Some names in this article have been changed . Jehovah is the name of God as revealed in the Bible . The Bible says that “ foolish@@ ness is bound up in the heart of a child . ” © 20@@ 16 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania ( Look under BIBLE TEAC@@ HI@@ NGS > BIBLE QUESTIONS ANSW@@ ER@@ ED ) It is provided as part of a worldwide Bible educational work supported by voluntary donations . To make a don@@ ation , please visit . Un@@ less otherwise indicated , Scripture qu@@ ot@@ ations are from the modern - language New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures . “ Anx@@ iety in a man’s heart weigh@@ s it down , but a good word che@@ ers it up . ” ( Read 1 Corinthians 15 : 58 . ) Dor@@ c@@ as “ ab@@ ounded in good deeds and gifts of mercy . ” What will be considered in this article , and why ? ( b ) What questions will we consider ? ( Read Proverbs 3 : 5 , 6 . ) ( b ) What will we consider in this article ? ( b ) What will we consider in the next article ? I am going to make a helper for him , as a comple@@ ment of him . ” ( Read Hebrews 11 : 24 - 27 . ) ( b ) What will be discussed in the next article ? “ The word of God is alive and exerts power . ” ​ — HEB . ( Read Matthew 24 : 37 - 39 . ) ( Read 2 Corinthians 1 : 3 , 4 . ) ( Read Titus 2 : 3 - 5 . ) ( Read Romans 7 : 21 - 23 . ) ( Read Isaiah 63 : 11 - 14 . ) ( Read Psalm 1 : 1 - 3 . ) Jesus said : “ No man can come to me unless the Father , who sent me , draws him . ” ( Read Romans 7 : 21 - 25 . ) ( Read 2 Peter 2 : 5 . ) ( Read Isaiah 48 : 17 , 18 . ) ( Read Ephesians 4 : 1 - 3 . ) Publ@@ ished by Jehovah’s Witnesses but now out of print . Have you carefully read the recent issues of The Watchtower ? ( Read Hebrews 13 : 7 , 17 . ) In@@ clud@@ e a letter stating that the don@@ ation is cond@@ itional . Since legal requirements and tax laws vary , it is important to consult qualified tax and legal advis@@ ers before choosing the best way to don@@ ate . Re@@ al E@@ state : Sal@@ able real est@@ ate don@@ ated to an entity used by Jehovah’s Witnesses , either by making an outright gift or , in the case of resid@@ ential property , by re@@ serving a life est@@ ate to the don@@ or , who can continue to live in the res@@ idence during his or her lifetime . W@@ ills and Tru@@ sts : Pro@@ per@@ ty or money may be be@@ qu@@ e@@ ath@@ ed to an entity used by Jehovah’s Witnesses by means of a legally executed will or by speci@@ fying the entity as the benef@@ ici@@ ary of a trust agreement . As the term “ char@@ itable planning ” implies , these types of donations typ@@ ically require some planning on the part of the don@@ or . Well , see if you can answer the following questions : ( b ) What will we consider in the following article ? ( Read Hebrews 11 : 17 - 19 . ) In the Bible , mountains can represent kingdoms , or governments . ( b ) What questions will we consider in this article ? ( Read Ephesians 5 : 15 , 16 . ) You fathers , do not be ex@@ as@@ per@@ ating your children , so that they do not become downhearted . ” For more information , see chapter 3 of this book , What Does the Bible Really Teach ? , published by Jehovah’s Witnesses I am with you all the days until the conclusion of the system of things . ” ( Read 2 Timothy 1 : 7 . ) For more information , see chapter 8 of this book , What Does the Bible Really Teach ? , published by Jehovah’s Witnesses ( Read 1 Thessalonians 5 : 1 - 6 . ) Let your will take place , as in heaven , also on earth . ” ( Read Luke 21 : 1 - 4 . ) ( b ) What questions will we consider in the next article ? ( Read 1 Corinthians 10 : 13 . ) ( Read 1 Corinthians 6 : 9 - 11 . ) Then let those in Judea begin fleeing to the mountains , let those in the midst of her leave , and let those in the countr@@ y@@ side not enter into her . ” What will be discussed in the next article ? I myself , Jehovah , will speed it up in its own time . ” ( b ) What questions will we now consider ? ( Read Luke 10 : 29 - 37 . ) What questions will we consider in this article ? ( Read Revelation 14 : 6 , 7 . ) ( Read 1 Thessalonians 2 : 13 . ) He will judge the lowly with fair@@ ness , and with upr@@ ight@@ ness he will give re@@ proof in behalf of the meek ones of the earth . ” For more information , see chapter 10 of this book , What Does the Bible Really Teach ? , published by Jehovah’s Witnesses “ The righteous will possess the earth , and they will live forever on it . ” ​ — Psalm 37 : 29 . “ Faith is the assured expectation of what is hoped for . ” ​ — HEB . Jesus said : “ Where your treasure is , there your heart will be also . ” If so , you are to be commended . “ Happy is the people whose God is Jehovah ! ” ​ — PS . What will we consider in the next article ? ( Read James 5 : 14 - 16 . ) ( b ) What will we discuss in the next article ? He wrote : “ I am fleshly , sold under sin . What will we consider in the following article ? You cannot slave for God and for Ric@@ hes . ” ( Read Hebrews 10 : 24 , 25 . ) ( Read 2 Corinthians 8 : 13 - 15 . ) Noah walked with the true God . ” ​ — Gen . Proverbs 14 : 15 says : “ The na@@ ive person believes every word , but the shrewd one pond@@ ers each step . ” It does not belong to man who is walking even to direct his step . ” For my yoke is kindly , and my load is light . ” If , now , your right eye is making you stumble , tear it out and throw it away from you . ” WHAT EL@@ SE CAN WE LE@@ AR@@ N FROM THE BIBLE ? Why is it so important to continue to show brotherly love ? Why did Paul write a letter to the Hebrew Christians ? ( Read Hebrews 10 : 36 - 39 . ) Why should we be interested in the book of Hebrews ? What is the yeartext for 20@@ 16 , and why is it appropriate ? That verse has been selected to be the yeartext for 20@@ 16 . How do true Christians understand the meaning of brotherly love ? ( a ) What is the most important reason for us to show brotherly love ? ( b ) Give another reason why it is important to strengthen our affection for one another . Jesus had described how difficult that time would be . What do we need to do now before the start of the great tribulation ? ( a ) What opportunities do we have to show brotherly love today ? ( b ) Give examples of how Jehovah’s people have shown brotherly love . How can we “ keep in mind those in prison ” ? “ Keep in mind those in prison . ” “ Let marriage be hon@@ orable among all . ” How does contentment help us to show brotherly love ? Be “ content with the present things . ” How does being “ of good courage ” help us to show brotherly love ? How can we strengthen our brotherly love for our elders ? “ Remember those who are taking the lead . ” How can we continue to show brotherly love in a greater way ? What does Christ’s love motivate us to do ? How does God’s love motivate us to love our brothers ? Why should God’s forgiveness motivate us to forgive our brothers ? 1 , 2 . ( a ) What does God’s “ ind@@ es@@ crib@@ able free gift ” include ? ( Read 2 Corinthians 1 : 20 . ) 3 , 4 . ( a ) How do you feel when someone gives you a gift ? ( b ) How might a special gift change your life ? How is God’s gift of the ransom much greater than any other gift ? ( a ) What blessings of Jehovah’s gift do you look forward to ? ( b ) Name three things God’s gift will motivate us to do . How should we feel about the love of Christ , and what should it motivate us to do ? ( Read 2 Corinthians 5 : 14 , 15 . ) In turn , whoever loves me will be loved by my Father , and I will love him and will clearly show myself to him . ” ​ — John 14 : 21 ; 1 John 5 : 3 . What questions can we ask ourselves during this Memorial season , and what may the answers motivate us to do ? ( Read 1 Timothy 2 : 9 , 10 . ) ( a ) How does our love for Jehovah and Jesus motivate us in the preaching work ? ( b ) How can our love motivate us to help others in the congregation ? What else will God’s love move us to do ? What example did Jesus set in loving others ? Can you help an older brother or sister in the ministry ? What can you do to show love for your brothers ? ( Read Luke 14 : 12 - 14 . ) 16 , 17 . ( a ) What should we learn from Jesus ’ illustration of the king and the slaves ? ( b ) After meditating on Jesus ’ illustration , what are you determined to do ? How did God’s love help one sister to put up with the imperfections of another sister ? I want to know her when she is perfect . ” How will God’s “ ind@@ es@@ crib@@ able free gift ” motivate you ? [ 1 ] ( paragraph 18 ) Some names in this article have been changed . What events made Pentecost a special day , and how did those events fulfill what the Scriptures had foretold ? ( a ) Why should we be interested in what happened at Pentecost ? ( b ) What other important event may have happened on the same day many years earlier ? How do we know that not all those who are anointed receive their anointing in exactly the same way ? What do all anointed ones receive , and how does this affect them ? What must each anointed Christian do to receive his reward in heaven ? Peter explained it this way : “ Therefore , brothers , be all the more diligent to make your calling and choosing sure for yourselves , for if you keep on doing these things , you will by no means ever fail . In fact , in this way you will be richly granted entrance into the everlasting Kingdom of our Lord and Sav@@ ior Jesus Christ . ” 8 , 9 . ( a ) Why is it difficult for most people to understand what happens when someone is anointed ? ( b ) How does a person know that he has been invited to go to heaven ? He told them : “ You did not receive a spirit of slavery causing fear again , but you received a spirit of adop@@ tion as sons , by which spirit we cry out : ‘ Ab@@ ba , Father ! ’ The spirit itself bears witness with our spirit that we are God’s children . ” What does 1 John 2 : 27 mean when it says that an anointed Christian does not need someone else to teach him ? What might an anointed Christian wonder , but what does he never doubt ? How does the way a person thinks change when he is anointed by holy spirit , and what causes this change ? How do anointed ones feel about their life here on earth ? What does not prove that a person has been anointed by holy spirit ? How do we know that not all those who have received God’s spirit have been invited to go to heaven ? 17 , 18 . ( a ) What reward do most of God’s servants look forward to today ? How is Zechariah 8 : 23 being fulfilled ? 1 , 2 . ( a ) What did Jehovah say would happen in our time ? ( b ) What questions will be answered in this article ? Why is it not possible for us to know for sure who will be part of the 144,000 ? What warning should anointed ones think seriously about , and why ? What do anointed Christians not expect , and why ? Why do you need to be careful about the way you treat those who eat the bread and drink the wine at the Memorial ? ( See the box “ Love ‘ Does Not Be@@ have Ind@@ ec@@ ently . ’ ” ) Jesus told his disciples : “ All of you are brothers . ” How can you show that you respect anointed Christians ? How do we protect ourselves if we avoid “ admir@@ ing person@@ alities ” ? Why should we not worry about the number of those who eat the bread and drink the wine at the Memorial ? “ Jehovah knows those who belong to him . ” What does the Bible say about the number of anointed ones who will be on earth when the great tribulation starts ? What do we need to understand about the 144,000 chosen by Jehovah ? Only a few anointed Christians in the first century were used to write the Christian Greek Scriptures . draws us closer to God and to others ? Even though Jehovah is the Supreme One , what has he invited others to do ? What important work did Jehovah invite Jesus to do ? What did Jehovah invite Adam to do , and why ? For example , he allowed Adam to name the animals . How did others work with God to accomplish his will ? In what work can we share , and did Jehovah need to involve us in this work ? The apostle Paul wrote : “ Working together with him , we also urge you not to accept the undeserved kindness of God and miss its purpose . ” How did God’s firstborn Son describe how he felt about working bes@@ ide his Father ? Why does the preaching work bring us joy ? What have some said about the joy of working with Jehovah ? Similarly , Fran@@ c@@ o , who also serves in Italy , says : “ By means of his Word and his spiritual provisions , Jehovah reminds us every day that he loves us and that everything we do for him is important , even though our efforts may seem like nothing to us . This is why working along with God makes me happy and gives my life meaning . ” What relationship existed between Jehovah and Jesus , and why ? Why does preaching draw us closer to God and to others ? He prayed : “ So that they may be one just as we are one . ” We learn why it is wise to trust in him and to follow his direction . Why will we draw even closer to Jehovah and to our brothers in the new world ? How does one Witness in Australia feel about preaching ? Joel , who lives in Australia , says : “ The preaching work helps me not to lose touch with reality . It reminds me of the challenges people are facing and of the benefits I have experienced by applying Bible principles in my life . The preaching work helps me to try to stay humble ; it gives me an opportunity to rely on Jehovah and on my brothers and sisters . ” Why does our persever@@ ance in preaching show that God’s spirit is with us ? How long would you continue to work at such a job ? How is the preaching of the good news connected with God’s purpose for humankind ? How is our preaching linked to God’s greatest commandments ? The second , like it , is this : ‘ You must love your neighbor as yourself . ’ ” How do you feel about the honor to preach the good news ? I give you my strength , my Word the Bible , heavenly support , earthly companions , progressive training , and preci@@ se instructions at the appropriate time . ’ What an immense privilege it is to do what Jehovah asks of us and to work together with our God ! ” THIS MAG@@ A@@ Z@@ INE , The Watchtower , honors Jehovah God , the Ruler of the universe . It comforts people with the good news that God’s heavenly Kingdom will soon end all wickedness and transform the earth into a paradise . It promotes faith in Jesus Christ , who died so that we might gain everlasting life and who is now ruling as King of God’s Kingdom . This magazine has been published continu@@ ously since 1879 and is non@@ political . It ad@@ her@@ es to the Bible as its authority . Be@@ be had been very close to her father . The re@@ mark came from a well - meaning family friend , but Be@@ be found it more cutting than comforting . “ His death wasn’t for the best , ” she kept repe@@ ating to herself . It was clear that when Be@@ be re@@ counted the incident in a book years later , she was still grieving . As Be@@ be came to see , it can take a long time for someone to overcome grief , especially when the bereaved person was very close to the deceased . In the Bible , death is ap@@ tly described as “ the last enemy . ” It breaks into our lives with ir@@ res@@ is@@ tible force , often when we are completely un@@ prepared , and it ro@@ bs us of those we hold dear . None of us are imm@@ une to its ra@@ v@@ ages . So it is not surprising if we feel at a loss when it comes to cop@@ ing with death and its after@@ mat@@ h . Perhaps you have wondered : ‘ How long does it take to get over grief ? How can I comfort others who have been bereaved ? Is there any hope for our loved ones who have died ? ’ Have you ever had a brief b@@ out with illness ? As an example , consider how the patriarch Abraham reacted when his wife died . The Bible says that “ Abraham began to mour@@ n and to weep over Sarah . ” The expression “ began to ” suggests that it took some time for him to cope with his loss . He griev@@ ed for “ many days , ” and his family members were unable to comfort him . S@@ ever@@ al years later , the death of Joseph still weighed heavily on his mind . ​ — Genesis 23 : 2 ; 37 : 34 , 35 ; 42 : 36 ; 45 : 28 . “ My husband , Robert , died on July 9 , 2008 . Si@@ x years later the pain in my heart is still there . I don’t think I will ever get over my loss of Ro@@ b . ” ​ — G@@ ail , aged 60 . “ Although I have been without my dear wife for more than 18 years , I still miss her and gri@@ eve over my loss . Whenever I see something in nature that is attractive , my thoughts go to her , and I cannot help wondering how she would have enjoyed seeing what I am seeing . ” ​ — E@@ ti@@ enn@@ e , aged 84 . Clearly , such painful and long - lasting feelings are only natural . Each person griev@@ es in his or her own way , and it would be unwise to judge the way another person responds to tragedy . At the same time , we may need to hold off from condem@@ ning ourselves if our reaction to loss seems excessive . As we note in the “ Imitate Their Faith ” article in this issue , Isaac was still grieving over the loss of his mother , Sarah , three years after her death . ​ — Genesis 24 : 67 . For instance , you may find that some will adv@@ ise you not to cry or show your feelings in any way . Others may push you to do the opposite and expose all your feelings . The Bible presents a more balanced view , one that is supported by modern research . In some cultures it is considered un@@ man@@ ly for a male to cry . But is there a real need to feel ashamed about she@@ d@@ ding tears , even in public ? M@@ ental - health experts acknowledge that te@@ ar@@ fulness is a normal part of grieving . And grieving may , in time , help you to move on despite the enor@@ mity of your loss . Su@@ p@@ pres@@ sing grief , however , may do more harm than good . The Bible lend@@ s no support to the no@@ tion that it is wrong or un@@ man@@ ly to shed tears of grief . At the death of his dear friend Lazarus , Jesus openly wept , even though he had the power to bring the dead back to life ! ​ — John 11 : 33 - 35 . B@@ ou@@ ts of anger are often part of grieving , especially in cases of sudden , unexpected death . There are many reasons why a bereaved person may feel angry , such as when though@@ tless and un@@ founded comments are made by a respected person . “ I was only 14 years old when my father died , ” explains a South African man named Mike . “ At the fun@@ er@@ al , the Ang@@ l@@ ican minister said that God needs good people and takes them early . * This ang@@ ered me because we desperately needed our father . If you are being plagued by such feelings of guilt and anger , it is important not to bot@@ tle up these emotions . Rather , speak to a friend who will listen and reassure you that such ir@@ r@@ ational feelings are common to many bereaved ones . The Bible reminds us : “ A true friend shows love at all times , and is a brother who is born for times of distress . ” ​ — Proverbs 17 : 17 . The best Friend a bereaved person can have is our Creator , Jehovah God . P@@ our out your heart to him in prayer because “ he cares for you . ” Moreover , he promises that all who do so will have their thoughts and feelings soo@@ thed by “ the peace of God that surpasses all understanding . ” Also , allow God to help you heal by means of his consol@@ ing Word , the Bible . Having such thoughts to ponder over may be especially helpful at night when you are alone and find it hard to sleep . ​ — Isaiah 57 : 15 . Rec@@ ently , a 40 - year - old man , whom we will call J@@ ack , lost his beloved wife to cancer . “ When I pray to Jehovah , ” he explains , “ I never feel alone . I often wake up during the night and cannot get back to sleep . After reading and meditating on comforting thoughts from the Scriptures and then pour@@ ing out the feelings of my heart in prayer , I sense a cal@@ m@@ ness and a trans@@ c@@ ending peace come over me , putting my mind and heart at rest and enab@@ ling me to sleep . ” A young woman named Van@@ ess@@ a lost her mother to illness . She too has experienced the power of prayer . “ In my most difficult times , ” she says , “ I would just call on God’s name and break down in tears . Jehovah listened to my prayers and always gave me the strength I needed . ” Some bere@@ av@@ ement counsel@@ ors adv@@ ise those who are struggling with grief to get involved in helping others or to volunteer their time in some community service . Doing so can bring joy and may ease a person’s grief . Many bereaved Christians have found that working to help others has brought them great comfort . ​ — 2 Corinthians 1 : 3 , 4 . God feels for you in your pain . ​ — Psalm 55 : 22 ; 1 Peter 5 : 7 . God patiently listens to the prayers of his servants . ​ — Psalm 86 : 5 ; 1 Thessalonians 5 : 17 . God mis@@ ses people who have died . ​ — Job 14 : 13 - 15 . God promises to resurrect the dead . ​ — Isaiah 26 : 19 ; John 5 : 28 , 29 . Have you ever felt helpless when someone near to you was grieving over the loss of a loved one ? Sometimes we may feel un@@ sure of what to say or do ​ — so we wind up saying and doing nothing . But there are practical , helpful things that we can do . Often , all that is needed is your presence along with a simple expression , such as “ I am so sorry . ” In many cultures , giving the person a hu@@ g or a gentle squ@@ ee@@ ze of the arm is an effective way to show you care . If the bereaved one wants to talk , listen sy@@ m@@ pa@@ the@@ tically . B@@ est of all , do something for the bereaved family , perhaps performing a ch@@ ore the grieving one has not been able to care for , such as co@@ oking a meal , caring for the children , or helping with fun@@ er@@ al arrangements if that is desired . Such actions may speak l@@ ou@@ der than the most el@@ o@@ qu@@ ent words . In time , you may be moved to talk about the deceased , perhaps focusing on some good qualities or happy experiences . Such conversation may even bring a smile to the bereaved person’s face . For example , Pa@@ m ​ — who lost her husband , I@@ an , six years ago — ​ says : “ People sometimes tell me good things that I@@ an did that I never knew about , and that makes my heart feel good . ” Resear@@ chers report that many bereaved people receive a lot of initial help but that their needs are soon forgotten as friends get busy again with their own lives . Therefore , make a point of cont@@ acting a bereaved friend on a regular basis after the loss . * Many grieving ones deeply appreciate this opportunity to relieve themselves of pro@@ longed feelings of grief . Consider the example of Ka@@ or@@ i , a young Japanese woman who was devastated by the loss of her mother followed by the loss of her older sister 15 months later . Thankfully , she received ongoing support from loyal friends . One named R@@ it@@ su@@ ko is much older than Ka@@ or@@ i and offered to be her close friend . “ To be honest , ” says Ka@@ or@@ i , “ I wasn’t happy about that . I didn’t want anyone to take the place of my mother , and I didn’t think that anyone could . However , because of the way M@@ ama R@@ it@@ su@@ ko treated me , I came to feel close to her . Every week , we went out in the evangel@@ izing work together and went to Christian meetings together . She invited me to have te@@ a with her , brought me meals , and wrote me letters and cards many times . M@@ ama R@@ it@@ su@@ ko@@ ’s positive attitude had a good influence on me . ” T@@ wel@@ ve years have passed since Ka@@ or@@ i@@ ’s mother died , and today she and her husband are full - time evangelizers . “ M@@ ama R@@ it@@ su@@ ko , ” Ka@@ or@@ i says , “ continues to show her concern . When I go back home , I always visit her and enjoy her upbuilding association . ” Another example of someone who benefited from ongoing support is Pol@@ i , one of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Cy@@ pr@@ us . Pol@@ i had a kind husband , So@@ z@@ os , who set a good example as a Christian shepherd by often inviting or@@ ph@@ ans and widows to their home for association and a meal . Sadly , at the age of 53 , So@@ z@@ os died of a brain tu@@ mor . There , they began associating with a congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses . “ The friends in my new congregation , ” recalls Pol@@ i , “ did not know anything about our past and our difficult circumstances . But that did not stop them from approaching us and embrac@@ ing us with their kind words and practical help . How precious that help was , especially at that time , when my son needed his father most ! Those taking the lead in the congregation showed a great deal of personal interest in Daniel . One in particular made sure to include Daniel when enjoying association with friends or when going out to play b@@ all . ” Both mother and son are doing well today . To be sure , there are many ways we can offer practical help and comfort to those who mour@@ n . The Bible also comforts us by means of a thrilling hope for the future . Some have even marked the date of the death on their cal@@ end@@ ar as a reminder to offer comfort when it may be most needed ​ — on or near the date of the loss . You may recall that G@@ ail , mentioned earlier in this series , doubts whether she will ever get over the death of her husband , Ro@@ b . However , she is looking forward to seeing him again in God’s promised new world . My feelings really go out to people who have lost someone they love but who are not aware of this hope of seeing their loved one again . ” Soon , God will do just that ​ — for Job and countless others — ​ when this earth is transformed into a paradise . “ There is going to be a resurrection , ” the Bible confir@@ ms at Acts 24 : 15 . “ Do not be amazed at this , ” Jesus assures us , “ for the hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice and come out . ” He will have the prospect of re@@ gaining “ his you@@ thful vig@@ or , ” and his flesh will forever remain “ fres@@ her than in youth . ” The same will happen to all who respond with appreciation to God’s merciful provision of a resurrection to life on earth . If you have suffered the loss of someone dear to you , the information we have discussed may not completely take away your grief . But by meditating on God’s promises found in the Bible , you can find real hope and the strength to keep going . ​ — 1 Thessalonians 4 : 13 . Would you like to learn more about how to cope with grief ? Or do you have related questions , such as “ Why does God allow evil and suffering ? ” Please visit our website , , to see how the Bible gives comforting , practical answers . “ God . . . will wipe out every tear from their eyes , and death will be no more . ” ​ — Revelation 21 : 3 , 4 . This issue of The Watchtower discusses how God will fulfill that promise and what it can mean for you . I told the officer that I had already been in prison because I would not fight . I WA@@ S born in 19@@ 26 in Cro@@ ok@@ s@@ v@@ ille , Ohio , in the United States . Father and Mother were not religious , but they told us eight children to go to church . Margaret Wal@@ k@@ er ( second sister from the left ) helped me learn the truth About that time , a neighbor named Margaret Wal@@ k@@ er , one of Jehovah’s Witnesses , began visiting my mother and talking to her about the Bible . But I kept trying to listen to their discussions . After a couple more visits , Margaret asked me , “ Do you know what God’s name is ? ” I said , “ Everyone knows that ​ — it’s God . ” She said , “ Get your Bible and look up Psalm 83 : 18 . ” I did , and I discovered that God’s name is Jehovah . I ran out to my friends and told them , “ When you get home ton@@ ight , look up Psalm 83 : 18 in the Bible and see what God’s name is . ” You might say I started witnessing right away . I studied the Bible and got baptized in 1941 . Soon afterward , I was assigned to conduct a congregation book study . I encouraged my mother and siblings to come , and they all began attending the book study that I conducted . Sometimes when she was on her way , he cha@@ sed after her and pul@@ led her back into the house . But she would just run out the other door and go to the meeting . I also told the officials that I would not become a soldier . In court two weeks later , the judge said : “ If it were up to me , I’@@ d give you a life sentence . I replied : “ Your Honor , I should have been cl@@ as@@ si@@ fied as a minister . Every@@ one’s door@@ step is my pul@@ pit , and I have preached the good news of the Kingdom to many people . ” The judge told the j@@ ury : “ You are not here to decide whether this young man is a minister or not . You are here to decide whether he reported for ind@@ uc@@ tion into the army or not . ” I prayed to Jehovah : “ I cannot stay in a cell for five years . The next day , the guards let me out . I walked over to a t@@ all , broad - shoul@@ d@@ ered prisoner , and we stood there looking out a window . He asked me , “ What are you in for , S@@ hor@@ ty ? ” I said , “ I am one of Jehovah’s Witnesses . ” I said , “ Jehovah’s Witnesses don’t go to war and kill people . ” I said , “ No , it doesn’t . ” Then he said , “ For 15 years I was in another prison , where I read some of your literature . ” I was among the Witnesses imprisoned for neutrality at Ash@@ land , K@@ en@@ tu@@ ck@@ y That is how we preached in an organized way . I worried about my family because Dad had told me , “ If I can get rid of you , I can handle the rest . ” After my release , I had a pleasant surprise . I said , “ That’s fine , but I am not going into the army . ” I quoted 2 Timothy 2 : 3 and said , “ I am already a soldier of Christ . ” After a long silence , he said , “ You can leave . ” Soon afterward , I attended the Bethel meeting at a convention in C@@ inc@@ inn@@ at@@ i , Ohio . I have made many friends at Bethel and in the congregation . I have learned a little M@@ and@@ ar@@ in Chinese and enjoy approaching Chinese people on the street . Some mor@@ nings I place 30 or 40 magazines with interested ones . Preaching to the Chinese people in Brooklyn , New York I have even made a return visit in China ! She took them and told me that her name was Kat@@ ie . After that , whenever she saw me , Kat@@ ie came over to talk to me . I taught her the names of fruits and v@@ eg@@ et@@ ables in English , and she repeated the words after me . I also explained Bible texts to her , and she accepted the Bible Teach book . After some weeks , though , she dis@@ appeared . The next week , she handed me her cell phone and said , “ You talk to China . ” I said , “ I don’t know any@@ body in China . ” But she insisted , so I took the phone and said , “ H@@ ell@@ o , this is Rob@@ ison . ” The voice at the other end said , “ Rob@@ by , this is Kat@@ ie . Please teach her the way you taught me . ” I said , “ Kat@@ ie , I will do the best I can . Thanks for letting me know where you are . ” Soon afterward , I spoke to K@@ ati@@ e’s sister for the last time . If it is God’s will , my family members and friends who have died will return to life in the new world . While this article was being prepared for publication , Cor@@ win Rob@@ ison died faithful to Jehovah . How did knowledge and experience strengthen Abraham’s faith ? What did Abraham do to strengthen his friendship with God ? How can you imitate Abraham in building a friendship with Jehovah ? 1 , 2 . ( a ) How do we know that humans can become God’s friends ? 3 , 4 . ( a ) Describe what was likely Abraham’s greatest test of faith . ( b ) Why was Abraham willing to sacrifice Isaac ? How may Abraham have learned about Jehovah , and how did that knowledge make him feel ? How can we gain knowledge and experience that will strengthen our friendship with Jehovah ? 9 , 10 . ( a ) What is needed for a friendship to become stronger ? ( b ) What shows that Abraham cherished and strengthened his friendship with Jehovah ? Abraham cherished and maintained his friendship with Jehovah . Why was Abraham concerned about Sodom and Gom@@ orrah , and how did Jehovah help him ? 12 , 13 . ( a ) How did Abraham’s knowledge and experience help him later ? ( b ) What shows that Abraham had confidence in Jehovah ? What challenges do you face in serving Jehovah , and how may Abraham’s example help you ? Abraham and Sarah come to know and worship Jehovah Abraham dies “ at a good old age , old and satisfied ” What is your determination , and what will we consider in the following article ? May each of us be determined to imitate the faith of Abraham . ( Read Hebrews 6 : 10 - 12 . ) In the following article , we will consider three more examples of faithful ones who became close friends of God . What can we learn from the friendship with God that Ruth enjoyed ? Why was King Hezekiah a close friend of Jehovah ? What qualities made Jesus ’ mother , Mary , a friend of Jehovah God ? 1 - 3 . ( a ) Why can we be sure that we can become God’s friends ? ( b ) What individuals will we consider in this article ? What difficult decision did Ruth have to make , and why was making it so hard ? ( a ) What wise choice did Ruth make ? ( b ) Why did Boaz speak of Ruth as seeking refuge under Jehovah’s wings ? What might help those who hesitate to dedicate their lives to Jehovah ? 9 , 10 . ( a ) Why might Hezekiah easily have become bitter ? ( b ) Why should we not become bitter against God ? ( c ) Why should we not think that our background determin@@ es the type of person we will become ? Many young people accept the truth despite their family background ( See paragraphs 9 , 10 ) What made Hezekiah one of Jud@@ ah’s best kings ? ( Read 2 Kings 18 : 5 , 6 . ) Like Hezekiah , how have many today proved to be Jehovah’s friends ? Why might Mary’s assignment have seemed too difficult , yet how did she respond to Gabri@@ el’s words ? What shows that Mary was a good listen@@ er ? In both cases , Mary listened , remembered , and thought carefully about what she had heard . ​ — Read Luke 2 : 16 - 19 , 49 , 51 . What can we learn about Mary from the way she spoke ? In what ways can we imitate Mary’s faith ? As we imitate the Bible’s outstanding examples of faith , of what may we be assured ? TH@@ IN@@ K about the happ@@ i@@ est day of your life . Was it when you got married or when your first child was born ? Very likely , you have experienced much joy in serving Jehovah since your baptism . What reasons do we have for continuing to serve Jehovah with joy ? Remember that Jesus said : “ Come to me , all you who are to@@ iling and loaded down , and I will refres@@ h you . Take my yoke upon you and learn from me , for I am mild - tempered and lowly in heart , and you will find refreshment for yourselves . We serve our Life - Giver , the happy God . Consider H@@ é@@ c@@ tor , who served Jehovah as a traveling overseer for 40 years . He says : “ Although it is sad to see my wife’s health gradually deterior@@ ate and it has been challenging to care for her , I have not allowed this to rob me of my joy in serving the true God . Knowing that I owe my life to Jehovah , who created man for a purpose , is reason enough to love him deeply and serve him wholeheartedly . I strive to stay active in the preaching work , and I try to keep the Kingdom hope foremost in my mind so as not to lose my joy . ” Jehovah has provided the ransom sacrifice , making it possible for us to have a joyful life . Indeed , “ God loved the world so much that he gave his only - begotten Son , so that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life . ” Jes@@ ú@@ s simplified his life and served Jehovah joyfully for years I did it just to make more money . Then I learned about Jehovah and how he had given his dear Son for mankind . I had an intense desire to serve him . So I dedicated my life to Jehovah , and after having worked for the company for 28 years , I decided to quit and take up the full - time ministry . ” Do you remember what your life was like before you came to know Jehovah ? The apostle Paul reminded Christians in Rome that they “ were once the slaves of sin ” but had become “ slaves to righteousness . ” “ The happ@@ i@@ est years of my life have been those spent serving Jehovah . ” ​ — Ja@@ ime “ Little by little , I discovered the existence of a loving Father and merciful God , ” Ja@@ ime says . “ Ke@@ eping Jehovah’s righteous standards has been a protection for me . Had I not changed , I might have been killed , as some of my former bo@@ xing friends were . The happ@@ i@@ est years of my life have been those spent serving Jehovah . ” How was King Saul’s son Jonathan loyal to Jehovah ? How can we be loyal to God when we feel that someone who has authority does not deserve our respect ? How can we be loyal to Jehovah if others mis@@ understand us or treat us un@@ fairly ? Why is Jon@@ ath@@ an’s friendship with David a remarkable example of loyalty ? What was more important to Jonathan than being loyal to David , and how do we know ? ( a ) What will make us truly happy and satisfied ? Why was it difficult for the people of Israel to be loyal to God while Saul was king ? What shows that Jonathan stayed loyal to Jehovah ? How are we being loyal to God when we respect those who have authority ? ( Read Romans 13 : 1 , 2 . ) How did Jonathan know to whom he should be loyal ? How does our love for God help us decide to be loyal to him ? How can loyalty to God help us to cope with family problems ? If a brother treats us un@@ fairly , how should we react ? In what situations must we be loyal to God and not be selfish ? [ 1 ] ( paragraph 9 ) Some names have been changed . Why was Jon@@ ath@@ an’s reaction to David so different from Ab@@ n@@ er’s ? What qualities will help us to be loyal to God , and how ? How did David show that he was loyal to God ? ( a ) How was David an example of loyalty to God ? ( b ) What other examples will we consider ? What lesson do we learn from Abis@@ ha@@ i@@ ’s mistake ? Although it is natural to be loyal to our family and friends , why must we be careful ? How did one sister stay loyal to God in a difficult situation ? What qualities will help us to be loyal to God ? How can we benefit from Bible accounts about Ab@@ ner , Absalom , and Baruch ? But you are seeking great things for yourself . Show why we cannot be loyal to God when we are selfish . After many prayers and tears , that is what I did . How did Nathan stay loyal to both God and David when David sinned ? How can you be loyal to both Jehovah and your friend or relative ? Why did Hushai need courage to be loyal to God ? Why do we need courage to be loyal ? I prayed for courage to stick to my decision . Now their attitude has sof@@ t@@ ened , and I can visit them regularly . ” ​ — Read Proverbs 29 : 25 . [ 1 ] ( paragraph 7 ) Some names have been changed . COVER SUBJECT | WHY D@@ I@@ D JESUS SU@@ F@@ F@@ ER AND D@@ IE ? In the spring of 33 C.E . , Jesus the Nazar@@ ene was executed . He had been falsely charged with se@@ d@@ ition , sav@@ ag@@ ely be@@ aten , and na@@ iled to a stake . But God raised him back to life , and 40 days later , Jesus asc@@ ended to heaven . This extraordinary account comes to us from the four Gospels of the Christian Greek Scriptures , commonly called the New Testament . On the other hand , if those events really did happen , then there is a bright future for mankind , one in which you can share . So , are the Gospel accounts fact or f@@ iction ? Unlike fan@@ ci@@ ful leg@@ ends , the Gospel writings reflect pain@@ st@@ aking accuracy and attention to detail . For example , they ab@@ ound with names of real places , many of which can be visited today . They tell about real people , whose existence has been cor@@ ro@@ bor@@ ated by secular histor@@ ians . ​ — Luke 3 : 1 , 2 , 23 . Jesus himself is mentioned by secular writers of the first and second centuries . * His manner of death , as described in the Gospels , agre@@ es with Roman exec@@ uti@@ onal methods of the time . Moreover , events are related in a fac@@ tual and cand@@ id manner ​ — even portra@@ ying some of Jesus ’ disciples un@@ favorably . All these factors strongly indicate that the Gospel writers were honest and accurate in what they wrote about Jesus . While it is generally accepted that Jesus lived and died , some would question his resurrection . Even his apostles did not believe the initial report of his having returned to life . All doubt was removed , however , when they and other disciples saw the resurrected Jesus on separate occasions . In fact , in one case , there were more than 500 eyewitnesses present . ​ — 1 Corinthians 15 : 6 . At the risk of being arrested and killed , the disciples courageously proclaimed Jesus ’ resurrection to all ​ — even to the very ones who had executed him . Would so many disciples have been so bold if they were not absolutely sure that Jesus had really been resurrected ? In fact , the reality of the resurrection of Jesus is the driving force behind the impact that Christianity has had on the world both then and now . The Gospel accounts of Jesus ’ death and resurrection bear all the necessary marks of an auth@@ enti@@ c historical record . C@@ are@@ fully reading them will convince you that these events really happened . Your conviction can be further strengthened when you understand why they took place . T@@ ac@@ itus , born about 55 C.E . , wrote that “ Christ@@ us , from whom the name [ Christians ] had its origin , suffered the extreme penalty during the reign of T@@ iber@@ ius at the hands of one of our pro@@ cur@@ ators , Pon@@ tius Pil@@ at@@ us . ” Jesus is also referred to by Su@@ et@@ on@@ ius ( first century ) ; Jewish historian Josephus ( first century ) ; and P@@ lin@@ y the You@@ nger , governor of B@@ ith@@ y@@ nia ( early second century ) . Then , too , it is un@@ likely that Jesus ’ many opposers would write anything that would l@@ end cred@@ ib@@ ility to the reports about him . Regarding Jesus ’ resurrection , Peter , one of his apostles , explained : “ God raised this one up on the third day and allowed him to become manifest , not to all the people , but to witnesses appointed be@@ for@@ eh@@ and by God , to us , who ate and dr@@ ank with him after his rising from the dead . ” Matthew’s Gospel tells us that when the religious enemies heard reports of Jesus ’ resurrection , they sche@@ med to sup@@ press them . ​ — Matthew 28 : 11 - 15 . Does this mean that Jesus wanted his resurrection to be kept secret ? No , for Peter went on to say : “ He ordered us to preach to the people and to give a thorough witness that this is the one decreed by God to be judge of the living and the dead . ” True Christians have done and are doing just that . ​ — Acts 10 : 42 . “ Through one man [ Adam ] sin entered into the world and death through sin . ” ​ — Romans 5 : 12 What would you say if you were asked , “ Do you want to live forever ? ” Most people would probably say that they want to but that they feel it is un@@ realistic to consider it . Death is a normal part of life , they say , the natural outcome of our existence . Suppose , though , that the question were turned around and you were asked , “ Are you ready to die ? ” Under normal circumstances , most people would answer no . The Bible shows that God created humans with the desire and the will to live . In fact , it says that “ he has even put eternity in their heart . ” ​ — Ecclesiastes 3 : 11 . The reality , though , is that humans do not live forever . Furthermore , has God done anything to re@@ med@@ y the situation ? The Bible’s answers are heartening , and they have a direct bearing on why Jesus suffered and died . The first three chapters of the Bible book of Genesis tell us that God set before the first human couple , Adam and Eve , the prospect of une@@ nd@@ ing life and told them what they would have to do to gain it . Then the account describes how they failed to obey God and lost that prospect . The story is told simply ​ — so simply that some are quick to dis@@ miss it as fol@@ k@@ l@@ ore . But Genesis , like the Gospels , gives every indication of being a fac@@ tual , historical record . What has been the result of Adam’s failure to obey ? The Bible answers this way : “ Through one man [ Adam ] sin entered into the world and death through sin , and so death spread to all men because they had all sinned . ” He thus lost the prospect of endless life and eventually died . Being his descendants , we have inherited his sinful condition . But has God done anything to re@@ med@@ y the situation ? Yes , God made arrangements to rede@@ em , or buy back , what Adam had lost for his descendants , namely , the prospect of endless life . “ The wages sin pays is death , ” says the Bible at Romans 6 : 23 . This means that death is the consequ@@ ence of sin . Likewise , we sin and are therefore subject to sin@@ ’s wages , death . But we were born in this sinful condition through no fault of our own . So God lovingly sent his Son , Jesus , to accept ‘ the wages of sin ’ for us . Jesus ’ death opens the way to a happy , endless life Since one man , the perfect man Adam , brought sin and death on us through disobedience , a perfect man obedient even till death was needed to release us from that burden . The Bible explains it this way : “ Just as through the disobedience of the one man many were made sinners , so also through the obedience of the one person many will be made righteous . ” He left heaven , became a perfect man * , and died in our behalf . As a result , it is possible for us to have a righteous standing with God and gain the prospect of endless life . Why , though , was it necessary for Jesus to die to accomplish this ? Could not Almighty God have simply issu@@ ed a decree that Adam’s descendants be allowed to live forever ? Had God set justice aside in this instance , people might have wondered whether he would do so in other matters as well . For example , would he be fair in determin@@ ing who among Adam’s offspring qualify for eternal life ? Could he be trusted to keep his promises ? God’s ad@@ her@@ ence to justice in working out our salvation is assurance to us that he will always do what is right . By Jesus ’ sacrificial death , God opened the way to endless life in Paradise on earth . Note Jesus ’ words as recorded at John 3 : 16 : “ God loved the world so much that he gave his only - begotten Son , so that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life . ” Jesus ’ death is thus an expression not only of God’s un@@ failing justice but , more specially , of his great love for humans . However , why did Jesus have to suffer and die in the painful way that was described in the Gospels ? By subj@@ ecting himself to the extreme test and remaining faithful , Jesus ref@@ uted once and for all the Devil’s claim that humans would not remain loyal to God when under trial . That claim might have seemed valid after Satan ind@@ uc@@ ed perfect Adam to sin . But Jesus ​ — who was Adam’s perfect equ@@ iv@@ al@@ ent — ​ remained obedient despite severe suffering . He thus proved that Adam too could have obeyed God if he had chosen to do so . By enduring under trial , Jesus left us a model to follow . God rewarded his S@@ on’s perfect obedience , gr@@ an@@ ting Jesus immortal life in heaven . Jesus indicated what we need to do when he said : “ This means everlasting life , their coming to know you , the only true God , and the one whom you sent , Jesus Christ . ” ​ — John 17 : 3 . The publishers of this magazine invite you to learn more about Jehovah , the true God , and about his Son , Jesus Christ . Jehovah’s Witnesses in your community will be happy to assist you . You can also receive helpful information by visiting our website , . See “ The Histor@@ ical Char@@ ac@@ ter of Genesis , ” in Insight on the Scriptures , Vol@@ ume 1 , page 9@@ 22 , published by Jehovah’s Witnesses . God’s trans@@ fer of his S@@ on’s life from heaven to the womb of Mary caused conc@@ eption , and God’s holy spirit shi@@ eld@@ ed Jesus from inher@@ iting imperfection from Mary . ​ — Luke 1 : 31 , 35 . On the night before he sur@@ rendered his life , Jesus gathered with his faithful apostles and instituted the Memorial of his death . He said to them : “ Keep doing this in remembrance of me . ” In obedience to that command , Jehovah’s Witnesses worldwide gather annu@@ ally on the anniversary of Jesus ’ death . This year , the Memorial of Jesus ’ death falls on W@@ ed@@ n@@ es@@ day , March 23 , after su@@ nd@@ own . At@@ tend@@ ance is free ; no coll@@ ections will be taken . Please ask Jehovah’s Witnesses in your area for the time and location . Or you may consult our website , . W@@ OU@@ LD YOU SA@@ Y that the Devil is . . . A symbol of the evil inside a person ? The Devil conver@@ sed with and “ tempted ” Jesus . The Devil was originally a holy angel , but “ he did not stand fast in the truth . ” He became a liar and rebelled against God . Other angels joined Satan’s rebellion . ​ — Revelation 12 : 9 . The Devil blind@@ s many people to his existence . ​ — 2 Corinthians 4 : 4 . SOME PEOPLE SA@@ Y that control by the Devil is a ho@@ a@@ x , while others dread being possess@@ ed by evil spirits . “ The whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one . ” The Devil exerts great influence over mankind , but he does not control every human . The Devil uses deception to increase his influence . ​ — 2 Corinthians 11 : 14 . W@@ icked spirits can in some cases take control of people . ​ — Matthew 12 : 22 . With God’s help , you can successfully “ oppose the Devil . ” ​ — James 4 : 7 . “ Who of you wanting to build a tower does not first sit down and calcul@@ ate the exp@@ ense to see if he has enough to complete it ? ” ​ — LUKE 14 : 28 . What is maturity , and how did Daniel display that quality ? How can you tell if the decision to get baptized comes from your heart ? What is dedication , and how is it related to baptism ? 1 , 2 . ( a ) What gives God’s people joy today ? ( b ) How can Christian parents and elders help young ones to understand the meaning of baptism ? I would like to ask you , ‘ Why do you want to take that step ? ’ ” ( Read Luke 14 : 27 - 30 . ) ( a ) What do the words of Jesus and Peter teach us about the importance of baptism ? ( b ) What questions will we consider , and why ? ( 2 ) Do I have a personal desire to do so ? ( 3 ) Do I understand what it means to be dedicated to Jehovah ? 4 , 5 . ( a ) Why is baptism not for older people only ? ( b ) What does it mean for a Christian to be mature ? We read at Proverbs 20 : 11 : “ Even a child is known by his actions , whether his behavior is pure and right . ” 6 , 7 . ( a ) Describe the challenges Daniel had when he was in Babylon . ( b ) How did Daniel prove to be mature ? A mature young person does not act like a friend of God at the Kingdom Hall but a friend of the world at school ( See paragraph 8 ) He does not act like a friend of God at the Kingdom Hall but a friend of the world at school . 9 , 10 . ( a ) How might a young person benefit from thinking about how he or she has reacted to recent tests of faith ? 11 , 12 . ( a ) A person who is thinking about getting baptized needs to be sure of what ? ( b ) What will help you to keep the right view of Jehovah’s arrangement of baptism ? How can you tell whether the decision to get baptized comes from your heart ? He hands you the title and says : “ The car is yours . ” 18 , 19 . ( a ) How do the expressions of Rose and Christo@@ pher illustrate that being baptized is a privilege that leads to blessings ? ( b ) How do you feel about the privilege of baptism ? My life is filled with satisfying work for Jehovah and his organization . ” What does it mean to be “ persuaded to believe ” ? What are “ holy acts of conduct ” and “ deeds of godly devotion ” ? How can meditating on the ransom help you build your appreciation for Jehovah ? 1 , 2 . ( a ) Explain why baptism is a serious step . ( b ) What should a person be sure of before getting baptized , and why ? What lesson can young ones learn from the example of Timothy ? Describe how the online series of study guides , “ What Does the Bible Really Teach ? , ” can help you strengthen your conviction . One teenage sister said : “ Before I decided to get baptized , I studied the Bible and saw that this is the true religion . And each day that I live , that conviction gets stronger . ” Why is it reasonable to expect that a baptized Christian would have actions in line with his faith ? The Bible says : “ Faith by itself , without works , is dead . ” Explain the expression “ holy acts of conduct . ” For example , think about the past six months . What are some “ deeds of godly devotion , ” and how should you view them ? What provision can help you to perform “ deeds of godly devotion , ” and how have some young ones benefited from this provision ? “ What do you include in your personal study ? ” “ Do you engage in the ministry even if your parents do not ? ” A young sister named T@@ il@@ da said : “ I used the work@@ sheet to set goals . One by one I reached those goals , and I was ready for baptism about a year later . ” Would you continue to serve Jehovah even if your parents did not ? Explain why dedication should be a personal decision . 16 , 17 . ( a ) What should motivate a person to become a Christian ? ( b ) How can appreciation for the ransom be illustrated ? Jesus answered : “ You must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind . ” ( Read 2 Corinthians 5 : 14 , 15 ; 1 John 4 : 9 , 19 . ) 18 , 19 . ( a ) Why should you not fear belonging to Jehovah ? ( b ) How does serving Jehovah make your life better ? What can a young person do in order to progress toward dedication and baptism ? “ How Can I Im@@ prove in My Pra@@ yers ? ” ​ — November 2008 “ How Can I Make Bible Reading Enj@@ oy@@ able ? ” ​ — April 2009 “ Who Am I ? ” ​ — October 2011 “ How Can I Enj@@ o@@ y Stu@@ dying the Bible ? ” ​ — February 2012 “ Why Go to Christian Me@@ etings ? ” ​ — April 2012 How are we united as we preach the good news ? What are some things we can do to help our congregation to be united ? How can a husband and wife stay united ? From the beginning , what has character@@ ized God’s works ? ( a ) What was noteworthy about the early Christian congregation ? ( b ) What questions will we address ? ( Read 1 Corinthians 12 : 4 - 6 , 12 . ) As we work together , what are we able to do ? 8 , 9 . ( a ) What illustration did Paul use to teach Christians to stay united ? ( b ) How can we cooperate in the congregation ? ( Read Ephesians 4 : 15 , 16 . ) How do ministerial servants help the congregation to be united ? What can help all in the family to cooperate with one another ? If your husband or wife is not serving Jehovah , what can you do to keep your marriage strong ? How can older married ones help younger ones ? What do God’s united servants look forward to ? Jehovah provided what guidance in the days of Noah and Moses ? What new guidance did God provide for Christians ? How can we show that we are looking to God for guidance ? 1 , 2 . ( a ) Many lives have been saved by what warning ? How did the human family get on a path leading to death ? ( a ) Why were additional guidelines needed after the Flood ? ( b ) How did new circumstances reveal God’s thinking ? What will we now examine , and why ? Why was it necessary for God’s people to obey the laws given through Moses , and what attitude did the Israelites need to have ? ( a ) Explain why Jehovah gave directions to his people . ( b ) How was the Law a guar@@ dian for Israel ? Why should we be guided by the principles of the Mosaic Law ? What new circumstances made new direction from God necessary ? Why were new laws given to the Christian congregation , and how were these different from those given to the Israelites ? Truly , “ God is not partial , but in every nation the man who fears him and does what is right is acceptable to him . ” What are two aspects of Christian life that would be affected by “ the law of the Christ ” ? 13 , 14 . ( a ) What is involved in Jesus ’ “ new commandment ” ? ( b ) What do we learn from the example that Jesus set ? ( Read John 13 : 34 , 35 . ) What new circumstances do we now have , and how does God guide us ? How should we respond to the guidance being given ? Do you view these directions as guidance from God ? What scrolls will be opened , and with what result ? It also explains the work that endurance must complete in each of us . How can the example of Jephthah and his daughter help us resist worldly influences ? What Bible principles do you find helpful in resol@@ ving personal conflicts ? How has this article encouraged you to make sacrifices for the Kingdom ? What challenge did Jephthah and his daughter face ? Why can the example of Jephthah and his daughter be helpful for us today ? 4 , 5 . ( a ) What command did Jehovah give the Israelites when they entered the Promised Land ? ( b ) According to Psalm 106 , what happened to the Israelites because of their disobedience ? What worldly influences exist today , and what must we do ? ( a ) What did Jephthah’s own people do to him ? 8 , 9 . ( a ) What principles in the Mosaic Law may have helped Jephthah ? ( b ) What was of greatest importance to Jephthah ? How can we allow divine principles to help us act as Christians today ? What vow did Jephthah make , and what did this involve ? What do Jephthah’s words recorded at Judges 11 : 35 reveal about his faith ? He should do everything he vo@@ wed he would do . ” What vow have many of us made , and how can we prove faithful ? How did Jephthah’s daughter react to her father’s promise ? ( a ) How can we imitate the faith of Jephthah and his daughter ? ( b ) How do the words at Hebrews 6 : 10 - 12 encourage you to be self - sacrificing ? What have we learned from the Bible account about Jephthah and his daughter , and how can we imitate them ? What does it mean to “ let endurance complete its work ” ? 1 , 2 . ( a ) What can we learn from the endurance of Gideon and his 300 men ? ( See opening picture . ) ( b ) According to Luke 21 : 19 , why is endurance so important ? Our enemies include Satan , his world , and our own imperfections . What can we learn from those who have endured ? Why can we say that endurance is motivated by love ? ( Read 1 Corinthians 13 : 4 , 7 . ) Love for our brothers helps us to endure their imperfections . Why is Jehovah the best one to help us endure ? Jehovah is “ the God who supplies endurance and comfort . ” As promised in the Bible , how may Jehovah “ make the way out ” of trials for us ? Illustrate why we need spiritual food to endure . 8 , 9 . ( a ) According to Job 2 : 4 , 5 , what is involved when we face trials ? ( b ) When you face trials , what invisible scene might you imagine ? Has Satan changed since he made that claim ? Why should we consider the experiences of “ those who have endured ” ? What do we learn from the example of the cher@@ ubs po@@ sted at Eden ? How was Job able to endure his trials ? Job lived “ a long and satisfying life . ” ​ — Job 42 : 10 , 17 . According to 2 Corinthians 1 : 6 , how did the endurance of Paul help others ? ( Read 2 Corinthians 1 : 6 . ) 15 , 16 . ( a ) What “ work ” must endurance complete ? ( b ) Give examples of how we can “ let endurance complete its work . ” When we endure trials , our Christian personality becomes more complete ( See paragraphs 15 , 16 ) 17 , 18 . ( a ) Illustrate the importance of enduring to the end . ( b ) As we get closer to the end , what confidence can we have ? For I am convinced that neither death nor life nor angels nor governments nor things now here nor things to come nor powers nor height nor depth nor any other creation will be able to separate us from God’s love that is in Christ Jesus our Lord . ” [ 1 ] ( paragraph 11 ) You will also find it encouraging to review the endurance of God’s people in modern times . [ 2 ] ( paragraph 12 ) The Bible does not say how many cher@@ ubs were assigned to this task . “ They continued devoting themselves . . . to associating together . ” ​ — AC@@ TS 2 : 42 . how we help others when we attend meetings . 1 - 3 . ( a ) How have Christians shown that they are eager to meet together ? ( See opening picture . ) ( b ) What will we discuss in this article ? It was a very upbuilding and faith - strengthening experience for us . ” How does meeting together help us to learn about Jehovah ? How have meetings helped you to use what you learned from the Bible and to improve the way you preach ? How do our meetings encourage us and help us to keep strong ? ( Read Acts 15 : 30 - 32 . ) Why is it so important to be at our meetings ? When our brothers see us at the meetings and hear us comment and sing , how does this help them ? ( See also the box “ He Al@@ ways Le@@ aves Fe@@ eling Bet@@ ter . ” ) 9 , 10 . ( a ) Explain how Jesus ’ words found at John 10 : 16 help us to understand why it is important to meet with our brothers . ( b ) If we are at the meetings regularly , how can we help someone who has been rejected by his family ? Even though I come with severe kne@@ e pain , heart problems , and compl@@ ications from di@@ ab@@ et@@ es , I always leave the meeting feeling better than when I arrived . My hearing a@@ ids picked up every@@ one’s voice , and I sang along . How does attending meetings help us to give Jehovah what he deserves ? How does Jehovah feel when we obey his command to attend meetings ? How do we draw close to Jehovah and Jesus at meetings ? How does going to meetings show God that we want to obey him ? 16 , 17 . ( a ) How do we know that meetings were very important to Christians in the first century ? ( b ) How did Brother George G@@ ang@@ as feel about Christian meetings ? I love to be at the Kingdom Hall among the first , and leave among the last , if possible . I feel an in@@ ward joy when talking with God’s people . When I am among them I feel at home with my family , in a spiritual paradise . ” How do you feel about our meetings , and what are you determined to do ? [ 2 ] ( paragraph 3 ) See the box “ Re@@ as@@ ons to At@@ tend Me@@ etings . ” There they hear the good news through public witnessing Lef@@ t : The convent in Z@@ arag@@ o@@ za , Spain ; right : N@@ á@@ car - Col@@ unga Bible translation I did not know whether I was doing the right thing . I remember praying , “ Thank you , Jehovah , for not giving up on me and for giving me so many opportunities to find what I was looking for ​ — the true knowledge of the Bible . ” What would my par@@ is@@ hi@@ on@@ ers and my family say ? ” I replied : “ And what will God say ? ” He died two months before the day he was going to get baptized . What should we do when it becomes difficult to stay neutral ? What can we learn from faithful servants of Jehovah who stayed neutral ? How can we obey both God and human governments ? How do we show that we do not take sides in the world’s politics ? ( a ) How do we know that it will become more difficult to remain neutral ? ( b ) Why should we prepare now to remain neutral ? How should we treat those who have authority in the government ? When it is difficult to remain neutral , how can we be “ cautious ” yet “ innocent ” ? ( Read Matthew 10 : 16 , 17 . ) What must we be careful of when talking to others ? How can we make sure that we remain neutral when we watch or read anything in the media ? 12 , 13 . ( a ) What does Jehovah think about humans ? ( b ) How can we tell if we are becoming too proud of our country ? How can prayer help us , and what Bible example proves this ? How can the Bible help us to remain neutral ? ( See also the box “ God’s Word Streng@@ th@@ ened Their Con@@ vic@@ tion . ” ) What can we learn from the examples of God’s faithful servants who remained neutral ? ( Read Daniel 3 : 16 - 18 . ) 18 , 19 . ( a ) How can the members of your congregation help you to remain neutral ? ( b ) What are you determined to do ? “ Meditating on Proverbs 27 : 11 , Matthew 26 : 52 , and John 13 : 35 strengthened my conviction to refuse military service . These verses also helped me to remain calm during my trial . ” ​ — And@@ ri@@ y , from Ukraine . “ Isaiah 2 : 4 helped me to remain neutral under test . I pictured in my mind the qui@@ et@@ ness of life in the new world , when no one will carry a weapon to harm his neighbor . ” ​ — W@@ il@@ mer , from Col@@ omb@@ ia . “ Keep peace with one another . ” ​ — MAR@@ K 9 : 50 . What counsel did Jesus give to help us handle differences in a spirit of love ? What questions might a Christian ask himself when deciding how to settle differences with others ? How can the three steps outlined at Matthew 18 : 15 - 17 be used to resolve some conflicts ? What human struggles are feat@@ ured in Genesis , and why is this of interest ? What attitude spread throughout the world , and what has been the result ? How did Jesus teach people to handle dis@@ agreements ? 6 , 7 . ( a ) Why is it important to settle personal differences promptly ? ( b ) What questions should all of Jehovah’s people ask themselves ? Our heavenly Father will hear such humble prayers and answer them . ​ — 1 John 5 : 14 , 15 . What should we do if we are offended ? ( Read Proverbs 10 : 12 ; 1 Peter 4 : 8 . ) ( a ) How did one sister at first react to criticism ? ( b ) What Scriptural thought helped this sister to maintain her peace ? 11 , 12 . ( a ) How should a Christian act if he believes that his brother “ has something against ” him ? How did one overseer react to harsh words , and what can we learn from his example ? 14 , 15 . ( a ) When should we apply the counsel at Matthew 18 : 15 - 17 ? ( b ) What three steps did Jesus mention , and what should be our goal in applying them ? What shows that following Jesus ’ counsel is practical and loving ? What blessings will we enjoy when we “ seek peace ” with one another ? the message they preach and why they preach it ? What questions arise because of Jesus ’ words found at Matthew 24 : 14 ? According to Matthew 28 : 19 , 20 , what four things must Jesus ’ followers do ? What is involved in becoming “ f@@ ishers of men ” ? ( Read Matthew 4 : 18 - 22 . ) What four questions need to be answered , and why ? Why can you be confident that Jehovah’s Witnesses are preaching the right message ? How do we know that the clergy of Christendom are not preaching the right message ? What is the wrong motive for doing the preaching work ? ( Read Acts 20 : 33 - 35 . ) How have Jehovah’s Witnesses shown that they engage in the preaching work with the right motive ? What methods did Jesus and his disciples use to preach ? When it comes to preaching the good news , how do the efforts of Christendom compare with those of Jehovah’s people ? They are the only ones who preach that Jesus has been ruling as King since 1914 . What should be the scope of the preaching work ? What proves that Jehovah’s Witnesses have fulfilled Jesus ’ prophecy with regard to the scope of the work ? On our official website , information is available in more than 7@@ 50 languages . How do we know that Jehovah’s Witnesses have God’s spirit ? 17 , 18 . ( a ) Why can we be certain that Jehovah’s Witnesses are the ones who are preaching the good news of the Kingdom today ? ( b ) How is it possible for us to continue in this work ? Because we are preaching the right message , the good news of the Kingdom . What could cause us to miss out on the benefits of some spiritual provisions ? What suggestions can help us to benefit from all portions of the Bible ? How can we benefit from considering material directed to young people and to the public ? 1 , 2 . ( a ) How do Jehovah’s Witnesses feel about the Bible ? ( b ) What is your favorite part of the Bible ? 3 , 4 . ( a ) How do we feel about our publications ? ( b ) What publications do we receive for specific groups of people ? We can be sure that Jehovah appreciates what ? Why do we need to read the Bible with an open mind ? 8 , 9 . ( a ) When reading the Bible , what questions might we ask ourselves ? ( b ) What do the qualifications for Christian elders tell us about Jehovah ? How can I use it to help others ? ’ ( Read 1 Timothy 3 : 2 - 7 . ) 10 , 11 . ( a ) When reading the qualifications for elders , how can we apply the information in our own life ? ( b ) How can we use this information to help others ? 12 , 13 . ( a ) Using tools available to us , what kind of research might we do ? ( b ) Give an example of how background information may reveal lessons that are not immediately obvious . How does the material published for young people help them , and how can it benefit others too ? Why should adult Christians be interested in information for young people ? What else do our publications help young people to do ? ( Read Ecclesiastes 12 : 1 , 13 . ) How can we benefit from reading material written for the public ? How can we show our gratitude to Jehovah for his provisions ? How can our decisions affect us and others ? When the Bible does not give us a specific law , how can we know what would please Jehovah ? How can we get to know more about the way Jehovah thinks ? What are some examples of Bible laws , and how does obeying them benefit us ? 2 , 3 . ( a ) Why does the Bible not give us rules for every situation in life ? ( b ) What questions will be considered in this article ? How could our decisions affect us and others ? Where there is no Bible law , how can we find out what Jehovah would want us to do in a certain situation ? How did Jesus perceive what Jehovah wanted him to do ? ( Read Matthew 4 : 2 - 4 . ) In all your ways take notice of him , and he will make your paths straight . What questions can we ask ourselves when we read or study the Bible ? How can our publications and meetings help us to get to know what Jehovah thinks about various matters ? Give an example of how we can make a wise decision when we consider what Jehovah thinks . ( Read Luke 18 : 29 , 30 . ) How can you determine if a certain style of clothing is pleasing to Jehovah ? ( c ) How should weighty decisions be made ? ( Read Genesis 6 : 5 , 6 . ) How do we benefit from making decisions that please Jehovah ? Of course , we will always have something new to learn about Jehovah . After baptism , why should we keep making changes ? Why does God expect us to put forth effort to overcome our weaknesses ? What can we do to let God’s Word keep on changing our life ? 1 - 3 . ( a ) What changes may it be hard for us to make after our baptism ? ( b ) When making progress is harder than we expected , what questions might we ask ? Why are we unable to please Jehovah in everything we do ? What changes did we make before we got baptized , but what weaknesses may we still struggle with ? 6 , 7 . ( a ) What makes it possible for us to be Jehovah’s friends even though we are imperfect ? ( b ) Why should we not hold back from asking Jehovah for forgiveness ? How do we know that we can keep putting on the new personality ? What must we do to keep making changes with the help of the Bible , and what questions might we ask ? Why does Jehovah expect us to put forth effort to overcome our weaknesses ? What can we do to develop qualities that Jehovah loves ? ( See the box “ The Bible and Prayer Chang@@ ed Their Lives . ” ) Why should we not be discouraged if we are not able to make changes quickly ? If we are loyal to Jehovah , what delightful future can we look forward to ? How can we be sure that the Bible has power to continue changing our life ? [ 1 ] ( paragraph 1 ) The name has been changed . Russell : “ Su@@ p@@ pl@@ icating Jehovah in prayer and a daily d@@ ose of Bible reading helped me . Meditating on 2 Peter 2 : 11 and on personal counsel from the elders made a big difference . ” Maria Vic@@ toria : “ I ferv@@ ently prayed to Jehovah to help me control my tongue . I also saw the need to stop having close association with people who loved to gossi@@ p . Psalm 64 : 1 - 4 made me realize that I did not want to be one from whom others pray to be safeguar@@ ded ! I also came to appreciate that continuing to gossi@@ p would make me a poor example and bring reproach on Jehovah’s name . ” Linda : “ I famili@@ ar@@ ized myself with our tracts so as to be prepared to offer them . Associ@@ ating with those who enjoy various aven@@ u@@ es of service has been a great help . And I continue to rely on Jehovah through prayer . ” All humans have faults that can hurt others . how Jehovah chooses those whom he will mold ? how God mo@@ l@@ ds those who submit to him ? How can we imitate the attitude of repentant Israelites ? How does Jehovah choose those whom he draws to himself ? ( Read 1 Samuel 16 : 7@@ b . ) How should our trust in Jehovah as our Potter affect our attitude toward ( a ) the people in our territory ? Later , in a different setting , I met a family whom I admir@@ ed because of their good conduct . Then one day I received a shock ​ — they were Jehovah’s Witnesses ! Their behavior moved me to examine the basis for my prejudice . I soon came to the realization that my attitude was based on ignorance and hear@@ say , not on facts . ” ( Read Hebrews 12 : 5 , 6 , 11 . ) How is Jehovah teaching us today , and how will this education continue in the future ? And we have learned to show love to others . How did Jesus reflect the Great Pot@@ ter’s patience and sk@@ ill ? ( Read Psalm 103 : 10 - 14 . ) In what ways did David prove to be like soft clay , and how can we imitate him ? How does Jehovah mold us by means of holy spirit and the Christian congregation ? Though having authority over the clay , how does Jehovah show respect for our free will ? How do Bible students show that they want Jehovah to mold them ? ( a ) What appe@@ als to you about having Jehovah as your Potter ? ( b ) What aspects of molding will we next consider ? What traits could har@@ den us against Jehovah’s counsel ? What qualities can help us to remain mold@@ able in God’s hands ? How can Christian parents show that Jehovah is their Potter ? Why did God consider Daniel to be a “ very precious man , ” and how can we be obedient like Daniel ? “ Above all the things that you guard , safeguard your heart , for out of it are the sources of life , ” says Proverbs 4 : 23 . ( Read 2 Chronicles 26 : 3 - 5 , 16 - 21 . ) What could happen if we failed to guard against pride ? One brother said that in time his improper conduct did not b@@ other him much at all . 7 , 8 . ( a ) How did the ancient Israelites demonstrate the hard@@ ening effect of a lack of faith ? ( b ) What is the lesson for us ? Why should we “ keep testing ” whether we are in the faith , and how can we do so ? What can help us to be like soft clay in Jehovah’s hands ? How can Jehovah use the Christian congregation to mold us according to our individual needs ? The field ministry can help us to cultivate what qualities , and with what benefits ? What must parents do if they want to be truly effective in molding their children ? How should parents demonstrate their trust in God if their child is disfellowshipped ? ( Read 1 Corinthians 5 : 11 , 13 . ) Why should we make submission to Jehovah our way of life , and how will this course benefit us ? In what sense is Jehovah our God “ one Jehovah ” ? How can we show that we worship Jehovah as “ one Jehovah ” ? What can we do to maintain our peace and unity ? ( b ) Why did Moses speak those words ? 4 , 5 . ( a ) What is one meaning of the phrase “ one Jehovah ” ? ( b ) How is Jehovah different from the gods of the nations ? What is another meaning of “ one , ” and how did Jehovah prove to be “ one ” ? 8 , 9 . ( a ) What does Jehovah require of his worshippers ? ( b ) How did Jesus emphasize the im@@ port of Moses ’ words ? ( Read Mark 12 : 28 - 31 . ) 10 , 11 . ( a ) In what sense is our worship of Jehovah exclusive ? ( b ) How did Hebrew youths in Babylon demonstrate their exclusive devotion to Jehovah ? In giving Jehovah exclusive devotion , against what must we be on guard ? What could we begin to love more than Jehovah ? Why did Paul remind Christians that God is “ one Jehovah ” ? 16 , 17 . ( a ) What prophecy is being fulfilled in our day , and with what result ? ( b ) What could undermine our unity ? 18 , 19 . ( a ) What counsel is mentioned at Ephesians 4 : 1 - 3 ? ( b ) What can we do to help the congregation stay united ? How can we demonstrate that we understand that “ Jehovah our God is one Jehovah ” ? There are many f@@ ishing villages along the co@@ asts of Tr@@ in@@ id@@ ad and Tob@@ ago . Jehovah’s Witnesses often take the opportunity to speak with f@@ ish@@ er@@ men they meet How does the Bible show that we are all imperfect ? What can we do about our own faults and those of others ? How did the Bible foretell the increase of Jehovah’s people ? ( Read Micah 4 : 1 , 3 . ) This has helped them to remain “ clean from the blood of all men . ” ​ — Acts 20 : 26 . Why is the increase of Jehovah’s people noteworthy ? Why may others at times hurt our feelings ? ( Read Romans 5 : 12 , 19 . ) If you had lived in Israel at the time of Eli and his sons , how would you have reacted ? In what sense did Eli fail to discipline his sons ? How did David sin seriously , and what did God do about it ? ( a ) How did the apostle Peter fail to keep his word ? ( b ) After Peter’s mistake , why did Jehovah continue to use Peter ? Why do you trust that God is always just ? What did Jesus understand about the faults of Judas Is@@ car@@ i@@ ot and Peter ? The Bible foretold what about Jehovah’s servants in this time ? How should we view the faults of others ? 13 , 14 . ( a ) Why should we be patient with one another ? ( b ) What promise do we want to remember ? What did Jesus say we should do when others make mistakes ? What do you want to do when others make mistakes ? ( Read Matthew 5 : 23 , 24 . ) Just as Jehovah freely forgave you , you must also do the same . ” The answers to those questions are not difficult . We can see this from what the Bible says about discernment and wisdom . Proverbs 3 : 13 - 15 says : “ Happy is the man who finds wisdom and the man who acqu@@ ir@@ es discernment ; to gain it is better than gaining silver , and having it as prof@@ it is better than having gold . It is more precious than cor@@ als ; nothing you desire can compare to it . ” Jesus Christ set a good example of honesty . As man@@ aging dir@@ ector , I was expected to come to ‘ an agreement ’ with the tax ag@@ ent by brib@@ ing him to overlook the company@@ ’s fra@@ ud@@ ul@@ ent practices . As a result , I had the reputation of being dishonest . When I learned the truth , I refused to continue doing that , even though the job paid very well . Among tax aud@@ it@@ ors and others with whom I do business , I now have the reputation of being an honest man . ” Ruth moved to Israel , where she could worship the true God . “ We all received . . . undeserved kindness upon undeserved kindness . ” ​ — JOHN 1 : 16 . What is the greatest expression of Jehovah’s undeserved kindness toward mankind ? How can we show that we are no longer ruled by sin but by undeserved kindness ? What blessings come to us as a result of Jehovah’s undeserved kindness ? 1 , 2 . ( a ) Describe Jesus ’ illustration of the owner of the viney@@ ard . ( b ) How does the story illustrate the qualities of generosity and undeserved kindness ? Do I not have the right to give all my workers whatever I want ? ( Read 2 Corinthians 6 : 1 . ) Why and how has Jehovah shown undeserved kindness toward all mankind ? What does it mean that Jehovah’s undeserved kindness is “ expressed in various ways ” ? The apostle Peter wrote : “ To the extent that each one has received a gift , use it in minister@@ ing to one another as fine stewards of God’s undeserved kindness that is expressed in various ways . ” The apostle John wrote : “ We all received from his ful@@ l@@ ness , even undeserved kindness upon undeserved kindness . ” How do we benefit from Jehovah’s undeserved kindness , and how can we show our gratitude for it ? ( Read 1 John 1 : 8 , 9 . ) What do we enjoy because of God’s undeserved kindness ? Ex@@ pres@@ sions of God’s undeserved kindness : The privilege of hearing the good news ( See paragraph 11 ) How do the anointed bring the “ other sheep ” to righteousness ? The blessing of prayer ( See paragraph 12 ) How is prayer related to God’s undeserved kindness ? How can undeserved kindness “ help us at the right time ” ? How does Jehovah’s undeserved kindness benefit our hearts ? Thanks to God’s undeserved kindness , what hope do we have ? ( Read Psalm 49 : 7 , 8 . ) How did some early Christians abuse God’s undeserved kindness ? Because of Jehovah’s undeserved kindness , what responsibilities do we have ? What responsibility of ours will be examined in the next article ? [ 1 ] ( paragraph 2 ) See “ Und@@ es@@ erved kindness ” in the “ G@@ loss@@ ary of Bible Ter@@ ms ” in the revised New World Translation . “ Be@@ ar thorough witness to the good news of the undeserved kindness of God . ” ​ — AC@@ TS 20 : 24 . What should Jehovah’s undeserved kindness motivate us to do ? How does the “ good news of the Kingdom ” highlight God’s undeserved kindness ? How will Jehovah show his undeserved kindness in the new world ? How did the apostle Paul show that he was grateful for God’s undeserved kindness ? THE apostle Paul could honestly say : “ [ God’s ] undeserved kindness to me was not in vain . ” ( Read 1 Corinthians 15 : 9 , 10 . ) ( Read Ephesians 3 : 5 - 8 . ) Why can we say that the “ good news of the Kingdom ” is the same as the good news of “ the undeserved kindness of God ” ? When we explain the ransom to people , how are we spreading the good news of God’s undeserved kindness ? Why do sinful humans need to be reconciled to God ? The apostle John wrote : “ The one who exercises faith in the Son has everlasting life ; the one who dis@@ obe@@ ys the Son will not see life , but the wrath of God remains upon him . ” 9 , 10 . ( a ) What responsibility did Christ give to his anointed brothers ? Therefore , we are amb@@ assa@@ d@@ ors sub@@ stit@@ uting for Christ , as though God were making an appeal through us . Why is it good news for people to learn that they can pray to Jehovah ? Many people pray because it makes them feel good , but they do not really believe that God hears their prayers . They need to know that Jehovah is the “ Hearer of prayer . ” The psalmist David wrote : “ O Hearer of prayer , to you people of all sorts will come . Jesus told his disciples : “ If you ask anything in my name , I will do it . ” 13 , 14 . ( a ) What marvelous privileges will the anointed have in the future ? ( b ) What wonderful work will the anointed do for mankind ? How will Jehovah show his undeserved kindness toward the “ other sheep ” in the future ? Millions of humans who died without knowing God will also be resurrected . John wrote : “ I saw the dead , the great and the small , standing before the throne , and scrolls were opened . But another scroll was opened ; it is the scroll of life . The dead were judged out of those things written in the scrolls according to their deeds . And the sea gave up the dead in it , and death and the Grave gave up the dead in them , and they were judged individually according to their deeds . ” What should we keep in mind when sharing in our witnessing work ? The Bible says : “ The creation itself will also be set free from enslav@@ ement to corruption and have the glorious freedom of the children of God . ” He also says : “ Wr@@ ite , for these words are faithful and true . ” When we zealously preach this good news to others , we truly glorify Jehovah’s undeserved kindness ! “ Keep seeking [ God’s ] Kingdom , and these things will be added to you . ” ​ — LUKE 12 : 31 . What difference is there between what we need and what we want ? Why should we control our desire to want more material things ? Why are you convinced that Jehovah can provide your daily needs ? How does Satan use “ the desire of the eyes ” ? Remember , the apostle John warned : “ The world is passing away and so is its desire . ” What can happen to those who use most of their energy to get more things ? What will we consider next , and why ? 8 , 9 . ( a ) Why should we not worry too much about the things we need ? ( b ) What did Jesus know about humans and their needs ? When Jesus taught his followers how to pray , what did he say should be most important in their life ? What do we learn from the way Jehovah cares for the birds of heaven ? We should “ observe intently the birds of heaven . ” Of course , he does not put the food in their be@@ ak@@ s ! What proves that we are worth more than the birds of heaven ? ( Compare Luke 12 : 6 , 7 . ) 15 , 16 . ( a ) What do we learn from the way Jehovah cares for the l@@ il@@ ies of the field ? ( See opening picture . ) ( b ) What questions might we need to ask ourselves , and why ? What does Jehovah know about us personally , and what will he do for us ? Why should we not worry about what might happen in the future ? Can you simplify your life to focus more on the Kingdom ? ( a ) What is a goal you may set in Jehovah’s service ? ( b ) What can you do to simplify your life ? What will help you to draw closer to Jehovah ? Illustrate why it is important to be aware of what time it is and what is happening around us . Why did Jesus tell his disciples to “ keep on the watch ” ? Why do we pay attention to Jesus ’ warning ? ( a ) Why can we believe that Jesus now knows when Armageddon will occur ? ( b ) Although we do not know when the great tribulation will begin , what can we be sure of ? ( Read Habakkuk 2 : 1 - 3 . ) Give an example to show that Jehovah’s prophecies are always fulfilled right on time . Jehovah’s prophecies have always been fulfilled right on time ! Some@@ time later , Jehovah told Abraham : “ Know for certain that your offspring will be foreigners in a land not the@@ irs and that the people there will en@@ slave them and affl@@ ict them for 400 years . ” Why can we be sure that Jehovah will save his people ? 7 , 8 . ( a ) What was the role of a watch@@ man in ancient times , and what lesson does that teach us ? ( b ) Give an example of what could happen when watch@@ men fell asleep on the job . What are most people today not aware of ? 10 , 11 . ( a ) Of what must we be careful , and why ? ( b ) What convin@@ ces you that the Devil has influenced people to ignore Bible prophecy ? Why must we not let the Devil deceive us ? Jesus warned us : “ Keep ready , because at an hour that you do not think likely , the Son of man is coming . ” How is the spirit of the world aff@@ ecting mankind , and how can we avoid that dangerous influence ? What warning do we find at Luke 21 : 34 , 35 ? ( Read Luke 21 : 34 , 35 . ) What happened to Peter , James , and John , and how might that happen to us too ? According to Luke 21 : 36 , how did Jesus instruct us to “ keep awake ” ? How can we make sure that we are ready for what is coming in the near future ? [ 1 ] ( paragraph 14 ) See chapter 21 of the book God’s Kingdom Rul@@ es ! During an assembly , a brother asked me if I would like to preach . We went to the territory , and he gave me some book@@ lets about God’s Kingdom . One of the sisters there gave us children Bible lessons based on the Bible and the book The Har@@ p of God . As a teenager , I enjoyed giving people hope from God’s Word . The brother stopped his bicycle and asked me to sit down with him on a lo@@ g . He said : “ Who gave you authority to judge who is a go@@ at ? Let’s just be happy giving people the good news and leave the judging to Jehovah . ” Another older brother taught me that to find happiness in giving , we sometimes have to endure patiently . Years later , his patience was rewarded when his wife was baptized as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses . After the war , I pioneer@@ ed for two years in southern Ireland . We did not realize how much power the priests had . I had never sa@@ iled before , so I was exc@@ ited . For five years , we preached mainly on isolated islands where there were no Witnesses . The cre@@ w of missionaries abo@@ ard the S@@ ib@@ ia ( left to right ) : R@@ on Par@@ k@@ in , D@@ ick R@@ y@@ de , G@@ ust Mak@@ i , and St@@ an@@ ley Car@@ ter Often , they gave us fresh fish , av@@ oc@@ a@@ do@@ s , and pe@@ an@@ ut@@ s . Then at d@@ us@@ k we ran@@ g the ship@@ ’s b@@ ell . It was lov@@ ely to see how seriously some of them took their assignment . When we arrived , I met and fell in love with Max@@ ine Bo@@ y@@ d , a beautiful missionary sister . So I said to myself , ‘ R@@ on@@ ald , if you want this girl , you@@ ’ve got to act quickly . ’ After three weeks I pro@@ posed , and after six weeks we were married . Max@@ ine and I were assigned as missionaries to Puerto Rico , so I never went out on the new boat . For example , in the village of Po@@ tal@@ a Pas@@ ti@@ ll@@ o , there were two Witness families with many children , and I used to play the fl@@ ute for them . I asked one of the little girls , H@@ il@@ da , if she wanted to come and preach with us . We bought her a pair , and she came preaching with us . She was about to leave for her assignment in Ecuador , and she said : “ You don’t recognize me , do you ? I am the little girl from Pas@@ ti@@ ll@@ o who had no sho@@ es . ” At first , L@@ en@@ nar@@ t John@@ son and I did most of the work . Nathan Knorr , who was then taking the lead among Jehovah’s Witnesses , came to Puerto Rico . Later , he gave me strong counsel about being organized and said that he was disappointed in me . Father did not accept the truth when Mother and I did . My dear wife , Max@@ ine , died in 2011 . I am really looking forward to seeing her again in the resurrection . After 60 years on the island , I felt as Puerto Ric@@ an as a co@@ qu@@ í , the popular little Puerto Ric@@ an tree f@@ ro@@ g that s@@ ings ko - ke@@ e , ko - ke@@ e at d@@ us@@ k . Some who come to see me want to discuss personal or family problems . Everything we do at Bethel is sacred service . W@@ herever we serve Jehovah , we have opportunities to praise him . Le@@ on@@ ard S@@ m@@ ith@@ ’s life story appeared in The Watchtower of April 15 , 2012 . Why can it be said that marriage is a gift from God ? How would you describe the history of marriage from the time of Adam to Jesus ’ day ? What can help a Christian to decide whether to get married ? 1 , 2 . ( a ) How did marriage begin ? ( b ) What could the first man and woman have realized about marriage ? ( Read Genesis 2 : 20 - 24 . ) An important purpose of marriage was to pop@@ ulate the earth . What can we learn from Adam’s and Ev@@ e’s respon@@ ses to Jehovah ? How would you explain Genesis 3 : 15 ? ( a ) What has happened to marriage since the rebellion of Adam and Eve ? ( b ) What does the Bible require of husbands and wives ? What is the history of marriage from the time of Adam to the Flood ? What did Jehovah do to the wicked in Noah’s day , and what lesson should we learn from what happened at that time ? ( a ) In many cultures , what sexual practices became a way of life ? ( b ) How did Abraham and Sarah set a good example in their marriage ? ( Read 1 Peter 3 : 3 - 6 . ) How did the Mosaic Law protect the Israelites ? ( Read Deuteronomy 7 : 3 , 4 . ) 12 , 13 . ( a ) How were some men treating their wives in Mal@@ achi@@ ’s day ? ( b ) Today , if a baptized person ran off with someone else@@ ’s mate , what would the consequences be ? ( a ) In the Christian congregation , what would be the standard for marriage ? Paul added : “ If they do not have self - control , let them marry , for it is better to marry than to be infl@@ amed with passion . ” 18 , 19 . ( a ) How should a Christian marriage begin ? ( b ) What will the following article discuss ? What responsibilities did God give husbands and wives ? Why are love and tenderness very important in a marriage ? How can the Bible help if there are problems in a marriage ? Although marriage usually begins with joy , what can those who marry expect to experience ? What kinds of love should marriage mates show ? How strong should love be in a marriage ? Paul wrote : “ H@@ usb@@ ands , continue loving your wives , just as the Christ also loved the congregation and gave himself up for it . ” ( Read John 13 : 34 , 35 ; 15 : 12 , 13 . ) 4 , 5 . ( a ) What is a husband’s responsibility as a family head ? ( b ) How should a wife view headship ? ( c ) What adjustments did one married couple need to make ? Marriage was an adjustment for me as I learned to rely on my husband . It has not always been easy , but we have drawn so much closer as a couple by doing things Jehovah’s way . ” In marriage , taking two people into consideration adds to the challenge . But by seeking Jehovah’s guidance in prayer and really listening to my wife’s in@@ put , it gets easier every day . I feel that we are a real team ! ” How does love serve as “ a perfect bond of union ” when problems develop in a marriage ? 7 , 8 . ( a ) What advice does the Bible give regarding sexual relations in marriage ? ( b ) Why do marriage mates need to show tenderness ? ( Read 1 Corinthians 7 : 3 - 5 . ) S@@ ex@@ ual relations should never be forced or demanded but should come naturally . Why is sexual interest in anyone who is not one’s own marriage mate un@@ acceptable ? 10 , 11 . ( a ) How common is divorce ? ( b ) What does the Bible say about separation ? ( c ) What will help a marriage mate not to separate quickly ? What may lead a marriage mate to consider separation ? What does the Bible say to Christians married to mates who are not worshippers of Jehovah ? ( Read 1 Corinthians 7 : 12 - 14 . ) Or , husband , how do you know whether you will save your wife ? ” 15 , 16 . ( a ) What counsel does the Bible give Christian wives whose husbands are not servants of God ? ( b ) What is the position of a Christian “ if the unbelieving one chooses to de@@ part ” ? The apostle Peter counsel@@ s Christian wives to be in subjection to their husbands , “ so that if any are not obedient to the word , they may be won without a word through the conduct of their wives , because of having been eyewitnesses of your chaste conduct together with deep respect . ” What if an unbelieving marriage mate chooses to separate ? The Bible says : “ If the unbelieving one chooses to de@@ part , let him de@@ part ; a brother or a sister is not bound under such circumstances , but God has called you to peace . ” What should be the first priority of Christian married couples ? Why is it possible for Christians to have a happy and successful marriage ? [ 1 ] ( paragraph 5 ) N@@ ames have been changed . [ 2 ] ( paragraph 13 ) See the book “ Keep Y@@ ourselves in God’s Love , ” app@@ endix , “ The Bible’s View on Div@@ or@@ ce and Se@@ par@@ ation . ” What a pleasure it is to give a witness in the morning hours along the D@@ an@@ u@@ be River ! These happy publishers are sharing the Kingdom message with an appreciative listen@@ er at V@@ ig@@ ad@@ ó S@@ qu@@ are in B@@ ud@@ ap@@ est , Hung@@ ary What can you do to make spiritual progress ? How can you progress spiritually without growing we@@ ary ? What adjustments might make you more effective in the ministry ? 1 , 2 . ( a ) How has Isaiah 60 : 22 come true in this time of the end ? ( b ) What needs now exist in the earthly part of Jehovah’s organization ? “ THE little one will become a thousand and the small one a mighty nation . ” What does making spiritual progress mean to you ? How can young people use their strength in Kingdom service ? 6 - 8 . ( a ) How did one young man change his view of God’s service , and with what result ? ( b ) How can we “ taste and see that Jehovah is good ” ? Because of his blessing , I feel inde@@ b@@ ted to him and am moved to do more in his service , and this results in more blessings . ” ( Read Psalm 34 : 8 - 10 . ) Why is it important for you to have “ a waiting attitude ” ? What spiritual qualities can we work to develop , and why are they important ? How can members of the congregation prove themselves trustworthy ? How can you follow Joseph’s example if others treat you un@@ fairly ? What can you do if others treat you un@@ fairly ? 14 , 15 . ( a ) Why do we have to “ pay constant attention ” to the way we preach ? ( b ) How might you adjust to changing conditions ? ( See opening picture and the box “ Are You W@@ illing to Try a Di@@ ffer@@ ent Me@@ th@@ od ? ” ) How can public witnessing prove to be effective ? 17 , 18 . ( a ) How might you become more confident in public witnessing ? ( b ) Why do you find David’s spirit in praising Jehovah valuable as you engage in the ministry ? He says : “ During our family worship , my wife and I do research to find answers to obj@@ ections and opinions people express . We also ask other Witnesses for suggestions . ” ( Read 1 Timothy 4 : 15 . ) They will proclaim the glory of your kingship and speak about your m@@ ight@@ iness , to make known to men your mighty acts and the glorious splendor of your kingship . ” If you are entrusted with more work in Jehovah’s organization , how can you become a blessing to others ? Now V@@ en@@ ec@@ ia says : “ P@@ h@@ one witnessing works ! ” My wife died three years ago , and last year my son was killed in an accident . ” After two years , I am writing back as your Christian sister . ” Why should we build in Bible students a strong desire to study the Scriptures personally ? How can we help new ones to con@@ verse with householders and others ? Why should efforts be made to train prosp@@ ective shepherds of God’s flock ? Why must we train others to take up theocratic assignments ? 3 , 4 . ( a ) How did Paul conn@@ ect study of the Scriptures with a productive ministry ? ( b ) Before we encourage our students to study the Bible on their own , what must we be doing ? Give a suggestion on how to help new ones to have a routine of personal Bible study . You may ask , ‘ How can I train my student to study the Bible regularly ? ’ En@@ courage him to read every issue of The Watchtower and Awake ! ( a ) How can you help your student to cultivate love for the Bible in his heart ? ( b ) What is a Bible student likely to do if he develop@@ s heartfelt love for the Scriptures ? How did Jesus train proclaimers of the good news ? 8 , 9 . ( a ) How did Jesus approach individuals in his ministry ? ( b ) How can we help new publishers to con@@ verse with people as Jesus did ? 10 - 12 . ( a ) How did Jesus cultivate the interest others showed in the good news ? ( b ) How can we help new publishers to improve their skills as teachers of Bible truth ? 13 , 14 . ( a ) What do you think of the Bible examples of those who made great sacrifices in behalf of others ? ( b ) In what practical ways can you train new publishers and young ones to show love for their brothers and sisters ? Why is it important that elders take an interest in the progress of men in the congregation ? 16 , 17 . ( a ) What interest did Paul take in the progress of Timothy ? ( b ) How can the elders effectively train future shepherds of the congregation ? Why should training others in Jehovah’s service be important to us ? Why should you be convinced that your diligent efforts to train others in Jehovah’s service will be successful ? It is in vain that they keep worshipping me , for they teach commands of men as doctrines . ’ You let go of the commandment of God and cling to the tradition of men . ” ​ — Mark 7 : 6 - 8 . 3 “ Do Not Let Your H@@ ands D@@ ro@@ p Down ” How did Jehovah strengthen the hands of Moses , Asa , and Nehemiah ? In what practical ways can we strengthen the hands of our brothers and sisters ? ( b ) What might cause our hands to drop down ? The hand , for example , is mentioned hundreds of times . How can you be motivated and strengthened to endure and have joy ? However , when Moses ’ hands became heavy and began to drop down , the Amal@@ ek@@ ites started to win . ( b ) How did God respond to Nehem@@ iah’s prayer ? ( Read Nehemiah 1 : 10 ; 2 : 17 - 20 ; 6 : 9 . ) Do you believe that Jehovah uses his “ great power ” and “ mighty hand ” to strengthen his servants today ? 10 , 11 . ( a ) How does Satan try to cause us to let our hands drop down ? ( b ) What does Jehovah use to strengthen us and give us power ? He uses lies and threats from governments , religious leaders , and apostates . 13 , 14 . ( a ) How was one brother strengthened after his wife died ? Prayer and personal study have been like a life j@@ ac@@ ket that has kept my head above water . And the support of my spiritual brothers and sisters has brought me much comfort . I have come to realize the importance of developing a good personal relationship with Jehovah before difficult situations arise . ” How does God train us to fight our enemies ? He also helps us through our Bible - based publications , Christian meetings , assemblies , and conventions . How do we avoid being conquered by the evil ? ( b ) Which Bible characters will we consider ? What helped Jacob to persevere , and how was he rewarded ? ( Read Genesis 32 : 24 - 28 . ) How were two Christians helped to control wrong desires ? This young person also benefited from the article “ Al@@ ter@@ native Life - St@@ yles ​ — Does God Ap@@ prove ? ” “ For that reason , ” he said , “ I think that as each day passes , I can remain faithful . I am very grateful to Jehovah for using his organization to help us survive each day in this wicked system . ” Consider also the experience of a sister in the United States . She writes : “ I want to thank you for always feeding us with just what we need and at the right time . I often feel that these articles are written just for me . For years , I have been batt@@ ling a strong desire for something Jehovah hates . At times , I want to throw my hands up and stop fighting . I know that Jehovah is merciful and forgiving , but because I have this wrong desire and deep down I don’t hate it , I feel that I am unable to receive his help . This ongoing battle has affected every aspect of my life . . . . After reading the article ‘ Do You Have “ a Heart to Know ” Jehovah ? ’ in The Watchtower of March 15 , 2013 , I really felt that Jehovah does want to help me . ” ( a ) How did Paul feel about his struggles ? What can we learn about clothing from God’s Law to the Israelites ? What can help Christians to make good decisions about how to dress ? When especially do we need to wear appropriate clothing ? Of course , some clothing that is appropriate in one place may not be appropriate in another . ( Read 1 Corinthians 10 : 32 , 33 . ) What are some factors that may affect whether a brother we@@ ars a be@@ ard ? The Mosaic Law required men to wear a be@@ ard . In fact , some appointed brothers have be@@ ards . Even so , some brothers might decide not to wear a be@@ ard . What effect should our dress and grooming have on others ? A brother in Germany wrote : “ My teachers view the Bible account of creation as a my@@ th . And they take it for granted that the students believe in evolution . ” A young sister in France said : “ Te@@ achers in my school are quite aston@@ ished that there are students who still believe in the Bible . ” and The Orig@@ in of Life ​ — Five Questions Wor@@ th As@@ king , and the book Is There a Creator Who Car@@ es About You ? I’ve studied those bro@@ chu@@ res about a do@@ zen times . ” They show that the greatest eng@@ ine@@ ers may imitate but will never equal the complex design@@ s in nature . ” Why does God want you to use your power of reason ? ( Read Romans 12 : 1 , 2 ; 1 Timothy 2 : 4 . ) And many of them lived at different times and did not know one another personally . ” I literally had to stop and contemplate how in@@ cred@@ ible that prophetic Passover meal was ! ” “ Hon@@ es@@ ty like that is rare , ” said a young brother in Britain . “ This adds to our confidence that the Bible truly is from Jehovah . ” ( Read Psalm 19 : 7 - 11 . ) A young sister in Japan wrote : “ When my family applied Bible teachings , we were truly happy . We experienced peace , unity , and love . ” And some stop believing in God because they are disappointed with religion . He added : “ One is struck by the comple@@ x@@ ity of even the simpl@@ est form of life . ” He wrote : “ Every house is construc@@ ted by someone , but the one who construc@@ ted all things is God . ” Why is it so important to know your children well ? Our children acquire it little by little . ” He asks : ‘ What does the Bible say ? ’ ‘ Do you believe what it says ? ’ He wants me to answer in my own words and not simply repe@@ at his or M@@ um@@ ’s words . As I got older , I had to expand on my answers . ” They answered all my questions , using the Bible . ” ( Read Deuteronomy 6 : 5 - 8 ; Luke 6 : 45 . ) So if life evol@@ ved from simple to more complex forms , why were these ancient creatures already so complex ? It was a lesson that deeply impressed me and that I shared with my son . ” Then she asked each of the boys to make her a cup of c@@ off@@ ee . “ They took great care , ” she explained . “ When I asked them why they were so careful , they said that they wanted the c@@ off@@ ee to be just the way I like it . I explained that God mixed the ga@@ ses in the atmosphere with similar care ​ — just right for us . ” And how would you compare the sound of an air@@ plane to the singing of a bir@@ d ? So who is more intelligent ​ — the maker of air@@ plan@@ es or the Creator of birds ? ” “ Never tire of exper@@ im@@ enting with new ways to approach old subjects , ” said one father . “ From the time they were very young , I studied with them for 15 minutes every day , except on days when we had Christian meetings . Over time , many of these were addressed at meetings or during family or personal study . That’s why it’s important for parents just to keep teaching . ” Let your children see how real Jehovah is to you . “ We also tell our older daughter , ‘ Have complete trust in Jehovah , keep busy in Kingdom service , and do not worry too much . ’ When she sees the outcome , she knows that Jehovah is helping us . This has done wond@@ ers for her faith in God and in the Bible . ” The first article shows how our faith can grow and remain strong . Let me explain what led to that conversation . I WA@@ S born in W@@ ic@@ h@@ ita , K@@ ans@@ as , U.S.A . , on December 10 , 19@@ 36 , the oldest of four children . Then a soldier walked by , and the doctor y@@ elled , “ Do something about this y@@ el@@ low co@@ ward ! ” The soldier could see that the man was drun@@ k , so he told him , “ Go home and sob@@ er up ! ” He owned two bar@@ ber@@ sho@@ ps in W@@ ic@@ h@@ ita , and the doctor was one of his cli@@ ents ! With my parents , going to a convention in W@@ ic@@ h@@ ita in the 1940 ’ s With Jehovah’s blessing and their zealous work , a congregation was started . The brother also sold my car for $ 25 . We were assigned to special pioneer in Wal@@ n@@ ut R@@ id@@ ge , Ar@@ kans@@ as . Then in 196@@ 2 , we were thrilled to receive an invitation to the 3@@ 7@@ th class of Gilead . Soon after , our first daughter , K@@ imb@@ erly , was born , and 17 months later , we had Steph@@ any . We would also go cam@@ ping with them and would have very enjoyable conversations around the cam@@ p@@ fire . We arranged to have some who were in the full - time ministry stay in our home . They were shocked and started to cry and said that they wanted to study . With the help and direction of God’s organization , we did our best to raise them to love Jehovah . On a later trip , K@@ imb@@ erly met one of his workmates , Brian L@@ le@@ wel@@ lyn . So they did stay free until they were at least 23 . At the same time , Brian and K@@ imb@@ erly were invited to work at London Bethel and later were transferred to Malawi Bethel . The day after we left for the Watchtower E@@ duc@@ ational C@@ enter in Pat@@ ter@@ son , Linda called to tell us that Mother had died . Next , we taught the course in Z@@ imb@@ ab@@ we and then in Z@@ ambia . In 2006 , Brian and K@@ imb@@ erly moved next door to us to raise their two daughters , Mac@@ ken@@ z@@ ie and Elizabeth . Paul and Steph@@ any are still in Malawi , where Paul serves on the Branch Committee . Why might we need to adjust our view of strangers ? When I left the air@@ port and felt the cold for the first time in my life , I started cr@@ ying . ” Greek - speaking Jews compl@@ ained that their widows were not being treated fairly . Whether we realize it or not , we are all deeply influenced by our culture . ( Read 1 Peter 1 : 22 . ) Be patient with those who are adjusting to a new country . At first , we may not fully understand their way of thinking or re@@ acting . What example of respect and gratitude can immigrants imitate today ? First , she showed respect for the customs of her new country by asking permission to g@@ lean . [ 1 ] ( paragraph 1 ) Name has been changed . Are you among those who are learning another language ? ( Read Nehemiah 13 : 23 , 24 . ) ( b ) How can we reach our goal ? We must recognize that when we prepare for the ministry , for the meetings , or for a talk , we may not necessarily apply what we read to ourselves . Since my mind is mainly involved in an intellectual exercise , my heart is not necessarily touched by the spiritual thoughts I am reading . That is why I regularly set aside time to study the Bible and other publications in my mother tongue . ” “ It an@@ no@@ yed him to go out in the ministry in another language , whereas before he loved preaching in his native language , French , ” says M@@ uri@@ el . “ When we realized that this situation had hindered our son from making spiritual advancement , ” explains Ser@@ ge , “ we decided to move back to our former congregation . ” Make sure that the truth reaches the hearts of your children ( See paragraphs 14 , 15 ) But we also include practice sessions and games in L@@ ing@@ al@@ a so that they can learn this language while having fun . ” Make an effort to learn the local language and to participate in the meetings ( See paragraphs 16 , 17 ) We also set the goal of attending a meeting in French once a month , and we take advantage of our vac@@ ations to visit conventions held in our native language . ” ( Read Romans 15 : 1 , 2 . ) How can we show our love for God’s Word ? Brothers working business territory witness to a m@@ ech@@ anic in an au@@ to repair gar@@ age . ( Read Revelation 21 : 3 - 6 . ) How did Abraham and his family keep their faith strong ? ( Read 1 John 5 : 14 , 15 . ) What trials did some of the prophets endure because of their faith ? Others , like Elijah , “ wand@@ ered about in deser@@ ts and mountains and c@@ aves and d@@ ens of the earth . ” How does Noah’s example help us to understand what it means to have faith ? In what ways must we exercise our faith ? In what two ways does Hebrews 11 : 1 describe faith ? You see that his faith was active along with his works and his faith was perf@@ ected by his works . ” For example , John explained : “ The one who exercises faith in the Son has everlasting life ; the one who dis@@ obe@@ ys the Son will not see life , but the wrath of God remains upon him . ” Com@@ par@@ ed with love , how important is faith ? James asked his anointed brothers : “ Did not God choose those who are poor from the world’s standpoint to be rich in faith and heirs of the Kingdom , which he promised to those who love him ? ” While men were sleeping , his enemy came and over@@ so@@ wed weeds in among the wheat and left . When the stal@@ k spr@@ ou@@ ted and produced fruit , then the weeds also appeared . ” What hope did Jehovah give his people , and why was this promise remarkable ? Would the Israelites ever again be able to worship God in a completely acceptable way ? So it does not really seem that Jehovah’s people entered into captivity to Babylon the Great in 1918 . ( Read 1 Peter 2 : 9 , 10 . ) ( Read Matthew 13 : 24 , 25 , 37 - 39 . ) Would true Christians ever be free to worship God openly and accep@@ tably ? When were the anointed freed from Babylonian captivity ? Brother Rutherford requested that we arrange conventions in several cities in the western United States and send speak@@ ers to try to encourage the friends as much as possible . ” “ If you have any word of encouragement for the people , tell it . ” ​ — AC@@ TS 13 : 15 . So I cry often and prefer not to talk to them . He listened with symp@@ athy as I expressed my feelings . Then he reminded me of the good I was accomplishing . He also reminded me of Jesus ’ words ​ — that each of us is worth more than many spar@@ rows . I often recall that scripture , and it still touches my heart . What can we learn from the way Jehovah , Jesus , and Paul encouraged others ? ( Read Ecclesiastes 4 : 9 , 10 . ) What can we learn from the way Jesus treated his apostles ? After going through those regions and giving many words of encouragement to the ones there , he arrived in Greece . ” ( Read 1 Thessalonians 5 : 12 , 13 . ) They are a real source of encouragement . ” Andre@@ as , who has two children , says : “ En@@ courag@@ ement helps children to grow up spiritually and emotionally . Even though our k@@ ids know what is right , doing the right thing becomes their way of life through our constant encouragement . ” ( Read Luke 21 : 1 - 4 ; 2 Corinthians 8 : 12 . ) ( Read Revelation 2 : 18 , 19 . ) I want you to know that when you spoke in such a kind way , both from the platform and in person , I felt that it was a gift from Jehovah . ” [ 1 ] ( paragraph 1 ) Some names have been changed . ( b ) What will we discuss in this article ? How did the congregations benefit from following the direction of the governing body ? ( Read 3 John 9 , 10 . ) ( Read Matthew 5 : 23 , 24 ; 18 : 15 - 17 . ) The Bible dir@@ ects us to attend meetings regularly . Have you been using in your ministry and in your family worship ? and the brochure Who Are Doing Jehovah’s Will Today ? What are some reasons why we should be thankful to Jehovah ? There are many reasons why we should be thankful to Jehovah ! It also shows how the hope of a reward benefits us . I was only eight years old at the time . My father did not want my mother to talk to me about what she was learning . However , I was curious and asked questions , so she studied with me when my father was out of the house . As a result , I too decided that I wanted to dedicate my life to Jehovah . My mother said that I should first speak to the servant to the bre@@ th@@ ren ( now called a circuit overseer ) . He said , “ Go for it ! ” After four months , I selected a brother as my pioneer partner . My mother pioneer@@ ed with a sister in another congregation . In 1951 , I filled out an application to attend the Watchtower Bible School of Gilead . While there , I received my invitation to the 2@@ 2@@ n@@ d class of Gilead . I then traveled by train to South L@@ ans@@ ing , New York , where the school was located . With Janet on one of the many islands in the Philippines How can you experience “ the peace of God ” ? How can the congregation help you to reduce anxiety ? ( See opening picture . ) ( b ) What will we consider in this article ? How , though , can you do that ? The psalmist David begged Jehovah : “ Listen to my prayer , O God . ” When we are anxious , why is prayer so important ? ( Read Matthew 11 : 28 - 30 . ) What did Jesus mean when he said : “ Never be anxious ” ? He admitted : “ My angu@@ ished heart makes me gro@@ an al@@ oud . ” How can the meaning of God’s name strengthen your faith ? His very name is understood to mean “ He Ca@@ uses to Become . ” Why can you be confident that your relationship with God will strengthen you ? ( a ) How can we throw our anxiety on God ? How can we be sure that Jehovah rewards his servants ? How did Jehovah bless his servants in the past ? 1 , 2 . ( a ) How are love and faith connected ? How , though , does the hope of a reward benefit us ? Jesus showed that his disciples would be rewarded for their sacrifices ( See paragraph 5 ) The apostle Peter once asked Jesus : “ We have left all things and followed you ; what , then , will there be for us ? ” In the Sermon on the Mount , Jesus said : “ Re@@ jo@@ ice and be overjoyed , since your reward is great in the heavens , for in that way they persecuted the prophets prior to you . ” Moses told the nation of Israel : “ Jehovah will surely bless you in the land that Jehovah your God is giving you to possess as an inheritance , but only if you str@@ ic@@ tly obey the voice of Jehovah your God and carefully observe all this commandment that I am giving you today . For Jehovah your God will bless you just as he has promised you . ” And he named the second one Ephraim , for he said , ‘ God has made me fruitful in the land of my affl@@ iction . ’ ” God’s Word explains : “ For the joy that was set before him he endured a torture stake , desp@@ ising shame . ” Jesus certainly found joy in being able to sanctify God’s name . How does Jehovah feel about what we do for him ? “ The one showing favor to the lowly is lend@@ ing to Jehovah , and He will repay him for what he does . ” What comfort do we find at 1 John 3 : 19 , 20 ? ( Read 1 John 3 : 19 , 20 . ) What are some of the rewards that we enjoy now ? How do Jehovah’s servants feel about the rewards they receive ? For example , Bi@@ anc@@ a from Germany says : “ I cannot thank Jehovah enough for helping me with my worries and for being at my side each day . The world out there is cha@@ o@@ tic and ble@@ ak . But as I work closely with Jehovah , I feel secure in his arms . Whenever I make personal sacrifices for him , he gives me back a hundre@@ d@@ fold in blessings . ” For my own encouragement , I keep a no@@ te@@ book with scriptures and thoughts from our publications that I can consult from time to time . I call it ‘ My Sur@@ viv@@ al No@@ te@@ book . ’ Dis@@ courag@@ ement is temporary if we focus on Jehovah’s promises . Jehovah is always there to help us , regardless of our circumstances . ” Yet , you can likely think of ways in which Jehovah has rewarded you and those around you . How were Paul and others set free from sin and death ? ( Read Romans 6 : 1 , 2 . ) What choice does each of us have to make ? ( Read Proverbs 14 : 5 ; Ephesians 4 : 25 . ) They receive “ the spirit ” as ones “ waiting for adop@@ tion as sons , the release from [ their fleshly ] bodies . ” ( Read Romans 4 : 20 - 22 . ) ( Read Acts 18 : 2 - 4 ; 20 : 20 , 21 , 34 , 35 . ) Many tou@@ ris@@ ts come to the city of A@@ ve@@ iro in northern Por@@ tu@@ gal to see the interesting salt ev@@ ap@@ or@@ ation pond@@ s . L@@ oc@@ al Witnesses make sure to offer the good news to those who sell the locally produced salt What else can we learn from the Bible ? © 20@@ 17 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania In this article , we will learn how to treasure God’s gift of free will by using it in a way that pleases the Giver of that gift . The first article explains what modesty is and what it is not . How does Jehovah expect us to use our abilities ? Clearly , Jehovah wants us to do what we can to benefit ourselves and others . Noah lived in a world that was “ filled with violence ” and immorality . O@@ pp@@ os@@ ition to our preaching ( See paragraphs 6 - 9 ) 6 , 7 . ( a ) What could Noah not do ? ( b ) How are we in a situation similar to Noah’s ? We too live in a world filled with wickedness , which we know Jehovah has promised to destroy . In the meantime , we cannot force people to accept the “ good news of the Kingdom . ” What Noah could do : Instead of giving up because of what he could not do , Noah focused on what he could do . When that happened , how did David react ? P@@ ast sins ( See paragraphs 11 - 14 ) 11 , 12 . ( a ) After he sinned , what could David not do ? What David could not do : David could not undo what he had done . He had to trust that when he truly repented , Jehovah would forgive him and help him endure the consequences of his actions . He had to leave the matter in Jehovah’s hands . Consider a brother named Mal@@ col@@ m , who remained faithful until his death in 2015 . Foc@@ us on what you can do , not on what you cannot do . ” ( b ) How will you apply the 20@@ 17 yeartext in your life ? Our yeartext for 20@@ 17 : “ Trust in Jehovah and do what is good . ” ​ — Psalm 37 : 3 How can we show respect for the decisions of others ? I will love them of my own free will . ” 4 , 5 . ( a ) Who was the first to receive God’s gift of free will , and how did he use it ? ( b ) What question must each of us ask ? The answer to that question can determine our everlasting future . God “ began bringing them to the man to see what he would call each one . ” What must we never do with our gift of free will ? Imagine that you gave a valuable gift to a friend . What is one way we can avoid mis@@ using our Christian freedom ? ( Read 1 Peter 2 : 16 . ) What do we learn from the principle found at Galatians 6 : 5 ? Remember the principle found at Galatians 6 : 5 . How will you show that you treasure your gift of free will ? ( a ) What do many people think about modesty ? What is modesty , and what is it not ? Why should we avoid judging other people’s motives ? What can we learn from Jesus ’ example when we receive a change of assignment ? ( Read Galatians 6 : 4 , 5 . ) ( Read Ecclesiastes 11 : 4 - 6 . ) What will help us to remain modest forever ? Why is it difficult for some to deleg@@ ate authority ? He told Nathan to tell David : “ You are not the one who will build the house for me to dwell in . ” ( Read Numbers 11 : 24 - 29 . ) No , I wish that all of Jehovah’s people were prophets and that Jehovah would put his spirit on them ! ” ( Read Philippians 2 : 20 - 22 . ) The branch office sent us 800 magazines to use in the ministry . I taught classes in M@@ ana@@ us , Bel@@ é@@ m , For@@ tal@@ e@@ za , Re@@ ci@@ fe , and Salvador . We arrived in Lis@@ bon , Por@@ tu@@ gal , in August of 196@@ 4 . It is the only one doing the work Jesus commanded his disciples to do ​ — preach the good news of God’s Kingdom ! ” While this article was being prepared for publication , D@@ oug@@ l@@ as Gu@@ est died faithful to Jehovah on October 25 , 2015 . And “ the spirit of Jehovah began to empower David . ” Why did God want his people to respect the leaders in Israel ? ( Read Hebrews 1 : 7 , 14 . ) The Bible refers to the Law given to Israel as “ the Law of Moses . ” 11 , 12 . ( a ) What were Joshua and the kings who ruled God’s people required to do ? “ As soon as the king heard the words of the book of the Law , he ri@@ pped his garments apart . ” Why did Jehovah discipline some of the leaders of his people ? In some cases , Jehovah disciplined or replaced those leaders . What proved that Jesus was empowered by holy spirit ? Shortly after Jesus was baptized , “ angels came and began to minister to him . ” H@@ ours before his death , “ an angel from heaven appeared to him and strengthened him . ” How did God’s Word guide Jesus ’ life and teaching ? It is in vain that they keep worshipping me , for they teach commands of men as doctrines . ” No@@ body is good except one , God . ” “ In@@ stantly the angel of Jehovah struck him , because he did not give the glory to God , and he was e@@ aten up with wor@@ ms and died . ” What will we discuss in the next article ? The next article will consider the answers to those questions . This may have been the original docum@@ ent written by Moses . Why was this sel@@ ection so important to them and to Jehovah ? As a governing body , they gave direction to all the congregations . ​ — Acts 15 : 2 . 5 , 6 . ( a ) How did holy spirit empower the governing body ? ( c ) How did God’s Word guide the governing body ? First , holy spirit empowered the governing body . Third , God’s Word guided the governing body . Why can we say that Jesus led the early Christians ? ( a ) When did Jesus appoint “ the faithful and discreet slave ” ? In 1919 , three years after Brother Rus@@ sel@@ l’s death , Jesus appointed “ the faithful and discreet slave . ” The July 15 , 2013 , issue of The Watchtower explained that “ the faithful and discreet slave ” is a small group of anointed brothers who make up the Governing Body . So how can we answer Jesus ’ question : “ Who really is the faithful and discreet slave ? ” How has holy spirit helped the Governing Body ? ( Read 1 Corinthians 2 : 10 . ) What is one way to remember the Governing Body ? Why are you determined to follow our Leader , Jesus ? When Jesus returned to heaven , he did not abandon his followers . Soon , he will lead us to everlasting life . Since 1955 , that cor@@ por@@ ation has been known as the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania . Jehovah “ comforts us in all our trials ” “ I have spoken , and I will bring it about . 1 , 2 . ( a ) What has Jehovah revealed to us ? THE very first words of the Bible make this simple but profound statement : “ In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth . ” ( c ) What questions will we consider ? And why is Jesus ’ ransom sacrifice the key that un@@ locks the door for God’s purpose to be accomplished ? What are some gifts that Jehovah gave Adam and Eve ? It was as if he were saying : ‘ You mean you cannot do what you want ? ’ But Jehovah is faithful to his own standards ; he never viol@@ ates them . ( Read Deuteronomy 32 : 4 , 5 . ) Why is the ransom such a precious gift ? Jehovah provided the ransom at great cost to himself . When will Jehovah become “ all things to everyone ” ? ( Read Psalm 40 : 8 - 10 . ) How can we show that we love Jehovah’s name ? ( Read 1 Peter 1 : 15 , 16 . ) Why can Jehovah view us as righteous , even though we are imperfect ? He accep@@ ts as his worshippers those who dedicate themselves to him . What did Jesus mean when he next said : “ Let your will take place ” ? How does the ransom benefit humans who have died ? What is God’s will for the “ great crowd ” ? ( a ) What blessings do we now receive from Jehovah ? ( Read Acts 3 : 19 - 21 . ) Jehovah gives us far more than just the gift of life . “ We have come to know and believe the love that God has for us . And should we at times change a decision that we have made ? This article will help us to answer those questions . Yet , Jehovah viewed those kings as having a complete heart . Will God view us as having a complete heart , despite mistakes we make ? We lived on a small farm in eastern South D@@ ak@@ ota . Far@@ ming was an important part of our family’s life , but it was not the most important part . My parents got baptized as Jehovah’s Witnesses in 19@@ 34 . My dad , C@@ lar@@ ence , and later my uncle Alf@@ red , served as company servant ( now called co@@ ordin@@ ator of the body of elders ) in our small congregation in C@@ ond@@ e , South D@@ ak@@ ota . My sister , Dor@@ o@@ thy , and I became Kingdom publishers when we were six . Conven@@ tions and assemblies were an important part of our lives . The Bible says : “ The one walking with the wise will become wise , ” and there were many wise ones in my family who supported my decision to pioneer . When they were serving congregations nearby , they sometimes invited me to go with them in the ministry . As a new Bethel@@ ite , with a farm truc@@ k The farm on St@@ aten Island included the radio station W@@ B@@ B@@ R . Only 15 to 20 members of the Bethel family were assigned to the farm . Most of us were young and quite inexperienced . Brother Peter@@ son did his work at Bethel well but never neglected the field ministry . With Ang@@ ela in 1975 , before a television inter@@ view Three years later , we were invited to Bethel . Why do Jehovah and Christ deserve to be honored ? Humans were created “ in God’s image . ” 8 , 9 . ( a ) How do Jehovah’s Witnesses view government officials ? ( Read 1 Timothy 5 : 17 . ) Moreover , do not call anyone your father on earth , for one is your Father , the heavenly One . Neither be called leaders , for your Leader is one , the Christ . But the greatest one among you must be your minister . Whoever exal@@ ts himself will be humbled , and whoever humb@@ les himself will be exalted . ” Why should others not make decisions for us ? ( a ) To make wise decisions , we should have faith in what ? What will help us to make wise decisions ? ( Read James 1 : 5 - 8 . ) ( Read 2 Corinthians 1 : 24 . ) Loving elders help others learn to make their own decisions ( See paragraph 11 ) Elders too should take time to do research . Will it bring joy and peace to my family ? And will it show that I am patient and kind ? ’ Why does Jehovah expect us to make our own decisions ? What does it mean to serve Jehovah with a complete heart ? Which of the four kings would you like to imitate , and why ? ( Read 2 Chronicles 14 : 11 . ) What would your heart move you to do ? Asa’s son Jehoshaphat “ kept walking in the way of his father Asa . ” ( Read 2 Chronicles 20 : 2 - 4 . ) ( Read Isaiah 37 : 15 - 20 . ) ( Read 2 Kings 20 : 1 - 3 . ) ( Read 2 Chronicles 34 : 1 - 3 . ) ( Read 2 Chronicles 34 : 18 , 19 . ) Why will we consider the examples of four kings of Judah ? ( Read 2 Chronicles 16 : 7 - 9 . ) ( Read 2 Chronicles 32 : 31 . ) Many praise him for what he has done . ( Read 2 Chronicles 35 : 20 - 22 . ) The Bible says that N@@ echo@@ ’s words were “ from the mouth of God . ” Let us meditate on these Bible accounts and be thankful that Jehovah has provided them for us ! How many vows have you made to Jehovah ? What about your dedication vow or your marriage vow ? When we believe that we have personally experienced or observed an injustice , our faith , humility , and loyalty may be tested . “ The world is passing away and so is its desire , but the one who does the will of God remains forever . ” ​ — 1 JOHN 2 : 17 . What will Jehovah do about wicked people and corrupt organizations ? The Bible says : “ The world is passing away . ” There is no darkness or deep shadow where wrongdoers can conce@@ al themselves . ” Later in the same psalm , we read : “ The righteous will possess the earth , and they will live forever on it . ” Who are “ the meek ” and “ the righteous ” ? Why can we be sure that the new earth will be well - organized ? After Armageddon , will there be any organization on earth ? So the “ new earth ” will be organized . What kind of wrong activities are common where you live , and how are you and your family affected ? What do we learn from Jehovah’s judgment of Sodom and Gom@@ orrah ? ( Read 2 Peter 2 : 6 - 8 . ) ( Read Psalm 46 : 8 , 9 . ) What are some things that will be gone forever after Armageddon ? Illustrate . ( b ) How can we be sure that we will remain after this old world is gone ? “ W@@ IL@@ L the Judge of all the earth not do what is right ? ” Because Jehovah is the greatest example of justice and righteousness . Christians expect to experience some injustice outside the Christian congregation . In 1946 , he attended the eighth class of Gilead School in New York , U.S.A . After gradu@@ ation , he was eventually assigned to the circuit work in Switzerland . What examples will we consider in this article and in the next ? In this article , we will consider Abraham’s great - grandson Joseph and his experience with his brothers . 10 , 11 . ( a ) What injustices did Joseph experience ? ( Read Matthew 5 : 23 , 24 ; 18 : 15 . ) Loyalty to Jehovah and to our brothers will protect us from making such a mistake . Most important , he did not allow the imperfections and wrong actions of others to separate him from Jehovah . Why should we draw even closer to Jehovah if we experience injustice in the congregation ? How can we show that we have confidence in “ the Judge of all the earth ” ? See Will@@ i D@@ ie@@ h@@ l’s life story , “ Jehovah Is My God , in Whom I Will Trust , ” in the November 1 , 1991 , issue of The Watchtower . ( See opening pictures . ) ( b ) What questions will be answered in this article ? They are excellent examples for men and women today who choose to make vows to Jehovah . How serious is it to make a vow to God ? What lessons can we learn from Jephthah and Hannah ? 2 , 3 . ( a ) What is a vow ? ( b ) What do the Scriptures say about making vows to God ? ( a ) How serious is it to make a vow to God ? ( b ) What do we want to learn about Jephthah and Hannah ? ( a ) How easy was it for Jephthah and his daughter to pay his vow to God ? Jephthah said : “ I have opened my mouth to Jehovah , and I am unable to turn back . ” ( b ) What did Hann@@ ah’s vow mean for Samuel ? She took Samuel to High Priest Eli at the tabernacle in Shi@@ lo@@ h and said : “ It was for this boy that I prayed , and Jehovah granted my pet@@ ition that I asked of him . The second most important vow that a person can make is the marriage vow . What does the Bible say about divorce and separation ? ( Read 1 Corinthians 7 : 10 , 11 . ) One couple said : “ Since we have been studying this brochure , our marriage has been happier than ever . ” We are doing much better now as a couple . ” 18 , 19 . ( a ) What have many Christian parents done ? ( b ) What can be said about those who are in special full - time service ? Spe@@ cial full - time service vow ( See paragraph 19 ) It is not the people but their assignments that are viewed as special . See the App@@ endix article “ The Bib@@ le@@ ʼ@@ s View on Div@@ or@@ ce and Se@@ par@@ ation ” in the book “ Keep Y@@ ourselves in Go@@ d@@ ʼ@@ s Love . ” Does the Almighty care that you are righteous , or does he gain anything because you follow the course of integrity ? ” ( b ) How did Israel defeat Jab@@ in@@ ’s army ? ( Read Judges 4 : 14 - 16 . ) See the article “ Anx@@ iety About Money ” in the July 1 , 2015 , issue of The Watchtower . 1 , 2 . ( a ) What injustice did Naboth and his sons experience ? ( b ) What two qualities will we consider in this article ? What kind of man was Naboth , and why did he refuse to sell his viney@@ ard to King Ahab ? Naboth was faithful to Jehovah at a time when most Israelites were following the bad example of King Ahab and his wife , wicked Queen Jezebel . Read 1 Kings 21 : 1 - 3 . He respectfully explained : “ It is unthinkable , from Jehovah’s standpoint , for me to give you the inheritance of my forefathers . ” Why would humility have been a protection to Nabo@@ th’s family and friends ? ( Read Deuteronomy 32 : 3 , 4 . ) ( b ) In what ways will humility protect us ? How will you respond if the elders announ@@ ce a decision that you do not agree with ? What account will we now consider , and why ? How was Peter corrected , and what questions arise ? In fact , he was later inspired to write two letters that became part of the Bible . 3 Hel@@ ping “ For@@ e@@ ign Res@@ id@@ ents ” to “ Serve Jehovah With Re@@ jo@@ icing ” The second article considers how applying Bible principles will help immigr@@ ant parents to make decisions that will benefit their children . “ We could see people running , sho@@ o@@ ting . My parents and 11 of us siblings fled for our lives with only the clothes on our backs . How did Jesus and many of his disciples become refugees ? He said : “ When they persec@@ ute you in one city , flee to another . ” ( b ) are living in a camp ? My feet were so sw@@ ol@@ len that I told my family to go on without me . My father ​ — not about to abandon me to the rebel forces — ​ carried me . They gossi@@ ped , dr@@ ank , gamb@@ led , sto@@ le , and were immoral . ” ( Read 1 John 3 : 17 , 18 . ) ( b ) Why do they need our patient help ? They need to see that we care about them . ( b ) How can refugees show gratitude ? How can we help our brothers and sisters who are refugees ? ( a ) What temptation do refugees need to resist ? Finally , he held up the empty ba@@ g and said with a smile : ‘ You see ? This is all you need ! ’ ” ​ — Read 1 Timothy 6 : 8 . They need to sense Jehovah’s love and compassion among their fellow Christians . Many of today’s refugees come from countries where our preaching work is restricted . She said : “ The brothers there treated them like close relatives , providing food , clothes , shelter , and transportation . Who else would welcome strangers into their home just because they worship the same God ? Only Jehovah’s Witnesses ! ” ​ — Read John 13 : 35 . As soon as possible after a refug@@ ee arrives , elders should follow the direction in Organi@@ zed to Do Jehovah’s Will , chapter 8 , paragraph 30 . In the meantime , they can ask discreet questions about a refug@@ ee@@ ’s congregation and ministry to discern his spiritual condition . “ No greater joy do I have than this : that I should hear that my children go on walking in the truth . ” ​ — 3 JOHN 4 . How can parents set a good example for their children ? How can family heads decide which language congregation the family will attend ? How can others help immigr@@ ant parents and their children ? 1 , 2 . ( a ) What problem do many immigr@@ ant children experience ? ( b ) What questions will this article discuss ? “ But after I started school , I began to prefer the local language . Within a few years , the shi@@ ft was complete . I couldn’t understand the meetings , and I didn’t identify with my parents ’ culture . ” 3 , 4 . ( a ) How can parents set a good example for their children ? ( b ) What should parents not expect of their children ? When your children see you “ seeking first the Kingdom , ” they learn to depend on Jehovah for their daily needs . Never get so busy that you do not have time for your children . How may your children benefit from learning your language ? Parents , if that describes your children , can you learn at least some of the local language ? A child who commun@@ ic@@ ates best in another spoken language deserves the same concern , would you not agree ? If that is your situation , you can still help your children to come to know and love Jehovah . “ But when we saw her studying , praying , and doing her best to conduct family worship every week , we understood that getting to know Jehovah was very important . ” How can parents help children who may need to study in two languages ? ( a ) Who must decide which language congregation to attend ? That may not be the case when children do not fully understand the language . ( Read 1 Corinthians 14 : 9 , 11 . ) The answer was not what we personally found convenient . But when we saw that they were getting little benefit from the meetings in our language , we decided to move to the local - language congregation . Together , we regularly attended meetings and shared in the ministry . We also invited local friends to join us for meals and exc@@ ur@@ sions . All of this helped our children to get to know the brothers and to get to know Jehovah , not only as their God but also as their Father and Friend . We considered this to be much more important than their mast@@ ering our language . ” Samuel adds : “ To keep ourselves spiritually strong , my wife and I also attended meetings in our language . Life was very busy , and we were tired . But we thank Jehovah for blessing our efforts and sacrifices . Our three children are all serving Jehovah in the full - time ministry . ” “ I knew the bas@@ ics of my parents ’ language , but the language spoken at the meetings was over my head , ” recalls Kris@@ t@@ ina . “ When I was 12 , I attended a convention in my school language . For the first time , I understood that what I was hearing was the truth ! Another turning point came when I began to pray in my school language . I could speak to Jehovah from my heart ! ” Young people , do you think that you would prefer being part of a local - language congregation ? “ When my siblings and I got into our teens , we wanted to s@@ wit@@ ch to the local - language congregation , ” says Nad@@ ia , who now serves at Bethel . “ Now we@@ ’re grateful that our parents worked hard to teach us their language and kept us in the foreign - language congregation . It has enriched our lives and broad@@ ened our opportunities to help others get to know Jehovah . ” ( b ) How can parents get help in teaching their children the truth ? ( Read Proverbs 1 : 8 ; 31 : 10 , 27 , 28 . ) Still , parents who do not know the local language may need help to reach their children’s heart . Both children and parents benefit from association with the congregation ( See paragraphs 18 , 19 ) ( b ) What must parents continue to do ? “ When they helped me with student talk assignments for the meeting , I always learned more . And I enjoyed the leisure activities we shared in as a group . ” Parents , pray to Jehovah for help , and try your best . ( Read 2 Chronicles 15 : 7 . ) Put your child’s friendship with Jehovah ahead of your own interests . But it wasn’t until 1946 that I really understood Bible truth . Eventually , I learned sign language and had fun playing with the other children . She accepted a magazine sub@@ scrip@@ tion and wanted me to meet her husband , Gary . Eventually , five from their class became Jehovah’s Witnesses . At that time , she gave me a piece of cand@@ y and asked if we could be friends . When she wanted to get baptized , her parents told her , “ Become one of Jehovah’s Witnesses , and you will have to leave our home ! ” She continued her study and later got baptized . When we got married in 1960 , her parents did not come to our wedding . My son Nic@@ hol@@ as and his wife , Deborah , serve at London Bethel Fa@@ ye and James , Jer@@ ry and Evelyn , S@@ han@@ n@@ an and Ste@@ ven We are now part of the Cal@@ g@@ ary S@@ ign - Language Congregation , where I continue to serve as an elder . How can we keep our love for Jehovah strong ? How can we deepen our love for Bible truth ? Why is it important to have affection for our brothers ? What may have caused the love of some Christians to grow cold ? People today have less and less love for God . This is the greatest and first commandment . ” Show love for Jehovah ( See paragraph 10 ) ( Read Psalm 119 : 97 - 100 . ) Show love for Bible truth ( See paragraph 14 ) On his last night on earth , Jesus said to his disciples : “ I am giving you a new commandment , that you love one another ; just as I have loved you , you also love one another . By this all will know that you are my disciples ​ — if you have love among yourselves . ” ​ — John 13 : 34 , 35 . The apostle John wrote : “ The one who does not love his brother , whom he has seen , cannot love God , whom he has not seen . ” Show love for the brothers and sisters ( See paragraph 17 ) What are some ways in which we can show love ? Read 1 Thessalonians 4 : 9 , 10 . “ Simon son of John , do you love me more than these ? ” ​ — JOHN 21 : 15 . Then he said to them : “ ‘ C@@ ast the net on the right side of the boat and you will find some . ’ So they cast it , but they were not able to ha@@ ul it in because of the large number of fish . ” ​ — John 21 : 1 - 6 . ( b ) What valuable lesson did a brother in Tha@@ iland learn about his work ? As a result , it left me almost no time for spiritual matters . I finally realized that in order to put Kingdom interests first , I needed to change my line of work . ” “ After planning for about a year , ” he explained , “ I decided to become a street v@@ end@@ or and sell ice cre@@ am . In the beginning , I struggled financially and got discouraged . When I met my former workmates , they would la@@ ugh at me and ask why I thought selling ice cre@@ am was better than working with comput@@ ers in an air - cond@@ iti@@ oned environment . I prayed to Jehovah , asking him to help me to cope and to reach my goal of having more time for spiritual activities . I got better acquainted with my custom@@ ers ’ ta@@ st@@ es and became more skill@@ ful in making ice cre@@ am . Soon , I was selling all my ice cre@@ am every day . Actually , I was better - off financially than when I worked with comput@@ ers . It has made me happier because I do not have the stress and worry that I had with my former job . And most important , I now feel closer to Jehovah . ” ​ — Read Matthew 5 : 3 , 6 . After his baptism , he said : “ The only regret I have is that I lost so much time before I realized that serving Jehovah brings far more happiness than pursuing the entertainment offered by this world . ” Jesus stated that “ no one can slave for two masters . ” He added : “ You cannot slave for God and for Ric@@ hes . ” ( Read 1 Corinthians 2 : 14 . ) See the article “ Is Your Rec@@ reation Benef@@ icial ? ” We also shared regularly in the field ministry . ” We were so sad to leave our Bible students behind . ” But then , a month later , they received thrilling news . Miriam says : “ We were invited to serve as special pioneers . What a joy to be able to stay in our assignment ! ” They trusted in the promise found at Psalm 37 : 5 : “ Com@@ mit your way to Jehovah ; rely on him , and he will act in your behalf . ” Today we do , and we lack nothing of real importance . ” Why can we expect that marriage and family life will involve some trials ? We can be sure that he wants the best for us , as he did for his servants in the past . ​ — Read Jeremiah 29 : 11 , 12 . ( Read 1 Samuel 1 : 4 - 7 . ) “ Even though An@@ n was not related to me , I found her loving concern to be such a help , ” Paul@@ a explains . “ It helped me to keep serving Jehovah . ” ( Read Psalm 145 : 18 , 19 . ) “ Where your treasure is , there your hearts will be also . ” ​ — LUKE 12 : 34 . As we do so , meditate on how you personally can deepen your love for these spiritual treasures . Can you imagine how precious that pear@@ l was to him ? ( Read Mark 10 : 28 - 30 . ) ( a ) Why did the apostle Paul describe our ministry as a “ treasure in ear@@ then vessels ” ? ( Read Romans 1 : 14 , 15 ; 2 Timothy 4 : 2 . ) Some of them serve as Bethelites , pioneers , and elders . Ir@@ ene says , “ When I think of other goals I could have pursued , I can’t imagine one that would have brought me more joy . ” What is the “ treasure store ” that Jesus referred to at Matthew 13 : 52 , and how do we fill it ? ( Read Proverbs 2 : 4 - 7 . ) Consider the experience of a brother named Peter . To test Peter , the rabb@@ i asked , “ So , my boy , what language was the book of Daniel written in ? ” When I went home and che@@ cked the Watchtower and Awake ! magazines from the previous months , I found an article explaining that Daniel was written in Ara@@ ma@@ ic . ” As you do this , you will build up “ treasure in the heavens , where no th@@ ie@@ f gets near and no mo@@ th con@@ sum@@ es . For where your treasure is , there your hearts will be also . ” ​ — Luke 12 : 33 , 34 . “ I had trouble getting along with a brother who worked with me . Once when we were y@@ elling at each other , two people came in and witnessed our b@@ low@@ up . ” ​ — CH@@ R@@ IS . “ A sister with whom I often preached suddenly ended our arrangements for the ministry . I had no idea why . ” ​ — J@@ AN@@ E@@ T . “ I was on a three - person phone call . One of the others said good - b@@ ye , and I thought he was off the line . I then said un@@ kind things about him to the other person on the phone , but the first person had not hung up . ” ​ — M@@ IC@@ HA@@ EL . “ In our congregation , two pioneers began having problems . Their b@@ ick@@ ering was discouraging to others . ” ​ — G@@ ARY . “ Do not become upset with one another on the way . ” “ Pl@@ ans fail when there is no cons@@ ultation . ” Michael says , “ My brother genuinely forgave me . ” “ Continue putting up with one another and forgiving one another freely even if anyone has a cause for complaint against another . ” Now they get along well as they preach the good news . That difference may seem un@@ important ; yet , it can lead to serious problems . ” As my irrit@@ ation grew , I started being cur@@ t with her . I thought , ‘ She does not show me the respect I deserve , so I am not going to show her respect . ’ ” “ I began seeing my own personality f@@ laws , and I was very disappointed in myself . I realized that I had to adjust my thinking . After praying to Jehovah about the matter , I bought the sister a small gift and wrote her a card to apologize for my bad attitude . We hu@@ g@@ ged each other and agreed to put the matter behind us . We have not had any more problems . ” FOR many people today , money is the big issue . Why must the issue of sovereignty be settled ? How important is the vindication of Jehovah’s sovereignty ? Why , from the day our forefathers fell asleep in death , all things are continuing exactly as they were from cre@@ ation’s beginning . ” ( Read Isaiah 55 : 10 , 11 . ) ( Read Job 1 : 7 - 12 . ) ( Read Job 38 : 18 - 21 . ) ( Read Romans 5 : 3 - 5 . ) One reason is that he rules with love . He cares for us better than we can care for ourselves . How can elders and family heads imitate Jehovah ? Psalm 147 repeatedly encourages God’s people to praise Jehovah . What was it about Jehovah that impressed the psalmist so much that he wanted God to be praised ? Many young brothers and sisters are zealously entering the full - time service . “ Make friends for yourselves by means of the unrighteous riches . ” ​ — LUKE 16 : 9 . How can we avoid becoming slaves of today’s commercial world ? In this system of things , why will there always be some poor people ? What can we learn from Jesus ’ counsel ? How do we know that today’s commercial system was not part of God’s purpose ? Give examples of how some are showing faithfulness in their use of unrighteous riches . I am more generous in being forgiving , in being patient with others , and in being able to accept dis@@ appointments and counsel . ” How did Abraham show that he trusted in God ? ( b ) How can we apply Paul’s counsel today ? After calling Timothy “ a fine soldier of Christ Jesus , ” Paul told him : “ No man serving as a soldier involves himself in the commercial bus@@ in@@ esses of life , in order to gain the approval of the one who en@@ rolled him as a soldier . ” Jehovah blesses those who are “ rich in fine works . ” ( Read 1 Timothy 6 : 17 - 19 . ) High - quality materials of wood , stone , and metal will be freely available to build beautiful homes . To don@@ ate online , go to and cl@@ ick the “ Make a Don@@ ation to Our Worldwide Work ” link near the bot@@ to@@ m of any page . “ FOR almost a year after the death of our son , we felt deep and exc@@ ru@@ ci@@ ating pain , ” said Sus@@ i . Every single time , the peace of God truly guar@@ ded our hearts and minds . ” ​ — Read Philippians 4 : 6 , 7 . How did Jesus show empathy when Lazarus died ? If you are grieving , you too can find soo@@ thing comfort from such scriptures as the following : ( Read 1 Thessalonians 5 : 11 . ) What do we need to remember about grief ? Even when someone does express how he feels , it is not always easy for others to understand what he is trying to say . At that moment , I don’t feel quite so alone in my grief . ” “ Rec@@ e@@ iving a short encouraging message or an invitation to spend time with a fellow Christian helps me more than I can say , ” says J@@ un@@ ia . “ Those expressions make me feel loved and cared for . ” “ Sometimes when sisters have come to comfort me , ” recalls D@@ al@@ ene , “ I have asked them if they are willing to say a prayer . They start praying , often batt@@ ling to speak at first , but every time , within a few sent@@ ences , their voice gets stronger and they say the most heartfelt prayer . Their strong faith , their love , and their concern have been very faith - strengthening . ” “ A true friend shows love at all times , and is a brother who is born for times of distress . ” “ I expected my first wedding anniversary to be very tra@@ um@@ atic , ” relates one brother , “ and it was not easy . But a few brothers and sisters planned a small gathering of my clos@@ est friends so that I w@@ ou@@ ldn’t be on my own . ” “ Often the help and compani@@ on@@ ship offered when there is no special anniversary can be very beneficial , ” explains J@@ un@@ ia . “ Those sp@@ on@@ tane@@ ous moments are so valuable and bring much comfort . ” They have truly made me feel Jehovah’s loving arms around me . ” Why are Jehovah’s promises a source of great comfort ? God promises that “ he will do away with death forever , and the Sovereign Lord Jehovah will wipe away the tears from all faces . ” Other scriptures that many have found comforting are Psalm 20 : 1 , 2 ; 31 : 7 ; 38 : 8 , 9 , 15 ; 55 : 22 ; 121 : 1 , 2 ; Isaiah 57 : 15 ; 66 : 13 ; Philippians 4 : 13 ; and 1 Peter 5 : 7 . See also the article “ Comfort the B@@ ere@@ aved , as Jesus Did ” in the November 1 , 2010 , issue of The Watchtower . “ We don’t know what to say except that we love you . We can’t understand exactly how you feel , but Jehovah does and will keep raising you up . We hope that our prayers will help a little . ” “ May Jehovah sustain you at this time of such great loss . ” “ May you find comfort in knowing that your dear one is safe in the memory of God , who will remember every detail about him and bring him back again . ” “ While words fail to cap@@ ture the pain of losing a loved one , we look forward to the time when words will fail to cap@@ ture the joy of having our heavenly Father return your dear one to you . ” During the great tribulation , Christians will rely on Jehovah and not try to defend themselves In an apple or@@ ch@@ ard in Gr@@ ó@@ je@@ c , a publisher shares the Bible’s message with one of the workers ( b ) What can we learn from studying Psalm 147 ? And there may be tr@@ illions of gal@@ ax@@ ies in the universe ! I want you to enjoy your life as one of my Witnesses ! ” ( Read Psalm 147 : 8 , 9 . ) M@@ ut@@ su@@ o says : “ I felt that Jehovah was right next to each one of us and caring for us . 12 , 13 . ( a ) To benefit from God’s help , what should we avoid ? On the other hand , God “ hur@@ ls the wicked to the ground . ” “ Jehovah finds pleasure in those who fear him , in those waiting for his loyal love . ” 15 - 17 . ( a ) How might we at times feel about our trials , but how does Jehovah use his Word to help us ? Today , Jehovah guides us with his Word , the Bible . ( Read Psalm 147 : 19 , 20 . ) What plans can lead to a happy future for you ? What could a life in the pioneer service lead to ? YOU young ones will probably agree that before starting a journey , it is wise to plan where you will go . Life is like a journey , and the time to plan where you want to go is when you are young . How do you know that Jehovah wants you to plan for a happy future ? Your Creator is “ the God of love , ” “ the happy God , ” who made humans “ in his image . ” You will be happy when you imitate our loving God . Jesus Christ set the perfect example for you young ones . Jesus also drew close to Jehovah by studying the Scriptures . “ Pl@@ ans fail when there is no cons@@ ultation , but there is accomplishment through many advis@@ ers . ” As with any career , you need time to become skilled . At first , I couldn’t start any Bible studies , but later I moved to another territory , and within a month I started several studies . One student began coming to the Kingdom Hall . For example , Jacob , from North America , writes : “ When I was seven , many of my classmates were Vi@@ et@@ nam@@ ese . I wanted to tell them about Jehovah , so after a while I made plans to learn their language . For the most part , I learned by comparing the English and Vi@@ et@@ nam@@ ese ed@@ itions of The Watchtower . I also made friends in a nearby Vi@@ et@@ nam@@ ese - language congregation . When I was 18 , I started pioneering . Later , I attended the Bible School for Sing@@ le Brothers . This helped me with my present pioneer assignment , where I am the only elder in a Vi@@ et@@ nam@@ ese - language group . Many Vi@@ et@@ nam@@ ese people are amazed that I have learned their language . They invite me in , and often I can study the Bible with them . Some have progressed to baptism . ” ​ — Compare Acts 2 : 7 , 8 . I enjoy encouraging the young brothers in our congregation and seeing their spiritual progress . After I attended the Bible School for Sing@@ le Brothers , I received a new pioneer assignment . It’s true that I have never found anyone in the territory who progressed to baptism , but others have . How may pioneer service lead to other opportunities ? A brother named Kevin says : “ Ever since I was a little boy , I have wanted to serve Jehovah full - time some@@ day . Finally , I started pioneering when I was 19 . I supported myself working part - time for a brother who was a buil@@ der . I learned to inst@@ all ro@@ of@@ s , windo@@ ws , and doors . Later , I spent two years with a hur@@ ric@@ ane relief team , rebuilding Kingdom Halls and homes for the brothers . When I heard about the construction needs in South Africa , I applied and was invited to go . Here in Africa , I move from one Kingdom Hall project to another every few weeks . We live together , study the Bible together , and work together . I also enjoy preaching with the local brothers each week . The plans I made as a boy have made me happy in ways I did not fores@@ ee . ” Bethel service is a happy way of life because everything you do there is for Jehovah . After a year and a half , I was invited to Bethel , where I learned to oper@@ ate printing pres@@ ses and later to do computer progr@@ am@@ ming . At Bethel , I enjoy hearing firsthand about the progress of the disciple - making activity worldwide . I love serving here because what we do helps people to draw close to Jehovah . ” You can be sure that Jehovah wants you to “ get a firm hold ” on a happy future . ( Read 1 Timothy 6 : 18 , 19 . ) Then plan to do what is pleasing to him . He has studied human behavior since man was created . It’s something you have to find out for yourself . ” and “ Do not let them lead you into disaster ! ” Jesus said : “ Do not fear those who kill the body and after this are not able to do anything more . ” Listen to Jehovah and trust in him in all that you do . The second article highlights how Jehovah can do the unexpected by accomplishing things we could never imagine . Like the farmer , we need to wait patiently . What can we learn from the example of the prophet Micah ? ( Read Micah 7 : 1 - 3 . ) If we have faith like that of Micah , we will be willing to wait for Jehovah . So we “ endure fully with patience and joy . ” Abraham had to wait many years before his grand@@ sons Esau and Jacob were born ( See paragraphs 9 , 10 ) ( Read Hebrews 11 : 8 - 12 . ) But just imagine Abraham’s joy when he is resurrected back to a paradise earth . Although you meant to harm me , God intended it to turn out well and to preserve many people alive , as he is doing today . ” ( b ) What helped David to wait patiently ? ( Read 2 Peter 3 : 9 . ) What will help us to be willing to wait patiently ? What lessons do we learn from what happened to the apostle Paul in Philippi ? ( Read Acts 16 : 8 - 10 . ) Soon after he arrived in Macedonia , he ended up in prison ! Why did Jehovah allow this to happen to Paul ? Both he and Silas started “ praying and praising God with song . ” 4 , 5 . ( a ) How could our situation be similar to that of Paul ? ( b ) How did Paul’s situation change un@@ exp@@ ec@@ tedly ? What will we now discuss and review together ? ( Read 1 Peter 5 : 6 , 7 . ) We need to act in harmony with our prayers . Sometimes he surpris@@ es us by doing the unexpected . Jehovah sent an angel to destroy 18@@ 5,000 of Sennach@@ er@@ ib@@ ’s soldiers in one night . ( a ) What lesson do we learn from what happened to Joseph ? No doubt Jehovah’s actions exce@@ eded all of Joseph’s expectations . Think , too , about Joseph’s great - grandmother Sarah . ( Read Isaiah 43 : 10 - 13 . ) We know that Jehovah cares for us and wants us to succeed . How can we strip off and keep off the old personality ? By 1939 there were 6,000 of them in the [ concentration camps ] . ” And you people have clean@@ ed the stadium so nic@@ ely . But most of all , you are truly mult@@ ira@@ cial . ” But the more I had sexual relations , the more in@@ secure I felt . ” This way of life continued until Sak@@ ura was 23 years old . It got so bad that I could not wait for the woman I was living with to leave the house so that I could watch por@@ nograp@@ hi@@ c vide@@ os . ” What helped Stephen to put away anger and abusive speech ? He says : “ Our family life improved dram@@ atically . Today , Stephen serves as a ministerial servant , and his wife has been a regular pioneer for several years . Bible texts that encouraged me were Isaiah 55 : 7 , which says : ‘ Let the wicked man leave his way , ’ and 1 Corinthians 6 : 11 , which says about those who had abandoned sinful ways : ‘ And yet that is what some of you were . ’ For many years , Jehovah patiently helped me by means of his holy spirit to put on the new personality . ” We also benefit from God’s Word and his holy spirit when we prepare for and attend congregation meetings . Some of the names in this article have been changed . See chapter 25 in the book Questions Young People Ask ​ — Answers That Work , Vol@@ ume 1 . ( Read Colossians 3 : 10 - 14 . ) He stated : “ There is neither Greek nor Jew , circumcision nor un@@ circumcision , foreigner , S@@ cy@@ thi@@ an , slave , or free@@ man . ” ( a ) How do servants of Jehovah need to treat others ? ( See opening picture . ) ( b ) What have been the results ? Then he attended a meeting of Jehovah’s Witnesses . You get to experience our worldwide brotherhood and see its miraculous unity firsthand . ” When we showed them scriptures from their Portuguese Bible , such as Revelation 21 : 3 , 4 or Psalm 37 : 10 , 11 , 29 , they paid attention and sometimes even shed tears . ” We are so thankful to Jehovah . ” ​ — Read Acts 10 : 34 , 35 . What example did Jesus set in showing mildness and patience ? Then he added : “ If you continue showing favor@@ itism , you are committing sin . ” Why is it important that we clo@@ the ourselves with love ? Love is also “ patient and kind ” and “ does not get pu@@ ffed up . ” Paul said that without love , he was “ nothing . ” The love is in this respect , not that we have loved God , but that he loved us and sent his Son as a prop@@ iti@@ atory sacrifice for our sins . ” Jesus said : “ No one has love greater than this , that someone should sur@@ render his life in behalf of his friends . ” Let us consider how we can do so . John wrote : “ Little children , we should love , not in word or with the tongue , but in deed and truth . ” But then I asked myself , ‘ How can I imitate Jesus in dealing with this person ? ’ After reflecting on what Jesus would have done , I decided to let the matter go and not make an issue of it . Later , I learned that my co@@ worker had been cop@@ ing with a serious health problem and was under a lot of stress . I concluded that she probably did not really mean what she wrote . Reflecting on Jesus ’ example of showing love even when prov@@ oked helped me to show similar love to my co@@ worker . ” By leaving heaven , “ he emp@@ tied himself ” in our behalf , even “ to the point of death . ” PE@@ AC@@ E : “ P@@ utting up with one another in love ” allows us to enjoy “ the uniting bond of peace . ” Would you not agree that such a peaceful spirit is truly unique in today’s divided world ? Paul wrote : “ Love buil@@ ds up . ” The following day , they had out@@ grown the ven@@ ue . ” Bel@@ o@@ w the picture was the cap@@ tion : “ In@@ v@@ as@@ ion of the streets . ” In Mexico , 2,@@ 2@@ 6@@ 2,@@ 6@@ 46 people attended the Memorial in 20@@ 16 . Matthew’s account focuses on events that involved Joseph . 1 , 2 . ( a ) What can result from a lack of self - control ? Pray for wisdom to say or do the right thing . How can you prepare yourself to resist temptations ? What experience did one brother have , and why are our reactions in similar situations important ? In what ways can parents help their children to develop self - control ? How can you help your children to develop self - control ? ( b ) Why should you be interested in what the Bible says about compassion ? ( a ) Why did Jehovah send angels to Sodom ? ( Read Exodus 22 : 26 , 27 . ) We read : “ Jehovah the God of their forefathers kept warning them by means of his mess@@ engers , warning them again and again , because he felt compassion for his people and for his dwelling place . ” “ He started to teach them many things . ” Instead , we need to do all we can now to help people . One meaning of compassion is “ to suffer together . ” “ Be courageous and strong and go to work . How can young ones and their parents show courage ? 1 , 2 . ( a ) What important assignment did Solomon receive ? To succeed , Solomon would need to be courageous and go to work . What could Solomon learn about courage from his father ? ( Read 1 Chronicles 28 : 20 . ) How did Jesus ’ courage affect the apostles ? Let us consider two areas of life where we need courage : in our family and in the congregation . ( b ) How can young ones imitate Moses ’ example ? He will help them provide for the needs of their families . She writes : “ G@@ rowing up , I was really shy . I could bar@@ ely talk to people at the Kingdom Hall , much less kno@@ ck on the doors of complete strangers . ” With the help of her parents and others in the congregation , this young Christian achi@@ eved her goal of becoming a regular pioneer . How can Psalm 37 : 25 and Hebrews 13 : 5 help parents ? ( Read Psalm 37 : 25 ; Hebrews 13 : 5 . ) A brother who has two children wrote : “ Many parents exp@@ end much effort and resources helping their children reach goals in such areas as sports , recreation , and education . It makes so much more sense to exp@@ end effort and resources in helping our children reach goals that will help them to maintain a good standing with Jehovah . It has been a great source of satisfaction not only to see our children reach spiritual goals but to share the journey with them . ” Give examples of courage in the Christian congregation . ( a ) How can baptized brothers be courageous ? ( Read Philippians 2 : 13 ; 4 : 13 . ) We urge all baptized brothers to be courageous and work hard for the congregation ! Therefore , “ be courageous . . . and go to work . ” 1 , 2 . ( a ) What would life be like without the Bible ? The apostle Peter quoted Isaiah 40 : 8 . ( Read 1 Peter 1 : 24 , 25 . ) ( a ) How do languages change over time ? ( Read Revelation 14 : 6 , footnote . ) Later pr@@ int@@ ings also used the word “ L@@ OR@@ D ” in capital letters in some verses in the Christian Greek Scriptures . Why are we grateful for the New World Translation ? ( b ) What is the Greek Septuagint ? ( Read Psalm 119 : 16@@ 2 - 1@@ 65 . ) See the article “ Do You Need to Learn Hebrew and Greek ? ” in the November 1 , 2009 , issue of The Watchtower . On April 3 , 20@@ 17 , a Bible m@@ use@@ um opened at our world headquarters in Warwick , New York , U.S.A . The permanent g@@ all@@ ery of this m@@ use@@ um is entitled “ The Bible and the Divine Name . ” We invite you to visit the Bible m@@ use@@ um and the other m@@ use@@ ums located at headquarters . Please go to to make a re@@ servation for your visit . Look under ABOUT US > O@@ F@@ F@@ IC@@ ES & TO@@ UR@@ S . He read 2 Corinthians 1 : 3 , 4 , which says : “ The Father of tender mercies and the God of all comfort . . . comforts us in all our trials . ” What responsibility do brothers who teach from the platform have ? Are we not grateful to Jehovah for his written Word , the Bible ? See the box “ A Tur@@ ning Point . ” Take time to explain , illustrate , and apply verses that you read “ A turning point came about 15 years after I was baptized . During a talk at the Kingdom Hall . . . , the speaker referred to James 1 : 23 , 24 . Those verses lik@@ en God’s Word to a mirror in which we can see ourselves the way Jehovah sees us . I began to wonder if what I saw in myself was different from what Jehovah saw . At first , I res@@ isted this new idea . I still felt that loving me was too much to expect of Jehovah . “ A few days later , I read a scripture that changed my life . The verse was Isaiah 1 : 18 , where Jehovah is quoted as saying : ‘ Come , now , you people , and let us set matters straight between us . . . . Though the sins of you people should prove to be as scarlet , they will be made white just like snow . ’ I felt as if Jehovah were speaking to me , saying : ‘ Come on , V@@ icky , let@@ ’s set matters straight between us . I know you , I know your sins , I know your heart ​ — and I love you . ’ “ I was unable to sleep that night . I still doub@@ ted that Jehovah could love me , but I began thinking about Jesus ’ ransom sacrifice . All of a sudden , it da@@ w@@ ned on me that Jehovah had been patient with me for so long , showing me that he loved me in so many ways . Yet , I was , in effect , saying to him : ‘ Your love is not great enough to reach me . Your S@@ on’s sacrifice is not enough to cover me . ’ It was as if I had been thro@@ wing the ransom back at Jehovah . But now , at last , by meditating on this gift of the ransom , I began to feel loved by Jehovah . ” These articles discuss Zechariah’s sixth , seventh , and eighth visions . First , let me tell you about my background . I WA@@ S born in 1923 in H@@ em@@ s@@ worth , a town in Yor@@ k@@ sh@@ ire , England . The following year , I was appointed as a special pioneer , along with Mary Hen@@ shall . We were sent to un@@ assigned territory in the coun@@ ty of Che@@ sh@@ ire . It is a great joy to know that there are now many Witnesses in that area . My brother and his wife , Lo@@ t@@ tie , were already serving as special pioneers in Northern Ireland , and in 1952 the four of us attended a district convention in Bel@@ fast . That night the four of us sle@@ pt in the car . Ama@@ z@@ ingly , we had no problem par@@ king the tr@@ ailer on the property of friendly farmers . We really enjoyed our assignment in the circuit work . The first international convention in Ireland was held in Dublin in 1965 . A total of 3,@@ 9@@ 48 attended , and 65 got baptized . Arthur greeting Nathan Knorr on his arrival for the 1965 convention Arthur rele@@ ases My Book of Bible St@@ ories in Ga@@ el@@ ic in 198@@ 3 In 2011 our lives changed completely when the Britain and Ireland branches were mer@@ ged and we were assigned to London Bethel . In the last few years , I have felt heart@@ break , depression , and grief . In the past , Arthur had always been there for me . But when you go through these kinds of situations , you draw closer to Jehovah . “ We should love , not in word or with the tongue , but in deed and truth . ” ​ — 1 JOHN 3 : 18 . What is “ love free from hypocrisy ” ? How has Jehovah shown unselfish love for humans ? Jehovah showed love for humans even before he created Adam and Eve . In what ways can we show genuine love ? 6 , 7 . ( a ) What is “ love free from hypocrisy ” ? ( Read Matthew 6 : 1 - 4 . ) How can we show genuine love when we offer hospitality ? ( Read 1 John 3 : 17 . ) ( Read Romans 12 : 17 , 18 . ) How can we show that our forgiveness is genuine ? What is the “ sword ” that Jesus said he would bring ? How can you maintain your loyalty to Jehovah if your relatives oppose true worship ? 3 , 4 . ( a ) What effect do Jesus ’ teachings have ? Jesus said : “ Do not think I came to bring peace to the earth ; I came to bring , not peace , but a sword . For I came to cause division , with a man against his father , and a daughter against her mother , and a daughter - in - law against her mother - in - law . How can Christians teach their children to honor an unbelieving parent ? Instead , explain to them that each person must choose whether to serve Jehovah . “ Let your words always be gracious , ” says the Bible . ( Read 1 Peter 3 : 1 , 2 , 16 . ) How can you overcome feelings of guilt about displeasing your relatives ? One of the many met@@ ro@@ pol@@ it@@ an witnessing stands in L@@ ag@@ os , the most pop@@ ul@@ ous city in Africa . What was the situation of the Israelites at that time ? ( Read Zechariah 1 : 3 , 4 . ) Cha@@ p@@ ter 5 of Zechariah begins with an unusual vision . ( Read Zechariah 5 : 1 , 2 . ) 8 - 10 . ( a ) What is an oath ? What can we learn from Zechariah’s sixth vision ? ( Read Zechariah 5 : 5 - 8 . ) ( Read Zechariah 5 : 9 - 11 . ) How do you feel about the greatest building work going on today ? ( Read Zechariah 6 : 1 - 3 . ) Jehovah still uses his angels to protect and strengthen his people 7 , 8 . ( a ) What do the two mountains represent ? ( b ) Why are the mountains made of copper ? Who are the ri@@ ders of the chariots , and what is their assignment ? ( Read Zechariah 6 : 5 - 8 . ) ( Read Zechariah 6 : 9 - 12 . ) Finally , true worship will be fully restored ! Jehovah will never forget the love that we show for him ! IN A small town in Gu@@ j@@ ar@@ at , India , John’s father was baptized as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses in the late 1950 ’ s . She noticed John’s injured f@@ inger and offered to help . He went to his priest and asked him the same two questions . Show me where the Bible says that Jesus is not God . Show me where it says that you should not worship Mary . We can learn valuable lessons from the arrangement of the cities of refuge in ancient Israel . What role does singing play in true worship ? But a song makes you feel a thought . ” ( b ) How should we sing praises to Jehovah , and who should take the lead ? Read the ly@@ ric@@ s out loud in a strong , confident voice . ( a ) How can opening our mouth wid@@ er help our singing ? ( a ) What announcement was made at the 20@@ 16 annual meeting ? P@@ rac@@ tice the songs during family worship ( See paragraph 18 ) ( Read Numbers 35 : 24 , 25 . ) Looking back , he says : “ Sure , I was s@@ cared to approach them . He wrote : “ What a great earn@@ est@@ ness your being sa@@ dd@@ ened in a godly way produced in you , yes , clear@@ ing of yourselves , yes , ind@@ ign@@ ation , yes , fear , yes , earnest desire , yes , zeal , yes , righ@@ ting of the wrong ! ” Once the sin is gone , it’s gone . Why do you want to take refuge in Jehovah ? How may we imitate Jehovah’s mercy when others need our forgiveness ? 1 , 2 . ( a ) How did Jesus feel about God’s Law ? ( b ) What does this teach us about Jehovah ? ( Read Acts 20 : 26 , 27 . ) ( Read Numbers 35 : 20 - 24 . ) Go , then , and learn what this means : ‘ I want mercy , and not sacrifice . ’ For I came to call , not righteous people , but sinners . ” They were not at Matthew’s home simply to eat . What lesson from the cities of refuge do you plan to apply ? Two Christian sisters share the Bible’s message with a merch@@ ant in the town of T@@ ip@@ it@@ ap@@ a What loving counsel did the apostle Paul give about worldly thinking ? What is an example of worldly thinking , and how can we reject it ? Look out that no one takes you captive by means of the philosophy and empty deception according to human tradition , according to the el@@ em@@ entary things of the world and not according to Christ . ” “ I can be a good person without believing in God . ” “ You can be happy without religion . ” Jehovah has the right to make laws for us because he created us . Jesus said : “ No one can slave for two masters ; for either he will hate the one and love the other , or he will stick to the one and desp@@ ise the other . ( Read 1 Thessalonians 2 : 13 , 19 , 20 . ) “ Humans can solve their own problems . ” How can we win the prize as a family ? ( b ) What helps us to keep our eyes on the prize ? How can we protect ourselves in dangerous situations ? To de@@ ad@@ en immoral desires , we need to reject immoral entertainment . Continue putting up with one another and forgiving one another freely even if anyone has a cause for complaint against another . Just as Jehovah freely forgave you , you must also do the same . ( Read Ecclesiastes 7 : 21 , 22 . ) 10 , 11 . ( a ) Why is jealousy dangerous ? God’s Word says : “ Love is patient and kind . Could we be as kind and loving as Jonathan ? You husbands , keep on loving your wives and do not be bitterly angry with them . You children , be obedient to your parents in everything , for this is well - pleasing to the Lord . What should a Christian husband do if his unbelieving wife does not respect him ? God’s Word says : “ A man of knowledge restra@@ ins his words , and a discerning man will remain calm . ” These articles should strengthen your belief in the resurrection . “ Our friend has fallen asleep , but I am traveling there to awaken him . ” ​ — JOHN 11 : 11 . What Bible accounts gave Martha confidence in the resurrection ? Like Martha , what joyful event are you looking forward to ? She said : “ I know he will rise . ” Later , her son got sick and died . ( Read 1 Kings 17 : 17 - 24 . ) ( Read 2 Kings 4 : 32 - 37 . ) How did Peter help a Christian sister who had died ? One time , the apostle Paul was at a meeting in an u@@ pper room in T@@ ro@@ as , in what is now nor@@ thwest Turkey . A young man named E@@ ut@@ y@@ ch@@ us was listening , seated at a window . Also , Jehovah said that the blessing would come “ through Isaac . ” Of course , that did not mean that God could not resurrect a person . ( Read Job 14 : 13 - 15 . ) ( b ) Why is the resurrection so important ? But would you mention the resurrection as one of your most cherished beliefs ? ( Read 1 Corinthians 15 : 12 - 19 . ) However , we know that Jesus was resurrected . How was Jesus involved in the fulfillment of Psalm 118 ? “ The builders rejected ” the Messiah ( See paragraph 7 ) How could Jesus become “ the chief cor@@ ner@@ stone ” ? If Jesus was rejected and killed , how could he become “ the chief cor@@ ner@@ stone ” ? ( a ) What did Psalm 16 : 10 foretell ? You will not allow your loyal one to see the pit . ” ( Read Acts 2 : 29 - 32 . ) ( Read Acts 2 : 33 - 36 . ) ( Read Acts 13 : 32 - 37 , 42 . ) There are details about “ the times or seasons that the Father has placed in his own j@@ ur@@ is@@ dic@@ tion . ” Paul wrote that “ Christ has been raised from the dead , the first@@ fruits of those who have fallen asleep in death . ” What will happen to some anointed ones during Christ’s presence ? For if we have faith that Jesus died and rose again , so too God will bring with him those who have fallen asleep in death . . . We the living who survive to the presence of the Lord will in no way preced@@ e those who have fallen asleep in death ; because the Lord himself will desc@@ end from heaven with a comm@@ anding call , . . . and those who are dead in union with Christ will rise first . Anointed ones who are alive during the great tribulation will be “ caught away in clouds . ” If you come back , I will break your legs . ” I was born on July 29 , 1929 , and grew up in a village in the province of Bul@@ ac@@ an in the Philippines . I enjoyed reading the Bible , especially the four Gospels . Doing so made me want to follow Jesus ’ example . ​ — John 10 : 27 . About that time , my parents asked me to come back home . One older Witness came to our house and explained what the Bible says about “ the last days . ” He invited us to attend a Bible study in a nearby village . We spent most of that night discussing the Bible . I replied , “ Yes , I do . ” I knew that I wanted to “ slave for the Master , Christ . ” We went to a nearby river , and two of us got baptized on February 15 , 1946 . The C@@ ru@@ z family invited me to live with them in Ang@@ at . He spoke in English , and afterward I gave a sum@@ mar@@ y of his talk in Tag@@ al@@ og . In the early morning , I helped in the k@@ it@@ c@@ hen . After I graduated , I was temporarily assigned as a special pioneer in the B@@ ron@@ x in New York City . We spent the first week after our wedding visiting a congregation on R@@ ap@@ u R@@ ap@@ u Island . We were even able to buy the property from the man who had said that “ Chinese do not sell . ” The newly fertili@@ zed eg@@ g might grow in a F@@ al@@ lo@@ pi@@ an tu@@ be ( an ec@@ topic pregnancy ) or might travel into the womb . That would end the pregnancy at an early stage . A guide from Eng@@ land@@ ’s National He@@ al@@ th Service reports : “ I@@ UD@@ s with more copper are more than 99 % effective . This means that fewer than one in 100 women who use an I@@ U@@ D will get pregnant in one year . I@@ UD@@ s with less copper will be less effective . ” ( a ) What does “ persuaded to believe ” mean ? ( b ) How do we know that Timothy was persuaded to believe the good news about Jesus ? Frank@@ ly , I would worry if she accepted something without asking questions . ” Does the Bible’s explanation make sense to them ? What should be an important part of your teaching ? Stephanie , the mother of three daughters , says : “ Ever since my children were very young , I have had to ask myself , ‘ Do I talk to my children about why I am convinced of Jehovah’s existence , his love , and the right@@ ness of his ways ? Can my children clearly see that I really love Jehovah ? ’ I can’t expect my children to be persuaded unless I am . ” That kind of wisdom is necessary for salvation . How can parents help their children to become “ wise for salvation ” ? Look under BIBLE TEAC@@ HI@@ NGS > BIBLE STUDY TO@@ OL@@ S . How can you work out your own salvation ? But in a few years when the urge to have sex becomes stronger , he or she needs to be thoroughly convinced that obeying Jehovah’s laws is always the best choice . ” ( b ) What can you learn from Philippians 4 : 11 - 13 ? What does it mean to work out your own salvation “ with fear and tre@@ mb@@ ling ” ? What tools have helped you in your personal study ? How Can I Make Bible Reading Enj@@ oy@@ able ? ” I should feel free to do the same . So I’ll mention something in passing , such as , ‘ I was teaching the Bible the other day , and . . . ’ Then I continue with the point of my story . Although the immediate point is not in itself about the Bible , often others are curious about what I do when teaching the Bible . The more I use this approach , the easier it gets . And afterward , I always feel great ! ” We are the only Witnesses they are exposed to . So the way we act can determine how they will respond . What if we are shy or tim@@ id or have a hard time speaking up about our faith , or what if we cr@@ ing@@ e when we do speak up ? Then they may look at us as if we ar@@ en@@ ’t proud of who we are . They may even respond un@@ kindly because of our lack of confidence . However , if we talk with ease and assurance about what we believe , making it a normal part of conversation , it’s more likely that they will respect us . ” Jesus said : “ If anyone wants to come after me , let him dis@@ own himself and pick up his torture stake and keep following me . ” For more suggestions , see “ Young People Ask ​ — Why Should I Pray ? ” © 2018 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania What lesson can we learn from Isaiah 40 : 26 ? No one has been able to count all the stars in the universe . How can we be sure that Jehovah is able to strengthen us ? And he added : “ You will find refreshment for yourselves . But how do we feel when we return ? The information was presented in such an emp@@ athe@@ tic and concerned way that I was moved to tears . I was reminded that the meetings are where I need to be . ” What did the apostle Paul mean when he wrote : “ When I am weak , then I am powerful ” ? He sang : “ With your help I can charge against a mara@@ ud@@ er b@@ and ; by God’s power I can scale a wall . ” Or will we follow the Bible’s wise advice to settle matters quickly ? You might begin the conversation by saying something like this , “ Perhaps I am being overly sensitive , but when you spoke to me y@@ es@@ ter@@ day , I felt . . . ” For day and night your hand was heavy upon me . ” “ Finally I confessed my sin to you , ” he wrote , “ and you par@@ d@@ oned the error of my sins . ” ( 4 ) Will there ever be a final Memorial ? ( Read 2 Corinthians 13 : 5 . ) ( Read John 3 : 16 ; 17 : 3 . ) ( a ) What did Jesus pray for on the night of the first Lord’s Evening Meal ? ( b ) What shows that Jehovah has answered Jesus ’ prayer ? ( Read John 17 : 20 , 21 . ) ( Read Ezekiel 37 : 15 - 17 . ) How can we promote unity among God’s people ? How can we show that we are “ putting up with one another in love ” ? How do we know that there will be a final Memorial ? At R@@ iber@@ al@@ ta , B@@ eni , two pioneer couples load literature onto an air@@ plane . Why does Jehovah expect us to use our valuable things to give back to him ? How does the organization use the money that is don@@ ated today ? What do we show Jehovah when we support his work ? ( Read 2 Corinthians 8 : 18 - 21 . ) Your donations help our worldwide work ( See paragraphs 14 - 16 ) As a result , we sometimes feel isolated , and we easily forget the scope of Jehovah’s work . But as soon as we watch the various programs on JW Bro@@ ad@@ casting , we remember that we are part of an international brotherhood . Our dear local brothers and sisters are very exc@@ ited about JW Bro@@ ad@@ casting . We often hear them say that after watching the mon@@ th@@ ly programs , they feel close to the members of the Governing Body . Now they are pr@@ ou@@ der than ever to be part of God’s organization . ” ( Read Proverbs 11 : 24 , 25 . ) Jesus said : “ You must love your neighbor as yourself . ” A man who loves his wife loves himself , for no man ever hated his own body , but he fe@@ eds and cher@@ ishes it . ” How can we avoid becoming lovers of ourselves ? Paul wrote that people would be “ lovers of money . ” Some years ago , a pioneer in Ireland spoke to a man about God . What does the Bible say about riches and poverty ? He wrote : “ So that I do not become satisfied and deny you and say , ‘ Who is Jehovah ? ’ ” She would say , ‘ I have the greatest bos@@ s ever ! ’ Now that I too am pioneering , we both work for the same Person , Jehovah . ” How can we avoid becoming lovers of money ? It means that they do not love God at all . ” How can we avoid becoming lovers of pleasures ? ( Read 2 Timothy 3 : 1 - 5 , 13 . ) We also know that love “ does not bra@@ g , does not get pu@@ ffed up . ” I could see that they cared for me , and that made me want to please them . ” ( Read Isaiah 11 : 6 , 7 . ) We should let others know that we are Jehovah’s Witnesses . 3 Imitate the Faith and Obe@@ di@@ ence of Noah , Daniel , and Job 28 Joy ​ — A Qu@@ ality We Ac@@ qu@@ ire From God 9 , 10 . ( a ) How can we imitate Noah’s faith and obedience ? ( Read Malachi 3 : 17 , 18 . ) ( b ) How did Jehovah view Daniel ? ( b ) What can parents today learn from Daniel’s parents ? ( Read Job 1 : 9 , 10 . ) 19 , 20 . ( a ) How can we imitate Job’s faith and obedience ? 1 - 3 . ( a ) What will help us to remain faithful to God during these last days ? ( Read Daniel 6 : 7 - 10 . ) ( Read Job 31 : 24 - 28 . ) ( Read Psalm 11 : 5 ; 26 : 4 . ) So ask yourself , ‘ Do I know Jehovah as well as Noah , Daniel , and Job did ? ’ Noah’s great - grandfather Enoch also “ kept walking with the true God . ” Jesus said : “ Abraham your father rejoiced greatly at the prospect of seeing my day . ” It’s hard for me to express the joy we feel . ” For it is to us God has revealed them through his spirit . ” Jesus said : “ These things I have spoken to you , so that my joy may be in you and your joy may be made full . ” ( 3 ) How will our effort to have “ the mind of Christ ” help us to be spiritual people ? ( Read 1 Corinthians 2 : 14 - 16 . ) What does the Bible say about spiritually - minded people ? What can we learn from the example of Jacob ? What can we learn from the example of Mary ? ( Read Luke 1 : 46 - 55 . ) ( Read Isaiah 63 : 9 ; Mark 6 : 34 . ) Rachel , a sister in Brazil , says : “ I loved to follow the world’s fashi@@ ons . As a result , I did not dress very modestly . But learning the truth moved me to make the needed effort to be a spiritual person . Making changes was not easy , but I became happier and found real purpose in life . ” So being like Jesus makes us more like Jehovah . They said : “ We are witnesses of all the things he did . ” How will having the mind of Christ affect your daily life ? He says : “ I never did anything wrong , but I was just going through the mo@@ tions . I looked spiritually strong , being at all the meetings and serving as an auxiliary pioneer a few times a year . He says : “ It was as if I knew nothing . He says : “ I studied the Bible and studied and studied some more , and the pieces started to fit together . I got understanding and , most important , developed a close relationship with Jehovah . ” ( 3 ) How can strong spirituality help us in our daily life ? ( b ) What is our goal when we study and meditate ? ( b ) What Bible example can we imitate ? 12 , 13 . ( a ) What will help us to apply Romans 15 : 5 ? ( Read 2 Peter 1 : 5 - 8 . ) How will being spiritually - minded affect our life ? What are the “ dead works ” that we should avoid ? Will my decisions help me to set spiritual goals ? Why do you want to move forward spiritually ? The apostle Peter urged Christians in the first century : “ Be hospitable to one another . ” R@@ ise , get baptized . ” ​ — AC@@ TS 22 : 16 . What do Christian parents want to be sure of before their children get baptized ? “ FOR months I kept telling Dad and Mom that I wanted to be baptized , and they often talked to me about it . They wanted to make sure I knew how serious my decision was . 5 , 6 . ( a ) The Bible’s description of Timothy leads us to what conclusion about his baptism ? ( Read Colossians 1 : 9 , 10 . ) He told Jehovah that he was so happy about his little gir@@ l’s decision to dedicate her life to Him . ” ( Read 1 Peter 3 : 20 , 21 . ) Why do we not pressure anyone to get baptized ? What questions will we consider in the next article ? If you are a parent , you may have asked yourself : ‘ Is my child really ready to get baptized ? The first question is , “ On the basis of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ , have you repented of your sins and dedicated yourself to Jehovah to do his will ? ” How can we be hospitable at our Christian meetings ? ( Read 3 John 5 - 8 . ) He writes : “ I hes@@ itated initially because we were newly married and living in a small house . But having students stay with us was truly a joy@@ ous experience . As new@@ ly@@ we@@ ds , we were able to see how happy a couple can be when they serve Jehovah and pursue spiritual goals together . ” Why may those who are new to your congregation need hospitality ? ( Read Luke 10 : 41 , 42 . ) One evening my wife was particularly hom@@ es@@ ick , and my efforts to help were not working . Then , about 7 : 30 p@@ .@@ m . , we heard a kno@@ ck on the door . There stood a Bible student who brought us three or@@ ang@@ es . She had come to welcome the new missionaries . We invited her in and gave her a gl@@ ass of water . If you feel anxious about having guests , you are not alone . An elder in Britain admits : “ There can be a measure of ner@@ v@@ ousness in preparing for guests . But as with anything in rel@@ ation to serving Jehovah , the benefits and satisfaction that result far out@@ weigh any anxiety . I have enjoyed simply sitting down with guests over c@@ off@@ ee and talking . ” Another elder writes : “ Having friends from the congregation to my home helps me to understand them better and gives me time to get to know them , especially how they came into the truth . ” The wife of one of the instructors really put me at ease . She said that when she and her husband are serving in the traveling work , their best weeks are those spent staying with a spiritual person who may not have much materially but who has the same focus as they have ​ — serving Jehovah and keeping life simple . This reminded me of what my mu@@ m used to say to us as children : ‘ Bet@@ ter a dis@@ h of v@@ eg@@ et@@ ables where there@@ ’s love . ’ ” ( Read Proverbs 25 : 21 , 22 . ) Ho@@ sts usually prepare well for their guests ( See paragraph 20 ) The psalmist David asked : “ O Jehovah , who may be a gu@@ est in your tent ? ” It is also important to respect local customs . Why is it so important to “ be hospitable to one another ” ? Two brothers offer a tract to a pain@@ ter on the bri@@ dge in front of Ka@@ š@@ ti@@ la@@ c , a for@@ t@@ ress built in the 16th century , near the city of S@@ pl@@ it ( Read Titus 2 : 11 - 14 . ) The elder recalled : “ Gra@@ ham had a problem with pride . He was critical of the elders who had been involved in his disfellowshipping . So for the next few studies , we discussed scriptures on pride and its effects . Gra@@ ham began to see himself clearly in the mirror of God’s Word , and he did not like what he saw ! After acknowled@@ ging that he had been blind@@ ed by a ‘ ra@@ fter ’ of pride and that his critical attitude was his problem , he began to change quickly for the better . He started to attend Christian meetings regularly , to study God’s Word earnestly , and to make daily prayer a habit . ‘ I’ve known the truth for years , ’ he said , ‘ and I’ve even served as a pioneer . The apostle Peter wrote : “ Shepherd the flock of God under your care , serving as overseers , not under comp@@ ulsion , but willingly before God ; not for love of dishonest gain , but eagerly ; not l@@ ording it over those who are God’s inheritance , but becoming examples to the flock . ” How can parents raise their children in the discipline of Jehovah ? ( Read Hebrews 12 : 5 - 11 . ) How does a child develop self - discipline ? 4 , 5 . ( a ) Why is self - discipline an important part of “ the new personality ” ? How can we become better students of God’s Word ? One brother wrote : “ I am filled with gratitude for the way my parents raised me . ( b ) How did one family benefit from the parents ’ obedience to Jehovah ? Some years later , the daughter was reinst@@ ated . ( b ) How can we make the elders ’ work more pleasant for them ? They did not ber@@ ate me or critici@@ ze me , but they encouraged me and strengthened me . After every congregation meeting , no matter how busy they were , at least one of them would ask how I was . Because of my past , I found it difficult to feel worthy of God’s love . Time and time again , however , Jehovah has used the congregation and the elders to confirm his love for me . I pray that I will never let him go . ” If you turn to doing good , will you not be restored to favor ? But if you do not turn to doing good , sin is cr@@ ou@@ ching at the door , and its cra@@ ving is to dominate you ; but will you get the mast@@ ery over it ? ” So let us “ listen to discipline and become wise . ” People around the world are demanding more freedom . 15 I@@ mit@@ ating Jehovah ​ — A God Who G@@ ives En@@ courag@@ ement “ If the Son sets you free , you will be truly free . ” ​ — JOHN 8 : 36 . ( Read 1 Chronicles 29 : 11 , 12 . ) To enjoy the ‘ good , ’ humankind must trust God and obey him . If they disobey , they will be left to decide for themselves what is good . . . and what is not good . ” Like that pil@@ ot , Adam and Eve wanted to do things their own way . He said : “ If you remain in my word , you are really my disciples , and you will know the truth , and the truth will set you free . ” Why can the freedom that Jesus promised make us “ truly free ” ? ( Read Romans 8 : 1 , 2 , 20 , 21 . ) ( c ) What questions do we need to answer ? ( Look under IN@@ TER@@ VI@@ E@@ W@@ S AND EX@@ P@@ ER@@ I@@ EN@@ C@@ ES > END@@ UR@@ ING TR@@ I@@ AL@@ S . ) All things are law@@ ful , but not all things build up . ” What example did Noah and his family set for us ? They lived in a violent and immoral world . “ Noah did according to all that God had commanded him . What has Jehovah commanded us to do today ? ( Read Luke 4 : 18 , 19 . ) Now I understood better what James 4 : 8 means : ‘ Draw close to God , and he will draw close to you . ’ I knew I had found what I was looking for , a satisfying purpose in life . ” A special pioneer couple preach in a remote area near the city of B@@ aly@@ k@@ ch@@ y ( b ) How did Jehovah encourage his Son ? Do not be anxious , for I am your God . I will fortify you , yes , I will help you , I will really hold on to you with my right hand of righteousness . ” En@@ ter into the joy of your master . ” How did Hezekiah encourage the military chi@@ ef@@ s and the people of Judah ? How did Peter ‘ strengthen his brothers ’ ? But I have made supplication for you that your faith may not give out ; and you , once you have returned , strengthen your brothers . ” ​ — Luke 22 : 31 , 32 . Whom can we encourage today , and why ? How can the elders give counsel in an encouraging way ? Parents , are you training your children to encourage others ? She also shared with me her own experience with the kind of test I was going through , and I felt less alone . ” King Solomon wrote : “ A word spoken at the right time ​ — how good it is ! A cheerful gl@@ ance makes the heart rejoice ; a good report inv@@ ig@@ or@@ ates the bones . ” For you have made me rejoice , O Jehovah , because of your deeds ; because of the works of your hands I shout joyfully . ” The apostle Paul promised : “ God is not unrighteous so as to forget your work and the love you showed for his name . ” You are never too young to set goals . Proverbs 21 : 5 says : “ The plans of the diligent surely lead to success . ” The earlier you make plans by setting good goals , the sooner you will have success . With a university degree in law , I could have ear@@ ned a lot of money , but I would have had little chance of finding part - time work . ” 17 , 18 . ( a ) What does Jehovah want for young people today ? I was born in a one - room lo@@ g c@@ ab@@ in in a very small town called L@@ iber@@ ty , I@@ ndi@@ ana , U.S.A . Later , my mother gave birth to my two younger brothers and my younger sister . D@@ UR@@ ING my school years , not much changed . The town of L@@ iber@@ ty was surrounded by small far@@ ms , and the basic cro@@ p was cor@@ n . She took us to the Bapti@@ st church every Sunday . They wanted me to make the military my career . This time , however , they invited me to come to a Congregation Book Study , a small meeting for Bible study and discussion that was held in their home . I told them I would think about it . I couldn’t believe how much they knew about the Bible ! Years before , when I asked my mother about Jehovah’s Witnesses , she simply said , “ O@@ h , they worship some old man named Jehovah . ” But I now felt that my eyes were being opened ! I started pioneering the next year , in 1958 . Gl@@ oria was a je@@ we@@ l then , and she is a je@@ we@@ l today . Gl@@ oria and I got married in February of 195@@ 9 . A dear brother , Simon K@@ r@@ ak@@ er , inter@@ viewed us . He told us that Bethel was not accepting married couples at that time . Most of our jobs paid three dol@@ lars a day . Each week , Gl@@ oria did ir@@ oning for one family . I remember one time when we stopped at a ga@@ s station . On the other hand , we had wonderful times with the brothers , and we loved our ministry ! Meanwhile , I started a study with the cou@@ ple’s daughter and her husband . Mother and daughter both decided to serve Jehovah and got baptized . We had dear friends in the white congregation . The K@@ u K@@ l@@ u@@ x K@@ lan ( K@@ K@@ K ) , an organization that promotes ra@@ cism and violence , was very active then . In 196@@ 2 , I was invited to attend the Kingdom Ministry School at South L@@ ans@@ ing , New York . However , a telephone company in P@@ ine Bl@@ u@@ ff had inter@@ viewed me for a job . If they h@@ ired me , I would be the first black man to work for that company . I had no money to travel to New York . She said , “ Go to school and learn as much as you can , and come back and teach us ! ” I am so glad that I did not take that job ! Here is how Gl@@ oria re@@ members our time in P@@ ine Bl@@ u@@ ff : “ I fell in love with the territory ! So we would go in the house - to - house work in the morning and then conduct Bible studies the rest of the day , sometimes until 11 o@@ ’@@ clock at night . While we were pioneering in P@@ ine Bl@@ u@@ ff , we applied to become special pioneers . Brother Le@@ on We@@ av@@ er , now the co@@ ordin@@ ator of the United States Branch Committee , was appointed to serve as a circuit overseer at the same time . I was ner@@ v@@ ous about becoming a circuit overseer . After I was appointed , Brother Tho@@ mp@@ son was the first district overseer I served with . In those days , a circuit overseer received little training . I remember saying to Gl@@ oria , “ Does he really have to leave now ? ” One time , the K@@ K@@ K held a march in a town we were visiting in T@@ enn@@ es@@ see . The following month , we began our Bethel service . Gl@@ oria was a je@@ we@@ l when I married her , and she still is Then in 1999 , I was appointed to be a member of the Governing Body . Isaiah 32 : 17 says : “ The result of true righteousness will be peace , and the fruitage of true righteousness will be lasting tran@@ qu@@ ill@@ ity and security . ” Second , we must pray for God’s holy spirit . If the house is deser@@ ving , let the peace you wish it come upon it ; but if it is not deser@@ ving , let the peace from you return upon you . ” So I gre@@ eted her in her own tongue . T@@ ak@@ en by surprise , she asked me , ‘ What is the reason for your visit ? ’ I pol@@ itely told her that I wished to see the High Com@@ mission@@ er . She tel@@ ep@@ hon@@ ed the official , who came out to meet me and gre@@ eted me in the local language . After that , he carefully listened to me as I explained to him the peaceful activities of the Witnesses . ” “ As for that on the fine soil , these are the ones who . . . bear fruit with endurance . ” ​ — LUKE 8 : 15 . What will help us to keep bearing fruit with endurance ? ( See opening picture . ) ( b ) What did Jesus say about preaching in his “ home territory ” ? “ Their faithfulness encourages me to persevere and to be courageous in my own ministry . ” What three questions will we consider , and why ? Still , there is no other work I would rather do . ” Read John 15 : 1 - 5 , 8 . The preaching of the good news of God’s Kingdom . Read Luke 8 : 5 - 8 , 11 - 15 . How do we “ bear fruit with endurance ” ? For I bear them witness that they have a zeal for God , but not according to accurate knowledge . ” When we returned , pas@@ ser@@ s@@ by asked , ‘ What happened ? Why are you determined to “ bear fruit with endurance ” ? “ My Father is glorified in this , that you keep bearing much fruit and prove yourselves my disciples . ” ​ — JOHN 15 : 8 . ( Read John 15 : 1 , 8 . ) Jesus told his apostles : “ My Father is glorified in this , that you keep bearing much fruit . ” ( b ) How do you feel about having the privilege to sanctify God’s name ? It gives me the desire to keep on preaching . ” ( a ) What reason for preaching is mentioned at John 15 : 9 , 10 ? How do we show that we want to remain in Christ’s love ? In the Bible , Noah is described as “ a preacher . ” ( a ) What reason for preaching is mentioned at Matthew 22 : 39 ? They need a chance to hear the good news . ” 13 , 14 . ( a ) What gift is mentioned at John 15 : 11 ? ( a ) What gift is mentioned at John 14 : 27 ? ( a ) What gift is mentioned at John 15 : 15 ? ( b ) How could the apostles remain Jesus ’ friends ? ( Read John 15 : 14 - 16 . ) We can be sure that Jehovah answers our prayers for help ( See paragraph 18 ) The apostle Peter describes Satan the Devil as “ a roaring lion , ” and John calls him a “ serpent ” and a “ drag@@ on . ” Those who believe this lie spend their lives serving “ Ric@@ hes ” rather than God . We need to know our enemy , but we do not need to be terrified by him . If we oppose him , he will flee from us . What are the pieces of the spiritual armor ? And my parents and my friends know that they can trust me . ” But you always get outstanding benefits : You gain confidence , you feel closer to Jehovah , and you earn the respect of those who love you . ” The bel@@ t of truth ( See paragraphs 3 - 5 ) For a while , I lost my confidence and felt depressed . ” Some of my ‘ friends ’ began taking drugs ; others dro@@ pped out of school . It was sad to see how their lives turned out . “ I remind myself that I bear Jehovah’s name and that temptation is just Satan’s way of sho@@ o@@ ting at me . When I win a struggle , I feel better about myself . ” The bre@@ ast@@ plate of righteousness ( See paragraphs 6 - 8 ) Then I’m able to think of what will help them . When I am prepared , I can talk to them about what will specifically benefit them . ” I make sure that I’ve read all the material published for young people . That way I can direct my peers to something in the Bible or on that will help them . ” Fe@@ et sho@@ d in read@@ iness ( See paragraphs 9 - 11 ) What are some of Satan’s “ burning arro@@ ws ” ? Now , though , I prepare for the meetings and try to answer two or three times . It’s difficult , but I feel much better when I do . And the brothers and sisters are so encouraging . I always come away from the meetings knowing that Jehovah loves me . ” The large shield of faith ( See paragraphs 12 - 14 ) The hel@@ met of salvation ( See paragraphs 15 - 18 ) I’ve found that people respond well when they see that you are pas@@ sion@@ ate about the Bible and are doing your best to help them . ” The sword of the spirit ( See paragraphs 19 - 20 ) With Jehovah’s help , we can stand firm against him !