from math import sqrt from dataclasses import dataclass from functools import partial, cached_property from typing import Iterator, Self import torch from torch import Tensor from torch.nn import ( Module, ModuleList, Sequential, Embedding, MultiheadAttention, Linear, SiLU, RMSNorm, Dropout1d, CrossEntropyLoss, Parameter, ) from torch.nn.functional import softmax, log_softmax from torch.nn.utils.parametrize import register_parametrization, remove_parametrizations from torch.utils.checkpoint import checkpoint as torch_checkpoint from transformers import PretrainedConfig, PreTrainedModel class LightGPT(Module): """A generative pretrained transformer with no positional embeddings.""" def __init__( self, vocabulary_size: int, embedding_dimensions: int, num_heads: int, num_layers: int, feed_forward_ratio: int, dropout: float, padding_index: int, ): super().__init__() if vocabulary_size <= 0: raise ValueError( f"Vocabulary size must be greater than 0, {vocabulary_size} given." ) if num_layers <= 0: raise ValueError(f"Num layers must be greater than 0, {num_layers} given.") if feed_forward_ratio not in {1, 2, 4}: raise ValueError("Feed-forward ratio must be either 1, 2, or 4.") token_embeddings = Embedding( vocabulary_size, embedding_dimensions, padding_idx=padding_index ) output_layer = Linear(embedding_dimensions, vocabulary_size, bias=False) output_layer.weight = token_embeddings.weight # Tie weights self.token_embeddings = token_embeddings self.body = ModuleList( [ CausalSelfAttentionBlock( embedding_dimensions, num_heads, feed_forward_ratio, dropout, ) for _ in range(num_layers) ] ) self.checkpoint = lambda layer, x, attention_mask: layer(x, attention_mask) self.output_norm = RMSNorm(embedding_dimensions) self.output_layer = output_layer self.loss_function = CrossEntropyLoss(ignore_index=padding_index) self.vocabulary_size = vocabulary_size @cached_property def num_trainable_params(self) -> int: return sum(param.numel() for param in self.parameters() if param.requires_grad) def enable_activation_checkpointing(self) -> None: """Instead of memorizing the activations of the forward pass, recompute them at various checkpoints.""" self.checkpoint = partial(torch_checkpoint, use_reentrant=False) @torch.no_grad() def resize_token_embeddings(self, num_tokens: int) -> None: """Resize the token embeddings to accommodate a new vocabulary size.""" new_embeddings = Embedding(num_tokens, self.token_embeddings.embedding_dim).to( self.token_embeddings.weight.device ) num_tokens_to_copy = min(num_tokens, self.token_embeddings.num_embeddings) new_embeddings.weight[:num_tokens_to_copy, :] = self.token_embeddings.weight[ :num_tokens_to_copy, : ] for i in range(num_tokens_to_copy, num_tokens): new_embeddings.weight[i] = torch.randn(new_embeddings.embedding_dim) / sqrt( new_embeddings.embedding_dim ) self.token_embeddings.weight = new_embeddings.weight self.token_embeddings.num_embeddings = new_embeddings.num_embeddings self.output_layer.weight = self.token_embeddings.weight self.vocabulary_size = num_tokens def forward( self, x: Tensor, y: Tensor | None = None ) -> tuple[Tensor, Tensor | None]: """A forward pass optimized for batch training.""" z = self.token_embeddings(x) b, t, d = z.size() causal_mask = torch.full((t, t), float("-inf"), dtype=z.dtype, device=z.device) causal_mask = torch.triu(causal_mask, diagonal=1) for layer in self.body: z = self.checkpoint(layer, z, causal_mask) z = self.output_norm(z) z = self.output_layer(z) if y is not None: y_pred = z.view(-1, z.size(-1)) labels = y.view(-1) # Flatten the batch dimension. loss = self.loss_function(y_pred, labels) else: loss = None return z, loss @torch.no_grad() def predict(self, x: Tensor) -> Tensor: """A forward pass optimized for batch next-token prediction.""" z = self.token_embeddings(x) b, t, d = z.size() causal_mask = torch.full((t, t), float("-inf"), dtype=z.dtype, device=z.device) causal_mask = torch.triu(causal_mask, diagonal=1) for layer in self.body: z = layer(z, causal_mask) z = self.output_norm(z) z = z[:, -1, :] # Pluck only the last token embedding from each batch. z = self.output_layer(z) return z @torch.no_grad() def generate( self, prompt: Tensor, max_tokens: int = 1000, context_length: int = 1024, temperature: float = 1.0, top_k: int = 500, top_p: float = 0.9, eos_indices: set = set(), ) -> Iterator: """ Given a prompt, sample the next {max_tokens} tokens from the model weighted by their predicted probabilities and filtered by the {top_k} and {top_p}. """ if max_tokens <= 0: raise ValueError(f"Max tokens must be greater than 0, {max_tokens} given.") if temperature <= 0: raise ValueError( f"Temperature must be greater than 0, {temperature} given." ) if top_k <= 0 or top_k > self.vocabulary_size: raise ValueError( f"Top k must be between 1 and {self.vocabulary_size}, {top_k} given." ) if top_p <= 0.0 or top_p > 1.0: raise ValueError(f"Top p must be between 0 and 1, {top_p} given.") context_window = prompt for _ in range(max_tokens): context_window = context_window[-context_length:] logits = self.predict(context_window.unsqueeze(0)).squeeze() logits, indices = torch.topk(logits, top_k, sorted=True) probabilities = softmax(logits, dim=0) cumulative_probability_mass = torch.cumsum(probabilities, dim=0) min_probability_mass = cumulative_probability_mass[0] threshold_p = max(top_p, min_probability_mass.item()) selected_indices = cumulative_probability_mass <= threshold_p logits = logits[selected_indices] indices = indices[selected_indices] logits /= temperature probabilities = softmax(logits, dim=0) offset = torch.multinomial(probabilities, num_samples=1).squeeze() next_token = indices[offset] if next_token.item() in eos_indices: break yield next_token context_window =, next_token.unsqueeze(0))) @torch.no_grad() def beam_search( self, prompt: Tensor, max_tokens: int = 100, context_length: int = 1024, num_candidates: int = 3, beam_width: int = 16, length_penalty: float = 1.0, eos_indices: set = set(), ) -> list: """ Given a prompt, return the {num_candidates} highest probability sequences. Note that this method is often best for generating shorter sequences and is typically less natural sounding than sequences that are more random in nature. """ if max_tokens <= 0: raise ValueError(f"Max tokens must be greater than 0, {max_tokens} given.") if num_candidates <= 0: raise ValueError( f"Num candidates must be greater than 0, {num_candidates} given." ) if beam_width <= 0: raise ValueError(f"Beam width must be greater than 0, {beam_width} given.") if length_penalty <= 0: raise ValueError( f"Length penalty must be greater than 0, {length_penalty} given." ) @dataclass class Candidate: cumulative_log_probability: float tokens: Tensor def priority(self) -> float: return ( self.cumulative_log_probability / len(self.tokens) ** length_penalty ) sort_candidates = partial( sorted, key=lambda candidate: candidate.priority(), reverse=True, ) candidates: list[Candidate] = [] completed: list[Candidate] = [] tokens = torch.tensor([], dtype=prompt.dtype).to(prompt.device) candidates.append(Candidate(0.0, tokens)) while len(candidates) > 0: candidate = candidates.pop() if len(completed) >= num_candidates: completed = sort_candidates(completed) completed = completed[:num_candidates] worst_candidate = completed[-1] if ( candidate.cumulative_log_probability < worst_candidate.cumulative_log_probability ): break if len(candidate.tokens) > 0: last_token = candidate.tokens[-1] if last_token.item() in eos_indices: candidate.tokens = candidate.tokens[:-1] completed.append(candidate) continue if len(candidate.tokens) >= max_tokens: completed.append(candidate) continue context_window =, candidate.tokens)) context_window = context_window[-context_length:] logits = self.predict(context_window.unsqueeze(0)).squeeze() logits, indices = torch.topk(logits, beam_width, sorted=False) log_probabilities = log_softmax(logits, dim=0) for log_probability, index in zip(log_probabilities, indices): cumulative_log_probability = ( candidate.cumulative_log_probability + log_probability ) tokens =, index.unsqueeze(0))) candidates.append(Candidate(cumulative_log_probability, tokens)) candidates = sort_candidates(candidates) candidates = candidates[:beam_width] return completed class LightGPTInstruct(Module): """ A wrapper for pretrained GPT models that applies a LoRA reparameterization to the intermediate layers of the network. """ def __init__( self, model: LightGPT, vocabulary_size: int, rank: int, alpha: float, dropout: float, ): super().__init__() if vocabulary_size <= 0: raise ValueError( f"Vocabulary size must be greater than 0, {vocabulary_size} given." ) if rank <= 0: raise ValueError(f"Rank must be greater than 0, {rank} given.") if alpha <= 0.0: raise ValueError(f"Alpha must be greater than 0, {alpha} given.") for param in model.parameters(): param.requires_grad = False if vocabulary_size != model.vocabulary_size: model.resize_token_embeddings(vocabulary_size) model.token_embeddings.weight.requires_grad = True for module in model.body: out_features, in_features = module.attention.in_proj_weight.shape register_parametrization( module.attention, "in_proj_weight", LoRA(in_features, out_features, rank, alpha, dropout), ) out_features, in_features = module.attention.out_proj.weight.shape register_parametrization( module.attention.out_proj, "weight", LoRA(in_features, out_features, rank, alpha, dropout), ) for layer in module.mlp.layers: if isinstance(layer, Linear): register_parametrization( layer, "weight", LoRA.from_linear(layer, rank, alpha, dropout), ) self.model = model @property def num_trainable_params(self) -> int: return self.model.num_trainable_params def token_embeddings_state_dict(self): return self.model.token_embeddings.state_dict() def lora_state_dict(self): return { name: module for name, module in super().state_dict().items() if "lora" in name } def merge_lora_parameters(self): """Merge the LoRA parameters with the original parameters.""" for module in self.model.modules(): if hasattr(module, "parametrizations"): lora_params = [name for name in module.parametrizations.keys()] for name in lora_params: remove_parametrizations(module, name, leave_parametrized=True) def forward( self, x: Tensor, y: Tensor | None = None ) -> tuple[Tensor, Tensor | None]: return self.model.forward(x, y) def predict(self, x: Tensor) -> Tensor: return self.model.predict(x) def generate( self, prompt: Tensor, max_tokens: int = 1000, context_length: int = 1024, temperature: float = 1.0, top_k: int = 500, top_p: float = 0.9, eos_indices: set = set(), ) -> Iterator: return self.model.generate( prompt, max_tokens, context_length, temperature, top_k, top_p, eos_indices ) def beam_search( self, prompt: Tensor, max_tokens: int = 100, context_length: int = 1024, num_candidates: int = 3, beam_width: int = 16, length_penalty: float = 1.0, eos_indices: set = set(), ) -> list: return self.model.beam_search( prompt, max_tokens, context_length, num_candidates, beam_width, length_penalty, eos_indices, ) class LightGPTHuggingFaceConfig(PretrainedConfig): """Provide a monolithic configuration object to compensate for HuggingFace Transformers' API.""" model_type = "lightgpt" def __init__( self, vocabulary_size: int = 50257, embedding_dimensions: int = 1024, num_heads: int = 16, num_layers: int = 24, feed_forward_ratio: int = 4, dropout: float = 0.1, padding_index: int = -100, **kwargs, ): self.vocabulary_size = vocabulary_size self.embedding_dimensions = embedding_dimensions self.num_heads = num_heads self.num_layers = num_layers self.feed_forward_ratio = feed_forward_ratio self.dropout = dropout self.padding_index = padding_index super().__init__(**kwargs) class LightGPTHuggingFaceModel(PreTrainedModel): """Compensate for HuggingFace Transformers' API using a model wrapper.""" config_class = LightGPTHuggingFaceConfig def __init__(self, config: LightGPTHuggingFaceConfig): super().__init__(config) self.model = LightGPT( config.vocabulary_size, config.embedding_dimensions, config.num_heads, config.num_layers, config.feed_forward_ratio, config.dropout, config.padding_index, ) def forward( self, x: Tensor, y: Tensor | None = None ) -> tuple[Tensor, Tensor | None]: logits, loss = self.model.forward(x, y) return { "logits": logits, "loss": loss, } class ONNXModel(Module): """This wrapper provides a clean inferencing API for ONNX production models.""" def __init__(self, model: LightGPT | LightGPTInstruct): super().__init__() self.model = model def forward(self, x: Tensor) -> Tensor: return self.model.predict(x) class CausalSelfAttentionBlock(Module): """Causal self-attention block with residual connections.""" def __init__( self, embedding_dimensions: int, num_heads: int, feed_forward_ratio: int, dropout: float, ): super().__init__() if embedding_dimensions <= 0: raise ValueError( f"Embedding dimensions must be greater than 0, {embedding_dimensions} given." ) if num_heads <= 0: raise ValueError(f"Num heads must be greater than 0, {num_heads} given.") if dropout < 0 or dropout > 1: raise ValueError(f"Dropout must be between 0 and 1, {dropout} given") self.norm1 = RMSNorm(embedding_dimensions) self.attention = MultiheadAttention( embedding_dimensions, num_heads, batch_first=True, dropout=dropout, bias=False, ) hidden_dimensions = feed_forward_ratio * embedding_dimensions self.norm2 = RMSNorm(embedding_dimensions) self.mlp = MLP(embedding_dimensions, hidden_dimensions, dropout) def forward(self, x: Tensor, attention_mask: Tensor) -> Tensor: z = self.norm1(x) z, _ = self.attention(z, z, z, attn_mask=attention_mask, is_causal=True) z = x + z # Residual connection x = z z = self.norm2(x) z = self.mlp(z) z = x + z # Residual connection return z class MLP(Module): """A two-layer fully-connected network with dropout.""" def __init__( self, embedding_dimensions: int, hidden_dimensions: int, dropout: float ): super().__init__() if embedding_dimensions <= 0: raise ValueError( f"Embedding dimensions must be greater than 0, {embedding_dimensions} given." ) if hidden_dimensions <= 0: raise ValueError( f"Hidden dimensions must be greater than 0, {hidden_dimensions} given." ) self.layers = Sequential( Linear(embedding_dimensions, hidden_dimensions, bias=False), SiLU(), Linear(hidden_dimensions, embedding_dimensions, bias=False), ) self.dropout = Dropout1d(p=dropout) def forward(self, x: Tensor) -> Tensor: return self.dropout(self.layers(x)) class LoRA(Module): """Rank decomposition transformation.""" @classmethod def from_linear( cls, linear: Linear, rank: int, alpha: float, dropout: float ) -> Self: out_features, in_features = linear.weight.shape return cls(in_features, out_features, rank, alpha, dropout) def __init__( self, in_features: int, out_features: int, rank: int, alpha: float, dropout: float, ): super().__init__() if rank <= 0: raise ValueError(f"Rank must be greater than 0, {rank} given.") if alpha <= 0.0: raise ValueError(f"Alpha must be greater than 0, {alpha} given.") self.lora_a = Parameter(torch.randn(rank, in_features) / sqrt(rank)) self.lora_b = Parameter(torch.zeros(out_features, rank)) self.dropout = Dropout1d(p=dropout) self.alpha = alpha def forward(self, x: Tensor) -> Tensor: z = self.lora_b @ self.dropout(self.lora_a) z *= self.alpha return x + z