( b ) What will we discuss in this article ? What lesson can we learn from Isaiah 40 : 26 ? No one has been able to count all the stars in the universe . How can we be sure that Jehovah is able to strengthen us ? And he added : “ You will find refreshment for yourselves . For my yoke is kindly , and my load is light . ” The information was presented in such an empathetic and concerned way that I was moved to tears . I was reminded that the meetings are where I need to be . ” What did the apostle Paul mean when he wrote : “ When I am weak , then I am powerful ” ? He sang : “ With your help I can charge against a marauder band ; by God’s power I can scale a wall . ” Or will we follow the Bible’s wise advice to settle matters quickly ? For day and night your hand was heavy upon me . ” “ Finally I confessed my sin to you , ” he wrote , “ and you pardoned the error of my sins . ” ( 4 ) Will there ever be a final Memorial ? ( Read 2 Corinthians 13 : 5 . ) ( Read John 3 : 16 ; 17 : 3 . ) ( a ) What did Jesus pray for on the night of the first Lord’s Evening Meal ? ( b ) What shows that Jehovah has answered Jesus ’ prayer ? ( Read John 17 : 20 , 21 . ) ( Read Ezekiel 37 : 15 - 17 . ) How can we promote unity among God’s people ? How can we show that we are “ putting up with one another in love ” ? How do we know that there will be a final Memorial ? © 2017 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania At Riberalta , Beni , two pioneer couples load literature onto an airplane . It is provided as part of a worldwide Bible educational work supported by voluntary donations . To make a donation , please visit www.jw.org . Unless otherwise indicated , Scripture quotations are from the modern - language New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures . Why does Jehovah expect us to use our valuable things to give back to him ? How does the organization use the money that is donated today ? What do we show Jehovah when we support his work ? ( Read 2 Corinthians 8 : 18 - 21 . ) Your donations help our worldwide work ( See paragraphs 14 - 16 ) As a result , we sometimes feel isolated , and we easily forget the scope of Jehovah’s work . But as soon as we watch the various programs on JW Broadcasting , we remember that we are part of an international brotherhood . Our dear local brothers and sisters are very excited about JW Broadcasting . We often hear them say that after watching the monthly programs , they feel close to the members of the Governing Body . Now they are prouder than ever to be part of God’s organization . ” ( Read Proverbs 11 : 24 , 25 . ) “ Happy is the people whose God is Jehovah ! ” ​ — PS . Jesus said : “ You must love your neighbor as yourself . ” A man who loves his wife loves himself , for no man ever hated his own body , but he feeds and cherishes it . ” How can we avoid becoming lovers of ourselves ? Paul wrote that people would be “ lovers of money . ” Some years ago , a pioneer in Ireland spoke to a man about God . What does the Bible say about riches and poverty ? He wrote : “ So that I do not become satisfied and deny you and say , ‘ Who is Jehovah ? ’ ” Jesus said : “ No one can slave for two masters ; for either he will hate the one and love the other , or he will stick to the one and despise the other . You cannot slave for God and for Riches . ” She would say , ‘ I have the greatest boss ever ! ’ Now that I too am pioneering , we both work for the same Person , Jehovah . ” How can we avoid becoming lovers of money ? It means that they do not love God at all . ” How can we avoid becoming lovers of pleasures ? ( Read 2 Timothy 3 : 1 - 5 , 13 . ) We also know that love “ does not brag , does not get puffed up . ” I could see that they cared for me , and that made me want to please them . ” ( Read John 13 : 34 , 35 . ) He cured the blind , the lame , the lepers , and the deaf . ( Read Isaiah 11 : 6 , 7 . ) You can read some of their experiences in the series “ The Bible Changes Lives , ” found on jw.org . We should let others know that we are Jehovah’s Witnesses . 3 Imitate the Faith and Obedience of Noah , Daniel , and Job 28 Joy ​ — A Quality We Acquire From God Noah walked with the true God . ” ​ — Gen . 9 , 10 . ( a ) How can we imitate Noah’s faith and obedience ? ( Read Malachi 3 : 17 , 18 . ) ( b ) How did Jehovah view Daniel ? ( b ) What can parents today learn from Daniel’s parents ? ( Read Job 1 : 9 , 10 . ) 19 , 20 . ( a ) How can we imitate Job’s faith and obedience ? What will we consider in the next article ? 1 - 3 . ( a ) What will help us to remain faithful to God during these last days ? ( b ) What will we consider in this article ? ( Read Daniel 6 : 7 - 10 . ) ( Read Job 31 : 24 - 28 . ) ( Read Psalm 11 : 5 ; 26 : 4 . ) So ask yourself , ‘ Do I know Jehovah as well as Noah , Daniel , and Job did ? ’ Noah’s great - grandfather Enoch also “ kept walking with the true God . ” Jesus said : “ Abraham your father rejoiced greatly at the prospect of seeing my day . ” It’s hard for me to express the joy we feel . ” For it is to us God has revealed them through his spirit . ” Jesus said : “ These things I have spoken to you , so that my joy may be in you and your joy may be made full . ” Published by Jehovah’s Witnesses but now out of print . ( Read 1 Corinthians 2 : 14 - 16 . ) What does the Bible say about spiritually - minded people ? What can we learn from the example of Jacob ? What can we learn from the example of Mary ? ( Read Luke 1 : 46 - 55 . ) ( Read Isaiah 63 : 9 ; Mark 6 : 34 . ) Rachel , a sister in Brazil , says : “ I loved to follow the world’s fashions . As a result , I did not dress very modestly . But learning the truth moved me to make the needed effort to be a spiritual person . Making changes was not easy , but I became happier and found real purpose in life . ” So being like Jesus makes us more like Jehovah . They said : “ We are witnesses of all the things he did . ” How will having the mind of Christ affect your daily life ? He says : “ I never did anything wrong , but I was just going through the motions . I looked spiritually strong , being at all the meetings and serving as an auxiliary pioneer a few times a year . He says : “ It was as if I knew nothing . I thought to myself , ‘ If I am going to be my wife’s spiritual head , I have to do something . ’ ” He says : “ I studied the Bible and studied and studied some more , and the pieces started to fit together . I got understanding and , most important , developed a close relationship with Jehovah . ” ( 3 ) How can strong spirituality help us in our daily life ? ( b ) What is our goal when we study and meditate ? ( b ) What Bible example can we imitate ? 12 , 13 . ( a ) What will help us to apply Romans 15 : 5 ? ( Read 2 Peter 1 : 5 - 8 . ) How will being spiritually - minded affect our life ? What are the “ dead works ” that we should avoid ? Will my decisions help me to set spiritual goals ? Why do you want to move forward spiritually ? The apostle Peter urged Christians in the first century : “ Be hospitable to one another . ” Rise , get baptized . ” ​ — ACTS 22 : 16 . What do Christian parents want to be sure of before their children get baptized ? “ FOR months I kept telling Dad and Mom that I wanted to be baptized , and they often talked to me about it . They wanted to make sure I knew how serious my decision was . On December 31 , 1934 , the day came for this momentous event in my life . ” 5 , 6 . ( a ) The Bible’s description of Timothy leads us to what conclusion about his baptism ? ( Read Colossians 1 : 9 , 10 . ) He told Jehovah that he was so happy about his little girl’s decision to dedicate her life to Him . ” ( Read 1 Peter 3 : 20 , 21 . ) Why do we not pressure anyone to get baptized ? What questions will we consider in the next article ? If you are a parent , you may have asked yourself : ‘ Is my child really ready to get baptized ? The first question is , “ On the basis of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ , have you repented of your sins and dedicated yourself to Jehovah to do his will ? ” What questions will we consider in this article ? How can we be hospitable at our Christian meetings ? ( Read 3 John 5 - 8 . ) He writes : “ I hesitated initially because we were newly married and living in a small house . But having students stay with us was truly a joyous experience . As newlyweds , we were able to see how happy a couple can be when they serve Jehovah and pursue spiritual goals together . ” Why may those who are new to your congregation need hospitality ? ( Read Luke 10 : 41 , 42 . ) One evening my wife was particularly homesick , and my efforts to help were not working . Then , about 7 : 30 p.m . , we heard a knock on the door . There stood a Bible student who brought us three oranges . She had come to welcome the new missionaries . We invited her in and gave her a glass of water . If you feel anxious about having guests , you are not alone . An elder in Britain admits : “ There can be a measure of nervousness in preparing for guests . But as with anything in relation to serving Jehovah , the benefits and satisfaction that result far outweigh any anxiety . I have enjoyed simply sitting down with guests over coffee and talking . ” Another elder writes : “ Having friends from the congregation to my home helps me to understand them better and gives me time to get to know them , especially how they came into the truth . ” The wife of one of the instructors really put me at ease . She said that when she and her husband are serving in the traveling work , their best weeks are those spent staying with a spiritual person who may not have much materially but who has the same focus as they have ​ — serving Jehovah and keeping life simple . This reminded me of what my mum used to say to us as children : ‘ Better a dish of vegetables where there’s love . ’ ” ( Read Proverbs 25 : 21 , 22 . ) Hosts usually prepare well for their guests ( See paragraph 20 ) The psalmist David asked : “ O Jehovah , who may be a guest in your tent ? ” It is also important to respect local customs . Why is it so important to “ be hospitable to one another ” ? Do not be anxious , for I am your God . Two brothers offer a tract to a painter on the bridge in front of Kaštilac , a fortress built in the 16th century , near the city of Split ( Read Titus 2 : 11 - 14 . ) ( Read 1 Peter 5 : 6 , 7 . ) The elder recalled : “ Graham had a problem with pride . He was critical of the elders who had been involved in his disfellowshipping . So for the next few studies , we discussed scriptures on pride and its effects . Graham began to see himself clearly in the mirror of God’s Word , and he did not like what he saw ! After acknowledging that he had been blinded by a ‘ rafter ’ of pride and that his critical attitude was his problem , he began to change quickly for the better . He started to attend Christian meetings regularly , to study God’s Word earnestly , and to make daily prayer a habit . ‘ I’ve known the truth for years , ’ he said , ‘ and I’ve even served as a pioneer . The apostle Peter wrote : “ Shepherd the flock of God under your care , serving as overseers , not under compulsion , but willingly before God ; not for love of dishonest gain , but eagerly ; not lording it over those who are God’s inheritance , but becoming examples to the flock . ” ( b ) What will we consider in the next article ? How can parents raise their children in the discipline of Jehovah ? ( Read Hebrews 12 : 5 - 11 . ) How does a child develop self - discipline ? 4 , 5 . ( a ) Why is self - discipline an important part of “ the new personality ” ? How can we become better students of God’s Word ? One brother wrote : “ I am filled with gratitude for the way my parents raised me . ( b ) How did one family benefit from the parents ’ obedience to Jehovah ? Some years later , the daughter was reinstated . ( Read 2 Peter 3 : 9 . ) ( b ) How can we make the elders ’ work more pleasant for them ? ( Read Hebrews 13 : 7 , 17 . ) They did not berate me or criticize me , but they encouraged me and strengthened me . After every congregation meeting , no matter how busy they were , at least one of them would ask how I was . Because of my past , I found it difficult to feel worthy of God’s love . Time and time again , however , Jehovah has used the congregation and the elders to confirm his love for me . I pray that I will never let him go . ” If you turn to doing good , will you not be restored to favor ? But if you do not turn to doing good , sin is crouching at the door , and its craving is to dominate you ; but will you get the mastery over it ? ” So let us “ listen to discipline and become wise . ” People around the world are demanding more freedom . 15 Imitating Jehovah ​ — A God Who Gives Encouragement “ If the Son sets you free , you will be truly free . ” ​ — JOHN 8 : 36 . ( Read 1 Chronicles 29 : 11 , 12 . ) To enjoy the ‘ good , ’ humankind must trust God and obey him . If they disobey , they will be left to decide for themselves what is good . . . and what is not good . ” Like that pilot , Adam and Eve wanted to do things their own way . He said : “ If you remain in my word , you are really my disciples , and you will know the truth , and the truth will set you free . ” Why can the freedom that Jesus promised make us “ truly free ” ? ( Read Romans 7 : 21 - 25 . ) ( Read Romans 8 : 1 , 2 , 20 , 21 . ) ( c ) What questions do we need to answer ? ( Look under INTERVIEWS AND EXPERIENCES > ENDURING TRIALS . ) ( Read 2 Corinthians 6 : 1 . ) ( Read 1 Peter 2 : 16 . ) All things are lawful , but not all things build up . ” What example did Noah and his family set for us ? They lived in a violent and immoral world . “ Noah did according to all that God had commanded him . What has Jehovah commanded us to do today ? ( Read Luke 4 : 18 , 19 . ) Now I understood better what James 4 : 8 means : ‘ Draw close to God , and he will draw close to you . ’ I knew I had found what I was looking for , a satisfying purpose in life . ” A special pioneer couple preach in a remote area near the city of Balykchy Do not be struck with terror or fear , for Jehovah your God is with you wherever you go . ” ( b ) How did Jehovah encourage his Son ? I will fortify you , yes , I will help you , I will really hold on to you with my right hand of righteousness . ” Enter into the joy of your master . ” How did Hezekiah encourage the military chiefs and the people of Judah ? How did Peter ‘ strengthen his brothers ’ ? But I have made supplication for you that your faith may not give out ; and you , once you have returned , strengthen your brothers . ” ​ — Luke 22 : 31 , 32 . “ Anxiety in a man’s heart weighs it down , but a good word cheers it up . ” Whom can we encourage today , and why ? How can the elders give counsel in an encouraging way ? Parents , are you training your children to encourage others ? She also shared with me her own experience with the kind of test I was going through , and I felt less alone . ” King Solomon wrote : “ A word spoken at the right time ​ — how good it is ! A cheerful glance makes the heart rejoice ; a good report invigorates the bones . ” For you have made me rejoice , O Jehovah , because of your deeds ; because of the works of your hands I shout joyfully . ” The apostle Paul promised : “ God is not unrighteous so as to forget your work and the love you showed for his name . ” You are never too young to set goals . Proverbs 21 : 5 says : “ The plans of the diligent surely lead to success . ” The earlier you make plans by setting good goals , the sooner you will have success . With a university degree in law , I could have earned a lot of money , but I would have had little chance of finding part - time work . ” 17 , 18 . ( a ) What does Jehovah want for young people today ? I was born in a one - room log cabin in a very small town called Liberty , Indiana , U.S.A . Later , my mother gave birth to my two younger brothers and my younger sister . DURING my school years , not much changed . The town of Liberty was surrounded by small farms , and the basic crop was corn . She took us to the Baptist church every Sunday . They wanted me to make the military my career . This time , however , they invited me to come to a Congregation Book Study , a small meeting for Bible study and discussion that was held in their home . I told them I would think about it . I couldn’t believe how much they knew about the Bible ! Years before , when I asked my mother about Jehovah’s Witnesses , she simply said , “ Oh , they worship some old man named Jehovah . ” But I now felt that my eyes were being opened ! I started pioneering the next year , in 1958 . Gloria was a jewel then , and she is a jewel today . Gloria and I got married in February of 1959 . A dear brother , Simon Kraker , interviewed us . He told us that Bethel was not accepting married couples at that time . Most of our jobs paid three dollars a day . Each week , Gloria did ironing for one family . I remember one time when we stopped at a gas station . On the other hand , we had wonderful times with the brothers , and we loved our ministry ! Meanwhile , I started a study with the couple’s daughter and her husband . Mother and daughter both decided to serve Jehovah and got baptized . We had dear friends in the white congregation . The Ku Klux Klan ( KKK ) , an organization that promotes racism and violence , was very active then . In 1962 , I was invited to attend the Kingdom Ministry School at South Lansing , New York . However , a telephone company in Pine Bluff had interviewed me for a job . If they hired me , I would be the first black man to work for that company . She said , “ Go to school and learn as much as you can , and come back and teach us ! ” I am so glad that I did not take that job ! Here is how Gloria remembers our time in Pine Bluff : “ I fell in love with the territory ! So we would go in the house - to - house work in the morning and then conduct Bible studies the rest of the day , sometimes until 11 o’clock at night . While we were pioneering in Pine Bluff , we applied to become special pioneers . Brother Leon Weaver , now the coordinator of the United States Branch Committee , was appointed to serve as a circuit overseer at the same time . I was nervous about becoming a circuit overseer . After I was appointed , Brother Thompson was the first district overseer I served with . In those days , a circuit overseer received little training . I remember saying to Gloria , “ Does he really have to leave now ? ” One time , the KKK held a march in a town we were visiting in Tennessee . The following month , we began our Bethel service . Gloria was a jewel when I married her , and she still is Then in 1999 , I was appointed to be a member of the Governing Body . Isaiah 32 : 17 says : “ The result of true righteousness will be peace , and the fruitage of true righteousness will be lasting tranquillity and security . ” Second , we must pray for God’s holy spirit . If the house is deserving , let the peace you wish it come upon it ; but if it is not deserving , let the peace from you return upon you . ” So I greeted her in her own tongue . Taken by surprise , she asked me , ‘ What is the reason for your visit ? ’ I politely told her that I wished to see the High Commissioner . She telephoned the official , who came out to meet me and greeted me in the local language . After that , he carefully listened to me as I explained to him the peaceful activities of the Witnesses . ” “ As for that on the fine soil , these are the ones who . . . bear fruit with endurance . ” ​ — LUKE 8 : 15 . What will help us to keep bearing fruit with endurance ? ( See opening picture . ) ( b ) What did Jesus say about preaching in his “ home territory ” ? “ Their faithfulness encourages me to persevere and to be courageous in my own ministry . ” What three questions will we consider , and why ? Still , there is no other work I would rather do . ” Read John 15 : 1 - 5 , 8 . The preaching of the good news of God’s Kingdom . Read Luke 8 : 5 - 8 , 11 - 15 . How do we “ bear fruit with endurance ” ? For I bear them witness that they have a zeal for God , but not according to accurate knowledge . ” When we returned , passersby asked , ‘ What happened ? Why are you determined to “ bear fruit with endurance ” ? “ My Father is glorified in this , that you keep bearing much fruit and prove yourselves my disciples . ” ​ — JOHN 15 : 8 . ( Read John 15 : 1 , 8 . ) Jesus told his apostles : “ My Father is glorified in this , that you keep bearing much fruit . ” ( b ) How do you feel about having the privilege to sanctify God’s name ? It gives me the desire to keep on preaching . ” ( a ) What reason for preaching is mentioned at John 15 : 9 , 10 ? How do we show that we want to remain in Christ’s love ? In the Bible , Noah is described as “ a preacher . ” ( Read 2 Peter 2 : 5 . ) ( a ) What reason for preaching is mentioned at Matthew 22 : 39 ? They need a chance to hear the good news . ” 13 , 14 . ( a ) What gift is mentioned at John 15 : 11 ? ( a ) What gift is mentioned at John 14 : 27 ? ( a ) What gift is mentioned at John 15 : 15 ? ( b ) How could the apostles remain Jesus ’ friends ? ( Read John 15 : 14 - 16 . ) We can be sure that Jehovah answers our prayers for help ( See paragraph 18 ) © 2018 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania The apostle Peter describes Satan the Devil as “ a roaring lion , ” and John calls him a “ serpent ” and a “ dragon . ” With their help , we can resist our enemy . Those who believe this lie spend their lives serving “ Riches ” rather than God . We need to know our enemy , but we do not need to be terrified by him . If we oppose him , he will flee from us . What are the pieces of the spiritual armor ? And my parents and my friends know that they can trust me . ” But you always get outstanding benefits : You gain confidence , you feel closer to Jehovah , and you earn the respect of those who love you . ” The belt of truth ( See paragraphs 3 - 5 ) For a while , I lost my confidence and felt depressed . ” Some of my ‘ friends ’ began taking drugs ; others dropped out of school . It was sad to see how their lives turned out . “ I remind myself that I bear Jehovah’s name and that temptation is just Satan’s way of shooting at me . When I win a struggle , I feel better about myself . ” The breastplate of righteousness ( See paragraphs 6 - 8 ) Now I’m happy to witness to my peers . ” Then I’m able to think of what will help them . When I am prepared , I can talk to them about what will specifically benefit them . ” I make sure that I’ve read all the material published for young people . That way I can direct my peers to something in the Bible or on jw.org that will help them . ” Feet shod in readiness ( See paragraphs 9 - 11 ) What are some of Satan’s “ burning arrows ” ? Now , though , I prepare for the meetings and try to answer two or three times . It’s difficult , but I feel much better when I do . And the brothers and sisters are so encouraging . I always come away from the meetings knowing that Jehovah loves me . ” The large shield of faith ( See paragraphs 12 - 14 ) The helmet of salvation ( See paragraphs 15 - 18 ) I’ve found that people respond well when they see that you are passionate about the Bible and are doing your best to help them . ” The sword of the spirit ( See paragraphs 19 - 20 ) With Jehovah’s help , we can stand firm against him ! ( b ) What will we consider in the following article ? Have you carefully read the recent issues of The Watchtower ? Well , see if you can answer the following questions :