@echo off | |
REM -- Script requirements: | |
REM -- | |
REM -- * git This program must be in the Path to check out | |
REM -- build-gyp. If that directory already exists, then | |
REM -- git isn't necessary, but if it is missing, no | |
REM -- commit hash will be embedded into binaries. | |
REM -- | |
REM -- * python A non-Cygwin Python 2 python.exe must be in the | |
REM -- Path to run gyp. | |
REM -- | |
REM -- * msbuild msbuild must be in the Path. It is probably | |
REM -- important to have msbuild from the correct MSVC | |
REM -- release. | |
REM -- | |
REM -- The script's output binaries are in the src/Release/{Win32,x64} | |
REM -- directory. | |
REM ------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
REM -- Parse arguments | |
setlocal | |
cd %~dp0 | |
set GYP_ARGS= | |
set MSVC_PLATFORM=x64 | |
:ParamLoop | |
if "%1" == "" goto :ParamDone | |
if "%1" == "--msvc-platform" ( | |
REM -- One of Win32 or x64. | |
set MSVC_PLATFORM=%2 | |
shift && shift | |
goto :ParamLoop | |
) | |
if "%1" == "--gyp-msvs-version" ( | |
set GYP_ARGS=%GYP_ARGS% -G msvs_version=%2 | |
shift && shift | |
goto :ParamLoop | |
) | |
if "%1" == "--toolset" ( | |
shift && shift | |
goto :ParamLoop | |
) | |
if "%1" == "--commit-hash" ( | |
shift && shift | |
goto :ParamLoop | |
) | |
echo error: Unrecognized argument: %1 | |
exit /b 1 | |
:ParamDone | |
REM ------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
REM -- Check out GYP. GYP doesn't seem to have releases, so just use the | |
REM -- current master commit. | |
if not exist build-gyp ( | |
git clone https://chromium.googlesource.com/external/gyp build-gyp || ( | |
echo error: GYP clone failed | |
exit /b 1 | |
) | |
) | |
REM ------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
REM -- Run gyp to generate MSVC project files. | |
cd src | |
call ..\build-gyp\gyp.bat winpty.gyp -I configurations.gypi %GYP_ARGS% | |
if errorlevel 1 ( | |
echo error: GYP failed | |
exit /b 1 | |
) | |
REM ------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
REM -- Compile the project. | |
msbuild winpty.sln /m /p:Platform=%MSVC_PLATFORM% || ( | |
echo error: msbuild failed | |
exit /b 1 | |
) | |