base_config: - egs/egs_bases/nerf/base.yaml task_cls: tasks.nerfs.lm3d_nerf.Lm3dNeRFTask cond_type: idexp_lm3d_normalized no_smo_iterations: 20_0000 use_window_cond: true # the NeRF only takes the exp at current frame as condition with_att: true # only available when use win_cond, use a attention Net in AD-NeRF cond_win_size: 1 smo_win_size: 5 infer_inject_eye_blink_mode: none # none|gt|period. `gt` uses the eye blink sequence from GT dataset, `period` use a ref blink sequence from GT dataset and repeat it to the final length infer_eye_blink_ref_frames_start_idx: '' # start index of the ref blink sequence in the GT dataset infer_eye_blink_ref_frames_end_idx: '' # end index of the ref blink sequence in the GT dataset infer_close_mouth_when_sil: False # detect sil frames, then set the mouth to close in these frames infer_sil_ref_frame_idx: '' # index of the ref frame with a closed mouth in the GT dataset