vatrpp /
Error with model_type
history blame
4.65 kB
from transformers import PreTrainedModel, AutoModel, AutoConfig
from .configuration_vatrpp import VATrPPConfig
import json
import os
import random
import shutil
from collections import defaultdict
import time
from datetime import timedelta
from pathlib import Path
import cv2
import numpy as np
import torch
from data.dataset import FolderDataset
from models.model import VATr
from util.loading import load_checkpoint, load_generator
from util.misc import FakeArgs
from util.text import TextGenerator
from import detect_text_bounds
from torchvision.transforms.functional import to_pil_image
def get_long_tail_chars():
with open(f"files/longtail.txt", 'r') as f:
chars = [c.rstrip() for c in f]
return chars
class VATrPP(PreTrainedModel):
config_class = VATrPPConfig
def __init__(self, config: VATrPPConfig) -> None:
self.model = VATr(config)
def set_style_folder(self, style_folder, num_examples=15):
word_lengths = None
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(style_folder, "word_lengths.txt")):
word_lengths = {}
with open(os.path.join(style_folder, "word_lengths.txt"), 'r') as f:
for line in f:
word, length = line.rstrip().split(",")
word_lengths[word] = int(length)
self.style_dataset = FolderDataset(style_folder, num_examples=num_examples, word_lengths=word_lengths)
def generate(self, gen_text, style_imgs, align_words: bool = False, at_once: bool = False):
style_images = style_imgs.unsqueeze(0).to(self.model.args.device)
fake = self.create_fake_sentence(style_images, gen_text, align_words, at_once)
return to_pil_image(fake)
def create_fake_sentence(self, style_images, text, align_words=False, at_once=False):
text = "".join([c for c in text if c in self.model.args.alphabet])
text = text.split() if not at_once else [text]
gap = np.ones((32, 16))
text_encode, len_text, encode_pos = self.model.netconverter.encode(text)
text_encode =
fake = self.model._generate_fakes(style_images, text_encode, len_text)
if not at_once:
if align_words:
fake = self.stitch_words(fake, show_lines=False)
fake = np.concatenate(sum([[img, gap] for img in fake], []), axis=1)[:, :-16]
fake = fake[0]
fake = (fake * 255).astype(np.uint8)
return fake
def generate_batch(self, style_imgs, text):
Given a batch of style images and text, generate images using the model
device = self.model.args.device
text_encode, _, _ = self.model.netconverter.encode(text)
fakes, _ = self.model.netG(,
return fakes
def stitch_words(words: list, show_lines: bool = False, scale_words: bool = False):
gap_width = 16
bottom_lines = []
top_lines = []
for i in range(len(words)):
b, t = detect_text_bounds(words[i])
if show_lines:
words[i] = cv2.line(words[i], (0, b), (words[i].shape[1], b), (0, 0, 1.0))
words[i] = cv2.line(words[i], (0, t), (words[i].shape[1], t), (1.0, 0, 0))
bottom_lines = np.array(bottom_lines, dtype=float)
if scale_words:
top_lines = np.array(top_lines, dtype=float)
gaps = bottom_lines - top_lines
target_gap = np.mean(gaps)
scales = target_gap / gaps
bottom_lines *= scales
top_lines *= scales
words = [cv2.resize(word, None, fx=scale, fy=scale) for word, scale in zip(words, scales)]
highest = np.max(bottom_lines)
offsets = highest - bottom_lines
height = np.max(offsets + [word.shape[0] for word in words])
result = np.ones((int(height), gap_width * len(words) + sum([w.shape[1] for w in words])))
x_pos = 0
for bottom_line, word in zip(bottom_lines, words):
offset = int(highest - bottom_line)
result[offset:offset + word.shape[0], x_pos:x_pos+word.shape[1]] = word
x_pos += word.shape[1] + gap_width
return result
AutoConfig.register_config("vatrpp", VATrPPConfig)
AutoModel.register(VATrPPConfig, VATrPP)