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"""This module contains simple helper functions """
from __future__ import print_function
import torch
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
import os
import torch.nn.functional as F
def load_network(net, save_dir, epoch):
"""Load all the networks from the disk.
epoch (int) -- current epoch; used in the file name '%s_net_%s.pth' % (epoch, name)
load_filename = '%s_net_%s.pth' % (epoch,
load_path = os.path.join(save_dir, load_filename)
# if you are using PyTorch newer than 0.4 (e.g., built from
# GitHub source), you can remove str() on self.device
state_dict = torch.load(load_path)
if hasattr(state_dict, '_metadata'):
del state_dict._metadata
return net
def writeCache(env, cache):
with env.begin(write=True) as txn:
for k, v in cache.items():
if type(k) == str:
k = k.encode()
if type(v) == str:
v = v.encode()
txn.put(k, v)
def loadData(v, data):
with torch.no_grad():
def multiple_replace(string, rep_dict):
for key in rep_dict.keys():
string = string.replace(key, rep_dict[key])
return string
def get_curr_data(data, batch_size, counter):
curr_data = {}
for key in data:
curr_data[key] = data[key][batch_size*counter:batch_size*(counter+1)]
return curr_data
# Utility file to seed rngs
def seed_rng(seed):
# turn tensor of classes to tensor of one hot tensors:
def make_one_hot(labels, len_labels, n_classes):
one_hot = torch.zeros((labels.shape[0], labels.shape[1], n_classes),dtype=torch.float32)
for i in range(len(labels)):
one_hot[i,np.array(range(len_labels[i])), labels[i,:len_labels[i]]-1]=1
return one_hot
# Hinge Loss
def loss_hinge_dis(dis_fake, dis_real, len_text_fake, len_text, mask_loss):
mask_real = torch.ones(dis_real.shape).to(dis_real.device)
mask_fake = torch.ones(dis_fake.shape).to(dis_fake.device)
except RuntimeError:
if mask_loss and len(dis_fake.shape)>2:
for i in range(len(len_text)):
mask_real[i, :, :, len_text[i]:] = 0
mask_fake[i, :, :, len_text_fake[i]:] = 0
loss_real = torch.sum(F.relu(1. - dis_real * mask_real))/torch.sum(mask_real)
loss_fake = torch.sum(F.relu(1. + dis_fake * mask_fake))/torch.sum(mask_fake)
return loss_real, loss_fake
def loss_hinge_gen(dis_fake, len_text_fake, mask_loss):
mask_fake = torch.ones(dis_fake.shape).to(dis_fake.device)
if mask_loss and len(dis_fake.shape)>2:
for i in range(len(len_text_fake)):
mask_fake[i, :, :, len_text_fake[i]:] = 0
loss = -torch.sum(dis_fake*mask_fake)/torch.sum(mask_fake)
return loss
def loss_std(z, lengths, mask_loss):
loss_std = torch.zeros(1).to(z.device)
z_mean = torch.ones((z.shape[0], z.shape[1])).to(z.device)
for i in range(len(lengths)):
if mask_loss:
if lengths[i]>1:
loss_std += torch.mean(torch.std(z[i, :, :, :lengths[i]], 2))
z_mean[i,:] = torch.mean(z[i, :, :, :lengths[i]], 2).squeeze(1)
z_mean[i, :] = z[i, :, :, 0].squeeze(1)
loss_std += torch.mean(torch.std(z[i, :, :, :], 2))
z_mean[i,:] = torch.mean(z[i, :, :, :], 2).squeeze(1)
loss_std = loss_std/z.shape[0]
return loss_std, z_mean
# Convenience utility to switch off requires_grad
def toggle_grad(model, on_or_off):
for param in model.parameters():
param.requires_grad = on_or_off
# Apply modified ortho reg to a model
# This function is an optimized version that directly computes the gradient,
# instead of computing and then differentiating the loss.
def ortho(model, strength=1e-4, blacklist=[]):
with torch.no_grad():
for param in model.parameters():
# Only apply this to parameters with at least 2 axes, and not in the blacklist
if len(param.shape) < 2 or any([param is item for item in blacklist]):
w = param.view(param.shape[0], -1)
grad = (2 *, w.t())
* (1. - torch.eye(w.shape[0], device=w.device)), w)) += strength * grad.view(param.shape)
# Default ortho reg
# This function is an optimized version that directly computes the gradient,
# instead of computing and then differentiating the loss.
def default_ortho(model, strength=1e-4, blacklist=[]):
with torch.no_grad():
for param in model.parameters():
# Only apply this to parameters with at least 2 axes & not in blacklist
if len(param.shape) < 2 or param in blacklist:
w = param.view(param.shape[0], -1)
grad = (2 *, w.t())
- torch.eye(w.shape[0], device=w.device), w)) += strength * grad.view(param.shape)
# Convenience utility to switch off requires_grad
def toggle_grad(model, on_or_off):
for param in model.parameters():
param.requires_grad = on_or_off
# A highly simplified convenience class for sampling from distributions
# One could also use PyTorch's inbuilt distributions package.
# Note that this class requires initialization to proceed as
# x = Distribution(torch.randn(size))
# x.init_distribution(dist_type, **dist_kwargs)
# x =,dtype)
# This is partially based on
class Distribution(torch.Tensor):
# Init the params of the distribution
def init_distribution(self, dist_type, **kwargs):
self.dist_type = dist_type
self.dist_kwargs = kwargs
if self.dist_type == 'normal':
self.mean, self.var = kwargs['mean'], kwargs['var']
elif self.dist_type == 'categorical':
self.num_categories = kwargs['num_categories']
elif self.dist_type == 'poisson':
self.lam = kwargs['var']
elif self.dist_type == 'gamma':
self.scale = kwargs['var']
def sample_(self):
if self.dist_type == 'normal':
self.normal_(self.mean, self.var)
elif self.dist_type == 'categorical':
self.random_(0, self.num_categories)
elif self.dist_type == 'poisson':
type = self.type()
device = self.device
data = np.random.poisson(self.lam, self.size()) = torch.from_numpy(data).type(type).to(device)
elif self.dist_type == 'gamma':
type = self.type()
device = self.device
data = np.random.gamma(shape=1, scale=self.scale, size=self.size()) = torch.from_numpy(data).type(type).to(device)
# return self.variable
# Silly hack: overwrite the to() method to wrap the new object
# in a distribution as well
def to(self, *args, **kwargs):
new_obj = Distribution(self)
new_obj.init_distribution(self.dist_type, **self.dist_kwargs) = super().to(*args, **kwargs)
return new_obj
def to_device(net, gpu_ids):
if len(gpu_ids) > 0:
# net = torch.nn.DataParallel(net, gpu_ids) # multi-GPUs
if len(gpu_ids)>1:
net = torch.nn.DataParallel(net, device_ids=gpu_ids).cuda()
# net = torch.nn.DistributedDataParallel(net)
return net
# Convenience function to prepare a z and y vector
def prepare_z_y(G_batch_size, dim_z, nclasses, device='cuda',
fp16=False, z_var=1.0, z_dist='normal', seed=0):
z_ = Distribution(torch.randn(G_batch_size, dim_z, requires_grad=False))
z_.init_distribution(z_dist, mean=0, var=z_var, seed=seed)
z_ =, torch.float16 if fp16 else torch.float32)
if fp16:
z_ = z_.half()
y_ = Distribution(torch.zeros(G_batch_size, requires_grad=False))
y_.init_distribution('categorical', num_categories=nclasses, seed=seed)
y_ =, torch.int64)
return z_, y_
def tensor2im(input_image, imtype=np.uint8):
""""Converts a Tensor array into a numpy image array.
input_image (tensor) -- the input image tensor array
imtype (type) -- the desired type of the converted numpy array
if not isinstance(input_image, np.ndarray):
if isinstance(input_image, torch.Tensor): # get the data from a variable
image_tensor =
return input_image
image_numpy = image_tensor[0].cpu().float().numpy() # convert it into a numpy array
if image_numpy.shape[0] == 1: # grayscale to RGB
image_numpy = np.tile(image_numpy, (3, 1, 1))
image_numpy = (np.transpose(image_numpy, (1, 2, 0)) + 1) / 2.0 * 255.0 # post-processing: tranpose and scaling
else: # if it is a numpy array, do nothing
image_numpy = input_image
return image_numpy.astype(imtype)
def diagnose_network(net, name='network'):
"""Calculate and print the mean of average absolute(gradients)
net (torch network) -- Torch network
name (str) -- the name of the network
mean = 0.0
count = 0
for param in net.parameters():
if param.grad is not None:
mean += torch.mean(torch.abs(
count += 1
if count > 0:
mean = mean / count
def save_image(image_numpy, image_path):
"""Save a numpy image to the disk
image_numpy (numpy array) -- input numpy array
image_path (str) -- the path of the image
image_pil = Image.fromarray(image_numpy)
def print_numpy(x, val=True, shp=False):
"""Print the mean, min, max, median, std, and size of a numpy array
val (bool) -- if print the values of the numpy array
shp (bool) -- if print the shape of the numpy array
x = x.astype(np.float64)
if shp:
print('shape,', x.shape)
if val:
x = x.flatten()
print('mean = %3.3f, min = %3.3f, max = %3.3f, median = %3.3f, std=%3.3f' % (
np.mean(x), np.min(x), np.max(x), np.median(x), np.std(x)))
def mkdirs(paths):
"""create empty directories if they don't exist
paths (str list) -- a list of directory paths
if isinstance(paths, list) and not isinstance(paths, str):
for path in paths:
def mkdir(path):
"""create a single empty directory if it didn't exist
path (str) -- a single directory path
if not os.path.exists(path):