import torch import torch.nn.functional as F import numpy as np import kornia.geometry.transform as K from kornia.augmentation import ColorJiggle, AugmentationSequential from kornia.augmentation import RandomChannelShuffle class FaceAugmentor: def __init__(self): self.color_jitter = AugmentationSequential( ColorJiggle(0.25, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, p=1.), RandomChannelShuffle(), ) def _random_normal(self, size=(1,), trunc_val=2.5, rnd_state=None, device='cpu'): if rnd_state is None: rnd_state = np.random len = np.array(size).prod() result = np.empty((len,), dtype=np.float32) for i in range(len): while True: x = rnd_state.normal() if x >= -trunc_val and x <= trunc_val: break result[i] = (x / trunc_val) return torch.from_numpy(result.reshape(size)).to(device) def _get_warp_params(self, batch_size, img_size, device): # random warp batch_cell_size = np.random.choice([img_size // (2**i) for i in range(1, 4)], batch_size) batch_cell_count = img_size // batch_cell_size + 1 batch_grid_points = [ torch.linspace(0, img_size, cell_count, device=device) for cell_count in batch_cell_count ] batch_mapx = [ torch.broadcast_to(grid_points, (cell_count, cell_count)).clone() for grid_points, cell_count in zip(batch_grid_points, batch_cell_count) ] batch_mapy = [x.t() for x in batch_mapx] batch_mapx_resized = [] batch_mapy_resized = [] for cell_size, cell_count, mapx, mapy in zip(batch_cell_size, batch_cell_count, batch_mapx, batch_mapy): half_cell_size = cell_size // 2 mapx[1:-1, 1:-1] = mapx[1:-1, 1:-1] +\ self._random_normal( size=(cell_count-2, cell_count-2), device=device ) * (cell_size*0.24) mapy[1:-1, 1:-1] = mapy[1:-1, 1:-1] +\ self._random_normal( size=(cell_count-2, cell_count-2), device=device ) * (cell_size*0.24) img_size = int(img_size) cell_size = int(cell_size) mapx = F.interpolate(mapx.unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(0), (img_size + cell_size,) * 2, mode='bilinear')[ :, 0, half_cell_size: -half_cell_size, half_cell_size: -half_cell_size ] mapy = F.interpolate(mapy.unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(0), (img_size + cell_size,) * 2, mode='bilinear')[ :, 0, half_cell_size: -half_cell_size, half_cell_size: -half_cell_size ] batch_mapx_resized.append(mapx) batch_mapy_resized.append(mapy) batch_mapx_resized = batch_mapy_resized = return batch_mapx_resized, batch_mapy_resized def _mask(self, faces, apply_rnd_mask): """ Notice that this masking function is designed specifically for EG3D canonical space (yaw and pitch equal to 0). If you change the coordinate system, change this too. """ B = faces.shape[0] N = faces.shape[-1] for i in range(B): mask_percent = 0.25 mask_size = int(mask_percent * N) mask = torch.zeros_like(faces[i: i + 1]) ones = torch.ones((1, 3, N - mask_size * 2, N - mask_size * 2), device=mask.device) mask[:, :, mask_size: N - mask_size, mask_size: N - mask_size] = ones faces[i: i + 1, ...] = faces[i: i + 1, ...] * mask if apply_rnd_mask: for _ in range(5): # 32x32 patch masking mask = torch.ones_like(faces[i: i + 1]) zeros = torch.zeros((1, 3, 64, 64), device=mask.device) x = np.random.randint(int(N * mask_percent), N // 2) y = np.random.randint(int(N * mask_percent), int(N * (1 - mask_percent))) mask[:, :, x: x + zeros.shape[-2], y: y + zeros.shape[-1]] = zeros faces[i: i + 1, ...] = faces[i: i + 1, ...] * mask - (1 - mask) return faces def _random_zoom_in(self, faces): size = faces.shape[-1] zoom_size_h = int(size * (0.7 + np.random.rand() * 0.3)) zoom_size_w = int(size * (0.7 + np.random.rand() * 0.3)) faces = K.center_crop(faces, (zoom_size_h, zoom_size_w)) faces = K.resize(faces, (size, size)) return faces def _random_zoom_out(self, faces): size = faces.shape[-1] pad_h = np.random.randint(int(size * 0.2)) pad_w = np.random.randint(int(size * 0.2)) faces = F.pad(faces, (pad_h, pad_w), mode='constant') faces = K.resize(faces, (size, size)) return faces def _random_color_patch(self, faces): mask_percent = 0.25 B = faces.shape[0] N = faces.shape[-1] aug_faces = self.color_jitter(faces) for i in range(B): for _ in range(20): x = np.random.randint(int(N * mask_percent), int(N * (1 - mask_percent))) y = np.random.randint(int(N * mask_percent), int(N * (1 - mask_percent))) subfaces = faces[i, :, x: x + 128, y: y + 128] subfaces = self.color_jitter(subfaces) aug_faces[i, :, x: x + 128, y: y + 128] = subfaces return aug_faces @torch.no_grad() def __call__(self, faces, target_size, apply_color_aug=True, apply_rnd_mask=True, apply_rnd_zoom=True): if target_size is not None: faces = F.interpolate(faces, size=target_size) if apply_color_aug: faces = self._random_color_patch(faces) zoom_type = 2 if not apply_rnd_zoom else np.random.randint(3) if zoom_type == 0: faces = self._random_zoom_in(faces) elif zoom_type == 1: faces = self._random_zoom_out(faces) faces = self._mask(faces, apply_rnd_mask) return faces