive . Among these are the faithful pioneers . Paul wrote : “ When insulted , we bless ; when persecuted , we patiently endure ; when slandered , we answer mildly . ” ​ — 1 Cor . He was 93 years old when he died . If a person is unduly anxious about what may happen in the future , he may try to rely on himself rather than on God , and that can adversely affect his relationship with Jehovah . ​ — Prov . The elders may intervene only if the preceding two steps have been taken and if solid evidence can be produced to show clearly what has happened . After many years , the good work that Joseph had done in Egypt resulted in his becoming second to the ruler of that country . What are some instances when Christian parents need courage ? What helped Daniel to maintain his spiritual health while living in a foreign land ? 29 Questions From Readers We read : “ When the man touched the bones of Elisha , he came to life and stood on his feet . ” For I have no one else of a disposition like his . ” ​ — Phil . By making the best of their situation and even seeking to improve it , they uphold Jehovah’s righteous way of ruling . While on earth , Jesus helped his disciples to see the importance of God’s Kingdom . 9 : 22 , 23 ; 10 : 11 , 18 , 19 . Thereafter , these new Christians “ continued devoting themselves to the teaching of the apostles . ” We must consider that all of us are some 6,000 years removed from the human perfection that existed in Eden . A fourth thing that will help us stay neutral is to think about the examples of faithful servants of Jehovah . The only person specifically stated to have helped Joseph was Nicodemus , who brought burial spices . 48 : 17 , 18 . This article discusses how both young and old can successfully make the transition . Losing him was the most traumatic event in our lives . After considering this for a moment , the first brother responded , “ You are right . ” Just think ​ — no armies , navies , or air forces ! That seemed to agree with what we read at Hebrews 12 : 16 . Hence , the congregation elders advised Paul to prove these rumors wrong by his going to the temple and doing something that God did not require of him but that was not objectionable . ​ — Acts 21 : 18 - 27 . First , he rejected prejudice , being totally impartial . Consistent and Loyal . They place religious and political leaders , sports figures , entertainment stars , and other celebrities on pedestals , often considering them to be almost superhuman . 3 : 28 . Ask yourself : ‘ Do my priorities and decisions reflect that I truly believe Jesus ’ words ? On another occasion , Jesus spoke in a friendly way to Nathanael , who had a negative view of people from Nazareth . SONGS : 122 , 139 But Noah stood out as different . In this case , sending guests on their way meant meeting their needs for the next leg of the journey and supplying them with everything required until they arrived at their destination . Later , when Elisha’s body had been reduced to mere bones , an enemy band came into the land . 15 : 3 , 4 ; 21 : 5 . Today , we show our support for the Kingdom by assisting Christ’s brothers on earth in carrying out the commission to preach the good news of the Kingdom worldwide . ​ — Matt . An elderly couple in England have health issues that severely limit their house - to - house ministry . I learned a lot about the happiness of giving in those early days . ​ — Matt . In 1955 , I attended international conventions in Germany , France , and England . On the day that I interpreted for Brother Stewart , he mentioned to the local congregation that the branch office wanted to invite one or two pioneer brothers to come to Bethel . Less than a year later , another national convention was arranged and Brother Frederick Franz from world headquarters visited . And those who love Jehovah will be joyful forever ! In Quetta , I met George Singh , a special pioneer in his mid - 20 ’ s . How can your view of your faith help you to speak to others ? What impresses you about Joseph’s courage ? He trusted in Jehovah completely and was prepared to see his assignment through , wherever Jehovah would allow it to take him . “ We used to have 15 or more Bible studies , but we limited the number to 10 so that we could teach our students more thoroughly . ” The Septuagint did much to make the Hebrew Scriptures readable to Greek - speaking Jews and others . If we want to live in the new world , we need to keep enduring . When opportunities arose to advance the good news , his attitude was like that of Isaiah , who said : “ Here I am ! Jesus told his followers that they would not have to ‘ rehearse beforehand how to make their defense , for he would give them words and wisdom that all their opposers together would not be able to resist or dispute . ’ ​ — Luke 21 : 14 , 15 ; 2 Tim . He understood the pressures they faced as they were surrounded by enemies . 4 Pray in Special Position ? No . 6 But his conversation with the disciples a few days after his resurrection does not reveal the slightest hint of disappointment , bitterness , or regret . It is as John wrote : “ We are under obligation to show hospitality to such ones , so that we may become fellow workers in the truth . ” ​ — 3 John 8 . However , there is no need for us to be consumed by anxiety . It may not be spectacular , but it will always be what we need . His loving and compassionate words comforted us beyond measure . Jehovah’s spirit can help us to make the needed progress . You may personally have had experiences in which God provided you with support and guidance , often through his Word . Of course , Jehovah made us all different from one another , and we can enjoy and admire this variety . So my mother allowed me to leave the school within a year . None of us have seen God or observed something being created . Be quick to offer sincere commendation . Thus , Jehovah tells us to put forth “ earnest effort ” in developing godly qualities . I looked forward to my life as a nun . “ Significantly , ” the appendix continues , “ issues such as these have little to do with the tenets of your faith . Jehovah , who gave that perfect law , knows best the things humans need in order to be completely happy and satisfied . For instance , Paul described Timothy as his “ beloved and faithful child in the Lord , ” one who would genuinely care for the concerns of other Christians . Brother Franz had a remarkable memory and the amazing ability to concentrate totally on what was being read . A legal divorce not based on sexual immorality would not free one to remarry . The Witness needs to bear in mind , though , that in providing spiritual help , he or she does not become the children’s parent . The first aspect of the spirit’s fruitage that Paul listed is the precious quality of love . A week or so later , the young man acknowledged , “ Now I believe in God . ” Some may feel that they simply do not have the time or energy to show hospitality . Hence , all of us must examine the evidence and use our thinking ability to reach sound conclusions . By extending hospitality , we get to know our brothers and sisters in a more personal way than we can in other settings . For example , the first 12 songs relate to Jehovah , the next 8 songs are about Jesus and the ransom , and so on . And what can we do to make wise use of this freedom ? Even in these dark last days of Satan’s wicked system of things , Jehovah is blessing his people . When we realize the true value of a costly gift , we are moved to show our gratitude to the giver . From Jehovah’s standpoint , this was no miracle . As we endure the trial , we will learn to show these qualities even more , and in that way we will improve our Christian personality . Rehoboam may have felt trapped ! “ Jehovah God said : ‘ It is not good for the man to continue to be alone . His friend David had taken a path that had Jehovah’s disapproval . Rather , formerly fierce people have “ put on the new personality that was created according to God’s will in true righteousness and loyalty . ” Consider what Jehovah will do for mankind . No hospitals , doctors , nurses , or health insurance ; no morgues , funeral homes , undertakers , or cemeteries ! They should also have come to love each other so much that they want to unite their lives in the marital bond . She lives in the town of Ho in the Volta region of Ghana How did humans inherit the sinful , dying condition that plagues us all ? When I boldly answered his questions from the Scriptures , he angrily roared : “ Take him away . When giving discipline , how can we imitate Jehovah and his Son ? So when we serve Jehovah , we naturally get the most enjoyment from life . The answer was : “ The Scriptural evidence points to the conclusion that they do not . ” Christine served in Bolivia before moving to Ghana . Are you concerned about getting older and facing health issues that lie ahead of you ? Also , you can offer to do things in the congregation , such as helping to clean and maintain the Kingdom Hall . He was speaking of matters that can be settled between those directly involved . The book Pillars of Faith ​ — American Congregations and Their Partners states : “ For Jehovah’s Witnesses , the missionary focus overwhelms all other concerns . ” Surely we want to become familiar with the melodies , rhythms , and lyrics of our songs . Young people quickly progress to adulthood . “ That celebrated day , ” said Ralph Leffler , “ was the real beginning of the Kingdom advertising campaign that today has encircled the earth . ” Jehovah always considers how each of us might best be used in his service . What lessons can we learn from Joseph’s experience that will help us if we face injustice at the hands of a fellow believer ? Sometimes I have to bite my tongue so as not to give a dogmatic answer . How can prayer provide us with comfort ? Likewise today , apostates and others who create divisions in the congregation use “ smooth talk and flattering speech ” to make themselves appear to be loving , but their true motive is selfish . ​ — Rom . ( b ) In what situations must we restrain our emotions ? But with his fleshly bent of mind , Esau gave away all such privileges for a bowl of stew . In contrast , our showing government officials due respect and honor can at times have positive , even unexpected , results . But unlike Adam , Jesus lived up to the standard Jehovah expected from a perfect man . The year 537 B.C.E . was one of rejoicing for Jehovah’s dedicated people . We must do all we can to avoid the world’s thinking . 35 : 30 . What are some dishonest ways that Christians avoid ? Think , too , of elders who carry weighty responsibilities with Hospital Liaison Committees and convention organization . They also strive to respect local customs and sensibilities and to ‘ love their neighbor as themselves . ’ For example , he forbids sexual immorality , idolatry , stealing , and drunkenness . Let us consider how we can develop and maintain our love and appreciation for the Kingdom , the ministry , and the truth . A turning point came when she meditated on a scripture that was used at one of our meetings and that she connected with other Bible verses . Act on your prayers . After about three months , the elder invited Jim to a Christian meeting . How it bolstered my confidence to have at my side a spiritual man of his character ! At Pentecost 33 C.E . , those living in Jerusalem extended hospitality to newly converted Christians from various lands . Why was God’s provision of the ransom both kind and undeserved ? He followed that question with a discussion of spiritual qualities that God looks for in his guests . However , when he puts the truth into practice , using knowledge and understanding in a right way , he is becoming wise . From left to right , back row : Yaroslav , Pavel , Jr . , Vitaly And many others become embittered . In 2008 they moved to Ghana and served there for more than three years . Now he participates in a prophetic act as an encouragement to those who are restoring God’s temple . He will be accountable before Jehovah and the congregation for any serious sins that he may commit . Others who had admirable qualities failed to win God’s approval . You know how important the counsel to encourage one another is if you recall a time when words of encouragement lifted your spirits . Is this a reference to angelic assistance , or was there some sort of meteorite shower ? Why was Abraham willing to wait on Jehovah , and what blessings will he see as a result of his patience ? Pride . They rejected Jehovah as their Father and estranged themselves from the security of his protective rule . ​ — Gen . As the Jews traveled along , they no doubt spent many hours thinking about their new home . Thus no one would have a basis to misconstrue what is occurring . It is noteworthy that when the ancient Israelites were faithfully serving Jehovah , singing was prominent in their worship . May it happen to me according to your declaration . ” ​ — Luke 1 : 26 - 38 . He relates : “ My father , uncle , and grandaunt all encouraged me to pursue higher education . Sometimes that line passed to and through the firstborn son ​ — but not always . “ You will . . . see the distinction between a righteous person and a wicked person . ” ​ — MAL . We would not want to make their fight harder , would we ? Hundreds of congregations took part , and the branch office received many good reports about this arrangement , even from outsiders . True , freedom does bring many benefits ; yet , we shudder to imagine what the world would be like if there were no restraints at all . I spent half a year in solitary confinement . By being conscious of the value of our greetings , especially to fellow Christians , we enrich others as well as ourselves . Many Christians experienced happiness in their youth by serving as pioneers . Ponder over these things ; be absorbed in them , so that your advancement may be plainly seen by all people . ” ​ — 1 Tim . Of course , your example is also important when it comes to building conviction . ( b ) What are some examples of counterfeit love ? They died again and saw corruption in the grave . But you must accept the help he provides through the congregation . For example , the government of one African country allowed prejudice to prevent it from granting approval for the building of Kingdom Halls . As holy people , we prove by the way we live our lives that Jehovah’s laws are good and that Satan’s accusations are false . This arrangement has drawn Bethel families closer than ever . We can also show our support of God’s sovereignty by our personal decisions . It was so beautiful ! Just as World War II was ending , Greek communists rebelled against the Greek government , triggering a bitter civil war . SONGS : 95 , 74 It is already sacred , or holy , in the absolute sense . Paul added that “ the abundance of [ God’s ] undeserved kindness ” came about “ through the one person , Jesus Christ . ” Jehovah has given us the gift of free will and with it true freedom . This magazine is available in 254 languages , and an average of nearly 59 million copies of each issue are produced , making it the most widely circulated magazine in the world . How does she deal with this attack ? This article explains how we can avoid being distracted from our watchfulness . He joyfully looked forward to deliverance , and he reflected on how Jehovah had dealt rewardingly with him . The church handed down the death sentence ; the State carried it out . Peter asked the man if he would like to understand the Bible . If a Christian takes a false step before he is aware of it , qualified men should try to readjust him in a spirit of mildness . ​ — Gal . Jim’s experience shows how pride can cause us to justify our actions , making us quite the opposite of malleable . It is not easy to control our emotions when we feel that we have been slighted or treated unjustly . “ I did research in Watchtower articles related to serving where the need is greater , ” says Stephanie . However , since we are not yet in the new world , we should consider God’s thoughts on how to handle matters when others say or do things that hurt our feelings . Just after we arrived and crossed a bridge , it was blown up . How did Antonio react ? In a similar way , your positive words can deeply affect others . “ I well remember the brothers who took me under their wing , ” recalls Shan , quoted earlier . “ Through this faith he condemned the world , ” wrote the apostle Paul . Will you respond by holding out your hand to the One who promises you : “ Do not be afraid . He concludes : “ I thought I had a solid relationship with Jehovah when in reality I did not ! AFTER days of wind and rain , Monday , September 1 , 1919 , dawned warm and sunny . “ In 2004 a married couple serving in Belize invited me to visit them and to pioneer with them for one month . Remember that the fruitage of God’s holy spirit includes mildness and self - control . “ These things . . . were written for a warning to us upon whom the ends of the systems of things have come . ” ​ — 1 COR . In the meantime , Moses took Aaron and Hur to a nearby hillside from which they could see the battlefield . 8 , 9 . ( a ) What two lessons may we learn from the accounts about Adam , Eve , and the rebellious angels ? How can we provide words of comfort to the bereaved ? But despite his poor health , he was very intelligent and had a loving nature . Why should you always give thanks to Jehovah ? He makes sure that true worshippers flourish in their spiritual estate , which is unprecedented in its spiritual abundance . Furthermore , a humble person remembers that “ the true God will judge every deed , including every hidden thing , as to whether it is good or bad . ” When the brothers in the early Christian congregation were made aware of the need that arose because of a famine , they “ determined , each according to what he could afford , to send relief to the brothers living in Judea . ” ​ — Acts 11 : 27 - 30 . 23 : 2 . “ I take advantage of different forms of service , such as telephone and informal witnessing . We will now consider three areas in which our love could be tested : ( 1 ) Love for Jehovah , ( 2 ) love for Bible truth , ( 3 ) and love for our brothers . I believe this with all my heart . While serving as convention overseer , I learned from Brother Franz’s willingness to adjust to the people . They had heard how beautiful the city of Jerusalem once was . Jesus ’ words spoken in the Sermon on the Mount give us clear guidance about setting goals . In 49 C.E . , the apostles and the elders in Jerusalem met to consider whether circumcision would be required of Gentiles who converted to Christianity . Of course , it was not possible to punish someone who was no longer alive . Why not take the initiative to welcome these new ones , no matter how they may be dressed or groomed ? Paul also alerted fellow Christians about dangers that could deprive them of the prize . How may all of us benefit from reading such material ? In these and many other ways , I felt Jehovah’s tender care . 11 : 6 . May Do You Share Jehovah’s Sense of Justice ? What encouragement did Jehovah give at the time of the rebellion in Eden ? Within just five years , Jewish Christians living in Jerusalem would see a “ day of Jehovah ” approaching and recognize the sign Jesus had given them to flee for their lives from that city . The years have rolled by , and both of us are in our 80 ’ s . “ The audience was electrified , ” recalled Ray Bopp . Paul could say that because he knew that Jehovah also hates a treacherous divorce . ​ — Mal . The wise father is pleased to have his son take over and does not feel that he has to be in control . First , the elders needed to establish the facts . “ When he kept lingering , then because of Jehovah’s compassion for him , the [ angels ] seized hold of his hand and the hand of his wife and the hands of his two daughters , and they brought him out and stationed him outside the city . ” the influence of the Devil ? I was baptized in 1941 at the age of 12 . To improve relationships , even with enemies , the Bible recommends hospitality . According to Romans 10 : 1 , 2 , for what reasons did Paul not give up on those who reacted negatively to the Kingdom message ? ADAM no doubt knew that serpents cannot talk . 15 , 16 . ( a ) How has God’s Word helped Christians to avoid conflict ? We imitate him when we show respect for what others believe . He takes no pleasure in our suffering ; nor does he want us to die as “ children of wrath , ” which is the prospect inherited from Adam . ​ — Eph . Peter’s reasoning in line with the Scriptures helped to convince the large crowd that Jesus was “ both Lord and Christ . ” What testimony is there that the brothers were very zealous during World War I ? Why should I not join worldly reform movements ? ’ Include them in your social activities . If , however , we begin to develop a critical attitude or to excuse a wrong course rather than seek God’s forgiveness and help , our heart may already be hardening . What did the apostles have to do to remain his friends ? Compare what you hear with “ the standard of wholesome words ” found in the Bible All who are authorized to give Scriptural discipline are wise when they imitate Christ’s example . Rather , he is always faithful , consistent , loyal , and true . Jehovah directed that this shiny metal be used in the construction of the tabernacle and later in the temple in Jerusalem . Still , we do respect and honor such brothers for their hard work and humility . ​ — Read 2 Corinthians 1 : 24 ; Revelation 19 : 10 . Parents can rejoice when a child takes to heart the thought behind Proverbs 27 : 11 . A modest person does not feel cramped by his current assignments or responsibilities in the congregation . And he did . At the same time , scientists are revered , which draws the attention of the people away from our Creator . Like other need - greaters , single sisters living in foreign lands often express that serving abroad enriched their lives . Since holy spirit is an invisible force , how could the Israelites discern that it was operating on Moses ? The answer was an emphatic , “ No ! ” Just imagine me , a young boy , lugging one of those ! So , what can you do to make sure that your personal Bible study remains productive , even though you may have been studying the Scriptures for years ? When his wife bore him two sons , “ Joseph named the firstborn Manasseh , for he said , ‘ God has made me forget all my trouble and all the house of my father . ’ After that , we corresponded for a while , and in 1956 , we got married . When Paul commended the Corinthians for applying his counsel , they must have been encouraged to continue doing what was right . Therefore , continue to read the Bible daily and to attend congregation meetings regularly . It sometimes includes the months of March , April , and May I will boast in Jehovah ; the meek will hear and rejoice . ” What rewards do we receive from Jehovah ? What can we do to find true happiness and satisfaction ? Really , everyone , regardless of his or her age , will encounter situations that require faithfulness to Jehovah . ​ — Jas . As a result , such worship unites people in happy congregations and a happy worldwide brotherhood . ​ — Read Isaiah 65 : 13 , 14 . However , that challenge was by no means insurmountable . Cyril and Kitty Johnson were typical of self - sacrificing new pioneers . He must have thought , ‘ I have to do something ​ — and quickly . ’ Identify your actual needs , and eliminate unnecessary expenses . It provides reliable instruction and helps us to find comfort and hope . Could he have thought that diplomacy or militaristic maneuvering would deliver a more favorable outcome than would turning to God for help ? MATTHEW 14 : 23 If you had been there , how would you have responded ? God’s Word describes “ faith in God ” as part of the “ foundation ” that is needed for anyone to become and remain a true Christian . Offered Selves in Turkey , July ( b ) Paul admonished Timothy about what three aspects of learning ? “ WHO is your leader ? ” The first congregation in that borough had grown and divided . ( Compare 2 Chronicles 13 : 7 . ) So we waited and waited , hoping for an answer from the Society , but we kept finding the mailbox empty . Upon seeing them from a distance , Paul “ thanked God and took courage . ” We may think of him as loving and usually measured in his speech and actions . When her son was born , what choice did one mother have to make , and what helped her to make the right one ? “ He [ Christ ] gave some as apostles , ” wrote the apostle Paul . When Ahab learned of Jehovah’s adverse judgment , “ he ripped his garments apart and put sackcloth on his body ; and he went on a fast and kept lying down in sackcloth and walking despondently . ” The encouragement not to let ourselves “ be conquered by the evil ” shows that we can defeat evil . How do you think Jehovah feels when he sees that you are doing all you can to draw close to him and his Son ? But after God made it clear that Christians should not be partial , Peter preached to Cornelius , a Roman soldier . 19 : 29 . I called back and said that we would be very happy to make ourselves available for this wonderful privilege . The beauty of the surroundings paled in comparison with the radiant joy on the faces of those present . Fajardo ) , Dec . Insurance : A donation made by specifying an entity used by Jehovah’s Witnesses as the beneficiary of a life insurance policy or a retirement / ​ pension plan . We have to admit that we do not always know what the outcome of our choices will be ; nor do we know whether they will turn out for our good every time . “ I , Jehovah , am your God , the One teaching you to benefit yourself . ” ​ — ISA . Indeed , just as the Bible foretold , during “ the last days ” men would be “ unthankful . ” As was the case in the earlier Babylonian exile , the anointed “ royal priesthood ” could not function in an organized way . What question will we consider , and how will we do so ? When we see others experiencing the effects of Adamic sin , we are rightly moved to show compassion . To be sure , our way of life does not win us the world’s approval . How can I use this information to help others ? Wisely , we heed the inspired counsel to turn away from those described at 2 Timothy 3 : 2 - 5 . The local congregation contributed funds and furniture . Then , Sennacherib turned his attention to Jerusalem . Surely you would stress that Jehovah is the Creator and Life - Giver . They look forward to serving with Jesus Christ in his heavenly Kingdom and sharing with him in bringing mankind to perfection . See the article “ Do Not Forget Kindness to Strangers ” in The Watchtower of October 2016 , pp . 37 : 31 ; Prov . But making disciples is especially joyful because it helps you to become more familiar with the Scriptural basis for your faith . Nuns Become True Spiritual Sisters ( F . and A . However , Jehovah directed otherwise . In 1943 , Brother Nathan H . For what purpose ? And what practical steps can you take to strengthen your self - control ? Please accept it . ’ What does it take to encourage someone ? Theocratic construction work is also educational , as it teaches you to be safety conscious , to be a diligent worker , and to cooperate with those in oversight . Our confidence in him will be strengthened when we keep in mind that he can “ do more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive . ” ​ — Eph . Hence , to encourage our brothers to “ widen out , ” in October 2013 the Governing Body approved a special arrangement to help the brothers to get to know one another better . If we love Jehovah and our brothers , we will do all we can to keep personal differences from disturbing or diminishing the peace of God’s people . Why is honoring Jehovah and Christ not optional ? “ I was hanging on to every word , ” Arthur said . To let the figurative hands drop down has at times been used to describe someone who is discouraged , disheartened , or without hope . But what is involved in having this godly quality ? 7 Seeking Riches That Are True The Law showed Jehovah’s strong feelings against clothing that does not make clear the distinction between male and female ​ — what has been described in our day as unisex fashion . After Job responded to God’s reproof and corrected his view , Jehovah expressed to others his approval of Job’s faithfulness under trial . ​ — Job 42 : 7 , 8 . He was a brave warrior ; she was a humble homemaker . Because of their faith , such prophets as Micaiah and Jeremiah “ received their trial by mockings . . . and prisons . ” An appreciative attitude is bolstered by the understanding that obedience is required by God , the Father of us all . This was because Jehovah used them to punish his apostate people . Adding to this , if we pour out our hearts to Jehovah in prayer , we will draw closer to him . All over the USSR , Jehovah’s Witnesses remained neutral in political matters . ( b ) What do the grapes in Jesus ’ illustration represent , and why is it a fitting comparison ? Later , I went to boarding school . Try always to treasure , to appreciate , your place in Jehovah’s organization . And indeed , shortly thereafter , they experienced how Jehovah answered their prayers for help . ​ — Acts 4 : 29 , 31 . Yes , and this was verified by God’s own Son . ​ — Read Luke 14 : 13 , 14 . Being imperfect , we all receive Scriptural counsel at times . She was president of an organization fighting for the rights of homosexuals . ( See the box “ Why Some People Do Not Delegate . ” ) Look the KGB agent right in the eye . Sinclair ) , Sept . Do not let experiences , illustrations , or your delivery overshadow the Bible What freedom did Adam and Eve enjoy ? Similarly , someone who keenly values spiritual or religious interests is called spiritually - minded . For example , if you were baptized as a preteen , you likely will face new feelings and pressures as you enter and pass through adolescence . How far such reasoning is from the truth ! While we were working a black territory , we sometimes inadvertently knocked at a door of a white family . And [ Jesus ] will send out his angels with a great trumpet sound , and they will gather his chosen ones together from the four winds , from one extremity of the heavens to their other extremity . ” How we cultivate faith like Job’s . When I refused , they beat me with their fists and a wooden baton . Since Jehovah has drawn them to him , he must find them lovable . For example , they may be very sick . If we are to make wise decisions , as Jesus did , we must rely on Jehovah for guidance . Jesus and his corulers , who together make up God’s Kingdom , will administer the benefits of the ransom to obedient mankind over a period of a thousand years . Then she began to study the Bible with the Witnesses . As explained in the third chapter of Genesis , Jehovah’s purpose encountered a challenge . But by being forgiving , we promote and preserve the unity in the congregation . 20 : 35 - 37 . Both kings were imperfect and made mistakes . Has this promise of unity come true in our time ? More than anything , spiritual qualities will help you to be successful in serving Jehovah fully . Remember , congregation meetings are part of our worship . SONGS : 89 , 86 15 : 28 . A year or so earlier , the district overseer , James A . Thus , most of them exhibit some godly qualities , though to differing degrees . Jephthah faithfully kept the promise that he had made to Jehovah when going out to war against the Ammonites , who had been terrorizing God’s people . “ I would feel worse if you didn’t go . ” Arthur and the others took their positions and waited for the appointed signal . Whatever the case , John reassured Gaius by saying : “ The one who does good originates with God . ” Why can there be no doubt that God’s Word exerts power ? In what ways are we dependent on the laws of nature ? Such examples bring Bible principles to life ! ​ — Heb . Yet , you may feel embarrassed or disappointed when comparing your voice with productions from the entertainment world . Says Thierry : “ At the conclusion of that drama , while we were applauding , I leaned over to my wife and asked , ‘ Where are we going ? ’ Does that example not indicate that Jehovah is fully aware of the difficult situations in which his faithful people sometimes find themselves ? ​ — Isa . Why do we want to imitate Gaius ’ example today ? Peter gave in to the snare of fear of man . In 1952 , along with six others from the Philippines , I was thrilled to receive an invitation to the 20th class of Gilead School . Note that Martha did not say : ‘ I hope that my brother will rise . ’ Think about it ! Some favorable court decisions have refined legal codes , thus protecting freedom of speech and of worship . Truly , a population of such people will make the earth a paradise ! The workers who had labored only one hour did not seem to merit receiving the full wage , but the owner of the vineyard showed them extraordinary kindness . Noah was not content just to lead a good life . On occasion , Paul traveled to Jerusalem , and he was eventually taken into custody there . We even regularly received smuggled copies of The Watchtower , which we copied by hand to use in our studies . Christian marriage mates who have serious problems should seek help from the elders . 15 : 5 . In some lands , people are becoming more indifferent , some even hostile . Jehovah promises that the one who gives generously will prosper . The next article will consider how Jesus ’ sacrifice also addresses the moral issues that were raised by Satan back in the garden of Eden . Jehovah’s spirit will act on such a conscientious and appreciative Bible student . Much more is involved than just knowing the rules of the house or the punishment for misconduct . We have seen that actual events in the past prove that a resurrection is possible ​ — the dead can be brought back to life . Full - time ministers serving abroad who meet the requirements may apply to attend this school in their country of origin or in another country where the school is held in their mother tongue . Try to learn these verses and remember them , because they will help you if ever you do not have a Bible with you . Because Joseph was a descendant of King David through the line of David’s son Solomon . Why are we commanded to love our neighbor ? Such Christian love would even be extended to one’s enemies . ​ — Matt . While undeserved kindness from Jehovah provides us with many blessings , we should not presumptuously think that he condones all conduct . The priest soon lost his temper and threw a Bible at him , shouting : “ You’ve become Satan ! SONGS : 139 , 144 Doing so will help you to live up to your marriage vow ​ — happily ! When speaking of the work of Jehovah’s Witnesses , one researcher stated : “ The main goal is preaching and teaching . . . . Paul’s words to the Philippians show us that the antidote to worry is prayer . The apostles urged Jesus to eat . 22 How We Put On and Keep On the New Personality If it was possible for that person to change , it is possible for a Christian today to change , especially one who has not gone after the flesh as far as the man in Corinth had . But when we look at the entire verse , it is not hard to see that all the other sinful practices mentioned are in some way connected with greediness and thus with idolatry . The Israelites had experienced a bitter life as foreign residents , but Jehovah expected them to treat the foreigner “ like a native ” among them . ​ — Lev . 1 : 5 . This article will consider why Jehovah’s servants need to settle differences and how they can succeed in doing so . I would soon be sailing to the islands and be away for a few more years . He saw a potential for good in people . Called Out of Darkness , Nov . 11 - 13 . The appendix then provides several suggestions about how a Christian parent might help a youth whose conviction is wavering . The dear brothers and sisters who started Jehovah’s work in our area in the 1950 ’ s would be astounded to see the changes we have experienced . When those angels abandoned God’s family , they put themselves on Satan’s side as opposers of God’s will . Draw ever closer to him , for “ he will make you firm , he will make you strong . ” and to encourage others to do the same ? After Jesus ’ death , Peter returned to his former occupation ​ — fishing . Jehovah is pleased to give an appropriate measure of power to his human servants when needed . There , on June 20 , 1948 , Father baptized me in a mountain stream , along with others who had accepted Bible truths , including Billie Nichols and his wife . That , in turn , mitigated some of her distress . He instructed them : “ Render to all their dues : to the one who calls for the tax , the tax ; . . . to the one who calls for honor , such honor . ” ​ — Rom . No doubt because she was a spiritually - minded person . Then ask , “ What qualities must each person have if all in the group are to live in peace and get along well ? ” They are watching to see what you will do and claiming that you will give up . How Do You Make Personal Decisions ? When we anchored in a bay , our arrival would create quite a stir among the villagers , and people would gather on the jetty to see who we were . “ We are not ignorant of [ Satan’s ] schemes . ” ​ — 2 COR . 2 : 11 , ftn . Soon mankind will face the greatest tribulation that will ever occur here on earth . The Pharisees classed them as among the “ accursed people . ” Let us now consider how some servants of God have felt ​ — and benefited from — ​ the comfort that Jehovah provides . In fact , the Watch Tower Publications Index includes the heading “ Beliefs Clarified , ” which lists adjustments in our Scriptural understanding since 1870 . In some areas , the gathering of these different races at a religious meeting is unheard of or is looked down on by others . Nabal and his household would pay for his stupidity . ​ — 1 Sam . Finally , he exclaimed : “ Well , surely you can look after sheep ! This petition will be answered when Jehovah brings an end to Satan’s wicked world ! As you can imagine , the clergy were furious ; but undeterred , the Bible Students kept right on with this important work . Hence , they were viewed as enemies of the German State and were bitterly persecuted . ( a ) In what ways has love grown cold in our day ? Before he became a Christian , Paul was “ breathing threat and murder against the disciples of the Lord . ” What powerful demonstration of faith do we see today , and who deserves the credit for this ? We can read what God said near the start of human history : “ A man will leave his father and his mother and he will stick to his wife , and they will become one flesh . ” Why are you determined to be present at this year’s Memorial ? Louis relates : “ We experienced that Jehovah answered our prayers and gave us ‘ the peace of God . ’ Others engage in so - called missionary activities for a limited time and then go back to their normal routine . Are you this type of friend ? Tom , an elder for many years , recalls : “ An experienced elder took me under his wing and gave me excellent training . “ This feature of the typical Mosaic law strongly foreshadowed the refuge which the sinner may find in Christ , ” stated the September 1 , 1895 , issue . 3 : 10 , 11 . It is smaller than a match head and rarer than a high - quality diamond . They want to cultivate in their child from infancy a heartfelt appreciation for Jehovah’s elevated moral standards . In time , however , he gained confidence . It may be helpful to collect and review scriptures and articles that deal with your weaknesses ( See paragraph 15 ) He further showed unselfish love by blessing his children on earth with the prospect of living forever in the Paradise that he had prepared for them . 51 : 12 ; Ps . He showed us the book The Truth That Leads to Eternal Life . But what kind of fruit is produced by a wheat stalk ? Growing up , she struggled with loneliness and a feeling of emptiness . Consider an illustration . If we want our discipline to reach hearts , what must we do ? When we guide our steps , not solely by preference , but primarily by Jehovah’s thinking and concerns , we show that we love and support his way of ruling . Such qualities are vital for those taking the lead in true worship . Let us consider nine ways we can strive to show love that is “ free from hypocrisy . ” If we pray for holy spirit and endeavor to “ keep walking by spirit , ” our actions will become more and more loving . In such situations , pray to God , just as Asa did . 146 : 5 . Says Carl , an elder who was baptized over 50 years ago , “ I look for any small sign that may reveal a person’s sincerity , perhaps a smile , a kind look , or an honest question . ” As a result , individuals have at times become the victims of gross wrongs . There was even some persecution , but we were “ not abandoned . ” That verse introduces the Bible’s primary theme , which is the vindication of God’s sovereignty and the sanctification of his name by means of the Kingdom . It has been defined as “ the emotion excited by the acquisition or expectation of good . ” How does the ransom relate to the Kingdom of God ? 1 - 3 . ( a ) Whatever our circumstances , what should be our priority ? But now she had decided to give up this habit . ” We can do the same . When back in Graz , I started attending all the meetings , and soon I too was convinced that what I was learning was the truth . Moreover , the court official in charge of their training gave them Babylonian names . Why is the example of the needy widow encouraging ? That could be difficult for him . Where a public reading was forbidden , some sent copies to every member of the church . Did we not , in effect , promise that we would do such things ? How can we tell if we are starting to develop that kind of pride ? In addition , Jesus devoted himself to the work of preaching and teaching the good news . 4 : 8 - 31 . We were summoned to the deputy warden’s office , fully expecting that our sentences would be extended . SERGIO AND OLINDA are a pioneer couple in their 80 ’ s who live in the United States . The Romans took an interest in suppressing outlawed activities and in bringing to justice any who caused disturbances . During our 58 years together , Maxine and I saw Jehovah’s people in Puerto Rico grow from about 650 Witnesses to 26,000 ! How We Strip Off and Keep Off the Old Personality , Aug . For one thing , the length of captivity is different . I have made the Sovereign Lord Jehovah my refuge . ” See “ Questions From Readers ” in The Watchtower , September 15 , 2006 , p . 30 . Why will we avoid telling lies ? Nehemiah’s example demonstrates how modesty can help us to keep from becoming self - reliant when we receive a change of assignment or additional responsibility . Will I be able to support myself ? The faith and integrity that motivate your volunteer spirit are pleasing to Jehovah . 13 : 6 . We will consider the examples of Jacob , Mary , and Jesus . I will fortify you , yes , I will help you . ” ​ — Isa . Perhaps they were surprised that the dogs had not harmed us or that we had persevered after such a frightening experience . Their clothes were torn off them , and they were severely beaten with rods . * This event triggered widespread religious violence among the people , resulting in one of the largest mass migrations in history . And fellow Witnesses care about one another . Satan uses his world’s commercial system to seduce us into believing that having material things beyond our actual needs is necessary for the enjoyment of life . Ten hardworking pioneers lived there , keeping up a good spiritual routine . 3 : 17 . It may be necessary to reason with your brother more than once in order to gain him ( See paragraph 15 ) But what did Paul mean by saying that the holy writings could make Timothy “ wise for salvation ” ? What helped her ? We must develop good personal study habits and do careful research in God’s Word and in our publications . While I was serving there , my superiors sent me to a Noncommissioned Officers Academy , thinking that I had natural leadership abilities . Yet , Jehovah has revealed to us his purpose for the earth and for mankind . After all , thinking again of the bus illustration , you surely would not board a bus going just anywhere simply because the passengers on that bus appear to be having a good time . We rejoice as we forge friendships with people from other lands , accepting cultural differences and possibly even learning the languages of others . Ask sincere questions , and express yourself with mildness and respect , especially when you talk with older ones . Brother Rutherford spoke on the theme “ The kingdom of heaven is at hand . ” This will not only benefit you but also add much joy to their work . Find out what that person believes . And Priscilla and Aquila used their time to explain “ the way of God more accurately ” to others . To those who reject his advice , Jehovah says : “ You chose what displeased me . . . . Look ! In view of the reduced time , however , they needed to give priority to spiritual matters . ​ — Matt . Then she made John a cup of hot tea , all the while talking to him in a friendly manner about the Bible . He wrote to fellow believers : “ Pray constantly . ” He kindly showed me a few areas in which I could improve , mentioning skills that a good circuit overseer needs . The wind whistled through the gaps between the logs , so we tried to block the holes with newspapers . A circuit overseer wrote : “ As a teenager , I had many more questions or doubts than I ever put into words . The Bible adds details about the heavenly resurrection : “ We do not want you to be ignorant about those who are sleeping in death . . . The point is , even though you have different personalities , you and your brother may be able to draw closer by focusing on the positive . We may have given thought to what we already know about the subject , and we may even have done research in our publications . That burglary made me reflect on Jesus ’ words about storing up ‘ treasures in heaven . ’ Accurate knowledge gave Noah faith and godly wisdom , which protected him from harm , especially spiritual harm . Publishers spent a week cleaning the stadium beforehand . “ I heard wonderful things , ” said Mairambubu . Often , when we act like this , we may not even be aware that we have crossed the line from modesty to presumptuousness . In any case , herein lies a real danger ​ — becoming ensnared by materialism , wanting more and more things , whether we need them or not and whether we can afford them or not . ( b ) How does God view all who uphold his standards ? While serving in a foreign field , how can parents train their children spiritually ? Jesus , on the other hand , truly loved the name of Jehovah . Thinking about and meditating on how we feel about our secular and spiritual activities can help us to determine where our true affection lies . Even so , rather than give in , he showed courage and took decisive action . ​ — Gen . Why should we expect God’s people to be united ? As we endure , we experience in our heart a lasting feeling of peace that results from knowing that we have Jehovah’s and Jesus ’ approval . A fine Bible principle is this : “ Do not be quick to take offense , for the taking of offense lodges in the bosom of fools . ” Let us address these aspects in the following article . 4 : 7 - 9 ; 1 Pet . At that time , we showed the film The Happiness of the New World Society , almost always outdoors in public places . See , for example , the articles “ Can You Serve Where the Need for Kingdom Publishers Is Greater ? ” Daniel sometimes turned blue from lack of oxygen caused by two holes in his heart , and we had to rush him to the hospital . * Two placards were attached at the shoulders and hung , one in front and one behind , an advertising method that had been in use by Witnesses since 1936 . How might you imitate their good example ? Paul exhorted Timothy : “ Flee from youthful desires , but pursue righteousness , faith , love , peace . ” ​ — 2 Tim . The great tribulation will reach its climax with the destruction of all the governments of this old world and all those who side with them against God’s Kingdom . Hence , Jehovah rescued Rehoboam and Jerusalem from destruction . ​ — 2 Chron . Like Ruth of old , Christians around the globe have shown faith in Jehovah’s power to help . They had an old car that they sold to me for $ 25 , exactly what I had been paid for my wrecked one . His mother says : “ Johnny , you know that you should not play with your ball in the house ! It is no wonder that singing is a prominent aspect of pure worship , whether we are alone when we sing or we are with the congregation of God’s people . That exercise could teach two important lessons . So as you study God’s Word and our Christian publications , do not just skim over the material . What is the effect of your volunteer service on those who benefit from it ? A sister in our congregation , whose husband was an unbeliever , knocked on our door early one morning and handed me an envelope . So in 1967 , we migrated to Adelaide , Australia . She was in daily association with many young women from all over the Persian Empire who were competing for the attention of the king . Is compassion always appropriate ? And always compare what you hear with “ the standard of wholesome words ” found in the Bible . ​ — 2 Timothy 1 : 13 . 33 : 5 . The first king of the northern ten - tribe kingdom , Jeroboam , was from the tribe of Ephraim , which had become the dominant tribe . By imitating Paul , by fully relying on Jehovah and not on our own strength , and by having faith in the ransom . While they were still alive on earth , how could it be said of them that they had “ died with reference to sin ” ? How important is parental example in training children ? Did it happen because God had determined that we could endure it ? ’ Several weeks later , one of the teachers attended a convention in Leipzig . They understand that being generous is a way to gain “ true ” riches . In fact , for many years I was the girlfriend of a terrorist . ” Appropriately , then , the copper of the two symbolic mountains reminds us of the excellent quality of Jehovah’s universal sovereignty and of the Messianic Kingdom , which will provide stability and blessings to all mankind . What important lesson about decision - making do we learn from Israel’s history ? When and where will they be raised ? ( b ) How can we do this in practical ways ? When Jesus embarked on his ministry , it was with a remarkable depth of insight and fellow feeling . But take courage . Whatever our circumstances , then , let all of us work to further the interests of Jehovah’s magnificent Kingdom . Why was little said about our enemy prior to the arrival of the Messiah ? Child - rearing . However , as time progressed , more and more of those with an earthly hope started to join themselves to these spiritual Jews . As in the case of the 17 need - greaters who have moved to Ghana , many thousands of evangelizers worldwide have been motivated by love for Jehovah to “ offer themselves willingly . ” Gust skillfully navigated our craft for 30 days through dangerous storms until we reached the Bahamas . A Nazirite was allowed to marry and have a family . Even in those early years , a small group of anointed brothers who served at headquarters in Brooklyn , New York , prepared and distributed spiritual food to Jesus ’ followers . In this article , we use the term “ refugees ” to denote those who have been displaced ​ — whether across national borders or within their own country — ​ by armed conflict , persecution , or disaster . To assist individuals desiring to benefit the worldwide work of Jehovah’s Witnesses through some form of charitable giving , a brochure entitled Charitable Planning to Benefit Kingdom Service Worldwide has been prepared in English and Spanish . So we can be sure that he will reward us and all who uphold his sovereignty . The foregoing examples show how God’s people are “ faithful in what is least , ” that is , in their use of material wealth , which is inferior to spiritual riches . SONGS : 20 , 119 1 : 3 ; 9 : 3 . Jehovah was with Joseph and Jehovah made whatever he did successful . ” And many young pioneers help to take the good news to indigenous and foreign - language communities . What can help you to cope if a family member leaves Jehovah ? Unique . How can the congregation provide comfort to those who are mourning ? Primarily this : Let us not become so absorbed in our own lives that we lose sight of this big issue ​ — the vindication of Jehovah’s sovereignty . Thus , in order to be subject to Babylonian captivity in 1918 , God’s people would have had to become enslaved to false religion in some way at that time . A single presumptuous act cost the unnamed prophet from Judah his life and his good standing with God . Instead , it is wise to use our time to improve our spiritual qualifications . ; 2 Pet . My doing so did not please my father , who said , “ You are too young to preach . Also , make it your goal to read the entire Bible . IMAGINE the scene . Teach your children Bible truth whenever possible ( See paragraph 10 ) What would Nathan do ? We refuse to join the ungodly and say : “ Good is bad and bad is good . ” King David was given faulty information about Saul’s grandson Mephibosheth . In the following article , we will expand on aspects of discipline within the family and the congregation . In either case , Paul likely explained that he worshipped the God of the Jews and that he urged all people to give the government due honor . Then pray about it , and strive to see how you can improve . Last year alone , we produced approximately 4.5 billion pieces of Bible literature . Similarly , elders should not only encourage and console their brothers with words but also build them up by showing sincere personal interest . ​ — 1 Cor . 1 : 19 . How does Satan try to influence individuals ? We were therefore surprised to receive a new assignment ​ — as missionaries in Cambodia ! This will help us to understand how Jehovah can forgive us . Tiny specks or flakes of gold sometimes accumulate in creeks and rivers . Why should we show a measure of honor and respect to people in general ? Then to drive home the point that faith must be shown by works , James adds : “ Just as the body without spirit is dead , so also faith without works is dead . ” ​ — Jas . Second , by his teaching and example , Jesus showed his disciples that they must overcome suspicion or intolerance toward others . How can we benefit from those precious gifts ? Peter proved to be a pillar in the early Christian congregation . “ Battle Belongs to Jehovah ” ( David ) , No . 5 Humans would fill the earth to a comfortable degree and would extend their home until the entire globe was a paradise . Why ? Because the official Church Bible ( the Vulgate ) was written in Latin . Back in the first century , many had the attitude “ Let us eat and drink , for tomorrow we are to die . ” Before answering that question , we would do well to think about this proverb : “ A word spoken at the right time ​ — how good it is ! ” ​ — Prov . It appears that Paul’s defense of the good news before high officials was a success ​ — Caesar’s court freed Paul . ​ — Phil . Warning examples in the Bible remind us that jealousy can deprive us of the prize . Jehovah told his prophet Ezekiel to write on two sticks . “ My ears have heard about you , ” he said . On one occasion , the Examiner of hearts exposed what was in Hezekiah’s heart . Respond to his loving appeal : “ Be wise , my son , and make my heart rejoice . ” Even so , earlier her mother had some lingering questions . She had asked herself : ‘ Is Maria too young to get baptized ? What challenges did Noah face , and why was his endurance remarkable ? An invitation to share food was an invitation to friendship and peace . 6 : 14 , 15 ; 18 : 21 , 22 . Study God’s Word diligently , and meditate on what you read If available in the country where you reside , the brochure may be obtained by requesting a copy from the secretary of the local congregation . 14 The Delightful Course of Hospitality ​ — So Needed ! In 1991 my wife and I attended our first - ever convention in Alma - Ata , now known as Almaty , in Kazakhstan . We do not idolize well - known representatives of the Christian congregation or react in their presence as if angels were standing nearby . 46 : 9 , 10 . In that way , I learned a lot about the Bible and how to teach others what it says . One of the men is described as being “ discreet . ” They should be quick to obey . 13 Life Story ​ — Being Deaf Has Not Held Me Back From Teaching Others Caesar’s things to Caesar , but God’s things to God , ” he said . 6 : 1 - 3 . As Brother Russell and his traveling companions passed through tidy towns and beautiful countryside , they realized that here was a field “ ready and waiting to be harvested . ” Otherwise , he will cry out to Jehovah against you , and you will be guilty of sin . ” ( b ) Why did David express concern about Solomon ? “ Evil men cannot understand justice , but those who seek Jehovah can understand everything . ” ​ — PROV . ( a ) What truths are fundamental to our understanding of the Bible’s message ? Why would it be a mistake to delay baptism ? Why is negative gossip so dangerous ? 1 Were Merchants Who Sold Animals in Temple “ Robbers ” ? June The publishers drew closer to one another . In his zeal to perform his ministry , Paul set an excellent example for modern - day Christians and demonstrated that God’s undeserved kindness had not been shown to him “ in vain . ” The door to complete forgiveness opens to us when we exercise faith in the ransom . ( b ) If we repent after making serious mistakes , we can trust that Jehovah will do what for us ? He had spent much time with his faithful apostles , and they were united by a special bond . Yes , complex designs are the product of an intelligent mind . God’s Kingdom will be used to apply the benefits of the ransom to obedient mankind . Note , too , that she and Joseph , although newly married , refrained from sexual relations until Jesus was born . We Experienced God’s Undeserved Kindness in Many Ways ( D . How we appreciate their tireless efforts to promote mercy and justice in our congregations ! What a lesson for us ! But if we want our “ helmet ” to be effective , we must wear it on our head , not carry it in our hand . After it is carried out , every thinking creature in the universe will heartily agree that justice was done . Prior to the Flood , Satan lured at least some of them into having immoral relations with the daughters of men . 11 : 26 , 27 ; 28 : 1 - 14 . From the age of 15 , she began to have sexual relations with different partners in order to relieve her loneliness . Front row : Alyona , Raya , Svetlana But in principle it may be the course you need to follow . When religion is mixed with politics , violence can easily erupt . When a person does not control his feelings and gets upset easily , he may provoke others to anger . and studied together the brochure Your Family Can Be Happy . Why ? Also , King Saul became jealous of David’s success and tried to kill him . To win the battle for your mind , you must recognize the danger that propaganda poses and protect yourself from it If it became known that a member of the congregation kept a gun for protection against humans , some fellow believers might be shocked , even stumbled . Isolate and explain key portions of a passage After hearing fascinating experiences from their friends who served in other countries , Hans and Brook were motivated to try pioneering abroad . Your feelings about yourself : Have you ever wanted to be hospitable but felt inadequate ? It is a characteristic of the Devil . On the basis of what they read in the Bible , some among them rejected the unscriptural creeds of the church , but it was dangerous ​ — even fatal — ​ to express such opinions openly . Other people might be moved by examples showing that the Bible contains accurate prophecies and accurate history . I was placed in a low - security camp along with several hundred other men . Donald , an elder for many decades , observes : “ Appointed men must cherish their relationship with God . Furious , the officer threatened to have her locked up for being a Witness , and indeed , in 1952 , Maria was sentenced to ten years in prison . Love for God and neighbor and the urgency of the Kingdom - preaching work move God’s people “ to come forward . . . with a gift in hand for Jehovah ” by making voluntary donations . The only Scriptural ground for divorce that might free one to remarry is sexual immorality . We saw the gratitude of those who had been helped by our children to learn about Jehovah . If we realize that our love for material things is eclipsing our love for the Christ , we should reflect on Jesus ’ words : “ Guard against every sort of greed . ” Was the apostle worried that Gaius might hesitate because Diotrephes was attempting to throw hospitable Christians out of the congregation ? Although my wife and daughters were far away , I drew comfort from knowing that Maria and I had remained loyal to Jehovah . He inspired Peter to write : “ You , therefore , beloved ones , having this advance knowledge , be on your guard so that you may not be led astray with them by the error of the lawless people and fall from your own steadfastness . After considering the fine examples we had grown up with , we decided to make ourselves available for anything Jehovah’s organization invited us to do . This transformation was beautifully foretold in a Bible prophecy . How did Psalm 118 : 22 point to Jesus ’ resurrection ? His response was measured and entirely fitting . If you are focused on pleasing Jehovah , he will provide for you even in your old age . He was driven to the depths of poverty and despair . Meanwhile , the Greek army was steadily closing in on the communists . how Jehovah feels when we attend meetings . Injustice , poor health , unemployment , grief , or other causes of anxiety and sorrow may gradually cause some to lose their joy . Paul had experienced extreme difficulties ; yet , he demonstrated that he had “ the peace of God . ” What happened on your baptism day ? For his righteous actions , he seemed to be punished rather than blessed . According to Hannah’s vow , her child would become a lifelong Nazirite , meaning that he was to be singled out , dedicated , and separated for Jehovah’s sacred service . ​ — Num . You know better . Have you begun raising children ? Anyone who makes a dedication vow should take it very seriously , just as did the psalmist who spoke of the vows he had made to God : “ With what will I repay Jehovah for all the good he has done for me ? The Devil , released from imprisonment and intent on misleading mankind , will no doubt appeal to selfishness . Paul was not telling married couples to neglect their marital duties . 12 : 9 ) Satan made an issue of the fact that God’s human children were not allowed to eat “ from every tree of the garden . ” Says Nadia , “ The people we meet give us so much joy . ” Many of them are moved to change their lifestyle , to exercise faith , and to become baptized Christians . 2 : 8 . Jehovah commands us to be generous toward our brothers and sisters . The demons believe that God exists , but they have no true faith . Describe the situation that Noah faced . Finally , we will consider how “ the peace of God ” can help us to endure with full confidence in Jehovah . “ I was 12 years old . The sword used by Roman infantrymen at the time Paul wrote his letter was about 20 inches ( 50 cm ) long and was designed for hand - to - hand combat . Most IUDs that were then widely available were inert plastic objects inserted in the uterus ( womb ) to prevent pregnancies . Notes Hanne , a pioneer for over 40 years , “ The joy I always feel after I have been in the ministry stimulates me to continue in Jehovah’s service . ” Certainly , whether you are a parent or not , you should not overlook the need to choose your associations wisely . However , that does not mean that we should refuse to change a decision once we have made it . For example , one congregation has 134 publishers but only 50 private homes in its territory ! If anyone , then , needed comfort and encouragement , she did . We build appreciation for discipline when we experience its benefits , which confirm God’s love for us . We know from the Bible that there have been times when Jehovah did not directly intervene to protect his servants . The well - maintained Kingdom Hall serves as a powerful witness to Jehovah PHILIPPIANS 1 : 10 , 11 But how can prayer help you to avoid becoming overwhelmed by disquieting thoughts and anguish ? ​ — Ps . 94 : 18 , 19 , ftn . A person who lives apart from Jehovah is under Satan’s rule . This will help us overcome difficult situations so that we too can be a good example . ​ — Romans 12 : 20 , 21 ; Colossians 3 : 13 . He created humans to find happiness by knowing him and by serving him faithfully . My parents , William and Jean , were devoted worshippers of Jehovah . Still , persecution did not stop the expansion of true worship . How do corrupt organizations affect us today ? For instance , because Noah “ walked with the true God , ” he did not walk , or associate , with the ungodly . What was Joseph afraid of ? How did the son feel ? ( b ) What questions need to be answered ? 4 : 15 . 32 An Abundant Harvest ! Are you taking refuge in Jehovah ? If we have accepted an invitation , we should try to be true to our word . Others enjoyed a measure of success in this system of things but felt that something was missing in their life . SONGS : 15 , 74 Desiring to get God’s Word into the mind and heart of ordinary people , itinerant preachers , known as the Lollards , traveled on foot from village to village throughout England . In his younger years , Jesus no doubt had to deal with the deaths of family members and acquaintances . But instead of becoming arrogant and opinionated , he remained humble and modest , always giving due credit to Jehovah . Eager to eliminate tensions , Abraham offered Lot first choice of the areas where their respective households would settle . 17 : 11 - 15 , 17 , 18 . Brother Lemke , who served in the navy , reported finding interest among five of his own crewmates . What about increasing your efforts to let the light of Bible truth shine in your neighborhood ? Are you paying your vows to Jehovah ? When new ones attend , we become cohosts , as it were . Men and women were condemned for heresy because they rejected teachings of the church , some of which were based on the pagan philosophies of Aristotle and Plato ​ — men who lived before Jesus Christ was born . These articles show how we can fight against the selfish spirit of the world by preserving our love for Jehovah , for Bible truth , and for our brothers . Later , while working in the Service Department , I interviewed pioneers who were visiting the branch office on their way to serve in Quebec , then a hotbed of opposition . What can you do to maintain a watchful attitude ? She told him that she could join him at the gathering afterward . Still , you might have concerns . I appreciated how patient and helpful the brothers were in training me . Araceli : At that time I was 14 years old , Lauri was 12 , and Ramoni was 10 . Elijah performed what outstanding miracle , and how does that relate to Martha ? They commented : “ Faith is not something you inherit . He was not familiar with the Scriptures . No , we cannot . Rudolf endured all these trials and , although aged and sickly , was serving as a regular pioneer and an elder when his life story appeared in the August 1 , 1997 , issue of The Watchtower , pages 20 - 25 . We must admit that it is not always easy to make a decision that shows good judgment , that is sensible , and that takes all factors into account . He hates “ haughty eyes . ” How can you strengthen and console those who have “ a crushed spirit ” ? But does Romans chapter 8 apply only to anointed ones ? Father died six months before I was born , and Mother died while I was still an infant . When hard times come , will we not depend on one another ? ( Read James 4 : 17 . ) Might it have been his victory against the Assyrians or his being cured by God miraculously ? Could it have been because of his “ vast riches and glory ” ? Accommodations were always in brothers ’ homes . But what strengthened them most were the visits made to the congregation by the representatives of God’s organization . Other songs will help “ to incite [ us ] to love and fine works . ” Or what about the governments that promote war and ethnic violence , that oppress the poor and defenseless , that thrive on bribery and favoritism ? Soon after that , Lauri and Ramoni also left the convent . Give an example of a modern - day servant who had the right outlook . Many sisters who have served abroad were initially hesitant about moving to a foreign land . When we work hard to overcome obstacles to expand our ministry , we do experience Jehovah’s blessing . Had they returned to their homeland simply to further their own interests ? I would regularly read material to him before it was printed . Consider the example of King Josiah . Whether we have enjoyed many years or just a few months in Jehovah’s service , all of us can make progress in his worship . We learned that we were being assigned as circuit overseers . Recent organizational changes have required that we remain flexible in our service to God and to our brothers . When visitors came , some of the villagers made fun of him in front of their friends . As a result , the good things mentioned in verses 12 to 14 were applied to the wicked , who were mentioned in the preceding verses . That article concluded : “ The sincere Christian concerned about the propriety of using an IUD should seriously weigh such information in the light of a Bible - based respect for the sanctity of life . ” ​ — Ps . Those related to us in the faith certainly merit honor and respect . 12 : 2 . Recall the apostle Paul’s counsel that we should be “ earnestly endeavoring to maintain the oneness of the spirit in the uniting bond of peace . ” Self - examination is important . That warning is equally valid now . By word and example , we have the privilege of training our children and new ones to appreciate how they can have a share and how they , as a result , can enjoy many blessings . For example , during Puerto Rico’s first international assembly in 1967 , I felt overwhelmed by the responsibility . What is one thing that makes humans superior to animals ? I was anxious about leaving behind our family , congregation , apartment , all the familiar places , and our routine . What “ silly ” things to do in such a Catholic country ! 18 : 10 . Explain how we can increase our confidence in our singing . Jesus prayed that all his followers would ‘ be one , just as his Father is in union with him and he is in union with his Father . ’ On the other hand , “ the spiritual man ” is someone who “ examines all things ” and who has “ the mind of Christ . ” In fact , we too are bearing witness about him , ” wrote John , “ and you know that the witness we give is true . ” We need to be careful not to allow our love for Christ to weaken and let ourselves be distracted from Kingdom interests . The officer retorted : “ Any crime other than being a Witness is better . ” Thus , our love must be “ without hypocrisy , ” or “ free from hypocrisy . ” Will faithful men of old with leadership abilities come back early to help organize God’s people in the new world ? This will help you to draw close to God , and then he will draw close to you . ​ — Jas . 5 : 22 , 23 . Though we cannot be sure whom Paul had in mind , some , like Naboth and Zechariah , were stoned to death for obeying God and doing his will . “ I promise , ” I said . For example , the Scriptures do not contain detailed rules regarding what kind of clothing is appropriate attire for Christians . One Japanese sister lived in an area that was seriously damaged by the earthquake and tsunami of 2011 . The psalmist went on to say : “ How sweet your sayings are to my palate , more so than honey to my mouth ! ” SONGS : 89 , 26 * This fruitage characterizes “ the new personality . ” You can thus help them to serve Jehovah more fully . We should never cease thanking Jehovah for drawing us to himself through his Son , “ the Chief Agent and Perfecter of our faith . ” What would you do ? The fact that Third John was preserved in the Bible canon and was passed on to encourage others to “ imitate what is good ” suggests that it did . Still , when what may have been the original writings of the Mosaic Law were found and read to Josiah , he saw the need to do God’s will more fully . In his wisdom , Jehovah has never told us the personal name of the angelic son who rebelled against him . THOSE books were called the rainbow set . The apostle Paul likewise stated : “ All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God , ” and “ the wages sin pays is death . ” Jesus warned that we would have severe trials and cruel persecution during the last days . But Jehovah intervened through the prophet Shemaiah , saying : “ You must not go up and fight against your Israelite brothers . Furthermore , God will make our minds and bodies perfect , so that we will be able to absorb his teaching and do his will flawlessly . When we humbly and obediently trust in him , we too will be precious in his eyes . ​ — Hag . So he knows exactly what we need in order to endure . Being reasonable can help you to avoid needless marital conflict . ​ — Phil . ( c ) How does joy affect our ministry ? He always looked to God as the Source of true wealth , never seeking material advantages that would indicate a lack of trust . For example , what if a member of your family or a close friend sins , is unrepentant , and has to be disfellowshipped ? Is that really possible , and what benefits come from our efforts to make peace ? Many think that they are justified in stealing , cheating , or engaging in other dishonest practices . Mature Witnesses can invite new ones to come along when visiting the sick and the elderly . How sad I was when the circuit overseer said that my territory assignment would be right there in the town where I was born ! And those whose heart is still in the full - time service but who for various reasons have had to limit their activity also appreciate receiving encouragement . Why , planets in our solar system travel in orbits around the sun as though they were humbly obeying traffic laws ! If we are concerned about the long - term effects our actions will have on our relationship with Jehovah and if we base our decisions on his standards , then we are gaining practical wisdom . But maintaining that friendship and working out your own salvation will require effort . You have nothing to fear . ” ​ — Matt . ( b ) How did Jehovah make his feelings known ? Consider the following : In addition , when we discern that Jehovah answers our prayers , our love for him grows . With full faith that Jehovah would bless their efforts , they were determined to do their best . And as the Bible became available , people did read it . He had faith in the promise made to Abraham and devoted himself to caring for the family who would play a special role in the outworking of Jehovah’s purpose . What are some tools that you can use to strengthen your faith ? Jehovah also transformed my life . Growing to maturity involves advancing to an increased level of knowledge and insight . To that end , we can reflect on some past examples of courage . 5 : 14 ; Eph . “ [ Jehovah ] called you out of darkness into his wonderful light . ” ​ — 1 PET . As told by Demetrius Psarras With Jehovah’s blessing , we can make spiritual progress in whatever role we are currently serving . He and the 300 men with him were tired . ” Jehovah created Adam and Eve with the ability to have perfect children . How could Rehoboam foresee that soon his own ability to resolve complex issues would be tested ? Read Proverbs 22 : 4 . “ Tears have become the language of my heart , ” admits Gaby , whose husband died . 1 , 2 . ( a ) To whom did Jesus ’ words at Matthew 24 : 12 initially apply ? Three accounts recorded in the inspired Scriptures may come to mind . Like those performed by John , these baptisms symbolized the individuals ’ repentance over sins against the Mosaic Law . ( See opening image 2 . ) ( b ) What does the woman inside the ephah container represent , and why is she confined and sealed away ? Six years later , though , the couple faced a challenge . What will help you to do so ? How can older sisters show courage ? Indeed , we will to a greater extent unleash its power in our own life . ​ — 2 Cor . I handed the man a written statement , saying , “ I only want to be a soldier of Christ . ” Several years ago , Birgit , a pioneer in Germany , attended her daughter’s school graduation . But Jephthah’s daughter was given as a complete “ burnt offering , ” so she would not have the joy of being a wife and a mother . In 1964 , Arthur received a new assignment as branch servant in the Irish Republic . You might offer to work with the person in the ministry and see what you can learn . So the brothers appreciated it when I helped them organize meetings and field service more efficiently . They are formidable but not unbeatable . Our spiritual paradise will continue to grow and to flourish until the whole earth is filled with perfect , righteous , and happy humans to the eternal praise of Jehovah’s name . Yet , would she be inclined to respect him when he is not there ? Paul and Barnabas risked their lives by going back to places where they had suffered violent attacks . Even so , our enemies are real . Satan and the demons are skilled warriors with vast experience . We understand that Jehovah wants us to respect governmental authorities . What helped them years ago to make the move to a foreign country ? What else might identify a physical person ? SUPPOSE you plan to travel to a distant town for an important event . How quickly everything changed ! That , in turn , helps us to make wise decisions . Why not take a few moments to read that prayer and meditate on it , taking special note of what it tells you about Daniel as a person ? ( Read John 15 : 11 . ) They fear that the work will not be done properly . So at times some in the congregation may hurt us by what they say or do . However , some may feel uncomfortable singing in public . ( b ) How are we affected when we see newly dedicated ones get baptized ? Even so , she found it a challenge to accept Jehovah’s love for her . Worldwide , the number of people accepting the good news is growing . Even when Assyria , the world power at that time , invaded Judah and threatened to annihilate Jerusalem , Hezekiah wholeheartedly relied on Jehovah . Many of these false gods were dealt devastating blows by Jehovah through the Ten Plagues . However , often within months , refugees may be expected to support themselves . Perhaps a short school course will qualify you for part - time work that is in demand locally . Furthermore , Asa urged his people “ to search for Jehovah . . . and to observe the Law and the commandment . ” What about his human creatures on earth ? Araceli : I like to speak about Jehovah to all the priests and nuns I meet , perhaps because I was a nun . Our hearts are touched when we see how Jehovah answers our united prayers ! ​ — Heb . Says Riana : “ I felt Jehovah’s helping hand just in time . Potiphar’s wife set her eyes on Joseph , who was “ well - built and handsome , ” and she tried to seduce him . Jehovah described King David as “ a man agreeable to [ his ] heart . ” 5 : 11 . If we fail to resolve such problems , they could easily lead to feelings of resentment . ​ — Read 1 Peter 3 : 8 , 9 . Contrast the way Jesus and the Pharisees viewed sinners . Have there been significant scientific or medical developments since that article was published in 1979 ? The Bible does not report that the Israelites saw a materialized angel perform those duties . And because God disciplines to the proper degree , disfellowshipping can impress on the wrongdoer the seriousness of his sin and move him to repentance . ​ — Acts 3 : 19 . By all means , then , in imitation of our brothers in the past century , let us do all we can to help them get free ! For instance , people from some lands have strong feelings about proper dress for women . What did the apostle Paul state about encouragement ? King Uzziah of Judah certainly displayed pride . Thus , he needed faith . guided by God’s Word ? You certainly have good reason for such confidence . To settle this issue , the apostles appointed seven men to make sure that nobody was neglected . 40 : 28 . Explain . In turn , Jehovah “ may give them repentance leading to an accurate knowledge of truth . ” ​ — 2 Tim . “ But one time , I was preaching with an elder who realized that I was having a bad day . In this time of the end , Jehovah’s people have been commissioned to preach “ this good news of the Kingdom . . . in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations . ” So we too could be said to have “ died with reference to sin . ” Pioneers Stuart Keltie and William Torrington demonstrated that sort of determination . That record also shows that God always keeps his promises . Indeed , he had to ! 15 : 20 , 23 . What was life like for exiles there ? Now that I am nearing 80 years of age , it gives me great pleasure to see younger men with whom I have worked over the years take on the responsibilities that I used to have . The apostle Paul wrote to Hebrew Christians that they “ endured a great struggle along with sufferings , ” as they sought Jehovah’s approval and blessing . We obey God by not favoring any politician or political group , even when their ideas or opinions could benefit us . Of course , more is needed than merely reading Bible texts to those we are conversing with . Why ? EACH year thousands of Bible students get baptized . The branch office suggested that we move to a newly established congregation in Irlam . Clearly , Jehovah and Jesus are with us and are strengthening us at our meetings . Of what does Zechariah’s final vision assure God’s people ? Why can we have confidence in Jesus ’ assurance recorded at Matthew 6 : 33 ? Jehovah does not want us to practice severe self - denial or to abstain from wholesome activities that bring enjoyment . The phrase “ lovers of pleasures ” aptly describes those who are “ carried away by . . . pleasures of this life . ” ​ — Luke 8 : 14 . 94 : 19 . How , then , could any of us judge a fellow worshipper as being unworthy of our love ? To have believing parents who truly love Jehovah is a blessing . Still , God’s holy spirit has been moving his global congregation to grow and prosper . Second , why is it important that younger ones keep the right attitude as they assist brothers who are more experienced and learn from them ? After our Watchtower Study one Monday night , we had an unexpected visitor . Our appreciation for Bible truth will grow when we meditate on ways we benefit from applying it in our lives . Will you imitate Jehovah and pass the test of humility ? However , public employees in parts of the world without such laws or where such laws are not rigorously enforced do not have the same attitude toward the functions they fulfill . How can young ones promote unity in the congregation and thus encourage others to let their light shine ? Make it your goal to become a mature person who can take counsel calmly , benefiting from it without worrying excessively about how it was given . The Creator spoke to Adam and instructed him on how to show his obedience . Jehovah expects us to put our abilities to good use . Then the grieving mother arrived with Elisha . ​ — 2 Ki . I had a new pioneer partner , but again there was no congregation . ( b ) In what ways can we strengthen others ? In some places , that was how things were in those days . How can we demonstrate humility and mildness ? Those Baal worshippers had no respect for Jehovah or appreciation for his standards . 14 : 6 , 7 . If your courageous stand has resulted in a problem between you and your non - Witness relatives , consider some steps to take to reduce conflict and still maintain integrity . Happy to continue sharing in the growth in the Philippines First , approach Jehovah in earnest prayer . I enjoyed field service , even though I have always struggled with shyness . Is the “ road ” to your forgiveness open and in good repair ? A physical , or fleshly - minded , person is often excessively concerned about prestige and material pursuits or about defending what he feels are his rights . As long as you know the way to your destination , choosing the right road presents no problem . To me , it sounded like a fairy tale . Maurizio adds : “ Gianni was sincere ​ — and he was right . The Bible contrasts modesty with presumptuousness . It is understandable that different climates and the change of seasons influence what we wear . Willie responded , “ Your father is in hell ! ” Thus , when you are anxious , he can mercifully ‘ come to your aid ’ and ‘ help you at the right time . ’ 5 : 9 , 10 . David met this married woman at a time when he was fleeing from King Saul . Yet , God saw the need to correct Job’s thinking . But now that they have the opportunity to associate with us , should we not help them so that they no longer feel like strangers in our midst ? What decisive actions did Asa take ? Like Hannah and Samuel , Christians today have the privilege of using their lives in dedicated service to their Creator . However , King Saul was disobedient when he showed what he may have felt was compassion . Before the Flood , Seth’s descendant Lamech worshipped Jehovah . How did servants of Jehovah in the past set the pattern in their relationship with secular governments and officials ? First , they joined a French - speaking congregation . 7 : 9 , 10 . Second , in strongly reproving Shebna , Jehovah may have been showing that he did not consider Shebna beyond recovery . Jehovah will not personally tell us to say something encouraging to a particular individual as he told Moses to encourage and strengthen Joshua . How can we plan ahead for situations that might lead to conflict ? How can we avoid being caught in this trap ? We can show honor to others by not thinking too much of ourselves because of our education , material possessions , or privileges in Jehovah’s service . In addition , offering ourselves willingly ​ — in the area where we live or in a foreign country — ​ prepares us for the theocratic activities that are awaiting us in the new world . As mentioned earlier , Jesus compared himself to a vine and his disciples to branches . We went from door to door asking for accommodations , saying that we were missionaries , and we offered our magazines on the street . Since he is our Creator , we should thank him , honor him , and praise him . Within six months , I had 17 Bible studies , and some of the students came into the truth . All of this caused quite a stir among my schoolmates , but it created opportunities for me to give a witness . The sister simply took her seat . But how is it possible for all of this to happen ? Abraham was convinced that Jehovah would never act unjustly by “ putting the righteous man to death with the wicked one . ” Let me explain . By all means , apply Jehovah’s principles in your marriage . Sometimes you may feel hurt because a friend or a family member said something discouraging . Thus they would not ‘ fail to obtain the undeserved kindness of God , ’ which sadly could happen if they engaged in sexual immorality . 4 , 5 . ( a ) What sheds light on the sense of Romans 5 : 12 ? While “ bearing fruit ” also applies to producing “ the fruitage of the spirit , ” in this article and the next , we focus on producing “ the fruit of our lips , ” or Kingdom preaching . ​ — Gal . 24 : 45 . For example , the Jewish historian Flavius Josephus said of a Jewish sect : “ Swearing they avoid , regarding it as worse than perjury , for they say that one who is not believed without an appeal to God stands condemned already . ” She explains : “ Fame , honor , power , and riches are transitory and lowly goals in life . During the first eight years of his rule , he generally turned the task over to others . We might ( 1 ) unwittingly rely on human wisdom , ( 2 ) turn to bad associations , ( 3 ) become haughty , or ( 4 ) make decisions without first considering what God’s will is . When on earth , Jesus admonished his disciples to humble themselves . What a relief it is to learn that if we exercise faith in the shed blood of Jesus , our sins will be forgiven and our conscience will be cleansed ! In recent years , we have seen the start of and JW Broadcasting . Jehovah’s servants in the past set the pattern in their relationship with governments and officials . As long as the question remains unsettled in the minds of humans or angels , discord among nations , races , tribes , families , and individuals will exist . [ 1 ] ( paragraph 14 ) See also the article “ Despite Trials , My Hope Has Remained Bright ” in the April 22 , 2002 , issue of Awake ! , which tells the life story of Andrej Hanák from Slovakia . What should be our personal determination ? “ My life was going nowhere , ” says Adolfo . Only relatively few individuals reflected the qualities of Noah , Daniel , and Job and were thus marked for survival . 10 , 11 . ( a ) What negative qualities show that people lack love for one another ? The challenge of being happy at Bethel is the same as it is elsewhere : You have to focus on why what you are doing is important . Matthew traces Joseph’s ancestry and shows that Jesus as Joseph’s adopted son was the legal heir to David’s kingship . It read : “ Eshba’al Ben [ son of ] Beda ’ . ” 7 “ He Gives Power to the Tired One ” ( a ) In what way did Jesus resemble his Father ? They traveled to Bethlehem despite the fact that Mary was soon to give birth to her first child . Yet , the wicked deeds of others do not rob Jehovah of joy . What do the Scriptures teach about rest and relaxation ? As the young ones quoted in this article have shown , there is no need to feel intimidated by Satan and the demons . ( Heb . How can we develop a deep love for Bible truth ? They got baptized without delay . Modesty helps us to be satisfied with and productive in our assigned place in God’s arrangement . He was released from prison and promoted to the second - highest position in Egypt . ​ — Gen . After he died , he “ was laid to rest with his forefathers and was buried in the City of David . ” Many express similar appreciation after receiving the Bible and other publications translated into their own language , after benefiting from relief work , or after seeing the results of metropolitan and public witnessing in their communities . My wife and I were separated three times and were in the process of getting divorced . ” How so ? A girl named Heather says : “ It’s scary . Because she and her elder brother , Joe , refused to stop studying the Bible , they were expelled from home by zealous Orthodox parents . 12 : 12 , 13 . Thereafter , the brother served at the convention and now thanks the overseer for having dealt with him calmly and kindly . We had the special privilege of having Brother Frederick W . My wife had stretched out on a sofa to rest while we were talking about the day’s activity . Remember , though , that the Law came from Jehovah . Scriptural examples show that greetings can do more than make others feel welcome . Meek ones wait on God to correct any wrongs and to undo the injuries inflicted on them . 28 Life Story ​ — Leaving Things Behind to Follow the Master 6 : 31 - 33 . Get regular exercise . He corresponded exactly to all that Adam should have been ​ — a perfect man , absolutely loyal and obedient to God . That is a major undertaking , especially in today’s world . He had clearly in mind his hope of living in the new world under the Messiah’s rule . The same is true of God’s people today . For instance , if you are an elder in the Christian congregation , you can ask for holy spirit to help you to give Scriptural counsel to others in a loving manner . “ The green grass dries up , the blossom withers , but the word of our God endures forever . ” ​ — ISA . * Notably , the King James Version drew only limited attention to God’s name . A brother in Brazil states , “ Our 23 years of marriage have been very happy ​ — thanks to our efforts to be spiritually - minded . ” The apostle Peter stated : “ All of you clothe yourselves with humility toward one another , because God opposes the haughty ones , but he gives undeserved kindness to the humble ones . ” ​ — 1 Pet . Back when there were just two humans ( and after the Flood , eight ) , Jehovah commanded : “ Be fruitful and become many . ” Householders , in turn , praised the delegates ’ conduct . Gideon was bold and courageous . While discipline may be painful , there is something that is even more painful ​ — the harm that may result from rejecting discipline . The apostle John wrote that we must love “ in deed and truth . ” That said , we are all prone to sin . Imitate Jehovah’s Compassion , Sept . Even when our relatives oppose our efforts to worship Jehovah , we continue to love them , but we must remember that our love for God and Christ comes first . He gave us power to carry out our plans , enabling us to work toward proper goals . Paul asked them a sobering question : “ Why not rather let yourselves be wronged ? ” But the need to grow in love for God and for our neighbor will never cease . Our motive for clothing ourselves with the new personality must be to honor Jehovah , not to win praise from men . When the two brothers were alone , the offended brother began to criticize the sister for what she had said . To help us to continue progressing , we will answer three key questions in this article : ( 1 ) What will help us to analyze the true state of our spirituality ? The increase we observe , the unity we enjoy , and the watchful attitude that we strive to maintain all contribute to our bringing glory to Jehovah . In fact , they ‘ understood everything ’ he required of them . The same applies to a Christian who continues to carry a firearm as part of his secular work . When we take the time to weigh carefully all the aspects or facts related to a decision , we will likely be more successful . All that we have comes from Jehovah . Rather , Jesus had them bring a sword for an object lesson to teach them not to resort to violence , even when confronted by an armed crowd . All of these make sacrifices in their lives in order to devote more time to sacred service . Asa , Jehoshaphat , Hezekiah , Josiah He reminded her that she had said exactly the same thing two years earlier ​ — the last time they moved . Think of the immoral man in Corinth who went after “ the flesh ” and had to be disfellowshipped . The distinction between those serving God and those not serving him is becoming increasingly evident . Then , in 2013 the Puerto Rico branch was merged with the United States branch , and I was asked to serve at Wallkill , New York . Likewise , Jehovah realizes that giving from our valuable things is good for us . SONGS : 127 , 88 Today , after surviving two major strokes , I still serve as a congregation elder . Second , Proverbs 18 : 1 says : “ Whoever isolates himself pursues his own selfish desires ; he rejects all practical wisdom . ” For instance , all of us should be reasonable and sound in mind . He had the young man accompany him . While Noah may not have grasped the details of the prophecy recorded at Genesis 3 : 15 , he no doubt saw in it the hope of deliverance . For example , a well - known movie star , turned politician , once said : “ Modesty is not a word that applies to me in any way ​ — I hope it never will . ” It was very sad to see Brother Knorr suffer from cancer in 1976 . Some are shy and fear that conversation would lag or that guests might not feel entertained . Oct . First , Paul reminded both sides that food would not bring them nearer to God . The Bible tells us : “ Plans fail when there is no consultation , but there is accomplishment through many advisers . ” ​ — Prov . She said that she felt like a hypocrite because she enjoyed gambling . Before determining a course of action , a family head ought to take the time to research the Scriptures and Christian publications , as well as to consider the opinions or views of others in his family . For example , some people have been unjustly convicted and imprisoned . It should also take into account what is pleasing to the Sovereign Lord Jehovah . Also , Necho was heading to Carchemish to war “ against another house , ” not to war against Jerusalem . Jesus gave a clear answer to that question when he said to his opposers : “ Abraham your father rejoiced greatly at the prospect of seeing my day , and he saw it and rejoiced . ” Simply put , Jesus tells us , ‘ Be obedient to me . ’ But Daniel was still alive . Relationships with in - laws may become strained and cause tribulation for the newlyweds . These same qualities make it easier for us to get along with all the brothers and sisters in the congregation . Under those circumstances , the Bible gives good reasons why they should remain together . Replaced by the School for Kingdom Evangelizers . Within a few years , there were eight congregations . You would likely mention your belief in Jesus Christ , who died as a ransom . How can we imitate Noah’s faith ? Therefore , should we not also respect our brother’s right to make personal decisions in matters of lesser importance ? ​ — 1 Cor . Hence , the branch had told prospective pioneers that the field in Britain had no more room and urged them to serve in other European countries . He still expects us , however , to use our finances to support the work of his organization today . If he wants to remain healthy , he has to prepare nutritious meals for himself . How did one elderly couple expand their ministry ? King David , who struggled with guilt , put it this way : “ When I kept silent , my bones wasted away because of my groaning all day long . Second , they may notice in their children a lack of interest in spiritual activities or in the foreign - language field in which they are serving . Later , when they felt ready to tackle the local language , they moved to a Malagasy - speaking congregation . ( b ) What will help us to remain humble ? Thereafter , a different type of resurrection will take place , a resurrection to life in an earthly paradise . It can even soften the attitude of a person who is hostile . That was a good sign . When will the resurrection that I am hoping for occur ? ’ Feeling betrayed , Syntyche began to look at Euodia with doubt and even suspicion . Our car and camper trailer Does God’s Word provide counsel to help us if we face this ugly side of imperfect human behavior ? Word That Meant So Much ! ( “ daughter ” ) , Nov . Yes , God’s love moved him to action . How does this reflect Jehovah’s wisdom ? As we progress spiritually toward maturity , why do principles become more important to us ? Moreover , the majority of people were illiterate . One way God helps us is by means of “ the comfort of the holy spirit . ” Continue to preach zealously , never losing appreciation for our lifesaving ministry . How did the attitude of the tribes of Reuben , Dan , and Asher differ from that of Zebulun and Naphtali ? It seems that they differed in personality . Denied the freedom to support their aging parents and to marry , these brothers have remained loyal in spite of severe mistreatment . ( a ) What lesson can we draw from Jesus ’ illustrations of the vine and of the sower ? How can a Christian keep far away from sexual immorality ? What counsel does the Bible give about controlling our emotions ? 25 Let Nothing Deprive You of the Prize Usually , parental authority is being replaced by the authority of the husband . I needed some time to regain my strength , but once I did , we again took up the full - time service . How can self - discipline help us to reach a spiritual goal ? But I know that I need to keep on fighting . It touches Jehovah’s heart when we show compassion toward others . How do we show that we share Jehovah’s view of life ? ( 2 ) Be content with God’s provisions . Jehovah made every effort to keep pure worship clean ( See paragraphs 16 - 18 ) Yet , she voluntarily contributed those “ two small coins , ” which were “ all the means of living she had . ” SONGS : 49 , 73 Jehovah gave Adam and Eve a simple law that served to test whether they recognized the limits of their freedom . Would he let someone else bring up the matter to the king ? 24 : 45 ; John 14 : 16 , ftn . , Rom . “ At my workplace in the bank , I now have much contact with lawyers . After the people repented , God changed his decision about Nineveh . Think , too , of the course Amnon took and the terrible outcome of his behavior . In the matter of training others to take on increased responsibility , there is no better example than that of Jesus . 8 “ Go , . . . and Make Disciples of People of All the Nations ” It reminded me that freezing weather would soon take control of the area . Consider what happened the night before Jesus was to be executed . Having been created with a conscience , people normally have an inborn sense ​ — albeit at times inaccurate or distorted — ​ that alerts them to what is right or wrong , honest or dishonest , appropriate or inappropriate . For example , your employer may regularly ask you to work overtime on evenings and weekends ​ — times that you have set aside for family worship , field service , and Christian meetings . What about making it a point ​ — before or after a meeting — ​ to talk with a young person , manifesting your genuine interest ? Just as the ark amounted to evidence of Noah’s faith , baptism before onlookers provides visible evidence . But the Church was unable to halt the momentum of God’s Word among those who desired to read and understand it . The message we spread is also “ the good news of the undeserved kindness of God ” because all the blessings we hope to receive under Kingdom rule come to us through Jehovah’s kindness expressed by means of Christ . ( b ) What assurance do we find in Psalm 136 ? She wanted to do as much as she could in Jehovah’s service , so she applied for Bethel and was invited to come in 1971 . Today , marital treachery cannot be tolerated among Jehovah’s people . “ It gives us tremendous satisfaction to serve at the front line , so to speak , and to share the truth with so many people who have never heard about it before , ” says Rudy , a married brother in his late 50 ’ s from the Netherlands . Regarding the matter of defending oneself against rape , see the article “ How to Prevent Rape ” in the March 8 , 1993 , issue of Awake ! 1 Peter 3 : 20 , 21 Who was this Joseph of Arimathea ? As parents , how can you do “ just so ” in God’s eyes ? As they become convinced of what they learn , they will increasingly be able to defend their beliefs before others , including schoolmates . The apostle John surely encouraged Gaius and reassured him that he was doing what was right . Jephthah refused to allow their cruel behavior to affect his attitude . About 550 Turkish - speaking brothers and sisters from other countries traveled to Turkey and preached alongside the local publishers during the campaign . When things go wrong , they tend to blame others rather than accept responsibility . It will move us , if at times it is needed , to genuine repentance . What did this brother do ? Pondering the answers to such questions will help us to keep proving what we ourselves are . Recently , a brother named Timothy who started pioneering as a teenager said : “ I like serving Jehovah full - time because it’s the way I express my love for him . In contrast , Jesus taught people to seek peace , even if such a course would seem detrimental to their own interests . You might think that this was a simple choice because it is always wise and beneficial to serve Jehovah . Although I love to preach to the deaf , I will never forget an experience I had with a hearing woman named Chris Spicer whom I witnessed to on the street . The Greek verb translated “ earnestly seeking ” is a form that implies intensity and concerted effort . A Bible translation that was easily understood when first produced may later become less effective . Because of Jehovah’s forgiveness , people can continue to enjoy his friendship , and knowing this touches us deeply . SONGS : 12 , 135 ‘ Even if these three men ​ — Noah , Daniel , and Job — ​ were within it , they would be able to save only themselves because of their righteousness , ’ declares the Sovereign Lord Jehovah . ” By then I was 18 years old and facing the question of military service . You probably would greatly appreciate your doctor for helping you to improve the quality of your life . My sons James , Jerry , and Steven along with their wives support the preaching work in sign language in various ways The need - greaters came from Canada , Czech Republic , France , Germany , Guadeloupe , Luxembourg , New Caledonia , Sweden , Switzerland , the United Kingdom , and the United States . * Perhaps from these men and possibly from their wives , Noah learned about mankind’s start , God’s purpose that a righteous human family fill the earth , and the rebellion in Eden ​ — the results of which Noah could see for himself . ( b ) What blessings await us ? “ Remember those who are taking the lead among you . ” ​ — HEB . 17 , 18 . ( a ) What gift is mentioned at John 15 : 16 ? One day , he told me of an occasion when he received firm counsel from Joseph F . We carried the publications from Tokmok in a mishok , a sack used to transport potatoes . But the sin is serious enough to merit disfellowshipping if the matter is not settled . Sadly , countless others experience this kind of agony . Children should obey their parents and be disciplined in Jehovah’s ways . It was very different from the one they had in heaven . In recent years , much of our literature has been published for young people . ( b ) How does God help parents fulfill their responsibilities ? Our efforts to serve God ​ — through prayers , meeting attendance , field service , and other aspects of our worship — ​ are in vain if we refuse to make peace with others . My sister Lauri was living in France , and Ramoni was living in Spain . Even when that is not the case , younger ones may have greater strength and energy than older ones have . Rather than speak in generalities , he covered specific points . It can be devastating if we are mistreated because of our ethnic background , the color of our skin , or some other physical difference . Be quick to extend mercy and slow to take offense . ​ — Eccl . TO HONOR someone means to show him special attention as well as respect . Weigh the long - term consequences . It relates Joseph’s initial reaction to Mary’s pregnancy , his dream in which an angel explained the situation , and the acceptance of that explanation . How does Psalm 118 bear out that a resurrection can occur long after being foretold ? Far left : Nadia and Marie - Madeleine ; Far right : Thierry How can we identify a spiritual person ? But I did not want to stop pioneering for anything . ” Like Noah , we strive to have “ plenty to do in the work of the Lord . ” What a comforting thought that is ! As far as he could recall , he never did . It is similar today . It is the student’s heartfelt appreciation for the truth and his desire to shoulder the yoke of Christian discipleship that will move him to get baptized . ​ — 2 Cor . Even so , he had to present his case before the elders , and if his deed was judged accidental , he had to remain in the city of refuge until the death of the high priest . Therefore , he has supplied the faithful slave today with the same assistance . Separating from one’s marriage partner should not be viewed lightly . 32 Did You Know ? When Eliphaz the Temanite first posed them to Job , Eliphaz no doubt believed that the answer was no . Even under the most extreme tests , Jesus never sinned nor broke any of God’s laws . But now she would become a humble servant at the tabernacle . Thinking back , she says : “ The many experiences we have had in helping out in a foreign - language field , along with the friendships we have made , have truly enriched our lives . Then you can remain under the protection of our King and High Priest and of the heavenly riders of the chariots . The Bible gives these instructions : “ A wife should not separate from her husband . Jesus was flexible and generous with his time ; he met with Nicodemus at night ​ — away from the crowds . There she worked on a farm and was treated like a slave . DANIEL AND MIRIAM married in September 2000 and settled down in the city of Barcelona , Spain . “ James , a slave of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ , to the 12 tribes that are scattered about : Greetings ! ” ( b ) What oath did King Zedekiah fail to keep ? Rachel , Jacob’s wife , expressed anguish at seeing her sister have children . We are taught by Jehovah . MARRIAGE is very much a part of life . Paul told fellow Christians to “ deaden ” their “ body members ” ​ — that is , to eliminate any desires — ​ “ as respects sexual immorality . ” Right now Jehovah is giving wicked people an opportunity to change . In that case , Paul gave Peter a fitting reproof , which he evidently accepted . No , for he still had work to do in cultivating and refining his Christian qualities . You long to hug , to speak with , and to laugh with that dear one . What did he do ? They were on their way to a convention at which Milan’s parents intended to get baptized . It all started in my home region of northern Kyrgyzstan . Read 1 Timothy 3 : 1 . He did not allow negative circumstances to weigh him down . When the box was full , she handed the money over to be used for the preaching work . Rutherford finally unveiled the mystery for the 6,000 conventioners . Why is Jehovah the greatest Potter ? What are some circumstances that might call upon us to wrestle for God’s blessing ? When threatened by the Assyrians , Hezekiah assembled the military chiefs and the people of Judah to encourage them . Satan wants us to slave for Riches rather than for Jehovah . I was so happy to learn from the Bible that only God can bring true justice to the earth . that Jehovah takes no delight in a person who neglects His work ? Everything on the earth will perish . ” Rather , our humility will help us to be submissive to those taking the lead , and such an obedient spirit is essential for unity in the congregation . Paul was very much aware that he had neither earned nor deserved God’s great mercy , having been a former persecutor of Christians . In all , I have had the pleasure of visiting Jehovah’s people in 33 countries . And imagine how moved she will be to discover that her life story was preserved in a Bible book bearing her name ! ​ — Ruth 4 : 13 ; Matt . Christians consider life to be far more valuable than material things . As you see the scriptures form a harmonious unit , you will surely conclude that the Bible prophets and writers must have been “ moved by holy spirit . ” ​ — 2 Pet . This course of action was suggested in Volume VI of the Millennial Dawn series ( 1904 ) and also in the German edition of Zion’s Watch Tower of August 1906 . Even so , we are assisted by God’s spirit to present the good news to them in a peaceful and respectful manner . “ Trust in Jehovah with all your heart , ” wrote Solomon . She could hardly do anything about the corrupt practices being carried on at the temple . The nuns let me out of the cell , but when they realized that I still wanted to leave the convent , they locked me in the cell again . Over the next two years , more than 12,000 elders were taught at Patterson and at Brooklyn Bethel . That includes taking in knowledge by reading and meditating on God’s Word and Bible - based publications . This means not just what they like but also what will enable them to carry out their privilege of representing Jehovah God . Bible characters like Absalom , Uzziah , and Nebuchadnezzar succumbed to such works of the flesh and were humbled by Jehovah for their presumptuousness . ​ — 2 Sam . ( Read 2 Peter 1 : 5 - 7 ; Col . As we review some of them , you might find things in God’s Word that you do not often link with your valid hope of seeing your loved one again . Do I really trust in Jehovah to care for my needs ? ’ And there is another peace that is of incalculable value . Who needs encouragement , but why is it scarce today ? How could we reason with someone who claims that there is no Creator ? Jesus ’ direction for gaining true freedom involves two requirements : First , accept the truth that he taught , and second , become his disciple . Because he is the Creator of all things and the almighty Sovereign of the universe . Those submitting to John’s baptism did so as evidence of their repentance over sins against the Mosaic Law . After citing several relevant scriptures , The Watchtower explained why an unrepentant smoker should be disfellowshipped . Publishers must make sacrifices to help out in other territories . SONGS : 123 , 126 However , doing so violates the Terms of Use * for our websites and has caused serious problems . ( a ) What did Hannah vow , and why , and how did it turn out for her ? Imagine a brother thinking about his future in the congregation . Yes , but how ? Through Tony and Wendy , a couple in the congregation who made an apartment available to them . For example , a brother named Peter served for more than 74 years in the full - time service , 35 of these at a branch office in Europe . As the Bible promises , “ the peace of God ” was ‘ guarding my heart and my thoughts . ’ The following day , a kindly soldier gave me bread and water and an overcoat . I began pioneering on January 1 , 1952 , when I was 15 . Jewish historical records show that temple merchants exploited their customers by charging exorbitant prices . Primarily , we attend to worship Jehovah . Then he made his way toward a large skylight with open windows . No weapons or war memorials . Four factors are : Who gave it , why it was given , what sacrifice was involved , and what real need was filled . SONGS : 81 , 134 They thus demonstrate that they value God’s superlative qualities , including honesty , more than anything material . ​ — Prov . Think about this : If two sheep are on a hill , two other sheep are in a valley , and one sheep is somewhere else , are those five sheep a flock ? Because it means that our trials serve a purpose . Sometimes we may get tired of fighting . Or we may get tired of waiting for the end of this wicked system . Any children born to them are considered “ holy ” and thus have a standing with God . To whom does the counsel found at Ephesians 4 : 23 , 24 apply ? “ When I’m truthful , ” she says , “ I have a clean conscience before Jehovah . She says : “ My spiritual goals started to fade . As a young person , think of all you owe to Jehovah . Pray for guidance . There were only 20 publishers on the whole island , and we lived over 5,500 miles ( 9,000 km ) away from the island . He would face setbacks and at least one military defeat . That illustration was fitting for their age , and it engaged them in a way that passive learning might not have . God’s use of a rib from Adam in creating the first woman could have impressed on the first human couple the closeness of their union . Jehovah’s Witnesses are filling the earth with the good news of the Kingdom How did David react to Jehovah’s direction ? How could that happen ? How does the Bible describe their feelings , their attitude , and their conduct ? It should also impress us that those Bible prophecies about a coming resurrection were trustworthy , even though centuries had passed since that miracle was foretold . But I was disappointed . The audience responded with a mighty shout : “ Yes ! ” In the end , of course , children have to develop their own faith . “ My wife and I simply gave our children a lot of attention , ” said a father of two in Japan . SONGS : 69 , 57 How did Peter benefit from Jehovah’s forgiveness ? Dr . “ You have contended with God and with men and you have at last prevailed . ” ​ — GEN . Ending the developing life would be like an abortion . On what basis could God’s people hope to be liberated from Babylon the Great , and what questions will we examine ? Many today think that to be truly free , they must be able to do anything and everything they want to do , regardless of the consequences . Violence was increasing . We had to travel far to preach to all the people in the hundreds of villages in the province . Nevertheless , let , not my will , but yours take place . ” How did prayer prove to be of comfort to some mentioned in the Bible ? Meditating on accounts of courage will also help . What helped Daniel and the writer of Psalm 119 to maintain their spiritual health ? It is a very serious matter to swear an oath in the name of Jehovah . Through it all , she says , “ I felt the loving hand of Jehovah . ” I started studying with Brother Hardaker the very next week . At that time , manifesting godly qualities will no longer be a struggle but will always be an exquisite delight . 4 : 35 , 39 . Remember , we are walking with Almighty God , not an angel or a man . How did Brother Diehl handle that situation ? How will a quick temper affect me ? Before the fall of the USSR in 1991 , there were just over 40,000 publishers . When on occasion the imperfections of others proved challenging , Brother Woodworth would say , “ It sure is marvelous what the Lord has done with what he has to work with . ” What about the situation in the Christian congregation today ? But what about our magazines that are principally for the public ? And Romans 15 : 5 refers to having “ the same mental attitude that Christ Jesus had . ” While there , I made frequent trips back to Colorado to appear before the draft board . For instance , astronomers cannot tell us exactly how the universe came into existence or why we are on planet Earth with its abundance of life . Today , we are in the race for life , and we face opponents who want to distract us , trip us up , beat us down , and snatch away our joy and future rewards . Ann too is happy , for she has been like a spiritual mother to Paula . Recall that the apostle Paul wrote : “ Strengthen the hands that hang down and the feeble knees , and keep making straight paths for your feet . ” You may need to revisit some subjects regularly . ” There was nothing exceptional in the actual giving of these privileges , for in so doing the Romans were only following their usual custom of granting the greatest possible local autonomy to the different parts of their empire . ” How did the first - century governing body encourage Philip ? And when they obeyed Jehovah , the Israelites were blessed with order , peace , and unity . ​ — Deut . If you are imprisoned because of your faith , you likely speak about the truth as circumstances permit , and that makes Jehovah’s heart rejoice . Although his deed was accidental , an unintentional manslayer was still guilty of shedding innocent blood . 7 : 8 , 9 . Do we not find it encouraging to consider the range of problems that our fellow believers have faced and that they have overcome by means of God’s Word ? But what can help us when we come face - to - face with such difficult circumstances ? Even before Jehovah’s Son came to earth and set a perfect example of how to impart encouragement , faithful servants of Jehovah were conscious of the need to be encouraging . Instead of rebuking Peter for asking that question , Jesus told his disciples that they would be rewarded for their sacrifices . Herod evidently basked in the praise . Jennifer spent three days at an airport waiting for a flight home . God’s Word states : “ There is nothing better for a man than to eat and drink and find enjoyment in his hard work . ” Its water level was fed and maintained by drawing on the contents of an adjacent reservoir , which was part of the same complex . How did Jehovah show his understanding of her problems ? Second , we should not be surprised if on rare occasions challenges to authority arise in the congregations today . What has helped her to become more peaceable ? I never knew a young father . He inspired King David to give this assurance : “ I was once young and now I am old , but I have not seen anyone righteous abandoned , nor his children looking for bread . ” ​ — Ps . But as you cultivate humility , you will be on a path that results in God’s favor and support . No one remains young for long . Such situations can test our faith in Jehovah and in his organizational arrangement . “ Get out of her , my people . ” ​ — REV . Relates Stephen , a father from Australia : “ I used to swear a lot and would regularly fly into a rage over trivial things . These are strong words ! May we do all we can , then , to imitate him ​ — to promote warm affection among our brothers and good relations with our neighbors by showing compassion . ​ — Gal . He adds that Jehovah “ sends out his word , and they melt . ” But we need more than just an intellectual understanding of what those emblems mean . Well , no one had ever had a formal Bible study with me . His misled wife influenced him to make an extremely poor choice , one that cost him life in Paradise and eventually his very life . Now the question is , How can we gain and safeguard this valuable quality of practical wisdom ? We can also find many Biblical examples of humans who maintained joy in the face of trying circumstances . July Reject Worldly Thinking , Nov . Death was no longer master over Jesus . After one year , I applied for regular pioneer service . Now Adam and Eve had to decide what to do . As told by Douglas Guest In other cases , after receiving free medical treatment in a public hospital , some Christians give gifts to doctors and nurses out of gratitude for the treatment received . [ 2 ] ( paragraph 17 ) See the book Jehovah’s Witnesses ​ — Proclaimers of God’s Kingdom , page 662 , and the box “ He Died for God’s Honor ” in chapter 14 of the book God’s Kingdom Rules ! May you be blessed for restraining me this day from incurring bloodguilt . ” ​ — 1 Sam . Not surprisingly , the courageous single sisters we interviewed faced challenges . Alisa , a sister in her early 30 ’ s from Russia , comments : “ Serving Jehovah in this kind of ministry has helped me to taste all his goodness . ” Even the apostles could not fully understand Jesus ’ actions until they received holy spirit . It also shows the sad consequences that can result from such uncontrolled behavior . Why did Abraham ask his wife to say that she was his sister ? I will agree to study with you , but only if I can use my own Bible ! ” Jehovah will not ignore the sincere petitions of the meek . ​ — Ps . If a building needs someone to construct it , how much more so do living things ! O Jehovah , they walk in the light of your face . After Peter wielded one of the swords against the high priest’s slave , Jesus commanded Peter : “ Return your sword to its place . ” You can thus understand why elders in congregations around the globe earn their fellow Witnesses ’ love , respect , and honor . In such areas , how can we determine what is acceptable and pleasing to God ? Imagine a watchman who has been awake at his post all night . In the first century , perhaps the apostle who did the most to encourage his brothers was the apostle Paul . Among the early Christians , there were some who attempted to “ turn the undeserved kindness of . . . 13 : 5 - 9 . Their respective vows resulted in Jephthah’s daughter and Hannah’s son being devoted to special , sacred service at the tabernacle . 29 - 30 . Jim remained spiritually inactive for ten years . 20 : 28 . To get the sense of the subject that is considered , we need to prepare well for each Watchtower Study . That is why I will show a waiting attitude for him . ” ​ — Lam . Continued effort is required in order “ to be readjusted ” and manifest “ the new personality . ” Why should we not give up when difficulties arise ? Some time after he became a Christian , the brothers in Jerusalem “ were all afraid of him , because they did not believe he was a disciple . ” ​ — Acts 9 : 26 . Though we may be shocked by the prevalence of such qualities , we could be influenced by the behavior and attitudes of those who display them . Young people today might be likened to those passengers . ( a ) Why does Jehovah alone possess absolute freedom ? Like Sergio and Olinda , many faithful brothers and sisters around the world have been preaching for decades in unresponsive home territories . Thus , Moses was reminding the Israelites that their worship of Jehovah must be exclusive . Give an example of the burden faced by first - century Jews . How may we avoid being influenced by those who display ungodly qualities ? On the other hand , a lack of love is revealed by jealousy , pride , indecent behavior , selfishness , and a resentful , unforgiving attitude . But how can mature Christians help newer ones to make spiritual advancement ? Kevin admitted , “ Learning to control my temper was actually harder than quitting my old vices ! ” Make good use of other tools that may be available in your language , such as Watchtower Library on DVD , Watchtower ONLINE LIBRARY , as well as Watch Tower Publications Index or the Research Guide for Jehovah’s Witnesses . Her health suffered , but in 1956 she was set free and headed for Tulun . God was not , and Job did not think so . It took me quite some time to clean myself up and get ready for breakfast ! After the assembly , I returned to an assignment in the Philippines . They would be without self - control , fierce . Joseph’s example likely helped Jephthah . 19 : 26 . We held every meeting , but for some time , only the two of us were in attendance . Developing and strengthening humility will also make us recipients of God’s undeserved kindness . They do not want to give up work that they enjoy . What was achieved ? What point was being made ? One way we can prepare now to remain neutral is to think of human governments the way Jehovah does . But besides all these things , clothe yourselves with love , for it is a perfect bond of union . ” ​ — Col . Is it not heartwarming to think of a time when all faithful humans will be brought to perfection ? Later , he came into the truth and entered the full - time service . He was keenly aware that he was the victim of many injustices . At Pentecost 33 C.E . , the apostles began to take the lead in the Christian congregation . So , what he did seemed unreal . As God’s servants , all of us need to give priority to our spiritual health and that of our family . Out of ignorance , many work in harmony with Satan’s purpose . Imperfect people are prone to make mistakes . These included his father , Lamech , who was a man of faith and whose life overlapped Adam’s . What blessings come from dedicating yourself to Jehovah ? When we think of that , we want to do our best to be at all the meetings . Am I endeavoring to avoid “ the works of the flesh , ” such as fits of anger and strife ? ​ — Gal . Only with the introduction of DNA evidence in a review of the case have some been freed after spending decades in prison for crimes they did not commit . Yet , he allowed God’s sayings to touch his heart deeply . ​ — Read Psalm 119 : 11 , 46 . 6 , “ A Time of Testing ( 1914 - 1918 ) . ” We might initially associate those texts with a person who is learning the truth . Because we want to please God , we strive to remain clean physically , morally , and spiritually . I even preached and placed tracts in the subway ! A resourceful Kingdom proclaimer uses one of our tracts to witness to fellow students . Jehovah set limits for Adam and Eve ​ — limits that could have instilled in them a proper regard for his authority . He did just so . ” How can we strengthen the faith of arriving refugees ? 39 : 10 , 12 . When we likewise humbly submit to Jehovah and make such submission our way of life , he will view us as very precious , just as he did the prophet Daniel . Quite a few have already moved . The authorities viewed me as an incorrigible rebel and took me to Athens to face a military court . They were no longer obeying the dictates or impulses of their sinful desires . I have no regrets about following the Master wherever he has directed me . He took steps to ensure that those delivering the funds cared for “ everything honestly , not only in the sight of Jehovah but also in the sight of men . ” The high priest who is made king is named Sprout . We can contribute to the spiritual cleanness of the congregation by following the direction found in God’s Word . That being so , why did Moses call to their attention that Jehovah their God is “ one Jehovah ” ? The Mosaic Law was the law of the land in Israel , and it was the moral code for devout Jews everywhere . Timothy knew the Hebrew Scriptures from infancy . Paul appealed to the Ephesian Christians that they earnestly endeavor to “ maintain the oneness of the spirit . ” Fourth , Jehovah does not have to foreknow everything that happens to us . We very much enjoyed rearing our daughters and always tried to do things as a family . Over the past ten years , more than 70 zealous publishers and pioneers from 11 countries * have come to serve in this fruitful field in Africa , where many people respect the Bible . Jehovah possesses self - control in perfect measure . Finally , I could enjoy the program , and it was wonderful at last to understand Bible truth clearly ! How do you react when the elders find it necessary to give such a talk ? 29 : 22 . Why is modesty important ? Let them know that you are proud of them when they decide to put Jehovah first instead of seeking prestige or riches ​ — for themselves or for you . Once , while we were preaching in a rural village , the people turned their dogs loose . Simone has experienced the power of God’s Word . He spoke to his people in a kind , gentle , and caring way . Can I , for the sake of peace , overlook the injustice ? ​ — Prov . Share interesting points that you have discovered during your study of God’s Word . No . 5 When Loved One Dies , No . empowered by holy spirit ? That is what his companions should have been doing . ​ — Mark 14 : 32 - 41 . They received a symbolic mark for survival . In fact , we cannot have one without the other . Julia Wilcox wrote : “ I simply can’t describe the thrill I get every time Cedar Point 1922 is referred to in our literature . Matthias filled a vital organizational need . 4 : 11 ; 21 : 3 , 4 . During class , Martin would sometimes whisper , “ Erika , what does that mean in German ? ” 8 Parents , Are You Helping Your Child Progress to Baptism ? One summer , we needed funds in order to travel to the convention , and a brother agreed to buy our 1950 Ford in order to make it possible . Jesus assured her : “ Your brother will rise . ” However , some married Christians have viewed certain situations as a reason for separation , such as the extreme endangerment of one’s life or spirituality by an abusive or apostate spouse . For example , one principle to remember is what Jesus said : “ If you forgive men their trespasses , your heavenly Father will also forgive you ; whereas if you do not forgive men their trespasses , neither will your Father forgive your trespasses . ” Over the next 30 years , Brother Brickell traveled hundreds of thousands of miles throughout Australia by bicycle , motorcycle , and car . “ Continue applying yourself to public reading , to exhortation , to teaching . ” ​ — 1 TIM . Supreme Court , stated : “ The victories won are due to your fight . One day , she soiled her clothes . Yes , valid baptism is based on an accurate knowledge of Jehovah’s will . Yes , they needed to meditate on their missed opportunity to help Jehovah’s cause . Beg Jehovah to give you a “ lift ” by means of “ the helper , the holy spirit . ” However , it is best to acknowledge that Jehovah is in control . ​ — Isa . For 33 years , Angie and I enjoyed both circuit and district work , including a good deal of preconvention and convention work . Do I reach out to help others , both in the congregation and in the field ministry ? ’ Abraham sought peace , not his own interests . Would Jephthah be faithful to his promise ? The fruits of such reasoning are plain to see . I was one of the brothers invited . I also withdrew from taking part in holiday celebrations and from attending mandatory church services . I had the Nácar - Colunga translation of the Bible . To receive the reward , we need to exercise full faith in Jehovah and be obedient to his directions . In some lands , outspoken atheists , agnostics , and evolutionists promote ideas designed to erode not just love for God but also belief in him . Many people struggle to find peace of mind . 3 Make a Joyful Sound ! It does , however , make the whole psalm reflect more clearly the long - cherished hope of Jehovah’s servants ​ — the divine execution of the wicked followed by the establishment of lasting peace and prosperity for the righteous . ​ — Ps . More than anything else , they wanted to get to work ! Rather than reprimand her , he cheerfully put the tea back in its place . 2 : 6 - 8 . He gives us wisdom and strength so that we can cope with any troubles we may face . ​ — Jas . While at the meetings , we need to open our minds and hearts and allow what is said to touch us . when teaching from the platform ? Because he struggled with the language , Osei could not find a decent job for over a year . How much better to seek other employment ! Jehovah “ put within him His holy spirit . ” He had 1,000,000 experienced soldiers . Giving encouragement certainly was very important to Paul . Pontius Pilate was known to be extremely stubborn . 1 : 23 - 25 . So , too , should any who today are holding back from serving God fully . District convention in Nyzhnya Apsha , Ukraine , 2012 In your case , how has the Almighty shown that “ his understanding is beyond measure ” ? They supplicated Jehovah in prayer to give them the power needed to endure . How good it is when parents teach their youngsters where and how to find suitable clothes ! I was soon working on a gathering machine , which assembled 32 - page sections of books to get them ready for a machine that sewed the books . Such pictures made a lasting impression on me . ” Still , we cannot afford to let anything ​ — even legitimate responsibilities — ​ disrupt our Bible reading routine . Satan blinds people’s minds through the world empire of false religion . We might tell a single mother what impresses us regarding the way she is raising her children despite her challenging situation . You can imagine how that would have troubled Rehoboam ! Her record of generosity has been preserved in God’s Word as a fine example for us to imitate . At the foot of lofty mountain ranges , we found many humble Urdu - speaking villagers who thirsted for Bible truth . 13 , 14 . ( a ) When might Jehovah ‘ leave us alone to put us to the test ’ ? Getting there requires a long journey by bus . ( b ) What important questions will we now consider ? ( b ) What helps us to finish God’s work ? Mother declined but said that I might be interested . He alone is ‘ the One teaching us to benefit ourselves , the One guiding us in the way we should walk . ’ Mary’s assignment was to type Watchtower study articles and other literature on stencils that served to produce mimeographed copies . But how often do you think of Romans 5 : 12 with regard to your own standing before Jehovah , your actions , and your future prospects ? This beautiful land in Southeast Asia exposed us to exotic sights , sounds , and aromas that were different from anything we had ever experienced . Then they had the heavenly hope . Afterward , like Christ , they could be resurrected with a spirit body . Such matters are not bad in themselves ; they can be normal aspects of life . Can you relate to the feelings expressed by Sylviana ? As a result , others may be more likely to pay attention to our lifesaving message . Yes , as you increase your joy , you are likely to have better physical health . But not everyone we preach to understands this . In cases of need , he may motivate others to share what they have . By 1941 we were becoming aware that we should not work in the arms industry . * The overall growth of the preaching and disciple - making work despite fierce opposition in some lands has likewise been possible only with superhuman assistance . Fellow Christians can be a source of profound comfort for someone for as long as it takes him or her to deal with grief . ​ — Read 1 Thessalonians 3 : 7 . Sadly , in 1954 , the missionaries at Lahore had a clash of personalities , causing the branch office to make reassignments . What better thoughts could we “ feel ” than those that express praise and love for our heavenly Father , Jehovah ? We were able to get a ride to Wichita , where a close family friend , E . F . She made her promise when she was in great anguish and distress over her barrenness and the constant insults she was subjected to . Our efforts should include such activities as daily Bible reading , meditation on the Scriptures , and prayer for holy spirit . Similarly , moving to another congregation may have caused you to experience stress . There , my sisters would have enough food to eat . We need some time to relax and find refreshment from our hard work and busy schedules . Autumn of the same year saw other towns visited , with good attendances . Another way is by helping them to see the wisdom of living by godly standards . To Peter , fishing was more than a mere hobby ​ — it was his livelihood . As this system of things goes “ from bad to worse , ” we can expect to face increasingly greater difficulties . The first of these two articles discusses how we can throw all our anxiety on God . When Jehovah observes humans , he does not pay attention to outward appearances . Rather , he examines the heart , the inner person . Take , for example , Kyoko , a pioneer sister who became very discouraged after moving to a new assignment . Other Jewish members of the congregation , even Barnabas , were wrongly influenced by Peter to do the same . What animalistic qualities do many display , but how have some changed for the better ? She got out her first - aid kit , cleaned the wound with an antiseptic , and bandaged the finger . When you are in conversation with other Witnesses , why not draw them out on how their kindness and good conduct have affected relatives , neighbors , workmates , or schoolmates ? When Philip told Nathanael that he had found the Messiah , Nathanael replied : “ Can anything good come out of Nazareth ? ” If you do , apply yourself , just as Josiah did . 28 From Our Archives He guarantees that we will receive blessings when we give in support of the Kingdom . With my partner ( right ) , serving as special pioneers in Mistelbach , Austria Clearly , the freedom that Jesus promised his disciples is far superior to the social or political freedom that most people yearn for today . Paul describes it as “ the spirit that is now at work in the sons of disobedience . ” In time , we were assigned to an area close to the Brazil border . Find out what he actually believes and what topics may interest him . From the beginning of his leadership , Joshua had a written record of God’s Word . At Romans 8 : 5 , 6 , the expression “ set their minds on ” implies what ? For the first life - form to continue , it had to be able to reproduce , to make copies of itself . For example , the apostles were flogged for speaking about the Christ . We had to wait several months for our visas ; then we were on our way by ship via Rotterdam , the Mediterranean Sea , the Suez Canal , the Indian Ocean , Malaysia , and Hong Kong ​ — 47 days at sea ! Still , under a pagan administration , it was impossible for a God - fearing Jew to do everything the Law required . Chris told Gavin that there is an important message discussed throughout the Bible and that learning about this message would help him understand the meetings better . With his father’s words impressed on his mind and heart , Solomon did not allow his youth and inexperience to become an obstacle . But how troubling it must have been for him to have to address the problem of sexual immorality that was being tolerated in that congregation ! What might we do to cultivate godly qualities and please Jehovah ? We know from our own experience how many blessings await those who decide to serve Jehovah . 4 : 16 , 17 . 10 : 19 . Perhaps it is some type of injustice , prejudice , or ridicule . Judas Iscariot was one of those . 116 : 12 , 14 . Those study guides can help you to learn how to explain your beliefs to others . To help you stay faithful in any circumstance , never forget that your promise to Jehovah is unconditional . Arthur spent that evening sitting on the bed , going through imaginary gearshift movements . He knows which piece of our clothing will wear out next . Some 1,600 years later , Jesus Christ taught his listeners to adhere to the same righteous principles regarding marriage and sexual morality . ​ — Matt . 1 : 2 , 16 ; Luke 3 : 23 , 34 . Would you be happier if you had absolute independence and everlasting life ? When we obey Jehovah’s righteous commands and principles , we show that we trust in him and that we desire to have a peaceful relationship with him . Blossom’s parents had what concern ? At times , only a person’s own heart grasps the full depth of the emotional pain , and it may be difficult for him to voice his innermost feelings . You likely recall that people quoted this Messianic passage when Jesus rode into Jerusalem on Nisan 9 , shortly before his death . Indeed , “ she prayed for a long time before Jehovah . ” They were the people initially “ entrusted with the sacred pronouncements of God . ” If black Witnesses preached from door to door in a white neighborhood , they would be arrested ​ — and likely beaten up . Rather than look for an easy but dishonest way out , they strive to work hard and be diligent . However , Jehovah has given to each one of his worshippers “ a measure of faith . ” 37 : 12 - 15 . The pope then went on to say that this mission “ cannot be left to a group of ‘ specialists ’ but must involve the responsibility of all the members of the People of God . ” We see this from Romans chapter 16 . Often the Lollards read portions of the Wycliffe Bible to those whom they met , and they left handwritten copies behind . Or you might point out the Bible’s guiding principles , such as those found in the Sermon on the Mount . Jesus ’ love perfectly reflected the love his Father shows . Jesus honestly identified himself as the Messiah , even though his truthful admission could allow the Sanhedrin to claim that he was a blasphemer and could lead to his execution . ​ — Matt . In 1961 , I was assigned to work in the Treasurer’s Office under the oversight of Grant Suiter . That contributes to making a reply to any who would try to taunt him . For those appreciative Witnesses , gathering in joyful Christian assembly was unquestionably worth all the sacrifices . What contributed to Martha’s confidence that Lazarus would be resurrected ? We must be very careful when people start discussing political issues . Until they talk with Jehovah’s Witnesses , many do not understand what sin is , how it affects us , and what we need to do to be delivered from slavery to sin . However , it is Jehovah who created the natural cycle needed to grow food , even for young ravens that call out for it ! What was “ Meroz , ” and why was it cursed ? By giving the elders appropriate honor and respect while not treating them as celebrities , we are helping them . The brothers at the branch office said , “ Now you will go out in the circuit work . ” No one can stand in Jehovah’s way . Now the stage is set for the child to ask for help when important matters come up later . A sister in Australia was deeply affected by the use of scriptures at a Christian meeting . Bank Accounts : Bank accounts , certificates of deposit , or individual retirement accounts set up as a trust or made payable on death to an entity used by Jehovah’s Witnesses in accord with local bank requirements . Paul did not embarrass others or pressure them into taking a desired course of action . Yes , like a physical wound , the pain of an emotional wound may gradually ease over time if it is given tender care . You will be invigorated and will adapt quicker when you share fully in the ministry . Or maybe you are seriously sick or are suffering because someone you love died . Why can we be confident of Jesus ’ sympathy today ? He was determined to make an effort to restore peace . We must bear in mind that Jehovah is not just one among many gods ; nor is he even the highest and most powerful among them . If appropriate , parents can take their children on such visits . Against his will , he was taken to Egypt . Marthe , * a sister who went through a period of depression , writes : “ One day when I was praying for encouragement , I met an older sister who showed me affection and compassion , which I was in particular need of at the time . “ I remember you while upon my bed , ” wrote David . The preceding article outlined lessons learned from the steps taken by the fugitive . Concerned , he set the goal of becoming a regular pioneer and read articles on that topic in our magazines . Rutherford , who was overseeing the worldwide preaching work . Moses turned his back on the treasures of Egypt , “ choosing to be mistreated with the people of God rather than to have the temporary enjoyment of sin . ” Doing so should convince us that we must ‘ keep seeking the Kingdom , ’ not things . ​ — Luke 12 : 31 . Pioneers who could not afford a vehicle headed into the outback on bicycle . Many people urge us to pursue a secular career as our goal in life . If we want to remain neutral , we should avoid feeling that one side is right or is better than another . And death ? Did aged Sarah expect that Jehovah would allow her to give birth to her own son , not just receive as son the child produced by her servant girl ? “ The [ day’s ] text was discussed each morning at the breakfast table , ” and “ the pioneers went daily to their territory in various parts of the city . ” And the more we show our sincere respect for these hardworking overseers , the more we add to their joy . ​ — Heb . ( See the box “ Lessons or Antitypes ? ” ) Those who do will go ‘ from strength to strength . ’ However , others who formerly worshipped those idols felt that eating the meat would be an act of worship . Instead , he tested his brothers to find out if they had changed their disposition . I regret that I allowed pride to blind me to the more important things and cause me to obsess over other people’s faults . ” ​ — 1 Cor . 3 God Called Her “ Princess ” ( Sarah ) , No . 5 A baptized Christian father will not think , ‘ Well , in our country the women teach the children . ’ One of them , an army officer named Sadiq Masih , helped George and me to translate some Bible literature into Urdu , the national language of Pakistan . We had to determine quickly if we should try to give a short Scriptural presentation or just acknowledge our mistake and move on . That may be the last thing one would be inclined to do if a serious disagreement were to develop . Instead , God saw that he could be molded into a desirable vessel ​ — in fact , “ a chosen vessel ” to bear witness “ to the nations as well as to kings and the sons of Israel . ” Before calling to check on him , my husband and I would pray that Jehovah help us not to respond in kind to angry reactions . How can we show appreciation for knowing the truth ? Consider your own experience . “ Life is unpredictable at times , uncertain , and even hard to deal with , ” he said . Both articles will consider three lines of evidence that Jehovah has indeed been behind those men , proving that he was ​ — and still is — ​ the true Leader of his people . ​ — Isa . If fertilization did not occur , a new life did not begin . Jehovah commanded Israel to distribute the cities evenly on both sides of the Jordan River . 41 : 3 . Repentance ​ — or the lack of it — ​ is not always obvious . They can also make a valuable spiritual contribution . Jesus showed great love for others . That is why I continue praying about it . ” To illustrate : Although a chef has to taste dishes before serving them , he cannot live merely on the food he samples . And on another occasion , he rejected the self - righteous views of those who criticized him for eating and drinking . ​ — Luke 7 : 33 - 36 . 12 : 25 ; 17 : 17 . the scope of their work ? Plead with Jehovah to help you to endure patiently . How can humans imitate him in exercising this quality ? Why should we not be surprised if our place in God’s arrangement changes from time to time ? The Bible reports that he “ has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God . ” How pained Jesus must have been , then , when he saw the scribes and Pharisees misrepresent his Father’s Law ! Have you seen those prophetic words come true ? ( b ) Relate how Paul and Silas helped a jailer in Philippi . Here , you are not depicted as walking hand in hand with Jehovah , though that is a pleasant thought to consider . Make room in your schedule for some quiet time each day . Your doing so will broaden your knowledge , deepen your appreciation for Jehovah , and better equip you to teach your young ones . ​ — Luke 6 : 40 . God alone determined who would engage in warfare and when . ​ — w15 11 / 1 , pp . When this is accomplished , only true worshippers of God will be left on the cleansed earth . Some are valued in the millions of dollars . In Matthew chapter 10 , we find instructions that Jesus gave to his 12 apostles . At times , it may be appropriate to offer a small token of appreciation for a legitimate service to which a person is entitled The answer is no . Jehovah’s Witnesses continue to rejoice in their hope despite intense and ongoing persecution . On the contrary , any goodness , talent , or strength that we possess is a trust from God , and he takes note of how we use it . Then use selected scriptures to teach the points in the outline . Asa promoted true worship . This makes dedication and baptism very important . ( See the box “ When Studying God’s Word , Ask Yourself . ” ) Living in this system of things is not easy for any of Jehovah’s servants . Josiah “ went out against ” King Necho of Egypt , although that king told Josiah that he had no dispute with him . He did so by organizing a teaching campaign that used “ the book of Jehovah’s Law . ” It is vital that we resist being affected by the world’s “ strongly entrenched things . ” What did one brother find lacking with regard to his spiritual condition , and what did he do about it ? They will also learn not to give up quickly but to be patient and persevere in the ministry . ​ — Gal . 5 : 22 ; see the box “ Perseverance Is Essential . ” Fresh out of prison , I had little money . The basic marriage practices of patriarchal times , including polygamy , were regulated by the Mosaic Law . Encouragement often involves commending a person for something he or she did well . Brothers Nathan Knorr and Frederick Franz , from world headquarters , visited Portugal to share our joy at a historic meeting in Oporto and Lisbon with a combined attendance of 46,870 . Parents , if your children are struggling to fit in , take time to pray with them about this matter . Taking great care to avoid detection , we met whenever we could . As we learned in the preceding article , Jehovah , the Creator of all things , is the only Person who enjoys absolute and unlimited freedom . This article will help us to apply a lesson that Jesus taught in the illustration about a merchant seeking pearls . Consider a recent decision made by the Governing Body . So it is more important than ever that we do not allow ourselves to be paralyzed by such challenges . For example , he learned the joy of reaching hearts with the good news and also the joy of keeping integrity under test . When we view the ministry as a priceless treasure from Jehovah , we will never be content with simply “ counting time . ” Some translators render this expression “ surpasses all our dreams ” or “ excels all human planning . ” ( Read Proverbs 16 : 32 ; Ecclesiastes 7 : 9 . ) Those in positions of authority may not find it easy to delegate to younger ones . I wanted to move away from my hometown and from my grandmother with whom I had been living but who was not one of Jehovah’s Witnesses . Kumiko , now in her mid - 60 ’ s , was serving as a regular pioneer in Japan when her pioneer partner suggested that they move to Nepal . Even though it may be difficult to express your prayerful thoughts in such an emotional situation , your heartfelt supplication in his behalf , even through tears and an unsteady voice , can be a powerful antidote to grief . Jehovah can do the unexpected , so we need not be anxious in the face of trials . Yes , your showing compassion will benefit you . Why do you treasure your dedication to Jehovah ? Under it , some concessions in the Law were no longer allowed . Suppose you have been offended by a brother and you cannot put it behind you . How can prayer strengthen our faith ? That verse says : “ On seeing the crowds , [ Jesus ] felt pity for them , because they were skinned and thrown about like sheep without a shepherd . ” When Cain developed a murderous hatred toward Abel , God admonished Cain : “ Why are you so angry and dejected ? The King James Version was first produced in 1611 . You would not have satisfying answers to questions about God , life , and the future . Jesus concluded his story by telling the scribe to be like that Samaritan . Before long , Kristina became a joyful regular pioneer . Sadly , my father focused on people’s imperfections and gradually gave up attending Christian meetings . God sent angels to rescue Lot . Though his disciples were imperfect , he had confidence in them and told them that they would do works greater than he did . Second , this arrangement fortifies repentant wrongdoers to remain in God’s care and to avoid a pattern of sin . The apostles chose Jerusalem as the first center from which the preaching work would be directed . The apostle Paul set an example to be imitated . As we meditate on the Bible’s message , God’s spirit helps us to understand Jehovah’s thinking on many matters . These unfaithful Christians apparently thought that they could sin and then count on Jehovah to forgive them . Although that governing body had authority in the early congregation , they acknowledged that their Leader was Jesus . God applied the ransom to Paul and others of his day . That would rule out wearing clothing that exposes or accentuates private parts of our anatomy . SONGS : 53 , 60 They wanted to have Jehovah’s approval , and that was worth any sacrifice . I immediately responded , “ Yes ! ” To make wise decisions that please Jehovah , however , we must consider the laws and principles found in his written Word and comply with them . Otherwise , we ought to be reluctant to assign an antitypical application to a certain person or account if there is no specific Scriptural basis for doing so . ” The benefits of the ransom last forever . Later , when Jesus was on earth , he exercised his free will to reject the temptations of the great Adversary . We settled near Grand Junction , where my parents pioneered and worked part - time at farming and ranching . Some individuals may feel that since choices in these matters are personal , they should have the freedom to choose what they please as long as their conscience permits it . Does this mean that parents should make sure that a child has a long list of dos and don’ts ? ( b ) How can youths combat peer pressure ? Presumptuous acts are more serious than innocent mistakes . Relying just on his own experience , an elder could begin to care for congregation matters without first approaching Jehovah in prayer . ( b ) What can help young Christians to resist pressures to engage in wrong conduct ? “ Walk in modesty with your God ! ” ​ — MIC . Christians in Judea preached Christ to people who because of the influence of Judaism believed in one God . Zechariah’s sixth vision has helped us to see that lovers of Jehovah should not engage in any kind of stealing or make false oaths . Yet , Jehovah told Moses to encourage him , saying : “ Commission Joshua and encourage him and strengthen him , because he is the one who will cross over before this people and he is the one who will cause them to inherit the land that you will see . ” With regard to a resurrection being foretold long in advance , consider Psalm 118 , which some feel that David composed . Think about how often you have referred to the statement : “ Just as through one man sin entered into the world and death through sin , and so death spread to all men because they had all sinned . ” Brian and Kimberly got married the next year ​ — when she was 25 . To be successful , those who are contending must not lose sight of their reason for struggling . What result did Jesus ’ words and actions produce ? 17 : 5 - 8 . 16 : 18 . Although they initially took a firm stand , 15 years of hostility took their toll . “ If you take the gold one , you will have twice as much money ! ” One of the remaining invitations that you have might help a deserving one to make the decision to attend the Memorial . Who knows ? ​ — Matt . So right after the rebellion , God made arrangements to enable humans to restore their friendship with him while he at the same time maintained his own righteous standards . Bear in mind , though , that bereaved ones need encouragement not only on special occasions . Then a few days later , two women came to my house . Their deep love for Jehovah was evident by their actions and attitudes . “ The end of all things has drawn close , ” wrote Peter . But the fact that the resurrection is included as a primary doctrine , one of the “ elementary things of the sacred pronouncements of God , ” does not mean that it is a simplistic teaching . 6 Story of Survival , No . 4 How can we flourish in our assigned place ? Together with my mother and my younger brother , Grigory , I was banished from West Ukraine . Recall Paul’s counsel regarding disorderly ones in the congregation . Now I am serving as a regular pioneer in a sign - language congregation , and I am learning to reach out to all kinds of people . ” Keep struggling . Keep contending . Keep persevering . Would he recommend this type of service ? “ Pursuing a career is the key to happiness . ” Understandably , Christian parents would not want their child to get baptized before being mature enough to make a valid dedication . What are some steps we can take to progress spiritually ? When referring to tribulations associated with marriage , there is one that may not readily come to mind . For example , ask yourself , ‘ Do I enjoy listening to a certain reporter because I agree with what he says about politics ? ’ A brother in southern Africa had also previously justified violence . The apostle Paul was speaking about women , but the same basic standard applies to Christian men . Pursuing selfish goals does not bring people the happiness that they expect . That article urged all anointed Christians to “ give a testimony to the world that the kingdom of heaven is at hand . ” Indeed , we have even more reason to do so than Job had ! The cultivators went to the extreme of putting him to death . Since then , it has been our desire to be “ obedient from the heart ” to God’s teachings and standards . One sister used the two brochures mentioned earlier with a young man who said that he did not believe that there is a God and that he accepted evolution . The talk presented especially for such ones is a highlight of every assembly and convention . Few things build our faith as much as reading God’s Word . If we die faithful before Armageddon , we will be resurrected into a righteous new world , where there will be plenty of satisfying work for us to do . Why was the work of Lefèvre d’Étaples significant ? On their preaching expedition in the Australian outback , Arthur Willis and Bill Newlands , mentioned in the introduction , once labored for two weeks to travel 20 miles ( 32 km ) because heavy rains had turned the desert into a sea of mud . Whatever the outcome , you can be sure that Jehovah will be pleased with your sincere efforts to gain your brother ​ — God’s friend . Knowing the facts and grasping that a resurrection had occurred , they “ were comforted beyond measure . ” ​ — Acts 20 : 7 - 12 . We can ask ourselves , ‘ Do I avoid idolizing humans or using a great deal of valuable time on inconsequential matters ? ’ ​ — Read Ephesians 5 : 15 , 16 . Brothers who speak from the platform on these occasions enjoy a great privilege . This , along with seeing our Bible students make progress , created a strong bond with our spiritual family in Ireland . Yes , when we give attention to God in all our ways , we can have the best outcome . ​ — Prov . Later , Peter wrote that God “ desires all to attain to repentance . ” If so , take courage from the examples of Noah , Daniel , and Job . SEVEN of Jesus ’ disciples had just spent the entire night fishing in the Sea of Galilee but had not caught anything . So Syntyche arranged her own gathering and invited the same brothers and sisters ​ — but not Euodia ! However , a very big issue facing all of us is the vindication of Jehovah’s sovereignty . What do my conversations show about my desires ? What a contrast to many of the powerful and wealthy in the world ! Throughout his 13 - year ordeal , Joseph demonstrated that he had Jehovah’s view of matters . So Satan offered Jesus the chance to fulfill his hope sooner . ( b ) How did something unexpected occur in the case of Abraham’s wife , Sarah ? Think of all the sound counsel you find in God’s Word , and take to heart the advice : “ Remember , then , your Grand Creator in the days of your youth . ” ​ — Eccl . How did Jesus contribute to the sanctification of God’s name ? Many of these men had responsible positions in the congregations , serving as overseers and later as “ bishops . ” Why did Jehovah approve of the wars of ancient Israel ? Of what should parents make sure , and why ? In 1950 , I moved to Vancouver . But he refused to let a royal edict override his Scriptural obligations . OVER 30 years ago , Osei , who was not a Witness at that time , arrived in Europe from Ghana . Hence , we have real meaning and direction in our lives . However , it is love based on principle ( a·gaʹpe ) that ensures the success of a marriage . After the convention , a newly appointed branch overseer organized the work , and zealous Witnesses went ahead with renewed strength and with Jehovah’s blessing . Do you feel that those words apply to you ? He does not want you to believe just because others do . Names have been changed . Is it really true that one can be happy without religion ? For Me , God Did Not Exist ( A . Golec ) , No . IN THE mid - 1930 ’ s , my father and mother ​ — James and Jessie Sinclair — ​ moved to the Bronx , a borough of New York City . Patience can also involve suffering without retaliating and remaining firm and steadfast no matter what may come our way . Kumiko ( center ) Moreover , the spirit of this world is intensely competitive . Think how practical and effective it is for you to display those qualities . Perhaps it was by this means that John received news about these congregations . They realize that Jehovah has yoked them together and that he wants them to “ stick ” to each other . “ It struck us that these extinct animals were beautiful , complex , and complete ​ — no less so than what we can see today . When the relationship becomes strained , they just give up and walk out on their marriage mate . We find many accounts in the Bible where a sense of compassion shines through . I explained that it is God’s will that we preach the good news of God’s Kingdom . 28 May Your Volunteer Spirit Bring Praise to Jehovah ! What have you learned from this discussion on being a spiritual person ? Peter certainly lived up to his word . He does not force them to make changes , but he reveals his righteous standards so that they can clean up their lives or make adjustments voluntarily . The righteous would not be destroyed along with the wicked . But the right of firstborn could be transferred . When we face problems or are anxious , we can be sure of what ? Antonio explains : “ I spent more time with Federico . Maria and I had the joy of visiting the places where our children served . And Jehovah decrees that all those in his organization must be clean physically and spiritually . ​ — 2 Cor . Perhaps by making a few changes in your schedule or lifestyle , you can have a greater role in sharing God’s precious truth with those who are in need of hope . The Greek word that Paul used means “ to set one’s mind or heart upon something , to employ one’s faculty for thoughtful planning , w [ ith ] the emphasis upon the underlying disposition or attitude . ” SONGS : 61 , 22 The Bible account adds : “ Thus he comforted them and spoke reassuringly to them . ” ​ — Gen . How grateful they are for his blessing ! If they pray for God’s spirit and cultivate its fruitage , they will be a real blessing to their brothers . ” ​ — Ps . We read : “ ‘ Test me out , please , . . . ’ Jehovah of armies says , ‘ to see whether I will not open to you the floodgates of the heavens and pour out on you a blessing until there is nothing lacking . ’ ” Life is more valuable than material things . What effect can positive words have on fellow Christians ? We conducted a Bible study with one family of five . The Bible can also strengthen your hope in what God says about the future . How grateful we are that Jehovah has given us spiritual treasures , which include ( 1 ) God’s Kingdom , ( 2 ) our lifesaving ministry , and ( 3 ) the precious truths found in his Word ! What was Peter like ? Although such instances are rare , faithful Christians are not surprised or stumbled when injustices do occur . “ Sometimes the brothers give us a thank - you letter saying how much they enjoyed our visit , ” stated one circuit overseer . Even if he eventually better understood the reason for his trials , he may on occasion have thought about why it was necessary for him to suffer to such an extent . Because their spiritual senses are dulled . What do we need to remember as we meditate on the examples of faithful men and women of old ? Why are such reminders needed ? We protect and preserve our precious unity when we forgive others as Jesus taught us to do . What is it appropriate to contemplate on the day of one’s baptism ? Are we not grateful , then , to have the modern - language New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures ? Then Zerah the Ethiopian came against Judah with 1,000,000 men and 300 chariots . Take the case of José and Rose , who have served Jehovah full - time for over 65 years . He added : “ Let the one who can make room for it make room for it . ” How can we help new ones grasp the importance of helping their brothers and sisters ? Consequently , he has no rightful claim to universal rulership . Young Stephen Miller felt the sense of urgency and responded to the call . We would take turns so that one of us could be at home to take care of the younger children and have dinner ready for the family by the time Dad came home from work . Because Shebna pursued glory for himself , God ‘ threw him out of his office ’ and replaced him with Eliakim . If that is not possible right now , then begin associating in your own country with publishers from another ethnic group . Through our disciple - making work . We should meditate on how those factors were involved . ​ — wp17.2 , pp . We are still suffering the consequences of Adam’s terrible decision . Jehovah did this solely for our benefit , not for personal gain . Now Eddie looks forward to public witnessing . Do my actions show that I truly believe that these are the last days and that the end of Satan’s rule is near ? David felt deeply hurt because of being betrayed by his own son and by some whom he had trusted . So , too , our faith . Zacchaeus , the chief tax collector in Jericho , had become rich by extorting money from the people . Like that family , many people would be surprised by the honesty Haykanush and her husband showed . Since Jehovah was directly involved in setting these cities apart for special use , we might ask : How does this arrangement help us to have a clearer view of Jehovah’s mercy ? I’m glad I planned to share fully in the disciple - making work . ” ​ — Eccl . * Apostate Jerusalem was nearing its foretold destruction , which occurred in 607 B.C.E . Once we have identified areas for improvement , we need to take positive steps that will help us move forward . You can enjoy making disciples even if few people in your territory respond to the good news . Of course , we should not pressure anyone to read and study the Bible . * Imagine how the tenderhearted Jesus , perhaps just in his teens or early 20 ’ s , had to deal with his own grief , as well as that of his mother , brothers , and sisters . But Rudolf’s trials had still not ended . Jehovah always supports his faithful servants , even though he may allow them to wait for privileges or a favorable change of circumstances . 8 “ The Peace of God . . . At one home , the only toilet available was a hole in the ground with two logs across the middle . Can you patiently and respectfully help brothers and sisters who face such challenges ? ​ — Phil . Why should we not be overly anxious about the Devil ? Those who love God realize that any form of stealing would “ dishonor the name of [ their ] God . ” 4 : 16 . Jonathan is one of those friends who may come to mind . What would you do if your clothing became dirty , perhaps even having a foul odor ? “ Questions From Readers ” in The Watchtower of November 15 , 2014 , outlined an adjustment in how elders and ministerial servants are appointed . Even before coming to earth , Jesus chose to remain loyal to his Father and not join Satan in his rebellion . Elijah came to her aid . Show me ! ” ( Read Psalm 37 : 10 . ) Find the answers in this article . 12 : 3 . In recent years , many countries have experienced an influx of refugees . So we should not be surprised if we find ourselves at times asking the very same question . At times , sweating and straining in blazing heat to push their truck over huge dunes , they went through rocky valleys and across sandy riverbeds . The disciple James wrote : “ The wisdom from above is first of all pure , then peaceable , reasonable , ready to obey , full of mercy and good fruits , impartial , not hypocritical . ” To receive mercy , what decisive action did an unintentional manslayer have to take ? But we too should support our brothers and pray for them . ( b ) How did God’s Word affect the leaders of God’s people ? Giving of ourselves is not always easy . Why is it reasonable to conclude that individuals who present themselves for baptism have already made an unreserved dedication to Jehovah ? What helped men and women of old to be willing to wait on Jehovah ? There was excitement at the 2016 annual meeting of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania when Brother Stephen Lett of the Governing Body announced that a new songbook , entitled “ Sing Out Joyfully ” to Jehovah , would soon be available for use at the meetings . It says ‘ rather than God . ’ God had not forgotten the sacrifices of Dorcas . A wife said of her 22 - year - long marriage that was at the point of a breakup : “ We are both baptized , but we were on two different pages emotionally . 28 : 19 , 20 . Why did a sister named Kristina feel that she could do better in a local - language congregation ? ( b ) What did Adam and Eve decide ? How reassuring it was for the psalmist to know that God would strengthen the city’s gates to provide protection for his worshippers ! Says Matilda , a pioneer for 20 years : “ It gives me joy to know that Jehovah rewards our efforts . ” ( b ) How does the book of Acts indicate that most early Christians kept showing love ? We “ go on walking in love ” when we manifest this quality in every aspect of our life . “ I am reserved by nature , ” says Rachel , who moved far away from where she grew up . However , what a blessing it is for all in the congregation when love motivates us to settle any differences in a loving manner ! The apostles Paul and Peter also exhorted Christians to be hospitable to one another . While politicians and church leaders in effect hoisted national banners , the Bible Students held to the “ Prince of Peace . ” Could you increase the share you are having in the ministry , a work that truly honors Jehovah and manifests your compassion for others ? ​ — 1 Tim . He also encouraged others to join him in giving God praise . ​ — Read Psalm 147 : 1 , 7 , 12 . When we show courage in our worship of Jehovah , we can be confident of his blessing now and in the future . When we are angry , we do not always think clearly . I began to see that my feelings are not the main thing . And the corruption of the tax collectors increased the sense of being under a heavy burden . JEHOVAH is the Source of wisdom , and he generously shares his wisdom with others . SONGS : 41 , 69 Their responsibility is to protect Jehovah’s people , particularly from “ the land of the north , ” Babylon . Because lies have been one of Satan’s most effective weapons . It may be as simple as showing them how to use public transportation , how to shop for healthful but inexpensive foods , or how to obtain tools or equipment ​ — such as a sewing machine or a lawn mower — ​ in order to earn some income . How can we show wisdom when preaching to refugees ? In Hemsworth shortly after our wedding in 1949 So if you see that your children are struggling to control their impulses , ask yourself whether you are setting a fine example . Confess and abandon secret sins . My bed was often a woven mat on a wooden floor . 13 : 3 , 7 . 26 : 63 - 67 . She explains : “ My left leg is about three - and - a - half inches ( 9 cm ) shorter than my right leg . ( a ) Illustrate why it is urgent to strip off the old personality . Accordingly , all creatures in heaven and on earth have freedom in only a relative sense . Such a conscience might even convince us that “ bad is good . ” Be assured that Jehovah deeply appreciates your willing spirit , and he will not forget it . ​ — Heb . The meek are those who humbly accept Jehovah’s teaching and guidance ; the righteous are those who love doing what is right in the eyes of Jehovah God . Later that year , the regular bombing of Britain began . Let us imitate Jephthah and obey Jehovah . Christians have far different traits . ​ — Read Malachi 3 : 18 . Because endurance can make us better Christians , we would not want to break Jehovah’s law just to end our trial . The seed that fell on the fine soil took root , sprouted , and grew into , let us say , a wheat stalk . His fatherly interest in us was spiritually stabilizing . He would therefore not qualify for responsibilities or special privileges in the congregation . And the Christian can hope that the departing mate will return with a willingness to work together in preserving the marriage and will eventually become a fellow believer . Can anyone doubt that the One who “ fuels ” the sun can give us the strength we need to cope with any problem ? Note , however , that there is nothing in the Scriptures to indicate that Joseph ever told anyone ​ — not even Pharaoh — ​ that his brothers were his kidnappers . Meditate on verses that will help you to remain neutral . Jehovah’s organization has provided a number of tools that parents can use to help their children . For example , in 1932 , 23 - year - old Bennett Brickell set out from Rockhampton , Queensland , on a five - month preaching trip through the remote northern part of that state . “ Cares for You , ” June Our family belong to the Kyrgyz people , and we speak the Kyrgyz language . We can be sure that he was not sharing in the gross wrongs mentioned at 1 Corinthians 6 : 9 - 11 . Some of them eventually became Witnesses . What are valid reasons for separation ? Jesus grew up to be a happy adult . What made him happy ? ( See paragraphs 7 , 8 ) Others have used material from our publications or our logo in advertisements , on products offered for sale , and in mobile device apps . What happens when love molds our minds and hearts ? But the courts did not agree , so I was sentenced to 31 days in prison . And because of your humble efforts in the congregation , you will be rewarded by receiving the affection , appreciation , and support of others who love Jehovah . Consider the experience of Takuya , * who was trying to overcome the unclean habits of viewing pornography and practicing masturbation . On top of that , he had to deal with a deceitful father - in - law , who repeatedly tried to exploit him . We show Jehovah that we want to obey him . Providing refreshments or a meal is one fine way of doing this . Next , review in your mind what you are going to say . One way we can do so is by looking up each of the cited Bible texts . ( b ) Why do we review such teachings now ? So when we obey that command , Jehovah is pleased . A special blessing for them has been to serve at Bethel with their daughter and son - in - law and , for some weeks , with the husband’s parents , who also worked on the Warwick project . 11 - 12 . Jesus rightly called them his friends . As the worldwide preaching work mushroomed , a call went out for missionaries . Sometimes we may find that it is not easy to decide whether we will help others or concentrate on ourselves . The apostle Paul wrote that Jehovah surrounded the less honorable parts of the human body “ with greater honor . ” 5 : 23 . Paul directed his fellow believers to the Source of true freedom . Why can we draw that conclusion ? Do Not Let the Faults of Others Stumble You , June ( Read Proverbs 11 : 2 . ) Being far away from his family , he felt alone and homesick . It is clear , then , that it is a very serious matter to make promises to God . The name given to Daniel referred to Bel , the main divinity of Babylon . Yet , such a course is unloving , for it harms not only the sinner but also others . The psalmist David often experienced the power of God’s holy spirit . Such ones may be impressed when they begin to understand to a fuller degree how Jehovah’s love and wisdom are expressed by the ransom provision . I’m happy to say , many have . ” Do not Christian parents delight to see their children among the other new disciples getting baptized ? Jehovah had opened the door for expansion in several islands in which Portuguese is spoken , including the Azores , Cape Verde , Madeira , and São Tomé and Príncipe . Second , angels assisted the governing body . Serving Jehovah fully will bring you deep satisfaction because it is the way of life that honors God . But we are accomplishing much more today under Jehovah’s guiding hand . When asked how many wished to enter that work , all in the audience leaped to their feet . Using good judgment , a Witness may start a conversation with someone by commenting on the news , complimenting the person’s children , or asking a question about his work . “ The Rock , perfect is his activity , for all his ways are justice . ” ​ — DEUT . Thus , the goal of all Christian parents should be to teach their children from infancy with the intention of helping them become baptized disciples of Christ . Later the elders commended the husband for his efforts . However , before we answer that , we need to understand clearly what the Bible says about spiritual , or spiritually - minded , people . Hence , he gave the warning to “ turn away ” from those whose love is misdirected . “ Mildness , self - control . ” In the case of this world , though , the sentence has been determined by the perfectly just Sovereign of the universe . Prayer also played a vital part in keeping the faith of pre - Christian witnesses strong . That is why the Bible says that married people “ will have tribulation ” at times . Jesus knew that he would be facing his final test alone . Many around the globe were thrilled to hear that this school would be held in many branches . 4 : 19 . You might suggest that he read portions of the appendix of the What Does the Bible Really Teach ? Sometimes they may take turns driving , but eventually the son may do most , if not all , of the driving for his aging father . In place of anxiety , a distressing sense of foreboding , God helped them to gain a profound sense of peace and tranquillity that actually surpassed human understanding . In connection with the Devil’s challenge , Jehovah is allowing time for human experience to reveal the unsavory truth about life outside of God’s righteous rule . * “ You’ve abandoned your pregnant wife and baby daughter . She respectfully appealed to David on the basis of his relationship with Jehovah . In short , we need both ‘ to trust in Jehovah and to do what is good ’ ; we need ‘ to act with faithfulness . ’ Listen to Jehovah . First - century Christians learned to overcome the deep - seated prejudices that prevailed among the Jews . Jehovah deeply loves and values mankind . 11 : 33 , 34 . But what did that mean for Hannah ? What is Jehovah’s purpose for mankind ? The former leads to death , the latter to life and peace . ​ — w16.12 , pp . Odessa Tuck , who at the time was 18 , left the convention determined to answer the call “ Who will go ? ” What is your hope about the resurrection ? Once a year Maria traveled to Saransk to visit me , although the journey from Tulun and back took 12 days by train . For homework the teacher asked each pupil to view the whiteboard animation Beat a Bully Without Using Your Fists . It will also help us to see how we can respect the way that others exercise their gift of free will . She also kept busy in her personal study of the Bible . How would the Bible’s precious treasures be unlocked for them ? ​ — Prov . By observing the physical creation , Noah would have seen abundant evidence not only of God’s existence but also of his many invisible qualities , such as “ his eternal power and Godship . ” Jehovah’s adverse judgment cannot be kept out by bars and locks . When Peter wrote his first letter to Jewish and Gentile Christians in Asia Minor , he spoke warmly about the whole association of brothers . ​ — 1 Pet . By means of the Christian congregation , Jehovah is able to mold us according to our individual needs . When they expressed heartfelt repentance , Jehovah willingly extended love and mercy , saying : “ I will heal their unfaithfulness . She says : “ I know for sure that Jehovah will take care of me ! ” 3 They Offered Themselves Willingly If available in your country , the brochure may be obtained by requesting a copy from the secretary of the local congregation . For more information , select the link “ Make a Donation to Our Worldwide Work ” at the bottom of the home page on , or contact the branch office . “ Almost all in attendance were Japanese , ” says Dannykarl , “ yet they gave me a warm welcome , as if they were my old acquaintances . ” Jesus ’ disciples saw his miracles , heard his discourses , watched how he dealt with all kinds of people , and observed how he applied godly principles . “ He did just so . ” ​ — Gen . We had to work hard cleaning the kitchen , and this made us very tired . Since faith is an aspect of the fruitage of the spirit , we need to “ keep on asking ” for God’s spirit , as Jesus urged us to do . ​ — Luke 11 : 9 , 13 . The chairman announced that during this important session , anyone was free to leave , but no one would be allowed to reenter the hall . While Jehovah wants us to make decisions , this is not to our detriment . Your willingness to forgive may well reflect Jehovah’s view of justice . ​ — Read Matthew 6 : 14 , 15 . That is a burden that humans could not carry successfully on their own . It can be hard to control our feelings when we have to put up with unfair criticism . Or what should you do if invited to play online games with strangers ? How did that visit turn out ? How can young ones grow in appreciation for the value of Bible principles ? Anger can cause such physical problems as high blood pressure and respiratory trouble . Since then , Reylene has been a living example of putting faith in Jehovah’s promise found at Matthew 6 : 33 , 34 . But that attack actually strengthened my resolve to “ obey God as ruler rather than men . ” ​ — Acts 5 : 29 . Help them to make new friends by arranging opportunities for upbuilding association . For example , the prophet Ezekiel received a vision in which the heavenly part of God’s organization is represented by a celestial chariot . How did the clergy react to Wycliffe and his movement ? In addition to reading the Bible , it is important for us to meditate on what we read . succeed in our assignments ? She grew up in England , where she began pioneering when she was 18 years old . We had high hopes because our district overseer wanted us to help a congregation down in Texas , and he wanted us to go there as specials . In fact , he would be happy if you lost out on everlasting life by siding with him in rejecting Jehovah’s sovereignty . Why can prayer help us to keep faithful and to endure trials ? A Christian might decide to own a firearm ( such as a rifle or a shotgun ) for hunting animals for food or for protection against wild animals . She set up a small ice - cream parlor but gradually ran out of funds and had to close the shop . This identifying trait of true Christians harmonizes with the apostle Paul’s inspired exhortation : “ Return evil for evil to no one . . . . As we will see , this involved distinguishing between what they could not do and what they could do and then acting accordingly . What are the benefits ? What are the costs ? A brother in South Korea fondly remembers that he provided accommodations for students attending theocratic schools . Jesus Christ , through his anointed brothers and supportive “ princes ” of the other sheep , provides encouragement and guidance to despondent and discouraged ones in this time of need . He thinks about the people of Philippi . What can help us to endure courageously despite any tribulations or trials we face ? If you are an elder , then , how can you meet the challenge of discerning heartfelt repentance ? Because we have angelic protection , we need not fear that Jehovah’s organization might go through another time of spiritual oppression . God sent his spokesman Hanani to reprimand Asa for not relying on Jehovah . HOW did that situation come about ? Rather , we should personally learn what is right in God’s eyes and choose to do it . In the case of weighty decisions , though , it is sometimes advisable to seek counsel from the elders or the advice of other experienced Christians . She writes : “ This experience helped me to realize that Jehovah cares . She showed that Jehovah’s service came first by saying to her father : “ Do to me as you have promised . ” The rejoicing of Jehovah’s earthly worshippers will know no bounds when they hear Jesus ’ words : “ Come , you who have been blessed by my Father , inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the founding of the world . ” ​ — Matt . The experiences of “ those who have endured ” teach us how to remain faithful , reassure us that we can succeed , and remind us that our loyalty will be rewarded . This article will consider these questions . Upon arrival , I was able to attend the 1953 New World Society Assembly . We have the Pioneer Service School , the School for Kingdom Evangelizers , Gilead School , Bethel Entrants ’ School , the School for Circuit Overseers and Their Wives , the School for Congregation Elders , the Kingdom Ministry School , and the School for Branch Committee Members and Their Wives . After a couple of years there , I was called to the office of Nathan Knorr , who was then taking the lead in our worldwide work . In our congregations , brothers need to be encouraged to work hard in order to qualify for appointment as ministerial servants and elders . And he helped Job to see that there were greater issues with which to be concerned . As a result , some develop an uncontrolled desire for material things ​ — a desire that can never be fully satisfied . Jesus told his disciples : “ You will be brought before governors and kings for my sake , for a witness to them and the nations . ” Our personal means were limited , so how did we manage ? But we realize that we must remain neutral , never favoring one political party or human leader over another . Like that man , thousands of people every year find in the Christian congregation the peace that they so desperately desire . After Peter preached to Cornelius and his relatives , holy spirit was poured out on them , although the men had not been circumcised . Job refused to turn his back on God . The donor may receive an income - tax deduction for the year in which the gift annuity is established . So how can you ease the load for the elders in your congregation ? As a young man , I gave little thought to the purpose of life or to the future . The longer we walk with Jehovah , the deeper our modesty should become . Her name was Apun Mambetsadykova , and she was one of Jehovah’s Witnesses . Many years later , when Satan was thrown out of heaven , he was still accusing God’s faithful servants constantly . 1 : 18 ; 1 Pet . Thankfully , we do not face such a bleak situation . He went from city to city , telling people the good news about the Kingdom of God . The apostle Paul wrote : “ Let us be concerned about one another . ” True , they may already have developed a measure of self - discipline . Most Useful Comparison ( beliefs with Bible ) , No . 4 Morally dangerous situations may also come up when a Christian is away from home on a business trip or when a Christian has to work with someone of the opposite sex . If the testimony of witnesses was considered , at least two witnesses had to substantiate a charge of intentional murder . ​ — Num . And Abraham gained experience from the way God dealt with him and his family . They still serve faithfully in the full - time service in Kenya . “ Praised be the God . . . who encourages us in all our trials . ” ​ — 2 COR . 1 : 3 , 4 , ftn . These reminders will help us to show our love and gratitude to our loving heavenly Father , who teaches us to benefit ourselves . ​ — Isa . 19 , 20 . This was a turning point in my spiritual growth . ” They both left . I have never regretted that decision . Despite opposition , fearless brothers and sisters kept taking to the streets . The account about Jesus ’ intense grief at the time of Lazarus ’ death is just one of countless consoling scriptures found in God’s comforting Word . So Jehovah has given me a son , a daughter - in - law , and three grandchildren . ” ​ — 3 John 4 . Most civil and criminal cases were probably handled by such courts without interference from Roman rulers . Are you benefiting from modern - day examples of faith in your congregation ? The Bible answers : “ Every house is constructed by someone , but the one who constructed all things is God . ” ​ — Heb . Some of my former Bible students are now pioneers and congregation elders . What must we do to stay spiritually strong ? Over time , we develop what Jesus described as a “ treasure store ” of old and new truths . That verse is repeatedly used in the book What Does the Bible Really Teach ? The Scriptures answer by saying that it ‘ will guard our hearts and our mental powers by means of Christ Jesus . ’ For example , after the Council of Nicaea , Constantine , who was present at the council , ordered Arius , a dissenting priest , into exile because Arius refused to acknowledge Jesus as God . When a person’s conscience is not properly trained , it does not act as a restraint from wrongdoing . It is up to each of us to make decisions , and the wise , right choices are based on sound Scriptural knowledge . The Bible does not say that the cherubs complained or felt that they were too important for their new assignment . Sometimes we went for weeks without being able to send or receive mail . Jesus ’ mind is focused on his relationship with God . So it was bad judgment on Josiah’s part to battle against Necho . Jesus asked his listeners : “ Are you not worth more than [ the birds of heaven ] are ? ” The suggestion that a Christian should tolerate sexual immorality is wrong . 21 : 12 , 13 . What do we need to do when we receive an adjusted understanding of a truth ? How unsearchable his judgments are and beyond tracing out his ways are ! ” ​ — Rom . Also important to cultivating self - discipline are heartfelt prayer , Bible study , and meditation . That will take real effort on your part . How can we successfully deal with the challenges it brings ? How we need this encouragement as we await the fulfillment of Jehovah’s promises ! ​ — 2 Pet . Rather , Jehovah will gladly bless us . “ You took away the key of knowledge , ” Jesus told them . Why did the apostle Paul exhort the early Hebrew Christians to encourage one another “ all the more so ” ? To illustrate : After too many drinks , a drunkard may be in a hilarious mood . At Colossians 3 : 5 ( read ) , we find strong counsel to Christians regarding what might break their exclusive relationship with Jehovah . It made me feel good too . ” How this must have hurt faithful Jews like Daniel ! As the planet turns on its axis , millions will gather to observe the Memorial of Christ’s death . Many have found that serving Jehovah fully during youth also helped them to have a more successful marriage . For example , we may exercise our freedom of choice to drive to a distant city . Line leading to Messiah tied to right of firstborn ? Then , “ with a zest and zeal known only by those who follow in the footsteps of Jesus , ” they sang : “ Send out thy light and truth , O Lord . ” This reconciliation enables us to be at peace with Jehovah . We are part of a stable , secure , and everlasting organization . At times , two elders may meet with a Christian woman who is in need of Scriptural help and encouragement . That verse does not specifically refer to the Bible as we know it ; yet , the inspired words apply by extension to the Bible’s message . At his workplace , he was not treated as well as the local employees . He adds : “ Remembering this motivates me to look beyond the obvious . ” As people begin to study the Bible , most read accounts of past resurrections , such as the raising of Lazarus . The church fought back . Paul exhorted Timothy : “ Train yourself with godly devotion as your aim . ” If in a certain era God was not performing resurrections , could faithful men and women expect that God would raise the dead at a future time ? He may have been a court official who was a personal friend and companion to the king , one who at times carried out confidential orders . The sister discovered that she had misunderstood a matter that did not even involve Janet . After the public talk in Dublin , a renowned theologian brought along by O’Connor received Scriptural answers to his questions , much to the audience’s enjoyment . Ever Be Peace on Earth ? How can we gain that reward ? Second , humility will help us to be submissive and patient as we wait on Jehovah to correct any true injustice . Halfway through the course , Nathan Knorr announced our assignments . By working along with fellow publishers in the ministry and by making shepherding visits , they also strengthen the weak hands of those who are anxious at heart . ​ — Read Isaiah 35 : 3 , 4 . Observers must have been intrigued when he placed the crown on High Priest Joshua . Their personal interest fostered in me a real desire to set theocratic goals . Jehovah is the Source of dynamic energy . Such elders are recognized as humble spiritual shepherds . They thus became examples of righteousness , and they led truly successful lives . What injustice did one brother experience in the congregation , and what qualities helped him to handle the matter properly ? For example , the Egyptians worshipped the sun - god Ra , the sky - goddess Nut , the earth - god Geb , the Nile - god Hapi , and numerous sacred animals . Then I patiently waited ​ — sometimes for days , sometimes for months — ​ for my prayers to be answered . On the part of his sincere worshippers , there must be a genuine hatred of wickedness . Did Noah keep quiet or tell them to mind their own business ? Think of congregation elders , circuit overseers , Branch Committee members , and the members of the Governing Body . But what if you find little joy in preaching ? Corinna was so happy that she had made that journey . But I am still learning to overcome prejudice toward others , and it is not always easy . That has been true ever since man has been on the earth . What does sharing in full - time service teach a young person ? Those aspects have a bearing on our faith , so let us see what we find in the Scriptures . Do I have the same confidence in Jehovah and Jesus now that I had when I dedicated my life to Jehovah God ? ’ They did not have to worry about interference from their enemies . Thus , they reject requests for any kind of gift at all . How could Israelite elders reflect Jehovah’s justice ? Also , when we strive to help people in our territory to see that Jehovah is worthy “ to receive the glory and the honor and the power , ” we sanctify God’s name . Those Bible - based books had a role in shaping my life as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses . Now both groups serve unitedly under one King ​ — the glorified Jesus Christ , who is prophetically spoken of as God’s “ servant David . ” His class was discussing different religions , and Luca noticed that the textbook contained some wrong ideas about Jehovah’s Witnesses . In Ezekiel’s day , no one received a literal mark on his forehead . The same is true today . Rose was baptized in 2009 , and the next year , she began to serve as a regular pioneer . As to those of us who are of the “ other sheep , ” it is as though Jehovah has drawn up an adoption certificate with our name on it . Why is keeping on the watch so important today ? Imagine the joy of the publishers when in 2015 , six need - greaters from Germany and the Netherlands moved in to support them ! When distributing food to needy widows , Greek - speaking widows were overlooked . Thus in their letters , the apostles often referred to fellow disciples as ‘ brothers and sisters . ’ ​ — Rom . For example , consider how true worship promotes family happiness . Some young Christians have learned another language . The rest of us were scattered . ” We will also consider how we should respond to the direction we receive from Jehovah’s organization . Paul stops the jailer from committing suicide . 37 : 3 . However , like Gaius , we can in some way support and encourage those who do travel , such as the circuit overseer and his wife . Even if a person is able to conceal thievery from authorities , employers , elders , or parents , he cannot hide it from God , who guarantees that every theft will be exposed . Noah , Daniel , and Job experienced many of the same kinds of problems we face today . However , we should keep in mind that when we speak , “ we all stumble many times . ” As a parent , you have the weighty responsibility ​ — and privilege — ​ to bring up your children “ in the discipline and admonition of Jehovah . ” And to the couple’s surprise , a man stopped by their witnessing cart , gave them a bouquet of flowers , and thanked them for the work they do . And how can you be more effective at giving a witness ? Holy spirit is able to mold us in a number of ways . Many of the brothers were poor , but we loved visiting them . 13 Imitate Jehovah’s Justice and Mercy I hid behind a fallen tree , which led to my encounter with the soldiers mentioned earlier . She was horrified and barred me from associating with the Witnesses . If you are going to win the battle for your mind , you must recognize the danger that propaganda poses and protect yourself from it . As a result , they reaped rich blessings and a sure hope for the future . Consider another verse that pointed forward to a resurrection . May all of us continue to be energized by our loving Father as we do our very best and fully accomplish our ministry . ​ — 2 Tim . Angels Real ? No . 5 There were hindrances , however . This attitude resulted in Jehovah’s blessing , both for himself and for the Israelites . ​ — Hebrews 11 : 32 , 33 . One week later , we were invited to receive training for circuit work , and for the next two years , we served a circuit in northern Ontario . So that just as sin ruled as king with death , so also undeserved kindness might rule as king through righteousness leading to everlasting life through Jesus Christ . ” ​ — Rom . But we do know that the God who helped his servants in amazing ways is our God , Jehovah . Because things often do not turn out to be as bad as we feared they might be . “ Do not let your hands drop down . ” ​ — ZEPH . The Pharisees focused solely on what a sinner had done rather than on who a sinner was at heart . Peer pressure could sway us to make a bad decision . There are approximately 600,000 members of the clergy in the various denominations in the United States , where there are some 1,200,000 Witnesses of Jehovah . It is vital that we draw on that spirit so that we can face any challenge that Satan and his wicked system thrust upon us . We also walk in love when we are patient , kind , and forgiving . As long as this system of things lasts , humans will be imperfect and will continue to offend others . If you face circumstances that bring you stress or make you feel weighed down physically , emotionally , or even spiritually , where can you receive the needed courage ? What the Bible Says About Life and Death , No . 4 The religious authorities persecuted the Lollards and hunted down and destroyed as many copies of the Wycliffe Bible as they could find . It was with an enemy of God , this time with the son of Ahab , wicked King Ahaziah . If they did that , they would be like Esau . 11 : 7 . How did courage help a young sister reach her goals ? He urged others to serve Jehovah . Thus , discerning parents do not pressure their children to get baptized . Speaking to first - century Christians living in Ephesus , the resurrected Jesus Christ said : “ I hold this against you , that you have left the love you had at first . ” He could not take for granted that people would respond to his usual approach . Keep in mind that having knowledge of the Bible is not enough to become a spiritually - minded person . Because the preaching work is so urgent , it should be high on our list of priorities . It may have been on that occasion that he said : “ Go , therefore , and make disciples of people of all the nations , baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit , teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded you . ” 23 Do You Share Jehovah’s Sense of Justice ? SONGS : 106 , 100 Of course , they may have heard passages read when they went to church . 4 : 8 ; 1 Pet . After serving God for years , a Christian could begin to set his or her mind on the things of the flesh . Nevertheless , this brief glimpse into his life can teach us a number of lessons . By directing interested people to our official websites , we are connecting them with the one true source of spiritual food , “ the faithful and discreet slave . ” “ I asked Jehovah to help me love the people in my assignment . I remember seeing a man sitting on his front porch one Halloween night proudly wearing a white sheet and hood , as those in the KKK did . In some lands , government officials take advantage of their position to extort money or other favors from those whom they are supposed to serve , and they are unwilling to do anything unless they receive a gift . How long would he be stuck in prison ? It was an outstanding achievement at the time . The Drama , as it was called , combined pictures and slides synchronized with sound and traced man’s history from the time of creation to the end of the Millennium . 31 Is Your Ministry Like the Dew ? What do need - greaters who have been in Turkey for a while say about their life there ? That morning , however , John cut his finger badly while opening a large tin barrel . Later , the family helped to establish a Portuguese - language congregation . How does that aspect of the illustration apply to our ministry ? Since then , Aaron has enjoyed pioneering , working with others in connection with disaster relief , and preaching in a foreign land . Wayward children ( See paragraph 16 ) Do you want to be among those who go on record as integrity - keeping supporters of Jehovah’s sovereignty ? Movies , electronic games , and other media make spiritism seem exciting . Rather than focus on fleshly works , the spiritually - minded person endeavors to show “ the fruitage of the spirit . ” Indeed , we should “ consider closely ” Jesus ’ example of faith in the face of the severest of trials . Nothing that this old system of things offers can compare with the wonderful privilege of working with faithful men and women in behalf of God’s people around the world . First , he asked Peter if he knew that God has a personal name and asked him to read it directly from the Bible at Psalm 83 : 18 . Your singing voice will become fuller , and that is a good thing . Communist guerrillas roamed the countryside , forcing villagers to join their ranks . ( 2 ) In what ways does the Memorial influence the unity of God’s people ? It should not surprise us that the Bible emphasizes the need for regular encouragement . How well are you communicating with Jehovah ? Diane ( b ) Under what circumstances did Ezekiel write the words recorded at Ezekiel 14 : 14 ? Imagine a time when all corrupt organizations will be replaced by a single , unified , and incorruptible organization ! He said : “ Father , if you want to , remove this cup from me . Job rejected all forms of idolatry ​ — even in his heart . If that happened , Jews who associated with Christians could be punished . Then they made her a cup of tea and stayed for a chat . How did Hezekiah show complete reliance on God ? Christians respect others ’ consciences . ( b ) What admonition did Jesus give his followers ? Finally , he spoke of those with an earthly hope who would support Christ’s brothers . He ripped his clothes apart and cried out : “ Oh no , my daughter ! He used the example of Jesus , who died as a human and then was raised up as an immortal spirit in heaven . With fellow pioneers on a motorcycle and sidecar 30 From Our Archives But at the convent , I felt that I could not do many of the things I wanted to do . This is no surprise to students of God’s Word because the Bible foretold that one evidence that we are living in “ the last days ” is that men would be “ without self - control . ” ​ — 2 Tim . If you were walking hand in hand , his right hand would be grasping your left hand . The Greek word rendered “ accused ” at Luke 16 : 1 allows for the idea that the steward was slandered . Conventions had always been a highlight for me , so it was delightful to help organize these events . Later , we moved from Estonia to the settlement of Nezlobnaya in the south of Russia . Within a few months , a group was established . Later , he became a baptized Witness and a full - time evangelizer . Suddenly you sense that someone is following you . Refugees may face danger when fleeing or when living in a refugee camp . 23 Young Ones , Strengthen Your Faith ( b ) How can we show that we have not been fooled by Satan’s deception ? Such intrepid Witnesses kept on cautiously spreading the good news in my home region of northern Kyrgyzstan . Yet , when the Examiner of the heart scrutinized them , he saw that their heart was complete toward him . If so , ask yourself why . He takes note of our emotions and actions . Within a few months of their deliverance , they began to long for the food and drink they once had in Egypt and complained about Jehovah’s provisions , even wanting to return to Egypt . At the close of Zechariah’s seventh vision , what was the situation of the Jews in Jerusalem ? We may even doubt that we qualify to receive any kind of reward . Zechariah and his fellow Jews could confirm that Babylon was a place of wickedness in their day . Paul learned through experience that sacrificing oneself in behalf of others brings not only personal satisfaction but also ​ — and more important — ​ Jehovah’s blessing and approval . ​ — Acts 20 : 24 , 35 . PSALM 104 : 24 , 25 We know that a phenomenal Kingdom - preaching work is being accomplished by Jehovah’s people everywhere . What evidence is there that the Governing Body is filling that role ? Many Jews would die by the edge of the sword ; any who escaped death would likely have to spend the rest of their lives in exile in Babylon . He was not jealous when David was appointed heir to the throne . Ephesians 5 : 17 states : “ Keep perceiving what the will of Jehovah is . ” He too was one of the anointed and had outstanding zeal for the ministry . Jehovah specifically linked reading his Word with being “ courageous and strong ” and not being “ struck with terror or fear . ” ​ — Josh . Of course , you cannot expect to avoid all disagreements with your unbelieving relatives . How can the arrangement of the cities of refuge help us to understand Jehovah better ? Many of our modern - day fellow believers have similarly demonstrated trust in Jehovah and have taken appropriate action . Still , he stated additional reasons to do so . Had Adam and Eve died childless , God’s purpose to fill the earth with their offspring would have come to nothing . ( b ) What Kingdom blessings are foretold by Isaiah and a psalmist ? The Christian elders of the Jerusalem congregation heard a rumor being spread among the Jews that Paul was preaching “ an apostasy from Moses . ” Any who came in contact with a corpse incurred ceremonial uncleanness for seven days , making everything that they touched unclean . He made both natural laws and moral laws to ensure that everything functions harmoniously . When he is a child , the son simply observes his father . 3 What Is Armageddon ? No . 6 Our stand during tests both large and small should show that we take seriously our pledge to praise Jehovah “ day after day . ” Daniel , quoted earlier , found this to be true . Those who are quick to show compassion are , in turn , more likely to receive help and support when they need it . ​ — Read Matthew 5 : 7 ; Luke 6 : 38 . God’s Son set aside time to build up the faith of individuals . Finally , endeavor to see the whole person . For some years we were in the New York City area , and a number of the conventions were held at Yankee Stadium . Why is there a need for older ones to train younger ones ? For instance , some parents may hesitate to encourage their child to pursue a career of pioneering , to serve where the need is greater , to enter Bethel service , or to work on theocratic construction projects . Consider the situation in ancient Corinth . Do nothing out of contentiousness or out of egotism , but with humility consider others superior to you , as you look out not only for your own interests , but also for the interests of others . ” ​ — Phil . When he saw her , Jephthah “ ripped his garments ” and said that his heart was broken . “ I preach in the village , but until recently when my health deteriorated , I also traveled about 100 miles ( 160 km ) to an unassigned territory , where I preached in the Hungarian language . ” He urged us to use our freedom “ as slaves of God . ” Those who give comfort can experience what blessings ? At the time , the country was embroiled in World War II . As members of the Christian congregation , we are part of God’s household . Today , we too see the importance of reading God’s Word daily and prayerfully meditating on it . Certainly an individual can be happy without false religion , but a person cannot be truly happy unless he has a relationship with Jehovah , who is described as “ the happy God . ” Their encouragement makes me feel so much better ! ” When Solomon put them to the test by ordering that the baby be cut in half , the real mother’s compassion was stirred . Indeed , it is “ God’s gift ” that we be “ saved through faith . ” One of these young people with whom we studied now serves on the Branch Committee , and two others are special pioneers . This appeared to suggest that when Jacob gained the “ rights as firstborn , ” he also came in line to be an ancestor to the Messiah . ​ — Matt . How can we imitate these four outstanding contenders ? Christoph joined the club anyway . Such a career may promise status , authority , and wealth . To illustrate further the wisdom of using our free will within the boundaries set by Jehovah , let us consider some Bible examples . Applying Bible principles can bring peace and happiness to a family and help them to win the prize . Nevertheless , wanting to obey his father , he tied a rag around his bleeding finger and set out on foot to deliver the envelope . Jesus was rejected as the Messiah and killed . How can we overcome barriers that may hinder us from being hospitable ? All of us need knowledge and counsel from God’s Word . In contrast , Jesus “ has been raised up from the dead , [ and ] dies no more ; death is no longer master over him . ” What did Jehovah tell him ? After praying , they spoke for an hour , during which the brother told his story . Over three decades later , the apostle John wrote his Gospel and three letters . When confronted with temptation , the fleshly - minded person weakens and gives in . Jehovah calls these older men “ a refuge from the rainstorm . ” Before helping others to benefit from personal Bible study , we ourselves must be convinced of its value . Let them praise the name of Jehovah . ” ​ — PS . A draft of warm air gives it the lift it needs , enabling the eagle to conserve energy . But as you grow spiritually , you need to see Jehovah’s hand in your own life . [ 1 ] ( paragraph 12 ) Others who solved problems peacefully included the following : Jacob , with Esau ; Joseph , with his brothers ; and Gideon , with the Ephraimites . My older sister was then a senior in high school , and Dad asked if she and I could go to school on alternate days . Earlier , Job had also received corrective counsel from young Elihu . MANY years ago , my younger sister Araceli got angry and shouted : “ Stop talking to me . Why may we feel discouraged when preaching in less responsive territories ? In summary , we have noted the value of throwing our anxiety on God by means of heartfelt prayer and by reading his Word and meditating on it . And recognize that the same fundamental principles of preaching apply all over the world . What should be encouraging to any who are struggling to exercise self - control ? We may be made aware of financial needs with regard to renovations to our local branch office , a convention we are attending , or assistance to our brothers after a natural disaster . In time , Hannah did become pregnant , and she gave birth to a son named Samuel . Maria’s mother had such thoughts in mind when she asked the questions mentioned in the introduction . What is the second most important vow that a person can make , and why ? Do you have full confidence that Jehovah will bless you if you continue to serve him faithfully ? Jesus told his disciples not only to be in his love but to “ remain in [ his ] love . ” And because he knows our physical , mental , and emotional limits so well , Jehovah will never allow a situation to become so difficult that we cannot remain faithful . After I attended the two - month Bible School for Single Brothers , * I received a new assignment where I have started four studies . Could you set the goal of sharing in the ministry more often ? Now I have a wealth of spiritual food in my own language , and I can enjoy association at the meetings and conventions in ASL . Understandably , though , you may also feel a little anxious . Within minutes of their first encounter , the three were talking about their families . After he killed Goliath and was offered the daughter of King Saul to be his wife , David said : “ Who am I and who are my relatives , my father’s family in Israel , for me to become son - in - law to the king ? ” 30 : 12 . Filip and Ida tell us what they did to help Bible students to progress . He says that if we are pressured , we will turn our back on God . The city was almost defenseless , and his fellow Jews were very discouraged . We must remain alert to things that actively compete for our affection , including the desire for material things and any immoral sexual desires . In what ways do wicked people affect us now ? 12 : 1 , 2 . One sister who served as a pioneer for more than 70 years recalled the impact of her conversation with Brother Charles T . Under such circumstances , it is our personal responsibility to examine the details and make a choice that is guided , not by mere personal preference , but by what Jehovah will approve of and bless . ​ — Read Psalm 37 : 5 . Circumcision was to be done on the eighth day of life , which was ideal with regard to the blood’s ability to clot . ​ — wp18.1 , p . Then , when the priests confronted him , proud Uzziah became enraged ! What mistaken view might some people have of their sins ? At the age of 17 , Eunice did leave home , and a local Witness family kindly took her into their care . FIRST - CENTURY Christians made great efforts to reach as many people as possible with the “ good news of the Kingdom . ” The answer involves all intelligent creatures . 7 , 8 . ( a ) How does one Christian father show patience in teaching his daughter ? Jehovah was not pleased . 23 Will You Apply Your Heart to the Things Written ? As we see the clock on the video screen counting down , we know that it is time to be in our seats to enjoy the musical prelude that begins a convention session . Support those who are weak . Still , Jesus took her lifeless hand and said : “ Child , get up ! ” It was a dreadful feeling when the door of my cell first slammed shut and I was left alone . Think , too , of Romans 6 : 19 , which says : “ Present your members as slaves to righteousness leading to holiness . ” The USSR included the region of Siberia , where enemies of the State were exiled . One day when I was a toddler , my family saw me pulling at the tail of one of the farm horses , a stallion . Many blessings await those who enter the full - time service ( See paragraphs 11 - 13 ) 58 : 11 . He loved them for the zeal that he had seen in them , and this had had a powerful impact on him . They finally told me that they were going to hire me . A Christian’s heart is important , for we are commanded to love Jehovah with our whole heart and to love our neighbor as ourselves . When we read in a foreign tongue , our heart may not be as involved as it would be in our own language . What was Martha confident about regarding her brother ? While it is gracious of Jehovah to allow me to volunteer and participate , will he not provide whatever is needed to fulfill his Word no matter how much I personally choose to do in his service ? ’ My outlook on life changed . Even if our relatives never accept the truth , we can have the joy that comes from pleasing Jehovah by our faithful course . So we did the same . Under the Mosaic Law , a burnt offering was a special gift that someone gave completely to Jehovah . On occasion , new ones ask mature publishers to help them teach their children the truth , even to conduct a Bible study with the youngsters . Paul urged Timothy : “ Continue applying yourself to public reading , to exhortation , to teaching . . . . Who was Shebna , and what bad trait did he begin to develop ? 2 : 7 - 9 ; 1 Tim . Our resulting need for larger branch facilities was met in 1988 . Pryce Hughes , the kindly branch servant , took me under his wing . Why did the apostle Paul use the expression “ all the more so ” when he instructed Christians to encourage one another ? Finally , so that he could get a fair hearing , Paul said : “ I appeal to Caesar ! ” ​ — the most powerful ruler of that time . ​ — Acts 25 : 11 . Perhaps you vividly recall the moment when you discovered your first spiritual gold nugget , so to speak . You may soon realize that you have more things in common than you have differences ​ — real or imagined — ​ and that each culture has its own strengths and weaknesses . How can we face challenges and still retain “ the peace of God ” ? There you will find a worksheet entitled “ Why Do I Believe in God ? ” The woman quietly made her way through the crowd , approached Jesus from behind , and touched the fringe of his outer garment . ( a ) What did Judge Jephthah and Hannah have in common ? What did King David want to do , and how did Jehovah respond ? Is that not a good example for us ? And the settling of the issue of sovereignty is well under way . Jesus , on the other hand , gave convincing evidence of being appointed by God , and he constantly glorified Jehovah as the Supreme Leader of his people . May Jehovah’s Word , his spirit , and your efforts as a parent help your children to become “ wise for salvation . ” Why can we say that we have what we need to make wise decisions ? He answered : “ I will make your yoke heavier , and I will add to it . Until Satan’s world comes to an end , we will continue to experience trials . Read Luke 16 : 10 - 13 . My wife , Maria , learned the truth in Ukraine in the middle of World War II . Through the years , the family helped many immigrants to become servants of Jehovah . The building was to be “ exceedingly magnificent , so that its fame and beauty [ would ] be known in all lands . ” When Mairambubu and I got baptized in July 1982 in the Chüy River , we had to be cautious . 119 : 97 . How can you make sure that your manner of dress will bring glory to God ? James and John did not grasp this lesson . In fact , his obedience to God’s Word went as far as submitting to death on a torture stake . It quickly gained popularity among followers of Wycliffe . If unity and cleanness are to be maintained in a congregation , the elders must care for judicial matters promptly and in a loving way . It is therefore unrealistic to expect that after baptism ​ — or even after many years in the truth — ​ we will no longer make mistakes , experience setbacks , or be troubled with wrong motives and inclinations . What choice did the ancient Israelites have , and why was it difficult for them to decide wisely ? Because we stick to the Bible and comply with organizational instructions , we promote the cleanness , peace , and unity of the entire congregation . Among the thousands who get baptized each year are young ones ​ — teenagers and preteens . The examples of Adam , Eve , and the rebellious angels teach us at least two important lessons . They said that it would be a shame if they had no Witness children in their school . That blessing is revealed at Deuteronomy 30 : 19 , 20 . ( Read . ) ( b ) What qualities did Peter say we should look for in ourselves ? Some brothers were taking fellow believers to court . What important truth about pure worship is highlighted by this prophecy ? This : Jehovah will cause his worshippers to “ become one . ” Then you will walk on your way in safety , and your foot will never stumble . ” Before Joshua went into action , Jehovah encouraged him , saying : “ Have I not commanded you ? Be courageous and strong . Satan and the demons use not only governments but also false religion and the commercial system to mislead “ the entire inhabited earth . ” Yet , Jehovah gives a name or a designation to each star . What a fine sentiment and beautiful compliment ! ​ — 3 John 1 , 2 , 4 . I went to use the men’s restroom , and I noticed that a very rough - looking character , tattooed like a white supremacist , got up and followed me . Recall the misery and pain of conscience that Paul suffered because of feeling captive to sin and death . Keep in touch with need - greaters who moved away from your congregation . The following morning , soldiers again ordered me to put on an army uniform . He never took sides in politics or in wars . Acquiring faith in Jesus , in turn , makes it possible for an individual to gain forgiveness of sins . Through the years , there were times when our spirituality weakened . He especially started praying regularly . Otherwise , they may be drawn to unbelieving relatives or compatriots who can relate to their culture and experiences . She relates : “ At first , I struggled to learn the local language , to adjust to the humid climate , and to cope with malaria , amoebas , and parasitic worms . You stoop down and are delighted to find a gold nugget . Still , as did Hezekiah , each of us can say to Jehovah in prayer : “ I have walked before you faithfully and with a complete heart . ” Faithful ones before us and modest ones today have proved that it can be done . Jehovah saw our desire to expand our ministry , and he opened “ the floodgates of the heavens ” to us . Pottery is a craft in which the artisan works very closely with his material . In turn , we are in a better position to help and encourage them . Looking back , now I am grateful to have been given the privilege of serving at Bethel . But Jehovah does not make racial distinctions , and before too long the congregations became racially integrated . When we support the elders ’ decision to disfellowship an unrepentant wrongdoer , we help to maintain the cleanness of the congregation and perhaps move the person to repent and seek Jehovah’s forgiveness . The prophet Elijah clearly outlined the choices : Serve Jehovah or serve the false god Baal . However , one day a property owner unexpectedly asked whether we would like to buy his land ; he was moving to the United States . The “ physical man ” is described as not accepting “ the things of the spirit of God , for they are foolishness to him ; and he cannot get to know them . ” Christian parents put their children’s spiritual well - being ahead of personal preferences . Willful nonsupport , extreme physical abuse , and the absolute endangerment of one’s spiritual life are exceptional situations that some have viewed as reasons for separation . I truly love doing shepherding work in the congregation ! He liked to have the first place in the congregation , he received nothing from John with respect , and he was spreading malicious talk about the apostle and others . Will we allow resentment to fester for years ? Without fear of reprisals in such countries , citizens were free to discuss religious matters and to disagree openly with the established churches . Still , someone might wonder : ‘ Does that mean that I may have to wait a long time to see my loved one ? Clearly , the brothers had no intention of compromising ! The children’s good conduct might help to draw the unbelieving parent to true worship . Converse with people . Some torment themselves over their past behavior and wonder whether God has forgiven them . She states : “ Satan’s world promotes higher education , fame , money , and having a lot of material things as good goals . As far as the Romans were concerned , though , the bodies of executed criminals either were left on the stake to rot or were thrown into a common grave . Yes , she treasures her ministry ! 12 Jehovah Loves Those Who “ Bear Fruit With Endurance ” Thus “ the peace of God ” can triumph over any challenge you may face . Of course , there has never been a perfect marriage . In 1978 , when Maria was 45 , she again became pregnant . But what will we teach to others ? Think of a situation that you are facing and that may be a trial for you . In this article , we will consider two situations that could cause us to slow down in our service to God and we will discuss how applying Bible principles can help us to cope . If we ‘ set our mind on the spirit , ’ what sort of life can we have ? The experience of many , both in Paul’s day and in ours , proves that prayer can help us to renew our power and build up confidence to continue enduring . “ The heart of the righteous one meditates before answering , but the mouth of the wicked blurts out bad things . ” When Jehovah told him to build the ark , Noah could not rely on experience . ( 1937 ) , Nov . 23 : 8 ; Deut . While such behavior is sometimes accepted and even encouraged in books , movies , and television programs today , disobedience undermines the stability of the most important social unit in society ​ — the family . Jesus knew that those actions were not the fault of Jehovah or his people in general . 8 Helping the Children of “ Foreign Residents ” My wife , Mairambubu , overheard these words while traveling on a bus . His fellow elders view Dannykarl and his wife , Jennifer , as a blessing to the congregation . Remember that Heldai , Tobijah , and Jedaiah brought the materials for the crown that Zechariah made . He may begin attending congregation meetings and even give good comments . Lucy was encouraged by reading Matthew 6 : 1 - 4 . Jesus replied : “ Healthy people do not need a physician , but those who are ill do . When we do so , we are reminded of what our faithful young people are facing . Consider two ways . Being imperfect , all of us “ have sinned and fall short of the glory of God . ” ​ — Rom . Obviously , they were not rejoicing over the flogging they had received . While I was away , Mary witnessed in a Portuguese commercial district , where making money was the only subject of interest . So we should take the initiative to show a warm and sincere interest in them . That day of judgment does not have to “ overtake [ us ] as it would thieves , ” provided we “ stay awake and keep our senses . ” 25 : 18 , 19 , 23 - 35 . He was saying that Jehovah does not depend on our worship . A properly calibrated compass can help the captain to keep the ship on course . However , after she made the effort to attend a public meeting , she wrote : “ The talk was about discouragement . Discouraged by the many challenges and difficulties , the people left off building the temple and began looking after their own homes and cultivating their fields . PIONEERS While suffering agonizing pain on the torture stake , Jesus prayed that his Father forgive his executioners because , as he said , “ they do not know what they are doing . ” Longtime pioneer Charles Harris explained that the isolation and physical hardships of the outback actually drew him closer to Jehovah . He has set the supreme example of being willing to wait . Remember , Jehovah’s discipline reflects his matchless wisdom and love . Millions have turned their backs on him and look to human institutions to solve mankind’s problems . Later I learned that before my father died , he too studied with Jehovah’s Witnesses . Finally , Job received encouragement from Elihu and from Jehovah himself . ​ — Job 33 : 24 , 25 ; 36 : 1 , 11 ; 42 : 7 , 10 . What does Jehovah recommend for you ? How does Jehovah comfort us in our trials , and what assurance does his Word provide ? David was a real person , as confirmed by an ancient inscription that mentions the house of David and by what Jesus said . 1 : 23 . In time , he quit his spiritistic practices , spent months straightening out his unscriptural marital situation , and became a worshipper of Jehovah , the God of peace . David did not withhold his support , brooding over the prospect that the credit for temple construction would not be his . In time , portions of the Bible were translated into other common languages , such as Syriac , Gothic , and Latin . Many of us love the work we do and would like to continue doing it indefinitely . How can we maintain wholehearted love for God’s Kingdom ? How did the secular authorities react to the Bible Students ’ Scriptural stand on armed conflict ? They , however , offer no sure hope for a better future . ​ — Ps . “ You yourselves did not go in , and you hinder those going in ! ” Can we learn from that example ? “ We led a so - called normal life , ” relates Daniel . But Willie added , “ Would it do any good if I told you that Jesus went to hell ? ” The ransom gives all faithful humans the prospect of everlasting life . We make it easier for them to avoid falling victim to pride , to having any feelings of superiority or self - righteousness . 1 , 2 . ( a ) Shortly before his death , what information did Jesus share with his disciples ? With Maxine in Puerto Rico shortly after we got married and at our 50th wedding anniversary in 2003 In fact , on many occasions Paul went to synagogues , where he could witness to people who knew of the God of Abraham and with whom Paul could reason on the basis of the Hebrew Scriptures . ​ — Acts 9 : 19 , 20 ; 13 : 5 , 14 - 16 ; 14 : 1 ; 17 : 1 , 2 . Sooner or later you will need to show how determined you are to stick to the choices you have made . Eventually we began writing to each other . By the time of Noah’s great - grandfather Enoch , people had become very ungodly . God’s word of promise never fails . ​ — Isa . At first glance , we might conclude that Eliphaz and Bildad displayed a humble attitude . The best way we can do that is by teaching them about God and about what his Kingdom will do for mankind . One mountain represents Jehovah’s universal and eternal rulership . What a fine example of humility and submissiveness David set for us ! Of course , each child is unique ; not all children become mature at the same rate or at the same point in life . I will fortify you . ” Because of the Israelites ’ disobedience , Jehovah did not protect them from their enemies . On Friday , “ Co - Laborers ’ Day , ” Joseph F . Since the Governing Body is neither inspired nor infallible , what questions arise ? that your displaying a volunteer spirit matters to Jehovah ? As the Bible foretold , people of all sorts are “ not open to any agreement ” during these last days . 2 TAKE TIME TO MEDITATE . Advertised public talks were also featured during Brother Russell’s sixth and seventh trips , in 1911 . ( Read . ) We preach wherever people can be found ( See paragraph 10 ) As a generous Father , he shares divine truths with those who fear him . The psalmist wrote of God : “ He heals the brokenhearted ; he binds up their wounds . ” 3 : 10 ) As you cultivate the fruitage of that spirit , your relationship with others will improve . Everything God does benefits others . Each of us can examine his heart to see if it is fully devoted to God . These are just a few examples to show how reflecting on godly principles can help us make decisions that harmonize with what is expected of a spiritual person . They set aside time to approach people at train and bus stations , in marketplaces and parks , and in other public areas . A 15 - year - old brother in Australia wrote : “ Dad often talks with me about my faith and helps me to reason . What experience shows that hospitality need not be elaborate ? But they evidently saw in me a sincere love for spiritual things . 2 : 21 . But I thought , ‘ If Jehovah thinks I can do it , I will try . ’ For example , we might examine our view of Jesus ’ words recorded at Matthew 6 : 33 . SONGS : 123 , 128 They are designed to help you reflect on what you believe , why you believe it , and how you can explain your beliefs to others . What does it show ? Those whom we help in this way will likely be delighted to see how honesthearted people respond favorably to personal interest and kind words . Hard work in the field began yielding fine results . Martha clearly had reason to be confident that her faithful brother , Lazarus , would “ rise in the resurrection on the last day . ” I , however , remained a captive . The strictness really proceeds from God , who expresses himself through his written Word . ” Satan’s rebellion did not stop Jehovah from extending his love to mankind , nor can it prevent even imperfect humans from being loyal to Jehovah . Keep in mind that elders may find that it is not easy to approach us with needed counsel . Stick to the truth you learned , and remember where you learned it . Their past way of life may have included “ things of which [ they ] are now ashamed ” and that would have merited death . “ You are worthy , Jehovah our God , to receive the glory and the honor and the power , because you created all things . ” ​ — REV . The weekly study of the Bible with the help of The Watchtower is a principal means by which we are taught . Why , though , does modesty still matter ? ( a ) Illustrate the dangers related to recreation and entertainment . ( b ) What could help us to maintain a balanced view of recreation and entertainment ? A close relationship with Jehovah is a child’s best defense against Satan , his world , and its ungodly thinking . Have you made that a personal goal ? That challenge needed to be met . Imagine how you would feel if you were turned down by one employer after another . What had happened to that good king ? This will strengthen our trust in him as we wait patiently for him to act in our behalf . If you are one of those dear brothers , then surely you rejoice in your new privilege of service . If we are not careful , we could detach ourselves from Jehovah and his people . That moved her to act , even at the cost of giving the child up to the other woman . They are all bound by a “ Vow of Obedience and Poverty , ” with which they agree to do whatever is assigned to them in the advancement of Kingdom interests , to live a simple lifestyle , and to abstain from secular employment without permission . We find the answer in the apostle Paul’s words to fellow Christians in Colossae . God’s mercy should fill us with gratitude and move us to glorify him . And what makes me really happy is that this living arrangement allows my children to continue their fruitful ministry here . ” 14 - 15 . She adds : “ But my husband kindly helped me to see that our child was now out of our hands and that we must not interfere . ” Comparing our preaching work to dew can also help us to understand that our individual efforts in the ministry are valuable . The Bible Students would have to face the facts : There could be no partnership with those determined to hold on to false religion . ​ — Read 2 Corinthians 6 : 14 . When we do this , peace flows just like a river , and justice like the waves of the sea . ​ — Isa . Are you happy to fellowship with them ? Cristina , who was mentioned at the beginning of this article , says : “ What I like most about the meetings is the love and encouragement I receive there . 32 Subject Index for The Watchtower 2016 Being helped at the right time ( See paragraph 13 ) A spiritual person is inclined toward God , the opposite of the physical person . ( b ) What motivates you to use your free will properly ? Literature is now regularly translated into Kyrgyz by a translation team at the branch office in Bishkek . A Service Meeting would be held on Thursday evenings for the brothers to share experiences and file service reports . Those who have faith and genuine appreciation for Bible truth are eager to make a personal dedication and get baptized . With your help , he may be able to improve his skill as a teacher of God’s Word . ​ — Neh . The apostle Paul wrote : “ In the last days . . . , men will be lovers of themselves , lovers of money , . . . lovers of pleasures rather than lovers of God . ” ( b ) What examples of spiritual people will we consider ? “ Instead , he remained positive and expressed a sincere desire to help . ” What is the role of the elders as described at Isaiah 32 : 1 , 2 ? However , the costs always outweigh any seeming benefits that Satan may offer . ​ — Job 21 : 7 - 17 ; Gal . 34 : 6 , 7 . We lived in a tiny room on the second floor of a log cabin . What did Paul mean by saying “ undeserved kindness ” ? To be good teachers , we first have to be good students . By doing so , we give evidence of our desire to develop our spirituality . ​ — Eccl . That is encouraging , for it means that a solution is usually found before the situation reaches the point where an unrepentant sinner must be removed from the congregation . Our taking those words to heart will empower us to face the great tribulation just ahead and contribute to the Paradise to follow . IN November 2010 , a bid of nearly 70 million dollars was made in London , England , for an 18th - century Chinese ceramic vase . As his sister , Esther , notes , “ to young children , their parents ’ language , culture , and religion come bundled together . ” I had never heard of many of the languages but was happy to know that tens of thousands of magazines were being sent to far - flung places . Teach it to the children . ” Rather , she acted in a way that in the end preserved her and her family . ​ — Josh . Indeed , recreation and entertainment fill an important need . Exalted creatures in the heavenly realm lift their voices in praise to Jehovah , “ the One who lives forever and ever . ” As long as Moses did that , Jehovah empowered the hands of the Israelites to fight successfully against the Amalekites . Even in his old age , we find him poring over the Scriptures . In fact , the rebellion of Judas the Galilean , mentioned earlier , was sparked by a registration to ensure that the people paid tribute to Rome . The genealogical lists by Matthew and Luke clearly establish that Jesus was the foretold Messiah . The article then explained : “ He must do this by telling the good news to the peoples of the earth , and by conforming himself to the ways of light . ” We know that every convention session has a precise time to start . He realized that if a mere tree is cut down , it might sprout again and be like a new plant . Consider the example of King Saul’s son Jonathan . He encouraged me to regain my spiritual strength and not to give up . ” Fernández ) , Apr . What trials have many refugees experienced ? “ Those who live according to the spirit , [ set their minds ] on the things of the spirit . ” ​ — ROM . IN SOME ways , sincere Bible students are like prospectors looking for gold . Hence such members could not willingly and conscientiously engage in the taking of the life of human beings . ” Macmillan , p . We could become so absorbed in the demands of our day - to - day life that we forget just how important the vindication of God’s sovereignty really is . It would occur “ during his presence . ” The sister added : “ In time , Tessie was baptized and later served as a regular pioneer , even while she still had young children . ” As we assist our children and other Bible students to take the essential steps , we should bear in mind that genuine discipleship includes baptism . Think of it : We know the Universal Sovereign . The first couple’s life was completely free from worries about food , work , sickness , and death . Instead , he chose to overstep his God - ordained boundaries by eating the forbidden fruit . Mairambubu comes from the Naryn Region of Kyrgyzstan . Consequently , how will a good friend react when a friendship is in danger ? MY INTEREST in Bible truth had already been aroused earlier . the way we view ourselves ? But most of all , Jehovah helped me . Beginning in the late 19th century , The Watch Tower drew attention to the prophetic significance of the cities of refuge . However , God’s time to bring about complete peace has not yet come . Her brother , Lazarus , had died . That was true in the first century , and it is true today . How should we treat someone who partakes of the Memorial emblems ? Moreover , their rebellion resulted in alienation from Jehovah because his “ eyes are too pure to look on what is evil . ” We can fight the works of the Devil by encouraging members of our family and of the congregation . How a Christian chooses to protect himself , his family , or his possessions is , of course , largely a personal matter , as is his choice of employment . We all agree that being part of the Christian congregation is a blessing . Cut back on your employment , and plan how to expand your ministry . ​ — w16.07 , p . * Even small gestures , like giving a brother a necktie , mean a lot . Do we value this message ? These serious consequences impressed on all Israelites the sanctity of human life . “ To the One sitting on the throne and to the Lamb be the blessing and the honor and the glory and the might forever . ” ​ — REV . 11 : 25 . When Ahab offered to purchase Naboth’s vineyard or to give him a better vineyard in its place , Naboth refused . How wonderful that Jehovah and Jesus are honored in this way by means of the annual Memorial observance ! Let us read and analyze the portion that is recorded at Matthew 6 : 25 - 34 . As a result , the majority of them do what feels right in their own eyes and make no effort to live up to God’s standards . He asked me to call Frederick Franz so that he too could come and listen to the reading . What can help us to have a balanced view of recreation ? Jesus urged his disciples to let their light shine to glorify God . Do you forgive fellow believers freely ? In answer , let us consider the example of Timothy . Army The study of God’s Word at our meetings and the kind and loving support that we give one another help us to keep our eyes focused on the prize . In dealing with Baasha , what led Asa to rely on humans ​ — Ben - hadad and himself — ​ instead of Jehovah ? In 1990 , our son Pavel , then 19 years old , wanted to pioneer on Sakhalin , an island north of Japan . Christian youths face many situations in which they need to show courage to serve Jehovah . Markin ) , May Imitate Jehovah’s Justice and Mercy , Nov . Am I living with reference to God by Christ Jesus ? ’ We’re not meant to understand it . ” Is your focus on the world’s problems or on God’s Kingdom ? Following direction . Ask them to pray for you . A haughty attitude surfaced in that he “ did not respond appreciatively to the good done to him . ” He just kept on offering the magazines to the crowd that had gathered . They were to keep the congregation of Israel clean and to help the unintentional manslayer to benefit from Jehovah’s mercy . Many ancient writers flattered their leaders and glorified their kingdoms . They traveled the islands by boat and bicycle , and they well remember their first cycling trip ​ — about 20 miles ( 32 km ) over steep hills , under the blazing sun . Yes , they considered anyone who had not studied at the rabbinic schools or who did not keep their traditions to be contemptible and ordinary . Because we could see one another , my family did not seem to be so far away . ” That , however , may not be as profitable as they imagine . He barely manages to find a seat in the packed auditorium . Yet , what happened when he was arrested ? ( See opening picture . ) ( b ) Why was it wise for a fugitive to approach the elders ? Like those faithful men , we want to show love , despite the challenges we face . What can you do if there is a language barrier in your family ? Unlike human counselors , he never gets tired of hearing our petitions , even when we ask for his help over and over . Their goal is to honor God by doing his will . We owe him our very life , for without him we would not even move or exist . How might Martha’s conviction have been strengthened by what Jesus had recently done ? Why is effort needed to develop and maintain spirituality ? Of the sons of Jacob ( Israel ) , his firstborn by Leah was Reuben . Consider : Job knew that he could not profess to love God and at the same time be unkind to his fellow man . In Tallinn , contrary to the doctors ’ prediction , Maria gave birth to a healthy son , Vitaly . After Armageddon , then , we may look where the wicked used to be , but we will not see them . The kings in the line of Judah had ruled these two tribes , and the priesthood was associated with them , for the priests served at the temple in Jerusalem . Ahab , his wife , and his sons would suffer the same fate as did Naboth and his sons . ​ — 1 Ki . Gloria ate inside the house but separate from the family , while I ate outside in the garage . The names of the towns are Hlybokyy Potik , Serednye Vodyane , and Nyzhnya Apsha . If we give ear to such teachings , we could drift away from Jehovah , and our love could grow cold . ​ — Heb . What qualities of God’s people become particularly evident in the aftermath of disasters ? We have been trained “ to reject ungodliness and worldly desires and to live with soundness of mind and righteousness and godly devotion amid this present system of things . ” Elders thus give such brothers an opportunity to observe firsthand the teaching , faith , patience , and love required of Christian overseers . Having the prospect of everlasting life . The Kingdom under Jesus Christ will perfectly reflect the personality of Jehovah God , who is a God of order . ( 2 ) How can we cultivate spirituality and keep growing as a spiritual person ? May all of us , young or old , keep on “ having plenty to do in the work of the Lord . ” ​ — 1 Cor . 3 : 5 , 6 ; 28 : 26 . Knowing this , Jehovah instructed Moses to reassure Joshua . How can such tribulation be kept to a minimum ? You can find practical suggestions regarding these problems in Benefit From Theocratic Ministry School Education , page 184 , in the box “ Overcoming Specific Problems . ” Surely this made you love Jehovah even more . Your mate’s present unwillingness to follow Christ is not in itself a valid reason for separation or divorce . The spirit of the world is unacceptable in a Christian home . Like the writer of Psalm 147 , do you not have many good reasons to cry out “ Praise Jah ! ” What lesson can we learn from these accounts ? Remember , he will never abandon us . ​ — Heb . In the fifth century B.C.E . , Nehemiah showed concern when he learned that some children among the Jews who had returned from Babylon could not speak the Hebrew language . 19 Throw All Your Anxiety on Jehovah Since Jesus said that the end will come “ at an hour that [ we ] do not think to be it , ” this is no time to doze off spiritually , no time to pursue the illusions and fantasies that Satan and his world offer and that our flesh craves . In the generations from Adam to the Flood of Noah’s day , only a few individuals are identified as worshippers of Jehovah . He will overlook my wrong deeds or actions . ’ Why ? Of course , Jesus ’ motive was to proclaim God’s message of truth , not to damage relationships . When individuals approach congregation elders for advice about marital problems , the elders do well to ask whether the couple have recently watched the video What Is True Love ? Yet , we should never allow such circumstances or feelings to convince us that Jehovah has left us . Likewise , we trust that if we seek first the Kingdom , Jehovah will make sure that we have what we need . ​ — Matt . He has provided both the Holy Scriptures and the holy spirit that supports his people . How did the Israelites show a lack of appreciation for the freedom that Jehovah gave them ? Although Brother Russell took the lead in presenting public talks at that time , he recognized that “ no man is indispensable , ” since “ this is not man’s work ; it’s God’s work . ” You have said : ‘ I will certainly deal well with you , and I will make your offspring like the grains of sand of the sea . ’ ” No doubt you would . He was over 80 years old when he came to his first meeting , and after that he never missed a meeting . 6 , 7 . ( a ) How does “ the love of God ” move Christians to act toward brothers in need ? What was Anna still doing at 84 years of age ? Boaz answered by giving further reassurance : “ A full report was made to me of all you have done for your mother - in - law [ the widow Naomi ] . . . When we are around our spiritual brothers and sisters , our manner of dress should help to make the congregation a haven of moral chastity . As older ones , we must guard against jealousy . One widow observed , “ I have found it more accurate to say that it is what one does with one’s time that helps one to heal . ” ( Read Matthew 18 : 35 . ) Nowadays , The Watchtower can be downloaded from the website or viewed on the JW Library app in many languages . Though Christian youths can and should receive guidance from their parents , youths themselves have important decisions to make . You might wonder : ‘ When Rehoboam did respond to divine correction , was he acting primarily under the influence of others rather than out of heartfelt repentance and a desire to please God ? ’ “ Therefore , ” to use Jesus ’ words , “ what God has yoked together , let no man put apart ” ​ — neither the husband nor the wife nor anyone else . Jehovah does not pick and choose the trials we face . On the most important night in human history , Jesus included the singing of songs after the institution of the Lord’s Evening Meal . ​ — Read Matthew 26 : 30 . For example , Walter and I were able to be present for the baptisms of 136 of our Bible students . Describe the situation that David faced . When you stop , the footsteps behind you also stop . How was one young brother helped during a time of distress ? Also , let the elders know that you are available to assist in any way , perhaps by cleaning the Kingdom Hall , substituting for a meeting part , or offering to give someone a ride to the meetings . What has led some to become presumptuous ? When we arrived in Florida in November 1962 , we were surprised to find that local sentiments about integration meant that black brothers held their meetings separately from white brothers and that they preached in separate areas . Notice that this tranquil state of affairs will prevail “ because the earth will certainly be filled with the knowledge of Jehovah . ” 28 : 1 , 2 , 6 , 11 , 12 ; 29 : 1 . I learned that a true follower of Jesus “ needs to be gentle toward all . ” ​ — 2 Tim . What helped the widow Anna to find joy ? He will make you firm , he will make you strong , he will firmly ground you . ” ​ — 1 Pet . If you failed to do so , it would be like “ striking the air , ” not fully opposing your enemy . Blessed is the one who comes in the name of Jehovah . ” ( a ) Why must the ministry be high on our list of priorities ? Think about the scene mentioned at the beginning of this article . “ From infancy you have known the holy writings , which are able to make you wise for salvation . ” ​ — 2 TIM . No doubt they long remembered the lesson ! Maria refused . Jesus contributed to the sanctification of the divine name . It can be useful for a child to know more than one language . Again , the principles in God’s Law must have helped Jephthah to make the right choice . Send me ! ’ ” Kevin , a father of two girls , aged five and eight , has taken measures to compensate for their lack of understanding at meetings held in a foreign language . People who love themselves excessively think more of themselves than it is necessary for them to think . We make mistakes every day . Rather , it is in the best interests of the work when younger ones are trained to handle responsibilities . They told him : “ Believe in the Lord Jesus , and you will get saved . ” ​ — Acts 16 : 25 - 34 . From the year 1919 onward , Jehovah first gradually reorganized and reunited the anointed , who were symbolically like the stick “ for Judah . ” The clergymen were not interested . Instead , if she finds an appropriate time to explain unpleasant things calmly , her husband will likely appreciate her honesty . What a day that will be ! Their life stories call to mind the words of the apostle Peter , who wrote : “ After you have suffered a little while , the God of all undeserved kindness . . . will himself finish your training . His comments touched my heart and helped me regain my spiritual balance . But from the cities of refuge , we also learn about Jehovah and how we may reflect his qualities . You can use common objects to build faith in God and in creation ( See paragraph 10 ) Why should we strive to have “ the mind of Christ ” ? Paula recalls how sad she felt at the age of five when her mother fell away from the truth . Wanting to change , he apologized to the brother with whom he had been arguing and then worked hard to control his temper . In a discussion with his apostles and other disciples , he said : “ If anyone wants to come after me , let him disown himself and pick up his torture stake and keep following me . ” ​ — Matt . What might such things be ? During the time that Joseph and the cupbearer were imprisoned together , the cupbearer had a dream , which Joseph interpreted . For example , consider a 14th - century theologian named John Wycliffe . I remember that he showed me the booklets Protection , Safety , and Uncovered in the Tagalog language , * as well as a Bible . ( b ) What admonition does Deuteronomy 6 : 5 - 7 give to parents ? Their work is supported by voluntary donations . We are also reminded of the importance of the preaching work in our day . The king desperately needed help to get back on track . Remember , “ children are not expected to save up for their parents , but the parents for their children . ” ​ — 2 Cor . Once bitterness overpowers a person’s heart , it can even impact the spirit of the congregation . The accounts mentioned above should give you something that Martha had . God’s people have long upheld his sovereignty . Imagine , the need for more teachers is so great that even Bible students are Bible teachers ! Hezekiah later became sick to the point of dying . 12 “ Weep With Those Who Weep ” What people want may vary considerably , depending on where they live . Franz with us too . In Romans chapters 6 and 8 , we find vital information related to our life as Christians . Abigail was married to Nabal , a wealthy man who pastured his large flocks in the mountainous region of southern Judah . How did she react ? Hence , new disciples must get baptized even if they previously were baptized in another religion . ​ — Read Acts 19 : 3 - 5 . Faithful men and women of old who died before Christ’s sacrificial death , as well as all those “ other sheep ” who die faithful during the last days , will be brought back to life to continue serving Jehovah . How did hope reinforce Noah’s faith ? Should I accept a certain job offer ? ’ ( b ) Of what was the need for discipline not an indication ? How sad ! Either action would distort justice . ​ — Ex . One important decision young ones must make involves their goals . Alisa When we face problems that seem too much for us to deal with , it may be easy to see the need to rely on Jehovah . 15 , 16 . ( a ) How does Jehovah feel if we keep on thinking about sexually immoral things ? Read Isaiah 40 : 28 . We will also see how Christian parents can make it more interesting for their children to develop faith in God and in his Word . Parents must not merely turn their children over to others for spiritual training . Who would not delight in taking an invigorating breath of fresh air , eating his favorite food , or awakening from a restful night of sleep ? How can your conscience serve as a moral compass ? These include its doctrines , philosophies , and harmful practices , such as committing immorality , using tobacco , and abusing alcohol and drugs . 1 , 2 . ( a ) How do many view spirituality ? And he remained faithful even when others disappointed him . Since we lived near Aspen , Colorado , we all took up skiing so that we could occasionally ski together . In what other ways do physical and spiritual individuals differ ? To avoid isolation , we need to spend time with others who fear God’s name and respect his standards . A youth might reason , ‘ Jehovah drew my parents , and I merely followed . ’ “ After reading it , they rejoiced over the encouragement . ” ​ — Acts 15 : 27 - 32 . Focusing on the personal duties of each marriage mate , Paul wrote : “ Let wives be in subjection to their husbands as to the Lord , because a husband is head of his wife just as the Christ is head of the congregation . ” Job had been dead for many centuries when Ezekiel recorded the words of our theme text . We can learn a lesson from ancient times about the importance of being watchful . Thus , the real purpose for which Jehovah , through Jesus , has freed us from the law of sin and of death is for us to live a life of dedication “ as slaves of God . ” Instead , Jehovah holds out his “ right hand of righteousness ” and grasps “ your right hand , ” as if to pull you out of a distressing circumstance in life . Read Isaiah 40 : 30 . Picture the scene : Charging forward “ from between two mountains . . . of copper ” come four chariots , likely fitted for battle . As Thomas knows , teaching takes patience . A widespread witness was given . These could well be described as “ old , ” in that we have known and appreciated them from the beginning of our Christian course . Klaus Jensen , the department overseer , asked me if I would be willing to accompany the driver who was taking cartons of literature by truck to the docks for shipping worldwide . The KGB ordered us to leave the city . Now is the time to uphold God’s sovereignty by our integrity , our service , and our earnest endeavors to imitate him in all we do . SONGS : 84 , 75 “ We quickly got to know the brothers , the pioneers , and the territory . ” Thankfully , there is an antidote to being poisoned by materialistic thinking : a healthy dose of God’s Word , the Bible , taken on a regular basis . Settle Differences in a Spirit of Love , May It also discusses how we can avoid becoming enslaved to the greedy commercial world and how we can serve Jehovah as fully as possible . * Moreover , if an attacker ​ — who may already be tense — ​ sees that the other person has a firearm , the situation is very likely to escalate and a death might result . In our ministry , can we draw attention to the Cause of this impressive order ? ​ — Rev . After all , dedication and baptism are the most important steps in a Christian’s life . ​ — See the box “ Have You Dedicated Yourself to Jehovah ? ” Later , the apostle Paul drew on the same solid reasoning when speaking to Jews in the city of Antioch in Pisidia . Jesus firmly rebuked them . We are not surprised when we have to endure harsh treatment from the world . ( See paragraphs 18 , 19 ) We were both ministerial servants , and we enjoyed working together . Why might you mistakenly conclude that you have been a victim of injustice or that someone else has been ? That was a couple of years before I was born . In addition , the branch had decided that the territory could support only about 200 pioneers , who worked in isolated territories rather than with congregations . But the family’s compassion did not stop there . Instead , may we “ trust in Jehovah with all [ our ] heart . ” ​ — Prov . Though young , they asked such questions as “ What will I do when I grow up ? ” A brother in India who has a coconut farm contributed a large number of coconuts to the Malayalam remote translation office , reasoning that since the office needs to buy coconuts , his supplying them directly will help his contribution to go further than it would if he gave cash . The second article teaches us how to remain modest even when we are under test . When Friendship Is in Danger , Mar . Winning the Battle for Your Mind , July May we continue to show our appreciation for this precious gift by using it in a way that honors God and by respecting the way that others choose to use their gift . A person who has wisdom is able to combine knowledge with understanding and put them to work in a practical way . People would have found it easier , where possible , to get a hot ember from their neighbors rather than try to start a fire on their own . 6 Endeavoring to Mirror Fine Examples ( T . ( a ) What did not prevent Nehemiah from rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem ? How is the truth found in the Bible like a Roman military belt ? ( b ) We look forward to what time ? Yet , he was mild and patient right up to his wrongful execution . This is the first article of a nine - part series that will consider each quality , or aspect , of the fruitage of the spirit . Would David’s wrong conduct have stumbled you ? By using our mind and heart to reason on Bible principles , we correct , direct , and mold our conscience . I knew that the consequences of my bad choices were not his fault and not Jehovah’s fault . Throw All Your Anxiety on Jehovah , Dec . Would loving Christian parents really want this world to shape their child’s view of success ? Could it be , however , that from God’s standpoint , there are things more precious than diamonds or other gemstones ? How can we imitate Paul ? So in addition to Bible knowledge , what is needed ? However , suppose she plans to go out in the field service on a certain day , but her unbelieving husband wants her to stay home . Those words are part of Moses ’ parting speech to the nation of Israel gathered on the plains of Moab in the year 1473 B.C.E . Yes , Jesus can help you to cope with distress , and he can fill your heart with hope and courage . ​ — Heb . I have never been this excited over Bible reading . ” Today , elders may give a warning talk about someone’s persisting in a course that reflects badly on the congregation , such as dating an unbeliever . What did Jephthah and Hannah vow , and how easy was it for them to pay their vow ? God’s Word , our primary tool for training , enables us to ‘ discipline in righteousness . ’ Much of the material in print and on our website is prepared with the non - Witness public in mind . The ransom arrangement opens the door for all those of Adam’s children who love righteousness eventually to become part of God’s family . Put another way , his knowledge was reinforced with conviction . Their efforts marked a real turning point , sparking a renewed interest in God’s Word among the people . We learned that Jehovah is our Creator and Life - Giver and that he has a purpose for mankind . Parents can instill in their children a healthy respect for the holy God whom they worship by setting the right example for their children and by giving loving and practical instruction . How can we show our appreciation for Jehovah’s Word ? ( b ) How can we meditate effectively ? After I talked to him a few times , he agreed with what I was saying . In April 1951 , the authorities began sending Witnesses from the western USSR to Siberia into exile . Brother Diehl went on to explain : “ I was not permitted to give talks . . . Hebrews 4 : 12 is often cited in our publications to show that the Bible has power to change lives , and it is perfectly proper to make that application . The Memorial , like no other meeting of God’s people , provides undeniable evidence of the unity of Jehovah’s Witnesses . And this time was no different . ( b ) How can we deal with praise we receive for what we have accomplished ? The Ethiopians outnumbered Asa’s army nearly 2 to 1 . How can we show that we loyally support Jehovah’s organization ? ( b ) What is the “ undeserved kindness ” that is mentioned at Romans 3 : 24 ? The disciple James appropriately wrote : “ If anyone does not stumble in word , he is a perfect man , able to bridle also his whole body . ” “ When anxieties overwhelmed me , you [ Jehovah ] comforted and soothed me . ” ​ — Ps . The lesson ? Then he took in his hands the fire and the knife , and the two of them walked on together . ” Today , there is a congregation with over 100 publishers in Tulun . IN THE preceding article , we learned how faithful Christians found themselves in a form of Babylonian captivity . Because she was skilled in her craft , such professionals as doctors and teachers ordered clothes from her . Yes , David made mistakes , but his life was characterized by love for Jehovah , devotion to true worship , and genuine repentance over his transgressions . ​ — 1 Ki . To those battling the effects of old age , health limitations , opposition from their family , loneliness , or the loss of a loved one . Modesty restrains us from acting dishonorably , and it promotes unity among Jehovah’s people . They then volunteered to help with the construction of world headquarters in Warwick , New York . Paul wrote to Timothy : “ You have closely followed my teaching , my course of life , my purpose , my faith , my patience , my love , my endurance . ” As a tree is removed from the ground , most of its roots are usually cut off to make it easier to transport . However , Jehovah gives parents the wisdom and the strength they need when they humbly entreat him in prayer and look to his Word and holy spirit for guidance . ​ — Read James 1 : 5 . What will help you to endure ? Organized in Harmony With God’s Own Book , Nov . But his armor hindered the edge of a sword or the point of an arrow from piercing his heart or other vital organs . We owe it to our holy God , to our spiritual brothers and sisters , as well as to the people in our territory to wear clothing that dignifies the message we bear and that brings glory to Jehovah . Getting there from our home involved a four - hour journey by train . I also worked harder on being more loving and reasonable toward them . Or is your current Kingdom Hall being renovated ? Read Matthew 28 : 19 , 20 . Jeremiah figuratively ate and digested God’s precious words by meditating on them . People are selfish , there is little natural affection , and encouragement is scarce . With Angela and Etta Huth In January 1981 when Mairambubu was in a bus on her way to a local market , she overheard the conversation mentioned earlier . This emphasis on love is not surprising , since the Bible tells us that “ God is love . ” Sadly , in time the nation misused its freedom of choice and broke that promise . Love moved God to offer us a precious gift ​ — the ransom sacrifice of his beloved Son . When you experience any kind of anxiety , the Bible’s wise advice is to “ throw your burden on Jehovah . ” The children impressed me the most . SONGS : 39 , 77 We read that Paul was “ intensely occupied with the word . ” Meditating on what happened to Jehoshaphat can help . True Christians refrain from such a distorted view of honoring humans . Jesus had given his followers a commission : “ You will be witnesses of me in Jerusalem , in all Judea and Samaria , and to the most distant part of the earth . ” After repeating what God had stated about a man leaving his father and his mother and sticking to his wife , Jesus said : “ What God has yoked together , let no man put apart . ” For one man in their midst , Charles T . 5 : 15 , 16 . Do not delay ​ — your everlasting future is at stake ! He simply recognized and accepted his changing circumstances and his limitations . In Sheffield , they rented a large house , to be overseen by a responsible brother . WORLDWIDE last year , thousands of men were appointed as elders and ministerial servants among Jehovah’s Witnesses . He is also concerned that we do not stumble others or disturb them by our decisions . Note this : The jailer had a change of heart and asked for help only after the earthquake struck . 35 : 33 , 34 . They desperately want children but remain childless . He has determined exactly when the end will come . For some time , we were also in district work and were able to meet brothers throughout the country . What reassurance does Jehovah next give the Jews , and how does his message affect them ? What are you determined to do ? As she would have encouraged us to do , we immersed ourselves in our new work . Sometimes they ask questions about it . ( See paragraphs 11 , 12 ) Those raised will have the prospect of growing to human perfection and never having to die again . To be sure , overseers who joyfully submit to God and to Christ , the head of the congregation , benefit both themselves and those under their care . ​ — Isa . People today are already “ not open to any agreement ” and “ headstrong , ” and they will become even more divided . This will help us to show fellow feeling , in harmony with the inspired counsel : “ If a member is glorified , all the other members rejoice with it . ” They were to alert the city’s inhabitants of any approaching danger . Do you not feel moved to join with myriads of heavenly creatures in proclaiming : “ The Lamb who was slaughtered is worthy to receive the power and riches and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and blessing . ” ​ — Rev . “ When Are We Going to Have Another Assembly ? ” “ At first , I found it difficult to be so far away from my family , ” says Diane , from Canada . When composing Psalm 13 , King David four times likewise asked : “ How long ? ” If so , what can help you to continue to endure with full confidence in Jehovah ? It is interesting , though , that a faithful servant of God , such as Elijah , Jesus , or Peter , was present on each of those occasions , during the time when Jehovah was performing miracles . Some have found it practical to collect and occasionally review certain scriptures and Watchtower or Awake ! In 1959 , I was arrested for printing Bible literature . 32 Do You Remember ? They had sinned to such an extent that Jehovah decided to execute judgment on them by having them taken into exile in Babylon . Jesus displayed a perfectly balanced view of pleasures . Balance is needed in determining what kind of honor should be rendered to other humans and to what extent . The apostle Paul showed why the resurrection is central to our faith : “ If , indeed , there is no resurrection of the dead , then Christ has not been raised up . ” Were the seemingly presumptuous actions of Abimelech and Peter motivated by sinful desires ? Angie and I were married in April 1958 , and we have enjoyed many privileges of service together . The people in Jesus ’ day were divided by political , social , and ethnic differences . Some who acted on their plans to serve Jehovah full - time are now at Bethel . has highlighted examples of the amazing design that we see in nature . Harry Peterson had outstanding zeal for the ministry How does God’s Word deepen our love for him ? 22 : 11 , 14 - 16 . Many of those were set out in the holy writings . Nonetheless , Toñi apologized again and told the woman that she understood the suffering she was experiencing . Time and again , individuals who seemed hopelessly lost found their way to the path of life by means of the Bible’s transforming power . What do we really pursue day in and day out ? This unnatural union of materialized angels and women produced violent hybrids known as Nephilim . We cannot be friends of God unless we are willing to forgive the shortcomings of others . ​ — Read Luke 11 : 4 ; Ephesians 4 : 32 . Two missionaries , Paul and Silas , are in prison ​ — the innermost part of the prison — ​ in the city of Philippi . ECCLESIASTES 7 : 16 In some undisclosed way , Job learned many of those precious truths . The brothers do all they can to preach the good news to the Wayuu people . The word “ hospitality ” in Greek literally means “ fondness for , or kindness to , strangers . ” We do not have the absolute freedom that Jehovah has . 4 : 2 ; Rom . The original Bible word translated “ uncleanness ” is a broad term that includes much more than sexual sins . the spirit of the world ? All the material on our websites is copyrighted . Obviously not . Clearly , he was the victim of injustice . So Joseph hesitated to confess his faith in Jesus openly . It is commendable when people provide for their families and strive to accomplish something worthwhile . It was a wonderful time . “ As a result , ” she confesses with shame , “ I had three abortions . ” Rather , he had the courage that Jehovah gives to his faithful servants . Many married and enjoyed family life , working to support themselves . ​ — Mark 6 : 3 ; 1 Thess . With prayerful consideration , the Governing Body strives to be faithful and discreet with regard to how the organization’s funds are used . How can we show even greater consideration toward foreigners or disadvantaged ones in our congregation ? Also , I was invited by a single sister who had served as a missionary in Japan for over 30 years to go on a witnessing trip to Japan for three months . The other sheep have a different hope . Soon , Bible truth began to transform our lives . 12 : 28 , 29 . The wife felt unevenly yoked spiritually . Louis and Perrine , a couple in their 30 ’ s , moved from France to Madagascar . The widow’s trust moved her to support the existing arrangement for true worship . However , those servants of God did not allow such normal aspects of life to become the center of their lives . “ Behold , the King reigns ! After foretelling that this present era would involve “ critical times hard to deal with , ” the apostle Paul was inspired to write : “ Wicked men and impostors will advance from bad to worse . ” The apostle Paul’s second letter to Timothy describes the characteristics of people who are alienated from God , characteristics that will become more pronounced in the days ahead . 83 : 18 . It is divine wisdom , which “ cannot be bought with pure gold . ” ​ — Job 28 : 12 , 15 . SONGS : 81 , 32 Sharing the good news with others can help us to cultivate humility and various aspects of the fruitage of God’s spirit . After relating his illustration of the vine , Jesus said that as Kingdom preachers , we will experience joy . Holy spirit can help us to resist temptation and to preach boldly . Australia has one of the lowest population densities in the world , and especially is the outback sparsely populated . I also liked to arrange the flowers in the church and dress the images of Mary and the “ saints . ” Within two months of its first issue , nearly half a million sample copies of The Golden Age had been placed , and the magazine had 50,000 subscribers . When Jephthah came back from the battle , the first person who came out to meet him was his beloved daughter , his only child ! That is practical wisdom . Are you one of them ? The meaning of words and expressions used in the Bible have changed over time . Explain how Elisha was involved in the third resurrection related in the Bible . After just five years of schooling , I too began working full - time on the kolkhoz . Yet , you may know of no specific Bible law that forbids it . Many religious groups feel that they are preaching the Gospel , or good news . Zeal for the ministry increased . ( b ) What must we do to enjoy the freedom that comes from Jehovah ? How did Abraham express confidence in Jehovah’s sense of justice ? How long would the foretold preaching work continue ? These include two neighbors who are combing the wool from literal sheep in that area . “ Airplanes look just like birds , ” they said . And Robert did . Whatever the problem may be , we do well to heed the words of the psalmist who said : “ Commit your way to Jehovah ; rely on him , and he will act in your behalf . ” ​ — Ps . Jehovah was not pleased . ​ — 1 Sam . News of faithfulness on the part of those we have helped in the past can be a real source of encouragement , as it was for the apostle John , who wrote : “ No greater joy do I have than this : that I should hear that my children go on walking in the truth . ” When speaking of “ the conclusion of the system of things , ” Jesus Christ urged his disciples : “ Keep looking , keep awake , for you do not know when the appointed time is . ” This shows that there were other things that Paul viewed as sins , and he was fighting against those wrongs too . For George and Adria , serving in Ghana allowed them to experience firsthand what it takes to be missionaries . Peter , whose name means “ A Piece of Rock , ” indeed lived up to his name , for he displayed rocklike qualities . The Bible’s description of faith is found at Hebrews 11 : 1 . “ The righteous one may fall seven times , and he will get up again , ” says Proverbs 24 : 16 . How we long to be with him when he is resurrected in God’s new world ! ​ — John 5 : 28 , 29 . Christian faith is the result of God’s holy spirit working on a receptive heart . The person’s comments often lead to a further discussion of the Bible . 5 , 6 . Jehovah is the God of truth . I later found out that because of Brother Franz ’ failing eyesight , Brother Knorr had been spending considerable time reading such material to him . I had no experience , so others willingly helped me learn . We should keep this in mind when we share in our witnessing work . The way you react to situations that have the potential for causing offense lies in your own hands . 3 Settle Differences in a Spirit of Love And that is what many pioneers did . Living in “ the Last Days ” ? No . 9 : 24 . Other youths of your age probably center their lives on having a good time , and they will likely invite you to join them . 11 : 1 ; Matt . 2 : 23 , ftn . That message also foretells the unification of God’s people that started to take place during the last days . We have not done that by striving to keep the Mosaic Law or to earn Jehovah’s approval by other works . This means that we worship only Jehovah and that we obey him with our whole heart . Am I praying , reading God’s Word , attending congregation meetings , and sharing in the ministry as often as possible ? In February of 2012 , I fell and broke my hip , and it became clear that I would need help . As Christians , we owe our primary loyalty to Jehovah God , not to our employer . Dolphins playfully swam alongside our boat , and all you could hear was the swish of our bow cutting through the water . Even though they often met in private homes , the modest surroundings for worship did not diminish their zeal for singing to Jehovah . 21 Called Out of Darkness I knew that adoption would not be exactly the same as giving birth to my own child . ” In like manner , our Creator has given us laws that can protect us from the damaging effects of sin and thus improve our life . As changes affect us personally , may we be humble , keeping an eye on Jehovah’s interests and not on our own . In his last words to his disciples before he returned to heaven , Jesus instructed them to be witnesses of him “ to the most distant part of the earth . ” Stay on the mountain and tend the flocks . ” For example , parents may ask elders in the congregation for suggestions on conducting family worship and for help in providing good association for their children . Jephthah had no son , and his only daughter would never be able to marry and bear him grandchildren . And how can we “ remember those who are taking the lead ” among us , especially those who make up “ the faithful and discreet slave ” ? ​ — Heb . Through Peter’s inspired words , Jehovah assures us that he will make his servants firm and strong . How would you feel if a close friend turned his back on you when you needed him most ? Still , he obediently went ahead in faith . 15 , 16 . ( a ) According to John 13 : 34 , 35 , what obligation do we have ? Among these hundreds of prisoners are Isaac , Negede , and Paulos , who have been in an Eritrean prison camp for over 20 years ! It is a solemn promise that you made to Jehovah to love him and to put his will above everything else . How does the honesty of Bible writers strengthen our faith in their writings ? That , in fact , was what Jehovah God did with his human creation right from the beginning . If the answer to one or both of these questions is no , perhaps there is someone else who might be in a better position to care for the assignment right now . Many circuit overseers have stated how encouraged they and their wives felt after receiving even a short note of gratitude for their visit to a congregation . Job wanted to please God in good times and in bad times . One aspect of having such peace is that we strive to be at peace with those in our family and those in the congregation . After his sacrificial death , Jesus was resurrected to heaven where he was given more work to do with authority “ far above every government and authority and power and lordship . ” 133 : 1 - 3 ; Matt . All of us need to defend our faith , control our emotions , reject harmful peer pressure , and avoid unwholesome associations and entertainment . 3 : 6 ; Jas . ( b ) How did Paul resolve matters , and what does this teach us about the rights of others ? The Israelites in the wilderness did not view Jehovah’s dealings with them in a spiritual way . However , Job temporarily lost the proper perspective . To clarify the expression “ spiritually - minded ” further , think of this comparison : An individual who is skillful in commercial affairs is said to be business - minded . He wants us to seek material benefits first ​ — to have it all and have it now . Satan urges us to seek the Kingdom second . ​ — Matt . All of them are initially out of their element to some extent ​ — in a new community , new congregation , perhaps even a new language or culture . View life as Jehovah views it , and “ no bloodguilt will come upon you . ” But when trials do arise in our life , we can be certain of this : If we fully trust in Jehovah , he will never allow our trials to go beyond the limit of human endurance ; he will always make a way out so that we can endure them . With violence and sexual perversion rampant all around him , Noah could have become discouraged . Today , we too may be asked to make donations for a specific purpose . William , a respected elder for over 20 years , advises newly appointed men : “ Love the brothers . Is the claim of unbelievers that there is no Creator based on logical reasoning ? No , for he might well have known that his daughter could be the one who would come out of his house to meet him . If a visitor is not already being cared for , could you invite him to sit with you ? Granted , many people do not listen to us , but they do observe us . How can modesty help us to avoid becoming self - reliant ? After all , Paul urged Christians to imitate the faith of those taking the lead among them . Meanwhile , may we do our utmost to be in attendance , and may we treasure the pleasant unity experienced at the Memorial . Perhaps there is in your congregation a brother whose speech and actions irritate you . Young people in the congregation deserve warm commendation for the way they meet these challenges and for being determined to focus their lives on serving Jehovah . How , though , does God discipline us ? Jesus gave this simple rule for combating propaganda : “ Know the truth , and the truth will set you free . ” As I was to be without a partner , I was sent back to Hemsworth as a special pioneer . Life can be like that journey . Discerning the grave consequences of the hasty action being planned , Abigail courageously intervened . However , more is involved than simply acquiring head knowledge . Instead , I opened my own business . 1 , 2 . ( a ) Why are the words of Deuteronomy 6 : 4 well - known ? At Revelation 4 : 11 , Christ’s 144,000 heavenly corulers are depicted in a vision , saying : “ You are worthy , Jehovah our God , to receive the glory and the honor and the power , because you created all things , and because of your will they came into existence and were created . ” Nadine and Didier Jesus was resurrected to be “ the chief cornerstone ” ( See paragraphs 8 , 9 ) Under the Mosaic Law , for example , there were “ women who were organized to serve at the entrance of the tent of meeting . ” The winegrower replied : ‘ Did you not agree to the wage I offered ? It can cause a problem to get out of control , making the problem worse . Reflect briefly on how the fruitage of the spirit will help you . 8 Imitate Jehovah’s Compassion He does not change . Yes , they contributed to Jesus ’ being killed . Like well - trained soldiers , they have “ put on the complete suit of armor from God . ” ​ — Read Ephesians 6 : 10 - 12 . 3 : 6 . My family was Catholic , and we were very religious . So have faith in Jehovah’s discipline and direction . Remember , she feared that being a need - greater would be beyond her abilities . As we discuss these questions , we will also consider the lessons we can learn . Abraham was happy to wait , even though he did not see the complete fulfillment of the promise in his day . My husband , Bienvenido , who had been a policeman , got baptized in 1979 , and my mother began to study the Bible not long before she died . Why could Abraham express confidence that Jehovah would always render a righteous judgment ? But it is definitely worth our effort to put into practice what the Bible indicates about rendering honor . In addition , Nicholas and his wife , Deborah , help with sign - language translation in the Britain branch while Steven and his wife , Shannan , are part of the sign - language translation team in the United States branch . They declare : “ You are worthy , Jehovah our God , to receive the glory and the honor and the power , because you created all things , and because of your will they came into existence and were created . ” ​ — Rev . However , when I was about 12 , I became a Kingdom publisher and regularly shared in the field ministry from then on . In a short time , Job lost his servants , his means of livelihood , and his ten beloved children . Samuelson ) , Mar . Leaving Things Behind to Follow the Master ( F . If you have a disfellowshipped child , will you “ trust in Jehovah with all your heart [ and ] not rely on your own understanding ” ? Keep asking for the spirit , and Jehovah will help you to redirect your mental attitude to focus on proper things . The article provided a number of suggestions and included a box that could be cut out and kept in the Bible for reference . Two pioneers in Amsterdam share the Kingdom message with a passerby How has this brother coped ? May we likewise continue to find joy and satisfaction in giving back to Jehovah what has come to us from his own hand . The second article considers several qualities that are part of the new personality and explains how we can demonstrate these in our life and ministry . They help us to understand that our ability to bear fruit does not depend on the response of the people in our territory . Some hesitate to extend a greeting out of shyness or low self - worth . What should guide our decisions ? As the early Christian congregation grew , however , a situation that apparently involved discrimination arose . How far should we be willing to go to maintain peace with our brothers ? Will you let their mistakes stumble you , so that you abandon Jehovah and his people , including those in the local congregation ? They will sense your trust in Jehovah . The Japanese occupation ended in 1945 . Did that occasion not leave you with warm memories ? What made Timothy such an outstanding elder ? This service has enriched my life . ” Is there any indication , however , that a resurrection could take place long after it was promised ? I knew that we are an international brotherhood ; I had read it many times in our literature . Though 80 years of age at the time , she gladly accepted the invitation . “ Token ” and “ seal ” that anointed receive , Apr . During a witnessing campaign in unassigned territory , we traveled by train to a town in the mountains and rented a room in a boardinghouse . Those decisions will reveal that we strive to be followers of Christ . For Jehovah is a God of justice . They watch for intrusions into their territory and for enemies who pose a threat to national security . Another Bit of Evidence ( Tattenai existed ) , No . 3 That prisoner was the former chief cupbearer of the king . As the steward “ in charge of the house ” ​ — presumably that of Hezekiah — ​ Shebna had considerable authority . For example , in preparation for service at the temple , King David organized 4,000 Levites to provide music of praise . We are told : “ Yet , he [ Jehovah ] did not give him [ Abraham ] any inheritance in it , no , not even enough to put his foot on ; but he promised to give it to him as a possession and after him to his offspring , though as yet he had no child . ” Job’s experience also highlights our need to show compassion to fellow Christians who may be enduring hardships . A matter should be referred to the elders only when repeated efforts to help the wrongdoer have failed . In each case , he works hard to meet the qualifications needed to care for added responsibility in the congregation . They encouraged him to persevere and to rely on holy spirit to help him become a good spiritual head . Jesus was teaching Martha a valuable lesson . How did Ribeiro overcome his addiction to pornography ? ( Read Jeremiah 18 : 6 . ) What does the ransom make possible ? Your kind words and deeds may well attract a neighbor to the truth . We are fully confident that he will give us all that he has promised . ​ — Rom . His explanation of Bible passages influenced Martin Luther , William Tyndale , and John Calvin . ​ — wp16.6 , pp . He grew up in Alaotra Mangoro , a fertile region in eastern Madagascar . New pioneers flooded into the field in Britain Because they thin the lining of the uterus , hormone - containing IUDs are sometimes prescribed for married or unmarried women to control very heavy menstruation . This proved especially important in recent history when the nations engaged in deadly wars on a shocking scale . But does that mean that such ones are beyond help ? What can man do to me ? ’ ” ​ — Heb . How those words must have strengthened Jesus throughout his earthly ministry ! These advise against the use of carnal weapons , such as handguns , rifles , or other firearms , for protection against other humans . How , though , did the Israelites handle cases of accidental bloodshed ? Jehovah urges you to plan wisely for your future . Yet , from 1947 to 1958 , it hosted more than 100,000 prisoners , including active and suspected communists , former resistance fighters , and scores of faithful Witnesses of Jehovah . As a result of that hearing , in the late summer of 1954 , the board recognized me as a minister . In the face of what to the Jews might have seemed overwhelming obstacles , Jehovah responded to Nehemiah’s sincere plea for help . MEMORIAL ATTENDANCE ( 2016 ) When we meet them , they may want to listen to our message of hope for the first time in their life . Repeatedly during the time of the Judges , the Israelites chose unwisely . When the disciples heard that Peter was in the area , they urged him to come at once . Jim recalled : “ Everyone worked to make it a success . ” We can continue to cultivate our God - given abilities and expand in doing good works . This means that we need to examine our heart constantly to see if it is being enticed by worldly entertainment , associations , and styles of dress and grooming . We learn to put others first . It gives me much joy to know that today there are six congregations in Armavir and four in Kurganinsk . Many get baptized at a young age , and they go on to be faithful to Jehovah . In conclusion , the adjusted wording in Psalm 144 does not change our understanding of Bible teachings . Indeed , he knew of Jesus ’ death before Pilate did . How happy you will feel when your Leader , Jesus , says : “ To the extent that you did it to one of the least of these my brothers , you did it to me . ” ​ — Matt . So by means of this prophecy , we are allowed to see behind the scenes , as it were , into the heavenly realm itself . ( See paragraphs 10 , 11 ) ( See opening picture . ) ( b ) According to Colossians 3 : 5 - 9 , what practices belong to the old personality ? ( b ) What opportunity presented itself while Joseph was in prison ? Jephthah’s daughter sacrificed her natural desires for a husband and children in order to serve Jehovah They have since helped with a branch construction project in Micronesia . This confidence helps us to have faith in him . Gagik’s example well illustrates that . Judges chapters 4 and 5 indicate how Jehovah appreciates it when we willingly rally to carry out his clear direction . They were determined to make Jehovah happy . ​ — 1 Samuel 1 : 20 - 28 ; 2 : 26 . Some young brothers in Bethel service have a part in printing and binding Bibles and Bible literature . He promised Abraham a son , but the patriarch had to exercise faith and patience . Jehovah Provides Comfort in All Our Trials , June He even removed his grandmother Maacah from the position of “ queen mother , because she had made an obscene idol . ” Jehovah will help you . ​ — Read 1 Peter 5 : 10 . How can Christian parents teach their children Bible truth in a religiously divided household ? Do you remember the propaganda used by the Assyrian envoy , the Rabshakeh , against God’s people ? Joseph gave that advice to his brothers who were returning to their father . These men valued their God - given assignments . In the first article , look for ways that sinners can take refuge in Jehovah today . It became one of the most popular English Bibles , and it would come to have a significant impact on the English language . Cultivate Self - Control , Sept . Does Stephen accept the credit for this ? Will we learn from Jephthah’s example ? The Bible encourages faithful ones : “ Go , eat your food with rejoicing , and drink your wine with a cheerful heart . ” ​ — Eccl . Christians firmly believe Jesus ’ promise of a coming resurrection . His real reason for not being at work is so that he can get a head start on a trip or so that he can take his family to the beach . Like David , Jehovah’s people today strive to show humility . But how did Psalm 118 point to a resurrection that would occur many years in the future ? “ Your words were found , and I ate them ; and your word became to me the exultation and the rejoicing of my heart , for your name has been called on me , O Jehovah God of armies . ” Moreover , he raised us up together and seated us together in the heavenly places in union with Christ Jesus , so that in the coming systems of things he might demonstrate the surpassing riches of his undeserved kindness in his graciousness toward us in union with Christ Jesus . ” ​ — Eph . We had to make many trips to the post office to pick up the boxes of magazines and carry them to our accommodations . The apostle Peter was a well - known elder in the Christian congregation . Indeed , when those brothers in Philippi read Paul’s letter , they knew that these were not the words of an academic who was sitting somewhere in an office . On the other hand , if you are not moving , how might you make the change easier for newcomers ? Her husband , Vladimir , and their three sons all serve as elders . Similarly , a steady diet of recreation and entertainment will weaken our spiritual health . My father was very involved in Nazi activities and was the chauffeur for the leader of a local branch of that party . ( a ) Why do fleshly - minded people have difficulty cultivating a balanced view of material things ? How can you prepare to earn a living ? How can all in the congregation directly share in worshipping Jehovah ? Are you willing to accept this challenge , even giving up some of what is commonly viewed as free time ? Another problem in Corinth had to be addressed . Some 15 chapters of the book of Genesis are devoted to the account about Abraham . 1 : 13 ; 1 Pet . Because of their hard - heartedness and lack of faith , that generation perished in the wilderness . Third , fellow Christians who serve Jehovah loyally despite opposition need to be acknowledged and warmly commended for their faithful course . Giving also makes us happy , for “ there is more happiness in giving than there is in receiving . ” Jehovah alone has absolute freedom , but the way he uses it sets a pattern for us . We could ask ourselves : ‘ Will my choice of entertainment make me seem hypocritical ? King Zedekiah owed it to Jehovah to live up to the oath that he had sworn in God’s name . “ I believed that my tribe was superior to all others , and I joined a political party , ” he says . Also , as a result of having true joy , we will reject a materialistic way of life and will instead seek to make greater personal sacrifices in behalf of God’s Kingdom . How do the benefits greatly outweigh the costs ? What will help us to examine the depth of our love for Christ ? Consider two examples : He was to write on one stick , “ For Judah and for the people of Israel who are with him , ” and on the other one , “ For Joseph , the stick of Ephraim , and all the house of Israel who are with him . ” But what of those individuals who refuse to change , who continue to support this system right up to the time of the great tribulation ? When those tests ended , Joseph qualified for a special assignment . The fact is , young ones can win , and they are winning ! Would it not , then , be good for us to greet others irrespective of their race , culture , or background ? 44 : 22 . This 1468 copy of the Digest by Emperor Justinian is one of many records that provide details about legal issues in ancient times As in Zechariah’s day , Jehovah of armies still uses his angels to protect and strengthen his people . ( a ) How did Asa respond when the Ethiopians were threatening Judah ? Until his death last year , he belonged to the sign - language congregation in Laval , Quebec . Thereafter , my uncle Nick took me and my siblings into his care . For with the heart one exercises faith for righteousness , but with the mouth one makes public declaration for salvation . ” ​ — Rom . It is for Jehovah . ” ​ — 2 Cor . In time , though , she became convinced that God loved her . The core problem is that in imperfect humans , “ the heart is more treacherous than anything else and is desperate . ” Those who habitually view pornography nurture “ uncontrolled sexual passion , ” which may result in their becoming addicted to sex . By 1963 there were about 160 Witnesses in Kyrgyzstan , many of them originally from Germany , Ukraine , and Russia . Then my mother was diagnosed with cancer . Rather , prayer is real communication with our Creator . Responding to a question about the greatest commandment , he said : “ ‘ You must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind . ’ Whatever our place right now , walking with Jehovah is in itself a wonderful and matchless privilege . Include a letter indicating that the cash or the item is an outright donation . He took care of his disciples and considered their needs . They cannot recall ever seeing him angry . Such wisdom will move us to respond mildly when provoked and will draw us ever closer to the Source of infinite wisdom , Jehovah . In today’s world , righteous people are greatly outnumbered by the wicked . They will be happy and in vibrant health . In fact , this faithful couple are busy preaching the Kingdom message there six mornings a week , year - round . “ In II Samuel there was apparently reluctance to use the name Eshba’al , which was reminiscent of the Canaanite storm god Ba’al , ” explain researchers , “ but the original name . . . was preserved in the Book of Chronicles . ʺ Setting our minds on the spirit involves our doing what ? In spite of these and other challenges , however , the Bible Students as a whole did their best to keep the work going . Some of our brothers have already been affected by sudden political changes in their country . Referring to statements made by a Witness , the author continues : “ When they encounter hunger , loneliness , and ill health , they try to help , . . . but they never forget that their primary task is delivering a spiritual message about the coming end of the world and the necessity for salvation . ” Even at 12 years of age , Jesus asked serious questions . As Rose studied the Bible , however , she discerned the excelling value of the truth about God’s Kingdom . Tender affection ( Greek , phi·liʹa ) is needed in a marriage . That set off a chain of events that was hard to believe . The Hebrew wording allows for both renderings . Those “ 400 years ” of affliction evidently began in 1913 B.C.E . when Ishmael mocked Isaac at the time of his being weaned , and they ended when the Israelites made their exodus out of Egypt in 1513 B.C.E . In 2014 , Stephanie married Aaron , and today they serve at the Ghana branch office . Years later , in 1972 , when Maxine and I were visiting Brooklyn Bethel , a sister who had just graduated from Gilead School approached us . If so , keep doing all you can to be with your brothers at the meetings , even when it is difficult . Yet , we realize that it does not take anything extraordinary to make a person spiritually drowsy ​ — the ordinary things of life will do that if allowed to crowd out our spiritual activities . When we are under stress or provocation , it is a real challenge to remain mild - tempered . So Job could have taken a second wife had he wanted to . About one year later , Victor Vinter moved to Sokuluk . “ My hatred for white people grew as I focused on the injustice that was inflicted on the Aboriginal people ​ — past and present , ” explains a sister who is now a pioneer in Australia . In a single season , hardworking prospectors may find in such deposits several pounds of gold , worth tens of thousands of dollars . 22 : 22 . Then , from about nine o’clock , I worked in the laundry , ironing clothes . He has high standards , and we happily strive to reflect those standards . An aspect of that fruitage is love . These two articles will consider those questions . The clergy of Christendom are not preaching God’s Kingdom . Abraham , a man of faith in ancient times , obediently left prosperous Ur in order to live in tents and pursue his friendship with Jehovah . “ BEING a spiritual person has made me happier , and it has helped me deal successfully with daily trials , ” says a sister in Canada . Earlier in his sermon , Jesus taught his audience to petition their heavenly Father for their physical needs , saying that they could pray : “ Give us today our bread for this day . ” He kept leaning on “ the God of all comfort , who comforts us in all our trials . ” Because Timothy applied what he learned , he qualified for greater responsibility . ​ — 1 Cor . You have broken my heart . ” IF YOU were asked , ‘ What are the key teachings of your faith ? ’ what would you say ? It involves a person’s viewpoint , disposition , and heart condition . They trust that like the father in the parable of the prodigal son , Jehovah is ever on the lookout to welcome back sinners who repent . True Christians avoid both lying to and slandering others . SONGS : 59 , 3 Such people will always want more money , and striving to amass it , they will bring on themselves “ many pains . ” ​ — 1 Tim . Now if mere men can fool us with their propaganda , what might Satan be able to do ? Similarly , we should strive to nourish our heart with spiritual food that fills our personal needs . We draw closer to Jehovah by putting our trust in him and not trying to indulge every whim or to buy every thing the world offers , even if we can afford it . By contrast , Jehovah is “ the God of truth . ” Jesus set the standard in balancing secular interests and spiritual matters . Second , those who join Satan receive only limited benefits . 12 : 9 , 10 . Your reading of the Word of God may move you to take action that will increase your happiness and strengthen your friendship with God as well as spur you on to help others to search for God . After beginning to use their new Kingdom Hall , the members of one congregation in Honduras wrote : “ We feel truly happy to be part of Jehovah’s universal family and to enjoy our wonderful worldwide brotherhood , both of which helped to make our dream of having a Kingdom Hall in our community a reality . ” What lesson can we draw from Jesus ’ illustrations of the vine and of the sower ? I worked in the convent hospital . The question that each of us should consider is , ‘ Can I use my freedom to give greater support to the Kingdom work ? ’ How do we keep secular work in its proper place ? Several of us walked about five miles ( 8 km ) to get to the meeting in the home of the Cruz family . 14 : 20 . The last of Zechariah’s eight visions may perhaps be the most faith - strengthening . One way he offers help is by giving us the hope that he will soon put an end to all wickedness throughout the whole earth . Why can we say that the Israelites were well - organized ? That would be part of showing them honor and love . What can help us to prevent that from happening ? I returned from the convention determined to take my stand for my faith in school . Still others may even try to go from door to door , but what are they preaching ? How can we grow spiritually ? We can view discipline as preparing us for what ? Usually , a couple’s joy over their prospective child is tinged with some apprehension about medical issues that may arise during the pregnancy or later . They use the tract How Do You View the Bible ? When he was being executed on the torture stake , he was humiliated and in a lot of pain . Second , we supplicate Jehovah in prayer to open the heart of sincere ones . The men wear the handwoven cotton shawls typical of the area Time and again , he suffered relapses . It would also vindicate opposers who mockingly ask : “ Where is this promised presence of his ? What truth does Ida’s experience highlight ? Christians strive to be exemplary . Why , during the 2015 service year , 8,220,105 Kingdom publishers have been active in the world field ! In 1939 , my oldest surviving sister , Marion , married Bill Danylchuck , and they took my sister Frances and me into their care . How do these limitations affect the way we use our free will ? Soon , all four became pioneers . What two factors contributed to a slight loosening of the grip of Babylon the Great on the people ? Recall the beautiful words of King David in describing the unique and lofty position that Jehovah alone occupies . He wrote to the persecuted Christians in Thessalonica : “ Having tender affection for you , we were determined to impart to you , not only the good news of God but also our very selves , because you became so beloved to us . ” ​ — 1 Thess . But if we give it due attention , our faith will stay alive and keep “ growing , ” and we will be “ healthy in faith . ” ​ — 2 Thess . Nonetheless , many seize the opportunity to volunteer in theocratic construction projects around the world . What is the Christian’s position on the use of violence ? We must completely abandon the sinful course , fleeing not only from serious sin but also from the lesser sins that often lead to gross wrongdoing . THOUSANDS of Bible students make their dedication to Jehovah and get baptized . Thoughts , including those that are emotionally charged , can lead to words and actions we may later regret . I have received letters from friends in Ireland , Britain , and even the United States . 18 Jehovah Leads His People ( b ) What have been the results of such struggles ? Jesus Christ said that his heavenly Father draws people to himself through His Son . Oh , how wonderful it felt to be there ! ” ​ — George , 58 years old . Consider how Jesus dealt with his apostles ’ shortcomings , especially their inclination to argue among themselves over position . Think of good qualities that you have cultivated in the ministry . “ The last days , ” wrote the apostle Paul , would bring “ critical times hard to deal with . ” To do so , the truth had to overcome a powerful ideology . Why ? Perhaps Satan tempted the disloyal angels not only with the opportunity for immoral sex but also with the promise of seizing power over mankind . Concerning this love , the apostle Paul wrote : “ Each one of you must love his wife as he does himself ; on the other hand , the wife should have deep respect for her husband . ” ​ — Eph . However , Paul would not be dissuaded . How might we provide consolation if we find it difficult to do so in person ? Henri , a young brother , was greatly distressed when his close relatives , including his father , who had been a respected elder , left the truth . Paul and Silas were able to give a fine witness to the jailer and his family . By 2015 , the number of people displaced from their homes by war or persecution had grown to some 65 million . Had Christ not been resurrected , he would not be our ruling King , and our teaching about Christ’s rule would be in vain . They chose you to receive this shepherding visit . ” So why should we feel superior to anyone else ? Also , he attempts to bully them into submission . We happily do these necessary things without any feeling of constraint or burden . If you feel unprepared to discuss evolution or creation , you can try using the basic reasoning that Paul used . As another example , think about a servant of Jehovah who is somewhat reluctant to follow Bible standards , perhaps regarding associations , disfellowshipping , or entertainment . Jehovah has access to unlimited resources that can sustain his earthly creation . Our yeartext for 2018 : “ Those hoping in Jehovah will regain power . ” ​ — ISA . Yet , despite all of this , modest Hannah kept herself restrained and was respectful in her response to Eli . That lesson no doubt made a deep impression on Paul , as evidenced by what he later wrote to the brothers in Philippi about anxiety and the peace of God . Indeed , many of the problems that people face today stem from a lack of self - control . Satan tries to bait us with immorality , unhealthy pride , and the occult ( See paragraphs 12 , 13 ) ( Read Psalm 32 : 8 . ) 16 : 3 , 4 . [ 1 ] ( paragraph 1 ) Jesus was speaking about the government when he mentioned Caesar . As we do , take note of what some young ones have to say about the challenges and the benefits of wearing each piece of spiritual armor . To maintain our deep joy and firm hope , we want to keep clearly in mind the comforting promise of Jehovah : “ Look ! He just let me go and never called me in again . ” That is why we need to read the Scriptures with an open mind . We cannot go to the point of disobeying God or violating our Christian neutrality . ​ — Read 1 Peter 2 : 13 - 17 . Nineteen - year - old Ida struggles with feelings of unworthiness . What traits could harden our heart ? About that time , my mother moved to London and accepted a Bible study from John E . The word “ one ” in Hebrew and many other languages can mean much more than a simple number . ( b ) How can we imitate the way Asa depended on God ? For example , are you struggling with a weakness that you would like to overcome but you keep making the same mistake ? “ I was one of 17 children . Or is there something else that distresses you ? Of course , you too likely look forward to going to the meetings . But later he realized that he needed the firm counsel and that it was an expression of Jehovah’s love . By availing ourselves of Jehovah’s arrangements , we show that we trust in his promise to heal and forgive us . Fruitful study is more like an expedition on which you can explore and discover new aspects of Jehovah’s personality . A brother named Daniel , for example , committed a serious sin , but for several months he hesitated to approach the elders . As to the connection between obedience and love , Jesus earlier said to his apostles : “ Whoever has my commandments and observes them is the one who loves me . ” We were like “ slaves to uncleanness and lawlessness . ” It can also signify kinship . Employees who are unwilling to make such sacrifices for their company risk losing their jobs . He inspired Paul to write : “ I . . . appeal to you to walk worthily of the calling with which you were called , with all humility and mildness , with patience , putting up with one another in love , earnestly endeavoring to maintain the oneness of the spirit in the uniting bond of peace . ” Just as a helmet protects a soldier’s brain , our “ hope of salvation ” protects our mind , our thinking ability . The next year , we were blessed with a daughter , Jane , the first of our five children . Humility is required of all true worshippers and brings great rewards . However , would we feel safe traveling on highways where there were no traffic laws , where everyone was free to decide how fast or on which side of the road to drive ? Janet and I continue to serve together at the Philippines branch office in Quezon City . As for me , after my release , I returned to my family at Karítsa . This was a big contrast to other weddings we had attended , where guests often got drunk , behaved badly , and used foul language . She will not scold the sister about her choice of clothing , but she may be able to encourage the younger one to consider how her choice of clothing may affect others . When we apply such lessons from God’s Word , we experience greater peace in our lives . ​ — Prov . The child could use a ball or a stone to illustrate the point by showing that objects with mass have to rest on something . Jehovah has assigned parents ​ — not grandparents or anyone else — ​ the privilege of raising their children in the truth . It gives me complete confidence that Jehovah is directing his organization and that his purposes will be accomplished . ” All that has been accomplished for true worship in these last days is tangible evidence of Jehovah’s blessing and Christ’s leadership . Parents might help their children to develop self - control and wisdom in regard to romantic relationships by discussing the topic during family worship , using the Bible passages just mentioned . What will Jehovah do about distressful conditions ? Peter’s inspired letters have continued to be a source of encouragement to Christians throughout the ages and up to this day . Nearly everyone enjoys sharing his experiences in life . How can we be certain that Jehovah values our loyal support ? Why is Jehovah the rightful Sovereign of the universe ? The same is true with regard to his ability to raise the dead and prevent natural disasters . Circuit overseers often need lodging when they visit the congregations . Before his death , he generously distributed gifts among his many sons , evidently to discourage any revolt against their brother Abijah , his successor . We , however , receive much of that education now . If he is unrepentant , the wrongdoer would be disfellowshipped in order to maintain the spiritual purity of the congregation . And when refugees show gratitude , never demanding anything , they help their hosts to experience the joy of giving . You may be sent to prison or punished in some other way because of being loyal to Jehovah . If possible , offer them rides to meetings . That is true of many who do not worship Jehovah , but among his name worshippers , peace and unity should prevail . As this system nears its end , we can expect the pressures of life to increase . This , along with prayer , built him up and strengthened him spiritually . Further , we need to control what we think about and talk about . ​ — Eph . 5 : 3 - 5 . ( b ) Why do some children resist learning their parents ’ language ? An angry reaction can make an unpleasant situation worse because it adds fuel to the fire . We should likewise strive to cultivate a godly view of life . What aspect of the resurrection will we first address ? ( b ) Can even those who have modest dwellings assist ? That includes talking about any uncertainties , or doubts , they may have . ( a ) In what way is your dedication to Jehovah unconditional ? Conviction does not come about overnight ; nor does it pass from you to your offspring simply because you have been persuaded to believe . If the Watchtower Library or Watchtower ONLINE LIBRARY is available in his language , you can show him how to use it to answer Bible questions . After listening sympathetically , the overseer shared Scriptural observations , and the two brothers parted on good terms . And that undeserved kindness has resulted in good for all mankind . What are some of them ? “ No Road Too Rough or Too Long ” ( Australia ) , Feb . If so , begin taking practical steps now toward reaching that goal . Others may not have said these exact words , but they still made a vow before God . Jehovah hates the sacrificing of humans , so we know that Jephthah was not going to make a literal sacrifice . ( b ) How can the apostle Peter’s example and counsel help us ? Inns had terrible reputations , offered bad service , and were dens of immoral conduct . You may recall that advice Jesus gave in the Sermon on the Mount . He immediately sought spiritual help , but he no longer qualified to be a pioneer or a ministerial servant . A great blessing that comes to us through Jehovah’s undeserved kindness is comfort for a distressed heart . It provides a measure of protection . On the social or political level , many resort to protests , demonstrations , revolts , even revolutions . Jehovah’s slave girl ! Public employees perform services for which they are paid by the government , and they neither ask for nor expect to receive anything in addition to their normal wages . In you I hope all day long . ” This foolish act exposed “ all that was in [ Hezekiah’s ] heart . ” Nonetheless , he confessed that he was still guilty of sin . Asa relied on Jehovah when a million Ethiopians came against Judah ; yet , he failed to do so when Baasha the king of Israel began to fortify Ramah , a city bordering Asa’s domain . Brothers were being put out of their accommodations and facing mob violence instigated by the priests . Besides , being dipped in the river does not make you a preacher . ” Their first son , Cain , married one of his female relatives . What will help us to endure ? If so , what additional qualities will help you to remain like soft and malleable clay before Jehovah ? We drank putrid water and ate mostly lentils and eggplants . How did Psalm 16 : 10 find fulfillment ? Federico recalls : “ I could see that Antonio felt my pain . Let us contrast godly love with the love described at 2 Timothy 3 : 2 - 4 . Tony and Wendy wanted to offer it rent - free to full - time pioneers . These loyal shepherds within God’s organization are guided by “ wholesome , ” or “ healthful ; beneficial , ” instruction found in God’s own Book . Yet , a decade later , Paul could tell the congregation in Philippi : “ I am hoping in the Lord Jesus to send Timothy to you shortly . . . WHEN Corinna was 17 years old , her mother was arrested and sent far away to a labor camp . In the first of these two articles , we will see what spirituality is and what we can learn from exemplary spiritual people . Be not content with one flower of truth . . . . Perhaps you have seen some youths get baptized but later question the wisdom of living by God’s standards . Are you wrestling for God’s blessing ? 1 , 2 . ( a ) Why are young Christians winning the fight against wicked spirit forces ? In 1942 , the Karítsa Congregation had nine young men and women between the ages of 15 and 25 . We stand at the threshold of the promised new world . When Jehovah acts , it will be at the right time . At WBBR with Brother Franz However , the destruction was not to be indiscriminate . This principle can help us with many questions that could arise in our life , such as : ‘ Does this activity fall in the category of fleshly works ? In 1970 he was 19 years old and had recently begun serving at Bethel in Britain . As used in the Bible , a vow is a solemn promise that is made to God . Knowing this helps us “ endure fully with patience and joy . ” ​ — Col . 1 : 12 - 14 ; 4 : 7 , 11 , 22 . “ If you get baptized , I will leave you ! ” What are some instinctive actions that contribute to one’s happiness ? Jehovah uses the ransom to cover our sins , enabling us to have a clean conscience and draw close to him . ​ — John 14 : 6 ; Jas . He urged his brothers : “ Do not let sin continue to rule as king in your mortal bodies so that you should obey their desires . ” What pressure may young ones today feel , and what steps can they take to deal with this ? In such situations , will you have confidence that Jehovah will in time judge such wrongdoers , perhaps removing them from the congregation ? It is difficult to imagine the wonders that Jehovah has in store for anointed Christians when they are seated on thrones to rule with Christ in heaven . Keep in mind that Satan does not want you to think clearly or reason things out well . We are neutral in these matters . Never should we allow the imperfections of our brothers to separate us from the God we love and worship . The Jerusalem Bible renders the promise to Daniel : “ You will rise for your share at the end of time . ” Trees that are relocated experience stress , but when they are transplanted , they grow new roots Do this not only when preparing for Christian meetings or during family worship but at any time . In order to settle differences , we must earnestly “ seek peace and pursue it . ” In fact , while he was a prisoner , Paul wrote several encouraging letters . Jesus said that love of neighbor , a form of a·gaʹpe , was the second most important commandment in the Mosaic Law , second only to love of God . “ Jehovah founded the earth in wisdom . I wrapped magazines for mailing , processed subscriptions , and served as a receptionist ; I did whatever I was asked to do . So a surgeon does not have to search for a patient’s heart . They would be his children , and Jehovah would be their Father . Jesus ’ parable reminds us of one of Jehovah’s qualities that is often mentioned in the Bible ​ — his “ undeserved kindness . ” Yes , he was intent on preventing me from preaching . When the Kingdom message is “ sown among the thorns . . . , the desires for everything else make inroads and choke the word , and it becomes unfruitful . ” ​ — Mark 4 : 14 , 18 , 19 . Another serious decision that holds the potential for many blessings is how and when to enter the full - time ministry . Even if we do not fully understand or agree with a decision , we will still want to support theocratic order . He takes our vows seriously , and we must fulfill them in order to have his approval . One brother expressed the matter this way , “ If you were preaching from house to house with Jehovah himself , would you do all the talking or would you let him speak ? ” Today , there are many examples of brothers who have worked energetically for decades and who have prepared others to take on increased responsibility . He relates : “ Slowly , I became addicted . The Bible Students understood that it was not enough for them to inform relatives , close friends , and church members of their stand on false religion . What principles apply ? 3 Baptism ​ — A Requirement for Christians While they desperately search for inner peace , we already enjoy it . When we went out the next morning , we would find whole areas of destroyed houses . If you sense that your hands have dropped down in any of these areas , ask for God’s help . Bethel and I prayed about it and discussed the matter with our aged mothers to get their advice . In the original language of the text , the emphasis seems to be on how that awareness should affect our behavior toward others . The apostles managed the financial resources of the congregation . ( 2 ) What examples will help us to progress in our spirituality ? He certainly did . She decided to ‘ consult , ’ or speak with , the other sister . Paul came to know many in congregations throughout Asia Minor and Europe . How might it be hard for us to remain neutral when the things we own are very important to us ? “ When talking about spiritual matters , ” says Pedro , who moved his family to Australia from South America , “ the heart and emotions should be involved . ” ​ — Luke 24 : 32 . In the morning , they looked for some spiritual encouragement . According to Jewish reference works , the unintentional manslayer’s immediate family evidently joined him in the city of refuge . These pioneers are fully awake to the fact that the full - time ministry is one of the best ways to spend their lives . Because he loves us , and he knows that it brings us satisfaction when we employ these gifts . As you show respect for others and take a personal interest in them , it is more likely that they will respond in kind . We show Jehovah that we want to draw closer to him and his Son . What role did Jezebel play in Naboth’s murder ? 3 : 12 ; 1 Pet . The time is coming when he will execute judgment on all those who refuse to obey him . Shortly thereafter , he was appointed an elder . When such events take place , some distressed individuals may ask questions about the meaning of life that at one time they ignored . [ 1 ] ( paragraph 14 ) Such material includes Questions Young People Ask ​ — Answers That Work , Volumes 1 and 2 , as well as the series “ Young People Ask , ” which is now published exclusively online . They enjoyed singing , so we typed out and distributed the words of some Kingdom songs . We should be ready to greet others and encourage them . 304 - 310 . The sixth and seventh visions will help us appreciate the privilege we have to serve in God’s clean organization . “ Judge with true justice , and deal with one another in loyal love and mercy . ” ​ — ZECH . But Hans was not always meek . 138 : 6 . At the same time , we may find ourselves worrying about whether we could be genuinely happy with less in a material way . We got married in 1957 . How was Irene blessed for her determination to share the good news ? He included this advice in the Sermon on the Mount . Watch their reaction when they hear Bible truths . ’ Why did Paul experience such feelings ? “ Seeing the happiness of people when they accept the truth is a great source of joy . ” Consider , for example , what the Scriptures tell us about the rightfulness of Jehovah’s sovereignty . The Bible contains practical spiritual guidance that can help you to avoid , reduce , or deal with anxiety . Jesus ’ disciples , though , were somewhat lacking in faith . ( 2 ) What can we learn from those whom God disciplined in the past ? What anxieties about extending hospitality might some have ? We may simply have to live with the consequences . In saying so , they are confusing the exercise of one’s free will with the right to decide what is good and what is bad . As we considered earlier , on the basis of the ransom , Jehovah adopts his spirit - anointed servants as his children . What a comforting effect this development must have had on the Israelites dwelling in Babylon ! Paul encouraged us to approach Jehovah freely in prayer , “ so that we may receive mercy and find undeserved kindness to help us at the right time . ” Solomon likely learned much about courage from his own father . Of course , we want to stay focused on Jehovah’s sovereignty also in the face of day - to - day pressures and inconveniences . A more accurate understanding of our theocratic history has led to a clearer comprehension of certain events recorded in the Bible . All Christians should want to move “ beyond the primary doctrine about the Christ ” and to “ press on to maturity . ” Others slept in Kingdom Halls . Etta had assisted her when she came into the truth . Nevertheless , a·gaʹpe love “ bears all things , believes all things , hopes all things , endures all things . ” Furthermore , we can be sure that Jehovah is ready to answer our prayers for help in overcoming obstacles that we may encounter as we preach the Kingdom good news . The Bible is clear on this subject when it says : “ Fathers , . . . go on bringing [ your children ] up in the discipline and admonition [ instruction ; guidance ] of Jehovah . ” God expects you to exercise headship lovingly , in imitation of Jesus . The apostle commended Titus to the Corinthian congregation as “ my companion and a fellow worker for your interests . ” We also do well to introduce scriptures in a way that engenders respect for the Bible . This publication is not for sale . R . By means of his spirit organization , Satan exerts authority over all human governments . Nora served in another town , while I continued to support the preaching activity in Angat . How deeply are we affected by such biased views ? If they do speak about the Kingdom , many refer to it as a feeling or a condition in the heart of a Christian . Ericka , who lives in the United States , is a physician . Or does it also speak to Christians who hope to live on earth ? Next , he warned them not to allow their “ right to choose ” to become “ a stumbling block to those who [ were ] weak . ” Stripping off old personality traits cannot be done in one’s own strength . Others make plans to increase their service to Jehovah during the Memorial season . An hour later , he called again , mentioning that they had not yet met , and he suggested that they resolve the issues together . The woman preferred being told what to do instead of using a precious gift from her Creator , the gift of free will . ( See opening picture . ) ( b ) At Revelation 5 : 13 , who is the Lamb , and why is he worthy of honor ? * Though they did not clearly grasp it , their Leader’s life on earth would soon end , but they would not be left without support . John wrote : “ By this the love of God was revealed in our case , that God sent his only - begotten Son into the world so that we might gain life through him . ” The Gospels record very little of that conversation , but Matthew accepted Jesus ’ invitation to be his follower . Do you see yourself as soft clay in God’s hands , willing to be molded into a vessel that is desirable in his eyes ? While some people are displaced within their own country , many others are thrust into a totally unfamiliar environment in a new land . Even today , anyone doing that “ has outraged the spirit of undeserved kindness . ” ​ — Heb . Our work has the greatest scope , reaching out to people of all nations and languages . influence the unity of God’s people ? Although I was good at winning arguments , I still ended up feeling frustrated . If you had lived among God’s people back then , how would you have reacted ? Leopold Engleitner was a zealous Witness from Austria whom the Nazis arrested and sent by train to Buchenwald concentration camp . And that is what led to my first experience in leaving things behind to pursue spiritual goals . Secular work is simply a means to an end . We work to provide our basic material needs and to support our ministry . How are we helped to endure in our preaching work ? In prayer , he humbly admitted that his people were “ powerless before this large crowd ” and that he and his people did not know what to do . His disciples would gain blessings far in excess of any personal sacrifices they might make . How can they do that if they are unable to grasp fully the language spoken in the congregation ? Scripturally , the primary responsibility to teach and train young ones lies with the parents . Likewise , our Potter works closely and patiently with us , molding us with his advice and observing our response . Moreover , angels actively promoted and accelerated the preaching work that the governing body was overseeing . WE ALL want peaceful lives , free from anxiety . Jehovah is glorified when his people make wise choices in life . ​ — Prov . Also explain how they might approach people with the Kingdom message in your territory . Second Timothy 3 : 4 refers to a pursuit of pleasures that excludes God . 19 : 9 . Paul wrote to fellow believers : “ You yourselves know very well that Jehovah’s day is coming , ” and he added , “ exactly as a thief in the night . ” 12 The Truth Brings , “ Not Peace , But a Sword ” Angela Romano was one of the young sisters who came to help with the canning . Jehovah’s Witnesses progressively refined their understanding of the issue of Christian neutrality . Or perhaps a few parents in the congregation allow their children to do things that you do not want your child to do . How can the field ministry mold us for our good ? We will discuss that subject in our next study . “ We keep these letters and read them when we are feeling low . Yes , Jehovah has richly rewarded me . ​ — Ps . But in the end Jonah did go to Nineveh . As those comments indicate , the more prepared you are to preach , the more securely your “ boots ” will be bound to your feet . Youths , you can make it easier for yourselves if you have a good idea where you want to go in life . The foremost law for Christians is the law of love . Even so , our work is not finished . In Paradise , Jesus will fulfill his role as “ the resurrection and the life . ” ​ — John 11 : 25 . As a parent , realize that how you handle such questioning on the part of your son or daughter may influence whether your child will choose to draw closer to your faith or he will draw away from it . How will meditating on God’s love motivate us to be modest ? For example , one religious minister was moved to say , “ I am not a Witness , but I will say that you have an outstandingly organized preaching work , and you have racial unity . ” How did they handle them ? What is our role in supporting Jehovah’s side of the issue of sovereignty ? If you are sincerely repentant of past sins and have confessed them to the extent necessary , you can rest assured that Jehovah will be merciful . Insight on the Scriptures , Volume 2 , explains that , in the Bible , wisdom includes “ the ability to use knowledge and understanding successfully to solve problems , avoid or avert dangers , attain certain goals , or counsel others in doing so . To maintain a congregation’s unity and cleanness , how should the elders handle cases of wrongdoing ? Modesty involves having a proper estimate of ourselves and an awareness of our limitations . However , since the job would diminish her focus on the ministry , she turned down this lucrative offer . A man named Diotrephes was spreading “ malicious talk ” about the apostle John and others , was refusing to extend hospitality to traveling Christians , and was trying to persuade others to follow his example . Likewise , you must feed your spirituality to increase your joy . We also included in our prayers the specific date we were going to put our plan into action . ” ( a ) Many of Jehovah’s people face what discouraging circumstances ? 20 , 21 . Later , Maxine processed the magazine subscriptions ​ — over a thousand a week . Elders endeavor to give spiritual help to one who has taken a false step ( See paragraph 17 ) Count the cost . In winter , we gathered for meetings in a house . The people of Philippi are obviously very proud of their Roman citizenship , even if it is only a partial or secondary form of citizenship . Do you imagine that he was apprehensive about following in the footsteps of Solomon , who was known for his extraordinary wisdom ? Sokuluk is where the first congregation in Kyrgyzstan was formed in 1958 . What type of sin was Jesus speaking of in the counsel outlined at Matthew 18 : 15 - 17 ? Everything he creates meets the highest standards . A few weeks later , she approached the brother and mentioned that for some time she had been coping with a distressing situation at home . We too can acquire proper perspective and gain comfort from the account of Job . They could not go for help , so they prayed to Jehovah to send a brother with a knife . We took our children in the preaching work and to the congregation meetings . We will see why it is more urgent than ever to give encouragement to one another . That was hardly an unreasonable request , considering how David and his men had protected Nabal’s interests . Finally , in July 1943 , that pressure affected me personally . The student now understood the Bible’s requirement and got baptized soon thereafter . Nevertheless , Jesus insightfully noted that at least some of these “ tax collectors and sinners ” wanted to change . Beginning in 1931 , Brother Diehl served faithfully at the Bethel home in Bern , Switzerland . From the beach , the resurrected Jesus observed the group . Visits of public speakers from other congregations , as well as visits of circuit overseers and , at times , representatives from the local branch office , provide opportunities for us to extend hospitality . In contrast , the world under Satan’s influence mourns , as it were , as conditions worsen . It says : “ Jehovah is waiting patiently to show you favor , and he will rise up to show you mercy . Araceli : Because I was treated so badly at the convent , I felt angry and unhappy with my religion . So he uses his system of things to discourage Bible reading and study . He shows us compassion if financial burdens weigh us down or our health or emotions tend to limit our sacred service . It was a life - and - death matter that the watchmen remain awake and attentive at their posts . ​ — Ezek . After being released from the hospital , Kumiko visited Nepal , and later she and her pioneer partner moved there . During courtship , their love has grown so much that they are ready to vow that they will be faithful to each other in marriage . One Bible reference work suggests that the Greek word translated “ discipline ” might be rendered “ child development . ” Friendship with Jehovah involves two - way communication ​ — listening and talking . He put Jehovah first and expended himself tirelessly in behalf of others . Excessive flattery or praise can test our modesty as well . Still , we continued to give priority to Kingdom interests . ​ — Matt . Yet , despite all of this , Job did not develop a lofty view of himself or feel that he did not need God . I will pay my vows to Jehovah in the presence of all his people . ” ​ — Ps . “ From now on , ” Hanani said , “ there will be wars against you . ” Maxim was 11 years old and his sister Noemi was one year younger when they got baptized . How can those serving in a foreign field maintain their spiritual health ? Noah faithfully fulfilled the work assignment that Jehovah had given him . ‘ With More Zeal and Love Than Ever ’ ( 1922 convention ) , May He now sees a container , called an “ ephah , ” going out . 3 : 9 ; 22 : 9 . He was severely affected with Down syndrome * and was not expected to live long . 37 : 11 . Elders can imitate Paul’s example by taking qualified ministerial servants along on shepherding calls when appropriate . The newcomers then told the parents to walk around the back of the border post and meet them on the other side . Of course , there is no Bible command that we pioneer ; we could continue serving Jehovah as faithful publishers . 45 : 6 , 7 . Moses ’ final words would understandably have a profound effect on the people . Peter’s last comments were addressed to his siblings . And what are the benefits of having a strong faith in what you hope for ? Contrast genuine Christian shepherds with those who only claim to be such . The same is true of missionaries , Bethelites , circuit overseers and their wives , and those who work in remote translation offices . Once the bus stopped and the passengers disembarked , she chased after the woman who had spoken those words . What are some activities that you look forward to taking part in when this old system of things is gone ? How does being honest go beyond simply not telling outright lies ? For instance , he explained how to resist immoral desires , handle problems with fellow believers , and deal with family difficulties . Cultivating our friendship with Jehovah involves striving to imitate God and Christ more closely and being the sort of people they want us to be . Others , although well along in years themselves , are caring for elderly relatives . However , Peter showed remorse , and Jehovah continued to use him . If we detect such a hardening attitude developing within us , we urgently need to examine our faith ! Why is the step of dedication not to be feared or avoided ? Dispose of things you do not use , and pay off debts . Jesus ’ promise of support still applies . God’s Word contains principles that help Christians make good decisions about how to dress . “ When I said that I wondered if we had the true religion , ” recalls a 15 - year - old in Denmark , “ my parents took it calmly ​ — even though they may have been worried about me . In harmony with this prayer , we want to do our utmost to sanctify , or treat as holy , Jehovah’s name . Lately , their sore legs make moving about more difficult . What is worse than any pain that may result from discipline ? Reylene , from the Philippines , had a different challenge . Or they would try to drown out our program by ringing the church bells whenever talks were held near their churches . He was , however , a distant relative of Abraham , Isaac , and Jacob , and Jehovah had revealed details to them about himself and his purpose for mankind . Zechariah is told to collect silver and gold from Heldai , Tobijah , and Jedaiah ​ — three new arrivals returning from Babylon — ​ and to make “ a grand crown ” out of the contributions . Now think of yourself in the light of Paul’s words : “ Do not let sin continue to rule as king in your mortal bodies so that you should obey their desires . ” Self - discipline is an important part of that growth . Yet , as shown by what happened to Ribeiro from Brazil , this battle can be won . Britain had declared war on Germany in September 1939 when I was 16 . 133 : 1 . Like his father , Jehoshaphat encouraged the people to search for Jehovah . 24 : 14 . Perhaps you can straighten out the matter quickly . Such logic is very reasonable and effective ! Simply reminding a discouraged pioneer of past joys can be a real source of comfort . MANY are the blessings made possible by the ransom sacrifice of Jesus Christ . So she sent my three younger sisters , Araceli , Lauri , and Ramoni , to live with nuns in a convent in the city of Bilbao . The annual observance of the Memorial of Christ’s death will be held on Saturday , March 31 , 2018 . For them to be thus rewarded , they would first have to die . God’s servants go beyond simply thinking about themselves . In what circumstances can you exercise the godly quality of compassion ? Let the elders know if you are in a difficult situation . If you are a parent , do you at times feel unequal to the responsibility of teaching and molding your children to become men and women who have faith ? Following Paul’s example , we too should never take for granted that Jehovah liberated us from the bondage of sin and of death . Jesus gave us the best counsel for securing the necessities of life without being sidetracked , becoming materialistic , or creating needless anxiety for ourselves . SONGS : 48 , 80 Also , he and his three companions ​ — Hananiah , Mishael , and Azariah — ​ were in the spotlight , as it were , because they were to be trained in the king’s service . But in the meantime , there are many opportunities for us to support Jehovah’s cause with courage and zeal . 4 : 1 - 3 , 13 ; 5 : 6 - 8 . Later , however , she regretted her manner and wrote to the branch office . Avoid comparing your new congregation with your previous one . Allen , mentioned in the introduction , has been in his new congregation for over a year . Have you ever been hurt by a fellow Christian or by the loss of certain privileges ? Jehovah also created Adam and Eve with the senses of taste , touch , sight , sound , and smell . After all , from the top of a high mountain or from the window of an airplane , human activity may seem insignificant . Be helpful in everyday life . At the same time , we see increased demands for more workers . ( See paragraphs 12 - 14 ) Paul got the point . Has any other religious organization been willing to rely fully on God’s Word , even when doing so presents a real challenge to some of its members ? He had promised that his people would be liberated , and so they were . We can do this by using the video What Happens at a Kingdom Hall ? They encouraged the wife to be patient . A brother who is “ reaching out to be an overseer ” needs to give careful attention to these qualifications , for he should strive to meet them to the best of his ability . The Bible clearly says that “ all Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial . ” In contrast with animals , we can come to know our Creator and serve him faithfully . “ Whether from Denmark , France , Germany , or Turkey , we were all one family . 9 : 26 . We enjoyed pioneering together . He discerned that Christ would return invisibly and that “ the appointed times of the nations ” would end in 1914 . Not so with a man . By your example , let your relatives see that Jehovah’s Witnesses enjoy happy marriages , look after their children , and live a clean , moral , and fulfilling life . Each month , congregations forward these contributions to the office of Jehovah’s Witnesses that serves their branch territory . 22 : 31 ; Job 19 : 20 ; Ps . What are the rewards for being humble ? That entire family eventually got baptized . But fighting for Jehovah’s name and his people was more important than Jephthah’s personal feelings . Thus , we must tell the truth even if it may be embarrassing or inconvenient . ​ — Prov . It may be fear of standing out or of possibly sounding unpleasant to others . Try to introduce them to others , thus making newcomers feel at home . As a result , we learn “ to reject ungodliness and worldly desires and to live with soundness of mind and righteousness and godly devotion amid this present system of things . ” ​ — Titus 2 : 12 . Otherwise , the Romans were usually content to leave the day - to - day administration of the province in the hands of local leaders . There , he could find protection . Nothing stings more than feeling abandoned by him . 7 , 8 . ( a ) Relate what Elisha did to relieve a woman’s grief . ( b ) What does Elisha’s miracle prove about Jehovah ? ( b ) What should be a parent’s first concern ? Thus , that should be the way of all who love and uphold his way of ruling . Apply what you learn When we strive to imitate God’s slowness to anger and his mildness , we follow a course of wisdom that pleases Jehovah greatly . ​ — Eph . Paul’s Counsel to Delay Voyage , No . 5 What does that prospect do for the surviving mate ? It offers a considerable amount of comfort . 4 : 2 . How is Christian unity involved in drawing attention to the truth ? JEHOVAH’S faithful servants on earth , his Witnesses , make up an organization that is indeed exceptional . Gradually , I began to feel more in control . If we were to brood over disappointments , we could become very discouraged . How are faith and love highlighted together in the Scriptures , but which is the greatest , and why ? Regarding the need for a Christian to be sensitive to the conscience of others , Paul wrote : “ It is best not to eat meat or drink wine or do anything over which your brother stumbles . ” Why should a Christian guilty of serious sin approach the elders for help ? He used those who were God - fearing , trustworthy , and reliable . Yet , despite being surrounded by “ physical ” men , Jacob was a spiritual man . 15 : 35 - 38 ; 17 : 27 . That man of faith lived before Jehovah gave the Law to Israel and long before Jesus died for our sins . How can we be sure that our love is genuine ? At the same time , such parents work hard to remain loyal to Jehovah , hoping that their example will move their children to return to the fold . How , then , can we handle occasions when one of God’s servants says or does something that hurts our feelings ? The three steps Jesus outlined here are applicable only where these conditions exist . In his undeserved kindness , Jehovah has given each of us certain gifts , assets , abilities , or talents . Does this mean that it does not matter to Jehovah what we choose to do when we face the challenge of making important decisions , some of which might have a profound effect on our life ? SONGS : 114 , 79 When preaching , how can we show that we have a complete heart ? The brothers wanted to help me learn , and I appreciated their patience and honest comments . ( b ) Why was Hezekiah spared from God’s indignation ? Ancient King David , who had been delivered from many grievous trials , expressed these words in song : “ Taste and see that Jehovah is good ; happy is the man who takes refuge in him . ” Did he appreciate the depth of meaning that other Bible writers had been inspired to explain respecting true Christian faith ? The earth is filled with those who have an inordinate love of self , money , and pleasures . Those who were raised before Jesus , such as by Elijah and Elisha , did not live on endlessly . Willie and Liz Sneddon Really , my own worries were the greatest obstacle I had to overcome . ” What if you are a wife and you feel that your unbelieving husband does not treat you properly ? Rutherford , then president of the Watch Tower Society . Of course , self - love can become distorted . ​ — w18.01 , p . How can we prevent resentment from depriving us of the prize ? Who are in need of encouragement today ? David desired to build a house for Jehovah . As elders prove to be “ examples to the flock , ” we can learn from them and “ imitate their faith . ” ​ — 1 Pet . And we found sheeplike ones ! A Christian may need to give up what in order to continue to receive divine mercy ? Jehovah Leads His People , Feb . This would be the only water baptism having God’s approval . Ask Jehovah to help you reject the wrong thoughts . Timothy truly cared for people and put spiritual interests first . Years later , though , Peter stopped eating with non - Jewish Christians in the city of Antioch . Many have found comforting thoughts to share from the brochure When Someone You Love Dies . Perhaps you can think of similar examples recorded elsewhere in the Bible . Do you feel that way ? Let us strengthen it and be determined to resolve any differences that may surface among us . Wendy The same principles apply to those who come to know Jehovah as adults . Why do we not need to fear the coming attack on God’s people ? Instead , he took the advice of the younger men with whom he had grown up and who were now his attendants . Jehovah’s words reached Job’s heart , for he humbly said to God : “ Now I know that you are able to do all things and that nothing you have in mind to do is impossible for you . . . . Publishers and pioneers alike responded to the call , reaching the goal of one million hours in 1938 . 109 - 112 . What further practical help can you give to newcomers ? How does Jehovah make the way out for those who rely on him in the face of trials ? Where possible , therefore , wise travelers stayed with friends ; traveling Christians with Christian hosts . In a brawl , I received six stab wounds and almost bled to death . ” How did he feel ? If we truly love God , we will be careful to avoid not only the things we know will displease him but also the things we merely suspect may displease him . ​ — Read Matthew 22 : 37 , 38 . “ Don’t just tough it out , ” says David , an elder . That was the question raised by the faithful prophets Isaiah and Habakkuk . By regularly studying the Scriptures in the language of our heart , we will maintain our spiritual health and that of our family and we will show that we truly treasure God’s sayings . ​ — Ps . Read Galatians 2 : 11 - 14 . 13 Exercise Faith ​ — Decide Wisely ! Read Ephesians 6 : 14 . Everyone who had provided accommodations for the 3,500 international delegates received a letter of appreciation . That is so whether we are together at a meeting or in an informal setting . The action of Satan the Devil has raised the question of the rightfulness of Jehovah’s sovereignty . “ I took to heart the suggestions in this article , and I am making good use of the cutout that was provided . Now I look forward to Bible reading . Within two years the Titanic sank . Human limitations play a large role . He was neither overconfident nor paralyzed with fear . ( b ) Why can we be sure that Psalm 16 : 10 was not fulfilled in David ? What more can we do to cultivate it ? Multitudes of sincere individuals are still being held captive by false religion . I decided to do the same when I returned to Germany . They may think that we no longer love them because we do not celebrate holidays with them . Without question , wherever we may serve , there is still “ plenty to do in the work of the Lord . ” ​ — 1 Cor . Finally , Jesus Christ identified himself as “ the Leader ” of God’s people . The transition can be overwhelming . ( Read Joshua 24 : 15 . ) By war’s end , it seemed that both the church and the government had failed us . Your doctor prescribes a program involving diet , exercise , and lifestyle changes . So even now , the ransom enables us to have a righteous standing with our Father and to share in the sanctification of his name . He truly knew Jehovah , and he acted on that knowledge . What can we say , however , about those who died at other times in history ? See the brochure “ See the Good Land , ” pp . 32 - 33 . It is a privilege to represent Jesus in this way . 15 : 4 . Moreover , when we give our valuable things to Jehovah , we honor him . ​ — Prov . ; Matt . Yet , the Israelites later hardened their hearts and did not exercise faith , so most of them failed to enter into that rest . For example , Moses called for donations for the construction of the tabernacle , as did King David for the building of the temple . Selfish pleasures evidently crowded out unselfish love . When they serve on judicial committees , they must carefully determine whether a Christian guilty of serious sin is repentant . “ Do Not Be Afraid . Thanks to Jehovah , I am happy to belong to a united family . ” “ So I rejected the political system in my country , and I supported what many viewed as radical ideas . My parents were also disappointed by Baptist clergymen who seemed too interested in their own advancement . How can material possessions be used to strengthen our friendship with God ? As to our choice of entertainment , what should we keep in mind ? How would you feel if you had to defend your faith before such a ruler ? 2 : 9 , 16 , 17 ; 3 : 1 - 6 . As Christians , we cherish and embrace truth . When a Christian believes that he is the victim of injustice , he should be careful not to engage in harmful gossip . Even then , we will need to remain on guard against succumbing to our particular weaknesses . ​ — Prov . Guided by God’s Word , Josiah began a vigorous campaign against idolatry and arranged an unprecedented celebration of the Passover . Then she entered the change of life . How does the Mosaic Law help us when we have to make decisions about dress and grooming ? The rest of the soldier’s upper body was covered in more strips of iron fastened to leather . They must also be taught to preach the good news to others and to teach them the truth . 25 : 34 , 46 . When John arrived at the address , the recipient’s wife , who was one of Jehovah’s Witnesses , accepted the envelope . The Bible reveals that at least some angels have personal names . Serious problems arose between these anointed women . He expects them to set a good example , and he holds them accountable for the way they treat the congregation , “ which he purchased with the blood of his own Son . ” Being unemployed is a source of anxiety for many . As long as we live in this system of things , we can expect to experience injustices . That includes our reading God’s Word daily , preparing for and attending the meetings weekly , feeding our mind and heart through personal study and family worship , and always relying on Jehovah in prayer . The angel takes swift action , throwing her back into the container and sealing it shut with the heavy lid . Others consider their big issue to be family , health , or personal accomplishments . But he cannot stop the preaching of the good news . ( b ) How did Jesus correct their thinking ? 41 : 10 , 13 . My body had not adjusted to the hot , humid weather , and this was to be an ongoing challenge . 3 : 5 , 8 - 10 . Instead , he trusted in God and in the wisdom found in His Word ​ — wisdom that “ is better than weapons of war . ” ​ — Eccl . Why will mutual encouragement become more and more important in the days ahead , and what should we do ? ( Read Philippians 4 : 13 . ) Has Jehovah extended his right hand to this faithful couple ? “ All of you are brothers , ” he said . In verse 20 we learn that Jehovah gave them the precious opportunity to show him what was in their hearts . ( 3 ) How can we personally contribute to that unity ? Still , when I was about 14 , I got baptized in a local creek ​ — dipped three times for the Trinity ! SONGS : 79 , 140 Repentant King Manasseh may have taught Josiah about God’s mercy . Each of us can make a sincere self - analysis . Emil was sent to a labor camp and met the Witnesses there . Why is the effort you put into your salvation worthwhile ? John considered this to be proof of Gaius ’ faithfulness , since showing hospitality has always distinguished God’s servants . ​ — Gen . You may have heard someone say something like this : ‘ I never fully appreciated the discipline that I received from my parents until I had children of my own . ’ He said , in effect , ‘ Nothing can protect you from Assyria . 1 : 3 - 5 . Their desire was in harmony with God’s will that “ all sorts of people should be saved and come to an accurate knowledge of truth . ” ​ — 1 Tim . Putting them at ease , Brother Jaracz said : “ Now it is time to leave some space for holy spirit to work . ” This responsibility will be examined in detail in the following article . He knew that his daily custom was well - known . Our Father of tender mercies has himself experienced the loss of loved ones , such as Abraham , Isaac , Jacob , Moses , and King David . Similarly , love for Jehovah and our neighbor moves us not only to ask God ‘ to send out workers into the harvest ’ but also to have a full share in the preaching work . ​ — Matt . Pontius Pilate asked Jesus : “ Are you the King of the Jews ? ” Make liberal use of the Scriptures Jehovah has given us the peerless gift of free will . The same can be true of us . 37 : 11 ; Isa . They had not yet learned to preach using the Bible alone , and they had been counting on The Finished Mystery to “ do the talking ” for them . With diligent effort , however , we can even now acquire the wisdom , knowledge , and discernment needed to make wise decisions . She adds : “ Jehovah is not only my Father but also my close Friend , whom I get to know better under different circumstances . But thanks to the special campaign , the example of the local brothers , and many prayers , I was able to do what I couldn’t do before . Jehovah gave Adam and Eve another command , which included a clear statement of the penalty if violated : “ As for the tree of the knowledge of good and bad , you must not eat from it , for in the day you eat from it you will certainly die . ” My partner and I were soon surrounded by large dogs barking and baring their teeth . He would place hundreds of our magazines each month . Jesus had selected him as one of the apostles ; still , Peter at times said or did things that he later regretted . The support of true friends and spiritual brothers is vital in times of distress . A sister named Elvira remembers vividly when she had a difference with her dear friend Giuliana : “ When she told me that she was hurt because of what I had done , ” Elvira recalls , “ I felt awful . We can be sure that Jehovah appreciates every effort that we make to serve him . In the 1940 ’ s , the Nazis had sent him to a concentration camp , and a few years later , Communists in the USSR had sent Eduard into exile . And we work hard to “ strip off the old personality with its practices , ” guarding against anything that could weaken us spiritually . ​ — Col . Satan has set up an imitation of God’s Kingdom , with himself as king . Perhaps you immediately think of punishment , but much more is involved . We can learn valuable lessons from the mistakes of others , including those recorded in the Bible . How does reflecting on Jehovah help to keep us humble ? He exercises his authority with perfect justice . ( b ) Illustrate how our sowing may affect those who observe us . I contacted the military , and a kind officer gladly arranged to supply drinking water for the entire convention and sent soldiers to erect two large tents for our kitchen and cafeteria . That is a comment made by Olivia , who is 17 and who got baptized as a preteen . One way parents can do so is by arranging for a regular Family Worship program . When their savings ran out , however , the couple’s joy turned to sorrow . Our daughter Gulsayra ​ — then just 12 years old — ​ enjoyed speaking to passersby on the street and telling them about the Bible . ( b ) What will we consider in this article and the next ? On the beach at Las Terrenas , a special pioneer uses the Bible to share the good news with a man who has harvested coconuts 4 : 12 , 13 . Some Christians were becoming spiritual adulteresses by having friendship with the world . They followed the direction found in God’s Word . It is imperative that we stay watchful until the tribulation occurs . “ I have ‘ tasted and seen that Jehovah is good . ’ You will add to that peace as you work to develop this aspect of the spirit’s fruitage in your life . We might ask ourselves , ‘ Shouldn’t I imitate Jesus by commending my children and others for what they do well instead of focusing on their shortcomings ? ’ But what happened next ? “ My temper always used to get the better of me , so much so that even some of my friends feared my arrogant , violent reactions . But youths who today keep focused on theocratic goals will well into adulthood be deeply satisfied with the choices they made . That faithful woman demonstrated wholehearted trust in Jehovah , knowing that if she put spiritual things first , he would provide for her physical needs . How can I minimize involvement with the commercial world ? On hearing Barnabas ’ testimony , the Jerusalem congregation accepted Paul . Let us consider the same three factors that directed the governing body in the first century . A week later , Luigi was making a return visit on a woman and he learned that her husband was the other driver ! We should not give someone else the responsibility to make decisions for us . Consider the experience of one Witness : “ I felt that one sister was treating me as if I were a child . Recall this inspired proverb : “ The one walking with the wise will become wise , but the one who has dealings with the stupid will fare badly . ” Let us first consider Asa and see how God’s Word can influence our life . They ended , as it were , in a tragic crash , resulting in sin and death for themselves and for their future offspring . In this regard , what can we learn by considering three ways in which gold is found ? May we continue to show our love not just “ in word ” but also “ in deed and truth . ” You may feel awkward about approaching those from another culture . Although Noah , Daniel , and Job lived at different times and under very different circumstances , they endured the challenges they faced . Later , she served as a missionary in the Dominican Republic until she was expelled from that country by the Catholic government in 1950 . Yes , even when he was sorely tried , Paul maintained his love for God . When Martha complained that Mary was not helping , Jesus told Martha : “ Mary chose the good portion , and it will not be taken away from her . ” For example , the April 2009 issue of Awake ! Of course , it would be wrong to seek to corrupt anyone with a “ gift , ” just as it would also be wrong to be corrupted by accepting such a “ gift . ” They even wanted to return to Egypt , where they had been slaves ! Consider the experience of Willi Diehl . * Paul would use the protection that Roman law gave to the Jewish faith as he defended Christianity before Roman authorities . Why can we say that Jehovah’s chariot is on the move ? Further , as notes Lije , “ many parents who saw family members raped and murdered cannot bear to bring their children back to where those tragedies occurred . ” What is one reason why Jehovah has the right to govern the world ? These include : promoting divisions , taking sides , fostering dissensions , taking one another to court , showing a lack of appreciation for headship , and being self - indulgent in food and drink . Yes , Jehovah cares for those who are having problems ​ — whether physical or emotional . They knew ‘ how it felt to be a foreigner . ’ It is common for people to be proud and boast about their race , tribe , culture , city , or country . 11 . The elder’s words made a huge difference . ” ​ — Matt . Therefore , our choice of dress and grooming should not be determined only by what is pleasing to us . By contrast , referring to another ancient man of faith , James asks : “ Was not Abraham our father declared righteous by works after he offered up Isaac his son on the altar ? When reading the first two chapters of Genesis , we can easily see that Adam and Eve enjoyed the kind of freedom that people today can only hope for ​ — freedom from want , from fear , and from oppression . It has been said that it would take ten months for a skilled copyist to produce just one handwritten copy of the Bible ! Very soon this Kingdom will remove all human governments . ​ — Read Psalm 2 : 2 , 7 - 9 . No human is indispensable in Jehovah’s organization , and the work of spreading Kingdom truths continues . These activities will give us what we need to keep our faith strong . ​ — John 6 : 27 . During his visit , Brother Rutherford gave these faithful ones great encouragement , delivering two stirring convention talks and five powerful radio lectures . It is embodied in the words displayed there from our yeartext : “ Those hoping in Jehovah will regain power . ” ​ — Isa . Just as Jehovah put an end to all the immoral activities back then , so he will put an end to similar wrongdoing today when he brings judgment against this present system of things . ( Read Psalm 97 : 10 . ) Also , for over 1,500 years , Jehovah put up with the wayward nation of Israel . ​ — Ezek . I never imagined that the wonderful truths about Jehovah God and his purpose would transform my life . May many more willing workers start that training soon ! Job also saw many of God’s invisible qualities in the visible creation . Jesus indicated as much when he invited his disciples to become “ fishers of men . ” Whether heavenly or earthly , our hope can serve as “ an anchor for the soul , both sure and firm . ” She made steady spiritual progress and was baptized in 1957 . How can we reason about the notion that a person can determine what is good without believing in God ? “ They kept up the pursuit ” ! ​ — Judges 8 : 4 . Maria Victoria loved to gossip . 18 , 19 . ( a ) How can spiritually - minded brothers and sisters benefit young ones ? Yes , the holy spirit can bring back to our mind thoughts we previously read and securely placed in our treasure store . ​ — Luke 12 : 11 , 12 ; 21 : 13 - 15 . How do they reflect his perfect justice ? Were Jesus ’ disciples to be passive , waiting for people to come to them ? Because his daughter would serve at the tabernacle , she would never have children . Why the seeming change of subject and reference to heavenly bodies ? But it reflects high principles , such as unselfish actions for the good of others . ​ — w17.10 , p . Scientists often strive to imitate those wonderful designs . That was a serious problem , particularly in the light of Jesus ’ pronouncement : “ Everyone . . . who acknowledges me before men , I will also acknowledge him before my Father who is in the heavens . However , Satan and his world strive to undermine our love for God . First , they should determine whether they really have enough time and resources to instill love for Jehovah in their children while at the same time teaching them a foreign tongue . The Law required proper disposal of human waste . The elders should request your emergency contact information so that they can reach you if a disaster strikes . 6 : 3 , 4 ; Phil . Over time , study will be both easier and more pleasurable ! This means that they make an effort to have Jehovah’s thinking on matters and to look at things from his point of view . How do we benefit from Jehovah’s instruction provided by means of “ the faithful steward ” ? ( b ) What questions will we answer in this study ? “ Love , ” the Bible states , “ believes all things . ” At first , we may need to supplement our brothers ’ food , clothing , or other basic needs . Many who are “ loaded down ” are finding spiritual refreshment at our meetings and quickly acknowledge : “ God is really among you . ” ​ — Matt . What was the reaction of the clergy ? “ The saying of Jehovah is what refined him . ” In the same way , if you know what your goals are , making good decisions becomes easier . Notice that the verse does not say that people would love pleasures more than God , implying that they would have some love for him . Their appreciation for the truths they were learning about Jesus prompted them to take what step ? In April 1998 , Paul and Stephany were invited to the 105th class of Gilead , and afterward they were assigned to serve in Malawi , Africa . Each student grows and matures at a different rate . It was heartwarming to have 20 brothers and sisters who had served as missionaries in Portugal return for that historic event . However , knowing that he has only a short time left , Satan tries to turn people away from true worship , and he uses various means to do so . ​ — Rev . Yet , the fight against sinful desires can be won . Some claim that there is no such thing as free will ​ — that all our actions are predetermined by God . 2 : 14 , 15 . appreciate Jehovah’s personal interest in you ? But the law that God gave to the nation of Israel said : “ If a man is found lying down with a woman who is the wife of another man , both of them must die together . ” ​ — Deut . Third , we try to see a potential for good in people . The aim of Jesus ’ counsel was to help a brother in a spirit of love . In 1961 this faithful brother moved to the town of Kant , which lies very close to my hometown . In some cultures , when getting to know another person , one of the first questions asked is , “ What kind of work do you do ? ” Abraham put his love for God ahead of his own feelings when he was commanded to offer up his son Isaac . 10 : 34 . This will put them in line to receive everlasting life here on earth . ​ — Matt . So they stop reading God’s Word , attending congregation meetings , and engaging in the field ministry ​ — just as Satan hopes they will do . In fact , the number of regular pioneers in Turkey increased by 24 percent during the 12 months following the campaign . Of course , we had to work hard secularly to support our pioneering . As we reflect on Zechariah’s vision , we do not doubt that we are safe in the shadow of the two mountains . Being spiritually - minded can help us to make our daily life happier and more satisfying . They wanted to keep the status quo . 34 : 18 , 19 . Paul was urging Hebrew Christians to cooperate with God’s purposes . Local Witnesses are also on hand with a hearty welcome for Brother Rutherford , who has come to attend their three - day national convention . Why is God’s organization special ? “ Do you know how old I am ? ” I asked . The angel explains that the woman in the container is “ Wickedness . ” That verse says that Esau did “ not appreciate sacred things ” and “ gave up [ to Jacob the ] rights as firstborn in exchange for one meal . ” Jehovah has lovingly given us principles that work in conjunction with our Bible - trained conscience . Later , however , we visited a congregation where there were many young people ​ — not an old - ladies ’ club at all ! Furthermore , the good things that are being accomplished by his servants make “ [ Jehovah’s ] heart rejoice . ” ​ — Prov . In some lands , more than half of all marriages end in divorce . And the psalmist assures us : “ Jehovah is aware of what the blameless go through . ” How wise it is to read them , meditate on them , and study them ! It produces united congregations that reflect well on Jehovah and that attract newly interested ones . What can help us be good guests ? About the year 50 C.E . , Paul wrote to the young congregation in Thessalonica : “ We always thank God when we mention all of you in our prayers , for we continually remember your faithful work , your loving labor , and your endurance . ” Their loyalty to God calls to mind Isaiah’s words concerning repentant Israelites : “ O Jehovah , you are our Father . As we learned from the example of Joseph , we want to avoid negative speech , knowing that such speech only makes a bad situation worse . 110 : 3 ; Prov . I was assigned to take his place and work alongside Don Adams . Nikolai Chimpoesh Are you putting into practice what you are learning ? Peter and his associates “ brought the boats back to land and abandoned everything and followed [ Jesus ] . ” ​ — Luke 5 : 1 - 11 . 13 Life Story ​ — I Have Been Blessed to Work With Spiritual Men Such experiences strengthened my appreciation for Jehovah’s unfailing support of those who pursue Kingdom interests . “ I think I was embarrassed . I followed a similar routine in the afternoon . “ Leaving everything behind , he rose up and began to follow [ Jesus ] . ” It did not take long before KGB officers began to raid our home , looking for Bible literature . Soon thereafter , Jesus ’ apostles asked him : “ Lord , are you restoring the kingdom to Israel at this time ? ” ​ — Acts 1 : 6 . Besides abusive speech , the practice of lying is also a trait of the old personality . SONGS : 151 , 147 Since true peace is produced by God’s spirit , we must yield to the influence of the holy spirit to develop true peace . The “ Questions From Readers ” published in The Watchtower of July 2016 explained : “ Jehovah gave Ezekiel a message of hope promising the unification of the nation of Israel after its being restored to the Promised Land . If they come from a rural area , they may be at a loss about how to use modern household appliances . What about secular goals associated with education and a career ? 15 , 16 . ( a ) How can we benefit from the “ gifts in men ” in the congregation ? Could you become a Local Design / ​ Construction volunteer , working part - time on Kingdom Hall projects ? That became our home . Some 1,000 came to Mexico City for the 1941 Theocratic Assembly . he says . “ When you move abroad with the purpose of helping people to get to know Jehovah , you are in reality putting yourself in his hands . Some have felt that they should learn ancient Hebrew and Greek so that they could read the Bible in the original languages . Steffen , who is from Denmark , said : “ Every day , I was able to preach to people who had never heard about Jehovah . Love is the greatest of all qualities . Describe the role of holy spirit in helping us to cope with our problems . There I met and married Janette , a fine Christian sister , and we raised a son and three daughters in the Christian way . What lessons can we learn from accounts concerning King David ? Moreover , we likely hear neighbors , fellow workers , or schoolmates make derogatory remarks about those of another background , tribe , or skin color . Some Christian parents serving in a foreign - language field have come to realize that their children’s interest in the truth has waned . Most important , to find lasting peace , we must cultivate a close friendship with God . So let us never underestimate the power of a greeting . How would you describe those who have an excessive love of self ? Certainly , a humble response is in the best spiritual interests of all concerned . ​ — Read 1 Peter 5 : 5 . They had people dismissed from their jobs if they accepted our books , and they had us evicted from our lodgings . To analyze how well we are doing in showing love for others , we might ask ourselves : ‘ Am I reaching out to help others in my family , in my congregation , and in my ministry ? What effect did the letter sent by the governing body have on the early Christian congregation ? Your child’s job could be to show how difficult it might be for some to believe that a very large object , such as the earth , could sit on nothing . Still , he trusted that the One who created human life in the first place could and would remember him and resurrect him . For example , after spending a night in prayer to his Father , Jesus selected the 12 apostles . When the precious truth about Jehovah finally reached my own family in the 1980 ’ s , my wife , Mairambubu , heard it first . 112 : 5 ; Prov . “ Above all , ” he explains , “ I find that working hard to fortify my relationship with Jehovah gives me the greatest strength to cope with emotional difficulties . It is unrolled , ready to be read . Think of the implications : Rehoboam obeyed God sometimes . The answers to these questions will help us not only to identify who are doing this lifesaving work but also to strengthen our resolve to persevere faithfully in it . ​ — 1 Tim . However , does that mean we cannot please Jehovah ? For many years , David had been loyal to Jehovah and upheld justice . 5 , 6 . ( a ) Why is meditation important ? Very soon Dennis was assigned to Ireland , leaving Arthur without a partner . But perhaps it is the way your parents discipline you that upsets you . In July of that year , we applied for Bethel service , for we longed to serve at world headquarters . Of course , no loyal Christian would want to display a disrespectful and disloyal spirit like that of Diotrephes . By that time , Noah and Job had been dead for centuries , and their record of faithfulness was in God’s memory . But in most cases , he will give us strength so that we “ may endure fully with patience and joy . ” That school is continuing at various other locations , with trained field instructors . Jehovah wants people to live , not die . How do these claims measure up when compared with what Jesus commanded his disciples to do ? To gain God’s approval and blessing , they should keep focused on the assurance that we read at Hebrews 11 : 6 : “ Whoever approaches God must believe that he is and that he becomes the rewarder of those earnestly seeking him . ” May we loyally handle such matters in line with Bible principles . God will never allow his servants to suffer lasting loss for acting in harmony with divine principles and settling differences in a spirit of love . We can uphold Jehovah’s sovereignty by maintaining our integrity and by serving God faithfully . And we can review practical suggestions that can help us to strengthen our self - control . She relates : “ Over the years while serving in different locations abroad , I lived with sisters who had backgrounds and personalities that were very different from mine . ( b ) How have you found the need for similar patience ? Likewise today , only those whom Jehovah considers blameless ​ — people like Noah , Daniel , and Job — ​ will be marked for survival when the present system of things comes to an end . 6 : 4 , 6 . After careful thought and prayer and consultation with his mate and children , a family head must decide . This also helped the family to learn new names more quickly . 21 Grateful Recipients of God’s Undeserved Kindness I wanted him to feel free to talk to me about anything , even about his pain . ” “ The Work Is Great ” ( contributions ) , Nov . Consider the young man Joseph , a son of Jacob . Why is it reasonable to conclude that Jehovah’s worshippers would be organized ? He abandoned the law of Jehovah in favor of pagan worship ! 17 : 3 . For additional ways to enhance your joy , see the box “ Other Ways to Increase Joy . ” One day , a month later , we were tired after walking from door to door in the summer heat and conducting Bible studies . Caiaphas sent soldiers to arrest Jesus under the cover of night . We settled on the western slope of Colorado , where my parents lived . ( See paragraphs 11 - 14 ) Would you move her to show you more respect if you were to shout at her to show her who is boss ? While being treated at medical facilities , she witnessed to hospital staff , patients , and visitors . He had been an Austrian politician . For example , a sister knows that she has the responsibility to preach the good news . We know only “ the fringes of [ God’s ] ways , ” and “ only a faint whisper has been heard of him . ” [ 1 ] ( paragraph 12 ) To understand why Jehovah at times might allow a Christian to lack sufficient food , see “ Questions From Readers ” in the September 15 , 2014 , issue of The Watchtower , p . And that is what happened . The truth about Jehovah God took root in Kyrgyzstan in the 1950 ’ s . We can be sure that we can succeed with Jehovah’s help ! Is it your goal each month to teach the Word of God to others , trying to move their heart to serve God ? I was assigned to a missionary home in Asunción , with a new partner . 34 : 11 - 14 . We could “ let sin continue to rule ” by doing whatever our imperfect body moves us to do . He is counting down the time to the start of the great tribulation , and its start “ will not be late ! ” How should that insight influence your priorities , use of the Internet , and choice of associates and entertainment ? have confidence that God will rescue you ? Did the imperfections of God’s representatives excuse the Israelites from following their lead ? Jehovah , however , expressed his love toward fallen mankind in an incomparable act of undeserved kindness . What facts underline the gravity of mankind’s problems ? Our loyalty to God is being tested . Third , cultivate the spirit of self - sacrificing love , which is the identifying mark of true Christianity . 17 Why Modesty Still Matters In the new world , all will come under Jehovah’s sovereignty and learn his righteous ways . God’s Word provides practical guidance that can help us to make wise choices that will bring glory to God . All Bethel family members in Brooklyn were assigned to congregations in the New York City area . And he said to them : ‘ It is written , “ My house will be called a house of prayer , ” but you are making it a cave of robbers . ’ ” ​ — Matt . 31 - 32 . How do the Scriptures show that unselfish giving is a fundamental aspect of true worship ? At what I thought would be our last Bible study , Tessie opened her heart to me . These two articles examine many of the ways that we benefit from Jehovah’s undeserved kindness . Abraham’s great - grandson Joseph also showed a willingness to be patient . More important , what can we learn from Peter’s error that will help us if we are hurt by the words or actions of an elder ? After receiving Scriptural counsel , a Christian who continues to keep a gun for protection against other humans could not be considered exemplary . Still , I was always looking over my shoulder , waiting for the consequences of my actions . What are some practices that must be put away and kept away ? He boldly added : ‘ Jehovah himself told us to destroy this land . ’ One of her clients was a woman named Aksamai Sultanalieva , who was married to an official of the public prosecutor’s office . What Jewish Practice Caused Jesus to Condemn the Swearing of Oaths ? Some Christians who have committed a serious sin have even felt that they are beyond God’s forgiveness . By pursuing peace with others , we demonstrate the depth of our love for them , which is pleasing to our heavenly Father . ​ — Ps . Jehovah’s servants rejoice at the good things they can do because they are being guided by Jehovah . Older women are a blessing to the congregation . He has given us a very precious gift ​ — his own book , the Bible . ( b ) Why should we not fear to pray out loud to Jehovah ? Because I did not really understand all that they were talking about , I decided to leave . And it may well be that as a result of your ministry , meek ones will joyfully join you in true worship . 3 : 17 , 18 . ( b ) When would it be especially challenging to follow Jesus ? What was the Ethiopian’s response ? In verses 10 and 13 , Jehovah calls out to his servants : “ Do not be afraid , for I am with you . Jesus himself made such a connection . Barnabas must have seen good in Paul’s intense drive and direct approach . Here again , we can learn from Hezekiah’s experience . In addition to drawing strength from their hope , Paul and Silas were joyful because they were suffering for the sake of Christ’s name . According to Revelation 14 : 6 , 7 , how do angels assist God’s people today ? Likewise , if we detect any trace of prejudice or racial pride in us , we should make a conscious effort to root it out of our heart . Obedience to God leads to his favor and blessing . ​ — Deut . For example , millions of gamblers may hope to win a lottery , but they could hardly feel sure about that . For more information on training children in a religiously divided household , see “ Questions From Readers ” in The Watchtower , August 15 , 2002 . “ Baptism . . . is also now saving you . ” ​ — 1 PET . This aspect of patience is highlighted at James 5 : 7 , 8 . In his response , one man wrote : “ I am very grateful for your comforting words . Would his youth and inexperience be an obstacle ? At the meetings , we study the Bible and learn from Jehovah what we should do and how we should live . Investigation of the site has revealed that the two pools were divided by a dam . Prayerfully consider the box “ How to Simplify Your Life , ” and begin taking the steps needed to achieve your goal . Then she started to think differently . What question should we ask ourselves ? Love is not jealous . ” “ Trust in Jehovah and do what is good . . . and act with faithfulness . ” ​ — PS . We need to “ press on , ” or keep working at it . The examples of training provided by Jesus and Paul remain valid . Consider Esther’s excellent response to a surprising turn of events . 10 : 11 , 19 . And Daniel was inspired to write about the coming of “ Messiah the Leader . ” However , as the years passed , they came to respect us because of our beliefs and the way we raised our children . ACCORDING to the account of Matthew’s Gospel , “ Jesus entered the temple and threw out all those selling and buying in the temple , and he overturned the tables of the money changers and the benches of those selling doves . Indeed , what other king has ever voluntarily died as a ransom for our sins ? Many young ones have found that if they are well - prepared to declare the good news , they feel more comfortable doing it . Before going out to combat the Ammonites , Judge Jephthah vowed that if Jehovah gave him the victory , the first person who would come out to meet him after the battle would be devoted to Jehovah’s service at the sanctuary . What topics will this article cover ? Then an added way that you can demonstrate courage and reliance on Jehovah is by helping your child to do the same . ​ — 1 Sam . ( b ) by undeserved kindness ? Eventually , when they arrived in a foreign country , they found that praying to Jehovah and relying on him helped them to overcome such obstacles as learning a new language , adjusting to a new culture , and enduring difficult climates . As we develop godly joy , we will experience benefits that go beyond simply how we feel inside . The record of God’s dealings with his people demonstrates that he gives his loyal love to “ those who love him and keep his commandments . ” 17 Do Not Let Your Love Grow Cold He was willing to use the blood of his Son to make possible our eternal salvation . The cities of refuge are a reflection of Jehovah’s mercy . He burned down the house of the true God , tore down the wall of Jerusalem , burned all its fortified towers with fire , and destroyed everything of value . ” ​ — 2 Chron . What hope can we maintain ? Selfish ambition , envy , and uncontrolled anger have led many to presumptuous acts . We missed you . ’ ” Matthew 6 : 14 That is why we need to prepare ourselves now to stay neutral even in a difficult situation . By coincidence , Don was the brother who had accepted my Bethel application at the 1955 convention . As we will see in the next article , the four kings whom we have considered all made mistakes . Yet , the timing of that event has never been uncertain to Jehovah . A crushing blow was dealt in 522 B.C.E . when the Persian king banned further building in Jerusalem . Stand firm in it . ” After that , Michael became an unbaptized publisher . ( See paragraphs 11 - 16 ) In thinking about the restoration of Jerusalem , the psalmist sang about Jehovah : “ He makes the bars of your city gates strong ; he blesses your sons within you . The third reason for setting goals early in life has to do with decision - making . As a God of order , Jehovah gives each one of us a place or sphere of operation in his household . What is in store for friends of God ? He fondly remembers the one act of Christian kindness that drew him to a life of pure worship . ​ — 2 Cor . Read Isaiah 40 : 31 . We all knew that severe trials lay ahead . How can we show our support for the direction we receive from the elders ? At some point along the way , Sisera abandoned his once frightening but now useless chariot and ran to Zaanannim , perhaps near Kedesh . It helped to protect the Israelites spiritually by prohibiting marriage to false worshippers . Then sing the phrase , using the same vibrant voice . Lene and I were physically and emotionally exhausted . To strengthen one’s hands can have the sense of being encouraged , fortified , and empowered for action . Before giving them counsel , he gave warm commendation to the congregations in Ephesus , Pergamum , and Thyatira . Politically , the Pharisees supported Jewish independence . 1 SHUN “ THE SPIRIT OF THE WORLD . ” ​ — 1 Cor . For the first time in years , he seemed happy . He even smiled . ” Like the apostles and early Christians , we preach informally , publicly , and from house to house . Training children can be especially challenging if you have an unbelieving mate . What about the many children who arrive with their parents , both refugees and other immigrants ? June The apostles fled . “ Seeing how groups and congregations are being formed in remote regions is my greatest joy , ” she says . In fact , 13 of my relatives were priests or worked for the church . They assist a sign - language congregation to help some of the more than 300 deaf publishers and interested ones in the country . For example , one day as an older brother and I were cycling to the preaching territory , we passed a clergyman and I said , “ There goes a goat . ” The way she approached Jesus was not in strict harmony with God’s Law , which stated that a person in her condition was unclean . Most , though , had done their best to persevere in the face of official suppression . Why Modesty Still Matters , Jan . Mary’s statements show that she had a deep love for God’s Word and was thoroughly familiar with the Hebrew Scriptures . So we can be sure that he will always love , value , and appreciate his loyal servants . ​ — Ex . magazines to passersby on the street . When God’s Kingdom does come , rent and mortgages will cease , food will be free and plentiful , health - care costs will disappear . He knows that humans can better fill their spiritual need when they read his thoughts in the language of their heart . Shortly thereafter , we were moved to more suitable quarters across the Brazilian border . The point is , how will you respond ? What examples from both Bible times and our time can help us to find the comfort we need ? Why , then , do so many go hungry ? Understandably , an individual could not make a valid dedication to God while engaging in any conduct that would exclude him from the Kingdom . “ Sowing darnel in a field for purposes of revenge . . . was a crime under Roman legislation . We are keenly aware that the fault may lie in our imperfect view of matters . Whenever we encountered a trying problem , we read Jehovah’s promise at Isaiah 41 : 10 : “ Do not be afraid , for I am with you . As we do so , we may be able to move people who , like Peter , may not be attractive to human eyes but who have a good heart . If he continues to feed the ravens , you can trust that Jehovah will provide your material necessities too . ​ — Ps . Ask yourself : ‘ Am I moved to apply what Jesus taught ? Do I show patience and understanding to my fellow servants ? Anyone who allows himself to be swept along by this spirit is , in effect , accepting Satan’s argument that it is the course of wisdom to pursue one’s own interests regardless of how doing so may affect others . There are many ways to do this . To do good with our tongue , we should keep in mind ( 1 ) when to speak , ( 2 ) what to speak , and ( 3 ) how to speak . ​ — w15 12 / 15 , pp . Apparently , Nathanael knew of the prophecy at Micah 5 : 2 and considered Nazareth too insignificant to be the Messiah’s hometown . “ Especially on important points , ” says Thomas , “ my wife and I want to know if our daughter really believes what she is learning and if it makes sense to her . Following their advice , Rehoboam decided to treat the people harshly . When you are confronted by situations that cause uneasiness , apprehension , or anxiety , pour out your heart to your loving heavenly Father . Jesus ’ reaction to all these man - made laws was simple . Jehovah has observed human relations since mankind’s beginning . But since our goal is to grow as spiritual people , let us take a look at several positive examples of individuals we can imitate . Rather , Jehovah wanted to help Job recognize his insignificance in comparison with God’s greatness . Likewise today , may your volunteer spirit move all those who benefit from it to “ praise Jehovah ! ” 3 Are You Willing to Wait Patiently ? It is undoubtedly true that doing what Jehovah asks of us always brings blessings . I have done so and have truly benefited . Despite a Christian upbringing , however , some children later leave the truth or are disfellowshipped , causing the family heartache . If those of the Governing Body allow God’s Word rather than popular opinion to guide their decisions , who is really leading God’s people today ? Yet , Jehovah used me to serve as an elder and to teach precious Bible truths to people who were more educated than I was . Parents in particular often struggle to shield their children from such wrongdoing . And that was just the beginning of the overall cost . Jehovah , in fact , foretold it . How should we speak with unbelieving relatives ? 9 - 11 . ( a ) What symbolic footwear do Christians put on ? As Paul said to fellow Christians of his day , “ keep encouraging one another and building one another up , just as you are in fact doing . ” ​ — 1 Thess . The need for shepherds in the Christian congregation is great , and those who will do such work in the future need ongoing training . Are you suffering bitter opposition or even persecution ? I fondly remember how they sat with me , coming down to my eye level , and talked with me as genuine friends , which I so needed at the time . Consequently , appreciate Jehovah’s provision of “ gifts in men , ” congregation elders . In time , representatives of the people came to him and set their concerns squarely before him : “ Your father made our yoke harsh . Jehoshaphat and Ahaziah built ships together , which ended up being wrecked , not accomplishing the purpose for which they were built . ​ — 2 Chron . In conclusion , Jesus said : “ I tell you that in the same way , there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over 99 righteous ones who have no need of repentance . ” ​ — Luke 15 : 4 - 7 . 4 : 18 . He commanded us to keep meeting together , especially as we get closer to the end . The Bible sometimes describes people by the work they did . I remember another time when the service group stopped for a break at a fast - food restaurant . Elderly Samuel could not force his adult sons to remain loyal to the righteous standards he taught them . A modest person will imitate Jesus . Was this command in any way unjust , unnecessary , or unreasonable ? In what practical way can we show mildness and patience ? By going to the people , we are also using the correct methods . Heeding what Scriptural counsel will help us to attain the prize as a family ? As a result , she perceives what her husband’s thoughts on such a purchase would be . The video came right on time ! 11 : 2 . She apologized , and they are once again serving Jehovah as a team . Also , he related to them an illustration about a vine , as we considered in the preceding article . Writing to his Christian brothers in Corinth , Paul said : “ For my part , I will most gladly spend and be completely spent for you . ” 135 : 6 ; Isa . He had come to bring spiritual , not material , benefits to the nation . What does that involve ? * Lije , quoted earlier , and his siblings remember the lessons of faith their father taught them even as they were fleeing . What a privilege to worship a God in whose image we are made , whose qualities we can imitate , and in whom we can take refuge ! 28 A Godly Quality More Precious Than Diamonds The way the wicked brutalize children , the elderly , and other defenseless ones fills us with horror . The original rebellious spirit creature would be crushed by the “ offspring ” of “ the woman . ” Noma said , “ I was impressed that he was willing to sit close to the floor on a plastic crate . ” In these two articles , we will see how Jehovah fulfills his role as “ our Potter ” and what we must do in order to be like soft clay in his hands . To help us do so , let us learn how Jephthah and his daughter endured challenges in their lives . What answer was he given ? How did the resurrection of Jesus differ from earlier ones ? They were the first in my family to have contact with Jehovah’s Witnesses . If you are assigned to handle a meeting for field service , you can do much to help older ones to have a share in the ministry . Angelines and her husband asked me many times whether I wanted to study the Bible with them . But now they feel more like family , and I am happy . ” Paul mentioned one way when he wrote to fellow believers : “ Continue putting up with one another and forgiving one another freely even if anyone has a cause for complaint against another . Husbands are told : “ Keep on loving your wives and do not be bitterly angry with them . ” Jesus must have felt encouraged on the two occasions when he heard these words ​ — at the beginning of his ministry and during the final year of his earthly life . 25 : 34 - 40 . Jewish men were still treacherously divorcing their wives “ on every sort of grounds ” when Jesus was on earth . ( a ) What encouragement does the Governing Body today give to the international brotherhood ? Of course , our honor and support have reasonable , Scriptural limits . I did yard work , washed windows , and cared for other odd jobs . You may , of course , encounter frightening , morale - weakening events . He served God loyally for many decades , and Jehovah supported him . 5 : 3 ; Heb . Later , both Elihu and Jehovah used aspects of creation to remind Job of man’s insignificance compared with God’s greatness . His words and teachings were a source of refreshment to his listeners . Our loving heavenly Father came to the aid of his servants in the past , and today he makes it possible for us to gain considerable relief from distress or anxiety . Focus on their needs rather than on the administrative side of things . ” The winds and currents of the ocean can easily throw a ship off course . The following year , the three of us dedicated our lives to Jehovah and got baptized . 4 , 5 . ( a ) In what way is dedication a personal responsibility ? At first , we may need to discipline ourselves to do what is Scripturally right . However , Luke evidently traces Mary’s ancestry and shows that Jesus was the natural heir , “ according to the flesh , ” to David’s kingship . Jehovah has entrusted us with a stewardship that comes with honor , trust , and responsibility . ​ — Read 1 Peter 4 : 10 . Because when the elders of the nation begged him to help them , he did so right away . They think that God used evolution to create different forms of life . But we can avoid being drawn into their thinking and imitating their characteristics . After seeking Jehovah’s direction in prayer and listening carefully to what their sister says , the elders will be in a position to give her reassurance and comfort from God’s Word . ​ — Rom . He wants us , not to obsess over the details of the Law , but to discern and apply its “ weightier matters , ” the lofty principles that underpin its commandments . 10 : 12 , 13 . Eighteen - year - old Abigail says : “ Speaking the truth may not always seem worth it , especially when telling a lie can get you out of a difficult situation . ” Spirit - anointed Christians are sustained by the prospect of receiving “ the crown of righteousness , which the Lord , the righteous judge , will give . . . as a reward in that day . ” Did pride come into play ? We can experience something similar when we read material written for the public . Jesus was a perfect man . Prior to moving to Tennessee , our daughters took a trip to London , England , and visited the branch office . Each year , they rotate chairmanship at those meetings , since no member of the Governing Body is considered to be more important than the other members . Consider some examples of counterfeit love . Material for the public . I started to feel stressed and worried . Of my siblings , I have one brother who has served faithfully as an elder since that arrangement began back in the early 1970 ’ s . He had noticed a lack of unity or harmony among the apostles , such as during his final meal with them . Ezekiel wrote the words of our theme text in Babylonia in 612 B.C.E . It also keeps us in line with Jehovah’s organization , which refrains from giving humans ​ — whether believers or unbelievers — ​ excessive or undue honor . Gradually , we come to know what Christ would do in any situation . He solidly established the heavens in discernment . ” ​ — PROV . Atsuko , a married sister in her mid - 30 ’ s from Japan , states : “ In the past , I always wanted Armageddon to come immediately . we take a few minutes after each study to direct the student’s attention to the organization . What , specifically , can help bereaved individuals heal their painful emotional wounds ? But in the meantime , Jesus ’ followers would need “ practical wisdom ” to make a living , using the “ unrighteous riches ” of today’s world while seeking to please God . ( See paragraphs 16 - 19 ) “ Jehovah is protecting the foreign residents . ” ​ — PS . Therefore , we can be certain that Jehovah’s original purpose will be fulfilled exactly on time ! Another reason is that we support God’s Kingdom . ( b ) How does that lesson affect you ? Elena , a pioneer for over 25 years , speaks for many of us when she says : “ I find the preaching work difficult . We love God and want to obey him and be molded by him , recognizing that his commandments are not burdensome . That motivates me to preach . ” Jehovah declares anointed Christians righteous as his sons and those of the “ other sheep ” righteous as his friends . King David reminded Solomon that Jehovah would be with him until the work of building the temple was finished . Our donations support missionaries , special pioneers , and those in the circuit work . For example , our first parents knew that to keep on living , they had to breathe , eat , sleep , and so on . Did Arthur have a sharp pocketknife ? He was referring to people who are ruled by or focused on their desires and leanings as imperfect humans . There are many who were once as fierce as wolves but who now live in peace with others . We do not expect Jehovah to perform miracles for us . How can I apply this information in my life ? To do otherwise ​ — to wait while complaining and grumbling that Jehovah is not acting fast enough — ​ would be displeasing to our God . ​ — Col . Hence , we have no reason to dwell on mistakes that God has forgiven . He received the fitting name Israel , ( meaning “ Contender [ Perseverer ] With God ” or “ God Contends ” ) . The year before , my parents had met John Papparizos , a zealous and talkative Bible Student , as Jehovah’s Witnesses were then called . ( Read John 10 : 16 . ) And at the meetings , never overlook the powerful effect you can have on others by raising your hand and offering upbuilding comments . What does Jehovah’s love mean to you ? Read Genesis 40 : 14 , 15 . What a blessing it is to be loved by ‘ the entire association of our brothers in the world ’ ! Some have taken their brothers to court , but God’s own Book helps us to see that it is better to suffer loss than to bring reproach on God’s name or disturb the peace of the congregation . With what result ? “ And she deeply respects my husband and me because she knows that we obeyed God . Is it wrong to ask sincere questions about the Bible ? Note that Paul mentions ( 1 ) knowing the holy writings , ( 2 ) being persuaded to believe the things learned , and ( 3 ) becoming wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus . 4 : 7 . In the opening chapters of Matthew’s Gospel , Joseph’s name is mentioned eight times , but Mary’s , only four . Completing your study of that book will help you to see how to apply Bible principles in your life . What warning did the apostle John give ? Immoral desires can be very powerful and can deprive us of spiritual treasures . It took effort to win her heart ​ — but I succeeded . He wrote that in the last days , children would be disobedient to parents . To help themselves keep focused , they put a Bethel application up on a wall in their home . 7 Seek the Kingdom , Not Things On the other hand , Luke’s account is much more focused on Mary . Today , a Christian guilty of serious sin needs to seek the help of congregation elders to recover . After his sacrificial death , Jesus returned to heavenly spirit life to become the King of God’s Kingdom in 1914 . Being at peace with our fellow worshippers is of utmost importance . Paul here describes what Jehovah does , not before , but during trials . What should be the scope and duration of this preaching work ? Our missionary assignment was the city of Campos , where there are now 15 congregations . We also donate to support those caring for the work at world headquarters and at branch offices around the earth . For example , what will you do if you or someone you love loses a cherished privilege of service ? If God’s Word is to have an effect on us , we need to read it regularly ​ — daily if possible . This article reviews four things that will help us to endure and three examples of faithful endurance . He knew that the trial was temporary and that his reward in heaven would last forever . See “ Questions From Readers ” in The Watchtower of December 15 , 2001 . One reason is that the Bible specifically says so . Jehovah loves those who adorn his teaching by displaying his superlative qualities , including honesty . Psalm 20 : 4 says of Jehovah : “ May he grant you the desires of your heart and give success to all your plans . ” 31 : 10 . The Bible also says that a husband should love his wife . Clearly , Jehovah is pleased when we use our time and energy to promote Kingdom interests and assist fellow believers . So despite living in stressful times , we can develop true and lasting joy as we acquire holy spirit by means of prayer , study , and meditation on Jehovah’s Word . But Jesus promised to give them a family who would love them and look after them . When we do accept a new assignment , Gideon’s example reminds us that we cannot succeed without Jehovah’s direction and blessing . What must a young person decide about the future , but why is there no need to be overly anxious ? Elsewhere in the Bible , the name Eshbaal is presented as Ish - bosheth , “ baal ” being replaced with “ bosheth . ” The apostle Paul explained : “ If you publicly declare with your mouth that Jesus is Lord , and exercise faith in your heart that God raised him up from the dead , you will be saved . In helping their children spiritually , why should immigrant parents evaluate the matter of language ? Yet , the Scriptures clearly tell us that imperfect humans who get married “ will have tribulation in their flesh . ” 15 , 16 . ( a ) To be like Christ , what do we need to do ? I will help you . ” Imitating the examples of Ezra and Paul , our organization today follows strict procedures when it comes to handling and spending donated funds . The provision of that ransom is yet another one of the amazing works of our Father . In 1956 when Brother Nathan Knorr visited , I was assigned to care for public relations at the national convention . In heaven , he lives “ forever and ever , ” never seeing corruption . ​ — Rom . Under the guidance of the holy spirit and after reasoning on the Scriptures , the responsible brothers decided that this was no longer necessary , and they wrote a letter to the congregations to that effect . “ If I . . . do not have love , ” wrote Paul , “ I am nothing . ” He saw six men with smashing weapons . He also saw a man among them who was “ clothed in linen ” and had “ a secretary’s inkhorn . ” Felisa : When I got baptized in 1973 , there were about 70 Witnesses in Santander , which is the capital city of Cantabria . They were like the stick for Joseph , and they did not have the hope of ruling with Christ . 7 : 9 . The expression “ continue to be made new ” indicates that putting on the new personality is an ongoing process . In turn , the heavenly part of his organization influences the earthly part . Emil Yantzen Also , the constant push for increased production takes a heavy toll on people physically , mentally , and emotionally . Why is spiritual food important ? 1 , 2 . ( a ) How does the cherished hope of true Christians differ from the hope of people in Satan’s world ? 7 , 8 . ( a ) What initial instructions did Jehovah give Barak ? Never assume that they have faith simply because they attend Christian meetings and share in the field service with you . Clearly , we could easily be deceived by our emotions if we allow them to prevail when we are making important decisions . What is understood about how these two types function ? However , their efforts are often limited to personal testimonies , church services , or programs broadcast through the media ​ — whether by means of television or on the Internet . And he expects us to obey the laws of human governments as long as those laws do not conflict with his standards . We should respect and treasure the gift of life . Am I in the place of God ? Sadly , such conduct often escalates into violence . LOVE Then they sold Joseph into slavery . Association with them really left an impression on me . However , we do well to ask ourselves , ‘ Is my love always genuine , not tainted by selfishness or deception ? ’ Instead , I’m investing time and energy in spiritual goals . ” At one point , an angelic messenger urged Daniel , that “ very precious man , ” to “ have peace ” and “ be strong . ” ​ — Dan . True to his promise , he has sustained me , fortified me , and taken hold of me with his “ right hand of righteousness . ” ​ — Isa . Along with the political and religious elements , the greedy commercial system , represented by “ the merchants ” of Revelation 18 : 3 , constitutes part of Satan’s world . Just as Noah was preserved through the Flood , loyal baptized ones will be preserved when the present wicked world meets its end . Listen patiently to their concerns , but do not discuss politics . For instance , in November 2013 , Super Typhoon Haiyan ripped through the central part of the Philippines , destroying the homes of over 1,000 Witness families . Starting in 1970 , I was assigned to travel for a few weeks every year or two to visit a number of branch offices of the Watch Tower Society , making what were then called zone visits . Although the pagan Babylonians were allowed to bring about that destruction , they were serving as Jehovah’s executioners . You could just state facts . Instead , let them see in you the benefits of following Jehovah’s ways . The first two show that working on spiritual goals strengthens a person’s relationship with Jehovah ; the third highlights the benefit of aiming for theocratic targets early in life . You can be sure that Jehovah will help you to endure . ​ — Read Acts 4 : 27 - 31 . No matter what our circumstances may be , let us always keep Jehovah at the center of our lives , trusting him fully and obeying him with a complete heart . Eventually , his conduct came to light , and he received much - needed help . Marital love shown by Christians should therefore be so strong that either mate would be willing , if necessary , to die for the other . Why , “ not even Solomon in all his glory was arrayed as one of these ” ! We realized that as baptized Christians , we needed to preach regularly in imitation of Jesus . Sisters , married or unmarried , know for a fact that they find great joy in sharing the good news as fellow workers with God . In this he is described as ‘ small in size , bald - headed , bandy - legged , well built , with eyebrows meeting ; rather long nosed . ’ ” How was Moses guided by God’s Law ? Thus , when Joseph asked for the body , the governor “ wondered whether [ Jesus ] could already be dead . ” Elizabeth Fot ; Aksamai Sultanalieva Still , neither guilt nor duty moved Paul to preach . The apostle Paul , who as a young man was deeply influenced by the proud spirit of Jewish religious leaders , could later write : “ For all things I have the strength through the one who gives me power . ” What example did Jesus set in the matter of pleasures ? She showed clear evidence of spirituality in her beautiful expressions of praise when she visited the home of her relatives Zechariah and Elizabeth . I’m so glad I took up serving where the need is greater . How have some applied this Scriptural counsel and made needed changes that allowed them to experience lasting peace ​ — with Jehovah , with themselves , and with fellow humans ? Never forget that your heartfelt prayers and freeness of speech with God “ will be richly rewarded . ” People have debated this subject for centuries . In today’s competitive world , many feel that they have to stand out from the crowd in order to get ahead . Clearly , those new disciples understood that baptism is a requirement for Christians . These early disciples of Christ may have been influenced by the fleshly - minded world . Guilt can be a harsh taskmaster . He modestly spoke that way so that his hearers would know that what he said was coming from Jehovah and was not the product of his own intellect or wisdom . ​ — John 8 : 28 . They learn that freedom has boundaries and that decisions and conduct have consequences ​ — good or bad . For example , even if we had a difficult childhood or if our present circumstances seem hopeless , we need to keep contending and persevering . Jesus ’ faithful apostles set a fine example of courage . Cause me to walk in your truth and teach me , for you are my God of salvation . We also need to open our hearts to counsel given by mature brothers . What are you determined to do to show your love for our lifesaving ministry ? And in a sense , doing so is unscriptural . Why do you feel favored by God , and what reasons do you have to cry out “ Praise Jah ! ” ? 41 : 42 ( See paragraph 13 ) To prepare for the Memorial , why not choose some study projects that will help you to draw closer to Jehovah and Jesus ? And no wonder , “ for all the things that were written beforehand were written for our instruction , so that through our endurance and through the comfort from the Scriptures we might have hope . ” What further benefits come from cultivating love ? Breaking one’s marriage vow is equivalent to lying to God , and God hates liars ! A pioneer sister from their congregation joined them in their witnessing initiative . Pioneer numbers have reached new peaks over the last ten years , reaching 13,224 in October 2015 . What could have caused David to become proud , but why did he not ? He is “ merciful and compassionate , slow to anger and abundant in loyal love and truth . ” Apparently , the princes of Babylon sent emissaries to inquire about that sign . 4 : 17 . Bible education is also promoted on our website , , where we have literature available in hundreds of languages . For years , they had been thinking about expanding their ministry by moving abroad , but Perrine hesitated to move . Far from it . In time , God warned Noah that He was going to bring a flood upon the earth . Similarly , our having unnecessary association with those who do not serve Jehovah involves risks . The next morning while he was attempting to drive the car out of the garage , missionary Mildred Willett ( who later married John Barr ) came by . After meeting together on Pentecost of the year 33 , Christians met regularly to worship Jehovah . Giving to our brothers in need is one way to show our love and hospitality ( See paragraph 12 ) In the Christian Greek Scriptures , we also read that resurrections took place in the presence of God’s representatives . Or the trial you face may be that someone falsely accuses you , perhaps out of jealousy . For the most part , they are apathetic when we try to tell them where this world is headed . We can learn a lot from some individuals mentioned in the Bible who were real friends but whose friendship was later in danger . I also sought medical help , made changes in the way I managed my time , and set aside time to relax and exercise . Thus , there was no need to replace any faithful apostle who later finished his earthly course . This would enable them to continue “ bearing fruit in every good work , ” especially in the preaching of the good news . Accordingly , strong faith in Jehovah’s loving care can help you to cope with or avoid such anxiety . Well , if we , though being imperfect humans , continue to be fully devoted to God without hypocrisy , we will be serving God with a complete heart . ​ — 2 Chron . What would they do ? This article will consider why and how we benefit from honoring Jehovah with our valuable things . The model to follow and imitate is Christ . Receiving comfort for our hearts . In fact , we have even greater reason than the Israelites had for confidence in Jehovah’s mercy . But we have to wait , and we might have to suffer hardships in the meantime . But she was desperate . How do we acquire wisdom , and with what benefit ? Evangelos Scouffas said , “ It was as if a mighty power pulled us up from our seats , and we stood up and our eyes filled with tears . ” We need to be aware of how our behavior can affect others and not take ourselves too seriously . ​ — w17.01 , p . We have the freedom to choose what to wear . She thus relinquished the right to marry , to have children , and to preserve the family name and inheritance . Since we are not perfect , we all need to continue making changes . These experienced brothers can assist married couples to apply the counsel of God’s Word . * That is fitting , since it is Jesus and his anointed corulers whom Jehovah will use to crush Satan and his followers . ​ — Rom . Doing so promotes unity . Remember that God strengthened and helped Asa , and He will strengthen you . It is fitting that as teachers in the family , parents want their children to gain a solid foundation of knowledge on which a dedication may be based . The fugitive thus never had to fear reprisal . As a result of the adjusted rendering of the term asher , the psalm now reflects David’s well - founded hope that after God delivered the nation of Israel from its enemies , He would bless the people with happiness and prosperity . And it allows us to turn those trials into victories and to focus on our goal , not on our pain . If your conscience tells you that you have improvements to make in this regard , prayerfully seek Jehovah’s help in order to make them ! How can you “ throw your burden on Jehovah ” by means of prayer ? We should also strive to help others spiritually . As disciples of Jesus , we are well - acquainted with our God - given commission . Continue putting forth effort , and you will find valuable Scriptural nuggets of divine wisdom and guidance . This could happen because of our imperfect view of matters or because we do not have all the facts . In this way our children , and later grandchildren , were very much involved in congregation activities . “ Faith is . . . the convincing evidence of realities that are not seen . ” ​ — HEB . 11 : 1 , ftn . Do I ask him for his holy spirit and the wisdom to act in a way that pleases him ? ​ — Ps . Doing so helps them to bond with the local brothers and to adjust to a different culture . Most important , he feels that his love for Jehovah and Jesus deepens each and every year . We never lost that desire to serve at Bethel ​ — but it proved to be a long time in coming ! On the other hand , you may be excited to meet new people for the first few weeks . True , an unintentional manslayer was shown mercy . However , this does not mean that we have no information about the timing of the resurrection . Yes , work with God’s discipline , not against it . Such fellow students as Larry Androsoff , Norman Dittrick , and Emil Schneider eventually accepted the truth , and they are serving Jehovah loyally to this day . Kim had no such stories to tell . 3 : 8 ; Titus 1 : 7 . 16 , 17 . ( a ) What other limitations do Satan and the demons have ? Will he be inclined to open his heart and mind to Jehovah , or will he isolate himself spiritually ? ​ — Prov . We recall that Jesus denounced such men of his day as hypocrites and blind guides . ( a ) After Jesus ’ ascension to heaven , what important decision did the faithful apostles make ? That reference to Herod likely refers to the party followers of Herod . In 1958 , I married Lene , a Danish sister who had settled in London . 22 What Kind of Love Brings True Happiness ? ( b ) How can Philippians 2 : 13 and 4 : 13 help brothers to develop courage ? Effective illustrations can also strengthen a child’s faith in the accuracy of the Bible . We forgive by pardoning someone who has offended us and by letting go of our resentment toward him . Eyewitnesses described how smoothly the large , three - colored banner unfurled . He was born in a nation that was dedicated to God . See the article “ You Can Learn Another Language ! ” in Awake ! No , you definitely should not . The resulting emotional stress might in time drain your strength . A Christian should not view prayer as a meaningless ritual ; nor is it a ‘ good luck charm ’ to increase the chances of success at some endeavor . Imagine the family’s joy when this young man was reinstated ! The Bible actually teaches us how to make wise decisions . As a Christian parent , you want your child to know the holy writings , which today include the Hebrew Scriptures as well as the Christian Greek Scriptures . He knew that false worship , including devotion to material riches , would be a denial of “ the true God above . ” As a result of fierce competition for a limited number of jobs , many employees feel compelled to work more hours , sometimes for less pay . There is one way that all Christians have tasted Jehovah’s goodness . Many of them call me Mama or Grandma . They will make up “ the New Jerusalem , ” the bride of Christ . Thus , couples entering marriage must have the view that divorce is not an option . ​ — Mark 10 : 9 . “ We exchanged phone numbers , ” she adds , “ so we could be reached and included in spiritual and other activities . ” He has sustained me through family difficulties , religious opposition , personal disappointments , and depression . Lasting joy comes from helping people to benefit from God’s wisdom ( See paragraphs 12 , 13 ) What is humility , and how is modesty related to it ? And who among us has not found comfort in the Psalms or drawn practical lessons from the book of Proverbs ? Muriel , quoted earlier , admits that she and her husband had to sacrifice their preferences for the spiritual benefit of their son . His promise meant that she would never be able to marry or have any children . Linda experienced an intense fear of man whenever she engaged in the ministry . On hearing that she had asked permission to glean ​ — even though she was within her full right to do so — ​ Boaz generously allowed her to glean even among the sheaves . ​ — Read Ruth 2 : 5 - 7 , 15 , 16 . Ask yourself , ‘ Am I determined to please Jehovah , to defend true worship , and to protect his people from any corrupting influence ? ’ Brother Russell did not seek glory from humans . Each week of the year , on average , 120 individuals are baptized in Ghana . All of us show respect for our Leader , Jesus , by being obedient and submissive to the men he is using to direct us . ​ — Heb . Later , I went back to Madrid for work and then got married . Rather than looking to any human ruler or agency for freedom , Paul and his fellow Christians worked hard to help others learn the good news of God’s Kingdom and the incomparable value of the ransom sacrifice of Christ Jesus . This is what a brother named Federico experienced . Aksamai became a zealous preacher of the good news . Choose a few names , and ask Jehovah to help these brothers and sisters to be courageous and stay loyal to him . ​ — Ephesians 6 : 19 , 20 . He kept training himself and relied on Jehovah’s spirit . Still , you realize that Christ died for that person and you are to show love . What a happy thought ! ( b ) How can discerning parents effectively assist their children ? Through Jeremiah , Jehovah advised the future exiles to accept their new situation and make the most of it . ( a ) Whom has Jehovah assigned to raise children ? As part of their worship at those festivals , the Israelites were not to “ appear before Jehovah empty - handed . ” As told by Denton Hopkinson 10 : 9 , 10 ; 2 Cor . “ I’m spiritually sick . It may require considerable effort for us to fight against such wrong practices ; still , it is a fight that we can win . SONGS : 38 , 128 The cities of refuge , for example , teach elders how to “ judge with true justice , ” and they teach all of us how to “ deal with one another in loyal love and mercy . ” The instructors used effective teaching methods . Let us be determined to show this precious aspect of the fruitage of God’s holy spirit every day . A year later , Ilias , as the oldest son , was allowed to return home to care for our widowed mother . How true that statement is ! In fact , Paul calls Jehovah’s throne “ the throne of undeserved kindness ” and invites us to approach it “ with freeness of speech . ” “ It was a call to action from headquarters , which most of us had been longing for and which soon brought wonderful results , ” recalled Hilda Padgett . We missed our family very much . Looking back on my life , I sometimes feel a bit like the prophet Amos . As it turned out , our first parents chose to disobey . The Bible speaks highly of spiritually - minded people . UPON learning the truth , Kevin wanted nothing more than a close relationship with Jehovah . Elders today must be sure to imitate Jehovah , who “ loves justice . ” Matthew 18 : 15 Because we love the Bible , we also love our Bible - based publications . How should we view recent simplifications in the organization ? Jesus said : “ Where your treasure is , there your hearts will be also . ” ​ — Luke 12 : 34 . If possible , as far as it depends on you , be peaceable with all men . ” 53 : 5 , 8 , 9 . But first , we must answer the following questions : What stand regarding Babylon the Great did the Bible Students take prior to 1914 ? The rebels panicked and fled . But did Jesus and Paul “ constantly talk about , engage and glory in ” wine ? Do not underestimate the value of your prayers with and for a bereaved fellow Christian . “ Without faith , ” the Bible states , “ it is impossible to please God well , for whoever approaches God must believe that he exists and that he becomes the rewarder of those earnestly seeking him . ” But if you make the harsh service of your father easier and you lighten the heavy yoke he put on us , we will serve you . ” ​ — 2 Chron . Of course , Jehovah knows that the Devil’s allegations are false . Even so , he sees the need to remain on guard against any spiritual relapse . This plea “ speaks to us of more than just the desperation of a labourer to get back [ his garment ] , ” says historian Simon Schama . What responsibility do we as Jehovah’s loyal worshippers have ? On May 20 , 2015 , my companion of 66 years passed away in death . Finally , I told them : “ All right . We further learned that his Kingdom will end all suffering and that we have the prospect of living forever in peace and happiness under Kingdom rule . ​ — John 3 : 16 ; Rev . 89 : 15 , 16 . We are truly grateful to know how to give honor Jehovah’s way . As the “ Hearer of prayer , ” Jehovah is pleased to listen to all sincere prayers . Instead , he has permitted us to exercise our free will and make sensible personal decisions , which should be guided by sound Scriptural principles . Yes , we consider each person as an individual and adapt our approach accordingly . ​ — 1 Cor . He might also influence well - meaning family members to discourage us from attending meetings . SONGS : 40 , 98 The Bible says : “ He satisfies the desire of those who fear him ; he hears their cry for help , and he rescues them . ” But many in the world use social media excessively , following men or women whom they do not even know . The psalmist then turns his attention to the heavens above , telling us that Jehovah “ counts the number of the stars ” and “ calls all of them by name . ” “ No privileges other than regular pioneering . ” But with us was Eldon Woodworth , an older anointed brother . But during those two years , she showed interest in others and strangers became close friends . Yes , Anna found comfort as well as joy in worshipping Jehovah . They do not help people to understand that God’s Kingdom is a heavenly government with Jesus Christ as Ruler , that it is the solution to all mankind’s problems , and that it will soon remove all wickedness from this earth . One day , while I was driving my red convertible through town , two young women waved me over . After Pentecost 33 C.E . , true worshippers were not obliged to keep the Mosaic Law . If he reflects the fruitage of the spirit , being loving and kind , he will earn her deep respect . Finally , in 1962 he was baptized as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses . So let us consider why Jehovah used those men as examples of righteousness . Providing our brothers with spiritual food was of utmost concern . The riders of the chariots are angels , likely groups or divisions of angels . From then on , he no longer hid from Jehovah’s Witnesses . 9 : 38 . Imagine her joy when 13 years later she was sitting in the Kingdom Hall with her family and Hans was introduced as the visiting speaker ! How wise it is to apply the Bible’s counsel to control our temper and avoid being quick to take offense ! With my wife in 2011 We know that we are living deep in “ the time of the end ” and that there cannot be much time left before the “ great tribulation ” begins ! On hearing this , the brothers modestly stopped objecting to Paul’s decision to go on to Jerusalem . ​ — Acts 21 : 10 - 14 . The apostle Paul did that by giving a thorough witness . People’s problems and worries move us to want to help them spiritually . You will be in a much better position to raise your children as Christians if you understand their conversations , entertainment , and schoolwork and if you can communicate directly with their teachers . Then , Chris explained that Bible prophecy convinced him personally that the Bible is true . What identifies a spiritual person ? 119 : 99 . Some think that there are billions of stars in our Milky Way galaxy alone . We all suffer from inherited sin , and when our actions do not reflect our keen desire to please Jehovah , we may feel miserable . As Kingdom publishers , we may desire to enter the full - time ministry as regular pioneers . Young Ones ​ — “ Keep Working Out Your Own Salvation , ” Dec . If the Bible had provided a list of acceptable styles of dress and grooming , it would now be out - of - date in that regard . ONE thing that makes humans superior to animals is the fact that humans have been endowed with a conscience . “ The brothers in Turkey really want to share the truth with as many people as possible . Inland lay the sparsely populated outback , an arid region over half the size of the United States . Why may it be a challenge to avoid giving tacit support to independence movements ? other faithful servants of Jehovah ? As our parents had done with us , we worked hard to attend the meetings and have a regular share in the field service as a family . God’s Word guided his representatives . THE Memorial invitation is one of the most widely circulated publications that we print . 32 Questions From Readers He saw the need for refreshment . The Bible assures us : “ If anyone loves God , this one is known by him . ” Ask Jehovah for strength . How have God’s servants shown love ? Much of the evil that is done in this world is the work not of individuals but of organizations . “ I know that the only hope for solving all our problems is God’s Kingdom , ” she says . Some trees take longer than others to become firmly rooted in a new environment . Jehovah is an awe - inspiring Creator . David was not Jesse’s firstborn son ; yet , the Messiah descended from David . ​ — w17.12 , pp . How can we prepare now for this occasion , how will we benefit from attending it , and how does that annual event contribute to the unity of God’s people everywhere ? We did substitute circuit work and convention work . When the trial was over , Jehovah gave Job double what he had before the trial began , as well as an added 140 years of life . In what way does peace result from “ setting the mind on the spirit ” ? Unlike Diotrephes , a Christian named Demetrius is mentioned by John as a good example . Uncle Julius , who was 60 years old , became my pioneer partner . I was on the night shift for several weeks , printing a tract related to the persecution that Jehovah’s people were experiencing in Canada . 13 : 5 , 6 . Worldwide , nearly 2,500 Kingdom Halls are currently in the process of being built or extensively renovated . He admitted : “ My anguished heart makes me groan aloud . ” In that situation , what was the wise thing for David to do ? What did he do ? Although Saul was rejected by Jehovah after ruling a little over two years , he was allowed to continue ruling for 38 more years , until his death . ​ — 1 Sam . We need this hope to endure persecution . Their abilities in speaking and explaining Bible truths impressed me . When we put together all the upbuilding experiences that we have had , they form a beautiful bouquet of memories that we treasure . ” He did not know what to say to that . Perhaps a brother has made mistakes in the past , and now he feels that he is not worthy of being a ministerial servant or an elder . Because Alexander the Great had expanded the Grecian Empire by means of his conquests . An enthusiastic field service group leaving for witnessing activity in Lusaka , Zambia . Even so , a small number of anointed wheatlike Christians were doing their best to worship God , but their voices were being drowned out . I did not realize that the causes of racial injustice had to be uprooted from people’s hearts . Unlike Jehovah and Jesus , elders cannot read hearts . That prophetic warning also applies to our time . ( b ) How did one youth use an opportunity to give a witness at school ? Just as his laws of creation never fail , Jehovah will never fail us . Meanwhile , exercise patience , being ever watchful . Adria and George The Bible mentions one anointed Christian in the first century who had to be disfellowshipped ; later , he was reinstated . Instead , they stayed in their assignment until their work was done , perhaps at the time of the Flood , over 1,600 years later ! In using that word , the apostle Paul stressed that spiritual progress requires effort . Yet , Kim was wise enough to know that among many youths the temptation to engage in sex is great . At Romans 8 : 21 , we find a guarantee that the new world will definitely come . The book Backgrounds of Early Christianity states : “ Judaism enjoyed a privileged position in the Roman empire . . . . In these ways , younger ones and those newly associated learn to perform acts of kindness for others . How can we imitate Asa in doing good ? ​ — 1 Ki . But a language barrier can make it difficult for you to teach your children the truth . Jehovah alone has the wisdom to bring about world peace . Nevertheless , the Bible makes clear that as a result of Adam’s sin , we are all born imperfect . At first glance , the gold may not be visible in the ore . That will be the time for us to “ stand still , and see the salvation of Jehovah . ” The connection between Psalm 144 : 12 - 15 and the preceding verses hangs on the meaning given to the first word in verse 12 , which is the Hebrew term asher . We know that it is possible only because Jehovah is backing the work . ​ — Job 42 : 2 . Husbands are told to deal with their wives “ according to knowledge . ” Why is God’s gift of the ransom through Jesus the best gift we could receive ? But more to the point : Will such a false claim hold any appeal for us ? They left their sinful past and were “ washed clean . ” The future of that city seemed uncertain . ​ — Ezra 4 : 21 - 24 . Through all my years of service , I have never owned a car . God allows human governments to exist because they can maintain some peace and order . He was not fooled by the materialized demons , who surely impressed faithless , gullible humans with their superhuman abilities ​ — perhaps even to the point of becoming objects of idolatry . This is true even in matters that involve our conduct and worship . At first , being young , Timothy may have lacked self - confidence and may have hesitated to act in his newly assigned role . Because of Jehovah’s love , we can feel secure wherever we serve in his household . How does the organization strive to make the best use of donated funds ? These conversations refreshed Gavin , and he finally accepted a Bible study . Rather , “ whatever the man would call each living creature , that became its name . ” ​ — Gen . At times , unbelieving mates will demand that children share in pagan celebrations or be taught false religious beliefs . In David’s day , Ahithophel proved that his friendship with the king was a fraud . What hope did faithful men and women of pre - Christian times cherish ? To find jobs , people from this place go to where you came from ! ” During 1948 , Arthur received another three - month prison sentence . Indeed , those who have spent their lives on pursuing material things or gratifying sexual desires have ended up disappointed and deeply hurt . ​ — 1 Cor . 2 : 10 - 12 . “ It is good to sing praises to our God . ” ​ — PS . Ecclesiastes 12 : 1 Such self - centered people are not truly happy . We will consider four broad categories : wicked people , corrupt organizations , wrong activities , and distressful conditions . To show our appreciation for such undeserved kindness , we should keep strengthening our faith through prayer and study of God’s Word . ​ — Eph . In each of these situations , we must decide what we will do . I needed to be patient with them . Brother Jensen evidently knew what was good for me ! Even their diet was set for them . Parents with practical wisdom spend hours learning and applying Jehovah’s standards , thus fearing his name . 5 : 10 - 12 . How their love for Paul and one another must have deepened ! Fearing Jehovah’s name implies respecting him . Instead , it depends on our own faithfulness . These are just a few examples of the countless sacrifices made by servants of Jehovah . I was based at a missionary home in Lahore , along with three other missionary brothers . Perceptive people , therefore , use their mind , not just their eyes and ears . That is an intriguing prospect . As “ imitators of God , ” then , let us do our very best to welcome strangers among us . ​ — Eph . In this , Rehoboam showed a measure of insight that he did not display earlier . There will be a resurrection . How do distressful conditions affect us now ? A pioneer shares with a worker the important contents of the Good News brochure So dig deeply into God’s Word . Reaching the climax , he asked , “ Do you believe that the King of glory has begun his reign ? ” What a warning for us ! Did Jacob of himself have the strength and endurance needed to contend with a powerful angel ? In time , though , I realized something important . There will always be good brothers who can help you ​ — if you let them help you . Satan is “ the father of the lie . ” Do not be distracted by peer pressure . At this meeting , Peter spoke boldly , reminding the brothers that some years earlier , uncircumcised Gentiles had received the gift of the holy spirit . And that wisdom can safeguard us from moral and spiritual harm . Remember , whether we are right or wrong , engaging in hurtful speech will never improve a situation . Such determination to put Kingdom interests first shows that we value God’s friendship and spiritual riches far more than what today’s commercial world can offer . ( a ) What principle found at Romans 15 : 1 , 2 can help you to determine what will be in the best interests of your children ? How can we do our part in keeping wickedness out of Jehovah’s house ? We also encourage them when they hear us comment and sing from our heart . ​ — Colossians 3 : 16 . In answer , Jesus gave an illustration of a Samaritan who kindly cared for a traveler ​ — a Jew — ​ who had been beaten by thieves . 4 , 5 . ( a ) In what situation did the steward of Jesus ’ illustration find himself ? Regarding the Paradise earth , God says : “ The earth will certainly be filled with the knowledge of Jehovah . ” In fact , the Bible urges genuine Christians : “ Do not forget kindness to strangers . ” What a sobering thought ! Yes , when rendering judgment , Jehovah takes into consideration factors that are unknown to us . But is not the fact that we can endure in the work evidence that we have God’s spirit ? How can all promote unity in the congregation and help others to let their light shine ? That is where our Bible - trained conscience comes into play . 10 : 7 ; Luke 10 : 3 . In time , though , we found out who they really were . It should not be to collect money and construct elaborate buildings . To do that , she gave the boys milk , sugar , and coffee . Differences in emotional nature and upbringing may become issues , or disagreements may arise regarding money , in - laws , and child - rearing . As told by Ronald J . Indeed , he never repeated those serious sins . Pray for holy spirit , the most powerful force in the universe . As small as those creatures are , they eat a lot of fruit , seeds , insects , or worms . During the Thousand Year Reign , Jesus and his 144,000 associate kings and priests will bring faithful humans to perfection . ( a ) What is the only path to life ? With an initial burst of enthusiasm , they got to work on restoring true worship in Jerusalem . What further challenges have some faced ? And what a blessing it is now to have dear friends all over the world ! As these critical times worsen , all of us need to keep on the watch . I felt disappointed , but I kept praying to God : “ I want to get to know you . Seek “ treasure in heaven ” ​ — Jehovah’s approval — ​ and not riches or “ the glory of men . ” ​ — Read Mark 10 : 21 , 22 ; John 12 : 43 . Later , when he finds out what was hidden , what will be the result ? Or we may have already made progress , but when we examine ourselves further , we find that we can still improve our spirituality . What he learned moved him to study the Bible with Jehovah’s Witnesses , but it took him a long time to break his bad habit . “ Do You Love Me More Than These ? ” This moved Asa to make many changes so as to restore pure worship . How does the parable of the talents provide encouragement ? Some brothers in our congregation were or had been members of the Bethel family . The Bible explains that genuine love is shown , “ not in word or with the tongue , but in deed and truth . ” “ I still do not speak Russian perfectly , ” Irene admits . ( See opening image . ) ( b ) How did angels assist the governing body ? A FLYING scroll , a woman sealed inside a container , and two women soaring in the wind with wings like those of storks ​ — such dramatic images are found in the book of Zechariah . He also became a bold “ preacher of righteousness , ” publicly confessing his faith in Jehovah . “ Jehovah Our God Is One Jehovah , ” June We can trust these products to be free of advertisements or contamination by Satan’s world . Presenting our members as slaves to righteousness will not only keep us from drunkenness but also move us to shun drinking to the point of almost being drunk . Jesus , though , focuses on the steward’s reaction , not on the reasons for the dismissal . 4 : 13 - 15 . Such experiences remind us of our first - century brothers and sisters , who had the heavenly hope . ( See paragraph 10 ) We have no basis to expect that Jesus or his Father will now perform such a miracle for us . Your children will observe what you do , and it certainly will affect them for the good . Give an example . Jesus makes it clear that Jehovah will not forgive us if we do not forgive our brothers when there is a sound basis for doing so . Jesus ’ point was that we can ‘ prove ourselves faithful ’ with , or control , those riches once we obtain them . SONGS : 133 , 135 Professor Yosef Garfinkel , who participated in the excavation , observes : “ It is interesting to note that the name Eshba’al appears in the Bible , and now also in the archaeological record , only during the reign of King David . ” Finally , if Christians went into bondage to false religion from the second century C.E . onward , when did they get freed ? We tried to inculcate in our sons and daughters a love for Jehovah and a desire to serve him . Brother Russell devoted his time , energy , and money unsparingly to share these truths with others . Jehovah does not experience such shortcomings himself ; yet , his understanding of us is immeasurable , unsearchable ! ​ — Isa . 8 , 9 . ( a ) What warning did the apostle Peter give about using our freedom ? Cain’s descendant Lamech is the first man reported as having two wives . He meditated on and applied Bible principles , and he accepted the help and counsel offered by fellow Christians . In 1992 , I was appointed to serve as an elder , the first Kyrgyz elder in the country . Consider the message he gave to the prophet Ezekiel regarding the joining together of two sticks , the stick “ for Judah ” and the stick “ for Joseph . ” In what sense is Jesus ’ yoke kindly , and how should knowing that affect us ? They will be gone ​ — forever ! ​ — Ps . A modest person will always remember his place before God and his role in God’s arrangement . Our abilities are not the important thing . As conditions deteriorate in the world and new opportunities to preach continue to arise , such training becomes both important and urgent . SONGS : 103 , 101 The staff was so pleased with her work that she was offered a full - time position at triple her salary . How did he find peace ? ( Read 1 Peter 1 : 22 ; Luke 22 : 24 - 27 . ) 13 : 17 . We know that we can trust you . Why is such a restriction needed ? Abraham was willing to wait , because his patience was based on his faith in Jehovah . To him , we are all equal . But something was missing . ” I will bring the calamity upon his house in the days of his son . ” 28 : 7 , 18 - 20 . Although it took time , they adjusted their way of thinking . Stéphanie from France added : “ The special campaign taught us that what unites us is not the culture or language but the love for Jehovah that we have in common . ” The letters “ ADV ” were everywhere ​ — on trees , on buildings , even on the convention program ! God’s Word assures us that our sins can be “ blotted out . ” Until then , may each of us be determined to reflect Jehovah’s view of justice by humbly acknowledging our personal limitations and generously forgiving those who sin against us . If they come to you to offer kind , loving help , such as about your style of dress , will you accept their counsel as an expression of God’s love for you ? How does love do this ? Not really . 1 Peter 5 : 5 When we do give in to sin , we will ask Jehovah for his forgiveness . According to one reference work , a·gaʹpe “ can be known only from the actions it prompts . ” Jesus loved God’s Word , and he was eager to share it with others . What a delight it has been to serve with our brothers in the Philippines ! Regarding the bloodbath that followed , the Bible says : “ [ Nebuchadnezzar ] killed their young men with the sword in the house of their sanctuary ; he felt no compassion for young man or virgin , old or infirm . . . . He prefaced that by saying : “ Stop storing up for yourselves treasures on the earth , where moth and rust consume and where thieves break in and steal . Do whatever you can to ensure that God’s Word reaches your child’s heart . No doubt you are thrilled . When you come out , you will be old and alone . ” your marriage vow ? Why was the campaign organized ? Jehovah dignifies us with the opportunity to support the grand work taking place today . Choosing to walk modestly with God will therefore help us to think neither too much nor too little of ourselves . ​ — Read Romans 12 : 3 . A family may make adjustments as they seek to balance income with expenses or as they consider how to simplify their life and reduce expenses in order to do more for Jehovah . After about a month in the Bindery , I was sent to the Magazine Department because I knew how to type . Like many young Christians , 20 - year - old Kiana has not been fooled by this deception . Just as a prospector seeks to find precious deposits of alluvial gold , you may have been very diligent in searching for valuable spiritual riches . A sister in Spain faces a similar battle : “ I sometimes struggle with my feelings of animosity toward a certain ethnic group , and I succeed most of the time . Do we have everything we need to make wise decisions that please Jehovah ? Those charges could lead to his being sentenced to death . That would be “ at the end of the days . ” How that message reached Kyrgyzstan and spread here is a thrilling story . 29 : 13 . Thus , we all need to take to heart the warning : “ Let the one who thinks he is standing beware that he does not fall . ” ​ — 1 Cor . Second , if we act beyond the scope of our authority , we are likely to get into conflict with others . This was the experience of a faithful servant of Jehovah named Naboth , who lived during the reign of King Ahab of Israel . ​ — 1 Ki . Adam and Eve’s choice proved disastrous ! He even confiscated her study materials . There is no hiding from Jehovah God . Jehovah’s people have always looked forward to being with one another . As a result , we will be in a better position to make personal decisions that our loving God will bless . This article gives reasons for setting spiritual goals early in life and for giving priority to the field ministry . I learned a lot from that faithful spiritual brother . I learned that there are different ways of doing things . Consider what those words say about that righteous man . The four of us worked together for over 50 years . 1941 convention , Mexico City A sinner must be repentant if he is to receive mercy . How serious is this matter ? What would he do ? How do supporters of God’s sovereignty make personal decisions ? John may have wanted to know whether someone else would fulfill all the hopes of the Jews . Everything we have is from him . The Bible does not say . Did this command in some way deprive them of their freedom ? In such circumstances , a Christian might view a tip as an additional fee that he is required to pay in order to obtain a legitimate service . Keep up your spiritual routine . His despair was deepened further by the disheartening words of his wife and of three companions who acted as if they were his friends . ​ — Job 2 : 9 ; 3 : 11 ; 16 : 2 . Thus , Jehovah’s people have shown determination to find individuals in remote parts of the continent . Clearly , Jehovah wants people of “ every nation and tribe and language ” to have the opportunity to benefit from his Word . It pushes people to outdo one another , breeds jealousy , and in the end , proves to be “ a chasing after the wind . ” ​ — Eccl . We realized that this came from the same group that published those books ! Sadly , some Christians felt that way even while some of the apostles were still alive . How easy it must have been to have confidence in such a spiritually mature man ! ​ — Heb . By exercising faith in Christ’s ransom sacrifice , we place ourselves under the rule of Jehovah’s undeserved kindness . It must have been very hard for families who loved Jehovah to stay faithful during those difficult years . Most assuredly he will ! You were faithful over a few things . War : God’s Kingdom will eliminate such deep - seated causes of war as selfishness , corruption , patriotism , false religion , and Satan himself . Ida’s experience highlights an important truth : The literal shield given to a soldier had fixed dimensions , but the size of our shield of faith can either shrink or grow . When looking to science to determine whether life was created , a person can easily get lost in a fog of information . For instance , a couple in Denmark compared airplanes to birds . Then see how his spirit “ energizes you , giving you both the desire and the power to act . ” These new Christians became “ a chosen race , a royal priesthood , a holy nation , a people for special possession . ” How does God’s Word , such as at 1 John 3 : 17 , help us learn to show compassion ? Jehovah said : “ Take , please , your son , your only son whom you so love , Isaac , and . . . offer him up . . . as a burnt offering . ” He ceased to walk after the flesh and returned to a straight path . ​ — 2 Cor . Therefore , Gideon and his men kept chasing their enemies and finally defeated them ! ​ — Judges 7 : 22 ; 8 : 4 , 10 , 28 . They also enjoy a united brotherhood , a wholesome lifestyle , and a happy hope . When Paul was being prepared to be whipped , he revealed that he was a Roman citizen . If following Jesus has brought “ a sword ” into your family , rely on Jehovah to help you deal with the challenges successfully . We also need to ask , ‘ Do I continue to be made new in my dominant mental attitude ? ’ She said : “ At the meeting , we studied The Watchtower and sang Kingdom songs . Satan tries to bully us with governmental bans , pressure from classmates , and opposition from family ( See paragraph 14 ) Usually , only one side of a scroll was used , so this scroll clearly contains a weighty and serious message . The ark was a physical structure that provided undeniable visible evidence that Noah was devoted to the doing of God’s will . “ Be transformed by making your mind over . ” ​ — ROM . When “ foreign residents ” live far from other Witnesses who speak their language , they need to associate with a local - language congregation . A good example of how to handle faults was set by Joseph , the first of Jacob’s two sons by Rachel . Such initiatives may make a big difference in the life of a fellow believer . ​ — Prov . They will listen to us and then try to build us up with warm encouragement and appropriate Scriptural counsel . In fact , within the context of singing praises , the Scriptures sometimes direct Jehovah’s worshippers to “ shout joyfully . ” ​ — Ps . If we speak the truth at all times , we should not have to take an oath to make our words more believable . In addition to praying for ourselves , for whom else should we pray ? But there is more . Be hospitable . She explained that she was beset by personal and family problems . To illustrate : Imagine a married woman who is shopping . Though some did not maintain strict neutrality , they still held the fundamental conviction expressed by Bible Student Konrad Mörtter , “ I recognized clearly from God’s Word that a Christian should not kill . ” ​ — Ex . Similarly , prominent Judeans despised Jesus because he was a Galilean . 4 : 28 . If someone treats you harshly or unfairly , what can help you to keep your emotions in check and to react in a way that brings joy to Jehovah ? ( a ) What conditions contributed to a greater understanding of Bible truth in the late 1800 ’ s ? Sascha The humble prophet faithfully delivered God’s message , and Jehovah protected his servant from Jeroboam’s violent wrath . ​ — 1 Ki . The first thing they did upon arriving was set up an altar on the site of the former temple , and they began to offer daily sacrifices to Jehovah . But the Creator gives all of them a name or a designation . It allows us to take advantage of our circumstances to help others . Peter was quite attached to fishing . The way we treat our vows affects our relationship with Jehovah . The result ? The husband accepted a Bible study and began attending meetings with his wife . A Christian brother in Tokmok invited us to a wedding . 9 Organized in Harmony With God’s Own Book Think about what happened to Jesus during his last days on earth . Young people search in vain for employment . Adam and Eve did have the freedom to choose whether they would obey God or not . Should we hesitate to avail ourselves of the benefits of the ransom because we feel unclean or sinful ? In the past , some who are now Witnesses struggled with overeating , heavy drinking , smoking , drug abuse , sexual immorality , and the like . Communication through prayer is the foundation of a close relationship with God . 15 : 45 . ( b ) How did Jesus teach a lesson in overcoming racial prejudice ? The apostles quickly rectified matters by appointing qualified men to handle the food distribution . Consider , for example , the fact that God enabled his Son to heal diseases that doctors could not cure . the way we strive to improve our personality ? How can parents know if a child is in a position to make a valid dedication ? Let us reflect on the assurance that “ setting the mind on the spirit means . . . peace . ” 1 - 3 . ( a ) What challenge confronts all young people , and how might this be illustrated ? But we must learn to use it skillfully when defending our beliefs ​ — or when adjusting our own thinking . 13 : 23 . Then all of the 144,000 will share with Jesus in conquering the kings of the earth . When Jeremiah was afraid and discouraged , Jehovah built up that faithful prophet’s confidence . Why can it sometimes be a challenge to show compassion ? Yes , he takes notice of the trials you face , and he can give you the strength to endure each one of them . Some circuit overseers have expressed concern because they meet young ones in their late teens and early 20 ’ s who have grown up in Christian households but who have yet to get baptized . Consider Graham , who was disfellowshipped , in time was reinstated , and then became spiritually inactive . Do not unmarried Christians who use their singleness to give greater attention to “ the things of the Lord ” also deserve commendation and encouragement ? ​ — 1 Cor . Do you know how many silver coins I have collected ? ” In 2014 / 2015 , some of the largest stadiums in 14 cities around the world became home for the three - day “ Keep Seeking First God’s Kingdom ! ” Looking back on my life from before I got baptized in that watering trough until now , I thank Jehovah for the wise ones who assisted me in the way of the truth . It was wonderful ! On that foundation , Christians must “ supply to [ their ] faith ” other important qualities “ in order to keep [ themselves ] in God’s love . ” ​ — Read 2 Peter 1 : 5 - 7 ; Jude 20 , 21 . Sadly , life in Satan’s wicked world creates a tremendous amount of pressure , which can cause anxiety and thus make a person feel weighed down . So dig deeply into God’s Word , as if you were looking for hidden treasures . What are you resolved to do to safeguard your spiritual riches ? They had made a dedication to our heavenly Father , Jehovah , so doing God’s will was their first priority . E . The Devil has no interest in your salvation . What can you do to make Bible reading more beneficial ? For example , this system often teaches people that the best way to be happy is to pursue money and gather many possessions . Submitting to Jesus ’ teachings as his disciples will give our life real meaning and satisfaction . Yes , under his Head , Jehovah God , the invisible and glorified Christ Jesus was leading the congregation . Later , he began serving as a pioneer . However , parents can benefit from reflecting on what it means to make a disciple . We will thereby show our gratitude to the One who teaches us to benefit ourselves . ​ — Isa . Few people have been treated as badly as David was . We also had to collect water from a well . Many of Jehovah’s people have found creative ways to make time for daily Bible reading , whether at the start of their day or at the end or somewhere in between . Jehoshaphat forged another unwise alliance . How did Jehovah do that ? ( b ) Why should we not give up on ourselves even if we “ fall seven times , ” as it were ? 9 “ Let Endurance Complete Its Work ” They decided to disobey God . In addition , IUDs that release a hormone came on the market in 2001 . Jehovah’s earthly family will enjoy the best that the earth has to offer . And how important these changes are ! First , when we act immodestly , we fail to honor Jehovah as our rightful Sovereign . When I visited , Arthur and I would volunteer to wash the dishes after meals . “ Listen , O Israel : Jehovah our God is one Jehovah . ” ​ — DEUT . In what ways has Jehovah’s spirit liberated us ? They are thrilled to hear a special announcement . What is the difference ? If a person loses his spirituality , he creates a moral vacuum and the polluted “ air ” of this world will rush in . They care little about others . He knew of the Jews ’ disdain for Jesus and their determination to expel from the synagogue any who confessed faith in him . Whatever entertainment we may choose , we want to keep it in its proper place . Jehovah made his feelings known when he reproved Eliphaz , Bildad , and Zophar for speaking falsehood but took delight in Job , referring to him as “ my servant . ” We should not try to argue about all their false religious ideas . What might help you overcome hesitancy to speak up about your beliefs ? A similar thought is expressed at Proverbs 2 : 7 , 9 , which says that Jehovah “ treasures up practical wisdom for the upright . ” Sadly , though , from the days of Adam , each generation grows old and is replaced by another . What an outstanding example of mildness and patience under painful and stressful circumstances ! ​ — Read 1 Peter 2 : 21 - 23 . 134 - 136 . Later , along with many of my countrymen , I migrated to Melbourne , Australia . Government officials are expected to maintain law and order and to care for the needs of their citizens . ( b ) How did God’s Word help one brother to adjust his attitude , and with what results ? An Australian sister was moved by a Watchtower study article in the issue of December 15 , 2013 , that dealt with the meaning of the Passover . Happily , like Martha , you have good reason to say , ‘ I know that my loved one will rise in the resurrection . ’ Send me ! ” ​ — Isa . The host likely has worked hard to prepare the meal . ​ — w18.03 , p . On occasion , he updates his collection with an article or two . Some of the things involved are reading God’s Word and meditating on it , praying to Jehovah , and thinking of ways that Jehovah has blessed you as an individual . It could be argued that she should have kept herself separate from others because of her condition . We can trust that by making “ the spirit ” the real center of our existence , we will have a satisfying , meaningful life now . Christian faith includes a demonstration of obedience to Jesus ’ commands . How can younger men demonstrate a proper attitude as they take on the work of older brothers ? How would Jehovah’s counsel benefit Job long after his trials ? How is Jehovah’s wisdom far superior to that of the world under Satan’s dominion ? Third , elders are commissioned and trained to reassure repentant sinners , helping to ease their pain and guilt . This opposition could affect peaceful relations among family members . Confident of divine backing , the Jews quickly swing into action , resuming their building work despite the ban . Many people form impressions and opinions of us by “ what appears to the eyes . ” He had strength and physical power that would make any ‘ macho man ’ pale in comparison . The prophet sent his attendant Gehazi back to Shunem ahead of them . On the other hand , Naboth valued his relationship with Jehovah even more than life itself . Although it was strictly forbidden , the seven of us secretly met together to study the Bible . Those signs had the delegates bursting with curiosity . Katharina had moved away and did not know all of this . God’s own Book directs Christian elders to keep his organization clean . All the prisoners ’ bonds are loosened . Moses kept his hands and the rod of the true God lifted up toward heaven . Jehovah will likewise answer our fervent pleas for holy spirit if we “ persevere in prayer . ” ​ — Rom . Thus The Watch Tower of September 1 , 1915 , described the first world war , which eventually engulfed about 30 countries . Like all other Christians , refugees need to resist the temptation and pressure to compromise their relationship with Jehovah in order to obtain material things . Many young brothers and sisters share in the work of building and maintaining Kingdom Halls . After holding the family for two days , the officer in charge radioed his superior to ask what should be done with them . Feeling tender compassion will move us to acts of kindness . The priest said : “ They were all so stupid that they gave the same answer : ‘ The good news of the Kingdom . ’ ” Will we try our best to do so ? Once inside the city of refuge , a fugitive no longer needed to look over his shoulder for the avenger of blood . Did he feel that his efforts were worth it ? ( Read Romans 12 : 10 . ) He reasoned : “ How could I commit this great badness and actually sin against God ? ” ​ — Gen . 39 : 6 , 9 ; read Proverbs 1 : 10 . The director was so impressed that he allowed us to use the facilities without cost . Perhaps in private , they can calmly and lovingly reason with a child , explaining that Jehovah expects him to honor his parents for his everlasting benefit . What changed her view ? The soldiers who were shooting yelled for me to come out from my hiding place . “ Incessant prayer to Jehovah has been an invaluable help to me , particularly when situations have been tense , ” recalls Adolfo . Mankind is not able to eliminate crime . This is a trial that the survivor may not have expected to face in this system of things . Moreover , the inability to communicate well in another language can be mentally and spiritually draining . Plan ahead . Why do many young people enjoy making disciples ? Reflecting on Timothy’s ministry , Paul reminded him : “ Guard this fine trust by means of the holy spirit , which is dwelling in us . ” Therefore , search for Scriptural principles in order to ‘ perceive what the will of Jehovah is . ’ So all the ingrained prejudice and hatred melted away before my eyes . ” Similarly , the truths we learn from God’s Word protect us from the spiritual harm that false teachings cause . Tying my hands behind my back , soldiers savagely beat the soles of my feet with ropes . Will our heavenly Father approve of any decision we make as long as it does not break a Bible law ? They commit themselves to Jehovah and focus their lives on theocratic goals . We certainly can learn a lesson from Rehoboam . Hence , if a Christian chooses to take reasonable measures to defend himself or his property , he would do everything in his power to avoid taking a human life and becoming bloodguilty . ​ — Deut . Why did Jesus tell us not to worry about what we will eat , or drink , or wear ? Are not such things some of the major necessities of life ? They certainly are ! So to gain a solid foundation of Scriptural knowledge , he needed to learn basic Bible truths , understand what it means to be one of God’s servants , and be determined to obey Jesus ’ teachings . It will also help us to analyze our personal view of the lifesaving ministry that Christians have been assigned and the truths that we have learned over the years . Perhaps you need to work many hours or you have a lot to do or you always feel tired . He showed great courage , went to work , and with Jehovah’s help completed the magnificent temple in seven and a half years . A vehicle rear - ended Luigi’s car . ( b ) Why should we imitate Jehoshaphat in acknowledging our weaknesses ? “ I don’t try to cash in on my talents or attempt to climb the corporate ladder . Jesus ’ confidence in Jehovah and his people was well - founded and still is . As Didier , mentioned before , puts it , “ serving where the need is greater is good training for the future ! ” What about you ? God has every reason to be wrathful over such deliberate insults , yet the Bible describes Jehovah as being “ slow to anger . ” What can we learn from Job’s experience ? She was so excited about what she believed that I thought she was crazy . His letters contain many specific greetings . 5 : 19 , 20 . Approaching God’s throne through prayer . The Bible shows that rather than Peter having primacy , Jesus was to be the cornerstone of the congregation . ​ — w15 12 / 1 , pp . Still others are struggling to provide , not luxury items , but just the basic necessities for their families . Thus , the Bible encourages us to “ persevere in prayer , ” even to “ pray constantly . ” ​ — Rom . Yet , she wanted to do more for Jehovah , so she quit her job and started to pioneer . Then , referring to Jehovah as ‘ sending the snow , scattering the frost , and hurling down the hailstones , ’ the psalmist asks : “ Who can withstand his cold ? ” It was as if God had rubbed out all the national borders with a big eraser , ” said Claire from France . 15 : 13 . Did you notice at Zechariah 5 : 3 , 4 that “ the curse . . . [ would ] enter into the house of the thief . . . and it [ would ] remain inside that house and consume it ” ? If we discern that we have done so , the Bible’s direction is to go to the one whom we have offended and try to reconcile matters . No doubt , we are familiar with Bible truths about God’s purpose for the earth and mankind and about the central role of Jesus Christ in the outworking of God’s purpose . Today , there are six Russian congregations in New York City . 16 Let God’s Laws and Principles Train Your Conscience Education . And I wanted to preach the good news of the Kingdom . Some governments have programs to help refugees adjust to their new circumstances . This brief statement points to the close cooperation between Paul and Timothy . In addition , we will examine four gifts from Jehovah that help us to endure in bearing fruit . And their decisions should reflect their love for neighbor . ​ — Mark 12 : 31 . What do people need to do to be symbolically marked for survival ? Yet , the apostle Paul encouraged them “ to be of the same mind in the Lord . ” I was really rude ! Holy spirit enabled Moses to perform miracles and to declare God’s name to Pharaoh . Even if it appears that the Kingdom message we preach is not reaching the hearts of people , we should not underestimate the impact of our sowing work . When we explained that true Christians do not take up arms against their fellow man , the enraged officer dragged us before a general . We pleaded that we were Christian neutrals ; yet they forced us to march to Mount Olympus , about 12 hours from our village . After the five - month course in New York , four of us Gilead graduates were assigned to the smaller islands of the Caribbean Sea . They “ will all be changed , in a moment , in the blink of an eye , during the last trumpet . ” ​ — 1 Cor . No one did ; one owner even told us : “ Chinese do not sell . Seeing how Jehovah on different occasions supported and protected his faithful servants in the past should build our faith and trust in him today . However , the danger exists that having a good time could become the primary focus of our life . 2 : 9 . How did Paul help the Christians in Corinth to gain God’s view of the matter ? By making skilled use of the laws and principles found in God’s Word , we will be “ fully competent , completely equipped for every good work . ” As a child , he no doubt played and had fun . He mentioned that David had indeed died and been buried . When you make personal decisions , do you simply do what feels right to you ? When invited to stay the night , we would sleep on the floor and enjoy a hearty breakfast the next day . They also encouraged me and their youngest daughter , Nora , to enroll as pioneers . Did John see the need to bolster Gaius ’ courage ? 26 Life Story ​ — Comforted Through All My Anxieties It means having wholesome reverence for what his name represents , including his standards . 3 : 23 - 26 ; 4 : 25 ; 8 : 30 . When directions come from God’s organization , what attitude should brothers , such as circuit overseers and congregation elders , have ? ( 1 ) What does it mean to be a spiritual person ? The eighth vision will teach us how Jehovah provides secure protection in order for his worshippers to engage in true worship . However , sincere individuals have stood up to such opposition . “ Why condemn sex outside marriage ? ” The Bible does not say that such a command applies to Christians . 6 : 5 . My first pioneer assignment was Quetta , a former British military outpost . The site has special sections for children and for families as well as a section with news items . Much to our delight , our first assignment was to the Malawi branch , where our daughters and their husbands were serving . Victor Vinter Out of jealousy , his brothers sold him into slavery . He made quick progress , was baptized , and now enjoys preaching the good news of the Kingdom along with his wife , Joyce . Now I really enjoy my assignment and view it as a wonderful privilege ! ” Upon returning home , he asked to have a Bible study twice a week . Do we use suitable occasions to let others know why we love and appreciate them ? But it seems that he did not have the courage to change . He was accompanied by two others , one of whom was Shebna , now serving as secretary . In 1973 , I got baptized . Jehovah owns all the gold and silver along with all other natural resources of the earth , and he uses them to provide what is needed to sustain life . SONGS : 54 , 36 8 : 10 . That was God’s expressed purpose . They showed me how putting the Kingdom first gives real meaning and joy to one’s life . They demonstrated their exclusive devotion to Jehovah not only by abstaining from eating foods that were unclean but also by refusing to bow down to Nebuchadnezzar’s golden image . Will you keep making spiritual progress ? We are backed by Jehovah , Jesus , and the faithful angels . That is what Damaris experienced when she faced an important decision as a teenager . Do not lose heart , even if the road you travel gets bumpy at times . We demonstrate practical wisdom when we simplify our life and reduce debt and expenses , setting ourselves free to slave for God rather than for today’s commercial system . ​ — 1 Tim . How can we help these brothers and sisters to “ serve Jehovah with rejoicing ” despite their trials ? The grieving process can vary greatly from person to person . Seek the Kingdom , Not Things , July People in many parts of the world want to be free from oppression , discrimination , and poverty . That a Christian disciple has dedicated himself to Jehovah on the basis of faith in the resurrected Christ . 148 : 12 , 13 . They have more to do with circumstances that make practicing faith a challenge ​ — at least for now . ” Our goal should be to avoid gross sins as well as wrongs that are not as flagrant . How did one sister’s experience illustrate the benefit of upholding Jehovah’s sovereignty ? In what ways would you like to be like Josiah ? How can we protect ourselves against the enticement of immoral desires ? He added : “ My innermost thought and desire is to attend the meetings . ” Did Jacob become an ancestor of the Messiah as a result of his purchasing Esau’s rights as firstborn ? Could anything ease her sorrow ? The Scriptures tell us that “ after Abraham had shown patience , ” he obtained the promise that Jehovah would bless him and multiply his offspring . He added : “ But you have disregarded the weightier matters of the Law , namely , justice and mercy and faithfulness . ” “ Her verbal abuse was unjustified . ” Moreover , they had allowed others to influence them or even to make decisions for them . The parents may fear that their child will not be able to care for them when they are old . We learn the answers to those questions by considering the arrangement of cities of refuge in ancient Israel . People with such traits crave to be admired and adored . ( Read James 1 : 17 . ) This occasion was noteworthy , since Cornelius was an uncircumcised Gentile . Recall that on your baptism day , before eyewitnesses , you were asked whether you had dedicated yourself to Jehovah and understood that “ your dedication and baptism identify you as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses in association with God’s spirit - directed organization . ” How did Rachel find the emotional and physical strength to continue battling against circumstances that were discouraging but completely beyond her control ? How did Jehovah respond to the inactivity of his people ? Read Ephesians 6 : 17 . Some might think that life would be more pleasant if we did not have to make decisions . Even giving the appearance of flirting with someone to whom one is not married is unloving and should be avoided . But Jehovah’s requirements have not changed ​ — he is still “ one Jehovah . ” Isaiah foretold that this One would become “ a leader and commander . ” How can you reject worldly thinking ? As told by Felix Fajardo Jehovah blessed Ruth with a husband and a son . What a wonderful goal such ones have been invited by God to pursue ! So a proper love of self is desirable . The list is similar to the one found at Romans 1 : 29 - 31 , though the list in Paul’s letter to Timothy includes terms that are not mentioned elsewhere in the Christian Greek Scriptures . What is materialism ? Katharina was 17 years old when she made it her goal to witness to each colleague at work . To stay spiritually healthy , they used their time productively , many by pioneering . To be integrity - keepers , we need to fix our eyes on that big issue and comprehend how important it really is . That is logical because those individuals will bear the responsibility for the results . Neither marriage nor childbearing guarantees freedom from cares , yet an unfulfilled desire for children is in its own way a ‘ tribulation in the flesh . ’ Christians must be honest . Soon Jehovah removes the mountainlike obstacle of the official ban , and the temple is completed in 515 B.C.E . Only then would he eat his meal . SONGS : 33 , 41 We were invited to attend meetings at a brother’s home a few miles away . What , specifically , can they do to stand firm against the Devil ? You probably do not know anyone who acts just like her , but there may be a situation in which you can imitate Asa’s zeal . When Jehovah’s angel first appeared to him , Gideon readily acknowledged his modest background and credentials . “ It’s such a good experience , ” says Christine , a pioneer from Germany who is now in her early 30 ’ s . And what can I do to express fully the feeling of the songs we sing ? ’ The man took out his wallet , removed some paper money , held it up , and proudly said , “ This is my god ! ” Remember , our Father will not consider us beyond hope if we humble ourselves before him . Greek families in the Athens area practice Kingdom songs during a Christian gathering In all such ways , we can share in the truth of Psalm 64 : 10 , which says : “ The righteous one will rejoice in Jehovah and take refuge in him . ” How can we imitate Noah’s example ? Most of the people I studied with were Catholic . It says : “ Don’t hastily conclude that your teen has rejected your faith . Yes , when it comes to handling the faults of others , the Christian course is to imitate our merciful Father’s dealings with us when we make mistakes . ​ — Read Psalm 103 : 12 - 14 . Jehovah heard Rachel’s heartfelt supplications , and she was eventually blessed with children . That decision is indicated by the words of Mark 15 : 43 : “ He took courage and went in before Pilate and asked for the body of Jesus . ” 4 : 2 , 3 . ( a ) What impresses you about Job’s integrity ? In contrast with fleshly - minded individuals , they try to bring all their ways into harmony with Jehovah’s standards . Joseph’s loyalty gave him the opportunity to see Jehovah’s hand in correcting the injustices and in blessing him and his family . But after sharing in the preaching work with the white Witnesses and enjoying hospitality in their homes , she exclaimed , “ They are normal people just like us ! ” Still others may be at a loss after being diagnosed with a serious illness , or they may be heartbroken after losing a loved one in death . Sadly , some of God’s people in our day have concluded that the best way to cope with the pressures of life is to ‘ take a break from the truth , ’ as they say , as if our Christian activities were a burden rather than a blessing . One night , Father came there to take me to safety because Graz was being heavily bombed . How good that Katharina did not give up on her goal to witness to her workmates ! Chapter 11 of the book of Hebrews lists the names of 16 men and women of faith . Even without the use of sound equipment , the speaker’s voice carries to every part of the hall , holding the audience’s attention for one and a half hours . With Jehovah’s support , Jesus miraculously provided food and even money when needed . ​ — Matt . His point was : When we read directly from God’s Word in the ministry , we are letting Jehovah speak to the householder . Despite having had a tragic upbringing , she had responded to the Bible’s message and had dedicated her life to Jehovah . Do you wonder if you really have what it takes to succeed as a single pioneer in a foreign country ? JESUS ’ apostles stood on the Mount of Olives , gazing at the sky . They had just seen their master and friend , Jesus , lifted up and obscured by a cloud . Yet , some evidence suggested that an egg occasionally could get fertilized . Furthermore , posting our publications on websites that allow comments provides a place for apostates and other critics to sow distrust of Jehovah’s organization . Ahab humbled himself ! With what result ? Rather , store up for yourselves treasures in heaven , where neither moth nor rust consumes , and where thieves do not break in and steal . ” ​ — Matt . benefit us personally ? The brothers , however , were keenly aware that Jesus ’ followers were to bear witness about him “ to the most distant part of the earth , ” including the remote Australian outback . Young Ones ​ — Are You Ready to Get Baptized ? The whole earth will be made a paradise of exquisite delight , and everyone on earth will reflect God’s love . Doing so can go a long way in helping the message of God’s Word to reach the mind and heart of our listeners . ​ — Read Luke 24 : 32 . In the meantime , pray for your brother ; ask Jehovah to bless him . “ Upon our return to our home bases , we all got busy with the subscription campaign , ” said Herman Philbrick . Faced with choices that can deeply affect their entire life course , young people may find all of this very enticing . I was privileged to serve there for about three years . Not one word of them has failed . ” Paul , a Roman citizen , deserved a proper trial . Jehovah is loving . May we join our voices with those of God’s faithful heavenly creatures in saying : “ Let the praise and the glory and the wisdom and the thanksgiving and the honor and the power and the strength be to our God forever and ever . How quickly things had happened ! So be happy in your work . Open your mouth and throat wide Imagine a ship that is sinking . On occasion , new circumstances or information may require our doing similarly . ​ — w17.03 , pp . In this article , we will consider how we can strip off the old personality , why doing so is urgent , and why change is possible no matter how deeply involved one may be in wrong practices . In recent years , responsible brothers of the “ other sheep ” have served as directors of the legal Society and of other corporations used by God’s people , thus allowing the Governing Body to focus on providing spiritual instruction and direction . How can we avoid the snare of materialism and simplify our life so that we can pursue more important spiritual interests ? Science has revealed much about the universe and our earthly home , and it has brought us advantages in various aspects of life . Inherited sin has made it challenging for us to manifest love , but it has not removed our ability to do so . 24 Jehovah Rewards Those Who Earnestly Seek Him Also , the idea that man can solve his own problems may sound convincing because ​ — according to some studies — ​ war , crime , disease , and poverty are all decreasing . ( a ) How was one sister affected by the use of scriptures at a Christian meeting ? They overstepped proper bounds and did not respect their fellow Christians ’ responsibility to make their own decisions . 110 : 3 . “ I was conducting a congregation meeting but did not understand any of the answers given by the brothers and sisters . It was the first time I saw snow . Jesus stated : “ No matter what you ask the Father in my name , he [ will ] give it to you . ” Barber , who was active during that time , recalled : “ We succeeded in keeping a few traveling overseers going and in keeping The Watch Tower in circulation and having it sent into Canada where it was banned . in The Watchtower of April 15 , 2014 , pp . 17 - 26 . 103 : 3 . 3 : 14 . SONGS : 135 , 139 Parents know that this quality does not come naturally to young people . 7 , 8 . The Pharisees , in contrast , were reluctant to extend mercy . Some of them were classed as mentally ill , such as Gustav Kujath , who was put in a mental institution and drugged . God’s promises act like spiritual balm that soothes our anxious heart . Chapters and Verses , No . 2 We rejoice in the advancement of the Kingdom - preaching work . Then , he gave illustrations that applied primarily to all those with a heavenly hope . He even made a covenant with his eyes not to look immorally at a virgin . I still wanted to understand the Bible , and I asked God to help me . Why is it worth making the effort to be appropriately dressed ? It is good to remember that at one time we were all “ strangers , ” or foreigners , not close to God . David , the shepherd and king , certainly had good friends . When we show such personal interest , people will be more willing to accept what we say , and our ministry will be more effective . We have never regretted it . ” How do knowledge , understanding , and wisdom differ ? As a result , he could say : “ I am clean from the blood of all men . ” On the night when Jesus instituted the Memorial , pride was one negative trait that he saw in his apostles . They may find that eating “ a dish of vegetables ” rather than “ a fattened bull ” can be enjoyable and perhaps even better for their health ! Will you give credit to Jehovah for any gifts you have or for what you have accomplished ? By doing so , we show Jesus that we love him more than any material thing . Ask yourself , ‘ Might it be that this is true in my case ? ’ That kind of thing , though , did not stop the brothers from showing kindness . “ I felt that I was totally unworthy , but when I approached Jehovah in prayer to beg for his forgiveness , he would pick me up from my fallen state . ” For example , regarding the provision of JW Broadcasting , one couple serving in a country in Asia wrote : “ Our assignment is in a small city . “ I just could not stop focusing on how the others seemed to be wrong , ” explains Jim . My back was turned toward them , and I did not hear their screams . It seemed that this might be a hint from Jehovah ! She says that she was “ very encouraged and comforted ” by the efforts of the many volunteers from elsewhere in Japan and from overseas to repair property damage . We are told to “ continue to be made new in [ our ] dominant mental attitude . ” But then sisters approach me , give me a hug , and say I look pretty . The talk also mentioned that expanding one’s ministry leads to more joy . But what can we do when we are overwhelmed by feelings of anxiety ? The teachers told Birgit that it had been a pleasure to work with Witness children over the years . Thankfully , the brothers have safeguarded their Christian unity by concentrating on preaching the good news of the Kingdom . That reminder fortified the Israelites to confront the challenges facing them as they entered and took possession of the Promised Land . After Moses ’ time , his successor , Joshua , was strengthened by “ the prince of Jehovah’s army ” to lead God’s people into battle against the Canaanites ; and the Israelites won the victory . Jehovah ‘ supports his servants ’ in various ways . An elderly brother or sister may be in need of transportation to Christian meetings . 46 : 1 . The combined effort of God’s people in the ministry is similar . ​ — w16.04 , p . These beautiful qualities originate from the most powerful Person in the universe . Josiah “ God is love . ” Still , all of us have a responsibility to wear clothes that make it easier for others to remain chaste and to maintain God’s standards of holiness in thought , word , and conduct . That is why we must do all we can to be at our meetings and receive the help of God’s holy spirit . This can equip them to render help tailored to our needs . Remember that Hezekiah’s haughtiness became obvious soon after Jehovah defeated Sennacherib and cured Hezekiah’s deadly sickness . But just as Ecclesiastes 7 : 8 says , “ better is the end of a matter than its beginning . ” ​ — Felisa . 35 : 15 , 28 . Does this mean that we cannot express love through our speech ? For example , on occasion you may face some opposition from your family regarding attending meetings or an assembly . The Bible reports : “ The princes of Israel and the king humbled themselves and said : ‘ Jehovah is righteous . ’ ” 10 : 34 - 36 . I feel like the psalmist who declared : “ When anxieties overwhelmed me , [ Jehovah ] comforted and soothed me . ” What purpose was served by the law found at Genesis 2 : 16 , 17 ? When we take sufficient time to express to Jehovah our deepest thoughts and innermost feelings , we cannot help but be drawn closer to our heavenly Father , the “ Hearer of prayer . ” “ And the people were strengthened by [ his ] words . ” ​ — Read 2 Chronicles 32 : 6 - 8 . This was clearly an opportunity to expand our ministry . But Jehovah has lovingly provided the Gospel accounts that can make Jesus ’ personality come alive in our mind . By being loyal , Jesus proved that a perfect human could maintain perfect obedience to God’s righteous standards . 5 : 33 . To answer , let us consider those problems more closely . Matthews ) , Oct . Determined to Be a Soldier of Christ ( D . ( b ) What sort of freedom can humans enjoy , and why ? By our “ setting the mind on the spirit , ” we enjoy peace with our Maker . He was baptized , and today he serves as an elder . Use your thinking ability so that you ‘ get the sense ’ of what you read . Some years later , he asked an elder who had befriended him to study the Bible with him . This is the first time that archaeologists have found this name in an ancient inscription . Jesus ’ enemies tried to trap Jesus by getting him to take sides on a taxation issue . Only God’s Kingdom will bring permanent relief from oppression and injustice . ​ — Eccl . What practice is common , but what does the Bible say about it ? As a result , our faith was strengthened . How did Boaz reflect Jehovah’s view of strangers in his dealings with Ruth ? Setting the example , Jehovah is there for us when we need him Some even received positions of responsibility in the organization . “ I found great joy in that form of ministry , ” he says . “ Then ” is the rendering used in the 2013 revision and in other Bible translations . Naboth’s refusal was based on Jehovah’s law to the nation of Israel that forbade the permanent sale of one’s tribal inheritance . 11 : 5 ) How ? But what if you feel the way a brother named Aaron once did ? So we might well ask , Whom should we honor , and why is such honor merited ? Acts 22 : 16 Paul declared : “ You who were once alienated and enemies because your minds were on the works that were wicked , he has now reconciled by means of that one’s fleshly body through his death . ” ​ — Col . Our daughter Olga lives in Estonia and regularly calls me . The speaker earnestly urged them to sit down and listen . This puts at your disposal a third , powerful means to alleviate anxiety ​ — the fruitage of the spirit . Although not receiving a visible mark on their foreheads , people such as Baruch ( Jeremiah’s secretary ) , Ebed - melech the Ethiopian , and the Rechabites were saved . She explains : “ At first , I got a sense of security when having immoral relations , thinking that I was needed and loved . Joseph’s example should help us . Why is keeping on the watch vital ? It is not to cast part of the blame on your brother but to admit your fault and make peace . Why should Christians want to cultivate self - control ? That “ slave ” uses only its official websites to publish spiritual food ​ — , , and . Disputes . 1 Misunderstandings About , No . Bob agreed , and he left home to pioneer at age 21 . What connection is there between love and impartiality ? He wielded great power but refrained from using it out of anger when provoked by Saul and Shimei . Joseph did not give in to discouragement ; nor was he so filled with resentment that he sought revenge . How did Job’s integrity under trial support Jehovah’s sovereignty ; yet , in what way did Job fall short ? Similarly , the apostle Paul no doubt had to muster up courage to provide correction when Peter , one of the 12 apostles , showed favoritism toward his Jewish brothers . Brown , then a traveling overseer , and Fred Rusk of the Bethel family . Consider this question , What makes people happy ? I have come to do your will . ’ . . . Indeed , the model prayer assures us that nothing can stop the will of God from taking place . ​ — Ps . What are Satan’s claims with regard to God’s rulership ? To what does Paul’s warning at Romans 8 : 6 not apply ? Araceli : When I started studying the Bible with Jehovah’s Witnesses , I felt that I could not trust them . 13 : 1 ; Acts 13 : 21 . In answer to Asa’s heartfelt prayer , God gave Asa a complete victory , annihilating the Ethiopian army . Some brothers have been drawn into online debates and thus have brought added reproach on Jehovah’s name . Yes , David needed a real friend . Instead of shining brilliantly in our neighborhood , our light will flicker and could even go out . It stressed the responsibility to make known the Bible’s lifesaving message . Their regular communication in the family is essential . God - fearing fathers and mothers want their children to be like Samuel , for Jehovah was with him while he was growing up . ​ — 1 Sam . It was a terror campaign , for if you heard the engine cut out , as we often did , you knew that seconds later the plane would fall and explode . After school , several classmates assaulted me and knocked me to the ground . For example , the psalmist David states that Jehovah “ hates anyone who loves violence , ” and David warns against associating “ with deceitful men . ” What are some things the Bible has had to endure ? Yes , but not without a struggle . ( b ) To whom did Paul direct people so that they could gain true freedom ? Remember the apostle Peter . Consider , for example , the following Bible accounts : Genesis 20 : 2 - 7 and Matthew 26 : 31 - 35 . Why did Solomon need to be courageous ? Instead , he focuses his energies on finding purpose and enjoyment in his present role because he views it as coming from Jehovah . It is important to remember that this world and all its components are opposed to Jehovah’s interests and thinking . He gives us the answer in the very psalm in which he four times asked : “ How long ? ” In the meantime , Amy married Eric , and together they serve as special pioneers . Eventually , some 30 members of a family with whom we studied came into the truth ! What shows that commendation and encouragement are effective when we are giving counsel ? The apostle John reminds us that this world is passing away and so is its desire . How can Bible study help you and your family to cultivate self - control ? What fine qualities will help elders to be effective shepherds of God’s flock ? In any event , “ her face was no longer downcast . ” What could be more important ? Actually , patience is important for all Christians . As Paul was , we should try to be calm , sincere , and convincing . But he dozed off and fell from the third story to the ground below . Yes , our love for the ministry can defeat persecution . Perhaps this is done to avoid punishment or to profit at others ’ expense . A link to the Terms of Use can be found at the bottom of the home page on , and the restrictions apply to everything that is available on our websites . ( Read Luke 2 : 46 . ) Meanwhile , we have ample reason to say , as did Paul : “ I have hope toward God . . . that there is going to be a resurrection . ” ​ — Acts 24 : 15 . In addition , we want to make good use of the various means by which spiritual food is now made available to God’s people worldwide . ​ — Luke 12 : 42 . ( b ) What factors should a Christian consider when contemplating divorce ? And we continue to support a congregation in the same general area of the Bronx . One year I joined three other brothers in witnessing to loggers living in unassigned territory in northern Ontario . Modesty helps us to enjoy giving others due honor and support . ​ — Rom . More recently , observers in South Africa noticed similar attractive qualities among God’s people . Another brother might have feelings of inadequacy about fulfilling an assignment . As it turned out , her husband was very proud that his wife had taken a stand in line with her beliefs and her conscience . He states : “ None of these beautiful blessings would be part of my life if I hadn’t accepted Jehovah’s help to give my personality a complete makeover . ” Throughout his ministry , Jesus taught basic truths to help his disciples recognize the consequences of certain attitudes or actions . To that end , some parents make use of printed literature , audio recordings , and videos in both languages . Jesus always listened obediently to his Father , even when doing so was very difficult . It would be good if the elders also verified that your medical directive card is updated . We also see that despite their failures , Jehovah did not give up on the Israelites . “ Their example warms my heart . ” The descendants of Adam and Eve inherited imperfection and death from their disobedient parents . Aside from Scriptural examples , there are many modern - day examples of spiritually - minded individuals who have made great progress in reflecting a Christlike personality . In fact , food and drink soon became an issue because Daniel did not want to “ defile himself with the king’s delicacies . ” ​ — Dan . Jehovah can easily anticipate our individual needs regarding food , clothing , and shelter , even before we become aware of them . What Willie said upset my mother because she knew that her father was a good man . On the last day of the convention , a brother slipped something into Riana’s coat pocket . Riana moved , and right away he faced an obstacle . We have a further reason to continue our preaching work . We preach to give a warning . By means of God’s undeserved kindness , our sins have been forgiven and can continue to be forgiven . Imagine that one day , before the public talk , you notice that someone whom you invited has come to the Kingdom Hall . 18 Seek Something Much Better Than Gold God’s Word counsels us not to be hasty when we need to make an important decision . Jehovah and Jesus greatly value what all of us do to support Kingdom interests , even if our efforts and contributions are limited because of our circumstances . Given the status of these two , it is unlikely that they would have moved the body themselves . Even so , Corinna and another sister decided that they would do everything they could to leave the farm and go to a congregation meeting . Will you similarly work toward that goal and the related goal of peace ? After repeated visits , the Witness finally contacted him , but the young person tried to end the conversation . 25 : 31 - 33 ; Acts 20 : 35 . Why did this sister feel that way ? But a white brother , far larger than either me or the rough - looking customer , came in after us . Thereafter , Peter enjoyed food and association with Gentile believers . God’s Word says : “ Hate what is bad , and love what is good . ” Why does she know ? Rather , they faithlessly work against the fulfillment of God’s purposes . They can be found on in many languages . Yet , Jehovah urges us to “ be peaceable with all men . ” Jehovah specifically commanded Adam and Eve to populate the earth and to take care of it . Therefore , we want to imitate the faith and obedience of Noah , Daniel , and Job ! He explained that one of the brothers working in his office was going to attend the Kingdom Ministry School for a month , after which he would work in the Service Department . It was a sum of money large enough for him to travel back to the Antandroy area and to start a small business selling yogurt . If the person is a talker and you are quiet , think of the ease with which he starts conversations in the ministry . For more information , select the link “ Make a Donation to Our Worldwide Work ” at the bottom of any page on , or contact the branch office . 3 Life Story ​ — A Poor Start — ​ A Rich Ending If the publisher had not kept on in the field , there would not be any cases in the Supreme Court ; but it is because you , the publisher , the brothers all over the world , keep on and will not quit that the defeat of persecution is brought about . As we learn of Jehovah’s knowledge and wisdom , we feel as did the apostle Paul , who wrote under inspiration : “ O the depth of God’s riches and wisdom and knowledge ! One such former exile was Emil Yantzen , who had been born in Kyrgyzstan in 1919 . When they left , the chief smiled and waved to us . So virtually everyone who wants to understand God’s Word must read a translation of it ​ — even those who know modern - day Hebrew or Greek . His argument impressed them , and they wanted to hear more . At that point , however , they started singing a Kingdom song . Happily , we can have access to it whenever we need it ​ — 24 hours a day . “ Beyond question , ” The Golden Age stated , “ this convention will go down in history as an event of outstanding importance in the onward march of Truth in the republic of Mexico . ” Later , Jehovah’s holy spirit empowered other men whom he appointed to lead his people . Second , Jehovah does not shield us from “ time and unexpected events . ” In our congregations are found all sorts of people whom Jehovah has drawn to him . And Bible accounts show the sad consequences of following one’s heart . To this day , some pottery is still made by hand , the potter working very closely with his material . Those who have this world’s means but cannot share in the full - time ministry or move abroad have the satisfaction of knowing that their donated funds support the ministry of others . Some feel unworthy of serving Jehovah because they have committed a serious sin . Yet , it truly is of great value to Christians today . Did he lose confidence in his God , Jehovah ? No . How can a person cope with the loss of a loved one ? “ I know exactly how old you are , ” replied Izak Marais , who called me in Colorado from Patterson , New York . How might you adjust the way you discuss the Bible , and with what goal ? According to the Theological Dictionary of the New Testament , that “ the inclination of the Jewish people to confirm all possible statements by an oath ” was very strong may be discerned from passages of the Talmud , which painstakingly specifies which oaths were to be considered binding and which were not . Even with preparation , however , you may be hesitant to speak up about your beliefs . What encouragement did the apostle Paul give the early Christians ? Do not let yourself be stumbled . One way that Paul demonstrated appreciation for the ministry was by being alert to opportunities to speak to others . Thus , even in our dress and grooming , we can show that we want to ‘ walk in modesty with our God . ’ ​ — Mic . Christian love “ does not keep account of the injury , ” observes 1 Corinthians 13 : 5 . Even their prison guards have come to respect them . Take , for example , a small isolated group of 25 publishers in one area . ( Read Romans 12 : 1 . ) They contacted a sister who was serving where the need is greater in Ghana and asked her many questions . What do we need to bear in mind when exercising our freedom to make personal choices ? 3 : 13 , 14 . They were the only nation given God’s “ word ” and “ his regulations and judgments . ” They had something of substance to speak about as “ they were recounting the righteous acts of Jehovah . ” Jesus was careful to remain neutral on the taxation issue . What kind of determination is needed ? Yet , he also made unwise decisions . Thousands of young ones in congregations all over the world deserve warm praise . Have you ever purchased something , not because you needed it , but because it caught your eye in an advertisement or a store display ? What touches your heart about Jehovah’s way of ruling ? This could lead some to wonder whether there might be validity to the Devil’s claim . Above all , each one of us should bear in mind that God is the Source of our spiritual provisions . What prompted David to praise her , and how can we benefit from her example ? But in order for our conscience to be an effective guide , it must be properly adjusted , or calibrated . This prophecy was given in 612 B.C.E . , and its initial fulfillment refers to the destruction of Jerusalem by the Babylonian army ​ — something that was to occur just five years later . 3 : 13 . Regarding that man the Bible tells us : “ He then got up and was baptized . ” Pay off any debts that you have What means can Jehovah use to help us recover when we have committed a sin , and why should we take advantage of the provision ? “ He solidly established the heavens in discernment . ” This translation is available in whole or in part in over 150 languages , thus being available to a vast part of the population today . That is possible because they became baptized Christians , and God applied the ransom in their behalf , forgave their sins , and declared them righteous as spiritual sons . ​ — Rom . Does your compassion for the sick and the elderly move you to do all you can to lessen their suffering ? ​ — Phil . The group holding me captive fled through the mountains toward neighboring Albania . He states : “ From the time we moved back to a French - speaking congregation , our son blossomed spiritually and got baptized . This helped to strengthen her faith and drew her closer to Jehovah . ​ — Matt . “ Later , I received an invitation to attend Gilead School , but I feared going into the unknown without my friends . ” As soon as young Samuel was weaned , at about the age of three , Hannah did exactly as she had vowed to God . To have Jehovah as our one and only God , we should give him our exclusive devotion . Possibly , the older sister did not realize the good effect that her words would have on Marthe . Appreciation for Jehovah’s sovereignty has distinguished true religion from false . An apology can help to repair hurt feelings , but it must be sincere . For instance , we appreciate the spiritual food we receive in the form of books , brochures , magazines , and other literature . Noting Toñi’s mild - tempered response , the woman gave way to tears . 33 : 11 . The sufferings of those struck by disasters move many to manifest compassion . 11 : 32 - 34 . A prospector may find tiny quantities of gold inside igneous rocks . Can you understand that sister’s feelings ? A century ago , our brothers were busy and accomplished much . But at some point he was convinced by compelling evidence that Jesus was the Messiah . In some cases , they read the letters publicly at church meetings . During the interview , I was impressed by Mary’s spiritual attitude . 3 Life Story ​ — Becoming “ All Things to People of All Sorts ” What about the billions of people who died without ever having an opportunity to know and serve Jehovah ? Another act of kindness made a lasting impression on me . You promote peaceful relationships by heeding the admonition : “ Become kind to one another , tenderly compassionate , freely forgiving one another . ” If we do so , we can look forward to enjoying the blessings Jehovah has promised when the words of this prophecy are fulfilled : “ The creation itself will also be set free from enslavement to corruption and have the glorious freedom of the children of God . ” ​ — Rom . The Bible foretold that “ a great crowd , which no man [ would be ] able to number , out of all nations and tribes and peoples and tongues ” would shout : “ Salvation we owe to our God , who is seated on the throne , and to the Lamb . ” How did King David respond when told that his son would build God’s temple ? Peter came to where her body was awaiting burial . While near the corpse , Peter prayed . It was during a time of ethnic strife in the early 1990 ’ s . Ten years later , there were ten times as many ! Mother struggled to care for my younger sister and me . How did those years of service affect them ? It has been recommended that soon after establishing a personal study with someone in the book What Does the Bible Really Teach ? We admire these creations because we have a built - in sense of what is truly beautiful . ​ — Read Psalm 19 : 1 ; 104 : 24 . They were to help out while the missionaries were attending the 1950 Theocracy’s Increase Assembly in New York , U.S.A . The psalmist sang : “ Look ! It speaks of “ Matthew the tax collector ” ; “ Simon , a tanner ” ; and “ Luke , the beloved physician . ” Twenty - six times in Psalm 136 , we find the refrain “ his loyal love endures forever . ” He welcomed assistance from the Christian disciple Ananias . 31 : 1 - 6 . Those taking the lead respected him , and he helped Paul . He mistakenly assumed that I had neglected to arrange transportation for the visiting missionaries , although I had done so . In 2014 , Sylviana nevertheless teamed up with Sylvie Ann , a young pioneer sister in her congregation , and they moved to a small village 53 miles ( 85 km ) from their hometown . Translation of the rest of the Hebrew Scriptures was completed in the second century B.C.E . How kind of Jehovah to see good in us , as he saw good in those four kings ! How might you show that this scripture was inspired ? How thankful we are for the many willing volunteers who work tirelessly on such projects ! 10 , 11 . ( a ) What have some parents concluded ? Arranging for such help need not mean abdicating their spiritual responsibility ; rather , it can be part of bringing up their children “ in the discipline and admonition of Jehovah . ” I was an only child , and I could not seem to get the comfort and support that I wanted so much . And he does ! ​ — 2 Tim . On August 31 , 1947 , I symbolized my dedication to Jehovah by water baptism . On the contrary , most rebuffed Paul , and some even persecuted him . Indeed , Jehovah’s undeserved kindness is expressed in various ways . It refers to a personality that is “ created according to God’s will . ” Would you not agree that God’s Word exerts power in our ministry ? ​ — Acts 19 : 20 . According to the Bible , we should not be unsteady , unable to decide . Others whom God saw as potential vessels “ for an honorable use ” included former drunkards , immoral people , and thieves . We can be sure that the Devil will never let his hands drop down in his efforts to stop our Christian activities . Not necessarily . Before dedicating his life to God , he was often critical of others and used harsh language with his family . The Bible says that he looked at “ the joy that was set before him . ” The failure of Adam and Eve illustrates this truth . He admits : “ It was not easy to call them , but whenever I did , I was strengthened . ” They may conclude , ‘ As long as my child is not baptized , he cannot be disfellowshipped . ’ Rather than give too much thought to her fears , Olivia reasoned : “ A lot of young people don’t know anything about Jehovah’s Witnesses . We must humbly acknowledge the truthfulness of the inspired words : “ Man’s way does not belong to him . We can do so if we keep on fighting against it . For example , it may make a person feel wise and superior to others . Earnest actions to abandon a sinful course show Jehovah that we are not complacent , that we have not presumed on his mercy . JEHOVAH is a generous God . Some think that it was a name unique to that specific time period . Their simple , heartfelt expressions have sometimes prompted newly interested ones to recognize the ring of truth . ​ — 1 Cor . If so , pray for courage so that you can explain to others in a clear way why you are neutral . And when we give God whole - souled worship , we experience happiness that has no equal . Jehovah’s standards , however , do not fluctuate with the weather . ​ — Mal . He later stated : “ This is not man’s work . ” Aboard the City of Chicago , he viewed the sunset over the approaching coastline at Queenstown and may well have remembered his parents ’ description of their homeland . In hindsight , Luigi could see how important it was that he had kept calm after the accident and how detrimental it could have been had he lost his temper . ​ — Read 2 Corinthians 6 : 3 , 4 . Yet , even today Jehovah’s name can be glorified when Christians make a defense of their faith . Yet , the majority of donated funds today come from many small gifts rather than from a few large ones . How , then , can we deal with hurt feelings and gain our brother ? The delightful sights , sounds , and tastes of creation tell you that . For a time , I worked in the Service Department and as an instructor in a number of the schools . 3 : 21 , 22 . So a year later , I went back home and looked after my uncle , the priest . But besides having strong pillars , a house needs maintenance , which must be done regularly ; otherwise , deterioration could set in . 13 Questions From Readers So do not hold back in expressing yourself in song . Why so ? Because , in private prayer , he solemnly promises Jehovah that he will use his life to serve God forever , no matter what . 23 Benefit Fully From Jehovah’s Provisions And the opening verse in that chapter refers to “ those in union with Christ Jesus . ” But we live in critical times . The Son of God gave everything , including his life , in ministering to others . What can we do to promote more unity among God’s people today ? The Bible often uses parts of the human body to illustrate different characteristics or actions . Putting on and keeping on the new personality is an ongoing process for all Christians until we are able to do so to the full . You would strip off the soiled garment as soon as possible . “ Reaping Fruit to Jehovah’s Praise ” ( Germany , World War I ) , Aug . Sound Car Known to Millions ( Brazil ) , Feb . Take a deep breath But that foolish attitude will soon catch up with the wicked . You can be sure that “ the peace of God . . . will guard your hearts and your mental powers ” so that you will have the strength to resist all of Satan’s propaganda . ​ — Phil . SONGS : 12 , 150 Angie and I were determined to keep our life simple so that we could be ready to serve wherever we were needed . You can do that in the ministry as well as at school . Similarly , Satan knows that Jehovah offers us material benefits in the new system . Daniel would soon be going there . He may not now be serving as a ministerial servant , but he realizes that he needs to cultivate spiritual qualities . 20 : 13 . Why is it comforting to reflect on the value of our faithfulness ? 13 : 4 . If the strength we have comes from Jehovah , we will be strong indeed ! Clearly , Jehovah was leading them . ( b ) How are you encouraged by Jehovah’s treatment of Shebna ? It also explains what is involved in becoming “ fishers of men . ” ​ — Matt . Asa , however , relied on God , and Jehovah answered his prayer . We may live in a place where people do not expect us to take sides in politics . The next article will give further proof that these ones highly esteem the Bible and are determined to honor the Sovereign Lord Jehovah . ​ — Ps . And when we develop joy , we are better able to cope with the stresses of life . Gloria had a few housekeeping jobs . Yet , after studying the Bible , he changed his mind . All I could say was , ‘ Thank you . ’ Through the ransom , God gives all who exercise faith the opportunity to reach perfection and live forever . Why is it important to keep clearly in mind why we preach ? No one can know the exact timing of that end , but evidence shows that it is close . Because they want to concentrate on serving Jehovah more . As our faith grew , though , we saw the need to be open about our beliefs . The Watchtower has long described Christian believers as ‘ brothers and sisters . ’ Yet , at the same time , he required their exclusive devotion . After seeing the flying scroll , Zechariah is told by an angel to “ look up . ” His readers no doubt found it easier to accept his advice when they saw from his greeting that they had the same standing before God . In one month , I managed to conduct 24 Bible studies . The Israelites did not appreciate the freedom that Jehovah bestowed upon them when he delivered them from slavery in Egypt . See the box “ How to Develop a Budget ” in the July 2010 Awake ! , p . Jehovah assures us that “ anyone who seeks a blessing for himself in the earth will be blessed by the God of truth . ” For good reason , the Bible warns against anger , abusive speech , and screaming . 11 : 1 ; 2 Thess . If we are parents , for example , we could tell our children what we appreciate about the spiritual progress they are making . Whoever does not honor the Son does not honor the Father who sent him . ” ​ — Read Psalm 2 : 11 , 12 . 19 : 32 . 13 , 14 . ( a ) Why should we make an earnest effort to greet strangers at the Kingdom Hall ? Therefore , each Christian regularly needs to examine his own desires by asking himself such questions as : ‘ Have material things become so important to me that I spend more time researching and thinking about the latest cars or fashions than I do preparing for congregation meetings ? Some of my neighbors noticed this change and told me , “ Araceli , keep going on the way you have chosen ! ” How should elders reflect divine justice when judging cases of wrongdoing ? It also gave instructions on how impurities could be removed . Finally , an older sister started attending . ( b ) What do Jehovah’s dealings with Job reveal about Him ? You might also use a suitable publication . SONGS : 17 , 109 The Scriptures also emphasize our duty and privilege to preach from house to house , in public places , and informally . How can you balance your personal and spiritual obligations ? It also builds lasting friendships and increases mutual confidence in the coming blessings under God’s Kingdom . He knew firsthand how much the holy spirit , the angels , and God’s Word helped him to take the lead when he was on earth . They had different religious backgrounds , customs , and sensibilities . It is the opposite of foolishness . ” Yes , “ find exquisite delight in Jehovah , and he will grant you the desires of your heart . ” ​ — Ps . People desperately need peace . We are willing to wait for Jehovah because we know that he will fulfill his promise to give us everlasting life at exactly the right time , the best time ! Also , numerous local publishers have been willing to move so as to help in spreading the Kingdom message throughout this vast island territory . Our hearts swelled with gratitude . Even in prison our Christian integrity could bring praise to Jehovah . Hence , when we unselfishly help those who are in difficulty , Jehovah views our good deed as a loan made to Him . Recall that Satan has challenged the integrity of all those serving Jehovah , claiming that we would not remain loyal to Jehovah when exposed to trials . To whom is honor due ? The congregations were apparently “ in a rut , ” continuing at a pace set many years before . Elizabeth Fot , a loyal servant of Jehovah , also lived in Kant . Eventually , their love of material things can choke any love they had for God . ​ — Matt . Clearly , we can make the best personal decisions when our thoughts and actions are in harmony with the thinking of our all - wise God , Jehovah . I was born in 1928 , the youngest of six children . The primary reason for setting spiritual goals is to show Jehovah how grateful we are for his love and for what he has done for us . If Joseph had witnessed Jesus ’ agony on the torture stake , did that awful scene move him to examine his conscience and finally decide that he ought to take a stand for truth ? For example , years ago a young man in Western Europe began attending Christian meetings . “ She kept asking me over and over again , but I kept saying no , ” says Kumiko . We prove that we desire to be “ sons of [ our ] Father who is in the heavens ” by loving our neighbor . Milan did not know whether to laugh or to cry at this suggestion . Every day , need - greaters who moved to Turkey meet people who have never heard about Jehovah . magazines from them before , but I generally felt that The Watchtower was a bit too deep for my taste . Likewise , many of us live and work with those who are infected with attitudes and characteristics that run counter to godly qualities . Two years later he became Paul’s traveling companion . For example , reflect on the list of beliefs clarified that was referred to in the preceding paragraph . David even sent what amounted to Uriah’s death sentence by means of the man’s own hand ! Many of us are living proof of the Bible’s power to change lives . * Sister E . For example , a brother in Thailand related : “ My secular work of repairing computers was very interesting , but it involved working long hours . What helped him endure ? God’s compassion was appropriate in the Bible examples mentioned above . What happened to the first marriage ? Just as Christ , the “ head of the congregation , ” displays love , a Christian husband is to exercise loving headship . Gideon and his men chased the Midianites and their allies all night long for about 32 kilometers ( 20 miles ) ! If we stay close to Jehovah , he will forgive us and help us to heal and to handle similar situations successfully in the future . ​ — Ps . Last year we regularly conducted over 10,000,000 Bible studies . 13 Making Christian Marriage a Success The next time an elder visits you , take advantage of the opportunity to draw on his wisdom and benefit from his advice . Jehovah has afforded us this privilege through his Son , “ by means of whom we have this freeness of speech and free access with confidence through our faith in him . ” What assignment are they given ? No wonder an increasing number of people feel that they can be happy without religion ! Why is God’s provision of the ransom an undeserved kindness ? So our being forgiven and offered the prospect of living forever is truly a kindness that is undeserved . “ We’re not 20 - year - olds anymore , ” says Nadine with a smile . Then he helped make other spirit creatures , the material universe , and finally , humans . IN 607 B.C.E . , a massive Babylonian army under the command of King Nebuchadnezzar II invaded the city of Jerusalem . Jehoshaphat was a king “ who searched for Jehovah with all his heart . ” ​ — 2 Chron . As supporters of true worship , we individually should endeavor to maintain that same Scriptural perspective . Individual drops of water help very little , but when there are millions of dewdrops , the ground is filled with moisture . in The Watchtower of October 15 , 2011 , pp . 9 - 12 , pars . 6 - 15 . 17 : 1 - 4 , 8 , 11 , 12 ; 29 : 1 . And look ! We will also see how their example can move us to do the same in our divided world . If we learn about the homeland and culture of those from a foreign background , we may find it easier to interact with them . ( Read Proverbs 20 : 29 . ) Don tactfully used three scriptures in an effort to reach Peter’s heart . And “ his word runs swiftly ” in that he readily gives us spiritual direction when we need it . Whatever we do to advance the interests of Jehovah’s Kingdom makes us spiritually rich . Rather , we should accept hospitality with genuine appreciation for whatever our hosts have to offer . Moreover , there is no situation beyond the control of the God on whom you can throw all your anxiety . After a few years , he and I began attending meetings with my mother . They are unaware of the existence and activities of God’s heavenly Kingdom government in the hands of Christ and the role it will play in the impending judgment on all the nations . In 1947 , the country was partitioned into India and Pakistan . By considering the mistakes of others , we may be helped to avoid making the same errors . When Daniel and his companions were exiled , the Babylonians tried to assimilate them into their culture by teaching them “ the language of the Chaldeans . ” I also experience the outstanding unity found among Jehovah’s people . Later , I was drafted into the U.S . He said to himself , ‘ If ever I wanted to follow a religion , this would be the one . ’ He could study every day and prepared so well that we finished the Bible Teach book in one month . They searched for ways to make their dream come true . Apart from weekends , I worked mostly alone , using a testimony card and a phonograph . The men he found agreed to the wage he offered and went to work . “ Growing up , I longed for a purposeful life , one that would help others , ” relates Maureen , now in her mid - 60 ’ s . On two reported occasions , Jesus first prayed and then miraculously provided food for large crowds . In addition to learning a new tongue , those serving in a foreign field also need to make sure that they regularly feed their heart with solid spiritual food . Both the Hebrew Scriptures and the Christian Greek Scriptures admonish children to honor their parents . ​ — Ex . When building the ark , what challenges did Noah face ? The information covered in this brochure may not apply fully to your situation because of tax laws or other laws in your country . Isaiah 65 : 14 describes the spiritual condition prevailing among God’s people : “ Look ! On the day of your baptism , you answered yes to the question , “ On the basis of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ , have you repented of your sins and dedicated yourself to Jehovah to do his will ? ” But even now there are rewards . He even tried to hinder others from showing hospitality . ​ — 3 John 9 , 10 . 11 , 12 . ( a ) Why do we make a distinction between government officials and religious leaders ? If you have privileges in the congregation , perhaps with a measure of prominence , will you strive to maintain a humble view of yourself ? He reflects : “ It was hard to give up our beautiful home and property in the country . He may try to disguise his bitterness or even his hatred , but negative thoughts lurking in his heart “ will be exposed in the congregation . ” ( See opening picture . ) ( b ) What illustrations have you found to be effective ? Once , when he was bedridden , he asked me to read to him some material that was being processed for printing . That is why we so often see people make choices or decisions with all good intentions ​ — only to have them result in suffering , disaster , or tragedy . What are principles , and how did Jesus use them effectively ? SONGS : 36 , 11 In some cultures , a neat beard may be acceptable and may not detract from the Kingdom message . If so , you may have missed out on opportunities for delightful company and for forming lasting friendships . Consider a few examples . What has been the record of Jehovah’s Witnesses ? Therefore , he says : “ They have come to pass ! ” Imagine how the exiled Israelites must have felt in Babylon . The Paradise earth will be bustling with happy activity . Even longtime servants of Jehovah need to maintain their spirituality . ​ — Phil . With these songs , you can express your personal feelings to Jehovah . Jehovah’s blessing came when King Artaxerxes appointed Nehemiah governor of the region . ( Read Luke 21 : 36 . ) Use Godʼs provisions to help you remain malleable ( See paragraphs 10 - 13 ) Uzziah , a king of Judah , proved faithful for years . the sanctification of Jehovah’s name ? But to buy it would mean that he would have to sell everything else that he owned . Still , holding faithfully to Christ’s teachings would be challenging if one’s close friends or family members rejected the truth . Applying such principles will likely affect how Christians in different parts of the world view the giving of gifts and tips . Gratefully accept help from others How might we analyze our view of money ? The eagle does not soar and glide long distances solely in its own power . For example , they may respect and love their parents . According to Exodus 23 : 9 , how were God’s ancient people expected to treat foreigners , and why ? While in prison , during an interrogation the investigator yelled , “ Soon we will stamp you people out like mice against the floor ! ” Of course , training people takes time and effort . He relied on Jehovah’s spirit . The above - mentioned examples convey to us a clear lesson . All of us have freedom of choice regarding associations , styles of dress and grooming , and entertainment . It may even move the spiritually weak to ignore the evidence of the closeness of God’s great day . It is no surprise that Joseph was also rich . ​ — Matt . 14 , 15 . ( a ) In his seventh vision , what does Zechariah see ? How appropriate , therefore , that Jesus taught us to pray : “ Our Father in the heavens . ” A good start is by showing him how to prepare for the study you conduct with him . 12 , 13 . ( a ) Why were eight responsible brothers sentenced to long prison terms ? Paul made major changes after his baptism , but notoriety followed him . Jehovah actually pointed forward to this outstanding growth , saying : “ The little one will become a thousand and the small one a mighty nation . How is losing a marriage mate in death a distinct trial ? We are letting our light shine to an extent that could not have been imagined previously . After you bake a cake or a batch of cookies , explain the role of the recipe . To what extent can individuals benefit from God’s undeserved kindness ? On the basis of Christ’s sacrifice , Jehovah forgives the sins of those who exercise faith . They zealously shared in information marches with placards and did street witnessing with magazines . The world may view angry behavior as normal , but it dishonors our Creator . Children are not born knowing right from wrong ; they need training ( See paragraph 8 ) Thinking about our answers to these questions can help us measure our spiritual progress . “ They say that I’m immature , that I’ll never learn , and that I’m fat . No , for Jehovah saw to it that even in doing such routine things , they could find enjoyment and contentment . In our sinful state , from birth we were enemies of God . Shut your ears , then , to Satan’s propaganda . We stayed in Mistelbach for more than a year . Even while Paul was carrying on his ministry , some fleshly critics charged that “ his presence in person [ was ] weak and his speech contemptible . ” What privileges did the apostle Peter enjoy , and how did he demonstrate courage ? That meant a most satisfying way of life . Each was under a vow to God , and they both faithfully paid their vow to him . Not likely . ( b ) What four points will we now examine ? He even had an opulent tomb made for himself , and he rode in “ glorious chariots ” ! ​ — Isa . ( Read Exodus 23 : 9 . ) As we discuss these examples , look for lessons that will help you maintain your spiritual focus and preserve your relationship with Jehovah , especially when you believe that you have experienced injustice . Despite being in the wrong , the other driver insulted Luigi and tried to start a fight . Commendably , a steady stream of pioneers left Britain for such countries as France , despite having little or no knowledge of the language . Afterward , Ilias and I and our youngest sister , Efmorfia , started to study the Bible , and we regularly attended meetings with the Witnesses . “ Let each of us please his neighbor for his good , to build him up , ” wrote Paul . In your later years , have you simplified your life to take up the full - time ministry ? In earnest prayer the night before his death , Jesus reaffirmed his determination to do the will of God . Consider what Daniel did when an official decree forbade prayer to any god or man other than the king for 30 days . Paul’s descriptive language clearly shows that strong measures are needed to wipe out such wrong desires . The Bible was recorded for our benefit . In Bible times , barrenness often carried a stigma . I was born on March 7 , 1936 , the youngest of four children . In the meantime , we hope for the continued increase of the spiritual prosperity of God’s people . My experiences have instilled in me empathy and compassion for others , especially those struggling with problems . In addition to the temple work , the Israelites had to rebuild their cities . Or maybe we are enduring old age and sickness or the pressures of living in these “ critical times ” that are so “ hard to deal with . ” If so , you may wonder : ‘ Having made big changes already , why is it so hard for me to keep making smaller adjustments ? How does that affect our relationship with him and with fellow worshippers ? Those who treat one another with kindness and generosity often become close friends . That verse highlights the value of personal experience . Exerts Power , ” Sept . 13 : 1 - 10 . One step is for you to use your God - given thinking ability , which “ will keep watch over you . ” Although he cannot always do as she asks , he often arrives at a more balanced decision by consulting her . with their children . There we read about wild animals , such as wolves and lions , that live in peace with domestic animals , such as lambs and calves . I was one of seven children , and I learned a lot about farming as a youth Eventually , the mistaken view regarding marriage that prompted the injustice was corrected , and Brother Diehl’s privileges of service were restored . ( a ) How does Zechariah’s eighth vision begin ? Paul mentioned that same truth when he said : “ Each person will receive his own reward according to his own work . ” Many brothers and sisters all over the world are praying for us . ” ( See paragraph 11 ) What counsel is found at Luke 16 : 10 - 13 ? Are we determined to avoid both lying and deception ? It stands to reason , therefore , that Noah faced ridicule and opposition , perhaps even threats of violence . Yes , David allowed divine counsel to settle into the deepest parts of his being , to mold his innermost thoughts and feelings , even when the counsel was strong . Blessings result from observing Jehovah’s laws and principles , as we read at Psalm 119 : 97 - 100 : “ How I do love your law ! The holy spirit has helped the Governing Body to grasp Scriptural truths not previously understood . Therefore , advertise , advertise , advertise . ” Did Jehoshaphat learn from that experience ? Are you contributing to the oneness of the Christian congregation ? How can we be more successful in making decisions ? How is modesty related to humility ? Am I genuinely seeking to do God’s will ? We encourage them to reason for themselves and make their own decisions . 3 : 2 , 7 . In the city of Benguela , special pioneers are conducting a Bible study in sign language , using the brochure Listen to God and Live Forever . Second , by educating us now , Jehovah is preparing us for life in the new world . “ During a difficult time , I made some serious mistakes that caused us to drift apart , ” Maurizio explains . assisted by angels ? Karen from Canada , now in her early 70 ’ s , served over 20 years in West Africa . Sadly , after receiving discipline , some fail to see past the pain and even draw away from God and his people . Notice how Moses reacted when certain ones in the camp of Israel began behaving as prophets . Being imperfect , we will on occasion do things that disappoint Jehovah . We also reached out to help others at our meetings . 9 , 10 . ( a ) Who may need long - term hospitality ? * We do well to ask ourselves : ‘ Would I demonstrate a similar spiritual outlook if I experienced such injustice ? After Solomon died , his son Rehoboam became king . What has the love of God moved some to do ? Seize opportunities to encourage others . God certainly can foreknow the future . We too are fighting a difficult and tiring battle . We can do this at the meetings when we pray to Jehovah , sing to him , and speak about him . And yet , there is a key difference between this world’s end and that of the prisoner . It has also been heartwarming to learn how much Arthur was loved . That is easier . ” Since the dockyard was building submarines , I decided that it was time for me to leave my job and take up the full - time ministry . In addition , the Law taught him how to treat others , even those who hated him . ​ — Read Exodus 23 : 5 ; Leviticus 19 : 17 , 18 . Bold words those ! But after Jehovah’s sovereignty is vindicated , all will submit everlastingly to his righteous rule . I told her that we would stay and help my sister Linda with her care . After my release , I was asked to join Leonard Smith * to preach in various towns in our home county of Kent . 1 : 8 , 9 . He “ comforts us in all our trials . ” Of course , immigrants will want to do their best to adjust to the culture of the new country . WHEN the Jewish exiles entered ancient Babylon , they saw a city filled with idols and found a people enslaved to wicked spirits . He manipulates the political elements of this world , as he does the world’s mass media . If so , when ? How can we live up to our dedication to God “ day after day ” ? She focused on pursuing higher education and good employment in order to get ahead in life . Take note of sterling examples of brothers and sisters whose lives reflect their joy in keeping on the watch as well as letting their light shine . Antonio fell sick and was released . Abraham is one who endured life - threatening situations and difficulties caused by others . We are grateful that we have come to know Jehovah and can enjoy the freedom that true worship brings . Then , some 4,000 years later , Jehovah at great personal cost sacrificed his only - begotten Son for the world of mankind . Granted , many of us have made life - transforming changes to become subjects of God’s Kingdom . Araceli : While I was in Zaragoza , I took the first vows needed to become a nun . Serve Jehovah With a Complete Heart ! Consider the use of alcoholic beverages . When Federico faced a difficulty , his friend Antonio listened to him and encouraged him Within a few weeks , Arthur received a call from the Britain branch office asking him to begin circuit work the next day ! When the rebuilt walls were dedicated , the special music presentation contributed greatly to the joy of the occasion . Bethel was in a large , old house surrounded by big trees on a two - and - a - half acre ( 1 ha ) lot . With such training and encouragement , less experienced publishers will surely want to cultivate the interest of others and conduct Bible studies on their own . Do you like making your own decisions , or do you prefer that others decide for you ? Yet , the little we know about planets , stars , and galaxies moves us to acknowledge that these celestial bodies are superbly organized . 6 : 6 - 9 . It shows why his sovereignty is superior to that of others . What does this experience show ? Why , then , did Josiah go out to fight ? Even Daniel’s name , which means “ My Judge Is God , ” points to God - fearing parents . Does this mean that the freedom that Adam and Eve enjoyed was absolute ? Do you still have some printed copies of this year’s invitation that you could distribute before the Memorial ? We also need to approach the elders , who can offer us spiritual help . Besides enjoying rich spiritual blessings now , Jehovah God’s faithful servants eagerly look forward to even greater blessings in the future . They will likely be more inclined to respect your views . How might we give in to the danger of letting others choose for us ? Like Barak , Deborah , Jael , and the 10,000 volunteers , do I have the faith and courage to use whatever is at my disposal to carry out the clear command of Jehovah ? They do not make false , malicious statements that injure others , and they neither commit fraud nor steal . ​ — wp16.1 , p . Has the Devil not already “ blinded the minds of the unbelievers ” about the coming end of this system of things and the fact that Christ is now ruling God’s Kingdom ? Additionally , reading from The Watchtower or our website can invigorate someone who is downcast . We can trust that in his loyal love , he will stick with us and help us to conquer our wrong desires . 1 TIMOTHY 4 : 8 We pay back “ Caesar’s things to Caesar ” when we obey the laws of the government , treat government officials with respect , and pay taxes . After gaining the victory over God’s enemies , he brought back their gods and began worshipping them . ​ — 2 Chron . What questions will help us to analyze how much we love pleasures ? I thanked Jehovah that I had a friend who put my welfare above her own feelings . ” Adam also learned how to take care of his needs and how to care for the animals and the land . Proverbs 18 : 22 says : “ The one who finds a good wife has found something good , and he receives Jehovah’s favor . ” For example , the brothers in your new congregation may be more reserved or more outspoken than you are used to . Rather , it was ( 1 ) a sin that could be settled between the individuals concerned but it was also ( 2 ) a sin serious enough to merit disfellowshipping if not settled . 23 . I looked at him in surprise . Recall , for instance , when High Priest Caiaphas exclaimed : “ I put you under oath by the living God to tell us whether you are the Christ , the Son of God ! ” How did Moses feel about glory and authority ? What may have motivated Jephthah to react the way he did ? Even in the account of her family’s visit to the temple when Jesus was 12 years old , Luke quotes the words of Mary , not those of Joseph . So , what will help us to do everything we can to be at our meetings ? But rather than expect them to embrace our culture , why not accept them just the way they are ? ​ — Read Romans 15 : 7 , footnote . Still , your positive , friendly manner as you explain why you are there can often allay a householder’s concern or ease his irritation . Natural disasters may leave some families homeless and in need of lodging until relief efforts can restore their dwellings . A solid record for the right of Jehovah’s Witnesses to enjoy freedom of worship was established . know the holy writings ? Jesus condemned racial pride . In fact , his “ medical ” appointment is merely a brief stop at a pharmacy or a quick visit to the doctor’s office to pay a bill . We do not know all the details of what that will mean for us individually . Christian elders and parents find that commendation and encouragement are effective in emphasizing Bible counsel . With the help of his dear friend Antonio , he got through a rough patch in his life . Yet , what of a promise that a resurrection will occur years , even centuries , in the future ? He must have studied them for a considerable time before luring them into taking sides with him . Then faith and godly wisdom will protect us from Satan’s clever designs and from the world’s evil spirit . In appreciation , let us work at overcoming any tendency to give in to what others might consider minor sins . Our children thrive when we warmly encourage them ( See paragraph 14 ) In warmer climates , it can be particularly challenging to make sure that our style of dress is respectable and sensible and that it shows good judgment . Although it has not always been easy , over the centuries sincere individuals have persevered in translating and distributing the Scriptures . When we reflect on such questions , we will surely get more out of our Bible reading . Starting in 1979 , Maureen served for over 30 years as a missionary in West Africa . What factors may have contributed to a lack of unity among Christ’s disciples , and what questions will we consider ? There are a number of ways to combat peer pressure . That is a lesson we all must learn . So when you face pressures and problems , “ do not let your hands drop down ” ! O’Connor plus 100 rowdies attempted to disrupt the Dublin meeting once more , but the audience enthusiastically supported the speaker . 3 : 27 . In addition to preaching , he also used his physical and mental abilities to accomplish the God - assigned work of building an ark . ​ — Read Hebrews 11 : 7 . I am here because the elders wanted me to be here . In many religions , one man or one woman acts as leader , or chief . He wants you to be happy . Arthur had no extra time to prepare his talks , but his readiness to meet challenges in Jehovah’s service was of great encouragement to me . She was very brave throughout that difficult time . Plant gardens and eat their fruit . First , he referred to “ the faithful and discreet slave , ” the small group of anointed brothers who would take the lead . We might reflect on the fact that none of us deserve salvation ; we are all imperfect humans , regardless of our nationality . The destruction of Jerusalem should have come as no surprise to its inhabitants . Others might make a decision first and then pray for Jehovah to bless their decision . They are happy to share Bible - based information with others in the flock . 16 : 1 - 16 . On the other hand , the tribes of Reuben , Dan , and Asher were each singled out at Judges 5 : 15 - 17 for giving more attention to their own material interests ​ — as represented by their flocks , ships , and harbors — ​ than to the work that Jehovah was having done . Granted , at times it is challenging , but life as a need - greater is very rewarding . Applying Bible principles and praying for God’s spirit will help us to find peace However , the only thing he should have hoped for was to receive what Jehovah promised him : “ I will let you escape with your life . ” To find out how Jehovah opened the way for some of them , we will visit Madagascar , the fourth largest island on earth . What comfort this must have brought to the temple builders in Zechariah’s day ! Personality ​ — the unique set of traits that each of us has and that varies from one person to another — ​ can make for rich friendships . When that happened , I tried to get closer to my housemates , to understand their culture better . The Greek word usually translated “ encouragement ” literally means “ a calling to one’s side . ” How can we strengthen our conviction that Jehovah’s sovereignty is best ? Yet , Barzillai declined . It is such a joy to preach in this responsive territory . ” Many people equate mildness with weakness . Reading the accounts of Jehoshaphat ought to move us to examine our own life . How so ? The schooner Sibia served as our missionary home from 1948 to 1953 4 . Accordingly , married couples who love Jehovah’s ways imitate him . I am glad those efforts bore fruit and have resulted in many deep and lasting friendships that help me to endure in my assignment . ” Today , this is not the custom in many places . After we obtained our visas , we rented an apartment . How dare the multitudes question church leaders ! Your answers may help you to see how well you know Jehovah . Apun Mambetsadykova You will be pleased to know , though , that peace was restored by those brothers and sisters , who all used the Bible as their guide . “ The word of God is alive ” Interwoven from Genesis to Revelation is the Bible’s central theme ​ — the vindication of Jehovah’s sovereignty and the fulfillment of his purpose for the earth by means of his Kingdom under Christ , the promised “ offspring . ” ​ — Read Genesis 3 : 15 ; Matthew 6 : 10 ; Revelation 11 : 15 . As you study this book with your children or others , you will likely read Romans 5 : 12 when you discuss God’s purpose for the earth , the ransom , and the condition of the dead ​ — chapters 3 , 5 , and 6 . This was the prophet Samuel’s hometown , located some 22 miles ( 35 km ) northwest of Jerusalem . ​ — 1 Sam . If as a parent or an overseer you must administer discipline , will you imitate Jehovah , hating the wrong while looking for the good in your child or fellow believer ? ​ — Jude 22 , 23 . Earth , with all its resources , was to become their permanent home . ​ — Ps . Consider an example involving a Bible translation into English . 19 : 9 , 10 . For example , Jehovah instructs us to “ stop keeping company ” with unrepentant wrongdoers . Do we take the time to ponder , or dwell on , Scriptural passages throughout the day ? “ Because of the people’s volunteering , praise Jehovah ! ” ​ — JUDG . But the prophet Daniel foretold that during the time of the end , “ those having insight , ” the anointed remnant , would be “ bringing the many to righteousness . ” We all love the same God , preach the same message , and face many of the same challenges . Rather than rely on ourselves , we must rely on Jehovah . AS DISCUSSED in the preceding article , the Devil contends that Jehovah exercises his sovereignty in an unworthy way and that mankind would be better off ruling themselves . We are dependent on the consistent and reliable laws of nature established by Jehovah . It is healthy for us to be generous givers and not just receivers . At times , this resulted in more money going out than coming in for a period of time . Would you improve the situation by arguing about his behavior ? Before long , I met Walter Bright , a missionary who had graduated from the 30th class . Cherish that honor , and continue to do your best to walk modestly with Jehovah forever . At an appropriate time and in a kind manner , remind your child of those facts . But he did more . Also , how determined should we be to keep our vows ? Before his trial , he was “ the greatest of all the people of the East . ” Styles and customs vary not only in different parts of the world but also from one decade to the next . We learn about the results of their efforts and may thus be able to apply such points to some situations we encounter in life . And bear in mind that Jehovah can give us the qualities we need to make decisions that are in harmony with his will . Are we like Jesus , ever ready to show compassionate concern when we meet people who need help ? To be “ happy ” and to “ succeed , ” we must regularly read God’s Word , daily if possible . Does that not strengthen your faith that all the other promises Jehovah has made will likewise come true ? ​ — Josh . She gave her next report to the class on the subject of flag salute . ( b ) How did those sentiments affect Jesus ’ disciples ? Hence , Jehovah will see to it that the vindication of his sovereignty includes the salvation of obedient humans ! Lame excuses but no justification ! “ Everything was so different from what I was used to . ” Jesus Christ stressed that “ the good news has to be preached first . ” 23 Young Ones ​ — “ Keep Working Out Your Own Salvation ” At that , the prophet Jehu asked him : “ Is it the wicked you should be helping , and is it those who hate Jehovah you should love ? ” ​ — Read 2 Chronicles 19 : 1 - 3 . What a profound impact that would have had on eyewitnesses ! Faithful Israelites knew and worshipped only one God ​ — the God of their forefathers Abraham , Isaac , and Jacob . Such a stand may actually help your relatives to see that applying Bible truth is a life - and - death matter . In fact , we ourselves need to have good Bible study habits . What were some sources of contributions in times past ? How many of the vows that we have discussed have you made to God ​ — one , two , or all three ? In 1919 , a “ faithful and discreet slave ” was appointed to provide spiritual food to the household of faith . And unlike us today , he did not have a congregation of fellow worshippers ​ — evidently not even his siblings — ​ to turn to for spiritual support . Just over a year later , we were asked to go to Northern Ireland , first to Armagh and then to Newry , both mostly Catholic towns . The apostle Paul , for one , had that experience . He was very impressed by what he read . Did the crowning of High Priest Joshua make him a king ? What is our response to divinely authorized headship ? Before making a decision , think of the effect it will have on your family and the congregation ( See paragraph 15 ) This involved visiting Bethel families and missionaries worldwide , giving spiritual encouragement , and checking branch office records . Keep Contending for Jehovah’s Blessing , Sept . Or was your main concern that of making peace with your brother and remaining loyal to Jehovah ? ​ — Read Psalm 119 : 165 ; Colossians 3 : 13 . Love motivates us to endure . It helps us to remain firm and unmovable even during the worst trials . However , after three and a half years in Africa , we left to have a family . 19 : 31 - 37 . We must also realize that Satan will try to use our affection for our family to break our integrity . Note what your objective should be . The second resurrection related in the Scriptures was performed by Elijah’s successor , the prophet Elisha . Then an amazing thing happened . Modesty helped Barzillai to make a reasonable decision . Voluntary contributions help to supply literature and support the preaching work in territories where poverty abounds but where there is great spiritual growth . Today , as we approach the new world , our faith is being tested . You can learn to sing with power and volume by breathing properly . Ask yourself , ‘ Do I look for every opportunity to share a portion of God’s Word with those to whom I bring the good news ? ’ ( b ) Why could the brothers in Philippi take Paul’s words seriously ? It is also important that the parents show insight and strive to understand their teenagers . ​ — w15 11 / 15 , pp . “ Not having many material possessions to be attached to helps me to feel free , and it allows me to concentrate on the most important things , ” says Federico , a married brother in his early 40 ’ s who moved from Spain . “ The ratio of publishers to homes in our congregation’s territory is 1 to 2 , ” says a 90 - year - old brother named Ionash . One morning I stepped outside to a beautiful world of white . Many longtime servants of Jehovah have been heard to say that they have never seen a time like this with so many spiritual provisions . Just think ! Jehovah really protects us . ” So when we are anxious , we need to turn our worries into prayers . 31 From Our Archives Have realistic expectations . 35 : 8 . He cut back on his hours at work , began pioneering , and thought about the joy he and Miriam could have by serving where the need for Kingdom preachers is greater . In that sense , the King James Version acknowledged the rightful place of God’s name in the so - called New Testament . These two articles will help us to appreciate more fully the depth of God’s love for us as reflected in his fatherly discipline . What conditions did first - century Christians face ? She thought that this would convince me to stay . Elders can work with others in making sure that our dear older ones have good food and that their homes are maintained . Ananias and Sapphira failed to do that . To be united , they would have to change their mind - set . The same basic principles apply in the family . “ Jehovah will always lead you . ” ​ — ISA . At age 14 , he began pioneering , and I pioneered with him for two years . What could help Christians everywhere to get through those stressful times ? ​ — 1 Pet . Like a prospector who exerts himself to find gold , do you work hard to learn precious Bible truths ? The organization has given this direction so that new disciples will be “ stabilized in the faith . ” How do we know that being a Christian involves more than leaving behind the practice of serious sins ? In fact , Jesus said that those who are like hypocrites would be punished “ with the greatest severity . ” Thus , marriage is of divine origin . Focus on his or her good qualities , and express appreciation for your mate . It is more likely that they would have used servants to do the actual carrying and burying . But what if your mate does not follow the Bible’s high standard of conduct ? The presiding officers of the synagogue there told them : “ Men , brothers , if you have any word of encouragement for the people , tell it . ” The foreign participants thoroughly enjoyed the preaching work . Clearly , immigrant parents must devote more time and show more initiative in order to help their children develop a strong relationship with Jehovah . The early Christians gained a reputation of loving one another . It contains many accounts of how God did indeed reward faithful servants . The Acts of Paul and Thecla was highly regarded in early centuries , as confirmed by the fact that 80 Greek manuscripts of it exist , as well as versions in other languages . We will not hold back from discussing at appropriate times the importance of dedication and baptism . Consider , for example , Mutsuo and his wife , who experienced Jehovah’s sustaining power following the 2011 Japan tsunami . Surely , no human deserves credit for discovering and explaining these “ deep things of God ” ! Street witnessing in the early 1950 ’ s Some anxiety may be caused by a person’s past actions or failings . On this visit , the McCartneys introduced me to a lovely theocratic sister , Bethel Crane . Consider two individuals who did just that . Jehovah God is the best example of showing mildness and patience . Individuals and family heads are free to choose the recreation they prefer , as long as it consists of activities that are in harmony with Jehovah’s guidelines expressed in Bible principles . But as many Jews became Greek - speaking , understanding the Hebrew Scriptures became more difficult for most . 22 “ May He . . . Give Success to All Your Plans ” He moved to the southernmost part of the country ​ — a drought - stricken region 800 miles ( 1,300 km ) from where he had been living . Come evening , I was inclined to stay up ; she wanted to go to bed early . Lije , now a circuit overseer , comments : “ Most people had no work . Jehovah makes this heartwarming promise : “ The meek will possess the earth , and they will find exquisite delight in the abundance of peace . ” Additionally , the Bible urges us to accept willingly the need to wait . How does creation declare Jehovah’s glory ? Think of this example : When trees are relocated , they experience stress . “ YOU are such a cruel father , ” scolded the KGB officer . Even if we are beyond the reach of human help , Jehovah is always there . ​ — Ps . The apostles kept careful watch over the congregations of God’s people as long as they lived . How have some parents managed to train their children spiritually while in a foreign field ? What good example did Joseph set ? You might break something . ” Succumbing to discouragement can also weaken our faith and cause our love for God to grow cold . Once again , the Israelites worshipped Jehovah unitedly . It is heartwarming to see how brothers and sisters today are united by a bond that goes beyond any role or assignment in the congregation . 8 Keep Contending for Jehovah’s Blessing She was strikingly beautiful and was pampered with luxurious treatments for a year . The Bible also says that Jesus “ walks among ” the congregations . ( b ) What can help us be more comfortable when declaring the good news ? Jehovah blesses this kind of training , which equips students to make yet more disciples of Christ . he asked , thinking that I had come for medical advice . Tragic accidents ​ — perhaps with dire consequences — ​ may occur because we are in the wrong place at the wrong time . She felt like Joseph , who was imprisoned for keeping his integrity . Many newcomers have observed that our children participate at meetings . Regrettably , Adam was not content with his God - given assignment as cultivator and caretaker of the earthly paradise . This , in turn , opens up the prospect of being completely liberated from enslavement to sin and death . We thereby show our love and appreciation not only for this divine treasure but , most important , for its Author , Jehovah God . We cannot let our guard down , passively accepting any entertainment that is offered . In the new world , we will experience to the full the blessings of the spiritual paradise . Acts chapter 24 describes Paul’s trial before Felix , the Roman governor of Judea , who had already heard something about what Christians believed . Extending hospitality to someone can reduce friction and soften hard feelings . Paul’s words to fellow Christians contain a warning . What do the Scriptures say about the seriousness of making vows to God ? Our ministry had its challenges . More important , our loyal adherence to Jehovah’s commands , including the command to share in the preaching work , has brought us his approval and blessing . If his decisions result in success , reflecting careful forethought , it becomes clear that he has manifested practical wisdom . When Samuel arrived in Gilgal , he rebuked Saul . These articles answer the following questions : Why should we expect Jehovah’s worshippers to be organized ? My wife arrived home excited . Nehemiah did not simply oversee the work . He studied the Bible and started preaching . We were extremely happy , since there is no better way for young people to use their lives . You know what Cain decided ; he did not choose well . But what exactly is faith ? Through the prophet Elisha , Jehovah performed the miracle of multiplying the small quantity of oil for a faithful widow . One year Maria’s visit was very special because she brought our two young daughters with her . Yes , how beneficial our ministry is ​ — both for ourselves and for our neighbors ! But how would just a few accomplish so much work ? Such conditions include unemployment , inflation , food shortages , and abject poverty that many experience . Rather than direct love to the Creator , people are “ lovers of themselves . ” What does our faithfulness under trial accomplish ? Earlier in life , he had pursued a promising career in Judaism , but he found true happiness when he became a disciple - maker and witnessed how people responded to God’s message and how it changed their life . The Jewish Sanhedrin in session They realized that although I said I did not care about religion , I really wanted to know about the Bible . We give to Jehovah what he deserves . For example , in the matter of maintaining unity with your brothers and sisters , the Bible encourages you to continue “ forgiving one another freely ” and to be quick to resolve matters of dispute . They got tired , but they did not give up . The apostle John wrote : “ If we confess our sins , he is faithful and righteous so as to forgive us our sins . ” We had grown to love the people of Africa and hoped to return someday . Maybe he remembered the words of Exodus 23 : 19 , which told God’s people to be willing to give their best to Jehovah . On our first day in the field ministry , one lady listened attentively , so I read Revelation 21 : 3 , 4 ​ — and then I fainted ! After having served 17 - and - a - half years of his sentence , Hans was released from prison as a baptized Christian . 12 : 10 . By reading and meditating on the Bible books of Matthew , Mark , Luke , and John , we expose our mind to Christ’s mind . Just as Peter did after his experience with the resurrected Jesus , we prove the depth of our love for Christ by putting the work he has given us to do in first place . Scientists believe that our Milky Way galaxy alone may contain up to 400 billion stars . Since modesty has so many advantages , how can we cultivate it to an even greater degree ? May it never be said of us that ‘ we left the love we had at first . ’ What contrast existed between the leaders of God’s people and those of pagan nations ? It includes Mary’s being visited by the angel Gabriel , her visit to her relative Elizabeth , and Mary’s expression of praise to Jehovah . Think of Shadrach , Meshach , and Abednego , who refused to worship an image that represented the government of Babylon . Clearly , many individuals wanted what I had to give . It may even require that we give up our inner and outer garments , so to speak . What is the most unifying event of 2018 , and why ? FROM the first faithful human , Abel , down to our day , loyal worshippers have struggled . Similarly , we need to act with urgency in obeying the command to strip off habits that are contrary to God’s personality . In part , she said : “ To those two very patient and humble individuals , I would like to convey my apology for my most self - righteous and condescending behaviour . A scripture that has greatly encouraged me is Isaiah 30 : 18 . Then , in a question - and - answer session , he is challenged by O’Connor and friends but ably defends the message with the Bible . It’s like traveling without leaving your city . 2 : 21 ; 4 : 1 . ( Read Daniel 12 : 3 . ) 5 : 22 , 23 ; Heb . The key is to be good students of God’s Word , to take to heart what we learn , and to let that knowledge mold us and guide us . He does not desire any to die . He became like “ a nursing mother ” to those in the Thessalonian congregation ; he was also like a spiritual father . ​ — Read 1 Thessalonians 2 : 7 , 11 , 12 . Any pursuits that are spiritually dead , vain , or fruitless . Jesus was so concerned for his disciples that he warned them about this dangerous tendency four more times in his sermon . ​ — Matt . James goes on to show the clear difference between mere belief and the exercising of one’s faith . Even before they were reduced to slavery , the Hebrews were likely shunned by the Egyptians because of racial pride or religious prejudice . Notice how this is reflected in what he told his brothers : “ Do not be afraid . Who does not want to have nice clothing , especially when engaging in spiritual activities ​ — sharing in the ministry or attending meetings and assemblies ? Those who say that there is no God claim that our future is entirely in our own hands . Do you feel that you are living up to them to the best of your ability ? Consider the first - century Christians Euodia and Syntyche . Why is it significant that Jesus is “ the firstfruits ” ? One of the greatest earthly demonstrations of Jehovah’s marvelous kindness will be the resurrection of humans from “ the Grave . ” How would being hospitable help them ? Some have a good measure of mental and emotional maturity at a young age and express a desire to get baptized . How should Christians view freedom ? 18 : 26 ; 19 : 8 . Jehovah’s original purpose was for mankind to live forever here on earth . As we examine these four ways , see if you can identify practical steps that you want to take . Tips are thus demanded by officials who legalize marriages , who accept legitimate income tax payments , who issue building permits , and so on . In other lands , economic conditions may make young ones feel that they must focus on helping to provide materially for their families . 4 Would Someone Oversow a Field With Weeds ? But what if illness or advanced age somewhat limits your ministry ? He acknowledged : “ I am the least of the apostles , and I am not worthy of being called an apostle , because I persecuted the congregation of God . ” It was found near Ashdod . But at the border , soldiers pulled the family off the bus because of their ethnicity ; yet , they allowed the other brothers to proceed . Another Christian said that when his wife died suddenly , he experienced “ indescribable physical pain . ” No matter how much we know of a situation , only Jehovah can read a person’s figurative heart . This explains why Jacob when nearly 100 years old did everything in his power to obtain God’s blessing ; he even wrestled with a materialized angel . Each of us does well to ask himself : ‘ Am I content to let others carry the bulk of the workload ? Elijah rebuked the people for being indecisive . Or a Christian may feel pressure from unbelieving relatives to get married ‘ before it is too late . ’ Thus , our artistic presentations are in line with some ancient indications of what the apostle looked like . Further , according to his own written Word , “ he loves righteousness and justice . ” ​ — Ps . Amazingly , not only do they go unpaid for their work but they also gladly cover their own expenses . She too had reason to feel unsure of herself because she was gleaning barley on the land of a man unknown to her . Insurance and Retirement Plans : A donation made by specifying an entity used by Jehovah’s Witnesses as the beneficiary of a life insurance policy , individual retirement account , or a retirement / ​ pension plan . Being aware of this , we should be moved to reject entertainment that fuels impure thoughts and inclinations . When at least some of these angels took the bait and had immoral relations with women , they produced a hybrid race that dominated mankind . Yet , their blooms are gorgeous to behold ! What is it ? 4 How can we successfully fight materialism ? While in a prison hole in Egypt , did Joseph have any idea that he would be appointed to the second - highest position in the land or that he would be used by Jehovah to save his family from starvation ? 5 Ever Be True Justice on Earth ? No . 3 After describing various men and women of faith , Paul highlighted the most outstanding example of all ​ — our Lord Jesus Christ . We were not aware of how different Ireland was from England . He then took up noncombatant work . For example , in the Hebrew Scriptures , we read : “ The plans of the diligent surely lead to success ” ; and “ whatever your hand finds to do , do with all your might . ” ( Ftn . ) Since Jehovah is holy , all principles and laws that originate with him are holy . 25 : 15 , The Amplified Bible . After Melissa and her family moved to a new congregation , they concentrated on making new friends . In order to have God’s approval , Kevin would have to give up these unscriptural practices . By the time Ezekiel recorded the prophecy about the two sticks , the northern kingdom of Israel had long since been taken captive by the Assyrians in 740 B.C.E . In some cases , we may want to consult with the elders . At Matthew 6 : 34 ( read ) , we find Jesus ’ profound advice : “ Never be anxious . ” But take note of how James began his letter : We have the privilege of sharing with all who will listen the thrilling promise that is found at Revelation 21 : 4 , 5 : “ [ God ] will wipe out every tear from their eyes , and death will be no more , neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore . One Saturday evening when I was five years old , I was with my father , offering the Watchtower and Consolation ( now Awake ! ) But his fascination with entertainment was so strong that he stopped associating with Jehovah’s people . Today , all who worship Jehovah in spirit and truth endeavor to reflect the same humble , submissive attitude . That correct perspective is important if we are to keep our eyes on this big issue and take our stand for Jehovah’s righteous rule . Humbly adjusting our attitude leads to God’s blessing ( See paragraphs 8 - 10 ) They look forward to gaining the prize of everlasting life on earth ​ — and what a happy prospect that is ! ​ — 2 Pet . 2 , 3 . ( a ) How might some feel about singing aloud with the congregation ? With angelic aid , they oversaw the preaching work , and they relied on God’s Word when providing guidance . This arrangement does not make a wife inferior to her husband . Finally , Don read Matthew 9 : 36 and then asked Peter to read it for himself . We have good reasons to include the resurrection as a key teaching even if we personally hope to survive the great tribulation and live on earth forever . In this article , we will consider four concerns that have hindered some Christian parents from helping their children progress to baptism . With just a few words , we can help others and give them confidence that they are really a part of Jehovah’s people . “ When I read the Bible , I try to remember that there may be several lessons that can be drawn from a passage , ” says one brother . ( a ) In what ways did counsel provided in God’s Word help the first - century congregations ? Nevertheless , they are sacred and binding in God’s eyes because they carry the force of an oath ​ — a sworn statement — ​ that promises that a person will or will not do a certain thing . How can we do that ? On the basis of their Bible - trained conscience , most mature Christians are not comfortable giving tips solicited by officials . Seeking Riches That Are True , July Jehovah therefore decreed that Sodom and Gomorrah be destroyed because inhabitants of those cities practiced or condoned gross sexual immorality . ( Read Romans 15 : 7 . ) Whatever the problem , would you not appreciate having someone with whom you could share your anxieties and who could provide help when you needed it ? The helmet worn by the Roman infantry was designed to ward off blows directed at the head , neck , and face . I knew them ​ — they were the younger sisters of the man who had married my older sister . Jehovah rides on this chariot , and it goes wherever his spirit impels it to go . I Loved Baseball More Than Anything ! A few years later , Livija was appointed to be a special pioneer . What is our key interest in life ? Today , many Christian parents have encouraged their children to take up the full - time ministry and to center their lives on their service to God . HAVE you ever thought about the personal conflicts recorded in the Bible ? On the second day , however , I was thrilled to find out that a deaf group with a sign - language interpreter was there . 17 : 1 . It also held seven Witnesses of Jehovah , all imprisoned for their Christian neutrality . 10 : 32 , 33 . As spiritual shepherds , congregation elders can reinforce parents ’ efforts by speaking positively about spiritual goals . So any time we take on new responsibilities , we need to reflect prayerfully on whatever Jehovah tells us through his Word and his organization . Therefore , by faithfully continuing in our preaching work , we make sure that we will be available to give comfort to people at a time when they may be ready to accept it . When there are things that I cannot control , I leave matters in Jehovah’s hands . ” Jehovah did not sweep aside that wicked accusation . Songs were sung during the opening “ Praise Service , ” after which Joseph F . Public talks helped spread the good news , and congregations sprang up in numerous cities throughout Ireland . ​ — From our archives in Britain . Jehovah’s people have turned their back on “ the fruit that [ they ] used to produce ” before they came to know , love , and serve God . He had carefully compared the teachings of many different religions , even non - Christian religions , with what the Bible says . And I have learned that a brother is a brother regardless of skin color , and he will die for you if need be . The same could be said of Noah . He had just one wife , even though polygamy began to be practiced soon after the rebellion in Eden . ​ — Gen . Unlike the just and merciful God they claimed to worship , the Pharisees labeled their fellow men sinners , condemning them as hopeless . Imagine trying to learn a new language and to adapt to new laws and expectations regarding manners , punctuality , taxes , bill paying , school attendance , and child discipline ​ — all at once ! Why not consider which goals are important to you and then start working toward them ? ​ — Read Philippians 1 : 10 , 11 . So on that last evening , he encouraged them to endure in the work they had started . In his organization , we have many wise ones with whom we can walk . There was a time , however , when their friendship was in jeopardy . 7 “ Love . . . in Deed and Truth ” A review of these accounts will highlight how humility and a willingness to forgive are related to Jehovah’s view of justice . What does that indicate ? They even did so when they faced formidable foes . Read Philippians 4 : 6 , 7 . Seek opportunities to do so ! 1 - 3 . ( a ) What should we include among our core beliefs ? A number of English idioms can be traced back to the King James Version . Examples include : “ fell flat on his face , ” “ the skin of my teeth , ” and “ pour out your heart . ” ​ — Num . She also opened her heart to her Bible teacher and spoke to others in the congregation . Many brothers and sisters expend themselves in order to preach in areas where the need is greater . Rather than drop your hands in defeat , remember what enabled Jacob , Rachel , and Joseph to continue serving Jehovah with joy . What positive results come from continuing to preach despite persecution ? ( b ) What enabled Joseph to respond as he did when Potiphar’s wife tried to seduce him ? When we gain more experience in life , we may see discipline in a new light and start to view it as Jehovah does , as a manifestation of love . Rather , we are guided by Scriptural principles that allow room for personal preferences . Let us first discuss Paul’s words recorded at Philippians 4 : 6 , 7 . We feel safe and secure despite the wicked world around us . It seems that Jesus was referring to the fish lying nearby and / ​ or the fishing business . What caused you to start thinking about serving in a foreign country where there is a greater need ? During the following years , the Bible Students in Germany had to face thousands of court cases because of their preaching activity . But in his own Book , Jehovah answers questions weighing on the hearts of people everywhere . They were to keep in mind the precious hope of receiving their heavenly inheritance . What questions will we address ? 16 : 24 . This spirit influences most humans to adopt a common attitude ​ — simply follow the crowd . Really , all of God’s people can benefit from considering their example . Governments may provide some food , clothing , and shelter , but familiar foods may be unavailable . Christian faith stems from the fact that Jehovah is “ the faithful God , ” who always does what he promises . ​ — Deut . 1 : 21 . Continue to pray for help . In acknowledging the importance of Jehovah’s sovereignty , we are not belittling our salvation or our worth in his eyes . Thus Boaz fathered Obed , whose son was Jesse . ​ — Ruth 4 : 17 , 20 - 22 ; 1 Chron . A Christian couple , therefore , should try to settle any issue between them before the day ends . In this article , we have seen how meditation on God’s promises and regular prayer will keep our faith strong . If a friendship is threatened , what can help to save it ? In hopes of resolving the matter peacefully , a brother who had previously served as a missionary in that African land was assigned to visit the country’s High Commissioner in London , England . True , Jesus had assured them that they would soon receive holy spirit . Such “ an interchange of encouragement ” will help to replenish your spiritual resources and make it easier for you to deal with any anxiety . ​ — Rom . And they lived at a critical time . He urged the ancient Israelites : “ You should be holy , because I , Jehovah your God , am holy . ” To serve effectively , a worshipper of Jehovah must follow a routine of Bible study . Most Witnesses were poor , barely able to pay for a one - way trip to the convention . Over the course of a few years , Kevin made significant improvement . But while Jehovah is willing to forgive repentant sinners , he expects us to put up a strong fight against our sinful tendencies . We also do not get involved in any patriotic or nationalistic activity . How can serving Jehovah fully in your youth prepare you for other responsibilities in the future ? Hence , what steps can you take to work out your own salvation ? He or she will be willing to talk kindly but openly when needed . 15 : 23 . Will you keep ‘ walking with God , ’ even when others mock or criticize you or when economic pressures test your faith in your Provider ? Our judgment is just too flawed to offer us the protection that we need . And see what you can do to “ wrestle , ” or contend , for Jehovah’s blessing . On April 23 of that year , Brother Milton Henschel presided at the dedication of the new facilities in the presence of an enthusiastic audience of 45,522 . Wisely , he thought of the long - term consequences of his actions . Third , appreciation for our role in Jehovah’s service will grow as we , in imitation of our God , look for the good in others . Thus , the organization looks for ways to reduce expenses and simplify the work so as to be able to accomplish the most that it can with your generous donations . When we do so , we promote unity in the family of Jehovah’s worshippers . No . We must also clothe ourselves with the new personality . It is not easy to imagine . It is still a choice , but a potentially disastrous one . Faith focuses on two kinds of things that are not visible to us : ( 1 ) “ What is hoped for ” ​ — this may include future events that have been promised to happen but that have not yet occurred , such as the end of all wickedness and the coming new world . What will Jehovah do about distressful conditions ? Give an example . At times , we may feel that we are accomplishing little , or we might wonder whether Jehovah is pleased with our efforts . But remember that Jehoshaphat acknowledged in a public prayer how weak he and his people felt . So I started training , and I enrolled in the Golden Gloves , a boxing organization . “ DEATH will be no more , and even the dead will be brought back to life . ” Suddenly , he began having abdominal cramps . SONGS : 121 , 75 Godless ones would be without love of goodness , or as some translations render the expression , “ haters of good ” or “ hostile to all goodness . ” No imperfect human can exercise perfect self - control . She could drive ! He mentioned Phoebe , “ our sister , ” and urged the brothers to “ welcome her in the Lord in a way worthy of the holy ones and give her whatever help she may need . ” A brother named Chris , who first offered Gavin a Bible study , did not try to pressure him to accept it . 71 : 9 , 18 . In some areas , we cannot enter certain apartment buildings and gated communities . Yet , saying that he would ‘ stand up for his lot ’ in the future amounted to a clear promise of a resurrection to come ​ — long after he had died . In what positive ways can we apply the advice given at Philippians 2 : 1 - 4 ? Jesus was “ mild - tempered . ” Milan , his brother , his parents , and a number of other Witnesses were riding on a bus from Bosnia to Serbia . That experience greatly strengthened my faith . Thus , some 70 years after his arrival in Babylon , he was still known by his Hebrew name . ​ — Dan . Some years ago , Stephanie , now in her late 20 ’ s and also from the United States , took a close look at her circumstances and thought : ‘ I’m in good health and have no family obligations . There is no set age at which one should get baptized . He also crushed the copper serpent that Moses had made , ” which by then had been misused for idolatrous purposes . How might parents impress on their children the value of Bible principles ? Arthur Willis is getting ready to leave on a preaching trip in the vast Australian outback . ​ — Perth , Western Australia , 1936 He loves the world so much that he has given his Son , Jesus , to rescue humans from sin and the harm that it brings to mankind . 17 Why We “ Keep Bearing Much Fruit ” He will not put the food in our mouths , but he may bless our efforts to grow the food we need or to earn the money to buy our daily provisions . Before addressing that question , Stephen asked Eduardo to consider something else that the apostle Paul wrote , namely , that Jehovah is “ the God of all comfort , who comforts us in all our trials [ “ tribulation , ” ftn . ] . ” ​ — 2 Cor . God’s Word guided Jesus . Often , when I share the Bible’s message in the home of a family , five or six neighbors come over to listen . In addition to publications for Jehovah’s Witnesses in general , we receive Bible - based material that appeals to specific groups . Yet , this illustration teaches us what Jehovah expects . 10 : 6 - 14 . Now when I pray , I can pray to Jehovah . They would hold out two coins , a large silver one and a small gold one that was worth twice as much as the silver coin . 3 : 2 - 5 . To help you remain neutral , avoid watching or reading many reports that take sides in political issues . 22 Know Your Enemy In the secular realm , some individuals serve in positions of authority . After Jehovah had given instructions on how to set up the tabernacle , “ Moses did according to all that Jehovah had commanded him . For example , in South Africa most Witnesses still live in areas that were set apart for their race ​ — be it affluent suburbs , black townships , or areas where people of mixed race once had to live . Such trials are not beyond our capacity to bear ​ — provided we rely on God . Later , the governing body was called upon to decide whether non - Jewish Christians should be required to submit to circumcision , as had been required of Jews by the Law of Moses . Each time we in one way or another proclaim the Kingdom message , we duplicate and scatter , so to speak , the seed that was planted in our heart . They were anxious about things they ought not be anxious about . Satan is primarily responsible for the strife and differences experienced by mankind . ( See paragraph 16 ) Recently , thousands of Jehovah’s Witnesses ​ — men , women , and children — ​ had to flee conflict and persecution in eastern Ukraine . Why is this adjusted understanding reasonable ? Our faith is not complete unless we are firmly convinced that God will reward those who earnestly seek him , for “ faith is the assured expectation of what is hoped for . ” Therefore , make yourself available , not just for the first few days when many friends and relatives are present , but in subsequent months when others have returned to their normal routine . Romans 8 : 6 shows the advantage of being spiritually - minded , saying : “ Setting the mind on the flesh means death , but setting the mind on the spirit means life and peace . ” 8 By Undeserved Kindness You Were Set Free Our lives will be full of activity that will contribute to our joy and to Jehovah’s praise ! How was an issue that may have involved language resolved ? Prepare a realistic budget . Let us consider four ways that you can do so ​ — by means of heartfelt prayer , by reading God’s Word and meditating on it , by tapping into Jehovah’s holy spirit , and by sharing your feelings with a trusted confidant . We have the responsibility to make known to our fellow humans that they can come into a friendly relationship with their Creator . But not all people are inclined to greet others . 12 : 40 - 42 ; Gal . By giving us inner calm that can free our mind and heart of disturbing emotions . However , for us to be spiritually mature does not mean to be perfect . Could you assist in a part of the world where the fields are “ white for harvesting ” ? Jim , mentioned earlier , began to soften his attitude when an elder took a personal interest in him . We returned tired , maybe , but joyful ? You likely can understand why . Jesus imitated his Father’s example . You may , of course , need to be willing to limit some optional activities . La Nación also reported : “ The whole city saw them . . . men ​ — and women — ​ transformed into advertising ‘ sandwiches . ’ ” Paul sent greetings to many fellow Christians . We returned to the United States . 79 : 9 . 17 Why Give to the One Who Has Everything ? The Bible sums up his reign , saying : “ He did what was bad . ” These rebels , however , are not just a mob of troublemakers . What prospects lie ahead , and what can we do now ? Paul wrote : “ Jehovah is my helper ; I will not be afraid . Jehovah had promised that through Abraham’s offspring all nations would be blessed . Many of you dear brothers and sisters are coping with serious illness . The resurrection of Jesus was the first of that sort , and it undoubtedly is first in importance . Her answer showed that she fully trusted that whatever Jehovah asked from her would be good . But Paul called out : “ Do not hurt yourself ! ” These two articles are based on Paul’s inspired counsel to the Christians in Colossae . Before sin and imperfection brought about the death of Adam and Eve , the couple produced sons and daughters . President ] Wilson prevented it ; but we know how to get you , and we are going to do it ! ” After doing this three times , they said I could leave if I wrote the following : “ I am leaving because I prefer to serve Satan rather than God . ” I was shocked . “ The whole audience rose to its feet as one , ” stated Fred Twarosh . And Paul wrote about the proper place for passion or intimacy within marriage . Second , no one can be complacent , thinking that he is safe from temptation . ​ — 1 Cor . Of course , Jesus did not tell us that his faithful slave would produce perfect spiritual food . Let us consider this second illustration . 2 : 19 , 20 . They need to continue cultivating faith in God , trusting that he will provide their necessities . SOMETIME between the years 62 and 64 C.E . , the apostle Peter wrote to “ the temporary residents scattered about in Pontus , Galatia , Cappadocia , Asia , and Bithynia . ” Why do we conclude that Romans chapter 8 should be of interest to those with the earthly hope ? What factors might influence parents to move back to a congregation that uses the language their children best understand ? Macmillan later called “ the first official expression of the worldwide preaching work as it is now actually being carried out . ” When I got off the train , a shuttle bus was to take me to South Lansing , and I had to borrow the 25 - cent fare from a fellow passenger . We expressed the hope that someday all four of us might take a trip to Africa together . What should you do ? He soon realized that not one of those religions completely adhered to God’s Word . Though they loved their parents , sons and daughters would leave them to get married and form new households . Prominent men who were enamored of the philosophies of Aristotle and Plato introduced false religious ideas , gradually replacing the pure teachings of God’s Word . The Bible truly is a book for everyone . We also discreetly preached to other prisoners , some of whom later became Jehovah’s Witnesses . 1 : 33 ; 2 : 6 , 7 . While reading and meditating on this account , we might ask ourselves : ‘ How could King David have avoided the heartache he suffered because of his adulterous act with Bath - sheba ? Thinking about this example may have helped Jephthah to react in a way that pleased Jehovah . And it happened ! God heard Elijah , and the child came back to life . But notice that “ the peace of God . . . surpasses all understanding . ” Forgive freely . They think that they do not have time to train others . Martha was convinced because of miracles that she likely learned about even before Jesus ’ ministry began . He let Jehovah guide his choices in life . As “ a preacher of righteousness , ” Noah faithfully proclaimed the warning message he had been given . Over the decades that he and his wife served Jehovah , they experienced ups and downs . He does not look to any written code of laws made by imperfect men as a basis for determining what is just and fair . John often quoted Jesus ’ words that show that exercising faith is an ongoing process . ​ — John 3 : 16 ; 6 : 29 , 40 ; 11 : 25 , 26 ; 14 : 1 , 12 . Abraham then had to wait 25 years before his son Isaac was born in 1918 B.C.E . , and he had to wait another 60 years before his grandsons Esau and Jacob were born in 1858 B.C.E . ​ — Heb . Yes , faith involves the certain expectation of God’s promised blessings . True , at times certain clergymen may endeavor to stir up some form of evangelism . He brought Lazarus back to life that very day . He applied the lessons he learned . And just imagine how encouraged the elderly prophet Daniel was when God sent an angel to strengthen him . Others may note the wisdom , or good sense , in our actions . 4 : 7 - 9 ; Gal . ( Read Matthew 18 : 15 - 17 . ) A son or a daughter who may be pioneering and living at home may rightly give the parents some funds to assist with household expenses . This promise surely strengthened Zechariah . These can enable us ‘ to see ’ our Creator through our eyes of faith . Those being instructed could be couples or single brothers or sisters . how congregation meetings are good for us . Israel’s enemy was defeated ! I wondered : ‘ What can I tell him that he does not already know ? Does this always require a change of assignment though ? Yes , a humble greeting can open the way even for a discussion of serious matters . Hence , in this important matter related to worship , each Christian needed to make a conscientious decision . Jehovah wanted them to return to him , to resume their fearless , wholehearted worship of him . ( Read Colossians 3 : 13 . ) How refreshing it is to associate with people who are ever conscious of being honest “ in all things ” ! ​ — Heb . That point helped us to see that it is all right to change one’s theocratic goals . ” The Law also said that when a person makes a vow to Jehovah , “ he must not violate his word . But “ as soon as he was strong , his heart became haughty , ” even though his strength was from God ! This type of garment restricted a soldier’s movement to some degree , and it required that he regularly check that the plates were firmly fixed in place . A spiritual person pursues spiritually oriented goals . “ Keep perceiving what the will of Jehovah is . ” ​ — EPH . They will be directed by Christ and his 144,000 corulers . Holy spirit empowered Jesus . This required removing or revising lyrics that used expressions no longer found in the New World Translation as a result of the 2013 revision . What factors will the family head take into consideration ? Brothers and sisters from both congregations shared in the preaching work , attended meetings together , and enjoyed hospitality at the homes of one another . 10 , 11 . ( a ) How can we imitate the generous servants of Jehovah in Bible times ? However , Hushai remained loyal , as one who was willing to risk his life and accomplish a mission that would thwart the conspiracy . It is only when the shackles of sin are thrown off that we can hope to have the true freedom that our first human parents once enjoyed . I was first assigned to work in the Service Department . On a more personal level , children who pursue true worship can prove to be sources of comfort in their families , helping all to endure present trials and then to survive something greater than the Flood . And you would not know of Jehovah’s past dealings with the human family . Thus , Jehovah’s friendship is being freely extended to both the givers and the receivers . When we see the good that this accomplishes , we will grow in joy , experience a greater sense of well - being , and add to the happiness of others . ​ — Acts 20 : 35 ; Phil . Rejoice and be overjoyed , since your reward is great in the heavens , for in that way they persecuted the prophets prior to you . ” ​ — Matt . So pray for his spirit , and work hard to teach your precious children , for by doing so , you give Jehovah much to bless . ​ — Eph . The psalmist said of his God that “ he sends his command to the earth ; his word runs swiftly . ” The answer is obvious ​ — only Jehovah’s Witnesses . The Christian disciple James pointed out the key to finding true happiness and satisfaction . And when the situation became critical , he fled from her . Notice the effect that God’s words had on his heart . Later , they applied to help with international construction projects but were not invited . We may well stay far away from practices that God hates . What Bible examples can help us understand how we should react when the words or deeds of others hurt us ? Of course not ! It could be peer pressure . He was promised a future . Jesus did not feel the need to enumerate the disciples ’ shortcomings , including what they had done on the night he was arrested . My mother had obtained Bible publications , and I became engrossed in their contents , particularly the illustrations . Zeynep But this does not mean that we try to copy a “ prominent ” elder in the exact way he dresses and grooms himself , his manner of public speaking , or even his style of conversation . Jesus asked Peter , James , and John to “ keep on the watch ” while he prayed . 4 “ He Had Pleased God Well ” ( Enoch ) , No . 1 Thomas realizes that there may be a need for many discussions over a period of time . Both then began working toward the goal of Bethel service . For example , what if a portion of the Bible does not seem relevant to our situation ? I Have Been Blessed to Work With Spiritual Men ( D . In addition , the gifts of joy , peace , friendship , and answered prayers strengthen us to finish God’s work . Many Jews to whom Jesus preached longed for independence from Rome . First , they need to make “ a thorough investigation and inquiry ” to establish if wrong has been done . We felt a lump in our throat as we left New York , but how that lump turned to joy when we were met by our brothers at the airport in Nairobi ! They will be replaced by what ? 63 : 7 - 9 ; Jas . 5 : 11 , ftn . Take into consideration a wrongdoer’s background , his motives , and his limitations . “ Instead of using a washing machine , we used buckets . Another reward was on the way , though . Or was he being deceptive ? He offered suggestions and guidance . But after that we were on our own . 5 : 15 . I will always appreciate that she didn’t focus on the wrong that I had done to her but , rather , on the damage I was doing to myself . The apostles listened as Jesus taught them how to preach effectively . 2 : 24 ; Philem . Jesus thus became a perfect human , just as Adam had been . I assumed that the responsible brothers at Bethel only wanted me to help out temporarily , but that is not how things turned out . As we have just noted , the Scriptures contain accounts that vividly illustrate both the benefits and the consequences of our actions . THE apostle Paul likened our life as Christians to that of soldiers engaged in hand - to - hand combat . He wanted to do it while he had the opportunity ! What reassuring encouragement ! “ Let Endurance Complete Its Work , ” Apr . Consider what led to his defeat and death . For example , smile ​ — even if you do not feel like it at first . Note the Scriptural principle found at 1 Corinthians 15 : 33 . Instead of quickly coming up with a response and making a spur - of - the - moment decision , why not stop and think ? We might be taking ourselves or our privileges too seriously . Spiritually speaking , however , a new disciple starts off being immature . Rather , they await the end of this wicked system of things during “ Jehovah’s day . ” What , then , are some of the realities that may bring on the ‘ tribulation in the flesh ’ that Paul mentioned ? The School for Congregation Elders was inaugurated in 2008 . Such changes are not easy but can be made because God’s spirit will help those who sincerely desire to do God’s will . The chariots and their riders are sent out to care for specific territories . A few years later , Bob Atkinson called at our house and played a phonograph record of one of Brother Rutherford’s talks . Not long after Pentecost 33 C.E . , an issue of discrimination arose . ( a ) What are three ways in which we can promote unity ? And as noted , the firstborn’s right was transferred from Reuben to Joseph . In fact , the outcome resulted in a marvelous witness for Jehovah that reached the farthest parts of the Medo - Persian Empire ! ​ — Dan . Jehovah can soothe our mind , our heart , and our emotions by means of his Word , his holy spirit , and the spiritual food dispensed by the faithful slave . ​ — Matt . The apostle Paul , who was also present at that meeting in Jerusalem in 49 C.E . , confronted Peter in Antioch and exposed his hypocrisy . Make the Scriptures the backbone of your talk Reluctantly , he left the hall , knowing that he could not reenter . Then Felisa told me what she had learned . How can we share in sanctifying God’s name ? In turn , such growth calls for the printing of more Bible literature , the building and maintaining of Kingdom Halls , and the acquiring of assembly and convention sites . According to recent estimates , the richest 1 percent of the earth’s population have as much wealth as the rest of its inhabitants combined . As the conversation moves along , the publisher brings up a Scriptural point and elicits a response . How can we benefit fully from any Scriptural discipline we may receive in the Christian congregation ? He might appreciate help to follow the program and perhaps to find scriptures being read . Perhaps we are presently confronted with problems caused by old age , poor health , or economic pressures . But I began to realize that something was missing in my life , something far more important than my job . “ When the opportunity presented itself , ” says Filip , “ it was as if Jehovah told us : ‘ Go ahead ! ’ ” Jehovah is the supreme example of self - control . Exhausted from battle , he fell asleep . Suppose Euodia invited some brothers and sisters to her home for a meal and pleasant association . What his brothers did really hurt Jephthah . Jesus enjoyed teaching people about his heavenly Father . Many parents enjoy discussing articles in the Awake ! series “ Was It Designed ? ” Her name was Abigail . Ruth set a fine example in this regard . Consider first the attitude of a physical individual . They were not all of my age or from my cultural background . As we meditate on their examples , it is good for us to remember how long they had to wait , why they were willing to wait , and what blessings resulted from their patience . Henri realized that the only way to help his family come back to the truth was for him to persevere faithfully . And how would Christians be able to recognize his representatives ? Why is prayer vital for a baptized Christian ? Do you have such a close friend ? Meetings teach us to use what we learn from the Bible in our lives . I am now over 90 years of age , and my job is to encourage members of the Bethel family as a spiritual shepherd . To reflect divine justice , they had to determine whether the fugitive acted “ out of hatred ” and “ with malicious intent . ” The stage was being set for a future deliverance from false religion . Not only can sin lead us to doing what is bad but it can also prevent us from doing what we know is right or from living up to what we know we are capable of . Yes , visible acts of faith led to the preservation of Noah and his family through the Flood . His love made a lasting impression on them . That is why Jesus compared Christian discipleship to a yoke . Would you be able to make sacrifices to serve Jehovah more fully ? If that is true of humans , how much more do we have reason to praise Jehovah God ! ( b ) What practical steps can you take to reduce anxiety ? Interpreting a talk for Brother Albert Schroeder Unwarranted anxiety often results if a Christian agonizes over possible future problems . Many today “ set something aside , ” or budget an amount of money , and place it in the congregation contribution box labeled “ Worldwide Work . ” But when you dedicated yourself to Jehovah and got baptized , you showed that you had come into a privileged relationship with him . Trying to accumulate all “ the things the nations are eagerly pursuing ” would damage our relationship with Jehovah . Our congregation in Adelaide included 12 older anointed Christians . Give an example of how true friends can bring comfort even when close relatives fail to do so . It is also possible for you to send donations directly to a legal entity that is used by Jehovah’s Witnesses in your country . Knowing Jehovah and having his Word at work in our lives , we have come to enjoy a privileged relationship with him . We can do so successfully by applying the Bible’s wise advice . After we reasoned with them , they would be satisfied with Jehovah’s thinking on matters . Note that he did not simply say that we should be “ putting up with one another . ” We must revive in ourselves the burning conviction of Paul , who cried out : ‘ Woe to me if I do not preach the Gospel . ’ ” By “ putting up with one another in love , earnestly endeavoring to maintain the oneness of the spirit in the uniting bond of peace , ” we can freely forgive those who may not be aware that they offended us . Do not overlook the fact that God’s Word is helpful and refreshing because it contains the Creator’s own words of wisdom . SONGS : 54 , 125 Possibly penned for a field worker who allegedly failed to deliver a set quota of grain , this document , written on a pottery shard , says : “ After your servant [ the petitioner ] had finished storing the harvest a few days ago , Hoshayahu son of Shobay came and took your servant’s garment . . . . * Notice how this was true of two Kingdom publishers who were helped to overcome anger and to cultivate peace with others . SONGS : 95 , 13 After serving in a foreign - language field for over three years , Serge and his wife , Muriel , noticed that their 17 - year - old son lacked joy in theocratic activities . Do I regularly pray that Jehovah examine my heart and my motives ? That same spirit prevails in many parts of the world today . For instance , rather than saying , “ I’m sorry that you feel that way , ” you could admit your role in the problem by saying , “ I’m sorry that I hurt you by what I said . ” And Christ welcomed us . What are some things that people want ? Sergio and Olinda , mentioned before , noticed such a change . What does the Bible indicate would happen regarding the resurrection during Christ’s presence ? How can we with full confidence retain “ the peace of God ” ? God’s people needed to be reminded that they should return to Jehovah and stop putting their personal pursuits first . And , yes , the weather was different for sure ! But we never viewed these as a reason to stop serving our faithful God . 1 , 2 . ( a ) What are three spiritual treasures that Jehovah has given to us ? 15 Why Should We Meet Together for Worship ? They kept doing God’s will . And a good friend will listen carefully when you tell him about your problems and concerns . He later wrote : “ To me , a man less than the least of all holy ones , this undeserved kindness was given , so that I should declare to the nations the good news about the unfathomable riches of the Christ . ” Do birds need special landing strips ? Background information of this nature may bring to light lessons that are not immediately obvious . You arrested me ! That knowledge can then become the firm foundation for genuine faith . SONGS : 10 , 2 Jehovah’s own Book directs all of us to be obedient and submissive . ( Read Romans 14 : 12 . ) He will even drive away the bad “ air ” of this world system , for the bad spirit of Satan and his demons will be gone at last . ​ — Eph . Consider six lessons you can draw from his example . Similarly , the person who gives up just before he reaches the shore will also drown . More to the point , the people acknowledged that Psalm 16 : 10 was fulfilled when Jesus was resurrected from the dead . Zacchaeus was a chief tax collector who had become rich by extorting money . And it is fitting for us to consider the same about our lives . In order to maintain his integrity , he needed to turn to his heavenly Father for strength . ( b ) How can we imitate Jesus ’ example ? I got baptized in 1989 , when I was 61 years old . Yes , you do ! The 61 years that I have spent at Bethel have passed quickly . But like all your brothers and sisters , you may find it difficult to be at the meetings regularly . Christian parents also need courage . Pioneers George Rollston and Arthur Willis stop to fill up their car’s radiator . ​ — Northern Territory , 1933 Because you cannot always predict what challenges you will face in the future . Dew is refreshing . Likewise , the work and the love we show for Jehovah will never be forgotten . To help determine whether we have a balanced view of secular matters and spiritual responsibilities , it is good to ask ourselves : ‘ Do I find my secular work interesting and exciting but view my spiritual activities as ordinary or routine ? ’ I have many wonderful memories of us working together in the ministry . 5 : 2 . Rather than reject Peter , Jesus encouraged him and even commissioned him to strengthen his brothers . ​ — John 21 : 16 . Meanwhile , the branch overseer engaged in unscriptural conduct and had to be replaced . In a broader sense than ever , “ the end of all things has drawn close . ” Seek Jehovah’s guidance , and apply his divine wisdom . Our loving heavenly Father will bring them back to life and give them an opportunity to learn about his purpose and to gain everlasting life . How may a simple life make it easier to serve God ? * It says that I will once again see my friend in Paradise . Felisa : I grew up in a humble family in Spain . I enjoy Bethel service , for it is a life of giving . Thus , Christian youths do not cheat to obtain good grades at school . These last days are a time of moral chaos . What Paul wrote was true . What can we learn from their experiences , and how can we avoid a similar course ? The blessings Maria and I received for remaining steadfast have been greater than I could ever have imagined . On the one hand , we may be trying to help interested ones into the truth . Selecting a marriage mate . When we found someone with a cow to sell , we would mention to that person how amazingly designed cows are . “ I just try to be casual , ” she says . Give examples of how Christlike thinking helps us when making decisions about ( a ) selecting a marriage mate . ( b ) choosing our associations . 21 Strengthen Your Faith in What You Hope For The Bible uses “ flesh ” in different ways . How does he try to exert that influence on individuals ? After observing the Ninevites ’ repentant , changed attitude , Jehovah adjusted his decision . However , during times of discouragement , she persevered in prayer , turning to Jehovah for his help . 1 : 6 . Similarly , we may have served for decades in the earthly part of God’s organization . Will we be honest in situations where a slight omission or twist of words might bring us material gain ? They had been taught about Jehovah from infancy by their father and got baptized as teenagers . 1 : 11 . After all , the first human couple rejected Jehovah’s rulership , and so have many others since then . She sees a pair of shoes that she would like to have , but they are very expensive . How has the Bible helped people to transform their personalities ? During part of this time , unfaithful King Saul pursued David , seeking to kill him . While personal study is one way we listen to Jehovah , prayer is a way in which we speak to him . He proved himself faultless among his contemporaries . Today , the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses gives encouragement to Bethel family members , to special full - time field workers , and indeed , to the entire international brotherhood of true Christians . Of course , some Christians may find pleasure in communicating with family or close friends by such means . Although the Bible does not provide specific rules about the kinds and limits of love play that might be associated with natural sexual intimacy , it mentions displays of affection . You could also help them to be more effective in their ministry by relating to them the history of the community or by explaining the local religious beliefs . What decisive action did the Bible Students take , showing that they understood the need to separate themselves from false religion ? Certainly , no one should feel pressured by a parent , a Bible teacher , or anyone else in the congregation to get baptized . Think about what you might be able to do to simplify your lifestyle so that you can get more involved in Kingdom activities . THE Bible teaches us to obey human governments , but it also tells us that we must always obey God . However , in 1971 , the Governing Body was distinguished from the Watch Tower Society ​ — a legal instrument rather than a Scriptural entity — ​ and its directors . At the same time , they should recognize that they have a weighty responsibility . Or think of an instance later in the history of God’s people when they were obliged to make a decision . ( Read 1 Corinthians 13 : 11 ; 14 : 20 . ) SONGS : 40 , 54 Let us address that matter in the following article . In the decades leading up to World War I , Charles Taze Russell and his associates realized that the organizations of Christendom were not teaching Bible truth . Out of compassion for immigrants , many Witnesses endeavor to learn a new language . Now this is their goal . By the time of Jesus ’ death , Joseph had evidently overcome his fears , and he decided to throw in his lot with Jesus ’ followers . When we maintain a mild temper even when provoked , some critical individuals may gradually be moved to adjust their disposition . Those faithful ones died before the promised “ offspring , ” Jesus Christ , opened the way to heavenly life . “ Men will be lovers of themselves , ” wrote the inspired apostle . Because of that , some had difficulty accepting the new way of worship or fully relinquishing their former ways . However , God can help others to do the work . ​ — Ps . They include inordinate pride , the practice of sin , and a lack of faith . The early Christians had the same assurance , and so do God’s people today . ​ — Read 2 Corinthians 1 : 3 , 4 . Jehovah God hated such divorcing . ​ — Read Malachi 2 : 13 - 16 . Where the practices described above are widespread , some feel that it is impossible to avoid giving tips . As Jehovah’s Witnesses , we take seriously Jesus ’ warning . 2 : 19 . There was also the problem of getting the funds needed to move to a foreign land . Honesthearted ones are relieved to learn that Jehovah , out of his great love and undeserved kindness , sent his Son to earth to ransom us from sin and its consequence , death . ​ — 1 John 4 : 9 , 10 . She vowed to give her son Samuel to serve at the tabernacle as a Nazirite . George gave me an old bicycle that I could ride ( or push ) around the hilly territory . Jehovah Guides His People in the Way of Life , Mar . What can we learn from exemplary spiritual people ? Yet , what if ovulation does occur and an egg is fertilized ? Do not let the faults of others prevent you from obtaining such blessings . A loving person covers over minor transgressions . “ Do not think I came to bring peace to the earth ; I came to bring , not peace , but a sword . ” ​ — MATT . Moreover , doing that for others helps us to keep our spiritual focus and to feel the reality of what God has in store for us . They realize the seriousness of humbly living up to their solemn vow for as long as they remain in special full - time service . A Roman soldier who was not wearing his boots was not ready to march into battle . They demonstrate that they are progressing toward maturity by making wise decisions ​ — even when their parents or other adults are not watching . Jesus uses this holy spirit to lead the congregations . Let us consider two of the sinful practices listed by Paul ​ — sexual immorality and uncleanness . ​ — Read Colossians 3 : 5 - 9 . We should consider what things before speaking ? I was born in Ukraine in 1933 in the village of Zolotniki . ( b ) How do you feel about the privilege you have to support the Kingdom work ? 6 : 9 ; Rev . The world offers every kind of material thing , from the superb to the absurd , some of which look very enticing . Jehovah dignifies us by allowing us to share in supporting his sovereignty . Finally , what warning can we find in what happened to good King Josiah ? Daniel stayed faithful and obedient to the very end of his life . God answered his prayer by sending an angel to strike down 185,000 Assyrians . ​ — Isa . He later had to endure years of unjust imprisonment in Egypt . Zedekiah swore by Jehovah that he would remain a loyal vassal to the king of Babylon . One way to do so is to make it easy for others to seek your forgiveness . But then a change occurred . Adds Olinda with a smile : “ The bus drivers waved to us and some shouted from their driver’s seat , ‘ Good job ! ’ 115 : 1 . For example , the sun changes five million tons of its matter into energy every second . But most of them were taken in by their spiritual brothers elsewhere in Ukraine , and many others were accommodated by fellow Witnesses in Russia . 2 : 24 . In this way , we follow Jesus ’ instructions for the ministry recorded at Matthew 10 : 11 - 13 , where he advised : “ When you enter the house , greet the household . Indeed , such love fosters a selfish world that is “ hard to deal with . ” When I read in the article that ‘ for many , the battle to overcome wrong desires is especially intense , ’ it made me feel part of the brotherhood . See their help as an expression of God’s love for you . In the latter case , the presence of the IUD could interfere with the fertilized egg’s implanting in the lining of the womb and progressing as a normal pregnancy would . I will bring to you Sisera , the chief of Jabin’s army , along with his war chariots and his troops to the stream of Kishon , and I will give him into your hand . ” ​ — Judg . Of course , if no egg is released , fertilization cannot occur . King David was confident of God’s support , but Solomon was “ young and inexperienced . ” You older ones , equip younger ones to do what you do . Then , in the middle of the night , suddenly an earthquake shook the prison and opened its doors . I had only seven years of education , but our teachers regularly used English . We should , therefore , be increasingly interested in our brothers , so that we can encourage them whenever needed . As we see Jehovah’s blessing on our efforts , we will have clear evidence that the Bible can keep changing our life . ​ — Ps . Thus , the grapes fittingly illustrate the Kingdom fruitage that is produced by Christ’s followers . 3 : 16 - 18 , 20 , 28 ; 6 : 13 , 16 , 21 - 23 . Why did she think so ? They spent the dark , cold night in a room on the second floor of their battered home . Over the years , he has collected Watchtower articles that particularly discuss the Memorial and the love that Jehovah and Jesus have shown us . Our heavenly Father is so certain about the fulfillment of his promised blessings that to him they are already a reality . There have been instances when a Witness was asked to study with children whose parents were not interested in the truth . We too are imperfect . Read Luke 4 : 43 . This was just one of many issues in which Jesus ’ enemies found fault with him and his disciples . “ You must stand before Caesar , ” an angel later told Paul . If we overcome our feelings and willingly obey our God , we prove that we are faithful to our promise . Likewise , we should not be afraid to pray out loud just because the Devil might hear us . Jehovah can give you the wisdom to cope . While we may be overjoyed about the Bible truths we have learned , our relatives may mistakenly believe that we have been tricked or have become part of a cult . Others set aside money and gave regular donations to support the work . “ You must pay your vows to Jehovah . ” ​ — MATT . It is still continuing , and the end of this wicked system of things is now very near . How would he view their honesty ? David was loved by Jehovah , who found him to be a man “ agreeable to his heart . ” Yet , he did not get involved in fights , but “ he let himself be afflicted , ” just as was foretold . What does the book of Job teach us about giving encouragement ? To protect the unborn child , Maria ran away from the hospital . He had just urged Christians to ‘ make straight paths for their feet . ’ It appears that such IUDs suppress ovulation in some women . The God who knows where each star is at any given time also knows you as an individual ​ — exactly where you are , precisely how you feel , and specifically what you need at any given moment ! Further , Satan made this false promise : “ You will be like God , knowing good and bad . ” But he did not give up . 26 Spread the Good News of Undeserved Kindness In striving for self - determination , they lost the true freedom they had been given . In today’s diversified and multicultural world , we must understand what Jehovah requires of us so that we can have him as “ our God . ” Let us now examine four aspects of discipline : ( 1 ) self - discipline , ( 2 ) parental discipline , ( 3 ) discipline within the Christian congregation , and ( 4 ) something that is worse than the temporary pain of discipline . “ We Want to Go With You , ” Jan . Even though Jesus knew that he was going to resurrect Lazarus , he felt the painful sting of sorrow that overwhelmed Mary and Martha . She was so furious that he had been out preaching that she began throwing packets of tea at us . Jehovah trains us and helps us in our fight . Although my schoolteachers wanted me to attend university , my goal was to go to Bethel . For instance , we may have noted in ourselves a critical spirit , a fear of man , a tendency toward harmful gossip , or some other weakness . Think about how Jehovah exercised self - control in dealing with Satan’s brazen rebellion . It is God’s will that a numberless “ great crowd ” from all nations and tribes and tongues become his worshippers . According to eyewitness accounts , many learned the truth in this way . What would I do ? As Christians , we must take seriously Jesus ’ admonition to “ keep on the watch ” in these last days . The prophet could have asked Jehovah to clarify His instructions , but the Scriptures do not say that he did so . Do you find it embarrassing ? “ All authority has been given me in heaven and on the earth , ” he declared after his resurrection . After all , on occasion , God - fearing servants of Jehovah in the past , such as King David , had “ anxious concern . ” Which scriptures do you find particularly comforting ? While they continue battling to maintain righteous conduct , they can look to the future with optimism . Jehovah gives us far more than just the gift of life . He gives us his love . Note the box “ See It for Yourself ! ” 26 : 31 - 33 , 56 , 69 - 75 . Yet , fellow believers will likely note and appreciate the results of our sincere efforts to find attractive and appropriate clothing . Toñi saw that occur . It has faith in the things God has said in his Word of truth . ​ — 1 Cor . Like Abel and Enoch before him , he believed in the “ offspring ” who would bruise the serpent’s head . ​ — Gen . But that is not what Joseph had in mind for Jesus . Malachi 3 : 1 - 3 describes the time ​ — from 1914 to early 1919 — ​ when the anointed “ sons of Levi ” would undergo a period of refinement . We are not immune to these tactics . My negative attitude had been the main problem . Reading and meditating on real - life Bible accounts can help us to do what ? A recent book on religion in the United States notes : “ Christian leaders have regularly revised their teachings to match the beliefs and opinions gaining support among their members and in the larger society . ” How devastating life without encouragement can be ! Of course , children are not born knowing right from wrong . Yet , Jesus only asked us to do what he himself did , for he added : “ Just as I have observed the commandments of the Father and remain in his love . ” Jesus sets the example . ​ — John 13 : 15 . For our conscience to be an effective guide , it must be trained . God gave Zechariah a final vision to assure the Jews of His love and appreciation for all that they had done so far and to guarantee protection for them if they would return to His work . That perfect man , Adam , who was made from the earth was rightly called a “ son of God . ” ​ — Luke 3 : 38 . I learned some Latin , studied the lives of Catholic “ saints , ” and worshipped Mary . In the case of the two longtime pioneers , a kind elder helped them to reflect on such questions as these : ‘ Do the two of us have the right to make others sad because of our disagreement ? Am I willing to learn the language of the country ? When I was 12 , I first heard about the Trinity . One way is to imitate the faith of the elders as well as their fine example . That is an important message that everyone must hear ! Ezekiel’s prophecy describes these forces as covering the land like the clouds and coming up against us in a fury , riding on horses . Matthew 16 : 17 , 18 does not say that the apostle Peter would be head of the Christian congregation . For instance , we might tell a public speaker how his talk gave us advice we needed or helped us to understand a certain scripture . I did ​ — and I loved it ! Public witnessing is one excellent method of spreading the good news . 21 : 11 - 13 ; 2 Ki . Hannah often cried because Peninnah , her rival , relentlessly taunted her . Later , King Hezekiah too fell prey to haughtiness , though only temporarily . ​ — 2 Chron . How does Bethel service make young ones happy ? Your commandment makes me wiser than my enemies , because it is with me forever . Finding ways that our brothers or sisters are superior to us ​ — be it their faith , endurance , fearlessness , or some other Christian quality — ​ will deepen our love for them and open the way for genuine and healing hospitality . Rather , he wrote : “ Let go of anger and abandon rage ; do not become upset and turn to doing evil . ” Good news indeed to share with others ! Could you “ widen out , ” that is , do it to a greater extent and more consistently ? ​ — 2 Cor . 6 : 11 - 13 , ftn . Consider what happened when Paul and Barnabas were at Antioch in Pisidia . If you ever doubt that Jehovah cares for you , meditate on such Bible passages as Psalm 34 : 17 - 19 ; 55 : 22 ; and 145 : 18 , 19 . As “ children of wrath , ” we once displayed many qualities that displease God , perhaps even some beastlike traits ! ( b ) What wise counsel did Jesus give regarding material things ? How does proving ourselves to be peacemakers promote unity ? Keep yourself focused on theocratic goals , including Jehovah in all your plans . And you would happily add that an earthly paradise is ahead , where God’s people will live forever . Why should Philippians 2 : 4 have a bearing on what we wear ? ( b ) How did Jesus emphasize the need for endurance ? It includes the plea : “ Jehovah , save us , please , we beg ! . . . Even those who do not know the true God often show compassion . Will you allow that to be a cause for stumbling ? Although he passed the test of integrity here on earth and presented the value of his ransom sacrifice in 33 C.E . , he had to wait until 1914 before commencing his rule . Will we learn from their mistakes ? 1 : 12 - 14 . The answers that satisfy your child’s curious mind today may not be enough for him tomorrow . Share in relief work . Why does Jehovah promise his worshippers a reward ? To begin , let us see how King David equipped his son to take on an important responsibility . How is the heavenly part of Jehovah’s organization described in the book of Ezekiel ? Note that Jesus compared his Father , Jehovah , to a cultivator , or gardener , who grows grapes . Meditating on one Bible verse after another likely added to your fund of knowledge , something that enriched you spiritually . Obviously , if we believe that the “ great tribulation ” is a long way off , that it will come sometime but not in our lifetime , we will lack a sense of urgency with regard to the preaching work . When on the torture stake , Jesus entrusted Mary to the care of the apostle John , which Jesus would not likely have done had Joseph still been alive . ​ — John 19 : 26 , 27 . Keep a firearm for protection from humans ? July How we react to a trial shows whether we view Jehovah as the true Ruler of the universe . We moved to a village near the city of Tallinn in Estonia , which was then part of the USSR . We first read of baptism in the Bible in reference to that performed by John the Baptist . Jesus followed that illustration with a reference to the prophetic statement at Psalm 118 : 22 , which he quoted . Worldwide , refugees who have fled their homes because of war or persecution now number over 65,000,000 ​ — the highest ever recorded . When observing creation , we are impressed with the way all of Jehovah’s creative works , small and large , serve a beneficial purpose . That message is certainly more significant than any concern about what Paul may have looked like . 1 : 7 - 9 . The exiles even had freedom to move about the country . 2 Cause of Suffering ? No . ( b ) Why can we be encouraged by the examples of faithful servants in the past ? “ But what if we were captured by government soldiers ? ” we replied . Jesus did not urge his followers to get swords for protection . How did Peter make progress in showing impartiality to everyone ? The quality of patience will be considered in a future article in this series on “ the fruitage of the spirit . ” They are engrossed in the material attractions of the world that foster “ the desire of the flesh and the desire of the eyes . ” We also learned that God lovingly provided the ransom sacrifice of his Son so that we might be freed from sin and death . “ Pay back . . . But they had not yet won the war , and they still had to fight 15,000 soldiers . The persecution of Jehovah’s Witnesses led to their expansion in Kyrgyzstan . For example , could you help someone by offering to perform a necessary chore , maybe running an errand for him ? ​ — Matt . Accordingly , between December 1917 and early 1918 , the few thousand Bible Students zealously distributed 10,000,000 copies of a tract featuring the subject “ The Fall of Babylon ” ​ — a hard - hitting indictment of Christendom . 2 : 15 . Noah got it right the first time . After all , at the moment of test and crisis , his faith and boldness were increasing rather than diminishing . 2 . For some reason , a member of the Christian congregation named Diotrephes was not willing to show hospitality to traveling Christians . As peacemakers , we will enjoy a good relationship with our fellow believers and will promote the unity of the congregation . Let us consider four things we can do to prepare . Although they were sincere , the brothers did not always have a proper view of subjection to the secular governments . When we think about the individuals in our territory , we tell ourselves , ‘ If only we could help them to see what they are missing out on ! ’ How may discipline include both teaching and punishment ? In Ephesus , Paul faced an angry crowd . We are convinced that Jehovah will not allow this wicked world to continue for even one day longer than his purpose requires . ​ — Hab . No doubt when the brothers in Philippi read Paul’s letter to them , they remembered what had happened to him and how none of them had expected Jehovah to take action in the way that he did . Yes , such riches will ultimately fail , so do not lose the opportunity to use them to “ make friends ” in heaven . It is unlikely that Martha , living near Jerusalem , observed Jesus resurrect the son of a widow near Nain in Galilee . More important , is it in harmony with the Scriptures ? He was not satisfied with his extensive freedom to carry out his God - given mandate : “ Be fruitful and become many , fill the earth and subdue it , and have in subjection the fish . . . , the flying creatures . . . , and every living creature that is moving on the earth . ” Why was I picked ? Because I was so young , I needed my father’s permission to enter that country . If children do not identify with their parents ’ culture , they may resist learning their parents ’ language ​ — and their faith . How did Zacchaeus show his determination to gain God’s Kingdom ? Do you have such a desire ? “ Hats off to these Witnesses , ” he wrote . When Brother Hughes tried to justify himself , Brother Rutherford sternly rebuked him . Thus , he can increasingly make wise decisions in choosing his associates . Jehovah’s love for his precious children is everlasting . Yes , Jehovah sees to it that the earth produces plenty of food , and few things make us happier than a good meal . The examples of Marthe and Henri show that we can be encouraging to a brother or a sister who is in need of comfort . Embracing Bible Truth Without Hands and Arms ( B . Merten ) , No . Another source of comfort to grieving ones is the Christian congregation . What questions can you ask yourself if your spouse tries to limit your worship ? What are some directives , or instructions , provided in the Bible for our benefit ? These two articles examine why the ransom became necessary , what it accomplished , and how we can show heartfelt gratitude for this most loving of all gifts from our heavenly Father . Despite such adversities , a positive spirit was maintained . 1 , 2 . ( a ) What big issue faces all mankind ? He decided to learn more about what Jesus , a man from Nazareth , was teaching . She was very happy to see him come back safely from fighting a battle . After that , Jesus admonished them repeatedly : “ Keep on the watch . ” A POPULAR lyricist once said : “ Words make you think thoughts . When you let your light shine ​ — by inviting others to serve God , by conducting yourself in a way that promotes unity , and by maintaining a watchful attitude — ​ you will find increased happiness . For example , how does this apply to social networking ? For instance , parents may invite other families to join them in family worship from time to time . There will be good men to care for matters . The Bible does not say that Jehovah has or needs faith . “ Happy is everyone who fears Jehovah , who walks in His ways , ” sang the psalmist . What must a dedicated , baptized Christian realize ? A second way to remain neutral is to be “ cautious as serpents and yet innocent as doves . ” What questions will help us to analyze our love of God ? Since God knows our traits and what is in our heart , he surely was aware of what sort of imperfect tendencies would be particularly troublesome for us . This article alerts us to a trap that could cause us to miss out on beneficial spiritual provisions . But in reality , the answer is simple . But soon after he became king , he carried out a series of presumptuous acts . Because of this , problems may occasionally arise , and if that happens , we have been taught to follow Jesus ’ advice : “ Make your peace with your brother . ” And we must constantly fight against our fleshly weaknesses and discouragement . ​ — 2 Cor . What humans are deserving of honor , and why ? Because he kept studying “ the sacred books ” in his mother tongue , he maintained his spiritual health while living in a foreign land . When someone is reinstated in the congregation , we have good reason to rejoice . In helping children , what should be borne in mind ? It can imply being unique , the one and only . “ From now on , let those who have wives be as though they had none , . . . and those making use of the world as those not using it to the full . ” What Will Go When God’s Kingdom Comes ? José and Rose with Tony and Wendy Throughout this period of test , faithful Bible Students had been “ watching the Lord’s leading , . . . praying at all times for the Father’s guidance . ” We will very likely find that if we make it a habit to be encouraging , people will encourage us in return . ​ — Luke 6 : 38 . In recent years , the makeup of our congregations has become more diverse and international . What shows that first - century Christians learned to overcome deep - seated prejudices ? Have I become so preoccupied with the everyday affairs of life that I spend less time praying or reading the Bible ? ’ Before ascending to heaven , he assigned them to bear witness to “ all Judea and Samaria , and to the most distant part of the earth . ” The great crowd will receive their mark when they are judged as sheep during the great tribulation . Sexual immorality . For instance , Judges 5 : 20 , 21 reports : “ From heaven the stars fought ; from their orbits they fought against Sisera . About 1980 , they started to study the Bible with Jehovah’s Witnesses . Why does he not do so ? At the prisoner’s execution , some may protest the sentence , questioning its justice or perhaps hoping for a last - minute stay of execution . Jesus thus indicated that the divine standard for marriage that was set in Eden would prevail in the Christian congregation . Why did Joseph need patience , and what fine attitude did he have ? So David focused on what he could do to assist , preparing materials in great quantity . We need to continue to make spiritual progress . Starting in 1944 , over a thousand unmanned jet planes packed with explosives fell on Kent . ( b ) In what three areas could our love be tested ? What helped these brothers and sisters to make wise use of their freedom ? The covenant Jehovah made with Abraham started to take effect on Nisan 14 , 1943 B.C.E . However , Jehovah wants his people to go beyond not telling outright lies . Will obeying Jesus ’ command to preach become burdensome ? Furthermore , he was rewarded with his Father’s approval and many wonderful privileges . Adam had to choose to listen either to his Creator or to Eve . Such a study project may help you to deepen your love and appreciation for Jehovah and Jesus and thus may help you to benefit more fully from the Memorial . Upset , Lucy sought the counsel of mature brothers . From the start of human existence , men and women have had to make important decisions . 15 : 33 ; 16 : 20 . That being so , it logically followed that they were to render him exclusive devotion , loving him unreservedly with all their heart , soul , and strength . “ Would they not view us as active combatants ? ” Did Adam and Eve’s choice eventually enhance their freedom in any way ? Then we came home to a surprise . Still , it is possible to clothe ourselves with humility . Soon , Satan will deceive the masses into accepting a false sense of “ peace and security . ” These false comforters claimed that our efforts to serve Jehovah loyally are of no benefit to him at all , that our value to God is no more than that of a moth , a maggot , or a worm . What enabled Daniel to balance the two requirements ? And men and women who served God anticipated that a resurrection would occur sometime in the future . By this time , she was a special pioneer in Dumaguete City , and I went to visit her . Why could he say that ? He explained that it was God’s purpose for her to give birth to the Messiah . JESUS loved the Mosaic Law . We tried to help them appreciate that it is best not to marry too young . Some 20 years earlier , seeking the best way to spread the good news worldwide , Brother Russell had decided to make a series of tours outside of America . In the mid - 1980 ’ s , Wendy moved to Vanuatu , an island nation about 1,100 miles ( 1,770 km ) east of Australia . Some Hebrew brothers did not treat the Greek widows fairly . But the largest army assembled was that of Zerah the Ethiopian . “ I made up my mind very early on to pioneer . ( a ) What did Zechariah next see happen to the ephah container ? This means that the publisher - to - population ratio in Turkey is nearly 1 to 28,000 . At that time , our preaching work was under ban there , but we accepted the assignment despite Mary’s initial shock . Even so , in order to understand the quality of self - control , we need to examine Jehovah’s example so that we can better imitate him . With the help of God’s spirit , we can fully develop “ the new personality , ” which includes joy . ( a ) How did Jesus acknowledge his submission to God ? SONGS : 60 , 22 Recall that God told Joshua : “ This book of the Law should not depart from your mouth , and you must read it in an undertone day and night , in order to observe carefully all that is written in it ; for then your way will be successful and then you will act wisely . ” Later he wrote : “ Persevere in prayer . ” Why must we remain neutral ? Even now , Jehovah provides a wholesome group of fellow worshippers . How can you follow the course of Jehoshaphat ? Wickedness in any form does not belong in our spiritual paradise . Perhaps there have been times in your life when you felt that you , like Paul , were following the leadings of God’s holy spirit , but then things did not turn out the way you expected . Similarly , people who live near a busy train station may no longer notice the noise , and those who live near a garbage dump may no longer notice the smell . Why did he go there ? What , though , if your son or daughter begins to express doubts at some point after baptism ? “ The love of God ” compels us to show love to one another , especially in dire situations . There is no real or true God but him ; no other god is like him . How can you share in the joy of making disciples even in a challenging territory ? Jesus emphasized the all - important quality of love for God when he answered the question : “ Which is the greatest commandment in the Law ? ” It reveals that Jehovah created us with free will ; that is , the capacity and freedom to make our own intelligent choices . 17 , 18 . ( a ) How could Satan induce us to remove our helmet ? They , like us , have battled weaknesses and imperfections while trying to develop those godly qualities . Timothy , a younger man , worked alongside the apostle Paul for many years . Christian marriage partners should treat each other with tenderness . Moses saw Jehovah’s hand in the matter . Absolutely not ! 16 : 3 . Nurturing “ uncontrolled sexual passion ” can have what consequences ? 30 The Joy of Leading a Simple Life Think of what God told Abraham to do with Isaac , the long - awaited heir . As a result , his faith was unshakable . Rather , they prefer to remember Jesus at Christmas and Easter . 23 Move Forward as a Spiritual Person ! The practical instruction we receive at this meeting helps many of us feel more confident about making return visits and conducting Bible studies . Rather , he loved people , and their lives were precious to him . It would be an error on our part if we believed that we cannot be encouraging because we are not particularly communicative . First , we strive to maintain a heartfelt desire to find any who might be “ rightly disposed for everlasting life . ” For one thing , since the 1990 ’ s , we have enjoyed more freedom to preach the good news and to assemble together in large numbers . * To all intents and purposes , he presented himself as one who was wholly dedicated to God . Even so , much of the wording in the King James Version became archaic over the centuries . So when I received an invitation to attend Gilead School , I was shocked . “ The congregation warmly welcomed me , ” reports Jim , “ and their love was a turning point for me . The apostle Paul wrote : “ I tell everyone there among you not to think more of himself than it is necessary to think , but to think so as to have a sound mind . ” ​ — Rom . ( a ) What opportunity is still open to wicked individuals ? Are you perhaps serving as a missionary or a need - greater in a foreign land , or have you begun attending meetings in a foreign - language congregation in your homeland ? The reward of doing so will be everlasting , for Paul wrote : “ The wages sin pays is death , but the gift God gives is everlasting life by Christ Jesus our Lord . ” ​ — Rom . And his daughter replied : “ Do to me as you have promised . ” It could be said that we “ were slaves of sin . ” “ I wanted to champion the rights of black people , since we had suffered so much injustice . He later said : “ Do not be afraid . Being Faithful Leads to God’s Approval , Apr . Benefit Fully From Jehovah’s Provisions , May Tax collectors might purchase a position of authority at a public auction and then profit from what was collected . 136 : 1 , 5 - 9 . Our confidence in Jehovah will help us not only to acknowledge but also to accept our limitations . Eve blamed the serpent for deceiving her . Jesus ’ statement “ if you remain in my word ” implies that there are certain requirements or boundaries for being set free by him . * Often , though , the most helpful thing you can do is to “ weep with those who weep . ” Now they enjoy serving Jehovah together . We also benefit greatly by listening carefully at Christian meetings and participating in them . Jesus compared conditions then with what we would see in our day . He had become a spiritual mentor to me . I didn’t mind . Indeed , Jehovah never disappoints those who zealously serve him . 4 : 15 , 16 . Paul urged the Colossians : “ As God’s chosen ones , holy and loved , clothe yourselves with the tender affections of compassion , kindness , humility , mildness , and patience . What are some important ways that we show support for Jehovah’s sovereignty ? Thus , Christians reject abortion as a means of birth control . And when he gets home , he calls his friends and his neighbors together , saying to them , ‘ Rejoice with me , for I have found my sheep that was lost . ’ ” In Hebrews chapter 11 , the apostle Paul describes the trials that many unnamed servants of God endured . 3 : 12 ; Jas . 2 : 15 , 16 ; read 1 John 3 : 17 . Innovations in printing and courageous Bible translators helped loosen Babylon’s grip ( See paragraphs 12 , 13 ) Jehovah himself commanded Joshua : “ Tell the Israelites , ‘ Select for yourselves the cities of refuge . ’ ” In addition , when we see a bad situation developing , we do well to do what we can to defuse it . This article gives us good reasons to sing out joyfully and offers some suggestions for improving our singing voice . However , there are numerous situations for which the Bible provides no specific command . “ If we let him go on this way , they will all put faith in him , and the Romans will come and take away both our place and our nation , ” they said . Their tests of faith have been different . If you have responded positively , rejoice ! Is that how you view God’s discipline , whether it comes through his Word , Bible - based publications , Christian parents , or congregation elders ? It is a practice among certain immigrants to send their newborn babies to relatives to be cared for so that the parents can continue working and making money in their new country . Still , the Messianic line came down through neither Reuben nor Joseph . ROBERT got baptized as a teenager , but he did not really take the truth seriously . What gave the couple the strength to stay in their assignment when problems arose ? Shortly afterward , she got baptized . Courage is required to turn down such regular requests and set the right example for your children . How easy it is to fall prey to these ploys and to misuse our freedom ! The Bible indicates that after the Thousand Year Reign of Christ , some people will choose to rebel against Jehovah’s sovereignty . Isaiah 40 : 26 For instance , to calm a crying child , a sentimental parent may cater to the child’s every whim . A review of its origin and purpose can help us to have a proper view of this relationship and enjoy its intended blessings more fully . As followers of Christ , we work to “ be peaceable with all men . ” 13 : 11 - 14 . Many have found that , with humility , they can just forgive and forget . The ideas and plans of imperfect humans come and go , but the psalmist fittingly reminds us : “ The decisions of Jehovah will stand forever ; the thoughts of his heart are from generation to generation . ” Donations via electronic bank transfer , debit card , or credit card . I decided to work harder at acquiring spiritual riches . ” 1 , 2 . ( a ) How is the world becoming more divided ? Babylon never released its captives . our own weaknesses ? That would give me a new opportunity to follow in a literal sense the steps of the Master , who traveled to distant towns and cities to help Jehovah’s sheep . By means of the Kingdom - preaching work , people throughout the earth would have an opportunity to learn about the ransom and become subjects of God’s Kingdom . 14 , 15 . ( a ) When under pressure , what should youths keep in mind ? ( Read Luke 4 : 22 . ) A mild temper can make us happy . You need to work hard to extract fresh points and practical lessons from your Bible study . After threatening me , the commandant handed me over to his second - in - command , a Greek Orthodox archbishop decked out in full religious regalia . Now there are well over 200,000 publishers in the Philippines , with hundreds of Bethelites serving to support the vital preaching activities . Let us consider a few examples . ​ — See endnote . 1 , 2 . ( a ) What different views do people have regarding the matter of free will ? The people there responded to the Kingdom message . Another challenge for Noah was that of providing materially for his wife and children . Nonetheless , parents who have tried their best to impress the truth on a child’s heart have a good conscience . Next on the scene appear two women who have strong wings like those of a stork . So that night I went . That is why people tend to idolize certain men or women rather than just show them appropriate honor and respect . One reason is that God’s people work hard to apply the Bible’s admonition : “ Deaden , therefore , your body members that are on the earth as respects sexual immorality , uncleanness , uncontrolled sexual passion . ” After making it clear that we should view one another as brothers and sisters , Jesus stressed the need for humility . They needed to trust in Jehovah and be faithful to him as their God . Read Luke 16 : 1 - 9 . They rejected the guidance God had provided . Have you ever wondered about the answers to questions such as these ? In the weeks prior to the Memorial , he rereads these articles and meditates on the importance of this observance . 6 Resolve Conflicts and Promote Peace , June This is especially true of the elders who are taking the lead . Jesus ’ own name means “ Jehovah Is Salvation , ” and our salvation by means of the ransom brings honor and glory to Jehovah’s name . The Devil well knows that our being fully engaged in Christian activities can strengthen us , and he does not want us to be strong . As a result , Jehovah passed judgment on him in these words : “ As surely as I am alive , . . . Was Jesus referring only to the individual efforts of his followers , or was he alluding to an organized campaign to preach the good news ? Hannah poured out her heart to Jehovah . If so , the example of Paul can help you . Like a highly skilled potter , Jehovah knows the type and quality of “ the clay ” that is before him , and he molds it accordingly . Does that warning not remind you of what befell the Israelites in the wilderness ? What can help you ? He also observes the family of the brother under consideration . ( Read Matthew 23 : 10 . ) SONGS : 6 , 24 Many young Christians face a trial like Joseph’s . Jesus taught that God’s spirit can bring back to our mind things that we have learned . Joshua , Moses ’ assistant , wanted to restrain them . 1 : 5 - 7 , 12 - 16 ; 2 : 1 - 10 . 1 : 19 , 20 . That angel called Daniel a “ very precious , ” or “ highly esteemed , ” man ! ( See the box “ How to Improve Your Singing . ” ) ( b ) What suggestions for overcoming voice problems do you find practical ? God’s Word explains that our freedom has boundaries and that we must observe the limits Jehovah appropriately places on us . We covered territory that was 10 to 15 miles ( 16 to 24 km ) away . Yet , Jehovah preserved that Law for us in his Word , the Bible . 6 : 10 . For good reason , Jehovah has provided practical advice in his Word to assist us to maintain our integrity , even if we experience wrongs at the hands of fellow believers . ​ — Ps . Will my decisions help me to grow spiritually ? When famine threatened Judean Christians in the first century , the congregation organized help for them . Our everlasting life depends on our doing so . Jehovah is such a friend to you , just as he was to the patriarch Abraham , as noted at Isaiah 41 : 8 - 13 . The apostle Paul stated that Timothy had learned Scriptural truths from infancy . Then , he said : “ Tabitha , rise ! ” Impressed by John’s sound Scriptural reasoning , they began attending meetings of the Bible Students in our village . In 1958 an international convention was to be held in New York City , at Yankee Stadium and Polo Grounds . Instead , he held up the Scriptures as the final authority . SONGS : 38 , 31 3 The Way to True Freedom In Hebrews chapter 11 , we find the names of 16 servants of God who chose to use their free will within the limits set by Jehovah . 71 : 17 , 18 . And he is grateful to Jehovah for helping him to cultivate a mild temper . In either case , whether our understanding of matters is accurate or mistaken , prayerful reliance on Jehovah , combined with loyalty , will prevent us from ever becoming “ enraged against Jehovah . ” ​ — Read Proverbs 19 : 3 . Wallis reported : “ The five - hour day suggestion was grand ! The bombs whistled , and you could hear them falling , adding to the terror . Jehovah employed angels to commission , equip , and guide Moses . Actual dew is a blessing from God . We can be assured that “ the generous person will be blessed . ” That helped him to endure severe opposition . ( See paragraph 12 ) Gloria and I love Bethel life . Was he cut off from his God ? Finally , in the illustration , the owner sent his beloved son and heir . 5 : 4 , 5 . Mairambubu and I were also kept busy raising our growing family . How does the Bible’s description of a physical man differ from that of a spiritual man ? What will replace the stresses we feel now ? Similarly , on a memorable day some time ago , one of Jehovah’s servants may have called at your door to discuss the message of hope found in the Bible . However , if Jehovah completely relieved us of the need to exert ourselves to fight our imperfect tendencies so as to please him , any claim of loyalty and support of his sovereignty would be meaningless . Further visits followed , whereby we met some of the first Witnesses belonging to the Kyrgyz people . Despite the many troubles that Paul experienced , including “ dangers from robbers , ” he lived by his words , never putting personal security above Scriptural principles . So when you discuss the origin of life with someone , it is usually wise to ask questions first . IN THE 1910 ’ s my parents immigrated to Canada from Tbilisi , Georgia , and settled in a small prairie farmhouse near Pelly , Saskatchewan , in western Canada . Hence , no one can say with certainty that IUDs that include copper or a hormone never allow for the fertilization of an egg . Even if the person is reinstated , he or she must still render an account “ before the judgment seat of God . ” ​ — Rom . 14 : 10 - 12 ; see The Watchtower , November 15 , 1979 , pp . In an effort to secure her husband’s love , a wife may reason that it is better to hide unpleasant things from him that he has a right to know . Many employees are not being commended , so they complain that there is a chronic shortage of encouragement in the workplace . Read Matthew 6 : 26 . In this article , we will examine what we can do to prevent such thinking from corrupting our mind . Accepting David’s invitation would have allowed him to continue to enjoy the king’s association . This was certainly true of Sister Nancy Yuen and Brother Harold King , both of whom endured years of imprisonment for their faith . As dedicated Christians , we have disowned ourselves and have chosen to live within the bounds of Christ’s teachings as his disciples . With my head down , I walked away to think about what he had said . At home ? CAIN had a choice , a decision to make : Get the mastery over his sinful emotions or let his emotions rule his actions . Matthew 7 : 24 - 27 recounts Jesus ’ illustration of two men who each built a house . They , therefore , ought to receive encouragement . How can we imitate her self - sacrificing attitude ? Many have made great sacrifices in order to make room in their lives for the pioneer service . Moreover , Jehovah is the rightful Sovereign because he has the knowledge and wisdom needed to care for the universe . Remember , too , what helped Abraham , Joseph , and David to wait patiently for the fulfillment of Jehovah’s promises . He himself says : “ I , Jehovah , am your God , the One teaching you to benefit yourself , the One guiding you in the way you should walk . ” We may readily acknowledge this fact , but the challenge is when we are personally affected by the imperfections of a brother . And no doubt your good conduct will encourage your friends . The term “ men ” should be understood to mean “ people , ” since both men and women display such qualities . Moreover , in this setting , those of us who grew up in loveless , dysfunctional families finally experience real love . What could be the reason for this ? 146 : 3 . Jehovah does not force us to do as he says . That , then , opens up the prospect of enjoying an everlasting relationship with Jehovah . Paul shows that singing a Kingdom song together can be a source of encouragement . Jesus pointed out that there is joy in heaven when a sinner has come to repentance . True , we may at times have minor disagreements with fellow believers . How can parents help their children to become fine servants of Jehovah ? Focus on their positive traits , just as you want them to focus on yours . Yet , Jehovah was not quick to give up on it . By the time I was 14 years old , I wanted to pioneer . For instance , you need to teach your children to obey the Bible’s command : “ Honor your father and your mother . ” Above all , prayerfully ask for Jehovah’s help to convey the precious thoughts contained in his Word . ​ — Read Ezra 7 : 10 ; Proverbs 3 : 13 , 14 . For good reason , Jesus taught us to seek the Kingdom , not things . When Jesus asked Peter : “ Do you love me more than these ? ” The truth of God’s Kingdom is like that priceless pearl . For instance , we are to hate sexual immorality . First , prioritize . Instead of being paralyzed by guilt , David learned from his mistakes . For years , in such lands as Congo , Madagascar , and Rwanda , brothers often had to choose between having food for their families and having copies of the Bible , which sometimes cost the equivalent of a weekly or a monthly wage . Studying that material can help us to benefit from God’s undeserved kindness and to maintain our focus on what will result in our everlasting good . The brothers and sisters knew that the police kept a close watch on us , so the brothers posted a lookout . What can we give to Jehovah that he does not already have ? To help fellow anointed Christians to stay faithful and attain the prize , Paul urged them : “ Keep your minds fixed on the things above . ” What was the result for Rehoboam ? For example , we keep on preaching about God’s Kingdom and sharing in the work of making disciples . Here is what some have written to comfort bereaved friends : 1 What Is the Kingdom of God ? Yes , positive words and encouragement can have a long - lasting effect . I understood that there was a connection between what they were doing and what the Bible says , so I went with them as they preached . Jehovah had commissioned his angels not only to organize the destruction of the wicked but also to separate the righteous for survival . If you have already finished studying that book , can you move on to other study materials that can help you to stabilize your faith ? Legal recognition was finally granted on December 18 , 1974 . What firm stand did the Bible Students take with regard to the sacredness of life ? Note , however , that Peter urged his Christian brothers and sisters to be hospitable “ to one another , ” to those whom they already knew and associated with . By giving Scriptural discipline , we can help our child or a Bible student to reach the goal of becoming a follower of Christ . True , Paul acknowledged the importance of “ holding fast the traditions , ” or Scripturally based practices , given by the apostles and other men who took the lead . If it lay on Sisera’s escape route , did its citizens have a chance to detain him but fail to seize the opportunity ? How could they not have heard of Jehovah’s call for volunteers ? In context , the Council can only be the Sanhedrin , the Jewish high court and supreme administrative body . One thing is that we may need to flee from the temptation to break one of God’s laws . What makes our worldwide brotherhood unique ? In the light of the resurrections discussed , what questions do we need to consider ? This is not an imaginary account . Consider an example that shows how knowledge of Jehovah’s thinking can help us to make wise decisions . Whether to stay single or to get married is a matter of determining in one’s heart if one is able to cultivate the gift of singleness . We will also see how we can protect ourselves from being infected with negative traits while at the same time helping others spiritually . Even while in prison , the eight men held steadfastly to the Scriptures as they understood them . What could cause you to feel that way ? Remember , of prime importance about a home is , not that it is fancy , but that it is orderly , clean , and inviting . He taught us some basic seamanship , such as how to raise and lower the various sails , how to maintain a compass bearing , and how to tack against the wind . As Jesus promised , Jehovah rewards us now by letting us be part of a loving family of spiritual brothers and sisters , a family that is international in scope . We are proud of young Christians who are determined to resist pressure to share in sexual immorality , and Jehovah is proud of them too ! 11 , 12 . ( a ) How does language affect what a child absorbs at meetings ? What has resulted from the loss of love for God ? The undeserved kindness that Jehovah extends to us puts us under obligation to busy ourselves in the Christian ministry , to teach the Bible to others , to encourage fellow Christians , and to forgive any who may offend us . To support one another in our suffering or adversity , we need to have genuine compassion . A solid marriage is made up of two people who make allowances for each other’s imperfections . What a fine example for elders to imitate today as they train other men to take the lead in the congregation ! In the next article , we will examine Jehovah’s dealings with Israel’s King Ahab as well as the apostle Peter’s experience in Syrian Antioch . 118 : 22 . He showed great patience in putting up with the weaknesses of his followers . In time , David saw the need to change and become peaceable . 6 : 8 . We will also consider how the examples of faithful men and women of old can help us learn to wait patiently . In fact , he assured us that his joy will become ours . Why are lovers of money not truly happy ? No matter what the motive or how excusable the theft might seem under the circumstances , a thief puts greedy desire above God , placing too much value on material possessions . Christians are likewise admonished to be humble and not to “ pay back injury for injury . ” ​ — 1 Pet . Then , we will review some additional Scriptural examples of how Jehovah did the unexpected . Associations . When we make mistakes , as we all do , we genuinely repent and turn away from practices that dishonor Jehovah . ​ — Ps . My father standing on a street corner , offering magazines to passersby This is made easier when we recall that the other brother or sister is also serving “ the God who gives peace . ” ​ — Rom . “ Daughter . ” What David could do : David allowed Jehovah to help him recover spiritually . God’s servants around the globe want their dress and grooming to be neat , clean , and locally acceptable , thus conforming to Scriptural principles . Read Matthew 6 : 25 . If she has questions , that’s good . What activity makes up the essence of “ bearing fruit ” ? ( See paragraphs 14 - 18 ) Ahithophel turned traitor when he felt that he would gain an advantage . Similarly , older men feel proud when they have trained younger ones to take on theocratic responsibilities . The last Memorial that is observed prior to this gathering of the anointed to heaven will be the final one , for Jesus will have ‘ come . ’ If the role of the high priest reassured the Israelites that their sins would be forgiven , how much more so should the services of our High Priest , Jesus , reassure us that “ we may receive mercy and find undeserved kindness to help us at the right time . ” ​ — Heb . But how do we do so ? 13 : 11 . What does that mean ? How does he view the course he has taken ? Might this not suggest that Shebna did not give way to bitterness and resentment but instead humbly accepted his lesser responsibilities ? What is the extent of his influence ? Your baptism symbolizes your dedication . The Devil is lulling people into spiritual apathy . Consider this real - life situation . Because of their upbringing or social status , they may feel inferior to those of another race or nationality . In the mid - 1960 ’ s , a Latvian family of Witnesses who had come into the truth in the south Bronx moved into the territory of that congregation . What are you determined to do , and what will be discussed in the next article ? Nadia relates , “ Gradually , we downsized our belongings until all we had left fitted into four suitcases ! ” Consider two important reasons . As anointed Christians , the members of that slave “ keep following the Lamb no matter where he goes . ” Toward the end of his life , Paul wrote to his fellow worker Timothy : “ I am grateful to Christ Jesus our Lord , who imparted power to me , because he considered me faithful by assigning me to a ministry . ” Though sharing in many normal aspects of life , on what was Paul focused ? “ The greatest joy I have received , ” she states , “ is to see my spiritual children ‘ go on walking in the truth . ’ Baptism opens the door to many blessings ; it also involves responsibility . How can a Christian couple make their marriage a lasting union ? Being “ one flesh , ” marriage mates were to stick together , allowing love for God and for each other to strengthen their bond . Notably , in his second letter , Peter refers to Paul as “ our beloved brother . ” First , do not be quick to assume you know what others believe . No more is known about our dear brother of old , Gaius . I am now 91 years old , and I still remember them clearly . 1 : 3 , 4 . How can they hope to win against superhuman , wicked spirit forces ? Moreover , we may learn fresh ways to explain our beliefs when we are engaging in the ministry . 20 , 21 . ( a ) What assurance did David provide Solomon ? Consider the experience of a Christian elder named Jim who disagreed with his fellow elders about a congregation matter . From time to time , an appointed man should examine himself in the light of these spiritual qualifications , looking for areas in which he can improve . 2 , 3 . One sister echoed the feelings of many who had wondered how they would “ start the wheels of active service humming again . ” What is required of those who hope to benefit from God’s saving power ? ( a ) What can we learn from Robert’s experience ? Let Jehovah refine you . If more serious sins are involved , it may include a loss of privileges in the congregation . For instance , a prominent witch doctor in Madagascar observed the harmony enjoyed by Jehovah’s Witnesses . The effect was amazing ! That special observance is closely connected to Genesis 3 : 15 and the coming of the Messiah . Building them is sacred service that glorifies God and can make you happy . They fear that they will not get credit for what is done . “ I saw that those who resort to violence often end up dead . Searching for a spot outside the hall where he could hear what was going on inside , he discovered a place to climb up onto the roof , about 16 feet ( 4.8 m ) high . His counsel on these matters is valuable for us today . And instead of obeying God , Adam accepted the fruit Eve held out to him . ​ — Rev . ( b ) What illustration will we consider , and why ? Such commendation and encouragement can do so much good ! 5 : 9 . Self - discipline was studied in the 1940 ’ s , but recent studies have shown that people have become much worse at exercising self - discipline . He can help you to “ form a longing ” for his Word . ( b ) What suggestion did the apostle Paul make ? What reasons do we have for welcoming strangers among us ? How should we view family opposition ? What is a reasonable view of pleasures ? Others demand to have freedom of speech , of choice , and of self - determination . Now they were reunited in joyful assembly here at Cedar Point . Despite his threat , she decided to go ahead and get baptized in symbol of her dedication to Jehovah God . Dispose of things you do not use An example from the past helps us to find the answer . They need to be shown the way out . Depending on their ability , even very young children can gain a basic education about the people and events of the Bible . Thus “ by the trespass of the one man death ruled as king . ” Instead , as she puts it , “ I am really happy to be basking in Jehovah’s love day in and day out . ” 14 : 4 . As an elder , could you listen as a ministerial servant practices a talk ? He says that they have not had much time together lately , and he would like them to do something as a couple . To find the answer , let us return to the account of Paul and Silas . What will protect us from the trap of negative speech even if we experience injustice in the congregation ? That has also proved true when brothers and sisters engage in public witnessing using a literature cart . SONGS : 142 , 129 He wants to protect us just as he wanted to protect the Israelites from such bad influences . The Bible account makes no mention of any children . “ If you are happy and satisfied with your life now , you are more likely to be healthy in the future . ” All of them had an “ assured expectation ” that God would raise up the promised “ offspring ” to crush Satan’s rebellion and to fulfill Jehovah’s original purpose . Accordingly , wise parents can strive to inculcate knowledge of the truth and love for it in the minds and hearts of their little ones . Although he did not forget the wrongs he suffered , he did not become embittered by them . Ribeiro left home when he was in his teens and in time began working in a paper - recycling plant , where he was exposed to pornographic materials . “ O our God , we thank you and praise your beautiful name . ” ​ — 1 CHRON . Even when building the ark , which may have taken as long as 40 or 50 years , Noah kept his spiritual focus . Some time later , the government of that African country lifted its building restrictions . One Bible scholar wrote that if the fugitive neglected to approach the elders , “ it was at his peril . ” Building one another up may involve giving counsel , but here again , elders should follow the example given in the Bible about how to give counsel in an encouraging way . In actual fact , the Bible Students who were on hand during World War I ( 1914 - 1918 ) gave a tremendous witness during that time . When she is resurrected , Ruth will learn that her son was part of the line that led to the Messiah . 10 : 17 . A similar approach is found in footnotes in the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures ​ — With References . ​ — wp17.4 , pp . 6 Being Deaf Has Not Held Me Back From Teaching Others ( W . Nevertheless , the next time Maxine and I saw Brother Knorr , he invited us to his room and cooked a meal for us . Though I did not know it at the time , I would have the privilege of visiting many of those places in the years to come . Hence , in many cases , he makes “ the way out ” by providing what we need so that we can endure trials successfully . That key passage explains how Christians know that they are anointed ​ — holy spirit bears witness with their spirit . For one thing , God has qualities that you likely look for in your best friends . Why is Jehovah’s rulership the best possible ? Because Jehovah is almighty and all - wise , nothing can stop him from fulfilling his purpose . After we have been brought into the protective and loving care of God’s clean organization , we have the responsibility to help maintain it . King David committed adultery with Bath - sheba , and afterward he had her husband , Uriah , killed . 6 : 12 . See “ Bearing Thorough Witness ” About God’s Kingdom , pp . 58 - 59 . Yes , the hope of eternal life is a gift , a wonderful expression of God’s undeserved kindness . In the modern - day fulfillment , the man with the inkhorn represents Jesus Christ , who marks those who will survive . ​ — w16.06 , pp . Hormone : There are different types of IUDs that contain a hormone similar to what is often found in birth control pills . Self - restraint in such situations is not automatic , yet it is easier if we realize that our actions are in line with God’s example and in harmony with his counsel . On one such occasion , the officers were perspiring from the heat , and their suits were covered in dust . He acknowledges : “ My pride was hurt , and I began to blame Jehovah for what was happening . Why must our commendation be sincere ? Some people become proud because of their good looks , popularity , musical ability , physical prowess , or exalted position . They also explain why our deep gratitude for these expressions of love should move us to make known to others how they too can benefit from Jehovah’s undeserved kindness . Why might some individuals deserve to be honored , and what will we now discuss ? But how could they accomplish such an enormous task ? Inevitably , David’s sins came to light . 1 , 2 . ( a ) How do some Christian parents respond when their child asks to get baptized ? And if truly unavoidable circumstances force us to cancel , it would be loving and considerate to let our hosts know as soon as possible . Although many who are weak later become strong in the faith , others need our patient , ongoing support . The body of elders and the circuit overseer carefully consider the Scriptural qualifications for ministerial servants and elders . ​ — 1 Tim . Hannah , a beloved wife of Elkanah , faced a particular trial . Would he give his own daughter to Jehovah to serve at the tabernacle for the rest of her life ? Jehovah God and Jesus Christ are the foremost examples of giving encouragement . Despite the challenges he faced , Gaius continued to serve Jehovah faithfully . Satan does this . 11 : 33 . Simply stated , the fulfillment of the promise would take time . Sadly , within two years I developed serious medical problems , so we were urged to return to our homeland . Yes , we want our children and other Bible students to progress to the point of baptism ! In contrast , despite his allegation that Jehovah’s sovereignty is deficient , Satan has been unable to produce a world wherein justice always prevails . Even in the face of mockery , we hold firm to our belief in the resurrection . ​ — Mark 12 : 18 ; Acts 4 : 2 , 3 ; 17 : 32 ; 23 : 6 - 8 . We can only try to imagine how Jehovah and Jesus must rejoice as they observe hour after hour millions of earth’s inhabitants attending this special event until that day ends . Imagine Zechariah’s horror as he sees her attempt to crawl out of her confinement ! I am convinced that Jehovah God wanted that to happen . For doing so , they are to be commended . That included the provinces of Bulacan , Nueva Ecija , Tarlac , and Zambales . 4 : 11 . Was Elihu suggesting that our efforts in God’s service are pointless ? What a precious gift to receive ​ — friendship with Jesus ! 6 : 1 - 5 . Moreover , those who help should avoid any conduct that could be misinterpreted by some inside or outside the congregation as morally questionable . If Solomon did not prove to be courageous , fear could paralyze him , and inactivity would be worse than failure . As we serve alongside our brothers and sisters , we likely have opportunities to say something encouraging . Whatever our personal circumstances , though , we should be determined to feed our heart with solid spiritual food . When confronted with religious controversies , he appealed neither to his vast wisdom nor to his unparalleled experience . After we have reached perfection and have passed the final test , Jehovah will be delighted to sign the certificate , as it were , and adopt us as his beloved earthly children . 26 Exercise Your Faith in Jehovah’s Promises Being encouraging is not the exclusive responsibility of the elders . He would not get involved in politics , for his Kingdom was to be a heavenly one . Is succeeding in a career the key to happiness ? After the song and prayer , all were invited to attend a meeting in Angat the following Sunday . These sisters introduced us to the amazing truths about Jehovah and his purpose for mankind . “ It is embarrassing but yes , ” the woman replied . In any event , what Noah learned touched his heart , moving him to serve God . ​ — Gen . Once again , a detail in the Bible has been borne out by archaeological evidence . So make it your aim always to have “ plenty to do in the work of the Lord . ” ​ — 1 Cor . Paul directed : “ Keep this one marked and stop associating with him . ” 5 : 19 , 21 . What are some of the blessings they received ? No mention is made in the Scriptures of the method used to light fires in ancient times . What can you do to provide comfort to others ? Is that , though , as far as our honesty goes ? John’s words of appreciation for the hospitality that Gaius showed to the brothers indicate that Christians regularly traveled between the apostle John’s location and the congregations , and these travelers evidently told John about what they had encountered . 18 : 1 - 6 . The following article will consider how we can wisely use the freedom we now have , so that we can honor Jehovah , the God of true freedom , forever . We will very likely find many ways to build others up spiritually if we are determined to apply Paul’s counsel : “ Keep encouraging one another and building one another up , just as you are in fact doing . ” Sharing in the ministry with our granddaughters You must have made Jehovah very happy ! The Scriptural principle is found at 2 Corinthians 6 : 14 , 15 . It can change over time . 4 : 6 , 7 ; 2 Cor . The Bible does not say that Abraham felt that if he obeyed , in a mere few hours , a day , or a week , Isaac would come back to life . He truly proved to be a wise one . Like Paul , we are absolutely convinced that Jehovah will help us endure to the end . Or might you want to move because you expect to have less supervision or less work ? Herd There is nothing that the Devil can do to prevent all who genuinely repent from eventually becoming part of Jehovah’s family . After trying the program , you find that it works ! This has led to rich blessings . Nevertheless , I am as determined as ever to be a “ soldier of Christ . ” ​ — 2 Tim . We learn from our study of the Bible that Jehovah exercises authority in a loving manner . However , some may be reluctant to reach out . Soon , at the age of 17 , I started to serve as a regular pioneer . You surely realize that your vows should not be treated lightly . Jehovah had these accounts recorded for a purpose . We also helped to strengthen a small group of publishers in the nearby town of Kurganinsk . When brought to account by God , Adam blamed his wife , saying : “ The woman whom you gave to be with me , she gave me fruit from the tree , so I ate . ” How does Jehovah strengthen our hands today ? Later , King Hezekiah faced an overwhelming force of Assyrian soldiers who threatened to invade Jerusalem . When we opened the door , our landlord was standing at the top of the stairs , holding a huge knife . How can Bible study help us to cultivate the godly quality of self - control ? Reflect on their responsibility to supply spiritual food , to oversee the global preaching work , and to manage donated funds . And if such a study is conducted , it would be wise to do so either in the children’s home with the parents or another mature Witness around or in a suitable public area . 6 - 8 . Any tendency toward being attracted to this or toward sexual interests of any sort outside marriage should be firmly resisted . On rare occasions , you or someone you know may experience or observe what seems to be an injustice in the congregation . Let us consider how Jehovah’s laws and principles can help us to train our conscience . Fulfilling our promise is for our own good ; our faithfulness leads to a secure future . ​ — Deut . It is most encouraging to see that many have sensed the urgency of our times and have simplified their lives so as to share in the full - time ministry . It was in one such country , the United States , that Charles Taze Russell and a few associates began their systematic study of the Bible in the late 1800 ’ s . At the same time , nothing is more satisfying than feeling his “ everlasting loyal love . ” ​ — Isa . Why might it have been so difficult for those Israelites to make a wise decision ? What will help him to succeed ? Humility will allow you to be open to suggestions from your parents and spiritually mature ones in the congregation . ​ — Read 1 Peter 5 : 5 , 6 . Jehovah also listens to the promises that we make . Paula continues to serve faithfully . Not all the kings who ruled God’s ancient people followed God’s instructions . The funds that are received are budgeted and spent accordingly . That was over 50 years ago . 7 : 1 , 3 . Because of not fully understanding what was said at the meetings , the children were not really touched by the spiritual program that was being presented at the Kingdom Hall . They are of fundamental importance and are likely among the first truths we learned when we began to study God’s Word . In fact , he told us that we should “ hear what the spirit says to the congregations . ” We realize that we win people’s hearts , not by boasting or drawing undue attention to ourselves , but by displaying a “ quiet and mild spirit . ” Hundreds of new Kingdom Halls are needed . Now on the road and with a little more practice , we were ready to go ! Indeed , treating others with respect yields many fine benefits ​ — including peace . Paul acknowledged this : “ When we were enemies we became reconciled to God through the death of his Son . ” Jesus understood that the current economic system would not change until God’s Kingdom comes . Attending American Sign Language ( ASL ) pioneer school at age 79 Do we resort to human thinking by trying to solve them in our own way ? Peasants were given regular food supplies , but cash wages were paid only once a year . But Jehovah gave him information that infused him with the courage he needed to persevere in his efforts to ‘ walk with God . ’ All such feelings and actions are marks of a spiritual person . ( See paragraphs 16 , 17 ) After all , the temple was to be “ exceedingly magnificent , ” and Solomon was at the time “ young and inexperienced . ” Why can it be dangerous to let others decide for us ? And no matter how much knowledge or experience we gain , we will always be like children in comparison with Jehovah . ​ — Isa . Christian parents have a responsibility to teach their families to apply Bible principles . Every choice we make will likely affect our relationship with Jehovah ​ — either for good or for bad . Today , they are serving as missionaries in Mozambique . And pray for holy spirit . This same firm stand by brothers in other countries has led to similar victories . Yet , the Bible reminds us : “ God’s eyes are upon the ways of a man , and He sees all his steps . Hannah was taunted by Peninnah “ year after year . ” 61 : 8 . Matthew goes on to tell about Joseph’s dream in which an angel urged him to flee to Egypt , his flight with his family , his dream in which an angel told him to return to the land of Israel , his return , and his decision to settle his family in Nazareth . Can you think of some that are available in your language ? It was fitting for Christians in Rome to analyze what their focus in life really was . Serve zealously as “ fine stewards of God’s undeserved kindness . ” ​ — 1 Pet . But her parents knew that such a move would not be in their children’s best spiritual interest . He got permission from the bishop to send me back to the convent in Zaragoza . If we were to harbor resentment or hold a grudge , we would risk permanently damaging our relationship not only with our brother or sister but also with Jehovah . Your congregation also no doubt has a standing resolution to assist financially with the worldwide program of building Assembly Halls and Kingdom Halls , which benefits our brothers throughout the earth . However , Riana’s relatives did not understand why he did not pursue a secular career . Granted , on later occasions , Asa acted unwisely . Since Jehovah allows human governments to rule , we do not oppose them . His attitude toward imperfect servants was demonstrated by his Son . What is Jehovah’s mind on the matter ? We sanctify God’s name , among other ways , by regarding it as separate from all other names and by helping others to regard it as holy . Why must Christians not adopt the world’s casual attitude toward marriage ? Or if we are preaching to someone who is secular - minded , we might ask , “ Have you ever heard this ancient proverb ? ” Third , Jehovah’s treatment of Shebna provides a valuable lesson for those who are authorized to administer discipline , such as parents and Christian overseers . And all of us respect the laws of nature . However , then Rehoboam sought advice from younger men , those of his own age . Let love motivate your hospitality , and you need not worry . Read God’s Word each day , and be vigilant with a view to prayers . We can be certain that Jehovah’s promise of deliverance through the great tribulation will not fail us either . Perhaps we are apprehensive about singing because we are unsure of how to sing . 36 : 17 , 19 . The Bible does more than establish Jehovah’s right to rule . It was when the Israelites returned to Jerusalem to rebuild the temple in 537 B.C.E . This was also true of the early Christians . His habit was hurting him spiritually . You must feed the fire to intensify the heat . What kind of “ leaven ” did Jesus tell his disciples to avoid ? Imagine that ​ — not just abundantly and not superabundantly but “ more than superabundantly ” ! His sandallike boots were made of three layers of leather fastened together that gave him an excellent foothold . 72 : 1 - 20 . She poured them some juice and brought them a clothes brush , a bowl of water , and towels . The counsel by Peter also applies to more serious aspects of life , such as a person’s choice of education , employment , or career . Because over a period of time , she has become familiar with his way of thinking about their limited budget . With fellow students at Gilead 15 : 13 - 17 , 32 - 37 ; 16 : 15 – 17 : 16 . In both countries , they remain politically neutral , being “ no part of the world , ” and continue zealously “ declaring the good news of the word . ” ​ — John 15 : 19 ; Acts 8 : 4 . While he did continue to show zeal in wanting to please God , it seems that he did not learn from the experience with Ahab and from Jehu’s warning words . One such person was a Pharisee named Saul ​ — “ a blasphemer and a persecutor and an insolent man . ” How can you make sure that love is your honest motive ? “ I felt that I was immersed in the best activity I’ve ever known or experienced , ” John says . You elders are Jesus ’ undershepherds , and he will help you to judge as he judges . Why do experienced servants of God need encouragement ? “ You don’t need an organization to direct you , ” some may say . Consider the example of the Christian disciple Timothy . ​ — Acts 16 : 1 - 3 . Among other things , by means of them , God ‘ satisfies people with food and fills their hearts with gladness . ’ First of all , make sure that you clearly state your Bible - based values to your children . In a loud , clear voice , she answered two questions that the speaker posed . Even experienced servants of God need encouragement . In the first century , the Jews , who claimed to be God’s people , allowed their love for God to grow cold . And rather than regale his listeners with personal stories about life in heaven or the creation of the universe , “ he opened up their minds fully to grasp the meaning of the Scriptures . ” Of course , they did . Overall , David’s life course was one of faithfulness . Inquire about their ministry and their well - being . ​ — Prov . When you entertained some from your congregation , was your friendship not deepened ? At about that time , Nikolai Chimpoesh , from Moldova , was appointed a circuit overseer and served as such for almost 30 years . And we can have full confidence in Jehovah’s tender regard for what his servants do to stay faithful to him . ​ — Read Hebrews 6 : 10 , 11 . Instead , Zedekiah turned to Egypt in a fruitless attempt to break free from Babylon’s yoke . ​ — Ezek . By proving loyal to Jehovah and his organization , we will experience the truthfulness of those heartening words because we will live forever ! Food , clothing , and shelter ​ — these are legitimate necessities . SONGS : 121 , 45 Despite the different personalities of Paul and Barnabas , they had been able to serve together before that event . If you are assigned to teach from the platform , how can you unleash the power of the Bible in your presentation ? Then , the Witnesses began to study the Bible with the couple . By making diligent use of Jehovah’s provisions for spiritual feeding , we will progressively become more familiar with his ways . If you are pioneering , have you thought about applying for the School for Kingdom Evangelizers ? Often , the wrongdoer sees his error and corrects matters . ( See opening picture . ) ( b ) Why is it important for us to keep in mind why we preach ? We should not confuse being joyful with simply being jovial or cheerful . Timothy was a disciple who made the truth his own at a young age . But what if some individuals are distracted , milling about or conversing with their friends , unaware that the program is beginning ? 2 , 3 . ( a ) What obstacle does not prevent us from “ shining as illuminators ” ? The birth of Isaac certainly exceeded all that Sarah could ever have imagined . ​ — Gen . The first ones that he listed were mercy and compassion . 8 , 9 . ( a ) What further reason for preaching do we have ? Before long , Riana wanted to serve where the need for workers was greater . To achieve that , how much time should we spend on it ? Jehovah foretold that in our day it would be as if there were a drought , that is , people would be thirsty “ for hearing the words of Jehovah . ” So to the best of our imperfect ability , we avoid telling lies . For example , Noah showed great faith and chose to obey God’s instructions to build an ark for the preservation of his own family and future generations of humankind . If you plan to be a disciple - maker , you will be choosing a most satisfying career , one that glorifies God . Swift execution protected the Promised Land from becoming defiled , for Jehovah commanded : “ You must not pollute the land in which you live , for [ the shedding of human ] blood pollutes the land . ” ​ — Num . But after 13 years , everything changed very quickly . Chariots and a Crown Safeguard You , Oct . Yet , their choice could come down to a matter of life or death . He explained in the preceding verse : “ Your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things , ” meaning the necessities of life . All of this once again testifies to the truthfulness of King Solomon’s inspired observation : “ Man has dominated man to his harm . ” ​ — Eccl . Fourth , our personal sense of decency and respectability will be refined when we train our conscience according to Bible principles . She felt that Jehovah was telling her : “ I love you , not just because you are a pioneer , but because you are my daughter and dedicated to me . There is also a need to show courage in the congregation . In fact , that is exactly what Jesus Christ told an inquirer . Our enemies may attack us when we least expect it and kick us when we are at our lowest point , so we must ever remain alert . Earnest effort to overcome prejudiced views regarding those who are of a different background will certainly help us to put on the new personality . ​ — Col . The Jewish apocryphal writing known as the Wisdom of Sirach , or Ecclesiasticus , ( 23 : 11 ) likewise states : “ A man given to swearing is lawless to the core . ” This prophecy will be fulfilled through Jesus as God’s Messianic King . 17 : 23 . How does preaching to refugees bring them relief ? 4 : 12 . Since that time , by Jehovah’s undeserved kindness , his people have constantly been growing in knowledge of God’s will and in love for their heavenly Father . This is especially so when we are engaging in Christian activities , such as when we attend meetings or when we share in the preaching work . Under Canaanite leadership , people did detestable things , which included incest , homosexuality , bestiality , child sacrifice , and gross idolatry . Jesus knew that his teachings would divide people and that those who follow him would need courage to do so in the face of opposition . We can show kindness to newcomers from a foreign background by warmly greeting them at the Kingdom Hall . We eventually settled in Hollywood , Florida , near Walter’s family . How well Jesus ’ words describe the spiritual unity of Jehovah’s people today no matter what hope they have for the future ! We preached cautiously in the neighboring resort towns , which were visited by people from all over the country . We were standing before a livestock watering trough that was partially filled with cold water ! ( b ) What sad situation may arise in adulthood , and how can this be avoided ? Zechariah’s next words remove any remaining fear or doubt . Close to the execution site , Joseph had a new rock - cut tomb . What connection did he have with Jesus ? If you have similar feelings , how can you overcome them and keep making progress ? So we pray for God’s Kingdom to come . Why might we refer to some truths as “ old , ” and what are some that you especially treasure ? Ezekiel 8 : 1 – 19 : 14 is dated “ in the sixth year ” of that exile , or 612 B.C.E . In some cases , we may not be able to undo our mistakes . In this way , we are certain to place the new truth securely in our own treasure store . This vault had never been used , which indicates that Joseph had recently moved from Arimathea * to Jerusalem and that he expected to use this property as his family burial site . That motivated me to make my dedication to Jehovah . He displayed tremendous courage when he confronted a battle - hardened giant . Relate an experience that illustrates the truthfulness of Matthew 11 : 28 - 30 . Of course , a youth who is baptized has made a solemn dedication to Jehovah . In the meantime , we should bolster our faith in Jehovah , who through Jesus assured us that the dead in God’s memory will rise . Or could you offer them a job when they return temporarily to their country of origin ? ​ — Acts 18 : 1 - 3 . They seem to have no idea of what Jesus will accomplish as earth’s new Ruler . Am I allowing undue emphasis on material interests to interfere with my volunteer spirit ? A weapon specially designed to attack , not your body , but your mind . As a result , in 2017 , these three towns had a combined Memorial attendance of almost double the number of publishers ​ — or half the entire population . Of course , a Christian wife should show respect for her husband whether he earns it or not . ​ — Gal . As a result , Noah did more than believe in God ; he developed strong faith in him . Gagik relates : “ My income dropped by about half , so it was a challenge to provide for my family . In this article , we will discuss how that is accomplished . ​ — Read Matthew 5 : 14 - 16 . What to do ? In the second article , see how Jehovah’s example helps us to forgive others , respect life , and act justly . At that critical moment during the great tribulation , the angelic soldiers of Jehovah of armies will come together to protect God’s people and destroy those who oppose his sovereignty . Much of the credit for my spiritual advancement must go to them . ” She had a deep desire to preach to Russian - speaking immigrants . You have every reason , then , to keep working out your own salvation ! Toward the end of his long ministry , he wrote to fellow Christians . Hence , we might ask ourselves : ‘ How has my spiritual life progressed since my baptism ? “ We need couples with cars , ” Pryce said , “ to engage in a special campaign to distribute the booklet throughout the country . ” Millions of brothers , sisters , and young people are offering themselves in various fields of full - time service as pioneers , as Bethelites , as Kingdom Hall construction volunteers , and as volunteers at assemblies and conventions . Jesus included the pain of family opposition as part of the suffering that his followers must be willing to endure . The article noted that it was not fully known how such IUDs functioned . ( b ) What contrast does Jehovah see when he observes today’s world ? But each time we choose to obey Jehovah , we make him happy . ​ — Proverbs 27 : 11 . She did not become vain or immodest even after the king selected her to be his queen . ​ — Esther 2 : 9 , 12 , 15 , 17 . Adam not only lost a marvelous future for himself but also handed down to his children imperfection , sin , and death . The conditions we face today are similar to those in the days of the prophet Micah . If the discussion does not produce the results you desire , look for another opportunity to make peace . 17 : 8 - 13 . Instead , he taught : “ Just let your word ‘ Yes ’ mean yes , your ‘ No , ’ no . ” ​ — Matt . These two articles will consider what true freedom is , how we can attain it , and how to use our relative freedom now to benefit ourselves and others . You younger brothers , accept responsibility , be modest , and maintain a respectful attitude toward the older ones . How did Ahab respond to Jehovah’s judgment message , and with what result ? We can see that from the resurrections Jesus performed when outside of Nain and when in the home of Jairus . Once he invited me to his home for refreshments . Just as Jesus promised , we will be truly free when the benefits of his ransom sacrifice are fully applied to us . Not content to donate anonymously , they blatantly exaggerated their offering and suffered disaster for their hypocrisy . No one used the Bible or even talked about God or Jesus . Ezekiel was taken into exile in 617 B.C.E . When he does so , his wife feels secure and finds satisfaction in being respectful , supportive , and submissive . Did you realize what else Jephthah and Hannah had in common ? I regularly poured out my anxieties to him in prayer . We heard all of that from our room upstairs . It is our privilege to follow Jesus ’ example of helping people to come to know and worship Jehovah , the God of freedom . What blessings under Kingdom rule does the ransom make possible ? You knew immediately that you had found something better than gold ! By empowering Moses with holy spirit , Jehovah continued to lead His people . 45 : 16 - 20 . How did God’s Word exert power in the first century ? Writing to fellow anointed Christians , Paul stated : “ [ Jehovah ] rescued us from the authority of the darkness and transferred us into the kingdom of his beloved Son , by means of whom we have our release by ransom , the forgiveness of our sins . ” Dew is a blessing from Jehovah . 19 : 33 , 34 . Yet , even when we have a measure of peace , we often struggle to keep it . Regular family worship and personal Bible study will help you to live in harmony with Jehovah’s standards and will motivate you to help others . Croix . “ Every thing was made as plain , as simple , and as easy as possible , ” wrote one commentator . It is one thing to imagine bringing to life a person who recently died . He is a fanatic ! ” How should those events and the convictions held by other faithful ones of the past affect your hope ? Ever since spiritual Israel was released from symbolic captivity to Babylon the Great in 1919 , the expansion of true worship has been unstoppable despite relentless opposition . Joseph did not exactly disown Jesus , but neither did he have the courage to acknowledge him . In doing so , he manifested reasonableness , humility , and compassion . the smiling girls asked me . It creates in us a yearning for a lot of material possessions . Just let me consume my portion of food . ” Really , in our own wisdom , none of us are up to the task ! 6 : 18 ; 1 Pet . Certain tendencies might persist for years . They wanted to keep me away from a boy who liked me . If we truly consider singing as part of our worship , we certainly will not want to walk out on or be absent from that part of the meeting program . What is their greatest joy ? However , such problems can be solved or even avoided if we apply the counsel found in God’s Word , the Bible . A Roman military belt had metal plates that protected a soldier’s waist . Obviously , “ anything ” means anything that is in harmony with Jehovah’s will . 14 , 15 . ( a ) What is involved in growing to maturity ? Out of regard for those principles , spiritually mature Christians choose not to keep a firearm for protection against other humans . And you will act with insight and wisdom in today’s ungodly world . ​ — Prov . And they did not unnecessarily delay getting baptized . ​ — Acts 2 : 41 ; 9 : 18 ; 16 : 14 , 15 , 32 , 33 . Livija and I have thus been favored with over 40 years together in Bethel service . It is noteworthy , however , that the most important baptism that John performed had nothing to do with repentance . Their captors jeered : “ Sing for us one of the songs of Zion . ” God’s Word acknowledges that unbelievers may have certain commendable principles . In his Sermon on the Mount , Jesus gave excellent advice about handling disagreements or potential conflicts . They found secular work to support themselves as pioneers , and today they serve in a congregation in the province of Veraguas , Panama . How was the congregation to deal with such a person ? At the meetings , we have opportunities to show our brothers and sisters that we love them . Have you ever watched a film in which , from your vantage point in the audience , you can clearly see that someone is being deceived and manipulated ? Peter reinforced his point by quoting David’s statement at Psalm 110 : 1 . Applying Bible principles transforms lives ! We are not born with such joy ; nor does it develop automatically . Jehovah intended for good things to develop on the earth , not the bad things that we see so often today . 4 : 8 . I said to myself , ‘ Unless something negative turns up , this looks like the girl I will marry . ’ Could this be why they do not even think it possible that these Jews , Paul and Silas , could be Roman citizens ? All four Gospels record that after Jesus ’ body was removed from the stake , Joseph wrapped it in fine linen and laid it in his own tomb . 3 , 4 . In the following article , we will consider several aspects of the new personality that we need to make a permanent part of our figurative clothing . How good it is to know , though , that Jehovah is “ the God of all comfort ” ! To that end , he printed the root in solid letters but the prefixes or suffixes in outline form . She said : “ I want to , but I can’t . One principal way to keep our love for Jehovah strong is stated by Paul himself . Do not be deceived ! Over the years , brothers visited me and tried to reason with me , but I refused their help . ” Should I get involved in this money - making proposal ? The climate was also quite a shock . Satan then said about Job : “ But , for a change , stretch out your hand and strike his bone and flesh , and he will surely curse you to your very face . ” What commission did Jesus receive and in turn pass on to his followers ? Your frustration might even make you doubt that serving Jehovah is the best way of life . Young ones too were to follow this way of complete devotion because the parents were to teach the children at every opportunity . ​ — Deut . The apostles realized that reading the Scriptures and meditating on them was essential for their ministry . Jehovah also proved that his hand was not too short in King Asa’s day . * But such inconveniences were worth the effort . But to enjoy divine favor , we must first and foremost support true worship and stick to it . An 18 - year - old sister , baptized when she was 13 , admits , “ I know what I believe , but sometimes I have trouble putting my thoughts into words . ” The Mosaic Law governed Israel’s affairs for over 1,500 years . These visits gave us the opportunity to show appreciation for the faithful service of young and old alike and to encourage them to continue in their special privilege of serving Jehovah . Some brothers purchased bonds to provide financial assistance to the war effort , and a few even went into the trenches with guns and bayonets . John was so shocked by the priest’s behavior that he told the priest , “ I will never set foot in a Catholic church again . ” Rather than lose our joy , we can focus on the good things we have now and wait patiently for the better things ahead . Courage is essential for Christians . Aside from those who will receive a reward in heaven , the prospect of everlasting life on a paradise earth is indeed reason to “ rejoice and be overjoyed . ” Daniel lived in Babylon nearly all his life ; yet , God’s angel said that he was a “ very precious man . ” ​ — Dan . What would Christ do in this situation ? Of course , there were some hardships . Some might imagine that this is a contrast between those who are not in the truth and those who are , between those who are not Christians and those who are . He may attempt to convince people that there is a way to live forever without obeying Jehovah . The apostle Paul was not here discussing the ancestry of the Messiah . So he resumed his Bible study and eventually qualified to become a publisher of the good news . Consider , for example , the matter of being honest . What might we consider when analyzing our spirituality ? Without even entering the pool , the man was instantly healed . Parents , how can you help your children reach out for the goal of baptism ? Likewise , those divinely authorized to give discipline must themselves continue to submit willingly to Jehovah’s guidance . In our time too , God’s eyes are “ roving about through all the earth , ” and he is ready “ to show his strength ” in our behalf . He had developed a wrong viewpoint and had become greatly troubled , but he was able to correct his thinking when he entered God’s place of worship . I wanted to share the truth with others . If he met the people’s demands , he , his family , and those of his court might have to cut back on some luxuries and make fewer demands on the people . 32 : 4 ; 2 Cor . “ Those whom Jehovah loves he disciplines . ” ​ — HEB . The Jewish Sanhedrin thus exercised extensive jurisdiction . ( b ) What goals can be set at an early age ? And they succeeded ! Music makes you feel a feeling . If you moved some time ago but you are still struggling to adjust , applying these Bible principles can help : Some of the Zealots even resorted to violence to further their goals . Second , reflect on how Jesus showed love even when provoked . The local brothers were pleased to see Brother Franz wearing the barong Tagalog , traditional Filipino attire , when giving the public talk . In its place , we “ clothe [ ourselves ] with the new personality . ” ​ — Col . What is the lesson for us ? All who have it should be deeply grateful . Never would we want to say regarding fellow worshippers , “ I may have to love them , but I do not have to like them ” ! OUR ministry is important and valuable . Jesus himself was subjected to prejudice . MANY health - care professionals work among those infected with contagious diseases . Instead , in guiding us he reveals his thinking . One regular visitor was my brother Grigory , who served as a traveling overseer from 1970 to 1995 . THE Biblical account found at Genesis 22 : 6 states that , in order to prepare to offer a sacrifice at a distant location , Abraham “ took the wood for the burnt offering and put it on his son Isaac . Making decisions . We will also consider how we can demonstrate these aspects in our ministry . He never demeans or insults us , causing us to question our personal value . This resulted in many more learning experiences . It was as if my whole world were falling apart because I knew that we would go our separate ways . Whether the unbelieving mate realizes it or not , he or she is “ sanctified ” because of being married to a believer . Jehovah took note of that humble shepherd who engaged in menial seasonal work as a nipper of sycamore figs ​ — food considered fit only for the poor . Read John 3 : 16 . Because of my old injuries , my body and feet sometimes ache , especially after I share in the preaching work . You can be sure that God will bless parents who help their children to set and reach spiritual goals . The seriousness of this step indicates that the “ sin ” was not a small disagreement . Therefore , we are encouraged to be in our seats from the start and to listen attentively to these music programs . For example , a Witness named Renee suffered a stroke and struggled with chronic pain and cancer . Some of the “ burning arrows ” that Satan might fire at you are lies about Jehovah ​ — that He does not care about you and that you are unlovable . Speaking harshly or punishing on impulse may embarrass the child or force him into silence . In this article , we will learn how we can successfully deal with the challenges of family opposition . No other career offers satisfaction like that . He deceived the younger man into disobeying Jehovah’s strict instructions ‘ not to eat bread or drink water in Israel ’ and ‘ not to return by the way that he came . ’ The one thing I did know was that I wanted to be like Isaiah , who said : ‘ Here I am ! “ It took a lot of work to learn Portuguese , ” adds Sakiko , “ but the blessings far outweigh the efforts . This wicked world has long since been condemned , and its execution is now close at hand . ( b ) What are some of the directives found in God’s Word , and why should we obey them ? The mountains in Zechariah’s account are similar to two mountains described in Daniel’s prophecy . Consider the way he dealt with Jesus . Daniel was to come to his end in death and then rest . Consider a modern - day situation . “ Jesus , knowing that they were about to come and seize him to make him king , withdrew again to the mountain all alone . ” First , take the example of Jacob . Let us consider how God’s Word encourages all to make progress in true worship . At last , we were all worshipping Jehovah . We can also demonstrate our sincere forgiveness by praying for those who sin against us . ​ — Luke 6 : 27 , 28 . Then we will learn from good examples and bad ones recounted in the Bible . All of us can build up and encourage one another ( See paragraph 18 ) Zechariah’s next vision guarantees this bright hope . That does not refer to a Christian who occasionally thinks about food , employment , recreation , or even romance . Jesus also stated his neutral position to the Roman authorities . When might we start to think or act immodestly ? Clearly , taking a stand against Jehovah is a misuse of free will . Humans were made in God’s image . Read 1 Chronicles 22 : 5 . My mother had an unshakable faith in Jehovah God , and even though she was illiterate , she shared it with others at every appropriate opportunity . Many in our congregation are enduring great difficulties . Satan the Devil wants to discourage us because he knows that discouragement can make us weak spiritually and in other ways . We could be victims , or we ourselves might hold some prejudices . Do not feel ashamed to let your family hear such supplications . It is noteworthy that John 5 : 4 , which said that an angel disturbed the water , is not found in highly regarded ancient Greek manuscripts , such as the fourth - century Codex Sinaiticus . Before long , I wanted to get baptized , and on September 5 , 1941 , Bill baptized me in a steel drum filled with water pumped out from a well . In contrast with the people who show the widespread lack of love today , those who worship Jehovah have genuine love for their fellow man . We can praise him because of his immense power , as seen in the wonders of his creation , or because of his warm dealings with humankind , as evidenced by his provision of the ransom sacrifice of his own Son . Your Ministry Like the Dew ? Then he gave examples of being holy . Fittingly , the Bible’s description of the new personality concludes with this powerful truth : “ Besides all these things , clothe yourselves with love , for it is a perfect bond of union . ” ​ — Col . “ Sin must not be master over you , seeing that you are . . . under undeserved kindness . ” ​ — ROM . Why are you resolved to keep your eyes on the prize ? It can affect the liver and the pancreas , and it can cause digestive problems . Some especially enjoy the Gospels , which paint a beautiful picture of Jehovah’s personality as reflected in his Son . The volunteers gathered at Mount Tabor . Or in your case , it may be the need to keep enduring , even though you have poor health or are lonely . He repeatedly rejected many acts of human kindness . ” In fact , having one may hinder a brother from bringing glory to God by his dress and grooming and his being irreprehensible . ​ — Rom . After all , the ransom is provided for repentant sinners . I especially remember one priest . He pushed his bicycle the final 200 miles ( 320 km ) through areas where men had previously perished from thirst . If you find yourself in such a situation , identify yourself as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses , act in a respectable manner , and remember that flirting can have disastrous consequences . Yes , at times we might cry out : “ How long , O Jehovah ? ” Later , when Joseph was accused of trying to rape Potiphar’s wife and was thrown into prison , Jehovah still did not step in . When dealing with problems , “ trust in Jehovah and do what is good ” The psalmist knew how favored God’s ancient people were . I agreed to a Bible study . Have you had the pleasure of being invited to someone’s home ? I was assigned to a circuit that covered a huge area of central Luzon , the largest island in the Philippines . Similarly , the psalmist Ethan wrote : “ Happy are the people who know the joyful shouting . Not only is Jehovah interested in you as a person but he also has the power and empathy needed to help you with life’s problems . She must have hoped so . As a result , our relationship with Jehovah deepens . Thus , after Adam and Eve sinned , Jehovah allowed them to have children . We would row ashore and visit the people all day long . How can you be effective when you reason with others about creation and the Bible ? 12 , 13 . ( a ) Why do differences between Christians occur ? I organized a district convention in the famous opera house in Manaus . Accordingly , we develop the habit of consulting God’s Word before making decisions . “ Visit a country where the need for Kingdom preachers is greater to get a taste of what life there is like . SELF - CONTROL is a godly quality . The Christian congregation emphasizes the importance of having love for God and for fellow humans . However , the Bible mentions that there were faithful ones , such as Jephthah and his daughter as well as Elkanah , Hannah , and Samuel . Does that fact undermine the value of our salvation or imply that Jehovah does not really care for us ? How does making plans involve your heart ? ( b ) In what ways should our dedication vow affect our daily lives ? There , I thought : ‘ Who knows what might happen to me next ? And he continued to do so for another 350 years after the Flood . Through this arrangement , God not only emphasized the sacredness of life but also illustrated how the elders assist us , what true repentance involves , and why we can be completely confident of Jehovah’s forgiveness . He did just so . ” ​ — Ex . This sheds light on the meaning of the expression “ those who live according to the flesh , ” who Paul said , “ set their minds on the things of the flesh . ” We seek to understand clearly not only the major adjustments but also the subtle differences between the old understanding and the new one . Jehovah expects his servants to be forgiving . Afterward , there will be no corrupt organizations at all ! Not at all . He understands our situation and loves us . What are some ways that others in the congregation can encourage young ones ? In our present day , Jehovah’s people have been exercising their faith in God’s established Kingdom . Araceli is 87 years old , Felisa is 91 , and Ramoni is 83 . 40 : 31 ; 1 Thess . What special cause for joy do we have ? ( a ) What matters of universal importance are found in Jesus ’ prayer ? However , if the pilot chose to disregard that guidance and fly any route he desired , the result could be disastrous . Think of the anxiety that will no longer trouble our mind and heart . Therefore , we do well to remind ourselves regularly of the importance of supporting God’s sovereignty when we face difficult circumstances . Let him instruct you in child - rearing by means of his Word and the guidance we receive through his organization . Instead , it is as the psalmist wrote : “ Happy is the one who has the God of Jacob as his helper , whose hope is in Jehovah his God . ” ​ — Ps . It may , however , seem difficult to follow that advice . However , their desire to reenter the full - time ministry compelled them to sell the business , their boat , and other material items . What was the solution ? Achieving proper balance brings many benefits . Maria fled . Would they allow themselves to be stumbled ? At times , it may be wise for us to do similarly . In addition , Boaz did not speak down to the poor foreign woman but , instead , reassured her . ​ — Ruth 2 : 8 - 10 , 13 , 14 . A third way to stay neutral is to rely on Jehovah . Ask Jehovah to help you to apply his Word . He brings peace to your territory . ” Are we doing all we can as zealous Kingdom publishers ? Jesus ’ sacrifice is Jehovah’s gift to you . However hard this was on Jephthah , it may have been harder still on his daughter , who willingly complied with her father’s decision . We have considered what it means to be a spiritual person . Babylon the Great held the people in a viselike grip ! But in the new world to come , the meek and the righteous will be neither a minority nor a majority ; they will be the only people alive . In addition , in 2015 the Governing Body published the brochure Return to Jehovah , which has proved to be a rich source of encouragement to many throughout the world . “ To have had a small part in Jehovah’s work on these islands is a privilege beyond words . ” Cautiously , I approached them , not knowing whether I would live or die . Baasha was turned away ; however , Asa and his people experienced wars for the rest of his reign . Of course , we realize that choices in recreation may differ from one person to the next . 23 “ The Word of God . . . We will rejoice with them when they receive privileges . Jehovah was ready to answer their prayers for any help they needed to carry out the command to preach the Kingdom message . That exchange took place in 1959 in a prison in the city of Irkutsk in Russia . Thus , our heartfelt love for Jesus will move us to focus our thoughts , speech , and actions primarily on Kingdom activities rather than on the everyday affairs of life . ​ — Phil . How so ? Despite the wickedness that prevailed in Judah during Daniel’s early childhood , the boy grew to love God . The galvanized steel trough was the baptismal “ pool ” for four of us on November 12 , 1949 . When we go to the meetings , we help the congregation to stay close together . at school ? I began writing to her with news about the congregation , and she would write back to tell me of her success in the ministry in the Boston area . Ramoni stayed in Zaragoza . Angels assisted God’s representatives . As one expression of his tender love , Jehovah has taken the initiative to bless his loyal servants . Let God’s Word guide you . And that is true of tribulation related to married life or to family life . ( b ) At Romans 8 : 4 - 13 , in what sense did Paul use “ flesh ” ? Take the case of a pioneer , whom we will call Lucy . They may induce enemy soldiers to fight among themselves or fool them into isolating themselves from the main fighting force . How did Jesus show love for others ? In fact , reports show increases in all areas of field activity . Still , each had the potential for causing lasting emotional and spiritual injury to those involved . Who of us can claim to be untouched by warfare , poverty , or racism ? 23 : 5 ; 25 : 7 . Wisely , however , parents want to be sure that before their children get baptized , they are ready to shoulder the responsibility of Christian discipleship . Why was it appropriate to warn even anointed Christians about walking “ according to the flesh ” ? “ Enoch was transferred so as not to see death . ” After Jesus stated his desire that the joy experienced by the apostles might “ be made full , ” he explained to them the importance of showing self - sacrificing love . become wise for salvation ? Having just served a three - month prison sentence as a conscientious objector , he joined his brother Dennis , a special pioneer , in Hemsworth . How can those who teach from the platform make the Scriptures the focus of their teaching ? Different writers have questioned whether this illustration should be considered real , yet ancient Roman legal writings suggest that it should . Like Nehemiah , how can elders strengthen the hands of those in the congregation ? I cannot wait to see her again in the resurrection ! You can see and hear them relate their experiences on JW Broadcasting . What should we remember if fear inhibits us from singing out ? Even servants of God may become discouraged and see their joy slip away . A parent with practical wisdom helps his child to understand why he should obey . Other young people at the center urged him to join their sports club . Jesus said : “ Keep on , then , seeking first the Kingdom and his righteousness , and all these other things [ basic material needs ] will be added to you . ” The psalmist observed : “ It is good to give thanks to Jehovah . . . So the title and the lyrics were modified . As intelligent creatures who have been drawn by Jehovah , we understand God’s will for us . How do we know that God’s concern extends to individuals ? That is something many young people have not done . Nevertheless , he added : “ But I want you to know that the head of every man [ including every member of the governing body ] is the Christ ; . . . in turn , the head of the Christ is God . ” They certainly should convince you that God’s power is vast , unlimited . So , what was the problem ? Jesus ’ yoke is kindly indeed ! 3 They Offered Themselves Willingly ​ — In Ghana Do you view such help as an expression of Jehovah’s love for you ? It touched me that Brother Miller volunteered to go with me to the draft board hearing . In 1382 , the English translation later known as the Wycliffe Bible was produced . Suppose we cannot simply forget the incident . “ THE new personality . ” That expression occurs twice in the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures . Eventually , he qualified to be appointed as a ministerial servant , and for the past 20 years , he has been serving as a congregation elder . Despite pressure from her relatives and friends to send her child to the grandparents , she concluded that it was not right to do so . 16 : 12 . Paul took special note of brothers who had proved to be “ a strengthening aid ” to him . ( b ) What kind of life did Sakura live , and what gave her the strength to leave it behind ? They will remain forever , cherished in Jehovah’s memory . First , we have an intense struggle ( or , “ wrestling , ” ftn . ) against Satan and his wicked world . A few days before the incident in the garden of Gethsemane , Jesus told those same disciples to make supplication to Jehovah . Never allow Satan to intimidate you into dropping your hands in defeat ! ​ — 1 Pet . Take , for example , the time when his dear friend Lazarus died . Karen ( center ) We are overwhelmed when we consider all that Jehovah has done in our behalf . For some two years , Jesus had taught , encouraged , and led them . We can make personal decisions without imposing our conscience on others ( See paragraph 15 ) We certainly need faith in God , not doubting his willingness and ability to help us to be wise . This can promote peace and order in the congregation . ​ — Acts 6 : 1 - 4 . Make sure that your schedule ( for employment , schooling , recreation , and so forth ) allows you to pursue spiritual goals . ​ — Eph . News of the case hit the press , and the 49 brothers and sisters served terms ranging from 45 days to five and a half months . For example , two Witnesses in Australia listened respectfully to a householder who spoke very unkindly to them . 1 , 2 . ( a ) Why is putting on the new personality within our reach ? Do they have suitable territory ? Jesus stressed the need for endurance by using forms of the word “ remain ” over and over in the brief passage recorded at John 15 : 4 - 10 . What are some examples of practical ways in which we can show love in our congregation ? The offense did not include such a sin as adultery , homosexuality , apostasy , idolatry , or some other gross sin definitely requiring the attention of the congregation elders . When the people obeyed these men , they were actually following Jehovah as Leader . Would moving to such a congregation help you draw closer to Jehovah ? Unlike an artificial plant , a living plant keeps changing . Thanks to Christ’s sacrifice , we are free from enslavement to this world under Satan’s control , and we no longer live in fear of death . ​ — Heb . These articles examine three Bible accounts that will assist us to have Jehovah’s view of justice . Sascha , a married brother in his early 40 ’ s who moved from Germany , says : “ Every time I am in the ministry , I meet people who are hearing the truth for the very first time . WHEN you hear the word “ discipline , ” what comes to mind ? And how do we react when someone makes fun of our nationality ​ — maybe by exaggerating some feature of our culture ? Adolfo , a circuit overseer in Spain , recalls what his life was like before he came into the truth . Even if you succeed in making him do what you want , will you win him over to the truth ? When Paul landed at the port of Puteoli and headed up toward Rome , local Christians came south to meet him . My errors have overwhelmed me , but you cover over our transgressions . ” ​ — Ps . Paul came downstairs and embraced the corpse , and then he made the dramatic announcement : “ He is alive . ” One couple , Jesse and Lynn Cantwell , helped me greatly . These articles examine the two aspects of faith that are described at Hebrews 11 : 1 . Become “ thoroughly able to comprehend ” the full scope of the truth . For the sake of comparison , let us say that years ago some Witnesses or our Christian parents shared the Kingdom news with us . Such comments , along with good questions , can help a child to develop “ thinking ability ” and to build faith in God . ​ — Prov . Moreover , Jehovah himself stated that Job spoke truthfully about Him . ​ — Job 42 : 7 , 8 . You as a parent play an important role in that process , especially when your child asks questions . He values humanity so highly that he was willing to let his only - begotten Son die in our behalf . Read Ephesians 6 : 16 . Rather , we will do everything in our power “ to bear thorough witness to the good news . ” What example does Jehovah set in the use of his freedom ? But our meetings encourage us and give us the strength to keep serving Jehovah . Jesus ’ whole life revolved around doing his Father’s will . She said : “ I did not know where or how or what . After Adam observed each animal and assigned it a suitable name , Jehovah did not step in and override Adam’s choices . He was wealthy , well - known , and highly respected . 14 Questions From Readers Some have at times canceled a previous invitation in order to accept a seemingly better one . The revealing of the contents of these scrolls will be another demonstration of Jehovah’s undeserved kindness . It seems likely that Joseph , his adoptive father , died when Jesus was still a relatively young man . Jehovah promised to join these two sticks and make them one in his hand . Think about how you would like others to act toward you if you were in a similar situation . How accurate knowledge of God benefited Daniel . This does not happen automatically . The school staff was not happy and tried using intimidation and lies to make me change my mind . 2 : 12 . For example , one scholar observes : “ The inference of God’s commands in [ Genesis 2 : 16 , 17 ] is that only God knows what is good . . . for humanity and only God knows what is not good . . . for them . How does she feel about their decision ? How much greater the pain is if it is caused by a fellow Christian ! 12 , 13 . ( a ) How did the apostles react when Jesus taught a Samaritan woman ? What will help us to reflect Jehovah’s concern for people from a foreign background ? Verse 19 describes the choice that God gave to the Israelites . He does so in a number of ways . That way , our fine conduct will bring glory to God and not to us . How will his mother discipline him ? In Psalm 16 , which is attributed to David , we read : “ You will not leave me in the Grave . They accepted the elder’s counsel and applied it . But in these last days , everyone faces trials that are “ hard to deal with . ” Thus , we show religious leaders regard as fellow humans , but we do not show them special honor . The quality of kindness will be considered in a future article in this series on the fruitage of God’s holy spirit . Yet , this did not prevent Jehovah from wanting us as his friends . A husband who loves his wife and children is more likely to have a family that happily serves Jehovah and wins the prize of life . “ The whole world ” now lies in his power . Timothy was not lazy . The words of Zechariah 8 : 9 , 13 ( read ) were spoken while the temple in Jerusalem was being rebuilt , and those words are very fitting for us . Yes , and we will feel free to give a witness as we have an opportunity . How we long for that day ! This procedure contributes to the training of future shepherds of “ the flock of God . ” ​ — 1 Pet . Whether we are brothers or sisters , we need to do our best to care for any theocratic assignment we receive . In fact , to that end God has provided the Bible for our guidance . 17 : 17 ; 25 : 25 . ( Read Genesis 3 : 15 . ) Joseph was therefore one of the leaders of his people , which explains how he could gain an audience with the Roman governor . ( b ) Why does God’s Word forbid sex outside marriage ? From 1952 to 1956 , Maria was put to work in a labor camp near the city of Gorkiy ( now Nizhniy Novgorod ) in Russia . ( Read 1 Peter 3 : 3 , 4 ; Jer . To pay her father’s vow , Jephthah’s daughter had to serve Jehovah full - time at his sanctuary . In recent times , this transition has presented unique challenges for true Christians . And from day one , I legally registered my company and paid all my taxes . ” ​ — 2 Cor . When we pray in faith for wisdom and strength , Jehovah will generously give them to us . ​ — Jas . What is endurance ? He made his way back to Karítsa , where my older brother , Ilias , bombarded him with questions about the Bible . 55 : 9 . Instead , reach out to Jehovah in prayer , and allow his mighty hand to strengthen you and lead you to Kingdom blessings . ​ — Ps . Wickedness is deposited in “ the land of Shinar , ” or Babylon . Make learning exciting , faith strengthening . Many Judeans viewed the people of Galilee as inferior . Once understood , the prophetic promise written at Genesis 3 : 15 would give humankind hope that eventually “ the original serpent , ” Satan the Devil , and all his evil works would be destroyed . ​ — Rev . Their way of life was not as it once was . Recall , too , that when Peter asked whether we should forgive “ up to seven times , ” Jesus replied : “ I say to you , not up to seven times , but up to 77 times . ” What , though , about all the other corrupt organizations ? Angels assisted Jesus . They had instructions to cut several cords simultaneously to release a banner . Says Ulf , who has been in the full - time service for 45 years , “ The preaching work makes me tired , but it brings true satisfaction and real meaning to my life . ” In other cultures and localities , beards are not considered acceptable for Christian ministers . ​ — w16.09 , p . Psalm 37 : 11 answers : “ They will find exquisite delight in the abundance of peace . ” The owner needed more workers , however , and returned to the marketplace throughout the day to hire more and more men , offering a fair wage even to those whom he hired at the end of the afternoon . The wicked may think that they are safe from such judgment . “ Jehovah your God will raise up for you from among your brothers a prophet like me , ” Moses told the Israelites . It could even cause you to lose your joy . Roman Emperor Nero had said at the beginning of his reign that he would not judge all cases himself . This article has highlighted one way to make that possible . What was the disciple James inspired to explain regarding the meaning of true Christian faith ? Many have found it helpful to pause after reading a portion of the Scriptures and consider such questions as the following : ‘ What does this tell me about Jehovah ? They faced “ fiery trials . ” Matthew’s account reveals that Jesus also mentioned the Sadducees in this conversation . The doors of the prison are thrown wide open . They have evidently failed to keep on the watch as to what time it is and what is taking place around them ​ — the chairman is on the platform , the music is playing , and the audience is seated . What part do our meetings play in our giving and receiving encouragement ? But what could make us happier than knowing that we have the approval of the Sovereign of the universe ? Nevertheless , the Bible states that “ the tongue of the wise is a healing . ” We are the clay , and you are our Potter ; we are all the work of your hand . ” That “ promise ” clearly is part of God’s expressed purpose . Second , consider how you can imitate God’s example and how your doing so is truly beneficial . If a wife is not treated tenderly , she may find it difficult to enjoy this aspect of marriage . She had been a zealous preacher of the good news since childhood . Thus , the number of God’s people on earth is now greater than the entire population of many nations . Jesus does not indicate whether the accusation was valid . 4 : 3 - 16 . He was not in France as a colporteur ( full - time preacher ) but , rather , as a German soldier . Jacob and Rachel ? 146 : 3 , 4 ; Rev . In seeking pleasurable activities , do I consider how Jehovah will view my choices ? ’ Baptism is just the beginning , though . We are moved by such love to endure in this work , recognizing that people may have a change of heart when their circumstances change . Syntyche may have said : ‘ I cannot believe that Euodia did not invite me ! It showed that Jesus , the “ man of noble birth ” would have to go away for a long time . There is a danger that we could miss out on some benefits because we assume that certain spiritual provisions do not apply to us . We used to tell them that there would be a Bible talk . Does it have limitations ? Have you increased your activity ? ’ ” Whom would Jehovah use to work under Christ’s leadership and take the lead among His people ? Additionally , it will help us root out fleshly desires and cultivate qualities pleasing to God . In the rush of life , it is easy to lose sight of what is important . 16 - 17 . Am I quick to accept and support the direction given by the brothers taking the lead ? ’ From that day forward , ‘ he belongs to Jehovah . ’ Did Satan physically take Jesus to the temple to tempt him ? Would your relationship ever be as strong as it once was ? Why must we remind ourselves of the importance of the vindication of Jehovah’s sovereignty ? 3 : 1 , 2 . He attended “ a marriage feast ” and “ a big reception feast . ” Yet , at that critical moment when given a choice between doing something and doing nothing , did they give in to indifference ? The idea that God chooses beforehand which trials we will face implies that he must know everything about our future . And we will continue to do this work without letup , year in and year out , until the end comes . What , then , may we conclude about the meaning of Paul’s words recorded at 1 Corinthians 10 : 13 ? SONGS : 90 , 87 The truth is that by that time an apostate form of Christianity had joined the pagan religious organizations of the Roman Empire as members of Babylon the Great . It was as if the holy spirit were pushing him to go somewhere else . What would be the outcome if an offender refused to listen to his brother , to witnesses , and to the congregation ? This shook me up a bit and made me think more deeply about what I believed . We read of King David , the prophet Elijah , and the apostle Paul . Not at all ! After he accepted Jehovah’s assignment , Gideon made sure that he thoroughly understood what was required , and he looked to Jehovah for guidance . We can look for what is appropriate to their age and ability . ( Media and Society in the Twentieth Century ) So never be content passively or blindly to accept what you hear . Martha had certainly learned of that remarkable event . To illustrate : When a child first learns to ride a bicycle , a parent usually holds the bicycle to steady it . Jehovah “ desires all to attain to repentance . ” Thereafter , we want to continue living up to our dedication in faithful service to God . As a result , he read our publications , studied the Bible , and got baptized . They were determined to obey “ God as ruler rather than men . ” For example , Zion’s Watch Tower of March 1 , 1902 , mentioned one , saying : “ As to Paul’s personal appearance : . . . However , the Bible shows that even relatively young children can grasp and appreciate Bible truths . Christ’s disciples must always make the Kingdom their first concern in life . The men were not explorers or adventurers . 8 , 9 . ( a ) What practical help do we receive at our midweek meetings ? Arrangements were made for two congregations of different language or race to be together on some weekends . Such a selfish course leads to strife . Both of us began our pioneer service on November 1 , 1947 . 15 , 16 . ( a ) In what way could materialism become a snare for a Christian ? Before long , we would be talking about the Creator . in your personal life ? Although we are simply imperfect earthen vessels , the message we preach can bring everlasting life to us and to those who listen to us . Jehovah’s organization has provided a number of tools to help you put together an effective study program . However , Jehovah is able and willing to give us strength by means of his holy spirit . Moses and Jeremiah felt inadequate when they received new assignments from Jehovah . So Satan offers us tempting opportunities to enjoy such a life now . “ Do not dismiss them as of little importance , and do not avoid a subject simply because it may make you feel uncomfortable . ” * Johannes Rauthe took such a stand and was sent to work on the railways . The Romans had Judas executed . In fact , not offering or responding to a greeting may be taken as unloving or as evidence of bad manners . And did some of our brothers during that period compromise their Christian neutrality and thereby incur Jehovah’s displeasure ? In the Bible , modesty similarly refers to having a proper estimate of ourselves and an awareness of our limitations . Instead , overwhelming anxiety is more likely to shorten our life span . If not , why not seek one out ? Are we showing gracious hospitality to newcomers from other lands ? How important is personal study of the Scriptures ? What “ better resurrection ” is yet ahead ? However , his plans changed when he read the literature of the Bible Students and began to associate with them . These topics and many others have been addressed in material designed for teenagers . Remember , Jehovah did not create humans to be robots , incapable of thinking and making choices . He sets the perfect example for us . Later , he instructed those with a more sensitive conscience not to judge those who chose to eat such meat . The writer of the 147th Psalm was moved to praise Jehovah . We need loyal friendships and peace with all of them . It urges us to promote unity of doctrine . Our place in God’s arrangement is not fixed , however . One Sunday in church , the priest angrily shouted , “ Look at this book ! ” What was their response ? These letters , along with encouragement from Arthur’s brother Dennis , his wife , Mavis , and my nieces Ruth and Judy , have helped me more than words can express . Heeding Warnings , No . 2 “ I Am Willing to Go ” ( Rebekah ) , No . 3 Lessons From Birds , No . 6 Was Jesus excusing serious wrongdoing ? He even went to the territory of the northern kingdom of Israel , to the mountainous region of Ephraim , “ to bring them back to Jehovah . ” Prompted by Jehovah’s angel , Philip approached the Ethiopian and “ declared to him the good news about Jesus . ” As World War II threatened to engulf India , my world seemed to fall apart . 4 : 10 ( See paragraphs 17 - 19 ) God would not be pleased if we extended to humans more honor than they are due . He recalled pictures of Bible scenes that hung on the walls of his home . Faithful worshippers of Jehovah have long used music as a way to praise Jehovah . “ Calls from family members who said how much they appreciated my service helped me to keep in mind why I had decided to move . He thus balances his power of foreknowledge with his respect for our free will . Others point out , however , that it was not a simple thing to kindle a fire in ancient times . As the speaker delivers his lecture , he moves across the platform , gesturing freely , methodically building one scripture on another and opening up the man’s ears of understanding to Bible truths . The Bible provides a basis for such conviction . ( b ) Why are baptism candidates asked if they have made a dedication to Jehovah ? The circuit overseer asked us to move to Ruston , Louisiana , where a number of Witnesses had become inactive . Who should be among the primary guests in our homes ? ( Read Romans 12 : 3 . ) Yet , we must do so with a pure motive , avoiding any trace of selfishness . How grateful we can be for the encouragement not to let “ the flesh ” become the principal thing in our life ! At times they may feel overwhelmed by the opportunities and decisions that confront them . Study and meditation play an important role in working out your own salvation . ​ — Read Psalm 119 : 105 . Then he spent the following week observing me as I visited another congregation . Jesus allowed God’s Word to guide not only his actions but also his teaching . Of course , the counsel to have spiritual goals applies not just to youths . [ 1 ] ( paragraph 3 ) Some of our brothers and sisters cannot go to the meetings regularly because of circumstances that they cannot control . How did he recover ? Before humans exercise faith in Jesus ’ sacrifice , God considers them to be his enemies . The printery overseer and I went from house to house in the neighborhood of the branch , asking whether anyone wanted to sell his property . 3 : 4 . Before doing that , however , make good use of material that Jehovah’s organization has provided for parents . Our trials , then , are common to human experience . Downloading our publications from anywhere but is potentially dangerous . 1 , 2 . ( a ) God’s servants look forward to what prize ? First , note that Micah 6 : 9 says : “ Those with practical wisdom will fear [ God’s ] name . ” We had close association and upbuilding spiritual discussions with many who were fully involved in the Kingdom work , especially the Steele family ​ — Don and Earlene , Dave and Julia , and Si and Martha — ​ who influenced my life very much . As reflected in Psalm 119 , what effect did God’s Word have on the writer of the psalm ? ( Read Luke 21 : 19 . ) One way to gain such knowledge is through the study projects that you choose to pursue . 101 - 102 . Nearly every congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses has married couples in which the Christian has been instrumental in ‘ saving ’ his or her mate . Describe from the Scriptures what took place from 1914 to 1919 . When archaeologists were finally able to piece the artifact together , they could decipher the ancient Canaanite script . In a five - year period , Britain’s publisher figures almost tripled . True , because of the imperfection we inherited from our first parents , we are affected by wrong desires . Some older ones may find it hard to keep pace with these advances . Especially are we thankful for Christ’s kindness in gathering true worshippers into unity . Paul did not boast over his accomplishments before becoming a Christian ; nor did he describe his physical appearance . Anna Gardner described how “ the rafters shook with the applause . ” How can you inculcate God’s Word in your children ? However , Jesus urged his followers to make friends in heaven for unselfish purposes . It is a preoccupation with material things rather than spiritual riches . Do not forget that ideas and methods vary from culture to culture and from generation to generation . Similarly , the next link was Solomon , though he was not David’s firstborn . ​ — 2 Sam . Yes , let us never forget that Jehovah has our best interests at heart . When Daniel was four , he developed acute leukemia . As grateful recipients of Jehovah’s kindness , we owe it to him and to our neighbor to use our gifts to honor God and benefit our fellow man . Consider how the events that unfolded in the days of Deborah and Barak answer these questions . Being imperfect , all of us make mistakes . Instead , as faithful servants of God , we loyally and prayerfully rely on him . What are “ presumptuous acts ” ? In the original language , that phrase means “ to be assured of ” or “ to be convinced and certain of the truth of something . ” The present world is often a hostile environment . Nevertheless , when we review the history of these and many other translations that have been published , it gives support to this fact : Just as Jehovah promised , his Word has endured . During your school years , you can acquire experience and skill as a preacher of the good news . Jehovah certainly detests pride . After all , they had more food available than they could eat . In time , we were reassigned to south London . Also , many religions turn people away from God by teaching hellfire , collecting tithes , or preaching politics . 25 : 34 . In December 1966 , I was appointed branch overseer and spent much time on legal matters . I was brought before two tribunal courts , but my case was dismissed . Can some of his current work be delegated to make room for the new responsibility ? God then miraculously maintained her supply of flour and oil , so that she and her son stayed alive . Commend them for their efforts to learn your language . spirit in taking up challenging assignments in Jehovah’s service . Imagine the mother’s crushing grief . With her husband’s permission , she traveled about 19 miles ( 30 km ) to Elisha at Mount Carmel . If we see something that merits commendation , why hold back ? I still enjoy serving God at Bethel . Our brothers were the target of much persecution by the Portuguese secret police ( PIDE ) . It is possible . What was Satan’s claim with regard to Job ? Those activities and heartfelt prayer helped to sustain us spiritually . Why can it be said that Jehovah is incapable of injustice ? A YOUNG woman ran to meet her father . Lies damage both the one telling them and the one believing them . We can speak appreciatively of Jehovah . True , it is composed of humans who are imperfect and who have their faults . We will develop good judgment by modestly learning to see things from Jehovah’s viewpoint . Then another soldier gave me his rations . Once , after teaching a woman about true worship , Jesus said to his disciples : “ My food is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work . ” And think of the sad results reaped by others who since then have failed to exercise this important quality . But that would not be the end of him . But Jehovah and his beloved Son will support us and give us wisdom to provide such training . Then we try to spend more time with the brothers and sisters . ” Yes , four centuries in advance , Jehovah set the precise time for the deliverance of his people ! They usually go to the city to sell the beautiful products that they make . In many places , a member of the community does not have to give anything to public employees in order to obtain what he is entitled to . “ Many things we can do only with Jehovah’s help . How does the ransom enable us to be truly free ? So we have good reason to train new publishers to converse with people in a friendly , relaxed manner . Most of the congregations were relatively small and new . Adam was delighted with his lovely wife , whom he later named Eve . Young ones who are reasonably mature spiritually are not “ tossed about as by waves and carried here and there ” by their desires or by pressure from their peers . The song really impressed me , so I stayed . Make peace . However , Eunice was determined to keep Jehovah her main focus . That is our choice . His baptism symbolized the presenting of himself to do God’s will . ​ — Heb . To commend someone but then tear him down behind his back is a form of hypocrisy . On such occasions , the rush of water would certainly have disturbed the pool’s surface . * “ I also talked with the congregation elders and the circuit overseer and his wife about my desire to serve abroad . We can try to do similarly . ​ — w16.02 , pp . The first - century governing body proved to be a source of encouragement both to those taking the lead and to Christians in general . They may use such propaganda as : “ You cannot trust your leaders ! ” If we practice forgiving others , Jehovah will forgive us . 11 Do You Let the Great Potter Mold You ? When the apostle Peter welcomed the first Gentile , Cornelius , into the Christian congregation , he said : “ God is not partial . ” Only Jehovah is to be worshipped . ​ — Read Revelation 4 : 11 . Jehovah , however , did not react hastily . God’s Word can mold us as we read it purposefully , meditate on it , and ask Jehovah to help us apply it . One day the Memorial will be observed for the last time . 16 , 17 . ( a ) What lesson can we learn from the instruction found at Ecclesiastes 11 : 6 ? After turning Adam and Eve away from God , Satan the Devil has continued to mislead mankind until today . ​ — John 8 : 44 . If he is interested in scientific things , he might respond when you mention points that show the Bible’s scientific accuracy . Pioneering was teaching me to lean on Jehovah , and I began to feel more comfortable with the idea of serving overseas . A sister who contributes regularly to the Kingdom work tells of a blessing she has received : “ By being materially generous , I have experienced an unusual phenomenon within myself over the years . When I was about nine years old , our father , who disliked religious hypocrisy , obtained some books exposing false religion . I was born in 1937 on a kolkhoz , or collective farm , near Tokmok , Kyrgyzstan . To the Christians in Ephesus , a prosperous and diversified city , Paul offered some practical counsel . We felt the love of our loyal God , Jehovah , of our children , and of the many whom we have been privileged to help find the truth . Then I discovered that it was cold ​ — very cold ! It was his faith in Jehovah . ( a ) What did Job do that showed his integrity to God ? Even so , Adam made a conscious choice to turn his back on his loving heavenly Father and join this stranger in resisting God’s will . How wise his words were ! Peter replied , “ Part of it was written in Aramaic . ” “ Strip off the old personality with its practices . ” ​ — COL . 6 : 11 . As a result , God adversely judged the household of Eli . It is only sensible to conclude that because we appreciate God’s Word , we will want to derive full benefit from it . 11 , 12 . ( a ) What is the most important vow we will ever make ? What helped David remain humble ? When I stepped on the logs , they fell into the hole , and I fell with them . Why is Jehovah’s sovereignty not unduly restrictive ? What tools have you found to be effective when you teach your young children ? His decision and its resulting action cost his faithful brother Abel his life . Now that Jesus ’ dear friend was dead , though , what did the future hold ? Of course , her children must eventually make their own decision regarding worship . ​ — Deut . When we base our decisions on Jehovah’s thinking , we draw closer to him . I also received much encouragement from the articles ‘ Jehovah Is Not to Blame ’ and ‘ Serve Jehovah Loyally , ’ found in The Watchtower of November 15 , 1992 . ” We have the good sense to realize that both we and our brothers and sisters are imperfect . Such young people enjoy life to the full while at the same time learning to follow Jehovah’s guidance in all endeavors . What can help Christian parents succeed in raising their children to serve Jehovah ? How can our conscience be like a compass ? No other leader provided such convincing evidence . That is the way Jesus sometimes addressed individuals of the opposite sex . Let us now consider the answers to three important questions : ( 1 ) How does God’s discipline reflect his love for us ? Job had outstanding insight into godly principles . How could the Israelites discern that Moses had God’s spirit ? Do not let your spirituality stagnate or your understanding of congregation procedures go out - of - date . It could be that the apostle John felt embarrassed about his rash outburst when he later enjoyed a successful preaching campaign among the Samaritans . ​ — Acts 8 : 14 , 25 . Though not many would be so open about the matter , the world is full of people who love money and the things it can buy . Those who live according to the flesh allow their life course to be determined basically by their sinful human nature . Despite our age difference , we had very enjoyable times together in the ministry . If we continue to do so , we can look forward with confidence to seeing fulfilled what Jesus said about those whom he will judge as sheep : “ Come , you who have been blessed by my Father , inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the founding of the world . ” ​ — Matt . First , Shebna lost his position . The apostle Peter had a custom of associating only with Jews . It was really in 1941 that I embarked on the life that has made me so happy . Love also involves a feeling of deep affection for others and a sincere concern for them , as well as a warm attachment to them . In the area where Jesus and the apostles often preached , it was not unusual for people to invite strangers into their homes . If there is no smile in return , it could mean that there is a problem , and just listening to the other person may bring comfort . ​ — Jas . Also , avoid becoming overconfident ​ — perhaps thinking that you have so much experience that you can handle any situation without doing careful research . Hence , in this illustration , the fruitage that each Christian must bear cannot refer to new disciples whom we may be privileged to make . What he did next gave clear evidence of his heartfelt appreciation for the truths he had learned . We have to learn it . And he gave his Father the credit for his teachings and wisdom . Above all , they needed Jehovah’s holy spirit , which would enable them to reflect his insight , mercy , and justice . ​ — Ex . 1 , 2 . ( a ) What request did Jesus make in his final prayer with his apostles ? Sadly , however , “ she fell sick and died , ” bringing grief to the congregation . Indeed , one of the most valuable lessons I have learned in all my long life is that with Jehovah , “ all things are possible . ” ​ — Mark 10 : 27 . ( a ) How does our freely giving show “ practical wisdom ” ? They freely chose to carry out the conditions of becoming God’s name people and unanimously declared : “ All that Jehovah has spoken , we are willing to do . ” The goal was to discourage people from reading the Bible and questioning the church . Roger , who moved to an area over 1,000 miles ( over 1,600 km ) away from where he lived , says : “ The best way to adapt to a new congregation is to go in field service as often as possible . For centuries , Jehovah prophesied that he would appoint a uniquely qualified leader for his people . So live modestly . A few months later , I was working in the Shipping Department . In a land where the work is restricted , brothers make their homes available for use as local Kingdom Halls , allowing many pioneers and others with limited funds to have a meeting place without a financial burden . The Bible requires that husbands exercise headship in a loving way . A soldier whose loyalty to his leader is weakened will not fight well . This is not to say that being firstborn was of no importance . Thus , Bible students who wish to observe all the things that Jesus commanded must disown themselves , dedicating themselves unreservedly to Jehovah . How is that ? They have put implicit trust in the One who had this promise recorded in his Word : “ I will never leave you , and I will never abandon you . ” I always want to say , ‘ Thank you , Jehovah , for permitting me to be there . ’ ” They have a responsibility to obey the law of the land when this does not conflict with Jehovah’s law . What would you do if you had a friend who made a significant mistake or committed a serious sin ? ( b ) How will Jesus ’ joy become ours ? How would you describe those who are puffed up with pride ? GOODNESS A further help is to admit your own need for advice . If so , what lessons can we learn from the account ? ( a ) What is one of the great blessings of free will ? Logically , since Jehovah is the ultimate standard of righteousness , his view of matters will always be just . What outlook will help you when you discuss God and creation with others ? On the night of the first Lord’s Evening Meal , Jesus prayed that his followers would all be united and that they would enjoy the same unity that he and his Father treasure . It served to protect him from the blows of weapons and the hails of arrows . Let us reflect on three examples of injustice that occurred among Jehovah’s people in Bible times . 6 : 33 . And they did not stop meeting together even when they were persecuted by the Roman government and the Jewish religious leaders . Note Jehovah’s example with regard to the Ninevites in Jonah’s day . 37 : 10 , 11 . However , we must not miss the purpose for which Jehovah has granted us this freedom . Still , Christ’s ransom does more than provide a blessed future for obedient mankind . How fitting , then , is our yeartext for 2017 : “ Trust in Jehovah and do what is good ” ! ​ — Ps . After 1970 many Witnesses in Malawi had to give up everything they owned because they refused to join a political group . However , our faith may be put to the test if we observe or experience what seems to be an injustice inside the congregation . If we are resolved to do God’s will , there is nothing Satan can do to break our integrity . ​ — Job 2 : 3 ; 27 : 5 . Although using any number of objects could lead to incurring bloodguilt , guns make it easier to kill someone ​ — accidentally or deliberately . So the first thing to ask yourself when somebody treats you in a way that could seem unkind or disrespectful is : ‘ Can I overlook this ? ( a ) Under what circumstances did Timothy become a Christian , and how did he respond to Christian teachings ? Others may not be ready for baptism until they are a bit older . Then , it “ produced 100 times more fruit . ” Indeed , sharing in the preaching work fortifies our positive view of the future and our resolve not to give up in the race for life . ​ — 1 Cor . So while it meant risking his life , Daniel decided not to give even the impression that he was compromising in his worship . However , Hans remained steadfast throughout the war . Be reasonable with yourself and others . ​ — Phil . Love for God’s authority and respect for his standards are among the most precious things that you can cultivate in your children . ​ — Read Proverbs 1 : 5 , 7 , 8 . Christian parents display loyalty to Jehovah by training their children according to his Word . Jehovah has commissioned David’s son Solomon to build an extraordinary structure dedicated to the worship of the true God . How did they muster up the needed courage ? We asked what the letters meant , but no one seemed to know , or if they did , they would not tell us . ” ​ — Edith Brenisen . PEACE My assignment in the home was to help with the laundry and to obtain wood for cooking meals . Jehovah’s purpose for obedient mankind is reflected in the petitions found in Jesus ’ model prayer . The experience of faithful Ruth bears that out . As Christians , we are not under the Law covenant . Why is a measure of self - love fitting for a Christian ? The cherubs are angels of high rank . 20 : 3 . How could they possibly complete that assignment ? DURING this time , Judea was ruled by the Romans , who were represented by a governor with troops at his command . The various expressions of Jehovah’s kindness result in our receiving many blessings . ( Read . ) That passage reminded her that making Jehovah happy should be her goal . Needless anxiety or worry , even about legitimate concerns , can divide a person’s mind and distract him , shutting out the more important spiritual matters of life . Setting the example , Jehovah is generous with his time Christian parents have a precious privilege ​ — that of raising their children “ in the discipline and admonition of Jehovah . ” Even faithful servants of God in the past said or did things that hurt others , and we can learn from what the Bible reveals about this . the need to take decisive action to benefit from God’s mercy ? That certainly will be “ a better resurrection ” than that of those in the past when “ women received their dead by resurrection ” only for them to die again sometime later . ​ — Heb . The prophet Isaiah pointed to the time when all humans would freely enjoy earth’s material resources . 24 : 42 . However , even a brief greeting can have very positive effects . Imagine the joy it brought them to know that they were remembered fondly . When we are forgiving , we promote unity ( See paragraphs 12 , 13 ) When we encounter a problem , how can we avoid making a mistake like the one Josiah made ? Regarding creation , the apostle Paul wrote : “ [ God’s ] invisible qualities are clearly seen from the world’s creation onward , because they are perceived by the things made , even his eternal power and Godship , so that they are inexcusable . ” ​ — Rom . He had endured dreadful experiences in Nazi concentration camps . Regarding recreation and entertainment , what caution is in order ? Jehovah leads and feeds those in the earthly part of his organization by means of “ the faithful and discreet slave ” under the direction of Christ , the “ head of the congregation . ” Yet no matter what happens , you can find comfort in the example of Job . He may just have a quick mind . What goals can young people work toward ? Children who are lovingly disciplined usually feel secure . Being clothed with mildness and patience is not optional for a Christian . 21 . But only now can I honestly say that I love Jehovah . ’ To reach that goal , we should find a balance between keeping in mind the needs of others when studying and reflecting on our own spiritual needs . What have some parents serving in a foreign - language field come to realize , and why ? “ If my husband and I feel a little disconnected from the congregation , ” she says , “ we pray specifically to Jehovah , ‘ Please let us know if we are doing something that makes it hard for others to be drawn to us . ’ ( Read Psalm 147 : 5 . ) In the modern - day fulfillment , the man with the secretary’s inkhorn represents Jesus Christ , the one behind the scenes who marks those who will survive . Would you have been moved to support this great work ? It will not be until the end of his Thousand Year Reign that all his enemies will be completely destroyed . Many of the songs from “ Sing Out Joyfully ” to Jehovah are in the form of a prayer . “ When you enter the house , ” Jesus told his disciples , “ greet the household . ” While respecting his decisions , she can still express her faith in the presence of her children as opportunities arise , thus giving them moral training and knowledge about Jehovah . She is also very happy to be once again serving alongside her mother in the congregation . We would show our full trust in Jehovah by supplicating him in prayer to give us the strength to keep faithful and not lose our joy and spiritual balance . The couple had serious financial problems and were in debt ; yet , they decided to take the money to the address listed in the passport . Paul was writing from Rome . Jehovah’s generosity is not limited to a few privileged people , for Jesus said : “ Whoever does the will of God , this one is my brother and sister and mother . ” But how do we know that the work we do is in fulfillment of Jesus ’ prophecy ? To make matters worse , he tried to hide the sin by arranging for her husband , Uriah , to be killed in battle . That caused Hannah great anguish and distress . How might you use illustrations effectively in teaching ? There are many things that may make it difficult for us to be at our meetings regularly . But recall Paul’s words : “ He [ Jehovah ] will also make the way out so that you may be able to endure it . ” Now in her early 60 ’ s , she served as a missionary in Ivory Coast ( now Côte d’Ivoire ) for 20 years . Was the son accepted ? When these exiles were released , many came to Kyrgyzstan , and some of them brought the truth with them . To maintain peace of heart during that time , I constantly prayed , sang Kingdom songs , and imagined how I would preach if I were free again . Yet , it opens the door to countless blessings now and to everlasting life in God’s new world . I wanted to tell everyone about him . God certainly was not going to preserve anyone’s material possessions in a city that was going to be destroyed . Think of this comparison : Many of us love to eat a dessert once in a while , but we realize that a steady diet of cakes and candies will harm our health . They would have the reward of a resurrection to heavenly life ​ — surpassing the “ better resurrection ” that ancient men of faith looked forward to . Adolescents can be sure that their hard work is not in vain . As told by Walter Markin 1952 — At age 17 , before I was drafted into the army Exercise Your Faith in Jehovah’s Promises , Oct . And let us appreciate that our role in this vital issue entails remaining faithful even under difficult circumstances , as did Job . Well , consider two of the apostles . It seems that Joseph was present when Jesus died . What will his seventh vision reveal ? This presents a challenge for us . It was heartbreaking ! ” 119 : 50 , 52 , 76 . We who have come to know and love Jehovah desire with all our heart to do what pleases him . They could thus learn of the love that God expressed when he provided the ransom . ​ — 1 John 4 : 9 . In 2005 they assisted with disaster relief in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina . The elder continues : “ One day , Graham told me something that touched my heart . Jehovah is , in effect , being taunted by his archenemy , the Devil . The psalmist put matters beautifully when he sang : “ Give thanks to Jehovah , for he is good ; his loyal love endures forever . ” Nevertheless , my father was a lean , healthy , strong man who loved hard work and taught all of us kids to value it as well . Consider what happened to Sakura * from Japan . When attending circuit assemblies , a brother who serves at Bethel has made it his custom to speak with baptism candidates before the program . Never forget that he gave his Son for all , including your child . The elders say about them , “ They lead a very simple life as pioneers and set a fine example of seeking the Kingdom first . ” ​ — Luke 12 : 31 . What do sunshine and rain accomplish ? As we respect and show honor to those who are in positions of secular authority , it is more likely that they will defend our right to preach without interference . Satan uses effective methods to influence individuals . Instead , obey the clear direction from the inspired psalmist : “ Sing to Jehovah ! ” My angel will go ahead of you . ” First make your peace with your brother , and then come back and offer your gift . ” ( a ) How did the prophets indicate that a unique leader was coming ? He declares : “ I am Jehovah , the One showing loyal love , justice , and righteousness in the earth , for in these things I take delight . ” Even so , it was an emotionally difficult situation for father and daughter ​ — a real sacrifice for both of them . ( 3 ) How can Christian parents submit to God when molding their children ? We find a more important lesson in Joseph’s relationship with Jehovah . Hannah’s husband loved her , but she was barren . Maureen He was on the other side of the Aegean Sea , in Asia Minor . But if we choose a wrong course , we will have to face the consequences . Luke 3 : 32 lists five later links in the line leading to the Messiah . Jephthah’s heart was broken . 5 : 13 . What fine examples Jesus and Boaz are for Christian elders ! Despite such pressures , Abraham maintained joy in his heart . In other words , Jehovah views us as his servants only if we bear fruit . Satan’s claim was shown to be completely false . Later , under Emperor Theodosius I ( 379 - 395 C.E . ) , the Catholic Church , as the contaminated form of Christianity came to be known , became the official religion of the Roman Empire . Being forgiven of our sins opens the door to many other wonderful blessings . Our family life centered on the worship of Jehovah , and Father’s deep respect for the Bible nurtured in us a lifelong appreciation for God’s Word . Enjoy Jehovah’s creation . Is there a connection between their need for correction and discipline during that time and their being held in Babylonian captivity ? Among other things , Peter urged his brothers : “ Be hospitable to one another . ” He had to put up with his fleshly - minded brother , Esau , who intended to kill him . How does a compassionate person benefit himself ? 2 Corinthians 12 : 9 , 10 This implies that , in practice , certain limits are necessary so that everyone in that society can benefit from the freedom granted . As we have seen , that requires not only teaching them what the Bible says but also helping them to develop conviction about what they learn . There they announced that we had had a mishap , and the brothers kindly gave us financial help . That prophetic statement has certainly come true in these last days . What gives deep meaning to our words of commendation ? The Bible says that they “ considered others as nothing . ” ​ — Luke 18 : 9 - 14 . How , then , are we to understand Paul’s words : “ God . . . will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear ” ? They should make their decision as a couple interested in pleasing God and maintaining a clean conscience before him . ​ — Compare 1 Timothy 1 : 18 , 19 ; 2 Timothy 1 : 3 . What were they ? “ The Word of Our God Endures Forever , ” Sept . 26 They Broke Free From False Religion With Eunice in 1960 and in 1989 Yet , what will happen when the child gets older ? ( b ) What will be the final outcome for wicked people who refuse to change ? 6 : 13 . Instead , we can be ever confident that if we do what we are supposed to do ​ — give spiritual interests priority in our life — ​ Jehovah will not hold back what is good from us . It is a powerful way to show our love and appreciation for Jehovah . In the fullest sense , we will all be children of God . ​ — Rom . 7 , 8 . ( a ) How can setting goals make decision - making easier ? And he did some good things in behalf of Jehovah’s nation . Regarding the head of the Christian congregation , Jesus , the Bible prophesied : “ He will not judge by what appears to his eyes , nor reprove simply according to what his ears hear . 43 : 33 ; Deut . 20 Do You See the Need to Make Spiritual Progress ? In addition to expressing gratitude , however , we should be mindful of never misusing our precious freedom . Do you believe that Jehovah is capable and willing to sustain you even on a sickbed ? ​ — Ps . In June 1966 , an outstanding court case was held in Lisbon . How we rejoiced to be together ! The cultivating of spiritual qualities is an ongoing process . It is promoted on television , on the Internet , at work , or at school . She did not even think of doing otherwise . Understanding these valuable lessons strengthens our confidence that Jehovah does not destroy the righteous along with the wicked . For example , High Priest Eli had two sons who did not uphold Jehovah’s laws . How did David recover spiritually ? Before executing judgment , however , Sprout has a great work to accomplish . Then he tried to convince Eve that she need not listen to God , saying : “ God knows that in the very day you eat from it , your eyes will be opened . ” I am going to make a helper for him . ’ ” ​ — GEN . I have a clean conscience before Jehovah . What should you do if you experience family division because you are following Jesus ? 13 How Do You Make Personal Decisions ? 7 : 5 , 9 . We find an example of how lack of faith can harden hearts in the case of the Israelites whom Jehovah delivered from Egypt . It has been a privilege and a delight to visit over 90 countries in connection with that work . ( Read Luke 10 : 21 . ) Today , we all are exposed to worldly thinking . I continue to find satisfaction in making shepherding visits Of course , a person might choose to forgive an adulterous but repentant mate , even as the prophet Hosea apparently forgave his immoral wife , Gomer . Irrespective of local circumstances , therefore , when deciding how to act , Christians should pursue a course that leaves them with a good conscience . For Jesus , it was unthinkable that his heavenly Father would provide food for the birds but not take care of the same basic needs of humans . 3 : 5 , 6 ; Phil . Our congregation even bought a bus so that we could travel to neighboring towns and villages each weekend . Like Solomon , we need help from Jehovah to be courageous and complete the work . At first , I thought I was dreaming . But Paul and Silas insist on first saying good - bye to their newly baptized sister Lydia . Does the oneness of Jehovah relate to loving him with one’s whole heart , whole soul , and whole strength , as stated in verse 5 ? Would you have tried to display a mild temper ? Yet , even that can uplift a person , perhaps one who is depressed or sad . ( b ) What qualities of Daniel would you like to imitate ? John alone wrote that “ God is love . ” THE apostle Paul wrote under inspiration about nine qualities that result from the action of holy spirit . How have the inspired writings of the apostle John been a source of encouragement for Christians throughout the centuries ? Before we left that assignment , there were two small congregations . It is particularly important that you impress on your children the value of Bible principles . Then we need to follow in his footsteps . The same is true of Hebrew and Greek , the languages that most of the Bible was written in . Sometimes your needs may be physical . Who are primarily responsible for teaching young ones the truth ? And how can we cultivate self - discipline ? “ Then back to the field , O ye sons of the most high God ! ” I was sure that , like Felisa , they did not realize that they were learning a lot of lies . The parents and children were reunited on the other side of the border . In fact , Timothy’s conviction about the good news was so strong that he became a baptized disciple and joined Paul in the missionary work . If Noah’s mother and siblings were alive when the Flood began , they did not survive it . Still , he had reason to feel disappointed , even hurt . Is that your desire ? For instance , to have God’s approval , we must act in harmony with his law on blood . SONGS : 121 , 36 He was obnoxious and had a knack for keeping people away from him . Despite many years of cruel persecution , first by the Nazi Gestapo and later by the Communist Stasi of East Germany , Rudolf maintained his strong faith in an earthly paradise . For instance , some in our territory may have lost their longtime job unexpectedly and are left in shock . Why , though , would they take the container to Babylon ? But the closer we get to the end of Satan’s system , the more difficult it will be for us to remain neutral . That was when he and Sarah along with their household crossed the Euphrates River and entered the Promised Land . His Gospel alone preserves Jesus ’ statement that love is the identifying mark of his true disciples . ​ — Read John 13 : 34 , 35 . They recall that when the Pioneer Service School began in 1977 , the emphasis was placed on being willing to move and serve where the need was greater . articles that are especially helpful in cultivating Christian qualities or in overcoming particular weaknesses . How important is such training today ? And Jehovah , the one seated on the throne , says : “ Look ! Through false religion , Satan promotes lies about Jehovah . ( a ) What did King Hezekiah do when threatened by Assyrian King Sennacherib ? Our Bible - based hope has the power to reduce present anxiety . Luke is more focused on Mary ; for example , her visit to Elizabeth and her reaction when the boy Jesus remained at the temple . ​ — w17.08 , p . Because he was familiar with his Father’s thinking , Jesus knew that he should not turn the stones into bread . It will wither and die if neglected . ( a ) Daniel’s godly devotion as a youth reveals what about his upbringing ? 10 . Granted , we do not expect that Jehovah will miraculously take away all our problems before the promised new world ; nor do we demand that spectacular things occur in our lives . ( See the box “ Steps You Can Take to Progress Spiritually . ” ) The little boy smiled and said , “ Yes , I know . ” She enjoyed doing this work because she thought of all those people receiving spiritual food . How is our progress toward maturity related to our conscience ? It can make you happy too . No doubt , they benefited from Peter’s knowledge and experience . Similarly , Awake ! When we address conflicts or differences with the goal of making peace , we may be surprised at the excellent results . Joseph had an opportunity to present his case to a fellow prisoner . Kevin , who was mentioned earlier , worked earnestly to bring his temper under control . Love ​ — A Precious Quality , Aug . According to Jesus , how did the scribes and Pharisees show a careless disregard for life ? To analyze our view of money , we might honestly consider how we would answer these questions : ‘ Do I really believe and live in harmony with what the Bible says about money ? After the apostle warned us against “ setting the mind on the flesh , ” he offered this positive assurance : “ Setting the mind on the spirit means life and peace . ” 18 “ Do Not Be Afraid . Be happy to serve in the background . 1 , 2 . ( a ) Why should we not be surprised when we experience some anxiety ? I was full of zeal for Bible truth and loved sharing it with others . Hopefully , they will again imitate the fine examples that were also set for them . And if our heart continues to condemn us , do we not get a lump in our throat and tears of gratitude in our eyes when we read that “ God is greater than our hearts ” ? Setting the example , Jehovah is kind and openhanded I did not trust any religion . How , though , do you feel about singing aloud with the congregation ? And , as the Bible says , “ commit to Jehovah whatever you do , and your plans will succeed . ” ​ — Prov . That was true of those who murdered the disciple Stephen , and it has been true of others like them . Those are issues that one is likely to face after baptism . With Robert Wallen , Charles Molohan , and Don Adams Haykanush , an unbaptized publisher living in Armenia , found a passport near her home . They needed insight , the ability to look beyond the obvious and to see into a matter . We could select a week and keep a record of the number of hours we spend on spiritual activities , such as attending meetings , sharing in the field ministry , and engaging in personal and family Bible study . How to satisfy those desires , however , is quite another matter . In the preceding article , we learned why modesty is still important for Christians and what displaying it involves . However , Jesus assures us that those who make sacrifices for the Kingdom will receive abundant blessings . But at least we did not have to haul rocks endlessly back and forth , a sadistic torture that broke the bodies and minds of many unfortunate prisoners . How can we cultivate faith like that of Daniel ? He gave us thinking ability to solve problems and plan for the future . Having made a genuine effort in this regard , we feel all the more satisfied when we realize that the Bible is still changing our life . This is true of all of us . We all need a word of encouragement from time to time . 5 : 14 , 15 . Although the ten - tribe kingdom does not usually picture those with the earthly hope , the unification described in this prophecy does remind us of the unity that exists between those with an earthly hope and those with a heavenly hope . God strengthened and blessed them because they kept on showing deep appreciation for spiritual things . Curiosity has prompted many to obtain copies of Questions Young People Ask ​ — Answers That Work , Volumes 1 and 2 , as well as brochures . How does he do that ? * Some 2,000 years later , in 2014 , Turkey was once again the focus of a special preaching campaign . Allow more time to adjust than you originally expected . After serving them breakfast , Jesus turned to Simon Peter and said : “ Simon son of John , do you love me more than these ? ” He had to leave behind his previous employment , the comforts of home , and the freedom to travel ​ — until the death of the high priest . Jesus may have had in mind such lilylike flowers as gladiolus , hyacinths , irises , and tulips ​ — all beautiful in their own way . Jesus said that this global work would continue right on through the last days , “ and then the end [ would ] come . ” May Your Volunteer Spirit Bring Praise to Jehovah ! These questions and others will be addressed in these two articles . Yes , it strengthens our hands too . In such a situation , some people lose their self - respect . The Scriptures clearly indicate that Sprout is Jesus Christ . ​ — Isa . Remember that showing personal interest in guests is always helpful . Beginning in the late 19th century , what important role did Brother Russell play ? ( b ) In what practical ways can we assist immigrants in our congregation ? According to Jewish tradition , guideposts were erected to direct fugitives to the cities . He becomes most weary and apt to fall asleep just before the end of his watch . Since Jesus has kindly accepted us , as imperfect as we are , it should be unthinkable for us to reject anyone else ! What promise is found at Malachi 3 : 10 ? Would I flee like Joseph , or would I give in like David ? ’ As you reflect on God’s thoughts ​ — day or night — ​ and consider how best to use the Bible’s practical guidance , you will be greatly strengthened . Like Asa , you can show that you have a complete heart by fully relying on God when you are faced with opposition , even some that may seem insurmountable . Hezekiah “ removed the high places , smashed the sacred pillars , and cut down the sacred pole . Sadly , though , he became proud , seeking his own glory . What shows that the Bible is a well - organized book ? 1 , 2 . ( a ) What peace can we enjoy now ? The message we preach is part of Jehovah’s provision to give life to those who thirst for the truth . He will be surprised to see how much of the Bible was used to record his personal story and that of his descendants . Happily , I was not harmed , but that was the day my family discovered that I was deaf . What is his goal ? Children tend to have a vivid imagination . That is why it is important for us to prepare now to stay neutral in this divided world ! What does a judicial committee endeavor to discern ? She could have accepted a scholarship to study law at a university , but she chose instead to work in a bank . They will soon destroy the nations and all wickedness . ​ — Ezek . “ For this I have come into the world , that I should bear witness to the truth . ” ​ — JOHN 18 : 37 . Some people say that they believe in evolution , but they also feel that God exists . It has been suggested that when we finish studying the Bible Teach book with a progressive student , we study the book “ Keep Yourselves in God’s Love ” with him , even if he is baptized by that time . An outstanding example in this respect was given by Jesus himself after his death and resurrection . Acting with decisiveness , Aaron and Hur “ took a stone and put it under [ Moses ] , and he sat on it . In the first century , some Christians sold items that they owned , such as fields or houses , and brought the money to the apostles . You are allowing Jehovah to mold , or discipline , you for your benefit . ​ — Prov . Through the prophet , God rewarded this childless woman and her elderly husband with a son . How did Jehovah accomplish this ? In what ways did Job show that he truly knew Jehovah ? We too want to know , as this vision directly affects us . He failed to “ appreciate sacred things , ” and he literally gave in to what was profane . In any case , because Hezekiah was haughty , he “ did not respond appreciatively to the good done to him . ” Courageous men who are willing to take on more responsibility are a blessing to a congregation . Very few people have . But she locked me in a cell . Fellow elders and our circuit overseer were invaluable in helping me put things into perspective . It is not wrong to make time for this ; actually , it is the right thing to do . Let me tell you some personal history so that you will understand why . Imagine the people of Meroz catching sight of this vicious warrior as he ran right through their streets alone and desperate . What effect did God’s Word have on the men who took the lead ? Sadly , in 1939 he became very ill , but before he died he told my mother : “ This is the truth . His Word says : “ Although [ one of God’s servants ] may fall , he will not be hurled down , for Jehovah supports him by the hand . ” A third way we can promote unity is by freely forgiving others . 17 , 18 . Note that Martha spoke of Lazarus ’ coming back to life in the future , “ on the last day . ” What important opportunities does our preaching work offer ? In particular , we do well to reflect on Jesus ’ teachings and his wonderful example of humble service . But what her father next did and said must have surprised her . Look for opportunities to witness , asking Jehovah to help you say the right thing at the right time . ( c ) How have you personally benefited from reading God’s Word and meditating on it ? He emphasized that all dedicated Christians need to use their lives to the full in proclaiming the good news of God’s established Kingdom . “ I am fighting to control improper thoughts . What a wonderful opportunity we have every week to worship Jehovah ! Worldwide , some eight million volunteer ministers preach to people in 240 lands . SONGS : 60 , 38 On his return , Arthur heard loud applause from inside the hall . How do the words at 1 Peter 5 : 10 reflect what occurred in the lives of Noah , Daniel , and Job ? Often , the result is that our activity is seen in a positive way . We view it as an honor to live up to Jehovah’s high moral standard , maintaining conduct that in no way brings reproach on his name . But he trusted that Jehovah would resurrect Isaac . ( See the box “ Let Us Keep Searching Out Deserving Ones . ” ) ( b ) What aspect of the ransom will we consider next ? What does God’s Word say that can help us to find true and lasting peace ? We are “ cautious ” when we think of difficulties ahead of time . But when he refused to perform military service , he was sentenced to one and a half years behind bars and was held in nine different prisons . What factors move us to view the ransom as precious ? Even Jesus could have felt that way . A marriage mate , a close friend , or a congregation elder may be able to help you to put your anxiety into perspective . Parents can review with their child the helpful information in Questions Young People Ask ​ — Answers That Work , Volume 2 , pp . That is what Luca did . Whatever the cause , how encouraging it is to know that Jehovah’s faithful servants in the past felt free to express the same question that may loom in our minds , and they were not condemned for asking it ! At meetings : We welcome all who attend our Christian meetings as fellow guests at a spiritual meal . “ Jehovah is close to the brokenhearted ; he saves those who are crushed in spirit . ” ​ — Ps . Have full confidence that Jehovah will “ pour out on you a blessing until there is nothing lacking . ” ​ — Mal . After learning basic forms of address and memorizing a one - minute magazine presentation , we were invited to begin engaging in the field service . God had in mind for their children to have children , until the human family filled the whole earth . Elders would do well to imitate Christ’s example when they need to give counsel . This powerful lesson was in harmony with what Jesus prayed about earlier that night ​ — they must be no part of the world . Still , those Israelites were “ limping between two different opinions . ” Sacrifice material things for spiritual benefits ​ — not the other way around . Further , he encouraged Solomon , saying : “ Now , my son , may Jehovah be with you , and may you be successful and build the house of Jehovah your God , just as he has spoken concerning you . ” ​ — 1 Chron . Says Nadine : “ Many people we meet in the preaching work love to study the Bible . Knowing that Jehovah is the Source of lasting comfort will surely help us to endure courageously whatever tribulations we face ​ — now and in the future . “ Be imitators of those who through faith and patience inherit the promises . ” ​ — HEBREWS 6 : 12 . David next asks this question : “ Now who volunteers to come forward today with a gift in hand for Jehovah ? ” Let us enjoy what he asks us to do , for “ God loves a cheerful giver . ” David said to Abigail : “ Blessed be your good sense ! So in order to get the preaching work done , we obeyed the laws , hoping that things would change for the better . This is why Paul told Christians that they should “ not be planning ahead for the desires of the flesh , ” which induce spiritual sleep . ​ — Rom . By doing so , Jesus restores more than life ; he gives us the opportunity to return eventually to God’s family . What made Jesus happy ? I was surprised to see Brother Hughes smile at the memory . For aeons , the angels who joined Satan served in the very presence of God . ( a ) How did Joseph restrain his emotions in dealing with his brothers ? Later , Jacob’s first son by his favored wife , Rachel , was Joseph . 2 Is Christmas for Christians ? No . 6 He is “ waiting patiently ” and “ keeping in expectation ” of the time when his name will be fully sanctified . He too came in the truth and served faithfully as an elder in Ottawa , Ontario , up until his death . Jehovah wants you to use “ your power of reason ” to prove the truth to yourself . A pioneer sister who hosted students attending various theocratic schools admitted : “ Initially I was concerned because my accommodations are very modest , and I have secondhand furniture . Still , off and on for more than 14 years , Don patiently worked to be kind to this homeless man . 13 : 4 - 8 . SONGS : 143 , 65 Jehovah also lovingly provided for them materially . I don’t want to listen to anything else about your religion . Parents should not quickly react to the embarrassment of the moment . 5 : 1 - 3 . All these spiritually qualified men had Greek names . What steps must a person take before getting baptized ? What practical lesson can we draw from the experience of Jehoshaphat ? A true friend comes to the aid of others when they need help . What rewards do you look forward to ? In this case , we can learn a lot from the appearance of “ the lilies of the field . ” You may already have experienced how Jehovah’s mighty hand helped you to recover from some trial . John had the unique privilege of baptizing Jesus , the perfect human Son of God . Although Noah and his three sons each had only one wife , polygamy was practiced in patriarchal times . Yet , Asa basically did not deviate from God’s ways , for his heart was “ completely devoted ” to God . Let us see what meaning that should have for us . And all of us can make it a point to welcome those who attend meetings at the Kingdom Hall . Gehazi was not able to bring the dead boy back to life . Even so , Noah must have been distressed by such ungodly conditions . By not isolating themselves from Jehovah and his organization , they gain practical wisdom and use it to build up their family . Note what he further said in his letter to the Christians in Rome about his feelings toward those Jews : “ The goodwill of my heart and my supplication to God for them are indeed for their salvation . A good decision will strengthen our relationship with God , whereas a bad one may damage it . Christians in the first century recognized that the governing body was directed by Jehovah God through their Leader , Jesus . Does she really understand the seriousness of what she is doing ? The interest stirred on the first trip evidently led to hundreds , sometimes thousands , turning out to hear him speak on later visits . Moreover , God’s name was not involved , for Necho was taunting neither Jehovah nor his people . The branch being visited was facing a serious situation , and the members of the Branch Committee had done all they reasonably could . Though she realized that the infant she had found was a child of the Hebrews and should not be kept alive , “ she felt compassion for him ” and decided to raise the child as her own . ​ — Ex . My servants will shout joyfully because of the good condition of the heart . ” How is discipline often presented in the Bible ? That is our concern for the conscience of others ​ — whether fellow worshippers or not . Lower courts existed throughout Judea . In imitating Jacob , Rachel , and Joseph , we should put forth what effort to receive Jehovah’s blessing ? For example , after they had endured a dreadful beating and were thrown into prison , in “ the middle of the night , [ they ] were praying and praising God with song . ” We spent 33 years in the traveling work , the last 21 of those in the district work . What are some blessings we receive when we give generously ? Their example can teach us how to endure when we have a difficult assignment . 37 : 25 . Our next assignment would help solve that problem . The visitors helped her to clean up . Note that Paul first mentioned such qualities as humility , mildness , patience , and love . After 70 long years of captivity , they were freed from Babylon . What strong counsel did Peter give ? Further , authorities have at times made it difficult for our brothers who are refugees to contact the congregation . Since 2008 we have enjoyed the study edition of The Watchtower , which is written primarily for Jehovah’s Witnesses . Many of the things we saw and experienced in the United States were new and strange to us . I applied to attend , and the Austria branch asked whether I would be interested in attending the 32nd class of Gilead School . What was an important purpose of marriage ? 14 , 15 . Also , many of our older ones sacrifice spending time with their children or grandchildren . SONGS : 61 , 52 As sinners , the only thing we deserve is death . All three of these baptized Christians felt that it would be nearly impossible to change because their imperfect leanings were so strong . WHY SOME PEOPLE DO NOT DELEGATE Jesus ’ words that we read at John 5 : 22 , 23 help us to see that plainly : “ The Father judges no one at all , but he has entrusted all the judging to the Son , so that all may honor the Son just as they honor the Father . Working in the field ministry and visiting congregations helped me to learn Tagalog . JESUS was concerned about unity during his final supper with his apostles . We wholeheartedly approved of each one’s fine choice of a marriage mate . Then we will learn what we can do to maintain our joy and even add to it . In fact , God’s Word associates that disposition with wisdom . “ Who is wise and understanding among you ? ” Today , past the age of 90 , I am still active as a Christian elder . Even so , Hannah had no regrets about keeping her vow to God . Jehovah invited the prophet Isaiah to speak on His behalf , revealing His pleasure in having faithful humans take part in the outworking of His purpose . Isaiah willingly accepted that invitation . When we walk in love , we will also give proper discipline when needed . ( Read Joshua 20 : 4 . ) What equipped him to care for that weighty assignment ? Sometime after the Kingdom’s birth in 1914 , all such faithful anointed ones , who were sleeping in death , were raised to spirit life in heaven to share with Jesus in his rulership over mankind . ​ — Rev . Those religious organizations will be completely destroyed . WE SERVE Jehovah and want his favor , do we not ? Today , while caring for her mother in Canada , Maureen still serves as a special pioneer . The third question will be addressed in the following article . Jesus ’ disciples would need to overcome those feelings . It is especially important to be on guard when we are confronted by circumstances that could tempt us to compromise Jehovah’s moral standards . We can train our Bible students to become effective publishers of the good news . Likewise , hardworking wives appreciate hearing upbuilding words from their husbands . Paul explained : “ The undeserved kindness of God . . . trains us to reject ungodliness and worldly desires and to live with soundness of mind and righteousness and godly devotion amid this present system of things . ” ​ — Titus 2 : 11 , 12 . In time , his descendants would not be allowed to serve as high priests . When King Cyrus liberated the exiled Israelites , how must they have felt , and why ? SONGS : 118 , 35 Injustice often inflames political passions . Has making progress in this regard proved to be harder than we expected ? And in some cultures , it is expected that guests politely decline the first invitation or two ; in others , to decline comes across as unappreciative . So I stopped going to church . Undoubtedly , she did feel that way . Consider an area wherein Christian married couples can support Jehovah’s ways and thereby uphold his sovereignty . For some time , he likely experienced vivid memories of his suffering . Accordingly , there will be times when we will be irritated by the words or actions of fellow believers ​ — or when they will be annoyed by ours . In her new circumstances , Kyoko found herself surrounded by individuals who could understand her feelings . This article will show us how to gain comfort , both for ourselves and for others who are grieving . One report states : “ The reason humanity is getting better is because humans have decided to make the world a better place . ” In some places , hosts honor guests with the finest they have to offer , letting family take second place ; in others , everyone shares alike . And the record does not say that any of them disputed Peter’s statement that David “ foresaw and spoke about the resurrection ” of the coming Messiah . His preaching work prior to the Flood evidently included a warning of coming destruction . The psalmist David knew that Jehovah “ is the source of life . ” Recall , too , that for a time , a brother in Corinth was “ living with his father’s wife . ” ( Read Mark 12 : 30 . ) Paul had poured himself out preaching in that city , and he loved his fellow “ holy ones ” there . DOES God have an organization ? Wicked angels materialized as humans , took wives , and produced brutal , hybrid offspring . “ Jehovah became more real to me , as a loving father would be . Letters printed in The Watch Tower indicate that a number of other German Bible Students felt compelled to share the good news of the Kingdom while in the military . Few things could hurt more . First , it has been observed that people who are able to control their impulses generally have fewer major problems . And they learn that Abraham , Job , and Daniel were confident that in the future the dead would live again . Why must Bible teachers bear in mind that baptism is a Christian requirement ? For example , it is wise for a couple , right from the start of a courtship , to set clear limits for themselves about such matters as touching , kissing , or being alone together . During the first world war , no effort was spared to keep providing spiritual food and encouragement to the scattered Bible Students . Why is it important to take a child’s questions seriously ? In time , the grief will soften . ​ — wp16.3 , p . Unfaithfulness , jealousy , and suspicions were dealt with appropriately . The elders urged the husband to imitate Jesus . Strengthen Your Faith in What You Hope For , Oct . In many places , Baal was the local patron deity as well . “ Do Not Let Your Hands Drop Down , ” Sept . His associate , Bildad the Shuhite , even argued that a righteous standing before God is not possible for humans . ​ — Read Job 25 : 4 . Similarly , once Jehovah has forgiven our sin , we do not need to fear that he is looking for a reason to bring up that sin again or to judge us for it . ​ — Read Psalm 103 : 8 - 12 . As a baptized Christian , your relationship with Jehovah is not a ‘ family plan , ’ such as some people have for cellular telephone service . Thereafter , Brother Franz took the lead in our work . However , Nathanael was moved to change his thinking . As you work toward your goals , show “ a waiting attitude . ” She adds : “ Being far away from my family , I always turn to Jehovah for help . Don says that Jehovah can be my personal Friend , someone who always has time to listen to me , no matter when or what . ” The following article will look at how we can successfully face this challenge , as Christians did in the first century . Although Daniel was offered food to eat from the king’s delicacies , he “ resolved in his heart ” that he would not “ defile himself . ” You can try to foresee situations in which temptations could likely present themselves and decide how you can avoid them . During his talk with his apostles , Jesus repeatedly assured them that their prayers would be answered . ​ — John 14 : 13 ; 15 : 7 , 16 ; 16 : 23 . A smile will draw others to you . First , we must expect this kind of direct assault ​ — Satan is at war with us . No other people are preaching the truth globally , for others do not have Jehovah guiding them as does his united congregation today . * Yes , inculcating God’s Word in your child will require patience , but it is worth the effort . ​ — Deut . “ In my heart I treasure up your saying . ” ​ — PS . It was hard at times , though , to hear them say that they did not agree with some aspect of the truth . “ Reduced mobility does not necessarily mean a reduced ministry , ” she says . My assignment became my home . God’s Word is plain that David did grow old . Of course , to succeed , the parents must first impress the truth on their own hearts , making the truth their way of life . He exclaimed : “ Look ! And you should continue to be made new in your dominant mental attitude , and should put on the new personality that was created according to God’s will in true righteousness and loyalty . ” Both Judean kings did what was right in the eyes of Jehovah , but Asa did so with a complete heart . That clearly included sisters , several of whom he mentioned by name . The apostle Paul warned fellow Christians against pleasing the flesh , saying : “ Setting the mind on the flesh means death . . . because setting the mind on the flesh means enmity with God . ” But because we are neutral , we are united with our brothers and sisters around the world . ​ — 1 Peter 2 : 17 . Ask yourself , ‘ If I were in their position , how would I like to be treated ? ’ ​ — Matt . Although Jehovah had allowed an injustice to occur , this ultimately resulted in “ the defending and legally establishing of the good news . ” Jacob gained the rich reward that we too are seeking ​ — Jehovah’s approval and blessing . Eric and Amy When they obeyed Jehovah , the Israelites were organized and unified . It may have been that Demetrius needed Gaius ’ assistance , and Third John may have served as the apostle’s letter of introduction and recommendation . So we should not assume that a person will grasp the point of a verse simply because we read it . Many of God’s servants have discovered the relief that comes from seeking and receiving help from the elders . Then , you will win the battle for your mind ! Jehovah’s people are known for coming forward to help in such times of need . Asher can be rendered in a number of ways . Is it wrong for us to love ourselves ? ( b ) To what extent is it proper to support officials ? But do we see how this sets before us opportunities for increased service to God ? We sang a Kingdom song and listened to the baptism talk . What are the benefits of maintaining fine conduct ? Today , Jehovah is using a small group of his anointed servants to feed his people and warn others before the outbreak of the great tribulation . Whether they verbalize it or not , they may feel like David , who said : “ Blessed be your good sense ! ” In Bible times , stewards of dedicated funds followed procedures to make sure that donations were used only for their intended purposes . Afterward we the living who are surviving will , together with them , be caught away in clouds to meet the Lord in the air ; and thus we will always be with the Lord . ” ​ — 1 Thess . When your conviction is strong and you are well - prepared , you will feel impelled to give a witness for Jehovah’s name . ​ — Jer . 2 : 21 - 23 . Daniel was almost 100 years old and nearing the end of his life . He remembered groups on bicycles spending whole days in the ministry and in the summer evenings playing recorded talks . Also , having fellow workers of many nationalities broadened my viewpoint . Is it limited to a mental grasp of the blessings that God has in store for us ? And if they are reasonable , modest men , they will not fear losing respect if new , relevant information comes to their attention that indicates a need to reconsider what they had already decided . Wisely , David asked Jehovah to “ hold [ him ] back from presumptuous acts . ” See how the Scriptures portray both repentant and unrepentant ones . SONGS : 127 , 101 Those changes brought God’s ancient people into harmony with his will . Disease : Jehovah will bless his people with perfect health . He states : “ I am grateful for Jehovah’s overwhelming mercy and forgiveness . ” Hence , the comment made at the beginning of this story . 9 - 10 . It used “ Jehovah ” in a few verses , and it used the word “ LORD ” in capital letters in other verses in the Hebrew Scriptures where the divine name originally occurred . Is there anything to which you give more importance than your relationship with Jehovah ? A teenager named Abigail , who got baptized at age 12 , says : “ I feel that Jehovah deserves our thanks more than anyone else in the universe . God is very real to them . “ When Jehovah’s Witnesses called on me , ” he recalls , “ I would just turn away and ignore them as if they did not exist . Moreover , that love stayed with Daniel all his life . These women use their powerful wings to swoop in and lift up the container containing “ Wickedness . ” So when people refuse to accept that gift , it is no wonder that we may have “ pain in [ our ] heart . ” After ascertaining from an officer that Jesus was dead , Pilate granted the request . As in the case of Paul and Silas in Philippi , we may be surprised by what Jehovah does for us personally . In June 1940 , I watched from our front doorstep as thousands of traumatized soldiers passed by in lorries ( trucks ) . As a result , we “ keep [ ourselves ] in God’s love . . . with everlasting life in view . ” ​ — Jude 21 . That was a right that other Jews had under Roman law . How happy she was that she made the effort to attend ! In your previous congregation , you had grown “ roots ” as you developed cherished friendships and settled into a familiar spiritual routine . ( b ) How do Jehovah’s principles and our conscience interact ? Likewise , brothers in Greece regularly contribute olive oil , cheese , and other foods for the Bethel family . What will we do on such occasions ? The response from the Bern office ? Or they use this feature as a basis for teaching simple ideas to very young children . That is a serious commitment . 18 Parents ​ — Help Your Children Become “ Wise for Salvation ” What actions of a repentant Christian show that he has not taken God’s mercy for granted ? It is a distorted , selfish love . We should dress “ in the way that is proper for [ people ] professing devotion to God . ” What greater joy could there be than putting in whole days at a time in the Lord’s service ? . . . We read : “ Barnabas came to his aid and led him to the apostles , and he told them in detail how on the road he had seen the Lord , . . . and how in Damascus he had spoken boldly in the name of Jesus . ” We would do well to assess the quality of our faith . To improve and maintain our spirituality , we need to analyze ourselves honestly . Of what are we convinced , and how does this strengthen our faith ? Later , she shipped me off to my father at Peshawar , a town some 850 miles ( 1,370 km ) to the north . David expressed it this way : “ In his [ God’s ] presence are majesty and splendor ; strength and joy are in his dwelling place . ” Some of those are openly wicked ; others are impostors , hiding what they do under an appearance of righteousness . Observing Jehovah’s caring hand helped me to trust that he would also look after me . During the 2017 service year , more than 284,000 “ rightly disposed ” individuals symbolized their dedication to Jehovah by water baptism . What can we learn from David’s example ? What is more , aspects of Solomon’s reign point forward to the rule of the Messiah . ​ — 1 Ki . What problems might we face within the Christian congregation ? Patiently help him to reason on the matter . The whole congregation searches for sincere ones . Our preaching work is being done with the right motive ​ — love , not financial gain . If you are a single sister with a heartfelt desire to share in a ministry that is deeply satisfying , we are sure you will benefit from their comments . When we are not treated fairly , we may ask those who have authority in the government for help . In order for your children to learn Jehovah’s teachings , you must “ speak of them ” on all appropriate occasions . ​ — Read Deuteronomy 6 : 6 , 7 . Some names have been changed . But I received a lot of help . They participate in a preaching campaign to reach as many remote homes as possible while the weather is favorable . Brother Grant Suiter was the visiting speaker at a convention in 1949 at Sioux Falls , South Dakota . He told the Ephesian Christians : “ You have heard about the stewardship of God’s undeserved kindness that was given to me for your sakes . ” Take the refugee brothers and sisters along with you in the ministry . Paul links this privilege to Jehovah’s undeserved kindness , stating : “ Now that we [ Christ’s anointed brothers ] have been declared righteous as a result of faith , let us enjoy peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ , through whom we also have obtained access by faith into this undeserved kindness in which we now stand . ” Would Daniel get to live again ? 41 : 14 , 37 - 43 ; Acts 7 : 9 , 10 . Rehoboam’s father was Solomon , who reigned in Israel for 40 years . How can we determine if we have a balanced view of recreation ? Those “ 430 years ” began when Jehovah’s covenant with Abraham went into effect in 1943 B.C.E . He told the congregation in Laodicea : “ All those for whom I have affection , I reprove and discipline . He knew exactly how Jehovah felt about anger and revenge and how God wants His people to love one another . His wife , a spiritually strong person , had no problem answering the questions , but Robert found himself constantly embarrassed , not knowing what to say . Our brothers and sisters in the first century had high regard for those appointed to take the lead , and we feel similarly today . “ In the delightful parklike surroundings , away from the noise of the old world , it was a paradise indeed , ” recalled one brother . That is serious ​ — spiritual death now and physical death in the future . He also exhorted them to strengthen one another , saying : “ Keep encouraging one another and building one another up . ” ​ — 1 Thess . We also need to develop strong friendships with others . How is it that Bible study can help you to cultivate self - control ? When Jesus said : “ If the Son sets you free , you will be truly free , ” he was talking about liberation from the greatest bondage and oppression that humankind has ever experienced ​ — being “ a slave of sin . ” By this ‛ will ’ we have been sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all time . ” Remember : To have God’s approval , we must endure . ​ — Romans 5 : 3 - 5 ; James 1 : 12 . In 1960 we were asked to serve at the Puerto Rico branch , which was located in a small two - story house in Santurce , San Juan . 11 , 12 . ( a ) How did Moses set a fine example of courage ? 48 : 18 , 19 . Joseph experienced what long and difficult challenge , and how did his response set a good example for us ? ( a ) What effect do spiritual goals have on our relationship with Jehovah ? By doing so , they joined Satan’s rebellion . Eventually , her former employer called and offered her the same position that she had before . Why is it important that we grow to love God’s laws ? After spending five years preaching on the islands , we sailed to Puerto Rico to exchange the schooner for a boat with engines . A good spiritual routine can help you to gain control of your thoughts and feelings . What the Scriptures say about dress and grooming leaves no doubt that the Sovereign of the universe has wholesome standards of attire for his true worshippers . Anyone who wished to serve God acceptably would have to acknowledge and accept Jesus ’ role in the outworking of Jehovah’s purpose . Such work may include the construction and maintenance of facilities for worship , volunteering to assist at assemblies and conventions , or caring for assignments at a branch office or a remote translation office . And if we highly esteem Jehovah’s own Book , we will live by its instructions . ​ — Ps . How did the apostle Paul show that he saw the need to encourage others ? Mother told Willie that shortly before the Great War , her father and her older brother drowned when their fishing boat hit a mine in the North Sea . During the 1520 ’ s , Lefèvre translated the Bible into French to make it available to the common people . Moreover , such discussions should not be forced but should be natural and spontaneous ​ — a part of your everyday conversation . ( a ) When can it be especially challenging to help those who are weak ? The Lusitania was torpedoed off the southern coast of Ireland in May 1915 . ( b ) How have you benefited from Scriptural teaching presented at our meetings ? How did Noah focus on what he could do ? His duties increase because he has a new family member to care for and provide for . Use good posture ( a ) How did the gift of free will distinguish Adam from other forms of life in Eden ? She remained barren while Elkanah’s other wife , Peninnah , produced offspring . With Livija In each case , look for ways that you can imitate your heavenly Father . ​ — Read Ephesians 5 : 1 . In addition to daily Bible reading , we need to study God’s Word along with our Christian publications with a view to imitating Jehovah’s wonderful qualities . Many risk their lives to move to more prosperous lands . Satan next afflicted Job with a painful and repulsive illness . 5 : 10 . They were the ones “ whose spirit the true God had stirred ” to leave behind the security of their homes and businesses . That was a learning experience . “ Be Courageous . . . and Go to Work , ” Sept . Others have limited income and believe that they could never offer what other members of the congregation could . Like Micah , we too need to have “ a waiting attitude . ” “ Do all things for God’s glory . ” ​ — 1 COR . For example , Deuteronomy 28 : 4 states : “ Blessed will be your children and the fruit of your ground and the offspring of your livestock , your young cattle and sheep . ” But if she does separate , let her remain unmarried or else be reconciled with her husband ; and a husband should not leave his wife . ” The word rendered “ remember ” can also be translated “ mention . ” Maintain Your Spiritual Health While Serving in a Foreign Field , Oct . They chose to keep busy in all that Jehovah had assigned them to do ​ — build the ark , store up food for themselves and the animals , and sound the warning to others . True worshippers today recognize Jehovah as the Universal Sovereign , the one having authority to mold peoples and nations . But if there is a congregation nearby that uses your mother tongue , the question arises : Which language congregation is best for your family ? They are born with the faculty of conscience , but it needs to be educated , or disciplined . Jehovah can in a similar way consider as righteous the faithful Christians today who have the Bible - based hope of living forever on earth . How we can imitate Noah’s faith and obedience . * How did the king react ? 9 : 37 ; John 4 : 35 - 38 . The series of articles called “ Was It Designed ? ” All of us need encouragement . That is especially true when we are growing up . This article reviews vital provisions that we can use to receive true comfort now and in the future . HOW thrilling it is to hear of increases that Jehovah’s people are experiencing ! The same is true of Jehovah’s organization . Directing people to helps to spread the “ good news . ” Matthew’s account about the events related to Jesus ’ birth and early life differs somewhat from Luke’s account because the Gospel writers told the events from different perspectives . We came to the conclusion that even though I was to be left behind , it was right for Arthur to accept this privilege . Who were the “ chief priests ” mentioned in the Bible ? Could it have been a city whose inhabitants failed to respond to the initial rally for volunteers ? Each time Jehovah does so for us , we may experience in a new way “ the peace of God that surpasses all understanding . ” Or is it likely that we will make sound decisions when we are discouraged ? Designating these cities as cities of refuge was not a human idea . The couple should not expect or allow a third party , not even a physician , to determine what they will do . As long as the branches are attached to it , they receive water and nourishment that flows from the vine . About the middle of the third century B.C.E . , the first five books of the Bible were translated from Hebrew into Greek . Those city magistrates would think twice before doing anything against the newly formed Christian congregation in their city . Our heavenly Father has granted us the wonderful privilege of being part of his organization . And what meaning do the words of Deuteronomy 6 : 4 , 5 have for us today ? Plan how to expand your ministry If he were to leave the city , the fugitive would show a callous indifference toward the lifeblood he had shed , and his own life would be in danger . Why can we be sure that regardless of where we preach , we can have a fruitful ministry ? SONGS : 135 , 144 Some in the congregation have been rejected by their close family members , such as their parents or their brothers or sisters . Apr . 5 : 17 . 6 , 7 . ( a ) Explain the significance of John’s baptism . ( b ) What unique baptism did John perform ? The more we love our God , the stronger our faith becomes , not only that he exists , but that he unfailingly rewards those whom he loves . ​ — Read Hebrews 11 : 6 . 27 Life Story ​ — Former Nuns Become True Spiritual Sisters We should have a view like that of the apostle Paul , who admonished his fellow anointed Christians that they were “ no longer strangers and foreigners , but . . . members of the household of God . ” When the new overseer of a convention department phoned a brother to ask if he would be able to volunteer , the brother made a number of cutting remarks and hung up . What was his reaction ? Serving God with “ a complete heart ” involves full devotion that does not end . Whether we are right or wrong , engaging in hurtful speech will never improve matters . ​ — w17.04 , p . It is wise to seek and consider carefully the advice of older , experienced ones . When problems arise between spiritual brothers or sisters , the pain can be much deeper . Aaron now serves at Bethel and is an elder . Yet , we learned what was really in their hearts . When we handle matters as Jehovah would , we show that we love and uphold his way of ruling . ​ — Read Ephesians 5 : 1 , 2 . When a man threatened us with violence , I complained to a policeman , who said , “ Well , what do you expect ? ” Certainly , it should touch us that “ a promise of entering into [ God’s ] rest remains . ” In fact , Job believed that Jehovah would set a time to remember him . 55 : 6 , 7 . What direction have we received regarding Bible students ? The New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures is published in many more languages . Such men thus rid themselves of the wives of their youth , perhaps to marry younger women or even pagan women . The Samaritans refused to receive them , so James and John angrily suggested calling down fire from heaven to destroy the entire village . More important , the temple would be “ the house of Jehovah the true God . ” An online forum is not an appropriate setting for “ instructing with mildness those not favorably disposed . ” This we will likely do if we strive to maintain a deep love for Jehovah . What are some ways in which married couples can show that they uphold Jehovah’s sovereignty ? ( b ) How did she keep contending and eventually get blessed ? We experience this peace firsthand at our congregation meetings , assemblies , and conventions . Those years of traveling between Tokmok and Balykchy cost a lot of money . Jesus said : “ Go . . . make disciples of people . . . teaching them . ” I cherish the help I received from faithful spiritual brothers For us to do that , we must certainly avoid choosing to practice the serious sins that some in Corinth had been guilty of . To enjoy and benefit from that freedom , however , we must ‘ turn to Jehovah , ’ that is , come into a personal relationship with him . Because of Jehovah’s undeserved kindness , we have our sins forgiven , provided we repent and continue to put up a hard fight against our sinful inclinations . 14 Defending the Good News Before High Officials Then we will have safeguarded practical wisdom , and it will give us life . ​ — Prov . I am going to bring floodwaters upon the earth to destroy from under the heavens all flesh that has the breath of life . Do I keep my home and property tidy , thus reflecting well on the neighborhood ? The aim of the special preaching campaign was to reach as many people as possible in a short time . We should keep our word . During this Memorial season and especially on the night of the Memorial , think deeply about how you treat others . In what ways does discipline from Jehovah reflect his love for us ? Young ones , draw close to faithful older ones in your family and in the congregation and learn how good Jehovah has been to them . When we arrived at the branch in Brazil , we were introduced to the Portuguese language . In contrast , using a press and paper ​ — a more practical alternative — ​ a skilled printer could produce 1,300 pages per day ! How can we improve our skills in using God’s Word ? Am I ready to forgive those who sin against me personally ? ’ The nuns did not encourage me to serve God in another country , as I had hoped for . It might take quite some time ​ — a year or more — ​ for the sinner to give proof of true repentance . When I arrived in early 1949 , the prisoners were divided into several camps . What trials did Rudolf Graichen experience , and what helped him to endure ? However , it adds : “ From a legal point of view , people are free if society imposes no unjust , unnecessary , or unreasonable limits on them . ” Patiently look for the direction you need and for answers to your Bible questions . In many cultures , sexual immorality became a way of life , even being incorporated into religious rites . ( Read Isaiah 11 : 9 . ) Modesty helps us always to dress , groom , and comport ourselves in a decent and respectable manner . Only after taking such steps can a new disciple make a valid dedication to Jehovah in private prayer and then publicly symbolize this dedication by getting baptized before onlookers . That is what Paul did . At Ephesians 2 : 7 , we read that God’s demonstration of undeserved kindness would occur “ in the coming systems of things . ” In some areas , guests normally bring something to contribute to the occasion ; in others , hosts are happier when their guests feel no such obligation . For example , a parent wrote us a note informing us that one of our boys was saying bad words in the Kingdom Hall . For example , we might say , “ Let’s see what our Creator says on this topic . ” Finally , I said I wanted to talk to a priest , and I told him what had happened . Paul emphasized the reward that then awaits us : “ Now that you were set free from sin and became slaves to God , you are producing your fruit in the way of holiness , and the end is everlasting life . ” ​ — Rom . Nevertheless , Jehovah gave Barak this clear command through Deborah the prophetess : “ Go and march to Mount Tabor , and take 10,000 men of Naphtali and Zebulun with you . By making them feel fully accepted in the congregation , we have the privilege to share with Jehovah in “ protecting the foreign residents . ” ​ — Ps . Yet , keeping spiritually strong will do much to offset this world’s negative influences . 12 : 1 , 13 . Hebrews 11 : 7 highlights the faith of Noah who , “ after receiving divine warning of things not yet seen , showed godly fear and constructed an ark for the saving of his household . ” Unlike King David , Rehoboam failed to cultivate a close bond with Jehovah If he did not seek refuge in one of the cities Jehovah had set aside , the closest relative of the person he had killed was free to put him to death . Should adult Christians feel that it is demeaning for them to read publications directed to young people ? Military strategists may use propaganda to undermine morale and weaken the fighting spirit . 71 : 15 , 16 . Clearly , one way we let our light shine is by preaching the good news and making disciples . 6 : 23 . Why has that work been so successful ? Consider what one author wrote about his elderly mother , who suffered from Alzheimer’s disease . An intoxicated doctor came by and verbally abused Father because of his Christian neutrality , saying that he was a coward and a draft dodger . Speaking of his fellow anointed Christians , Brother Rutherford said : “ Beyond the time of trouble by the eye of faith they see the Golden Age of the glorious reign of the Messiah . . . . Yes , it seems that hundreds of his followers were present when Jesus gave the commission to make disciples . However , especially after the death of the apostles , men arose who spoke “ twisted things ” in order to “ draw away the disciples after themselves . ” Additionally , they use the opportunity to strengthen the brothers . David had not just one of these assets but all of them ; yet , he remained humble throughout his life . So I stopped participating in the flag salute and in the national anthem . These articles show that Jehovah has always encouraged his servants and that they have followed his example throughout the ages . 13 : 57 ; Mark 6 : 4 ; Luke 4 : 24 ; John 4 : 44 . I Will Help You ” Jude spoke of those who would deteriorate even to the point of “ not having spirituality . ” ​ — Jude 18 , 19 . One way is by following the encouragement given at Philippians 2 : 3 : “ With humility consider others superior to you . ” “ But Jehovah blesses those who lean on him . ” The water was very , very cold ! The angel assures us of this by thrusting the lead lid back over the container . A good sculptor plans ahead for what he is trying to shape . How should we respond to his discipline ? The Jewish rabbis expounded on every detail of these laws . The individual books of the Bible are interconnected . Twice he served three - year sentences for upholding neutrality ; then he spent a further ten years in prison plus five years in exile . Brook and Hans When we forgive others , we prove ourselves to be peacemakers . Although words cannot easily define the quality of love , the Bible describes the way it is expressed . But such a view is not Scriptural . One day in May 1955 when we arrived home from field service , Brother Leach and I found a pack of letters in our room . Then , put forth earnest effort to promote “ the uniting bond of peace . ” The vast majority of Christians , however , imitate Jesus . Still , what we wear involves some personal preference . It was not until 430 years after Abraham had crossed the Euphrates that his descendants were organized into a nation that would take possession of the land . ​ — Ex . But there is no need to be overly anxious about the Devil ​ — his power is limited . In doing so , you prove to be like soft clay in Jehovah’s hands , ready to be molded to your benefit . For example , the Watch Tower Publications Index and the Research Guide for Jehovah’s Witnesses are produced to help us learn about Jehovah’s thinking on numerous situations requiring that we make personal decisions . There were evidently times when the apostle Paul was distressed over past misdeeds . Indeed , a man’s enemies will be those of his own household . ” ​ — Matt . The disciple James was inspired to write : “ Let endurance complete its work , so that you may be complete and sound in all respects , not lacking in anything . ” But let us imitate Gideon and his men . When we go to the meetings , we show Jehovah that we want to obey him . Jehovah wants his modern - day servants to be well - trained for their theocratic assignments . As it turned out , the face - to - face meeting was not as difficult as Joseph may have imagined . Let spiritual food strengthen your faith . Under inspiration , the apostle Paul directed his Christian brothers : “ Keep on teaching and encouraging one another with psalms , praises to God , spiritual songs sung with gratitude , singing in your hearts to Jehovah . ” Doing such reading can give you greater insight into Jehovah’s laws and principles and a deeper understanding of God’s Word . ( b ) What does the Bible teach us about our freedom of choice , and what questions will we consider ? How can we get the most out of our personal Bible reading ? Following Asa’s stunning victory , the prophet Azariah encouraged him and his people with the words : “ But you , be strong and do not let your hands drop , for your activity will be rewarded . ” Jason , mentioned at the outset , says : “ During the time that I’ve been an elder , I’ve learned a lot and my confidence has grown . David was not saying that he would never die or be in the common grave of mankind . Following one particularly intense witnessing campaign , he told his disciples : “ Come , you yourselves , privately into an isolated place and rest up a little . ” ​ — Mark 6 : 31 , 32 . Brother Russell visited Ireland seven times in all . He minimizes God’s law , disregarding Jehovah and His name as being of no force or importance . One of these elders and his wife and children view me as family . He is receptive to our prayers . Materialism . Thus , wise King Solomon wrote : “ There is no righteous man on earth who always does good and never sins . ” The same is true today . The second article describes how traits that characterize people of the last days stand in sharp contrast with the qualities found among God’s people . Nora and I are very grateful to Jehovah for all his kind provisions , and we encourage others to test Jehovah out . ​ — Mal . What else has Jehovah provided that gives us reason for joy ? Speaking of “ the one who is walking faultlessly , ” the psalmist said that “ he does not slander with his tongue , he does nothing bad to his neighbor , and he does not defame his friends . ” ​ — Ps . In time , the sincere student may well feel as did the psalmist who sang : “ Drawing near to God is good for me . Speak with mildness . By practicing the songs at home , you can learn to sing them with confidence and heartfelt expression . It was not easy , however , for the apostles to put aside their prejudice . 4 : 9 . Luigi prayed , asked Jehovah to help him keep his composure , and tried to calm the other driver ​ — but to no avail . How did he demonstrate the need for God’s servants to avoid taking sides on political issues ? If not , can I yield to the request ? ’ To protect our right to do that , the brothers fought many legal battles . Will you put forth the effort to see the bigger picture , perhaps reflecting on the brother’s many years of faithful service ? 3 : 2 . At one point , he met with a number of local clergymen in hopes that these men would accept the truths that Russell and his associates had discovered from the Bible and teach them to members of their congregations . The gift of friendship . AS THE story goes , a boy who lived in a remote village was poor . Rutherford and W . He described the ministry of the new covenant as a “ treasure in earthen vessels . ” People who are quick - tempered often express their anger with abusive speech . They will surely want to help you to win the prize of life . After receiving needed discipline , Jehovah’s cleansed people were ready to take up a further assignment of service . For example , true worshippers find delight and derive much encouragement from meeting together to worship Jehovah . Read Romans 8 : 4 - 13 . Thereafter , we do well to learn from our mistakes , move forward in our service to Jehovah , and look to the future with confidence . ​ — Heb . How did Joseph’s relationship with Jehovah prove to be a blessing to him ? As Christians , we must wage a spiritual war against Satan and the false teachings that he promotes . What can help us to direct attention to the Bible in the ministry ? Jehovah’s written Word acquaints us with the heavenly part of his organization . Applying Scriptural principles . Would it have been a struggle for you to control your temper ? Rachel , quoted earlier , agrees . When Jesus performed his first miracle , turning water into wine , there was no mention of Joseph ​ — then or on any subsequent occasion . If anxiety strikes , go immediately to Jehovah in prayer with all your concerns . What important things can parents do to train their teenagers to serve Jehovah ? Proverbs 1 : 5 says : “ A wise person listens and takes in more instruction . ” That decision gave renewed vigor to the preaching work . Pray about it ! ” Rather , executing them will be an appropriate expression of God’s compassion for the righteous , whom he will preserve . I cannot remember much of the meeting , except your greeting . Therefore , as the Terms of Use indicates , you may e - mail someone an electronic copy of a publication or share a link to material found on . We , in turn , want to help sincere people to become familiar with these vital teachings . How different those faithful kings were from the leaders of other nations , men who were guided by human wisdom and shortsighted strategy ! 27 “ These Things Entrust to Faithful Men ” Another researcher calculated that the sun “ currently radiates . . . sufficient energy in one second to meet mankind’s needs for 200,000 years ” ! Some months later , the young man was baptized at an assembly . Just as vines that produce good grapes bring honor to a cultivator , so we bring honor , or glory , to Jehovah when we proclaim the Kingdom message to the best of our abilities . ​ — Matt . We endeavored to instill spiritual values in our daughters ’ minds and hearts . 8 : 9 ; Jer . Rather , the Israelites gave them a tithe , or a tenth part , that allowed the Levites to focus on their work at the tabernacle . An Australian brother wrote : “ Helping to build faith in your child’s heart is probably the greatest challenge you will ever face . Yet , despite his prominent position , personal wealth , and considerable authority , Nehemiah never relied on his own experience or abilities . Why Handwashing an Issue ? , Aug . But that was not the final startling event involving Elisha . Those prophetic words are undergoing fulfillment in these last days . We can guide them . Up in Zarephath , a Phoenician coastal town , a poor widow showed hospitality to the prophet . So keep calm and do your best to avoid overreacting to criticism . On one of these trips , I got acquainted with Janet Dumond , a missionary in Thailand . More adjustments become necessary when the baby arrives . 5 : 23 , 24 . 5 : 17 - 19 . They decided to let their light shine right outside their home . Joseph also stated that he was not guilty of the crime for which he was imprisoned . On that basis , he asked the cupbearer to mention him to Pharaoh . And you wives , imitate Aquila’s wife , Priscilla , who accompanied and supported Aquila faithfully as their circumstances changed . ​ — Acts 18 : 2 . He is eager to see us reject God’s right to rule and stop serving Him . By contrast , Zebulun and Naphtali “ risked their lives to the point of death ” to support Deborah and Barak . I really want to help them . He concluded : “ When I am weak , then I am powerful . ” Whatever his thoughts , he could reflect on God’s counsel . It does not keep account of the injury . ” A couple of times , the police came to the house and demanded to know what we were doing . Our Christlike thinking will influence our speech , our conduct at work or in school , and the decisions we make each day . So , then , let us consider four Scriptural reasons for preaching . And we know that Daniel maintained regular communication with God in prayer . Apparently , Jehovah did not want to give Satan undue prominence by devoting large portions of the Hebrew Scriptures to discussing him and his activity . For example , how will you respond if an elder makes a remark that hints at a degree of prejudice ? 22 : 42 . And think of the many things we discover every week when we prepare for the Bible reading and then hear what others have learned from it . Jephthah and his daughter fully trusted in Jehovah and his way of doing things . In time , our conduct may help some to see that their negative views about us may not be correct after all . Also , it “ rejoices with the truth , ” and it “ bears all things , believes all things , hopes all things , endures all things . ” Let us consider four reasons why we may draw that conclusion . That far from becoming enslaved to Babylon the Great during the war , these Christian men and women were breaking free from its influence and were helping others to do so . As you can imagine , the publishers have been able to contact only a small number of the inhabitants of this country . Even the apostle Paul acknowledged his own weaknesses . We need to act in accord with these wise words : “ Trust in Jehovah with all your heart , and do not rely on your own understanding . He added that we should do so “ in love . ” No wonder the practice of viewing pornography has harmful results ​ — such as deep feelings of shame , low productivity in the workplace , unhappy family life , divorce , and suicide . You also increase your joy by being active in works that please Jehovah . Probably not . Knowing the consequences of Adam’s decision should move us to use our freedom responsibly and within the limits set by Jehovah . 22 “ Do You Love Me More Than These ? ” One day our landlord came home drunk , threatening to kill us and claiming that we were disturbing the neighborhood . Have faith that the ransom offers you the hope of eternal life . The key to strong faith is not simply to read God’s Word but to ‘ get the sense ’ of it . ( b ) How can we expose our mind to “ the mind of Christ ” ? * It also thickens the mucus at the cervix , thus creating a barrier to sperm moving from the vagina into the uterus . Rather , have faith that the ransom applies to you . Paul knew firsthand how difficult it can be to struggle against the desires and weaknesses of the imperfect flesh . It does not take much to be a source of encouragement ​ — perhaps no more than a warm smile when greeting someone . [ Zedekiah ] will die in Babylon , in the place where the king who made him king lives , the one whose oath he despised and whose covenant he broke . ” ​ — Ezek . Satan said : “ A man will give everything that he has for his life . ” Jesus ’ disciples must “ live no longer for themselves , but for him who died for them and was raised up . ” ​ — 2 Cor . How much time is Jehovah willing to spend listening to your prayers ? 13 : 7 , 17 . The jailer and his entire family get baptized . How may our speech and conduct benefit others spiritually ? A person who has knowledge accumulates information , or facts . She recalls : “ Learning about Jehovah in my school language moved me to action . ” What gave Paul the strength to maintain his love for God ? Christians seek the Kingdom of God and his righteousness . All the more reason for us to join in the proclamation . It also discusses what we can do to keep off the old personality . His perfect sense of justice emanates from his own being , and on that basis , he provided written laws for humans . Perhaps the physician Luke was the first to reach Eutychus , and Luke made a medical assessment : Eutychus was not merely injured and unconscious ​ — he was dead ! 8 “ I Have Hope Toward God ” Anne , now in her mid - 40 ’ s , serves in Asia in a land where our work is restricted . Like the neighborly Samaritan in Jesus ’ illustration , we want to help suffering people , including those who are not Witnesses . Also , we can be grateful that we have God’s Word , which is a product of holy spirit . However , we live in a dangerous environment . Let her tell you a bit about herself : The Bible gives warning examples of individuals who lacked self - control concerning sexual conduct . Job 28 : 12 , 15 shows that divine wisdom is better than gold or silver . To my way of thinking , preachers were not manly enough . Abraham could not know when his son would be raised to life again . Lovers of justice long for the day when Jehovah will completely erase all the injustice inflicted on humans by Satan and his wicked system . It is the best rulership . While there , he freely associated with his Gentile brothers . Some of them have been serving abroad for decades . Therefore , let us be guided by Bible laws and principles , for they reveal God’s mind on matters . Faith is not a quality that sinful humans are born with ; nor does it develop naturally . The height given for Goliath is just six inches ( 15 cm ) taller than that of the tallest man documented in modern times . How may Daniel have been a blessing to his fellow Jews ? “ The examiner of hearts , ” however , did not see Saul as useless clay . To help others feel at home in the congregation , honestly ask yourself , ‘ If I were in a foreign country , how would I want to be treated ? ’ Before long , they were conducting 23 Bible studies . Surely Jehovah and Jesus take note of who makes the effort to attend this most important meeting of the year . I gleaned much profitable wisdom from his experience in life . Daniel could have made excuses , saying , ‘ Thirty days is not forever ! ’ Of course , it is entirely proper to seek assistance from the elders and to inform them if a member of the congregation is guilty of a serious wrong . Pay constant attention to yourself and to your teaching . ” I moved back to Karachi and then to London , England , hoping to make a fresh spiritual start . Your children will likely learn the local language at school and in their environment , but they learn your language primarily by frequently interacting with you in your language . He does not just chip away and hope for the best . 23 - 25 . Because human rulers often concentrate on gaining political power and making financial profits rather than on improving the lives of the people . Being honest allows us to maintain a clean conscience and to have freeness of speech in the ministry 9 : 19 - 23 . How should we make good use of God’s Word in our ministry ? Boaz ’ kindness was actually an expression of Jehovah’s loyal love toward a woman who had come to ‘ seek refuge under the wings of the God of Israel . ’ For these reasons , baptism candidates are asked to confirm that they have dedicated themselves to Jehovah to do his will . But it can be a challenge . So Jesus warned his disciples : “ Keep your eyes open ; look out for the leaven of the Pharisees and the leaven of Herod . ” If we can offer a word of encouragement , why not speak up ? Hence , we too stand out as different , even becoming targets for ridicule . Although he grew up in a Christian family , he admitted , “ I found the meetings and field service boring . ” So when you are faced with a daunting task , remember the eagle . Thus , High Priest Caiaphas took the lead in plotting Jesus ’ death . ​ — John 11 : 49 - 53 ; 18 : 14 . “ The last Adam became a life - giving spirit . ” ​ — 1 COR . The work of Jehovah’s people has grown in scope and complexity . Michael felt devastated when he realized how inconsiderate and unkind he had been . Serving shoulder to shoulder with our brothers and sisters promotes unity . You may be wondering why segregation would be practiced in congregations of Jehovah’s Witnesses . How did Jehovah’s ancient servants keep their faith strong ? When he came home temporarily , David tried to get him to have sexual relations with Bath - sheba so that it might appear that Uriah was the child’s father . Give examples of prejudice shown toward Jesus . What examples prove that it is possible for imperfect humans to use their free will in a way that honors God ? Others may ridicule us for keeping on the watch , but that is no reason for us to lose our sense of urgency . How can we become truly free ? Having such goals will help all of us as Jehovah’s servants to deepen our spirituality . ​ — Eccl . Above all , had God done nothing about the sin committed in Eden , his own trustworthiness would have been called into question . When she reached adulthood , Kristina discussed the matter with her parents and decided to move to a local - language congregation . As you gain skill and confidence in preaching the good news , your spiritual advancement will be evident . She was asked to take part in the Winter Olympic Games but chose instead to take up the full - time ministry . She relates : “ Their Scriptural advice helped me to maintain the right viewpoint of others ’ opinions and to focus on who matters most ​ — Jehovah . ” Rather than continually berate ourselves , we should endeavor to learn from the mistake . Later , when Paul was accused of wrongdoing , he respectfully defended himself and showed proper honor to King Herod Agrippa and to Festus , governor of the Roman province of Judea . ​ — Acts 25 : 1 - 12 ; 26 : 1 - 3 . “ Not once did he blame me for my situation or criticize me , ” comments Jim . Sadly , Naboth’s refusal triggered a series of reprehensible acts on the part of both King Ahab and his wife . They must monitor the help given by companions and continue to teach their children themselves . In fact , when his brothers came to Egypt and were reconciled with Joseph , Pharaoh welcomed them and invited them to make their home in Egypt and to enjoy “ the best of all the land . ” ​ — Gen . ( Y . Quarrie ) , No . 1 I still cherish the help I received from such experienced brothers as J . The revised wording has lexical and grammatical support . The audience applaud their approval . They have convinced many that a person must be either naive or unintelligent to believe in a Creator . In his illustration of the sower , Jesus said that some would accept “ the word of the Kingdom ” and make initial progress but that “ the anxiety of this system of things and the deceptive power of riches ” would “ choke the word . ” ( b ) What question will we consider in the following article ? Separation might at times be justified . That day of Jehovah arrived in 70 C.E . when the Romans executed Jehovah’s judgment on Jerusalem . For example , an older sister needs courage if she is asked to talk to a younger sister about modest dress . Nevertheless , a person should not be prompted to marry because of surges of passion that may come in youth . People who engage in any of “ the works of the flesh ” fall into that category . What should we learn from God’s reaction to rebellion ? With such accurate knowledge , the Colossian Christians would be able “ to walk worthily of Jehovah in order to please him fully . ” Jesus said : “ If . . . you are bringing your gift to the altar and there you remember that your brother has something against you , leave your gift there in front of the altar , and go away . That , in turn , will enable us to endure trials of faith as we focus on our Christian hope with an “ assured expectation . ” It is a powerful motivating force that impels a person to act in harmony with God’s will . “ Do not forget kindness to strangers . ” ​ — HEB . 13 : 2 , ftn . IT IS about midnight . Then , the investigator switched tactics and tried to persuade me to renounce my faith , as I mentioned in the introduction . IF YOU saw someone slip and fall on a path , would you not be careful when walking on that same pathway ? 6 : 7 , 8 . When he saw that his brothers had truly changed , Joseph identified himself to them . Let us consider three ways . Daniel relates : “ Before we left Spain , we were not sure if we would be able to live a simple life . Is it any wonder that Jehovah became very angry with his people ? No longer was there a division between the sons of Israel . So let us be determined to continue submitting to Jehovah , showing him that we view his molding as an expression of his love for us . ​ — Prov . Christine and Gideon The vans were manned by hardy pioneers who could handle the rough conditions and repair the vehicles when they broke down . Amy , now in her mid - 30 ’ s , comes from the United States . 1 : 24 . She could probably have married the best man in the land because her father was the leader in Israel . You will find this very upbuilding , and both you and they will be even more motivated to let the light of truth shine . Those who are part of Satan’s world also have some sort of hope , but they may doubt whether theirs will ever be realized . The most important reason to “ let go ” of anger is to imitate Jehovah , who “ has not dealt with us according to our sins . ” 6 : 27 , 28 , 31 , 34 . We should not forget that he too is an imperfect human . However , a number of questions arise : What additional evidence is there that in the decades leading up to 1914 , the anointed were actually breaking free from Babylon the Great , no longer being enslaved by her ? In contrast , we are proud to tell those who inquire that our Leader is not an imperfect human . You have to decide what to do with the rest of your life . ” For example , it is closely connected with endurance , which enables us to put up with difficult circumstances while maintaining a positive attitude . Diligent and conscientious Bible study can help Christians to develop self - control . What are four things we can do to improve our singing ? What if you are a teenager and feel misunderstood and restricted by your Christian parents ? Jehovah can respond to our earnest , heartfelt , and persistent supplications . He made the earth to be man’s everlasting home , a place where man does not just survive but enjoys life to the full . First , overseers among God’s people need to be especially careful to exercise self - control so that they do not abuse their authority . With a group of deaf people at a convention in Cleveland , Ohio , in 1946 For example , you could ask your children to imagine that they are going to live on a remote island and will have to choose a number of people to live there with them . She had a demanding but well - paying job with a prestigious company . But this time , I experienced it firsthand . This brings benefits to all . and its accompanying worksheet on . When I spoke with my parents about my concerns , they urged me to accept the invitation . Also , you can deal more effectively with situations that arise because of human imperfection . Clever advertisers often feature attractive people deceptively promoting as must - haves many things we really do not need . Have you held back from offering hospitality ? Of course , the great propagandist , Satan , knows this . 20 : 4 . How can young ones , parents , older sisters , and baptized brothers show that they are courageous and ready to perform good works ? 14 : 22 - 24 ; 2 Chron . Our dear Father knows you through and through . Yes , God could even give us the strength to conquer every weakness without having to struggle with or learn from our mistakes . “ The one showing favor to the lowly is lending to Jehovah , and He will repay him for what he does , ” says Proverbs 19 : 17 . 10 : 23 . What do you think of the example that our young ones set ? Jehovah was being true to a promise that he had made centuries earlier to his friend Abraham . Why do Matthew’s and Luke’s accounts differ as to Jesus ’ early life ? At that time , a newspaper wrote about the Witnesses that they ask about cows but they are looking for sheep ! To give Jehovah exclusive devotion , we must be careful not to allow anything to take , or even to share , the place in our life that Jehovah alone should occupy . 5 : 5 , 9 , 22 , 25 , 44 . He never made much money , but he kept a roof over our heads , clothes on our backs , and food in our stomachs ​ — and he was always there for us . My self - righteousness got the better of me , so I quit the truth . ” War broke out when I was a youth . What do we learn from the cooperation between Timothy and the apostle Paul ? What do my study habits , dress and grooming , or reaction to counsel reveal about me ? God displayed his great power and “ defeated the Ethiopians before Asa , ” whose “ heart was complete with Jehovah all his life . ” ​ — 2 Chron . Then we came to know Bible truth , made changes in our lives , dedicated ourselves to God , and got baptized . I felt that I was close to a nervous breakdown . The case of Diotrephes illustrates the divisive influence that ambitious and arrogant individuals may try to exert in a congregation . Did the injustices make Joseph bitter ? They truly were in Babylonian captivity ! We can allow it to linger on our figurative palate so that we can recall the “ delightful words ” of truth and use them to help others . ​ — Eccl . How is hope like a helmet ? They have all come true for you . When we make major decisions in life , one way to demonstrate our loyalty to God is by seeking help from his written Word and organization . ( a ) Why have some circuit overseers expressed concern ? If Sarah had said that she was his wife , Abraham might have been killed and thus could not have produced the offspring whom God had promised him . ​ — wp17.3 , pp . When I began to study the Bible , however , I realized that I had to start with my own heart . Walking in opposite directions , the choirs met on the wall close to the temple area to create a sound that could be heard from far away . When we arrived , there was only one isolated group in the city as well as a missionary home with four sisters : Esther Tracy , Ramona Bauer , Luiza Schwarz , and Lorraine Brookes ( now Wallen ) . In discussing baptism , the apostle Peter referred to Noah’s constructing of the ark : “ Baptism , which corresponds to this , is also now saving you . ” Does it bear little wheat stalks ? In response to the revolt , Rehoboam mustered his army . How comforting it is to know that Jehovah , the God of all comfort , will eliminate all grief and provide permanent consolation when “ all those in the memorial tombs will hear [ Christ’s ] voice and come out ” ! In these two articles , we will discuss the examples of four kings of Judah and the mistakes they made , some of which were very serious . How thankful we are that Jehovah grants us “ the peace of God , ” an inner calm that can protect us from disturbing thoughts and feelings ! Frankly , no man today can be certain of Paul’s appearance . Do you feel , however , that people who have distinctly different personalities are bound to have problems ? Christ has given his anointed brothers on earth what Paul calls “ the ministry of the reconciliation . ” So parents , do not give up on your children , but teach them patiently . ( b ) Of what can we be confident ? Can we benefit from reading these too ? 29 A Mild Temper ​ — The Way of Wisdom Thanks to their tireless efforts , the good news penetrated every corner of the continent , helping countless individuals to take their stand for God’s Kingdom . We should not expect that any of our possessions , regardless of how treasured or valuable they may be , will survive with us through the great tribulation . ​ — Prov . 11 : 4 , ftn . To what dangers do Christians need to be alert ? * Do we have anything to fear ? Like weeds growing wild in a flower garden , bad feelings toward others will likely get worse unless we strive to uproot them . The world abounds with people and societies motivated by a spirit of independence that fosters pride , egotism , and rivalry . If so , that is wonderful ! What results when we receive this “ peace of God that surpasses all understanding ” ? But we take God at his word , trusting that if we are repentant , Jehovah will support us through difficult times ​ — even when those difficulties are of our own making . ​ — Read Isaiah 1 : 18 , 19 ; Acts 3 : 19 . Of course , it is up to each family to determine what will be most beneficial for the spiritual health of their children . Another way you can taste Jehovah’s goodness is by experiencing his support as you share your faith with others . The Golden Age , “ a Journal of Fact , Hope , and Conviction , ” would be used to open up a new method of spreading the truth ​ — a door - to - door subscription campaign . Of course , it would be inappropriate to ask others to make a decision for us . Paul’s words clearly state that a spiritual person cannot enjoy complete harmony with a physical person . The qualities , abilities , and privileges David had were because God ‘ stooped down , ’ or humbled himself , to pay attention to him . “ The original serpent , ” Satan the Devil , deceived Eve by leading her to believe that eating fruit from “ the tree of the knowledge of good and bad ” imparted special knowledge that would enable her to decide what was good and what was bad . You came face - to - face with challenges , or you found yourself in new circumstances that required massive changes in your life . Some perform Bethel service , others engage in construction or in circuit work , serve as field instructors or special pioneers or missionaries or as Assembly Hall or Bible school facility servants . During that time , he continued to give Jehovah exclusive devotion . “ Because of the people’s volunteering , praise Jehovah ! ” Visions of Zechariah ​ — How They Affect You , Oct . The most important vow that a Christian can make is the one with which he dedicates his life to Jehovah . They view themselves as Jehovah’s Witnesses . Husbands are to “ love their wives as their own bodies . ” How can having a regular share in Jehovah’s work help us remain focused on the big issue ? She was privileged to have five more children , and Samuel became a prophet and a Bible writer . ​ — 1 Sam . As we have seen , Timothy had ( 1 ) knowledge of the Scriptures and ( 2 ) conviction about his beliefs . I decided to approach him , although it was extremely difficult for me to do so . “ Every good gift and every perfect present is from . . . the Father . ” ​ — JAS . We also read in the Scriptures : “ Husbands should love their wives as their own bodies . “ DEAD MAN WALKING ! ” That cry rings out as a dangerous criminal is led from his prison cell , metal doors clanging behind him . If we conduct ourselves in a godly way , others will observe us , and some may even say : “ We want to go with you , for we have heard that God is with you people . ” ​ — Zech . We took our new assignment as parents very seriously , and we set out to instill the truth in our beautiful girls . It is heartwarming to see so many from other countries working hard alongside local brothers and sisters so as to bring in the harvest . I told him we get it from Brooklyn . 55 : 11 . Think about how we benefit from following the Bible’s laws about lying , scheming , stealing , sexual immorality , violence , and spiritism . As we search the Scriptures , time and again we find examples of Jehovah doing the unexpected . In fact , some children can learn to give comments , presentations , and talks in their parents ’ language without the words really coming from their heart . Many pioneers can attest to how encouraging it is for them to learn that some of those they helped into the truth years ago are staying faithful and perhaps are even serving as pioneers . What have they learned from serving abroad ? The apostle Paul urged all Christians not to take for granted the freedom that Jehovah has kindly given us through his Son , Jesus Christ . We also keep working “ what is good toward all , but especially toward those related to us in the faith . ” As for us , we can look for ways to support and to give practical aid to others . When we focus first on serving Jehovah and teaching others his Word , we experience incomparable joy . So he has provided us with warning examples to help us avoid making serious mistakes . AS HER Christian parents looked on , a young girl , whom we will call Maria , stood up with the other baptism candidates . Undeserving as we are , he answers our call , often through fellow Christians , “ so that we may be of good courage and say : ‘ Jehovah is my helper ; I will not be afraid . This is encouraging , for it assures us that regardless of how long we have been serving Jehovah , we can keep making progress in cultivating and refining the Christian qualities that make up the new personality . Jehovah responds to that request by applying the cleansing blood of Christ’s sacrifice to us . Still , that should not prevent a Christian from cultivating a mild spirit . Speaking of Jehovah’s beloved Son , Paul wrote : “ By means of him [ Jesus ] we have the release by ransom through the blood of that one , yes , the forgiveness of our trespasses , according to the riches of his [ Jehovah’s ] undeserved kindness . ” You should sing as loud as you speak or even louder than that . It may also lead to verbal abuse , drunkenness , violence , divorce , needless debt , addiction , imprisonment , emotional trauma , sexually transmitted disease , and unwanted pregnancy , to name a few . ​ — Ps . Esau lived in patriarchal times , and he may even occasionally have had the privilege of offering sacrifices . ( 5 ) Do not yield to fear . 84 : 7 ; 1 Pet . Therefore , by diligently studying the Bible , meditating on what it says , and applying it in our lives , we can train our conscience to be more sensitive to God’s thinking , and it can thus serve as a reliable guide . All his works and actions bear witness to his love . * A 1949 branch report from Mexico stated about the brothers : “ The difficult times they have do not dampen their Theocratic spirit because each assembly we have is one of their main topics of conversation for a long time afterward and the question the brethren continually ask is , When are we going to have another assembly ? ” We also pray to God that angels may direct us to find honesthearted ones . Applying yourself in those aspects will boost your confidence in your privilege of having a friendship with Jehovah . One flight after another got canceled . At times the line of descent to Jesus was through the firstborn son , but not always . When they do this wisely , they benefit . He rid his domain of idolatry and expelled the male temple prostitutes . About the two brochures just mentioned , a 19 - year - old brother in the United States said : “ These have been invaluable to me . During 2018 , we will be reminded of this important truth every time we attend a meeting at the Kingdom Hall . He explained to his fellow Christians : “ For the law of the spirit that gives life in union with Christ Jesus has set you free from the law of sin and of death . ” How can you help build conviction in your children so that they are persuaded to believe , as Timothy was ? So let us , like Paul , keep on asking for holy spirit . Yet , they were not safe there . Just as the fine soil in Jesus ’ illustration retained the seed , we accepted the message and held on to it . Consider one example : “ He makes his sun rise on both the wicked and the good and makes it rain on both the righteous and the unrighteous . ” No matter how long we have been serving Jehovah , all of us must fight against things that might hinder our service to God , who rewards the faithful . What can happen if we practice sin ? What has caused some Christian parents to encourage their children to postpone getting baptized ? If we keep that clearly in mind , we will communicate more effectively with our students . In many countries , it is not unusual to hear people say that they do not believe in God ; they consider themselves to be nonreligious . To understand what was in his brothers ’ hearts , Joseph concealed his identity when they appeared before him in Egypt to buy food . They searched everywhere , even in the cows ’ feed . Because Jehovah created humans in his image and thus made it possible for us to reflect his beautiful qualities . ​ — Gen . Satan launched a series of vicious attacks against Job , leading Job to assume that God was to blame . There may be some basis for such ideas about those two apostles . It is impossible to consider here every conceivable situation in every different land . MILDNESS We can do this by showing people that all the promises of new world blessings are expressions of Jehovah’s wonderful kindness . Jesus used it when he spoke to a woman who had suffered from a flow of blood for 12 years . Our small vessel had little space for sleeping , cooking , or washing clothes , but we managed . When you strive to deal respectfully with people , you will likely find that you are better able to deal with your own negative emotions . 19 : 11 . Hence , you will develop greater joy by regularly requesting the help of Jehovah’s spirit and prayerfully meditating on his spirit - inspired Word . ​ — Ps . All four sons serve as elders . One brother who was swept away by immoral desires said after he returned to the congregation , “ I was drawn by a force so powerful that I did not turn back until it was too late . ” What an appropriate symbol of how Jehovah’s righteous standards can protect our figurative heart ! Hence , it is up to each couple to determine whether to use some form of birth control to limit the size of the family or to determine when to have children . Afterward , the brothers explained to Arthur that they had climbed a ladder to the roof and then the ladder had been taken away . Yet , he could and did change . Depending on what we set our mind on , what special peace can we enjoy ? ( a ) How easy was it for Hannah to pay her vow ? He described these desirable qualities as forming a whole ​ — “ the fruitage of the spirit . ” We do so by upholding God’s righteousness , by being no part of Satan’s world , and by keeping Kingdom interests in first place . In such areas , it is important to have full trust that Jehovah can and does provide wise guidance . What is one way that we can encourage those who are serving faithfully ? So parents , try to use illustrations liberally in your teaching . Why may unbelieving relatives oppose us , but how can we show them empathy ? Indeed , the ransom is the key that unlocks the door to the fulfillment of God’s original purpose . SONGS : 18 , 14 Am I drawing closer to God by nurturing a personal relationship with him ? ’ We will consider three questions : What was God’s original purpose for the earth and mankind ? Prove yourself trustworthy . 4 : 13 . The constant dust and wind made life miserable . How did Barzillai manifest modesty ? The Lord Jesus said that about a new convert to Christianity , the Jewish man who became known as the apostle Paul . Understandably , then , it can be difficult to know what to say to someone who is overwhelmed by grief . Paul’s opposers tried in various ways to turn the common people and the authorities against the apostle . He is its Source . Abraham made sure that his son Isaac married a worshipper of Jehovah . Could you similarly encourage publishers , pioneers , and older brothers and sisters whose strength is failing ? But the Bible’s description of faith involves more , as the next article will show . But you may wonder why Paul would stress to anointed Christians the danger of living “ according to the flesh . ” Regarding those cities , Jehovah said : “ They will serve as a refuge for you . ” Once I accompanied Brother Finch on a preaching trip to northern Pakistan . “ Whoever approaches God must believe that he is and that he becomes the rewarder of those earnestly seeking him . ” ​ — HEB . Jehovah told Elijah : “ Because he has humbled himself before me , I will not bring the calamity during his lifetime . For example , the Mishnah ( Keritot 1 : 7 ) records an occasion in the first century C.E . when the price of a pair of sacrificial pigeons rose to a golden denar . Jack , who lives in the United States , sold his large home and business because he knew that doing so would make it possible for him to pioneer with his wife . And a child’s native language will not necessarily remain the language of his mind or even of his heart . As you share in that form of service , you may find that people often react favorably to a pleasant smile and greeting . We would like everyone to benefit from them . Such love unites people of all backgrounds , races , and tongues in happy association to serve Jehovah “ shoulder to shoulder . ” Of course , we cannot completely avoid people with ungodly traits . Finally , we have to rely on Jehovah for strength to face the issue . Just as nourishing food strengthens the physical body , feeding our mind on Christ’s thinking fortifies our spirituality . Jehovah is complete . Make suitable application of the study material so that each member of the family benefits . ​ — Ps . Persecution has caused some refugees to become withdrawn , and they may feel ashamed to talk about their suffering , especially in the presence of their children . Frequent meditation on Jehovah’s goodness can strengthen our conviction that his rulership is best . 23 Discipline ​ — Evidence of God’s Love 15 : 22 . Read Matthew 6 : 28 - 30 . Will I be “ a source of great comfort ” to the congregation ? ​ — Col . We may run into people who are “ boastful , haughty , blasphemers , . . . slanderers , without self - control , fierce . ” What a delight to visit brothers in over 90 countries ! The Jews especially resented this tax . Thus I learned about languages in which our magazines were printed in Brooklyn and sent to other parts of the world . Many are so wrapped up in their mundane affairs of life that they are not “ conscious of their spiritual need . ” Today , John still has a scar on the forefinger of his right hand where he cut himself some 60 years ago . If you are a Christian youth , why not make it your aim to take an interest in older ones ? Job did not know why he was suddenly suffering so many trials , but he never gave up . Romans 8 : 6 answers clearly : “ Setting the mind on the spirit means life and peace . ” Our inherited imperfection does not need to prevent us from enjoying Jehovah’s friendship or continuing to serve him . Paul adds : “ For [ God ] has said : ‘ I will never leave you , and I will never abandon you . ’ 3 : 2 ; 3 John 5 . But you may wonder , ‘ Why would anyone hold back ? ’ Then the Governing Body asked us to look for property on which to build a new , larger facility . Nevertheless , despite the imperfections of these men , the Israelites were expected to follow their lead . Why are you determined to seek spiritual riches ? What other religious group has continued to preach the good news during these momentous last days ? In addition to being commissioned King and High Priest , Jesus was assigned to “ build the temple of Jehovah . ” At first , life in prison did not change Hans ’ aggressive personality . Yet , at one point David confided in Nathan as you might confide in a friend . What might older ones and younger ones , as well as their wives , do to help maintain the peace and unity of Jehovah’s organization ? And the gap between rich and poor is widening . 5 I Did Not Want to Die ! 11 : 31 . He taught me to operate a portable phonograph so that we could play records containing short Bible talks . 37 : 4 . One reason why our heavenly Father has kindly arranged for us to have regular meetings is that we can give and receive encouragement there . Willful murderers were put to death by the victim’s nearest male relative , known as “ the avenger of blood . ” He trusted in Jehovah’s mercy and forgiveness . Then started the adjustment to a new people , a new land , and even a new language . Why should we speak the truth ? Jesus explained a principle that helps us to know whom we should obey . The Witnesses not only taught the Bible but also obeyed its teachings . As the work grew over the years , the Bethel facilities became too small . Our worship of him cannot be divided or shared with any other gods nor tinged with ideas or practices from other forms of worship . Although we may be very busy with theocratic and secular responsibilities , we all need to make time for personal study and family worship . Similarly today , our kindly demeanor can help “ all sorts of people ” recognize the truth and sense how much Jehovah loves them . ​ — 1 Tim . And they were echoing the message contained in The Watchtower Announcing Jehovah’s Kingdom . The sisters asked if there was anything they could do to help . This reassured us that as long as we strove to remain faithful to God and put his Kingdom first , he would never fail us . Yet , Jehovah helped him , and in time , Moses developed courage to accomplish the work . Furthermore , Jehovah’s love characterizes his sovereignty . Satan used a combination of calamities and accusations in an effort to discourage righteous Job , but that cruel scheme failed . the accomplishment of God’s purpose ? Meetings were held in a brother and sister’s home that was ten miles ( 16 km ) away from where we lived . “ Go , . . . and Make Disciples of People of All the Nations , ” May A “ need ” is something you must have because your life depends on it . These were held in the woods , weather permitting . I also met young Juan Ardanez who like the Beroeans eagerly did research to confirm the truthfulness of the Bible message . In London , my congregation included many members of the London Bethel family . Looking back on her years of serving abroad , she states : “ Jehovah always provided what I needed and when I needed it . ” Is your health good or fragile ? Be aware of the danger of becoming unevenly yoked with an unbeliever ( See paragraph 10 ) At first , Pakistan was composed of West Pakistan ( now Pakistan ) and East Pakistan ( now Bangladesh ) . A young brother who often accompanied him thus learned that all in the congregation should feel loved . ​ — Rom . Other qualities displayed by people in the last days provide additional reasons for Christians to keep their distance from such people . 2 : 5 , 6 . Well , maybe you are trying to cope with the death of a loved one , deal with a serious illness , provide for your family in these hard economic times , or you may be facing opposition . Sam has helped me with that over the years . ” The Lamb is Jesus Christ , “ the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world . ” He knew that , among other things , God wanted him “ to declare good news to the poor . . . and a recovery of sight to the blind . ” Jehovah has promised to rid the earth of wicked people for all time . The two disciples who met the resurrected Jesus on the road to Emmaus also had unfulfilled hopes about the Messiah . What a powerful statement ! Still , by and large , people marry and raise children in spite of the challenges such choices bring . The second notable factor was the decision by a few courageous men at the dawn of the 16th century to translate God’s Word into the languages spoken by the common people . Practical wisdom can safeguard families . 6 Grounds on Which Jewish Religious Leaders Granted Divorce , No . 4 “ That is not the case at the convention of Jehovah’s Witnesses . . . . He should be treated “ just as a man of the nations and as a tax collector . ” Jehovah did not abandon Joseph ; neither will he abandon you ( See paragraph 13 ) To analyze the state of our spirituality , what else may be needed ? It so happened that it was his daughter , his only child , who came out to celebrate his victory with him . If you have an unbelieving mate , you may experience more than the usual stress and anxiety in your marriage . So think about what you want to do with your life . They did their best to reach my heart . Questions for reflection : It requires effort and self - sacrifice . Go in peace , and be healed from your grievous sickness . ” ​ — Mark 5 : 34 . Is it wrong for a Christian to grieve even while believing in the resurrection ? That is why Paul gave this warning : “ I am afraid that somehow , as the serpent seduced Eve by its cunning , your minds might be corrupted away from the sincerity and the chastity that are due the Christ . ” ​ — 2 Cor . “ To catch the train , I got up at 4 : 00 a.m . and I preached until 6 : 00 p.m . when the train departed for home . But instead of pursuing a prestigious position in medicine , she became a regular pioneer and has served in several countries with her husband . It would be good if he also made a friendly shepherding call on your family . It is also a time for sober reflection . Living up to one’s dedication involves hard work . That such malicious mischief occurred within the Roman Empire in ancient times indicates that the situation Jesus described was true to life . Since animals cannot learn about Jehovah , the spiritual fulfillment of this prophecy applies to people . As is clearly stated in those Terms , no one is permitted to “ post artwork , electronic publications , trademarks , music , photos , videos , or articles from this website on the Internet ( any website , file - sharing site , video - sharing site , or social network ) . ” Be determined not to declare war with your child over this issue , whether he is still quite young or he is now an adolescent . ( a ) How does Psalm 34 : 22 indicate that God’s servants need not be overwhelmed by guilt ? That person may be just as shy as I am . ” Jesus stated : “ Everyone who keeps on looking at a woman so as to have a passion for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart . We gratefully accept it as God’s message , even as the Christians in Thessalonica received God’s word and accepted it . ​ — 1 Thess . We must drive and work safely , even when we are building , maintaining , or traveling to places of worship . Even Jesus recognized that preaching in his “ home territory ” was a challenge ​ — a fact recorded by all four Gospel writers . ​ — Matt . Faith is reinforced by hope . As a group , the Sanhedrin was hostile to Jesus . 1 : 27 , 28 ; 2 Tim . When we share the Kingdom message with others , we have a fine opportunity to do “ good toward all . ” Jim relates : “ I told the brothers that they were not loving , and I left the meeting . ” However , by the third century B.C.E . , many Jews no longer understood Hebrew . We should keep exercising our faith in Jehovah’s promises . * In the congregation , why should there be no distinction based on race , nationality , or social status ? Paul used as an example the Israelites who had been saved out of Egypt . 24 - 26 . 1 : 11 , 12 . If Jesus was willing to sleep under the stars when necessary , then we should be happy to do the same if our assignment requires it . ” God expelled them from Eden , and they had no hope of ever returning . 32 : 28 . Disease : Some diseases have been controlled . She never gave up hope . 13 : 15 . Consider what occurred in 1973 . ( See paragraphs 11 - 13 ) Yet , we can improve our singing by applying some basic suggestions . By our conduct . [ 1 ] ( paragraph 7 ) Among the points Jesus covered were the following : ( 1 ) Preach the right message . Arthur Matthews and I met in 1946 . However , they retained the right to exercise the gift of free will . This article explains why the best decisions are made when we allow Jehovah God’s thinking to be the determining factor . Similarly , Jesus and his apostles later benefited from the generosity of the women “ who were ministering to them from their belongings . ” ​ — Luke 8 : 1 - 3 . 7 . Our neighbor and cousin , Nicolas Psarras , a newly baptized Witness , was conscripted into the Greek army . He chose her to be an ancestress of King David and even of the promised Messiah ! ​ — Ruth 4 : 13 - 17 ; Matt . Second , Paul mentioned his “ supplication to God for them . ” 4 , 5 . ( a ) What is involved in being patient ? His wife was then an unbeliever , and Gloria started a Bible study with her . They take their place near a bus stop and offer our Bible literature to passersby . Yet , Jesus commended his faithful apostles for sticking with him in his trials . Refreshed ​ — and better prepared to deal with life’s trials . How does Paul’s counsel to the congregation in Rome help us in dealing with disputes ? How can reflecting on the meaning of the Memorial emblems help us to promote unity ? What if married life proves to be more challenging than expected ? Should we not be diligent in making return visits and conducting Bible studies with interested ones ? You can also show understanding to those whose health and circumstances limit what they can do . Jesus , then , condemned the practice of taking oaths lightly . True Christians work against that trend . I am creating new heavens and a new earth ; and the former things will not be called to mind , nor will they come up into the heart . ” Of course , our brothers and sisters face some unusual challenges when preaching in an area that has such a high publisher - to - population ratio . By giving this list of qualifications , Jehovah reveals that he has a high standard for those who serve in an appointed capacity . Jehovah uses Christian elders to mold us , but we must do our part ( See paragraphs 12 , 13 ) As you reason with others , make good use of the tools available in your language ( See paragraph 5 ) 9 , 10 . As a result , we may be moved to ask ourselves , ‘ How can I grow as a spiritual person and enjoy more fully the benefits described above ? ’ “ My classmates talk freely about the things that they do . I should feel free to do the same . Actually , we faced other significant challenges . Of course , this does not mean that we sit back and do nothing , simply waiting for Jehovah to correct the situation or solve the problem . You do not have to be in Jesus ’ physical presence to benefit . SONGS : 141 , 134 Imagine , then , the angels shouting the same message to you : “ Do not be fooled by Satan’s lies ! ” “ Jehovah our God is one Jehovah . ” The apostle Paul also considered encouragement to be very important . Then Walter started a Bible study with the chief of police . In the Ten Commandments , Jehovah made clear that his people must have no other gods besides him and that they must not practice any form of idolatry . God will similarly give us strength to stand firm against opposition , apathy , and anxiety so that we can carry out our preaching work . What adjustment has been made in how elders and ministerial servants are appointed ? When in Israel , Ruth proved to be honest and hardworking , diligently gleaning as arranged for in the Law . Consider the law given to Israel regarding the seizing of a man’s garment as security for a loan . We truly marvel at what is being accomplished by God’s people in these exciting times in which we live . Yet , Jehoshaphat’s unnecessary dealings with Ahab almost cost him his life . “ When she told me what those few words meant to her , ” he observes , “ I was so glad I made the effort . Who will remain in place of wicked people ? When Jehovah began his creative works , he lovingly chose to bestow free will on his intelligent creatures . If they hurt us by their speech or actions , we can imitate the example of the apostles . Bringing up a child in “ the discipline and admonition of Jehovah ” is one of the greatest privileges a Christian parent can have . How did faithful ones in the past support the activities of Jehovah’s representatives financially ? As we “ put forth all earnest effort ” to develop such qualities as self - control , endurance , and brotherly affection , we will be helped to continue to move ahead as spiritually - minded individuals . The Truth book The fact is , we do not know . The next article considers that question . What can help us to avoid such pitfalls ? If certain friends influence you to do things that displease Jehovah , will you cut off association with them ? Help people spiritually . It is a financial sacrifice for the brother but a great help to the local publishers of little means . It represents our request to God for a good conscience . Therefore , when preaching to refugees , dress so as not to cause needless offense . When we had guests , we often played Bible games , and our children grew to love the Bible’s historical accounts . Nevertheless , your confidence in God’s promises is absolute ; your faith in a better future , unwavering . He was willing to make a decision , but what do you think of the decision he made ? How did that adverse reaction from the Jews affect Paul ? At the time of the birth , one of Jehovah’s Witnesses began to study the Bible with the woman . 1 Better Than Gold ( divine wisdom ) , Aug . We are sickened at heart when we learn of their horrible acts . ( b ) What specific challenges do those learning a new language face , and what questions does this raise ? Learn their language , explore their culture . Do not let it scare you or embarrass you ! “ The fruitage of the spirit is . . . self - control . ” ​ — GAL . But what if you feel that your heart is not in your activity , that you are just going through the motions ? Admittedly , it may take time for us to achieve proper balance in regard to how and to whom we render honor . Jesus found joy in every one of his assignments , and we can find joy in ours . And how can we “ let endurance complete its work ” ? ​ — James 1 : 4 . The same can be true of elders , missionaries , pioneers , and Bethel family members who receive a word of appreciation for their faithful service . Such hypocrisy might fool men , but not Jehovah . What convinces me that Bible standards are always for my own good ? ’ ​ — Isa . Haykanush and her husband explained that their honesty resulted from what they were learning from the Bible . Then Angie and I married , so I left Bethel , and for about three years , we pioneered on Staten Island . My mother was taught Bible truths by her mother , Emma Wagner . Faith in the resurrection does not eliminate the deep loss a Christian may feel . What is the highest form of love ? How can we give encouragement that is effective ? Historians refer to pagan Rome as having been “ Christianized ” in the fourth century . How did Jesus respond to the condition of the crowds who followed him ? Would you have compared the massive double walls of Babylon with Jerusalem’s broken - down walls , with large gaps where gates and watchtowers once stood ? In January 2001 , I received the phone call mentioned at the outset . The Bible does not set out grounds for marital separation . 15 : 1 . As we yield to the guidance of God’s holy spirit and align our thinking with Jehovah’s viewpoint as revealed in his Word , we will become more godly in our thoughts , words , and actions . That will bring you great joy , and it will seem to you that time is passing quickly . When we open our mouth wide and sing out , we are able to sing louder . ​ — w17.11 , p . God cares deeply for us and wants to spare us heartache . ​ — 1 Pet . Let us consider some Bible accounts that reinforce our confidence in Jehovah’s ability to do the unexpected in our behalf . We also need faith in Jehovah’s Word and in his way of doing things , trusting God’s inspired counsel . So he may have surmised that a spirit creature had spoken with Eve through the serpent . It is very encouraging to see so many newly appointed brothers , like you , making spiritual progress . You can avoid much anxiety by heeding the apostle Paul’s inspired counsel to be “ content with the present things . ” Are you one of the other sheep who supports the anointed in this vital work ? We were sent to the “ colored ” congregation , which had only about 14 publishers . Unlike such heartless and vain qualities , the love we desire to develop “ does not look for its own interests . ” ​ — 1 Cor . It was about an earthquake in Sumatra that in 2004 triggered the most devastating tsunamis in recorded history . “ Complicated ” is surely the right word . In the Christian Greek Scriptures , we are told : “ As long as we have the opportunity , let us work what is good toward all ” ; and “ to the extent that each one has received a gift , use it in ministering to one another . ” Our actions thereby prove our sincerity and give Jehovah something to bless . 3 They Offered Themselves Willingly ​ — In Turkey For example , if we feel hurt by the words or actions of a fellow Christian , we can try to recall occasions when we spoke or acted unkindly . You may have to go through very difficult times , and you may feel overwhelmed by your problems . The apostle Paul felt this pain and agony deeply . Elders in particular strive to be conscious of both their own safety and the safety of those working around them . Sadly , though , even some loyal servants of Jehovah have become infected with pride . Sometimes we can become so consumed by our problems that we overlook the many blessings we have . As we get closer to the end , we can expect governments to put more and more pressure on us to take sides . It involves the way we think and feel about our trials . Do we find it difficult to yield , or are we known as those who are “ making peace ” ? ​ — Jas . A SISTER who is a regular pioneer and is married to an elder , says : “ Despite maintaining a good spiritual routine , I have struggled with anxiety for many years . 20 Encourage One Another “ All the More So ” A good way to get answers to such questions is , of course , to talk to these brothers and sisters . Remember , any sacrifice we make to keep our integrity to Jehovah is worth it . He referred to himself as being like a husband to that ancient nation . Over the years , they have had to care for Rose’s father , who needed around - the - clock attention . MEMORIAL ATTENDANCE ( 2017 ) 5 : 20 , 21 . “ All you need is a personal relationship with God . ” The article “ Gospel of the Kingdom , ” in the July 1 , 1920 , issue of The Watch Tower , was what A . Disclaiming honor for himself , Moses expressed his desire that the same spiritual gifts be shared by all of Jehovah’s servants . What a fine example of faith and obedience ! For example , we had to learn to use appliances and utensils that were unfamiliar to us . He did what was right and “ searched for Jehovah with all his heart . ” How ironic that in committing such evil crimes as murder , religious fanatics violate the very laws of the One whom they claim to worship ! It shows that both of them were more concerned with Jehovah’s will than with satisfying their personal desires . What do we learn from these events ? Knowing this will help us to cope . I never had a formal language course , but I learned by listening to brothers in the field service and at the meetings . Two basic steps will help : Prepare well , and do not give up sharing what you know with others . In Liberia , Peter customarily took our literature to school . One factor that keeps many from singing with a full voice is fear . 13 . At the convent , our job was cleaning . Rather , “ there were many of them who were following [ Jesus ] . ” 9 , 10 . ( a ) Why did the Jews not have reason for racial pride ? We may think of a child who gives a gift to his parents from the small allowance they have given him . “ We enjoyed working with the congregation so much , ” says Hans , “ that we extended our stay . ” As never before , Peter’s counsel to Christians applies : “ Be hospitable to one another , ” a delightful and needed course that will have no end . ​ — 1 Pet . Try to read a portion of the Bible each day , and make time for personal study as well as regular Family Worship sessions . ​ — Read Psalm 119 : 32 . Others were separate forms of a particular deity . When developing his illustration , Paul perhaps had in mind the armor worn by Roman legionnaires . Working Together With God ​ — A Cause for Rejoicing , Jan . In addition , it will refer to Scriptural principles that can help them to deal with conflict and maintain good relations with their neighbor and with Jehovah God . The Governing Body today has the colossal task of overseeing an international preaching work involving over eight million evangelizers . ( a ) Why do we keep sharing in the preaching work ? Similarly , Jehovah took note of me , the son of a poor farmer in Liberty , Indiana , and poured out rich blessings on me ​ — too many even to mention ! ( b ) What is a mark of Jehovah’s requirements ? “ Demetrius has been well - reported - on . . . Under what circumstances may we need to reflect Jehovah’s sense of justice ? Indeed , even now , our firm stand for God’s laws , such as those concerning marriage and sexual morality , has led to negative publicity in some lands . What is more , wives are to be in subjection to their husbands and children to their parents . Have I considered the climate and the culture ? And how can parents cooperate with Jehovah in molding their children ? ( Read Luke 24 : 21 . ) During his Bible study , he may answer correctly . Enoch’s message , which will have its final fulfillment at Armageddon , surely reinforced Noah’s faith and hope ! Love for Jehovah motivates us to endure anything that he allows . She dearly loved her little boy , but now she would not be able to have everyday contact with him during his boyhood . In what ways is Jehovah our God “ one Jehovah ” ? This kind approach could touch the child’s heart . Of course , Jesus knew that corruption was common among tax collectors . We are awed by the knowledge that Jehovah , the greatest Person in the universe , manifests the appealing quality of humility . Paul was inspired to write to them : “ Neither go on presenting your bodies to sin as weapons of unrighteousness , but present yourselves to God as those alive from the dead , also your bodies to God as weapons of righteousness . ” But that is quite a different chapter for a future segment of the series “ From Our Archives . ” ​ — From our archives in Central Europe . IT CAME as a clarion call : “ Kingdom Publishers in Britain ​ — Wake Up ! ! ” Understandably , we are in a better position to cope if we can identify the causes of our problems or tribulations . 35 : 18 . Whom did he appoint ? 2 : 1 - 4 . Our showing compassion and kindness to all in the congregation may lead to what good results ? How might a Christian begin to ‘ set his mind on the flesh ’ ? John’s three letters contain further gems of truth . How can God’s Word help when we feel overwhelmed by trials ? They can ensnare us and distract us from our spiritual routine of studying the Bible , preparing for and attending meetings , and sharing regularly in the ministry . The cause , we know , was the slanderer Satan , who lyingly accused Job of worshipping God out of self - interest . Yes , on the basis of Jesus ’ sacrifice , Jehovah can accept humans back into his family without compromising his righteousness . Earlier on the same day that Jesus warned about the loss of love , he emphasized the most important love of all . Says Rune , a pioneer for 16 years : “ Knowing that I have been given the opportunity to be a witness for the Creator of the universe makes me grateful . In the late 19th century , Charles Taze Russell and some of his associates endeavored to reestablish true Christian worship . ( 2 ) How can we cultivate qualities that help us to remain soft and submissive ? However , the part - time job she needed did not come easily . Jehovah designed us that way . We love Jehovah and put our trust in him ; we choose to show our loyalty to him by living up to the standards clearly outlined in his own precious Book . By this time , John’s prejudice toward the Witnesses was beginning to melt , so he asked her about two topics on which his father’s beliefs differed from his ​ — whether Jesus is God and whether Christians should pray to Mary . Pioneering in 1952 Be determined to continue serving Jehovah . * And God chose not to reveal even the descriptive name of that enemy until some 2,500 years after the initial rebellion . We quickly settled into a good spiritual routine . In many respects , if we let others make our decisions , we are essentially deciding to “ follow them . ” By means of the ransom , we can serve our God with a clean conscience and find real delight in doing so . ​ — Ps . 11 , 12 . ( a ) Why is having the right motive for putting on the new personality so important ? God’s Word assures us that Jehovah has eagerly anticipated ​ — has had an earnest longing for — ​ the time when he will bring them back to life . How did I come to be in this predicament ? Others may be devastated by the recent breakup of their marriage . The beans are spread to dry under the sun . Personality differences may neutralize your good intentions to extend hospitality . SONGS : 95 , 97 Each year , this observance is the most amazing unifying event that takes place on planet Earth ! We might think that would be understandable in the light of all that he had suffered . You can imagine how easy it would have been for Asa to become anxious and fearful and to let his hands drop down in defeat . ( a ) Why did God’s people need correction and discipline between 1914 and 1919 ? What overall purpose did the Law serve ? Currently , as we are considering this article as a congregation , we are striving to invite as many people as possible to the Memorial of Christ’s death . But the Bible shows that he is selective when it comes to foreknowing future events . How good it is to reflect on how Jehovah is rewarding you at this time and how he will reward you in the future ! ( See opening picture . ) ( b ) What shows that James and John did not fully get the point ? WHY should we intensify our efforts to be encouraging ? ( c ) What gifts strengthen us today ? Although we were Catholic , Grandfather was open - minded about religion and collected religious literature that his friends gave him . But whatever method we use , reading these scriptures carefully and meditating on them will deepen our love for Bible truth . ​ — Read Psalm 1 : 2 . Still , applying the Bible’s advice , we worked out our differences and enjoyed success as pioneer partners . As his love for Jehovah increased , he began to make fine spiritual progress . In other words , we were designed to do God’s will . I felt even more proud of being one of Jehovah’s people , and I thank him for this wonderful privilege . ” If we are not careful , however , secular work could interfere with our worship . Under its influence , says one scholar , men and women have been “ quite easily led into the most preposterously dangerous behaviour ” ​ — such as ‘ genocide , war , racist hysteria , religious intolerance and many other forms of irrational behaviour . ’ ​ — Easily Led — ​ A History of Propaganda . 16 , 17 . They were obligated to read the Law daily , write a copy of it , and “ observe all the words of this Law and these regulations by carrying them out . ” ​ — Read Deuteronomy 17 : 18 - 20 . Making wise decisions about what to wear will surely continue to bring glory to the One who clothes himself “ with majesty and splendor . ” ​ — Ps . To assist them , the branch office in Germany formed a legal department at Bethel in Magdeburg . How do you prepare to give a witness ? The Bible does not specify when their friendship began . Because of God’s mercy , we have a living hope that a new world will soon be here . What hope did the patriarch Job express ? During the hot , dry season in Israel , it may not rain for several months . ( b ) What can we learn from the way Abraham handled a problem ? When they reached adulthood , we considered the possibility of serving abroad . ” There are various reasons , but the prime reason is that the Bible condemns both practices . ​ — wp18.2 , pp . The Scriptures encourage all of us to make advancement . Copper : As mentioned , IUDs seem to make it difficult for sperm to survive passing through the uterus to reach an egg . Note these expressions made by circuit overseers : “ When I work with such faithful brothers and sisters in the ministry , I feel energized by their example . ” Modesty can also help us to make good decisions even when we cannot fully know or control how things will turn out . What should members of Branch Committees or Country Committees , circuit overseers , and congregation elders do when they receive direction from God’s organization today ? 15 : 51 , 52 . Indeed , she stayed focused on Jehovah’s purpose . She admitted that she felt devastated , for she realized that her desire would not be satisfied in this system of things . Furthermore , unlike those who are lovers of themselves and who are interested only in receiving , Jehovah’s servants find delight in giving of themselves for the welfare of others . ​ — Acts 20 : 35 . Immediately after this incident with Lot , Jehovah promised Abraham great blessings . The second article explains how we can strengthen our faith by being firmly convinced that God rewards those who earnestly seek him . How pleased Jehovah will be as he observes our whole - souled efforts to “ keep bearing much fruit ” ! He wrote : “ We have never stopped praying for you and asking that you may be filled with the accurate knowledge of [ God’s ] will in all wisdom and spiritual comprehension , so as to walk worthily of Jehovah in order to please him fully as you go on bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the accurate knowledge of God . ” Since its appointment in 1919 , the faithful slave has prepared spiritual food for God’s people ( See paragraphs 10 , 11 ) Paul had taken time to teach Timothy his “ methods in connection with Christ . ” Read Acts 8 : 35 , 36 . We should also give them extra support if they are facing tests of integrity day after day in school . Ask yourself : ‘ What governed my thinking the last time I faced such a situation ? What made the King James Version significant ? If someone says that certain laws should be removed or changed , we do not take sides , and we do not insist that the person change his opinion . 12 : 9 ; Gen . Some of them were instinctive , but they were limits nonetheless . She says : “ Missionary life taught me to be more self - sacrificing , loving , and patient . It helps us to avoid having an inflated opinion of ourselves if some honor comes our way . While in London , I met Albert Schroeder . These creations do not have to spin thread and sew or weave garments for themselves . Should we be surprised that many in modern times have made remarkable changes as a result of studying God’s Word ? Why are you thankful for the counsel in Romans chapter 8 ? John wrote : “ This is [ God’s ] commandment : that we have faith in the name of his Son Jesus Christ and love one another . ” ​ — 1 John 3 : 23 . In the battle , Jehoshaphat narrowly avoided being killed . I was permitted to help her at one place so that she could get done in half the time . Every meeting helps us to learn more about Jehovah . This article shows how Bible principles can be applied in order to settle differences with others . Serving Jehovah , though , has brought me the greatest happiness and sense of accomplishment . ” We have also tried to make the necessary adjustments and serve our brothers well . Let us now consider two ways to help them . If you share a simple meal together , they will long remember your hospitality . What prevented Joseph from succumbing to her repeated advances ? With regard to exercising patience , Jehovah does not expect us to do something that he is not willing to do himself . In answer , Peter said : “ Yes , Lord , you know I have affection for you . ” I could visit my family only on holidays and during summer vacations . ( Easily Led ​ — A History of Propaganda ) The Assyrians , for example , dominated their enemies with “ a policy of terror coupled with one of propaganda , ” wrote British Professor Philip M . We act as he wants us to and thus maintain integrity to him . They did not force the different ethnic groups of their empire to give up their religions , except when it seemed that there was a danger to the State or to morality . How can children become a source of comfort ? In a very short space of time , Job’s life changed dramatically . Misunderstandings should be cleared away as soon as possible . Had you lived in Eli’s day , how would you have reacted to Eli’s toleration of the sins committed by his sons ? SONGS : 136 , 139 Jehovah God has obligated himself to reward his faithful servants , so he invites us to reach out for his blessing . How can we overcome the fear of using our voice to sing praises to Jehovah ? What should you do if you feel that you have a weak voice or perhaps a voice that is too high - pitched ? The original - language term literally means that he had been “ stolen . ” How does rendering honor to others help us ? The city’s reporters have moved on to this week’s event . 103 : 8 . It might be from the series “ The Bible Changes Lives , ” published in The Watchtower . 2 : 18 . Surely , no objective observer could conclude that Herod was chosen by Jehovah to be leader . Similarly , the modern - day fulfillment of Ezekiel’s prophecy points first to what would happen to those with a heavenly hope . Besides rebellious Israelites , who were affected by captivity in Babylon , and what limitations were placed on their ability to worship God acceptably ? Some years ago , when someone we will call Rose heard the Kingdom message , she was involved in a lesbian relationship . Some of those false gods were viewed as ruling over certain parts of nature . Brother Hughes spoke of the difficulty in reaching Catholic people in the Irish Republic . No doubt all of us have our favorite portions of the Bible . Unlike most of his Sanhedrin colleagues , he lived an honest , moral life and did his best to obey God’s commands . These articles will help us to appreciate the importance of Jehovah’s sovereignty and to understand how we can uphold it . Indeed , impartiality needs to be more than a veneer . Jehovah has entrusted the responsibility of providing spiritual food to “ the faithful and discreet slave ” alone . But whatever the outcome of such cases , the courage God’s servants display under trial makes God rejoice . 8 : 22 , 23 , 29 . What , though , can you do to strengthen the hands of others ? Why did Adam and Eve’s choice prove to be disastrous ? How can Paul’s example help those who struggle with feelings of unworthiness ? According to Bible scholars , the Hebrew and Greek words for “ daughter ” can be used metaphorically as an expression of “ kindness and tenderness . ” Jehovah accepted Paul for what he was , and He expected Paul to realize that about himself . We are not born with an inclination toward self - discipline . You will rest . ” In addition to sharing words of encouragement , how can the elders build others up ? Moreover , “ love is patient and kind . . . . What pressure he must have felt to do so from his Egyptian family , teachers , and counselors ! This supposed enemy , dressed in a military uniform , gave a message of peace to astonished French passersby . To do that , we do well to ask ourselves : ‘ Do I really believe that I am part of the only organization that Jehovah has approved to accomplish his will ? When they raided our village , they kidnapped three young Witnesses ​ — Antonio Tsoukaris , Ilias , and me . When their small car broke down and had to be abandoned , Brother Keltie ​ — who had a wooden leg — ​ continued his preaching trip , but now using a camel ! Paul advised Timothy : “ A slave of the Lord does not need to fight , but needs to be gentle toward all , qualified to teach , showing restraint when wronged , instructing with mildness those not favorably disposed . ” However , only Jehovah has the right to decide in the absolute sense what is good and what is bad , as symbolized by “ the tree of the knowledge of good and bad ” in the garden of Eden . “ Yes , ” I said , although I had never preached before . “ The God of all comfort . . . comforts us in all our trials . ” ​ — 2 COR . ( b ) What do we learn from Jesus ’ response ? Second , meditating on Jehovah’s love will help us to cultivate modesty . Do you see Jehovah as a loving Father and Friend who will come to your aid when you are in distress ? How , though , did Jehovah view Asa’s course ? While his discipline may include chastisement , it is never abusive or cruel . When their truck broke down , which happened often , they walked or cycled for days to the nearest town and then waited for weeks for replacement parts to arrive . Illustrate why it is proper for our freedom to have limitations . The parents of a 15 - year - old in South Africa said : “ The first thing that our daughter usually reads in Awake ! Lefèvre d’Étaples ( translator ) , No . No human could show greater love . They were Jehovah’s Witnesses , and they offered me that book . If this has happened to you , how can you regain your joy ? This self - centered kind of love is inconsistent with Christian love ; it stands in contrast with it . In saying “ Do not think I came to bring peace , ” Jesus meant that some of his listeners needed to think about the consequences of following him . Yet , to Moses , who was seeking reassurance of God’s backing , Jehovah emphasized instead qualities that underscore his willingness to help his servants . He opened up the preaching work among the Aborigines and helped to establish new congregations , becoming well - known and respected throughout the outback . We need to be at the Kingdom Hall in person if at all possible , associating regularly with the Christian congregation . 97 : 10 . No public transportation reached those places . ( Mexico ) , Aug . Multitudes were drawn to him because he calmed troubled hearts , strengthened the weak , and consoled the depressed . Even those who got baptized as adults face many unanticipated tests of faith . But “ for man there was no helper as a complement of him . ” Explain why faith is more than just a mental process . If that challenge describes your situation , we warmly commend you for your endurance . 72 : 12 , 13 . Yet , David knew that Jehovah would equip Solomon to handle the work given to him . Many in the Christian congregation may not have expected their loved ones to die this side of Armageddon . When dreams about a happy marriage do not come true , a person may feel dissatisfied , cheated , even bitter . 18 Serve Jehovah With a Complete Heart ! 11 : 3 . ( In those days , meals were served at conventions . ) John also wanted to help him deal with a serious problem . Jehovah , of course , is the righteous Judge . It was not easy arranging these showings , yet it was satisfying to see the fine response of the people as they got acquainted with the international aspect of Jehovah’s organization . When the battle of Armageddon begins , there will be no need for human volunteers to rout the enemy . Hence , Jehovah’s people throughout the world take local customs into account so as not to cause offense . ( Read Matthew 13 : 52 . ) A first step we can take is to approach Jehovah in earnest prayer . She acknowledges how a study of the Bible affected her , saying : “ I was molded with a new heart and mind . One source says that each cause for impurity would be subjected “ to questioning concerning the circumstances in which it may be contracted , how and to what extent it may be transmitted to others , the utensils and objects capable and incapable of becoming unclean , and finally , the means and rituals required for purification . ” Modern aviation equipment allows a pilot to use onboard navigation instruments and to keep in touch with air traffic controllers along the way so as to reach his planned destination . The Bible invites all sincere individuals to ask for his forgiveness , “ for he will forgive in a large way . ” A young person who focuses his life on the desire to please Jehovah gives special attention to the ministry . 104 : 1 , 2 . Joseph , however , is called “ a good and righteous man . ” However , we cannot avoid all contact with such people . * Our immediate response was , “ We’ll do that ! ” I regularly asked for and applied his advice . In addition , they widened out by extending hospitality , which strengthened the new bonds of friendship . After the elders had corrected him and helped him to regain a clear conscience , he said : “ I felt that I could breathe again . What idea is appealing to many people , and why ? To answer that important question , let us examine two of Jesus ’ illustrations in which he considers the need to “ bear fruit . ” And he could not escape the consequences of his mistakes . We enjoyed the schooling and expected to use our training back in Nebraska . When she turned 20 years of age , she moved to Quebec , Canada , where there was a great need for more pioneers . Why is reading the entire Bible an excellent goal ? After his baptism , did Kevin stop making changes in his life ? But this does not mean that giving birth or having children results in gaining everlasting life . SONGS : 126 , 28 Yet , for some reason they hold back from dedicating their lives to Jehovah and getting baptized . He showed restraint when he was serving in the house of Potiphar , the chief of Pharaoh’s guards . John encouraged Gaius to show hospitality again , for the apostle asked him to “ send [ the travelers ] on their way in a manner worthy of God . ” Or what if we are not part of the primary audience for a certain publication ? Have I progressed beyond basics to maturity , becoming full - grown as a Christian ? ’ The message written on the flying scroll next delivers a warning to those ‘ who make a false oath in God’s name . ’ Thankfully , though , Jehovah does not deal with us “ according to our sins , ” provided that we are repentant and in faith approach him humbly on the basis of Jesus ’ ransom sacrifice . “ I WAS 15 years old when I got baptized , and six months later I began sharing in the auxiliary pioneer service . Because we see what Satan is trying to do to Jehovah’s name and reputation , we feel more compelled to teach others the truth about our God . Note this experience from the Caribbean island of St . Who will feed them and care for them ? ( 3 ) Use good illustrations . It is by being invited to draw close to God and his Son . Although Peter’s error in judgment may have been painful for the Gentile members of the congregation , Jesus , who is head of the congregation , continued to use him . But he was still showing that “ the peace of God ” was with him . ​ — Phil . ( a ) What reason for preaching is found at John 15 : 8 ? How can you assist the sick and the elderly ? Making good on his threat , my father left . For the first time , Mexican radio stations carried the good news throughout the country . In a short time , the size of the branch property had more than tripled . 10 - 12 . ( a ) How may Satan have used bait to trap his angelic brothers ? Granted , there are degrees of sin , and some offenses are very hard for imperfect humans to forgive . Other students see the importance of getting baptized after learning Bible truth when advanced in years ​ — some being over 100 years of age ! Understandably , Rachel at one point cried out in triumph : “ With strenuous wrestlings I have wrestled . . . Whenever we experience great difficulties , we will remain joyful if we meditate appreciatively on what Jehovah has done for us . In 2007 the Governing Body placed the schools taught at Bethel under the new Theocratic Schools Department , and for some years I was privileged to be the overseer . Because he would not bear arms , he was sentenced to a ten - month term in the Kingston Penitentiary in Ontario , Canada . Then the group went into the field . Consider a few of the warning signs . Today , he promotes interest in the demons not only through false religion but also through the entertainment industry . A WINEGROWER went to the marketplace early one morning to hire men to work in his vineyard . When asked to close the evening by saying something about his many years in Jehovah’s service , Brother Franz commented : “ My recommendation is : Stay with Jehovah’s visible organization through thick and thin . Having such a disposition makes for a more caring parent , a better spouse , and a better friend . I am innocent of any offense . . . . We might be drawing attention to ourselves in inappropriate ways . Instead of giving my wife her address , Apun took note of our address . How thankful we are for the many construction volunteers who work on projects tirelessly ! The apostle Paul was a fine example . To remain humble , we need to set aside time to meditate daily on what we read in God’s Word . And our children loved memorizing Scripture texts . Like his father , Asa , Jehoshaphat maintained his devotion to God even when threatened by an overwhelming enemy force . He spared the life of Agag , an enemy of God’s people , and he also spared the best of the flock . Raised by the daughter of Pharaoh , Moses could have set his goals on attaining prominence or economic security . In part , God said : “ You must not steal , you must not deceive , and you must not deal falsely with one another . ” Jesus was sent to provide comfort for “ the brokenhearted ” and “ all who mourn . ” Like faithful Hannah , who probably lived during his time , Jephthah had to keep his promise , even though he knew what it meant for his daughter and himself . What did Elihu say about our efforts to serve Jehovah , and what did he mean ? Over the years , the merchant had no doubt bought and sold hundreds of pearls . This would be a fine way to “ follow the course of hospitality . ” ​ — Rom . Her faith in the resurrection kept her strong . As we have seen , he has the right to rule , and his way of ruling is the best . It helped God’s people to keep righteous principles in mind in handling family matters and other concerns while it served as a guardian leading to the Messiah . Hannah poured out her soul to God and vowed : “ O Jehovah of armies , if you look upon the affliction of your servant and remember me and you do not forget your servant and give to your servant a male child , I will give him to Jehovah all the days of his life , and no razor will touch his head . ” There is the danger of becoming consumed with what amounts to trivia . While likely in his late teens or early 20 ’ s , the young man Timothy submitted to painful circumcision in order to avoid stumbling Jews to whom he was going to preach . Jephthah was a mighty warrior , and he knew Israel’s history and the Mosaic Law very well . “ They practice what they preach . ” To learn the name of the primary legal entity used by Jehovah’s Witnesses in the country where you live , please contact the branch office . For these reasons , it becomes clear how important it is to learn to think as Jesus does . Being imperfect , we make the same mistakes again and again . Trials and tribulations will continue as long as we are imperfect and are in this system under Satan’s control . Is there sound reason to believe that Jehovah maneuvers the events of our lives in such specific ways ? ( b ) How can you overcome awkward feelings about approaching individuals from another culture ? In January 1965 , contact was finally made with the branch office . In what ways am I already applying in my life the principle contained in this portion of God’s Word ? Paul , who certainly appreciated that fact , said : “ The undeserved kindness of God has been manifested , bringing salvation to all sorts of people . ” ​ — Titus 2 : 11 . If you had traveled with them , how would you have felt when you first caught sight of Jerusalem , your new home ? 6 : 22 . Why condemn having sex outside marriage ? ” Faithful anointed ones do not need to receive this mark for survival . In time , Bible languages fell into disuse by the masses , and the church opposed efforts to translate God’s Word into the common tongues . And we may most keenly feel the need for divine help when we have a disagreement with a member of the congregation . Today , we are blessed to be the only ones on earth called by God’s name . If a child is unsure about some teaching , try not to react too strongly or to respond as if you were on the defensive . He cannot speed up the time . He lovingly assured them that he would help them to reestablish pure worship , but he also firmly warned them that he would not tolerate halfhearted worship . Hence , young and old alike look to them as role models , perhaps imitating their mannerisms , dress , or conduct . Allen is adapting to a new congregation nearly 900 miles ( over 1,400 km ) away from home . Whatever the case , they traveled for the sake of the good news . They would be blasphemers and betrayers , directing abusive , injurious speech against humans and even against God . What a joy it has been to serve with such faithful spiritual men ! ​ — Ps . I WAS raised in Graz , Austria . I went to church every day , and I even wanted to become a Catholic missionary like my cousin in Africa . They were survivors of the Battle of Dunkirk . If that ever happens to you , turn to Jehovah and his people for help so as not to allow yourself to be deprived of the prize . ​ — Read Psalm 34 : 18 ; Proverbs 13 : 20 . By speaking positively about their parents , young ones can help other youths view their own parents in a positive light . As Paul and Silas sing songs of praise , a series of totally unexpected events occurs . I felt that I was not alone . ” ( a ) How does the illustration of the sower apply to our ministry ? ( a ) What are some helpful guidelines for making wise decisions ? Many in Bible times had courage , and they made wise decisions that helped them to stay neutral . 3 Where Can You Find Comfort ? Paul urged his brothers to “ put on the breastplate of faith and love . ” Yet , that does not negate the parents ’ responsibility . We agree ! Sara , who lives in Colombia , experienced Jehovah’s saving power . Will my decisions help me to “ be peaceable ” ? What can immigrant parents do ? Humans , however , are imperfect and therefore struggle to maintain self - control . 73 : 23 , 24 . ( a ) How did the Septuagint and other early translations affect readers of God’s Word ? The firstborn son held an honored position and often became the next head of the household . What did angels do to assist Jesus ? In the heat of anger , General Bell said to Brother Rutherford : “ That bill did not pass because [ U.S . Many are young people who have been raised in the truth and who have chosen the best way of life . So , what could he do ? His example taught me that when a person humbles himself before God by accepting discipline , blessings just pour out ! ” Jehovah brought about the Flood of Noah’s day in order to destroy the wicked . Our attitude comes into the picture as we strive to increase the extent to which we let our light shine . Once their powers of discernment have become clouded , it becomes more difficult for them to distinguish right from wrong . What if singing is not customary in your family , culture , or environment ? For example , the public edition of The Watchtower discusses Scriptural topics in terms that a non - Witness reader can understand . How could Satan induce us to remove our helmet ? The soil represents man’s figurative heart . Wars : The two world wars took an estimated 60 million or more lives . They consider it an honor to address Jehovah as Father and to submit to him as their Potter . Yes , all of us should endeavor to look out for the interests of others , offering a “ consolation of love , ” “ spiritual fellowship , ” and “ tender affection and compassion ” to encourage our brothers and sisters . In contrast , we could be overcome by Satan , his evil world , and our imperfect flesh if we let our guard down and quit fighting . In 2010 the Ministerial Training School was renamed the Bible School for Single Brothers , and a new school was formed , the Bible School for Christian Couples . SONGS : 45 , 70 This diversity , however , can present issues that merit our serious consideration . What , though , can we individually do to preserve and promote that unity ? How are we personally reacting to that acceleration ? For example , in God’s Law to the Israelites there were rules that protected them against the openly immoral way of life of the nations around them . AS A God - fearing young man , my father , Arthur , hoped to become a Methodist minister . All four of them made mistakes , but they still gained Jehovah’s approval . If Jehovah takes a personal interest in his inanimate creation , imagine how he feels about you who serve him , not because you have been programmed to do so , but because you love him ! Crime : Although certain types of crime have decreased in some places , other types , such as cybercrime , domestic violence , and terrorism are increasing at an alarming rate . Though at the time Timothy was likely a teenager , he must have applied himself well . Hospitality need not be elaborate . Yet , as they walked away , it seemed as if the soldiers were staring right through them . Those words surely express the sentiments of all loyal Witnesses of Jehovah . Although it was not easy , they did all they could to continue meeting together . After a stop there and after selling some belongings , the four of us piled onto Bob’s motorcycle and sidecar and went in search of an automobile . At one facility , she spent 80 hours witnessing in just two and a half weeks . Because true joy is part of the fruitage of God’s holy spirit . In fact , using too many scriptures could result in none of them standing out in the mind of your listeners . Indeed , it is no exaggeration to say that Jehovah’s discipline teaches us how to live together forever in peace and harmony as a family under his fatherly care . Jehovah is aware of his servants ’ struggles in this regard , and he wants to help them dominate their sinful tendencies . Does he or she have adequate knowledge to make a valid dedication ? In 1991 , the activity of Jehovah’s Witnesses was given legal recognition . Proverbs 19 : 3 When Cornelius and his household received holy spirit , Peter acknowledged : “ Can anyone deny water to prevent these from being baptized who have received the holy spirit just as we have ? ” ​ — Acts 10 : 47 . While political issues stir people up , divide them , and provoke senseless violence , we maintain our peace and unity . 1954 - 1956 — I spent two years in the U.S . 12 : 6 . 116 : 1 ; 136 : 24 - 26 . The Jews charged Paul with breaking Roman law in at least three ways . If after some effort it seems that more is needed , could Matthew 18 : 15 be applied in principle ? LIKE the apostle Paul , spirit - anointed Christians today have the precious prospect of receiving “ the prize of the upward call of God . ” You may wonder , ‘ How can we know what Jehovah approves of if his Word provides no specific command on the matter ? ’ However , when we consider a few of the many possible answers to the following questions , we will see that this list of qualifications can benefit all of us in a number of ways . “ Whoever refreshes others will himself be refreshed . ” ​ — Prov . Even if a person spends hours praying over a matter of deep concern , Jehovah does not keep track of the time . He continually sought Jehovah’s direction by consulting God’s Law . For example , a baptized adolescent may seem attracted to the things of the world or may begin to question the wisdom of living by Bible principles . How does the disciple - making work provide a fine education ? As a result , in both instances such happiness applies to the same people ​ — those “ whose God is Jehovah ! ” The same is true for Christians in these “ last days . ” ​ — 2 Tim . “ YOU saw a lot of casual clothing , especially when it was hot , ” reported a Dutch newspaper regarding a meeting of church leaders . Noah’s faith in that warning moved him to build the ark , thus saving his household . ​ — Heb . Above all , we have come to know Jehovah and now experience his fatherly love . ​ — Jas . What guarantee do we have that Jehovah will protect his organization as the great tribulation approaches ? When I get up in the morning , I say to myself , ‘ It’s great ​ — I’m going preaching today ! ’ ” When you quicken your pace , so does your pursuer . Most differences between Christians can and should be resolved privately by the individuals concerned . She said : “ I know he will rise in the resurrection on the last day . ” Jehovah wants you to be his friend . It is futile to sacrifice the pursuit of Kingdom interests in order to maintain a materialistic lifestyle . Each of those decisions came with certain privileges and responsibilities . Jesus was “ from the offspring of David according to the flesh , ” and Paul saw the Jews as “ relatives according to the flesh . ” ​ — Rom . So he said to Nathan the prophet : “ Here I am living in a house of cedars while the ark of the covenant of Jehovah is under tent cloths . ” Thus you will need to manifest patience and perseverance in teaching your children . Today , we would say that he should be disfellowshipped . Pray to Jehovah in full faith , knowing that he cares for you . For the past 15 years , they have helped José and Rose , who are now in their mid - 80 ’ s . Whether we are young or old , we can ask ourselves these questions : ‘ Do I notice changes in myself that indicate that I am moving toward becoming a spiritually - minded person ? Do you also feel that way about worshipping Jehovah ? Yíaros prison was a huge red - brick fortress holding more than 5,000 political prisoners . Meanwhile , thanks to the ransom , we are permitted to worship our loving God . Love “ hopes all things , ” including that those who have left Jehovah will come back to him . Stealing of any kind has no place among Christians ( See paragraphs 5 - 7 ) Apun visited us three months later . Many stores cater to popular fashions , so it may take more time and effort to find modest skirts , dresses , and blouses or suits and slacks that are not too tight . Yet , when we were at our lowest ebb , our circuit overseer , Neville Bromwich , arrived at our door . Among the exiles were faithful servants of God who had done nothing deserving of punishment , but they had to suffer along with the rest of the nation . Pray , and then you will receive the peace of God . What Noah could not do : Although Noah faithfully preached Jehovah’s warning message , he could not force wicked people around him to accept that message , nor could he make the Flood come any sooner . But we can be sure that to our heavenly Father , our displaying honesty and his other qualities is certainly worth more , yes much more , than any precious gems ! While Christians may take reasonable steps to ensure their personal security , they do so within the framework of Bible principles . 7 , 8 . ( a ) When someone sins against you , how can you imitate Jehovah ? SONGS : 8 , 54 And how can we cultivate this desirable quality , so that we remain modest even under pressure ? Jesus . A person who shows compassion is moved to relieve others ’ suffering , perhaps by helping them out of their difficulties . We can show we care about our brothers by meeting together to encourage one another . Realistically , it may not be possible for some immigrant parents to become fluent in their children’s new language . “ Talk with experienced missionaries and pioneers . The city offered him an opportunity to work , to help others , and to serve Jehovah in peace . For a number of years , Walter and I were not in a position to pioneer . We had to care for a family . Jesus was not alone in condemning these abuses . Indeed , contemplating the blessings that Jehovah sets before his people helps all of God’s servants to keep their eyes on the prize , whether they have the heavenly or the earthly hope . ​ — 1 Cor . On certain matters , two different Christians with Bible - trained consciences might come to opposite conclusions . He generously gave Adam and Eve a variety of precious gifts that enabled them to enjoy life . ( b ) What will this article consider ? 24 : 21 , 22 ; Luke 12 : 15 . 13 , 14 . ( a ) Why did one immigrant couple move their family to a local - language congregation ? And we remain “ innocent ” when we stay neutral in those difficult situations . When I met Maria , I liked her right from the start . Or do I instead look for ways to be generous toward brothers and sisters whom I do not know well or who have nothing with which to repay me ? ’ Let us have the same attitude as the apostle Paul , who said : “ We do not give up . ” ​ — 2 Corinthians 4 : 1 , 16 . Jehovah does not want any to be destroyed in the coming judgment . In some cases , you may choose to assign them to work with a younger companion who can provide physical support . The brochure was written to provide information on a variety of ways that gifts may be made now or later , such as through a bequest at death . All forms of stealing are offensive to Jehovah . ( b ) Why is forgiveness a test of humility ? Help me ! ” So we might ask , “ What is Jehovah primarily looking for in each of us ? ” After one brother lost his wife in death and he faced other painful circumstances , he said : “ I learned that we cannot choose our tests , neither their time nor their frequency . But what happened when Jehoshaphat associated with Ahab , who had no love for Jehovah ? After reminding his brothers of their marvelous hope , Paul wrote : “ Deaden , therefore , your body members that are on the earth as respects sexual immorality , uncleanness , uncontrolled sexual passion , hurtful desire , and greediness . ” Apparently , Silas too was a Roman citizen . ​ — Acts 16 : 37 . What can you do to help such ones come to know Jehovah and his purpose ? We also considered the value of cultivating the fruitage of his spirit , sharing our feelings with a trusted confidant , and drawing strength from upbuilding Christian association . Remember that even a once perfect spirit creature sinned because he allowed himself to become filled with pride . He did not elevate himself above others but showed brotherly concern for all , rich and poor . Peter repeatedly denied even knowing Jesus . The apostle Paul collected funds as a relief ministration for the brothers in Judea . How can you resist his propaganda ? One professor of chemistry said that among the things needed would be ( 1 ) a protective membrane , ( 2 ) the ability to get and process energy , ( 3 ) information in the genes , and ( 4 ) the ability to make copies of that information . What motivates God to forgive so freely ? As a result , they are no longer overwhelmed with feelings of despair or anger over what they see happening around them . “ Such was God’s gracious way . ” 4 : 9 - 11 . We would not want to make it difficult for fellow believers to heed that counsel . But no ideology can stop the Word of God from reaching the hearts of honest people . Because we are living deep in “ the last days , ” we are experiencing “ critical times hard to deal with . ” In prophetic terms that would prove to be of comfort to the Jews held captive in Babylon , Jehovah stated : “ Do not be afraid , for I am with you . At the time , there were no Witnesses in Mistelbach , the town where I was to serve . One scholar wrote the following about the person who has an all - consuming pride : “ In his heart there is a little altar where he bows down before himself . ” At the very least , families and congregations become havens of peace . He no doubt learned much from his relatives . Therefore , it is urgent to meet our refugee brothers as soon as possible after their arrival . 10 : 24 , 25 . But reflect on the fact that once he gained appreciation for the truth about Jesus ’ role in the outworking of God’s purpose , Paul acted . Jehovah could have stressed his power or his wisdom . Because marriage is sacred . We will also examine what those who have been in the truth for many years can do to keep off the old personality . Using these worksheets , you can prepare an answer to one question after another . ​ — Read 1 Peter 3 : 15 . In fact , there was a time when she held some of her studies as a group because her students lived quite near to one another . 6 : 1 . We must confess our sins to him . Doing what God asked him to do made Jesus happy . Psalm 40 : 8 expresses his feelings : “ To do your will , O my God , is my delight . ” John therefore told Gaius and , by extension , each of us : “ Do not imitate what is bad . ” ​ — 3 John 11 . Some decisions are weightier than others . “ Throw all your anxiety on [ Jehovah ] , because he cares for you . ” ​ — 1 PET . How thankful we are to be blessed with lasting inner peace ! Speaking of the heavenly resurrection , the Bible says that those who will experience that will be raised “ each one in his own proper order . ” study guides are excellent tools to help both young ones and adults to understand and explain Bible truths . Although the branches in this illustration refer to those who are in line to receive heavenly life , the illustration contains lessons that benefit all of God’s servants . If your parents never corrected you , would you not wonder if they really cared about you ? I was later transferred to a circuit that covered the entire Bicol region . How did Hannah find relief from distress ? Such a gift would be considered a bribe , even if the gift did not change the outcome of the official action . Also , when relaxing at the beach or at a swimming pool , the style of swimwear we use should be modest . Indeed , we receive the very best instruction from God , such as when we read and meditate on real - life Bible accounts . 23 Who Is Leading God’s People Today ? She says : “ If you want an exciting ministry , serving in a foreign - language congregation is for you . Today , both Matthew’s and Luke’s genealogical records remain a part of the foundation of our faith and a testimony to the sureness of the promises of God . He can humbly ask the elders for training and make himself available to help in whatever way is needed . Jehovah does not coerce us into loving him and serving him . We show our deep appreciation and gratitude when we accept Jehovah’s generous offer . Jesus highlighted their attitude toward offenders by relating an illustration of a Pharisee who prayed : “ O God , I thank you that I am not like everyone else ​ — extortioners , unrighteous , adulterers — ​ or even like this tax collector ” ​ — a tax collector who was humbly praying for God’s mercy . It is part of their God - given commission . ” ON THE following visit , the woman lashed out at Toñi again . Israel’s elderly king has received the architectural plan through inspiration and has given it to Solomon . We know that he can do whatever is needed to empower us to accomplish his will fully . What did Jehovah say in return ? How can God’s Word relieve our anxiety ? “ Kingdom Publishers in Britain ​ — Wake Up ! ! ” We spent a wonderful evening studying the Bible . A second example is that of a Jewish man who was persecuting Christians . We , in turn , can be certain that if we manifest heartfelt faith in Jehovah , he will keep his promise : “ I will never leave you , and I will never abandon you . ” “ Right now if possible , ” I replied . ( b ) When we are choosing entertainment , how can we know what is pleasing to Jehovah ? The elders want you to enjoy your new congregation , and they are ready to assist . Indeed , Jehovah’s Witnesses are often commended for adorning “ themselves in respectable dress , with modesty and good judgment . . . in the way that is proper for [ those ] professing devotion to God . ” “ Choose which one you want , ” they would say . He got baptized without delay . ​ — Read Acts 22 : 12 - 16 . While preaching from door to door , he met a bearded middle - aged man . In the days before the Memorial , how can we ‘ test whether we are in the faith ’ ? The great tribulation will begin when the political elements turn against all false religious organizations as represented by the prostitute called Babylon the Great . Read John 15 : 9 , 10 . Nobody should feel uncomfortable or forced to look the other way when seeing how we are dressed . SONGS : 134 , 133 Do you agree with it ? The relief will be immense ! The Jews did not feel like singing . Just as in the case of this brother , God will pick you up from a fallen state . His riveting Gospel account of Jesus ’ ministry has been a source of encouragement to Christians throughout the centuries ​ — and still is . However , the way Moses instructed and guided the people made it clear that he had superhuman help . SONGS : 25 , 18 What is needed for a person to stay free from pornography ? 3 Life Story ​ — Endeavoring to Mirror Fine Examples They were evidently admonished by the elders but persisted in disregarding the counsel . And why did he guarantee that it would survive ? However , after Jesus ’ death and resurrection , baptism would take on a much different meaning for his followers . But in the decades leading up to 1914 , anointed ones began to break free . ​ — w16.11 , pp . 29 : 9 . We cannot make God’s name more sacred . To help everyone to sing from the heart , some lyrics have been revised to improve clarity of thought and to remove words that are no longer in common use . Instead , the deputy warden said : “ We know who you are , and we respect your stand . How can I show them that I care ? Beyond the Gospel accounts of Jesus ’ burial , the Bible mentions Joseph of Arimathea no more , leading to the obvious question : What became of him ? He had to flee to the nearest city of refuge . Cain kills Abel ; Lamech kills a young man for striking him ; the shepherds of Abraham ( Abram ) and Lot quarrel ; Hagar despises Sarah ( Sarai ) , who becomes upset with Abraham ; Ishmael is against everyone and everyone’s hand is against him . ​ — Gen . ( b ) What will we discuss ? When donating for the construction of the temple , “ the people rejoiced over making these voluntary offerings , for they made the voluntary offerings to Jehovah with a complete heart . ” ( Read Psalm 34 : 22 . ) Nehemiah did not domineer over others ; rather , he served them at his own expense . ​ — Neh . Jehovah made all these remarkable changes possible . opportunities we have to extend hospitality ? The oldest ones among them had seen the former glory of the temple . Sometimes I feel depressed when I arrive at the Kingdom Hall . In fact , only three books of the Hebrew Scriptures , 1 Chronicles , Job , and Zechariah , mention Satan , which means “ Resister . ” If that is the case , take heart ! Yet , of all the people who have lived , who is the most outstanding example of a spiritual person ? Love would be a mark of Jesus ’ true disciples that would contribute to their unity . ​ — John 13 : 34 , 35 . Occasionally , however , there are youths who do not seem to have an answer . After several preaching trips to Balykchy , we discovered widespread interest there . Consider what happened when the following situation developed : At a social gathering attended by some Witnesses , two brothers were greeted by a certain sister in a way that one of them considered inappropriate . What are some benefits from using the tools that are available , and how have you benefited ? Doing so would help him maintain the proper perspective and , in turn , provide comfort . ​ — Ps . 94 : 19 , ftn . Although the Bible Students did not fully understand the issue of neutrality , their attitude and conduct stood in stark contrast with the views and actions of people who welcomed the war . In fact , he may have been in his late teens or early 20 ’ s when Jehovah said that he was just as righteous as Noah and Job . That training can help us to have the proper motivation , to set spiritual goals , and to fulfill our many Christian responsibilities . So rather than write off any friendship with that one or tend to avoid him , ask yourself : ‘ Is my brother doing something that is clearly wrong Scripturally ? As members of God’s household , we learn to think in terms of fulfilling roles in a family or as part of a congregation rather than achieving a rank or climbing a corporate ladder . ​ — 1 Tim . ( b ) What is produced by a wheat stalk ? Otherwise , we could actually be flattering the person or avoiding our responsibility to provide needed counsel . In what ways does Jehovah patiently teach us self - discipline ? What lesson was Paul teaching them ? Without any warning , they had been dragged by a mob to the marketplace to stand before a hastily convened court . 1 Adjusting to Your New Congregation , Nov . For example , how can we analyze the strength of our own spirituality ? Let us get acquainted with some of them . What did the unnamed prophet from Judah fail to do , and what was the result ? The apostle Peter explained that we can avoid becoming inactive in our service if we keep supplying to our faith knowledge , endurance , and godly devotion . ​ — Read 2 Peter 1 : 5 - 8 . In fact , a number of Bible scholars comment on the logic and good sense of the command . Paul’s comforting words are based on two fundamental truths . Joy , in contrast , is a deep - seated quality of the heart . While all of mankind are accountable to Jehovah , his name people are even more so . Toñi was not late for work . That report is as true today as it was back then . ​ — From our archives in Central America . Indeed , elders who try to readjust us in a mild and loving manner when we take “ a false step , ” perhaps unknowingly , reflect Jehovah’s love for us . ​ — Gal . This article will focus on the quality of compassion , a sympathetic awareness of another’s suffering or adversity coupled with a desire to lessen it . At the meetings , we receive the help of God’s holy spirit . A further consideration of Paul’s words recorded at 1 Corinthians 10 : 13 leads us to this conclusion : There is no Scriptural reason to believe that Jehovah assesses in advance what we can bear and then , based on such an assessment , chooses which trials will befall us . He stated : “ You wives , be in subjection to your husbands , as it is becoming in the Lord . After traveling over 3,700 miles ( 6,000 km ) by train , we arrived in the city of Tulun in Siberia . Rather than fret over the manner of discipline , try to recognize that there may be a reason for the way they act . As you meditate on a Bible passage , you might consider questions like these : ‘ How can I apply this information in my family ? The “ other sheep ” count it a privilege to help their anointed brothers in this ministry . In 313 C.E . , this apostate form of Christianity was granted legal recognition by the pagan Roman Emperor Constantine . In the Bible , discipline is often presented in an appealing light , at times alongside knowledge , wisdom , love , and life . What can you do to be ready ? Satan the Devil is bitterly angry and “ walks about like a roaring lion , seeking to devour someone . ” Then they would plead : “ Do not remember our error forever . One such associate was Hushai , whom the Bible refers to as “ David’s friend . ” 14 Life Story ​ — Determined to Be a Soldier of Christ What does Jehovah think about human governments ? A month before the burglary took place , Riana had started a Bible study with two Antandroy men . Imagine that ! In class at Gilead , I sat next to Martin Poetzinger . 23 : 12 ; Gal . Ask yourself : ‘ Do I give clear evidence of being one who does not hold grudges ? M . The woman insulted Toñi and berated her for not arriving earlier to care for the woman’s elderly mother . Surely all things are possible with Jehovah ! But Jehovah provides us with a wonderful hope . Give examples of the rewards that come from showing compassion in the ministry . First , ask God for his spirit , which produces love . Because needlessly worrying about our daily needs will not help us to live longer . 4 : 20 , 21 ; Ps . Two sisters share a timely message with a store owner in Montevideo , capital of Uruguay Who does not marvel at the intricacies of the human cell , the delicateness of a newborn baby , or the splendor of a gorgeous sunset ? Just as meditating on divine truth fortified Jesus to reject temptation , so applying Bible principles helps us to fight against materialistic desires . My father was 56 years old when I was born ; my mother was 35 . For just as we have in one body many members , but the members do not all have the same function , so we , although many , are one body in union with Christ . ” ​ — Rom . Electricians , plumbers , engineers , pilots , surgeons ​ — all of them depend on these laws in order to do their work . 26 : 53 . “ Let us by love grow up in all things into him who is the head , Christ . ” It is to cause our hands to slacken in the work of preaching the Kingdom good news . After he accidentally killed someone , a fugitive first had to “ present his case in the hearing of the elders ” at the gate of the city of refuge to which he had fled . His greatest act of love toward mankind was that of sending Jesus to suffer and die for us . Send me ! ” My eldest sister , Dorothy , and I were dismissed from the classroom during these sessions . In God’s eyes , Asa’s devotion was basically sound , satisfying divine requirements . Family heads are told : “ Do not be irritating your children , but go on bringing them up in the discipline and admonition of Jehovah . ” She did not let fear of others , including the king of Jericho and his men , paralyze her . Also , remember that the reading of the Scriptures touched Josiah’s heart and moved him to take action . ( a ) Jehovah blesses what kind of training ? When Nehemiah heard about the plight of the people in Jerusalem , he fervently prayed to Jehovah . When we have done all that we Scripturally can to remedy the situation , we need to leave the matter in Jehovah’s hands , confident that he will correct it in his own time and way . What steps must a Bible student take before baptism ? Did he lose out because of his generosity ? Ask others what scriptures and articles they have found to be especially helpful and encouraging . It will also deepen our love for the Author of the Bible , who provided it for our benefit . ​ — Mic . A brother from Sri Lanka , now living abroad , has made his property back home available for meetings and assemblies and for housing full - time servants . On the contrary , Jesus reassured Peter and the other apostles . 2 : 1 - 5 . The log cabin where I was born Where did the design for living cells come from ? 3 Being Faithful Leads to God’s Approval At a convention in 2006 , Daniel was deeply touched by a talk that raised the question : “ Are we doing all we can to help those who are ‘ staggering to the slaughter ’ to get on the road to everlasting life ? ” Servants of Jehovah seek the wisdom from above and are united in love ( See paragraph 19 ) How do we prove that our hope is alive and that we believe in the unseen things spoken of in God’s Word ? 6 : 10 ; Job 31 : 32 . 8 : 32 , 33 . Clearly , Jesus meant that we should always be willing to forgive ; this should be our first and predominant leaning . ​ — Matt . Over time , languages tend to change . ( Gen . The genuineness of our love can be tested by the Bible’s command to “ support the weak , be patient toward all . ” They moved to Cleveland , Tennessee , with two other sisters to serve where the need was greater . He was genuinely interested in their spiritual welfare , and he willingly expended himself in their behalf . The following year , we were asked to go to Kampala , Uganda , as the first missionaries in that country . JEHOVAH’S WITNESSES love the Bible . When we open our minds and hearts as we read the Bible and literature provided by Jehovah’s organization , we get a glimpse of the long - term results of our actions and can act accordingly . My father punished you with whips , but I will do so with scourges . ” ​ — 2 Chron . 28 “ Be Courageous . . . and Go to Work ” As has been true for many in the special full - time ministry , exciting and challenging assignments awaited Angie and me . In this article , we will answer three key questions . The article featured a picture of brothers on the streets of Mexico City . For instance , he carried on a lively and fruitful conversation with a woman at Jacob’s well near the city of Sychar . 10 , 11 . ( a ) What illustration could you use to help your child build faith in God ? Do you ? To direct and organize his people in ancient times , Jehovah used visible representatives . Since we all have the gift of free will , no two Christians will always make exactly the same decision . Third , each one of us is personally involved in the issue of integrity . Because we do not support human governments , we have a clean conscience when we preach that only God’s Kingdom will solve all mankind’s problems . 3 : 9 , 10 . 7 , 8 . ( a ) How does Jehovah lead the earthly part of his organization ? For example , consider Job 26 : 7 . 32 Subject Index for The Watchtower 2017 To benefit from Jehovah’s loyal love and to avoid his wrath , we have to hate what he hates . I am now 83 years old and continue to serve as an elder . Trials have served to refine our faith and strengthen our determination to maintain integrity . Most people are drawn to things that are clean and beautiful . Thus , Jesus warned his disciples : “ Pay attention to yourselves that your hearts never become weighed down with overeating and heavy drinking and anxieties of life . ” ​ — Luke 21 : 34 . Of course , Jehovah’s servants would never want to display hypocritical love . Many have lost loved ones and nearly all their possessions . The island is just eight miles ( 13 km ) long and 1.5 miles ( 2.5 km ) across at its widest point . Being expelled from the synagogue meant being scorned , shunned , and treated as an outcast by fellow Jews . Peter in particular disappointed Jesus several times . Even relatively minor ones can loom large in our mind if we dwell on them . Instead , he tried to find different ways to make Gavin feel more comfortable with discussing the Bible . It was evident that Gaius had already done this for his previous guests , since they had brought John a report of their host’s love and faith . ​ — 3 John 3 , 6 . Two Witness families studied with us , and 11 of us children grew up to be Jehovah’s Witnesses . They give a witness at every opportunity . Therefore , love for truth starts with gaining an accurate knowledge of God’s Word . I never studied a foreign language and was convinced that I could not master one . While it can include affection and warmth , it is primarily identified by unselfish actions for the good of others . Many battles are mentioned in the Bible . Hence , the ability to make good decisions can help us to live a relatively smooth , peaceful life rather than one that is full of chaos , controversy , and disappointment . ​ — Prov . Obviously , such conduct cannot contribute to a happy family life . ( a ) What questions should we ask ourselves , and why ? While Martha scurried about preparing a meal , Mary chose to sit at Jesus ’ feet and listen to him . ( Read Matthew 6 : 33 . ) The Bible foretold that “ the last days ” of this wicked system of things would be marked by a spirit of selfishness and greed . One important way in which we show gratitude for the ransom is by dedicating ourselves to Jehovah on the basis of our faith in the ransom and getting baptized . Ezekiel was not involved with the actual marking of people for survival ; neither are God’s servants today . We may have to work hard to develop the humility needed to show honor to others in this way . Just a week earlier , the first electric traffic lights had made an appearance in this bustling city of over one million inhabitants . Many questions could be asked . As pressures mount , we will need the deepest of love between us and our brothers and sisters . How exhilarating it is to have been released from captivity to Babylon the Great ! Amy relates that befriending an experienced local sister helped her to gain insight into different customs . Not only did Nikolai visit congregations but he also organized the duplication and distribution of our literature . This also means that neither a husband nor a wife should ‘ put apart what God has yoked together . ’ What , though , about speaking or praying out loud ? This may not be easy . Then you find that he raises the same question again later ! of paid masses for the dead ? Are you a congregation elder or a circuit overseer who feels overwhelmed by your many responsibilities ? How have we as God’s people been equipped to use our perceptive powers ? And does the Bible really indicate when the resurrection will take place ? We meet together for worship : We love Jehovah and want to obey him , so we are eager to praise him along with our brothers . There were also sacks of magazines to be brought to the post office for mailing to congregations throughout the United States . First , there are only two sides , and we must choose one . The moon shining on the calm seas made a silvery highway stretching to the horizon . When Abram ( Abraham ) and his wife , Sarai ( Sarah ) , obeyed God and moved to Canaan , that land was filled with practices that made a mockery of marriage . After being accused of wastefulness , the steward acted with “ practical wisdom ” to “ make friends ” to help him when he lost his stewardship . Some of our brothers and sisters were formerly thieves , drug addicts , or sexually immoral . Note that when Jesus compared our time with Noah’s , he focused , not on violence or immorality , but on the dangers of spiritual apathy . ​ — Read Matthew 24 : 36 - 39 . There would be no way to pass on the family name and legacy . THE temperature had already started to climb that Friday morning in September 1922 as 8,000 people crowded into the auditorium . While mature Christians recognize that gift - giving to obtain an unlawful favor could be tantamount to bribery , local circumstances and sensibilities may allow some to offer a small token of appreciation to receive a legitimate service or to avoid unfair delay . Many things a bereaved marriage mate does alone for the first time ​ — such as attending an assembly or the Memorial — ​ can be particularly painful . A growing trend in today’s world is reflected in the attitudes that those three once had . This involved conquering powerful armies of the nations that occupied the territory . Taylor . These Bible Students and others like them were determined to serve Jehovah based on their understanding of love and loyalty . If you are already doing so , that is commendable . But keep in mind Jehovah’s words of encouragement to Joshua : “ Be courageous and strong . Despite their logical and tactful explanation , the reaction may be , “ Oh , we will pray for you ! ” The key , once again , is to have accurate knowledge of Jehovah and to let that knowledge guide us in every aspect of life . Maybe it is your deceased mate , your mother , your father , or a beloved grandparent . The jailer feared that the prisoners had fled and was about to kill himself . It was like anointing oil that was both pleasant and refreshing . Even so , an exhaustive knowledge is not required before a person can make a dedication to God and get baptized . What may cause a problem with non - Witness relatives ? Whatever his reasons , the nation as a whole followed him . All of us will surely please Jehovah if we “ keep on encouraging one another each day . ” That is because God’s discipline is an expression of his love for us and of his desire that we gain everlasting life . Whatever he requires of us is for our benefit and ultimately results in our greatest joy . How accurate knowledge of God benefited Job . Jesus repeatedly exhorted his disciples : “ Keep on the watch . ” People had to wash after touching a dead body . After all , Jehovah had it preserved “ for our instruction , so that through our endurance and through the comfort from the Scriptures we might have hope . ” Parents should consider where the youths will best grasp the truth and progress spiritually , whether in association with a congregation that uses the local language or with one that uses the immigrant’s language . He established the great spiritual temple , the arrangement for humans to approach him in worship on the basis of Jesus ’ sacrifice . Similarly , in the face of tribulation , we need to do more than simply mention to Jehovah how we feel . However , it would be a mistake to conclude that the Bible Students were first taken into captivity to Babylon the Great because they needed correction and discipline . Why did the disciples of Christ need to view foreigners impartially , and how did Jesus help them understand that ? For example , the word “ shall ” is not widely used today , so it has been replaced . 5 , 6 . ( a ) To strengthen the unity among God’s people in one country , what arrangements were made ? Read with an open mind . Without a doubt , therefore , each one of us needs to be willing to wait , to show a patient attitude . Note what helped them . We are eager to learn when God’s people were completely freed from Babylon’s clutches ! This fact was amply demonstrated when God formed the Christian congregation . Jehovah was supporting those men with his superhuman agents . Yes , Jehovah was leading his people . Even if we ourselves have not been victims , such wicked people still affect us . ( b ) We can benefit from God’s Word especially if what is true ? 27 : 57 . Then she stopped talking to me altogether . What special ministry was Paul given ? Her friendly manner and the couple’s genuine , sincere efforts prompted one of the parents to accept a Bible study . Did it rob Adam and Eve of their freedom ? In Noah’s day , “ the sons of the true God began to notice that the daughters of men were beautiful , ” says the Bible . My parents already had three children when I came along ​ — my older brother and two sisters . Rather , Jehovah dignifies us , appealing to the goodness in our heart and respecting our free will . They could regulate life within their own communities by their law . ” His loving manner was well - known , and the brothers gave him the descriptive name “ Barnabas ” ​ — “ Son of Comfort . ” That is , assurance that our God and Life - Giver has the ability to bring a dead person back to life . I had one older brother , Bob . ( b ) to set goals in life ? We took refuge in the town of Schladming . Because the Bible urges you to imitate Jehovah . With Jehovah’s blessing and careful management , we used vacation time to earn some money picking fruit , so we were able to continue pioneering . How should we view Christian faith ? I spent a week observing a circuit overseer as he visited one congregation . Modern Hebrew and Greek are quite different from those languages back in Bible times . What can we learn from the words that Jesus spoke to Peter ? No longer perfect , man could not reflect God’s qualities perfectly . He begged Jehovah to remember how he had walked before Him . After having been instructed by his Father in heaven , Jesus continued to learn during his earthly ministry . You are his publicity agents . “ Keep encouraging one another and building one another up . ” ​ — 1 THESS . Rather , he encouraged David . So how do we know that it really is Jehovah who is leading us by means of his invisible Son ? What needless pain and suffering Cain brought on himself ! He knew that Jehovah would eventually bring an end to that wicked world . Or we might be advocating strong opinions solely on the basis of our position , connections , or personal thinking . The Bible warns us : “ Do not let yourself be conquered by the evil , but keep conquering the evil with the good . ” Jehovah molds his servants today primarily by means of his Word , his holy spirit , and the Christian congregation . He even attempted to burn incense at the temple ​ — a privilege reserved for the Aaronic priests . Yes , because Jehovah created all things , he has full right to rule over humans as well as spirit creatures . Yet , at this point , he was willing to accept the consequences of giving Jesus a dignified burial and of openly identifying himself as one of Christ’s disciples . We , however , do not know . Planning involves your heart . As the talk began , did anyone notice the large cloth roll neatly tied and hung high overhead ? We also need to pray frequently for God’s spirit to help us fight any tendency of feeling superior to others . ​ — Gal . See the articles “ No One Can Serve Two Masters ” and “ Be of Good Courage ​ — Jehovah Is Your Helper ! ” Note that for the second time , Jesus says : “ Never be anxious . ” Federico relates : “ When Antonio moved to our congregation , we soon became friends . The person who gives up when he starts to swim will drown . What may have been one reason for this ? Each man seems to have been a firstborn . Of course , if parents have no natural affection for their children , it might be difficult for those children to obey from the heart . What reputation did early Christians gain ? When the brother offered to show him how to study the Bible , he agreed . GAIUS and other Christians in the late first century faced challenges . Yes , we all need patience . Even if we feel a deep void in our life ​ — whether from childlessness or from the death of a loved one — ​ we can still gain comfort . In addition , it appoints circuit overseers , who in turn appoint congregation elders . Christians need to have a balanced view of how to show respect and honor . He admits : “ I was crushed . Although we had to leave after spending a few weeks in a certain place , we often asked the most interested people to continue studying with the others until we returned . Then we began to realize that we really were instilling appreciation for spiritual matters in their young hearts . Be approachable ( See paragraphs 4 - 8 ) However , our village was relatively remote , so we were not directly affected by the armed conflict . Above all , we will have a good relationship with Jehovah , “ the God who gives peace . ” What is your determination with regard to your ministry ? This he did by relying on Jehovah and on the transforming power of His written Word . ​ — Heb . I act with more understanding than older men , because I observe your orders . ” As imperfect people , all of us need to keep up our fight against “ the desires of our flesh , ” including materialism . ​ — Eph . If you imitate the faith and obedience of Noah , you can be confident that Jehovah will care for you . ​ — Phil . Christ’s ransom sacrifice is fundamental to our faith and to the outworking of Jehovah’s original purpose for mankind . What significant events occurred when a particular Bible book was written ? First make your peace with your brother . ” On his way home , the prophet unexpectedly met up with an old man from nearby Bethel . Follow directions from the branch office and from local authorities ; never put yourself or others at risk . No date or length of time was given . But those serving in a foreign field face yet other challenges . He must be prepared to give up even what is dear to him if it would put him in danger of falling into sin . It was not the fragments in themselves but what was written on them . So when a storm came , his house was secure . 12 : 5 - 7 , 12 . He may have wanted to avoid the suffering foretold to come on Abraham’s offspring . Jehoshaphat made what mistakes , and with what results ? Would they be better off without God’s rulership ? Disciples are to be made “ of people of all the nations . ” 17 How We Strip Off and Keep Off the Old Personality Others are like Moses and the patriarchs in that they have given up a life of worldly ease or fame . As the examples of Hezekiah , Joseph , and Sarah show , Jehovah can help us to conquer the seemingly unconquerable if we remain faithful to Him . His great victory made her sing and dance with joy . But he rejected their advice ! There is strong evidence to support this testimony . Roads leading to the cities of refuge were kept in good repair . As noted , undue pride among his apostles led to some disunity . And pride of race could also have been a problem . How might a Christian’s faith be tested ? A German general , it has been said , admitted that one reason for defeat in World War I was that the people “ were hypnotized by the enemy propaganda as a rabbit is by a snake . ” 26 Chariots and a Crown Safeguard You This might mean spending the rest of his life there . But as the child finds his balance , the parent cautiously lets go for a few moments at a time . “ Let endurance complete its work , so that you may be complete and sound in all respects , not lacking in anything . ” ​ — JAMES 1 : 4 . In vision , the apostle John heard Jehovah’s servants in heaven say : “ You are worthy , Jehovah our God , to receive the glory and the honor and the power , because you created all things , and because of your will they came into existence and were created . ” It is clear that the inspired counsel in God’s own Book helped first - century Christians in Corinth and elsewhere to maintain cleanness , peace , and unity in their congregations . They comforted me and cared for me like a son . Jehovah’s organization has supplied many well - researched aids to help us . Why do you need to be faithful , patient , and prayerful ? If available in your language , the JW Language app can help you learn how to greet newcomers in their mother tongue . ​ — Read Philippians 2 : 3 , 4 . In the 13th chapter of Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians ​ — in what has been called the “ Psalm of Love ” — ​ the apostle explains how love builds up . “ Jehovah removed Job’s tribulation and restored his prosperity . Jehovah gave him double what he had before . ” Then , when the boy is of legal age , he begins to drive the car as his father gives him further instruction . As a result , “ they lacked nothing . ” In these two articles , we will see how young ones can learn to use their thinking ability to strengthen their faith and to defend it . That night , with tears in his eyes , he wrapped his arms around us . By our words and deeds ​ — without which our faith would be incomplete . Is that a goal that you pray about ? Our ministry can be a blessing , or a gift , to those who respond . He may not be mature enough to take on the responsibilities of married life . He raised the dead . Therefore , it is not surprising that at times even we , God’s servants , experience some feelings of anxiety . My wife , a regular pioneer , was always so happy . In this regard , let us consider what we can learn from the examples of Noah , David , and other faithful servants of God who relied on Jehovah and took appropriate action . Make a Joyful Sound ! How can parents show that they do not take their child’s faith for granted ? He spoke of “ Jesus Christ the Nazarene , whom you executed on a stake but whom God raised up from the dead . ” Jesus showed that a Samaritan could teach the Jews the meaning of true neighborly love . I liked Mairambubu straight away . We need to “ put up a hard fight for the faith . ” Thus the ransom has been paid permanently . To what extent did the Jews reject Jesus ? I also received privileges of service in the Fulham Congregation . Yet if the government tells us to do something that God does not want us to do , we refuse to do so , but always in a respectful way . The prominent Canaanite god was Baal , the god of fertility , who also appeared as the god of the sky , rain , and storm . We led a simple life in rural areas ​ — doing without electricity , sleeping on mats , and traveling by horse and buggy . He had to take time to allow the Bible’s message to touch his heart . Would Romans 5 : 12 be high on your list ? Now you must grow new roots in order to flourish in a new environment . Think how much courage Asa had to muster to stand up to Maacah , who was “ queen mother ” in the land ! Eleven of her fellow students wanted a copy . That certainly helps us to see that there are far more important factors to consider than our own preferences when it comes to exercising personal freedom in all aspects of our life . As governor , Nehemiah had to fill positions of responsibility among God’s people . For example , it can be understood as a relative pronoun , such as “ who ” or “ whom . ” What thinking must we avoid ? Marriage vow ( See paragraph 14 ) Paul did that , which led to opportunities to ‘ defend and legally establish the good news . ’ You could drive these points home by selecting an experience from our publications . There Arthur found several brothers in a quandary , peering down on the speaker . The apostle John was also a pillar in the early Christian congregation . At first glance , our prospects may seem bleak . Young Christians in particular may appear to be vulnerable . However , it is helpful to view Hebrews 4 : 12 in its broad context . 3 Life Story ​ — Blessings Come From Doing What Jehovah Asks An angel gave the prophet Daniel what encouragement ? In some cases , parents have encouraged them to delay baptism . Now his love for her will grow . I felt abandoned . ” 13 : 18 . Spread the Good News of Undeserved Kindness , July Her faithful course later gave her an opportunity to witness to him , as well as to others . When we dedicated our lives to Jehovah , we vowed that we would do his will no matter what . We knew that it would not always be easy to keep that promise . At first , we may not have told our family about our association with Jehovah’s Witnesses . Similarly , what we personally do in the ministry may seem very little to us . Your feelings about others : Is there someone in your congregation who rubs you the wrong way ? We had numerous Bible studies with young Kyrgyz students at educational institutes . 4 : 1 ; 145 : 18 . “ When my brother was disfellowshipped , ” said a Christian sister in South Africa , “ it was as if he had died . Jesus went on to explain : “ Every doer of sin is a slave of sin . . . . If you feel that way , please be assured that when Jehovah forgives you , you can feel secure in his mercy ! One quality is being true to our word : “ He does not go back on his promise , even when it is bad for him . ” How can I overcome any apprehension that may hold me back from singing out joyfully ? Nicolas , aged 20 , boldly told the military authorities , “ I cannot fight because I am a soldier of Christ . ” What help did angels give to Joshua and Hezekiah ? Because of God’s love , we can obtain forgiveness , hope , and life . Wisely , Elijah urged them to choose the superior way of worship ​ — the worship of Jehovah . Many delegates came from isolated rural villages , beyond the reach of trains or even roads . What are some aspects of God’s undeserved kindness that we should help others to appreciate ? David trusted in Jehovah’s loyal love . “ Preaching in a territory where you meet individuals who are so eager to learn the truth that they want to study the Bible with you every day is such a joy , ” says Stephanie . What a protection divine laws and commandments have proved to be ! 16 Questions From Readers This article reminds us of the excellent examples that Jephthah and Hannah set for us as we faithfully strive to fulfill our vows to God . He said that we should pay back “ Caesar’s things to Caesar , but God’s things to God . ” In his love , Jehovah has made his Word , the Bible , available in hundreds of languages so that ‘ all sorts of people may come to an accurate knowledge of the truth . ’ Yet , Jesus did not immerse himself in a life of pleasure . One of their new acquaintances was Willie Sneddon , who came from Scotland , as they did . Because these tools highlight the godly principles that have helped many to strengthen their marriage . “ Otherwise , some may associate with us only for personal advantage . ” These factors are true today too . ​ — w17.02 , pp . This is evident in the way he disciplined the Israelites , who repeatedly abandoned true worship . How can you help your children to be persuaded to believe what they learn from God’s Word ? Some belts also had strong clips that served to carry a sword and a dagger . Such feelings indicate , not that we lack faith , but that our heart is in the preaching work . We discreetly place funds in the contribution boxes at the Kingdom Hall , or we may make donations online through . 6 : 14 . They can learn from and follow the basic example of Solomon as he showed courage in making wise decisions to complete the construction of the temple . “ Blessed Be Your Good Sense ! ” This can be illustrated with a pilot flying an airplane . They are people who are eager for what they can get , people who place their own wishes at the center of their life . He clearly explained the facts to the cupbearer , who perhaps would be in a position to assist him . No one can answer those questions for you . Jehovah also sees how much we love him and how much we long to serve him fully . This wonderful work is bringing “ fame to Jehovah , an everlasting sign that will never perish . ” By means of the special preaching campaign in Turkey , the good news reached many more people . To visit some towns , I had to cross the rugged Sierra Madre Mountains . They arrived in Madagascar in 2006 and enjoyed their ministry from the start . As you advance toward Christian maturity , you will find that principles become more important to you . Godly parents are not unduly influenced by local cultural views about child - rearing . Therefore , it can err in doctrinal matters or in organizational direction . Relate an example of injustice in today’s world . But in the end , he failed to stay faithful to Jehovah as a spiritual man . As I visited different congregations in the circuit , I delivered talks in public gazebos , at markets , in front of municipal halls , on basketball courts , in parks , and often on city street corners . When a couple in Bermuda have anxious moments , they pray with their children that Jehovah guide them , and they encourage their children to pray on their own . Many a husband has felt left out because his wife is occupied with her duties toward their baby . Deborah and Barak commended “ the commanders of Israel , who went as volunteers with the people . ” 12 : 21 - 24 . Consider just the first few chapters of Genesis . For a week , I burned the midnight oil to get answers to the questions he had raised . 17 Does Your Style of Dress Glorify God ? ( Read Ephesians 4 : 8 , 11 , 12 . ) Jesus was aware of this shameful strategy , so during his final meal with the apostles , he asked them to get some swords . Moreover , imperfect , sinful humans did not of themselves merit , or deserve , what God and Jesus did in providing a ransom by which forgiveness was possible . Next , using the same volume , say all the words from a single phrase of the song in one breath . In Jehovah’s eyes , life ​ — especially human life — ​ is sacred . Before Jesus selected his apostles , “ he spent the whole night in prayer to God . ” Thus , we may succeed in escaping Jehovah’s judgment against those who deliberately violate his law . With great love and wisdom , Jehovah will bring the human family to perfection , according to his original purpose . That way , I feel more in tune with Jehovah’s thinking . ” Jehovah has lovingly provided both laws and principles to help us fine - tune our conscience and view things the way he does . Before accepting a new assignment , a modest person will first find out what will be required of him . Some have chosen study projects that involved studying Bible prophecy or the Bible’s historical , archaeological , and scientific accuracy . Even when others stopped doing the right thing , Jephthah and his daughter remained faithful to Jehovah . In what ways can we display compassion and kindness ? Worldwide , Jehovah’s people speak many different languages . 10 : 4 , 5 . Or if someone in your congregation has made major changes in order to please Jehovah , you could invite him to join you and share his story . In this context , the Greek word translated “ evident demonstration ” refers to “ convincing evidence ” of an invisible reality , such as the existence of Jehovah God , Jesus Christ , the angels , and the activities of the heavenly Kingdom . A new territory policy meant that pioneers no longer worked separately from the congregations but along with them , supporting and building them up . Abraham took in knowledge about God , perhaps from Shem . As told by Samuel F . Yes , a happy and fulfilling life was possible ! The lesson for us ? For the last 25 years , that is the message I have been preaching . ” Jehovah told Noah that He was going to put an end to that wicked world and instructed him about what he must do to ensure his family’s safety . 1 : 1 , 2 ; Luke 11 : 13 . When presenting themselves for baptism , such new disciples confirm that they have disowned themselves and are determined to serve God with all their strength , means , and abilities . Jehovah is complete in himself ; yet he is pleased to note our intense interest in supporting his sovereignty . As an example , think about the Scriptural qualifications for Christian elders . Just as a soldier would not swap a breastplate of iron for one made of an inferior metal , we would never want to exchange Jehovah’s standards of what is right for our own . Maria felt sorry for them , as they were only obeying orders . A widow may need help with some repairs on her home . This was a sensitive issue , one that threatened to cause divisions in the congregation . However , during those moments , I thought of Peter’s words to Jesus : “ Lord , whom shall we go away to ? Jehovah considers it “ beauty ” on your part “ to overlook an offense . ” Follow the advice given to the young man Timothy . Many have had to endure poverty or have suffered during civil wars or natural disasters . 6 : 6 , 7 . This matter was addressed in The Watchtower of May 15 , 1979 , pages 30 - 31 . Of the 9 children and 11 grandchildren still living , 16 serve Jehovah or attend the meetings with their parents . SONGS : 101 , 84 What big challenges did Daniel and his three companions face in Babylon ? “ Faith . ” He needs to consider what will bring long - term results . He can use his angels in our behalf . ​ — Heb . Peter continued to maintain a clean appearance . It is as Jesus described in his illustration of the sower . Why can we be confident that Jesus will provide comfort ? Proud and selfish , the scribes and Pharisees cared little for the life and welfare of their fellow humans . In turn , wives are to submit to the headship of their husbands . But it didn’t matter . We kept before them the goal of the full - time ministry and the wisdom of marrying only someone with a similar goal . 10 : 31 . My decision to pioneer helped me sidestep frustration in a secular career and opened the way for years of joy in Jehovah’s service . ” Are you able to pioneer ? You could have no greater privilege in life than being on God’s side and having him approve of you . Every experience has been a delight ​ — fun and , most of all , spiritually edifying . “ To go and serve where the need is greater has been one of the better decisions I have ever made ! ” As we near the end of this system of things , now is not the time to amass more and more material things for ourselves . Jehovah promises to put an end to it for all time . We should work to repair , as it were , any fissurelike weaknesses that may appear . When Israelite spies went to her home in Jericho , she could have given in to fear and turned them away . When I was 12 , a civil war started in Spain . But if your child somehow became deaf , would you not try to learn sign language in order to communicate with him ? Some husbands may forbid the Christian wife to teach the children from the Bible . For instance , Cain became jealous of his brother Abel and killed him . Major - General James Franklin Bell of the U.S . In connection with rebuilding the temple , Jehovah promised : “ It will occur ​ — if you do not fail to listen to the voice of Jehovah your God . ” ​ — Zech . Show your compassion for others by offering practical help ( See paragraph 12 ) From a military standpoint , they were ill - equipped , having neither offensive weapons nor defensive armor , whereas their enemies had 900 war chariots with iron scythes . ​ — Judg . Often they let me , but it was not the most comfortable means of transport . It can penetrate any hiding place to uncover wrongdoing among Jehovah’s people . Research indicates that individuals who admitted to having an irresistible urge to watch pornography show the same signs of addiction as do alcoholics and drug addicts . We have seen that we can promote Christian unity in three ways : ( 1 ) We put our trust in God’s heavenly Kingdom to correct injustice , ( 2 ) we refuse to take sides in political issues , and ( 3 ) we reject violence . Jehovah rewarded him by resurrecting him from the dead , thus opening the way for Jesus to become King of the heavenly Kingdom . ​ — Matt . While David was fleeing , Hushai went to him . In any case , Jehovah ended all such plots by bringing the Flood ​ — a move that thwarted the efforts of Satan and the rebellious angels at that time . Jesus exercises his headship over his congregation with loving patience . When I told the Greek soldiers that I had been held captive by the communists , they took me to be assessed at a military camp near Véroia , the ancient Bible city of Beroea . Why should we never hold back from encouraging others ? Why can we be confident that Jehovah will fulfill his purpose for mankind ? Let us consider two ways in which God’s spirit can help us find peace . Because God’s Word forbids sexual immorality . KGB is the Russian abbreviation for Soviet State Security Committee . With this example in mind , what can you do when your child expresses a heartfelt appreciation for basic Scriptural teachings , including the meaning and significance of dedication and baptism ? How happy we are to see this prophecy undergoing fulfillment before our eyes ! They will be given an opportunity to submit to Jehovah’s sovereignty . 13 He Could Have Had God’s Favor A Christian brother regularly gave us money to make up for the shortfall . It is wise to obey God even if doing so might expose us to some ridicule . When we go to the meetings , we show our brothers that we want to be with them and talk with them and that we are interested in how they are feeling . 7 , 8 . ( a ) When Jehovah saves his people from their trials , what does he take into consideration ? Now replaced by the School for Kingdom Evangelizers . How extensive were the arrangements for singing in worship in ancient Israel ? A person promises to perform some act , to offer some gift , to enter some type of service , or to abstain from certain things . That was January 1965 . A number of scholars thus believe that what Abraham carried was a vessel ​ — perhaps a pot suspended from a chain — ​ that contained live coals or charcoal embers raked from the preceding night’s fire . ( 3 ) When we give discipline , how can we imitate Jehovah and his Son ? For example , Ezra traveled back to Jerusalem with donated items from the Persian king ​ — gold , silver , and other materials worth well over $ 100 million ( U.S . ) in today’s values . 23 Do Not Let the Faults of Others Stumble You Of course , if it be his will , he can simply remove a trial . These visits broadened my viewpoint even more and helped me to see how Jehovah’s love embraces people of all kinds . ​ — Acts 10 : 34 , 35 . Consider a few of the wonderful things that Jehovah has been doing with his willing , although imperfect , people . The Governing Body is neither inspired nor infallible . Do not miss the point of what Jesus is saying : “ If this is how God clothes the vegetation of the field . . . , will he not much rather clothe you , you with little faith ? ” Besides strengthening our faith , reviewing how the Bible has endured through the ages deepens our love for Jehovah . They count it as their chief duty and privilege to announce to the world the coming of the Golden Age . Would we want to leave our brothers out in the cold , so to speak , if there is something that we can do to relieve their suffering ? ​ — Col . Fill your life with upbuilding activity and association . He wanted to enable students to distinguish between the root of Hebrew words in the Bible and any associated prefixes or suffixes . Jesus described the scope of the preaching work by saying that the good news would be preached “ in all the inhabited earth . ” Here is an important lesson : We can show helpful interest in others and call attention to Scriptural principles or counsel . 8 May We All Be One as Jehovah and Jesus Are One Jehovah also sent an angel to strengthen Jesus when he was in anguish on the night before his death . In some cultures , a neatly trimmed beard may be acceptable and respectable , and it may not detract at all from the Kingdom message . What is a reasonable consideration as we think about what to wear ? To Christians living in Rome , he wrote : “ I am longing to see you , that I may impart some spiritual gift to you for you to be made firm ; or , rather , that we may have an interchange of encouragement by one another’s faith , both yours and mine . ” Our situation is not like that of a prisoner who is waiting in his cell for his execution . Brother Lett explained that one objective of the revision was to bring the songs into harmony with the revised New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures . Sadly , some who once served Jehovah have lowered their guard and have slipped back into their old ways . The loving concern of Jewish Christians for fellow believers from other lands showed that they understood the meaning of the word “ hospitality , ” that is , “ kindness to strangers . ” How can we show mildness and patience ? If they proved faithful , they would live and rule with Christ in heaven . More than 60 years later , Blossom stated : “ You can be sure , in all the ages to come , I’ll never forget that night ! ” But David had other friends , such as the prophet Nathan . When Nehemiah led the faithful Israelites in rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem , he also organized the Levite singers with full instrumental accompaniment . I am making all things new . ” He can thus be strengthened spiritually . I Will Help You , ” July I do miss Walter very much , but pioneering helps me to cope . How does Jehovah view any kind of stealing ? How will we respond to it ? What does it mean to be compassionate ? There will always be an expression of God’s kindness that will match each trial . For the most part , church members have been happy to leave any preaching to the paid clergy . That really deepened my appreciation for the truth . By means of his command , Jehovah lovingly taught Adam and Eve the way to exercise true freedom . How is Jehovah helping people to become reconciled to him today ? Let us imitate Jephthah and his daughter , knowing that when we remain faithful , Jehovah will bless us . So it was that in July 1953 , I was on board the ship called Georgic , heading toward New York . Therefore , we can be sure that he hears our “ pleas for help ” and responds to them . ​ — Ps . Think of the thrilling work of turning this planet into a paradise or of building homes for ourselves and our loved ones . 31 : 1 , 6 , 31 . They kept on contending and acting in harmony with their earnest prayers . In fact , the ransom accomplishes more . What an amazing work is being accomplished , all to Jehovah’s praise and glory ! ​ — Ps . Am I doing my utmost to preach and teach the good news of the Kingdom ? Because many make pursuing a career their main goal in life , a Christian might adopt the same way of thinking . 19 , 20 . ( a ) What blessings result from accepting God’s discipline ? This systematic method showed impartiality . Strive to stay out of debt . We do not have to endure alone . What helped Jephthah overcome his many challenges ? While it is true that the anointed were persecuted during the first world war , the tribulation they experienced was caused mainly by the secular authorities , not by Babylon the Great . The apostles ’ letters did much to encourage the congregations in the first century , and they build us up to this day ( See paragraphs 12 - 17 ) On the other hand , most Christians at that time kept busy “ declaring the good news about the Christ ” and showing love for God , for fellow Christians , and for unbelievers . After indicating that among true Christians there is no basis for divorce except sexual immorality , Jesus spoke of “ those who have the gift ” of living a single life . 5 : 14 - 19 . In the Christian congregation today are some who were once “ prone to anger ” but who are now more thoughtful , kind , patient , and peaceable in their dealings with others . The first resurrection occurred at a time when God was empowering his prophet Elijah to work miracles . “ That is why I get some comfort when friends cry with me . Do you similarly see each of your spiritual brothers and sisters as a work in progress , being molded by God ? Thus , by your loyal obedience , you are , in effect , giving Jehovah something that he considers precious , and he finds profound joy in this . In addition , the congregation elders arrange to visit and offer help to disfellowshipped ones in the congregation territory who may have left their past practice of sin . God gives us laws because he loves us . That was the only contact we had until a few years later when , to my surprise , they spotted me in a crowd at a convention in Toronto , Ontario . Likewise , elders today should follow John’s example by encouraging their brothers and sisters so that they will “ not grow weary . ” ​ — Isa . At that point , I was ready to go ! ” In the meantime , we do what we can to assist those in need . Why show support for Jehovah’s sovereignty now ? Côte d’Ivoire ( formerly Ivory Coast ) is a major producer of cocoa beans , which are used to make chocolate . The prophet Isaiah foretold that “ in the final part of the days , ” people of all nations would flock to Jehovah’s elevated place of true worship . I ponder over it all day long . ” ​ — Ps . A different sort of tribulation confronts some married couples . As in the apostle Paul’s day , many today “ set something aside , ” or budget an amount of money , and place it in the congregation contribution box labeled “ Worldwide Work . ” cope with criticism or praise ? 5 : 16 - 26 ; Eph . The reason is that God’s servants believe that displaying Jehovah’s qualities is more precious in his eyes than diamonds , gold , or other material things . Jesus knew that the Devil would keep people in darkness mentally in order to undermine the sense of urgency that permeates God’s prophecies about the future . Actually , our honesty should reflect our deep appreciation for God’s undeserved kindness . What are some things that can make us unclean in God’s eyes ? The good news , though , is that they would not remain in that condition indefinitely . It was indeed a turning point for Ireland . Jesus recognized the need to rest on occasion . I did not agree with what she was saying . 3 Life Story ​ — How I Found Happiness in Giving 40 : 31 . First , the trials we face are “ common to men . ” On the other hand , if he refused , the people might rebel . However , “ God took him ” some 69 years before Noah was born . ​ — Gen . And he was , indeed , rewarded for his perseverance . By his perfect life course on earth , Jesus proved that it is reasonable and righteous for Jehovah to set standards for his intelligent creatures . Acting as both King and High Priest , Jesus is the leader of Jehovah’s heavenly army . Let us learn some things about dew and compare our ministry to it so that we can effectively help “ all sorts of people . ” ​ — 1 Timothy 2 : 3 , 4 . What does encouragement involve ? That , in turn , will move you to speak up about your beliefs . ​ — Read Psalm 73 : 28 . The Bible uses an especially kind and tender word when referring to certain women . ON THE last evening before his death , Jesus had a long talk with his apostles during which he assured them of his deep love for them . The first of these articles discusses how true happiness comes from loving God and not from the counterfeit types of love so evident in “ the last days . ” When you read the Bible and our publications and when you attend Christian meetings , you hear encouraging experiences of how God has helped others to stay faithful . “ Wisdom is with the modest ones . ” ​ — PROV . Dorothy soon became a pioneer too . 22 : 9 . A humble person is generally also a modest person , able to estimate accurately his own abilities and achievements , to acknowledge his mistakes , and to accept suggestions and new ideas . Then he added this reason : “ For even the Christ did not please himself . ” 11 : 12 , 13 ; Jer . Jesus taught that the only Scriptural ground for dissolving a marriage vow is when an innocent mate chooses not to forgive an adulterous partner . I even got rid of all the religious images I had . After teaching the course for three and a half years , we were asked to return to Malawi to document the experiences of the Witnesses who had suffered persecution there for maintaining their Christian neutrality . In such situations , we should apply the counsel : “ Be hospitable to one another without grumbling . ” Jesus likened himself to a vine , or stem , and his followers to branches . Read and meditate on Scriptural material that discusses the significance of the Memorial . Rabbi Simeon ben Gamaliel , outraged by this state of affairs , reduced the number of obligatory sacrifices , upon which the price of two pigeons immediately fell to a hundredth of the former price . Jephthah knew that he needed God’s help to free Israel from the Ammonites . How did Noah come to know Jehovah , and how did accurate knowledge help him ? Whether reading God’s Word in printed or electronic form , our goal should be to get it off the page and into our heart . Solomon wrote : “ Cast your bread on the waters , for after many days you will find it again . ” I then made the pioneer ministry my goal . During the 1930 ’ s and early 1940 ’ s , our brothers in the United States faced tremendous opposition . Happily , the Bible also provides us with positive advice on how we can avoid those problems and strengthen peace . After his release , Father entered the full - time ministry as a colporteur ( pioneer ) . In light of the above , Jesus was justified in calling the temple merchants “ robbers ” on account of their exploitation and greed . God wants you to find happiness by planning for things other than those that satisfy animals . When did Peter comment on Psalm 16 : 10 ? We are not left in the dark . Was their honesty worth the effort ? I remember her answer : “ Son , it’s a mystery . Now consider another example , that of Mary . How can you show respect for Jehovah’s arrangement for discipline ? Even some of God’s longtime servants have gone astray . Can an already joyful Christian increase his joy ? The steadfast example set by Jacob and Rachel no doubt had a powerful effect on their son Joseph , influencing how he would handle tests of his own faith . A loving husband honors his wife by listening to her opinions and by assuring her that he values what she says . Brothers and sisters who have given up a sexually loose lifestyle may still be fighting sinful leanings . Jehovah is indeed a loving Father , and he comforts us when we face difficulties . How would the Gentile Christians who were personally affected by Peter’s mistake respond to the injustice ? Furthermore , she “ kept all these sayings in her heart . ” What is the most important benefit of giving proper honor to those to whom it is due ? Many other cases in past centuries and in recent times could be cited in which some who served Jehovah committed bad acts and hurt others . But she realized that she would have to make major adjustments . Second , consult God’s Word and publications from the faithful slave to help you distinguish “ sadness of the world ” from “ sadness in a godly way , ” genuine repentance . 18 “ The Judge of All the Earth ” Always Does What Is Right WHEN someone has done well at an assigned task or has displayed a remarkable Christian quality , he deserves praise . Another neighbor decided to sell , and he encouraged the others around him to do the same . One man told him : “ Why did you come here ? He saw Jehovah’s hand in matters . When Philip the evangelizer preached about Christ to the Samaritans , he received the full backing of those on the governing body . God’s Word says that there is “ a time to laugh . . . and a time to dance . ” From that point forward , he proved his love for Christ by busying himself in the disciple - making work , becoming a pillar in the first - century Christian congregation . 7 : 1 . Furthermore , a child’s heart is influenced by more than just language . Strive to be a true friend from the start . Today , Britain’s pioneer ranks are increasing again , as God’s war of Armageddon approaches . Then in the same psalm , he said : “ Throw your burden on Jehovah , and he will sustain you . ” Today , many of those islands are bustling tourist resorts , but back then they were secluded places with only turquoise lagoons , sandy beaches , and palm trees . For that reason , Paul prefaced his statement with these words : “ All things are lawful [ or , “ permissible , ” ftn . ] , but not all things are advantageous . Although baptism opens the door to many blessings , it also involves responsibility . In addition , the preparation and translation of literature and videos , the assistance with disaster relief efforts , and the construction of new Kingdom Halls are all cared for by our voluntary contributions . Like Noah , dedicated disciples obediently carry on in the work that God has assigned them to do . Because all of us are imperfect and subject to sin , we realize that there is a possibility that we could either experience injustice ourselves or be the cause of it for someone else in the congregation . She stuck to her mother - in - law , Naomi , rather than leave her in her old age . I thought we would spend a lot of time reading the Bible and learning about it . To put his listeners ’ minds at ease , Jesus next highlighted Jehovah’s matchless record as a Provider . In holding that conviction , we differ from the Jewish Sadducees , who strongly denied that the dead are raised . The digital tools we receive for use in our personal ministry are continually being improved . They showed hatred for Wycliffe , his Bible , and his followers . When we have trials , there is more involved than our suffering . But Nabal , whose name means “ Senseless ” or “ Stupid , ” lived up to his name . Compared to the lasting joy that comes from helping people to benefit from God’s wisdom so that they can gain everlasting life , a secular career can provide only limited satisfaction . The couple sent letters to four branch offices . Like Paul , we preach to people out of heartfelt concern . In the context of 1 Corinthians 10 : 13 , Paul refers to the tests that Israel faced in the wilderness . Federico We stayed there most weekends , went in the ministry , and held Christian meetings . What can we conclude ? 5 : 6 , 7 . However , the guards are leading him to a place of execution . What was that role , and how did Jehovah through Jesus equip them to fill it ? Perhaps you have noticed their zeal in the ministry , their outstanding hospitality , their compassion , or other fine qualities . I once heard an excellent reminder : If we woke up tomorrow with only the things we thanked Jehovah for today , what would we end up with ? ” Being imperfect descendants of Adam , we are inclined to err , to do what is bad , to sin . What the prophets had foretold came to pass . Who can encourage fellow Christians ? Youths do this by reaching out for spiritual goals and by giving the preaching work high priority . All the pleasure - seekers were urged to “ consider ! ” What Bible guidelines do you think they applied successfully ? Four of my sons ​ — James , Jerry , Nicholas , and Steven — ​ are serving Jehovah faithfully with their wives and families . Elders can help by obtaining literature in the language of the refugees and by helping them contact brothers who speak their language . ( See opening image . ) ( b ) Why are the horses of different colors ? To think that way is contrary to Paul’s counsel that we should be “ putting up with one another in love . ” How pleasurable and upbuilding that was ! Bud Miller and his wife , Joan , next served us in the traveling work . Are you able to adjust your circumstances and follow in the footsteps of the zealous sisters interviewed for this article ? Do not those words touch your heart ? They grew to love the study , and we allowed them to express themselves freely . Those who do these things will receive the mark of survival during the coming great tribulation . As a result , he framed “ trouble in the name of the law . ” He preached to the Jews out of deep concern for them . To resist the bad influences , Witnesses in the camps needed to stay fully involved in congregation activities . For example , according to tradition , they were unwilling to forgive the same offense more than three times . Furthermore , some may feel like one sister , who said : “ We are hardwired to want love and companionship . ” After the couple had consulted Marie - Madeleine’s doctor , they asked their mother to come and live with them in Madagascar . If a problem arises , we ought to consider what Bible principles are involved and apply them in a balanced way . In the first century and today , how have those taking the lead among God’s people been . . . Thus , humility protects innocent ones from spiritual disaster . In contrast , love will move us to avoid any discrimination based on education , race , or social status . I replied : “ No , I didn’t abandon my family . What does the psalmist observe about Jehovah’s healing power ? 27 Uphold Jehovah’s Sovereignty ! Matthew 28 : 19 , 20 When the dogs came within an arm’s length of us , they stopped , wagged their tails , and walked away . We will also learn how a willingness to forgive when we observe injustices in the congregation can reflect Jehovah’s view of justice . In this permissive world , sin has all but lost its stigma , so that many are unaware of the need for redemption . Mine was to Paraguay . At that time the people were “ shouting so loudly that the sound was heard from a great distance . ” All of us should act in accord with Paul’s inspired words : “ Each one will carry his own load of responsibility . ” ​ — Gal . 6 : 5 , ftn . Jesus promised that any sacrifices we make to worship Jehovah will be richly rewarded . ​ — Mark 10 : 28 - 30 . Commendation is in order for brothers and sisters whose appearance and fine conduct attract honesthearted people to the Bible’s lifesaving message and bring glory and joy to Jehovah . How long did Abraham and Sarah have to wait on Jehovah ? The resulting barrier may make it hard for parents to impart to their children a deep knowledge of “ the holy writings . ” Did he have greater affection for the fish and the fishing business than for Jesus and the things that he taught ? It also applies to unclean activities practiced by an individual in private , such as reading sexually stimulating books or viewing pornography , which may lead to the unclean habit of masturbation . ​ — Col . After all , David already had innocent Uriah killed . Fleshly - minded people have difficulty cultivating a balanced view of material things . One of the first things we learned was the prophecy at Genesis 3 : 15 . Be humble , approachable , and thankful . Nevertheless , the king and his armies “ obeyed the word of Jehovah and went back home , as Jehovah had told them . ” However , the other brother reminded him that she had served Jehovah loyally in difficult circumstances for 40 years ; he was sure that she meant no harm . This helped me to be obedient . Why not determine that each day you will think of at least three things for which you can be thankful ? Actually , another Eshbaal is mentioned in the Bible ​ — he was one of the sons of King Saul . But I am grateful to have been a companion of such faithful spiritual ones in Jehovah’s service . Satan has created nothing . When you relieve the suffering of others , you will feel happier , more optimistic , less lonely , and less inclined to think negative thoughts . ( Read Hebrews 12 : 3 . ) Upon seeing Moses , the people became fearful , and Moses put a veil over his face . In fact , it is a life - and - death matter . * So I had many fine examples to imitate . Even though we remain sinners , we need not resign ourselves to having sin dominate our lives . These provisions gave the brothers the strength to carry on the preaching work . This does not mean that the Christian is now Scripturally free to remarry , but there is no obligation to try to force the unbelieving mate to remain . In our time , people think and act like the Canaanites . In May 2007 , Daniel and Miriam quit their jobs and set out for Panama , a country they had visited before . What traits should you avoid so that you are not hard or inflexible ? Differences between individuals occur because we are all imperfect . Noah and his family survived the end of that world . ​ — Heb . For example , consider Ezekiel 14 : 13 , 14 , where we read : “ If a land sins against me by acting unfaithfully , I will stretch out my hand against it and destroy its food supply , and I will send famine upon it and cut off man and animal from it . Then I learned the truth about Jehovah , and I began to love him deeply . We respect the conscience of others , and we want to be exemplary . ​ — w17.07 , pp . How important , then , that Christian parents look to Jehovah for guidance . On the other hand , the keener our appreciation for the vindication of Jehovah’s sovereignty , the better equipped we are to meet challenges in our daily lives . In the next article , we will consider some of the qualities that result from selfish love and see how these contrast with the qualities found in Jehovah’s servants . When a brother in Tulun told me that a sister was coming , I went on my bicycle to the bus stop to meet the sister and to offer to help with her luggage . Even so , he centered his life , not on material concerns , but on God . What positive effect can kindness have on newcomers from a foreign background ? How did I know the answer ? But you know that if you keep traveling toward the end of the tunnel , you will again see light . 28 Parents , Help Your Children Build Faith The account does not suggest that it was the result of a personality conflict . Why is this counsel so needed in our day ? In 1937 my aunt and her husband , who were Witnesses , visited us from France and left us the books Government and Deliverance , published by the Watch Tower Society . Using faithful examples from the past , we will examine how we can trust in Jehovah to support us while taking whatever action we can to solve problems and help others . And how will our spirituality impact our daily life ? “ Let your light shine before men , so that they may . . . give glory to your Father . ” ​ — MATT . The Israelites sprang into action . Indeed , they “ rejoiced over making . . . voluntary offerings , for they made the voluntary offerings to Jehovah with a complete heart . ” ​ — 1 Chron . At 12 years of age , Toby set the goal of reading the entire Bible before his baptism . Yet , much of the power and glory of the Roman Empire was built on the backs of slaves . SONGS : 100 , 87 Luke 2 : 37 states : “ She was never missing from the temple , rendering sacred service night and day with fasting and supplications . ” Learn to be interested in people by tactfully asking their opinion and listening to their response . We can also think about what Paul accomplished as “ a chosen vessel to [ Christ ] to bear [ Jesus ’ ] name to the nations . ” King Nebuchadnezzar likely wanted to impress Daniel with the idea that his God , Jehovah , had been subjected by Babylon’s god . ​ — Dan . The media . There by the body at the house in Shunem , Elisha prayed . When you face hardship , Jehovah wants you to feel secure because he has a strong attachment to you . SELF - CONTROL A mild temper makes Jehovah happy . Paul greeted Prisca and Aquila , “ to whom not only I but also all the congregations of the nations give thanks . ” Those words indicate that you need to consider how you will maintain your friendship with Jehovah and remain faithful to him despite any challenges . SONGS : 88 , 115 God’s Word states : “ The heart knows its own bitterness , and no outsider can share in its joy . ” But I visited them in different villages and encouraged them to study the Bible . Clearly , discipleship ​ — including dedication and baptism — ​ is an obligation for you as a Christian . He might have been thinking about what the future held for him . Furthermore , God does not determine his course of action based on a momentary flare - up of anger , the type of emotional outburst that many humans display . With Christ and the holy angels about to destroy this wicked world , Jehovah’s chariot is rapidly moving toward the vindication of his sovereignty and the sanctification of his holy name ! ( a ) How did Jesus help his disciples to see the importance of God’s Kingdom ? How are obedience and love connected ? This requires a tremendous expenditure of time and emotional energy ​ — to say nothing of the financial burden . Jehovah will soon solve that problem of greed by replacing the current political system with the heavenly Kingdom , with his Son serving as King . ( Abigail ) , June There , Stephany , then 19 , met Paul Norton , a young Bethelite . Above all , we will learn how to honor Jehovah , the God of true freedom . Why must parents speak with their children about Jehovah ? And hearing those loving greetings surely encouraged other Christians , helping them to remain firm in the faith . Ummi also agreed to discuss the more recent book What Does the Bible Really Teach ? These culturally diverse congregations in Asia Minor needed encouragement and guidance . Of what must each of us be convinced ? In Germany , where the law made no provision for exemption because of conscientious objection , more than 20 Bible Students refused to have any involvement with the military . They would say : “ [ Jehovah ] will instruct us about his ways , and we will walk in his paths . ” Consider the example of the Ethiopian proselyte who was returning home after going to Jerusalem to worship . Paul responded by giving a fine talk . Dishonesty and other wicked practices were still present , and the rebuilding of Jehovah’s temple in Jerusalem was far from complete . Consider why the idea may sound appealing , why such thinking is faulty , and how you can refute it . * Moreover , copper - containing IUDs are said to alter the lining of the uterus . John as well as his five brothers and sisters and their mother were all staunch Roman Catholics and as such were opposed to the father’s faith . In fact , Jehovah called him “ my servant , ” adding : “ He is an upright man of integrity , fearing God and shunning what is bad . ” ​ — Job 1 : 8 . Living without the help of God’s organization and his standards would result in unhappiness and misery . Copies of the Bible were rare and expensive . How Jehovah wants to spare us from such needless suffering ! ​ — Read Isaiah 48 : 17 , 18 . What a blessing this is ! And as Jehovah observes our divided world , it must warm his heart to see the unity that exists among his people . ​ — Read Zephaniah 3 : 17 . There is a subject index that will be helpful , for instance , when choosing a song for a public talk . Then three false comforters arrived and attacked Job with cruel words , basically saying that God was giving him what he deserved ! How can a husband gain deep respect ? SONGS : 3 , 4 For example , he wrote to the congregation in Colossae about false Christians who were trying to gain God’s favor through works of the Law rather than through faith in Christ . One way that we can receive help to deal with our personal trials or tribulations is through prayer . Paul reminded the Philippians : “ You know the proof [ Timothy ] gave of himself , that like a child with a father he slaved with me to advance the good news . ” Is Satan right ? A pleasant smile is often the best introduction . While in his teens , he began to abuse alcohol and , as a result , turned aggressive . That Law came from the most important Person in Jesus ’ life ​ — his Father , Jehovah . Among her guests was a white elder . In a relatively brief time , his knowledge of basic Scriptural truths and his appreciation of them prompted him to get baptized . CAN you imagine what your life would be like without the Bible ? Differences in personality can also lead to conflicts . In the spring , 20 Bible Students in Belfast hosted 2,000 , who heard the talk “ Hereafter . ” A key purpose of the cities of refuge was to protect the Israelites from bloodguilt . They were surprised to see that Jesus was willing to teach a Samaritan woman . Jehovah has lived up to his promise to care for fatherless children . By ‘ testing whether we are in the faith . ’ He strongly believed that everyone should be able to benefit from God’s Word . Since Jehovah has named each of the stars , it is reasonable to assume that all of his angelic sons , including the one who became Satan , also have personal names . Nevertheless , Paul added : “ But by God’s undeserved kindness I am what I am . ” 13 : 4 , 7 . Yes , a distinct trial that many have faced is that of losing a beloved marriage mate in death . Why can human governments not bring about the changes mankind needs most ? Despite Adam and Eve’s rebellion , Jehovah wants mankind to enjoy a good relationship with him . He used a Greek word that , according to one reference work , has the sense of “ a favour freely done , without claim or expectation of return . ” In fact , we can work along with our Potter by supporting our brothers and sisters as they strive to make spiritual advancement . When Paul wrote of “ the primary doctrine about the Christ , ” he included “ the teaching on . . . the resurrection of the dead . ” These are listed below . At Judges 5 : 9 , 10 , we see a further contrast between the attitude of those who marched with Barak and that of those who did not . But how can we improve our decision - making skills ? 16 : 17 , 18 . Regardless of how fervent that desire may be , however , our imperfect state renders us incapable of pleasing God at all times . In the days leading up to the Memorial , we can set aside time to examine prayerfully and carefully our personal relationship with Jehovah . That , however , is not the Christian way . After the second world war , Gleissner repeatedly used his influence to help the Witnesses in Austria . What should be our determination ? Those trips to the docks and the post office helped to strengthen me physically . Jesus promised that the Father in heaven would eagerly “ give holy spirit to those asking him . ” John warmly addressed Gaius as “ the beloved , whom I truly love . ” In each example , we will identify a Scriptural principle that can help us make a wise decision . That scenario may help us appreciate the “ countdown ” for a much greater event , one that calls for us to be keenly aware of what is coming in the near future . How did this decision affect those who knew of Ahab’s terrible crime ? He makes his final judgment during the time of the great tribulation , separating the sheeplike ones , who will survive , from the goatlike ones , who will be destroyed . Even though Adam and Eve initially enjoyed freedom in many ways , there were limits imposed on them . Jehovah had long before warned that such a thing could happen . ​ — Ex . We treasure the memories of zone visits to branches . Or consider the case of a sister in England who very much wanted a child but whose hopes in that regard had not been fulfilled . One teacher said , “ If all children were like yours , teaching would be like paradise . ” Giving priority to spiritual matters can increase the happiness of your marriage ( See paragraph 17 ) How did David react ? ​ — 1 Chron . In what sense have we who hope to live forever in Paradise “ died with reference to sin ” ? I have had interesting conversations with some of them , and many have taken books and magazines . Whichever way he decided , there would be consequences that would affect the rest of his life . But if we knowingly allow people , even our brothers , to post our digital content on other sites or to use the trademark to sell merchandise , the courts may not support our efforts to deter opposers and commercial enterprises . Remember that bereaved ones may experience pangs of grief triggered by anniversaries , certain music , photographs , activities , or even a specific smell , sound , or season of the year . So we should not try to look for prophetic parallels in every detail of the Jewish captivity as if these should somehow apply to what happened to anointed Christians in the years leading up to 1919 . ( b ) What key questions about spirituality will we consider ? At times , we sat under an iron table designed to protect them if the house collapsed . Therefore , Jehovah desires that your plans focus on demonstrating love for others and for God . ​ — Read Matthew 22 : 36 - 39 . Thus , different personalities need not produce conflict ​ — not then , not today . As the ten - tribe kingdom of Israel under Jeroboam sank into idolatry , many from there “ supported Rehoboam ” by traveling to Jerusalem to take their stand for true worship . How do we know that changing one’s decisions might be appropriate ? 1 : 17 . She had learned of these as a youth at home and at the synagogue . Interestingly , in 2011 the Governing Body changed the time of the Watchtower Study for the United States Bethel family from 6 : 45 p.m . to 6 : 15 p.m . What lessons can we learn from the account about Paul and the jailer ? Are you , though , just as sure as Martha was of a future resurrection for a loved one ? And how can we effectively share the good news with refugees who do not yet know Jehovah ? We will be more willing to wait if we remember faithful men and women of old who waited patiently for Jehovah to fulfill his promises . If we live in a divided household , do we ask Jehovah for his help to maintain the Christian personality even when no one else around us is making such an effort ? The ransom makes possible the gathering of 144,000 to serve as kings and priests with Christ in heaven . Our prayers , though , should not be limited to asking God for personal help . Likewise , Jehovah will bless young ones who courageously work at setting spiritual goals and putting Kingdom interests first in their lives . This certainly indicates that God’s servants are letting their light shine ! Soon , during the Thousand Year Reign of Christ , they will be confined to a state of complete inactivity , after which they will be destroyed . Faith involves much more than a mental understanding of God’s purpose . How does hope serve as an anchor ? A husband and a wife should not pretend to love each other in public but then use the silent treatment , cruel words , or physical violence to hurt each other in private . Let your Kingdom come . “ To perceive ” means to recognize something that may not be immediately visible or obvious . Indeed , God determined that those immoral people deserved to die . Back in 1950 , I was the youngest member of the Bethel family . Once he gives the word for something to happen , it is as good as done . In what practical ways , though , can we imitate their examples ? What contrast was there between Israel’s villagers and Jabin’s army ? Those decisions enabled them to move to Ghana in 2004 . Will I allow the world to squeeze me into its mold ​ — and perhaps right out of the truth ? ’ Jehovah promises that if we seek his help , “ the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard [ our ] hearts and [ our ] mental powers by means of Christ Jesus . ” Our worldwide Bible educational work and humanitarian activities are supported by voluntary donations . Gold , silver , and gems will be for adornment , not for investment or hoarding . What a fine lesson for those who lose privileges of service in God’s congregation today ! Remember that Jehovah is blessing the Kingdom proclaimers earth wide who humbly and loyally contribute what they can to help finance such projects . ​ — Luke 21 : 1 - 4 . We must do more than embark on a program of self - improvement . In fact , in Noah’s day , “ the earth was filled with violence . ” In harmony with Micah 4 : 3 , God’s people “ beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning shears . ” Your loving concern and firm stand may move the person to abandon a disorderly course . “ It seemed that after a war and so much sorrow , everyone welcomed even the thought of a golden age , ” observed Beulah Covey . How will humility protect you if you face such a test ? he asked me . ( b ) How do David’s expressions recorded in Psalm 61 remind you of Hannah’s exemplary attitude ? Still , he had to reap the consequences of his unwise course . What does personal study include , and why is it important ? Public schools held patriotic ceremonies that included saluting the flag and singing the national anthem . Others are fond of parts of the Bible containing prophecy ​ — perhaps Revelation , with its preview of “ the things that must shortly take place . ” After a document containing the Mosaic Law was found , Josiah’s secretary began to read it to him . Psalm 118 : 22 pointed to what outstanding event ? However , some key questions arise : What is a vow ? How have the churches of Christendom measured up in this regard ? One fine example is the experience recounted in the article “ Seventy Years of Holding On to the Skirt of a Jew , ” published in The Watchtower of April 15 , 2012 , pages 18 - 21 . How is the fulfillment of Ezekiel’s prophecy in evidence each year at the Memorial ? Even after they embarked on this long journey , they had the “ opportunity to return ” to the prosperous city of Ur . More than ever , our mission as the end nears is to preach the good news of the Kingdom ! “ Take your child’s questions seriously , ” said one father . Why not set the goal to converse with someone new before or after every meeting ? Yes , humans may prize diamonds and other objects of value . 16 : 7 ; John 6 : 44 . Konrad Mörtter was assigned as a medical orderly , and Reinhold Weber worked as a nurse . WHEN a lovely bride appears before her handsome bridegroom on their wedding day , words can hardly describe their joy . We felt that Jehovah had protected us . They do not want to lose control of an assignment . “ If you become discouraged in the day of distress , ” says Proverbs 24 : 10 , “ your strength will be meager . ” Horrified that the horse might kick me , they screamed at me to stop ​ — but I did not react . Unlike children in the ancient nation of Israel , the children of Christian parents are not born as part of a people dedicated to Jehovah . When you are suffering during a trial , try to imagine this invisible scene . Satan and the demons are on one side . At one time , Witnesses of different skin color in that country could not freely associate with one another . Since we cannot read hearts , it is both wise and loving to avoid jumping to conclusions about other people’s motives . ​ — Read James 4 : 12 . Nevertheless , some of Jesus ’ followers in the first century did allow their love to grow cold . We can find true inner peace by obeying Jehovah from the heart . ​ — Isa . ( See opening image 3 . ) ( b ) Where do the women with wings take the ephah container ? In a spiritual sense , God helps to prepare willing individuals so that he can mold them . Why might some parents have concerns when their children want to take the steps of dedication and baptism ? At such times , a good question to ask ourselves is , ‘ What would Jesus do ? ’ Do you find the refining of your Christian qualities now harder than the larger changes you made before baptism ? What does this mean ? why Jehovah molds his people ? 2 : 17 . These people like to talk about God . What about Asa’s son Jehoshaphat ? But to cut the cords all at once , they needed one more knife . MEMORIAL ATTENDANCE ( 2014 ) Tragically , some were killed . Gavin explains that he knew very little about the Bible and did not want others to know this . A few restlessly paced about in the heat . Bible principles protect us from sharing in false worship and from superstitions that enslave many people . Luca was thrilled to be able to give a good witness . They are dressed for battle . If your spiritual progress seems slow , remember that such growth takes time . ( Read Matthew 23 : 11 , 12 . ) Some Israelites were on their way to bury a man . That conclusion was no doubt confirmed when those unions produced abnormal offspring . We do not know who wrote this psalm , but the psalmist apparently lived about the time when Jehovah restored the Israelites to Jerusalem from Babylonian exile . Contrasting Timothy’s example with that of others , Paul said : “ All the others are seeking their own interests , not those of Jesus Christ . ” The following article will address these matters . When I read about how Jesus , Paul , and others persevered in the ministry , do I meditate on how their perseverance ought to affect my service to Jehovah ? ’ 1 : 22 ; 1 John 4 : 21 . It was also a serious test for us to serve alongside KGB agents who infiltrated the congregations without our realizing it . Others became eyewitnesses to another resurrection . ( See paragraphs 8 - 10 ) BECAUSE we live in a troubled world , we must work hard to gain peace . Might that indicate that they have not yet resolved in their heart that they should have clear spiritual goals ? ( b ) What shows that our God is not partial toward any language group , and how does that make you feel ? In addition , Jehovah helped Job to see His power by telling him about some of the amazing things He created . How you discipline your children today will affect communication with them later Admittedly , it is difficult to be honest in these last days when many are “ lovers of themselves , lovers of money . ” For a time , I even worked for the new owners of the radio station , which used the call letters WPOW . 11 , 12 . ( a ) How did Hezekiah reveal what was in his heart ? As a result , the people “ did not deviate from following Jehovah ” throughout Josiah’s lifetime . ​ — 2 Chron . 5 : 13 ; 1 Cor . And what can help us to cultivate this godly trait ? 18 Do You “ Safeguard Practical Wisdom ” ? ( Read Micah 6 : 8 . ) Later , four more of our siblings also became faithful Witnesses . “ Even the hairs of your head are all numbered ” by him . But how does he do so ? In any case , remember that you cannot force others to accept the truth . The two sisters returned to the farm three days later , but the farmer had not even noticed that they were gone . “ But , ” she adds , “ I feared that being a need - greater was beyond my abilities . ” Later , I was invited to transfer to the Buxton Congregation , which had very few publishers and needed help . 3 A Word That Meant So Much ! They need to react favorably to the preaching work that is taking place , put on the Christian personality , dedicate themselves to Jehovah , and loyally support Christ’s brothers . Your life , your faith , the Bible , the congregation , and your wonderful hope for the future . So David prepared to punish Nabal for his offensive and unreasonable response . Writer James Parkes observes : “ The Jews . . . had the right to retain their own observances . And why can you be sure that there will be a future resurrection that may include your loved ones ? 13 , 14 . ( a ) What can we learn from modern - day examples of spiritually - minded people ? Your doing so may lay the groundwork for stressing both the seriousness and the blessings of being dedicated to Jehovah and of being a baptized Christian . No doubt , he will feel that the long wait was worth it . Such faith moves the student to reject conduct that is displeasing to God and to come in line with Jehovah’s righteous standards . Why not meditate on the following valuable principles ? Thus , Paul could write : “ Now , however , these three remain : faith , hope , love ; but the greatest of these is love . ” ​ — 1 Cor . After reaching this conclusion , Lucy wisely chose to overlook the negative remarks . Abel showed love for God by unselfishly offering the best of what he had . In addition , they will have to follow new beneficial instructions that will be revealed in “ the scrolls ” outlining Jehovah’s requirements for living in the new system of things . And you may have been eager to find more spiritual nuggets . The Bible associates godly love with joy , peace , patience , kindness , goodness , faith , mildness , and self - control . So we should never give anyone the idea that a certain government official is controlled by the Devil . Moreover , you will undoubtedly laud our heavenly Father as did David , who sang : “ I will praise Jehovah at all times ; his praise will be on my lips constantly . What is more , as we display the Christlike personality , we adorn our message , which may affect the attitude of some householders . But Jehovah drew us to him “ with the cords of love . ” Preparing a meal seemed to take ten times longer than we were used to , ” says Adria . But do such confrontations achieve the desired results ? Perceptive Christians do not need to ask whether it is acceptable to be entertained by a certain book , movie , or game that features what Jehovah hates . The Scriptures provide us with fine examples of men and women who put forth concerted effort to seek Jehovah’s blessing . Setting theocratic goals early in life makes good sense . And how can all of us , including young Christians , resist him ? Babylon was a center of trade and commerce in the ancient world , and documents that have been unearthed indicate that many Jews learned the art of buying and selling there , while others became skilled craftsmen . Since everything Jehovah does is influenced by love , it is his will that all his worshippers display love as their dominant quality . If we cultivate love and kindness in our heart , we will not easily become jealous . And how may we help others to do so ? Then after moving on , we would return and call on those in the area where we had been parked . The negative response of unbelieving relatives to the truth can make life difficult for Jehovah’s people . Christ is the only human who ever lived whom we can consider a perfect role model . 22 : 8 ; Ps . However , I feel happier now . Satan suggested that if Jesus would do one act of worship , he could have it all and have it right then . God’s Word also assures us that Jehovah protects his people from Satan and his demons . He found great comfort in reading Psalm 46 ; Zephaniah 3 : 17 ; and Mark 10 : 29 , 30 . Why is this deceptive reasoning ? ​ — Jas . Could you help them find a job as a remote worker to enable them to stay in their assignment ? During World War I , what was the relationship between God’s people and Babylon the Great ? of March 2007 , pp . 10 - 12 . But what about you personally ? “ When the true God saw what they did , how they had turned back from their evil ways , he reconsidered the calamity that he said he would bring on them , and he did not bring it . ” That perfect man would need to be loyal to Jehovah and be willing to give his life in exchange for doomed humanity . Barr , who later served on the Governing Body . Such was the effect of Jehovah’s pointed but refreshing counsel . So when we go to the meetings , we listen to what Jehovah says , feel how much he loves us , and draw closer to him . Each of us should accept it as his or her personal responsibility to contribute to maintaining the oneness in the congregation . Upon graduating , Bethel and I were assigned to Nairobi , Kenya . 1 , 2 . ( a ) What did Eliphaz and Bildad claim about the effect of our service to God ? Read Isaiah 40 : 29 . David and his men had been “ like a protective wall ” for Nabal’s shepherds and flocks . Such expectations about the Messiah doubtless led the people of Galilee to want Jesus to become their king . When we follow Jesus ’ advice , we can leave with our peace intact and with the possibility of helping the person in the future . JEHOVAH is the wealthiest Person in the universe . 3 : 18 . This brings you even closer to him . Granted , an infant would not qualify for baptism . Such reasoning may be well - intentioned , but will it help their child to achieve genuine success ? None of the 10,000 Israelite volunteers could boast about bringing this deliverance . Resisting the pressures of advertising and the world around them , they remember the principle : “ The borrower is a slave to the lender . ” “ Is everything all right , Brother Herd ? ” We should be willing to perform acts of love for our brothers “ in secret , ” or out of the limelight , when this is possible . Indeed , all of this helps us to consider how we should or should not deal with similar issues . ​ — Rom . Therefore , we keep encouraging them to learn the truth about Jehovah and his purpose for mankind . ( b ) What helps us to fight materialistic desires ? In what special way did Jehovah reveal himself to Moses , and why is this significant ? It will be helpful to consider three suggestions for benefiting from all portions of the Bible and the various types of spiritual food available to us . After spending a night fishing , what experience did Peter have ? They taught regularly at the temple . However , our sinful leanings , our upbringing , and other factors make it a challenge to accept discipline or to view it in the right light . They must recognize that Jehovah God has the ultimate authority to impose what he determines to be just , necessary , and reasonable limits . Neighborly love ​ — what a worthy reason , indeed , to continue in our ministry ! As you do so , you can be certain that Jehovah of armies will keep you safe and secure during the remainder of this system of things ​ — and for eternity ! What will replace wrong activities ? 8 : 5 . In July 1942 , at the age of 11 , I was baptized in a water tank on a farm . They were suffering opposition and were subjected to abusive speech . I felt crushed , concluding that I was a spiritual failure . The first article helps us to show genuine concern for those from a foreign background who attend meetings in our congregation . CHRISTIAN faith is a precious quality . At first , Uzziah did “ what was right in Jehovah’s eyes , ” and “ he kept searching for God . ” Older brothers should not be disheartened when it becomes necessary to hand their assignments over to younger men . If you succeed in resolving the issue with their help , you will have “ gained your brother . ” How should Paul’s counsel to Christians in Rome help us when we are affected by change ? ( See opening picture . ) ( b ) How can Christian youths best meet this challenge ? 2 , 3 . ( a ) What blessings are possible for someone who has faith ? Some had been idolaters , adulterers , homosexuals , thieves , drunkards , and the like . 2 : 13 . The goal could easily be met if publishers would devote 15 hours a month to the ministry and pioneers , 110 hours . Read Philippians 2 : 4 . Today , most people refuse to listen to the good news of God’s Kingdom that is being preached throughout the earth for a witness to all the nations before this wicked system is brought to its end . But how did God manifest this undeserved kindness ? Imagine that you are walking near a riverbank and see what seems to be a tiny pebble reflecting the sunlight . Do we have a guardian angel ? In order to benefit from God’s laws , we need to do more than simply read them or become acquainted with them . That said , Bible principles reflect God’s wisdom and his love for us . 34 : 14 . How do these friends of Jehovah feel about making such sacrifices ? * Jesus also foretold that his little flock of anointed followers would “ become one flock ” with his “ other sheep . ” But instead of judging them , let us show insight and compassion . “ Jehovah founded the earth in wisdom , ” says the Bible . How we appreciate such blessings ! Or the love of the world might involve efforts to attain “ great things , ” such as through the pursuit of higher education . What will help youths not to be distracted ? God definitely has power over death . And reflect on what they should mean to you . Soon we were accommodating zone servants ( now known as circuit overseers ) and inviting nearby pioneers for meals . What encouragement did Joshua receive ? Why could she be certain of that ? If you realize that you have to some extent been affected in a negative way , by all means pray for holy spirit . Suppose you learn that a brother was offended by something you said or did . Individuals who were spreading false teachings tried to weaken and divide congregations . A prominent Israelite woman in Shunem showed Elisha exceptional hospitality . We would have the girls play the part of a Witness answering questions . Our love for Jehovah will , in turn , ignite our desire to please him in all that we do . The cities were given “ a sacred status . ” Truly , Jehovah has been a real Father to me ! So select your key scriptures carefully , and take time to read , explain , illustrate , and apply them well . Timothy was a man of faith . Nevertheless , we are still imperfect . Our awareness of this undeniable truth will prompt us to be humble , to recognize our limitations , and to adjust our view of the matter . Yet , he was confident that his disciples would have the courage to maintain their loyalty to him despite family opposition . For the most part , the scheme worked . 18 : 6 . ( b ) Why do Jehovah’s words found at Ezekiel 3 : 18 , 19 and 18 : 23 motivate us to keep on preaching ? In my third year of pioneering , Earl Stewart , a brother from the branch office , delivered a talk to over 500 people in the public plaza of Angat . He worked hard in sacred service . To answer that question , we first need to understand what genuine joy is and how others have remained joyful despite trials . In the following article , we will consider how all of us can help them to serve Jehovah joyfully . In explaining her reasons for discouraging her daughter from getting baptized , one Christian mother stated , “ I am ashamed to say that the major reason was the disfellowshipping arrangement . ” What shows that Mary was a spiritual person ? George and Adria relate that when they first moved to Ghana , they felt as if they had gone back in time . General words of encouragement and commendation are helpful , but Jesus ’ message to Christians in Thyatira shows that being specific is better . The result of our being peaceable is that true worshippers enjoy an abundance of peace . If we fall into serious sin , we need to repent sincerely and seek Jehovah’s forgiveness . The apostles distributed these funds to those in need . As they read , they asked questions : ‘ Where in God’s Word is there mention of purgatory ? Undeniably , the good news highlights Jehovah’s undeserved kindness . Indeed , all in the congregation ​ — young , old , and newly interested ones — ​ can join in this form of direct worship of Jehovah . For example , at our assemblies and conventions , attendants are on duty in the seating area before others are scheduled to enter . According to what is stated at Matthew 25 : 31 - 33 , Jesus is the one who judges people . Paul stressed that we must strongly reject the view : ‘ Oh , God understands . FIVE , four , three , two , one ! In time , your children will likely thank you for doing that ! When our family prayed before meals , he would clasp his tiny hands , nod his head , and say a hearty “ Amen ! ” Let us consider three main points : Why did Jesus refuse to get involved in separatist movements ? Kevin’s experience shows that the Bible helps God’s people to continue making positive changes in their life . “ Yes , absolutely ! ” He will remind you of my methods in connection with Christ Jesus , just as I am teaching everywhere in every congregation . ” Well , Jehovah himself is honest ; he “ cannot lie . ” But I got a thrill out of witnessing to others . Yet , sometimes a decision deserves reconsideration . WHY can you be sure that those words are true and that Jehovah truly does care for you ? In addition , they had become members of one large spiritual family , united by love and faith . We quickly grew fond of Kenya and our delightful ministry there . ( c ) How have you benefited from theocratic education and training ? Why should older ones help younger ones to take on increased responsibility ? What aspect of the new personality greatly contributes to our unity ? Our efforts to defend the good news may result in legal victories . Today , thousands are demonstrating that same “ Here I am ! If you discern that you are deficient in some aspect of self - control , admit it . Nonetheless , she said : “ I still went through a sort of grieving process . They are more stable emotionally , they are better at forming wholesome relationships , and they are not as angry and prone to anxiety and depression as are impulsive people . Toward them in particular , Jehovah will “ demonstrate the surpassing riches of his undeserved kindness . ” Yes , your consideration and discernment can help young and old , experienced and less experienced , to preach the good news with zeal . ​ — Lev . Social occasions may be the only times others ask to hear about our experiences . For example , when Lucia * learned of the need for ministers in Albania , she moved there from Italy in 1993 with no means of support , trusting fully in Jehovah . Truly , not even Hezekiah expected that to happen ! ​ — 2 Ki . He was personally involved in rebuilding Jerusalem’s walls . The self - control that results is fundamental to your enjoying everyday life in God’s favor and to sharing good things with your loved ones . How has Jehovah rewarded his servants , both in the past and in the present ? Why should we accept that making decisions is part of life ? Think about how you benefit from reading the Bible , examining the publications of “ the faithful and discreet slave , ” watching JW Broadcasting , visiting , talking with the elders , and associating with fellow Christians . Yes , Paul’s love for the ministry moved him to work hard at making disciples . In June 1951 , both were baptized , and six months later , they began pioneering . That region is home to the Antandroy people . However , in December 1952 , I was called to report for military service . We will consider two of them . While it is true that we have the freedom to make personal choices regarding our education and career , we need to remember that our freedom is relative and that all decisions we make have consequences . This time , there were “ two large thanksgiving choirs . ” 34 : 22 . See also the “ Question Box ” in Our Kingdom Ministry , April 2011 , p . What did that mean for her ? He then listed 19 negative traits , or qualities , that would characterize people in this time period . Matthew focuses on Joseph , such as his reaction to Mary’s pregnancy and the divine messages to flee to Egypt and later return . How can you show a compassionate attitude in your dealings with others ? Hezekiah Or new information may provide us with a valid reason to adjust a decision . Without doubt , his neighbors must have asked him why he was building such a colossal structure . He relates : “ Thieves broke into our living quarters and stole many of my belongings . Think of what God did for Lot . With the help of holy spirit , they grasped Scriptural truths . However , there is joy in training others . ​ — Acts 20 : 35 . Can we imagine the apostle Paul or Aquila and Priscilla occupying themselves each day posting images or following someone outside of the brotherhood ? When she began doing so in 1993 , there were only about 20 publishers in the Russian - language group in New York City . In one typical case , an investigator reported that despite stern warnings , the Bible Students he questioned insisted that they would “ continue to preach the word of God to the end . ” Noah had to trust that Jehovah would keep His promise to end wickedness , believing that God would do so at just the right time . ​ — Gen . AS Zechariah’s seventh vision closes , the prophet has much to think about . In the latter case , Asa relied on his own wisdom and bribed King Ben - hadad of Syria to attack Baasha . His kind words heartened those who were figuratively like a bruised reed or the wick of an oil lamp about to go out . Joy is a state of happiness or gladness that remains whether the conditions around us are pleasant or not . I was assigned to the printery and learned to operate the flatbed press . Have as full a share as possible in supporting true worship . Do you not agree that our activity in spreading the good news is a great and rewarding work ? ​ — Matt . Likewise , God is love , but “ those whom Jehovah loves he disciplines . ” To my surprise , one day my teacher tried to shame me by saying that I was a coward . All those men relied on God’s spirit to help them , and that spirit empowered them to perform feats that they could not have done in their own strength . Be sincere and specific . To be honest , there have been times when I felt frustrated and wanted to give up because I could not understand what was being said or because it seemed as if the needs of the deaf were not understood . We will also consider the firm stand the Bible Students took regarding Babylon the Great , and we will learn when the Babylonian captivity ended . He can help us through fellow worshippers who by their words and deeds can be “ a strengthening aid ” to us . ​ — Col . 4 : 11 , ftn . In this wicked system controlled by Satan , all of us at times face discouraging circumstances . 3 , 4 . ( a ) How does the Bible use the word “ hands ” ? After several more meetings , Brother Damian Santos , an elderly pioneer who was an ex - mayor , invited me to stay overnight . Daniel says , “ I concluded that it was time for me to make a 180 - degree turn . ” A month before our 40th wedding anniversary , Eunice lost her battle with cancer . And the result is the same as in the first century ​ — rejoicing over the encouragement ! What are these gifts , and how do we benefit from them ? His main concern was to collect taxes for Rome and to maintain peace and order . Love of God has moved some to give up potentially lucrative careers to serve Jehovah more fully . I was frightened but so admired Father . That is why we daily must read God’s written Word and meditate on what Jehovah is telling us . Consider the example of a family man who felt that his zeal was waning somewhat . What opportunities do we have for extending hospitality “ to one another ” ? The principal reason should be your desire to imitate and glorify the Source of love and compassion , Jehovah God . Keep in mind that this was at a time when God tolerated polygamy . What was the contrast ? ( Read Isaiah 12 : 5 . ) God loves him . The two sticks were to become “ just one stick ” in Ezekiel’s hand . ​ — Ezek . May we zealously continue to live up to our dedication vow ​ — to Jehovah’s delight . VENECIA , a sister in Venezuela , said : “ I could never imagine myself witnessing by phone . ” For example , in 49 C.E . , holy spirit guided the governing body to make a decision regarding the issue of circumcision . Her heart moved her to resign from her position and to end her lesbian relationship . As a result , the upright are able to “ understand what is righteous and just and fair , the entire course of what is good . ” However , the objective of his ministry was not social or political reform , the very thing people of that day were seeking . Might there be a need to cut back on “ dessert ” ? ​ — Read Ephesians 5 : 15 , 16 . What are some medical principles found in the Bible ? Without a doubt , the primary source of consolation is our compassionate heavenly Father , Jehovah . Families who obey them enjoy love , respect , and security . 13 Life Story ​ — We Experienced God’s Undeserved Kindness in Many Ways Our endurance produces “ an approved condition ” and strengthens our hope . Realizing that Jehovah had given her strength and wisdom to give a witness on that sensitive subject , the young girl felt very happy . “ Love , joy , peace . ” 3 : 16 ; Acts 16 : 25 . Some inhabitants of Jerusalem in Jesus ’ day thought that the pool of Bethzatha had healing powers when its water was “ stirred up . ” He is truly “ a help that is readily found in times of distress . ” ​ — Ps . he was reminding Peter of the need to put spiritual things first in his life . It took all day , so we were given lunch . Satan and his world offer ever more alluring choices in dress and grooming , food and drink , recreation and entertainment , and a host of other things . 2 , 3 . ( a ) Why is Jehovah especially worthy of honor ? If you had witnessed the apostles ’ heated disputes , would you have viewed these men as meek and malleable ? On one occasion , Jesus visited the home of Mary and her sister , Martha . This will be possible only through Jehovah’s extraordinary kindness . Consequently , what can we conclude about the line of descent leading to Jesus , the Messiah ? Individuals also feel truly loved , valued , and secure ​ — a foretaste of the blessings to come . You might feel that those incidents appear minor . And they made plain their own failings and those of other servants of God . Soon afterward , a communist officer ordered us to join a guerrilla raiding party . Since Jehovah has “ opened to the nations the door to faith , ” could we not open our own door to strangers who are “ related to us in the faith ” ? ​ — Acts 14 : 27 ; Gal . The reward is according to the work , not according to the results of that work . What enabled them to remain faithful and obedient ? The words of Jehovah , however , describe things far greater for our day . Our meditating on how much God has done for us will help us to avoid an attitude that Jehovah hates . When we reason on godly principles , our conscience increasingly becomes a more reliable guide , attuned to God’s thinking . Amaziah , on the other hand , was not fully devoted to Jehovah . The songs in our songbook are truly “ spiritual songs [ to be ] sung with gratitude . ” He repeatedly showed mercy toward the nation and loyalty to his covenant with them . Seek the company of those who will encourage you to pursue worthwhile goals and avoid trouble . ( a ) Where can we look for examples of godly qualities ? We , however , are imperfect . These words also apply to God’s people today . But he failed to cultivate a close bond with Jehovah or a fervent desire to please him . Mairambubu and I often traveled to Balykchy . Of what did Paul have to warn the Galatians ? What can we learn from how Abraham became God’s friend ? Whether young or old , brothers and sisters who are discouraged or depressed or who face other trials need our attention , encouragement , and comfort . For similar reasons , God’s inspired Word does not provide a lot of rules designed to govern a Christian’s choice of employment , health care , and entertainment . Of course , that could never be true . Although Philip was busy as an evangelizer , he no doubt helped his four daughters to become effective in sharing Scriptural truths with others . Are not spiritual fathers , mothers , brothers , sisters , and children much more valuable than anything we have renounced or given up for the sake of the Kingdom ? Depending on local conditions , the types of donations that you can send directly may include : ( Read Psalm 133 : 1 , 2 . ) In these two articles , we will see how Christ taught his followers to become united and to overcome the prejudices that tend to divide . In what ways did Noah show great courage ? When opposed by the Sadducees , the apostles would not stop teaching on the basis of Jesus ’ name . ​ — Acts 5 : 17 , 18 , 27 - 29 . You will find some practical steps for setting spiritual goals outlined in the article “ Use Spiritual Goals to Glorify Your Creator , ” published in The Watchtower of July 15 , 2004 . Still , if you are ever tempted to break one of Jehovah’s laws , strengthen yourself by taking time to ponder the disastrous spiritual consequences that you could face for failing to restrain sinful impulses . It has been a joy and a privilege to work with many stalwart and loyal brothers and sisters over the years . She recalls : “ I was very timid and found it difficult to talk to strangers . It’s really good to see you . ” Jesus even washed the feet of his apostles . book and look up cited scriptures . Is it true that Jehovah was displeased with his servants because they had slowed down in their preaching activity during World War I ? This example of worldly thinking appeals to many people because they view religion as dull and irrelevant . Similarly , the title “ Long - Suffering ” has been changed to “ Exercise Patience , ” and the lyrics have been adjusted accordingly . Representatives of both the two - tribe kingdom and the ten - tribe kingdom returned together from exile . This Bible account helps many Witnesses today to be courageous and refuse to worship the flag of the country where they live . The eight Bible Students were sentenced to long terms of imprisonment in the federal penitentiary in Atlanta , Georgia . 3 : 1 - 5 . Refugees from warm lands may encounter cold weather for the first time and may not know how to dress for it . I have learned many things in this assignment , but the foremost lesson has been how obvious it is that Jesus Christ ​ — not any man — ​ is the head of the Christian congregation . Understandably , not everyone in the congregations of this area is able to travel long distances . It is faith - strengthening to know that our imperfection does not stop us from serving Jehovah acceptably . And it is similar with Jesus ’ bringing Jairus ’ daughter back to life . Fifteen of those with whom Irene studied got baptized . Christians in Corinth became divided over the matter of eating meat that may have been offered to idols but was thereafter sold in a meat market . Consider , for example , the amount of energy that he supplies just to our sun . A brother kindly accommodated all of us , together with Pryce Hughes , then the branch servant in Britain . He encouraged his brothers by his courageous example at Pentecost and thereafter . ( See paragraphs 13 , 14 ) They picture heavenly forces that were involved in the destruction of Jerusalem and that will also be involved in the destruction of Satan’s wicked system at Armageddon . “ It is important to make clear right away that we are Jehovah’s Witnesses and that our primary mission is to help them spiritually , not materially , ” notes an elder who has helped many refugees . 8 : 2 , 8 . And for what ? ” We can learn much by examining how Jesus handled a situation in the first century when the land was unsettled by political turmoil . We have a wonderful relationship . ” Instead of naming themselves after a prominent apostle , “ the disciples were by divine providence called Christians . ” Of course , making plans can be challenging . How can strong faith protect you ? Thus , it is both loving and practical for older ones to prepare younger ones to take on greater responsibility . ​ — Read Psalm 71 : 18 . Then John expressed his hope that the physical health of Gaius was as good as his spiritual health . I do not have the slightest doubt that Jehovah provides everything we need , no matter what assignment we receive . In this regard , let us consider three areas of life that if not kept in their proper place could weaken our love for the Christ and for spiritual things ​ — secular work , recreation , and material things . What is represented by the term “ Ephraim ” ? We live in a world full of wrongdoing . If so , that would give us added reason to look forward , as Martha did , to a time of resurrection . Those arriving from a location with a different climate may be grateful to learn how to dress in your hot , cold , or rainy weather . Yet , Jehovah has blessed her zealous spirit and that of others like her . Actually , this is the very first time that I have been part of a sign - language congregation . “ Even if others make negative comments about my activity , ” she says , “ I remain happy , for I know that I am trying my best to receive Jehovah’s smile of approval . ” Spiritual goals . He realized that I was right , and I could see that he was sad . For the first human pair , the possibilities for satisfying work , accomplishment , and discovery were endless . The idea of what a man should be like , as presented in the movies and the social environment , influenced me a great deal . ( a ) How is disobedience to parents viewed by some today ? Victoria relates : 119 : 66 . Why is safety important to God’s people ? Bible scholars suggest that love of self is put at the top of the apostle Paul’s list of negative qualities that would be prevalent during the last days because the other qualities result from it . 1 , 2 . ( a ) Why were people in the apostle Paul’s day concerned with slavery and freedom ? And we have only three official apps for mobile devices ​ — JW Language , JW Library , and JW Library Sign Language . Passing Jews ignored this unfortunate man , whereas the Samaritan took pity on him . 3 : 1 - 4 . 1 : 14 . 8 , 9 . ( a ) What challenges may refugees face in a new land ? Giving is also an expression of our worship of Jehovah . My pioneer partner and I were quite different . Will he love her more ? But whom would Jephthah give to Jehovah ? They must work hard to fulfill this obligation . Prepare now to stay neutral even in a difficult situation The apostle Paul lists peace as the third aspect of “ the fruitage of the spirit . ” One night we discussed the release of the booklet God’s Way Is Love , produced especially with Ireland in mind . Likewise today , unselfish giving in appreciation for and in support of the work of the earthly part of Jehovah’s organization is a fundamental aspect of worship . “ You too exercise patience . ” ​ — JAS . For instance , what if we ( or a family member ) were stricken by a serious illness or we were faced with some injustice ? to what did “ these ” refer ? In his illustration of the king settling accounts , how did Jesus make it clear that Jehovah expects us to be forgiving ? Besides worshipping the same God , what could Judge Jephthah and Elkanah’s wife Hannah possibly have in common ? The answer came in a vision while he was in Troas . Sometime later , that king sent high officials to Jerusalem , along with a large army , to demoralize the Jews and intimidate Hezekiah into surrendering . She made good progress and learned that it was her God - given duty to raise her child to worship Jehovah . The apostle Paul clearly alerted the Galatians to the danger of letting others make personal decisions for them . I learned early on that the personal name of God Almighty is Jehovah . His heart was in the preaching work . Reflecting on these thoughts may help us come to a decision that will be practical for us and will have our heavenly Father’s blessing . Out of his undeserved kindness , he opened our heart to the good news . All of us , of course , must face the reality that we are sinners . 3 , 4 . ( a ) What led up to Paul’s statement found at 2 Corinthians 3 : 17 ? Jehovah’s support has always given me the strength to endure . Neither of them served Jehovah . Read Ephesians 4 : 26 . There was no alcohol at the wedding , and the festivities were orderly . They did not focus just on themselves and their personal comfort . First Peter 5 : 7 states : “ Throw all your anxiety on him , because he cares for you . ” We know our enemy , his tactics , and his intentions . When we view divine discipline in that light , we will be more likely to appreciate it for what it truly is : beautiful evidence of God’s unmatched love for us . Such students need to work hard and keep on searching the Scriptures to find priceless wisdom . One of my instructors at Gilead , Brother Jack Redford , explained to us that at first we might be disturbed , even shocked , by the conditions in our assignment , especially when coming face - to - face with severe poverty . When we forgive those who have offended us , we show that we appreciate the forgiveness of our own sins made possible by Christ’s ransom sacrifice . Maintain your good habits of family worship and personal study . Bathing facilities lacked privacy , so I learned to bathe modestly out in the open . I traveled by jeepney and bus and sometimes by boat when going to other islands . The prize before us ​ — whether immortal life in heaven or everlasting life on a paradise earth — ​ is marvelous to contemplate . Today , Christian parents have a similar interest in helping their children make wise decisions . Millions of books , magazines , tracts , and convention and Memorial invitations have been distributed free of charge . We have produced various publications in more than 700 languages . Thus , Noah further exercised his faith by being “ a preacher of righteousness . ” ​ — Gen . Abraham mourned the death of Sarah . After doing research , consulting others , and praying for guidance , we need to take steps in the direction that God’s spirit is leading us . A week later , the two met at a Kingdom Hall . Your goal should be to provide loving support and help in a winning way . The question , then , is : Who has the right to determine what limits are just , necessary , and reasonable ? Becoming a spiritual person is very important . True , that arrangement was instituted under the Law covenant , which was replaced at Pentecost 33 C.E . However , you need not be consumed by anxiety , or worry , over events that you do not know anything about . “ I have fought feelings of worthlessness for many years , ” says Rubén . 1 - 3 . ( a ) What was the situation of Jehovah’s people when Zechariah began prophesying ? As the Source of life , he becomes the Father of everyone who is resurrected . Two years later , when I was 16 , I was appointed as a pioneer . When those first hired realized this , they complained . They usually promise that they will love , cherish , and respect each other and that they will do so “ for as long as [ they ] both shall live together on earth according to God’s marital arrangement . ” His sayings later became part of the Bible . Nevertheless , when Jesus was being taken into custody , all the apostles ​ — including Peter — ​ abandoned him . Filip relates : “ I studied with a young man named Michael . The gift of joy . “ Each one of you must love his wife as he does himself ; . . . the wife should have deep respect for her husband . ” ​ — EPH . I am a fool to stand before two people spreading God’s Word and attempt to steer them away like that . ” They have the loving support of their brothers and sisters , and when they commit themselves to Jehovah , their plans in life will succeed . Gaius might well have been a congregation overseer , but the letter does not specifically say so . As a result , our brothers and sisters of that time were able to accomplish much in the ministry . But after they learn the truth , each one makes a choice as to whom he or she will serve . Jesus taught us to ‘ seek first the Kingdom , ’ not material things . I can still remember his talk , “ It Is Later Than You Think ! ” Dew is gentle . A new system of sharing earth’s bounties will be a way of life . Our ministry will refresh others when we think of different ways to help them learn more about the truth . He replied in a harsh and insulting way , denying David’s request . In what way is a mild temper evidence of the wisdom from above ? Then you will draw ever closer to your heavenly Father . So let us now continue to strengthen our faith and to work whole - souled as to Jehovah . Jehovah has given us the Bible to strengthen us . It also involves endeavoring to control our imperfect tendencies , even eliminating them where possible . How we appreciated their self - sacrificing spirit as well as the help of the local friends in the area ! They appeared to be zealous and were active in the ministry . Just why could she believe that , and why can you ? They do not even have a Jewish synagogue in their city , unlike so many other cities that Paul has visited . They serve in areas where more Kingdom proclaimers are needed . Four months later , I was invited to serve as a special pioneer in Austria . He was well - aware of people’s day - to - day needs . 2 : 24 , 25 . The foremost reason why we share in the preaching work is to glorify Jehovah and sanctify his name before mankind . Through the pages of the Bible , God and Christ tell us what they have in store for us in the immediate future and how we can keep on the watch . Jehovah shows the same largeheartedness today toward those who sincerely want to merit his favor . ​ — Ps . There may be occasions when it would be good for us to reconsider a choice or decision . At times , we were bothered by insects . As devoted servants of Jehovah , we are concerned not only with our personal preferences but with the effect that our dress and grooming could have on others . Being imperfect , all of us sin . How did Jesus make clear that he did not seek political power on earth ? God even tells us to pray about those who have authority so that we can worship him in peace . When a famine struck the region , Joseph’s brothers came to Egypt to buy food but did not recognize him . Are you following such suggestions from Jehovah’s organization ? SONGS : 7 , 3 So to strengthen ourselves , we got together whenever we could to study the Bible , sing spiritual songs , and pray . We see Jehovah’s Witnesses everywhere ! ’ ” Why do you want to cultivate and show compassion ? Then , we need to see the bigger issue behind such incidents ​ — Satan claims that we serve Jehovah only when it is convenient . For one thing , it seeks the other person’s advantage . If you are reading this , I am no longer around . Anita , now in her mid - 70 ’ s , had serious doubts about her abilities . Blossom’s parents , mentioned in the first paragraph , were understandably concerned whether their daughter was old enough to grasp the significance and seriousness of baptism . Each of the six committees of the Governing Body rotate chairmanship in the same way . For example , a missionary priest once told a Witness that he had lived in many different countries and that he had asked the Witnesses in each country what message they were preaching . But I still read the Bible every day , and I go to meetings and out in the ministry whenever I can . My desire to give others a hope for the future continued to grow , and my mother and I got baptized in Dover in March 1940 . Later that night , Peter used a sword to attack a member of the mob . In response , we were given just one choice : Pine Bluff , Arkansas . Our daughters have told us that the examples we and their grandparents set helped them to obey Jesus ’ command to ‘ keep seeking first the Kingdom , ’ even when they had difficult financial situations . The son was most grateful . Later in life he returned to doing what was bad . Can we look past our own problems and see the real issue ? 5 : 16 . What misdirected kind of love characterizes people who are alienated from God ? Elders can contact congregations in other lands by sending correspondence to their own branch using . Give Success to All Your Plans , ” July Today , the trials that you face may be overwhelming and painful , but remember that they are only temporary . ( a ) What sort of freedom does Jehovah’s spirit bring ? The Bible emphasizes the importance of love . Now let us return to Hebrews 12 : 16 , which reads : “ Watch that among you there is no one who is sexually immoral nor anyone who does not appreciate sacred things , like Esau , who gave up his rights as firstborn in exchange for one meal . ” When Judas later betrayed him , Christ did not let that defection mar his own relationship with his Father , Jehovah ; nor did Jesus allow Peter’s denial to do that . 27 : 11 . Try to grasp how they apply to you and your family . According to God’s Word , a wife is to accept that she will be directed by her husband rather than by her parents . 25 : 11 - 16 . Why do we need to discuss how to provide consolation for the bereaved ? Really , though , does that reflect practical wisdom ? Would you have let it stumble you to the point that you would no longer serve God ? This means that we cannot show genuine love while pretending to be something that we are not , as if we were wearing a mask . Shortly before his death , Jesus three times warned his disciples about “ the ruler of this world . ” Perhaps you do not consider yourself to be studious . Do not these words reassure you ? In fact , the truth about Jesus ’ genealogy was so well - known that even the Pharisees and Sadducees could not deny it . So let us do that . Yet , for years , I would come home frustrated because of problems at work . “ My friend became my go - to person whenever I did not understand why people reacted in certain ways . How does that gift ​ — his peace — ​ help us to bear fruit ? Then they changed . What steps must we take in order to receive Jehovah’s mercy and forgiveness ? Why will we consider examples of worldly thinking ? It’s wonderful to know his name . That could come about only by his being resurrected to life again . Why were the Pharisees so unwilling to show mercy ? When we first arrived in Pine Bluff , we moved in with the brother who was the congregation servant at the time . To lie is to say something untruthful . True , we have to earn a living , and there is nothing wrong with choosing work we enjoy . Then sin overwhelmed him . 4 : 31 . Or we may be struggling with feelings of inadequacy , with unfulfilled expectations , or with personal failings . Our meetings help us to be united as a loving family . 11 : 8 - 11 . Still , others have a right and responsibility to make their own decisions . Do you not agree that these benefits give us good reason to “ put on the Lord Jesus Christ ” ? ​ — Rom . Get to know your children well ​ — their thinking , their feelings , their concerns . Introduce texts in a way that increases respect for God’s Word Because he loves us , and he wants to teach us how to benefit ourselves . “ I liked teaching people about Jehovah , ” she says , “ but I never imagined that I could serve abroad . Shortly thereafter , we received a letter inviting us to serve in Portugal . How the parents appreciate this gift ! A 1944 magazine clipping showing a sandwich - sign parade in Mexico City What questions will this article discuss ? These might be likened to the pillars of a house that keep it standing . Before long , he was asked to serve as a microphone handler at the Kingdom Hall ​ — a privilege he deeply appreciated . Perrine and Louis 22 - 23 . “ I felt so upset that evening , ” she said , “ that I almost did not come to the Kingdom Hall . ( b ) How do you make time for Bible reading ? After spending a few months preaching on the smaller islands of the Bahamas , we set sail for the Leeward Islands and the Windward Islands , which extend some 500 miles ( 800 km ) from the Virgin Islands near Puerto Rico and stretch almost to Trinidad . They remained there until Herod died . God’s expressed purpose , as outlined in the Bible , has already affected our life , and it will continue to exert power in our life . Although in need of consolation himself , Job gave his three “ troublesome comforters ” a lesson in giving encouragement . I quickly called on a brother who gave the right answer ​ — at least , I hope he did . ” In what ways can we “ follow the course of hospitality ” ? How was the Pharisees ’ attitude in contrast with God’s mercy ? But I kept going to church on Sundays , and I prayed the Rosary every day . The expression “ new heavens and a new earth ” means that there will be a new government and a new earthly society over which that government rules . 11 : 40 ; Ps . We may feel that our small donations do not mean much . Its members connived to have him put to death . Though we all face trials and tribulations , Jehovah provides the comfort we need . Having the benefit of experience , they may perceive the likely outcome of a decision and thus give us good advice . ​ — Job 12 : 12 . Daniel and his companions were determined to give exclusive devotion to Jehovah as their Potter . What lessons do we learn from these Bible accounts ? “ Jehovah’s spirit came upon Gideon . ” If a young person has doubts , how can parents provide assistance ? Did Nehemiah allow that situation to cause him to drop his hands in discouragement too ? What message did Jehovah give Ezekiel regarding unity ? 144 : 15 . To overcome such feelings , you might tell them something about yourself . Our meetings encourage us and give us the strength to keep serving Jehovah Curious , I asked my mom : “ How can Jesus be both the Son and the Father at the same time ? ” How can we meditate effectively ? Daniel is another faithful man whom we know about from the Hebrew Scriptures . It can refer to the harmful practice of smoking or the telling of obscene jokes . PEOPLE often define themselves by the work they do . So keep your mind on what Jehovah has promised , and let nothing deprive you of the prize ! Could you provide them with accommodations when they return to their country of origin to work or to visit ? ​ — 3 John 5 - 8 . 7 : 32 - 35 . They know that true and lasting security comes to those who demonstrate trust in God by living in harmony with Bible principles . ​ — Ps . ( b ) Why did Paul experience such feelings ? The letter conveying that decision also reveals that the governing body manifested the fruitage of God’s spirit , including love and faith . ​ — Acts 15 : 11 , 25 - 29 ; Gal . I might come down with a serious illness and miss my chance to pioneer overseas . When Jesus told his listeners to “ stop being anxious about [ their ] lives , ” it was the same as telling them to “ stop worrying . ” When instructed to stop mixing commercial business with the preaching work , one resentful colporteur quit and formed his own Bible study group . “ But after a while , the somewhat difficult situations really just became new experiences . ” 13 Maintain Your Spiritual Health While Serving in a Foreign Field A person could also be given to Jehovah as a burnt offering , meaning that the person would serve God for the rest of his life Does this mean that faith is the most important Christian quality ? However , the Jewish captivity does not appear to be a prophetic type of what happened to Christians . The 550 participants placed about 60,000 pieces of literature in just two weeks ! Our individual tastes vary , as do our financial resources . I sought an exemption on the basis of being a full - time minister , but the court would not acknowledge that I was a minister and sentenced me to six months in prison . How can we uphold Jehovah’s sovereignty now ? He said : “ Build houses [ in Babylon ] and live in them . Yet , while humans were created to be compassionate , our imperfection as descendants of Adam inclines us toward self - interest . So let us consider these questions : Why is encouragement vital ? To answer these questions , we will consider three common situations that can put modesty to the test , and we will see how we can act wisely in each case . ​ — Prov . What is the primary reason for setting spiritual goals ? The 1937 Informant article set a challenging goal for 1938 : One million hours ! Our faith in Jehovah’s ability to read hearts and to draw to himself those whom he chooses should prevent us from judging others , both in our territory and in our congregation . For that reason , they felt that had Jesus been present , Lazarus would not have died . In addition to the support of faithful ones like Heldai , Tobijah , and Jedaiah , God tells of many others who would “ come and take part in building the temple of Jehovah . ” Additionally , why not learn a few phrases that may capture their interest ? He drew to himself and his Son many individuals who from a human standpoint might have seemed to be undesirable . The work before them seemed overwhelming . When she gave birth to her baby boy , she announced : “ It is from Jehovah that I have asked him . ” ​ — 1 Sam . Consider this : The psalmist could see the stars with his physical eyes , but he had no idea of how many there really are . One important way that we show such love for neighbor is by obeying the command to preach the good news of God’s Kingdom . For example , she might take the ball away from Johnny for a period of time . In the matter of rendering humans honor , how do Jehovah’s Witnesses differ from many people ? They wanted no further dealings with false religion ! We give proof that we truly love our brothers when we show by words and deeds that we have deep concern for “ those related to us in the faith . ” ​ — Gal . “ It was a very difficult situation , ” she admitted . If news organizations or reporters take sides , we must be careful not to start thinking the way they do . His purpose may have been to disrupt the arrival of the promised ‘ offspring of the woman . ’ In addition to the enemy nations , Jephthah also had challenges with his own brothers and the leaders of Israel . Consider this : When Jehovah drew us into a relationship with him , he knew that we would err at times . 26 : 16 ; 32 : 25 , 26 . Also , if members of the congregation know what your situation is , they can encourage you . It really bothered me . The second reason is that once you start working toward spiritual goals , you begin building a record of good works in Jehovah’s eyes . As we follow their direction , therefore , we follow our Leader , Jesus . 9 : 7 . Many in that student’s family eventually accepted the truth . We long to see sickness and aging brought to an end . In what ways did accurate knowledge of God protect Noah ? It reflected good parental training . Day and night , watchmen were stationed on the walls and at the gates . These critical last days are filled with conflict , and countless people have contentious attitudes . On a zone visit with Daniel and Marina Sydlik in 1977 She had every right to be angry . At the same time , we modestly acknowledge that we likely do not have all the facts . Persistent impatience weakens the bonds of love ; patience strengthens them . Naturally , it is fitting that we respond to Jehovah’s love by loving him in return and by obeying his commandments . ​ — 1 John 4 : 19 ; 5 : 3 . Paul wrote : “ Setting the mind on the flesh means death . ” We will rejoice as we see those whom we assist go on ‘ working hard and exerting themselves . ’ Nevertheless , a few brave souls refused to be cowed by Babylon the Great . Admittedly , you will need humility to yield to “ the mighty hand of God ” and to “ throw all your anxiety on him . ” What is involved in being patient ? Describe the events that occurred at the destruction of Jerusalem . By relying on God , Jehoshaphat did much good . 6 : 1 ; 2 Tim . Do not fall for his devious schemes ! It was sobering to think that while a fine example is a powerful influence for molding children , it is no guarantee that they will grow up to serve Jehovah . What did Jehovah help Job to appreciate , and how did Job respond ? “ Generous Person Will Be Blessed ” ( contributions ) , Nov . SONGS : 36 , 54 3 : 18 , 19 ; Dan . The Scriptures reassure us that “ Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today , and forever . ” SONGS : 112 , 58 We quickly put chairs in front of our door and started packing our suitcases . Further details of this thrilling account are set forth in the article “ ‘ I Arose as a Mother in Israel ’ ” in the August 1 , 2015 , issue of The Watchtower . In the ministry ? ’ His experience bears out the warning that “ pride is before a crash , and a haughty spirit before stumbling . ” It is as the wise man wrote : “ It will turn out well for those who fear the true God . . . , but it will not turn out well for the wicked one , nor will he prolong his days . ” So let us focus on what will be gone when God’s Kingdom comes . Jehovah had guaranteed stability and protection for their work . We are also helped to develop lasting peace by means of a remarkable gift from our heavenly Father ​ — his holy spirit . ​ — Acts 9 : 31 . Makenzie , 23 , says : “ If you are kind and are a good listener , you’ll get an idea of what your peers are dealing with . At the time , the local congregation seemed to me like an old - ladies ’ club . Cases requiring that brothers go through all three steps outlined at Matthew 18 : 15 - 17 are rare . Following their lead will help all of us to make our home and the local Kingdom Hall places of love and encouragement . You may find that kindling a merciful attitude in your heart will motivate you to increase your zeal in the ministry and fill you with more joy as you do so . However , those adjustments faded into nothing as I enjoyed the wonderful training at Gilead . But it was time to move on . How did the man Jesus differ from the man Adam ? As you look back , maybe you are left wondering why Jehovah allowed certain things to happen . On the night before his death , Jesus told the apostle Peter : “ Simon , Simon , look ! Adolfo says he is happy for the changes he has been able to make . 27 How Gaius Helped His Brothers What do we need to do when we are overly worried about a problem , and what can we reasonably expect ? If we are lowly in heart , we will not give in to the worldly spirit of self - exaltation . At his baptism , Jesus heard a voice from heaven say : “ This is my Son , the beloved , whom I have approved . ” “ But what if an officer sees us with the mule and orders us to carry weapons to the front lines ? ” Just as a boxer fights off his opponent , we must fend off our enemies . When gardening with their two girls , a couple in South Africa point to aspects such as the marvels of how seeds germinate and then plants grow . Every Christian needs to think carefully and honestly about being forgiving and having peaceful relations with others . “ May people know that you , whose name is Jehovah , you alone are the Most High over all the earth . ” ​ — PS . Do not become wise in your own eyes . Such stories could lead some newly converted Jewish Christians to think that Paul did not respect God’s arrangements . What can young people do to cultivate spirituality ? To understand how Jehovah’s Witnesses have fulfilled Jesus ’ prophecy with regard to the scope of the preaching work , let us consider some facts . Thanks in part to the book of Job , we know why God permits suffering . Our shared love for God is the most valuable and upbuilding love of all . And may we ourselves continue to make spiritual progress in rendering sacred service to Jehovah . ( a ) What questions do we do well to ask ourselves ? He had a humiliating “ crash ” at God’s hands and died a leper . ​ — Prov . To whom ? Remember , someday the Memorial we observe will be the final one . Some may not be able to do as much as they once did in God’s service , but they can still show courage and go to work . And the danger is still with us , perhaps even more so . How important is “ faith in God , ” and to what is it likened , and why ? Paul suffered brutal persecution , and he was always worried about the brothers in the congregations . In the modern - day fulfillment , the man with the secretary’s inkhorn represents Jesus Christ , the one behind the scenes who marks those who will survive Which scriptures can comfort the bereaved ? Of course , he could have prayed discreetly so as not to be observed . ( b ) Explain the significance of Christian baptism . By nature , he was very outgoing and not easily intimidated . ( b ) How does our preaching support the faithful slave and Jesus ? 6 : 10 ; 1 John 4 : 16 . Were those three men running from the battle out of fear ? He did well in school and wanted to pursue higher education . What riches bring the greatest satisfaction ? But what will help us to do this ? All was not lost for the human family . ( b ) What details did Joseph evidently not include in his conversation with the cupbearer ? Explain why a fugitive could feel safe , secure , and happy within the city of refuge . It is more important than the personal happiness of any individual . Donations via electronic bank transfer , debit card , credit card , or mobile money transfer . While I was in high school , I had a friend who was a prizefighter , and he convinced me to try boxing . 6 : 25 - 27 . What examples do we have of servants of God who refused to compromise their integrity , and what gave them the strength to do so ? We should also not overlook the struggle some have to forgive someone who has offended them or has sinned against them . One person insulted her several times , but she refused to be intimidated . We got married nine months later ​ — on January 30 , 1954 . The master honored each of the faithful slaves with the words : “ Well done , good and faithful slave ! Your doing so may not turn you into close companions , but it can help to draw you together and increase peace ​ — in you and in the congregation as a whole . Consider , too , how he cares for us and teaches us the best way of life . In so doing , you prevent situations from developing that could otherwise cause anxiety . Cherish your place among Jehovah’s people , and “ do not fail to listen to the voice of Jehovah your God . ” How did Noah hear about Jehovah ? Felisa : When my sisters went to the convent in Zaragoza , my mother and my uncle , who was the local priest , decided to send me there too . Getting married can help a person to avoid letting passion lead him to such a practice as masturbation or to sexual immorality . He married an English - speaking sister ! Instead of squandering or misusing it , let us use our freedom and the opportunities it brings to serve Jehovah to the fullest extent possible . But the greatest threat to our peace may come from unbelieving relatives . And each member of that body views himself , not as the leader of his fellow brothers , but as one of the “ domestics , ” fed by the faithful slave and subject to its oversight . Why did we accept it , and how did Jehovah bless us ? But as servants of God , they found true joy in keeping their integrity to him . There the clergy incited young people to throw rocks at our missionary home , which was already not in the best condition . Jehovah required that the kings of Israel write for themselves a copy of God’s Law and read it daily . When I first came to Bethel as a young , single brother , there were about 10,000 publishers in the whole country . Does not the principle reflected in that particular law move us to action ? What about sickness ? It explains : “ He is the King of those who rule as kings and Lord of those who rule as lords , the one alone having immortality , who dwells in unapproachable light , whom no man has seen or can see . ” 6 : 19 . “ I thought French - speaking people were superior , ” he admits . Do we tend to give such information superficial consideration or even skip it altogether ? Though the parents may not expect this , they may accept these gifts because it is a way for the child to show appreciation for all that they do for him . Jehovah’s Witnesses continue to deliver that message , using methods that Jesus and his disciples used . She adds : “ I also worried about leaving my mother who had to care for my ailing father . Their lives are focused on sex , violence , and money . To receive the gift of everlasting life , we must endure to the end . In such a situation , will we reflect Jehovah’s view of justice ? That brother had been unaware of the powerful effect of his brief greeting . In resolving marital problems , we should also pray for Jehovah’s spirit and his help in applying Bible principles and displaying the fruitage of his spirit . ​ — Gal . ( See opening picture . ) “ No one could be faithful and true to the Lord in these remaining days . . . unless he would avail himself of the opportunity of letting his light shine . ” That was a comment in the article “ Light in the Darkness , ” published in The Watch Tower of June 1 , 1925 . The apostle Paul was inspired to emphasize the important principle found at 2 Corinthians 6 : 4 . This , in turn , strengthens our faith in our heavenly Father . Although John never called him a false teacher , Diotrephes was resisting the apostle’s authority . Then Rehoboam traveled north from Jerusalem to Shechem to be anointed as king . Were Jehovah to fail to fulfill his promises , the Devil would have an excuse to call God a liar who withholds good and thus rules in an unfair way . To become known as a king who “ held fast to Jehovah , ” Hezekiah , unlike Jehoshaphat , had to overcome the bad influence of an idolatrous father . Moreover , love for God and for truth is not inherited . On the other hand , the majority of mankind have no clear concept of life’s purpose . Genuine faith is based on accurate knowledge about God . The inability to grasp God’s Word in a foreign language can pose a real threat to our spiritual health . There are times when we will do well to reconsider a decision and perhaps change it . The lady was eager to discuss the Bible , and Venecia began conducting a study with her . Bible accounts highlight the privilege we have of showing “ brotherly affection ” and serving one another . Jesus , the Head of the congregation , said : “ Where there are two or three gathered together in my name , there I am in their midst . ” She thought deeply about what she read and got “ the sense of it . ” They included Eduard Varter , an exile who had been baptized in Germany in 1924 . Imitate his example . Satan’s entire system ​ — political , religious , and commercial — ​ is destined to fail . Looming before Brother Russell were two massive ocean liners under construction , the ill - fated Titanic and her sister ship Olympic . With my wife and eight of our children in 1989 By prayer and meditation , his love for God overpowered the craving for pornography . Over the years , I had noticed that people who regularly went to church did not really live by Jesus ’ teachings . Within nine months of that first meeting , I got baptized ​ — in March of 1957 . 8 : 32 . Clearly , a potter can turn something as abundant and inexpensive as clay into a beautiful and costly masterpiece . That last question is key . How can we prevent our conscience from becoming ineffective ? Being imperfect , we too may at times be inclined to make any one of the mistakes committed by the four kings discussed above . She might consider relevant Bible texts , such as obeying God and the command to make disciples . What do the dramatic visions of Zechariah mean for us today ? Jehovah lovingly provides the Life and Ministry Meeting so that we can become more effective in the field ministry . We can use good posture by holding our songbook up high . Why should we become familiar with the songs in our new songbook ? Jesus encouraged this sort of faith , telling a rich young man : “ If you want to be perfect , go sell your belongings and give to the poor , and you will have treasure in heaven ; and come be my follower . ” Meroz was evidently cursed so effectively that it is difficult to say with certainty what it was . The husband explains : “ Before our children could walk and talk , we would speak to them about the joys of pioneering and serving the congregation . As a result of this ongoing arrangement , many brothers and sisters made new friends and are determined to continue to widen out in their associations . It was , in part , due to their encouragement that I decided to pioneer . The Pharisees failed that test because they considered others to be inferior . How can we enhance our love for Bible truth ? I also came to know Jehovah as a God who gives his servants unfailing support . A brother in Ghana placed literature with a young man who thereafter hid from him for weeks . This is in sharp contrast with the animals he created , which are content merely to eat , drink , and produce offspring . 34 : 6 . Jesus became the ransom sacrifice that opened the way to endless life “ for many ” ​ — men , women , and children . Humility moved Christoph to accept good advice . 10 , 11 . Many include watching JW Broadcasting sometime during the month . We should show empathy by trying to see things from their viewpoint and by listening carefully to discern their real concerns . How can we benefit from reading the account of Hezekiah and meditating on it ? The elders of the congregation that Stephen attends note : “ Stephen is a quiet , hardworking brother , and he has a humble attitude . ” ( a ) Why can only God’s Kingdom solve mankind’s problems ? What could pose a threat to our spirituality ? The death of a loved one . Paul also discussed dangers that exist down to this day and that can deprive us of the prize . We need to bear in mind this basic truth : “ All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God . ” The Bible account states : “ It became a custom in Israel : From year to year , the young women of Israel would go to give commendation to the daughter of Jephthah the Gileadite four days in the year . ” Daily , we face decisions that could affect our lives for years to come . Why should a loyal servant of Jehovah be happy even if he or she lives in restrictive circumstances ? In the book of Daniel , we read about the Hebrew youths Daniel , Hananiah , Mishael , and Azariah . Many refugees have been torn away from their tight - knit extended families , communities , and congregations . No wonder Joshua needed to be encouraged and strengthened ! For example , I gave my first public talk as a circuit overseer in front of a village store out in the open . In retrospect , Serge thinks that they made the right decision . We likewise help others “ to search for Jehovah . ” Rather , he appealed to them . Thus , Paul was contrasting Christians who walked according to the flesh with Christians who walked according to the spirit . He has become more real to me than ever before . However , does it really follow that time by itself will heal a broken heart ? SONGS : 52 , 41 Even small children respectfully ask me to give them a tract about the Bible . New publishers are very likely to improve their skills as teachers of Bible truth if we work with them in the field service . We also increase our joy as we reflect on our current blessings , imitate the faith of others , and seek to do God’s will . “ Looking back , I can say that it has been a faith - strengthening experience to see Jehovah’s hand at work in our lives . ” “ Noah , Daniel , and Job . . . would be able to save only themselves because of their righteousness . ” ​ — EZEK . How have you personally tasted Jehovah’s goodness ? We may have noticed that new immigrants are sometimes shy and stay by themselves . Elders can also include parents and their children in Kingdom Hall projects , giving tasks to youths in keeping with their age and abilities . “ But , ” Paul explained , “ when one turns to Jehovah , the veil is taken away . ” ( See paragraphs 13 - 15 ) Later , King David organized the Levites and the priests into effective divisions . Did a youth give a heartfelt , well - thought - out comment or share in a part on the midweek meeting program ? Deprived of spiritual food and association , I became spiritually inactive . But is that all that is required to gain God’s approval ? 5 : 12 . We can imitate Jehovah by not becoming overly concerned when things do not work out as we had expected . Catholic priests pressured some local authorities not to give us permits for assemblies . How did the Babylonians attempt to assimilate Daniel into their culture and religion ? If we treasure our ministry , we will be like the apostle Paul , continuing to preach despite persecution . This reconciliation had also been foretold by the prophets Isaiah and Jeremiah . ​ — Isa . 11 - 15 ; Num . , chap . Consider the example of Irene , a single sister in the United States . What did Jephthah vow , and what was the result ? Jesus confirmed the seriousness of making vows when he stated : “ It was said to those of ancient times : ‘ You must not swear without performing , but you must pay your vows to Jehovah . ’ ” ​ — Matt . It certainly was a mystery to me . He mentioned to them the importance of acquiring “ spiritual comprehension . ” Romans 8 : 21 should lead us to reflect on what question ? What group of people are preaching that message in “ all the nations ” ? By choosing to do God’s will and by working hard to do so , we show our depth of love for Jehovah and our desire to please him . She might well have recalled what formerly barren Hannah had prayed when she brought Samuel to serve at the tabernacle : “ Jehovah . . . brings down to the Grave , and he raises up . ” He had to put up with the scornful attitude of some members of the royal court . How did Jesus deal with prejudice ? 19 , 20 . ( a ) How does what we have considered so far relate to Martha’s statement to Jesus ? Like the first - century governing body , this slave accepts God’s inspired word , or message , and highly esteems it . 12 : 14 . They also wrote to the branch in Canada and to the branch in Ghana . the rule of God’s Kingdom ? In the next article , we will consider two additional instances of unjust treatment that occurred among Jehovah’s people in Bible times . This is just part of the priceless inheritance for those who make friends in heaven . Instead , they directed people away from “ the Chief Agent of life , ” Jesus , leading them toward a course that could end in eternal destruction . Certainly , all of us contribute to a close bond in the congregation when we show concern for others , those in our territory and those in the congregation . 10 : 12 . Do you see a lesson for us ? It is one thing to strip off the old personality , yet quite another to keep it off . What refinements were made in the new songbook ? They then took me to the camp infirmary to confirm that my bones were not broken and dragged me back to my tent . However , this does not prevent us from offering united praise to our Father , Jehovah . That is because such young ones are going against the will of Satan , the one who taunts God . Paul described how people living in the last days would relate to one another . Contemplating the answer will strengthen our faith and our determination to endure . Ten thousand people from their region had been assembled for this offensive . Though separation may seem to be the answer when serious difficulties arise , it often causes more problems . “ FROM infancy , I spoke my immigrant parents ’ language at home and in the congregation , ” relates Joshua . What helped Jeremiah to love Scriptural truth , and how did it affect him ? Teskey Ala - Too mountain range How can a Christian deal with the shock of losing a loved one in death ? How can we benefit from the example of those who in the past displayed this quality ? Indeed , in 1998 the work of the Witnesses was granted legal recognition in Kyrgyzstan . Jehovah accepted Jephthah’s great sacrifice and blessed him . Feb . Keep Your Eyes on the Big Issue , June How , though , would Josiah know that Necho’s words were from Jehovah ? Yet , Jehovah taught his people to avoid such an unfeeling attitude and course . One reason is that we imitate Jesus , who was “ no part of the world . ” Your initial feelings about that person may be negative and can become long - lasting if nothing is done to improve them . Are you doing everything you can to remain spiritually alert ? Jesus did not die for the birds of heaven , but he did die for us so that we might enjoy unending life . ​ — Matt . Through the prophet Isaiah , he said : “ I , Jehovah , am your God , the One teaching you to benefit yourself . ” ECCLESIASTES 4 : 6 We can readily understand his reason for not wanting to be extremely poor . PEOPLE normally want to live a joyful life . A person who has knowledge takes in information , or facts . They feel as did the psalmist , who wrote : “ How I do love your law ! The word “ one ” also suggests unity and oneness of purpose and activity . Indeed , as long as we “ do not let [ our ] hand rest ” from sowing Kingdom seed , we have a valuable share in giving “ a witness to all the nations . ” It unites us with an unbreakable bond . ​ — Col . No one has watched a reptile evolve into a mammal , for example . Are we not happy that our sins can be forgiven ? However , wise parents show courage and put faith in Jehovah’s promises . But an increasing number in the congregation spoke Kyrgyz as their mother tongue . There are many examples of how God’s Word , his spirit , and our Christian publications have helped Christians to overcome wrong desires . To prevent that , we regularly engage in Kingdom activities . What will replace corrupt organizations ? Be assured , however , that the One who “ gives power to the tired one and full might to those lacking strength ” can give you whatever you need to carry on . Adult children may come to realize that they could better serve Jehovah in a congregation that uses the language that they understand best . To underscore the value of discipline , let us consider two individuals whom Jehovah disciplined : Shebna , who lived in the time of King Hezekiah , and Graham , a brother in our day . The expression “ governing body ” began appearing in our publications in the 1940 ’ s , when it was understood to be closely connected with the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society . Paul was just such an imitator of God and his Son . The Sanhedrin functioned as the Jews ’ supreme court and governing council for matters of Jewish law . In addition to offering bait , Satan tries to bully us into compromising our loyalty to Jehovah . Maria’s parents were proud of their daughter’s decision to make an unreserved dedication to Jehovah and to get baptized . Taxation was a hot political issue in Jesus ’ time . You could discuss that the recipe was “ written ” in the seed but in a language far more complex than the words in a recipe book . How can we analyze the worldly idea that one can be happy without serving God ? The letters of the apostle Paul have much to say about freedom . Knowing that compassion is good for you should not be your main reason for wanting to cultivate it . Consider , too , that God’s dearly beloved Son ​ — “ the one he was especially fond of ” — ​ died an agonizing death . They must always make sure that what they teach is solidly based on God’s Word . Notes Robert , a pioneer for over 30 years , “ To work along with angels who know what is going on in the householders ’ lives is exciting . ” Be willing to give up anything that could replace your wholehearted love for God’s Kingdom . Jephthah’s vow was different from Hannah’s . SONGS : 117 , 114 Reflect on some evidence of that . My father threatened my mother with those words in 1941 . Why is Romans chapter 8 of special interest to anointed Christians ? David might have concluded that Solomon was not qualified to oversee such an important project . Jehovah provided a perfect man who could become the ransomer . The Bible does not say whether Nero himself heard and judged Paul or he assigned someone else to hear Paul’s appeal and report to Nero . I love teaching people , as I can see that holy spirit is changing them . ” ​ — 1 Thess . He showed that such conduct violated the royal law : “ You must love your neighbor as yourself . ” ( Read James 4 : 7 . ) So I moved in with one of my sons and his wife . What a glorious freedom that is ! Later called Our Kingdom Ministry . “ Then deliver bread to the front lines , ” he said . But remember this basic fact expressed by author Noam Chomsky : “ Nobody is going to pour truth into your brain . Later , Jehovah brought the descendants of Jacob ( Israel ) into a covenant relationship with Him . Consider this example : A little boy named Johnny is throwing a ball in the house . Further , new songs about our preaching work and songs that express our appreciation for the ransom have been included . How did Noah become familiar with God’s purpose for mankind ? That gave her the opportunity to explain why she would not engage in sex . What will we now consider ? Likely you can think of people who trust in their wealth rather than in God . That gives Jehovah something to bless , or he can gently redirect our goals . ​ — Prov . Violent independence movements flourish , political divisions become more entrenched , and in many countries , foreigners are subjected to growing animosity . Jesus has also been busy refining God’s people and helping them to render worship that is clean . ​ — Mal . Or do we look for Bible principles and try to apply them , thus showing that we rely on Jehovah’s way to solve problems ? Then , on realizing that Paul and Silas are Roman citizens , the magistrates see that they have made a huge blunder , so they themselves come to escort the two men out . Why might we sometimes have to change a decision already made ? As a result of this activity , each year millions of Bible studies are conducted , thousands of disciples are baptized , and hundreds of new congregations are formed . In turn , all of Christ’s domestics have a share in sounding the warning . ​ — Matt . He admitted : “ I am the least of the apostles , and I am not worthy of being called an apostle . ” But is it only those in authority who should imitate Jehovah in giving encouragement ? Many no longer greeted us , treating us like disfellowshipped persons . ” How pleased Jehovah must be when he sees that we speak to our neighbors and others about him , doing so out of genuine love for him and genuine interest in the everlasting welfare of people ! From God’s stated direction about clothing , we clearly see that God is not pleased with styles of dress that feminize men , that make women look like men , or that make it hard to see the difference between men and women . I did so again in 1955 at a convention in Yankee Stadium , New York City . Many of us have lived to regret hasty words or rash actions ! ​ — Prov . So parents , be good students of the Bible and of our study aids . “ GA ” stood for The Golden Age ​ — a new magazine for the ministry . It may be necessary to reason with the sinner more than once . At first , the conversation was somewhat tense , but things improved as they discussed their problem in a calm way . In another era , such a bold move would have cost them dearly . We must be aware of time and events so that we can be ready for what is coming . Imagine what life will be like when everyone “ who recognizes the Son and exercises faith ” will have everlasting life . Margaret , circa 1968 But a report published in 2013 noted that each year a staggering nine million people under the age of 60 die from heart disease , stroke , cancer , respiratory disease , and diabetes . A sluice gate within the structure of this dam could be opened in order to allow water to flow from the reservoir through a channel into the bottom of the ritual bath . The longer we put off dealing with the situation , the harder it will be for us to make peace with our brother . 8 - 12 . 13 Appointed Men ​ — Learn From Timothy At this one location , an average of six Bible studies are requested every month They do the sort of work I would be doing had I studied law . How can modesty help us to cope with unfair criticism ? As readers considered the Holy Writings in a language they could understand , no doubt many came to have a favorite portion , just as we do today . We can learn from the mistakes of others whose transgressions are recorded in God’s Word . So Paul did not hold back from writing First Corinthians , a strong yet loving letter . Being modest does not mean that we should never reach out for or accept additional privileges of service . In prayer to his Father , Jesus said : “ Your word is truth . ” Many are young people ​ — teenagers and preteens . 2 : 5 . ( b ) What is not meant by “ setting the mind on the spirit ” ? We can increasingly act with wisdom , insight , and understanding if we take the time to “ ponder over ” God’s laws and principles . Millions of Jesus ’ “ other sheep ” eagerly anticipate the future reward of everlasting life on a paradise earth . Finally came a turning point . It was through Judah , Jacob’s fourth son by Leah . ​ — Gen . Both men possessed livestock , and their shepherds apparently quarreled about grazing land . In 1943 , I joined the Theocratic Ministry School , which had just become a feature of our meetings . For example , the apostle mentions women of faith who lost their sons in death but later received them back by resurrection . If so , there are steps you can take to strengthen your faith and keep it strong . ( b ) How should what we know about the future affect our view of material wealth ? In fact , from the moment that Jehovah promised a future Savior , He viewed this sacrifice as already made . 148 : 12 - 14 . Why are there so many important but unanswered questions ? With regard to exercising patience , Jehovah does not expect us to do something that he is not willing to do himself The first article explains why we should be willing to wait on Jehovah . Let us consider some . Matthew and others heard Jesus speak at some length during a feast held in Matthew’s home . ​ — Matt . Consider a Bible example that illustrates why we must respect our brothers ’ freedom to make their own decisions in matters of conscience . We soon learned that when we arrived in a new area , it was best to cycle far away from our place of lodging , preaching only where people had a different priest . In time , we married and could face life’s challenges together . This led to a Bible study , and this young man became one of our brothers . Do you sometimes feel , though , that the pressures of life are driving you to the limit ? ‘ Why do you believe it ? ’ Limits are necessary in order for all to enjoy the blessings of true freedom . Jesus had foreseen that many of his followers would be forced from their homes . The main point of Jehovah’s words was not to explain to Job why he was suffering , as if God had to justify himself . So that many might live , he willingly endured a painful death on a stake . In chapter 3 , we read : “ All have sinned . . . , and it is as a free gift that they are being declared righteous by his undeserved kindness through the release by the ransom paid by Christ Jesus . ” Of course , adjustments are needed as two lives are blended and a new household is established . How should our release from Babylon the Great affect us ? Many brothers and sisters are applying to serve as regular or auxiliary pioneers . Like Timothy , are you willing to make personal sacrifices for the good of others ? As deaf parents , we raised seven hearing boys . Which one ? That Bible standards are always in their best interests . ​ — Deut . I was born on April 24 , 1931 , the second of their four children . But that incident began our greatest delight in forging friendships with the local brothers . ” Even if people are interested in what the Bible says , they do not always feel that it is necessary to study God’s Word with us . How will we look after ourselves in our old age ? We will consider five examples of worldly thinking and discuss how we can reject these ideas . Even so , a Christian wife does what she can to teach the children Bible truth . Significantly , Jehovah did much more than just provide for Ruth materially . What problems ? Many can testify to this , based on their own experience . As we witness to others , we can explain that under Christ’s Kingdom rule , mankind will benefit from the full application of the ransom sacrifice and will gradually be brought to perfection . DO YOU know a brother or a sister who moved to a foreign country where there is a greater need for more Kingdom publishers ? “ Life does not result from the things [ a man ] possesses . ” 12 : 13 ; 1 Tim . DON , one of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Canada , makes a special effort to talk to people living on the street . In all situations , you can summon the strength ​ — with Jehovah’s help — ​ to live up to your dedication . ​ — Read Philippians 4 : 11 - 13 . In Jesus ’ day , religion was often mixed up in politics . As it turned out , we stayed there for almost a year , which ultimately benefited our ministry . Therefore , let us never give up in allowing God’s Word to keep transforming us and bringing us into a closer relationship with Jehovah . What effect will learning to look for the good in others have on us ? However , by meditating or thinking before we speak , we will be able to collect our thoughts , respond mildly , and encourage a favorable reaction . Recall that Jesus has assigned us to preach and teach the good news of God’s Kingdom . Whatever the case , Joseph must have felt wretched about that dreadful perversion of justice ​ — but he could do nothing to stop it ! But why do such differences arise ? The man was embarrassed and apologized for his tirade . Do you need to be more forgiving or to give attention to controlling your emotions ? Our brothers and sisters encourage us not only when they give talks but also when they give comments and praise Jehovah by singing from the heart . More than that , he knew of the difficult conditions facing his disciples who centuries later would live during “ the last days , ” characterized by “ critical times hard to deal with . ” What does a modest person take into consideration when thinking about making spiritual progress ? Look at us , please , for we are all your people . ” It was made up mostly of isolated groups where special pioneers were opening up untouched territories . Though such younger ones have a changed role , they would do well to benefit from the wisdom and experience of older ones before making decisions . One day , Peter asked Don : “ Why do you bother with me ? Cultivate interest . But it is good for us to keep this in mind : No matter what someone believes about God or about evolution , some type of faith is involved . During the time leading up to the destruction of Jerusalem , Ezekiel served as a watchman along with Jeremiah , just as Isaiah had previously done . Like gold , copper is a metal that is highly valued . In doing so , Jehovah justly made them face the consequences of their own decision . 12 : 15 . 1 : 21 , 22 . Besides helping young people to deal with problems , our publications help them to grow spiritually and draw close to Jehovah . 3 : 7 . Many are drawn to his warm and pleasant personality . Jehovah blessed Jephthah and his daughter for their willing sacrifices , and He used both of them to promote true worship . From the time that we first heard the truth , we have had the opportunity to collect truths from his Word , the Bible , from our Christian publications , and from our conventions , assemblies , and weekly meetings . But as time went by , I did not feel that way anymore . Why can we be sure that God’s decisions are just ? Why can all of us have a fruitful ministry ? Talking to the Witnesses in those days was risky , but what we later learned from Apun transformed our lives . Felisa What was so special about this find ? He was of the same faith as the missionary who had provided those books for my family . ( Read Hebrews 6 : 1 . ) “ Clothe yourselves with the new personality . ” ​ — COL . Prayer offers you the opportunity to do more than simply ask Jehovah for help . In this article , we will discuss evidence that Jehovah , the God of order , is the incomparable Organizer . ( b ) What do Deuteronomy 23 : 21 , 23 and Psalm 15 : 4 impress upon you about making a vow to God ? He made sure that police officers stood near our home for a week , and the persecutors gave us no more trouble . However , is that how Jehovah views our contribution to the Kingdom work as he looks at our planet from his lofty perspective ? A Service Committee should be formed in the congregation and a director appointed to convey instructions . I was baptized in Blackpool , England , in 1943 at the age of ten . We discovered some priceless truths when we first began to associate with God’s people . For their body weight , they consume proportionately more than humans . 21 “ Let Your Light Shine ” to Glorify Jehovah Finding help at the right time . God’s Word foretells that the governments and all their dependent organizations will be rocked from their foundations . You might then be able to direct them to and show them the variety of videos and publications available in their language . ​ — Deut . On the other hand , by being alert and watchful spiritually , we will be ready whenever that day of judgment arrives . ​ — Ps . At considerable sacrifice , she converted to true worship . Abraham dismissed Ishmael , passing the firstborn’s right to Isaac . Has a youth successfully faced a test of integrity or taken advantage of an opportunity to give a witness at school ? What contrasting challenges did Job experience ? 20 : 15 . She relates : “ Serving abroad allowed me to see firsthand how Jehovah draws people from all races and backgrounds into his organization . Such teachings as evolution tend to make nature into a sort of god , giving it powers that belong only to Jehovah . The Bible says : “ Show yourselves thankful . ” In the Bible , walking with Jehovah conveys the idea of trusting in him , supporting his sovereignty , and following his lead . Some find it difficult to greet others who are of a different race , culture , or social standing . Romans chapter 8 offers advice that will help you to do so . 11 : 28 - 30 ; 1 Cor . You must not remain silent when your servant is without his garment . ” 3 : 10 - 12 . With my wife , Janette We can do this , knowing that it is from Jehovah that we will receive the due reward . ​ — Read Colossians 3 : 23 , 24 . Jehovah is a happy God , and his people reflect that quality . Rahab accepted that Jehovah is the true God , and she trusted that somehow he would give the land to the Israelites . Jehovah has promised to care for , protect , and instruct the Christian congregation . Likewise , an unbelieving wife should be shown self - sacrificing love and tender affection by her Christian husband . ​ — Eph . First , think about why you are convinced of your beliefs . in the ministry ? In fact , it is a vital part of the “ good news of the Kingdom . ” Instead , they now have a real hope for the future and are moved to “ seek peace and pursue it . ” ​ — Ps . The prophet Zephaniah said : “ The great day of Jehovah is near ! They kept a positive attitude by recalling that , like Israel’s trek in the wilderness , their stay in the camp would eventually come to an end . ​ — 2 Cor . How can we bear fruit ? Gradually , with Jehovah’s help , Peter developed Christlike thinking . Clearly , such forces cannot eliminate war , crime , disease , and poverty ​ — only God’s Kingdom can . The point is this : When teaching your children , do not get into a rut . When we prayerfully rely on Jehovah’s spirit , our God fills us with an inner peace that belongs only to those who have a precious friendship with him . ​ — Rom . I will appoint you over many things . That is why we have repeatedly been encouraged to read a portion of the Bible daily . HE WAS a valiant leader ; she was a submissive wife . We could have no greater motive than to use God’s gift of free will to express our love for him and to bring him honor and glory ! Indeed , our hearts are touched by how he chooses to exercise his sovereignty . How could the Jews have abandoned their divinely appointed task so quickly ? If extended with love , an unexpected invitation can be the start of a completely changed relationship . Consider the example of a man named Michael . One of our number , Gust Maki , was an experienced sea captain . Sadly , a person who makes it a point never to tell outright lies might still resort to deceiving others , dealing falsely with them . That is what Jehovah wants for you . 8 , 9 . ( a ) What purpose does our conscience serve ? However , opposition soon mounted against their construction project . First , pray to Jehovah for the needed self - discipline to study his Word . Serving God and trying to contribute in some small way to helping people spiritually are truly noble and lasting goals . ” King Josiah , Hezekiah’s great - grandson , also resolutely kept Jehovah’s commandments “ with all his heart . ” As heavenly King , Jesus continues to have and show empathy . Then , instead of ‘ rejecting all practical wisdom , ’ we will be strengthening this important quality . How precious is it ? Do we not appreciate the love and kindness of the brothers and sisters who overlooked our errors ? We could feel like a man who has worked all his life for a pile of money , only to learn that it is counterfeit . Logically , then , wisdom ​ — the opposite of foolishness — ​ would be one evidence of maturity . Even so , it takes courage to speak up when the opportunity arises . Many people do not realize that the passage found in some Bibles at John 7 : 53 – 8 : 11 is an addition that was not part of the original inspired writings . For example , suppose a child speaks disrespectfully to one of his parents . Instead of trusting in Jehovah , they became fearful and murmured against Moses . What a powerful demonstration of true Christian faith and love ! The new museum also includes a rotational gallery that features rare Bibles and Bible - related artifacts . Parents must evaluate their children’s needs realistically . As Paul sits in the darkness , he contemplates the events of the day . The Bible reveals that Jehovah is saddened when people pursue a wicked course and ‘ the inclination of their thoughts is only bad all the time . ’ I was almost 19 and from the city ; she was 25 and a country girl . What , then , is the fruit we must bear ? 19 “ The Work Is Great ” 26 : 4 . It might enter the uterus but fail to implant in the less receptive lining . In his second letter to the Corinthian Christians , for example , he clearly stated : “ Jehovah is the Spirit , and where the spirit of Jehovah is , there is freedom . ” ​ — 2 Cor . How did Asa react when the Ethiopians invaded the land ? They realize that godly qualities are more important than any riches or advantages . Paul encourages us to be spiritual people . “ The large shield ” carried by a Roman legionnaire was rectangular and covered him from his shoulders to his knees . The first of these two articles considers Jesus ’ parables of the vine and of the sower and explains what they teach us about our preaching work . While in the city , he was safe and secure under Jehovah’s protection . THE apostle Paul wrote his letter to Christians in Colossae evidently at the end of his first confinement in Rome , or about 60 - 61 C.E . Had he not been raised , none of us would have any prospect of seeing our dead loved ones again . A materialistic person may not have a lot of money or make expensive purchases . In 1966 , I was freed from the labor camp and the four of us moved to the city of Armavir , near the Black Sea . If we find that our mind pushes us toward materialistic thinking or fleshly desires , we should not give up . How different he was from his grandfather , King David ! A soft breeze off Lake Erie ruffled the ladies ’ feathered hats . For example , the apostle Paul went to the region where modern - day Turkey is situated and preached there extensively during his missionary journeys . Today , knowledge of God’s wonderful purposes is being spread throughout the earth as a result of the efforts of those who are part of one united preaching organization . “ That study opened my eyes to how wonderful Jehovah is , ” she wrote . Members of the congregation thus had an opportunity to imitate Jesus and his Father by extending forgiveness . 11 : 9 . How does she cope ? Who set the most outstanding example of enduring trials , and what helped him to do so ? Why are both faith and love important ? Gianni and Maurizio have been friends for some 50 years . First - century Christians set a pattern of praising God together in song . Be assured that Jehovah treasures your efforts to uphold his sovereignty by your faithful service and endurance of trials . Consider two examples ​ — Cain and King Zedekiah . We would prepare topics to discuss so that we could keep the conversation friendly . When we became servants of God , we made a transformation . SONGS : 86 , 54 Christians must use their Bible - trained conscience when dealing with government officials Was the line to the Messiah tied to the right of firstborn ? 14 , 15 . ( a ) What is outstanding about David’s patience ? How is it that we can consider ourselves “ dead with reference to sin ” ? Are we warmly greeting newcomers when they arrive at the Kingdom Hall ? So knowing what “ practical wisdom ” is and how to apply it actually involves our safety . Try to use your imagination . In the region where I lived , poverty was widespread , and the work it took to make ends meet was exhausting . regularly strengthens our conviction that the true God exists , and it helps us learn how to defend our beliefs . ​ — Read 1 Peter 3 : 15 . To illustrate , think of a father who teaches his son to drive a car . How can Christian parents show loyalty to God ? If an elder reminds you of safety rules and standards , therefore , accept his counsel . As a teacher , Jesus reached hearts because he loved Jehovah , God’s Word , and people . ( b ) In what way did he fall short ? ( b ) What are some of the objectives of the new songbook ? Thus they could enjoy to the full the beauty and bounty of their Paradise home . Finally , Daniel sought the help of the elders . When she returned home from the convention , however , she felt that in her case , it was better to avoid even putting herself in a situation that could be spiritually dangerous , so she did not go . 3 , 4 . ( a ) How did the apostle Peter illustrate the importance of baptism ? 9 : 18 . The origin of marriage , how it was regulated under the Mosaic Law , and the pattern Jesus set for Christian wedlock are matters discussed in the first article . One elderly Bible student asked her teacher if it was really necessary to get baptized again ; she had previously been baptized in different religions over the years . Accept God’s Greatest Gift ? No . Some may come to serve where the need is greater . The passing of 430 years did not diminish Jehovah’s determination to do so . ​ — Gen . Because their hope was so sure , these men and women were prepared to suffer any hardship to remain loyal to God . Once settled in the Promised Land , the ancient Israelites had a very basic , vital choice : Worship Jehovah or serve some other god ( or gods ) . For this reason , The World Book Encyclopedia states : “ The laws of every organized society form a complicated pattern of balanced freedoms and restrictions . ” We need balance as we seek to do God’s will and strive to have a good conscience . What is your resolve as a contender ? What did it involve ? 3 : 11 , 12 . It is satisfying to see younger men taking on greater responsibility ( See paragraph 9 ) When your children follow God’s Word and your good example , you will feel as the apostle John did about his spiritual children : “ No greater joy do I have than this : that I should hear that my children go on walking in the truth . ” ​ — 3 John 4 . In 1929 , congregations in Queensland and Western Australia built several well - equipped motor vans to cover their inland regions . As a result , you will strengthen your confidence in Jehovah . He was also “ waiting for the Kingdom of God , ” which may explain why he became one of Jesus ’ disciples . 23 - 24 . Meditating on these examples can help us to benefit from the things that were written beforehand for our instruction . ​ — Read Romans 15 : 4 . ( b ) How do we know that physical bondage need not diminish the freedom Jehovah provides ? 5 : 13 , 14 ; 7 : 6 . After all , we have been invited “ to walk in modesty with [ our ] God . ” For example , when we walk in love for God and neighbor , we will be moved to share the “ good news of the Kingdom ” with them . BIBLE STUDIES Showing compassion for one’s neighbor and Christian brothers is a basic requirement of those who strive to imitate Jesus . Apart from those extremists , ordinary Jews were keenly awaiting the arrival of a political Messiah . Wickedness cannot and will not be allowed to creep into and dwell among Jehovah’s people . One of these was Abraham . Joseph ? You Christian parents may conclude that he can contact the congregation elders to see if he meets the qualifications to get baptized . Their faith was strengthened as they experienced God’s answers to their prayers . Inquire about their family . Once inside a city of refuge , the fugitive was safe . In fact , Sarah was Abraham’s half sister . I would listen to their conversations and even accompany Mother to some congregation meetings . For many years , however , he had been involved in gambling , smoking , heavy drinking , and drug abuse . In fact , I was getting ready to write a letter declining the invitation when something happened that I will never forget . Modestly seeking Jehovah’s guidance helps us to avoid making grave mistakes . These aspects of the new personality will help us to imitate God and be of comfort to others . ​ — 2 Cor . Even when we are persecuted , we do our best to live according to his righteous principles and laws . Consider , for example , the patriarch Noah and his family . Jewish historian Josephus states that this Judas “ incited his countrymen to revolt , upbraiding them as cowards for consenting to pay tribute to the Romans . ” However , their use became so common in the everyday life of Jesus ’ contemporaries that there was the tendency to reinforce practically any utterance by swearing to it . 2 : 2 , 3 . Loving interest can make any occasion a delight . Also , our prayers should reflect that we “ keep in mind those in prison , as though [ we ] were imprisoned with them . ” While it might seem easier to have someone else make decisions for us , doing so would rob us of one of the great blessings of free will . Most donations are anonymous . Far beyond what human efforts can hope to achieve , the spirit of Jehovah brings liberation from enslavement to sin and death , as well as from slavery to false worship and its practices . Jehovah notices and values the integrity of all his faithful worshippers , including those who are relatively young . ​ — Ps . Each month , congregations forward these contributions to the office of Jehovah’s Witnesses that serves their country . That “ uniting bond of peace ” is priceless . He provides lifesaving instructions in his Word . This helps to make the Christian congregation attractive to others who wish to be free of conflict . How did angels assist Jesus shortly after his baptism ? What should be the message of the preaching work ? That is not Jehovah’s way . He became absorbed in establishing his own righteousness , even demanding a reason for his suffering . They proceeded to the convention city , convinced that Jehovah had answered their desperate prayers for help . But since truth is often the first casualty of war , you ​ — like any other soldier in the heat of battle — ​ need a source of trustworthy , reliable information to prevent the enemy from playing tricks with your mind . Loyal Witnesses in Mexico needed a spiritual boost . What should guide our personal choice as to our dress ? KINDNESS How important is our ability to choose wisely ? As the Japanese army advanced on India , the British authorities put increasing pressure on Jehovah’s Witnesses . Just as a tree will bear fruit when it is properly tended , so a person will manifest the fruitage of the spirit when holy spirit flows freely in his life . ​ — Ps . He was baptized in 1914 at 17 years of age . If we lack the means to obtain these things , will we not naturally be anxious ? Racism ran high in those days . It would certainly be unwise and misguided to blame Jehovah or his congregation for the faults of relatively few of God’s servants . Or has there been some lessening of these spiritual activities ? ’ His merits notwithstanding , Rehoboam failed to gain God’s favor . And what can God’s Word teach me about greetings ? ’ Our steadfastness also brought other fine results . Why not discuss your plans with some of them ? ( Read Matthew 23 : 8 , 9 . ) And Jehovah told him : “ Lead the people to the place about which I have spoken to you . All week long , delegates puzzled over the letters “ GA ” printed on the convention program , welcome cards , and signs around the convention grounds . So be a good listener . They will be answered in the next article . Or suppose a fellow Christian falls into need because of poor planning or fails to thank us for our hospitality . But I faced a particular challenge . For example , in 1995 , I was asked to teach the Ministerial Training School . At Jesus ’ baptism , John the Baptizer saw “ the heavens being parted and , like a dove , the spirit coming down upon him . ” Yet , they were “ washed clean ” and “ sanctified . ” Yet , she had probably heard about it . Be determined to “ hold fast to what is fine . ” Life in Satan’s system is often unfair , and we need to fight against becoming incensed by the conduct of evildoers . We can also be encouraging by reassuring others that they have good qualities or by speaking “ consolingly to those who are discouraged . ” We may also have been deeply influenced by our environment . For example , a person may in a relatively short time be able to read and understand the book What Does the Bible Really Teach ? Yet , Job maintained his integrity . But they do need practical help . First , he strives to qualify as a ministerial servant . I find it especially beneficial to teach others , even sharing the resurrection hope with them . What lesson did Paul highlight when he later wrote to the brothers in Philippi , and what lesson can we learn from his words ? Jehovah , “ the examiner of hearts , ” extended a measure of mercy to Ahab . ​ — Prov . How much land did Abraham inherit ? Rather than quickly concluding that the brother no longer qualifies as an elder , will you patiently wait on Jesus , the head of the congregation ? In his precious Word , Jehovah has given us what we need in order to have a successful and happy marriage as we keep on walking with his people on the road to everlasting life . ​ — Matt . From time to time , certain religious groups have tried to do what Jehovah’s Witnesses regularly accomplish , but those efforts usually result in failure . 1 , 2 . ( a ) What challenges do many strangers face today ? After graduating , Riana kept his promise . To strengthen our resolve to complete the preaching work that Jesus assigned us , let us consider the answers to three questions : Why may we at times feel discouraged ? A sick feeling overwhelms lovers of justice as they witness the execution of that innocent man and his sons . Their oil lamps were like twinkling stars coming down the hillsides . Continuing to have a regular share in Jehovah’s work can help us to stay focused on the big issue . To help us in that regard , let us consider three aspects of Jehovah’s work as our Potter : How he chooses those whom he molds , why he molds them , and how he does so . In addition , instead of simply thinking that a brother or a sister is either “ strong ” or “ weak , ” we should recognize that we all have strengths and weaknesses . The Bible record provides abundant evidence that in the first century , new disciples of Christ understood the significance of baptism . Joseph , a faithful servant of Jehovah , experienced injustice , not only at the hands of outsiders but also , more painfully , at the hands of his fleshly brothers . 42 : 11 ; Heb . Emphasizing his unchanging purpose , Jehovah added : “ I am always the same One . ” With his belt fastened tightly , a soldier could confidently stand firm in battle . By definition , when someone rashly or impertinently does something that he is not authorized to do , he is acting presumptuously . Still , He did not intervene . The same is true of early Bible translations in other languages . If we do not love ourselves , we cannot love our neighbor . We know from the Scriptures that we are not living at a time when we can look to God for miraculous healings or an extension of our life . Why is this important ? ( b ) Why does peace help us to keep bearing fruit ? 37 : 36 , 37 . We might well ask ourselves : ‘ Do I contribute to the spirituality of those around me ? With full confidence , we can say : “ Jehovah’s Witnesses ! ” Daniel was given what promise about his future ? The answer may be obvious if we have done this in times past . I read it that same night . Jehovah gave them free will , the ability to reason , and the capacity to love and to enjoy friendship . Mary , a sister in Rome , “ worked hard ” in behalf of those in the congregation . True , my parents drove me out of their home , but Jehovah has given me a big family of fellow believers . Those with a poorly trained conscience can be likened to a ship that is navigating with a defective compass . Heinrich Gleissner was a prisoner on the same train . He was an outstanding speaker ; he could cure the sick ; he could even supply food for the hungry . Awake ! They are all still serving Jehovah faithfully . My construction group is like a family . He adds : “ They do not always agree with our beliefs . When Joseph was in his late teens , his brothers kidnapped him and sold him as a slave . SONGS : 89 , 119 ( a ) Gratitude for the ransom should move us to do what ? “ CAN a man be of use to God ? How tragic it would be if we were to fail to keep on the watch ! For example , many of our brothers and sisters are imprisoned in Eritrea , Singapore , and South Korea , in most cases because of acting in harmony with Jesus ’ words not to take up the sword . T . On the contrary , they often lead to tragedies and loss of life . Nonetheless , I feel that if I were assigned to work there again , I would still be a novice . Propaganda ! Accepting God’s undeserved kindness means not only avoiding sexual immorality but also fighting any tendency to enjoy lewd entertainment . Thinking he was mentally slow , the townspeople laughed at him . Who can never be truly happy ? The Watchtower of October 1 , 1995 , pp . 19 - 24 , contains Sister Padgett’s life story . To the extent that we demonstrate love for Jehovah and his Son , for our Christian brothers , as well as for others of mankind , we give evidence of our Christian maturity . ​ — Matt . Does someone who wants to get baptized need to have an exhaustive knowledge of the Bible ? Our all - wise , all - powerful God , the one who controls the hail and the snow , can help you to surmount any obstacles that you encounter . Later , his beloved wife , who was only 43 years old , also died . Jesus was keenly aware of the pressures associated with the anxieties of this system of things . The second article shows how true faith is much more than just a mental understanding of the blessings that Jehovah has in store for us . With Jehovah’s backing , Nehemiah and those with him strengthened their hands for the work . No other Christian quality is mentioned as often . To heighten our appreciation for the ransom , let us consider how it relates to the sanctification of God’s name , the rule of God’s Kingdom , and the accomplishment of God’s purpose . We married in January 1949 with the goal of staying in full - time service as long as possible . He said : “ Take courage ! AS YOU know , life in this system of things is by no means trouble - free . He explains : “ My wife and I have a personal study with both girls in French , their mother tongue . What of John ? 1 , 2 . ( a ) What trials do some of our brothers and sisters face ? When we are confronted with temptations , our Christlike attitude will move us to push them away . Effort is also needed after a person has moved beyond “ the primary doctrine about the Christ . ” May Jehovah reward you for what you have done . ” ​ — Ruth 2 : 8 - 12 . “ Show me your faith without the works , ” wrote James , “ and I will show you my faith by my works . ” Rather , in faith we have happily cooperated with and continue to cooperate with God’s revealed purpose . One , two , or more ? Although the Bible says that Satan controls human governments , it never says that he controls each individual who has authority in a government . Imitating Jesus ’ example requires that his followers love one another just as he loved them . However , all credit belongs to Jehovah . ​ — Ps . “ The builders , ” the Jewish leaders , rejected the Messiah . Rather , as soon as he could , he gladly returned to his former place . ​ — Judg . He was a false messiah in the first century who misled a large number . How was true freedom lost ? Youths in the Christian congregation are precious in the eyes of Jehovah , who loves them dearly and gives them his protection , guidance , and blessing . that Jehovah values and rewards the faithful service of mere humans ? That began a legal process that finally led him to Rome . The result is that many congregations have become multiracial , multicultural , and multilingual , giving praise to Jehovah . ( a ) How can we frustrate Satan’s goal to weaken us ? She admits that being different at times made her feel “ abandoned and alone ” and that her peers considered her stupid because she did not date . Can we take the risk of allowing any of these things to control us , so that Jehovah is no longer “ one Jehovah ” to us ? Other ideas for study can be found in the article “ Young People Ask . . . His loyalty to Jehovah was rewarded . Frightened and vulnerable , a few brothers have given in to such pressures . Jesus spoke of a tragedy involving 18 people who were killed when a tower fell on them , and he indicated that those fatalities were not as a result of God’s will . Although he waited years for Isaac’s birth , Abraham did not lose heart , and Jehovah did not disappoint him . ​ — Gen . To use Jesus ’ words , a person thus ‘ disowns himself , ’ gives up all rights to himself , and vows to put God’s will above everything else in his life . For example , “ Bible Study Activities ” found on the “ Teenagers ” section of can help you to learn practical lessons from Bible events . Yes , Jehovah’s view of what is precious and what is not differs from that of most humans . Similarly , some individuals today who have not responded to the Bible’s message before may have a change of heart and look for help when their world is suddenly shaken by a seismic event . Clearly , the apostles did learn from Jesus ’ example to love “ all sorts of men . ” During that time of global restoration , Jehovah will continue to mold earth’s inhabitants , educating them to a degree that we might now find hard to imagine . 27 Winning the Battle for Your Mind They would try their best never again to let down their Master . The new overseer did not take offense at this outburst , but neither could he ignore it . What Scriptural examples prove that Jehovah can do the unexpected ? Jesus even used this customary form of address , which was considered polite in Bible times , when speaking to his own mother . He explains : “ It was a struggle for me to strip off my old personality . Since Jehovah uses men as teachers in the congregation , it is important for brothers to develop speaking ability . What conviction strengthened the psalmist ? When immigrants display such a fine attitude , they are more likely to gain the respect of local residents and fellow believers . Johannes When the WBBR facilities on Staten Island were sold in 1957 , I served at Brooklyn Bethel for a short time . ( b ) How does one elder prepare for the Memorial each year , and how might you do something similar ? For example , were you single , but then you got married ? Their unity would give a powerful witness , offering clear evidence that Jehovah had sent Jesus to the earth to do God’s will . Much of what people today commonly consider to be permanent features of life in this world will be gone . Sometimes she was forced to work outside in the freezing cold without enough clothes to keep her warm . Christ also gave to the congregation “ gifts in men ” ​ — elders to shepherd God’s flock . 12 , 13 . ( a ) When facing a frightening situation , how did Jehoshaphat react ? Or you may be grieving over the loss of a child . See the 1988 Yearbook of Jehovah’s Witnesses , pp . Rather , we follow the lead of the resurrected Christ , who in turn follows the lead of his Father , Jehovah . ​ — Matt . Everyone’s role in the congregation is unique , but all of us are needed . Suggestions included organizing field service groups for five - hour days and focusing on making return visits , particularly during midweek evenings . 2 : 22 . And how does that relate to what you can expect regarding a future resurrection ? So until God acts to destroy the wicked , let us continue to proclaim his compassionate warning message . Another brother , who got into the habit of viewing pornography , later admitted : “ I found myself developing a critical attitude toward the elders . ” Yet , there are other activities or aspects of life about which the Scriptures provide no specific command . Eddie , a pioneer in New York City , was hesitant about conversing with people in public . We can learn important lessons from Robert’s experience . By conduct reflecting “ the quiet and mild spirit , which is of great value in the eyes of God , ” a wife may do more to win her husband over to true worship than she would by being too forward in speaking about Christian beliefs . ​ — 1 Pet . Thomas , the father of an 11 - year - old girl , relates : “ My daughter might ask , ‛ Could Jehovah have used evolution to develop life on earth ? ’ * Wholesome recreation is a “ gift of God . ” Love embraces many essential Christian qualities , including faith . Throughout his life and ministry , he showed that he wanted to imitate his Father , Jehovah . He was also very spiritually inclined . PROVERBS 17 : 22 Again , Jesus set a wonderful example . Prove Yourself Loyal to Jehovah , Feb . On the first day of the convention , my sisters took turns writing notes in order to help me follow the program . To our delight , Don Steele was in the same class . On what basis could sincere people question church teachings during the first few centuries of our Common Era ? ( b ) Illustrate how ‘ God’s word runs swiftly . ’ Let us consider Jehovah’s perfect example . ( b ) What good resulted when an Austrian Witness showed a politician honor ? He corrected that idea by giving them the illustration of the minas . Noah displayed unselfish love for his fellow man by preaching God’s message for decades despite not seeing any response from the people . He opened the door , as it were , so that we could become part of God’s family . Perhaps you have heard it said that time is a great healer . Why did Jesus then say that the anxious person cannot add even a cubit to his life ? Would you not appreciate a warm welcome at the Kingdom Hall , regardless of your nationality or skin color ? WE LIVE in very stressful times . What , though , is included in “ the world ” that is “ passing away ” ? Instead , he gave Job the opportunity to prove his integrity , to show that his worship stemmed from a pure , unselfish heart . He must have known that he could face severe consequences if he refused her . Mutsuo and his wife wept as they read through the experiences . 13 ‘ Setting Your Mind on the Spirit Means Life and Peace ’ Still , we need to know the answers to three key questions : What is the extent of Satan’s influence ? Obediently abandoning his plan to fight the newly established nation , he turned his attention to building cities in the tribal territories of Judah and Benjamin over which he still reigned . As you can easily see , Jehovah is kind and generous to humans every day . 4 : 4 - 7 . 4 : 23 . A Canadian brother mentioned the prejudice he once had concerning language . Paul spoke till midnight . Their life has improved , and they know that a wonderful future awaits them . A second way to gain inner peace is by reading Bible texts and meditating on them . As a ritual , the rabbis required that water be poured over their hands prior to eating . In 36 C.E . , the disciple - making work became much more international . As we fight against sin in all its forms , we show true appreciation for God’s undeserved kindness through Christ . As Christians , we must therefore work hard to grow in our love for God , for Bible truth , and for one another . Paul compared the struggles of Christians to the exertion of athletes contending in Greek contests , such as footracing , wrestling , and boxing . We proudly bear and use his name , knowing that loving him is far more rewarding than loving money or things . ​ — Isa . Stéphanie ( center ) When Jehovah brought destruction on that entire region , he was doing more than just putting an end to the wrongdoing there . How can being hospitable help us overcome negative feelings about others ? We will discuss what four categories that will be gone when God’s Kingdom comes ? When the dust settles , the interested man approaches the brothers to learn more . What can we learn from the beauty and order that are evident in creation ? In all circumstances , we need to lean on Jehovah for guidance , trusting in him to support us and do for us what we cannot do for ourselves . The very name Zechariah , which means “ Jehovah Has Remembered , ” may have brought to mind a vital truth . wrote the psalmist . As told by David Sinclair Ever since , I have been serving as a missionary in Japan . ” Anita adds : “ At times , with a twinkle in my eyes , I tell younger sisters , ‘ Put on your backpack and join me in the greatest adventure of all time ! ’ Hundreds of workers were very busy building the new headquarters of Jehovah’s Witnesses at Warwick , New York , U.S.A . Our worship is a way of life , not a mere formality . This has helped her to try to remain as positive as possible . SONGS : 135 , 81 Illustration About “ Little Dogs ” Insulting ? No . 5 That fact was made plain when Satan showed Jesus “ all the kingdoms of the inhabited earth ” and said : “ I will give you all this authority and their glory , because it has been handed over to me , and I give it to whomever I wish . ” Each one of you must return to his house , for I have caused this to happen . ” ​ — 1 Ki . Rather than remain disturbed , Mary obediently replied : “ Look ! FOR centuries , the six words of the Hebrew text of Deuteronomy 6 : 4 have been used by people of the Jewish faith as part of a devotional prayer . She says , “ I have never been in a situation where I have not felt Jehovah’s strength and his guidance . ” You may feel that your situation is too difficult and the load too heavy for you to carry . However , Paul added that there was still “ a promise of entering into [ God’s ] rest . ” And the satisfaction we have of bringing glory to our loving heavenly Father more than makes up for any inconveniences that we may face to dress so as to glorify him . When Eunice’s mother found out that she was studying the Bible , she had the school principal try to dissuade her . 17 : 14 ; 20 : 10 . As you deal with thorny problems , pray for wisdom , act and speak with mildness , and look to God for strength . When I was able to examine them , I found vivid illustrations that fired my imagination . He has a high - stress job as a schoolteacher and counselor , and he also has had to deal with an anxiety disorder . When we associate closely with our brothers and sisters , we find true friends and close companions . Like the psalmist , Paul found strength in reflecting on Jehovah’s constant support . Soon thereafter , they began to take steps to reach their goal . Jehovah was not obliged to have his Son come to earth to provide the ransom . In time , Hezekiah made preparations for a long siege . This article discusses evidence that Jehovah’s Witnesses are the only people on earth today who are fulfilling Jesus ’ prophetic words found at Matthew 24 : 14 . By kindly and lovingly forgiving one another , we contribute to Christian unity and keep our eyes on the prize of life . And when our prayers are answered , our faith gets stronger . With the establishment of the Christian congregation , music continued to be a prominent feature of true worship . Simplifying our life now will help us to “ get a firm hold on the real life ” yet to come . ​ — 1 Tim . If you are a youth , do you have clear spiritual goals ? Unlike Jehovah , the scribes and Pharisees showed a careless disregard for life . What factors merit their consideration ? Today , we have a total of 83 congregations and 25 groups in Chinese , English , Kyrgyz , Russian , Russian Sign Language , Turkish , Uighur , and Uzbek . Satan suggested that God personally afflict Job . The Watch Tower of September 1915 refined our viewpoint and suggested that Bible Students avoid joining the military . They reason that to be strong , a person has to be assertive and aggressive . As a young servant of Jehovah or as someone learning about Him , do you feel under pressure to conform to popular beliefs , such as evolution , rather than believe in a Creator ? For example , when someone on the job or at school flirts with us , do we see this as an opportunity to “ take pleasure in [ Jehovah’s ] ways ” by rejecting such advances ? I have learned to wait on Jehovah and his organization , and how I have benefited from doing so ! Daniel ? In line with that pattern , since September 1 , 2014 , circuit overseers have been appointing elders and ministerial servants . He not only lovingly provided it for the human family but also fulfilled his promise that it would endure . He had never built an ark before . Service was so much fun ! Full - time ministers generally need to earn a living . Some may find that they are focusing on trying different types of wine , decorating the home , finding new clothing styles , making investments , planning vacation trips , and the like . However , more is involved in imparting spiritual education to children than simply teaching them about the people and events of the Bible . First of all , the main work being done in those days involved the distribution of Bible literature . As the clay in the hand of the potter , so are you in my hand . ” ​ — JER . Would you be willing to forgo things that are within your right if you could thus avoid stumbling a brother whose conscience differs from yours ? How do 1 Corinthians 10 : 31 and Philippians 2 : 4 have a bearing on what we wear ? What effect should our dress have on others ? In the home of one white family , we washed the windows ​ — Gloria did it from the inside , and I did it from the outside . Avoid being like the proverbial bus driver who is more concerned with arriving on time at every bus stop than with picking up passengers . Antonio concludes : “ Although we now serve in different congregations , we are closer than ever . ” After some time in that foreign country , he was falsely accused of attempted rape and was imprisoned without a trial . I was just 16 years old . Brook says : “ Despite the obstacles that we pioneers face , we live a satisfying life . Such genuine love , however , is not to be confused with sentimentality . Dismayed that there was no “ house , ” or temple , dedicated to Jehovah , he wanted to build one . Years before , from a window at his high school , Tony had observed José and Rose regularly going out in field service . Indeed , he was likely in his late 90 ’ s when God’s angel warmly said to him : “ O Daniel , you very precious man . ” ​ — Dan . A young girl in India kept a small money box and gradually added coins , even giving up toys to do so . Clearly , there is often wisdom in listening to older , spiritually mature ones . Later , Corinna too was taken thousands of miles away from home to Siberia . His second and third letters commend Christians who continue “ walking in the truth . ” ​ — 2 John 4 ; 3 John 3 , 4 . LOVE based on right principles ( a·gaʹpe ) is a gift from Jehovah . In contrast , people who love God produce a much different kind of fruitage . 2 : 3 , 4 . At the bus station , you are overwhelmed by crowds of passengers and many buses . But the question is , How does Jesus ’ sacrifice make everlasting life possible ? As a ship’s crewman , I had a permit to stay in Puerto Rico only one month . Could Jehovah really choose any of those men to lead his people ? And he has guaranteed that its message will endure forever . One day in August 1974 , she visited my sister’s home , which is where we first met . It contains a judgment message , which fills both sides of the scroll . That meant working part - time . Imagine , then , how Noah must have felt when he learned that his name , which probably means “ Rest ; Consolation , ” embodied hope ! “ Greetings , you highly favored one , ” the angel began , “ Jehovah is with you . ” Aaron pursued a spiritual routine that included Bible reading , preparing for meetings , and commenting at them . Name , No . 3 How have some parents helped their children to set spiritual goals , and how has this proved beneficial ? Those conditions touch us all . As told by Edward Bazely Worldwide , the Roman Catholic Church has a little over 400,000 priests . Now consider the number of Witnesses involved in the Bible - based Kingdom - preaching work . Would you be able to forgive him ? That is when my father made the threat that I related at the outset . The Golden Age was renamed Consolation in 1937 and Awake ! in 1946 . Johannes Rauthe engaging in the field ministry , probably in the 1920 ’ s How should we approach someone who has offended us ? Jehoshaphat should have borne in mind that Jehovah’s eyes look for those whose heart is complete toward him . That study had a profound spiritual effect on me . A century later , The Watchtower identified the antitypical city of refuge as “ God’s provision for protecting us from death for violating his commandment about the sanctity of blood . ” Those “ caught away ” will not “ fall asleep in death ” in the sense of having a long sleep in death . “ Look out that no one takes you captive by means of the philosophy and empty deception . . . of the world . ” ​ — COL . He thought , felt , and acted like Jehovah and lived in harmony with God’s will and standards . Some would be headstrong , or impulsive and reckless . 7 : 2 , 3 . Jesus enjoyed food , and he fed others . Ask him to help you to have an upbuilding conversation with your brother . In addition , brazen conduct and gross immorality were rampant . 4 Scrolls in Bible Times , No . Earnestly continue to search for divine truths . We can likewise expect our assignments to change from time to time , often because of decisions we make . What evidence do you have that Jehovah God takes an interest in you ? ( Read Philippians 4 : 6 . ) The Bible tells us what happened next : “ Gideon then came to the Jordan and crossed it . When he was still a teenager , “ he started to search for the God of David , ” and by the time he was 20 , he began to cleanse Judah of idolatry . Riana is a brother in his early 20 ’ s . Still , one might ask : ‘ Does my individual effort really matter ? Yes , Paul , who gave outstanding encouragement to others , at times needed to be built up himself . ​ — Read Romans 15 : 30 - 32 . At age seven , I was sent to a school for religious training . Instead , we can be sure that God’s servants worldwide will continue to flourish spiritually . Some mistakes are more serious than others . It was a very good meal . Negative comments had been made about her ministry and her use of time . How can good communication help you to cope with anxiety ? Those who take the spiritual lead in the family can imitate Jehoshaphat by turning to Jehovah for guidance and strength to cope with the problem they face . Your new field service group overseer should endeavor to share with you in the ministry soon after your arrival . At times , it applies to the actual flesh of our physical body . The school principal , an Anglican clergyman , expelled me for being “ an unsatisfactory character . ” If so , remember this important counsel : “ With humility consider others superior to you . ” ​ — Philippians 2 : 3 . They may even fear for our eternal welfare . 3 : 23 , 24 . God is love . ” 32 : 4 . How can we maintain a balanced view of our secular work ? Is the Bible Still Changing Your Life ? May The Greek verb translated “ reaching out ” means stretching to grasp something , perhaps something beyond your normal reach . Of course , the war we fight is spiritual , not literal . ( See the suggestions found in Benefit From Theocratic Ministry School Education , pages 181 to 184 , under the subheading “ Properly Control Your Air Supply . ” ) However , many of our decisions , the choices we make , can have a profound effect on us . And how did Jesus teach us that violence against others is not justified ? Why is Jesus ’ reply to Peter faith - strengthening ? His assurance that the temple would be built must have brought hope to their tired hearts . Why do we need courage ? Parents should have the goal of helping their child become a disciple ( See paragraphs 16 , 17 ) SONGS : 57 , 147 Look ! “ Now , what seems to be troubling you ? ” What form of sacred service have many young people enjoyed ? Jesus said : “ When such [ unrighteous riches ] fail , ” not ‘ if they fail . ’ In a similar way , we must cherish and guard our relationship with Jehovah . We will learn why having God’s approval is worth any sacrifice . We were so happy that we cried ! Bethel and I were married less than a year later , in 1958 , and she joined me as a pioneer in El Dorado . This contrast in attitude toward volunteer service contains an important lesson for us . Let us go back in time and reconstruct in our minds what could well have happened at that event . ( b ) How did the scribes and Pharisees misrepresent the Law ? 12 : 9 ; 1 John 3 : 8 . He even assigned some of us easier duties . How did this young woman respond ? What a sobering warning to those who are nurturing an inordinate love of pleasures ! I hate you ! ” What are some lessons about appropriate discipline and effective teaching that we can learn from Jesus ? “ When he was being insulted , ” the Bible says , “ he did not insult in return . . . , but he entrusted himself to the One who judges righteously . ” The best way to protect ourselves from misusing our freedom and thus becoming enslaved again by worldly ambitions and desires is to be fully absorbed in spiritual pursuits . We need our heavenly Father’s help because we are unable to direct our own steps . ​ — Jer . Parents , your example is essential to start your children on the path to endless life . He reinforced a number of cities “ to a very great degree . ” Will you be courageous and tactfully explain the reason for your decision ? George and Adria , a couple in their late 30 ’ s from Canada , kept in mind that Jehovah blesses good decisions , not merely good intentions . 6 Appreciating Jehovah as Our Potter “ The peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts . ” ​ — PHIL . Many have learned that generosity is spiritually enriching . ​ — Ps . All of us are unrighteous by nature . Because high - quality ore may contain only about 0.3 troy ounce ( 10 g ) of gold per ton of rock ! His message could divide people . “ Joshua the son of Nun was full of the spirit of wisdom . ” We live in exciting times . ( b ) Illustrate how compassionate Jehovah is in helping imperfect humans . “ WE BELIEVE in Jehovah , but that does not necessarily mean that our children will believe , ” said a married couple in France . Two types of IUDs have come to the fore . What might induce them to do such a thing ? They decided to sell their home and goods to fund their full - time ministry . What courage may be needed on the part of older sisters ? Is Jehovah attentive in that way ? Yes , indeed ! He wants us to be wise and happy and to love him in return . He was “ setting a pattern for ungodly people of things to come . ” We finally reached Manila on November 19 , 1954 . We have always been early risers , and that habit certainly helps at Bethel . Satan has challenged the rightfulness of Jehovah’s sovereignty , so our voluntary and vigorous efforts to uphold it are undoubtedly of special value to our benevolent and appreciative heavenly Father . 30 Questions From Readers Am I known for going out of my way to promote peace and unity ? ’ 147 : 1 . In time , Paul was able to defend and proclaim his faith before the next governor , Porcius Festus , as well as before King Herod Agrippa . A brother uses the Bible to share the Kingdom message with two villagers in the central highlands of Ethiopia . He felt compassion for the crowds he met , for “ they were skinned and thrown about like sheep without a shepherd . ” Thus , after six months , we knew only a few words of Tagalog . 3 : 12 - 14 . If I am contemplating a major move to another city or country for perceived economic advantages , do I give prayerful consideration to the effect this would have on my family and on the congregation ? ’ Is Zechariah told to place the crown on the head of Governor Zerubbabel of the tribe of Judah and a descendant of David ? ( b ) With whom does Jehovah find pleasure ? It is true that sometimes we will get tired . Clearly , despite living in a hostile world , we can have inner peace that contributes to harmony within our families and with fellow Christians . All 49 members of the Feijó Congregation were brought to trial for attending an illegal meeting in a private home . If we reflect on the challenges that they are facing , such as discrimination or the language barrier , we will look for ways to show them kindness and fellow feeling . ​ — 1 Pet . Keep in mind , however , that Jehovah will help you if you let him . Because true followers of Christ “ are all one . ” ​ — Col . You may face difficulties that cause you to become anxious . What error did Peter make while in Syrian Antioch ? He was to be received hospitably . He worked hard alongside Paul , and this strengthened the bonds of affection between them . We will consider the answers to those questions in the next article . That realization will move us ‘ to humble ourselves under the mighty hand of God . ’ ​ — 1 Pet . Boys and men wear a jacket and tie , while the girls ’ and women’s skirt length is . . . in good taste , yet modern . ” Some in Bible times enjoyed his approval even though they had formerly committed grave sins . Yes , Jesus put helping others ahead of personal convenience ​ — helping them was key to his doing God’s will . Rule by God through his Messianic Kingdom will succeed , and integrity - keepers will have proved that humans can take their stand for God’s rulership . Are you getting the most out of your Bible reading ? As Christians , however , we must humbly “ consider others superior ” to us , as worthy of our forgiveness . We called a brother who came and took us to his home and then to the congregation meeting . If you find it difficult to say something in person , it may be easier to provide consolation by means of a sympathy card , an e - mail , a text message , or a letter . The love of God flourishes among Jehovah’s people , and our ranks are growing every year . Our cook was Harry Peterson ; it was easier for us to use that last name than his real one , Papargyropoulos . We were happy to see the good that can result when we try to “ keep conquering the evil with the good . ” ​ — Rom . “ A lot of the brothers were waking up to the fact that they needed to pioneer , ” remembers Joyce Ellis ( née Barber ) . What joy that brought her ! What vital lessons can we learn from Israel’s victory over the Amalekites ? Individuals and family heads are therefore free to make decisions regarding these matters . The Bible explains : “ By the trespass of the one man [ Adam ] death ruled as king ” over Adam’s descendants . What would people think of the king who threatened to punish his subjects “ with scourges ” yet soon yielded to this flagrant rebellion ? Even so , he did not give up on them . Never underestimate the lure of immorality or the danger of egotism . Science writer David Bodanis observed : “ The mass our Sun is exploding into energy each second is equivalent to [ billions of atomic ] bombs . ” Before me no God was formed , and after me there has been none . ” At Pentecost 33 C.E . , thousands of Jews and proselytes were anointed with holy spirit . At the very least , Joseph was now stirred to action . He is not , though , the only one promised to be resurrected to heaven as a spirit creature . At times , that contributed to misunderstandings and hurt feelings . Industry leaders promote their ideas on morals by presenting sexual immorality as normal behavior , free of painful consequences . Furthermore , our love for Jehovah and our brothers is linked to our love for the Bible . That is related to the reason why the chief priests and the Pharisees planned to kill Jesus . In time , Jim was reappointed an elder . A Bible student in Fiji had to choose between attending a Christian convention and going with her husband to a relative’s birthday party . Still , as they have done for decades , in the morning they walk to a square in a busy section of town , arriving there at seven o’clock . She explains : “ I feared going into the unknown . The first one is about a vine . What a joy it was to help him in that way until he finished his earthly course in December 1992 ! Nevertheless , being honest is right in God’s eyes , and it enables us to maintain a clean conscience , which is truly valuable . Consider what happened to the family of a 12 - year - old lad whom we will call Milan . It may even be that you have met people in your ministry who have stated that while they disagree with our beliefs , they respect us for the work we do . 5 : 6 . Paul’s deep concern shows that there is no room for complacency . When Joseph shared this divinely inspired interpretation , he took advantage of the opportunity to explain his own situation . Yet , he gratefully declared : “ Thanks to God through Jesus Christ our Lord ! ” “ O Jehovah , . . . you are our Potter ; we are all the work of your hand . ” ​ — ISA . Our changing circumstances can expand or limit our sphere of operation . Again I left familiar surroundings behind , this time to help with Bethel work . Is it not better just to wait and see ? How does Jehovah ensure that all creation functions harmoniously ? Also , José had to endure cancer surgery and chemotherapy . IT HAS been said that man’s necessities are few , but his wants are infinite . SONGS : 10 , 16 18 : 4 . Advertising a public lecture with others in Rochester , New York , 1953 As we noted in the preceding article , God examined Asa’s heart and judged it to be complete with Him . That is especially so if our treacherous heart tugs us in the opposite direction . Have faith that the ransom is the basis for forgiving your sins . The profound meaning of the divine name assures us that God is fully capable of seeing to it that his purposes in behalf of his servants are carried out . Do not minimize the good effect of your being regular in the field service , in attending meetings , and in conducting family worship . The letter of James was likely written shortly after the apostle Paul wrote his inspired description of faith . At school ? Rather , she kept contending by praying with more intensity . As told by Beishenbai Berdibaev The officials ask them to leave the city peacefully . One brother from Turkey said : “ Franz Reiter was a young brother who was executed because he refused to join Hitler’s army . Likewise , the closer we get to the end of this system of things , the greater the challenge for us to stay awake . The increase in the number of Witnesses brings us constant joy It can also help us to make good decisions . Though they had to return to the United States , the experience of serving in Ghana deepened their desire to keep Kingdom interests first in life . In 1987 , our son Yaroslav moved to the city of Riga in Latvia , where he was able to preach more openly . Sylviana ( left ) and Sylvie Ann ( right ) with Doratine on the day of her baptism With such a clear indication of Jehovah’s will , Paul immediately accepted the invitation . [ 3 ] ( paragraph 15 ) Benefit From Theocratic Ministry School Education , pp . 52 - 61 , explains the qualities needed for effective public speaking . Yet , there may be other Bible principles to take into consideration , which an elder might help us to analyze . ( See paragraph 18 ) 24 : 14 ; 25 : 40 . In today’s world , people who are mild and patient are often considered weak . motivate us to promote unity ? And it means reaching out for spiritual goals . But there are also practical benefits to ‘ letting go ’ of anger . Uriah would not do what the king suggested , so David arranged to have him killed in battle . I was impressed that even the young children who were among the 50 present commented on deep Bible subjects . However , to understand this matter properly , we must turn to God’s Word , the Bible . Why is Romans 5 : 12 of interest to Jehovah’s Witnesses ? As the Scriptures show , modesty is always the right course . When we attend assemblies and conventions , our dress needs to be appropriate and modest rather than reflect the extreme styles that may be common in the world . Thanks to zealous Witnesses in the lands receiving refugees , thousands of refugees are hearing “ the word of the Kingdom ” for the first time . What about faithful parents whose children have gone astray ? In what ways can our Christian ministry be like dew ? Let us examine why that illustration is appropriate . How such willing workers certainly must make Jehovah’s heart rejoice ! ​ — Ps . Yes , we must be eager to enrich our own treasure store of divine truths . Construction . From the beginning of his ministry , Jesus allowed the Scriptures to direct him . To help us have a conscience that is properly trained , we should let godly principles guide us and thus bring glory to God . ​ — 1 Cor . 32 : 1 , 2 , 17 , 18 . Since “ the Chief Agent of life ” personally understands what it is like to feel grief , “ he is able to come to the aid of those who are being put to the test . ” What are the limits of his power ? We got married that same day . If Jesus said that taxation was a necessary burden , he could lose the support of his followers . As did the Hebrew Christians , we can read of and cooperate with that purpose . Each child needs to use his or her own “ power of reason ” to develop conviction about Bible truth . Wendy is still in Vanuatu , now serving in a remote translation office . There , “ the boy Samuel continued growing up before Jehovah . ” For instance , even though they had faced fanatic opposition in Lystra , they returned there in order to encourage new disciples to remain in the faith . “ Our single mom’s grasp of the language we understood best was limited , and my sisters and I didn’t speak her language very well , ” recalls an elder named Shan . Consider first the term “ flesh . ” To what was Paul referring ? Jesus likewise has been willing to wait . Christians today need not think that the work of translating the Septuagint , Wycliffe’s Bible , the King James Version , or any other translation was inspired by God . By doing some research , we learn that this portion of Ezekiel was written in about the year 612 B.C.E . Above all , I often mentioned my goal in prayer to Jehovah . ” Paul reasons : “ Wife , how do you know whether you will save your husband ? If people want to argue about a topic , such as same - sex marriage or abortion , tell them what God’s Word says and how you try to follow it in your life . Consider what happened to Dannykarl who moved from the Philippines to Japan . While on his second missionary tour , about 50 C.E . , Paul visited Philippi . It was similar with anointed Christians , who could consider themselves “ dead with reference to sin but living with reference to God by Christ Jesus . ” Look for ways to show genuine interest in others at the Kingdom Hall , in the ministry , while enjoying a meal together , or as you converse on the telephone . My mother was a devout Catholic and wanted me to be a nun . Territories were to be divided into sections of from 150 to 200 homes . In Luke chapter 15 , we find Jesus ’ powerful illustration about a man who had a flock of 100 sheep . The Roman military commander took Paul into custody . It comes as no surprise , therefore , that moral standards are being abandoned . All creation , including humans , moves and functions within these boundaries . As the officer spoke to his men , two strangers came up to the family and quietly identified themselves as Witnesses . In Jephthah’s day , the Israelites were oppressed by both the Philistines and the Ammonites because the Israelites had disobeyed Jehovah . Millions of modern - day worshippers of God are following the example of Jesus by keeping their hope in clear focus and not allowing trials to weaken their faith . Peter began a Bible study with him . Spiritual maturity is not determined primarily by age but by a person’s healthy fear of Jehovah and readiness to obey his commands . ​ — Read Psalm 111 : 10 . We find such words at Psalm 136 : 23 , which states : “ He remembered us when we were low , for his loyal love endures forever . ” Why did Abraham need to show patience ? What is propaganda ? Yet , the people took heart . For example , he taught that resentment can lead to violence and that lust can lead to adultery . Jesus himself received encouragement from his Father . ( b ) What benefits may come from our kind demeanor ? He was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease . God’s command “ Get out of her , my people ” would be meaningless if no one could ever escape the influence of the world empire of false religion . They display some Bible publications on a table at the time when parents come to pick up their children from a nearby school . Why does Jehovah not tolerate rebellion ? Peter began to change . As we know , Jesus foretold that the good news of the Kingdom would be preached in all the inhabited earth . Separation may bring a measure of peace . This article will explain why attending meetings ( 1 ) is good for us , ( 2 ) helps others , and ( 3 ) pleases Jehovah . ​ — See endnote . SONGS : 20 , 15 Indeed , deep - seated joy gives us the strength to keep on preaching even in challenging territories . ​ — Matt . It may also open opportunities for them to expand their ministry . How can we avoid the attitude of the scribes and Pharisees and imitate Jehovah ? 23 : 10 . If we clearly understand and firmly believe that “ Jehovah our God is one Jehovah , ” we will do all we can to give him exclusive devotion , serving him as he approves . ​ — Heb . How appropriate it was later for David to urge Solomon to be courageous and construct the temple ! Thereafter , “ the spirit impelled him to go into the wilderness . ” A second way we can promote unity is by reflecting on the meaning of the emblems used at the Memorial . Jehovah thus gave humans a glimpse of the special relationship that exists between him and the vast throngs of righteous spirit creatures serving him in heaven . ( a ) What do refugees initially need ? 4 , 5 . ( a ) How and why were the cities of refuge made easily accessible ? Interestingly , this conversation took place not long after the occasion when the people wanted to make Jesus king . How has this article encouraged you ? Today , most of us are surrounded by prejudice . Just as an anchor keeps a ship steady during a storm , the sure hope of a reward can help us to maintain our emotional , mental , and spiritual stability . What prejudice did Jesus ’ followers experience ? So use your thinking ability to gain accurate knowledge . He was tried by a military court and sentenced to ten years in jail . Political developments have sometimes influenced which language was the lingua franca , or common language , at any given time . Another way that we remember the Governing Body is by exerting ourselves in the preaching work . 12 Treasure Your Gift of Free Will What should we do “ day after day , ” and why ? 10 : 32 , 33 ; 13 : 4 , 5 . They had fun learning in this way , and it gave them confidence . 6 : 13 , 17 , 18 ; 2 Pet . Shortly afterward , in December 1945 , a group of Jehovah’s Witnesses from the town of Angat came to preach in our village . Show Jehovah that you truly feel like King David , who said : “ Jehovah , I love the house where you dwell . ” ​ — Psalm 26 : 8 . ( a ) What idea about sex is common in this world ? Will You Apply Your Heart to the Things Written ? At times , people break off long - standing friendships because they find it too hard to extend forgiveness . When Jesus told his followers to equip themselves with swords on the final night of his life on earth , he did not have protection in mind . How can we use Matthew 5 : 3 to reason on the question , What makes people happy ? What questions might arise regarding the resurrection ? Learn Bible verses that will help you to remain neutral and verses that describe the new world Does not Mary’s example help us to think of how we can put God’s will first in our life ? Do you “ understand everything ” necessary to please Jehovah ? We can use them to glorify him and to benefit others . That is not to say that David always controlled himself , as we know from his sin with Bath - sheba and his initial reaction to Nabal’s greed . “ Keep asking in faith , not doubting at all . ” ​ — JAS . Satan’s world tries to weaken our faith and can make us feel stressed and discouraged . I began serving as a full - time pioneer on January 1 , 1956 . ( You can find practical suggestions in studies 21 to 23 of Benefit From Theocratic Ministry School Education . ) Jehovah’s Witnesses have long established Scripturally that since 1914 we have been living during Jesus ’ promised “ presence . ” The letter was aimed at helping the brothers to reject worldly thinking and wrong practices . ​ — Col . 22 Benefit From Jehovah’s Guidance Today Those Bible Students were zealous ! God’s holy spirit could supply the power that Paul lacked . Yet , when the people neared the Promised Land , they showed a lack of faith . Does she feel that she set the right goal and made the correct decision as a teenager ? We must make disciples , baptize them , and teach them , but what is the first thing we need to do ? If Jehovah prevented us from facing certain trials because he deemed them to be more than we could bear , would that not add weight to Satan’s charge that we serve God out of self - interest ? Why must we be willing to accept the need to wait for Jehovah to act ? The secretary will no doubt ask you for contact information from your previous congregation so that he can obtain your Congregation’s Publisher Record card ( s ) . Malcolm’s advice ? “ Pray to be as productive and as active in Jehovah’s service as you can be . If we meditate on all these blessings from God , we will see our joy deepen and grow . ​ — Phil . Courageously rely on Jehovah , remaining firm for what you know is right and wise . The faithful man Job . And what does it have to do with your hope and your relationship with him ? We went to a hotel and asked for a room . Jehovah has given Jesus an important share in resurrecting the dead . How could a Christian sister win over her unbelieving husband ? I awoke in an icy cell without bread , water , or a blanket . With regard to this command , one Bible scholar commented : “ To ‘ go ’ is the task of each believer , whether across the street or across the ocean . ” ​ — Matt . You might try to do that over a period of 12 months . She had no children . EVER since humankind fell into sin and imperfection , Jehovah has proved that he is a God who gives encouragement . For Amy , her initial challenge was homesickness . How can you cope with the pain that this brings ? As people learn about God , they see the need to conform to his standards . 37 : 15 - 17 . Developing such a new personality is within our reach . By refusing to do so , he showed that he was relying on Jehovah for guidance and sustenance . But not Timothy ! After God created the first man , Adam , the animals were brought to him so that he could name them . Rather , they humbly look to God , asking for insight and wisdom . What will enable us to “ understand everything ” we need to know to please our heavenly Father ? Am I continuing to serve Jehovah wholeheartedly ? Definitely not ! If the governor does not consider it his obligation to have your servant’s garment sent back , do it out of pity ! Records show that in the last five years , the average number of regular pioneers has grown to over 1,100,000 and more than a quarter of a million worldwide have been added to the ranks of full - time preachers . A loss of privileges , for example , can help a person realize how important it is for him to focus more on personal Bible study , meditation , and prayer . It is also wise to remember that since we all have faults , we may be offending others . At the same time , more and more people can see that a permissive lifestyle does not bring true happiness . Many in the first century received that sort of spiritual strengthening . That righteous man was “ greatly distressed ” by the brazen conduct of the inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah . 20 , 21 . ( a ) What good comes from showing refugees Christian love ? They read to us the book From Paradise Lost to Paradise Regained . And no wonder ! God’s love is not reflected merely in sentiment . Everywhere you look , it is dark . The Mosaic Law included a number of commands on ceremonial purity regarding such matters as bodily discharges , leprosy , and dealing with human and animal corpses . Shortly thereafter , the circuit overseer asked me to move to El Dorado , Arkansas , to help that congregation . How could they be sure of this ? 6 : 18 ; 1 Tim . Like oil that lubricates a machine , those godly qualities allow for a smooth peacemaking process . After Jesus was resurrected and the holy spirit was poured out , the apostles focused , not on position or prominence , but on the work he had given them to do . ​ — Acts 5 : 42 . There “ they will find exquisite delight in the abundance of peace . ” ​ — John 10 : 16 ; Ps . Paul referred to the Law and the Prophets , and he claimed the right to worship ‘ the God of his forefathers . ’ The fifth trip , mentioned at the outset , followed the same pattern . Suppose that humans who chose self - rule could live forever . How encouraged Timothy and Titus must have been to learn what Paul thought of them ! It was during that assignment that I began to think about Nora , who had started pioneering back in Bulacan . What had caused the field ministry to lose its impetus in Britain ? Many of them were the first Witnesses in the countries to which they were assigned . We can be sure that Jehovah appreciates our efforts to make “ the best use of [ our ] time ” by engaging in regular Bible reading and personal study . That example helped them to build courage . Hebrews 11 : 13 says of some who lived in pre - Christian times : “ In faith all of these died , although they did not receive the fulfillment of the promises ; but they saw them from a distance and welcomed them . ” Why do Jehovah’s Witnesses maintain high standards of dress ? They would be made social outcasts and barred from witnessing in the temple or in synagogues . As a result , only the clergy and some other educated people could read the Bible for themselves , although not all of the clergy could read and write well . My first assignment was in Cirencester , a picturesque town in the Cotswolds . Luigi made a note of the man’s insurance details and left while the man was still shouting . While there , he and his companion Silas were arrested on false charges and thrown in jail . Most likely it was David who pleaded with Jehovah : “ Do not cast me off in my old age ; do not abandon me when my strength fails . ” ​ — Ps . We regularly engaged in the house - to - house ministry as a family . ​ — Acts 20 : 20 . Of course , we are all imperfect . Sacrifice personal advantages . One entry read : “ I learned God’s name today . Because of the considerable interest found there , Ireland was also included in Russell’s third European trip . The answer is found in our theme text , which says in part : “ Those who seek Jehovah can understand everything ” ​ — that is , everything necessary to please him . 8 “ Do Not Forget Kindness to Strangers ” Is he maliciously trying to cause me discomfort ? 3 : 6 - 13 . 17 - 20 . He recalled : “ We were quite confident about this . Some helmets had a handle so that a soldier could carry it in his hand . Christians do not exalt such partakers . They could not expect to receive God’s blessing if they continued to support false religious organizations . A sister in France describes her battle : “ Jehovah has taught me what love means , what sharing means , what loving people of all kinds means . “ We remind our children of the love and forethought that Jehovah put into everything he provided for us , ” the parents state . All the qualities considered thus far are closely connected with love . Such thinking reflects the spirit of this world ​ — not the wisdom from above . In an atmosphere of corruption , some people tip an official in order to obtain a service to which they are not entitled or offer a policeman or a government inspector a “ tip ” in order to avoid a proper and justifiable fine . 14 . “ WHEN I listened to the experiences of my friends who served in areas where there was a great need for pioneers , I longed to taste that joy too , ” says Sylviana , a pioneer in her mid - 20 ’ s . 12 : 21 . 2 : 3 . After that , we preached throughout that village , and to our delight , the people were very receptive . After I had been through ten months of “ rehabilitation , ” my captors decided that it was time I put on a military uniform . We too can pour out our concerns to Jehovah , knowing that he will hear us and strengthen us to endure with joy . Others may feel worldly - wise when they say , “ I can have high principles without believing in God . ” To honor their Life - Giver , they needed to avoid any action or inaction that could endanger the life of their fellow man . I have conquered the world . ” ​ — John 16 : 33 . Why are astrology and fortune - telling not keys to knowing the future ? Why did Jehovah give these striking visions to his prophet ? And she provided ample food supplies to David , who would be the next king , and to his men . How did Jehovah help David to cope with the challenges he faced ? When Adam and Eve ate of that fruit , they put themselves in a position where they could no longer be accepted as members of God’s universal family . One way we can promote the unity of God’s people is by cultivating humility . We are to love our neighbor as ourselves . In the garden of Eden , Satan pretended to be looking out for Eve’s best interests , but his actions were actually selfish and hypocritical . 43 : 10 ; 1 Tim . I eagerly listened in . Do I strive to see others as Jehovah sees them ? ’ One of those “ kings ” was Roman Emperor Nero . The psalmist sang : “ Those seeking Jehovah will lack nothing good . ” In order to enjoy real peace , we must feel safe and have a sense of well - being . To answer that , it is useful to note how the Romans considered religions in general . Some patches of such rocks contain concentrations of gold high enough to mine the ore and crush it to extract the gold . She answers , “ Prayerful reliance on Jehovah . ” The craving for such things can easily take the place of our love for God . When God’s prophet Samuel did not show up in Gilgal at the appointed time , Saul became impatient . The Scriptures urge Christians to extend hospitality . Of course , we do not simply ignore our weaknesses . Do you view your ministry as a treasure and manifest that in your weekly schedule ? ( b ) What will enable us to make the right choices and win our fight against discouragement and distractions ? Why such inequality ? They notice our neat attire , polite behavior , and warm smile . Hence , translators must determine the correct sense , taking into account the Hebrew poetic style , the context , and the related Bible passages . Jesus will crush the serpent’s head and erase from the universe all traces of Satan’s rebellion . ​ — Gen . The distressed jailer asked : “ What must I do to get saved ? ” After residing for years as a fugitive , David became king and lived in a comfortable house . And it was a white sister who patiently helped me to make the journey . By means of “ good instruction , ” mature Christians can help new ones to make spiritual progress . ​ — Prov . “ I WAS nervous about moving here , ” says Allen . * “ I didn’t know if I would make friends or be accepted . ” To help us get into the spirit of singing , each of the convention and assembly program sessions opens with a ten - minute music presentation . Serving Jehovah brings much joy . They ‘ continue putting up with each other and forgiving each other freely . ’ Hence , we need to meditate on what we read . The Japanese army invaded the Philippines . We can easily see that we would never want to be like Nabal , unappreciative of good things done for us . They came there for health reasons , but some left with the hope of everlasting life ! But Jehovah also warned that for a time , the spirit creature who spoke through the serpent would have the power to oppose those who love God . ​ — Gen . He was fully devoted to Jehovah , for “ he continued to keep the commandments that Jehovah had given to Moses . ” ​ — 2 Ki . Joseph could have used his authority to exact vengeance for the very bad way that his brothers had treated him . The brother asks them what spiritual goals they have . On the trip to the camp , Brother Engleitner respectfully explained his beliefs to Gleissner , who listened carefully . Villagers were afraid even to be seen in public . Yet , in the Middle Ages , Latin was essentially a dead language among the common people ! In time , however , he discovered that the sport was violent , even dangerous . 13 : 1 , 7 . The Mosaic Law reflected a “ framework of the knowledge and of the truth ” about Jehovah and his righteous principles . Amy relates how she quickly became aware of a great need : “ Shortly after arriving in Ghana , we preached in a small village and searched for deaf individuals . Without the moisture that dew provides , plants become dry and die . However , he had full confidence that he could win his internal battle by prayerfully relying on Jehovah and exercising faith in Jesus ’ ransom sacrifice . What lesson can we draw from Jehovah’s persistent efforts to reform the sinful Israelites ? By maintaining a realistic estimate of your physical , mental , and emotional abilities , you will be less likely to become overwhelmed by anxiety , for you will be relying on God . When I refused , the commanding officer ordered me into exile on the dreaded penal isle of Makrónisos ( Makronisi ) . What is the most important vow that a Christian can make , and what does it entail ? How did Jehovah’s people in Bible times set an example in contributing ( a ) for specific projects ? Modesty and love move us to take into account the opinions of fellow believers in order to avoid distracting or even offending them . On that occasion , “ Peter stood up with the Eleven ” and shared lifesaving truths with a large crowd of Jews and proselytes . Paul four times says that “ some of them ” disobeyed . Over the years , association with faithful brothers has greatly enriched our lives . It also shows us the way we can do this . We benefit from reading Bible accounts about real people struggling with real problems . The prophet Isaiah pointed to the time at the end of the Jewish exile when repentant ones would realize : “ O Jehovah , you are our Father . SONGS : 142 , 92 SONGS : 38 , 34 Especially when we are faced with a familiar situation or problem , we have to be careful not to rely on ourselves . “ Through the obedience of the one person [ Jesus ] many will be made righteous . ” How can we train our conscience to have a godly sense of decency ? Being a rewarder is an integral part of who Jehovah is and what he does . Because propaganda “ is likely to be most effective , ” says one source , “ if people . . . are discouraged from thinking critically . ” Crime : God’s Kingdom is already teaching millions to love and trust one another as no other government can . How might we evaluate our pursuit of pleasure ? 20 : 12 . “ Sometimes I have to force myself to talk to the brothers and sisters in my new congregation . Let me tell you my story . As spiritual people , we want nothing to jeopardize our relationship with our heavenly Father . Yes , the campaign was noticed . Jehovah , who fully understands us , knows exactly what we need in order to endure In effect , you are hearing the talk through his ears . Nathan was such a friend . He conquered Babylon and proclaimed : “ Jehovah . . . has commissioned me to build him a house in Jerusalem . . . By being together , the Israelites benefited greatly from the good influence of others who worshipped Jehovah . The Bible urges us : “ Throw all your anxiety [ “ cares ; worries , ” ftn . ] on him , because he cares for you . ” Yet , they do not have to cultivate the ground and plant seed for food . ( a ) What admonition did Paul give to Timothy ? One way we pay back “ God’s things to God ” is by not taking sides in the political issues of this world . They should avoid becoming involved in political issues , no matter how right or just a certain cause might seem . The prophet knew that if he remained silent , his relationship with David would not be the same and his own conscience would suffer . Everyone else just leaves me alone . We survived day by day , praying to Jehovah and trusting in him , sometimes eating only mangoes that were growing along the way . ” ​ — Phil . Because of our inherited imperfection , we are sure to face situations that cause ill feelings . But she called an acquaintance and made a brief presentation . Sebastian , aged 21 , says : “ I’ve been writing down one verse from every chapter in my Bible reading . Consider what he did about the wrongdoing that was common in Sodom and Gomorrah . Nevertheless , it is important for you to view your situation as Jehovah does . About 20 people were there , and some asked Bible questions . Today , our anxiety is often related to concern over money and material possessions . He wrote : The articles also discuss how we can have affection for Christ rather than for the things of this world . 1 , 2 . ( a ) How do those taking the lead among Jehovah’s Witnesses differ from those doing so in other religions ? Clearly , the order in creation testifies that God has a purpose for earth and mankind . Maintain Your Neutrality in a Divided World , Apr . Thus , the majority of those Israelites were by that time scattered throughout the Babylonian Empire , which had supplanted the Assyrian Empire . 1 : 20 . On this matter , each Christian couple can evaluate the relevant facts and Bible principles . “ But , ” said the boy , “ if I take the gold coin , people will stop playing the game with me . 146 : 3 , 4 . In order to make this possible , we begin taking steps to simplify our life . For example , it is common for people to lie on tax returns or to lie to avoid taking responsibility for their sins . We show such love by actions rather than by words alone . “ Though I often felt inclined to try to get away with things , ” admits Austin , “ my parents set reasonable guidelines , explained the reasons for rules , and kept the lines of communication wide open . “ Be wise , my son , and make my heart rejoice , so that I can make a reply to him who taunts me . ” ​ — Prov . For example , he found that controlling his quick temper was surprisingly difficult . With the help of God’s Word and his holy spirit , we work hard to “ strip off the old personality . ” 10 , 11 . ( a ) What reality do many adolescents have to face at school ? “ I had always been afraid that if I worked the Bible into a conversation , people would view me as a fanatic . ” The fruitage of that spirit includes self - control , which is closely related to self - discipline . True and lasting joy comes from doing God’s will , from knowing that we are pleasing the Supreme One . Now , I feel that I can approach Jehovah without anything being in the way . ” AS THE last days near their end , the wicked continue to “ sprout like weeds . ” Students at theocratic schools may need places to stay , as may construction volunteers . 18 : 25 ; Deut . How can John’s letter help us to do so ? 2 : 16 , 17 , 23 . After all , conviction isn’t the result of one large chunk of truth . Instead of using our freedom “ as an opportunity to pursue fleshly desires , ” we want to be determined to make choices that help us to heed the admonition : “ Do all things for God’s glory . ” ​ — Gal . To the shock and dismay of his family and friends , he is convicted on the basis of false testimony presented by witnesses who are known to be good - for - nothing men . These are serious questions to ponder at this time of the year . Give a Bible example . If you would possess it you must stoop to get it . Such things did happen . For example , we would ask , “ Is there anyone here who wants to sell a cow ? ” 21 Maintain Your Neutrality in a Divided World Keeping this principle in mind helps us answer such questions as : ‘ Should I pursue plans for an advanced education ? One teenage girl put it this way : “ A child usually won’t resent being one of Jehovah’s Witnesses just because of not having a piece of birthday cake at school . Instead , we should pursue spiritual goals . So propagandists attempt to break bonds of confidence and trust between a soldier and his commander . What can result when a conscience is not properly trained ? Then we could compare that figure to the number of hours we spent that same week on recreational activities , such as participating in sports , enjoying hobbies , watching television , or playing video games . Clearly , we do not want to imitate those in the world who , using social media , treat humans as if they were idols . Proving that Jehovah is capable of resurrecting the dead , Jesus once said that Abraham , Isaac , and Jacob “ are all living to him . ” Sometimes we , like Jehoshaphat , may not know what to do , even being afraid . He wants us to address life’s concerns one day at a time ​ — fully confident that Jehovah will help us . 11 : 30 - 35 . When you strive to impress Bible truth on their hearts , you invite Jehovah’s rich blessing . ​ — Ps . We do well to ask ourselves : ‘ Do meetings and field service take second place to entertainment ? This prayer is called the Shema , which is the first word of the verse . 28 : 6 , 7 ; 29 : 10 - 12 , 18 . Perhaps the governor feared that Jesus could cause political unrest , a principal concern throughout Pilate’s rule . This article examines how we can use our material possessions to “ make friends ” in heaven . 25 Young People , Are You Focused on Spiritual Goals ? On the other hand , sometimes those who have been guilty of serious sins reject Jehovah’s mercy and are unrepentant . 14 Do You Highly Esteem Jehovah’s Own Book ? It could even endanger Nathan’s life if he spoke up . ( b ) Why did one teenager choose not to go to a university ? What are some practical ways to reduce anxiety ? No , it is normal , even necessary , to have a healthy love of self . Hence , all things in the universe have an assigned place and function according to their role in God’s purpose . Rather , hold your songbook up high , lift your head , and sing with heartfelt expression ! “ I drew close to my Bible students and felt the deep joy of seeing them become faithful servants of Jehovah . At times , though , by vigorously defending yourself , you make a problem worse . 15 : 58 . A modest person is keenly aware that he can and must be in constant communication with his loving and almighty Father . Yes , Timothy cared about people . One who is pursuing righteousness would also be present at congregation meetings and have a meaningful share in the lifesaving preaching and disciple - making work . Symbolically , they were like the stick for Judah . Two years later , I myself was able to attend Gilead School ; I returned to Pakistan as a part - time circuit overseer . A Christian sister in Alabama , U.S.A . , had to develop courage to set spiritual goals . Instead , why not stimulate your child’s imagination ? Instead of viewing their assignment as an opportunity to get the best seats for themselves and their families , many of these brothers choose to sit in less favorable seats within their assigned section . And how can we remain modest despite challenging situations or pressure from others ? As that empire spread , Greek became the common language of many of its subjects , including Jews who were scattered over a vast area . Jehovah saw what was happening and no doubt was grieved to observe the way his friend , righteous Joseph , was being treated . 1 : 5 - 8 ; 4 : 8 . Let us consider that account and see how it will help us to examine our attitude about forgiveness and deepen our understanding of how forgiveness relates to Jehovah’s view of justice . As they got older , they complained at times about having the family study . By obeying the instructions found in the Bible , we promote cleanness , peace , and unity in the congregation . But she also needs to think about wifely subjection and being reasonable . In those years , most Witnesses had to make great personal sacrifices to attend the few conventions held in Mexico . 22 : 37 - 39 . ( b ) How is the love we have for our brothers linked to our love for God and the Bible ? Think of it . What can be a source of encouragement ? What other group of ministers is doing a similar work ? Paradise on Earth ​ — Fantasy or Reality ? No . 4 Perhaps they have in mind Paul’s words to the Corinthian Christians about food : “ Why should my freedom be judged by another person’s conscience ? ” And before then , he would have to suffer and die . ( b ) What will result by the end of Christ’s Thousand Year Reign ? “ Noah found favor in the eyes of Jehovah . . . . It helped me to be more courageous and to trust more in Jehovah , ” commented Zeynep from France . When making decisions , we will stop and ponder over these questions : ‛ What Bible principles will help me decide ? Patience is also an expression of our love for others . Friends will assist us for sheer satisfaction , not for money . 43 : 10 . ( Read Psalm 133 : 1 . ) Although Jesus did not mention providing shelter for the birds of heaven , Jehovah has provided them with the instincts , skills , and materials needed to make nests for themselves . How is Zechariah 6 : 15 being fulfilled in our day ? Among those few were Jeremiah , Baruch , Ebed - melech , and the Rechabites . This will be evident by what we say and what we do . Interestingly , in ancient Greece , if a man struck his parents , he would lose all his civil rights ; in Roman law , to strike a father was as serious as murder . Indeed , married Christians who stick with Jehovah’s people , apply Scriptural counsel , and accept the guidance of Jehovah’s holy spirit can preserve “ what God has yoked together . ” ​ — Mark 10 : 9 . What Scriptural reasons do we have to keep on preaching ? Such nonessential things only complicate our life and weigh us down . Similarly , Jehovah extended mercy to repentant Israel after that nation’s spiritual adultery . Consider the alternative ! For example , a brother may have worked hard to prepare a talk and give it before a large audience . I had 15 to 20 Bible studies . We might drop hints , for example , implying that we enjoy special privileges , possess inside information , or have special relationships with responsible brothers . Although I was only 17 years old , my partner and I were given the responsibility of conducting meetings because there were few qualified brothers in the new congregation . The student and her teacher reviewed pertinent scriptures from the Bible . I replied , “ Jesus said that the good news of the Kingdom WILL be preached in all the nations , and no one can stop it . ” ( a ) When did Christians come under the yoke of Babylon the Great ? I was the second of eight children , and my grandparents had taken me to live with them when I was eight years old . However , the vision also reminded the Jews of their responsibility to maintain the purity of their worship . A popular philosophy or common adage is : Follow your heart . Because of sin , what feelings are common among God’s faithful servants ? What did you learn about our enemy ? We treasure this gift because it allows us to make decisions that reveal to Jehovah how much we love him . Aging is another major concern . Prayer , meditation on examples found in the Bible , and close association with Jehovah’s people are helping millions right now to gain comfort in all their trials . Bethel and I then began to pioneer again , which opened up other joyful privileges for us . Both Judeans and Galileans had little respect for the Samaritans and avoided them . ​ — John 4 : 9 . 3 : 1 - 10 , 12 , 13 ; 1 Pet . Then Timothy applied Paul’s methods in his own ministry and other aspects of sacred service . ​ — 2 Tim . Notes Ejvor , a pioneer for 34 years : “ Today , more than ever , many people feel emotionally low . Illustrate . Even our Lord Jesus Christ asked this question when confronted with the faithless attitude of those around him . In Bible times , a potter did not dig up some clay and immediately begin to shape it . When we ask Jehovah to help us endure , he promises to “ make the way out . ” Our loving God offers to them , just as he does to us , the opportunity to choose the course they will follow . ​ — Isa . Peace is especially vital in a marriage . On the other hand , you could mistakenly conclude that you have been a victim of injustice or that another member of the congregation has been . How does the apostle John help us to understand the importance of exercising our faith ? The people of the land were divided by animosity and prejudice . He tried his best to help me emotionally . A man in Thailand , for example , was touched by the love he saw among the brothers at a regional convention . Jesus explained that his disciples were brothers and sisters because they recognized Jehovah as their heavenly Father . And if we tell others how much we have benefited from our personal study of the Bible , we may encourage them to obtain such benefits by being diligent students of the Scriptures . Although an unbelieving husband may not take the lead in spiritual matters , he should be respected because of his position as the head of the family . The original - language word for “ guard ” was a military expression . ( b ) According to Paul’s letter to the Thessalonians , what gave him deep joy ? Even after the missionaries returned from the international assembly , I continued to serve at Bethel . More important , you can help them to become fully involved in their new congregation . We may have some Bible knowledge and may regularly associate with the Christian congregation , but these things in themselves do not necessarily make us into a spiritual person . Whoever there is among you of all his people , may Jehovah his God be with him , and let him go up . ” As one generation replaces another , younger ones take on the work of older ones . What is of greatest interest to us , and to what does our speech gravitate ? Creation proves that God is the incomparable Organizer . Paul was sure that they could remain spiritually clean and thus continue to benefit from God’s undeserved kindness . Satan surely knew that Jesus had the hope of eventually ruling mankind . I am happy that Yaroslav and his wife , Alyona , and Pavel and his wife , Raya , serve at Bethel while Vitaly and his wife , Svetlana , serve in the circuit work . Not every one of our decisions is a life - and - death matter . He started off with a greeting . We can imitate Paul and Silas by keeping in mind the good that comes from serving God faithfully . ​ — Phil . 6 : 4 . That was God’s Kingdom , which would be the real solution . During that turbulent period , he did not fail to notice one non - Israelite named Ruth . This helped Job regain the proper perspective . Why do you recommend this type of Kingdom service to others ? THE above words were spoken by David of ancient Israel in praise of a woman whom he encountered . Worse still , they endeavored to entice their brothers to join them in their contemptuous ways . Jesus mentioned the sanctification of God’s name as the first request in his model prayer . You can do so by completely trusting in God’s ability to strengthen you . ​ — 2 Cor . Why does the vindication of God’s sovereignty include the fulfillment of his promises ? What helped Joseph to wait patiently ? The earth was to be an ideal home for men and women created in God’s image . The mother admits : “ I looked for loopholes in our publications so that I could spend time with my daughter and my granddaughter . ” In a comparable way , as we become progressively acquainted with Jehovah’s thoughts and ways , we improve in our ability to perceive what our heavenly Father would want us to do in various circumstances . And there was likely little she could do to improve her financial situation . How grateful we are for Jehovah’s unselfish love ! Still , an international preaching campaign required direction and organization . That is Jehovah’s way of handling matters . Jesus assured his faithful apostles that they would rule with him in heaven . Miriam had already begun pioneering and was experiencing joyful blessings . But you can be assured that God is ready to give you a helping hand . ​ — Read Isaiah 41 : 10 , 13 . As humans , our place is under Jehovah’s righteous rule . I looked forward to spending some time at a convent because I loved God . Why should the topic of compassion interest you ? Those who love money cannot please God . However , he took time to train others to be shepherds and teachers . ( See opening image . ) ( b ) What will we consider in this article ? That might seem to have been a simple decision . When children are helped to consider deeply the blessings of obedience and the consequences of disobedience , they are more likely to develop a personal conviction . Those who exercise faith in Christ’s ransom and who do the will of God can be among those who shout : “ Salvation we owe to our God , who is seated on the throne , and to the Lamb . ” ​ — Rev . Where should you be headed ? Still , God’s overall assessment was that Asa’s heart “ was complete with Jehovah all his life . ” Job ? Sept . “ Do Not Forget Kindness to Strangers , ” Oct . Conversely , fleshly - oriented people serve as warning examples for us . This is the case with Mirjana , who as a teenager was very talented at sports . He asked , “ What is this ‘ tribulation , ’ and how would I deal with it if I marry ? ” 20 Reject Worldly Thinking The first article explains what it means to strip off the old personality and why doing so is urgent . the completeness of Jehovah’s forgiveness ? By your words and by your example , let them know that the values found in God’s Word are also your values . ​ — Rom . We face the greatest tribulation the world has ever seen . And Paul stressed the resurrection as something he had faith in . She related , “ He took 15 minutes with me to discuss my spiritual goals . ” He wants us to choose our own course in life . 15 : 1 - 6 ; 18 : 9 - 17 ; 2 Chron . How important is genuine love ? Jesus recognized this harsh reality with the words : “ You always have the poor with you . ” How can we determine that we are not being overcome by indifference toward Jehovah’s work ? Would I be able to share in it ? ’ “ I worried about having to learn a new language and having to adjust to a new environment . We find ourselves in a situation like that of the apostle Paul , who wrote : “ I have the desire to do what is fine but not the ability to carry it out . ” ​ — Rom . Do you too long to serve in a territory where more Kingdom workers are needed , but you wonder whether you will ever reach that goal ? Not all humans possess it . That may have happened when you first saw God’s name , Jehovah , in the Bible . He greeted some who are essentially unknown today ​ — “ my beloved Epaenetus ” as well as “ Tryphaena and Tryphosa , women who are working hard in the Lord . ” I believe that if you accept an assignment even when you don’t really feel like doing it , you will always be blessed by Jehovah . The ransom also makes it possible for us to have the opportunity to live forever in happiness . They are ready even to die for one another . ” What did one brother say about handing over his responsibility ? It is of interest to Christians today to consider how Paul dealt with the charges . If you find public witnessing challenging , do not give up . Modesty and humility are closely linked traits . For example , what might happen if we make decisions when we are angry ? ( b ) Why can baptism be likened to constructing the ark in Noah’s day ? That may not have erased all her sadness ; yet , Martha accepted Jesus ’ assurance . Would the householder have written that if the publishers had shown even a hint of anger ? Genuine love identifies true Christians . By reading God’s Word and meditating on it , we can develop wisdom , insight , good judgment , knowledge , thinking ability , and soundness of mind . Donations of cash , jewelry , or other valuable personal property . “ Love . . . in Deed and Truth , ” Oct . So “ find out for yourself ” by being diligent in “ carefully examining the Scriptures daily . ” ​ — Acts 17 : 11 . From childhood , he loved reading the Bible . What might we do if having little time and energy limits our accepting or extending hospitality ? “ What are these ? ” What contributed to that desire ? Again he spoke to several elders , all of whom gave him Scriptural advice . And she did , immediately . That policy , however , did not take Jehovah God into account . For I , Jehovah your God , am grasping your right hand , the One saying to you , ‘ Do not be afraid . For example , when the president of the United States decreed that May 30 , 1918 , would be set aside as a day of prayer for peace , The Watch Tower urged the Bible Students to join in the observance . However , their humility and their trust in Jehovah were likely put to the test by an unexpected turn of events . Junia , whose brother took his own life , adds : “ Even though you may not be able to grasp their grief completely , what counts is that you want to understand how they feel . ” This project of raising our daughters went by much faster than we could have imagined . How did he help his followers learn to treat others impartially and be truly united ? Think of the apostle Paul . Therefore , it would be unloving for a host to pressure a brother to drink alcohol if he has declined to do so . Steffen 14 : 25 . Sadly , some Israelites gave in to wrong desires because they failed to rely on God . “ I will declare the name of Jehovah . . . , a God of faithfulness who is never unjust . ” ​ — DEUT . We benefit from doing so , for God has our interests at heart . “ A nationalistic spirit has taken over , and many take for granted that political independence will improve their lives . 20 : 1 , 2 ; 28 : 10 , 11 ; 32 : 2 . Public talk advertised in The Irish Times , May 20 , 1910 * Hannah’s request was granted , and she gave birth to her firstborn ​ — a son . After Jehovah’s angel warned Joseph that King Herod intended to kill Jesus , young Jesus and his parents became refugees in Egypt . Satan cannot force people to act against their own will . How was she finally helped to begin feeling truly loved by God ? Moreover , that Edenic promise harmonized with the message proclaimed by Enoch , who also foretold God’s judgment of the wicked . After two weeks , Riana left the area almost penniless to attend a regional convention , wondering what to do . Yes , our message will be just like the dew , that is , gentle , refreshing , and vital to life ! How do we do that ? To understand a principle includes understanding the thinking of the Lawgiver and the reasons why he gave certain laws . Jehovah will swallow it up forever ! We do not want to imitate such ones ​ — we avoid lying . If so , how did you respond ? Jehovah blessed Judah with peace for the first ten years of Asa’s reign . Furthermore , those who earnestly seek God are rewarded with the incomparable blessings of peace of mind , contentment , and happiness . ​ — Phil . God’s Word tells us to give the Kingdom first place in our lives . Will those who died recently be raised near the start of Christ’s Thousand Year Reign and be welcomed by loved ones who know them ? ( b ) What can parents do to follow Jehovah’s example ? For example , in Babylon , Daniel and three of his companions ​ — Shadrach , Meshach , and Abednego — ​ abstained from foods that were forbidden to Jews . To underscore that this promise is based on the Scriptures , Paul quoted parts of Genesis 2 : 2 and Psalm 95 : 11 . Most of the time , I preached by myself . True , as creatures with free will , they could choose independence from God . Mary struggles with numerous health problems . Army revealed in a conversation with Brothers J . The Philistines were preparing for battle , and the Israelites were deserting Saul . Is Celibacy a Requirement for Ministers ? No . He also arranged to be an auxiliary pioneer when he could . The Devil would really like to see you give up and drop your hands in defeat . In like manner , we can grow spiritually by observing and imitating spiritually strong people . “ We saw a display of ancient sea creatures called ammonoids and trilobites , ” says the father . Jesus humbly washed their feet , but they were still arguing about which one of them was the greatest ; and Peter was overconfident . Granted , living indefinitely on others ’ generosity may erode the self - respect of the refugees and may damage their relationships with other brothers . Marriage ​ — Its Origin and Purpose , Aug . Over the course of time , I have learned much from serving alongside brothers who care for heavy responsibilities , and Nora has had a variety of assignments at Bethel . 6 , 7 . ( a ) How do Paul’s words show that strong measures are needed to strip off the old personality ? If you face a similar situation , ask yourself : ‘ Is my spouse demanding that I stop worshipping my God ? See how these examples can build you up . Jehovah is not a heartless judge who is eager to punish his servants . Nov . Consider the courage Joseph showed when Potiphar’s wife tempted him to commit sexual immorality . Therefore , it would not be good to expect too much of fellow believers and to let their faults rob us of the joy that comes from being part of God’s people in these last days . Love for our marriage mate helps us to endure “ tribulation ” that even happily married couples have and helps strengthen our marriage . ​ — 1 Corinthians 7 : 28 . What , then , about honesty ? One objector in their midst was swiftly handled by skillful use of the Scriptures . The ransom arrangement makes possible what blessings ? “ A woman told me that soon people will no longer die . Sad to say , many individuals in this world have a casual attitude toward marriage . In that sense we are slaves of sin , and the outcome is frustration , pain , suffering , and finally death . Toñi gave a fine witness , and a Bible study was started ​ — all as a result of her calm and peaceable demeanor . What does this tell me about Jehovah ? He also created us with a conscience ​ — an inborn sense of right and wrong — ​ that can help us avoid wrongdoing and correct our mistakes when we fall short . ​ — Rom . His first tour started with Ireland , in July 1891 . Diotrephes ’ desire for prominence and his unchristian attitude called into question his loyalty . He says : “ Before becoming a Christian , I was working for a large company where the owner evaded paying taxes by reporting only a small portion of the company’s profit . How have even faithful ones been overtaken by pride ? Those clothed with the new personality treat fellow believers and outsiders with dignity , regardless of their social or racial background . Some had never seen a schooner or a white man before . 13 : 7 . The pain of Jehovah’s reprimand would have been mild by comparison . Indeed , single sisters serving abroad have established an outstanding record of Christian service . I saw no sign of hope in their eyes , and I yearned to tell them about God’s Kingdom . Why do you want to be honest ? Yet , there is still a vast untouched territory . we reasoned . The general thought long and hard . AMONG the zealous Witnesses serving in lands where there is a greater need for more Kingdom preachers are numerous single sisters . Jesus said : “ Everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or lands for the sake of my name will receive a hundred times as much and will inherit everlasting life . ” The first - century Christian congregation was organized , and it benefited from the direction of the governing body , initially made up of the apostles . Do you have the courage to acknowledge Jesus as your King ? What should you have as a primary goal when teaching your children ? 3 : 10 . Quite likely , Noah repeated to the people the exact words that Jehovah had spoken to him : “ I have decided to put an end to all flesh , because the earth is full of violence on account of them . . . We can imagine their surprise and disappointment , though , when Peter suddenly stopped eating with them . Today , Riana is still sharing the Kingdom message with the many Tandroy - speaking people who want to learn about Jehovah . Obeying them has increased our self - respect , contributed to good health , and enhanced family happiness . 5 : 18 - 20 . Throughout the earth , Jehovah’s Witnesses express godly love toward others . We should not assume that only those who have very comfortable homes are in a position to help ; they may already have done so many times . At the inauguration of the temple , music and singing played a prominent role . Why should we not ignore our weaknesses ? Some reasoned : ‘ Since an idol is nothing , the meat can be eaten in good conscience . ’ Since foreigners are often disadvantaged , Jehovah lovingly made provisions for them . Most of the anointed ones with whom I have worked are no longer here on earth . In fact , each Christian can learn from the qualifications listed in these verses , as most of them involve things that Jehovah asks of all Christians . So be diligent in your study of God’s Word , meditate deeply on its meaning , and look for ways to express your faith at congregation meetings . Instead of simply presenting the latest issue of The Watchtower , the brother decided to read a scripture found in that issue . When speaking with a prospective employer , would you still inform him that you will be attending weekday meetings regularly ? We need to maintain our loyalty to Jehovah and his arrangements and to learn how to view or react to the faults of others . Sixteen years later , the building of Jehovah’s temple was at a standstill . Was it possible to help Gavin ? In a delayed reply , a woman wrote : “ Your letter helped me to learn the truth . How did they stay faithful to Jehovah ? To illustrate : To climb Mount Everest , a person needs about 6,000 calories a day . That is much more than the average person needs . ( a ) After his resurrection , Jesus gave what command to his followers ? If the rebuilding of Jehovah’s temple was not important , they would not have made the difficult journey of some 1,000 miles ( 1,600 km ) through a harsh land . Why is righteousness likened to a breastplate ? SONGS : 77 , 59 Consider one event . We need to supplicate him , yes , to convey our feelings by praying intensely from the heart . ​ — Phil . How did Adam misuse his free will , and with what result ? What obstacles did the returning Jews face ? Aksamai came to Elizabeth for some clothing but asked many questions about the meaning of life and the condition of the dead . ( a ) According to John 3 : 16 , what provision did God make to restore mankind ? Read Matthew 6 : 31 , 32 . Further , many young people thrive under the influence of spiritually balanced companions who may , for example , accompany them in the ministry and share with them in wholesome recreation . Van Amburgh that the U.S . Department of Justice had tried to introduce a bill in Congress that would allow the death sentence to be imposed on individuals who refused to take up arms in the war . Why may the idea that man can solve his own problems sound appealing ? Leaving New York in May 1909 on the Mauretania for his fourth visit , Brother Russell took along a stenographer , Brother Huntsinger , so that the time traveling across the ocean could be used to dictate Watch Tower articles . Truly , no human warrants the kind of honor that borders on idolatry . But as an invisible spirit in heaven , how would Jesus lead God’s people on earth ? Likely , you can think of other faithful servants of old who trusted in Jehovah while taking appropriate action . Jesus promised that our Father in heaven will not fail to give holy spirit to those asking Him . Joshua and Esther’s father , Samuel , relates : “ My wife and I observed our children to see in which language they thrived spiritually , and we prayed for wisdom . In fact , they soon learned that rejecting Jehovah’s direction and going their own way resulted in disaster . Before a student can get baptized , he must cultivate faith based on accurate knowledge of God , His purpose , and His arrangement for salvation . Jehovah told the Israelites : “ My words will trickle as the dew , as gentle rains upon grass . ” Two would be sufficient to teach them a vital lesson . In contrast , God’s ancient people saw how their faithful leaders promoted spiritual , moral , and physical cleanness . When we feel overwhelmed by the pressures of life , what can we do ? Luke could thus give extra help to the new Christians in that city . By our respectful cooperation , we show our support for Jehovah’s sovereignty . We were able to focus on the joys that our service was bringing us . How did he respond ? Jehovah commissioned Israelite elders to imitate his high standard of justice . Our brothers , even those who are in poor economic situations , are like the Macedonians who were in “ deep poverty ” and yet begged for the privilege to give and did so generously . ​ — 2 Cor . Agur son of Jakeh wrote : “ Give me neither poverty nor riches . One scholar wrote : “ This [ verse ] definitely does not mean that they also love God to some extent . How can we be sure that there is a basis for a future resurrection ? Why do our young people deserve warm praise ? May we never misuse this precious gift from Jehovah or take it for granted . With our situation in mind , they act on their prayers by doing research in God’s Word and in our Christian publications . 40 : 8 . He is now serving as a regular pioneer . He is even considering returning to a foreign - language group ! ” “ These things entrust to faithful men , who , in turn , will be adequately qualified to teach others . ” ​ — 2 TIM . ( b ) How can we become effective in the ministry ? Because God fully knows us , his discipline is always appropriate and properly measured . With the support of the brothers and my dear wife ​ — who never wavered spiritually — ​ I gradually regained my spiritual strength . Despite his firsthand knowledge of Jehovah’s thinking on the matter , Peter feared the opinion of the circumcised Jewish members of the congregation in Jerusalem . Jehovah’s servants had long understood that Christians should not fight for one nation against another . 6 : 16 - 19 . I am grateful for the collective effort of all who have been willing to write notes , learn sign language , and help interpret for me as best they could . Christine recently married Gideon , and together they continue to serve in Ghana . At the meetings , we also learn more about the Bible by paying attention to talks and demonstrations and by listening carefully when the Bible is read . New anxieties often surface after a wife announces to her husband , “ We are going to have a baby . ” They both wanted us to go , even though they would be without our help . 3 : 8 ; Deut . How did Jehovah discipline Shebna , and with what result ? He told Pilate that his work on earth was to “ bear witness to the truth . ” ​ — Read John 18 : 37 . However , something occurred that threatened their friendship . In a similar way , we need plenty of spiritual food to endure and to reach our goal . What is our primary motive for upholding Jehovah’s sovereignty ? Note what else that prophetic psalm said : “ The stone that the builders rejected has become the chief cornerstone . ” ​ — Ps . Through the years , Angie’s uncompromising loyalty to Jehovah has been a source of strength in our marriage . Change is possible . It robs me of sleep , impacts my health , affects the way I treat others , and sometimes makes me want to give up and crawl into a hole . ” But they too changed . Jesus ’ leadership was not meant to last only a few years . 3 “ I Know He Will Rise ” This gross misuse of free will resulted in millenniums of suffering and pain for Adam’s descendants . Why is it important to think of how you personally have tasted Jehovah’s goodness ? Aaron and Stephanie But he also said that if we endure , we can win . Although only one brother or sister may find the person who eventually becomes a disciple , all shared in the search and all can share in the joy . Let us take to heart the lesson that even family - matters , such as marriage and the raising of children , should not be allowed to crowd out our sense of urgency as to Jehovah’s day . One fascinating prophecy to consider is Genesis 3 : 15 . Sometimes a hundred people came , and they stayed late into the evening asking questions . Jehovah’s temple with its altar had been destroyed , and the priesthood was no longer functioning in an organized manner . And more important , in what ways must we exercise our faith ? “ FROM an early age , I saw only injustice , ” recalls a sister in southern Europe , who was reflecting on her past . Clearly , there is no doubt that Jehovah values such qualities more than any material treasures . He also wrote : “ I will praise Jehovah , who has given me advice . 13 Why Must We “ Keep on the Watch ” ? ( a ) Who are represented by “ the cultivator , ” “ the vine , ” and “ the branches ” ? Young ones who learn to love the true God and to follow his counsel can become a source of comfort in a family . Yes , despite his struggle with sin and his past wrongdoing ​ — for which he had repented — ​ Paul was confident in God’s forgiveness through Jesus . As spiritual people , we will enjoy a more satisfying life now and “ the real life ” to come . ​ — 1 Tim . They fight to protect their integrity in an atmosphere that promotes disrespect for Jehovah’s standards . Never stop believing that your child can become a fine servant of Jehovah . Other possible causes may be loneliness or the feeling that other Christian youths are doing better spiritually . ( a ) When problems arise , what might we do , but of what should we remind ourselves ? Why not ? For one thing , most could not afford to own a Bible , as copies were handwritten and very expensive to produce . When journeying with Jesus through Samaria , the disciples sought overnight lodging in a Samaritan village . The life story of Lucia Moussanett appears in the June 22 , 2003 , issue of Awake ! , pp . She says , “ I have often felt that Jehovah isn’t close to me and that he doesn’t want to be my Friend . ” “ When would you like to start ? ” he asked . So although from a human viewpoint we may not see a way out of our problems , Jehovah does , and he can do the unexpected . ​ — Read 2 Peter 2 : 9 . SONGS : 138 , 112 H . Their hearts were broken , and they needed comfort and consolation . Noah , Daniel , and Job acquired that wisdom . But there was what seemed to be a hurdle that could not be overcome . From my vantage point at Bethel , I have been blessed to witness outstanding spiritual growth in the Philippines . It is true that we have only a little understanding of the many things God created , such as space , light , and gravity , and we have seen only a small fraction of the universe . What position did the early Bible Students take regarding false religion as they understood it ? Yet , Milan shares how he felt . My wife said that she was thinking about the same thing . ” Train new ones to show their love for fellow believers ( See paragraphs 13 , 14 ) We cannot make him richer or stronger . The Bible Students adopted the name Jehovah’s Witnesses in 1931 . ​ — Isa . Does Jehovah do the same ? Even so , Samuel could maintain his own integrity and please his heavenly Father , Jehovah . Today , Christ’s brothers “ to whom the work is entrusted ” have been joined by millions who zealously preach the word while they await the Messianic golden age . What counsel did Jesus give about money ? I so much enjoyed teaching Bible truths that I decided to apply for training as a missionary at the Watchtower Bible School of Gilead . Far from being “ stupid , ” however , those Witnesses were speaking in unity , as true Christians should . James compares our situation to that of a farmer . Developing a strong love for Jehovah and a hatred for what is bad is the best way to stay free from pornography . ​ — Read Psalm 97 : 10 . What an extraordinary privilege for the Israelites ​ — and for us — ​ to be servants of Jehovah , the God who is consistent and loyal in all his ways ! ​ — Mal . 18 “ The Generous Person Will Be Blessed ” Anxieties of life rob many of peace Some even view their participation in the ministry as therapy . Daniel and Miriam thought that by using their savings , they could stay in Panama for about eight months . The reason is God’s incomparable love . SONGS : 24 , 99 Rather , it refers to the fact that a woman’s having children to tend to , along with the other aspects of caring for a household , may keep her from falling into a pattern of gossiping and meddling in others ’ affairs . Satan will use fear of man , fear of persecution , fear of death , and any other kind of negative fear to try to dominate you and make you shrink back from serving Jehovah . ​ — Isa . Yet , last year alone , Jehovah’s Witnesses spent 1.93 billion hours in preaching the good news and conducting free of charge over nine million Bible studies each month . Those at the girl’s house “ knew she had died . ” ( a ) In what ways do we sanctify God’s name ? These articles will deepen our gratitude for the Bible as well as our love for its Author . About 45,000 quarts ( 42,600 L ) of fruits and vegetables a year were canned for the entire Bethel family . Such conflict can make you feel guilty , especially because you love your relatives dearly and have always tried to please them . Bearing in mind what the Scriptures say can help us perceive Jehovah’s thinking on this matter and can guide us in making decisions that please him . Our modesty includes making a humble evaluation of ourselves when compared with Jehovah’s purity and holiness , for we are completely dependent on him for the best guidance . After listing a number of types of people who will not inherit God’s Kingdom , the apostle Paul added : “ That is what some of you were . ” Those who submitted to the will of God lived a relatively normal life in Babylon . ( b ) How did the parents stay spiritually strong ? Jehovah requires that we be holy . On my way to the camp , I learned that our second daughter , Olga , had been born . Meetings educate us . What type of pleasures is referred to at 2 Timothy 3 : 4 ? The world under Satan’s influence is still searching for a way to settle national and international disputes . May we show by the choices we make that we treasure that freedom . By sacrificing their personal advantage in this way , they demonstrate love that is free of any trace of selfishness . Jehovah’s primary purpose for inspiring that section of the Scriptures was to identify the Messiah and lead God’s people to him . Remember , knowledge of the Scriptures is the foundation on which a strong relationship with Jehovah is built . As we show love for fellow humans , we reflect God’s glory . In some cases , Jehovah’s people contributed for specific projects . Consider one of Jesus ’ illustrations as recorded at Matthew 18 : 23 - 34 . Do I really need to make an issue of it ? ’ 14 : 3 . Enthusiastic pioneers zealously focused on the field ministry Afterward , the brothers asked whether this could be reported as a public meeting , since it was not held in a public place ! What can help us when we face difficult circumstances ? The same is true of us . So despite moments of discouragement , we endure . I thought we were best friends . ’ Because Kingdom Halls were being closed , congregation meetings were held in private homes . Remain eager to learn . In 1950 , one of Jehovah’s Witnesses began sharing the Bible’s message with my mother . She too was one of Jehovah’s Witnesses . Paul reminded fellow believers : “ You were taught to put away the old personality that conforms to your former course of conduct and that is being corrupted according to its deceptive desires . But no human government or individual ruler is capable of bringing about the changes mankind needs most . ​ — Ps . For example , Hannah could not overcome the problem of barrenness on her own . Jehovah is not like that . 15 : 1 - 3 ; 1 Tim . What can you do to help newcomers who have moved into your congregation ? My wife and I soon noticed that the Witnesses behaved differently . In a similar way , we should not stay away from our brothers by not coming to the meetings . How have their lives turned out ? SONGS : 56 , 89 Maurizio had done so with me when I needed help . “ The floodgates of true knowledge were opened to me , ” says the Australian sister mentioned earlier . He accepts that he needs to wait patiently for “ the precious fruit of the earth . ” They are focused on the flesh . Cain did not listen . According to John 12 : 42 , “ many even of the rulers actually put faith in [ Jesus ] , but they would not acknowledge him because of the Pharisees , so that they would not be expelled from the synagogue . ” He gave the first human couple everything that they needed to be happy ​ — including true freedom . We must not hold back the love that Jehovah commands us to display ! ​ — 1 John 4 : 20 , 21 . As foretold , many people today are “ lovers of pleasures . ” Many experiences could be used to illustrate God’s acts of compassion . When reading or studying God’s Word , we might ask ourselves , ‘ What does this material reveal about Jehovah , his righteous ways , and his thinking ? ’ He thus taught his children well and set a fine example for them , which was a big challenge during that wicked pre - Flood era . ​ — Gen . Prayer will help us to make decisions that relate to Scriptural principles and laws . What would that journey have been like ? Exile in Babylon was nothing like the slavery in Egypt that the Israelites had experienced centuries before . ​ — Read Exodus 2 : 23 - 25 . The Bible does mention a Christian woman’s being “ kept safe through childbearing . ” What experiences show that God’s people fully trust in him in this challenging environment ? ’ Similarly , as long as we remain in union with Christ by closely following in his steps , we experience the same joy that he has in doing his Father’s will . ( b ) What lessons do we learn from the fall of many angels ? For six months , I was assigned to travel to one school after another ​ — but without Mary . Simply approach your brother or sister and kindly and humbly try to discuss the matter and settle it . 30 The Power of a Greeting Since then , he has helped other brothers to overcome similar trials and to recover spiritually . With my wife in the ministry JESUS ’ close friend and disciple Martha was grieving . If 5 elders were to serve in each new congregation , 10,000 ministerial servants would need to qualify as overseers each year . One year later , I moved to Ghana to serve there as a pioneer . ” He committed adultery with Bath - sheba . Their choice did not bring them what Satan said it would . In fact , Jesus ’ principal message included the call to repent from sin . If we choose the right course , we can look to Jehovah to guide our steps . 15 : 15 , 16 . As he does so , he fortifies you with the assurance : “ Do not be afraid . But Jesus told Peter : “ Return your sword to its place , for all those who take up the sword will perish by the sword . ” 32 : 25 - 27 ; Ps . None of us can now escape the disorder that their rebellion unleashed . The Bible contains numerous accounts of how Jehovah used his resources miraculously to provide for his people . Thus , the rendering “ undeserved kindness ” in the New World Translation is fitting . The expression “ chief priests ” evidently refers to principal members of the priesthood , including former high priests who had been deposed . ​ — wp16.1 , p . 28 : 19 , 20 ; 1 Pet . Galatians 6 : 5 reminds us : “ Each one will carry his own load of responsibility . ” Christ’s ransom sacrifice was not provided for any other living creatures . In the next article , we will consider these matters and discuss how Christian parents can maintain a balanced view of baptism . SONGS : 72 , 82 Another effective bait that Satan uses is curiosity about the occult . 17 , 18 . ( a ) How do we cooperate with the Governing Body ? Brother Rutherford thundered . 97 : 10 ; Prov . Just about a year before Jesus gave the commission to “ make disciples . . . , baptizing them , ” he provided insight into what would be required of his followers . He said : “ From every tree of the garden you may eat to satisfaction . A second factor involved the devastating outbreak of the Spanish Influenza in 1918 . What contrast exists between the Governing Body and Christendom’s leaders ? The apostle Paul . But are there other ways in which we can support the Kingdom - preaching work ? What fundamental principle underlies Christian unity ? As Jesus instructed , they place a high priority on the preaching work . On the other hand , a new father has new responsibilities to shoulder . Imagine their joy when Peter came and raised Dorcas from the dead ​ — the first recorded resurrection by an apostle ! What a joy it was to meet some who had graduated from the early classes of Gilead School and were still serving faithfully in their foreign assignments ! How can we cope ? How we love these dear sisters ! Keep in mind , though , that Satan’s propaganda is not always subtle . How did Job gain an accurate knowledge of God ? Despite Satan’s evil influence , many governments do a measure of good for their citizens . Some marriages have been strained or even ruined by a mate’s addiction to pornography . Clearly , our prospect of enjoying eternal life in God’s new world depends on our having faith and keeping it strong . Though our lives and assignments have changed , our friendships remain . ” As a result , from an early age , I developed a hunger for Bible knowledge , such as was presented in those outstanding volumes . How does Jehovah provide consolation ? These strips were bent to fit his torso and were fastened to straps of leather by means of metal hooks and buckles . Seeing this , the angel said : “ Do not be afraid , Mary , for you have found favor with God . ” Consider Jesus ’ example . Moreover , Babylonian and Egyptian leaders did not follow the scientifically sound practices on hygiene that God gave to Israel . Knowing this , Paul said : “ I do all things for the sake of the good news , in order to share it with others . ” Gary was to be baptized that very day . However , a review of Bible accounts shows that a man did not need to be a firstborn son to be an ancestor of the Messiah . 2 , 3 . ( a ) What shows that compassion is part of human nature ? Probably so . * Imagine how comforting it must have been for the Jewish captives , including Ezekiel , to see Jehovah’s hand in matters in this way ! Your efforts can include greeting visitors with a friendly smile , perhaps even helping new ones to their seats . When it comes to freedom , a key point for us to bear in mind is that Jehovah God alone has what can be called absolute and unlimited freedom . You may be teased or ridiculed at school for taking a stand as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses . I need a Bible study . ” All these dear brothers and sisters from different backgrounds serve Jehovah unitedly . For example , if you struggle with immoral thoughts , do not give in to temptation ! However , this article did not appear in the German edition . By their preaching and teaching work , they have brought millions of “ other sheep ” into a righteous standing before Jehovah . The key is to have accurate knowledge of him . I fervently prayed to Jehovah to help me to act . ” For instance , it can help us to develop a Christlike personality , which is characterized by the fruitage of God’s spirit . That means including Jehovah in all aspects of life ​ — education , employment , family responsibilities , and so on . The governing body , 1950 ’ s My father saw how humble these Bethel overseers were in contrast with the clergymen who had disgusted him years earlier . Why may Paul have found his imprisonment confusing ; yet , what attitude did he display ? They were even saying “ shocking things ” against Jehovah . Think , for instance , of the religious organizations that deceive millions of people about the nature of God , the trustworthiness of the Bible , the future of the earth and mankind ​ — and many other subjects . Why did Jesus give that serious warning ? During that last evening before his death , Jesus also mentioned to his apostles several gifts that would help them to endure in bearing fruit . They are a part of the spiritual food provided by “ the faithful and discreet slave . ” ​ — Matt . Job was not an Israelite . Paul lists other negative qualities that show that people lack love for one another . Do you have faith that God will fill your needs for love and companionship in a satisfying way ? When it came time for the Son of God to have his life transferred to the womb of Mary , Jehovah sent an angel to speak to her . Paul told the brothers in Philippi : “ [ Timothy ] will genuinely care for your concerns . ” Now Paul , a younger man who had worked alongside Peter for several years , cares for that responsibility . Many of them put their life on hold to serve there . 8 , 9 . ( a ) Having what qualities will help us to win the prize ? He picked it up from the pile and read it . Miraculously , the dead boy came to life and was reunited with his now elated mother ! 1 , 2 . ( a ) What may cause us to ask : “ How long ” ? We can enjoy similar blessings if we make spiritual progress our priority . God appointed Amos to be a prophet , certainly a spiritually rich assignment . What are some practical ways that we can follow it ? * The apostle’s words assure us that no matter what trials may arise in our life , Jehovah will sustain us if we trust in him . The apostle Paul warned that “ knowledge puffs up . ” It could be when the prevailing circumstances change . In 607 B.C.E . , the southern two - tribe kingdom and perhaps any remaining ones from the northern kingdom were taken into exile in Babylon . AT MATTHEW 13 : 24 - 26 , Jesus is quoted as saying : “ The Kingdom of the heavens may be likened to a man who sowed fine seed in his field . And you have seen that even after accepting the truth , Christians continue to make spiritual progress with the help of the Scriptures . How can we imitate Paul’s example and keep our love for Jehovah strong ? That was truly one of the best things that has ever happened to me . Suppose that it even seems disappointing . 19 : 18 . Today , millions join in true worship , and they are moved from the heart to contribute their “ valuable things , ” which include their time , energy , and resources in support of Jehovah’s great spiritual temple . 8 : 21 . We have endeavored to accept whatever we perceived to be Jehovah’s will , and this has been a most satisfying way to live . Russell was critical and demanding of his fellow worshippers . The first was the invention in the mid - 15th century of a printing press that used movable type . As we prayerfully meditate on God’s Word , we will feel motivated to apply its counsel even more fully . These accounts are also a loving reassurance from our heavenly Father . “ THIS man is a chosen vessel to me to bear my name to the nations as well as to kings . ” How can we gain true freedom ? Do you eagerly seek to gain strength from that type of education ? But there are many questions science has not been able to answer . Jesus again turns our attention to Jehovah’s handiwork . I still practice medicine , but being able to focus most of my time and energy on helping to heal people spiritually and on caring for the needs of the congregation brings me heartfelt joy and inner satisfaction . ” Thus , I had picked up enough English to interpret that talk and others on later occasions . We must grow to love and respect them . “ You do not know on what day your Lord is coming . ” ​ — MATT . So do varying circumstances and living conditions . Jesus was not afraid to ask his followers what they believed . ‘ Setting Your Mind on the Spirit Means Life and Peace , ’ Dec . This was the first time I clearly saw that Jehovah provided a necessity for me because I was putting Kingdom interests first . Consider how Jesus perceived what his Father wanted him to do . Do your conversations show that your mind is set on the spirit or on the flesh ? Because Jehovah is unchanging and constant regarding his will and purpose , it is clear that his fundamental requirements for true worshippers remain the same today . Inside the passport were some debit cards and a large sum of money . [ 1 ] ( paragraph 13 ) See Organized to Do Jehovah’s Will , pp . Do you really believe that ? Their hearts and minds were soothed by the peace of God . Should you ever face such a test , ask Jehovah to give you the wisdom and self - control to resist . Yes , the Bible can continue to change our life . What do the examples of Jehovah , Jesus , and the apostle Paul teach us about giving encouragement ? The unintentional manslayer had to remain in the city of refuge until the high priest’s death . ​ — Num . David later sent messengers to Nabal , asking for ‘ whatever he could spare ’ in the way of food supplies . When a parent’s heart is filled with Bible truth , what will be the result ? Wendy , now in her mid - 60 ’ s , began pioneering in Australia as a teenager . And when his feelings were particularly intense , he withdrew to a private place to hide his tears . Just imagine , they put ‘ fish , cucumbers , watermelons , leeks , onions , and garlic ’ above their God - given freedom to worship the true God , Jehovah . Because of the hostilities , The Watch Tower reported : “ [ Kingdom ] service has been to some extent hindered , especially in Germany and France . ” Like Jesus , early Christian martyrs , such as the disciple Antipas , refused to compromise their integrity . In view of the proximity of Jehovah’s day , Paul tells us to “ be concerned about one another so as to incite to love and fine works . ” We might have to work with them , go to school with them , or live with them . Two pioneers offer a tract to a passerby in the capital , Freetown , during the country’s long rainy season David and Rachel are just two examples of the peaceful fruitage that results when we apply inspired Scriptural principles and rely on God’s spirit to help us . 19 . Jehovah and his organization are our hosts . When we repeated our story , the general ordered , “ Then take a mule and carry the wounded from the battlefield to the hospital . ” A Bible in the hands of a God - fearing man or woman could be a dangerous weapon ​ — or so the church leaders feared ! Describe the courage that Rahab showed . Both Jehovah and Jesus have set perfect examples of exercising this quality . If we do our part , Jehovah promises that he will ‘ finish our training , ’ helping us to develop modesty and other godly qualities . ​ — 1 Pet . He does not compare us with others or withhold his love when we make mistakes . Thus , January 1960 marked the start of a long career at Bethel . Humility greatly pleases Jehovah . * Among these are thousands of Jehovah’s Witnesses . We appreciate it when others do not hold our faults against us , so we should act the same way toward them . By means of our field ministry , we invite people to benefit from our peaceful message about the Kingdom of God . Each of us should ask himself , ‘ What more can I do to strip off and keep off the old personality ? ’ So she wondered , ‘ If hell is a fiery place where the wicked are tormented , why did Jesus go there ? ’ Waiting is not easy . Their priorities were clear ; there was no room in their worship for compromise . ​ — Dan . May that also be true of us as we strive to be “ obedient from the heart . ” With diligent effort , we can attain “ the measure of stature that belongs to the fullness of the Christ ” as we let God’s laws and principles train our conscience . ​ — Eph . These orchestral arrangements are composed in such a way that they will prepare our heart and mind for the program to follow . Still , Paul did not mean that if someone began to ‘ set the mind on the flesh ’ his end unavoidably would be death . Elderly Daniel knew that the dead are at rest , with no “ planning nor knowledge nor wisdom in the Grave . ” In God’s Word , we find Jesus ’ soothing sayings . They said that he promoted sedition among the Jews throughout the empire ; that he led a dangerous sect ; and that he was trying to profane the temple , which was then under Roman protection . What do you think ? Because many have little or no understanding of the Bible . We will discuss three outstanding Bible examples that show Jehovah’s desire and ability to strengthen his people to do his will despite seemingly overwhelming difficulties . It was a privilege for the angel to act as Jehovah’s messenger ; yet , he did not consider it beneath him to address an imperfect human . Another time , low - flying airplanes shot at my grandmother and me in our yard . “ And I developed animosity toward English - speaking people . ” Nearing the border , we suddenly found ourselves surrounded by Greek soldiers . Somewhat shocked , the man responded that this was a house of Jewish rabbis . They Broke Free From False Religion , Nov . What is one characteristic of the new personality ? In addition , the materials on which the copyists wrote ( vellum or parchment ) were costly . For refreshments or a meal : In Bible times , hospitality normally included inviting someone to one’s home for a meal . Read Matthew 13 : 45 , 46 . This is what he says : “ As for me , I trust in your loyal love ; my heart will rejoice in your acts of salvation . His wisdom and exceptional knowledge of the Scriptures were a positive influence on all of us , and he took a personal interest in each of us . This article will help us to answer those questions , and it also highlights the benefits of rendering honor to those to whom it is due . He explains : “ Through prayer , Bible study , and meditation on what I learned , my appreciation of God’s qualities increased until my love for Jehovah became stronger than my desire for pornography . ” Since the branch was doing construction work , I was invited to help and became a member of the Canada Bethel family on December 1 . What are the characteristics of a physical person ? Planted in those sites is material designed to sow doubts in readers ’ minds . What strong encouragement to continue serving Jehovah faithfully ! Many have found that using God’s Word in the ministry can have a profound impact on those to whom they preach . Each person should think the matter through . God authorizes him to exercise headship over his wife . How may the love we show for others help them to draw close to Jehovah ? We can trust that the earthly resurrection will likewise proceed in an orderly manner . By that time , I was doing secretarial duties for Milton Henschel , who had worked with Brother Knorr for decades . The Bible warns that those who marry “ will have tribulation in their flesh . ” Will our ministry be a blessing from Jehovah to others ? Through regular study , prayer , and application of what we learn , we can gradually strengthen our conscience . It can help us to have the strength to endure hardships . The first of these articles discusses the difficult situation of our brothers and sisters who have become refugees , and it provides practical suggestions on how we can best help them . The Devil’s challenge no doubt aroused indignation , anger , and contempt among heavenly creatures loyal to God . Recall , too , that the apostle Paul experienced “ anxiety for all the congregations . ” With Paul , Stephany , Kimberly , and Brian at the Malawi branch office , in the year 2002 How can you help them to build a strong faith ? Our objective when we preach is to honor Jehovah . Was it the world’s spirit or God’s spirit ? ’ ​ — Gal . So now Joseph , his heart still heavy , hurried back to the execution site . ​ — Mark 15 : 42 - 45 . What role did the apostles and other elders in Jerusalem play in the first century ? Yes , Jesus realized that it was not God’s will that he use such power for his own personal benefit . During that time , Jehovah God , “ the true Lord , ” accompanied by Jesus Christ , “ the messenger of the covenant , ” came to the spiritual temple to inspect those serving there . That family man said of his son Noah : “ [ He ] will bring us comfort from our labor and from the painful toil of our hands because of the ground that Jehovah has cursed . ” We who serve God must be careful that we do not become influenced by the unrighteous attitudes of others . On the other hand , “ a calm heart gives life to the body , ” says the Bible . Then Jesus stated a fundamental truth , a principle that guides his followers to this day : “ All those who take up the sword will perish by the sword . ” ​ — Matt . So to remain spiritually watchful , we too must stay alert in prayer . ​ — 1 Pet . 4 : 7 , ftn . To respect someone , you need to know how he thinks . 15 , 16 . How can we support refugees ( a ) spiritually ? Pressures and anxieties can weigh on our mind and cause our hands to drop down figuratively . We have lived in this old world so long that we may have stopped noticing how much stress we feel over world conditions . Those who volunteered witnessed firsthand how Jehovah magnifies his sovereignty . SONGS : 51 , 135 Accordingly , because Jehovah is compassionate , interest in others ’ well - being is rooted in human nature . We must be determined to spend time in personal study and at our meetings . And does being willing to decide mean sticking to our choices no matter what ? Also , modesty includes showing respect for the feelings and opinions of others . Regarding one of these individuals , Don relates : “ A homeless man named Peter was one of the dirtiest men I had ever seen in the back alleys . Today as well , “ what is expected of stewards is that they be found faithful . ” The bread represents the sinless body of Jesus offered in sacrifice , and the wine pictures his shed blood . These gifts from Jehovah strengthen us to keep on bearing fruit . ​ — Jas . 3 I Was Bitter and Violent ( A . De la Fuente ) , No . 5 If we do our best to speak and act in harmony with God’s will , we can be confident that Jehovah will not allow the Devil to do us any lasting harm . ​ — Read Psalm 34 : 7 . May our choices in life reflect that we share the sentiments of Peter , who told Jesus : “ Lord , you know I have affection for you . ” We do this by strengthening our spirituality through Bible study and close association with those who are determined to serve Jehovah . Immediately , the heading “ The Deadliest Tsunamis Ever Recorded ” caught Mutsuo’s eye . The entertainment industry seems to become ever more skillful at glamorizing all kinds of wrongdoing while making a mockery of Jehovah’s standards of right and wrong . However , they did not recognize the seriousness of what was coming . What are some things being accomplished by Jehovah’s organization ? How can we prove true to our dedication vow ? And when you need God’s help , pray to him about the matter . First , Jehovah gave humans the gift of free will . A note on the windshield read : “ You can have your car back as a gift from me . Susi , quoted earlier , says : “ There were so many times when we just dropped to our knees and implored Jehovah to comfort us . Those parents may ask why your child does not get involved in such activities . What is involved in your working out your own salvation ? Read Isaiah 32 : 1 , 2 . For example , he chose to select the nation of Israel as his name people , “ his special property . ” ( See paragraphs 15 , 16 ) Would you not agree that this arrangement is an expression of God’s mercy ? He would be a secret disciple no more . This man was told : “ Go through the city , . . . and put a mark on the foreheads of the men who are sighing and groaning over all the detestable things that are being done in the city . ” But soon , guards and prisoners began asking why I was there , and I gladly explained my faith to them . Let Nothing Deprive You of the Prize , Nov . But I began to learn some things that turned my life around . Jephthah used that knowledge in his life when he made decisions . Could you share in offering accommodations even if your circumstances are modest ? They contained God’s name in Hebrew letters , and he explained their importance . Huge home mortgages , lingering student loans , expensive car payments , even extravagant weddings can result in great financial pressure . Jehovah’s servant Noah lived in an ungodly world where the only people who worshipped Jehovah were members of his family . To hold on to them , we must use them well and constantly renew our love for them . We give to Jehovah because of our love and appreciation for him . Some children may need to learn about Jehovah in two languages ​ — their school language and the language that is spoken at home . As God’s ministers , therefore , we understand that our getting dressed is not just a matter of putting on something comfortable that we like . IN CONNECTION with the annual commemoration of Jesus ’ death , have you read Romans 8 : 15 - 17 ? As in other forms of sacred service , the association with fellow workers is a joy . From time to time , we need to ask ourselves : ‘ Where does my true affection lie ? How can the ministry help you to strengthen your faith ? Why did Peter urge his brothers to show hospitality ? “ Jehovah , Jehovah , a God merciful and compassionate . ” ​ — EX . If you have moved to a different congregation , you too may be apprehensive . How did Boaz reflect Jehovah’s view of strangers in his dealings with Ruth the Moabitess ? Rather than give in to fear and discouragement , which is like letting our hands drop down , we are invited by our caring Father , Jehovah , to ‘ throw all our anxiety on him . ’ He stated : “ We knew , however , that getting married was not unscriptural , so we took refuge in prayer and put our trust in Jehovah . ” Although Jesus amazed his listeners with “ gracious words , ” he gave credit to his Teacher , Jehovah . 119 : 11 . Now back to the chariots . Many today are obsessed with the latest fashions , electronic gadgets , and so forth . At any time that we are plagued with trials or turmoil in our life , we can cry out to Jehovah for his merciful help . Consider the example of a mother whose disfellowshipped daughter left home . Allow me to relate why my wife , Maria , and I were prepared to “ suffer for the sake of righteousness ” and how we were blessed for remaining faithful . ​ — 1 Pet . ( b ) What does the account of Joseph teach us about Jehovah ? ( a ) How should we view secular pursuits ? The context shows that Jesus spoke these words in order to correct the thinking of the scribes and the Pharisees , who criticized him for associating with tax collectors and sinners . If he forcefully or harshly demands it , he will have short - term results . This must have been the most difficult time in his life ! Jehovah gives us a worldwide brotherhood of caring worshippers who can offer us encouragement . Ancient King Solomon had a lot of knowledge about Jehovah’s ways . In 2015 , as a result of adjustments in the organization , Daniel and Miriam were asked to continue their service as regular pioneers . Do you allow such matters to undermine the unity and oneness of purpose that should exist among Jehovah’s people ? 1 : 9 , 10 . It contributes to helping “ the faithful and discreet slave ” to provide spiritual food for the worldwide brotherhood . Why can pursuing a secular career sound appealing ? Does most of my joy come from engaging in mundane activities or in spiritual activities ? ’ No , it produces new seed , which may eventually grow into stalks . Your brother . ” In fact , a person can be disturbed about something but still have joy in his heart . In April 1954 , I symbolized my dedication to Jehovah by water baptism . Of course , it is good to bear in mind that you are not obligated to answer those who are not reasonable or who just want to make fun of what you believe . ​ — Prov . Peter wrote : “ Though you never saw [ Jesus ] , you love him . Their new territory was made up of several islands in the Bocas del Toro Archipelago in the Caribbean Sea , mostly inhabited by the indigenous Ngabe people . What a contrast that would have been to Jael’s courageous action described in the very next verses ! ​ — Judg . I will help you . ’ ” 5 : 18 - 21 . Sometimes a news story is told in a way that strongly supports one side of an issue . The ransom makes possible the resurrection of the dead . Modesty really starts with acknowledging our place in God’s arrangement . By spending time with an immigrant family , we will better appreciate the extent of their efforts to adjust to our culture . So there was a lot of work to do . “ We try to develop in our daughters a great respect for life and its wonderful complexity , ” say the parents . ( b ) How does the disciple James illustrate one aspect of patience ? 45 : 5 - 9 . For example , Brandon spent nine years pioneering in unresponsive territory . To appreciate what it means to serve God with a complete heart , let us consider the life of Asa as well as that of some other kings of Judah who served God with heartfelt devotion ​ — Jehoshaphat , Hezekiah , and Josiah . Joseph was not the only one in this predicament . His mind on such matters is made clear in his Word . Once he left behind the riches of Egypt , Moses put his confidence in Jehovah . It is doubtful , though , that they would have understood what they heard . Those brothers were convinced that Jehovah had answered their prayer in a most interesting way . In turn , he draws close to us and blesses us with inner peace . Also , Noah no doubt explained to the people the only means of escape , repeating God’s command : “ You must go into the ark . ” Wicked people , corrupt organizations , and wrong activities all work together to produce distressing living conditions on this earth . 3 , 4 . ( a ) What political expectations did the Jews have in Jesus ’ day ? Some parents may feel bad about possibly hurting their child’s feelings , so they avoid giving correction . First , we will develop greater modesty and reverence for Jehovah by appreciatively reflecting on his vastly superior qualities and position . In considering these Bible examples , we will learn that humility is essential if we are to demonstrate that we share Jehovah’s sense of justice . To analyze the state of our spirituality , we may at times need help from others . A key is to learn to view things the way Jehovah views them . Like Kevin , many of us had to make significant changes prior to our baptism in order to bring our life into harmony with the Bible’s basic requirements . Her husband agreed that she could attend the convention . To continue reaching their hearts , he had to adapt his teaching methods to their needs . We find important information in the chapters surrounding the apostle Paul’s words at Romans 5 : 12 , especially in chapter 6 . There , our sons Yaroslav and Pavel were born . But he also does not want us to think that we are better than others . ​ — Romans 10 : 12 . If you are not sure , take the time to look for them . Be sure that at some point , he will do so ! He or she would have to “ produce fruits that befit repentance ” before being accepted back into the congregation . So we fled through the back door and down the long garden path with all our belongings , never to return . This is in agreement with the Bible , which says : “ A joyful heart is good medicine . ” We ought to face what fact about sin ? ( b ) How did Paul demonstrate that he treasured his ministry ? Initially , the prophecy began to be fulfilled in 1919 when God’s people were gradually reorganized and reunited . So after giving the matter much prayerful thought , I decided to stop the study . They were zealous in doing God’s will and were fully devoted to accomplishing it . However , we will make wise choices if we apply the apostle Paul’s inspired counsel to let our love for God “ be without hypocrisy . ” 32 : 3 , 4 . Who is the best example in showing mildness and patience ? He was the victim of some outrageous injustices . Our sacrifices may be painful , but Jehovah’s blessings are always greater . The inhabitants of Philippi slept soundly at night , knowing that soldiers were guarding the gates of their city . Instead , if we experience injustice at the hands of a fellow worshipper , let us be like Joseph and draw even closer to Jehovah , striving to have his view of matters . Prayer and holy spirit can give you energy to pursue the course that you know to be right and that Jehovah can bless . Romans chapter 8 speaks of those who walk “ according to the flesh ” in contrast with those who walk “ according to the spirit . ” “ Open your hearts wide . ” ​ — 2 Cor . Nevertheless , he took time to cultivate the interest people showed in the good news . ON A crisp morning in Brookings , South Dakota , U.S.A . , a chill lingered in the air . The man claimed to be a prophet of Jehovah . What helped him eventually ? Indeed , Jehovah makes the most unusual things happen . He was a personal associate of Jesus and had been entrusted with significant responsibilities . Many of us have been victims of wicked people , such as violent bullies , hateful bigots , and vicious criminals . Their courage was not overconfidence . Rutherford stepped up to the speaker’s stand . We should not cancel frivolously . 3 “ What You Vow , Pay ” He was determined to be faithful to Jehovah . So it seems that Jesus was asking him where his true affection lay . “ A mild answer turns away rage , but a harsh word stirs up anger . ” ​ — Prov . This article will encourage us to keep attending meetings by explaining why being at the meetings is good for us and for others and why it pleases Jehovah . Why Must We “ Keep on the Watch ” ? Do you not find it heartwarming that God mentioned these endearing traits ahead of any others ? It survived ( 1 ) the threat of decay of the materials used to write on , such as papyrus and parchment ; ( 2 ) opposition by political and religious leaders who tried to destroy it ; and ( 3 ) attempts by some to alter its message . ​ — wp16.4 , pp . Demetrius himself may well have delivered the letter to Gaius . Jehovah has provided this . Perhaps we have had to deal with some form of injustice . Fearing the worst , the brothers begged Paul not to go . When Joseph was 17 years old , his life was turned completely upside down . “ Commit to Jehovah whatever you do , and your plans will succeed . ” ​ — PROV . It is interesting to note the progression that Jesus used when he told the illustrations that became part of the sign of his presence . Livija and I can truthfully say that during our years in full - time service , “ the joy of Jehovah [ has been our ] stronghold . ” ​ — Neh . Appropriate standards of dress are important to us as Jehovah’s people , and they are important to the God we worship . How did Bible chapter and verse numbering come about ? The second article examines several Scriptural reasons that motivate us to carry out the preaching work with endurance . Heidi , from Germany , now in her early 70 ’ s , has been serving as a missionary in Ivory Coast ( now Côte d’Ivoire ) since 1968 . How can older ones find satisfaction in handing over responsibilities ? Before too long , though , I enrolled in a very different army . But most of the time , we just did hard work . According to the Bible , patience is a product of holy spirit ; without God’s help , imperfect humans cannot be patient to the degree needed . For one thing , be careful that nothing ​ — experiences , illustrations , or even your manner of delivery — ​ overshadows or draws attention away from the Bible verses you use . SONGS : 5 , 46 Be modest in your expectations . ​ — Mic . How accurate knowledge of God benefited Noah . Could they feel as did Martha , who said : “ I know [ my brother ] will rise in the resurrection on the last day ” ? 8 : 1 - 4 . Because “ he had not resolved in his heart to search for Jehovah . ” ​ — 2 Chron . What did the physician Luke report happened to a young man , and how did that affect others ? How can all of us share in building one another up ? Of course , those whom the parents choose to help their children should always build up the young ones ’ respect for their parents , speaking positively about them , not taking over their responsibility . Jehovah will forgive me . ’ included the article “ Young People Ask . . . Missionaries serving in lands where it is customary to have large families are often asked why they do not have children . But can a person be truly happy if he has only enough for his basic needs ? To their great relief , he did . Granted , learning a new language takes time , effort , and humility . Others ask for counsel on making a success of their Bethel service . What will Jehovah do ? I repent in dust and ashes . ” ​ — Job 42 : 2 , 6 . Jesus preached “ the good news of the Kingdom , ” and he expects his disciples to do the same . The writer of Psalm 119 found strength in God’s Word to stand out as different . And Ananias and his wife lost their lives because of lying . By clothing themselves with mildness , many individuals who were once aggressive are now happy . Rachel’s background influenced her attitude . Happily , Jehovah’s Word counters such bad news with good news . He never gives up trying to undermine your confidence in the leadership that Jehovah has provided . One day while we were secretly studying , a prison guard stumbled on our gathering and confiscated our literature . Let us , therefore , see how we can show by our actions that we truly understand that “ Jehovah our God is one Jehovah . ” Traveling Christians would certainly want to stay with fellow believers . However , she may still face tribulations linked to marriage and family life . How different they were from the “ riders on tawny donkeys , ” who were too proud to participate , and those “ who [ sat ] on fine carpets , ” loving a life of luxury ! Because his brothers were jealous and hated him , they forced him to leave the land that legally belonged to him . By this all will know that you are my disciples ​ — if you have love among yourselves . ” Holy spirit can also give us the strength to resist the molding influence of the world and its bad spirit . They will also see that you have given much thought to your basic beliefs . Hushai did not simply do so out of a sense of duty as a court official . 9 - 11 . ( a ) What important lessons can we learn from Shebna’s experience ? However , he was out of favor with the Nazis . The apostle’s letter , written about 98 C.E . , appears in the Christian Greek Scriptures as “ The Third of John . ” What points about the ransom could we highlight ? Ute The message in Isaiah chapter 41 was originally addressed to God’s ancient people . How did they come to know Jehovah so well that nothing could break their integrity ? Some in the congregation wanted to make personal choices for others in order to alienate them from the apostles . That , however , should not interfere with your responsibility to sing praises to Jehovah . Let us discuss some of those situations and what we can do to remain neutral . Today , when giving counsel on matters involving personal choice , the elders should follow that pattern . He labeled such behavior as that of “ the sons of this system of things , ” but he used the illustration to drive home a point . In this regard , the Scriptures urge us to develop the same “ mental attitude ” that Jesus had . According to the UNHCR ( United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees ) , today “ 1 in every 113 people ” worldwide is “ forcibly displaced . ” Timothy was probably in his late teens or early 20 ’ s when the apostle Paul invited him to become his traveling companion . Eduardo had been thinking about what we read at 1 Corinthians 7 : 28 : “ Those who [ marry ] will have tribulation in their flesh . ” Of course , remembering the Governing Body involves not just words but also cooperation with its direction . A prayerful and realistic analysis will help us to avoid overreaching our current abilities and limitations . Delivering a public lecture at a Bicol - language circuit assembly And as we read our Bible - based publications , we can discern God’s thinking on many matters . Daily , we face issues involving entertainment , dress and grooming , managing money , and getting along with others . If we love it as much as the merchant loved that pearl , we will be willing to give up everything in order to become and to remain one of the subjects of the Kingdom . They can ask themselves : ‘ Do I contribute to the spirituality of those around me ? We need to consider , though , how can we show that we treasure our freedom ? He knew that his good example would help his disciples . We cannot say for sure . Matthew 4 : 5 and Luke 4 : 9 could mean that Jesus was taken there in a vision or that he stood on some high place in the temple precinct . ​ — w16.03 , pp . Through the leafy dome , sunlight cast lacy patterns on the men’s frock coats . Self - discipline helps us to reach spiritual goals . Another way to guard our gift of free will is to put our trust in Jehovah and let him guide us within the protective boundaries that he has set for us . Sad to say , as adults , many then regret having followed the wrong goals when they were young or , just as frustrating , having had no goals at all . Therefore , he “ cannot tolerate wickedness . ” Yet , God showed mercy to this man who overall walked before Jehovah “ with integrity of heart . ” Were we to do so , it could give the wrong impression . 4 : 13 - 17 . Eventually , some Bible students , as well as some inactive ones , began coming to the meetings , and before long we had a thriving congregation . Eliminate time and energy stealers . The Bible does not tell us the outcome , but these sisters may have responded well to the apostle Paul’s loving counsel . ​ — Phil . He then urged Ruth to keep on gleaning in his fields . How did Jesus emphasize the need for singing in Christian worship ? The Bethel family helps to provide spiritual food . Satan the Devil , using a serpent , fooled Eve into disobeying her Father , Jehovah . At the wedding , he miraculously changed water into wine , adding to the supply , which had run short . Think of how she longed to cuddle him , to play with him , to nurture him ​ — to share in all the endearing memories that a loving mother cherishes as she watches her little one grow up . Even wild beasts will be tamed . ” He has stayed true to his word of promise about providing life’s necessities . ​ — Matt . So she asks herself , ‘ How would my husband feel about my spending that much money ? ’ Why is the time that we live in unique ? Let us see . 1 David Versus Goliath ​ — Really Happen ? No . 5 For a start , why not learn a greeting in the languages commonly spoken by newcomers in your area ? When we Witnesses were released in early 1951 , he too was released . I really wanted to leave , but I would not write those words . According to the 1944 Yearbook , this assembly “ put Jehovah’s witnesses on the map in Mexico . ” In fact , “ she had suffered much at the hands of many physicians and had spent all her resources , and she was no better but , rather , had become worse . ” ​ — Mark 5 : 25 , 26 . ( See paragraphs 13 - 17 ) 25 : 2 - 13 , 21 , 22 . He preached to rich and poor , Pharisees and Samaritans , even tax collectors and sinners . the vow that you have taken if you are in special full - time service ? Hans relates : “ We prayed to Jehovah for guidance because we wanted to go where he directed us . This seeming reversal may have tested the faith of Naboth’s family and friends . Thus , how important it is that we keep well in mind Moses ’ powerful words ! We should thank him at every opportunity for the gifts he has given us . Consider John and Judith , who for the past 30 years have served in a number of countries . 4 : 8 ; Jude 20 , 21 . One place where pioneers could always stay in Dublin was at the home of Ma Rutland , a longtime faithful sister . Surely , we do well to read God’s Word regularly , apply it in our own life , and use it when helping others . Additionally , the writers of the Christian Greek Scriptures refer to Abraham more than 70 times . My parents both died faithful to Jehovah , and I look forward to welcoming them back in a much better world . Using tools available to us , we might look for such information as the following : What was the merchant in Jesus ’ illustration willing to do to gain the priceless pearl ? Together , you might even look at some of the illustrations on pages 10 to 20 of our brochure The Origin of Life ​ — Five Questions Worth Asking . 3 : 16 , 17 . That condemned criminal is as good as dead . On the other hand , those who are younger must guard against becoming impatient when they are not given more to do . That Bible drama about Timothy touched their hearts and deepened their desire to serve where the need for Kingdom workers was greater . The apostle Peter was responsible for another one , that of the Christian woman Dorcas ( Tabitha ) . Nevertheless , faithful Jews , such as Daniel and his three companions , refused to be molded by the world of Babylon . He learned some expressions in their language and thought about the many Antandroy people who had not yet been reached with the Kingdom message . God does not tolerate willful disobedience to his law . ​ — Heb . No doubt , he was incensed at the injustice of Jesus ’ nighttime arrest . In the early 1990 ’ s , our publications as well as the meetings were in the Russian language . Of course , you look around to see if there are more nuggets to be found . Make sure that the Scriptures form the backbone of your talk . Such gifts are simply improper . First , God’s standards promote genuine peace and harmony . While Jehovah’s discipline can reflect his hatred of sin , it can also show his concern for the person who sinned . Of course , while the angels are perfect , the men whom they assisted were not . With Mom gone , Dad made an arrangement with the school principal . Giving refugees practical help requires , not a lot of money , but mainly our time and concern . Reports further indicate that in 1916 a total of 809,393 attended public meetings in the United States , and in 1918 the number rose to 949,444 . It was a real joy to be back where I had started my special full - time service over 40 years earlier . Jehovah considers acts of loyal love expressed toward his servants as being rendered to him personally . What should be our goal when we conduct a Bible study ? ( Read Matthew 5 : 3 . ) Now I am not as shy as before . ” First , let us get an overview of the purpose and function of these cities . Is it true that succeeding in a secular career that offers power and prestige leads to lasting happiness ? For I do not understand what I am doing . To help those who have experienced such trauma , brothers in lands receiving refugees need to have “ fellow feeling , brotherly affection , tender compassion , and humility . ” Those who attended were thrilled to be present . Universal peace will be restored . ​ — Eph . Why is good parental example important , and how has one couple set such an example for their girls ? What can you expect as you let your light shine ? We have put away sinful practices that would disqualify us as members of the Christian congregation . Therefore , we come under the rule of undeserved kindness . Even though Timothy grew up in a religiously divided household , his Jewish mother and grandmother cultivated in him an appreciation for the Scriptures , as the Jews understood them . Meditating on the example of Hezekiah , we may see a need to remove something that is hindering our relationship with God or diverting our attention from true worship . What might damage our relationship with Jehovah ? Rendering proper honor to congregation elders is , of course , to be guided by the perfect and wise principles found in God’s Word . Never stop going to Christian meetings or spending time with the congregation . Brothers and sisters who remain single because they want to obey the admonition to marry “ only in the Lord ” make up another group that merits encouragement . A number of factors need to be borne in mind . From that standpoint , the Scriptural qualifications for Christian elders remind us of how much Jehovah truly cares for us . One who is truly anointed would not want to be exalted ; nor would he want to publicize his standing with God . ​ — w16.01 , pp . The Magazine Department also filled congregation requests for magazines . An oath is a sworn statement to certify that something is true or a solemn promise that a person will or will not do a certain thing . And there would be slanderers , people who voice damaging reports meant to destroy the good reputation of others . Some of them were ‘ seducing unsuspecting ones . ’ May you parents experience the joy and satisfaction that result from seeing your children become dedicated , baptized servants of Jehovah . The disciple James needed to give strong counsel . Bear in mind , though , that other things are more significant than Paul’s appearance . “ Look ! Still , as the brother mentioned above learned , secular work needs to be kept in its proper place . In his first inspired letter to the Corinthians , Paul wrote to anointed Christians that by commemorating Jesus ’ death each year , they “ keep proclaiming the death of the Lord , until he comes . ” 30 : 19 , 20 . A pioneer sister in Colorado , U.S.A . , found part - time employment at a bank . How did Rehoboam respond to that message of discipline ? Not all , however , respond favorably to our message , at least not initially . When David asked 80 - year - old Barzillai to accept an invitation to live in the royal court , Barzillai must have been greatly honored . How have thousands with limited circumstances used their freedom wisely ? Her fine conduct in the face of difficulties impressed another colleague named Hans . They should avoid any practice that might bring reproach on Jehovah’s name or stumble others . More important , for a time he adhered to Jehovah’s laws . Recall that God urged Abraham to listen to what his wife had to say . Patience involves a number of other vital Christian qualities . To “ keep awake ” spiritually means more than just having good intentions . She witnessed to many people and placed much literature . Why are such efforts worthwhile ? The Bible does mention that at one point they had “ a sharp burst of anger . ” Do not give up ! Instead of discussing what humans want to do to solve mankind’s problems , show from the Bible how God’s Kingdom will permanently fix them . In the first century , a Christian woman named Dorcas was well - known for her “ good deeds and gifts of mercy ” ​ — sacrifices she made to help others . As bullets whizzed around me , I slowly raised a white handkerchief . 37 : 5 . The congregations followed their direction and “ continued to be made firm in the faith and to increase in number day by day . ” What kind of response to the preaching work is seen among Jehovah’s people ? Bear in mind that God’s Word shows the wisdom of being “ a slave to God’s law . ” Zeal , if properly directed , can transform sincere individuals into zealous disciples of Christ , as Paul well knew . But afterward , it seemed as if someone had lifted a huge weight off my shoulders . There are times when God may allow us to demonstrate the depth of our concern about a matter . I look for someone who is sitting down in the Kingdom Hall , not talking to anyone . If he had tolerated it , the well - being of all living creatures ​ — in heaven and on earth — ​ would be threatened . My mom was a faithful Witness . She died when I was 14 . 6 : 14 , 17 . I was content and happy . ” No doubt you will agree that applying Paul’s inspired counsel will still benefit husbands , wives , and children . But he kept his vow and sent his virgin daughter to Shiloh to serve at the tabernacle for the rest of her life . ​ — Judg . He was an instructor at the Bible School of Gilead , and later he served as a member of the Governing Body . If that is the case with you , think of the faithful man Job , who admitted to ‘ the sins of his youth . ’ What provisions do we have to strengthen our faith ? He will not allow Satan’s rebellion to derail His purpose for mankind . Making Christian Marriage a Success , Aug . You Can Remain Modest Under Test , Jan . I always wanted to please God . When the boy is older , the father explains what he is doing . To increase your knowledge of the Scriptures , make good use of the research tools available in your language . 4 : 5 , 6 . The pottery shard on which the farmworker’s plea was written Then you can put your trust in him and learn from him , imitating his successes . 7 , 8 . ( a ) Why were many Jews in the third century B.C.E . unable to understand the Hebrew Scriptures ? Yet , in his heart he may be resentful , which could cause him to draw away from his parents . The information covered in this brochure may not apply fully to your situation because of tax laws or other laws in the country where you reside . Humans are capable of showing one another love , kindness , and compassion . Thus , after establishing the facts of the case , the elders had to look at the person , not just the action . I had first met Eunice at that school for the deaf when I was in my senior year . All of us can have a share in supporting the work that Jehovah is accomplishing in these last days . The whole world needed to see Babylon the Great for what it is ​ — a religious prostitute ! How has the information in this article helped you ? 33 : 6 . Accordingly , the apostle Paul advised Christians to view such human governmental authorities as “ superior authorities ” to whom Christians should be in subjection . What are your priorities in life ? They care for their patients because they want to help them . He relates : “ I strove to finish my secondary schooling earlier and promised Jehovah , ‘ If I pass my final exam , I will start pioneering . ’ ” Jehovah’s way of ruling is neither oppressive nor rigid . A sister named Leigh found that considering this question helped her to think before acting . Another example in ancient times of someone in need of encouragement is Jephthah’s daughter . For example , the Bible urges a wife to have “ deep respect ” for her husband . But when you show them something from the Bible , they will listen attentively . ” I needed to make more adjustments when I was assigned as a district overseer . On another occasion , Joseph again set a fine example of self - control . The horses pulling the chariots are of different colors . In spite of this , in the garden of Eden , Satan slyly questioned God’s right to set standards for humans . Jesus , who imitated God’s love , said to his followers : “ I am giving you a new commandment , that you love one another . . . Yes , out of love for his children , Jehovah patiently molds us . Sergio relates : “ Because of illness , we did not go to the square for a while . Read Acts 16 : 4 , 5 . But how happy we were proclaiming Jehovah’s word among the islands ! ​ — Jer . We have opportunities to show our brothers that we love them . So why has God chosen to allow the issue to go on , giving Satan time to try to prove his point ? Clearly , we should avoid any tendency to think that we are authorized to make decisions for other brothers and sisters . If on the basis of this priceless provision we repentantly seek Jehovah’s forgiveness when we err , we can have the confidence that our friendship with him is still intact . So even those few brothers who took up arms and entered the trenches during World War I resolutely refused to use those arms to kill another human . In addition , when we have a clear understanding of the truths from God’s Word , we can confidently stand our ground and defend them against opposers . ​ — 1 Pet . This ‘ gathering of chosen ones ’ refers to the time when all anointed Christians who still remain on earth will receive their heavenly reward . Benefit From Jehovah’s Guidance ( experiences ) , Sept . This was not a prison of refuge . * He was an outstanding student of the Bible , and he fearlessly exposed as false such doctrines as the Trinity and the immortality of the soul . They had already seen Jehovah’s saving hand in their behalf throughout their long trip homeward . What is the difference between “ setting the mind on the flesh ” and “ setting the mind on the spirit ” ? Before they came to a knowledge of the truth , some of our brothers abused alcohol , but now they are determined to abstain from it . The freedom that is associated with the spirit of Jehovah , however , is more than liberation from physical slavery . That was likely also true of some in the Roman congregation . To their joy , they noticed that our heart was receptive to the seedlike Kingdom message . Jehovah’s own priceless Book is very clear about this . Even now I struggle to describe the anguish that we felt . So may we never allow our love to grow cold ! How can you imitate Asa in serving Jehovah ? To Jesus , the apostles were still his friends . Jesus then performed a miracle . The apostle Peter warned against using our freedom as an excuse for catering to our fleshly desires . A Christian sister related that her family fled the persecution in Eritrea . On that occasion , he miraculously gave Peter a huge catch of fish and told him : “ From now on you will be catching men alive . ” This would help to distinguish one rider from the next . How can we provide hospitality to visiting representatives of Jehovah’s organization ? How can this be applied to choosing a marriage mate ? He does not want us to give up our culture . For one , angels are involved . How , though , did Zechariah’s message affect the Jews in his day ? It really comes down to how much we appreciate the undeserved kindness God has shown by forgiving us . You can be sure that serving abroad leads to a happy life . ” ​ — Margaret We will never desire life other than life under Jehovah’s rightful and loving sovereignty . We make sure that we have a regular share in the ministry On the other hand , some parents have found ways to instruct their children in their native tongue while attending meetings at a foreign - language congregation or group . 13 : 1 . Looking back on our lives , I can see how Jehovah has guided and blessed the work in Ireland ! At that time , the majority of those reunited had the hope of becoming kings and priests in heaven with Jesus . The brother in southern Africa has replaced his spear with “ the sword of the spirit , ” God’s Word , as he preaches a message of peace to his neighbors , whatever their tribe . She would be the one who would “ become Jehovah’s . ” In another prayer , Jesus addressed Jehovah as “ Holy Father . ” She says : “ Sometimes it is challenging to adapt , but despite my limited abilities , I feel so useful in the congregation . Gilead School provided wonderful training to help us to “ become all things to people of all sorts ” in the missionary work . Hypocritical love is especially shameful because it is a counterfeit of the godly quality of self - sacrificing love . What did King Hezekiah do when faced with this imminent threat ? SONGS : 150 , 32 How does the way the organization operates today give evidence of Jehovah’s backing ? One day , Fred Hardaker , an elderly doctor who was one of Jehovah’s Witnesses , called at our home . The term “ brothers ” can include female members of the congregation . For example , see the life story of Trophim Nsomba in the April 15 , 2015 , issue of The Watchtower , pp . On the night before her baptism , her father did a beautiful thing . The half of my belongings , Lord , I am giving to the poor , and whatever I extorted from anyone , I am restoring four times over . ” The two told Milan and his brother to get into their car to cross the border , as the children’s papers were not being checked . We ourselves might never voice such a thought ; yet , the seeds of this wrong viewpoint might be in us or they could be planted in us and start to grow . Although he was a capable man , the apostle Paul had limitations that prevented him from doing everything he wanted to do . What has been noted about Jehovah’s Witnesses ? When Didier and Nadine , a couple from France , moved to Madagascar in 2010 , they were middle - aged . Was Jehovah harsh in giving such straightforward counsel after Job had endured so severe a trial ? In 1987 a brother asked me to visit an interested person living in the town of Balykchy . As time passed , Mary carefully noted what took place in Jesus ’ life and paid attention to the words of wisdom he spoke . I , in turn , now lend him to Jehovah . But would Jehovah be surprised ? What , then , does it mean to be a “ spiritual man ” ? Unlike those “ who walk [ ed ] on the road , ” preferring the easy way , those who went with Barak were willing to do battle on the rocky slopes of Tabor and in the swampy valley of Kishon ! Tension in the area was high , and we had to be very cautious and discerning when talking with people . They should avoid lawless actions . We can learn valuable lessons not only from what Joseph said but also from what he did not say . ​ — Gen . When his kingship was firmly established , however , Rehoboam did something unexpected . When disputes arise , how do we react ? For one thing , he invited her to stay with his group of young women so that she would not be harassed by the men who were working in the field . A godly person will not mix with those who could endanger his spirituality . The psalmist David experienced a similar feeling and begged Jehovah : “ Do not remember the sins of my youth and my transgressions . ” Then they should make a decision in such a way as to maintain a good conscience before God . Understandably , she has sometimes found it difficult to attend congregation meetings . Yet , there are other sacrifices with which God is well - pleased . We feel encouraged . Putting yourself in Jehovah’s hands is never a wrong move . Have you ever found a gold nugget ? How does accurate knowledge of Jehovah and of his standards help us in choosing good associates and wholesome entertainment ? 2 : 7 . Would they obey Jehovah , or would they listen to the serpent ? 9 : 23 , 24 ) Vain sentiments in our hearts will eventually show up in our actions . Jehovah loves people , and it is his will that obedient humans live the way he intended . By arranging Jesus ’ burial , Joseph also risked derision from his colleagues . He sought refuge in the tent of Jael , the wife of Heber the Kenite , and was welcomed by Jael . I ponder over it all day long . make decisions in the face of uncertainty ? “ This campaign affected my personal ministry a lot . How might we analyze how much we love pleasures ? The Devil was clearly angry about the stand the brothers were taking with regard to the war , as imperfect as that stand was . At Bethzatha , however , Jesus cured a man who had been sick for 38 years . This prompted the apostles and other brothers to submit to God’s will and accept uncircumcised Gentiles into the Christian congregation . ( b ) What aspects of the new personality are recorded at Colossians 3 : 10 - 14 ? Fine works do not go unnoticed . ​ — Read 1 Timothy 5 : 25 . The apostle John stated : “ By this the love of God was revealed in our case , that God sent his only - begotten Son into the world so that we might gain life through him . 15 , 16 . ( a ) What restoration and refining work has been accomplished in modern times , and by whom ? Yet , Jesus did not adopt a negative view . Paul knew that God’s love is not guided by mere sentiment , and He does not turn a blind eye to wrongdoing . One way that we acquire wisdom from God is by accepting his discipline . The design made the footwear both durable and comfortable . Some of those whom we meet in the ministry may say : “ We have the holy spirit , but you people are doing the work . ” The promise given to Daniel , as well as the certainty reflected in Martha’s reply to Jesus , should reassure Christians today . ( a ) What lesson about getting married can we learn from Jehoshaphat ? For instance , Jehovah told the Jews : “ Seek the peace of the city to which I have exiled you . ” July “ So they began taking as wives all whom they chose . ” Does my faith impel me not only to live in harmony with God’s righteous standards but also to proclaim them ? ’ The Israelites were to remember that their God , the “ true God , ” is “ one Jehovah . ” ​ — Deut . 16 : 19 ; Prov . In their initial excitement , it seemed that nothing could discourage them . Spiritually - minded individuals strive to “ become imitators of God . ” Yet , now he had found the one pearl that was so magnificent that just seeing it made his heart rejoice . At that , with tears in his eyes , Peter asked : “ Am I one of these sheep ? ” First , take time to examine how Jehovah has shown compassion and how others have shown it . A fall , however , need not spell complete failure or a serious lack of self - discipline . Such an approach is sure to bring Jehovah’s approval and blessing , just as it did in the case of Joseph . 12 : 40 , 41 . And Jesus not only preached to a Samaritan woman but he spent two days in a Samaritan town because of the people’s interest in his message . ​ — John 4 : 21 - 24 , 40 . We are merely keeping sovereignty and salvation in proper perspective . Hardaker’s clinic . Timothy learned well and had won Paul’s affection , and Paul was confident that Timothy could care for the spiritual needs of those in Corinth . 6 : 6 - 10 . It is even reported that in one country , firemen who respond to emergencies will not begin to tackle a blaze unless they first receive a substantial tip . Members of the congregation can help by demonstrating appropriate personal interest in young ones . When contributing for the building of the tabernacle in the wilderness , what the Israelites gave likely included what they had brought with them from Egypt . Frankly , it can be a real struggle to make the right choices and to follow the Christian course . A God of faithfulness who is never unjust ; righteous and upright is he . ” ​ — Deut . David had other associates who loyally stood by him in difficult times . We also receive excellent food for thought in our magazines . This article discusses our yeartext for 2018 and shows why we need to give Jehovah the opportunity to strengthen us and how he will do so . What are some suggestions for improving our singing ? I would happily have stayed in that work . When Arthur received an invitation to attend the 1962 ten - month course at Gilead School , we had a big decision to make . Yes , when Bible students begin to clean up their lives to please God , he will draw close to them and mold them into truly desirable vessels . On Tuesday , the crowd grew so large that the remainder of the convention program had to be held outside under stately trees . Why , apparently , was little said about Satan before the Messiah arrived ? What does trusting in Jehovah have to do with our use of free will ? However , when they face threats to their position and pride , many start acting in a way that is not peaceable . With Jehovah’s help , we have won many battles . How we can imitate Job’s faith and obedience . The first - century Christians in Syrian Antioch faced a situation that tested not only their humility but also their willingness to forgive . Less than two weeks later , Jesus ’ disciples consulted the Scriptures , prayed for divine direction , and chose Matthias to replace Judas Iscariot as the 12th apostle . Elihu was not corrected by Jehovah for asking : “ If you are righteous , what do you give him [ God ] ; what does he receive from you ? ” Because of the importance of faith and love , Christian Bible writers highlighted these qualities together multiple times , often in the same sentence or phrase . 15 : 14 . Even missionaries recognize that to remain strong in their foreign assignment , they cannot rely merely on the basic understanding of the spiritual food they get at the meetings . The Bible is no mere collection of unrelated Jewish and Christian literature . In these ways and others , young ones can be made to realize that they are part of “ the great congregation . ” ​ — Ps . Baptized young ones and those who are contemplating baptism , how can you strengthen your relationship with Jehovah ? Why were the elders involved ? I have also come off the winner ! ” ​ — Gen . Often , those pursuits are unattainable and bring only stress and heartache . She earned her living as a seamstress . Why is it important for us to be present at the Memorial if at all possible ? So how can we manifest fitting compassion for our fellow man in practical ways ? Charles , a father of three girls ranging from 9 to 13 years of age , attends a Lingala - speaking group . Even some Christians have made poor decisions in this area and for ‘ dishonest material gain ’ have lost their good standing in the congregation . ​ — 1 Tim . If you are , you will no doubt “ taste and see that Jehovah is good . ” ​ — Ps . In recent years , however , it has become clear that an adjustment needs to be made to this explanation . Ezra considered these funds to be voluntary offerings to Jehovah and put detailed procedures in place to protect these treasures on the perilous journey through hostile territory . However , they were determined to declare the good news . He predicted that they would do works greater than his , and he assured them that God had affection for them . How Noah came to know Jehovah . Aug . Although mild speech is helpful in dealing with opposing relatives , our good conduct can speak even louder . Whatever Jehovah asks of us is always reachable . ​ — Deut . ( b ) What advantage do we gain from knowing the extent of Satan’s influence ? He arranged to ransom the future descendants of those two rebels , certain that some of them would respond favorably to His love . But what made this convention , attended by only about 150 people , so noteworthy ? Paul alerted fellow Christians about what dangers ? God’s people were now free of the influence of Babylon the Great . Surely , then , we should expect that Jehovah wants his worshippers to be well - organized . Then , as more and more of those with the earthly hope ​ — symbolically like the stick “ for Joseph ” — ​ joined the anointed , the two groups became “ one flock . ” Paul , mentioned earlier , who replaced Peter as the overseer of a Bethel department , said , “ I took time to seek out the advice of Peter , and I encouraged others in the department to do the same . ” Whom do the man with the secretary’s inkhorn , mentioned in Ezekiel chapter 9 , and the six men with weapons symbolize ? Instead , we should meditate on reassuring words about Jehovah’s enduring love for us . SONGS : 126 , 150 For success in marriage , each mate must accept personal responsibility and obey Jehovah . ( See opening picture . ) ( b ) What will be the response to the execution of this wicked system ? How active were our brothers in the preaching work during World War I ? Keep in mind , too , that the original Hebrew text had no punctuation , such as quotation marks . Instead , he gained new ones , who will likely remain his friends for life . No , because a flock of sheep stays together and follows the shepherd . Robert , whose experience was considered at the beginning of this article , says : “ After I developed a real relationship with Jehovah , I was a better husband and a better father . Peter had openly declared that he would never abandon his Master , but on that very night , Peter denied knowing Jesus ! ​ — Matt . How might Satan try to bully us , and how can we cope ? In fact , some of those consequences would stay with David for the rest of his life . About eight attended . To prevent jealousy from taking root in our heart , we must strive to see things from God’s standpoint , viewing our brothers and sisters as members of the same Christian body . Jehovah does not take that promise lightly , and it should not be taken lightly by anyone who has made it . Glowing embers transported in such a way could readily be used with tinder wood to rekindle a fire at any point along a journey . For example , Paul wrote that some among the brothers in Rome were slaves “ of their own appetites , ” which could have been sexual appetite or appetite for food , drink , or other things . Soon after the Israelites were miraculously released from slavery in Egypt , the Amalekites attacked them . He deprived his offspring of the prospect of life without end . * How do we produce new Kingdom seed ? Describe the special presentation of singing during Nehemiah’s rule as governor in Jerusalem . That was true of many in Corinth to whom Paul wrote . Or we could allow the weight of our personal trials to eclipse that great issue . Did she expect Jehovah to grant her request ? First , they had basically lost faith in Jehovah and refused to listen to his voice . We will also consider self - discipline as well as something that can be even worse than any temporary pain that discipline may cause . So Jephthah meant that the person he would give to Jehovah would serve at the tabernacle for the rest of his or her life . Most young children are eager to learn , and they tend to be humble . How should younger ones cooperate with older ones ? Brother Henschel informed me that my foremost responsibility at Bethel would now be to help Brother Franz in any way needed . Jesus said that this work would be carried out by his true disciples . Can I get an appropriate visa ? Many have chosen to remain single in order to serve Jehovah with an undivided mind . Also , the entertainment industry has intoxicated people with the ‘ love of pleasures , ’ and the temptations are intensifying year by year . Jehovah exercises the quality of self - control perfectly , for he is perfect in all that he does . As our Ransomer , Jesus cleanses our consciences and gives us inner peace . It is a matter of obedience . It is common for a person in that situation to give up . Psarras ) , Apr . We are not afraid to do good works in Jehovah’s service just because the Devil might see us . That spirit fosters a love for violence and immorality . We also derive great benefit from the spiritual instruction we receive . 13 : 5 . Could you invite them to accompany you in the ministry ? ( b ) How can we prevent jealousy from depriving us of our reward ? I felt emotionally numb and abandoned . * As a result , David had to live as a fugitive , at times in a foreign country and at other times in caves in the wilderness . How , then , can servants of Jehovah feel secure in their old age ? ( b ) Explain how the man named Sprout is prophetic of Jesus Christ . How can you imitate Jesus in focusing on the rewards of endurance ? In March 1965 we were privileged to begin serving congregations in the traveling work . Making decisions is like choosing the right road when you come to an intersection . Some 14 million refugees were displaced . Evidently , Peter humbly accepted Paul’s corrective counsel . Then she offered the book to those present . The man pays rapt attention to the white - haired , bearded speaker wearing a long black coat . My own experience moves me to continue loyally testifying about Jehovah , with whom “ all things are possible . ” ​ — Matt . Her discipline may involve both teaching and some punishment . Why has science failed to answer many questions ? On one trip , some fellow pioneers and I traveled together in my car , and we had an accident in Texas that rendered my car useless . What a blessing it is to have hundreds of Witnesses there now ! If you find yourself in either situation , consider the example of Moses . We want to make sure that we allow God’s Word to reach our heart and strengthen our faith . However , asher can also indicate result or consequence and can be translated “ that , ” “ so that , ” or “ then . ” As Kingdom proclaimers , we need to do the same . The apostle Paul pointed out that the fleshly person cannot see the wrongness of his position before God . Lucy , my oldest sister , died not much later , at the age of 17 . They had now had a taste of God’s Word ​ — and they wanted more ! We interviewed several of these experienced sisters . Certainly , Paul’s warning about the possible final outcome for someone who ‘ sets his or her mind on the flesh ’ should be a stimulus to Christians to make any needed changes ! Who will remain in place of wicked people , and why is that good news ? One way that we might do so has to do with Paul’s experiences with the legal systems of his day . He evidently thought that they were detracting from Moses ’ prominence and authority . That whatever the nature of the trials we may face in life , Jehovah can enable us to cope with them . He gave me a warm and hearty welcome . It completely cancels the condemnation inherited from Adam . His faith moved him to witness boldly and to warn his contemporaries of God’s coming judgment . Jesus had earlier prepared them for such an extensive assignment by drawing their attention to good qualities in foreigners . Even on the train to and from Balykchy , we were able to witness to passengers . The meeting we have midweek can teach us how to preach the good news and how to help others understand the truth from the Bible . ​ — Matthew 28 : 19 , 20 . How can the fruitage of God’s holy spirit help you to deal with or avoid stressful situations ? To avoid being distracted by secular matters and to prove our love for Christ , we must continue to choose “ the good portion , ” to give priority to spiritual things . Jehovah therefore allowed King Shishak of Egypt to capture many Judean cities , despite Rehoboam’s having fortified them ! ​ — 1 Ki . he said . What current examples do we have of Jehovah’s Witnesses joyfully enduring persecution ? The apostle Paul recommended singleness ; yet , he said : “ Because of the prevalence of sexual immorality , let each man have his own wife and each woman have her own husband . ” A mother in Japan did just that . No doubt , faithful Christians would not have wanted to stay with Diotrephes even if that were possible . Take an interest in creation and in articles in our publications that discuss this topic . At our meetings , we pray to him , sing to him , and speak about him , and this makes Jehovah happy They urged him and his family to flee from the doomed cities . For a while , the apostle Peter harbored prejudice against non - Jews , but he gradually learned to eradicate negative views from his heart . 1 , 2 . ( a ) How do some react to the thought that God has an organization ? This is how my husband and I , along with my brother and his wife , responded to an invitation to take up an assignment . With Jehovah’s backing , even imperfect humans can conquer Satan . Thus , you will find that many situations that could otherwise cause anxiety do not arise . People would also be disloyal . 8 Serve Jehovah , the God of Freedom Faithful anointed servants of God had to meet together in discreet groups ​ — if they could meet at all . We have a cavalry on our side . Acts 20 : 1 , 2 says : “ When the uproar . . . subsided , Paul sent for the disciples , and after he had encouraged them and said farewell , he began his journey to Macedonia . Brother C . She said , “ Jehovah protected those three Hebrews because they would not give worship to an image . ” Second , she readily expressed gratitude for the kindnesses shown to her . Therefore , a Christian will avoid looking at pornography or listening to music with immoral lyrics . The Jews recognized this and accepted it , as when they admitted that the Christ was to descend through David , Jesse’s last son . ​ — Matt . Later , the kings who ruled God’s people followed a similar routine . We see distressing wars , increasing immorality and lawlessness , religious confusion , food shortages , pestilences , and earthquakes taking place around the world . The one doing the former focuses on the desires and leanings of the imperfect flesh , constantly talking about and glorifying things of the flesh . Being bilingual sharpens your children’s thinking ability and enhances their social skills . You would also do well to help them reason on such questions as : ‘ Why does the Bible forbid things that can be appealing to the flesh ? 4 : 6 , 7 , 13 . Like Jehovah , we dearly wish that people would respond to the message and “ keep living . ” With the cancellation of the Law at Jesus ’ death , God began a new arrangement . After working for two years , I consulted another circuit overseer about pioneering . They could testify both in general about the Lord and specifically about Jehovah’s ability to raise the dead . ​ — Acts 9 : 36 - 42 . How can congregation elders help us to be vigilant and active ? The congregation might have continued to be wary of Paul were it not for a Christian from Cyprus named Joseph . Joseph , Rahab , Jesus , and the apostles displayed an inner strength that motivated them to perform good works . The Assyrian King Sennacherib taunted Jehovah and tried to intimidate Hezekiah into surrendering . Arthur knew he must . A number have even left the way of the truth . Are you using your freedom of choice to advance the Kingdom work or your own interests ? Arthur Willis and Bill Newlands were just two of the zealous pioneers determined to take the good news of God’s Kingdom to the vast Australian outback . Over the years , the number of stars that we can see has increased tremendously . Imagine the feelings that such a command would stir up . We threw ourselves into caring for his needs , while not neglecting our four other children . A fourth way to help you cope with anxiety is good communication , sharing your feelings with a trusted confidant . We are happy to say that our courageous lawyer accepted a Bible study and was attending meetings before he died . Because love for Bible truth moves us to obey from the heart the Scriptural commandments to love God and to love our brothers . ​ — 1 Pet . The announcement stated that more will likely be inclined to show and accept hospitality with fellow Bethelites when the meeting ends earlier . About 40 of us slept on the ground in a canvas tent designed to hold 10 people . 8 , 9 . ( a ) What will help us to develop spiritual stability ? But we are grateful to Jehovah that he used faithful brothers to correct us and to strengthen us spiritually . How have some young Christians shared more fully in making disciples ? God’s love for humans , however , endures . But disregarding his mother’s direction , he continues to play with the ball and accidentally breaks a vase . It might surprise you how much joy you will then find when preaching . However , Jesse’s son David was not a firstborn . We should not allow our hurt feelings to prevent us from serving Jehovah Before long , the two girls shared with their classmates what they were learning . When that happens , however , there are opportunities to learn from these errors , to be forgiving , and to let love have full sway as “ a perfect bond of union . ” However , despite the parents ’ best efforts , some children leave Jehovah . Highlighting this contrast , Paul wrote : “ ‘ Eye has not seen and ear has not heard , nor have there been conceived in the heart of man the things that God has prepared for those who love him . ’ Even after accepting the truth , some had to overcome serious spiritual problems . That knowledge guards us from becoming overwhelmed by anxiety or discouragement . The same may have been true of Daniel’s three companions , who were also given positions of authority . ​ — Dan . So I visited their home , and we had a lengthy discussion using written notes . In what way does our preaching work sanctify God’s name ? He does not worry about gaining future privileges or about what others are achieving . After baptism , we discerned the need to continue making changes ​ — more subtle ones — ​ so as to imitate God and Christ more closely . My days were filled with office duties , packing literature , cooking , and cleaning . How Job came to know Jehovah . I ENTERED this world the seventh of eight children born to hardworking parents in Karítsa , a small village in Greece . The year was 1926 . The pervasiveness of that dreadful plague made it difficult for publishers to move about freely . Why can we conclude that Jehovah has been supporting these men , and how do we know that he is backing the faithful and discreet slave today ? Remember that the craving to control others and the longing to be admired are the desires that enticed Satan , but he is angry , not happy . Jehovah provided abundantly for Adam and Eve’s needs in Eden . Demetrius and friends at Karítsa These enemies had oppressed them for years , so the Israelites could not give up . I was moved to a location several hours away from my family , and since I was only five years old , I was terrified . Jesus Christ likewise remained obedient to God through various tests of his faith , and he was rewarded . 9 - 11 . The Greek word translated “ make disciples ” at Matthew 28 : 19 has the sense of teaching with the intent of making pupils , or disciples . Reflecting on their love should move us to love them in return . The disciple James , Jesus ’ half brother , was inspired to tell us : “ Be patient then , brothers , until the presence of the Lord . ” Make it your aim to learn from Timothy . Then you too will be a blessing to God’s people . How , then , should we react if we encounter similar difficulties from some within the congregation ? Michael explained that he had started three studies and needed some help in conducting them . ” It is possible , though , to remain modest under test . Of all the promises we make , the most important is the one we make when we dedicate ourselves to Jehovah . The apostle Paul wrote : “ Are you bound to a wife ? Our aim , though , should not be simply to cover a certain number of pages or solely to prepare comments to participate at meetings . Through the intense pain , I recalled Jesus ’ words : “ Happy are you when people reproach you and persecute you . . . When sharing the comforting Kingdom message , I would see the people’s eyes light up ! ” Jehovah , the foremost example of empathy , assured his people : “ I myself am the One comforting you . ” ​ — Isa . Jesus told his disciples : “ By this all will know that you are my disciples ​ — if you have love among yourselves . ” The boy would choose the silver coin and run away . Later , additional brothers were added to that governing body . First , we are helped to develop peace by reading God’s inspired Word regularly . Why can we trust the Bible record of David versus Goliath ? Since the end of World War II , mankind has certainly not learned to avoid war . These newly converted Christians “ suffered at the hands of [ their ] own countrymen ” and needed encouragement . If you battle sexually immoral desires , are you avoiding any movies , websites , or activities that may trigger unclean thoughts ? Patience is a gift from God , and being patient is a key way to show our love for him . I have found it truly comforting to know that Jehovah is waiting patiently to remedy matters and to give us exciting assignments in his new world . When the last days of the present system began back in 1914 , God’s servants on earth were relatively few in number . On the basis of this passage , some have claimed that only a person without sin could find someone guilty of adultery . The person will have to keep on maintaining his integrity to God , but he had to be repentant in order to be reinstated , and we are glad that he repented . In what ways ? Have you been unemployed for a long time and unable to find a job despite all the efforts you make to find one ? As representatives of the Watch Tower Society , Brothers Rutherford , Van Amburgh , and six others were arrested . In what ways should we exercise our faith ? Paul and Stephany got married ​ — but after she turned 23 . What will I do if secular pressures continue to mount ? Things did not immediately work out as God had purposed . The need for proper perspective is made quite clear in the book of Job , one of the earliest Bible books to be written . Madison , 15 , says : “ It’s a struggle for me to stick to Jehovah’s standards and not go along with what my peers think is cool or fun . ” Likely , many of us today have similar precious memories of a convention that especially thrilled our hearts and filled us with zeal and with love for our great God and his King . I feel very privileged to have had a small share in that spiritual growth . Jesus had limited time to carry out his ministry . 8 : 12 . ( a ) What is needed if God’s Word is to have an effect on us ? Since early in human history , men and women of faith have learned about God in three primary ways : by observing the visible creation , from other God - fearing humans , and by experiencing the blessings of living in harmony with God’s righteous standards and principles . From there , the Romans rushed the temple and set fire to it , resulting in the finale of the greatest tribulation that Jerusalem and the Jewish nation had ever experienced . Because under normal circumstances , people find happiness and satisfaction in doing so . When trials arise , the spirit can help us to remember Bible accounts and principles and then discern the wise steps to take . We often find that people are not at home when we preach from door to door . Those who have come to know and serve Jehovah are not like those who have an appearance of godliness but prove false to its power , who behave as if they worship God but belie that claim by their conduct . It is to be hoped that no one allowed himself to be stumbled by an imperfect man’s mistake . So who really are preaching the good news of the Kingdom today ? He had many desirable qualities . What are ways in which a Christian might simplify his life ? The revised wording fits in well with the rest of the psalm . So be zealous and repent . ” Modesty , however , helps all to focus their collective abilities and efforts on bringing glory to God and doing what is best to help others . ​ — 1 Cor . This frivolous practice was intended to add credence to one’s statements ; yet , Jesus twice denounced it . Jesus compared himself to a shepherd and his followers to a flock of sheep . We must exert ourselves if we are to allow God’s Word to continue changing us . 5 : 15 ; Matt . How should we view privileges in Jehovah’s service ? On the other hand , encouragement is a power for good . “ The hope of Paradise helps me put secular goals in perspective , ” she adds . Ask yourself : ‘ Does my way of life indicate that I truly know Jehovah ? If you have ever felt discouraged when preaching in less responsive territories , you will relate to the apostle Paul . SONGS : 123 , 86 5 : 33 - 37 ; 23 : 16 - 22 . ON ONE occasion , God revealed himself to Moses by declaring His own name and qualities . God sent Moses “ as both ruler and deliverer by means of the angel who appeared to him in the thornbush . ” Made available in many ways , that food provides valuable instruction , or discipline . Why can we say that ? Jesus emphatically warned his disciples to stay clear of the teachings , or leaven , that these three groups advocated . The day of one’s baptism is a time for genuine rejoicing . A weak and wicked ruler , Zedekiah reigned during very dark days for Jerusalem . The man took part in the spiritual conversation and appreciated what was being said . He also accepted his spiritual responsibilities as family head , much to the delight of his wife and children . ” ​ — Luke 6 : 41 , 42 ; Jas . 3 They Offered Themselves Willingly ​ — In Madagascar with one of Jehovah’s Witnesses . Fleeing for any reason is seldom easy . Why is faith so important , and how can we keep it strong ? Do you have a family member who is opposing you ? You also learn how to work closely with Jehovah . ​ — 1 Cor . Jehovah swiftly dispatched Elijah to confront Ahab . A regular pioneer shares the Bible’s message in the Quichua ( Imbabura ) language with a vendor at a crafts market in the city of Otavalo in northern Ecuador . That is a basic truth about human life . The progress of God’s people is taking place in a very hostile world , which the Bible says is controlled by Satan , “ the god of this system of things . ” It is understandable , then , why God used Paul to warn Christians about “ setting the mind on the flesh . ” ​ — Rom . During the canning season , local sisters came to assist , and Etta would help organize their work . Therefore , we can be confident that Christ continues to be moved by the anguish of others , to understand their grief , and to provide them consolation “ at the right time . ” ​ — Read Hebrews 4 : 15 , 16 . Besides reading the Bible and our Bible - based publications , how else can we develop a deep love for Bible truth ? Thus , I too will serve where I am assigned . ’ Clearly , Job had not allowed his earlier prestige and wealth to warp his view of himself or others . Most people ignore them , but the couple remain in their spot , smiling at those who look at them . Despite obstacles , he kept his eye on the goal of becoming a regular pioneer and eventually reached it . Such tests may have to do with marriage , health issues , or employment . What can we learn from Gideon’s modesty ? We all need money , of course . Thus far we have seen that true Christians came into Babylonian captivity soon after the death of the last of the apostles . This can include sharing upbuilding Scriptural thoughts , inviting them to join us in the ministry , or just taking time to listen to them . So he urges them : “ Make friends for yourselves by means of the unrighteous riches , so that when such fail , they [ Jehovah and Jesus ] may receive you into the everlasting dwelling places . ” What encouragement did Jesus give to his apostles and to Peter in particular ? But Christ has been empowered in heaven to wage war against Satan’s world . Jehovah’s own Book shows why we should expect his people to be united . Is that viewpoint correct ? God’s Word teaches us how to keep far away from sexual immorality . And we do what is within our power to benefit from Christian meetings and other spiritual provisions . ​ — Heb . Not sheer willpower , but God’s spirit . MEMORIAL ATTENDANCE ( 2015 ) Rome granted the Jews broad rights in the empire . “ I have now been a pioneer in my town for four years , and I can see how wise it was to follow the direction given . We ask , ‘ Since there is joy in heaven , should there not also be joy on earth when a sinner has repented , turned around , and made straight paths for his feet ? ’ ​ — Heb . Fighting injustice was something to be left to God . How is that so , and did that first couple respond ? Mother recalled the church creed , which in its original form stated that Jesus descended into hell and was raised on the third day . Thank you . ” Jehovah and Christ comfort all these faithful servants . ​ — Read 2 Thessalonians 2 : 16 , 17 . Commenting on the success of the sandwich - sign parade in Mexico City , the magazine La Nación stated : “ The first [ assembly ] day , [ the Witnesses ] were asked to invite more people . When parents do this , their children not only hear the truth but also experience it . And everything he does will succeed . ” ​ — Ps . “ Do not be afraid because of the words that you heard , . . . with which the attendants of the king of Assyria blasphemed me . ” What dangers exist when refugees ( a ) are fleeing ? Underlying many of them is your displaying “ the fruitage of the spirit . . . love , joy , peace , patience , kindness , goodness , faith , mildness , self - control . ” I feel that I’m worthless . ” He uses your display of support to make a reply to the taunts of Satan . What can an anxious person never do ? Why is it worth sticking to Jehovah’s standards ? They are going out from “ before the Lord of the whole earth ” with a special mission to fulfill . Indeed , when I comfort and refresh others spiritually , I sense that I am comforting and refreshing myself . God’s Word reminds us that “ the wisdom from above is . . . peaceable , reasonable . ” Paul wrote : “ We are coming off completely victorious through the one who loved us . Those preaching the message should not seek personal gain for the work that they do . Even after his death , Wycliffe was declared a heretic . We should seize opportunities to commend one another because such expressions are “ good for building up . ” My first zone visit in Venezuela , in 1970 At the time , it seemed most unlikely that they would . As one of John’s envoys , or perhaps a traveling overseer , Demetrius likely reinforced what John had written . THOUSANDS of Jehovah’s Witnesses today are taking an active part in the fulfillment of the vision to declare the good news “ to every nation and tribe and tongue and people . ” Jehovah said that when he performed the first human marriage . At times , he may remove the trial . Explain . ( b ) Why must a Bible student get baptized as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses even if he was previously baptized in another religion ? “ Just as you have always obeyed , . . . keep working out your own salvation with fear and trembling . ” ​ — PHIL . How can we determine if our love of God is being eclipsed by love of self ? Why should the counsel found at 1 Corinthians 10 : 32 , 33 influence our choice of clothing ? Nadia’s mother , Marie - Madeleine , who lived in France , fell and broke her arm and injured her head . Some might ridicule our beliefs , accuse us of dividing the family , or threaten to disown us unless we give up our faith . In wealthier lands , the urge may be to acquire a lavish wardrobe , a bigger house , or a more expensive automobile . Not only was Boaz moved by Ruth’s unselfish love for her mother - in - law , Naomi , but he was also impressed that she had become a worshipper of Jehovah . Brother Marais , the overseer of Translation Services , explained that the brothers were arranging for a course in English comprehension for translators around the world , and at age 64 , I was being considered for training to be one of the instructors . The new king first consulted with the older men who had been counselors to Solomon . Our just God always does what is right and proper . We can help them to keep in mind those who show even slight interest . Our compassion and practical help can strengthen their faith . ​ — Prov . Paul answers : “ Since , then , we have gifts that differ according to the undeserved kindness given to us . . . if it is a ministry , let us be at this ministry ; or the one who teaches , let him be at his teaching ; or the one who encourages , let him give encouragement ; . . . the one who shows mercy , let him do it cheerfully . ” Even under adverse circumstances , you can praise Jehovah and make spiritual progress . Of course we will , and Jesus knew that . Am I quick to accept and support the directions received ? ’ ​ — w16.11 , p . As discussed in the preceding article , the Bible does not specify an age at which a person should get baptized . Significantly , the New World Translation restores God’s name to its rightful place in the Scriptures . 3 : 8 , 9 . How might you study Genesis 3 : 15 ? For a faithful Jew , life in pagan Babylon presented big challenges . Until recently , he was the overseer of the Service Department . Why should we today be increasingly concerned about encouraging one another ? How did angels assist Moses ? A disciple is one who learns and understands Jesus ’ teachings and who is determined to observe them . As considered in this article , we keep sharing in the preaching work to glorify Jehovah and sanctify his name , to show our love for Jehovah and for Jesus , to give ample warning , and to show love for neighbor . ( a ) What will give our life real meaning and satisfaction ? Paul was told : “ Step over into Macedonia . ” 19 : 11 - 21 . Serving as Christ’s envoys , as it were , they are having the biggest share in teaching people spiritual truth and helping them to develop a personal relationship with Jehovah . Paul’s first letter to the Corinthian congregation identifies a number of other characteristics of those who have a fleshly attitude . Appointed men should have great satisfaction when the younger ones whom they have trained become qualified to take on the work . Therefore , the environment in which Jehovah is now molding us is viewed as a spiritual paradise that is presently taking shape . In order to obtain the vineyard for her husband , Jezebel orchestrated the false accusation against Naboth , which resulted in the execution of both Naboth and his sons . The flier Organization Method and the booklet To Whom the Work Is Entrusted laid out the details : A new Service Department at headquarters would direct the work . 2 : 16 , 17 . How important it is that we constantly search our heart , reject immoral thoughts , and suppress unhealthy pride ! ​ — Gal . 5 : 26 ; read Colossians 3 : 5 . He proved to be a loyal friend . ​ — 2 Sam . Jehovah was training me through his organization . ” 18 - 22 . Let me tell you why . The hotel was in the center of town , and some of our Bible students wanted to study there . The pool in question has been identified as a Jewish ritual bath . The laws and principles contained in God’s Word are “ beneficial for teaching , for reproving , for setting things straight , for disciplining in righteousness . ” Would that be loving and respectful ? “ We were taught to kill our opponents with spears ​ — even those of our own tribe who supported other political parties . ” If we speak in the heat of the moment , we may blurt out words that we will later regret . There were many things I thought I could never do , but with Jehovah’s help I did them successfully . ” ​ — Karen Joseph , through those trialsome times , waited patiently on his God . of December 8 , 2003 . 8 : 23 . And we know that many are dealing with , not one , but several of such problems all at once ! Jehovah uses the Christian congregation and its overseers to mold us on a personal level . Many among those serving in a foreign - language field find it beneficial to study the Bible regularly in the ‘ language of their birth . ’ I liked to sleep late each morning ; she liked to get up early . How can holy spirit help us ? We know that these provisions from Jehovah help us to stay spiritually alert , well - fed , and “ healthy in faith . ” ​ — Titus 2 : 2 . Why , then , does she always try to tell the truth ? Indeed , in more ways than I can recount , Jehovah has never failed me . We are also made stronger by divine education at our Christian meetings , assemblies , conventions , and in our theocratic schools . ( b ) What equalizing of finances is taking place among God’s people ? When explaining the needs of the upcoming project to build the temple , King David acknowledged that everything we receive comes from Jehovah and that whatever we give to Jehovah is from what he has already given us . ​ — Read 1 Chronicles 29 : 11 - 14 . King Hezekiah lived at a time when King Sennacherib of Assyria invaded Judah and captured all the fortified cities , with the exception of Jerusalem . You can do so by listening to the vocal renditions available on . Bear in mind that there is “ a time to be silent and a time to speak . ” He had traveled with some of them for years and undoubtedly knew their faults , but he said good things about them . She wears a traditional head scarf It must be a genuine part of our personality . Eduard Varter Not even put up a fight ? Is it not unreasonable to think that God would determine in advance who lives and who dies as a result of random events ? So we traveled by bus and later by car to go from village to village . For example , what principles might we discern in the arrangement of cities of refuge ? What , though , makes us so different from any other organization ? Just as a tree must regularly draw from a water source to remain healthy , a Christian must regularly feed on God’s Word to remain spiritually strong . Can we see in this a lesson that we can apply ? In 1926 , Arthur Guest married Hazel Wilkinson , whose mother had learned the truth in 1908 . Why should it come as no surprise if a Christian observes or experiences injustice in the congregation ? “ When my past and other issues brought me to emotional exhaustion , ” she said , “ I knew that I had to talk with the elders . Heavy rains contaminated much of the drinking water and left us without a decent cafeteria area for the convention . And there will be an economic impact to consider , both immediate and long - term . Like Job , some may even speak rashly at times . Now I was determined to learn more . 2 : 5 - 7 . To Christians in Thessalonica , who were experiencing persecution , Paul wrote : “ May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father , who loved us and gave everlasting comfort and good hope by means of undeserved kindness , comfort your hearts and strengthen you . ” Where gun ownership is illegal , restricted , or regulated in some other way , Christians obey the law . ​ — Rom . the way we relate to others ? To avoid long conversations that would usually lead to a heated discussion about religion , we set a time limit for the visit . ” As it is , we fail to do so . In many lands , it is illegal for government employees to seek or accept anything of value for an official action , even if they would be acting in what is otherwise a completely legal manner in the fulfillment of their responsibilities . Even so , must we be “ anxious about clothing ” ? Whatever you needed spiritually in your previous location , you will need in your new one too . In the audience at our meetings , assemblies , and conventions are many new ones , interested ones , young ones , and sisters who by singing the words would be put in the awkward position of telling others what to do . Some may feel that they can interpret the Bible on their own . Yet , we are assured that God remembers that we are made of dust , and he is willing to show us mercy . Thus , he fell into wrongdoing and false worship . We didn’t know Swahili yet , and she didn’t know English . By way of illustration , consider the example of Noah . Such important matters are discussed in these articles . Love moves us to put others ’ interests ahead of our own , even when that means putting aside what we may feel is a legal right . ​ — 1 Cor . Jesus taught his followers a fundamental principle that underlies our unity . Clearly , God in a very literal way raised up the boy in Shunem , proving His ability to resurrect . Since they have lost sight of the message they are supposed to preach , is it any wonder that they have also lost sight of what should be the motive for doing this work ? To benefit from that power , we must read the Bible daily , meditate on it , and pray constantly for the wisdom and strength to apply Bible counsel . They had died to that previous way of life . The train departed at two o’clock in the morning , and we rode for six hours before disembarking and walking ten kilometers ( six miles ) to the meeting place . ” Although he felt hesitant , he asked permission to correct these false claims , and the teacher agreed . He did not want to take on more than he reasonably could . This happened in the first century . 5 : 1 , 2 . Clearly , Jehovah has given us an abundance of provisions to fill our “ spiritual need . ” Because of Solomon’s unfaithfulness , God had already indicated that the kingdom would be split . ​ — 1 Ki . After the matter was handled properly , I didn’t have to feel guilty anymore . In time , other anointed elders joined the apostles in administering the affairs of the congregations . And what will make Christian marriage a success ? We can trust that if we do so , Jehovah will bless us . ​ — Read Genesis 39 : 21 - 23 . How pleasant and fitting it is to praise him ! ” ​ — PS . As a result , in early 1961 we were in a position to accept an assignment as special pioneers in Falls City , Nebraska . My missionary partner lovingly cared for me when I was sick . Imagine that ! Being in an English congregation all those years ​ — since 1946 — ​ how did I fare spiritually ? Note that Jesus told his apostles : “ My Father is glorified in this , that you keep bearing much fruit and prove yourselves my disciples . ” How can we take the lead in showing honor to others ? How did Jacob show himself to be a spiritual man ? FROM OUR ARCHIVES I was only 22 years old , but this assignment gave me the opportunity to “ become all things to people of all sorts ” in new ways . O’Connor , secretary of the YMCA ​ — attempted to turn the audience of more than 1,000 against the Bible Students . What will Jehovah remove in order to build a peaceful , happy world ? Satan has also implied that no human at heart is loyal to God ​ — that under sufficient pressure , anyone will reject Jehovah’s rulership . Trying to defy the law of gravity might cost us our life ! But his reply indicated that he was so absorbed in the spiritual discussion that his hunger could be ignored . Bear in mind , too , that we can approach the “ Hearer of prayer ” with the confidence that he will give attention to our concerns . For more information , see “ Questions From Readers ” in The Watchtower , May 15 , 2015 , pp . That was when my dad began studying . Paul was willing not only to encourage his brothers but also to “ spend and be completely spent for ” them . Though their father played a key role in promoting true worship , his two sons committed very serious sins . What of single sisters ? All three made these changes because they desired to be like Christ . “ I’m not feeling well today . We need to guard against losing sight of this vital issue . But Paul never gave up , and his example strengthened others . Apostates and other opposers try to use our publications on their websites to lure in Jehovah’s Witnesses and others . In addition , we can glorify Jehovah by our Christian conduct . Sakura now serves as a regular pioneer and no longer feels lonely . For example , most congregations recently studied the book Draw Close to Jehovah at the Congregation Bible Study . That message also foretells the unification of God’s people that started to take place during the last days . ” But when a fellow believer or a family member says or does something that hurts us deeply , we may be devastated . But the parent who truly loves his child will be firm when necessary . We find many instances where Jehovah’s compassion must have been involved . What further helped Diane to adjust to serving abroad ? And elsewhere we read : “ God exalted him to a superior position and kindly gave him the name that is above every other name . ” ​ — Phil . When parents listen to God , successful child - rearing does not become a matter of guesswork ; nor does it depend on human experience or human thinking . In the pages of the Bible , you can find all you need to combat Satan’s propaganda . ​ — 2 Tim . How much more difficult it is for sinful humans to avoid improper pride and haughtiness ! Nevertheless , thanks to Jehovah’s unfailing promises , they will be resurrected to perfect human life in an earthly paradise . ​ — Ps . In what ways did Noah trust in Jehovah as his Provider ? Sivulsky ) , Aug . Yes , the violent end of the Jewish system of things would come in less than a decade . Why is having Bible knowledge not enough to become a spiritually - minded person ? When four adolescent refugees arrived in one congregation , various elders taught them to drive , type , and write résumés , as well as to schedule their time to serve Jehovah fully . Why do you appreciate Jehovah’s discipline ? His arrangement can bring the best long - term outcome for all , including the wrongdoer , even though the immediate effect is painful . * Evidently , though , he took as a pattern the marital union that God established in Eden , making that example a law to himself . SONGS : 136 , 129 And we read that Paul and Mark later worked together again . It is a place that abounds with the fruitage of God’s spirit . Keep the “ road ” to your forgiveness open and in good repair . Alain , who has been learning the Persian language for about eight years , admits : “ When I prepare for meetings in Persian , I tend to focus on the language itself . Over the years , I studied the Bible with many people , and 11 of them got baptized . Its clear wording allows the message of God’s Word to reach our heart . For example , when a fellow Christian lacks the basic necessities of life , he needs more than our good wishes . For instance , Jesus taught a crowd , using a boat as a platform . What provisions has Jehovah kindly made for us to develop a strong faith , and what must we do with those provisions ? 13 : 22 ; 1 John 2 : 15 , 16 . It might be added that if a person knows that his or her mate committed adultery and chooses to resume sexual relations with the guilty mate , such an action constitutes forgiveness and removes a Scriptural basis for divorce . “ Praise Jah ! ” ​ — Why ? So they took decisive steps to reach their goal . How did the leaders of God’s ancient people and Jesus Christ give evidence that they were . . . He noted that it mentioned that for some the battle is “ a thorn in the flesh . ” Commend your brothers sincerely . What pressures must we deal with , but what reason does Jehovah have to be pleased with his faithful servants ? He said that the incident upset him at first . There are actually a number of passages in God’s inspired Word that show that Jehovah’s loyal servants knew that a future time of resurrection was in store . Again with a lump in our throat , in 2005 we returned home to Basalt , Colorado , where Bethel and I continue pioneering . ( Read Acts 10 : 28 , 34 , 35 . ) He was afraid he would be asked to join a religion , and he did not want to be fooled . However , more is involved than simply telling your children what is right and what is wrong . What lesson should we learn from the Bible account of Rehoboam ? SONGS : 125 , 88 “ May [ God ] grant you to have among yourselves the same mental attitude that Christ Jesus had . ” ​ — ROM . Interestingly , when we show loving personal interest in others , we may actually let go of some of our own negative feelings . What about the propriety of brothers wearing a beard ? Furthermore , Adam and Eve could no longer have a perfect child ; neither could any of their children have a perfect child . During the following decades , millions of new ones learned Bible truths and became Jehovah’s Witnesses . The next day , all we could find was a little homemade trailer with two small bunk beds . To Joseph’s credit , the Bible reports that he did not support the Sanhedrin’s plot against Jesus . So Barzillai recommended that Chimham , presumably one of his sons , take his place . ​ — 2 Sam . How might the differences between Euodia and Syntyche have arisen , and how can such problems be avoided ? She began attending meetings with the Bronx Congregation and got baptized in 1940 . There we had to climb mountains and do a lot of walking , but what a joy it was to serve the brothers in remote locations as a married couple ! Did you find yourself thinking : ‘ Do not believe it ! John’s authority was challenged ; so was that of the apostle Paul . All of us , whether of the anointed or of the “ other sheep , ” hope to see the fulfillment of God’s original purpose and the sanctification of Jehovah’s name . Once in San Pablo City , a downpour prevented me from giving a talk at a public market , so I suggested to the responsible brothers that it be given in the Kingdom Hall . Let us consider some Bible principles that can help us determine “ the good and acceptable and perfect will of God ” when we are deciding what to wear . ​ — Rom . As is evident in creation , Jehovah lovingly set boundaries . David also sang : “ All your works will glorify you , O Jehovah , and your loyal ones will praise you . Everyone then living on earth will be taught by God . ( See paragraphs 6 , 7 ) It has also been observed that fraudulent social media accounts and websites have been created in the name of the organization , the Governing Body , and its individual members . The Bible provides us with accounts of servants of God who remained loyal to Jehovah and his people despite the serious faults of others around them . He helped them to “ understand everything ” necessary to please him . 18 Do You Remember ? And no human leader can promise that ! With my husband , Walter , when we were serving as missionaries in Asunción , Paraguay Additionally , because love is thoughtful , considerate , patient , and kind , it builds affectionate families and united congregations . ​ — Col . Glimmers of spiritual light began to penetrate the darkness , thanks to two important factors . ( b ) What do we learn from how Jehovah resolved the problem ? Nevertheless , we can learn valuable lessons from David . Yet , under imperfect conditions , getting married and setting up a new household can strain family relationships . Today , we preach the Kingdom message to give people an opportunity to learn about God’s will for mankind . Let us heed this warning example and always treasure our gift of free will by continuing to stick close to Jehovah and obeying his righteous requirements . ​ — 1 Cor . Explain how Jehovah empowered other Israelite men to lead his people . Jesus told an illustration about a merchant who was seeking pearls . Understanding how God may be molding us can help us in our relationships with fellow believers and in our attitude toward people in our territory , including our Bible students . It identifies us as Jesus ’ followers and as imitators of Jehovah , the Source of love . How can I apply this information . . . A sister in France wrote : “ The ‘ Was It Designed ? ’ Each of us needs to train his own conscience to be in harmony with God’s standards . Their rejection was far more than just turning their backs on Jesus or refusing to accept him as the Christ . Because Josiah and other faithful leaders were guided by God’s Word , they were willing to adjust and clarify the direction they gave to God’s people . 3 Jehovah’s Purpose Will Be Fulfilled ! So another suggestion is to open your mouth wider than you do for normal speaking . What confidence can a repentant Christian have ? They are used to further the worldwide preaching work , which includes supporting missionaries and other special full - time servants . I increasingly realized that the Kingdom was my only hope for the future . If I faced a similar temptation , would I have the strength to turn away ? The drawings and paintings in our publications are artistic representations , not images based on proven archaeological facts . ( 3 ) Avoid arguing with householders . This rapidly built up my confidence . ” Foretelling the future condition of his people , God declared : “ In unity I will place them , like sheep in the pen . ” The principles that we glean from God’s Word should move us to avoid wearing clothing that is tight - fitting , revealing , or sexually provocative . 8 The Ransom ​ — A “ Perfect Present ” From the Father What first - century examples prove that people can overcome disunity ? What a result or reward that is ​ — life and peace ! By means of his Word and holy spirit , Jehovah helps us to discern his will , to do it , and to change our life to the extent necessary in order to meet his requirements . 1 - 3 . ( a ) Apparently , when was Psalm 147 written ? Endurance Under Trial Results in Blessings ( P . WE LOVE Jehovah “ because he first loved us . ” What a contrast to Herod Agrippa I , who became king , or leader , of Judea about eight years later ! When I was born , my father was working for one of the local farmers . You need to draw on every available resource . How would we feel if we reached the end of our life in this world and realized that we had sacrificed true riches for a vast store of this world’s “ unrighteous riches ” ? When we are weighed down with the burden of sin , are we not relieved to read that “ the blood of Jesus . . . cleanses us from all sin ” ? Although the material needs of the exiled Jews were being met , what of their spiritual needs ? However , Romans chapter 8 is also of interest to those who have the earthly hope because God in a sense views them as righteous . That is an excellent reason to do good and to keep on doing so . It may be challenging to treat criticism lightly . They opened their homes to us . Also , what lessons can we today learn from this ? Why should a Christian teacher have the importance of baptism clearly in mind when teaching his child or another Bible student ? Today , we can be sure that Jehovah is equally concerned about people from a foreign background who attend meetings in our congregations . But did God ever abandon Joseph ? But then he committed this terrible sin ! He first prepared the clay , in part by removing stones and other undesirable matter . She told Don : “ I will read the book because anything that could reach my brother must be something special . ” What should be our motive for doing this work ? Since 1999 , I have been privileged to serve on the Governing Body Some parents have concluded that it would be best for their son or daughter to delay baptism in order first to obtain some advanced education and become secure in a career . While the apostle Paul was staying in Caesarea , the prophet Agabus told him that if he continued on to Jerusalem , he would end up being arrested . The apostle Paul wrote to fellow Christians : “ Deaden . . . your body members that are on the earth as respects sexual immorality . ” The record of a plea in such a case dated to the seventh century B.C.E . What can we say about the notion that an individual can determine what is good without believing in God ? Consequently , many Bible Students prepared letters of withdrawal from their churches . Your loving brother , Peter . ” Because of our dedication to Jehovah , we also enjoy “ peace with God , ” a good relationship with him . ​ — Rom . Georg Kayser went to the battlefront as a soldier and returned home as a servant of the true God . That original one became known as the Upper Bronx Congregation , which I attended . The Bible explains that we should not insult others . ​ — Titus 3 : 1 , 2 . For years , God’s prophets had warned the Jews that if they continued to disregard God’s Law , they would be delivered into the hands of the Babylonians . That was my first experience in leaving things behind to follow the Master . 11 , 12 . ( a ) How can modesty help us to deal with flattery or excessive praise ? The best way to do so is by sharing the good news with them . Consider how his words have proved true in a unique way in an area of Transcarpathia , Ukraine . What about greedy corporations that pollute the environment , deplete natural resources , and exploit the gullibility of consumers in order to bring untold wealth to a few while millions struggle in poverty ? Ethel Bennecoff related that the Bible Students went forth “ with more zeal and love in [ their ] hearts than ever before . ” We do well to help Bible students grasp that fact . The question is whether we will be there , whether we will gain that reward . Do you have confidence that you will ? He continued to experience expressions of kindness , which helped him to make spiritual progress . Similar concern for true worship guided Isaac’s son Jacob , whose sons became the forefathers of the 12 tribes of Israel . SONGS : 3 , 47 11 : 1 , 36 - 38 ; 1 Ki . He offered to contact Luigi’s insurance company to speed up the claim . * ​ — Read Philippians 2 : 19 - 22 . Does making money come first in my life ? And after becoming one of Jehovah’s Witnesses , the sister in central Europe married a brother from an ethnic group she formerly hated . If you struggle to be moderate in your use of alcoholic beverages , are you willing to steer clear of situations that might tempt you to overdrink ? As you read a Bible passage , take time to pause and ask yourself such questions as these : ‘ What does this tell me about Jehovah ? How might Jehovah help you ? That afternoon , fewer than 1,000 delegates gathered in the 2,500 - seat auditorium for the opening session of the Cedar Point , Ohio , U.S.A . , convention . It would go against Jehovah’s loving ways to disqualify his servants for failing to do something that is beyond their reach . We today are likewise determined to remain steadfast in our love for Christ , keeping secular work , recreation , and material things in their proper place . What , then , was Paul saying about “ setting the mind on the flesh ” ? Doing so will help us evaluate and refine the love that we should show , the kind of love that brings true satisfaction and happiness . On the contrary , you are now responsible for your own salvation , even if you still live under your parents ’ roof . It was thought that those who respond favorably to the message being preached are now marked for survival . Some may reason that they do not have time to train someone else . My husband has died , and I cannot do as much as I used to . SONGS : 80 , 50 We want Jehovah’s mind on matters , which includes grasping Bible principles . Put simply , we do this work of our own volition because we love Jehovah and we love our neighbor . Today , Jehovah’s people enjoy a spiritual paradise that is filled with peace . How do we benefit from following God’s laws ? The moving of the Israelite camp and the tabernacle took place in an orderly way . In Jesus ’ day , the prophetess Anna lost her husband after only seven years of marriage . Ask Jehovah for wisdom to recognize a situation that might make it difficult for you to stay neutral . Or what if those appointed as overseers in your congregation ​ — or in your circuit or branch — ​ are younger or are culturally or racially different from you ? 3 : 16 ; Rev . We need to make wise decisions . Another way to let your light shine is by promoting unity in your family and in your congregation . She admits , “ Even now , I struggle with feelings of anger because I was brought up in an angry household . ” What specific command did God give our first human parents , and for what purpose ? If deprived of sufficient water , a once healthy plant will eventually die . Jesus once invited a tax collector named Matthew Levi , saying : “ Be my follower . ” Likely , he was attracted to Jesus ’ message out of a sincere desire for truth and justice . The impact of these parades did not please the Catholic Church , which led a campaign against the Witnesses . It has been accomplished by our God . I felt that I was really making Jehovah’s name known . ” Imagine that you are traveling on a journey . She gave her name , Apun , but she was cautious because even in the 1980 ’ s , the activities of the Witnesses were banned . What do they and their riders represent ? Immediately after his baptism , Jesus proclaimed “ the good news of the Kingdom of God ” far and wide . Because God’s Word is such a powerful tool and we have it at our disposal , we surely want to make the best use of it . How does the counsel in God’s Word help us to maintain cleanness , peace , and unity ? We can imitate him by seeing his servants in a positive light . He related what happened next : “ The agent asked where we got our literature . We have to learn to adjust our unsteady steps to match Jehovah’s steady lead . If that is your situation , it may be that you need to examine your current schedule of activities . SOLOMON was instructed to oversee one of the most important construction projects of all time ​ — that of the temple in Jerusalem . We come to feel as did the psalmist : “ A day in your courtyards is better than a thousand anywhere else ! ” 6 : 2 , 5 , 8 . World War II broke out in 1939 , and the next year the activity of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Canada was banned . Jehovah’s tender empathy was perfectly expressed in the words and actions of his compassionate Son , Jesus , when he was on earth . Let us do our utmost to make our hosts happy that they invited us . When did true Christians come into Babylonian captivity ? God also has the authority to mold us personally . As a perfect man , Jesus could save humankind from sin and death by dying in their behalf . Pool of Bethzatha “ stirred up ” , May Satan physically take Jesus to temple ? , Mar . He and his wife began passing time by quizzing each other on Bible subjects . Because all humans are imperfect , sooner or later someone is going to say or do something that will offend you . Why was a once modest man rejected by God ? 1 , 2 . ( a ) What challenge do parents face , and how can they meet that challenge ? When she was 18 years old , a KGB officer began to harass her and tried to force her to commit immorality with him , but she firmly rejected his advances . By praying to him and accepting his guidance by holy spirit . We were thrilled to see so many Catholics coming into the truth and serving alongside brothers who were once Protestants . The aspect of giving from personal resources is well - established in the Scriptures . By means of that illustration , Jesus encouraged his disciples to “ keep bearing much fruit ” ​ — to endure in preaching the Kingdom message . ​ — John 15 : 8 . Once they were certain that she was ready , they supported her decision . Jehovah is directing our meetings with his holy spirit , and what we learn there comes from him . Enjoying their marriage and family for all eternity could have been Adam and Eve’s happy lot in life . Philippi was such a city . Like Moses , Asa , and other faithful servants of Jehovah , Nehemiah had already developed a pattern of relying on Jehovah in prayer . A sister living in central Europe admits : “ I was prejudiced , and I hated anyone who was of a different nationality or who had a religion that was different from mine . ” Following Moses ’ direction , courageous Joshua led the Israelites into battle . Yet , Christians are encouraged to imitate Paul . Very likely , you appreciate the importance of wholehearted service to God . Later , though , “ Hezekiah humbled himself , ” so he and his people were spared God’s indignation . ​ — 2 Chron . As the new day starts , the city magistrates send constables to release Paul and Silas . A year later , our daughter Irina was born , but the joy of being with her was cut short . What events in Philippi led to the imprisonment of Paul and Silas ? After the war , he served as a zealous pioneer for many years . A brother in Germany wrote : “ The Kingdom theme runs through the Bible like a golden thread . How strong is our faith in Jehovah’s desire and ability to provide for us ? But immediately she made a beautiful reply , encouraging her father to keep his promise to Jehovah . So take Jehovah at his word , and accept his forgiveness ! ​ — Isa . How can a speaker make sure that the Scriptures form the backbone of his talk ? While living in a labor camp , 1962 We can do so even in our present imperfect state if we continue striving to submit to the transforming power of his Word . When an Israelite wanted to show his sincere gratitude to Jehovah , he would take an animal and have the priests burn it on the altar as a complete burnt offering . That means that you have told the Sovereign of the universe that you will continue to serve him even if your friends or parents stop doing so . What about people who never served Jehovah ? This was challenging , but we made sure that they knew sign language so that we could communicate well and teach them the truth . Do you too meditate on God’s Word , allowing it to settle into your innermost parts ? We should take seriously our responsibility to avoid clothes that may offend others . Asa was the third king of Judah after the northern ten - tribe kingdom of Israel separated . The verses that follow the illustration connect the use of “ unrighteous riches ” with faithfulness to God . Jesus ’ opponents asked him : “ Why do your disciples not observe the tradition of the men of former times , but they eat their meal with defiled hands ? ” “ Let no man deprive you of the prize . ” ​ — COL . 12 - 14 . ( a ) In what ways do some react to divine discipline ? That friend will be like Nathan and Hushai , who remained loyal even during bad times , and like Jesus , who was willing to forgive . Under inspiration , the apostle Paul described the actions of repentant Christians in Corinth . Perhaps Jehovah maneuvered matters this way so that Daniel could be a blessing to his own people , as were Joseph in Egypt and Esther and Mordecai in Persia . Further , they had to weigh carefully a manslayer’s motive , attitude , and previous conduct when deciding whether to show mercy . After exhorting us to put on the new personality , Paul goes on to describe impartiality as one striking characteristic of the new personality . Although only a small amount passes through our globe’s atmosphere , it is enough to provide adequate heat and light to sustain life on earth . Consequently , Jehovah rejected Saul from being king over Israel . As is true of most of us today , Jacob did not have an easy life . “ I make request . . . that they may all be one , just as you , Father , are in union with me . ” ​ — JOHN 17 : 20 , 21 . How is modesty related to acknowledging our place in God’s arrangement ? What should parents consider if a child who is already baptized begins to waver in faith ? “ For the joy that was set before him , ” states Hebrews 12 : 2 , “ he endured a torture stake , despising shame , and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God . ” 3 “ My Kingdom Is No Part of This World ” As a result , they had many discussions about how prophecies were fulfilled . * The best strategy , of course , is prevention . It allows for freedom and promotes joy . 7 “ Trust in Jehovah and Do What Is Good ” That is so even if it seems to go unnoticed . Therefore , work hard to remain humble and strong in faith . “ Put on the complete suit of armor from God so that you may be able to stand firm against the crafty acts of the Devil . ” ​ — EPH . 3 : 11 ; Gal . He confirmed his trust in them by giving them instructions about the most important educational work in human history . Why do you care ? ” For example , in Montreal at a deaf club , I witnessed to Eddie Tager , a young man who was part of a gang . He may not immediately provide you with an ideal job , but he may help you by having you remember King David’s observations : “ I was once young and now I am old , but I have not seen anyone righteous abandoned , nor his children looking for food . ” He worked hard in sacred service and applied the lessons he learned . He put spiritual interests first . Our daughters really wanted to do that . But Jehovah saw a potential for good in us . How good and how pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together in unity ! ” A bitter individual can exert a bad influence in the congregation . Paul urged first - century Christians to “ press on to maturity . ” In some branches this is also possible using or another designated website . What lesson do we learn from what happened to Joseph ? ​ — Gen . Norris . ( See opening picture . ) ( b ) What reminder did the apostle Paul give , and what questions does this raise ? When Peter was asked how he felt about his change of assignment , he replied , “ I am so pleased that there are brothers who have been trained to accept greater responsibility and who are doing so well in caring for the work . ” Rather , we must approach Jehovah , begging for his help . A congregation in the city of Izmir wrote : “ A man working at a taxi stand approached a local elder and asked , ‘ What’s going on ? Some years later , the boy died . With only 219 words in its Greek text , the letter from the apostle John to Gaius is the shortest book in the Bible . Burnt offering : Burnt offerings , or burnt sacrifices , are mentioned in the Mosaic Law . As with young Jesus and his family , refugees may not have the option of returning to their homeland as long as their oppressors remain in power . He trained them thoroughly , and they spread the good news throughout the then - known world . ​ — Col . We might include time in our family worship to do research on peoples we are not acquainted with in our congregation or territory . ( b ) What should he do before making a decision ? He needs to reason on the Scriptures so that his daughter develops conviction about what she learns . 26 - 28 . I look back with appreciation for the courage that Jehovah gave my father . As a consequence of rebelling against Jehovah , they died and returned to the dust from which they had been created . ​ — Gen . When creating the first human , Adam , God gave him the same gift he had given his intelligent creatures in heaven , the gift of free will . Jehovah has provided us with his Word , the Bible . Only God can make it grow . Despite this clear direction , most churches are sidetracked by collecting money or by making efforts to survive financially . They have to support a paid clergy , as well as a multitude of other employees . Jesus said that if we were to put any human before him , we would not be worthy of him . 64 : 8 . In 1979 , Lene and I welcomed the arrival of our fifth child , Daniel . The only path to everlasting life involves “ coming to know ” Jehovah and “ exercising faith ” in Jesus , His only - begotten Son . At the same time , we should do what we can , taking appropriate action to solve problems and help others . They were not disappointed , for our God “ gives power to the tired one . ” At this , the frightened and trembling woman fell down before Jesus “ and told him the whole truth . ” ​ — Mark 5 : 33 . They felt God’s warm , loving care in providing the right spiritual encouragement just when they needed it . Rather , it is a well - organized book ​ — a divinely inspired masterpiece . But Paul could speak of them while they were still alive and serving God on earth as having “ died with reference to sin . ” You really feel Jehovah’s care more than ever . ” I had some regrets about making that promise , but I felt that I could not back out . Over 200 million copies of the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures have been published in over 130 languages . Since 1919 , small assemblies were held , but the number of congregations actually decreased in subsequent years . A man could thus find refuge relatively quickly and conveniently . ​ — w17.11 , p . God provides spiritual sustenance first , and then he satisfies our physical needs . During my second week in the door - to - door ministry , I met a woman in her 30 ’ s with whom I began to study the Bible . So we began to exercise faith in Jesus with everlasting life in view . ​ — Read 1 John 4 : 9 , 10 . ( See paragraph 19 ) Today , it is not against Jehovah’s will for people to choose to be single or to be married but remain childless . Notice that Joseph described himself as having been “ kidnapped . ” Consider the various schools that promote divine education . That was the first resurrection of Bible record . Last of all , we visited the people nearby . He too later served as a member of the Governing Body . Pray with and for your children . By reflecting on the bad consequences of sin , we can strengthen our heart to “ hate what is bad . ” Gianni , mentioned earlier , recalls : “ I realized that something had changed . The point is that our appreciation for God’s undeserved kindness involves more than avoiding adultery , drunkenness , or other sins that some in Corinth had been guilty of . Thus , when we fall short in some respect , we should ask Jehovah for forgiveness . Describe how apostate Christianity received the backing of the Roman State and what resulted . And they are mortal . It hurt me deeply . No wonder God’s Word states : “ Wherever there are jealousy and contentiousness , there will also be disorder and every vile thing . ” ​ — Jas . Godly wisdom helped him to grasp the principle of relative subjection to secular authorities . It was likely in 47 C.E . , during the apostle Paul’s first visit to Lystra , that Timothy was introduced to Christianity . What glorious future awaits those who now use their God - given freedom wisely ? From Puerto Rico , we visited my family in England several times . In response , some doctors followed her everywhere in the hospital with a syringe , trying to inject her and induce a premature birth . Felisa : I am now 91 years old . One reason that Roman soldiers were so effective is that they practiced with their weapons every day . People may say to us : “ Life is to be enjoyed . 1 , 2 . ( a ) What evidence is there that people are struggling to gain freedom ? SONGS : 124 , 51 When a rich man tried to glorify Jesus with the title “ Good Teacher , ” Jesus modestly replied : “ Why do you call me good ? Cyril quit his job , and within a month they were ready to start pioneering . When I refused , they hauled me before the camp commandant . This article will consider nine ways that we can show love that is “ free from hypocrisy . ” ​ — 2 Cor . “ I ponder over your reminders . ” ​ — PS . Soon Brother Hardaker invited me to accompany him in the field ministry . I started pioneering soon after finishing school . I arrived at Bethel on June 19 , 1950 , and started my new assignment . A few of the talks were quite direct , and some householders did not appreciate the message . This , in turn , helps us to make decisions that leave us with a clean conscience and God’s approval . You might respectfully ask them to relate an experience from their years of service . * Just imagine how thrilled he will be to understand for the first time his vital role in the outworking of Jehovah’s purpose with regard to the promised offspring ! It is unearned and unmerited . Scholar John Parkhurst noted : “ When spoken of God or Christ , it [ that Greek word ] very often particularly refers to their free and undeserved favour or kindness in the redemption and salvation of man . ” What I had told him about my experiences in prison helped him to endure . Moreover , your spiritual progress and course of self - sacrifice can result in priceless benefits to your fellow believers . Jesus promised his followers : “ This is the will of my Father , that everyone who recognizes the Son and exercises faith in him should have everlasting life . ” How different these women are from the woman in the container ! In this article and the next , we will examine how for millenniums Jehovah has directed certain humans to take the lead . ( b ) Why might Jesus have been concerned about unity ? As we discuss each one , we will focus on ( 1 ) what challenges the man faced and ( 2 ) how we can imitate his faith and obedience . Health problems ( See paragraph 15 ) In the world , discipline , including self - discipline , is often sneered at . A Scriptural account in which God’s servants peacefully resolved a potentially divisive issue is the one mentioned earlier involving Abraham and his nephew Lot . The gift of peace . Says Charlotte , who has been in the full - time service for 38 years : “ People today are lost . Christians should weigh the place that secular work has in their heart . ​ — w17.05 , pp . In view of how serious baptism is , three questions deserve our attention . What does the Bible say about baptism ? “ Go , . . . and make disciples of people of all the nations , baptizing them . . . , teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded you . ” ​ — MATT . Consider Moses , who was commissioned to be the leader of the Israelites . Further details on the question of accepting employment that involves being armed are found in The Watchtower of November 1 , 2005 , p . 31 ; and July 15 , 1983 , pp . 25 - 26 . Still , that friend of God did not allow resentment to gnaw away at him . Note that greediness is linked to idolatry . They deserve to be warmly commended . And be open to the possibility that in some way you may have contributed to the rift . 1 : 1 - 3 . So far this article has encouraged you to make up your mind to focus your life on your desire to serve Jehovah . A just and holy God , he could not ignore even accidental bloodshed . “ It will occur ​ — if you do not fail to listen to the voice of Jehovah your God . ” ​ — ZECH . Yes , we can imitate the example of Jesus , for we too are made in God’s image and likeness . At times , though , we may find it difficult to engage in meaningful personal study because of our busy routine . Indeed , all of us can protect ourselves against worldly thinking by following the admonition that Paul gave to the congregation in Colossae : “ Go on walking in wisdom toward those on the outside . . . 51 : 1 , 17 ; 63 : 1 . Bring up the fact that Job lived long before telescopes and spaceships . Being “ a complement ” of him , she would be “ a helper for him ” as they daily brought happiness to each other by fulfilling their roles as husband and wife . In a similar manner , when we have “ the peace of God , ” our hearts and minds remain at rest . LIFE STORY What is the record of Jehovah’s Witnesses regarding collections ? Most of her classmates were sexually active , and after a typical weekend , they boasted of their latest sexual encounters . Advertised public talks ​ — forerunner of the Public Meeting — ​ provided excellent opportunities to present Scriptural truths . For example , are there plans to build a new Kingdom Hall that your congregation will use ? Still , it will do each Christian good to reflect on why that is a valid conviction . Yet , his ministry would be effective only if he would “ pay constant attention ” to his teaching . God’s Word states : “ Strength and joy are in his dwelling place . ” The “ What Does the Bible Really Teach ? ” Jesus often spoke to individuals about the Kingdom . Rather than watching out for their Master , they gave in to the urge of their flesh and went to sleep . On the other hand , the spiritual person understands God’s viewpoint as well as the erroneous course of the physical man . What a privilege it is to be part of Jehovah’s organization ! They had houses to restore , fields to plant , and mouths to feed . Yes , “ the gift God gives is everlasting life by Christ Jesus our Lord . ” ​ — Rom . 6 : 23b . So why would Nathan get involved and risk spoiling their long - standing friendship ? We have to have a good relationship with him . Many of their members enjoyed political power under the Roman administration . The patriarch Jacob struggled and persevered because he loved Jehovah , appreciated spiritual things , and had complete faith in Jehovah’s promise to bless his offspring . ( b ) What assurance do we find at Isaiah 46 : 10 , 11 and 55 : 11 ? Thus we will be proud to identify ourselves as Jehovah’s Witnesses . What is involved in serving Jehovah with “ a complete heart ” ? Noah also succeeded as a family man ​ — and for basically the same reason ; he trusted in God’s wisdom . Or you might feel that reporting his sinful conduct to the elders , who could help him spiritually , would be a betrayal of your friendship . Though they had forgotten Jehovah’s saving acts , God still remembered his people . 9 , 10 . ( a ) What accusation did Satan hurl against Jehovah ? Joseph , though , was a disciple , but he could not bring himself to say so openly . The campaign did indeed result in a widespread witness . Birgit explained , “ Our children are taught to follow God’s standards of conduct , and this includes showing respect for teachers and honoring them . ” All of us desire to be made strong by Jehovah and to remain firm in our worship . We eagerly wanted to spread the good news there . Much of the entertainment industry today has the characteristics of ancient Sodom and Gomorrah . This verse promises that “ the creation itself will also be set free from enslavement to corruption and have the glorious freedom of the children of God . ” Upon reading Jehovah’s command to Adam , many today would say that Adam was denied the freedom to do what he wanted . After deciding a matter , could a Christian change his mind ? ( a ) To make real spiritual progress , what do we need to do ? There I was sentenced to three years in prison on Yíaros ( Gyaros ) , an island about 30 miles ( 50 km ) east of Makrónisos . How will you benefit as God responds when you ask for holy spirit ? An athlete may have a coach , but he also needs to train himself . What will we do if our Christian brothers disappoint us or if we feel that they do not treat us well ? How has God seen to it that such developments do not make his Word unclear to people ? The last mention of Joseph was when Jesus was 12 years old . What can we look forward to if we continue to serve Jehovah whole - souled ? That is what a researcher at the University of Nebraska in the United States wrote after reviewing a number of studies on health . Why did God view them as having served him with a complete heart , and how can we imitate them ? At almost every door , we were able to start a conversation , show one of our videos , and leave literature with the householder . ” The world has a predominant attitude that centers on the flesh . By evening , 2,000 more arrived by boat , car , and special trains . At first , a Xhosa - speaking sister named Noma had reservations about inviting white brothers from an English - language congregation to her modest home . However , there are several other aspects of spirituality that we should consider . What are some ways that we can demonstrate our appreciation for the ministry ? Honest self - appraisal in the light of God’s Word should be a regular part of our thinking . Yet , thanks to Jehovah’s molding , we changed ; we became more like lambs . 130 : 6 . This happened shortly after the apostles died . Is it possible for an aggressive person to become meek ? In what way was Psalm 16 : 10 fulfilled , confirming what about the promise of the resurrection ? My parents did not go , but I did . We can do so by doing things Jehovah’s way . But why do we need to make wise decisions ? That can be your experience too . How can we be organized in harmony with God’s own Book ? I will keep supplying you and your little children with food . ” If we met all of Jehovah’s requirements perfectly , his kindness toward us would be deserved . Two other brothers already working in the same office were Robert Wallen and Charles Molohan . What challenges did you encounter after you moved , and how did you cope with them ? Take Gavin for example . Why did Josiah lose God’s protection and his life ? Even as she approached death , Renee never lost sight of Jehovah’s sovereignty . Why would you like to have the conviction that Martha had ? Similar situations sometimes cause difficulties in congregations of Jehovah’s people today . We need to study God’s Word and meditate on it and then apply what we learn . Sadly , any Christian could begin to walk according to the sinful flesh . How do we show our loyalty to Jehovah when we are making major decisions ? With this prayer , devout Jews declare their exclusive devotion to God . “ May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father , who loved us and gave everlasting comfort and good hope by means of undeserved kindness , comfort your hearts and make you firm . ” ​ — 2 Thess . To say that the man had intense emotions is an understatement . She says , “ I felt that Jehovah blessed me despite the trying experience and gave me enough strength to carry his name in a worthwhile way . ” This helps us to avoid stumbling spiritually , keeping our “ foot ” stable . Jehovah’s counsel would continue to benefit Job even after his trials were over . Christian marriage should begin with a man and a woman who are dedicated to Jehovah and love him wholeheartedly . Did he keep clear in mind the happy hope of life under the promised “ offspring ” ? “ When we saw their spiritual hunger , ” says Sakiko , “ we began to study Portuguese as a family . ” As “ gifts in men , ” the elders ought to take the lead in this regard . ​ — Eph . From a military point of view , it would seem impossible to overcome the Ethiopians , yet “ with God all things are possible . ” Of course , they will be blessed for having followed the counsel to marry “ only in the Lord . ” It represented their subjection to Rome . The farm produce was processed at an on - site cannery . Their loving interest and support have helped this family to let their light shine . Soon after this conversation , Nikolai was summoned to KGB headquarters in Kant . What shows that the first - century Christian congregation was organized ? Some decisions could keep us in financial bondage for years . You can fully trust Jehovah’s compassionate promise : “ Do not be anxious , for I am your God . Happily , in time Federico regained his balance and was later reappointed as a pioneer and a ministerial servant . In the centuries that followed , many in Europe and other parts of the world began to promote translation and distribution of the Bible for the benefit of the common people . The circuit overseer told him : “ I am not here by coincidence . How does this solid hope affect her thinking and actions now ? Some equate propaganda with “ lies , distortion , deceit , manipulation , mind control , [ and ] psychological warfare ” and associate it with “ unethical , harmful , and unfair tactics . ” ​ — Propaganda and Persuasion . 21 : 1 - 3 , 6 , 7 . As they serve with humility , elders earn love , respect , and honor ( See paragraphs 13 - 15 ) Could you serve as a part - time commuter , helping out at a Bethel facility or a remote translation office ? In harmony with Jesus ’ counsel , talk with your brother . When Reuben became guilty of misconduct , the right of firstborn passed to Joseph . In order to prove worthy of the Christ , his disciples have had to endure ridicule or even alienation from their families . In this article , we will consider the following questions : How did Jesus deal with prejudice ? That was how the wealthy Israelite Boaz addressed the Moabitess Ruth . No impostor can fool him ; no shadow is so dark or deep that God’s limitless vision cannot pierce right to the heart of matters . Even poor people can become victims of materialism and can neglect seeking first the Kingdom . ​ — Heb . For instance , some 55 million people were killed in World War II alone . ( b ) What challenges are not unique to young people ? Let us never allow other pursuits and activities to interfere with the means that Jehovah uses to strengthen and encourage us . How can the words found at Romans 14 : 21 move us to respect the conscience of others ? A sister whom we will call Kayla has had to battle with chronic fatigue syndrome , depression , and migraine headaches . Do Not Let Your Love Grow Cold , May Hope keeps us focused on God’s promises and helps us see problems in the right perspective . This adjustment is also reflected in verse 15 , where the two occurrences of the word “ happy ” are now in parallel in a positive or complementary way . Note three ways to do so . “ One by one , he threw away the few nonessential belongings we carried . And consider how much benefit we can draw from the Bible books that Jehovah inspired Paul to write . A year after he married Patsy , a fellow missionary , their baby daughter died . Meditate on it Having and achieving spiritual goals helps our children to counteract pressures from Satan’s system and to focus on what is real ​ — Jehovah . ” Schoolmates often asked whether she was still a virgin . 8 , 9 . ( a ) What might indicate that we are harboring prejudice or racial pride ? Then he told me : “ But where could I go at my age ? “ Eventually , ” he says , “ I saw the benefits of living by Jehovah’s standards . What will help us to show humility ? As you do that , remember that study of the Bible is not a mere academic exercise . David knew that he did not possess anything good that he had not received from Jehovah . ​ — Compare 1 Corinthians 4 : 7 . When parents inculcate Bible truth in their own heart , how does this help them as teachers ? The apostle Paul avoided that trap and set a fine example in showing genuine love in the way he commended others . In addition to this , whether we are brothers or sisters , we certainly have “ plenty to do in the work of the Lord . ” ​ — 1 Cor . He kept training himself . That honest self - evaluation motivated her to move to Ghana to expand her ministry . True Christian faith is based on what fact ? TODAY’S economic system is harsh and unfair . What is the outcome if we maintain a spiritual focus ? We will not be able to do that perfectly . The shards of a 3,000 - year - old ceramic jar unearthed in 2012 recently stirred the interest of researchers . ( b ) How would that gift help Jesus ’ disciples ? My parents suggested that Brother Atkinson have his evening meal with us every night and answer our many Bible questions . The Governing Body henceforth included anointed brothers who were not Society directors . Paul further stated : “ I am saying this so that no one may delude you with persuasive arguments . Two weeks later my older brother , Bogdan , arrived in a camp in the nearby city of Angarsk . Mar . Give Honor to Whom It Is Due , Mar . Most nations today have “ watchmen ” in the form of border patrols and high - tech surveillance systems . We note in chapter 4 of the same Bible book one reason why Jehovah deserves to be honored . Since fleshly attitudes are all around us , we need to put forth real effort to develop spirituality and to guard it once we have it . In harmony with that , family heads and elders who love his sovereignty will not be demanding , as if exercising a small sovereignty of their own . There is no clergy , which cuts costs considerably . ” After viewing the program , why not take time to discuss how to apply the points that were featured ? Therefore , it is crucial to think these matters through before taking that serious step . Show appreciation for the fine efforts and positive qualities of fellow worshippers . The apostle Paul urged those in the congregation : “ Welcome one another , just as the Christ also welcomed you . ” How did he show his faithfulness ? How did he react to their pitiful state ? Thus , people of all walks of life ​ — from the very wealthy to the very poor — ​ had a share . ​ — Luke 21 : 1 - 4 . We always had a regular family study , during which we would act out situations that could happen at school . ( b ) Who today deserve similar encouragement ? But whoever disowns me before men , I will also disown him before my Father who is in the heavens . ” How would you define a presumptuous act ? Moreover , it is the course of wisdom , helping us to avoid being stumbled if some human to whom we showed honor disappoints us . So , then , Matthew describes more of Joseph’s concerns and activities while Luke gives more details about Mary’s role and experiences . Also , pray with them and for them . From Daniel’s prophecy , we understand that God’s Kingdom is a world government in the hands of Christ Jesus . He knew that his faithful apostles could be molded by kind , patient counsel and by their observing his example of humility . What is free will ? When the people complained about Moses ’ leadership , Jehovah asked : “ How much longer will this people treat me without respect ? ” Later , I realized that confidence was no longer an issue . But after having moved to Turkey , I thank Jehovah that he is still showing patience . In line with what David later experienced , Jehovah did not leave Ruth and Naomi in want . 12 - 14 . ( a ) In what ways did Daniel show godly wisdom ? Why is giving good for us ? Such sins might involve a measure of fraud or might include damaging a person’s reputation through slander . Did Asa’s tactic succeed ? Did the Jews have reason to be proud because they were descendants of Abraham ? Many Jews had that deep - seated conviction . Just as husbands can be won without a word by the conduct of their wives , others can be drawn to God by the humility shown by his people . ​ — 1 Pet . Initially , Brother Russell’s goal was to ascertain which of the prevailing religions was teaching the truth . “ Rejoice , young man [ or woman ] , while you are young , and let your heart be glad in the days of your youth . ” “ HOW long ? ” Why is it worth discussing your plans for the future with experienced Christians ? How the brothers rejoiced at that peaceful outcome ! On the contrary , you will remain ​ — alive and joyful — ​ for all eternity ! ARE you dealing with trials , such as ill health , financial problems , or persecution ? Şirin , a sister from Germany , wrote : “ The brothers in Turkey witness informally with great ease . In most cases , these young ones attend congregation meetings and share in the ministry . In 1994 we reached another milestone when the first of our publications was printed in the Kyrgyz language . Her mother , Ruth , a zealous Witness in Wellington , Kansas , continued pioneering into her 90 ’ s . ( Read Proverbs 6 : 16 - 19 ; Rev . Similar situations have arisen today . He also spoke with Matthew Levi , a tax collector . 8 Are You Taking Refuge in Jehovah ? Should we fear that the Devil or the demons might hear our prayers and interfere ? But that counsel does not mean that our material provisions should dominate our thinking . Despite the obstacles , Sylviana’s dream had come true ​ — and what a fine blessing she received ! You would have no reliable advice for day - to - day living . Jehovah was deeply hurt . Do research . But where ? In doing so , they may sacrifice all modesty . For example , he does not provide a detailed dress code for Christians . The elders directed the couple’s attention to Jesus ’ example . A Christian could even become puffed up with pride over how many like his postings , even taking offense if they cease to follow him . Blossom related : “ He had all of us get on our knees , and he offered a prayer . Moreover , Jehovah foretold through the prophet Zephaniah : “ I will change the language of the peoples to a pure language [ of Scriptural truth ] , so that all of them may call on the name of Jehovah , to serve him shoulder to shoulder [ or , “ worship him in unity , ” ftn . ] . ” Hannah , a faithful servant of old , dearly wanted a son but had been unable to bear children . In 1947 , I returned to Karachi in search of work . 7 , 8 . ( a ) What Bible examples show that Jehovah considers it important to give encouragement ? ( a ) What did the apostle Paul say about encouragement ? I started with my siblings . If we shun “ the showy display of [ our ] means of life ” and are known by our neighbors as peace - loving Witnesses of Jehovah , we may avoid being targeted by violent criminals . ​ — 1 John 2 : 16 ; Prov . 18 : 13 ; 22 : 24 - 27 ; Jer . Shepherding visits offer us the opportunity to seek wisdom from God’s Word ( See paragraphs 18 , 19 ) Jehovah will see to it that we have what we really need . How should appointed men respond to the direction they receive from God’s organization ? Ah , but take away all those negative factors ​ — what relief ! I also saw the loving support the local congregation gave to my parents . As told by William Samuelson Jehovah is the Maker of heaven and earth , the Sovereign of the universe . Either we remain loyal to Jehovah or we place ourselves in Satan’s camp . The purpose of recreation is to refresh and rejuvenate us . Hence , the apostles might have wondered , ‘ Will Jehovah now appoint a new leader ? ’ No doubt you have often used a greeting such as that . More than any other Bible writer , John used the Greek verb that is sometimes translated “ exercise faith . ” Those flying bombs were called doodlebugs . Even some opposers acknowledge this fact . Her heart rejoiced in Jehovah . ​ — 1 Sam . 2 : 1 , 2 ; read Psalm 61 : 1 , 5 , 8 . has often presented interviews with scientists and others who have explained why they now believe in God . At the same time , Stephanie kept her life simple , which allowed her to set aside funds to support herself while serving abroad . I didn’t want to argue with him , but I felt misjudged and upset for quite a while . He said : “ ‘ You must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind . ’ 50 : 21 . One limitation imposed on the competence of Jewish courts , however , concerned the execution of criminals ​ — a right that the Romans generally reserved for themselves . 34 : 8 . 17 Joseph of Arimathea Takes a Stand We trust that the Bible - based prospect of entering into God’s rest is really possible , and we have taken steps to enter . Likely , she already knows the answer , even though her husband is not with her . What methods should be used ? What assurance can God’s people today draw from Zechariah’s prophecy about the chariots and their riders ? It helps us keep a balanced view of secular authorities and motivates us in our witnessing work . ( See paragraph 20 ) None of those trials were beyond human experience or above the ability of faithful Israelites to bear . Who shared in it ? They simply convey Jehovah’s message , which is a part of their preaching work , done under angelic direction . ​ — Rev . Being humble will help us to promote peace and unity in the congregation . In like manner , brothers and sisters who desire to serve as pioneers , as Bethelites , or as Kingdom Hall construction volunteers do well to stretch forward to attain their goals . Some new husbands and wives do not find this to be easy . These positive qualities that are produced by God’s active force reflect the very personality of the almighty God . The apostle Paul gives us the reason in his letter to Hebrew Christians . By then Jerusalem , their greatest reason to rejoice in Jehovah , had been desolated . By climbing to the roof of their house , they barely escaped the tsunami . After his resurrection , Jesus addressed hundreds of his disciples and told them : “ Go , therefore , and make disciples of people of all the nations , baptizing them . . . , teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded you . ” Yet , if Jesus was to receive a dignified burial , someone would have to ask Pilate to release the body . As they preach the Kingdom message , new publishers need to learn that perseverance is sometimes necessary . Jehovah did not give humans the right to rule over other humans when he created them . How can we build appreciation for God’s discipline ? Include spiritual discussions in your daily activities . He had some firm counsel to give to certain congregations in Asia Minor , but notice how he went about it . When we understand our assignment as clearly as Jesus understood his , we will avoid even lending tacit , or unspoken , support for political independence movements . The visitors turned out to be two Witnesses who regularly called on the woman . The church was horrified . An estimated 12.4 million people were displaced during 2015 alone . In Eden , what did Jehovah reveal about our enemy ? Overcoming this trial was not easy . And how can we show our appreciation for having access to God’s Word in a language we can understand ? Paul traveled far and wide in what is now Turkey , as well as in Greece and Italy , establishing Christian congregations among non - Jews . He or she might become like those in the first - century congregation in Ephesus of whom Jesus said : “ You have left the love you had at first . ” As we reason on godly principles , our conscience becomes a more reliable guide ( See paragraph 16 ) For example , consider the suggestions we have been given regarding our Bible students . The whole family enjoyed his visits because he was joyful and had a good sense of humor . It seems likely that prejudice had kindled their animosity . Another faith - strengthening aspect to consider is the courage and honesty of the men who wrote the Bible . Because Noah , Daniel , and Job searched for Jehovah with all their heart , he let himself be found by them . Happy are all those keeping in expectation of him . ” Rather , let us use the tools provided by Jehovah’s organization to help our student deepen his or her love for the Bible . Rahab is another example of courage . When Arthur returned a year later , we were assigned to the district work and covered Scotland , northern England , and Northern Ireland . Luke adds that Mary was deeply affected by all these events . Satan and his world are constantly seeking to weaken or destroy our appreciation for the spiritual treasures we have discussed in this article . Why are mild - tempered ones happy ? Nevertheless , we should strive to do so , even as Paul did . Their feet are fastened securely in stocks , and their backs are still aching from the beatings they had just received . the role of the elders in helping a person recover from a serious sin ? The elders also gave the couple some practical suggestions on how they could work together to have family worship with their two children . They felt that they had to be honest , and they used this opportunity to talk about Jehovah’s Witnesses and to leave some literature with the family . When praying with them , he spoke of his desire that all his disciples be one , just as he and his Father are one . We can trust that it will be thrilling to observe personally how Jehovah handles those matters . Rather than order the Israelites to respect foreigners , Jehovah appealed to their empathy . This may have made them more acceptable to the offended widows . “ Children . . . need encouragement like plants need water , ” explains educator Timothy Evans . Like Paul , James explained that true Christian faith is not just a matter of believing ; action is involved . The circuit overseer tries to get to know the men who are recommended and to work with them in the field service if possible . How did you feel when we discussed Jehovah’s qualities and when you heard how your brothers feel about him ? He spoke about the matter to an elder , who asked Christoph to think about certain dangers before making a decision , such as the risk of getting infected by the spirit of competition . You can compare your efforts at increasing joy to stoking a fire . There will be complete unity between the heavenly and earthly parts of his family . That is so no matter where they live , what their culture is , or what the climate is . Another way is to heed their Scriptural counsel . For example , we will become more pleasing to our heavenly Father as we joyfully serve him no matter what problems we may face . But note what the prophet Isaiah stated : “ Jehovah of armies ​ — he is the One you should regard as holy . ” The thought of such a change appealed to us . His servants are happy because they focus on helping others . Their words encouraged us to make the move . ( Read Psalm 10 : 4 . ) Jehovah has allowed time to pass because he does not want anyone to be destroyed but “ desires all to attain to repentance . ” ​ — 2 Pet . Jehovah has been waiting patiently for thousands of years so that the moral issues raised in the garden of Eden could eventually be settled beyond a doubt . The Bible reveals that faithful servants in the past often felt that they could not go on . Many specialists said that inert IUDs caused a reaction in the uterus that interfered with sperm reaching and fertilizing a woman’s eggs . The Israelites offered animal sacrifices , and Christians have always been well - known for their “ sacrifice of praise . ” The Bible gives sound counsel that can help a couple to have a balanced view of the marital due . We also contribute to peace when we approach government officials in a respectful way ​ — including those who may oppose our work . Consider what else Jehovah has done for his people . She was ordered to uproot trees , even in freezing weather . 33 : 1 - 3 . Robert himself did not perceive what was wrong until later when he got married . The prophet Jeremiah loved Scriptural truth . How do many people view their work ? They also did not have to share in military service . How can you try to avoid such an outcome and help your child to “ grow to salvation ” ? What has Shebna’s experience taught you about God’s discipline ? Is her husband completely opposed to her going out in service , or is he asking her to do something else just that one day ? Soon the earth will be filled with those who prefer Jehovah’s sovereignty over any other . True , we cannot eliminate all the grief or completely fill the void caused by the death of a loved one , but we can bring a measure of comfort and consolation by taking practical action to assist the bereaved . They were rich , rewarding years , full of encouraging experiences . They wanted to read and study and converse with one another without being told what to think . As evidence of their humility , they refuse to let themselves be treated as celebrities . The reality that languages change over time also applies to the languages into which the Bible has been translated . However , we have limitations . I will never forget when my husband told me that he wanted to come to a meeting with me . Widen out in your brotherly affection . Think about the good effect that Bible teachings can have on a person . They say it daily , morning and evening . Set appropriate priorities , have realistic expectations , daily make room for some quiet time , enjoy God’s creation , keep a sense of humor , and get regular exercise and enough sleep . ​ — w16.12 , pp . He also shows keen interest in each individual . How was Marthe helped during a period of depression ? About 12 elderly Witnesses met there for worship . Because of their conduct during the war , the Bible Students came under official scrutiny . The householder was so moved by those words that he asked our brother to read the scripture a second time . They will share with Jesus in “ the healing of the nations , ” directing obedient humans to the means to become free from the burden of sin and death and raising them to perfection . ​ — Read Revelation 22 : 1 , 2 , 17 . Are we not drawn to Jehovah by such loyal love ? 4 : 6 , 7 . In prayer , she vowed to Jehovah that if she would bear a son , she would “ give him to Jehovah all the days of his life . ” Some agencies have threatened to cut off assistance or deny our brothers asylum if they refuse to accept employment that requires them to miss meetings . Not long thereafter , when I was 17 years old , I received an invitation to start serving at Brooklyn Bethel on September 19 , 1955 . How can elders discern heartfelt repentance ? Escape From Slavery , No . 2 14 : 6 . Keep your mind and heart open to the influence of the holy spirit In those days , there were two congregations in Pine Bluff ​ — one white and one “ colored , ” or black . The article noted that the first - century governing body authorized traveling overseers to make such appointments . Could he not see the seriousness of his conduct ? He will never forget the loving sacrifices of all these faithful ones . The doctor put his face right up in front of Father’s and said , “ Why don’t you hit me , you yellow coward ! ” We cooperate with them as they perform their duties . “ Who ” was the meaning given in the earlier rendering . But why is intense effort necessary on our part ? Remembering their vow to love each other and to be faithful to each other will help God - fearing marriage mates work together in harmony with Jehovah’s lofty principles to resolve any problems that may arise . Ask yourself , ‘ How often has a talk or an article in one of our journals moved me to make adjustments in my thinking or conduct ? ’ These qualities will help you if the government does something that is dishonest or unjust . Unitedly , both groups serve together today as Jehovah’s people under one King , Jesus Christ , who is spoken of prophetically as “ my servant David . ” To reach a certain destination safely , he usually must follow a preapproved flight path . We can invite new publishers to accompany us when we make return visits and conduct home Bible studies . Clearly , people who lack self - control are causing problems for themselves and for others . Today , idolatry can take many forms , some of which might be hard to recognize . 32 A Bible Name on an Ancient Jar Gift Annuity : Money or securities donated to an entity used by Jehovah’s Witnesses under an arrangement where the donor receives a specified annuity payment every year for life . To us , stars are indeed without number ! Jehovah richly rewarded the endurance shown by Louis and Perrine . For example , Jesus once made wine , and Paul told Timothy to take “ a little wine . ” I wasn’t very good , so after a few bouts , I gave it up . But if you see a man at my funeral who does not seem to belong there , talk to him , and please read this little blue book [ referring to the Bible study aid “ The Truth That Leads to Eternal Life ” that he had received years before ] . Some individuals were ‘ not working at all but were meddling with what did not concern them . ’ Well , though “ Jehovah blessed the last part of Job’s life more than the beginning , ” restoration and recovery must have taken time . “ Then why do you take the silver coin ? ” the visitor asked . “ In October 2014 , we attended the Bible School for Christian Couples * in France , ” says Louis . You might even use a recipe to help your child build faith in God . After a few months there , I was allowed to leave . How does Jehovah teach his people to manifest compassion ? How can you benefit from considering the accounts of the four kings as set out in this article ? In addition , as noted above , thousands of people around the globe have begun to study the Bible and to learn of the expressions of God’s purpose . Should we not feel similar compassion for people who could potentially repent over a sinful life course and gain God’s favor ? Such loving expressions of concern may have a positive effect . Janet concluded that she needed to take that truth more to heart . By no means ! This article explains , and it shows why we should have a like desire to praise our God . How can bad association affect our whole life ? ( Read Matthew 22 : 16 - 18 . ) You can be certain that God can reward his faithful ones and help them deal with anxiety about the past , the present , and the future . According to custom , the jailer may have been a retired army veteran . He told the first - century Jewish religious leaders : “ Isaiah aptly prophesied about you hypocrites , as it is written , ‘ This people honor me with their lips , but their hearts are far removed from me [ Jehovah ] . How did Jehovah impress on the Israelites the sanctity of human life ? But David later committed adultery with Bath - sheba , and she became pregnant . What important fact must parents recognize ? To keep their focus on this goal , John says that he changed jobs many times in order to maintain a simple lifestyle . Daniel , aged 21 , says : “ Teachers and fellow students made fun of me because I live by Bible standards . He was attending meetings at the Kingdom Hall , but he did not want to have a Bible study . They also see your struggle , but they are cheering you on ! ( See paragraph 15 ) The point is , Joseph recognized that it was Jehovah who had rewarded him and blessed him . ​ — Gen . The early sections of his journal were dark and gloomy , but his more recent entries were different . Jehovah’s Purpose Will Be Fulfilled ! We too have choices and decisions to make . The Septuagint is the first known written translation of the entire Hebrew Scriptures . What past events gave Christians a basis for confidence that there will be a resurrection ? Or we may be able to give practical support to brothers and sisters who move to areas within the country , or even abroad , to serve where the need for Kingdom publishers is greater . Those words strengthened her . First , the arrangement for elders to handle cases of serious sin comes from Jehovah , as outlined in his Word . That was the situation when John wrote to Gaius . If you hear a worldly idea that seems to challenge your faith , research what God’s Word says on the subject and discuss the matter with an experienced fellow believer . Or were these individuals simply unaware of all the facts , or were they caught off guard ? The Bible is clear on this too . Yet , he refused to turn stones into bread when he was hungry and was tempted by the Devil in the wilderness . Jehovah can help us to conquer the seemingly unconquerable if we remain faithful to him He freely admitted : “ I am telling the truth in Christ . . . 9 : 2 , 6 , 7 ; Rev . What awaits those who prove their appreciation for God’s undeserved kindness ? Think about the many organizational changes that have been made during the past decade ​ — and bear in mind that Jehovah is behind such developments . This is an important part of the work of bearing thorough witness to the good news of the undeserved kindness of God . How different things are for us ! * What , then , is the fruitage that Christ’s followers need to bear ? No matter what our mother tongue is or where we live , we can shine “ as illuminators in the world . ” ​ — Phil . We too can choose to worship Jehovah . Even when governments seem to be good , they cannot solve all problems . Some of them have been tortured , put in prison , and even killed because they stayed faithful to Jehovah . As parents , you can plant and water . But our secular employment should not be the main thing in our life . ( b ) What situation can pose a challenge to Christian unity ? Neither are we to rely on “ the strong legs of a man , ” acting as if we or some other human could bring salvation . How comforting it is to be aware of the loving care that we receive from Jehovah because of his generous kindness ! But when speakers from Bethel visited , my mother often had them stay in our home . Could you rely on such a long - term promise , whether the promise was about someone who just died or one who had been dead for a long time ? She came to life right away , and Peter “ presented her alive ” to fellow Christians . No . 5 Who Is the Devil ? No . 2 It does , however , warn against the excessive use of alcohol , as well as drunkenness . She and her husband decided to adopt a child . Then , instead of having to “ weep with those who weep , ” all earth’s inhabitants will “ rejoice with those who rejoice . ” ​ — Rom . This includes making sure that they and their children strive to make God’s heart rejoice by their modest style of dress and grooming . The Messiah would be rejected and die , but he would be raised to life again to be the chief cornerstone . Why did John urge Gaius to continue showing hospitality when he was already doing so ? 16 Will You Resolve Conflicts and Promote Peace ? For example , early in the year 2001 , Pope John Paul II stated in a letter : “ Over the years , I have often repeated the summons to the new evangelization . I do so again now . . . What is more , Jehovah will continue to mold us by means of his Word , spirit , and organization so that one day we will be able to stand before him as perfect “ children of God . ” ​ — Rom . Yes , we can be certain that Jehovah , “ the Judge of all the earth , ” will always do what is right , “ for all his ways are justice . ” ​ — Gen . 19 : 35 . Think of situations that might lead to conflict , and determine how to handle them . Negative speech may cause a problem to get out of control ( See paragraph 14 ) Zechariah has had eight visions that he alone observed . ( S . Hamilton ) , No . Well , one reason is that it helps imperfect humans learn why they need to keep peace . Thousands of young Christian men and women are willing to sacrifice getting married or are choosing not to have children , at least for now . He knows this and has lovingly made provision for us by means of Christ’s ransom . That led to many wonderful experiences because I met many wise ones and worked with them . Your faithfully worshipping Jehovah can help you to do the same . In the main , these are ones who follow their cravings , impulses , and passions , whether sexual or otherwise . The writer of Third John calls himself “ the older man . ” Heading to Gilead School aboard the Queen Elizabeth Sometimes , however , our unity can be threatened by prejudice . It came from reliance on Jehovah . There is no indication in the Scriptures that he lost his privileges . Jesus knew that like the steward who found himself in a difficult situation , most of Jesus ’ followers would need to make a living in this unjust commercial world . Uncleanness . Could not Jehovah simply override our wrong inclinations to the point that we could display godly qualities with minimal effort ? 2 : 17 ; 1 John 3 : 13 . What you vow , pay . ” Our website contains articles designed to help young people work out for themselves how to answer that question . It is full of expressions of faith , praise , and appreciation . ​ — 1 Sam . We have enjoyed 51 years of satisfying service together as a married couple . 24 : 45 - 47 . His wife did not like Jehovah’s Witnesses . I did not have that book , but I wanted one . Still , the clergy had Wycliffe’s bones exhumed and burned and the ashes thrown into the river Swift . Micah realized that he could not personally change these conditions . Ask them what work is practical for pioneers . Having learned John’s native Gujarati , the Witness answered him from the Bible and gave him the booklet “ This Good News of the Kingdom . ” As noted , both types of IUDs appear to alter the lining of the uterus . That will not be the time for him to show compassion for those whom he has judged to be wicked . To find lists of names of brothers who are in prison , see the article on called “ Jehovah’s Witnesses Imprisoned for Their Faith ​ — By Location , ” which can be found under NEWSROOM > LEGAL DEVELOPMENTS . This would include being alert to indications of spiritual progress . Why can we trust that the coming resurrection will be orderly ? Many felt as did Mabel Philbrick , who said : “ How thrilling it was to know that we were again to have a work to do ! ” Jehovah was no doubt pleased to hear his worshippers enthusiastically praising him in song . On our own , we can never eliminate imperfection , sin , and death ; neither can we control other people , for all have free will . All of this may indicate that he is making spiritual progress , but does it mean that he has gained wisdom ? The lesson we can learn from Hezekiah involves the heart . Even when his patience was tested , Jesus was kind and loving . With Jehovah’s help , thousands of brothers and sisters have succeeded in overcoming obstacles that hindered them from expanding their ministry . 6 : 19 , 20 , 24 . Now , however , by word and example , Adolfo teaches others to be mild - tempered . In time , his mother arranged for an elder to contact her son in prison , and Hans began to study the Bible . The conversation that ensued shows that Boaz was clearly concerned about Ruth and her precarious situation as a foreigner . Help him to prepare for the meetings with the goal of commenting . Even so , despite the bitter persecution they endured , adds the author , the Witnesses showed “ dependability and equanimity [ calmness under stress ] ” as well as “ integrity and solidarity . ” He contends that God’s rulership is corrupt and that Jehovah withholds the best from his creatures . Henri was encouraged by a circuit overseer who took him to a café for a cup of coffee and allowed him to open his heart . Consider the example of Hans , who serves as an elder in a congregation in Austria . Despite the people’s indifference , Noah faithfully proclaimed the warning message that he had been given . Their love for Jehovah and their strong faith in the promise that he will correct all injustices and reward his faithful servants with everlasting life in a new world of righteousness . ​ — Read Psalm 37 : 5 , 7 , 9 , 29 . For example , the disciple James had to counsel his brothers for favoring the rich over the poor . Yes , they need a conviction that is so strong that it moves them to dedicate themselves to Jehovah and to serve him wholeheartedly . A financial crisis or uncertainty about employment has an impact on honesty . Words and expressions may come to mean something completely different . We do not need detailed lists saying which styles of dress are acceptable and which are objectionable . As had happened before , a dispute arose over “ which one of them was considered to be the greatest . ” So it was fitting that the two - tribe kingdom would be represented by the stick that was “ for Judah . ” Some 400 years later , Jehovah said of himself : “ The Rock , perfect is his activity , for all his ways are justice . As a youth , ask yourself : ‘ Am I participating in spiritual activities just because my parents expect me to ? ( a ) What observation did King Solomon make ? For a brief period , Hezekiah’s “ heart became haughty . ” For what purpose have we been set free ? To set the stage for doing so , let us consider some real - life situations . 3 : 8 . Sadly , my dear wife , Maria , died in 2014 . Some lose their job and have a hard time finding another source of income . Being brought to righteousness . Rather , it reflected their differing opinions of John Mark’s qualifications for missionary service . ​ — Acts 15 : 36 - 40 . What is it that enables them to do this ? The earth will be transformed into a paradise , and all faithful humans will be lifted to perfection , fully uniting the heavenly and earthly parts of God’s family . “ My sons , . . . listen to discipline and become wise . ” ​ — PROV . He relates : “ After our last move , my wife said , ‘ All my friends are in our previous congregation ! ’ ” Adam and Eve no doubt felt the same . First , his brothers sold him into slavery when he was about 17 years old . Imagine a world without warfare , sickness , or death ! At times , though , discipline may involve more than counsel or oral correction . Yes , hundreds of years in advance , the prophetic statement at Psalm 118 : 22 indicated that a resurrection would occur . He obviously put faith in Jehovah’s promises to him and his forefathers and wanted to act in harmony with God’s will and purpose . Like Noah , however , we fear Jehovah , not men . 13 Do You Remember ? Why is a sister named Nadia glad she stayed in the foreign - language congregation ? If we love God’s Kingdom as much as the merchant loved the pearl , what will we do ? An obvious way to prove ourselves faithful with our material things is by contributing financially to the worldwide preaching work that Jesus foretold would take place . How often do you hear people say , “ I’m not interested ” ? It will happen after the initial part of the great tribulation has passed but before the battle of Armageddon . Of course , being confronted with new challenges is not unique to young people . If you see evidence that a close family member is having a change of heart , you could pray that he or she gain strength from the Scriptures and respond to Jehovah’s appeal : “ Return to me . ” ​ — Isa . The islanders were friendly religious people who knew the Bible well . Undoubtedly , slavery and freedom were topics on the minds of the common people , including Christians . What evidence gives us confidence that it is possible to turn our back on sin ? Deuteronomy 32 : 4 Keep a sense of humor . The local sisters , their children , and my Bible students patiently helped me to master the language . Still , the elders are careful to allow individual brothers and sisters to make their own decisions . Filip and Ida , a middle - aged pioneer couple from Denmark , always dreamed of moving to a territory where the need is greater . The man who had lost it was astonished ​ — as was his family . Baptism is a requirement for Christians , and it is an essential step to gaining salvation . ​ — Matt . In August 1997 our long - standing dream was realized . We might wonder , ‘ Is there such a thing as love with hypocrisy ? ’ He said , “ If someone has given you a copy , give it to me or throw it away ! ” “ By long forbearing and calmness of spirit a . . . ruler is persuaded , and soft speech breaks down the most bonelike resistance . ” ​ — Prov . They cared for the spiritual needs of God’s people , stating : “ We will devote ourselves to prayer and to the ministry of the word . ” What will help young ones to be obedient to their parents ? Those who love God’s Word have long recognized that fact . By displaying a peaceable and reasonable spirit , we give evidence that we have acquired godly wisdom . Daniel recalls , “ I had the feeling that Jehovah was talking to me . ” How does 2 Timothy 1 : 7 help us to identify the fundamental source of courage ? At work ? Jesus spoke of his disciples ’ angels looking upon the face of God . 34 : 1 ; 51 : 15 . When we show love , the benefits are far - reaching . However , Jehovah reserved the joy of naming those creatures for his first human son . Yet , with Jehovah’s merciful help , we can succeed in becoming the sort of person he wants us to be . Subjects of Rome , including those who listened to Jesus , were required to pay many taxes , such as on goods , land , and houses . It is time to listen quietly to the beautiful music of the Watchtower orchestra and , most important , prepare our mind and heart for the talks that will follow . However , our freedom could become “ a cover for doing wrong ” if we chose to become slaves of our own fleshly desires or if we adopted the disgraceful fads and trends of the world . How can we show faith like that of Jephthah and his daughter ? After Jesus fed about 5,000 men , he sensed the mood among the people . What confidence can we have in Jehovah ? ( Read Proverbs 29 : 21 . ) Taking an interest in older ones is very upbuilding ( See paragraph 11 ) When I turned 18 , I was imprisoned for nine months because I refused to perform military service . ( b ) In view of Jesus ’ words recorded at Matthew 5 : 14 - 16 , what will we consider ? You cannot become overconfident . 20 : 12 ; Eph . Or am I dead with reference to sin ? Any dissent from what the church taught was severely punished . The Bible , however , encourages Christians to be mild - tempered . 14 , 15 . ( a ) What alternative is there to “ setting the mind on the flesh ” ? She achieved her goal in July 1940 , at age 15 . Why should you continue to work to understand and apply what the Bible tells us about showing honor ? Fortunately , early in 1941 , the Allied army briefly entered Greece and Nicolas was released from jail . Conversations . There are millions of brothers and sisters who can assure you that it has helped them . But God’s Word provides wise advice for all who choose to get married , for the loving Originator of marriage wants each couple to have a good measure of success and happiness in their married life . The six cities of refuge were easy to access . 1 : 26 , 27 ; Eph . Yet , Paul and other Christians did not speak disrespectfully of the Law ; they were able to witness in many Jewish communities without interference . Jehovah’s purpose regarding pure worship “ will occur . ” Would you not agree that Jehovah is worthy of all the glory and honor that we can give him by offering the best that we have ? Some of God’s people who sinned grievously but who repented have felt “ imprisoned ” by their guilt , even feeling that Jehovah will forever view them as tainted by gross wrongdoing . Nevertheless , the Scriptures identify Jehovah as the actual Lawgiver , and Moses himself was subject to that Law . If you feel this way , strive to put your loyalty to Jehovah ahead of your love for your family . He said that it should not be possible to do what we do . A few months later , she moved to Massachusetts to serve where the need for Kingdom publishers was greater . I had no desire to stay in the military service , so after finishing my service time of two years , I was honorably discharged in 1956 . Does this Bible account contain a lesson that we are wise to apply within God’s organization today ? But first , let us focus on Jehovah’s ability to strengthen us , as shown at Isaiah 40 : 26 - 31 . The Yearbook account commented that the grateful guests found these “ beds softer and warmer than the cement floor . ” Working alongside her fueled my desire to move abroad . ” Most of Lije’s family eventually spent years in United Nations refugee camps . Some brothers and sisters may at one time have been like those in Corinth . Will you instead ‘ present yourself to God as alive from the dead ’ ? Their first language , style of clothing , manners , and food may not be what you are accustomed to . Set the example by honoring your mate . What if your spouse tries to limit your worship ? At the end of the book of Daniel , we read God’s assurance to him : “ As for you , go on to the end . How will he react to the praise ? Summarize the benefits of being focused on spiritual goals early in life . Jesus even gave his own life in behalf of mankind , though many hated him . SOMETIME during King Jeroboam’s reign , Jehovah sent a certain prophet from Judah to deliver a scathing judgment message to that apostate king of Israel . He was saying that angels are interested in his disciples , not that angels are miraculously protecting each one of them . ​ — wp17.5 , p . Paul wrote : “ [ Jesus ] says : ‘ Look ! Since one individual would not be able to go to “ all the nations , ” this work would require the organized efforts of many . Ida and Filip There has been opposition to the translation of the Bible into common languages . ​ — w17.09 , pp . Even if we might not have spoken of it in those terms , we “ were set free from sin ” and we “ became slaves to righteousness . ” In many cases , publishers have called on individuals who had just been praying for help ! On the other hand , the apostle Paul was sent by the holy spirit to preach to the people of the nations of the Greco - Roman world , who worshipped many gods . ​ — Gal . It is not Jehovah’s way to provide a specific command for every situation . Beyond that mechanism , it is held that the hormone in these IUDs thins the lining of the uterus . The apostle Paul endeavored to understand “ people of all sorts ” in order to share the good news with them , and a similar approach can help us as well . ​ — 1 Cor . My family and I later started to use video chats . ( 4 ) Trust in God when facing opposers . As the public speaker delivers his talk , you are likely thinking about that visitor . Consider Sylviana , mentioned in the introduction to this article . So when we choose to obey his command to attend meetings , we show him that we love him and that we believe he has the right to tell us what to do . But what if you find it hard to study God’s Word ? He wanted to learn more but was afraid of what others would say if he spoke with Jesus in public . When I was eight years old , my parents sold their home and shops , built a small mobile home , and moved to Colorado to serve where the need was greater . However , what Paul wrote in chapter 7 gives us a clue as to the “ flesh ” spoken of at Romans 8 : 4 - 13 . “ Although I was only 13 at the time , ” she says , “ that was what I wanted to do ; I wanted to pioneer . ” Or someone may have hurt you in the past , and you find it hard to forget . Yes , God’s mighty hand enabled the Israelites to win the battle . ​ — Ex . This is called alluvial gold . ( Read Psalm 83 : 18 . ) They are led to believe that advanced education opens the door to high - paying and prestigious jobs , and statistics are often presented to show the gap in earnings between graduates from such institutions and those who completed only basic schooling . Loving discipline can be God’s way of molding us , so let us remain malleable in his hands . Rather than give in , Moses courageously took a stand for pure worship . Anyone can act immodestly if he allows himself temporarily to be overcome by fleshly desires . ( Read Genesis 3 : 1 - 5 ; Rev . 39 : 21 - 23 . What are some benefits of showing honor to those in positions of authority ? What can help you to develop and maintain your interest in others ? The “ party followers of Herod ” who raised this issue hoped that if Jesus denounced the tax , he might be accused of sedition . Jehovah wants to hear from you . Thus , in April 1949 , my mother and I disposed of the furniture in our rented house and moved to Middleton , near Manchester , where we began pioneering . Can you imagine a world without warfare , sickness , or death ? We corresponded for some time and later married . Then the elders arranged for the circuit overseer to make a shepherding visit on Takuya . Chris came to see that his weaknesses were pride and a reluctance to accept direction . Many had to strip off these harmful ways before being able to clothe themselves with the new personality . ​ — Read Psalm 37 : 8 - 11 . What should be the motive for doing the preaching work ? Jesus ’ apostles often quarreled over who was the greatest among them , but Jesus patiently encouraged them to humble themselves and to become servants , not bosses . These include education , employment , and family life . The family wanted to give Haykanush some money as a reward , which she declined . After all those Sundays of churchgoing with my mother , I still had very little Bible knowledge . In his life story , Brother Diehl related : “ In May 1949 , I informed headquarters in Bern that I planned to marry . ” Remember , he is one of Jehovah’s friends . Ultimately , Joseph realized that the wait was worth it . What about the use of an IUD ? Many of those extremists followed the ideas of Judas the Galilean . Is that sad news ? At times , he uses terror tactics ​ — “ one of the oldest of all forms of propaganda . ” This helps us to preach the good news about God’s Kingdom . How will Jehovah’s purpose be fulfilled ? We can all have a share in the great teaching campaign that Jehovah is having done today . You have likely read and greatly enjoyed a number of these experiences as published in The Watchtower in the series “ The Bible Changes Lives . ” When the wife does not become pregnant , she may feel much emotional distress . John said : “ It was in behalf of his name that they went out . ” Why does the Bible mention such conflicts ? Thanks to Jehovah , I even started a Bible study with my formerly opposed grandmother . ” Ezekiel was not involved in either the marking work or the destruction itself . The resulting collection of Bible books came to be known as the Greek Septuagint . Another way to gain friendship with Jehovah is by minimizing our involvement with the commercial world and using our circumstances to seek “ true ” riches . Is this because there are not even ten Jewish males in the city , the number required to form a synagogue ? My parents separated and then divorced . He understands the processes involved and has the ability to undo any damage . Second , the ability to resist temptation and to control inappropriate impulses is fundamental to retaining God’s favor . ( c ) What can you do to cultivate spirituality ? For 40 years , Jehovah supplied manna and water for the nation of Israel while they were in the wilderness . What makes anger so dangerous , and what warning does the Bible give ? 10 : 11 . What may alleviate worries about having guests ? When tips are not forthcoming , officials may deliberately create obstacles to make it very difficult , if not impossible , for citizens to obtain what is their legal right . Similarly , parental discipline and example have the goal of teaching children self - control . She did not take this right for granted as if others owed her something . Do I view a mild temper as a sign of strength or of weakness ? How did Jehovah’s words “ trickle as the dew ” ? Moses , their leader for the past 40 years , wanted the people to be courageous when facing the challenges ahead . He wrote : “ The one who peers into the perfect law that belongs to freedom and continues in it . . . will be happy in what he does . ” How should those with an unbelieving mate view their situation ? Bearing in mind that all of us will render an account to God should move marriage mates to make earnest efforts to resolve problems quickly so that these do not become more serious . To whom does the list of qualities found at 2 Timothy 3 : 2 - 5 apply ? The Bible tells us that he is far superior to all men who are or have been kings . A loving husband tries to gain his wife’s respect by earning it rather than demanding it . We had been in unassigned territory for some years , and now it was a wonderful blessing to be among so many brothers and sisters . These children were actually losing their identity as God’s servants because they could not fully understand the meaning of God’s Word . ​ — Neh . It is a private decision . Divorce was allowed , but it too was regulated . In the Bible , the word “ heart ” usually refers to a man’s inner self . It encompasses his desires , thinking , disposition , attitudes , abilities , motivations , and goals . His adoring crowd shouted : “ A god’s voice , and not a man’s ! ” Also , Noah knew that humans were told to reproduce and fill the earth . They have to go and find it , but the food is there in abundance . Not only that , but God’s spirit could empower Paul to perform tasks that he would never have been able to complete in his own power . Ask questions . In this article , we will consider not only Naboth’s experience but also that of a faithful elder in the first - century Christian congregation who made an error in judgment . Boarding a bus going anywhere else would mean that you would head in the wrong direction . What a reunion that was ! Are the study guides found on available in your language ? It is best , in a relaxed setting , to invite your children to express their feelings . So let us consider the following questions : How does Jehovah view strangers ? How can modesty help us to make better decisions ? The Samaritan people were ethnically and religiously distinct from the Jews . ( a ) Relate the experience one brother had . ( b ) How have you witnessed the power of God’s Word in your ministry ? We will examine three reasons . In view of his past record of faithfulness , those who love him and obey him can trust that he will keep this twofold promise regarding trials they may face : ( 1 ) He will not allow any trial to develop to a point that would make it impossible to bear , and ( 2 ) “ he will . . . make the way out ” for them . “ Do you promise ? ” Why ? Those selfish ones were seeking prominence . We need to take time to isolate portions of the verse ​ — perhaps rereading key words — ​ and explain their meaning . The Governing Body makes important decisions collectively . ( b ) What is your favorite portion of the Hebrew Scriptures ? For example , the sin might be slander , or it might involve fraud . ​ — w16.05 , p . “ MY PARENTS hardly ever encourage me , but they criticize me a lot . And their words can be so hurtful , ” says Cristina , who is 18 years old . Indeed , he deals with us as individuals , taking into account our particular weaknesses , limitations , and level of spiritual growth . To make “ Sing Out Joyfully ” to Jehovah easier to use , the songs are arranged by subject matter . But Jesus did not want to get sidetracked , diverted from the much more important issue . Many matters could be decided one way or another , and Jehovah would still be pleased . However , try as hard as we might , we cannot pinpoint the exact year , much less day and hour , when the great tribulation will begin . 5 : 22 , 23 , 28 , 29 . The apostle John made much the same point when he warned that if anyone loves the things in the world ​ — “ the desire of the flesh and the desire of the eyes and the showy display of one’s means of life ” — ​ then “ the love of the Father is not in him . ” Thus , while serving at Bethel , I met another wise one , whom I have now walked with for 58 years . Expressions like those portray spirituality in a favorable way . We deal with unemployment , serious illnesses , persecution , natural disasters , loss of possessions because of crime , or other hardships . In rebelling against Jehovah’s sovereignty , he and the first human couple acted arrogantly . God’s spirit is needed to produce strong faith . 10 : 29 . After mentioning the Ten Commandments and other regulations that Jehovah had given the nation , Moses made the powerful declaration found at Deuteronomy 6 : 4 , 5 . David also prayed to Jehovah , confessing his sins and expressing a sincere desire to be restored to Jehovah’s favor . It is up to us . 12 : 1 . However , he let Jehovah guide him through difficult times . The most important one , of course , is that of Jesus . Peter had earlier stated that even if the others did that , he would not . Children can protect themselves from being infected with the spirit of disobedience by reflecting on what their parents have done for them . ( b ) What does the account about Lot and his daughters teach us ? She was unable to start a Bible conversation with anyone , so she said to some Bethelites , “ The last place on earth I would want to live is Portugal . ” Surprise ! Helped by the power of God’s Word and his holy spirit , Ribeiro stripped off his old personality , got baptized , and now serves as a congregation elder . They meticulously obeyed some of its smallest details , for Jesus acknowledged : “ You give the tenth of the mint and the dill and the cumin . ” To be honest , communicating with them was not easy , since they did not know sign language . This tribe came from Joseph’s son Ephraim . How strengthening this promise must have been for the apostles ! It can hinder the flow of God’s spirit and threaten the peace of the entire congregation . Second Corinthians , written some months later , shows that progress was made because the elders had applied the apostle’s direction . Onlookers cannot understand how it is possible for us to do all this work using only voluntary donations . The Scriptures speak of “ the free gift of God’s undeserved kindness . ” That is because both “ masters ” require exclusive devotion . True , some portions of the Bible were initially directed to one individual or group . SONGS : 141 , 97 Without question , corrupt organizations are responsible for much of the misery in today’s world . My wife wanted to hear more , so she asked the woman for her name and address . This means that we have to stay away from anything that could lead us into such wrongdoing , including pornography . Such an abundance of spiritual food reminds us that Jehovah has kept his promise to “ make for all the peoples a banquet of rich dishes . ” ​ — Isa . For instance , some of our dear elderly ones make great effort to attend and share in meetings and the ministry regularly . In teaching him , she may remind Johnny why his conduct was wrong . We come to realize ever more that “ Jehovah is near to all those calling on him . ” Much as electricity powers a light bulb , breathing energizes your voice when you speak or sing . For a parent to place high priority on secular pursuits could confuse a child and jeopardize his best interests . Uphold God’s sovereignty in making decisions and in family activities ( See paragraphs 16 - 18 ) Why does appreciation for God’s undeserved kindness move us to avoid more than just serious sins ? What will life be like when distressing conditions are gone ? She mastered the Albanian language and has helped over 60 individuals to the point of dedication . Eliminate unnecessary expenses For example , Eve and her female descendants would experience much pain during pregnancy and childbirth . Remember that the ransom sacrifice of Christ involved the two greatest expressions of love ​ — the love that Jehovah showed in giving his Son in our behalf , and the love that Jesus showed by willingly offering up his life for us . Why is modesty a key to making good decisions about dress and grooming ? Consider Kim . Like many other deaf brothers and sisters from my generation , I have learned to be patient . As a result , sincere individuals who think that they are worshipping God are deceived into worshipping demons . The joy we have is due , in large part , to the fine examples that were set for us and that we have endeavored to mirror for the benefit of our children and grandchildren . Cut back on secular employment For instance , a man tells his boss or fellow workers that he cannot be at work the next day or that he must leave early because he has a “ medical ” appointment . We learned to do meaningful research and study . Adolescents have to make decisions about education , employment , and other matters . Noah ? When it comes to forgiveness , even good friends sometimes struggle . He expressed full confidence in Jehovah . But Nathan was a spokesman for God . One reference book says that endurance is a quality that helps us to have strong hope and to avoid giving up when we have trials . Yes . Rather , they assist each child to make spiritual advancement in keeping with his or her own growth and progress . How cruel and unmerciful ! But eventually we agreed , and it was a good decision . After Noah had walked with God for more than five centuries , Jehovah told him to build an ark for the saving of human and animal life . Greater responsibility often comes with greater authority , and that can test our modesty . What warning of Jerusalem’s impending destruction did Jehovah give , and what would happen to the Jews ? They benefit us . He added : “ Life is far better traversed with as little baggage as possible . But consider this : At meetings conducted in the language they understand best , children may absorb instruction simply by being present , perhaps learning more than their parents realize . Some who refused to kill were sent to the front lines , with the expectation that they would lose their life . When we read this information , we deepen our appreciation for familiar truths . We can enhance our love for Bible truth by regularly attending congregation meetings . Divisions , prejudice , and hostility will doubtless increase in the world as we approach the end of this wicked system . Many , though , are very unhappy with their jobs . However , in these last days , secular work is often a source of anxiety . In many places , the brothers had good reason to fear that if the two races met together for worship , their Kingdom Hall would be destroyed . Let us recall that Paul and others in the first century who pleased God were living rather normal lives in many respects . Do not assume that your brother set out deliberately to hurt you ; give him the benefit of the doubt . What can we learn about baptism from the Ethiopian proselyte and from the apostle Paul ? Prior to that special night ​ — and especially on that night — ​ give serious thought to the significance of the unleavened bread and the red wine . “ He is one of the meekest brothers you could ever wish to meet , ” says the coordinator of the body of elders in the congregation to which Hans belongs . Shortly thereafter , Tessie started attending Christian meetings and displaying a Christian personality ​ — even in the face of ridicule from her associates . He offered my mother a Bible study . Have you dedicated your life to Jehovah and symbolized your dedication by water baptism ? At one point , some 30 percent of the population were slaves . Today , Jehovah is eager to comfort us and to soothe our emotional wounds . If a man dies , he cannot raise himself up from the grave and live again . He had been sentenced to 25 years of hard labor . For Jehovah’s people , singing has always been an integral part of worship . Your doing so will promote unity and may move visitors to want to share in letting their light shine . Because living as a true disciple of Christ year after year calls for endurance . He will mislead them into thinking that all is well on the world scene . With that in mind , parents will want to consider the question , ‘ Does my child have sufficient knowledge to make a dedication to God and get baptized ? ’ What will help us to do so ? What will we analyze in this article , and why ? Carrying out Jesus ’ command was challenging , but they could succeed ​ — and thus remain his friends . How ? When the women returned , they asked me if I wanted to study the Bible , and I said yes . Why did the once modest prophet presumptuously go along with that deceitful older man ? How do we show that we want to remain in Christ’s love and keep his approval ? How we can imitate Daniel’s faith and obedience . But how can we benefit from his readiness to act in our behalf ? Our doing that may help them to continue carrying out their duties with joy . I now experience much joy . In what areas could I improve ? ’ Consider another treasure from God . One of the greatest tests of obedience that some parents have involves their relationship with a disfellowshipped child . Did the Israelites gathered there with Moses not know that Jehovah their God is “ one Jehovah ” ? “ I have seen that violence does not bring justice , ” she observes . Today , we too may need time to uproot prejudice from our heart . We buy . ” Nov . Are You Willing to Wait Patiently ? Aug . Elizabeth answered her questions straight from the Bible . which appeared in the issue of October 8 , 2003 . Indeed , Jehovah chose Moses , Joshua , Gideon , and David to represent him as Leader . How does Satan use not only governments but also false religion and the commercial system ? 22 : 16 - 18 . Those who spend most of their energy accumulating material things end up with a life that is , at best , shallow because it appeals to selfish gratification or that is , at worst , spiritually empty and full of grief and frustration . What changes did Rose make to become a subject of God’s Kingdom , and why did she do so ? Our personal appearance says much about us . During their conversation , Janet tactfully invited the sister to open up regarding her resentment . Someone who has understanding can see how one fact relates to another . Just as we stoke a fire to keep it alive , we need to keep our love for God burning by regularly studying his Word , meditating on what we read , and persevering in prayer . Strong faith rests on more than just basic knowledge of the Bible . Joseph’s brothers mistreated him , but he did not harbor resentment . In imitation of Jesus , they consider Jehovah’s will to be paramount in their lives . What effect should Zechariah’s visions have on us today ? God treats his human servants with dignity and respect . Did you later realize that you could have lived the rest of your life without it ? Even when Satan subjected Jesus to an agonizing death , Jesus remained completely loyal to his heavenly Father . You may know of similar instances of deliberate deception . Indeed , the meaning behind “ discipline ” primarily relates to education , such as that involved in raising a beloved child . Consider what the apostle Paul and his companion , Silas , experienced . In the city of Philippi , opposers threw them into prison . Jesus was confident that Jehovah would send angelic help whenever he needed it to accomplish God’s will . ​ — Matt . Besides enabling your children to have heart - to - heart conversations with you , knowing your language gives them other advantages . What Bible examples underscore the value of controlling our reactions ? When passing sentence , the judge in the case declared : “ The religious propaganda in which these men are engaged is more harmful than a division of German soldiers . . . During my summer vacations , they shared with me to the best of their ability what they were learning from the Bible . He rewards every expression of sacred service that springs from a heart motivated by faith and love , no matter how insignificant it might seem to the giver of the sacrifice . ​ — Mark 12 : 41 - 44 . From then on , instead of arguing with each other , we enjoyed talking about the Bible . At times , we may feel exhausted when we leave home to attend a congregation meeting or to engage in the field ministry . In that same model prayer , Jesus gave priority to praying for God’s Kingdom to come . It was Hilda ! When a family member is disfellowshipped or he disassociates himself from the congregation , it can feel like the stab of a sword . But as King Saul’s example illustrates , if we develop a pattern of pushing ahead , sooner or later we will find ourselves in serious trouble with God . I spent many nights tearfully entreating Jehovah about these matters . Reflecting on how they expend themselves deepens our “ respect for those who are working hard ” among us . Why and how does Jehovah bestow this “ free gift ” ? Hidden in the heels of the boots were recent copies of The Watchtower . He then told her that he had made a promise to Jehovah that would forever change her life . With the availability of modern technology , you may enjoy listening to professional singers . It is exciting to see the opportunities for theocratic education expand , and I am so grateful to have met many who make themselves available for this training . No person or power can take it away from us . Your defense ? F . He says , “ It seemed to me that the angels blinded the soldiers and that Jehovah rescued us . ” ​ — Ps . Clearly , Naboth had Jehovah’s view of matters . As a generous Father , he openhandedly shares his spiritual riches with all who discern their excelling value . Jesus said to stop that ​ — and for good reason . To remain blameless in today’s complex and wicked world , we must train our “ powers of discernment ” so that we can distinguish not just right from wrong but also wise from unwise . ​ — Heb . He even made sure that she would get enough food and water , just like the hired workers . Why should we guard against bitterness ? The Bible identifies what as more valuable than gold or silver ? The present economic and political systems are powered by selfish forces . I have more insight than all my teachers , because I ponder over your reminders . Hence , they were persecuted as enemies of the Communist state . See the Watchtower magazines of May 1 , 1956 , pp . 269 - 272 , and March 15 , 1971 , pp . 186 - 190 , to learn more about the missionary work of members of the Steele family . At the same time , when we preach from house to house and in public areas , we warn as many people as possible that God’s Kingdom will come and bring an end to this ungodly world . ​ — Ezek . Do you sense Jehovah’s personal interest in you ? What evidence is there that God directed the governing body in the first century just as he is directing those of the Governing Body today ? Doubtless , Jehovah’s new system of things on earth will witness “ the surpassing riches of his undeserved kindness . ” I have to admit that I did not really want to change my assignment and enter the circuit work , but Jehovah had something else in mind . ” The day we left Africa , the lump in our throat was much bigger than the one we had when leaving New York . When Blossom Brandt decided that she wanted to get baptized , her God - fearing parents wanted to be sure that she was ready to take the most important step of her life . As a result of a conspiracy by his brothers and the later treachery of his master’s wife , he found himself in an Egyptian prison . Only Jehovah and Jesus are spoken of as having that ability . Some time later , he was sent back to the elders of the city where the killing had occurred , and those elders judged the case . Read Matthew 6 : 27 . We coined the phrase “ Stay free until you are at least 23 . ” We may wonder if James and John would have reacted the same way if the inhospitable village had been in their home region of Galilee . Is it really possible to defeat such powerful opponents ? Then the opposition came ​ — hard and fast . The news came at a time when I was beginning to be concerned about Arthur’s health . 1 : 1 ; 2 : 17 . 6 , 7 . ( a ) What challenges did the Bible Students need to overcome during World War I ? Consider what one longtime elder has been doing . But our clothes should always be neat , clean , modest , appropriate to the occasion , and acceptable locally . As we endure in bearing fruit , we enjoy Jesus ’ friendship . How can parents train their children to glorify God by their manner of dress ? My mother died at the age of 86 . “ Jehovah sent me good advisers , and I listened to Him , even if it took some time . ” She and several of her young children had been getting up very early in the morning to go out in the fields and chop cotton ​ — removing the weeds growing between the rows — ​ in order to earn enough money so that I could take the trip to New York . Are you resolved to be courageous in all aspects of your life ? Just think how thrilling it must have been for them to hear or read God’s Word in what had become their mother tongue ! Perhaps Paul is also thinking about the events of the past few months . A Christian may begin to have romantic feelings for someone who does not love Jehovah , thinking that a suitable mate cannot be found among true Christians . 27 Love ​ — A Precious Quality How could I refuse such a privilege ? WE LIVE in a time of human history that is truly unique . Really , I could be doing much more for Jehovah than I’m doing right now . ’ These tools are designed to help us get the most out of our personal and family study . Have Christians ever experienced anything comparable to the Babylonian captivity ? Are you willing to exert yourself to gain Jehovah’s favor and , as it were , wrestle for it ? “ Did not the One who made me in the womb also make them ? ” he said . 8 Do You Know Jehovah as Did Noah , Daniel , and Job ? When he was 19 , Vitaly left to serve as a special pioneer . Other brothers who were drafted refused to bear arms and requested noncombatant roles . He can see the inner person as well as the kind of person one can become in his capable hands . But Jesus would have to wait until Jehovah’s appointed time . Partly because numerous scientists and others tend to promote godless thinking and endorse the theory of evolution . So why should we let our imperfect singing voices stop us from praising Jehovah in song ? “ The Father of tender mercies and the God of all comfort ” will unstintingly give us the emotional and spiritual support that we need , perhaps doing so by means of our fellow worshippers . Just think of the volumes and volumes of laws written by man , let alone the armies of lawyers and judges needed to interpret and administer them . Jehovah’s servants around the world can testify to the wonderful rewards they receive from him . At age 17 , I began my service at Brooklyn Bethel Satan and the demons have other limitations . Second , simplify . After Jehovah delivered his people from Egypt , he gave them a set of laws that showed special consideration for the many non - Israelites who had joined them . But as the child matures , his thinking ability develops , and he is able to reason on Bible - based principles . [ 1 ] ( paragraph 14 ) There are many similarities between the Jewish captivity of 70 years in Babylon and what happened to Christians after the apostasy developed . Although baptism is a serious step , why should it not be feared or avoided ? At times , peace among spiritual brothers has been disrupted because a failed business venture led to loss of money and perhaps to accusations of fraud . While they did not understand every aspect of Christian neutrality as clearly as we do today , the Bible Students did know one thing : The Bible forbids the taking of human life . Christians in Peter’s day needed to draw ever closer as conditions grew worse . We held hands , and I even prayed , “ Jehovah , please , when they get us , may we die quickly ! ” Soon , those two men began serving together as missionaries . ​ — Acts 13 : 2 , 3 . The earthly part of Jehovah’s organization is growing in many ways , but growth necessitates change . “ Happy are the mild - tempered , since they will inherit the earth . ” ​ — Matt . Motivated by love , Jehovah corrects , educates , and trains us so that we can remain in his love and on the path to life . The certainty of Jesus ’ promise was based on Jehovah’s perfect record of trustworthiness . Jesus knew that God’s promises never fail . But remembering all that we had studied together , I found the strength to talk to him . While preaching , one elder would briefly visit the Witnesses living in his rural territory to see how they were doing . Daniel recalls : “ With tears in our eyes , we began thinking about our return to Spain . They are focused on accumulating wealth or on holding on to what they have . The wise decisions they make about good associations , wholesome entertainment , moral cleanness , and baptism all call for courage . OATHS had their proper place according to the Mosaic Law . Genuine Christian shepherds humbly obey Jesus ’ words : “ Do not you be called Rabbi , for one is your Teacher , and all of you are brothers . For example , when healing a disabled person who had been bent double for 18 years , he said : “ Woman , you are released from your weakness . ” Because I would not compromise my faith , the frustrated soldiers finally tried a new tack . Some fear losing a position they cherish . It was wonderful to see residents arriving . Last year , we produced some 440,000,000 copies in more than 530 languages . Learn and respect refugees ’ religious and cultural sensitivities . A principle is a fundamental truth or doctrine that is used as a basis of reasoning or action . Jehovah gives us a basis for being convinced that he will help his people when they are in need . A sister in the United States remembers : “ Over the years , my husband and I have had the opportunity to provide hospitality in our home for many speakers and their wives . Do not let the apathy of others discourage or dissuade you from keeping on the watch . In many cases , the leaders of Christendom have amassed great wealth . ​ — Rev . The second article reminds us of how to avoid attitudes that could deprive us of the blessings that Jehovah has promised . A sister in Ireland once arrived at the Kingdom Hall just as the meeting was about to start . Your affirmative answers served as a public declaration of your unreserved dedication and showed that you were qualified for baptism as an ordained minister of Jehovah . 18 What Does It Mean to Be a Spiritual Person ? A good friend shares his time with you . Why not pause to reflect on Jehovah’s dealings with Israel . This change occurred when Assyrian King Sennacherib was intending to attack Jerusalem . It was as if their hearts and minds were veiled and hardened , focused only on using their newfound freedom from Egypt in a physical , or fleshly , way . ​ — Heb . A hard - hearted lender might have been tempted to seize the debtor’s garment , leaving him without a covering in which to sleep . Still , he did not succeed in moving many Jews to become true worshippers . Paul went on to indicate that there would be others raised to heavenly life , adding : “ Each one in his own proper order : Christ the firstfruits , afterward those who belong to the Christ during his presence . ” ​ — 1 Cor . 7 : 10 . We also attended some Christian meetings of the congregation in Tokmok . Dew is vital to life . Her love for Jehovah and his Kingdom was stronger than any fleshly desires . ​ — Mark 12 : 29 , 30 . The Bible contains both types of examples . Animals were created before man . Now I live in the city of Belgorod , and the brothers here are a huge support to me . Because of his advanced age , he told David that he did not want to become a burden to the king . It is vital that parents have love for their teenage children and show humility by their example . Very likely , most of us wish that we had more time to read the Bible and Bible - based publications . Yet , they have gained far more than they have lost . ​ — Read Mark 10 : 29 , 30 . The apostle Paul was alert to the danger that satanic propaganda posed , but not all his fellow Christians were . What questions could help you to make practical application ? Would Peter lose precious privileges because of his mistake ? In addition to engaging in the ministry , in what other ways can we let our light shine ? By rebelling against Jehovah , Adam and Eve lost their perfection . IMAGINE that you are walking on the street late at night . ( b ) Relate how the Governing Body has been progressively distinguished from the Watch Tower Society . All my companions who were harvesting with me in the heat of the sun will testify . . . that what I have said is true . The world is full of people whose sense of how to bestow honor is distorted . Why must we safeguard our spiritual treasures ? For example , we read that love is “ patient and kind . ” If we diligently work to be the sort of people who have God’s approval and protection , we will not have to face a death - dealing curse . But it was worth it . One important step is to study the publication “ Keep Yourselves in God’s Love . ” To do that , we need to guard against negative influences that could cause us not to be alert and vigilant with respect to Jesus ’ coming . An example from the Bible gives us the answer . Arthur and Nellie Claus arrived early to get good seats . That guidance , along with their own efforts to pursue spiritual goals , helped them to blossom and to avoid being swallowed up by Satan’s system . 8 Marriage ​ — Its Origin and Purpose There you can associate with fellow believers who are concerned about you and who want to encourage one another . The psalmist was moved to exclaim : “ How good and how pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together in unity ! ” 5 : 43 , 44 . Well , Jesus did tell his apostles that there were things they did not and could not know . 24 : 13 . But there is no record of his doing so . * Jesus ’ illustration of a sower confirms this conclusion . And it is good for us to remember that “ a man prone to anger stirs up strife ; anyone disposed to rage commits many transgressions . ” ​ — Prov . Have you ever experienced the truth of the scripture that says : “ There is more happiness in giving than there is in receiving ” ? Why was God’s command found at Genesis 2 : 17 not unjust , unnecessary , or unreasonable ? In fact , the Bible contains many examples of God’s servants who prayed out loud , and there is no hint that these ones feared that the Devil would hear them . We may even become so desperate for emotional support that we will accept attention from just about anyone . 8 , 9 . ( a ) Even though Paul had suffered an injustice in Philippi , what good resulted because of those events ? Now , though , there is vitally important work that all of us can participate in ​ — preaching the good news and making disciples . As you have opportunity , encourage your schoolmates to look up for themselves . 2 : 44 ; Rev . We too can look beyond outward appearances , express genuine love , and be patient with people of all sorts . ( b ) What will help us to share Paul’s attitude toward the ministry ? 5 . Many of Jehovah’s Witnesses have succeeded in moving away from strong political views that they once held . For many years , this journal suggested that God’s modern - day servants entered into Babylonian captivity in 1918 and that they were released from Babylon in 1919 . But Jehovah blessed me with a Bible student who made wonderful progress . ( a ) What does Jehovah require of parents ? Jehovah would make sure that Babylon would not enslave his people again . Jehovah took seriously all cases of bloodshed in ancient Israel . A widow named Dalene explains : “ Bereaved ones need to express their thoughts and feelings . Dec . Married Christians view IUD as compatible with the Scriptures ? One brother whose son committed suicide asked : ‘ Did Jehovah assess in advance that my wife and I would be capable of enduring our son’s suicide ? Paul realized that there was only so much he could do without help from a higher source . Surely Job missed his children who died earlier at Satan’s hand . However , Jesus has appointed the ‘ faithful slave ’ to be the only channel for dispensing spiritual food . How can we make sure that we continue to do so ? I’m compiling a list of my favorite verses . Will he fear Jehovah and recognize the wisdom of accepting God’s standards ? Make God’s priorities your priorities . 12 : 1 - 4 . So I studied many of them in English . The need to keep our faith healthy can be likened to a plant’s need for water . In 1995 a congregation was formed in Balykchy ​ — eight years after our first visit to that town . Having warm feelings toward Adam’s offspring , God provided Jesus for us while we were yet sinners . ​ — wp17.6 , pp . The apostle Paul recognized the high value of the ministry . Focus on the rewards . We need to pray fervently for God’s help and work hard to overcome any attitude or practice that will prevent us from inheriting God’s Kingdom . Jehovah created humans with what remarkable abilities ? In chapter 4 , he discussed Abraham . Only after they had declared the killing accidental would the fugitive be returned to the city of refuge . Christians would not choose to terminate a life that in time would normally result in the birth of another human being . 5 : 24 - 27 . Later , Joseph was falsely accused and unjustly imprisoned . WHETHER people agree with us or bitterly oppose us , few would deny that as a group Jehovah’s Witnesses are well - known for their preaching activities . Some 2,000 congregations are formed each year . Spiritual assignments or privileges also identify people . Now that you have given your life to Jehovah , you can say with greater confidence than ever before : “ Jehovah is on my side ; I will not be afraid . This proved to be advantageous because we could hold meetings both in Paraguay and in Brazil . Also , they have become enemies of God’s Kingdom , which began ruling in 1914 . Through his provision of the ransom , Jehovah will help all of his children to become completely righteous . overcoming barriers to extending hospitality ? Instead , she prayed to see how she might be of spiritual help to others experiencing similar frustration . Simply because Jehovah did not give humans the freedom to determine for themselves what is good and what is bad . ​ — Read Proverbs 20 : 24 and footnote ; Jeremiah 10 : 23 . But just what is love , and how can we develop it and show it every day ? Because we cannot force people to become disciples . I grew up in a lowly peasant family and had just five years of schooling . SONGS : 111 , 109 You ask Jehovah to direct you and help you discern the best way to handle the situation . But with the strengthening power of God’s holy spirit , each of us is determined to echo the words of Jeremiah : “ Jehovah is my share . . . The fact is , we find true joy and success only when we give Jehovah first place in our lives . ​ — Read Psalm 1 : 2 , 3 . The world around us has a distorted view of love . 3 : 5 . In 1914 alone , the small number of Bible Students presented the “ Photo - Drama of Creation ” to more than 9,000,000 people . How does a Christian man express his love for his wife ? The same is true of many of the articles published on , such as those in the sections entitled “ Bible Questions Answered ” and “ Frequently Asked Questions . ” First , to some extent , most of us owe our knowledge of the truth to faithful ones who were willing to travel in order to make it known to us . How do we show our support for Jehovah’s sovereignty today ? The right to glean food was one such provision . ​ — Lev . Householders and passersby observe our behavior . However , they kept their eyes of faith focused on the future “ fulfillment of [ God’s ] promises ” ; they were “ reaching out for a better place . ” Consider how effective Satan was in using bait to trap a large number of his angelic brothers . We eagerly anticipate what the Lord’s coming will mean for us and for the accomplishment of God’s purpose . ​ — Mark 13 : 26 , 27 . Jesus said : “ Go ” ! Free will enables people to make many appropriate choices daily . Recall that John the Baptist once asked Jesus : “ Are you the Coming One , or are we to expect a different one ? ” Why did Jehovah’s servants need correction and discipline during World War I , but what does that not indicate ? Instead , the execution of judgment would be directed by the angels . Willie was one of Jehovah’s Witnesses , and this was my mother’s shocking introduction to Bible truth . If so , humility would have protected them , prompting them to continue faithful in their worship of Jehovah , confident that their God is incapable of injustice . But the Scriptural passages cited in the preceding paragraph highlight the danger of letting emotions dictate our thinking and actions . The restoration of God’s people to their place of true worship would certainly have moved the psalmist to praise Jehovah . How did one sister benefit from the loving help of the elders in the congregation ? Certainly , it is worth keeping “ the belt of truth fastened around your waist ” at all times . So he offered up a sacrifice to God , which he was not authorized to do . Never before have there been so many who have come to love both God and their fellow man . A man is falsely accused of a capital offense . How have both Jehovah and Jesus shown a willingness to wait ? After Jesus ’ ascension to heaven , what might his apostles have wondered ? There are at least five : We can have full confidence that God can do “ more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive . ” And rather than envying those who receive praise , we rejoice with them even if we feel that we deserve equal honor or a share of the credit for what was done . In the Bible , humility refers to being free from pride or arrogance . What can we learn from Jehovah’s example ? Many of the foreign participants began to think about moving to Turkey to help with the tremendous work still to be done there . To be able to do what one wants to do or to live the way one wants to live seems to be much desired by people everywhere . Brothers and sisters in rural areas outside of Suva , the capital of Fiji , happily share the good news with all whom they encounter Parents developing practical wisdom will think about the way they discipline their children and the effect this will have on the children in the future . As was true in the first century , there are no perfect elders in the modern - day Christian congregation , “ for we all make mistakes many times . ” ( b ) How did Jephthah react ? Kevin made needed changes through earnest prayer and intense Bible study . “ And it’s cool to be helping where there is a greater need . ” For our forgiveness to be genuine , we must control our thinking so that we do “ not keep account of the injury . ” How can we escape the curse of the flying scroll ? Thompson , Jr . , examined my qualifications . We can have unwavering confidence that Jehovah will act in our behalf . Why are the mountains made of copper ? 13 Life Story ​ — All Things Are Possible With Jehovah 3 : 12 ) He expects us to work hard to control our thoughts and feelings . One day , she returned home and found the man lying on her bed . In that way he developed a heartfelt appreciation for the privilege of having God’s name called on him . We also treasure the gift of life and our ability to enjoy it . My mother , Grigory , and I preached in the settlements around Tulun , but we had to be resourceful . Voluntary abortion conflicts with what the Bible says about respect for life . That entails a global work . When he came to inspect his fields during the harvest , Boaz could not fail to notice a hardworking foreign woman gleaning behind his harvesters . ( Read Psalm 106 : 43 - 45 . ) He used an opportunity to do so when a scribe asked : “ Who really is my neighbor ? ” I no longer believed in “ saints ” or in hellfire , and I did not think that a priest could forgive sins . What challenge faces God’s people today ? The system’s end is a certainty . Adds Brook , “ Jehovah wanted us to knock on another door . ” They had to “ go and keep bearing fruit . ” “ Tessie took in knowledge of Bible truth with relative ease , ” said the sister who studied with her . “ However , she made no significant spiritual progress ​ — not even attending Christian meetings ! The family was nice ; they were just locked into that system , that way of thinking . Many candidates are youths . How can we demonstrate such love for the ministry ? The Governing Body echoes the apostle Paul , who wrote : “ These things we also speak , not with words taught by human wisdom , but with those taught by the spirit . ” Paul exhorts us : “ Become imitators of God , as beloved children , and go on walking in love , just as the Christ also loved us and gave himself for us . ” When we go to the meetings , we show Jehovah that we want to draw closer to him and his Son . Like passengers in a vehicle gaining speed , we sense the increased momentum in the disciple - making work . 18 . Have you not seen that Jehovah is swift to provide you with his guidance ? Before Cornelius was baptized as the first uncircumcised Gentile Christian , an angel directed him to send for the apostle Peter . Still others who recently got married are looking for advice on marriage . Some have been reassigned to the field . We need to be like Jacob , who did not give up wrestling with an angel until he got a blessing . We are no longer under the Law . That would be like refusing to use water to wash our hands when they are dirty . What comfort ! ” Yet , she remained respectful and composed . On what did Abraham and his family members focus their hope , and how did they maintain strong faith ? Our “ godly devotion ” should prompt us to be content with “ food and clothing , ” or “ sustenance and shelter . ” ​ — 1 Tim . 6 : 6 - 8 ; ftn . Nevertheless , the Scriptures assure us that those who take refuge in Jehovah do not need to feel overwhelmed by guilt . It is one thing to give a tip in order to obtain what one is legally entitled to , yet quite another to seek an illegal favor . The apostle Paul answers in his letter to the Philippians : “ God is the one who for the sake of his good pleasure energizes you , giving you both the desire and the power to act . ” Jehovah gave comfort not only to the nation of Israel as a whole but also to each individual . Memorial season : The period of time before , during , and shortly after the Memorial . Brothers traveling on behalf of the governing body shared “ the decrees that had been decided on by the apostles and the elders who were in Jerusalem . ” But how could that occur if Abraham put Isaac to death as a sacrifice ? Although anointed by Jehovah at an early age to be the future king of Israel , David had to wait some 15 years before he was made king over his own tribe . Holy spirit empowered God’s representatives . 11 : 35 . ( See opening image 1 . ) As time went by , new assignments prompted me to make more adjustments . He and his wife were the first Witnesses of Jehovah in the Dominican Republic , and they had arrived in Puerto Rico in 1957 . Jehoshaphat did become afraid ! Yet , “ he resolved to search for Jehovah . ” As we tackle new projects , new ways of doing things are adopted ​ — often ways that involve the use of rapidly changing technology . When her father saw her faith , he was very proud of her because he knew that her willingness would make Jehovah happy . Despite his ordeal , Job finally began to speak appreciatively . Some may feel that it does not matter what we choose to do . Today , we live as foreigners , as it were , in a world that has been morally and spiritually corrupted by Babylon the Great , the world empire of false religion , “ a dwelling place of demons . ” KING SAUL of ancient Israel began his reign as a modest and respected man . Or perhaps when you learned that you could become Jehovah’s friend . World War I was then raging , and he received a call for military service . Because , as Paul writes , Christians have “ died with reference to sin . ” This story raises a question that all of us would do well to ponder : Is there anything at all ​ — be it position , career , possessions , family affections , or even our very freedom — ​ to which we give more importance than our relationship with Jehovah ? However , Jesus told his disciples not only what they needed to do but also why they should do so . Giving priority to spiritual matters is a way of showing gratitude to God for these blessings , and that brings you closer to him . How can we help to fill the greatest needs of refugees ? But he or she can steadily grow toward maturity as part of learning to put on the Christlike “ new personality . ” Therefore , we must work hard to safeguard our affections and protect our love and appreciation for spiritual riches . Are we making time to read the Bible daily ? The Greek word for “ slanderer ” or “ accuser ” is di·aʹbo·los , a term used in the Bible as a title for Satan , the wicked slanderer of God . How important it is that we build up our faith ! Reliance on God’s Word . Satan has demanded to have all of you to sift you as wheat . 2 How can I encourage them to follow Jehovah’s ways ? ’ By the time the sun shone on a new day , Jesus knew that he had selected those best qualified to serve as his apostles . I added , “ I need to fulfill my vow to God . ” Would they feel a loss of freedom for having to do these things ? He was so moved that a surge of strong empathetic feeling cut him to the heart and brought him to tears . ​ — John 11 : 33 - 36 . He did not seize upon his assignment to gain prominence . Accordingly , whether we are spirit anointed or we hope to live permanently in a paradise on earth , we can be thankful for the inspired counsel in Romans chapter 8 . This kind of love is the highest form of love . More than material assistance , refugees need spiritual and emotional support . Of course ​ — regardless of language — ​ to gain a firm grasp of the truth , a child needs much more than just a few hours of spiritual education each week at meetings . I could not understand why two people whom I loved would leave each other . You could start by working out an answer to a question commonly raised by schoolmates , such as “ Why do you believe in God ? ” This Witness then began to think about her own actions . People who fail to control their emotions often become bitter . Rudy That is because laws may apply to a specific situation , whereas principles are far broader in application . What “ good news ” did Paul preach that highlighted Jehovah’s undeserved kindness ? What do we need to do to move forward as a spiritual person ? Giving back to him shows that we love him and appreciate all that he has done in our behalf . ( b ) Did incarceration break the brothers ’ determination to obey Jehovah ? They are the direct results of the rebellion against Jehovah on the part of three wicked individuals ​ — Satan , Adam , and Eve . My younger brother and a sister left the truth . 62 : 8 . We too face circumstances that require courage . Even your God , Jehovah , can do nothing for you . ’ He was nursing hurt feelings over his dealings with the previous overseer . ( b ) How can we successfully battle against fleshly weaknesses ? We can ask Jehovah for his holy spirit so that we can display its fruitage when speaking with our relatives . This worldly idea may sound appealing to many people . Yes , Jehovah holds Christian parents accountable if they fail to provide needed discipline to a child ! * Despite intense opposition on all fronts , the convention was a great success . That dedication is a promise to love God and to put his will above everything else . The context shows that the apostle Paul was referring to the message , or expression of God’s purpose , such as we find in the Bible . Although Jesus does not explain why he calls riches “ unrighteous , ” the Bible makes clear that commercialism was not part of God’s purpose . After filling up the tank of our car , I asked the attendant if Gloria could use the restroom . Such humble submission earns them respect and gives them freeness of speech when training or correcting others . That is what we deserve . Not only has Jehovah shown compassion but he has also taught his people the need to display that quality . SONGS : 121 , 142 My father was a metalworker , and my mother worked in the fields . 10 , 11 . ( a ) Why did Jephthah’s daughter need to be encouraged ? 6 : 17 . Our baptism shows that “ we belong to Jehovah . ” at work ? As we reflect on such memories , we too are moved to say , “ Thank you , Jehovah , for permitting me to be there . ” ( b ) How can parents help their children to participate at meetings ? 7 : 18 ; Jas . What technique did Elias Hutter introduce to help those wanting to learn Hebrew ? 115 : 16 . Yes , it is ! Some of us have been fighting these enemies for many years . 1 : 5 - 8 , 14 - 17 . Love for Jehovah , Jesus , and our neighbor moves us to preach ( See paragraphs 5 , 10 ) Jason , a young elder , relates , “ When I was first appointed , I felt quite overwhelmed by my new responsibilities . ” As substitutes for Christ , we beg : ‘ Become reconciled to God . ’ ” ​ — 2 Cor . Shortly after he got baptized , he began training regularly at a fitness center . How comforting it is for us to ‘ throw our burden on Jehovah , ’ knowing that ‘ he will sustain us ’ ! What indicates that imperfect humans are able to show unselfish love ? Finally , a letter came one day ​ — we were assigned to the traveling work ! He is the only one who fully understands our situation , our feelings , and our background . Notice that Ribeiro had to do more than simply study the Bible to succeed in his struggle . There were laws in place to make it illegal for the races to mix , and there was also the very real threat of violence . 9 , 10 . ( a ) How did Jesus ’ enemies try to get him involved in a political issue ? First , humility will move us to acknowledge that we do not have all the facts . But why ? Centuries later , when identifying the Israelites as his witnesses , Jehovah told them : “ I am the same One . He moved in with a pioneer brother , got a part - time job , and began to pioneer . ( Read Galatians 4 : 17 . ) There were six cities of refuge distributed in the land , with good roads leading to them . After Adam and Eve broke Jehovah’s law , they hid themselves . We must endure , not just for a period of time , but to the end . Yes , like Paul , we can endure in bearing fruit . When the brothers and sisters see someone new with a self - sacrificing spirit , they take you in . ” And let us ask Jehovah to help us keep contributing to the unity of his people ! A few weeks later , I began attending Christian meetings at Brother Hardaker’s medical clinic . Colossians 1 : 9 , 10 Damaris has now been a pioneer for 20 years . This article will show what helped Jephthah and his daughter to remain faithful even during difficult times . Develop spiritual qualities . Set appropriate priorities . What contrast in people’s attitude is seen at Judges 5 : 9 , 10 , and how should this affect us today ? The Bible at 1 Corinthians 2 : 16 speaks of having “ the mind of Christ . ” This willing spirit is in fulfillment of the prophecy found at Psalm 110 : 3 . They turned away from Jehovah and worshipped false gods . Yet , in the homes along that route , the Ngabe families received them hospitably , especially after the couple learned some expressions in the local language . The spirit of the world is inducing spiritual sleep . By the time he was in his late teens or early 20 ’ s , Timothy was a Christian disciple who could be considered for special privileges in the congregation . ​ — Acts 16 : 1 - 3 . What questions can help us analyze ourselves ? Wicked people exhibit a spirit that seems subhuman , animalistic , even demonic . Joshua , who was among those delivered from Egypt , reminded all Israel : “ You well know with all your heart and with all your soul that not one word out of all the good promises that Jehovah your God has spoken to you has failed . Rather , it involved the use of fishing nets ​ — a labor - intensive activity that at times required the coordinated efforts of many . ​ — Luke 5 : 1 - 11 . How grateful we are to have the privilege of worshipping Jehovah in unity ! When that was accomplished and the Messiah arrived , Jehovah used him and his disciples to reveal much of what we know about Satan and the angels who joined him . That firm confidence in Jehovah’s loving care helped Paul to grapple with life’s problems . This renewed emphasis on the ministry thrilled many . With Deborah and Barak , we sing : “ Let all your enemies perish , O Jehovah , but let those who love you be like the sun rising in its glory . ” 12 : 24 ; Eph . Also on , the study guides “ What Does the Bible Really Teach ? ” * Thankfully , the Bible or portions of it have now been translated into nearly 3,000 languages . Help was available to the unintentional manslayer , but he had to seek out and accept that help . Her husband admitted that he was not the best teacher and did not arrange for regular family worship . We have recently seen a number of significant adjustments in the field of theocratic education . As Revelation 5 : 13 indicates , “ the One sitting on the throne and . . . the Lamb ” surely deserve to be honored . 2 : 21 - 23 , 26 . The command to love our neighbor is second only to the command to love Jehovah . ( a ) How did the apostle Paul show that he shared God’s view of life ? Still , we do need to put forth effort . “ Return to me , . . . and I will return to you . ” ​ — ZECH . If we treasure God’s Kingdom in our heart , what will we be motivated to do ? Later , when holy spirit operated on the first - century congregation of anointed ones , “ not even one of them would say that any of the things he possessed was his own , but they had all things in common . ” It will protect you from secular philosophies that could destroy your faith . ​ — Read Proverbs 2 : 10 - 12 . “ ALL the wars of the past . . . pale into insignificance before the present great struggle progressing in Europe . ” For example , nowhere do the Scriptures indicate that they can read the mind or heart of an individual . be persuaded to believe ? Under the Mosaic Law , the Levites did not receive an inheritance as the other tribes did . They do not seek an unscriptural way out of a difficult marriage . Aug . Are You Taking Refuge in Jehovah ? Takuya recalls : “ I was the one sinning , yet Jehovah , through the elders , extended help to me . ” However , the Bible makes it clear that the presence of “ bitter jealousy and contentiousness ” in the congregation can destroy friendships and create trouble . “ O Jehovah , remember , please , how I have walked before you faithfully and with a complete heart . ” ​ — 2 KI . Other Jews sought to insult Jesus by calling him a Samaritan . “ When you received God’s word , . . . you accepted it . . . just as it truthfully is , as the word of God . ” ​ — 1 THESS . Thus our child or Bible student can be helped to understand and ‘ observe all the things Jesus commanded us . ’ Yet , they kept free from being entangled in the desires and pursuits of the people around them . Having been able to observe Jesus ’ methods , they soon became capable teachers of Scriptural truth . Thus , it may be that what is referred to is the equipment needed for producing fire . Yet , when that unrighteous man heard Jesus preach about the Kingdom , he recognized the excelling value of what he was hearing and took immediate action . “ MISERABLE man that I am ! ” Therefore , this article will answer three questions : How do the cities of refuge reveal Jehovah’s mercy ? Takuya progressed to the point of becoming a regular pioneer and is now serving at a branch office . Maurizio was not as open with me as before . This would have been a splendid opportunity to advance Jehovah’s purpose and experience his blessing . If you are reasonable and willing to listen , he may be inclined to listen to you . ​ — Titus 3 : 2 . John Wycliffe and others desired to make God’s Word available to everyone . But if you show respect for your husband’s headship , you can contribute to peace in the family , you will praise Jehovah , and you may even win your husband over to true worship ; thus you both may gain the prize . ​ — Read 1 Peter 3 : 1 , 2 . Jesus also said that love for one another would be the quality that would identify true Christians . Those who live a life of self - sacrifice should be commended . It appears that in the early days of Christianity , most of the apostles remained in Jerusalem , which continued to be the location of the governing body . Do we individually imitate Paul in showing gratitude for Jehovah’s undeserved kindness by zealously sharing in the ministry ? ​ — Read Romans 1 : 14 - 16 . Because we offer our Bible - based material without charge , some feel that copying and posting it on other websites or on social media is acceptable . Whenever I could , I tried to speak to my family about the truth . This can test our love for Jehovah and for his people . The officer was standing right in front of the family , so all heard the response , “ Just take them out and shoot them ! ” For some , this is an ongoing conflict , or a balancing act . One area that merits attention is the comfort and help we offer to families . They quoted from and referred to the Hebrew Scriptures hundreds of times in their writings and encouraged the people to whom they preached to do the same . “ However , ” the Bible states , “ as soon as he was strong , his heart became haughty to his own ruin , and he acted unfaithfully against Jehovah his God by entering the temple of Jehovah to burn incense on the altar of incense . ” This article discusses how we can apply Bible principles in a practical way . Hence , among people who do not worship Jehovah God , love continues to grow cold . the need for hospitality within the congregation ? Paul warned Christians : “ Sin must not be master over you , seeing that you are not under law but under undeserved kindness . ” We are the clay , and you are our Potter ; we are all the work of your hand . ” ​ — Isa . 12 : 1 , 2 , 7 ; Ex . This article provides sound advice from the Scriptures that will help you to plan a happy and successful future . See The Watchtower , October 15 , 2013 , pp . You will , however , not be shortchanged if God has given you a different prospect . The love of self mentioned at 2 Timothy 3 : 2 is not a normal , healthy love . If he has often shown generosity to others , whereas you tend to be a bit tightfisted , why not note the joy that comes from giving to the elderly , the sick , or the needy ? We might ask ourselves : ‘ Do I apply that counsel in my life ? 28 “ Listen to Discipline and Become Wise ” Through their spiritual brothers , they received relief supplies . He chose not to be influenced by the people around him . Under the direction of the Worldwide Design / ​ Construction Department , thousands of volunteers worldwide are working hard to build new Kingdom Halls and expand branch facilities . Consider another example : Suppose you are drawn to a certain style of dress that could possibly disturb some in the congregation . Today , more than 240,000,000 people live outside the land of their birth . Do you prayerfully meditate on how you can apply in your life what you are studying ? 17 : 45 , 49 , 50 . Many of the Israelites started to imitate the Canaanites , who worshipped false gods and lived immoral lives . ​ — Read Psalm 106 : 34 - 39 . Have people said to you that they believe in evolution because it is based on science whereas belief in God is based on faith ? Throughout his earthly ministry , Jesus endured unjust criticism from religious opposers . Most important , Jehovah provides spiritual sustenance , giving us “ the peace of God that surpasses all understanding . ” The apostle Paul likewise set an excellent example of one who gave generously of his time and attention . How will thinking like Christ help us ? Paul recognized that widespread , selfish love would pose dangers for Christians . Instead , try to find reports that do not take sides . He added : “ They accepted us as their friends and as part of their family . Remember , too , that not everyone experiences and expresses grief in the same way . 10 , 11 . ( a ) As we study God’s Word , what should be our aim ? Another test of our modesty might come when decisions are made . ( See paragraph 13 ) But why did he pray not to have riches ? Then cut the apple in two , and give him a seed . He was moved by “ the goodwill of [ his ] heart . ” After learning the fundamental Bible truths , you were likely moved to take the steps that led to dedication and baptism . ​ — Matt . SONGS : 122 , 129 The disciples too were affected by prejudice . The problem that existed between Euodia and Syntyche could have disrupted the peace of the whole congregation . Then , the men with the smashing weapons were told to kill all those in the city who did not have the mark . As you seek it , strive to remain humble and strong in faith . ​ — w16.08 , pp . “ That allowed time to converse beyond just saying a simple greeting . ” Instead , we must regularly associate with fellow Christians at our congregation meetings , where God’s spirit is present . We found a suitable secondhand car and asked the seller to deliver it to us , since none of us could drive . The Bible does not condemn the moderate use of alcohol . The people in the land who were not worshippers of Jehovah influenced the Israelites ’ thinking , moving them to follow that pagan crowd . How can we uproot prejudice from our heart ? “ Keep testing whether you are in the faith ; keep proving what you yourselves are , ” the Bible counsels us . That gives us a general indication of the timing of the heavenly resurrection . What a wonderful example of using their God - given freedom to praise and honor Jehovah , the God of freedom ! ( b ) Cite an example . Even after more than 60 years in this foreign assignment , I still need to be ready to adjust to what Jehovah asks . Some electronic formats allow us to access quickly the cited texts from each study article . All of them would be under “ one shepherd . ” As we work at cultivating spirituality , holy spirit will give us the power to transform our mind . Before qualified Bible students are baptized as Jehovah’s Witnesses , they are asked in front of onlookers to respond to two questions . Indeed , it takes mildness and patience on our part to obey this command . Consider further ways we can prove our loyalty to God . Of course , those resurrected will be required to learn how to apply the godly principles that are found in the Bible . 1 , 2 . ( a ) Why are we encouraged by those who faithfully preach in unresponsive territories ? 1 Why So Many ? No . 6 8 Give Honor to Whom It Is Due So from the arrangement of the cities of refuge , we learn Jehovah’s view of sin , sinners , and repentance . Jesus was without sin , so he did not need to repent . ( b ) We want to be available to do what ? But most of God’s people are not like that . In doing so , it should become evident that God’s sovereignty is right . In those days , many of us responded quickly upon learning basic Bible truths . There was our car , parked in front of the house ! The young woman poured out her heart to Jehovah , as the Scriptures tell us to do . When were these two symbolic sticks joined together ? Some in Corinth , for example , had apparently become overconfident ​ — thinking that they were so strong in the truth that they could never fall . To take refuge in Jehovah , then , exercise faith in Jesus ’ sacrifice . for it is not out of wisdom that you ask this . ” ​ — Eccl . And third , when it becomes clear that we have acted presumptuously , we may be embarrassed or even humiliated . Why do many of those serving in a foreign - language field find it beneficial to study regularly in their mother tongue ? Some of Jehovah’s servants may find themselves in situations where earning enough for necessities seems very difficult . ( a ) What distressing situation did Rachel face ? Although we are living in very trying times and marital relationships are failing all around us , it is possible for us to make marriage happy and successful . Many people go to prison but return with their dignity intact . ” That prophecy was fulfilled when the curse on the ground was lifted . Here is another important reason for continuing with our preaching work : We preach because we love our neighbor . I was amazed that someone as insignificant as I am would receive such an invitation . And in 1993 the brothers in Kyrgyzstan hosted a convention at Spartak Stadium in Bishkek for the first time . By focusing on spiritual things , we gain peace with God and with ourselves now and the prospect of everlasting life in the future . His twin sons , Frank and Francis , were and still are two of my best friends . And with crime gone , there will be no security industry , no alarm systems , no police forces , perhaps no locks or keys ! Clearly , their consciences are treacherous guides ! I have , indeed , had a happy and rewarding life in service to Jehovah , our great God . ( a ) Why is our yeartext for 2017 fitting ? McLain ) , Oct . Army and sent to Germany . The life of Job is a study in contrasts . Not only did Jehovah encourage individuals but he also gave words of encouragement to his people as a group . For example , he has placed the congregation under the care of his Son , who appointed a “ faithful steward ” to provide timely spiritual food . There I was ordered to dig trenches for the soldiers . Later , Solomon was inspired to write : “ Whenever you make a vow to God , do not delay to pay it , for he finds no pleasure in the stupid ones . She told her husband , who like her was an unbaptized publisher . What was that ministry ? These periods of recreation afforded us time to converse with the girls as we rode up the ski lifts together . Contrary to what the Devil claims , Jehovah does not hold back anything good from his faithful worshippers . Make good use of study aids provided through the Christian congregation , such as the Watch Tower Publications Index , the Research Guide for Jehovah’s Witnesses , the Watchtower Library , the Watchtower ONLINE LIBRARY , and the JW Library app . Then when the child shows that he respects his parents , he will realize that he is honoring Jehovah . However , on Sunday , December 18 , 2011 , it was a wonderful sight to see over 78,000 of our brothers of different races from South Africa and neighboring countries packed into the largest stadium in the city of Johannesburg to enjoy a spiritual program . Daniel , quoted earlier , says : “ As I do my Bible reading , I pick verses that I think will help people I meet in the ministry . We can learn a lesson from Jesus . “ We’ll do that ! ” Such people can never be truly happy . The love and unity among the brothers from different countries made a lasting impression . The new mother’s time and attention may be focused on caring for her child . Some newcomers realized to their surprise that their move forced them to ask themselves , ‘ Do I truly love “ the whole association of brothers ” ? ’ ​ — 1 Pet . If they bring these to our attention , do we accept and apply their counsel ? Dew forms gradually as moisture in the air turns into small drops of water . Jehovah blessed Hannah for her self - sacrificing spirit . After touring one of our printing facilities , an executive from a large company was amazed that all the work was accomplished by volunteers , with voluntary donations , and without any sales or fund drives . How does the Governing Body function ? The next morning , at seven o’clock , they are back in the square . This may be a hard fight , but having Jehovah’s blessing is worth any effort we must put forth . She sacrificed her natural desires for a husband and children in order to serve Jehovah . Yet , God is pleased when we speak encouragingly to fellow believers and others . One congregation in Istanbul wrote : “ When people saw us , they asked : ‘ Is there a special convention here ? They saw him as a political and religious rival who threatened their position . Many have expressed appreciation for the outstanding benefits they are receiving from Jehovah’s organization . Because Mary was a descendant of King David through the line of David’s son Nathan . Today , we have every reason to believe that the “ great and very awe - inspiring ” day of Jehovah is near . However , all of them have made significant progress in overcoming their weaknesses . 5 : 8 . * Indeed , 1 out of 4 people of the combined population of these three towns is one of Jehovah’s Witnesses ! What view of religion do many people have ? Yes , both mates will make mistakes . 18 “ The Word of Our God Endures Forever ” We want to heed Paul’s clear instruction to Christians in his day : “ You must put them all away from you . ” Holy spirit was poured out on all anointed Christians , but it specifically enabled the apostles and other elders in Jerusalem to fulfill their role as overseers . ( a ) What fine qualities did Daniel display ? What is “ the word of God ” ? , Sept . ( Read Revelation 18 : 4 . ) Thus , delegates had to ride mules or walk for days just to reach a train that would take them to the convention city . We had begun setting up a business , but Father said to my brother , “ If you want to go pioneering , we’ll get rid of this . ” ( a ) What can help us to grow spiritually ? It is an inner sense of right or wrong that can guide us in the right direction . He explains : “ We made the decision to conduct study sessions and family worship with the children in our native language . Rushing to escape their enemies , they threw the dead man into the grave or tomb where Elisha’s bones lay . Is having free will with limits real freedom ? 4 Jehovah Provides Comfort in All Our Trials In that prayer , Jesus likely reviewed many of his disciples by name , considered their qualities and weaknesses , and asked his Father for help in choosing them . By his second trip , in May 1903 , public meetings in Belfast and Dublin were being advertised in local newspapers . The Spirit Bears Witness With Our Spirit , Jan . The Great War had not lived up to the promise of making the world a better place . So that any fugitive could find refuge quickly and conveniently . False religions take sides in politics , and this divides people . When Bible truth is wrapped around us tightly , as it were , we will be moved to live in harmony with it and to speak the truth at all times . Daniel nearly fainted from exhaustion . Holy spirit also produced in Moses beautiful qualities , such as love , meekness , and patience , that qualified him to lead the Israelites . PEOPLE of the Roman world , among whom the early Christians lived , prided themselves on being champions of law , justice , and freedom . At first , we did not want him to go . Abraham took the proper lead in his family , and Sarah set a fine example by submitting to her husband’s headship . Why and how should we honor an invitation we have accepted ? Why is more required of us than just waiting for Jehovah to fulfill his promises ? At the same time , he sincerely respects the role or place that Jehovah has given to others . What will genuine love move a person to do if he has committed a serious sin ? About that time , my parents obtained a set of brightly colored books from an English missionary . What if you are a husband and you feel that your unbelieving wife does not respect you ? How did Jehovah reward Joseph ? I am very shy when it comes to preaching informally . After his Thousand Year Reign , Jesus will hand over his Kingdom to Jehovah so that “ God may be all things to everyone . ” ​ — 1 Cor . Can anyone with insight be of benefit to him ? Jesus included in the model prayer the request to God : “ Forgive us our sins . ” So that we may be of good courage and say : ‘ Jehovah is my helper ; I will not be afraid . 25 : 20 - 23 . Before printing was brought to the Western world , the Bible was painstakingly copied by hand . Yet , they now felt infused with a new sense of purpose . Riana adds : “ I was assigned to give a public talk every other week . Hence , Eduard Varter gave Nikolai some encouraging advice : “ When the authorities question you , tell them openly that we get our literature from headquarters in Brooklyn . Jehovah will help us to collect precious new truths into our “ treasure store ” if we search for them as for hidden treasures . Why are mildness and patience important ? Centuries later , Jesus taught the very same principle . ​ — Luke 20 : 25 . Imagine , for example , how difficult it must have been for the prophet Nathan to speak to David after the king tried to cover up his gross sin ! He says : “ I like preaching the good news because it is what Jehovah asks us to do . Ask yourself : ‘ What can a greeting accomplish ? However , Jehovah’s Witnesses refrain from treating religious leaders as ones who merit extraordinary honor , even though those leaders may expect it . Because of its guiding principles , many are convinced that the Bible was inspired by God . Counsel and instructions were also provided by means of inspired letters written by men who were members of or closely associated with the first - century governing body . “ We walked for weeks , passing hundreds of dead bodies , ” recalls Gad , Lije’s younger brother . As she hurried in , one brother turned , smiled , and said : “ Hello . We lacked radio , television , and newspapers ; thus , we received news about the war only by word of mouth . Now he was gone . He fully relied on Jehovah , saying : “ Our eyes are toward you . ” ​ — 2 Chron . In this environment , how can we “ be young children as to badness ” yet “ full - grown in [ our ] understanding ” ? ​ — 1 Cor . How can young ones benefit from applying Proverbs 16 : 3 ? If we feel that way , it may become very difficult for us to stay neutral . Adam and Eve got the opportunity to set their own standards of good and bad , and the demons attained a measure of influence over human governments . Christine was ten years old when she made up her mind to read regularly the life stories of faithful Witnesses . After four of her children made an exhausting eight - day journey across the desert , they arrived in Sudan . And we cannot do anything to speed up the start of the “ great tribulation . ” Like literal fruit , faith takes time to grow . As a result , I redirected my focus to serving Jehovah . ” Others argue that true free will is only possible if we have absolute freedom . Where and when was it written ? At the temple , the Jews rioted and wanted to kill Paul . We will consider how we can avoid falling into that trap , and we will learn how to benefit from all the spiritual food available to us . “ When I arrived at the reception desk , ” he relates , “ I concluded by the receptionist’s manner of dress that she belonged to a tribe whose language I had learned . How can endurance complete its “ work ” in us ? That is , they expected that when the Messiah appeared , he would bring glory to their nation and freedom from the yoke of Rome . The Memorial campaign , the Memorial itself , and the calls we later make on those who attended may provide us with the opportunity to help sincere truth - seekers to understand the answer to that important question . How can I make further progress in allowing the Bible to change my life ? ’ I’ll say ! ” 5 : 1 . Jean - David ( center ) For instance , avoid situations that are known to be tempting . Jehovah . 10 - 12 . This will help to make our home and the Kingdom Hall places where we feel happy and secure . My servants will rejoice , but you will suffer shame . However , in many cases that do not involve serious wrongdoing , it may be possible to resolve a difference without involving anyone else , not even the elders . To know who are preaching the good news today in fulfillment of Jesus ’ prophecy , we need to answer these four questions : 18 , 19 . Others find satisfaction in caring for family or friends . I still went to church regularly . What results come from a love of God ? It was written over a thousand years in advance , a fact that should reinforce your confidence that a resurrection can occur long after it was foretold or promised . ( Read Jude 4 . ) But he expects us to follow through on other decisions that we make based on his guidance . Keeping our life simple involves setting priorities . Whether they realize it or not , they reflect to some extent Jehovah’s glory , and for this reason , they deserve a measure of honor and respect . ​ — Ps . How refreshing it is when all of us play our part in “ an interchange of encouragement ” ! ​ — Rom . Damaris finished her basic schooling with top grades . The next article will show us how to remain modest in stressful situations . Nevertheless , they did what they could to observe God’s Law . One day , Bud and I met a Church of Christ minister , who talked about scriptures that I was not familiar with . As Christians , we do well to examine our view of today’s commercial system by asking ourselves such questions as these : ‘ How can I use my material possessions to show faithfulness to God ? David ? How can an unfulfilled desire to have children cause distress ? “ And , ” says Adria , “ we looked for ways to simplify our life even more than we had already done . ” The apostle Peter made a similar connection when speaking to Jewish “ rulers , elders , and scribes gathered together in Jerusalem . ” How did the apostles encourage their brothers ? At that time , no one will go hungry . And could a similar danger today threaten Christians , whom God has accepted as his friends and views as righteous ? What should guide us in choosing our recreation and entertainment ? For example , imagine that people rebel against a government that has caused much suffering , even for Jehovah’s Witnesses . Still , for the first few centuries of our Common Era , many people could read the Bible in either Greek or Latin . Do not be afraid to say no to your children’s requests if need be ! What role does family worship play in promoting unity ? It was his heart’s desire that some Jews would find salvation . 13 : 4 , 5 . Sisera was now vulnerable to Jael’s decisive act of courage to put him to death . This notion is so widespread that when material gain is involved , many think that being honest is simply out of the question . The next day , the wife visited the couple at home and as a token of the family’s appreciation insisted that Haykanush accept a diamond ring . And such appreciation will draw us closer to Jehovah . What are the results when we are ruled ( a ) by sin ? What do they teach us about his view of life ? Each marriage is made up of two imperfect people . SONGS : 33 , 88 Thus , Deborah and Barak began their victory song with praise , not to creatures , but to the Most High . Other branch offices followed suit . Years later , Pharaoh released Joseph from prison and made this humble slave second ruler in Egypt . Or if you are a parent , you can request that God’s spirit help you to discipline your children , not in anger , but in love . Each one of us does well to ask himself , ‘ Am I loyal to the channel that Jesus is using today ? ’ Do we daily approach our loving heavenly Father in prayer , thanking him for bringing us under his rulership and for loving us ? We need to work at finding spiritual gems that will help us . ( b ) What must we root out of our heart ? Initially , he was alone with Jehovah . This will help us to discover truths that may be “ new ” in the sense that we did not know them before . Among these , 288 were “ trained in song to Jehovah , all experts . ” ​ — 1 Chron . Nor do we wish that any should be called by our name . ” “ The meetings are a giant boost to my faith , ” says Ida . Later , when she was praying at the tabernacle , High Priest Eli mistakenly accused her of being drunk . These were rather bulky and weighed about ten pounds ( 4.5 kg ) . When you face an important issue , give yourself the time you need to act wisely . For example , young people in school today are under much pressure to qualify for enrollment in elite institutions of higher education . In effect , we say to those to whom we preach : ‘ We brought a beautiful gift for you . What did that mean ? However , it is commendable that the vast majority of Christian married couples find mutually acceptable solutions for all such problems because they let God guide them . ( b ) our brothers and sisters ? Hannah was another one who faithfully kept the vow that she had made to Jehovah . On celebrating a year of being free of his addiction to pornography , one man wrote : “ I have restored a sense of personal integrity that was missing . ” In commenting on those gathered , one of the managers of the stadium said : “ This is the best - behaved crowd I have ever seen in this stadium . Why can you be confident that good associations will prove to be a blessing ? Jehovah altered his decision at times when circumstances changed . What else was part of God’s purpose ? Also , because singing is an integral part of our worship , the Governing Body wanted to produce a high - quality book that matches the cover of the revised New World Translation . Jesus ’ half brother James called love “ the royal law . ” Satan also promotes lies through the commercial system . Whether they were settling doctrinal issues or they were giving organizational direction , those spirit - anointed elders were led by the Scriptures . ​ — Acts 1 : 20 - 22 ; 15 : 15 - 20 . 14 : 8 - 13 ; 1 Ki . Ask God to help you focus on your brother’s positive qualities . We were given lunch ​ — a frozen prepackaged meal called a TV dinner that Gloria and I shared before leaving . 12 Pleasant Unity and the Memorial Isaiah recorded words that applied in his day but have an even greater fulfillment now : “ You [ Jehovah ] will safeguard those who fully lean on you ; you will give them continuous peace , because it is in you that they trust . ” ​ — Isa . 26 : 3 ; read Romans 5 : 1 . Jesus thus revealed that baptism would be a requirement for those who accept the yoke of Christian discipleship . To some degree , they were spiritually self - sparing . 25 Do You See the Need to Train Others ? God understands your limitations , ‘ remembering that you are dust . ’ We are neutral in the issues of this world : We do not take sides in politics or wars because we are loyal to God’s Kingdom We can learn what about the resurrection from the account about Abraham ? 1 , 2 . ( a ) In what way might this system of things be compared to a condemned criminal ? For instance , surgeons count on the fact that the human anatomy is basically consistent . The recorded geographic details match known facts . ​ — wp16.5 , p . Gianni adds : “ Maurizio was my Bible teacher when I started studying . He thereby set the example for all his followers . Yes , their future is to be sons of God in heaven . Addressing those who would follow in his footsteps , Jesus said : “ Happy are you when people reproach you and persecute you and lyingly say every sort of wicked thing against you for my sake . Indicating the issue in which each article appears Thus , having free will did not entitle Adam and Eve to disregard God’s law . Let us discuss this matter of delegating from two angles . See the article “ Raising a Child With Down Syndrome ​ — The Challenge and the Reward ” in Awake ! of June 2011 . 22 : 1 , 5 , 9 - 11 . When faced with a problem , we do well to consider what Jehovah’s will may be in the matter . No sooner had we made that adjustment than we were invited to attend Kingdom Ministry School , at that time a one - month course of instruction at South Lansing , New York . You might be tempted to reason that pointing out his wrong would damage your friendship . This is especially true in countries where the news is controlled by the government . 3 Cultivate Self - Control Surpasses All Understanding ” What lesson do we learn from Baruch ? Jehovah’s exercise of self - control teaches us that we too ought to weigh our words and consider our steps carefully ; we should not rush into things . Christians must train and exercise their powers of discernment . WHAT a wonderful hope true Christians share ! How sure can we be of Jehovah’s blessing ? Donations of cash with the condition that it can be returned if needed by the donor . Satan accomplished this in a way that made it appear as if God himself had been the cause of Job’s troubles . That may impress on him that disobedience has consequences . IT IS time for a very important meeting in Jerusalem . King David has called together all his princes , court officials , and mighty men . First of all , he loved Jehovah and feared displeasing him . What does the future hold for those who accept God’s discipline and for those who refuse to accept it ? 22 Keep Your Eyes on the Big Issue Surely , none of us would want to contribute to a brother’s falling back into a course that would cause him great harm ! To me , she is like the Hope Diamond ​ — but I don’t have to hope in this case . I married her ! Training others is vitally important because of increasing needs and opportunities to serve Jehovah . He accepted the truth and returned home in 1956 . The revised wording harmonizes with other Bible passages that promise divine blessings for God’s faithful people . Yet , she calmly apologized to the woman for the misunderstanding . In this article , we will consider how the qualities that characterize people of the last days stand in contrast with the qualities of God’s people . What reasons for continuing his ministry did Paul highlight ? We will either “ hate the one and love the other ” or “ stick to the one and despise the other , ” said Jesus . After the funeral , Peter’s sister Ummi explained : “ About two years ago , Peter contacted me . But how do we react when we are asked to do something that we do not like ? Would it be better to have her wait before getting baptized ? ’ In the first century C.E . and in our day , the Scriptures have helped the earthly part of Jehovah’s organization to do the far - reaching work of preaching the good news . What balanced position on taxation did Jesus recommend ? Others point to their charitable activities or their endeavors in the fields of medicine and education . Because we were created to “ fear the true God and keep his commandments , for this is the whole obligation of man . ” Are you humble enough to accept sound advice ? 16 , 17 . ( a ) What relief will Armageddon survivors feel ? Treasure Your Gift of Free Will , Jan . Some two years before Jesus died and provided the ransom sacrifice , he taught his disciples to pray : “ Our Father in the heavens , let your name be sanctified . For this reason , we stand out as unique with regard to the work we do in translating and publishing Bible literature . How does Jehovah generously use his material resources ? How can we encourage our Bible students and others to be at our meetings regularly ? Many started thinking about full - time service . And they assigned experienced Christians to advance the evangelizing work in new territories . Yet , like Paul , they stood firm and continued preaching . No , Joshua was not from the royal line of David and thus did not qualify to be king . Jacob’s beloved wife , Rachel , was just as eager to see how Jehovah would fulfill his promise to her husband . When we contemplate the physical universe , we realize that Jehovah has great power . Soon , though , I had to stop for a short time . Paul urged Timothy : “ Continue applying yourself to public reading , to exhortation , to teaching . How did Jesus show that he had no interest in political movements ? “ I used to sit there and never comment , thinking that nobody would want to hear what I had to say . But that is not all . The precious unity described in Ezekiel is clearly evident each year as the anointed remnant and the “ other sheep ” gather to observe the Memorial of Christ’s death ! If we are not careful , though , we could lose appreciation for these treasures and , in effect , throw them away . Still , how would you respond if asked for evidence that resurrection promises are valid many years or even centuries after they were made ? Consider how he responded through his angelic representatives when Abraham and Lot questioned him . I did that two or three times a week , ” says Ionash . Imitate Jehovah , not the Pharisees . In time , however , he understood that his focus on entertainment had only led to problems and disappointments . Above all , we have the deep joy that comes from knowing that we have Jehovah’s approval , for he loves all those who “ bear fruit with endurance ” ! The number of publishers is now about ten times what it was when I began serving here . And what about sickness and death ? Still , the ransom accomplished even more than that . What does Joseph’s example teach us ? ( Read John 17 : 16 . ) They should be ready to adjust their thinking and decisions when appropriate , and all of us do well to follow that example . Later , I returned to Karachi and served with Henry Finch and Harry Forrest , newly arrived missionaries from Gilead School . We therefore owe it to all people to do our utmost to make known to them how Jehovah is expressing his love and how they can benefit from it personally . How can we prevent family difficulties from depriving us of the prize ? 1 : 3 ; Titus 2 : 2 . In addition , the Devil seems determined to make as many people as possible forget God’s name . Strong love for God and neighbor will not allow anyone or anything to interfere with the marriage bond . Şirin Their examples can help us to have courage . If the part called for a demonstration , both of us would be on the platform with no one in the audience ! If we have privileges of service , we likewise should value them . But freedom from what ? Peter , in fact , later spelled out specific things we can work on . Muslims in India went to Pakistan , while Hindus and Sikhs in Pakistan relocated to India . I have always viewed those early experiences as training for future assignments . Preaching ​ — even to a Samaritan woman — ​ was the will of his Father , and it was like food for him . ​ — John 4 : 31 - 34 . 2 : 49 . These sacrifices bring both joy and blessings , as the following examples show . On a more personal level , showing honor to those to whom it is due keeps us from becoming self - centered . Livija , the eldest daughter , became a regular pioneer as soon as she finished high school . In the next article , we will see how the cities of refuge can help us to imitate Jehovah’s superlative example of justice and mercy . Read it regularly Or maybe the government says that if anyone meets to worship Jehovah , he will have to pay a fine , go to prison , or be punished with something even worse . But Moses replied : “ Are you jealous for me ? Consider what some have said : Instead , they will receive their final sealing either before they die or before the outbreak of the great tribulation . ​ — Rev . It can bring to the surface lovable aspects of our guest’s personality , aspects that Jehovah saw when he drew that one to the truth . After he died , Pope John Paul II honored him by beatifying him . This means centering your life on spiritual goals . How have both Jehovah God and Jesus Christ set excellent examples with regard to being willing to wait ? A well - known exception was when the members of the Sanhedrin tried Stephen and had him stoned to death . ​ — Acts 6 : 8 - 15 ; 7 : 54 - 60 . Am I eager to restore peace with someone who has offended me or who has hurt me ? ’ Then I was reassigned to Feldbach , southeast of Graz . The brothers and sisters in your congregation can help you to stay neutral . Jehovah , our Father , will then become “ all things to everyone . ” ​ — 1 Cor . As an example , if we enter some feature of the full - time service , what will happen to us if we get sick ? 15 , 16 . ( a ) Is there a certain age at which one should get baptized ? What prompted a mature Christian elder to make such an error in judgment ​ — one that could have divided the congregation ? You might be surprised to know , however , that on that very day , a small group of us were shivering in an unheated barn . Making a practice of sin , perhaps even committing secret sins , can also make one unresponsive to divine counsel . How can we avoid loving ourselves excessively ? He somehow got a Bible Student publication , wholeheartedly embraced Kingdom truth , and laid down his weapons . Such a relationship is possible only “ by means of Christ Jesus , ” who offered his life as a ransom sacrifice . My siblings and I respected the Bible but grew up distracted by youthful pleasures . He lived in that world for almost 600 years ! After almost four years in the traveling work together , we received an invitation to serve at the branch office . 3 : 12 , 13 . If we accept an invitation , we should not cancel frivolously . The apostle Paul helps us to understand what a spiritual person is by drawing a contrast between a “ spiritual man ” and “ a physical man . ” 7 , 8 . ( a ) Where does our primary loyalty lie ? Paul ? Why is it not wrong to have a balanced love of self ? In fact , Paul could say that the good news “ was preached in all creation under heaven . ” 18 , 19 . ( a ) What reasons do we have to welcome everyone ? Will your style of dress generate respect for the God you represent ? Evidently , Jehovah purposed to have 12 apostles form the future “ 12 foundation stones ” of New Jerusalem . As told by Thomas McLain What confidence did Jesus have in his disciples , and for what did he train them ? You can no doubt recall several Bible characters who exercised appropriate restraint when tested . Or will you recognize that Jehovah may allow time for repentance on the part of wrongdoers and that he will ultimately correct the wrongs and act in a just way ? When Christians defend their faith before kings , governors , or other officials , they can give a witness to people whom it might otherwise have been difficult to reach with the Christian message . ( a ) What motivates Bible students today to get baptized ? Why is there no need to feel intimidated by Satan and the demons ? For about an hour and a half , his powerful voice reverberated through the hall as he discussed how the prophets of old had fearlessly announced the coming Kingdom . The Romans needed to imitate him , and so do we . ​ — Rom . Pigeons or doves were an acceptable sacrifice of the poor ; yet , the price even of these birds had become prohibitive . Like Daniel , therefore , let us draw close to Jehovah , our God . ( b ) Give examples illustrating the zeal of the Bible Students . TRY to imagine the difficult and tiring battle between the Israelite soldiers , led by Judge Gideon , and their enemies . David paid dearly for his crime ​ — calamities came upon him and his household . In contrast to supporting Satan , consider the blessings you have as a dedicated and baptized Christian . Remember your loyalty to God . The other mountain represents the Messianic Kingdom in the hands of Jesus . When Brother Rutherford said “ Advertise ! ” SONGS : 46 , 127 Having love for our brothers and sisters is linked to the love we have for Jehovah . It seems that many cannot see the difference between material needs and wants . Can we imperfect humans imitate the love shown to us by Jehovah and Jesus ? Yes ! What valuable lesson did Jesus teach about setting priorities ? Why are presumptuous acts serious ? 40 : 5 - 13 . “ After just one year serving in my new assignment , ” she relates , “ Doratine , a young mother with whom I studied the Bible , got baptized at our circuit assembly . ” Relate an experience showing the benefits of humility . They had the prospect of entering the promised land “ flowing with milk and honey , ” where they could enjoy true rest . ​ — Ex . What convinced them that Jesus Christ was the one through whom Jehovah was leading his people ? Of course , the sources of such donations varied . It strongly warns us against isolating ourselves from the congregation . That Jehovah does not prevent his servants from being tested is illustrated by the account of Joseph . ( See paragraph 6 ) Seeing that the elderly couple had given their entire lives to Jehovah , Tony and Wendy were moved to take them in . Poverty is widespread , even in affluent lands . The opening of a branch office in Mexico City in 1929 seemed promising . ( b ) Why is the topic of self - control relevant today ? No wonder that this 1922 Cedar Point , Ohio , convention has gone down in history as a theocratic milestone ! Noah had hope in God . Jewish law required that those sentenced to death be buried before sundown . After studying Portuguese for a year , I was appointed to be a circuit overseer . The signs are still a mystery . To date , no photographs of them have been located by our Archives . 9 : 6 . Clearly , at that pivotal time , Brother Russell was used by Jehovah and the head of the congregation . How can the elders reinforce the efforts of parents who are helping their children progress to baptism ? Anita Would you have been saddened when you saw the ruined buildings overgrown with weeds ? Ask yourself : ‘ Is my forgiveness within reach of people who have wronged me , even repeatedly ? 3 : 19 . ( b ) How was Daniel blessed for his courageous loyalty to God ? It was now the middle of World War II , and women were directed to assist in the war effort . Brother Jensen said that he thought the physical work would do me good . Sakiko , the daughter , relates : “ In the 1990 ’ s , we often met Brazilian immigrants when we were in the field ministry . To keep our faith strong , Jehovah has kindly provided us with his complete Word , the Bible . One day while walking on the beach , I met several Witnesses from other camps . A modest person gives Jehovah the honor he deserves , since Jehovah is our Creator and Universal Sovereign . The address can be found on . We can imagine that they were thinking that Jesus would be an ideal leader . Material for young people . And the more we love divine truths , the easier it is to carry our “ breastplate , ” that is , to live by God’s righteous standards . After Adam and Eve rebelled , Jehovah made his greatest expression of unselfish love . Though he could plead with God that he had served Him with a complete heart , Hezekiah did for a time displease Jehovah . 17 - 19 . There is no safer place to be ! So even though we face tests and trials , we are determined to show “ a waiting attitude . ” Remember , patience is an aspect of the fruitage of the spirit . Before the Flood , people had to work extra hard to grow food , and Noah was surely no exception . 18 Is the Bible Still Changing Your Life ? Show why encouragement is important . Yes , Moses reminded the people that Jehovah was constant and unchanging in his love and care for them . But even if this is my last day , I know that I will see my friend [ Don ] again in Paradise . Guards trussed him in a straitjacket until his limbs became numb . There are other reasons , though , why someone may act immodestly . Decades later , Jesus ’ early disciples “ were scattered throughout the regions of Judea and Samaria ” because of persecution . Though learning the language was a struggle for Tiffany , her life has been enriched . Jehovah helped the Israelites to defeat the Amalekites and the Ethiopians , and he gave Nehemiah and his associates the power to complete the rebuilding work . She had very low self - worth , to the point of doubting that she was the kind of person God would approve of . Joshua neglected to seek God’s guidance before concluding a covenant with the Gibeonites . King David was also the victim of many injustices . ( b ) What can help us to preserve peace if a fellow Christian upsets us ? Even so , I felt calm and composed . I am sorry to say that when I was little , I didn’t fully appreciate the truth . Then reinforcing her words , she may administer some form of appropriate punishment . Two years later , the nuns sent us to a large convent in Zaragoza that cared for older people . When the second world war broke out , they maintained a neutral stand by keeping completely separate from the military . As we imitate his self - sacrificing love , our thoughts and feelings will become more Christlike , and we will be moved to place the interests of others ahead of our own . Elijah rightly judged Ahab as a murderer and a thief . What was Jehovah’s verdict in this case ? WHEN I was 12 years of age , I first realized that I had something valuable to give . Thus , Rehoboam’s obedience strengthened his kingship . “ Doc ” McCartney , was pioneering . Hence , this illustration teaches us that as long as we keep on proclaiming the Kingdom message , we “ bear fruit with endurance . ” The organization has grown , and we now number well over 5,000 publishers . What details does Judges 5 : 20 , 21 provide regarding the battle against Sisera ? And despite a warning from the prophet Micaiah , Jehoshaphat joined Ahab in fighting against the Syrians . Colossians 3 : 13 urges us : “ Continue putting up with one another and forgiving one another freely even if anyone has a cause for complaint against another . We took turns , one presented a meeting part while the other answered all the questions . Because Joseph remained loyal to God , he was rewarded with blessings that resulted in the preservation of life both for the Israelites and for the Egyptians . He was a wonderful husband for 55 years , one who loved Jehovah and helped many brothers . If you do , you are not alone . “ How much longer will this people treat me without respect ? ” Most imperfect humans are strongly influenced by the spirit of Satan’s world . Try to be aware of any tests to their faith , and help them to deal with these . Real faith , on the other hand , is “ the assured expectation ” of our Christian hope . Having a peaceful relationship with God . How would the Roman authorities have viewed the beliefs that Paul preached ? What positive steps can you take to make peace ? How did she react to her father’s promise ? In the absence of a direct Bible law , how can we perceive the will of God ? Use examples to show how prejudice can affect us . A well - chosen scripture will likely be much more powerful than anything we might say . The most important benefit of giving proper honor to those to whom it is due is that we thereby please God . Those are aspects of life for the average servant of God . He notices that we really want to be at the meetings and values all the effort we make to be there . ​ — Hebrews 6 : 10 . Do you see the benefit of reviewing how the four kings of Judah whom we have considered served Jehovah with a complete heart ? Several times in his life , he did not respond as a spiritual man should . As this world sinks deeper and deeper into debauchery , we must “ hate what is bad , ” as Jehovah does . Yes , greetings that express genuine personal interest and commendation fortify friendships and unite loyal servants of God . True love “ does not behave indecently , does not look for its own interests . ” ​ — 1 Cor . Like Josiah , young ones should start to seek Jehovah from an early age . OBSERVERS have commented on the outstanding qualities seen among Jehovah’s people . A sister from Australia relates : “ My father - in - law strongly opposed the truth . Still , as conditions in the first - century congregation in Ephesus illustrate , true Christians today could become complacent and allow their love to falter . 6 , 7 . ( a ) Describe the role of the elders in judging an unintentional manslayer . Many thinking people today will admit that the deplorable conditions on earth confirm that man needs God’s help . Where are they taking her ? For example , a young child does not understand the dangers of bad associations , so a discerning parent will set rules to protect him . Regardless of the method or methods you would like to use , please first contact the branch office that serves your country to see which methods are available . How do we fill our treasure store with revealed truths , and what are the benefits of doing so ? After all , it is each individual’s dedication , baptism , and faithful service to God that will bring him in line for being marked for salvation during the coming great tribulation . ​ — Matt . Along the way , you must go through a long tunnel . We all wept . Even so , Jephthah faithfully said : “ I have opened my mouth to Jehovah , and I am unable to turn back . ” In 2012 , Perrine mustered up the courage , and she and Louis moved . He says , “ I prayed to Jehovah to help me move to the Tandroy - speaking region . ” In 1959 , I received a letter informing me that I had been assigned to serve at the branch office . Both Martha and her sister , Mary , were aware that Jesus could cure the sick . How does she feel about living abroad ? New to the congregation : Individuals and families may move to your area . If a fellow Christian or a loved one displays poor judgment , your showing restraint similar to that of Joseph might help you to avoid an impulsive reaction . The JW Language app is a tool that can help you do that . asked Zechariah . What do we show by our baptism ? She sought relief by taking the matter to Jehovah in prayer . ( b ) What questions arise ? What can man do to me ? ” Do we truly have a valid reason not to put up with each other and go on serving Jehovah peacefully ? ’ And seek the peace of the city to which I have exiled you , and pray in its behalf to Jehovah , for in its peace you will have peace . ” How can Jesus ’ command found at Matthew 28 : 19 , 20 help parents as they teach their children ? How can Jesus ’ expressions of sympathy and consolation help us today ? Consider his precise timing when he delivered the Israelites from Egypt . At the age of 16 , I dedicated my life to Jehovah , getting baptized on July 24 , 1954 , at a convention in Toronto , Canada . That implies letting our mind be influenced by and dominated by holy spirit and being in harmony with God and his thoughts . May we imitate Jesus and use our free will to honor Jehovah and to do his will ! JOY Having grown up amid the filthy and idolatrous ways of this city , they had to fight every day to resist the spirit of that pagan world . Arthur Willis , in paraphrasing a statement once made in The Golden Age magazine , later declared : “ No road too rough or too long for His witnesses . ” 21 : 17 - 25 . ( Read Deuteronomy 22 : 5 . ) At times , we too have to make difficult decisions , and the right course to take may not be clear . Or we might explain things in such a way that only we get the credit for ideas or accomplishments that others also contributed to . One Act of Christian Kindness , Oct . That is not to say that compassion is to be shown in every situation . The offended person may see that he no longer has a real reason to find fault and may prefer to forgive . However , these are not qualities exhibited by all people . Frank and honest communication can do much to help you to understand and deal with your concerns . What can we do ? But it is not without its challenges . However , such a conclusion is unthinkable ! As individuals , they have not yet received their final judgment . It is this system that stands condemned . Do you tend to shy away from them and associate mainly with those who have a background similar to yours ? 146 : 9 . What a contrast to the harsh and self - centered leaders of other lands ! To introduce the Bible’s message , we used phonographs . Some even traveled to foreign countries . “ We resolved to apply the Bible , ” said the parents , “ recognizing that doing things God’s way would result in the best outcome . How can the way we use our freedom of choice reveal the depth of our love for Jehovah ? We are to beat our swords into plowshares . In an environment where corruption is common , however , a Christian needs to be on guard so that the boundary between what is acceptable and what is unacceptable from God’s standpoint does not become blurred for him . We should be encouraged that a resurrection can occur many centuries after being promised . The result ? ( a ) What blessings do we receive when we give in support of the Kingdom ? 8 . How is this possible ? However , I witnessed shocking sexual immorality between priests and nuns . Whether we got baptized recently or have been in the truth for many years , we must “ continue . . . to be readjusted . ” ​ — 2 Cor . Unlike John and Judith , others have circumstances that allow them to serve full - time for only a short period . The ransom sacrifice of Christ is the greatest proof of God’s love for us and illustrates the richness of His undeserved kindness . I am grateful to have been in the full - time service for over 40 years , experiencing many joys and rewards . Paul exhorted all Christians to speak “ what is good for building up as the need may be , to impart what is beneficial ” to others . They were supposed to unlock the meaning of God’s Word and help others to walk on the road to eternal life . Most in the audience sat in suspense . When his son was about ten years old , a father in Australia took advantage of a visit to a museum to help his son to strengthen his faith in God and in creation . He says , “ It was the best decision I ever made . ” Margaret , from England , now in her late 70 ’ s , served as a missionary in Laos . Choose verses that describe the things you especially wish to enjoy in the new world , and imagine yourself there . The Jews had free exercise of their religion and were exempted from worshiping the deities of the Roman state . 24 : 12 . Ute has now been serving in Madagascar for 23 years . Are we not moved to imitate such faithful ones as they follow the Christ ? ​ — 1 Cor . If we love Jehovah and serve him because of his goodness and because of his being the rightful Sovereign of the universe , then such a devilish claim will be repulsive . An unintentional manslayer had to take action to receive mercy . Nevertheless , we endured our grief , confident that nothing ​ — not even death — ​ can separate Daniel from Jehovah’s love . How pleased Jehovah must be ! The Bible also answers such questions as : How should our freedom to make decisions be exercised ? Brothers and sisters in the congregation were of great help . How I miss him ! When not in use , though , such weapons are best kept unloaded , perhaps even disassembled , and safely locked away . Was it their passion , what they ‘ constantly talked ’ about ? While such a figure is difficult to confirm , no one disputes that billions of people are desperately poor , while others have enough wealth to last for many lifetimes . Do we not rejoice over our understanding of Jehovah’s will and purpose ? If Jehovah is blessing our endeavors , should not spiritual progress come more easily ? They gained the victory by opening their mind and heart to the power of God’s Word and his holy spirit . Can Satan force us to act against our own will ? In this article , we will answer the first two questions . 11 : 1 . She was very active in preaching the good news and conducted several Bible studies with interested people . One day , John’s father asked John to deliver an envelope to a friend in the congregation . An experienced elder gives this example : “ Someone who is shy can have a difficult time being around an outgoing , backslapping person . She learned to distinguish between luxuries and necessities and not to be anxious about the next day . Of course , what imperfect men decide does not ‘ legally establish ’ the good news in a complete sense . After a week’s training , we traveled to our circuit in Scotland . How can we show kindness to strangers ? He chose to broach the subject with an illustration that could touch the heart of the former shepherd . 6 : 9 . How does true religion promote happiness ? In 1956 we began visiting congregations in the circuit work . But in many countries in the late 1800 ’ s , the church was beginning to lose the backing of the State . This article explains why this challenge exists and how we can continue to cultivate godly qualities with the help of God’s Word . To what end ? This was evident when he corrected his apostles for showing a selfish , ambitious spirit . ​ — Mark 9 : 33 - 37 ; Luke 22 : 24 - 27 . Moreover , “ man’s wickedness was great on the earth ” and “ every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only bad all the time . ” ​ — Gen . On the contrary , they understood their obligation to separate themselves from false religion , and during World War I , the break with that world empire was almost complete . ​ — Read Luke 12 : 47 , 48 . IT IS late November 1932 in Mexico City . Jehovah wants us to feel safe in the care of the appointed undershepherds . When that occurred , millions of Jews scattered abroad would return to their homeland . Once we have determined where the material can be applied , it may become easier to perceive how we can put it to work . What if you believe that mercy was mistakenly extended to a wrongdoer ? As we contemplate how well things worked out for them , we too will be encouraged to show a waiting attitude . Remember that singing is an important feature of our worship . A couple in the United States helped their children set spiritual goals . How grateful we are to be blessed with answered prayers and friendship with Jesus ! Meditating on what is being taught will help us to discern more about Jehovah’s thinking and to make his thoughts our own . So I walk with a limp and tire out quickly . ” One was Eunice Colin . Jehovah felt compassion for his people Israel even when they sinned . Instead , we drew closer to him , trusting him to resolve matters in his own time and in his own way . With cameras ready , they are at the train station , awaiting the arrival of a special guest ​ — Joseph F . This was the beginning of my mother’s interest in the truth . Jehovah is always ready to step in and ‘ raise up the meek . ’ Lauri died in 1990 , and she too stayed faithful to Jehovah . This can be a challenge in some parts of the world . 13 : 11 - 24 . A front - page service report spanning ten years from 1928 to 1937 proved the point . Then thank Jehovah in prayer for those blessings . TODAY , there is much talk about equality , liberty , and freedom . Through Moses , Jehovah commanded the nation of Israel to appear before Jehovah at three annual festivals . I did housework for him , and we prayed the Rosary together every evening . However , he recognizes our free will and wants us to submit to him voluntarily . Instead of seeking the spotlight or always stepping in to take over , we will more often find ourselves modestly seeking the advice of others and yielding to their suggestions . They were willing to point out the shortcomings of their own people , even their kings . Two couples share in public witnessing , using carts in front of one of the biggest malls in San Salvador What is wisdom , and why can we conclude that it is not measured solely by a person’s age ? How will you react if you believe that you have experienced some wrong in the congregation or in your dealings with a fellow Christian ? He is interested in you , concerned about your welfare , and determined to help you . Let us focus on how we can remain like soft clay in God’s hands , considering three areas : ( 1 ) How can we avoid traits that might harden us against God’s counsel ? How to cultivate faith like Daniel’s . After Paul expressed his misery for failing to obey Jehovah perfectly , he exclaimed : “ Thanks to God through Jesus Christ our Lord ! ” In one night , “ the angel of Jehovah went out and struck down 185,000 men . ” ​ — 2 Ki . How can we avoid falling into that trap ? Let us see how , by means of Zechariah’s sixth and seventh visions , Jehovah stirred them to action . 1 , 2 . ( a ) Why can we take courage from the examples of Noah , Daniel , and Job ? Low finances ( See paragraph 17 ) In some lands , young ones are pressured to set goals that center on higher education and a well - paying job . After closely observing our good behavior , a prisoner who was a professor of mathematics was moved to ask about our beliefs . Be confident in Jehovah’s forgiveness ( See paragraphs 14 - 16 ) Thankfully , we do not need to suffer the consequences of breaking God’s laws to learn valuable lessons . That can be like an anchor attached to a boat , not allowing the boat to move forward . As a young man , Joseph was sold into slavery by his jealous half brothers and taken to Egypt . Therefore , as a group , they were not always neutral with regard to the war effort . We must be patient as we endeavor to let the Bible continue to produce positive changes in our life . ( Read Ecclesiastes 5 : 12 . ) In addition , holy spirit produced in Jesus perfect fruitage , including love , joy , and stalwart faith . We could easily be enticed by promises of a lucrative career , dreams of a lavish lifestyle , or the desire for a showy display of material riches . A Witness couple share the Bible’s message of good news with a mother who picked up her son from school . Why does the Devil want to discourage us ? Because of cooperation between God - fearing mates , situations that cause friction are kept to a minimum or eliminated entirely . The meaning of the original Bible word translated “ sexual immorality ” includes sexual relations between individuals who are not legally married to each other and homosexuality . For example , when world headquarters was being built at Warwick , New York , some 27,000 brothers and sisters offered their services ​ — anywhere from two weeks to a year or longer . For example , what will we do if our employer expects us to work so much that we cannot be at our meetings regularly ? I was among four little girls chosen to present Adolf Hitler with flowers after he gave a speech one time . Zechariah’s sixth and seventh visions are a sober warning to those who persist in dishonest ways , a reminder that Jehovah does not tolerate wrongdoing . With her help , I learned what to do and what to avoid , which was very beneficial in carrying out my ministry with joy . ” Later , when the KGB chief arrived , the officers told him about the kind treatment they had received . Evidence of holy spirit . 12 : 10 - 13 ) 20 : 8 , 9 . Thus , we can all benefit from the support of fellow Christians . Such expectations are the most noble any human can cherish . To acquaint ourselves with Jehovah’s thinking , we need to make personal study a priority . Even during the night , my innermost thoughts correct me . ” 55 : 12 - 14 . Challenges that Job faced . They remain neutral , even if as a result they have less money or lose everything they own . ​ — Hebrews 10 : 34 . 1 : 2 , 3 . They went to the people wherever they could be found ​ — in public areas and in private homes . How may consciences differ ? THROUGH his written Word , Jehovah has given us a number of specific commands . 7 : 13 , 14 . Jehovah had guaranteed that he would hold dishonest people accountable for their wicked deeds . Why do beliefs about God and the origin of life always involve some type of faith , and what sound approach should we take ? In their home country , they may not have been able to take advantage of a Bible study or to associate freely with Jehovah’s people . From this we can perceive that sexual fantasizing is wrong because it can lead to serious sin that is forbidden in the Scriptures and is out of harmony with Jehovah’s way of thinking . Victoria , 23 , says : “ When you tell the truth and stand up for your beliefs , you might get bullied . Brothers were particularly mistreated in an attempt to get them to reveal the names of those conducting meetings . Jehovah proved to be for Noah a God of encouragement . By doing so , we need never be anxious about our material needs . Is my personality becoming Christlike ? I gained spiritual mothers and fathers , brothers and sisters , just as Jesus promised . ” ​ — Mark 10 : 29 , 30 . In order for him to become “ the chief cornerstone , ” he had to be resurrected . ​ — w17.12 , pp . In his warning against the misuse of freedom , Peter also pointed out the objective . Jesus taught his disciples that they must maintain neutrality in these circumstances . However , Jesus noted that some situations might require congregation involvement . What challenges must servants of Jehovah confront ? Challenges that Daniel faced . As stated , the vindication of Jehovah’s sovereignty is a vital issue involving mankind . What freedom did Jesus promise , and how can we gain it ? What a good example ! For Didier and Nadine , learning the Malagasy language was a challenge . Granted , keeping our eyes on the vindication of Jehovah’s sovereignty can be challenging . Looking back , I don’t know why I should have been . After baptism , all disciples should keep on growing in accurate knowledge . Korah , Dathan , and Abiram became jealous of Moses and opposed him . He truly cared for people . On one occasion , about 90 delegates stayed at the branch , where they had “ as beds 20 cartons of books apiece , in rows . ” “ Seeking refuge in him by faith , there is protection . ” May we never fall into the trap of choosing to rely on our own understanding , as did Adam and the rebellious Israelites . As a result of divine favor , Daniel was made a high official under both Babylonian and Medo - Persian rule . 10 , 11 . ( a ) Under what circumstances might our personal sense of justice be tested ? With other exiled Witnesses on Makrónisos Island DECLARING the good news of the Kingdom was Jesus ’ primary assignment . As the Bible foretold , Jehovah is gathering “ a great crowd . . . out of all nations and tribes and peoples and tongues . ” These questions will be discussed in the next article . If a person tires of serving Jehovah or of living a Christian way of life , he cannot claim that he was never really dedicated and that his baptism was invalid . People of many nations and skin colors gather together in meeting places around the earth . Later , I met Angelines , one of my neighbors , and we became close friends . Because they “ go on acquiring power in the Lord . ” But how will God answer our prayers for strength to endure ? 15 - 17 . John’s reason for writing to Gaius was not just to thank him . Consider the experience of the writer of Psalm 73 . Also , we often talked with fondness about our time in the missionary work . But rather than being “ fishers of men , ” Christendom’s clergy seem more concerned with merely keeping the “ fish ” they already have . A man interested in finding Bible truth decides to attend a public talk advertised in The Irish Times . How did Jesus show himself to be encouraging ? This daily ritual continued for two months . At the same time , Jehovah knows that humans have limitations . Then Federico took a false step . I look forward to seeing him again in renewed health when he is resurrected . ​ — Acts 24 : 15 . Instead , their faith in God’s power enabled them , so to speak , to ‘ stop the mouths of lions ’ and ‘ quench the force of fire . ’ ​ — Heb . Therefore , to be like Christ , we need to know his pattern of thinking and the full range of his personality . The letter he wrote to his mother the night before he died showed tremendous faith and confidence in Jehovah , and I wanted to follow his example if I faced such a trial . ” ​ — See endnote . Hence , he must have known that sexual unions between women and materialized spirits were both unnatural and wrong . And we make every effort to comply with those standards at home , in the congregation , on the job , at school ​ — everywhere . So I talked to the mother superior about this and told her that I wanted to leave . For example , think of the pain that King David experienced after he disobeyed Jehovah’s command and committed adultery with Bath - sheba . Anyone . . . who has not sworn a false oath by My [ Jehovah’s ] life , nor taken an oath deceitfully . ” By teaching them to pray in the right way , to the right Person , and for the right things , we can help them draw close to Jehovah and find comfort during times of distress . ​ — Ps . ( b ) What dangers confront us today ? However , Zedekiah did not keep his sworn oath . Why was David willing to wait patiently ? However , scientific evidence suggests that because of a number of mechanisms mentioned above , pregnancy rarely occurs with the use of such IUDs . 3 : 15 . Another way to become more familiar with Jehovah’s thinking is by paying close attention to Bible - based guidance from his organization . Personal study of the Bible is the prime way we listen to Jehovah . With the help of yet another gift . It is an essential requirement for our salvation . Anointed Christians are those principally addressed in that chapter . So as the civil war raged around us , the three of us felt that our consciences would allow us to take care of the sheep . Can I not serve abroad for at least one year ? ’ Thus , rather than discourage a child from getting baptized , wise parents work hard to set the right example . Abraham and Sarah willingly followed God’s leadings to a land of promise . We cannot imagine the fugitive being indifferent ; his life depended on his reaching that city as soon as possible and remaining there ! After doing so , that person could get baptized . There is no way to undo a dedication vow , taking back what we promised God . David wrote : “ Who may ascend to the mountain of Jehovah , and who may stand up in his holy place ? “ YOU seem to be too clever to believe in God , ” said a fellow student to a young sister in Britain . The second article discusses how those serving in a foreign field can maintain their spiritual health . Instead , we see the wisdom of living in line with the inspired assurance : “ Setting the mind on the spirit means life and peace . ” And think of the millions of interested ones whom we welcomed at the Memorial . What situations , though , might put our modesty to the test ? my family ? ​ — 1 Thess . Then the nuns decided to separate my sisters and me . At that time , Caesar was the ruler and was the highest human authority . The word “ comes ” here refers to the same event as the “ coming ” that Jesus mentioned in his prophecy about the time of the end . Russell aboard the Lusitania Is this scripture implying that Jehovah takes note of every act of kindness performed in behalf of lowly ones ? Yet , even in this spiritually clean environment , unclean desires can take root . Nadine admits : “ The thought of being separated from the children made me hesitate , but they told us : ‘ If you move abroad to serve as need - greaters , we will be proud of you ! ’ Back then , many larger cities ​ — such as Jerusalem — ​ were surrounded by high walls . 13 Life Story ​ — Endurance Under Trial Results in Blessings No doubt he continued to add to his knowledge after his baptism . Hence , the Bible counsels us : “ Just as Jehovah freely forgave you , you must also do the same . ” ​ — Col . The first 39 books of the Bible were written by Israelites , or the Jews . Gratitude for the ransom should motivate us to do all we can to make others aware that they can benefit from that priceless gift . Even if no outright lie is told , what of God’s direction : “ You must not deceive ” ? Jehovah in his undeserved kindness grants us the blessing of approaching his heavenly throne in prayer . Am I willing to practice self - denial because I want to serve God ? For one thing , Noah did not walk with God in that wicked pre - Flood world for a mere 70 or 80 years ​ — the life span of many today . Presumptuous acts do not turn out well . Sinning can then become easier . If you are a Christian parent , you no doubt look forward to the day when your son or daughter will get baptized . ​ — Compare 3 John 4 . Perhaps because of Paul’s actions , his traveling companion Luke , the physician , was able to remain in Philippi after Paul and Silas left . 11 , 12 . ( a ) How does the account about the jailer relate to our ministry ? Renounce your activities and go home ! ” 30 : 8 , 20 - 24 . Instead , we regularly check that the ‘ iron plates ’ Jehovah has given us are firmly fixed over our heart . We do everything in our power to maintain peace with our brothers , even when we feel that we have been misunderstood or treated unfairly . This meant sacrifice on his part . How can we avoid misusing our God - given freedom ? Rather , as we teach such ones , we ought to emphasize the importance of building a personal relationship with God . Nowhere do we read of God’s telling Job specifically the reason behind his suffering . Wanting to do his part in Kingdom service , Wilhelm Hildebrandt ordered copies of The Bible Students Monthly in French . Who would dare approach such a frightening war machine ? Our choice of clothing should not make people conclude anything other than that we are worshippers of Jehovah . God saw a deeply depressed man who never turned his back on Him , even though Satan , in effect , threw Job to the ground and then verbally kicked him with lying insults . Let us remember that it is Jehovah’s humility and not our own ability that ‘ makes us great . ’ ( Read Jeremiah 10 : 23 . ) I told my service partner : ‘ I think I’m behaving like Jonah . * Have you similarly been affected by the use of God’s Word at meetings , assemblies , and conventions ? ​ — Neh . It was a pleasure to study the Scriptures with the humble and hospitable people in that unassigned territory . Because she suffered from a chronic heart condition , the doctors feared for her life and tried to convince her to have an abortion . Why can immoral desires deprive us of the prize ? Her words hurt me very much . The following article will discuss Scriptural points that can help married Christians face the challenges of living deep in “ the last days ” when so many men and women have traits that work against success in marriage . With Jehovah’s help , I now have an overriding sense of peace and calm , whereas before I was a time bomb of bitterness and rage , ready to explode at the slightest annoyance . ” In commenting on Luke 13 : 24 , John Barr , who served as a member of the Governing Body , pointed out some years ago , “ Many fail because they are not diligent enough to grow mighty . ” The psalmist sang : “ Jehovah is close to the brokenhearted ; he saves those who are discouraged . ” Women would have a longing for their husbands , but men would dominate their wives , even abusively , as we see in many marriages today . A more subtle challenge for Daniel could have involved his exceptional abilities , which led to his receiving special privileges . Do not be “ quickly shaken from your reason ” when faced with what appear to be damaging attacks by apostates or other such deceivers of the mind ​ — however plausible their charges may seem . ( a ) In this illustration , what is represented by the seed and the soil ? Scythes would have stuck out from the chariots , possibly from the axles . And just as Jehoshaphat went to the territory of Ephraim to help people return to true worship , we can reach out to those who have become inactive . 1 : 5 , 18 ; Col . During the course of Jesus ’ earthly ministry , his disciples also performed baptisms . After Adam and Eve sinned , Jehovah gave some of the cherubs a new assignment on the earth . Jehovah is the Creator . As told by Erika Nöhrer Bright For instance , elders need courage when caring for judicial matters or when helping those who face life - threatening medical emergencies . It satisfies our desire to keep living , and it fills our need to be freed from sin and death . Jesus was Jehovah’s choice . In 536 B.C.E . , the foundation of the temple was laid . Does this not indicate that we can grow in joy ? The chariot certainly has been on the move ! When serious problems arose in marriage , help was often provided by the elders . at home ? Jehovah has repeatedly shown that he can and will help disadvantaged ones who display honesty at all times . Some Christians who have committed a serious sin try to cover it over in order to avoid embarrassing themselves or disappointing others . At that time , World War II had just ended and nationalism was running high . As told by Pavel Sivulsky The message to the prophet Daniel continued : “ You will stand up for your lot at the end of the days . ” We can be sure that God , who “ sees into the heart , ” will make the truth grow in the hearts of rightly disposed ones . ​ — 1 Sam . “ Jehovah continued with Joseph and kept showing loyal love to him . . . Would I decide to miss meetings or field service so as to increase my income ? of popes and cardinals ? ’ When speaking with someone from a non - Christian background , we could say , “ Notice what the Holy Writings tell us . ” Moses once failed to sanctify Jehovah . Put yourself in the word picture that Jehovah has painted for us . The nation was about to cross the river Jordan to take possession of the Promised Land . “ On every post and doorway were white cards on which were printed in large , black type , ADV . As our love and appreciation for Jehovah’s wisdom continue to grow , we will be well - equipped as public instructors . They feel free to do this after the treatment has been received , rather than before , so that there can be no suggestion that the gift is intended as a bribe or a request for preferential treatment . Yet , the Bible cautions : “ A lover of silver will never be satisfied with silver , nor a lover of wealth with income . ” The use of “ then ” in verse 12 means that the blessings that follow in verses 12 to 14 are understood as applying to the righteous ​ — those who ask to be ‘ rescued and saved ’ from the wicked . [ 2 ] ( paragraph 18 ) For a discussion of Bible principles that can help your family , see the article “ Raising Children in a Foreign Land ​ — The Challenges and the Rewards ” in the October 15 , 2002 , issue of The Watchtower . Hence , the brothers were part of the Christian congregation and deserved a warm reception . Those were exciting times because so many had a keen desire to learn Bible truths , and they became our fellow Witnesses . What will result when we attain “ the peace of God ” ? SONGS : 93 , 96 To encourage Christians to endure the many trials from Satan , the apostle Peter wrote : “ Take your stand against him , firm in the faith , knowing that the same kind of sufferings are being experienced by the entire association of your brothers in the world . ” 6 : 22 , 23 . What indication do we have about the timing of the heavenly resurrection ? Daniel lived as a captive in Babylon , a city filled with idolatry and spiritism . But to what else besides divine intervention can we attribute such torrential rains at that precise location and exact moment , so as to swamp 900 war chariots ? It is Jesus , of course . We can be sure that he will never disappoint those hoping in him . ​ — Matt . Loving consideration of the mate’s feelings and needs is essential . Our first progressive Bible study was with Chris and Mary Kanaiya . Such a condition would require them to be secluded during the Passover week and to miss all its observances and celebrations . The brothers there have to deal with many sensitive and complex questions from elder bodies and circuit overseers around the country . Before reading God’s Word , we do well to pray for an open mind and for wisdom to discern the lessons that Jehovah wants us to learn . ​ — Ezra 7 : 10 ; read James 1 : 5 . I prepared them for the trial and cross - examination by pretending to be the prosecuting attorney . Young people in the congregation benefit themselves if they focus on pleasing Jehovah . Think what those resurrection accounts would have meant to Martha ! These older ones consider the younger couple’s help to be a gift from Jehovah . Among just three neighboring towns in that area , there are 50 congregations and over 5,400 publishers . Over 30 years later , Mirjana is still in full - time service , together with her husband . What went wrong ? The above are but a few examples of individuals who did things that hurt others . Above all , we stay busy in the preaching work , knowing that this work strengthens our hope for the future . ( Read Psalm 110 : 3 ; Acts 6 : 1 - 3 ) The apostle Paul invited Timothy into missionary service because “ he was well - reported - on by the brothers . ” ​ — Acts 16 : 1 - 5 . We found , not one deaf person , but eight deaf persons in that one village alone ! ” So there would be no one to inherit Jephthah’s name and land . It is near and it is approaching very quickly ! ” Though no set time must pass before that person’s reinstatement , such treachery , which seldom occurs among those associated with God’s people , cannot be ignored . My parents were farmworkers , and they worked on the kolkhoz from dawn to dusk . For example , many Gilead - trained missionaries stay in their foreign assignment for several years before going back to their country of origin for a visit . Jesus ’ prophecy about diminishing love extends to our day . It was quite a job cleaning the projector afterward ! While there , I visited Dr . What questions will we now consider ? They then completed Jerusalem’s walls in just 52 days ! In the center was a painting of Jesus . Revealing what was in his heart when “ left . . . alone , ” Hezekiah showed those Babylonians “ his entire treasure - house . ” How would Jehovah deal with this tragic injustice ? When you sing out joyfully , you will also encourage others to sing with confidence . Jesus ’ words can have what positive effect on you ? Christian parents do well to make sure that God’s Word gradually reaches their children’s minds and hearts . While touching the corpse , Elijah prayed : “ God , please , let this child’s life come back into him . ” 26 : 19 ; Hos . About six months later , he moved to a nearby congregation but was not appointed an elder there . 46 : 11 . I could continue to help those who had not had a chance to learn about Jehovah ! ” Does delaying baptism make one less accountable to Jehovah ? 18 : 1 - 8 ; 1 Tim . In time , several other members of the family did the same . [ 2 ] ( paragraph 15 ) For information about situations in which one Christian might decide to take legal action against another Christian , see “ Keep Yourselves in God’s Love , ” p . 223 , ftn . Could you make some adjustments so that you will have time and energy to accept or offer hospitality ? I find that the more generous I am materially , the more generous my disposition toward others has become . But when their actions did not deserve commendation , he explained the reason to them kindly and clearly . ​ — 1 Cor . the mother said . He does so even when we feel that we are facing impossible circumstances alone . ​ — Ps . Such comments by non - Witnesses show that our international brotherhood is truly unique . My doctors had told me that I could not have children , so we were surprised to learn in 1962 that I was expecting ! Prepare a realistic budget * When the war ended , however , they were released and the charges against them were dropped . He humbly apologized face - to - face to the brother he had hurt . “ I meditate on you during the watches of the night . ” The Greek word rendered “ temptation ” may denote “ test , trial . ” They had not built a foundation of accurate knowledge or godly wisdom ; nor did they trust in Jehovah . But then the “ newness ” can wear off as time goes by . Up to this point in my life , I had learned to be somewhat macho . About this time , I received an invitation to serve at Bethel , at what was then called Watchtower Farm , on Staten Island , New York . As our circumstances allow , we look for ways to expand our ministry , perhaps by serving as an auxiliary or a regular pioneer . Some of them serve within their local territories ; others move to where the need is greater . Use your God - given thinking abilities and power of reason to make the truth your own . ​ — Prov . What a faith - strengthening occasion that must have been ! ​ — 2 Chron . Speaking about his Father , Jesus stated : “ He takes away every branch in me not bearing fruit . ” They found hearing ears everywhere . Circuit overseers and elders remember the Governing Body by sticking closely to guidelines given to them . When praised , we do well to apply Jesus ’ words : “ When you have done all the things assigned to you , say : ‘ We are good - for - nothing slaves . People may think that the more freedom they have , the better off they will be , but the reality is that having unbounded freedom is a two - edged sword . There is a difference . Are we not grateful that we have caring elders who endeavor to do that ? Jean - David from France wrote : “ We preached on just one street for hours . * Like other baptized disciples , he will continue to increase in knowledge of Jehovah’s purpose throughout his life , even for all eternity . ​ — Rom . Young people who keep focused on serving Jehovah can be sure of his blessing in making a success of life . ​ — Read Proverbs 16 : 3 . He was the last of eight sons . Consider some of the ways that Jehovah may make the way out for us : Whatever the case , here they are , unjustly thrown into prison . And as for his servants , reflecting Jehovah’s qualities in fuller measure is a priceless achievement . A couple in the United States reflect on Jehovah when the family enjoy an aspect of nature or certain foods . A scythe is a sharp , long , and sometimes curved blade . How does hope have the power to reduce anxiety ? There are many reasons why God tells us to be neutral . ( b ) To what extent do true Christians love their fellow man ? But , frankly , is there any real need to ponder those issues now ? Also , friends from home sent us e - mails and letters to encourage us not to give up . ” ​ — Phil . Alejandro , who has moved several times , knows that the adjustment process cannot be rushed . Jehovah can likewise help us find adequate housing for our families . Still , he was not immune to the effect of bad associations . Using My Book of Bible Stories , she explained how the account of Shadrach , Meshach , and Abednego had a bearing on her decision . Instead , on two occasions Jesus heard his Father speak from heaven and say : “ This is my Son , the beloved , whom I have approved . ” 14 : 8 ; Ps . Because official genealogies were generally traced through the men . That is where I entered the world on November 9 , 1929 . If a brother or a sister from another place gives you a suggestion , do you immediately think , ‘ We do things better here , ’ and then reject it ? Far from indicating Jehovah’s displeasure , they provide for us a means to show that we support God’s sovereignty . Shortly after the meeting in 49 C.E . , Peter visited Syrian Antioch . How can you help your children to acquire it ? However , for the reasons that we shall outline in this article and in the one following , a reexamination of the subject was necessary . We personally “ taste and see that Jehovah is good ” as we do all we can in his service . But how well - founded are the moral standards of someone who refuses to acknowledge our loving Creator as the One who sets the standards of right and wrong ? Why is rendering proper honor to elders a concern ? They may not have examined the question of God’s existence carefully , but they are drawn to the idea of being free to do as they please . Is it presumptuous on our part to think that we are the ones who are doing this work ? Jesus , though also physically tired , was fully awake in fervent prayer to his Father . Jehovah God is not divided or unpredictable . What will help us to retain “ the peace of God , ” and how is this possible ? Perhaps you have not experienced that exact situation , but other anxieties in life may well cause you to be apprehensive . Would you like to serve in such a territory ? Do not be afraid or be terrified , for Jehovah . . . is with you . ” ​ — 1 CHRON . ( b ) How have some benefited from meditating on what they study ? Rehoboam must have found the atmosphere in Israel thick with tension . Even his final words before he died included quotations of Messianic prophecies . One example of such a case occurred under the oversight of military commander Claudius Lysias , who took into custody the apostle Paul , a Roman citizen . ​ — Acts 23 : 26 - 30 . That was the equivalent of what an unskilled laborer might earn for 25 days ’ work . Why should we not equate free will with the right to decide what is good and what is bad ? In his hometown of Nazareth , Jesus spoke of how Jehovah had favored foreigners , such as the Phoenician widow from Zarephath and the Syrian leper Naaman . Where this situation exists , the question of whether a Christian might give gifts or tips to government employees does not even arise . How can we introduce scriptures in a way that engenders respect for the Bible ? In a sense , today’s system of things is like that man on death row . However , no member of the Governing Body maintains a personal Web page or a presence on any social media site . What example does Jehovah provide regarding self - control ? I felt that I should be earning money to help my family instead of working at the convent to make other people rich . Barak wasted no time in following Jehovah’s instructions . George Gangas , who was a member of the Governing Body for over 22 years , said : “ To me , meeting with the brothers is one of life’s greatest pleasures and a source of encouragement . 14 - 18 . For more instruction on improving the singing voice , see the December 2014 monthly program on JW Broadcasting ( video category FROM OUR STUDIO ) . “ How good and how pleasant it is . . . to dwell together in unity ! ” ​ — PS . She trusted that Jehovah would either put an end to her barrenness or fill the lack in some other way . Weeds had been sown in another person’s field , and as a result , a crop was ruined . In principle , this counsel applies equally to Christian men . What is the preaching territory like ? The Bible tells us : “ There are new heavens and a new earth that we are awaiting according to his promise , and in these righteousness is to dwell . ” Even though we do not know everything Jehovah will do , we do know our God . Why is it important to remember that ? Joshua’s experience is not uncommon . ( Read Zechariah 6 : 15 . ) Didier relates : “ We pioneered when we were younger , and then we raised three children . Since leaving the city a year earlier , they had traveled more than 12,000 miles ( 19,300 km ) through some of the most remote and rugged regions of the continent . The experience of a family in the first century offers parents some insight . How does she deal with this obstacle ? Imagine how touched I was to see them and to be with them ! A good portion of what he said was either a quotation from or an allusion to the Hebrew Scriptures . The Bible does not tell us just what caused Hezekiah’s heart to become haughty . Working with Brother Knorr was truly a pleasure . Think , too , about the spiritual food based on the Bible that we receive each month . May your answers show that you too ‘ walk with the true God . ’ Maintain hope . Timothy was already an experienced Kingdom proclaimer . Paul likens God’s Word to a sword that Jehovah has given us . That was the case with Joshua , quoted at the outset . Thanks to the ransom , then , we can enjoy a friendship with Jehovah even though we are in an imperfect state . ​ — Read 1 Timothy 1 : 15 . Might we personally need to fight some feelings of prejudice , as do these two sisters ? In time , privileges may be restored . The facts show , however , that in the decades leading up to World War I , God’s anointed servants were actually breaking free from Babylon the Great , not becoming enslaved to it . For example , he uses bait to lure them into doing things his way . 9 Peace ​ — How Can You Find It ? When making decisions about what to wear , God’s servants take into account that “ there is a time for every activity and every action . ” While David may have been disappointed that he could not fulfill his heart’s desire , he fully supported the project . 31 Questions From Readers Three times at Judges 4 : 14 , 15 , the victory is attributed to Jehovah . Jesus ’ humility and obedience drew people of honest heart to him and helped to make him a compassionate and gracious teacher . It is quite likely that you will hear positive experiences . ​ — Eph . I too have had similar opportunities , and I heartily urge others to do the same and experience many blessings . How can we benefit from the psalmist’s seeming change of subject at Psalm 147 : 4 ? What did we do to deserve such a wonderful blessing ? Are you married ? To learn the name of the primary legal entity used by Jehovah’s Witnesses in your country , please contact the branch office . Consider also the example of a family in Japan . “ Let’s wait until she visits to tell us the details , ” I replied . God’s things to God . ” ​ — MATTHEW 22 : 21 . How do we benefit from showing love ? While such wrongful imprisonments are a cause of frustration and even anger , Christians may find another type of injustice even more difficult to bear . God thus commended Jesus and assured him that he was doing well . 21 : 8 ) When we experience the rich rewards that come from doing things Jehovah’s way , our heart naturally grows in love and appreciation for both Jehovah and his laws . ( a ) What might prevent some from singing out joyfully at our meetings and assemblies ? For many , staying free from pornography is an ongoing battle . They are going to a remote area of the country to preach Well , as you show brotherly love , tender affection , and honor , you will avoid situations that could cause anxiety . ​ — Rom . Many of them became believers . Let them marry . ” ( b ) How do the “ other sheep ” help their anointed brothers ? So effective has Satan been in ‘ blinding people’s minds ’ that he now ‘ misleads the entire inhabited earth . ’ I have great grief and unceasing pain in my heart . ” Likewise , the genealogies supplied by the two Gospel writers differ . A Bible study was a blessing for Gavin because it helped him find answers to all his questions . Some material is especially designed to help young people ; other material assists their parents . Today , there are over 400,000 publishers in the countries that were once part of the Soviet Union ! An even greater mistake would be to allow the faults of others to stumble us and cause us to leave Jehovah’s organization . So as parents , keep building your own faith . What is now Kyrgyzstan then belonged to the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics ( USSR ) . Each one in the congregation can be a source of encouragement to others ( See paragraph 14 ) That is a question often put to Jehovah’s Witnesses . 13 : 1 ; 29 : 21 . They were imperfect , and they faced many of the challenges we face , including some that were life threatening . 11 , 12 . ( a ) What can young ones do to prepare to give a witness ? Tertullian , a second - century writer , quoted non - Christians as saying : “ They love one another . . . What stresses exist in the modern workplace ? He cared deeply about my spiritual recovery and never abandoned me . Although many governments today allow us to be neutral , we can expect them to be less willing to do so as we get closer to the end . Spiritually - minded associates will have a positive influence on you , moving you to imitate their course of life marked by self - control . For example , the husband of a Witness wife might not allow her to conduct a formal Bible study with her minor children or to take them with her to Christian meetings . How did Timothy set a good example in promoting Kingdom interests ? “ Now she calls or texts me nearly every day ! ” What if your marriage mate , your son or daughter , or your close friend is disfellowshipped and you do not agree with the decision ? As a result , the issue went no further . First , cultivate and display the qualities that Paul mentioned ​ — humility , mildness , patience , and love . Do you think that this mother felt that Jehovah answered her heartfelt prayer ? Because the first human pair had disobeyed Jehovah , they stood before him as condemned rebels . 36 : 9 . They also worry about the health issues that may confront them as they grow older . Hans and Brook , a pioneer couple in their 30 ’ s , are serving in the United States . 28 Being a Friend When Friendship Is in Danger Four actions are therefore required . “ We mingled at the Kingdom Hall before and after meetings , ” she says . Moreover , a poor decision could injure others spiritually by disturbing , or even stumbling , them or by disrupting the unity of the congregation . What is more , their numbers are growing . He was a tireless worker for the truth and had tremendous appreciation for the missionaries around the world . Imagine how wonderful life will be when everyone we know is clothed to perfection with the new personality ! And the love for Jehovah that we and our fellow worshippers share is like a cord that ties us together and strengthens our bond of unity . How good it is to teach others that far from being a mere psychological crutch , prayer is a wonderful means of approaching Jehovah’s “ throne of undeserved kindness ” ! As Jehovah’s people , we are not surprised at the unity we enjoy . Adds Louis , “ Imagine , at our first Memorial in Madagascar , ten of our Bible students attended ! ” Go back to work . ” Starting in the 2015 service year , those two schools were combined , forming the School for Kingdom Evangelizers . You nail down counsel by giving encouragement . Peter discussed the tract with them and asked : “ What will you do with your life ? ” His wife tried to calm him but without success . 51 : 14 . 1 All through this experience , I knew that holy spirit was helping me and that Jehovah was holding my hand , making me firm and strong . ​ — Isa . Pray for God’s spirit . By observing Jesus ’ commandments . Jehovah’s hand in this arrangement was apparent , as there are now dozens of congregations in the area . World Free of Violence Possible ? No . ( a ) What can help us to continue in our struggle to gain God’s blessing ? When teaching children , why is patience vital ? Endurance helps us to be courageous , faithful , and patient . As we strengthen the hands of others , we help them to battle discouraging circumstances and to maintain a positive and hopeful view of the future . The threats from foreign opposers caused the Jews to slacken their hands , to cease rebuilding Jerusalem’s walls . But at the same time , we need to realize that Jehovah is not limited by our requests , plans , and expectations . Certainly not . Why is a parent’s continued effort important ? What can you do to let your light shine in the neighborhood ? Noah exercised his faith by building the gigantic ark . Elders who have the mind of Christ often see early warning signs of fleshly thinking . When you feel physically and emotionally drained , then , do not cut yourself off from Jehovah . In line with the free will that he grants us , he respects our responsibility and right to ‘ choose for ourselves ’ whether we will serve him . The parable of the talents , given in Jesus ’ prophecy about the conclusion of the system of things , encourages faithfulness . Emil settled near Sokuluk , in my home region . For example , he sought help from the king of Syria rather than from Jehovah . International Conventions . Are you envious because I am generous ? ’ ​ — Matt . 20 : 1 - 15 , ftn . Why did most people have virtually no access to the Bible in John Wycliffe’s time ? After centuries of apostasy and spiritual darkness , can anything other than holy spirit explain the rapid increase in spiritual understanding since 1919 ? Let us never forget , though , that “ God is greater than our hearts and knows all things . ” 28 : 5 . The Israelites had been “ harshly oppressed ” by Canaanite King Jabin for 20 years . Test your defenses against satanic propaganda . Joseph explained that the cupbearer would be restored to his former position in Pharaoh’s court . How did Jehovah encourage Noah ? They would have us over for dinner , but they had to do so under the cover of darkness . I had to prepare well for each lesson . Another Bible example is that of the apostle Peter . How can you make sure that you will remain when this wicked world passes away ? He was farsighted and practical . This means that it would be necessary for thousands of brothers to meet the qualifications needed in order to serve as ministerial servants . political developments ? Pay close attention to details . Also , the Sanhedrin could declare Christianity an apostasy from Judaism . As a result , the seedlike Kingdom message took root and grew , as it were , into a wheat stalk that , in time , was ready to bear fruit . Just like Jesus ’ early followers , we meet together to learn and to be encouraged . As he went on to explain , he did not want to be tempted to steal because theft would dishonor God . How might Jehovah help you if you lose your job ? Most important , you will gain Jehovah’s approval and find abundant and everlasting peace in God’s new world . ​ — 2 Pet . Upon graduating , the couple were delighted to be reassigned to Madagascar . But in his time , the common people in England had virtually no access to the Bible . Sadly , Walter died of brain cancer in 2015 . We stay close to our brothers . At a diplomatic function , Herod clothed himself “ with royal raiment . ” Rather , it means that our love must not be limited to words , especially when the circumstances call for action . Jesus indicated that this would be the case . In contrast , genuine love moves us to find joy in serving our brothers without fanfare or recognition . After praying to Jehovah for help , she decided to face the issue . Allen realizes that by moving , he did not lose any friends . Says James 1 : 5 : “ If any one of you is lacking in wisdom , let him keep asking God , for he gives generously to all and without reproaching . ” Be determined to stick to Jehovah’s organization and loyally support the leadership he provides ​ — no matter what imperfections may surface . ( b ) What questions remain for the next article to answer ? They can be sure that Jehovah understands their situation and deeply appreciates everything they do to worship him . Some are : God views life as sacred . Consider Joshua . He had served God faithfully for many years . Solomon died in 997 B.C.E . For some 20 years , Irene has worked hard in that language field . The Mosaic Law stated : “ If a man makes a vow to Jehovah or swears an oath to impose on himself a vow . . . , he must not violate his word . During a tour of the British Museum , Brother Schroeder pointed out to us some Bible manuscripts . Yet , that does not stop us from speaking . How did Jehovah show that he is a lover of justice , and why would this have been of comfort to Naboth’s relatives and friends ? Jehovah’s prophets , however , always spoke the truth . How much more so do brothers and sisters today need strengthening as we face Satan’s intense attack against God’s people . ​ — Col . 4 : 11 , ftn . When I was about nine , my mother began going to the hall of the International Bible Students Association , where people who had adopted the name Jehovah’s Witnesses held their “ classes , ” or meetings . So how can we turn away from the worldly attitudes that surround us and strive to please Jehovah , the God of love ? How thrilling it is to “ honor Jehovah with [ our ] valuable things ” and to see how such resources are used faithfully and discreetly to do the greatest work in human history ! ​ — Prov . Through his Word , Jehovah repeatedly admonishes us to use our abilities for good . So we should not be tempted to think that someone could fully determine what is good without believing in God and adhering to his standards . ​ — Ps . What course does Jehovah’s Word encourage ? ​ — Read Ecclesiastes 12 : 1 . Yet , no human potter can begin to compare with Jehovah . A Christian couple considering the use of an IUD might discuss with a qualified medical professional the IUD products available locally as well as possible benefits and risks to the wife . Besides being my friend , he was a spiritual role model for me . ” Yes , if we imitate Jesus , we will always act with love . He just glared at me and said , “ It’s locked . ” Rather , they are making progress in having “ their powers of discernment trained to distinguish both right and wrong . ” ONE facet of the sign that Jesus gave regarding “ the conclusion of the system of things ” was that “ the love of the greater number [ would ] grow cold . ” Jesus focused on the rewards of his endurance , most important , that he would have a part in sanctifying God’s name and supporting his right to rule . Jehovah notices that we really want to be at the meetings and values all the effort we make to be there He sets the example for us by living up to his promises , and he will help us live up to ours . Drawing on the example of a boxer of ancient times , Paul said of himself : “ The way I am aiming my blows is so as not to be striking the air . ” “ HELLO ! The faithful slave has exercised outstanding faith by zealously promoting and spreading the Kingdom good news . First , how can older ones help younger ones take on increased responsibility , and why is this important ? Hence , our brothers and sisters appreciate it when we refrain from wearing clothes that are so tight or so loose that they are revealing . Many believed that the Messiah would establish a kingdom on earth in Israel . The righteous man Lot was tormented by all the wrongdoing that surrounded him and his family . In fact , it was while Daniel was still a young man that Jehovah counted him worthy of being mentioned as an example of righteousness , along with Noah and Job . He bathed , neatly trimmed his beard , and put on the better clothes that Don offered him . Such individuals may say , “ I am interested in spiritual matters , but I do not get involved in organized religion . ” What is one important way in which we can be a source of comfort to others ? Therefore , I turned in a Bethel application at that convention in Toronto . 21 : 17 ; Josh . Disciple - making is an educational experience that teaches you good work habits , communication skills , confidence , and tact . But my family , and especially my sister Araceli , insisted that what I believed was wrong . Jewish leaders likewise heaped scorn on Jesus ’ followers . Throughout my youth , my parents invited many circuit overseers and their wives to stay with us . In this way , we imitate our loving and merciful Father , Jehovah . ​ — Ps . We may also find ourselves at greater risk if we are depressed and vulnerable . And how will his teaching help us to keep united ? To help us maintain our wholehearted love for God’s Kingdom , Jehovah has given us another priceless treasure . Dew forms gradually and is refreshing and life - sustaining . How can we build up those needing encouragement ? Impressed with the way this young , hardworking pioneer conducted himself , my parents invited Arthur to stay with them . ( b ) How can we train our children and new ones to have a share ? Even when kings were not faithful to him , Jehovah could give them victory over the enemy for the sake of his own name . No doubt , he took the time to consider what the consequences would be if he were to lower his guard . Jesus answered : “ My Kingdom is no part of this world . ” A mild temper can defuse tension . He is forced to wait , and he is not looking forward to the outcome . They were attracted by the projector light and got stuck in the projector . He might even be killed . Didier smiles as he recalls the time when he began to learn Malagasy . You can be certain that “ after you have done the will of God , you [ will ] receive the fulfillment of the promise . ” In the meantime , God sustains his faithful servants . 4 , 5 . ( a ) What encouragement did Jehovah give to his ancient people ? Those who attend will learn much regarding God’s purpose . When money and the things we own are very important to us , we may find it hard to stay neutral . “ I will give you good instruction . ” ​ — PROV . 3 : 23 . In Bible times , a potter might press the clay into a mold so that it would take on the shape he desired . This trend is not as common in the Christian congregation , but increasing marital problems among God’s people are a cause for concern . Will you allow yourself to be stumbled if an elder thoughtlessly makes a statement that offends or hurts you ? 65 : 2 , 3 . This is another way that our loving Father , through his Word , offers support and comfort to those experiencing tribulation . 21 “ Blessed Be Your Good Sense ! ” Mary was “ deeply disturbed , ” uncertain why an angel was speaking to her . Faith in God’s means of salvation moves a believer to share the good news with others . Although Bible study can be enjoyable , we should not expect the Bible to read like a novel that is written just to entertain . What sort of prejudices did Jesus ’ early disciples have to overcome ? Build yourself up by regularly reading the Bible , preparing for and attending Christian meetings , sharing in the field ministry , and praying for the strength to endure . As congregations observed those decrees , they “ continued to be made firm in the faith and to increase in number day by day . ” Russell when she was only six years old . To whatever extent that may be true in your case , what is your situation before God at this time ? The love we show for others draws people to our heavenly Father . God’s words to Job fill four chapters in the book of Job ​ — chapters 38 through 41 . ( a ) What moves us to preach to our neighbors ? Why is encouragement a power for good ? But there was another word that was more than polite . Burying Jesus in Joseph’s own future tomb was a generous gesture on Joseph’s part and fulfilled the prophecy that the Messiah would be buried “ with the rich . ” ​ — Isa . As servants of Jehovah , though , we seek the wisdom from above , which is impartial and promotes peace . The man mentioned how much he and his wife needed comfort , and he now showed interest in the Bible’s message . He showed loving consideration for others ’ spiritual , emotional , and physical needs . However , such “ watchmen ” can perceive only those threats that come from man - made governments or humans . As a loving Friend , he warmly encourages sincere individuals who want to serve him but who have a hard time exercising self - control in some area of life . Of course , most of us lead very busy lives . In recounting the early days of his service as a missionary , a brother says : “ We were young , inexperienced , and homesick . Arimathea is likely identified with Ramah , modern - day Rentis ( Rantis ) . That counsel was balanced with the caution not to treat such a person as an enemy . It makes me feel sick . Jesus set the pattern in honoring others by performing the lowliest of tasks . Some younger ones may now be coordinating activities that include older brothers . How can illustrations help children to build faith in the Bible ? Jesus did not get involved with politics or other issues that divide people . By your extending yourself and with God’s blessing , you may be able to start a Bible study . Such an act was “ unthinkable ” to Abraham . ( b ) Why and how should we view past decisions ? David , in turn , acknowledged that Jehovah had used her to restrain him from doing what would have made him guilty before God . Regarding the word for “ undeserved kindness , ” which is translated “ grace ” in many Bible versions , one scholar wrote : “ The whole basic idea of the word is that of a free and undeserved gift , of something given to a man unearned and unmerited . ” Jacob’s words and actions reveal that he had God’s standards and will in mind . When David later received accurate information , he amended his decision . Take the lead in showing honor to others . They fight hard to resist being tempted to live a materialistic , self - centered lifestyle . What are some warning signs of immodest thinking or behavior ? To fulfill their commission , Jesus ’ disciples needed to conquer the pride and prejudice they had . Indeed , having deep love for God helps us to obey Jehovah’s commandments , to endure , and to hate what is bad . It is by maintaining a good relationship with our God , Jehovah . The student eventually got baptized . Gideon is an excellent example of modesty in action . He meant the Bible Students in particular . Or as he put it on a later occasion : “ Give us each day our bread according to our daily needs . ” Jacob , Rachel , Joseph , and Paul faced circumstances that were emotionally and physically draining , yet they proved that perseverance leads to rich blessings . In response to our expression of love , Jehovah and Jesus keep us in their love . What advantage do we gain from knowing the extent of Satan’s influence ? Like Martha , you can be confident about the resurrection ( See paragraphs 19 , 20 ) “ Where sin abounded , undeserved kindness abounded still more . is the ‘ Interview ’ article . ” What can you do if you feel that you are not equipped to discuss evolution or creation ? 26 : 51 , 52 . The former things have passed away . ” As such , he works diligently so that God’s people as a whole may dwell in security despite living in the midst of this hostile world . First , be patient . “ You will do nothing of the kind , ” Mother replied . Meanwhile , when her husband told his relatives that at his request his wife would join them after attending her “ Witness meeting , ” they replied , “ She won’t come ; Jehovah’s Witnesses do not celebrate birthdays ! ” It was their faith in Jehovah and their trust in his dealings with them . The June 1 issue of The Watchtower asked the question : “ Do . . . persons who have not broken their addiction to tobacco qualify for baptism ? ” As the brothers in Philippi thought over what had happened in the ten years since those events , they would have been strengthened . They are then pronounced husband and wife , and their marriage is meant to be a lifelong bond . Appointed men can learn what lessons from Timothy ? Whatever the case , Jesus ’ words indicate that the congregation should not get involved in disagreements prematurely . Grateful Recipients of God’s Undeserved Kindness , July What blessings result when we act in harmony with Jehovah’s laws and principles ? Zechariah knew that the Jews who moved to Jerusalem were men and women of faith . ( John 21 : 15 ) In the mid - 15th century , what factors contributed to a slight loosening of false religion’s grip on the people ? To help them disseminate Bible truth in various languages , Zion’s Watch Tower Tract Society was legally incorporated in 1884 , with Brother Russell as president . Prejudice about language may have been a factor . Nonetheless , throughout the generations “ a great cloud ” of Adam’s descendants have chosen to uphold God’s sovereignty . ( Read Revelation 7 : 12 . ) From the day of their child’s birth , parents should have the intent to make a disciple , assisting their child to become a dedicated , baptized servant of Jehovah . In a similar manner , there are many factors that are beyond our control as we wait for the fulfillment of Jehovah’s promises . When the Roman Empire called on people to participate in a census , Joseph and Mary complied .