Jehovah did not do that , but he allowed Satan to test Job , stating : “ Everything that he has is in your hand . ” Corinna said : “ We left our work area in the evening and walked to a railway station 25 kilometers ( 15 miles ) away . Romantic love ( eʹros ) brings delight , and love for family ( stor·geʹ ) is vital when children enter the picture . As our loving Designer and Creator , Jehovah knows what we need in order to be truly happy , and he fills that need abundantly . This faithful brother suffered repeated hardships . You will soon see how Jehovah “ cares for you . ” We all enjoy attending our Christian meetings as well as assemblies and conventions . Have complete confidence in Jehovah’s promise to watch over you , to give you “ the power beyond what is normal , ” and to help you withstand any attempts to frighten you into submission . ​ — 2 Cor . Parents , help your children to let their light shine by teaching them to comment in their own words . Felisa : Some time later , I got married and went to live in Cantabria , a province in Spain . Never put production , finances , or schedules ahead of safety and health . And the problem of lacking self - control is worsening . Toñi , a professional caregiver , rang the doorbell , and a middle - aged woman answered . Although Sara does not make as much money as she once did , she is able to continue pioneering . By means of Christ’s sacrifice , God freely forgives those whom he loves . If you would find it you must be ever on the lookout . . . . In 1962 , the Kingdom Ministry School was held throughout Brazil for brothers and missionary sisters . If that is true in your territory , why not consider different ways to preach the good news ? Faith “ follows the thing heard . ” and “ What kind of marriage mate do I want ? ” Those religious enemies were not referring to the taking of sanitary measures . Yes , Jehovah wants you as a young person to have a joyful heart . Poverty : Jehovah will eliminate it and will provide his people with spiritual and physical prosperity , a quality of life far more valuable than riches . ​ — Ps . Yes , Paul readily greeted his brothers and sisters . ​ — Rom . Jehovah’s name is magnified when we make a defense of our faith And Cain’s decision affected his relationship with his Creator . ​ — Gen . How , though , can we avoid misusing our gift of free will ? In time , Sadiq became a zealous publisher of the good news . The inspired Gospel of Mark calls Joseph “ a reputable member of the Council . ” What reasons do you have to cry out “ Hallelujah ! ” in your own life ? ​ — Ps . 147 : 1 , ftn . How did Paul act in harmony with his counsel found at 2 Corinthians 6 : 1 , and how can we do likewise ? How did the Israelites handle cases of willful murder ? However , faithful brothers and sisters who served God during the 1914 - 1918 period later made it clear that as a whole the Lord’s people did everything they could to keep the preaching work going . David’s bad attitude affected his speech . In Kilkenny , we studied with a young man three times a week despite the threats of violent mobs . Jehovah also helps Christians to deal with anxieties by means of weekly congregation meetings . She did not show respect for her husband’s headship by asking him about the matter . Like that sister , some parents have reasoned that it is better for their child to postpone baptism until he has outgrown the childish tendency to behave foolishly . ( Read Isaiah 50 : 4 ; Heb . Everyone needs to hear the warning before the end comes ! ​ — Matt . For many years , there was only one elder . Each of us should be alert to observe “ the need ” that others have . Here , too , adult Christians can benefit . Consider the example of Tessie , a sister in Australia . When visiting other cities , I have always made it a point to witness to the deaf . Jesus assured his disciples that if they would put the Kingdom first , God would support them . Had you been Toñi , how do you think you would have reacted ? When it is based on right principles , a·gaʹpe is the highest form of love . Inviting them for refreshments , a meal , or an outing will help them to make new friends and adjust to their changed circumstances . Indeed , they successfully carried out the task that he outlined for his followers . ​ — Acts 1 : 8 ; Col . Referring to Nisan 14 , 1513 B.C.E . , Moses stated : “ At the end of the 430 years , on this very day , all the multitudes of Jehovah went out of the land of Egypt . ” Jehovah is pleased to use those who have a humble , willing spirit . Practical wisdom differs from knowledge and understanding . Father was the company servant , the term then used for the one taking the lead in a congregation . In imitation of Timothy , “ pay constant attention to yourself and to your teaching . ” ​ — 1 Tim . Remember , at one point , Moses did not feel qualified for an assignment . When he was 12 years old , the teachers at the temple were amazed at “ his understanding and his answers ” regarding spiritual matters . ​ — Luke 2 : 42 , 46 , 47 . Let us go on rendering exclusive devotion to Jehovah by loving and serving him whole - souled and putting forth earnest effort to maintain oneness in the Christian brotherhood . “ You visit the people on that side of the street , ” he said , “ and I’ll take this side . ” So it pained Paul to see them reject God’s mercy . If a brother who sins against you continues to serve as an elder or even receives additional privileges , will you rejoice with him ? Showing that just a word of encouragement does not always suffice , Paul told the elders from Ephesus : “ You must assist those who are weak and must keep in mind the words of the Lord Jesus , when he himself said : ‘ There is more happiness in giving than there is in receiving . ’ ” They have not only called in question the law officers of the Government and the army intelligence bureau but have denounced all the ministers of all the churches . Their punishment should be severe . ” Why Should We Meet Together for Worship ? But it could be that he completely forgot that he was supposed to be ‘ walking modestly with God . ’ We honor these brothers regardless of their nationality , education , social standing , or financial status . In an alcohol - induced rage , he killed his girlfriend , for which he received a 20 - year prison sentence . My wife and I have found real enjoyment doing just that . Like many cities today , first - century Ephesus was filled with vice . They rejoice in your name all day long , and in your righteousness they are exalted . ” ​ — Ps . They sent two of their number , Peter and John , to pray for the new believers to receive holy spirit . He received a personal witness from the resurrected and glorified Jesus Christ . Because the Scriptures are silent regarding any antitypical significance of the cities of refuge , this article and the next one emphasize instead the lessons Christians can learn from this arrangement . We have also seen that we can learn from good examples of spiritual people . On his heavy - laden bicycle , he carried blankets , clothing , food , and a large number of books . “ We all stumble many times . ” How does the account of the jailer relate to our preaching work ? Although we now live far away from our children , we are glad that we are able to have frequent conversations with them . ” What does Judges 5 : 31 indicate for the future ? How can we as imperfect humans do so ? By Undeserved Kindness You Were Set Free , Dec . However , that day they lost almost everything they owned . Many hold this view . The faithful apostles and others will rule with him in heaven . Later , I asked the telephone company if I could start working there five weeks later than planned . So Asa’s strategy worked ​ — at first glance ! For example , we see how he remains peaceable and why peace is so important to him . Yes , we are determined , for as long as Jehovah wills , to be “ all things to people of all sorts . ” ( 2 ) Put your heart into your teaching . This paragraph describes a prison custom that was common practice years ago in some parts of the United States . Read Matthew 6 : 34 . What should impress us about the locations and roads connected to the cities of refuge in Israel ? As Jehovah’s Witnesses , we desire to reach as many people as possible with the good news before the end comes . In 1931 there were 82 publishers . 8 - 10 . Some Christians face decisions about whether to marry and whom to marry . Showing Christian love to “ foreign residents ” brings good results . Remember , your goal should be to win hearts , not arguments . In addition to our labors of love , we can honor God by way of our voluntary contributions . You too need to keep honing your skills . On other occasions , Jesus used the examples of sowing and reaping to illustrate the disciple - making work . ​ — Matt . Instead , they give their time and energy to Jehovah . How does respect for theocratic headship reveal our love for Jehovah’s way of ruling ? Were that to happen , we would lose not only the privilege of doing God’s will but also the hope of life in God’s new world . Immoral , dishonest , and brutally violent deeds seem to saturate this system of things . When evening came , he gathered the workers together to give them their wages , and he gave the same amount to each of them , whether they had labored many hours or just one . 41 : 10 . Joshua had every reason to be apprehensive . In his own due time , he appointed someone who would be superior to any of the men he had used thus far . I had been working in the Royal Dockyard in Chatham as an apprentice shipwright , a coveted position with excellent benefits . Many at that convention had already been spreading the Kingdom good news . What greater reason for joy could we have than our relationship with God ? We should not allow our hurt feelings to prevent us from serving Jehovah . Why do we need to do more than merely read scriptures when preaching ? It made me feel really welcome . He reflects : “ I had to push myself at first to get to know the brothers and sisters . If the spiritual food passes through other channels , there is no guarantee that it has not been altered or contaminated . ​ — Ps . How should the Israelites have responded to clear evidence that those men were empowered by holy spirit ? For example , can you transfer to a congregation where the need for Kingdom publishers is greater ? As Jerusalem was nearing its foretold destruction , Baruch began “ seeking great things ” for himself ​ — pursuits that had no lasting value . John had just referred to God ( see verse 6 ) , so the expression “ in behalf of his name ” appears to refer to Jehovah’s name . Back then , brothers and sisters typed address stencils ( small metal plates ) for new subscribers to The Watchtower and Awake ! But they had changed with the help of the Scriptures and of God’s holy spirit . Today , a number of Christian parents find themselves in a similar situation . Nearly 300 years earlier , Jehovah had commanded the Israelites to kill all false worshippers in the Promised Land , but they did not obey . Furthermore , Jehovah always exercises his freedom in harmony with his attributes of love and justice . Most of Jehovah’s people have not had to endure severe persecution . Of course , we can benefit from the Bible particularly if it is available in a language that we understand well . However , when he sobers up , he laughs no more , and he may return to a life full of sorrow and troubles . Avoid the unchristian view that children should provide their parents with a life of ease . 26 : 16 - 21 ; Dan . The crown then served “ as a memorial , ” or “ reminder , ” of their contribution toward true worship . 3 Benefits of Giving , No . 2 12 , 13 . ( a ) What action is Zechariah now told to take ? Why can we be sure that Jehovah understands a grieving person’s need for comfort ? How can the foregoing help us ? Well , before we became Christians , we often sinned , perhaps not realizing how wrong or bad our actions were in God’s eyes . However , we must be sincere . All those things can bring pleasure , but our life has a higher purpose that brings lasting happiness . It was a full month of training for those with oversight of the congregations , circuits , and districts . Yes , make a joyful sound ! ​ — Ps . First , an attempt should be made to resolve the issue without involving others . The failure to keep one’s word to Jehovah and to pay a vow may have serious consequences . Do not simply acknowledge the ransom’s value in helping vast numbers of people . How grateful we would be that we did not make a situation worse by slandering a fellow Christian ! 14 , 15 . ( a ) In what ways are our circumstances similar to those of Daniel ? At times , King David felt that his ‘ errors loomed over his head . ’ Although Naboth’s family and friends were saddened by Ahab’s murderous actions , they no doubt found some measure of comfort in knowing that Jehovah was aware of the injustice and that he quickly addressed the wrongdoing . These need - greaters are very much appreciated . Although faith is essential , aspects of this quality will pass away when we see the fulfillment of God’s promises and experience the reality of our Christian hope . However , the Jews had lost their special relationship with Jehovah . The last part of that prophecy should affect all Christians personally , for our heavenly Father says : “ I myself , Jehovah , will speed it up in its own time . ” A truly effective greeting , however short , should be sincere and reflect genuine love . 96 : 1 . What a difficult “ marriage ” that proved to be ! Jewish religious leaders would not talk to a woman in public , let alone a Samaritan woman with a questionable reputation . Suddenly , there is a violent earthquake . Like Moses , are we not pleased when others receive privileges that might otherwise have come to us ? There may have been a grain of truth in his mentioning a “ medical ” appointment , but would you say that he was being honest ? and “ Can You Step Over Into Macedonia ? ” ​ — The Watchtower , April 15 and December 15 , 2009 . The World Book Encyclopedia defines freedom as “ the ability to make choices and to carry them out . ” But Jehovah gives us clear warnings . SONGS : 124 , 79 Actually , the most basic living cells on earth are far more complex than any house because they can do what no house can do ​ — reproduce . James 4 : 17 How does imitating God show support for him ? How can this help us as public instructors of the good news ? John assures us : “ This is the confidence that we have toward him , that no matter what we ask according to his will , he hears us . ” No matter how qualified we may be , we are limited in what we can accomplish in our own strength . Otherwise , faithful Witnesses who do not succeed in making disciples because of preaching in an unresponsive territory would be like the barren branches in Jesus ’ illustration . The man can often respond more quickly than the woman , but emotionally the time should be right for both mates . However , he still invites his servants to use their material things to support the work of his organization . He eagerly organized work groups and gathered iron , copper , silver , and gold , as well as cedar timbers . And at times a fit of anger may be followed by a prolonged period of depression . But now the traffic signals were old news . But doing that can be dangerous . 23 : 14 . In addition , many people believe that global corruption has worsened . One of the limitations on our freedom is that we must respect the right that others have to make their own decisions in life . Yet , they “ went out from before the Sanhedrin , rejoicing because they had been counted worthy to be dishonored in behalf of his name . ” Well , he could have asked Jeremiah , one of the faithful prophets . 7 : 12 . Of course , not all members of the present - day Christian congregation travel great distances for the sake of the good news . In that situation , Noah recognized that there were some things he could not do but other things he could do . He lived during the reign of wicked King Ahaz , a time when all sorts of corruption prevailed . “ But can airplanes lay eggs and hatch small airplanes ? The first one to receive this gift was his firstborn Son , “ the image of the invisible God . ” The number of people who saw that presentation in 1914 alone was greater than the total number of Kingdom publishers active in the world today ! How can a young person demonstrate that he or she is wise for salvation ? And it impels people to focus on fleshly desires . What can parents learn from elderly Samuel ? Eventually , all my siblings did so and became Jehovah’s Witnesses . There is no shortage of work in God’s organization today . To endure and reach his goal , a climber must eat as many calories as possible . If you humble yourself and strive to make peace , you may obtain excellent results Some elders visit prisons to care for the spiritual needs of inmates . And those were the activities that he recommended to his brothers and sisters in Rome . The four Judean kings who were considered in the preceding article served Jehovah with a complete heart . Still , they made some serious mistakes . How does Zechariah’s record of those visions affect us today ? In her day , that situation was viewed as a great affliction . He knows what our dietary requirements are and what would be adequate shelter for us , given the size of our family . We graduated from the 27th class of Gilead School in July 1956 , and by November we were in our assignment ​ — Brazil . He also had a wealth of Scriptural knowledge , answering many of our questions . They look to God to solve injustice and the other problems we face . ” Could he have given in to such reasoning as a result of receiving bad counsel ? The Bible says : “ Be imitators of those who through faith and patience inherit the promises . ” You can do the following : Read with an open mind , seeking lessons that you can apply ; ask yourself such questions as ‘ How can I use this to help others ? ’ Silvana , a pioneer for nearly 30 years , says , “ Before I go to a house in my territory , I pray to Jehovah , asking him to give me a positive attitude . ” So how much knowledge is initially required ? God wants no one to be destroyed . To illustrate the importance of doing so , consider a sensitive subject that affects many parents . Would it be wise to make important decisions about our family and our livelihood without first consulting the Bible ? 6 : 15 . Christians ought to weigh any birth control method in the light of Bible principles . When the book The Finished Mystery was banned by the secular authorities in early 1918 , preaching became difficult for many of the brothers . He knew that his earthly ministry would come to an end and that others would carry on his work . His activities did not go unnoticed by the authorities . Jehovah treats his friends with kindness , and he expects no less from us . He tells us : “ As for me , I will keep on the lookout for Jehovah . Of course , if they have tasted some of life’s luxuries over the years , they may need to simplify their life and be satisfied with less materially . This is also true of our spiritual course . The Ammonites were conquered , and it was Jephthah’s beloved daughter who came out to meet him upon his victorious return . When a talk is based on an outline provided by the organization , study the outline and the scriptures it uses . How are you going to react ? How do I react when faced with temptations ? Jesus continued : “ When he has found it , he puts it on his shoulders and rejoices . Our family with Father in his military uniform Sadly , most Pharisees failed to see in such ones what Jesus saw . Our full share in worship reveals that we love Jehovah and are truly dedicated to him . The types of donations that you can send directly are the following : Commendably ! Note what Jesus stated : “ For as they were in those days before the Flood , eating and drinking , men marrying and women being given in marriage , until the day that Noah entered into the ark , and they took no note until the Flood came and swept them all away , so the presence of the Son of man will be . ” Keeping calm or losing our temper can directly or indirectly affect our Christian ministry ( See paragraph 14 ) Why is Jehovah the only rightful Sovereign ? Where do Jehovah’s people stand regarding his sovereignty ? In time , I was asked to make zone visits to other countries . However , it does not entitle them to rebel against their Creator and Life - Giver . Deuteronomy 24 : 14 , 15 states : “ You must not defraud a hired worker who is in need and poor , whether one of your brothers or a foreign resident in your land . . . Jehovah loves life , and he hates murderous “ hands that shed innocent blood . ” From time to time , our understanding of a Bible prophecy or some Scriptural passage may be adjusted . The other customer left quickly without using the facilities . That said , the revised wording is based on the following factors : A child can become mature by observing his parents and copying their good example . 16 , 17 . ( a ) How did freedom of choice become an issue in Corinth ? The evidence was clear : Jehovah had selected Moses to be the leader of His people . What work does Jesus take on as King and High Priest ? We may realize , though , that they need practical help to learn the language . Jehovah created us , and we should obey him . What was the impact of the Wycliffe Bible ? Often , those who pioneered before marriage have been able to continue in that service together as a married couple . ​ — Rom . When such new understandings are provided , we ought to take time to study the information carefully and meditate on it . Many give answers that reveal that they have a clear vision of what they want to do to serve Jehovah ​ — perhaps by entering some form of full - time service or by serving where there is a greater need for Kingdom proclaimers . “ One picture , ” he wrote , “ showed the wolf and the lamb , the kid and the leopard , the calf and the lion ​ — all in peace , being led by a little boy . . . . 5 : 16 , 17 . And they may be attracted to the God we worship . What should they and their parents bear in mind ? Many have learned to hide what they do , and in this world they often seem to escape justice and consequences . 9 Set Your Heart on Spiritual Treasures On October 27 , 1973 , we got married and were privileged to have Brother Knorr deliver our wedding talk . Paul was , in effect , saying that “ the peace of God ” is more wonderful than can be imagined . In 1993 , Ute , from Germany , now in her early 50 ’ s , was assigned to serve as a missionary in Madagascar . Think , too , of the needy widow in Jesus ’ day . For example , helpful advice can be found in the appendix entitled “ Questions Parents Ask , ” at the back of the book Questions Young People Ask ​ — Answers That Work , Volume 1 . It was not hard for Adam and Eve to understand this law ; nor was it a hardship for them to obey it . Russell , this was the fifth trip to Ireland . Rather , we need to cultivate strong trust in Jehovah while taking whatever appropriate action we can . Today , the vast majority of people are still blinded by the god of this system of things and are in bondage ​ — religious , economic , and social . On arriving , many stayed with local Witnesses , who lovingly opened their homes to their brothers . So when it was the turn of her Xhosa - language congregation to extend hospitality to the English - language congregation , she prepared a meal and invited some visitors . He recalls : “ I soon realized that most people did not care about me . How do you view the matter of free will ? We must do this in ways that are clearly evident to others . Because we can “ let ” sin rule or refuse to let it rule , the question is , What do we really want at heart ? Know how you should answer each person . ” ​ — Col . Why is it dangerous simply to follow our heart if we are angry or discouraged ? Then he mentions others who “ would not accept release by some ransom , in order that they might attain a better resurrection . ” And the Canadian brother says that he now realizes that “ ignorance is often the mother of racism and that people’s qualities do not depend on their place of birth . ” ( c ) What will we consider ? “ This hatred was also fueled by the abuse I had personally experienced . ” Daniel’s intimate knowledge of God , including God’s dealings with Israel , is beautifully reflected in the prophet’s heartfelt and contrite prayer recorded at Daniel 9 : 3 - 19 . ( b ) Who was the prophesied leader ? What do the facts indicate ? Also , Christians who remain faithful through persecution or illness need to hear encouragement . Yes , we can echo the sentiment of the psalmist who told God : “ Teach me good sense and knowledge . ” ​ — Ps . “ I keep literature in my schoolbag , ” says Julia , 16 , “ and I listen to the opinions and beliefs expressed by my classmates . What is one step we can take to encourage others ? Richard H . Indeed , Jehovah’s loyal love for his servants is constant . We had another frightening experience . Noting Chris ’ effort to change , the workmate also made adjustments . During a visit to Brooklyn several decades ago , my wife , Mary , and I spent an evening with Brother Franz and a few others . So a person who serves Jehovah with his whole heart does not render hypocritical service . Why must we have love for God ? When reflecting on our life course , we readily admit that we have experienced Jehovah’s undeserved kindness in many , many ways . We thought that if we could take Canada’s ice - cold winters and the annoying mosquitoes in the summer , we should be able to survive adverse circumstances in any assignment . 21 Visions of Zechariah ​ — How They Affect You ON March 31 , 2018 , as the sun begins to set , God’s people and many interested ones will assemble for the annual observance of the Lord’s Evening Meal . 99 ) It was . She relates : “ Once , a coworker sent an e - mail to my colleagues with negative comments about me and the work I was doing . Jehovah “ transmitted through angels ” the Law , which Moses used to instruct the Israelites . “ Continue . . . forgiving one another freely . ” ​ — COL . Even though a farmer works hard to plant his crop , he has no control over the weather or the growth of the plants . It should not be as if you were memorizing facts just to pass a school exam . How can we in a positive way channel our desire for justice ? They even asked for our magazines . ” It is to be hoped that the parents will , in time , fulfill their God - given responsibility to care spiritually for their children . Should we not commend and encourage them ? 31 : 19 ; 32 : 4 . How will Jehovah rid the earth of wrong activities and distressful conditions ? Jehovah’s Witnesses rejoice when a Bible student accepts the truth and progresses to the point of water baptism . If we treasure the wisdom from Jehovah , our heart will motivate us to fill up our treasure store with truths ​ — both new and old . 4 “ Keep On Encouraging One Another Each Day ” Russell recounted that the “ audiences were very attentive ” to the subject “ The Oath - Bound Promise ” about Abraham’s faith and the future blessings for mankind . The rightfulness of God’s sovereignty will be vindicated and rule by Satan and humans will utterly fail and be removed . We can imitate Abraham by pondering the joys ahead . ​ — Rom . But if you allow frustration to make you give up serving Jehovah , you would soon discover that no one else cares for you more genuinely than your God - fearing parents and your congregation . Were Jehovah to choose which trials would come upon us , would he not , in effect , be diminishing the gift of free will ? We need to select forms of entertainment that will not hinder us from keeping our eyes on the prize of life . ​ — Prov . Do you take full advantage of these provisions ? But she was greatly encouraged when Ann , a pioneer sister in the congregation , took a keen personal interest in her spiritual welfare . Meetings encourage us . How can we contribute to the congregation’s cleanness ? From the point of view of the church , this was an outrage . What decision will please Jehovah ? ’ One is Jacob’s son Joseph . You start to run ; you rush to a friend’s house nearby . 22 You Can Remain Modest Under Test “ I Know He Will Rise , ” Dec . Perhaps , as some suggest , Joseph was not present at Jesus ’ trial . How should we view accepting an invitation to a meal ? If we are parents , let us follow Jehovah’s example by regularly encouraging our children and giving them commendation when they do well . ( a ) What lies ahead for today’s commercial system ? If you are going to be an effective teacher , God’s Word must first be in your heart ( See paragraph 17 ) When discipline involves restrictions , how does this reflect God’s love ? Timothy was also “ persuaded to believe . ” Young Ones , Strengthen Your Faith , Sept . At that moment , the cloth roll overhead gracefully unfurled , revealing the slogan : “ Advertise the King and Kingdom . ” To safeguard his ministry , Timothy needed to rely on God’s spirit . 3 : 14 , 15 . 14 , 15 . ( a ) A young person contemplating baptism should consider what weighty issues ? But what do we do when we have to cope with smaller issues of daily life ? Just as we find it beneficial to study all portions of God’s Word , we can benefit from all the spiritual food available to us . We could use the list of qualifications for Christian overseers to help interested ones or Bible students to see ways that elders among Jehovah’s Witnesses differ from the clergy of Christendom . Vows are made voluntarily , of one’s own free will . Second , “ God is faithful . ” According to the Devil , humans would be far happier and better off ruling themselves . They can also hope that the wayward child will one day come “ home ” to Jehovah . Two elders in England responded to a call from a married couple who were having problems . And he never did ! I learned a valuable lesson assisting Brother Theodore Jaracz on a zone visit . What empowered Moses to lead Israel ? What help can you offer to newcomers in your area ? And we should pray for our worldwide brotherhood , especially “ those who are taking the lead among [ us ] . ” On the other side are Jehovah , our King Jesus Christ , the anointed who have been resurrected , and thousands of angels . 17 : 16 . 9 What Will Go When God’s Kingdom Comes ? Nervously , I began going from house to house , and to my surprise , I had soon placed all the booklets . God’s provisions to help us remain like soft clay include his Word , the Christian congregation , and the field ministry . Yes , this is a personal decision , but we should bear in mind that God holds us responsible for the decisions we make . Moreover , by carrying out Jesus ’ command to go and preach , we too show our love for God because Jesus ’ commandments reflect his Father’s thinking . Or do you ask others what they would do ? A third spiritual treasure is our repository of revealed truths . Earlier in this letter to the Corinthians , Paul spoke of the glory of Moses when he descended from Mount Sinai after being in the presence of an angel of Jehovah . God did not feel that because he and his dear Son had worked together for ages , there was no need to commend and encourage Jesus when he was on earth . Today , our brotherhood includes many fine examples of individuals who maintained joy in the face of trials . One scholar says about that word at Romans 8 : 5 : “ They set their minds on ​ — are most deeply interested in , constantly talk about , engage and glory in — ​ the things pertaining to the flesh . ” 28 : 20 . The following day on the other side of the Sea of Galilee , the enthusiasm may have died down some . Did the students benefit ? The jailer , fearing that the prisoners had escaped , was on the verge of committing suicide when Paul called out to him . Nicodemus , a member of the Sanhedrin , became interested in Jesus ’ teaching . What will genuine love move us to do ? “ Patience , kindness , goodness . ” So in these last few days before the Memorial , it is timely that we think about specific questions that we can use to stimulate the interest of our Bible students and other sincere individuals in this important event . Those listening to Peter knew that . But pioneering taught me to converse with all sorts of people , so my confidence grew . Jesus warned his followers : “ The hour is coming when everyone who kills you will think he has offered a sacred service to God . ” They tell me that they love me and are pleased to see my spiritual progress . We need to follow the Bible - based direction we receive from the elders . From these Scriptural points , along with prayers for guidance , can we not perceive Jehovah’s thinking ? ( b ) How do we show our support for the Kingdom today ? ( a ) We bear fruit by sharing in what activity ? That really helped me to make the truth my own , and I could hardly wait to meet up with another preacher . Jehovah knew what his people needed . As foretold , people “ out of all the languages of the nations ” are flocking to Jehovah’s organization . Loyal worshippers of Jehovah will eventually have the privilege of serving him forever in perfection . Why is there an ongoing need to give comfort ? Hence , he was characterized by deep compassion ​ — a sympathetic awareness of people’s suffering and a heartfelt desire to alleviate their suffering . ​ — Heb . Joseph’s ten half brothers were jealous of him because he was favored by their father . Let us consider some situations involving family opposition and see how we can successfully face the challenges that these bring . 13 : 7 ; Matt . 15 : 2 , 3 ; Jas . During his approximately 30 - year - long ministry , he helped numerous individuals to become disciples of Christ . In other cultures or localities , beards are not the custom and are not considered acceptable for Christian ministers . Or colleagues at work may taunt you for taking days off for spiritual activities or for not often working overtime . Pavel served on Sakhalin until 1995 . Has our love for Bible truth moved us to recognize the unique privilege we have to bear God’s name and to proclaim his Kingdom in this time of the end ? Paul addressed his letter to the “ brothers ” in Rome . However , we have not yet won the final victory . No matter which hope we have , why can we benefit from considering Romans chapter 8 ? “ After taking social studies classes at the university , I developed radical views , ” says a sister in Great Britain . In some cultures , unexpected guests are welcome ; in others , prior arrangements are preferred . Even so , on occasion he fell into serious sin . But suppose that long after a transgression was forgiven , you still have pangs of conscience over past mistakes ? It referred to a garrison of troops that was assigned to guard a fortified city in ancient times . How did the first - century Christians set a pattern of singing in worship ? Therefore , the most important thing you can do for a bereaved person is to listen ​ — without interrupting . ” 26 . Also , people in general cannot explain why mankind has a strong desire to live forever . Yet , Jesus also realized that ‘ life means more than food and the body than clothing . ’ A first step is to use it liberally when we preach and teach . Felisa : When I started serving Jehovah , my three younger sisters were against me . Yes , Jehovah views you as precious , and with his “ right hand of righteousness , ” he can help you to acquire what you need to keep on serving him . How Daniel came to know Jehovah . And what makes his story worthy of your interest ? But for the sake of illustration , consider the following possibility . What can we learn from this account ? Late in the sixth creative day , God fashioned “ out of dust [ clay ] from the ground ” a perfect man and gave him the capacity to reflect his Maker’s qualities . In 2012 they went to Ghana and were able to serve there for four months , assisting a sign - language congregation . The oneness of Jehovah also implies unity and oneness of purpose , characteristics that we as his worshippers must have as we serve him . The more familiar we are with Jehovah’s thoughts , the more our heart will become sensitive to his guidance . ​ — Ezek . 11 : 19 , ftn . He had served for over 50 years as a prophet , and then he “ became ill with the sickness from which he eventually died . ” JEHOVAH GOD urges Christians to cherish peace , to make peace a key aspect of life . For example , will he be able to take on more work or responsibility without neglecting other important things ? For example , he can maneuver governments into banning our preaching work . Gather ever , seek for more . ” Note how the inspired writer of Psalm 119 helps us to understand what it means to love Bible truth . We had been cautioned to avoid living in a trailer because opposers might set it on fire , so we searched for a home , but in vain . We were told to hold all the meetings each week regardless of how many attended . For example , the first Christians were eager to meet together to worship Jehovah and learn about him . The renewed focus on Kingdom service strengthened Jehovah’s people to face the challenging war years that lay ahead . Jehovah listened to Jephthah and helped him to win a total victory . We have seen from his past dealings that no matter what happens , Jehovah will always accomplish his purpose , and sometimes he does it in an unexpected manner . 27 See the Difference in People Both elders and others can imitate his example . ​ — w18.04 , pp . It can prove to be as true for you as it was for the apostles traveling with Jesus . A vine supports the branches . If we focus on position , prominence , or recognition , it only provides a breeding ground for egotism , competition , and eventual disappointment . Materialism is rooted in one’s desires , priorities , and focus in life . Of course , one sense in which we are “ brothers ” is that all of us have descended from Adam . As we struggle against giving in to our own fleshly weaknesses , we can succeed . Jesus continued his wonderful work despite the disappointment that some of his followers caused him . Comparing faith with love , Paul wrote : “ If I have all the faith so as to move mountains , but do not have love , I am nothing . ” From the beginning , it was Jehovah’s will for the earth to be filled with the perfect children of Adam and Eve . your dedication vow ? And then you hear Jehovah telling you : “ Be wise , my son , and make my heart rejoice , so that I can make a reply to him who taunts me . ” ​ — Proverbs 27 : 11 . Similarly , we can savor the tasty Bible - based spiritual food that we receive from God’s organization . How can you overcome obstacles and sing praises to Jehovah with feeling ? It would be difficult to enumerate all the blessings that result from accepting divine discipline and from imitating Jehovah and Jesus when disciplining others . SONGS : 68 , 72 ( b ) Describe one way that Adam exercised his free will . In our day , too , such a need arises . And what does it teach us about how we can take refuge in him today ? After they received a very positive response from the branch in Ghana , they traveled there , intending to visit for two months . Consider the example of Abraham and Sarah . Then , he was falsely accused of trying to rape his master’s wife and ended up in irons in prison . For the rest of Jesus ’ earthly ministry , God’s holy spirit empowered Jesus to perform miracles and to speak with divine authority . Yet , millions have discovered something much better . 1 : 22 . Political developments have affected the common language . Although Jehovah lovingly assured David that He would continue to bless him , God directed that David’s son Solomon build the temple . So let us personally encourage elders , including circuit overseers , who work hard to care for the flock of God . 12 : 3 - 5 . This has resulted in the development of a worldwide spiritual paradise that has over eight million inhabitants . Rejoice and be overjoyed , since your reward is great in the heavens , for in that way they persecuted the prophets prior to you . ” Thus , you will likely avoid actions that could cause anxiety for you personally , and you will benefit by avoiding “ malicious bitterness , anger , wrath , screaming , and abusive speech . ” ​ — Eph . Yet , as children of immigrants assimilate the local culture and language , some of them may lose much of their desire and even their ability to communicate in their parents ’ mother tongue . Peter , who later became Joyce’s husband , heard the “ Wake Up ” call , prompting him to “ start thinking about pioneering . ” To have that , we need to cultivate meekness . He told them : “ Let us consider one another so as to incite to love and fine works , not forsaking our meeting together , as some have the custom , but encouraging one another , and all the more so as you see the day drawing near . ” “ I knew that my family did not hate me , ” he later said , “ but they were obeying Jehovah and his organization . ” He promised Abraham that his descendants would inherit the Promised Land , and Jehovah performed mighty deeds to fulfill that promise . Was he acting under the influence of his mother , who was an Ammonitess ? I appealed to the draft board to be classified as a minister . This means that each star is unique to Jehovah . Why is it appropriate for us to clarify our understanding of the modern - day Babylonian captivity ? I did not want to lose his friendship , but I wanted to help him because I cared about him . ” Your situation may be quite different from that of Bianca or of Paula . As considered , Paul felt discouraged by the Jews ’ negative reaction to the Kingdom message . To train ourselves to think this way , let us take a look at a few sample situations . In some cases , a Christian is married to one who is not yet a servant of Jehovah . Yet , “ its most serious restriction , ” notes scholar Emil Schürer , “ was that the Roman authorities could at any time take the initiative themselves and proceed independently , as in fact they did when they suspected a political offence . ” All of them endured because they had an “ assured expectation of what is hoped for . ” ​ — Heb . Many people , such as students and elderly people , came to stay at the convent . * And since there was just one copy of this book in Tokmok , we copied it by hand for ourselves . “ Jehovah is redeeming the life of his servants ; none of those taking refuge in him will be found guilty . ” ​ — PS . Once transplanted , the tree must immediately start growing new roots . Evidence of angelic assistance . * After obtaining that , I arrived in Paraguay in March 1959 . They did not get bored or give up . First , pray for wisdom and discernment . Instead , we want Jesus to be able to say of us : “ I know your deeds , and your love and faith and ministry and endurance , and that your deeds of late are more than those you did at first . ” How can love and kindness protect us from being deprived of the prize ? Jesus proved his love for mankind by willingly carrying out God’s will . When the lid is removed , Zechariah sees “ a woman sitting inside . ” 1 , 2 . ( a ) What kinds of problems do many face today , and with what result ? At that point , you may need to exert yourself to continue to make new friends . Why , he even gave his precious Son so that we could have the prospect of endless life ! ​ — Read Psalm 84 : 11 ; Romans 8 : 32 . SONGS : 45 , 36 Setting off on a journey without an accurate compass can be treacherous . That is so , even though about 40 men wrote the Bible . What moves Christian ministers to help immigrants ? Next , he told a blatant lie : “ You certainly will not die . ” Jehovah gave Ezekiel a message of hope promising the unification of the nation of Israel after its being restored to the Promised Land . With our knowledge of God’s requirements and standards comes the responsibility to do what is right and uphold his sovereignty . What is the only channel that is being used to help us understand God’s Word ? He lets go altogether when the child can keep his balance . What valuable theocratic training they gave me ! What if my child gets baptized and then falls into serious sin ? ’ Their main interest in life is themselves . First , Paul stated why he kept on preaching to the Jews . “ What aided my wife and me the most was to auxiliary pioneer soon after we arrived in our new congregation , ” says Kevin , a Christian elder . Imagine how Nehemiah must have felt when he went to Jerusalem . The school principal approved , and that arrangement lasted until my sister graduated . Young Ones ​ — How Can You Prepare for Baptism ? Pray to him “ with thanksgiving , ” remembering your blessings . Arthur Claus wrote : “ The entire congregation was greatly surprised at the large number of subscriptions that were obtained . ” The pioneers ’ efforts bore fruit when they met a hotelkeeper at William Creek , a remote railway stop . This gift will never lose its value . Many of the problems addressed in material for young people are not unique to them . It is insidious ​ — like an invisible , odorless , poisonous gas — ​ and it seeps into our consciousness . They consumed food and drink . Yet the line of the Messiah was through David . Furthermore , our appropriate attire will reflect well on the organization we represent . Do I take the initiative to be helpful to others ? ’ 2 : 13 - 16 . Although the material is presented in a way that appeals to youths , the information is based on timeless Scriptural principles , and all of us can benefit from these spiritual provisions . 5 : 8 ; 12 : 2 ) Let us consider some aspects of full - time service that could make you very happy . “ Our jobs allowed us to eat in fine restaurants , travel abroad , and wear quality clothes . You have no idea how they will react . AT TIMES , yes . Consider one example . Still , God was thinking ahead to the time when he would deliver those who would repent and return to him ! Of course , in doing so we must remember that we too are sinful and prone to unloving acts . “ Faith is . . . the evident demonstration of realities that are not seen . ” ​ — HEB . Why is what we set our mind on a serious issue ? They took a zealous lead in the preaching work . 8 : 6 ) Today , Satan still claims that humans worship God for selfish reasons . What was the man’s response ? Even though we may be limited in the material or practical help we can provide , our kindness to them reflects Jehovah’s love for them . Be that as it may , the task that the two men undertook was not trivial . We should highly value the gift of God’s undeserved kindness and let it affect our life daily . What impressed you about God’s approval of the four kings of Judah ? ( b ) What will we discuss in the following article ? So you might ask yourself : ‘ When householders express opinions that are contrary to Scriptural teachings or they ask difficult questions , am I able to give answers that are based on the Bible ? Jehovah and Jesus take forgiveness very seriously . to draw his attention to God’s Word Once married , they will undoubtedly agree that the Bible gives the best advice for making their marriage a success . What was the outcome when Stephen began to follow the Bible’s advice ? 5 Again , the results were tragic . To get the facts , Michael accepted a Bible study . How difficult that project must have seemed ​ — and not just from the construction point of view ! We understand them to picture heavenly forces that were involved in the destruction of Jerusalem and that will be involved in bringing destruction at Armageddon . When we keep in mind why we need to continue to preach , we are motivated to endure in giving “ a witness to all the nations . ” We concluded that for this reason , Jehovah allowed Babylon the Great to take them captive for a short time . We know that he alone gives everlasting life . ​ — Luke 12 : 4 , 5 . 3 : 12 . “ WHEN civil war started in Burundi , our family was at an assembly , ” relates a brother named Lije . Daniel knew that this was true . Jehovah views marriage as a lifelong bond . Then , one day at work , Ribeiro looked at a pile of books that were to be recycled , and he noticed a book with the title The Secret of Family Happiness . ( b ) What question might we consider with interested ones ? “ Even on board this ship , I am reaping fruit to Jehovah’s praise , ” he wrote . By word and deed , Jesus affirmed that God’s Law was perfect , beneficial , and sure to be fulfilled . ​ — Matt . The Bible survived what sorts of threats ? In the late 1800 ’ s , what efforts did the anointed make to understand God’s Word correctly ? Remembering that God is aware of all our thoughts and actions will reinforce our desire to please him and to remain chaste . ​ — Read Matthew 5 : 27 , 28 ; Hebrews 4 : 13 . How does Jehovah feel about your efforts to uphold his sovereignty ? For instance , you may worry that you will not have enough food to eat . We can ask ourselves : ‘ Do I offer hospitality primarily to close friends , prominent ones , or those who might be able to return a favor somehow ? Representatives of the governing body were sent out to the congregations to deliver the letter . ( b ) What prevents us from finding complete peace at this time ? 16 : 3 ; 20 : 18 . In 1946 when I returned home for the summer , we attended a convention in Cleveland , Ohio , U.S.A . 30 : 11 - 14 . Is that not what we would expect from the God who values our freedom and who always exercises his attributes in perfect balance ? ​ — Deut . Genuine love moves Christians who have committed serious sins to speak to the elders so that the elders can provide the needed help . ​ — Jas . Thinking back on his youth , a circuit overseer said : “ One thing that helped me to appreciate that the Bible is the Word of God was reading it right through . Paul explained : “ It is as a free gift that they are being declared righteous by his [ God’s ] undeserved kindness through the release by the ransom paid by Christ Jesus . ” ​ — Rom . He must have learned how Joseph showed his brothers mercy even though they hated him . One type of breastplate worn by a Roman soldier in the first century consisted of overlapping horizontal strips of iron . A study of the Bible may also help you to notice ways that you can improve in your service to God . It comes from many small pieces of evidence . ” How can we personally imitate Christ ? Industriousness is a godly quality , and hard work is rewarding . I attended a circuit assembly in India in 1948 ( b ) Why did Jehovah ask his people to ‘ return to him ’ ? Our brothers and sisters as well as people in general should be able to see that we fittingly represent our righteous God . We are able to show unselfish love because God created us in his image . He preached to all his relatives , and just six months after the convention , he gave his first Bible reading at the Kingdom Hall . Some are even able to attend Gilead School . Unlike Rehoboam , we will remain steadfast in true worship . ​ — Jude 20 , 21 . Note , for example , how Jehovah’s feelings of compassion are described by the prophet Isaiah , and compare that description with what the Gospel writer Mark reports about Jesus ’ feelings . Still , the work progressed , and many in those areas are now worshippers of Jehovah . The Bible refers to them as “ gifts in men , ” and they are a key part of God’s arrangement to care for the needs of his people . Despite our pain of heart , we must avoid normal contact with a disfellowshipped family member by telephone , text messages , letters , e - mails , or social media . Matthew 5 : 3 says : “ Happy are those conscious of their spiritual need , since the Kingdom of the heavens belongs to them . ” What does this vision teach us , and who is the man with the secretary’s inkhorn ? For instance , if they notice that we are missing meetings or that our zeal is cooling off , they will no doubt quickly come to our aid . What should we keep in mind when preaching to refugees ? Identify your actual needs It does not appear that Moses was here refuting the false religious teachings of a triune god . Why is it important for us to consider those reasons ? Jan . Did he think that he could hide it from God ? Worldly thinking ignores or belittles Jehovah’s guidelines , and its influence could gradually weaken our faith . From that time on , my mother and I shared regularly in the field service together . 2 : 4 . He was also the son who inherited a double portion of property . ​ — Gen . Others were aware of how David had arranged to have Uriah killed . But as a result of the combined efforts of millions of Jehovah’s servants , a witness is given “ to all the nations . ” A sister named Ruth remembers , “ Some went into exile with us but later joined the political party and returned home because they did not want to put up with the discomforts of life in the refugee camp . ” What do my disposition and conduct at Christian meetings reveal about the depth of my spirituality ? How did exile in Babylon differ from the slavery the Israelites had experienced in Egypt ? To Christians in Rome , Paul wrote : “ I tell everyone there among you not to think more of himself than it is necessary to think , but to think so as to have a sound mind , each one as God has given to him a measure of faith . Thus , it is vital to draw on the Bible as the best source of advice and to seek Jehovah’s guidance in prayer . ( b ) What does the contrast between Jesus and Herod Agrippa I teach us about Jehovah’s choice of a leader ? Nevertheless , there is a visible group of men , “ the faithful and discreet slave , ” who take the lead among God’s people today . Why is baptism such an important step ? They likely learned about God by listening to faithful older ones , from receiving divine revelations , or from reading reliable ancient documents . Then , our spiritual paradise will have its perfect counterpart ​ — a literal paradise under the rulership of God’s Kingdom . Jehovah views as precious those who maintain their integrity ( See paragraphs 14 , 15 ) In recent years , there have been many exciting new initiatives . 3 : 5 - 9 . Is Your Suit of Armor Complete ? The Congregation Service Committee should promptly assign you to a field service group . As we have seen , working out your own salvation is a serious responsibility . Unrealistic expectations may be at the root of a marital problem . The children will likely learn the local language at school and in their environment . Paul said : “ Love is the law’s fulfillment . ” “ With encouragement , a child feels worthwhile and appreciated . ” 3 Do You Remember ? 4 : 4 , 7 , 12 . Perhaps you know of similar examples in your congregation . Our conscience can be likened to a moral compass . We should breathe properly . Our accepting Jehovah as our Potter can affect our attitude toward fellow believers too . How comforting it is to know that Jehovah understands our pain and provides the comfort that we so sorely need ! We visited all the homes in the southeast of the Republic without much trouble at all , distributing over 20,000 booklets and passing on to the Britain branch office the names of interested people . Respect the discipline of Jehovah . Jesus ’ followers today , including an army of over one million full - time ministers , apply Paul’s counsel to the extent that their circumstances allow . Consider : Babylon the Great is the world empire of false religion . What can we learn from Asa’s mistake ? No amount of prayer or research will reveal a complete answer to questions like these . For example , a pioneer sister in Australia named Tiffany learned Swahili in order to be of help to a Swahili - language congregation in the city of Brisbane . At that time , people were so occupied with the daily affairs of life , including marriage , that they did not take seriously what “ Noah , a preacher of righteousness , ” said about the impending destruction . Some parents do not commend their children because their own parents never gave them any encouragement . Perhaps you feel similar emotions when you consider all the suffering Satan has caused . The gift of answered prayers . Earnestly desiring a victory , Jephthah vowed : “ If you give the Ammonites into my hand , then whoever comes out of the door of my house to meet me when I return in peace from the Ammonites will become Jehovah’s . ” It seems that God transferred Enoch gently from life to death without his being aware that he was dying . ​ — wp17.1 , pp . What do Paul’s words mean ? You Can Share in Strengthening Our Christian Unity ​ — How ? For example , when he felt threatened by Esau , Jacob said to God : “ Save me , I pray you . . . In contrast , a mild - tempered reply often has a calming effect . Therefore , one way you can “ remember those who are taking the lead ” is by mentioning the Governing Body in your prayers . He wanted Adam and Eve and all parents after them to love their children as Jehovah loved his first perfect human children . Assist the sick and the elderly . Amen . ” ​ — Rev . However , in prayer Hezekiah expressed full trust in Jehovah’s saving power . Setting the example , Jehovah is willing to forgive Luke also mentions Simeon’s words to Mary regarding Jesus ’ future sufferings . True , being honest may not always lead to being rewarded , as was Haykanush . There are over 2,800 publishers in Turkey , but the country has a population of 79 million . Jehovah blessed Daniel’s conscientious and courageous decision by miraculously sparing him a cruel death . We can also strengthen young ones who are facing pressure to share in wrongdoing or to seek “ success ” in this system of things , whether academically , financially , or professionally . The prophet Jeremiah repeatedly exhorted Zedekiah to leave his bad ways , but the king refused to be disciplined . see how Jehovah sustains his people with his Word ? The Bible states : “ Safeguard practical wisdom and thinking ability . By lying about Jehovah , Satan slandered God’s sacred name . ​ — Gen . * After all , why did he provide his Word in the first place ? Boaz undoubtedly reflected Jehovah’s view of strangers in his dealings with Ruth the Moabitess . In this illustration , Jesus did not directly say what that fruitage is , but he did mention a significant detail that helps us to determine the answer . We should not imitate the people of “ the nations , ” who have no real faith in a loving heavenly Father who cares for those who put the interests of his Kingdom first in their life . Joseph was an outstanding example . What does this teach me about Jehovah’s righteous ways ? He is adept at appealing to “ the desire of the eyes . ” 13 , 14 . ( a ) How did political and religious issues lead to violence and injustice ? “ Work , not for the food that perishes , but for the food that remains for everlasting life , ” he told them . ​ — John 6 : 25 - 27 . Many Witnesses in our time have remained neutral . Heidi God used his “ great power ” and “ mighty hand ” to strengthen the Jews ’ drooping hands . ( b ) What joy do all Christian parents strive for ? Jehovah is the rightful Sovereign for yet another reason . The Word of God should not be commercialized . Discouraged and bewildered during those difficult years , some Bible Students had left off the witness work . In Madrid , I took my second set of vows to become a nun . “ Keep walking by spirit . ” ​ — GAL . His people were to be compassionate . When one of the sheep was missing , the man left the 99 behind in the wilderness and went after the lost sheep ‘ until he found it . ’ They can help your faith to become like a tree with deep roots . In that way your faith will enable you to withstand what might be like the winds of false teachings . ​ — Jer . The worksheet will guide you in preparing your own answer . It provides three scriptures you can use when explaining your conviction ​ — Hebrews 3 : 4 , Romans 1 : 20 , and Psalm 139 : 14 . So we kept our contact with our son to absolutely necessary family business . ” Nevertheless , at times , misunderstandings may lead to some tension among members of the congregation . Participants from abroad expressed how the campaign affected their ministry even after they returned to their home countries . “ For someone to have thought of this arrangement for the Israelites and for it to be fulfilled in Jesus really impressed me . You certainly recognize that Jewish man as the one who came to be known as the apostle Paul . 17 “ Praise Jah ! ” ​ — Why ? Paul counseled Hebrew Christians : “ Strengthen the hands that hang down and the feeble knees , and keep making straight paths for your feet , so that what is lame may not be put out of joint but , rather , may be healed . ” ( b ) What should we bear in mind when faced with the problem of bad associations ? Though Etta played a key role in the canning process , she was careful to set a fine example of respect for the brothers in oversight on the farm . Full - time service brings you into contact with fellow full - time servants and helps you to mature as a Christian . Not everything the Bible Students did during the period between 1914 and 1919 was in harmony with Scriptural principles . In this article , we will therefore consider how we may more fully unleash the power of God’s Word ( 1 ) in our personal life , ( 2 ) when we share in the ministry , and ( 3 ) when we teach from the platform . Barak chased Sisera’s army all the way to Harosheth ​ — a 15 - mile ( 24 km ) route . This elder and his wife find that Sunday after the meeting is a good time to reach sheeplike people in northern Romania . For I do not practice what I wish , but I do what I hate . ” Peter’s eyewitness testimony was very helpful to the first - century governing body in making a decision . “ You must read it in an undertone day and night , ” he was told , “ in order to observe carefully all that is written in it . ” What encouragement can we draw from Isaiah 40 : 29 , but what serious mistake could we make ? His momentary exuberance was not true joy . ​ — Prov . His course was probably typical of that of many . Still , some brothers might decide not to have a beard . Next , to show why he cared , Don had Peter read Romans 10 : 13 , 14 , which explains that “ everyone who calls on the name of Jehovah will be saved . ” What questions remain to be answered ? One way would be to prepare a time line . It could list key scriptures that show how God bit by bit shed light on the individuals and arrangement referred to in this verse and that prove that the prophecy will be fulfilled . “ Do not say , ‘ Why were the former days better than these ? ’ Poverty : According to the World Bank , the number of those suffering extreme poverty in Africa alone has grown from 280 million in 1990 to 330 million in 2012 . Safeguard it , for it means your life . ” When she raised her head from the pillow to get up , out came a snake that caused quite a commotion until I killed it ! In 33 C.E . , the resurrected Jesus appeared to a crowd of more than 500 men , women , and possibly even children . Desire for prominence , however , was not the only potential cause of disunity among Christ’s disciples . We show courage when we help our children to set and reach spiritual goals . Would you take decisive action by ceasing to associate with that person ? For example , in 36 C.E . , Peter had the privilege of sharing the good news with Cornelius and his household . ( b ) Describe Brother Russell’s quest for the truth . How can you make plans to enter the full - time ministry ? We did it willingly and happily . ” And when we speak to them before and after the meetings , we feel refreshed because we have many friends who really care for us . ​ — 1 Corinthians 16 : 17 , 18 . The apostle Paul found it fitting to remind them that Christians have one God , Jehovah . ​ — Read 1 Corinthians 8 : 5 , 6 . Doing so would mean losing his position and his prestige . ( b ) What suggestions have other parents offered ? Often , we discuss how prophecies in the Bible have come true . 8 : 5 , 6 . Today , Daniel has a clean conscience , and he was recently appointed as a ministerial servant . However , it would be a mistake to conclude that by not being baptized , a child is not accountable to Jehovah . August Krafzig was grateful that his duties did not put him on the battlefront . The individuals mentioned in this article ​ — Sakura , Ribeiro , Stephen , and Hans — ​ had to fight hard to put away their bad practices . Your endurance can likewise encourage others to endure . SACRIFICES have long been an important part of true worship . Instead , Asa immediately turned to Jehovah for help . When Pharisees saw Jesus attending a banquet at Matthew’s home , they asked his disciples : “ Why does your teacher eat with tax collectors and sinners ? ” Although I often went out and worked from house to house alone , I also learned by preaching with others . They also included his grandfather Methuselah and his great - great - grandfather Jared , whose life overlapped Noah’s by 366 years . That is vital if we are to say that we have accepted God’s undeserved kindness and that ‘ sin is not master over us . ’ When you began to study the Bible with one of Jehovah’s Witnesses , you may have felt like a prospector who pans a rich deposit of gold . There was also much work to do in the congregation . In this article , we will consider four things that will help us to remain faithful to Jehovah . Indeed , if we are not careful , the everyday concerns of life could entice our heart and cause us to slow down spiritually . Still , it would be a serious mistake to presume on God’s undeserved kindness , such as by thinking : ‘ Even if I do something wrong ​ — something that God views as sin — ​ I do not have to worry about it . Do so even when it pains you , the parent , to do what Jehovah says . Indeed , God’s Word has continued to endure despite changes to the common language . AN INTERNATIONAL BROTHERHOOD : Because of our love for one another , we know that no matter what congregation we may visit throughout the earth , the brothers and sisters will warmly welcome us . Is that really possible ? Explain how genuine Christianity came to be corrupted . They were not to follow the peoples around them , who worshipped various gods and goddesses . How good it is that you have your goal clearly in mind ​ — finding the bus that is going to your chosen destination ! ( Read Proverbs 24 : 14 . ) George Gangas said , “ That convention generated in me the desire never to miss one . ” While the literal boots worn by Roman soldiers carried them into war , the symbolic footwear worn by Christians helps them deliver a message of peace . Jehovah transferred the life of his very first creation from heaven to earth . Accordingly , it is possible for Christians with quite different personalities to work together today . To give his domestics “ food at the proper time . ” Why is it vital that we wear each piece ? Or at times we may simply prefer to do something else instead of going to the meetings . “ When we arrived in our new congregation , ” says Carlos , “ a sister gave us a list of stores that have reasonable prices . Yes , our being firmly convinced that Jehovah “ becomes the rewarder of those earnestly seeking him ” will help us to stand firm in the faith . ​ — Heb . When your friend opens the door and welcomes you into his home , you heave a sigh of relief . What is the highest form of love , and why is that so ? Back in 1952 , a KGB officer had told Maria : “ Renounce your faith or face ten years of imprisonment . Moreover , the Babylonians looked down on the Jews , mocking both them and their God , Jehovah . Some of my family finally made it to a refugee camp in Malawi , a journey of over 1,000 miles ( 1,600 km ) . Unlike those self - righteous Pharisees , Jesus grasped the spirit behind the Law , the divine qualities reflected in each commandment . He is our Father , God , and Friend ! ​ — Ps . My mother tried hard to stop me from associating with the Witnesses , but this time I was determined to make the truth my own . As a youth , how can you avoid becoming overly frustrated with your parents ? Paul went on to explain why some popular ideas were wrong and why worldly thinking may be appealing to imperfect people . Modesty can also help us to “ keep conquering the evil with the good . ” Josiah was zealous in doing what pleased God , far more so than many kings of Judah . 3 - 5 . ( a ) Though Asa’s heart was complete toward Jehovah , what problem did he face ? A “ want ” is something you would like to have , but it is not essential for everyday living . As the number of pioneers increased sharply , responsible brothers considered practical ways to support this growing army . However , true to God’s prophetic word , deliverance came through Cyrus , king of Persia . A man could divorce his wife for “ something indecent . ” And the lasting result is everlasting life , be that in heaven or on earth . He observed that the brothers there were overly occupied with personal affairs . Immediately , Jehovah began to reveal information about this enemy who had corrupted Adam and Eve , promising that this wicked one would eventually be destroyed . Finally , rather than taking matters into our own hands , let us be determined to be loyal and wait patiently on Jehovah to correct matters . It stands to reason that in the presence of Jehovah and “ where the spirit of Jehovah is , ” there is freedom . In the preceding article , we learned how we as sinners are benefiting from Jehovah’s undeserved kindness in many ways . 3 : 16 . He then sent an angel who destroyed 185,000 Assyrians in one night ! ​ — 2 Ki . So I accepted the discipline , and in time I recovered spiritually . ” Jewish historian Josephus relates that in 70 C.E . , the Roman forces were able to take possession of the Tower of Antonia , adjoining the city wall of Jerusalem , because the guards at the gates were asleep ! For these reasons , modesty still matters to all of God’s people , and Jehovah treasures those who cultivate it . Bank Accounts : Bank accounts may be made payable on death to an entity used by Jehovah’s Witnesses in accord with local bank requirements . Paul did not leave Timothy’s training to chance . In order to apply Paul’s counsel today , what steps can we take ? As with other tests , Jehovah allows us to prove our integrity by learning to work unitedly with dedicated men and women whom he loves despite their imperfections . We wrote to world headquarters , asking to be sent to serve where the need was greater . In fact , the Jewish worshippers need to gather outside the city gates beside a river . Would you have been as faithful as Jephthah was ? Your children are the most important Bible students you will ever have , and their “ coming to know ” Jehovah means their eternal life . Hence , you might worry that your child will start out on the Christian course but then change and lose that original love of the truth . Maria and our daughters , Olga and Irina , in 1965 22 . No collections are taken at their Kingdom Halls or conventions . Fittingly , Jehovah’s Witnesses willingly render honor to public servants , even as it may be expected and as may be customary in the land . ( Read John 14 : 27 . ) BEING imperfect , we are prone to make mistakes . There was no arrangement for divorce or for having more than one mate at the same time . The woman hoped that she could escape notice , but Jesus asked : “ Who touched me ? ” Would he have the courage to take on the task of building the temple ? It is not always easy to stay faithful to Jehovah . What can cause us to ask : “ How long ” ? What , then , is our motive for doing this work ? He praised a foreign army officer for his outstanding faith . The people of ancient Israel were a model of organization . Undeniably , it may not be easy to maintain composure in situations such as the one described above . What is relative freedom ? This act atoned for the innocent human blood that had been spilled . Many whom we invite to the Memorial will know this verse by heart . 3 PRAY OFTEN . Do you see your brothers and sisters as God does ​ — not as a finished product , but as a work in progress ? You will not produce a full singing voice unless you make space in your mouth . Likewise , not everyone adapts to a new congregation at the same pace . Jim Carr , serving as a zone servant ( now known as a circuit overseer ) in 1938 , followed the suggestion to set up pioneer homes in cities . With the spirit’s help , we can gradually begin to think more and more as Christ did . ; Rev . So Paul wrote concerning Jesus that he is “ now crowned with glory and honor for having suffered death , so that by God’s undeserved kindness he might taste death for everyone . ” In fact , when Paul wrote to those brothers , he was under house arrest in Rome . Such changes in attitude are a testimony to the fact that Christian love can and does conquer prejudice . 3 : 5 , 6 . He did not turn down David’s invitation because he felt inadequate to shoulder responsibility or because he wanted to enjoy a quiet life in retirement . What improvements have been made in the new songbook , and how can you make the best use of it ? A person can enjoy the benefits of such freedom even when imprisoned or enslaved . This indicates that their conscience was bothering them . There is another important principle that helps us to select appropriate clothing . Instead of being angry and resentful , may they continue to serve God to the best of their ability in their new situation , viewing the discipline as evidence of Jehovah’s love . With faith in Jehovah’s way of doing things and the principles that he has kindly provided , we can make wise decisions and prove ourselves steady in all our ways . ​ — Jas . Let us consider three negative influences that could weaken our alertness and vigilance if we are not careful . In time , though , thinking and acting in a godly way will likely become easier and more natural for us as our thoughts and actions progressively line up with those of Jehovah God . ​ — Ps . That is exactly what the last king to occupy the throne of Jerusalem did . We wanted to mirror the examples that had been set for us . The Bible says that Jehovah “ posted at the east of the garden of Eden the cherubs and the flaming blade of a sword that was turning continuously to guard the way to the tree of life . ” Actually , God’s undeserved kindness can lead to “ everlasting life through Jesus Christ . ” ​ — Rom . In what ways do we show our gratitude for the ransom ? We were able to take care of the matter then and there . When Rehoboam needed advice on how to handle his responsibilities , he first asked the older men . For example , at a critical moment , the apostles abandoned Jesus . They are among “ those who through faith and patience inherit the promises . ” This can be a serious test . Jesus ’ counsel here refers to the step to take when someone has committed a serious sin against another . Remember , the elders love us and want us to grow spiritually . “ The rabbi , ” Peter recalls , “ was surprised that I knew the answer ​ — but not as surprised as I was ! In doing so , however , they need to protect themselves so that they do not become infected with the disease they are seeking to treat . Stimulate their thinking , keeping their age in mind . Many of God’s faithful servants have echoed those words of the apostle Paul . Always remember that as you share the good news with caregivers and others , your sacred service glorifies our wonderful God . Showing love for God and for others made Jesus happy . Do you at times find it hard to maintain your joy in Jehovah’s service ? Did John’s letter motivate Gaius to continue being hospitable ? The prophets Ezekiel and Zephaniah foretold that gold and silver , staples of the commercial world through the centuries , will become worthless . If so , we encourage you : “ Lift up your eyes and view the fields , that they are white for harvesting . ” Do you sometimes feel that Jehovah’s righteous standards weigh you down or restrict your freedom ? 14 Can You Look Beyond Outward Appearances ? When we show humility , people may be drawn to Jehovah . We viewed disfellowshipping as divine discipline and were convinced that Jehovah disciplines out of love and to the proper degree . We were eight children , and I was the oldest . “ People here respect the Bible , value justice , have strong family ties , and sincerely try to help one another , ” says a local brother named Vasile . However , this has been possible only through Jehovah’s undeserved kindness . When we recognize that each Christian must “ carry his own load , ” we will respect the right that others have to use their own gift of free will . These pioneers visited many places that had never before received a witness . Thereupon , Peter clearly stated : “ This is ‘ the stone that was treated by you builders as of no account that has become the chief cornerstone . ’ ” ​ — Acts 3 : 15 ; 4 : 5 - 11 ; 1 Pet . It was given to enable humans to participate in their Creator’s purpose ​ — to make the earth into a global paradise home for a race of perfect humans forever . What can you do to work on your self - control ? Now that we understand how serious it is to make a vow to God , let us consider these questions : What sort of vows might we as Christians make ? He implored God in prayer to help individual Jews to accept the Kingdom message . And how can we be good guests ? ( b ) for the general support of the work ? Let us consider three . What methods did Jesus and his disciples use to preach the good news ? For example , have you attended a Watchtower Study that made you want to do more in Jehovah’s service , to improve your prayers , or to forgive a brother or a sister ? Jehovah directed that Solomon be the overseer of this project . ​ — 1 Chron . We stayed in a boardinghouse while awaiting residence authorization . Fear Jehovah and turn away from bad . ” A person who needlessly delays getting baptized endangers his prospects for everlasting life . His attitude was similar to that of the apostle Paul . John started to study with the Witnesses , took his stand for true worship , and began serving Jehovah . Or they spend a great deal of time looking at pictures of or reading about such individuals . Another thing that helped me to improve my English was the fact that we had very few Bible publications in Tagalog . As a result , others may not want to be around them . The guests may have been missionaries , John’s envoys , or traveling overseers . We should therefore not hesitate to pour out our hearts to him in prayer concerning our personal grief . Jesus described Jehovah as “ the cultivator , ” himself as “ the true vine , ” and his disciples as “ the branches . ” As our High Priest , “ he is able also to save completely those who are approaching God through him , because he is always alive to plead for them . ” But things worked out very differently . It actually helps her to fulfill the role God had in mind for a wife when he said : “ It is not good for the man [ Adam ] to continue to be alone . Satan is mentioned by that name only 18 times in the Hebrew Scriptures but more than 30 times in the Christian Greek Scriptures . How Can I Make Bible Reading Enjoyable ? ” in the April 2009 issue of Awake ! We quickly responded , and a small congregation was formed in Hemsworth . But what struck me was that she was mostly concerned about me and what would result from my behavior . Young ones seem to be a special target for Satan . One faithful sister put it this way : “ When you talk to others about the blessings of God’s Kingdom , you realize that your listeners have absolutely no hope and that they see their problems as permanent . ” When your heart is filled with Bible truth , you will want to discuss it with your family . 18 - 19 . 124 Columbia Heights , where I worked for decades “ After so much time had gone by , ” he admits , “ I thought that there wasn’t anything the elders could do for me anymore . Who wrote this portion of the Scriptures ? The building did , in fact , become known as Solomon’s temple , not David’s . 5 : 7 . Joseph of Arimathea , Oct . The same is true if you are in a religiously divided household but stick to your spiritual routine . Jesus knew of the tendency that imperfect humans have to succumb to the weaknesses of the flesh . Nevertheless , to the prospector it is worth the effort to mine it . Yet , as David told Solomon , for our daily worship to be acceptable to Jehovah , we have to “ serve him with a complete heart . ” On the other hand , when a youngster senses his parents ’ genuine love , he is moved to please them even when he is tempted to disobey . As we shall see in the next article , the key to their integrity was that they truly knew Jehovah . God said : “ Commission Joshua and encourage him and strengthen him , because he is the one who will cross over before this people and he is the one who will cause them to inherit the land that you will see . ” After you have done all you can to solve a problem , heartfelt prayer will certainly accomplish more than worry . Surely they need our persistent petitions in their behalf ! Micah 7 : 7 This is evident in the way God dealt with the nation of Israel . Where else but among God’s people can such love be found ? 12 , 13 . ( a ) How can we give refugees practical help ? Postponing baptism or delaying it needlessly could invite spiritual problems . The rebellion of Satan , Adam , and Eve has resulted in what distressful world conditions today ? As water softens clay , daily Bible reading and meditation can help us be malleable in Jehovah’s hands . My parents ’ example and the training they gave us had a deep , favorable impact on us children . Even when Saul was eventually killed in battle , David still had to wait about seven more years before he was given the kingship over the whole nation of Israel . ​ — 2 Sam . The nation saw God perform many miracles in their behalf , some truly awe - inspiring ! Exercise your faith by sharing the good news at every opportunity ( See paragraph 12 ) The type of fishing he referred to here was not that of a lone fisherman using a line and a lure , sitting idly while waiting for the fish to bite . However , Paul was writing to “ those who are in Rome as God’s beloved ones , called to be holy ones . ” One of the visitors was Mary Zazula from Edmonton , Alberta . 9 : 22 , 23 . Therefore , we mainly eat nutritious food . When facing important decisions , make it a practice to ask : ‘ Will this decision give evidence of my love for Jehovah ? ( b ) In what way is demonstrating love for others related to Christian maturity ? Find joy in knowing that Jehovah and Jesus are pleased with you and that they will reward your faithful course . Giving such ones the opportunity to get to know Jehovah gives me tremendous satisfaction . ” What can help us not to be anxious over anything and to experience “ the peace of God ” ? Doing so helps us to remain humble before Jehovah and be malleable in his hands . Or he can prompt our associates at work or in school to mock us because of our desire to live by the Bible’s moral standards . So while keeping alive our desire to serve Jehovah in a foreign - language field , we do well to safeguard our spiritual health . ​ — Matt . On his first day in field service , he asked me , ‘ Could you help me with my Bible studies ? ’ Be assured that you can win the fight against Satan , his wicked world , and any sinful leanings . If you are overwhelmed by the thought of meeting new people , you can start in small ways . When Hezekiah became very sick , God gave him a sign indicating that he would recover ​ — a shadow moving backward . Before that event , there was little Kingdom fruitage in Mexico . In Dublin a more determined opposer ​ — Mr . Some questions have arisen that this article will answer . ( 1 ) How can we individually prepare for the Memorial and benefit from attending it ? Young people have the strength needed to accomplish much in Jehovah’s service . ( See also the box “ Soothing Words of Consolation . ” ) Of course , the Bible provides other practical suggestions . The man seems relatively healthy ; no physical problem is about to rob him of his life . Or do we just have different personalities ? ’ Surely Jehovah’s sovereignty merits our wholehearted support . Before God and eyewitnesses , the bride and groom exchange their marriage vows . At that time , a clergy class began to appear . That is surely a prize worth striving for . So let us happily ‘ sing praises to Jehovah’s name forever as we pay our vows day after day . ’ ​ — Ps . 16 , 17 . ( a ) What initiatives can we take in order to feel closer to those from another culture ? Similar love will help parents reach the hearts of their children . 8 : 12 ; Jer . Indeed , their doing so reflects their desire to be molded by God and his Son . During this time , Jehovah has also helped his people to cultivate to a greater degree his dominant quality ​ — love . Read Matthew 6 : 33 . So they sent me to a convent in Madrid and Lauri to a convent in Valencia . Aaron and Hur literally supported Moses ’ hands during a battle . ( a ) In this illustration , why can the fruitage not refer to new disciples ? Jesus told his disciples : “ You received free , give free . ” As a result of such help , very likely your Bible student will soon be delighting in his personal study of God’s Word . Immediately after the rebellion in Eden , he gave Adam’s future descendants reason to take courage . It was full of money . He never blamed Jehovah for his situation . Regarding the account in question , at least one commentator believes that a flame could “ scarcely have been kept going throughout the long journey ” that Abraham and Isaac made . The book Daily Life in Palestine at the Time of Christ notes that “ the religious sects into which the Jews were divided corresponded more or less to what we term political parties . ” Today , too , Jehovah’s servants feel very grateful for the meetings and enjoy being there . Could you assist ? Instead of accepting the correction , Saul made excuses , tried to shift the blame , and minimized what he had done . No doubt all of us need to work at being less sensitive and more forgiving . ( Read Galatians 5 : 22 , 23 ; Col . SONGS : 87 , 3 Is that not a manifestation of his care ? Free access to Jehovah in prayer is indeed a wonderful expression of his undeserved kindness . Nathan delivered God’s message but in a way that helped David grasp the gravity of his errors and moved him to take action . ​ — 2 Sam . Yet , the inspired Scriptures also foretold that in our day , a misdirected kind of love characterized by selfishness would be shown by people who are alienated from God . 2 : 10 - 15 ; Rom . At such times , we may yearn for someone who makes us feel needed . 3 : 9 . SONGS : 17 , 13 WHEN faced with making a personal choice , one woman told a friend : “ Do not make me think ; just tell me what to do . There are many opportunities to serve Jehovah . Therefore , he requires that “ each one ” of his worshippers “ speak truth with his neighbor ” and “ not lie . ” The next article will discuss how Jehovah further sustains us by providing us with the hope of a reward . ​ — Heb . 4 : 8 , 11 - 13 . When we show by our actions that meetings for worship are important to us , we give Jehovah added reason to keep our name in his “ book of remembrance ” ​ — “ the book of life ” — ​ in which the names of those who are in line to attain to everlasting life are inscribed . ​ — Mal .