""" |
API server for TTS |
TODO: server_editor.pyと統合する? |
""" |
import argparse |
import os |
import sys |
from io import BytesIO |
from pathlib import Path |
from typing import Any, Optional |
from urllib.parse import unquote |
import GPUtil |
import psutil |
import torch |
import uvicorn |
from fastapi import FastAPI, HTTPException, Query, Request, status |
from fastapi.middleware.cors import CORSMiddleware |
from fastapi.responses import FileResponse, Response |
from scipy.io import wavfile |
from config import get_config |
from style_bert_vits2.constants import ( |
Languages, |
) |
from style_bert_vits2.logging import logger |
from style_bert_vits2.nlp import bert_models |
from style_bert_vits2.nlp.japanese import pyopenjtalk_worker as pyopenjtalk |
from style_bert_vits2.nlp.japanese.user_dict import update_dict |
from style_bert_vits2.tts_model import TTSModel, TTSModelHolder |
config = get_config() |
ln = config.server_config.language |
pyopenjtalk.initialize_worker() |
update_dict() |
bert_models.load_model(Languages.JP) |
bert_models.load_tokenizer(Languages.JP) |
bert_models.load_model(Languages.EN) |
bert_models.load_tokenizer(Languages.EN) |
bert_models.load_model(Languages.ZH) |
bert_models.load_tokenizer(Languages.ZH) |
def raise_validation_error(msg: str, param: str): |
logger.warning(f"Validation error: {msg}") |
raise HTTPException( |
status_code=status.HTTP_422_UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY, |
detail=[dict(type="invalid_params", msg=msg, loc=["query", param])], |
) |
class AudioResponse(Response): |
media_type = "audio/wav" |
loaded_models: list[TTSModel] = [] |
def load_models(model_holder: TTSModelHolder): |
global loaded_models |
loaded_models = [] |
for model_name, model_paths in model_holder.model_files_dict.items(): |
model = TTSModel( |
model_path=model_paths[0], |
config_path=model_holder.root_dir / model_name / "config.json", |
style_vec_path=model_holder.root_dir / model_name / "style_vectors.npy", |
device=model_holder.device, |
) |
loaded_models.append(model) |
if __name__ == "__main__": |
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() |
parser.add_argument("--cpu", action="store_true", help="Use CPU instead of GPU") |
parser.add_argument( |
"--dir", "-d", type=str, help="Model directory", default=config.assets_root |
) |
args = parser.parse_args() |
if args.cpu: |
device = "cpu" |
else: |
device = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu" |
model_dir = Path(args.dir) |
model_holder = TTSModelHolder(model_dir, device) |
if len(model_holder.model_names) == 0: |
logger.error(f"Models not found in {model_dir}.") |
sys.exit(1) |
logger.info("Loading models...") |
load_models(model_holder) |
limit = config.server_config.limit |
if limit < 1: |
limit = None |
else: |
logger.info( |
f"The maximum length of the text is {limit}. If you want to change it, modify config.yml. Set limit to -1 to remove the limit." |
) |
app = FastAPI() |
allow_origins = config.server_config.origins |
if allow_origins: |
logger.warning( |
f"CORS allow_origins={config.server_config.origins}. If you don't want, modify config.yml" |
) |
app.add_middleware( |
CORSMiddleware, |
allow_origins=config.server_config.origins, |
allow_credentials=True, |
allow_methods=["*"], |
allow_headers=["*"], |
) |
@app.api_route("/voice", methods=["GET", "POST"], response_class=AudioResponse) |
async def voice( |
request: Request, |
text: str = Query(..., min_length=1, max_length=limit, description="セリフ"), |
encoding: str = Query(None, description="textをURLデコードする(ex, `utf-8`)"), |
model_name: str = Query( |
None, |
description="モデル名(model_idより優先)。model_assets内のディレクトリ名を指定", |
), |
model_id: int = Query( |
0, description="モデルID。`GET /models/info`のkeyの値を指定ください" |
), |
speaker_name: str = Query( |
None, |
description="話者名(speaker_idより優先)。esd.listの2列目の文字列を指定", |
), |
speaker_id: int = Query( |
0, description="話者ID。model_assets>[model]>config.json内のspk2idを確認" |
), |
sdp_ratio: float = Query( |
description="SDP(Stochastic Duration Predictor)/DP混合比。比率が高くなるほどトーンのばらつきが大きくなる", |
), |
noise: float = Query( |
description="サンプルノイズの割合。大きくするほどランダム性が高まる", |
), |
noisew: float = Query( |
description="SDPノイズ。大きくするほど発音の間隔にばらつきが出やすくなる", |
), |
length: float = Query( |
description="話速。基準は1で大きくするほど音声は長くなり読み上げが遅まる", |
), |
language: Languages = Query(ln, description="textの言語"), |
auto_split: bool = Query(DEFAULT_LINE_SPLIT, description="改行で分けて生成"), |
split_interval: float = Query( |
DEFAULT_SPLIT_INTERVAL, description="分けた場合に挟む無音の長さ(秒)" |
), |
assist_text: Optional[str] = Query( |
None, |
description="このテキストの読み上げと似た声音・感情になりやすくなる。ただし抑揚やテンポ等が犠牲になる傾向がある", |
), |
assist_text_weight: float = Query( |
DEFAULT_ASSIST_TEXT_WEIGHT, description="assist_textの強さ" |
), |
style: Optional[str] = Query(DEFAULT_STYLE, description="スタイル"), |
style_weight: float = Query(DEFAULT_STYLE_WEIGHT, description="スタイルの強さ"), |
reference_audio_path: Optional[str] = Query( |
None, description="スタイルを音声ファイルで行う" |
), |
): |
"""Infer text to speech(テキストから感情付き音声を生成する)""" |
logger.info( |
f"{request.client.host}:{request.client.port}/voice { unquote(str(request.query_params) )}" |
) |
if request.method == "GET": |
logger.warning( |
"The GET method is not recommended for this endpoint due to various restrictions. Please use the POST method." |
) |
if model_id >= len( |
model_holder.model_names |
): |
raise_validation_error(f"model_id={model_id} not found", "model_id") |
if model_name: |
model_ids = [i for i, x in enumerate(model_holder.models_info) if x.name == model_name] |
if not model_ids: |
raise_validation_error( |
f"model_name={model_name} not found", "model_name" |
) |
if len(model_ids) > 1: |
raise_validation_error( |
f"model_name={model_name} is ambiguous", "model_name" |
) |
model_id = model_ids[0] |
model = loaded_models[model_id] |
if speaker_name is None: |
if speaker_id not in model.id2spk.keys(): |
raise_validation_error( |
f"speaker_id={speaker_id} not found", "speaker_id" |
) |
else: |
if speaker_name not in model.spk2id.keys(): |
raise_validation_error( |
f"speaker_name={speaker_name} not found", "speaker_name" |
) |
speaker_id = model.spk2id[speaker_name] |
if style not in model.style2id.keys(): |
raise_validation_error(f"style={style} not found", "style") |
assert style is not None |
if encoding is not None: |
text = unquote(text, encoding=encoding) |
sr, audio = model.infer( |
text=text, |
language=language, |
speaker_id=speaker_id, |
reference_audio_path=reference_audio_path, |
sdp_ratio=sdp_ratio, |
noise=noise, |
noise_w=noisew, |
length=length, |
line_split=auto_split, |
split_interval=split_interval, |
assist_text=assist_text, |
assist_text_weight=assist_text_weight, |
use_assist_text=bool(assist_text), |
style=style, |
style_weight=style_weight, |
) |
logger.success("Audio data generated and sent successfully") |
with BytesIO() as wavContent: |
wavfile.write(wavContent, sr, audio) |
return Response(content=wavContent.getvalue(), media_type="audio/wav") |
@app.get("/models/info") |
def get_loaded_models_info(): |
"""ロードされたモデル情報の取得""" |
result: dict[str, dict[str, Any]] = dict() |
for model_id, model in enumerate(loaded_models): |
result[str(model_id)] = { |
"config_path": model.config_path, |
"model_path": model.model_path, |
"device": model.device, |
"spk2id": model.spk2id, |
"id2spk": model.id2spk, |
"style2id": model.style2id, |
} |
return result |
@app.post("/models/refresh") |
def refresh(): |
"""モデルをパスに追加/削除した際などに読み込ませる""" |
model_holder.refresh() |
load_models(model_holder) |
return get_loaded_models_info() |
@app.get("/status") |
def get_status(): |
"""実行環境のステータスを取得""" |
cpu_percent = psutil.cpu_percent(interval=1) |
memory_info = psutil.virtual_memory() |
memory_total = memory_info.total |
memory_available = memory_info.available |
memory_used = memory_info.used |
memory_percent = memory_info.percent |
gpuInfo = [] |
devices = ["cpu"] |
for i in range(torch.cuda.device_count()): |
devices.append(f"cuda:{i}") |
gpus = GPUtil.getGPUs() |
for gpu in gpus: |
gpuInfo.append( |
{ |
"gpu_id": gpu.id, |
"gpu_load": gpu.load, |
"gpu_memory": { |
"total": gpu.memoryTotal, |
"used": gpu.memoryUsed, |
"free": gpu.memoryFree, |
}, |
} |
) |
return { |
"devices": devices, |
"cpu_percent": cpu_percent, |
"memory_total": memory_total, |
"memory_available": memory_available, |
"memory_used": memory_used, |
"memory_percent": memory_percent, |
"gpu": gpuInfo, |
} |
@app.get("/tools/get_audio", response_class=AudioResponse) |
def get_audio( |
request: Request, path: str = Query(..., description="local wav path") |
): |
"""wavデータを取得する""" |
logger.info( |
f"{request.client.host}:{request.client.port}/tools/get_audio { unquote(str(request.query_params) )}" |
) |
if not os.path.isfile(path): |
raise_validation_error(f"path={path} not found", "path") |
if not path.lower().endswith(".wav"): |
raise_validation_error(f"wav file not found in {path}", "path") |
return FileResponse(path=path, media_type="audio/wav") |
logger.info(f"server listen:{config.server_config.port}") |
logger.info(f"API docs:{config.server_config.port}/docs") |
logger.info( |
f"Input text length limit: {limit}. You can change it in server.limit in config.yml" |
) |
uvicorn.run( |
app, port=config.server_config.port, host="", log_level="warning" |
) |