from typing import List import chess # import tiktoken import tokenizers from tokenizers import models, pre_tokenizers, processors from torch import Tensor as TT from transformers import PreTrainedTokenizerFast from transformers.tokenization_utils_fast import BatchEncoding # def getTiktokenizer() -> tiktoken.Encoding: # """ # Defines a tiktoken-based BPE encoder for UCI chess moves. This # tokenizer effectively tokenizes UCI moves by the square names. # One notable variation is that promotions must be in upper-case. # Vocabulary: # Special Tokens (4): "\<|pad|\>", "\<|startoftext|\>", "\<|endoftext|\>", "\<|unknown|\>" # Square Tokens (64): a1 through h8 # Promote Tokens (4): Q, B, R, N # UNUSED (8120): Need 8192-4-64-4=8120 unused tokens of the form <|unused####|> # """ # special_tokens = ["<|pad|>", "<|startoftext|>", "<|endoftext|>", "<|unknown|>"] # unused_tokens = [f"<|unused{i:04d}" for i in range(8120)] # chess_vocab = special_tokens + chess.SQUARE_NAMES + list("QBRN") + unused_tokens # mergeable_ranks = {k.encode():v for (v,k) in enumerate(chess_vocab)} # chess_pat_str = r'[a-h][1-8]|[QBRN]' # enc = tiktoken.Encoding( # name="chess_enc", # pat_str=chess_pat_str, # or \d|\s # mergeable_ranks=mergeable_ranks, # special_tokens={k:v for (v,k) in enumerate(special_tokens)}, # ) # return enc class UciTokenizer(PreTrainedTokenizerFast): _PAD_TOKEN: str _UNK_TOKEN: str _EOS_TOKEN: str _BOS_TOKEN: str stoi: dict[str, int] """Integer to String mapping""" itos: dict[int, str] """String to Integer Mapping. This is the vocab""" def __init__( self, stoi, itos, pad_token, unk_token, bos_token, eos_token, name_or_path, **kwargs, ): self.stoi = stoi self.itos = itos self._PAD_TOKEN = pad_token self._UNK_TOKEN = unk_token self._EOS_TOKEN = eos_token self._BOS_TOKEN = bos_token # Define the model tok_model = models.WordLevel(vocab=self.stoi, unk_token=self._UNK_TOKEN) slow_tokenizer = tokenizers.Tokenizer(tok_model) slow_tokenizer.pre_tokenizer = self._init_pretokenizer() # post processing adds special tokens unless explicitly ignored post_proc = processors.TemplateProcessing( single=f"{bos_token} $0", pair=None, special_tokens=[(bos_token, 1)], ) slow_tokenizer.post_processor = post_proc super().__init__( tokenizer_object=slow_tokenizer, unk_token=self._UNK_TOKEN, bos_token=self._BOS_TOKEN, eos_token=self._EOS_TOKEN, pad_token=self._PAD_TOKEN, name_or_path=name_or_path, **kwargs, ) # Override the decode behavior to ensure spaces are correctly handled def _decode( token_ids: int | List[int] | dict | TT, skip_special_tokens=False, clean_up_tokenization_spaces=False, ) -> int | List[int]: if isinstance(token_ids, int): return self.itos.get(token_ids, self._UNK_TOKEN) if isinstance(token_ids, dict): token_ids = token_ids["input_ids"] if isinstance(token_ids, TT): token_ids = token_ids.tolist() if isinstance(token_ids, list): tokens_str = [self.itos.get(xi, self._UNK_TOKEN) for xi in token_ids] processed_tokens = self._process_str_tokens(tokens_str) return " ".join(processed_tokens) raise ValueError( f"Unknown input type to decode() for argument 'token_ids'. Received: {type(token_ids)} " ) self._decode = _decode def _init_pretokenizer(self) -> pre_tokenizers.PreTokenizer: raise NotImplementedError def _process_str_tokens( self, tokens_str: list[str], return_player_ids: bool ) -> list[str]: raise NotImplementedError def get_id2square_list() -> list[int]: raise NotImplementedError class UciTileTokenizer(UciTokenizer): """Uci tokenizer converting start/end tiles and promotion types each into individual tokens""" SPECIAL_TOKENS = (_PAD_TOKEN, _UNK_TOKEN, _BOS_TOKEN, _EOS_TOKEN) = [ "<|pad|>", "<|startoftext|>", "<|endoftext|>", "<|unknown|>", ] stoi: dict[str, int] itos: dict[int, str] _split_regex: str _promote_chars: str id2square: List[int] = list(range(4, 68)) """ List mapping token IDs to squares on the chess board. Order is file then rank, i.e.: `A1, B1, C1, ..., F8, G8, H8` """ def get_id2square_list(self) -> List[int]: return self.id2square def __init__(self, *, upper_promotions: bool, **kwargs): # Remove conflicting arguments from kwargs if they exist kwargs.pop("pad_token", None) kwargs.pop("unk_token", None) kwargs.pop("bos_token", None) kwargs.pop("eos_token", None) kwargs.pop("clean_up_tokenization_spaces", None) kwargs.pop("name_or_path", None) self.upper_promotions = upper_promotions if upper_promotions: self._promote_chars = "QRBN" self._split_regex = r"[a-h][1-8]|[QRBN]" else: self._promote_chars = "qrbn" self._split_regex = r"[a-h][1-8]|[qrnb]" self.stoi = { tok: idx for tok, idx in list( zip( self.SPECIAL_TOKENS + chess.SQUARE_NAMES + list(self._promote_chars), range(72), ) ) } self.itos = { idx: tok for tok, idx in list( zip( self.SPECIAL_TOKENS + chess.SQUARE_NAMES + list(self._promote_chars), range(72), ) ) } super().__init__( self.stoi, self.itos, pad_token=self._PAD_TOKEN, unk_token=self._UNK_TOKEN, bos_token=self._BOS_TOKEN, eos_token=self._EOS_TOKEN, name_or_path="austindavis/uci_tile_tokenizer", clean_up_tokenization_spaces=False, **kwargs, ) def _init_pretokenizer(self): # Pre-tokenizer to split input into UCI moves pattern = tokenizers.Regex(self._split_regex) pre_tokenizer = pre_tokenizers.Sequence( [ pre_tokenizers.Whitespace(), pre_tokenizers.Split(pattern=pattern, behavior="merged_with_previous"), ] ) return pre_tokenizer def _process_str_tokens(self, token_str: list[str]): moves = [] next_move = "" for token in token_str: # skip special tokens if token in self.all_special_tokens: continue # handle promotions if len(token) == 1: next_move += token continue # handle regular tokens if there's room if len(next_move) < 4: next_move += token continue moves.append(next_move) next_move = token moves.append(next_move) return moves @staticmethod def compute_players(encoding: BatchEncoding, according_to="output"): """ Determines which player (white=True, black=False) is associated with each token in the sequence. This method works based on chess move sequences tokenized using the UciTileTokenizer. # Parameters: ---------- **`encoding`** : BatchEncoding Tokenized input of a chess game, where each token represents a move or special token. **`according_to`** : str (optional, default='output') Specifies the perspective for associating players: - 'output': Returns the player whose next move is predicted by the sequence (the output move). - Otherwise: Returns the player associated with the input tokens (i.e., which player made each move). # Returns: ------- List[bool] A list of boolean values indicating the player for each token: - True for white (player 1), - False for black (player 2). The list length corresponds to the number of tokens in the sequence, including special tokens if any. # Example Usage: ``` >>> tok = UciTileTokenizer() >>> encoding = tok('e2e4 d7d5 e4d5 e7e6 d5e6 d8g5 e6e7 g5f6 e7f8Q') >>> print(encoding['input_ids']) [1, 16, 32, 55, 39, 32, 39, 56, 48, 39, 48, 63, 42, 48, 56, 42, 49, 56, 65, 68] >>> tok.compute_players(encoding) [True, True, False, False, True, True, False, False, True, True, False, False, True, True, False, False, True, True, True, False] >>> tok.compute_players(encoding, according_to='input') [True, True, True, False, False, True, True, False, False, True, True, False, False, True, True, False, False, True, True, True] ``` # Notes: ------- This method does not rely on board position calculations. Therefore, when using `according_to='output'`, it cannot reliably predict which player is responsible for selecting the final token of the sequence. For instance, if a pawn is moved to the back rank (e.g., 'e7e8'), then white must select the promotion class on the next token; however, this algorithm will predict that black is responsible for selecting the next token instead of white. """ return [ UciTileTokenizer._compute_players_single(encoding[i].ids) for i in range(len(encoding["input_ids"])) ] @staticmethod def _compute_players_single(input_ids: list[int], according_to: str = "output"): players = [] if according_to == "output" else [True] current_player = False num_tokens_in_ply = 0 has_specials = False for i, token_id in enumerate(input_ids): if token_id == 1: has_specials = True continue if num_tokens_in_ply == 0: # check if promotion OR unknown token ID if token_id > 67 or token_id == 3: players.append(current_player) num_tokens_in_ply = 0 else: num_tokens_in_ply += 1 current_player = not current_player players.append(current_player) elif num_tokens_in_ply == 1: num_tokens_in_ply = 0 players.append(current_player) else: raise ValueError("Illegal move sequence") if according_to == "output": # anticipate what output should be based on the final input token # see notes for more detail if num_tokens_in_ply == 0: if token_id > 67: players.append(not current_player) else: players.append(current_player) else: players.append(current_player) return players if has_specials else players[1:] if __name__ == "__main__": tok = UciTileTokenizer() encoding = tok("e2e4Q b7b8N e2e7 a1", add_special_tokens=True) print( f"{encoding['input_ids']=}\n{tok.compute_players(encoding, according_to='output')=}" ) print( f"{encoding['input_ids']=}\n{tok.compute_players(encoding, according_to='input')=}" ) encoding = tok("e2e4Q b7b8N e2e7 a1", add_special_tokens=False) print( f"{encoding['input_ids']=}\n{tok.compute_players(encoding, according_to='output')=}" ) print( f"{encoding['input_ids']=}\n{tok.compute_players(encoding, according_to='input')=}" ) encoding = tok("e2e4 d7d5 e4d5 e7e6 d5e6 d8g5 e6e7 g5f6 e7f8Q") print(encoding["input_ids"]) print(tok.compute_players(encoding)) print(tok.compute_players(encoding, according_to="input"))