import random from collections import defaultdict import torch from import Dataset import torchvision.transforms as transforms import os import pickle import numpy as np from PIL import Image from pathlib import Path def get_dataset_path(dataset_name, height, file_suffix, datasets_path): if file_suffix is not None: filename = f'{dataset_name}-{height}-{file_suffix}.pickle' else: filename = f'{dataset_name}-{height}.pickle' return os.path.join(datasets_path, filename) def get_transform(grayscale=False, convert=True): transform_list = [] if grayscale: transform_list.append(transforms.Grayscale(1)) if convert: transform_list += [transforms.ToTensor()] if grayscale: transform_list += [transforms.Normalize((0.5,), (0.5,))] else: transform_list += [transforms.Normalize((0.5, 0.5, 0.5), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5))] return transforms.Compose(transform_list) class TextDataset: def __init__(self, base_path, collator_resolution, num_examples=15, target_transform=None, min_virtual_size=0, validation=False, debug=False): self.NUM_EXAMPLES = num_examples self.debug = debug self.min_virtual_size = min_virtual_size subset = 'test' if validation else 'train' # base_path=DATASET_PATHS file_to_store = open(base_path, "rb") self.IMG_DATA = pickle.load(file_to_store)[subset] self.IMG_DATA = dict(list(self.IMG_DATA.items())) # [:NUM_WRITERS]) if 'None' in self.IMG_DATA.keys(): del self.IMG_DATA['None'] self.alphabet = ''.join(sorted(set(''.join(d['label'] for d in sum(self.IMG_DATA.values(), []))))) self.author_id = list(self.IMG_DATA.keys()) self.transform = get_transform(grayscale=True) self.target_transform = target_transform self.collate_fn = TextCollator(collator_resolution) def __len__(self): if self.debug: return 16 return max(len(self.author_id), self.min_virtual_size) @property def num_writers(self): return len(self.author_id) def __getitem__(self, index): index = index % len(self.author_id) author_id = self.author_id[index] self.IMG_DATA_AUTHOR = self.IMG_DATA[author_id] random_idxs = random.choices([i for i in range(len(self.IMG_DATA_AUTHOR))], k=self.NUM_EXAMPLES) word_data = random.choice(self.IMG_DATA_AUTHOR) real_img = self.transform(word_data['img'].convert('L')) real_labels = word_data['label'].encode() imgs = [np.array(self.IMG_DATA_AUTHOR[idx]['img'].convert('L')) for idx in random_idxs] slabels = [self.IMG_DATA_AUTHOR[idx]['label'].encode() for idx in random_idxs] max_width = 192 # [img.shape[1] for img in imgs] imgs_pad = [] imgs_wids = [] for img in imgs: img_height, img_width = img.shape[0], img.shape[1] output_img = np.ones((img_height, max_width), dtype='float32') * 255.0 output_img[:, :img_width] = img[:, :max_width] imgs_pad.append(self.transform(Image.fromarray(output_img.astype(np.uint8)))) imgs_wids.append(img_width) imgs_pad =, 0) item = { 'simg': imgs_pad, # N images (15) that come from the same author [N (15), H (32), MAX_W (192)] 'swids': imgs_wids, # widths of the N images [list(N)] 'img': real_img, # the input image [1, H (32), W] 'label': real_labels, # the label of the input image [byte] 'img_path': 'img_path', 'idx': 'indexes', 'wcl': index, # id of the author [int], 'slabels': slabels, 'author_id': author_id } return item def get_stats(self): char_counts = defaultdict(lambda: 0) total = 0 for author in self.IMG_DATA.keys(): for data in self.IMG_DATA[author]: for char in data['label']: char_counts[char] += 1 total += 1 char_counts = {k: 1.0 / (v / total) for k, v in char_counts.items()} return char_counts class TextCollator(object): def __init__(self, resolution): self.resolution = resolution def __call__(self, batch): if isinstance(batch[0], list): batch = sum(batch, []) img_path = [item['img_path'] for item in batch] width = [item['img'].shape[2] for item in batch] indexes = [item['idx'] for item in batch] simgs = torch.stack([item['simg'] for item in batch], 0) wcls = torch.Tensor([item['wcl'] for item in batch]) swids = torch.Tensor([item['swids'] for item in batch]) imgs = torch.ones([len(batch), batch[0]['img'].shape[0], batch[0]['img'].shape[1], max(width)], dtype=torch.float32) for idx, item in enumerate(batch): try: imgs[idx, :, :, 0:item['img'].shape[2]] = item['img'] except: print(imgs.shape) item = {'img': imgs, 'img_path': img_path, 'idx': indexes, 'simg': simgs, 'swids': swids, 'wcl': wcls} if 'label' in batch[0].keys(): labels = [item['label'] for item in batch] item['label'] = labels if 'slabels' in batch[0].keys(): slabels = [item['slabels'] for item in batch] item['slabels'] = np.array(slabels) if 'z' in batch[0].keys(): z = torch.stack([item['z'] for item in batch]) item['z'] = z return item class CollectionTextDataset(Dataset): def __init__(self, datasets, datasets_path, dataset_class, file_suffix=None, height=32, **kwargs): self.datasets = {} for dataset_name in sorted(datasets.split(',')): dataset_file = get_dataset_path(dataset_name, height, file_suffix, datasets_path) dataset = dataset_class(dataset_file, **kwargs) self.datasets[dataset_name] = dataset self.alphabet = ''.join(sorted(set(''.join(d.alphabet for d in self.datasets.values())))) def __len__(self): return sum(len(d) for d in self.datasets.values()) @property def num_writers(self): return sum(d.num_writers for d in self.datasets.values()) def __getitem__(self, index): for dataset in self.datasets.values(): if index < len(dataset): return dataset[index] index -= len(dataset) raise IndexError def get_dataset(self, index): for dataset_name, dataset in self.datasets.items(): if index < len(dataset): return dataset_name index -= len(dataset) raise IndexError def collate_fn(self, batch): return self.datasets[self.get_dataset(0)].collate_fn(batch) class FidDataset(Dataset): def __init__(self, base_path, collator_resolution, num_examples=15, target_transform=None, mode='train', style_dataset=None): self.NUM_EXAMPLES = num_examples # base_path=DATASET_PATHS with open(base_path, "rb") as f: self.IMG_DATA = pickle.load(f) self.IMG_DATA = self.IMG_DATA[mode] if 'None' in self.IMG_DATA.keys(): del self.IMG_DATA['None'] self.STYLE_IMG_DATA = None if style_dataset is not None: with open(style_dataset, "rb") as f: self.STYLE_IMG_DATA = pickle.load(f) self.STYLE_IMG_DATA = self.STYLE_IMG_DATA[mode] if 'None' in self.STYLE_IMG_DATA.keys(): del self.STYLE_IMG_DATA['None'] self.alphabet = ''.join(sorted(set(''.join(d['label'] for d in sum(self.IMG_DATA.values(), []))))) self.author_id = sorted(self.IMG_DATA.keys()) self.transform = get_transform(grayscale=True) self.target_transform = target_transform self.dataset_size = sum(len(samples) for samples in self.IMG_DATA.values()) self.collate_fn = TextCollator(collator_resolution) def __len__(self): return self.dataset_size @property def num_writers(self): return len(self.author_id) def __getitem__(self, index): NUM_SAMPLES = self.NUM_EXAMPLES sample, author_id = None, None for author_id, samples in self.IMG_DATA.items(): if index < len(samples): sample, author_id = samples[index], author_id break index -= len(samples) real_image = self.transform(sample['img'].convert('L')) real_label = sample['label'].encode() style_dataset = self.STYLE_IMG_DATA if self.STYLE_IMG_DATA is not None else self.IMG_DATA author_style_images = style_dataset[author_id] random_idxs = np.random.choice(len(author_style_images), NUM_SAMPLES, replace=True) style_images = [np.array(author_style_images[idx]['img'].convert('L')) for idx in random_idxs] max_width = 192 imgs_pad = [] imgs_wids = [] for img in style_images: img = 255 - img img_height, img_width = img.shape[0], img.shape[1] outImg = np.zeros((img_height, max_width), dtype='float32') outImg[:, :img_width] = img[:, :max_width] img = 255 - outImg imgs_pad.append(self.transform(Image.fromarray(img.astype(np.uint8)))) imgs_wids.append(img_width) imgs_pad =, 0) item = { 'simg': imgs_pad, # widths of the N images [list(N)] 'swids': imgs_wids, # N images (15) that come from the same author [N (15), H (32), MAX_W (192)] 'img': real_image, # the input image [1, H (32), W] 'label': real_label, # the label of the input image [byte] 'img_path': 'img_path', 'idx': sample['img_id'] if 'img_id' in sample.keys() else sample['image_id'], 'wcl': int(author_id) # id of the author [int] } return item class FolderDataset: def __init__(self, folder_path, num_examples=15, word_lengths=None): folder_path = Path(folder_path) self.imgs = list([p for p in folder_path.iterdir() if not p.suffix == '.txt']) self.transform = get_transform(grayscale=True) self.num_examples = num_examples self.word_lengths = word_lengths def __len__(self): return len(self.imgs) def sample_style(self): random_idxs = np.random.choice(len(self.imgs), self.num_examples, replace=False) image_names = [self.imgs[idx].stem for idx in random_idxs] imgs = [[idx]).convert('L') for idx in random_idxs] if self.word_lengths is None: imgs = [img.resize((img.size[0] * 32 // img.size[1], 32), Image.BILINEAR) for img in imgs] else: imgs = [img.resize((self.word_lengths[name] * 16, 32), Image.BILINEAR) for img, name in zip(imgs, image_names)] imgs = [np.array(img) for img in imgs] max_width = 192 # [img.shape[1] for img in imgs] imgs_pad = [] imgs_wids = [] for img in imgs: img = 255 - img img_height, img_width = img.shape[0], img.shape[1] outImg = np.zeros((img_height, max_width), dtype='float32') outImg[:, :img_width] = img[:, :max_width] img = 255 - outImg imgs_pad.append(self.transform(Image.fromarray(img.astype(np.uint8)))) imgs_wids.append(img_width) imgs_pad =, 0) item = { 'simg': imgs_pad, # widths of the N images [list(N)] 'swids': imgs_wids, # N images (15) that come from the same author [N (15), H (32), MAX_W (192)] } return item